MINUTES Evangelical Liitlteran .^yiiod and miiii^^leriiiiii «J F AND CONVENED AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Orange County, N. C, .\ HIE 20th of APRIL, 1839; and continued n ON THE 22nd and 23rd. EXECITED AT THE OFFICE OF THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN, s-^LisBur/r, IT. a. 1839, J. .1. BRUNER, printer. mas^^i'is© Saturday, April 20, 1839. Pursuant to a resolution of last Synod, the Ministers and Lay- Delegates of the Evauoelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina and adjacent parts, asseiiibled in St. Paul's Church, (formerly called Grave's Church,) Orange counfy, N. C, on Saturday, the 20th of April, 1889. A sermon was preached by the Rev B. Arey, from Is. xliv., 5. The President, Rev. VVm. Artz, theti followed, and preached the Synodioal sermon from Jude, 3d verse. Some of the Ministers havinor assembled already on the previous day, tft Rev. P. A. Strobel preached from 1 Cor. i., 30. A num- ber of pers(jns who had previdusly attended a course of relia;ious in- struction by the Pastor, were also admitted tc the communion of the Church by the solemn rite of Confirmation. After the Synodical sermon, Synod was regularly org[anizod for business. The roll being called, the following members answered *^ their names and took their seats in Synod : Ordained Mini St era. Post-Office Mdress, 1. Rev Jarob Sclj'^rGr, • - - Rural Retreat, Wythe co., Va. '• Henry Grabber,- - - - Salisbury, Rowan co, N. C. " William Artz, - - - Holt's Store, Orange co., N. C. " Samael Rothrock, - - Salisbury, Rowan co., N. C. '• Beiij-imin Arpy, - - - ISallt:biiry, Rowan co., N. C. ' " Elijih Hawkins, - - - Marion, Sniytrjf co., Va. 7. *' Philip A. Strobel, - - Concora, ("abarrus co., N. C. Licentialrs. Pot^t Office Jl^! dress, Rz-v. Jacob Gficson, - - - - Clap|/s Po^t-Office, Guilford en. " ' " Adam.Griines, - - - VViiksborou^'^h, Wilkes c<>., N. Jacob Grim,* - - - - Le.xmgton, Davidson ^' " ''-r?Hees. f Orrfamerf MlinrJrrs.) I ^ -hober, (deceased,) ' '. '■ Jacob MiliPf,*" " John T. Tablcr, - - - \-"\L!iei Licentiates. John fcuiccgood, - - - Pinkston's Store, Davidson co. ' 4 The following Lay-Delegates exhibited their certificates of ap- pointment and took their seats as menibers of Synod : 1. Mr. George Neff, from Rev. J. Scherer's Congregations. 2. " John Sloop, " " H. GraDber's " 3. » Micha.'l Holt, Esq., " " Wm. Ariz's " 4. " Alfred Brown, " " S Rothrock's " 5. " Michael Sink, " " B. Arey's " 6. Col. J. Sh!drjp,)ch, " " P. A. Slrobel's 7. Mr. Daniel Glass, *' " A. Grime's *' TliP President now read his Annual Report. I. Resolved, That the President's Report be accepted. According to the Constitutional order of business, Synod next proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, which re- sulted as follows : Rev. William Artz, President. Samuel Rothrock, Secretary. ^ Col. J. Shimpoch, Treasurer. » Inquiry was then made, whether any Delegates from sister Synod? were present; whereupon brother Strohel slated, that he had received a letter from Rev. Dr. Hazelius, the Delegate appointed by the Sy- nod of South Carolina to attend the meeting of this body, in which he stated, that in consequence of having been called upon to attend to some important duties in another section of the Church, he was unavoidably prevented from attending the meeting of our Synod. — The Synod regrets, that our venerable and esteemed Brother could not be present with us. The President also stated, that Rev. Mr. Crawford had been ap- pointed by the German Reformed Classis as Delegate to this body; and not being present,* was probably detained on account of sickness in his family. We sympathize with Br. Crawford in his afflictions. Rev. Jacob Crim, a Licentiate from the Synod of South Carolina]; and Rev. Swift, of the Christian Church, were introduced to Synod and invited to seats as advisory members. II. Resolved, That we dispense with reading the Minutes of Jast year, nnd that a Committee be appointed to examine them, and report on all un- iinished business. All letters and documents intei/cieu lor Synod, were now called for and referred to Committees to examine and report on them. Brother Crawford afterwards arrived. See. COMMITTEES. O/i l*,f:sident's Report.— Rev. P. A. Strobcl, J. Scherer, and M. Holt, Esq. Chi Minutes.— Rav. J Scherer, P. A. Strobel, and M. Holt, Esq. On Petitions. — Rev. E. iiawkins, H. (j richer, and Col. J. Shimpoch. 'reasurer'ft Accounts.— Col J. Shinnpoch, Mr A. Brown, and Rev. H. Grmber. Sefninary Ft/nrfa.— Messrs. M. Holt, E^q., M. Rink ond Rev. J. Grieson. On Litters.— Rev. B. Arey, E Hawkins «nd Mr. G Neff. Minutes of last year.— Rev. H. Groiljer, Messrs. J. Sloop, and D. Glass. III. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till Monday morning, 9 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. E. Hawkins- Suinrday Evening. — Previous notice having becu given, a respec- table Congregation assembled in the Church on Saturday evening, early candle light, to engage in sacred worship. The Rev. .Tacoh rim preached from Mat. xi., 28. LORD'S DAY. At an early hour of the day, a large concourse of people assem- bled for public worship. The Church, though a spacious one, not being sufTicienfly large to contain all the people, the services were conducttJ at a stand, which had been erected near the Church. Rev. E. Hawkms preached an interesting sermon from Ps. xxxvi., 7,8. Rev. P. A. Strobel then followed and delivered an edifying discourse froi^ Ps. cxix, UiQ. The congregation was then invited into the church to attend to the celebration of the Lord's Supper. After a short intermission, the congregation re-assembled at the stand. Rev. Br. Tabler, who had been appointed by our Missionary Society the preceding year to preach a Missionary sermon at this time, not being present, a sermon, with some reference to the Mis- sionary subject, was preached by the Secretary from Ps. cxvi, 12, 13. V collection was then taken in aid of the Society. In the evening at early candle light, there was preaching again in the church by Rev. Swift, from John viii, -1. •^-. Thus ended lie exercises of the Lord's Dav. SECOND SESSION Monday, April 22, 9 o'clock, a. ?r. Synod met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer by the President. The roll being called, Synod proceeded to business. Brother Leopard, a student from our Seminary at Lexington, S. Carolina, was introduced ,to Synod, and invited to a seat as an advi sory member. Rev. Jacob Crim, a Licentiate from the Synod of S. Carolina, havinij received a call from conijregations within the bounds of this Synod, made application for rejiular admission into this body. IV. Resolved, That Br, Crim be received as a member of this Synod, provided he subsequently forward to the Pres'd"nt of this body, a certificate of regular dismission from the Synod to which he formerly be- longed. A letter from Rev. Dr. Hazelius was received this morning by the hands of Br. Leopard, and read before Synod. V. Resolved, That this letter be referred to the Committee on letters. The Minutes of the Synod of South Carolina were also laid upon the table. VI. Resolved, That they be referred tu the Committee on Mmutes. Re'v. Br. Crawford, delei^ate from the German Reformed Classis to this body, was introduced by the President, and invited to a seat among us as an advisory metiiber. The next business in order, was to hear the reports of committees. REPORT—NO. I. The Committee appointed to examine the President's Address, beg leave to Report as follows : • 1. Tiie death of the latp v^tner.iAb G. Shober is an event deeply to be ro[,'ret.ted by oar SyMod, lua the Committee w oiild recommend the }vi!'\sh.;>e of some resohitiotiw, tixpressive of the'r«.^Lrnrd vvinch thi.-* Synod cherishes for the m-^inory and services nf Mr laiU'^nted FMthi'" in (^^hrist. 2. Tnp ' Jommittee ore n^ii/ict^(| to h<:;ar of the rotitinued prosperity of -^nr Southern Theol'ST'ca I Seminary , As the board nhtirectors havedeem- i it expedient to budi a Seminary edifice, and as the del)» incurred in its roct.:»n has not y»^t been liquidaleil, your Committee would recommend. 1 tt the Synod appropriate a portion of its funds towards paying such debt, 'iirth( r. your Committee would rf-commend that some means be devised > Syu vl to,'incre:ise the funds of t!ie Seminary. 3. As it appears from the President's Address, thaf the Special Confer- ences held during tlie past year, iiave been instrumental in the " awaken- iiiT and conversion of sinners and the edification of believers,''' your ■ omniittec would recommend that these meetings bo held in all the Churches connected withjthis Synod, as otlen as circumstances may permit. 4. In retnird to the allejTat-'ons made a.116 4^ ReepecttulJv pubmitu^ 1, J/ SHIMPOCH, Chairman. XIV. Resolvedf That this Report be adopted. REPORT— NO. III. Your Committee appointed to look over the Minn'' -^ nf ihe last year'a session, have attended to their duty, and now beg It; \ o to repoit the fol- iov^^in^ items as unfinished business : 1. VVe are not certain, whether the B >ok Copimift^^ have been success- ful in the selection and sale of the boP.v irict, poiitioned for m 1837, and referred at our last S-^ ssion, as 8j)ec:fied in the 18th Reso- lution, to the consideration of St. John's Church, •agurfinished business. 3. We do not know that our Prosiflont's excell'^rt Ordination sornion. delivered before Synod last year, has appeared m the Lutheran Pulpit, ac- cordinof to the 24ih Resolution. 4. We have obtained no intelligence that the Rev. Messrs. Arey, Stro- bel and Rothrock have spent any time in destitute Congregations in Lin- coln county, N. C, during the past year, according to 30th Resolution. Respectfully submitted, HENRY GRAiEBER, Chairman. XV. Resolved, That this Report be adopted. In relation to the first paragraph in this Report, see the report of the Book Committee. In relation to the second paragraph, see the recomnnendatory re- solutions, subsequently passed, relative to the formation of Pastoral Districts throughout the bounds of Synod in North Carolina. In relation to the third paragraph, the President assigned reasons satisfactory to Synod, why his Ordination sermon was not published. In relation to the fourth, the brethren, who had been appointed to visit destitute congregations in Lincoln county, stated, that having numerous labors to attend to at home ; and the Missionary commit- tee having succeeded in the employment of a Missionary to visit those, as well as other destitute confjregations within the bounds of this Synod, they felt themselves excusable for not complying with the 30th Resolution. REPORT— NO. IV. Tiie committee appointed at the last raeetinir of iSynod to siiperinteiK] the sale of the books bequeathed to tSynod by the late venerable Charles A. Stork, beg leave to report: That upon cxaminiiii? Mr. Stork's Will, it was ascertained, that in ad- dition to the portion of books allotted by Father Stork, to the Tiieological Seminary at Gettysburg, the right of a selection was also secured by said Will, to the Rev. T. F. Stork. Mr. Stork has been on a visit to N. C, since your Committee were appointed, and has taken such books as he wanted. The rest were exposed to public sale ai two dilTerent times, but with little success. The amount sold, was jjjilO 45, which is herewith^ transmitted. Between 20 and 30 volumes remain unsold. ^ .j Your Committee were instrucied to sclecL some suitable books for th'ef''" use of the Southern Theological Seminary. As all the books (except a few of those selected by Rev. T. F. Stork) were German works, your Committee believed they could not be of much use at the Seminary, and therefore deemed it inexpedient to send them. Respectfully submitted, PHILIP A. STROBEL, ) C. MELCHOR, V Committee. JOHN SHIMPOCH, S \\\. Resolved, That this Report be adopted. REPORT— x\0. V. The Committee appointed to prepare an answer to the allegations made against this, by the " Tennessee Synod," have endeavored to comply with the wishes of Synod, in as far as the short time allotted for the discharge of this duty would permit. The allegations are as follows :— That the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of N. C., has deviated from the rules and doctrine of the Church, 1. By a breach of the Constitution of Synod in 1819. 2. By the denial of a ratified Constitution. 3. By a deviation from the Lutheran doctrine on the subject of the Lord's Supper. It is asserted in the first place, that this Synod violated its Constitution in 1819. The only argument f)y which this charge is attempted to be sus- tained, is that the Synod met that year several weeks earlier than the time prescribed by the Constiiulion. It is true that the North Carolina Synod did meet, in 1819, on the 25th day of April, whereas the coustiiulional time for meeting was Trinity Sunday. The reasons for changing the time of meeting were the following : The Synod of Pennsylvania had ex- pressed a desire to effect., if possible, a closer union of all the Lutheran Synods in North America, than had previously existed. This wish was communicated by the official and other members of that body, to the Score- cretary of our Synod, who communicated the same to the other members, and particularly to tlie worthy President, Rev, C. A. Stork. The majority of those who were consulted, concurred in the opinion, that every thing practi- cable ought to be done to promote so desirable a union. The proposed meet- ing was to be held in Baltimore on Trinity Sunday, in 1819, at which time place, an effort was to ho made to effect this union. As the consideration '' Uiis fcubject could not be deferred until Trinity Sunday, and as a majority 10 of the members had expressed a willinfiness toco-operate in this measure, it was deemed expedient that the President should call the meeting of Sy- nod at an earlier period than that prescribed by the Constitution. As be- fore stated, the N. C. Synod met in 1819, on the 25th of April, and after the letters of the Rev. G. Lociiman, Pres't., and Rev Christian Endress, Secretary of the Synod of Pennsylvania were read, the meeting was unani- mously approved of. The members preseni were Rev. Messrs. C. A. Stork, Robert J. xVJiller, Jacob Scherer, Gottlieb Shobor, Godfrey Dreher, Dan- iel McsER, Dmiel Scherer, Michael Rauch, David Henkel, Jacob Mill- er, Daniel VValcher, John Dreher, Michael iMackin, and Martin Walter. [See Minutes of Synod for 1819, page 5.] From the above statement it will be seen that Mr. David Henkel, one of the founders of the " Tennessee Synod," and Mr. Daniel Moser, who is n w an active member of that body, were present at the meeting-, took part in the deliberations and approved of the proceedings. Your Committee are of opinion, that it will not be departing from the sphere of duty assigned them, to give a brief and candid statement of the origin of the "Tennessee Synod ;" and this seems to be the mo*-e called for, as attempts have been made to prove that we and not the " Tennessee Synod,'''' are seceders. At the cilled meeting of the Synod, which was held on the 25th of April, 1819, at St. John's Church in Cabarrus county, Andrew Hoyle, Esq., a respectable member of the German Reformed Church, residing in Lin- coln county, preferred certain charges against Mr. David Henkel, who was then a Licentiate under the care of the N. Carolina Synod. The principal charge, among others, was that Mr. Henkel had attempted to de- stroy Mr. H-iyle's character by asserting falsehoods in relation to him. This chart^e was fully sustained by competent evidence, and Mr. Henkel admitted its truth before Synod, and promised to conduct himself with greater propriety in future, provided the Synod would forgive him. In view, however, of the serious nature of the charge brought against Mr. Henkel, the Synod could not. consistently, with a sense of duty, ordain him as he desired, but licensed him for six months and laid certain restric- tions upon him. From some causes or other, the Rev. Philip Henkel, an ordained Min- ister in connection with the N, Carolina Synod, did not attend the called meeting of Synod, but appeared at St. John's Church on Trinity Sunday, the constitutional time for holding the annual meeting. On this occasion the Rev. Philip Henkel proceeded to ordain his brother David, (who was then under censure,) without the authority of Synod, and contrary to all the prescribed and acknowledged rules of our Church. It may not be amiss here to remark, that the ordination of Mr. David Henkel took place without the Church under an oak tree. The year following, these two individuals, in connection with their father, the Rev. Paul Henkel, finally separated from the .\orth Carolina Synod, and constituted themselves the " Tennessee Synod." Such is the origin of the " Tennessee Synod.'^ We come now to the second allegation, viz : that the Synod of North Carolina had deviated from the rules and doctrine of the Church, "6y the denial of a ratified Constitution.'''' It is true that at the meeting of the N. Carolina Synod, in Lincolnton, in 1820, the Rev. C. A. Stork, and the Rev. G. Shober. did deny that the Constitution had been ratified. But after mature rejflection and an exami- nation of the documentsof previous Synods, they were convinced that they had been mistaken, and on the next day, publicly acknowledged their error. [See M mutes, 11*^20, page 4 | This acknovvledgernenl, the authors of llio " Vindication" from the groat rooard which they profess for ^'the whole truth,''* and "justice to the memory of the dead,''* which they hold so 11 ^acred, ouglit to have been candid and honest enough to maJce. It is no dishonor to any man to acknowled^re his errors when fairly coiivincbd, un- less indeed, he esteem himself a God infallible. The third allegation is, thai we have departed from the rules and doc- trine of the Church, "% a deviation from the Lutheran doctrine on the subject of the Lord's Supper." As reirards the Lord's Supper we receive thai which was delivered unto us by our Lord and his holy Apostles : " that cur I^rd Jfsus Christ in the night in which he was betrayed, took bread. Had when he h;id given thanks, he brak ; it and L':ve it unio his disciples, saying, Take, eat ; this is my body which is given for you ; do this in rernembrince of me," &c., &.c. We beh'^ve that in the Lord's Supper we receive tlic body and blood of Christ; lltit faith, true and genuine faith in the words of the instituliou irf the principal thing in the sacrament, and that whosoever truly believes these words, "given and shed for you," has what they promise, even the foririvenesri of sins. [See Luther's smaller Catechism. J Your Committee would remark, that for the reasons already assigned by the commute on the President's Annual Report, (viz., that these charges had appc.»red in the Lutheran Observer,) and because most of our people have not access to the minutes of our Synod for the years 1819 and '20, these explanations are highly necessary. We court not controversy — we would rather avoid it ; but the cause of friuh and justice to ourselves, loudly call for ihe steps which we have taken in this matter. From wliat has been said, it will be evident to every reflecting mind, a. That if Mr. David Henkel had not been censured by the^N. Caro- lina Synod, in 1819, for his improper conduct; and had Synod not refused to ordain him, he would not, in all probability have become disaffected to- wards this body, and we would never have been charged with deviations from the Rules and Doctrines of the Church. b. That the allegations brought against us by the " Tennessee Synod," are unfounded; and have been evidently made for the purpose of deceiv- ing the uninformed, and averting from themselves that odium, which their extraordinary proceedings are calculated to bring them. It is to be hoped tfiat this Synod will now dismiss the further considera- m of the above charges, and that in future it will di.sregard any and all :" the accusations brought against if by the " Tennessee Synod." Respectfully submitted, PHILIP A. STROBEL, JACOB >;CHERER, MICHAEL HOLT. XVIL Unanimously Resolved, That this Report be adopted. REPORT— NO. VI. The Committee appointed to examine and report on the minutes of sis- ter Synods, beg leave to present the following statement, that — No. 1 — Are the minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Mary- land. This Synod held its last meeting at Cumberland, commencing on the 18Lh October, 1S38. There were 13 Ordained Ministers and Licen- tiates present and 7 absent. The officers of Synod are— Rev. B. Kurtz, D. D. President ; Rev. J. Kehler, Sec, and J. P. Cline, Treasurer. The following are the Parochial reports : Congregations, 58; Baptisms, 891 ; Admitted by confirmation and certificate, 5H9 ; Communicants, 4,544 ; Sabbath schor>ls, 'A'A ; Scholars, 1,365; Bible Chisses, 2 ; Temperance So- cieties, 11. This Synod appointed the Rev. S. VV. Ilarkey as delegate to our Synod. ^'o. 2— Are t!ie minutes of the Synod of New York. This Synod held ifs last meeting in St. Peter's Church, Rhinebeck, Dutchess county, N. Y., on the 8th Sept., 1839. There were 20 Ordained Ministers and Licentiates present, and 10 absent. The following are the Parochial reports : Congregations, 34 ; Baptisms, 1,224 ; Received by confirmation and certificate, 355 ; Communicants, 4, 760 ; Sabbath schools, 15; Teachers, 105 ; Scholars, 670. The officers of Synod are — Rev. A. VVackerhagen, President ; Rev. C A. Smith, Sec; and Treasurer. No. 3 — Are the minutes of the Hartwick Synod, which convened at Lockport, Niagara county, N. 1'., on Sept. 15th, 183S. There were 8 Ministers present and 3 absent. The officers of Synod are — Rev. J. Z. Senderling, President ; Rev. D. Eyster, Sec; and Rev. Thomas Lape, Treas'r. The following are the Parochial reports : Congregations, 18; Baptisms, 299; Received by confirmation and certificate, 198 ; Sabbath schools, 15. No. 4 — Are the' minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Virginia. This Synod held its last meeting at Madison, C. H., Va., commencing May 21st, 1838. The officers are — Rev. J. B. Davis, President ; Rev. T. F. Stork, Sec; Rev. T. Miller, Treas'r. The number of Ministers belonging to this Synod, is 11. No. 5— Are the minutes of the Synod of Ohio, which convened at Columbus, Columbia county, Ohio, on October 18th, 1838. The number of Ministers present v/as 13. The following are the Paro- chial reports : Congregations, 83 ; Baptisms, 1,087 ; Confirmed, 433 ; Commu- nicants, 8,314; Sabbath schools, 18; Congregational Schools, 22. The officers of Synod are— Rev. VV. H. Weygandt, Pres'dt.; Rev. J. J. Faust, Sec; Rev. M. Kuchler, Treasurer. No. 6 — Are the minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, which convened at St. John's Church in Lexington District, S. C, on Nov. 10th, 1838. The number of Ministers pre- sent was 17, and 4 absent. The officers are — Rev. E. L. Hazelius, D. I)., Pres't.; Rev. J. C. Hope, Sec; Col. W. Caughman, Treas'r. The following are the Parochial reports : Congregations, 27 ; Baptisms, 193 ; Confirmed, 42 ; Communi- cants, 1,566 ; Sabbath schools, 9 ; Teachers, 35 ; Scholars, 234. — From the minutes it appears that the delegate appointed by this Synod to attend that of South Carolina, was present. The Rev. E. L. Hazelius, D. D., was appointed to attend the present meeting of our Synod, and Rev. W. Berly his alternate. From the following Evangelical Lutheran Synods we have no Minutes : The Flast Pennsylvania Synod, " West Pennsylvania " " English Synod of Ohio, " Synod of the West. Two pamphlets were laid before the Committee from the Tennes see Synod ; one containing the minutes of the last meeting of said bodv, the other, its Constitutioju and a sermon on the Lord's Supper^ 13 Vour Committee do not feel authorized to report on these pamph- lets; — a. Because they were not handed in at the constitutional time ; and b. Because we are not on terms of correspondence with the Tennessee Synod. Respectfully submitted, JACOB SCHERER, Ch'm. XVIH. Resolved, That this Report be adopted. XIX. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till 9 o'clock; to-morrow morning, to give an opportunity to the Missionary and Education Society to hold its Annual Meeting this atternoon. [For proceedings of the Missionary and Education Society, seo end of Minutes.] A sermon was then preached by the Rev. H. Graeber, from II Cor. v., 14, first clause, in the German language. Irt the evening, at early candle light, Br. Leopard, student from Lexington Seminary, preached in the church from Rom. vi., 23. I For Minutes of Minister ium, see Ministerial SessioTi.] THIRD SESSION Tuesday, April 23, 9 o'clock, a. m. Synod met according to adjournment. Opened by singing and prayer. REPORT— NO. VII. The Committee appointed to examine the report of the Treasur- er of the Seminary, beg leave to state — 1. The Treasurer reports that he received, in 1837, $531 75 2. That hre paid the interest (S31 84-^-) of the above amount to M. Barrier, Esq., according to the order of Synod in 1838. 3. That he received in 1838, per. S. Rothrock, - 237 00 Making total of Receipts, . . S768 75 4. That the interest now due on the funded capital of the Semi- nary, is 846 07, which interest he has placed in the hands of S. Rothrock to be paid over to Synod. Your Committee recommend that the interest due on our funded capital, be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Seminary, appointed by the S. C. Synod, Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL HOLT, Ch'm. XX. Resolved, That this Report be adopted. XXf. Resolved, That the interest due on our funded capital be paid 14 over to Br. Leopard, lo be conveyed by him to the Treasurer of Seminary, appointed by S. C. Ij'ynod. The money, collected by the agents for the benefit of the Lexing- ton Seminary, was then paid over as follows : Rev. J. Scherer, - - - - $53 00 " H. GriEber, 68 50 « VV. Ariz, 7 50 Mr. M. Holt, 10 00 S. Rolhrock, .... 39 00 Rev. B. Arey, 20 00 " P. A. Strobel, .... 16 00 Sale of Books, - - . . 10 45 Total, .... 8224 45 XXII. Resolved, That the above money be paid over to S. Rothrock, to be conveyed by him to the Treasurer of Semmary. REPORT— NO. VOL The Committee, to whom was assigned the examination of Peti- tions to this Synod, have attenuod to their duty, and beg leave to re- port : No. 1 — Is a Petition from Davie county, N. Carolina, about 8 miles South and South- VVest of Mocksville, signed b> forty-three persons, in which they state, that they are destitute of a xMimsterof the Gospel to break unto them the bread of Eternal Truth, to bap- tize their children and instruct their youth. They state also, that inasmuch as they live withm 15 miles. of St. Michael's church, in Iredell county, they might be supplied by the same Pastor who has charge of that church. They promise to contribute lo the best of their ability to the support of a Minister should they be supplied. Reieried to the Minisierium. No. 2 — Is a Petition from St. Peter's church in Wythe county, Va., signed by the Elders and Deacons, inviting this Synod to hold its next Session therein, and that their church be consecrated at the same time. Ii case this favor should not be granted, they desire that a protracted meeting be held there on the second Sunday in October next ; and that their church be consecrated during this meeting. Your Committee refer their invitation to the consideration of Sy- nod, and in case that the next Sy nodical Session should not be held in their midst, recon'mend that a protracted meeting be held at the time and place above specified, and the church consecrated. No. 3 — Is a Petiti(.!» from St. Enoch's church, Rowan co., N. C, in which they ask, that 'wo or three Ministers be appointed to assist their Pastor in the Dedication of their Church, at such time as the 14 Synod may deem expedient ; but would prefer having it done early next Fall. Moreover, they invite this Synod to hold its next annual Session in their church. Your Committee recommend, that said number of Ministers be appointed to assist in the Dedication of llie church ; but refer their invitation to the consideration of Synod. No. 4 — Is a Petition from St. Paul's church, Row^.n co., N. C, inviting this Synod to hold its next annual meeting in their church, which we recommend to the consideration of Synod. i\o. 5 — Is a Petition from St. Michael's church, [redell co., N. Carolina, inviting this Synod to hold its next annual meeting in their church. — Referred to Svnod. Respectfully sohmitted, ELIJAH HAWKINS, ( l.'m. XXII I. Resolved, That this Report be accepted ; but that the considc- •afion of it be deferred till the aftprnoon session. XXIV. Resolved, That vSynod adjourn \M nf^er divine service. LICENSURE. Pursuant to a resolution of the Ministerium, the service of Licen- sure was attended to to-day in the church. Rev. Jacob Scherer preached the Licensure sermon from I Cor. xv., 58. The President then invited Br. Crim, who had previously been examined by the Ministerium, as to his qualifications for the work of the Gospel Minis- try, to the altar ; and after an affectionate admonition, proposed to him the customa.-y constitutional questions, which being answered in the affirmative, the President delivered him his License, autho- rizir)g him to perform the various duties of a Gospel Minister. The services were then closed with prayer by the President. POUr.TH SSSSICIT. Tuesday, 1 o'clock, r. m. Synod met and resumed its business. The Report of the Committee on Petitions, which had been de- ferred to the afternoon session, was then taken up and acted upon. XXV. Resolved, That the Report be adopted. XXVI. Resolved, That the President ot Synod, tofrorhrr with Rev. Messrs. Arey and Rothrock, be appointed to attend at St. Eni>cl)'s church on Friday before the 2nd Sabbath m September next, to atssjst in the dedi- cation of said church. XXVIL Resolved, That inasmuch as the members of the " Tennessee Synod" have attenjpted to impose themselves upon the Public as Luther- ans; and inasmuch as their names have been published in tlio Lutheran Observer in the Register of Lutheran Ministers; our delegates to the General Synod be instructed to collect such documents as may be calcula- 16 ted to throw light on this question, and that the General Synod be request- ed to express its opinion, whether or not the " Tennessee Synod " is to be acknowledged as an Evangelical Lutheran Body. REPORT— NO. IX. The Delegate to the Synod of South Carolina begs leave to sfate : That he attended the last meeting of the South Carolina Synod as Delegate from this body, and was very kindly received. The Brethren in the South, tho' they have to contend with many difficul- ties, are laboring arduously and successfully in the cause of the iMas- ter. The Rev. E. L. Hazelius, D. D., was appointed by the S. C. Synod to attend the present meeting of our Synod. Respectfully submitted, P. A. STOBEL, Delegate. XXVIII. Resolved, That we rejoice to hear, that our Delegate to the S. C. Synod was kindly received, and regret that Rev. Dr. HazeJius could not attend the meeting of our Synod. The Parochial Reports were then handed in and registered. PAROCHIAL REPORTS.* ? Bap ms 9 ps n 9 I ^ a r -i ^ a 7\ 1 MINISTERS. c o 3 O P o > 3 2. <' 2 11 3 5 1 L o '. -11 5 D. ? — p> ^ - << - ■ I 5 C 3^ I 5 3 • o §' «^ 2. o' Rev. J. Scherer,.... 4 26 198 9 2 30 « H. Graeber,.... 3 130 5 89 695 9 3 400 S. Rothrock,. 2 37 4 1 1911 2 3 2 1 " B. Arey, 5 45 2 31 7 2 " E. Hawkins,.. 4 34 1 20 170 2 " P. A. Strobel, 4 40 3 46 46 387 5 5 1 53 1255 " J. Grieson 3 " A. Grimes,.... 22 7 322 11 190 47 16414 2 6 8 l'l43 1655 30 1 Total, CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FUNDS OF SYNOD, Rev, J, Scherer'' s Congregations, St. Paul's Church,. - 82 10 Kimberling's, " - - 1 10 St. Peter's " - - 2 00 Zion's " - - 1 50 86 70 =*?Some of the Brethren did not furnish the Secretary with their Reports, jn Cousequ^inceot which, the Parochial Registry this year is imperfect, [See. 17 Rev. II, Gmbcrs Congregations. Sewitses' Churcli. - , 84 00 St. John's *' - - 8 00 ^rgan " - 00 IS 00 Rei\ n\ Ariz's Cotf^rcgatiorts. Richland Cliiircfi, - . $i lO Coble's " - - - 1 10 St. Paul's " .... 9 55 11 75 Samuel Rothrock's Congregations, Union Church, ... §2 00 St. Paul's " - - . . y 00 4 00 Rev, B, Arey's Congregations, St. Mathew's Church, - $110 Beck's "... 02^ St. Michael'3 " - - , 1 31^ Sandy-Creek, "... 97-J Pil^rr'im's <'.... 50^^ 1 01 1 Rev, E. Haiikin's Congregations, Sharon Church, - - . Si 25 Collep's ''■ - - - 1 601 Chilhowee" ■ - . 2 CS^ By a friend, .... 25 5 85 Rev. P, A. StrobeFs Congregations, Cold-water Church,- . $4 50 St. Enoch's "... 3 f,o St. Stephen's " - - - 2 70 Bear-Creek, '' • - . i 25 11 95 Rev, J, Grieson's Congregation, Lau's Church, .... 59 Rev, J. T. Tahlefs Congregations. St. John's Church, ... 5 59 Total of contributions, §09 86' Balance in Treasury as reported by Comniittee, 110 48| * Total in Treasury, $186 34:] Ordered, That the Treasurer refund to S. Rothrock $2 05, post, age, paper, &c. Or^ererf, That the Treasurer pay Rev. P. A. Strobel, S7 50- travelling expenses to S. Carolina Synod as Delegate. iS Ordered^ That the Treasurer loan the money, which may not be needed to defray the expenses of printing Minutes &;c. on interest, taking bonds and security. REPORT-NO. X. The Committee appointed to examine the Letters addressed to Synod, have attended to their duty and beg leave to submit the fol- lowing Report : No. 1 — Is a letter from Rev. John Swicegood, in which he states his desire to be present at this meeting of Synod, but has been pre- vented from so doing by bodily indisposition. In this letter he in- closes his License and desires that they be renewed. Your Com- mittee recommend, that Rev. J. Swicegood be excused for non-at- tendance, and refer the renewal of his License to the Ministerium. No. 2 — Is a long and interesting letter from Rev. S. W. Harkey, of Frederick city, Md., addressed to this Synod. In this letter he states, that he had been appointed by the Maryland Synod as Dele- gate to this body, but has been prevented from attending in conse- quence of having to attend the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Gettysburg Seminary now in ??ession. As a Delegate of that Synod, he lenders to this body the best wishes of the same, and as- sures us that they entertain the most friendly and fraternal feelings towards us, with their prayers that the blessing of God may rest upon us in our deliberations. As this letter contains an interesting account of the prosperity of religion in the bounds of that Synod, your Committee recommend, that the letter be read before Synod. No. 3 — Is a letter from Dr. E. L. Hazelius, Professor of Theolo- gy in the Lexington Seminary. We have nothing special to recom- mend in relation to this letter, inasmuch as it has been read before Synod. No. 4 — Is a letter from the Elders and Decons of the Organ church in Rowan county, in which is contained an expression of their opinion m relation to the formation of a new Pastoral District. Your Committee recommend, that it be read before Synod. No. 5 — Is a letter from St. John's Church, Cabarrus county, on the same subject : We recommend that it also be read. Respectfully submitted, B. AREY, Chairman, XXIX. Resolved, That this report be adopted. XXX. Resolved^ That we rejoice in the friendly disposition manifes- ted towards this body by the Maryland Synod, and/leeply regret that Br. Harkey has not been able to attend our present meeting. XXXI. Resolved, That in lieu of a delegate, our Secretary addresses a friendly letter to the Maryland Synod. The following recommendations, relative to the formation of Pas- toral Districts, were then read. In view of the scattered and destitute concjition of manv of the 19 Congregations within the bounds ot' our Synod ; and in order to a better arrangement and organization of our Churches, this Synod would present the following reco/iwwndations to the serious and prayerful consideration of our People : 1. We recommend, That, if pracUcablo, two Pastoral Districts be formed of the Churches in Guilford and Orange counties. 2. We recommend^ That the Congregations in Davidson together with Hopewell Church in Stokes, form another District. 3. We recommend. That Union, St. Paul's and St. Matthew's Church- es in Rowan county, tbrm another District. 4. We recommend. That St. Enoch's Church in Rowan county, and Coldwater Church in Cabarrus county, make anollier Pastoral District. 5. We recommend, That one be formed of Organ and Sewitze's Churches in Rowan county. 6. We iccommend, Tliat one be formed between St. John's and St. Stephen's Churches in Cabarrus county, and Bear Creek Church in Mont- gomery county. 7. We recommend. That as soon as a Church can be built in Davie county, it be connected with the Iredell charge. 8. We recommend. Thai John's Church in vSalisbury call its own Pas- tor, and that in order to secure ari adequate support, the Congrcfration proceed to rai.se a school to be under the care and instruction ot the Pastor. XXXII. Unanimously resolved, That these recommendations be adopted.* An election was then held for the place of our next Synodical meeting. Invitations were given from St. Peter's Church, Wythe county, Va., St. Enoch's and St. Paul's Churches, Rowan county, and St. Michael's Church, Iredell county, N. C. On counting the votes, it appeared that St. Michael's church had a majority ; there- fore — XXXIII. Resolved, That the next meeting of Synod be held in St. Michael's Church, Iredell county, N. C, to convene on Saturday before the 1st Sunday in October, 1840, and that Synod be organized at 2 o'clock, P. M., of the same day, XXXIV. Resolved, That the Church, in which the present meeting of Synod is held, be distinguished by the name of St. Paul's Church, Orange county, N. C. XXXV. Resolved, That a protracted meeting be held at St. Paul's Church, Orange county, commencing on Friday before the 3rd Sunday in September next; and that the Church be dedicated at that time. XXXVI. Resolved, That the President appoint three ministers speci- ally, and give an invitation to all, to attend said meeting. Ministers appointed :-Rev. Messrs. Roihrock, B. Arey,and P. A.StrobcI. XXXVI I. Resolved, That a protracted meeting be held in St. Peter's Church, Wythe county, Va., to be attended by the ministers in Virginia belonging lo this Synod ; and that the Church be dedicated at that time Synod, having been informed that Rev. J. T. Tablcr and C * Note.— It is understood, that each Congregation, interested in thr abo*-'e recommendations, will take the vote thereon, and report the rcsul' af next meetinii of J>vnod Secretary. Brown, Esq., could not attend the next meeting of General Synod as delegates from this body, proceeded to appoint others in their room. Delegates appointed : S. Rothrock, Ministerial, and Mr. Charles Fisher, Esq., Lay- Delegate. Delegates were also appointed to the Synod of South Carolina, and German Reformed Classit?, viz : To Synod of S. Carolina — Rev. H. Graeher. To German Reformed Classis — Rev. W. Artz. XXXVIII. Resolved, That if Br. Graeber tinds it impracticable to at- tend the next meeting of S. C. Synod, he shall give the President timely notice, who shall then appoint an alternate. XXXIX. Resolved. That Br. Tabler be excused for non-attendance at this meeting of Synod. XL. Thai .S'25 be given to Br. Grimes out of the Synodical Treasury, to enable him to preach to destitute Congregations in Stokes county as often as practicable till next meeting of Synod ; and, that one halt of said amount be paid him now. XLI. Resolved, TJiat 1500 copies of the Minutes of Synod be printed — that the Secretary superintend the printing and distribution of them, and that the usual number of copies be sant to all sister Synods in the Unitod Stales. XLII. Resolved, That the President of Synod be requested to com- municate to our friends and brethren in this neighborhood, our unfeigned thanks for their hospitality, and the unremitted care and attention, which thev have manifested for our comfort during our stay in their midst. XLllI. Resolved, That Synod now close its sessions. Closed with singing and prayer. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary. 2^iitists?.:jil ssssici:: Monday, April 22, 7 o'clock, r. m. The Ministeriuni met and was opened with singing and prayer- After nnutiial conversation, 1. Resolvedy That we regret that Br. Jacob Miller has neglected to write to our Synod for several years, and recommend that the "Secretary correspond with him, with a view to ascertain whether he intends to con- tinue in connection with our Synod, and if not, we recommend tliathc at- tach bmiself to the Synod of the West. 2. Resolved, That inasmuch as the License of Br. Crim, obtained from the Synod of South Carolina, will expire before the next meetin 2.-, 45- -IG GO 2 0(> .3 00 T) 00 19 26 8 66| 12 56\ J 3 10 9 25 Rev, //. Grceber^s Congregations. St. John's and Orsfan Churches, . Rev. B. Arey's Congreirahons^ Rev. J. Crim's Colleclions as Missionary, Collection, St. PauVs Church, on Sabbath, Contributed by jnembers. Total, . . $84 43^ 4. Resolved, That this Society pay Rev. J. Crim $75 for three months Missionary lalxjr. 5. Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to take charge of the con- tributions to the funds of the Society ; deliver them to the Treasurer, and take his bond for the same. Committee :— Col. J. Shimpoch, and Rev. P. A. Strobel. REPORT ON TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's Report, beg leave to state, that they have attended to their duty and find it correct. Respectfully submitted, M. HOLT, Chairman 5. Resolved, That this Report be adopted. From the Report of the Treasurer it appears that the Society's money has been loaned out on interest ; and that the amount (inclu- ding interest up to this date) in the Treasury is, . $113 07 To the above add the contributions at this meeting of the Society, . . . • 84 43 J $197 50.^ Deduct Missionary's salary, . . • 75 00 Balance in the Treasury, . . ' $122 50X 7. Resolved, That in reliance upon Divine assistance, the Society will support, the ensuing year, two suitable indigent young men in their prepa- ration for the Ministry. 8. Resolved, That the Executive Committee be authorized to e.taminc all applicants for pecuniary aid— take notes for the amount loaned without interest, and that the money be a gift, provided they be not able to refund it and the Evangelical Lutheran church have the benefit of their Ministe- rial labor. 9. Resolved, That a Committee of ; through several successive terms President of the JSynod of North Carolina, and for one term President of the General Synod. His life was spent in un- tired activity and useful labors until old age admonished him to seek re- tirement. The Church, the benevolent societies, especially the Education and Sunday School cause, all have lost a liberal and efficient member and patron. May his memory long be cherished and resptcted among us, and his exemplary activity and liberality be imitated. From letters received during the past year, 1 have had the pleasure to learn' tnat our Theological Seminary at Lexin^iton, South Carolina, is still in a prosperous condition, sending forth enlightened and pious ministers to- supply the wants of the Church, and, thai, by the blessing of God and the efficient co-operation of its friends, it will continue to do so. Having re- ceived satistkctory information from other sources, Idid not myself corres- pond with the Board of Diriictors of the Theological Seminary, as re- quested of me in the xxvi. Hesoiution on the Minutes of our last Synod, relative to the building of a Seminary Edifice and the permanent location of the Inntilulion. The intention of the Board was to build a suitable house, as a Lecture Kocm and Library, that would cost about ij^^OO 00, and ihat It should be so constructed that it could be used as a dwelling house ^.nd command a ready sale a^- -••"'' -'• '■'■• ■» -••-'• '-^ -ieenied expedient to change the location of the Seminary. Believing that such a building would afford many advantages and that it was needed immediately, 1 ad° dressed a (circular to the Brethren, conveying this information, — request- ing them to lay the subject before their respective Congregations, to so- licit contributions to be applied lo this purpose and to forward the resultof their elTorto lo the Rev. !S. Rothrock, ot Salisbury, that by him it might be conveyed to the Insututinn of Lexinoton. The proposed building is erected ano tiie Board finds itself still in debt for it to the amount of about $70 00. Would it not manifest the interest we feel in the prosperity of this infant school of the prophets to contribute something for the accommodation of its Professor and Students, and also to increase from year to year ihe funds we have on hands for its benefit? — We have no reason to deplore, where the subject of raising a funded capi- tal, the yearly interest of which should go to sustain the Seminary in its operations, was introduced, it found friends and patrons. But it must be acknowledged that we have not contributed to the extent of our abilities; some of our churches have as yet done nothing. In these days of evan- gelical activity, no Congregation can be guiltless, that does not come up to the help of the Lord ; but we trust that after the subject of defraying a small proportion of the expense necessarily incurred by erecting the above mentioned building for the use of the Seminary, has been thus fair- ly presented, you will yet come to the relief of the Board, and of our im- ploring Zion. We commend our cause to the liberality of the friends of Christ and to his own gracious protection. Several special conferences were held during the past year, which were attended with the blessmg of Almighty God and the outpouring of his Ho- ly Spirit, by which the great and chief objects of these meetings were fully realized, that is, " to awaken and convert sinners and to edify believ- ers by close pratical preaching of the Gospel of Christ." That Gospel may we continue to preach faithfully instead of substituting the wisdom of man and matters of doubtful disputation ; or ot cold and dry speculation, and God will continue to bless the means of his own appointment to the awakening and converson of careless and impenitent souls and to the com- fort and esiabllshment in the ways of God, and of the heirs of salvation. From the Rev. Mr. S. Rothrock I have received information, that he has resigned the pastoral charge of John's church, Salisbury. On the first day of April, I received a letter from the Rev. John T. Ta- bier, of Wythetown, Va., in which he informed me that he could not at- tend the present meeting of Synod on account of unforeseen circumstances preventing, and, of course, could not preach the Missionary sermon. — Brother Tabler requests Synod to excuse his non-attendance. I have ap- pointed the Rev. S. Rothrock, Secretary of the Society, to deliver the Missionary sermon on to-morrow. In a pumphlet which I have seen, purporting to be "A vindication of the Lutheran Synod of Tennessee, in reply lo a sermon delivered by the Rev. John Bachman, D. D., on the doctrine and discipline of the Evangelical Lutheran Church," some of the members of our Synod are accused of de- viacingr from the rules and doctrine of the Church. 1st. By a breach ot the Constitution in 1819. 2d. By a denial of a ratified Constitution. — *^rd. By a deviation from the Lutheran doctrine on the subject of the Lord's supper. Whether any notice should be taken of these charges, 1 submit to the consideration of Synod. It is truly gratifying to learn that the Lutheran Observer, a paper in which short essays on the leading doctrines of the Church, and other pieces 'f a very interesting and important nature, arc occasionally inserted, is, •.Imost everv day, becoming more extensive! v circulated bv the exertions of Us Irionds. A midsst all the perplexities of selcclii; ot a peculiar people, and all the indillbrence, if not oppooiLiun ot tunic, it is cheering to tiu'l lliat the labors of its worthy Editor, the Rev. Dr. B. Kurtz, are appreciated by those capable of forming an enlightened judgment. - Some of our ministers, in difierent sections of the churcii, have evinced a noble zeal in its behalf, believing that the general circulation of a good re- ligious paper would materially aid them in their efforts to promote the cause ot piety and the interests of the king