CpBo U5$c3 MEMORIALS TO STEPHEN DODSON RAMSEUR JAMES JOHNSTON PETTIGREW THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA CpBo U58c3 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE DEDICATION OF Jllemoriate TO Jtlajor=#eneral g^tepfjen Jio&gon &am£eur C. S. A. A.1FD Prtgabter General James Jofjnsiton ^etttgreto NEAR WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 16-17. 1920 North Carolina Division, U. C. V. North Carolina Division, U. D. C. AND North Carolina Historical Commission program FOR THE DEDICATION OF THE &am*eur Jflfcmortal AT THE BELLE GROVE HOUSE, MIDDLETOWN, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 16, 1920 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Mrs. C. Felix Hakvet, President North Carolina Division', TJ. D. C, Presiding 1. Address of Welcome Mr. Philip Williams, of the Winchester Bar. 2. Response to the Address of Welcome Hon. J. Bbtan Grimes, Chairman of the North Carolina Historical Commission. 3. Life and Character of General Stephen Dodson Ramseur Hon. Charles M. Stedman (Major of 44th Regiment, N. C. Troops), Representative in Congress from the Fifth District of North Carolina. 4. Personal Recollections of General Stephen Dodson Ramseur Hon. Henry A. du Pont (Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Regi- ment of Artillery, U. S. A.), former United States Senator from Delaware, and Mr. James B. Russell (an aide on General Ramseur's Staff), of Winches- ter, Va. 5. Death of General Ramseur Mr. R. Powell Page, of Boyce, Va. RECEPTION At 8 o'clock p. m., September 16th, at the residence of Mrs. Holmes Conrad, the Turner Ashby Chapter, U. D. C, of Win- chester, will give a reception in honor of the North Carolina visitors. program FOR THE DEDICATION $etttgreto ilemortal AT THE BOYD HOUSE, BUNKER HILL. WEST VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 3 = 30 O'CLOCK P. M. Gen. James I. Metts, Commander North Carolina Division, U. C. V., Presiding Address of Welcome Hon. Chakles James Faulkner (Aide on the Staffs of Gen. J. C. Breckenridge and Gen. Henry A. Wise), former United States Senator from West Virginia. Response to the Address of Welcome Mrs. Jacksie Daniel Thrash, Chairman of Tablet Com- mittee, U. D. C. Life and Character of General James Johnston Pettigrew Hon. Walter Clark (2d Lieutenant and Drill Master in 22d Regiment, N. C. Troops, Col. J. Johnston Petti- grew ; Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, 70th Regiment, N. C. Troops), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Personal Recollections of General James Johnston Pettigrew General Louis G. Young (Captain on General Pettigrew's staff). 0? GENERAL, INFORMATION BELLE GROVE HOUSE The Belle Grove House, at Middletown, Va., where the Ram- seur memorial will be dedicated, is 12 miles south of Winches- ter. The exercises there will be held at 4 o'clock on the after- noon of Thursday, September lGth. BOYD HOUSE The Boyd House, at Bunker Hill, W. Va., where the Pettigrew memorial will be dedicated, is 12 miles north of Winchester. The exercises there will be held at 11 o'clock, Friday morning, September 17th. CONVEYANCES Conveyances to both places will be provided by the Committee of Arrangements at Winchester for all those from North Caro- lina who give previous notice of their intention to attend. Such notice should be sent to Mr. R. D. W. Connor, Raleigh, N. C, by September 10th. HOTELS Hotels at Winchester, with their rates, are : Hotel Jack, American plan, $4.25 to .$5.00 per day ; Hotel Evans, European plan, $1.50 and up per day. Visitors should make their hotel arrangements directly with the hotel managements. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Persons going from North Carolina will find the route via Washington and Harper's Ferry the most convenient route to take to Winchester. Schedules between Washington and Win- chester are as follows, over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad : Lv. Washington Ar. Winchester 9 :20 a.m. 12 :22 p.m. 1 :35 p.m. 6 :02 p.m. 6 :40 p.m. 9 :00 p.m. RETURNING Lv. Winchester Ar. Washington 6 .05 a.m. 9 :00 a.m. 12 :45 p.m. 4 :40 p.m. 6 :02 p.m. 10 :25 p.m. Those going from North Carolina can reach Washington over the Seaboard Air Line, the Atlantic Coast Line, and the South- ern Railway, and the boats from Norfolk. They should leave Washington at 9 :20 a.m. : to catch this train they will have to spend the previous night in Washington. DEATH OF GENERAL RAMSEUR After the battle of Second Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, General Lee placed the divisions of Ramseur, Rodes, and Gordon under the command of General Early, and despatched them to the Valley of Virginia. They took part in all the fighting of Early's famous Valley Campaign during the summer and autumn of 1864. On October 19th Early attacked the Federal Army at Cedar Creek, near Winchester, Va., and the Federal Army was saved from a rout only by the timely arrival of General Sheri- dan, who was at Winchester when the battle began. Major- General Ramseur, in holding his line, was mortally wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy. He was taken to General Sheridan's headquarters, at the Belle Grove House, near Win- chester, Va., where he received every possible attention from both his own and the Federal surgeons. He died at the Belle Grove House, October 20, 1864. DEATH OF GENERAL PETTIGREW At the battle of Gettysburg, Brigadier-General James John- ston Pettigrew commanded Heth's Division of the Confederate Army in the battle of July 1st, and in the famous assault on Cemetery Ridge on July 3d, in which he was wounded. During the retreat, which began on July 4th, he fell back with Long- street's Corps, of which Heth's Division formed a part, crossing the Potomac at Falling Waters. There, on July 14th, the rear guard, under Pettigrew's command, sustained an attack by an enemy force who had been mistaken for Confederates, during which General Pettigrew was mortally wounded. He was moved to the Boyd House, at Bunker Hill. W. Va., where he died July 17, 1863. RAMSEUR-PETTIGREW MEMORIAL The two memorials marking the houses in which Generals Ramseur and Pettigrew died have been erected jointly by the North Carolina Historical Commission, the North Carolina Division of Confederate Veterans, and the North Carolina Divis- ion, United Daughters of the Confederacy. The columns which support the bronze tablets are the gift of the late Colonel P. H. Mayo, of Richmond, Va. WINCHESTER COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS Captain Geobge W. Kurtz Mr. R. Powell Page Dr. W. P. McQuire Mr. George B. Chapman Mr. James B. Russell Mr. W. I. Hicks Mr. Philip Williams RECEPTION COMMITTEE OF THE U. D. C. Mrs. Holmes Conrad Mrs. Frank Grim Miss Elizabeth Lupton Miss Lucy Russell Miss Augusta Conrad Miss Lucy Kurtz COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION, U. C. V. James I. Metts, Chairman Julian S. Cabr James C. Bibdsong* Robert H. Ricks* A. H. Boyden Bennehan Cameron COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION, IT. D. C. Mrs. Jacksie Daniel Thrash, Chairman Mrs. Walter Woodard Mrs. B. H. Griffin Mrs. James A. Gray Mrs. H. A. London Mrs. H. L. Riggin Mrs. T. W. Bickett Mrs. Peter Arrington Mrs. J. F. Wiley Mrs. T. J. Gold Mrs. Samuel Fowle Mrs. Alexander Cooper Mrs. Hablee Townsend Mrs. Latta Johnson Mrs. R. Cobb Mbs. J. W. Pless Mrs. E. C. Chambers Mrs. A. L. Smith Mrs. W. N. Everett Mrs. J. H. Anderson Mrs. Victor S. Bryant Mrs. R. P. Holt Mrs. Clem G. Wright Mrs. Owen Guion Mrs. Sidney Cooper Mrs. H. L. Hughes Mrs. Thomas Lee Craig Mrs. Annie Gowan Mrs. Martha C. Kepler Miss Lucile Moore * Dead. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION J. Bryan Grimes, Chairman D. H. Hill T. M. Pittman M. C. S. Noble Frank Wood R. D. W. Connor, Raleigh, N. C, Secretary UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00037496465' FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTS