A GENERAL DIRECTORY of MOUNT AIRY NORTH CAROLINA RURAL ROUTES and SUBURBS 1913-1914 cms 6 COMPILED B J. EDWIN CARTER and A. KYLE SYDNOR (khz Library of ttlf Iniucrsitp of f3ortrj Carolina :olIrrtion of jRortf) Caroltntana from t&e fUbrarp ot rAr5.3.C HoU^v^svfor-tVi OMPANY Stuff rid Notions ) RS Received. Drop lesmen Solicited c. ^mmamm T B. McCARGO T. B McCARGO. Jr. T. B. McCargo & Son Manufacturers of All Kinds of Lumber Building Material Doors, Window S;is!i, Mouldings, Mantels. Kitchen Tables, Shingles, Apple Barrels Factory Corner Franklin and South Streets Phone 17S Mt. Airy, N. C. I UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00031667848 This booh must no be taken from thi Library building. Huyler's Candies Kodaks and Cameras Nyal's Family Remedies Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens Martha Washington Candies Tkermos Bottles Cut Glass Gillett Razors Mt. Airy's Largest Drug Store Gwyn Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists Mt. Airy, N. C. I » I \\\<i: ll.l' C. L. HAN KS, \ i. • -I'm-. r. G. FAWCETT, ( \ ., I ROTTER, Vh The First National Bank Mt. Airy, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $100,000.00 lie want your business, whether it is large or small. -# We will lend you money on good security. We will pay you four per cent, interest on your money on time deposit. We will open a Checking Account for you — your paid checks are legal receipts for payments made. Our Savings Department will furnish you with a Savings Bank Book so that you may deposit from time to time. On savings we pay four per cent, interest compounded every three months. This hank has bear established /or over twenty years and has half a million dollars available for the use of its custom- ers. If this good bank can be of any service to you come to see us. tt). G. merritt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS 1. Be sure you know the correct spelling of the name you are looking for. 2. Keep in mind that all names are not spelled phonet- ically. 3. Do not lend your Directory, because your neighbor is able to buy one as you. 4. This Directory is published for the good of the public and those desiring to be enlightened and not for those who think they know it all. o. Compilers should not be held responsible for incorrect information given to them by the public. Carter & Sydxor, Compilers. W. G. SYDNOR M. H. SPARGER SYDNOR & SPARGER INSURANCE Twenty-three Leading Companies Twenty Years Experience OFFICE OVER MERRITT HARDWARE STORE R ,1, |, C. F. Mitchell Welch & Mitchell w boleealc and Retail General Merchandise Clothing , Drj < la, Shoca, Hata, Millinery, Notione, Carneta, Prwinn 1^ (., iea. Feed Staff, I I * l,UI "- l •* PREFACE In Mounl Airv the Btreeta and houses are very irregular, ;in<l Bince the houses were aumbered 9evera] years ago, new streets have been made and the Games of old ones have been changed. Some houses thai were aumbered on one streel are now <»n :i new street, bul they still have the same number. This will cause a little confusion in the "Streel Directory." W'c gathered the facts and statistics of which this book is composed by visiting every home in Mounl Airv. and ofttimes young children had to give us the desired information. ( >n the rural mail routes we had to follow the carriers and Btop al the houses to gel the names in the K. !•'. 1 >. Directory. This Director) is primarily for business purposes and wo made no special efforl to secure the names of the "floating population" in and around Mounl Airv. We desire to take this opportunity to thank those who have given as their support in this undertaking, and those win. have had advertisements inserted in this volume, which have made it- publication possible. We commend their ad- vertisemi ats to your consideration. ( ' \i;ti i; & Sydni »k. ( 'mil I'll- WM. I BY1 III 1 . President I \ HU)t.KY Vice-President i. C WBLCH. Vice-Preaidenl P. P. SPARGBR, Caahier ftlje $anfa of iHount [Hup Wc Invite You to Deposit with Us Subject to Check or in Saving! Department Resources $450,000.00 INTRODUCTION Mount Airy, "The Granite City of the Mountains," is situated in a rich and fertile valley, in Surry County, North Carolina, almost surrounded by the Blue Radge .Mountains. To the southeast can be seen Old Pilot .Mountain, the guide of pioneer days, and now the grim, stately sentinel of the sur- rounding country. To the south, wesl and north, a few miles distant, is the Blue Ridge Range, whose Lofty peaks stand out like turrets upon these everlasting walls. Mount Airy is a healthful city. It has an elevation of twelve hundred feet; an unsurpassed climatt — fanned by the mountain breezes in summer, and protected from the severe Masts of winter; it i- watered by three clear, pure streams which have their sources far up in the mountains. Nearby are several mineral springs, at one of which is a famous sum- mer resort. Mount Airy is a wide-awake, progressive city. Within tin- past ten years its population has been doubled and it is growing more rapidly today than ever before. Five thou- sand inhabitants, ; i tine waterworks and electric lighting sys- tem, splendid fire protection and electric power for sale, sew- erage systems, twelve miles of concrete sidewalks, and twenty-live miles of water mains, are some of the facts upon which we make such a statement. We are building good streets in the town and in the township of Mount Airy $80,- 000.00 is being spent in the construction of a chain of sand- clay roads. We have excellent schools — seven hundred chil- dren attended the graded schools last year. From our pub- lic high school boys and girls go to our colleges and universi- ties, and enter without < xaniinations. Just outside the corporate limits there is situated the largest granite quarry in the South. Within the town there are a number of lame manufacturing enterprises. The freight receipts paid at this office last year exceeded One-half .Million Dollars. Mount Airy is also one of the Largest to- bacco markets in North Carolina. Five million pounds of leaf tobacco sold lasl year. No town the size of Mount Airy in the State has more handsome business blocks, elegant residences, or beautiful churches. To those desiring to come to a beautiful, progressive and hospitable city. Mount Airy's people extend a cordial wel- come. 5 W. E. Merritt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 MISCELLANEOUS FACTS ABOUT MOUNT AIRY ( II V GOVERNMENT. Kayor w. <;. Sydnor. Citj Engineer— I. \v. Barber. treasurer — P. m. Poore. Tax Collector— J. I?. Sparger. Citj Lttornej J. H. Folger. Chief of Police— E. M. Taylor. Chief Fire Departmenl W. L. Steele. Hoard of Mdermen <:. c. Welch, Commissioner at Large; P. D. Muse, Mai Davis, a. G. Webb, J. A. Sokley. Water ami Light Commission .1. A. Hadley, J. A. Jackson, A V. West. Hlghwaj Commission- a. E. Smith, J. a. Hadley, Vestal Taylor, Prank Saunders. C. M . Sparger. Educational Department— Ira T. Turlington, Superintendent City Schools. School Board: W. F. Carter (Chairman), J. A. Hadley, J D Minick, C. I". Mitchell, .1. M. Hill. ORGANIZATIONS. Fire Department- -W. L. Steele. Chief; Banner Brannock, Captain. Fire Alarm Boxes: Front of Quesinberry's Hardware Store; In- ectlon of Wilson and Main; Corner Rockford and Spring; Corner Depot and South; Corner Main and Taylor. Reel Houses: On Main between Pine and Rockford; Factory sti e< i : Pace's Liverj Stable. The >T «> it 11 1 Airj ami ». 0. W. Hand Walter Lowry. Manager; E. Midkiff, Leader; t. .1. Lowry, Jr., Secretary. Twenty-four members. Fanners Educational and Co-operatiTe Union of Surry County— R k Simmons, President; .1. M. Brinkley, Secretary and Treasurer. MOUNT AIHV POST OFFICE. •'■ H. Carter, Postmaster; W. R. Saunders, Assistant Postmaster; .1. B. Albright, Chief Clerk; a. E. Tilley, Clerk; Mrs. Carrie Calla- way. Clerk; Henry Wolfe, Substitute Clerk. K. l. D. Curriers No. i. r. e. Edwards; No. 2, Walter Jackson; No. 3, George Harris; No. I, Frank Marshall: No. :», .1. H. Norman; No. 6, H. w. Lineback, Schedule of Outgoing Mails Southern Railway mails leave office 8 16 a in. and 2:30 p.m.; Mount Airy ;md Eastern leaves office 7:::<> a.m.J R. F. I>. mails leave office at 7 a.m.; Star Route mails leave office at 6 a.m. for Dobson and Lo^ Cap, \. c.. a nd Ararat, Va. ; for Brimm at 5:30 a.m. All mail for Star Routes (dose at !i p.m. Schedule of Incoming Mails Southern Railway mails arrive at i! "'"ami 8:16 pm.; Mounl a i i \ and Eastern mail arrives at 4 p.m.; R F. D. mails arrive at I p.m.; Star Route mails arrive at 7 p.m. 6 Star ffirand Shoes * n H E a 7' s ^ Sh ^ "StrongcrsSbans ttbeslaw" Is made to stand rough work among rocks, timbers and in the mud and slush And it is easy on the feet /IflattbCWS SaChSOII CO. In Front of Fust National Bank General Delivery open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and after 8:15 p.m. Southern mail. Money Orders issued from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MILITARY. Company I, First Infantry, N. C. N. G. — W. A. Jackson, Captain; Frank Walker, First Lieutenant; Crocker Albright, First Sergeant. Armory (over) 17 S. Main St. D. D. Parks, Major, Second Battalion, First Infantry— Staff : J. H. Gwyn, Second Lieutenant; Walter Jackson, Battalion Sergeant- Major; Hiram Stanley, Captain, Quartermaster Department. CHURCHES. Central M. E. Church — Rev. W. H. Willis, Pastor. Services, Sun- day 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. First Baptist Church — Rev. T. H. King, Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and S p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday S p.m. Second Baptist Church — Rev. C. C. Haymore, Pastor. First Presbyterian Church — Rev. John A. Gilmer, Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday 8 p.m. Episcopal Church — , Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friends Church — , Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. COLORED CHURCHES. Mallalien Temple A. M. E. Church — Rev. P. I. Wells, Pastor. Serv- ices, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. Mt. Calvary Baptist Church — Rev. J. P. Sommers, Pastor. Services, Sunday 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Wayman Chapel, A. M. E. Church— Rev. R. L. Tillery, Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. Edward Webb Presbyterian Church — Rev. S. L. Young, Pastor. Services, Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. SECRET AND FRATERNAL OBDERS. Masonic — Hall, third floor Banner Building. Granite Lodge, Xo. 322, A. F. & A. M. Regular communications second and fourth Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock. T. H. King, W. M. ; T. J. Lowry, Secretary. 7 E. F. STONE INSURANCE Life, Accident and H eallh Office Oyer Bank of Mount Airy Chapter No. 68, R L M. Third floor Banner Building. Regular communications Aral Monday night at 8 o'clock. Junior Council No. 73, J. O. 1*. A. M. Hall third floor Banner Building, [tegular meetings every Friday night J. B. Jarrell, Coun- cilor: X. C Gann, K. S.; J. 11. Warren, F. S. (hlil Fellows Mount Airy Lodge, No. 107, I. O. 0. F. Hall third Boor P. L Smith Building. Regular meetings every Monday night. P. s. Rothrock, X. <;.: X. C. Gann, Secretary. Fraternal Mystic Circle- Subordinate Ruling Xo. 1036. Regular meetings every Wednesday night I. V. Moore, Worthy Collector. Colored Secret Orders: Odd Fellows— G. u. o. o. F. Hall 198 Needmore. Andrew Gallaway, X. G.; Robert Bunker, Secretary. ilar meetings every Tuesday night. R. C. POORE Staple and Fancy Groceries We Always Have on Hand a Fresh Supply of Vegetables and Country Produce Prompt Delivery Assured by Automobile Truck Phone 127 N. Main Street W. E. Merntt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 Mount Airy Street Directory Note — A blank before name denotes that the house is not num- bered. Names marked with a star (*) are colored. Arch Hamburg Oak, west Banner Hay Orchard Bolt Haymore Pender Broad Hines Penn Cherry Johnson Pine Church Junction Price Depot Kibler Rawley Dixie Korner Renfro Dobson Lebanon Roberts Durham Main, north Rockford East Main, south Schafer Elm, east Maple South Elm, west Marshall Spaugh Factory Mill Spring Fair View Heights Mineral Taylor Franklin Moore Welch Gallaway Needmore Willow Granite Newsom Wilson Hadley Oak, east Worth Arch Street, beginning at Gallaway : 133 134 305 307 311 316 320 Belton, E. C. Atkins, T. W. Childress, G. H. Mcintosh, G. King, T. H. Belton, W. A. Durning, W. P. Belton, J. I. Hix, G. C. Johnson, P. M. Banner Street, beginning at Worth with 100: 120 121 133 137 141 150 168 Wagoner, Ray Johnson, Jeff. Gordon, J. S. Snow, J. F. Griffith, J. D. Vacant. Taylor, E. F. Bolt Street, beginning at South with 100: 112 Bowman, T. 114 Moore, Richard 120 Edwards, John Broad Street, beginning at Spring with 100: 116 Granite City Mills 117 Norman, T. B. 129 York, Mrs. Emma 132 Richardson, J. M. 133 Edwards, J. A. 134 Johnson, W. T. 136 *Tuggle, Caroline 139 Jackson, Joe 142 Jones, L. D. 143 Paul, J. R. 148 Gant, Jim 150 *Gallaway, Ivey 154 Yow, J. C. 156 Tilley, J. D. I. W. West Drug Co. 15 South Main Street Phone 31 158 Poore, J a. 160 Nicholson. Robert 171 Bowman, a. < ;. 196 a, P. a. 199 Callaway. Mrs. K. A. Cherrj Street, beginning at Slain with 100: 124 Anderson, c. C. L32 Burgess, a. C. 139 Herman, B. E. 117 .Muse. P. D. L53 Ewln, John 153 Earp, J. W. L62 Flippin, J. .M. L63 Johns* n. 171 Allied, J. F. Baird, Dr. C. A. 320 Lewis, W. M. Church street, beginning at Main frith 100: II 1 152 171 177, 180 182 IM is.; L92 193 200 201 204 207 218 222 Steele, W. L. Hanks. W. .(. Jarrel, n. G. I )iinni;in. .1. \V. Pickett, w. ii. Johnson, Ceorge Hanks, Robert fork, Marvin Gordy, s. G. Hanks, G. x. Welch, <:. C. I >avis, JohO Saunders, W. Dunman, W. I. Jarrell, J. B. Braj . a. m. Pickett, S. R u. Depot street, beginning at South with 100: i"i Pulk, \. ins Johnson, \. K. 115 Marshall WagOO Works Co. 123 Jarvis, A. M. 125 McCraw. M. II. 127 Wright, R. E. ll'it *] , rt'shyterian Church L39 Rhode, T. T. 146 Southern Depot Dixie street, between Franklin and Pine: 134 Vacant 136 Hodge, C. W. Dobson street, beginning at South with Hill: 11 1 Hodge, T. J. Ill Chandler, Mrs. Mary Durham Street, from South to Bockford: Sprinkle, W. S. .Jarvis, .1. A. Moody, T. A. Coins, J. F. Moody, W. B. McCoy, Will Roberts, O. W. Lineback, Joe Ashlmrn, W. W. Roberson, W. G. East, Alexander Bange, Terrell Ashlmrn. Sam Smith, is. c. Last street, beginning at Banner: ►Stuart, Mary I lan ♦Hatcher, Dave \>est Kim street, beginning nt Main with 100: 127 Wolfe, F. T. 128 Hoick. Mrs. M. J. 129 Tilley, A. E. 136 Patterson, .T. R. 137 Forest. R. B. l 15 Campbell, W. A. 171' Jones, S. F. L76 I'ortiss, R. M. 180 Brockwell, J. H. 10 Callaway & Jackson Fancy Groceries Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Coffee and Tea The Best Equipped Store in I own Prompt Delivery Phone No. 29 K;isl Elm Street, from Junction Street to Main: 247 Helton, Elijah 249 Spencer, Matt 255 Coe, W. W. 257 Hooker, Tom 264 Morton, W. A. 266 Goings, J. H. 272 Weddle, W. D. 276 Crist, Lee 279 Vacant 280 Whitt, Cora 282 Gardner, Weight 285 Starling, A. H. 293 Starling, E. J. 299 McWilliams, John 300 Tilley, James 338 Owens, William Factory Street, beginning at Depot with 100: 112 Lineback, Sandy 116 Nat. Furniture Co., office 122 Marshall, R. M. 128 Thomas, S. L. 134 Vacant 140 Riggan, R. H. 148 Gravely, R. E. 150 Johnson, R. H. 152 Roberson, G. C. 163 Mantel & Table Co., office 177 Mt. Airy Furnit'e Co., office Fair View Heights, near Mt. Airy Furniture Factory: Wagoner, Miles Tickle, Budd Johnson, W. P. Webster, B. P. Brooks, Calvin Shelor, Henry Moser, E. T. McNight, S. A. Bowman, D. W. Franklin Street, beginning at Main with 100: 104 Moore, O. R., Studio 106 Marshall, C. L., Store 108 Mt. Airy Bakery 110 D. M. Hodge Grocery Store 112 Vacant 114 Johnson's Meat Market 116 Scott & Wright, Gro. Store 118 Starling, E. J., Shoe Shop 119 Samuel's Livery Stable Pace's Livery Stable 124 Pace's Hotel 125 Warehouse, Farmers' Union 132 Stuart, S. C. Everett, T. M. 138 Central M. E. Church 146 Willis, Rev. W. H. 149 McCollum, J. D. 152 Hanks, C. S. Sparger, M. H. 158 Clarke, John 163 Sparger, B. F. 168 Smith, A. E. 174 Poore, R. C. 177 Schafer, H. 180 Leonard, R. H. 184 Murphy, Mrs. Bettie 186 Yokley, J. A. 190 Preston, P. R. 196 Barber, I. W. 197 Patterson, E. D. 203 Yokley, O. H. 204 Callaway, W. P. 209 Trotter, A. G. 210 Albright, J. E. . 214 Sparger, Mrs. (1. W. 215 Robinson, II. L. 218 Bostic, J. D. 223 Ashby, Whitt 229 Wyrick, Charlie 239 Shelton, Mrs. W. B. 242 Lineback, Mrs. J. W. 245 Scott. P. M. 249 Bowman, D. C. 256 McCargo, T. B. & Son, Mfg. 257 Shaub, J. W. Qallaway Street, beginning at Main with 100: 130 Quesinbery, George 136 McMillon, A. C. 139 Hall, Tom 11 Samuel G. Pace Livery and Feed Stable Phone 83 1 19 < ireed, Oscar 169 Bo* • . I'. L67 Shinalt, Maggie 'Banner, Henry ♦Smith, Tom 17:* West Hill Co. Tack House 182 Boj les, Henry 184 Bowman, S. G. L88 Speas, v. I. Fleming, William L90 Vacanl 191 Stephen, George 196 Coe, ii. i.. 202 Vacant 208 Hlgglns, J. A. 220 Caudle, J. .M. Granite Street] beginning at Boekford with 100: 110 Allred, S. N. 120 Key, B. a. 126 Foy, .1. F. 132 Tax lor, W. S. L64 Ellis, Albert 170 *Kallam, Sam 171 "Lucas, Jim 17.", Goins, Millar, 1 180 i- rg< rson, J. E. 181 Scott, H. S. Harris, L \. 187 Freeman, J. 1 1. 193 Lowe, .1- i. ^shburn, J. K. 200 Lampklns, Lummie _ai Roberson, J. c. 212 ►Restauranl Badlej Street, beginning at Boekford with 100: ill *i'a Imer, John Fletcher, R. D. 1 26 Moser, John 132 .lours. .1. T. L39 Brannock, I. B. i 13 Bun us, Lee i 19 Wright, J. R. 165 Patterson, M. F. 161 Thacker, Qeoi Moore, K. T. 169 Fulk, S. A. 181 I »,.ss. A. L. is? Ausburn, .1. 1. W. Snow. .1. \V. Wagoner, A. D. Wagoner, A. D., Store Bambnrg Street, beginning at Main with 101): 104 Vacant 110 Wilson, J. R. 114 Sparger, A. L. 121 Poore, A. T. 129 Ferrell, Jim 133 Bange, .Mrs. Susan 141 Jones, Charlie 1 1 1 Color, Mis. Aiminta 177 Vacant May Street, beginning at Taylor with 100: 135 Oneil, L. J. 138 Gardner, John 143 Cassell, W. A. B. I 11 Collins, M. B. Baymore street, beginning at Worth with 100: i L6 Ledford, G. O. L20 Cant. Charlie L27 Angel, Franklin L28 Ledford, .1. W. 131 Poore, Sam 132 Wiley. Fannie 137 Bennett, P. T. 138 Roberts, T. D. 1 16 Bennett, Peter i is Roberts, Richard Colored Schoolhouse Fulton. B. Ilines Street, beginning at Main with 100: mi L06 L08 L09 II l 1 1.". Stuart, H. P. Young, Bettie Vacant Thomas. W. W. Woodruff, John Parks. 1). I). 12 Jesse Prather Baggage and Carriage Transfer Prompt Service Phone 95 118 119 126 127 132 133 139 150 160 164 166 170 176 186 192 Beasley, S. M. Witt, Greene Braunock, F. M. Knight, J. W. Gilbert, W. H. Witt, H. T. Smith, Z. T. Coble, E. C. Jones, H. E. George, S. C. Brannock, T. P. Haynes, J. W. Jones, J. F. Taylor, T. W. Taylor, W. M. Johnson Street, beginning at »ediuore "with 100: 117 *Bowles, Ed 122 *Ivey, Sam 123 *Carter, ttuen 126 *Keigler, Oscar 127 *Albright, Etta 132 *Franklin, Troy 133 *Stuart, H. H. Junction Street, beginning at East Oak with 100: 101 105 109 121 122 126 130 131 140 146 150 158 164 168 174 Brannock, W. H. Overby, H. S. Heath, W. M. Hayzee, C. T. Butcher, Ida Bowman, John Sprinkle, Minnie Poore, W. W. Doss, Jim Hayzee, J. F. Welch, E. D. Poore, Frank Hauser, T. L. Vaughn, V. S. Shelton, S. S. Kiblcr Street, beginning at Gallaway with 100: 102 Beaver, H. A. 108 Fleming, F. F. 126 Riddle, Freely 132 Gardner, E. H. 137 Hall, Jim 138 Williams, J. A. 139 Blizzard, Albert 143 Newson, John Koruer Street, beginning at Main with 100: 124 Badgett, E. G. 136 Okennor, W. T. 137 Carpenter, John 143 Morefield, M. M. 146 Vacant 147 Lowry, J. W. Lebanon Street, beginning at Main with 100: 112 Monday, J. E. 124 Short, W. W. 125 Jeffries, J. B. 134 Seal, W. F. 135 Taylor, Mrs. C. F. Merritt, Haywood 143 Short, A. M. 154 Newton, R. H. 197 Williamson, Barnett Leys, John East Lebanon: Mighiore, Raffoele Seewald, E. C. Ewing, J. M. North Main Street, beginning with Oak: 102 Smith, J. D., Store 103 Merritt, W. E. Co., Hardw. 104 105 Merritt, W. E. Co., Furnit. 106 Prather, J. W. Co., Clothing Store 107 Mt. Airy Feed Store 108 Jackson, W. E. Co. 109 Hannah, E. A., Harness Store 110 Lovill, G. C. Co. 111 13 Ed. Williams Shoe Shop First Class Work at a Reasonable Price 105 Needmore Street L12 e'a Store, Frank How- 258 ard it,:. 1 1 3 Knight, .1. W. 266 ill Auction House 267 LIB Thomas, W. W., Gro. Store 274 lit; Raiffs, [., Store j 7:, 117 Si nan Bros., Meal Market 281 118 Haynes, J. W., Restaurant 295 u:< Poore, K. <'.. Grocery Store 297 120 Valentine, a.. < rrocery Store 299 121 West-Hill Co., The 301 L22 Puller, John, Meal Market 303 123 West-Hill Cc. The Hennis, s. A.. Prod. House 124 Wood, W. W., Prod. House 307 1 25 Piedmonl Produce Co. 322 L26 West. Onion Tel. Co., Office 334 L27 Phillips, Dave, Croc. Store L28 Lambs, Vermont, Gro. Store 343 130 Midkiff, W. P., Gro. Store 348 L31 Muse. I*. 1)., Produce House L32 Helton's reed Store 349 136 Meyers, Asbury 358 L37 Banner, Dr. C. L. 359 1 12 AJlred, Dr. 10. W., Office 1 13 Hannah. E3. A. 1 19 Al.slnr. Dr. 1). C. L60 Creasy, Mrs. Walter 122 L52 Perkins, L. M. 117 163 Prather, Mrs. J. W. L56 i [oughton, Mrs. Lula 161 Vacanl 167 1 [ollingsworth, Mrs. J. m. Sou IT.", Prather, Mrs. J. n. Pawcett, G. i>. H 1 196 Pawcett, T. G. •) L98 Merritt, A. 11. •j 201 Eiaymore, w. L. 1 Merritt, W. E. .i 213 McCargo, T. B, 6 21 1 Thompson, J. D 7 219 Brock, T. x. 8 220 Jackson, W. E. 9 225 I [arrison, J. L 10 i ia\ more, W. it. 11 I'll !:• • ce, Dr. R. W. 12 242 Smith, .1. D. L3 249 Woodruff, Thos. 14 26 I First Baptist Church 16 1 layniore, Rev. C. C. Pawcett, Thos. Sydnor, W. <;. Byerly, .1. W. Allied, Dr. E. W. Minnlck, J. D. Gallaway, R. J. Saunders, W. D. Smith, J. T. Boyd, W. E. Jones, J. H. Smith. Edgar Dunnagan, W. E., Gro. Store Monday, J. T., Gro. Store Brown House, The Jackson, J. I'.. Puckett, W. E., Gro. Store Mix. W. H., Store Smith, Alexander Massey Bros., Blacksmith Shop Diverio, B. D. Hennis. S. A. Martin, J. W. Hardie, T. G. Nutt. .1. B. Lemmerman, J. A. 1 lennis, E. H. Reynolds, J. K. Bondurant, .1. W. Gwyn, C. P. tli .Miiin sired, beginning itli Oak Street: Blue Ridge inn Smith, P. L., Hardware Co. Vacanl Burke, W. W., Store Vacanl Ashiiy Grocery Co., The People's Drug Store 1 [arrison, J. L., Store 1 la\ more, W. B., Store Somers & Co. Poy Shoe Store Somers & Co. imtian Furniture Co. West, I. W., Drug Store 14 Jacob Macht Frank Howard Cbe peoples Store Headquarters For Clothing , Shoes, Hats Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings 16 Quesinberry Hardware Co. Ill IT Bowman, A. G. & Son 116 IS Hale, S. M., Store 123 19 Welch, G. C, Store 128 20 Lundy, C. E., Clothing 131 21 Granite Mercantile Co. 132 22 Ashby, Dr. T. B., Office 136 23 Matthews-Jackson Co. 142 24 First National Bank 143 25 Stuart's Restaurant 150 26 Vacant 151 27 Jones, S. T., Grocery Store 156 28 Folger, Dr. R. R., Office 29 Mt. Airy Marble Works 160 30 Earp, J. W., Store 165 31 Franklin Street 168 32 Irvin, B. A. & Co. 175 34 Norman Barber Shop 178 36 Globe Theater 183 38 Gallaway-Gentry Co. 186 39 Leonard, R. H., Jewelry 189 Store 192 41 Forest, R. E., Barber Shop 197 43 Bank of Mt. Airy 200 45 Hodge, C. W., Bicycle Shop 206 49 Hooker, J. T. 207 32 Central Hotel 213 55 Gwyn Drug Store 214 57 Vacant 222 58 Council, J. C, Meat Market 229 59 Badgett & Cook's Barber Shop 239 60 Steele, W. L., Shop 245 61 Post Office 257 62 Thomas Electrical Shoe 260 Shop 262 63 Princess Theater 263 65 Satterfleld, T. F., Store 270 67 Creed, J. W., Book Store 271 68 Southern Express Co. 274 69 Times-Leader Office 276 71 Gallaway & Jackson, Gro- 280 eery Store 281 73 Davis, C. E., Grocery Store 282 75 Poore, F. M., Grocery Store 284 Banner Warehouse 286 106 Jenkins, Mrs. J. D. 291 Banner, John L. 297 Schaub's Woodwork Shop 302 15 Foy, E. C. Schaub, Mrs. Stemple, P. C. Brim, S. G. Ashby, Mrs. John L. Gilmer, Rev. J. A. Vacant Hollingsworth, J. C. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Cora M. Shelton, C. A. Presbyterian Church Hollingsworth, Dr. R. E., Office Hollingsworth, Mrs. Susan Banner, Mrs. Kate Hollingsworth, Dr. E. M. Carter, W. F. Baldridge, F. H. Ashby, Dr. T. B. Fulton, J. M. Taylor, Rev. R. M. Hoffman, D. E. Allison, Rev. C. R. Fulton, J. H. Graves, B. Y. Friends' Church Banner, Walter Moore, J. R. Durham, J. M. Goins, John Friends' Parsonage Brannock, P. C. Hull, E. A. James, Charlie Johnson, J. F. Reynolds, Will Vacant Bargain Millinery Store Love Fertilizer House Welch & Mitchell Murray, J. J., Gro. Store Taylor Grocery Store Carpenter, J. W. Vacant Vacant Vacant Bedsaul, Mrs. Webster, P. D. Jones, W. H. £arp's 5, 10 and 25c Store Candy Glassware Hosiery Notions Tinware Homegoods Toys Crockery Picture Frames 303 Owens, Mrs. Mary ... T. .1. 317 Belton, w. F. 321 Belton, ('. E. 334 Gammons, Jim 166 Wilson, Eugene lap le Street, beginning at Bawlej frith 100: m:: M-rrilt. C. K. 122 Martin, J. a. l 10 Reece, J. R. I 11 McMillan, L. F. i:.l Carroll, T. J. 158 Vacant 166 1 la.\ ncs, Calvin L76 Haynes, Lum 182 Baker, w. O. South Maple: L07 Siceloff, Mrs. M. U. 119 Gilbert, H. A. 121 Taj lor, G. L. Marshall Street, beginning at South frith 100: Harris. M. F. Peele, J. W. !,. Wllburn, A. w. L22 Overby, J. A. Brooks, A. M. L26 Overbj . Docfc Pike, Martha . Albert Mill Street, beginning at Needmore ^ Ith 100: 118 •Mitchell, Bud 11ft *(;w\n. Mason 125 •Gilbert, Leota i it Throer, W. L. 1 51 Puckett, Jube 157 Blackburn, Tom 161 Tallie, w. s. 167 Griffith, E. I). Itinera! Street, beginning at Cherrj with 100: i L5 Shelton, W. P. i_i Badgett, A. J. 127 Si rollick, James Moore Street, beginning at Main frith 100: 107 Davis, ('has., Plumbing and Heating 109 Plumbing Fixtures 109% King Pressing Club 1 1 1 Mt. Airy Mottling Works 113 Vaughn Electric Shoe Shop 114 Hodge. D. S. 115 Mt. Airy News, Office 120 King, w. R. L21 Barber, I. W., Office 126 Matthews, J. J. City Hall 1 1 < i i.uiiioni \\ arehouse 139 Hayncs, W. T. 142 George, P. A. 144 Penn, Mrs. Robt. Needmore Street, beginning at Main with 100: 102 Samet Repair Shop 104 Vacant 105 •Williams, Ed, Shoe Shop 106 Vacant 108 Lovill's Pack House 109 Vacatn lin Pepsi-Cola Mottling Works Mi' Suck Stringing Agency Woodwork Repair Shop 1 1 I Ml. Airy (luano Co. Blacksmith Shop 120 Sparger Leaf House 11' I Harris Mros., Rlacksmith Shop 125 Fry, Joe 129 Mayberry, Burt L32 Jones, J. D. 1 1 5 Lowe, T. P. 150 *Pace, Burt i 52 1 1 arbor, Sarah 154 *Hughes, Henry 16 W. F. MIDKIPF Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Feed Stuff, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold Phone No. 1 1 9 1 30 N. Main St., Mount Airy, N. C. 156 ♦Scales, Tobe 157 "Crawford, Dave *Allen, Gus, Store 158 *Jarvis, W. ♦Barber Shop ♦Grocery Store ♦Restaurant 172 ♦Baptist Church 173 ♦Prather, Jesse 174 ♦Johnson, J. S. 175 ♦Conrad, A. M. 177 ♦Smith, Minnie 179 ♦Albright, Charlie 181 ♦Reeves, Lucy 185 ♦Boleon, Delia 186 ♦Stuart, Susan 191 ♦Willis, Ed 192 ♦Johnson, Tildy 197 ♦Lewis, John 198 *Odd Fellows Hall ♦Methodist Church 205 ♦Clark, Nick ♦Tucker, C. A. 213 ♦Williams, Ed 214 ♦Johnson, Sidney 219 ♦Gwyn, Mariah 221 ♦McCollum, Percy 222 ♦Reynolds, Tom 223 ♦Gwyn, Dock 229 ♦Stuart, Salem 232 ♦Lamkin, Henry 238 ♦Moore, Jim 244 ♦Smith, Ellen 250 ♦Moore, J. H. 251 ♦Mitchell, Laura 255 ♦McNeal, James 257 ♦Scales, George 261 ♦Easter, Rufe 265 ♦Franklin, Steve 275 Sides' Mill and Ice Factory Newsom Street, beginning 1 at Worth with 100: 133 Key, John 135 Goins, R. F. 137 Gordon, R. L. 157 ♦Wilkinson, Andrew 2— Mt. Airy East Oak Street, beginning at Main with 100: 102 Reece, Dr. R. W., Office 113 Hodge, Wilson 115 Watson, R. W., Leaf House 132 Belton, Robt. 139 Moore, W. H. 169 Brannock, James 171 Meyers, Fannie 237 Spaugh, Mrs. Sarah 238 Shoemaker, A. C. 247 Minick's Mill & Iron Works West Oak Street, beginning at Main with 100: 109 Merritt, W. E., Storage House 119 Planters Warehouse 122 Samet, M. 126 Sparger, Mrs. J. L. 135 American Tob. Co., Office Orchard Street, beginning at Main with 100: 109 112 121 135 140 141 148 149 152 153 165 171 178 179 198 203 209 216 220 221 Short, N. P. Dean, Robert Short, R. B. Stanley, Hiram Johnson, W. M. Smith, R. H. Webb, A. G. Sawyers, E. R. Webb, C. B. Monday, W. I. Inman, B. H. Price, Rev. D. V. Dean, M. L. George, T. M. Haymore, J. O. Midkiff, John Blalock, J. T. Quesinberry, A. Gregory, J. R. Caudle, J. F. Reid, James Norman, J. H. McCoin, H. B. Jones, B. H. 17 MOUNT AIRY PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Electric and Plumbing Supplies Repair Guns and Watches Electric Wiring a Specialty C. W. HODGE, Manager Satterfleld, Mis. Mary 22E Webb, E .1. i dekens, Preston 229 Bernard, w E 230 Jones, K L Pender Street, beginning at Sprint: vrltb 100: 1 1 1 Sbelton, W. Q. il'I Edwards, I. EL L22 Burke, Miss Katie L27 Rothrock, P. S. 132 Hale, B. M. 136 Half. W. 1$. Penn street, from Banner ll( eki'ord: Brooks, Jim 1 [arris, Alice Pine street, beginning ;it Main with 100: HE Burke, Jim 120 Critz, Mrs. M. E. 121 ( rilmer, Mrs. M. C. 131 Holcomb, 1". I>. L36 Vacant Vacant L46 Matthews, E. J. 1 19 Welch, w. p. 164 Bheppard, W. L. 165 Mai, hall. S. E. 166 Holcomb, B. v 167 Burke. W. W. 171 Paddison, J. R. 176 Jackson, W. \. 181 Moore, M. I). L80 I lines, Mrs. R. B. is? Vacant 197 Bmithwick, T. .1. Kocktitzky, E. H. 200 Bobotta, John Goldsmith, v 212 Moore, .1. T. Craves. G. O. 221 Hadley, J. a. 23] Banks, R. .1. 242 Ashhurn, E. N. 248 Payne, Steve 249 Norman, W. a. 252 Dawson, Hadley 253 Pruett, S. H. 260 Stuart, A. F. liKl Marshall, R. K. Mt. Airy Motor Car Co. 278 Vacant store lla\ nes' Livery Stable 285 Brock. T. N., Office 294 Mt. Airy Machine Works 296 Norman, Ernest 298 Vacant 304 Marshall, John 308 Vacant 318 Collins, I. Z. 320 Banner Mfg. Co. 322 Taylor's Store 323 Taylor, T. L. Moore, R. L. Price Street, beginning at Boekford with 100: 130 Bird, J. E. 131 Patterson, W. A. 136 Creed, Martha 137 Limes, Jonas 141 White, S. J. 148 Second Baptist Church 155 Canter, L. A. 165 Roberson, J. C. 177 Tickle, William 182 *Green\vood, Chas. Bawley street, beginning at Main with 100: Graves, Calvin li i Sargent, J. D. 120 Foy, H. M. 123 Lundy, C. E. 124 Vacant 128 Johnson, J. E. 132 Woltz, J. L. 1 hi Rector, B. W. 1 is Wrenn, E. H. 149 Sides, Mrs. A. E. 157 Driscoll, T. J. 158 Vacant 165 Reed, Capt. H. W. 166 Council, J. C. 18 P. D. MUSE PRODUCE DEALER Buys and Sells all Kinds Country Produce, Eggs, Chickens, Etc. Apples and Cabbage a Specialty N.Main Street Keufro Street, beginning at Cherry with 100: 115 Goings, J. A. 122 Jarrell, A. F. 128 Davis, A. N. 132 Moore, J. R. 135 Flowers, G. E. 138 Norman, W. C. 141 Davis, J. F. 143 Mt. Airy Steam Laundry 155 Hatcher, W. C. 163 Cox, J. W. 169 Shoemaker, Gus 175 Stratton, James Roberts Street, beginning at Marshall with 100: 102 Gunter, C. G. 103 Greenwood, R. H. 112 Wright, B. W. 120 King, S. H. 121 Williams, C. 128 King, W. G. 129 Wood, R. H. Roekford Street, beginning at Main with 100: Joyce, R. T. Turlington, I. T. 124 Graves, S. P. 133 Watson, R. W. Folger, J. H. 148 Somers, Mrs. Sallie 156 Powell, J. G. 160 Hines, Rhoten 161 City Graded School 168 Mclntire, M. H. 177 Sparger, J. B. 184 Creveling, C. C. 185 Smith, F. L. 195 Moore, W. C. 198 Haynes, C. H. 199 Tucker, G. G. 210 Gentry, W. S. 218 Fulk, Joe 224 Rierson, Mrs. Florence 227 Briggs, H. M. 234 Bowman, R. W. 235 Dowry, T. J. 239 Hodge, D. M. Badgett, J. W. Davis, C. W. Riddle, F. F. Bird, C. C. Marshall, C. L. 267 *Gallaway, W. M. 271 Bowman, W. T. Marshall, S. O. Marshall's Store Brooks, Martin 247 254 255 266 274 279 282 283 *Reynolds, Blanche 286 *Roberts, A. E. 290 McCollum, Sam 296 Creed, J. W. 297 *Scales, Sid 301 *Jarvis, S. W. 302 Vaughn, J. Z. 312 Creed, Anderson Lineback, V. W. Warren, S. H. 343 Moore, J. A. 370 *Gallaway, Andrew 375 *Ingram, Dave 382 *Dalton, Pleas 383 *Abrams, Walker 390 *McClenon, Joe 399 *Coble, William 400 *Valentine, Susan 401 *Ingram, Jack 413 *Walker, Tom 414 *Pinnix, Taylor 420 *Leak, Will 421 *Allen, Chas. 430 *Grover, Leak 450 * Allen, Noah 562 Stack, G. A. Triplett, W. A. Schafer Street, beginning at Eockford with 100: 123 Bowman, Jasper 124 Bennett, Riley 131 Tickle, W. F. 136 *Helton, Buck 19 S. M. HALE General /IBercbandise DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES Son ii Street, beginning at 177 Lowry's Printing Office it u-klnnl with 100a 179 I iraughn, J. J. 1 17 1 [andy, Etobt. 181 Carroll, J. H. L92 Brown, J. P. 187 Bolt, Mrs. W. A. i. .Mrs. E. M. 513 Butner, T. F. 277 l [arris, J. W. 516 Edwards, J. W, Wagoner, Ed :,17 Oakley, J. R. 282 P< ele, S. -1 520 Gillespie, Arthur Clifton, P. F. 521 Martin. T. A. Taj lor, .!. S. 524 Blizzard, John Hodge, <;. v. 528 •McNally, Ann Peele, C. W. 532 ♦Taylor, A. J. 302 Sprinkle, •' L. 535 *Brascomb, Rhoda 303 Lowe, Et. S. 536 * France, John 309 Rooker, Joe 537 ♦Cornelius, Jack 317 Bird, J. G. 540 Vacant 327 York. 1. B. 541 ♦Bitting, Sander Marion, c i: 544 Franklin, Leathy Norman, J. F. 545 ♦Banner, A. T. 332 Taylor, Jim 548 ♦Banner, Ed Gwyn, C. W. 549 •Bryant, John 341 Lowry, T. J. 554 ♦Bryant, Ruben Doss Grocery Store 555 ♦Stuart, Joe 394 Rose, John r.r.ii ♦.Martin, .Martha 395 Vernon, A. J. 557 ♦Turner, J. I. 396 Vacant 560 ♦Walker, Will 399 Vacant 565 ♦Long, Stephen ►Wayman, Chapel 585 ♦Wells, P. I. 104 ♦Gordon, Joe 589 ♦Lennon, Sam lor, Jenkins, J. A. 597 ♦Hammocks, George 410 •Tillery, u L 603 ♦Banner, Smith 111 Norman, J. F. 604 ♦Headen, W. M. im; British, Jim 607 ♦Mitchell, Porter 117 Bumgardner, L. F. 608 -Tucker, E. D. 124 ■ i [ampton, George 609 *1 [ammocks, Walter 125 Marshall, W. M. 612 Mitchell, Oscar 129 Atkins. Mrs. Rettie 613 'Mitt man. Rich i:: 1 Joyce, .i. R. 620 ♦Adams, Babe 137 Johnson, W. C. ill Roberson, Matt 621 •Grier, Will I.;,. Mi. Airy Buggy Co. 624 Carpenter, N. P. 163 Storage House 625 •Thompson, Eli it;:, \'a<ant 717 Bark Shed, C. C. Smoot Bumgardner, L. F., Store 761 Johnson, A. taurant, Rose 763 Phillips, S. F. 166 Hardy Barber Shop 765 Vacant 167 Peele, J, S., Store Adams, W. E. 17.-. Lowry Cabinet Shop 860 Hudson, J. H. i7f, Vacant 873 Norman, W. M. 20 Ihamiltott ffirown Shoes American Gentleman Country Club and other World- Wide Brands Every Pair Guaranteed See the "Hardware" Shoe for Winter Wear, for sale by Matthews flachson Co* in Front of First National Bank Spangh Street, beginning at 196 Shirrefs, John East Oak with 100: 199 Hodge, J. D. 130 Jones, G. E. Gillespie, C. W. 153 Harris, W. H. 204 Coleman, C. B. 157 Goard, W. H. 228 Melton, Garden 158 Goard, G. J. 248 Dunnagan, J. B. 163 Goard, J. M. 249 Bowman, Walter 164 Poteat, C. C. 165 Crews, Will Welch Street, beginning at Spring Street, beginning at South Main with 100: Koekford with 100: 124 Hundley, Mrs. John 116 *Edmund, Nath. 128 Belton, K. C. 120 *Jarvis, Buck 132 Donald, Jane 122 * Jones, Sarah 136 Chilton, Mrs. Ada 141 Brannock, B. V. 142 Lawson, J. W. 149 Belton, Arthur 145 Belton, Ed Beasley, Bausley 148 Angel, Mrs. Jesse 211 Barker, J. W. 156 Owen, Will 219 Satterfield, T. F. 158 Hatcher, T. D. 223 Dobbins, N. W. Webster, J. H. 231 Snow, J. A. 170 Norman, Joe 261 Brooks, A. C. 178 Perkins, Mrs. R. I. 273 Parker, M. L. 179 Mitchell, C. F. 277 Norman, John South Spring Street: Willow Street, beginning at 181 Jackson, J. A. Franklin with 100: 192 Perkins, Lee 122 Export Leaf Tobacco Co. 202 Worth, W. B. 125 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co 216 Worth, Mrs. John L. 135 Golding Bros.'s Fertilizer Jessup, J. L. House 149 Taylor & Vestal, Livery Taylor Street, beginning at Stable Main with 100: 166 Thompson, T. J. George, W. J. 175 Smith, R. M. 136 Dix, J. M. 176 Allred, J. W. 137 Vacant 180 Hill, J. M. 141 Dix, W. H. 181 Lineback, G. O. 145 Jeffries, J. F. 188 Harris, G. T. 152 Boyd, H. S. 189 Watson, John 153 Monday, G. O. 193 *Pinnix, W. R. 158 Cody, G. B. 196 Rosenthal, R. 176 Monday, J. T. 197 Bailey, G. A. 182 Massey, G. T. 203 Kapp, E. C. 183 Haymore, G. C. 204 Barker, J. E. 188 Bergron, G. H. 207 Husband, T. E. Davis, Mrs. J. M. Cook, D. H. 21 tR* |H* Ucottardt Cbc /mount &iry Jeweler JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Eye Glasses Repairing a Specialty F.ycs Tested Free and Glasses Filled Everything Guaranteed \\ ilson Street) beginning at South Main with 100: 1 12 Seal, Mrs. Lizzie 1 is Valentine, John l L9 Dlckerson, W. D. ii' i Lamb, Vermont L26 Walton, C. w. 129 Collins, A. F. L32 Callaway, Fletcher 133 Langford, R. L. 139 Taylor, E. M. 1 11' IN .ore, F. M. 152 Hennls, W. T. 166 Belton, G. F. 167 Howard, Frank Worth stroH, beginning at Main with 100: 116 Poore, Jim 117 * Jones, Iky 125 Owens, Sandy 127 Midkifl, W. H. i::i Herrell, M. J. i in Jones, .Mrs. M. A. 1 1 1 Parker, G. B. 1 16 Davis, Tom i:,i Beasley, W. S. 154 Smith, A. M. 180 Smitli. I). C. 181 Griffith, Mart 185 Davis. William :•:::: York. Ivan I'M Snow, Iredell ::•;:, Wood. Emmett 253 Poore, Mrs. Sallie 264 Goin, J. A. 268 James, Mrs. T. H. 272 Ferrell, J. M. 273 Lineback, Harvey 276 Ferrell, E. G. 281 Hull, Mrs. Martha 284 Thacker, Jim 289 309 Davis, Mai ♦Cooper, John 321 McMillon, William 326 *Brower, Frank 327 *Morrison, Joe 337 *Sawyers, Budd 342 *Edwards, Lizzie 343 *Xorman, William 352 *Doss, Gabe 353 *Titline, Lula 358 *McClenon, Joe, Jr. 364 *Dabney, George 368 *Davis, Henry 369 Lawrence, Lum 374 Oneal's Grocery Store 375 *Masscy, Wiley Banner Suburb: Enscore, J. B., lab Taylor, Lindsey, lab Montgomery, G. E., lab Lawson, Allen, lab Southern, D. T., lab Holder, Joe, lab Samuels, Mrs. Mary, wid Byrd, Jesse, lab Love, R. L., lab Banner, Mrs. Delia, wid Manner, E. C, farmer Banner, James, farmer 22 W. E. Merritt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA CITY DIRECTORY, 1913-1914 ABBREVIATIONS agt — agent. atty — attorney. bds — boards. bet — between. bkkpr — bookkeeper. bldg — building. blksmitb — blacksmith. brkman — brakeman. carpt — carpenter. chauf — chauffeur. elk — clerk. cob — cobbler. co — company. cond — conductor. contr — contractor. cor — corner. dlr — dealer. drmkr — dressmaker. e — east. electr — electrician. engr or engnr — engineer. fertl — fertilizer. f. v. h. — Fair View Heights. h — house. ins — insurance. inst — instructor. lab — laborer. laun or laund — laundress. mach — machinist. mercht — merchant. mkr — maker. mnfr — manufacturer. mngr — manager, n — north, n h — new house, nr — near, opp — opposite, opr — operator, pres — president. prin — principal, p r op r — p r op r ie to r . pub — publisher. Rev — Reverend, rms — rooms. RR — railroad, sec — secretary. s c — stone cutter, shp elk — shipping clerk, s — south. S RR — Southern Railroad, stud — student, stngr— stenographer, supt — superintendent, tel — telegraph, tele — telephone, tob — tobacconist, trav slsmn — traveling salesman, treas — treasurer, vet sur — veterinary surgeon. w — west. who — wholesale, wid — widow, wks — works. Names marked thus * colored. J. W. EARP &, CO. UNDERTAKERS LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR DEALERS IN CASKETS. ROBES AND OTHER FUNERAL SUPPLIES A. *Abrams, Walter, lab, li 1-7 Eaymore. Absher, Dr. D. C., h 1 19 X Main. Absher, Mi\ J. C, wid, h L26 Granite. Adams, W. E., carp!, n h. South Albright, Frank, lab, li 179 Needmore. Albright, -I. ]•:.. Civ Service, b 210 Franklin. Albright, Crocker, Btud, b 210 Franklin. ♦Albright, Etta, cook, h 127 Johnson. * Albright, Martha, cook, li 127 Johnson. ♦Albright, Belle, cook, h L 27 Johnson. ♦Allen, Noah, lab, h 150 Rockford. ♦Allen, < Jus. lab, li 158 Needmore. ♦Allen, Charli . lab, b li'l Rockford. "Allen. Babe, wid, b 620 South. Allison, C. R., preacher, li P.'T S. Main. Allred, E. W.. Doctor, b 274 X. Main. Allred, J. I-'., mecht, h 167 Cherry. Allred, S. X.. Federal Secret Service, h 110 Granite. Allred, J. W\. lab, h 176 Willow. Anderson, < i. ( '.. a c, li 1 2 1 ( !herry. An-el. Mrs. Jesse, wid, h 148 Welch. Angel, -I. A., farmer, b 1 18 Welch. Angel, J. T.. farmer, b 1 18 Welch. Angel, I. A., lab, b 1 Is Welch. Angel, Franklin, lab, li 127 Haymore. Ashburn, W. W.. barber, n h Durham. Ashburn, J. I. W.. lab, b 187 Badley. Ashburn, S. A., lab, b 187 Badley. Ashburn, T. M.. lab, b L87 Badley. Ashburn, R. 0., lab, b L87 Eadley. Ashburn, B. X.. m rent, h 2 12 Pine. Ashburn, Sam, lab, n h Durham. Ashburn, J. R., lab, b L97 Granite. Ashby, Mrs. J. L, wid, h 131 S. Main 24 s. J. PEELE Dealer in Groceries , Produce, Dry Goods, Etc. Prompt Delivery Phone 278 Ashliv, Paul, stengr, bds J. L. Banner, S. Main. Ashl.V. L. W., bkkpr, t h 131 S. Main. Ashby, E. C, stud, h 131 S. .Main. Ashbv, Robt, stud, h 1G0 S. Main. Ashby, Dr. T. B., h 183 S. Main. Ashby. Whitt, who mereht, h 223 Franklin. Ashby, Bryan, elk, h 223 Franklin. Atkins, T. W., s e, h nr L32 Arch. B. Badgett, E. G., elk, h 124 Korner. Badgett, B. W., h 121 Korner. Badgett, A. J., barber, h Mineral. Badgett, J. W., foreman, li nr 221 Rockford. Bailey, G. A., stone mnfr, li 107 Willow. Bailey, Mrs. Martha, wid, h 129 Hadlev. Baird, Dr. C. A., h nr 162 Cherry. Baker, W. O.. lab, h 182 Maple. Baldridge, F. H., bkkpr, h ITS S. Main. Baldridge, Stanley, bkkpr, h 178 S. Main. Bange, Airs. Susan, laun, h 133 Hamburg. Bange, Ferrell, lab, n h Durham. Banks, R. J., vet. sur, h 231 Pine. Banner, J. L., mnfr, n h nr 111 S. Main. Bamier, Mrs. Kate, wid, h 165 S. Main. Banner. John, tob, h 165 S. Man. Banner. Allan, stud, h 165 S. Main, Banner. J. E., Dentist, h ISO S. Main. Banner, Walter, mach, h 213 S. Main. *Banner, Henry, lab, Gallaway. *Banner, Smith, lab, h G03 South. *Banner, Ed, lab, h 548 South. Banner, Dr. C. L., h 137 N. Main. Banner, Mrs. J. G., wid, h 121 Pine. Banner, B. G., stengr. h 121 Pine. *Banner. A. T.. lab, h 51:. South. 25 DR. J. 15. BANNER DENTIST iil'l'K i: OVBB PRIN4 BBS THEATRE < >i i i, i Phone LIS Residence Phone 194 Barber, I. W.. Bupl of lights and water, 196 Franklin. Barker, J. E., m rcht, h 204 Willow. Barker, J. W.. elk, h 211 Spring. Barker, Edgar, trav slsmn, h i'<>l Willow. Beasley, Baualey, miller, n h nr 211 Spring. Beasley, W. S., lab, h l.M Worth. Beasley, W. M.. elk, b l.M Worth. Beaslej, S. M.. carpet, 1 L8 Mines. I ieasley, Ada. elk. h L18 llines. Beasley, AJphia, elk, h 11* Eines. Beasley, E. T., elk, li L76 I lines. Beaver, II. A., a c, L02 Kibler. Bedsaul, Mrs., wid, h i".»l S. Main. Belton, W. F.. farmer, h 317 S. Main. I l.l mn. Mrs. ('. E., wid. h 321 S. Main. Helton, [da, seamstress, h 321 S. Main. Belton, Robert, farmer, h L33 E. Oak. Helton. Arthur, janitor, h 14!> Spring. Belton, Hurley, lab, h 149 Spring. Belton, F. C, lineman, b 132 Aivli. Helton. Grady, lab, b 1l".i X. Main. Belton, K. C, lab, b L28 Welch. Belton, Ed, lab, b 1 t5 Welch. B< Iton, (!. I-'., lab, h 166 Wilson. Helton. W. A., carpt, h 305 Arch. Belton, J. I., contr, li 31 1 Arch. I Jelton. Joe, -i ad, h •"> 1 1 Arch. Belton, Spurgeon, elk. h L33 E. Oak. I tennett, I'. T.. lab, h 1 -".7 Haymore. Bennett, Peter, lab, h 145 1 [aymore. Bennett, Riley, lab, h 1 ."» 1 Schafer. Bergron, < >. II.. s c, h 1 88 Taylor. Bermel, John, s <•. bds 17 s S. Main Bernard, W. F... mercht, b 229 Orchard. Bird, J. A., lab, h L30 Price. Bird, I.. O. lab, b L30 Price. 26 When You Want the BEST Groceries and the BEST Service Call the People who are Best Prepared to Serve You CALLAWAY & JACKSON Bird, J. G., lab, h 317 South. Bird, C. C, Lab, h 255 Rockford. Bitting, Mrs. V. E., h 206 S. Main. *Bitting, Sander, lab, h 541 South. Bivens, E. C, atty, rms over 38 S. Main. *Blair, Ruben, lab, h 175 Needmore. Blackburn, Tom. lab, h If. 7 Mill. Blaloek J. T.. foreman, h IDs Orchard. Blizzard. Albert, s c, h 139 Kibler. Blizzard, John, pro dlr. h 5 24South. *Boleon, Delia, cook, h 185 Xeedmore. Bolt, Mrs. W. A., wid, h 4*7 South. Bolt, X. W., lab, h 487 South. Booker, Joe, foreman, h 309 South. Booker, James, stud, h 309 South. Bostic, J. D., flagman, h 218 Franklin. *Bowles, Ed. drayman, h 117 Johnson. Bowman. A. G.. mercht, h 174 Broad. Bowman. Charlie, mercht. h 174 Broad. Bowman, T., lab, h 112 Bolt. Bowman, S. G., lab, h 184 Gallaway. Bowman, John, lab, h 126 Junction. Bowman, Lowrv, s c. bda, h 140 Worth. Bowman, D. C, bkkpr, h 249 Franklin. Bowman, G. A., s c, h 143 Korner. Bowman, Jack, s c, h 143 Korner. Bowman, R. W., foreman, h 234 Rockford. *Bowman, W. T., lab, h 271 Rockford. Bowman, Jasper, lab, h 123 Schafer. Bowman, Walter, lab, h 249 Taylor. Bowman, D. W.. lab. h F. V. H. Boyles, Henry, lab, h 182 Gallaway. Boyd, H. S., policeman, h 152 Taylor. Boyd. W. E.. lab, h 299 X. Main. Brannock, P. C, drayman, h 239 S. Main. 27 Shoes While You Wait Workmanship and Material Guaranteed J. Z. VAUGHN Phone 294 Brannock, Carl, elk, h 239 S. Main. Brannock, .lames, lab, li L69 E. Oak. Brannock, 1!. V., elk, hill Spring. Brannock, Richard, lab, li 111 Spring, Brannock, V. M.. elk, h L26 Bines. Brannock, T. P., lab, li 1 < » < *> Hines. Brannock, I. B., lab, h 139 Hadley. Brannock, \Y. II.. lab, li 101 Junction. Bray, A. M., lab, h 118 Church. I Iraseon, Rhodie, b 535 South. Brimm, S. G., & rtl dlr, h L28 S. Main. Brigga, II. M.. lab, h 227 Rockford. Bridish, .1 im. earpt, li 192 South. Brock, T. \.. tob, b 219 X. Main. Brock, Mrs. M. J., wid, h L28 W. Elm. Brockwell, J. H., s c, h 180 W. Elm. Broders, Joe, s c, bds 307 X. Main. Brooks, John, lab, d h Penn. Brooks, Mariin. lab, b 282 Rockford. Brooks, A. ( !., lab, It li < *» 1 Spring. Brooks, A. M.. lab, d b Marshall. Brooks, <'alvi„. lab, b V. V. II. "Brower, Frank, lab, h 326 Worth. Brown, X. W.. tob, h 307 X. Main. Brown, -I. P., earpt, h L92 South. *Bryant, Ruben, lab, b -V, I South. *Bryant, John, lab, b .". I'.i South. Bumgardner, I.. !•'.. mercht, h 117 South. Bumgardner, .1. \\'.. lab, h 417 South. Bunker, R. .1.. lab., I t2 Rockford. Burgess, A. I .. theater mngr, h 132 Cherry. Burke, W. \\'.. mercht, b L67 Pine. Burke, Jim, elk, b 1 15 Pine. Burke, Katie, elk, b 1 2 1 Pender. Burrus, Lee, lab, h i l:; Hadley. 28 King's Pressing Club East of First National Bank Clothes Called For and Delivered Phone 199 BurruSj Jim, lab, li 143 lladley. Butner, T. F., tel opr, b 513 South. Butcher, Ida, drmkr, h L22 Junction. c. *Caesar, Willie, lab, h 442 Rockford. ■•"Caldwell, Logan, drayman, h 126 Johnson. Callaway, W. P., mereht, h 204 Franklin. Callaway Fletcher, carpt, h 132 Wilson. Callaway, Mrs., wid, h 199 Broad. Callaway, Susan, drmkr, h 199 Broad. Campbell, W. A., painter, h 145 W. Elm. Canter, L. A., lab, h 155 Price. Carroll, J. FL, policeman, h 181 South. Carroll, T. J., lab, h L51 Maple. Carpenter. N. P., fireman, h 624 South. Carpenter, J. W., lab, h 281 S. Main. Carpenter, John, lab, h 137 Korner. Carter. W. F.. atty, h 175 S. Main. Carter, J. H., postmaster, h 175 S. Main. Carter, W. F. Jr., mgr Mt. Airy Tele Co., h 175 S. Main Carter, J. E., stud, h 17.~> S. Main. "Carter, Ellen, cook, h 123 Johnson. < astle, Ernest, lab, h 143 Hay. Castle W. A. B., night watchman, h 143 Hay. Caudle, J. M., s c h 222 Callaway. Caudle, J. F., s e, h 203 Orchard.' ('handler, , draftsman, lids h 100 S. Main. Chandler. Mrs. Mary, wid, h 144 Dobson. Chandler, Willie lab, h 144 Dobson. Chandler, Charlie, lab, h 144 Dobson. Childress, G. IF, lab, h nr 134 Arch. Chilton, Mrs. Ada, wid. h L36 Welch. Christian. W. W.. hank elk. bds 180 Willow. Clarke. John, engr, h 158 Franklin. *Clarke, Nick, lab, h 205 Needmore. 29 We will leave no stone unturned to make the Pot boil CALLAWAY & JACKSON Clifton, P. V.. lab, h 292 South. ( !oble, E. < '.. jeweler, h L50 Hilie-. I oble, William, lab, b 399 Rockford. Cody, G. B., nighl watchman, li l"> v Taylor. ( !ody ; M unsey, lab, b 1 58 Taylor. Cody, Ernest, lab, h L58 Taylor. Coe, W. W.. earpt, b 155 E. Elm. ( !oe, II. I... niacli. h I'.m; Gallaway. Coleman, C. B., lab, b 204 Taylor. ( !olor, A rminta, wid, b 111 I [amburg. Collins, A. V., «-lk. h 129 Wilson. ( '"llin-, M. 11. . in. relit, h 145 I lav. Collins, 1. /.. lab, b 318 Pine. Coltrane, Troy, lab, bds, li 242 Franklin. Combs, Doney, laund, li L33 Hamburg. *Conrad, A. M.. presser, b 174 Xeedmore. Cook, T. J., barber, 1. 309 S. Main. Cook, Mrs. Elizabeth, h 144 Hamburg. Cook, I >. II.. contractor, h nr 204 Willow. '-( \>o|iei\ .ImIih. mason, li nr .'Jiili Worth. ''Cornelius, -lack, lab, h '>'■'>' South. Cosby, W. M.. stud, b 320 Cherry. Council, J. C, butcher, h L66 Rawley. Cox. Albert, lab, h Marshall. *Cox, Mandy, cook, h 2<»i Xeedmore. . J. W., lab, h If,:; Renfro. Crawford, Dave, drayman, h K>7 Xeedmore. < rawford, Patsy, cook, h 118 Mill. Creasy, Mix Walter, wid, b 150 X. Main. < ivvclin. C. C. bkkpr, h is I Rockford. ( Irews, Will, lab, li 1 <'>.-> Spaugh. < Ireed, Mr-. Martha, wid, h L36 Price. Creed, ( '. C, lab, h 136 Price. (ree-l. .1. W.. mercht, h 296 Rockford. Creed, Anderson, farmer, li 312 Rockford. Creed, <>.(.. farmer, h 3 1 2 Rockford. 30 INSURE YOUR HORSE WITH E. F. STONE Agt. for Southern Live Stock Ins. Go. Office Over Bank of Mt. Airy Creed, Jennie, elk, h 312 Rockford. Critz, -Mrs. M. E., wid, h 120 Pine. Critz, G. C, fireman, h 120 Pine. Critz, J. E., lab, h 120 Pine. Critz, Nannie, elk, h 120 Pine. D. *Dabney, George, lab, h 364 Worth. *Dalton, Pleas, lab, h :5s2 Rockford. *Davis. Wash, lab, h 191 Needmore. Davis, J. F., s c, h 141 Renfro. Davis, John, farmer, h 216 S. Spring. Davis, Mrs. J. M., wid, h nr 188 Taylor. Davis, Mai, fanner, h 309 Worth. Davis, John, foreman, h 200 Church. Davis, Mrs. A. K, wid, h 128 Renfro. Davis, C. W., plumber, h 247 Rockford. Davis, Tom, lab, h 145 Worth. Davis, C. E., mercht, h 145 Worth. Davis, William, lab, h 185 Worth. "*Davis, Henry, porter, h 308 Worth. Dawson, Hadley, lab, h 252 Pine. Dean, Robert, drayman, h 112 Orchard. Dean, Charlie, lab, h 128 Factory. Dean, M. L., carpt, h 171 Orchard. Dickerson, W. D., wood car\ 7 er, h 119 Wilson. Diverio, B. D., s c, h 349 X. Main. Dix, J. M., mercht, h 136 Taylor. Dix, W. H., mercht, h 141 Taylor. Dobbins, X. W., mnfr, h 223 Spring. Donald, Mrs. Jane, laund, h 132 Welch. Doss, A. L., mercht, h 181 Hadley. Doss Jim, farmer, h 140 Junction. *Doss, Gabe, lab, h 352 Worth. Drauo-hn, J. J., lab, h 470 South. Driscoll, T. J., s c, h 157 Rawley. 31 I. W. West Drug Company 15 South Main Street Phone 31 Dunnagan, W. E., mercht, a h, or 307 X. Main. Dunnagan, M rs. M. F., wid, b 2 t9 Franklin. Dunnagan, J. 1!.. farmer, h 248 Taylor. Dunman, W. I... elk, b 204 Church. Dunman, W. I... elk, h 204 Church. I (unman, .1. \\\. carpt, li 17 1 ( ihurch. Durham, -I. M., b 222 S. Main. Durning, W. I'.. foreman, b :)<»7 Arch. I )v. r!v. \l. Y.. prop <>f Steam Laundry, bds 139 Moore. E. Earp 3 -I. \\'.. undertaker, h 153 Cherry. Earp, Cora, mgr Five and Ten Cen1 Store, li 153 Cherry. East, E, lab, n h I >urham. *Easter, Rufe, brkman, h 261 ISTeedmore. *Easter, Nannie, cook, b 261 Needmore. *Edmund, Nath, lab, 1 L6 Spring. Edwards, J. A., brkman, li 133 Broad. Edwards, John, lab, b L20 Bolt. Edwards, I. R., elk, b L21 Pender. Edwards, J. W.. lab, h 516 South. Edwards, Lindsey, lab, 342 Worth. Edwards, Jennie, drmkr, li 316 Arch. Ellis, Marvin, depol agt, li 219 Spring. *Ellis, Albert, farmer, h 16 I Granite. Everitt, T. M.. tinner, h L37 Franklin. E^ in. John, s c, li 1 52 ( 'herry. F. Fawcett, Thomas, banker, li 259 X. Main. Fawcett, T. G., bank* r, h L95 X. Main. Fawcett, <!. I>.. banker, cor Main and Rawley. Fergerson, John I*'... porter, h I s " Granite. *Fergerson, Agnes, cook, li I s " Granite. ^Fergerson, Flossie, < k, li L80 Granite. Ferrell, J. M.. fanner, b 272 Worth. 32 Callaway & Jackson Z™L y y :: want to prepare a Quick Meal without much fire. PHONE No. 29 Ferrell. E. J., lab, 276 Worth. Ferrell, Jim. mason, h li".» Hamburg. Finner, W. G., - e, bds 1 -10 Worth. Flemming, F. I-"., a e, h 108 Kibler. Flemming, \V. M., lab, h nr 17!) Gallaway. Fletcher, R. D., lab, h 119 Hadley. Fletcher, Benton, lab, h 115 Hadley. Flixm, L. V., lab, h 112 Factory. Flippin, Dr. J. M., h 162 Cherry. Flippin, Eugene, stud, h 162 Cherry. *Flippin, Meggs, Lab, h 170 Granite. Flowers, G. E., lab, h 135 Renfro. Folger, J. H., atty, h nr 124 Rockford. Folger. W. P.. hank elk, bds J. L. Banner. Folger, R. R., dentist, office 2S S. Main. Forest, R. E., barber, h 137 W. Elm. Foy, E. C. mnfr, h 111 S. Main. Foy, Edward, stud, b 111 S. Main. Foy, J. F., mercht, li 128 Granite. Foy. Will G., farmer, h 149 Franklin. Foy. H. M., elk. h 120 Rawley. *Franee, John, lab, b 53(3 South. :: ' Franklin, Steve, lab, li 205 Xeedmore. ^Franklin, Ella.' cook, b 265 Needmore. "Franklin, Leithy, laund, b 544 South. *Franklin, Troy, lab, b 132 Johnson. Freeman. J. H., carpt, b 187 Granite. Fry, Joe, blksmith, b 125 Needmore. Fulcher, R. H., brkman, bds 242 Franklin. Fulk, S. A., blksmith, h 169 Hadley. Fulk, A., lab, b 104 Depot. Fulk. Joe. supt., b 218 Rockford. Fulton, J. M., fertl dlr. h 186 S. Main. Fulton, ('has., tob, h 186 S. Main. Fulton. J. II.. h 200 S. Main. 3— Mt. Airy 33 Dry Goods and Notions First Class Line of Goods of Value at Lowest Prices Matthews Jackson Co. In I mill ill Pint National Bank Fulton, Winston, bkkpr, b 200 S. Main. Fulton, Grady, typwr agt, h 200 S. Alain, Fulton, I!.. Ial>. li Haymore. G. Gale, T. K.. prop, B. K. I. Gallaway, R. J., mercht, b 281 X. Main. Gallaway, Mr-. Carrie, elk in p o, h ner L24 Rockford. ( lallaway, I vey, lab, h 150 I iroad. Gallaway, Andrew, lab, h 370 Rockford. *Gallaway, W. M.. lab, b 267 Rockford. ( rammons, «J im, lab., b 33 1 S. Main. Gant, Jim, lab, h L48 Broad. ( rant, ( lharlie, carpt, li L20 I [aymore. Gant, Jess, lab, b 1 t8 Broad. Gann, X. C, lab, b 129 Badley. Gardner, John, lab, li 1'">S Hay. Gardner, E. II.. blksmith, li 132 Kibler. Gentry, S. \\\. bkkpr, bds J. L Banners. Gentry, \Y. S.. supt, h 210 Elockford. < reorge, L. < '.. lab, li 164 II Lnes. ( reorge, 1'. A., tob, h l \~2 Moore. George, I. M.. editor, h nr 152 Orchard. G< rge, Critz, instructor, li nr 152 Orchard. George, W. F., editor, b nr 137 Taylor, Gilbert, W. II.. blksmth, b 132 Bines. Gilbert, II. A., blksmth, b 1 is Maple. Gilbert, J. R., blksmth, h 183 Taylor. "Gilbert, Leota, cook, b 125 Mill. Gillespie, Arthur, lab, b 520 South. Gillespie, I . W., a c, b nr L99 Taylor. Gilmer, J. A.. | reacher, h L32 S. Main. Gilmer, Mr-. M. ('.. wid, h 121 Pine. Goard, G. J., lab, h 158 Spaugh. ( roard, -I. M.. carpt, h 1 63 Spaugh. Goard, W. 11.. farmer, b 1">7 Spaugh. 34 G. C. WELCH C. F. MITCHELL WELCH & MITCHELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL General Merchandise Clothing. Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Millinery, Notions, Carpets, Groceries, Feed Stuff, Etc. Phone 15 Goins, J. E., I al >, n h Durham. Goins, John, lab, h 229 S. Main. Goings, R. V., carptj h 135 Newsom. Goings, J. A.. blksmth, h L15 Renfro. Goings, Millard, lab, li 175 Granite. Goin, J. A., lab, h 264 Worth. Goldsmith, A., men-lit, h 200 Pine. Gordon, J. S., lab, h 133 Banner. Gordon, R. L., lab. h 137 Xewsom. •Gordon, Joe, lab, h 104 South. Gordy, S. G., lab, h 180 Church. Graves, B. Y.. trav salesman, h 200 S. Main. Graves, G. O., mnfr, h 220 Pine. Graves, Calvin, mnfr, n h nr 123 Rawley. Graves, S. P., solicitor, h 124 Rockford. Graves, William, insty, h 124 Rockford. Gravely, R. E., lab, h 148 Factory. Gravely, Matt. lab. bds h 120 W. Oak. Greenwood, R. H.. carpt, h 10:] Roberts. Gregory, J. R., ins agt, h nr 178 Orchard. Griffith, J. D., lab, h 141 Banner. Griffith. Samaria, wid, h 13G Welch. Griffith. Martin, lab. h 182 Worth. . Gunter. C. G.. lab, h 102 Roberts. Griffith, E. D., lab, h 167 Mill. Gwvn, C. F., farmer, h nr 422 X. Main. Gwyn, C. W.. lab. h 340 South. "Gwvn, Dock, lab, h 22:] Needmore. *Gwyn, Moriah, cook, h 21!) Needmore. *Gwyn, Macon, lab, h 110 Mill. Gwyn, Joe H. prop of White Sulphur Springs. H. Hadley, J. A., mnfr, h 221 Pine. Hale. S. M.. mercht. h 132 Pender. Hale, J. D., elk, h 132 Pender. 35 Rough Granite Street Curbing Paving Blocks Monuments Mausoleums and Crushed Granite «^> Phone 9 The North Carolina Granite Corporation I W. West Drug Company 15 South Main Street Phone 31 Hale J. G., lab, h 340 South. Hale, W. B., elk, h L36 Pender. Hall, Jim, lab, h L37 Kibli r. ^Hammock, Walter, Lab, h 609 South. ^Hammock, George, lab, h 597 South. ^Hammock, Mandy, Laund, h 597 South. Hampton, Mrs. Jane, wid, h 148 Rockford. ^Hampton, George, lab, b 424 South. Handy, Robt., h 147 South. Hanks. W. G., lab, h L52 Church. Hanks, Robt., lab, h L82 Church. Hanks, G. X.. lab, h 192 Church. Hanks. C. S., h 152 Franklin. J I auk-. Olen, elk, h 152 Franklin. Hanks. Howard, stud, h 152 Franklin. Hannah. E. A., undertaker, h 143 X. Main. ^Harbor, Sarah, laund. h 152 Xeedmore. Ilardie, T. G.. s c, h nr 422 X. Main. Hardy, E. E., lab, h 242 Pine. Harris, Alice. Penn. Harris, 4. W., blksmith, h 120 X. Main. Harris, R. D., blksmith, h 120 X. Main. Harris, F. M., lab, n h Marshall. Harris. W. IT., lab, h 153 Spaugh. Harris. 4. Wes, lab h 277 South. Harris. J. F.. lab, li 277 South. Harris, G. T.. mail carrer, h 188 Willow. ^Harris, L. A., teacher, h 1st; Granite. Harrison, 4. L., mercht, h 225 X. Main. Harrison, 4. G., stud, h 226 X. Main. Harvey, A. D., s c, bds, h L78 S. Main. Hatcher, T. 4).. fanner, h L58 Welch. Hatcher, W. ('.. i> c, h 155 Renfro. Hatcher, Mrs. Charlie, wid. h 155 Renfro. Haughton, Mrs. Lula, wid. h 156 X. Main. 37 G. C. WELCH C. F. MITCHELL WELCH & MITCHELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL General Merchandise Clothing . Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, Millinery. Notions. Carpets, Groceries, Feed Stuff, Etc. Phone 15 'Hatcher, I >;m. lab, h East, Hauser, T. I... mason, li 1<U Junction. Hawks, P. I... in- agt, bds J. I.. Banner. Hawks, 1*. S.. druggst, rms 17 s S. Main. Hawks, Clyde, elk, h 132 Franklin. Hawks, Eugene, elk rms over 11 S. Main. Haymore, C. C, preacher, b 258 X. Main. Haymore, W. B., mercht, h 226 X .Main. Haymore, K. I... atty, li 20] X. Main. Haymore, -I. <).. mechanic, h \7* Orchard. Haymore, -I. ('.. painter, h L83 Taylor. Ilayiics. I. uni. liveryman, h 17<"> Maple. Haynes, Chas., liveryman, h 17<> Maple. Haynes, Calvin, liveryman, h 1<'»<> Maple. Haynes, I. \\\. elk. h 17(» Hines. Haynes, W. T., tob, h L39 Moore. Haynt -. W. S.. tob, h L39 Moore. Haynes, < '. II.. real estate agt, h r.» s Rockford. Haynes. J. B., h L98 Rockford. Haynes, C. V., stud, b L98 Rockford. Hayzee, ( '. T., lab, li 121 Junction. I [ayzee, J. F., lab, b 1 16 .1 auction. Headen, Willam, lab, b 60 1 South. Heath, \V. M.. engr, b 109 Junction. Helton, Lijah, lab, b 224 E. Elm. 1 1 « ■ 1 1 . . t . . Buck, lab b L38 Schafer. Hennis, W. T., farmer, b 152 Wilson. I tennis, ( !i cil, elk, li 1 52 Wilson. Hennis, S. A., pro dlr, b 358 X. Main. Hennis, E. II.. pro dlr, h t22 X. Main. Henshaw, Rowland, - c, bds 1 H» Worth. Herman, I!. < '.. bottler, h L39 < Iherry. Herrell, M. J., lab, b 134 Worth. Higgins, J. A., lab, b 208 Callaway. Hines, Mrs. R. B., widow, h L80 Pine. 38 Callaway & Jackson Fjmpv Prnnorioc A 9 entsforCHASE&SANBORN ' scoFFE:EandTEA rallbj UlUuCMCo THE BEST EQUIPPED STORE IN TOWN Prompt Delivery Phone No. 29 llines, W. I>., rniv salesman, h ISO Pine. Ilines, H. E., stud, h L80 Pine. llines, R E., h 180 Pine. Ilines, R., foreman, li 160 Rockfard. Hill. J. .M.. who mercht, h 180 Willow. Bill, Carroll, elk. li ISO Willow, Hicks. G. ('.. lab, h 316 Arch. Hicks, Sarah, drnikr, h 316 Arch. Hodge, Wilson, carpt, h 113 E. Oak. Hodge, D. M., mercht, h 239 Roekford. Hodge, D. S., pool room, h 114 Moore. Hodge, Chas., electr, h 136 Dixie. Hodge, T. J., nt watchman, h 114 Dobson. Hodge, J. 1)., nt watchman, h 199 Tavlor. Hoffman, 1). E., manfr, h 192 S. Main. Holcomb, F. D., mercht, h 131 Pine. Holcomb, B. V.. farmer, h 166 Pine. Hollingsworth, J. C, lumber dlr, h 142 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Warren, stud, h 142 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Will, stud, h 142 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Cora, wid, h 143 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Jesse, stud, b 143 S. Main. Hollingsworth, W., dentist, h 143 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Dr. R. E., h 1(30 S. Main. Hollingsworth. Mrs. J. M.. wid, h 107 X. Main. Hollingsworth. Mary, stngr, h 167 X. Main. Hollingsworth, Joe, stud, b 107 X. Main. Hollingsworth, Dr. E. M., h 168 S. Main. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Susan, wid, h 100 S. Main. Hooker, J. T., engr. h 4i» S. Main. Hooker. Thomas, nt watchman, h 257 E. Elm. Howard, Erank, mercht, h 107 Wilson. Howard, Hubert, elk. h 107 Wilson. Howard, Lillian, elk, h 167 Wilson. Hudson, J. II.. lab, b 8G0 Sonth. 39 GBORGE V IUII BY, Prei. HOWARD K. BKOWNE. Treas. Mount Airy Granite Cutting Co. 4-Honumcnts, fHausolcumg ant) itfuilbutg <KUorfe Carving For Sculptors a Specialty Mt. Airy, N. C. Cbc /mount &iry Utews ESTABLISHED 1880 J. E. JOHNSON & SON PUBLISHERS The News has been established for thirty-three years and is recognized as the organ of the people of Surry County. By Advertising in The News you reach the best people in this section of North Carolina. ALL KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DONE SEND US YOUR ORDERS *Hughes, Frank, lab, li 1-7 Johnson. *Hughes, Mary, laund, h 127 Johnson. *Hughes, Henry, lab, b 154 Needmore. Hull. E. A., supt.li 245 S. Main. Hull, -Mrs. Martha, wid, h 281 Worth. Hundley, Mrs. John, wid, h 124 Welch. Hundley, Grace, tele opr, h 124 Welch. Husband, T. E., mercht, li 207 Willow. Husband, Dudley, h 207 Willow. . Hutchins, Isaac elk, bds h 231 Pine. I. *Ingram, Dave, lab, h 375 Rockford. *Ingram, Jack, lab, h LOl Rockford. Tnman. R. E., mercht, h 201 X. Main. Imnan. B. IT., s c. h 153 Orchard. *Ivey, Sam. lab, h 122 Johnson. J. Jackson. J. B., foreman, h 022 X. Main. Jackson. AY. E.. mercht. h 220 X. Main. Jackson. W. A., mercht. li 170 Pine. Jackson. J. A., farmer, li 181 S. Spring. Jackson. Reid, elk. rms over 11 S. Main. James. Charlie, eondt, h 257 S. Main. James. Mrs. T. H.. wid, h 268 Worth. Jarrell. H. G.. elk, h nr 17:> Church. Jarrell. J. B.. blksmith, li 2<>7 Church. Jarrell. A. F.. lab, h 122 Renfro. Jarvis. A. M.. canner, h 123 Depot. Jarvis, R. A., lab. n h Durham. * Jarvis, W., lab. h 158 Needmore. *Jarvis, S. W., lab. h 301 Rockford. * Jarvis, Buck, lab. h 120 Spring. * Jarvis, Florence, conk, h 301 Rockford. Jeffries. J. B.. s c. h 125 Lebanon. Jeffries, Jesse, elk. h 125 Lebanon. Jeffries. J. L., s c, h 145 Taylor. Jenkins. J. A., lab, h 405 South. Jenkins. H. T.. lab. li 405 South. Jenkins Mi-. .1. 1).. wid, h Hit; S. Main. Jessup, Georce. lab. h 291 S. Main. Jessup, Florence, tel opr. h 201 S. Main. 41 Jessup, Mecy, tel opr, h 291 S. Main. Jessup, J. I... lab, h qt L92 S. Spring. Jessup, -I. II.. mason, b 256 Needmore. Johnson, W. T., lab, h 134 Broad. Johnson, Joe, lab, li 139 Broad. Johnson, Jeff, lab, li L21 Banner. Johnson, J. I'., mason, 260 S. Main. Johnson, W. ( '.. lab, li t37 South. Johnson, EL EL, lab, h 150 Factory. Johnson, F. <i.. butcher, b 163 ( Iherry. Johnson, I reorge, lab, li 1 s <» Church. Johnson, .Mrs. Tempey, wid, 180 Church. Johnson, W. II.. lab, h 127 Depot. Johnson, A. k'.. lab, h L08 Depot. Johnson, W. M.. printer, h nr 140 Orchard. Johnson, Thomas, lab, h -'M Pine. Johnson, J. E., editor, b L28 Rawley. Johnson, A., supt, b 761 South. Johnson, P. M.. farmer, h 320 Arch. Johnson, Walter, bottler, bds h 126 W. Elm. Johnson, W. P., lab, F. V. II. * Johnson, Tildy, < k, li 192 Needmore. *Johnson, J. S.. lab, b 17 1 Needmore. ^Johnson, Sidney, lab, li -II NTeedmore. Jones, L. 1 >.. contr, h 142 Broad. Jones, W. II.. b c, h 302 S. Main. Jones, S. I'., nr relit, h 172 W. Elm. Jones, D. A., lab, b 221 Orchard. Jones, J. !>.. lab, b 221 Orchard. Jones, W. J., blksmith, li 1 t5 Price. Jones, < '. < '.. lab, li 1 ■"> ,) Spaugh. Jones, Mrs. M. A., h 1 t0 Worth. Jones, Ernest, lab, h 1 l<» Worth. .lone.. II. E., lab, h 160 Eines, Jones, -I . F., engr, h 1 7"'> Sines. Jones, Robt., lab, h 1 7«'> 1 1 ines. Jones, Jesse, lab, h 17<> Sines. Jones, Charlie, lab, h 141 Hamburg. Jones, -I. '1'.. hih. b 1 •■;."> Badley. •loin-. W. M. I... lab, h l 1". Korner. Jones, -I. II.. drayman, h :!»M \. Main. Jones, John, drayman, h L32 Needmore. Jones, K. I... carpt, h 230 ( Orchard. 42 Joins, John, contr, li hetw .Main and Spring, end Broad. Jones, Lacey, lab. h betw Main and Spring, end Broad. *Jones, Csaac, lab, h 117 Worth. * Jones, Sarah, laund, h 122 Spring. Joyce, J. R., lalt. h 4-'! 1 South. Joyce, R. T., h ar 124 Rockford. K. "Kallani. Sam. lab, li 170 Granite. *Kallam, Ida. laun<l. h 229 Needmore. Kapp, E. ('.. bkkpr, li 203 Willow. *Keigler, Oscar, lab, h 12(> Johnson. Key, John, lab, h L33 Newsom. Key, J>. A., foreman, h 120 Granite. King 1 . W. ft., pressor, h 120 Moore. King, W. G.. Lab, h 128 Roberts. King, T. II.. preacher, h nr 134 Arch. *King, Sarah, cook, h 170 Granite. *King, Richard, lab, h 170 Granite. Knight, J. W., jeweler, h 120 Hines. Koehtitzkv, E. 1L. mnfr, h nr 200 Pine. Kolh. R. X., phar. bds h 100 S. Main. L. Lamb. Vermont, mereht, h 124 Wilson. *Lampkins, Henry, restaurant, h 232 Xeedmore. *Lampkins, Lnmmie, wid, h 200 Granite. Lang, James, s c, bds h 178 S. Main. Langford, R. L., lab, h 13:3 Wilson. *Lawrence. C. C, lab, h 300 Worth. Lawson, J. W., lab, L 142 Welch. Leach, Clarke, moving; picture opr, rais over 45 S. Main. Leach, Mrs. E. M.. wid. h 193 Sonth. -Leak. Will. lab. h 420 Rockford. *Leak. Grover. janitor, h 430 Rockford. *Leak, Anna, lannd, h 430 Rockford. Ledford, I). ().. lab. h lie. 1 1 ay more. Ledford, J. W.. lab. h 128 Haymore. Lemmerman, J. A., stone mnfr, h nr tank X. Main. *Lennon, Sam. lab, h 589 South. Leonard, R. H., jeweler, h 180 Franklin. Lewis. W. M.. tob, h 320 Cherry. Lewis, John. lab. h 242 Franklin. 43 A'. //. Wrenn, /'resident A. G. Webb, Sec'yTreas. Granite Mercantile Company Incorporated 1W0 Wholesale Grocers No Goods Sold to Consumers Tobacco. Snuff anil Cigars Canned Goods, Meal and Flour Oldest Wholesale Grocery Store in Town I)H. E. M. IIOLLINGSWORTH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE i OPPOSITE PEOPLES DRUG STOKE oil ICE PHONE -20-U RESIDENCE PHONE 2<M» THE TIMES-LEADER Succeeds the 7:7/7// rimes and the Ml. Airy Leader Largest Circulation of Any Paper in this Section of the State <J // will strive for the upbuilding ofMt. Airy and the surrounding country. (| Republican in politics, but it will always stand for the educational, moral, and material uplift of the country. Q It has a well-equipped Job Department. Send your orders to The Times - Leader office. Work done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. ■'Lewis. John, lab, h L97 N^eedmore, Leys, John, s c h 1 ( .' ( .» Lebanon. Limes, Jonas, lab, li L37 Price. Lineback, J. ().. drayman, li L81 Willow. Lineback, Sandy, lab, h 112 Factory. Lineback, Joe, lab, n li 1 hirham. Lineback, Mrs. Mandy, h 242 Franklin. Lineback, V. \\\. lab, n h, nr 301 Rockford. Lineback, Harvey, mach, h 273 Worth. *Long, Stephen, lab, b 565 South. Lowe. T. P., farmer, li L45 NTeedmore. Lovill, G. C. mercht, bds 1 S. Main. Lovill, J. \V.. mercht, bds 1 S. .Main. Lowe. R. F., lab, h 303 South. Lowe. J. L., lab, li 193 Granite. Lowry, A. F., bkkpr, li 142 Korner. Lowry, J. D., printer, li 142 Korner. Lowry, T. J., lab, h 235 Rockford. Lowry, T. J., bkkpr. h 341 South. Lowry, J. E.. lab, h 341 South. Lowry, J. W., lab, h 147 Korner. Lowry, Tom, lab, h 277 South. *Lucus, Jim, brkmn, li 174 Granite. Lundy, C. E., mercht, h 123 Rawley. M. Maleik, Carl, s c, h 307 X. Main. Marion, John, druggist, h 225 X. .Main. Marion, ('. R., lab, h nr 332 South. .Marshall, John, painter, h 302 Pine. Marshall, ('. L., mercht, h 266 Rockford. Marshall, S. ().. mercht. h 274 Rockford. Marshall, W. M., lab, h 425 South. Marshall, T. M., mechanic, h 341 South. Marshall, R. M., elk, h 222 Factory. .Marshall. S. E., mnl'r. li L55 Tine. Marshall. G. F., auto agt, h L55 Pine. Marshall, R. K.. carpt, h 261 Pine. Massey, G. T., blksmith, h 182 Taylor. Massey, O. T.. mach. h nr 188 Taylor. Massey, Carl, mach. h nr 188 Taylor. Massey, Roy, chauf, h nr 188 Taylor. Massey, J. T.. blksmith. h 45 Massey, Wiley, lab, h 375 Worth. Martin, Winfield, lab, b or 171 Broad. Martin, J. W., elk, h 359 X. Main. Martin, .1. A., fertl dlr, b L22 Maple. Martin, 1'. C, lab, b 521 South. •■Martin, Martha, cook, b .".."••'. South. Martin, Edna, laund, h 556 Smith. .Matthew.-. I-'.. .1.. mercht, b 1 1"> Pine. Matthews, -I. -F. baker, b L26 Moore. \ I : i j 1 1 1 . B, Henry, lali. h 1 1:2 Rockford. Mayberry, Birt, lab, h 129 Needmore. Mays, Richard, blksmith, b L32 Eines. McCargo, T. I;., mnfr, b 213 X. Main. McCargo, T. I). Jr., mnfr, h 213 X. Main. *McClennon, Joe, lab, h 390 \l< ekford. *McClennon, George, lab, h 390 Rockford. *McClennon -Inc. Jr., brkman, h :i"> s Worth. McCoin, II. 15.. blksmith, h 220 Orchard. Met lollum, .1. D.. farmer, h 1 l'.» Franklin. *McCollum, Perry, brkman, h 221 Needmore. *McCollum, Jennie, laund, b 221 fcfeedmore. McCollum, Sam. lab, h l".><> Rockford. McCraw, M. II.. lab, h L25 depot. Mclntire, M. II.. lab, h His Rockford. Mcintosh, G., a c, h L34 Arch. McKenzie, Alexander, a c, l>«ls h nr 422 X. Main. McCoy, Will, lab, h Durham. McMillion, Will, carpt, h 321 Worth. McMillon, A. C., lab, h L36 Gallaway. McMillan. I.. K.. bkkpr, hill Maple. ■•'McXalK . Ann. bouse maid, h 528 South. McNight, s. A., lab, h F. V. II. McWilliams, John, - c, b 299 E. Elm. McNeill, .lain.-, lab, b 255 Needmore. Melton, Carden, lab, b 228 Taylor. Melton, Mrs. AJbert, wid, h 288 Taylor. Merritt, W. F.. mercht, h 206 X. Main. Merritt, A. IF. h L98 X. Main. Merritt, < Iscar, stud, b 206 X. Main. Merritt. C. R., mnfr, h L03 Maple. Merritt. Haywood, mercht. h nr 1 ."» 1 Lebanon. Meyers, Fannie, h 171 F. ( )ak Meyers, Aisbery, mail carrier, h 1 36 X. Main. 46 Midkiff, John, elk, h L79 Orchard. Midkiff, W. II., dk, h L27 Worth. Midkiff, W. 1-'.. incn-hi. b L27 Worth. Minick, J. D., coal dealer, h 275 X. Main. Mitchell, C. F.. mercht, h L79 Welch. Mitchell, Roy, stud, h L79 Welch. Mitchell, Oscar, la!., b 242 Franklin.' Mitchell, Laura, wid, h 229 Orchard. ♦Mitchell, Porter, lab, b 607 South. -.Mitchell. Budd, lab, h 118 Mill. ♦Mitchell, Mollie, laund, h lis Mill. ♦Mitchell, Oscar, lab, h 612 South. •■'Mitchell. Laura, laund. h 251 Need more. ♦Mittman, Rich, lab, h 613 South. Monday, J. T., mercht, h 176 Taylor. Monday. Mattie, elk. h 176 Taylor. Monday. Annie, elk, h 176 Taylor. Monday, Oscar. Federal service, h 153 Taylor. Monday, W. I., elk, h 152 Orchard. Monday, J. E., elk, h 112 Lebanon. Moody, W. B., lab, n h Durham. Moody, T. G., lab, h Durham. Moody, Howard, lab, h Durham. Moore. Richard, lab, h 114 Bolt. Moore, J. R., h 214 S. .Main. Moore, J. T., ex agt, h 212 Pine. Moore. W. ('., h 195 Rockford. Moore, Ivan, ins agt, h 195 Rockford. Moore, L. P., hotel elk, 1 S. Main. Moore, K. T., lab, n h nr 169 Had lev. Moore, W. II.. s c, h 139 E. Oak. Moore, M. D.. trav salesman, h L81 Fine. Moore, R. L., lab, h m- Southern depot. Moore, J. R.. lab, h 132 Renfro. Moore. J. A., lab, h 343 Rockford. Moore. O. EL, photographer, h 104 Franklin. ♦Moore, Jim, lab, h 238 Needmore. * Moore, J. H., lab, h 250 Needmore. Morefield, M. M., lab, h 143 Korner. ♦Morrison, Joe, lab, h 327 Worth. Moser. John, lab, h 125 Iladlev. Moser, E. T., lab, h F. V. IT. Motley, William, plumber, h 126 W. Oak. 47 mice Suits a Specialty WILL BUY ALL GRADES OF HARDWOOD LUMBER Mount airy furniture Company National Furniture Co. Manufacturers of High Grade Furniture We Buy All Grades of Hardwood Lumber For Quality and Prices Trade with Cy. E. Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Chop, Flour. Hay, Corn and All Kinds of Feed Stuff. When it is not convenient for you to call personally, phone your order. Prompt attention will be given and immediate delivery made. Thanking you for past favors, I beg to remain. Yours for Groceries, C. E. DxVVIS, THE GROCERYMAN Phone 43 Mount Airy, N. C. Murphy, Mrs. Bettie, wid, h. 184 Franklin. Murray, J. J., mercht, h 27<i S. Main. Muse, P. D.. mecht, h 147 Cherry. N. Nicholson, Robert, lab, b L60 Broad. X immocks, Q. EL, express elk, mis 68 S. Main. Norman, P. II.. lab, h 117 Broad. Norman, Ernest, carpt, h 296 Pine. Norman, J. F., lab, h 411 South. Norman, John, lab, h 277 Spring. Norman, J. II., mail carrier, h 216 Orchard. Norman, \Y. A., mnfr, h 240 Pine. Norman, W. ('.. barber, h 138 Renfro. Norman, W. M., carpt. h 873 South. Norman, Joe barber, h 170 Welch. Norman, William, lab, h 343 Worth. Nutt, J. B., bkkpr, h nr Tank. N. Main. 0. Oakley, J. R., lab, h 517 South. Okennor, W. T., s c, h 136 Korner. Oneal, W. D., brkman, h 184 Franklin. Oneal, L. J., lab, h 135 Hay. Overby, H. S., lab, h 155 Junction. Overby, Dock, lab, h 126 Marshall. Overby, J. A., lab. h 122 Marshall. Owens, William, blksmith, h 338 N. Main. Owen, P. A., foreman, b 195 Broad. Owens, Mrs. Mary, wid, 303 S. Main. Owens, Sevellin, elk, h 303 S. Main. Owens, Will, lab, h 156 Welch. Owen-, Sandy, lab, h L25 Worth. Owens, Jesse, lab, b L25 Worth. P. Pace, S. G.. liveryman, h L24 Franklin. Pace, S. W., h 124 Franklin. *Pace, Burt, laund, h 150 Xceclmore. Paddison, J. P.. h 173 Pine. *Palmer, John, lab, h 114 Hadley. Parker, G. B.. a c, h 141 Worth. Parks, D. I)., mgr. commissary, b 1 1 .'• Mines. 4-Mt. Airy 49 Parker, M. I... - c, b 273 Spi ing. Patterson, M. F., lab, b L55 Hadley. Patterson, Ed, cashier, S. RR., b L97 Franklin. Patterson, Morris, fireman, b 197 Franklin. Patterson, J. R., tob, b 136 VV. Elm. Patterson, J. M., condr, h 307 N. Main. Patterson, W. A., painter, b L31 Price. Paul, -I. R., foreman F F. b L43 Broad. Payne, Sieve, lab, b 248 Fine. Peach, Frank, s <•. li L57 Rawley. Peele, .1. W.. lab, n b Marshall. Peele, C. W.. lab, h 296 South. Peele, S. J., mercht, b 282 South. Penn, 'I', (i.. contractor, rms over 38 S. Main. I'eiin. M !•>. Elobert, h 1 H Moore. Fem,. Ernest, lab, h 286 Rockford. I'enn. John, b 286 South. Perkins, Mrs. Robert, wid, h L78 Welch. Phillips, s. V.. lab, b :•;:; South. PhiUips, Robert, s c, h 343 X. Main. Pickett, S. R., lab. h 222 Church. Pike, I. L., lab, h Marshall. Pike, Mrs. Martha, laund, n h Marshall. M'ii.nix. Taylor, lab, h 414 South. *Pinnix, W. F.. lab, h L93 Wilow. Poore, F. M., niereht. h 1 li' Wilson. Poore, F. M. Jr., elk, h 1 t2 Wilson. Poore, Roy, elk, h L42 Wilson. Poore Mrs. Sallie, wid. h l'.~>-'! Worth. Po re. Fred, lab h li'<; W. Oak. Poore, W. W.. lab, h L3] Junction. Poore, -F A., lab, h 158 Broad. Poore, Jim, lab, h 1 L6 Worth. Poore, F. < '.. mercht, h 1 7 I Franklin. Poore, A. 'I'., lab, h L31 I [amburg. Poore, Sam, lab, h 1 •"> 1 Hamburg. Po re, Frank, presser, h L58 Junction. Poteat, C. C, lab, h L64 Spaugh. Portiss, F. M., lab, h L76 W. Elm. Powell, Thomas, a «•. bds 307 X. Main. Powell, J. <;.. engr, b 156 Rockford. Prather, Mrs. -I. IF. wid. b 1T."» X'. Main. Prather, W. .1.. b 17:. X. Main. 50 Prather Mrs. J. W., wid, h L53 N. Main. Prather, J. F.. mecht, h L53 N. Main. Prather, Chas., elk, h 153 X. Main. *Prather, Jesse, drayman, h IT-*'. Needmore. Preston, P. 11.. h L90 Franklin. Price, D. V., preacher, h L65 Orchard. Pruitt, S. II.. drayman, h 253 Pine. Puckett, Jube, lab, h i:.l Mill. Puckett, Mrs. W. II.. wid, h 175 Church. Q. Quesinberry, G. \V.. lab, h 130 Gallaway. Quesinberry, A., elk, h L98 Orchard. Quesinberry, Arnold, mercht, li 198 Orchard. R. Raiff, I., mercht, h L96 Willow. Rattie, Bernhardt, s c, h 110 South. Rector, B. W., h 140 Rawley. Reece, R. W., dentist, h 241 X. Main. Reece, J. R., lab, h 140 Maple. *Reece, Mandy, cook, h 192 Xeedmore. Reed, II. W., h 165 Rawley. *Reeves, Lucy, cook, h 181 Xeedmore. Reid, James, s c, h 209 Orchard. Reynolds, J. K., h 147 X. .Main. Reynolds, Will, lab, h 262 S. Main. ^Reynolds, Blanche, drayman, h 283 Rockford. *Reynolds, Tom, h 222 Needmore. Rhode. T. T.. foreman, h 139 Depot. Richardson. J. M., lab, h 132 Broad. Riddle, F. F., s c, h 254 Rockford. Puddle, Freelie, lab, 126 Kibler. Rierson, Mrs. Florence, wid, h 224 Rockford. Riggan, R. K, lab, h 140 Factory. Roberson, Matt, lab, h 441 South. Roberson, G. C, lab, h 152 Factory. Roberson, W. G., lab, n h Durham. Roberson, J. C, painter, h 201 Granite. Roberson, J. 0., lab, h 165 Price. Roberts. O. W., elk, h Durham. Roberts. T. D., contr, h 13S Ilaymore. Roberts, Howard, farmer, n h Poplar. 51 LEMMERMAN&HOFFMAN GRANITE CO, Spectator in fHonumtnts, 4HatuEolemraS anb IButlbing Atones PHONE 9 DR. THOMAS B. ASHBY OFFICE OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK Office phone 49 Residence phone 60 General Practitioner and Always Supplied with the Very Latest Scientific Remedies C D. JARVIS STRICTLY WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS MAIN STREET PHONE 297 Roberts, W. I!., farmer, n h, Poplar. *Eoberts, John, lab, h 286 Rockford. *Roberts, A. 1-:.. lab, h 286 Rockford. Roberts, Dick, elk, h nr 1 fc5 ffaymore. Robinson, I . I... engr, h 215 Franklin. Robinson, Adrian, stud, h 2 1 5 Franklin. Rogers, W. II., jeweler, h 296 Pine. Rose, J. L., mail carrier, n li .Marshall. Rose, John, lab, b 39 1 South. Rosenthal, R., elk, h L96 Willow. Rothrock, P. S.. marble carver, b L27 Pender. S. S.i met. M., repairer, h L22 W. Oak. Samuels, Tom G., liveryman, li 1 .">^ Franklin. Sargeant, J. D., stone mnfr, h 114 Rawley. Sargent, Raymond, s c, h 114 Rawley. Saunders. Fletcher, elk. bds 231 Pine. Saunders, VV. D., carpt, b 295 \. Alain. Saunders, Martha, elk, h 295 X. Alain. Saunders, W. R., assl p. m., h 201 Church. Sawyers, E. R., elk. h 148 Orchard. ■■Sawvers. Budd, lab, h :;. >7 Worth. *Sawyers, Belle, laund, h 200 Granite. Satterfield, Mrs. Mary, wid, h 222 Orchard. Satterfield, T. F., mercht, h 219 Spring. "Scales, Annie, cook, h 257 Needmore. *Scales. Sid, lab, h 297 Rockford. ^Scales, George, lab, h 257 Needmore. *Scales, Tobe, lab, h V>i\ Needmore. Schaub, Mrs., wid. h 118 S. Main. Schaub, J. W.. wend shop, h 257 Franklin. Schaub, Ashhv. blksmith, h 257 Franklin. Schafer, EL, real estate agt, b 177 Franklin. Scott, T. M., lab, h 245 Franklin. Scott, E. S., foreman, b 1M Granite. Seal. Fred, druggist, h L34 Lebanon. Seal, Mrs. Lizzie, wid, h 112 Wilson. S frerlen, C. K.. draftsman, bds 1 S. Main. Sei wald, E. ( !., s c, h Lebanon. Shelton, C. A., depot agt, h L50 S. Main. Shelron. W. P.. S c h 1 l."» Mineral. Shelton, L. S., carpt, h 17 1 Junction. 53 Shelton, \V. G., condt, b 114 Pender. Shelton, Richard, painter, hill Pender. Shelton, Mrs. W. I;., wid, h 239 Franklin. Shelton, C. 0., ehauf, b 239 Franklin. Shelton, C. B., fireman, h 239 Franklin. Shelor, Benry, b F. V. II. Sheppard, W. I... trav salesman, li 1">1 Pine. Shirrefs, John, a c, li 196 Taylor. Shoemaker, Guss, lab, li L69 Renfro. Short, A. M.. supl of streets, li 1 !•'! Lebanon. Shoemaker, A. < '.. lab, h 238 E. Oak. Short, X. P., farmer, b L09 Orchard. Short. R. 1!.. trav salesman, h li'l Orchard. Shutter. George, s c, Ixl- li L40 Worth. Siceloff, Mrs. M. I'., wid, b L07 S. Maple. Siceloff, Conrad, foreman, h 107 S. .Maple. Si,!, s, Mrs. A. E., wid, h 1 t9 Rawley. Sides, o. I)., tnach, h 1 in Rawley. Sides, Walter, niaeli. h 14i» Rawley. Smith, .1. D.. mercht, b 242 N. .Main. Smith. .1. I). Jr., stud, li I'll' N. Main. Smith. I-'. I... mercht. h L85 Rockford. Smith. .1. II.. lab, h 395 Smith. Smith. Jim. lab, b :: , .»:» South. Smith. R. M.. mercht, li 17."> Willow. Smith. A. M.. mnt'r. h l.YI Worth. Smith. I). ('.. elk, h L80 Worth. Smith. B. ( '.. lab, h Durham. Smith. A. E., mnt'r. h L68 Franklin. Smith. Raymond, stud, b L68 Franklin. Smith. /. 'I'., tob, h L39 Mines. Smith. Eugene, bkkpr, h 1 ■">'.• I line-. Smith. .1. T.. elk, li I'itT X. Main. Smith. Edgar, fireman, h 303 X. .Main. Smith. Meek, 3 c, h 343 X. Main. Smith. R. II.. elk. h l Ki Orchard. Smith. Annie, laiiml. li 122 South. "Smith. Ellen, laund, h 244 NTeedmore. '■Smith. Cora, cook, li 177 Needmore. Smith. Martha, laund, h 177 Needmore. ■'Smith. Mentola, laund, h 177 Needmore. Smith. Minnie, laund, h 177 Needmore. Smith. Tom. lab, h or 1 •*'>•'' ( S-allaway. 54 Smithwick, T. J., machinist, h L97 Tine. Snow. J. F.j lab, h l-">7 Banner. Snow, J. A., mail clerk, h 231 Spring. Snow, A. J., lab, h 252 Worth. Snow, Iredell, lab, h 252 Worth. Sommers, -Mrs. Sallie, wid, h 148 Rockford. Snow. J. \V.. painter, li nr 208 Hadley. Spain. W. E., a e, bda h 297 S. Main! Sobotta, John, mnfr, h 200 Pine. Sparger, A. L.. mercht, hill Hamburg. Sparger, J. B., mgr Sparger Orchard ('".. h 177 Rockford. Sparger, R. W., stud, h 177 Rockford. Sparser, B. F.. tob, h 163 Franklin. Sparger, M. II.. ins agt, h L53 Franklin. Sparger, Mrs. G. W., h 214 Franklin. Sparger, Helen, ins agt, h 214 Franklin. Sparger, George, elk, h 214 Franklin. Sparger, Guy, carpt, bds li 231 Pine. Sparger, Mrs. J. L., wid, h 126 W. Oak. Spaugh, Airs. Surah, wid, li 2:57 E. Oak. Speas, F. L, carpt, li 188 Gallaway. Spenser, Matt, carpt, h 24!) E. Elm. Sprinkle, Minnie, h 130 Junction. Sprinkle. W. T., flagman, h Durham. Sprinkle, J. L.. lab, h 302 South. Stack, G. A., mach, h 462 Rockford. Stanley, Hiram, lumber dlr, h 137 Orchard. Starling, A. II.. blksmith, li 285 W. Elm. Starling, E. J., cobbler, h 293 F. Elm. Steele, W. L., mechanic, h 114 Church. Stemple, P. C, lumber dlr, h 123 S. Main. Stone, Luther, elk, h nr 175 Church. Stone, Ed, ins agt, bds, 231 Pine. Stratton, James, s c, h 175 Eenfro. Stronick, James, h 127 Mineral. Stuart. A. F.. butcher, h 260 Pine. Stuart, S. C. restaurant, h 132 Franklin. Stuart, H. P.. butcher, h L04 Hines. *Stuart, Salem, lab, h 229 Needmore. *Stuart, H. H., carpt, h 133 Johnson. *Stuart, S., cook, h 186 Haymore. *Stuart, Joe, lab, h 555 South. Stuart. Mary, laund, h East. 55 COAL COAL COAL We handle none but the best grades of coal for all uses. Our prices are as low as is consistent with good business and the quality of coal handled. Let us have your order and be convinced. If you have had trouble with your stove, grate or furnace in your house, let us solve the trouble for you. We supply the largest users in the town including both — DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL C.A.SHELTON Sydnor, W. (i.. real estate and insl agt, h 266 X. Main. Sydnor, Kyle, stud, li 266 X. Main. T. Talley, W. S., carpt, h 1 •; 1 Mill. Taylor, E. F., mercht, h L68 Banner. Taylor, J. R., stud, h L89 S. .Main. Taylor, K. M.. preacher, h L89 S. .Main. Taylor, Wesley, stud, h L89 S. Main. Taylor, W. S., Doctor, h L32 Granite. Taylor, Mrs. ( '. F., wid, li L35 Lebanon. Taylor, W. R.., carpt, li 135 Lebanon. Taylor. Pearle, tele opr, li L35 Lebanon. Taylor. J. S., mercht, li 277 South. Taylor, E. M., chief police, li 139 Wilson. Taylor, T. W., lab, h L86 Eines. Taylor. W. M.. mason, h L92 I lines. Taylor, G. L., liveryman, b 121 Maple. Taylor, T. L.. drayman, h 323 Pine. Taylor, Jim, lab, h 332 South. Taylor. A. J., lab, h 532 South. Thacker, Jim, s c, h 284 Worth. Thacker, George, lab, h 161 Hadley. Thacker, Will? lab. h 161 Hadley. Thacker, Peter, lab, h 161 Hadley. Thacker, Robt, lab, h 161 Hadley. Thomas, R. L., cobbler, h 62 S. Main. Thomas. W. W., mercht, h 109 Him s. Thomas, S. L., lab, h 128 Factory. Thompson, J. D., mercht, h 214 N. Main. Thompson, T. J., foreman, h 166 Willow. Tompson, Claude, transfer, bds h 131 Pine. "Thompson, Eli, lab, h 675 South. Throer, J. X.. lab, h 175 Granite. Throer. W. L., lab, h 147 Mill. Tickle, William, lab, h 177 Price. Tickle. Budd, lab, F. V. H. Ticklevs, W. F., carpt, h i:il Schafer. Tilley, J. D.. lab, h 156 Broad. Tilley, W. II.. lab, h 156 Broad. Tilley, Walter, lab, h 130 Broad. Tilley, A. E., civil service, h 129 W Elm. Tilley, H.. h 129 W. Elm. 57 Tilley, C. I'-.. carpt, b 204 Taylor. Till. V. Millard, lab, h L29 W. Elm. Tilley, Garfield, elk, b 129 W. Elm. *Tillery, R. I... preacher, b 1 L0 South. *Titline, Lula, cock, h 353 Worth. . <■. Arthur, lab, h 1 i' s Factory. Triplett, W. A., b or 224 Rockford. Trotter, A. G., b 209 Franklin. Tucker, E. D., lab, b 608 South. Tucker, G. G., tra> salesman, h L99 Rockford. *Tucker, C. A., blksmith, b 208 Needmore. *Tuggle, Caroline, cook, h 136 Broad. Turlington, I. T.. supl of G. School, h qt L24 Rockford. Turlington, Lee, stud, h qt 124 Rockford. Turlington, Edgar, stud, h hr 124 Rockford. Turner. J. I., lab, li ar 565 South. V. Valentine, John, lab, h L18 Wilson. :; Valentine, Susan, laund, h nr 414 Rockford. Vaughn, Claudie, laund, h 179 Needmore. Vaughn, J. /.. cob, b 302 Rockford. Vaughn, V. S., lab, li 168 Junction. Vernon, A. J., lab, •'!'.»"> South. W. Wagoner, Ray, drayman, h L20 Banner. Wagons p, Ed, fireman, h nr l'77 South. Wagoner, Miles, lab, h F. V. II. Wagoner, A. P.. mercht, h 208 Badley. *Walker, Will, blksmith, b 560 South. *Walker, Tom. drayman, h H3 Rockford. *Walker, Tom Jr., lab, 1; U3 Rockford. Wall, Walter, brkman, h 242 Franklin. Warren, S. II.. lab, h nr 343 Rockford. Watson, R. W., tob, h 133 Rockford. Watson, John, elk, b 189 Willow. Watson, C. W.. - c, h 125 Wilson. Webb, Mi I ward, lab, n h, nr I >epot. Webb, A. <;.. who mercht, li III Orchard. Webb, ( !. I!., carpt, li 1 !!• Orchard. Webb, E. J., carpt, h 225 Orchard. W. bster, P. D.. elk, h 297 S. Main. 58 Webster, Chas., cob, b 302 S. Main. Webster, J. II., lab. h ar L56 Welch. Webster, B. P., lab, F. V. II. Welborn, A. W., lab, n h Marshall. Welch, G. ('.. mercht, h L93 Church. Welch, G. E., elk, h L93 Church. Welch, E. D.. carpt, li 1"'" Junction. Welch, W. P.. elk, h 14!» Pine. *Wells, P. I., preacher, h 585 South. West, 1. W., druggist, rms over 13 S. .Main. Westmoreland, 11. R., carpt, n h Poplar. White, J. C, colt. h .,1,1 Town Hall, cor Main and Franklin. White, S. J., lab, h 141 Price. Whitlock, ^Irs. Iris, wid. bds h L39 Moore. Wiley, Mrs. Fannie, h L32 1 1 ay more. "Wilkerson. Andrew, lab, li 157 Needmore. Williams, J. A., s c, h L38 Kibler. Williams, C, lab, h 121 Roberts. AVilliams, Carl, lab. h 121 Roberts. Williams. Steve, elk. h 126 W. Oak. •■Williams, Ed, eobbler, h 21.3 Xeedmore. Williamson, Barnett, s c, h 197 Lebanon. Williamson, George, s c, h 1!>7 Lebanon. Williamson. John, blksmith, h 197 Lebanon. Williamson, B. H., bkkpr, h 220 Pine. Willie, Ed, lab. li 191 Xeedmore. Willis, W. H.. preacher, h 146 Franklin. -Willis, J. G., lab. h 621 South. Wilson. Eugene, farmer, h 4<>;> S. Main. . Wilson, Cutler, barber, bds Central Hotel. Wilson. R. J., lab. h 110 Hamburg. Witt. 11. T., brkmason, h 133 Eini s. Witr. J. F.. s c, h 133 Llines. Wolf, Henry, p. o. elk, h 155 Pine Wolfe, F. f.. bkkpr, h L27 W. Elm. Woltz, Dr. J. L.. h 132 Rawley. Wood. P. IL. lab, h 12!) Roberts. Wood. W. W.. pro dlr, h L32 Wilson. Wood, Emmett, blksmith, h 265 Worth. Woodhonse, Ed, elk. rms over 13 S. Mail.. Woodruff. John, lab, h 114 Hines. Woodruff. Thomas, stone innfr, h 249 X. Main. Woodruff, George, stone mnfr. h 249 X. Main. 59 The Surry County Loan and Trust Go. MT. AIRY, N. C. CAPITAL $25,000.00 This Company will Administer Estates. Acts as Executor of Wills, either alone or jointly. Will serve as Guardian of Minors. Will lend money on improved real estate. Will pay 4 ' > per annum interest on Time Deposits. W. F. CARTER, President J. M. FULTON, Vice-President GEO. D. FAWCETT, Secretary and Treasurer MARSHALL WAGON WORKS GO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE WAGONS AND BUGGIES It will Pay You to See Us Before Making Your Purchase Repair Work of All Kinds a Specialty Callaway & Jackson Carry the Celebrated "Sunbeam" Line Distributed by One of New York's Best Grocery Houses Phone No. 29 Woodruff, Frank, architect, b 249 X. Main. Worrell, Curts, elk, h 153 Orchard. Worth, .Mrs. J. L., wid, h 216 S. Spring. Worth, W. Y., farmer, h 202 S. Spring. Wrenn, E. II., who merchant, h 14-8 Rawley. Wrenn, Lucian, stud, h 148 Rawley. Wright, J. II. Lab, h 149 Hadley. Wright, R E., lab, h 127 Depot. Wright, I). W., lab, h 112 Roberts. Wyrick, Chas., lab, h 229 Franklin. Wyrick, D. V.. Lab, h 105 Junction. Y. Yokley, O. II., shp elk, h 203 Franklin. Yokley, J. A., mnfr, h 185 Franklin. Yokley, Jim, lumber dlr, h 185 Franklin. York, Mrs. Emma, wid, h 129 Broad. York, Frank, lab, h 129 Broad. York, Clarke, Lab, h 129 Broad. York. Grady, lab, h 129 Broad. York, I. B.,' mach, h 327 South. York, Marvin, carpt, li nr 180 Church. York, Ivan, farmer, h 233 Worth. Young, Bettie, laund, li 10G Ilines. " Young-. S. L., preacher, h nr 16 1 Granite. Yow, J. C, lab, h 154 Broad. 61 W. E. Merritt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Thoae a ark<-'l I * i colored. Advertising Agents Billiard and Pool Boom Parks' Advertising Co. d. S. Hodge, 34 s Main. Architects D. H. Cook, office over 12 s Main. Frank Woodruff, 2 19 n Main. Attorneys E. C. Bivens, office over 38 s Main. W. F. Carter, office over 36 sMain. .1. II. Folger, office over 6 s Main. S.P.Graves, office over 43 s. Main. It. L a Haymore, office over 14 s Main. Baggage and Transfer. Robert Dean, 112 Orchard. W. S. Pace, 124 Franklin. ♦Blanche Reynolds, 283 Rockford. *I)ave Crawford, 157 Needmore. 'Jesse Prather, 17:: .Wedmore. *Ed Bowles, 117 Needmore. Dock Gwyn, h 223 Needmore. Bakers. Howard's Bakery, 108 Franklin. Banks. First National Bank, 24 s Main. Bank of Mt. Airy, 13 s Main. Surry County Loan and Trust Trust Co., :' I s Main. Barber Shops R. E. Forest, 41 s Main. Badgett & Cook, 59 a Main. Norman Barber Shop, 31 b Main. E. !•:. Hardy, 166 South. *Dave Crawford, nr l.">7 Need- more. Bicycle Shops C. H. Hodge. 16 s Main. \V. L, Steele, 60 s Main. Blacksmith Shops W. H. Gilbert, nr 121 Needmore. Gilbert & Jarrell Repair Shop, nr 121 Needmore. Harris Bros., 121 Needmore. Massey Bros., 348 n Main. Boarding Houses The Brown House, 307 n Main. Mrs. J. L. Sparger, L26 w Oak. Mrs. [dandy Lineback, 242 Franklin Mrs. M. A.. .Jones, 1 10 Worth. R, J. Banks, 231 Pine. * Jesse Prather, 173 Needmore. R. K. Marshall, 261 Pine. Booksellers and Stationers J. W. Creed, Book Store, 67 s Main. Bottlers— Soft Drinks Mount Airy Bottling Works, 111 Moore. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Works, 110 Needmore. Bnildlng Material I. C. Hollingswortli. nr 285 Pine. T. B. HeCargO & Son, 256 Frank- lin. Banner Mfg. Co., 320 Pine. Cabinet Makers W. \Y. Lowry, Cabinet Shop, 475 South. J. O. Haymore, 178 Orchard. 62 Carriage and Automobile Transfers W. S. Pace, 124 Franklin, auto. Mount Air)' Motor Car Co., cor Pine and South. Claude Thompson, 231 Pine, auto. C. W. Hodge, 45 s Main, auto. Roy Bondurant, nr 447 n Main, auto. •Jesse Prather, 173 Needmore, carriage. *George Hampton, 424 South, carriage. *Ed Bowles, 117 Johnson, car- riage. •Dare Crawford, 157 Needmore, carriage. Carriage and Buggy Manu- facturers Mt. Airy Buggy Co., 460 South. Marshall Wagon Works Co., 115 Depot. Cemetery Oakdale Cemetery. Civil Engineers I. W. Barber, office 121 Moore. T. J. Smith wick, 294 Pine. Cleaners and Pressers W. R. King Pressing Club, 109 Vi Moore. Mt. Airy Cleaning and Pressing Works, over 65 s Main. *A. M. Conrad, 112 Franklin. Clothing and Men's Furnishings C. E. Lundy Clothing Store, 20 s Main. J. W. Prather Clothing Co., 106 n Main. J. D. Smith Clothing Store, 102 n Main. Clubs Commercial Club, 2d floor Ban- ner Building. Chamber of Commerce, 2d floor Banner Building. Coal and Wood J. D. Minick, office 275 n Main. Claude Sheltou, office at South- ern Depot. Contractors and Builders .1. I. Helton, h 311 Arch. I). H. Cook, office over 12 s Alain. T. G. Penn, office over 38 s Main. T. D. Roberts, h 138 Haymore. Contractors — Paying and Roads J. W. Bondurant & Co., h nr 447 n Main. Jno. Jones, office over 65 s Main. Contractors — Stone L. D. Jones, h 142 Broad. Jno. Jones, office over 65 s Main. Dentists J. E. Banner, office over 63 s Main. R. R. Folger, office 28 s Main. R. W. Reece, office over 2 s Main. Depot Agents Claude Shelton, South. Ry. Marvin Bliss, M. A. & E. R. R. Drug Stores Gwyn Drug Co., 55 s Main. People's Drug Store, 7 s Main. I. W. West Drug Store, 15 s Main. Dry Goods and Notions A. G. Bowman & Son, 17 s Main. G. C. Welch, 19 s Main. W. W. Burke, 4 s Main. W. B. Haymore, 9 s Main. People's Store, 112 n Main. S. M. Hale, 18 s Main. W. E. Jackson, 108 n Main. Matthews-Jackson Co., 23 sMain. Welch & Mitchell, 272-273 sMain. I. Raiff, 116 n Main. Electrical Supplies C. H. Hodge, 45 s Main. I. W. Barber, 121 Moore. W. L. Steele, 60 s Main. Express Company Southern Express Co., office 68 s Main. Five- and Ten-Cent Stores J. W. Earn A Co., 30 s Main. Somers & Co., 13 s Main. 63 F. L. Smith Hardware Co I, Airy, N, G. We Carry a Full Line OF Hardware Building Material Crescent Stoves and Ranges Nissen Wagons Buggies Ontario and Pennsylvania Grain Drills Chattanooga Plows A Full Line of Keen-Kutter Tools and Cutlery Foundries and Machine Shops Mt. Airy Machine Wks, 294 Pine. Mt. Airy Iron Works, 245 e Oak. Fruit and Produce Dealers, Wholesale Piedmont Prod. Co., 125 n Main. S. A. Hennis Produce House, next to 124 n Main. P. D. Muse Produce House, 131 n Main. W. W. Wood, Produce, 124 n Main. Funeral Directors J. W. Earp, 30 s Main. E. A. Hannah, 109 n Main. Furniture Dealers Inman Furn. Co., 143 s Main. W. E. Merritt Furn. Co., 105 n Main. Furniture Manufacturers Mt. Airy Furn. Co., 177 Factory. Banner Mfg. Co., 320 Pine. National Furn. Co., 116 Factory. Mt. Airy Mantel and Table Co., 163 Factory. Feed Stores Mt. Airy Feed Store, 107 n Main. Belton's Feed Store, 132 n Main. Garages Mt. Airy Machine Works, 294 Pine Mt. Airy Motor Car Co., cor Pine and South. Grocers L. F. Bumgardner, Grocery Store, across from 467 South. Callaway & Jackson, 71 s Main. W. E. Dunnagan, nr 307 n Main. A. L. Doss, 341 South. W. H. Dix, 343 n Main. C. E. Davis, 73 s Main. D. M. Hodge, 112 Franklin. Vermont Lamb, 128 n Main. J. T. Monday, nr 307 n Main. J. J. Murray, 277 s Main. C. L. Marshall, 106 Franklin. S. O. Marshall, 229 Rockford. \Y. 1'. MidkilY, 130 n .Main. S. .1. Peele, 167 smith. It. C. Poore, L19 D Main. F. M. Poore, 75 s Main. A. D. Wagoner, cor Hadley and South. E. F. Taylor, 280 s Main. \V. \\\ Thomas, 115 n Main. J. S. Taylor, 322 Pine. Groceries — Wholesale The Ashby Gro. Co., 6 s Main. Granite Mercantile Co., 21 s Main. G. C. Lovill & Co., 110 n Main. The West Hill Co., 121 n Main. Hardware Stores W. E. Merritt Co., 103 n Main. Arnold Quesinberry, 16 s Main. F. L. Smith Hardware Co., 2 s Main. Harness and Saddlery E. A. Hannah, 109 n Main. Hotels Blue Ridge Inn, 1 s Main. Central Hotel, 52-54 s Main. S. G. Pace Hotel, 124 Franklin. Ice Manufacturers Sides Ice Fact'y, 275 Needmore. Insurance Agents J. R. Gregory, h nr 178 Orchard. P. L. Hawks, office over 12 s Main. Ivan Moore, h 195 Rockford. G. W. Sparger Co., office over 30 s Main. T. G. Penn, office over 38 s Main. Ed Stone, h 231 Pine. Syduor & Sparger, office over 103 n Main. Jewelers and Watchmakers B. H. Leonard, 39 s Main. E. C. Coble, 128 n Main. J. W. Knight, 113 n Main. W. L. Steele, 60 s Main. Junk M. Samet, 102 Needmore. 5-Mt. Airy 65 Justices ol the Peace ol Mount A in s. i;. Pace, i-i Franklin T. B. McCargo, 213 n Main P. B. Elothrock, 127 Ponder. T. < r. Penn, over 38 s Main. K. \. Jan Is, Durham. Ed Shelton. Wash lliat. Peter Deltridge. Cicero Moser. Aljili Dean. .1. A. Cox. Laundries Mt. Airy Steam Laundry, 143 Rent in. I. ciii Tobacco Houses Imperial Tob. Co., 115 e Oak. R. W. Watson. Independent Buyers: Banner & George. Export Leaf Tob. Co., 122 Wil- low — W. M. Lewis. R. J. Reynolds Tob. Co., 125 Willow— T. N. Brock. Liggett & Meyers— B. F. Spar- ger. Livery and Sale Stables Samuel's Livery Stable, 119 Franklin. S. \l. Pace's Livery Stable, 124 Franklin. Taylor & Vestal, 149 Willow. C. J. Haynes & Sons, nr 294 Pine. Loans Surry Co. Loan and Trust Co., 24 s Main. Workman's Building and Loan Asso., office over 103 Main. Lumber Dealers .i.e. Hollingsworth, nr 285 Pine. T. 15. McCargo & Son, 256 Franklin. Banner Mfg. Co., 320 Pine. The Stemple Co. Rosslyn Lumber Co. Ynklrv A Short. Yokley & Stemple. machinists Walter Banner, b 213 B Main. II. L. Coe, b 19(1 Callaway. I. B. York, h 327 South. O. T. Massey h nr 1S8 Taylor. 66 Carl Massey, h nr 188 Taylor. Walter Sides, h 149 Rawley. Oscar D. Sides h 149 Rawley. W. L. Steele, 60 s Main. T. M. Marshall, 341 South. T. J. Smithwick, h 197 Pine. J. A. Stack, h 162 Rockford. Marble Works Mt. Airy Marble Wks, 29 s Main. Meat Markets .1. C. Council, 68 s Main. T. F. Johnson, 114 Franklin. Stuart Bros., 117 n Main. John Fuller, 122 n Main. Mills — Corn and Flour Granite City Mills, 116 Broad. Sides' Mill, 275 Needmore. .1. I). Minick's Mill, 247 e Oak. Mills — Cotton and Woolen Laurel Bluff Cotton Mill, two miles west of town. Alpine Woolen .Mills, lour miles north of town. Millinery Bargain Millinery Store, 220 s Main. Callaway-Gentry Co., 38 s Main. B. A. Irvan Co., 32 s Main. J. L. Harrison. 8 s .Main. Mineral Water White Sulphur Water, White Springs, four miles north of Mt. Airy. Blower's Spring Water, four miles east of Mt. Airy. Newspapers The Mt. Airy News, office 115 Moore. The Times Leader, office 69 s Main. Notaries Public I. B. Haynes, office over 34 s Main. E. C. Bivens, office over 38 s Main. W. P. Callaway, 71 s Main. P. L. Hawks, office over 12 s Main. P. S. Roth rock, office 29 s Main. T. c.. Fawcett, 24 s Main. J. E. Monday. 11:2 Lebanon. Ivan Moore, over 63 s Main. Charlie Fulton, 127 Moore. F. P. Sparger, 43 s Main. Painters W. A. Campbell, h 145 w Elm. J. C. Haymore, h 183 Taylor. John Harshall, 302 Pine. J. C. Roberson, h 201 Granite. J. W. Snow, nr 208 Hadley. Will Jones, bds 239 Franklin. Photographer O. R. Moore, Studio 104 Frank- lin. Physicians E. W. Allred, office 142 n Main. T. B. Ashby, office 22 s Main. D. C. Absher, office over 15 s Main. C. A. Baird, office over 105 n Main. C. L. Banner, h 137 n Main. J. M. Flippin, office over 55 s Main. R. E. Hollingsworth, office 156 s Main. E. M. Hollingsworth, office over 10 s Main. J. L. Woltz, office over 18 s Main. W. S. Taylor, office over 63 s Main. Plumbers C. W. Davis, 107 Moore. W. L. Steele, 60 s Main. Printing — Job The Mt. Airy News, 115 Moore. The Times-Leader, 69 s Main. T. J. Lowry's Printing Office, 477 South. Kailroad Companies Southern Railway. Mount Airy and Eastern. Keal Estate W. G. Sydnor, office over 103 n Main. Granite City Realty and Trust Co., office over 12 s Main. H. Schaefer, h 177 Franklin. Thomas Fawcett, h 259 n Main. C. H. Haynes, office over 34 s Main. Restaurants S. C. Stuart, 25 s Main. J. W. Haynes, 118 n Main. Mt. Airy Bakery, 108 Franklin. J. L. Rose, nr 460 South. ♦Reynolds & Furgerson, 212 Granite. *Henry Lampkins, 232 Xeedmore. ♦Jesse Prather, L73 Xeedmore. Schools Mt. Airy Graded School, 161 Rockt'ord. ♦Colored Graded School, nr 138 Haymore. Shoe Store Foy Shoe Store, 12 s Main. Stone Manufacturers The North Carolina Granite Corporation. Lemmerinan \ Hoffman Gran- ite Co. Mt. Airy Granite Cutting Co. Sargent Granite Co. J. E. Smith, Cut Stone Con- tractor. R. D. Clarke Co., Cut Stone Con- tractors. Shoe Shops. J. Z. Vaughn, Electric Shoe Shop, 113 Moore. R.L. Thomas, Electric Shoe Shop, 62 s Main. E. J. Starling, 118 Franklin. Stuart's Shoe Shop, 111 n Main. *Ed Williams, 105 Xeedmore. Sign Painter Murlin Sparger, h on e Lebanon. Stenographers P. S. Ashby, bds J. L. Banner. B. G. Banner, h 129 Pine. Mary Hollingsworth, h 167 n Main. Helen Sparger, office 30 s Main. Wesley Taylor, h 189 s Main. Ima Cassell, h 143 Hay. Surveyors. T. B. McCargo, office over 32 s Main. J. B. Sparger, h 177 Rockford. Tan Bark Dealers. C. C. Smoot Bark Shed, 717 South. J. D. Minick, nr Dry Bridge, n Main. 67 Mt. Airy Bottling Works Manufacturers of High Grade Soda Waters All Flavors Herman's Ginger Ale Orcherade Cocoa-Cola Strawberry Soda Lemon Soda Sarsaparilla Soda Unfermented Grape Juice, Etc. All Orders Promptly Filled Your Patronage Solicited Phone 275 Telegraph Companies Western Union, office 126 n Main. Telephone Companies Blount Airy Telephone Co., of- fice over 68 s Main, Long Distance connection with the Southern Hell and American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Theaters and Places of Amuse- ment Gallaway Opera House, 118% n Main. Globe Theater, 36 s Main. Princess Theater, 63 s Main. White Sulphur Springs. Planters Warehouse, 119 w Oak. Banner Warehouse, nr 68 s .Main, being built. Tobacconists John Banner, office over 15 s .Main. T. X. Brock, 125 Willow. P. A. George. W. T. Haynes, 119 w Oak. W. S. Haynes, 119 w Oak. \Y. M. Lewis, 121 Willow. J. R. Patterson. R. W. Watson, 115 e Oak. B. F. Sparger, 120 Needmore. Z. T. Smith. Tobacco Warehouses Farmers Union Warehouse, 125 Franklin. Piedmont Warehouse, 127 Moore. Tinner T. M. Everitt, 60 s Main. Veterinary Surgeon R. J. Banks, office over 45 s Main. Lundy's Clothing Store Leading Clothier For Good Clothes Wear Lundy's Clothes— They give Satisfaction and Ser- vice; made by Schloss Bros. Wear Lundy's Clothes— They are the Latest Style Wear Lundy's Clothes — They are Guaranteed Lundy's Carry the Largest Stock of Ready-made Gar- ments for Men and Boys; They are Made by Schloss Bros., of Baltimore Look For the Big Electric Sign Phone 288 Any Purchase Delivered in the City 69 Office Section Second floor W. B. Men-it t Building 103 n Main Sydnor & Sparger, Insurance Office. Sparger Orchard Co. Workmen's Building and Loan Association. Dr. C. A. Balrd's office. Second floor Gallaway Building 120 n Main Opera House. Granite City (Inc.) Orchard Co 121 n Main Second floor F. L. Smith Building 2 s Main Dr. R. W. Reece's office. Third lloor F. L. Smith Building 2 s Main Woodmen of the World Hall. Mt. Airy and W. O. W. Band. Second floor Ashhy Building 6 s Main J. H. Folger, Attorney, office. Second floor Harrison Building 8 s Main Dr. E. M. Hollingsworth, office. Second floor 12 s Main Granite City Realty and Trust Co., P. L. Hawks. R. L. Haymore, Attorney, office. D. H. Cook, Contractor and Architect. Boy Scouts. Second floor Gallaway and Smith Building 11 s Main Dr. D. C. Absher, office. John Banner, office. Reid Jackson and Eugene Hawks, rooms. Second floor Kapp Building 15 s Main I. W. West, rooms. Ed Woodhouse. rooms. Second floor Bowman Building IT s Main Armory Hall. Second floor Hale Building 18 s Main Dr. J. I,. Woltz, Office. Second floor Moore Building 28 s Main Dr. H. R. Folger, office. G. W. Sparger & Co.. Ins.. office. .1. li. Sparger, Tax Collector, office. Second Boor Goldsmith Building. c. II. i [aynes, ex Sheriff. .1. I'.. I [aynes, Notary Public. \v. F. Carter, Attorney, office. E. ('. Bivens, Attorney, office. T. <:. I'eiui. ("out ractor. Second lloor Leonard Building 39 s Main O. R. Moore. Art Studio. J. T. Ileare. Presidenl of Mt. Airy and Eastern Railway; President Rossly Lumber Co. E. P. Stone. Insurance Agent. Gregory Insurance Office. 70 Second floor Hank Building 43 g .Main S. P. Graves, Attorney, office. R. J. Banks, Veterinary Surgeon. Second floor Gwyn Drug Company Building 55 s Main Dr. J. M. Flippin, office. Second floor Banner Building 57-61 s .Main Commercial Club. Chamber of Commerce. Third floor Banner Building :.57-61 s Main Masonic Hall. Junior Order Hall. Mystic Circle Hall. Second floor .1. E. Banner Building i;:: g Main Dr. J. E. Banner, Dentist. Dr. W. S. Taylor. Ivan Moore, Insurance Office. Second floor Telephone Building 68 s Main Mt. Airy Telephone Company. J. H. FOLGER ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER ASHBY GROCERY CO'S. W. E. JACKSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS " Never Without Bargains '" 71 J. W. PRATHER CLOTHING CO J. F. PRATHER SOLE OWNER HEADQUARTERS FOR TRATHER CLOTHES" The Above Label in Suits, Etc. is Positive Guarantee of Value Business Established Fifty Years Ago Directory of the Six Rural Free Delivery Routes Going Out from Mount Airy Note. — The names and box numbers are given in the order in which they appear on Following the routes. Those names marked thus * are colored persons. The irregularity in the numbering is the result of boxes having been moved since they were first numbered. BUBAL BOUTE, No. 1— Carrier, B. E. Edwards. (21 miles.) Beginning at Hamburg bridge, going by Mr. John Brower's and the Old Jackson Place up the New Hollow Road to S. A. Taylor's, and back down the Old Hollow Road to Banner Bridge. MOUNT AIBY TOWNSHIP. Wilson, Eugene, box 1. Shelton, J. A., box lb. Brower, T. M., box 5. Willard, R. G., box la. Cook, W. S., box 4. Myers, J. W., box 4. Norman, C. F., box 5. Davenport, G. F., box 6. Atwood, G. W., box 2. Atwood, Jennie, box 2. Jackson, Mrs. J. W., box 8. Jackson, T. G., box 18. Inman, Curtis, box 18. Wall, C. F., box 10. Jackson, Walter, mail carrier, box 9. Combs, J. W., box 11. Combs, Mrs. Laura, box 11. Edwards, R. E., mail carrier. Armfield, Lote, box 15. Scott, Sam, box 13. Oak Grove M. E. Church, South. Simmons, J. W., box 15. Gunter, Jim, box 14. Riddle, Harvey, box 14. Saunders, Frank, box 16. Kirkman, Joe, box 16. Forkner, Mrs. J. A., box 17. Edwards, H. T., box 17. Parries, John, box 18. Kirkman, Will, box 19. Short, Ella, box 20. Short, Jim, box 20a. Short, Coy, box 21. Short, Ed, box 21. Short, J. H., box 22. Saunders, Mrs. E. J., box 23. Hull, Conce, box 23. Haymore, Luther, box 24. Reeves, Charlie, box 25. Reeves, Dixie, Box 25. k Gallaway, Led, box 25. Tucker, J. A., box 25a. Mills, J. I., box 26. Haymore, Frank, box 26. Mills, Alvie, box 26. Mills, Clavin, box 26. Amburn, W. W. \\\, box 82a. Amburn, W. W., box 82a. Williams, J. T., box 82a. Potts, George, box 27. Taylor, Phil, box 27. Angel, Will, box 28. Barker, J. M., box 30. Nelson, J. C, box 30a. Owens, M. L., box 33. Richardson, K. M., box 33. WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP. (Fivo miles from town.) Simmons, Zear, box 34. Cook, Mrs. W. S., box 34. Simmons, A. D., box 34. Haymore, J. M., box 34a. Haymore, L. E., box 34a. Shinalt, Ed, box 34a. Williams, A. F., box 34a. Gwyn, J. P., box 37. Joyce, J. F., box 38. 73 Jackson, J. IL, box 29. Jackson, Lee, box 29. Simmons, J. P. P., box 40. •Simmons, Charlie, box 40. Bryant, N. l>.. box 40a. Jackson, a. .)., box 39. Simmons, E. .J., box 11. Simmons, Ed, box 1 1. Tilley, .1. I... box 12. Willard, W. w '.. box 12. Walker, J. P.. box l la. Taylor, Kizzie, box 1 1. Inman, .John, box 42a. James, Waller, box 1 lb. Glispie, E. M., box 44b. I [arrison, J. C, box 1",. Long, -lake, box I.",. Needham, Josiah, box 46. Midkiff, Joe, box 48. LONG HILL TOWNSHIP. Cook, X. C, box 50. Cook, J. T., box 50. Cook. Willie, box 50. Cook, Wallace, box 50. Peale, Charlie, box 16. Simmons*, B. ML, box 51. Johnson, K. X.. box 52a. Harrison, .Mrs. Eliza, box 52a. Walker, Robert, box 53. Harrison, Alfred, box 53. Harrison, Miss Jettie, box 53. Roberts, Robert, box 53. Simmons, Nath, box 53. Sawmill — Johnson, Bfidklff & Needham. Matthew, U. G., box 54. Simmons, E. \\\, box :. I. Simmons, W. .M., box 55. Simmons, B. H., box 55. Denson, .Martha, box 55. Simmons, X. S.. box .",7a. Johnson, S. A., box 56. PILOT MOUNTAIN TOWNSHIP. Fopeanna, Joe, box 57. Taj lor Schoolhonse. Taylor, S. A., box 58. (Turning point of the route, 11 miles from Mt. Airy.) Pell, Adeline, box 59. Bryant, R. E., box 59. Mickey, T. E.. box 60. Whittington, D. H., box 61. (Sawmill.) Bennett, S. T., box 62a. Sulphur Springs Baptist ( h. 74 LONG HILL TOWNSHIP. Bryant, M. L.. box 62. Simmons, John W., box 63. Simmons, Jonas P.. box 63. Pulp, Milton, box 66. Fopeanna, Sam, box 66. Johnson, M. W., box 63a. Davis, Mrs. B. F., box 64. Needham, D. B., box 67. Taylor. E. W.. box 67. Xeedham, M. II.. box 68. Sawmill, M. li. Needham, Redman, J. F., box 68a. Xeedham, C. G., box 68b. Hudson, W. J., box 65. Stone. A. P., box 68. Stone, S. M., box 68. Ashburn, Frank, box 71. Chilton, J. W„ box 72. Beck, John, box 71. Chilton, J. B., box 7::. Chilton, J. P., box 73. Secrist, Willie, box 73a. Bryant, J. W., box 74. Moss, A. D., box 75. Jones, J. W., box 76. Linnin, D. E., box 76. Francis, H. R.. box 77. Barnes, J. H., box 78. Stone, J. W.. box 79. Reddic, H. A., box 79. Lowe, Perdita, box 80. Lowe, .!. A., box 80. Key. Ransom, box 80. Samuels, R. C. box 110. Samuels, J. H., box SI. Ml. A IKY TOWNSHIP. Taylor, Eli F., box 82. Morrison, J. S.. box 82. Morrison, J. W., box 82. Ilayniore, R. E., box 83. France, Tom. box 83. 1 la.\ more, D. C, box 86. Riddle, J. T., box 84. Barker, T. T., box 87. Simmons, W. W., box 88. Simmons, S. H., box 79. Riddle, Floyd, box 90. Richardson. Joseph, box 32. Richardson. Chas., box 32. McGee, .lobe, box 100. Hiatt. .1. S.. box :::.. Terrell, W. A., box 92. Terrell, J. S., box 92. Welch, C. X.. box 93. Hiatt. J. L., box 94. Hiatt, J. L., Jr., box 94. Hiatt, Ephraim, box 94. Hiatt, J. H., box 95. Valentine, Lum, box 95. Hiatt, Walter, box 95. Hooker, J. P., box 31a. Hooker, Mrs. Sallie, box 31a. McGee, D. L., box 96. Owens, A. B., box 96. MeGee's Store, box !><>. Redman, R. W., box 97. Shinault, W. D., box 97. Smith, Dave, box 99. Simmons, Sam L., box 99. Welsh, W. F., box 47. Welsh, Wright, box 47. Eades, Chas., box 77. Matthews, W. B., box 9S. Sechrist, John, box 101. Simmons, I. J., box 102. Simmons, C. S., box 103. Mabe, W. P., box 105. Boyles, J. W., box 104. Davis, Ella, box 103. Matthews, Bradley, box 106. Matthews, Thos., box 107. Smith, Joe, box 108. Matthews, A. L., box 109a. Simmons, R. F., box 109. Simmons, Thos. S., box 106a. ♦Welch, Jas., box 110b. Caudle. J. R., box 113. Belton, J. C, s.c. box 114. Gwyn, N. M., s.c, box 112. I'.rinkley, W. M. I.Miller), liox 117. Helton's Store. Aiender, Geo., at Belton's Store. Arender, .lack, at Belton's Store. Teague, J. \\'.. at Belton's Store. Johnson, Jake, at Belton's store. Barker, Joe, at Belton's Store. Pulton, Walter, at Belton's St'e. Willard, Luther, at Belton's Store. Simmons, J. I?., s.c, at Belton's Store. Caudle, Edgar, s.c Beasley, Earnest, box 111. Bowles, Isaac, box 111. Stanley, H. R., box 118. Caudle, Him., s.c, box 116. Caudle, N. S., box 116. Howies, C. P., box 119. Riddle, Yancey, box 119. Section in Banner Town be- tween the Old Hollow Road and the New Hollow Road: Gray, Clint. Simmons, X. M., box 7. Belton, W. H., box 120. Davenport, W. II., box 120. Inman, W. S., box 120. Moser, R. C, box 115. RURAL ROUTE, No. 2— Carrier, Walter Jackson. (25 miles.) Beginning at Tesh's Mill (the Flat Rock settlement is given as a suburb and the route is taken up again at Walter Mahone's store), into the Quaker Road at C. C. Midkiff's, into the Patrick Road at Jim Mahone's, turn off the main road to the left beyond Claudie Richardson's and back into Patrick Road near *Bud Hatcher's; turn back at Wood's store and take the left over to Love's store, which is on the old Westfield Road; at Walter Kirkman's take the Ham- burg Road leading back to Mount Airy by Hamburg Bridge. MT. AIRY TOWNSHIP. Flat Rock Suburb. The names marked (R) get their mail on R. D. Edwards, J. F. Poole, L. A. Young, M. A. (R). Gentry, C. M. (R). Butcher, R. N. (R). Moore, Rufus (R). Jones, W. N. (R). McBride, Cabel (R). Carter, E. C. (R). Cerasoli, Ernest (R). Filie, F. (R). D'Amico, P. D. (R). Burton, Alex (R). Gwyn, Charlie (R). Leitch, John (R). McKenzie, John (R). Gibson, Charlie (R). Xew, R. F. (R). Beck, D. H. (R). Hemmings, Jim (Ri. Gwyn, J. R., (R). Gates, Tyler (R). Motsinger, R. E. (R). 75 BURKE'S DEPENDABLE STORE MT. AIRY, N. C. Carry the Best of Everything in Shoes, Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Underwear, Etc. A Complete Line of Men's Women's and Children's Furnishings W. W. BURKE THE HOME OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE MT. AIRY, N. C. Mitchell, Jas. (R). Davis, Will. Wells, Tom. Johnson, J. W. Bowman, Penn. Hicks, Arthur. Hlizzard. Dallas. Roberts, Elvin. Tolbert, Will. Bowman, Ray. Duncan, Dick. Tucker. .Mrs. Al. C. Gravely, Walter. Griffin, Jacob. Herring, Frank. Crichton, Andrew. Harryman, Willie (R). Brooks, Wm. J. (R). Mcintosh, W. G. (R). Wells, Geo. C. (R). Mitchell, D. F. (R). DePalma, C. (R). DePalma, Louis (R). Baughn, H. C. (R). Monroe, H. D. (R). Hollow, W. D. (R). Hancock, Chas. (R). Dobey, Mrs. (R). *Williams, John. Kleiii, J. S.. store (R). Hill, Joe. Bishop, W. H. (R). Mitchell, John (R). Gwyn, John H. (R). Walker, Frank (R). Walker, Mrs. Ada (R). Walker, Jim (R). Brooks, Jim (R). Blizzard's Store, Jeff (R). McHone, W. A. (R). Thompson's Board'g House (R). Williams, Charlie (R). Johnson, R. J. (R). Harris, Robert (R). Stuart, Christian (R). Harris, J. C. (R). McKellar, John (R). Lowry, Frank (R). Thomas, H. F. (R). McKenzie, Murdoch (R). Parris, John (R). Simmons, Dick (R). Campbell, W. J. (R). Jones, Pete (R). Beginning at Mahone's Store, beyond the Quarry: Mahone, AValter, Store, box 42. Crews, John, box 42. 77 Campbell, Jesse, box 42. Shelton, H. M.. box 42. Childress, J. s.. box iuu. Midkiff, D. J.. I».,\ i:;. Pruitt, William, box J:;. Midkiff, E. A., box 46. Belton, Charlie, box 46. Parker, Ed, box 46. Timmons. Walter, box 46. Smith, Cleve, box 46. Smith. Jim, box 1(1. Midkiff, R. D., box 17. .Midkiff, C. C, box 48. Into the Quaker Road. Midkiff, E. C, box 44. Childress, Abe, box 36. Childress, Dolf, box 36. Snody, Mrs. box 49. Snody, Ed, box 49. Snody, Robert, box 49. Corn, Matt, box 49. Detheridge, Jim, box 50. Midkiff, Geo., box 50a. Midkiff, Jim, box 51. Midkiff, John, box 51. Childress, Will, box 38. Mahone, Jim, box 51a. Into the Patrick Road. Ray, R. M., box 52. Ray, Clyde, box 52. Ray, Earl, box 52. Sutphin, W. A., box 53. Sutphin, E. I., box 53. Reynolds, Charlie, box 53. Sutphin, Edgar, box 53. Hicks, Dan, box 53. Hicks, J. A., box 54. Hicks, J. E., box 54. Hicks, Wm., box 54. Stephens, John, box 59. Shelton, E. C, box 55. Vaughn, Mary, box 55. Detheridge, Pete, box 56. Detheridge, S. I., box 56. Detheridge, Walter, box 56. Detheridge, Abner, box 56. Midkiff, J. W., box 57. Hicks, Joe, box 57. Serratt, Gray, box 57. Sutphin, W. A., St., box 57. Sutphin, Leonard, box 57a. Midkiff, Will, box 58. Vaughn, Mrs. Bertie, box 60. Rakes, J. F., box 60a. *McKenzie, Tom, box 61. *Payne, Babel, box 61. *Payne, Pleas., box 61. ♦Valentine, Tom, box 61. Watson, Harvey, box 62. Jones, Luke, box 62. Wilktnl, Lizzie, box 62. Shelton, J. M., box 62. Sparger, W. S., box 64. Sparger, J. a., box 6 1. Jones, Will, box 64. Sparger, Alpha, box 64. Wilson, Jennie, box t; i. Wall. W. 1).. box 63. Hastings, W. A., box 65. Tebbetts, J. C, box 65. Hicks, John, box 64. Creasman, C. C, box 66. Creasman, F. A., box 67. Mabc, Hill, box 67a. York, Dock, box 67a. WE8TFIELD TOWNSHIP. (7 miles.) Moore, Early, box 68. Gammons, J., box 69. •Hatcher, Arthur, box 69. Johnson, Tom, box 70. Arrington, S. L., box 71. Richardson, Claudie, box 71. Turn off the main road to the left. Norman, c. F., box l'i. Norman, I. C, box 72. Norman, Ransom, box 72. Johnson, R. R., box 73. Anderson, Bill, box 74. Hall, Joe, box 74. Shelton, Jess, box 75. Shelton, J. L., box 76. Shelton, L. L., box 76. *Lawson, Wm., box 77. *Hatcher, Geo., box 78. ♦Hatcher, Bud, box 79. Back into the Patrick Road. Gammons, Joseph, box 80. Gammons, Wm., box 81. Vaughn, B. L., box 82. Vaughn, Vestal, box 82. Vaughn, Lester, box 82. Vaughn, Chester, box 82. 1 lines, Jim, box 83. Tilley, w. A., box 84. Tilley, Roy, box 84. Arrington, D. T., box 86. Hollingsworth, J. S., box 87. Cobbler, .1. Iv. box 88. Taylor, W. H., box 69. Wood, B. ('.. box 90. Wood, Ernest, box 90. Taylor, Robert, box 90. Cobbler, J. K.. box 91. Wood's Store, K. C, box <H>. (8 miles.) Turn back at Wood's Store and take the left. *Hatcher, Green, box 93. Kami's, W., box 93. Jessup, Sain, box 93a. Detheridge, Jim. box 93a. Hall, W. C, box 94. Arrington, C. L., box 95. Arrington, .Mrs. .Martha, box 95. *Jessup, S. F., box 96. Wilson. A. M., box 98. Snody, A. F„ box 99. Snody, Reed, box 99. Snody, .Mark, box 99. Snody, Powell, box 99. Atkins, Rufe, box 100. Atkins, Jerry, box 100. Into road leading to Love's Store. Haymore, W. W., box 101. Haymore, E. B., box 101. Innian, Bit, box 102. Inman, .Millard, box 102. Into the Old Westfield Road. Lore's Store, D. F., box 103. Johnson, Ed, box 103a. Johnson, John, box 103a. Snody, C. L., box 104. Hiatt, Joe, box 101a. Hiatt, Jess, box 104a. Love, L. F., box 105. Love, Maud, box 105. Love, Mrs. Frances, box 105. Kirkman, Charlie, box 107. Bennett, Emily, box 107. Hiatt, R. H., box 108. Kirkman, Oscar, box 109. Kirkman, Arthur, box 109. Hall, John, box 110. Hall, Malt, box 110. Hall, Matt. Jr., box 110. Hall. Willis, box 110. Gammons, A. .1., box 1 10a. Sutphin, X. II.. box ill. Collins, W. B., box 111. Watson, .Mrs. R. K., box 112. Watson, Mrs. Nancy, box iil\ Hiatt, Wash, box 113. Kirkman, Rolie, box 11:5. Bennett, Reid, box 1 13. Kirkman, Romeo, box L13. Innian, Luther, box 113. Bennett, Melton, box 113. Hiatt, J. M.. box 114. Hiatt, W. 11.. box 114. Inman, Morris, box 106. Hall, Mrs. Lewis, box 106. Into the Hamburg Road. Kirkman, Walter, box 115a. Noah, K. D., box 116. Wall, \\\ M., box 117. Goard, Geo., box 64. Durham, Armstead, box 118. McMillan, Joe, box 118. Sutphin, C. B., box 119. Sutphin, Walter, box 120. Jones, Philip, box 120. Belton, Leander, box 121. Sutphin, Abner, box 122. Sutphin, John, dox 122. Joyce, Fletcher, box 122. Shelton, D. R., box 123. Wyatt, H. A., box 124. Campbell, Betty, box 125. Parries, H. L., box 125. Payne, W. J., box 127. Campbell, S. F., box 131. Forkner, R. W., box 129. Forkner, J. C, box 129. Matthews, J. H., box 132. Jones, Peter, box 133. Wright, Alfred, box 133. *McArthur, B. W., box 133a. Channey, Mrs. Jennie, box 134. Channey, Carrie, box L34. Eaton, Dora, box 134. ♦Wright, Isaac, box L35. Smith, P. C, box L36. Corn. .1. M.. box 15. Channey, Will, box 15. Corn, Cappie, box 16. Sleight, W. F.. box L37. Loftis, E. J., box 138. Herrall, Drew, box 141. Taylor, W. O., box 111. Willard, Jim, box 141. Hampton, W. A., box 141. Wood, John, box 141. Shelton, A. C, box 139. Marshall, John, box 140. Shelton, P. A., box 1 12. Lester, Dock, box 1 12. Shelton, Millard, box 1 12. Hull, Lacy, box 1 12. Griffith, B. F., box 143. Combs, Enos, box 111. Combs, Philip, box 144. Combs, Winston, box 144. Combs, Van. box 11 I. Hamburg Bridge. RURAL ROUTE, No. 3— Carrier, George Harris. (26 miles.) Beginning at W T elch's Bridge, out by the Old Norman Place and Mr. Shade Franklin's, taking Low Gap Road at Cross Roads, by Antioch Church (4% miles from Mount Airy), turns to left into Pine Ridge Road at the crossing^ 11 V-± miles from Mount Airy), by Pine Ridge, enters Hay Stack Road at P. J. Lester's, enters Cadle Ford Road at J. H. East's, into Hay Stack Road again at J. F. Livengood's back to Mt. Airy by way of Marshall Bridge. MT. AIRY TOWXSHIP. Davis, Joe, box 1. *Snow, John, box 3. *Falkner, Jake, box 3a. Newsora, Ceaf, box 4. Holder, W. S., box 4. Bowman, Walker, box 3a. Nichols. Wash, box 14. Hutchins, S. W., box 5. *Copeny, Henry, box 6. *Copeny, George, box 6. Dobson. Arch, box 6a. Mills, Henry, box 6a. Gardner, G. B., box 8. Moody, Joe, box 8. Nichols, Jess, box 10. Franklin, S. C, box 9. Franklin, Jay, box 9. Franklin, Charlie, box 9. Franklin, Lee, box 9. Whitlock, Mrs. Mary, box 9. Franklin School house. Hunker, J. L., box 1 1. Bunker, Fred, box 11. 1 togan, Gray, box 11. Wagoner, J. S., box 12. Edwards, Jesse, box 12. Jones, Mrs. Mag, box 12a. Nichols, C. E., box 12b. McGhee, B. M.. box 14. McGhee, Frank, box 1 I. Fleming, J. W., box 1 I. Alderman, Cabell, box 15. Nichols, Jim, box 15. Jarrell, H. (i.. Grocerj Store. Nichols, Peter, box 17. 79 W. D. Hayncs P. S. Fkothrock Mt. Airy Marble and Granite Works W. D. HAYNES £r CO . Proprietors Mt. Airy, N. C. Celebrated Mount Airy Granite Used for Bases Fine Marble and Granite Monuments, Tombstones, Iron Fencing, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of Cemetery Work on Short Notice Write for Prices We are Prepared to Give You Better Goods For Less Money Get Prices from Others, but Call, Write or Phone Before You Buy. We want Your Patronage and will Save You Money If you wish we will call and see you Hatcher, Mrs. H. V., box 19. Chappell, W. H., box 19a. Phillips, M. B., box 19b. Nichols, W. L., box 20. Herring, W. J., box 20a. Crivt, W. A., box 22. Anthony, Lewis, box 22. Laurel Bluff Cot Mills, box 23. Brown, J. L., box 23. Payne, Eli, box 23. Nichols, Tom, box 23. Phillips, Shade, box 23. Chappel, Ed, box 23. Martin, John, box 23. Walls, Adam, box 23. Nichols, John, box 23. Phillips, Cager, box 23. Laurel Bluff Methodist Church. Herring, Mrs. Mildred, box 24. Odell, D. H., box 24a. Barber, J. W., box 24a. Allied, A. B., box 25. Allred, H. V., box 25. Holder, J. M., box 26a. Reece, I. W., box 26. STEAVART'S CREEK TOWNSHIP. Jones, T. A., box 26b. Beamer, P. R., box 28. Seal, Alonzo, box 28. Vernon, Scales, box 84. Johnson, J. W., box 29. Sparger, E. B., box 29. Gordon, W. R., box 29a. Autioeh Church (4 1/ 2 miles). Davis, R. W., box 30. Gwyn, Will, box 31. Gwyn, M. B., box 31. *Hopper, Alice, box 31a. Beamer, J. C., box 32. *Mitchell, Bud, box 32. Flippin, S. N., box 32a. Beamer, Logan, box 65. Beamer, M., box 33a. Beamer, L. D., box 33a. Beamer, Richard, box 33a. Beamer, Philip, box 33a. Beamer, W. W., box 33b. Beamer, C. L., box 36. Beamer, L. W., box 37. Dawson, R. F., box 37a. Young, G. W., box 37b. Flemming, T. W., box 38. Fleming, J. M., box 38. Fleming, W. R., box 38. Beamer, J. W., box 38. McGee, E. L., box 39. Woodruff, Mack, box 40. 6 — Mt. Airy 81 Fleming, C. E., box 40. Davis, Jefferson, box 10a Beamer, W. !•".. box 1 1. McCraw, n. i;.. box 11. Booker, Forest, box 42. Anderson, 10. <;.. box i_. Oneal, C. W.. box 12. Payne. 1 1., box 43. Barker, W. A., box 43a. Johnson, Van, box 47a. Puckett, Dock, box 43a. Puckett, Jess, box 43a. Puckett, Posey, box 43a. Hatcher, J. M., box 43a. Golder, Parley, box I 1. Carson, D. C., box 45. McNight, M. T., box 45a. Smith, J. E., box 46. Marshall, R. W., box 46. Thomas, Mrs. S. E., box 47. Johnson, W. A., box 48. Jones, Bob, box. 48. Gardner, R. L., box 49. McCraw, B. D., box 49. Golding, W. R., box 50. Jarrell, S. F., box 50a. Lakey, C. W., box 51. Turn to left into Pine Ridge Road, 11% miles from Mt. Airy. Crooked Oak Church. Center, Philip, box 52. Collins, J. A., box 52. York, W. B., box 53. York, T. A., box 54. Lovill, W. W., box 55. Lovill, W. S., box 55. Hawks, Silas, box 55. Beamer, Currie, box 55. Whitaker, Bob, box 55. Amburn, J. P., box 58. Bennett, Norah, box 58. Haymore, R. F., box 58. Marshall, S. J., box 56a. Nail, J. D., box 57. Freeman, Jane, box 58. Hill, A. J., box 59. Thomas, G. C, box 60. Beamer, Rev. W. H., box 60a. Allred, S., box 61. Fnlk, N. L., box 61. Fulk, Floyd, box 61. Pine Ridge (11 miles to Mt. Airy by R. F. D.) Johnson, J. A., box 18. Hodges, W. J., box 63. Edwards, C. E., box 63. Crews, J. R., box 63. Thore, G. R., box 63a. Roberson, J. K., box 63. Hodges, Peter, box 62. Hodges, Babe, boi 62. i Collingsworth, Dr. John, box 62. Gardner, J. W., box 62. Fulk. Charlie, box 63. Wiser, Lewis, box 63. Gregory, \v. P., box 63c. Snioot, J. E., box 63c. Southern, W. B., box 64. Sunt hern, J. E.. box 64. Key, A. J., box 64a. Collins, C. E., box 70. Tucker, .1. W„ box 65. Brinkley, J. M., box 66. Brinkley, P. W., box 66. ♦Tucker, Charlie, box t',7. Pine Ridge Road enters Hay Stack Road. Lester, P. J., box 67a. Cook, J. F., box 67b. Bryant, S. L., box 67c. Lamb, S. D., box 67c. Mathews, L. A., box 67c. Hiatt, J. T., box 68. Parker, J. H., box 68. New, J. D., box 68. Tickle, Luther, box 69. East, J. H., box 69. Seal, W. S., box 69. Enters Cadle Ford Road. Danley, J. P., box 69a. Danley, J. A., box 69a. Wilson, G. W., box 69b. Briggs, Bob, box 69c. Tickle, T. B., box 71. Tickle, John, box 71. Marion, R. L., box 71. George, L. B., box 71a. Newman, <;. \\\, box !-. Draughn, X. S., box 7 1a. Brown, s. 1*., box 75. Peele, A. \\ '.. box 78. Hicks, W. P., box 79. Watson, T. W., box 79a. Mos.-r, II. J., box 79b. 11 ay more, T. R., box 80. Collins, Alex, box 80a. Needham, H. L., box 80b. Mosely. R. W., box SI. Key, T. W., box 82. Allied, P. C, box 83. Critz, S. H., box 84. Enters Hay Stack Road again ::'•_■ miles from Mt. Airy. Livengood, J. F., box 85. McKiney, Winston, box 86. McKiney, Pete, box 86. Enters Low Gap Road at Laurel Bluff Cotton Mills. From Cross Roads to Marshall's Bridge: Freeman, S. C, box 86a. Hall, Dave, box 87. Phillips, Fred, box 87. Perdue, Bettie, box 87. Riggs, Britton, box 87a. Collins, W. D., box 87b. Hodge, P. C, box 87b. Sechrist, Joe, box 88. Davenport, T. E., box 88a. Patterson, S. C, box 88a. Brown, Worth, box 88a. Jackson, S. W., box 88b. Sopshire, Guy, box 89. Bennett, A. J., box 89. The Brown House 307 N. Main Street First Class Private Boarding House Beautiful and Healthful Location Special Inducements to Summer Tourists N. W. Brown, Proprietor SL> RURAL ROUTE, No. 4— Carrier, Frank Mar>liall. (25 miles. | Beginning at Welch's Bridge, going by White Plains (which is given as a settlement with pari of the R. i". i >. leading onl from It), turns into Old Rockford Road just beyond White Plains, Into Turkey Ford Road at C. F. Simpson's, into Siloani Road at Henrj Simpson's, again into the Old Rockford Road, and by Davis .Mill Road to mill; into Buck Shoals Road at Walter Brintle's, and back to Mount Airy by Will Haynes' and the Reeves Bridge. AIT. VI RY TOWNSHIP. Beginning at Welch's Bridge. Creed, C. P., box 1. Creed, S. W., box 1. Gant, John, box la. Lineback, 1. S., box la. Marsh, Millard, box 2. Jones, Robert, box 3. Jones, Mrs. Stacey, box 3. York, W. J., box 1. York, W. J., Jr., box 4. Bunker, A. L., box 5. Bullin, John, box 5. Bullin, Mary, box 5. Bunker, Mrs. Adelaide, box 5. Lawrence, R. F., box 5a. Parker, T. J., box 6. Disher, A. E., box 8. Easter, W. R., box 28a. Creed, J. A., box 9. WHITE PLAINS. Those names marked "R.F.D." get their mail on the W'hite Plains R.F.D. Route. Sisk, .Mrs. E. W. Clement, W. O. Cox, J. A. Marsh, R. W. Jones, J. C. Marshall, J. C. Patterson, L. C. Tickle, Jas. Robertson, C. L. Robertson, T. M. Marshall, S. D. Smith, Jim. Bunker, R. E. Bunker, R. E. Peele, Charlie, R.F.D. Badgett, Charlie, R.F.D. Badgett, Jake, R.F.D. Marion, Walter, R.F.D. Creed, John, R.F.D. Nichols, J. M., R.F.D. Nichols, C. M., R.F.D. Nichols, B. G., R.F.D. Creed, Honey Jim, R.F.D. Marshall, F. E. Marshall, Dewey. Marshall, Dick. Nichols, G. Y. Nichols, Geo. S. Nichols' Store. Badgett, J. C. White, Will. Taylor, Vestal. Jenkins, H. T. Marshall, J. S. Hicks, Redge. Green, Dave. Disher, A. E. Creed, J. A. A. G. Bowman & Son General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail High Grades for Low Prices 83 THE WEST-HILL COMPANY WHOLESALE Groceries, Feed Stuff Staple Dry Goods and Notions QUANTITY QUALITY AND PRICE LEADERS Inquiries and Orders Gratefully Received. Drop Shipments Through Factory Salesmen Solicited Mt. Airy, N. C. T. B. McCARGO T. B. M^CARGO. Jr. T. B. McCargo & Son Manufacturers of All Kinds of Lumber Building Material Doors, Window Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Kitchen Tables, Shingles, Apple Barrels Factory Corner Franklin and South Streets Phone 178 Mt. Airy, N. C. T. G. Samuel & Company Mt. Airy, N. C. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Stylish Turnouts Creed, Tom. Hammings, J. W. Doss, C. H. Moser, Henry. Mahone, Joe. Mahone, William. Mali one, Jim. Mahone, Jess. Mahone, Claude. Creed, J. W. Parker, Cleve. Creed, Zan Marsh, John. Taylor, Bud Creed, Johnny. Creed, Ed. Creed, Mrs. America. Jones, Albert. Atkins, Will, R.F.D. Atkins. Tom, R.F.D. Atkins, Sam, R.F.D. Atkins, Jim, R.F.D. Atkins. S. W., R.F.D. Livengood, Bob, R.F.D. Atkins, Geo., R.F.D. Eades, Abe, R.F.D. Eades, Sanford, R.F.D. Eades, Conse, R.F.D. Brown, Peter, R.F.I > Brown, Sam, R.F.D. Greenwood, Alex, R.F.D. Nichols, W. T., R.F.D. Falestein, Frank, R.F.D. Badgett, Geo., R.F.D. Badgett, Joe, R.F.D. Badgett, Tom, R.F.D. Joyce, John, R.F.D. Joyce, Albert, R.F.D. Joyce, Dick, R.F.D. Joyce, Neil, R.F.D. Haynes, Neil, R.F.D. Marion, Riley, R.F.D. Riggs, Geo., R.F.D. Badgett, Quinton, R.F.D. Slayton, John, R.F.D. Slayton, Geo., R.F.D. Slavton, Jim, R.F.D. Slayton, Ike, R.F.D. Slayton, Henry, R.F.D. Slayton, Richard, R.F.D. Slayton, Robert, R.F.D. Callaham, Charlie, R.F.D. J. W. KNIGHT OPTOMETRIST AND JEWELER FIRST CLASS REPAIRING (allaham, J. H., R.F.D. Clifton, Green, R.F.D. Wimble, Jess, Merchant, R.F.D. Marion, Henry, R.F.D. Brlnkley, Tise, R.F.D. Harrell, .Monroe, R.F.D. Harrell, Ed, R.F.D. Blue, John, R.F.D. Blue, Kirk, R.F.D. Blue, Geo., R.F.D. Jackson, Jake, R.F.D. Jackson, Zeb, R.F.D. Brindle, Lee, R.F.D. Marion. Franklin, R.F.D. Draughn, Ed, R.F.D. Simpson, Mrs. Sarah, R.F.D. Bingman, Yancey, R.F.D. Bingman, John, R.F.D. Bingman, Con, R.F.D. Bingman, Allen. R.F.D. Marion, John, R.F.D. Creed, Ed, R.F.D. Dunbar, Henry, R.F.D. Herring, Hugh, R.F.D. Hiatt, Jake, R.F.D. Hiatt, Zeb, R.F.D. Bunker, Oliver. Bunker, Hardin. Cassell, Lewis. Sassell, Sam. Cassell, Luther. Cassell, Bud. Cassell, Charlie. Turn off from the Dobson Road into the old Rockford Road. Moser, H. E., box 10. Doss, ('. II.. box 10. Draughn, J. I)., box 11. Jones, T. J., box 11. Doss, J. O.. box 13. The Rockford Road is the line between Dobson and Eldora Townships. Parker, Cleve, box 15 (Eldora). White, J. W., box 16 (Eldora). Nichols, W. A., box 17 (Eldora). Jackson, Job, box 18 (Dobson). Key, Mart, box 18 (Dobson). Key, Stoneman, box IS (Dobs'n). Key, John, box 18 (Dobson). Key, Walter, box 19 (Dobson). Jackson, J. L., box 20 (Dobson). Badgett, Samuel, box 21. Goings, Jess, box 21. Marion. Abe, box 22. Do You Think it is Honest to Use What You Do Not Pay For ? Have One Put In Long Distance Service Over Lines of Southern Bell and American Telephone and Telegraph Co. All Non-Subscribers are Requested to Use Pay Stations Located — Central Office Blue Ridge Inn Central Hotel J. W. Creed's Book Store Samuel's Livery Stable Mt. Airy Telephone Co. SG Atkins, Jim, box 22. Marion, A. D., box 23. Marion, R. 1 [., box 24. Marion, W. A., box 24. Ivy Hill Schoolhouse. Jackson, T. A., box 32. Watson, J. M., box 29. Atkins. K. II.. box 29. Atkins. Cornelius, box 29. Atkins, k. II.. Store, box 29. Driver, Mrs. Sallie, box 29. Driver, John, box 29. Badgett, N. X., box 30. Badgett, Willie, box 30. Simpson, C. F., box 28. Hardie, Ed, box 25. Turn into Turkey Ford Road at C. F. Simpson's. Danley, A. W., box 27. Hart, Jim, box 27a. Atkins, Pas., box 27. Danley, Andrew, box 27. Hemmings, R. F., box 33. Hemmings, Dan, box 33. Hemmings, Ed, box 33. Wiatt, West, box 33. Bullins, Jeff, box 33. Rachels, Tom, box 35. Rachels, John, box 35. Simpson, Scott, box 35a. Simpson, Henry, box 35a. Into Siloam Road. Simpson, Martin, box 34. Johnson. S. W.. box 34. Simpson, Charlie, box 34. Fulk, C. H., box 35. Bledsoe, Henderson, box 31. Bledsoe, Ransom, box 31. Edmonds, J. I., box 31. Edmonds. P. I., box 31. Perkins, W. C, box 37. Edmonds, Charlie, box 31. Simpson, Jeff, box 10, Corder, K. R., box 38. Elliott. Will, box 39. Simpson, B. c. box 11. Davis, .). I., box 1 1 . Hemmings, .1. P., i><>x 1 1. Simpson, Willie box LI. Simpson, Sam, box 41. Stanley, D. B., box 11. ELDORA TOWNSHIP. Into the Old Rockford Road and Davis .Mill Road. Ellis, J. L., box 27. Davis, Jess (sawmill and flour mill), box 13. Key, S. E., box 11. Key, F. E., box 44. Moore, H. T., box 45. Moore, Lester, box 45. McCraw, Mis. Leila, box 45. Venable, L. P., box 45a. Carlile, J. L., box 45b. Wbitaker, Charlie, box 45d. Union Church and Schoolhoiisc. Stewart, Rawley, box 17. Bowman, Marion, box 47. McCraw, Jake, box 48. McCraw, Ed, box 48. Reed, Joe, box 49. Johnson, Sot, box 50. Johnson, Dixie, box 50. Johnson, Dock, box 50. Johnson, Brady, box 50. Campbell, J. S., box 53. Hayes, Isaac, box 54. Johnson, W. Y., box 58. Shelton, Matt, box 58. Johnson, H. P., box 58. Venable, W. Y., box 56. Venable, Charlie, box 56. Keaton, J. J., box 57. DR J. M. FLIPPIN OFFICE OVER GWYN S DRUG STORE MT. AIRY . N. C. OFFICE HOURS: TO 10 A. M. TO 3=7 TO 9 P. M. PHONE No. 182 Hutson, .1. M. I)., box 26. Asliburn. Drew, box 26. Keeton, W. A., box 59. Bryant's Store, M. B., box i:t. Thore, R. I... box 19. Simpson, J. W., box 46. Simpson, Hobart, box 16. Bundy, Sherman, box 60. Venable, Jim, box 60. Reynolds, John, box 61. O'Neal, Walter, box 61. tenable, .1. M., box 62. Venable, Floyd, box 62. Venable, I. A., box 65. Venable, Roy, box 62. Venal)le, R. \V., box 63. 1 1 m (hens, C. E., box 64. Hutchens, X. T.. box 65. I [utchens, J. L., box 66. Venable, EDmma, box 66. Venable, S. H., box 67. Hutchens, , box 68. Simpson. J. J., box 69. Simpson, W. L., box 69. Butchens' Shop, 6 miles from Mt. Airy. Creed, Joe, box 77. Smith. Newell, box 70. Venable, Jim, box 70. Kallam, T. L., box 71. Roberts, Susan, box 72. Kallam, L. W., box 73. Kallam. C. C, box 73. Ml. AIRY TO W> SHIP. Cox, G. H., box 7". Powell, J. H., box 11. Powell, J. \Y., box 11. Brintle, Henry, box 78. Brintle, Susan, box 78. Brintle, 1 tanner, box 78. Brintle, Sarah, box 78. Brintle, Yancey, box 78. Brintle, Mitty, box 78. Venable, J. W\, box 78. Venable, Liza, box 78. Brintle, Walter, box 78. Into the Buck Shoals Road. Snow. W. H., box 79. Collins, C. F., box 80. Collins, Ella, box 80. Collins, .Martha, box 80. Parker, Delia, box 80. Collins, Will, box 80. Doss, J. M., box 80a. McKinney, W. E., box 81. Color, Gus, box 82. Flippin, R. F., box 83. McKinney, E. F., box 84. Martin, A. T ., box 84. Snoddy, J. \Y.. box 82. Lawrence, W. A., box 85. Lawrence, W. L., box 85. Whitaker, J. H., box 86. Brunner, W. E., box 86. BUBAL ROUTE, No. 5— Carrier, J. H. Norman. (25 miles.) Beginning at city limits on Ward's Gap Road, turn to left at Old Watson Place into Ward's Gap Road again to beginning; to White Sulphur Springs by the old road, by Banner's Mill and J. H. Spar- ger's to Salem Church, by the Green Hill Road to W. O. Jackson's Mill, turn to the right at Mrs. Hines's, turn to the left into the Green Hill Road below Epworth Church, into Fancy Gap Road at Sampson Jones's store, ami down the Old Fancy Gap Road to Mount Airy. Ml. A IKY TOWNSHIP. ♦Nelson, Ed, box lb. ♦Nelson, Jim, box lb. ♦Spenser, Walter, box lb. Pruitt, Will, box i. Pruitt, Fred, box I. Gwyn, Miss Sal lie, box 3. Roberts, .less, box 3d. Taylor, E. W.. box la. Duplies, .1. K., box 1. •Dison, Bob, box 29. ♦Bowles, Winston, box uft. ♦Graham. Miles, box 29. ♦Allred, John, box 25. ♦Allred, Mose, box 25. ♦Allred, William, box 25. Ward's Gap Road to Squirrel Spur Road. ♦Helton, Budd, box 2a. ♦Helton. G. W., box 2a. Inman. S. M.. box 3b. Dean, Alfred, box 3b. Poore, William, box 2. Squirrel Spur Road. Jones, J. A., box 5. Jones, W. A., box 5. Gwyn. Albert, box 5a. *Fulton. Winston, box 6. 88 F. M. POORE DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS AND COUNTRY PRODUCE PHONE 40 *Fultou, George, box 7. Sawyers, Neal, box 7d. Clarke, Vaudy, box 7d. Clarke, George, box 7d. *Cloud, Reuben, box 6a. Jobnson, Ned, box 7b. Kirkman, J. W., box 6b. ♦Greene, Parmona, box 7a. ♦Vaughn, Mollie, box 7a. Jones, J. W., box 7c. Hatcher, J. O., box 8. White Sulphur Springs. Sparger, G. M., box 10. Shaw, Frank, box 10. Scales, Mrs. Annie, box 8b. Collins, J. W., box 13. Osborn, W H., box 10a. Odell, J. A., box 10b. Vickory, A. W., box 8a. McNairy, E. W., box 8a. Heath, Aaron, box 8c. Terry, W. A., box 9. Banner, J. B., box 8c. Banner, J. B., Sawmill and Flour Mill. Sparger, J. H., box l.">. Sparger, Munsie, box 15. Gwyn, W. L., box 16. Matthews, Mrs. L. B., box 16. Long, Claton, box 23b. Ward's Gap Road. Salem Church. Jones, M. S., box 17a. Jones, Alex, box 17a. Massey, Dave, box 17. Salem Schoolhouse. Winfrey, Charlie, box 17b. James, W. C, box 19. Tate, Tom, box 20. Tate, Charlie, box 22. *Satterfield, Dave, box 21. *Satterfield, Dinah, box 21. Hall, William, box 22. Hall, Floyd, box 22. *Fulton, Isham, box 23. *Somers, J. W., box 23. Martin, J. F., box 23a. Martin, Lewis, box 23a. ♦Bowman, Marshall, box 24. *Bowman, Walter, box 24. Mount Airy Motor Car Co. Agents for Hupmobile, Ford and Studebaker For the Best for the Money, See Us We keep Cars for Hire on All Occasions Repair Work a Specialty S. E. MARSHALL & SON PROPRIETORS Phone 170 Cor. Pine and South Streets 89 A. M. SMITH N. W. DOBBINS Mt. Airy Buggy Company Manufacturers ol High Grade Vehicles At the Right Price Ask Your Neighbor. He will Tell You OURS are THE REST. We are Sole Agents for the Celebrated George E. Nissen Wagons // You Want the Best, See Us Horses and Mules If it's a Good Farm Animal, Fancy Driving or Saddle Horse You Want, Call on Us. Price Always Right. Our Guarantee Goes with Every Sale. Smith & Dobbins, Proprietors Mt. Airy, N. C. Granite City Mills Mt. Airy, N. C. Manufacturers and Dealers in Flour, Meal, Corn, Chop, Bran and Mill Products "Not So White— But Oh! How Good" In Our Jersey Cream You Get the Richest and Nost Nutritious Part of the Wheat — It is Easily Digested For Our Custom Trade : We grind your Rye and Corn and exchange good Flour for your Wheat. "Always full measure." We want your patronage. Our constant efforts will be to satisfy. Hope to see you. Bowman. Willie, box 24. ♦Davis, Tom, box 28. ♦Smith, Burrell, box 26. ♦Johnson, Jeff, box 26. ♦Thornton, Bettie, box 26. •Cloud, Solomon, box 27. Into Green Hill Road. Jackson, W. O., box 30. Jackson. W. R., box 30. Parker, J. M., box 32. Allred. \V. S.. box 33. Alpine Woolen .Mills, boi 88. Stempson, J. D., box 3 la, (Iwyu, Henry, box 34a. Cox, R. L., 34a. Cox, Wash, box 34a. Cox, Jim, box 34a. Green Hill Church. Jackson, W. 0., Flour and Saw- mill. Greenwood, J. A., box 39. Wilson, Alice, box 38. Warden, Milton, box 42. Dobson, Jim, box 42. Scott, Jim, box 42. Branch, J. W., box 40. Virginia State Line. Worrell, J. S., box 41. Harris, Mrs. R. J., box 44. Fleming, J. M., box 44. Fleming, R. W., box 44. Westmoreland, C. C, box 4.">. Westmoreland, ('. C, Sawmill. Hines, Mrs. M. E. V., box 46. Hines, Matt, box 46. Hines, Frank, box 46. Turn to right at crossing of roads. Lineback, A. L., box 47. Lineback, Wiley, box 47. Lineback, Charley, box 47. Webb, Alex, box 48. Webb. Isaac, box IS. Lineberry, L. A., box 49. Martin. John, Floor Mill. Mart in. John, box 50. Martin. Hllis, box 50. .Mart in, Luther, box 50. into Fancy Cap Road. Epwortb Church. Into < ; reen 1 [ill Road. Matt he ws. I'M, box 52. Matthews, Roy, box 52. Atkins. L. W., box 53. Into Fancy Cap Road at Sam- son Jones's Store. Into Old Fancy Gap Road, 4 miles from Mt. Airy. Hall. I). T., box 56. Greenwood, J. T., box 56. Segraves, J. C, box 57. McMillon, Anderson, box 57. Segraves, J. H., box 57. Segraves, J. T., box 57. •Whitlock, Short, box Ola. •Whitlock, Ben, box 61a. •Whitlock, J. B., box 61b. Creasy, Xanie, box 62. Creasy, Flora, box 63. Creasy, Clint, box 63. Ward, C. E., box 64. •Gilmer, Martha, box 66. ♦Holland, Willie, box 66. ♦Gilmer, James, box 66. ♦Caesar, Robert, box 67. ♦Csesar, Sylvania, box 67. Livengood, J. J., box 68. -Gilbert, John, box 68a. •Gilbert, Gabe, box 68a. ( ritz, W. F., Grocery Store, box 69. ♦Banner, Alex, box 70. •Rawley, Alfred, box 70. •Rawley, Luther, box 80. J. L. Harrison Headquarters for Ladies Ready-to-Wear Goods, Dress Goods and Millinery Prices Guaranteed Give Us a Call 91 *HeaiiKM\ Sain, box 33b. Dusenbury, Marshall, Store, box 71. •Pulp, Dan. b0X 72. •Mitchell, Mary, box 72. Wliitlock. John, box 73. Nichols, Walter, box 73. Barker, W. a., box 74. Baker, L. H., box 7 1. Spense, C. L., box 74. BUBAL Horn:. No. ('.—(airier, ll. W. Lineback. (25 miles.) Beginning at C. W. Taylor's on the Fancy Gap Road, turning to left at Epwortb Church (six miles from Mount Airy), going by Brush Pork Schoolhouse, back Into Fancy Cap Road at Towe's Store, turning Into Flower Gap Road (ten miles from Mount Airy) by Cana, Va., into Piper Gap Road at I. J. Vernon's (eleven miles from town), thence to Mount Airy by the Piper Gap Road. Ml. AIBT TOWNSHIP. Taylor, C. \\\. box 2. Wlllard, J. A., box 1. Reece, B. D., box 2a. McCrary, Dixie, Store, box 2a. Miiiish, M. C., box 2a. Wilson, J. E., box 4. Poore, R. W., l>ox 5. Cundiff, Elijah, box 5a. Brown, I'. II.. Store, box (J. Brown, Sant, box 6. Brown, W. A., box 6. Sechrist, Tom, box 6. Sechrist, Matt, box 6. Felts, Josh, box 6. Brown, Elizabeth, box 6. Easter, Benton, box 6. Mathews, Robert, box 6. •Rawley, Dock, box 6. Easter, Robert, box 9. Easter, J. W., box 9. Easter, J. D., box 9. Woods, J. F., box 9a. Allred, Burnie, box 31. Lineback, H. W., box 10. Smith, E. P., box 7. Moser, Robert, box 7. Carter, Lew, box ::. Terry, 10. M., box 11a. Westmoreland, J. C, box 3a. Easter, Will, box 11a. I lhappell, Iry, box 1 la. Busick, S. C, box 93. McCrary, C. F., box 11. McCrary, F. C, box 11. Terry, Dick, box 11. Miller, J. F., box lib. .Mount Carme] Baptist Church. Rawley, R .P., box 1 Lb. Phillips, M. M., box 12. Jones, J. P., Store, box 12a. Haynes, Isaac, box 13. Phillips, Rev. J. \Y., box 13. McCraw, W. A., box 14. Greenwood, R. B., box 14. Phillips, Jesse, box 14. Ferguson, W. A., box 1 la. Cook, H. F., box 15. Easter, J. K., box 85. Virginia. Cook, Y. S., box 15a. Harrison, J. W., box 15b. Jones, J. A., box 17. Easter, Dave, box 17. Martin, Mrs. Roberta, box 16. jflaustoleums, jUonumente anti SU Utttfe* of putlbing Sterne rgent Granite Co Phone 9 92 W. F. CARTER ATTORNEY AT LAW oiiui-: OVER 36 S. MAIN .Martin, J. F., box 18. Chappell, M. G., box 10a. Easter, P. D., box 19. Turn to left at Epworth Ch. Sechrist, W. A., box 20. Fleming, Walter, box 20. Barnes, W. E., box 20. Beck, Silas, box 20. Sechrist, Lewis, box 20. Hix, J. T., box 22. Doss, S. D., box 22. Blue Ridge Orehard Company, Box 23. Vernon, W. H., box 24. Money, C. H., box 24a. Brush Fork Schoolhouse (7% miles). Sechrist, Amos, box 25. Sechrist, J. H., box 25. Easter, G. B., box 26. Jones, C. W., box 27. Johnson, W. V., box 28. Johnson, W. D., box 28. Leonard, Jacob, box 29. Johnson, Rev. W. H., box 29. McCraw, H. F., box 30. Leonard, J. H., box 30. Payne, Mrs. Nancy, box 32. Easter, Van, box 32. Easter, S. F., box 33. Easter, I. F., box 33. Towe, R. H., box 34. Towe, A. 31., box :$.'). Back into Fancy Gap Road at Towe's Store. Johnson, W. G., box 36. Iroler, C. F., box 38. Marsh, K. M., box 37a. Towe, W. T., box 38. Allen, Mrs. Francis, box 39. Allen, V. M., box 39. Route turns into Flower Gap Road at foot of mountains. Cana, Va., Post Office (11 miles from Mt. Airy). A. M. Payne, Postmaster. Edwards, J. J., Cana, Va. Cagle, E. C., box 41. Cagle, I. M., box 40. Akers, J. S., box 40. Jones, Mrs. Eliza, box 42. Edwards, W. C., box 43. Phone 282 Dave Crawford Carriage and Baggage transfer Meets All Trains Public Dray 93 HOWARD !S KING r:: BREAD-MAKING Every Grocer in Town Sells "HOWARD'S MALT BREAD" A Specialty : DIXIE POUND CAKE— FRESH EVERY DAY HOWARD'S BAKERY PHONE 62 Edwards, F. H., box 43. Crotts, W. T., box 44. Easter, William, box 15. Easter, H. C, box 46. Cagle, A. I., box 17. Jones, J. W., box 47a. Jones, N. S., box 49. Edwards, T. M., box 49. Stutter, J. M. H., box 50. McMillon, Amelia, box 51. Etippey, J. B., box 52. Marion, W. H., box 53. Marion, M. L., box 54. Vernon, C. D., box 55. Easter, Peter, box 48. Easter, R. C, box 48. Easter, W. L., box 56. Vernon, William, box f>7. King, R. A., box 57a. Berrier, Adam, box 58. Berrier, George, box 58. Leonard, D. L., box 58. Leonard, Valentine, box 58. Leonard, W. C, box 58. Berrier, Thomas, Jr., box 58. Easter, R. M., box 59. Flower Gap Baptist Church. Easter, W. D., box 60. Easter, Eli, box 60. Easter, Michael, box 51. Easter, John, box 61. Easter, Feltie, box 61. Easter, Levi, box 62. Thomas, Mrs. S. A., box 62a. Jones, D. W., box 63. Monday, Rev. R. T., box 63. Vernon, F. C, box 64. Payne, Mrs. ML .M., box 65. Rippy, Ben, box 64a. Seratt, P. T., box 64a. Seratt, W. I., box 64. Linvill, D. L., box 64a. Golding, R. C, box 64b. Into Piper Gap Road, 11 miles from Mt. Airy. Vernon, I. J., Store, box 65a. .Monday, J. P., box 65a. Vernon, Ewel, box 66. Berrier, William, box 17. Berrier, Thomas, box 68. R. L. HAYMORE ATTORN EY-AT-LA W OFFICE OVER FOY SHOE STORE 94 McCraw, John H., box 69. McCraw, A. M., box 69. Armstrong, .1. \\'., box 69a. Edwards, Levi, box 69a. Jones, J. J., box 70. McCraw, Jerry H., box 71. Whitaker, J. M., box 72. Leonard, E. II., box 72. Leonard, Frank, box 7:.'. Payne, Zack, box 73. McKiney, W. (!., box 74. McCraw, James A., box 77. Venable. J. \V.. box 74. \. Easter, Taylor, box 74a. Blackburn, R. H., box 75. Blackburn, R. S., box 75. Whitaker, Pink, box 7.">. Golding, S. F., box 76. STUART'S CREEK TOWNSH'P. 9 miles from Mt. Airy. McCraw, John H., Jr., box 80. McCraw, Shady, box 80. Leonard, B. H., box 80. >ew Bethel Church. McCraw, F. M., box 82a. Golding, Jim, Merchant, box 81. Spenser, J. M. C, box 22a. Spenser, J. C, box 22a. Tolbert, W. M., box 81a. McCraw, A. J., box 78. McCraw, K. I,., box 82. Blackburn, 'I'. S., Sawmill and Blacksmith simp, box 8& Vernon, .). II., box 83. McCraw, .1. (',., box 85. Vernon, \V. II., box 86. Hooker, S. J., box 87. Booker, Art bur, box 87. Leonard, T. \\\, box 88. McCraw, Logan, box 88. Miller, E. J., box 89. Shelton, .Mait, box 90. Shelton, George, box 90. Coe, C. I., box 90. Lee, Chas. box 90. Hall, Billie. box 90. Hooker, J. T., box 90a. Eades, J. R., box 91. Busick, D: R., box 92. Felts, J. C, box 92. Martin, J. A., box 91a. MT. AIRY TOWNSHIP. Gwyn, R. L., box 94. Gwyn, Hugh, box 94. Gwyn, Richard, box 94. Phillips, W. B., box 94. Mount Airy Mahtel and Table Co, Buyers of All Kinds of Hardwood Lumber 95 Granite City Realty and Trust Company GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS ONLY MILLIONAIRE COMPANIES REPRESENTED P. L. HAWKES MANAGER INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Peoples Drug Company Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Sick Room Supplies. Trusses, Braces, Toilet Articles, Fancy Goods. You're Always Welcome=Trade with Us General Index. Abbreviations 23 Alphabetical directory 24 Business directory 63 Important suggestions 3 Miscellaneous facts about Mt. Airy C Office section 71 Preface 4 Rural free delivery routes 73 Street directory 9 W. E. JACKSON WHOLESALE A&D RETAIL DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS "Never Without Bargains" J. W. KNIGHT OPTOMETRIST AND JEWELER FIRST CLASS REPAIRING \V\1. J. BYERLY, President J. A. HADLEY, Vice- President G. C. WELCH, Vice- Preside*! F. P. SPARGER, Cashier Ki)t panfc of Mount &trp We Invite You to Deposit with Us Subject to Check or in Savings Department Resources $150,000.00 W. G. SYDNOR H. M. SPARGER SYDNOR & SPARGER INSURANCE Twenty-three Leading Companies Twenty Years Experience OFFICE OVER MBRR1T1 HARDWAR1 STORE