Jra Cbc Hibrarp of the (Untoersitp of Bottb Carolina <2nootof& bp ^tjc ^Dialectic ana PrjUantf|rop|c&onrtir0 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES DA25 .B5 1858 no. 6 . v.z UNIVERSITY OF N.C AT CHAPEL HILL 1 000308 638 This booh must not be taken from the Library building EXCEPT WITH THE SPECIAL PERMIS- SION OF THE LIBRARIAN JUL 7 20W "JUL 1 r M 1 3 ZG05I ■ r JA/ m\ 6 MO Aim M2 J 2005 if.*.* ul o 6 ?ong • Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/buikofcronicliso02boec RERUM BRITANNICARUM MEDII MVI SCRIPTORES, OR CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. PUBLISHED BT THE AUTHORITY OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. On the 26th of January 1857, the Master of the Rolls submitted to the Treasury a proposal for the publication of materials for the History of this Country from the Invasion of the Romaus to the Reign of Henry VIII. The Master of the Rolls suggested that these materials should be selected for publication under competent editors without reference to periodical or chronological arrange- ment, without mutilation or abridgment, preference being given, in the first instance, to such materials as were most scarce and valuable. He proposed that each chronicle or historical document to be edited should be treated in the same way as if the editor were engaged on an Editio Princeps ; and for this purpose the most correct text should be formed from an accurate collation of the best MSS. To render the work more generally useful, the Master of the Rolls suggested that the editor should give an account of the MSS. employed by him, of their age and their peculiarities ; that he should add to the work a brief account of the life and times of the author, and any remarks necessary to explain the chronology ; but no other note or comment was to be allowed, except what might be necessary to establish the correctness of the text The works to be published in octavo, separately, as they were finished ; the whole responsibility of the task resting upon the editors, who were to be chosen by the Master of the Rolls with the sanction of the Treasury. The Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, after a careful consideration of the subject, expressed their opinion in a Treasury Minute, dated February 9, 1857, that the plan recommended by the Master of the Rolls " was well calculated for the accomplishment of this important national object, in an effectual and satisfactory manner, within a reasonable time, and provided proper attention be paid to economy, in making the detailed arrangements, without unnecessary expense." They expressed their approbation of the proposal that each chronicle and historical document should be edited in such a manner as to represent with all possible correct- ness the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the best MSS., and that no notes should be added, except such as were illustrative of the various readings. They suggested, however, that the preface to each work should contain, in addition to the particulars proposed by the Master of the Rolls, a biographical account of the author, so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose, and an estimate of his historical credibility and value. In compliance with the order of the Treasury, the Master of the Rolls has selected for publication for the present year such works as he considered best calculated to fill up the chasms existing in the printed materials of English history; and of these works the present is one. Bolls House, December 1857. THE MIK OF THE CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND; A METRICAL VERSION OE THE HISTORY OE HECTOR BOECE ; WILLIAM STEWART. EDITED BY WILLIAM B. TURNBULL, ESQ. of Lincoln's inn, earristerat-law. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. VOL. II. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS; AND ROBERTS. 1S58. THE BUIK OF THE CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. Vol. II. Heir endis the Saxt Buke and begtnnis the Lib.7, f.ioob. sevint, contenand mont sindrie [thingis] of the romanis and of the dlstructioun of Rome be the Gotis, and of the cdming agane of the scottis in thair awin land be the Secund Fergus. Fra all the Scottis prescribit war ilkone In sindrie landis out of Albion e ; Sum in Denmark, and sum in Norowa, Sum in the Ylis, and sum in Orkna, 20,240 So fremmitlie in mony sindrie land, Sum be the se, and vther sum be the sand, With soir travell than baith with barne and wyfe, Richt mony da leidand ane langsum lyfe. This Maximus, of quhome befoh- I tald, 20,245 In all his tyme baith bellicois and bald, Walkryfe in weir, in all thing wyss and war, Richt circumspect and weill culd se on far Quhat wer to cum or apperand to be, Be thing bygane so greit ingyne had he. 20,250 And quhen he knew richt weill that it wes sua In Albione that tynie he had no fa, Into na steid his stait that durst ganestand, Baith ill and gude war all at his command. VOL. 11. A 2 4 THE BUIK OF THE How Maximus held ane Counsall in Eborac, QUHAIR HE DEWYDIT SCOTLAND, DEII.LAND IT BETUIX THE BRITIS AND THE PECHTIS. Sone efter that, in Eborac I weyne, 20,255 The lordis all befoir him gart convene Of Brit and Pecht into ane parliament, Quhair he diuydit with thair haill consent, The Scottis landis baith be land and Re. Syne euerilk man efter his facultie, 20,200 Als far that tyme as he culd vnderstand, Rewardit lies than with the Scottis land. To Pecht and Brit, Romane and all the laif, Full greit reward oft syis he thame gaif. So full he w T es of Jiberalitie, 20,260 And vsit so his greit auctoritie, In Albione bayth with knaif and knicht He louit wes aboue all vther wicht. So large he wes, so humull and so wyss, So meik also and full of gentreiss, 20,270 So plesand als in ernist and in pla, That all the Romanes in Britania, Bayth ill and gude, witli thair auctoritie Denlarit him thair emprioure to be. How Maximus was crovnit Emprioure in Londoun. Col. 2. In Lundoun toun with hie laud and honour, 20,275 With diademe maid him thair emprioure ; And eevintene teir or thair about so lang, As emprioure in Albione he rang. At his command haif[and] boith les and moir, As neuir ane vther had his tyme befoir, 20,280 In Albione the haill auctoritie, Na lit sen syne I wait nocht quhat will be. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 5 How THE Emprioure GART WITH Battell PERSEW Maximus. In Rome that tyme thair rang ane emprioure, Hecht Walentyne, quhilk wes of grit honour. This emprioure, quhen that he lies hard tell 20,235 How Maximus agane him did rebell, In greit contemptione of his majestie, Declarand him ane emprioure to be ; Quhairfoir with thame till him alway wes trew, With mort battell he gart thame oft persew. 20,290 Bot of his purpois he culd nocht prevaill, Far oftar ay he wes maid for to faill, And tyne the feild no victour for to be, Quhylis be strenth, quhilis be subtilitie. Quhen tua hoimdis richt oft hes other preuit, 20,295 Into bergane quhill tha be baith mischeuit, And none of thame can haif the victorie, Tha wilbe fane ilkane to go other by. Siclyik that tyme I say heir be thai tuo : Quhen ilk of thame had previt other so 20,300 But victorie, than war thai fane to ceiss, Betuix thame tuo syne mak gude rest and peice. Than Maximus, as victour him allone, Ane emprioure he rang in Albione. How Maximus, efter that he had subdewit Albione, passit in Gallia with ane greit Armie of Pechtis, Romanis and Britis, and syne was slane be theodoc[l]us. Bot men that ar in greit auctoritie, 20,305 Richt schort quhile standis in prosperitie ; For quhen thai ar most heiche vpone the quheill, And traistis than that all thing standis weill, Than tha misknaw God and Fortoun so far, Na wounder is suppois tha get the war, 20,310 Col. 1. 6 THE BUIK OF THE That stryvis baith aganes God and myeht, And Fortoun als that brocht him to the hicht, Men sould be war sic tyme and gyde thame Weill, For quhen ane mane is heast on the quheill, He sould be wyss and beir liim self rycht law ; 20,315 Quha fallis heichast gettLs the grittest law. Be Maximus T say this thing for-thy, Quhen Albione culd nocht him satisfy. Bot sone efter he dressit him till go To Gallia and other landis mo, 20,320 For to subdew thame to his sen^eorie, Lib. 7, f. 101. For hie vane gloir and for na vther quhy, With mony Pecht and mony Romane knycht, And mony vther worthie war and wicht ; And all the strenthtis into Albione 20,325 He stuffit thame, sjme furth his way is gone. To schip burd went syne efter on ane da, Out ouir the pais tuke land in Gallia ; And how he fuir that tyme in his travell, It war ouir lang and tariesum to tell, 20,330 And I haif nocht that mater in memorie, It is sua lang sen that I saw that stork-. That mater als pertenis nocht to me, Thairfoir as now heir I will lat it be. Bot for to tell yow schortlie of his end, 20,335 Oil" it be trew as my author me kend, Efter he had subdewit Gallia, And mony landis in Germania, And slane also had nobill Gratianus, Vincust he Aves be Theodocius 20,340 In plane battel! quhair lie lost the lyfe ; Thus endit he that maid so mekle stryfe. Lat him go now sen that he is gone, And turne agane to tell of Albione : Sic aventure amang thame as befell, 20,345 Will ^e tak tent and ;e sail heir me tell. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. HOW OCTAUEUS, THE SONE OF Ot'TAUEUS FOIR- SAID, COME FURTH OF GALLIA IN BRITANE, DESTRAND TO BE MAID KlNG. Ane nobill man of fredoine and of fauie. Octaueus qubilk calJit wes to name, Octaueus son, as I befoir scbort qubile Schew to tow heir, tbat fled in Mona Yle, 20,350 For to remane with gude Eugenius, And his bruther the ^oiuig Ethodeus, Qubilk efter fled, as my author did sa, Fra Maximus far furth in Gallia. Syne quhen he knew that Maximus wes slane, 20,355 Wedl ma le wit thairof he wes full fane. In Britane als that tyme thair wes na king Of Britis blude, tbairfoir but tareing Bownit in Britane than" or he wald blin, His croun agane and kinrik for to win, 20,360 Qubilk wes his eldaris heretage of aid, And his fatheris, befoir as I haif tald. Befoir the lordis that tyme in Britane, Into ane court quhair that counsall began, Thair he hes maid, with richt lang sermoning, 20,365 Ane sair complaint in wanting of thair king ; And that the realm sa lang wes destitute, Without ane king cumit of the Britis blude, Qubilk wes his fatheris heretage of aid ; His will it wes tbairfoir gif that tha wald 20,370 To mak him king at thair j^lesour and will, As he that had most rycht and clame thair till. And als he schew, how that the Romanes Strang Had thirlit thame in seruitude so lang, And maid thame all bot bondis for to be 20,375 Quhair thai wer wont befoir for to leve Me. Tbairfoir, he said, gif he richt wnderstude, Had thai ane king wer of thair awin blude. 8 THE BUIK OF THE That be wald suffer greit traveill and pane, Col. 2. For to reskew thair libertie agane. 20,380 And sen that he wes of the blude royall, And narrest air discendand lineall, And sone also to gude Octaueus, Quhilk wes so constant and so curt[e]us, That for thair saik sufferit sa mekle pane 20,385 For to reskew thair libertie agane. Thus and siclike in presence of thame aw He said, and raair than I will to tow schaw. How this Octaueus, be the Perswasioun he MAID TO THE BRITIS, WAS CROYNIT KlNG IS LONDOUN. Thro quhais sueit and subtill perswasioun, In rob royall with sceptour, sword and croun, 20,390 Octaueus thair haif thai crownit king Of all Britane amang thanie for to ring. The Romanis all into Britania, Keipand the strenthis in that tyme that la, Resistit thame than als far as tha mocht, 20,395 And euirilk da lies done all that tha docht. Bot all for nocht, that tyine it wald nocht be, The Britis wer so blyth of libertie, And had sic curage als of thair new king, Tha set the Romanis bot at lytill thing ; 20,400 And euerilk da hes done thame grit injure, Dischargand thame of all office and cuir, Puttand thame out of all auctoritie, And maid the Britis alway to leve fre. How the Emprioure Theodocius send ane Armie in to Britane to dantoun this foirsaid Octaueus. The emprioure than Theodocius, 20,405 Quhen that he hard how that Octaueus CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 9 Eebellit had in Britane of the new, Than sone he send, the Ronianis to reskew Into Britane remanand that war than Within strenthis, richt mony nobill man, 20,410 And to reduce the Britis les and moir To Cesaris faith siclike as of befoir, Or with mort battell planelie thame persew. And so thai did, quhair mony ane thai slew On euerilk syde,' or tha weiris wald ceiss, 20,415 Syne at the last betuix thame wes maid peice. With thir eonditionis endit wes 1 thair stryfe : Octaueus, for terme of all his lyfe, Sould bruik the croun without ony discord, Of all Britane be callit king and lord ; 20,420 And all the strenthis that wer in thair landis Suld all be put in the Romanis handis, Evin as tha stude at that tyme ane and aw, With haill power to execute the law, And siclike tribute for to gif alsua, 20,425 As tha war wont to Maximus to pa. HOW TIIE EjIPRIOURE SEND TUA LEGATIS IN Lib.7,f.l01b. Britane, Martius the tane and Victorius l " THE TOTHER. The emprioure then, Theodocius, Quhen all wes done as I haif said tow thus, Fra Rome that tyme tua legatis he hes send To fortifie his richtis, and defend 20,430 In Albione gif ony wald rebell ; The tane of thame, that tyme as I hard tell, Hicht Victoryn, the tother Martius, In Lundoun toun, my author sayis thus, For to remane and president to be 20,435 Of all the South and haif auctoritie. - ' In MS. with. 10 THE BUIK OF THE And Victoryn, as my author did tell, In Eborac for to remane and duell, To execute the law in Romane stylis, Fra Eborac evin vnto the North Ylis. 30,440 And so thai did that tyme in Albione, Ouir all pairtis but contradictione. HOW VlCTORIUS COMMANDIT THE PeCHTIS TO VSE the Romane Lawes and forbeir thair awin. In this same tyme to low now that I schaw, The Pechtis lit wer vsand thair awin law, As Maximus thame grantit of befoir. 20,415 This Victoryn thame manassit with grit schoir, In pane of deid, tha sould sua hardie be As to hald law of thair auctoritie ; Sen of the Romanis that tha held thair land, Tha war ouir hardie for to tak on hand, 20,450 And semit weill that stude bot litill aw, At thair awin hand to execute the law, As tha to Cesar suld pertene nothing, Thair self, thair law, thair landis, and thair king. Quhairfoir, he said, wilder all charge and pane, 20,455 To execute sic barbour lawes agane, In tyme to cum Romanes sould judgis be. And tha ansuer to thair auctoritie ; Of na les pane na wanting of his heid Incontinent quha that maid pley or pleid. 20,460 Heir followis how Hargustus, the King of Pechtis, was so subdewit with Victoryn, for greit Displesour on ane Tyme quiet- lie in his Chalmer slew hlm selff. Hargust thair king, that wes baith waik and aid, Quhen that he hard thir tydenis to him tald, So greit displesour thairof that he tuke, The lang nycht ouir but ony rdeip he woik. CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 11 Fra end to end oft sleipand neuir ane wynk, 20,460 The day also withoutin meit or drink ; So noyit he wes with sic melancolie, That of him self almaist he set nocht by. Sobband full soir oft syis sayand allace ! Into his eild to haif sa havie caice, 20,470 To lois his law and als his libertie, Col. And all his legis bondis for to be To the Eomanis, quhilk wes his niortall fo. " Allace ! " he said, " thairfoir that I did so, " Wnto the Scottis that I wes so vntrew. 20,475 " Wa wirth the wicht in quhonie that tressoun grew, " Tha[t] causit me so sone to faill to thame, " Quhilk wytles wes anent ws of all blame ! " Perfitlie now I knaw and wnderstand, " Als lang as we to thame keipit oure band, 20,480 " And tha till ws, and we to thame, wer trew, " That the Romanis durst nocht ws than perse w ; " And cpjhen thai did, tha come bot litill speid, " So trew tha war and traist to ws at neid. " The quhilk throw ws ar brocht boith les and 20,48s moir, " To nocht for euer. Alace ! " he said, " thairfoir, " Had tha bene now as tha war wont to be, • Iu Albione at thair awin libertie, " At sic freindscliip as we war of befoir, " The Romanes durst full lytill mak sic schoir. 20,490 " Bot now," he said "fairweill ; that help is gone!" Thus secreitlie oft syis he maid his mone Vnto him self, vpoune the same maneir, Weipand full soir that pitie wes till heir. And quhen he saw that thair wes no remeid, 20,495 With sic desyre than of his awin deid, Vpone ane tyrne secreit be him awin sell, Gif it be trew I hard my author tell, In his wodne.^ ane lang knyfe forth he drew, Quhairwith richt sone him awin self he slew. 20.500 J 2 TIIE BUIK OF THE HOW VlCTORYN, HEIRAND OF THE DEITH OF HARGUSTUS, COMMANDIT THE Pechtis WNDER the Pane of Deith that tha sould mak NA MA KlNGIS AGANE. This Victoryn, quhen be hard of that thing, The greit mischance and fortoun of that king, And how he had maid sic ane wickit end, Rycht sone ane herald he lies to thame send, Commanding thame nane be so pert to prewe, 20,505 In tyme to cum, without the Romanes leve, Of thair awin blude to mak ane king agane, In pane of deid and wnder na les pane. And quhen the herald had niaid his proclame, He tuke his leif, and syne he sped him hame. 20,510 How the Pechtis crownit axe King attouir FORBIDDING. The lordis all that war into Pec[h]tland, That tyme wald nocht obtemper his command, The quhilk so far declynit fra the rycht. Thair hartis war so full of pryde and hicht, Thair curage als that tyme wes so quik, 20,515 With ane consent contempnit that edik. Syne at ane counsall in Camelidone, Quhair thai convenit in the tyme ilkone, And crownit hes ane king wes callit Drust, That sone and air wes to this ilk Hargust, 20,520 Quhome of befoir schort quhile I maid tow kend Llb Coi f i°" ^ ms d e idi s an °l ^is vnhappie end. how vlctorin, heiring the pechtis hes maid ane King, come with ane greit Armie vnwittand of the pechtis, and set ane greit seig to the toun of camelidone. To Victoryn quhen thir tydenis wer tald, Withoutin lat no langar than he wald CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 13 Mak sojourning ; in all the haist lie moeht, 20,525 Into Pechtland aue greit armie he brocht. This new maid king and his lordis ilkone Remanand war into Camelidone, Takand thair plesour in all sport and play, Deliciouslie in meit and drink allway, 20,530 Or thai war warnit thair he ony wicht, This Victorin, with mony Romane knieht, Hes vmbeset tharne haith be land and se, That tha had nother tynie nor place to fle. And quhen tha wist that tha micht noeht go 20,535 hens, Stuftit the toun and maid thame for defence : Greit stalwart stonis laid vpone the wall, Drew draw briggis, and lute portcul^eis fall : Closand the portis baith be land and se, Syne forsit thame with mony stone and trie. 20.540 How Victorin seigit and wan tiie Toun of Camelidone. Be that the Romanes war alreddie boun, And laid ane seig evin round about the toun, Of bowmen bald with bent bo wis in hand, Syne maid ane saike baith be se and land. And tha within hes maid defence richt lang, 20,545 Baith arrowis schot, and srreit stonis outslano- Attouir the wall that wounder wes to se ; Als thick as haill the braid arrowis did fle. The Romanis than sic prattik had in weir, And alss tha war so garnist in thair geir, 20,550 Of instrumentis richt so thai had no fait, That neidful war to mak sailzie or salt ; And weill tha wist that thair wes gude to wyn. And better will, thairfoir or tha wald blin, 14 THE BUIK OF THE Into the toun thai leit tharae tak no rest, 20,555 Quhill force it wes to tharae syne at the lest Gif ouir the toun, and put tharae in thair will, Quhat euir it war than other gude or ill. how vlctoetn delt the spul1e of the toux to the romaxis axd sexd the klxg of Pechtis to Rome. This Victorin, efter the toun wes wyn, All gold and riches that he fand thairin, 20.560 Withoutin delay he lies gart in that tyde Richt equalie amang his men diuyde. The Joung Drust and his lordis also War principall, he hes maid thame till go, Fast bund in band to Lundoun toun the way, 20,565 And syne to Rome, as my author did say, To Cesar send and put into his will, Sic auenture dame Fortoun send thame till. Col. 2. And all the laif that he fand thair that tyme, As pairtakaris accusit of that cryme, 20,570 Sum he gart hang, and vther sum he gait heid ; With lytill pley thus endit all that pleid. So war tha puneist all baith les and moir, For tha war fals to thair freindis befoir. How Victorix maid Boxdis of all the Pechtis. In tyme to cum that thai sould nocht rebell, 20,575 This Victorin, as my author did tell, Hes bondis maid of all the nobill blude, And all the laive put in vyle servitude. At his plesour, but ony dome or law, In cart and wane he gart thame drag and 20,580 draw, C'RONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 15 With greifc displesour and with mekle pyne ; Ont of the erth thai gart thame metall fyne, And out of craigis gart thame stonis hew, And euirilk da torment thame of the new. The ferd part ieirlie of thair glide alsua, 20,685 To procnratouris of Cesaris gart thame pa ; Of corne and crop, of cattell and of stoir, Of all thair wynning siclike les and moir, In pane of deith, gif ony wald defraude, Or war so pert ane 1 pennyworth to had. 20,590 Syne gart thame pas richt far into the North, With wyfe and barne betond the watter of Forth, Thair to remane for euir, baith man and page ; Syne to the Britis gif in heretage The landis all that thai had in the South, 20,595 Lyand fra Forth south wart to Tuedis mouth. Syne efter that gart big into that tyde, Fra Abircorne vnto the mouth of Clyde, Of erd and stone ane mekle heiehe Strang wall, With fowseis braid that war rycht deip withall, 20,600 That cassin war that tyme on euerilk syde The Britis fra the Pechtis to devyde. Syne gaif command wnder the pane of deid, And no les pane nor wanting of his heid, That ony Pecht sould be so perth to preve, 20,605 To pas that wall without the legatis leve, Bot all thair tyme beyond that wall remane. God wait or nocht gif that tha sufferit pane, In langsum lyfe withoutin libertie, Halding thair handia to the hevin on hie, 20,610 Cryand of Christ, and his mother also. Thame to deliuer of that endles wo, And help thame out of all that cruell pane, Or in this warld no langar to remane ! 1 In MS. in. 10 THE BUIK OF THE For tlia war puneist in that tyme so soir, 20,615 Aneuch tlia said for all the fait befoir, Tlia[t] tha had maid in breking of thair band, Agane the Scottis quhen tha take on hand For to be fals withoutin caus or querrell, To pleis the Romania, lukand to no perrell. 20,e20 As ressone wald and petie als thairfoir, Sen thair awin wand hes dung thame than so soir, Than tyme it war that God sould on thame raw, Sen in his faith tha war ay leill and trew. In this wnrest I lat thame heir remane, 20,825 And to the Scottis turne I will ajjane : Withoutin lat quha lykis now till heir Lib 7 f. 102b. Qf aventuris that I can tell perqueir, My purpois is now at this tyme to tell, The fassoun how and in quhat tyme tha befell. 20,630 Heir efter followis how the Successioun of Ethodeus in Denmark, quhilk wes Brtj- ther to Ewgenius, and of his Sone Fer- gus ; HOW HE WAS AT THE DlSTRUCTIOUN OF Rome, and of his cuming in Scotland. It is weill wist how gude Ethodeus, That brother wes to kino- Euo-enius, Be Maximus wes baneist Albione, In Denmark syne for to remane is gone. For caus he wes cunie of so nobill blude, 20,035 The king him tretit like ane man of gude, And gaif him landis quhair he had most levar, In heretage to him and his for euir : Quhair he remanit that t3*me all his lyfe, In greit abundance baith with barne and wyffe. 20,610 Ane sone he had, quhilk hecht Fergus to name, Borne of his wyfe or that he come fra harne, Quhilk wes his air succeidand in his steid, Ane lytill quhile efter his fatheris deid CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 17 Spousit ane wyfe, as my author did sa, 20,645 The quhilk to name that callit wes Rocba, That dochter wes to nobill Rorichus, The grittest lord, my storie tellis thus, In all Denmark he wes except the king ; He weddit Mr at kirkdur with ane ring. 20,650 He gat on hir ane sone callit Fergus, In all this warld wes nane mair curious ; Quhilk efterwart tuke greit travell and pane, For to reskew his heretage agane, As I to ^ow sail schaw with Goddis grace, 20,655 Heir sone efter quhen tyme cumis and place. How Alaricus, King of Gothis, passit with ANE GEEIT ARMIE OF DAYNIS, NORROWALS, GOTIS AND GERMANIS TO ROME, AND SEIGIT THE TOUN OF ROUE, AND SONE EFTER WAN IT AND HELD IT AT HIS PLESOURE. In this same tyme the men of Cithea, Of Denmark, Gothland and Sa[r]matia, Of Germanie als, with ane will and consent, Agane to the Romanes all to the weir tha went. 20,660 Alaricus, that wes of Gothis king, Had all his ost that tyme at his gyding, At his counsall and als at his command, Ay as he wald to weild wnder his wand. The haill counsall with consent of the lave, 20,665 As principall to him that tyme tha gaif With thair consent the haill authoritie, Of all the laif at his command to be. How Fergus was maid Captane to the Danis. Out of Denmark thair wes chosin than, With him to wend richt mony nobill man, 20,670 VOL. 11. B 18 THE BUIK OF THE This ioung Fergus, of quhome befoir I tald, Wes chiftane maid that wes Laith big and bald, And mony Scot with him that tyme is gone. That exulat wer out of Albione Col. i. Into Denmark, and mony vther mo, 20,675 With ?oung Fergus that tyme wer maid to go, With him to byde and be at his bidding, As principal! nixt Alaric the king. Of than- passage this wes the caus and quhy, Tha had the Ronianis at so grit invye, 20,c.8o That throw thair pryde, thair power, and [thair] hicht, Ouir all this warld but ony caus or richt, With injust battell spilt sa mekle blude, Puttand sa mony to vyle seruitude, And mony one maid exull for to be 20,cs.5 In vncouth land, richt far fra hame to fle, At thair plesour but ony caus or quhy, That all this warld culd thame nocht satisfie. How Alaricus wan mony Feild in Albany, and SYNE FINALLIE SEIGIT THE TOUN OF ROME. Alaricus, of Gothis that wes king, Furth that he went with all his gay gaddering ; 2o,c90 And how he [fure] adpertenis nocht to me To tell this tyme, thairfoir I lat it be. It wer so langsum for to put in ryme, And occupie als wald sa mekle tynie, To my purpois impediment also, 20,09." Thairfoir as now sic thing I will lat go. 2it will I tell, for I liaif space and tume, How efterwart he set ane seig to Rome. Efter lang battell and greit victorie, Decrettit hes with all his sen^eorie, 20,700 To Rome ane seig richt suddanelie to la ; And so he did sone efter one ane da, CRONICLTS OF SCOTLAND. 19 With all devyiss quhairby he mycht prevaill, The citie scharplie than he did assaill, With gim and gantie, and sic ganand geir, 20,705 All instrament that neidfull war in weir, With bow and slung to cast arrow and stone, Quhat neidfull war thairof tha wantit none. And tha within, as richt weill ma be kend, Wantit richt nocht that sould ane toun defend, 20,710 Quhilk dantonnit had sa rnony king and prince, War put that tyme into so hard defence, And sufferit hes sic outrage and ouirthraw, With the outwaill than of this warld aw, That neuir sensyne attenis to sic gloir, 20,715 Na sic honoiu - as that tha had befoir. To tell this tyme ouir lang it war to me, The grit mister and the miseritie ; Thair is no clerk can write with pen and ink The greit distress tha had of meit and drink, 20,720 Within the toun ane weill lang tyme thai had, That mony one of mennis ftesche wes fed. The mother thocht that tyme bot lytill harme, To eit hir child that la into hir arrne ; No lit na terrour in hir mynd it kest 20,725 To eit his fiteis that suckit hir breist, And in hir wame for to ressaue agane The child scho buir with grit dolour and pane. With so greit hunger lang tyme in the toun, Tha war ouirset and brocht to confusioun ; 20,730 In fait of meit thair deit than far ma Within the toun, nor sword or knyfe did sla, How Alaricus wan Rome the First Da of Apeile the £eir of God Four hundreth AND TUELF iEIRIS. That seig it lestit till ane weill lang quhile, Lib. 7, f. 103. And syne, vpoun the first day of Aprile, B 2 20 THE BTJIK OF THE The toun wes tane -with greit difficultie, 20,735 Quhair mony ane was maid that da to de. Four hundretli leir it wes efter also, That Christ wes borne tuelf teiris and no mo. Ane thousand zeir, ane hundretli and saxtie And four zeiris that tyme wer passit by, 20,740 Fra Romanes first foundit had the toun, To that ilk da of thair confusioun. Tane wes the toun that tyme and all ouirharld, The quhilk tlrrow strenth befoir tuke all the warld. How Alabicus, efter the Toun wes tane, gaif Command to abstene fra Slauchteb, and speciallie in the klrk. Alaricus, quhen that the toun wes tane, 20,745 Richt strait command hes gevin euirilk ane, * Fra all slauchter that tyme for till abstene, In sanctuar siclyke that nane war sene, Fleand folkes thair into hurt or ska, No spulie mak nor iit to tak no pra. 20,750 In sanctuar that all suld be maid fre, Baith ioung and aid that tuke refuge to fle. At' his command tha war alreddie boun, Syne efter that the spulte of the toun, To all his men wer present in the tyde, 20,755 Richt equalie amang thame gart diuyde. To ioung Fergus that tyme amang the laif Richt larglie of that spuke he gaif. In that spuike thair he[s] fell to his part Ane courtlie kist wes closit with greit art, 20,760 Wes full of bukis 1 contenand mony storie, For to reduce agane into memorie 1 In MS. mony. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 21 The greit weiris that war befoir bygone, Of the Romania richt lang in Albione, "With Britis, Pechtis and Scottis also ; 20,765 All thir war thair and mony vther mo. Vpoune this kist he hes maid greit expenss, For to be keipit with greit diligence, Syne hame with him he brocht in Dania, With greit travell throw all Germania ; 20,770 Syne efterwart within ane litill space, To Iona Yle in ane religious place, Quhilk callit is this da Ecollumkill, With all tha buikis tha kist hes brocht till, Thair to be keipit with greit diligence, 20,775 That men efter micht haif rememberance Of this Fergus and his nobill deid, Quha hapnis efter of sic thing to reid. That tyme also he gart put in memorie, His elderis deidis writtin in ane storie, 20,780 Fra thair begynning ay wnto tha dais ; Syne put thame all, as that my author sais, For to be keipit in Ecollumkill, Quhilk to this da remanand ar ^it still. In this mater I will no moir remane, 20,785 Bot to my storie pas I will agane. How Alaricus send Fergus to Cicilia with ane geeit navin, and he loiss1t be storme of the se the tua part of his schippis, and syne returnit agane in Ytalie. The thrid day efter that the toun wes win, Alaricus, or he wald langar blin, This foirsaid Fergus causit hes to ga Col. 2. With ane greit armie in Cicilia, 20,790 For to subdew that leid and a[l]s the land, Him to obey and be at his command. 22 THE BUIK OF THE Throw aventure of stormis in the se In his passage so troublit than wes he, That or he come richt lang to Cicill cost, 20,79c Of his naving the tua part neir wes lost. Him self also into that tyme wes fane In Ytalie for to returne agane. Or he come thair Alaricus wes deid, And Ethaulphus maid king into his steid, 20,800 Quhilk tretit him ane king as he had bene, With all plesour did till ane prince pertene. How Fergus tuke his Leif, and passit Hame in Denmark with mony riche Keward. Sone efter that with mony riche reward, He tuke his leif and went hame with his gaird, Throw Italie and throw Germania, 20,805 Syne at the last come hame in Dania. At his plesour thair will I leif him still : Of vther mater talk ane quhile I will. Of ' the Fayth of Haly Kirk ; of Sanct augustyne, ambros, hleronimus, and s. martyne, and of thair halienes in that Tyme. In that same tyme the faith of halie kirk Wes maid richt cleir, withoutin ony nrirk 20,810 Of all errottr that lang befoir had bene, Lyke ony sterne than wes it maid to schene, Clengit richt clene of all errour and cryme, Be halie 2 doctouris that war in that tyme. Sanct Augustyne wes ane into tha dais, 20,815 Gif it be suith of him that all man sais, In MS. In that same tyme. | 2 In MS. dalie. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 23 Richt inekill error in his tyme confoundit, So greit science and faith in him aboundit, Baitht naturall and of diuinitie, Of halie kirk the strangest wall is he. 20,820 S[anct] Ambros a[l]s, that samin tyme to conclude, In sapience and als in sanctitude, Ouir all the warld he schene as ony sterne, That euerie man thairby micht weill decerne The suith fra leis without difficultie ; 20,825 Of halie kirk the cheif pillar is he. S[anct] Jerome a[l]s, the well of eloquence, Of sanctitude and eik of sapience, As the bricht sone into the Orient, He schend als eleir and in the Occident ; 20,830 The cheif matres of all moralitie, Historiographe of halie kirk is he. Sanct Martyn als he wes into tha dais ; And Sanct Niniane, as my author sais, Bigarit ane kirk than into Galdia. 20,835 Quhilk Quhitterne now is callit at this da. Ouir lang war this tyme to tell £ow heir Thair halines, and I haif nocht perqueir Thau- lyvis all writtin in my buke, And at this tyme I list nocht for to luke. 1 20,810 Lib - J> f-i 031 '- In sic reiding I will nocht now remane, Dot to my storie turne I will agane. HOW THE PeCHTIS QUHILK WAR IN VYLE SER- UITUDE, HEIRAND THE STORIE OF THIS FER- GUS, SEND FOR HIM TO CUM IN SCOTLAND TO WIN HIS KlXPJK AND CROUN. The Pechtis dalie beand soir opprest With seruitude, and erast ay the best, 1 la MS. tu/ie. 24 THE BUTK OF THE To tliair power wes alway importabill, 20,815 With greit torment qnbilk wes intolerable. And quhen thai hard the greit distructione, Of Rome the seiging and the casting doun, And aLs with trew men in the tyme hard tell, Agane the Romanes mony did rebell, 20,850 Perfithe as tha wnderstude and knew How ^oung Fergus, of quhome befoir I schew, In tha weiris sa meikill honour wan, In ah his tyme sen first weiris began, Wes neuir proud of sic auctoritie 20,855 Moir wirschip wan, nor in that weir wan he. The Pechtis tuke greit plesom - of that thing, Because he wes apperand air and king Of Scottis, and of Scotland for to bruik the croun, That fleinit war out of thair awin regioun ; 20,860 Traistand throw him and his auctoritie, Of seruitude for to deliuerit be. How the Pechtis send ane Herald to Fergus. Thairfoir ane herald secreitlie tha send, With hunibill mynd and hartlie l'ecommend ; Beseikand him that he wald mak prepair 20,865 In Albione sen he wes prince and air ; And thocht thair fatheris of befoir wer fals, Ane part of thame that levand than war als Onto the Scottis quhilk wes to thame so trew, Full sair sen syne that micht tha ilkane rew 20,870 Thair awin deid had puneist thame so sou - . Beseikand him richt hartfullie thairfoir, For to remit all malice and invye, And all injure befoir wes passit by ; And plesit hiin to cum in Albione, 20,875 His croun and kinrik for to reskew agone y CBONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 25 Traist Weill lie sould haif tliair help and supple, In his querrell tha sould all erar de, Out of the feild or tha sould fle him fro, And follow him quhair euir he list till go. 20,880 How Fergus promist to the Pechtis to cum in Scotland, and first or he wald tak that jornay on hand, he send to all the scottis in other partis to wit thair Mynd. Tliis toung Fergus quhen that he vnderstode That thair desyre wes honorable and gude, He thankit thame richt oft of thair gude will, Sayand he soidd all thair desyre fulfill. Sone efterwart, quhen he his tyme micht se, 20,885 As he had said traist weill it sould so be. Col. 2. 2it thocht he nocht that purpois till persew, Quliill he perfytlie wnderstude and knew Gif all the Scottis thairof wald be content. In that mater to wit quhat that tha ment, 20,890 On to the Scottis war in Ybernia, Orkna, the Ylis, and in Norrua, His secreit seruandes he hes send thame till, In that mater to wit quhat war thair will. how all the scottis that war in sindrie Pairtis promittit to Fergus to tak his Part baith in Lyffe and Deid. The Scottis all, perfitlie quhen tha knew 20,895 That Fergus will and mynd wes to persew His heretage, as I haif to tow tald, Amang thame all wes nother ioung nor aid Promittit nocht in his querrell to da, Or to reskew baith land and libertie ; 20,900 26 THE BUTE. OF THE Thankand greit God that send to thame sic one. With this ansuer the herald harne is gone. All thair promit he schew till liim perqueir, Ilk word by word as I haif said tow heir. Zit neuirtheles loung Fergus did remane 20,905 Still in Denmark, quhill that he hard agane On fra the Pechtis sum vther tydenis new, Or lie that purpois forder wald persew. Stone still he la and schupe nocht for to steir, Quhill efterwart hapnit as le sail heir. 20,910 How Martius the Legat was slane be Gra- TIAN, AND IN HIS PLACE ENTERIT CON- STANTYNE, QUHILK WES SLANE EFTER IN GALLTA, AND THAN VlCTORIN TUKE ALL THE CUIR IN BRITANE. This Martius of quhome befoir I schew, Bot schort quhile syne wes legat as ze knew, Into Britane richt suddanelie wes slane Than be ane Brit wes callit Gratiane. Efter his deith the Romanis in Britane, 20,015 Ane vther legat haif tha chosiu than, The quliilk to name wes callit Constantyne, In Gallia that efter passit syne, And slane he wes thair be Constantius Fra Cesar send callit Honorius. 20,920 In Eborac, the legat Victoryne, Quhen that he knew that slane wes Constantyne, To Lundoun toun he passit to remane, And dalie had greit travell and grit pane At Romane faith the Britis to contene, . 20,925 In that same tyme as my author did mene. The Pechtis sone efter that this wes done, Knowand for thame that tyme wes oportune. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND.' 27 Ane herald sone to loung Fergus [tlia] send, Quhilk schew to him ilk word fra end to end, 20,930 With circumstance at lenth and greit laseir, In forme and sett as I haif said low heir ; Exhortand him, sen tyme wes oportune, In Albioun that he wald speid him sone, Lib. 7,f. 104. His heretage agane for till reskew. 20,935 Traist weill, tha said, that tha sould all be trew In that querrell, and erar suffer to deid, Of that injure or tha gat nocht remeid, Of mekle wrang with sic calamitie, Vyle seruitude and greit miseritie, 20,940 So wranguslie on thame the Romanis wrocht ; And als thair with gif that he traistit nocht To that tha said wes suith and verriement, Tha suld be sworne all by the sacrament In sanctuar, be euerie bell and buik, 20,91^ Quhill thai micht all thair heltht and lyvis brake, Tha sould be trew, thairof haif he no dreid, In tyme to cum baith into word and deid. How 2oung Fergus come furth of Denmark WITH ANE GREIT ARMIE IN SCOTLAND TO RESKEW HIS RlCHT. Than toung Fergus, quhen that he hard and knew Thair will wes gude, trowand tha suld be trew, 20,950 And als thair with he had sic appetyte, So greit desyre with curage and delyte, For to conqueis his kinrik and his croun, In gudlie haist than hes he maid him boun. With schip and boit, with bark and ballingar, 20,955 With carvaill, craik, haifand baith saill and air, Ane greit navin he furneist to the se, With men and meit, and with artal^erie. 28 THE BUIK OF THE He sparit nocht that tyme for no expens, Paii - t of Lis awin, and part of his prince ; 20,960 Riches he had of gold and vther geir, That he befoir had wyn into the weir ; Bot most of all wes he suppleit than Be his grandschir, quhilk wes the grittest man In all Denmark that tyme except the king, 20,965 Quhilk fortifeit this Fergus in all thing, With greit plesour evin at his awin intent. Syne on ane da to schipburd all tha went ; The wynd wes fair, and tha leit saillis fall, And saillit furth ouir mony wyndy wall ; 20,970 With greit tranquill of Neptune in the tyde, Lord Eolus richt fanelie did thame gyde, Fra thair passage efter the auchtane da, All in the firth than of Morauia. Sum set to schoir and vther sum to sand ; 20,975 Sum with thair boittis passit all to land. how the scottis come to fergus fra sindrie Partis. Fra it wes knawin he wes cumin thair, Fra all pairtis that tyme baith les and mair, The Scottis gatherit to him da by da, Sum fra the Ylis, sum fra Ybernia ; 20,980 Fra Orkna als richt mony men of gude. Wes neuir nane that wes of Scottis blude, That tarie maid quhen that tha hard sic thing,' That he wes cumit the quhilk sould be thair king. Co). 2. With wyfl'e and barnis, insicht and all stoir, 20,985 Tha come to him richt glaidlie les and moir, In that beleif for to sit doun agane, Quhair thair fatheris war wont for to remane. Tha thocht na perrell sic prattik to preve, In ^oung Fergus tha had so gude beleve. 20,990 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 29 HOW THE PECHTIS, HEIRAND OF FERGUS CUMING, CROWNIT ANE KlNG, AND SYNE SEND TO FER- GUS AND RENEWIT THE BAND BETUIX THAME AND THE SCOTTIS. The Pechtis als of this cuming wes proude, Traistand agane rich[t] suddantlie tha soiul Fra seruitude and bondage be maid fre, And to releve agane to libertie. In that beleif thai haif crownit ane king, 20,995 Syne send richt sone withoutin tareing Ambassadouris, the quhilk war men of gude, That wysast war and of the nobill blude, To this Fergus, of quhome befoir I schew, The band agane and peice for till renew, 21,000 And euermoir betuix thame trewis tak. Syne at thair will ane mendis for to mak Of the greit fait thair fatheris maid befoir, Efter thair power all thing to restoir ; Beseikand him that tyme to tak na cuir 21,005 Of all the wrang, the harmis and injure, Wes done to thame with Hargustus thair kino;. Him self thai said wes wyit of all that thing, And nane vther thair wes to wyit bot he ; Quhairfoir, tha said, his greit iniquitie 21,010 Richt sone efter turnit him to teyne, And all the laif sen syne richt soir to meyne, Sen thai war puneist for thair fait so soir. Beseikand him for to remord na moir Of sic injure, bot lat it all pas by, 21,015 But ony yre, malice or invye ; And to convene in siclike vnitie, As thair fatheris befoir had wont to be, Agane the Romanes wes thair felloun fa. Richt weill tha ■wist, tha said, and he did sua, 21,020 LibT, f. 104b. Col. 1. 30 THE BUIK'OF THE Amang thame self and tha wald all be trew, Riclit eith it war agane for to reskew Than all thair riclit out of the Romanes handis, Considderand in all pairt out it standis, With richt trew men, tha said, tha haif hard tell 21,025 Agane the Romanes mony did rebell ; So far contempnit wes thair majestie, In Albione tha niicht send no supple, Tha wist richt weill, other les or moir, As tha war wont in tyme bigane befoir. 21,030 Tha knew also the Britis had ane ee With greit desyre agane to libertie ; And sen it wes thair tynie wes oportune, Beseikand liim richt suddantlie and sune, Sic cuir on him that he wald wndertak, 21,035 With quhat conditioun that he pleis to mak. How Fergus maid Ansuer to the Herald. This ilk Fergus, haiffand auctoritie. Be wyse counsall of greit niaturitie, Of his lordis richt plesand and benyng, Sic ansuer maid agane wnto that thing. 21,010 Sayand he wald at thair plesour fulfill All the desyre that tha had laid him till ; So that tha wald resing into thair handis, Without alledgeauce all and haill tha landis In heretage thair eldaris had befoir, 21,015 Withoutin sturt agane for to restoir. Of that conditioun tha sould reddie be, In just battell all on ane da to de, Or ellis tha sould agane to thame restoir Thair libertie siclike as of befoir. - 21,050 croniclis of scotland. 31 how the pechtis come to fergus grantand his Desyre, and renewit the Band retuix thame agane. With this ansuer tha passit hame agane, Quhairof the Pechtis joyfull war aud fane. Syne king and lordis come all on ane da, To this Fergus into Morauia, Oft thankand him with all humanitie, 21,053 So far for thame he saillit ouir the se Into wynter, haifand no dreid of perrell, So kynd he wes to thame into that querrell. And nioir kyndnes than I haif said ?ow heir, Tha schow to him no I can tell perqueir. 21,060 The band also that tyme tha did renew, And ilk ane swoir to vther till be trew ; And all injure, rancour and invye, For to postpone, foriet and lat pas by. Than, to conferme all that tha said befoir, 21, oca The Scottis all thai did agane restoir To their steidis, all that war fra thame tane, In quhome befoir thair fatheris duelt ilkane. The strenthis als that war into thair handis, Restorit thame agane with all the landis ; 21,070 Than war thai maid that saruin tyme als fre Into Scotland as thai war wont to be. HOW ALL THE SCOTTIS PASSIT TO ARGATILL. AND CROWNIT THIS ILK FERGUS TO BE KlNG. Quhen this wes done, the Scottis, to fulfill That tha had said, went all to Argatill, And set this Fergus on the marbell stone ; 21,075 Syne with consent of all wes thair ilkone, In rob royall with sceptour, croun and ring, Tha crownit him of Scottis to be king. Fourtie teir and foure also bygone, Efter that Scottis war flemit Albione ; 2i,oso 32 THE BUIK OF THE The ^eir of God, tuentie and tua also, Col. a. And four hundretht withoutin ony mo, Sevin hundreth zeir and sewintie alss bygone, Sen first Fergus wes king in Albione. How Fergus wan the Strenthis fra the Roman is. This beand done be raid ouir all his landis ; 21,085 The strenthis all war in the Romanis handis, Contrair tbair will on force thair hes he tane, Syne leit thame pas vnbarmit hame ilkane To Victoryn, quhilk schew to him full sone, At lenth all thing as ye haif hard wes done. 21,090 How Victorynus send ane Herald to TnE Pechtis. Quhairof he wes commouit than richt far, Traistand richt sone that it sould turne to war. With prouisioun that he doucht to mak, He sped him sone that tyme to Eborac ; Syne suddantlie ane herald hes he send 21,095 Wnto the Pechtis wicht prattik till pretend, Richt wyslie than for to lat thame wit, With greit requeist and mony fair promit, Of land and law, and libertie agane, At Romane faith so that tha wald rernane, 21,100 And leve the Scottis that war thair felloun fa ; Richt weill he wist, and tha wald nocht do sua, Sone efterwart quhen thai thair tyme mycht se, Quhen euir it war and thai mycht maisteris be, Tha sould revenge with all power tha mocht 21,105 The grit injure the quhilk to thame wes wrocht Be tour fatheris, bot schort quhile of befoir, - Quhilk in thair ' mynd remanes ^it full soir. 1 In MS. your. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 33 " That rancour is so rowstit ii^ thair ' hart, " With sic ruittis festnit fast inwart, 21,110 " And in thair breist bowclin with sic ane blast, " That force it is it man out at the last. " And thocht tha gif tow fair langage as now, " In tharae is nother for to trest nor trow. " Tha ar the leid culd neuir tit be leill 21,116 " For band or aith, for saw or tit for seill. " Quhen euir tha list tha find ante caus to brek ; " Thair lawtie ay wes bot litill effect. " We war neuir fals nor tit culd neuir fentie ; " And gif te think that te haif caus to plen^ie, 21,120 " In ony thing that we haif tow offendit, " At tour ain will it salbe weill amendit." How the Pechtis wald nocht consent to BKEK FRA THE SCOTTIS FOR NA R.EQUEIST OF THE ROMANE LEGAT. Quhen this wes said that I haif said and mair, The Pechtis all that present than wes thair, Bayth king and counsall that tyme gude and ill, 21,125 For na requeist that micht be maid thairtill Lik*,f. 105. Wald nocht consent, bot said tha wald defend Thame selffis and Scottis to thair lyvis end, And ay to thame for to be leill and trew ; That tha war fals to thame that micht tha rew. 21,130 Thair awin wand lies dung thame than so soir, In tyme to cuni tha wald be fals no moir ; Na lippin nocht in him that wes so sle, That put thame all in sic miseritie, At his plesour, but ony caus or quliy, 21,135 Aganis thame wrocht all tyme so wrangusly. And of ane thing tha said he sould be suir, Tha sould revenge all harmes and injure That he had wrocht agane thair libertie, Or all atonis on ane da sould de. 21,110 1 In MS. xour. VOL. II. C 34 THE RUIK OF THE Heir followis the Ordour and the Maner of the greit batrell betuix ylctoryn, the Roman Legat, and Fergus, the King of Scorns, with Help of the Pechtis. Qulien this was schawin befoir this Victoryn, That tha wald noclit to his willis indyiie, Than ' all the power he micht be that da, Fiftie thousand, as my author did sa, In curage cleir he had at his command, 21,113 Quhome with richt sone he come into Pechtland. Ouir Carroun flude, neh - by Camelidone, Thair he remanit with his men ilkone. Than king Fergus, herand that he was thair, With all his power that tyme les and mail-, 21,150 And king of Pechtis, for tha war in the north, Tha passit sone attouir the watter of Forth, With mony -berne that war baith bald and wicht. Syne in the morning, or tha micht' se licht, Or at the nicht departit fra the da, 21,168 In rayit battell quhair the Romanis la, With birny, brasar, bricht brand -and braid scheild, On fit and hors thair haif thai tane the feild. This Victoryn, that weill thair cuming knew, As of befoir his spyis to hira schew, 21,100 He put his men all reddie in array, Bydand battell ane litill forrow day. Quha had bene thair that tyme for till haif sBne Thair semelie schroud likeas siluer schene, Thair baneris bricht, that wer all browdin new, 21,1 CS Thair staitlie standertis of mony diuerss hew, With trumpet, talburne, and with clarione cleir, And buglis blast that hiedeons wes till heir. - The bowmen bald syne enterit in the feild ; Thair schnitting scharp hes persit mony scheild. 21,170 In MS. That. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 3 a The fedderit flanis than tha flew so thik, Quhair euir tha hit tha niarkit in the quik, Out-throw thair birneis bait or tha wald blin, Syne throw thair breist tha maid the blude to rin. The men of armes interit in the feild 21,175 With sic ane rousehe, quhill mony targe and scheild At thair counter all to pecis claue ; Sa mony duchtie to the grand tha draue. Into that stour that stalwart wes and Strang, With eo-ir will and force thai faucht so lauo; 21. 180 That Carroun water, quhilk wes neir thame than, Col. 2. Into that tyme all of reid blude it ran. So feill slauchter, as my author did mene, Into ane feild befoir wes semdill sene. But victorie tha faucht ay still quhill none ; 21,185 Syne at the last ane schour of haill full sone, Als mark as midnicht fra the hevin discendit, That baith the pairteis gritlie lies offendit. In fait of licht micht nane ane vther se, Bot drew abak and leit the battel! be. 21,190 HOW THE KOMANIS AND THE ALBIONIS ABSTEXIT LANG EFTEE FRA WeIB. This bergane wes so bludie to thame baith, On euerie syid tha gat sa mekle skaith, That lang efter, as my author did mene, That baith the pairteis did fra the weir abstene. This Victoryne, syne on the other da, 21,195 No langar baid bot passit hame his wa, With the few folk wes left to him vnslane, To Lundoun toun quhair that he did remane. The strenthis all he lies gait stuf alsua Into Pechtland and in Saluria ; 21,200 And als the laif of landis les and moir, To Scot and Pecht that did pertene befoir. C 2 30 THE BULK OF THE Fergus siclike, quhen that he saw and knew Thair power wes so brokin of the new, In that battell tha had sa mony slane, 21,205 And wes ouir few for to gif feild agane ; Thairfoir tha kest the Lest way that mycht be, The land tha had to bruik with libertie ; And in the tyme the pepill for to leir Vse and prattik of battell and of weir, 21.210 And all sic thing that neidfull war to ken, Quhill that 2oung childer grew vp and war men ; Syne efterwart quhen tyme wes to persew, . Thair heretage agane for till reskew. HOW THE PeCHTIS WAR OF SIC MULTITUDE THAIR AWIN LANDIS MICHT NOCHT SUFFICE THAME, QUHAIRFOIR THAIR DUELT MONY IN ATHOILL. That tyme the Pechtis, as my author inenit, 21,215 Sa mony war tha micht nocht be sustenit In Othylyn and in Orestia, In Ernywall and into Gowria ; Quhairfoir that tyme wes grantit thame to duell, Alhaill the landis callit is Athoile. 21,220 Ane lang quliill thair than that tha did remane, Quhill conqueist wes thair awin landis agane, The quhilk that lay besouth the watter of Forth, Sua lang tha duelt that tyme into the north. Lib.7, f.l05b. HOW VlCTORTNE GART MEND THE WALL FRA Co1, 1- Abircorne to Clyde. In that same tyme, as Ze sail wnderstand, 21,225 This Victorin lies giffin strait command, Without delay no langar to abyde, The wall wes biggit to the mouth of Clyde Fra Abircorne richt sone for to compleit, In euerie place quhair faltis war to beit, 21,230 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 3? Fra Scot and Peclit the Britis to defend, Rieht sone efter thair purpois tha pretend. Syne craftismen for to compleit that wall, In sindrie pairtis semlit hes thame all, And stankis kest that war baith wyde and 21,235 deip, And men of weir the craftismen to keip, Fra Scot and Pecht that thai sotdd tak na skayth. Bot sone efter, of Scot and Pechtis baith, How the Scorns slew all thame that war SET TO BIG THIS WALL, AND ALL THAME THAT WAR PUT THAIR TO KEIP THAME. Ane multitude convenit in the tyme, With thair chiftane the quhilk wes callit Gryme, 21,210 And suddantlie, as my author me schew, Thair craftismen and all the laif tha slew. Syne in the boundis that war neirhand by, Tha raisit fyre with mony sellout and cry ; Greit spul^e maid ouir all baith far and neir 21,245 Of men and beist, that wounder wes to heir ; Brocht hame with thame so greit ane multitude Off gold and siluer and of other gude. This nobill Grym, of quhome befoir I spak, As that my author dois me mentioun mak, 21,250 Borne that he wes ane man of Dacia, Of Algone als wes his familia, Ane Scot, quhilk wes borne of the royall blude, His father wes, quhilk wes ane man of glide, And his mother ane greit nobill alsua, 21,255 Ane lordis dochter wes in Dania ; And he himself, as ze sail wnderstand, Had to his wyfe ane ladie of that land, Quhilk buir to him ane virgin amorus, That quene wes than to this ilk king Fergus ; 21,200 38 THE BUIK OF THE Quhilk buir to him, as my author did sa, Or he and scho come furth of Dania, Thre ^oung sonnis richt plesand and preclair. The eldest sone and his apperand air, Callit he wes to name Eugenius, 21,260 The thrid Constant, 1 and the secnnd Dongarus : Of thair deidis efter, he Goddis grace, I sail schow jow qulien I haif tyine and place. How the Scorns that war dispersit in sindrie Landis, heirand of King Fergus, come Hame all agaxe in scotland. In this same tynie that 1 haif schawin heir, Fra sindrie landis ouir all far and neir, 21,270 As Span^e, Spruiss, and eik Germania, Fra Ytalie and Poitingalia, Richt mony Scot herand of Fergus fame, In Albione to Fergus than come hame Col. 2. In his support, and for to mak" supple 21,275 For to reskew thair land and libertie, Quhilk fra thair fatheris reft wes of befoir ; All in ane will at that tyme les and rnoir, In his querrell baith for to leve and de, And of the Romanis to revengit be. 21,280 How Fergus ressauit all the Scottis thank- FULLIE THAT COME HAME AGANE. Of thair cuming so hie his enrage rais, For to revenge him that tyme of his fais, Sone efter that he lies send one ane da, Ane greit armie into Saluria, Quhilk enterit in with greit anger and yre . 21,280 Amang the Britis, baith with blnde and fyre. 1 Iu MS. Tristant CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 39 The Romanis than, that knew thair criming weill, Ane greit power, in planeplait of steill, Gaif thanie battell richt pertlie on ane plane ; On euerilk syde thair wes richt mony slane. 21,290 Sa lang tha faucht thir worthie men and wycht, But victorie quliill twynnit thanie the nycht, In that semblie so mony than wes slane, That euerie syde refusit to fecht agane. That samin nicht, als far as tha micht wyn, 21,295 Ilkone fra vther draw in lies in twyn. Syne on the niorne, richt sone or it wes da, Baith Scot and Pecht lies left Saluria, And in thai boundis wald na langar byde, Or dreid the Romanis on the vther syde, 21,300 Thair power dalie sould grow and incres, And thairis ay be menist and maid les ; And of the jeir it wes so lait also, Quhill efterwart that wynter wer ago, This king Fergus and all his men ilkone, 21,305 The narrest way to Argatill ar gone, At his plesour thair to remane and byde, Quliill efterwart into the symmer -tyde, That men for 1 cald micht walk vpone the plane, And ganand tyme for to mak weir agane. 21,310 How this Fergus and all his Lordis the nixt Symmer held ane Counsall in Argatilium. In symmer syne, quhen euerie schaw wes schene, And euerie garth with gerss wes growand grene, The Scottis lordis than baith aid and ting, In Argatill befoir Fersnis thair kinff, To ane counsall convenit thair full sone, 21,315 For to devyss quhat best war to be done. In that counsall thair wes amang the laif Richt mony man that for best counsall gaif, 1 Sic in MS. fra ? 40 THE BUIK OF THE With Victoryn that tyme quhair that he la, With all his power into Galdia, 21,320 But ony proces pertlie to persew In plane battell thair strenthis of the new; For to reskew agane out of his handis, That wraugaslie he held fra thame, thair landis ; And tak the chance that God wald send thame 21,325 till, Quhat euir it war than other gude or ill. And vther sum, that better wnderstude, Lib.7, f.106. Said to the king that counsall wes nocht gude ; Col. 1. Thinkand it wes ouir perelous to preve, Without wisdome in sic ane louss beleve, 21,330 The commoun weill to put in jeopardie, All on ane da it war ane greit folie ; Sum other way moir wyslie for to wirk With countering and carmuische thame to irk ; Baith nicht and da to hald thame euir on steir, 21,335 With sic wisdome to put thame ay in weir, Quhill efterwart that [tha] thair tyme micht se, Quhen euir it war so hapnit for to be ; Quhilk wald be sone tha said, as thai presume Sa mony than rebelht agane Rome, 21,340 In euirilk land lyand neirhand than by. Tha wist richt weill that Victoryn for-thi, Sone efterwart of sic weiris sould ceis, And be content to bruke Britane in peice : Than micht thai weill at thair plesour but pane, 21,345 Thair richtis all for to reskew agane. The counsall all thocht than that that wes best ; Than suddantly devysit wes and drest Ane greit power in haist for to provyde, Of men of weir vpoune the bordour syde, 21,350 For to debait the boundis tha war in, And preis na forder at that tyme to win. And thus tha wrocht ane lang tyme of the teir, Quhill efterwart hapnit as le sail heir. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 41 HOW VlCTORYN THOCHT TO HAIF FLED QUIETLIK OF Britane, HEIRAND THE Emprioure [wes] DISPLESIT AT HIM ; AND SYNE, THROW COUN- SALL OF HIS FREINDIS, WAS CROWNIT IN LUNDOUN, CALLIT HIM SELFF THE EmPRI- oure of Britane. To Victoryn wes schawin be ane man, 21,355 Honorius that emprioure wes than, By wrang reherss held him than rycht suspect. Dreidand it sould sone follow in effect, He schupe richt sone, gif na better niycht be, Out of Britane richt quyetlie to fie, 21,360 To saue hitu self wnto ane better tyme, Or dreid he war accusit of that cryme. And sum to quhome his counsall that he schew, Him counsall gaif richt sone for to persew The haill impyre of Britane for to bruke. 21,365 At thair counsall richt sone on him he tuke The purpure habite that tyme with honour, In Lundoun toim that tyme gart croun liim em- prioure. How Heraclius wes send in Britane be Honorius, and how the Romanis, heirand of his cuming, tuke vlctoryn and deli- uer1t him bund to heraclian. Honorius, of this qulien he hard tell, How Victoryn in Britane did rebell, 21,370 Ane man of gude, callit Heraclian, With greit power he send into Britane. The Romanis all in Britane les and moir, That fortifeit this Victoryn befoir, Greit terrour tuke of this Heraclian, 21,375 Thinkand he wes so fortunit ane man. 42 THE BUIK OF THE And to vmschew Heraclianus schoir, Col. 2. Agane the fait lit that tha had maid befoir, This Victoryn tha tuke richt sone in handis, And all the laif fast bundin into ham lis, 21,380 War principal! that tyme the leist aiie man, Deliuerit thame syne to Heraclian. And he thame send sone efter that to Rome, In cajHtall cpihair that tha sufferit dome ; All to the deid wantit thair heidis syne ; 21,385 So wes the end of this ilk Victoryne. How Heraclian passit Hame agane. Sone efterwart, as my author did sa, Heraclian he passit hame his wa To Rome agane, and left into Britane Ane Planctius, quhilk wes ane rycht soft man, 21,300 Without ingyne or jeopardie in weir ; Of sic prattik that tyme he wes to leir ; Illiberal!, and richt semdell wes trew. This king Fergus, that his conditionis knew, Thinkand for him that tyme wes oportune, 21,395 Ane multitude couvenit hes gart sone, Of mony berne that worthie Avar and wicht, Buskit for battell than in armour bricht. The king of Pechtis that tyme, that Drustus hecht, With mony freik he fuir with him to fecht, 21,400 And sone tha enterit into Saluria With fyre and blude, and als in Galdia. Thair wes na Brit befoir thame thair tha fand, No tit Romane, other be se or land, Baith toung and aid, of hie or law degrie, 21,405 Without debait tha maid thame all to de. Syne in Pechtland and eik Dyeria, Jn Vicomage and Ordulucia, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 43 In thair rancour amang the Romania raid ; With fyre and blude so grit distructioun maid 21,410 Of men and heist, of corne, cattell and stoii", Was neuir sene sichke ^it of befoir. How Fergus wan Planctius in Feild, and CHAISSIT HIM TO EbORAC THAT TYME. This Planctius, quhen he hard this wes done, With greit power than hes he sped him sone Into Pechtland, with mony nobill man; 21,415 Ane bitter battell thairwith sone began. This king Fergus with monv cruell knicht, And king of Pechtis with mony worthie wicht, In curage cleir richt manlie hes thame met ; With brandis bricht vpone thair basnetis bet 21,420 Thir bemis bald with mony bitter blaw. The fedderit flanis in the feild that flaw, Als fers as fyre out of the flynt dois found, Quhilk wrocht the Romanes mony werkand wound, Throw birny bricht and habirschone of maill, 21,425 The fitmen all into the feild gart faill. Tha micht nocht weill sustene agane thair force, Bot drew abak behind the bardit hors. Than all the strenth and haill force of the feild With speir and lance, with scharpe sword and 21,430 with scheild, The bardit horss assailzeit all atonis, Quhair mekle blude, and mony brokin bonis, And mony steid la stickit in the feild, And mony knicht full cald wnder his scheild. Lib. 7, £106 b. So mony duchtie thair wer maid to die, 21,43s That force it wes the Romauis for tdl fie, And leif the feild, thocht tha war rycht vnfane ; Fleand that da war mony of thame slanei 44 THE BtHK OF THE This Planctius, as my author did sa, To Eborac with few he tied awa ; 21,410 But skarslie als lie chaipit wth his lyfe, He wes so straitlie sted into that stryffe. How Fergus gart diuyde the Spul^e of the Feild. This king Fergus, the spuUe of the feild, .Baitli bow and brand, coit armour, targe and scheild, Richt equallie among the men of weir, 21,115 Distribute hes with horss, harnes and geir. This Planctius, quhilk preuit had the pith Of Scot and Pecht, and manlines thairwith, The quhilk on force had maid him for to faill, Wittand so weill that he micht nocht prevaill 21,450 Agane the power that wes of sic pryss, And greit folie to set on synk and syss The grit honour befoir the Romanis wan, Dreidand also the tynsall of Britane, Als in that tyme with trew men he hard tell, 21,455 Agane the Romanis sa mony did rebell, In sinchie land with greit power and pryde, In euerie part ouir all the warld wyde. How Planct[i]us send ane Herald to Fergus for Peax. And for that cans he stude into greit dout, For to mak weir with his nichtbouris about. 21,460 And to compleit the purpois he pretend, Richt suddantlie ane herald he hes send To king Fergus, to treit with him for peice, And king of Pechtis, to gar thair weiris ceis : That tyme betuix thame lang trewis to tak, 21,465 With quhat conditioun that tha pleis to mak, CR0N1CLIS OF SCOTLAND. 45 On this conditiouu than the peice wes maid, With mony band and seillis that war braid : That is to say, baitht Scot and Pecht sal haue, Without cummer in ony tiling to craue, 21.470 The landis all that time baith les and moir, That thair fatheris lane bruikit of befoir, Of thair aid termes for to be content, Gif plesit thame thairtill to gif consent, And clame 11a thing within the Britis landis. 21,475 Of that conditiouu bund war than tha bandis, Confirmand peice withoutin ony stryfe, Betuix thame all for termis of thair tyfe. Peice beand maid, as I have said low heir, Quhilk lestit efter lang and mony ieir, 21, 480 Thir kingis baith hes ' done all that tlia mycht, With diligence and travell da and nycht, For to reforme s all faltis maid befoir, And thair kinrikis agane for to decoir With luif and lautie, libertie and law, 21,485 And put thame out of bondage and onirthraw, And servitude that tha war in richt lang, Be the Komanis that wrocht thame mekle wransr. O Tha war all maid agane for to leve frie, To vse thair law and thair awin libertie. 21,490 How Fergus diuydit Scotland the Secund 01.2. Tyme, gevand ilk Eegioun ane new Name. Quhen this was done, and tha war brocht to peice In Albione, and all the weiris ceis, This king Fergus, that tyme I wnderstand, The secund tyme diuydit hes Scotland. To euerie man he hes gevin ane daill 21,495 Efter his deidis as he wes of availl ; 1 In MS. had. I 2 j n M g rcfvrmis. 46 TIIE BUIK OF THE And changit all the nainis les and moir Wes gevin thame be first Fergus befoir; And euerie land, as my author did sa, Gaif it the name that it hes this same da ; 21,500 Sum efter nude, sum efter montane hie, Siun efter men for thair nobilitie. The causis quhy ax langsum to reherss, And tydeous this tyme to put in versa ; Quhairof thairof as now I hald me still, 21,505 And forder moir of Fergus speik I will. How Fergus eeformit the Kirk off Christ. As he wes flour and cheif of cheualrie, Siclike he wes in religiositie. The kirkmen als that flemit war befoir, Baith preist and prelat, monkis les and moir, 21,510 Brocht hame agane with laud and dignitie, With honour, reuerence and benignitie ; Ressauyng thame with countenance bening, With fair calling and hamelie cheresing. Syne plesand places gart for thame provyde, 21,515 Quhair tha at plesour micht remane and byde, Godis sendee thairfoir to say and sing : That neidfull war thai wantit thair nothing, At thair lyking, with greit larges and luke. And tha agane the pepill till instruct 21,520 The faith of Crist and halie kirk to knaw, And for to keip comma ndis of the law, And idolrie for to abhor alhaill. Into the tyme, that thai sould no tyme faill, In Iona Yle. of cmhome befoir I spak, 21,626 Ane fair abbay of black monkis did mak, And biggit hes richt mony plesand cell Within dortour quhairat tha sould dwell. All vther houssis that war necessair, He hes gart big richt plesand and preclair. 21,530 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 47 That plesand place syne poleisfc hes within With chaleis, crowat of sillier and t} r n, And vestimentis of sillier claitli and silk, Sum read, sum grene, sum quhit as ony milk. And in that place the kingis sepultuir, 21,535 He ordand hes with diligence and cuir ; And so it wes richt lang and mony da, And 2it is sene the places quhair tha la. How Fergus biggit the Strenthtis agane. The strenthis all, baith castell, tour and toim, j^j, 7 f 107 Distroyit war befoir and cassin doun, 21,510 Col. *■ He hes gart big far strenthear agane ; And dalie waigeouris thairin to remane, Off his awin coist thair to remane and byde, Into the strenthis on the bordour syde, Neirby the boundis of the Britis la. 21 515 Ane better king nor he, I dar weill sa, I can nocht find in na storie I reid, Quhilk previt alway richt weill by his deid Now will I pas of him into this place, And of the Komanes speik ane litill space. 21,530 How Walentenianus succedit to Honorius the Empriodre, quhilk send ane Legat in Britane efter the Deith of Planctius was callit castius. Honorius of Kome the emprioure, That tyme with seiknes staid wes in ane stour, Aganes cpihome he had no strenth to stryfe, Bot tuke his leif out of this present lyfe. His sister sone, hecht Walantenian, 21,555 Plesand and proude, and ane rycht fordwart man, 48 THE BUIK OF THE Quliilk wes the sone of Theodoc[i]us, And lauchfull air to this Honorius, Into hia place efter that he wes deid, As emprioure succedit in hLs steid. 21,500 This Planctius, of quhome befoir I tald, Throw sair seiknes that tyme as weirdis wald, Set him so soir that he inicht nocht ouirset, To God and nature quhill he payit his det. Ane Castius, efter that he wes deid, 21,666 To gyde the Romanes enterit in his steid, Into Britane that thai suld nocht rebell. This king Fergus, thairof cpihen he hard tell, And Drustus king of Pechtis to for-thi, Sayand the tyme of peice wes passit Ly 21,570 That tha had maid with Planct[i]us of befoir, Sen he wes deid than it suld lest no moir. Thairfoir tha said that tha wald nocht forga All Cummerland and als Westmawria, The quhilk thair fatheris bruikit of befoir ; 21,575 "Without the Eomanis wald to thame restoir, Declarit thame that tha sould haif no peice, Quhill that war done fra battell suld nocht ceis. How the King of Scottis and the King of Pechtis heeeit all WestmUrland. And for that caus with [all] power and mycht Of Scot and Pecht richt mony worthie wicht, 21,580 Thir tua kingis, sone efter on ane da, Greit heirschip maid ouir all Westmaria. In that land wes nother ill nor aude, That ony sparit for to spill his blude ; £oung or aid, other barne or wyffe, 21,585 Withoutin reuth tha reft fra thame thair lyffe. Col. 2. Wes neuir hard, nother be land nor se, In no weiris so greit crudelitie CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 49 Of reif and raip, of blude and als of fyre ; Tha war so full of malice and of yre, 21,590 Tha sparit nothing in thair gait tha fand, In Cumbria and als in Westmureland. HOW THE ROMANE LEGAT SEND ANE HERALD TO THIR KlNGIS. The word of this to Castius is went, Quhairof that tyrne he wes nothing content. His levir wes for to haif peice nor weir, 21,595 For of ane tiling he tuke so greit ane feir; The quhilk sone followit efter in effect, Or euer he wist it straik liim in the neck. Full soir he dred than Deonethus, Quhilk wes the sone of the last Octaueus, 21,600 Off Britane king, befoir as ye micht heir, Deceissit wes into that samin teh: This Castius richt soir thairfoir he dred, For Deonethus to his wyffe than hed King Fergus sister, that schort quhile of befoir 21,605 He weddit hes with grit honour and gloir, The cpuhilk he louit alway with Ids hart ; Thairfoir he dred that he sould tak his part. Thairfoir ane herald sone to him he send, Commandand him of tha boundis to wend, 21,610 Puttand till him than silence for to ceiss, Gif he desyris of him to haif peice ; And wald he nocht, he promist him rycht sone He sould forthink the thing that he had done. Remember him how lang befoir tha war 21,615 Fra Albione maid exull bene so far ; And how the Pechtis, for thair ingratitude, AVar put in bondage and vile seruitude. VOL. II. D 50 THE BUIK OF THE Richt so, lie said, with tliame it soukl be done, And tha agane maid nocht amend ia sone. 21,020 Quhen this was said befoir thame that wes thair, Amang thame all wes nother les nor inair, Quhen tha hard speik of sic vile seruitude, All with ane sellout than schortlie tha conclude With the Romanis no way for to mak peice : 21,025 Fra fyre and blude sayand tha suld nocht ceis, Quhill that he suld resigne in to thair hand All Cambria, and also Westmuxeland, In peice to bruke but ony boist or schoir, As that thair eldaris vsit of befoir. 21,030 How the Legat maid Prouisioun for Battell, AND HOW IN THE SAME TYME WAS SCHAWLV HIM THAT DlOXET WITH MONT BRITIS WAS PASSIT TO SUPPLE THE SCOTTIS. This Castius, quhen he hard tbair desyre, Commouit wes a Is hett as ony fyre. Sayand, richt sone he suld revengit be Of that injure, or niony ane soukl die. With all tbe power that tyine that he bed, 21,635 Richt spedelie on to thame he him sped, Lib. 7, f. 10 7k Him to revenge of that injure and cryme, K Richt suddantlie, and schew him in that tyme How Dieonet the lord of Cambria, Quhomeof schort quhile befoir ^e hard me sa, 21,010 The eldest sone of king Octaueus, That weddit [had] the sister of Fergus, With all the power he micht be that da, Of Cambriens and of Icinia, Baith ill and gude that tyme that he nrycht'be, 21,045 Come to king Fergus for to mak supple. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. How Fergus, the King of Scottis, fafcht with Castius the Legat, and wan the Feild, and chaissit this legat callit castius. This Castius thairof lie tiike greit cuir ; With sic prouisioun fordwart ay he fuir, Witlioutiu tarie other da or nicht, Quhill that he come into his fais sicht 21,650 Quhair that king Fergus with his grit ost la, And king of Pechtis in Westmaria, And Dionethus come in thair supple, In the best ordour that tyme that tha mycht be. Ane quhile tha stude arrayit all at rycht, 21,655 On euirilk syde ilkone in otheris sicht ; The bowmen bald syne enterit in the feild, Thair scharpe schutting hes persit mony scheild. The fedderit flanis in the feild that flew, Throw birneis bricht richt mekill blude tha 21,660 drew. The lansis and grit speiris with [thair] force, Maid sic ane brusche vpone the bardit hoTSS, Quhill speiris brak and all thair scheildis claif, Birneis did brek and all in pecis raif. Steidis la stickit stark deid on the grand, 21,665 And mony knicht, with wyde and werkand wound, In that counter lay cald vnder his scheild, And mony freik wes fellit in the feild, Throw force that da that rais neuir vp agane ; On euirilk syde richt mony man wes slane. 2i,G7o That stour it wox baith stalwart, stif, and Strang, But victorie of ony part richt lang; This king Fergus thairto that did intend, Than suddantlie of euerie wing he send Lycht lyuer men to cirkill thame about, 21,675 Syne haistelie set on thame with ane schout d2 o2 THE BUIK OF THE Or euir tha wist baldlie behind thair bak, Quhilk causit thame greit terrour for to tak. This C'astius thairof wes soir adred ; For feir of thame out of the feild he fled. 2i,eso Of his fleing the laif wes so agast, Out of the feild thai followit all rycht fast. The tother syde quhen that tha saw thame fle, Trowand thai war in sic securitie, Throw victorie tha wan into that place, 21, 685 "Withoutin ordour pairt followit on the chace ; Als mekle skaith gat in that chace agane, As tha did than and had als mony slane. Ane vther part, that keipit ordour still, Did mekill skaith and gat bot litill ill ; 21,690 Col. 2. Of the Romanis and Britis that war bald, Tha tuke and slew alas mony as tha wald. Syne all the spukie in the feild that la, This king Fergus vpone the tother da, To Scot and Pecht, and Cambriens that tyde, 21,095 Richt equallie amang thame gart diuyde. How Castius efter the Feild fled, axd syne efter he was passit the britis crownit Deoxethus King of Britane. This Castius to Kent that tyme he fled, With sa few folk thair levand that he hed, Out of the feild passit with him awa ; Syne Cumbirland and all Westruawria, 21,700 He left thame than into thair fais hand, Without defens vther be se or land, Or tit supple, fra tyme that he wes gane, Do as tha wald of him tha wald get nane. Syne efter this incontinent wes done, 21,705 This Dionet thai haif set in ane trone, In purpura cled and iliademe conding, And crownit him of Britane to be king. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 53 Syne tuke the feild with mekle boist and schoir, With Scot and Pecht, the langar ay the moir ; 21,710 Agane the Romania than tha dalie wrocht, With fyre and hlude, all the injure tha niocht ; Quhilk put thame all in sic penuritie, AVitli haill purpois out of Britane to tie, Seand thair fortoun maid sua oft to faill, 21, 715 Without beleif agane for to prevail! So sould haif bene, as apperis to me, War nocht the sonner that tha gat supple. How Etheus, the Romane Legat in Gallia, SEND ANE GRE1T MAN OF GUDE INTO BRITANE CALLIT MAXIMIAN, TO SUPPLE THE ROMANIS WAR THAIR. Ane greit Roman wes callit Etheus, In Gallia, my author tellis thus, 21,720 That all Romanis that da that levand war, In worthines precellit than richt far, For to supple the Romanes in Britane, Ane man of gude callit Maximian, That cousing wes als to the emprioure, 21,725 Into his tyme that wan so grit honour, With greit power to thame richt sone he send, To fortifie than- richtis and defend. The Britis all, that tuke the Romanis part, Richt blyth thai war that tyme in to thair 21,730 hart, Quhen tha hard tell of this Maximian, With sic power wes cuming in Britane. On fot and horss with greit solempnitie, Tha met him all as he come fra the se ; Oft thankand him that cuming wes thame till, 21,735 Sayand, tha sould with hartlie mynd and will With him ay wend quhair that he wald alway, For his plesour in all thing that tha may, IJb.7,f.ios. Col. 1. 54 THE BUIK OF THE And to Le traist to him in euerie steid, And tak his part baitli into lyffe and deid. 21,7m He thankit thame richt curtaslie agane ; Sayand, he wald for thair plesour be fane Thame for to pleis with all power he ma, At thair plesour other he nicht or da. How Maximian proclamit that euerie Man SOULD BE REDDIE AT SET Da AND PLACE, and syne with all his armie come to Eborac. Sone efter that, this ilk Maxiniiane 21,715 Proclamit hes that tyme ouir all Britane, That euerie man within the tuentie da, Suld redche he to wend with him alwa. And so thair [war] within the tuentie nicht, Off Britis bald and mony Roniane knicht, 21,750 And mony vther out of Gallia, And feill folk als out of Germania, Sic multitude other with les or moir, In Albione wes neuir sene befoir. To Eborac he passit on ane da ; 21,755 Syne efter that onto Westmawria, Quhair king Fergus and Drustus in that tyde, And Dionet togidder all did byde ; All in ane will and purpois tba pretend, Fra all injure tha landis to defend. 2i,7co With Dionet thair come that samin da, Itiniens ' and men of Cambria ; Tha followit him with gude will and fre hart. In all Britane wes na mo tuke his part. la MS. Contynyena. CRONICMS OF SCOTLAND. 55 HOW THE ROMANIS AND THE AlBIONIS COME IX SlCHT OF VTHER. Syne on ane da, ane litill forfow licht, 21,765 Ilkone of vther cuming ar in sicht ; Vnder ane bank besyde the bentis broun, Vpoun ane plane plantit tliair parieonis doun. On euerie syde stark watchis maid that nicht, Quhill on the morne that it wes fair da licht, 21,770 In gude ordour syne passit till array, In that intent sone vther till assay. How King Fergus maid his Oeesoun. I list nocht now to low this tyme rehers, So langsum Avar to me to put in verss, Of king Fergus the grit persuasioun, 21,775 He maid that tyme, and eik his oresoun, Vnto his men so ornatlie he spak, Quhilk causit thame all curage for to talc. The tyme is schort, I may nocht lang dwell In sic talking; thairfoir I will nocht tell 21, 780 His oresoun, nor put it in memorie, Ilk word by word contenit in the storie. Bot of ane thing that I dar wndertak ; So plesandlie to thame that tyme he spak, Tha war content alway to wirk his will, 21,785 Quhat euir it wes than other gude or ill. Heir followis the greit Battell betuix Maximian and Fergus, King of Scottis. The lawc siclyke wald nothing pretermit; Than to the feild tha fuir all fit for lit, Col. 56 THE RUIK OF THE In guJe ordoure array it all at richt, With baneri.s braid browdin with gold full 21.70" brycht, Fra Phebus face that flamit as the fyre, And staitlie standerti.s wroch[t] all with gold wyre In curage cleir like till ane bureall brycht, As ony lamp tha lemit all of lycht. The Romanis rayit on the tother s}'de, 21,795 With standartis waifand with the wynd full wyde, And baneris bricht as ony buriall stone, Agane the schynyng of the sone that schone, In coit armour of birneist gold so bricht, With rubeis reid and dyamontis weill dicht ; 21,800 Thair basnetis bricht as ony sillier schone, Of poleist perle and mony precious stone. Ane fairrar sicht befoir wes neub sene Of Adamis seid, nor iit sensyne lies bene. The buglis blastis maid sic ane busteous beir, 21,805 And bornis als that hiddeous war till heir, As hevin and erth that tyme had gane togidder, Quhilk causit mony for to sueit and swidder. The trumpetis blew with sic ane awfull sound, Quhill that thair blast gart all the erth rebound; 21,810 The schalniis schonttit quhill all the schawis schuke, The bugbs blast reboundit fra the brake ; So awful rumour, and so rude ane rebd, Wes neuir hard with no man in this erd. How King Fergus Bowmen entekit in the Feild. The bowmen big, with bent bowis in hand, 21,815 Befoir king Fergus in the feild did stand. Of fedderit flanis into randoun richt, Fra thaine thair flew richt mony felloun flycht, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 57 Als ferce as fyre out of the flynt dois fair, And thik as snaw thai flew in to the air ; 21,820 Evin lyke ane cloude adumbrit ' all the lycht, So thik tha flew into ane randoun richt, Into the air makand ane awfull sound, And ferce as fyreflaucht throw the feild did sound, Throw all thair weid tha wrocht thame woundis 21,825 wyde. That bikker wes so awfull till abyde, Into the feild the Romanes that faucht first, Tha gart the blude oui>throw thair birneis brist ; And skaillit mailieis in the feild full wyde, For all thair pryiss tha parit of thair pryde. 21, 830 And had nocht bene tha gat sonner reskew, Gif it be suith that my author me schew, Tha had forthoucht that da that tha come thair, That schutting wes to thame so scharpe and sair. HOW THE ROJIANIS HAD BENE DISTROVIT HAD NOCHT THE LEGAT SONER SEND SUPPLE. Maximiane, thabto quhen he tuke heid, 21,835 L»b.7,f.i08b. Ane new battell buskit in weirlike weid, In thair supple, with all the haist he ma, He send to thame faucht nocht befoir that da. Thir 2 bernis bald that stalwart war and Strang, Tha enterit sone into the thickest thrang ; 21,840 At thair cuming wes sic ane counter maid, That mony berne bled of his blude full braid ; And mony schouder schorne out throw the scheild, And mony freik als fellit in the feild ; And mony proude man laid vpoun the plane, 21,845 Sum ill woundit, and vther sum than slane. Richt lang thai faucht with egir will in hart, Quhill that the Romanis had the fairast part, 1 In MS. abumbrit. I ' In MS. Thair. 58 THE BUIK OF THE Persand the feild quhairat tlie ordour brak, And enterit syne behind king Fergus bak 21,850 Quhair that he faucht, and king Drustus also ; Richt haistelie withoutin ony ho, Tha cirklit thame richt suddantlie about, In that beleif that thai suld nocht wyn out. HOW THIR TtJA KlNGIS RENEWIT THE FEILD AGANE, AND HOW GUDE FERGUS WES SLANE. Thir tua kingis, quhair tha faucht in the feild, 21,855 Richt haistelie quhen tha sic thingis beheld, Wittand so weill that na better micht be Into that tyme bot other do or de ; And weill tha wist that thair wes no remeid, And, for to be revengit of thair deid, 21,860 The battell baldlie did agane renew, And of the Romanes mony that tyme slew. Suppois thai war baith stalwart, stout and stuir, lit neuirtheles tha micht nocht ay induir Into that stour fechtand so Strang tha stude ; 21,866 The Romanis als wes of sic multitude, And in ane cirkill closit thame about, That be no way tha micht that tyme wyn out, And with the Romanes tha wald nocht be tane, Quhaii'foir tha faucht to deid that da ilkane. 81,870 Thair deid that da it wes full deirlie sauld, Gif it be trew that my author me tald. Suppois the Scottis that da tynt the feild, For tua of thame thair wes thre Romanis keild. The laue of thame, richt sone and suddantlie, 21,875 Quhair that thai faucht in other feildis by, Into the tyme tha wer so soil' adred, Out of the feild richt fast away tha fled. The Romanis follouit richt fast vpone the chace \Vit[h] grit slauchter in mony sindrie place, 21,880 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 59 All da to end als lang as tha had liclit, And ceissifc noclit quhill twynnit thame the nycht. To Scot and Pecht that wes ane eairfull feild, Thair kingis baith that samin da war keild ; The niaist pairt thair of thair lordis all, 21,885 Into that feild wer maid that da to fall; And all the laif syne, throw that greit misckeif, That samin tyine wer put in sic beleif, Quhen enir the Romanis plesit thame invaid, Fra Albione all exull to be maid. 21,890 This wes the end of gude Fergus the king, The saxtene ieir than efter of his ring. This Dionet, into that samin da, Col. 2. Out of the feild with few men fled awa ; Vnto the se, the quhilk wes neir hand by, 21,895 Richt haistelie that tyme he did him by ; Into ane schip, as my author did sa, Sone efter that passit in Cambria. 1 How Maximian, efter the Feild, bkint all Pechtland and Galdia. Maximiane, or he wald stanche of yre, All Galdia he hes brint in ane fyre ; ai.ooo All Pechtland als, and eik Dieria, All Wicomage and Ordolucia, And slew thairin alhaill baith wyffe and man. Camebdone he seigit syne and wan ; Baith ^oung and aid that he fand in that steid, 21,905 Without petie gart put thame all to deid ; Baith Scot and Pecht compellit to the North, Without fauour, beyond the watter cf Forth, And gart thame sueir thair ay to remane, And neuir man- for to persew agane, 21,910 By richt or clame ather by nicht or da, To ony land besouth aid Forth that la. ' In MS. Cumbria. 60 THE RUIK OF THE Of the Britis tliair wes richt mony than, Sic counsall gaif to this Maximiane, Baith Scot and Pecht alhaill for to distroy, 21,915 Or the Romanis withoutin sturt or noy In Albione sould be hot rycht schort quhile, Quhill that war done, or than all maid exyle, In ' vther landis suddantlie to fle Fra Albione richt far without pitie. 21,920 How Maximian jMjstenit fra Weir quhill Wynter wes done. Maximiane, becaus he saw appeir Sic ill weddar and winter als draw neir, With frost and snaw, with greit wyndis and rane, That nane for cald mich[t] walk vpone the plane ; And Scot and Pecht that weill thame self cidd 21,025 keip In montanis hie, and mossis cald and weit, Fra liim all tyme withoutin ony skaith, He knew that Aveill of Scot and Pechtis baith. And for that caus quhill gone wes wyrid and rane, Postponit all quhill symmer come agane. 21,930 How Licens come fra Eome, schawand Maxi- mian HOW SA MONY REBELLIT AGAINE ROME, QUHAIRFOIR THIS MAXIMIAN GART CROUN HIM SELF EMPRIOURE OF BlUTANE. In Aprile quhen lenthit wes the da, His purpois wes to pas in Cambria, With all power befoir as ^e hard tell On Deaneth aganis him did rebell. Lib. 7, f. 109. Him for to dant his purpois wes alhaill, 21,935 Col. 1. Syne of that purpois he wes maid to faill. Ane freind of his come furtht of Rome and schew, Ouir all the warld sa mony of the new ' In MS. Or. CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 61 Agane the Rornainis, 2e sail wnderstand, Rebellit had in niony sindrie land, 21,940 And euerie Romane that tyme raair and myn, Held to him self all landis he micht wyn. Ane Beneface that tyme wes callit sua, Rebelht had than ouir all Affrica, And tua legatis of Walantinian 21.945 Tliair he had slane and mony vther man. Siclike that tyme tha letteris to him shew, In Gallia wes cmnin of the new The Frenschemen, and tane at thair awin hand Of Orliance and Pareis all the land, 21,950 And fisit thair thair settis to remane, In that belief neuir to remoif agane ; And pleneist had, withoutin ony pley, Fra Rynis mouth to the mont of Peroney, Alhaill tha landis at thair awin lyking, 21,955 Syne crownit hes ane of thame to be long. Maximian, fra he tha letters red, His freind fra Rome to him that tyme send lied, With his counsall in quhome he did confyde, Thinkand he wald than for him self prouyde, 21,960 And hald the honour to him self he wan, As emprioure than for to bruik Britane. And or he wald to that purpois proceid, In gud[e] belief the better for to speid, Thinkand that tyme he wald obeyit be 21,965 With the Britis be sum affinitie, Be ony way gif he micht win thair hai*t, To that purpois that tha sould tak his part. HOW MAXEVIIAN WEDDIT THE 20UNGEST Dochter of Deonetus, quhilk was calijt Otilia. This Dioneth, of quhome befoir I spak, As that my author did me mentioun mak, 21,970 G2 THE BUIK OF THE Tua dochteris had and childer than no mo ; Otilia, the youngest of tha tuo, The lustiest that levand wes on lyfe, Maximiane lies' weddit till his wyfe. The eldest sister, as my author sais, 21,975 Hecht Vrsola, the quhilk in all hir dais Ay leuit clene in puir virginitie, And for the faith ane martyr maid to be, As I sail schaw to ^ow with Goddis grace, Sone efter heir at ganand tyme and place. 21,980 Maximian, throw that affinitie, With all the Britis louit weill wes he ; And Deoneth of most honour was than, In all Britain nixt this Maximian. And thus the hartis he lies conqueist all, 21,986 Of all the Britis that tyme .bayth grit and small. Heir will I male ane paus into this place, And of the Scottis speik I will ane space. Heir followis the crowxyng of Ewgenius, the Soke of Fergus, quhilk wes ane nobill King all his Tyme, and sone efter subdewit the britis. Col 2. Efter the deith of king Fergus schort epihile, The Scottis all forgadderit in Argyle, 21,990 And crownit hes Eugenius to be king, Gude Fergus sone that wes baith fair and z'mg ; Prayand to God that tyme baith ane and all. Sic fair fortoun and grace sould him befall, And wisdome als, that he iniclit worthie be 21,993 To keip thair land in law and libertie. Ewgenius, the first 2eir of his ring, Within schort quhile efter he wes maid king, His fatheris cors he hes tane vp agane, Neirby the feild befoir quhair he wes slane, 22,000 1 In MS. Us. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 03 Quhair lie wes bureit in ane prevat place ; Syne efterwart within ane litill space To Iona Yle with mekle pomp and pryde. With laud and gloir gart it convoy and gyde, And sesit him thair in to sepulture, 22,005 With all reuerence takand of hini greit cuir ; And stablit him into the samin steid, Quhair he dewysit lang befoir his deid, Into the abbay of Ecolumkill; Rieht weill he wist that wes his fatheris will. 22,010 Syne ordand seruice thair to sing and sa Solempnitlie quhill on the auchtane da, The sevin psalmis thairfoir to sing and reid, With latony, placebo, and the creid ; And euerie da ane mes for to be sung 22,015 Solempnitlie, and all the bellis rung. Syne fra that furth with honour, laud and gloir, The kingis all, till king Malcum Canmoir, Wer bureit thair with greit solempnitie, Quhair takynis tit remanis for to se. 22,020 how eugenius gatherit axe armie for to reskew his laxdis out of tne romanis Handis, and quhen his Power was ouir small he skaillit thame agane. This being done as ^e hail hard me sa, Eugenius, sone efter on ane da, In that belief for to reskew his landis On south wart Forth out of the Romanis hand is, Hes gart proclame than with ane voce full cleir, 22,025 That euerie man wer passit sastene teir, And within saxtie, that micht harnes weir, Suld reddie be weill graithit in his geir, Furneist richt weill for all thing fuurtie dais, To wend with him quhair euir he wald alwais. 22,030 fi-t THE r.riK OF THE And so thai did, as my author did sa, Convenit all at ane set place and da. Quhen tha come thair all and thair misteris schew, Wyiss men of weir that all sic thingis knew, Quhen tha had sene thair ordour ane and aw, 22,035 Tha thocht thair power wes that tyme ouir smaw, Agane the Romanis for to mak shyfe or weir, Quhomeof that tyme that all the warld tuke feir, Tha gaif counsall so to pas hame awa, And to defer all wnto ane other da, 22,040 Quhill that they saw thair tyme mair oportune ; And so thai did, as my author snid, richt sour. I/ili.7,f.io9b. Onto the place syne ilk man, les and moir, Passit agane quhair he come fra hefoir. How Maximiaxus maid Peice with Ewgexius. Maximiane, of quhome befoir I tald, 22,0-15 With so glide will thinkand that t3'me he wald Richt suddantlie, withoutin ony moir, C'ompleit the purpois that he tuke befoir; And for to be out of the danger and dreid, In that beleif to cum the better speid, 22,050 And for to brake all Britane into peice, And all that weir for to gar stanche and ceis. Richt so he knew his power -\ves than brokin With Scot and Pecht, befoir as ye hard spokin. Into the feild quhair glide Fergus wes slane ; 22,055 Thairfoir he thoucht he wald mak peice agane With Scot and Pecht, and all weiris forleit, Or he micht nocht his purpois than compleit. Then suddantlie ane herald he hes send To king Ewgene with hartlie recommend, 22,000 And king of Pechtis, the quhilk this peax hes maid, Syne bund it Weill with letters seillit braid. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G.~> How Maximiane passit furth of Britaxe, AND TUKE WITH HIM ALL THE NOBILLIS OF BRITANE AND ALL THE KlCHES, AND SYNE PASSIT AND WAN ArMORICA. Quhen that wes done, this ilk Maximian, With all the nobillis that war in Britane, And with consent of euerie Roinane knicht, 22,065 In purpure cled and diadeine so bricht, In Lundoun toun with greit laud and honoure Tha crownit him to be than - emprioure. And thair he did rebell agane the richt Of the Romanis, as ane fals vntrew knicht. 22,070 Sone efter that he chesit in Britane The nobillest men that wes amang thame than, And to the se causit with him to ga, In that beleif to conqueis Gallia. This Dioneth he left that tyme at hame, 22,075 For to defend the Britis fra all blame, With ane legioun war nobill men of weir, That Scot no Pecht sould do to thame no deir. Than to the se he passit on ane da, And syne tuke land into Arrnorica ; 22,080 With lytill stryfe that cimtrie all he wan, At Iris plesour subdewit euerie man In all the partis by the se that la. Quhen that wes done, syne efter on ane da, With greit power syne inwart is he gone 22,085 To seig ane citie callit wes Radone. Out of tha places or he passit than, He stuffit all the strenthis that he wan, And all the laif wer oblist to be trew, Or euer he wald that citie than persew. 22,090 That toun it wes so stuffit and so Strang, Maximian la about it richt lang, VOL. 11. E 66 THE BUIK OF THE And of his purpois na way culd prevail], Bot euerilk da far lykar for to fail], He left the toun that tyme I wnderstand, 22,095 And heirschip maid about ouir all the land. Col. 2. How Etheus causit Armorica to rebell AGANE Maximian and tuke all the Strenthis AGANE. In Gallia ane legat wes thair than, Hecht Etheus, cpihilk wes ane nobill man. Maximian richt soir that tyme he dred, Herand so weill in all partis he sped, 82,100 Quhilk causit hes, as my author did tell, Armorica ao-anis him to rebell, And hrek to him thair obleissing and band, And all thair strenthtis tuke in thair awin hand. The men also war left thair for to keip 22,105 Tha strenthis all, sua sound tha gart thame sleip, And suddantlie, and of so nyce ane wyss, That tha forget agane tit for to ryss. How Maximian, heirand quhat was done in Armorica, sped him sone agane in Ar- morica AND CRUELLIE DISTROVrT ALL THE Armoriexs. Maximiane herand how tha had wroucht, He sped him hyne in all the haist he mocLt ; 22,110 And maid no tarie that tyme nicht nor da, Quhill that he come till Armorica. Baith wyfe and barne befoir him that he fand, ■Joung ' and aid, withoutin ony ganestand, Of that injure for to revengit be, 22,115 Lyke doggis all he maid thame for to de, . In MS. Zoing. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G7 Withoutin mercie that tyine baith ill and gude, That he culd ken wes of Armorien bhule. The word thairof throw all Arniorica, It ran als swift as ony hart or raa. 83,130 Of that danger the laif all tuke sic dreid, Tha fled als fast as spark gois out of gleid, To sindrie landis that war neir' hand by, So soir tha dred that tyme his tirrany. Thus fleinit wes and slane all that natione, 22,125 The land als left but habitatioun. How Maximian broucht out of Britane ane HuNDRETHT THOUSAND MEN AND WEMEN FOR TO INHABIT ARMORICA. Maximian quhen he perfytlie knew Into that tyme the Britis war ouir few He had with him into Arniorica, Quhairfoir richt sone he send agane for ma 22,130 Into Britane that tyme, I wnderstand, That micht compleitlie pleneis all that land. Ane hundreth thousand than of loung and aid, Into that tyme tha war by taill weill tald, That come to him out of Britania, 22,135 For to remane in to Arniorica. Compleitlie than tha pleneist vp and doun All haill that land, baith caste! 1, toure and tonn. How Maximian maid Conanus, that was ane Lib.r.f.no. GREIT NOBILL, KlXG OF ARMORICA, QUHILK C ° l l " NOW IS CALLIT BRITANE. Ane nobill man that Conanus wes cald, Borne in Britane of the best blade and aid, 22,110 To Dioneth the quhilk wes neir of kin, Maximian, or he wald langar blin, E 2 CS THE BUIK OF THE With liaili consent of all, baith aid and ting, This Conanus hes crownit to be king. Syne all that land callit Britania 22,145 Efter the Britis, the quhilk on to this da 2 it changit neuir be na auctoritie : I wait nocht weill how efter it will be. How Haximian, with his greit Armie, passit TO BURGON. Maximian, qidien that he had done so, Vnto Biu'gon he tuke his leve till go. 22,150 With all the Romania thair with him he had, On to Bnrgon richt sone he hes him sped, For to supple, my author sais thus, The Burgundaris aganis Etheus, The Roman legat in to Gallia. 22,155 Sone efter that, Conanus on ane da, With all his lordis hes decreittit than, That tha wald send agane into Britan, Of toung wemen to bring ane multitude ; Tha thocht it best than of the Britis blude 22,1011 Wyffis to tak, and weddit for to be With thame that war of puir virginitie. How Vrsola, the Duches of Dionethus, with ane Elevin Thousand Virginis, war had out of Britane to Armorica, and war all marterit in Colania for the Faith of Christ. This Dioneth, befoir as le micht heir, Departit wes bot laitlie that same leir, Tua dochteris had, as le haif hard me sa. 22,165 Of thame the youngest callit Yrsola, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 60 Quhilk vowit had to keip virgiaitie, And tuke habit of religiositie, And manage in all hir tyme forsuik, Magir hir will out of hir cell hir tuik, 22,170 For to be queue to this Conanus king. And elevin thousand siclike of aid and ting, Quhilk keipit had ay clene virginitie, With mony seruandis seud wes to the se, With bark and barge, and mony gay gala, 22,175 For to be weddit in Britania. Leit sailhs fall, and ankeris vpdraw, Syne saillit furth betuix baith wynd and waw, How Vrsola and hir Madynis war put be aventure of wedder into the mouth of the watter of ktne, quhair thai passit all to Land. As plesit God, and so all thing man be, That tyme tha war so vexit on the se, 22,180 Preissand to pas to Armorica, Throw force of nude and greit tempest alsna, Col. 2. Ay seikand succur baith be North and South, Quhill tha arryuit into Rynis mouth, Into ane hevin befoir thame that tha fand, 22,180 Thir virginis all thair passit to the land : On fit and hors thair purpois wes to ga, With thair seruandis on to Armorica. Sum men thair is that wrytis to my diune, Thair puquois wes that tyme to pas to Rome, 22,190 For caus thai had vowit virginitie, Agane thair will that tha sould weddit be, Vnto the Paip thairfoir for to complane, Of his gude grace gif he wald him dedane In that mater to mak thame sum remeid, 22,195 To thame wes force to do or suffer deid. 70 THE BUIK OF THE How Vrsola and all the Laif war marterit be ane tlrrane, callit oth1la of the Hwnis Blude. In that same tynie into Colonia Ane bellomy, wes callit Otliila, Ane Hwn lie wes and borne of Hwnis blude, Of Hwnis had with him ane multitude, 22,200 Quhilk passand war that tyme in Gallia, In feir of weir, as my author did sa. The virginis all quhilk clene war of intent, For thai wald nocht to thame that tyme consent, Nor to thair purpois na way wald apply, 22,205 Thair ajipetyte to stanche and satisfie ; Thir Hwnis all war pagauis wnbapteist, And thir virginis war of the faith of Christ ; And for that caus, without ony remeid, Thir virginis all thair haif thai put to deid. 22,210 Of tha virginis in halie kirk diuyne, Ar sung and said solempnitlie sensyne In sanctuar solempnit obseruance, Ilk leir sensyne in thair rememberance ; And ay salbe, gif that I richt presume, 22,21 Continuallie wnto the day of dome. Heir followis the Maner how the Scorns AND THE PeCHTIS SUBDEW1T THE BR1TIS EFTER THE PASSAGE OF MAXIMIAN INTO ARMORICA, AND SYNE IN BURGONE. Eugeniu^, that wes of Scottis king, Quhen that he knew perfitlie all that thing, How all Britane that tyme wes maid to be Of all Komanis without help and supple ; 22/220 And eik also of mony nobill man Denudit wes of the best in Britane ; Thinkand thair power that tyme wes so small, That eith it was for to ouircum thame all. CRONICMS OF SCOTLAND. 71 Quhairfoir richfc sone, withoutin tai-eing, 22,225 He set ane tryst to ineit with Drustus king Of the Peehtis, quhilk wes ane nobill man, Than for to speik and sindrie thing began. Lih.r.f.no. And at the last thairat to him he schew Co '- '• Than was best time thair richtis to reskew, 22,230 And of the Britis to revensrit be, Of the injure and greit iniquitie, That tha had wrocht thair fatheris of befoir, And to thame self, the quhilk [wald] nocht restoir The braid landis tha ' fra thame withhald. 22,235 He thocht it best that tyme gif that he wald, Or euir sic thing wer to the Britis knawin, Richt suddantlie for to persew thair awin. For weill he wist richt eith it rnicht be done, So thai war wyiss in haist and sped thame sone, 22,210 Or thair purpois war to the Britis [k]end, With litell pley bring that purpois to end. This king Drustus thairof wes weill content, And suddantlie thairto gaif his consent, Settand ane da and place quhair tha suld meit ; 22,245 Syne gart proclame in euerie toun and streit, That euirilk man within ane lytill space, Sould reddie be to meit at da and place, On fit and hors weill garneist in thair geir, With sword and ax, bow, buklar and speir, 22,250 And victuall als to steid for fourtie dais, To wend with thame quhair that tha wald alwais. HOW TIIIR TUA KlNGIS MET [IN] CALIDONE WOD. And so thai did within ane lytill space, In Calidone wod tha met at da and place, With mony berne that wes baith bald and wicht ; 22,255 Wit ;e that tyme tha war ane semelie sicht. 1 In MS. the. 72 THE BUIK OF THE Fourtie thousand thai war he taill weill tald, In armour hricht, with mony berne full bald. Quhen thai war gatherit thir grumes that war gay, Amang thame all withoutin ony delay, 22,260 Eugenius, with ane loud voce and cleir, He said to thame as I sail sehaw jow heir. How Eugenius, King of Scottis, maid his Oresoun. " My friendis deir, I traist 2e knaw rycht weill, " How oure fatheris befoir, as I liaif feill, " So mekill wrang, so grit injure and lak, 22,260 " Of Britane, Romane, wes maid on force to tak; " Loissand alway baith land and libertie, " In seruitude and greit miseritie, " With dalie wo, and mekill oppin wrang, " So war thai maid with [thame] to leve so lang. 22,270 " Syne glide Fergus reskewar of this land, " My fader deir, as ^e sail wnderstand, " Bot schort quhile syne slane in his awin defence. " And lit sensyne dalie greit violens " Tha wirk on ws with mekle oppin wrang ; 22,275 " Haldand fra ws oure heretage sua lang, " So vnjustlie throw greit maistrie and mycht, " But ony clame, without titill of richt, " And thinkis nocht agane for to restoir. " My counsall is," he said to thame, " thairfoir 22,280 " To tak oure tyme that now is oportune, " For weill I wait it ma be rycht weill done, Col. 2. " Quhen euir we pleis that purpois for to preve. " I knaw so weill tha ar out of beleif " Of the Romanis to get help or supple ; 22,285 " As for this tyme I Avait it will nocht be. " Also," he said, " with trew men he hard tell " Agane Rome sa mony did rebell, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 73 " And worthelie reskewit had thair riekt ; " Quhairfoir," be said, " thair power and [thair] 22,200 micht " Extendis nocht to sic ane quantitie, " That tha ma niak the Britis now supple. " For Rome," he said, "he[s] now bene seigit twyis, " Win and destroy it on sic ane wyiss, " That it may neuir regres haif to sic gloir 22,295 " In to oure tyme as that it had befoir ; " In all partis als far fra thair faith tha fle, " Ouir all the warld exceptand Italie ; " Thus none to thame perlitlie will obey, " In all partis tha hald thame at grit pley. 22,300 " Britane also withoutin inhabitour, " Neirby maid waist I wait at this same hour, " And that thair power this tyme is so small, " With lytill sturt we may ouircum thame all. " Thairfoir," he said, " I 2ow beseik ilkone, 22,305 " Think on the lak oure fatheris gat bigone : " The greit injure, the harmes and the skayth " That thai haif done to thame and to ws bayth : " And sen it is that so is now befall, " That we may haif thair bakis at 1 the wall, 22,310 " Without defend that ar oure commoun fa, " And haif thame self and landis to our pra, " Now at oure will as that oure awin self wald ; " Quhairfoir," he said, " I wald nocht it war tald, " Syne efterwart quhen that we haif no micht, 22,315 " We sat ouir far into oure awin licht. " Quhairfoir," he said, " ilkone I ;ow beseche, " Ze wald apply to my purpois and speche, " Sen 2e ma wyn so grit riches and gloir, " Sic as oure faderis wan neuir tit befoir, 22,320 " Into na tyme sen weiris first began ; " Thairfoir," he said, " heir I beseik ilk man, In MS. all. 74 THE BUIK OF THE " For his honour, and for his profite ' baith, " And for to be revengit of the skaith " Is done to ws, and oure eldaris bipast, 22,325 " Now at this tyme to be nothing agast ; " Bot for to think of the honour tha wan, " And euirilk one now preiss to preve ane man." HOW ALL THE SCOTTIS AND PECHTIS CONSENTIT TO TAK ElTGENIUS PART QUHAT EUIR IT WAR. Quhen this wes said, than with ane schout and cry, Ilkone that tyme that standand wes than by, 22,330 With greit confort and enrage at than- hart, Tha gaif counsall ay for to pas fordwart On to the purpois he had tane on hand, Sayand tha sould be ay at his command : Siclike the Pechtis that tyme did apply 22,335 To that purpois, all with ane schcut and cry. Withoutin lat, that tyme tha war nocht lidder, Thir tua kingis baith in ane will togidder Has enterit sone in to Pechtlandia, In Kyll, [in] Carrik, an[d] in Gallowa, 22,340 Lib.7,f.ill. And all the landis that la in the south, Co. 1. -p ra ^qj.^Jj s treikand recht on to Eskis mouth; The Britis all befoir thame that tha fand, Baith ^oung and aid that duelt in to that land, Thair brandis baldlie baithit in thair blude. 22,345 Wes none so stout into thair gait that stude, Bot like ane dog tha maid him for to de, Or fra thair face recht far awa to fie. Into greit haist tha fled fra hand to hand, Throw Cumbria and als throw Westmureland, 22,350 Baith loung and aid that tyme into greit number, Richt haistelie all ouir the water of Humber, Or euir tha durst in ony place remane, Sic eked thai had for to be tane or slane. ' In MS. perfite. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 75 So greit injure amang thame thair tha wrocht, 22,355 That all Britane had sone been put to nocht At thair plesour but ony pley or pleid, War nocht the sonner that tha gat remeid. How the Britis send ane Herald to Home to the Emprioure Valentinian, schawand to him how tha war oppressit with scot and pecht. Into all haist thai send ane herald than To" Rome that tyme to Valentinian, 22,360 And schew to him how that tha war ouirthrawin Be Scot and Pecht ilk da within thair awin ; Beseikand him of his help and supple, And tha to Rome perpetuallie sould be Subjett for ay, but ony pley or pleid, 22,365 So that tha wald defend thame fra the feid Of Scot and Pecht, that set on thame so soir ; Help now, thai said, or releis ' neuir moir. Quhen this wes said to Valentinian, In Gallia quliilk wes in Pareis than, 22,370 He lies gart pas the Britis to supple, With greit power that tyme he tuke the se, And enterit syne in Britane on ane da. Thir tua kingis into Westmawria Beleuit weill that he micht nocht lang byde 22,375 Into Britane, and speciallie that tyde, To mak the Britis lang help or supple, Quhairfoir thai feineit that tyme for to fie, Quhill that tha saw thair tyme mair oportune, Traistand the Romanis sould leif Britane sone, 22,380 For greit mater tha had ado that da, So greit rebellioun wes than in Gallia, 'In MS. rellis. 76 THE BUIK OF THE And for that caus with greit anger and yre, Tha boundis baldlie brint all in ane fyre, Baith tour and toun, with all cornis and hay, 22,385 Syne scheip and nolt with thame turst away. All kynd of thing wes lichtar than the stone, That wald nocht birne, with thame away lies tone. HOW THE ROMANE LEGAT, FOLLOWAND THE SCOTTIS AND PECHTIS, TUKE REST AT FORTH, AND SYNE WES SEND FOR WITH ETHEUS TO CUM TO HIM IN ALL HAIST. This Romane legat, herand thai war past, With all his power followit efter fast, 22,390 With Britis gyde far into the North, Quhill that he come on to the water of Forth. Ane weill lang quhile syne in that place he la, Col. 2. With countering and carmusche euerilk da, Of Scot and Pecht richt pertlie on the plane, 22,395 Quhill mony one on euerie syde wes slane. It hapnit efter in that samin tyde, That Romane legat micht no langar byde ; This Etheus, that wes in Gallia, He send for him that same tyme quhair he la, 22,400 For he of him had sic mister and neid Exhortand him richt haistelie to speid, And. all the Romanis bring with him also. This Gallio, who wald hither go, He hes gart big agane into the tyde, 22,405 Fra Abii-corne wnto the mouth of Clyde, Of erd and stone the wall agane full wicht, Aucht cubit thik and tuelf also of hicht. With mony turet of erd, stone and tre, He hes gart big that Avail baith grit and hie, 22,410 Quhair men micht stand to fecht and mak defence, To weir the wall fra wrang and violence, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 77 Or dreid thair fais sould mak it for to fall. Syne ordand men to walk vpoun the wall, To wait and watche rickt wyslie da and nyeht, 22,415 Baillis to birne, and bekynis that war brycht, Qulien tha saw other Scot or Pecht appeir, To warne thame all about baith far and neir. Syne ordand thame rickt sone for to cum all, Baith ^oung and aid, for to defend the wall ; 22,420 Quha did nockt so it sould coist him his heid. Syne efter that gart pleneis euerilk steid War brint befoir, and castell, tour and toun, Gart big agane wes laitlie cassin doun ; And pleneis all agane fra Forth to Humber, 22,425 With cattell, corne, and pepill out of number. Quhen that wes done, syne passit on ane da To Etheus agane in Gallia ; No Romane legat efter he wes gone, Come lit agane sensyne in Albione. 22,430 NOW FOLLOWIS THE FASSOUN HOW THE SCOTTIS AND PECHTIS WAN THE WALL BIGGIT BETUIX ABIRCOKNE AND THE MOUTH OF CLYDE, AND ENTERIT SYNE WITHIN THE LANDIS. Eugenius, heirand that he wes gone, And king of Pechtis, thair power baith in one Richt haistelie that tyme hes put togidder ; Without leithin thai war nother sueir nor lidder. Syne to the wall with mekle boist and schoir, 22,435 And grittar feir nor euir tha did befoir, Tha passit syne sone efter on ane da, Neirby the wall thair with thair grit ost la. The Britis than [that] woik vpone the hicht, Of that greit oist sone quhen tha gat ane sycht, 22,410 Bailhs tha brint, and greit homis syne blew, Quhill reik and low ouir all the land it schew. 78 TflE BUIK OF THE And thai siclike that duelt within the land, Greit bekynnis brint ay on fra hand to hand ; ''"'.vf'! 1 Proceidand sua richt far and mony myle, 22,445 Continiewalie onto ane weill lang quhilo, With schout and cry and rnony buglis blast, Syne to the wall thai come all at the last. Tliii- kingis tuo that tyme quhair that tha la, Of chosin men syne on the secund da, 22,450 Devysit hes ane seig vnto the wall, Seand on force gif that tha can gar J it fall. Ane nobill man wes callit Grym that tyde Thair gouernour wes maid thame for to gyde, Come with king Fergus fnrth of Dania 22,455 Schort quhile befoir, as £e haif hard me sa. The king of Pechtis that tyme befoir thame all, Promittit hes quha first teid ouir the wall, He suld be maid for his reward anoue, Pro vest and principall of Camelidone. 22,460 This nobill Grym, of quhome befoir I tald, Went to the wall with all tha bernis bald, With bowis big into thair hand weill bent ; Thair wes no want of euerie instrument Men coidd devyss, that ganit for ane salt, 22,465 Quhat neidfull war thairof tha had na fait. Syne loud on hicht he cryit hes his seinte ; With that ane flicht of mony fleand gauze, Alss ferce as fyre, amang the Britis flaw, That bydand war for to debait the waw. 22,470 The braid arrow is, Like ony schour of haill, Flicht efter flicht ilkane on vtheris taill Tha flew als ferce as fyre dois of the flynt ; Greit danger wes for to induir that dynt : And tha within, that stalwart war and Strang, 22,475 Out ouir the wall richt mony stanis slang. In MS. yurl. CR0NICLI3 OF SCOTLAND. 79 The men that stude vpone the touris hie, Out ouir the wall lute mony flanis flie ; And tha without vpoune the tother side, On tharue within lute mony gan^ie glyde, 22,480 Heidit with stedl that scharp as rasure schair, That mony Brit out throw the bodie bair, That stude abone for to debait the wall, Law to the grund tha maid thame for to fall. That bicker wes so awfull till induir, 22,485 For to debait the Britis all forbuir The wall abone, and drew thame fra the hycht. Then nobill Grym, with all power and mycht, Doim of the wad quhen that he saw thame went, Assayit sone syne with all instrument 22,490 At euerie pairt the strenthis of the wall, And suddantlie he hes maid it to fall. So eith it wes for to brek doun that tyme, For-quhy that wall wes nocht biggit with lyme, Bot with dry mow that wes of lytill effect, 22,495 Quhairfoir it was the eithar for to brek. how the scottis and the pechtis enterit ouir the Wall. At sindrie pairtis quhair tha brak the wall, Baith Scot and Pecht hes enterit in thair all, And fand the Britis vpoun the tother syde, Tn rayit battell bergane for to byde. 22,500 This nobill Grym than with ane shout and cry, He set on thame sua sone and suddantlye, That tha micht haif no lasar for to fie, Col. 2. That force it wes other to do or die. Rieht mony fled quhen that tha saw sic dout, 22,505 The laif that baid war aU cloissit about ; Syne suddantlie, with lytill dyn or stryfe, In that same place thai loissit all thair lyffe. 80 THE BUIK OF THE Efter this tyme, as ray author did sa, That wall is callit tit on this da, 22,510 Grymis dyke, as I wnderstand, With all the duellaris lit into this land. This beand done as le haif hard me sa, Throw Wicomage on to Pechtlandia Engenius fuir, and king Drustus also, 22.515 And all thair power maid with thame till go, And prayis tuke about fra hand to hand ; With fyre and blude thair waistit all that land, HOW ANE NAVIN SEND BE KlNG FERGUS EN- TEEIT AND LANDTT IN PECHTLAND. That samin tyme, as my authour did sa, Ane greit navin fra Ethelenia 22,520 Wes enterit than with mekill bost and schoir, Be the command of king Fergus befoir, Of Scot and Pecht that tyme into Pechtland, Moir rigorous than as I wnderstand, Be far that tyme nor war tha kingis tuo, 22,525 Onto the Britis wirkand sa mekle wo. So furiuslie revengit hes thair feid, No levand thing tha sparit fra the deid ; Quhair euir tha come tha did richt mekle skayth. Syne efterwart tha and thir kingis baith, 22,530 Ar met togidder syne vpoune ane da, And passit all to Ordolucia. The Britis all tha fled fra hand to hand, Baith loiuig and aid richt sone tha left the land, And left all waist for fanenes for to flie, 22,536 Tha war so red for thair crudelitie. With wyffe and barne and all thair gude fled hyne, Far fra thair seit attouir the watter of Tyne. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 81 HOW ALL THE GuiDIS BBTWIX T\'NE AND TUEID WAS MAID FOR THE MEN OF WEIR. Thir tuo kingis than maid ane opin ciy, Fra Tyne t> Tueid baith corne, cattell and ky, 22,541 Nolt and scheip, gold and vtlier geir, Sould all be fre wnto the men of weir. Ilk man suld haif all that he docht to wyn ; The tyme wes set quben that he sould begin. Quha had bene thair that tyme for to haif sene 22,545 So grit slauchter, that cruell wes and kene, Amang the Britis that tyme as tha maid, Of toung and aid withoutin ony baid, With grit heirschip baith into fell and firth, Sa mony slane gat nother grace nor girth. 22.550 Ane lang quhile so, at laser as thame lest, Tha waistit all fra the Eist to the West. The Britis quhilk wist of na vther wane, Ouir Adrianis wall tha fled rycht fast ilkane, Lib.", £112. That biggit wes richt stark of stane and lyme ; 22,555 The quhilk thai tuke for thair defence that tyme, And stuffit hes the touris that war hie, With mony stone and with artalierie ; And mony men that weill culd ' bowis draw, And stonis cast, tha set to keip the Avail. 22,500 How thir Tua Kingis left the seiging of the Wall quhill Symmer, and in the meane tyme causit the Scottis and Pechtis to inhabit all the Land with- out the Wall. Thir kingis tuo than with thair power all Hes left that tyme the seiging of the wall, For caus it wes so lait tyme of the teir, Quhill wynter went and symmer suld draw neir. 1 In JIS. cahi. VOL. II. F 82 THE El' IK OF THE Quhen that wes done tbir kingis gaif command 22,565 Baitli wyffe and barnis to bring in that land, With corne, cattell, and all vtlier geir, To occupie that tha had wyn by weir, Tha landis all hand of lenth and breid, On fra the wall ay fordward sa to Tueid. 22,570 And so tha did richt sone I wnderstand ; Within schort space tha pleneist all that land. Syne all the strenthis that war neir the wall, Tha stuffit thame richt stranglie ane and all ; Becans that wynter that tyme wes so neir, 22,575 Out of tha steidis sj'ne wald na forder steir, Bot in tha boundis bownit for to byde, That biggit wes vpoun the bordour syde, Quhilk strenthis war biggit of lyme and stone, Thair to remane quhill all wynter wer gone. 22,580 How the Britis send agane in Gallia for Help. In that same tyme, as my author did sa, The Britis send agane in Gallia Ane messinger to Etheus, quhilk schew How Scot and Pecht so laitlie of the new, In thair boundis with far mair bost and schoir, 22,585 War cumit agane nor euir thai did befoir ; With fyre and slauchter had distroyit all Fra Forth ay South to Adrianis wall ; And in tha boundis schupe [for] to remane, Quhill wynter went and symmer come agane, 22,590 And syne with battell thocht thame to persew ; Aud gat tha nocht of him that tyme reskew, Tha war bot loist, thair power wes so small. Than Etheus sic ansuer maid with all : " Gude freind," he said, "forsuith I can nocht se, 22,595 " How I this tyme may mak help or supple. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 83 " Thairfoir I wald te did the best 2e may, " Quhill efterwart on to sum vther day, " Quhen hapnis me for till haif les ado, " Per aduenture than I will cum low to." 22,600 How the Brit Herald schew his Ansuer in Col. 2. LUNDONE. With this ansuer the herald hame is gone Without delay quhill he cum till Lundone : Iu to that tyme thair counsall thair did hald, Befoir thame all his ansuer thair he tald, Word be word how that he said him till. 22,605 Quhairof the Britis lykit than richt ill Of that ansuer quhen that tha hard and knew Of Etheus tha wald get na reskew, Quliilk had thame left into thair grittest neid, And for that caus thai quaikit all for dreid. 22,610 And that tyme thai war so wo and will of wane, In that coiuisall togidder all ar gane, For till aduyss quhat best is till be done. And sum thair wes that counsall gaif rycht sone, For ony thing that efter micht befall, 22,615 Manlie to meit thame at the foirsaid wall, With all the power that tha docht to be, And in that querrell other to do or die, Erar with thame nor for to be opprest. "Richt mony than thocht that counsall wes best. 22,620 How Conan Camber discentit to that Counsall. Ane man that tyme of greit auctoritie, Conan Camber callit to name wes he, Richt neir he wes alss of Octaueus clan, Amang thame all he wes the wysest man, Quhilk to that counsall discentit rycht far ; 22 626 Full weill he wist efter it wald be war. F2 84 THE BUIK OF THE Than vp he stude that tyme amang the laive, Befoir thame all this counsall he thame gave : " Eicht weill ye knaw, quhen we had strenth and mycht '•' Of horss and men, and als of armour bricht, 22,C30 " And of the Romania had help and supple, " And docht alway oure awin worthit be ; " Thir barbour bodeis that now ar so bald, " Doeht nocht of force than for to gar ws fald, " No in that tyme no trewis with thame tak, 22,635 " Nor iit no peice bot at oure plesour mak. " Bot now," he said, " allace, and harmissa ! " For all that welth is went full far awa. " Xe knaw full weill how that Maxim [i] an, " That tressonable tratour and fals tirrane, 22,640 " Denudit ws of all power and micht, 1 " Of wisdome, wit, and mony nobill man " Of the best blude that wes in all Britane. " Allace ! " he said, " that euir sic thing sould fall ; " Quhairthrow oure power parit is so small, 22,6-15 " That we ma nocht oure innimie resist, " Fra blude and battell cpuhairin rycht grit tha th[rist], " With sic haitrent and with sa greit invy, " Thair appetite on ws to satisfie, Lib.7,f.ii2b. « Off the injure oure faderis did beforne, 22,650 " Full mony xeiv or ony heir wes borne. " Thair is no travell that ma gar thame tyre, " Nor zit na want of meit, or drink, or fyre. " Hungar and cald to thame is litill pane ; " To walk thairout baith into wynd and rane, 22,655 " Frost or snaw, ma do thame lytill deir ; " To ly thairout tha ar nocht for to leir. " Thair is nothing that tha think half so gude, " No moii- desyi'ous nor the Britis blude, Here a line seems to be wanting. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 85 ' With cruell slauchter dalie to exerce, " That horribill is to me now to reherss. 22,660 " Saif better counsall, I say for me this da, " To lat thame be als far now as we ma, " Quhill efterwart that we oure t} r me ma se ; " Perauenture that sone efter may be ; " And nocht this tyme to temp Fortouu ouir 22,665 far. " Full weill I wait tliat we will get the war " And we do so ; for oucht that I can see, " Sail loiss oure land, bayth law and libertie." How the Britis rebutit Conan for his gude Counsall. Quhen this Conanus had his taill so tald, The Britis all richt bitterlie and bald 22,670 Rebalkit him, standand about, full soir, Of tha wordis that he said of befoir; And all in euill that langage than tha tuke, Richt so his counsall in the tyme forsuik. With haill consent decreittit syne hes so, 22,675 Baith 2oung and aid to battell all to go, And wemen als, that waldin war and wicht, An>I euirilk berne that mich[t] weir harnes brycht ; Fra that semblie sould no man exceptit be, ioung or auld, of hie or law degrie ; 22,680 All to be reddie in ane lytill space, For to convene at set da and at place. How Conanus was slane with evill adwysit Men recaus he wald nocht consent to thair ^oung Counsall. This Conanus quhen he hard thame say so, Out of his mynd neirhand as he wald go, 8G THE BUIK OF THE " Allace ! " lie said, " sora) 7 and wo is me, 22,685 " That I so lang on lyfe sould levand be, " To se sic folie as le wilder tak, " To iour confusioun with greit schaine and lak. " And le do so, adew Britane for euir ! " Allace ! " he said, " or so war I had levar 22,690 " Ane thousand tymes on ane gallous de, " No be on lyfe so greit mischief to se. " Forsuith," he said, " als far as I can juge, " This nobill realme without ony refuge, " Richt suddantlie it salbe put to nocht. 22,695 " And all oure barnage into bandone brocht. " God I tak witnes, and the lawe heirto, *' In this counsall that I haif nocht ado \" Then furth he teid fra thame ane litill space. Col. 2. The lawe of thame war present in that place, 22,700 Throw grit malice full of malancoly, Tha ansuer maid to him agane in hy. Of litill motiue rais ane suddane stryfe, That euerie Brit hes drawin out ane knyfe, That thair about war standand neirhand by, 22,705 To this Conanus, sone and suddantly, Gaif mony wound war deidiie in that tyde, Quhilk persit him than baith throw bak and syde ; Amang thame thair, as my author sais, He closit hes that t} r me his latter dais. 22,710 HOW THE FEEINDIS OF CONANUS WAK DISPLESIT OF HIS DEITH. In that counsall wes mony men of gudej To this Conanus war richt neir of blude, Commouit war richt far into that tyme, Thinkand to be revengit of that cryme. Amang thame than or it micht weill be gydit, 22,715 The haill counsall in tua wes eone diuydit, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 87 And suddantlie lung knyvis out tha drew, On euerie syde syne sindrie that tha slew Ane lang qubile so in furiositie, With greit crabing and sic crudelitie, 22,720 That scantlie weill with all into that place, It micht be stanchit to ane weill lang space. HOW ANE MESSINGER COME TO LONDOUN, AND SCHEW TO THE LORDIS HOW GRYM HAD CASSIN DOUN THE WALL. Sone efter that within ane litill qubile, Ane messinger that had run mony myle Ouir hoip, ouir hill, ouir daill and mony doun, 22,725 Into all baist he come to Lundoun toun ; And schew to thame into that same tynie, This nobiU man the quhilk wes callit Gryme, Quhome of I schew schort qubile of befoir, Had cassin doun with mekle boist and schoir, 22,730 Fra Abircorne the wall passand to Clyde, And neuir ane stone left standand in the tyde. And efter that fuir fordward in the South, Withoutin stop ay on to Tynis mouth, And planeist had that tyme ouir all that plane, 22,735 In that beleif that neuir Brit agane Into that place fra that furth suld releive. Syne on the Britis hes done grit mischeif, In euerie place befoir that tha fand, At leist befoir wes levand in that land. 22,740 Sone efter that, he said, this being done Thir tua kingis, richt suddantlie and sone, In sindrie partis with thair power all, Then brokin had this Adrianis wall. For-quhy, he said, it wes rycht eith to do, 22,745 All instrument that neidfnll wes thairto, Lib.7.f.H3. Or lit ingyne in warld that micht be wrocht With mannis wit, thairof thai wantit nocht. 88 THE BUIK OF THE Syne in tha boundis enterit in with sic number, Fra Tynis nioutli all to the water of Humber, 22,750 Baith wyffe and man with gi - eit anger and feid, And ^oung and aid thai haif put all to deid ; Thair is no leid in that pairt left in lyffe, iouDg or aid, other man or wyffe, With eruell hart and greit crudelitie, 22,755 Of thair injuris for to revengit be. And tha, he said, that fled that multitude, War dround ilkone passand attour the flude. Baith seik and waik and aid that micht nocht fle, Lyke doggis all tha maid thame for to de ; 22,760 And tha that baid for to defend the wall, War fcane or slane that tyme baith ane and all. how the beitis, heieand the cuming of thir klngis, geeitlie wae affeeit that tha wist nocht quhat till do j syne at the last tha send tlta heealdis, ane to Etheus in Gallia foe Help, and ane vthee to thie tlta klngis for peax. The Britis aU so greit terrour tha tuke, Quhen this wes said, tha trymlit and tha shuke, Togidder syne to counsall all ar gone, 22,765 Ilkone to vther makand full sair ane moiie, Devysand than quhat best wes to be doue. Syne at the last decretit thair wes sone, Quhen tha had arguud lang tyme to and fro, In haist the heraldis in that time till go, 22,770 Onto thir 1 kingia thair quhairat tha la, Quhilk said to thame as tha war ordand sa, Fra Humber mouth wnto the wattcr of Tueid, The 2 landis all lyand in lenth and breid, 1 In MS. And to Oiair. \ ■ In MS. Tha, CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 89 Iii heretage tha sould haif for to mak peice, 22,775 And sober thame fra sic slauchter and ceiss, Baith gold and siluer and all other geir, To laue in pece and no moir to mak weir. To Etheus, that samin tyme also, Ane vther herald haif tha maid till go, 22,780 That wes richt traistand in all thinjr to trow, Qnhilk said to him as I sail say to Zow. How the Herald maid his Oresoun to Etheus the Legat. Etheus, to the it is weill knawin, We war ay frie befoir within oure awin, And to no leid maid subject for to be, 22,785 Bot leuit ay at oure awin libertie, Quhill' pairt be force, and far mair be fre will, iour celsitude [we] war subdewit till. te war protectour and the suir port, The consolatioxin and the greit confort, 22,790 The hie refuge than baith to gude and ill, For ony succour that tyme send zow till ; And we," he 2 said, " wnder tour celsitude, At £our fauour lang befoir ay stude, Col. 2. Quhill efterwart the fals Maximian, 22,795 Quhilk spulieit ws of mony nobill man, Of gold and siluer, and all vther geir, And of all thing that neidfull war in weir ; Quhairfor we ar invaidit now rycht far Without fais the langar ay the war, 22,800 That all thair tyme lies ay bene euill adwysit, And now with tow neglectit and dispysit ; And to bs maid als with oure mortall fa, At thair plesour baith presoner and pra. 1 In MS. Quhilk. I ■ In MS. tha. 90 THE BUIK OF THE " Quhairfoir," he said, " be this same argument, 22,805 " Onto ws all it ma be document, " That changit is tour greit nobilitie " To fals deceptioun and crudelitie ; " Or ellis lour power parit is so far " That te are lichleit and put to the war, 22,810 " With greit contemptioun of tour majestie, " As weill apperis at this tyrne to be: " And gif Fortoun hes decernit so, " The nobill land of Britane for to go " So frernmitlie into thairfais hand, 22,815 " Without supple of 2ow, or jit ganestand, " To Scot and Pecht quhome that we most detest, '• Throw fyre and blude tha lat ws tak no rest ; " Quhairfoir of force we ar maid for to fiie " Fra sted to sted quhill we come to the se, 21,820 " And thair on force we man byde and remane, " Or ellis droun, or ellis with thame be slane. " Tha bludie bouchouris all tyme ar so bald, " Baith seik and sair, decreipit, toung and aid, " And febill folk fra thame that ma nocht fie, 22,825 " Without mercie hes maid thame all to de " Kicht crueUie with sic ane multitude, " Bayth tour and toun this tyme that thame gane- stude, " Hes cassin doun, and brint all in ane low ; " Thus haif tha wrocht oure landis throw and 22,830 throw. " Heir we beseik," he said, " thi majestie, " Gif reuth, or faith, or pitie in the be, " Or for the treuth fchow aucht the empriour, " To rew on ws and send ws sum succour. " It be nocht said of tow into na tyme, 22,835 " That tour falsheid, lour tressoun and lour cryine, " And sic beleif hes done ws far mair skayth " Na war or wranjr of Scot and Pechtis baith. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 91 " And do le nocht it will exempill be " To all this world, quhen that tha heir and se 22,840 " With sic tressoun le haif maid WB ane trane, " Neuir for to haif in low beleif agane." How Etheus maid Aksuer agane to the Legat. This Etheus that epistill quhen he red, Grit reuth and petie in his hart he bed; And said, " Deir freind, I pray apardoun me, 22,845 " For at this tyme I ma mak no supple. " In Ytalie I trow le baif hard tell, " Contrair oure faith sa mony dois rebell, " And I my self als standis in greit dout " With mony rebellis that ar heir about. 22,850 Lib.7,f.i 13 b. " Thairfoir," be said, ''it standis 1 so with me, " That at this tyme I ma mak low no supple ; " Na lit na way I ma debait torn' querreb, " Without I put my self in ouir greit perrell. " Tharrfoir I wald, alsueill as that le ma, 22,855 " Debait lour self wnto ane vther da, ' ; With grace of God it ma stand so with me, " That I sail send low greit help and supple." How the Herald come Hame to Lundoun AND SCHEW HIS AnST/ER ; QUHAIROF THE BRITIS WAS RIGHT EUILL CONTENT. The messinger hame with this ansuer sped, In Lundoun toun befoir thame all it red ; 22,860 Quhabof the Britis wes richt euill content Of that respons that Etheus thame sent. That samin t}ane the messenger also Come hame agane thair fra tha kingis tuo ; Sayand thai wald ben nane of thair desyre, 22,865 So full tha war of mabce and of ire, 1 In MS. stude. 92 THE BUIK OF THE Of na profer that tlia can put thame till, Quhill that tha haif all Britane at thair will, Of thair injuris to revengit be, So full thai war of crudelitie. 22,870 The nobillis all quhen he that ansuer schew, For verrie dreid tha changit all thair hew ; Wittand no way quhat tha sould say thair till, Into ane studie ane lang quhile so sat still, Without langage that tyme of ony on, 22,875 Quaikand for dreid tha war so will of wone. Syne at the last thair spreitis did respyre, And suddantlie, throw greit anger and yre, Reprevit lies thair awin vngudelines, To be so blunt throw beistlie basitnes, 22,880 Quhill causit thame to get grit skayth and lak Ane ennimeis grit enrage for to tak. Syne with consent of all wes present thair, Decreittit hes all man micht armour bair, Baith ^oung and aid, other ill or gude, 22,885 With all thair power and thair multitude, Thir kingis meit at Adrianus wall, And tak the chance that efter ma befall, Quhat euir it war, other good or ill, As plesit Fortoun for to send thame till. 22,890 how the scottis and the pechtis, heirand the Ansuer send fra Etheus to the Britis, incontinent enterit within Bri- tane, MAKAND GRIT HEIRSCHIP. So quietlie this thing wes [nocht] done, Quhen king of Scottis and Pechtis als rycht sone, Sone efter than he hard tell of all that, And of the ansuer also that tha gat, Fra Etheus thairout of Gallia ; 22,895 Than suddantlie thir foirsaid kingis tua, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 93 Thair poweris baith togidder that lies drawin, Onto the Britis or it wes kend or knawin, Col 2. With sic ordour of all thing les and moir, As tha come neuir in Britane of befoir. 22,900 All Gallowa and Walis of Annand, And all the dalis on the efter hand, The Mere also that tuke the feild befoir, And formest fuir with grit triumph and gloir ; Athoill, Argyle and Calidonia, 22,905 All Othelyn, and als Orestia, Wicomage, with princes of grit Pechtland, The secund wyng that tj'me lies tane on hand. Thir tua kingis, with mekill schoir and bo[i]st, In nriddis led the grit staill and the oist, 22,910 With baneris braid ay wavand with the wynd, And all thair cariage cumand syne behind. Syne efter all thair come ane mekle rout Of mony wemen stalwart war and stout, And men that war nocht ganand for the weir, 22,915 Sum loung, sum aid, that mycht na harnes beir. Sum for to se the aventur of battell, And vther sum to carie away cattell ; Sic wes thair vse ane lang tyme of the aid, Gif all be trew that my author me tald. 22,920 How the Britis first tuke Purpois to fecht, AND SYNE CHANGIT THAIR MYND. The Britis bald sone efter on ane day, Thame to resist with all power tha may, Hes tane the feild, baith vpone fit and hors, With enrage cleir richt mony clenelie cores. Sone efter syne, quhen that tha wnderstude 22,925 Thair ennimeis war of sic multitude, And of thair purpois than culd cum na speid, Togidder all in couusall than tha teid. 94 THE BUIK OF THE Sum said, als far as tha culd wnderstand, Greit folie wes to tak sic thing on hand, 22,930 Sen that thair power wes sempill and small, In auenture atonis to put thame all ; Bot erar byde quhill tha micht efter se Ane better tyme quhen euir that it micht be. In present tyme trewis with thame to tak, 22,935 With what conditioun that tha pleis to mak, Tha said it wes expedient richt far, Or efterwart it wald turne thame to war, HOW THE BRrTIS SEND ANE HERALD TO THIR TUA KlNGIS, SCHAWAND THAME THAIR MYND With thair desyr ane messinger is gone [On to] thir kingia and thir lordis ilkone ; 22,940 To lat thame wit quhat wes the Britis will, With sic command as than [thai] gaif him till. Thir tuo kingis wald nocht heir thair desyre, JJib^7,f.ll4. jq-Qj, y^ no Wft y obtemper wald thair ire, Without the Britis laulie come thame till 22,945 Ilkone that tyme, and put thame in thair will. And wald thai nocht, than schortlie to conclude, Tha sould nocht byde fra battell and fra blude, Into that tyme quhill other man or wj'ffe Of Britis blude war levand vpoun lyfe. 22,960 The messinger quhen he this ansuer tald To the Britis, tha grew so het and bald, Half in despair, and half in good beleif, Tuke aventure the battell for to preif. That tyme tha war into so greit dispair, 22,955 Tha ' rakit nocht than other quhen or quhair, Seing thame self in sic danger tha stude, To gif battell to all that multitude. 1 In MS. Them. croniclis of scotland. 95 Heir followis the Ordoure of the Battell of scottis and pechtis on the ane pairt, and the beitis vpoun the tother part, AS jE SALL NOW HEIR. Be this the Seottis cuming war in siclit, And Pechtis proude with niony baner bricht, 22,900 With schalmis schill and inony buglia blast ; Quhairof the Britis war no thing agast, Ire and invy so movit had thair thocht, Of thair awin self tuke litill cnir or nocht, And all tha[t] da disposit for to de, 22,966 So greit dispair tha had of libertie. But ony mour, richt sone and suddantlie, Tha tuke the feild all with ane schout and cry, On fit and horss with mony speir and scheild, Rieht manfullie into the formest feild. 22,970 In that counter that cruell wes and fell, Bicht manfullie togidder tha did mell, Quhill speiris brak and all in flenderis new ; Thair coit armoiuis that war so cleir of hew, And basnetis, war brodin ouir with blude, 22,975 Into that stour so stalwartlie thai stude. In that battell the Britis war so bald, Richt mony freik tha maid on force to fald Of Galloway men and of Annandia. The Britis all tha war so bald that da, 22,980 Had nocht bene than tha gat soner supple, Tha had bene loissit euirilkane but le. HOW EUGENIUS SEND GrTME TO RESKEW THE SCOTTIS. Eugenius commandit hes l gude Gryme, With new power to pas into that tyme 1 In MS. hes commandit. 96 THE BUIK OF THE On to his men, tliame ' for to mak reskew, 22,983 That faillit fast and als tha war ryckt few. This noliill Giym richt haistelie him sped, Of Ylis men ane rout with him lie had, On to the feild for to mak thame reskew, Quhen that lie come the battell did renew. 22,990 The Galloway men, the quhilk befoir that fled, Of his cuming so grit curage tha bed, Turnit agane als bald as ony boir, With grittar strenth nor euir tha had befoir, So stoutlie syne into that stour tha stude, 22,995 Col. 2. Baithand thair brandia in the Britis blude. Richt niony als la gruflingis on the grund, In thair bodie buir mony bludie wound, Start vp agane richt sturdelie and stout, And raikit in syne in the thikest rout, 23,ooo And sic ane counter at thair cuming maid, That mony Brit than tha gait bleid full braid. The secund oist, als fast as tha micht frak, Come in behind syne at the Britis bak, Quhen that tha war forfochtin and confoundit ; 23,005 Fra bowis bent the braid arrowis aboundit, Into the air ay fleand by and by, Quhill that tha cled the cloudis of the sky. Thir tuo kingis, with all thair royall rout, Hes closit than the Britis round about 23,oio On euerie syde, alss thik as ony snaw. The Britis than quhen thai beheld and saw, So awfull wes for to induir thair dynt, Tha fled als fast as fyre dois out of flynt On to ane moss wes neir hand by besyid. 23,015 The Scottis carlis that present wes that tyde, Quhilk litill vse or prattik had in weir, With staf and sting, withoutin amies or geir,- Followit richt fast efter tha war gane, With staf and sting syne slew richt mony ane, 23,020 1 In MS. than. CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 97 In mos, in marres, and in mony myre, As quha wald fell doun fewall to the lyre. Of all Britane the greit nobilitie Deit that da without help or supple. Foure thousand men, as my author did sa, 23,025 Of Scot and Pecht deit thair that same da ; And fyftene thousand of the Britis bald Siclike that tyme, as that my author tald. Conanus counsall wes commendit than With all the Britis ill and gude ilk man. 23,030 Tha rewit sail' that tha did nocht his reid, Quhen tha doueht litill for to mak remeid ; As worthie wes, it maid tbame all to rew That sic a nobill for gude counsall slew. How the Britis sexd ane Herald to thir Tua Kixgis. Sone efter syne, as that my author writis, 23,035 The haill barnage that left wes of the Britis Vnslane that da, the quhilk war verrie few, Quhen tha that tyme perfitlie saw and knew Into sic dout and danger as tha war, Negleccit als with fals Fortoun sua far ; 23,040 And als thairwith tha wist of no supple, No iit apperand in that tyme to be ; Knawand richt also in thair intent, Thair ennimeis had no impediment To wirk on thame thair willis as tha wald, 23,045 Quhilk war that tyme so bellicois and bald ; Quhairfoir in haist than haif tha maid till go Ane oratoiu - wnto thir kingis tuo, Beseikand thame of thair benignitie, For peice and rest, concord and vnitie ; 23,050 Betuix thame thair than trewis for to tak, With quhat conditioun that tha pleis to mak. VOL. II. G 98 THE BUIK OF THE Lib. ,,i. 114b. HOW THE KlNG OF SCOTTIS AND THE KlXG OF Col. 1. t, t, „ Pechtis grantit Peax to the Britis, with this coxditiotjx as followis heirefter in* Yerss. Thir tuo kingis of greit auctoritie Couipassioun had of thair miseritie, And in that tyme richt weill tha vnderstude 23,055 That grit destructioun battell wes of blude ; Full weill tha knew, for tha had loissit than In to that feild sa niony nobill man. To thame also it wes weill knawin and kend Of all weiris peice wes the finall end ; 23,060 Thairfoir to thame tha grantit peice that da, With thir conditionis as I sail iow sa. Into the first, the land with lenth and breid, Fra Huniber water to the mouth of Tueid, That Scot and Pecht sal haif in heretage ; 23,065 And euerie Brit, baith man, wyfe and page, Tha sail remoif and na longer reniane Out of that laud, and neuir cum thair agane. And secundlie, neuir for to croun ane king Of Britis blude in Britane for to ring. 23,070 Sextie thousand of gude money also, Incontinent gif to thir kingis tuo ; Sex thousand ^eirlie for to pa but pleid, Into tribute of fjTiest gold so reid ; And no stranger in Britane to ressaue, 23,075 Romane legat or ony of the la we ; No with no leid mak weir or do offence Without thair leve, but in thair awin defence ; And ay to be reddie at thair command, To wend with thame in ony vther land, - 23,080 Quhen euir tha wald, other in peice or weir, And of thair awin cost, hors, names and geir. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 99 Time hundreth pledgis also to thame ieild, Of quhome the youngest auehtene ^eir of eild ' Suld be no les, for-quhy tha thocht it neid, 23,085 The eldest als nocht threttie siild exceid. Quhen thir conditionis, as my author writis, Rehersit war ilkone befoir the Britis, Suppois tha thocht tha war richt euill to vse, Zit neuirtheles tha durst thame nocht refuse : 23,090 For dreid and danger thai war in alone, At thair plesour fulfill] t thame ilkone. Fra that da forth the greit nobilitie Of all Britane, and als auctoritie, Wes wynt to be of sic honour and gloir, 23,095 Decressit than the langar ay the moir. Off Fyx Makcoule, the greit Giant. 8 Thre hundreth sax and fourtie also than, Efter that Christ incamat wes ane man, And in the ring of Eugene the sevint teir, All this wes done that I haif said tow heir. 23,100 Gif it be suith, als that my author sais, Fya Makcoule wes in tha samin dais. Of Scottis blude ane greit giant wes be, Mekill by mesour, of greit quantitie, Qubairfoir bis name remanis in memorie. 23,105 Bot I find nocht into na famous storie Col. 2. His lyfe, bis stature or nobilitie, Qubairfoir richt loud of him I trow tha le. And I am laith ane lesing for to mak, Thah'foir as now I will nocht wndertak 23,110 To tell low rnair, or dreid 2e sa I lie ; Sen it is best, now I will lat it be. 1 In MS. aid. -In MS. Off MarUnus, the Pioplteit of Brit'ine. G 2 100 TIIE BUIK OF THE How THE Archibischop Pauladinus WAS SEND in Scotland fiu the Paip callit Sii.is- TINUS. That samin tynie, ray author sais thus, Ane archibischop callit Paladinus, Fra Silistene the paip of Rome wes send 23,115 Into Scotland, as it wes richt weill kend, Thame to instruct into the faith of Christ, And to confirme all bairnis war baptist: Sanct Patrik als into tiia samin dais, Into Yrland, as that my author sais. 23,120 Richt langsum war, fchairfoir I will nocht dude, To tell tow heir of all thair sanctitude, And the gude werkis in thair lyfe tha did, The gi'it wonder and miraclis that tha kid. It will transcend the strenth of my ingyne, 23,125 To tell iow all thair godlines diuyne ; To man in erd that mater is ouir hie, Thairfoir as now my self will lat it be. Quha lykis heir thair legend tha ma luke : Loving to God heir endis the sevint buike. 23,130 Lib. 8. Heir endis the Sevint Buik, and begynnis the aucht buke ; the quhilk tbeittis of greit Weir and Battell betuix the Britis on THE TANE PART, AND THE SCOTTIS AND PeCHTIS ON THAT VTHER PART. As le haif hard into the sevint befoir, How all the Britis that tyme les and moir Subdewit war to king Ewgenius, And kiug of Pechtis that callit wes Drustus. The nobillis all and alls the multitude, 23,135 Continewallie in to sic seruitude CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 101 Ten leir and nioir tha war but ony pley, Durst none of thame thir kingis disobey. And than ane man, Conanus hecht to name, Of all the Britis grittest wes of fame, 23,110 And of Conanus sone he wes also, Quhoineof I schew jow schort quhile syne ago, And lineallie discendit als wes he Fra Octaueane and his genelogie, Of Britis blude quhilk wes the hindmest man 23. 143 That woir the croun and king wes in Britane. This ilk Conan, of quhome Ze heir me tell, In purpois wes that same tyme to rebell Agane thir kingis ; sic desire had he, For to redeme the Britis libertie. 23,150 How the Britis maid ane quyet Counsall. Into Kent schire ane lytill toun thair stude Lib.8, f.115. Vpoun ane plane besyde ane rynnand flude, Col. 1. Within ane wod, quhair he ane tryst hes set ; The nobillis all of Britane than - him met At his requeist sone efter on ane da, 23.155 To heir and se quhat he wald to thame sa. Or dreid sic thing soidd opinlie be knawin, Bicbt quietlie thairfoir that draucht wes drawin, Saying, for hunting thai soidd all pas bidder. Syne quhen tha war convenit altogidder, 23,160 Eicht secreitlie into that place alone, Thus hes he said amano; them all ilkone. How Conanus maid his Oresoun eefoir tha Lordis. " Lordis, forsuith I traist richt weill te knaw, " Sum t)Tne we bad baith libertie and law, 102 THE BUIK OF THE " To vse alway at oure auctoritie, 23,105 " With riches, honour and nobilitie. " Far worthiar that tyme nor I can ruiss, " Of all the warld thocht we be now refuiss. " In euerie land witli all leid we are lakkit, " With ^one l barbouris sen that we Avar sub- 23,170 jectit " Ten leir and moir, with sic miseritie " That horribill is other to heir or se. " Quhairof," he said, " thair is no leving man, " That hes the wyit hot fals Maximian, " Quhilk spuljeit ws of all riches and micht, 23,175 " That ay sensyne we haif tane litill richt. " Bot now," he said, "within fchir teiris ten, " Into Britane richt rnony nobill men " Ar growin vp to richt greit quantitie, " With strenth and micht and animositie, 23,180 " Into sic number quhat of moir and les, " Without," he said, " that oure wnwortliines " Restrenie ws, we ma with litill pane, " Baith land and law, and libertie agane, " For to reskew for all thair bost and schoir ; 23,185 " Sen that oure fatheris schoit quhile of befoir, " At thair plesour expellit thame ilkone " Richt far to pas than out of Albione. " And now," he said, "sen we haif strenth and mycht, " Siclyke as tha, and als the samin rycht, 23,190 " Sen we want nocht bot enrage and eude will, " My counsall is we reddie ws thair till ; " And tak the chance that God will to ws send, " Quhat euir it be, and byde the latter end." 1 In MS. ymii'i. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 103 HOW MONY OF THE BRITIS ALLOWIT HIS COUN- SALL, AND MONY MO ALLOWIT IT NOCHT. Quhen this wes said, richt raony that stude hy 23,195 Commendit him, syne sone and suddantly, To his counsall thairto gaif thair consent. And mony mo thairof wes nocht content, That 1 had thair freindis Hand into pledge, And for sic cans that tyme thai did alledge 23,200 Tha wald nocht brek thair oblissing and band, That thai had seillit with thair awin hand. Richt weill tha wist, tha said, and tha did so, It wald thame turne sone efterwart to wo. And thus ilk pairtie pleyit for thair richt, 23,205 Quhill da wes gone and cuming wes the nicht ; Syne wndecydit, my author did sa, Ilk man tuke leve and passit hame his wa. How THE Britis Counsall WAS SCHAWIN TO THE SCOTTIS. So secreitlie lit this thing wes nocht done Amang thame self, quhill ane of thaine • rycht 23,210 sone, Of all that counsall that all the mater knew, To Scot and Pecht his secreittis all he schew. Quhairof thir kingis war richt ill content, And suddanelie ane herald to thame sent, Declarand thame that tha war all wntrew ; 23,215 Richt weill, tha said, thair counsah all tha knew Be rycht traist men that tyme that did thame tell, How tha presume agane thame to rebell, Commanding thame for it that tha had done, Thair pledgis all for to fetche hame richt sone, 23,220 1 la M.S. And. 104 THE EUIK OF THE And tuyss alss niony for to send agane, That loungar war, with thame for to reniane ; And no stranger amang thame to ressaue, For any fait or mister tha micht haif ; Or lit counsall amang thame self to mak ; 23,225 In tyme to cum thai sould not wndertak, Without their leve sic thingis for to do, And wald tha nocht, tha said, consent thairto, Declarit thame richt sone or euir tha wene, Thir kingis baith in Britane sould be sene, 23,230 With sic power and sic crudelitie, Sic of befoir lit saw tha neuir with ee. Syne fhiallie, he said, than to conclude, Neuir for to stanche fra inort battell and blude, Quhill all the Britis levand ar on lyfe 23,235 Be slane ilkone, baith man, barne and wyfe. Quhen this wes said befoir the Britis all That present war, that tyme bayth greit and small, So greit rancour lit kendlit in thair mynd, With ane assent amang thame all defynd, 23,240 Or tha did sua tha sould far erar de All on ane da and out of trubill be, No for to leve and be into sic pane. All this decreit the nobillis war agane ; Suppois it was richt soir aganis thair will, 23,245 Of force it wes for to consent thairtill, With fair wordis misit the multitude, And causit thame siclyke for to conclude ; That efterwart richt sone tha did fulfill Thir chare'is all thir kin to lippin in, for-quhy " Tha fauour thame ay lies the victory. 23,795 " My counsall is," he said, " for dreid of war, ' Till better tyme this mater to defar.'' And so thai did at his counsall ilkone, Skaillit that court, syne hamewart all ar gone. How the King of Pechtis, seixg the Un- worthixes of the klng of scottis, haif- fand no beleiff of his help ; quhairfoir tha gart sla the klxg of britis with Tressoux. The king of Pechtis and his lordis all, 23,800 Considderaii'l cpihat efter micht befall Of Constantyne that wes of Scottis king, Wes so wnworthie into euerie thing; Traistand richt weill gif war hapnit to be, Of him tha sould get richt sober supplie. 23,805 The Britis als, vpoim the vther syde, Quhilk war that tyme of sic powar and pryde, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 123 And so rejosit of thair libertie, And thair new king and Lis auctoritie, And tha mycht nocht aganis thair purpois 23,810 stryve ; Quhairfoir tha haif conducit than belyve Tua fair ioung men, the quhilk on hand hes tane, For greit reward and giftis mony ane, To sla this king of Britis Constantyne, Throw greit dissait and throw subtill ingyne. 23,815 Syne fen^eit thame as tha Britis had bene, In Brit langage, as my author did mene, Perqueir tha war in nothing for to leir, That causit thame to tak the far les feir. First in the court tha maid ane quhile repair, 23,820 And efterwart, the langar ay the man-, Fia thai euld tak and tell of mony thing, Quhairthrow thai gat sic quentance of the king, Tha war nocht warnit nother tyme nor tyde, Quhen plesit thame to cum till his bedsyde. 23,825 HOW CONSTANTYNE WES SLANE WITH TEESSOUX. Syne quhen tha saw thair tyme wes oportune, That ganand wes quhen sic thing sould be done ; In his chalmer richt quietlie ane da, Tha stikkit him in his 1 bed quhair he la. Syne, or tha cidd diuyde thame of that land, 23,330 Tha war baith tane and fast bund fit and hand ; Syne in ane fyre war baith brint to deicl, For than- reward wes no vther remeid. The fourtene leir deposit of his ring, This Constantyne of Britis that wes king 23,835 In MS. hie. 124. THE BUIK OF THE How the King of Scorns was slane with the Lord of the Ylis. Sone efter syne, as $e sail wnderstand, This Constantyne that king wes of Scotland, Col. 2. Richt suddantlie wes slane into ane place, At set purpois and noclit of suddante cace, Be ane that tyme quhilk wes of nohill blude, 23,840 Lord of the Ylis and ane man of greit glide, For the defoulling of his dochter deir, Magir hir will, syne of ane vyle maneir. And how it wes I can nocht, except I le, Tell low the cace, for it wes nocht tald me. 23.845 My author said, as I can richt weill trow, The lordis all thairof did him allow. Heir followis the Crownyng of Congallus the Sone of Dongardus foirsaid, and of his nobill princelie Deidis, as je sall efter heir. Quhen lie was deid as I haif said tow heir, Quhairof his ring wes than the tbrettene ieir, The lordis all, within ane lytill quhile, 23,850 Convenit lies togidder in Argatyle ; Crownit lies Contrallus to thair kin^, The sone of Dongard, plesand and benyng. His fatheris way he folloiiit as he micht, To euerie man to do justice and richt ; 23,855 Theif and revar gait baith lieid and hing, Without coivnsall that tyme he did na thing ; And presit ay for to mak peice and rest, Jn all his tyme he thoucht sic thing wes best. Richt manlie als he wes in tyme of weir, 23,860 At no man wisdome neidit for to leir ; In his stait royall heir I leve him still, And to the Britis turne agane I will. croxiclis of scotland. 125 Heir followis the Discriptioun of the King of Britis Thre Sonis, Constantius, Am- brosius and vter. This king of Britis, callit Constantyne, Thre sonis had baith fettis, fair and fyne. 23,865 The eldest hecht Constantius to his name, Ane basit barne ay full of dreid and schame, Without makdome vther of lym or lith, And richt vnnaturall he wes thairwith. And for that quhy he ganit nocht to be 23,870 Ane king or prince, to haif auctoritie. Thairfoir his father, for that samin caice, Maid him ane monk in ane religious place. He thocht he "wes niair ganand for sic thing, Na for to be ane governour or kins;. 23,875 How Wortigernus tuke Constantyne out of Religioun, and maid him King of Britis. Ane greit nobill, hecht Wortigern to name, In all Britane he wes grittest of fame , Efter the deith of Constantyne the king, Out of religioun his sone hes gart bring, Magir his will, be his auctoritie, 23.8S0 Lib.8. f.iisb. Sj'ne crownit him of Britane king to be. In that beleif traistand he sould be maid Greit governour of all Britpne so braid ; For-quhy this king for sic thing wes vnable, This tirrane wrocht that tyme so tressonable. 23,885 As he supponit, syne with haill consent, Of all Britane he wes maid haill regent And governour, baith be land and se To reule and steir at his auctoritie. Ane hundret Scottis stalwart and rycht stout, 23,890 Als mony Pechtis knycht into ane rout, Col. I. 126 THE BUIK OF THE Conducit hes that tyme for meit and fie, To keip this king and at his bidding be ; And of his corce dalie for till haif cuir, And keip him weill fra all misauentuir. 23,895 For greit disceptioun all this thing he did, That his tressoun the clossar micht be hid ; As efterwart it previt weill in deid With Wortigerne in storie as we reid. This sempill king, quhilk wes ane saikles 23,900 wycht, In to his bed gart murdreis him on the nycht. That samin nycht quhen it wes kend and sene, Of all sic thing as he had saikles bene, Ouir all that place he reirdit vp and doun, In his wodnes like till ane wyld lyoun, 23,905 As he wald ryve the flesche than fra the bane, For sic displesour thairof he had tane, All for the slauchter of that saikles king ; Bot in his thocht thair wes ane vther thing. Baith Scot and Peeht that wes into his gard, 23,910 He hes gart tak and put thame all in ward, Quhill on the morne till keip in fetteris fast, Quhen da wes cuming and the nycht wes past, In Limdoun toun syne airlie on the morne, Baith Scot and Peeht gart present him befome, 23,915 Quhair mony lord that tyme wes to se, And the maist part of the commonitie. Befoir thame all the Scottis he accusit, And Pechtis als, of sic tressoun tha vsit, Into the slauchter of ane crownit king ; 23,920 To quhome thai gaif sic traist into that thing, Thir saikles men, quhilk war richt innocent, Condampnit war to schamles deid and schent : Vpoun ane gallous made thame all to de, For that same deith, without reuth or pitie. 23.925 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 127 How THE Britis, EFTER the Deith of Coxstax- TIUS, BECATJS A&IBROSIUS, HIS BRUTHER, WAS SO JOUXG, CHESIT WORTIXGERXUS TO BE THE KlXG OF Britaxe. The Britis all as tha richt wnderstude, Traistand that he had done all that for gude, Commendit him, sayand ilkane that he Was richt weill worth to haif auctoritie, Baith ^oung and aid, als far as thai had feill, 23,930 So able WTOcht ay for the commoun weill. The secund bruther of Constantius, Callit he wes to name Ambrosias Aurelius, ane wonder prattie cheild, Bot he wes toung and of richt tender eild. 23,935 This Wortigerne, that knew full weill that he Colz ~ Wnabill was to haif auctoritie, Befoir thame all proponit hes that thing, Gif plesit thame this Ambros to mak king. Than said thai all ilkone that tyme, that he 23,940 Was all to toung ane king or prince to be, Considdering all thing baith ill and gude, In so greit doubt the commoun weill than stude. Thus ansuerit tha the lordis and all the laif. Said he agane, " Quhome plesis tow till haif?" 23,945 For force it wes this tyme to cheis ane king. Than with ane voce thai said, baith aid and ting, " Thy awin self we lyke above the laive ; " Thou ar most worthie sic office to haif." How Wortigerxus was crowxit Kixg. With sword, sceptour, and rob royall so reid, 23,950 And croun of gold syne set vpoun his heid, And grit blythnes that tyme of aid and ;ing, This Wortigerne thair haif tha crownit king. 128 THE BUIK OF THE Schort quliile efter that lie the croun had tane, Distroyit hes the friendis euerilk ane Of Constantyne, the quhilk wes king befoir, Flemit or slane thai war baith les and moir ; Throw fein^eit faltis as he fand anew, Waill secreitlie richt mony that he slew. The loung childer to Constantius wes brother, 23.06) Ambrois the tane, and Vter hecht the tother, That sonis war to nobill Constantyne, Qnhome of befoir I schew schort quliile syne, Quhau that tha knew this cruell king did sua, Fra him tha fled intill Armorica, 23,965 Amang thair freindis for to leve in lie, Quhill efterwart that tha thair tyme micht se. how congalltjs, the klxg of scottis, axd Galaxus, the Kixg of Pechtis, heiraxd how Wortigeexe had slaxe thair Men, persewit hiji ixcoxtixext. The king of Scottis Congallus, quhen he knew, As Galanus the king of Pechtis him schew, How Wortigerne without ony remeid, 23,970 So cruellie had put thair men to deid, "With fals tressoun his king quhen he had slane, "Without respect no langar wald remane. Amang the Britis baith with fyre and blude, Tha enterit in with sic ane multitude, 23,975 With sic desyr of greit crudelitie, Of the injures to revengit be, "Wes nothing file, ather in fell or firth, Of Britis blude that tyme gat ony girth. Baith wyffe and barne, £oung and aid ilkane, 23,98) Seik or tit haill, that tyme tha sparit nane.' Quhairfor the Britis euirilk da by da, Tha lost thair guidis and fled richt fast awa CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 129 To Wortigerne, and tald him how it stude, How tha had left baith wyfe, barnis and gude ; 23,985 And all war slane that tyme docht nocht to fle Libs, f.119. Fra Scot and Pecht, with greit crudelitie. Co1, '■ How Wortigerne send Guytilyn to resist THIR KlNGIS. This Wortigerne herand that it wes so, Richt haistelie gart furneis for to go, With Guitilyn wes lord of Cambria, 23,990 Ane greit arraie for to resist thir tua. In Lundoun toun that tyme him self baid still, To wend till weir he had bot lytill will ; For he wist nocht, thairfoir he wald nocht go, Quha was his freind or tit quha wes his fo. 23,995 This samin tyme that ze haif hard me sa, This Guitilyn sone efter on ane da, Come with his power as I wnderstand, Quhair Scot and Pecht war skaillit in the land, Without ordoure in mony sindre place, 2-1,000 Vp and doun, nocht wittand of that cace. Or euir tha wist thair wes tua hundreth tane In handis all, and syne richt sone ilk ane Condampnit all as theuis for to die ; On gallons syne sone hangit all full hie. 24,005 Quhen this was schawin to thir kingis tuo, How Guitilyn thair liegis slane had so, With all thair power on the auchtane da, Come neir the place quhair that the Britis la. At quhais cuming, at the first sicht and hike, 24,010 The Britis all so greit terrour thai tuke, That tha refusit all that da to fecht, So weill tha wist that euerie Scot and Pecht, vol. II. 1 130 THE BUIK OF THE The victorie of thame and tlia micht liaue, Thair wes na gold nor ransoum mycht thame 24,015 saue. Gu}'tilien, quhen [lie] than wnderstude So far than faillit wes thair fortitude, With nianlie wit and animositie, He confort thame with curiositie ; And sic ane sermone that tyme to thame schew, 24,020 That euerie man new curage till him drew, Sayand with him tha sould all erar die, Out of the feild ane fit or tha wald flie. HOW GUYTYLYN MET THIK TUA KlNGIS IN FEILD. And or tha durst the greit hattell assaill, For to temp Fortoun with thair power haill, 24,026 AVith countering and carmusche mony dais, Tha la richt lang, as that my author sais. Syne at the last, with haill power tha met Into ane place quhair at the feild wes set, With baneris braid weill brodit of the new, 24,030 And mony standart all of sindrie hew ; With buglis blast vp to the hevin on hicht, In breist plait, biruy, and in brasar bricht. Togidder syne so stahvartlie tha straik, With sic ane schow gart all the schawis schaik ; 24,035 Thair speiris scharpe that war baith grit and squair. In splenderis sprang aboue thame in the air. Thir wicht men weildit thair waponis so weill, That euerie straik out-throw thair stuf of steill Thay gart the blude brist out vpoun the grene, 24,040 That petie wes quha had bene thair and sene. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 13] HOW BAITH THE BrITIS WyNGIS, EFTER THAT THA ^ ol " FLED, SET ON CONGALLUS. Then baitli the wyngis of the Britis syde War put abak, and micht no langar byde, And did releve, be thousandis sevin or aucht, On to the feild agane Congallus faucht ; 24,045 And eikit lies the Britis power far, And put Congallus also to the war ; For all the force, and all the fortitude, Of the haill feild that da agane him stude. The king of Pechtis persauit that in hy, 24,050 Into ane wing quhair he wes fechtand by, Richt sone he send behind the Britis bak, Wicht waillit men ane counter for to mak ; With sic prattik seand gif he culd preve, Fra that perrell Congallus to releve. 24,055 The Britis quhilk about thame had ane ee, Richt suddantlie, quhen tha sic thing did se, Tha tuke the flicht and wald no langer byde, On to thair tentis fled fast in the tyde. The king of Pechtis that persauit weill ; 2l,oco Richt stalwart men that war cled all in steill He gart prevene the Britis thair ane space, Quhairfoir tha fled all to ane vther place. Thir kingis tua tha folloiiit on so fast, Quliill tha war all ouirtane syne at the last. 24,065 How the Britis kest thair Armour awa, and COME AND ASKIT GRACE. And quhen tha saw thair wes no place to fie, In grit dispair, trowing all for to de, As witles men out of thair wit richt wa, Thair armour all tha kest that tyme thame fra : I .2 132 TIIE BUIK OF THE And syne on kneis come thir kingis till, 24,070 And richt puirlie put thame all in thair will. Thir kingis tuo baith presoner and pra, That tha had wyn into the feild that da, To euerie man efter his facultie, Distribut lies thairof ane quantitie. 24,076 This battell wes richt bludie to the Britis, For tuentie thousand, as my author writis, And ma that da, wer slane into the feild ; Of Scot and Pecht war neir foure thousand keild. Quhen this wes doue, thir tuo kingis at lenth, 24,oso Seigit and wan richt mony toun and strenth, And rycht greit slauchter maid ouir all that land Into that tyme without ony ganestand. HOW WORTIGERNE, HERAND THE FEILD WAS TYNT, HAD FLED OUT OF BRITANE, WAR [IT] NOCHT [FOR] COHNSALL OF FREINDIS. In Lundoim toun quhen this wes schawin plane, How Guytilyn and all his men war slane, 24,085 This Wortigerne than of na way he wist Thir kingis tuo ho\v that he sould resist ; I'b 8 fii9b Than in bis niynd richt sone deliuerit he Col. i. Richt secreitlie out of Britane to fle. To his fremdis quhen that purpois [be] schew, 24,090 Tha said ilkone, that counsall is wntrew, To mak him self thairfor to lycht so law, Fra sic ane -bicht takand so grit ane faw, To all the warld it wald derisioun be, And he did so without battell to fle. 24,095 Throw thah' counsall be cbangit hes bis thocht, Ane vtber way syne efter that be wrocbt ; - Ane messinger, as my author did sa, Sone efter that send in Gertnania, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. loo With gold and sillier in greit quantitie, 24,100 For men of weir that wald tak meit and fie, Agane his fais for to niak defence : He bad him spair for no coist nor expence. Heir followis the Maner and Catjs quhy the Saxonis come first in Albione, quhilk was be this Wortigerne, King of Britis. That samin tyme into Saxonia, Of blude royall than wes thair brethir tua ; 24,105 Hungast to name than hecht the eldest bruther, Orsa also als callit wes the vther. Thir tua tha had greit wisdome into weir, At none tha neidit prattik for to leir ; Full mony feild and greit fechtiug had sene, 24,110 And had siclike in mony battell bene. Thir tuo brether befoir this messinger, Hes tane on hand, that mony one micht heir, For thair reward to mak all Britane frie Of Scot and Pecht, or ellis for to die. 24,115 This messinger thairof wes weill content, And prayit thame richt sone incontinent, With all thair power tha suld reddie be ; Than threttie Bchippis tha laid to the se, Ten thousand men that waillit war and wicht, 24,120 In breistplait, brasar, and in" birny bricht, With hehne and habrik, and all ganand geir, Tha tuk with thame that neidfull war in weir. To se tlia went, the wedder wes at will ; Befoir the wynd thai saillit lone and still, 24,12s Tua dayis or thrie togidder ay in one, Quhill at the last thai come in Albione : Syne set to schoir thair schippis by ane sand, And with thair boitis passit all to land. 131 THE BUIK OF THE HOW WORTIGERNUS RESSAUIT HUNGAST. Tliis Wortigeme thairof he wes richt fane, 24,130 And causit thame all at quyet to remane Ane lytill quhile, refreschit for to be Of thair travell tha had tane on the se. Syne efterwart, vpoun the auchtane da, He furneist him, and syne fuir furth his wa, 24,135 With tua oistis weill garneist all togidder, Of Saxonis one and of Britis ane vther ; Ane multitude tha war into greit number, And in all haist syne passit ouir Humber. Col. 2, The Scottis then, and the Pechtis also, 24,140 Ouir all tha landis as tha list till go, Reinanand war withoutin pley or pleid, Haiffand na dreid of ony Britis feid. Bot quhen tha knew richt weill, and wnderstude, Tha war na matche agane that multitude, 24,145 Tha fled ilkone except thame that mycht nocht ilie, As waik and seik men in inniiiiitie ; And mony mo thraw sleuth and raklisnes, That baid ouir lang then throw fule hardines, Syne war all tane in mony sindrie steid, 24,150 Without discretioun all war put to deid. The Saxonis said that wes ane taikin gude Of victorie that thai gat the first blude : And so thai did, distroyand in thair yre Tha boiuidis braid than baith with blude and 24,155 fyre. Thay sparit nane hi quhome that tha fand lyffe, ioimg or aid than, other barne or wyfle ; In greit despyte ouir all that land tha teid, Era Humber water north ouir Tyne to Tueid, And enterit syne into Dieria, 24,ieo Amang the Pechtis with fyre and blude alsua. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 135 How Galanus send ane Herald to Congallus, SCHAWING HIM OF THE CUMING OF THE SAX- ONIS. The king of Pechtis Galanus quhen he knew Of thair coming, as suith men to him schew, To Congallus ane messinger he send, The quhilk to him that tyine fra end to end, 24,165 The haill maner hes schawin les and moir, Of this Hungast, as I haif said befoir, First of his cuming fra Saxonia, With so greit power in Britania ; Of Brit and Saxonis syne in sic number, 24,170 He cuming wes attour the water of Huniber ; And all tha land is, baith of lenth and breid, He had distroyit to the watter of Tuied. Als[o] that tyme he did him wnderstand, How that he la richt far within thair land, 24,175 Vsand on thame richt greit crudelitie Of fyre and blude without humanitie, Richt mekle skaith into that tyme had done ; And war he nocht, he said, resistit sone, His purpois wes, baith Scot and Pecht ilkone 24,180 Exull to mak far out of Albione. Heir followis the Ordour and the Maner of the battell betuix hungast and ga- lanus, and how Hungast wan the Feild. Quhen this wes said, as I haif said tow plane, Or ony ansuer culd cum hame agane, The king of Pechtis tha haif gart wnderstand, Lib. 8, f.120. That this Hungast wes cumand at the hand, 24,185 Within les space tha said than fourtene myle. The king of Pechtis in that samin quhile, With all the power that he doucht to get, Richt manfullie this ilk Hungast he met 13G THE BUIK OF THE In plane battell, quhair mony burdoun brak, 24,190 And mony big man wes laid on his bak ; And mony berne doun of his blonk wes borne, And mony schulder throw the scheild war schorne. Full mony Pecht that da bled of his blude, This Hungest had with him sic multitude, 24,195 Quhilk in the feild so stalwart war and Strang ; The Pechtis als that fouchtin had so lang, And thair withall wer of sa few meniie, That force it wes that tyme to thame to fie. Of this battell quh.it sould I say ?ow moir? 24,200 The Saxonis gat the victorie and gloir. The Brit is all so basit war that da, That this Hungest, as my author did sa, For no treittie he culd mak or trane, Into the feild skant cidd he gar remane. 24,205 Amang thame all wes nother mair nor les, That da in feild that schew grit hardines. how hungestus, considderaxd the britis of sick litill Valour, coxsauit ix his Myxd qtjhex he might se tyme to coxqueis all Britane. This Hungest sjTie, quheu he considderit haill The Britis war bot of sa litill vaill, Than in his mynd richt sone considderit he, 21,210 Quhen euir it war that he his tyme micht se. Syne efterwart the Britis all ilkone For till expell far out of Albione ; Within him self richt far he hes defynd, The quhilk remanit ay still in his mynd. 24,215 CfiONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 137 How Galanus send ane Herald for Help to CONGALLUS. This king of Pechtis as I said of befoir, To king Congall, his help for to imploir, Ane herald send into all haist and speid, Beseikand him of his supplie in neid, Schawand to him, how be this ilk Hungest 24,220 His ' power wes that tyme so soir opprest, With tha Saxonis full of crudelitie, Busteous and bald, without humanitie ; And that thai war withoutin men also, Of gentill faith, and also Cristis fo ; 24,225 The quhilk to him had done greit skaytk and noy, And schupe him self and landis to distroy ; And come he nocht with his supple belyve, Than force it wes to thame baith man and wyve, AVith schame and lak, and greit miseritie, 24,230 Fra Albione in vther landis fie. HOW CONGALLUS PROMITTIT HELP TO GALANUS. Co1 % This king Congall agane than said him till, Intill all haist, richt hartlie with gude will, That he soulcl cum richt sone in his supplie ; Biddand him of gude confort [for to] be, 24,235 And for to mak the best defence he ma. This king Congall s}'ne efter on ane day, With mony man that worthie wes and wicht, Buskit richt weill all into armour bricht, In Pechtland with king Galanus met, 24,240 Into ane place quhair at the tryst wes set, With fourtie thousand furneist for the feild, Baith bald and wicht that waponis weill culd w[cild]. 1 In MS. ffc, 138 THE BUIK OF THE Devoitlie syne, as that tyme wes the gj"ss Of Cristin men., tha maid thair sacrifice ; 21,245 Prayand to Christ, that for thame sched his blude, In thair defence to send thame fortoun gude Agane tha paganis wes his mortall fo, And ennimie alss to tha kingis tuo. How the King of Scorns and Pechtis hangit ALL THAME THAT FLED FOR FEIR, TO OIF EXEMPILL TO VTHERIS NOCHT TO FLIE. Syne furth tha fuir in till ane gude array, 24.250 Neirby the place quhair this Hungestus lay, With baneris braid displayit vpoun hicht, Quhill ather of vther cuming ar in sicht. Of Scot and Pecht that tyme at the first hike, Of thair nummer richt mony terrour tuke, 24,255 Of cpihois sicht tha war so far adred, To craig and clench richt mony of thame fled. Quhen that wes knawin to thir kingis tuo, Rycht haistelie hes efter thame gart go, In handis tane and richt sone brocht agane ; 24,260 For thir war passing ilkone on the plane Vpoun ane gallous war all hangit hie, To all vther it sidd exempill lie In tyme to cum, how euir that fortoun fawis, So cowartlie to fie withoutin causs. 24,265 Heir followis the gritt Battell eetuix the scottis and the pechtis on the ane part, and hungest with the saxonis and britis on the tother part. Be this wes done the bowmen big and bald Hes tane the feild out of number wntald, Vpoun thair lute quhair that tha fuir befoir ; Thair scharpe schutting maid mony sydis soir, CR0NICLI8 OF SCOTLAND. 139 In the vangard quhair that the Britis faucht, 24,270 Agane the Scottis quhair inony rout wes raucht, And mony scheild war schorne all in schunder, And mony breist maid bludie that wes wilder. The Scottis quhilk wer wicht as ony aik, Or ony vther enterit within straik, 24,275 Tha bun- the Britis in the feild abak, Lib.8,f.i20b. And so greit slauchter of thame thair did mak That force it wes to thame, or ellis die, Out of that feild richt suddantlie to nie. And so thai did but ony baid that tyde, 24,280 Left all the feild and wald no langar byde. In that same tyme, richt sone and suddantly, Ane schour of haill discendit frome the sky, With so greit mirknes and obscuritie, Than neuir one ane vther than micht se ; 25,285 The Scottis than weill wist nocht in that caice, Quhidder to byde or follow on the chace. How the Scottis and Pechtis tuke and slew of the Britis at thair Plesoure. So at the last the cloude ane lytill we Discouerit wes, that tha micht better se, Baith Scot and Pecht trowand the feild wes 24.290 wyn, Efter the Britis langar or tha wald blyn, Without ordour tha maid on thame ane chace, And vp and doun in mony sindrie place, Tha tuke and slew than- of the Britis bald, At thair plesoure als mony as tha wald. 24,295 Quhill at the last the mirknes of the sky Illuminat wes and all the blast gone by, Quhilk clengit hes the mirknes of the ah - , That men micht se richt scharplie ouir all quhair. 140 THE BUIK OF THE HOW THE SAXOXIS SET OX THE ScOTTIS AND PECHTIS QUHEN THA WAR OUT OF Ordoure." This ilk Himgest quhair he stude in array, 21,300 And all his men wnfouchtin war that day, Into that schour that he sould nocht ane loiss, He gart thame togidder byde richt cloiss. Bot quhen he saw sone efter and beheld, Without ordour his fais in the feild 25,30s Vp and derail war skaillit heir and thair, He gaif command withoutin ony mair, To sla thame all quhair tha mycht be ouirtane, And in that tyme se that thai suld saif nane. The Saxonis than, richt sone and suddantlie, 24,310 Hes set on thame with ane greit schout and cry ; And mony Scot and Pecht als hes slane ; The laif langar that mich[t] nocht weill remane, Tha fled richt fast quhen tha knew the cace, Without returne intill ane sober place. 25,315 HOW HUNGAST EFTER THE FEILD PASS1T HAME IXCONTINENT TO WORTIGERNE AGANE. This [Hungast] thair no langar wald remane Into that land, bot sped him hame agane. Becaus that wynter drawand wes so neir, And euill wedder he saw that tyme appeir ; And most of all that tyme the causs wes quhy, 24,320 On to his purpois that he micht apply, The Britis ail sone efter to expell Out of Britane, as 4e haif hard me tell. Col. 2. That wes the causs sua sone away lie fuir . Out of that land, doand no man injure. 24,325 The mo fais the Britis had to dreid, He thocht that he micht cum the better speid. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 141 With all his men passit to Limdoun syne, To Scot and Peeht betuix Tueid and Tyne, He left to thame all for to occupye, 24,330 As Ze sail heir the caus efter quhy. HOW HUNGEST IN LUNDOUN BEFOIR THE KlNG SCHEW ALL THE FASSOUN OF THIS BATTELL AND HIS VlCTORIE. In Lundoun syne, befoir this Britane king, He schew at lenth with greit loving all tbing That he had done, and wyn sic victorie In thair honour agane thair enniinie ; 24,335 And sufferit hes l'icht greit travell and pane In his jornay or he cume hanie agane. Quhairfoir he said, out of Gerniania, Or somer come, hame without langar delay So greit power sail bring in Albione, 24,340 Sic of befoir tit saw tha neuir none. Quhen thir power and thairis wer togidder, Without lat tha suld be nothing lidder ; Baith Scot and Pecht, at thair plesour ilkone, Suld exull mak richt far fra Albione. 24,343 The nobillis all for most part into Britane Wes nocht content quhen that tha knew certane How this Hungest dissauit so the king, So mony Saxone in Britane to bring. Tha held his lawtie in that thing suspect, 24,350 Dreidand full soir it suld cum to effect, That tha suld lois baith land and libertie, And he baid lang in sic auctoritie. Wes none so pert durst planelie speik sic thing, Becaus he had sic credens of the king, 24,355 And wes with him auctoreist than so hie, Bot held thair toung and lute sic talking be : 142 THE BUIK OF THE And vtlier sum that tyme wes with the king, Wea weill content and gaif him grit loving. The king himself that tyme aboue the lave 84,380 CommencUt him, and greit giftis him gaive, Of gold and riches and all vther geir ; And. for to haif the haill power of weir, That euerie [strenth] suld be at his command Ouir all Britane, baith be se and land. 24,365 This ilk Hungest thairof he wes full fane, And curtaslie he thankit him agane, And richt fair langage all that tyme him gaif; Dreidand thairfoir that mony of the laif Louit him nocht suld change the kingis mynd, 24,370 Aganis his way seand tha war inelynd, Or dreid thair counsall sidd do him sum ill, Thair with the king him self remanit still Fywe thousand men in battell weill durst byde He lies gart send thame to the bordour syde, 21,375 To keip the strentbia and the pepill baith, Of Scot and Pecht that tha suld tak na skayth. Tha tynt the pryis that tyme for all thair pryde, In mony bargane on the bordour syde ; In schort quhile efter ilkone thair wes slane ; 24,380 This ilk Hungest thairof he wes full fane. Lib.s, £121. Qulrat euir he said, it wes ay in his thoeht To pair thair power in all [thing] that he mocht ; In that beleif sicbke for to be slane, Evin tuyiss alss mony he gart send agane 24,385 Within schort quhile ; thair cace wes litill better, Mony war tane and haldin fast in fetter, And tuyiss alss mony of thame thair wes slane ; The laif all fled na langar durst remane. CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 143 How Ten gritt Nobillis of Saxone, with Fyye Thousand Men with Wyffe and Barnis, in Puepois to remane, come that Tyme in Britane to this ilk Hungest. In this same tyme now that 2e heir me sa, 24,390 Fywe thousand men out of Saxonia Vpoun tlie se come sailland, on the sand In Britane all that tyme tha tuke the land, With wyfe and barne as tha suld ay remane, In that beleif neuir to pas hanie agane, 24,395 Bot in that land ay for to leid thair lyfe. With thame that tyme tha brocht Hungestus wyfe, And his dochter the plesand Roxsana, Of pulchritude, as my author did sa, Quhilk in hir tyme, as I hard mony tell, 21,400 Of hir persone all vther did excell ; And ten nobillis, quhilk war men of grit gude, "Wyiss men in weir and of the nobill blude. The king thairof rycht blyth and glaid wes he, Traistand be thame he suld revengit be, 24,405 And vietorie wyn also than of his fa ; Welcum tha war and tha had bene far ma. Then grit blythnes into his mynd he tuke, Traistand richt weill all Britane for to bruke In peax and rest, and greit tranquillitie, 24,410 And of his fais victour for to be. Richt mony nobill on the tother part, Richt greit displesour tuke in to thair hart, That this Hungest wes tholit be thair king So mony Saxone in Britane for to bring ; 24,415 Trowand richt weill and he his tyme mycht se, That he sould make thame bondis all to be, The Britis all into Bi'itane ilkone, Or for to fie than out of Albione. VOL. 11. 1 8 -*- 144 the buik of the how huxgest obtexit at wortigerne the King the Laxdis be North Humber to the saxoxis to mak thair duellixg, QUHAIR THA did first REJIAXE. Tliis ilk Hungest be passit to the king, 24,420 And schew to him the fassoun of that thing. With vipros vennum inwart in his mynd, With lauchand luke, and plesand wordis kynd, Dissaitfullie that tyme he gart him trow, That he wrocht ay for his plesour and prow : 24,425 Desyrand him of his hienes and grace, He wald prouyde for him siun land and place, For wyfe and barnis quhair [that] tha rnycht duell But fallowschip of ony bot thame sell, Col. 2. In ony cuntrie quhair sic land wes kend, 24,430 Quhill all tha weiris war brocht till ane end. This Wortigerne, the quhilk wald not deny All his desyre, I can nocht tell low quhy, Quhither it wes, thairof half I no feill, That he durst nocht, or than lude him so weill, 24.135 He grantit him, as my author did sa, Ane land that tyme callit Londisia, Neir Eborak, Hand by Humber nude. The Britis all, with housit geir and gude, Out of that land he gart richt far remove; 34,440 To Saxonis syne that land for thair behuif Grantit, and gaif thame landis as tha lest, To plant and police quhair thame lykit best. Into that land ane stark castell thair stude Vpoun ane craig besyde ane rynnand flude, 24,445 Thuvyn castell gart call it in that tyme, Vpoun ane strenth biggit with stone and lyme ; In tha boundis the blude of Saxone Thair duelling maid first into Albione. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 145 HOW HUNGESTUS, IN THE NIXT SOMER, WITH ALL HIS SAXONIS, AND WORTIMERUS, THE SONE OF WORTIGERNUS, WITH MONY BrITIS, PASSIT TO THE FEILD VPOUN ScOTTIS AND Pechtis. This beand done as I haif said *ow heir, 21,450 This ilk Hungest into the symmer cleir, With mony berne that wes bayth bald and wyeht, Of Saxone blude, all into armour bricht, That worthie war thair waponis for to weild He furneist lies with him to fair on feild. 2 1 155 This Wortigerne siclike ouir all Britane Contractit lies richt mony nobill man, That waillit war and worthie for the weir, And all other than that micht harnes heir, To Wortymer his eldest sone and air, 21.460 Betaucht thame all to pas with him alquhair, And this Hungest lieutennand for to be, Of all the ost to liaif auctoritie. On the thrid [da] quhairat the tryst wes set, ioung Wortimer and this Hungest is met ; 24,465 Sextie thousandis, as my author did sa, Of fechtand men tha war that samin da. Fra Eborac tha sped thame waill gude speid, Ay north ouir Tyne quhill that tha come to Tueid. HOW CONGALLUS AND GALANUS COME WITH ANE GRIT ARMIE FOR TO RESIST THIS HUN- GESTUS. Than king C'ongallus and Galanus that da, 24,470 With thair power neirby that place tha la, Vpoun ane fell neirby ane montane syde, With mony tent and pal^eoun of grit pryde, Bydand thair tyme for to resist thair fa. This ilk Huugest knew weill tha wald do sua, 21,175 VOT,. 11. K 14H THE BUIK OF THE Lih.8,f.i2ib. Thairfoir he thocht the battell to pospone, Quhill Scot and Pecht suld irkit be ilkone ; For hunger, cald, and grit necessitie, Tha suld be fane hame bakwart all to fle ; Trowand ricbt weill that tha micht nocht 24,480 prouyde, Sic multitude ocht lang i'ra hame to byde. This Congallus qukilk knew in till ane part, Quhat tlii.s Hungestus had in mynd inwart, How that he thoucht the battell to pospone, Quhill thai war tyrit and all thair victuall gone ; 24483 And qnhen he knew this Hungest so did mene, He thocht thairfoir the battell to prevene, Or dreid his men of lang lying suld tyre. Betuix thir oistis thair wes ane mekle myre, Quhilk be no way that tyme mycht be ouir 24,490 past ; This Congallus deuysit at the last, That euerie man ane flaik sould mak of tre, And faillis delf into greit quantitie, Syne on the nycht, with mony staik and stmir, Gart mak ane brig quhair tha passit all ouir ; 2 1,495 And on the morne, by that the da wes lycht, Tha come neirby into Hungestus sycht, Quhair that he la and maid him nocht to steir. Thairfoir Congallus that tyme come nocht neir, Bot leit him ly quhair that he la that quhile, 24,500 Into his mynd consauit had ane wyle. Be the Saxonis ane grit montane thair studo, Boith large and braid, and of greit altitude ; This Congallus, that tyme as he pretendit, With all his oist vp in the mont ascendit, 24,505 And thair he tuke purpois to ly all nicht, Quhill on the morne that it wes fair da licht. This ilk Congall, of quhome befoir I spak, Richt mony fagald all that nycht gart mak CBONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 147 Of falling wool, quhairof tha had anew, 24,510 And vther herbis that in the mont than grew. And glak and glen in hole and mony hirne, Widrit and dry that richt baldlie wald birne. Thairof tha maid into greit quantitie, Syne buir thaine vp on to the montane hie, 24,515 Stude richt aboue this Hungest qnhah* he la ; That samin nicht rycht lang befoh' the da, Full mony fagald leit doun on thame fall Birnand in fyre, and mony bleis withall, That all the stra and litter quhair tha la, 24.520 It set in fyre richt lang befoir the da, Quhill all thair pal^eonis brint vp in ane bleis. Thame[self] also that tyme had greit vneis ; Or tha micht wyn richt weill out of that steid, Richt mony ane in that fyre brint to deid. 24,525 The clamorus cry, the ioulling and the beir, Of man and beist wes horribill for to heir ; Out of the fyre micht nocht weill wyn awa, Bot lay ay still thairin birnand quhill da. The langar ay the fyre fastar doun fell, 24,530 Flag for flag far ma na I can tell. That for no way that tyme that culd be wrocht. That felloun fyre for thame stanche wald it nocht. And quhen tha saw it micht na better be, Col. 2. Out of that fyre that force it wes to fie, 24,535 And wist nocht weill than quhair awa till go, Sic dreid tha had that tyme than of thair fo, And sic ane feir tuke of that felloun fray, Grit pane it wes to bring them to array. Syne this Hungest, with greit travell and pane, 24,540 Arrayit thame besyde vpoun ane plane, And pat thame sone all into ordour gude ; Vpoun thair feit syne all that nycht tha stude. J4S THE BITIK OF THE HOW HUNGESTUS INCEDIAS [PLACTT] BEHIND SCOTTIS AND PeCHTIS. Syne waillit hes fyve thousand of his men, And gart thame ly richt clois into ane glen, 24,545 Amang hillis quhair that tha mycht thame hyde, Richt elois fcogidder all thair still to byde. Gif hapnit him vpone the morne to fecht, Into that place aganis Scot and Peclit, Tha Buld tak tent quhen he ane sing did mak, 24,550 Than baldlie all cum in behind thair bak. Rycht weill he wist, without ane wyle or gyn, It wes nocht eith that tyme the feild to wyn. This Congallus his purpois wes that nycht. To gif thame feild lang or the da wes lycht ; 24,555 Trowand the trubill that nycht tha had tane, Had causit thame to tyne curage ilk ane. And for that caus he changit hes his thocht, Trowand that tyme that sic thing neidit nocht, And still remanit in the mont all nycht ; 24,560 Syne on the morne, be tha micht ken the lycht, Doun fra the hicht discendit in the vaill In gude ordour with all his power haill. Heir followis the Ordour and the Fassoun of the greit Battell betuix Congallus and hungestus ; and how hungestds wan the Feild be Dissait. This ilk Hungestus, that tyme quhair he la, Diuidit hes his greit oist into tua. 24,565 To Wortymer, as that my author writis, The vangard gaif to leid with all the Britis : Him self besyde remanit with the staid, And all the power of the Saxonis haill. Siolike king Congall in that samin tla, 24,570 Diuidit hes his haill power in tua ; CKONICLIS OF .SCOTLAND. 149 Salaniis the king, with mony nobill Pecht, In the vangard diuisit wes to fecht Agane the Britis that tyme for the best ; And he him self aganis this ilk Hungest, 21,575 With mony Scot that worthie war and wycht, Hes tane the feild all into armour brycht. Quha had bene thair that tyme for to haif sene The fedderit flanis that flew so thick betuene, Blak as ane cloud, and scharpe as ony haill, 24,580 Ay flicht for flicht ilk ane on vtheris taill. Lib.8, f.122. The tua wangairdis togidder syne tha met, l * Witht brandis bricht ilkane on vther bet ; So awfull was to byde thair bitter blaw, At ilkane flap tha maid ane freik to faw. 24,585 Gude Galanus, that worthie wes and wyss, And Ids Pechtis that da war of sic pryss, The Britis all richt far abak tha bair, Syne gart thame fle for tha mycht fecht 11a mair ; Heir and thair in the fleing thik laid, 21,590 Tha tuke and slew als mony as tha wald. Or that wes done, richt sone but ony lat, The ereit battellis togidder baith tha met In gude ordour, with sic ane race and reird, Quhill schawis schuke and trymlit all the erd ; 24.595 And mony burdoun all in pecis brak, And mony berne wes laid vpoun his bak ; So doggitlie togidder that tha draive, DO O ' That birneis brist and all in pecis raive. Into that stour so stalwartlie tha stude, 24,600 That mony berne hes loisit of his blude ; Wes neuir sene with na berne that wes borne, Ane fellar faucht with sua few folkis beforne. The Saxonis than with that ane litill we Satlit abak and wes reddie to fle ; 24,605 Had nocht Hungest the sonner blawin;his home, The Saxonis all that da had bene forlorne. 150 THE BUIK OF THE HOW HuNGESTUS MEN WITH AXE BLAST OF HOENE IN EAYIT FEILD COME IN BEHIND TEE SCOTTIS BAK. For with the blast into that tynie he blew, Fywe thousand men, in curage cleir of hew, Out of ane glen into ane buschment brak 24,610 In gude ordour behind the Scottis bak. The Scottis all, seand thameself in dout, So vmbeset of euerie syde about, Nocht wittand weill quhome to that tyid to turne, For lidder speid cumis of airlie spume ; 24,615 And so thocht tha, thair hartis wes so hie, For all that fray tha thocht nocht for to lie. For-quhy tha had sic wirschip wyn befoir, And for that caus thair curage wes the moir, Ane bargane baid lang efter bydand beild, 24,620 Becauss the Pechtis wynnyng had thair feild, Lyp[n]iug richt lang that tha sidd thaine reskew : It wes nocht so thairfoir that mycht tha rew. And quhen tha saw that na better mycht be, Tha fled ilkone alss fast as tha mycht fie 24,625 Vnto the Pechtis sune and suddantlie, In rayand feild quhair tha war standand by. This Congallus, all bludie and forbled, Soir woundit than out of the feild wes hed ; Magir his will, suppois it wes on force, 24,630 On to the hicht tha had him on ane horss. MoW HlTNGEST THOCHT TO GIF FEILD TO GAL- LANUS. This Hungestus, quhen he saw and beheld That Gallanus that tyme had wyn his feild, - Col. 2. Trowand he wes brokin with the Britis, - And so tyrit, as my author writis, 24,635 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 151 And of his men so inony than had slaue, He schupe in haist to gif him feild agane. Becaus it wes so neir that tyme the nycht, Postponit all quhill on the morne wes lycht. King Galanus, that weill his counsall knew, 24,640 Thinkand that tyme that he wald nocht perse w To temp Fovtoun into that tyme present, For of his part he held him than content ; And for that caus fra end to end that nycht, Richt mony fyre and balis gart burne brycht ; 24,645 And mony blast gart blaw of buglis home, As he soidd byde all nycht quhill on the morne. That samin nycht, richt lang befoir the da, Richt quyetlie he passit hame awa Wnto ane strenth that tyme wes neirhand by, 24,650 Without perrell quhair he mycht rycht Weill ly. how hungestus, seand on the moene efter the Feild so mony of his Men war slane, TURNIT AGANE TO EbORAC AND LEFT HIS Men thair, and passit him self to Lun- DOUN. Syne on the morne, quhen it wes fail- da lycht, And Hungest saw he had na fa in sicht, He tald his men ilkone vpoun that plane, And fund he had foure thousand of thame slane 24,655 That Saxonis war, as that my author writis, Foroutin all war tane and slane of Britis. Thairfoir na langar wald he than 1 remane, Bot in all haist he sped him hame agane To Eborac, and gart ane armie byde 24,660 At Londesia, neirby the bordour syde. Passit him self to Lundoun to the king, And at greit lenth he schew him euerie thing, Of all liis weiris and his chevalrie, Of his greit battell and his victorie, 24,665 152 THE BUIK OF THE And of sic perrell also lie wes in, So manfullie the feild syne lie did wyn ; Of his fais sa mony he had slane, Sa mony als he loissit hes agane. how wortiueuxe besauit hungest with Blyt[h]nes. This Wortigerne thnirof he wes full glaid, 24,670 And to him than richt freindfullie he said; " Welcum be thow, cure gyde and govemour, " Welcum be thow, of all knichtheid the flour, " Welcum be thow, oure scheild and oure defence, " That weiris ws fra wrang and violence." 24,675 To him that t} r me grit rewardis gaif, Far ' mo no he desyrit for to half: Siclike to him the haill auctoritie, Of all Britane the governour to be ; Lib. 8, f. 122b. And grantit hes the Saxonis in Britane, 24,680 That orabill wes to euerie Cristin man, On to thair idolis of the pagane wjds, In prophane places to mak sacrifyis. Wnganand wes to ony Cristin prince, Without faith to thoill sic offence, 24,685 Within him self so wickitlie gart wirk Aoane the faith of Christ and halie kirk. The bischopis all that tyme wer in Britane, The kirkmen als, and all gude Cristin men, Displesit war rycht far, and all the laif, 24,690 That he to thame so greit indulgence gaif, Sic pagane pepill that war vnbaptist. In greit contemptioun of the fayth of Christ. ' In MS. For. cr0x1clis of scotland. 153 how it was schawin to wortigerne that Ambrosius and Vter his Bruther, Sonis to coxstaxtyxe, wald persew him with Battell. That samin tynie to Wortigerne wes schawin, That secreitlie be freindis of his a win, 24,695 Sayand to him that £oung Ambrosius, Quhilk callit wes also Aurelius, That sone and air wes to king Constantyne, Quhome of befoir I schew tow schort quhile syne, Prouydit wes into Armorica, 21,700 With schip and boit and niony gay gala : Quhilk thocht riclit sone in Britane to perseW, His croun and kinrik gif he micht reskew, With so greit power and so mekle schoir, In Britane tit sic saw tha neuir befoir. 24,705 This being said, this ilk king Wortigerne Abasit wes and culd nocht weill decerne Into the tyme quhat best wes till be done. This ilk Hungest callit befoir him sone, Beseikand him thair of his counsall gude, 21,710 In so greit dout and danger as he stude. Richt plesaadlie he said to him agane : " Dreid nocht thairof, heir I promit iow plane, " Als lang as I haif sic auctoritie, " Baith cuir and travell I sail tak on me, 21,71s " Of this conditioun I sail to iow tell ; " On the south cost neirby the se to duell, " Wald %e grant ws of ^ouv excellent grace " Ane plesand land, with mony sicker place, " Quhair we mycht byde ay reddie for to be, 21,720 " And to defend the portis of the se, " So that no schip ather be se or sand, " Without oure leve suld cum into that land." 154 THE BUIK OF THE HOW HUNGEST CAUSIT ANE SAXONE, HALDIX FOR axe Brit, fenjie Tydexis to Wortigerne of the scottis and pechtis. Off this desyre the king wes weill content, And suddantlie thairto gaif his consent. 24,736 Col. 2. The Saxonis all. the quhilk wer of grit number, Remanand war beiond the water of Hiunber, On to Kent schire translatit hes ilkone, With wyfe and barne togidder all ar gone. The Britis all that duelt into that land, 24,730 How euir it wes, without ony demand, With all thair glide remoifit far awa, And to quhat place that can I nocht Weill sa. Syne efterwart, within ane lytill space, The Saxonis all sat doun into that place. 24,735 Quhen this Hungest his purpois had cunid till, And gottin had all his desyre and will, Sone efter that, within ane lytill quhile, He vmbethocht him of ane grittar wyle, How that lie micht of liis purpois prevaill, 24,740 And mak the Britis dalie for to faill. Ane sle Saxone. that wes ane subtill freik, That wes perfit the Brit langage to speik, This ilk Hungest that tyme he did him leir How he suld sa, as le sail efter heir. 24,745 To Wortigeme he gart him pas in h} r , With fals fictioim and fein^eit fantasy, Sayand to him in Pechtland he had bene, And in that tyme thair he bad hard and sene So greit prouisioun for batted and weir, 21,750 Of men and hors, harnes and vther geir, Of Scot and Pecht, with sic blythnes and gloir, In Albione sic saw he neuir befoir. Without of force tha had bene maid to faill, Richt sone thay think thir boundis to assaill, 24,755 CR0XICL1S OF SCOTLAND. 155 With so greit curage and crudelitie, That aufull is other to heir or se. Ane hundreth men that waillit war and wycht Waponis to weild all cled in armour bricht, Rycht hardalie this tyme hes wndertane 24,760 On this Hnngest alluterlie allane, " Ay for to wait quhair thow gois in the feild, " Neuir to tak rest quhill thow be tane or keild. " The thing in erth this da tha desyre maist, " It is thi deid, I warne the weill, Hungest. 24,7 65 " Full weill tha wait and tha war quyte of the, '• Within schort quhile that all Britane suld be, " And all the Britis also thairintill, " Without reskew at thair plesour and will." Quhen this wes said that tyme befoir the king, 24,770 Quhilk wes abasit richt far of that thing. Far fra the rycht suppois he hard him raif, lit in all thing richt grit credens him gaif ; And in the tyme he said to this Hungest, " My afald freind, this da that I luif best, 24,775 " I jow beseik of ^our gude counsall heir, " In so grit perrell as I se appeir, " On euerie hand with sic danger and dreid, '• Without 2our help I will cum lidder speid.'' This ilk Hungest to him agane said he, 24,780 '• At lour command I sail ay reddie be, " To quhat purpois ie pleis to put me to, " In word and wark and all thing I can do." Lib.s, f.123. Ane vther Saxone standand wes besyde, Col. 1. That this Hungest befoir had gart prouyde 24,785 Into that cans quhat counsal he sould give, Onto the king he said, " Sir, with torn - leve, •' Commove low nocht, le ar in litill dout " Of Scot and Pecht, or ony berne about, " So le will do my counsall in this cace." 24.790 And thus he said vnto the kingis orace : 1-5G THE BUIK OF THE How ane Saxone gaif Counsall to Worti- GERNUS. " Tak gude Orsa 1 quhilk is Hungestus biiither, " To do sic thing abillest of ony vtlier; " Gar him remane foirnent Arinorica, " With all tlie Saxonis in Britania, 21,795 " With wyfe and bamis thair to byde and be, " Endlang the coist in strenthis be the se, " Quhair tha ma pleneiss and mak policie " Within thame self, but ony cumpany. " Sua at all tyme tha ma all reddie be, 24,800 " Gif ony navin cumis to the se, " Into Britane out of Armorica, ' Ressaue tour freind and to repell lour fa. " Hungestus sone, callit Occa to name, " Wyss into weir and fluresand in fame, 24,805 " Caus him to cum into Britania, " With new power out of Saxonin, " For to remane beiond the watter of Humber, " And mak £ow quyt of Scot and Pechtis cummer. " Hungest him self remane heir with 4ow still, 2i,eio " All 2our desyr and plesour to fulfill ; " On euerie syde so sail le soner be " In pece and rest and greit tranquillitie ; " Sen le ma haif so greit supple in neid, " Thair is no caus quhairfoir that te suld dreid."' 24.815 How Occa, the Sone of Hungestus, come in Britane fra Saxone, and brocht with him Ten Thousand Men of Weir to surrLE WORTIGERNUS. This Wortigerne, that thocht his counsall gude, To Hungestus he said quhair that he stude, - ' In MS. Wisa. CEONIGIJS OF SCOTLAND. ]57 " I ?ow beseik, in all the haist le ma, " Send for jour sone the nobill ;ouno- Occa, " With new support to cum in ouir supple ; 24.820 " Richt riallie he sail ressauit be." Hungest he said, " Thocht I dar nocht deny '■ iour grace, this tyme for this ressoun and quhy " That ma I nocht, without damnage and skayth " Into Saxone of land and freindis baith ; 24,825 " No gyde tha haif into that land bot he." All that he said of greit subtillitie, As it had bene richt far aganis his will. Syne at the last eonsentit lies thairtill. Sone efter that this ilk foirsaid Occa 24,830 Ten thousand men out of Saxonia In Britane brocht, that war baytk bald and wicht, Bodin for battell all in armour bricht, With wyffe and barne richt mony out of number ; Syne sat all doun beyond the water of Humber, 24,835 Col. 2. Richt peceablie without ony demand, Syne callit it to name Northumberland ; And ay sensyne, cjuha lykis for to luke it, Continewalie that same name it hes brukit. How Hungest requeistit the King to pas with HIM TO LONDISSIA. Quhen Hungest knew that tha war cuming thair, 24,840 As he dewysit riclit weill of befoir, Thair boundis all and bigging but ganestand War vacand than and reddie to thair hand, Fra Hummer water that tyme evin to Tueid, It wes ouir sawin with the Saxonis seid. 24,845 This ilk Hungest requyrit than the king, Beseiking him of his gude grace benyng, To pas with him on to Londesia, To se his wyfe and dochter Roxana : His sone Occa with mony nobill man, 24 .850 In his supple he hes brocht with him than. 158 THE BCIK OF THE This Wortigerne thairof wes weill content, With greit triumph syne to Londesia went, With knicht, squyer, and mony bald barroun, In gude array tha raid all to the toun. 24,855 To Tu}*n castell this Himgest had the king, Quhair that his wyffe and Roxana the ;ing Ressauit him at all poynt with plesance, And all the honour pertening to ane prince. This Wortigerne, as my author did sa, 24 .860 Throw fantasie of this Roxiana, Of hir sic plesour he had in that tyde, That nicht at supper sat him self besyde, Talkand of love and makand merrie cheir, Betuix thame tua that plesand wes till heir. 24,865 Qnhill at the last dame Venus cruell dart Hes persit him quhair he sat throw the hart, Quhilk causit him his honour to neglect, And in his fame to put so foull ane blek ; His awin ladie vnmaculat and clene, 24,870 Quhilk wes his wyfe and als his lauchfull quene, Repellit hes but ony caus him fia. And weddit hes this ilk Roxiana, Quhilk wes ane genteill that tyme vnbaptist, And ennemie als to the faith of Christ : 24.875 Vnsemand wes to sic ane Cristin king, For beistlie lust for to commit sic thing. Kent schyre al kaill, as plesit him to haif, To this Hungest that samin tyme he gaif, With boundis braid to bruke baith vp and doun, 24.8S0 And strenthis all, baith castell, torn- and toun ; And all the Britis gart remoif richt far Into that land that tyme that duelland war. Sj-ne to Hungest and to the Saxonis seid, . Tha landis gaif to pleneis and posseid : 24,885 To Lundoun toun syne efter[wart] is gone, With this Hungest and Saxonis mony one. CRONICLTS OF SCOTLAND. 159 HOW ROXIAXA, THE DOCHTER OF HUNGESTUS, WES CROWNIT QUENE OF BRITANE INTO LUNDOUN. Roxiana, that wes baith bricht and schene, Into Luncloun hes crownit to be quene. Lib.8,f.i23b. Schir Wortimer, of quhome befoii' I spak, 24.890 Co1 - 1- The kingis sone, into his mynd did tak Richt greit anger that his fader the king Injustlie that he hes done sic thing : To the bischop of Lundoun for the tyme, Maid sair complaynt of his faderis fait and 21,895 cryme. This ilk bischop, Wodynus hecht to name, In all Britane of sanctitude and fame Had no coinpairand of his auctoritie, This Wortiajerne thairof soir blamit he ; For he that wes ane Cristin king and prince, 24,900 Agane his faith had done so grit offence, To tak ane pagane for to be his peir ; His lauchfull wyfe sum tyme to him so deir, For fle[s]chlie lust and beistlie appetyte, Witkoutin causs to do hir sic dispyte, 24,905 For to expell furth of his bed and hour In all hir tyme that wes of sic honour. Grit lak it wes to him in all his lyfe, Ane infidell syne to wed on to his wyffe. Quhen he had said and schawin his intent, 24,910 This Wortigerne richt soir than did repent Agane bis faith so far he sidd offend, In tyme to cum sayand that he suld mend. Throw greit displesour that he tuke betuene, The bitter teiris birst out fra bayth his ene, 24,915 With mony sich and sob into the tyde. This ilk Hungest, that wes neir hand besyde, Or ony wist, into the tyme drew neir, And fand this kinsc makand so mad ane beir, 160 THE EUIK OF THE And blamit him into the tyme richt soir, 24,920 Quliat wes the caus sayand, quhy and quhairfoir, His wedding feist he had so maculat With mad murnins; and with so soir degrat ? HOW HUXGEST GART SLAY THE BlSCHOP OF LUNDOUN, BECAUS HE REPREUIT WORTIGERXE THAT PUT HIS WYFE AWAY AND TUKE AXE VNFAYTHFULL WOMAX. On this bischop gart handis la in liy, Baith preist and clerk that standand wes thairby, 24.925 And had thame all into ane qnyet place ; Quhen he thocht tyme without mercie or grace, But dome or law, be his auctoritie Richt saikleslie he maid thame all to de. 2oung Wortymer, the kingis sone, also 24,930 For that same caus he hes gart seik to slo ; And had nocht bene he fled into the tyme, He than [had] deit for the samin crynie. Quhen tliis wes done, syne efter on ane da This Hungest wrait vnto his sone Occa 24,935 Richt secreitlie, and gaif to him command, That all the strenthis into Northumberland, Gif that he culd be slicht or ^it ingyne, Fra Eborac onto the water of Tyne, In his keiping to tak thame all ilkane ; 24,940 And for to stuff ilk castell maid of stane, And moir and moir the Britis euerie da, Col. 2. For to molest in all thing that he ma. To Scot and Pecht he sould do na injure, Bot all the landis leve into thair cuir, 21 945 To occupie at thair plesour and neid, That tyme Hand betuix Tyne and Tueid. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 161 HOW OCCA DID THE COMMAND OF HIS FATHER. This Occa (lid all his fatheris command ; The strenthis all into Northumberland, Sone efter that, or fourtie dais wer gone, Throw slicht and force he tuke tliame all ilkone: 24,950 Syne fen^eit causis as he culd anew, And all the nobillis of that land he slew, And flemit mony for richt litill thing. Syne quhen he wes accusit with the king, He said, als far as he richt wnderstude, 21,955 All that he did wes for the kingis gude. For-quhy, he said, the men all that he slew, War tratouris all and to the king vntrew: The strenthis all war in Northumberland, Tha thocht to put into the Scottis hand ; 24,960 And had he nocht remedit iu the tyme, That knew so weill thair counsall and thair cryme, Lang or that tyme, he said, richt weill he knew, Britane for eulr tha had maid for to rew. With fen^eit falsheid and with flattering, 24.965 This ilk Occa so plesit lies the king. how hungest pat ordodre amang his men in Kent. Sone efter that, this Hungest on ane day Onto Kentschire he tuke the reddie way, For to mak reule and ordour in his land ; To euerie man than gaif ane strait command, 24,970 In pane of deith that tha sould ane and all, Fra that tyme furth the king of Kent him call. Of all tha boundis neirby his land that la, Baith man and wyfe he flemit far awa ; VOL. II. L 162 THE BUIK OF THE With bigging bah- that tyrae, baitli but and 24,975 ben, Tha left all waist to Hungest and bis men. Ouir all the land the kirkis gart distroy, To kirkmen als he did richt mekle noy. Tha thai wer toung, and big of bone and blude, He put thame all into vile seruitude, 24,980 And all the laif richt far he hes gart fle, Or with sum stres than maid thame all to de. Devoit wemen that war of relisioun, Defoullit thame and kest thair placis doun ; So wranguslie thus he ane lang tyme wrocht, 24,985 Quhill that Britane all wes put to nocht. HOW ALL THE L.ORDIS OF BRITANE, IN LUNDOUX OX AXE Da, repreuit Wortigerxe FOR THE Maxteixyxg of Hungest. The nobilks all than of Britania, Befoir the king in Liuidoun on ane da, The soir complai[n]t tha maid of this Hungest, Sayand be him tha war rycht far opprest : 24,990 Lib.8, f.124. And how the pepill puneist war so soir ' ' Be this Hungest, as I haif said befoir, That I neid nocht heir to rehers agane ; Repreuit hes richt schortlie into plane This Wortigerne, bairand -on him the feid, 24 995 Sayand richt sone, without he fand remeid, Britane for ay he wald gar bring to nocht, For ony way that efter can be wrocht ; Quhairof, tha said, that he had all the wyte. Into his face richt lang with him tha flyte, 25,000 That paneful wes to heir thair pley and pleid, Sayand richt sone, and he find nocht remeid, That all Britane, richt weill ilkone tha knew, That he wes borne for euirmoir wald rew. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 163 HOW WORTIGERNE WES DISPARIT BAITH OF HUNGEST AND THE BRITIS, THAT HE WES SO PERPLEXIT THAT HE WIST NOCHT QUHAT SULD BE DONE, PDTTAND OF THE TYME. This "Wortigerne of wane that wes so will, 25,005 Wist nocht richt weill quhat he sulci sa thairtill. Richt sad in mynd and havie into hart, Suspect he wes richt far of euerie part. Richt weill he knew this Hungest, and he mocht, For his distructione all his tyme he wrocht ; 25,010 The Britis all richt so for the most feet, In all his tynie he held thame ay suspect. For weill he wist that tha luifit him nocht, For the greit tressoun that himself had wrocht, So saikleslie Constantius quhen he slew, 25,015 Schort quhile befoir as I heir to low schew. With grit silence he lute the tyme pas by, Disparit for with greit melancoly, That lie wist nother quhat to do nor sa, With sleipand sleuth dryvand ouir da be da, 25,020 That he wist nocht at quhat end to begin, Tlnow negligence lattand the tyme ouir ryn. How Wortigerne wes deprtuit of his Croun, and his [Sone] Wortimerus crownit King of Britis. Off all Britane the lordis on ane da, In conventioun, as my author did sa, Depryuit lies this Wortigerne thair king 25,025 Of his kimik, his sceptour and his ring. Syne in the Walis in ane presoun Strang Tha closit him, quhair he remanit lang. Sone efterwart, as I sail schaw zow heir, Syne crownit lies his sone toung Wortimer, 25,033 1 G4 THE BUIK OF THE With liaill consent of Britane to be king, Decretit so wes baith with aid and zing. The Saxonis than, that Avar baith ferce and fell, Fra Albione tha schupe for to repell ; And or tha wald to that battell proceid, 25,035 Of thair purpois for to cum better speid, HOW WORTIMERUS, EFTER HE WAS CROWNIT Coi. 2. King of Britis, send ane Herald to the King of Scottis, askand at him Supple aganis hungestus. To king of Seottis ane herald sone tha send, At cn'it laser all thins; fra end to end Quhilk schew to him, as I haif said jow plane, That I neid nocht heir to rehers agane, 25,040 Of this Hunoest and his enormitie, Of Wortigerne and his miseritie, Of Wortimer how he wes crownit king, And thocht to be revengit of that thing. Beseikand him of his help and supple, 25,045 Richt freindfullie with all humanitie, Aaane the fa of Christ and halie kirk, So wranguslie ane lang quhile had done wirk. The liaill fassone he schew to him at lenth, With fals tressone as he had tane ilk strenth 25,050 Into Kent schire and als into Northumberland, Wes none so stout that durst mak him ganestand. And how he had gart cast the kirkis doun ; Baith men and wemen of religioun, Distroyit hes ane richt greit multitude, 25,055 Syne all the laif put in vile seruitude. And war he nocht resistit be sum way, Sone efter that he wist weill, and he may, Fra Albione or he thocht to disseuer, The kirk of Christ he suld distroy for euir; 25,000 CROtflCLIS OF SCOTLAND. 165 Beseikand him, as he wes Cristin prince, For halie kirk lie wald mak sum defence. Also that tyme he gart hhn knaw perfyte, How Wortigeme wes all the caus and wyte Of baith the battellis that war last gone by ; 25,065 Beseikand him that tyme richt reuerentlie, For to considder baith the gude and ill, And wyfce thame nocht it wes agane thair will. Promitting a[l]s the landis les and moir, At thair plesour evin as tha had befoir, 25,070 Fra Tueidis bank on to the water of Humber, Fra euir moir but ony clame or cummer. So wes decreittit in the parliament, In Lundoun toun with all thair haill consent, Of king and lordia ilkane be thair name, 25,075 For euir moir withoutin ony clame. how congallus, klng of scottis, gaif axsuer be counsall of his lordis to the britane Herald. This king Congall, be counsall of his lordis, To him agane thir wordis he recordis : " Gude freind," he .said, "befoir I haif hard tell, " How that the Saxonis furious and fell, 25,080 " In Albione so wranguslie did wirk " Agane the faith of Christ and halie kirk, " And how tha schupe with grit injure and noy, " In Albione the faith of Crist distroy ; Libs.f.is-ib. " And how tha war thair ennimie and fo. 25,085 '" " Soir I forthink," he said, " that it is so. " And for to schaw my grit humanitie, " To low this tyme of lufe and cheritie, '• Quhilk I am oblist of the law to wirk, " In the defence of God and halie kirk." 25,090 166 THE BUIK OF THE How the Herald syne passit to the King of Pechtis, and syne efter Hajie to Lun- doun with his Ansuer. Quhen tins wes said, the rnessinger iu by To king of Pechtis sped him spedely ; With sic respons that tyme as he him gaif, At his plesour thair wes bot ask and haif. The rnessinger thairof he wes full fane, 25,095 And in all haist he sped him hame agane To Lundoun toun, on [to] the king richt sone, And schew to him how that all this wes done. Quhairof this king wes richt hartlie content ; In Lundoun toun with all thair haill consent, 25,100 In parliament befoir thame all in plane, With Scot and Pecht new peax wes maid agane, With ilk conditioun I spak of befoir ; The spulje all tha gart agane restoir On euerie syde alss far as tha mycht get, 25,105 Syne all injure forgevin and foriet. How the King of Scottis and King of Pechtis come to the Feild. This beand done as je haif hard me sehaw, Richt haistilie till armis all did draw ; The king of Scottis and Pechtis tuke the feild, With euery wicht that wapin weill culd weild, 25,110 And maid na stop that tyme without ganestand, Quhill that tha come into Northumberland. Occa that tyme that weill thair cuming knew, With all the Saxonis pleneist had of new All haill that land, at thair plesour and will, 25,115 Richt haist elie tha gatherit all him till. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 1G7 Syne quheii he saw apperand of sic skayth, That da to feclit a^'ane tha kin^is baith, Of nobill men had sic ane midtitude, Thairfoir ryclit weill that tyme he wnderstude, 25,120 He wes ouirfew to fecht agane thame all, For-quhy that da his power wes so small. Quhairfoir he thocht the battell to delay, Quhill efterwart that he durst thame assay, Quhen that he saw his tyme mair oportune. 25,125 With that the Scottis and the Pechtis sone, He set on thame than- with ane schout and cry, In gude array quhair tha war standand by. Thair wes nocht ellis bot other to do or de ; The fedderit flanis in the feild did fle, 25,130 So baldlie bait vpoun thair armour brycht, Vpoun the land richt mony law gart lycht. The speiris lang, that war baitht traist and trew, Aboue thair heid all into flenderis flew, Throw birneis bricht quhair all thair ruvis 25,135 Col. raue, Baith scheild and targe all into pecis claue. This Occas men, thocht tha wer neuir so wycht, Vpoun the land tha war maid law to lycht ; So vmbeset tha war on euirilk syde, Tha tuke the flicht and micht na langar byde. 25,140 Richt mony Saxone in that feild wer slane, And thryis als mony in the chace agane. For gold nor ransoun that da chapit nane Of Saxone blude, quhair euir tha war ouirtane. Occa him self on to the mouth of Humber 25,145 He fled awa, bot with ane litill number ; Syne to his father efter on ane da, Into Kentschire he passit quhair he la. 168 THE BUIK OF THE How Wortimerus, King of Britis, vincust HUNGESTUS IN PLANE BATTELL, AS EFTER FOLLOWIS. The Britis all riclit blyth war of that thing, And speciallie glide Wortimer the king, 25,150 He wes richt fane, ie ma weill wnderstand, Quhen he hard tell into Northumberland, How that king Congall had put than to confusioun The Saxonis all that war of sic abusioun. Displayit lies his baneris vpoun hie, 25,155 Thairin wes Crist vpoun ane croce of tie, Naikit and bair nalit on the rude, With fyve wouudis bleidand for ws his blude. Syne with cleir voce proclamit ouir all quhair, That all quhilk leuit vpone Christis lair, 25,160 In his defence sould follow and proceid. Ouir all Britane tha come to him gude speid ; Fiftie thousand, as my author did sa, Of Britis bald he wes that samin da. Syne with Hungest besyde ane montane met 25,165 In plane battell, quhair that the feild wes set, And vincust him without ony reskew ; Ten thousand als thair of his men he slew. Chaisit him self on to ane strenth neirby, Without perrell that tyme quhair he micht ly. 25,170 Syne efter that, as Se sail wnderstand, With all his men into Northumberland He passit syne, to rest and to remane. Quhill his armie renewit war agane. And this he did, as my author did sa, 25,175 All be the counsall of his sone Occa. Bot thair richt lang he durst nocht weill remane, Dalie his men with Scot and Pecht wer slane ; Quhairfoir richt sone, efter ane litill we, At Humber mouth he passit to the se ; 25,180 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 169 HOW HUNGEST AND HIS SONE OCCA FLED IN SAXONE, AND HOW WoRTIJIERUS LEUIT ALL THE SAXONIS TO PAS HAME, AND OF TUA HALIE BlSCHOPPIS BROCHT OUT OF GALLIA IN Britane. Syne efterwart he and his sone Oeca, With all the laif onto Saxonia. Lib.8f.125. The Saxonis all into the feild war tone, This Wortimer he fired thame all ilkone, Without ransoun or tit captiuitie, 25,185 To pas all hame at thair awin libertie. Huno-estus dochter, fair Roxiana, With child eonsauit, my author did sa, In Lundoun toun gart keip hir as ane quene, Quhill efterwart the suith thairof wes sene. 25,190 This Wortimer syne efter on ane da, Tua halie bischoppis out of Gallia In Britane broucht, amang [thame] to remane, The faitht of Christ for to renew agane. The tane he hecht Gerinanus to his name ; 25,195 The tother Lupus 1 of richt nobill fame. Grit diligence vpoun thame bayth tha tuke, And mony lang nycht without sleip tha woik, The faith of Christ agane for to restoir To sic perfectioun as it had befoir. 25,200 The Britis war of so grit vanitie, That all thair tyme thai louit novcltie, And reddie ay thair awin faith to refuss, And Gentill ryte, idolatrie, till vss. Thir halie men tha sufferit mekle pane, 25,205 Or tha culd weill reforme all thing agane On to sic stait as it wes wont to be, With thair wisdome and thair auctoritie. This Wortimer, (pihilk wes ane nobill king, Richt diligent [lie wes] into sic thing, 25,210 ' In Mo. Vpeis. 170 THE BUIK OF THE And da nor riycht that tyme he ceissit noclit Quhill all Britane on to the faith wes brocht. In all Britane wes neuir ane better king, Quhill he had tyme and laser for to ring : Bot fals Fortoun at all thing lies invy 25,215 Quhen it gois richt, and for that samin quhy, Doun of her 1 quheill scho gaif him sic ane faw, And on his bak scho gart him ly full law, With sic onrest that he rais nocht agane ; Quhairof all Britane micht be richt vnfanc. 25,220 how koxiana gart poysoun wortlmerus the King. Quhen he had brocht all Britane in to rest, Roxiana, the dochter of Hungest, Sic menis had with seruandis of the king, Bud and reward that gydis euerie thing, Hes causit thame for ony dreid of feid, 25,225 This Wortimer to poysoim to the deid. Quhat sould I say tow moir into this thing? Quhen poysound wes gude Wortimer the king, Be the tressoun of this Roxiana, Schort quhile befoir as te haif hard me sa, 25,230 His suddant deith, so haistelie of new, Throw Albione swyft as ane swallow flew. The Britis all thairat lykit full ill, Weipand for wo of Avane tha war sa will, Vncertifieit tha war into sic thing 25,235 Into that cace quhome that tha wald mak king. how wortigernus was restorit agane to his Croun. Col. 2. Decretit syne wes with baith les and moir, This Wortigerne agane for to restoir ) Iu MS. Ma. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 1 i I On to his eroun, with sword, sceptour and ring, As he wes wont of Britane to be king. 25,210 In Lundoun toun into plane parliament, Ressauit him with all thair haill consent, Quhair he wes sworne befoir [thame] all that tyde At thair counsall in all thing for to byde ; And all the feid he had at thame befoir, 25,245 For till forsrif for than and euirmoir ; And neuir agane remember of sic thing, In handis schuikand maid gude suithning. Quhen this wes done, with grit triumph and gloir, This Wortigerne, as he wes wont befoir, 25,250 Ouir all Britane he rang oure king and prince, And gart reforme all wrang and violence. Thair wes all thing wes neidfull till be done, At his command it wes fulfillit sone, And hes all Britane into peax and rest; 25,255 Syne efterwart it hapnit at the last, HOW HUNGESTUS, HERAND THAT WoRTIMERUS WAS DE1D, COME AGANE TO BRITANE WITH ANE GREIT ARMIE. This ilk Hungest of cpuhome befoir I spak, As that my author did me mentioun male, To Tames mouth ane rycht greit multitude, Bicht niony schip he brochft] attouir the flude ; 25,260 Occa his sone and his awin brether tua, "With mony nobill in Germania, In sic ordoiu- with grit triumph and gloir, In Albione as he come neuir befoir. Quhen this wes schawin to Wortigerne the king, 22 265 Rycht far he wes commouit at that thing, Full weill he wist it wes for litill gude, That he come thair with sic ane multitude ; For he had kend of his tressoun befoir, And for that caus he dred him all the moir. 25,270 172 THE BUIK OF THE Incontinent proclamit with ane cry, That euerie man sulci reddie be in hy, On tlie best wayis als gudlie as he may, To meit in Lundoun on the auchtane day. And so tha did withoutin ony ganestand, 25,275 The lordis all and baronis of that land, And commoun pepill than bayth les and mair, 1 Micht wapin weild or ony harnes bair. In Lundoun toun the lordis all ilkone, With Wortigerne to counsall all ar gone, 25,280 Amang thame all for to devyss the best, For to provyde aganis this ilk Hungest. HOW HuXGESTtTS SEND ANE OrATOUR TO THE BRITIS FOR TO SCHAW THAME HIS HyND, THE quhilk Hungest that Ttme was richt far dissimulat. Lib.8,f.l25b. Off thair counsall quhen this Hungestus knew, He thocht it wes grit perrell to persew His purpois than be strenth and way of deid, 25,285 Tiaistand thairof for to cum lidder speid. He knew so weill the haitrent and invye The Britis had at him, and for that quhy, He durst nocht weill so grit thiDg wndertak, Or dreid he turnit him baith to schame and 25,290 lak: Quhairfoir he thocht sen it stude him in sic neid, Be way of slicht to his purpois proceid. Ane oratour than lies he maid to go To Wortigerne and his lordis also ; In Lundoun toun, befoir thame all in feir, 25,295 He said to thame as I sail say jow heir. 1 In IIS moir. CRONICLIS OK SCOTLAND. 173 " O royall prince ! in tin hie majestie, " Hungest my lord riclit gudlie greitis the, " And all the nobillis that ar in thair land, " Lattand 2ow wit this tyme and wnderstand, 25,300 " That his cuming sua haistelie wes low till, " Is all for gude and no way for 2our ill. " For quhy 2e knaw ilkone boith les and moir, " So oft for ?ow he bled his blude befoir, " And in his mynd no other tit will mene, 25,305 " Bot keip kyndnes siclike befoir lies bene, " That thinkis ay quhill he lies strenth to stryve, " To all Britis than levand ar on lyfe. " The caus quhy wes of his cuming heir, '• As 2e sail wit but ony dout or weir, 25,310 " Now at this tyme, wes for na other thing " Bot for to help gude Wortigerne the king, " Revengit be of tha tratouris wntrew, " Gude Wortimer his sone with poysoun slew. " And mair attouir, ie knaw be commoun law, 25,315 ''■ As ressoun wald, of proper det he aw " On to his oy, sone of Roxiana, 1 " Apperand prince now of Britania, " Tutour to be as ressoun wald and skill. " For tliir caussis, and for na other ill, 25,320 " Ze sail beleif this tyme that he come heir, " He lies in mynd thairof, I ;ow requeir, " To grant him self in Britane to remane, " Quhair plesis tow in previe or in plane, " With so mony as plesis low to void, 25,325 " And all the laif at tour command this tyde, " At lour plesour for to pas hame agane, " And in this land na langar to remane. " And als thairwith he dois low wnderstand, " He covettis nother castell, toun nor land ; 25,330 1 In MS. Iiuxiona. 174 THE BUIK OF THE " Nor na Iordschip at ^ow this tyrae 'will crane, " Siclike befoir as lie wes wont to haif, " Except fchair riches and thair proper glide, " Tha boucht befoir rycht deir with thair awin blnde, ' The cpihilk tha left behind thame in Kent- 23,335 schyre ; " Na vther thing this tyme tha will desyre. " The thing this tyrae that most desyris he, " At commoning wdth Wortigerne to be, ' Quhair plesis him in ony tyme or tyde, " With equale number vpoun euerie syde ; 25,340 " And thair the mater all baith moir and les, " At lenth and laser commoun and redres, " And all faltis, gif ony war befoir, Col. 2. t: And peax to mak perpetualie euirmoir ; " And freindlie love ilkane to vther schaw, 25,345 '■' As he that wes his darrest sone in law, " And to forgiff all feid that wes befoir : " At tow this tyme he will desyre no moir." How Hungestus Desyre was schawin to Wor- tigerxus, and how Wortigerne dred his Tressoun. Quhen this was said into plane parliament, Quhair all the lordis at that tyme war present 25,350 In audience of Wortigerne thair king, Tha tuke ane da to auise thame of that thing. The lordis all that tyme for the most feet, Tha dred Hungest and held him richt suspect, With sic petie he did than imploir, 25,355 Tha knew so weill his falsheid of befoir ; Dreidand also, and he his tyme micht se, Gif efterwart so hapnit for to be, Be strenth or slicht, or ony subtill charme, He sould res*enge the greit injure and harme 25,360 CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 175 Into Kent schire wes done him of befoir. This said tha all the lordis les and moh - , And counsall gaif into that tyrne that he With gold and riches sould rewardit be ; And mak freindschip for aid 1 feid and for new, 25,365 In tyme to cum ay to be leill and trew ; Ilkane to vther ay curtas and heynd, And this Hungest to callit be thair freind ; But pleid or pley for to pas hame thair wa, With all thair power into Germania, 25.370 Assurand him gif that plesit him nocht, That he suld find far scharper than he brocht. How Hungest and Wortigernus met at com- MONTNG, AND HOW HUNGEST DISSAUIT WOR- TIGERNUS. Richt mony wes into that multitude, Apprevit weill that that counsall wes gude ; ^it neuirtheles consentit to that thing, 25,375 That this Hungest sidd commoun with the kino-. For thai wist weill it micht hurt thame rycht nocht, Bot for to knaw the secreit of his thocht, Gif his desyre wer honorabill and gude, At thair counsall and at his plesour till dude ; 25,380 And gif it war agane the commoun weill Be his desyr, as tha ma richt sone feill, He neidit nocht to do bot as him lest ; The haill counsall thocht all that that wes best. Off the Meitting of Wortigerne and Hungest. Ane plesand place, as that my author sais, 25,385 Quhilk callit wes Sares into tha dais, Neirby the se quhair foundit wes ane ferrie, Now in this tyme callit is Sarisberrie, 1 In MS. all 17G THE BUIK OF THE Vpoun ane plane the tyme and place wes set, Quliair that the king and this Hungest[us] met. 25,390 Thre hundreth nobillis vpoun euerie syde, Without wapone or armour in the tyde, Dreidles of harme that tyme or ony skaith, Amiddis the feild betuix thair oistis haith ; Lib.8, f.126. And this Hungest wes suorne to be trew, 25,395 Without tressone for aid feid or for new. Syne Wortigerne and this Hungest is gone, Hand for hand togidder thame allone; Sielike ilk Saxoun as I wnderstand, Ay with ane Brit togidder hand for hand, 25,400 In sindrie pairtis vp and doun the plane, At eommoning ane lang quhile did remane ; And quhat it wes I can nocht richt weill tell, Bot harkin and heir how efterwart befell. How the Saxonis slew the Britis with Tressoun. This ilk Hungest that ordand had befoir, 25,405 That ilk Saxone with him baith les and moir, Richt cpiietlie, quhairof nane had beleif, Ane lane daser suld turss into his sleif : Syne suddantlie, quhen he ane taikiu maid, That euerie man withoutin ony baid, 25,410 But ony stop or studie in that steid, Suld stik his marrow in the tyme to deid. And so thai did quhen he ane taikin schew, Richt suddantlie the Britis all tha slew ; Or euer tha wist, fra thame chapit nane 25,415 Of all the Britis in the tyme bot ane, Heldoll to name, richt stoutlie in that stryfe, Quhilk fra ane Saxone ruidlie raif his knyfe,. And sindrie Saxonis thairwithall he slew, Syne manfullie him awin self did reskew. 25,420 CBOftlCLIS OF SCOTLAND. 177 how wortigerne ; was tanf. and t.f.d to thair Textis. Quhen this wes clone the multitude all fled ; The king wes tane and to thair tentis lied, And festnit fast with fetteris, fit and hand ; Syne all liis annie that lay on the land. Into Kent schire rieht sone he lies thame brocht. 25,425 The Britis all seing .sic tressoun wrocht, Thair king that tynie so treasonable wes tane. And all the lordis slane siclike ilkane. Throw fals tressoun with greit crudelitie, Traistand thairof for to revengit he, 25,430 With all thair power pertlie on ane plane, Convenit lies to gif him f'eild agane, Contrail- Hungest and his auctoritie ; In that intent all erar for to die, Or than to be revengit, gif tha mocht, 25,435 Of that tressoun that this Hungest had wrocht. Syne quhen tha saw thair power wes so small, Without ane king and captane als with all, Or governour than other les or moir. Thair lordis all war slane ilkane befoir 25,440 With fals tressone, as ze aboue ma reid, Traisting thairfoir tha suld eum hulie speid, Skaillit thair ost ; syne tuke ane vther reid, And euerie man teid hame to his awin steid. how wortigernus gaif ouir all the strenthis in Britane to Hungest, and past with all the Britis [in] Walis, and remanit thair all his tyme. This Wortigerne the quhilk in presoun la, 25,445 Sic dreid of deid had boith nicht and da, Col. 2. ' In MS. Himyesl. VOL. II, 178 THE BTJIK OF THE Throw greit monisioun that tha to him maid, The strenthis all into Britane but baid, With gold and riches ilkane as it standis, Deliuerit lies in this Hungestus handis. 26,460 Quhen that wes done, Hungest gaif him command. With all the Britis that war in that land. Pas to the Wales and thair to remane, And in tha boundis neuir to cum agane ; With wyffe and barne thair to remane and duel], 26,466 Richt solitar all tyme amang thame sell. With public voce proclaim t syne in plane, Attour command quha did langar remane Efter the da affixit wes and sett, All his guidis to tyne of proper dett : 25,460 Him self also be in Hungestus will, To quhat torment he pleis to put him till. HOW WORTIGERNE FOR DREID OF HUNGEST STAW IN THE WALIS, AND OF ANE NEW ARMIE THAT COME OUT OF SAXONE. This Wortigerne, full of defence and cair With all the Britis that tyme les and mair, Of this Himgest he stude so mekill aw, 25,465 Richt quietlie on to the Walis he staw, Without wapone or armour for to weir, But bow or brand, buklar, scheild or speir, And durst nocht turs, or be so pert to preve, With thame moir gear nor he wald gif thame 25,470 leve. This Wortigerne syne, as my author sais, Remanit thair in trobill all his dais. Quhen this wes done as le haif hard me sa, Thair come fra Saxone efter on ane da, To this Hungest quhair he wes in Britane, 25.475 With wvffe and barne richt mony no-bill man, CRONrCLIS OF SCOTLAND. 179 With men of craft and lauboraris of the land, In so greit number as I wnderstand, That Wortigerne with all lus power haill, To his power wes of litill availl. 25,480 Syne efterwart in Lundoun on ane da, This ilk Hungest, as my author did sa, Ressauit hes into plane parliament Sceptour and croun, with all thair haill .consent, In stait royall amang thame for to ring, 25,485 Ouir all Britane of Saxonis to be king. Syne changit hes the name I wnderstand, And efter him gart call it Hungest land ; And all his pepill als gif I rycht ken, Efter him self gart call thame Hungest men : 25,490 And now Ingland and Inglismen with all, Be corruptioun of langage now we call. How Hungest gart sla all the Britis that REiiANiT ix Britane efter the Passage of Wortigerne in the Walis, and of the grit dlstructioun he maid of halie klrk. Quhen tliis wes done, withoutin ony baid, Ouir all Britane greit incpiisitioun maid, Quhair ony wes fund of the Britis blude, 25,495 That this edick or tit command ganestude, Without discretioun cmhair euir tha war fund, Lib.8, f.i26b. Baith ioung and aid in ony garth or grund, That had no strenth nor power for to fie, Richt doggitlie he maid thame all to de. 25,500 I can nocht weill heir expreme to 2ow plane, In this mater suppois I wald remane Ane zeir and moir continewalie to wirk, The grit injure tha did till halie kirk. The tempillis all, that war of lyme and stone, 25,505 Distroyit hes and kest thame doim ilkone ; The kirkmen als, that dalie thairin sang, 3 O? Sum tha gait heid and vther "sum tha gart hang, M 2 180 THE BlUK OF THE And sura tha pat into vyle seraitiule ; With sic distructioun of the nobill blude, 25.510 In till all part of Britane far and neir, That horribill wes into that tyme till heir. War all the martens put into raemoritie Tha maid that tyme, as I fynd in my storie, Tha wald exceid of number, he my dome, 25,515 The martens far that maid war into Rome. My wit this tyme is vnsufficient For to expreme sua mony innocent That tholit deid thair for the faith of Christ, Be tha bouchouris cjuhilk war vnbaptist. 25,520 In kirk and queir syne of the pagane wyss, Quhair Christ wes offerit into saerifyis With preist and prelat eueri da befoir, Thair idollis thair tha set vp les 1 and moil', With all thair micht thairfoir to magnifie 25.625 Mahoun thair maister with fals mamoutrie. How Ambros Aurelius come fra Armoripa with ane Armie in the Walis, and wan Wor- tigerne, the klng of britis. In this same time Ambros Aurelius, That bruther wes to king Constantius, And sone also to Constans of greit fame, With his bruther that Vter hecht to name, 25,530 In bark and barge, and mony gay gala, Come furth that tyme out of Armorica, With ane greit armie furneist to the se, Of Wortigernus to revengit be ; Quhilk saikleslie liis eldest bruther slew, 25,535 Constantius, as I befoir heir schew, With ane fals trane that he wrocht by tressone, Syne wranguslie he held fra him his croun ; 1 In MS, vp and les. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 181 Into the Walis soue efter tuke the land. This Wortigerne that reddie wes at hand, 25,540 In rayit battell bydand with the Britis, That samin tyme, as that my author writis, Quhen that the feild wes reddie for to June, And all the trumpettis blawand vp in tune ; The Britis all that tyme for the maist part, 25,54s This Wortigerne so haittit with thair hart, Into the feild tlia left him thair alone, And to Anibros tha come that tyme ilk one. How Wortigerne fled to ane Strknth, quhair HE WES SEIGIT AND BRINT WITH WyFE AND BARNIS TO Deith. This Wortigerne thairof wes soir adred ; Out of the feild richt sone away he fled 25,550 On to ane castell of his awin neirby. This Ambross than him followit hastelye, And laid ane seig about the hous richt solie ; Col. 2. Thair lang tha la and litill thing wes done. That hous it stude vpone ane streuth so strang, 25,555 Quhen tha had lyne at the seig so lang, Ambrosius he gave command in hy, On fra ane wod that wes neir hand by, That eurie man richt mony tre suld bring, About the hous syne nar the wallis fling. 25,660 And so tha did into grit quantitie, About that hous tha laid richt mony tre, Quhill tha excedit all the wall on hicht, Syne set thame sone into ane bleis full bricht ; Quhilk brint the hous that tyme in poulder 25,565 small, And Wortigerne with wyffe and barnis all. Thus endit he that so greit tressoun wrocht, Quliairby he put all braid Britane to nocht. 182 THE EUIK OF THE Aurelius quhilk did till him conceme, Efter the deid of this ilk Wortigerne, 25,570 Of all Britanc the crouu to bruke the richt, To him thair come richt mony worthie wicht, Baith toung and aid that war of Britis blude, Dalie tha come into greit multitude ; Exhortand him agane for to reskew 25,575 His heretage that laitlie of the new, And his pepill that wes so far opprest Be the fals tressoim of this ilk Hungest ; So wranguslie alway that he did wirk Agane the law and faith of halie kirk; 25,580 Quhairof thai said tha wald revengit be, Or on ane da all into battell de. How Aurelius maid Peax agane with the King of Scottis and Pechtis, and gat thair Supple agane the Saxonis or he micht prevaill. Aurelius considderit weill and knew Be thair talking that tyme he wes ouir few ; Thairfoir he thocht he micht with better will, 25,585 At his plesour his purpois to fulfill. And or he wald in that mater proceid, Into glide hoip for to cum better speid, To Congallus ane messinger he send, Beseikand him of help for to defend 25,590 The faith of Christ, as he wes Cristin knycht, Of halie kirk for to debait the richt, And for the faith he audit to Jesu Christ, Agane tha bribouris that war vnbaptist, And fra Hungest that fcratour so vntrew, 25,595 That he wald help his kinrik to persew. This Congallus thairof he wes content, And all the laif that tyme that war present, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 183 Promittand him riclit hartlie with gucle will, At tyme and place that he sail cum him till, 25,600 Efter his power with help and supple, In all the haist that he mycht reddie be. The messinger thairof he wes content : To king of Pechtis passit incontinent, Quhilk callit wes Lothus that tyme to name ; 25,605 In Albione wes none of grittar fame, Stalwart and Strang, and of ane large stature, Baith ioung and fair, and rycht plesand of nature ; Quhilk wes richt blyth that tyme quhen he did heir All the desyr of this ilk messinger ; 25,610 And grantit liim rycht glaidlie with his hart, In that purpois all tyme to tak his part, Efter his power hartlie with gude will ; Syne set ane da quhen he suld cum him till. Lib. 8, f. 127. J x Col. 1. How the Messinger passit to Aurelius and SCHEW HIS ANSUER. This messinger quhen he hard him sa so, 25,615 Thaiikit the king and tuke his leif to go ; Syne passit harne withoutin ony moir, And schew all thing that he had hard befoir, Ilk word be word to this Aurelius ; How he wes treittit with this Congallus, 25,620 With euerie Scot siclike and euerie Pecht, And how thir kingis baith lies to liim hecht At tyme and place to meit him with gud will, Quhair plesis him for to assigne thame till. How the Britis come furth of sindrie Partis to Aurelius. The Britis all that tyme, baith les and moir, 25,625 In sindrie landis quhair thai duelt befoir, 1S4 THE LT1K OP THE Ay euerilk man quliair that him lykit l>est, For to vmsehew the danger of Hungest, Into that tyme, my storie tellis thus, Tha come ilkone to this Aurelius. -25,030 Quhilk wes content rycht weill of all tha thingis, And of the ansuer also of tha kingis ; Syne sped him sone, in all the haist he mycht, Agane Hungest for to reskew his richt, On fit and hors and mony nobill man 25,635 Of Armorick and also of Britane, With birny, brasar, bow and feddrit tiane, All in ane will for to reskew agane Kynrik and croun with law and libertie, And of Hungest for to revengit be, 25,640 The enniinie of Christ and halie kirk ; Without tarie neuir for to tyre nor irk Quhill he Avar slane, and all his men ilkone, Or exull maid far out of Albione. How the King of Pechtis and the King of Scorns Bruther Conranus met Aurelius with axe greit Powar. Syne efter that, vpoun the saxtane da, 25,015 The king of Pechtis lies met him in the wa. With greit power that tyme of ane and vthcr, And Conranus the king of Seottis bruther, With mony Scot that worthie war and wicht, With bow and brand, brasar and birny bricht. 25,650 Quha had bene thair that tyme for to haif sene The grit kyndnes and thanking thame betuene, Tlie eurtosie that this Aurelius Schew to thir tua with thanking meraelous, And brasit thame richt oft into his arme, 25,055 With plesand vult and tender wordis warmc. With sic talking tha drew the da to end, Syne on the morne with all power did wend CRONlC'LlS OF SCOTLAND. 185 Towiirt the place quliair tliat Hungestus la, With all his Saxonis on the secund da ; 25,660 Syne in ane place neirby the revar syde, Forgone Hungest thir princes of grit pryde. With niony roy wes royall of renoun. Vpoune ane plane plantit thair palteoins doun. Syne in the field, as that tyme wes the gyiss, 25,665 Met in the niiddis with mony interpryiss, On fit and hors ilk man chesit ane maik, Col. 2. To just and turnay for his ladeis saik. With mony raiss tha did the feild renew ; Raiss efter raiss ilk vther did persew. 25,670 How the Tla Wyngis wan baith thaie Feildis. Syne at the last, with mony fedrit fiane, The bowmen bald lies bikkerit on the plane ; Richt scharpe schutting on ilk syde myclit be sene, Quhen mony grume la gaippand on the grene. Behind thair bak, the bowmen for to beild, 26,675 The grit power syne enterit in the feild. The king of Pechtis as my author did sa. With all his Pechfis the vangard led that da, On the richt hand of this Aurelius ; Siclike also the nobill Conranus, 25,680 With mony Scot, that stalwart war and stuir, On his left hand on to the feild he fair. Thir grumes gay quhilk war nothing agast, War reddie all syne at ane buglis blast ; Into the feild tha enterit with grit force, 25,685 In birny bricht and mony bardit hors ; Thair scheildis raiff 1 and all thair speiris brak, That countering wes lyke ane thunder crak. Than mony grume la grafting on the grand, And mony wycht man with mony werkand 25,690 wound ; 1 In JIS. raiss. 186 the BrriK of the Richt mony freik war fellit in the feild. And mony knicht la cald wnder liis scbeild. Aurelius thairto he tuke gude waucht, Betuix the Scottis and the Pechtis that faucht, With all the Britis that war thair that da, 25,695 And thame he brocht out of Armorica, Of worthie men that waponis weill euld weild, So cruell counter maid into the feild, And buir thame self so stalwart in that stound, That mony freik were fellit to the ground. 25,700 Baith Scot and Pecht in the tua wingis faucht, So rude routtis amang the Saxonis raucht, That force it wes that tyme to thame to fle, Or in the feild all fechtand for to de. The middill ward quhen that the wingis fled, 25,705 Qubair Hungest faucht, tha war so soir adred, Tha tuke the flicht, and wald no langar byde, Efter thame fast but tarie in that tyde. Hungest him self, with mony wyle and trane, Requyrit thame oft for to returne agane ; 25,710 For na treittie that he culd mak that tyde, Nor 2it for bost tha wald no langar byde. And quhen he saw that that mycht nocht amend, He kest fra him, that he suld nocht be kend, His coit armour quhairin that he wes cled, 25,715 Syne on ane bors fast efter thame he fled. How Hungest tynt the Feild and fled, and how Aurelius ouirtuke hem and slew hem manfullie with his awin h&ndis. Aurelius persauit that richt weill, Of his fleing that tyme quhilk had ane feill, And efter him he drawe with all his force, Syne with ane speir he dang him of his hors ; 25,720 Out throw the bodie straik him deid to the grand, Syne left the speir still stickand in the wound. CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 187 Occa his sone, quhilk fled into the tyde On to ane mont wes neirhand by besyde, Vponn ane bay out of the feild him bah - , 25,725 Lib.8,f.i27b. With mony wound that warkand war full sair. Co. 1. Aurelius syne, vpoun the tother day, To Lundoun toun he tuke the narrest way. The soulddouris thairin that did remane, Quhen tha hard tell Hungest thair king WB8 25,730 slane, And Occa fled with woundis werkand soir, To saif thame self into that tyme thairfoir, Aurelius tha met without the toun, Syne on thair kneis at his feit fell doun, Beseikand him, for his greit victorie 25,735 And nobilnes, of thame to haif mercie, Syne tha war all in that tyme at his will, As plesit lum quhat pane to put thame till. Sayand thai knew that thair iniquitie Seruit richt weill withoutin reuth to die ; 25,740 Beseikand him as he wes gratious prince, For to remit the injure and offence That tha had done, and freith [thame] for to go To thair awin land quhair tha befoir come fro, Naikit and bair, baith with barne and wyffe, 25,745 But gold or gude that tyme, and saue thair lyfe ; And thai suld sweir befoir thame all in plane, In Albione neuir for to cum agane. How Aurelius tholit the puie Pepill to byde in Britane. Aurelius so gratious wes and gude, So full of meiknes and of mansuetude, 25,750 Hes sufl'erit thame of his benignitie, With[out] crabing or zit crudelitie, But ony harme in thair bodie or hurt, To pas agane withoutin stop or sturt, 188 THE BUIK OF THE With wyffe and barne hame to Saxonia. '.'5,755 And so tha did syne efter on ane da Baith gude and euill that abill war for battell, But hors [or] harnea, withoutin corne or cattell ; The puir pepill with all houshald and geir, Without prattik or policie in weir, 25,760 Leit thanie remane thair still, I wnderstand, As tha war wont to laubour in that land ; And all that wald turne to the fayth of Christ, And trew in Jesu that tyme, and be baptist. HOW AURELIUS DISTROYIT ALL THE 1DOLL1S. Quhen this wes done as I half said ^o\v heir, 25,765 Ouir all Britane he lies gart spy and speir Quhair tempillis war biggit of manioutrie, Quhairin thir Saxonis did oft sacritie ; And suddantlie hes distroyit thame all, Syne brint the idollis in poulder small. 25,770 The preistis all thairin maid sacrifice, With all torment men culd with wit devyiss, Kicht riallie that tyme without petie, He puneist thame for thair iniquitie. The kirk of Christ syne gart agane restoir 25,775 To all possessionis that it had befoir, And dot thame with far moir dignitie, Na euir tha had and more auctoritie ; And ilk kirk man in his awin kirk set doun, That fled befoir in mony far regioun. 25,780 The kirk of Crist wes neuir at sic honour, Sen God wes borne, into Britane befoir. Col. 2. HOW AURELIUS GAIF THE ScOTTIS AND THE PeCHTIS ALL THE LANDIS BETUIX HUMBER AND TUEID. This beand [so] than into Lundoun toun, With erle and duke and mony bald barroun, CROXICLTS OF SCOTLAND. ISO The king of Pechtis and nobill Conranus, 25,785 And special lie be this Aurelius, Wes tretit so be thair auctoritie, Quhilk schew to thame so greit humanitie, With greit reward and honour ouir the lave, As did pertene to sic princes to haif. 25.790 The landis all tha did befoir posseid, Fra Huraber flude on to the water of Tueid, Tha gaif to thame, with strenthis les and moir. In heretage evin as tha had befoir. Perpetual] peax betuix thir kingis thre, 25. 795 Confermit lies with greit affinitie. Aurelius tua sisteris fair and glide, That tyme he had of plesand pulchritude. Porterit but peir, full of formositie, Vnmaculat in clene virginitie. 25,soo Anna, the quhilk wes eldest of the laif. In matrimonie to king of Pechtis gaif ; Quhilk efterwart buir to him sonis tua. And ane dochter wes callit Cymeda, As I sail schaw. and God will gif me grace, 25,805 Sone efterwart at ganand tyme and place. The secund sister callit wes Ada, To Conranus in mariage alsua, That plesand wes full of spesiositie, With gold and riches in grit quantitie. 25.810 Gaif to Conrane, with grit honour and gloir, In matrimonie as I haif said befoir. Confirmand syne with thir kingis ilkone, Perpetuall peax ay into Albione ; And euirmoir with afald will and hart, 25,815 Ilkone in neid for to tak vtheris part ; Euir to inforce with all thair fortitude, And speciallie aganis the Saxonis blude. The king of Pechtis, and Conranus also, Syne tuke thair leif and baith hamewart did go. 25,820 190 THE EUIK OF THE How Ada, Conranus Wyfe, departit. This ^oung Ada, of cpihoine I spak befoir, Conranus wyffe, ane teir efter or moir, Of hir first child befoir his tyme rycht lang. The cruel! dart of awfull deith so strang, Hir and hir child, with mekill pane and wo, 25 .825 Out of this warld he gydit for to go : And so faillit that grit affinitie Of Scot and Brit, throw lois of that ladie. How Claudowus, the King of France, was baptist vnder piemegeus, and tuke the Faith of Christ. In that same tyme it hapnit vpoun chance, Claudoweus the cpuhilk wes king of France, 25,830 And the fyft king als of the Frenche blude ; He wes the first, gif I richt wnderstude, Off Frenschemen that tuke the fayth of Christ ; Lib. 8, f.iss, Iu that same tyme this king he wes baptist Be ane bischop callit Remegius, 25,835 Quhilk now in hevin ane sanct is glorius, Fyve hundreth ^eir efter the Virgin buir The sone of God, quhilk lies all thing on cuir. Thre halie bischopis in tha samin dais In Scotland rang, as my author sais ; 25,810 Ane callit Colman of greit auctoritie, Modan and Meden war halie men all thre, Quhilk in thair tyme wald nocht tyre nor irk To fortifie the faith of halie kirk ; That had grit grace into this warld thairfoir, 25,845 Tha ring in hevin now in eternal gloir. Gude Congallus, of quhome befoir I tald, Into that time wes febill, waik and aid, And viseit wes with sad seiknes and soir, Into this tyme that he micht leve no moir. 25 ; 850 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 191 Syne of his ring efter the tuentie ieir, He tuke liis leif and Laid na langar heir; In Ecolunikill syne graithit wes into graif, With all honour that sic ane prince snld haif. Ane better king I trow nor he wes one, 25,855 In all his tynie wes nocht in Albione ; Manlie in weir, and plesand into peice, And with all leid weill louit wes but leis ; All thing teid richt that wes wnder his cuir, Equale he wes ay baith to riche and puir. 25,860 Me neidis nocht at this tyme him to love, Richt weill I wait his awin deidis will prove His nobilnes, quha lykis for to luke. Heir endis baith his deidis and the audit buke. HOW CONGALLUS DEPARTIT, AND OF THE CROWN- Lib. 9. YNG OF C'ONRANUS HIS BRUTHER GERMANE, AND OF HIS NOBILL DEIDIS. Efter the deith of worthie Congallus, 25,865 His bruther germane, callit Conranus, Crownit he wes of Scotland to be king, Becaus his sonis that tyme wes ouir ting. The eldest sone he hecht Euo-enius, The secund als wes callit Conuallus, 25,870 The youngest bruther also of the tltre, To name Kyimatill callit than wes he: As I sail schaw efter, be Godis grace, Of thir brethir quhen I haif tyme and place. This Conranus, of quhome befoir I spak, 25,875 Greit travell dalie did vpoun him tak To keip his kinrik into rest and peice, That da no nycht wald nocht sojorne nor ceis For no travell, sa lang as he micht lest, Qui 1 ill he put all into gude peice and rest. 25,880 J 92 the nriK of the Off axe mervelous Moxstoure bene at the HlTNTIS. Quhen this wes done as xe haif hard me tell, Tak tent and heir of ane wounder befell. This king being in hunting on ane da. With mony nobill in Atholia, Ane hart wes sene thair of greit rpiantitie, 25 835 Baith afrit and fatt, with hornis lane and hie. Quhen he wes bertnit to gif the houndis blude. Out of his warne; ane meruelus multitude Of foule serpentis into that tyme thair threw, Baith grit and Jang of mony diverss hew. 25.890 Quhairof that tyme the pepill wondrit all. Cul. 2. Sayand it wes of thingis to befall Ane grit taikin, other of ill or gude ; So said tha all. gif tha richt wnderstude. Als of this hart the hornis mervelus, 25.895 For byt or stang of beistis venemous, Wer medicyne in ony tyme or tyde, And quhair tha come mycht na sick beist abyde. This king lie wes the first that maid that act. Befoir the air ane dittay for to tak 25 .900 In euirilk schyre, as my author did sa ; Quhilk lawis ?it ar keipit at this da. In rialtie 1 I lat him heir remane, And to the Britis turne I will agane. how ambrosuis aueelius fell ix greit seik- nes, axd how Ooca axd his Bruther Passix t gius come with axe greit Armie out of Saxoxe ix Britaxk. Aurelius, of quhoine befoir I spak, 25,905 As that my author did me mentioun mak, Yexit he wes with grit infirmitie, Be constillatioun of the planetis hie. 1 In MS. riaUie. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 193 Ilk da be da his seiknes grew so soir, That he michfc nother gang nor ryde no moir ; 25,9io And all his bodie, or my author leis, He grew als bair and lene as ony treis, That euerie man that tyme for the most effect, Than of his deith tha held him rycht suspect. Syne suddantlie this grit seiknes wes schawin 25 915 Onto Occa te freindis of his awin, Into Saxone quhair that he did remane ; Quhairof that tyme he wes joyfull and fane. With his brother calbt Passingius, Quhilk sonnis war befoir to Hungestus, 25,920 Aurelius with his awin handis slew, Nocht lang gane syne as I did to tow schcw, With the haill power that tha purches ma Of all the princes in Germania, Aurebus trowand for to fynd deid, 25,925 Or ony king was crownit in his steid. Richt suddantlie, as my author did sa, Into Britane tha come all on ane da. HOW THAT THE BfilTIS PASSIT ALL TO COUNSALL. Thairof the Britis abosit war ilkone, And suddantlie to counsall all ar gone, 25,930 For to devyss richt haistelie and sone, In that matter quliat best is to be done. Thair king with seiknes vexit than wes so, That he micht nother rycht weill ryde nor go ; Vter his bruther in the Walis la 25,935 Richt seik that tyme, as my author did sa ; Amang thame self thair wes grit discord, Quhome that tha suld mak governour and lord ; Tha bad na grace that tyme for to agrie, Bot stude richt lang at sic diuersitie. 25,940 VOL. 11. N 194 THE BUIK OF THE Aurelius that riclit weill wnderstude That thair diuisioun wald do litill gude, Thaiifoir to gar thair myndis cord in one, Lib.9, f.i28b. The haill mater vpoun him self hes tone. Thocht he wes waik, and waponis mycht nocht 25,943 weild, Betnix tua hors gart turs him to the feild On ane litter, that buir him hie on-loft, Within ane bed quhair that he la full soft. How Aurelius straik Feild wiTn Occa or Ansuer come agane. To king of Pechtis ane herald sone he send, And king of Scottis, the quhilk that maid 25,950 thame kend Ilk word by word as I haif said low heir, Beseikand thame that wes his freindis deir, Of thair supple richt sone incontinent. Quhairof thai baith that tyme ' war [weill] content, Promitting baith that thai sould mak supple, 25,955 In als grit haist as tha micht reddie be. Or that ansuer come to Aurelius, Occa that tyme and als Passingius, Thir tua brether, sa grit distructioun maid Into Britane ouir mony boundis braid, 25,960 That force it wes than for to gif thame feild With euerie wicht that waponis than mycht weild. Aurebus besj'de ane mont tha met In plane battell quhair that the feild wes set ; Quhair mony freik wes fellit thair throw force, 25,9C5 And mony heme borne bakwart fra his hors, 1 InMS.tyw. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 195 And niony man in the tyme euill woundit. The Britis all that tyme wer neir confoundit ; And had nocht bene this ilk Aurelius, Throw his curage, my author sais thus, 25,970 Quhen that he saw thame drawand all abak, Quhilk causit thame sic confort for to tak, And in the feild syne maid ane new onset, And with thair brandis on the Saxonis bet. Thair wyngis all that warkit of befoir, 25,975 Into that tyme tha fele thame nothing soir, Na in thame na febilnes culd feill, But als ferce and waldin than as ane eill ; And in that stour richt stalwartlie tha stnde, Spilland richt mekle of the Saxone blude, 25,980 And wrocht thame wo with mony woundis wyde. The Saxonis than vpoun the tother syde, Turnit thair bak ilkone and tuke the flicht. Aurelius, for it wes neir the nicht, Forbad to follow forder of that plane, 25,985 In glide ordour gart thame thair still remane, Quhill on the morne that it 1 wes fair da licht. Syne equahe that tyme to euerie wicht, Efter his grie and facultie that tyde, The haill spulte amang thame gart provyde. 25,990 Syne maid ane moustoiu - efter on ane plane, Numberit his men and fand so mony slane, He thocht he wald no moir battell persew, Of Scot and Pecht quhill that he gart x-eskew. And for that caus, for tua monethis and ane, 25,995 Trewis that tyme with the Saxonis hes tane ; Skaillit his oist, syne passit is anone Onto ane place wes callit Gouentone. Into that place quhair that he did remane, This ilk herald come hame to him agane, 26,ooo ' In MS. is. N 2 196 THE BUIK OF THE Fra Conranus and king of Pechtis also, Schort quhile befoir he maid to thame till go, Within les space sayand na monethis thre, That tha wald send him grit help and supple. Col, 2. HOW OCCA SEND HIS BRUTHER FOR NEW POWER INTO SAXONE, AND OF HIS AGANE CUMING WITH THAME. AND AS ANE MONK TOYSONIT AURELIUS BE TRESSOUN. Occa that tyme, quhen he knew that it wes so, 26,005 Passingius his bruther hes gart go For new supple out of Germania. With new power than fra Saxonia He come agane within ane litill space, On to his bruther in that samin place. 26,010 In that same tyme, as my author did sa, Be the persuasioun of this ilk Occa, Ane menswome monk, full of ingratitude, Sayand he wes ane of the Britis blude, Ane fals Saxone and fen^eit als we[s] he, 26,015 And rejectit fra religiositie, On to this king in to Gwyntonia He come that tyme, in seiknes quhair he la ; Sayand he wes ane potingar richt fyne, And had grit prattik of all medicyne, 26.020 Quhilk tuke on hand that tyme, for litill thing, Of that seiknes that he sulci haill the king. The king him self, rycht so did all the laif, To this fals monk richt grit credence tha gaif; Trowand that he sua sicker wes and suir, 26,025 Tha pat the king alhaill into his cuir. That samin nicht he poysonit him or da, Syne thiftuouslie he staw fra him awa ; On to Occa sj'ne passit hes richt sone, And schew to him all thing how he had done. 26,030 croniclis of scotland. 19/ how occa, efter aurelius was poysonit be Tressoun, enterit in Britane with grit Crudelitie that all the Britis FLED IX other Partis. Quhen Occa knew Aurelius wes deid, But successour that tynie into his steid ; Except Vter nane vther than had he, Quhilk viseit wes with grit infirmitie, That tuichit him Weill scharplie and lycht soil - , 26,035 Into the Walis as I said of befoir. And or thair power suld removit be, Of Scot or Pecht or tha get moir supple, This ilk Occa, with mekill bost and schoir, Moir cruellie nor euir he did befoir, 26,040 Richt grit distructioun, and with amaritude, Ouir all Britane maid of the Britis blude ; Without discretioun other of toung or aid, Tha bludie boucheouris busteous wes and bald. The Britis all tha fled fra hand to hand, 26,045 Sum in the Walis, and sum into Pechtland ; All febill folk that tyme that mycht nocht fle, Without reuth tha maid thame all to die. How the Scorns and the Pechtis cumand to Aurelius, heirand of his Deith, passit Hame agaxe. That samin tyme, into ane ordour gude, Lib.9, f.123. Of Scot and Pecht ane rich[t] greit multitude, 26,050 Co1 - '■ Qubilk cumand war to this Aurelius In his supple, my author sais thus. Syne quhen tha hard Aurelius wes deid, And nane vther succeidand in his steid 19S THE BUIK OF THE To gyde the laif, bot fleand to and fra, 26,055 And tha knew nocht thair freind than be thair fa ; And for that caus tha turnit all agane, In gude ordour syne passit hanie ilk ane. Off Ambross ring into the auchtane 2eir, All this hapnit as I haif said low heir. 26,060 The Britis all fra he wes put in grave, Baith ^oung and aid, lorcUs and all the lave, Onto the Walis passit in ane ling, And crownit lies this Vter to be king. Quhen he wes crownit with the haill consent, 26,065 With all the lordis syne incontinent, Proclaniit syne hes with ane opin cry, That enirilk man richt sone and suddantly Suld reddie be, alss midlie as he micht, Agane Occa for to defend thair richt. £6,. greit bewardis baith to the scottis and Pechtis, and how thai tuke thair Leve at Arthure and passit Hame. Quhen this wes done king Arthure mad him 27,425 boun, And all the nobillis onto Lundomi toim, Quhair tha remanit quhill the tuentie da, With dansing, singing, feisting, sport and pla. To Scot and Peclit rycht grit rewarde he gaif, Tha wantit nothing that tha list to haif. 27,430 Ewgenius, and gude Modred also, Tha tuke thair leif and hamewart bayth did go, With greit blythnes thairby, je ma weill ken, In thair travell tha loissit richt few men : Syne haill and feir, without ony ganestand, 27,435 Ilkone of thame come hame in thair awin land. Fra king Arthure so worthelie anone Of Saxone blude had changeit Albione, He maid the Britis alway to leif fre Ouir all Britane, with land and libertie, 27,440 In peice and rest, richt lang and mony da. That samin tyme, as my author did sa, Gude Corn-anus without stop or ganestand, In pece and rest he gydit all Scotland. Equale he wes ay baith to riche and purr, 27,445 Quhill he wes zoung and micht travell induir, Vnder his wand he leit be wrocht na wrang ; And syne wox aid micht nother ryde nor gang, On to ane man committit all the cuir, Quhilk wnder him than all the office buir, 27,450 Ouir all Scotland wes justice in tha dais, Oallit Toncet, as that my author sais. Suppois he had so greit auctor[it]ie, lit borne he wes bot of ane law degrie, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 2 ±5 Infectit far with auerice tliat syn ; 27,455 Quhair euir lie knew gold or glide to wyn, Wald find ane fait suppois tbair had bene nane, And wranguslie distroyit mony ane, Gat he thair geir he set nocht ellis by ; Quhairat ilk lord dispyit had and invye, 27,460 And biikand ay quhill tha thair tyme micht se, Of this Toncet for to revengit be. how toncetus, haldand ane alr in [f]ores- toun, for couetusnes c4art sla tua saik- les Men, quhairfoir his Freindis slew Toncet on ane Day. This ilk Toncet, of quhome befoir I tald, It ' hapnit him in Murraland to hald In Forest toun that tyme ane justice-air, 27,465 And for na petie riche and puir wald spair, Quhat euir tha war, to niak thair pak full thin ; Quhair euir he wist that thair wes gude to wyn, Eicht saiklislie sa mony he gart die. So in the toun thair hapnit for to be 27,470 Thre riche merchandis duelland in the tyme, Quhilk wer condampnit fir ane causles cryme, But ony fait, haifand no e to treuth, Syne put to deid but pitie or reuth, For causs he knew that thair wes gude to wyn. 27,475 Thairfoir thre nobillis of thair awin kin, Tliis ilk Toncet ane da quhair tha did meit, Bicht crueUie tha slew liim on the streit, Syne of the toun fled to thir hilbs hie, Col, To saue thame self, it micht na better be ; 27,480 Knawand so weill how that the king wes sett, For no requeist thair wes, no grace to get 'IuMS. In. 216 THE 13UIK OF THE That levand wes thairof, man or wyffe, Als lang as lie micht leve and bruke the lyfe. And for that causs, knawand it wald be sua, 27,485 Deereittit lies thair king and prince to sla, And tak thair chance gif that wald be remeid ; No vther wa tha micht evaid his feid. Off the Tressone of the Lord of Athoill, callit Donald. Ane lord of Athoill, callit wes in tha dais Donald to name, as that my author sais ; 27,490 With this ilk king weill louit [than] wes he, And of him had richt greit auctoritie, Zit neuirtheles lie keipit ane euill part To that same king he louit with his hart ; At him that tyme he had richt grit invy, 27,495 Quhat wes the causs I can nocht tell ^ow quhy. Into Lochquhaber, ane toun sum tyme of fame, Quhil Inverlochtie callit wes to name, Quhair that the king remanit for the tyme, And this Donald committal - of the cryme, 27,500 Withoutin caus, as that my author schew, He send for thame that this Toncetus slew Richt quietlie, and bad thame cum him till, Gif that [thai] thocht thair purpois to fulfill, Than wes best tyme gif tha list to do ocht, 27,505 And he sould help thame als far as he mocht. Richt quyetlie syne efter on ane nycht, Quhen all war cloiss, onwist of ony wicht, This fals Donald that knew full weill the gin, In the chalmer quhair that the king la in, 27,510 Into ane bed besyde him quhair he la, He leit thame in, syne staw him self awa Richt quietlie, as none knew his intent, Of all sic thing as he war innocent. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 247 HOW CoNRANUS ASKIT THAME MERCIE ON HIS KXEIS. • This saikles king in his bed quhair he la, 27,515 Persauit weill richt lang befoir the da The greit tressoun that tyme wes to liini wrocht, And what till do rycht weill than wist he nocht. Out of Ms bed he lap with all his cuir, On kneis bail- syne sat doun on the fluir 27,520 Richt piteouslie befoir thame in that place, Beseikand thame of thair mercie and grace. On kneis bair befoir thame that he sat, Haldand his handis to the hevin with that. Beseikand thame than for to saif his lyfe, 27,525 Ilk ane of thame out throw him thrang a knyfe On wittand syne tha passit all awa : Thair he la deid syne on the fluir quhill da. Sic wes his chance, as I haif said tow heir. Then of his ring the fyve and threttie teir. 27,530 With greit dolour syne, bayth of gude and ill, Tha buir his bodie to Ecolumkill, Of kinghe wyiss takand thairof grit cuir, Syne sesit him than into sepultuir, Lib.ft. f.136. Than of our Lord fyve hundret ieir ago, 27,535 Co1 - '■ Threttie and fyve withoutin ony mo. Ane nobill prince in all his tyme wes he, Except in eild with sic partialitie He gydit wes as ze ma heir me mene, Qidiilk till ane prince of na way sidd pertene, 27. 540 Thair coirnsall vse quhilk war of law degrie. For-qnhy ane man that is in pouertie, The quhilk i>retendis to ane hiear stait, For to win riches all tyme air and hut, Swyfter nor ane swallow will by ressone ryn, 27,545 On to him self ma he get gude to wyn. 24S THE BUIK OF THE That wes the. cans, as it ma weill be kend, This nobill king maid sic ane hastie end. HOW EWGEXIUS THE SONE OF COXVALLUS, EFTER THE DEID OF COXRANUS, WAS CROWNIT KlNG OF SCOTTIS, THE QUHILK EWGENIUS WAS WITH ARTHURE AT ' THE WTNNTNG OF THE Saxoxis, AS ^E HAIF HARD BEFOIR. Quheu he wes deid as I haif said low heir, The lordis all of Scotland far and neir, 27,550 Conveuit hes into that samin quhile, To croun thair king togethir in Argyle. But contra j deid other of aid or ling, Ewcrenius tha crownit to be kins, The eldest sone of worthie Congallus, 27,555 And als he wes that ilk Ewgenius, With king Arthuro than wan sic laud and gloir In the last feild, as le haif hard befoir, Quhair inony Saxone deit on ane da, Schort quhile befoir as le rnicht heh' me sa. 27,560 Sone efter syne that he wes crownit king, Perswadit wes with wordis richt benyng, Of men of gude in mony sindre steid, For to revenge this gude Conranus deid, His deir vnkle so tender of his blude, 27,565 In tyme to cum till ken all other gude, So cruellie without caus or offence, For to put hand other in king or prince. Eusenius this counsall did neglect : Tliairfoir the pepill held him all suspect 27,570 That he sould be assistar to that cryme, Suppois he wes richt saikles in the tyme, 1 In MS. as. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 249 For-quhy the king lie louit as his lyfe. Zit neuirtheles this ilk Conranus wyfe, With tua sonnis sone efter on ane da, 27,573 For dreid of him fled in Ybernia. This fair ladie, quhilk wes of fame vnfyld, Departit thair syne with hir eldest child. The 2 2 Ferquhardus sone of quhome befoir I tald, 29,470 Nocht lang gane syne befoir as ie haif hard, This ^oung man alss he callit wes Ferquhard, 312 THE BUIK OF THE Into Argyle with suord, sceptour and ring, Of Scottis thair wes crownit to be kino;. Or that he come to that auctoritie, 29,475 Richt large he wes and full of libertie ; Fra that fassoun syne changit hes rycht far, And callit wes with all man father war, Gif war micht be, and war, and war agane. Heir I abhor for to report in plane 29,480 Sa mony faltis and vices as did ring Vncorrigill into this wnwyiss king. One halie bischop, callit wes Colman, And mony vther in the tyme wes than, For na command nor counsall tha him gaue, 29,485 No for requeist of lordis and the laue, He wald nocht mend of all that worth ane mytte, Quhairat his lordis had rycht greit dispyte ; Ane counsall set how tha suld him corrack, Decrettit syne in handis him to tak. 29,490 So had tha done richt weill I wait as than, War nocht the counsall of this ilk Colman, Into the tyme qnhilk said to thame and schetf The hand of God suld schortlie him perse w, Richt suddantlie, and with far scharper pane 29,495 Na thai culd do, he promeist thame rycht plane. And so it wes be ordenance diuyne, Within ane moneth at the hunting syne, Wnder ane buss quhair he sat him alone, With 1 ane wod wolf wes bettin to the bone, 29,500 Into his syid ane deip woimd and ane soir, Into his tyme quhilk mendit neuir moir. Thair wes no leich culd mak his panis les ; Ilk da be da his dolour - did incres, With fonll fetor that wes intollerabill, 29,605 And humor als that wes abhominable; In MS. Within CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 313 Moir horribill als that tyme for till abhor, No canker, fester, gut, or iit grandgor. Tua ^eir and moir, I bid nocht for to lane, He puneist wes still "with sic cruell pane ; 29,510 Syne at the last his vices did repent, Confessand hiin with ane clene intent. The halie bischop callit wes Colman, His confessour quhilk in the tyme wes than, Confessit him of all his crymis clene ; 29,515 The sacrament of the altar betuene ' Ressauit hes with clene and contreit hart ; Syne sucldantlie the cruell aufull dart Of dulefull deid, quhair that he la rycht war me, Persit his hart in this Colmanis arme. 29,520 Thus endit thair this ilk Ferquhardua king, The auchtene ieir efter that he did ring. That samin ^eir, gif I richt wnderstand, The halie bischop of Northumberland, Ane Scottis man richt faithfull of gude fame, 29,525 Quhilk callit wes Adanus to his name, To king Oswald the quhilk befoir wes send, He tuke his leif out of this warld to wend. One holie bischop in Scotland wes than, Quhilk to his name that callit wes Fynane. 29,530 This Fynanus into Adanus steid Succeidit syne sone efter he wes deid, And bischop wes maid of Northumberland, Iab.9, f.145. Richt mony folk befoir him quhair he fand, That vicius wes, suppois tha war baptist, 29,535 With lit.il! credence to the faith of Christ. Thair he on him dalie greit travell tuik, 2 Out-throw the land vpoun his feit he woik, With mekle pane in mony sindrie rod, Instructand thame into the faith of God. 29,540 1 Sedene ? | "- In MS. for tuik. 314 THE BUIK OF THE In euerie pairt quhair that he prechit in, He cansit thame to leve thair vice and ayn. And turne to Christ, and keip the cornmonn law, Part for his love and vther part for aw Of bitter pane, he schew to thame preichand, 29,51.5 Sould be reward quha keipit nocht command. HOW THE HALIE MAN FENANUS BAPTI2IT PeXDA. The king of Marchis callit wes Penda, He baptilit him, as my author did sa, And syne confirmit with his awin hand, And all the laif that wes into his land. 20,550 And thus he wrocht wnto his latter end, Ouir all that land as it wes richt weill kend. The halie bischop callit wes Colman, Efter his deid succeidit to him than, Ane Scottis man befoir as I tow schew, 29,555 Ane greit doctour and full of all vertew, Bischop wes maid than of Northumberland, Fra Eborac north on to Sulwa sand ; His greit vertew all vther did exceid In operatioun baith of word and deid ; 29,560 His sanctitude I can nocht to tow sa, Thocht I wald walk all ouir this samba da ; I can nocht schaw, nor put heir into write, His perfectioun and halie lyfe perfyte ; Ouir all the partis into Albione, 20,565 With greit instructione on his fit is gone. This Pendas ' sone, of quhome befoir I spak, Of this Colman the Cristiane fayth did tak ; And mony vther of the Saxone blude He baptist hes befoir that war nocht gude. 29,570 Heir will I leve ane litill and remane, And to my storie turne I will agane. 1 In MS. Pendeus. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 315 How Maldowyn, the Sone of Donewald, efter the deith of ferquhard, wes crownit King. Efter the deith of Ferquhard, as I tald, loung Maldowyn, the sone of Donewald, With haill consent into the samin quhile, 29,575 Wes crownit king of Scottis into Argyle. Ane lustie man he wes withoutin leis, In all his tynie had greit desyre of peice ; With Brit and Pecht, and Saxone to also, He maid gude peas withoutin ony fo. 29,580 In all his tyme richt glide justice thair rang, Wes nocht ane wicht [that] durst do vther wrang. So hapnit it into the samin quhile, The Lennox men and nobillis in Argyle, With greit contentioun baith of lad and lord, 29,585 For litill caus fell into greit discord. The Ylis men, wer nychtbouris to Argyle, Tuike thair plane part into the samin quhile, And to the Lennox siclike Gallowa Tuke thair plane part, as my author did sa. 29,590 Richt mekle euill betuix thame had bene done, Col. 2. War nocht the king, quliilk maid reineid rycht sone With greit power, of quhome sic aw tha stude, That all the fauoraris schortlie to conclude, Of him that tyme so son- tha war adred, 29,595 To saue thame selffis on to the Ylis tha fled. The Ylis men quhilk of the king stude aw, Or he on thame suld execute the law, For to accuiss als of the samin cryme, The tratouris all tha tuke into the tyme, 29,600 And send thame bundin ilkane to the kins' ; Quhilk efterwart he hes maid for to hing Vpoun ane gallous but reuth or remeid ; Thus hnallie thair endit all that feid. 316 THE BUIK OF THE Fra that tyme furth wes none so pert to prewe 29,605 Sic prattik moir, or lit ane vthei' grewe In work or word that wes agane the law, Of this gude king tha stude sa raekle aw. That samin tyme, as le sail wnderstand, The bischop Colman fra Northumberland, 29,6io With mony kirkman in his cumpany, In Scotland come, and for the samin quhy, Will ie tak tent, as I sail tell tow heir, Ouir all the warld into that samin leir, The pepill haill, for thair fait and offence, 29,615 War puneist sair with plaig of pestilence, Deand ilk da be thousandis out of number, And speciallie into the land of Humber. For that same caus this ilk Colmanus dred, And in Scotland than hanie agane he fled, 29,620 Within the Ylis syne in ane abba, With his brether, as my author did sa ; And in gude concord without sturt or stryfe, Remanit thair the laue of all his lyfe. HOW THE SAXONIS AND THE PECHTIS INVAIDIT THE SCOTTIS, AND OF THE MANLIE DEFENCE AGANE OF THE SCOTTIS. Sone efter this the Pechtis in ane band, 29,625 And Elfridus king of Northumberland, With all injure into the tyme tha dar, Invaidit hes the Scottis than rycht far. The Scottis als sicbke to thame agane ; In thair defence wes mony Saxone slane. 29,630 Ane lang quhile so into sic stryfe tha stude, On euerie syde quhill spilt wes mekle blude. The king of Scottis that wes baith wyss and wycht, That samin tyme wes niurdreist on ane nycht CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 317 Be his awin wyfe, and to that same effect, 29,035 Because of hurdome scho held him suspect. This cruell queue wes tane in the same tyme, And all the laif gaif counsall to that cryme ; Syne in ane fyre, vpoun ane hill full hie, Tha war all brint that mony man mycht se. 29,640 Thus endit he, as I haif said low heir, Than of his ring into the tuentie teir, And of oure Lord sex hundreth and fourscoir, And four ieiris, withoutin ony moir. HOW EUGENIUS THE FYFT, THE SONE OF DON- GARUS, EFTER THE DEID OF KlNG FeRQUHARD, wes crownit King of Scotland, and of his nobill deidis. Ane nobill man callit Eugenius, 29,645 Fyft of that name, the sone of Dongarus, Quhilk bruther wes to this foirnamit king, Lib.9,f.U5b. Wes crownit than in Scotland for to rins;. ' Quhilk to Edfrid king of Northumberland, Ane epistill send subscriuit with his hand 29,650 With ane herald, desyrand at him peice, Quhilk Edfridus grantit him, but leis, Of this conditioun so he wald restoir The spulte all that tane wes of befoir, Be ! Scottis men furth of Northumberland, 29,655 And Pechtis als, quhilk wes baith of ane band, And he of thame soidd desyr na redres Of oucht wes tane of Scottis raair or les ; And ellevin moneth gif that he ast to haue Of peice and rest, and no moir for to craue. 29,660 All this he did, withoutin ony leis, With fraudfull mynd dissimuland sic peice, As he that wes full of subtillitie, Onto the tyme that he micht reddie be 1 In MS. The. 318 THE BUIK OF THE With niort battell the Scottis till persew. 29,665 Eugenius, that weill his purpois knew, Commandit lies with diligence and cuir, For till abstene fra all wraug and injure, Fra Edfridus and the Pechtis also, Quhill tyme of trewis war passit and ago. 29.670 Als gaif command that tyme to euerie man, For to prowyde alss gudlie as he can, For hors, harnes, and al sic ganand geir, That neidfull war into the tyme of weir. Or the tent monet[h] passit wes compleit, 29,675 This Edfridus quhilk reddie wes and meit For mort battell, with all thing as him lest, He causit hes withoutm ony rest, Full mony Saxone efter on ane da, Richt mekle gude tak out of Gallowa ; 29,680 And sindrie men into the tyme tha slaw, That maid defence their guidis to reskew. How Eugenius send to Edfpjdus, 1 askand Eedres of the Spulze that he tuke awa. Eugenius quhen that he knew that thing, Ane herald send to Edfridus the king, Askand agane the sptd^e to restoir, 29,685 Be the conditioun maid wes of befoir. Siclike the men for to dehuerit be, The slauchter maid, to his auctoritie, As ressoun wald, for to be in his will, On to quhat pane that he wald put thame till. 29,69o Quhen this wes said, the quhilk wes all in vane, This Edfridus this ansuer maid agane ; " Gude freind," he said, " to the I say full suir, " This tyme to ^ow we haif done na injure, 1 In MS., et postea, Egfridus. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 319 " For-quhy," lie said " it is in om-e defence, 29,695 " Befoii' to ws ye did sic violence " In tynie of peax and wald no mendis mak ; " Sen lefull is agane to ws to tak " At our awin hand, sen ye will keip no law, " For band or aith, for seill or ^it for saw. 29,7oo " Thairfoir," he said, " ^ow sail gif traist to me. " Of £ow no way sen we can sicker be, " Within aucht dais, and I be levand man, " In your boundis with all power I can, '■ I sail persew tow baith with fyre and blude ; 29,705 " Tak thair thi ansuer schortlie to conclude." HOW EtJGENIUS, THE KlNG OF SCOTTIS, PASSIT Col. 2. IN Gallowa with ane Armie aganis the Saxonis and Pechtis. Eugenius, quhen he this ansuer knew, Ilk word be word as the herald him schew, Held vp his handis to the hevin on hicht, Beseikand God that all perrell and plicht 29,710 To licht on him and on na vther man, In quhome that fraude and faLsheid first began. Contraccit syne ane greit power togidder, Quhairto that tyme wes no man laith no lidder, Baith ioung and aid that waponis docht to 29,715 weild, On fit and hois to follow him on feild. To Gallowa syne tuke the gait full rycht, With staitlie standertis streikit vpone hycht. King Edfridus, or he came thair befoir, And king of Pechtis with mekle bost and schoir, 29,720 By the se coist with all thair power lay, Segeand ane castell callit wes Dunskey. This Edfridus that tyme quhen he did heir The king of Scottis cumand wes so neir, 320 THE BUIK OF THE He left the seig and passit to the feild, 29,723 With mony man that waponis weill culd weild, The quhilk in battell oft befoir had vse, And met the Scottis on the water of Luse, Heir followis the Ordour and Maner of the greit battell betuix eugenius and the saxonis. With rnony baner brodin wes full bricht, Lyke ony lanterne kest ane aureat lycht, 29,730 And staitlie standertis streikit in the air, Agane the face of Phebus flamand fair. The Scottis als vpoun the tother syde, Decernit wes in battell for till byde, Of thair injuris to revengit be, 29,735 And neuir ane fit out of that feild to fie, Suppois thair ly vis sould all be forlorne ; Thairto ilkane war bayth oblist and sworne. With baneris braid that brodin wer all new, With gold and siluer, and with asur blew, 29,710 Palit with purpura, plesand and perfite, Quhair on to hike it wes ane grit delyte. The trumpettis blew with sic ane mirre sound, Quhill that thair beir gart all the bankis rebound. The bowmen bald syne enterit in the feild; 29.715 Thair scharp schutting lies schorne mony scheild, Doand grit skayth in the breist of the oist, Quhair throw richt mony in the tyme wes lost. HOW THE PeCHTIS FLED OR THE FEILD ENTERIT. The Pechtis all, or euir the feild did June, In rayit battell till ane montane sone, 29,750 Quhat wes the caus I can nocht to jow sa, In rayit feild tha fled rycht fast awa. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 321 Quhen Saxonis saw the Pechtis war all fled, Douti.es that tyme tha wer rycht soir adrecl ; Quhairfoir abak tha ieid ane litill we, 29,755 With greit apperance that tha sold all fle. This Edfridus thairof wes nocht content : Amang his men, to gif thame hardiment, With bair visage he passit to and fro, Lib.9, f.ue. Quhair perrell wes he sparit nocht till go ; 29,760 Syne at the last, throw auenture and caice, With ane arrow wes woundit in the face, With [sic] power that persit hes liis heid, Syne af his hors amang thame fell doun deid. HOW EUOENIUS VINCUST THE SAXONIS IN FEILD. The Scottis than all with ane cry and schout, 29,765 That in that tyme war baith stalwart and stont, Vpoun the Saxonis dourlie that tha dang, With sic ane reird quhill all the rochis rang. Langar to byde the Saxonis had no micht ; Out of the feild tha fled and tuke the flicht. 29.770 The Scottis fast syne follouit on the chace, And vp and doun in mony sindrie place, In euerie pairt quhair that tha war ouirtane, Of Saxone blude thair chapit neuir ane. Richt mony than, to swome that had na vse, 29,775 Wes drownit that da in the water of Luse. Tuentie thousand, as my author did sa, Of Saxone blude deit thair that da, That stalwart [war] sum tyme to mak ganestand. And Edfridus, king of Northumberland, 29,780 For his falsheid, as it wes richt weill kend, Amang the laif he maid ane febill end. Sex thousand Scottis in the samin tyde, Deit that da vpoune the tother syde. VOL. 11. X 322 THE BUIK OF THE Eugenius, with greit honour and gloir, 29,785 Of that grit feild the spuke les and moir, To euerie man efter his facultie, Richt equallie distribut than hes he, To euerie man efter his regard, And gaif amang thame mony riche reward. 29,790 Syne passit hame, with greit triumph and glore, To the same place that he come fra befoir. How King Beudeus, efter the Saxonis had tynt the feild, passit and destkoyit all Northumberland. King ' Brudeus of Pechtis quhen he knew. In that battell that laitlie wes of new, Sa mony Saxone slane wes in the feild, 29,795 Of Edfridus the king also wes keild, And of the Scottis sa mony wer slane, That eselie tha micht nocht weill agane To thair strenthis within schort quhile restoir, With sic power as tha had befoir. 29,8oo Thairfoir richt sone, but stop or ait ganestand, He enterit hes into Northumberland, With all the power that he douch[t] to be, Crabit and kene, full of crudelitie ; Quhilk vsit [hes] that tyme into his yre 29,805 Bicht greit distructione baith of blude and fyre. Tha sauit nane befoir thame that tha fand, Ouir all the pairtis of Northumberland. With greit oppressioun in that tyme tha wrocht, Northumberland had all bene put to nocht 29,8] o Bicht haistelie, I wat rycht weill as than, Had nocht bene Cuthbert that same halie man, 1 In MS. Kingis. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 323 Throw his requeist and wayis that he fand, Quhilk bischop wes than of Northumberland, Col. 2. Throw his prayer he mesit lies his yre, 29,815 And stanchit lies baith battell, blude and fyre. HOW THAT THE PECHTIS DISCORDIT AMANG THAME SELFFIS. Sone efterwart, as my author did sa, Amang thame self, for pairting of the pra, Richt suddanelie tha fell into greit stryfe, Quhair throw that mony loissit hes the lyfe, 29,820 And mony berne als for to bleid full braid, Amang thame self richt mekle slauchter maid, That force it wes, gif I rycht wnderstand, Pas hame agane and leve Northumberland. Schort quhile efter that done wes all this thing, 29,825 Eugenius, the fourt leir of his ring, With greit murning, as that my author sais, Of euerie man, closit his latter dais. His bodie syne with all honour tha buir To Iona Yle and put in sepulture. 29,830 How Eugenius the Saxt, and Sone of Fer- QUHARD, EFTER THE DEID OF THIS ILK EU- genius, wes crownit King of Scorns, and OF HIS NOBILL DEIDIS. This beand done befoir as le haue hard, Eugenius the sone wes of Ferquhard, The saxt king also wes of that name, With Adanus ane father of greit fame, That bischop wes that tyrne of Mona Yle 29,835 Wnder his cuir he wes into that quhile, With haill consent of all man to sic thing, He crownit wes of Scottis to be king. x 2 32-t THE BUIK OF THE Deuoit he wes, as that my author sais ; Greit honour als he did in all his dais 29,840 To kirk and kirkmen quhill his tyme mycht lest ; The puir pepill he keipit wnopprest, In peax and rest quhair euir tha lest to go, With euerie lord weill louit wes also. The halie bischop callit Adanan, 29,845 Of Mona He the quhilk wes bischop than, And bischop Cuthbert of Northumberland, Thir tua togidder baith into ane band, Causit this king gude peax and rest to male With all Saxone, and trewis for to tak. 29,830 Bot for na thing that tha culd sa or do, With Brudeus he wald neuir grant thairto Trewis to tak, for-cmhy tha wei- so fals To Scottis ay and to the Saxonis als ; As previt weill schort quhile befoir in deid, 29,855 Left thame in feild quhen that tha had most neid. £it neuirtheles thir holie bischopis than, With deuoit mynd.and all the cuir tha can, Greit diligence tha haif maid nycht and da, For gude concord betuix thir kingis tua. 29,860 So at the last reveillit wes thame till, As plesit God that tyme he wald fulfill, Thir kingis tuo ilk other sould invaid, 2it for thair saik sic intercessioun maid, It grantit wes be gratius God so hie, 29,865 Betuix thame tua na inort battell suld be. And so it wes with mekle sturt and stryfe, Lib.9, f.i46b. For all the tyme of this Eugenius lyffe, Col. 1. -Witli mekill sturt and euerie da on steir ; Quhill of his ring syne efter the tent ^eir 29,870 He tuke his leve and passit to the laif ; In Iona Yle syne closit wes in his graif. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 323 How Ambrigillus, the Soke of the Fyft EUGENIUS, EFTER THE DEID OF THIS ElJGE- NIUS, WAS CROWNIT KlXG. Efter his deith with haill consent and will Of euerilk man, ane callit Ambrigill, Qnhilk wes the sone of fyft Eugene the king, 29,875 AVes crownit than in Scotland for to ring. Befoir this tyme with ilk man wes weill hide, So gentill wes, so gratius and so gude, So leill, so large with liberalitie ; Syne quhen he come to sic anctoritie, 29,880 Ane war king syne, as that my author sais, In Albione wes nocht into his dais. His vicis all I list nocht now to number, For-quhy to me it war ouir mekle cummer. Of sic rehers thairfoir heir will I rest, 29,885 Sen gude it is ay for to say the best. The king of Pechtis, callit wes Garnard, Off Ambrigillus quhen he knew and hard With his liegis all how he wes ill lude, And specialhe with grittest men of gude, 29,890 Traistand his tyme wes than most oportuue, For to revenge injuris that war done To him befoir, without stop or ganestand. With ane greit oist he enterit in his land ; And greit distructione in the tyme he maid, 29,895 Birnand thair boundis that war lang and braid. The Scottis lordis, quhen tha hard and knew So greit distructioun maid wes of the new, Convenit thame with thair king Ambrigill, And causit him, richt sair agane his will, 29,900 Than for to pas with all power and micht, Agane his fa for to defend his richt. Syne vpoun Tay, besyde ane lytill tomi, Eemainit than - and set thair pakeonis doun. 326 THE BUIK OF THE That samin nycht this ilk king Ambrigill, 29,905 With tua feiris that lie had chosin him till, Onto the closit quyetlie ^eid he Richt secreitlie to his necessitie. Be auenture as he wes sittand thair, Ane small arrow, that scharpe as rasour schair, 29,9m It maid his hart that tyme to brek and brist ; Bot qulia it wes thair wes tit nane that wist. The secund zeir of this ilk kingis ring, So endit he that doucht bot litill thing : To Iona Yle than had wes to the lawe, 29,915 With all honour wes graithit thair in graue. HOW EUGENITJS THE SEVINT, AND BltUTHER OF this Ambrigill, EFTER HIS Deid WES crownit King. Eugenius, of that name the sewint king, With haill consent [than] baith of aid and ^ing, Of Ambrigill the bruther als wes he, Wes chosin than thair 1 king and prince to be, 29,920 With haill consent of loimg and aid than bayth, Into that tyme that tha soidd tak na skaith, Perfitlie than so that he micht provyde The haill armie for to convoy and gyde. Col. 2. This king Eugene richt weill he kend and knew, 29,925 For to gif feild that time he wes ouir few. For that same caus ane schort trewis tuik he, Quhill eftenvart gif so hapnit to be Peax and rest betuix thame for to mak ; Of this titell betuix thame trewis tha tak. 29,930 This beand done, as ze haif hard me sa, Ilk man tuke leve and passit hanie his wa. Tak tent to me and te sail heir me tell Of sick freindsuhip betuix thame efter fell. ' In MS. his. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 327 HOW EWGENIUS WADDIT GARNARDUS ' DOCHTER. Sone efterwart, as my author did sa, 29,935 Garnardus dochter callit Spontana, Of pulchritude richt plesand and decoir, For to conferme the trewis tane befoir, And for that caus moir kyndnes thame betuene, Eugenius lies 2 tane to be his quene. 29,940 Syne sone efter into the secund teir, It hapnit syne as I sail say tow heir. Into Atholl condampnit wes ane man, And put to deid, quhilk wes of ane grit clan ; Tua sonis had wes of ane cursit kynd, 29,945 Thair fatkeris deid thai buir ay in thair inynd, Into thair hart ascending ay so hie, Off that injure for to revengit be. Syne secreitlie, sone efter on ane nycht, Tha slew this quene wnwist of ony wicht, 29,950 Into hir bed, saikles of all sick thing, Trowand that tyme that scho had bene the king. Sua of thair pra thai war richt far begylit, Slayand this quene consauit greit with child, To fyle thair handis with so greit ane cryme, 29,955 Syne of thair purpois come no speid that tyme. This cruell caice quhen it wes herd and knawin, To all the lordis of the realme syne schawin, The wyit and caus of all that cruell thing The pepill put alhaill vpoun the king, 29,960 Richt sone gart set ane counsall in the tyme, For till accuiss him of that samin cryme, As he the wyit of all that thing had bene, With euerie man so louit wes the quene. Syne as God 3 wald, thir folk tha[t] so offendit 29 965 That same tyme wer ilkane apprehendit, 1 In IIS. Gernardus. 3 In MS. gold. 2 In MS. had. 328 THE BUIK OF THE Befoir ane juge syne broch[t] into the tynie, Convictit wes thair of that cruell cryme, Syne on ane gallous hangit war full he, And doggis meit all efter maid to be. 29,970 The pepill all richt blyth wes of thair king, That he wes fund so saikles of that thins- ; And had nocht bene the bischop of Annane, Quhilk causit him to pretermit as than, He had persewit scharplie in the tyme 29,975 The lordis all that put to him sic cryme. Thairof that tyme he clengit wes richt clene, For so God wald ane innocent had bene. Eugenius syne efter all his dais In peax and rest, as that my author sais, 29 980 With Pecht and Saxone all his tyme wes he : Ane man he wes of greit vrbanitie. Of his faderis preceidand him befoir, Of ill and gude thair deidis les and rnoir, He gart collect togidder in ane storie, 29,985 That tha sulci be in euir lasting memorie. Thair nobilnes and all than duchtie deidis, That euerie [man] that heiris thame or reidis, Lib.9, f.147. Wisdome ma leir, and suith exempill tak Honour to win and to wmschew greit lak. Of Romanis, Saxonis, Pechtis and of Britis, Collectit hes siclike, my author writis, In Albione thair deidis les and nioir, Onto that da preceidand him befoir. In Iona Yle syne in Ecolumkill, 29,995 Put thame to keip at all plesour and will ; That euerie man quha lykis for to reid, Micht efterwart knaw his foirfaderis deid. 29,990 croniclis of scotland. 329 Off [ane] halie Scottis Armeit callit Done- WALD. That samin tynie, as niy authour me tald, Ane Scottis man wes callit Donewald, 30,000 Amano- tbe Pechtis in Orestia, In wildernes he duelt richt mony da, In grit pennance ane seharpe lyfe thair he lied, With breid of beir and cald water wes fed ; Quhairof that tyine rycht weill content wes he, 30,005 Onis of the da for to refreshit be. Nyne dochteris als into that tyme he hed, Of siclyke fnde the samin tyme wes fed, Quhilk Virginia wer withoutin ony blame, The eldest hecht Matota to her name, 30,010 The secund sister callit Fyncana ; Quhat hecht the laif I cannot to tow sa, For-qnhy my author schew thame nocht to me ; Than - namis now thairfoir I will lat be. Of thir virginis, bot gif my author leid, 30,015 In legend of [the] Virginia that I raid, I fand neuir lit in no autentik write, Of nane vther moir holie and perfyte. Efter the deid thair of thair father 1 syne, Be ordenance of the greit God devyne, 30,020 Tha war promouit till ane vther place At will and plesour of the kingis grace. Ane greit village hecht Othilenia, Quhilk Abirnethie callit is this da, The kirk of Pechtis metropolitane, 30,025 Into the toun foundit and feft wes than ; Translatit syne into the Scottis dais To Sanct Androis, as that my author sais. The king 2 of Pechtis, quhilk Garnard hecht to name, Thir nyne sisteris quhilk wer of so greit fame, 30,030 ' In MS.fatheris. | = In MS. king kiwi. •330 THE BUIK OF THE At thair requeist ane proper mansioun He biggit thame into that samin toun, With kirk and queir, to sing and for to sa Thair obseruance and ouris of the da. Thair tha remanit lang and mony leir, 30,035 In fasting, walking, and devoit prayer, With perseuerance to thair latter da. Syne erdit ' all, as my author did say, Wnder ane aik that wes baith grit and hie, Quhilk standis ^it as sum sais to se. 30,0411 Eugenius, of quhome befoir ie hard, That weddit bed the dochter of Garnard, Tha keipit ay richt gude affinitie, In peice and rest with lufe and cheritie, In gude concord withoutin ony feid ; 30,045 Schort quhile befoir thir halie virginis deid, This king Eugene with all humanitie, Come to thair place thair obseruance to se, For the greit fame of halines tha had, Quhilk in the tyme ouir Albione it spred. 30,050 Col. 2. This king Garnard, quhilk hapnit to be thair, And all his lordis with him baith les and niair, Ressauit him richt blythlie and benyng, With all honour pertenyng to ane king, With greit triumph, with mekle pla and sport. 30,055 Bot sic vane gloir, the quhilk lestis richt schort, It endit sone with cair and greit murnyng. Within schort quhile this ilk Eugenius king, That samin tyme assaillit wes so sair With greit seiknes, that he micht leve na niair, 30,060 Quhilk of his ring wes than the sevint *eir. With mony lord his bodie on ane beir, In Iona Yle quhair that tha buir him till, He bureit wes into Ecolumkill. 1 In MS. endtt. croniclis of scotland. 331 how murdo, the beuther sone of this eljgenius, efter his deid, was crownit King of Scottis. His bruther son, efter that he wes deid, 3o,o6S C'allit Murdo, succeidit in his steid. Ane man he wes of religiositie, For all his tynie with greit tranqnillitie With his nichtbouris in peice and rest he rang, But outwart wen - or ony inwart wrang. 30,070 The kirk of Christ he gart agane restoir Till all fredome sic as it had befoir. The kirkis [all], the quhilk war fallin doun In weir befoir, and brocht to confusioune, Than tuyss alss weill he biggit hes agane, 30,075 With neidfull thingis for preistis to reinane, Thair obseruance thairfoir to say and sing, That neidfull ar that tha soidd want nothing. Into Quhiterne alss in the samin tyme, Ane fan - tempill biggit of stane and lyme, 30,oso Quhilk in greit weir distroyit wes befoir ; Syne feft he hes, thair to rem ane eiiir moir, Religious men thairfoir to sing and sa, Quhilk religioun remanis thair this da. Syne efterwart quhen endit wes this thing, 30,080 The sastenit 4eir that tyme of his ring, He tuke his leif than baith at gude and ill. And grauit wes into Ecolumkill. How Ethfyn, the Sone of Eugenius the Sevint, efter the Deid of Murdo, wes crownit King. Ane nobill man that callit wes Ethfyn, With haill consent of all baith mair and myn, 30,090 Of sevint king Ewgene sone also wes he, And crownit king of Scotland for to be. 532 THE BUIK OF THE In all his tyrne lie loiiit weill ay peice, All weir and wrang he causit for to ceis ; Thift and reif, and all sic oppin cryrue, 30,095 Durst nocht be vsit intill all his tyme. In Albione wes nocht ane better king, Quhill he micht steir or had toutheid to ring. Syne efterwart he grew into sic eild, As he "wes wont he micht nocht walk on feild ; 30,100 Sic travell than he micht nocht weill induir, To foure lordis thairfoir he gaif the cuir, With haill consent of all the lordis than, The lord of Athole callit wes Colan, The secund, Donald lord wes of Argyle, 30,105 Conraith of Mar quhilk lord wes in that quhile, The fourt, Murdo lord wes of Gallowa ; Lib.9, f.H7b. On thir four committit wes alwa To reull and steir all Scotland at thair will. With equale justice baith to gude and ill. 30,110 How ane Max in the Ylis, callit Donald, REBELLIT AGANIS THE KlNG THAT TYME. Sone efter this, as my author me tald, Ane of the Ylis callit wes Donald, Ane plesand persoun and of large stature. iit neuirtheles he wes rycht euill of nature ; In all his tyme he lukit neuir to ressone, 30,115 Bot thift and reif, murthure and opin tressone ; In Gallowa he wes committit than, With grit oppressioun of richt mony man. Ane lang quhile so at his awin will he wrocht, And mony man he to confusioun brocht. 30,120 Tliis lord Murdo, that regent wes that tyme, Maid na remeid agane that cruell cryme, At his awin plesour thoillit him rebell, Quhat wes the caus I can nocht to zow tell ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 33" Bot sum man said, quha lykis for to reid, 30,125 Himself wes causs of all sic wickit deid, Quhairof he thocht riclit litill schame or syn. That saniin tyme the agit king Ethfyn Departit hes, quhilk wes ane nobill king, The threttie teir and no les of his ring ; 30,130 To Iona Yle the lordis syne him bttir, Amang the lane put him in sepulture. how ewgenius, the sone of klxg mltrdo, wes crownit efter the deid of the klxg Ethfyn. Eugenius, the sone of king Murdo, The auchtane king wes of that name also, At ane counsall togidder in Argyle, 30,135 Wes crownit king into that samin quhile. Sone efter syne that he wes crownit king, Richt diligent he wes in that same thing ; Nycht nor da na sojorne wald he mak, This ilk Donald quhill that he hes gart tak, 30,140 And all the laif that caus wes of that cryme ; Syne on ane gallous in the samin tyme, He maid thame all without remeid to de. Sone efter syne of his anctoritie, This lord Murdo, of qidiome I spak befoir. 30,145 Accusit hes of all thing les and moir That Donald did, giffand him wyte of aw, For he on him wald nocht exerce the law ; Quhairfoir he said he had moir wyte no he, And for that caus condampnit wes to de. 30,150 The tother thre of regentis gart accuiss Sone efter that, becaus tha wald not vss Justice and law be thair auctoritie, As wes decreitit for that tyme to be ; 334 THE BUIK OF THE And speciailie for caus that [thai] no wald 30,155 Resist the wrang than of this ilk Donald, The quhilk that tyme tha war oblist to do. And tha agane sic ansuer maid thairto, Sayand no wyit thairof to thame redundis, For-quhy sic ■wrang wes nocht done in thair 30,160 boundis, And tha aucht bot ansuer for to mak, Of no moir cuir nor tha did wndertak. Be sic ressoun that tyme tha fand remeid. Quhairby tha war deliuerit fra deid ; lit neuirtheles for thair grit negligence, 30,165 Wald nocht resist agane so greit ane offence, Or that tha culd be clengit of that cryme, Richt niekle gold tha gaif into the tyme Onto the king, or that thai culd be fred Col. 2. Out of that feid and of thair purpois sped. 30,170 This beand done withoutin ony ganestand, Thair wes no lord that tyme in all his land, That for his lyfe ane vther durst injure, Or be so pert for to oppres the puir. Quhairfoir that tyme rycht weill louit wes he 30,175 With auld and ^oung of hie and law degre, And as thair father in that tyme had bene ; Wes none so maid that durst euill of him mene. How the King Etjgenius sone efterwart CHANGIT FRA ANE NOBILL PRTNCE TO ANE TlRRANE. Sone efter syne, as my author did wryte, I can nocht tell thairof quhat had the wyte, 3o,iso He changit syne into ane vther man, And left the way in quhome he first began. With fornicatioun far he wes infeccit, With auerice so blindit and so blekkit, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 335 He countit nocht quliair riches wes to wyn. 30,185 At richt or wrang be ' conscience to begyn. Set at the last befoir his lordis all, Ane innocent for to condamne gart call, For his l'ickes to put him self to deid. Quhairfoir thair raiss greit murmour in that 30,190 steid, With sic ane schout, and sic ane schouder and schow, That euirilk one that tyme jeid other throw : All tliis that tyme wes done bot for ane trane, With sic ane slicht quhill that the king wes slane. Amang thair handis deid thair he fell doun, 30,195 The thrid ieir efter that he tuike the croun. His ill counsall in handis all were tane, And on ane gallous maid to de ilkane ; His bodie als into the samin quhile, Wes borne and bureit in to Iona Yle. 30,200 How Fergus the Thrid, the Sone of Eth- FYNS, EFTER ErjGENIUS, WAS CROWNIT KlNG of Scottis. Ethfyns sone with haill auctoritie, Fergus the thrid than of that name wes he, Efter the tyme that king Eugene wes deid, He crownit wes syne efter in his steid ; And fit be fit vpone king Eugen[i]us tred 30,205 He follouit syne, of him gif I richt red. In all his tyme wes neuir nane jit war. To fomicatioun affectit wes so far, Puttand his plesour into euerie huir, That of his wyfe he tuke richt litill cuir. 30,210 His quene thairof richt grit displesour tuik, And mony nicht at his bed syde scho woik, 1 In MS, he. 536 THE BDIK OF THE Beseikand him that lie walcl noclit sa do ; And he agane tuik litill tent thairto, Bot ay the mair fulfillit his delyte, 30.215 Takand him plesour and full appetyte. This quene seand thairof he wald nocht mend, Throw greit rancour did in liir hart ascend, Into the nicht the thrid ^eir of his ring, With hir handis scho murdreist this ilk king : 30,220 And so that tyme scho plaid him lill for law ; Gif scho did weill God wait or nocht %e knaw. Vpone the morne the kingis cores wes deid. Tha hrocht it furth into ane opin steid, Into the presens of the pepill aw, 30.225 Lib 9, f.us. Quhair tha war wont to execute the law; And of liis seruandis mony tuke that tj'ine, Accusand thame richt planelie of that cryme, Quhill tha war neir condampnit to [the] deid, Without delay but respit or remeid, 30,230 As that tyme tha culd mak than no defence. The quene richt weill that knew thair innocence, Into hir hart scho had richt greit petie For hir awin deid to se thame saikles de. Befoir thame all scho did hir than confess, 30,235 And euirilk thing scho schew thame moir and les. How that scho olid, and als the caus quhairfoir, Ilk word be word scho schew thame les and moir. Befoir thame all scho tuik on hir that tyme, Tha men wer all rycht saikles of that cryme : 30,240 Quhen scho had said, ane lytill knyfe scho drew, Thairwith hir self rycht suddantlie scho slew, To put hir self out of that pley and pleid ; Amang thame all syne to the ground fell deid. The kingis cors into the samin quhile, 30,245 Tha buir and bureit in to Iona Yle. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 337 HOW SOLWATHEUS, THE SOXE OF EUGENIUS, EFTER THE DeID OF THIS FERGUS, WES crownit King of Scottis. Ane nobill man callit Solwatheus, The soiie also wes of Eugenius, Off that ilk name that wes the auchtane king, Wes crownit than in Scotland for to ring. 30,250 Ane man of gude in all his tyrne wes he, Fra that he come to sic auetoritie. The wynter syne wes efter that thre jeir, Into the snaw at hunting of the deir, The fervent frost so bitter wes and bald, 30,253 Into the tyme with sic acces of cald, Wnder the wand allone quhair that he woik, The podagra in baith his feit he tuke : Quhair throw he wes vnabill all his dais, To ryde or gang, as that my author sais. 30,200 How Maedonald rebellit aganis the King. In this same tyme that I haif to iow tald, Ane of the Ylis callit Makdonald, Into ane Yle that callit wes than Tyre, 1 Quhairof that tyme he wes bayth lord and syre ; Ane man also of greit auetoritie, 30,26.5 Of all the Ylis in his tyme wes he ; Richt circumspect he wes intill all thing. And quhen he hard and knew weill that the king With seiknes vexit in the tyme wes so, So soir that he micht nother ryde nor go, 30,270 The strenthis all into the Ylis ilkone, Be strenth and falsheid in the tyme lies tone. 1 In MS. Kyntyre. VOL. II. 338 THE BUIK OF THE So 1 grit desyre he had of staitlie sty lis, Callit him self the king of all the Ylis : The Ylis als, withoutin pleid or pley, 30,275 On force that tyme he gart thame all obey. Quhairof that tyme he culd nocht be content ; Sone efter syne he come in continent, First into Lome, syne efter in Kintyre, With greit distractione bayth with blade and 30.28O fyre. Solwatheus, als fast as he that wist, Sone lies he send his power to resist The lord of Athole, callit wes Duchquhain, And of Argyle the lord callit Cullain. Syne into Lome within ane litill space, 30,285 Col. 2. Off this Banis tha maid ane haistie chace Out of the feild, quhair mony men wer slane Off his that da la deid vpoun the plane. Banis Makdonald, quhen he tint the feild, He and his men that levand war wnkeild, 30.290 Richt speidelie tha sped thame in the tyde, On till ane strenth that wes neirhand besyde, Betuix ane watter and ane hingand hewche, "Wes closit in with mony craig and clewche ; Except ane entrie closit round about, ■ 30,295 Bot at that place mycht nane wyn in na out. This ilk Banis into that strenth he la, His contra part than keipit that entra : Without thair leve micht nane pas out na 2 in. The entrie wes so Strang and euill to wyn. 30,300 How Banis send to the Lordis for Peax. Quhen Banis saw it mich[t] na better be, That force it wes of hunger for to de, 1 In MS. To. I J In MS. outwa. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 339 Or for to cum into tliair grace and will, Richt sucldantlie than hes be send thame till. Sayand, tha sould rycht sone and suddantlie, 30,305 All kynd of armour in that place cast by, And waponis als, with bow, sword and knyfe, Into that tyme sa tha wald saue thair lyfe, Syne lat thame fre in the Ylis hame go. Of that conditioun and tha wald do so, 30,310 Richt suddantlie tha sould all cum thame till, And at thair plesour put thame in thair will. Thir tua lordis that knew full weill that cace, How tha war lokkit in so Strang ane place, With mony craig wes closit round about, 30,315 And but thair leif weill mycht tha nocht wj 7 n out, And force the caue that tyme 1 [thairin] to be Into that same place of hunger for to de, Or than to cum and put thame in thair will, On to qukat pane tha pleis to put thame till ; 30,320 To thair desyre tha Avald not grant ane word, Without ilkane come with ane naikit sword Vpoun his kne, withoutin pley or pleid. And in thair willis offerit vp his heid. As plesit thame other to saue or sla. 30.3'23 And tha agane the quhilk wald nocht do sa, Bot gaif thame battell haistilie agane, And faucht that da quhill tha war ilkane slane. Sone efter syne quhen that the feild wes done, Thir tua lordis passit hes richt sone 30,330 Onto the Ylis with thair power plane, And put thame all in peax and rest agane. In the same tyme that I haif to ;ow tald, ounw Gillecam, the sone wes of Donald, Eugenius of that name the aucht[ane] king, 30,335 Schort quhile befoir, as Ze haif hard, gart hing, ' In MS. tt/ne. Y 2 \ 340 THE BUIK OF THE To be revenjrit of his faderis deid, In Gallowa richt inony toun and steid, Weill biggit war, hes brint all in ane fyre, Bayth hall, chalmer, baghous, barne and byre. 30,340 rhir tua lordis, of quhome I schew befoir, This Gillequham and his men les and nioir, Sone efter that, withoutin ony hurt, Tha tuke thame all with litill pane and stmt, Syne maid thame all vpone ane gallous de : 30,345 To his reward sic end that tynie maid he. Lib.9,f.H8b. In this same tyme, as that my author writis, Cul ' '■ Betuix the Pechtis, Sasonis and the Britis Dalie in weir and mekle strj^fe tha stude, With heirschip, fyre, and spilling of thair blude. 30,350 That wes the caus, my author sais but leis, So[l]watheus had so greit rest and peice, In all his tyme but ony weir or wrang, For tuentie teir the tyme wes that he rang. And quhen tha leiris war completit and no mo, 30,355 He tuke his leif out of this lyfe till go ; The ieir of God aucht hundreth and four scoir, And sewin ieiris compleit Avar, and no moir, He grauit wes into Eeolumkill, In that same place tit quhair he lyis still. 30,360 In that same tyme, as that my author sais, Four halie men in Scotland war tha dais, The quhilk exceidit into sanctitude, And borne tha war all foure of Scottis blude. Ane halie bischop hecht Hakcarius, • 3o,3G5 Ane vther archidene callit Deueintius ; And tua abbottis wer of rebgioun than, Conganus ane, the tother hecht Dunstan ; In halines all vther did exceid In word and werk, in thocht and als in deid, 30,370 In thair legend as 2e ma reid and luke. . Loving to God heir endis the nynt buke. croniclis of scotland. 341 how achayus, the sone of e'thfyns, efteu lib. 10. the deith of s0[li]watheus, was crownit King of Scotland, and of his nobill Deidis. Ane nobill nian wes callit Acha[y]us, Ethfyns sone, my storie tellis thus, Into Scotland wes crownit for to be 30,375 Thair king and prince "with haill auctoritie. In Scotland than betuix lord and lord, And lang befoir, thair wes rycht grit discord : This nobill king sic inwart battell dred, Richt fane concord amang [thame] wald haif 30,380 hed. With Pecht and Saxone first he hes maid peice, All ontwart weir to sober and gar ceiss ; Syne roisit hes all rancour and discord Amang thame self, betuix lord and lord : Throw greit rewardis he gaif to thame than, 30,385 With love and fauour all thair hartis wan. This samin tyme now that le heir me sa, Ane multitude out of Ybernia Off theif and truer, with malice and j r re, And hereit all the landis of Kyntyre ; 30,390 Baith brint and slew ; syne all thing that tha fand, Tha tursit hame with thame in thair a win land. To king Achay fra that this thing wes kend, Ane herald sone in to Yrland he send, "With sair complaint makand to thame amang, 30,395 Withoutin caus quhy that tha wrocht sic wrang To him the quhilk that neuir faillit to thame, Quhairfoir he said that tha war soil - to blame. To euery man he said that it wes best, Withoutin stryfe to leve at pece and rest, 30,100 No for to be in to discord and weir, In dreid, in danger, and in dalie feir 342 THE BUIK OF THE Ay of thair lyfe, baith be land and se ; Gif that tha lyke in peax and rest to be, Brek nocht the band that tha had maid befoir ; 30,405 For it wes done he countit nocht ane hoir, Thairof nothing he suld displesit be, Sua it come nocht of thair auctoritie ; Bot prayit thame with hartlie mynd and will, Col. 2. In tynie to cum to mak remeid thair till, 30,410 And new trewis betuix thame for to tak, And peax and rest into thair tyme to mak. The lordis all sic ansuer maid thairtill, Sayand, that thing we3 done aganis thair will ; iit neuirtheles tha wald nocht than, but leis, 30,415 Into that tyme ane word commoun of peice, Quhill that tha war revengit of that crynie ; Syne efterwart, cpihen that tha saw tliair tyme, Tha sould do so that tha sould be content. With this ansuer the herald hame is went. 30,420 In this same tyme now that le heir me sa, Into ane yle, that callit is Yla, Out of Yrland thair come ane naving large, Of schip and bote, with mony bark and barge. Syne in that yle, as my author did sa, 30,425 Tha left na gude that tha mycht turs awa, Baith far and neir that tha fand in that He ; To schip than went within ane litill quhile, For to pas hame with presoner and pray. Syne as God 1 wald sone efter hapnit sway, 30,430 Ane grit tempest, as my author did tell, Doun fra the hevin of ill wedder tha[irj fell. Throw wynd and waw tha 8 wer so will begone, Baith schip and bote were dround that tj'me ilkone, With all the gude out of the yle tha brocht. 30,435 It wes weill set, for tha the tressone wrocht 1 In MS. gold. | -' In MS. thair. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. Into the tyme quhen tha war treitand trewis. I pray to God that all sic vther schrewis, Of sic purpois cum lieuir better speid No thai did than, I pray to God so beid. 30,110 HOW ACHAYUS WALD SEND NO MOIIt IN IRELAND. Achayus, quhen he hard it wes so, Diuysit hes that nane agane sail go Into Yreland to treit agane for trewis, In tyme to cum, becaus tha war sic schrewis : Full [weill] he wist richt sone efter, but leis, 30,445 Tha suld be fane to send to him for peice. And so tha did within ane litill space ; To Enverlochty, quhair the king on cace Into that tyme thair hapnit for to be, Ane nobill man of greit auctoritie, 30,150 Out of Yrland to him that tyme wes send, With greit requeist and hartlie recommend ; Beseikand him all malice and invy, Wrang and injure, and all melancoly, For to remit quhilk tha had done befoir, 30,455 Sen gratius God had puneist thame so soir. His hahe hand so soir on thame did smyte, " For-quhy," he said, " we war all in the wyte ; " Sen it was sua, now we forthink full soir. " In tyme to cum we sail do so no moir, 30,460 " Now of ^our grace, and ze will ws forgeif, " Gif plesis tow now for this anis to preif ; " In tyme to cum and we do so agane, " We obleis ws now wnder the heast pane " To pimeist be, and of the scharpest wyiss, 39,4es " Than mannis wit can in this erth devyiss." This nobill king quhen he hard him sa so, So will of wand, and weipand for greit wo, 314 THE BUIK OF THE So greit petie he had of him that tyme, Forgevin hes the greit injure and cryme, 30,170 Lib. 10, f.149. And all offence that tha had done befoir, And grantit peax withoutin ony moir. Quhairof the herald in the tyme wes fane, Syne tuke his leif and passit hanie agane. Fra that tyme furth, as that my author sais, 30,175 Tha keipit peax richt lang and mony dais. How Chairlis the Mane, King of France and Empriour of Almane, send ane Herald to King Achat than in Inuernes. That samyn tyme it hapnit vpone chance, Chairlis the Mane, the quhilk wes king of France, And emprioure als wes of Almane, Into his tyme had sic auctoritie, 30,4S0 To king Achay ane herald he hes send, Of friendlie wyis with hartlie recommend, In Inuernes, ane citie of the se, Quhair he that tyme thair hapnit for to be. This oratour he come and fand him thair, 30,435 And all his lordis that tyme les and niair ; Befoir the king and his lordis ilkone, Thir wordis all he recknit hes anone. How the Herald maid his Oresoun to the King Achay as followis : Chairlis the king and michtie empreoure, Into his tyme that wyn hes sic honour 30,100 On Christis faith ay into this da}^, Gretis the weill, O nobill king Achay ! The thing in erth that maist desyris he, . With the and thyne for to confident be. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 345 '•' Ouir all the world is hard lour nobill fame, 30,495 " tour wisdorne, honour, and 4our nobill name, " So magnifeit with sic excellent gloir ; " So mony fa as te haif had befoir, " Qnhilk had sic power, strenth, riches and mycht, " tit to this da ^e haif keipit iaar richt, 30,500 " And maid tour self all tyme to leif frie, " With land and law, honour and libertie. " In Albione the Saxone blude that ringis, " And cursit than contrar all Cristin 1 kingis, " To tow and ws, and Pechtis to also, 30,505 " Hes bene and sail be ay ane mortal! fo. " Charlis the Mane, with diligence and cuir, " The fayth of Christ ay quhill he ma induir, " For to defend fra ony opin wrang, " The. Saritenis invaidit hes so lang, 30,510 " In Affrick, Egypt, and in Arraby, " And laitlie now als into Lombardie, '■' Richt mony toun quhilk wallit war with stone, " With greit power be way of deid hes tone, " And spdt also hes mekill Cristin blude; 30,515 " Richt mony nobill in vyle seruitude, " Tha had with thame at thair bandoun to be, " Sumtyme befoir had greit auctoritie ; " Charlis the king, of quhoine befoir I tald, " In mony battell with his bernis bald, 30,520 " His blude hes bled the faith for to defend, " And brocht his purpois narrest to ane end ; " War nocht, he said, the wickit Sasone blude, " In Albione with thair ingratitude, " That waitis him quhen that he is fra hame 30,525 " In his weii'is, with all the bost and blame " That tha can do, baith be land and se, Col. 2. <: Tha faille nocht that tyme quhair euir tha be. 1 In JIS. Crislint. 34G THE BUIK OF THE " Quhairfoir," he said, " nobill prince and king ! " His most desyre is ouir all vtlier thing, 30,530 " Agane the Saxonis, that ar fals and sle, " With the and thyne for to confidderit be. " Sua thow wald gi - ant richt glaidlie with tin h[art], " And euerilkone ay to tak otheris part, " In tyme of neid, agane the Sasone blude, 30,535 " This is his mynd now schortlie to conclude. " The quhilk to the is proffeit and honour, " To be confidderit with the warldis flour, " And cheiffest chiftane in this erd that ringis, " At his command ma half sa mony kingis ; 30,540 " Zit neuirtheles this tyme ouir all the laive, " Hes chosin the as narrest freind to haif, " Quhome of thow ma haif grit help and supple " Agane thi fais into necessitie. " Quhairfoir methink ' it war bot litill wrang, 30,545 " Agane tha folk hes bene thi fa sua king, " For to colleg with sic ane emprioure, " Quhairthrow thow ma haif proffeit and honour." Siclike as this, and mekle mair perqueir, He said to him no I will tell £ow heir. 30,550 how klng achay set ane da to giff answer to the Herald. Quhen this wes said with all the circumstance, This nobill king of his deliuerance, He set ane da with consent of the laue, Of his desyre ane answer for to haue. With all the plesance in the tyme he micht, 30,555 Hunt on the da, and syne vpoun the nycht, 1 In MS. methinj. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 347 In dansing, singing, and in sport and pla, He held him still quhill on the auchtane da, That tyme wes set the lordis sould convene. Tlie da wes fair, the wedder richt and ameyne ; 30,560 This oratour with feiris ane or mo, That da in hunting he lies maid till go, Into that tyme that he suld nocht be neir, Of thair counsall other to se or heir. The lordis all that cuming than wer hidder, 30,565 At thair counsall quhairat tha sat togidder, To this herald to gif deliuerance, Befoir thame all in oppin audience, The lord of Mar, that callit wes Cullan, The king commandit be his name as than 30,570 In that mater his counsall for to schaw. Ane man he wes expert into the law, And als that tyme of greit auctoritie; Befoir thame all thir wordis than said he. How the Lord of Mar, callit Cullan, oaif his Counsall to the King. " Excellent prince and worthie nobill king, 30,575 " I wndei - stand nocht richt weill of this thing. " Suppois the Scottis haif richt greit desyre " To be ally it with the hie impyre, " And gude Chairlis the michtie king of France, " In all Europe most singular of substance, 30,580 " And most of honour also in this tyde, " Of ony other in this world so wyde, " So mony princes hes at his command, " With so greit power baith be se and land, Lib.io,f.H9b. " To the and thyne it ma greit honour be, 30,585 ' l " " Oitir all Europ with sic ane prince as he, " To be collegit baith into ane band, " Sic power hes in laony sindiie land. 3-iS THE EUIK OF THE " Ouii' all the warld the fame of ws walcl spring, " War we confiderat with that nobill kincr, 30,590 " And with princes into the realnie of France, " Of honour, riches, and of daliance, " In all Ewrope this da hes no conipeir, " In ony part or kinrik that I heir. " Thoucht this opinioun, as I can weill trow, 30,595 " Be most allowit of 2ow all as now, " £it, neuirtheles, apperis weill to me " The contrarie of all this thing to be ; " And for this caus, and ^e will wnderstand, " With France this tyme now and we mak 30 : 600 a band, " Than force it is to haif the Saxonis feid, " For euir moir with mort battell and pleid ; " With dalie stryfe, and tynsall of our gude, " With tliift and reif, and spilling of grit blude. " Is nocht in erth ane mair vnsicker lyve, 30,605 " Na with my nychtbour ilk da for to stryve, " For cjuhois feid it is richt euill to fie ; " Sen it is so, it semis weill to me, " Giff ony man lykis to do the best, " With his niclitbour be ay at pece and rest ; 30,610 " Quha dois nocht standis ay in grit dreid, " And spurnis oft cjuhen he trowis to speid " And secundlie, I say also for me, " With France this tyme and we allyit be, " Quhome to no tyme ma other cum or go, 30,615 " No tha till ws, bot evin out-throw our fo ; " The quhilk I wait $e haif all a grit feilJ, " Without greit skaith can nocht be done weill. " Quhairfoir I traist, other in peice or weir, " Tha[i]r feid to ws ma do bot litill deir, 30,620 " Or thair fauour in oure necessitie, " So far fra ws ma mak bot small supple. . " And mair attouir ane thing is that I dreid, " Perauenture cpihen that we haif maist neid, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 3-19 Gif hapnis so oure power parit be, so,C25 So far fra ws ma mak bot small supple, And all oure power brocht to sic arte end, "Without strenth oure self for to defend, Quhen standis ws in sic necessitie, That tha till ws sail mak bot small supple. 30,030 For suith," he said, " T wait nocht weill but fen^ie, And tha do so quhome to we sail complenie, Or quha ma gar ane mendis to ws mak, Quhen we hail" tane grit skayth with thame and lak. And for this caus, gif I rycht wnderstand, 30,635 I hald far better that we mak ane band With Pecht and Britis, and the Saxonis to, Sielike befoir as we war wont till do, And our fatheris richt mony da befoir ; In this mater, schir, I can sa na moir." 30,640 how the counsall refusit cullanus speik- ing, and how the lord of ylis maid Answer. Quhen he had said all that he wald sa than, Amang thame all that tyme wes nocht ane man, Bot of his talking: he wes so agerevit, Wes neuir ane word of all he said apprevit. Tha thocht bis ressone wes nocht worth ane He, 30,645 Col. 2. Nor had no strenth for till admit tit be. The lord of Ylis, callit Albiane, Into that tyme quhilk wes ane nobill man, And als thairwith had grit auctoritie, Befoir thame all on this same wyss said he. 30,650 " It is weill kend on to tow all ilkone, " Foure kynd of pepill is into Albione, " The quhilk hes bene [richt] mony teir ago, " As Scot and Pecht, Saxone and Brit also, 350 THE BUIK OF THE " Quhilk neuir ^it amang thanie self culd ceiss, 30,655 " But weir or wrang, to leve in rest and peice. " Amang oure self and we culd leve in rest, " As be hes said, I think that it war best, " That euerilk ane sidd kyndnes keip till vther, " With loue and lautie as he wer liis bruther, 30,ceo " We neidit nocht to seik help or supple " At Frenche men so far beiond the se. " Bot weill I wait, quhilk that oure fatheris knew, " The Saxone blude wes neuir leill no trew, " For aith or band, or tit for oblissing, 30,665 " For conscience, kyndnes, or for cheresing, " Se tha thair tyme tbair awin vantage to tak, " Or to thair nicbtbour ma do skaytk or lak ; " Quhill that tha knaw the pen-ell all be past, '■ Thair is no band that dow to hald tbame 30,670 fast, " No neuir wes, als far as I can reid, " Bot gif it war on vena force and neid. " As preuit weill in all than- tyme bigone, " And of thair cuming into Albione, " Quhen that the Britis brocht thame thair 30,675 intill, " Ressaueand thame at ' thair plesour and will, " And grit rewardis in the tyme thame gawe, " With all plesour tha lykit for till hawe, " Agane thair fa tbame to help and defend, " Quhill all the weiris brocht war till ane end, 30,680 " The Saxonis swoir for to be leill and trew ; " Within schort quhile the contrair than tha schew. " Sone efter syne, quhen tha thair tyme mycht se, " Turnit thair kyndnes in crudebtie, " Denudand thame bayth of kinrik and croun, 30,685 " Lordschip and law, honour and renoun, 1 In MS. as. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 351 And put thame all in sic necessitie, Now at this tyme as tour awin self ma se. As to oureself, I neid nocht for to schaw Falset sa oft, as weill ^our self ye knaw, 30,690 And to the Pechtis and the Britis als. Force is to thame on nature to be fals, Amang thame self the quhilk can nocht be trew, For land and lordschip ilkane other slew, With poysoun, tressoun, and subtillitie ; 30.695 Is none so wyis ma sicker of thame be. Thocht tha be festnit fast with grit effect, Se tha thair tyme tha find ane caus to brek, Of thair injure say and to tak ane mendis, And als so lang as thair power extendis, 30,700 To do thair nychtbour other lak or skayth, Be slycht or force or ony tyme with bayth, For no trettie tha will no trewth tak, Als lang as tha ma do other skayth or lak. Sen it wes neuir nor neuir iit wilbe, 30,705 No tyme with thame leue in tranquillitie, Bot waittand ws other with skayth or lak, Neid is till ws with sum natioun to mak Lib. io,f. 150. Band and colleg, that ma mak ws supple, Quhen standis ws in sic necessitie. 30.710 Quhair can we find moir gudlie till avance, No with Chairlis the michtie king of France, Quhilk riches hes and power infinite, And mony prince of policie perfyte, Scheild and defence quhilk is of halie kirk ? 30,715 I can nocht wit moir wyislie for to wirk, Na mak oure freind of all Ewrop the flour, Quhairthrow we may haif proffeit and honour, Agane oure [fais] as oft greit neid haif we, Fivindschip and fauour, greit help and supple ; 30,720 As for my self, I bald this best till do, Lat ilk man say qukat plesis him thairto," 3-52 THE BUIK OF THE Quhen this wes said befoir thame all wes thair, Bayth king and lord ilkane than les and mair, Of all lie said with hartlie mynd and will, 30,725 To euerie word consentit lies thairtill : Syne to conclude decretit lies that thing, To mak ane band with gude Charlis the king. Tlie oratour befoir thame syne gart call ; The nobill king, in presens of thame all, 30,730 Of his awin wit, be counsall of the lawe, As ^e sail heir, sic ansuer to him gaue. How King Achat and his Counsall gaif Ansuer to the Herald. " Forsuith," he said, " ^e ma weill wit that I. " And all thir lordis that standis heir me by, " ThinkLs we haif grit fortoun, grace and chance, 30,735 " With gude Charlis the nobill king of France, " For to be bund as brethir in ane band. " And mair attouir, I do low wnderstand, " In all Scotland is nother wyfe nor maid, " But scho thairof is wounder blyth and glaid 30,740 " To grant to pw now all thing that te crave, '• Quhairthrow tha traist grit honour for to haue ; " And 2e of ws siclike on the same mak, " Sail proffeit haue withoutin schame or lak, " Syne efterwart, to oure posteritie, 30,745 '■ Freindschip but feid for euir moir to be." How the Herald tuke his Leve and passit to the King of Pechtis. This oratour thairof wes weill content ; Syne tuke his leif and on his way is went To king Hungus, quhilk wes ane nobill man, King of the Pechtis in the tyme wes than ; 30,750 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 353 Siclyke of him desyrand for to be In that colleg of thair fraternitie, Quhairtlirow he micht haif grit honour and gloir, And to his kinrik proffeit euirmoir. HOW HUNGUS, THE KlNG OF PECHTIS, GAIF AN- SUEB TO THE HERALD. This king Himgus than ansuer maid him till, 30,755 Richt oft thankand the kyndnes and gude will Of king Charlis, desyrit him to be Of that colleg and thair fraternitie. And syne agane to him so said this king, Without lang vysment in so grit ane thing, 30.760 Quhair sic perrell apperit for to be ; Thairfoir he said, that neidfull wes that he War weill adwj^sit and his lordis all, Col. 2. For grit pen-ell that efter micht befall. Als far, he said, as he culd wiiderstand, 30,765 Agane the Saxonis for to mak ane band, For nichtbour weir he thocht rycht perrellous, So dreidfull als and ilk so dangerous, Witli sic apperance of greit skayth and ill, That he culd nocht weill gif consent thairtill. 30,770 How the Herald tuke his Leif fra Hungus, King of Pechtis, and passit agane to King Achat. The oratour, quhen he that ansuer knew, In that mater no moir wald him persew, Becaus he was so schort into that thing, Bot tuik his leif ; syne to Achayus king Come hame agane richt suddantlie and sone, 30,775 And schew to him ilk word how he had done. VOL. II. z 354 THE BUIK OF THE How King Achat deliuerit the Herald, and send his Bruther Germane, callit Gillel- mus alias gllmoure, with foure thousand Men in France. This king Achay heirand that it wes so, He fumeist hes with him in France till go His bruther germane of honour and fame, Quhilk callit wes Gillelmus to his name ; 30,780 Ane vther storie I haif red befoir, That he to name wes callit Gilmoir ; And foure thousand of nobill men in weir, With hors and harnes, and all vther geir, To gude Chairlis quhen lykis him to ga, 30,785 To fortifie him agane Christis fa. Foure greit doctouris he hes with him syne, Johnne and Cleme[n]t, Rabone and Alkwyne, In cannoun law, in theologie and art, And all science richt plesand and expert. 3n,790 Thir foui' feiris, quhilk war of Scottis blude, In Athenis lang at the studie stude, In Scotland syne had grit auctoritie ; Thairfoir that tyme tha war send ouir the se, With king Chairlis for to devyss this band. 30,795 Sone efter syne, as ye sail wnderstand, Be grace of God sic wes thair hap and chance, Befoir the wynd tha saillit sone in France. How Chairlis the Mane, King of France, wes rejosit of gulielmus, klng achayls Bruther, and his Cumpant, and maid the Band betuix thame as followis. Oft' thair cuming gude king Ckarlis the Mane Rejosit wes, richt wounder blytht and fane. 30,800 This Gulielmus with grit honour and gloir, And all the laif wes with liim les and nioir, CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 355 Ilkane that tyme efter his faciiltie, Ressauit wes with all humanitie. In greit blythnes, with mekle sport and pla, 30,803 He held thame still quhill on the auchtane da ; And syne tha maid the tennour of than* band, With seillis braid subseriuit with thair hand, Betuix thir kino-is gudlie till advance, The nobillis als of Scotland and of France, 30,810 For euirmoir with diligence and cuir, But ony fraud in that forme till induir. This wes the tennour that tyme of thair band: Lib.io, f.isob. Gif ony Saxone come into Scotland, Co1 - '■ In feir of weir for to do ony wrang, 30,815 The king of France suld, with ane army Strang, Cum him awin self, gif mister war to be, Into Scotland for thair help and supple. Siclike also gif hapnit vpoun chance, In ony tyme the Saxonis come in France, 30,820 The land of France with battell till persew, The king of Scottis siclike in thair reskew, With his power sould cum on thair expens, Richt suddanelie in France for thair defence. Decretit wes, gif so hapnit to be, 30,825 Gif ony Scot maid help or ^it supple, Or Frenchemen to the Iuglis blude, In tyme of weir quhen it in neid thame stude, That he sould be declarit for sic thingis, Tratoure and rebell than to bayth thir kingis. 30,830 All fuo-atouris als far fra the law that fled, Siclyke for rebell to thame bayth be hed. Syne finallie this wes the hynmest act, That none of thame suld peax or trewis tak With the Saxonis without vtheris consent, 30.835 Schort or lang, bot gif tha war content, And tha siclike concludit war thartih, Of baith thair myndis it sould proceid and will, z 2 356 THE BUIK OF THE As neidfull war withoutin ony enorme. In Latyng letteris and in dowbill forme 30,8to Tha wrait it, syne subscriuit with thair hand ; The tane part thairof send into Scotland, The tothir part at thair plesoux and will, Tha gart remane with thair awin self thair still. Quhilk band and leig, withoutin ony cryme, 30,815 Wnmaculat remanis to this tyme. how guillielmus, alias gllmour, with his cumpany and tua of the foure doc- toueis remanit with klng charlis ix France, and the vther Tiia Doctouris come Hame in Scotland, and of the victorious Deidis of Guilliame and the Tua Doctouris callit Johne and Cle- me[n]t in France. Quhen this wes done as I haif said tow syne, Thir tua clerkis, Eabone and Alkwyn, Come hame in Scotland agane with gude chance. The tother tua remanit still in France, 30,850 With gude Chairlis the nobill king and prence. This foirsaid Johnne, and als this ilk Clemens, Into Pareis that vniuersitie Wes foundit than of thair auctoritie, Thay war the first that euir tuke ony cuir 30,855 To reid or teiche, other to riche or puir ; Science or vertu in that place to plant, Quhairof befoir it had grit fait and want • The quhilk sensyne increscis to this hour, Of all studie is apersie and flour. 30,860 This Guillielmus siclike, and all the laue Of men of weir he did thair with him haue, For all thair tyme remanit ay thair still,. With king Chairlis at his plesour and will. CItONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 357 And quhair he went, with him in all his weir 30,865 Tha wer formest, and oftest did maist deir On to thair fa, into all kynd of thing, And best louit with gude Charlis the king. To Guillielmus now will I turne ray styll, And tarie heir to tell of him ane quhile, 30,870 Nist Chairlis ouir all the realme of France, Wes haldin most of honour till advance, As previt weill ay be his nobill deid, In his storie quha lykis for to reid. Now at this tyme it come into memorie, 30, 875 Bot laitlie now I reid in till ane storie, In Luinbardy how fair Florence that toun Distroyit wes, and piit till confusioun, Be the Gottis perforce that held it than. This Guilielmus syne worthilie it wan ; 30,880 To the awin stait syne did agane restoir, With mair fredome na euir it had befoir. The citineris that scatterit wer full wyde Ouir Italie far vp and doun that tyde, He brocht thame [syne] agane into the toun, 30,885 Gart euirilk man in his awin sait sit doun, With land and law, and with all libertie, Siclike befoir as tha war wont to be. The wall befoir, the quhilk wes cassin doun, Gart big agane evin round about the toun, 30,890 With mony toure and turat les and moir, Far strenthear nor euir it wes befoir. And mekle land and townis neir hand by He subjugat wnto thair senieory, And eikit lies thair honour and thair gloir 30,895 To far mair fame nor euir tha had befoir. Syne ordand lies in the rememberance Of gude Chairlis, the nobill king of France, Quhair broucht [war] all agane to libertie, In thair amies to weir the reid lillie, 30,900 Col. 2. 358 THE BUIK OF THE Quhilk lies bene ay the king of Frances flour, And this armes proceidand to this hour. And mair attouir he ordand hes ilk ^eir, In audience quhair all ma se and heir, Solenipnitlie to set ane reid lyoun, 30,905 Syne on his lieid to put ane goldin eroun, As he to tharue wer prince alway and king, Eternallie in takyn ' of that thing, That he that buir the lyoun in his armes, Fra all injures, dampnage, skayth and harmes, 30,910 Redemit thanie agane to libertie, Alss fre befoir as tha war wont to be. Quhilk cereinonie, as suith men to me sais, In Florence iit ar keipit in thir dais. HOW GuiLIELMUS WAN GEAIT HeRETAGE AND FOUNDIT AND FEFT MO FAIR ABBAYIS, AND DID MEKILL ALMOUS DEID IN HIS DAIS. This 3 Guilielmus, quhilk wes ane nobill man, 30,915 Into the weiris greit heretage he wan, In all his tyme had nother barne nor wyfe, For-quhy he wes exercit all his lyfe Into the weir with gude Chairlis the king, Impediment wes till him in sic thing. 30,920 And for that caus, as my author did sa, Foundit and feft richt mony riche abba ; Into his tyme did mony almous deid, Becaus he had no barnis to succeid, Gottin of him self his heretage to bruke. 30,925 My author sais, quha lykis for to luke, Fyftene abbais that war of lyme and stane, He foundit hes with riche infeftment ilkane. Syne thair fundatioun ordand for to be Writtin in Irische, quhilk schawis tit to se 30,930 1 In MS. talking. \ ■ In MS. The. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 359 To nane of thame ane abbot suld succeid, Bot he tlie quhilk the fundatioun culd reid. ^com 5 '' In that beleif sic ordenance maid be, That Scottis men sould abbotis of thame be, And no vther, as my author did sa ; 30,935 Quhilk keipit is ^it to this samin da. Heir will I leif of him ane litill quhile, And to Achayus turne agane my style. How Hungus, Kyng of Pechtis, send ane Heeald to Achayus for Help and Supple. Neir by this tyme, my author sais thus, The king of Pechtis callit [wes] Hungus, 30,940 Ane herald sone to Achayus send he Beseikand him of his help and ' supple. The king of Ingland callit Ethalstone, In his boundis bot laitlie now bygone, With reif and spul^e, with grit slauchter and 30,945 fyre, Richt grit distructioun, formalice and ire, He maid thairin ane lang tyme cpihair he la, Syne with grit spuke pas[sit] hame his wa ; Quliair that he thocht nocht lang for to remane, Rycht weill he wist he wald cum sone agane, 30,950 With mair power, and with far grittar schoir, In his boundis nor euir he did befoir. Beseikand [him] thairfoir of his supple. For the affectioun and affinitie Betuix thame ay all tyme in to thair lywe. 30,955 This Hungus sister wes Achayus wywe, Quhilk Fergussana callit wes to name, Scho buir to him of grit honour and fame Gude Alpinus richt plesand and benyng, Quhilk efterwart of Scotland that wes kyng. 30,960 la Mb. and and. 3(j0 THE BUIK OF THE How King Achayus send Ten thousand Men TO HELP HUNGUS, KlNG OF PeCHTIS. Into this tyme Achayus hes gart waill Ten thousand men, and tald thame weill be taill ; Syne till ane captane did thame all commend, Quhome ' with till Hungus rycht sone syne he send. Thairof king Hungus blyth and glaid wes he, 30,965 Bessauit thame with all humanitie ; Syne mony heme that worthie wer and wycht, Buskit for battell all in armour bricht, He semblit syne togidder on ane grene : Ane fairrar sicht richt semdill hes bene sene. 30,970 Syne in the tyme, without stop or ganestand, Passit with thame all in Northumberland ; Ouir all tha boundis that wer lang and braid, Bayth da and nycht grit heirschip thair tha maid. This king Hungus so gentill wes and gude, 30,975 Wald raiss na fyre, nor iit wald spill na blude ; Curtas he wes without crudelitie, Than of the puir he had so greit petie. 2it neuirtheles, as my author did sa, Richt grit spulie gart turs with him awa 30,980 For his redres into that tyme for-thy, For that same caus and for na vther quhy. Quhen this wes done as I haif said tow heir, In Loutheane syne come hame [baith] haill and feir. How King Ethilstone, was gkitlie displesit of the Heirschip done in Northumber- land, come with ane greit Army in Loutheane. Co1 - 2 - Quhen this wes schawin to king Ethalstone, 30,985 Out of his mynd as he war maid begone, - 1 In MS. Quhone. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 361 As rampand lyoun, bald as ony boir, He swoir and said, with mekle bost and schoir, Of king Hungus be suld revengit be, Or on ane da richt mony one sould de. 30,990 With inony knicbt syne cled in armour cleir, And buglis blawand with ane busteous beir, He tuke na rest without stop or ganestand, Quhill that he come into Northumberland. Or he come thair king Hungus wes awa ; 30,995 Into that place thairfoir schort quhile he la. With all his power sped him on richt fast, In Lowdeane quhill he come at the last. Then king Hungus, as my author did sa, Besyde ane burne with all his ost he la, 31,000 Vpoun ane plane qukair he wes plantit doun, Tua myle and les that tyme fra Haddingtoun, Into that place tuke purpois thair to byde, Tlie haill spulze amang thame to devyde, Richt equallie, without ony demand, 31,005 Tha brocht with thame out of Northumberland. King Ethalstone that weill thair counsall knew As of his awin, his spyis to him schew, He sped him on in all the haist lie ma, Syne on the morne come in thair sicht be da, 31,010 In rayit bat tell reddie for to June, And mony trumpet blawand in to tune, And baneris braid that borne war rj'cht he : Thair multitude wes marvelus to se. This Ethalstone syne with ane opin cry, 31,015 Proclamit hes that none be so hardy To saue or tak other man or cheild, Of Scot or Pecht that wer fund in that feild, For ony ransoun, reuth, or lit remeid ; Withoutin petie put thame all to deid. 31,020 Quhairof the Pechtis so grit terrour tuke, For verra dreid tha trymlit all and schuke ; 362 THE BUIK OF THE Into the fekl that tyme quhair that tha stude, Qulia had bene thair and sene thair multitude. Into the tyme king Hungus gaif command, 31,025 That euerilk man sould laubour with his hand, To mak ane strenth about thame quhair tha la ; And so tha did als haistie as tha ma. This Ethalstone with all his multitude, In rayit feild befoir thame quhair he stude, 31,030 With mony semblie schrowdit vnder scheild, That reddie war to enter in the feild. And or he wald the grit battell assay, First in the feild for to mak thame ane fray, Men vpoun hors neirhand thame he gart ryde, 31,035 To preve and se gif tha durst langar byde. The Pechtia than richt pertlie on that plane, Siclike on hors hes riddin thame forgane ; And mony counter in the tyme tha maid, Quhill speiris brak, and scheildis that war braid 31,0-10 War maid to fall into the feild on force, And mony berne borne bakwart fra his hors On to the grund rycht lauch than quhair he la. With sic ryding tha draif to end that da, Withoutin feild thair preikand on the plane, 31,045 Quhill that the nicht departit thame agane. Lib.in.f.uib. Amang thame all wes nother Scot nor Pecht, Col. 1. g^ ^g tiecpeittit on the morne to fecht, And tak the chance that God wald send thame till, Quhat euir it war, and put thame in his will, 31,050 As plesis him vther to leve or de, Out of that feild ane fit or tha wald fle. And euerie man hes left [of] vousting vant, Into that tyme beseiking mony sanct, With humbill mynd richt lawlie on thair kne, 31,055 Implorand thame for thair help and supple Agane thair fa wald reif fra thame thair richt, . Quhilk had sic strenth, sic multitude and mycht; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 363 Into that tyine it stude thame in sic neid, Without thaii - help tha wakl cum liulie speid. 31,060 How King Hungus prayit to Sanct Andeo, and how Sanct Andeo appeeit, and of HIS COES IN THE AlE. Than king Hungus prayit and maid ane vow To the apostill halie Sanct Androw, With greit kyndnes quhilk suld nocht be to crawe, Of his kinrik the tent part he sidd haue, Richt peceablie in frie regalitie, 31,060 For euir moir with all auctoritie, And all fredome is neidfull to be hed, Of his purpois that tyme and he war sped. For verrie [dreid] syne piteouslie did weip, Quhill at the last he fell richt sound on sleip. 31,070 Syne in his sleip thair did till him appear Sanct Andro than, and bad him mak gude cheir, And haue no dreid, for all thing sidd go rycht, Quhilk grantit wes be the grit God Almycht ; Vpoun the morne quhilk sould nocht be to 3a,07s crawe, Honoiu- and gloia\ and victorie to haue. Sanct Androis corce apperit in the air Tliat samin tyme, quhilk sene wes ouir alquhaii - , Aboue the Pechtis quhair that [thai] did ly, As bureau brycht, als cleir into the sky ; 3a,oso Out of that place wald nother move nor wend, Quhill that the battell brocht wes to an end. The watchis standand on thair feit that woik, Grit wonder had vpone that coa - s to luke, Amang thame self with ga-eit talking betuene, 31,080 Imaginand than quhat that corss saold mene. 364 THE BUIK OF THE How King Hungus schew his Visioun, and HOW HE SOULD WIN VlCTORIE BE THE APPEEANCE OP THE CROCE IN THE AlR, OFF THE QUHILK HE TUKE GREIT CONFORT. Quhen that the kiug syne walknit quhair he la, He schew to thame, as le haif hard me sa, How in his sleip Sanct Andrew did appeir, And said to him, as I haif said low heir, 31, 090 How on the morne he sould haif victorie The quhilk his cors that tynie did signifie, Into the air than that he saw so cleir. Then war tha blyth all and maid a mirrie cheir, And put away all dreddour and all dreid, 31,095 In gude beleif of thair purpois to speid : Aniang thame self richt blythlie than tha sang, With sic ane noyis quhill all the skyis rang. The Inglis men that standand on the streit, Col. 2. Quhilk all that nicht had walkit on thair feit, 31,100 Quhen that tha hard thame mak so mirrie cheir, And saw the croce aboue thair heid appeir, Of tha takynnis grit terrour tha tuke, Lyke ony leif tha trimlit and tha schuik ; With quaikand hart dreidand that tyme far 31,105 moir, No Pecht or Scot vpoun the nycht befoir. Than king Hungus proclamit with ane cry, That euerie man, be he micht ken the sky, Sould reddie be, weill graithit in his geir, That neidfidl war vpoun his cors to w T eir, 31,110 With bow and brand, with braid buklar and scheild, Agane thair fa syne for to gif thame feild. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 3fi."> HOW HUXGUS THE KlNG ORDOURIT HIS M.EN AXD SET SUDDANTLIE ON THE SAXONIS. And so tha did syne intill ordour gude, And syne set on the Saxonis quhair tha stude, Richt suddantlie with ane greit schout and cry, 31, lis Quhill all thair noyis rang vp to the sky ; All with ane voce tha cryit in that tyde, " This da Sanct Andro be oure gratius gj'de ! " Syne straik togidder with so rude ane reird, Quhill rochis rang and trumlit all the eird, 31, 120 Thair scheildis raif and all thair speris brak, Full mony berne wes laid vpone his bak, And mony knicht wes maid full law to kneill, Into the tyme wist nother of wo nor weill. The Saxone blude that da wer haill confoundit, 31,125 Mony war slane and all the laif ill woundit. The laif that fled tha gat bot litill girth Quhair tha war fund, other in fell or firth ; Of all tha Saxonis, my author did sa, Scantlie fywe hundretht chaipit wes awa, 31,130 Bot all the laue other that tyme wer tane, Or in the feild fechtand wer slane ilkane. King Ethilstone full cald wnder his scheild, Amang the laue la deid into the feild : Deit that da, as eith is to presume, 31,135 The samin deith as he him self gave dume. Out of the feild syne haif tha tane his cors ; Syne to ane kirk wes careit on ane hors, Wes neirhand by, and syne put in to grave, With mair honour nor he wes wont to hawe. 31,110 That samin place, as my author did sa, Quhair he wes slane is callit to this da, Efter his name qidia lykis for to heir, Ethilstane-furd, gif that £e list to speir In Haddingtoun, and £e sail find anew 31,145 Can tell ?ow weill gif that this thing be trew. 366 THE BUIK OF THE How King Hungus partit the Spulie equalie of the Feild amang his Men and maid his Pilgramage to Sanct Andro. Quhen this wes done, the spuke of the feild, Richt equallie to euerie man and cheild Diuydit lies into greit quantitie, To pnir and riche efter his facultie. 3i,iso Syne king Hungus and all the men of gude, Siclike the lawe als of that multitude, Onto Sanct Andro be the leist ane page, Lib. 10, f.152. Tha passit all ilkone in pilgremage. This gude Hungus richt laulie on his kneis 31,155 Befoir the altar passit vp the grees, And syne kissit the relict of Sanct Androw, Completit thair baith pilgremage and vow. Siclyike the laue, ilk man in his degre, Richt lawlie thair inclynand on his kne, 31.160 Kissand the relict of Sanct Androw sweit, His pilgremage and offerand to compleit. How the Scottis tuke thair Leif fra Hun- gus, SYNE PASSIT HAME TILL AcHAYUS. Quhen this wes done, than all the Scottis gard Tha tuke thair leve with mony riche reward Hungus thame gaif, with mekill vther thing, 31,165 Syne passit hame till Achayus thair king ; And schew to him the maner all and how Of the battell, as I haif schawin low, Ilk word be word quhilk I neid nocht reherss, No mak to tarie for to put in verss. 31,170 To king Hungus, sen it is in memorie, Now will I turne and tell tow of his storie. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 3C7 How King Hungus gart big Sanct Androw of new, and dotit it with riche eent and mony Relict and Ornament, and grit Privilege gaif thairto, and of his Ring and King Achayus departing. Nixt is to wit, without fabill or faill, Sanct Androis kirk wes of rycht littill vaill Befoir this tyme, as my author ma schew, 31,175 Quhill king Hungus gart big it of the new, Richt plesandlie of poleist stane and lyme, Baith kirk and queir all new into the tyme. Syne dotit it with mony riche rent, Adornit weill with euerilk ornament, 3 1,1 80 With buik and chalice, and with all the laue, In sic ane place that neidfull war till haue ; Prelat and preistis ay quhill domisday, Thair obseruance thairin to sing and say. Ane cors of gold that wes bayth lang and 3i,iss braid, For the relict of Sanct Andro he maid, Adornit wes with mony pretious stone, With diamontis ding, and margretis mony one. To represent the tuelf apostolis Of Jesu Christ, richt sone syne efter this, 31,190 Tuelf iinao-es into that kirk he maid Of fyne siluer, quhilk war baith hie and braid. The image als quhilk wes of Sanct Androw, Wes gilt with gold for to compleit his vow. Quhen this wes done, syne amang all the laue, 31,195 Onto the kirk greit priuiledge he gaif, To all kirkmen quhilk wes ane greit refuge, Sould nocht be callit with ane secular juge, For to thoill law in caussis criniinall, Or ony actione efter micht befall. 31,200 368 THE EUIK OF THE This priuiledge lestit bot few dais : The fourt king efter, as my author sais, Quhilk Feredeththus callit wes to name, Into his tyme thocht nother syn nor schame, All priuiledge and profi'eit les and moir, 31,205 Quhilk to the kirk king Hungus gaif befoir, Baith priuiledge, possessioun, and all mycht, To reif fra thame without ressoun or rycht. Col. 2. Quhilk wes the cans, as mony said sensyne, Be the prouisioun of greit God diuyne, 31,210 Pechtis befoir quhilk wer of sic renoun, Schort quhile efter tynt bayth kinrik and croun ; As 4e sail heir, quha lykis for to hike, Sone efter now into this same buke. This king Achay, as that my author sais, 31,215 And king Hungus syne efter, all thair dais, Rang with gude rest in thair anctoritie, In peax and rest and grit tranquillitie. Syne gude Achay, as le ma efter heir, Into his ring the tua and threttie ^eir, 31,220 And of oure Lord audit lmndreth and nyntene, So greit and nobill in his tyme had bene, Of Hungus ring the sixt £eir also, With mekle menyng, murnyng and greit wo, Of euery leid, baith barne, man and wyfe, 31,225 He tuke his leif out of this present lyfe. In Iona Yle, with mekle pomp and piyde, Ingrauit wes into the samin tyde. HOW THAIR RANG IN SCOTLAND FOUR I1ALIE DOCTOURIS IN THA DAIS, AND CALLIT AS FOLLOWIS. Into Scotland thair rang into tha dais Foure halie doctouris, as my author sais ; 31,230 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. "C>9 Geruatius as ie sail wnderstand, Bischop and prechour into Murra land ; Glacianus als of grit auctoritie, Ane archibischop and grit prechour wes lie ; And tua brether wer of grit faith and fame, 31,235 Moden and Meden callit wer to name. Thair halie werkis culd nocht weiH be hid, So mony miracle in thair tyme tha kyd ; Syne efterwart, as halie kirk ws grantis, Ar numberit now in hevin amang the Sanctis. 31,240 how ane nobill man callit congallus was crownit King of Scotland efter the Deith of King Achay, and of his Deceis. Ane nobill man wes callit Congallus, And sone he wes also to Dongallus, Ethfynus bruther, and the patruell To king Achay alss far as I naif feill, Schort quhile efter king Achayus deid, 32,245 Of Scotland king wes crownit in his steid. Quhilk with king Hungus, as my author sais, Familiar wes and tender all his dais. Sic lowe and lawtie as wes thame betuene, Betuix tua kingis hes bene semdill sene : 31,250 Wes nane of thame, other ane or vther, That wald do oucht but counsall of the tother. And Hungus syne in to his latter dais So febill wes, as that my author sais, Befoir Congallus of Scotland that wes king, 31,255 Baith croun and kinrik than he did resing To Drostolog, quhilk wes his sone and air, Out of this lyfe syne tuke his leif to fail-. This Congallus efter that he wes gone, For him ilk da sic murning maid and mone, 31,200 With sic displesour detestand all playis, Quhilk wes the caus of schorting of his dais, Lib.io,f.i52b. vol. 11. A A Col. 1. 370 THE BUIK OF THE Sone efter syne of his ring the fyffc teir, He tuke his leif and baid na langer heir ; Ingrauit wes syne in Ecolumkill, 3i,2G5 With all honour belonging wes thairtill. How ane Man of Gude callit Dongallus wes crownit King efter Congallus, and of the ^oung scottis lordis that rebellit aganis him. Ane man of gude wes callit Dongallus, Quhilk wes the sone of king Solwatheus, Schort quhile befoir as ze ma reid and se, Wes crownit king with haill auctoritie, 31,270 Into Argyle efter Congallus deid ; Syne peceablie he rang into his steid. Ane nobill king in all his tyme wes he, Richt just also in his auctoritie, And ecpiall als without ony injure 31,275 In his office baith to riche and puir. That samin tyme, as my author recordis, Into Scotland thair wes richt mony lordis, 2oung and wantoun, and full of reuery, At his justice had rycht full greit invy, 31,280 And durst nocht tak thair plesour ay at neid, Of his justice tha stude sic aw and dreid. For that same caus, or tha thair will suld want, Tha fand ane way this Dongallus to dant. how the ^oung scottis lordis perswadit $oung Alpynus, Sone to Achayus, fra Dongallus to tak the Croun. Ane plesand child of greit honour and fame, 31,285 Achayus sone, Alpynus hecht to name, - Persuadit him fra Dongallus the king To tak the croun and occupie his ring, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 371 Justice and law siclike and all the laue, His heretage the quhilk he audit to haue; 31,290 At thair power with hartlie mynd and will, At his plesour tha sould mak help thair till. This Alpynus tuke litill tent thairto, Bot did ilk da sic as he had till do; His mynd wes set rycht far agane that thing, 31,295 So louit he Dongallus the gude king ; This king to him keipit so gude ane part, And for that caus he louit him with his hart. So on ane da it hapnit for to be, Tliir same lordis quhair thair wes none bot he, 31,300 All him allane intill ane quyet place, With drawin swordis and with austrun face, Tha boistit him scharplie bayth sad and suir, Without richt sone he tuke on him sic cub- As tha commandit, and auctoritie, 31,305 Of thair handis than doutles he suld die. This toung Alpyn that tynie for aw and dreid, As force it wes it stude him in sic neid, At thair command consentit than thairtill, Suppois it wer richt far aganis his will; 31,310 Syne tuke the feild with mony cankerit knaif, Quhilk lykit weill ane lous warld to haif, And mony rebald in ane mekle rout, With greit vneis of all the land about. Col. Syne efter that, within ane lytill quhile, 31,315 With this Alpyn tha passit to Argyle, Quhair tha that tynie thocht to croun him king ; Bot ^oung Alpyne that lykit nocht that thing, Vpoun the nycht, as my author did sa, Kicht secreitlie he staw fra thame awa, 31,320 Quhen that tha wist richt litill of sic thine, Syne come agane to Dongallus the king, And schew till him the maner all and how, Ilk word by word as I haif said to iow; A A 2 orfZ THE BITIK OF THE How all that wes clone sair aganis his will, 31,325 That force it wes him to consent thairtill, Or than till de, thair wes na vther dome, That it wes so richt weill he mycht presume. This Dongallus of him he wes rycht blyth, And in Ids armes hint him sone and suyth ; 31,330 Syne freindfullie that tyme he said him till, " Welcuin to me with hartlie mynd and will ! " All is Jour awin amang our handis heir ; " Quhen plesis low to tak the reull and steir, " 1 salbe reddie all tyme at command, 31,333 " For till resing all richt into lour hand ; " As ressoun wald that te lour rycht suld haif " Withoutin pley, quhen plesis low to craif." This loung Alpin, with hartlie mynd and will, Requyrit him for to continew still, 31,310 As he wes wont, withoutin ony stryfe, Into that cuir for terme of all his lyfe ; And he also sould seruice mak him to, Sick as the sone sould to the father do, And in all thing alss blythlie him obey, 31,315 At his plesour withoutin ony pley. The pepill all tha war richt blyth and glaid, Quhen that tha hard how ilk till vther said ; Of that concord and [of] thair meitting than, Rycht blyth and glaid wes mony wyfe and man. 31,350 Quhen this wes done, syne on the secund da, Thir rebellaris, as my author did sa, Ane message send to Dongallus the king, Beseikand him than of his grace bening, All ire and rancour, malice and invy, 31,355 For to remit, jjostpone, and lat pas by ; And thame ' agane of his humanitie Resaue agane, quhilk traist and trew suld be. 1 In MS. than CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 373 Off thair desyre nothing the king wald heir ; Bot said agane within les nor ane teir, 31,3 60 And plesit God thairto, ane vow maid he Of that injure for to revengit be. And so he wes far sonner nor tha trowit, Or euir tha wist, as euerie man allowit, As tha had seruit in the samin tyme, 31,365 War tane ilkone and puneist for that cryme. Fra that tyme furth, withoutin ony leis, In all his tyme he leuit ay in peice. Heir will I pans and leve ane litill quhile, And to the Pechtis turne agane my style. 31,370 How the King of Pechtis callit Drostolog WAS SLANE BE HIS BRUTHER, QUHILK x vsurpit the Crohn and mareit his Brh- Lib.io,f.i53. THERIS WYFFE THAT WES QUENE, QUHOME Co1 ' l " SCHO SLEW ON ANE NYCHT. The king of Pechtis hecht Drostolog to name, His on bruther la with him in ane wame, So greit desyre lie had to be ane king, He slew his bruther syne occupeit his ring. And for that caus he held with him ane gard, 31,375 And gaif to thame richt mony riche reward Of land and riches, gold, siluer and fie, To tak his part gif neid hapnit to be. Brenna the quene richt plesand and benyng, Oswynus dochter, of AVest Saxone king, 31,380 That tyme, to stanche hir malice and hir stryfe, In matrimonie he tuke his brutheris wyfe, Quhilk quietlie at him had ay grit feid. Syne efterwart, for to revenge the deid 1 In MS. and. 374 THE BUIK OF THE Of Drostolog hir husband wes befoir, 31,385 With greit malice incressand moil' and raoir, Richt subtillie with grit sorcerie and slycht, Into his bed scho slew him on ane nycht. Thair faillit all the successioun and seid Of king Hungus, gif it be suith I reid. 31,390 HOW DONGALLUS SEND MESSAGE TO THE PECHTIS. This toung Alpyne, quhilk wes his nepos neir, His sister sone befoir as te micht heir, Acha[y]us sone of Scottis that wes king, Quhome to the richt of all the Pechtis ring Be commoun law, efter thir tua war deid, 31,395 Redoundit haill withoutin pley or pleid. And for that caus, Dongallus the gude king Considderit weill he had richt to sic thing, Tua wyiss lordis that all thair richtis kend, With greit triumph onto the Pechtis send, 31,400 Beseikand thame rycht hartlie and benyng, For to ressaue than ' as thair prince and king This Alpynus, the quhilk had be his mother The richt thairt[o] that tyme had and na vther. Quhairfoir thai aucht richt blyth and glaid to 31, 405 be, And for to lowe the gratious God sa hie, That baith thair kinrikis vnite had in ane, That of befoir into the tyme bigane, Rycht saikleslie, but ony caus or gilt, With abundance sa mekle blude had spilt. 31,410 " And sen Fortoun lies schawin ws hir face, " And gratious God, of his excellent grace, " Had ordand ws wnder ane king to be, " Of baith oure blude and oure genelogie, 1 In MS. thame. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 375 " The quhilk that hes so greit ressone thairtill, 31,415 " Quhairfoir we aucht richt hartlie with gude will " For to love God that is in hevin so he, " Provydis so for oure posteritie, " For euir mair to leif in peice and rest ; " As plesis him so suld we think it best." 31,420 HOW THE PECHTIS CHESIT THAME ANE KlNG. The proude Pechtis that knew weill sic thing, Amang thaine selfis ehesit thaine ane king, Qnhilk Feredethus callit wes to name, Or Alpynus' his croun come for to clame. Quhairthrow tha mycht, gif he sic thing suld 31,425 craif, Him to resist moir strenth and power haif ; For-quhy richt ill it lykit thame sic thing, That ony Scot sould be thair prince and king. Col. 2. How the Hessinger schevv his Credens TO the Pechtis in Camelidone. The messinger on to Camelidone Is passit syne, quhair he fand thame ilkone 31,430 With Feredeth, quhome to his credens schew, Befoir thame all quhair that thair wes anew, Ilk word be word to thame baith les and moir, With all the tennour that ze hard befoir. Quhen this wes said, with mony mow and knak, 31,435 Amans: thame self greit dirisioun tha mak, With rude rumour and with so loude ane noyis, As it had bene of bairnis 2 and of boy is, That neuir ane, throw the murmour tha mak, Mycht heir ane word than that ane vther spak. 31,440 In MS. Alpunus. \ -In MS. bairdis. 37G THE BUIK OF THE Quhen ' of thair breist ouir blawin wes that blast, And ceissit syne with scilence at the last, This Feralethus with ane voce so cleir, Sic ansuer gaif as I sail schaw tow heir. " With lang adwysing we haif considderit haill, 31,445 " Nixt the successioun of king Hungus fail], " And Alpynus be narrest of his blude ; " Zit neuirtheles we haif ane consuetude, " Incontrar quhairfoir that le [haif] no aw " To clame oure croun be ony richt or law. 31,450 " For-quhy we find ane act into oure buik, " Wes maid lang syne, that na stranger sail bruik " Oure croun or kinrik to be king ws till, " Without it be with our consent and will. . " As for my self, siclike dois all the lawe, 31,455 " We lyke him nocht as for our king to haue. " Als we haif power, gif that neid so be, " For to translait be oure auctoritie '• Alhaill the rycht fra ane hous to ane vther, " Full weill te wist 2 our self or ie come hither. 31,460 " Sen all the richt we haif translatit now, " Fra Hungus hous, as te haif hard heir how, " Onto ane vther with haill auctoritie ; " Quhairfoir," he said, " 2e ma weill wit that 4e " Hes litill richt, suppois te haif grit will, 31,465 " To ask oure croun or lit haif clame thair till, " Thocht he be narrest of king Hungus blude. " Tak thair tour ansuer, schortlie to conclude." how the messinger come to dongallxjs and schew his Ansuer, and how he hes send agane to the pechtis. Befoir thame all quhair that thair wes anew, This messinger come hame agane and schew 31,470 ■In MS. Quhill. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 377 Ilk word be word sic ansuer that he gat. This Dongallus, that wald nocht leve for that, Thair myndis better quhill lie knew and kend, To thame agane the samin herald send, To get knawledge of all thair mynd moir cleir, 31,475 For he wald nocht put so greit thing in weir. In that purpois gif tha remanit still, Commanding him that he sould say thame till, Within ane moneth and les, gif he micht, With all power he sould persew thair richt. 31,480 This Feredeth, that knew full Weill sic thing, That sic message come fra the Scottis king, He lies send men to meit thame be the way, Lib.io, f.i53b. Commanding thame sone be the secund day °" ' Out of thair land to pas but ony pleid, 31,485 Richt suddanelie wnder the pane of deid. This inessinger that durst nocht disobey ; Richt weill he wist, and he maid ony pley, Thair cruelues it wald cost him his lyfe, And for that caus lie maid thame na mair 31,490 Btryfe, Bot said he sould all thair command fulfill. Quhen that wes said, syne efter said thame till, " Heir in the name of Dongallus oure king, " Alpyn oure prince, and lordis of our ring, " And all the laif als of oure men of gude, 31,495 " Heir we defy tow baith of fyre and blude, " And plane battell within the tuentie da." Syne tuik his leif and passit hame his wa, And tald the king the mater all and how, Ilk word be word as I haif said to ^ow. 31,500 Quhen this ansuer befoir thame all wes schawin, All in ane voce, or tha war sa ouirthrawin, Tha maid ane vow for no perrell to spair Baith land and lyfe in that querrell to wair ; For weill tha wist it wes baith just and gude. 31,505 Richt so that tyme said all the multitude ; 378 THE BUIK OF THE In all Scotland wes notlier gude nor ill, Gaif nocht consent and gude counsall tliairtill. This Dongallus, of quliome befoir I spak, On him that tyme greit travell he did tak 31,510 Ouir all Scotland, and maist of his awin coist, For to furneis ane grit armie and oist, To fortifie Alpinus in his richt, Greit diligence he lies done da and nycht. That samin tyme vpoun the water of Spey, 31,515 Throw misgyding, or than the man wes fey, Quhilk of the tua I can nocht tell 20W heir, Into ane boit [he] drownit than but weir, The saxtenit teir the quhilk wes of his ring. Quhen he wes deid that wes so gude ane king, 31,620 This Alpinus, sone efter that schort quhile, Gart bair his bodie on to Iona He ; With grit honour of kirkmen and grit cuir, Solemnitlie put it in sepultuir. Quhen this wes done, syne out of Iona He, 31,525 The lordis all convenit in Argyle, Tins Alpinus that wes baith fair and ?ing, With hail consent wes crownit to be king. Syne to compleit that tha had tane on hand, This Alpinus he gaif richt strait command 31,5.30 That euerie man within the fourtie da, Suld furneis him als gudlie as he ma, And syne convene withoutin ony lat, At tyme and place quhair that the tryst wes set. And so tha did neirby Arrestia, 31,535 Convenit all at [ane] set place and da, Without oppressioun that tyme of the puir, And fit for fit to Forfar all tha fuir. Into that tyme tha stanchit fra all yre, Nother spilt blude, nor lit wald rais no fyre, 31,540 Quhill that tha come at grit laser and lenth To Forfar toun, that tyme quhilk wes ane strenth : CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 379 Vpoun ane plane plantit thair pakeonis doun, Syne set ane seig evin round about the toiui. How Alpinus, King of Scottis, and Feredeth, 1 King of Pechtis, met in Battell at Re- stennot, as followis. This 2 Feredeth, of Pechtis that wes king, 31,545 Wes neii'hand by and knew full weill that thing, Col. 2. With greit power, as niy author did sa, Then in thair sicht come on the secund da. Than Alpynus quhen he saw it wes so, He left the seig and to the field did go, 31,550 With baneris braid, and buglis blawand loude, With staitlie standartis, and with pensallis proude. At Restennoth thir freikis met in feild, And knokit on quhill mony ane war keild, And bh'ny brist, and mony burdoun brak, 31,555 And mony bald man laid vpoun his bak, And mony freik wes fellit thair throw force, And mony knicht wes keillit tlrrow the cors. Into that stour so stalwart wes that stryfe, That mony leid hes loissit thair his lyfe, 31,560 War neirhand lost, and als had tynt that ward, War nocht ane new fresche armit gard, With Fenedech of Athoill that wes lord, And four hundreth weill knyt in ane concord Off nobill men, renewit that feild agane, 31,565 And met the Pechtis richt pertlie on the plane With sic curaige that mony Pecht war keild, Trowand befoir that tha had wyn the feild. Amang the Scottis, quhair tha war maist thrang, Or euir he wist wes closit thame amang, 31,570 1 In MS. Federeth. -' In MS. The. •380 THE KUIK OF THE Of mony nobill of the Pechtis blude, For his defence into that stour that stude, And faucht quhill tha war so werie begone, In his defence that tha war slane ilkone, And he him self, quha lykis for to luke. 31,575 Quhairof the Pechtis no disconfort tuke, Bot manfullie with all thair strenth and mycht Tha faucht stane still quhill twynnit thame the nycht ; Syne drew abak quhen na better mycht be, On baith the sydis becaus tha mycht nocht se, 31,580 And to thair tentis raikit on full richt. The Pechtis than sone efter that same nycht, Quhen that tha knew how that thair king wes lost, With him also the maist part of thair oist, Thair haill cariage and tentis quhair tha la, 31,585 And all the laif tha left richt lang or da ; For grit dreddour out of that place tha zeid, Sum heir, sum thair, tha sped thame waill gude speid. Till Alpinus quhen ' this wes schawin sone, Or dreid sic thing for tressoun sold be done, 31,590 Men vpoun hors he lies gart haist in hy To liillis hie, about thame for to spy, With diligence baith for to spy and speir, In ony part gif thai saw thame appeir. And so thai did, syne that same day at none, 31,595 Tha come agane and schew how tha had done All the command that he had gevin thame till, And how tha raid fra euerie hill to hill, Bot tha culd nocht se, other far or neir, No levand leid into thair sicht appeir. 31,600 Then Alpynus, and all his company, Rejosit wes of that greit victory ; 1 In MS. than. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 381 And all the spul^e that tyme that tha wan, Richt equallie he hes distribut than To euerilk man, wilhoutin fraud or fail], 31,go5 Efter his deidis as he wes of availl. Syne hes decretit or tha partit thair, In tyme to cum that tha wald fecht na mair With haill power, without mair be ado, LibMO,f.i54. Bot tak the tyme ay as tha micht win to. 3i,cio Syne scaillit lies and passit liame ilk man, And tuke with thame the haill spul^e tha wan. This Alpynus, or he fair of that feild, Kintr Feredetli in that battell wes keild, With all honour that sic ane prince sould haue, 31,615 Into Forfair gart put him in his graue. Syne efterwart, ouir all Arestia Greit heirschip maid, and spul^e euirilk da, Of corne and cattell, and all other geir, Of gold, siluer, and claithis for to weir. 31,020 Ilk da in Athoill hame with thame syne brocht, Quhill all that land wes waistit haill to 1 nocht, And the induellaris fiemit all and fled, For no reskew in all that tyme tha had. Bridus, the sone of Feredeth the king 3i,G25 That eldest wes, succeidit to his ring ; Ane freik he wes for litill thing wald feir, And luifit nocht for till heir tell of weir ; For no counsall nother of man or cheild, Wald neuir consent to cum into ane feild. 31,630 Syne how it wes, I can nocht tell tow plane, Amang thame self sone efter he wes slane ; And for quhat causs, quhy or iit quhairfbir, Or how it wes, I can tell iow no moir. Bot gif it wes, as I can richt weill ges, 31,636 Becaus he wes of sic unworthines, 1 Iq MS. nocht. THE BTJIK OF THE That all his lieges thocht of him grit lak. Gif it wes so, it wes the far les rak. His secmid bruther callit Kennethus, Quhilk wes the sone of this ilk Feredethus, 31,640 Wes crownit syne efter his brutheris deid, For to be king of Pechtis in his steid; Ane kyndlie cowart, as it wes Weill kend, Sone efter that that maid ane far war end : And how it wes tak tent and I sail sa. 31,645 Vpoun ane tyme into Arestia, Quhair he wes causit, soir aganis his will, With all his power for to pas thairtill, Quhair king Alpynus, with ane mekle oist, Lay in that tyme endlang the Eist se coist ; 31,650 Fra this Kennethus come into thair sicht, And sjme beheld sa mony basnet bricht, In rayit battell on ane feild that stude, Vnmensurable he thocht that multitude. Quhairof that tyme so greit terrour he tuik, 31,655 And wes so frayit alss at the first luik, He kest fra him baith cot armour and scheild, Or euir tha wist syne fled out of the feild, All him allane, withoutin ony feir : And how it hapnit efter ^e sail heir. 31,660 How Kenethus fled out of the Feild for Fleitnes, and wes slane be the Schiphied Carle, and how Bridus wes crownit efter him King of Pechtis. Ane schiphird carle keipand a flok of fe, Ane grit burdoun vpoun his bak buir he, Quhilk of this king na knawledge than he had, Bot weill he wist out of the feild he fled ; And hi the tyme rycht neir lie did him go; 31,665 Reprevand him quhy that he sidd do so, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 383 Out of the feild than fra the king to fle. He said agane, " Quhat makis that to the ? " And suddantlie thai ' fell into ane pley. Col. 2. This sehiphird carle he gaif him sic ane swey 31,670 With that greit burdoun on his bak he bnir, This carle that wes baith stalwart, stark and stuir, Doun of his hors he drawe him to the erd, And slew him thair : sic wes his hap and werd. The Pechtis syne quhen tha knew he wes fled, 31,675 No other chiftane in the tyme tha hed To be thair gydar other in or out, That da to fecht tha thocht it ouir grit dout; Thairfoir bakwartis in gude ordour ar gone, And left the feild, syne passit hame ilkone. 31,680 Efter the deid syne of this Kynnethus, Ane nobill man that callit wes Bredus, Amang thame all of most auctoritie, "Wes crownit than of Pechtis king to be. To Alpynus quhilk send ane messinger, 31,685 Richt reuerentlie that tyme did him requeir, At his plesour, withoutin host or schoir, For to reforme all faltis maid befoir, To euerie part withoutin skaith or lak, Syne peax and rest and gude concord to mak, 3i,69u Siclyke befoir as it wes wont to be, In peas and rest and perfect vnitie. This Alpynus sic ansuer maid him till, And all his lordis siclike in ane will, Sayand, of thame that tha suld neuir haif peice, 31,695 No *it fra battell thocht tha neuir to ceis, Without respect tha wald richt sone resigne His croun to him, and knaw him as thair king, Syne him obey, and for thair prince to knaw, As ressoun wald be courss of commoun law. 31,700 1 In MS. thair. 38-t THE BUIK OF THE That messinger syne passit hame agane, Befoir thame all syne schew his ansuer plane To king Bredus withoutin ony moir, Ilk word be word as ze haif hard befoir. Quhairof that tyme he wes nothing content, 31,705 Quhen that he hard the ansuer that he sent, And in his mynd remordit oft and knew, Bicht suddanelie that he suld him persew. For that same caus, as ze sail wnderstand, To Edwenus, that king wes of Ingland, 31,710 Of gold and siluer ane grit quantitie, Into the tyme with ane herald send he ; Beseikand him richt humbbe with his hart, Aganis the Scottis for to tak his part, And be siclike agane all vtber wicht, 31,715 Sould tak his part at all power and micht. This Edwenus, that rycht weill wald heir haue, Into the tyme the money did ressaue, Promitting als that be sould send him to Bicht grit power when he had oucht till do. 31,720 The messinger syne passit hame agane, And schew to him how be promittit plane, So frienclfullie, and with so gude ane will, Bicht greit supple that be sould send him till ; Withoutin thairof haif he [than] no dreid, 31,725 Quhen euir it war than-of that he had neid. Of this ansuer richt blytb and glaid wes he, So wes the laif als blyth as tha mycht be ; In him that tyme tha had so grit beleif, With rnort battell quhen plesit thame to preif 31,730 The cruell Scottis that war baith big and bald, As tbair awin will to weild thame as tha wald. "Jit neuirtheles tbair wes richt mony Pecht Lib. 10, f. 154b. Gaiff lytill traist or credence to his becht, Co1- '' Trowand he buir into bis mynd full soir, . 31,735 The cruell slauchter that wes maid befoir CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. SSj Be thair fatheris, quhen tha slew Ethilstone Without mercie and vtheris mony one ; Sayand lie wald revenge that, and he mycht Se he his tyme, other be strenth or slicht. 31,7-10 In this same tyme now that le heir me sa, In all the pairtis of Arestia, Fra Grampione evin onto Tayis flude, Wes neuir one left of all the Pechtis blude Without ane strenth, or he that did obey 31.743 To Alpynus withoutin ony pley. This king Bredus quhen he did wnderstand, How Alpynus had conqueist so his land, Ane herald sone to Edwenus he send Richt freiudfullie with hartlie recommend, 31,750 Beseikand him with hartlie mynd and will, Of his supple sone for to send him till, In all the haist that he micht gudlie speid, For-quhy, he said, it stude him in sic neid ; And gif it war that no better micht be, 31,755 Send he the men and he sould pay thair fe. Edwenus than sick ansuer maid thairto, Sayand, him self sa mekle had ado, That he that tyme mycht help him [in] na thing, And Lues als of France the nobill king, 3i,7Co Quhilk wes his freind quhome he mycht nocht deny, Bequeistit him richt oft and tenderly, Scottis no way as than for to invaid, The quhilk conditioun to him he had maid. " Bid him postpone vnto ane vther leir, 31,765 " And sa my self befoir him sail appeir, " Quhen euir he will, at set place and at da, " With all the power in the tyme I ma.'"' Than king Bredus that tyme and all the laue, Quhen that tha hard sic ansuer as he gaue, 31, 770 Wareit the wycht in qidiome that wisdome grew, To trow in him or fcraist he culd be trew. VOL. 11. B E 38G THE BT7IK OF THE DifScill is, tha said that tyme ilk ane, Bring throw the flesch that bred is in the bane ; Quhometo that mater gaif sic propertie, 31.773 Withoutin faith to be baith fals and sle. This king Bredus, -without ony deley, Proclamit hes vpoun the tuentie day, That euerie wicht that wapin docht to weild, Suld furneist be to follow him on feild, 31,780 In Calidone quhair da and place l wes set. That samin tyme togidder all tha met, On to the castell syne of Calidone, Syne fit for fit togidder all ar gone, And passit thair all ouir the water of Tay, 31,785 And syne neirby quhair that the Scottis lay Vpoune ane plane besyde ane hill richt hie, Quhair standis now the gude toun of Dundie, Quhill that tha come ilkane in otheris sicht. This king Bredus, throw counsall that same nycht, 31,790 Vpoun ane plane quhair tha war plantit doun, Baith wyffe and barne, lad, lymmer and loun, With sic armour into that tyme tha had, And all the laif wdth lynnyng clayth syne cled, The quhilk on far to ony wald appeir 31,795 As it had bene gude harnes new and cleir ; Syne euerie man into his hand gart beir Ane greit burdoun, as it had bene ane speir ; The carriage hors syne gaif ilkane thame till. Syne in ane schaw betond ane litill hill, 3i,soo Rycht quietlie gart hyde thame thair all nycht, Quhilk on the morne neuir ane suld cum in sicht, Syne tak gude tent quhen tha maid thame a signe, Col. 2. Than suddantlie to speid thame at that spring, 1 In MS. places. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 387 Quhair that tha la ilkane out of that slak, 31,80s In gude orclour behind the Scottis bak. Ane hundreth horssmen but ran gat or noy, Tha send with thanie that mater to convoy ; And so tha did as I sail efter schaw. Syne on the mome quhen that the Scottis saw 31,810 The Pechtis bydand in so glide array, This Alpynus without ony delay, He put Ms men all into ordour gude, With rayit feild syne narrar thanie he tude, With mony baner flammand war full fair, 31,815 And mony standert streikit in the air, And mony pensall panetit wer full proude, And mony bugill blawand than full loude. The Joynyxg off the bald Battell betuix Alpynus axd Bredus. In birneis bricht, with mony speir and scheild, Thir forcie freikis enterit in the feild, 31,820 So stalwertlie togidder syne tha straik, With sic ane schow quhill all the sckawis schak. Thair speris grit, that war baith scharp and lang, In spaillis all aboue thair heid tha sprang. The strenth of Pechtis in the vangard stude, 31,825 Quhair spilt that da war mekle Scottis blude, And had that da bene haill put to the war, Had nocht Alpynus, in the tynie bene nar With grit power, that tyme did thame reskew ; Quhair throw the battell did agane renew, 31,830 And with sic force begouth agane to fecht, For all thair power that tyme euirilk Pecht Had in that feild bene other tane or slane, War nocht the tressoun of the subtill trane, The Cjiihilk tha wrocht on the nycht befoir. 31,835 Thir bernis all, with mekle bost and schoir, bb2 388 THE BUIK OF THE Out of ane glen in ane buschment tha brak In rayit feild behind the Scottis bak ; Thair lynnyng claithis agane the sone so brycht, As cleir harnes it seinit in thair siclit ; 31,840 Thair burdonis big, that ' stalwart war and Strang, Tha schew to thame as tha war speiris lang ; It semit aLs into thair sicht betuene, That euirilk meir ane bairdit hors had bene ; Quhairof that tyme tha war so soir adred, 31, 815 Turnit thair bak out of the feild and fled Heir and thair to niony sindrie place. The Pechtis syne than follouit on the chace ; Into the chace thair wes als mony keild, And mony that da not fechtand in the feild ; 31,860 Quhome tha ouirtuke that tyme thair chapit nane. The king Alpyne into the chace wes tane, And baith his handis bund behind his bak ; Wes [nane] to him that tyme reskew to mak. Syne quhen tha come [wer] onto the nixt steid, 31,835 Set him doun thair and syne straik of his head. That steid and place, quha reidis rycht sensyne, With aid eldaris is callit at Pas-Alpyne ; Alpinus heid 2 in that langage to sa, Pitelpe now is callit at this da. 31,860 As I haif said, so hapnit all this thing In the fourt ^eir of this Alpynus ring, Audit hundretht ^eir threttie and four also, The leir of God wes that tyme and ago. The Pechtis syne, efter Alpynus deid, 3i,8C5 Vpoun ane speir tha haif gart beir his heid, Befoir thame thair onto Cainelidone. Lib. 10, f.155. Decreittit wes syne with thame all ilkone, Vpoun ane staik, richt heich vpoun the wall, Tha festnit it cpihair that it micht nocht fall, 31,870 C0L1. ' In MS. than. | 2 In MS. deid. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 389 In tyme to cum aue taikin for to be Of thair triumphe and grit nobillitie. The Scottis all into that samin quliile, Convenit lies togidder in Argyle, For to decreit into that samin thing, 31,875 Quhome tha wald cheis to be thair prince and king. Elpynus sone, quhilk wes of lauchtfull eild, Kenneth to name so callit wes that cheild, In all his tyme richt worthie and conding, Of Scottis than wes crownit to be king. 31,880 His 1 fatheris cors syne in Ecolumkill, With all honour that mieht pertene thairtill, On gudlie wyiss he hes gart put in grave, Siclike befoir as done wes with the laue. That samin tyme into Camelidone, 31,885 Quhair the Pechtis hes convenit ilkone That nobillis war, that tyme bayth aid and ting, At the command and requeist of thair king, Throw greit presumptione in thair mynd tha tuke, Tha tuichit all ilkane the Evangell buik ; 31,890 Decretit als that tyme in ane intent, And sadlie swoir be euerie sacrament, Neuir for to rest fra battell, fyre and blude, In all thair tyme, ay quhill tha wnderstude Of Scottis blude wes nother man nor wyfe, 31,895 ioung nor aid, left levand vpoun lyfe. Syne gaif command wnder the pane of deid, And no les pane no tynsell of his heid, In tyme to cum quhat euir he wes that spak Of peax agane, or trewis for to tak. 31,900 iit neuirtheles thair wes amang thame than, Wes wyiss aneuch richt mony agit man, Quhilk disassentit richt far to that thing ; And for that caus, with lordis that war ting, 1 In MS. In. 390 THE BUIK OF THE Tha war rebawkit in the tyme and blamit, 31,905 And far ouirschot amang the laue and schaniit. Qulien all this thing diseouerit wes and schawin Ilk word bj r word, and to the Scottis knawin, Quhair of that tyme tha terrour nathing tuke, Bot swoir ilkane, mycht tha thair lyvis bruik, 31,010 That tha sould find far scharpar na tha brocht ; Of all thair vowis tha rakit bot rycht nocht. Into thair hart it kendlit sic ane heit, With so greit ire and malice in thair spreit, Tha thocht ilkone far levar haif bene deid, 31,915 Or tha war nocht revengit of that feid. That samin tyme, with greit power and mycht, This king Bredus buskit in armour brycht Richt mony man that waponis weill culd weild, Agane the Scottis furneist to the feild : aijQSO Syne passit furth, with mekle bost and schoir, For to compleit thair vowis maid befoir. Amang thame selfis rycht suddantlie thair fell, Qukat wes the caus I can nocht to £ow tell, Richt greit discord betuix tua men of gude, yi p 925 Of greit power and of richt nobill blude ; Quhairthrow tha drew to sic parteis that da, That all the oist deuydit wes in tua. For euirilk freind that tyme tuke part with other, Sum with the tone, and sum als with the tother. 31,030 Quhill at the last tha tuke the feild on breid, With brandis bricht gart mony bernis bleid. On euerie syde thair wes richt mony slane, Col. 2. Or tha culd weill be put in tune agane : And or the oist culd stablit be at rest, 31,935 The nicht wes cuming and all the da wes past. This kinsr Bredus . "Or dreid he think ws negbgent and sueir, " And so for him we will nocht thryfe this 82,170 ieir. " We can nocht faill sen we haif bis supple ; " My counsall is thairfon- richt sone that we " To put his will, sen it is all bot richt, " To executioun als far as we micht." Quhairfoir that tyme tha war rycht weill content. 32,175 But contrapleid thairto gaif thair consent. At his plesour within ane litill space, Tha set a day quhair tha suld meit his grace, Syne euirilk lord that thair wes be his name, Thankit the king, tuke leve and passit hame. 32,180 This Kenethus, that no langar wald ly, Proclamit hes syne with ane opin cry, That euirilk man als gudlie as he ma, Suld reddie be agane the tuentie da, With hors and harnes the best that he mycht get, 32,1 ss Syne to convene quhair da and place was set. The lordis all with all power and micht, Greit diligence tha haif done da and nycht, To fortifie and furneis to the feild Baitb toung and aid that waponis docbt to 32,190 weild. The samin tyme quhair at the tryst wes set, At da and place togidder all tha met This nobill king and all his men of gude,- I11 greit number and of sic multitude CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 399 Of bernis bald, buskit in armour bricht, 32,195 Wes Heme that da that euir saw sic sicht. How Keneth, King of Scottis, and Dkuske- nus, 1 King of Pechtis, faucht in Feild, and how the scottis wan the feild Quhen tha had maid thair mustur on a mure, To Vicomage togidder all tha fuir ; With fyre and blude tha waistit all that land, Wes nane that tyme mycht stop thame or gane- 32,200 stand, Quhill Druskenus with all power and mycht, Come thair him self sone efter on ane nycht, And euirilk Pecht that docht to ryde or go ; Of Inglismen ane greit armie also. Syne on the nycht passit the Scottis by, 32,205 Betuix the camp quhair that tha saw thame ly, And thair awin land, as tha that tyme wald sa, Quick with thair lyfe suld neuir ane wyn awa. Syne on the morne be that the da wes lycht, The Pechtis pertlie apperit in thair sycht 32.210 With mekle malice, mager and invye, And set on thame syne with ane schout and cry, Without ordour of takin or command, So stoneist war tha mycht no langer stand, And macchit lies als airlie as tha mocht ; 32.215 Thair haistie fail- it furderit thame rycht noclit. The Inglismen richt sone and suddanelie, In rayit battell that 2 wer standand by, Sick fray tha tuke, and wes so far adred, Out of the feild onto ane montane fled, 32,220 For to behald onto the latter end. Sone efter thame Druskenus lies gart send > " In MS. Drustrenus. ! ■ In MS. that tha. 400 THE BUIK OF THE Lib.io, f.i5Gb. Ane man on 1 hors witli mony jolie Peclit, To turne agane onto the feild and fecht, Of gold and sillier in grit quantitie, 32,225 And leve thauie nocht in that necessitie. For all thair hechtis and thair fair promit, Tha said agane tha wald nocht fecht a fit : To men of weir tha said it did pertene, Erar to fie qnhair perrell ma be sene, 32,230 And keip tliame self onto ane better hour, Na byde and fecht and tyne sa grit honour. Far better war fra siek perrell to blyn, Quhair weill tha wist wes na wirschip to wyn. The Pechtis than that faucht into the feild, 32,235 Throw grit enrage thocht thair wes mony keild, Quhen that tha saw the Inglismen wer fled, On thair richt hand no help that tyme tha hed ; The Inglismen had left that towne full hair Of Inglismen 2 that sould haif fouchtin thair ; 32,240 In rayit feild awa tha wald haue fled. The Scottis than richt spedelie thame sped, With so greit force and gaif thame sic a fray, Incontinent tha gart thame brek array ; Out of the feild syne gart thame fle on force, 32,246 Sum vpone fit and vther sum on hors. This Druskenus be aventure that da, Out of the feild he wes had saif awa ; Vpone ane hors that reddie wes neirby, On to ane strenth he wes had out of cry. 32,250 This Kenethus lies gevin command that nane Of Pechtis blude be other saue or tane, For ony ressoun, reuth or ^it remeid ; Bot for to think on gude Alpynus deid, And mony vther efter tha war tane, 32,255 So cruellie but mercie all war slane. 1 In MS. or. I ■ The Scottismen. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 401 The Scottis than so bremit war and bald, That da tha sauit nother ioung or aid, Kiche or puir, other ill or gude, Als bald as boris to spill the Pechtis blude ; 32,260 Ay followand on quhill that tha come to Forth, Behind thair bak richt neir wes in the North, Quhair tha that tynie no farder docht to fle. The Scottis than, with grit crudelitie, Into that place ma Pechtis haif tha keild, 32,265 Neirby or ma no fechtand in the feild. The Inglismen that standand ^it war by, Quhen tha saw that tha haistit thame in by Fast hame agane, richt warlie with gude will. Quhen tha war passit hyne behind ane hill, 32,270 Far out of sicht seand that tha wer fled, Kenethus than into that tyme he dred, That tha did so he trowit for ane trane, In rayit battell syne to releue agane, Without ordour his men quhen that tha saw ; 32,275 And for that caus ane trumpet he gart blaw, At quhais sound and bidding tha war bane, Returnit all in sude ordour agane, Richt to his hand that tyme bayth man and cheild, And all that nycht tha woik into the field ; 32,280 Quhill on the morne that tha wist weill but lane, The Ingbsmen war all gane hame agane. Col. 2. The spuhe all that he fand in the feild, Rycht equallie to euerie man and cheild, Efter his stait and his nobillitie, 32,285 Diuydit lies in siclike quantitie To euerilk man that tyme bayth les and moir : Syne passit hame with grit triumph and gloir. VOL. 11. c c 402 THE BUIK OF THE How the Pechtis send ane Herald to King Kenneth, and of his Ansuer agane. Sone efter this that I haif said tow heir, To Kenethus thair come ane messingeir 32,290 Fra Pechtis send, richt lawlie than but leis, Beseikand hiru agane for to mak peice, With quhat conditioun he lykit to craue Wes ressonabill thairwith bot ask and haue. And he agane maid ansuer to that thing ; 32,295 Without he war ressauit to be king, And to his croun he audit of heretage, " Traist weill," he said, " for ony vther wage, " Or tit reward, beleif ^e w[e]ill but leis, " At weir agane neuir moir to purches peis." 32,30u The messinger said, weill he wist thair will, For na gardon that tha wald grant thairtill. Commandit him he suld sa to thame than, Amang thame all quhill levand wes ane man, Or lit ane lad on lyve amang the lawe, 32.305 Thair croun and kinrik he suld ay [to] crawc He tuik his leve than bayth at les and moir, And left it war na euir it wes befoir. Out of tha place tha gart him speid him sone, And passit hame and his erand vndone. 32,310 For that same caus the Scottis all thair dais Moir cruell war, as that my author sais ; Into thair hart the hiear ay ascendit, Of that ansuer tliinkand tha war offendit; Quhairof tha thocht ane mendis sone to haif, 32,315 The quhilk rycht lang suld nocht be for to craif. C'RONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 40" How Kenethus subdewit the Pechtis in sin- drie Pairtis, with cruell Slauchter on baith the sydis. Kenethus syne sone efter on ane da Subdewit lies alhaill Orestia ; And Othelyne, baitli castell, toun and toure, Ressauit him with reuerence and honour, 82,320 As king and prince, and swoir tha suld be trew, For ony malice other aid or new ; And all the strenthis war into tha landis, Resignit lies alhaill into his handis ; To hald of him withoutin pley or pleid, 32,326 At his plesoure and to foriet all feid. Syne efterwart with grit power and large, He passit syne richt sone to Vicomage, Quhair mony ane that tyme come in his will, And all the laue als cumand wer him till ; 32,330 Ane da wes set of meitting and concord. That samin tyme, gif that I rycht record, Lib.io, f.157. Ane messmger thair come to him and schew In Othelyn and Orest of the new, The Scottis all war slane thairin ilk man, 32,335 Be the deceptioun of the Pechtis than : Les no niair was neuir ane left on lyve Without ane strenth, other man or wyve ; Sick plesour had to spill the Scottis blude. This Kenethus quhen he that wnderstude, 32,340 Withoutin tarie other nicht or da, He come richt sone into Orestia, Quhair that he sparit nother wyfe no man ; For thair falsheid tha gat na fauour than. Till all vther to be ane document, 32.345 For to be fals and fenzeit of intent, And brek the fayth that tha had maid beforne, The quhilk to keip ilkane of thame wer suorne. c c 2 404 THE BUIK OF THE How Druskenus, King of Pechtis, come with ane Army to Scone, and send his Ser- uand for speich to kenethus quha la neirbt with his cumpant. This Druskenus, of Pechtis that wes king, Rycht weill that tyme eonsiderit all that thing ; 32,350 So did his lordis all that time ilkone, That force it wes their kinrik to forgone, Or all thair rychtis in that tyme resigne To Kenethus, and hald him as thair kino-. Considderand that tyme that as it standis, 32,355 Or manfullie debait it with thair handis, Sen ane of thame wes neidfull for to be, Tha chesit all far erar for to die Without ransoun or tha gaif ouir thair richt, For boist or schoir to ony erthlie wicht. 32,360 And for that caus bayth ?oung and aid ilk cheild, That worthie wes ane wapone for to weild, Ilkone that tyme, and tha had bene far ma, Furneist for feild to set agane his fa : Betaucht thame syne into dame Fortonis will, 32,365 Quhat chance that tyme that scho wald send thame till. Syne furth tha fair quhill that tha come rycht sone Onto ane place the quhilk is callit Scone, In Gowrie land, quhair now this samin da Of Sanct Michaell thair standis ane abba. 32,370 This Kenethus, that weill his cuming knew, Wes neir hand by with nobill men anew, Bayth big and bald for to debait his rycht ; Syne ilk of other cuming are in sicht. The king of Pechtis that weill the perrell kend, 32,375 To Kenethus ane seruand sone he send, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 405 Beseikand him, gif that it wes his will, Out fra his oist that he wald cum him till; And he siclike for his plesour agane Suld meit him thair in middis of the plane, 32,380 For sic thingis he had with him till do, Gif plesit him he prayit him thairto. How King Kenethus and Druskenus met TOGEDDER FOR INTERCOMMONING. Kenethus then thocht he his mynd wald heir, And tuke with him sic fallowschip in feir As plesit him, cpihair that the place wes set, 32,385 . Col. 2. With lyke number with this Druskene he met. This Druskenus than of ane gude maneir, He said to him as I sail schaw low heir. " Keneth, king and victor invincibill, " To the and thyne it wer mair honourable, 32,390 " And proffeit als, ws to tlii freind now haue, " With quhat conditioun as ie list to crave, " Baith in ane band as we wer wont to be, " At all plesure in perfite vnitie, " No for to be ilk da into sic stryfe, 32,395 " Quhairthrow rycht niony loissit hes the lyfe, " And bayth oure power brokin is so far, " Rycht eith it is to put ws to the war. " The Saxoun blude that neuir 2it wes trew, " Oure commoun fa, to thame it is grit glew : 32,400 " The thing in erth that tha wald erast se, " Is oure mischeif and infelicitie ; " For weill I wait, and we so perseueir " As we haif done, within les nor ane zeir, " That bayth oure riches and oure power haill, 32,405 " Sail sone be brocht on to ane litill vaill ; " Magir oure will we salbe maid till gone, " Quha chaipis best, far out of Albione, 406 THE BUIK OF THE " Or to the Saxonis be maid bund and thrall, " But libertie, and lois oure landis all ; 32,410 " And euirmair wnder thair bondage be, " With greit mischeif and sic miseritie. " Cheis Zow," he said, "now or we tua disseuer. " Quhilk of thir tua this tyme that ye had lever ; " For to haue ws tour fallow and gude freind, 32,415 " In love and lautie euir moir to leind, " No haue the Saxonis as torn- inortall fo, " Quhilk ma noeht suffer tow for to do so, " But euirmoir tour maister tha wilbe, " And tak fra pw all £our auetoritie, 38,490 " Or than to fleme 20w far out of this land ; " This will be trew te ma weill wnderstand. " As for redres of king Alpinus deid, " Richt equalie can no man ruak remeid ; " For all the gold and [all] the siluer bricht, 32,425 " And all the riches and all vther micht, " Into Pechtland and als all vther thing, •' Ma nocht redres the deid of sic ane kino;. " Siclyke agane war it possibill to haue, " Of Feredeth at low redres to crane. 32,430 " And sen we knaw be just equallitie, " Wnpossibill is that sic thing weill ma be, " And for that caus we spak thairof no moir " Into the tyme that it set ws richt soir, " Na preissis nocht thairof for to mak pleid, 32,435 " Sen none bot God ma mak mendis for deid. " Gif all sic tiling as I haif said so be " Of litill vaill or ^it plesour to the, " For to redres or satisfie thi will, " Richt fre but fraud heir we sail gif the till 32,440 " Alhaill oure landis Hand in the North, " Fra Grampione onto the water of Forth, " As Othelyn and all Orestia, " In heretage euirmoir quhill domisda. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 407 " Quhairtlirow thow ma haif mair honour and 32,445 gloir " Na euir had king in Albione befoir." Quhen he had said at his plesour and will, Lib.io, f.i57b. Sic ansuer than Kenethus maid him till. The Ansuer of Kenethus agane to Druske- nus, in Master following. " Sen gratius [God] that lies all tiling in erd, " At his weil[d]ing to weill or lit wan werd, 32,450 " And lies no reule nor mesure be this will, " Of hes greit grace now grantit lies ws till " £our croun and kinrik into heretage, " Quhilk suld be mine be law of rycht lynage " Of Hungus blude, and n arrest air suld be 32,465 " For to succeid to his auctoritie ; " And ze," he said, " hes done me sic offence, '• The gift of God of his iiie prudence, " Kycht gratiuslie now hes me grantit till, " Wald reif fra me in niagir of my will. 32,460 " Without battell as it is rycht weill knawin, " Of £ow this tyme I can nocht get my awin ; " And sen I haif ane just querrell and caus, " As is allegit into niony lawes, " The man that ma nocht get his awin by 32,465 rycht, " Than lefull is be way of deith or mycht, " Gif he hes power for to tak his awin, " Gude conscience wald that no man wer ouir- thrawin. " Quhairfoir," he said, " rycht weill ^e wait I haue " Ane just querrell at iow my croun to craue ; 32,470 " And sen it is injustlie le deny, " Quhairfoir this tyme ane just querrell haif I " For to move battell to cum to my awin : " And dout le nocht, or I be sa ouirthrawin, 408 THE BUIK OF THE " Rychfc mony thousand on ane day sail de. 32,475 " Traist weill," he said, " that this rycht trew salbe, " Without rycht sone in presence of thame all, " Thy croun, thy sceptour, and thy rob royall, " Rycht frelie ouir agane fra the resigne, " And tha resaue me as thair prince and king, 32,480 " And all the strenthis that ar in lour landis, " To put thame all rycht frelie in my handis. " Quhill this be done traist weill to haif no peice ; " Na lit," he said, "we schaip neuir for to ceis " In all our tyme fra battell, fyre and blude, 32,485 " Quhill that ane boy be levand of ^our blude." Quhen this wes said tha tuke thair leif to pas, And left the mater wa[r] no euir it was ; And parti t lies rycht schortlie on the' plane, And euerilk man teid to his camp agane. 32,490 How Kenethus decretit Battell to the Pechtis or he departit, and callit his counsall thairto, and maid his oresoun TO THAME. Kenethus than ascendit to ane hycht, Befoir thame all rycht planelie in thair sycht, Proclamit hes than with ane voce so cleir, And said to thame as I sail schaw £ow heir. " Decretit is be me and euerilk lord, 32,495 " This samin da, but peice or ^it concord, " For to decyde our querrell and all iycht " Rycht manfullie with our power and micht. " But ony stop now heir into this steid, " Sail endit be the lang stryfe and the feid. 32,500 " Sen it is so, think on the schame and lak, " And skayth befoir that tha gart ws tak, " Quhen gude Alpyn ^om- king wes tane in hand, " And mony nobill as je wnderstand, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 409 " So cruellie tha put tliame all to deid ; 32,505 " Syne for dispyte Alpynus ruy fatheris heid Col. 2. " With ane braid ax for grit scorne of tha straik, " Syne set it vp full lang vpon ane staik, " Aboue the wallis of Camelidone ; " That this be suith le wat rycht weill ilkone. 32,510 " Quhairfoir," he said, " quhill this revengit be, " On sic ane way that euerie man ma se " That we agane lies quyte thame all thair meid, " We will ay be bot lakit with ilk leid. " Syne efter that, richt sone as le w[e]ill knaw, 32,615 " Ane counsall quhair that tha convenit aw, " And swoir ilkane, and thair godis forsuik, " Tha laid thair handis on the Euangell buik, " Within schort quhile that nother man nor wiffe " Of Scottis blude tha suld leve vpoun lyfe. 32,520 " tit traist le weill, and tha mycht cum thair to, " That samin thing suld nocht be lang to do. " And now," he said, " le se weill how it standis, " The victorie is haill into oure handis. " Quha previs weill, greit honour, laud and 32,525 gloir, " And greit reward sail efter haif thairfoir ; " Quha dois nocht, he sail haif lak and schame, " For euir moir gi'eit sclander and defame, " And als of me he sail haue but remeid, " Stryfe and greit sturt perpetuallie, and feid." 32,530 How Kenethus diuydit his Armie in Thee Battellis, and wan the Feild. Quhen this wes said, with his auctoritie Diuydit hes his greit armie in thre ; Ane nobill man to name wes callit Bar, Quhilk into weir that wes bayth wyss and war, 410 THE BUIK OF THE Into that tyme he ' wes nocht for to leir 32,535 Off policie and prattik into weir, As chesin man that tyme of all the laue, In his gyding the vangard than he gaue. To ane Dowgall vpoun the tother syde, The secund wyng he gaif him for to gyde, 32,540 As lie that wes abillest of ony vther. The mid battell to Donald syne his bruthef, To reule and steir, cpuhilk rayit wes at richt. And syne him self with mony worth ie knycht, That waillit war and waponis weill culd weild, 32,545 Behind the lane he come into the feild Richt neirhand by, gif mister so siild be, That he to thame mycht mak help and supple. In euerilk battell that war big and bald, Ane thousand bowmen in the tyme weill tald 32,550 He hes gart place befoir thame quhair tha stand, With big bowis weill bend into thair hand. Syne efter thame the speris grit and lang, That stalwart war to stryke in ony thrang ; Syne last of all the stif axis of steill, 32,555 That wer full big, and als wald byte full weill. The trumpettis all than tha blew with sic a blast, Quhill that the Pechtis gritlie wes agast, And schupe to fle or euir the feild began. This Druskenus amang [thame] fnst he ran, 32,560 With bissie cuir neirhand out of his wit, Exkortand thame, with mony fair promit. Of better confort in that tyme to be, Lib 10, f.158. And nocht sa sone withoutin straik to fle. Col. 1. ^ ne fjj c ]^ f fl an i s f g r it, lenth and breid, 32,565 Quhilk flew als ferce as fyre dois of the gleid, Amang the Pechtis lichtit in the feild, And persit hes richt mony targe and scheild. 1 In MS. hes. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 411 Ane vther syue sone followit on the taill, Als tbik as snaw and scharpe as ony haill. 32,570 Thair stuff of steill that da maid lytill steid, Tha dyntis dour sa mony dang to deid ; Thair speiris syne that war bayth grit and squair, In splenderis sprang aboue thame in the air ; Thair scheildis rawe, and all thair speiris brak 32,575 At that counter, as ony thunder erak. Thair meitting than sic rude rumour and reird, AVes neuir hard befoir into this erd. Into that stour so stalwartlie tha stude, Quhill all the bankis war browdrit ouir with 32,580 blude ; Als thik as dew discendis in the daill, Pechtis that da wer maid to fall and faill. Thair wyffis than that standand war neirby, With mony schout and mony ca[i]rfull cry, Ryvand thair hair, restlis without remeid, 32,585 Befoir thair ene to se thair husbandi.s deid, And sonnis als of thair bosumis tha bair, With deidlie woundis bleidand war full Bair. Thair wes no Pecht gat outher girth or grace, So cruell wes the Scottis in that caice. 32,590 The Pechtis than in the vangard that faucht, Heir and thair be hundrethis sevin or aucht, Out of the feild tha fled richt fast and far. The Scottis captane, quhilk wes callit Bar, In gude array he followit on the chace, 32,595 Quhome he ouir tuik gart nother girth na grace. Bansoun that da of thame tha wald tak nane, Bot slew ay doun quhair euir tha war ouirtane. This Kenethus qulien he saw tha war fled, Ane greit battel! with him that tyme he lied, 32 600 Of mony wicht man waponis weili culd weild, Onfouchtin that da [^itj in ony feild, That he ordanit, gif sic mister suld be, In tyme of neid to mak help and supple. 412 THE BUIK OF THE This battell that tyme [than] behind the 32,60s Pechtis, Into the feild quhair that his bruther fechtis, He enterit thame, baith on fit and hors, Behind thair bak with mekle strenth and force, With sic ane schout quhill all the schawis schuik ; Quhairof the Pechtis all grit terrour tuik, 32,610 And kest fra thame bayth cot armour and scheild, And harnes als, syne fled out of the feild To sindrie pairtis, in mony sindrie rout, To sindrie strenthis that war neir about. The watter of Tay that tyme behind thair bak, 32,615 Hes stoppit thame thair passage ouir to mak ; [And] for that caus, richt soir aganis than- will, On force behuifit on that syde byde still. Kenethus than, knawand that it wes so, In gude array maid efter thame till go 32,620 The freschest men onfowllit wer in feild, Waldin and wicht that waponis Weill culd weild ; Syne efter thame to follow on the chace, Se that tha gawe thame nother girth no grace, Bot stalwartlie in sic extremis stryve, 32,625 Quhill one of thame be levand vpone lyfe. Into the feild him self thair did remane With greit power quhill that tha come agane, Becauss it wes that tyme so neir the nycht. Col. 2. The laue with that wes passit out of sycht, 32,630 In gude array to follow on the chace, Quhill at the last tha come into ane place, And fand Druskenus on the water syde, Quhair he on force behuvit for to byde ; And mony barroun with hint that he lied, 32,635 Out of the feild ' that saniin da that fled, And mony knychtis that sulci keip his cors, Weill bodin war than bayth on fit and lwrs. 1 In MS. fled. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 413 HOW THE SCOTTIS FOLLOWIT ON THE CHACE, QUHILL AT THE LAST DRUSKENUS WAS SLANE, AND THAIREFTER DISTRIBUT ALL THE PeCHTIS LANDIS TO THE SCOTTIS, AND CHANGIT THAME FRA THE ALD NAME EFTER THE NAME OF EUERIE NOBILL SCOTTISMAN AT THAT T\'ME. And thair tlia straik ane new battell agane, Quliill at the last this Druskenus wes slane, 32,6-to And all the laif that war with him in feild, That tyme thair chapit nother man nor cheild. As sum man sais, in sevin placis or auclrt, That da the Pechtis and the Scottis faucht, And neuir ane feild that da the Pechtis wan, 32,645 Bot tynt thame all and slane wer euerie man, Eot gif it wes richt few amang thame aw, Out of the feild richt quyetlie that staw. Syne on the morne tha came ilkone agane To Kenethus, and schew how tha had slane 32,650 D rusk en than - king, and als with thame tha brocht His cot armour that worthelie wes wrocht ; With baner braid that browdin wes richt weill, And all his armour of richt nobill steill ; The quhilk efter within ane litill quhile, 32,655 The king gart offer into Iona Yle, Into the tempill of Ecolumkill, Into ane takin to remane thair still, Of the triumph and victorie tha wan. Syne equallie baith to lad and man, 32,660 As he wes worthie in the tyme to haif, Ane quantitie of that spuke he gaif ; And braissit hes ilk captane in his arrne Richt tenderlie with wordis that war warme, And maid ane hecht, hald it gif that he mocht, 32,665 That tyme thair travell sould nocht be for nocht. 4H THE BUIK OF THE Quhen this wes done he said syne to thame aw, " My freindis deir, rycht weill te ken and knaw " Oure interpryiss wnendit is and done ; " Quhairfoir," he said, "my counsall is rycht 32,670 sone, " With diligence dalie to do oure det, " Sen weill we wait na ganestanding to get : " And for expensis also to spair nocht, " Quhill that oure purpois to [ana] end be brocht. " Greit danger is oucht langar to defar, 32,673 " Sone efter this, or dreid that it be war. " The proude Pechtis that ar so fals and sle, " Se tha thair tyme quhen tha ma maister be ; " Quhen that thair strenthLs growin ar agane, " And thinkis on how thair fatheris wes slane ; 32,68u " Traist weill," he said, " and tha ma se ws sua, " Thair is no gold that oure ransoun will pa. Lib. io,f. 158b. « Thairfoir," he said, " wald ^e now leif but stryfe, " My counsall is leve neuir ane on lyfe : " Than ar le sicker, quhen thai ar all deid, 32,685 " Baith of the father and of the sonnis feid." Quhen this wes said, that tyme bayth gude and ill Hes suorne ilkone his counsall to fulfill. Sone efter syne, without ony ganestand, Ouir all the partis of the Pechtis land, 32.69o In euirilk steid than bayth of ill and gude, With sic distructioun of the Pechtis blude, Except tua thousand, my author did sa, That tyme in Ingland that wer fled awa, Wes not ane Pecht left into Albione, 32,695 Levand on lyfe out of Caruelidone. Quhen this wes done than all the weir did ceis ; This Kenethus, to mak gude rest and peice, Distributt hes to euery man and lord, Rycht equallie without 02iy discord, . 32,70u The Pechtis landis as he wes of vaill. All Othelyn he gaif ane to his daill, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 415 Quhilk wes ane freik of greit honour and fame, Fyfie Duft'e that tyme wes callit to his name ; Quhilk efter him, as my author did sa, 32,705 This Othelyn is callit Eyfe this da. Orestia siclike amang the laue, To tua brether for thair rewardis gaif ; Ane Angustius, quhilk wes ane man expert, And efter him he namit hes his part, 32,710 The quhilk to name gart callit Angustia, That samin name lit callit is this da. The secund hecht Merninus to his name, Ane freik he wes rycht famous of gude fame, Siclike his part, as my author did sa, 32,715 Efter his name wes callit Merina. The nobill cliiftane that wes callit Bar, The best weirman amang thame all be far He wes that tyme, as my author did sa ; Thairfoir the landis by the Merchis that la 32,720 He gaif to him, and thairof maid him lord. Also that tyme, as I hard mak record, Ane fair castell staiidand on the se skar, Is callit now the castell of Dumbar Efter his name, than to reward gat he, 32,725 With mony landis neir la by the se. Rycht lang efter his successioun, Ay Uneallie fra him discendand doun, Of greit honour come mony erle and lord, Rycht nobill war quha wald the rycht record, 32.730 Lang efter him discendand doun rycht far, The quhilk surname is callit tit Dumbar. To euery man siclike ane part he gaif, Into the tyme as he wes worth to haif. Syne changit hes the name of euirilk toun, 32,735 Of euirilk land and euirilk regioun ; And principallie the maist part of thame all, Efter ane water to the name gart call, 41 G THE EUIK OF THE Till 1 all the daillis liand in the South, Fra the West se rycht on to Tueidis mouth, 32,740 As Cliddisdaill efter the water of Clyde, And Nethisdall, quhilk is bayth lang and wyde, Now efter Nyth, and Tevedaill also Fra Teveot, quhilk throw the land dois go. Siclike the laue, quha lykis for to speir, 32,745 That I lyke nocht now at this tyme tell heir. All this wes done, as I richt wnderstand, To change the name of euerie toun and land, Col. 2. To put the Pechtis haill out of memorie, Thair land, thair leid, thair deidis and thair 32.750 storie. And so it wes, within ane little we, Wes neuir ane of thair geneloarie, Zovmg or auld, as that my author sais, In Albione wes left within few dais. How TnE King of Scottis seigit sone efter the Toun of Camelidone. Quhen this wes done, within few dais anone, 32,755 He laid ane seige vnto Camelidone. The quene [of Pechtis] into that toun than la, And mony ladie with hir thair that da, Of quhome the lordis slane wer les and moir, As te haif hard into the feild befoir. 32,760 Into that toun wes mony wyfe and cheild, And all the men levand efter the feild ; With mony clerk and preist than of renoun, And mony wemen of religioun, And mony burges that war clad in steill, 32,765 The toun that tyme that furneist had full weill, > In MS. Quhilk CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 417 And forcit had the fowseis and the wall, At euerie part, and eik the portis all ; With wyne at welth, and victuall at grit fouth. The nobill toun that stnde on Carroun mouth, 32,770 Of polieie and plesour in tha dais Had no compeir, as that my author says, In Albione of riches and renoun, Into that tyme exceptand Limdoun toun. How King Keneth come to Camelidone and send to the toun ane messinger, and of thair ansuer agane, and thairefter maid thairto ane grit assault ; and off trewis takin be the toun, and syne of thair fals tressoun ; and how the King maid his Vow and wan the Toun of Camelidone rycht valiantlie, AND PUT ALL THE PeCHTIS TO DEID BEING thair into ; and how the quene of pechtis staw away and fled in ing- land out of the toun on the nycht ; and distroyit and kest doun the wallis of Camelidone for euir and maid End of IT. This Kenethus quhen he come to that place 32,775 Quhair this toun stude, within ane little space, Vpoun ane plane that ' la rycht neir Carroun, His tentis all thair lies he stentit doun, Quhair tha micht be refreschit with the flucle. And quhen all thing wes put in ordour gude, 32,780 Ane messinger on to the toun he send, To spy and speir quhat purpois tha pretend. Giff that tha wald rander the toun him till, And cum ilkone and put thame in his will ; 1 In MS. he. VOL. II. D D Col. 1. 418 THE BUIK OF THE Gif tha wald noclit he vowit tha sould haif 32,785 Siclike reward as lie gaif all the laif. All in ane voce, with ane consent and will, Into that tyme sic ansuer maid thairtill : " Traist weill," tha said, " quhill we haif strenth or [micht] " Vpoun oure bodie to weir armour bricht, 32,790 " Or ouir the walhs for to cast ane stone, " Amang ws all quhill levand is sic one, " Or ^it lies strenth to beir in hand ane stoure, LiM0,£l59. « Traist weill," tha said, "it beis neuir gevin ouir, " For ony chance that efter may befall. 32,795 " Far better is we think within this wall " In oure defence with grit honor to de, " No in his power levand for to be, " Sa mony saikles of our blude lies slane ; " Quhairfoir in him we dar neuir traist agane, 32,800 " No neuir sail in so cruell ane king ; " As plesis God lat him gyde all that thing." Quhen this ansuer wes to Kenethus schawin, And all thair willis he had hard and knawin, With bowis big, quhairof thair wes no fait, 32,805 All vther thing belanging to ane salt, Into the tyme that he mycht gudlie get, Onto the toun richt sone ane seig he set ; And mony flane lute tie attouir the wall. And tha within leit stanis fast doun fall ; 32,810 With mony slung, quhairwith tha war full sle, Like fyre fra flynt tha gart the stonis tie. And tha without vpoun the tother syde, Into the tyme leit mony gan^e glyde, With felloun force attouir the wall that flew, 32,815 As it wes said, richt mony ane tha slew. And thus tha wrocht thir weir men that war wycht, Quhill da wes gone and cuming wes the nycht ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 419 Syne on the morne, and mony dais mo, Continuellie ane lang quliile lies wrocbt so, 32,820 Quhill tha without fillit the fowseis all, At thair plesour mycht cum on to the wall, And sowis maid the wall to wndermynd. And instrumentis of mony diuerss kynd. Than tha within quhen that tha saw and knew, 32,825 So scharplie than the Scottis thame persew, Tha tuik trewis, as my author did sa, To be aduisit on to the thrid da, Into the tyme gif that tha wald or nocht Gif ouir the toun or gritter skayth wer wrocht. 32,830 This Kenethus than glaidhe with gude will, All thair desyr glaidhe lies grantit till ; Syne gaif command on to the Scottis all, For till abstene fra seiging of the wall. At his command, as ressoun war and richt, 32,835 Tha left the seig and tuke thame rest that nycht. The citineris that war within the toun, Subtill and slie and full of fals tressoun, Rycht quietlie that nycht tha tuke gude keip, Quhill that the Scottis war rycht sound on 32,840 sleip, Into that tyme belevand of na ill. And quhen tha saw tha wer sua clois and still, Furth at ane port wes on the water syde, Rycht quyetlie tha ischit in the tyde Ane greit power buskit in armour brycht ; 32,845 Syne secreitlie, wnder scilence of nycht, Onto the camp quhair that the Scottis la, Tha passit all rycht lang befoir the da. The wachmen, or euir tha wist, ilkone War other slane or ellis in handis tone ; 32,850 Syne with ane schout tha set on and ane cry, Amang the tentis quhair the laif did ly. D D 2 420 THE BUIK OF THE Or eulr tha culd arrayit be at rycht, So mirk it wes withoutin ony liclit, Riclit mony Scot, as my author did sa, 32,835 Wes slane that nycht in thair camp quhair tha la. And as the da begouth for to schaw licht, That euerie on of vther mycht get sicht, The Pechtis than with all the speid tha hed, Onto the toun rycht haistelie thame sped ; 32,860 And or tha mycht ressauit be agane Within the toun, rycht mony ane wes slane Col. 2. Befoir the port and put to confusioun ; And in the tyme also had tynt the toun, War nocht the men stude on the turetis hie, 32,8G5 Maid sic defence with scharp schuting and sle, With mony ganie that wes grit and lang, And stonis greit doun of the wall tha slang. At sick defence tha stude vpoun the wall, Quhill closit war thair portis ane and all. 32,870 Kenethus than gart number all the men War slane that niclit, the compt of thame to ken, Syne tald and fand he had sax hundreth slane, Befoir his ene la deid vpone that plane ; And for that caus maid ane solemnit vow, 32,875 And euir he war to traist in or to trow, Neuir for to leif the seig of that toun, Quhill it war wyn, distroyit, and put doun ; And all within that tyme, bayth man and wyffe, Quhill ane of thame wer levand vpoun lyffe. 32,880 The fals tressoun to him that tha had wrocht, To thame, he said, it suld be rycht deir bocht. Sex hundreth men syne efter on ane nycht, Waillit thairfoir, that war bayth bald and wycht, Into ane schaw that wes the toun besyde, 32,885 Rycht quietly thir men he hes gart hyde, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 421 With ledderis redely that war grit and lang, Attouir the wallis for to clym and gang ; And all that nycht thair still he gart thame byde. Syne on the morne, vpoun the tother syde, 32,890 Gart set ane seig of mony worthie wycht, Quhilk saikeit thame rycht scharplie all that nycht. Syne on the morne ane lytill befoir da, Thir sax hundreth into the wod that la Wes neir the toun, rycht quietlie tha staw 32,895 With lang ledderis rycht sone attouir the waw ; For tha within that tyme had no beleif, That ony man than suld presume to preif, Be ony craft, ingyne, or subtill art, To seige the toun or sake in that part : 32,900 And for that caus the far les cuir tha tuik To keip that part stude on sa stark ane nuik. Sum men that tyme tha[t] passit ouir the waw, Rycht quyetlie on to ane port tha staw, Wes closit fast, and no man neir hand by ; 32,905 The lawe thairout wes reddie within cry, And tha that tyme that knew rycht weill the gyn, Opnit the port and lute the laue cum in. The citineris that faucht vpoun the wall, Richt suddantlie discendit ane and all, 32,910 At sindrie partis quhair tha passit doun, For to defend the streittis of the toun, And gatherit all togidder on the gait, In that beleif thairfoir to mak debait. Bot all for nocht, thair power wes so small ; 32,915 With litill force tha war confoundit all, Syne in the toun war skaillit sone full wyde. Bayth king and lord commandit in the tyde, To keip the vow that he had made befoir, But reuth or mercie other to les or moir 32,920 Of Pechtis blude, quhair euir tha war ouir tane, Within that toun to sla thame all ilkane. 422 THE BUIK OF THE The Scottis, quhilk remordit of the trane Tha maid befoir quhair thair fatheris wer slane, Within thair hart it kendlit sick desyre, 32,925 Wod as ane wolf, and het as ony fyre, Ouir all the streittis of the toun tha ran, Preist or clerk, or iit religious man, Lib.io,f.i59b. And mony wedow that war wo begone, Col. 1. "With thair brandis tha britynnit thame ilkone. 32,930 The ioung ladeis that plesand war and fair, Wringand thair handis and ryvand doun thair hair, To heir and se grit pitie wes and harme, Thair naikit babeis beirand in thair arme ; With brandis bricht that bait thame to the 32,935 bane, In pecis small tha hewit thame ilkane. Religious men and prelatis of renoun, Bayth preist and clerk that Avar within that toun, Monk or freir, or ony of the laue, Gat no moir girth nor did the leist ane knave. 32,940 Into the streit tha la stickit like swyne. Heir and thair be hundretis aucht or nyne : Als copius thair blude ran in the streit, As ony burne efter ane schour of weit. Ane rycht lang quhile in sic wodnes tha fair, 32,945 And tuik on thame grit bissines and cuir, Quhill all the Pechtis in Camelidone War put to deid that samin da ilkone : War neuir ane left thair levand in that steid, To greit ane teir for all the laiffis deid. 32,950 The quene of Pechtis schort quhile befoir that da The seige begouth, scho passit furth her wa Out of the toun rycht quyetlie ane nycht, For dreid of her that men sould get ane sycht, To ane castell biggit with stane and lyme, 32,955 The Madyn Castell callit wes that tyme, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 423 Vpoun ane craig stude in Loudonia, Quliilk Edinburth is callit at this da. And quhen scho hard the maner all and how Camelidone, as I haif said to £ow, 32,960 Wes wyn be force, and all war put to deid, For to be fre out of the Scottis feid, Tha left the hous richt quyetlie ilkone, In Ingland syne togidder all ar gone. Quhen this wes done as I haif said jow now, 32,965 Kenethus than, for to compleit his vow, The wallis ilk one of Camelidone On to the erd gart cast thame doun ilkone, Out of that place or he wald farder pas. The biggingis all he lies gart burne in ass, 32,970 The tempilhs als, quhilk war of poleist stone, In pulver small gart birne thame euerie one ; Leit nocht remane pertening to that toun, Vnbrint in ass or ellis cassin doun. This royall toun sa mony ^eiris befoir, 32,975 Quhilk had sick riches, honour and grit gloir, Fra the begynnyng lang and mony £eir, Distroyit wes as I haif said £ow heir, And tynt the name, the honor and the tryne, Quhilk neuir wes biggit lit agane sensyne. 32,980 Ane ellevin hundreth teir, als fiftie and one, Fra the Pechtis come first in Albione, And of our Lord quhilk wes aucht hundreth ^eir, Threttie and nyne, as I haif raknit heir, Distroyit wes this nobill foirsaid toun, 32,985 And Pechtis tynt bayth thair kinrik and croun : With sick distructioun of the nobill blude, Of riche and pair, and als of ill and glide, Syne efterwart, as I fynd in my storie, Tha war fortet full quyte out of memorie, 32,990 With euerie man that tyme als clair and clene, Into tbis warld as tha had neuir bene. 424 THE BUIK OF THE How the Bischopis Stalf tuke Neidfyke and brint all in his hand ; of greit battellls that apperit in the alr ; of Lawis and Statutis, Peax and Policie ; and of kenethus departing out of this Lyfe. Col, 2. j n Albioun, befoir that samyn ^eir That all wes done as [I] haif said pw heir, Vpone Zvile da into Carnelidone, 32,995 Quhair king Druskene with Ms lordis ilkone Into the tempill present at the mes, Soleinpnitlie quhen it sacreit than wes With ane bischop in his pontifical!, That tyine his stalf, in presens of tharne all, 33,000 It tuik neidfyre richt thair into his hand, Singand the mes that tynie quhair he did stand, And wald nocht stanche at that tyme for thame all, Quhill it wes brint all into poidder small. Siclyke wes sene, as my author did sa, 33,005 Ouir all Pechtland about none of the da, Quhen that the sone wes schynand fair and brycht, Into the air richt mony armit knycht, Strykand ane feild as did to thame appeir, With greit noyis that hiddeous wes till heir, 33,010 Quhair mony ane tha thocht to deid war dicht ; Syne suddanelie all vaneist out of sicht. Quhat this takynnit I will nocht tell jow heir, Gif ^e wald wit, pas on ^our self and speir : In sic mater I lyke nocht to remane, 33,015 Bot to my storie turne I will agane. All beand wyn as I haif said %ow heir, Still efter that, richt lang and mony ^eir, This Kenethus, of quhome befoir I spak, With plesour, peax and policie gart mak, 33,020 CRONICXIS OF SCOTLAND. 425 And was the first, that dar I hardlie sa, In Albione that had monarchia Of tua kinrikis, as my author did sa, Quhilk tit sichke ar keipit in this da. That samin tyme, quha lykis for to luke, 33,025 Gude lawis maid, syne wrait thame in ane [buik], Quhilk vsit ar lit in thir samin dais. Sone efter syne, as that my author sais, The bischopis sait be his auctoritie, Fra Abirnethie translatit hes he, 33,030 The quhilk befoir that wes ane royall toun With weir that tyme distroyit and put doun, To Sanct Androis that standis on the se, Metropolus of all Scotland to be. And biggit hes the kirk that tyme far moir, 33,035 And far farar nor euir it wes befoir. Rycht riche fundatioun bayth of kirk and land, And vestimentis of mony sindrie stand, With chalice[s] of gold and siluer bricht, Bayth kirk and queir arrayit hes at rycht, 33,040 With tapestrie of mony sindrie hew ; Bayth butt and ben wer all reformit new. Ane better king, the suith of him quha sais, In all Europ wes nocht into his dais ; In peax and weir, and in vrbanitie, 33,015 In godlines and in humanitie, In fame, in wisdome, and in fortitude, In manheid, gentres, and in gratitude, In lautie als and in liberalitie, In gentres, meiknes, and humanitie, 33,050 All other king he did exceid alss far, As bricht Phebus the bemis of the star. The tuentie teir syne efter of his ring, Departit hes this gude Kenethus king, With mad murning of enerie man and wyfe, 33,065 Baith riche and puir, that levand wer on lyfe. 426 THE BUIK OF THE Lib.io ,f.i60. Ouir all Scotland for him tha maid grit mone, To Iona Yle syne till his graif hes ' gone. How Donaldus, King Kenethus Brother, efter his deceis wes crownit klng of Scottis, and of his vitius Lyfe. Ane litill quhile efter his departing, Donald his bruther crownit than wes kiDg ; 33,ooo Of kin and blude suppois tha war so nar, Of conditioun tha differit than richt far. This ilk Donald, in all his tynie wes he Infectit far with foull faminitie, Sleipand in sleuth, as ony sow als sueir, 33,065 His plesour wes of hurdome ay to heir; Vnsaturabill als of gulositie, In meit and drink, and sleip also wes he Ininensurabill and out of temperance. I can nocht tell low all the circumstance 33,070 Of his vices ; thocht I sould walk a ^eir, Ouir litill war for to rehers thame heir. Quhairof displesit wes the men of gude, And erast tha [wes] of the eldest blude, Dreidand foil soir the vices of thair king. 33,07s Als[o] with him ane counsall had so ^ing, Quhilk had no knawledge mair no had ane kow, Bot eit and drink, and fill the bellie fow, Sould efterwart, quhen it wes war to mend, Bring all thair werkis to ane wickit end. 33,oso And so it wes within les no four ^eir ; And how it hapnit tak tent and je sail heir. ' In MS. his, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 127 How the Rest of the Pechtis that war fled in ingland destrit help of os- bret, King of Ingland, to reskew thair Landis agane ; QUHA come with ane greit Armie and Power of Britis and Saxonis aganis the scottis, and the scottis sic- lyke aganis thame with greit power. As te haif hard, the Pechtis les and raoir Distroyit war with Kenethus befoir, Except waill few that fled war in Ingland, 33,085 Into this tyme amang thame wer duelland, Quhen that tha knew and hard tell of that tiling, So far misgydit wes the Scottis king, And rnony lord als weill that tyme as he Infectit wes with his infirmitie, 33,000 And of thair king tha stude so litill aw, The land also without justice or law, Tha thocht that tyme wes than rycht oportune For to compleit the thing tha wald haif clone. Till Osbretus, of Ingland king tha dais, 33,095 Tha passit all with ane consent and sais, Gif it war plesure to his majestie, To thame that tyme to [mak] help and supple, Thair kinrik haill agane for to reskew, Scottis fra thame reft laitlie of the new, 33,100 And had thair king and all thair lordis slane. Wald he, tha said, of his gude grace agane, Expell the Scottis out of ilk regioun, And in thair saittis set thame all fre doun, Ilk ?eir of thame, quhilk sould nocht be to 33,105 crave, Ane greit tribut in heretage sould haue ; And tha sould bald him for thair lord and kin2\ At his command obey him in all thing. 428 THE BUIK OF THE This ilk Osbret thairof wes weill content, And suddantlie thairto gaif his consent ; 33,no With Ilia than of West Saxone wes king, And Britis als for that same caus and thing, Col. 2. At thair counsall he wrocht that tyme alhaill, And causit [thame] thairof to tak thair daill. Syne efterwart, with grit power and micht 33,115 Of Brit and Saxone into armour bricht, Ane large ost quhilk wes of lenth and breid, Rycht sone that tyme tha passit all ouir Tueid, Within the land that samin tyme that la, Quhilk callit is now Traidaill this da, 33,120 This Osbret syne ane seruand send in hy To king Donald, and bad him suddanely For to remoif out of the Pechtis landis, And all the strenthis also in his handis For to resigne in his handis agane ; 33,125 And wald he nocht, he leit him wit in plane, That he sould sone, and all that multitude, Invaid his landis bayth with fyre and blude. Quhairof this Donald than sic terrour tuke. That he durst nother scantlie speik nor luke ; 33,130 And in the tyme for nothing did provyde, Seikand ane hoill quhair that he mycht him hyde ; Quhill that the lordis causit him on force To tak the feild than bayth on fit and hors, With all the power in the tyme tha bed, 33,135 Or doutles than this ilk Donald had fled. That samyn tyme thair semblit in his sycht, Bernis full bald all into armour brycht, With grit power that come furth of the North, And passit syne all ouir the water of Forth, 33,140 Withoutin tarie other nycht or da, Quhill that tha come quhair that Osbretus la Vpoun ane plane wes neirby Jedburth toun. Tha lichtit thair and set thair carrage doun, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 429 And la thair still to rest thame thair that 33,143 nycht ; Syne on the morne be that the da wes lycht, The Scottis all, that waponis docht to weild, Arrayit thame and gaif this Osbret feild. How the Scottis gaif Osbret Feild, quha fled and tynt the feild ; and how the Scottis partit the Spul^e and wan the schippis ; and of sdrfat drinking and volupteous leving ; and how osbret slew the Scottis in thair Tentis cruellie, and tuke King Donald naikit with mony lordis and led thame awa, and weildit at Will all Landis till Forth ; AND OF THE WOFULL LtFE OF THE SCOTTIS, and how tha send ane oratour to klng Osbret for Peax, and of King Osbretis Ansuer agane. The Scottis than, the quhilk war nocht to leir Of all prattik and policie in weir; 33,150 Expert tha war thair bayth of les and moir, With Kenethus tha had sic vse befoir ; At the first counter in the feild tha maid, Burdonis all brak, and niony scheildis braid With swordis scharpe war schorne all in 33,165 sehunder, And mony breist maid bludie that wes wnder ; And mony knyckt wes killit throw the corss, La deid that da walterand wnder his horss, And mony grume la gruiflingis on the grund, But ony bute, with mony bludie wound. 33,160 The Scottis war so crwell in that tyde, This Osbretus doucht na langar to byde ; 430 THE BUIK OF THE With all the speid in[to] the tyme he lied, Lib.io,f.i60t>. Onto ane hill out of the feild he fled. Syne all his men sone efter at the last, 33,105 Out of the feild tha followit him rycht fast, Vp and doun in mony sindrie place. The Scottis than fast followit on the chace, And in the chace thair wes alss mony slane, As in the feild quhair tha faucht on the plane. 33,170 Syne on the morne, to euerie man and cheild, Distribute lies the spul^e of the feild; Thair passage maid syne all to Tuedis mouth, Quhair mony schip war cumand fra the South, And in ane hevin arryvit be the se, 33,175 With wyne and victuall in greit quantitie ; With gold and riches, and all vther geir That neidfull war to haif in tyme of weir. The Scottis men with lytill prattik than, Or euir tha wist, tha schippis all tha wan. 33,180 That samyn tyme gart lois thame all ilkone, Bayth wyne and victuallis out of thame lies tone, And all the gold and all the siluer bricht ; Ane equall part syne gaif to euerie wicht. Syne euery da tha drank of that same wyne, 33,185 With sic exces als drunkin as ane swyne ; Ilk da by da in sic gulositie, That horribill wes other to heir or se ; In dansing, drinking, putting all thair cuir, In cumpany with mony commoun huir, 33,190 Ilk nycht with thame amang thair palieonis la, But dreid or schame quhill on the morne wes da ; And specially this ilk Donald the king Of all the lave wes foullest of sic thing ; As brutell beistis takand appetyte, 33,195 In venerie putting thair haill delyte, Withoutin schame or dreid of God betuerie. Within schort quhile sone efter so wes sene, CRONICT.IS OF SCOTLAND. 431 This king Osbret, quhilk hard of all this thing, Of the misgycling of Donald the king 33,200 And his ^oung lordis that tyme quhair tha la, With new power sone efter on ane da, In all the haist that he mycht hidder wend, To ony Scot or that sic thingis war kend ; Quhilk in the tyme tuke lytill tent thairtill, 33,205 Lyke brutell beistis takand ay thair will, Out of beleif of ony battell moir, Tha war- so proud of victorie befoir ; Vpoun ane nycht quhen tha war all rycht fow Of michtie wyne, and sleiping lyke ane sow, 33,210 And gone to bed and falling sound on sleip ; The watchmen that ordand war to keip The ost that nycht, that it sould tak na skayth, Tha war so drunkin and so sleipry bayth, To walk that tyme no power had no mycht, 33,215 Bot tuke thair bed and sleipit all that nycht ; Amang thame all wes nother watche nor spy. This king Osbret, rycht lang befoir the sky Vpone the morne or he culd ken the da, Amang the palieonis sleipand quhair tha la, 33,220 He enterit in rycht stoutlie in that steid, And all the tentis stude aboue thair heid, Cuttit the cordis into pecis small, And leit the tentis doun vpoun thame fall. With brandis bricht quhilk war of mettell fyne, 33,225 Quhair that tha la drunkin as ony swyne, Out of thair bed had no power to steir, Tha bar[t]nit thame lyke ony bludie deir. Quha had bene thair that tyme for [till] haue sene Sa mony berne la granand on the grene, 33,230 Bulrand in blude, makand ane hiddeons beir, Ouir all the oist that petie wes till heir. The bludie bouchouris quhilk that war so bald, " That tyme tha sparit nother ^oimg no aid ; 432 THE BUIK OF THE Quhill tha had power for to stryke or stand, 33,235 Tha bar [t] nit thame with mony awfull brand, Into thair bed than naikit quhair tha la. Of this mischance quhat suld I to low sa? I trow of Troy quhen takin wes the toun, And all the Trojanis put to confusioun, 33,210 So foull slauchter with sic crudelitie, So horribill als without huraanitie, Wes nocht committit, I dar suithlie sa, In Troy that tyme as wes fonder that da. Nakit and bair, without ony clais, 33,215 Out of thair [bed] tha slew thame as tha rais. Sum heid, sum hals, had hakkit all in sunder, Sum breist, sum bellie, and bowellis brak out [vnder] ; Sum gat ane bat that breissit all thair bonis, Quhill all thair bowellis bri[s]t out atonis ; 33,250 Sum with ane cuhnische clevin to the belt, Quhill livar and lungis, modereid and melt, Boldin and brist, and bruschit on the grene; Sum out-throw the spald and sum out-throw the splene ; And sum the arme had fra the schulder sched, 33,255 And vther sum la bludie all forbled, And sum on groufe la granand on the grene ; So sorrowful sycht befoir wes neuir sene. For tuentie thousand, or the da wes licht, Without defence tha ruurdreist that same nycht. 33,200 The king Donald thair sleipand quhair he la, In handis tane, syne nakit led awa ; And mony ioung lord in that samin tyme, Out of thair bed tane sleipand lyke ane swyne. Rycht few or nane chaipit thair than that da, 33,265 Bot he throw speid that passit saif awa. This beand done as £e haif hard this tyde, This king Osbret the spul^e gart diuyde CUONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 433 Rycht equallie to euerie man wes thair, Efter his stait to all man les and mair. 33,270 Syne passit fordwart to Loudonia, Siclike the Britis on to Gallowa, But ony stop that tyme or lit ganestand. At thair plesour possessit all that land. Tha boucheouris bald sa hrodin wer of blude, 33.275 foxing or aid, schortlie to conclude, Preist or clerk gat nother girth nor grace ; Quhome tha oiiirtuik in ony toun or place, Seik nor sail - that tyme gat no remeid, Like doggis all tha dang thame to the deid. 33,280 This king- Osbret than weildit at his will All on to Forth, wes 1 no ganestand thairtill. At his plesour at grit lasar and lenth, Baith toun and tour, with ilk castell and strenfth], Siclyke the Britis, on the samin syde, 33,285 Hes conqueist all on to the water of Clyde, But ony stop that tyme or ?it ganestand, And tane the strenthis all in thair awin hand. The Scottis than that levand war on lyfe, Tha[t] chaipit had out of that stour and stryfe, 33.290 Efter lang murning and rycht havie mane, Bayth man and wyfe hes maid sa lang ilkane. Into all partis ouir all bayth far and neir, That I list nocht now for to tell jow heir. For and I wald, thairof I wait rycht weill, 33.295 Suppois that thi hart wer hard as ony steill, That it wald brek and all [in] pecis clewe, Lib.io,f.i6i. For to heir tell thair nmrning and mischewe. '" Sen that the pane the plesour dois exceid, Now at this tyme other to heir or reid, 33,300 Of sic talking no moir now I will tell ; Tak tent and heir quhat efter syne befell. 1 In MS. I,cs. VOL. II. E E 434 THE BUIK OF THE Quhen that tha hard how Osbret in the North, With all his power thocht to pas ouir Forth, In that intent syne efterwart in Fyffe, 33,305 For to distroy bayth man, barne and wyfe, In Loutheane siclike as he had done ; The Scottis than heirand thairof rycht sone, Than euery man that mycht ane burdoun bair, And euerilk lad also bayth les and mair, 33.310 And euerilk one ane wapin docht to weild, On lit and hors tha come all to the feild, In that intent all on ane da to die, Out of that dreid or to deliuerit be. Than king Osbret, quhen he hard it wes so, 33,316 Deliuerit hes no farder for till go, Of thair gaddering sic aw he stude and dreid ; Far mair that tyme I trow than he had neid ; Traistand thair power wes of so greit vaill. Syne quhen he knew the veritie alhaill, 33,320 It wes nocht so, as ane tratour him tald, Than in his breist he grew moir hie and bald. Ten thousand men in schipping to the North, He fumeist hes attouir the water of Forth ; Throw auenture that tyme in wynd and wall, 33,325 On the South coist thair war tha pereist all ; Fywe thousand men war suckin be the sand, With grit vneis the lawe come to the land, Bursin and boldin ilkane lyke ane taid, Throw grit travell in wynd and wall tha maid. 33,330 Of wickitnes and grit crudelitie God quit thame than of his auctoritie, Withoutin straik other of swerd or knyfe, That da sa mony loisit hes the lyfe. Quhen Osbret knew how all the maner wes, 33,335 To Striuiling brig tuke purpois for to pas, Agane the streme no moir than wald he stryve. To Striuiling brig syne passit hes belyve. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 435 In that same place, as that my author wrytis, Convenit hes togidder with the Brytis, 33,340 And euerilk one syne schew till vther sone, Into thair travell how that tha had done, And syne tuke purpois to pas to the North, With moit battell attouir the water of Forth. Syne as tha war neir reddy for to wend. 33,845 That samin tyme ane oratour wes send Fra the Scottis, with credence for to trow, Quhilk said to him as I sail sa to ?ow. ' O king Osbret, ar thow nocht 2it content " Of sic honour as God hes to the sent, 33,350 " As plesis him, and nothing throw thi nrycht, " No iit thi strenth, thi power or thi richt? " Bot most of all for our misgouerance, " Quhilk plesit him to send to ws sic chance, " As wes decretit be him self in hevin ; 33,355 " For we no way culd hald the ballance evin. ,; Thairfoir greit God to our damnage and skaytli. " To puneis ws and for to preve tow bayth, " Nocht for ^our gude, bot erar for grit ill, " Sic victorie this tyme hes send ^ow till. 33,360 " Befoir," he said, " sum tyme we war als hie " Vpoun the quheill siclike as now ar te, " And hiear als ascending to sic hicht ; '• Becaus that we considderit' nocht the rycht, ,; Quhen we war grittest of auctoritie, 33,335 " Misknawand God that set ws up so hie, " Or euir we wist, he maid ws law to lycht '• To grit mischeif rycht far doun fra the hycht. Co!. 2. " Quhen men ar weill that tyme is to be war, " And lippin nocht in fals Fortoun ouir far; 33,370 " Be sic exempill as my self hes sene, " Quha dois nocht, it ' sail him turne to tene. 1 In MS. u it. E E 2 436 THE P.l'IK OF THE " Thairfoir," he said, " ccmsidder Low it standis, " Sen God lies put sic honour in tour handis, " And victorie at ' his plesour and will, 3:!. 375 " Nocht for na thank that le haif done hym till, " Or worthie ar of him to haif sic thing, " Bot principalie for to puneische our king, " And his lieges siclike all for his saik. " Traist weill," he said, "sen God can do the 33,380 maik " Onto tour self and he find caus thairto. " As weill I traist sone efter he sail do " And [;e] proceid to put ^our self in perrell, " Incontrar ws in quhome ?e haif no cpierrell ; " Quhairthrow ze ma sone crab his majestie. 33,386 " For to proceid with sic crudelitie. " For mercie is aboue his work and mycht, " And but mercie thair can no erthlie wycht " Posses the gloir that he is ordand till. " Thairfoir," he said, " than sen it is Godis 33,390 will, " In sic distres ay mercie for to haif, " This tyme at tow na vther thing we crave, '•' Bot grant ws peax with the skaytk we haif tane, " Thairfoir retires at tow we sail ask nane, " In tyme to cum and ze will lat ws be, 33,395 " As we war wont wdth oure awin libertie. '•' Or traist Ze weill we sail our strenthis preve, " Quhairin this tyme we haif ane gTit beleve, '• The hand of God ws puneist hes so soir, " Is satisfeit and will nocht smyte no moir. 33,400 " And sen he hes now gottin his desyre, " Thairfoir we traist his malice and his yre " Is stanchit now of his mercie and grace, " And he agane sail turne till ws his face. " Also," lie said, " no honour is to the, 33,405 " So puir pepill in sic miseritie 1 In MS. .io.f.i65b. and Harbart, King of Britis, and of ane Co1- '■ Messinger send fra Alarude, King of Suffok, to King Gregour, and of his Ansuer ; and how the Ireland Men come in Gallowa, and off King Gregoris pass- ing in Ireland, and of his Vassalage and vlotorie wyn thair. In that conditioun bund wes in that band Westmaria and also Cumberland ; 34,400 Baith toun and touris with thair pledgis ling, Deliuerit war to gude Gregour the king. Syne the Britis that duelt into that land, Gart thame remoif without ony demand, 470 THE BUIK OF THE Baith ^oung and aid into that tyme ilkone, 34,405 Syne all togidder to the Walis ar gone. The Scottis syne in thair saittis sat doun, With pece and rest that tyme in enirilk toun. This king Gregour, syne efter on ane da, To Carraccone he tuke the reddy wa, 34,410 Quhair he remanit for ane weill lang space. The saruin tyme that he -wes in that place, Fra Alarud thair come ane messinger, Quhilk said to him as I sail sa low heir : " king and conquerour, of hie majestie ! 34,4is " King Alarud rycht gudlie gretis the. " Lattand the wit, thow Gregour!" he said, " Of thi weilfair he is rycht blyth and glaid ; " And bad me sa, als far as he hes feiU, " Of Constantyne the deid thow hes quit weill. 34,420 " Rycht grittiuslie also he thankis the " Of supportatioun, help and grit supple, " Thow hes maid him agane his mortall lb, " Heirduut that Dayne, and mony vther mo, " Yictoriuslie he[s] wyn thame all in feild, 34,425 " And mony thousand of thair men hes keild : " Thair wes no travell that mycht gar the tyre. " Quhairfoir," he said, " this is his most desyre, " With the to mak ane colleg and ane band, " In vnitie and concord for to stand 34,430 " Into all tyme, with glaid myndis and hart, " And euerilkone for to tak vtheris part " Aganis the Danis ar oure commoun fo. " Gif plesis the," he said, "for to do so, " Northumberland and als Westmaria, 34,435 " In peax and rest, and also Cumbria, " In heretage for euir to be thi awin, " But ony clame of ony vnouirthrawin." This king Gregour, the quhilk wald nocht deny, To his desyre consentit suddantly, 34,440 CRONICLIS OF .SCOTLAND. 471 Syne maid that band with letters selit braid. With tliir conditionis than that band wes maid : In heretage than that this ilk Gregoir Suld bruik that land, as said is of befoir ; And gif the Daynis cum into Ingland, 34,446 This ilk Gregour withoutin moir demand, With all the power he mycht gudlie be, This Alarud suld cum for to supple. And Alarud sidd do siclike agane ; With all his power for to cum rycht plane 34,450 In[to] Scotland, cpdien mister wer to be, Agane the Danis for to mak supple. The last conditioun, quhilk wes thrid in ordour, Gif thift or reif wes maid vpon the bordour, Sidd be na cans thair bandis for to brek, 34,455 Bot tak the theuis and hang thame be the nek. This king Gregour, of quhome befoir I spak, In purpois wes for to seig Eborack : So had he done than, schortlie to conclude, Col. 2. War nocht this herald come fra Alarud, 34,460 So freindfullie that maid with him this band. For that same caus, as te ma wnderstand, In that mater he wald proceid no moir, Bot left the purpois he wes in befoir. This beand done, as I haif said but leis, 34.465 All Albione wes in gude rest and peice ; Bot[h] Scot and Brit, and Inglismen also, Quhair that tha list at thair plesour till go ; Ilkone to vther for to cum and gang. With king Gregour this lest[it] nocht rycht 34,470 lang. Syne efter that, as my author did sa. Out of Ireland thair come in Gallowa Ane grit navin that tyme attouir the fiude, And cruelly than baith with fyre and blude, Rycht grit distructione maid ouir all that land ; 34,475 And for quhat cans I can nocht wnderstand, 472 THE BUIK OF THE Bofc gif it wes, as I can weill beleve, The hand of God and for thair awin iuischeif, And to extoll this ilk Gregour betuene. Sone efter syne as it wes rycht weill sene, 34,480 The maner how syne efter of this thing, Quhen it wes schawin to gude Gregour the king, Rycht suddantlie, withoutin ony baid, In Galloway with grit power tha raid, Of bernis bald that stalwart wer as steill. 34,485 The Ireland men that knew thair cuming Weill, Into that land na langar wald remane, But with grit spulie passit hame agane. Quhen that tha saw it micht na better be, With all his power passit to the se, 34,490 With barge and bark, and mony gay gala} - , To Yrland syne he tuik the narrest way. Syne at ane hevin, the narrest that tha fand, At his plesour thair passit to the land ; Syne suddanelie with grit anger and yre, 34,495 Ouir all tha partis bayth with bludu and fyre, Throw crabitnes with grit crudelitie, Greit slauchter maid that petie wes to se. The Irland lordis quhen tha knew sic thing. Tha dred rycht soir becaus Duncane 1 thair king 34,500 So toung he was, and tender age that tyde, That he douch[t] nother for to gang nor ryde. And mairattouir, rycht weill that tyme tha wist That tha docht nocht this Gregour to resist, Yictour had bene in mony feild befoir 34,505 Agane far grittar, and had wyn sic gloir. And for that causs, of all thing mail - [or] les, Tha thocht agane to him to mak redres Of all injure wes done befoir him till, And put the doaris ilkane in his wilL 34,510 In that counsall wes mony lordis ting, That be no way wald consent to that thing ; 1 In MS. Fergus. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 473 Into that tyiue alledgand mony lawis, For-quhy thair self of all that thing wes caus, And wes begun be thair counsall and will, 34,515 And for that causs wald nocht consent thairtill. And so that cuntrie in that tyme wes gydit ; The lordis all in tua parteis diuydit, And euerilk part ane chiftane of thair awin, Hes maid that tyme in sindrie partis drawin. 34,520 Ane hecht Corneill,' of greit honour and fame, Lib. 10, f. m. s Brenus the tother callit wes to name, Thir tua that tyme betuix thame trewis hes tane, Syne baith to feild aganis Gregoure ar gane. Ane greit montane into that tyme thair stude, 34,525 Callit Futes, rycht neirhand Banus flude ; Betuix the mont and this ilk flude also, The passage wes richt narrow for till go ; And vther passage neir that place wes nane, For mont and mos, and myris mony ane. 34,530 The Irland men foirnent that passage lay In tua greit oistis, for to keip that way, That weill tha wist the Scottis be no gyn That tha culd mak, that passage docht to wyn. Betuix the montane and the water cost, 34,535 So narrow wes, ane rayit feild or oist Rycht perrelous than wes to leid and gyde, Seand thair fais on the tother syde. In that beleif the Ireland men thair la, Traistand king Gregour sould pas sone awa; 34,540 In fait of victuall micht nocht tarie lang, And for that caus the soner hame wald gang. It wes nocht sua, thairof tha had no feill, For fiftie dais tha war furneist rycht weill 1 In MS. Cornall. " This, and the next seven folios, misnumbered. i7i THE BUIK OF THE In uieit and drink, and in all vther thiuar, 34,545 As wes commandit by Gregour thair kinc. Thair vse wes than in oisting, quhilk wes gude, To suffeis tkame with litill sleip and fude, Quhen mister wer, and in greit neid tka wald, With litill meit and drink the water cald ; 34,660 Of soft sleiping tka tuik rycht litill cuir, And doucht rycht weill grit travell to induir. Thair still at laser so tha la ane quhile, Quhill at the last this Gregour fand ane wyle, With greit prattik thair passage for to wyn, 34,555 Withoutin straik to enter and pas in. Tua thousand men, that waldin war andwyelit, Rycht quietlie that montane on the nycht He gart ascend wnto the tother syde, And all that nycht amang bussis thame hyde. 34,560 Syne on the morne, ane lytill efter day, Ane garneist battell gart the strenth assay In gude ordour, at grit laser and lenth. The Ireland men that keipand wes the strenth, Vnder the fute of that grit mont tha stude 34,565 In gude ordour ane rycht grit midtitude. The Scottis than vpoun the hicht abone, Tha schew thame all and come in sycht rycht sone. Rycht mony craig and mony stone withall, Aboue thair heid gart tummill and doun fall ; 34,570 With so greit force discendand fra the hicht, Exceidand than all mannis strenth and micht, That strangest wes to stand wnder thair straik, Thocht he had bene als stark as ony aik. Amang thair pal^eonis with sic force tha fell, 34,575 That wonder wes to on}' toung to tell. Ane thousand [than], without ony reskew, Of Brenus men into that tynie tha slew ; And all the laif tha war so soir adred, Out of that feild withoutin straik tha fled, 34,580 CK0N1CLIS OF SCOTLAND. 475 And left thair tentis in the tyme alone Standand thair still, and passit hame ilkone. The Scottis follouit on the chace rycht fast ; This Corneill than rycht soir he wes agast, Quhen that he saw thame follow on the chace ; 34,685 He left his tentis standand in that place, With all the power in the tyme he had, In gude ordour richt fast awa he fled. The Scottis men that follouit on the chace, Vp and doun in mony sindrie place, 34,590 Rycht mony tuik and few of thame wes slane, And syne to Gregour brocht thame [hes] agane. Quhen this wes done the nobill king Gregoure Distribut hes the spul;e, les and moir, To euerie man as he wes worth to haif ; 34,595 Wes none exceptit be the leist ane knaif. Col. 2. The captane Brenus in that samin steid, Into his pal;eone than wes fundin deid ; Baith heid and hals wes hakkit all in schunder, With crag and coist, and all the bonis wader, 34,600 War brissit and brokin in pecis small ilkone, All throw the straik than of ane mekle stone. His men wes tane desyrit thame to haue His deid bodie to burie into graue : The quhilk the king hes grantit with gude will, 34,605 And he him self hes maid grit help thairtill. This being done, king Gregour gaif command, Baytk far and neir ouir all part of that land, Bad tak and spulie haistelie with speid, Quhairof that tyme tha had mister and neid ; 34,fiio Fra fyre and blude he bad tha suld abstene ; Wemen and barnis and agit men betuene, To preist or clerk no violence to mak ; All other men commandit for to tak, Withoutin hurt other of lyth or lym, 34,615 That fensabill war and bring thains all to him. 476 THE BUIK OF THE And so tha did within ane litill space ; Bot he agane so rneik wes of his grace, Quhome euir tha brocht, bot ony harme or ill, He leit thame pas at plesour quhair tha 'will. 34,620 How the Men of Gude in Ireland come to King Gregour, and how he wan Tua Townis thair and was mercifull to klrkmen and commonis. The men of gude that duelt into that land, Quhen that sic tiling wes done thaine wnderstand, How Gregour wes so manesuetude and meik, So courtas, laulie, and so gentill eik, Into that tyme richt mony come him till, 34,625 Bayth gude and bad, 1 and pat all in his will. Rycht curtaslie lie did thame all ressaue, And mony giftis in the tyme thame gaif; Quhairthrow the strenthis that war in that land, Richt mony war resignit in his hand ; 34,630 Mony of force and mony of frie will, Bot ony tretie maid that tyme thame till. Dongard and Pont, tua Strang townis war than, Seigit thame bayth and in the tyme thame wan. Quhen tha war wyn and put into his will, 34,635 He wald thoill no man for to do thame ill, In ony thing pertening skaith or lak ; Out of the toun no spul2e wald let tak, Exceptand mony, harnes, and sick geir, For to diuyde amang his men of weir. 34,640 Wes none so pert, in pane than of his lyfe, That durst defoull wedow, virgin or wyfe ; Preist nor clerk thair durst no man displeis ; Siclyke as thir tha leit thame leif in eis. 1 In MS. laud. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 477 How King Gregoure thocht to seig Deby- LEYN AND WAS STAYIT, AND HOW CORNEILL GATHERIT AGANIS HIM ANE GREIT Armie OFF Ireland Men. Quhen this wes done he purposit for to pas 34,645 To Debyleyn within schort space, that was The fairest eitie and the grittest toun In all Ireland, and most wes of renoun, Of gold, and riches, and of all honour ; So is it *it wnto this sarnin hour. 34,G50 Onto this toun ane seig he thocht to lay ; And as he wes so passand by the way, Ane spy that time thair come to him and schew Of captane Corneill, laitlie of the new Lieutennand maid wes than of all Ireland, 34,655 And with greit power cumand at his hand, And mony bald men with greit bost and schoir, Lib.io,f.i74b. In so greit number saw tha neuir befoir. ' Quhen this wes tald to gude Gregoure the king, As he richt weill considder culd sic thing, 34,660 Thair he tuke purpois all nycht to remane, And planetit palteonis on ane plesand plane ; And all that nycht with mony watche and spy, Still at thair rest quhill on the morne did ly. Syne on the morne, be that the da wes licht, 34.665 The Irland men apperit all in sicht, Diuydit war into thre battellis bald, In ilk battell ten thousand men weill tald. Siclike the Scottis on the vther syde, In thre pairtis thair power did diuyde ; 34,670 With mony standart streikit in the air, And mony baner browdin wer full fair, And mony pynsad of pictour rycht so proude, And mony bugill blawand than full loude. 478 the buik of the Off the Battell betuix King Gregour and corneill, quha fled and tynt the feild, and how tha askit peax. Be this the bowmen in the feild befoir, 34,675 With scharpe schutting maid mony sydis soir ; The speris syne, tlia[t] war baith greit and lang, Tha enterit all into the grittest thrang. So thrahe thair togidder that tha thrist, That scheildis raif and mony birny brist ; 34,680 Helme and habrik schorne war all in schunder, And mony berne maid bludie that war wnder ; And mony schulder out-throw the scheild wes schorne, And mony bald man of his blonk wes borne. This Corneill ' syne it hapnit vpone cace, 34,685 For to luke vp with ane discouerit face, Into the feild for to behald and spy ; Or euir he wist, lycht sone and suddantly Ane fedderit flane that in the feild did fle, Smyt him so soir ane lytill by the ee, 34,690 In to the face, with sic ane werkand wound, That force it wes out of the feild to found On ane grit hors neirby reddie he bed Quhen that his men knew Weill that he wes fled, So grevit wes thairof and so agast, 34,695 Out of the feild tha follouit all rycht fast. The Scottis than that knew full weill that cace, Efter thame than tha maid a rycht lang chace, Heir and thair in mony sindrie sort, Of Debalyn quhill tha come to the port ; 34,700 With dyntis dour dingand thame euir doun, Quhill tha war all ressauit in the toun. 1 In MS. Cornall. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 479 Of Ireland men sa mony than wes slane, Without beleif in tyme to civm agane To haif power, or ^it for to pretend, 34,705 To gif thame feild or lit mak ony defend. This king Gregour syne on the secund daj-, To Debalyn be tuik the narrest way, And syne laid ane seige round about the toun, Quhair mony lord and mony bald barroun, 34,710 And mony ladie semelie wes be sycht, And mony wyfe and mony vther wycht, And mony berne into the toun wes bred, And mony freik out of the feild wes fled, Within that toun, quhilk wallit wes with stone, 34,715 In to that tyme remanand wer ilkone. This samin seig syne, as my author sai*. Indurifc efter bot waill few dais, So mony pepill wes within the toun, Sic multitude in sic confusioun, 34,720 Quhair thair vittall grew bayth scars and skant, Of meit and drink amang thame wes grit want ; In fait of fude sic stres thair baif tha tane, Tha war in poynt to perische than ilkane. And crimen tha saw it stude thame in sic neid, 34,725 To counsall all rycht suddanelie tha teid, For to aduise cpihat best wes to be done ; And sum thair wes that counsall gaif richt sone, (j i. 2. Agane Gregour with battel 1 to contend, And tak sic chance as God wald to thame 34,730 send, And nocht to cum that tyme into his will. And wysar men that thocht that counsall ill, Tha said agane, tha wist full weill but dreid, And tha did sua tha wald cum lidder speid ; To put that citie and that royall toun 34,735 In jeopardie of sic distructioun. As God forbid, and so hapnit to fall, But ony clout than war tha lossit all. 4S0 THE BUIK OF THE " And be this toun now suir [is maid] but skaith, " Throw quhome ouir honour and ouir profit 34,740 bayfch " Will grow agane rycht sone als and restoiv " To aLs grit stait as euir it bad befoir. " Heirfoir," he said, " my counsall is bot leis, " To preif with him gif that we can mak peice, •'' And quhat conditioun lykis him to haif ; 34,745 " Be he curtas, he will noeht ouir far craif." How ane Message wes send to King Gre- GOURE, AND OF HIS ANSUER AGANE, AND HOW THE KlRKMEN MET KlNG GREGOURE WITH PROCESSIOUN AND RANDERIT HIM THE Toun OF DEBALEYN, AND OF HIS DIUOT OFFERING, AND HOW HE PUNEIST THE DeFOULLARIS OF Wemen. Efter this counsall wes euerie man content. This ilk Cormak in message syne tha sent, The counsall gaif, ane man of grit renoun, Archibischop als wes of that samin toun. 34,750 This Cormacus rycht humill and benyng, Quhen that he come befoir Gregoure the king, Tlycht laulie than befoir him on his kne, Thir samin wordis in the tyme said he : " royall king, and hie excellent prince ! 34,755 " Sen we forthink the fait and grit offence, " Offendand the that done wes of befoir, " Throw quhome," he said " we puneist ar rycht soir ; " And thow far moir als gottin hes tin will, " Na euir thow trowit in ony tyme cum till ; 34,760 " Sen gratius God, the gevar of all gloir, " Hes grantit the of ws to be victoir. CItONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 481 " Thairfoir," he said, " it serais weill to the, " Of vincust pepill for to haif pitie, '•' Without defence lyand amang thi feit, 34,765 " In quhome," he said, " is nother pryde nor lieit. " Also oure king the quhilk is within age, " Quhometo tha aucht be law of rycht lynage, " Sen ze ar baith of ane genelogie, " His governour and protectour till be. 34,770 " And als," he said, " this nobill royall toun, " No honour is to put to confusioun, " The quhilk thow audit [for] to defend of rycht. " Thairfoir," he said, " sen thow art curtas knycht, " And als in the sic lautie is but leis, 34,775 ' We the beseik of thi kyndnes and peace, ' And tak ws all this tyme in [to] thi will, " With quhat conditioun thow will put ws till." Quhen this wes said befoir thame all in plane, This wes the ansuer that he maid agane : 34.7SO " Forsuith," he said, " as I ma rycht weill prove, " I haif just caus this battell for to move, " For Ze 2our self begouth in me sic thing. " As for jour toun, and zoung Duncane ?our king, " In that mater gif I haif oucht ado, 34,785 " No ansuer now that I will mak 2ow to, " Quhill tha be baith first put in to my will, " Syne I wilbe aduysit thair intill, " And thairefter ze sail haif ansuer than ; " And will ze nocht, the best way that ze can 34,790 " Defend tour self als gudlie as ze ma." Lituo, f.175. With this ansuer he passit hame his wa ; Co1 - "■ Syne in the toun befoir the nobillis aw, This Cormacus that same ansuer did schaw. Suppois thairof tha war nocht weill content, 34,795 2it neuirtheles, with all thair haill consent, Tha opynit than the portis of the toun, Syne passsit furth all in processioun. VOL. IT. H H 482 THE EUIK OF THE Baith preist and clerk thairin wes les and moir, In that processioun formest come befoir ; 34,800 Syne Cormacus come bairand in his hand Ane crucifix of birnand gold schynand, In quhome the image of ouir Saluiour Affixt wes with perfite portratour; Syne all the nobillis come efter on breid, 34,805 Ilkone that tyme in thair awin ordour teid. This Gregour syne he met thame be the way ; That samin tyme, as my author did say, Commandit lies his men all for to stand In gude ordour thair round about his hand. 34,810 S} T ne he him self discendit from his hors, And on his kneis kissit lies that cors Rycht reuerentlie, syne rais vpoun his feit, Into the toun syne steppit furth the streit, Amang the lawe in that processioun, 34, si 5 Quhill that he wes ressauit in the toun ; And passit all syne baith on fit and hors, Quhill that tha come onto the mercat croce. Syne mony bald men into armour brycht, In all that tyme that wes bayth wyss and 34,820 wycht, This king Gregour into that place gart byde, For aventure that efter niicht betyde. Syne passit is withoutin ony tarie, Onto the tempill of the Virgin Marie ; Diuotlie thair Lis offerand he maid, 34,823 Syne raikit on withoutin ony baid, Till all the kirkis [that] war in the toun, Of secular preistis and religioun, Rycht reuerentlie thair kneilland on thair kne, With grit deuotioun his offerand than maid 34,830 he. Quhen this was done, with his lordis ilkone, On to ane castell ar togidder gone, CRONICLIS OP SCOTLAND. 483 Itycht strenthe wes into the toun that tyme, That biggit wes of poleist stane and lyme ;' And thair intill tha tuke thair rest all nycht. 31,835 Ane grit armie than into basnetis brycht, In sindrie partis vp and doun that streit, All the nycht ouir stude walkand on thair feit, With rnony wache that nycht vpoun the wall, For aventure that efter micht befall. 34,840 That saniin nycht mony wemen or da Defoullit war, as my author did sa, Agane thair will be thame that woik that nycht : Syne on the morne, quhen it wes fair da lycht, Rycht soir complaynt thair wes maid to the 34,845 kino;, Quliilk wes commouit rycht far at that thing. Grit diligence thairfoir he lies gart mak To seik and find, in handis syne gart tak All thame that tyme wer doaris of tliat deid ; The widdie syne he gaif thame to thair meid. 34 850 Quliilk causit him the moir fauour to haif Of Ireland men, lordis and all the laif. How King Gregoure was maid Tutour to Duncane, King of Ireland, and all his Strenthis gevin in his Hand with Pledgis, and come hame in scotland, and of his Nobilnes and Deid. In that saniin tyme in that toun quhair he la, The lordis all convenit on ane da, Of Irland men than be the leist ane lord, 34.855 With king Gregour to mak peice and [conjcord. 1 In MS. tyme. H H 2 48-t THE BUIK OF THE Efter lang auisment into mony thing, Accordit wes betuix thame and the king That ioung Duncane suld be thair king and prince, Thame self also without fraude or offence, 3-1,860 Into thair keiping and thair cuir suld haif, Col. 2. Quhair no disceptioun docht him to dissaue. And king Gregour suld to him tutour be, And judges mak of his auctoritie, As plesit him all tyme, bayth ane and aw, 34,863 Ouir all Ireland to execute the law. Syne all the strenthis that war in that land, To be resignit ilkane in his hand. No Brit nor Saxone that come be the se, Within that land for to ressauit be ; 3 4,870 Without his leif se tha resauit nane. Syne sextie pledgis of thame he lies tane, Into ane takin tha suld all trew be ; Syne with his armie passit to the se, With all his lordis that tyme les and moir, 34,875 Come hame agane with grit honour and gloir. This worthie, nobill, hie, excellent prince, In all his tyme did neuir none offence ; No violence be him wes neuir wrocht, Without rycht far on him that it war socht. 34,880 Syne all his tyme quhilk efter wes rycht lang, In peax and rest, withoutin ony wrang, With law and justice and greit equitie, And luif also, his kinrik gydit lie. Of halie kirk protectour and defence 34 ; 885 Fra opin wrang and frome all violence. All febill folk at him gat ay refuge, To riche and puir he wes ane equale judge, At all power without partialitie, So just he wes in his auctoritie. 34,890 Wes neuir one moir equale led his lawis, And les detractit with ilk mannis sawis, CKONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 485 Or les invyit in his tyme nor he, Quhilk had sic honour and auctoritie, In all Europe had nother ruaik no peir. 34,895 Syne of his ring the tua and tuentie teir, And of oure Lord audit hundreth wes compleit, Nyntie and thre to mak the number meit, With grit morning of euerie man and wyfe, Departit hes out of this present lyfe. 34,900 In Iona Yle syne in Ecolumkill, With all honour that nrycht be done him till, In gudlie wyiss tha put him in his grave, With moir triumph nor ony of the lawe. My pen wald tyre and als my self wald irk , 34,905 My rude ingyne wald bayth grow doll and dirk, And occupie the maist part of my lyfe, Gif I suld heir his worthines discryfe. My wit also insufficient is thairto, And I myself sa mekle hes till do, 34,910 That I ma nocht weill tarie in sic thing ; Bot weill I wait, ane better prince or king Wes neuir nane of all the nobillis nyne, Nor lang befoir nor lit hes bene sensyne. The Ireland men and Britis to also, 34,915 And Danis strangar no the tother tuo, Thir thre nationis he maid thame till obey ; The fourt als grit durst neuir mak him pley, That is to say the wickit Saxonis blude, In all his tyme of him sic aw tha stude. 34,920 And he had bene into Homerus tyme, Quhilk maid in Grew sa mony vers and ryme, And he him self also ane Greik had bene, Kycht weill I wait, and nothing for to wene, His name had spred ouir all the warld alss 34,926 wyde As Cesaris did for all his pomp and pryde. Sen I am nocht expert for to discryve His nobill deidis and his famous lyfe, q { {, 486 THE BUlK OF THE Quhairfoir ilk man tak je gude tent that reidis, Quhen le haif hard and considderit his deidis, 34,930 Than mak ze miss as ze think maist avale, For I will turne agane now to my taill. How King Donald was crownit efter the Deceis of King Gregoure, and of his worthie Deidis and gude Justice, and his Departing. Donald the fyft, the ' sone of Constantyne, Of quhome befoir I schew low schort quhile syne, Efter Gregour, with consent of ilkone, 34,935 In Scone wes crownit on the marbell stone. In law and justice and [in] equitie, No les no Gregour in his tyme wes he. Ane man he wes that keipit ay gude peice, Stoppit all wrang and gart all weiris ceis. 34,940 In peas and rest and greit tranquillitie, Fra his begynnyng to his end 3 rang he ; And mony gude werk in his tyme he wrocht, Honorand God in all thing that he mocht. To kirkmen als he did grit reuerence, 34,945 Wes nane durst faill or do to thame grevance. The name of God in sic honour held he, Quhat euir he wes, of hie or law degrie, The name of God blasphemit ony tyme, And he war notit with sic fait or cryme, 34,950 With ane hett yrne wes brint vpone the mouth ; Fra that tyme furth sic aythis wes not couth. War thair sic lawis vsit in thir dais, Eycht weill I wait, in e'rnist and in plais, Men wald be lownar in thair langage far, 34,935 And meikar als than now on dais tha ar. In MS. the f aft. 2 In MS. rmiiiifl, CR0NICL1S OF SCOTLAND. 4S7 I pray to God, remeidar of all thing, Gif I myclit se in my tyme sic ane king. Bot weill I wait thir wordis ar in vane, Thairfoir I will turne to my taill agane 34,960 Now at this tyme, and lat sic talking be, Sen weill I wait it will nocht mend for me. That samin tyme in my storie I land, How that ane man come fra Northumberland, And schew the king of ane that hecht Gormond, 34,065 Ane 1 fellar freik wes nane that mycht be fond, Ane Dane he wes new cuming ouir the sand, Arryuit had into Northumberland, With greit power into that land he la, To quhat purpois he culd nocht to him sa, 34,970 Bot in that land he left him Hand still, Without offence to ony man or ill. This king Donald quhen he saw him sa so, In gudlie haist he graithit him till go, Withoutin stop that tyme or tit ganestand, 34,975 With greit power into Northumberland. And as he wes syne passand be the way, He met ane man, the quhilk to him did say That this Gormond, but ony stop or cummer, Than fourtie myle beyond the water of Humber, 34,980 Far south that tyme wes passit in Ingland. This ilk Donald quhen he did wnderstand His purpois wes, quhen it wes rycht to ken, That tyme to pas agane the Inglismen, Fyve thousand men that walit war rycht wycht, 34,985 In breist[plait], braser, and in birny bricht, To Alarud, of Ingland king, he send, Agane Gormond him to help and defend, As the conditoun maid wes of befoir, With Alarud and nobill king Gregoir. 34,990 1 In SIS. In. 488 THE BUIK OF THE This Alarucl syne efter that few dayis, With this Gormond, as that my author sayis, Col. 2. With mort battell tha met vpoun ane plane, Quhair mony thousand on ilk syde wes slane Into that feild of mony nobill man, 34,995 Thocht Alarude the victorie thair wan. And thocht the Danis fled and left the place, That he durst nocht follow vpoun the chace, For-quhy his power parit wes to nocht, The victorie to him wes so deir boucht ; 35,000 Rycht soir he dred be this Gormondus menis, Into Ingland that he sould bring ma Denis; Perfitlie als he knew thairwith and wist, And he did so, he micht him nocht resist, And for that caus with him he lies maid peice, 35,005 Of this conditioun as I sail heir reherss. That this Gormond sail tak the faith of Christ, And all his men ilkone, and be bajstist, Of halie kirk for to fulfill command, And vse sic law in Ingland as tha fand. 35,010 And Alarude the kinrik sould diuyde, Tak him the tane, leve him the tother syde, In heretage for euirmoir to bruke ; Of this conditioun trewis than tha tuke. Than this Gormond and all his men ilkone 35,015 Wes baptist syne, and him self Ethalstone Callit to name into the tyme wes he, And left the name [syne] of gentilitie. Quhen this wes done tha weiris than did ceis; For all his tyme he levit in gude peice. 35,020 That samin tyme, as my author did sa,' Betuix Rosmen and men than of Murra, For litill caus thair fell ane greit discord. Within schort quhile, gif that I richt record, Dalie in feild without armour or geir, ' 35,025 Tua thousand men war slane into that weir. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 489 This king Donald of that quhen he hard tell, With mony freik he fuir attouir the fell, Weill bodin war all into armour bricht, Withoutin tarie other da or nycht, 35,030 In ony tyme than other mair or les, Quhill he come to the toun of Inuernes. Off euirilk syde that tyme the pairteis all, Befoir him self in jugement than gart call ; And sone tha fand the foundaris of that wrang, 35,035 And thame also manteinit it so lang ; Syne sentence gaif, as seruit weill to be, For that same fait ilkane of thame till de. And so tha did ; syne on the secund da, Quhen this wes done the king passit his wa, 35,040 Into quhat place that tyme plesit him best, And left that land into gude peice and rest. So wes it ay for terme of all his lyfe ; In all Scotland wes nother man no wyfe That maid ane fait, fra tyme that it war kend, 35,045 Bayth puneist war and compellit to mend. In all his tyme so equallie he rang, Wes neuir one dm - st do ane vther wrang ; His fais als of him had ay greit dreid ; Helplike he wes to euerie man in neid, 35,050 Full of largnes and liberalitie. Syne all his tyme in greit tranquillitie, In peax and rest, as I haif said jow heir, Quhill of [his] ring quhilk wes the ellevint ieir, Departit hes and passit to the lave, 35,055 In Iona Yle quhair he wes put in grave ; Of him that tyme grit travell that [thai] tuik. Loving to God heir endis the tent buik. 490 THE BUIK OF THE Lib. 11. Jf ow CONSTANTYNE WAS CROWNIT KlNG OF SCOT- land efter this klng donald, and how Edward, King of Ingland, send to him ane Herald, and of his Ansuer agane, and how King Edward was constranit to tak Peax. Col l ' 6 " '^■ ne n °kiU man wes caJlit Constantyne, Thrid of that name efter this Donald syne, 35,060 The sone he wes of Ethus Alapes, He crownit wes into that tyme hut les, Quhilk louit peax above all vther thing. That samin tyme Edward of Ingland king, Efter his father Alarud wes deid, 35,005 Wes crownit king succeidand in his steid. This ilk Edward ane herald sone lies send To Constantyne with hartlie recommend, Quhilk in that tyme lies done him wnderstand, All Cumbria and als Northumberland, 35,070 Without agane that he did thame restoir, The quhilk king Gregour reft fra thame befoir, He schew to hitn than, schortlie to conclude, He suld persew him bayth with fyre and blude. This Constantyne sic ansuer maid him till, 35,075 " He salbe met, cum on quhen euir he will." And bad him [sa] that he sould schortlie schaw Of him he stude full litill dreid or aw ; Prayand to God that all the perrell lycht Quhilk of thame tua, withoutin titill of rycht, 35,080 That presit first sic battell till persew. The messinger leid hame agane and schew Ilk word by word as I haif said ^ow heir. Continiewalie the space syne of ane ^eir, On euerilk syde with presoner and pra, 35,085 But niort battell, dalie wer doand sua. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 491 The Inglismen fra that that weir began, Ilk da be da tha tynt mair na tha wan, And of thair purpois come rycht bulie speid, And of the Danis war in to sic dreid, 35,000 Seand thair power convales and stoir Ilk da be da the langar ay the moir, And for thir causis than tha war rycht fane With Constantyne for to mak peax agane. Syne to the Danis turnit lies thair ire, 35,095 And niony theif into the tyme did byre To steill and reif out of the Danis land, To fynd ane caus, as te ma wnderstand, To caus the peax betuix thame to be brokin, With so greit wrang vpone thame to be 35,100 wrokin. And so thai did richt oft quhill tha war tane, And syne on ane gallous hangit than ilkane. The Inglismen thairof thocht greit dispyte, In Lundoun toun syne on ane tyme rycht tyte, Kycht mony Dene that in the toun wes than 35,105 In merschandrice, tha slew thame euerie man. Cithircus than of Danis that wes lord, Of this greit wrang quhen he hard than record, Syne on the morne or it wes houris ten, Gart sla als mony of the Inglismen, 35,110 Brent ' thair bigging and brocht awa thair gude. Syne at the last with all thair multitude, On euery syde quhar at the da wes set, Vpone ane feild the parteis bayth thair met. And had nocht bene the mediatioun 35,115 Of mony bischop, with intercessioun, Rycht mony thousand that da had bene slane, Quhilk causit thame for to concord agane, In MS. Brocht. 492 THE BUIK OF THE Syne handis scliuke, and all thing wes gone by Remittit wes without nielancoly. 35,120 This king Edward that tyme he had na air, Bot ane dochter rycht plesand and preclair, Ane virgin clene and vnfyllit of fame, Quhilk Beatrix wes callit to hir name, To Cithircus ' in mariage he gaif 35,125 Till be his wyfe ; gif hapnit him to haif Ane sone of hir, promittit wes that he Of all Ingland the king and prince suld be. Of that conditioun bund wes vp that baud, As traistit wes for euir moir sould stand 35,130 In greit fauour, for sic affinitie As ressone wald betuix thame tua suld be. This king Edward, in storie I haif fund, Ane bruther had that callit wes Edmund ; This Cithircus 2 rycht subtill[ie] he wrocht, 35,135 For to destroy this Edmond and he mocht. Col. 2. And so he did sone efter, wait ze how, His bruder Edward he gart fermlie trow, That he schupe him with poysoun to distroy, Quhilk causit him to tak thairof greit noy, 35,1-10 And for that caus in Flanderis he him send, Into ane schip that mycht nocht weill defend, Suppois the se wes neuir so soft and sound : In that passage this ilk Edmund wes dround. This king Edward that sonis than had none, 35,145 Bot ane bastard wes callit Ethalstone ; And quhen he knew how that his eme wes deid, So soir he dred for thair falsheid and feid, Rycht quietlie he passit on ane da Out of Ingland into Armorica ; 35,150 And thair he did ane weill lang quhile remane, Quhill efterwart that he come harue agane. ' In MS. Cithircum. ■ In MS. Cirlhircum. croniclis of scotland. 493 how clthircus 1 thocht to haif slane klng Edward, and how this Cithircus ' Wtfe reveillit the tressoun to hir father, quha poysonit the said clthircus for that caus. This Cithircus, 1 quhen that he knew anone Edraound wes deid and Ethalstane wes gone, He traistit Weill, and Edward had bene deid, 35,153 Of all Ingland withoutin ony pleid For to be king, and weild it at his will ; Decretit syne, and he micht cum thairtill, This king Edward that he suld put to deid, So secreitlie that he sould haif no feid. 35,160 Cithircus wyfe, fra scho this counsall kend, Rycht quietlie to hir father scho send Ane secreit seruand schew him all the cace, Ilk word be word at lang lasar and space. Than king Edward quhen he his consall knew, 35,165 How that it wes as this seruand him schew, For verry tene commouit with greit ire, And fulle of fume as hot as ony fyre, With atrie visage and with °lowrand ene, Out of his mynd almaist that he had bene. 35,170 And so it wes, as semit weill but lane, That samin tyme him awin self he had slane For verra tene, had nocht bene tha by stude, Quhilk stoppit him and wald nocht lat him dude. Syne efterwart, for that same caus and quhy, 35,175 Hes awin dochter he hes gart preualy This Cithircus 2 with poysoun put to deid ; And so scho did and so endit his feid. The Saxonis feid wes neuir leill na trew, As 2e ma knaw be this woman that slew 35,180 'In MS. Ciihercus. I » In MS. Cithircum. 4"94 THE BUIK OF THE Hir awin husband, that hir sic credence gaif : Beleif ye weill siclike of all the laif. how clthircus 1 tua sonis pat his wtffe to deid, and how tha maid battell aganis King Edwakd and slew him in Feild. This Cithircus 2 tua sonis had that tyde, Ane Aweles, ane vther Godefryde. Thir tua brethir efter thair fatheris deid, 35,185 Rycht equalie tha rang into his steid, In governyng and haill auctoritie, With haill consent so ordand wes to be, Bayth of thame self and all thair multitude. Quhen that wes done than, schortlie to con- 35,ioo elude, Greit diligence ilk da with greit desyre, Thair fatheris deith to speir and to inquyre. Quhill at the last richt cleirlie it wes scbawin, That samin tyme, be seruandis of his awin, Lib.i l.f.ircb. How that his wyfe, but ony caus or feid, 35,195 With hir awin handis had poysonit him to deid. Quhairof tha thocht ane mendis for to haif, And so tha did, quhilk wes nocht lang to craif. Tua rostit eggis, bet as ony fyre, Wnder hir oxtaris in hir tender lyre, 35,200 Tha band thame thair, quhilk brint hir to the deid. Thus endit scho that first begouth that pleid. Syne efter this the tua brether so bald, And king Edward, of qubome befoir I tald, With baith thair poweris met vpone ane plane, 35,205 Quhair mony one on euerie syde wes slane, 1 In MS. Cithercus, | 2 In MS. Cirlhircus. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 495 Of nobill men that waponis weill culd weild. The Inglismen, BUppois tha wan the feild, It wes deir bocht, that dar I hardlie sa, Edward thair king wes slane thair that same 35,210 da. And thocht the Daynis fled out of the feild, Fra tyme tha knew that king Edward wes keild, Prouydit hes ane new power agane, To gif thanie feild becaus thair king wes slane ; Traistand thairfoir, witlioutin ony dreid, 35,215 Of thair purpois for to cum better speid. HOW AWELES PASSIT IN SCOTLAND TO KlNG CON- STANTTNE AND PUECHEST TEN THOUSAND Men of Scorns foe his Supple aganis ingland pueposing r io subdew it, and of Ethalstane, Bastaed Sone to Edward, King of Ingland, and his Deidts. This Aweles quhilk wes the eldest bruther, Into that tyme decretit hes the tother, The quhilk to name wes callit Godefryde, The Danis all in Ingland for to gyde. 35,220 This beand done him awin self passit syne Vnto Scotland wnto king Constantyne. With fair hechtis and mony greit reward, Corruptit hes bayth king, lord and laird ; Quhilk causit thame but caus to brek the band 35.225 Wes maid befoir to kingis of Ingland. Ten thousand men that worthie war and wycht, Of nobill blude, all into armour brycht, With Aweles in Ingland than tha send, Quhilk efterwart that maid ane febill end. 35,230 Malcome, the sone of gude Donald the king, Thir men that tyme had into governing. 496 THE BUIK OF THE Quhen Aweles come hame syne to his bruther, With sic power as he culd than considder, Of nobill men and in sic multitude, 35,235 And of sic strenth, as tha all wnderstude No maistrie war but straik of sword or knyfe, To subdew Ingland, man, bame and wyfe. Syne with thair power put all into one, Far furth in Ingland fordward ay ar gone ; 35,240 With fyre and blude that wonder wes to se, Full mony one ilk da tha maid till de. Preist or clerk that tyme tha sparit nane ; Full mony one tha maid rycht will of wane. Ane richt lang quhile so that thair will tha 35,215 wrocht, That all Ingland had haill bene put to nocht, For euirmoir also maid for to rew, War nocht the sonar that tha gat reskew. This king Edward, of quhome befoir I tald, Ane bastard had bayth bellicois and bald, 35,250 Of quhome befoir schort quhile to low I schew, Wes crownit king bot laitlie of the new, For lauchtfull childer that tyme had he none. This king to name wes callit Ethalstone, With mony man that waponis weill culd weild, 35,255 Onto ane place wes callit Brommynfeild, Vpone ane mure tha met vther forgane, And swapit on quhill mony ane wes slane CoL 2. On euerie syde with grit rancour and tene. The Ino-lismen that micht nocht weill sustene 35,260 That multitude, the quhilk sic strenthis lied, Out of the feild in glide ordour tha fled, Onto ane strenth that wes neirhand besyde. Bayth Scot and Dane richt suddantlie that tyde Brak thair array, and all to spul^e ^eid, 35,265 Of Ino-lismen tha had so litill dreid CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 497 Traistand agane that tha durst nocht persew Battell no moir, for oucht efter of new It mycht befall, and speciallie that tyde. Tha war begyld for all thair heicht and pryde. 35,270 This Ethalstane quhen he beheld and saw Baith vp and doun as tha war scatterit aw, Without ordour into the feild so wyde, In gude array returnit in the tyde, With all his power in the feild agane, 35,275 Quhair mony Scot and niony Dayne wes slane, Without ordour war scatterit in the feild, Richt cruellie but mercie than war keild. The Scottis war of sic nobillitie, Greit schame tha thocht for so few folk to fie, 35,280 Without ordour so lang faucht on that plane, For the most part quhill tha war ilkone slane. Malcome, thair captane as ^e hard befoir, Into the feild than woundit wes so soir, Out of the feild with greit danger lie fled 35,285 That samin tyme ; syne efterwart wes hed, Betuix tua hors vpone [ane] Htter borne, Onto Scotland vpone the tother morne ; So soir woundit he wes into the tyde, That he doucht nother for to gang nor ryde. 35,290 Sone efter syne this ilk king Ethelstone, With all his power haistelie is gone Ouir all the partis of Northumberland, Withoutin stop, cpihair ony thair he fand, Subdewit hes, with litill sturt or pane, 35,295 Bayth land and liegis to his fayth agane ; With Cumbria siclike and Westmurland, Reskewit hes withoutin ony ganestand. VOL. II. I I 49 S THE BUIK OF THE How King Constant yne was grittumelie com- mouit of the tynsall of his l.ordis, and resignit ouir his croun in malcolmus Hand, and ieid and did Pennance amang THE KlRKMEN IN SANCT AnDROIS THAIR ALL HIS Dayis. Qulien Constantyne quhilk wes of Scottis kiug, Quhen that he knew perfitlie all that thing, 35,300 How of Scotland the nobillis war distroyit, Ilk da by da he studeit ruoir and noyit; Wittand so weill him self had all the wyte, That causit him moir furious to flyte With his awin self, quhen that he wnderstude 35,305 Distroyit wes so mekle nobill blude, Throw auerice and throw na vther thing. The fourtie zeiv quhilk than wes of his ring, Kinrik and croun, but stop or lit ganestand, Resignit hes in this Malcolmus hand. 35,310 In Sanct Androis syne efter did remane, Into the kirk than metropolitane, Amang the kirkmen rycht contemplatyve, In greit pennance, the ternie of all his lyfe. Syne finallie, as that my author sais, 35,315 In peice and rest closit his latter dais. In Iona Yle syne graithit wes into grave, With greit honour siclike as wes the lave ; X.ib.n, f. 177. Into his graue quhair he dois tit remane. Now to my purpois turne I will agane. 35,320 How Malcolme ressauit the Croun of Scot- land, AND OF HIS DEIDIS. This ilk Malcolme, of quhome ze hard befoir, With haill consent of all man les and moir, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 499 Fra Constantyne ressauit hes the croun. Ane man all tyine he wes of gude fassoun, And euerilk da hes done grit diligence, 35,325 Aganis his fais for to mak defence, And wes content in peas to bruke his awin, And full layth he wes also to be ouirthrawin. And for that caus with Ethelstone, but leis, His purpois wes than for to tak peice, 35,330 Dewysit syne to Ethalstone to send. And as tha war than reddie for to wend, Ane faithfull man thair cum to him and schew, How Ethelstone and Aweles of the new Accordit war, and maid ane sicker band, 35,335 That Aweles alhaill Northumberland Suld half that tyme rycht frelie with his hart, Aganis the Scottis for to tak his part. Also he said, rycht sone he wnderstude, Tha suld persew him bayth with fyre and 35,340 blude. Quhairof this king that tyme wes nocht content, £it neuirtheles rycht sone incontinent, Qulien that he hard how thir kingis did mene, His lordis all togidder did convene, For till aduiss qidiat best wes till be done. 35,345 Amang thame syne decretit hes rycht sone, Or tha suld loiss thair libertie and landis, For till debait it baldhe with thair handis, Or tha war maid to be bondis and thrall. Suppois that tyme thair power wes rycht small, 35,350 As fortoun wald, sic aventure to tak, Or tha wald thoill so grit ane schame and lak, Sen battell wes bot aventure and weir; And how it hapnit efter 2e sail heir. 1 1 2 500 THE BUIK OF THE How Ethelstane and Aweles, with baytu THAIB GEEIT POWEEIS, PUEPOS1T IN SCOT- LAND agane King Malcolme, and of the DlSCOED THAT FELL AMANG THAME, QUHAIE- THEOW MONY ANE WAS SLANE ; AND HOW AWELES FLED. This Ethelstane, of quhome befoir I tald, 35,355 And Aweles thir bernis that war bald, With thair poweris of greit multitude, Convenit lies togidder neir ane flude, Bayth in ane will as le sail wnderstand, In ferine purpois to cum into Scotland. 35,360 Syne suddantlie, the quhilk culd nocht be smord. Than as God wald, ane grit stryfe and discord Betuix thame tua into the tyme thair fell ; Quhat wes the caus I can nocht to zow tell. Quhilk causit thame in tua pairteis to draw, 35,365 In battell syne, with mony bitter blaw, That freindschip endit with grit sturt and stryfe, Quhair mony thousand loissit lies the lyfe. The Danis all that da war put to nocht, And Ethilstone the victorie deir bocht, 35,370 Sa mony nobill in the feild wes slane. This Aweles no langar mj'cht remane ; Out of the feild with waill few folk is gone, Syne in ane boit fled to the Yle of Mone. Rycht litill fauour in that place he fand, 35,375 Quhairfoir he sped him rycht sone in Ireland. How King Malcolme causit the Kiekmen to PEA AND THANK GOD. Quhen king Malcolme that vnderstude, and knew So greit mischeif wes fallin of the new, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 501 Betuix the Danis and this Ethilstone, Col. 2. Ouir all Scotland tlie kirkmen all ilkone, 35,380 Baith preist and prelat in the tyme to pra, Thankand greit [God] to thame that had done sua. Considderand als how all the mater stude, Deliuerit thame without battell or blude Out of the handis of thair mortall fa, 35,385 Quhome to tha dred sum tyme to haif bene pra. HOW PEAX WES MAID BETUIX MaIX'OLME, KlNG OF SCOTTIS, AND ETHALSTANE, KlNG OF ING- LAND. Sone efter syne as I haif said low heir, Fra Ethilstone thair come ane messingeir To king Malcolme and euerie Scottis lord, Beseikand thame of gude peice and concord, 35,390 Siclike in fayth as tha war wont to stand, With all conditioun and with euerilk band. Quhairof this Malcolme wes rycht weill content, And all his lordis intill ane assent, Renewit peax with lettres seillit braid, 35,395 With this conditioun peas this time wes maid : Northumberland with Ingland suld remane, And Cumbria and Westmurland agane To king Malcolme tha suld agane restoir, Alss fre in peax as euir tha war befoir, 35,400 And fra that furth the princes land sould be Of Scotland ay in heretage and fe ; Quhairfoir he suld to kingis of Ingland Obedience mak without ony demand, Without [it] war in his awin defence, 35,405 Siclyke also of Scotland and his prence. To euerie man, as nature hes maid kend, Of thre thrngis is lefull to defend ; 502 THE BUIK OF THE That is to say his kinrik and his croun, And him awin self out of suhjectioun. 35,410 Off this conclitioun maid wes than this peice ; Fra that tyme furth the weiris all did ceis. Off ane nobill Man Indulphus, and how King Malcooie was murdreist and slane. Ane nohill man of grit honour and fame, Indulphus than wes callit to his name, Richt mekill gude into his tyme that did, 35,415 The sone he wes of Constantyne the thrid ; Of Cumbria and eik of Westmurland He wes maid lord, and prince of all Scotland. Fra that tyme furth this gude Malcome the king In peax and rest did all his dais ring, 35,420 And equallie exercit hes his cuir, Without complaynt other of riche or puir. In Murra land it hapnit efter syne, Into ane toun that callit wes Vlryne, Becaus he wes of justice so extreme, 35,425 Freindis of quhome befoir that he did Heme, Vpoun ane nycht tha murdreist him or da, Richt quietlie in his bed quhair he la. Thir deid-doaris, sone efter to regard, War tane ilkone and hangit till reward. 35,430 The saxtene ?eir of this Malcolmus ring So endit he that wes of Scotland king, Becaus he wes so equale in his cuir. Rycht semdill is that sic men ma be suir Fra fals fortoun, and all the caus is quhy, 35,435 Sic fals tratouiis at just men hes invy. Syne efter that within ane lytill quhile, Ingravit wes syne into Iona Yle. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 503 How Indtjlphus was crownit King of Scottis EFTER THE DECEIS OF KlNG MALCOLME, AND HOW AWELES SEND FRA NORROWAY TO IN- Lib.ll, f.l77b. dijlphus for Supple, and how he come in Co1- l " northumberland with greit power aganis Ingland, and of Indtjlphus Ansuer to his Herald, and of Elgaryn, Lord of Northumberland, and how King Edmond send ane Herald to Indulphus for Supple aganis Aweles and the Danis. This Indulphus of quhonie befoir I spak, As that my author did me mentioun mak, 35,440 With kaill consent that tyme of aid and ting, Was crownit than of Scotland to be king. Ane man lie wes without crudelitie, Equale in justice but partialitie ; With diligence exerceand ay bis cuir, 35,445 And greit compassioun had also of the puir ; With wisdome ay he gydit euirilk thing. Syne efterwart, the fyft teir of his ring, This Aweles of quhome befoir I schew, Fra Norroway send till him of the new, 35 450 Beseikand Mm of his help and supple, Of the injuris to revengit be In Brymmynfeild wes done than of befoir. For-quhy, he said, he trowit neuir moir Suld be forget, as he cidd wnderstand, 35^455 Quhill ony Scot war levand in Scotland. King Ethilstone into the tyme wes deid, His sone Edmond than rang into his steid, And Malcolme als departit wes and gone ; Quhairfoir, he said, betuix thir tua alone 35,460 The band wes maid, quhilk no langer suld lest No[w] tha war deid, quhairfoir he held it best That [he] that tyme suld tak on him greit cuir, For to revenge sic harmes and injure. 504 THE BUIK OF THE And plesit him, he said, sic thing till do, 35,465 Traist weill he suld mak him grit help thairto ; Sayand, this Edmond wes nocht worth ane fie, Without wisdome ane king or prince till be ; Infectit als with euery vice and cryme, And he culd neuir get sa gude ane tyme. 35,470 This king Indulfe sic ansuer maid thairtill, That force it wes the band for to fulfill, The quhilk wes maid with tha kingis befome, Without he war bayth fals and als mensworne ; Quhilk, and he did, it war bayth syn and 35,475 sehame. With this ansuer the herald passit hame To Aweles into the tyme and schew. This Aweles, quhen he his ansuer knew, Rycht sone efter, without stop or ganestand, Ane greit armie brocht in Northumberland 35,480 Fra Norrowa, with mony berne ful bald, With thair captane quhilk callit wes Rannald. Ane lord thair wes than in Northumberland, Hecht Elgaryn as le sail vnderstand, Ascryvand him to be of Danis blude, 35,485 And for that caus, now schortlie to conclude, This Aweles he hes resauit than At greit plesour with his armie ilkman : Promittand him rycht glaidlie with his hart, Agane Edmond ay for to tak his part ; 35,490 Syne all the strenthis that war in that land, Resignit thame ilkone in till his hand. This king Edmond thairof quhen he hard tell, How Algaryn agane him did rebell, And Aweles had gottin but ganestand 35,495 The strenthis all war in Northumberland, To Indulphus ane herald sone send he, Requyrand him of his help and supple Agane the Danis war thair commoun fo His traist it wes Indulfus suld do so, 35,500 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 505 To keip the band that wes maid lang befoir. This Indulfus withoutin ony moir, Col. 2. Ten thousand men that tyme be taill weill tald, In armour bricht, bayth bellicois and bald, And gold and siluer with thame for to spend, 36,605 Into Ingland till king Edmond he send. Of quhois come this nobill king Edmound, As bird on breir wes blyth and letabund, Or ony be that biggis into hyve, Withoutin let than sped him on belyve 35,510 With greit power onto Northumberland. This Aweles als on the tother hand, With mony wy that worthie war and wycht, Appeirit thair richt sone into his sycht ; Syne in that tyme ane herald sone he send 35,515 To king Edmond with hartlie recommend, The quhilk herald than did him wnderstand, Wald he lat him hald still Northumberland, With all fredome as it wes wont till haif, Siclike befoir as Ethelstane him gaif, 35,620 Betuix Scotland and Ingland for till be Ane mid persone haifand auctoritie, To stanche all stryfe and gar all weiris ceiss, For euirmoir tha mycht leif in peice. And mairattouir he did him wnderstand, 35,625 Gif that thair come in Scotland or Ingland Ony stranger to move battell or weir, Into that tyme he offerit him to sweir, Quhat euir tha war, rycht glaidlie with his hart Agane all sic he sould ay tak thair part. 35,530 This king Edmond so weill his falsheid knew, Traistand thairfoir that he culd nocht be trew, Maid ansuer sone that he wald nocht do so. With that responce the herald hyne did go To Aweles, and schew him les and moir 35,635 All his responss as ^e haif hard befoir. 506 THE BUIK OP THE Than Aweles withoutin ony baid, Amang his men gude ordour [than] hes maid. This Elgaryn, as ye sail understand, Aucht thousand men had of Northumberland 35,540 At his bidding into the feild that da. Then king Edmond, with all the haist he ma, With mony targe and mony glitterand scheild, In gude ordour aganis him hes tane feild. The men that tyme all of Northumberland, 35,545 Seand thair king agane thame tbair cumand, Quhome of that tyme tha war so soir adred, Out of the feild in gude ordour tha fled. Quhairof the Danis sic disconfort tuke, That mony ane thair armour of thame schuke, 35,550 Out of the feild syne efter follouit fast. This Aweles thairof na thing agast, And all his nobillis standand him about, Into the feild tha enterit with ane schout, And faucht ane quhile als lang as it mycht be, 35,555 Quhill force it wes efter the lawe to fie. Bycht few war keillit in the fechting place, Bot mony ane wer slane into the chace ; And neuir man wes of the Danis blude Wes tane that da, other ill or gude ; 35,560 And also lang as tha had ony lycht, Greit slauchter maid quhill twynnit thame the nycht. Thus fortoun wald it hapnit vpone cace, This Elgaryn wes tane into the chace. Bayth fit and hand fast festnit syne and bund, 35,565 And presentit wes befoir this ilk Edmond. Quhilk efterwart, as justice wald and ressoun. For his defalt, his falsheid, and his tressone, In Eborak, efter that he wes schrevin, Lib.n,f.i78. With foure wyld hors in foure partis wes 1 revin. 35,570 Col. 1. J r - 1 In MS. ivar. CK0NICL1S OF SCOTLAND. 507 Tlie men of gude als in Northumberland, Rycht mony than -war hangit all fra band ; Sicbke reward as tba seruit to baif, Into that tyme it wes. nocht for to craif. This king Edmond the morne efter the feild, 35,575 Rycht equabe to euerie man and cheild The haill spul^e amang thame gart diuyde, Bayth 01 and gude that present wes that tyde ; And specialhe that tyme, attouir the lawe, To Scottis men rycht greit rewardis gawe, 35,580 And thankit thame rycht hartlie with gude will, In his supple that tyme that come him till. Tha tuke thair leve quhen done wes all this thing, And passit hame to gude InduLfe the king. How Agone and Elrik come in Albione out OF NoRROWAY. Efter this tyme the space of ueu- four ^eir, 35,585 As hapnit syne tak tent and je sail heir. Of Norrowa ane grit nobill of one, The quhilk to name that callit wes Agone, And of Denmark sicbke thair wes ane vther, Callit Elrik, in armes wes his bruther. 35,590 With greit power thir tua lies tane the se, In Albione for to revengit be Of than* freindis that slane wes of befou\ Syne into Forth, with mekill bost and schoir, Be aduenture the wedder did thame dryve, 35,595 Vp in the firth quhair tha thocht till arryve, In sbidi'ie partis quhair tha schupe to land ; And ay tha gat so greit stop and ganestand, Throw men of weir that come to the cost syde, In Forth that tyme tha wald na langar byde. 35,600 Syne with thair schippis efter on ane da, Tha enterit all into the mouth of Ta. 508 THE BUIK OF THE So mony folk into that place tha fand, That in no pairt tha lute thaine thair tak land. Syne saillit furth into the north rycht far, 35,605 By Murra, Buchquhane, the Mernis als and Mar, And fand na place quhair tha durst tak the land, So mekill stop tha had ay and ganestand. Quhairfoir that tyme tha haif wrocht with ane wyle, How tha mycht best the Scottis to begyle, 35,610 And drew thair saillis to the top rycht hie, And tuke thair courss rycht eist throw the mane se, In that beleif tha passit war awa. Syne efterwart tha come on the fourt da Into Boyne, ane land by Buchquhane cost, 35,615 And thair at lasar landit all thair oist. Airlie at morne [syne] sone, or ony wist, Tha landit thair at grit lasar and list. The nychtbour men that duelt neirhand about, Tha gatherit furth that tyme in mony route ; 35,620 Becaus thair power so litill wes and small, Tha wald nocht be resistit for thame all, Bot in that land thair tha remainit still, With greit heirschip at thair plesour and will. Quhill Indulfe sone efter on ane da, 35 625 Come thair him self, as my author did sa, With bernis bald that waponis weill culd weild, On fit and hors that tyme and gaif thame feild. Vpone ane mure besyde ane mont tha met, With brandis brycht ilkane on vther bet ; 35,630 Bald as ane bair tha bernis all did byde, Without sun^e that tyme in ony syde. Into that stour ane lang quhile so tha stude, Quhill mony berne had bled rycht mekill blude, And mony grume la granand on the ground, 36,635 And mony ane buir deidlie werkand wound. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 509 So at the last the lord than of Dumbar, And one hecht Gryme, quhilk cuming heel rycht far Fra Loutheane supple thair for to mak, Col. 2 - Come in that tyme behind the Danis bak, 36,640 In rayit battell reddie for till June. The Danis than persauit that richt sone, In sindrie partis skaillit heir and thair, In greit danger the langar ay the mair, Sum in mos and vther sum in myre, 35,645 In grit trubill quhilk causit thame to tyre, Into the tyme quhill tha war all ouirtane, Syne cruellie thair war tha slane ilkane. This nobill king so hapnit him to ryde, With ane armie in by ane montane syde, 38,650 Ouir all the feild mo Danis for to spy ; So in ane glen than Hand wes thairby Ane wyng of Danis, as my author did sa, Quhilk in the feild had nocht fouchten that da, And suddanelie again tha gaif thame feild. 35,655 The Danis all ilkone that tyme wer keild, And gude Indulfe than with ane fedderit flane, Throw aventure in that same feild wes slane. As I haif said so hapnit all this thing Into the nynt ieir of Indulfus ring, 35,660 And of oure Lord that tyme nyne hundreth jeir, Saxtie and aucht, no moir to rekkin heir. Of glide Indulfe the bodie syne tha buir To Iona Yle with bissines and cuir, With all honour that sic ane prince suld haif, 35,665 In sepultuir syne put besyde the lawe. Syne efter that that all this thing wes done, The lordis all convenit into Scone. 510 THE BUIK OF THE How Duffois, Soke of King Malcolme, was crownit King efter Indulfus, and of his duchtie deidis and justice done in the Ylis. Ane lustie man rycht plesand and benyng, Duffois to name, sone wes of Malcolme king, 35,670 Quhome of ^e hard bot schort quhile of befoir, With haill consent that tyme of les and moir, In rob ro3*all, with sword, sceptour and ring, That samin tyme wes crownit to be king. The eldest sone than of glide Indulfus, 35,675 The quhilk to name wes callit Culenus, Declarit wes of Cumbria to be The lord and prince, with haill auctoritie, And to Duffois the successour and prince, Ee haill consent without fraude or offence. 35,680 This beand done as le haif hard me say, He tuke his leif syne passit on his wa To Cumbria, fra that place mony mylis. The king also than passit in the Ylis, For mekill sturt that tyme that wes on steir 35,685 Ouir all the Ylis than bayth far and neir. The laborus men into the Ylis that war, With ydill men oppressit war richt far ; Ilk da by da that tyme tha war ouirthrawin Be gentill men that had nocht of thair awin. 35,690 In all thair tyme tha had no will to wirk, Bot plukkit ay fra puir men and the kirk, Tha comptit nocht, gat tha the gold to spend, How it wes wyn or quhat suld be the end. The king thairfoir into the samin quhile, 35,695 The lord and thane that wes of euery yle, Befoir him self that tyme he gart compeir • In audience that tha myclit ilkane heir. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 511 He said, and swoir be his rycht hand and croun, Hard he oucht mair of sic oppressioun, 35,700 Lib.n,f.i78b. Tha snld haif all mair, magir to thair meid, Na tha befoir war doaris of the deid. Rycht weill he wist that sic thing culd nocht be, Bot gif it war of thair auctoritie ; And that tha war manteinit weill thairin, 35,705 Quhilk war to thame so neir of blude and kin, Relaxand thame withoutin law so large ; Do as tha list it sould ly on thair charge. Rycht mony lord thair wes into that land, Obeyit weill his edick and command ; 35,710 With diligence and bissie cuir tha woik, And mony trucour in the tyme tha tuik, Part be force, and vther part throw slycht, Syne on ane gallous hangit thame on hycht ; And all the laif that culd nocht be ouirtane, 35,715 Tha baneist thame in Ireland than ilkane. And mony vther wes of nobill blude, Throw greit requeist of sindrie men of gude, Tha fand borowis ' fra that furtht to be leill, In all thair tyme no moir to reif or steill. 35,720 And so tha did in mony sindrie landis, Wynnand thair leving dalie with thair handis ; The best craft and of the grittest blude, To sober men maid seruice for thair fude. Becaus tha war so euill teichit in thair touth, 35,725 Haifland weilfair and wantones at fouth, But disciplyne with sic vndantonit rage, Quhilk causit thame haif powertie in age ; That force it wes in sic necessitie, To reif or steill, or than of hungar de, ■ 35,730 Or with thair handis dalie for to wirk, Sic force it wes mycht nother tyre no irk. 1 In MS. baronis. 512 THE BUIK OF THE Quhairat thair freindis had richt greit invy, Aruang thame self complenit and said, fy Vpoun tliair king ! wes nother wyss no gude, 35,735 Maid sic distructioun of the nobill blude, Quhilk thoilht thame sic vyle seruice to mak To carlis blude with so grit schame and lak, In vihpentioun of the nobill blude. Quhairfoir tha said all, schortlie to conclude, 35,740 He ganit nocht to be ane king or prince, So extreme wes alway in the defence Of carle and kirkmen war bot of law birth, That nobill blude at him gat no moir girth Nor the leist knaif for taking of ane cow ; 35,745 Sic law tha said wes nothing to allow. Quhat wes the end, quha lykis for to speir, Tak tent to me and I sail tell tow heir. How King Duffois was vexit with soir Seik- NES, AND IN THAT TYME OF GREIT OPPRES- SIOUN MAID BE MEN OF GUDE. Sone efter this it hapnit for to be, This king Duffus with greit infirmitie 35,750 Soir vexit wes, with bitter panis Strang, That he doucht nother for to ryde nor gang ; But appetyte other of meit or drink, And all the nycht he sleipit nocht ane wynk. Richt oft he fell into ane glowand heit, 35,755 "With sic abundance of exceidand sweit, His cumlie cors, befoir wes corpolent, Laithlie and lene wes maid, and macilent. Grislie and grym lyke ony gaist he grew, With paill visage discolorat wes of hew ; 35,760 Of medicine he wes out of beleif ; For no prattik that men culd on him prewe CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 513 Tha culd noclit les him of his pane ane myte, In medicine thocht tha war rycht perfite. Disparifc wes than of his lyfe ilkone, 35,763 Micht no man help that tyme bot God alone. Col. 2. In this tyme now that le heir me tell, In Murra land richt mony did rebell, And speciallie the grittest men of gude, Quhen that tha hard how with the king it 33,770 stude. Richt mony one wes reft of his possessioun, And mony puir man spulteit with oppressioun, And mony wyfe and wedow oft wes wrangit, And mony theif, that sernit to be hangit, Of meit and drink richt delicat wes fed, 35,775 Quhen leill men oft wnsowpit 2eid to bed. Richt closlie tit tha keipit all this thing, iit unreveillit to Duffus the king, Or it sould lat him for to convales, And caus his cair the moir for to incres. 35,780 And for that caus tha keipit it als cloiss, As men wald keip balme riche in ane boiss. Sone efter this, I can nocht tell ^ow how, Gif that my author thairof be till trow, Thair raiss ane word amang thame suddantlie, 35,785 Sayand the king that tyme suld witchit be Be ane auld wyfe duelland in Forres toon, Rycht quyetlie amang thame lang did woun. Syne at the last it brak out with sic feir, Quhill that it come vnto the kingis eir. 35,790 All seik men hes ane vse and consuetude, To seik all thing tha trow ma do thame gude, And euerie man of counsall to incpryir, Of noveltie tha haif so greit desyre. That samin tyme so did Duffois the king : 35,795 He ceissit nocht fra tyme he knew sic thing, To Forres toun quhill he send to exploir, Gif all wes suith wes said to him befoir. VOL. II. K K 514; THE BUIK OF THE How King Duffois was witchit be Aduise of his Lordis with ane Witche Carling that duelt in Forres. In Forres toun ane fair castell of one Thair stude that tyme, quliilk wes rycht Strang 35,800 of stone, The kingis castell lang wes of the auld ; Ane nobill man, wes callit Donewald, Had it in cuir and keipar of that hous, Ane traist seruand wes to this king Duffus. This kingis men that secreitlie him schew, 35,805 Knawand so weill that he wes verra trew, Desyrand als his counsall and supple, Off this aid wyfe to wit the veritie. This aid carling ane prenteis had that tyme, Knew weill the craft, and also of that cryme 35,810 Wes particeps quhen thair wes oucht till do, Perfit scho wes and helpit weill thairto; In the castell thair wes ane fair ^oung man, Hir peramouris quhilk in the tyme wes than. This Donewald he knew thair kyndnes weill, 35,815 And traistit als scho wald to him reveill All kynd of thing that in hir mynd than la ; Quhairfoir richt sone syne efter on ane da, He causit him at hir to speir all thing, Rycht tenderlie, of gude Duffois the king 35,820 Quhat wes the caus of his infirmitie, His complexioun, also his qualitie ? Or gif it wes that men mycht mak remeid, Quhat traistit scho than, quhidder tyfe or deid ? As wemen will, thair toimg gois so wyde, 35,825 Fra thair luifaris nothing in erth can hyde. Lib.n,f.i79. And so did scho the samyn tyme I trow, Col. 1. jik W ord be word tald him tlie maner how, Throw sorcerie and throw na vther thing, Distroyit wes so gude Duffus the king, 35,830 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 51 And how it wes all wrocht vpoun the nycht. This ilk loung man quhen he considderit rycht How all thing stude, thairof nothing he spak, Dreidand thairof scho sould suspitioun tak, And turnit lies thair talking fra the king, 35,835 To sport and pla and raony sindrie thing. Syne tuke his leif and bad hir than gude nycht, And to the castell raikit on full richt, And tald to thame that tynie how he had sped. That samin nicht, quhen all wes gone to bed, 35,840 The kingis seruandis furth with him he tuik On to the hous of this aid wyfe to luik, Gif tha culd spy that nycht gif oucht wes done. So at the last ane hes persauit sone, Out throw ane boir quhair he mycht rycht 35,845 weill se, This aid carling vpone ane speit of tre, Of walx ane image rostand at the fyre. That aid trattas for turning wald nocht tyre, And as scho tumit ay about scho sang, Als on the image scho leit drop amang, 35,850 Out of ane pig, ane wounder fat licoir Continuallie ; than ordand wes thairfoir, Qidien tha persauit how it wes, ilkone Rj-cht quyetlie on to the dur ar gone, And with ane dunt the dur sone vp tha dang. 35,855 Syne on the flure ben to the fyre did gang, And tuik this carling and hir prenteis bayth Reid-hand that tynie, thocht tha wer neuir so wrayth, Evin as tha sat with euerie instrument, Syne to the castell all with thame tha went. 35,860 This Donewald he did at thame inquyre, Of the image tha roistit at the fyre, On to quhat thing that it suld signifie. The aid cariing than ansuerit suddantlie K K 2 516 THE BUIK OF THE Till him agane in to the samin thin";, 35,805 Sayand, it wes the image of the king : " Quhat wes the caus, tell me syne, I desyr, " Thow rostit it so," he said, " at the fyre, " Turnand sa oft vpoun tone speit of tre ?" " Forsuith," scho said, " that sail I, and nocht lie. 35,870 " To causs the walx to melt and [to] consume, " Quhairthrow his bodie wox bayth lene and tume ; " 2ond liquour als I let vpone it syne, " Fat as the oyle and cleir as ony wyne, " It causit him continuallie to sweit 35,875 " In sic abundance, with exces of heit, " That force it wes to him to walk as lang, " Withoutin sleip, thir versis quhen I sang ; " And ay the langar of his bodie faill, " Quhill that this image wer consumit haill ; 35,880 " Quhen that wes done, without ony remeid, " Than force it wes to him to suffer deid." " Quha causit the," he said, "to do sic thing?" " Greit men," scho said, " that louit nocht the king." " Quhat war tha men, fane wald I wnder- 35,885 stand ?" Scho said agane, " The nobillis of this land, " Is none of thame for till except this tyme, " Throw thair counsall committit wes this cry me, " Quhilk causit me be gift and greit reward, " Wes gevin me be mony lord and lard, 35,890 " For to commit this to the kingis grace, " Quhairthrow tha mycht haif facultie and space " Quhill that he wes in sic extremitie, " And so soir vexit with infirmitie, " To vse thair willis quhilk wes neuir gude. 35,895 " This wes the caus now, schortlie to conclude." CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 517 How the Image of Walx was brokin, and it Col. 2. AND THE WlTCHE CARLINGE CASSIN AND BRINT IN THE FYRE, AND THE KlNG CONVA- LESCIT AND JUSTIFEIT THE CAUSARIS AND COUNSALLOURIS OF THAT CrYME. This beand said witkoutin ony dout, Commouit war ilkane that stude aliout, And brak the image into pecis small, Syne in the fyre flang and the wyfe with all ; 35,900 And held hir thair quhill scho wes brint in ass. Out of that place or tha wald farder pass. That samin hour that this same thing wes done, The km44 THE BUIK OF THE Beseikand thame thair purpois for to speid, And think on thame that la into sic dreid, To pleis the king and for the commoun weill. Thair freindis all quhilk had thairof ane feill, 36,780 Without the king war plesit in the tyme, Tha wald be all accusit of that cryme, And for that caus alss bissie as ane bie, Into all pairtis bayth be land and se, Col. 2. Tha haif ay socht quhill tha faltouris war found, 30,785 And syne to Bartha broeht thame ilk ane bund. Within schort quhile, the quhilk wes than greit wounder, Of sic faltouris thair haif tha broeht fyve hunder, The quhilk war condampnit ilkane for to de, And syne on ane gallous hangit war full hie : 30,790 That euirilk man mycht exempill tak, For to be just and no oppressioun mak, And to keip lautie and all tyme be leill ; He knew his dome gif he wald reif or steill. This nobill king than gaif ryoht greit reward, 3C,793 Into the tyme to euerie lord and lard ; Thair freindis als that tyme foriet he nocht, Into the tyme that tha forfaltouris inbrocht. Sum he gaif gold and vther sum he gaif land, And syne ilkone he hes tane be the hand, 30.800 And gaif thame leve for to pas hame ilkone ; Tha bad gude nycht and hame thair wa is gone. Quhen this wes done, than bayth be land and se, Ouir all Scotland wes greit tranquillitie, With abundance of all plesour with peice ; 30,805 In all Scotland thair wes no lord, but leis, Into that tyme that durst his nj'chtbour noy, Or iit do wrang to ony lad or boy. Bot semdill is that ony man can se, Without trubill in greit tranquillitie, 3c,8io CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 545 That ony staifc into this ercl ma stand, At lang plesour other be se or land. This Kenethus quhen he wes all his best, At gude plesour into greit peax and rest, Than fals Fortoun, withoutin caus or quhy, 36,815 Put him rycht sone into greit jeopardy. iit as God ' wald he chaipit of the weir, And how it wes tak tent and ze sail heir. how ane greit power of daynis come out of Denmark into Scotland, and maid greit Slaughter and Heirschip. Out of Denmark ane navin be the se, In Albione for to revengit be 36,820 Of thair freindis war slane thairin befoir, Ane greit power, with mekill bost and schoir, Off mony berne that wes full big and bald, Quhilk threttie thousand war with taill weill tald, Makand thair vow quhen tha set schip to sand, 36,825 In Albione quhair that tha first tuik land, Tha sould noeht leif wnbrint and cassin doun Citie nor strenth, castell or wallit toun ; Na suld nocht spair the barne no iit the motlier, Nor leve ane levand for to greit for vther. 36,830 Ane strenthie toun, biggit of stane and lyme, Quhilk callit wes Seluria in the tyme, In till Angus standand vpone the se, Wallit richt weill with stane and lyme richt lie, Ane prettie toun, as my author did sa, 36,835 Quhilk callit is Montros now at this da. Into that place as ze sail wnderstand, Neirby that toun the Dauis first tuke land ; 1 In MS. gold. VOL. II. M M Col. 1. 546 THE BUIK OF THE And plantit lies thair pakeonis on a plane, Quhair tha tuke purpois all nycht to remane. 3C810 The nychtbour men that duelt about neirby, Fra hand to hand tha fled rycht haistely On to that toun rycht fast with all thair gude, So strentkie wes than as tha wnderstude. Syne on the morne, sone efter the sone rais, 36,845 The Danis all in gude ordour than gais Lib.il,f.i67. Onto the toun, and laid ane seig thairtill. Kycht mony dart and ganie with gude will, And braid arrow tha schot attouir the wall ; And thai within greit craigis leit doun fall, 36,850 Eycht manfullie, with greit power and mycht, Maid sic defence quhill cuniing was the nycht ; Keipand the toun for thre dais or four, Quhill force it was than for to gif it ouir, And cum that tyme into the Danis will, 36,S56 The quhilk war sworne for to do thame no ill, Bot lat thame pas quhair tha list vp and doun At thair fredome, for to gif ouir the toun. Thir folk but fayth rycht sone tha war mensworne, Brekand the ayth that tha had maid beforne. 36,860 Bayth zoung and aid that war into the toun, Slew thame ilkone and kest the wallis doun ; Syne all the lave that wes within the wall, That samin tyme brint into poulder small, Quhilk semit syne within ane litill space, 36,865 As neuir toun had bene into that place. With sic furor out throw the land tha fuir, Bayth gude and ill of quhome tha mycht haif cuir, ioung or aid, other lad or las, Tha slew ilk man and brint the townis in ass, 36,870 With fyre and blude ay ilkone da be clay, Quhill that tha come onto the water of Tay, At Amond mouth, besyde Bartha that toun, Vpoun ane plane tha set thair paUeonis doun. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. "547 Oure nobill king into Sfcriuiling that da, 36,875 With his lordis thair at thair connsall la, To quhat effect I can nocht tell jow now ; Bot quhen he hard, as I haif said to ^ow, How that the Danis waistit had his land, That samin tyme without stop or ganestand, 30,880 Proclamit lies in all the haist tha ma, All man be reddie at ane certane da, With all prouisioun gudlie tha ma get, For to convene quhair that the tryist wes set. Sone efter that ane rycht greit multitude, 36,885 At Ernis mouth with mony men of gude, Bayth ' fit and hors, come furneist to the feild, Of beirnis bald that waponis weill culd weild. Ane suithfast man, that wes bayth leill and trew, Come to the king that samin tyme and schew 36,890 The Danis all with greit power that da, Seisand the toun about Bartha tha la. How King Kenethus faucht with the Danis AT LONCARDIE, AND OF HIS EXHORTATIOUN MAID TO THE SCOTTIS. This nobill king no langar than wald ly, To Bartha toun he sped him haistely. Into ane place vpone ane strenthie ground, 36,895 Neir Loncardy ane litill aboue Amond, Vpone ane plane besyde the water of Ta, Into thair tentis all that nycht thair tha la. Vpoim the morne quhen that the sone schynit brycht, Apeirit lies ilkane in otheris sicht, 36,900 Thir birnis bald, that waponis weill culd weild, On euerie syde reddie for to gif feild. • In MS. Out. M M 2 54S THE BUIK OF THE Gude Malcum Duff, the prince of Cumbria, The vangard led into the feild that da ; Duncane, the lord of Athoill in that tyde, 36, 905 The tother wyng led on the farrar syde. The nobill king with mony men of gude, Betuis thame tua in the mid feild he stude ; Commandand thame than with ane voce so cleir, In audience quhair tha mycht ilkane heir, 36,9io That da in battell baldlie for to byde, For ony chance that efter micht betyde, And in the feild erar with honour die, Col. 2. With lak and schame for to vmsehew and fie, Syne efterwart tane with thair fais all 36,915 Hangit and drawin or than maid bond or thrall. " Tak tent in tyme or te be put in thrist, " Sone efter syne or le sa, had I wist " So suld haue bene, I had far levar bene deid, " Thairfoh' bewar quhill le ma mak remeid. 36,920 " Quhat euir he be now, other gude or ill, " Ane Danis heid this tyme bringis me till, " Doutles of me he sail haif greit reward " Of fynest gold, the quhilk sail nocht be spaird." Throw that same langage that Kenethus spak, 3C,925 Greit curage than the Scottis all did tak, With gude beleif into the tyme for-thy, Of greit rewaird and als of victory. The Danis all, cpihilk stude vpone ane hycht In gude ordour with mony basnet brycht, 36,930 Traistand the Scottis vpwith to the hill, Suld tyre ilkone than or tha come thame till. The Scottis than arrayit on the plane, At thame leit fie rycht mony fedderit flane, And mony gan^e in the tyme leit glyde, 36,935 Quhill that tha maid richt mony sowand syde, Aganis quhome tha mycht nocht weill defend. The Danis than, quhen that tha knew and kend CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 549 Without danger tha mycht nocht thair remane, In gude ordour discendit to the plane. 36,9-io HOW THA ENTERIT IN THE FfilLD. Than with ane schout, and with ane felloun cry, Tha enterit all rycht sone and suddantly, With sic ane schow quhill all the schawis sclniik ; Thair busteous beir rebonndit fra the bruik. So dourlie thair toeidder that tha dang 36.945 With sic ane reird quhill all the rochis rang, Thair speiris brak and scheildis raif in sclmnder, And mony stout man stickit that wes wnder; Richt mony freik wes fellit than throw force, And mony knycht was keillit throw the cors, 36,950 Without confort la cald wnder his scheild, And mony berne wist nother of bute no beild ; And mony stout man stickit war that tyde, Bleidand full soir with mony woimdis wj r de. Tha Scottis all rycht bisselie tha go 36,955 Tha Daynis lieidis for to cut thame fro ; With sic dispyte wes neuir one tha spard, Traistand thairfoir to get thankis and reward ; Rycht mony hundreth hingand by the hair Of Danis heidis into thair handis bair. 36,960 The quhilk ane Deyn into the tyme did spy, With ane loud voce he gaif ane schout and cry ; " Other," he said, " debait tow with ^our handis, " Now at sic tyme into sic neid it standis, " Or none of ws, traist weill, efter this da, 36,965 " Fra Albione sail levand pas awa," The Danis all quhen that tha hard that cry, Tha grew in ire with sic melancoly, Into tha tyme quhen tha the perrell knew, Quhill all thair strenthis did agane renew; 36,970 550 THE BUIK OF THE Quhair throw tha wox alss walclin and als wycht, Into thair nrycht ascendand to sic hycht. And quhen tha knew thair strenthis did restoir, JMoir furius nor euir tha war befQir, Witht all thair power pertlie on the plane 36,975 Renewit lies the battell than agane, With all the force into the tyme tha hed. Lib. n,f. 167b. The Scottis men than in the vangard fled, Col. i. >p ue qymt na langar in the feild micht byde : The wyng also vpone the tother syde, 36,980 So lytill strenth into the tyme tha hed, Out of the feild fast efter thame tha fled. Than gude Kenethus in the middill feild, With mony wicht man waponis weill culd weild, Stone still tha faucht and thairof rakkit nocht, 36,085 For all thair fleing wes no tyme in flocht. How ane Husbandman callit Hay with his sonis tway faucht crwellie with ^okkis in thair handis, and keif-it the passage quhair the scottis fled, and mekill Danis Blude that Da he sched, and renewit the battell and wan the Feild. Ane husband man quhilk wes callit Hay, Busteous and big thocht he wes nothing gay, Tua sonis had that war bayth stout and sture ; Of husband lawbour doand was thair cure, 36,990 At pleuch and harrow neirby that samin hour ; Seand the king into sa strang ane stour, And so thik fald war fleand than him fra, For him that tyme his hart it wes richt wa. With that he hint the lok into his hand 36,995 Out of ane pleuch, and syne he gaif command CK0NICL1S OF SCOTLAND. 551 To his tua sonis that tyine to do siclyik. Betuix ane fousie and ane stalwart dyke The passage wes quhair all the Scottis fled ; Than with the £ok into his hand he bed, 37,000 This busteous berne that stalwart wes and stout, Keipit that strenth that no man mycht get out. The Danis als that follouit on the chace, He slew richt mony in the samin place, And sparit that tyme nother freind nor fa, 37,005 Out of that passage preissit for to ga. With his sonis keipit the passage lang, And neuir ane out by thame wald lat gang; That all mycht heir, syne with ane schout and cry, With ane loud voce he cryit mony fy ! 37,010 " Cheis low," he said, " sen force it is sic thing, " With new power hes cumit to oure king, " Now cowarthe heir with thame to be slane, " No manfullie now for to turne agane, " And victorie for till haif of £our fo." 37,015 The Scottis aw quhen tha hard him sa so, And Danis als, trowand that it war trew, That cumand wes sic power of the new, The Danis all rycht joyfull war and fane, That maid the chace, to turne abak agane. 37,020 And tha that fled maid syne on thame ane chace, Quliill that tha come to the fechting place, And thair agane the battell did renew. Hay with his ^ok full mony Dayne he slew ; That forsie freik wes nother waik no lene, 37,025 At ilkane straik that da he slew ane Deyne. 552 THE BUIK OF THE HOW THE BATTELL RENEWIT, AND OF the Scottis CURAGE, AND HOW THE DAYNIS FLED AND TYNT Curage, AND HOW Kenethus WAN THE Feild be the greit Help of that happie Hay and his Sonis Tway. This nobill king with mony man of gude, Fechtand stone still lit in the feild tha stude, Suppois it wes that tynie with mekill pane. Col. 2. Quhen that he saw the feild renew agane, 37,030 So fail - langage than to his men he spak, Quhilk causit thame new curage for to tak, That tha agane grew als ferie and wycht As euir tha war, with far moir strenth and mycht, And with greit force tha did the feild renew. 37,035 The Danis than trowand that all wes trew, Sic new power was cuming thame forgane, Into the feild no langar wald remane, And sone tha fled rycht fast out of that place. The Scottis follouit fastar on the ehace, 37,040 Without mercie that tyme thair chapit nane Tha[t] Danis war quhair euir tha war ouirtane. So greit slauchter wes neuir sene befoir, Was maid that da of Danis les and moir. Quhair that tha fled in mony moss and myre, 37,ois The Scottis wes fulfil lit with sic yre, And had sic thrist than of the Danis blude, That neuir ane than, other ill or gude, Gat girth that da quhair euir he wes ouir tane. Fra morne airlie quhill all the da wes gane, 37,050 This foirsaid Hay and sonis with thair 2okkis, Vpone the Danis laid sa mony knokis, With so greit force the wecht of thame leit feill, That none of thame mycht efterwart do weill. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 553 That gamin nyclit rycht king or it wes da, 37,055 The Danis passit qukair [tliair] schippis la, Vpone ankeris was rydancl on the se, Neirby the place is callit now Dundie, Quid Ik war nocht than into cornparesoun, Scantlie the fourt part that tha brocht of toun. 37,060 Syne passit all on [to] the se that nycht, And or the morne war saillit out of sycht ; And quhair awa that tyme I can nocht tell, Bot weill I wait, as te ma judge tour sell, Thair wes greit blythnes at thair cuming hame, 37,065 Quhen euerie man wes missit be his name. No inoir of this now will I put in ryme, Becaus it is so greit tarie of tyme ; Thairof as now I think to hald me still, And to my purpois turne agane I will. 37,070 This Kenethus baid in the feild all nycht, Syne on the morne quhen that the da wes lycht, The Danis pakeonis with rycht mony tent, Quhilk furneist war rycht riche and fertdent, With gold and siluer and all vther geir, 37,075 And riche cleithiDg that ordand wes to weir, With haill consent that tyme of all the lave, Most pretious part on to this Hay he gave, Of riche clething, gold and siluer bricht, And his tua sonis that war bayth bald and 37,080 wycht. Syne all the laif wes spul^e of the feild, To euerie man that wapin docht to weild, Efter his deid as he wes worth to haue, Rycht equallie he delt amang the laue. 554 THE BUIK OF THE How King Kenethus passit to the Toun of Bartha, and thair maid this Hay Knycht and gaif him the landis of erroll ; and of the Discord and Stryfe that fell betuix the Lord of Angus, callit Cruth- lyntus, and lord of the mernis, cali.lt alsua, and how kenethus puneist and pacifeit that feid, and how malcum dufe was put doun be kenethus. Lib. n,f.i68. Qulien this wes done, passit to Bartha toun 37,085 Col. l. rp^ no \ } [\\ ting with mony bald barroun. With haill consent that tyme of euery wicht, This foirsaid Hay thair hes he maid ane knycht, For his support he maid him in sic perrell; Syne gaif to him the landis all of Erroll, 37,ooo Into the cars of Gowrie quhair tha la ; The quhilk his airis brukis ^it this da. Erll of that ilk is callit at this hour, Quhilk is ane hous of greit fame and honour. I pra to God that lang tyme so it be, 37,095 In sic honour all that genelogie. This beand done, as £e haif hard me sa, Gude Kenethus richt lang and mony da, In peax and rest and greit honour he rang, Quhill efter syne, I can nocht tell how lang, 37,loo Gif [it] be trew the storie tellis ws, Ane lord of Angus, callit Cruthlynthus, Ane dochter had wes callit Fenella, Quhilk had ane sone Cruthlynthus hecht alsua, Lord of the Mernis in the tyme wes he. 37,105 So hapnit him with his grandsire to be In to the castell than of Dalbogy ; Quhat wes the caus I can nocht tell ^ow quhy, Betuix his seruandis and men of the place, Rycht greit discord fell of ane suddane cace, 37,no CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 555 Quhair in the tyme he had tua seruandis slane, Quliairof he wes nothing content nor fane. This Cruthlynthus that na langar mycht fente, To his graudsire he passit for to plenie ; Quhilk ansuer maid to him with grit dispyte, 37,115 Sayand, him self thairof had all the wyte, Quliairof that tyme he soidd na mendis haue ; And callit him bayth harlot, loun and knaue ; War nocht he wes his dochteris sone so neir, He maid ane vow he sould haif bocht it deir. 37,120 Rycht fureous thus did he with him flyte, Syne to the ^et gart put him for dispyte ; That [he] was fane, as my author did sa, Out of that place to chaip levand awa. This Cruthlynthus he tuke full hie in hart 37,125 The greit repulss that he gat in that part ; Wnto his mother callit Fenella, To Fettercarne he passit on ane da, And schew to hir the maner all and how, Ilk word by word as I [haif] schawin tow, 37,130 How all wes done and in the samin sort, And how hir father did him sic dischort. This Fenella, throw the report he schew, Bycht hie and het intill hir mynd scho grew, Quhilk in hir breist the hiear ay ascendis, 37,135 Perswadand him rycht sone to tak ane mendis. Sayand, scho sidd rycht hartlie with gude will, At all power mak greit supple thair till, Commandand him for to mak no delay. And so he did sone efter on ane clay, 37,1-10 With all the power that tyme that he mycht, Come to Dalbogy quietlie ane nycht, And suddantlie the castell syne hes tone. Bayth ill and gude that war thairin ilkone, He slew thame all than be the leist ane knaif; 37,115 His graudsire gat no moir girth nor the laif. 556 THE BUIK OF THE The castell syne gart cast doun to the ground, And all the riches in that place wes fund, Gold and siluer, and all other geir, Distribut hes amang his men of weir. 37,150 Quhen this wes done syne fordwart furth he fuudis, Makand greit heirschip in Cruthlynthus boundis; Col. 2. Syne in the Mernis hes all with him tane Richt mony berne that mycht nocht thoill this blane. Into Angus, quhilk wes of Cruthlynthus clan, 37,155 He gart convene togidder mony man, Quhilk in the Mernis maid ane haistie raid, And in the tyme greit spulie also maid. The Mernis men was gatherit than foirgane, Of aduenture ' syne met vpone ane plane, 37,160 And straik ane feild the spuke to reskew, On euerie syde richt mony ane tha slew. Fra that da furth, as my author did sa, With countering and carmusche euerie da, Tha previt vther oft syis on the plane, 37,1 Go On euerie syde quhair mony ane wes slane. Had tha stand lang at sic abusioun, The pairteis baith had gane to confusioun, But ony dout, or endit war that pleid, Had nocht Kenethus maid soner remeid. 37,170 Quhilk suddanelie ane herald send thame till, And chargit thame at his command and will, Tha suld compeir befoir him all lycht sone, The fyiftene da for to thoill law in Scone, Vnder the pane of lyfe, land and gude, 37,175 Quhat euir he wes that this command ganestude. This Cruthlynthus the law so soir adred, With all his men rycht far awa he fled ; Befoir the king that da wald nocht compeir: How hapnit syne sone efter le sail heir. - 37,ieo 1 In MS. Adienturne. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 557 This Kenethus on tliame ilk da be da Followit richt fast, syne in Lochquhabria This Cruthlynthus and all the laif war tane, And brocht agane to Dunsenen ilkane, This kingis eastell wes into the tynie, 37,185 Quhair tha war all accusit of that cryme. The men of gude that had auctoritie, With Cruthlynthus condampnit war to de, For-quhy tha war the caus of all that thing. Syne at command of Kenethus the king, 37,190 The commoun pepill quhilk war till excuiss, Thair maisteris charge that durst noeht weill refuiss, Quhen he considderit that tyme how it was, For that same caus vnpuneist leit thame pas. This beand done as I haif said low than, 37,195 Richt tenderlie wes louit with all man In all that tyme Kenethus the gude king, So circumspect and just wes in all thing. Louit he wes with euerilk man on lywe, Als tenderlie as other barne or wywe : 37,200 So just he wes in his auctoritie, To euerie man with sic equalitie, And sic perfectioun, schortlie to conclude, That men of him ma sa nathing bot gude. Quhill efterwart the tua and tuentie leir 37,205 Wes of his ring, as I sail schaw low heir, His bruther sone as le sail wnderstand, Gude Malcum Dufe, the prince of Cumberland, King Duffus sone in storeis as we reid, Quhilk efter him wes narrest to succeid. 37,210 This Kenethus than, as my author demit, For to be trew richt weill also it semit, On to his sone affectit so wes he, Efter his tyme to haif auctoritie, And bruke the croun withoutin ony pleid, 37,215 This Malcum Dufe with poysoun put to deid. 558 THE BUIK OF THE Lib.n,f.i68b. Into the tyme thoclit it was nocht weill knawin, The suith fastnes thairof ryckt sone was schawin. This Malcum Dufl'e that tyme in Cumberland, Tuke sic seiknes that nane culd wnderstand 37,220 Quhat mycht him help, or mak him ony remeid, It handlit him so hetlie to the deid. Into the breist so stoppit was and bun, And all his bodie swelbt lyke ane tun, Quliill that his cors all [to] brist and clawe, 37,225 And fra the bane the lyre bowdin and raue, Throw Strang poysoun, as euerie man wist weill, Bot be quhat man wes none that had ane feill. The men of gude that tyme for the most feet, Of that ilk deid tha held the king suspect, 37,230 For the same caus befoir that I tow tald ; Bot thair wes nane amang thame, ^oung or aid, Quhat euir he thocht, that durst reveill sic thing, Sic aw that tyme tha stude than of thair king ; That mony als of men of gude that tyme, 37,235 Into thair mynd him clengit of that cryme, For mony vertewis into him tha saw, So just he wes to execute the law, Without rigour, full of benignitie, So equale ay in his auctoritie, 37,210 Bayth word and werk wes ay to gude effect ; And for that caus tha held him nocht suspect. Ane vther caus how that tha knew sic thing, Quhen that his deid was schawin to the king, So greit displesour in the tyme he tuik, 37,2-15 But meit or sleip rycht lang fastit and woik. So mony teir come tringland fra his ene ; Sa oft wald sob and sich full soir betuene, Into his mynd so dolorus and dirk ; So greit suffrage also in halie kirk, . 37,250 Ouir all Scotland he hes gart sing and sa, In euirilk kirk onto the auchtane da, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 559 For gude Malcorne the prince of Cumberland. Quhairby that tyme tha niycht Weill wnderstand, And knaw perfitlie als in thair intent, 37,255 Of Malcolmis deid the king wes innocent ; And for that tyme than all the nobill blude Left suspitioun and traistit nocht bot gude. how ane messinger was send out of ingland to King Kenethus, and of his Ansuer agane quha sould be prince of cumber- LAND. That samin tyme, sone efter all this thing, Fra gude Edward that wes of Ingland king, 37,200 "Wes marterit efter with his awin step mother, Becaus hir sone, quhilk wes king Edwardis bruther, Efter his deid was narrest to succeid, Thair come that tyme, in storie as we reid, Ane messinger to Kenethus the king, 37,265 Beseikand him rycht hartlie of that thing, That he wald cheis the prince of Cumberland, As me diatom 1 betuix thame for to stand, For peax and rest and greit tranquillitie ; And to thame bayth rycht leill and trew till 37,270 be, Without tressone als traist as ony steill, To baith the kinrikis for the commoun weill. Tins Kenethus sic ansuer maid agane, " Forsuith," he said, "thairof I am rycht fane, " And als content his plesour to fulfill 37,275 " In all poyntis that le haif put me till ; " Now wait I weill, that ay befoir I weynd " This nobill king hes euir bene my freind ; Co1 - 2. " And for his saik, als haistie as I ma, Of tour ansuer I sail gar set ane da." 37,280 560 THE 13I3IK OF THE In Scone that tyme, as my author did mene, The da wes set quhair tha suld all convene, Baith king and lordis in the tyrae ilkone ; Syne gude Kenethus on the marbell stone, As president thair sittand in his chair ; 37,285 Of eloquence he wes nocht for to lair, Quhilk in the tyme, as le ma richt weill trow, He said to thame as I sail sa to iow. " My lordis all, te knaw richt weill ilkone, " So lang hefoir richt mony ^eir agone, 37,290 ,; How gude Fergus, the foundar of this ring, " Sic lawis maid in chesing of thair king ; " That is to say, efter ane kiDgis deid, " Gif that his sone suld succeid in his steid, " Without perfectioun that tyme war ane child, 37,295 " The narrest man quhilk war of lauchtfull eild " Onto the hous, sould that tyme crownit be, " For all his tyme bruik that auetoritie, " Syne efterwart to succeid in his steid, " The lauchfull air efter that king wes deid. 37,300 " Thus euir mair the king sould be ane man, " And for sick caus the lawis first began ; " Bot weill I wait, quha that rycht wnderstude, " That wes the caus of far moir ill na gude ; " And causit oft richt greit aduersitie, 37,305 " And mekle trubill in the realme to be. " Witnes," he said, " first of king Feretar, " And Ferlegus quhilk wes king Fergus air, " The richteous prince and of the royall blude ; " Throw sic lawis, now schortlie to conclude, 31,310 " Tha war the first that sic trubill began, " And Ferlegus that wes ane nobill man, " Wes maid exull and baneist for to be, " In vther land with greit miseritie, " The quhilk to Scotland wes lak and offence, 37,315 " So schamefullie suld be thair king and prince, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 5GI " Wes bond and thrall so lang to carllis blude, " Makand thaine sendee for his lyvis fude. " Witnes also," he said, " of Nothatus, " And ;oung Rewthar, causit be Dowalus ; 37,320 " And of Novans Ferquhard the quhilk wes lord, " Betuix thame tua that kendlit sic discord. " For that same caus, now schortlie to conclusioun, " Quhilk brocht Scotland to vter confusioun, " And Pechtland als siclyke, for to conclude, 37,325 " Betuix thame baith of all the nobill blude " Wes nocht ane left, as it wes rycht weill kend, " To gyde the laif and fra thair fo defend. " Quhairthrow the Scottis and the Pechtis all, " Onto the Britis was maid bond and thrall, 37,330 " Or all to fie without ony remeid, " In vther landis for to beg thair breid. " Than threttene £eir without auctoritie, " So lang tha war in sic miseritie, " Lang efter that siclike with Romacus, 37,335 " And Ethalmac, the storie tellis thus, " And Angustiane bruther sonis all thrie, " Throw thair discord for sick auctoritie, " Scotland, that tyme quhilk wes into greit rest, " With Romanis soir wes puneist and opprest; 37,340 " Syne finallie out of Scotland to fle, ' : And fourtie ieir maid exull for to be. L'b.ii,f.i69. " Now ma te ken, heir schortlie to conclude, " Thairof the ill exceidis far the gude." Also he said, " Now for the samin quhy, 37,345 " Bot laitlie now in tymis ' ar gane by, " How mony men war of the royall blude " Feinteit rycht far as tha had bene rycht gude, 1 In MS. Ii/nw. VOL. II. N N 562 THE BUIK OF THE " "Withoutin vice, of greit vertu to be, " Haiffand respect to sic authoiitie ; 37,350 " Sone efter syne, God wait and nocht rycht lang, " Fra tyme tha gat the thing quhairfoir tha sang, " Tha changit sone into ane vther man, " Levand the way in quhome tha first began ; " Vsand ill lyfe and sic vice and abusionn, 37,353 " Quhilk brocht this kinrik richt oft to confusioun. " And for that caus my counsall is thairfoir, " To abrogat, and vse that law no moir, " And vse conforme wnto the commonn law " In vther landis vsit is ouir aw. 37,360 " The kingis sone, thoucht he be nenir so ?ing, " Efter his fader in his sted to ring, " Quhat euer tha be, madin or man chyld, " Withoutin ee to wisdome or to eild, " As God plesis to send into the tyde, 37,365 " Is none as he so weill that can prowyde ; " I hald it best in sic ane doutsam cace, " To put oure traist ay into Godis grace. " Becaus," he said, " of all tour cuming heir, ' c Now in this place that I gart 20 w compeir, 37,370 " Mest speciall is, as te sail wnderstand, " To cheis the lord and prince of Cumberland, " Qulrilk ordand is betuix king and king, " For to keip peas and gar refbrme all thing " That is done wrang be Scotland and Ingland, 37,375 " Ony to vther, be vertu of the band, " The quhilk wes maid be ouir progenitoir, " Ze knaw tour self, in all tymes befoir ; " The quhilk also is lauchtfull to succeid " To this kinrik, quhen tyme beis or neid. 37,380 " In this mater, but ony circumstance, " Rycht sone I wald heir $our deliuerance." CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 563 Tua nobillis than, war grittest men of gude Of all Scotland and of the royall blude, Ane Constantyne, the sone of Culenus 37,385 That last wes king, the tother hecht Gremus, The bruther sone of gude Duff us the king ; Thir tua that tyme that knew full weill all thing Imaginat into the kingis mynd, The circumstance, the ordour and the kynd, 37,390 How all wes said, and als to quhat effect ; Suppois thame selffis thair till had ane aspect On to the croun be thair awin writtin law, lit neuirtheles that tyme tha stude sic aw Of Kenethus that wes thair prince and king, 37,395 To contray him or crab in ony thing ; And thocht that tyme tha wald sa na thairtill, Eycht weill tha wist that he wald liaif his will, And of his purpois alway cum gude speid. And syne tha haif, bot magir to thair meid, 37,400 For that same caus consentit baith thairtill, And put it all into the kingis will, And war the first that tyme of all the laif, Onto the king that sic ane ansuer gaif, As plesit him that tyme, at his command, 37,405 Quhome that he wald mak prince of Cumberland, And abrogat tha lawis les and moir, Wes maid in chesing of the kingis befoir, And keip the law wes maid into the tyme : Sic ansuer gaif bayth Constantyne and Gryme. 37,410 Quhen tha had said, than all the multitude, Col. 2. All in ane voce than, schortlie to conclude, " Malcolme," tha said, " without ony demand, " Kenethus sone, mak prince of Cumberland." And so he wes. with haill auctoritie, 37,415 Of Cumberland promovit prince to be ; N N 2 564 THE BUIK OF THE And tuke his leif than baytli at gude and ill, And with the herald than wes send thairtill, Quhilk in the tyme that corne for the same thing, Fra gude Edward that wes of Ingland king. 37,420 This beand done but ony violence, Kenethus knew weill be experience, And be the law quhome to tha gaif consent, Quhilk than wes maid without impediment, For euirmoir that his posteritie 37,425 Suld ay succeid to his auctoritie. And for to haue thair fauour in sic thing, Waill tenderlie he treittit aid and ?ing- ; To euerie lord and als to mony lard, Into his tyme gaif mony greit reward ; 37,430 With diligence exercit ay his cuir, At all power to pleis baith riche and puir. Bycht ecpiallie he held him till all man, With puir and riche weill louit wes he than, And with all leid that leuand wes on lyve, 37,435 Moir tenderlie than other barne or wyve ; That thair wes no man, schortlie to conclude, That said or thocht of him all tyme bot gude. Off the Vjsiottn that apperit to Kenethus the King on the Ntcht in his Sleip, AND OF HIS CONFESSIOUN, PeNNANCE, AlMOI'S Deid, and Devotiopn, and off the WICKIT Wyffe Fenella. So hapnit [it] syne efter on ane nycht. In his sleip be ane visioun and sycht 37,440 Him thocht that tyme he hard ane voce apeir, Quhilk said to him with ane loud voce and cleir; CR0N1CLIS OF SCOTLAND. 56o '• Kenetlms! tak tent heir to my sawis. " Thow ' trowis God thi eruell ciyrae misknawis, " That thow committit with sic violence, 37,445 " Quhen thow gart poysoun Malcum Dufe the prince " Of Cumbria, quhilk air wes to Scotland. " For caus," he said, " thow tuke sic thing on hand, " Throw sic desire that thi prosperitie " Suld broke the croun with haill auctoritie. 37,450 " Quhairfoir," he said, " the God omnipotent " Decreittit hes be his rycht judgment, " Rycht sone on the sic ane vengence sould tak, " Till all thi realme salbe greit skayth and lak ; " And to thi airis rycht lang efter the, 37,455 " Rycht greit trubill without tranquillitie." Quhen this wes said the voce vaneist awa. This Kenethus, in his bed quhair he la, Sichit full soir with mony langsnm thocht, Fra that tyme furth that nycht he sleipit 37,460 nocht ; So greit terrour in his mynd he tuke. That all that nycht he wolterit and he woik, And thocht full lang qukill that he saw the lycht. Than vp he rais and raikit in full rycht To his chapell with humbill intercessionn, 37,465 In ferme purpois to mak his haill confessioun Of all the synnis he had done beforne, On to that tyme sen the hour he wes borne. Ane halie bischop into Scotland wes than, The quhilk to name wes callit Mouean ; 37,470 Cunning he was all caissis for to knaw, Lib.n.f.iRob. And richt expert into the canoun law, For ony dout that men mycht at him speir ; In theologie also he wes perqueir, ' In MS, Throw. 566 THE BUIK OF THE And in all vertew, schortlie to conclude, 37,475 He did exceid siclyke in sanctitude. This Kenethus for this ilk Mouian He send that tyme, quhilk sone come till him than ; To quhome that tyine he hes maid his confessioun, Ilk word be word in ordour, but degressioun ; 37,48C And all his mynd and secreit to him schew, Nothing obscure, als planelie as he knew, And speciallie of Malcolme Duffus deid ; Askand at him quhat mycht be best rerneid. This nobill man agane he said him till ; 37,485 " Sic ordinance is ay in Godis will, " Nothing in erth vnpuneist to lat pas; " Decretit hes for all vice and trespas, " Ane cruell pane correspondand thairtill, " For euirilk fait quhilk force is to fulfill. 37,490 " Quhilk pane," he said, " suppois it cruell be, " He puttis all into oure libertie, " And reddie ay thairof to gif remissioun, " Thairof perfitlie and we haif contritioun, " "With perfite purpois to forbair and mend, 37,495 " And neuir agane his majestie offend. " And we do so into all tyme and place, " Traist weill of him to haif mercie and grace. " Mercie him causit ane mortall man to be, " Syne thole grit pane and naturalie to de. 37,600 " The propheit sais, that we Sanct Dauid call, " His mercie is aboue his werkis all ; " The quhilk to liim is ay sic propertie, " Without mercie God can nocht rycht weill be. " Haif in tour mynd gude consolatioun ; 37,505 " Tak nocht this tyme sic desperatioun ; " Traist weill sic thing cumis no way perforce, " Sen gratius God quhilk is misericors, " Is reddear to gif mercie and grace, " No for to puneis for the grittest cace 37,510 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 507 " Quhilk is coimnittit lie ane mortall man." Than throw the counsall of this Mouian He tuke confort and put awa all cair. With greit deuotioun ilk da mair and mair, In orisoun baith for to heir and reid, 37,515 Diuoit he wes with mony almous deid ; To kirk and kirkmen dalie with grit cuir, Rycht helplike was, and also to the puir. In pilgrauiage passit to mony place, Beseikand Sanctis to obtene him grace 37,620 At gratius God, in his hie majestie, Sen tha with him war better hard nor he. In pilgramage syne to Palladius, Into the Mernis, my author sais thus, In Fordwy quhair that his banis lyis, 37,525 As he befoir wes wont to do oft syis, With greit diuotioun to that halie Santt, Beseikand God thairof his grace to grant Fre indulgens of all thing les and inoir, Aganis him committit wes befoir. 37,530 This beand done as I haif said tow heir, Than passit hes with mony gudlie feir By Fettercarne into ane place to hunt, With men of gude befoir as he wes wont, And houndis als that war baith gude and fyne ; 37,535 Tak tent and heir how efter hapnit syne. Co) , This Fenella, of quhome befoir I tald, That wickit wyfe baith bellicois and bald Causit hir sone hir awin father to sla, Schort quhile befoir ie micht heir me say sa, 37,640 The quhilk Cruthlynthus callit wes to name ; Quhairfoir efter he thoillit lak and schame, For that same deid than wes he maid to de, As ressoun wald for his iniquitie. His deid rycht hie scho buir into hir mynd, 37,545 So is the nature of all wemen kynd ; 568 THE BUIK OF THE Without knawledge, full of crudelitie, Desyrand ay revengit for to be, Suppois the fait be baith litill and lycht, So full tha ar of malice and of hycht. 37,550 So wes this wyfe tlian for the saniin caus, The quhilk wes done be just decreit and lawis ; iit neuirtheles that scho coasidderit nocht. Bayth da and nycht that wes ay in hir thocht, This nobill king how scho mycht put to deid, 37,555 Withoutin caus scho had at him sic feid. Syne in hir breist consauit hes ane trane ; Tak tent and heir, and I sail schaw 2ow plane In forme and effect, and all the fassoun how My authour sais as I sail sa to low. 37,560 How Fenella biggit ane new Work in Fet- TERCAENE, AND HOW KlNG KENETHUS COME TO VIESIE IT, AND THAIR SUDDANTLIE SLANE. In Fettercarne, quhilk wes hir duelling place, Scho had gart big befoir ane lytill space Ane prettie tour, bot of small quantitie, Rycht curious and plesand for to se, Proper perfite, quhilk wes of poleist stone, 37,505 In Albione sic semdill wes or none. R}'cht clene thickit was than all this tour, Weill gilt with gold, quhairon rycht mony flour Depanetit war with mony bird on breir, And mony rachis rynnand at the deir. 37,570 The craft richt far the mater did excel] Of all this tour, the treuth gif I sidd tell, So curiouslie as it wes cled within. And at the tapetis first I will begin, Of fynest silk of mony diuerss hew, 37,576 Burneist with gold, purpure and asur blew, CRONIULIS OF SCOTLAND. 560 Depanetit all with greit plesance aud joy, The aid storie of Thebes and of Troy. The sylar alss wes of the sypar tre, Porterit perfite that plesand wes to se ; 37,580 Richt curious carvit with niony ane knot, Wnmaculat, withoutin ony filth or spot ; As ony lanterne castand ane hevynlie lycht Of purpur, asur, and of siluer bricht. Greit corce bowis, that war bayth Strang and 37,585 stout, Within the wall wes rayit round about, Fast to the knok war buklit vp in beud, With ganieis scharpe reddie fra thanie to send. Off bras ane pillar in the fluir thair stude, Vpone the heid of plesand pulchritude 37,590 Ane copper image of small cpmntitie, Quhilk proper wes and plesand for to se. This lytill image buir into the hand, Jjb.li, f.i'o. Of gold ane apill as the sone schynand, • '" Quhilk plantit wes with mony pretius stone, 37,595 As jesp, jasink, and margaretis mony one ; With turcas, topas, and with amerandis brycht, With rubeis reid, and diamontis wes dicht ; With amates that courtlie war and cleir, And mony mo than I will reckin heir. 37,eoo This work quhilk wes als subtill wrocht as reche, With sic diuyss gif ony man wald tuiche The goldin apill that the image buir, The bent bowis that war baj'th Strang and stuir, Ilkone of thame richt haistelie but ho, 37,605 Out of the nok ane gan2e wald lat go, Schot at him, without ony ganestand, Tuichit the apill in the image hand. This fals Fenalla knew rycht weill perfite, This nobill king greit plesance and delyte, 37,6io 570 THE BUIK OF THE And greit desyre Lad alway for to se Sic coistlie werk of euriositie ; Thinkand agane and he come tbair till hunt. Neirby that place befoir as be wes wont, He wald desyre sone for to cuni and se 37,615 Sic plesand werk of greit speciositie. This samin tyme than lies it hapnit so, This nobill king on fra the hunting go To Fettercarne, to visie that new werk, And left the laif still huntand in the park. 37,620 With few seruandis he come tbair forrow none, Qnbair that he wes ressauit than rycbt sone With Fenella and hir seruandis ilkane, Bycht reuerentlie within that hous of stane, With all seruice into the tyme thairto, 37,625 To his princeheid war plesand for to do. At ganand tyme scho causit him to dyne ; With coistlie spycis and mon} T mychtie wyne, Of diuerss cullouris into cowpis cleir, Weill ma ^e wit scho maid him rycbt gude 37,630 cheir ; Bot syne allace ! scho gart him pa weill ford. This gude Keneth, the nobill prince and lord, So courtas wes, so lawlie and benyng, Into the tyme held hir suspect nothing, Efter the dennar cpiietlie is gone, 37,635 Bot he and scho rycbt secreitlie alone, Within the tour that plesand werk to se, Wes so perfite with sic speciositie. Of euerilk thing he speirit hes the quhy ; And scho agane rycbt sone and suddanthy, 37,640 As wemen hes ane haistie ansuer sone, Schew him qubairfoir that euerie thing wes done. The image als vpoun the pillar heid, Quhilk buir the apill of the gold so reid, CRONICXIS OP SCOTLAND. 571 Wes his image into the tyme scho schew, 37,645 To signifie that scho wes traist and trew, And louit him at all power and mycht, Thairfoii' his image present in hir sicht, Scho thoncht so plesand to behald and se. The apill als of sic speciositie, 37,650 Quhilk pleneist wes with mony pretious stone, Scho ordand lies for his hienes alone, Into the self cpihilk wes so riche ane thing, That it micht be ane reward for ane king. Beseikand him of his excellent grace, 37,655 He wald ressaue the apill in that place, At his plesour out of the image hand. This nobill king, the quhilk wald nocht ganestand, The goldin apill in his hand he tuik : With that the pillar and the image schuik, 37,660 Col. i. And all the hous begouth also to rok, And all the stringis slippit out of nok Of ilk corss bow, the quhilk befoir wes bend, Syne throw his cors ilkane ane gante send ; That suddantlie without help or remeid, 37,665 Doun on the fluir this nobill king fell deid. How Fenalla fled away efter the King was SLANE, AND HOW HIS SERUANDIS WAITTIT LANG ON HIS OUT CUMING, AND AT LANG TAREING COIIE TO THE Dull QUHAIR HE WAS, AND THAIR FAND HIM SLANE, AND OF HIS BUREALL. This wickit wyfe seand that it was so, Out at ane postrum of the tour did go ; Syne in ane furrest that wes neir besyde, Amang the rammell quhair scho did hir hyde ; 37,670 Syne on ane hors that ordand wes thairto, Nane bot ane seruand in that tyme and scho, 5/2 THE BUIK OF THE Fre fra all perrell passit ouir the fell, And quhair awa I can nocht rycht weill tell. The kingis seruandis bydand on his grace, 37,675 Quhill neir hand evin tha farleit on that cace, Qnhat wes the caus he baid so lang thairin ; Syne at the dur, wes closit witkt ane gyn, Softhe did knok, trowand that he suld heir, Bot fchair wes nane wald ansuer mak, or speir 37,680 Than qnlia wes that that callit at the duir, So oft but ansuer knokit with sic cuir. Quhill at the last, thocht it wes stark and Strang, All with ane dunt the dur sone vp tha dang; The nobill king with bludie woundis reid, 37,G85 Vpoun the fluir thair tha fand Hand deid. Ze ma weill wit that tha war rj'cht wnfane To se the king befoir thair face ly slane, Quhilk treittit thame sa tenderlie and weill. Suppois ane hart had bene all of hard steill, 37,000 Or also stark as ony marbell stone, It wald haif brist to heir thair piteous mone. Rycht weill ilkone into the tyme tha knew, It wes Fenella that thair inaister slew, For to revenge Cruthlynt hir sonis deid ; 37,605 Quhair scho wes fled, into what place or steid, With diligence ilk da richt lang wes soucht Fra place to place, bot £it tha fand hir nocht. The commoun voce wes than for the most feet, This Constantyne, the quhilk tha held suspect, 37,700 Quhome of befoir schort quhile to $ow I schew, Greit malice had at Kenethus ye knew, For his sone Malcum, as ^e wnderstande, Declarit wes the prince of Cumberland, To bruke the croun efter to that effect, 37,705 Quhome to himself than had so greit respect. To him wes said into the tyme [scho] fled, Syne efter wart onto Ireland wes led, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 573 Quhair all liir dayis thair scho did remane ; I hard nocht tell that scho come hame agane. 37,710 The lordia all syne efter with greit cuir, The kingis corps to lona Yle tha buir, Oft' the same vse as wont wes of befoir, Lib.n.f.irob. Intnmula[t] with greit honour and gloir, Col. 1. Than of his ring the fyve and threttie ieir, 37.713 And of oure Lord quha lykis for to heir, Ane thousand compleitlie war ago, Into that tyine withoutin ony mo. how c'oxstantyne was crown it efter klxg Kexethus be certane Lordis that war his Freindis aganis Malcolme, Kixg Kenethis Sone. This Constantyne of quhome befoir I schew, Als suddantlie than as he hard and knew 37,720 This nobill king Kenethus so wes deid, He raid about fra euerie steid to steid To his freindis, requyrand thame sic thing, Into that tyme to cheis him prince and king, Quhilk had the rycht as tha knew weill ilkone 37,725 Be the auld law wes maid richt langr asone ; Thocht tha consentit to Kenethus law Quhilk in the tyme wes moir for dreid and aw, No of the kinrik for the commoun weill. Thairfoir he said, alss far as he had feill, 37,730 Sick law as that sould nocht obeyit be, The quhilk wes maid be sic auctoritie. His freindis than quhilk that tyme war nocht few, Be sick ressone into that tyme he schew, So neir of kin also tha war him till, 37,735 Consentit all and gaif him thair gud will. Syne into Scone with thair consent ilkone, Tha crownit him vpoun the marbell stone ; 574 THE BUIK OF THE The tuelt day efter gude Kenetlius deid, The goldin croun wes set vpoun his heid. 37,740 How Malcolme the ;oung Prince come to LOUTHEANE WITH ANE GREIT POWER TO RESIST CONSTANTYNE, AND SYNE SKAILL1T HIS OlST FOR FEIR. Had nocht Kenethus wes his bastard bruther, That louit him than best of ony vther, With greit power at Striuiling brig he la, This Constantyne thair warnit of the way, Quhilk at that brig wald nocht lat him ouir 37,745 gang, With loung Malcolme it wald haif bene all wrong. This Kenethus, quhilk at the bi-ig did byde, And maid him tarie so lang in the tyde, Quhill all his victuall waistit wes and gone, That force it wes for to pas hame ilkone. 37,750 This Constantins, thocht he wes layth thairtill, Skaillit his ost that tyme agane his will. In sic diuisioun lang and mony da This kinrik wes diuydit into tua ; This Constantyne had all into the north; 37,755 And ioung Malcolme besouth the water of Forth Into the tyme tha tuke his part ilkone ; And in the north richt mony wes anone That louit him rycht afald with thair hart, Thocht tha so planelie durst nocht tak his part. 37,760 Lang thus tha war in sic diuersitie, That 1 da be da with grit crudelitie, Ather did vther cniellie invaid, Quhair rycht greit slauchter and heirschip wes maid, 1 In MS. Thay. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 575 That Scotland haill wes to confusioun broclit ; 37,765 The coinmoun weill was waistit all to nocht ; Col. 2. The puir pepill war haillelie distroyit ; Wedowis and wyffis wrangit war and noyit ; And mony virgin that wes of honest fame, Deflorit wes, and loissit Mr gude name. 37,770 The kirk and kirkmen wer distroyit haill ; The best of thame durst skantlie tell his tail] To the leist loun that wes in all the land, Bot gif he held his heid into his hand, And call him schir, bekkand with bayth his 37,775 kneis. This is rycht suith, or than my author leis. How ^oung Malcolme, Prince of Cumbirland, come in Supple of Edward, King of Ing- land, and how he and the danis agreit. This samin tyme as le sail wnderstand, This gude Edward, that king wes of Ingland, Ilk da be da, the langar ay the moir, Than with the Danis vexit wes richt soir, 37,780 That force it wes than schort quhile efter syne, All on ane da other to wyn or tyne. This loung Malcolme, of quhome I spak befoir, With rycht greit power that same da come thoir In the supple of gude Edward the king, 37,785 Quha wes richt blyth and joyfidl of that thing. Quhairof the Danis richt greit terrour tuke, To fecht that da, as sum man said, forsuik ; And wes content for to agre and cord, At the requeist of mony gude kirk lord. 37,790 And so thai war with bayth thair haill consent ; So that the Danis suld bald thame content In peas and rest to brake alhaill the landis, Possessit war that tyme into thair handis. 576 THE BUIK OF THE Moir to desyr tha sould nocht ask nor crawe ; 37,795 Ane sowme of gold alss in the tyme to liaif, And neuir on ane vther to invaid. Of this conditioun peax that tyrae wes maid. How puNG Malcolmis Bruther, callit Ke- NETHUS, MET CONSTANTYNE AT CrAWMOUND, quhair the tane slew the tother hand for Hand. This samin tyme now that te heir me sa, That Malcolme wes out of the land awa 37,800 Into Ingland with power les and moir. This Constantyne, of quhome I spak befoir, Trowand his tyme was than maist oportune, Quhairfoir that tyme with greit power rycht sone, Tuentie thousand he brocht out of the north, 37,805 Quhome with he passit ouir the water of Forth, For to subdew tha landis all him till. Kenetlms than with egir mynd and will, Malcolmus bruther befoir as I tald, With mony berne that wes baytli big and bald, 3i,8io Than at the mouth he met him of Amond, Quhair standis now the gude tonn of Crawmond. Thir bernis bald ilkone on vther bet, Quhill all thair waponis in thair blude wes wet ; And dourlie than ilkane on vther drawe, 37,815 Quhill all thair helmis into pecis rawe. Of wynd that tyme thair blew ane suddane blast Out of the eist, quhilk draue the snnd rycht fast Into the ene of Constantins men, Lib.n,f.i:i. And blindit thame that tha mvcht seantlie ken 37.S20 C 1 1 Quha wes thair freind or quha than wes thair fa, That force it was thame bakwart for till ga, Out of the feild than fled with all thair force. That Constantyne come fordwart on ane horss, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 5 77 And with Kenethus in the feikl he met ; 37,825 So scharplie than ilkane [on] other set, And ran at vther with so rude ane reird, Baith horss and men war drevin to the erd. SjTie start on fnt and pullifc out tua brandis, And manfullie debaittit with thair handis, 37,830 Ay prevand other pertlie on that plane, And son;eit nocht quhill that tha war baith slane. In the thrid ieir of Constanti[n]us ring Thus endit he wes bot intrusit king. Off Gryme and his crownyng of Malcolme, and his persewing efter constantine was deid ; betuix thill tua fell deidlie Feid. Than Gremus syne, of quhome befoir I schew, 37,835 Quhen he hard tell the veritie and knew That Constantyne his consent wes so deid, Kenethus als slane in the samin steid, Malcolme the prince rycht so wes in Ingland, Traistand to haif na stop nor ganestand; 37,840 To all the lordis that tyrne les and moir, This Constantyne that fauorit of befoir, Rewardit thame richt freindlie with his hart, And treittit thame quhill that tha tuke his part. As I haif said quhen that all thing wes done, 37,845 That samin tyme tha passit all to Scone, And set him doun vpone the marbell stone, And crownit him with thair consent ilkone. This Malcum Keneth qidaen he hard and knew How all that thing wes hapnit of the new, 37,850 And how Grymus also wes crownit king, Rycht far he wes commouit at that thing, And thocht he wald him scharplie thame persew. His freindis than, quhilk wnderstude and knew VOL. II. 57S THE BUIK OF THE That all his werke wald be of litill vaill, 37,855 And of his purpois he wald nocht prevail], Tha saw this Gryme into sic fauour stand With inony lord that wes into that land, With [giftis] fra him that turnit [lies] thair mynd, And chereis thame to him for to be kynd, 37,8Go Quhairthrow he mycht haif thair help and supple, Or than, tha said, sic thing wald neuer be. Throw thair counsall, quhilk wes rycht trew he kend, Rycht secreitlie ouir all Scotland he send Treittand the lordis for to tak his part, 37,865 Promittand thame rycht kyndlie with his hart With all power to quyt thame weill thair meid, Sua that tha wald supple him in his neid. Rycht mony wes thairof that tyme content, Baith da and nycht syne wes rycht diligent, 37,870 For to perswaid rycht glaidlie with thair hart The laue siclike for to tak Malcolmis part. Rycht mony than so wickit was of will, The seruandis all that Malcum send thame till, Tha tuke and send to Grymus in the tyde, 37,875 Quhilk he in persone gart remane and bycle. This Malcolme syne, quhen he knew it wes so, With mony grome he graithit him till go At all power with possibilitie, Of that injure for to revengit be. 37,880 Rycht mony wicht man that waponis weill culd weild, The fyftene da he furneist to the feild ; On fit and hors furth with thame he fuir Col. 2. To Loutheane ouir mony mos and muir. Ane spy thair come and schew to him that 37,885 tyme, How that this king, the quhilk wes callit Gryme, With all the nobillis that war in the north, Evin fra the Ylis to the watter of Forth, Wes cumand than, as lie rycht wiiclerstude, With so greit power and sic multitude, 37,890 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 579 That all his power into thair respect, Na vaill [wes] and bot of litill feet. Quhen this wes schawin in the ost that tyine, With so greit power cumancl wes this Gryme, Rycht grit rumour ouir all the oist thair rais, 37,895 With [sic ane] terrour that tyine of thair fais, And speciallie than of the merchand men, The quhilk that tyme, that wes full eith to ken, That wes noeht wont to vsit be in weir, And in the tyme but waponis war and geir, 37,900 This ^oung Malcolme perswadit lies 1 in plane, To skaill his oist and for to turne agane. For caus that he wald nocht consent thairtill, So schameles wes thocht nother lak no ill To greit als fast and wringand bayth thair 37,905 handis, As ony barnis that war dung with wandis. Rycht mony than wes of the men of glide Was present thair, knew weill and wnderstude Into battell with sic men to proceid, Of thair purpois to cum bot litill speid. 37,910 And for that caus tha haif decreittit than, The commonis all for to pas hame ilk man ; Quhairof that tyme tha war content and fane. The men of glide with Malcum suld remane, And husband men to Stirling than ilkone 37,915 Sulci pas and keip that stalwart brig of stone, The furtlis als, with ferrie and all the laif, That Grymus ost na passage ouir mycht haif. Ane halie man, Fothadus hecht to name, Ane faithfull father and of greit fame, 37,920 Of Sanct Androis wes bischop in the tyme, This halie man that passit to this Gryme Into processioun with his clergie all, Himself also in Ids pontifical], In MS. wes. O 580 THE BUIK OF THE And schew to liini as lay in his intent, 37,925 Be naturall ressone and be argument, Perswaidand him that tyme with euerie lord, For to mak freindschip, peax and gude concord, With Malcum Keneth prince of Cumberland ; And in sic stryfe no langar for to stand, 37.930 For greit danger that efter mycht befall To him, he said, and to his liegis all. To quhome this Gryme sic ansuer lies maid than, Declarand him, quhill he war levand man, " Thoucht all," he said, " sould gang to confu- 37,935 sioun, " This richt this tyme that I haif to the croun, " For ill or gude, for weill or lit for wo, " Into my tyme I think neuir till forgo. " Thocht Malcum Keneth be so diligent, " I think rycht weill that he ma be content 37,9 to " Of Cumbirland, as weill myself I knaw " Suld be his awin now of the commoun law. " Hald him content tliairof gif that he will, " And will he nocht, heir I promit him till, " He salbe suir of my malice and feid, 37,945 " Doutles but dreid quhill ony of ws be deid." This Fothadus quhen he hard him sa so, To Malcum Keneth dressit him till go, Lib.n,f.i7ib. Requyrand Grynius thairfoir to remane Co1, '■ Quhill that he come with his ansuer agane. 37,950 To Malcum syne he passit hes fra Gryme, And mony ressoun schew him iD the tyme, Quhat danger was into sic dalie weir, Greit harme and skaith and of thair lyfe ane feir, Thift and slauchter and all sic mischeif, 37,955 And fostering of mony commoun theif ; Beseikand him of gude concord and peice, To cans sic weir and wrangis for to ceis. This prince Malcome sic ansuer maid him till, Sayand, he wald richt hartlie with gude will 37,960 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 581 To skaill his ost, and Gryme wald gif consent, Of mediatouris quhome of tha war content, Quhilk sould be sworne to tak sic thing on hand, At thair deliuerance syne to byde and stand, Vnreuocabill, withoutin fraude or gyle, 37,965 At thair plesour sic peax for to compyle. With this ausuer he passit syne agane, And, as he said, he schew him all in plane. Rycht weill content [thairof] than wes this Gryme, So wes the laue was with him in the tyme, 97,970 Syne skaillit hes, and passit hame ilkane, Oft thankand him that sic travell hes tane. This Fothadus, that litill rest than tuke, Greit travell maid and mony nicht he woik, And in the tyme wes nocht leithand nor lidder, 37,975 Quhill that he brocht the lordis all togidder That chosin wes to tak sic thing on hand, And gart thame sweir at thair decreit to stand, Without fraude how euir tha wald haif done. In this conventioun quhilk wes maid richt sone, 37,980 Deliuerit wes syne ryplie in that thing That this Gremus for his tyme sould be king, Becaus he wes possessit with the croun ; Thinkand it wes greit vilipensioun, To put him doun fra his auctoritie. 37,985 Syne efter that, dreidand that he sould be At sic derisioun bald in and sic scorne, That he had better for to haif bene vnborne, Or efterwart for to be levand on lyve, And for that caus tha wald him nocht depryve. 37,990 Syne efter him Malcolme and his offspring, To bruke the croun of Scotland and be king, In heretage for than and euirmoir, And keip the law Kenethus maid befoir. Aud prince Malcolme, but stop or lit ganestand, 37,995 Fra Forth all south wnto Northumberland, 582 THE BUIK OF THE Fra Cumbria siclyke evin wnto Clyde, Fra the west se on to the eist se syde, For all his tyme in his gyding sould haue In peax and rest ; and Gryme suld haif the 38,ooo lawe Of all the landis that la in the north, Ylis, and all evin to the watter of Forth. Quhairof wes content baith Malcolme and Gryme, And gnde peax maid betuix thame in the tyme. How Grymus rang ane quhile in Peax and Kest, and syne fell in Vice and yicius Leving. Syne efter this that $e haif hard me sa, 38,005 This ilk Gryruus richt lang and mony da In peax and rest and greit tranquillitie, He rang ane quliile without adversitie. Syne efterwart into sic vices fell, That I for schame this tyme dar skantlie tell ; 38,010 Off auerice and lichorie also, And gluttony with mony vther mo ; Richt full of slewth, and as ane sow als sweir, Quhilk wald offend 2our eiris for to heir. Col. 2. Thairfoir as now sic thing I will lat pas, 38,oi5 And tell tow furth the mater how it wes. Quhairof the lordis was richt ill content, Settand ane counsall with thair haill consent; Syne chosin hes the wysast in the tyme, With thair counsall and send [on] to this Gryme ; 38,020 Quhilk said to him with greit hiunanitie, Beseikand him of his auctoritie Justice to keip, and execute the law, And gar his liegis haif moir dreid and aw ; The quhilk had wrocht so greit wrang and injure, 38,025 In fait of justice bayth to riche and puir ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 583 So ruekill wrang illc da be da wes wrocht, All was, tba said, becaus be puneist nocht. Tins ilk Gremus, qubat euir wes in bis tbocht, At tbair wordis be movit bini ricbt nocbt; 38,030 Bot said agane tbat he sould do gude will, In all be micbt than - plesour to fulfill. Oft said be so with wordis richt benyng, Bot in his tbocht he had ane vther thing, Thinkand thaii-of be sould revengit be 3S,035 Of than- wordis so belie wes and be. With fan- wordis syne hes be maid thatne fane, Requeistand thame all nycht for to remane, Quhill on the rnorne to byde with him, and dyne, Quhair tba suld drink the michtie nobill wyne, 38,wo With Marche aill and also doubill beir, And for than- saik he suld mak better cbeir. Ane vther dennar wes into his thoucht ; To thame that banquet bad bene ouir deir coft. So had bene said lang or the morne at none, 38,045 War nocht tha war thah'of warnit rycbt sone Be tbair freindis, quhilk gart thame fie that nycht Rycbt lang or da out of the kingis sycht, Onto Bartha quhair the laue did remane, Bydand his ansuer quhill tha come agane. 38,050 Syne qidien tha come and scbew to thame sic thing, Tha war commouit rycht far at the king, And maid ane band agane him to rebell. This ilk Gremus, tbairof quhen he hard tell, Bayth said and swoir he suld revengit be 38,055 Of thame ilkone, or 1 doutles be sould de. With greit power syne efter on ane day, To Lowtheane be tuke the narrest way ; Into his passage mony tour and toun Law to the grund gart cast thame ilkane doun ; 38,060 1 In MS. out. 584 THE BUIK OF THE And all the tounis in his trait that wes, With corne and hay, he brint thame all in ass, And mony saikles in the tyme he slew ; Fre fra his hand thair chaipit than rycht few. Preist or clerk, nor lib religious men, 38,065 Gat no moir girth no vther guiss or hen. The prince Malcome that samin tyme, we reid, In Ingland wes than with the king Eldreid, Edwardis bruther wes marterit of the new Be his noverk, as I befoir tow schew, 38,070 For that same cans weill knawin wes that thing, Eldred hir sone soidd efter him be king. And so it wes be hir tressoun and nieanis, This ilk Eldred that same tyme with the Deauis Opressit wes, throw thair greit violence, 38,075 And for that caus gude Malcum the toung prince Of Cumberland, in his help and supple, Wes thair that tyme my author tellis me. How ane Messinger schew to ioung Malcum how Gryme maid grit Trubill and Dis- TRUCTIOUN IN HIS LANDIS, AND OF HIS L ' h CoV l! 72 " CUMING IN LOUTHEANE, AND TUKE THE FEILD AGANIS GRYME. Till him thair come ane messinger that tyme, And schew to him how that his cousing Gryme 38,080 Ilk da be da withoutin rest he raid, And sick distructioun in his landis maid, Was none that tyme that mycht sustene his feid ; AVithout richt sone he come to mak remeid, For ony way that efter can be wrocht, 38,085 Scotland for ay distroyit war to nocht. This gude Malcum the prince of Cumberland, Into the tyme without stop or ganestand, CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 585 He maid na fcarie in the gait as than, Quhill that he come rycht sone in Loutheane. 38,090 Of his cuming tha war rycht blyth and glaid, Baith puir and riche all in the tyme and said, " Welcum be tow, our scheild and oure defence, " Oure governour, our rychtteous king and prince ! " Quhair lies tow bene fra ws awa sa lang ? 38,005 " Welcum be tow sould weir ws fra all wrang !" The prince Malcum weill vnderstude and knew Tha lordis all to him war leill and trew, As he mycht knaw rycht weill be experiment, And at this Grymus als at sic haitrent, 38,ioo Traistand thairfoir tha sould him nocht begyle ; Quhairfoir efter within ane lytill quhile, With mony nobill that war traist and trew, He tuke the feild this Grymus to persew. This ilk Grymus quhairof quhen he hard tell 38,105 How his lordis agane him did rebell, And in the tyme had tane Malcolmis part, Wod as ane lyoun and furious in hart, With euerie wicht that mycht ane wapin weild, That he mycht fumeis, passit to the feild, 38,no Off the Feild betuix Prince Malcolme and Grymus, and how Prince Malcolme wan the Feild, and Grymus tane and thair- efter sone deceissit and bureit with the laif in iona yle, and how malcolme come to scone to be crownit. Withoutin tarie other da or nycht, Quhill ather of vther cuming ar in sycht. That samin da in battell tha contendit That Christ Jesu onto the hevin ascendit : This ilk Malcolme than thocht he wald retrak 38,115 Quliill on the morne, and hald the feild abak, 586 THE BUIK OF THE And keip that da soleinpnit in all thing. So wald nocht Gryine that tyme that wes the king. Than forrow none, richt airlie of the da, He gaif thauie feild in thair camp quhair tha 38,120 la, With all his power baitk on fitt and hors. This prince Malcolme with litell sturt or force, Or ^it grit skaith, that da the feild he wan, Quhair this Gremus than loissit mony man. Into the feild him self fechtand wes tane, 38,125 Of bayth his ene the sycht he hes forgane, Throw ane greit hurt he gat into the heid, The thrid day efter quhilk that wes his deid. Than of his ring the nynt ieir wes also, To Iona Yle tha maid his bodie go ; 38,130 In sepulture laid in besyde the laue, With sic honour as he seruit to haue. The fiftene da efter this wes done, The lordis all convenit into Scone, And speciallie the caus wes of that thing, 38,135 To croun this Malcolme for to be thair king. And or he wald the croun that tyme ressaue, With haill consent of lordis and the laue, Bayth ill and gude wer obleist all and sworne Col. 2. To keip the law his father maid beforne, 38,140 Into the crownyng alway of thair king, The narrest air, thocht he be neuer so sing, Man or woman quhateuir he be, Suld ay succeid to thair auctoritie. How Malcolme, King Kenethus Sone, wes crownit King in Scone, and of his wor- thie Deidis. Quhen this was done befoir thame all ilkone, 38,145 Tha set him doun vpoun the marbell stone CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 587 In rob royall wes all of scarlat reid ; Ane croiui of gold syne set vpoun his beid ; Ane scbynand sword syne put into bis band, In the tother the goldin sceptour wand ; 38,150 Prayand to God, makar of hevin and erd, Send him gude fortoun, chance, and happie werd. This gude Malcohne quhen he wes crownit king, Richt diligent he was into all thing, And speciallie sa far as he had feill 38,155 The quhilk j^ertenit to the commoun weill. And niaist of all to put away discord, Quhilk was that t3 7 me betuix lord and lord, For sindrie causis than baith les and moir, And greit slauchter amang thame wes befoir 38,160 Maid in the feild quhen this Grynvus wes slane. Tins gude Malcohne reforniit all agane, And als gude freindschip, as my author sais, As euir thair wes in ony mannis dais, Ouir all Scotland within schort quhile maid he, 38,165 Bayth peas and rest and greit tranquilbtie. So equalhe be execute the law, That euerie man him louit and stude aw Him to displeis in ony kynd of thing, So laube wes, so courtas and benyng ; 38,170 So leill and trew, so stedfast and so stabill ; To all his pepill als so profittabill ; That he wes louit that tyme in all part, Als tenderlie with ilk man as bis hart. Heir will I leif my self and bald me still 38,175 Of g-ude Malcohne, and tell tow now I will Of the Danis, sen it is in memorie, And of Ingland coinixit to my storie, That I can nocht the veritie low schaw, Without of thame the haill proces te knaw. 38,180 How that it wes, and re wald knaw rycht cleir, Tak tent to me and I sail schaw ?ow heir. 588 THE BUIK OF THE Off ane wickit King of Denmark, and how he was excludit fka his crohn, and come in Scotland and gat Supple, and syne come to his awin Auctoritie, and thair- efter contendit aganis ingland. Ane king in Denmark wes into fcha dais, Was callit Swein, as my author sais. Ane man he wes full of iniquitie, 38,185 And distroyar wes of religiositie, And counfoundar wes of the faytli of Christ, And baneist all amang thame wes baptist Out of his realme without ony remissioun ; And for that caus to superstitioun 38,190 Richt mony turnit that tyme for his schoir, And left the faith that tha had tane befoir. For sic faltis sone efterwart he fell In sic trubill war cairsum for to tell, Quhairof as now I will sa no moir heir, 1 38,195 Bot ane in mynd sen that I haif perqueir. Lib.ii,f.i72b. Thryis with his fa in mort battell wes tane, ' ' With ransoun ay redemit was agane ; Syne finallie brocht to confusioun, Quhill that he was excluidit fra his croun. 38,200 With Olawes contemnit als wes he, With NoiTowa seikand at him supple, And with Edward of Ingland Icing also ; In Scotland syne he dressit him till go, Into the faith quhair that he wes instructit, 38,205 Syne efterwart sa Weill with him it lukkit, Throw help of Scottis that he than implorit, Onto his croun he wes aoane restorit In MS. hcil CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 589 In sic honour as he wes wont to be, With peax and rest in his auctoritie. 38,210 Quhilk rais efter so hie vpoun the quheill, Quhen that he wes at all his grittest weill, Decreittit lies ane mendis for to tak Of Ingland quhilk wald no supple him mak ; And of Eldred quhilk wes thair king also, 38,215 For greit injure bot laitlie than ago, With so greit tressoun and with subtill meanis, That he had done in Ingland to the Deanis. how ane greit multitude of danis come in albione and landit in ingland, and was "Victoure of King Eldred. Oif Denmark, Suadrik, and of Norroway, And of Goteland, as my author did say, 38,220 Ane mervelus exceidand multitude He gart convene ; syne schortlie to conclude, With hors, harnes, and all vther geir, And all waponis that neidfull war in weir, He tuke the se, syne efterwart is gone 38,225 With all his power into Albione ; In Ingland syne arryuit at ane sand, With all his power thair passit to the land. Quhairof his purpois he come richt gude speid, And victour wes of this king than Eldreid, 38,230 Quhilk demit him into Northumberland. Quhen he come thair ane greit power he fand Of mony Scot, that worthie war and wicht, For battell buskit all in armour bricht, To him thair cumand for to mak supple, 38,235 Quhomeof he wox so haltand and so hie, And of thair cuming wes so glaid and fane, With greit curage returnit lies agane. 590 THE BUIK OF THE How King Eldreid struke Battell agane with the danis axd ttnt the feild, syne fled in ■ Northumberland. In Owsoun water, neirby Eborak, This ilk Eldred his ludging thair did tak, 38,240 And plantit lies his pal^eonis on ane plane ; To Sueno syne gaif battell thair agane, And tynt the feild siclike as of befoir. Syne in ane schip wes reddie at the schoir, In Owsone water neir the land did ly, 38,245 Passit richt sone syne into Normandy. The nobill duke quhilk did him weill ressaue, With all honour that sic ane prince sould haif, The duke, the quhilk Richardus hecht to name, Treittit him weill thocht he wes far fra hame, 38,250 Quhair he remanit lang and mony zeir, Quhome of as now I will sa no moir heir, Quhill efterwart, bot lat him evin alane. Now to this Sueno turne I will agane. How THE Danis subdewit Ingland, and of thair greit Obedience and Courtasie gevin to THAME. Col. 2. This ilk Sueno, quhen he perfitlie knew 38,255 Eldred was fled, and in Ingland wes few Agane his power durst mak ony pley, Traistand that blude sould neuir weill obey, Als lang on lyfe levand as thair wes one Of Inglis blude left into Albione ; 38,260 Thairfoir he lies decreittit for conclusioim, The Inglis blude to put all to confusioun, Be slicht or richt, or £it be way of deid ; He rakkit nocht quhat way he mycht proceid. CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 591 The Inglis lordis that his counsall knew, 38,265 Levand on lyve the quhilk war verra few, Befoir him all, or than my author leis, Richt humlie than tha sat doun on than kneis Law at his [feit] for pitie in that place, With mony teir greittand on him for grace. 38,270 Beseikand him than of his excellence, As he that wes thair protectour and prince, And had of thame the haill auctoritie, To vse mercie and noch[t] crudelitie ; And gif thame leif to leve into Ingland, 38,275 Ay in all cace to be at his command, But heretage, but castell, toun or tour, But libertie, but riches or honour, And saue thame selffs, thair barnis and thair wyvis, In seruitude ay for to leid thair lyvis. 38,280 At thair requeist, thocht he wes proude and hie, He slaikit hes of his crudelitie, And grantit thame but libertie thair lyvis, In seruitude with barnis and with wyvis ; And gif fra thame all armour and sic geir, 38,285 And all waponis that ordand war for weir, All gold and siluer that tha had in pois. Than force it wes, tha had no vther chois, Without office in Ingland or honour, But land or lordschip, castell toun or tour, 38,290 With thair awin handis for to wyn thair meit, In daihe laubour with greit teavell and sweit. In ilkane hous he gart thame bald ane Dene, To heir and se gif that tha wald complene, Or gif tha maid agane him to rebell ; 38,295 Giff it war so that he micht ken and tell, That tha suld haif nother place nor tyme, Wnwist of him for to commit sic cryme. 592 THE BUIK OF THE So ilkman had ane Dene into his hous, That none durst be so hardie and so crous 38,300 To speik of him all tyme, I wnderstand, Without he had his heid into his hand, Bekkand to him and calland him schir lord ; Did he nocht sua he wald lyclit sone discord. Thairfoix ilkane callit him the lord and Dayne, 38,305 With sic ane vse that tha culd nocht refrayne, That iit sensyne quhair tha se ane Dane man, For greit dispyte tha call hini ane Lurdan, The quhilk suld be mair proper ane lord Dene. Thus war tha maid with so grit caus to plene, 38,310 But king or prince, or lord of thair awin blude, Subdewit war in sic vile seruitude. The Inglis men, sum tynie of greit renoun, Than loissit hes thair kinrik and thair croun, Thair land, thair law, and als thair libertie ; 38,315 Of quhoine Sweno had haill auctoritie, And callit wes of Ingland king also, Ouir all Ewrop quhair that the word do go. That samin tyme, as te sail wnderstand, He send to Malcolme king wes of Scotland, 38,320 Lib.ii,f.i73. With him that tyme desyrand to confidder, Baith in ane band than to be bund togidder, Ather to vther with glide will and hart, Agane all vther for to tak thair part. Quhairtill Malcolme and siclike all his lordis, 38,325 Wald nocht consent, as my author recordis, And gaif to him ane ansuer negatiue ; With that ansuer he passit hame belyue. Quhen Sueno hard sic ansuer as he gat, Rieht far that t}nne displesit wes thairat ; 38,330 To Olawes syne send in Norrowa, And in Denmark to Enetus alsua, Commandand thame richt suddanelie, but baid, At thair power the Scottis to invaid. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 593 And so tha did with caruell, 1 bark and barge, 38,335 Of mony schip ane greit Having full large, Fra Denmark brocht, and out of Norrowa, In Speyis mouth syne landit on ane da With all fchair power into Murraland, Quhair that tha gat na stop nor lit ganestand. 38,340 The cuntremen, quhilk for thair danger dred, Bicht far awa into the tyme tha fled, With wyffe and barnis, and with thair gude also, That ganand wes that tyme with thame till go. Tha mad monstouris without humanitie, 38,345 Quhilk usit hes so greit crudelitie, With greit furor bayth with fyre and blude, In ^oung and aid, in ill and als in gude, That kirk or kirkmen 2 gat of thame no girth, Moir nor the fox that rynnis in the firth. 38,350 Ane Strang castell biggit of stane and lyme, The quhilk Narmyn wes eallit in the tyme, That Danbu[r]g now is eallit to the name, So wes it eallit that tyme efter thame, With all thair power rycht lang thair tha la, 38,355 Seigand that hous ; quhill efter on ane da, Ane schew to thame king Malcolme wes rycht neir, With mony knyeht all into armour cleir. Quhairof the Danis wes richt weill content, Desyrand feild, battell and tournament, 38,360 Tha left the seig and come fordwart on feit, In gude or dour the Scottis for to meit. The Scottis than that cuming war full clois, Vpone ane feild that wes richt neir Kinloss, That samin nycht thair in thair tentis la, 38,3G5 Witli greit desir, quhill on the morne wes da, With greit curage than bayth of man and cheild, And sic desyre of battell and of feild, 1 In MS. cruell. | : In MS. kirhmen or kirk. VOL. II. P p 59 i THE BUIK OF THE That all the uycht ane wynk tha sleipit nocht For greit desyre that wes into thair thocht. 38,370 This king Malcolme the nycht befoir he send To the Danis withoutin recommend, Speirand the caus at thame quhairfoir or quhy, To him thair freind, quhilk oft did fortify Sueno thair king quhen that he wes rycht puir, 38,375 To wirk on him sic malice and injure. The messinger the Danis tuke fidl tyte, And hangit him that tyme for greit despyte. That wes the cans, as I haif said befoir, All nycht the Scottis maid sic bost and schoir, 38,380 So cruell war that tyme to wndertak, For to revenge that greit injure and lak. Syne on the morne quhen that the da wes rycht, Seand the Danis all into thair sicht, In sick ordour as tha war les and inoir, 38,385 "With sick power as tha saw neuir befoir, Of thair attyre so greit terrour tha tuke, To fecht that da the Scottis all forsuik ; Trowand that tyme to cum hot hulie speid, Becaus the Danis did rycht far exceid 38,390 That tyme the Scottis into multitude. And for that caus, than schortlie to conclude, Col. 2. The king Malcum that all the fassoun knew, So gude ressoun to thame that tyme he schew, And sic persuasioun that tyme maid tliame till, 38,395 Quhilk changit hes thair myndis than and will ; And causit thame of greit curage to be, With sic desire and animositie, Evin as ane lyoun lowsit out of band, Without ordour or tit ony command, 38,400 Vpone the Danis ran into ane race. The Danis than that knew full weill that cace, Thairof that tyme rycht li till aw tha stude, Baid all togidder intill ordour gude. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 595 HOW THE SCOTTIS AND DANIS ENTERIT IN THE FEILD, AND HOW THE SCOTTIS TYNT, AND HOW THE DANIS PASSIT TO THE SEIG OF NORMYN AND WAN IT. So cruell counter in the tynie tha maid, 38,405 Qulrill basnetis bricht and niony scheildis braid Raue all in raggis, throw greit strenth and force, And mony knicht wes killit throw the cors ; And mony breist rycht bludie maid and bla, And mony heid hackit the bodie fra. 38,410 Into that stour ane lang quliile so tha stude, The Danis war than of sic multitude, Ane new power out of ane buss thair brak, In gude ordour beliind the Scottis bak, And than the feild agane tha did renew, 38,416 At that counter richt mony Scot tha slew. The cruell Scottis perthe on that plane, Ane rycht lang quhile debaittit lies agane, Quhill king Malcolme into the heid wes hurt, Quhilk in the tyme did him sic noy and sturt, 38,420 Agane his will, throw Strang hand and force, Out of the feild tha careit him on hors. His hehne of steill wes dung so in his heid, That rycht mony suspectit him of deid, Into the tyme that standand war about, 38,425 With sic danger or tha micht draw it out. Out of the feild quhen that tha saw him ryde, The Scottis than na langar thair wald byde ; Of his ganging so greitlie wes agast, Out of the feild tha follouit all richt fast, 39,430 And thocht that da tha tynt the victorie, That t}'me the Danis follouit nocht, for-thi Into that feild loissit sa mony men ; Also that tyme it wes richt ill to ken, p p 2 596 THE BUIK OF THE To thame quhilk wes into ane vncouth land, 38,435 How sone the Scottis mycht haif help at hand. And for that caus the spulie of the feild Tha tuke to thame, syne euerie man and cheild, With all thair power passit hes lycht plane Vnto Nermyn to seige that house agane. 38,440 The souldeouris quhen that tha hard and knew Of all the feild the fortoun, as men schew, Gaif ouir the hous that tyme to saif thair lyvis, And all thair gude, thair barnis and thair wyvis, The quhilk the Danis war obleist thairtill. 38,445 Syne quhen tha gat the hous into thair will, In raipis rude richt heich attouir the wall, Without petie tha hangit thame thair all. Tha faithles folkis for that same darg and deid, Wes quit rycht weill sone efter to thair meid. 38,450 Tua Strang houssis biggit of stone and lyme, Lib n,f. 173b. Elgin and Forres, quhilk keipit wes that t}'me With greit defence out of the Danis handia, Syne quhen tha knew how all the mater standis Into Nermyn, as tha had hard befoir, 38,455 Gaif ouir the houssis without bost or schoir, Syne fled ilkone to gude Malcum the king, Quhilk causit thame quhill grene levis did spring- Still to remane, as ie sail efter heir, Quhill the begynnyng of the secund ieir. 38,460 The Danis than, as my author did sa, Ouir all the partis of Morauia, At thair plesour hes passit vp and doun, And euirilk strenth with castell, tour and toun, Withoutiu sturt or ony stop hes tone, 38,465 And stuffit thame into the tyme ilkone. Syne efter that, as my author did sa, Send in Denmark and als in Norrowa, For wyfe and barnis, this is trew I tell, Perpetuallie thair to remane and dwell. 38,470 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 597 How Kino Malcolme and the Danis feildit agane, quhair mont nobill scot war slane ; and how the scottis fled, and of King Malcolmis Prayar, and how he RENEWIT THE FeILD AGANE AND FAUCHT. Off tliair tyclenis quhen king Malcolme did heir, In tlie begjmnyng of the secund *eir, Or dreid tha sould get moir help and supple, With all the power that he doucht to be, Syne at Murthtloch thir tua oistis thair met, 38,475 Ane toun in Mar quhair that the feild wes set. Quhen ather of vther cuming ar in sicht, With baneris braid and mony basnet bricht, With buglis blast and mony schalmis schill, On euerie syde with egir mynd and will, 38,480 So dourlie than ilkone at other drave, Quliill sehawis schuke and all the craigis clawe. So doggitlie ilkone at vther dang, Quhill all the rochis round about thame rang, And mony one buir wonndis that war wyde, 38,485 Sum in the breist, sum in bayth bak and syde, Sum in the halss, and sum into the heid, That mony thousand in the feildis la deid. Thre nobill chiftanis in the samin da, Kenethus ane, that lord wes of Yla, 38,490 The seeund Gryme, the quhilk wes nothing war, Lord of Stratherne, and Patrik: of Dumbar, Lord of that ilk and best of all the thre, The haill vangaird with thir tua gydit he. In the first feild this Patrik of Dumbar, 38,495 Gryme and Keneth, quhilk preissit ouir far, Into the feild fechtand agane thair fo, Seand sic chance and fortoun with thame go, As tha suld haif. without ony ganestand, The victorie all haill into thair hand ; 38,500 598 THE BtTIK OF THE Or euir tha wist tha war circulit about With thair fais, that tha micht nocht wyn out ; And manfullie tha faucht ane lycht lang space, Quhill tha war slane all thre into that place. The haill vangard quhen that tha saw thaine 38,505 de, For feirdnes all out of the feild did fle ; The Danis efter maid ane suddane chace, With greit slauchter into the samin place. This king Malcolme that in the tyme beheild, And saw sa fast tha fled out of the feild, 38,5io Fast efter thaine he prickit ouir the plane, With greit tretie to gar thame turne agane, And left his men still fechtand in the feild. Col. 2. Ane passage wes that tyme quhair he micht heild, Richt narrow wes quhair that tha fled all out, 38,515 This king Malcolme that stalwart wes and stout, In the passage with diawin sword in hand, Still thair he stude, and maid thame sic demand, Neuir ane of thame he wald lat furth by, Exhortand thame with mony schout and cry 38,520 To tak curage, and for to turne agane. Of Sanct Moloc ane chapell on that plane Neirby him stude, biggit of stane and lyme ; Quhome to this Malcolme luikit in this tyme, And held his handis to the hevin on hicht, 38,525 Beseikand God of his greit grace and micht, And Marie myld, the virgin clene and puir, Of hir bosum quhilk Jesu Christ that buir, And Sanct Moloc his mediator to be, To caus his men no forder for to fle, 38,530 Bot turne agane with hartlie mynd and will, And in the tyme sic curage send thame till, Agane thair fais for to mak defence, To halie kirk wirkar of sic violence ; " And heir I vow, as I am leill trew knycht, 38,535 " To Sanct Moloc, will thow defend my richt, CRONICXIS OF SCOTLAND. 599 " And keip my honour this tyme haill and sound, " Into thi honour ane bishop I sail found, " And big ane kirk of greit auctoritie, " And thow thi self thairof patrone sail be." 38,540 Be this wes said he gaif ane cry and schout, " 0, le," he said, "my knychtis bald and stout, " Turne jov agane for to debait £our lyvis, " Zova- land, iour law, iour barnis, and tour wyvis; " And ^e do so, traist weill as it standis, 38,545 " The victorie this da is in oure handis." This beand said, ane rycht greit multitude, Befoir his face into that passage stude, Of stalwart men that war bayth stark and stout, By him that tyme he wald nocht let pas out. 38,550 And mony mo war standand on the plane, With greit curage he lies gart turne agane, And maid the Danis for to be agast, Quhilk efter thame that followand war so fast ; And suddanelie tha did the feild renew, 38,555 At that counter ' richt mony Dene tha slew. How King Malcolme vincust the Danis, and slew Enetus thair Chiftane, and partit the spdl^e of the feild at his plesour. Than Enetus thair capitane and thair lord, Vpone ane hors, gif that I richt record, With bair visage luikand him about, Of victorie as he than had na dout, 38,560 This king Malcolme that wes bayth stout and stuir, With ane bricht brand into his hand he buir, Richt to the schulderis doun he claif his heid, Doun of his hors syne to the grund fell deid. In MS. tha coliskr. Col. 1. 600 THE BUIK OF THE Quhairof the Danis war so basit all, 38,565 Deid of his hors quhen that tha saw him fall ; The Scottis als so pertlie turnit agane, And fancht so fast quhill mony Dene war slane ; ^it still tha Laid at thair defence rycht lang, Quhill that the stour so stalwart wox and 38,570 strang, Sa mony Deyne that da wer maid to de, That force it wes to all the laif to fle. Olawos alss out of the feild he fled, And few feiris with him that tyine he hed ; Syne with his gydis efterwart is gone 38,575 Lib.n,f.i82. In Murraland with all the laif ilkone, Quhilk scantlie war the thrid part of his ost. The laue that da into the feild war lost, Enetus als than- ' chiftane wes and gyde ;. The laif that fled buir werkand woundis wyde. 38,680 This king Malcolme gart spy ouir all the plane, And tuke the Scottis in the feild war slane, To Crissin bereis in the tyme thame buir, And put thame all ilkone in sepultuir. Quhen that wes done, the spulze of the feild 38,585 Diuydit lies to euerie man and cheild, Baith gude and ill efter his facultie, Eieht equallie diuidit than lies he. Postponit sj'ne ontill ane other da, That tyme his passage in Morauia ; 38,590 And passit lies witli mony bald barroun, In Angus syne richt onto Forfar toun ; And all the wynter thair he did remane With mony lord, cmhill symmer come agane. 1 In MS. than. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 601 How Sweno, King of Ingland and Denmark, causit Camus, his Cousing, cum in Scot- land WITH ANE GREIT ArMIE AND NAVING OF SCHIPPIS, AND HOW KlNG MALCOLME COME TO BARRIE WITH HIS ARMIE, AND OF HIS EXHORTATIOUN MAID TO THAME. This ilk Sueno, of quhome befoir I schew, 38,595 King of Ingland and Denmark, cpihen lie knew Of his armie in Scotland how had sped, Doutles that tyme he wes rycht soir adred, Or dreid he tynt his honour and his name. This king Malcolme wes haldin of greit fame, 38,600 For greit honour in the feild he wan ; So wes the Scottis in that tyme ilk man. And to reskew the honour and the gloir, That he had tynt into the feild befoir, Ane greit navin of inony loun full large, 38,605 Of craik and coluin, of mony bark and barge, Furth of Denmark he furneist for till go. That samin tyme fra Tynies mouth also, Ane 1 other navin that moir large wes, To. Scotland baith he maid that tyme to pas, 38,6io For to revenge the greit lak and the schame That he had tane, and to reskew his fame. Camus his cousing, for most traist that tyde, This greit armie he gaif that tyme to gyde. Neirby Bambiu-ch, cpjhair that the tryst wes 38,615 set, Thir tua navingis togidder thair tha met ; Syne set thair coursis lustie in the north, Quhill that tha come onto the mouth of Forth, And saillit vp syne by Sanct Abbis heid. Ane hevyning place tha fand syne in that steid, 38,620 1 In MS. that. 602 THE BUIK OF THE Quhair that tha purposit to pas to land ; And thair tha gat sua greit stop and ganestand, Of mony freik befoir thame thair than wes, Compellit thame agane bakwart to pas. Tha saillit syne all vp into Inchekeith, 38,625 Set saill and raid on ankeris befoir Leyth ; And sindrie tymis quhair tha thocht to land, Tha war stoppit than vpoun euerie hand. 1 Out of that place tha saillit on the nycht To the Reid Heid, or that the da wes lycht, 38,630 Into Angus without ony ganestand, Neirby Arbroth passit all to land. Syne ouir all Angus passit vp and doun, Bayth kirk and tempill, village and ilk toun, Ouir all the land that tyme quhair tha did 38,635 pas, Tha spulteit fast, syne brint the toun in ass. Baith preist and clerk, and men of religioun, And loung and aid, without ony discretioun, CoL 2. Moir none ane dog that tyme tha sparit nane, In ony steid quhair euir tha war ouirtane. 38,640 To Brichin than, quhilk wes ane nobill toun, Of honour, riches, and of greit renoun, » Tha passit syne with greit furor and yre, Spulieit the toun, syne brint it all in fyre ; Except ane stepill quhilk that maid defence, 38,645 Baith kirk and queir with so greit violence, And all the toun, tha brint in poulder small, Syne to the ground tha kest doun euerilk wsdl : Except that stepill lute na thing remane Of all that toun, the quhilk sensyne agane 38,650 Wes neuir befoir of sic honour and gloir, Na sic fairnes as that it wes befoir. In MS. held. CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 603 That samin tyme aiie come to thame aud tald, With king Malcolme and mony berne full bald Passit was Tay into that samin quhile, 38,655 And cumand wes that tyme within ten myle, With far ma folk, and grittar bost and schoir, No enir he had in ony tyme befoir. This ilk Camus, traistand weill that wes trew, Doun to the se neirhand his schippis drew ; 38,660 Thair by ane toun that callit is Panbryde, He tuke his ludging into the samin tyde. This king Malcolme that wes bayth wyss and wycht, Rycht suddanelie he come that samin nycht, On to ane toun into the samin tyde, 38,665 Callit Barrie, bot tua myle fra Panbryde, And thair he maid his ludging all that nycht. Quhill on the morne that it wes fail - da lycht, Aud all the air wes clengit fair and cleir, And birdis singand with ane mirrie cheir, 38,670 This king Malcolme, gif I be for till trow, Thir wordis said that I sail sa to tow : " te," he said, " my tender freindis deir, " Now in this place ar present with me heir, " I iow beseik, think on the laud and gloir 38,675 " Ze wan with me in the last feild befoir. " Traist weill," he said, " tha ar no better men, " Be gude ressoun as ze ma rycht weill ken, " So wranguslie into all thing tha wirk, " The ennimeis of God and halie kirk; ;;- ,i;-n " Also to ws withoutin ony caus, " But clame of richt or just titill of lawis, " Waistand oure land of greit crudelitie. " Thairfoir," he said, " traist weill this tyme that we " Hes als greit richt and power in this place, 38,685 " Help and supple siclike of Goddis grace, 601 THE BUIK OF THE '' In all tiling neidfull this tyme les and moi'r, " As that we had into the feild befoir. " My freindis deir, now traist 2e weill for-thi, " To ws is promittit the victory 38,690 " Be gratius God, that knawis richt and wrang." Quhen this wes said his lordis all amang, Of that counsall so in'eit curage tha tuke. And said ilkone, quhill he his lyfe micht broke, He suld be fund rycht fraklie ay thairtill, 38,695 At all power richt hartlie with glide will. How THE Battell junit, And euerie Sound so tunit, And how gude Malcum wan the Feild, And Camus strickim doun and keild, And the Rest of Danis at the Chace, Slane siclike but ony Geace, And tha that wes left vnslane, Maid to thair Schippis with all thair Mane. Lib.ll,f.l82b Quhen this was said, the baneris browdin brycht On euerie syde was raisit vpone hicht, Into the air full hie aboue thair heid, The rampand lyoun of ane cullour reid 38,700 Into ane feild of birneist gold so bricht, That all the land illumnat with greit licht ; And niony standert of rycht staitlie hew, Agane the schyning of the sone that schew. The bufflis blew with sic ane busteous beir 38,705 And hornis hie, that hiddeous wes to heir ; The schalmis schouttit with so schill ane sound, Quhill all the bruik tha gart agane rebound. The Danis als vpoun the tother syde, With greit power rycht pensit full of pryde; 37,7 10 Quhometo this Camus said with voce full hie, " Other this da heir man we do or de. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 605 " Thair is no help bot all in ^our awin handis, " So far fra hame heir into vncouth landis, " Without refuge or supple in this place, 38,715 " Amang the Scottis but mercie or grace." Be this wes said, fra bowmen bald and wicht, Of fedderit flanis flew ane fell on n flicht Amang the Danis with sic dyntis dour, That mony ane tha maid full law to lour. 38,720 Ay flycht for flicht, als thik as ony snaw, And scharpe as hail], lang in the feild tha flaw ; Throw all thair geir that glitterand wes ar gane, Quhair euir tha hit tha bait thame to the bane. Sone efter syne the speiris greit and lang, 38.725 Into the feild tha enterit with sic thrang, That mony brak, and all in flenderis flew, Vpone thair birneis that war bricht of hew. With brandis bricht ilkane on vther drave, Quhill breist plait brist and ribbis wnder rave. 37,730 Thair mulane melteis mendit nocht ane myte, Thair brandis brycht so bitterlie did byte. Thir grumis gay in nothir syde agast, Into the feild so lang tha faucht and fast, Quhill all the reuer quhairby than tha stude, 38,735 Callit Lochy, it ran all of reid blude. The Danis than for all thair pomp and pryde, Tha had no strenth langar thair to byde ; Thair power than wes parit all to nocht And fochin had als lang thair as tha mocht ; 38,740 Of thame sa mony thair wes maid to de, That force it wes to leif the feild and fle. This ilk Camus out of the feild he fled, The nobillis all with him that tyme he lied, Onto ane montane neirby into sicht; 38,745 Bot gude Malcolme he rest him than the hycht, Within tua myle thair wes he stricken doun, Into ane place that callit is Oamustoun, GOG THE BUIK OF THE And all the laue that wes with him ilkane. In that same place thair standis thair ane stane, 38,750 Quliilk bans witnes to that samin deid ; Thairon is written, quha lykis to reid, This Camus name, quhilk wnder it dois ly, That callit wes syne Camus-stane for-thi, And langer efter than with the pepill all. 38,755 Quhill Camstoun now for moir schortnes tha call. At Abirnyth into that samin quhile, Ane toun fra Brichin standis bot four myle, Quhair that the Danis siclike war ouirtane, And slane also into the tyme ilkane, 38,760 Bayth joung and aid, but mercie or grace, Siclike ane stane thair standis in that place ; Quhairon all man that lykis for to reid, May, and tha will, thair names and thair deid. Syne fordward furth, witkoiitin ony reskew, 38,765 Col. 2. Into that chace richt mony Dane tha slew, Into sum tyme that war bayth bald and wycht, And ceissit neuir quhill twynnit thame the nyclit. That samin nycht the few Danis that fled, With Scottis gydis in the tyme tha hed, 38,770 Quhometo tha gaif greit reward and fe, Rycht secreitlie thame gydit to the se, Into the place quhair that thair schippis la, Syne passit in and tuke the se or da. Vpoun the morne quhen that the day was licht, 38,775 And fair Phebus, with mony bemis bricht, Rycht blythlie blenkit ouir ilk buss and breir, This king Malcolme with mony chevilleir, ■ Into the feild he tuke the narrest way, And all the corsis deid thairin that la, 38,780 Of Scottis men, out of the feild hes tane, And bureit thame in kirkis all ilkane. The Danis als, within ane litill space, Gart burne thame all in [to] the samin place CR0N1CLIS OF SCOTLAND. 607 Quhair tha war slane, ilk ane baytb man and 38,785 cheikl ; Syne all the spnlze that wes in the feild, Richt equallie amang thame gait diuyde. Ane fair loung man wes callit Keyth that tyde, The quhilk Camus with his awin handis slew, And mony mo, and my author be trew, 38,790 So worthely he buir him in that da, That king Malcolme, as my author did sa, With gold and land rewardit him full rycht ; Him self also than hes he maid ane knycht. Fra him sensyne ane surname is discendit, 33,795 Quhilk in thair tynie thair prince neuir offendit, In sicker stait ay in all tyme tha stude, Quhilk now in Scotland ar greit men of gude, The Erie Merschell of heretage and fe ; I pray to God that rycht lang so he be. 38,800 How the Rest of the Danis supponit to saill TO MURRALAND AND WAR DREVIN BE FORCE OF CONTRARIE WYNDIS IN CATNES, AND HOW THA WAR SLANE THAIR. Syne the nixt morne the Danis that war fled, Onto the se with all thair raipis red Wand saill to top, and saillit syne fra hand To Olawaus quhilk wes in Murraland. Neptunus than the goddis of the se, 38,805 And Eolus quhilk blew his home so hie, That samin tyme within four dais or fyve, In Catnes all tha maid thame till arryve Vpoun ane cost quhilk wes to thame vncouth, Without ane havin or iit ane reuer mouth. 38,8io And had nocht bene sa mony buss and beuch, Quhairby thair towis that war lang and teuch 608 THE BUIK OF THE Tha festnit fast, that grew neir hand the cost, But ony lat tha had bene ilk ane lost. For storrne that tyrne into the se that wes, 33,815 Out of that place ane lang tyme mycht nocht pas, Quhill that thair victuall wer consumit haill, And tha for fait wer like all for to faill. Fyve hundreth men with bow, buklar and brand, Furth haif tha send to fetche fra the west land 38,820 Nolt or scheip quhair that tha mycht be sene, Or ony thing thair lyvis to sustene. The cuntrie men that duelt that tyme neirby, At thair cuming gaif mony sellout and cry. The lord of Catnes callit Mernacus, 38.825 With greit power, my storie tellis thus, Lil).n,f.i83, Richt suddantlie that tyme he come thame till, And stoppit thame thair purpois to fulfill. Hago that tyme thair chiftane chevalrus, Most principall the quhilk wes next Camus, 38 830 Quhen that he saw the Scottis cumand sua, Rycht fast lie fled and gart thame leif the pra. On to ane hill ascendit vp ilkane, Quhair that thair stude ane rnekle carne of stane ; And thair tha stude rycht lang at thair defence, 38,835 Castand greit stonis with sic violence, That mony Scot tha hurt that tyme and slew. This Mernacus seand tha war so few, His men that tyme rycht soir that he hes blamit, And cryand, fy! sayand tha war all schamit, 38,840 To lat sa few mak sic defence so lang, And thoill of thame so greit injure and wrang. At his wordis, als het as ony fyre, The Scottis grew in sic anger and yre, All vp the hill ascendit with ane schout, 38,845 And circulit lies the Danis round about, Than peltit on thair powis ane lang space, Quhill tha war slane ilkone in that same place. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. GOD Syne all the laue vpone the se that la, To thame thair come into that samin da 38,850 Ane man, and schew how all the laue had sped ; Quhairof that tyme tha war so soir adred, Without tarie or ony nioir demand Tha passit all syne into Murraland To Olawus into the tyme, and schew 38,855 Sic aventure wes hap nit of the new, And of thair fortoun also in the fedd, Sa mony men thairin as tha had kedd, Vpone ane sand liggand be the se cost, And gude Camus thair chiftane thair wes lost. 38,860 how thair come ane new power of i)anis agane in Scotland, send be Sueno than King of .England. Quhen this Olawus knew sic thing and kend, Ilk word be word to Sueno sone he send Into Ingland, and schew to him than how, Baith les and moir as I haif schawin iow. This ilk Sueno, baith furius and fell, 38,865 Quhen he thir tydenis in the tyme hard tell, Out of his wit neir wod as he wald go, Into his mynd revolwand to and fro To be revengit thairof and he niocht. Syne at the last he slaikit lies his thocht, 38,870 And in Denmark hes send agane full sone On to Canutus and schew how all wes done, His bruther germane in the tyme that wes, Commandand him rycht sone that he sidd pas With all his power that tyme to the se, 38,875 Into Scotland for to revengit be Of his deir cousing, hecht Camus, thair wes slane, And mony thousand come neuir hame agane. VOL. II. Q Q 610 THE BUIK OF THE This ilk Canutus quhilk keipit his command, Fra Norrowa, Denmark, and als Gotland, 38,880 In bark and barg, and mony ballingar, Tha tuke the se with anker, saill and air. Baith da and nycht befoir the wynd is gone, Quhill that tha come in Scotland syne ilkone, Into Buchane quhill that tha all tuke land 38,885 By the se cost vpoun ane richt far sand. Syne round about ouir all the land tha £eid, With fyre and blude tha landis all on breid ; Bayth tour and toun tha landis tha come to, Tha waistit all as tha -war wont to do. 38,890 How King Malcolme and the new Power of Danis met agane, and greit Slauchter on euerie Stde, and how the Danis fled and send for Peas. Col. 2. And king Malcolme quhen he thair cuming knew, Into the tyme as suith men to him schew, He maid no tarie nother nycht nor da, Quhill that he come quhair that the Danis la. Becaus he thocht, as semit to be trew, 38,895 Greit perrell wes with haill power [to] persew Into the feild with mort battell agane, Sua mony men befoir of his wes slane. And for that caus ane lang quhile thair he la, With greit scrymmyng and carmusche euerie da, 38,900 Quhill that his men war gatherit all him till. Syne on ane da, all in ane mynd and will, Richt furebund, than bayth on fit and hors Tha tuke the feild thir freikis with grit force, With all thair power pertlie on the plane, 38,905 And suappit on quhill mony ane wes slane. CRONICLIS OF SCOTXAND. 611 Tha bernis big sa baldlie all tlia baid, On euerilk syde so greit slauchter wes maid, That pitie wes other to heir or se On euerilk syde sa mony nobill de. 38,910 Qulia had bene thair that tyme tha mj^cht haif sene Thair blude like burnis rynnand on the grene, That all the strandis neirby quhair tha stude, Lyke ony burne abundit all with blude. The Kent men, that war baith stiff and cald, 38,915 La deid als thik as euir la scheip in fald. Syne at the last the stour it wox so Strang, This Canutus, quhilk fouchin had so lang, And of his folk levand war than so few, Seand his fa sa pertlie him persew, 38,920 With the small power in the tyme he hed, Turnit his bak out of the feild and fled. The Scottis than, quhilk war neirby confoundit, Mony war slane and mony rycht ill woundit, And fouchin had so lang into that place, 38,925. Forder on fit micht noch[t] follow on the chace ; And in the tyme had bled so mekle blude, Into that place thairfoir stane still tha stude. The Danis all that fled out of the feild, So werie war that waponis mycht nocht weild ; 38,930 Als in the tyme tha war so farlie few, Dreidand the Scottis suld thame sone persew, On to ane forrest that wes neir besyde Tha bownit thame all nycht thairin to byde. And thair tha la with greit dolour and dreid, 38,935 With bludie woundis opnit out on breid, Quhill on the morne that tha mycht ken the da ; And quhen tha saw tha mycht not wyn awa, Bot gif it war debaittit with thair handis, Seand that tyme in sic danger it standis, 38,940 This Canutus foroutin ony leis, Send to the king beseikand him for peice, Q Q 2 612 THE BITIK OF THE With quhat conditioun plesit him to haue ; Except his lyfe and honour for to saue, He countit nocht for gold or other geir, 38.945 To mak an end of all that stryfe and weir. Quhairof king Malcolme wes rycht weill content, So wes the laue with all thair haill consent, For till be quyte of all thair wrak and wrang, And greit injure hes wrocht on thame so lang, 38,950 In tyme to cum for spilling of moir blude ; Als in the tyme rycht weill he wnderstude, So mony men war loissit in that weir, And greit riches of gold and vther geir, In tyme to cum tha mycht nocht weill defend 38,955 For fait of men and money for to spend, And for that caus rycht weill content wes he For to mak peax and lat all weiris be. Lib.n,f.i83b. How Peax was maid betuix the Scorns and CoK '■ THE DANIS. Off this fassoun as ^e sail heir but leis, Betuix thame tua that tyme thair wes maid 38.9G0 peice ; That all the Danis into Murra land, And Buchane als, withoutin ony ganestand, Sail pass thair wa and leve that land als fie, Befoir that tyme as it wes wont to be, And neuir agane the Scottis to invaid. 38,965 Siclike to thame the Scottis also maid Ane obleissing, the quhilk be than richt trew, With mort battell tha sould neuir thame persew ; In tyme to cum thair gude freindis to be, Aganis thame make no help nor supple . 38,970 With no natioun, to do thame lak or skayth : Of this conditioun content than war tha bayth. CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G13 The secund was, that all the place and plane, Into the feild quhair all the Danis war slane, That king Malcolme of his auctoritie, 38,975 Suld caus that place all dedicat to be, And big ane kirk, and feft preistis to pray For all thair sonllis ay quhill Dumisday : For-quhy the Danis all, baith les and moir, Had tane the faith Lot laitlie of befoir : 3S,9SO Off this conditioun than tha haif maid pece. The Danis all syne tuke thair leve but leis, And ilkane vther hes tane be the hand ; Syne with the laue that wes in Hnrraland, Vpoune ane da tha fuir all to the fame, 38,985 Befoir the wynd in Denmark syne past hame. This wes the end of gude Malcolmus weir ; Fra that tyme forth tha did him no moir deir. How King Malcolme foundit ane Kirk QUHAIR THE DANIS THAT WAR SLANE WAR BUREIT; AND HOW HE CAUSIT THE KlRKMEN AND CLERGIE CONVENE ANE COUNSALL FOR REFORMATIOUN OF ALL FALTIS, AND GUDE ORDOUR TO BE TANE THAIRIN. Syne in the feild ane kirk he hes gart found, And dedicat it into ane compas round, 38,990 About the kirk into ane cirkill braid ; Olawus syne to thame patroun he maid Of that same kirk quhair bureit war tha men, Quhilk at this da is callit now Crowden : That is to say in this langage perqueir, 38,995 The Danis slauchter, quha lykis to heir. This beand done, withoutin ony moir, The kirkis all distroyit war befoir Be the Danis, he hes gart big ilkane Farar befar of lyme and poleist stane ; 39,000 614 THE BUIK OF THE And euerie village, tour and toun also, He hes gart big, and mony vther mo. Syne to the clergie he gaif than command, With all the prelattis that war in the land, Into Bartha, of quhome befoir I spak, 39,005 Ane generall counsall in the tyme to mak ; To clenge the kirk of all vices and cryme, And to reforme all faltis in the tyme, For to fulfill the lawis les and rnoir, Be halie faderis that war maid befoir ; 39,010 And caus the kirkmen of sick lyfe to be, Be gude exempill and auctoritie, Siclike be ressoun as tha aucht to haue, That tha ma be exempill to the laue ; Quhilk suld haif knawledge of ill and gude to 39,015 ken, And teich the lawis to wnletterit men, With gude exempill baith in word and werk, Quhilk is the office of all preist and clerk. How King Malcolme convenit ane Counsall in Scone, and eewardit his Liegis honestlie ; and how the loedis grant1t thair wardis, releiffis, and mariagis to vphald and honour the klng. Quhen this was done and brocht all till effect, This gude Malcolme that tyme wald nocht 39,020 neglect His liegis all that t_yme bayth les and rnoir, Sa oft with him had bene in feild befoir, And sufferit had greit travel! skaytli and pane, And tha also that liad their freindis slane, For thair reward he hes diuysit sone 39,025 Ane generall counsall for to hald in Scone. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G15 For to diuyss with his auctoritie, How euerie man rewardit than suld be. And so he thochft] his pepill all to pleis, So lang befoir had bene at grit vneis. 39,030 Syne into Scone, quhair that the tryist wes set, With all Iris lordis in conventioun met, Quhair that he gaif to euerie lord and laird, As did effeir to haif for his reward ; And all vther efter his nobill deid, 39,035 His landis all that war of lenth and breid, Except small rent Ms houshald to sustene, To euerie man, as my author did mene, Gaiff in reward, the quhilk wes nocht to crave, To euerie man as he wes worth to haue. 39,040 And euerilk man ane barroun than he maid, To quhome he gaif thairof his landis braid, Without exceptione bayth to ane and aw, With sic power to execute the law, Be court and plane as vsit in thir dais ; 39,045 And all siclike, as that my author sais, Of priuiledge as barronis vsis now, Wes maid that tyrne as I haif said to Jow. Considderit than wes with the lordis all The kingis rent ouir sober wes and small, 39,050 Vnsufficient ane king for to sustene In sick honour befoir [that] tha haif bene; And for that caus, sen he wes thair cheif, Tha maid till him all wardis and releif Of euerie land, as I haif said to jow, 39,055 And mariage as tha ar vsit now. With wit, wisdome, thus, and liberalitie, He maid ilkman rich[t] weill content [to] be b"l(j THE BUIK OF THE Off the Law, Ordinance, and Okdour of Officiaris, thair Keward and Fe. That samin tyme, as that my author sais, He maid the law quhilk keipit is thir dais 39,oeo Of ordinance in houshald with the king, Ilk official' and als all vther thing, Thair name, thair office and auctoritie ; And for thair seruice thair reward and fe, Of euerilk office, baith in hall and bour, 39,065 Quhilk keipit is vnchangit to this hour, In forme and effect siclike as tha war than, In nothing changit sen tha first began. How King Malcolme foundit ane Kirk in wirschip of Sanct Moloc, and doittit to it mony Landis, and thairefter levit lang in peice and sest. Quhen all sic thing wes with sic wisdome wrocht. The vow he maid that tyme fortet he nocht 39,070 To Sanct Moloc in sic necessitie. Lib.n,f.i84. Befoir at Murtklocht maid him sic supple, lg Aganis the Danis laitlie as I schew. This gude Malcome thair foundit of the new Ane plesand kirk of poleist stane and lyme, 39,075 Ane bischopis sait maid eft[er] in the tyme. And all the land betuix Die and Spey, He gaif thairtill withoutin ony pley, With mony kirk and mony barony, In that same land that lyis neirhand by. 39,080 This ilk bischop, as that my author sais, Than Murthlesens was callit in tha dais ; Sone efter syne, siclike as he did mene, He callit wes bischop of Abirdene. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 617 The first bischop that euir wes of that seit, 39,085 Wes Beanus, als my ' stone dois treit ; Ane halie man, as now my author grantis, And numberit now in hevin amang the Sanctis. In halie kirk we sing of him and sa, Ilk ^eir by ieir vpone his ofFerand da. 39,000 All beand done as I haif said ^ow heir, This gude Malcome rycht lang and mony 2eir, At peax and rest with greit prosperitie, With his liegis in greit tranquillitie, His kinrik ay foroutin ony cryme, 39,095 Fra that tyme forth he gydit all his tynie, And als befoir, as it wes rycht weill kend, Fra the begynnyng to the latter end. Thocht sum man said, quhilk semis weill to be Of lytill fecc or tit auctoritie, 39,100 As I can nocht trow sic [ane] thing wes trew, In to his eild to sic auerice he drew, With sic horror that I can nocht rehers, No tit with plesour put this tyme in vers. For-quhy I traist, as semis weill to me, 39,103 For puir invy that it sould fenteit be, Becaus he wes of justice so extreme ; Be all ressone I can na vther deme, So gude ane king as he wes in Ids dais, So godlie als, as that my author sais, 39,110 So just, so leill, so full of libertie, Wes neuir tit nor neuir tit salbe, To all this warld as it is rycht weill kend, So just ane man without ane bblssit end. Semdill is sene, quhair euir men ryde or saill, 39,115 Ane lamb to haif ane fraudfull foxfisj taill, Quhilk salbe sene als sone, sa Christ me saue, As vertuous men ane wickit end to haue. Vnsemand is to wryt in ony storie, Quhilk sould rernane ay efter in memorie, 39,120 G18 THE BUIK OF THE For no relatioun other aid or new, Without it be apperand to be trew, Or dreid men sa it be for greit invie. Of gude Malcome siclike this tyine trow I, For caus sunityme he wairnit thame thair will, 39,125 Thairfoir of him that gart thame speik .sic ill ; As weill ma be, he that that storie drew Louit him nocht, as I traist weill wes trew, For sum displesour he had done befoir To him or his, other les or moir ; 39,130 Quhilk causit 1 him so far than for to fenie, Suppois he had bot litill caus to plenie. And how it wes, as my author said me, Heir sail I tell, judge te the veritie, Bot I myself can nocht traist it be trew. 39,135 Into his age to sic auerice he drew, That he forthocht in the tyme full soir All the reward that he had giffin befoir, Becaus he wes in his substance so 2 thyn, Fenieand ane caus quhair riches wes to wyn, 39,140 And rakkit nocht, suppois it wes nocht trew, Col. 2. With colorit law rycht mony saikles slew, And mony als put to perpetuall pane, His land and riches to recouer agane. Quhairfoir the lordis, my author did tell, 39,145 Conventioun maid and thocht for to rebell Agane Malcome, that wes thair prince and king, So vertuous wes in mony sindrie thing. 1 In MS. tyme of. | " - In MS. to. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 619 How gude King Malcolme was slane, and HOW THA THAT SLEW HIM ENDIT, AND OE HIS BUKIALL IN IONA YLE. That saruin tyme in Glames on ane nycht, This ilk Malcolme lang or the da wes lycht, 39,150 Freindis of thame be justice he had slane Into his chalmer enterit with ane trane Be his sernandis, as that niy author schew, And in his bed this king Malcolme tha slew, Syne staw away quhen that the deid wes done. 39,155 On fit and hors syne war tha socht full sone. Quhilk wes in wynter in ane kne deip snaw, Quhairfoir the way wes wnreddie to knaw. Thir murderaris than for thair deid that dred, With so greit haist into the tyme tha fled, 39,160 And tha that tyme war nocht rycht weill be- knawin, The snaw also leit nocht the gait be schawin, Or euir tha wist on Forres loch tha ran, Wnder the ische syne drownit thair ilkman. Lang efter syne quhen that the ise wes fawin, 39,165 Thir deid bodeis out of the loch wer drawin, And on ane galloiis hangit syne rycht he, Ane weill lang tyme that mony man mycht se ; Syne of the gallous efter war tane doun And quarterit war, and send to euerie toun 39,170 Of sum ane leg, and- other sum ane arnie, To represent the greit tressone and harme, Tha[t] tha had done with sic crudelitie, And till all vther exempill to be, In tyme to cum to wirk sic violence, 39,175 As to put handis in ony king or prince. The leir of God ane thousand and fourtie, Aud of his ring als threttie wes gone by, With greit murnyng than bayth of riche and puir, In Iona Yle wes put in sepulture. 39,180 Col. 1. 620 THE BUIK OF THE As for his deid I traist weill it wes trew, Be sick tressoun as that the storie schew, And for sick also rycht weill trow I, He wes so just and for na vther quhy, Sum of thair clan that of thair deid tbocht 39,185 schame, To clenge the laif of sic tressoun and blame, Eycht subtillie hes fenieit sic ane caus, Sayand it wes for breking of the lawis. As mister is sum sonie to be lied, Quhen that ane barne befyllit hes the bed, 39,190 With so greit schame dar nother speik or luke. Loving to God heir endis the elevint buik. Lib. 12,_f. 184b. HOW DUNCANE, Ol T TO GUDE KlNG MALCOLME, was CROWNiT King efter him, and of his Deidis ; AND how Banquho was send to MakDouald with MakCobey, and of thair Deidis. Efter the deith of gude Malcolme the king, Duncane * his oy succeidit to his ring, His dochteris sone, be my author to trow, 39,195 Quhilk weddit wes with the Abthan of Dow, That all the Ylis had also in cuir. This ilk ladie Duncane to him scho buir, Quhilk crownit wes vpoun the marbell stone, With haill consent of euerie lord ilkone. 39,200 The secund dochter of gude Malcolme the king, The Thane of Glames weddit with ane ring, That Makcobey, quhilk wes bayth Strang and stuir, This ilk ladie to that same lord scho buir ; Of quhome efter witbin ane litill space, 39,205 I 2 sail schaw low quhen I haif tyme and place. 1 In MS. Donald. I * In MS. And. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 621 This king Duncane so arch ane man wes he, Meticulus without strenuetie, So niercifull into justice and law, That his liegis stude of him lytill aw. 39,210 To reif or steill tha sparit nocht that tynie, Wes no punitioun for sic deid or cryme ; That euerie man, at his plesour and will, Did as him list than vther gude or ill. Ane man of gude, my author tellis so, 39,215 The quhilk to name wes callit than Banquho, Off blude royall ane nobill man wes he, So hapnit him in Lochquhaber to be, Gatherand the kingis fermis and his maill, That samin tyme withoutin ony faill, 39,220 To him tha did richt greit injure and wrang, Reft him his geir and put him self in thrang ; Scant with his lyfe he chaipit than awa. Quhen he come hame, as my author did sa, Befoir the king and all the lordis schew 39,225 Ilk word by word as hapnit on the new. The king, thairof the quhilk wes nocht content, Richt suddantlie ane herald to thame sent, Commandand thame to cum, bayth ane and aw, Befoir the king thair for to thoill the law ; 39,230 The quhilk herald, as that my author schew, Rycht cruellie that samin tyme tha slew. To be revengit of that lak and schame, Ane nobill man, callit Malcolme to name, The king lies send with haill auctoritie, 39,235 Of that injur is for to revengit be. Of thir tratouris of quhome befoir I tald, Ane bellomye wes callit Makdouald, With greit power into the samin quhile, Of Lome, Lochquhaber, and also of Argyle, 39,240 And of the Ylis in the samin tyme, Quhilk counsallouris befoir wes of that cryme, 622 THE BUIK OF THE And gaif this Malcolme battell on ane plane, Quliair that the maist part of his men war slane ; Him self also wes tane into the steid, 39,245 Syne efterwart put cruellie to deid. Quhen all the cace syne of this cruell cryme, To king Duncane wes schawin in the tyme, So full of dreid and dred [he] wes that da, Scant[lie] he wist ane word than quhat to sa. 39,250 And suddantlie ane counsall he gart call, Exponand syne the caus befoir thame all, And of thair counsall hes diuysit sone, Into that cace quhat best is to be done ; And euerie man, ay as he vnderstude, 39,255 Gaif his counsall apperand to be gude. This Makcobey, of quhome befoir I tald, Ane berne he wes richt bellicois and bald, Befoir the king that tyme he tuke on hand, Plesit his grace for to resing that land 39,200 To him that tyme, with haill auctoritie, And to Banquho his collig for to be, Of quhilk Banquho I schew tow of befoir, He maid ane vow withoutin ony moir, Col. 2. This Makdouald, for all his freindis feid, 39,285 To bring to him sone other quick or deid. Thairof the king wes rycht hartlie content, And suddanelie thir samin tua he sent With greit power, syne efter on ane da, Quliill that tha come into Lochquhabria. 39,270 The men of gude that wes with Makdouald, Of his earning fra tyme that tha hard tald. For feir of him so soir that tyme tha dred, Eicht far awa in sindrie partis fled, For the most part that men of gude war all, 39,275 And left Makdouald with ane power small. Syne efterwart, the quhilk to him wes force, With Makcobene, bayth on fit and hors. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 623 He faucht in feild vpone ane plesand plane, For the maist part quhair all his men war 39,280 slane ; Him self also, with few feiris that tyde, Fled to ane castell that wes neir hesyde. This Makcohene fast folio wit with gude will, And suddantlie he laid ane seig thairtill. This Makdouald rycht weill that tyme he knew, 39,285 And Makcohene lang seiging wald persew, Magree his will that he wald win that hous, Thairfoir to him without ony rebous, Richt suddantlie ane seruand he lies send To Makcohene, the quhilk hes maid him kend, 39,290 This Makdouald, and he wald saue his lyfe, His barnis alss, his seruandis and his wyfe, Into the tyme without stop or ganestand He suld resing the hous into his hand. For Makcohene thairto wald nocht consent, 39,295 This Makdouald, rycht cruell of intent, Agane his will or dreid he sidd be tone, Baith wyfe and barnis in the tyme ilkone, Rycht cruellie with his awin handis slew, And syne him self, as my author me schew, 39,300 He slew also into the samin tyme : So endit he committit had sic cryme. This Makcohene at greit lasar and lenth, Syne tuke the hous that wes of so grit strentli, This Makdouald quhair he fand lyand deid, 39,305 Quhomeof that he hes gart stryke [of] the heid ; The bodie syne he hes gart hyng rycht he Vpoune ane gallous that all man mycht se. The heid to Bertha till the king he send, And all the laif, quhair tha war knawin and 39,310 kend. He puneist hes ilkone as tha maid eaus ; So just he wes to execute the lawis. C24 THE BUIK OF THE Qulien this wes done tha weiris all did ceis, And all Scotland wes in gude rest and peice ; Quhill efterwart, as I sail to 2ow tell, 39,315 Sic aventur as in Ingland befell. Schort quhile befoir, as I schew to tow than, This king Sueno, the quhilk that Ingland wan, Thre sonis had rycht plesand and preclair ; His eldest sone quhilk wes his lauchtfull air, 39,320 Heraldus hecht, as ye sail vnderstand, Efter his deid he maid king of Ingland. The secund sone, that callit wes Sueno, Siclike of Norrawa maid him king also. Qnwtus the thrid and last of liis ofspring, 39,325 That loungest wes, of Denmark he maid king. Lib.12, f.185. Than king Eldreid, of quhome befoir spak I, The quhilk Sueno baneist in Normondy, Quhair he remanit ay still in that steid Onto the tyrne that this Sueno wes deid ; 39,330 Syne in the thrid teir of Heraldus ring, Quhilk efter him of Ingland that wes king, Come hame agane with pover of the new, And in the feild this ilk Herald he slew, And conqueist hes his kinrik and his ring. 39,335 Kneutus that tyme of Denmark that wes king, Quhen that he knew how his bruther wes slane, Withoutin rest no langar wald remane, With greit power he come into Ingland. Sone efter syne, as ?e sail wnderstand, 39,310 This ilk Eldreid in plane battell he slew, And occupyit all Ingland of the new. Eldredus sone neirby that samyn tyde, Quhilk callit wes Edmound of Irnesyid, That samin tyme with greit power and mycht 39,345 Agane Canutus to reskew his richt, And to reveng his fatheris deid also, He tuik the feild aganis him for till go. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. C25 With bernis bald that waponis weill culd weild, On euerie syde tha stude in rayit feild, 39,350 Reddie to fecht thir freikis that war fell. This ilk Edmound, as my author did tell, Vnto his strenth so greit credence he gaif, Of Canutus desyrand for to haif Singular battell betuix thame hand for hand, 39,355 And all the laif still in array to stand, And tha to fecht in middis of the feild, Betuix thair oistis thair with speir and scheild, And nocht to spill so mekill blude, for-thi Quhilk of thame tua that wan the victory, 39,360 Without demand to bruke Ingland for euir : Cheis him, he said, quhilk of thame he had lever, Hand for hand with him in battell go, Or ost for ost gif he wald nocht do so. This Canutus thairof wes weill content ; 39,365 Syne suddanelie of ilk syde with consent, Thir beirnis bald that waponis weill culd weild, Betuix thair men in middis of the feild, Ane lang quhile faucht quhill tha wox irk and tyrit ; Syne at the last this ilk Kneutus desyrit 39,370 This ilk Edmound to ho and hald his hand, To heir his talk ane litle quhile and stand. This ilk Edmound agane said, " With gude will." This wes the talk quhilk that he said him till : " Gif plesis the this kinrik to diuyde 39,375 " Betuix ws tua rycht equalie tliis tyde, " Quhairthrow all wrang and sic weiris ma ceis, " Syne euirmoir to leif in rest and jjeice, " And leif sic battell and sic tornament." This ilk Edmound thairof wes weill content ; 39,380 Syne suddantlie befoir thair men ilkone, Ather lies other intill amies tone, VOL. II. R R G26 THE BTJIK OF THE And maid freindsehip without impediment ; The laif thairof war all hartlie content. Betuix thame tuo the kinrik to diuyde, 39,385 The southmest part la narrest France that tyde, This ilk Canutus gat than to his daill, The tother part this Edmound gat alhaill. Emma, the wyfe of Eldred last gone by, The dukis dochter wes of Norinondy, 39,390 His latter wyfe, to him tua sonnis buir, In Ingland than the cpmilk scho had in cuir, Alarud and loung Edward also, Seand sic peax betuix thir kingis tuo, Scho tuke hir leif that samin tyme for-thy, 39,395 With baith liir sonis passit in Normomty : Col. 2. Aiid thair scho did with hir father remane, Come neuir in Ingland tit sensyne agane. How Sueno, King of Norrowa, purposit in Ingland to visie his Bruther Canutus, and thairefter come in scotland ; and how King Duncane met him with greit Power at Culrois. Canutus bruther, callit wes Sueno, Of Norroway king, my author sais so, 39,400 And eldar als, befoir as I ^ow schew, In that same tyme quhen he perfethe knew How Canutus, than ^oungar wes no he, Into Ingland had sic auctoritie, For to be equall with him in impyre, 39,405 This ilk Sueno that tyme had greit desyre. Quhairfoir he set ane naving to the se, With all the power that he doucht to be, . With plane purpois to pas into Scotland ; Trowand that tyme, but stop or ^it ganestand, 39,410 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 627 For to subdew at his plesour and will Scotland alhaill, and ilkman thairintill. Syne on the [se] "with mony bark and barge, And saillit on ane lang tyme and ane large, Quhill that tha enterit in the water of Forth. 39,415 Syne on the syde that narrest wes the Dorth, Tha saw most ganand for to tak the land ; And so tha did withoutin ony ganestand In that same place, gif that I rycht suppois, Quhair staDdis now the abba of Cnlrois. 39,420 Fra thair cuming wes to king Duncane tald, Without respect no langar tarie wald, He come and met thame with ane greit armie Of all the power that he doucht to be. How King Duncane maid Battell with Sueno, King of Norrowat. And Hakcobey the vangard had to gyde ; 39,425 Bancpiho the wyng vpoun the tother syde. Duncane him self into the middill ward, With mony lord wes .gydar of that gaird. In that same place of quhome befoir I schew, Rycht mony standart wes of staitlie hew, 39,430 And mony baner that war brodin bricht, Aboue thair heid war haldin vpon hicht : And mony pynsall payntit wer full proude, And mony bugill that war blawand loude, And mony trumpet into sindrie tune, 39,435 Sum into bas, and sum in alt abone. With felloun force thir freikis syne tuke feild, And knokit on quhill [mony] knycht wes keild ;' 1 In MS. knychtheid than hneild. R R 2 C28 THE BUIK OF THE And mony berne, -with bludie woundis reid, On euery syde that samin da la deid. 39,440 Still that tha faucht quhill cuming wes the nycht ; The Scottis than, becaus tha wantit licht, Tha drew abak all intill ordour gude ; Siclike the Danis than in ordour stude, Neirby the feild as my author recordis. 39,445 This king Duncan e, throw counsall of his lord is, That samin nycht skaillit his oist on da, And syne him self to Bartha tuke the wa. This Makcobey, quhilk wes for to commend, For new power on the north he send, 39,150 And mony vther in that tyme betuene ; Lib.i2,f.i85b. Syne set ane da quhen tha sould all convene, Co ■ ' • And he and Banquho in the samin tyde, Quhill that tha come, baith in Bartha suld byde. The Danis quhilk 1 stude on thair feit all nycht, 39,455 Bydand for battell quhill the da wes licht, Syne on the morne, quhen that the da wox cleir, And tha saw no man in thair sicht appeir, Tha traistit all the Scottis than had fled, And for that caus the moir curage tha hed ; 39,400 Trowand so weill without stop or ganestand, At thair plesour for to weild all Scotland. And for that caus that I haif to tow schawin, As all Scotland that tyme had bene thair awin, This ilk Sueno gart in his oist proclame, 39,465 In tyme to cum no man suld start on plane The puir pepill quhilk in his grace that stude, With na injure nother of fyre nor blude. To Bartha syne he tuke the narrest way, To seig the toun quhair that king Duncane lay. 39,470 Syne to the toun rycht mony salt gart set, With all ingyne than that tha doucht to get, 1 In MS. quhill. CnONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G29 Continuallic quhill aucht dais to end. Than king Duncane, as tliis Banquho hini kend, To Makcobey he send into the tyde, 39,475 Commandand him still with his ost till byde At Tulenum, thair to remane ay still, Onto the tyme that he send word him till. How King Duncane send ane Messinger to sueno, and how sueno send ane agane to King Duncane, and of his Ansuer. To Sueno syne ane messinger he send, Quhilk schew to him as Banquho had him kend, 39,480 That is to say, he wald gif ouir the toun, Sua that he wald richt frelie, but ransone, Mak his till pas and all the laif thairin, With wyfe and barne and guidis niair and myn ; Sua that he wald gif pledgis to do sa, 39,485 Syne grant ane herald of his awin till go To king Duncane, for to conclude this thing. Content thairof wes this Sueno the king. This ilk herald, quhen he come in the toun, Befoir king Duncane on his kne sat doun, 39,490 And hailsit him than of ane humbill wyiss. The king agane hes causit him till ryiss, With feinteit fair he gart him trow and weyne, That he no langar mycht that seig sustene. Syne quietlie togidder tha did roun 39,495 The fassoun how he wald gif ouir the toun ; And for his kyndnes also wald him send Bayth wyne and aill, sayand rycht Weill he kend That Swenois victuall growand wes rycht scant ; He had aneuch, thairof he sould nocht want 39,500 Of wyne and aill, and als victuall at will, Quhairof aneuche that he sould send him till, So he wald be courtas to him acane. This messinger no langar wald remane, 630 - THE BUIK OF THE Bot passit harne and tald the rnaner how 39,505 To king Sueno, as I haif tald to low ; Quhairof king Sueno wes rycht weill content, So wes the laif quhilk wer so indigent Off meit and drink, quhilk wes thair lyvis fude, And all sic thing that tyme micht do thame 33,510 gude. How King Duncane send the Wyne and Aill BROWIN WITH MUKIL WoKT TO KlNG SUENO, QUHAIIIWITH THAI WAR ALL DROKIN ; AND Col. 2. HOW MAKCOBET COME TO THAIR G'AMP AND SLEW THAME SLEIPAND. Ane 1 herb in Scotland growis heir at hame, Quhilk call it is the mukilwort to name, Is of sic kynd, quha lykis to tak keip, Quha previs it so sadlie garris thame sleip, Quhilk puttis thame in perrell of the deid, 39,515 Without richt [sune] that tha get sum remeid ; And als thairwith this herb is of sic kynd, It makis men as tha war by thair mynd. This ilk Banquho, the quhilk the aill gart brew, Of thir herbis, quhairof he had anew. 39,520 In sindrie partis growand quhair he gat, Amang the aill gart tume 3 thame in the fat ; Ac leit it stand at greit laser and lenth, Quhill that the aill tuke all the jus and strenth Out of that herb, and wes of that same kynd, 39,526 To gar men sleip or than go by thair mynd. Of tha herbis also richt mony one, He hes gart bra into ane mortar stone, And throw ane claith drew all the jus out syne, And in the tunnis gart put amang the wyne; 39,630 1 In MS. In. j - la MS. tune. CKONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 631 Quhairof the wyne tuke all the nature haill Of that same herb, siclike as did the aill. This wyne and aill syne haif tha maid till go Abundantlie vnto this king Sweno ; New baikhi breid, and beif that wes rycht salt, 39,535 Quhairof the Danis had that tyme greit fait, And all sic thing micht gif thame appetyte, Thairof to drink and for to tak delyte. This king Sweno quhairof he wes richt glaid, And courtaslie to tha seruandis he said ; 39,540 " Of my behalf," he said, " gude freindis, thank 4our king, " The quhilk to me so glaidlie send sic thing, " Abundantlie of so gude meit and drink, " The quliilk I traist that he sail nocht forthink " Within schort quhile, and I be for to trow :" 39.345 Quhilk wes richt trew suppois he wist nocht how. That samin da quhair tha sat at the dyne, Tha eit and drank bayth of the aill and wyne, Kicht mii-rely ay wauchtand round about ; At euirilk draucht tha playit ay cop out. 30,550 Sueno him self, with all his strenthis strawe, In his drinking for till exceid the lawe; So did tha all, quhill tha war als bout fow, And also slepie, as wes ony sow. The fair wordis tha gat with sic effect, 39,555 It causit thame to hald no man suspect ; Traistand that tyme all sould haue bene thair awin, So greit kyndnes to thame that tyme wes schawin, So 1 thankfullie and hartlie with gude will. Greit folie wes to gif sic traist thairtill, 39,560 And of thame selffis to tak sic litill keip, That lang or midnycht fell rycht sound on sleip : 1 In MS. To. Col. 1. 632 THE BUIK OF THE Throw greit exces tha tuke of aill and wyne, That all that nycht tha sleipit still like swyne. This kiug Duncane all that cans weill knew, 39,565 To Makcobey he send richt sone and schew Alhaill the fassoun that tyme les and moir, Ilk word be word as le haif hard befoir; Commandand him in all the haist he ma, To Bertha toun to speid him lang or da, 30,570 With all his oist se that it sould be done, And tak the tyme sen it wes oportune. This Makcobey, in all the haist he mycht, Come to the toun lang or it wes midnycht ; LibJ2 ; f.i86. Syne throw the toun all passit in array, 39,575 On to the place quhair that thir Danis lay All sound on sleip, drunkin as ony swyne, So greit exces tha tuke of aill and wyne. The tentis all quhair that the Danis la, Richt sone tha smytit the cordis all in tua, 39,680 And leit the tentis fail abone thair heid, Syne in thair beddis dang thame all to deid. Or tha walknit, as my author did sa, Rycht mony thousand war slane quhair tha la; And tha that walknit that tyme out of sleip, 39,585 Tha war als blait and basit as ane scheip ; And vther sum war of ane vther kynd, Richt mad and mangit, wod out of thair mynd. Without defence sua war tha all ilkone, Quhill all war slane, rycht few or none wer 39,590 tone, Exceptand ten that nycht that tuke na sleip, The quhilk war maid that nj^cht the king to keip, And for that caus drank nother wyne no aill, Into thair cuir in dreid that tha suld faill. Thir few feiris, first quhen tha hard the fray, 39,595 Tha passit all to Sueno quhair he lay, CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 633 To walkin him that tymc quhair be did ly, Quhilk for thame all, nother for schout nor cry, He walkin wald, or ^it ane word wald heir, Or for na stryking fit or Land wald steir ; 39,600 Bot sleipand la, ay snorand lyke ane sow, Of aill and wyne wes fillit than sa fow. Than vp tha tuke him sleipand in that steid, Sum be the feit and sum als be the heid, And buir him sleipand evin on as he la, 39,605 On till ane boit wes neirhand by on Ta ; To Tayis mouth, quhair all thair schippis raid, Tha rowit syne richt bisselie but baid. Syne on the morne passit to Norrowa, All in ane schip wes left levand that da, 39,610 Of the greit oist king Sueno with him brocht, Fra Norrowa sa far wes put to nocht. The schipmen als come to the camp alhaill, To get than- part of that gude wyne and aill, Quhairof tha had greit fait that tyme befoir ; 39,615 Quhilk efterwart tha mycht forthink euirmoir, The Scottis countit thair la wing so deir: That samyn nycht that I haif said tow heir, Exceptand ten thair king awa that hed, For than lawinw held all the laif in wed. 39,620 The schipmen als of thame wer left so few, And in that tyme the wynd so heich it blew, Tha war so scant, as my author did sa, Tha passit all into ane schip awa, And king Sueno also with other ten. 33,625 Thir schippis all, without victuall or men, Tha left on Tay rydand neirby the cost, Within schort quhile quhair tha war ilkane lost. On the third da, as my author me schew, So stiff ane storm into the se thair blew, 39,630 .Withoutin gyde quhair that tha war alane, Furth befoir Tay tha drownit thair ilkane ; 634 THE BUIK OF THE Within tua myle and les to the se bank, Into ane place togidder all tha sank. Syne with the passage inwart of the flude, 39,635 And outwart als, in that place quhair tha stude, As that the flude come rynnand by the land, Amang tha schippis warpit in the sand, The quhilk remanit ay still in that place, Ay moir and moir onto so lang ane space, 39,610 With sic abundance on euerilk hand, Quhill that it grew in ane greit bed of sand. Quhair efterwart schippis and bottis baitb, Sailland thairby gat mekle harme and skayth ; Quhair perrell is ^it forto saill or to row, 39,645 Col. 2. A nc j for that caus it callit wes Dround-low. Lane efter that in Norrowa I trow, The new maid knychtis maid ane solempnit vow, For to revenge, with all power tha ma, Thair freindis deith that slane wes at Bartha. 39,650 How Canutus, King of Ingland, come in Scot- land with ane Navin and Power for to assist Sueno his Bruther, and war re- PULSIT AND PUT ABAK TO THAIR St'HIPriS ; and mony Dane thair was slane be Mak- c'obey and banquho. In this same tyme, as ^e sail wnderstand, This Canutus that king wes of Ingland, Ane greit naving of mony bark and barge, In Scotland send with greit power and large. For to supple this Sueno wes his bruther ; 39,655 Bot all to lait thair cuming syne wes hether. Neirby Kingorne, vpone ane large sand, With boittis thair tha passit all to land. Than king Diuicane quhilk that thair cuming knew, Be sindrie men the veritie him schew, 39,660 CKOMCLIS OF SCOTLAND. G35 This Makcobey and Banquho he gart pas With greit power quhair that tliir Danis was, And gaif thanie feild qohair tha war neir all slane ; The laif long efter mycht nocht weill remane, Bot to thair schippis fled syne at the last. 39,665 The Scottis men that followit efter fast, Betuix thair schippis and the fechting place Richt mony Dane tha slew into that chace. The laif that fled, syne efter quhen tha knew How all thing stude, as other men thame schew, 39,670 That all thair cuming wes bot into vane, Sueno wes fled, and all his men war slane, And tha siclike that samin tyme had lost Into the feild the tua pairt of thair oist, Quhairof rycht mony wer greit men of gude, 39,675 And for that cans syne, schortlie to conclude, With Makcobey than trewis haif tha tane, Quhill all thair men suld erdit be ilkaue Into an yle callit Emonia, Sanet 1 Cohnis hecht now callit is this da. 39,eso Quhair that thair banis restis zit to se In sindrie partis in so greit quantitie, Ouir all the yle quhilk makis tit sic cummer, Weill ma the wit ze men were out of number Tha banis aucht, quha that can weill considder, 39,685 Into ane place war tha put all togidder ; As I myself quhilk hes bene thair and sene. Ane corce of stone thair standis on ane grene, Middis the feild quhair that tha la ilkone, Besyde the croce thair lyis ane greit stone ; 39,690 Wnder the stone, in middis of the plane, Thair chiftane lyis quhilk in the feiid wes slane. To Makcobey, for liis leif and gude will, Rycht mekle gold that tyme tha gaif him till ; 1 In MS. Sanctonis. 636 THE BUIK OF THE At his requeist als in that samin quhile 39,695 With ane bischop gart dedicat the yle ; Syne sworne war all and oblist be thair hand, Neuir agane for till invaid Scotland ; Syne tuke thair leif and fuir attouir the fame, With les honour nor quhen tha come fra hame. 39,700 Lib.i2,f.i86b. This beand done, this king Duncane rycht lang Col. 1. j n p eax anc j res t, j n g re it plesour he rang, Quhill lang efter that sic ane cace befell, And how it was tak tent and I sail tell. In Forres toun, quhair that this king Duncane 39,705 Hapnit to be with mony nobill man ; Quhair Makcobey and Banquho one ane da Passit at morne richt air lie for to pla, Than hand for hand intill ane forrest grene Thrie wemen met, that wyslie war besene 39,710 In thair cleithing quhilk wes of elritche hew, And quhat tha war wes nane of thaine that knew. The first of thaine that Makcobey come to, " The Thane of Glames, gude morne to him," said scho. The secund said withoutin ony scorne, 39,715 " The Thane of Caldar, Schir, God tow gude morne !" The hyndmest, with plesand voce benyng, " God saue tow, Schir, of Scotland salbe king !" Than Banquho said, " abyde ane litill we ; " ^ e §if ^ m a ^> quhat ordane te for me?" 39,720 Than all tha thre maid ansuer to that thing, Said, " Makcobey of Scotland salbe king. " Syne sone efter, be aduenture and stryfe, " With lak and schame sail loiss bayth croun and lyfe; _ " And neuir ane of his successioun 39,725 " Fra that da furth of Scotland bruke the croun. " And thow Banquho, tak gude tent to this thing, " Thow thi awin self sail neuir be prince no king, CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 637 " Bot of thi seid sail lineallie discend, " Sail brake the croun onto the warldis end." 39,730 Quhen this wes said tha baid all thre gude nycht, Syne suddantlie tha vaneist out of syckt ; And quhair awa, quhither to hevin or hell, Or quhat tha war, wes no man lit can tell. This ilk Banquho, of quliome to low I mute, 39,735 Forbear wes to Lord Stewart of Bute, Frome quhome sensyne discendit lies rycht doun James the fyft that weiris now the croun : I pray to God for to couserue his grace. Now harkin and heir how hapnit syne the cace : 39,7-10 Vpone the morne ane schew into that steid To Makcobey that his fader wes deid, The Thane of Glames befoir as I low schew, That weill he wist the first sister said trew ; For-quhy he wes his eldest son and air, 39,745 Be that he knew that hir sentence wes clair. In Inuernes, syne efter that schort tyme, The Thane of Calder for tressoun and cryme Forfaltit wes, and syne put to the deid; His heretage with euerie toun and steid, 39,750 Into that tyme withoutin [ony] plej r , The king gaif all vnto this Makcobey. That samin tyme this Banquho to him schew, The secund sister said to him rycht trew, And bad traist weill the thrid suld nocht lie, 39,755 Thocht he culd nocht tell quhen sic thing suld be. It hapnit so syne efter at the last, The thrid fortoun approchand wes rycht fast. The kingis sone that eldest wes and air, Callit Malcolme, ane plesand prince and fair, 39,700 This king Duncane as le sail wnderstand, This ilk Malcome maid prince of Cummerland, In that beleif, in storie as I reid, Immediatlie he sould to him succeid. 638 THE BUIK OF THE This Makcobey thairat bad greit invy 39,765 Tbat be did so, as le ma wit weill quhy, For be traistit efter tbe kingis deid, Col. 2. Immediatlie to succeid in his steid ; And thocht king Duncane did him greit offence, Of Cumberland that wald nocbt mak him prince, 39,770 Efter the law that maid wes of beforne, Rycht mony leiris or thair fatberis wer borne. Qubairfoir he tbocht he did him greit vnrycht, QuLilk in his hart ascendit to sic hicbt, And far biear than ony man can trow ; 39,775 For this same caus that I haif scbawin low, Bayth nycht and da it wes ay in his thocht, Thairof to be revengit and be mocbt. Than to his wyfe he schew the fassoun how Thir sisteris said, as I haif scbawin tow, 39,780 And of [the] werd as tha that tyme him gaif : Quhairof his wyfe did in her mynd consaif That he wes wrangit rycht far with the king; Syne him awin self scbo blamit of that tbing. How Makcobey's Wyfe be subtill Trane per- swadit Makcobey to sla King Duncane. " Thow neidis nocbt," scbo said, " vtber presume, 39,785 " Bot it man be as God hes gevin dume, " In to the self quhilk is so just and trew. " Be sindrie ressones that scbo till him schew, " Traist weill," scbo said, " that sentence is so leill, " "Withoutin place fra it for to apeill, 39,790 " That it ma nocbt retreittit be agane, " Quhilk in the self so equall is and plane." Quben this wes said, than scbo begouth to flyt With him that tyme, and said he had tbe wyit, So cowartbe tbat durst nocbt tak on hand, 39,795 For to fulfill as God had gevin command. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. C39 " Thairfoir," scho said, " revenge *ow of ion king ; " Sen gratius God decreittit lies sic thing, " Quliy suld thow dreid or stand of [him] sic aw, " So blunt, so blait, berand himself so law, 39,800 " That war nocht thow and thi auctoritie, " With all his liegis he wald lichleit be ? " And now to the sen he is so wnkynd, " Thairfoir," scho said, " I bald the by thi mynd, " To dreid the man the quhilk for the is deid, 39,805 " And throw thi power oft of his purpois speid. " Now tarie nocht thairfoir ; speid hand, haif done, " And to thi purpois se thow speid the sone ; " And haif na dreid, for thow lies all the rycht " Grantit to the be gratius God of mycht." 39,8io Tliis wickit wyfe hir purpois thus hes sped, Sic appetite to be ane quene scho hed ; As wemen will, the thing that tha desire, Into thair mynd burnis hettar nor fyre, Bayth da and nycht withoutin ony eis, 39,815 Quhill that tha get the same thing that tha pleis. Ressoun in thame hes na auctoritie, For appetyte and sensualitie ; Foull appetyte hes ay thair will to gyde, For most plesour thair purpois to provyde, 39,820 And causis thame oft till go by the rycht. This Makcobey, quhilk wes bayth wyss and wycht, Strang in ane stour, and trew as ony steill, Defendar als with of the commoun weill, So just ane juge so equale and so trew, 39,825 As be his deidis richt weill befoir ay schew, Lib. 12, f.187. Syne throw his wyfe consentit to sic thing, For till distroy his cousing and his king ; So foull ane blek for to put in his gloir, Quhilk haldin wes of sic honour befoir. 39,830 To his friendis his counsall than he schew, Quhome in he traistit to him wald be trew, 6-10 THE BUIK OF THE And speciallie to his cousing Banquho, And mony vther in the tyme also. The quhilk promittit glaidlie with thair hart, 39,835 In that purpois that tha suld tak his part, And in his querrell stoutlie for to stand, So that him self wald tak the deid on hand : Syne efterwart, quhen that the deid wer done, At his command tha suld be reddie sone 39,840 To wirk his will in all thing as he wald. This Makcobey, that wes ane berne full bald, Into the tyme quhen he thair myndis knew, Traistand to him tha suld be leill and trew, And for that caus wald no langer deley, 30,845 At Ernis mouth syne efter on ane day, Quhen that he saw his tyme wes oportune, Befoir the king apperit lies richt sone. First he begouth in sporting with him thair, And syne of him for to complene richt sair, 39,850 Defraudit haid him sua of Cumberland, Sa oft for him in mony stour had stand ; Without he wald that tyme revoik rycht sone All thing thairof befoir that he had done, Traist Weill thairof and mony of the lawe, 39,855 In tyme to cum sic seruice for to haue. And so tha fell ay fra the les to the moir, Quhill tha crabit on euerie syde so soir, Accusand vther bayth of word and deid, Quhill at the last evin to the werst it ieid. 39,8co On euerie syde to pairteis than tha drew ; This king Duncane that had with him sa few, Amangis thair handis suddantlie wes slane ; This Makcobey, the quhilk that maid that trane, Prouydit wes rycht weill into all thing, 39,8C5 Or he come thair for slauchter of the king, Than of his ring, quhilk wes the sevint ieir, And of oure Lord, quha lykis for to heir, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 641 Ane thousand fourtie and sex teir also, The number haill that tyine wes and no mo. 39,870 How Mackobet was crownit in Scone, and of his Deidis thairefter done. Sone efter syne quhen all thir deidis war done, This Makcobeus passit into Scone With all the power that he doucht to be, Wes crownit thair with haill auctoritie. Than weill he wist the thrid sentence wes trew, 39,875 The last sister, as ze haif hard, him schew. This ilk Duncane tua sonis had on lywe, With Oswardis dochter quhilk that wes his wywe, The lord sumtyme quhilk wes of Northumberland ; Malcome the eldest prince wes of Cumberland, 39,880 And Donald Bay quhilk callit wes the vther, To this Malcolme quhilk wes the secund bruther. Fra tyme tha knew how thair father wes slane, In Cumberland ane lang tyme did remane, Of Makcobey tha stude sic dreid and aw, 39,885 Quhill efterwart as I sail to tow schaw. This Makcobey fra he wes crownit king, Eycht circumspect he wes in till all thing, And greit rewardis to the lordis gaif His freindis war, siclike to all the laif, 39,890 On fra his fayth no way that tha suld fail], And conqueist hes thair hartis than alhaill. Col. 2. Rycht equallie he execute the law, Bot in sum part that tyme he stude sic aw For to persew, or tit mak diligence, 39,895 Rycht mony one had done richt greit offence, Weill lang befoir in to king Duncanis tyme, Wald nocht forbeir thair vices and sic cryme. To apprehend thame doutsum wes and cummer, And als tha war of sic power and number, 39,900 VOL. 11. s B 642 THE BtTIK OF THE Thairfoir he dred and held his hand abak, So planelie than to puneis and corrak. Sone efter syne he fand ane subtill wyle, But ony gilt how he suld them begyle; And so he did within les nor ane ^eir, 39,905 And how it wes tak tent and te sail heir. Inducit hes thair nychtbonris in the tyme, For to accuse thame of tressoun and cryme ; And of thame than with thair hand to preve That all wes suith, and ask thairof na leve, 39,910 In plane ban-as befoir the kingis grace, Quhair plesit thame to set the da and place. The tother part thairof wes weill content, Knawand thairof that tha war innocent Of that tressone, so litill wnderstude, 39,915 Giffand sic traist that thair cpierrell wes gude. And for that causs the da and place wes set, Befoir the king in Bartha cpihair tha met, All on ane da convenit les and moir. The king, the quhilk prouydit wes thairfoir 39,920 With armit men, at his command wes boun, Gart tak thame all that same da in the toun, Quhometo he aucht no surance for to geve, For-quhy tha come without his traist or leve, Of aduenture and of thair awin fre will, 39,925 But ony man compelland thame thairtill. Qnhen that tha war in handis tane also, Bicht mony one wer innocent leit go, And all the laif of hie and law degre, Vpoun ane gallous hes gart hing full hie, 39,930 To Scotland dalie that tyme maid grit cummer, Neirby tua thousand or ma into number. This beand done than, schortlie to conclude, Ouir all Scotland sic aw of him tha stude, Into na part, as my author did tell, 39,935 Wea nane so bald agane him durst rebell ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G43 Except MakgaJlus into Galloway, In that same tyme, as my author did say, Fechtand in feild that tyme wes tane in handis, Syne to the king wes brocht fast bund in bandis: 39,940 And for his fait he gart him loiss the heid. All Galloway, syne efter he wes deid, In peax and rest levit efter richt lang. This Makcobey, that wes bayth stout and Strang, Greit diligence he hes done nycht and da, 39,945 To mak gude peax with all power he ma, And viseit hes the ylis in the north, And all Scotland syne to the water of Forth, Besouth also onto the bordour syde. He sparit nocht for no travell to ryde, 39,950 Or for no trubill that tyme he mycht tak, Amang his liegis peax and rest to mak. Baith speir and scheild to all kirkmen wes he, And merchandis alss that saillit on the se ; To husband men that lauborit on the grand, 39,955 Ane better king in no tyme mycht be fund, Lib.12, f.i87b. No moir convenient for the commoun weill, And his begynnyng had bene of gude ieill, Into his tyme quhilk maid so mony lawis, Efter decreit of sindrie doctouris sawis. 39,960 And quhat tha war quha lykis for to speir, I ma nocht tarie for to tell tow heir, So langsum war, and my tyme is bot schort, Quhairin I fynd litill plesance or sport, Bot tedious for to heir of sic talk. 39,985 Now to my purpois thairfoir will I walk. How Makcobey changit his Conditionis, fiia his first Begynnyng to "Wickitnes till his Ending. This Makcobey the quhilk so weill began, s s 2 He changit sone intill ane vther man : G44 THE BUIK OF THE All his clemence in greit crudelitie He changit syne, without hurnanitie. 39,970 This ilk Banquho of quhome I spak hefoir, Into his mynd suspectit hes full soir, Traistand all thing of him suld be fund trew, Be prophecie the sisteris of him schew, As ye haif hard hot schort quhile ago. 39,975 This Makcobey, dreidand it sould be so, Of this Banquho that his posteritie Suld bruke the croun, and his distroyit be ; And for that caus decreittit in his mynd, This ilk Banquho, so leill, so trew, so kynd 29,980 To him alway, bayth into word and deid, Suppleand him rycht oft quhen he had neid, With fals tressone for to distroy rycht sone ; And finallie syne efter so wes done. How Makcobey betrasit Banquho and gart SLAY HIM. Vpoun ane nycht with him self in the hall, 39,985 This ilk Banquho to the supper gart call, With his ane sone wes callit Eleank, With fair wordis, greit cheresing and thank, So greit fauour and in so gude effect, That he of tressone suld him noclit suspect. 39,990 Efter supper he tuik his leif to go, With Eleank for to pas hame also ; And on his passage hamewart as he teid, He hed ordand for to be done to deid, Ane cumpany thair he befoir him fand, 39,995 Weill boidin war with bow, buklar and brand, Quhilk suddantlie this gude Banquho tha slew. This Eleank, as my author me schew, Into the mirk throw aventure and cace, Withoutin skayth chaipit out of that place. 40,000 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 645 This Makcobey so soir efter he dred, Into the Walis rycht far fra hanie he fled ; Of quhome efter, quhen tyine cumis and place, I sail schaw *ow as God •will gif me grace. This beand done in sic forme and effect, 40,005 This Makcobey wes haldin richt suspect With all the lordis that war in Scotland, Quhen tha his tressone so did vndirstand, That euirilk man fra that tyme furth him dred, And he siclike suspitioun of thame hed, 40,010 That neuir ane durst traist intill ane vther; Semdill or nocht thairfoir tha met togidder. Than Makcobey quhilk had so greit suspitioun Of all his lordis, than changit his conditioun : Quhair he wes wont rycht curtes for to be 40,015 Col. 2. To all his liegis with liberalitie, Now is he alterit in ane vther kynd, Rycht fals and sle, and subtill in his mynd. To fenie faltis thocht nothir schanie no syn, Quhair gold or gude or riches wes to wyn ; 40,020 Or of thame quhome that he held suspect, With litill pley quhome he plesit to blek. Richt mony so, the quhilk war men of gude, Hes put to deid be sic ingratitude; Syne held ane gaird, his awin cors for to keip 40,025 Fra all perrell, baith walkand and on sleip, And grit strenthis he held ay in his cuir, Traistand be thame till sicker be and suir. How Makcobey biggit the Castell of Dun- SENEN, AND HOW MAKDUFF FLED IN ING- LAND TO MALCOLME CaNMOIR. That samin tyme he foundit hes of one, Into Gowrie ane Strang castell of stone, 40,030 Vpoun the hicht thair of ane montane he, Dunsenen hecht, remanis tit to se. G46 THE BUIK OF THE With greit laubour ilk da that werk wes wrockt, Sic travell wes or that the stufe wes brocht Vp to the hicht, quhilk wes bayth strait and 40,035 Strang ; The coist wes greit and als the laubour lang. And euirilk lord ane sessone of the ieir, Into that place dalie hes gart conipeir, Auctoritie and cuir thairof to tak, And for his tyme the haill expenssis mak. 40,040 With circulatioun sa about tha Jeid, 7 ' m For les expenssis and for grittar speid, Fra euerie part bringand rycht far the stuff. The thane of Fyffe, that callit wes Makduft', Into his tyme that micht nocht present be, 40,045 Of that laubour to tak auctoritie, For so greit mater that he had to speid, Into the tyme it stude him in sic neid, Onto the werk men gaif rycht strait command, And hecht rewardis for to tak on hand, 40,050 Ilk da be da with cuir and diligence, To speid the werk far nioir in his absence, Na tha wald do quhen him self wer present. " That salbe done," said all with ane consent. That samin tyme this Makcobey come he, 40,055 His awin werk to visie and to se, And fand Makdufe than fra the werk absent, Quhairof that tyme he wes nothing content. Befoir thame all, behind Makduffis bak, Rycht suspect langage that tyme of him spak, 40,060 Waill crabitlie and into greit effect ; Fra that tyme furth he held him ay suspect, And neuir on Mm with patience moir mycht hike. This ilk Makdufe the quhilk suspitione tuke Of Makcobey, that he wald him na gude, . 40,065 Be vther men far better wnderstude, The quhilk to him the veritie that schew, Of Makcobey tha wnderstude and knew, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 647 Saw he his tyme, than doutles but remeid The thane of Fyffe Makdufe wald want the 40,070 heid, This Makcobey so soir that tyme he dred, To prince Malcolme into Ingland he fled. Lib.i2,f.i8S. Off this Malcolme I schew zow of befoir, CoL *• Quhilk in his tyme that callit wes Canmoir, Eldredus sone as ye sail wnderstand, 40,075 Callit wes Edward than king of England. This wes Eldred that Canutus slew, Bot schort qidiile syne befoir as I tow schew, Befoir this tyme now that I say low heir, I wait nocht weill how lang and mony teir, 40,080 Quhill efterwart as ze sail wnderstand, The Danis all wer put [out] of Ingland, And all thair power put wes than to nocht, This ilk Edward fra Normondy wes brocht, And crownit king quhilk in his tyme that rang, 40,065 And als befoir I can nocht tell how lang ; Bot efterwart the fassoun of that cace, I sail schaw tow quhen tyme cumis and place. This Malcome Canmoir, Ze sail wnderstand, With this king Edward than wes in Ingland, 40,090 The quhilk with him in great honour we[s] hed, Fra Makcobey fra Cumberland he fled. Makcobey be suspitioun he knew Makduffe wes fled, also to him tha schew Ilk word be word how that Makdufe had done ; 40,095 This Makcobey thairfoir he sped him sone In Fyffe that tyme, to this Makduffis place, Thocht it wes stark lit to the kingis grace ; His wyfe that tyme, but bargane or rebous, Rycht reuerentlie to him gaif ouir the hous ; 40,100 Traistand that tyme he suld do thame no ill, Scho put the hous and all into his will. C48 THE Bl T IK OF THE How Makcobey slew the Wyffe and Barkis of Makduffe and forfaltit him selff and ttjke all fra him, and how mak- duffe menit him to Malcolme Canmoir, and of his ansuer maid agane as fol- lowis heir. This cruell serpent, wod and venemous, Qnhen this lady had geven ouir the hous, Hir self and barnis but ony remeid, 40,105 And all the laue, pat till ane cruell deid. Syne all the riches wes the hous within, Gart turss away that tyme be the leist pyn: Syne ouir all Scotland siclike vp and doun, Proclamit him ane rebell to the croun. 40,110 This ilk Makdufe, of quhome I schew befoir, All this he schew to gude Malcome Canmoir, Ilk word by word, and in nothing wald lane, How Makcobey bayth wyfe and barnis had slane, To him sum tyme so tender war and deir, 40,115 So lamentabill that pitie wes to heir ; And schew also his greit crudelitie To his lordis, without humanitie, And of the vices that into him rang, With sic exces continuallie so lang ; 40,120 How with his Hegis he wes so ill hide, And speciallie with all the men of gude So haittit him for his tirranye, " And all," he said, " is in defalt of the ; " The quhilk will nocht cum and persew thi 40,125 awin, " Lattand thi liegis dalie be ouirthrawin " With lone tirrane, full of ingratitude, " Makand distructione of the nobill blude, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 649 That horribill is other to heir or se. Col. 2. Greit wonder als to euerie man of the, 40,130 " That ma sa weill, haifand power and mycht, " Will nocht persew thi heretage and rycht, " So wranguslie haldin fra the so lang, " And mak thi liegis for to leif but wrang. " Thocht this to the war no plesour no steid, 40,135 " iit neuirtheles thow suld revenge the deid " Of king Duncane, quhilk wes thi father deir, " Zit vnrevengit hes bene mony leir, " ione' tirrane slew with greit crudelitie. " Gif strenth, or wit, or manheid be in the, 40,140 " And als thow hes thi time so oportune, " With litill sturt sic thing ma weill be done ; " Bot gif thow be so febill of estait, " But hardines, without wisdome so blait, " Meticulos, and dar nocht se blude drawin, 40,145 " Richt eith this tyme thow ma cum to thi awin. " For weill I wait the nobillis with thair hart, " Of all Scotland this da will tak thi part, " And stand no aw for the to bleid thair blude, " So that tha wist that thi willis war gude." 40,150 All this he said that I haif said tow heir, And mekill moir na I haif now perqueir, To this Malcolme in greit effect he said, Till his purpois gif he culd him perswaid. This ilk Malcolme for his dissait that dred, 40,165 For Makcobey befoir richt oft so bed Gart him persew with mony subtill trane, Quhairthrow he micht tliis Malcome to haif slane, And for that caus this Malcome dred hes ill, And lather wes to lippin him intill. 40,160 And or he wald schaw him his counsall haill, iit first he thocht liis lautie to assaill ; 1 In MS. }aite. 650 THE BUIK OF THE As he had bene wnfenieit and rycht plane, This same ansuer he maid to him agane. " Forsuith," he said, " fiill soir forthinkis me 40,165 " Of tour great noy and it micht mended be, " The quhilk for me I wait will nocht be done, " For-quhy I knaw I am inoportune. " I ken my self, quha equallie can wey, " Hes far ma faltis nor euir had Makcobey, 40,170 " And war inclynit into mony thing, " And les convenient for to be ane king ; " So lecherus aboue mesour am I, " And thocht I wald I ma nocht weill deny, " The quhilk in me can neuir be correctit, 40,175 " To that plesour so far I am subjectit. " Rycht weill I wait, had I auctoritie, " As he hes now, with als greit libertie, " In all Scotland thocht tha be neir so ryfe, " Virgin or wedow, madin or mannis wyfe, 40,180 " Bot I wald preiss hir onis for to preif " Quhat euir scho war, and ask bot litill leif, " And thus with me ^e wald sone fall in stryfe, " Sum for his dochter and sum for his wyffe, " And call me war nor euir wes Makcobey; 40,180 " Than suddantlie thair wald ryiss sic ane pley, " That te sulci be fanar me to forgaue " Ane hundret fald, nor ^e ar me till haue. " Thocht to me now £e half so greit desyre, " Agane me than le wald richt sone conspyre, 40,190 Lib.12, f.issb. « a uc i p U t rne doun with far moir lak and schame, " Na now with honour ye can bring me hame. " Ane vther fait I haif that is far war, " To tratlaris I am infectit far, " And reddie is to gif to thame credence, 40,195 " The quhilk that is ane perelus pestilence ; " And speciallie into ane prince or king, " For to gif credence to sic vane trailing, CItONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 651 " As I myself louit lies ay weill to do, " For-quhy nature compellis me tbairto. 40,200 " For no wisdome I can forbeir or leif, " The gift of nature is so ill to reif : " Ityelit hard it is, other for boist or blame, " Bring fra the flesche that is bred in the bane. " Rycht eith it is ane tratlar gar me ' trow 40,205 " The plane contrair I wald haif sworne rycht now ; " The thing that I gif most credens now to, " Incontinent the contrair I will do ; " My mynd als lycht is euirmoir on flocht, " As woddercok or ony womanis thocht. 40,210 " Sen all thair faltis vglie and horribill, " The quhilk in me I knaw incorrigill, " Wittand so weill, but fictioun or fabill, " Quhilk to tow all wald be intolerable, " Quhairfoir at me te wald haif greit dispyte, 40,215 " And euirilk da te wald me blame and wyte, " And luif me war, I bid nocht for to fenie, " No Makcobey, and haif moir caus to plenie ; " Quhilk wald nocht faill," he said, " that I forsend, " To bring me sone to ane vnhappie end. 40,220 " Thairfoir," he said, " ane mekill fide war I, " Gif that I suld, haiffand sic caus and quhy, " Wilfullie to ta-k on hand sic thing, " Quhilk wald nocht faill to haif ane ill ending." Quhen he had schawin his mynd to him in 40,225 plane, This ilk Makdufe he replicat agane : " Gif it be so," he said, " that thow lies schawin, " Grit mervell is so lang it is vnknawin ; " For I haif sperit alss far as I can, " And findis nocht that thow art sic ane man. 45,230 In MS. the. 652 THE BUIK OF THE " Now in jouthheid quhen thow suld erast be " Infectit farrest to faminitie, " To lust and plesance alway gif consent, " Quhen as lit thow art ane innocent ; " Thairefter in eild quhen passit is the rage, 40,235 " Sic wit in the sail suampit be and suage, " And euirilk da be menischit les and les, " And thow sail grow to vertew and incres, " And euirilk da wyn greit merit and meid, " Thank and reward thairof haif thow no 40,240 dreid. " Quhairfoir," he said, " I can nocht vnderstand, " Thow suld forsaik to tak sic thing on hand." Quhen he had said, and schaw [to] him his will, This ilk Malcolme sic ansuer maid thairtill : " I haif hard sa that greit terrour and dreid 40,245 " Causis ane man [to] mak vertu of neid ; " For quhair ane man standis grit dreid or aw, " Hydis his vice, and wilbe laith to schaw, " Suppois natuir constrante him thairto, " Zit aw and dreid will caus him for till do, 40,2 50 " So scharpe ane wand is terrour, aw and dreid, " The plane contrar quhen it standis in neid. " Rycht mony men that we hald now full leill, " iit ar inclynit baith to reif and steill, " Quhilk wald nocht spair war nocht justice 40,255 and law, " And dreid of deid, quhomeof tha stand sic aw. " And mony virgin that ar of gude fame, " War nocht for dreid of thair freindis and blame, Col. 2. « Ri ca t we ill I wait wald tak thair wantoun Till, " Sen neid throw kynd constranis thame thair- 40,260 till, " By dalie prattik as we ma Weill se, " Sone efter syne quhen tha haif libertie, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G53 " Of thair awin plesour for thame self provydifc, " Did schaw or nocht Low mony ane ar gydit. " Myself," he said, " now in that same stait 40,265 standis, " So far fi - a hame heir into vncouth landis, " Without prouisioun in ane strange place, " Quhilk dois hot stand in the kingis grace, " That causis me waill oft on force to fenie, " And with greit pane my appetyte constrente ; 40,270 " Bot and I war, as thow wald now haif me, " Haiffand sic fredome and auctoritie, " Without presume ony suld mak me pley, " I wald be war nor euir wes Makcobey. " Thairfoir," he said, " for ony rycht or querrell, 40,276 " I purpois nocht to put my self in perrell ; " And neidis nocht, haifand all that I pleis : " He levis weill that levis into eis. " Thairfoir," he said, " persuaid me nocht thairto, " My self wait best quhat that I haif till do." 40,280 Quhen Makdufe hard sic ressone as he schew, Traistand richt weill that tha had all bene trew, And saw his mynd so far agane him set, Wald na mair go [to] fische befoir the net, So weill he wist his travell wes in vane, 40,285 Bot on this wyss to him he said agane: " Co wart knycht, sen reuth no tit pitie " Of thi liegis nothing commuuis the, " No lit," he said, " thi fatheris cruell deid, " On to thi realme quhilk will mak no remeid, 40,290 " The gratius God heir I beseik abone, " Other," he said, " to change thi mynd rycht sone, " Out of this warld or suddantlie the tak." Quhen this wes said he turnit syne his bak, And in the tyme, for verrie wo and tene, 40,295 The bitter teiris brist fra baith his ene 654 THE BUIK OF THE And said, " Allace ! that I wes borne of wyfe, " Or ^it so lang sould leifand be on lyfe, " Of my l.l2,f.l89. « ^^ sa v| p rom it the bayth with mynd and hart, " In that purpois at plesoure tak thi part." God wait or nocht gif this Makdufe wes glaid, Quhen that he hard so freindlie as he said, Turnit agane and tuke him be the hand, 40,325 Betuix thame tua than bund wes vp the band ; Richt sadlie sworne, as my author me schew, Ilkone till vther suld be leill and trew. This ilk Makdufe syne in the samin tyde, Come and remanit at the bordour syde, 40,330 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 655 And secreitlie to all his freindis send, Quliilk all thair counsall lies maid to thame kend. Quhairof ryclit many blyth wes at thair hart, And hes proinittit for to tak thair part ; Syne to him senid bayth letter and seill, 40,335 And oblissing that tha sould all be leill. This gude Makdufe, that wes bayth leill and trew, To Malcolme come and all the seilKs schew, And all the ansuer ilk ■word that tha send. This ilk Malcolme fra he thair ansuer kend, 40,340 Traistand richt weill that tha suld all be leill, For moil- effect had thair letter and seill To king Edward, the quhilk he leit him se, Askand at him his counsall and supple. This gude Edward that wald him nocht deny, 40,345 Hes promeist him that saniin tyme for-thy Ten thousand men that waillit war and wycht, Ouir all Ingland buskit in armour brycht, That in ane stour durst baldlie stryke and stand, His cousing Suard, erle of Northumberland, 40,350 Thair gyde suld be and chiftane in the tyde. Syne gart proclame for all thing to provyde, Baith hors and harnes, with sic ganand geir, And all waponis that neidfull war in weir. Quhen this wes schawin onto this Makcobey, 40,355 Ouir all Scotland thair rais greit stryfe and pley, Sum for the tane and als sum for the tother : With this Malcolme rycht mony did confidder, With Makcobey had bene rycht soir opprest. Than euerie man, quhair that he louit best, 40,360 Tuik part that tyme, as my author did sa, Quhairthrow the realme diuydit wes in tua, That force it wes, thocht men wer neirir so lidder, For to tak part other with ane or vther. This Makcobey with all his power haill, 40,365 Oft previt hes his partie to assail! 656 THE BUIK OF THE With bernis bold that waponis weill culd weild ; His contrapairt no way wald gif him feild, Quhill Malcolme come with his auctoritie Out of Ingland, with greit help and supple : 40,370 And so he did sone efter on ane da. This Makcobey, quhilk at Dunsenane la, With all his power wer into greit dreid, Seand the tyme approcheand of sic neid, Sum gaif counsall with Malcolme for to mak 40,375 Peax, and he mycht, and trewis for to tak, With quhat conditioun plesit him to haif ; And vther sum that tyme amang the laif, Gaif counsall on to the Ylis to fie, Quhill efterwart that he his tyme mycht se. 40,380 This Makcobey illudit wes so daft, Sic credence gaif to witchis and thair craft, Quhilk gart him trow that he sould neuer de, Quhill Birnane wod, quhairin grew mony tre, Onto Dounsenane suddantlie wer brocht ; 40,385 His fals beleif that tyme wes all for nocht. This ilk Malcolme the quhilk that rycht weill knew Col. 2. Sic thing of him, as Makdufe to him schew, With all the power he had with him thoir, To Birnane wod passit the nycht befoir 40,390 The da he thocht that the battell sould be, And euerie man ane greit branche of a tre, Vpone his bak than other les or mair, That samin nycht gart to Dunsenane bair. Syne on the morne, sone be the da wes lycht, 40,395 This Makcobey beheld into his sicht So greit ane wod, quhair neuir none tit grew Sen he wes borne, na of sa grene ane hew, Traistand it wes ane taikin of his deid, Zit neuirtheles, restles but ony reid, 40,400 Rayit his men that waponis docht to weild, And suddantlie syne gaif this Malcolme feild. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 657 And as tha war baith reddie for [to] June, Out of the feild he fled awa full sone ; His men that tyme quhen that tha sa him 40,405 wend, That wald nocht fecht him awin self to defend, Tha thocht folie with sic ane man to stryfe ; To Malcolme than tha come ilk man belvye Withoutin straik, and put thame in his will. This ilk Malcolme so clement wes thame till, 40,410 Baith gude and ill into the samin place Rycht glaidlie than resauit in his grace. That tyme Makdufe, quhen Makcobey had fled, Follouit richt fast, sic malice at him hed, The narrest way quhair he knew he wes gane ; 40,415 Syne at Lumfanane thair he lies him ouirtane, And said to him, " Now fals dog thow sail de !" Said he agane, ' : Thairof that thow sail le ! " No levand man this da borne is of wyfe, " That hes power other with sword or knyfe, 40,420 " Or ony wapin, me for to schent or slo." " I am content," said he, " that it be so ; " For I wes neuir ?it of my mother borne, " Quhen scho wes deid out of hir syde wes schorne. " This is rycht suith, traist weill that I am he, 40,425 " Of my handis, fals tratour, thow man de I" Syne suddantlie without mercie or grace, Rycht cruellie he slew him in that place ; This prophecie availlit Mm richt nocht. Vpoun ane speir his heid syne hes he brocht 40,430 With greit blythnes onto the oist agane ; Quhairof his fais war that tyme full fane. Than of his regnne quhilk wes the saxtene ieir, He maid sic end as I haif said low heir, And of oure Lord ane thousand leir and one, 40,435 And sixtie als compleit war and bygone. VOL. II. T T 658 THE BUIK OF THE That samin leir wes auchtane of his ring, Of gude Edward of Ingland that wes king. Sen neidfull is to vnderstand the storie, To tell tow heir, sen it is in ruemorie, 40,440 Of the Danis the space and tyme how lang, How mony als in Ingland of thame rang That kingis war, and how tha did succeid, Heir sail I tell as 2e ma efter reid. This Canutus quhilk that Eldredus slew, 40,445 Bot schort quhile syne befoir as I heir schew, Syne with his sone Edniound of Irnesyde, Betuix thame tua the kinrik did diuyde. And so tha stude in Ingland lang togiddef, Lib.12, f.i89b. Withoutin stryffe, in dreid ilk ane of vther, 40,450 And euirilkone of vther war suspect. Ane Inglis man quhilk wes of litill feet, Ane bludie bouchour, faithles wes but fame, Edrecus als wes callit to his name, Of this Canutus to rewardit be, 40,455 This gude Edmound richt tratourlie slew he, Vpoun ane draucht doand his naturall det. This fals tratour wnder the schield wes set, Quhilk to his cuming tuke gude tent and cuir, With ane lang speit quhilk in his hand he buir, 40,460 Amang the bowellis vpwart in the breist, Straik him to deid withoutin clerk or preist ; And to Canutus passit syne full sone, And schew to him that tyme how he had done, For luif of him his awin prince hes nocht spard, 40,465 Traistand thairfoir of him to get reward. This Canutus considderit weill and knew, This fals tratour that his awin maister slew, That naturallie wes nother kynd nor leill, Greit danger wes with sic ane dog to deill ; 40,470 And for that caus, as he seruit to haif, That samin tyme siclike reward him gaif, CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G39 Into the streit quhair euerie man mycht se, Vpoun ane gallous hangit him full hie, Into the tyme with mekill scliame and lak, 40,475 That all vther exempill thair micht tak, In tyme to cum, with wrang or violence, For to put hand other in king or prince. The Inglis lordis syne quhen that tha knew So greit justice Canutus to thame schew, 40,480 Of Edmoundis deid sic vengence he had tone, With haill consent of the lordis ilkone, Maid him tutour to governe and to gyde Of all Ingland ; also the samin tyde, Edward and Edwyn within £outh richt far, 40,485 Of king Edmond the lauchtfull sonis war, In matrimonie quhilk that his wyfe him buir, Deliuerit hes into Canutus cuir ; Quhome he ressauit blythlie and bening, And treittit thame as sonis of ane king. 40,490 Sone efter syne he changit his intent, And send thame bayth onto the president, Valgarus hecht, that tyme of Swadyn land ; Syne quyetlie he send to him command Rycht suddantlie for to distroy thame bayth. 40,495 This president, thinkand grit syn and skayth Sic innocentis for to condaime to deid, Send thame rycht far baith to ane vther steid, To Salomone, of Hungarie wes king. Thir tua childer that plesand wes and ling, 40,500 Remanit thair richt lang and mony leir, Quhill efterwart as I sail schaw low heir. Efter the deid syne of this Canutus, Ane sone he had wes callit Heraldus, As it wes said wes in his tyme als swift 40,505 As ony [h]air that ran wnder the lift, Thairfbir Hairfit, bot gif my author le, With vulgar pepill callit than wes he, T T 2 660 THE BUIK OF THE Tua ^eir he rang and no moir as I reid. Heirdecanutus efter did succeid, 40,510 His bruther wes, to his auctoritie, For-quhy that tyme na vther air had he. Wes none so proude levand wnder the sky, At Inglismen quhilk had so greit invy, Herald his bruther that wes deid befoir, 40,615 For caus sum tyme he manist him with schoir, Col. 2. Out of the erth his deid bodie hes tone, Syne of the heid he hes gart stryke, anone In Lundoun toun, quhair euerie man mycht se, Vpoun ane staik gart set it vp full hie : 40,520 In Tames water, rynnis bayth deip and fast, Of the deid cors the laif he gart in cast. Ane law he maid, bayth be way and streit, Quhair euir tha hapnit ony Dane to meit, Tha suld him halss as ane man of gude, 40,626 And in his hand still for to hald his hude, At euerie word kneill and mak curtasie, Ay still and quhill that he war passit by. Commandit als that nane of thame suld meit Vpoun ane brig, other on hors or feit, 40,530 The sempillest Dene in all Ingland wes kend, Bot to remane ay at the brigis end, Without sterage ay still as ony stone, Quhill that the Dene wes passit ouir and gone, And bek to him syne as he goith by. 40,535 The Inglismen, quhilk that his tirrany Mycht nocht suffer without humanitie, Diuysit hes with greit subtilitie The Danis all, with litill sturt and noy, Vpoun ane nycht in Ingland to distroy. 40,540 And so tha did ouir all Ingland ane nycht, In euirilk hous ane greit supper wes dycht, Quhair all the Danis callit wes thairtill, Of wyne and aill takand thame sic ane fill, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 661 With sic exces quhill that tha war als fow, 40,645 Syne fell on sleip alss sound as any sow ; And also fow and drokin as ane rnous, The Danis war than into euirilk hous ; That sarnin nycht syne, lang or it wes da, Tha war all slane thair sleipand quhair tha la. 40,560 The Inghsinen syne on the morne tuke feild, With euirilk wicht ane wapin docht to weild, And all the laif syne of the Danis slew. Heirdecanutus, quhen he hard and knew The fassoun all how tha his men gart slo, 40,655 And him awin self wer seikand than also, Knawand so weill than as the mater standis, That he micht nocht avaid out of thair handis, And for that caus or he come in thair will, And thoill sic pane as tha wald put him till, 40,560 With ane lang knyfe that hang be his awin belt, He slew him self thair suddantlie and suelt. The Inglismen, quhen that tha hard and knew So suddantlie him self as he than slew, In tyme to cum tha war quyte of his ill, 40,665 And tha also had thair fredome and will, Ane Godowyn, ane greit nobill that wes, In Normondy that tyme tha 1 haif gart pas For Alarude and Edward in that tyde, Quhilk brethir wer till Edmond of Yrnesyde, 40,670 Sonis also wes to the king Eldred, And gude Emma his latter wyfe, I red, Ducke Richardis dochter wes of Normondy, As I schew low bot schort quhile syne goneby. This Godowyn, of quliome heir that I schew, 40,675 That samin tyme ane tratour wes vntrew ; Canutus dochter, of quhome befoir I tald, Ane sone him buir quhilk callit wes Herald, 1 In 51S. that. 662 THE BUIK OF THE Quhilk wes the caus of tressone as I reid ; In that belief this Herald suld succeid 40,580 Lib. 12, £190. Efter his guid-schir for to bruke the croun, He promeist [hes] thir childer to poysoun. Gude Alarude the eldest wes and air, Wes none that da moir plesand and preclair, He hes gart poysoun in that samin place ; 40,585 And gude Edward, as it wes Goddis grace, Saifflie did his tressoun than wmschew, And how it wes I can nocht tell *ow now. Bot sone efter, as ie sail wnderstand, This ilk Edward wes crownit in Inglandj 40,590 Eldredus sone wes narrest to succeid. Tliis ilk Edward syne efter, as I reid, Ane nobill king he wes in all his dais, Wes none better as that my author sais, This Godowyn for him so soir that dred, 40,595 Schort quhile befoir of Ingland he had fled, So meik he wes, within ane litill space Bessauit him agane into his grace, And gart all thing agane to him restoir, Bayth land and gude all that he had befoir ; 40,600 Gart him remane with him self nycht and da ; Herald his sone, duke of Oxonia For his plesour he maid into the tyme. Bot gratius God, the quhilk all gilt and cryme Bycht equallie, thocht he desire ane space, 40,605 Will puneis heir or in ane vther place, And so he did to this fals Godowyn ; Tak tent and heir how that it hapnit syne. croniclis of scotland. 663 how godowyn worreit himself to deid in Presence of Edward King, becaus he maid ane greit lesing. Vpoun ane da with mony fen^eit fabill, With king Edward quhair that he sat at tabill, 40,610 Of sindrie thingis speikand ill and gude, Thair talking than wes most of Alarude, This Godowyn that tyrne with greit effect, Traistand the king thairof had him suspect, He said, and suoir richt mony aith betuene, 40,615 Of that tressoun he wes saikles and clene. And in his hand he tuke ane peice of breid, Before thame all syne he held vp his heid, Vnto the king on this same wyiss said be, " I beseik God ma 1 this my poysoun be, 40,620 " Gif euir I had, without on}' remeid, " Art or part of Alarudus deid" Syne in his mouth he pat the breid with that, Quhen in his hals, that same tyme quhair he sat, [It] stak so fast without ony remeid, 40,625 Or euir tha wist, it wirreit him to deid. Thus endit he the quhilk menswoir alhallowis, Syne erdit wes efter wnder the gallous ; Into this mater I will no moir remane, Bot to my storie turne I will agane. 40,630 How King Malcolme was crownit King of Scotland, and how he rewardit his lordis and maid erlis and mony gude Lawis. This gude Malcolme of Scotland than wes king, The auchtane teir of this Edwardus ring, 'LiMS.no. 664 THE BUIK OF TUB Throw his supple, befoir as I tow schew, His heretage in Scotland did reskew. Co1 - 2 Quliilk crownit wes the fyue and tuentie da 40,635 Of Aprile, as my author did sa, And of oure Lord ane thousand and sexty 2eiris and one compleit war ane gone by. To Forfair syne he passit thair and baid, Quhair he that tyme rycht mony lawis maid ; 40,640 To thair freindis that Makcobey had slane, Richt richlie than rewardit lies agane ; To euerilkone that tyme baith les and moir, That tuik his part so planelie of befoir. In that counsall, as te sail wnderstand, 40,645 The first erlis that euir war in Scotland Wes maid that tyme with his auctoritie, Befoir wes wont bot thanis for to be. Of quhome the names I haif nocht perqueir, Of pairt of thame tit sail I schaw tow heir. 40,650 Fyffe and Angus, Mar and Morauia, Buchane, Catnes, Menteith, Atholia, The Lennox, Ros, without ony gane-call, In that counsall tha war maid erlis all ; And mony surename also les and moir, 40,665 Wes maid that tyme quhilk wes nocht of befoir ; As Calder, Lokart, Gordoun, and Setoun, Gallowa, Lauder, Wawane, and Libertoun, Meldrum, Schaw, Leirmond, and Cargill, 1 Stratherne, Rattray, Dundas als thairtill, 40,660 With Cokburne, Mar, and Abircrumby, Myretoun, Menteis, and also Leslie. All thir surnamis that I haif schawin tow heir, Weill ma 2e wit, withoutin ony weir, That tha tuke part withoutin ony pley 40,685 Into that tyme aganis this Makcobey, 1 In MS. Gargill, CKONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 665 With gude Malcome of Scotland that wes king. And for that caus, and for na vther thins;, Richt greit rewardis to thame all he gaif, Efter thair deidis ' as tha war worth to haif. 40,670 To gude Makduffe the erle of Fyffe gaif he Ane priuiledge, and his posteritie ; The first, quhilk wes ane priuiledge conding, The erll of Fyffe quhen crownit wes the king, Onto his chyre suld him convoy and leid, 40,675 The croun of gold syne set vpoun his heid With his awin hand, all seruice for to mak, As president most principall of that act ; The secund wes, that battell in ilk steid In his gyding the vangard for to leid ; 40,680 The thrid also, that neuir ane of his clan Suld judgit be wilder ane vther man, Quhair euir he war, hot with the erle of Fyffe, Quhen that he war accusit of his lyffe. With niony lawes also lies maid than, 40,68s Richt commendabill bayth to God and man, And abrogat all lawes les and moir, That Makcobeus maid had of befoir. How Lauchlat, Makcobeus Sone, wes crownit King in Scone, and how Makduee slew him rycht sone. Rycht sone efter that done wes all this thing, Thair come ane man the quhilk schew to the 40,690 king Of nyce newis in the tyme wes done, Ane callit Lauchlat wes crownit into Scone, Quhilk wes the sone of foirsaid Makcobey. The erle of Fyffe send wes to red that pley ; Lib.12, f.i90b. Col. 1. 1 In MS. deith. 666 THE BUIK OF THE The quhilk at Esk that tyme hes him ouirtane, 40,695 And slew him thair with his feiris ilkane. Be this wes done, onto the king wes tald Ane bellomy that busteous wes and bald, In Loutheane had seruit mekill blame, And quhat he wes I can nocht tell his name, 40,700 With mony revar, that war bald and stout, He spuilteit had the land all round about, Baith in the Slers and Loutheane richt far. Ane nobill man, Lord Patrik of Dumbar, At Colbrandispeth this cap tane carle he keild, 40,705 And sax hundretht of his men into feild ; Fourscoir he tuik quhilk to the king he led, The carhs heid also with him he hed Thair captane wes, and presentit to the king, Quha wes rejosit gritlie of that thing. 40,710 This Lord Patrik the erle of Merche he maid ; Of Colbrandispeth the landis lang and braid Gaif him that tyme, and thairwith ordand he, In his banar ane bludie heid to be, Perpetuallie in ane taikin and sing 40,715 Of his honour the quhilk that did sic thing. Syne efter this it hapnit vpone cace, This king Malcolme at hunting in ane place, Of sindrie men quliome of he wes suspect, As secreitlie wes schawin him in effect, 40,720 Conducit war than with his mortall fo, For sreit reward this king Malcolme to slo. The king him self that knew rycht weill thame all, The men of thame that wes most principall, Eicht quietlie the king with him is gone 40,725 Furth in the wod than hand for hand alone, Waill secreitlie wnder ane buss of breir, Quhair thair wes nane other to se or hen. This gude Malcome than to that man said he, " O fals tratour ! without humanitie ; 40,730 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 667 " brutell beist ! but kyndnes in memoir " Off all kyndnes that I did the befoir. " Traist weill, tratour, of tlie I haif hard tell, " With faLs tressoun thow schaipis to rebell " Aganis me, and is my mortall fo, 40,735 " And tratourlie thow schaipis me to slo, " Qnhen I sail haif na power to defend. " Thy cruelnes is richt weill to me kend." With that he drew ane brand bayth braid and brycht, And said till him, " Cum on ! God schaw the 40,740 richt ! " Now is nioir tyme quhen no man is to red, " No for to sla me sleipand in my bed. " Defend the, tratour, ane of ws sail die !" With that the tratour fell doun on his kne, And held his handis to the hevin in hy, 40,745 Syne piteouslie on him mercie did cry. Malcolme wes meik and wald do him na ill, And suddantlie he said agane him till, " Of thi reat this tyme full soir I rew; " In tyme to cum so that thow wilbe trew, 40,750 " Heir I forgif the all faltis bygone." And be the hand that tyme syne hes him tone : Syne raikit furth befoir as tha war wont, Amang the laif into the hillis to hunt. Heir will I rest ane lang cpihile and remane, 40,755 And of king Edward tell sum thing agane. 668 THE BUIK OF THE How Edward, King of Ingland, was aigit and Col. 2. had no Aims of his Bodie, send for Edward his Bruther Sone, quha was in Hungary, to resigne the Croun to him and be King of Ingland efter him. This ilk Edward as le sail wnderstand, That samin tyme that king wes of Ingland, Weill agit wes and cuining to greit eild, And of his awin had nocht ane lauchfull cheild 40,760 Efter his dais the kinrik for to gyde. His eldest bruther Edmond of Yrnesyde, His tua sonis quhilk war in Hungarie, As I schew 2ow bot schort quhile syne gone by, Edmound the eldest deit without air. 40,765 Edward, ane virgin plesand and preclair, Weddit ane wyfe wes callit Agatha, The kingis dochter wes of Hungaria ; To hirn scho buir Edmond ane sone, also Margaret and Cristiane, and na barnis mo. 40,770 This king Edward that samin tyme send he, For this Edward his sone and air to be. At his command this Edward come belyve Into Ingland with his barnis and wywe, Quhome that the king resauit with renoun ; 40,775 Befoir thame all syne otferit him the croun, Becaus he wes his eldest brutheris cheild, And he him self also wes of gude eild, And for that caus he profferit him the croun, Befoir his deid to gif him possessioun. 40,780 This 20img Edward so curtes wes and heind, His darrest erne, so tender wes ane freind, He thankit lies that tyme rycht reuerently, To tak the croun refusit hes, for-thy He wes eldest and grittest of renoun, 40,785 And in possessioun also of the croun, CItONICI.IS OF SCOTLAND. GG9 The quhilk he thocht wes nocht semaiid to be, Foi - greit degraiding of his majestic The pepill all quhen that tha hard sic thing, How ^oung Edward refusit to be king, 40,790 For sic kyndnes till his vnkill he bed, Withoutin his purpois [eithlie] micbt haif sped, Quhen oft hes bene befoir that the tone bruther For heretage distroyit hes the tother, And for that causs that he sic thing forsuik, 40,796 The pepill all greit plesour of him tuke. Sone efter syne, as my author did tell, This toung Edward, as aventure befell, Departit hes befoir Edward the king, That sorrowfull wes and sorie of that tiling, 40,800 Ay moir and moir with greit langour and wo, Out of this warld quhill he wes maid till go. Sone efter syne, as halie kirk now grantis, Now in till eird is numberit amang the Sanctis Richt hie in hevin, with blythnes and grit 40,805 gloir Withoutin end, and so and euirmoir. The lordis than of Ingland euirilkone, To Lundoun toun togidder all ar gone To cheis ane king to be thair governour ; This ^oung Edmond quhilk wes of grit honour, 40,810 This Edwardis sone borne wes in Hungarie, Neglectit wes that tyme and far put by The heretage, to quhilk he had sic richt, Part than for wrang and vther part than by sbcht, Corruptit wes be giftis of Herald, 40,815 Lib.12, f.191. Quhome of befoir schort quhile to Juw I tald, Col. 1 . The eldest sone of Godowyn bygo, And dochteris sone to Canutus also. For his reward of greit riches and rnycht, This ^oung Edmond wes frustrat of his rycht, 40,82 670 THE BUIK OF THE And this Herald without lycht of sic tiring, For Canutus 1 that da wes crownit king. Thair allegatioun wes as I wnderstude, For he wes narrest of Canutus blude, And for that caus the Danis wald nocht pruif, 40,8-25 Vnjust battell aganis thame till mufe. Tha fen^eit this to be the caus and quhy ; It wes nocht so, and that rycht weill wait I. That Canutus thairof had all the wyit, Quhairat greit God had efter greit dispyit, 40,830 And brocht tharne all, as it wes rycht weill kend, For thair falsheid onto ane febill end. And how it wes quho 3 lykis for to speir, Tak tent this tyme and I sail tell pw heir. How Herald mareit the Duikis Dochter of normondy, and how he come in ingland, marterit this fair Ladie, and send [hir] to hir Father richt schamefullie, and of the Duikis cuming in Ingland. This ilk Herald sone efter he wes king, 40,835 Into his niyud consauit lies sic thing, That he wald pas, I cannocht tell ^ow quhy, Into Flanderis, bot gif it wes for-thy As God hes said sa all thing man be done. This ilk Herald to schipburd passit sone, 40,840 Syne ankeris drew and leit saillis dounfall, Befoir the wynd syne went ouir mony wall. Sone efter syne, within ane lytill we, So greit ane storme thair fell into the se, That force it wes ay sailland by and by, 40,845 For till arryve than into Normondy. This ilk Herald thairof he tuke the land, The quhilk that tyme richt weill did wnderstand 1 In MS. Conatus. «ln MS. quhy. CRONICLIS OP SCOTLAND. G71 Williame, Bastard quhilk wes of Norrnondy, At him he had greit malice and invy, 40,850 For his father distroyit Alarude, His cousing deir, so neii' wes of his blude. And for that caus to counsall he is gone, Decreittit wes syne with thame all ilkone, Herald suld fenie that he come to wed 40,855 The duikis dochter, to bring to his bed Jn matrimonie vnto his wyfe and quene, To mak friendschip quhair lang grit weir had bene. Quhairof this duke richt hartlie wes content, And gart compleit all thing incontinent 40,860 Of his desyre that he plesit to haif ; His dochter syne in mariage him gaif "With greit devyss ; quhen all thing wes done so, He tuke his leif hame with liis wyfe till go. And quhen he come in middis of the way, 40,865 Vpoun the se, as my author did say, The Normanis all that come hir till convoy, Into that tyme withoutin noy, Except hir self that tyme and othir thrie, Send all agane hame bakwart ouir the se. 40,870 In Ingland syne, sone efter he come hame, To this ladie hes done greit lak and schame, Of hir father for malice and invy, Col. 2. Magir hir will, gart laddis with hir ]y. Hir plesand ene syne as the cristell stone, 40,875 For greit dispyte out of hir heid hes tone ; Syne cuttit of hes baith hir eiris tuo, Hir lustie lippis and hir nois also ; Hir plesand face, that pitie wes to se, Deformit hes with greit crudelitie ; 40,880 Onto hir father in his lak and schame, On that same fassoun than he send hir hame. This Williame Bastard syne efter rycht sone, Of that injure Heraldus had him done, 672 THE BUIK OF THE With greit power, as my author did sa, 40,885 In Ingland come syne efter on ane da, With bernis bald that waponis weill culd weild, And slew Heraldus fechtand into field. Depryuit liim of his kinrik, lyfe and croun, Of greit injure and of the fals tressoun, 40,890 To him befoir so wranguslie he wrocht, And his dochter full deir than hes he bocht. And euir moir in storie as I reid, The Normond blude sensyne hes done succeid Into Ingland, haifand auctoritie, 40,895 Baith of the croun and all greit dignitie : As God prouydis so all thing is done. This Williame Bastard efter this rycht sone, Thair with his lordis into Lundoun toun, Ressauit hes of all Ingland the croun ; 40,900 And all the lordis also ill and gude, Ouir all Ingland quhilk war of Inglis blude, Dishereist hes withoutin ony dreid, And maid ane Normane in his place succeid. The vulgar pepill leit thame leif als fre, 40,905 And far better nor tha war wont to be, With thair awin law, langage, and all the laif, Siclike befoir as tha war wont to haif ; The kinrik als as it wes wont to be, Callit Ingland be his auctoritie. 40,910 Quhilk causit thame fra that tyme furth but pley, To him and his euir moir for to obey, And tit hes done, I can nocht tell how lang, As plesis God the quhilk can do na wrang. This ioung Edmound, the sone wes of Edward, 40,915 Quhen that he saw the kinrik wes transferd Fra his natioun wnto the Normane blude, Perfitlie than he knew and wnderstude That all his laubour wes [but] waist and vane, In Ingland than na langar wald remane. 40,920 Col. 1. CHONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 673 In ferme purpois to pas in Hungarie, With baith his sisteris syne went to the se ; Thair passage maid than out of Thaniis mouth. The wind it blew so stark out of the south, Ay be ane burd it draif thame to the north, 40,925 Quhill tba tuke land richt far vp into Forth, Into ane place, as my author did sa, Sanct Margaretis-hoip is callit at this da. To king Malcolme quhen this wes schawin syne, Remanand wes into Drumfermlyne, 40,930 To thame he send for to inquyre and speir Of thair cuming the fassoun and maneir. As 1 he [wes] bad this messinger hes done; Lib.12, f.i9ib. Syne come agane and schew to him rycht sone, Quhat that tha war and how that tha come 40,935 thair, And all the fassoun ilk word les and mair, The quhilk befoir that I haif put in verss, Is nocht neidfull agane for to reherss. This king Malcolme, quhilk wes nocht immemor The greit kyndnes that gude Edward befoir 40,940 Schew him in Ingland quhen he did remane, And for his saik thairfoir he thocht agane Onto his freindis recompance to mak, Quhilk causit him moir kyndlie with him tak. And so he did with greit honour and gloir, 40,945 And all his lordis that tyme les and moir That present war, tha princes richt potent, With king Malcome onto the schip tha went. This loung Edward that knew full weill sic thing, Eicht reuerentlie he come and met the king, 40,950 With his mother and with his sisteris tuo, Quhilk salust him syne all the laif also. 1 In MS. As as. VOL. II. U U 674 THE BUIK OF THE This nobill king hes tane lriru by the hand, His mother syne, quhilk nixt [to] him did stand, He kissit hes thair, with his sisteris tuo, 40,955 To Drumfermling syne maid thame all till go ; In greit blythnes ane lang tyme of the leir, Quhair tha remanit ilk da with grit cheir. As plesis God so all thing man be done : This king Malcolme considderit hes rycht sone 40,960 Of this Margaret the greit humilitie, Hir pulchritude and hir speciositie, Hir greit vertu, the quhilk that did exceid All vther virgin in hir tyme, I reid ; And for that caus, as my author did mene, 40,965 This king Malcolme hes tane hir to his quene, With haill consent of the nobillitie, In matrimony his lauchtfull wyfe to be. The teir of God quhilk send sic grace fra heviu, Ane thousand saxtie als thairto and sevin, 40,970 This ilk Margaret of quhome befoir I mene, Of Scotland than wes crownit to be quene. This beand done as ie sail wnderstand, Than Williame Bastard, king wes of Ingland, Quhen that he knew how all this thing wes done, 40,975 He flemit hes out of Ingland richt sone The ' freindis all wes of this ilk Edgair, That levand war ilkane baith les and man ; Quhilk of thair lyvis wes so soir adred, That samin tyme in Scotland all tha fled. 40,980 Quhometo king Malcome greit rewardis gaif, Of gold and land as tha war worth to haif, The quhilk sensyne geid neuer tit hame agane, Bot ay in Scotland stone still did remane ; And quhat tha war, quha lykis for to speir, 40,985 Thair surnames alss now I sail schaw low heir. • In MS. This. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 075 Lyndesay, Wallace, Touris, [and] Lovell, Ramsay, Prestoun, Sandelandis, Bissefc, Soullis, Maxwell, Wardlaw, Giffurd, Maiile, Borthuik also, Fethikran, Creichtoun, all thir and no mo. 40,990 Fyve of thir last, alss far as I can spy, Come with this Edgar out of Vngary ; And all the laif of thir, as eith is to ken, Of thir ilkone tha war all Inglismen. This Williame Bastard quhen he wnderstude, 40,996 This king Malcolme with so greit gratitude Col. 2. Ressauit hes thir men baith les and moir, To him he wrait with rycht greit host and schoir, In heichtie langaoe that wes all to large, Commandand him, wnder all pane and charge 41,000 Of his perrell that efter micht be fund, This ilk Edgair he sould send to him bund. Than king Maleome, in fan; tennis and plane, Als hett and hiebe ansuer maid agane ; Sayand, als far as he culd wnderstand, 4i,006 He wes nocht obhst to keip his command ; No lit, he said, of his desyr and will, Nocht worth ane fle thairof he wald fulfill. " As for his bost I set richt litill by, " Do that he dow," he said, " I him ' defye." 41,010 With this ansuer the messinger richt sone, Went hame agane and schew how he had done ; And all the ansuer that he gat agane, Ilk word by word 2 in termis that war plane. This Williame Bastard herand it wes so, 41,016 Ane greit armie he furneist hes till go With ane hecht Rodger, as I vnderstand, Ane Normane wes into Northumberland, Foi - -quhy gude [Suard] that tyme thairof wes lord, To king Malcome, gif that I rycht record, 41,020 1 In MS. am. \ "- In MS. wordis. U U 2 676 THE BUIK OF THE His mother bruther in the t}'me wes lie, And tuik bis part at possibilitie. Tins ilk Rodger tban for to keip command, He enterit sone into Northumberland, Quhair he that tyme wes sone put to the war, 41,025 His men war slane, him self chaissit rycht far, And in the chace, as it wes rycht weill knawin, Throw tressoun slane thair be men of his awin. This WilUame Bastard, of Ingland that wes king, Quhilk litill sturt than tuke of all that tiling, 41,030 Ane grittar armie sone efter he send In Cumberland, syne maid with thame to wend The erle Ri chart, of Loncastell wes lord, To be thair gyid 1 and keip thame in concord. The erle of Merche, gude Patrik of Dumbar, 41,035 And of Menteith, thir tua erlis send war Be king Malcolme that tyme in Cumberland, Quhilk stoppit him and maid him sic ganestand, Scant worth ane bog tha leit him tak awa; Quhair he tuke ane tha tuke agane ay tua. 41,010 This Williame Bastard seand it wes so, Ane greit armie he hes maid till go, Gif it be trew that my author tald me, With ane bischop thair governour to be, And wes 8 his bruther, Oden hecht to name, 41,015 The erle of Kent, ane man of nobill fame, Quhilk enterit sone into Northumberland, Wes nothing fre befoir thame that tha fand, Baith brint and slew, as my author did sa, Syne mekiLl gude tha tuke with thame awa, 41,050 Evin as tha wald at thair plesour and will. Syne king [Malcolme], quhilk sone thair 3 sped thame till, 1 In MS. kynd. ' In MS. thair than. ■ In MS. with. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 677 Arreistit thanie, syne with ane maissar wand, Or tha passit out of Northumberland, Richt mony thousand of thame thair wes slane, 41,055 And all the laif war chasit hame agane. This bald 'bischop, for all his schavin croun, Durst nocht than byde to heir thair confessioun. Lib. 12, f. 192. iit William Bastard, qidiilk that wald nocht tyre, Co1- '• Ane grittar armie and with moir desyre, 41,060 With his sone Eobert wnto Northumberland, With thame he send to be at his command. This ilk Robert, as my author did sa, He come to Tyne and thair stane still he la : The New Castell he gart agane restoir 41,065 Till the awin strenth distroyit wes befoir. Into that tyme he did no vther thing, Bot passit hame but ony tareing. This Williame Bastard, quhilk culd nocht proceid, To his purpois cumand so hulie speid, 41,070 All that he did befoir richt far he rewis, With king Malcohne wes fane for to tak trewis, Of this conditioun I sail to low sa ; That all the land fra Stanemure inwart la North onto Tueid, without ony ganestand, 41,075 All Cumbria and also Westmureland, This king Malcolme suld haif in peax and rest, For euirmoir withoutin ony molest : Makand thairfoir aith of fidelitie To this Williaine and his posteritie. 4i ; 08o Into Stanemure ane cors of stane wes set, Quhair the merchis of thir tua kingis met ; And on the cors, as le sail wnderstand, Tua crownit kingis with sceptour in to hand Depanetit wer richt propirlie that tyde : 41,085 The king of Scotland on the northmest syde, The king of Ingland also on the vther, Haldand thair faces euerilk ane fra vther, 678 THE BUIK OF THE I wait nocht weill quhither on fit or hors, Quhilk ay sensyne wes callit the Ke-cors. 41,090 And Suardis sone, erle of Northumberland, Hecht Wordyas, maid mariage and band With ane ladie of fame that wes wnfyld, To Williame Bastard that wes dochter child ; And this erle Sward in tyme to cum suld be 41,095 For tuentie ^eir of all tribute maid fre, Fra Williame Bastard, of Ingland that wes king, Quhilk grantit wes to him and his ofspring. This beand done as I haif said row heir, Sone efter syne within les nor ane teir, 4i ; ioo Into the Ylis and in Gallowa, Baith thift and reif, as my author did sa, Slauchter and murthur with mekle oppin wranf, With all ill vices in that tyme tha rang. And or I tell ^ow quhat wes the remeid, 41,105 Heir mon I la ane stra into this steid, And of Banquho sum mentioun for to mak, Of quhome befoir in this same buik I spak, Quhilk Makcobey with sa greit tressoun slew, Siclike befoir in that same tyme I schew 41,110 With fals tressoun he quit him to his thank. He had ane sone wes callit Eleank, Quhilk, with the 'substance in the tyme he lied, Fra Makcobey into the Walis he fled ; Quhair with the lord he tretit wes rycht 41,115 weill, And to his dochter wes so deir ilk deill, As kyndlie is thairof sould no man wonder, Richt sone efter wes brocht in sic ane blunder, Judge te or nocht gif that scho wes begyld, That sone efter scho wox rycht greit with 41,120 child ; Quhairat hir father wes richt far displesit. This Eleank, or that he wald be mesit, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 679 Iticht cruellie without mercie gait slo ; His dochter als, quhen that he had done so, In seruitude for terme of all hir lyfe ti,i26 Maid hir to be ane sympill mannis wyfe. Col. 2. Quhill efterwart ane toung sone that scho buir To Eleank, of quhome scho tuke sic cuir, Quhill he wes leirit baith to gang and ryde, Quhilk callit wes to name Walter that tyde, 41,130 In Albione wes nocht ane farar child ; Syne efterwart, quhen that he come till eikl, On to Scotland to king Malcome come he. Sone efter syne, throw greit nobillitie, And worthines in mony stalwart stour, 41,135 Greit fame he wan with riches and honour. And with king Malcome haldin wes of price, Eecaus he wes so nobill and so wyce. This ilk Walter syne efter on ane da, With greit power wes send in Gallowa, 41,ho For to resist the tratouris did rebell, Quhome of befoir schort quhile Ze hard me tell. This toung Walter with litill stnrt or noy, He maid thame all to be as clois and quoy. Thair greit chiftane, MakGlawis hecht to name, 41, us Of all thair deidis quhilk that buir the blame, Fechtand in feild, and mony mo he slew, The laif wes sworne than all for to be trew. Syne efterwart he passit in the Ylis, And part throw strenth, and vther part throw 41,150 wylis, He maid thame all als waldin as ane wand, For till obey and byde at his command. Becaus he wes of sic nobillitie, This king Malcome of his auctoritie His land-stewart in the tyme he maid 41,155 Ouir all Scotland that wes baith lang and braid ; G80 THE BUIK OF THE Syne till his surename Stewart did him call, And gaif to him the land [is] liand all In Cuninghame, that my author did sa, Quhilk Stewartoun ar callit at this da. 41,160 His hous and famell, efter as I schew, Onto sic riches and greit honour grew, And spred richt far also lies his ofspring, Of quhome sensyne discendit is our king, Heir efterwait, quhen I half tyme and space, 41,165 I shall schaw low as God will gif me grace. Sone efter this that ze haif hard me tell, Ane hecht Makduncane in Murra did duell, Perswadit lies all [pepill] moir 1 and les, The Memis, Mar, Ross, Buchane and Caitnes, 41,170 For to conspyre agane Malcome thair king, And disobey him into euerie thing, Without he leit thame hald thair landis fre, But ferme or maill, at thair awin libertie ; And greit injure agane the king lies done. 41,175 Makduffe of FyfFe thairfoir wes send rycht sone, With greit power that perrell to prevene. The men of Mar quhilk lies his power sene, Dreidand his strenth tha tempit him for-thi With greit reward gif tha culd beir him by. 41,180 That samin tyme king Malcome at thair hand, With new power wes cumin in the land ; Syne with Makdufe togidder baith in one, To Monyniusk richt haistelie ar gone, And plantit lies thair palteonis on a plane, 41,185 Ane qidiile at counsall syne thair did remane. Lib.i2,f.i92b. Tni s king Malcolme that samin tyme gaif he Col 1 To Sanct Androis, with haill auctoritie, Of Monymusk alhaill the baronie, Of his fais to send him victorie. . 41,190 1 Iu MS. moir moir. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 681 Syne with his oist lie passit furtli but pley, Quhill that he come on to the water of Spey, Quhair all his fais in the samin tyde, Remanand wer vpoun the tother syde. In gude ordour appeirit in thair sicht, 41,195 In breist plait, birnie, and in basnet brycht ; Sic multitude of thame as he hes sene, He trowit nocht in all Scotland had bene. The man that tyme the kingis baner buir, Stoppit and stude and no forder than fair, 41,200 Sum thing adred, as my author did mene : The king thairof richt crabit wes and tene, And hint the baner sone out of his hand ; On to ane vther by him self did stand, Ane berne full bald quhilk wes of blude and 41,205 bone, Quhilk callit wes Alexander Carone, He gaif the baner in his hand to bah - ; In heretage syne efter euir mair, His surename syne wes callit Scrymgeom, Quhilk surname lit tha keip to this same horn - . 41,210 This beand done the king passit ouir Spey, Quhair mony freik that da had bene full fey, War not the kirkmen, my author did mene, With intercessioun gangand oft betuene, Quhilk causit thame than of that stryfe to ceis. 41,215 Of this conditioun freindschip maid and peice ; The commonis all sovdd skaill awa but stryfe, The nobillis all ilkane, saiffand thair lyfe, Suld cum that tyme into the kingis will, To qukat pennance him plesit put thame till. 41.220 This Makduncane that all the stryfe began, And vther mo wes no [les] wj^les than, 1 ' In MS. And mo vther wes no witlcs than. 082 THE BUIK OP THE Sone efter syne he did thame all denude Of land and lordschip, and all vther gude ; Syne all thair tyme with grit pennance tha la 41,225 In sfcrang presoun vnto thair latter da. Quhen this wes done as I haif said low heir, The king Malcome richt lang and mony te'iv, In peax and rest and greit tranquillitie, Ane lang quhile so efter leuit he. 41,230 Oft* halmes [deidis] all vther did exceid In Albione in his dais, I reid, Of godlynes and of richt perfite lyfe, Be the instructioun of Margaret his wyfe, Quhilk in hir tyme had nother maik no peir 41,235 In Albione, alss far as I can heir. Insufficient I am for to discrywe Hir sanctitude, and eik hir halie lyfe ; Hir greit diuotioun and hir godlie werkis, As writtin is be mony famous clerkis : 41,240 And of king Malcome and his nobill deidis, Witnes will bair quha that his legend reidis. Thairfoir as now I will lat sic thing be, Ouir langsum war heir at this tyme to me ; Thair werkis all heirfoir to put in write 41,846 My pen wald irk, my self also to dyte Wald grow als dull and sad as ony stone, Thairfoir as now I lat sic thing alone. The gude exempill of thair halie lyfe, He[s] causit mony with thame for to stryfe 41,250 In greit perfectioun and in cheritie, Col. 2. Preissand with thame thairin equale to be. Quene Margaretis mother, Agatha hecht to name, Cristiane hir sister wnfyllit of fame, Throw gude exempill of thir tua tha tuke, 41,255 All warldlie pomp and riches tha forsuik ; And all the dais efter of thair lywe, Religious like leuit contemplatywe. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 683 Edgair hix bruther, as I wnderstand, That samin tyme he passit in Ingland 41,260 To Williame Bastard, quhilk did him resaif, And greit lordscliip, quhair he plesit to hail", He gaif to him in all part vp and doun, And syne gaif ouir all richtis to the croun To Williame Bastard hartlie with gude will, 41,265 And nenir agane to haif reclame thairtill ; And all his tyme withoutin sturt or stryfe, He leuit so to ending of his lyfe. Off Williame Bastardis Deceis, and of his Thrie Sonis, how King Malcome biggit the Kirk of Durhame, and of the Seige of Anwik, and of and how King Mal- come deceissit. Neirby this tyme as te sail wnderstand, Williame Bastard, that king wes of Ingland, 41,270 Than of his regnne quhilk wes the tuentie 2eir, He tuik his leif and baid no langar heir. The teir of God ane thousand and fourscoir, And sex leiris compleit war and no moir. Quhilk had thre sonnis plesand and preclair, 41,275 Williame Rufus, that eldest wes and air, King of Insrland he maid efter his deid, The quhilk succeidit syne into his steid ; The secund, Robert, duke of Normondy ; The toungest sone quhilk callit wes Henry, 41,280 The fairrest thing that euir wes on the mold, To him he left his riches and his gold. This king Malcome into that samin tyme, The kirk of Durhame foundit of stone and lynie, That faillit wes ane lang tyme of befoir, 41,285 Reformit hes syne all thing les and moir, G8t THE BUIK OF THE In forme and feet as it wes wont to be, With als greit fredome and auctoritie. Ane faithfull father of honour and fame, Priour thairof, hecht Torgatus to name, 41,290 Ane letterit man profound in all science, Just and deuot, rycht haill of conscience ; The king Malcome this halie Torgotus, He maid him bischop of Sanct Androis ; The quhilk that wrait the legend and the lyfe 41,295 Of king Malcolme and glide Margaret his wyfe. Wes none culd do that thing so weill as he, Quhilk wes so just and neuir ane word culd le. And all thair lyfe perfitlie weill he knew ; Thairfoir I traist all that he said wes trew 41, 300 Of thame ilk word, as semis weill to be, Be thair gude lyfe and his auctoritie. By counsall of this ilk Torgotus syne, Lib. 12, f. 193. Kino; Malcome biwit into Dunfermlyne Col. 1. . . . Ane fair tempill [the best] of the countre ; 41,305 Syne ordand lies perpetuallie to be, Into that kirk with diligence and cuir, All kingis grauit into sepulture. This Williame Rufus £e sau wnderstand, Sone efter he wes maid king of Ingland, 41,310 Rycht wickitlie that tyme begouth to wirk Agane the fredome than of halie kirk ; And mony abba also gart distroy, To kirk and kirkmen greit injure and noy, Ilk da be da he wrocht without ony remeid, 41,315 Quhairthrow rycht mony sufferit hes the deid. The halie bischop, just and glorious, Of Canterberrie callit Anselmus, Becaus this king meikle he did corrak Of his vices, quhairof he thocht sic lak, . 41,320 And grew so hett withoutin ony remeid, That efterwart he thocht to haif his heid ; CROXICLIS OF SCOTLAND. G85 War noclit the soner onto Rome lie fled, So wait I weill into the tyme he lied. Suppois he knew that rycht just wes his 41,325 querrell, iit neuertheles he wald vmschew that perrell, Althocht he wes rycht saikles of that cryme, To saue himself onto ane better tyme. Williame Ruffus [of] quhome befoir I tald, Rycht greit displesour oft and mony fald 41,330 Of Cumbria and of Northumberland, So peceable wer in the Scottis hand, Rycht greit dispyte into his mynd had he. Thairfoir lycht sone ane wonder greit armye, In contrair his promeis and his band, 41,335 Rycht sone he send into Northumberland ; And Anwik castell that wes starge and Strang, He wan that tyme suppois the seig wes lang. And Malcome than of Scottis that ' wes king, Quhen he hard tell the fassoun of that thing, 41,340 With greit power he passit on ane da, Towart Anwik with all the haist he ma. The Inglismen of his criming hard tell, Tha sped thame hame rycht sone attouir the fell, Ilkone that tyme richt haistelie agane, 41,345 Except the men did in the hous remane, Quhilk schupe to byde at grit laser and lentil, With all thair power to defend that strenth. Than king Malcolme sone efter this wes done, Onto the hous ane seig gart set rycht sone, 41,350 And so scharplie ilk da did it assaill, That tha within on force behuvit faill ; Sone efter syne within thre dayis or four, Force wes to thame the hous for to gif ouir. 1 In MS. than. G86 THE BUIK OF THE Within the hous that tyine thair wes ane man ; 41,355 Quhat wes his name as now tell I nocht can, Bot, for to sa of him the veritie, Ane freik he wes full of audacitie, Gif all be suith of him heir that I reid, As efterwart it ' previt weill indeed ; 41,300 Richt humlie, but rancour or rebous, On ane swyft hors he come furth of the hous, With ane scharp lanss that wes bayth stif and squair, Quhairon the keyis of the hous he bair, Sayand, he wald without tareing 41,366 Tha keyis all deliuer to the king, Als suddantlie as he mycht cum him till : Syne horss and men put all in to his will. Col. 2. Quhairof the Scottis war ryckt fane ilkone, And furth with him towart the king is gone, 41,370 Quhair that he la that tyme into his tent. Of his tydenis wes mony diligent To ryn and speir, richt mony than rejois, Quhill that the ost redoundit of thair noyis. The nobill king quhair he la in his tent, 41,375 Come furth to se quhat all that noyis ment, And greit wounder that tyme had of that tiling. This Inglisman knawand that he wes king, As Scottismen that tyme had till him schawin, Ane sober pais towart him hes he drawin, 41,380 Kest doun the lance that wes lang and squhair, Quhairon the keyis in the tyme he bair, Evin as he wald deliuer in that place The keyis all onto the kingis grace. Syne with scharpe spurris in the tyme he hed, 41,385 Spurrit his hors quhill bayth his syidis bled, In MS. /. CRONICLTS OF SCOTLAND. 687 Quhilk causit him go leip furfcli in ane ling, Evin at the face syne markit of the king ; Than with the speir that wes of suir trie, He hit the king richt in at the e, 41,390 The scharpe sokkat syne throw his heid is gone. In that same tyme, or he micht be ouirtone, Onto ane wod, the quhilk wes neirhand by, Spurrit his hors and sped him spedely, And wan the wod in magir of thame all. 41,395 This nobill king sic havie chance did fall, Amang his men without ony remeid, That saniin tyme thair sufferit hes the deid. Syne in Tynmouth, ane abba neirhand by, Tha burdit him thair richt solempnitly ; 41,400 Quhilk Alexander gart tak out of that place, That wes his sone, efter ane weill lang space, In Drumfermling syne hes gart put in ! graue, With all honour that sic ane king sould haue. This samin tyme now that ie heir me tell, 41,405 Ane vther plaig vpone Scotland thair fell ; Edward the prince, bayth plesand and preclair, To king Malcome wes eldest sone and air, At ane carmusche into Northumberland Wes woundit sair, quhair throw I wnderstand, 41,410 For ony leich that micht mak him remeid, Sone efter that he sufferit hes the deid. Quhen this wes done as I haif said tow than, Skaillit the oist and passit hame ilk man. Off Quene Margaretis Deidis. To quene Margaret quhen this wes schawin 41,415 plane, How hir husband and sone also wer slane, 1 In MS. put it in. CSS THE BUIK OF THE In Edinburgh within that castell Strang, With greit seiknes quhair scho wes viseit lang, Throw sic dolour, as my author did sa, Departit efter on the fourt da. 41,420 Quhais blissit saull, that wes so clene but syn, Ascendit alss as hie as cherubyn. Of Malcolmus ring the sex and threttie teir, All this wes done that I haif said £ow heir, And of oure Lord completit wes than evin, 41,423 Ane thousand zeiv thairto nyntie and sevin. Off ane greit Storme that fell be Se in Albione, and did grit Skaith. Lib. 1 2, f. 193b. That samin tyme now that ye heir me tell, In Albione sic aventure befell, Be storme of se all endlang the cost, Full mony toun into the tyme wes lost; 41,430 And mony place, and mekle pleneist land, Distroyit wes and turnit all in sand. The quh ilk remanis ^it [on]to this da In that same stait, as my author did sa. The Number of King Malcomes Sonis gottin with Quene Margaret. This ilk Margaret, that meik wes and bening, 41,436 Sex sonis buir to gude Malcome the king. Edward the eldest, as ^e hard me sa Of his departing and his latter da ; The secund sone wes callit Ethaldreid, Quhilk in ^outhheid departit as we reid ; 41,440 Edmound the thrid, as in storie we schew, Quhilk Donald Bane sum tyme in presoun slew ; The fourt Edgair, of greit honour and fame ; And Alexander the fyift callit to name ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 689 Dauid the saxt, and toitngest of tlianie all, 41,445 Of halie kirk the cheif pillar and wall, As I sail schaw to tow with Goddis grace, Heir efterwart quhen tyme cumis and place. To tell of him I will nocht now remane, Bot to rny purpois pas I will agane. 41,450 How Donald Bane purposit to clame the Croun, quhilk Bruther wes to King Malcolme. This king Malconie, at Anwik quhilk wes slane, Ane bruther had wes callit Donald Bane, Quhilk in the Ylis wes fled lang tyme befoir, Sic dreid he had than of Malcolmis schoir, And all his dais thair he did remane. 41,455 And quhen he knew that king Malcome wes slane, And Edward als that wes his sone and air, He tuik purpois than hamewart to repair, Sen he wes narrest as he wnderstude To clame the croun be law of consuetude, 41,460 And abillest als that tyme of ony vther, Efter the deith of gude Malcome his bruther. How Donald Bane was crownit King of Scotland, and of Organus and his Com- petitour. This ilk Donald, as my author did sa, Convenit with the king of Norrowa, Promittand him, for his help and supple, 41,465 The Ylis all liand within the se. Be quhais help syne as I wnderstand, Crownit wes he that tyme king of Scotland, vol. 11. x x 690 THE BUIK OF THE At his plesour. but contrapleid or pley, The baronis all so did him than obey. 41,470 The samin tyme to low now that I mene, Edgair, bruther of gude Margaret the quene, Into Ingland quhen that he hard sic thing, How Donald Bane of Scotland wes maid king, Richt secreitlie in Scotland on ane da, 41,475 Sone efter that, as my author did sa, Ans message send, quhilk 1 causit hes thairfoir The thrie sonis of king Malcome Canmoir, And tua dochteris richt plesand and bening, Quhilk Margaret buir to gude Malcome the 41,480 king, Out of Scotland fra Donald Bane to fle, Syne cum to him, with greit humanitie Col. 2. He tretit thame alss gudlie as he mocht, Quhat neidfull war thairof tha wantit nocht. Bot puir invy that suffer ma na thing 41,485 Lang into rest at plesour for to ring, Quhilk waittis alway euerie man with schame, Ane knicht wes callit Organus to name, Accusit hes this Edgair on ane tyme, Befoir the king of greit tressoun and crjTne, 41,490 Sayand, he had agane his hie renoun, In prejudice of him and of his croun, v King Malcolmis sonis into Ingland brocht, And secreitlie amang thame sa had wrocht, That efterwart quhen tha thair tyme mycht se 41,495 For to conspire agane his majeste, Him to distroy that wes of sic renoun, Syne he and his for euir to brake the croun. Ane man that tyme of greit honour and fame, Ane knycht he wes, I knaw nocht weill his 41,500 name, 1 In MS. quhair. CEONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 691 Apeillit lies, my author tellis thus, Into barras this samin Organus ; Befoir thame all thair with the kingis leif, He proferit him thair manfullie to preif In plane battel! or he schupe to ceis, 41,505 All that he said of that Edgar -wes leis. Syne kest his gluif to preif that all wes trew, And in that querrell this Organus he slew. With greit honour into the samin tyme, He clengit lies this gude Edgar of that cryme, 41,510 And causit him moir gudlie in all thing For to be treittit efter with the king. The tyme is schort I ma nocht weill remane ; To Donald Bane now will I turne agane. This ilk Donald of quhome I schew befoir, 41,515 Vpone ane tyme he manast with grit schorr Richt mony barroun gangand to his bed, With barus mantill wes he than- ' weill cled, So far that tyme he stude into hir grace ; Sayand to thame rycht planelie in thair face, 41,520 Bot gif tha sueir all till him to be trew, Richt suddantlie he suld mak thame to rew, And all thair airis efter thame ilkone. The quhilk wordis in thair heidis ar gone Hiear befar nor tha wald schaw him till, 41,525 Quhill efterwart that tha ma get thair will. HOW DuNCANE, BASTARD SONE TO KlNG MAL- COLJIE CaNMOIR, TUKE THE FEILD AGANIS Donald Bane, qttha fled in the Ylis and na langar did remane. This king Malcome, as that my author sais, Ane bastard sone he had into tha dais, 1 In MS. wes. x x 2 692 THE BUIK OF THE Quhilk wan in France greit honour and fame, In Ingland als, and Duncane wes his name, 41,530 Richt opolent of horss, harnes, and geir, Manlie and wyss in policie of weir. That samin tyme into Scotland come he, Out of Ingland with greit help and supple ; Vpoun ane da syne pertlie tuke the plane, 41,635 For to gif battell to this Donald Bane. Siclike this Donald on the tother syde, Bald as ane boir he bownit him to byde. Lib. I2,f. 194. Quhen baith the feildis than rayit war at rycht, And ilk of other cuming war in sicht, 41,540 The lordis all of Scotland euirilkone, Tha left Donald and to Duncane is gone. Quhen Donald saw it micht na better be, Out of the feild with few feiris did fie, And left the laif into the feild allone, 41,545 Syne in the Ylis with his gude is gone. Bot half ane teir efter he tuik the eroun, And no langar, than lestit his renoun. How Duncane was crovnit King of Scotland AND WAS WEILL GEVIN. This ilk Duncane, of quhome befoir I tald, Quhilk in his tyme wes bellicois and bald, 41,550 Wes crownit king vpoun the marbell stone, With haill consent of all the lordis ilkone. Ane man he wes, alss far as I haiff feiil, In all his tyme ay for the commoun weill ; Of him wes said so equale that he wes, 41,555 No fait vnpuneist in his tyme leit pas. With mony man he louit was the war, And speciallie in Murra and in Mar, And vther landis as 4e ma weill deme, Becaus he wes in justice so extreme ; 4i,seo CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 693 And for that cans, as my author did tell, In sindrie partis schupe for to rebel! How King Duncane wes slane be Devyss of Donald Bane, and syne efter his Deid sat doun and rang into his steid. To Donald Bane quhen that this thing wes schawin, Rycht quietlie to ane freind of his awin, Lord of the Mernis callit Makpendar, 41,565 Ane seruand send that wes bayth wyss and war, With greit reward and hechtis mony one Of gold and siluer and of pretious stone, Agane this Duncane for to tak his part. And he agane richt glaidlie with his hart, 41,570 Promittit him rycht hartbe with gude will, To mak him quyte sone of this Duncanis ill. And so he did, gif I the suith suld sa, Into Menteith sone efter on ane da, Vpoun the nycht, gif my author be trew, 41,575 This ilk Duncane into his bed he slew Rycht cruellie without ony remeid ; And neuir sensyne accusit of his deid. Thus endit Duncane that tyme of his ring, The secund ^eir efter that he wes king. 41,680 Syne Donald Bane, efter that he wes deid, Come hame agane and sat doun in his steid, In staitt royall siclike as of befoir ; Of his gyding cpihat suld I say sow moir ? I can nocht find, heir schortlie to conclude, 41,585 In all his tyme quhair he did ony gude, And say of him bot siclike as I heir. Sone efter syne into the secund teir, Mangnes, the king that tyme of Norrowa, With ane greit armie come vpoun ane da, 41,590 69-1 THE BUIK OF THE And all the Ylis tuke at his awin hand, Without debait of ony or ganestand, With all the strenthis also les and moir, Be the promit Donald maid him befoir, And gaif thame lawis, as my author sais ; 41,595 Quhilk lawis lestit lit into thir dais, Within the Ylis in the Occident se, Vnabrogat, bot gif my author le. Col. 2. Quhairfoir the lordis [all] that at the king War all displesit rycht far of that thing, 41,600 Syne efterwart, as my author did tell, Ane counsall maid quhair tha did all rebell Agane Donald, as le sail understand ; Eicht suddanelie syne send into Ingland Ane messinger, as my author did mene, 41,605 To Edgair, sone of gude Margaret the quene And king Malcolme, quhilk wes of sic renoun, To cum in Scotland for to tak his croun, His heretage and richtis till persew, And tha till him suld all be leill and trew. 41,610 Than ioung Edgair to wit his vnkill will, Ane messinger syne hes he send him till, Schawand to him how that he had no richt To hald his croun be sic maistrie and micht, Quhilk he knew weill wes greit vnrycht and 41.615 wrang, Belevand weill it mycht nocht lest richt lang. Beseikand him thairfoir of his frie will, His croun agane he wald restoir him till, And he thairfoir to his reward suld haif All Loutheane, quhilk sould nocht be to 41,620 craue, And vther landis quhair him lykit best, Quhair he mycht leif at grit plesour and res.t. This Donald Bane so cruell wes and ill, The oratouris toung Edgar send him till CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 695 Agane the law, haifand to God no e, 41,625 Vpoun ane gallous maid tharue all to die. Quhen this wes schawin to 2oung Edgair the prince, How his vnkill had done him sic offence, Out of Ingland with greit power and micht In Scotland come for to persew his richt. 41,630 And as he wes hame cumand be the way, Into Duranie, as my authour did say, Eeueillit wes to him into his sleip, Be ane visioun quhairto he tuke greit keip, Sanct Cudbertis baner that tyme in his neid 41,635 Suld bair with him, quhairthrow he suld cum speid : And so he did, the suith gif I suld sa, In Scotland syne come efter on ane da, With mony wy that worthie war and wicht, In breLst-plait, brasar, and in birny bricht, 41,610 Be way of deid bis richtis to persew. This Donald Bane that weill his cuming knew, Arrayit him vpoun the tother syde, With mony berne that battell weill durst byde. Syne quhen he saw apperand in his sicht, 41,645 Sanct Cudbertis baner borne so hie on hicht, And the reid lyoun all in gold so reid, Wes streikit vp agane him in that steid, Sic fortoun than he had that tyme and grace, His lordis all wer with him in that place, 41,650 Tha left him thair into the feild allone, And to toung Edgair passit syne ilkone. This Donald Bane, quhen he saw and beheld His men allone had left him in the feild, With haill effect toik purpois for to flie 41,655 Onto the Ylis in the Occident se. £it neuirtheles it hapnit so on cace, Or he come thair he wes tane in ane chace, 696 THE BUIK OF THE And syne deliuerit to Edgair the prince. The qulrilk Donald for his wrang and offence, 41,660 This ilk Edgair, as my author said me, In presoun maid sone efter for to die. Lib.l2,f.l94b. HOW EDGAIR WAS CROWNIT, AND FIRST ANOYNTIT Col- 1- King of Scotland than in Scone with ANE GODRICK. Quhen this wes done as I liaif said befoir, The lordis all that tyme baith les and moir, Edgair the prince to Scone than haif tha 41,665 brocht, In rob royall that worthelie wes wrocht, And croun of gold, with sword, sceptour and ring, Into Scotland wes first anoyntit king Be ane Godrik, as that my author sais, Of Sanct Androis wes bischop in tha dais. 41,670 The quhilk quene Margaret quhen scho wes on lyfe, To king Malcolme that princes wes and wyfe, At paip Urbane purchest sic facultie, Kingis of Scotland till anoyntit be, Into hir tyme, as that my author sais, 41,675 Quhilk consuetude is keipit in thir dais. My purpois is heir for to paus ane quhile, To vther mater for to turne my style : Of aventure that in that tyme befell, Tak tent to me and ye sail heir me tell. 41,680 How the Princes of Ewrope convenit with greit Power, and passit in Halie Land quhair Christ was borne. The princes all of Ewrop in tha dais, All in ane will as that my author sais, CRONIC'MS OF SCOTLAND. 697 Convenit hes with greit power and mycht The halie land quhome to tha had sic rycht, Quhair Christ wes borne and king wes of tha 41,685 landis, For to reskew out of his fais handis. And Robert duke of Normondy tha dais, And Godefredus, as that my author sais, Of Lorence duke, thir nobill princes tua, Of Blasone als the nobill erle also, 41,690 And of Flanderis the michtie erle and lord, And mony mo me neidis nocht remord, Lordis of France and vther lordis mo, With this armie wer chosin for to go. Of thair passage quhat suld I to low tell, 41,695 So fair fortoun in thair way than befell? Throw Grece tha passit into Asia, Oure the mont Tawr to Anteochia ; The quhilk citie tha seigit sone and wan, Quhair tane and slane that tyme wes mony 41,700 man ; And in that citie fund wes in that tyde The speir quhilk woundit Christ into the syde, Vpoune the croce efter that he wes deid, Quhen that he bled water and blude so reid. This beand done, without stop or ganestand, 41,705 Tha passit syne ouir all the halie land ; Jerusalem syne seigit on ane da, And wan the toun, as my author did sa. And euerilk citie into Joury land Subdewit hes to be at thair command ; 41,710 And mony mo, the quhilk durst nocht rebell, Wes neirhand by, as my author did cell. Throw strenth and micht that God had gifin thame till, Tha weildit all thing at 1 thair awin will. ' In MS. as. 698 THE BUIK OF THE This beand done quhair nane durst rnak 41,715 demand, With [full] consent, without ony ganestand, Thir princis all quhen tha war boun till go Hame to thair landis quhair that tha come fro, Thair haif tha chosin, as my author sais, Robert the duke of Normondy tha dais, 41,720 Col. 2. Behind thame thair for to remane and byde, The greit armie for to convoy and gyde, Of Jerusalem the king and prince to be In heretage : tit neuirtheles than he Excusit him richt far into that thing, 41,725 For-quhy his bruther Williame, of Ingland king, Wes deid but child of his awiu to succeid. This duke Robert thairto the quhilk tuke glide heid, Sen he to him wes narrest lauchfull air, Moil- plesour thocht in Ingland to repair 41,730 And Normondy, to his and his ofspring, No for to be of Jerusalem the king. The haill lectioun that tha had gevin him till, To Godefryde rycht hartlie with gude will, Of Lorence duke into the tyme, he gaif, 41,735 Quhairof hartlie content wes all the laif This Godefryde that Cristin wes maid than, In the weiris so greit honour he wan, That moir honour wan neuir ane sensyne ; Quhilk numberit is amang the nobillis nyne, 41,740 Gif all be suith that sindrie storeis sais, Gothra Bullen callit is in thir dais. This ilk Robert, duke wes of Normondy, His toungest bruther callit wes Henry, Or he come hame, efter his brutheris deid, 41,745 Wes crownit king succeidaud in his steid ; For-quhy befoir tha hard tell of sic thing, His eldest bruther Robert wes maid king Of Jerusalem quhair he suld ay remane, In that beleif neuir to come hame agane ; 41,750 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 699 And so this Robert ineurrit greit skayth, And frustrat war than of tha kinrikis bayth. To loung Edgair now will I turne agane, And of iny storie tell low to remane. This ilk Edgair, of Scotland that wes king, 41,755 Tua sisteris had baith plesand and bening, Quhilk in thair tyme exceidit ony vther, Mateldis ane, Maria hecht the vther. The quhilk Mateld, as my author did niene, With king Henrie wes spousit and maid quene, 41,760 Ouir all Ingland, as that my author sais, Mauld the glide quene wes callit all hir dais ; Quhilk to king Henrie beand in his cuir, Four fair childrene into hir tyme scho buir ; Williame and Richart quhilk war sonis tuo, 41,765 Eufreme and Matild quhilk war sisters tuo. The secund sister callit Maria, Till ane Eustach erle of Bolonia 1 That samin tvme in manage ffaif he, To this Ewstach his lauchtfull wyfe to be ; 41,770 Scho buir to him that samin tyme also, Bot ane dochter withoutin childer mo, Into hir tyme wes plesand and preclair, That efterwart syne wes hir fatheris air, Syne weddit wes than for that samin quhy, n,775 With ane hecht Stevin, quhilk wes to king Henry His sister sone, of Ingland ane greit lord, Gif all be suith my author did record. That samin Stevin, as that my author sais, Wes king of Ingland efter in his dais, 41,780 As ^e sail heir within ane litill space, At mair laser quhen tyme cumis and place. 2 This king Edgair, of quhome I schew befoir, Of gratitude wald nocht be immemoir, la MS. Bouenia. | * In MS. space. 700 THE BUIK OF THE Quhilk that Sanct Cuthbert schew to him as 41,785 than, Be his baner quhen he the battell wan Lib. 12, f.i95. Into the feild aganis Donald Bane. This king Edgair rewardit him agane, With sic reward as halie kirk suld haif ; Of Coldinghame the baronie he gaif 41,790 To Durhame kirk in heretage and fie, Ane cell of monkis ay of that kirk to be. And Beiiiik toun siclike amang the laif, To the bischop of Durhame also gaif, Canulfus hecht to name into the tyme ; 41,795 Quhilk efterwart of greit tressoun and cryme Convictit wes, and Beruik tane him fra, Depryvit syne out of his sait alsua. This beand done than gude Edgair the king In peax and rest did all his dais ring, 4i,soo Weill louit alss with his leigis ilkone. Sone efter syne in ane castell of stone, Callit Electum, standing be the se, Quhair now standis the gude toun of Dundie, Quhen of his regnne completit wes the nint 41,805 leir, He tuik his leif and baid no langar heir, And of oure Lord ane thousand teir ago, Ane hundreth als with nyne *eir and no mo. Syne grauit wes with greit honour and tryne, Sone efter that into Drumfermlyne. 4i,sio How King Alexander succeidit efter King Edgair, and of his worthie Deidis done in his Tyme, and of the Scrymgeouris and thair vpcuming. Syne efter him Alexander his bruther, Narrest to him that tyme of ony vther, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 701 Efter his deid succeidit in his steid, Fra this Edgair withoutin child wes deid. Fers Alexander, as my author sais, 41,815 Syne efter that wes callit all his dais, And for that caus, as my author did mene, Becaus he wes of justice so extreme. 2it neuirtheles the first teir of his ring, For-quhy he wes so humbill and benyng, 41,820 Diuote and full of religiositie, Richt mony man thair demit him till be Baith blait and blunt, of wit rycht waik and puir, And vnabill to sic office or cuir ; And for that causs, as that my author sais, 41,825 The men of Ross and Hurra in tha dais, Perturbit hes the north baith far and neir, With greit heirschip that horribill is to heir. This nobill king thairof quhen he hard tell So greit discord amang his leigis fell, 41,830 Rycht suddantlie, but ony schoir or boist, Enterit amang thame with ane rycht grit oist. Or euir tha wist, the maister men ilkane That war in wrang war all in handis tane, And on ane gallous maid ilkone to de : 41,835 So endit tha and thair iniquitie. This beand done as ze haif hard me sa, This Alexander efter on ane da, Than cumand hame thair hapnit in the streit, In to the Meirnis with ane woman to meit, 41,840 Befoir the king on baith her kneis fell ; " For him," scho said, " that maid bayth hevin and hell, " Heir my complaynt or thow go forder by ! " Wes neuir wicht so far wrangit as I, " In termis schort as I sail sone declair. 41,845 " The lord ] of Mernis eldest sone and air, ' In JIS. lordis. 702 THE BUIK OF THE " My deir husband and eldest sone also, " Kiclifc cruellie this tyme he hes gart slo, "' Befoir ane judge becaus tha did him caw, " For det he audit to ansuer to the law." 41,850 This nobill king quhen he had hard liir mone, Col. 2. And soir complaynt befoir thame all ilkone, Doun of his hors he lichtit in the tyme, [And swoir to be revengit of that cryme.] Befoir thame all solempnit vow did mak, 41,855 Quhill that war done, agane vpone hors bak, For ill or gude, suld neuir man him se, Quhill that his vow completit than had he. And sic punitioun of that thing he tuke, That euerie man that saw it then forsuik 41,860 In all his tyme, other puir or ryke, For ocht micht fall, for to commit siclike. Quhen this wes done efter incontinent, This nobill king on to Balledgar went, Ane castell than quhilk into Gowrie stude, 41,865 Thair to remane he thocht plesour and gude, With mony lord and nobill in the tyde, For peax and rest the pepill to provyde. That samin tyme that he did thair remane, The Murra men that had thair freindis slane, 41,870 Ilk for his fait as ^e haif hard befoir, Into thair mynd the langar ay the moir Consauit hes with greit subtillitie, Of the gude king for to revengit be. His chalmer cheild, of simpill blude and puir, 41,875 That of his chalmer had alhaill the cuir, And vther sex siclike the tyme as he, That wnder him had greit auctoritie ; Thir Murra men for gilt and grit reward, This chalmer cheild conducit with his gard, 41,880 Vpoun the nycht quhen the king wes on sleip, Out throw ane closet for to lat thame creip CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 703 Into ane pairt that unsuspect wes hed, Quhill that tha come on to the kingis bed. Syne on ane nycht togidder all did meit, At that same place thair pnrpois to compleit. 41,885 Be Goddis grace the tynie than hapnit he, In that same sessoun wyde walkand for to be, And in the closet hard ane noy and dyn At the samin place quhair tha war cumand in. Thairfoir that tyme, for tressone that he dred, 41,890 Eycht lichtlie than he lap out of his bed ; Syne with ane sword [that] hang at his bed heid, His chalmer cheild and all the laif, to deid Without ganestand he pot thame all ilkone, Quhair thair wes nane bot he and tha alone. 41,895 Within the houss sic noyss raiss and cry, Tha walknit all in chalmeris liand bi, Quhome by the law that wes thairout ilkane, Or euir tha wist, war all in handis tane, Syne to the king wer brocht all in the tyme. 41,900 And quhen tha war accusit of that cryme, Bycht planelie thair tha schew him but ganestand, Quha causit thame to tak sic thing on hand, Ilk word be word tha schew withoutin chesone, Quha causit thame for to commit sic tressone ; 41,905 And schew the king of ilk man be his name, In Murra land quhair that tha duelt at hame. And quhen the king than wnderstude and knew That all wes suith to him that tyme tha schew, No tarie maid without stop or ganestand, 4l,9io Quhill that he enterit into Murra land. Syne ceissit nocht quhill ilkane les and moir War hangit all that maid the fait befoir, Be the leist lad that tyme buir ony blame ; Quhen that wes done tuke leif and passit hame. 41,915 Ane man of gude into tha samin dais, That tyme in Murra, as my author sais, 704 THE BUTK OF THE I.ib.i2,f.i95b. Wes with the king of greit honour and fame, And Alexander Carrone hecht to name. Sic vassalage that he committit than, 41,920 And in tha weiris sa greit honour wan, Throw sic vertew and deidis of honour, Syne callit wes to name Scrymgeour. Quhilk surname lit succeidit lies sensyne To heretage be richt succes and lyne, 41,925 Quhilk is ane hous of greit auctoritie, Laird of Dudop and constabill of Dundie. This Alexander so dred wes all his dais, Wes none so hardie, as my author sais, 111 or gude, as le sail wnderstand, 41,930 Agane the law to brek the leist command. •©" How Alexander King foundit the Abbais of Scone and Sanct Colmis-inche, and how he was sustenit thair be ane Armeit for the tyme within the yle. Syne Alexander, efter this wes done, Foundit and feft ane fair abba in Scone, Onto this da remanes lit to se, Ane plesand place of greit auctoritie. 41,935 Syne efter that the king passit ouir Forth, So Strang ane storme thair blew out of the north Quhilk draif the king wnto ane litill ile, Within the se in that menetyme and quhile, Quhilk callit wes that tyme Emonia, 41,940 Sanct Colmis-insche is callit now this da. Into that yle, as that my author sais, Ane halie arniet duelland war tha dais ; Besyde ane chapell of Sanct Colme also, Within the yle remanand wes no mo. 41,945 This king throw storme compellit wes that tyde, But meit or drink thre dayis thair to byde ; CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 705 None of his awin he had my author menit, ^it neuirtheles he wes richfc weill sustenit, This king him self and so wes all the laif, 41,950 At sufficience that neidfull wes to haif, With sic prouisioun that that armet had, Tua kyis milk quhair with that tha war fed ; Quhilk haldin wes ane gi - eit miracle as than, Be intercessioun of that halie man 41,955 Sanct Colme him self, quliilk in that samin quhile, And jit siclike, wes patrone of that yle. Thairfoir that king, as my author did sa, Into that place ane plesand fair abba Foundit and feft for hospitalitie, 41,960 In sic distres gif ony hapnis be. Sune efter syne amangis all the laue, The landis all to Sanct Androw he gaif, Als fre as man with hart ' and mynd can think, Quhilk callit wes that tyme the Boris-rink ; 41,965 And to Drumfermling siclike all the laue, Greit priuiledge with mony landis gaif. The samin tyme that done wes all this thing, Dauid, the bruther of this nobill king, Bemanand wes in Ingland, as I wene, 41,970 With his sister Mateldes the gude quene. This ilk Dauid, be fauour of the king, Weddit ane ladie plesand and bening, The lauchtfull air wes, as I wnderstand, Of Huntlyngtoun and all Northumberland, 41,975 Quhilk did exceid of fairnes and of fame. Tliis fair ladie, Mateldes hecht to name, Col. 2 This ilk Dauid, be hir auctoritie Declarit wes ouir all Ingland to be, 1 In MS. hard. VOL. II. Y Y 706 THE BUIK OF THE Of Huntlyngtoun and als Northumberland 41,980 Baith lord and syre but ony ganestand. That samin tyme, as my author did mene, Matheld the dochter of Matheldis quene, And of Henrie that king wes of Ingland, Weddit seho wes, as *e sail wnderstand, 41,985 The empriour hecht Henrie in tba dais, Fourt of that name as that my author sais. As ze haif hard syne sone efter all this, The nobill quene of Ingland callit ilatildis, Scho tuke hir leif out of this present lyfe, 41,990 With greit murning of mony man and wyfe. Hir toungest sister callit Maria, Quhilk duches wes als of Bolonia, Within tbrie 2eir and les efter ago, Siclike as scho departit than also. 41,995 Thair sepulturis, of greit auctoritie, Beroanis lit in Ingland for to se. This king Henrie throw aventure and chance, Sone efter that greit weiris had in France, And oft in France amang his fais ^eid, 42,000 And als come hame without perrell or dreid. Ilkone other ane lang quhile did invaid, Syne at the last betuix thame peax wes maid. The samin tyme as that ze heir me mene, The thre childer of Mateldes the quene, 42,005 Scho buir that tyme beand wnder his band, To this Henrie that king wes of Ingland, Wilhame, Bichart and Ewfamia, Thir thrie childer sone efter on ane da, It hapnit thame throw aventure and chance, 42,oio Efter thair father cumand out of France, Throw greit tempest and stormis in the se, That samin tyme all pereist for to be. And all the laif als in thair cumpanie Chaipit neuir ane, and for that samin quhy 40,015 CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 707 This king Henrie than efter all his dais, In murning weid, as that my author sais, He levit ay, withoutin play or sport ; Wes nane micht caus him for to tak confort, For ony way that tyme that cidd be wrocht, 42,020 Thair deid so soil* it lay into his thocht. Out of beleif he wes that tyme also, So agit wes for to haif barnis mo, And for that caus, with mony sieh full soir, Ilk da be da his murning wes the moir. 42,025 How King Alexander deceissit, and how his Brother Dauid succeidit King efter, and of his vertewis and nobill Deidis. This samin tyme as I haif said low heir, This Alexander in the sevintene leir Than of his regnne completit wes and no mo, And of oure Lord ane thousand wes ago, Ane hundreth als with sevintie leir and fyve, 42,030 He tuke his leif out of this present lyve ; Syne in Drumfermling put in sepultuir, On princelie wyss deuotlie with honour ; Withoutin cheild to him for to succeid. Lib.12, f.196. Thairfoir his bruther Dauid as we reid, 42,035 With haill consent that tyme of aid and ting, Wes crownit than of Scotland to be king - . This ilk Dauid, as that my author sais, He did exceid all vther in his dais Of singular justice and of sanctitude ; 42,040 With all his liegis all tyme weill wes lude. Godlike he wes, full of deuotioun, And mony fair place of religioun Foundit and feft, as my author did sa, Quhilk lit remanis to the samin da : 42,045 Y Y 2 708 THE EUIK OF THE Of quhome the names I sail reckin heir, Into my mynd that I haif now perqueir. Dundranane, Jedburch and Calco vpone Tueid, Newbottill, Melross also, as we reid, Halyrudhous, 1 Camkynneth and Kinloss, 42,050 Drumfermling, Home, and also Lanarcois. Thir tua last places that ie hard me sa, Besyde Carlill standis in Cumbria. And mony mo than I will heir report, To reckin heir becaus the tyme is schort. 42,055 And four bischopis, as my author sais, Foundit and feft into tha samin dais, Of quhome to tow the names I sail tell ; Ross and Breichin, Dumblane and als Dunkell. And Abirdene at his auctoritie, 42,000 That samin tj-me also translatit he Fra Lowmorthloch, as my authour did mene, To that ilk place now callit Abirdene ; And mony vther worthie nobill deid, As ie ma heir quha lykis efter reid. 42,065 Henrie his sone that eldest wes and air, Ane prince he wes baith plesand and preclair, Woddit ane wyfe that tyme and brocht hir hame, Quhilk Adama than callit wes to name, The erlis dochter of Warrania, 42,070 Quhilk buir to him, as my authour did sa, Malcome, Williame, and Dauid also, Three dochteris alss scho buir him and no mo ; Of quhome efter within ane litill space, I sail schaw tow quhen tyme cumis and place. 42,075 1 In MS. Halrrudhous. CliONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 709 How King Dauidis Wtffe the Quene deceissit, AND HE LEVIT CHEST EFTEK HIR AND NEUIR MAREIT AGANE. Sone efter this that I haif said tow heir, Within les space nor tua or thre of teir, The nobill quene, as that my author sais, So gude and godlie wes in all hir dais, And so weill louit with all man and wyfe, 42,080 Departit hes out of this present lyfe, With greit displesour baith of auld and ting, And speciallie of gude Dauid the king, Quliilk louit hir, as ressone wald and richt, Into hir tyme aboue all vther wicht; 42,085 And for hir saik the wedow habit tuik, Fra that da furth all wedding he forsuik, And euirmoir, as my author did sa, He levit chest wnto his latter da. Efter hir deid deuotlie with honour, 42,090 Gudlie wes grauit in hir sepultuir, In Scone abba, with greit triumph and gloir, As scho desyrit in hir lyfe befoir; Quliilk to this da remanis tit to se, In that same place of greit auctoritie. 42,095 Neirby this tyme that I haif said Jow heir, Mathildis dochter to Henrie Bellicleir, Col. 2. King of Ingland, quhilk wes of sic honour, Weddit befoir wes with the empriour Henrie the fourt, quhilk in tha samin dais 42,100 Departit hes as that my author sais, Withoutin chyld borne of this ilk empryce, In all hir tyme that wes baith gude and wyss. This king Henrie no mo childer had he, For all the laue, as ^e hard, in the se 42,105 Pereist ilkone bot schort quhile gane by. This ilk Matildes for the samin quhy, 710 THE BUIK OF THE The king hir father, hecht Heirrie to name, Sone efter that into Ingland brochfc hanie. The lordis all of Ingland in tha dais 42.110 He gart thame sueir all, as my author sais, "With euerie man vphaldand his awin hand, Efter his deid all at hir faith to stand. Decernit wes into that parliament, Into that tyme with all thair haill consent, 12,115 This ilk Matild of quhome now that we reid, Efter his deid to him scho suld succeid. This beand done as I haif said anone, His purpois wes of hir for to dispone. Richt laith he wes to wed hir on ane lord 42,120 Into Inland, becaus of greit discord. Ane man thair wes that tyme amang the laif, Callit Godfrid, erle wes of Antigaif, Into his tyme of greit honour and fame, Weddit this ladie and syne send hir hame. 42,125 Scho buir to him ane sone that wes his air, Callit Henrie, richt plesand and preclair, The quhilk Henrie as that my author sais, Wes king of Ingland efter in his dais. Robert the duke that tyme of Normondy, 42,130 That bruther wes to this ilk king Henrie, Withoutin cheild than tuke his leif to fair Out of this lyfe, for he micht leve na inair. The lanclis all thairfoir of Normondy, Of heretage fell to this king Henry. 42,135 The quhilk Henrie within schort quhile also, Out of this lyfe he tuke his leif to go ; And for this caus as I haif said tow heir, Ouir all Ingland that tyme baith far and neir, The commoun weill wes puneist and maid puir 43,140 Ilkone on vther wrocht so greit injure, In fait of ane the commoun weill to gyde. This ilk Matildis in the samin tyde, CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 711 The quhilk thairof suld haif auctoritie, Hir lord that tynie with sic infirmitie 42,115 In Antigave wes vexit at the hart, Tha scho fra him no way than mycht depart: Henrie hir sone that wes hir eldest cheild, In to that tyme wes hot of tender eild. Ane nobill man wes callit Stevin to name, 42,150 Erie of Bolone quhair he than duelt at hame, Weddit the dochter of Marie I wene, That sister wes to gude Matild the quene ; Ane proper ladie, plesand and preclair, And eik also that wes hir faderis air ; 42,155 ALs sister sone he wes to king Henrie. This samin Stevin, for that ilk caus and quhy, In Ingland come and askit for to be Thair governour with haill auctoritie, And tutour be onto Matildis cheild, 42,160 Onto the tyme he war of laucktfull eild, Lib.ia,f.i96b. Sen he to him wes narrest in that tyde, And ablist ' als sic office for to gyde. Quhairof the lordis war richt weill content, And maid him tutour with thair haill consent, 42,165 Into that tyme without debait or chasoun, For-quhy tha thoucht it wes bot rycht and ressone. Sone efter syne, within ane lit ill we That he had gottin sic auctoritie, So greit fauour he had of auld and ling, 42,170 Pretendit lies of Ingland to be king, And gart the lordis sueir into the tyde, For all his tyme ay at his faith to byde, And nane vther for till ressaue bot he, Into Ingland thair king and prince to be. 42,175 To ratine all thing that he had done, Ane herald syne into Scotland richt sone 1 In MS. Mint. 712 THE BVIK OF THE Onto king Dauid, quhilk did him command All Cumbria and eik Northumberland ' On to this Stevin, as of Ingland the prince, 42,1 80 In Lundoun toun to mak obedience ; And wald he nocht, than schortlie to conclude, He suld persew him baith "with fyre and blude. To that herald befoir thame all in plane, This king Dauid sic ansuer gaif agane : 42,185 " Gude freind," he said, " sa thow onto thi lord, " He is no king as thow lies done record ; " Bot wranguslie vsurpit hes the croun, " At his awin will but richt or ^it ressoun. " To my nevoy Matildis, that hes richt 42,100 " Till all Ingland intill hir faderis sicht, " I haif maid homage, sworne with aithis deip, " The quhilk I think for till obserue and keip. " Thairfoir pas hame and no moir at me craue, " No vther ansuer of me sail thow haif." 42,195 To this king Stevin quhen that ansuer wes tald, Dilay that tyme no Ian gar that he wald ; Ane richt greit armie, as I wnderstand, Richt sone he send into Northumberland, And greit distructioun in the land hes maid, 42,200 With fyre and blude of all tha boundis braid ; Wirkand sic wrang withoutin ony wyte, The quhilk I trow wes nocht richt lang to quyte. The erle of Merche that tyme wes maid till go, The erle of Angus and Menteith also, 42,205 In the reskew than of Northumberland, With mony berne that weill culd weild ane brand, Rycht manlie war quhen that it stude in mister. That samin tyme than the erle of Glocister, With mony thousand wnder speir and scheild, 42,210 At Alertoun 2 he gaif the Scottis feild. 1 This line precedes the former in I : In MS. Alectoun. the MS. CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 713 The bowmen, big and bald as ony boir, Sic scbarpe scbutting maid in the feild befoir, With fedderit flanis scharp as rasure schair, That throw thair scheildis maid thair syidis sail 1 . 42,215 Syne all the laif lies tane the feild on breid, With bricht brandis gart mony bernis bleid, That mony freik wes fellit throw grit force, And mony knycht than keillit throw the corce. The Scottis kene so cruell wes that tyde, 42,220 The Inglismen docht na langar to byde ; Out of the feild tha fled with all thair speid, Als fast as fyre or spark out of ane gleid. Rycht mony thousand of thame thair wes keild, Na fewar als of thame wer tone in fedd, 42,225 With thair captane and nobillis all ilkone, £ol. 2- That samin da into the feild wes tone. Syne hed in Scotland wes the spul^e haill, Quhairof ilk man syne efter gat his daill, Baith 2oung and auld than, be the leist ane 42,230 knaif, Ilk man that tyme as he wes worth to haif. Vnto king Stevin this infortunitie Quhen it wes schawin, with greit mortalitie Of his armie that wes maid thair that da, And all the nobillis tane and led awa, 42,235 Richt weill he knew but thair help and suppel, In peas and rest he mycht nocht rycht lang be ; And for that caus as it micht rycht weill seme, Ambassadouris he send thame till redeme. For thair ransoun conditioun thair wes maid, 42 240 And letteris writtin with seillis that war braid, Subscryuit als with this king Stevynis hand ; That is to say, that all Northumberland And Cumbria he sould frelie resins', Into the handis of this Dauid king, 42 245 With all the rycht that Ingland had thairto, And neuir agane thairwith till haif ado ; 714 THE BUIK OF THE Bot eiiirmoir of Scottis grand till be, Without reclame of superioritie. This beand done without ony reclame, 42,250 Thir presoneris ilkone passit hame. This ilk king Stevin sone efter did repent, And suddantlie he changit his intent, Revoikand all befoir that he had done ; Thairfoir in haist lycht suddantlie and sone 42,255 Ane greit armie, with mony bow and brand, He send that tyme into Northumberland. Of thair coming the Scottis weill that knew, Waill fraklie than, suppois tha war rycht few, Tha gatherit out at greit laser and list, 42,260 Thair ennimye that tyme for to resist, And gaif thame feild rycht manlie on ane mure. Sa few tha war tha mycht nocht lang induir Into that feild agane sic imdtitude, 2it neuirtheles into that stour tha stude, 12,200 Quhill that tha micht nocht weill ganestand that sturt. Syne at the last with litill skaith and hurt, Out of the feild in gude ordour tha fled Onto ane strenth neirhand that tyme tha hed. This beand done, syne efter da be ' da 42,270 With small battell, as my author did sa, Richt oft tha met ilk vther till persew. The Scottismen, suppois tha war bot few, In all that tyme tha keipit weill thair awin, And with thair fais wald nocht be ouirthrawin. 42,275 This king Dauid quhen that he kend and knew That it wes so, rycht sone for till reskew Northumberland into that stait that stude, Contractit hes ane richt grit multitude, Ouir all Scotland that tyine that he micht be, 42,280 In that intent all on ane da to de, 1 In MS. A CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 715 Or to posses with fredome but ganestand, All Cumbria and eik Northumberland. In iork thair wes ane nobill bischop than, Onto his name that callit wes Turstan. 42,285 To Roxburch to king Dauid come he, Ti-ewis that tyme he tuke for monethis thre, Lib.i2,f.i9r. And obleist wes to him thair be his hand, ° ' ' To leif in peax than all Northumberland To ^oung Henrie thairof wes richteous air, 42,290 And IngUsmen no moir for to repair. This beand done as I haif said low so, This nobill bischop take his leif till go, Quhither or nocht he wes thairof to blek, Off all he said come nothing till effect. 42,295 Than king Dauid fra he sic falsheid knew, Richt suddanelie, his purpois till persew, Passit that tyme into Northumberland ; His fais all befoir him that he fand, Richt cruellie withoutin ony reskew, 42,300 At his plesour that tyme bayth tuke and slew. Quhen this king Stevin than hard that it wes so, Richt haistelie withoutin ony ho, With all the power that tyme he micht be, To Roxburgh richt haistelie come he. 42,305 Richt sone agane for that same caus and quhy, That his lordis wald nocht to him apply, Into Ingland he did agane retour, But his desire and with richt small honour. This beand done that I haif said low heir, 42,310 Sone efter syne into the secund leir, Richt nobill men betuix thame till mak peice, War richt solist to gar tha weiris ceis, And with greit treittie oft leid thame betuene, Of Sanct Androis, Glasgow and Abirdene, 42,315 Thir thre bischopis, and of Scotland no mo, Of Canterberrie and of iork also, 716 THE BUIK OF THE Thir tua bischopis bayth wyss and circumspect, That weill culd bring sic mater till effect. This ilk king Stevin bydand on that concord, 42,320 In Durhame lay with mony erle and lord ; Siclike king Dauid in the samin tyme, In the New Castell standis vpoun Tyne, With mony nobill gudlie to command, Remanit thair quhill all thing tuke ane end. 42,325 And on this wyiss as I sail $ow declair : That king Dauid as to the richteous air, His sone Malcome as ye sail wnderstand, All Huntlyngtoun and als Northumberland Resigne to him, and he till wndertak 42,330 On to king Stevin obedience to mak For tha landis, and nocht ellis to pa. The landis als siclike of Cumbria This king Dauid sould hald that tyme alss fre, Siclike befoir as tha war wont to be. 42,335 Quhen this wes done with all thair haill consent, The king of Ingland passit hame to Kent ; Siclike king Dauid in the samin tyde, To Carlill toun thair to remane and byde ; And biggit lies than round about the toun 42,340 New Strang wallis befoir wer cassin doun. The castell als, at greit lasar and lenth, Reformit lies, with mony sindrie strenth In Cumberland that tyme baith les and moir, That faillit had rycht lang tyme of befoir. 42,345 Of this king Stevin that I haif said jow heir, All this wes done into the first thre ^eir Than of his ring, as my author did tell ; Syne efterwart quhat aduenture befell To this king Stevin syne efter the fourt ^eir, 42,350 Tak tent to me and I sail tell Jow heir. < CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 717 How Matildis the Emprtce come in Ingland Col. 2. with greit Power agane King Stevin, and of the lang stryfe that was betuix thame, and efter appoyntit and agreit. Mathild the empryce that wes lauclitfull air, And dochter als of Henrie Belliclair, Schort quhile befoir as le haif hard me sa, Weddit the erle of Antygauia 42,355 Godfride to name, als in that tyme wes he Vesit full soir with greit infirmitie. This ilk Matild sone efter on ane da, With greit power, as my author did sa, In Ingland come hir partie to persew, 42.360 Thairof hir richtis gif scho mycht reskew ; With help and fauour, ze sail wnderstand, Of tua lordis that tyme war in Ingland. Richt planelie than Mathildis part tha tuke, Quhair all the laif hir seruice haill forsuik, 42,305 And with king Stevin and his auctoritie, Plane part tha tuke bayth for to leif and die. Richt lang thir tua at greit stryfe tha stude, With mort battell quhair spilt wes mekle blude, In all Ingland ouir all part far and neir, 42,370 Continewallie the space of fourtene zeir. That ^oung Henr\ r , richt plesand and preclair, To this Mathildis eldest sone and air, And to Godfride as ze haif hard me sa, The nobill erle of Antygauia, 42,375 Quhilk of befoir that wes so loung ane cheild, Wes cuming than to perfite aige and eild, And weddit wes than with ane ladie fair To Picardie and Turyn als wes air, Arie duches dochter of honour and fame, 42,380 That Helenor Y/es callit to hir name. 718 THE BUIK OF THE This ilk MatMldis in tha samin dais So causit him, as that my author sais, To cum till hir with greit help and supple, Quhilk come with him for greit affinitie 42,385 Of Helenor that wes his weddit wyfe. The commoun weill of Ingland than belyfe Had bene perturbit iu the tyme rycht far, Wer nocht wyiss men richt sone thairof wes war ; Quhilk causit tharue agrie and to concord, 42,390 Of this same way gif that I richt record. That this king Stevin, as my author sais, Sail bruik the croun of Ingland all his dais ; Syne ^oung Henrie, as je ma efter reid, Efter his tyme sould to the croun succeid. 42,395 And so it wes as I sail schaw low heir, In peax and rest lang efter mony ieir, Without discord of ony erthlie wycht, At all plesour ilk man brukit his richt. How Henrie the Sone of King David deceissit and was bureit in the abba of calco, and of King Dauidis hie Displesour, and vexit in his mynd for his onlie sonis departing, and of his wlsdome and kes- sone aganis his dlsplesour maid to his LORDES. Lib. 1 2, f. 1 9 7b. Sone efter syne [that] wes done all this thing, 42,400 Col. 1. Henrie the sone of gude Dauid the king, Of euerie wicht with greit weiping and wo, He tuke his leif out of this lyfe till go. Wes neuir poet tit with pen or hike, Culd writ or dyte, or ^it with hart culd think, 42,405 The greit beleif of vertew but offence, That euirilk man had of this plesand prince. CRONICXIS OP SCOTLAND. 719 Off God Almichtie he had so greit ane grace, Wes neuir man that saw him in the face, Bot he him louit hartlie fra the splene, 42,410 As he Ids bruther or his sone had bene. My pen wald tyre and eik my self wald irk, My mynd also wald grow baith dull and dirk, To occupie so lang ane tyme and space, The greit vertew and mony spetiall grace, 42,415 That rang in him gif I suld now report. Thairfoir as now, sen that the tyme is schort, Heir will I leve and tell low furth the laue. Into Calco quhair he wes put in graue, Than of oure Lord ane thousand leir and tuo, 42,420 Ane hundreth fiftie and no teiris mo, In that same place intumulit wes he, Quhilk sepulture remanis tit to se. This nobill king that had na sonis mo, No wonder wes suppois his hart wes wo, 42,425 And so it wes, suppois he buir it fair, So sonne to lois his onlie sone and air, To him alway so tender wes and deir, £it neuirtheles he changit not Ins cheir ; Sic vse of ressoune in all his tyme hed he, 42,430 And dantit so his sensualitie, To God and man, as it wes rycht weill kend, Did neuir thing trowand thame tdl offend In word or deid, quhairthrow that tyme that he With vice or fait micht apprehendit be. 42,435 The lordis all of Scotland les and mair, All come tdl him to keip him out of cair, With play and sport, and consolatioun, To keip him furth of disperatioun, And causs his cair with confort to decres, 42,440 Quhilk helpis mekill in sic havines. This nobill king, as my author recordis, Richt tenderlie ressauit all his lordis, 720 THE BUIK OF THE With Llyth visage and countenance ryclit kynd, Suppois be wes soir vexit in his mynd. 42,445 Befoir thame all syne with ane voce so cleir, He said to thame as I sail schaw jow heir : " Lordis, bsleue sic trubill and wnrest " Oft syis," he said, "sic cumis for the best, " Sen euirilk chance be greit God is ay gydit, 42,450 " Baith ill and gude at his plesour prouidit. " Quhat man in erd hes sic auctoritie, " So weill, so wyslie, can prouide as he ? " And sen his will so equale is and richt, " In all this warld wes neuir so wyss ane 42,455 wycht, " Of all his werkis that culd mend ane myte, " Thocht mony fuill throw folie with him flyte. " Sen euirilk thing, as it is richt Weill knawin, " Of proper det be ressone is his awin, " Bayth ill and gude this tyme vnder the lift, 42,460 " Syne lent [to] ws, and nocht frelie as gift " In heretage ay with ws to remane. " Syne quhen he list to haif his awin agane, " He is ane ' fuill, I say thairfoir for me, " Onto his God wald so wnthankfull be, 42,465 Col. 2. " To hald fra him, other be bost or schoir, " So thankfullie that he lent him befoir. '•' Quha dois so I hald him for to blame ; " Forlane, tha sa, suld ay cum lauchand hame. " And weill I wat all thing heir ws amang, 42,470 " Is lent be God, and I wait nocht how lang, " At his plesour and at his awin fre will, " And for na dett that he can aw ws till ; " Than ressoun wald I bid nocht for to lane, " Quhen plesis him to haif his awin agane, 42,475 In MS. ane ane CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 721 " Thair at no man sould any murmoir mak, " Na in his mynd sould no displesour tak. " Sum thing on force sen that sic thing man be, " Thairfoir," he said, " I hald it best for me, " For to be blyth, thair is no better mendis, 42,480 " And ay thank God of all thing that he sendis. " This samin tyme," he said, " and so sail I " My sonis deid ressaue als thankfully, " As euir man [did] ony grace or gift " Gevin be God this da wnder the lift." 42,485 Siclike as this than on ane fair maneir, And mekle mair na I haif said low heir, He said to thame, na I ma now report, For-quhy le knaw my tyme is verrie schort, And I haif mekill mater for till speid, 42,490 And of ane lang tarie had bot litill neid. Now to my purpois thairfoir I will pas, And tell zow furth the storie as it wes. Quhen lie had said thir wordis all in feir, Ilk word by word as I haif said tow heir, 42,495 In forme and feet befoir as £e haif red, The lordis all thairof greit ferlie hed Of his prudens and greit patiens also, Syne tuke thair leif and hamewart all did go, Withoutin stop ilk man to his awin steid. 42,500 The eldest sone of this Henrie wes deid, Malcome to name, ane prettie plesand page, Quhilk threttene ^eir that tyme wes of aige, This king Dauid than maid with him till go, The erle of Fyffe, with mony vther mo, 42,505 Richt glaidlie than at the kingis command, Ouir all the partis that tyme of Scotland, "With greit triumph and of the kingis expence Tins ^oung Malcome ressauit as thair prince, Fromittand than with haill auctoritie, 42,510 Efter his tyme than king and prince to be. VOL. 11. z z 722 THE BUIK OF THE The secund sone of this Henrie also, CalUt Williame, that same tyme maid to go In Huntlyiigtoun, and eik Northumberland, Quhair he ressauit mony aith and band, 42,645 Of all the nobillis into ane concord, Him to ressaue as to thair cheif and lord. Sone efter syne that all this thing wes done, To Carlill toun he went him self rycht sone, And with Matild his nevoy thair he met, 42,620 Quhair euirilkone rycht gudlie other gret, His sister dochter to him wes so deir, Wes empryce befoir as te micht heir. Hir sone Henrie scho brocht with hir alsua, The erlis sone of Antigauia, 42,625 Apperand prince also of all Ingland, Quhilk to king Dauid that tyme maid ane band, That he suld bruik, ay as him awin self lest, Northumberland in gude peax and in rest, At his plesour, without stop or ganestand, 42,430 With Huntlyntoun and also Cumberland, Lib.i2,f.i98. And thair gaif ouir richt hardlie with gude will, Col. l. ^2i kynd of richt that Ingland had thairtill. How King Dauid maid Henrie his Nevoy Knicht, and how the said King diuotlie and godlie deceissit. Into this tyme now that le heir me sa, With greit triumph in Carlill on ane da, 42,635 With ane gilt spur of burneist gold so brycht, This ilk king Dauid maid ^oung Henrie knycht. Quhen this was done as I haif said ^ow so, Ilk man tuke leif and hamewart than did go. This king Dauid of quhome I schew ^ow heir, 42,640 Syne of his regime the nyne and tuentie ^eii 1 , CRONICLIS OF SCOTLAND. 723 Soir vexit wes with greit infirniitie, That euerilk man knew weill that he wald de. So knew himself, and for that samin quhy, Into his bed that tyme qubair he did ly, 42,545 The sacrament wald nocht lat to him bring, He thocht he wes wnworthie to sic thing ; Betuix tua preistis with rycht clene intent, Led on his feit on to the kirk he went, Diuotlie thair remanit quhill neir none, 42,550 On bayth his kneis syne quhen the mes [wes] done, In hart contreit with reuerence and honour, The blissit bodie of oure Saluiour, Rycht penitent into that samin place, Ressauit hes to his greit gloir and grace. 42,655 This beand done syne hame agane wes hed, And softlie syne laid doun into his bed; Syne efterwart within ane litill space, Befoir thame all into that samin place, Quhair that he lay that tyme in Godis bandis, 42,560 His spreit commendit into Christis handis, The croce of Christ syne in his armes imbraist ; Quhen that wes done la still and gaif the gaist. Vnsufficient I am in all my lywe, His nobilnes and vertu till discryve; 42,565 Sic thing till do difficill is to me, Thairfoir as now heir will I lat it be; And of the tuelt buik heir I mak ane end, Loving to God that me sic grace hes send. END OF VOL. II. LONDON: Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, l*riuters to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS or GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. 1. Tiie Chronicle of England, by John Capgrave. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Eev. J. Stevenson, M.A., of University College, Durham, and Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 3. Lives of Edward the Confessor. I. — La Estoire de Seint Aed- ward le Rei. II. — Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. — Vita iEduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by H. R. Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4. Monumenta Franciscana ; scilicet, I. — Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. II. — Ada3 de Marisco Epistolas. III. — Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londoniae. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London, and Reader at the Rolls. 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. Ascribed to Thomas Netter, of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by the Rev. W. W. Shirley, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 6. The Bulk of the Croniclis of Scotland ; or, A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece ; by William Stewart. Vols. I., n., and HI. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 7. Johannis Capgrave Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by the Rev. F. 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Eulogium (Histoeiaecii site Tejlpoeis), Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1 366 ; a Monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Vol. II. Edited by F. S. Haydon, Esq., B.A. November 1858.