UNIVERSITY OF N.C AT CHAPEL HILL 10003058432 This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEE ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FI CENTS a day thereafter, the. da y MdicaA ti d -bekrw: JJtc<.. 6Jul'42LS FEB 2 1354 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill A BOOK OF CHEERFUL CATS fl A BOOK OF CHEERFUL CATS AND OTHER ANIMATED ANIMALS BY J. G. FRANCIS THE CENTURY CO. NEW YORK Copyright, 1879, 1880, 1881. 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1892, 1903, by The Cknturv Co. Printed ir U. S. A Library, Univ o North Caroluu Page Some Fun with a Toy Spider I The Tea-Party 2 A MusicyvL Evening 3 The Giraffe F^ide 4-4 Ptft A Very Happy Family 6 A Dutiful Parent 7 A Case of Highway Robbery 8-9 "They didn't h^ve fi Penny" K) The Reformed Lion II Quits . 12 The Gljiial Grimalkin 13 Euchred! H The Bicycle Ride 15 Study of Heogehog Stealing Apple 16 The Lion in the Barber-Shop 17 The Bald Eagle and the Barker . 18 The Spring Curtain 19-21 " T is a Perfect Picnic Day!" 22 "A "!>m o' Shunter, Dog" „ 23 The Donkey and his Company 24-28 Late! 29 Pictures with a Moral for Boys and Dogs 30-31 Y E Joyful Owl 32 A Queer Barber-Shop 33 The Cat and the Cream 34 Stoky of the Catnip Ball 35-36 The Prickly Pig, the Pug a^d Pard 37 MjATern^l Counsel 38 Coasting Cats 39 The Elephant Juggler 40 A Se^ Ch^ge A Medical Opinion A Needless Apprehension The Cat-o'-N>ne-Tails A H^ppy New Ye^r . 41 42 43 44 45 A BOOK OF CHEERFUL CATS Some Fun with a Toy Spider. .A. liltle. Gcirl a.sKe. ! "VvriVk iko d-iilcLrcre "wo'lt go, -'tis ow cLvxty. you Know, THe-ir yourjg *»incLs lo craliaHla-rc art romise