-m ^\\; MINUTES OF THE PlP*' AND MINISTERIUM L OF .jm.VJ^Mm^/] MINUTES OF THE dJljangeliCiil f ii%r;m Sjuoi AND MINISTElilUM OF NOETII CAROLINA, onve/ied at Frederich Toxon^ Damd-isor of Western Carolina Male Academy, presented a certificate of honorable dismission from the Gennan Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania, and Rev. D. J. Deehee, one from the Evangelical Lutheran Syno(} of S'outh Carolina, both of whom were unanimously received as inembers of this Synod. Tlie minutes of our last Synod were, on motion, referred to the Committee on unfinished business. • m MINUT]:S OF SYXOP. 5 ^ Tli(i letters, paperg,^^d otlier document g, .intended for* ) > Synod being called for, -were presented, then read, number- / ,' cd and disposed of as follows : Letter, Xo. 1, is from Dr. L. Eigiiklberger, tlie dele;i:at-e ' from the Synod of South Carolina, informing this Synod of the reaspns why he cannot attend this me-eting. ■ In refer- ence to it the following resolution v.as adopted : 1. Rc^olved^ That Ave have hoard witli pleasure tlie letter of Dr. Eichei-- \ DEi{r,»B,-vTho was appointed Corresponding Dclej^ate to this Sjnod.and cx- ) pr^bs our regret that special circumstances have prevented his attendance,^ •, It V ould haye ?LiFordeti.tt$> iqaucJi plea^ure'to have seen brother Eiciii:lbi;rgeii \ in oiir mid;^t, Lvticr. referred for future consideration. ) Lettei'j . . .as referred to the Ed acation and Mission- / avy- Society. .' J-ett^fjN^.^ 4^^ ti-om J^ethL-l '] Churelr-ORo wan County, to be i^eceived into connection • ^- iTli (]ii< Synod. The ]-e(|ue-<- '-'^fl^^^ i>r.'Uin-<^r-; w-- ^ u-vj'-if- On motion, the "."ffiTcheii Eotc '' wa> laid on the table for : 'tlio r iubers of Synod. On iuotion, the G^rmau Catechism forwarded to us by \ the Synod of Pennsylvania, was r- '— -^ ' ^ *i, . -'.ii ..,:,. . Crim!i)i|:tcc lor cxamimition^itc. ■ '■ ^ O T1 C C^J =-1 -. ,-, O CM O Baptisms. -| [infants, 3SI 1-1 'f cc Cl ^+10 Cl ■r-i M - CO H. ■ c« ^ ^ ■^•' 2i t^ ci a :: :: - ^ 2 fy ~ K Ph :^ J ^ a: w- ::: <; o 52 ^ S M 6 M ^ M S H^ M -i' H5 W S o !:^ *~» f 2 ST o The Report of the Treasurer of Synod was read and re- ferred to the Committee of Finance. Also, the Eeport of the Treasurer of Seminary Fund. On motion, Synod adjourned to meet to-morrow eight o'clock, A. M, Closed with prayer and benediction. &. SECOND SESSION. Satwday 8 oV'lock, A. M. } ( Synod met, and after spending half an liuur in sin^^ing . and prayer, proceeded to business. The following Committees were appointed by the Prcbl- ^ dent, viz : / ) 1. Committee Oil Presidenfs Eeport — Prof. W. Gerbardt, ;' <. Kev. J. S. Ileilig, and Mr. M. Barjier. \ 2. Committee on Petitions and Vacancies — Rev. Benja- J \ min Arey, and Messrs. J. Tliomas and D. D. Lentz. ) \ 3. Committee on Finance — Be v. AVilliani Ct. Harter, and / i Messrs. J. J.* Miller and M. Barger. ( 4. Committee on the State of lieligion — Bev'ds John D. ) Scheck and J. Swicegood, and Mr. J. I). Bodenhamer. ' V 5. Committee on U7ijinished Business — Bev'ds Joseph A . \ Linn, Wm. Artz and Mr. D. Hoffman. ', A Committee was also appointed to receive contributions ( and report the amount to Synod. ) Tlie following report was made by the Committee on the \ ) German Ctaechism, viz : » ( { The Committee to whom was referred Luther's Smaller Catechism, pub- ) .' lished by Rev. Mann, in the German language, present the following : That ( ', they gave said Catechism a cursory examination, and are pleased to say, that -) it appears to be systematically arranged, and contains copious questions and answers adapted to the capacities of youth. Your Committee regret that they cannot offer anj- thing of a recommendatory nature in relation to this ( \ Catechism, as the German Language is so rapidly declining within our boxmds, and very few, if any, of the youth are taught to read said language. Respectfully submitted, ' SAMUEL ROTHROCK, ) Ajlopted. >VM. GERIIARDT. Tlie Beport of the Convention appointed to district the ; } Synod into Pastorates, was taken up, discussed and adopt- ( 8 ryriNUTKs of syxod. ^ . ) ed bv a majority of 17 ayes td 3 nays. Tlie following is the '} districting part of tlie Eeport : ;■ 1. Organ aud Luther's Cbapel. 2. St. John's and Betli el. 3. Concord and > 3Iount Carmel. 4. St. Stephen's, Luther's and St. Matthew's. • 5. Union ( and St Paul's. C. St. Enoch's and Salem. 7. St. Michael's, St. PauVs in \ Iredell, and Newton. 8. Salisljuiy, Bethel in Bowan, Jerusalem, and T-t. ' Matthew's in Davie Countj, Charge in Davidson and the Churches in Guilford, Alamance and Eandolph, ■;, as they were.'^^" ^ Adopted. ■ llespectfully submitted. The lioiir for preacliing liaving arrived, .tlie business of ', Synod was susi)ended till after divine service. - '> Kev. D, J. Drelier preached a sermon from Eph. v. IG ; ) after whicli Synod resumed its regular busine^. The Corresponding Secretary having through mistake in \ papers, left his report at home, was, on motion, excused ( Vv'itli the undirstanding that lie forward tlie same to the ' Recording Secretary at an early day. KEPORT OF THE COKKLSPOXDING SECllETAPvY. ) Your Corresponding Secretary would beg the indulgence ; <:>f Synod to report the following : 1. From the Ilinuies of the fiouih Corolb-a Si/nod. — This Synod held its last annual meeting intjMount Pilgrim Church, Coweta County, Georgia. Comen- ( ed lOtli November, 1854. Ordained ministers 30 ; licentiates lo. Officers, \ J. C. Anthony, Recording Secretary; S. Corky, Trca.surer ; Congregations ^ 52 ; Members, white and colored, 4798 ; .Sunday Schools oG : Scholars 1203 ; Benevolent Societies 28. Relative to our Institution at Lexington, Presi- ) dent's report says : "Dr. Eichelberger has fully met the high expectations of the Chm-ch. He presides over the Institution to the entire satisfaction of all.-' / Rf solved, 1. "That the Directors'' of said Institution "be and are hereby '• instructed to take the necess;iry steps to eflfect the removal, to such place in I South Carolina, as may promise a more eligible location, ) 2. "That the Directors be also instructed to obtain from the Legislature / of that State such amendments in the Charter as to constitute it a regular College, with the power of conferring degrees. *The Secretary lias had to give the above districts from memory, because the report of the Convention is not to be found in the manuscript of Synod. ) MINUTES OF SYNOD. 9 ^ ( 8. "That the Institution, with its new Charter, shall be called— CoiLF.GE > OF South Carolina." On Temperance; ^ '^ liesolccif, 1. "When the inunoralitj' of any business is i^laced lioyon^l tiM" I possibility of doubt, it is tlio duty of all 'Christians to frown upon cn tempt to license such traflQc or crime. ♦'2. Thnt legal enactments should never conflict ■with moral la"w; and that the entire traflic in intoxicating drinks, except for mcdicinjil and mechanical V \ purposes, should be stayed, at once and foreva\ by the flrour; arm of fh&law.]' ? { Manuscript of lieu. jr. A. Sirobd. Committee, J. J3acbniau, L. Eicbe^bergor, , A. J. Karn, report: "They have carefully examined the Manuscript, .and '[ cheerfully ekpress their gratification at the judicious selection of the mate- '- rials from various sources, difficult of attainmont, by. "which a Yaluitble his- '' ( torical sketcii has been given of the cruel persecutions, the chrialiaa fa-m- ^ ness, and devoted piety, of the ancient Saltzburgers. In recommcmaug tiie ( vrork to the patronage of the christian public, and especially the members of our own communion, they feel assured, thut the reader will be acijiply re- <' I warded in the high and elevated standard of cbr:*^' :•■•:'- '-!•'• -i.:.' >-.i.... - '\ holds oiit for their imitatioja.'.' ', This Synod manifests a commendable zeal in Church extension, — reporn , ' favorably on stale of relii/ion, — a nun)bcp of revivals durii^g the last ywir, — ', manifests also a growing liberality in the various benevolent enterprises. — } Holds its next aunxial meeting in Bethlehem ChurcJi^ Newberry District, t^. \ \ C, oommenciqig on Thursday before the 2nd Sabbatli in .!N<)vember, 1855, • n o'clock, A. >I. v 2. Minnies of S^/nod of W'/itern Virginia. — -This 8 v" :' ISeptcmber, 18>f, at 2lon's Church, Floyd County, Va. Ministers ordained ) 8; Liceptiatcs 2. Oflficors, E. If awkins, President ; J. A. Iiro-\vn. Secretary : ? S. .Rhuely, Treasiirer; Congregations 20 ;; Communicants I, SOS; Praycr- ^ meetings 19; Sunday Schools 21. ( /?oc/;io/ie C'o/i^t'^''.— I here insert several it '} well as fur our instruction. Its most excellent Principfil, iiev. 1>. i\ iiini.K, ' D. D., has alrendy secui*ed by subscription abou: .'i;8,000. Thd servitcs of ) / llev. J, J. Groeyer, as collecting Agent, were about to be procnrtd. Synod / re.fohes to endeavor to raise within its l^ounds the sura of §20,000 towards '< [) an endowment fund. [I recently noticed in the Ob.scrver of oiir Church, } that the ladies of Virginia have taken a very active and praise-worthy paat , towards raising funds to procure a Library and Philosopliical Apparatus.] (' Forty-five students in attendance last session, about 20 of whom :ire study- ', ing with a vieiv to the Ministry. f Female Education. — By resolution, a committee was appointed, consisting S of Revs. Messrs. Bittle, Brown, and L. D. Hancock, Esq., "to adopt a plan, ( inspect localities, and, if deemed expedient, make proposals to different ) ( 10 MINUTES OF SYNOD. S places for the establishment of such Institution ; and as soon as practicable ( commence taking subscriptions for the erection of suitable buildings." ( To convene again on Friday preceding the 4th Sunday in September, 1855, / at Kimberling, Wythe County, Va. ( This sister Synod is obviously zealously engaged in the Master\^ work, ma- ) king it the duty of each Minister to preach on the subject of Temperance to \ each of his Congregations within the year, to use all laudable endeavors to ) encourage pious and worthy sons of the Church to devote themselves to the C Gospel Ministry — tvorthy of our imitatioyi. ) 3. Minnies of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania. — Con- { vened 11th June, 1854, in Reading, Pa. Officers, Rev. J. C. Baker, Presi- > dent; A. T. Geissenhainer, Secretary; C. W. Shaeffer, Treasurer; Ministers ( 95; Congregations 231 ; contributions for Missions $1,627. It sustains the ) Rev. Mr. Heyer in India; has a number of Home Missions with some in ( Texas; has raised in its bounds $15,000 to endow a German Professorship> S at Gettysburg. ( 4. Minutes of tlie Alleghany Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania — ( S Convened at Altoona, Blair County, Pa., October 12th, 1854. Officers, Rev. ) ( A. Babb, President; W. Kopp, Secretary. P. Sham, Treasurer; Ministers \ \ 31; Congregations 88 ; Communicants 6,899; Sabbath Schools 70 ; Scholars ) ) 2,977; local objects $22,638; general benevolence $24,964 59. "There \ \ are but few now, but in a short time there will not be a single charge within ) ) the bounds af the Alleghany Synod without a neat and comfortable parson- v \ age." — Pres. Report. ) ) 5. Minutes of Joint Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio, ^-c. — Convened in (, S Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church, in Thompson Township, Seneca County, ) ) June 9th, 1854. ^ Officers, Rev. J. J. Beilharz, President; H. Borchers, Se- ^ \ cretary: Prof. W, F. Lehman, Treasurer. Forty-seven Ministers and 8 Lay ) ) Delegates were in attendance. Can say but little for it, presenting no Paro- ( - chial Report, &c., &c., &c. ) 6. Minutes of Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Indiana. — Held in Newtown < J Church, Boone County, Indiana, October 6th, 1854. Officers, Bro. Morkert, \ ) President ; E. S. Ilenkcl, Secretary ; J. Good, Treasurer ; Ministers 9. No ( Parochial Report. Synod apparently in its incipiency. v 7. Minutes of Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod. — Held in St. Peter's ) ( Church, Lexington District, S. C, November 4 — 9tb, 1854. Officers, Rev. A. i ) J. Brown, President; J. R. Peterson, Secretary; J. W. Wagner, Treasurer; S ) Pastors 24; Deacons 7; Congregations 73; Communicants 5,048. All the ) ) above mentioned Minutes received. c Leaving each to make his own reflections from the data furnished, we will add only that we have officially corresponded with several of our brethren of sister Synods, wilh a view of supplying some of our destitute Churches, but have, as yet, accomplished nothing effectually. Respectfully submitted, S. SCHERER, Cor. Scc'y. MINUTES OF SYNOD. H !j The Delegate to S^aiod of South-Westem Virginia, re- ) ported as follows, viz : \ Your Delegate to the Synod of South-Westcrn Virginia would report that ) up to a period of within two weeks of the time of the meeting of that Synod, ) he had it in contemplation to meet with them, but owing to sickness in his !^ family, and the death of his father and father-in-law, he was not able to at- '; tend the said meeting. ,' Respectfully submitted, ; J. A. LINN. ; The Delegate to the Synod of South Carolina stated that '( i)ersonal and family afflictions, and ilie distance to tlic place (• of the meeting of Synod, prevented his attendance ; but • that he addressed a friendly letter to said Synod, assuring y them of our continued fraternal feelings of regard towards ' them. On motion, both the Dele2rates were excused for the rea- sons assigned. SABBATH EXEllCISES. A Prayer-meeting was held in the Church at o'clock. At 10, Rev. Prof. Gerhardt preached at the stand a lucid and impressive sermon from 2 Cor. viii. 9, after Avhich the Tlie Committee appointed last Synod to revise and amend ( the Constitution of Synod reported ; pending the adoption ( of the Pe]_X)rt by items, the yeas and nays were called for \ and taken on section 10 "chapter 3.'' Bro. Aiey request- ( ing his name to appear in the negative on tlie printed } Minutes. v' A motion for an adjournment till 8 o'clock, A. M., Mon- d day, prevailed. ( Closed with prayer by the President. At candle-light Rev. B. Arey preached from Isaiah '^ lii. 13—15. , } ^ 12 MIXUTES OF SYXOD. ) Lord's Supper was' adniiniBtered to a lar/>e numb er of Co ... municants of different denomiiiaiions. After an intermix- ' sion of one Iioiir, tlie congi'ogation re-assembled aM'v, addressed by Eev.. W. G. Harter on the subject of Educa- tion and Domestic Missions, from 2 Cor. x. 4.- It is believed that tliese services wej*e blessed to the good of all wlio.hcard faithfully. At candle-light Ecv. D. J. Drclier preaclied from Gal. vi. 14:. Christians seemed to enjoj the exercises , of the day and evening in anticipation of an eternal vSaL- l^ith on hiu'h. vliere '' there is fulness of iov." THIRD. SESSION. ; Jlondai/, S oi-lnri.^ A. J/. Svnod iiirain met and .-"nent half an hour in sino-iuc: a:;;. j-jrayer. The adoption by items of the "amendments to the' Constitution was' re^uiiied. Tlio final adoption of tlie \ amended Constitution was deferred for the })resent. <. REPORT OF THE C0M:\IITTEE ON UXFIXISnEI* BUSINESS. The Committee on IJnfinislied Business would present .: : ~ . e follow i:LJ 2; as their Rerjort : 1. Tliey would inquire wlietb.cr tlie duties imposed I'.pon your Secret-,; y ns specified in tho lltli and 43i-d resolutions of the pviutoJ Minutes of i.v. t ' year, liave been attended to or net. fp^ :' 2. Tliey would further call the attention of Sj-nOd to the 35th resolution of / saiidenl. A sermon wa.^ preached from Luke w '. ' t'ter the adjoiirnnient of tlie Education an(j[. Missiojmry Society, Synod met for business; a motion to adjourn till S o'clock to-morrow. A, AL. nrV^X oiled, sv» tlipJ !)o .'ni tiicr ■. business was d'6ne. Closed with prayer. ^^' <^^ 14 MINUTES OF SYNOD. FOURTH SESSION. { Tuesday, 8 o'cloch, A, M. ) Synod was opened witli prayer by Bro. Harter. Tlie Minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Tlie Committee on the President's Report present the following : They have examined it and find but one item which they think necessary to bring to the notice of Synod, viz: The death of Eev. Jacob GrIeson. [See Appendix A.] In relation to this item the Committee would recommend the following : Whereas, It has pleased an .\]l-wise Providence to remove from ns, by death, the Rev. Jacob Grieson, an aged and pious member of this body: therefore, . . Resolved, That we, together with his bereaved friends, lament the de- } cease of this aged father, and that we will ever keep in memory his good ex- l \ ) ample and christian virtues. \ Resolved, That a copy of the above preamble and resolution be sent ( by the Secretary to the relatives of the deceased ) Your Committee recommend that the President's report be printed and ap- ) pended to the Minutes of Synod, omitting that portion which relates to the \ correspondence between Bro. Artz and the President. > Respectfully submitted, \ W. GERHARDT, j ' M. BARRIER, { Adopted. ' J. S. HEILIG. | Committee on Petitions and vacancies present the fol- ( lowing : * ( Your CoOHnittee would report that all that has been before them, is a peti- ( tion from Richland Church, Randolph County, signed by a number of the S members of said Church, requesting this Synod to hold its next annual meet- i ing in their midst. We recommend their petition to the consideration of ) Synod when balloting for the place for the next meeting. / Respectfully submitted, \ BENJ. AREY, JACOB THOMAS, \ Adopted. D. D. LENTZ. . ) MliltJTES OF SYNOD. 15 The Committee on Collections reported the following : The Committee to whom was referred the reception of contributions intended for Synod, beg leave to present the following : From Rev. J. A. Linn\ . Eespectiully submitted, s D. J. DREHEP., D. M. WAGXER, : Adopted. J. A. JIEATIICOCK. ■ On motion, Synod suspended business, and took a recess' \ till after the meetinLC of the Education and Missionary So- ( ci^ty. During the recess, the Eev. Joseph A, Liam preach- { *Tlic Secretary finds an error in footuijr up the above ixiODeys, amounting to .^S.j 83 cents, which he has corrected. Tup Cojnmittce reported the amount to be $77 77. , 1 have also received from Ret. S. Scherer's charge ^Jl OQ, and 81 cents from Nazareth Church intended for Synod. Tot3l||$10 6-1 cents additional. . • MINUTES OP SYNOD. 17 ed from Heb. iii. 1. After recess, Synod resumed its busi- ness. The Eeport of the President of Western Carolina Male Academy was presented. To the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North CaroVnia^ to meet at Frederwtown^ Davidson County^ JS^orth Caroli- na^ on Fnday lefore the first Sunday In May^ 18"5o. It is my duty, as President of the HoHrd of Directors of Western Carolina ]Mixle Academy, to report to you the .stnte and condition of sjiid Institution. It will be seen by my last report, tliat wo had piu'chased sufficient for all building purposes, and had let out the main building, which was to liave been completed by the first of January last; this was impossible, inasmuch as un- dertaker Weddington could not obtain lumber in consequence of the continu- ed drouth. The. Building Committee have also let out the Professor's house, under the directoion of the Board, for§142'), behaving come, and having no iiouse for him-r- trusting in the liberality of our Churches, believed they would help to pay for the same. . I would suggest to Synod the pru^jriety of withhold];...^ ...; ....;.. Caroliua S^nod, X\\^ interest annu!\lly scut thera for the right of a Dii'ector in their Seminary, if it can be done without violating thd agreement' entered into between them (ind you. It is abso]ut<.'Ij necessary that w€ should hus- band all our resources between this aud October next. The Board, at its last meeting, appointed a Committer i . ....j .... ... ..^v.... to visit all the Churclies within the bounds of Synod, amf solicit donations or building pufposog. The time has been too short to procure one yet, but they exp6<;t to do so as soon as they can. The Board wants the name of eve- ry donor, Uigether with the amount, to record them in u l)oo1< kept for that purpose, however small tfie ninount given may be. The cheerful giver is nlvrays rewardi '. fho last Synod £>u>'k-.i u rx.-oiiuiitn re<[uostiug evoi-y Miniirter in their i funds to solicit donations for buihliing purposes. This has been partially attended to by Rev.?. Heilig, fJcj^erer, Kotfarock, and Liun; but we are still minus wmetiiing like -^^IMT 00. .Mthougli this is a consider.able sum, yet we believe if those Churches that have given nothing, and those that- hav '•.(-!> 1 lit a small sum, be called upon, the debt will be paid. • ! lining the Treasurer's act-ounts, tfindhe has paid, for various pur- poi,cs, ^0858 00, and has on hand \x\ ca.sh and good subscriptions JS2278 00, and the debt contracted is "^Wl'^^ 00. We have in doubtful subscriptions * 18 MLMUTES OF SYNOD. > $159 00, -whicb I did not count; hence you will see that we are minus the amount I before stated. ( The main building will be completed in a few months — the plastering is being > put on — when it is done, we shall have to make a payment of §3500 00, and the balance in October next. The details of om- expenses I have not given, but if required, they can be given by some member of the Board in your midst. The Treasurer of Scholarships has disposed of 50, and collected a part of , the money which he has invested in State bonds, under the direction of the •■ Board. I would here remark, that the Treasurers of both funfs have done J . their duty faithfully. We are now entering a new era in the history of our Church in North Caro- Ina. Heretofore we have been sending oiir money North and South to build up institutions of Learning, unler the belief tbat we were too poor to build ourselves ; — but this was all a mistake — for we have one now nearly com- pleted, and have commenced school under very flattering circumstances, and f fostered and protected by all the Churches in our Synod, will soon vie with any institution of a similar kind in the State. Look at all other denominations of professing christians around you, and see whether they have not their institutions of learning; and whether those who fostei- and protect them best, do not increase and flourish most. The Rev, W. Gerhardt is to be inaugurated on the 1st day of the next ses- sion as Principal of our Institution, when every Luthetan within the bounds of the Synod is invited to come. .1 believe it will be on the 2'hh of May next. I will here remark,- that it is possible I may liave forgotten something > that I should have brought to the notice of Synod ; if so, 1 hope some one of the members of the Board there present will sixpply it. •■ All of which is respectfully submitted. Adopted. C. MELCIIOR. P. B. J On motion, leave of absence from, further uttendance on ^ the sessions of this 8vnod, was granted to Messrs. Hoffman, (' Thomas and Ileathcock. for the reasons tiiey assigned for ' asking; it. to 3. Resolvedy That the interest now due on the ^enJina^y Fund be paid to t >■ the Treasurer of the Seminary of South Carolina by the President at his earliest convenience, 4. Resolved, That a Committee of three Clerical members from difierent ^ sections of this Synod be appointed to resolve said Synod into the Conferen. '^ tial Districts contemplated by the revised Constitution. » Committee — Revs. B. Arey, J. A. Linn, and S. Scherer. \ ^ _______ — ^ ) MINUTES OF 8YX0I). 10 5. Resolved, That tho agrecraeut entered into with the Synod of Sonth Carolina by this Synod in the eupport of tho Theological [-ominnry at Lex- ington, S. C, by the payment of the yearly interest of the fanded capital for education, be, and is liereby dissolved — Hint said fund be transfcn-ed to the Board of Directors of Western Carolina M:ile Academy, to be under the control and direction of the .^auie for its use and benefit; aid lastly, that t*aid fund, without its proceeds, be subject to an order of witb-lrawal b^. thib Synod at any time. G. /t'<\WtW, That a Committee of three be appointed to settle with the Treasurer of Seminary, fund, receive the Junds and pay them over to the Board of Directors of Western Carolina ^Male Acridemy, as contemplated in the foregoing resolulion. Committee — Eevs. Linn ^ Rothrock, and N. Lefier, Esqs On motion, it was ordered that the Treasurer of Synod pa J the Treasurer of the Endowment fund of Western Caro- lina iTale Acadeniv ?,?.0 u,\v'Avt]< j^.-.-ino- \\^e. p,'^'^^-^'U-\ iirst month's salary. KEPOET OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Tho Committee on Finance beg leave to report that they have the reports '-f the Treasurers of the Synod and Seminary, and infer from the vouchers in hand that they are correct. They have paid over the funds belonging iu Syiio J t i tJie Treasurer and taken his bond. Respectfully submitted, W. G. HAIITEK, DAVID IIAGEE, Adopted. MONROE BARGEK. The TreasTirer of Seminary Fund would respectfully r j '^rt as follows, viz : •■).'ic Ndtc Pria §137 00— int. $>8 22 " - - - $145 22 500 00— int. 30 00 > - r.;]0 00 .(4 00~int. 17 G4. - - ,11 (.4 i'i7 AO- int. '•• '1' - . . Ji;j t)o Respectfully submitted, JjJllOO 81 MOSES BARRIER, Treas. 20 MINUTES OF SY^'OD. The Treasurer of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, ^vould respectfully report as follows : Balance in hand last year - - - - $36 80^ Contributions received at last Synod - . 71 0G.| Total .... 5^107 87 *aid Rev. S. Rothrock, as per order of Synod, " " W. G. Ilarter, " " " " L. C. Groseclose " " Messrs. Miller & James, " Secretary, $7 55 2 00 6 10 GO 00 75 74 Balance in Land _ . _ . S:j2 13 Respectfully submitted, MATTHIAS BARRIER, Treas. On motion, an election was entered into toiillthe vacan- cy in the Eoard of Directors of Western Carolina ^lalo Academy, occasioned by the expiration of the term of Eevs. Linn and Harter, and Messrs. J. Shimpoch andC. A. Ileilig. Eevs. J. A. Linn and J. S. Ileilig and Messrs. J. Shim- poch and C. A. Ileilig were elected for three years. On motion, ordered that the §1 20, interest on Centenary fund, sent up from Bethel Church, Stanly County, be. paid to the Education*and Missionary Society. On motion. Synod, adjourned till 8 o'clock, A. M.. to- morrow. Clo^O'l with prayer hy the President. FIFTH SESSION. Wednesday^ 8 oclocl\ A. 2f. Synod met again, and after half an hour spent in devo- tional exercises, proceeded to business. The Minutes were read and confirmed. jVt the special request of Mrs. Lindsay, the Secretary ob- tained leave of absence to attend the funeral of J. "W. Lind- say, Esq. Leave of absence was also granted J-. D. Bodeu- liamer for the same pm-pose. i? " ' i^ \ MINm':S OF SYNOD. 21 I i THE iu:roKT of the committee on the state of religion. Tlie Committee on the state of Religion, within the bounds of this Synod, have collected the following items, to wit : ilrn. Ilhrtcr. "There is one praycr-mcetlnj^ within the bounds of Jiiy charge — one .Sunday School in progress, and efforts are making to orgaui/c another." Bro. Crim "ify Chwrches can by no means be snid to bo rcvivril at this time, but during the ptist Synoditad year, I had :i rLvival -.n Bethel Church, vhii:]i roiJuked in the conversion of a few iinmortQl souls. — The stute of things in my Churches is at Miis i'mie interesting, especially at .St. Matthews." Bvo. Scherer. " During the past year I have enjoyed special seasons ol" refreshing from the pi-escnce of the Lord. At several camp-meetings, us many as 80 souls -were hopefully converted to God. and 0.") added to the Church " Bro, RuthrcKrk. "There ..... i..- .^^.c... ua. j^ ..,„ of the lU.ly Spirit at Organ Chiu-ch during the past year; yet the public prcftching of the Go?pel has been well aUended, aiid a general desitic evinced to receivt; instruction fi'om the Bible — US persons were added to the O'lureh by the rite of coniirmation." Bro. ileiiig. " The attendance upon the miuistvations of God's li.-u . . usually goad, and eJose attention is paid to the preached word. I hope tlicre arc not a few who have experienced the saving power of God's grace, and are going oa to perfection." Ttro. Linn. " There tave been no very specval manifestations of the ]>.;_ vine Spirit nj vay cbarge during the past 8ynodical yeju\ Preaching and the ox-dinanccs of God's hoiisc have been well attendeil. An increased spirit of liberality is manifest. Tliwe has been a very extensive circuhition of re- ligious books, and they arc carefull}' read b}' the people generally. There liave beca eevcr^il converelotis during the year." liro. Groscclose. "The state of reli-gion in my charge is improving. i)wt few cases of dlseipline have beee before t.he Councils. About 12jO persons have professed a change of heari, 40 of whom have united with our ChurcJj. ^ly Churches continue to contribute liberally fctjwfmds my support, atid the ' benevolent institutions of the Church-" Your Committee are gratified to Iciurn that during the past year a comfort- able parsonage has been erected in tlie last na)ued Brother's charge. This noble example la commended to the attention aad imitation of all oui* Con- /:p'egatious- Bro. Dreher. -'The slate of religion ia my charge is improving; preach- ing, prayer-meetings and Sabbath Schools are encouragingl}- attended." -^ m . ,__. .,, Ml 22 :mixutes of synod. Bro. ScLeck. "No speciarylsitationsof the Divine Spirit have been en- ' joyed in my charge during the past year ; yet tlic ordinances of God's house are well attended. Fifty-three persons have been added to the Church bj' conlirmatiou and letter." No reports have been received from the rest of the bi'ethren, and conse- quently we have nothing from th«m to report. Respectfully submitted, J. D. SCHECK, J. SVvICEGOOD, Adopted. J. 1). EODENllAMER. The CoiiJititutLn was agaiu taken up, tiic ameiidments I'l-oposed by the Committee to revise, considered, and in its amended fona iinallv adopted as. a Y.hole, In rc'gard to the above, the following was adopted : Resolved^ That the amended Constitution be referred back to bro. Linn to transcribe and prepare it for the press. Resolved, That tlic Conetitution be priutc-J and appended to t)ie Minutes of Synod. (See Appendix B.) ' 7. Resolved, That the President of Synod be authorized to let out the Scholarships in Western Carolina Male Academy beloTi:nj. are v. Adopted. S. SCHERER. : __^^ _.™.Si ^ naoq aATii( oa\. qoin.ii ui jouuma o^qn^tdsoq oi\i .loj 'uMo^j^ouapajj ^« uoi^«2 ? -o.i3uo;) oi{j 0) pojtio«?.).iJ oq pmiA'g sy\} jo s>(ucTp ;•!() '^mix ^poaio83}f '\\ ^ •sovus P3)!"n »'ll ui potJ-Cg uujoqjn'i joq^o Xjoao o^ -". j puti 'oouopuodsaajoo a«[nii.u ut ajt? dai i[oit{ai t|}T,M pouA^« qot;o O'j ^uos oq sauloo om^ -juih i pa-^uud oq pouAg JO so)UUTj\[ oq^ JO k.mJo.-) I ,i.i|.nm[ OAio,te.j ^tiq^ 'pSiijoitJ^ 'Qi •ponica OAoqt? oraj^ pun aov{d oii> ^u ]oom o) pouanofpc put^s ;r •bu.iuolpTj pou.^g uoqM, ^tjqx 'p9ajo»92[ -fj 'ic qn^qqug ^^Sj; oq; o.iojoq AupiJ^^x '^"^IX '0 *K ^^^^"^^0 ) . uv.Au)ii 'qo.mqQ s^qooiiT]; "^o^ *ooLqj •pauiiu.io^op ^:jO|[T?q Xq S ! 'si'.AS. poniv^ JO i?uf;88m ;xoii eq; joj ODB[d piix? oiiii; oi[j^ { •0)i?u.id;|u *jo.Toqog '^ •Aar|_ pui? '^uJioiiLid 'osop J -os'ojr) -Q -rj -A^^ : i>iai.f?.Ti^ UJ9)S9^\\^ JO pou.Cg 9q; oj^ 'B { •9;T3U.IOqtJ '.184.11? JJ --Q -^YV *A8y pilU '[T3(IiOUI.kI '-11P1I 'S T '-^^ll :'«iqio.a'0 q;iioc^ jo poiiAg aq; ox "5 ; -soijLnuojiY '.[o^a-j -^ pirj joiiSb^^^ •j\[ -(j -s-issoj^ put? pai? 'j[oo.upo^ puT? uiii^ -SAOvj ipoiiXg |i?aau8r) oq) ox 'I •0;nr pD.I8;U0 SBAi S9ip0([ [l^>Ii^l{[^0[.>.>^| o| so]i?.oO[0(j jo uot;oo[0 uu 'uot^oik uq •piJOJA oq-j ■ pnxj Ajmuoa .ino m ssouuoj^unap jo {iao ivdsS oq^ SaTssaidJns m o^Baodo-OD 0) pojsonbojt /[)S'Dii.a'0 ^som puc ^i^uoSan oq sjoqmora put? RiiounoQ qoanq^ ' 's.iojsnj .mo [|g ;vq^ pan — sjoubii 2upT30ixo;ut jo asn a^ujodiuo^ni jto 'ogjiu:^ \ ' 'ojn^OBjnuuia oi{j ui paSinput oq- pinoqs soqoanq^ .mo jo joqcaoin ou ^uq^ ^ — Jdpcivqo uui;suq;3 q:)m ;ao:;sisaooui 'aScaoAoq « su i?;uids 5nop.iB 'jo asn \ puuui orgci^puTi 'jo 3.mpT?jnu-uiu aq^ spiB3o.i poii.Cg %v\\, jvq^ 'piapsj^i -g •-Cinf at qiTJqqu^ :»s«t aq:^ no *.C)ano3 nopajj 'qoinq^ sjanqD -;;. J- . : ; ; . i ^nu^siQ naa;9a^^\^ oq; ut Soijoaoi ^si oq^ ^vqj, '/>.?.i;o.svy •.Cinf UI qj«qq«g ;stq aqj uo 'Xjuno^ ubjao^ 'qrunti^ ^ uv.f,i() )ij p[.)q oq aou^sjcj itu^ua^ »nj. ui 3ut)adn ^B.t aq^ ^tjqx 'p^^los9}{ •A*inp nt q;T?qq'Rg x\}f aqj uo *.f»uno3 paojiitir) 'qoanqf) *'.''^n''0 i^ PP'l oq pu)si(j luo^sva; oqi UI SiuipoTU^si aq; ^Hjqx 'pjujoiiofi < : poiuiocldt? ' o.i8iW sSupaom Sriiivo^oj oq; 'aAoq^ aqa o; 90uaaojoj uj •(lOMAS iO SI^IXIIXIK ^ 24 MINUTES OF SYNOD. entertained, and that the Pastor read this resolution from the pulpit at his convenience. 12. Resolved, That an abstract of the proceedings of the Education and 3Iissionary Society be appended to the Minutes of Synod. [See Appendix C] The Minutes were read and confirmed. 13, Resolved, That "vve now adjourn to meet at St. Enoch's Church, on Fri- day before the 1st Sabbath in May, 18oG. Closed witli singin2: and prayer bv tlie President. I certify that the foregoing is a faithful transcrij^jt of the notes of this Synod as taken during its sessions. L. C. GKOSECLOSE, JRecordin (f Seer eta ry. ^~f ^y^ MINUTES OF MTXISTKRIl^Tkl. 25 ^ MINUTES OF THE MINISTERIUM. FIRST SESSION. Friday, 4 o'clock, P. J/. Tlie tiist session Avas opened Avitli prater l)V Kev. AV. (-crliardt. Tlie sermons and journal of Ivev. D. I. Di*elier referred to the Ministeriiim, Avere, on motion, referred to a Comniittcc to examine and report on tlie same. Committee — Eevs. J. A. Linn and J. S\vicegood. On motion, the Ministerinm adjourned, snhjoct to tlio call of the President. Chased witha l)encdiction. SECOND SESSION. Monday, 5 1-2 o'clock, P. JI. Tlie Ministerium was oi)ened with prayer by Hev. J. S. JK-ili-. The Minutes of former session were read and confirmed. Tlie Committee on sennons and journal of Ivcv. 1). I. Dielier reported as folhjws: The Committee to whom were rcfen-cd the sermons and journal o!" Jlev. I». I. Dreher report the following, viz : 1. Your Committee would commend the course adopted by Piro. Drcber in keeping a full and complete journal of all his Ministerial acta. It appears from 26 3riNUTES OF MINISTERIUM. 5S ) said jourual that Bro. D. lias been actively engaged in the duties of the sa- cred office of the Ministry. ? 2. With the journal they find three sermons and a number of skeletons. — ? In regard to them vre remark, that easy and natural themes have been de- .) duced from the several texts ; the divisions and sub-divisions are in the main ^, well arranged; (he ideas are clothed in appropriate language, and in a num- c ber of instances happily and forcibly presented by Scripture illustrations. ) Respectfully submitted, -' J. A. LTNX, Adopted. J. SWICEGOOD. \ Tlie Rev. Bryant C. Hall, of the Metliodist Episcopal ' Cliiirch, was, at his request, admitted to a colloquium, as an ) applicant for examination, with a view^ to his connection 5 with the Evanf2:elical Lutheran Svnod of North Carolina. — It was, on motion, Resolved, That he be admitted to au examination, .' On motion, 'the Ministerium adjourned to meet at Tl-2 ^ • •'clock, to-morrow, A. M. Closed with a benediction. ^ THIRD SESSION. Tuesday^ 7 1-2 (Pciocl\ A. M. Tlie Ministerium met and was opened with the singing of , a In^mn and prayer by Jiro. Arey. The Minutes were read ,^ and confirm od. <' Rev. Hall was, according to resolution, admitted to ex- ', aiiiinatioji. On motion, a Committee of two were appointed ( to conduct the examination. Co'mrmttee — ^Revs. Artz and - Sclieck. The other brethren were afterwards called on to ', ask additional questions. They did so, and all expressed ■ their satisfaction in regard to his answers on tlie Various ( topics on which he was examined. In view o( which it was ■; r'fS - V^.v MINUTJCS OP KINISTERIUM. 27 1. lieso/rctl, That iuasniucli as the cxnnnnatiou of 15ro. H.iU was unaiii- c niously sustained : That in the event liio. Hall furni.^hea the Ottieers of Syn- ^ oj with an houovublc Uismissson fnmi tho denomination to whieli he belongs; and in the event he eubniits to a coui-se of Theology, prcecribed by this Min- / ittevium, then they shall furnish him with License to fircach tlie Gospel. ; The !Ministeriiiiii adjourned subject to the call of the I ^resident. Closi'd. with a benediction. { FOURTH SESSION. Tlie Minijiterium was opened with prayer by brotlierSwice- ?::!)< >d. The minutes v^ere read and confirmed. On motion, a Committee was appointed to prescribe to brother Hall a course of Theologf^al Studio.^. Committee — ^Eev's. Artz and Gerhardt. Tho subject of the renewal of hrother lurcher's license v.a^ii taken up, discussed and. laid over till to-in;,rv»)\\-. Ad- journed, suhjectto the call of the Preside^.: . Closed with, the benediclLon. FIFTH S i.b,biON. Tlie ..1^.11.. .v.iiLaji met, and was opened wiiii pniycr, by Iirother Artz. llie minutes' of yesterday were read and confirmed. The Committee aj)poii)ted to prescri' i)f study, presented the following, viz: The Committee would recommend to" Hev. Hall, 1. Tlie prayerful reading and study -^ acred Scrip- tures of tlie Old and New'Tcstament. •2. Natural Theology. (PaleyV.) ; :. Revealed Tlieology. (Sclimucker'sPopularTheology.) 4. Pastoral Tlieologv. (Miller's Letters.) 28 MINUTES OF MENISTEKIUM. S 5. Churcli History. (Murdock's Moslieim.) American ( Liitlieran Clmrcli, (Smucker's) and Formula of Discipline for the Government of Lutheran Congregations. G. Jewish and Cliristiau Antiquities, (Home's Introduc- tion, or A])pendix to the Comprehensive Com. 7. Evidence of Christianity, (Home's Iiitroduction, or (iregory's Letters, or Paley's, Leslie's, e^c, in one volume. Itcsi^ectfullv submitted, ^VILLIAM AETZ, Adopted. AVM. GEKHAEDT. Li relation to brother Dreher's license, the following pre- amble and resolution were adopted, viz : Inasmuch as our ConsJ^tution makes no provision to re- ceive or acknowledge a ^'^ .jyeiyeUtal license ^^ issued by an- other Synod, or Ministerium, therefore 2. JRcsoIced, That the license of brother D. .1 Drelier be renewed, subject to the order of this Ministerium. On motion, the Ministerium closed Avith prayer by broth- ther Gerhardt. L. C. GROSECLOSE, Be coi'ding Secretary. K^ 1^' PKESIDKNT 8 REPORT. PEESIDENT'S EEPOra^ Dear Brethkkx — Tlirougli the tender mercies of God, we nre pennitted to meet here in the capacity of an Ecclesias- tical body. Another Synodical year has passed away, and with it jnany of our race have jxissed from a probation- ary into an eternal st;i relation to them, probation is at an end, and their condition is linal ; but in relation to us, we are still in the enjoyjiicnt of life, and of the means of li'race. Our Annual Synodical meetings sbould be regard- ed as appropriate seasons foe a revision of the past, as well as for the formation of good purposes, and tile adoption of judicious plans for the future. "We should review the past in relation to the unnumber- ed mercies by which' we. ar^! stiiTOunded. When we con- template the various manifestations of Divine goodness, we may indeed adopt the sentin^ent of an ancient j)iei*s of the ditferent congregations in our connection, yet it becomes us to bow in humble submissioti to the will of : i^racious Father in heaven, and to heed the admonition of our Divine Eedeemer; "Therefore, be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." ^ratihew .xxiv, 44. The mercies by which we are surround- m 30 PRESIDENT'S liKPOKT. > ed, are indeed of a manifold nature ; will at once present v ( themselves to the reflective mind, in various points of view ; j ) and furnish the humble pious heart Avitli abimdant matter ■ ^ for gratitude and praise. The fruits of the earth, if not so < ^ abundant as in some former years, have nevertheless been < ) amply sufficient to meet the wants and to supply the neces- <^ J sities of the people. Whilst some otlier nations of the world ' have been involved in war, and in all its attendant and con- \ sequent sufferings and distresses, our own land has been the I abode of peace ^nd happiness. In common with all other , ( religious- denominations, we enjoy the unmolested right of , ^ private judgment, and the liberty, as a Clmrch, to adopt ; '{ such forms and usages in religious worship, as to us may ( seem most in harmony with the sacred Scriptures. / ••, Our educational advantages are increasing, and tlie fticil- \ itics for improvement in useful and religious knowledge are • s constantly beco?:iing greater ; and with this increase of ad- }^ ^ vantages, our obligations to activity and iidelity in the ser- } ( viceof the Master, are correspondingly augmented. Hence, ' ) M'e should review the past, also, in relation to ourselves ; the > } manner in which we have discharged our various duties as !• ] embassadors for Christ. Various and important duties de- J -' volve upon us as "stewards for the myvSteries of God." •■ ^ Immortal souls, for whose redemption the Saviour shed his ; ) blood, are committed to our charge. Upon our faithfulness ;, ; or unfaitlifulness will depend, in a great measure, their eter- ? . nal wtial or woe. Upon us, it devolves to preach with all S diligence, sincerity and earnestness, the simple and nnadul- '. ) terated doctrines of the gospel of Christ. As watchmen, ' ' '; appointed to watch for souls, we must *'cry aloud and spare '! *> nol"; we must be "instant in season and and out of season ; \ < reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long-suffering and doc- 31 trine"; and not neglect ''to show tlie^ people. their sins, and tlie house of Jacob then- transgressions."- In addition to tlic faithful public preaching of the gospel, we should also exhibit to the world, in our daily conversation anc] deport- ment, an exemplitication of that piety which we statCilly inculcate from the pulpit. We should always, at all times and in all places, under all circumstances, and in all rela- tions, exhibit to those around us, an cxan7ple of conscien- tious obedience to God, and of entire devotedness to his ser- ^ ice. But, when we review the past in relation to ourselves, we will no doubt, ha^e abundant cause to mourn on account of many delinquencies in the performance of duty, and dis- cover abundant reason for humiliation before God. AVe should, -(therefore, humbly confess our past short coming-s, our want of zeal and diligence in the work assigned us, and ' resolve on a more entire consecration of ourselves, both body and mind, to the service of God in the work of the ministry. Let us, therefore, bretlirenof the ministry and of the laity, ■ under the direction of the enlightening and guiding influ- ences of the divine Spirit, endeavor to take enlarged views on the subject of christian, duty, in tlic various departments of piety, and prayerfully unite our counsels and delibera- tions in the adoption of such measures, as, by the divine blessing, may be promotive of the peace, the harmony, and the prosperity of our beloved Church. It "becomes my duty to inform you of the death of Kev'd } Jacob Gricson, an aged and pious member of this Synod. ') He died at the residence of his son in Guilford County, Au- ;. gust 13, 1S54, in the 87th year of his age. From the Lu- ) theran ObseiTer of September 1, 1854, We leatn the follow- m. " Father Grieson was bom in Guilford County, and lived all liis days in the same. He was converted under the min- istry of Ilev. Paul Ilinlvle, after he had been some years a member of the Church. Tlie work of grace in his soul was thorough, and produced as its effect ardent love to the Sa- viour, and an intense concern for the salvation of souls. — • At that time the religious destitution in Xorth Carolina was very great, and the deceased felt impelled to prepare him- self to preach the gospel. He was licensed to preach when llev'ds Hinkle, Stork, Shober, vtc, were the pillars of the Lutheran Cliurch. " In his old cOge, he was want to preach occasionally in out of the way places, to hold prayer-meetings, and to visit the sick. His last work on earth, tAvo days before he died, was to walk several miles to visit a sick lady. He dealt faith- fully with souls, and few ever approached him who were not instructed, encouraged, warned, or reproved for sin. — We doubt not he has met in heaven many a wanderer re- claimed by his fidelity. ''Father Grieson was devoid of sectarian bigotry; he re- cognized all as brethren who loved Jesus, and rejoiced in the prosperity of every evangelical denomination. This made him beloved by all, and reverenced as a man of God. Few men have a greater sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin than he had, and so much loathed self. Jesus was his complete salvation, and in him he trusted as the Lord liis Tiighteousness. The Master called him away suddenly. For years he lived with his loins girt about him, watching for the coming of his Lord. It was not permitted him to bear a dying testimony to the preciousness of religion.— There was no need. His life had been a long and faithful testimony to its power and possession." 33 I • ( According to constitutional requirements,' I. will. lay be- lV»ro you an account of my official act^ since the hist meet- ing of Synod. On the 123rd of last October, I received a letter from licv. I). I. Dreher, a licentiate of the Synod of South, Carolina,, info'rming me that he had received and accepted of a call to the pastoral charge of ^t. James* Church, in Concord^ lie also informed me, that he liad removed to Concord vrith' a view of becjMiiing pastor of the congregation. This arrange- ment met '^^!^Pp my approval. Brother Breher appears to be liiboring zealously, and to the general, satisfaction of tlie ])eople of his charge. May the divine fkyoi're&t upon |>a* tor and people. / . . On the 5th of February, I received a letter from lie v. S. Scherer, informing me of his intention to serve the congre- gations in Guilford and Alamance Counties. He stated that he liad received an almost unanimous call from the five Congregations; would have a very: extensive field to culti- vate, and much material for usefulness; and would labor to build up several of the weaker congrcgatirais, that a
  • li A, Linn, stating, that at a meeting of all the (councils com- posing the ''Gold Hill Pastorate," a regular constitutional call was tendered liim, in which* they requested his services as their Pastor. He furtlier stated, that in consideration of his proximity to this cliarge, and in the hope that he could 34: accomplisli as mucli for Christ and the welfare of immortal souls in this as in any contiguous charge, he had accepted of the call. According to the sixth resolution of the Ministerium of hist year, the fourth Sunday in August last, was desi^ated as the time, and St. Enoch's Church as the place, for the oi^ dbiation by the officers of the Ministerium, of Eev. J. S. Hei- LiG. In consequence of sickness on the part of your Presir dent, the ordination of brother Heilig was not attended to at the time appointed, but was deferred to a sul^sequent pe- riod. On the fifth Sunday in October, however, the officers of the Ministerium met at St. Enoch's Church, and' after an imj)ressive and aj)propriate sermon by the Secretary, pro- ceeded to ordain him conformably to constitutional require- ments, by prayer and the laying on of hands. After the ordination ceremonies, the Lord's Sup23er was administered to a large number of communicants, and the congregation then dismissed with the usual benediction. The Convention called by this Synod, at its last meeting, for the purpose of forming the congregations within its bounds into Pastoral Districts, met at the time and place disignated by Synod, entered upon the work assigned to it, and will no doubt report the result of its action to this meeting. It is believed that the plan of forming all our congregations into suitable pastarates, if faithfully carried out on the part of Ministers and People, will ultimately work beneficially and be productive of good results. It will introduce system and a settled mode of operation into our pastoral arrangements, and by fonning a chain of mu- tual dependencies, will be productive of a spirit of concilia- tion between the several Congregations united, and between the Congregations and their Pastor. Order is essential to success in any enterprise ; "it is the soul of every religious, 35 as well lis civil society ; and the strictest order is compati- ble with freedom of conscience." It is believed that no •busiuesSj whether of a religions or secnlar' nature, can be advantageously and siiccessfully carried on without the adoption of judicious laws and regulations for the govern- ment of all concerned. Where there is a want of rule and order, in the prosecution of any work, more or less confu- sion will necessarily ensu(3 ; and to the extent of the confu- sion, will the success and prosperity of the work be retard- ed. I am happy in being able to inform you, that Rev. Wil- liam Gerhardt, who was elected at the last mooting of Sy- nod to the first Professorship in Western Carolina Male Academy, accepted of the call extended to him, and has already entered upon the duties of his office, lie removed with his family to Mount Pleasant in January last, and opened the exercises of the Academy on the first day of March. Although the first session commenced under un- favorable circumstances, as the Academy edifice is not yet completed, the number of students was nevertheless encour- aging. A full report in relation to the Academy, will no doubt be presented to this meeting by the President of the Board of Directors. We commend this School to your con- tinued sympathies and prayers. It will become necessary for you at this meeting to elect four Directors, as the term of office of four of the present number iiow expires. So also will it become necessary for you to elect aTreasui'er of Sera- inaiy Fund. I now retire from office, tendering to you my sincere grat- itude for your confidence, and commending you to the gra- cious direction of the divine Spirit in your present delibera- tions. Let us take enlarged and expansive views on the subject of christian duty, and co-operate in the fear and S 3G EDUCATION AND MISSIONAHY SOCIETY. < ■ — ( love of God in devising and maturing such measures, as ( shall contiibute to the furtherance of the Redeemer's king- \ dom on earth.. Amen. \ SAMUEL EOTHROCK.. \ PROCEEDINGS ^ ( OF THE (* I CkrEiioH nni ^llissi wnj lotirfij I ^ OF THE '' EVANGELICiL LUTHBRAJf SYNOD { OF \ NORTH CAROLINA. \ * ) 'J The Missionaey and Education Society met, pursuant to ad- ^ <, journment, and proceeded to the election of officers for the ? } ensuing year, which resulted as follows : ^ '\ Rev. JOSEPH A. LINN, President, ' ^ \ ''- D. L DREHER, Yice President, { \ " J. S. HEHIG, Secretaiy, '; I Gapt. D. M. ISENHOUR, Treasurer.. \ ) On motion, it was > ( Resolved^ That a Committee of three be appointed to re- \ \ ceive all monies intended for this Society, pay them over to ? ( the Treasurer elect and take his bond- ( EDUCATION AND MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 37 Committee — Rev. J. S. Ileilig, D. M. "Wagner unci X. Letler, Es(|rs. !^ The Committee appointed at the last meeting to correct \ ' the discrepancy in tlie Treasnrers ^'epoi-f, sii]>initt<.Hl thefol- j ) lowino: ; { i Upon a careful examination of the sulycct, we discover that the Committee i '; appointed to audit the report of the Treasurer for 1853, committed an error ) {* in their report, n Your Treasurer of last year, in framing / luded to. Respectfully, ; J. S. IIEILIC, ; M. BAiUlIElL Tlie Treasurer's report was now handed in and received. '^ I On motion, ;' Resolved, That the Treasurer's report be referred back to him to report to ) our next annual meetiug. ^ Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorised to collect tlie claims of this So- > ciety against W. H. Fink, with as little delay as possible. ^ President appointed as Executive Committee — ' > Iiev's. "William GlvHarter, Samnel Eothrock, John D. • Scheck, L. C. Groseclose and J. Swicegood. Board (?/'7>7r<5<:'i^6»'5.— Re v*d Jacob Crim, D. D. Lentz, J. ' . ITaynes, Esq., M. Barrier, D. M. Wagner, IS". Lefler, Esq., ^ ,' Da\id Ilege'e, I). Hoffman, J. D. Bodenhamer, D. Sink, J. ^ J. Miller and Monroe Baro-er. A letter from W. C. iSloop, asking aid from this Society ;! in the prosecution of hig studies, was read, upon which it } \ was ) ' Rf.'^olved, That it be referred to the Executive Committi?e. '\ An ajnendment to tlie Constitution being under conside- ' ration, it was ^ Resolved, That Kev's. Hcilig and llarter be appointed a Committee to draft I a Constitution for the Missionary Society, and that Rev's. Hartcr and Ileilig ) ^ be a Committee to draft a Constitution for Education Society. { 38 inSSIONAiiY A]SrD EDrCATION SOCIETY. Moved to adjom*n till after divine service to-morrow. Closed with the benediction. ^ SECOND SESSION. Tuesday, P. 31. Opened with prayer "by brother Crim. The Committee to receive contributions reported the fol- lowing : Collection on Sabbath, - - - $ .8 95 Members of Society, - - « - 15 70 Eev. J. Heilig's ch';:rge, - - - - 6 50 " L. C Groseclose, charge, - - 1 76 " J. Crim, --.--- 3 uO Mr. Hill, - .50 Single individual, - • . . - 50 Total, §36 19 Tlie President appointed. Rev. Samuel Eothrock to preach the Missionary Sermon at onr next annual meeting, and Eev. L. C. Groseclose, alternate. On motion, Resolved, That the minutes of this Society be printed and appended to the minutes of Synod. Minutes read and confirmed. Resolvedy That we now adjourn to meet agaia on IMonday one o'clock, P. M., at the time and place of our next meeting of Synod. Closed with a benediction by the President. JOHN S. IlEILIG, Secretary. CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. CONSTITUTION FOR TIIE MEMBERS C031P0SING THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER L OF TIIE SYNOD.. S Section 1. TVe, whose names are s-ubscribedto^ this Consti- ^ tution, the Ifinisters of the Evangelical Lutheran Churches \ of North Carolina^ having united ourselves, into one body, | signify hereby that we desire to be kno.w4i, as " The Evan- \ GELicAL Lutheran Synod and Ministej^um of North Car* >- LiNA "; and we solemnly promise to govern and regulate \ ourselves by the following Constitution. s Sec 2. This Synod shall consist of all the Ministers, ) licensed Candidates and Lay-Delegates, duly authorised to |j represent the Congregations witWn their respective Districts. ^ Sec. 3.. The number of lay^-yotes shall not exceed that of \ the ordained Clergymen and licentiates ; and if a Lay-Del- ( 2 coxsxrruTiON of synod. "S"^ /i^ ^ egate be present from a Pastorate in wliicli tliere is no sta- ) ted Minister, lie shall have a seat and the liberty of speech, ) but no vote : But if a La j-Delegate be present from a Pas- S torate in which there is a, stated Minister, he shall have J equal jn-ivileges with the other Lay-Delegates. J. Sec. 4. It is the duty of this Synod to see that the rules v of government and discipline prescribed in the FoiTuula, j are observed by all the Congregations and Ministers with- } in its bounds, to receive appeals from decisions of Church \ Councils and of Special Conferences^' when regularly > brought before them, and review and reverse or confirm the ^ decisions to which they refer; to examine and decide on all ) charges against Ministers and Licentiates,— that of hetero- ;. doxy alone excepted, to form and change Pastoral Districts, ; to provide supplies for destitute Congregations, and to de- '• vise and .execute suitable measures for the promotion of ; piety, and the general prosperity of the Church. Sp:c. 5. Li the investigation of a charge against a Min- ister or Licentiate, the Svnod and Ministerium shall have ': power to cite any Church member within their bounds to ! aj^peai' before* them, and to endeavor to obtain other wit- ; iiesses when the case may require it. ) Sec. 6. If any Congregation in connectioii with this Sy- , nod, should, refuse to observe the provisions of its Constitu- , tioii or of the Formula, (see chap. 4 of Formula) it shall be '■ excluded from connection with said Synod dui'ing the time > of its refusal : nor shall any Minister or Licentiate belong- J- ing to the Synod, take charge of it without special loermis- ;. sion of the President. ) Skc. 7. Any Congregation, situated within the bounds \ of this Synod, may become connected with it by acceding \ ■) to the provisions of its Constitution Tmd Formula of Disc CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. \ pline, and making some animal contribution towards defray- ( \ ing tlie expenses of said Synod. For this purpose, annual < \ collections ouglit to be held in each Congregation. '; [ Sec. S. At least one meeting of the Synod shall be held J > every year, at such time and place as may be determined J. J> on by said Synod. ,;. . !>. The President shall call a special meeting of I , byiiod, ^vhen requested so to do by one-third of .the Ordain- ,; [ ed Ministers of the Synod, to convene, at such time and !•• ) place 'as he, or in his absence his substitute, shall appoint ; J' !» at'le^st fo^i' weeks notice being given of said meeting in ^ > some paper of the Churclu or by a letter addressed to eacli ' } member of Synod. > Sec. 10. Ko Minister or Licentldte shall be absent from .' < the meeting of the Synod without ther most urgent nece.- \ ty. In case of his absence, he shall if possible, send to the . ^ President a T\Titten apology for his absence. Voluntary ) ,' ministerial engagements shall iiot be regarded as a snfficient ( > excuse. Any Minister, (orx;laine'd or. licensed^ violating the [ proA-isions of this section, shall be called' to account by the ' i> President at the next meeting. \ ' Si:c. 11. All letters and papers intended f()r the Synod .; ^vtinisterium, must be addressed to the President. ; Si:c. 12. The Minister of the place in which the Synod \ ' i- held, with the Church Council,' shall endeavor to provide ) ; ifn- the entertainment of Ministers, Candidates, and Lay- / Delegates by christian frie^ids. \ Sec 13. All tlie members of the Synod shall endeavor / > to assemble on the evening preceding the day appointed. \ ) Sec 14. Divine worship shall be celebrated during the > > meeting of the Synod, as often as may be convenient and ,) .' consistent v;ith the business of the Synod ; and that Synod ) CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. devote half an hour each morning before the commencement of business in prayer, for the special influence and guidance of the Holy S^^irit in all our deliberations, and f(^' the exer- cise of all due fraternal love and fellowship. Sec. 15. Ministerial Delegates from other Lutheran Sy- nods shall be entitled to a seat, and to participate in all our • Synodical transactions, except that of voting. j Sec. 16. Ministers of good standing in orthodox ecclesi- ( astical bodies or sister Churches, who may be present, or 1 who appear as delegates from said bodies, may be received ( as advisory members, but cannot vote in any of the deci- ! sions of the Synod. ( Sec. 17. All the Treasurers of the different funds under < the control of this Synod, and also the President of the J Board of Directors of "Western Carolina Male Academy," S shall be received as advisory members of this Synod, and { allowed the same privileges as other advisory members. ! CHAPTER II. : OFFICERS OF THE SYNOD. '^ Sec 1. Tlie officers of the Synod shall be a President, , Corresponding and Pecording Secretaries and Treasurer, w^ho, except the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, shall be the officers of the Ministerium. Sec 2. All these officers shall be chosen annually by ballot, by a majority of the votes of the Ministers and Lay- Delegates present ; the President and Secretaries from amofl^ the Ordained Ministers, but the Treasurer may be chosen from among the Lay-Members of the Church. Sec 3. The President and Eecording Secretai-y shall not be eligible for more than three successive years, but the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer shall always be re- eligible m CONSTIITFTION OF SYNOD. 5 OF THE PRESIDENT. Sec. 4. The President sliall deliver a Synodical Discourse at the meeting of every Synod ; and he shall, in connexion with the pastor loci, appoint the otlier individuals who are to preach during the session. Sec. 5. He shall, at the beginning of every Synod, make a written report of all the official business ti-ansacted and letters received by him since the last meeting, and of all the important events which have occurred relating to the Syn od, and may recommend for their consideration, such meas- ures as he may deem necessary, or calculated to promote the cause of God. This report shall be laid on the table, ^ and dealt with as all other papers coming before the body. Sec. 6 He shall preside at all meetings of the Synod and Ministerium. Sec. 7. The President has a right to take part in the dis- cussion as well as any other member. When the house is equally divided on any question, he has the casting vote. In all other cases he has no suftrage, except when an elec- tion is held by ballot, and then he has not the casting vote. J Sec. 8. The President shall preserve order, not suffer ! more than one member to speak at a time, secure to each pei-son liberty to speak without interruption from others, and shall prevent the speaker from deviating from the sub- ject before the house. Sec. 9. Tlie President shall take care that each subject be duly considered before a decision be made. He shall distinctly rehearse each motion when no one has any fur- ther observations to offer, and take the vote of the house on the same. % Sec. 10. When the votes are called for, they are to be aiven by ayes and- nays, and no further observations are 6 CONSITTUTION OF SYIfOD. ^ S tlien admissible, and no furtJicr action had except by recon- ) sideration, and then only when moved and seconded by ^ members having voted in the affirmative. 5 Sec. 11. The President has the appointment of all Com- ) mittees wliicli are not to be elected by ballot, or otherwise ; > and every motion for the formation of a committee shall ') specify in what way it is to be formed. Sec. 12. It is an important part of his duty to give coun- sel to every member of the Synod when he d^ems it expedient, and particularly to admonish and advise every erring bro- ther. If accusation has been lodged against any member of this body, according to chapter 3d, section 5th ol the Formula, or if he has any reason to believe that any Minister is living in any material violation of the rules of this Con-sti- tution, it shall be his duty to call upon the individual to re- lieve his character from said imputation before the Synod or •'iHinisterium. Sec. 13. Should the President rernove from the limits of the Synod or depart this life, then the Secretary shall suc- ceed hini, and discharc^e the duties of the President until the next Synod. OF THE RECaRDINO SECRETARY. Si-x). 14. The Eecording Secretary shall keep a faithful and acctn-ate record of all the proceedings of the Synod and Ministerium, carefully preserve all the papers, the seal of * the Synod, <&:c., subject to its direction, and shall do all the official writing of the S^Tiod not otherwise provided for. Sec. 15. lie shall give public notice of the time and place of the Synodical meeting at least six weeks before the time appointed. ^ Sec 1G. He is to keep a register .of the names of all the Ministers and Licentiates, arranged according to their age CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. ^ ill office, and also of the Congregations, whether vacant or > not, connected with the Synod. ^ Sec. 17. If tlie acciiniidation of hu.siness slioukl render . it necessary, the President may appoint an assistant Secre- * tary, whose office shall expire at the close of the session of ! the Synod. ) ^ Sec. 18. If in the recess of the Synod, the Secretary ) I should remove into the hounds of another Synod, or depart / ', this life, the President shall recjuire the archives, the seal, \ J and all other property of the Synod to be delivered to him, '^ \ and shall retain the charge of them until the next session ) ■ of Synod, when, he shall appoint a Secretary ^>^'^ ton. J. Sec. 19. Unless the archives are otherwise disposed of ,- ;1 hy the Synod, they shall be in the charge and custody of ) \- the Secretary. Any Minister or delegate of a Congregation ) s connected with this Synod, shall have free access to them, ) * but no part of them shall be allowed to be taken away or ) ' destroyed. OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. ; Sec. 20. It shall be the duty of the Coirespondiiig Sec- ) retary to perform all the public correspondence with other \ ecclesiastical bodies and with individuals, relative to the \ general interests of the Church, and particularly of this ^y- l nod. ) Sec 21. He shall make a minute of all important mat- •> ters which may be communicated to him, either by letter or ^ in the Minutes of Lutheran Synods, which he shall present * to this Synod at its regular meeting in the form of a report. ) OF THE TREASURER. > Sec. 22. The I^Jasui'er shall take charge of all the monies / belonging to the Synod, and shall keep them subject to its ) order» He aliall give bond and security in such sura -as the 8 CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. Synod may direct. He shall keep and present at each an- nual meeting a detailed and faithful account of the state of the Treasury. Sec. 23. An order from the President, attested by the Secretary, on the Treasurer, shall be a sufficient voucher for him to pay any money out of the Treasury. Sec. 24:. Should the Treasurer, during the recess of the Synod, remove out of its bounds, or be removed by death, the President shall cause all monies, certificates, bonds and documents belonging to the Synod, to be delivered into his hands, and shall h^^e the charge of them until the next Sy- nodical session. CHAPTEK III. ]ME]^mERS OF THE SYNOD. Sec. 1. It is the sacred duty of every Ordained Minister, Licentiate and Lay-Delegate of this Synod, to observe the provisions of this Constitution, and see that it is obeyed by all connected with it. Sec. 2. It is recommended to every Ordained Minister and Licentiate, to aid in circulating among the members of his charge, the books proposed by said Synod. Sec. 3. One Minister or Licentiate shall not interfere with the Congregation of another, by preaching or perform- ing any ministerial duties whatever in the same, except by his request or consent, if present, nor in the Pastor's absence, if it is to be feared that such an act might have a tendency to destroy the peaceable relations of the Pastor with his people and harmony between the brethren. Sec. 4. In all cases of controversy between two Minis- ters, or between a Minister and his Co^i-egation or Pastor- ate, w^hich they cannot amicably settle by their own en- deavors, by the mediation .of the President, or the Special .?" CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. 9 P Conference to wliicli tnfey belong, the parties or either of them, may make application to the JMinisicrium in Synod convened, and if once so submitted, shall abide hy its de- cisions. If it appear to the Ministerium that the contro- versy between a Minister and his Congregation or Pastor- ate has proceeded to such lengths, as to preclude all hope of its favorable termination, and that a dissolution of tlie connection that exists between them is necessary to restore 2')eace, and promote the prosperity of the Church, tlien the Ministerium shall recommend to such Minister to resign his charge of that Congregation or Pastorate, on such conditions as to him and the Ministerium may appear reasonable. — And if such Minister, Congregation or Pastorate refuse to comply with said recommendation, the Synod may, accord- ing to circumstances, dissolve its connection with either the Minister, the Congregation or the Pastorate, until both par- ties agree to the terms of the recommendation. Sec. 5. Any Minister or Licentiate in good standing, who removes from the' bounds of this Synod, into those of another, shall, on application to the President, receive a cer- tificate under his signature o^is regular dismission. Sec. 6. "Wlienever a Minister, moves within the bounds of this S}Tiod, and takes charge of Congi-egations under our care, he shall immediately notify the President of the fact, and he shall likewise connect himself with our Synod at its next session. Sec. 7. Eveiy Ordained Minister has the right to leave his charge and remove to another whenever he believes it his duty so to do ; yet he must give his Congregations and the President timely notice of his intended removal. Sec. 8. If any Minister voluntarily dissolves his connec- tion with, or is suspended or excommimicated from this Sy- J 10 CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. / nod, his connection witli liis Congregations as Pastor there- ^ of shall immediatelj cease. > Sec. 9. Whenever a Minister or Licentiate has taken I charge of a regular Pastorate, lie shall be restricted to the y } same, and not resign a part without resigning the whole ? > charge, and no call to a Pastorate shall be considered valid ( ) unless it proceed from the whole charge embracing a two { ) tliird vote of all the constitutional electors in said Pastorate. I :> Sec. 10. ISTo one or more Congregations *com2:)osing a [ { part of a regular Pastorate, shall at pleasure or through* the ; ) influence of a disaflected party, dismiss their Pastor without i \ the consent of the whole Pastorate by obtaining a two-third ) ) vote of all the electors in said Pastorate. ' ' Sec. 11. A licensed candidate shall have the liberty to ^i V visit vacant Congregations, either iipon receiving an invita- S \ tion from them, or upon the advice of the Synod or President. J <* Sec. 12. After a Licentiate has a stated charge, he shall ) ^ be restricted to it, and shall not resign it without the con- ^ ^ sent of the Ministerium or in its recess, of the President. \ • Sec. 13. A Licentiate has power to perform all the Min- \ .> isterial functions during the time specified in his license. \ Sec. 14. In addition to tj^ obligations of Ministers spe- '' cified in chapter 3, sec. 1, of Formula, it is the duty of Li- ) centiates particulatly, to devote all their leisure time to their ) personal improvement in knowledge and grace, to receive \ . counsel from the President, and apply to him for advice in \ ''. case of difficulty. ^ ' \ \ Sec. 15. Every Licentiate must keep a regular journal ^ ) of his ministerial acts, which with a few sermons of his own *> 5 composition, he must deliver or send annually for the inspec ; { tion of the Ministerium. i Sec. 10. If any Congregation in connection witli this J Sjmod, shall, without our consent, employ as its Pastor, a S m. COXSTTITTION OF SYNOD. 11 Minister who has been expelled from any Ecclesiastical body, or ^vlio is not acknowledged by this Synod, said Con- gi-egation shall be excluded from our connection. Sec. it. Any Licentiate coming from the bounds of an- other Lutheran Synod, shall, upon presenting a letter of dis- missal, be received as a member of our Synod. ^ LAY-DELEGATES. ] Sec. is. It shall be the duty of the council or councils \ of the church or churches of each pastoral district, to elect annually a lay-delegate to attend to the meeting of Synod ; and the delegate so selected shall receive a certificate signed by tlxe Pastor and countersigned by one or more membei*3 of the church council ; but if the pastonite be vacant, the certificate shall be signed by members of the church coun- cil only. Sec. 19. Each lay- delegate entitled to a seat by this Constitution, shall have equal rights with the ministers in all business belonging to the Synod, viz : he may take part in the debates, ofiTer resolutions, and vote on all Synodical questions. CHAPTEE lY. OEDER OF BUSINESS. It is recommended that the transactions of Synod be con- ?* ducted as follows:- / Sec. 1. At the time and place appointed for the meeting, ; the members present shall assemble, and if three ordained I^ ministers and three lay-delegates be present, tliey shall con- ) stitute a quonun. S Sec. 2. The President shall open the first Session by ) prayer, after the brethren have unitedly sung a hymn ; and ^ every session of the Synod and Ministcrium shall be opened ) and closed with prayer. In the absence of the President, 12 CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. the first prayer shall be made by the Secretary, and if he also be absent, by one of the elder ministers present. Sec. 3. The Secretary shall then call the names of all the ordained ministers and licentiates belonging to the Syn- od, and note the absentees. Sec. 4. The lay-delegates shall then exhibit the certifi- cates of their appointment, and their names shall be regis- tered by the Secretaiy as members of the Synod. Sec. 5. The President shall make his report according to Chap. 2, Sec. 5, of this Constitution, as the last official act of his office, and then inform the members that the elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year is now to be attended to. Sec. 6. Admission of delegates or ministers from other ecclesiastical bodies, according to Chap. 1, Sec. 15 — 16, and reception of other advisory members as provided for in this Constitution. Sec, 1, The minutes of last Synod may be read. Sec. 8. All papers intended for the Synod or Ministeri- um, are to be handed in, and verbal notice may be given of any important business intended to be brought before the Synod. Sec. 9. The Standing Committees in the Order of Busi- ness of this Synod, shall be as follows : 1. On the President's Keport and accompanying doc- uments. 2. On Petitions and Yacancies. 3. On unfinished business. 4. On the state of Finance in our several Funds. ■ 5. On the state of Eeligion. S 6. On proceedings of conferential meetings. > And as many select or special committees a3 the exigen- ) cy of each Synod may require. ) Sec. 10. The Secretary shall then number the papers as arranged by the President; after whicOi they shall be taken up and discussed before the whole house, in numerical or- ^ der, or be iirst referred to committees, as the house may di- l rect. The reports of committees may be heard and acted ( on at any time, and the intervals be filled up by the sue- Wr ^ ceeding items. ) Sec. 11. Each minister shall be called upon by the Sec- J retary for his Parochial report, which may embrace the > following items : Is'umber of congregations, Baptisms, ) Confirmations, Eeceptions by letter, Dismissions, Commu- n nicants, Deaths of members, Burials, Expulsions, llestora- \ tions, Sabbath Schools, Teachers, Scholars, Bible classes, > Prayer Meetings, Missionary and Education Societies, and J contributions to benevolent and local enterprises. ( Sec. 12. The Treasurer's account shall be heard. ^ Sec. 13. The number of vacant congregations shall be k inquired into, and provision made for them. ( Sec. 14-. Promiscuous business. ( Sec. 15. Election of Delegates to Ecclesiastical bodies, } and of Directors of "Western Carolina Male Academy, at ) Mt. Pleasant, N. C. \ Sec. 16. Tlie Synod may then determine the time and \ place of the next meeting. If, during the recess of Synod, ) the President, with the consent of the Pastor of tlie congre- \ gation where the Synod was to be held, or if the congrega- [ tion be vacant, with the consent of the church council, j should deem a change of place necessary for holding the > Synod, he shall have power to select some other suitable . place for that purpose, by* giving timely notice of such \ cliange. \ Sec. 17. Dismissions of the Synod. \ Sec is. Should the President or Secretary be absent at { li CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. tlie proper time for opening a session, the members present may elect others pro tempore. CHAPTEE Y. I PROCESS AGAINST A MINISTER. > Sec. 1. As tlie honor and success of the gospel depend \ very much on the character of its ministers, the Synod \ ought to guard with the utmost care and impartiality, the \ conduct of its members. \ Sec. 2. All christians should be very cautious in giving \ credit or circulation to an ill report of any man, and espe- \ cially of a minister of the gospel. If any member of the J church knows a minister to be guilty of a private censurable \ fault, he should Avarn him in private. If this prove fruitless, he should apply to the church council, who shall proceed as specified in Chap. 3, par. 5, of Formula. Sec. 3. If accusation be lodged according to Chap. 3, Sec. 6, of said Formula, with the President, within four months of the time of the next Synodical meeting, he shall defer the matter to said meeting ; yet if the charge be one S of drunkenness, lewdness, circulating fundamental errors in doctrine, or a higher crime, he shall immediately direct the ) accused to suspend all his ministerial duties until his case ) ( is decided. If such accusation is lodsred with the President ( at an earlier date, Jie shall, if the charge be one of drunk- ( enness, lewdness, circulating fundamental errors in doctrine, X or higher crime, immediately give notice to all the mem- ( bers of the Conference District to which tlio accused be- ( longs, to meet without delay at a suitable place, and insti- ( tute a formal investigation of the case, according to the I principles of the Formula. The President shall immedi- ^ ately fix the time and place of the meeting, and give at \ least fifteen days notice of the same to each Minister in the \ CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. 15 } \ ^ { s Conference District, and also to the parties concerned, — Or J the President may appoint a committee of tln*ee Ordained Ministers, and lix the time and phice of their meeting, and give all the notice as above rcrpiired. Sec. 4. A committee of three Ordained Ministers thus appointed, shall have power to proceed and liold a fair and impartial investigation of the case, and to take all such meas- ures as may be just and necessary to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. ( Sec. 5. If the accused confess, and tlie matter be base ^ . . . ( and flagitious, such as are specified in Sec. 3, of this Chapter, \ however penitent he may be, he must be immediately sus- \ pended from the exercise of his office, and if thought expe- J dient, a time appointed for him to confess publicly to the { congregation his guilt and penitence. ( Sec. C. If a Minister accused of atrocious crimes, being ;' duly notified, refuses to attend the investigation, he shall be ^ immediately suspended from office. '( Sec. T. If the accused deny the charge, and yet on ex- ) amination of case may be. Skc. 9. Any Minister intending to appeal from the de- ci-i'»n of a Conference or Committee, sliall give notice of it ; to his accusers within three weeks after the time when the v^ decision was made, that both parties may be prepared for ' a new trial. 16 CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. Sec. 10. If at any time accusation be lodged with tlie President according to Chap. iii. par. 5, of Formula, for a less crime than those above specified in Sec. 3 of this Chap- ter, he shall take no other steps in the case than to write a letter to the accused and the accusers, exhorting them to mutual forbearance and referring them to the next Synod. Sec. 11. If accusation against a Minister be made im- mediately to the Synod, and the Synod l)elieve themselves ( to be in possession of all the evidence necessary to a just < decision, the case may be examined immediately and sen- { tence passed. But if the necessary evidence be not before ( them, and the crime be such as is specified in section 3, of ( this chapter, they shall appoint a meeting of a Committee ( who shall proceed as above specified or refer the matter to ^ the Conference of which the accused is a member for inves- ^ tigation. ( Sec. 12. If a Minister be found guilty of drunkenness, <; fundamental heresy, lewdness, or higher crimes, his sen- ( tence of suspension shall not be removed nntil after some ) time of penitent, humble, and edifying condcct ; and he ( cannot be restored by any other judicatory than the Synod or Ministeiium, if his case was one of fundamental heresy. CHAPTER YI. YACA^'T CONGREGATIONS. Sec 1. Vacant Congregations which cannot be immedi- } ately supplied with a Minister, are advised to assemble on { the Lord's day, to select some member of the Church of suitable capacity and character, to conduct the exercises, and engage in the worship of God. Sec. 2. It is also recommended that at these meetinjrs, a portion of the Scriptures, and of the prayers contained in ( m CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. 17 the Liturgy, or some select sermons, sucli as are approved of by the President of the Synod, be read. CHAPTER YII. OF MISSIONS. As the Saviour left to his followers, the command *'Go ye and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the j name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, } teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- / manded you," Math, xxviii, 19 — 20, the Synod shall regard ) it as a sacred duty to adopt, from time to time, such meas- j ures as iIk y may deem best calculated to execute this so- j. lemn injunction. ; CHAPTER vm. [ ELECTION OF DELEGATICS AND DIRECTORS. j Sfx-. 1 . The election of Delegates to ecclesiastical bodies, 5 and Directors of the AVestern Carolina Male Academy, at '" Mount Pleasant, Xortli Carolina, may be held by ballot, J and a Licensed Candidate shall not be eligible to either of V these offices. ' Sec. 2. Should any Delegate elected by this Synod to \ represent us in any other ecclesiastical body, ascertain that ■ he cannot attend said meeting, he shall be required to in- J form the President, at least six weeks previously, who with ;• the Secretary and the Delegate elect, shall be authorised to ; ai)point some person as his alternate. \ CHAPTER IX. snXIAL CONFERENCES. I Six. 1. Tliis Synod shall divide itself into two or more J Districts, for the purpose of holding at least two Special ; Conferences in each District during the Synodical year, at > which all the Ordained Ministers and Licentiates within the { 18 CONSTITUTIOX OF SYXOD. ( District are required to be present, and these meetings to be ( continued at least two days, and report tlie proceedings of \ said Conferences to Synod. ( Sec. 2. Each Pastorate in the District shall be repre- ) sented by a Lay-Delegate, who shall be sent to Conference ) under the same regulations as to the Synod. ) Sec. 3. The business to be performed at these meetings ) is to strive to awaken sinners, to edify belicA^ers by close \ } practical preaching ; to become mediator in all cases of < ; controversy between two Ministers, or a Minister and his ] ^ Congregation or Pastorate, according to chap. 3, sec. 4, and ^ j' to investigate charges, in case of a process against a Minis- \ S ter. See chapter y. of Constitution. ) Sec 4. The state of Eeligi on, in the Churches, shall be •) inquired into, and some time be spent by. the Conference .; alone in conversation on subjects relating to pastoral expe- i rience. . . ' • ; ':■ Sec. 5. These Conferences shall be held alternately in K some Conirreo'ation of each Minister and Lieentiate belonir- ) ing to the Conference. '■ ' . ; (^' Sec. 6. Special Conferences may give their advice on J any business of Congregations \vhich is referred .;tp them ; '} S but no Conference shall, under any pretext whateyer, per- - ) form any business connected with the licensure or ordina- i tion of Candidates for the Ministry, except by the •.direction ^ of the Minis terium. J CIIAPTEH X. ; •■■■■•••.■ ( . OF THl^ SlES'JSTEKiuM. ^ Sec. 1. The Clergy at . tlie call .of the President at an ^ early period of th^ Synodical'^essjon, shall liold a meeting, ( consisting exclnsively of- Scripture • Elders, that . iis, preach- j ers, (Acts xx. IT — 28,) for the purpose of attending to those CONSTrrCTION OF SYNOD. 19 ? duties wLicli Christ and his Apostles enjoined n})on thoni ) alone, viz: Examination, Licensure, and Ordination of Can- ^ didates for the Ministry. Such a meeting is called The \ ) Ministerium, or Presbytery, (1 Tim. iv. 14,) by which in sa- ' ) cred Scripture is meant Ministers alone. ( Sec. 2. Licensed Candidates may be present at tlicMin- / isterial meeting, unless requested to Avithdraw, and may ^ take part in the discussions, l>ut have no vote. > Sec. 3. Tlie Ministerium shall also be the proper body, ( ^ by whom all charges of heresy against a Minister are to be \ \ examined and decided ; as also all appeals from the deci- \ S sion of a Church Council, on a charge of heresy against a > S Layman. j ScE. 4. When Ordained Ministers of other religious de- i nominations, make aj^plication for admission into connee- \ . tion with this Synod, the Ministerium shall be the body to -' decide on the case. Sec. 5. Two-thirds of the Ordained Ministers shall be N required, either for the licensure of an a])plicant as well as , the renewal of his license, or the ordination of a licensed ' Candidate, or the admission of an Ordained Minister of an- ■ other denomination. The question relative to the Ordina- ( tion, Licensure or Adnnssion of a Minister by the Ministe- y^ rium, shall always be determined by ballot. Sec. G. Xo Minister or Licentiate, coming from a for- eign countiy, shall be received as a member of this Synod, until after a residence of two years in this country, and un- exceptionable deportment during that time. Exccj)ting only, that if an Ordained Minister comes well rec<:>mmend: ed for i>iety and learning by a Consistorium, or a number \ of individuals known to the Ministenum as orthodox and evangelical, and if the Miinsterium believe they can safely ; contide in the testimonials, they may receive him, after ( 20 CONSTITUTION OF SYNOD. V which the vote for his permanent reception, as a regular < member, shall be taken, and the case decided according to I sec. 5 of this chapter. Ji Sec. 7. All business not specifically intrusted to the ^ Ministeiium in this Constitution, shall belong to the Synod. } Sec. 8. Tlie Ministerium shall meet upon its o^vn ad- ( journments during the Sjnodical Sessions, after its first con- 5 vocation bv the President. < Sec. 9. The Order of Business of the Ministerium may J be as follows : I 1. After the session has been opened with prayer, the ^ President shall communicate any business which he may J have to report or projDose. N 2. The Licentiates shall hand in their Licenses, Sermons ) and Journals, which may be read by the Licentiates before N the whole body. Or if Avant of time renders this inconven- ^ ient, committees ought then to be appointed to examine and I ^> report thereon. ^ ^ 3. Applicants for licensure are examined. \ ^ 4. After the examination of the x\pplicants, and the Ser- ( { mons and Journals of Licentiates, the Applicants and Li- J' centiates may be desired to withdraw, and the question of \ their Licensure, or renewal of License, or Ordination, be { discussed and decided. I 5. The Licensure and Ordination may be performed, . ) either in the Ministerium, or at an appointed hour before a ( promiscuous assemblv. may then be attended to. 7. Some time shall then be spent in conversation on pa toral experience. 8. The session closed as directed, chap. 4, sec. 2. s G. Promiscuous matters relative to ministerial business / m. CONS'HTUTION OF SYNOD. 21 ^ CHAPTER XL EXAMINATION AND LICENSURE OF C^VNDIDATES. Sec. 1. The examination shall be conducted by a Com- mittee oft%v«i or more Ordained Ministers appointed for the purpose at the time. As these examinations may be inter- esting and usefirl to the whole Ministerium, it is recommen- ded that they be performed before the mIioIc body. Sec 2. After the examination by the Committee, every member of the Ministerium has a right to ask tlie aj>}ilicant any additional questions. ( Sec 3. The examination ought to embrtice the following > ^ subjects, viz : Personal Piety, and the motives of the Ap- i J plicant for seeking the Holy Office ; the Greek and Hebrew S I Scriptures ; the Evidences of Christianity ; Natural and Eo- \ ) vealed Theology ; Church History ; Pastoral Tlier>logy ; the J ^ rules of Sermonising ; and Church Government. ^ Sec 4. The ceremony of Licensure shall be i)erformed I as follows : An address from the President as prescribed in the Liturgy ; he shall read the duties and privileges of the ] Licentiate ; and then propose to him the following ques- v tions : ^ 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and Xew ? ^ Testament to contain the AVord of God, and that it is the ) ^ oidy infallible rule of faith and practice ? ? 2. Do you believe that the fundamental doctrines of the ^ '. "Word of God are taught in a manner substantially correct, ? I in the doctrinal articles of the Au-^^^-v^^>'->^