UNIVERSITY OF KOKTi-J CA PU NA School o± Library Science THE YOUNG COLONISTS By G. A. HENTY, Author of "Jack Archer," "The Young Buglers," "The Boy Knight," etc., etc. CHICAGO: M. A. DONOHUE & CO. 407-429 Dearborn St. CEJUOtt - I CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. paqbs ASnow Drift < 1 CHAPTER II. The Red Flag 13> CHAPTER III. The Farm 2& CHAPTER IV. The Outbreak of War ,. , 38- CHAPTER V. Isandula. , , 5& CHAPTER VI. Zlobani 60 CHAPTER VII. Kambula 8a CHAPTER VIII. The Second Advance « 94 CHAPTER IX. Ulundi 108- CHAPTER X. A Trading Expedition... , 120 CHAPTER XI. A Troop of Lions 134 CHAPTER XII. An Attack by Elephants 147 CHAPTER XIIL J Brash with the Natives 160 696747 iy CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. Trapped in a Defile 173 CHAPTER XV. A Mountain Torrent , 185 CHAPTER XVI. A Fight with the Boers 198 CHAPTER XVII. A Terrible Journey 208 CHAPTER XVIII. The Boer Insurrection 219 CHAPTER XIX. The Garrisons in the Transvaal 228 CHAPTER XX. kaing's Neck...,- 238 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. CHAPTEE I. A SNOW DRIFT. The country round Castleton, in Derbyshire, is greatly admired by summer tourists, for it lies in the wildest part of that county; but in winter the wind whistles sharply over the bleak hills — where there are no trees to break its violence — the sheep huddle under the shelter of the roughly-built stone walls, and even lovers of the picturesque would at that season prefer a more level and wooded country. The farm of Mr. Humphreys was situ- ated about a mile from Castleton. It consisted of one hundred acres or so of good land in the bottom, and of five or six times as much upland grazing on the hills. Mr. Humphreys owned as well as farmed his land, and so might have claimed, had he chosen, the title of gen- tleman-farmer; but he himself would have scoffed at such an idea. He was a hard-working, practical farmer, about over his ground from morning to night save when the hounds met within easy distance in winter; then he would moukt "Kobin," who served alike as hunter, or hack, or to drive in the neat dogcart to Buxton market; and, although there were many handsomer horses in the field, Mr. Humphreys was seldom far off when the fox was killed. His faini'y consisted of his wife and two sons; the 2 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. eldest, Richard, was about fourteen years old. His brother, John, was three years younger. Both went to school at Castleton. The younger boy was fond of hia books; he had always been weak and delicate, and, being unable to spend his time in active exercise out of doors, he was generally to be found reading by the fire in win- ter, or lying on the ground in summer under a tree in the orchard, with his chin on his hand, and the book before him. Richard had no literary taste; he managed to scrape through his work and keep a moderate place in his class, somewhere about halfway down; but he threw his whole heart into outdoor exercise, and was one of the best bats in the school, although there were many there older by years. He knew every foot of the hills, could tell every bird by its note, and knew all about their nests and eggs. Except in school, or perhaps during the long winter evenings, it was rare indeed to find Dick with a book in his hand. "You will never set the Thames on fire, Dick," his father would say to him. "I shall never want to, father," he would reply. "I do not see that learning will ever be much good to me." "That is a foolish idea, Dick. A great deal of the learning that boys get at school is of no actual value in pounds, shillings, and pence. It is not the fact of know- ing Latin and Greek and mathematics which benefits a man; but it is the learning of them. It is the discipline to the mind which is of benefit. The mind is like the body. There is no use in cricket, or in boating, or in hunting, but these things strengthen the body and make it active and healthy, and able to do better everything which it undertakes, and it is exactly the same thing with the mind; besides, the days are coming when farmers must farm their land with science and intelli- gence, or they will be left behind in the race. We are TEE YOUXiG COLONISTS. 3 being rivaled by the farmers of America. Not only do we have to pay rent, but by the tithes and rates and taxes they put upon us government makes the English farmer pay a heavy tax upon every bushel of corn he pro- duces, while they allow the American corn to come into the market tax-free. This may be all right, but it does not appear fair to me. However, there it is, and we have got to meet it, and if we are to keep our heads above water, it can only be by farming up to the very best lights of the day." "Well, father," Dick said, "then it seems to me that when we grow up John and I must farm together. He shall be the scientific partner; I will do the work." "That is all right enough, Dick, but you must have some science too, else you and he will never get on. You •would want to go on in the old-fashioned groove, and •would call his ideas new-fangled. No, I intend you, when you get old enough, to go to Cirencester College, •where you will learn the theory and science of farming thoroughly. You will get the practical part at home. As to John, he is a child yet, and, I trust, will grow up strong and active; but if his tastes remain as they now are, I do not think it likely he will take to farming, and we must find some other career for him." One afternoon in the beginning of December two of Dick's schoolfellows said to him: "We are going over the hills to our uncle's farm, Dick. Will you go with us?" When there was nothing better to do Dick was always ready for a walk, and he at once agreed to accompany the Jacksons. The elder boy was about his own age, the younger two years his junior. The Jacksons called for him directly he had finished his dinner, and they started away together for a farm which was about four miles distant. They struck right 4 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. across the hills, as it would have been two miles longer by the nearest road. "I should not be surprised/' Dick said, "if it were to snow to-night; it is bitterly cold, and the clouds look very heavy." "I hope it won't snow until we get back," James^, the younger of the brothers, remarked. "I don't know," Dick answered, looking at the clouds. "I should not be surprised if it began at any moment." The wind was blowing strongly. The hills were high and steep, and, although the boys made their best speed, it was considerably over an hour before they reached the farm. They had started at two, and it was now a quar- ter past three. Mr. Jackson was out. The boys deliv- ered the message with which they had been charged to their aunt. "Now," she said, "I will cut you each a hunch of cake, and when you have eaten that and had a glass of fresh milk you had best start at once. It is bitterly cold, and we are going to have snow. The sooner you are home the better." The boys now ate their cake. Mrs. Jackson came to the door with them. Then she said, as the first flake of snow fell: "I am not sure, boys, that you had not better stay here all night." The boys laughed. "Why, what would they say at home? They would just be in a way about us." "Well, at any rate, you had better go by the road." "Oh, that is two miles further at least. We should not get home until long after dark. We shan't be an hour by the hills. We know every foot of the way." "Well, good-by, then. Make as much haste as you can." THE TOUiWG COLONISTS. 5 Fof half a aiile their way led along the road, then they scrambled over a wall and began to ascend the barren hillside. The snow was falling fast now. Thicker and thicker it came down, and when, hot and panting, they reached the top of the hill, the wind blew the flakes so fiercely into their faces that they were half-blinded, and were obliged to turn their backs to the gale while they got breath. For half an hour they struggled on. They could scarcely see ten paces before them through the driving snow, and in every sheltered spot white patches rapidly began to form. "How different things look in a snowstorm!" Dick said, as they stopped for breath and shelter under the lee of a wall. "I don't know, Tom, but I am not quite sure that we are going straight; I do not know what wall this is." "No more do I," Tom Jackson replied. "I felt quite sure that we were going right at first, but somehow I don't think so now." "I wish the snow would stop for a minute," Dick said, "just to let us have a look round. If I could see a hun- dred yards I am sure I should know where we are. What is the matter with you, James; what are you blub- bering about?" "My feet are so cold; they hurt dreadfully." "Oh, never mind," Dick said. "Come, boys, push along, and'we shall soon be home." Again they started with heads bent to face the storm. "It is getting dark awfully fast," Tom Jackson said. "It is, and no mistake. Come, let us have a trot. Come on, young one." But although Dick spoke hopefully, he was not as confident as he appeared. He was sure now that, they had lost the way. They might not, he hoped, be far off the track; but he knew that they were not following the precise line by which they came. 6 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. It was now nearly dark. The snow was fai:..^ thicker than ever, and the ground, except upon the uplands exposed to the full force of the wind, was covered with a white mantle. On arriving at the bottom of a steep hill they stopped again. "Do you know where we are, Tom?" "Not in the least," Tom answered. "This ought to be the last valley," Dick said, "and after one more climb we ought to go straight down into Castleton. Don't you remember in that valley there were a lot of sheep in a fold, with a wall round it? If we can find that we shall know that we are right. It is near the bottom, so we shall not miss it. Which way shall we turn — left or right?" "Let us try the left first," Tom said. They walked for half a mile, gradually ascending. "It is not this way," Tom said at last. "We are get- ting to the head of the valley. What are you doing, James?" as the young boy, who had been sobbing for some time, threw himself on the snow. "I cannot go any further," he murmured. "I am so cold, and so tired, and so sleepy." "Oh, nonsense!" Dick said. "Here, take hold of his arm, Tom, and lift him up; give him a good shake; he must go on; he would die if he stopped here." The two lads raised the younger boy, and half-support- ing, half-dragging him, turned and retraced their foot- steps. It was pitch dark now, and they could not see a yard before them. For some time they continued their way. "There is no shepherd's hut. Certainly, this is not the valley. What on earth are we to do?" "I don't know," Tom said, beginning to cry. "Shut up, Tom Jackson. What are you thinking THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 7 about? This is no time for howling like a baby; you' have got to think of what is best to do. It is no use climbing the next hill, for we might be going away from home, instead of getting nearer. Besides, we should have to haul Jimmy up, for he can scarcely stand now; and, although it is bitterly cold here, it would be worse on the top of the hill. No, We have got to stop here all night, that is clear." "We shall be dead before morning!" Tom roared. "I will hit you in the eye, Tom Jackson, if you don't shut up; you are as bad as a girl; I am ashamed of you. Now, what we have got to do is to find some sort of shelter, either a wall or bush, and we must keep on until we come to something. JKeep awake, Jimmy; we shan't have much further to go, and then you can lie down quietly." They went on for a bit. "It is no use," Dick said. "They don't put walls across bottoms; more likely to find one either to the right or left. Now, Tom, you stop here for a minute or two, and I will look about; you keep shouting every minute, so that I can find my way back to you." Turning off, he began to ascend the next hill, and in two or three minutes shouted the glad news to Tom that he had found the wall; then he returned. Jimmy, cheered at the prospect of lying down, made an effort, and they soon reached the wall. Like most of the walls in Derbyshire, it wa^; formed of flat stones laid without mortar, some four feet high. "Now, Tom, set to work; get some stones off the wall on both sides, and build up two other walls against this; three feet wide inside will do, and just long enough to lie in. Here, Jimmy, you help; it will keep you awake, and, you see, the higher we make the walls the snugger it will be; we will have quite a nice house." 8 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. The boys all set to work, and in half an hour three walls were built. At the point where the two side walls touched the other they were three feet high, and sloped down to two at the lower end. "Now, Jimmy, you chuck the snow out. Tom and I will go, one each way, along the wall; likely enough we may come upon some bushes — they often grow in shelter of the walls: if we can find a few sticks we will cover the house over. Lots of these stones are a couple of feet long, and we will manage a sort of roof. The snow will soon cover it, and we shall be as warm as possible." A quarter of an hour later the two boys returned; both had been successful and brought a bundle of sticks; these were laid across the top, interspersed with smaller twigs, the ends being kept down with stones to prevent their being blown away. The last were placed in posi- tion after the boys had crept inside. They did not at- tempt to roof it with stones, for the supply of sticks and brushwood was large enough to catch the snowflakes as they fell, and these would soon form a covering, while it would have been difficult to balance the stones. Jimmy was by this time in a state almost of lethargy; but the others were fairly warm from their exertions. They now lay down close beside the younger boy, one on each side. At first they felt the cold extremely. "Let us keep awake as long as we can," Dick said. "I don't feel inclined to sleep at all," Tom answered; "my hands and feet feel frozen, but I am warm enough everywhere else, and the ground is precious hard and bumpy." "I am only afraid about Jimmy," Dick said; "he is sound asleep, and he was so awfully cold; lie as close as you can to him, Tom, and put your arm over him and keep your legs huddled up against his." "It feels warmer than it did," he went on, after a pause of half an hour; "don't you think so, Tom?" TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 9 "a lot warmer," Tom said. "I expect the snow has made a good thick roof." "Yes, and the wind does not blow through the stones as it did. I expect the snow is drifting up all round; it was getting very deep against the wall when we got in, and if it goes on all night, Tom, I should not wonder if we are covered deep before morning. The wind always sweeps it off the hills, and makes deep drifts in the bottoms." " What shall we do, then?" "I don't know," Dick answered; "but there will be plenty of time to think of that in the morning. I think Jimmy is all right, Tom; I have just put my hand inside his waistcoat and he feels quite warm now. Say your prayers, and then let us try to get off to sleep." This they were not very long in doing, for the air in the little hut was soon heated by the action of their bodies. Outside the storm was still raging, and the wind, laden with swirling snow from the uplands, was piling it high in the valleys. Already the hut was covered, and the wall behind it. All night and all next day the snow continued to fall; the next day, and the next, it kept on. Old folks down in Castleton said they never remembered such a storm. It lay three feet deep in the fields, and there was no say- ing how deep the drifts might be in the hollows. For the first two days the wind had tried its best to keep the hills clear, but it had tired of the work, and for the last two had ceased to blow, and the great feathered flakes formed steadily and silently. Tom was the first to wake. "Halloo!" he exclaimed, "where are we? Oh! I re- member. Dick, are you awake?" "Yes, I am awake now," Dick said. "What is it? It is not morning yet. I seem to have been asleep a long 10 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. time, a*id don't my bones fust ache? Jimmy, old boy, are you all right?" "Yes," Jimmy grunted. "It is quite warm," Dick said. "It feels very close, and how still it is! The wind has quite gone down. Do you know, Tom, I think it must be morning. There seems a faint sort of light. I can see the stones in the wall behind you." "So it must," Tom assented. "Oh! how stifling it is!" and he raised himself into a sitting position. "I am afraid we are buried deep in the snowdrift. Put your hand up, Tom; don't you feel some of these sticks are bent in the middle?" "Ever so much; there must be a great weight on them. What are we to do, Dick — shall we try and dig a way out?" "That will be no good," Dick answered; "not if it is deep; and if it has been snowing all night there is no saying how deep it may be this morning down in this bottom. This drift-snow is like dust. I remember last winter that Bill Jones and Harry Austin and I tried to make a tunnel in a deep drift, but the snow fell in as fast as we scraped it away. It was just like dry sand." "We are all right for warmth," Tom said; "but it feels quite stifling." "Yes, we must try and get some air," Dick said. "The roof-sticks are close together down at our feet. There were three or four left over when we had finished, so we can take them away without weakening the roof. We might shove one of them up through the snow." The sticks were removed carefully, but a quantity of fine snow fell in on their feet. One was then shoved up through the top, but the only effect, when it was re- moved, was that it was followed by some snow powder- ing down on their faces. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 11 "Let us tie four of them together," Dick said. "I lave plenty of string in my pocket." This was done, fresh sticks being tied to the bottom as the first were shoved up through the snow. "Now, Tom, help me to work it about a bit, so as to press the snow all round, and make a sort of tube." For some time a shower of little particles fell as they worked, but gradually these ceased. Then the stick was cautiously lowered, being untied joint by joint, and look- ing up the boys gave a shout of pleasure. At the top of the hole, which was some six inches wide at the bottom, was a tiny patch of light. "We have only just reached the top," Dick said; "the snow must be near fifteen feet deep." Small though the aperture was, it effected a sensible relief. The feeling of oppression ceased; half an hour later the hole was closed up, and they knew that the snow was still falling. Another length of stick was added, and the daylight again appeared. The boys slept a good deal; they had no sensation of cold whatever, the heat of their bodies keeping the air at a comfortable temperature. They did not feel so hungry as they expected, but they were very thirsty. "I shall eat some snow," Tom said. "I have heard that that makes you more thirsty, " Dick remarked; "hold some in your hands till it melts, and then sip the water." Four days passed; then they found that the snow no longer continued to cover up the hole, and knew that the snowstorm had ceased. The number of sticks required to reach the top was six, and as each of these was about four feet long they knew that, making allowance for the joints, the snow was over twenty feet deep. Very often the boys talked of home, and wondered 12 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. what their friends were doing. The first night, when they did not return, it would be hoped that they had stayed at the farm; but somebody would be sure to go over in the morning to see, and when the news arrived that they were missing, there would be a general turn out to find them. "They must have given up all hope by this time/' Dick said, on the fifth morning, "and must be pretty sure that we are buried in the drift somewhere; but, as all the bottoms will be like this, they will have given up all hopes of finding our bodies till the thaw comes." "That may be weeks," Tom said; "we might as well have died at once." "We can live a long time here," Dick replied confi- dently. "I remember reading once of a woman who had been buried in the snow being got out alive a tremendous time afterward. I think it was five weeks, but it might have been more. Hurrah! I have got an idea, Tom." "What is that?" Tom asked. "Look here; we will tie three more sticks " "We can't spare any more sticks," Tom said; "the snow is up to our knees already." "Ah! but thin sticks will do for this," Dick said; "we can get some thin sticks out here. We will tie them ever the others, and on the top of all we will fasten my red pocket-handkerchief, like a flag; if any one comes down into this bottom they are sure to see it." THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 13 CHAPTEE II. THE RED FLAG. Dick's plan was soon carried into effect, and the little red flag flew as an appeal for help ten feet above the snow in the lonely valley. Down in Oastleton events had turned out just as the boys had anticipated. The night of the snowstorm there was no sleep for their parents, and at daybreak next morning Mr. Humphreys and Mr. Jackson set out on foot through the storm for the distant farm. They kept to the road, but it took them four hours to reach the farm, for the drifts were many feet deep in the hol- lows, and they had, the greatest difficulty in making their way through. When, upon their arrival, they found the boys had left before the gale began, their consternation and grief were extreme, and they started at once on their return to Castleton. Search' parties were immediately organized, and these, in spite of the fury of the storm, searched the hills in all directions. 5 After the first day, when it was found that they "were f not at any of the shepherds' huts scattered among the hills, all hopes of finding them alive ceased. So hopeless was it considered that few parties went out on the three following days; but on the fifth, when the snowstorm ceased and the sun shone out, numbers of men again tramped the hills in the vague hope of finding some sign 14 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. of the missing boys; they returned disheartened. The snow was two feet deep everywhere, twenty in many of the hollows. The next day but few went out, for the general feeling was that the bodies could not be discovered until the thaw came, and at present it was freezing sharply. Among those who still kept up the search were several of the boys' schoolfellows. They had not been per- mitted to join while the snowstorm continued, and were therefore fresh at the work. A party of four kept to- gether, struggling through the deep snowdrifts, climb- ing up the hills, and enjoying the fun, in spite of the saddening nature of their errand. On arriving at the brow of a deep valley five miles from home, they agreed that they would go no further, as it was not likely that the missing boys could have wandered so far from their track. That they had in fact done so was due to a sudden change in the direction of the wind; it had been driving in their faces when they started, and with bent down heads they had struggled against it, unconscious that it was sharply changing its direction. "Just let us have a look down into the bottom," one of the boys said; "there may be a shepherd's hut here." Nothing, however, was seen, save a smooth, white surface of snow. "What is that?" one exclaimed suddenly. "Look, there is a little red flag flying down there — come along." The boys rushed down the hill at full speed. "Don't all go near the flag," one said; "you may be treading on their bodies." They arrived within ten yards of the flag, in which they soon recognized a red pocket-handkerchief. They were silent now, awe-struck at the thought that their companions were lying dead beneath. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 15 "Perhaps it is not theirs/' the eldest of the party said presently. "Anyhow I had better take it off and carry it home." Treading cautiously and with a white face, for he feared to feel beneath his feet one of the bodies of his friends, he stepped, knee-deep in the snowdrift, to the flag. He took the little stick in his hand to pluck it up; he raised it a foot, and then gave a cry of astonishment and started back. "'What is the matter?" the others asked. "It was pulled down again," he said in awe-struck tones. "I will swear it was pulled down again." "Oh, nonsense!" one of the others said; "you are dreaming." "I am not," the first replied positively; "it was regu- larly jerked in my hand." "Can they be alive down there?" one suggested. "Alive! How can they be alive after five days, twenty feet deep in the snow? Look at the flag!" There was no mistake this time; the flag was raised and lowered five or six times. The boys took to their heels and ran and gathered in a cluster fifty yards away on the hillside. "What can it be?" they asked, looking in each others' pale faces. The behavior of the flag seemed to them something supernatural. "We had better go back and tell them at home," one of them said. "We can't do that; no one would believe us. Look here, you fellows," and he glanced round at the bright sky, "this is nonsense; the flag could not wave of itself; there must be somebody alive below; perhaps there is a shepherd's hut quite covered with the drift, and they liave pushed the flag up through the chimney." 16 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. The supposition seemed a reasonable one, and a little ashamed of their panic the group returned toward the flag. The eldest boy again approached it. "Go carefully, Tomkins, or you may fall right down a chimney. " The flag was still continuing its up and down move- ment; the boy approached and lay down on the snow close to it; then he took hold of the stick; he felt a pull, but held fast; then he put his mouth close to the hole, two or three inches in diameter, through which it passed. "Halloo!" he shouted; "is any one below?" A cry of "Yes, yes," came back in reply. "The two Jacksons and Humphreys." "Hurrah!" he shouted at the top of his voice, and his companions, although they had not heard the answer, joined in the cheer. "Are you all right?" he shouted down again. "Yes, but please get help and dig us out." "All right; I will run all the way back; they will have men here in no time; good-by; keep up your spirits." "They are all there below!" he shouted to his friends. "Come on, you fellows, there is not a moment to lose." "Wild with excitement the boys made their way home; they rushed down the hillsides, scrambled through the drifts in the bottoms, in which they sometimes disap- peared altogether, and had to haul each other out, strug- gled up the hills, and, panting and breathless, rushed in a body into Mr. Humphreys' farmhouse, that standing nearest to them, on their way to Castleton. "We have found them; we have found them," they panted out. "They are all alive." Mrs. Humphrey had risen from her seat in a chair by the fire as the boys entered, and uttering a faint cry fell back insensible. At this moment the farmer, who had but five minutes THE YOUNG COLONISTS. Yl before returned, having been out since daybreak on the hills, hurried into the room; he was taking off his heavy boots when he heard the rush of feet into the house. "We have found them, sir; they are all alive!" "Thank God! thank God!" the farmer exclaimed rev- erently, and then seeing his wife insensible hurried toward her, uttering a shout for the servants. Two women ran in. "Look to your mistress," he said; "she has fainted; the good news has been too much for her — the boys are found alive." With mingled exclamations of gladness and dismay the servants raised their mistress. "Now, boys, where are they?" Mr. Humphreys asked. The lads gave a rapid narrative of what had happened. "Under the snow all this time!" the farmer exclaimed; "they must be, as you say, in a hut. Now, will one of you stay and show me the way back, and the others go on to Mr. Jackson's and other places, and bring a strong party of men with shovels on after us?" The lad who had spoken with the prisoners remained to act as guide, the others hurried off. "Come with me, my boy, into the larder. There, help yourself; you must be hungry and tired, and you have got to do it over again." Mr. Humphreys then ran into the yard, and bade the four laborers provide themselves with shovels and pre- pare to accompany him at once. He then went back into the parlor. His wife was just opening her eyes; for a time she looked confused and bewildered, then suddenly she sat up and gazed beseech- ingly at her husband — memory had come back to her. "Yes, wife, thanks be to God, it is true — the boys are alive; I am just going with these men to dig them out. They are snowed up in a hut. Now, Jane, get a large basket, and put in it lots of bread and bacon — the men 18 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. who are working will want something; fill the largest stone jar with beer; put in a bottle of brandy and a bot- tle of milk, and set to and get some soup ready; bring three small mattresses downstairs and a lot of blankets." Five minutes later the search-party started, Mr. Hum- phreys and the guide leading the way; the men followed, one carrying five shovels; another, the basket and jar; the other two, three hurdles on which were placed the mattresses and blankets. It was no easy matter so laden making their way over the hills and through the deep drifts. Mr. Humphreys took his share of the labor; but it was two hours from the time when they started before they arrived at the spot where the flag was waving, and the night was already closing in. Mr. Humphreys hurried forward to the flag; he knelt down beside it. "Are you still alive, Dick? — it is I, your father!" "Yes, father, we are all alive, and we shall be all right now you have come. Don't get too near the stick; we are afraid of the hole closing up, and smothering us." "Which side is the door," Mr. Humphreys asked, "so that we can dig that way?" "There is no door, father; but you had better dig from below, because of the wall." "There must be a door," Mr. Humphreys said to him- self, as he rejoined the men. "There can't be a hut without a door; Dick must be a little light-headed, and no wonder. Now, lads, let us set to work from below." The five men were soon at work, throwing aside the snow. In a short time the other parties arrived. Mr. Humphreys had brought with him a stock of candles. These were lit and stuck in the snow, where, as there was no wind, they burned steadily, affording suf- ficient light for the search. The work was all the more THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 19 difficult from the lightness of the snow, as the sides fell in like sand as they worked upon it, and they were obliged to make a very broad cutting. At last there was a cheer, as they struck the ground. "Now, working uphill we must be at the hut in a few feet." Twenty willing hands labored away incessantly, but to their surprise no hut was met with; they worked and worked, throwing the snow behind them, until Mr. Jack- son struck his shovel upon something hard. "Here is a wall or something," he said. Another minute uncovered a low wall of two feet in height, and directly afterward a leg was popped up through the snow. A loud cheer broke from the men. But again the snowdrift fell in from the sides, and it was another quarter of an hour before the lads were lifted from the narrow shelter where they had for five days lain. The Jacksons were too weak to stand, but Dick was just able to keep on his feet. A cup of milk mixed with some brandy was given to each. Then Dick in a few words told the story, and the surprise of all, as they examined the little hut and heard the details of the almost miraculous preservation of the boys, was almost unbounded. They were now wrapped in blankets and laid on mat- tresses placed on the hurdles; the contents of the baskets — for others besides Mr. Humphreys had brought a stock of provisions, not knowing how long the search-party might be engaged — were distributed among the workers, and then four men lifted each hurdle and the party started for home, a messenger having been sent back at full speed directly the boys were got out, to bear the glad news to Castleton. It was just midnight when the main body returned. 20 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. A second cup of brandy and milk had done much to revive the two elder boys/ and Dick had been able to eat a piece of bread, James, however, had fallen asleep directly he was wrapped in the blankets, and did not awake until he was set down at his father's door. At both houses doctors were in waiting for their arrival. Dick was at once pronounced to be none the worse for his adventure, except that his feet were frost- bitten from long contact with the snow; indeed had it not been from this cause he could, on the following day, have been up and about. As it was, in a fortnight he was perfectly himself again. Tom Jackson was confined to the house for many weeks; he lost several of his toes, but eventually became strong and hearty again. James, however, never recov- ered — the shock to his system had been too great; he lingered on for some months, and then sank quietly and painlessly. The events of the snowstorm left a far deeper trace upon Mrs. Humphreys than upon her son. The terrible anxiety of those five days had told greatly upon her, and after they were over she seemed to lose strength rapidly. She had never been very strong, and a hacking cough now constantly shook her. The doctor who attended her looked serious, and one day said to Mr. Humphreys: "I don't like the state of your wife; she has always been weak in her lungs, and I fear that the anxiety she went through has somehow accentuated her former tendency to consumption. The air of this place — you see she was born in the south — is too keen for her. If I were you I would take her up to London and consult some first-rate man in lung diseases, and get his opinion.'" The next day Mr. Humphreys started for London. The celebrated physician examined his wife, and after- ward took him aside. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 21 "I cannot conceal from you," he said, "that your wife's lungs are very seriously affected, although con- sumption has not yet thoroughly set in. If she remains in this country she may not live many months; your only hope is to take her abroad — could you do that?" "Yes, sir," Mr. Humphreys said. "I can take her anywhere. Where would you advise?" "She would benefit from a residence either in Egypt or Madeira," the doctor said; "but for a permanency I should say the Cape. I have known many complete cures made there. You tell me that you are engaged in agricultural pursuits; if it is possible for you to settle there, I can give you every hope of saving her life, as the disease is not yet developed. If you go, don't stay in the lowlands, but get up into the high plateaus, either behind the Cape itself, or behind Natal. The climate there is delicious, and land cheap." Mr. Humphreys thanked him and left, returning the next day to Castleton. The astonishment of the boys, and indeed of Mrs. Humphreys, was unbounded, when the farmer announced in the evening at supper that he intended to sell his land and emigrate at once to the Cape. The boys were full of excitement at the new and strange idea, and asked numerous questions, none of which the farmer could answer; but he brought out a pile of books, which he had purchased in town, concern- ing the colonies and their resources, and for once Dick's aversion to books vanished, and he was soon as much absorbed as his brother in the perusal of the accounts of the new land to which they were to go. On the following Saturday, to the surprise of all Cas- tleton, an advertisement appeared in the Derbyshire paper announcing the sale by auction at an early date of Mr. Humphreys' farm. 22 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. Dick and John were quite heroes among their com- panions, who looked with envy at boys who were going to live in a land where lions and elephants and all sorts of wild beasts abounded, to say nothing of warlike natives. "There always seem to be Kaffir wars going on," one boy said, "out at the Cape; you will have all sorts of excitement, Dick." ' "I don't think that sort of excitement will bo nice," Dick replied; "it must be horribly anxious work to think every time you go out to work that the place may be attacked and every one killed before you get back. But that is all nonsense, you know; I have been reading about some of the Kaffir wars; they are in the bush- country, down by the sea. We are going up on to the high lands at the back of Natal. Father says very likely we may buy a farm in the Transvaal, but mother does not seem to like the accounts of the Dutchmen or Boers, as they are called, who live there, and says she would rather have English neighbors; so I expect if we can get a farm somewhere in the Natal colony, we shall do so." "You seem to know all about the place," the boy said, surprised. "Well, we have had seven or eight books to read about it, and I seem now to know more about South Africa than about any other country in the world. There are the diamond fields, too, out there, and I hope, before I settle down regularly to a farm, that father will let me go for a few months and try my luck there. Would it not just be jolly to find a diamond as big as a pigeon's egg and worth about twenty thousand pounds?" "And do they do that?" the boy asked. "Well, they don't often find them as big as that; still, one might be the lucky one." The news that Mr. Humphreys and his family wera THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 23 about to sell off and emigrate Daturally caused a great deal of talk in and around Castleton, and put the idea into the minds of many who had never before seriously thought of it. If Mr. Humphreys, who had one of the best farms in the neighborhood, thought that it would pay him to sell his land and go out, it would surely be a good thing for others to do the same. He was consid- ered to be a good farmer and a long-headed man; one who would not take such a step without carefully looking into the matter — for Mr. Humphreys, in order to avoid questioning and the constant inquiries about his wife's health, which would be made, did he announce that he was leaving for that reason, did not think it necessary to inform people that it was in the hopes of staving off the danger which threatened her that he was making a move. A great many of the neighboring laborers would gladly have gone with him; but he found by his reading that Kaffir labor was to be obtained out there very cheaply. He determined, however, to take with him two of his own hands — the one a strong, active young fellow named Bill Harrison, the other a middle-aged man named John- son, who had been with him from a boy. He was a mar- ried man with two girls, aged fifteen and sixteen, the eldest of whom was already employed by Mrs. Hum- phreys in the house. Johnson's wife was a superior woman of her class, and Mr. Humphreys thought that it would be pleasant for his wife, having a woman at hand, whom she could speak to. The girls were to act as serv- ants — indeed, Mr. Humphreys thought it probable that the whole party would live under one roof. Among those whom Mr. Humphreys' decision to emigrate had much moved was Mr. Jackson. He was not in so good a position, as he did not farm his own land; but he had sufficient capital to start him well in the colony, where a farm can be bought outright at a few 24 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. shillings an acre. He talked the matter over with his friend on several occasions, and at last said: "Well, I think I have pretty well made up my mind; the doctor is telling me that my poor little chap is not likely to live long; his mother is wrapped up in him, and will never like the place again — sol think on all grounds a change will be good. I can't come out with you, be- cause I have got a lease of the farm; but I- fancy that it is worth more than it was when I took it, and if I can get a good tenant to take it off my hands I don't suppose the landlord will make any objections. I shall look about at once, and, when my poor little chap is gone, I shan't be long before I come after you. You will let me know how you find the place, and whether these book accounts are true? — I have heard that many of these chaps who write books are awful liars. I should like to get a farm as near you as may be." It was early in the spring when Mr. Humphreys and his party embarked at Plymouth in the Dunster Castle. The farm had sold well, and Mr. Humphreys possessed a capital of several thousand pounds — a sum which would make him a rich man in the colony. None of the party had ever seen the sea before, and the delight of the two boys and the wonderment of the laborers at all they saw was very great. Mr. Humphreys had taken first-class passages for himself and family, while the others of course were steerage passengers. Sffl 10UJXU VOLGA IS2U %& CHAPTER III. THE FARM. The voyage to the Cape passed without any incident whatever. The weather was fine the whole distance. Without even a single storm to break the monotony they touched at Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, and at last arrived at Durban. The journey had not been too long for the boys; everything was so perfectly new to them that they were never tired of watching the sea and look- ing for porpoises and the shoals of fish, over which hovered thousands of birds. Once or twice they saw a whale spout, while flying- fish were matters of hourly occurrence. They had prodigious appetites, and greatly enjoyed the food, which was altogether different to that to which they had been accustomed. They had stopped at Madeira and St. Vincent, where great stocks of delicious fruit had been taken on board. Altogether they were quite sorry when they arrived at the end of the voyage. The landing was effected in large boats, as theDunster Castle drew too much water to cross the bar at the mouth of the harbor. They stopped only one day at Durban, where Mr. Humphreys hired a wagon to take the party to Pieter- Maritzburg, the capital. He was not encumbered with baggage, as he had decided to buy everything he wanted in the colony. "You may pay dearer," he said, "no doubt; but then 26 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. you get just what you want. If I were to take out im- plements, they might not be suited to the requirements of the country. As for clothes, they would of course be pretty much the same everywhere; still, it is better to take out only a year's requirements and to buy as we want, instead of lumbering over the country with a quantity of heavy baggage." The party were greatly amused at their first experi- ence of a Cape wagon; it was of very large size, massively built, and covered with a great tilt; and it was drawn by sixteen oxen, spanned two by two. This was an alto- gether unnecessary number for the weight which had to be carried, but the wagon had come down loaded from the interior, and Mr. Humphreys therefore paid no more than he would have done for a wagon with a small num- ber of oxen. They took two days to accomplish the journey, the women sleeping at night in the wagon, and Mr. Humphreys and his sons in blankets on the ground. The driver, who was an Englishman, had been many years in the colony, and from him, upon the road, Mr. Humphreys gained much valuable information about the country. The driver was assisted by two Kaffirs, one of whom walked ahead of the leading cattle, the other alongside, shouting and prodding them. The boys were astonished at the power and accuracy with which the driver whirled his whip; this had a short handle and a lash of twenty yards long, and with it he was able to hit any animal of the team with absolute cer- tainty, and indeed to make the thong alight on any part of their bodies at which he aimed. On their arrival at Pieter-Maritzburg Mr. Humphreys hired a house, and here he placed his party while he set to work to make inquiries after a suitable location. He soon heard of several places which seemed suitable, and having bought a horse started for Newcastle, a small THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 2T town situated close to the frontier-line between the* Transvaal and Natal. He was away for three weeks, and on his return, informed his wife that he had purchased a farm of two- thousand acres, with a substantial farmhouse, at a dis- tance of ten miles from Newcastle, for the sum of fifteen hundred pounds. The farmhouse was already roughly furnished, but Mr. Humphreys purchased a number of other articles, which, would make it comfortable and home-like. He laid in a. great stock of groceries, and then hiring a wagon, simi- lar to that in which they had before traveled, started with his party for the farm, having also hired four Kaffirs- to assist there. Traveling by easy stages, it took them twelve days to get to Newcastle. The country was, undulating and the road rose steadily the whole distance. Near Pieter-Maritzburg the population was compara- tively thick. The fields were well cultivated and the- vegetation thick and luxuriant, but as they ascended the character of the country changed. Vast stretches of rolling grass everywhere met the eye. This was now beautifully green, for it was winter. In the summer and autumn the grass becomes dry and burned up; fire is then applied to it, and the whole country assumes a black- mantle. But the first shower of rain brings up the young grass and in a very short time the country is. covered with fresh verdure. Mr. Humphreys told his wife that, before fixing on the farm, he had ridden into the Transvaal, and found tho, land could be purchased there even more cheaply than in Natal; but that he had much conversation with English settlers on the frontier, and these had for the most pari. strongly advised him to settle fmside the Natal frontier. "It may be that all will be right," one had told him, "but the Boers have not yet irecovered from their scara* from Secoceni." 28 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. ''Who is Secoceni, father?'' Dick asked. "The books we have say nothing about him." "No," Mr. Humphreys said; "they were all published a few years since, and none of them treat much of the affairs of the Transvaal, which, as an independent state, had comparatively little interest to English settlers. 'There are in the Transvaal, which is of immense extent, a very large number of natives, enormously outnumber- ing the Boers. In the southern districts, where the Boers are strongest, they cruelly ill-treat the natives, making slaves of them, and thinking no more of shooting one of them down than they would of shooting a dog. In the outlying provinces they live almost on sufferance of the natives, and, were these to unite their forces and rise, they could annihilate the Dutch. Secoceni is a powerful chief, who lives with his tribe in a natural stronghold; he has always held himself as independent of the Dutch. As his men used to make raids upon the Boers' cattle, the latter attacked him, and in alliance with Swazis, another powerful tribe, endeavored to carry his fortress; they were, however, badly beaten; it being only by the gallantry of their native allies that the Boer contingent was saved from destruction. Secoceni then took the offeusive. A perfect panic seized the Boers; they refused to obey the orders of their government, and to turn out to resist the invaders. The treasury was empty, for their government had never been enabled to persuade them to pay taxes. They applied for aid to Natal, but finally their plight was so bad that they were glad to accept the offer which Mr. Shepstone made them, of annexation to England, by which they secured our protection and were safe from annihilation. Secoceni was not the only enemy who threatened them. They had a still more formidable foe in the Zulus on the east- ern frontier. These are a very warlike people, and it THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 29 was known that their king meditated the conquest of the Transvaal. But, glad enough as the Boers were at the moment to accept the protection of England,, now that the danger is over a great many of them would like to* kick down the bridge which has helped them over the stream. They make no secret of their dislike to Eng- lishmen, and although they are glad enough to sell their land at prices immensely in advance of the former value, for indeed land was previously almost unsalable in the Transvaal, they are on bad terms with them. One of my informants describes them as a sullen, sulky people, and predicts that sooner or later we shall have trouble with them; so I thought it better altogether to pay a little higher for my land, and to be within the boundaries of this colony." On arriving at the farm Mrs. Humphreys was glad to find that the house, though rough, was substantial. It .was built of stone. The walls were of great thickness, as the stones were laid without mortar, with which, how- ever, it was faced inside and out. One large room occupied the greater portion of the ground floor; beside this was a small sitting-room. Upstairs were four bed- rooms. Eor the time the small room downstairs was. turned into a bedroom, which Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys, occupied. The four bedrooms upstairs just held the rest of the party. The outhouses consisted only of a large barn and a rough stable. Mr. Humphreys at once rode over to Newcastle, and obtained the services of a mason and six Kaffirs, and pro- ceeded to add a wing to the farmhouse. This was for the use of Johnson and his wife, and Harrison. The whole party were, however, to take their meals together in the great kitchen. A hut was also built for the Kaffirs, and another large stable was erected. A few days after his arrival Mr. Humphreys went 30 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. across the border into the Transvaal, taking Harrison and two of the Kaffirs with him, and returned a fort- night later with a herd of four hundred cattle, which he had purchased. He also bought three yoke of oxen, broken to the plow. Hitherto the farm had been purely «, pastoral one, but Mr. Humphreys at once began to break up some land for wheat and Indian corn. The Kaffirs were set to work to fence and dig up a plot round the house for vegetables, and to dig holes near it, over a space of some acres, for the reception of three thousand young fruit-trees— apples, pears, peaches, and plums — which he had bought at Pieter-Maritzburg, and which were to come up in two months' time. He also bought six riding-horses. In a few weeks the farm assumed quite a different ap- pearance. A gang of Kaffirs, ten strong, had been hired io hurry on the work of preparing the orchard and erect- ing a fence round it. Wood was, Mr. Humphreys found, extremely scarce and dear, the country being absolutely bare of trees, and wood for fuel was only obtained in kloofs or deep hollows, and had to be fetched long dis- tances. "I suppose," Mrs. Humphreys said to her husband one evening, "you mean to make cattle-raising your principal point?" "No," he said; "every one raises cattle, and the Dutch can do it cheaper than we can; they have immense tracts of land, and their Kaffir labor costs them next to noth- ing. I do not say that we could not live and to a certain extent thrive on cattle, but I think that there is some- thing much better to be done. Wood is an awful price here, and all that is used has to be brought up from the coast. I think therefore of planting trees. The climate is magnificent, and their growth will be rapid. They •will, of course, require fencing to keep out the cattle, but THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 31 I shall do that, as I am doing the orchard, with wire fencing and light iron-uprights. Labor is plentiful, and there are large nurseries near Pieter-Maritzburg, where I can procure any number of young trees; so I mean to plant two hundred acres a year — in ten years the whole farm will be planted, and the loppings for poles and fire- wood will in a very short time after planting begin to pay well. In fifteen years the first two hundred acres will be fit to fell, and the property will be worth a very large sum of money. Of course we can sell out before that if we like. But at the present price of wood up here, or even should it fall to a quarter of its present price, the value of the two thousand acres of wood will in twenty years be extremely large." The boys were delighted with their new life. Mr e Humphreys had, before leaving England, bought for Dick a Winchester repeating-rifle. These arms are very light, and Dick was able to carry his without difficulty; and very shortly after their arrival his father had a mark erected at a distance from the house, at which he could practice with safety. Game was abundant all over the country. Herds of deer and antelope of various kinds often swept past in sight of the farmhouse, and winged game also abounded. Mr. Humphreys had at home been considered a first- rate shot at partridges, and had for four or five years belonged to the Castleton volunteers, and had carried off many prizes for rifle-shooting. He was now able, by go- ing out for a few hours once or twice a week, to keep the larder well supplied, and the little flock of fifty sheep, which he had bought for home consumption, was but seldom drawn upon. The Kaffirs were fed upon mealies, as they call Indian corn, of which Mr. Humphreys had no difficulty in purchasing sufficient for his wants from the neighboring farmers. , 32 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. His noxt neighbors were two brothers, Scotchmen, named Fraser, who lived at a distance of four miles. They rode over the day after the travelers' arrival, and offered their services in anyway. Mr. Humphreys, how- ever, was well supplied with stores of all kinds, and his two white laborers, being both handy men, were able to do all that was required about the house. The Frasers proved pleasant neighbors, and often rode over and spent Sunday with the Humphreys, and the boys sometimes went over and spent the day with them. i A Kaffir lad, son of one of the men engaged upon the farm, was hired by Mr. Humphreys as a special attendant for Dick. On these vast undulating plains, where there are no trees to serve as a landmark, it is exceedingly dif- ficult for a stranger to find his way. Dick was told by his father that, whether riding or walking, he was always to take the Kaffir boy with him; and except when he was indulging in a gallop the lad was easily able to keep up with him. He had been born a hunter, and soon taught Dick how to stalk the timid deer, and, as the lad im- proved in his shooting, he was ere long enabled to keep the larder supplied — a duty which Mr. Humphreys gladly handed over to him, as every minute of his own time was occupied by his work on the farm. Of an evening after supper, which was partaken of at the conclusion of work, the men retired to their own wing and Mrs. Humphreys and the two girls sat down to their sewing by the fire; for upon the uplands the even- ings are quite cold enough to find a fire a comfort in winter. Then the boys would take out their lesson- books and work steadily for three hours. Under the changed conditions of their life, Mr. Humphreys felt that Dick might, if he chose, well discontinue his study of the classics, and his work therefore consisted in the reading of history, travels, and books of scientific knowl- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 33- "Next to being a learned man," his father said to him, "the best and most useful thing is to be a thoroughly well-informed man on all general subjects." John, however, continued his studies as before; his life of outdoor exercise strengthened and improved him, and he no longer wished to be always sitting with a book in his hand — still, he had a natural love of study, which his father encouraged, deeming it possible that as he- grew up he might be unwilling to embrace the life of a colonist, in which case he determined to send him home to finish his education in England, and afterward to start him in any profession he might select. Finding that the cost of carriage up the country was very high, and as he would yearly require many wagon- loads of young trees and fencing, Mr. Humphreys deter- mined to do his own teaming; he therefore bought two of the large country-wagons and set a Kaffir to work to break in some young steers to the yoke. Six months after their arrival in the colony they had for the first time visitors to stay at the farm — Mr. Jack- son, his wife, his son Tom, and two daughters coming out to settle near them. This was a great delight to the boys, and fortunately Mr. Jackson was able to buy a farm of five hundred acres adjoining that of his friend;, the house, however, was but a cabin, and while a fresh one was being erected the family remained guests of the Humphreys. Mr. Jackson had, at his friend's advice, brought with him from England a laborer with his wife and family, who at once took up their residence in the hut on the farm. To Dick the coming of the Jacksons was a source oi special pleasure. Tom was just his own age, and tha two boys had become inseparable friends at home after their adventure, in the snow, upon which occasion Tom, as he freely owned, had owed his life to Dick's energy 34 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. and promptness of suggestion. Dick was fond of his brother, but three years make a great difference at this period of life, and, as their tastes were wholly dissimilar, •John had never been a companion for him. Since their arrival in South Africa they had got on very well to- gether; still, they had not the same ideas or subjects of thought, and it was an immense delight to Dick to have his old friend and companion with him. It must not be supposed that Dick's time was occupied solely in amusement; from early morning until dinner- time he worked steadily. Sometimes he assisted to erect the hurdles and strain the wires of the fencing; at others lie aided in the planting of the fruit trees; then he would be with the Kaffirs who were breaking in the oxen for the wagons. At all times he took off his coat and worked with the rest, for, as his father said: "If a farmer is to be able properly to look after men at work, he must be able to do the work himself.'' While Dick was at work with the men, John, who was too young to be of any use, remained indoors at his books, and, although of an afternoon he would stroll out, he seldom went far from the house. The other boys generally went for long rides when work was done. One day they sighted a herd of steinbock. Leaving their horses with the Kaffir lad in a hollow, they crept round so as to get the deer between them and the wind, and managed to reach unobserved a brow within a hundred yards of the herd. Dick had by this time become a good shot, and the buck at which he aimed fell dead in its tracks. Tom was not much of a shot, but he had fired into the thick of the deer and gave a shout of delight at seeing one of them fall. The rest of the herd dashed off at full speed. Tom ran, shouting, forward, but to his mortification the stag that he had hit rose again to its feet and went off at a trot in the direction taken by the THE YOUNQ COLONISTS. 35 orfcers; a minute later the Kaffir boy was seen running toward them at his full speed, leading the horses. The two boys on his arrival leaped into their saddles, and started in pursuit of the wounded stag, which was< still in sight, thinking at first they could easily ride it. down. But the animal seemed rather to gain than to lose strength, and, although they had considerably les- sened the start he had obtained of them, he still kept, steadily on. Active and wiry as their horses were, they could not overtake it, and the boys had at last the morti- fication of seeing that the stag was now gaining upon: them, and they presently drew rein, and their panting horses came to a standstill. "What a horrid sell!" Tom Jackson exclaimed angrily.. "I can't understand his going like that after I fairly- brought him down." "I expect," Dick said, "that your bullet can only have grazed his skull; it stunned him for the moment, but. after he had once come to himself he went on as briskly as usual. If he had been hard hit we should certainly have ridden him down." "Well, I suppose," Tom said more good-humoredly,, "there is nothing for it but to ride back." "But which is our road?" Dick said in some dismay- "I am sure I have no idea, and now that the sun is gonas in there is nothing to steer by." While they had been riding the day had changed; the sky, which had for weeks been bright and fine, was now overcast with heavy clouds. "We are in for a storm, I think," Dick went on, "and it is coming on fast. I have not an idea which w ay to go, and I think our best plan will be to halt. Joel will track us, and the further we go the longer he will be in- overtaking us. There is the first drop! The best thing to do, Tom, will be to take oft our saddles and tether our 36 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. horses, and then to wait. This storm is a nuisance? in the first place we shall be drenched, in the second it will wash out our tracks, and the darkness will come so quickly that I am afraid Joel will not be able to trace us. You see we do not know whether we have been riding ■straight or not; the stag may have been running in a ■circle for anything we know, and as we have been riding ior something like two hours, we may be within five miles of home or we may be twenty-five." Scarcely had the boys got the saddles off and tethered their horses when the rain came down in a sheet, accom- panied by the most tremendous thunder and the most vivid lightning Tom had ever seen. "This is awful, Dick," he said. "Yes," Dick agreed; "thunderstorms here are fright- ful* Houses are often struck; but, lying down here in the open, there is not much fear." For hours the storm continued unabated; the rain came down in a perfect deluge. The boys had put their saddles together and had covered these with the horse- cloths so as to form a sort of tent, but they were never- theless soaked to the skin, and, to add to their discom- £ture, the horses had been so frightened by the blinding glare of the lightning that they tugged at the ropes until, as the wet penetrated the ground, the pegs became loosened, and they scoured away into the darkness. After continuing for five hours the rain suddenly ceased. "What are we to do in the morning, Dick?" "If it is fine it will be easy enough; we shall put our saddles on our heads and walk eastward. I have got a little pocket-compass which father gave me in case I should at any time get lost, so we shall have no difficulty in keeping our way, and sooner or later we must strike the road running north to Newcastle." THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 3? They did not, however, wait till morning; so wet and chilled were they that they agreed they Avould rather walk than lie still. Accordingly they put the saddles on their heads as soon as the rain ceased and the stars shone out, struck a light and looked at their compass, fixed on a star to steer by, 1 and then set out on their journey. Fortunately, after two hours' walking they struck the road at a point some ten miles from the farm, and were home soon after daybreak, just as their fathers were about to set out with a body of Kaffirs in search of them. Joel had returned late at night, having turned his face homeward when it became too dark to follow the track; the horses had both come in during the night.. 38 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS, CHAPTER IV. THE OUTBREAK OF WAR. As soon as the Jacksons' house was finished they went into residence there; but two or three times a week Dick and Torn managed to meet, one or other being sure to iind some excuse for riding over. The Humphreys had arrived in Natal at the end of April, 1877, and by November in the following year their iarm presented a very different appearance to that which it had worn on their arrival— sixteen months of energetic labor, carried on by a considerable number of hands, will effect wonders. Possessing ample capital Mr. Hum- phreys was able to keep a strong gang of Kaffirs at work, and for some time had thirty men upon the farm. Thus "the house which, when he took it, stood solitary and lone in a bare plain, was now surrounded by two hundred acres of young trees. Of these, twenty acres were fruit trees; the remainder, trees grown for their wood. These were planted thickly, as they would every year be thinned out, and the young poles would fetch a good sum for fencing. Although they had only been planted a few months they were already green and bright; they were protected from the cattle by a wire fence encircling the whole. The cattle had thriven and were doing well, and a large field of Indian corn had been harvested for the use of the Kaffirs. The cattle had nearly doubled in num- bers, as Mr. Humphreys did not care about selling at present. The expenses of living were slight. M»at, THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 39* fowls, and eggs were raised upon the farm, and the guns of Mr. Humphreys and Dick provided them with a plenti- ful supply of game. Four milch cows were kept in a, paddock near the house, and supplied it with milk, but- ter, and cheese. Groceries and flour had alone to be purchased, and, as Mr. Humphreys said, he did not care if he did not sell a head of cattle for the next ten years j but he would be obliged to do so before long, as the farm, would carry but a small number more than he already possessed, and its available extent for that purpose woulct diminish every year, as the planting went on. Mr. Humphreys was fortunate in having a small stream: run through his farm. He erected a dam across a hol- low, so that in winter a pond of two or three acres in. extent, and fifteen or sixteen feet deep, was formed,, affording an ample supply for the summer; this was of great utility to him, as he was thereby enabled to con- tinue his planting operations, filling up each hole with, water when the trees were put in, and then, as this sub- sided, filling in the earth; by this means the young trees got a good start, and seldom required watering after- ward. He had a large water-cart built for him; this was, drawn by four oxen, and brought the water to the point where the Kaffirs were engaged in planting. Steers sufficient for two wagons had been broken in,, and when these were not employed in bringing up young: trees and fencing from Newcastle they worked upon the road between Newcastle and Pieter-Maritzburg, there- being a great demand for conveyance, as numbers of traders were going up into the Transvaal and opening; stores there. Mr. Jackson had also two wagons engaged in the same work. When trees and goods were wanted for the farm, Dick went down with the wagons to see that these were properly loaded, and that the young trees, which were often in leaf, were taken out every 40 TEE YOTTNG COLONISTS. night and set with the roots in water until the morn- ing. One evening, early in October, Mr. Jackson rode over with Tom. "I have heard," the former said to Mr. Humphreys, '"that the government have determined on moving the troops down to the Zulu frontier; the attitude of Cete- wayo is very threatening." "He is a troublesome neighbor," Mr. Humphreys said. "They say that he has thirty thousand fighting men, and in that case he ought to be able to overrun both Natal and the Transvaal, for there is no doubt that Zulus fight with great bravery. -As for the Dutch, I really can't blame the Zulus. The Boers are always encroaching on their territory, and any remonstrance is answered by a rifle-shot. Had it not been for our annexation of the Transvaal, Oetewayo would have overrun it and exter- minated the Dutch before now. We have a strong force in the colony just at present, and I think Sir Bartle Frere means to bring matters to a crisis. The existence •of such an army of warlike savages on the frontier is a standing threat to the very existence of the colony, and the constitution of the army renders it almost a necessity that it should fight. All the men are soldiers, and as none are allowed to marry until the regiment to which they belong has distinguished itself in battle, they are naturally always burning for war. The Pieter-Maritzburg paper says that it understands that Sir Bartle Frere is about to send in an ultimatum, demanding — in addition to various small matters, such as the punishing of raiders across the frontier — the entire abandonment of the pres- ent system of the Zulu army, and cessation of the bloody massacres which constantly take place in that country. If a man offend3 the king, not only is he put to death, but the whole of the people of his village are often mas- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 41 sacred. Altogether an abominable state of things pre- vails; there seems to be but one opinion throughout the colony, that it is absolutely necessary for our safety that the Zulu organization shall be broken up." "I see," Mr. Jackson said, "that there is an advertise- ment in the papers for wagons for the transport of stores, and the price offered is excellent. A large number are required; I was thinking of sending down my two teams — what do you think?" "I have been turning it over in my mind," Mr. Hum- phreys replied, "and I am inclined also to offer my wagons. The rate of pay is, as you say, high, and they certainly will have a difficulty in obtaining the number they require. I shall not have need for mine for home purposes for a considerable time now. The hot weather will soon be setting in, and planting is over for the sea- son. I shall of course go on digging holes for my next batch, but I shall not want them up until after the end of the hot season. So I think, as I can spare them, I shall hire them to the government. I think we ought all to do what we can to aid it at present, for every one agrees as to the necessity of the steps it is now taking." "And do you think that there will be any fighting, father?" Dick asked eagerly. ' "That no one can say, my boy. The Zulus are a proud as well as a brave people, and believe that they are invin- cible. I hardly think that they will consent to break up their army and abandon their customs at our dictation; I should not be surprised if it comes to fighting." "Oh, father, if you hire the wagons to the government, may I go with them? I can see that the Kaffirs look after the oxen, you know, and that everything goes straight. I have picked up a little Kaffir from Joel, and can manage to make them understand." "Well, Dick," Mr. Humphreys said, after a littl» 42 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. "thought, "I don't know that I have any objection to it; it will be a change for you, and of course there will be no achance of the wagons being near if any fighting goes on. What do you think, Jackson? I suppose your boy will Tva^nt to go if mine does?" "Well, I don't mind," Mr. Jackson answered. "I suppose it will not be for long, for the boy is useful on the farm now. However, as you say, it will be a change, and boys like a little excitement. Well, I suppose I must say yes; they are fifteen now, and old enough to keep out of mischief." The boys were delighted at the prospect of the expedi- tion, and at once went out to talk matters over together. 'They cordially agreed in the hope that the Zulus would ifight, and promised themselves that if possible they ivould see something of it. Their fathers would, they thought, allow them to take their horses, and it would foe easy, if the wagons were left behind, to ride forward with the troops, and see what went on. Two days later the four teams started together for Pieter-Maritzburg. Contrary to their expectations the boys were not allowed to take their horses. "No, no, Dick," Mr. Humphreys had said, when his son asked him, "no horses, if you please; I know what you will be up to. Galloping about to see what is going on, and getting into all sorts of mischief and scrapes. No, if you go, you go with the wagons, to see that every- thing goes straight, to translate orders to the Kaffirs, and to learn something of wagon-driving across a rough ^country. For between this place and Pieter-Maritzburg it is such a fair road that you really learn nothing in that way; once get into a cross country, and you will see how "they get wagons down steep kloofs, across streams, and over rough places. No, you and Tom will stick to the wagons. I have been fixing a number of rings to-day THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 4S underneath one of them, and your mother and the women have been at work, makiug a sort of curtain to hook on all round; so at night you will have a comfortable place to sleep in, for the wagons will likely enough be so filled with cases and stores that there will be no sleeping in them. You can take the double-barrel as well as your Winchester, as of an evening you may be able to get a shot sometimes at game, which will vary your rations a bit. You must take with you a stock of tinned meats from Pieter-Maritzburg, for I do not suppose they will issue regular rations to you. So long as you are this side of the Tugela you will be able to buy food; but if the troops cross into Zululand you may have to depend on what you carry." Tom with his two wagons arrived at daybreak, and xhe four teams set off together, Mrs. Humphreys — who had now completely lost her cough and was quite strong and well — laying many injunctions upon Dick against expos- ing himself to any danger, and Dick promising to be as careful as possible. Upon their arrival at Pieter-Maritzburg the boys went at once to the government transport-yard, and on stating their errand were shown into the office of the officer in charge. "We have brought down four teams of sixteen oxen each," Dick said, "from near Newcastle, to be hired to the government." "That is right, my lads," the officer said, "we have room for plenty more. This is the form of contract. You engage to serve the government by the month; you bear any damages which may take place from wear and tear of the roads, breakdowns, and the other ordinary accidents of travel; the government engages to make good any loss or damage which may occur from the action of the enemy. This is not," he said, smiling, 44 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. "likely to take place, but still those are the terms. Have you any authority from your fathers, to whom, I suppose, the teams belong, to sign the contracts for them?' , f "Yes, sir," Dick said. "Here is a paper from my father, and one from Tom Jackson's father, saying that they agree to be bound by the terms of the contract, and that they authorize us to sign in their names. We are going with the wagons, sir, to look after the Kaffirs." ''Well," the officer said, "you can do as you like about that; but if you speak Kaffir it will be useful — only, mind, you will have to provision yourselves. From the day the teams are taken up rations of mealies will bo served to the Kaffirs at the various halting-places, but there is no provision for rations of white men. The cat- tle, too, will be fed, but you will have to see to your- "Yes, sir; we expected to do so." "Well, you had better fetch the teams up to the yard. I must inspect and pass them before they are taken up. Bring them round at once; then they will be loaded to-night, and start at daybreak to-morrow." The teams were brought round to the yard, and im- mediately passed by the officer, who indeed remarked upon the excellence of the animals. The Kaffirs were directed to outspan or unyoke the oxen, for whom rations of hay and grain were at once issued. The boys returned to the town and made their pur- chases, which were carried down by two Kaffirs and stored in the wagons, which were already in process of being loaded — two with boxes of ammunition* the others, with miscellaneous stores for the troops. They slept at an hotel, and next morning at daybreak presented them- selves at the yard. The Kaffirs were already harnessing up the oxen, and in a quarter of an hour the four wagons* with sixteen others, started for the Tugela. TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. . 45 It was now the middle of December. Early in the month commissioners had been sent to Cetewayo with the terms decided upon by Sir Bartle Frere. The first clauses of the document contained the settlement of the disputed frontier, and fines were fixed to be paid by the chiefs whose men had committed forays across the "borders; it then went on to demand that the whole of €etewayo's army should at once be disbanded; freedom of marriage was to be allowed, when the parties thereto were of age; justice was to be impartially administered; missionaries to be allowed to reside in the Zulu country; British residents to be appointed; all disputes between Zulus and Europeans to be referred to the king and resi- dent; and no expulsion from Zulu territory was to be carried into effect without the distinct approval of the resident. It was intimated to the king that unless these terms were accepted by the 11th of January the army would at once invade the country. Few men expected that the Zulu king would tamely submit to conditions which would deprive him of all the military power in which he delighted, and would reduce him to a state of. something like dependency upon the British. During the month of December General Thesiger, who commanded the British forces in South Africa, made every effort to prepare for hostilities. The regiments which were at the Cape were brought round by sea; a "brigade of seamen and marines was Ian* 3 3d from the ships of war; several corps of irregular* ^orse were raised among the colonists; and regiments of natives were en- rolled. Before the date by which the king was to send in his answer the troops were assembled along the frontier in the following disposition: 46 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. No. 1 Column. (Headquarters, Thring's Post, Lower Tugela.) Commandant. — Colonel C. K. Pearson, the Buffs. Naval Brigade. — One hundred and seventy bluejackets and marines of H. M.S. Active (with one Gatling and two seven-pounder guns), under Captain Campbell, K.N, Royal Artillery. — Two seven-pounder guns and rocket battery, under Lieutenant W. N. Lloyd, R.A. Infantry. — Second battalion, Third Buffs, under Lieutenant-Colonel H. Parnell. Mounted Infantry. — One hundred men under Captain Barrow, Nineteenth Hussars. Volunteers. — Durban Rifles, Natal Hussars, Stanger Rifles, Victoria Rifles, Alexandra Rifles. Average, forty- men per corps — all mounted. Native Contingent. — One thousand men under Major Graves, the Buffs. No. 2 Column - . (Headquarters, Helpmahaar, near Rorke's Drift.) Commandant. — Colonel Glyn, first battalion, Twenty- fourth Regiment. Royal Artillery — N. battery, fifth brigade, Royal Artil- lery (with seven-pounder guns), under Major A. Harness, B.A. Infantry. — Seven companies first battalion, Twenty- fourth Regiment, and second battalion, Twenty-fourth Begiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Degacher. Natal Mounted Police. — Commanded by Major Dart- nell. Volunteers. — Natal Carabineers, Buffalo Border Guard, Newcastle Mounted Rifles — all mounted; average, forty an en* TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 4? Native Contingent.— One thousand men, under Com- mandant Lonsdale, late Seventy-fourth Highlanders. No. 3 Column. (Headquarters, Utrecht.) Commandant. — Colonel Evelyn "Wood, V.C., C.B., fortieth Regiment. Eoyal Artillery. — Eleventh battery, seventh brigade, B.A. (with four seven-pounder guns), under Major E. Tremlett, R.A. Infantry. — Eirst battalion Thirteenth Kegiment, and Ninetieth Kegiment. Mounted Infantry. — One hundred men, under Major J. C. Russell, Twelfth Lancers. Frontier Light Horse. — Two hundred strong, under Major Kedvers Buller, C.B., Sixtieth Rifles. Volunteers. — The Kaffrarian Vanguard, Commandant Schermbuicker, one hundred strong. Native Contingent. — The Swazis, our native allies, some five thousand strong. In the first fortnight of their engagement the wagons traveled backward and forward between Pieter-Maritz- burg and Grey Town, which for the time formed the base for the column of Colonel Glyn. The distance of the town from the capital was forty-five miles, and as the wagons traveled at the rate of fifteen miles a day, they twelve days were in accomplishing two double journeys. When they were loaded up the third time they received orders to go straight through to the headquarters of the column at Helpmakaar. The boys were pleased at the ■change, for the road as far as Grey Town was a good one. They reached Grey Town for the third time on the 3d of January. Here they found the place in a state of great excitement, a mounted messenger having arrived 48 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. that morning with the news that Oetewayo had refused all demands and that large bodies of the Zulus were marching toward the frontier to oppose the various columns collecting there. fe On arriving at the government-yard the lads received orders at once to unload the wagons and to take on the stores of the second battalion of the Twenty-fourth, which was to march from Grey Town the next morning. The start was delayed until the afternoon, as sufficient wagons had not arrived to take on their baggage.. The road was rough, and it was late in the afternoon before they arrived at the Mooin Eiver. The weather had set in wet, the river was in flood, and the oxen had immense difficulty in getting the wagons across. Two teams had to be attached to each wagon, and even then it was as much as they could do to get across, for the water was so high that it nearly took them off their feet. The troops were taken over in punts, and, after cross- ing, a halt was made for the night. After seeing the cattle outspanned and attended to,, the boys wandered away among the troops, as they were to start at daybreak, and it was long past dark before all •were over. The tents were not pitched, and the troops bivouacked in the open. Brushwood was collected from the rough ground around, and blazing tires were soon burning merrily. It was all new and very amusing to> the boys. The troops were in high spirits at the prospect of an early brush with the enemy, and songs were sung around the fires until the bugle rang out the order r "Lights out/' when the men wrapped themselves in their blankets and lay down, and the boys retired to their snug shelter under the wagons, where their Kaffirs had, as usual, laid piles of brushwood to serve as their beds. The next morning they were off early, and reached th© TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 49 Tugela after five hours' march. This river does not here form the frontier between Zululand and Natal, this being marked by the Buffalo — a much larger and more inu- portant stream — from the point where this falls into the Tugela, some fifteen miles below the spot where they crossed the latter river, which here runs toward the south- west. Two more days' marching took the column to Help- makaar. The weather was wet and misty, and the troops now marched in close order, with flankers thrown out, for the road ran parallel with the Buffalo, about five miles distant, and it was thought possible that the Zulus might cross the river and commence hostilities. A cor- don of sentinels had, however, been placed all along the river from Eorke's Drift down to the point of junction of the Buffalo and Tugela; below the stream was so wide that there was no fear of the Zulus effecting a crossing. Most of the troops which had been stationed at Help- makaar had already marched up to Eorke's Drift, and after staying two days at Helpmakaar the second bat- talion of the Twenty-fourth marched to that place, where the first battalion of the same regiment were already encamped. Two days later the remainder of the force destined to act under Colonel Glyn had assembled at Eorke's Drift — the term "drift" meaning a ford across a river. This column was the strongest of those which had been formed for the simultaneous invasion of Zululand, and General Thesiger was himself upon the spot to accom- pany it. Many of the wagons which had brought up stores were sent back to Grey Town for further supplies; but those of the boys, being laden with the spare ammu- nition and baggage of a portion of the Twenty-fourth, were to accompany the column in its advance. The last two days of the term granted to Cetewayo to 50 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. accede to our terms were full of excitement; it had been reported, indeed, that the king was determined upon resistance, but it was thought probable that he might yield at the last moment, and the road leading down to the drift on the other side of the river was anxiously watched. As the hours went on and no messenger was seen ap- proaching, the spirits of the troops rose, for there is nothing that soldiers hate so much as, after enduring the fatigues preparatory to the opening of a campaign,, the long marches, the wet nights, and other privations and hardships, for the enemy to yield without a blow. Men who had been in the campaigns of Abyssinia and Ashanti told their comrades how on both occasions the same uncertainty had prevailed as to the intentions of the enemy up to the last moment; and the fact that in both campaigns the enemy had at the last moment resolved l to fight was hailed as a sort of presage that a similar determination would be arrived at by the Zulu king. To the boys these days passed very pleasantly; they had nothing to do but to wander about the eamp and watch the proceedings. There was a parade of the two native regiments before the general, who was much pleased with their appearance, and who exhorted them on no account to kill women, children, or prisoners. Among these native regiments were curiously many Zulus; for great numbers of this people had at various times been obliged to take refuge in Natal, to avoid the destruction threatened them by their despotic king, and these were now eager to fight against their late monarch. Some of the bodies of volunteer horse were very smart and soldier-like in their appearance. They were for the most part composed of young farmers, and Dick and Tom bitterly regretted that they had not been a few years THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 51 older, in which case, instead of looking after a lot of bulls, as Dick contemptuously said, they might have been riding in the ranks of the volunteers. By the regulars the two days were spent in cleaning their arms and accouterments, whose burnish and clean- liness had suffered much in the long, wet march, and from the bivouacs on the damp ground. After marching from Grey Town with the Twenty- fourth the boys had been placed regularly on the roll of the army as conductors, and although they drew no pay, had now the advantage of receiving rations as white men. They had upon the line of march frequently chatted with the young officers of the regiment, who, finding that they were the sons of well-to-do farmers and were cheery, high-spirited lads, took to them very much, and invited them of an evening to join them round the campfire. The last day came, and still no messenger arrived from Cetewayo, and in the evening orders were issued that the column should at daybreak pass the drift and advance into the enemy's country. The troops lay down that night in high spirits, little dreaming of the disaster which was to befall them in the campaign which they thought of so lightly. 5^ THE YOUNG COLONISTS, CHAPTER V. ISANDULA. At two o'clock on the morning of January 11 the bugle sounded the reveille, and the troops prepared to cross the Buffalo. Tents were struck, baggage piled on the wagons, and the regiments stood to arms at half-past four. The native contingent crossed first. The cavalry brigade under Lieutenant-Colonel Eussell placed their ammunition on a pontoon and rode over. The river was in some places up to the necks of the infantry, and even the cavalry were nearly swept away. The first and second battalions of the Twenty-fourth crossed on the pontoons. The third regiment of the native contingent threw out skirmishers, but could find no trace of the enemy. A heavy storm had come on at daybreak, but this left off at nine o'clock. Lieutenant-Colonel Buller, commanding the Frontier Light Horse, now rode in from the camp of Colonel Wood's force, which had crossed the Blood Eiver and had encamped inZululandat a spot about thirty-two miles distant. Lord Chelmsford rode over there with an escort of the Natal Mounted Police and the Natal Cara- bineers, who on their return captured three hundred head of cattle, several horses, and a number of sheep and goats. During the day the wagons, oxen, and ambu- lances were brought across the river on the pontoons. Early next morning the first battalion of the First Native Regiment, four companies of the first battalion of THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 53 the Twenty-fourth, and three hundred of the irregular horse started on a reconnaissance toward the kraal of Sirayo, the chief whose sons had been the greatest offenders in the raids into Natal. The cavalry were thrown out in skirmishing order, and after marching nine miles they descended into the slope of the valley in which Sirayo's kraals were situated. The enemy were heard singing their war-songs in one of the ravines, and the Third Native Regiment advanced against them, with the Twenty-fourth in reserve. The Zulus opened fire as they approached, and so heavy was this that many of our natives turned and ran; they were rallied, however, and ■with a rush carried the caves in which the Zulus were lurking. In the meantime the Twenty-fourth's men had moved round to the head of the ravine, and cut off the enemy's retreat. There was a skirmish between the cavalry and some mounted Zulus, and six of these, including a son of Sirayo„ were killed. Thirty horses and four hundred head of cattle were captured. The next day was spent in cleaning up arms and ac- couterments, after the heavy rain which had fallen the preceding week, and several days were spent in making the roads passable for the wagons. On the 20th the force moved forward, leaving one company of the second battalion of the Twenty -fourth, under Lieutenant Bromhead, with some engineers and a few natives to guard the ford and look after the pon- toons, and garrison the store and hospital. The column camped at Isandula, or, as it is more properly called, Isandwhlana, ten miles distant from Eorke's Drift. A portion of the road was extremely rough, and the wagons had the greatest difficulty in making their way forward. The spot selected for a camping-ground was a wide flat valley, with hills on the left and undulating ground on 54 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. the right; almost in the center rose an isolated hill, per- pendicular on three sides, and very steep and difficult on the fourth. The camp was pitched in front of this: hill, looking down the valley, with a mile of open coun- try between it and the hills on the left. The camp was formed in the following order: on the left were the two battalions of the Third Native Eegi- ment; the Eoyal Artillery were in the center; next to these was the second battalion of the Twenty-fourth. The line was then taken up by the cavalry, with the first battalion of the Twenty-fourth on the right of the whole. The wagons were all placed between the camp and the hill at the back. By a strange and criminal neglect no attempt was made to intrench this position, although it was known that the column might at any moment be attacked by the Zulus. It was determined that the greater part of the force should advance the next morning toward a. stronghold ten miles distant from the camp, straight down the val- ley. News had come that a large number of Zulus were at this spot, and it was supposed that these would fight. The column consisted of eight companies of each of the battalions of the Third Native Eegiment, with the greater part of the cavalry. The force started early and marched for three hours down the valley. Here they came on much cultivated ground, but the kraals had been deserted by the enemy. At four o'clock, as the cavalry were skirmishing at a dis- tance on both flanks, they came upon a body of Zulus about two thousand strong. The horse fell back upon the infantry, but, as it was now late, Major Dartnell de- cided to encamp for the night, and to attack in the morning. A messenger was dispatched into camp with a report of the day's proceedings, and some provisions THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 55 and blankets were sent out, with news that the general would join the troops with reinforcements in the morn- ing. At daybreak he left the camp at Isandula with seven companies of the second battalion of the Twenty-fourth, and orders were sent to Colonel Durnford, at Korke's Drift, to bring up two hundred mounted men and his rocket-battery, which had reached that spot. The Zulus were seen in all directions, and a good deal of skirmishing took place. By a gross neglect, equal to that which was manifested in the omission to fortify the camp, no steps whatever were taken to keep up commu- nication between the column, which now consisted of the greater part of the troops, and those who remained at the camp at Isandula. No signalers were placed on the hills, no mounted videttes were posted, and the column marched on, absorbed in its own skirmishes with the enemy, as if the general in command had forgotten the very existence of the force at Isandula. Even in the middle of the day, when the firing of cannon told that the camp was attacked, no steps were taken to ascertain whether reinforcements were needed there, and it was not until hours after all was over that a party was dis- patched to ascertain what had taken place at the camp. Upon the day on which the two native regiments advanced the two boys felt the time hang heavy on their hands; they would have liked to take their guns and go out to shoot some game for their dinners, but all shoot- ing had been strictly forbidden, as the sound of a gun might cause a false alarm. After hanging about the camp for an hour or two Dick proposed that they should climb the hill which rose so steeply behind them. "If the columns have any fighting," he said, "we should be sure to see it from the top." Borrowing a telescope from one of the officers of the 56 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. volunteer cavalry/ they skirted round to the back of the hill, and there began their climb. It was very steep, but after some hard work they reached the summit, and then crossed to the front and sat down in a comfortable niche in the rock, whence they could-command a view far down the valley. They could see the two battalions of infan- try marching steadily along, and the cavalry moving among the hills and undulations on both flanks. They had taken some biscuits and a bottle of beer up with them, and spent the whole day on the lookout. The view which they gained was a very extensive one, as the hill was far higher than those on either side, and in many places they could see small bodies of the enemy moving about. At sunset they descended. "I vote we go up again," Tom said the next morning. "The general has gone forward with most of the white troops, and there is sure to be fighting to-day. We shall have nothing to do, and may as well go up there as any- where else." After the general's departure there remained in camp five companies of the first battalion of the Twenty-fourth, and one of the second battalion, two fieldpieces with their artillery-men, and some mounted men. Just as the boys were starting at eight in the morning there was a report in the camp that the Zulus were gath- ering in force to the north of them. This quickened the boys' movements, and half an hour later they gained the top of the hill, and from their old position looked down upon the camp lying many hundred feet below them. There was considerable bustle going on, and the Kaffir drivers were hastily collecting the cattle which were grazing round, and were driving them into camp. "There is going to be a fight!" Dick exclaimed, as they gained their lookout; "there are crowds of ^ulus out there on the plains." THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 57 Could the boys have looked over the hills a mile away to their right, they would have seen that the number of Zulus down in the valley in front was but a small pro- portion of those gathering for the attack; for fifteen thousand men had moved up during the night, and were lying quietly behind those hills, three or four thousand more were taking the road to Rorke's Drift, to cut off any who might escape from the camp, while as many more were showing down the valley. Altogether some twenty-four thousand of the enemy had gathered round the little body in the camp. To the boys, however, only the party down the valley was visible. At eleven o'clock Colonel Durnford came into camp with his three hundred and fifty mounted men from Eorke's Drift, and advanced Avith them to meet the enemy threatening the left flank, while two companies of the first battalion of the Twenty-fourth moved out to attack their right. The Zulus, now reinforced from behind the hills, moved forward steadily, and Colonel Durnford with his cavalry could do little to arrest them. For an hour the infantry stood their ground, and the two fieldpieces swept lines through the thick ranks of the enemy. The Zulus advanced in the form of a great crescent. "Things look very bad, Dick," Tom said; "what do you think we had better do?" "I think we had better stay where we are, Tom, and wait and see what occurs; we have a splendid view of the fight, and if our fellows meet them we shall see it all*, but if — oh, look there, Tom!" Over the hills on the left thousands of Zulus were seen pouring down. "This is terrible, Tom. Look here, I will crawl along over the crest, so as not to be seen, and look behind to see if it is clear there. If it is, I vote we make a bolt. gg TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. It is of no use our thinking of going down for a couple of horses; the Zulus will be in the camp long before we . could get there." Five minutes later he again joined his friend. "They are coming up behind too, Tom. They have really surrounded us. Look, they are close to the camp!'* It was a scene of frightful confusion. Nothing could be seen of the companies of the Twenty-fourth, which had gone out to meet the Zulus. The great wave of the advancing army had swept over them. Below, the panic was complete and terrible, and soldiers, native drivers, and camp-followers were running wildly in all directions. One party of the Twenty-fourth's men, about sixty strong, had gathered together and stood like a little island. The incessant fire of their rifles covered them with white smoke, while a dense mass of Zulus pressed upon them. Many of the soldiers were flying for their lives; others again, when they found that their retreat was cut off, had gathered in groups and were fighting desperately to the last. Here and there mounted men strove to cut their way though the Zulus, while numbers of fugitives could be seen making for the river, hotly pursued by crowds of the enemy, who speared them as they ran. "It is frightful, frightful, Tom! I cannot bear to look at it." For a few minutes the fight continued. The crack of the rifles was heard less frequently now. The exulting yell of the Zulus rose louder and louder. On the right Colonel Durnford with his cavalry essayed to make one last stand to check the pursuit of the Zulus and give time for the fugitives to escape; but it was in vain, showers of assegais fell among them, and the Zulu crowd surged round. For a time the boys thought all were lost, but a few THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 59 horsemen cut their way through the crowd and rode for the river. The artillery had long before ceased to fire, and the gunners lay speared by the cannon. The first shot had been fired at half -past eleven, by one o'clock all Was over. The last white man had fallen, and the Zulus swarmed like a vast body of ants over the camp in search of plunder. Horror-stricken and sick, the boys shrank back against the rock behind them, and for some time sobbed bitterly over the dreadful massacre which had taken place before their eyes. But after a time they began to talk more quietly. "Will they come up here, do you think, Dick?** "No, I don't think so," Dick replied. "They could hardly have seen 115 come up here, even if they had been on the lookout on the hills, and as they reached the back 9f the mountain before the camp was taken, they will Know that nobody could have come up afterward Lie back here; we cannot possibly be seen from below. They will be too much taken up with plundering the camp to think ot searcnmg *his hill. What on earth is the general doing? — I can see his troops right ^way on the plain. Surely he must have heard the guns? Our only hope now is that when he hears it he will march straight back; but even if he does I fear that the Zulus will be too strong for him. The whole force which he has with him is no stronger than that which has been crushed here, and I don't expect the native regiments can make much stand if attacked by such a tremen- dously strong force." So long as the daylight lasted the boys, peering occa- sionally over, could see the Zulus at the work of plun- dering. All the sacks and barrels were taken from the wagons and cut or broken open, each man taking as much as he could carry of the tea, sugar, flour, and other 60 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. necessaries; many of the yoke-oxen were assegaied at once, and cut up and eaten, the rest being driven off toward the north by a party of warriors. At nightfall the tents were set on fire; they soon burned out, and the boys could no longer see what was taking place. Eising from the shelter, they walked back to the other side of the crest. "I can hear firing now," Dick said; "it seems to me that it is back at Eorke's Drift." They were soon sure that they were not mistaken; as it grew darker a flittering light was seen in that direction, and a continued fire of distant musketry was heard. Later on there was a broad glare in the sky. "I fear it is all over there too," Dick said, "and that the place has been burned." Still, however, the firing continued as heavy as ever, and long on into the night the lads sat listening to it. At last they fell asleep, and when they awoke the sun was already high. Thus they missed their chance of escape. At nine o'clock in the evening Lord Chelmsford's force, hearing at last what had happened, marched back into the camp, and before day had fairly broken con- tinued their way down to Korke's Drift. The defenders here, a little garrison under Lieutenant Bromhead of the Twenty-fourth and Chard of the Eoyal Artillery, had made a heroic defense against some four thousand of the enemy. With mealie bags and boxes they built up a breastwork, and this they held all night, in spite of the desperate efforts of the Zulus to capture it. The hos- pital, which stood at one end of the intrenchment, was carried and burned by the Zulus, but the little garrison held out till morning in an inner intrenchment round the storehouse. Here was seen what could be done in the way of TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 61 defense by the aid of hastily thrown up intrenchments; and had breastworks been erected at Isandula, as they ought to have been the instant the troops arrived there, and still more so when the major portion of the column marched away, the force there, small as it was, would doubtless have made a successful resistance. Even had the step been taken, when the Zulus were first seen approaching, of forming a laager — that is, of drawing up the wagons in the form of a hollow square — at the foot of the-- steep mountain, the disaster might have been averted. It may be said that the massacre of Isandula was due entirely to the over-confidence and carelessness of the officers in command of the column. The boys on waking crawled back cautiously to a spot where they could obtain a view over the valley, and, to their surprise, the force which, on the afternoon before,, they had seen out there had entirely disappeared. Many bodies of Zulus were seen moving about, but there was no trace of the white troops. They made their way to the back of the hill, and then, to their horror, saw the column moving away from them, and already halfway on its road to Korke's Drift. Their first impulse was to get up and start off in a run in pursuit of it, but this feeling lasted but a moment, for between the hill and the column many scattered parties of Zulus were to be seen. The boys looked blankly at each other. It was but too clear that they were cut off and alone in the enemy's country. "Whatever shall we do, Dick?" "I have not the least idea, Tom. At any rate there is nothing to be done at present. We should be assegaied in a moment if we were to go down; let's go back to our old lookout." After much talk, they agreed that it would be hopeless to attempt to make south and cross the Buffalo, as many $2 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. *>f the fugitives had done. There were sure to be strong bodies of Zulus along the river, and even if they passed these without detection they would be unable to cross the river, as they would find no ford and neither of them was able to swim. There were great numbers of Zulus in the camp below, and these seemed to be pursuing the work of plundering more minutely than they had done on the previous day. The stores scattered recklessly about were collected, placed in empty barrels, and loaded up on the wagons. Presently a number of cattle were brought down; these were harnessed to the wagons and driven off, and by nightfall nothing save scattered remnants marked the place where the British camp had stood. But from their post the boys could see that the ground far and near was dotted with corpses, black and white. After nightfall the boys descended to the camp, and having marked the exact spot where the wagons had stood were able to collect a number of pieces of the broken biscuit scattered about; they were fortunate enough to light upon a water-bottle still full, and with these treasures they returned to the post on the moun- tain. They had agreed to wait there for three or four days, in fact as long as they could hold out, and then quietly to walk into one of the native kraals. If caught in the act of flight they were certain of being killed, but they hoped that when the Zulus' blood had cooled down after the conflict their lives might possibly be spared. This plan was carried out; for four days they remained on the hill of Isandula, and then descending late one evening to the plain walked for ten or twelve miles north, and waiting until daybreak showed them a large native kraal at no great distance, they made for it, and sat quietlv down at the door of the principal hut. Pres- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 63 ently a girl issued from a neighboring hut, and, upon seeing them, gave a scream and ran back again. The cry brought others to the doors of the huts. When the? boys were seen, a perfect hubbub of tongues broke forth, and many of the men, running out with their spears, ad- vanced toward the lads. They sat perfectly quiet, and held up their hands to show that they were unarmed. The Zulus hesitated. Dick went through the motion of eating and drinking, and in his best Kaffir begged for a glass ot water. The Zulus, seeing that the boys were alone, approached them, and began to ask them questions, and were evi- dently much surprised at hearing that they had escaped from the massacre of the British. From the door of the hut in which they were sitting a chief, evidently of high rank, for the others greeted him respectfully, now came out. After the cause of the tumult was explained to the- chief he ordered the boys to be bound. This was done and they were put into an empty hut while their fate was decided upon; after much deliberation it was agreed by the Zulus that, as they were but boys and had come into the camp unarmed and of their own accord, their lives' should for the present be spared. It happened that in the village were a party of men who belonged to the tribe of Umbelleni, whose territory lay to the northwest, and these volunteered to take the prisoners to their chief, who was one of the strongest opponents of the English. His country, indeed, lay just within the Zulu frontier, and, having been engaged in constant skirmishes and broils with the Dutch settlers, he was even more disappointed than the other chiefs at the taking over of the Transvaal by England, just at the; time when the Zulus were meditating its conquest. 64 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. The road from Itelezi, the village at which the boys had given themselves up, to Umbelleni's country ran along between the Blood Kiver and the lofty hill coun- try; and, although they were ignorant of the fact, Colonel Wood's force was at that moment lying on this line. They were therefore taken up over a mountain country, crossing Mount Ingwe, to the Zlobani Moun- tain, a stronghold ten miles south of Umbelleni's chief kraal, and where at present he was residing. After three days' journey the lads, exhausted and footsore, ascended to the plateau of the Zlobani Mountains. Upon their way they passed through many villages, and at each place it needed the efforts of their guards to pre- vent their being seriously maltreated, if not killed. The Zulus, although victorious at Isandula, had suffered ter- ribly, it being estimated that nearly three thousand had fallen in the attack. Thus there was not a village but had lost some of its members, for, although the Zulu regiments have local denominations and regular military kraals, each regiment consists of men drawn from the population at large. Every four or five years all the lads who have passed the age of eighteen since the formation of the last corps, are called out and formed into a regiment, or are em- bodied with some regiment whose numbers have fallen in strength. Thus a regiment may consist of men differing considerably from each other in point of age, the great distinction being that some corps consist entirely of married men, while others are all unmarried. A regi- ment remains unmarried until the king formally gives the permission to take wives, and the corps to whom the boon has been granted are distinguished from the others by their hair being arranged in a thick ring round the head. So great is the enmity between these married THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 65 regiments and their less fortunate comrades that they are never encamped in each other's view, as fighting in that case would inevitably take place. Thus it happened that, although some of the corps had suffered far more than others, the loss was spread over the whole of Zulu- v J *nd. £6 THE YOUNQ COLONISTS. CHAPTER VI. ZLOBANI. While disaster had fallen upon the center column, the division under Colonel Evelyn Wood had been show- ing what could be done when care and prudence took the place of a happy-go-lucky recklessness. It had advanced from Ufcrecht on January 7, and had moved up to the frontier at Sandspruit. At two in the afternoon of the 10th it moved forward, halted at six, and again advanced by the light of the moon at half-past one in the morn- ing; a mounted advance guard was thrown out, flanking patrols were organized, and the troops moved in the greatest silence. The next day Colonel Buller, with his irregular horse, went out, and after a skirmish with the Zulus brought in a thousand cattle, and Captain Barton, with a party scouting in another direction, captured five hundred and fifty. On the following morning a reconnaissance in force was made, and a good deal of skirmishing took place; but, as Colonel Wood never allowed his men to follow the Zulus into rough ground, the latter were unable to effect anything against the column. This division ad- vanced forward but slowly, as it was intended that they should keep within reach of the leisurely moving central column. After several slight skirmishes the news reached them on the 24th of the disaster of Isandula, and with it Colo- TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 6? nel Wood received orders to fall back; and on the 26th he encamped at Kambula. Raids were made in all direc- tions with great success; the great military kraal of Manyamyoba was captured and destroyed by Colonel Buller and his cavalry. As Colonel Wood's was now the most advanced column, Colonel Rowlands, with a wing of the Eightieth and a couple of guns and two hundred Swazis, together with Eaaf's Horse and Wetherby's Borderers, were sent as a reinforcement to him. The Zulus were not idle, and Umbelleni and Manya- myoba made several successful raids across the border and destroyed the kraals of natives friendly to the Eng- lish. These two chiefs were not regular Zulu chieftains;' both were adventurers who had gathered under them numbers of broken men, and had for years carried on raids on their own account from their mountain strong- hold, in much the same way that the Scotch borderers of olden times harassed the country on the English side of the frontier. Oham, the king's brother, with his own following, came into Colonel Wood's camp, and gave himself up, saying that he was altogether opposed to the war. The boys on their arrival at Zlobani were brought be- fore Umbelleni. That chief briefly gave orders that they should be killed; but two or three of his headmen repre- sented to him that they might be of use; they would be able to carry a message to the British camp, should he desire at any time to send one; by their appearance and dress, they could tell him the nature of any troops they might intend to attack, and could read and explain any letters which might be captured on messengers; finally, they might be an acceptable present to send toCetewayo, who might not be pleased if he heard that prisoners had been killed in cold blood. Umbelleni assented to the reasoning, and ordered the 68 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. boys to be taken to a hut. The Zulu dwellings resemble in form great beehives. They are circular and dome- hoofed; the entrance is but three feet high, and people can only enter by crawling. A woman was ordered to cook for them. No guard was placed over them, and they were permitted to wander about freely, as escape from such a position was considered impossible. Six weeks passed slowly, and on March 11 a messenger arrived, and there was a sudden stir in the camp. In a few minutes the fighting men assembled. The boys were ordered to take their place in the column, and at a swift march, with which they had the greatest difficulty in keeping up, the column moved away. "Where are they taking us now, I wonder?" Tom said. "I suppose they are going to attack some English party on the march; our men are hardly likely, I should think, again to be caught napping, as they were at Isandula." Crossing two rivers, the Bevana and Pongola, they at night halted in another mountain kraal of Umbelleni, about three miles from the Intombe Eiver. On the bank of the river could be seen twenty wagons. These wagons had come down from Derby, on their way to Luneberg, a town situated four miles from the Intombe. Major Tucker, who commanded there, sent Captain Moriarty with a company of the Eightieth, seventy strong, down to the river to protect the wagons while crossing, and that officer had orders to neglect no precaution, and above all to keep an incessant and vigilant lookout. The river was in flood, and no crossing could be effected, and for four days the wagons remained on the northern bank. Captain Moriarty placed the wagons in laager on the bank, and took post there with forty of his men, leaving Lieutenant Harwood with thirty-four on the south bank with directions to cover the sides of the THE JOUNG COLONISTS. 69 / laager with a flanking fire, should it be attacked. The position of the wagons was a dangerous one, as the ground rose immediately behind them, and was covered with bush. In the middle of the night of the 11th TTmbelleni's men arose, and, accompanied by the boys, started from the kraal, and Dick and Tom were filled with forebod- ings of what was about to happen. Dick had already gathered from the natives that the guard of the wagons was an extremely small one, and, as the body mo^.ig to attack them were between four and five thousand strong, the chance of a successful resistance appeared small. When within a short distance of the wagons two of the Zulus motioned to the boys to stop. In ten minutes they heard a sentry challenge; his shout was answered by a loud yell, and the Zulus poured down to the attack. Unfortunately Captain Moriarty had not taken sufficient precaution against surprise, and before the men were fairly under arms the Zulus were upon them. The force on the other side of the river were now on the alert, and their rifle-fire opened before that of the defenders of the wagons. For a moment or two there was a sharp rattling fire from the wagons; then there were shouts and screams, the firing ceased, and the boys knew that the laager had been captured. Many of the soldiers indeed were assegaied before they could leave their tents, most were slaughtered at once, but a few managed to swim across the river. The Zulus swarmed after them. Lieutenant Harwood jumped upon his horse and rode off to Luneberg to fetch assistance. The little detachment was broken by the rush of the Zulus, but a sergeant and eight men fell back into a deserted kraal, and succeeded in repelling the attacks of the enemy. Lieutenant Harwood was afterward tried by court- 70 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. martial for his conduct; he was acquitted, but the gen- eral in command refused to confirm the verdict, and the ,commander-in-chief at home approved of the view he took of the matter, and issued a general order to the effect that "An officer, being the only one present with a party of soldiers actually engaged with the enemy, is not under any pretext whatever justified in deserting them, and thus by so doing abandoning them to their fate." Apprehensive of the arrival of reinforcements from Luneberg, Umbelleni did not continue his attack upon the little party in the kraal, but, after hastily plunder-, ing the wagons, retreated with his force, and the next day returned to Zlobani. A few days passed and the boys learned that two regi- ments from Ulundi were expected shortly to reinforce Umbelleni's men. The chief himself, with the majority of his followers, was now at his kraal, four miles distant, but the boys remained in the village on the Zlobani plateau. Several times they saw parties of British horse riding over the plains and from a distance reconnoitering the position, and they wondered whether there could be any intention on the part of Colonel Wood to attack it. There was on the plateau a large number of cattle, part the property of Umbelleni's men, but the great major- ity spoil taken in raids. It sieemed to the boys that an attack could scarcely be successful. The sides of the mountains were extremely precipitous, covered with bush, and contained large numbers of caves. There was but one path up which mounted men could ride; this was about halfway along the west side, the hill being a much greater length from north to south than from east to west. Up the southern extremity of the plateau was a path by which footmen could descend to the plain, but it was exceedingly steep and altogether impracticable for TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 71 cavalry; a handful of men should have been able to hold the position against an army. Colonel Wood, having heard of the large quantity of cattle concealed on the ZIobani Mountain, had determined to attack it, and at three o'clock in the morning of March 27 a cavalry party started. It consisted of one hundred and fifty mounted infantry; the Frontier Light Horse, one hundred and twenty-five; Eaaf's Troop, fifty; Piet-TJys' Boer Contingent, fifty; Wetherby's Horse, eighty; Schermbrucker's Horse, forty — a total of four hundred and ninety-five men. They were com- manded by Colonel Eussell, andColonel Wood was himself to join them in the evening. The party was a picked one, all being well mounted and good rifle-shots. The track led across a rough sandy country with deep nullahs, and thickly covered with trees and bush. At five o'clock they halted for half an hour, and then again advanced. After five miles' traveling across a very rough country they came out into a large cultivated flat which terminated in a long, dark, winding gorge, black with bush and skirted by precipices of sandstone and granite. They turned into this and followed a rivulet until they came to the end of the gorge, where they discovered a steep path which seemed cut out of the solid rock, and was only wide enough for one horseman to pass. After three-quarters of an hour's climbing they gained the summit. The country was wild in the extreme. The plateau upon which they found themselves extended for seven or eight miles. Huge masses of scrub and bowlders, peaks, terraces, and ledges of rock appeared everywhere, while caves and immense fissures formed retreats for the cattle. It was now late in the afternoon, and the force bivouacked for the night, having brought with them three days' provisions. At seven in the evening Colonel Wood 72 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. joined them with his staff, eight mounted men of the Fiftieth Regiment and six natives under Untongo, a son of Poqgo, a friendly chief. Untongo had by some means obtained information that seven strong regiments had marched from TJlundi seven days before, and was most anxious that the column should return to Kambula. Colonel "Wood, however, could not carry out this advice, for Colonels Buller and Wetherby and Piet-Uys, with their commands, who were in front, had moved for- ward a long distance, and a retreat now would leave them to be surrounded and cut off. The troops lay down and slept, and at half-past three o'clock again prepared to advance. Distant shots were heard, showing that Colonel Buller was attacked, and just as the party was setting off, Colonel Wetherby with his troopers rode in, having in the night got separated from Buller's men in the wild and broken country. As the troops advanced they came here and there across the bodies of Zulus, showing that Buller had had to fight his way. Captain Ronald Campbell ascended a rock and scanned the coun- try with his glass. Faraway, almost in the center of the gigantic and apparently inaccessible cliff of Zlobani, the remains of Buller's column could be seen slowly advanc- ing, driving some dark masses of cattle and Zulus before them. Colonel Wetherby obtained permission to lead his men on at once to Buller's assistance, while Colonel Wood fol- lowed with the remainder of the force. Wetherby moved by a terribly difficult path to the right, while Wood kept to what seemed the main track. About half a mile further the latter came on a party of two hundred Zulus, armed with rifles; these crossed in front of him, taking an occasional shot at the leading files of the party, who on account of the difficulties of -the road were com- pelled to dismount and lead their horses. Their object THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 73 was evidently to cut off Wetherby's troop from the main column. Lieutenant Lysons, leaving the column, recon- noitered the ground, and found that Wetherby's party was already divided from them by a deep and impassable ravine, at the bottom of which was the pathway by which Buller had made his way to the summit of the cliff. A strong party of Zulus were seen far away in front, work- ing as if to cut off Buller's horse. It was clear that there was nothing to do but to press forward in hopes that the line taken by Wetherby and that which the main column was following would come together. At this moment a heavy fire was opened by a party of the enemy from a narrow ledge of rock a hundred yards above them. Untongo and two of his men guided a party of eight marksmen to a still higher point, and their fire speedily drove off the Zulus. Half an hour's march brought Wood upon Wetherby's track, and high above them to the right the rear of Buller's column could be seen. No more unsuitable ground for the operation of mounted men could be found; perpendicular rocks rose in all directions, while steep precipices fell away at their feet. Killed and wounded horses were seen at every turn of the road, showing how stoutly the enemy had hel4 their ground, and how difficult an operation Buller had performed. Sending fifty men to work upon the right flank and endeavor to take the Zulus in the rear, Golonel Wood kept his men for a few moments under cover of a friendly ledge of rocks, to take breath and look to their rifles, girths, and ammunition, and then pressed rapidly forward and joined the Border Horse. The scene was now most exciting. The firing was almost continuous, and the yells of the savages rose from every rock and bush, mingled with the loud cheers of Buller's men far up in front, as they saw the column approaching to their aid. The ground was now more 74 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. level and practicable for riding, and Colonel Wood mounted his horse and, accompanied by his own little escort of a dozen men and the Border Horse under Colonel Wetherby himself, with his gallant boy, aged fifteen, who was fighting by his side, galloped forward for the front, leaving Colonel Eussell in command of the column. When within a hundred paces of the summit of the cliff a rain of fire opened upon their front and flank from a mass of Zulus firing from caves, crevices, and behind enormous bowlders. From one cave to the right front an excessively heavy fire was kept up, and Colonel Wetherby dashed at this with his men just as Colonel Wood's horse staggered from a deep assegai wound in the chest. At the same moment a native from behind a bowlder fired at that officer at ten paces' dis- tance; the bullet missed him and Lieutenant Lloyd rode at the man, but fell, shot through the head. Colonel Wood and Captain Bonald Campbell rode forward to cover his body. Two more Zulus fired at the same in- stant and the colonel's horse fell dead. Colonel Weth- erby's men were hotly engaged at close quarters with the Zulus, and were unable to join the colonel. Captain Campbell, Lieutenant Lysons, and the eight Ninetieth men of the eseort rushed at the opening. Captain Campbell fell, shot through the head, bnt the rest dashed forward. There was a movement in the cave and a sudden shout in English of "Come on!" and as the little band dashed in and fell upon the Zulus they saw, to their astonish * ment, two English boys, armed with assegais, attacking these in the rear. In another minute the Zulus were all cut down, and the party returned to Colonel Wood. On the previous afternoon Zulu scouts had arrived at Zlobani with the news that an English column was on its way toward it. Messengers were dispatched to Umbel- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. ?5 leni's kraal, and at night his force there came to the assistance of those at Zlobani. Early in the morning the boys proceeded with a number of Zulus to the edge of the plateau, and were placed with eight of their guards in a cave. From its mouth they watched anxiously the events of the day. Colonel Buller's party had struck upon the right road, and after hard fighting gained the summit of the cliff. Here a great quantity of cattle were collected, and these were sent off in charge of a body of friendly natives, which accompanied the force. This column in the ad- vance had not passed near the cave in which the boys were placed. Their hearts beat high as they saw Colonel Wood's column suddenly turn off from the line which Buller had followed, and make straight for it. Their excitement grew higher and higher as the conflict increased in vigor. Soon the Zulus in the cave were at work. When Cap- tain Campbell charged forward with his handful of men Dick and Tom exchanged a glance. They stood quiet until i ( t was evident that the English attack would be pushed home; then, as the men of the Ninetieth, led by Lysons, dashed at the entrance of the cavern, the boys seized two assegais and each pinned one of the crouching Zulus to the ground. Before the others could turn round upon them Lysons and his men were among them. The fire of Buller's men from above drove the Zulus from their hiding-places. But Colonel Wood, finding it impossible to make his way up at this point, moved round at the foot of the rocks, to try and find the point at which Buller had ascended the cliff. Before doing so, however, the bodies of Captain Campbell and Lieutenant Lloyd were carried down the hill and buried in a hastily made grave. As, carrying their wounded men, the little party made their way to the foot of the cliff, Untongo, 76 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. who had been reeonnoitering the rocks on both sides, ran down to him and began to talk rapidly, pointing over toward the plain. Colonel Wood did not understand Kaffir, but Dick, who was standing by, said: "He says, sir, that there is a great Zulu army marching below." Colonel Wood mounted a fresh horse, and making his way with great difficulty across some broken ground reached a point where he could see the plain. There, in five continuous columns, the Zulu army from Ulundi, twenty thousand strong, was sweeping along at its usual rapid pace. It was evident at once that only by a speedy retreat could any of the force hope to escape. Colonel Wood dispatched a message at once to Colonel Eussell, who had with his force by this time commenced the ascent at the extreme westerly point to retrace his steps instantly, and to cover as far as possible the retreat of the native allies with the cattle. Colonel Buller above had also seen the coming danger. So far he had accomplished his work admirably. The Zulu position had been triumphantly stormed,. and a large number of cattle taken and driven off. Had Colonel Wood's force and Wetherby's troop ar- rived on the scene of action immediately after Buller had ascended to the plateau, the retreat could have been made in time, and the expedition would have been suc- cessful at all points. The unfortunate incident of their losing the track, the delay caused thereby, and their inability to rejoin him had given time for the Ulundi army to come up. Colonel Buller found that it was impossible now to descend to the plain by the path by which he had as- cended. Not only would he have to fight his way back through the whole force of Umbelleni, but his retreat by TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 77 that route would be cut off by the Ulundi men. Conse- quently, pursued by a great body of exulting Zulus, he made his way along the plateau to the steep path at its extremity. The scene here was terrible. The Zulus blocked the way in front and lined both sides. Buller himself, with Piet-Uys, defended the rear, assisting the wounded, and often charging desperately into the ranks of the Zulus pressing upon him. The path was slippery with blood and strewn with dead. As the last of his troop made their way down it, Piet-Uys, a most gallant Dutchman, fell dead across the body of his horse, with six Zulus, whom he had shot with his revolver, around him. Wetherby's troop was surrounded, and forty-five out of his eighty men killed. The colonel himself and his boy both fell, the latter refusing to leave his father, although the latter urged him to gallop off and join the column, which appeared to be making its way through the Zulus. Colonel Russell's command got through without so much opposition; but Buller's horse, Piet- Uys' troop, and Wetherby's command suffered terribly. Fortunately the Ulundi army did not follow the retreat; first, because the tremendous three days' march which they had made had in a great measure exhausted the men, who had started in such haste that they had brought no provisions with them, and secondly, on ac- count of the steady attitude and resolute bearing of Russell's command. Buller's force reached Kambula camp at half-past seven at night. It had set in stormy, and torrents of rain were falling. Although he had been in the saddle for forty-eight hours, Colonel Buller, on hearing that a small party of the survivors had taken refuge in hiding ten miles away, collected a party of volunteers, and, tak- ing led horses, set out to rescue them. This was effected; 78 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. the fugitives were found to be seven in number, and returned with their rescuers safely to camp. The boys had both escaped, two of Wetherby's men, who accompanied Colonel Wood, taking them on their saddles behind them. The total loss was ten officers and seventy-eight men. For the night the boys were handed over to the charge of one of the officers of the staff, but in the morning Colonel Wood sent for them, and they then told him the story of their adventures since the battle of Isandula, with which he was greatly interested. He said that he would at once have sent them to Utrecht, but that the camp would probably be attacked during the day. The troops had been on the alert all night, expecting an attack. Before daylight Captain Kaaf was sent out with twenty-five men to reconnoiter, and returned with one of Oham's natives. This man had joined the Zulu army as it advanced, and was, fortunately for him- self, not recognized by them as being one of Oham's people. In the night he had slipped away. He reported the Zulus twenty thousand strong, a great portion of them being armed with rifles. Fortunately little preparation was necessary at Kam- bula. Nothing had been left to chance here, and there was therefore no fear of a repetition of the Isandula dis- aster. Each corps, each subdivision, each section, and each man had his place allotted to him, and had been told to be in that place at the sound of the bugle. The little fort was in a strong position, laid out upon an elevated narrow reach of tableland. A precipice, inaccessible to a white man, guarded the right flank; on the left a succession of steep terraces had been utilized and carefully intrenched, each successive line command- ing that below it. At one end there was a narrow slip of land swept by two seven-pounders. Immediately in TSE YOUNG COLONISTS. ?8 the rear, upon an eminence one hundred and twenty feet higher than the fort, was a small work, armed with two guns. The camp consisted of an outer defense of one hundred wagons and an inner one of fifty — the whole protected by earthworks and ditches. 80 Itftto JO-'jivG coLomw& CHAPTER VII. KAMBULA. Immediately Oham ; s Zulu had made his report, the bugle sounded, and the garrison quietly and quickly took up the places assigned to them. Messengers went out to order a fatigue party, which had gone out wood-cutting, to return at once. These men reported that they had seen the Zulus scouting, about five miles to the west. The tents were struck, the men lined the shelter trenches, and ammunition was served out by fatigue parties told off for this duty. The white conductors and commissariat men, most of whom were old settlers and good shots, were told off to the different faces of the laager, A small party were provided with stretchers, in order to carry the wounded to the hospital in the center. Dick and Tom, having no duty and being without arms, thought that they might as well make themselves useful at this work, and therefore, taking a stretcher, they proceeded to one of the outer shelter trenches. It was nearly eleven o'clock when the Zulus were seen approaching, and halted just out of musket-range. Here apparently a council of war was held, and it was more than an hour before any forward movement was made. Then a body of them, about seven thousand strong, ran at a tremendous pace along a ledge situated at the edge of the cultivated land. The troops were ordered not to fire, as it was thought better to wait until the Zulus came on in earnest. At half-past one a cloud of skirmishers THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 81 advanced from the Zulu army, and fed by supports began to scale the north front of the English position. Here, behind the outermost line of intrenchments, some of Buller and Eussell's dismounted men, and a portion of tne band of the gallant Piet-Uys were stationed, and these opened fire upon the Zulus. Scarcely one of them but was a dead-shot, and no sooner did a head or a shield appear above rock or bowlder or tuft of grass than the deadly rifle rang out, and in most cases there was an enemy the less to encounter. The Boers particularly distinguished themselves at this work. Most of these men are certain shots, being trained from childhood in the use of their large single-barreled guns, carrying an enormous bullet, and suited for the destruction of big game. Animated by a hatred of the Zulus, and a longing for vengeance for the death of their late leader, the Boers picked off their foes with unerring aim. The enemy's skirmishers now retired, and a more solid line took their place, supported by a dense column in its rear. The cavalry remounted and fell slowly back, and Major Eussell, with twenty of his men, made a bril- liant charge on a party of Zulus who were running to take possession of a sheltering ledge of rocks, and, after cutting down a great many, retreated without the loss of a man. Buller and Eussell now retired slowly within the laager, their retreat being covered by Colonel Gilbert and four companies of the Thirteenth, who were posted at this face of the works. One company of the Thirteenth, under Captain Cox, held the cattle-laager, which was situated outside the line, and so were able to take the enemy in flank, as they attacked the main work. This little garrison and Colonel Gilbert's men poured a tremen- dous fire upon the Zulus, who still, however, pushed forward. 32 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. Major Hackett was now ordered to take a couple of companies of the Ninetieth, and to advance up the slope, ^round the rear of the cattle-laager. Taking post here, they opened a deliberate and deadly fire upon the enemy, and then advancing drove back the Zulus with great loss. The Zulu general, however, led a party of his best marksmen round to his right, and opened a heavy tire upon the Ninetieth, as they fell back upon their intrench- ments. Lieutenant Bright fell mortally wounded, and in running forward to pick him up Major Hackett was struck by a ball sideways, which passed through both eyes and destroyed his sight forever. Meanwhile, from the works on the heights, Captain Nicholson was doing great execution with his two seven-pounders. The Zulu main body had now come within range, and grape and canister were poured into their heavy masses. As Nicholson was standing on the parapet, fieldglass in hand, directing the pointing of two guns, a bullet struck him on the temple and he fell dead. He was seen from the laager to fall, and Major Vaughan was sent to take his place. Major Tremlett, E.A., now took the four guns, hitherto held in reserve, to a small piece of rising ground outside the laager, and opened fire upon the masses of the enemy with immense execution. From time to time Buller and Russell, as they saw openings for a charge, swept down and drove the enemy's skir- mishers back on to their main body; the Zulus, altogether unaccustomed to cavalry, always falling back precipitately at these assaults. At three o'clock a hot cross-fire was opened upon a company commanded by Captain Woodgate, which was stationed halfway between the laager and the upper fort, keeping open a communication between them, the enemy's fire from a height commanding this line being particularly galling. Two of Tremlett's guns were brought THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 83 to bear on the point, and the enemy's fire speedily slackened. For another hour and a half the troops con- tinued to be hotly engaged, for the enemy, when driven back from one flank, swept round in most perfect order and attacked another. At half-past four the Zulus, concentrating again, at- tacked the northern side, and made some desperate rushes up to the muzzles of the English rifles, and the lighting for a time was almost hand to hand. The boys had worked round with their stretchers wher- ever the fire was hardest, and had carried many wounded men into hospital. They were at the north face when the Zulus swarmed up toward it, and Woodgate's men fell back into the shelter of the laager. As they came in a young lieutenant, who was commanding the rear, fell, apparently dead. Being in the rear of the company his fall was unnoticed by the men. Dick, who was peering over the intrenchment, saw him fall, and saw too that he moved slightly. "Quick, Tom!" he exclaimed; and, carrying the stretcher, the boys scrambled over the breastwork and ran toward the officer. He had fallen some twenty yards outside, and the Zulus, rushing on, were but eighty yards away. On reaching the side of the young officer the boys laid their stretcher on the ground, rolled him upon it, and, lifting it, turned toward the camp. A ringing cheer from the men had greeted this action, mingled with shouts of "Kun! run!" for by this time the Zulus were but twenty yards behind. A stream of fire broke out from the top of the breast- works; an assegai whizzed over Dick's shoulder, and another grazed Tom's arm, but they hurried on until they reached the ditch, and then threw themselves and their burden down. There for five or six minutes they £4 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. lay, while the fight raged above them. Then the British cheer rose, and the boys knew that the Zulus had fallen, back. A minute later a dozen men leaped from the intrench- ment into the ditch outside, and lifted the wounded lieutenant over it into the arms of those behind. "Bravo! boys, bravo!" a hundred voices shouted, aa the boys scrambled back into the works, while the men crowded round to pat them on the shoulder and shake their hands. It was evident now that the Zulu fire was slackening, and three companies of the Thirteenth went out, and, taking posts by the edge of the slope of the cattle-laager, opened fire upon them as they retired. Every gun was brought to bear upon them, and as, disheartened and beaten, they fell back, Buller and Bussell, with every mounted man in camp, sallied out and fell upon them, and, burning with the desire to wipe out their misfortune of the preceding day, chased them for seven miles, like a flock of sheep, cutting down immense numbers. It was ascertained afterward from prisoners that the Zulu force which attacked was composed of twenty-five thousand men. It was commanded by Tyangwaiyo, with Umbelleni as his second. Many of the leading chiefs of Zululand and three thousand of the king's bravest and best troops fell in the attack on Kambula, and this battle was by far the hottest and best-contested which took place during the war. Upon our side two officers and twenty-one men were killed. The difference between the result of the action at Kambula and that at Isandula was due entirely to the fact that in one case every precaution was taken, every means of defense utilized; while in the other no more attention was paid to any of these points than if the troops had been encamped at Aldershot. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 85 Upon the day following the battle Colonel "Wood set iiis men to work to erect further defenses at the points which the recent action had shown to be weak, and never ceased work until the place had been made almost impreg- nable against an assault of savages, however brave. The messenger who carried to Natal the news of the victory of Kambula also took letters from the boys to their parents, acquainting them of their safety; and with the first convoy of wounded on the following day the boys started for home, Colonel Wood having given to each a flattering testimonial as to their gallant conduct in the action, and having presented them with two horses belonging to men of Buller's corps who had fallen in the action, ordering that the horses should be entered as bought for the queen's service, and the value paid to the relatives of their late owners. Three days' march took the convoy to Utrecht, and the next morning the boys rode home, the distance from there to Newcastle being about forty miles. They were received as if they had risen from the dead, for their letters had not arrived before them, and their parents had of course assumed that they had been killed at Isan- dula. Both the mothers were in mourning, and their joy at the restoration of their sons was unbounded. Mrs. Jackson fainted from surprise and delight as Tom rode up; but Dick, remembering the effect which the news of his being alive in the snow had produced upon his mother, was careful to save her the shock. Ac- cordingly, instead of riding direct to the house, he made a detour and rode across the farm until he met Bill Har- rison. The man was delighted at the sight of his young master, and could hardly believe his eyes as he saw him riding toward him. After the first warm greeting was over Dick learned that his mother had been seriously ill, and was now re- 86 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. covering, and that his father had been much shaken. Dick told Harrison to go to the house, and, under the excuse of some question about his work, to call Mr. Humphreys out, and to tell him of his return, leaving it to him to break the news to his wife. This Mr. Humphreys, after recovering from his own emotion at the joyful intelligence, did so gradually and quietly that the tale produced no injurious effect upon the mother. He began by saying that he had heard that a rumor was afloat that some of those that were supposed to have been killed at Isandula had been kept captives by the Zulus. Mrs. Humpheys for a time doubted the news, but, upon her husband's assurance that the intelligence was well founded, a faint feeling of hope began to spring up; then gradually, step by step, he told her that it was reported that these captives consisted chiefly of non- combatants, men who had taken refuge among the rocks and bushes when the fight was seen to be going against the troops. This still further raised Mrs. Humphreys* hopes; for, from the presence of mind and shrewdness which Dick had shown on, the occasion of the snow- storm, it seemed probable that he would be quick to avail himself of any chance of escape there might be. Then Mr. Humphreys said that the report affirmed that among the prisoners were two or three quite young lads, and so step by step he went on, until the delighted mother learned that her son was already upon the farm, and was only waiting until he knew she would be strong enough to see him. Mr. Humphreys now went to the door and gave a loud shout, and Dick, who had been waiting the signal agreed on at a short distance from the house, ran up and was soon in his parents' arms. A minute or two later his younger brother ran in, having just heard the news from THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 87 Harrison, and it was indeed a happy party which that night assembled in the sitting-room of the farmhouse, and listened to Dick's account of the adventures he had gone through. Not a little proud were the father and mother, as they read Colonel Wood's testimony to the gallant conduct of their son. The next day Mr. and Mrs. Jackson drove over with Tom, and the warmest congratulations were exchanged. "Have you been paid for the wagons, father?" Dick asked. "Yes, my boy, for there was a notice that the owners of all wagons and teams destroyed at Isandula would be paid at once. As there was a record kept of the owner- ship of those which accompanied the column, there was of course no difficulty in proving the loss, and both Mr. Jackson and myself received orders on the public treas- ury for their value last week. You see more transports were required, and there was such a panic after Isandula that if government had not promptly paid for their losses there they would have got no more wagons from farmers for their work. We have already four more building for us at Newcastle." "I suppose there wa3 a great fright in the colony after the defeat?" "Terrible!" Mr. Humphreys answered. "Every one imagined that the Zulus would at once cross the frontier, and carry fire and sword throughout the colony. The rest of the Fourth Regiment instantly went forward to Colonel Glyn's column, and this restored it to something like its strength before the fight. The rivers were high, which may have accounted partly for the Zulus not tak- ing the offensive. Probably, too, the great loss which they themselves must have suffered had some effect; while they might not have liked to have advanced in force across the frontier, being, as they were, threatened 88 THE TOUWG COLONISTS. on the one side by the column of Colonel Wood at Kam- bula, and on the other by that of Colonel Pearson at ■ Ekowe." "I have not heard about that column, father. What are they doing?" "I will tell you about it this evening, Dick, as it is rather a long story." After the Jacksons had driven off in the evening, Dick again asked his father about the doings of Colonel Pear- son's column. "Well, my boy, they have neither suffered a great defeat, like that under Lord Chelmsford, nor obtained a decisive victory, like the column of Colonel Wood; they have beaten the enemy in a fight, and are at present be- sieged in a place called Ekowe, or, as it is sometimes spelled, Etckowi." The column consisted of eight com- panies of the Third Buffs under Colonel Parnell; six companies of the Ninety-ninth, under Colonel Welman; one company of Eoyal Engineers and two seven-pounder guns; they had, besides a naval brigade consisting of two hundred and seventy blue-jackets and marines of her majesty's ships Active and Tenedos, with three Catling grins, two hundred mounted infantry; two hundred colonial mounted riflemen also formed part of the column, with about two thousand men of the native con- tingent. They had great difficulty in crossing the Tugela, which was nearly four hundred yards wide. But, thanks to the exertions of the sailors, a flying bridge was constructed — that is, a boat with ropes attached to both shores, so that it can be pulled backward and forward, or, as is sometimes done, taken backward and forward by the force of the stream itself. "It was the 13th before the crossing was effected. The -enemy were in considerable force near the river. A small earthwork, called Fort Tenedos, was thrown up on THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 89> the Zulu bank of the river. On the 18th the leading division started on its march into the enemy's country, followed the next day by the second division, a small de- tachment being left to garrison the fort. Every precau- tion was taken in the advance, and the cavalry scouted the country in front of the column. At the end of the first day's march the Inyoni, a small stream ten miles, north of the Tugela, was reached. "The second day they encamped on the UmsindusL The third day's march brought the column to the Amat- ikulu; beyond this the country became covered with bush, and great care was then taken, as it was known that a large force was marching from Ulundi to oppose their further advance. Early on the morning of the 22d, the day which proved so fatal to Colonel Glyn'& column, the first division had just crossed the Inyezane Eiver and was halted for breakfast, when they were at- tacked by a large force of the enemy, who, having chosen this position, were lying in wait for them. The ground chosen for the halt was not a favorable one, as it was surrounded by bush. But as no other place could be found by Major Barrow, who commanded the horse, near water, the halt had been made here. Scarcely had they begun their preparations for breakfast when Captain Hart, who was out scouting in front with the advance; company of the native contingent, discovered the enemy advancing rapidly over the ridge in his front and. attempting to gain the bush on both flanks of the halting- place. The Zulus at once opened a heavy fire upon the native contingent, and of these one officer and four non- commissioned officers and three men fell almost immedi- ately. "The native contingent was called in, and the naval brigade and two guns, under Lieutenant Lloyd, and two companies of the Buffs were ordered to take up a position 90 THE TOUNG COLONISTS. upon a knoll close to the road, on which they were halted. "The sailors at once opened fire on the enemy with two seven-pounders and two twenty-four-pounder rocket- tubes, while the Buffs poured a heavy fire with their rifles upon them. The wagons were still coming up, and these were parked as they reached the ground; and two companies of the Buffs, who were guarding them on the march, being now free to act, were ordered to move out in skirmishing order, and draw the enemy out of the bush, when, as they retired, they were exposed to the fire from the knoll. "The engineers and mounted troops moved forward, with the infantry skirmishers, supported by a half-com- pany of the Buffs and a half-company of the Ninety- ninth. The enemy tried to outflank their left, and Captain Campbell with a portion of the naval brigade and some of the native contingent went out and drove them from a kraal of which they had taken possession. A still further advance was now made, and the Zulus took to flight, leaving three hundred dead upon the ground. The attacking party were five thousand strong, and against these some five or six hundred of our troops were engaged. We had only eight Europeans killed and four natives, and about twenty wounded. The next day Colonel Pearson reached Ekowe. The position was a strong one, as the place stood upon rising ground; it had been a missionary station, and there was a church which could at the worst be converted into a citadel. "Colonel Pearson at once set to work to fortify the position. The same evening the news arrived of the dis- aster at Isandula. After a consultation with his officers Colonel Pearson decided to hold the spot at which he now was, convinced that, without further supplies of reinforce- ments, he could hold the place for two months. In order to economize food, the mounted men and most of THE YOUNG COLONISTS, 91 the natives were sent back, and there remained twelve- hundred British troops. "Colonel Pearson at once commenced his preparations for a siege. Three moderate-sized brick erections were turned into storehouses, and the church into a hospital, the tower making a capital lookout; from this a splen- did view was obtained, the hill by the Tugela being; clearly visible. The men set to work to fortify the place. The intrenchments were of a six-sided form, about sixty yards across, with a ditch outside them eighteen feet, deep and twelve feet wide. Assegais were planted in the bottom. Added to the south side was a kraal for cattle and horses, also defended by a small wall. Outside the fort were entanglements of rows of felled trees and bushes. The supply of water was obtained from a good well, outside the walls, but covered by the fire of the fort. The guns were placed in position, and the garrison was ready for any attack that might be made upon them. All these details we learned in the early days of the siege by occasional messengers, who managed to find their way through, but these had been few and far be- tween; of twelve messengers sent out the first week of February, only one got through. The garrison had made several sorties, and had destroyed Dabulamanzi's kraal. They also went out and cut off a large convoy of cattle on its way to Ulundi." "But how have they found out what is being done at Ekowe, if the first week only one messenger got through out of twelve?" Dick said. "By a very ingenious plan, Dick. For three weeks we knew nothing of what was going on, and then it struck an engineer that communication might be estab- lished by flashing signals." "What are flashing signals, father?" "Well, my boy, as a general rule they are made by $2 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. / showing a light either for a long or short period. Thus, one long and one short might be A; one short and one ,long f B; two short and one long, C; and soon all through the alphabet. The distance was so great that ordinary lights would not have answered, but it struck one of the engineers that with a looking-glass the sunlight might be reflected. You know at what a distance the sun's reflec- tion on a window can be made out. Well, it was tried in vain for a whole week by Lieutenant Haynes, of the Royal Engineers, but at the end of that time he was de- lighted at seeing answering flashes from the hill on which Ekowe stands. Since that time news has been regularly received every day by this means of what is passing in the fort. "In the meantime preparations were being made for the relief of the garrison. The news of the defeat at Isandula was sent home by a swift ship, by which the particulars were telegraphed from St. Vincent. The people at home did not lose an hour. The Shah, which was on her way home, heard the news at St. Helena, and Oaptain Bradshaw, who commanded her, at once, on his own responsibility, turned his ship's head south, and steered for Durban, bringing with him the garrison of the island. Some drafts from the Fourth, Eighty-eighth, and Ninety-ninth Regiments were brought down from the Cape; the Boadicea also arrived, and every man who could be spared from her and the Shah was landed and sent up to the Tugela. "In the second week in March the Fifty-seventh and Ninety-first Regiments arrived from England. One hundred and sixty men were brought over from the gar- rison of Mauritius, and a few days later the third bat- talion of the Sixtieth Regiment also arrived. These assembled on the Tugela on the 27th, and that day set out. The vanguard was composed of the seamen and marines THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 9$ of the Shall and Tenedos — six hundred and forty men and two Gatlings, the Ninety-first Eegiment of nine hun- dred men, four hundred men of the Ninety-ninth, one hundred and eighty men of the Third Buffs, one hun- dred and fifty mounted infantry, two hundred of the mounted native contingent, and sixteen hundred men of the native infantry contingent. The second division consisted of two hundred men of the Boadicea with Gat- lings, the Thirty-seventh Eegiment, and the third bat- talion of the Sixtieth, nine hundred men, and two troops, of mounted natives. That is all I can tell you, my boy. The news only arrived here yesterday that they had started. In the course of three or four more days I hope that we shall hear that they have given the Zulus a thor- ough licking. It is a strong force, and as there are about thirty-three hundred white troops among them, and there is no fear of their being taken by surprise this time, we need not have any anxiety about the result. I understand that, in accordance with the advice which Colonel Pearson has flashed from Ekowe, they are not going to follow the road he took, but to keep along on, the lower ground near the sea." "And do you think, father, that they will push on for Ulundi when they have rescued the garrison of Ekowe?" "No, Dick; I think they are quite strong enough to do so, but as there are at least half a dozen more regiments on their way out from England, including some regi- ments of cavalry, it will be more prudent to stop until our whole fighting force is here, when we ought to be enabled to make short work of them, and to do the work completely and effectually. And now, Dick, I am thor- oughly sleepy — the sooner we are in bed the better." 94 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. CHAPTER VIIL THE SECOND ADVANCE. It was some days before the news reached Newcastle of the complete success of the relieving column. On their first day's march no difficulty was met with. The road was a good one, and the Zulus did not show in any force. The column halted for the night near the junction of the Inyoni and Amatikulu Rivers. The wagons were placed in laager and a ditch and parapet formed round the camp> The ground was open and the wagons were able to travel six abreast. Numerous Zulu kraals were passed, but these were found deserted. On the afternoon of the 1st they encamped at Ginghilovo. From this.point Ekowe was visible; signals were exchanged with the besieged, and Colonel Pearson warned Lord Chelmsford that the Zulus were moving forward to attack him. The night passed quietly, but the greatest vigilance was maintained. At daybreak dense masses of Zulus were seen in the distance, and at six o'clock they approached the camp. They came on in their usual order, with a massive center and advanced horns on either flank. The British were kept lying down behind the shallow trenches they had thrown up. The Zulus advanced in splendid order with a sort of dancing step. Their white and colored shields, their crests of leopard skins and feathers, and the long ox-tails dangling from their necks gave them a wild and strange appearance. Every ten or fifteen yards the first THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 95 line would halt, a shot would be fired, then a loud yell burst forth, and they again advanced with a humming sound, in time to which their dancing movement was kept up. The Sixtieth, who lay opposite to the point against which they advanced, withheld their fire until the first line of skirmishers came to within three hundred yards. Then a deadly sheet of flame flashed along 'he- ridge of the shelter-trench, and a number of the Zulu warriors fell. The main body now rushed forward, and although a tremendous fusillade was kept up on them, the Zulu ad- vance pressed on, ever fed by those in the rear, which deployed in excellent order as they reinforced the first line. For twenty minutes the fire of the Sixtieth never ceased. Again and again the Zulus pressed forward, but their leading ranks were swept away by the storm of bullets. At half-past six the Zulu masses, without the smallest confusion, faced to their right, ran round in columns, and fell upon the face of the laager held by the Fifty- seventh and Ninety-first. Here they were as hotly received as they had been by the Sixtieth. Notwith- standing the deadly fire, the Zulus pressed forward with noble courage. They had ceased to shout now, and seemed only anxious to reach the square. Four times they rushed forward; each time they fell back with terrible loss. The fire of the soldiers was assisted by that of the native contingent, who, posted in the wagons behind,, added their fire to that of the Ninety-first and Fifty- seventh. The last attack, was led by Dabulamanzi in person, and arrived within five yards of the muzzles of the men's rifles; indeed one or two of the chiefs actually seized the hot barrels with one hand, while they stabbed at the men with their shortened assegais. 96 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. This was their final repulse, and they now began to fall back. The moment that they did so the cavalry dashed out in pursuit, and chased them far across the plain. The Gatlings and nine-pounders added in no slight degree to the effect of the rifles. The entire Eng- lish loss was but two officers and four privates killed, and three officers and thirty-four privates wounded; while the Zulu loss exceeded one thousand. The force under Dabulamanzi was about eleven thousand, and a similar force was close at hand, but fortunately had not joined that of Dabulamanzi before he attacked the British. On the following day the Fifty-seventh, Sixtieth, and Ninety-first, together with the mounted men and several of the mounted brigade, taking with them three days' provisions, marched for Ekowe. Major Barrow scouted the ground, and reported that everywhere assegais, shields, feathers, ear and head ornaments, skins, furs, blankets, and even guns were lying about in confusion, evidently cast away in their headlong flight by the Zulus, but that none of these had been seen. The column, however, advanced with every precaution, as it was possible that Dabulamanzi might procure rein- forcements. No enemy, however, was met with, and the column continued its march until they were met by Colonel Pearson with five hundred men, coming out to lend a hand to them in case they should be attacked. The united column then marched into Ekowe. The health of the garrison had suffered much from exposure to the sun and rain, and from the want of vegetables and useful medicine. Beef they had plenty of, as it was con- sidered advisable to kill and consume the wagon-oxen rather than see them die from want of forage. The great event of the siege had been the discovery of certain strange flashes of light on the white walls of the THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 9? church-tower; these, after puzzling many of the officers and soldiers, were at length brought under the notice of an officer of the naval brigade, who had been trained in the use of the heliograph, and he was able at once to explain the mystery. They were three days before they could contrive an apparatus, which could be worked, to reply. Fortunately an old mirror was found, and com- munication was opened. The effect of their renewed intercourse with the outer world, and of learning the preparations which were being made for their relief, acted more beneficially on the health of the imprisoned garrison than all the tonics the hospital could afford. Nevertheless, between the commencement of the siege and the arrival of the relief thirty deaths had occurred. To the great regret of the garrison they found that it had been determined by the general to abandon the fort which they had held so long, as the whole force was re- quired in Natal for operations in the field in conjunction with the reinforcements on their way out. Before leav- ing, however, it was determined to strike another blow at Dabulamanzi, whose private residence had escaped at the time that his kraal was burned. A small party of about two hundred men therefore went out and fired the place without resistance. Ekowe was evacuated, and, having left a garrison at Ginghilovo, Lord Chelmsford retired with his force across the Tugela. Every day for the next fortnight news reached New- castle of the arrival of one or more transports with rein- forcements, and in a month from the date of the arrival of the first from England seventeen transports came in, bringing more than nine thousand soldiers and two thou- sand horses. The force consisted of two regiments of cavalry, twelve hundred and fifty sabers, two batteries of artillery with five hundred and forty men, one hundred and ninety men of the Royal Engineers, six regiments of §8 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. infantry, five thousand three hundred and twenty bayo- nets, drafts of the regiments already in the colony ana Army Service Corps' men, twelve hundred. Most of ■the regiments brought their equipments complete and ready for the field — tents, waterproof-sheets, cooking Titensils, and camp stores. The Army Service Corps brought with them one hundred light but strongly-built ■wagons. Among the arrivals was the Prince Imperial of France, "who had come out as a volunteer. To convey the baggage and stores of so numerous a •force an immense number of wagons was required, ana a very urgent appeal was made to the loyalty of the col- onists to furnish transport for the troops engaged in iighting their battles. In answer to this appeal Mr. Humphreys and Mr. •Jackson decided to send down the new wagons which had just been finished. Immediately they heard of the decision, Dick and Tom begged for permission again to .accompany the wagons. Their mothers at first refused ^even to listen to the request, but their fathers, talking the matter over between them, agreed that harm was not likely this time to come of it. The force was so overwhelmingly strong that there was not the slightest prospect of a repetition of the disaster •of Isandula. At that time several hundred English sol- diers had been surprised and crushed by some twenty thousand of the enemy, but in future every precaution would be taken, and the British force would be ten times .as strong as that which fought at Isandula. The colo- nists thought that it would be really an advantage to the ooys to take part in the expedition; it was quite possible that if they remained in the colony they might have oc- casion to take part in wars with one or other of the native tribes, and the experience that they would gain in THE YOUNG COLONISTS. Q9 the campaign would in that case assuredly be useful to them. Having thus decided, Mr. Humphreys and his friend succeeded in obtaining their wives' consent to the boys accompanying the wagons, and in high glee they started for Durban on the 20th of April. The campaign was arranged on a new plan. The* numerous columns in which the strength of the force had been frittered away were abolished, and the following was adopted as the designation of the forces in the field, under the lieutenant-general commanding, viz.: First Division South African Field-forces, Major-General Crealock, C.B., commanding, consisting of all troops on the left bank of the Lower Tugela; Second Division South African Field-forces, Major-General Newdigate commanding, consisting of all troops in the Utrecht dis- trict other than those attached to the Flying Column under Brigadier-General Wood, V.C., C.B., which was designated as "Brigadier-General Wood's Flying Column." Major-General Marshall assumed command of the cavalry brigade, and Major-General the Hon. H. H. Clifford, C.B., V.C., took up the command of the base of operations and superintendence of the lines of com- munication. The forces were divided as follows: First Division (General Crealock's), Lower Tugela Command. Naval Brigade . 80O M. Battery, Sixth Brigade, Eoyal Artillery . . 90 Detachment, Eleventh — Seventh Eoyal Artillery . 25 Second — Third Regiment . , . „ o 836 Fifty-seventh Eegiment ..... 830 Third— Sixtieth " 880 Eighty-eighth "';';,. . . . . .640 Ninety-first " • • • * • • 850 100 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. .^Ninety-ninth " . 870 Mounted Infantry, Second Squadron • 70 Army Service Corps ..... 50 "Army Hospital Corps 20 ^Eighth — Seventh Eoyal Artillery . . . 80 O— Sixth ," " . . 50 Lonsdale's Horse 84 ."Native Contingent — . 151 Total strength, effective and non-effective . . 9,215 Second Division (General Newdi(*ate's). First Dragoon-Guards ) attached to Seventeenth Lancers \ Second Division . 650 . . 62C> N— Fifth Eoyal Artillery . . . N— Sixth " ..... go Tenth— Seventh " ..... 70 Tenth— Sixth " 30 Eoyal Engineers 60 Second — Fourth Eegiment .... 7tf Detachment, First — Thirteenth Eegiment . 63 Second — Twenty-first (two companies at Maritzbi lrg) 820 First — Twenty-fourth Eegiment . . 530 Second — Twenty-fourth " ... . 586 Fifty-eighth (one company at Durban) . 906 Eightieth (several companies in the Transvaal) . 300 Ninety-fourth (one company at Grey Town) . 870 Army Service Corps . . 60 Army Hospital Corps 3C Grey Town District Colonial Volnnteers . . 139 Natal Mounted Police • . • « 7S THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 101 Natal Carabineers . . . . • . 2T Newcastle Mounted Rifles 18- Buffalo Mounted Guard 20* Native Contingent — Europeans . . • . 41 Natives (foot) . . . ... . 3,128 Natives (mounted) 243 Total strength, effective and non-effective . 10,238 General "Wood's Flying Column. Eleventh— Seventh Royal Artillery ... 87' Royal Engineers 13 First — Thirteenth Regiment 721 Ninetieth " 823 First Squadron, Mounted Infantry ... 103 Army Service Corps 9 Army Hospital Corps ...... 13* Frontier Light Horse 173 Raker's Horse • • 179 Transvaal Rangers . •. . . . . 141 First Battalion, Wood's Irregulars — Europeans n 14 Natives . . . ' 377~ Second Battalion, "Wood's Irregulars — Europeans 5 Natives 355 Natal Native Horse- Europeans 4 Natives 75^ Total strength, effective and non-effective . . 3,092 Grand Total. First Division 9,215 Second " 10,238. General Wood's Flying Column . . . 3,092 Total, effective and non-effective, namely— Europeans, 15,660, and natives, 6,885 • . 22,545- 102 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. Out of this grand total there were about four hundr&J sick and non-effective witn the First Division, three huu. u «lred with the Second Division, and six hundred (includ- ing some of Wood's Irregulars, absent and not accounted ior since the 28th of March) with Wood's Flying Column. So that altogether, deducting, say, fifteen hundred Lord •Chelmsford had at his disposal, from the middle of April, a total of twenty-one thousand troops, of which over fif- teen thousand were European. Colonels Pearson and Wood were made brigadier-generals, and the former was to command No. 1 Brigade, First Division, and Colonel Pemberton, Third-Sixtieth, the other. They both, how- accompany the party, which was to consist of the Dragoon-Guards and Lancers, with a party of native mounted scouts. In the afternoon of the 18th the two boys went to Colo- nel Marshall's tent; they waited patiently until he came out, accompanied by two or three other officers. "We have come to ask, sir, if you will allow us to go with your column. We are in charge of wagons here, but they are not going. We were at the battle, and saw the whole thing, and were taken prisoners afterward and carried to Umbelleni's kraal, where we were liberated when Colonel Wood's cavalry attacked the Zlobani hill.. We are well mounted, sir, and are good shots; so, if you? will let us go, we could keep with the scouts and not be in your way." "How did you see the fight?" General Marshall asked. "We had gone up to the top of the hill, sir, before it began, and fortunately the natives did not notice us." "Oh, yes, you can go," the general said. "Probably you can give us a better account of the action than any one else, as others who escaped were occupied by their own business, and could not mark the general progress of the battle. So you were taken prisoners! Well, I am 104 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. going out now, but if you will call in this evening at about half-past eight I shall be glad to have a talk with Tou." In the evening the boys called upon the general, one of the most popular and dashing officers in the service. Three or four of his staff were there, and all listened with great interest to the boys' account of their adven- tures. "You seem to have plenty of pluck and coolness, youngsters/' the general said, when they had finished. "In future you need not trouble to ask for permission to accompany me whenever the cavalry go out, providing we have natives mounted with us; you must go as recruits, and can either keep with them or ride with my orderlies." Much pleased with the permission given, the lads re- turned to the wagons, and the next morning they started on their way. The column bivouacked that night at Dill's Town, .and reached Rorke's Drift between three and four o'clock in the morning, and were there joined by the Natal Oarabineers and Colonel Harness, R.A., with guns. At daybreak on the 20th the reconnoitering force orossed the river. No signs of the enemy were seen until they neared Isandula; then signal-fires blazed up on the hills to the right, and spread quickly from hill to hill far into the interior. Pushing steadily on, the plain of Isandula was reached by ten o'clock. The whole scene of the conflict was overgrown with long grass, thickly intermixed with growing crops of oats and Indian oorn. Lying thickly here, and scattered over a wide area, lay the corpses of the soldiers. The site of the oamp itself was marked by the remains of the tents, in- termingled with a mass of broken trunks, boxes, meat- 4ins, papers, books, and letters in wild disorder. The TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. . 105 sole visible objects, however, rising above the grass, were the wagons, all more or less broken up. The scouts were placed in all directions to give warn- ing of the approach of any enemies. The Army Service Corps set to work to harness the seventy pairs of led horses they had brought with them to the best of the wagons, and the troops wandered over the scene of the ■engagement, and searched for and buried all the bodies they found, with the exception of those of the Twenty- lourfch Eegiment, as these, Colonel Glyn had asked, should be left to be buried by their comrades. The bodies of the officers of Colonel Durnford's corps were all found together, showing that when all hope of escape was gone they had formed in a group and defended themselves to the last. The men of the Koyal Artillery buried all the bodies of their slain comrades who could be found, but the shortness of the time and the extent of the ground over which the fight had extended rendered anything like a thorough search impossible. The object of the expedition was not to fight, and as at any moment the Zulus might appear in force upon the field, a start was made as soon as the wagons were ready. Forty of the best wagons were brought out, with some water-carts, a gun-limber and a rocket-battery cart. Twenty wagons in a disabled condition were left behind. Some seventy wagons were missing, these having been carried off by the Zulus, filled either with stores or with their own wounded. Having accomplished this work the cavalry rejoined headquarters at Landmann's Drift. On the 27th of May the column advanced, Newdigate's division leading the way. By two o'clock in the after- noon the men had crossed the Buffalo and marched to Kopje-allein through a bare and treeless country. One of the most popular figures in the camp was the Prince Imperial of France, who, having received a military edu> 106 - TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. cation at Woolwich, and being anxious to see service, had applied for and obtained leave to accompany the expedi- tion. The young prince had been extremely popular at Woolwich, and was indeed an immense favorite with all who knew him — high-spirited and full of life, and yet singularly gentle and courteous in manner. He was by nature adapted to win the hearts of all who came in con- tact with him. His abilities too were of the very high- est order, as was proved by the fact that, although suf- fering under the disadvantage of being a foreigner, he yet came out so high in the final examination at Wool- wich as to be entitled to a commission in the Koyal Engineers. When it is considered how keen is the com- petition to enter Woolwich, and that all the students there, having won their places by competitive examina- tions, may be said to be considerably above the average of ability, it will be seen that, for one who had previously gone through an entirely different course of education, and had now to study in a language that was not his own, to take rank among the foremost of these was a proof both of exceptional ability and industry. A splendid career was open for the young prince, for there is little doubt that, had he lived, he would sooner or later have mounted the throne of his father, and there are few pages of history more sad than those which relate to his death in a paltry skirmish in a corner of Africa. To Englishmen the page is all the more sad, inasmuch as, had the men accompanying him acted with the cool- ness and calmness generally shown by Englishmen in a momant of danger, instead of being carried away by a cowardly panic, the prince imperial might yet be alive. At Kopje-allein Newdigate's column was joined by that of General Wood. Three days were spent in care- fully axploring the country, and on the 1st of June the divis m, as nearly as possible twenty thousand strong, THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 107 ■with a baggage-train of four hundred native wagons, moved forward and encamped near the Itelezi Eiver. The flying column of General Wood went on one march ahead, and the country was carefully scouted by Buller's horse for twenty miles round, and no Zulus were found. ,108 TE® YOUNG COLONISTS. CHAPTER IX. ULUNDI. On Sunday, the 1st of June, General Wood with a small escort was out reconnoitering in advance of his column, which was about five miles in front of the force of Gen- eral Newdigate. The morning was clear and fresh, the ridges of the hills on either side were dotted with Bul- ler's horsemen. They crossed the river by a ford, and having ridden about another mile forward they observed some of the vedettes on the high ground signaling that horsemen were approaching. Riding on to see who they could be, they were joined by Colonel Buller and a dozen of his men, and together they rode forward to meet the five men who were seen approaching. In a few seconds Kieutenant Carey and four troopers of Bettington's Horse rode up, and when they had told their story English soldiers had the shame and humiliation of knowing that an English officer and four English troopers had escaped unwounded from a Zulu ambush, in which they had left a gallant young prince, the guest of England and the hope of France, to* be barbarously slain. Early in the morning the prince had learned that a patrol was to be sent out in advance of the column, and had applied for and obtained permission to accompany it. Colonel Harrison, acting as quartermaster-general, granted the permission, and had an interview with tha prince. TEE IOUNG COLONISTS. 10£ Six men of Bettington's Horse and the same number ■of Shepstone's Basutos were to form the party; but un- fortunately the Basutos did not come up at the appointed time, and the patrol consisted therefore only of the prince, Lieutenant Carey, the six men of Bettington's Horse, and one Zulu. Considering the importance of the safety of the prince, a grave responsibility attaches to the staff-officer who allowed him to go with so small a party. After an hour's ride they reached the crest of a hill and dismounted to fix the position of some distant points by the compass. Here Colonel Harrison overtook them, •and remarked that the whole of the escort was not with them, and that they had better wait for the Basutos to come up. The prince said: "Oh, we are quite strong enough — besides, we have .all our friends around us, and with my glass I can see General Marshall's cavalry coming up." Unfortunately Colonel Harrison did not insist that the party should wait until the Basutos arrived, and they proceeded another seven miles, and then halted in an isolated kraal in a valley. A worse spot could not have been selected for a halt, as it was surrounded by long •grass, six or seven feet high; here the saddles were taken off the horses, and coffee was prepared. Without any search being made they sat down to make coffee, although it was clear, from the burnt embers, bones, and other debris, that the place had been but recently occupied. The Zulu was the first to see the enemy in the long grass, and the horses were at once saddled. The escort stood ready by them, and just as the prince gave the word, "Prepare to mount," the Zulus' war-cry burst out, and some guns were fired from the grass. The horses started at the outburst, and some broke away. Never were a body of troops in an enemy's coun- 110 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. try so unprepared for the attack. Not a carbine was loaded! not a sentry placed! Each of the troopers, in- cluding the officer, was seized with a wild panic, and thought only of flight — one indeed had fallen at the first shot. The prince's horse was ill-tempered and badly broken, and, frightened by the firing and yells, he was so- restive that the prince was unable to mount. Had one of those men stood for an instant at his head the prince might have gained his saddle, but all had galloped away, leaving him alone. Running by his horse, he in vain endeavored to mount; he had not had time to tighten the girth, the saddle slipped round, and the horse gal- loped away. Unfortunately the prince's revolvers were in the holsters, so he was unarmed, save with his sword, and with this he stood bravely at bay, and died nobly facing his foes, who pierced him with assegais at a dis- tance. According to Zulu accounts afterward obtained, there were but five or six men engaged in the attack, and had the Englishmen accompanying the prince, nay, even had one of them, possessed but the smallest amount of pres- ence of mind and courage, the prince imperial might have been saved. There is no blacker page in the annals of English military history. The feeling of indignation, shame, and regret in the English camp when this shameful episode was known was indescribable. Of all the party the friendly Zulu was the only one who came out with honor; he had gone toward the river to fetch water when he discovered the enemy, and might have instantly taken flight. He re- turned, however, and gave warning that the Zulus were lurking round. Even then it does not appear that he attempted to fly, but fought the foe until overcome by numbers. His body was afterward discovered not far irom that of the prince, riddled with wounds, together TEE TOUNG COLONISTS. HI with a number of his own assegais broken, but stained with the blood of his assailants. The next morning the cavalry rode out to find and bring in the prince's body. When it was discovered, it was tenderly brought into camp. It was afterward taken over to England, and laid by the remains of his father at Chislehurst. A court-martial was held on Lieutenant Carey. The sentence was kept secret, but it was gener- ally understood that he was dismissed from the service with ignominy. He was sent home under arrest, but on his arrival there the proceedings of the court-martial were declared null and void on account of some technical irregularity, and he was ordered to resume his duties, It was reported that this extraordinary leniency was shown by the special desire of the empress, who made a personal request to the queen that nothing should be done in the matter. Early in June some messengers arrived in Lord Chelm- ford's camp from Cetewayo. Lord Chelmsford told them that before any negotiations could be entered into the whole of the spoil taken at Isandula, especially the two captured seven-pounder guns, must be restored. Considerable delays now took place, and for three weeks a force Of Englishmen sufficient to march through and through Zululand in every direction was kept doing nothing at a distance of three days' march from the enemy's capital. So extraordinary and unaccountable was the delay that the English government appointed Sir Garnet Wolseley to go out to supersede Lord Chelms- ford. Upon the receipt of this news, preparations for an advance were at last made. On the 21st General New- digate's column reached the right bank of the Umlatoosi. General Crealock, who commanded the division which was operating by the sea, also moved forward about this time, but met with such difficulties, owing to the sick- 112 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. ness which attacked his transport-train, that he was unable to co-operate with the first division, although his iorce did service by occupying a large number of the enemy, who would otherwise have been free to act against the main column. Between the 24th and 26th General Newdigate's and "Wood's columns advanced but six miles. But Buller "with his horse scouted ahead, and cut up a number of Zulus who were engaged in burning the grass, to hinder the advance of the horses and cattle. On the 26th Colonel Drury-Lowe, with the light cavalry, four hun- dred and fifty of Buller's men and two guns, went out and attacked and burned five large military kraals. On the 27th the column advanced five miles toward Ulundi, leaving their tents behind them, and taking only twa hundred ammunition wagons and ten days' rations; five hundred infantry were left to guard the stores. On the afternoon of that day some messengers came in from Cetewayo, bringing one hundred and fifty of the cattle captured at Isandula, together with a pair of ele- phant's tusks/and a letter written in English by a trader captured at Isandula. The letter said that the king could not comply with all Lord Chelmsford's commands, -as the arms taken from us at Isandula were not brought to him, and that it was beyond his power as a king to order or compel any of his regiments to lay down their arms. He said the cannon should be sent in, and on the receipt of the cattle and these weapons the English must retire from Zululand. The trader had written in a corner of the letter, in pencil, a few words of warning, and an intimation that Cetewayo had with him at Ulundi a picked force of twenty thousand men. Lord Chelmsford refused to receive the tusks, and told the messengers to inform Cetewayo that before he should think of retiring all the conditions must be com- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 113 plied with and the Zulu regiments lay down their arms. Late in the evening several large bodies of the enemy, amounting to some thousands, were noticed moving from the direction of Ulundi, passing by their left flank. The next morning General Wood moved forward as far as the left bank of the White Umvolosi, and Newdigate's column followed in the afternoon. Wood's division bivouacked on the further side of the river, Newdigate's halted on the right. The most vigilant watch was kept, with pickets in every direction, and patrols of cavalry beyond these. At daybreak on the 27th the main body crossed the river, and joined Wood on the left bank. They were now but fifteen miles from Ulundi, and the king's five kraals were visible to the naked eye. Three days were given to Cetewayo to comply with the conditions, but the original terms were altered so far that Lord Chelms- ford consented to receive one thousand captured rifles instead of insisting upon the regiments laying down their arms. While waiting, the army remained on the Umvo- losi, having retired to the right side, pending the decision of peace or war. During these three days the Zulus had made many hostile demonstrations against us. On the first and sec- ond they kept up a scattered fire at distant ranges at our men, --and on the third, growing bolder, pushed their skirmishers down to the rocks on the opposite side of the river, and fired upon the men, as they were watering their horses in the stream. One horse was killed and several men wounded. Buller therefore asked and obtained permission to made a raid on the other side. A couple of gu::s were brought into requisition to defend his crossing, and two or three rounds of shrapnel sent a crowd of Zulus, who had approached the opposite heights, straggling in all X14 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. directions. Buller's horse, the mounted infantry, and Baker's horse dashed over the river at once. At full speed they raced across the country; Baker's men, yttided by their leader, inclined to the left front, by Buller's orders, to carry and hold a hillock which com- manded the ford. Colonel Eaaf, with a portion of Buller's horse, was halted near the kraal of Unodwingo to act as a reserve, and Buller, with one hundred of his best mounted men, pushed on with the intention of exploring the ground as far as possible toward Ulundi. He knew that the bulk of the king's army was away upon Lord Chelmsford's right flank, and thought therefore that he mighb push on to Ulundi without opposition. The country consisted of a plain, across which ran some stony undulations, and at one point were two hollows, united at a right angle. The Zulu general disposed his men in shelter, and as Buller with his little band of horsemen rode up they rose and poured a very heavy fire into the ranks of the horse- men. Sudden and unexpected as was this attack, Bul- ler's men were too well used to native fighting to evince the slightest confusion. In the most perfect order they began to fall back in alternate ranks, keeping up a steady fire upon the enemy, who were eagerly advancing. Eaaf and his men rode up to the assistance of the hotly-pressed party, and Baker's horse, upon their hillock, opened a steady fire upon the Zulus. Gradually and steadily the cavalry fell back toward the river, the two guns on the opposite bank aiding them by their fire of grape and shrapnel upon the Zulus, who pressed forward with extreme bravery. Many gallant deeds were done. Lord "William Beres- ford, who had accompanied tb* party as a volunteer, dis- tinguished himself by his bravery and coolness. Seeing upon the ground a dismounted and wounded trooper, TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 115 surrounded by a dozen Zulus, he wheeled his horse and dashed down among them, knocking over three with the rush of his horse, and cutting down two with right and left strokes of his saber; in another moment he had the wounded man on his horse behind him, and carried him off in safety. Commander d'Arcy, also seeing a wounded man on the ground, tried to carry him off, but his horse, being restive, reared and fell back upon him, so that the unfor- tunate trooper was overtaken and assegaied; while D'Arcy, who was severely bruised by falling on his revolver, was able to get back safely, but was unable to take part in the next day's fight. A little before daybreak Wood with his flying column crossed the river, followed by the main army. The whole of the baggage was left in charge of the Twenty- fourth, and nothing was taken save the ammunition and water-carts, each man carrying four days' supply of bis- cuits and preserved meat in his haversack. The crossing of the river was made without any opposition, but the movements of the troops were watched by a party of Zulus from a hillock on the left. As soon as favorable ground had been reached Wood was signaled to halt and wait for the main body, and when the junction was effected the order was given to form a large hollow square. Inside this square were two companies of engineers, together with the ammunition carts, water carts, and ambulance wagons, carts with in- trenching tools, stretchers and bearers, together with two Gatling guns in a reserve. The front face of the square was formed by the Eightieth Eegiment, with two Gatling guns in their center and two seven-pounders on their right. The right face of the square was formed of seven companies of the Thirteenth Eegiment. Next to these came two seven-pounder and one nine-pounder 116 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. guns; four companies of the Fifty-eighth completed the line on this side. The rear face was composed of two companies of the Twenty-first, and three companies of the Ninety-fourth, with a nine-pounder gun. On the left or west flank were three companies of the Ninety- fourth, two seven-pounder guns, eight companies of the Ninetieth, and two nine-pounders. Buller's cavalry were away, scouring the country on the flanks. Colonel Drury-Lowe, with two squadrons of the Seventeenth Lancers and Captain Shepstone's Basutos, formed the rearguard. The square moved forward for a few miles, when they began to near the smaller kraals. Toward the left front the Zulu columns could now be seen across, the plain, with the sun glancing down upon their long lines of white shields. Upon reaching the first kraal the square was halted while it was fired. The next kraal was a very large one, called Unodwingo. This was also fired;, but, as it was found that the smoke drifted across the plain so as to act as a screen to the Zulus, Lord Chelms- ford ordered its extinction. Strong columns of the enemy could now be seen moving out in good order from TJlundi, and the square halted on some si ightly rising ground. The Zulus soon opened a dropping .fire on the right front, and from a strong force operating on some broken ground near Unodwingo on the left. By nine o'clock the Zulu attack was fairly developed. Buller's men then made a strong demonstration on the left, driving the Zulus from the hollow where they were sheltered back to the Unodwingo kraal. This movement was well supported by Shepstone and the Basutos. The Zulus now brought up a strong reinforcement from the right, so as to assist those engaged with the cavalry. Buller's men fought in the Dutch fashion, in two ranks; the first mounted and ready to dash in a TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 117 moment upon any weak point in the enemy's line, the second on foot, using their saddles as a rest for their rifles. As soon as the front rank became too hardly pressed, they cantered to the rear and dismounted and opened fire, while the second rank mounted in readiness to charge. Gradually Buller and Shepstone fell back ; the Zulu column pressing upon them until well within reach of the Gatlings and Martinis. The cavalry then took refuge in the square, and over the ridges of the front and left the Zulu column with loud shouts swept -down upon the square. The British infantry now opened fire. Gatlings and rifles poured in their deadly hail of fire, while the guns swept the Zulu ranks with shrapnel and grape. Terrible as the fire was, the Zulus pressed bravely forward, filling up the gaps made in their ranks, their wild war-cry rising even above the roll of the rifle- fire. The fiercest attack came from the Unodwingo kraal. Forming under cover of the kraal, a large body, led by a chief on a white horse, and formed in a hollow square, dashed at the right rear angle of the British formation. Tremendous as the fire was, they pressed forward until it seemed as if they would come to close quarters with the column; but, brave as the Zulus were, it was impossible to withstand the fire which the Twenty- first, Ninety-fourth, Fifty-eighth, and Royal Engineers poured into them. The square was broken up, and after a moment's pause the Zulus turned and sought shelter from the leaden hail. While the fight was raging here another Zulu column had attacked the front; but here the assault was speedily repulsed, the cool and steady fire of the Eightieth having so deadly an effect that the Zulus never attempted to make a rush upon them. It was now a quarter to ten — but a quarter of an hour from the firing of the first shot, but the combat was virtually at an end. The Zulus, 118 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. astounded at the storm of fire by which they had been received, were everywhere wavering; Lord Chelmsford gave the order, and the two squadrons of lancers burst frdm the square, greeted with a loud cheer from 'the infantry, and with their pennons fluttering in the breeze, and their long lances in rest they dashed upon the flying Zulus, and drove them headlong into a little ravine. But flanking this, and hidden by the long grass, half a Zulu regiment had been posted to cover the retreat, and as the squadrons of lancers came on a volley was poured in, which emptied several saddles and killed Lieutenant Wyatt-Edgell, who was leading his men. In another "moment the line of lancers dashed down upon the Zulu ranks, and before the level line of lances the enemy went down like grass. Shattered and broken in an instant, the Zulus fought in stubborn knots, stabbing at the horses, throwing themselves on the men, and trying to dismount them. In a melee like this the lance was useless, and the troopers drew their swords and fought hand to hand with the foe; and now a troop of the king's Dragoon-Guards and Buller's horse took up the charge, and the flying Zulus were cut down in scores before they could gain the crest of the hill. The Zulus here fought with far less determination than they had exhibited at Kambula. There for four hours they had striven in vain to carry General "Wood's strongly intrenched position; here they made one great effort, and then all was over. Their force was estimated at twenty-three thousand, and of these they lost only about fifteen hundred, of whom at least one-third were killed in the retreat. The battle over, the remaining kraals were burned. Most unfortunately, the day after the battle of Ulundi, the news of the arrival of Sir Garnet Wolseley reached the front, and the movements of the army were paralyzed The flying Zulus were out down in scores. Colonists, p. 113. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 119 by the change of command. Instead, therefore, of a vig- orous pursuit of the enemy, nothing was done, and the army halted until the new commander-in-chief should arrange his plans of action. Lord Chelmsford at once resigned command of his column, and left for England. The two boys had been present at the battle of Ulundi. They had, during the weary weeks which preceded the advance, made the acquaintance of most of the officers of the cavalry, and Colonel Lowe had repeated the per- mission given them by General Marshall. They had therefore, when on the morning of the fight the column marched out, attached themselves to Shepstone's mounted Basutos, and had fought in the ranks of that corps during the cavalry action which preceded the attack on the square. After the action was over great quantities of cattle and corn fell into the han^s 01 the *oops, and so large a transport-train was no longer necessary. Orders were therefore issuea V?**- a certain number of the wagons could take tHr discharge from the service, and the lads at once applied to be placed on the list of those whose services could be dispensed with. Two days later they started for the rear with a convoy of sick and wounded, and in due time, without further adventure, arrived home, to the great delight of their parents. The victory of Ulundi virtually put an end to the war; a great portion of the troops were sent home; the Zulu chiefs came in and surrendered with their followers, almost to a man. Cetewayo succeeded in concealing himself for some time, but after a long chase he was captured by Major Marter and Lord Gifford, and was sent a prisoner to the Cape* 120 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. CHAPTER X A TRADING EXPEDITION. After dividing Zululand into districts and appointing a chief to rule over each, General Wolseley marched his lorce against Secoceni, the chief whose hostile attitude had caused the Boers to accept the protectorate of Eng- land. This chief had maintained his defiant attitude, and, relying upon the strength of his hill stronghold, had kept up an irregular war upon them, aided by the Swazis who came down from the north to assist him. Sir Garnet Wolseley attacked Secoceni's mountain. His men fought bravely, but were altogether unable to uesist the attack of the English. The place was carried, his warriors killed or dispersed, and his power altogether broken. As the lads were not present at this affair- being well content to stay for awhile and assist their fathers on the farm — it is not necessary to enter into further details of it. A few months later three teams of wagons drove up to the farm. It was late, in the evening, and their owner, who had met Mr. Humphreys several times at Newcastle, knocked at the door. "I have made a long march, " he said, "to-day, and the oxen are knocked up; so if you will take me in I will halt here for the night instead of going on. The roads have proved heavier than I had expected, and I have done a very long day's journey." Mr. Humphreys at once invited the speaker to enter. TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 121 Mr. Harvey was a trader, one of those who are in the habit of taking long expeditions far into the interior,, with his wagons laden with cotton, beads, tower-muskets,, powder, lead, and toys prized by the natives, returning laden with ivory, ostrich feathers, and skins. He was now about to start upon such a journey, having stocked his wagons at Durban. After supper was over the trader told many stories of his adventures among the natives, and the profits which were gained by such journeys. "Generally," he said, "I go with six wagons, but I was very unlucky last time; the tzetze fly attacked my animals, most of which died, and the natives took ad- vantage of my position to make an attack upon me. I beat them off, but was finally obliged to pack all my most valuable goods in one wagon, to make my way back with it, and abandon everything else to the natives. Now,, Humphreys, why don't you join me? You have got a wagon, and you can buy stores at Newcastle, not of course as cheap as at the seaside, but still cheap enough to leave a large marginal profit on the trip." "I cannot leave the farm," Mr. Humphreys said. "Nor can his wife spare him, Mr. Harvey," Mrs, Humphreys put in. "Well, why don't you send your son, here,,, with the wagon?" Mr. Harvey asked. "The man who generally travels with me as partner broke his leg the other day, down at Durban, and I should be very glad of one or two white companions. Two or three white men together can do anything with the natives, but if there is only one, and he happens to knock up, it goes very hard with him.'* "Well, I don't know," Mr. Humphreys said, as Dick looked eagerly toward him; "it is a sort of thing that wants thinking over." 122 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. "Oh! father," Dick exclaimed excitedly, "it would be & glorious trip, especially if Tom Jackson would go too. I u heard Mr. Jackson only yesterday say that his draft- oxen are eating their heads off, and that he must put them on the roadto do some freighting. You see, if Mr. Jackson did not care about going in for the trading him- self — and I know, from what he said the other day that his money is all employed on the farm — you might hire his wagon for the trip. In fact that and your own \* "That sounds easy and satisfactory enough, Dick/' Mr. Humphreys said, laughing; "but one does not jump into these things in a moment. There, you go off to bed, and I will talk the matter further over with Mr. Harvey." Dick went to bed in high glee. When his father once said that he would talk a thing over, Dick felt that the -chances were very strong that he would give in to his wishes. Mr. Humphreys was less influenced by the idea of making a good trading speculation than by the con- sideration that a journey of this kind would not only give great pleasure to his son, but would be of real benefit to him. It was Mr. Humphreys' opinion that it is good for a lad to be placed in positions where he learns self- Teliance, readiness, and promptness of action. For him- self his farm-work occupied all his thoughts, and he needed no distraction; o?t for a lad change is necessary. Had Dick had — as would i. the plaio, and Dick, to his astonishment and alarm, saw a g-reat elephant approaching at a rapid trot, with his. trunk in the air and his ears extended to the fullest. He recognized at once the bull which had charged them on the previous day. The natives were now flying in all directions. Dick shouted to them to stand and get their muskets, but his words were unheeded; he ran to the tent, seized the long smooth-bore gun which he had carried the day before, and also that of Tom, and charged them both hastily, but coolly. "What on earth is it all about?" Tom asked. "It is the elephant again, Tom; lie quiet, whatever- you do; you cannot run away, so lie just as you are." Then with a gun in each hand Dick ran out of the tent again. The elephant was now but a hundred yards away. Dick climbed into a wagon standing in the line on which he was coming, knelt down in the bottom and rested the muzzle on the side, standing up and waving his arm before he did so, so as to attract the attention of the elephant. The great beast saw him, and trumpeting loudly came straight down at him; Dick knelt, as steady as a rock, with the sight of the gun upon the elephant's forehead. When he was within twenty yards Dick drew the = trigger, and, without waiting to see the result, snatched up and leveled the second gun. The elephant had staggered as he was hit, and then, as with a great effort, he pulled himself together and again moved forward, but , with a stumbling and hesitating step; taking steady aim again, Dick fired when the elephant's trunk was within a yard of the muzzle of his gun, and then springing to his feet, leaped on the opposite side of the wagon and took to his heels. After running a few steps he glanced back over his shoulder^ and then ceased running; the elephant was no * 150 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. longer in sight above the wagon, but had fallen an inert mass by its side. \ "All right, Tom!" Dick shouted loudly.; "I have done for him." Before going to look at the fallen elephant Dick went to the spot where stood the piled muskets of the natives who had fled; dropping a ramrod into them, he found that two were loaded, and taking these in his hands he advanced toward the elephant. The precaution was needless; the great beast lay dead; the two heavy balls liad struck within an inch or two of each other, and penetrated the brain. The first would have been fatal, and the elephant was about to fall when Dick had fired the second time. Gradually the drivers and other natives returned to ■camp with shouts of triumph. These, however, Dick speedily silenced by a volley of abuse for their cowardice in running away and leaving Tom to his fate. A few minutes later Mr. Harvey galloped in at full speed, closely followed by the swift-footed Blacking. "Thank God, you are safe, my boys," Mr. Harvey said as he leaped from his horse. "I have had a terrible fright. We followed the spoor to the point where they iiad passed the night; here the trackers were much puz- zled by the fact that the great elephant, whose tracks were easily distinguished from the others, seemed to have passed the night in rushing furiously about. Numbers of young trees had been torn up by the roots, and great branches twisted off the larger trees. They concluded that he must have received some wound which had maddened him with pain. We took up the track where the herd had moved on, but soon found that he had separated himself from it, and had gone off at full speed by himself. We set off in pursuit, observing a good deal of caution, for if he had turned, as was likely THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 15} enough, and had come upon us while in such a frantic state, we should have had to bolt for our lives. I was thinking only of this when I saw the hunters talking to- gether and gesticulating. I soon found out what waa- the matter. They told me that if the elephant kept on in the line he was taking, it would assuredly bring him in sight of the camp, if not straight upon it. As I had no doubt that he would in that case attack it, I put spurs to my horse at once, and dashed on at full speed in hopes of overtaking the elephant, and turning it, before it came within sight of the camp. I became more and more anxious as I neared the camp and found the ele- phant was still before me; then I heard two shots closer together, and I could hear no others, and you may guess- how relieved I was when I caught sight of the camp, and saw the natives gathered round something which was, I had no doubt, the elephant. I had feared that I should see the whole place in confusion, the wagons upset, and above all the tent leveled. Thank God, my dear boy> you are ail safe! Now tell me all about it." Dick related the circumstances, and Mr. Harvey- praised him highly for the promptnessy coolness, and courage with which he had acted. Then he roundly abused the natives in their own language for their cow- ardly conduct. "Are you not ashamed of yourselves?" he asked;, "what do you carry your arms for if you are afraid to use them? Here are sixteen men, all with muskets, who* run away in a panic, and leave one white lad to defend his wounded friend alone." The reproaches of Mr. Harvey were mild by the side of the abuse which the three hunters— for by this time* Tony and Jumbo had reached the camp — lavished upon their compatriots. "What are you good for?" they asked scornfully^. 152 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. "you are fit only to be slaves to the Dutch; the master had better hire women to march with him; he ought to take your arms away, and to set you to spin." Crestfallen as the natives were at their own cowardice, they were roused by the abuse of the hunters, and a furious quarrel would have ensued had not Mr. Harvey interposed his authority and smoothed matters down, ad- mitting that the attack of the enraged elephant was really terrifying, and telling the natives that now they saw how well the white men could fight, they would no doubt be ready to stand by them next time. The hunters now proceeded to cut out the tusks of the elephant. When they did so the cause of the animal's singular behavior became manifest; a ball had struck him just at the root of the tusk, and had buried itself in one of the nerves there, no doubt causing excruciating pain. The tusks were grand ones, Mr. Harvey saying that he had seldom seen a finer pair. The news of the slaughter of three elephants drew together a considerable number of natives, who were delighted to receive permission to carry off as much meat as they chose. When the greater portion of the flesh of the old bull had been re- moved, ten oxen were harnessed to the remains of the earcass, and it was dragged to a distance from camp, as Mr. Harvey was desirious of remaining where he was for some days longer on Tom's account, and the effluvia from the carcass would in a very short time have rendered the camp uninhabitable had it remained in the vicinity. In a week Tom was convalescent; he was still, how- ever, very stiff and sore. A hammock was therefore slung under the tilt of one of the wagons, the sides were drawn up to allow of a free passage of air, and the cara- van then went forward on its journey. For the next fortnight nothing of importance hap- THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 153 pened; sometimes the journeys were short, sometimes; extremely long, being regulated entirely by the occur- rence of water. At many of the halting-places a good deal of trade was done, as the news of the coming of the caravan spread far ahead of it, and the natives for a considerable distance on each side of the line of rout& came down to trade with it. They brought with them skins of beasts and birds, small packets of gold-dust, ostrich feathers, and occasionally ivory. Mr. Harvey was- well content with his success so far. For some time past, owing to the disturbed state of the country and the demand for wagons occasioned by the war, the number of traders who had made their way north had been very small, and the natives consequently were eager to buy cotton and cloth, and to get rid of the. articles which they had been accumulating for the pur- pose of barter with the whites. Never before, Mr. Harvey said, had he done so good a trade in so short a time. At the end of the fortnight after starting Tom was: agair able to take his seat in the saddle and ride quietly along jy the side of the caravan, Mr. Harvey warning him on no account to go above a walking pace at present as a jerk or a jar might break the newly-knit bones, and undo all the work that had been effected. In the meantime Dick, accompanied by one or other of the hunters, always rode out from the line of march, and had no difficulty in providing an ample supply of game. He was careful, however, not to shoot more than was required, for both he and Mr. Harvey viewed with abhorrence the taking of life unnecessarily, merely for the purpose of sport. He was able, nevertheless, to kill a great many deer without feeling that their flesh was wasted; for not only were the number of mouths in the caravan large, and their powers of eating wonderful, but 154 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. the natives who came in to trade were always glad to eat «p any surplus that remained — and indeed Mr. Harvey "•iqund the liberal distribution of meat opened their .hearts and much facilitated trade. Two or three days after they had left the scene of the elephant-hunt some objects were seen far out on the ) plain, which the hunters at once pronounced to be ostriches. Dick would have started in pursuit, but Mr. Harvey checked him. "They can run," he said, "faster than a horse can gal- lop. Tboy can indeed be ridden down, as they almost always run in a great circle, and the pursuit can betaken Tip with fresh horses, but this is a long business. We will send the hunters out first, to get on the other side ■of them, and when they are posted we will ride out. doing quite slowly the attention of the birds will be di- Tected to us; this will give the hunters an opportunity of creeping up on the other side and shooting or lassoing them. If I am not mistaken they have a good many young ones with them — this is about the time of year when this is usually the case. If we could catch a dozen of them they would be prizes, for they fetch a good sum down in the colony, where ostrich-farming is carried on on a large scale. They are very easily tamed, and would soon keep with the caravan and give no trouble." After remaining quiet for some little time to give the hunters time to make a wide circuit, Mr. Harvey and Dick rode quietly forward toward the birds, who stood on a slight swell of ground at a distance of about half a mile, evidently watching the caravan with great interest. By Mr. Harvey's instruction Dick unrolled the blanket "which ho always carried on his saddle, and taking an end in each hand held it out at arm's length on a level with the top of his head, Mr. Harvey doing the same. "They are silly birds," Mr. Harvey said, "and their THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 155- attention is easily caught by anything they don't under- stand. Like all other wild creatures they are afraid of man; but by holding the blankets out like sails they do- not see our outline,' and cannot make out what th$ strange creatures advancing toward them can be." At a foot-pace they advanced toward the ostrichesj. these made no signs of retreat until the horsemen ap- proached to within about seventy yards. Then from the brow behind the birds the three hunters suddenly rose up, and whirling the balls of their lassoes round their heads launched them among the ostriches. Three birds fell with the cords twisted round their legs, and two more were shot as the startled flock dashed off at full speed across the plain. Mr, Harvey and Dink dropped their blankets, and started at full gallop. "Bring down an old bird if you can, Dick, and then let the rest go, and give your attention to cutting off the young ones." Dick fired at one of the old birds, but missed; Mr. Harvey brought one to the ground. The young ostriches,, which were but a few weeks old, soon began to tail off in* the race, and after ten minutes' riding Mr. Harvey and Dick had the satisfaction of getting ahead of them and turning them. A little more driving brought the fright- ened creatures to a standstill, and most of them dropped in a squatting position to the ground, huddled together like frightened chickens. They were sixteen in number,, but one which had falJen and broken its leg was at once shot. The legs of the young ostrich are extremely brittle, and one of the troubles of the farmers who rear them is that they so frequently break their bones and have to be killed. Blacking was sent off at his best speed to overtake the caravan and bring back a dozen men with him. The ostriches which had been lassoed had been at once killed 156 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. by the hunters, and the feathers of the five killed by them and of that shot by Mr. Harvey were pulled out. '"■Three out of the six were in splendid plumage. "How much are each of those feathers worth?" Dick ■asked. "Those fine white ones will fetch from one pound to one pound five shillings apiece out here — some as high as thirty shillings. A perfect ostrich feather, fit for a court-plume, will sell in England for three to live pounds. The small, dark-colored feathers are worth from sixpence to one shilling apiece." The young birds, after their wings had been tied to their sides, were lifted and carried away, Dick being unable to help laughing at their long legs sticking out in front of the bearers, and at their long necks and beaks, with which from time to time they inflicted sharp pecks on the men who were carrying them. When the caravan was overtaken the birds were placed in a wagon, and in the evening were liberated inside the laager formed by the wagons. Some grain was thrown to them, and they soon began to pick this up. After this their expression was rather one of curiosity than fear, and they exhibited no alarm whatever when Dick, scattering some more corn, came in and moved quietly among them. For the first few days they were •carried in a wagon, but at the end of that time they were completely domesticated. After the camp was formed they walked about, like barndoor fowls, picking up any scraps of food that were thrown to them, and indeed .getting so bold as sometimes to attempt to snatch it from the men's hands. When on the march they stalked gravely along by the side of the wagons. "What is the value of an ostrich?" Dick asked Mr. Harvey one day. "An ostrich of about three or four months old," TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 157 Mr. Harvey replied, "is worth from thirty to fifty pounds. A full-grown cock and two hens, the stock with which most small settlers begin ostrich-farming, are worth from two hundred to four hundred pounds. Each hen will lay about fifty eggs in a year, so that if only half are reared and sold at the rate of twenty- pounds apiece, which is a low price, at three weeks old,, there is a good profit upon them. The young birds in- crease in value at the rate of about three pounds per month. The feathers are generally sold by weight; fine plumes go from seventy to ninety to the pound, and fetch from forty to fifty pounds. The feathers of the wild birds are worth a third more than those of the tame ones, as they are stronger. The quantity of feathers sold is astonishing. One firm in Port Elizabeth often buys ten thousand pounds' weight of ostrich feathers per week. Of course these are not all first-class plumes, and the prices range down as low as three pounds or fifty shillings for the poorest kind." "Where do they get water out here in the desert?" "They have no difficulty here," Mr. Harvey replied, "for an ostrich thinks nothing of going twenty or thirty miles; but they require to drink very seldom." "How many feathers can be plucked from each bird a. year?" "About three-quarters of a pound of first-class feathers; besides the inferior sorts. There are now such quan- tities of ostriches in the colony that the price of feathers has gone down materially, and is now not so high as the figures I have given you. The highest class feathers, however, still maintain their price, and are likely to do so, for the demand for feathers in Europe increases at as rapid a rate as does the production." "I suppose they could not be kept in England?" Dickr asked; "for there must be a splendid profit on suck farming." * 158 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. "No," Mr. Harvey replied; "they want above all things a dry climate. Warmth is of course important, tl)ut even this is less essential than dryness. They may be reared in England under artificial conditions, but they would never grow up strong and healthy in this way, and would no doubt be liable to disease — 'besides, as even in their native country you see that the feathers deierio- rate in strength and diminish in value in domesticated birds, there would probably be so great a falling off in the yield an4 value of feathers in birds kept under arti- :ficial conditions in England that the speculation would 3iot be likely to pay." "Do the hens sit on their eggs, as ordinary hens?" "Just the same," Mr. Harvey answered, "and very iunny they look with their long legs sticking out. Not •only does the hen sit, but the cock takes his turn at keep- ing the eggs warm when the mother goes out to feed." "I shall ask father," Dick said, "when we get back, to arrange to take these fifteen ostriches as part of his share of the venture; it would be great fun to see them stalk- ing about." "Ah! we have not got them home yet," Mr. Harvey replied, smiling; "we must .not be too sanguine. We nave certainly begun capitally, but there is no saying what adventures are before us yet. We have been par- ticularly fortunate in seeing nothing of the tzetze fly. As you know, we have made several considerable detour to avoid tracts of country where they are known to pre- vail, still, occasionally they are met with in unexpected places, and I have seldom made a trip without losing some of my horses and cattle from them." "How is it that a fly can kill a horse? They are not larger than our bluebottles at home, for I saw one in a naturalist's window in Pieter-Maritzburg." "It is a mystery, Dick, which has not yet been solved; THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 15& there are flies in other parts of the world, whose bite is •sufficiently poisonous to raise bumps underneath the skins of animals, but nothing approaching the tzetze in virulence. It certainly appears unaccountable that tb© venom of so small a creature should be able to kill & great animal like a horse or an ox." " x f3 it found only in the south of Africa?" "JSTo, Dick, it extends more or less over the whole of the plateau-lands of Africa, and is almost as great a. scourge in the highlands of Egypt as it is here." "I wonder," Dick said thoughtfully, "why the tzetze was created; most insects are useful as scavengers, or to> furnish food for birds, but I cannot see the use of a fly ■which is so terribly destructive as this." "I can't tell you, my boy," Mr. Harvey said. "That everything, even the tzetze, has a good purpose, you may be sure, even though it is hidden from us. Possibly, for example, it may be discovered some day that the tzetze is an invaluable medicine for some disease to which man is subject, just as blistering powder is obtained from the crest-body of the cantharides beetle. However, we must be content to take it on trust. We must leave our, descendants something to discover, you know, Dick; for if we go on inventing and discovering as we are doing, it is clear that they must look out for fresh channels for research." 260 TEE YOUNG COLO1VIST& CHAPTER XIII. A BRUSH WITH THE NATIVES. One day Jumbo touched Dick's arm, as he was riding along with the caravan, and, pointing to a clump of trees at some little distance, said: "Giraffe." Dick reined in his horse, and gazed at the trees. "I don't see it," he said. > "They are very difficult to see," Mr. Harvey remarked; *'they have a knack somehow of standing so as to look like a part of the tree. I don't see him myself, but if Jumbo says he is there, you may be sure he is.'* "Is the skin valuable?" Dick asked. ■ "No, Dick, it would not be worth cumbering ourselves 'with. Nor is the flesh very good to eat— I do not say it -cannot be eaten, but we have plenty of venison. I never like shooting a giraffe when I can help it. Clumsy and .awkward as they are, they have wonderfully soft and ex- pressive eyes, and I do not know anything more piteous than the look of a dying giraffe; however, if you ride up to the trees and set them scampering, you will get a good laugh, for their run is as awkward and clumsy as that of any living creature." Dick accordingly started at a gallop toward the trees; it was not until he was close to them that he saw three .giraffes, two old ones and a young one, They started off, as he approached, at a pace which seemed to Dick to be slow, as well as extraordinarily clumsy. The two old THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 16L ones kept themselves between their offspring and the? pursuer, as if to shield it from a shot. Dick, however, had no idea of firing; he only wished to gallop up close; so as to get a nearer view of these singular beasts, but to his astonishment he found that, although his horse was going at its best speed, the apparently slow-moving giraffes were steadily gaining upon him. He could hardly at first believe his eyes. But he was gradually tailed off, and at last, reining in his horse, he sat in the* saddle and enjoyed a good laugh at the strange trio in front of him, with their long, straggling legs and necks. "When he rejoined the caravan Mr. Harvey, who bad watched the pursuit, asked him laughingly if he managed* to catch the giraffe. "I might as soon have tried to catch an express train; they went right away from me — and Tommy can gallop- too; but he hadn't a chance with them, although he did his best." "They do move along at a tremendous pace in their clumsy fashion. They take such immense strides with those odd long legs of theirs, that one has no idea of: their speed until one chases them. I never knew a new hand who tried it, but he was sure to come back with a*' crestfallen face." Three weeks after leaving what they called the ele- phant-camp the caravan halted for two days. They had now arrived at the spot where their troubles with the natives might be expected to begin; they were at the border of the Matabele country, and here Mr. Harvey intended to'turn west, and after keeping along for some time to bend to the south and re-enter the colony north: of Kimberley, and to journey down to Port Elizabeth, which is the principal mart for goods from the interior. Between the Matabele and the tribes on their border hos- tilities had for some time prevailed, and while they 162 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. .halted Mr. Harvey sent forward Blacking with a few presents to the chief of the next tribe, saying that he P was coming through his country to trade, and asking fa* -& promise that he should not be interfered with in his passage. At the end of the second day the messenger returned. "The chief says come; he says he has been a long time without trade. But before he answered he talked with his chiefs, and I don't know whether he means honestly, i'he tribe has a bad name: they are thieves and robbers." "Well, we will go on," Mr. Harvey said, "neverthe- less; we have got the chief's word, and he will not after that venture to attack us openly, for if he did he knows •very well than no more traders would visit his country. His people may make attacks upon us, but we are strong «nough to hold our own. l We muster about thirty guns, and in our laager would be able to beat off his whole tribe, did they attack us; we will, however, while travel- ing through his country, be more careful than hitherto. The wagons shall, when it is possible, travel two abreast, so that the line will not be so long to guard, and you jnust not wander away to shoot. Fortunately we have a •store of driei meat which will last us for some time." On the following morning the caravans set out, and after traveling twelve miles halted on the bank of a stream. Soon after they had formed their camp five or aix natives came in; they brought a few bunches of ostrich plumes and some otter skins; these they bar- tered for cotton, and having concluded their bargains wandered about in the camp, as was the custom of the "natives, peeping into the wagons, examining the bul- locks, and looking at all the arrangements with childish curiosity. "I expect these fellows have come as spies rather than traders," Mr. Harvey said to the lads. "As a general THE YOUNG COLONISTS. , 16$ thing the natives come in with their wives and children ^, but, you see, these are all men. I observed too that they have particularly examined the pile of muskets, as if reckoning up our means of defense. In future, instead of merely a couple of men to look after the cattle and. keep off any marauders, I will put six every night on guard; they shall be relieved twice during the night, and one of the hunters shall be in charge of each watch — if there are signs of trouble, we will ourselves take it by turns." Two or three times that night the sentries perceived moving objects near the camp, and challenged; in each, case the objects at once disappeared; whether they were hyenas or crawling men could not be discerned. At the halt next day a much larger number of natives: came in, and a satisfactory amount of trade was done. Their demeanor, however, was insolent and overbearing,, and some of them went away with their goods, declining; to accept the exchange offered. After they had left the.' camp several small articles were missed. The next day they passed across a plain abounding ir& game, and Mr. Harvey said that the boys and the three* hunters might go out and kill some fresh meat; but he warned Dick and Tom not to allow their ardor in the chase to carry them away from the hunters, but to keep as much as possible together. When they had killed as many animals as could be carried on their horses and the hunters' shoulders, they were to return at once. It was the first time that Tom had been out hunting- since his accident; his bones had all set well, and beyond a little stiffness and occasional pain he was quite himself again. "I am glad to be riding out again with"you, Dick," he said; "it has been awfully slow work jogging along by the side of the caravan." 3.Q1 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. In addition to the three hunters they took as usual a native with them, to hold the horses should it be neces- tsary to dismount and stalk the game, instead of chasing it and shooting it from the saddles, an exercise in -which "by this time the boys were efficient. They found more difficulty in getting up to the game than they had ex- pected, and the hunters said confidently that the animals must have been chased or disturbed within a few hours. They had accordingly to go four or five miles across the plain before they could get a shot; but at last they saw a herd feeding in a valley. After the experience they had Lad that morning of the futility of attempting to get near the deer on horseback, they determined that the hunters should make a circuit, and come down upon the herd from different points. Tom and Dick were to stay on the brow where they were then standing, keeping well back, so as to be out of sight from the valley, until they heard the report of the first gun, when they were to :mount and endeavor to cut off and head the deer back upon the others. The hunters then started — Jumbo and Blacking going to the right, Tony and the other to the left. After an hour's walking they reached their places at points about equidistant from each other, forming with Tom and Dick a complete circle round the deer. They were enabled to keep each other in sight, although hidden from the herd in the hollow. When each had gained his station they lay down and began to crawl toward the deer, and until they were within one hundred and fifty yards of the herd the latter continued grazing quietly. Then an old buck gave a short, sharp cry, and struck the ground violently with his hoofs; the others all ceased feeding, and gazed with startled eyes to windward, &nd were about to dash off in a body when the four men ^fired almost simultaneously, and as many stags fell. The " iiiift ii 111 i TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 165 Test darted off at full speed in the direction in which Tom and Dick were posted, that being the only side open to them. An instant later Tom and Dick appeared on horseback on the brow, and dashed down toward the herd; these, alarmed at the appearance of a fresh enemy, broke into two bodies, scattering right and left, giving both lads an opportunity for a good shot. Both suc- ceeded in bringing down their mark. They then dis- mounted, and giving their horses to the native joined the hunters. They had bagged six deer, and the hunters at once proceeded to disembowel them; one was to be slung behind each of the saddles, and the others would foe carried by the hunters and native. While they were so engaged they were startled by a shout, and saw the native running down toward them, leading the horses and gesticulating wildly. "We are attacked," Blacking said, and almost at the same moment three or four arrows fell among them. They had collected the dead deer at one spot, and were standing in a group; looking round they saw a large number of natives crowning the low hills all round them, and saw that while they had been stalking the deer they themselves had been stalked by the natives. Without a moment's hesitation the hunters disposed the bodies of the deer in a circle; seizing the two horses they threw them beside the deer, fastening their limbs with the lassoes which they carried, so that they could not move; then the six men threw themselves down in the circle. All this had been done in a couple of minutes. The arrows were falling fast among them, but none had been hit, and as soon as the preparations were complete they opened a steady fire at the enemy. With the exception of the man who had come out with the horses all were good shots, and their steady fire at once checked the advance of the natives, whose triumphant yelling ceased, as man 166 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. after man went down, and they speedily followed the example of their opponents, and, throwing themselves; $own on the grass, kept up a fire with their arrows in a circle of seventy or eighty yards round the hunters. Gradually, however, their fire ceased, for to use their bows they were obliged to show their heads above the grass, and whenever one did so the sharp crack of a rifle was heard; and so often did the bullets fly true to their aim that the natives soon grew chary of exposing them- selves. "What will they do now?" Dick asked, as the firing- ceased. "They are cowards," Jumbo said contemptuously. "If they had been Zulus, or Swazis, or Matabele, they would have rushed in upon us, and finished it at once." "Well, I am very glad they are not," Dick said; "but what is to be done?" "They will wait for night," Tony answered; "then when we cannot see them, they will creep up close and charge." "In that case," Dick said, "the best thing will be for us to keep in a body, and fight our way through them,, and make for the camp." Jumbo shook his head. "They quiet now because they think they got us safe; if we try to get away, they rush down upon us; we shoot many, but we all get killed." "Then," Dick said, "the best thing will be for me to jump on my horse and ride straight through them; if 1 get off alive, I will make for the caravan and bring back Mr. Harvey and the rest to your assistance." "No good," Blacking said; "your horse would be stuck full of arrows before you get away; he drop dead; they kill you. I go." "But it would be just as dangerous for you as fo* me* Blacking." THE YOUNQ COLONISTS. 167 "No," the hunter said; "directly you stand up to get on horse they see you and get ready to shoot; the horse fall dead before he reach them. I will crawl through the grass; they will not see me till I get to them — perhaps I get through without them seeing at all; if not, I jump up sudden and run; they all surprised, no shoot straight; once through line they never catch me." Jumbo and Tony assented with a grunt, and Dick, see- ing that no better plan could be suggested, offered no •opposition to the young hunter undertaking the task. Leaving his gun and ammunition behind him, the black at once without a word crawled out between the carcasses of the deer, making his way, like a snake, per- fectly flat on his stomach, and soon it was only by a very slight movement of the grass, which was nearly two feet high, that Dick could follow his progress. But he could not do this for long, an arrow whizzing close to his head warned him that he was exposing himself, and he lay down behind his stag and listened with intense eagerness for the outcry which would arise when Blacking was dis- covered. It seemed a long time, so slow and cautious was the black's advance. At last there was a sudden yell, and the little party, sure that the attention of their assail- ants would for the moment v be diverted, raised their heads from the shelter and looked out. They saw Black- ing bounding at full speed up the slope; a score of natives had sprung to their feet, and were discharging their arrows in the direction of the fugitive, who zig- zagged, as he ran with rapid bounds, to unsteady and divert their aim. One arrow struck him in the side; they saw him break off the feather-head, pull it through the wound, and throw it away without a moment's pause 1 in his flight. "Is it a serious wound?" Tom asked eagerly. 168 * TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. Jumbo shook his head. "Not kill him," he said; "too near skin." By this time Blacking's pursuers had thrown their bows across their shoulders, and grasping their assegais bad started in pursuit. "They no catch him," Tony said confidently; "Black- ing clever man; he not run too fast; let them keep close behind him; they think they catch him, and keep on Tunning all the way to camp. People here watch, not tink to attack us; then they wait again for the oders to come back; half of dem gone, a good many killed, they not like to attack us now." "What do you say, Tony? — shall we get up and follow in a body slowly?" "That would be good plan," Tony said, "if sure no more black men come; but if others come and join dem,. dey attack us out on plain, we got no stags to lie behind. Dey fight hard 'cause they know that Blacking have got. away, and that help come; make bad affair of it; better- stop here." Presently two or three of the natives were seen com- ing back over the brow, having given up the pursuit.. Dick's rifle was a good one, and the brow was not more than four hundred yards away; he took a steady aim and fired, and one of the natives fell. A yell of astonish- ment broke from the others, and they threw themselves? instantly on the grass. This, however, although long enough to shelter them in the bottom, was shorter and scantier on the slope. The inclined position too enabled Dick to see them, and he again fired. He could not see where the ball struck, but it must have been close to the two natives^ for these leaped to their feet and bounded back again over the brow. "That was a capital shot of yours, Dick," Tom said. "I will try next time. Our rifles will carry easily enough THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 169 as far as that, although the hunters' won't. If we can but prevent any of these fellows who have gone after Blacking from coming down and rejoining those round ns, we are safe enough, for if they did not dare to make a rush when there were about sixty of them they will not try now when there are not half that number." An hour later a party of some ten or twelve natives appeared again on the brow. Dick and Tom at once fired. One of them fell, and the rest again retired be- hind the brow, shouting something to those below, which Tony at once translated that Blacking had got away. The news, added to the effect of the fall of their com- rades on the height, dispirited the natives below, and one or two were to be seen stealing up the slopes. Dick and Tom were on the alert, and one of the natives fell with a broken leg; this completed the uneasi- ness of the party below. Creeping away from the deadly rifles to the foot of the slope, they suddenly rose and bounded up it. A general volley was fired by the be* leaguered party, and two more natives fell; the rest dashed up the slope, two of them on the way lifting and carrying off their wounded comrades. "We all right now," Jumbo said; "dey no attack us here any more; like enough dey wait and lie in ambush in grass, in case we move away; but we not do that; we sit here quietly till the caravan arrive." "Do you think Mr. Harvey will bring the whole cara- van?" "Sure to do dat," Jumbo said. "He no able to leave party to protect the wagons and to send party here to us; he bring the caravan all along together. If he attacked, he make laager; but me no tink dey attack. The people ready to cut off little party; den the chief say he not responsible, but if his people attack the caravan dat dif- ferent thing." 170 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. The hours passed slowly; the heat in the bottom, as the sun, almost overhead, poured its rays down into it, ■was very great. As the hours passed on the heat became less oppressive, but it was with intense pleasure that the boys saw Mr. Harvey suddenly appear on the brow, and checking his horse gaze into the valley. They leaped to their feet and gave a shout, which was answered by Mr. Harvey. "Are they round you still?" he shouted. "No; they have all gone," Dick replied; and Mr. Harvey at once rode down. By the time he reached them the hunters had freed the legs of the horses, and these struggled to their feet. "You have given me a nice fright," Mr. Harvey said,, as he rode up. "We have had a pretty good fright ourselves," Dick replied. "If it had not been for Blacking pluckily get- ting through them to take you the news, I don't think we should have seen daylight. Is he much hurt, sir?" "He has got a nasty wound," Mr. Harvey replied. "An arrow has gone between his ribs. He fell down from loss of blood when he reached us, and had we gone much further he would have been overtaken. They were close upon his heels when he got in. Fortunately I halted the caravan soon after you started; when I saw the herds making way I thought it better to wait till you rejoined us. It was well I did so; we noticed him a couple of miles away, and when we saw he was pursued I went out with six men and met him half a mile from the caravan. He had just strength left to tell us what had happened. Then we went back to the caravan, and moved out toward you. "We were obliged to come slowly, for there are a good many natives out on the plains, and twice they looked so threatening that I had to laager and treat them to a few distant shots. They THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 171 evidently did not like the range of my rifle, and so I have come on without any serious fighting. I have been in a great fright about you; but Blacking, when he re- covered from his faint, told me that he thought you were safe for awhile, as nearly half the party which had been attacking you had followed him, and that you had already killed so many that he thought they would not venture to attack before nightfall. Now, you had better come up to the wagons at once; you can tell me all about it after- ward." The deer which had formed such useful shelter were now lifted, and in a qarter of an hour the party reached the wagons without molestation. A vigilant watch was Jsept all night, but no alarm was given. In the morning Mr. Harvey rode down with the lads and the hunters into the valley. Except that here and there were deep blood-stains, no signs of the con- flict remained, the natives having carried off their dead in the course of the night. The hunters, after examin- ing the ground, declared that fifteen of the enemy had fallen, including those shot on the slopes. The journey was now resumed. At the next halt the natives came in to trade as usual, and when questioned professed entire ignorance of the attack on the hunters. Three days later, without further adventure, they ar- rived at the kraal of the principal chief. It was a large village, and a great number of cattle were grazing in the neighborhood. The natives had a sullen appearance, but exhibited no active hostility. Mr. Harvey formed his wagons in a laager a few hundred yards outside the ■village, and then, accompanied by the boys, proceeded to the chief's abode. They were at once conducted to his presence. He was seated in a hut of beehive form, rather larger than those which surrounded it. When the white 172 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. men crawled in through the door, which like all in native structures was not more than three feet high, they were at first unable to see, so dark was the' interior. The chief uttered the usual words of welcome. "I have a complaint to make, chief," Mr. Harvey said, "against some of your people. They attacked my two friends and some of my followers when out hunting. Fortunately they were repulsed, with the loss of some fifteen of their number, but that does not make the attack upon them any the less inexcusable." "That is bad," the chief said; "how does my friend, the white trader, know that they were my men?" "They were inside your territory anyhow," Mr. Harvey said. "It was upon the third day after I had left the Matabele." "It must have been a party of Matabele," the chief said; "they often come into my territory to steal cattle; they are bad men — my people are very good." "I can't prove that hey were your people," Mr. Harvey said, "whatever I may think; but I warn you, chief, that if there is any repetition of the attack while we are in your country you will have no more 'traders here. Those who attacked us have learned that nq can defend ourselves, and that they are more likelj to get death than plunder out of the attempt." THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 173 CHAPTER XIV. TEAPPED IK A DEFILE. "What do you think of affairs?" Dick asked Mr. Harvey, as, on leaving the chief's hut, they walked back to their wagons. "For the moment I think we are perfectly safe; the chief would not venture to attack us while we are in his village. In the first place it would put a stop to all trade, and in the second, far as we are from the frontier, he would not feel safe were a massacre to take place in his village. He knows well enough that were a dozen white men to come out to avenge such a deed, with a few wagon-loads of goods to offer to his neighbors as pay for their assistance, he and his tribe would be exterminated. When we are once on our way again we must beware. The feeling among the tribe at the loss they have sus- tained must be very bitter, although they may repress all outward exhibition of it to us, and if they attack us just as we are on the line between their land and their neighbor's they can deny all knowledge of it. However, they shall not catch us asleep." "I see the men have put the wagons in laager," Tom said. "Yes, I told them to do so," Mr. Harvey answered; "it is the custom always with traders traveling north of the Limpopo, and therefore will not be taken as a sign of suspicion of their good faith. A fair index to us of their disposition will be the amount of trade/ If they bring 174 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. their goods freely we may assume that there is no fixed intention of attacking us; for if they are determined to seize our goods those who have articles to trade would not care to part with them, when they would hope to obtain a share of our goods for nothing." The next morning Mr. Harvey spread out a few of his goods, but hardly any of the natives came forward with articles for barter. In the afternoon Mr. Harvey went across to the chief. "How is it," he asked, "that your people do not bring in their goods for sale? Among the tribes through which I have passed I have done much trade; they see that I give good bargains — your people bring nothing. If they do not wish to trade with the white men, let them say so, and I will tell my brethren that it is of no use to bring their wagons so far." "My people are very poor," the chief said; "they have been at war with their neighbors, and have had no time to hunt the ostrich or to get skins." "They cannot have been fighting all the time," Mr. Harvey rejoined; "they must have taken furs and skins — it is clear that they do not wish to trade. To-morrow morning I will go on my way; there are many other tribes who will be glad at the coming of the white trader." After Mr. Harvey's return to the wagons, it was evi- dent that orders had been issued that some trade should be done, for several parcels of inferior kinds of ostrich feathers and skins were brought in. As it was clear,, however, that no genuine trade was to be done, at day- break the oxen were inspanned, and the caravan con- tinued its journey. For the next two days the track lay across an open country and no signs of molestation were met with. "We are now coming," Mr. Harvey said, "to the THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 175 rery worst part of our journey. The hills we have seen in front of us for the last two days have to be crossed. To-morrow we ascend the lower slopes, which are toler- ably easy; but the next day we have to pass through a very wild gorge. The road, which is the bed of a stream, mounts rapidly; but the ravine is nearly ten miles in length. Once at its head we are near the highest point of the shoulder over which we have to cross, and the descent on the other side is comparatively easy. If I could avoid this spot, I would do so; but I know of no other road by which wagons could cross the range for a very long distance either way; this is the one always used by traders. In the wet season it is altogether impassa- ble, for in some places the ravine narrows to fifteen yards, with perpendicular cliffs on either side, and at fchese points the river, when in flood, rushes down twenty or thirty feet deep. Even putting aside the danger of attack in going through it, I would gladly avoid it if I could, for the weather is breaking; we have already had some showers, and may get heavy thunderstorms and a tremendous downfall of rain any day. The next day the journey was an arduous one; the ground was rough and broken, and the valley up which the road lay was frequently thickly strewn with bowlders, which showed the force with which the water in flood- time rushed down over what was now its empty bed. After a long day's work the caravan halted for the night at the spot where the valley narrowed to the ravine. "It has been a pretty hard day's work to-day," Tom said. "It is nothing to to-morrow's, as you will see," Mr. Harvey replied. "Traders consider this defile to be the very hardest passage anywhere in South Africa, and there are plenty of other bad bits too. In many cases jou will see we shall have to unload the wagons, and it 176 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. will be all that a double team can do to pull them up empty. Sometimes, of course, the defile is easier than at others; it depends much upon the action of the lasf; floods. In some years rocks 'and bowlders have beeu jammed so thickly in the narrow parts that the defile has been absolutely impassable; the following year, per- haps, the obstruction has been swept away, or to a cer- tain extent leveled by the spaces between the rocks being filled up with small stones and sand. How it is this sea- son, I do not know; up to the time we left I had heard of no trader having passed along this way. I have spoken of it as a day's journey, but it is only under the most favorable circumstances that it has ever been ac- complished in that time, and sometimes traders have been three or fom days in getting through." Directly the caravan halted Blacking and Jumbo, started to the defile; it was already growing- . dusk, and they were only able to get two miles up before it was so dark that they could make their way no fur- ther. They returned, saying that the first portion of the defile, which was usually one of the most difficult, was in a bad condition; that many enormous bowlders were lying in the bottom; but that it appeared to be practicable, although in some places the wagons would have to be unloaded. At daybreak the oxen were inspanned, and in a quar- ter of an hour the leading wagon approached the entrance of the gorge; it seemed cut through a perpendicular cliff two hundred feet high, the gorge through which the river issued appearing a mere narrow crack rent by some convulsion of nature. "It would be a fearful place to be attacked in," Dick said, "and a few men with rocks up above could destroy ns." "Yes," Mr. Harvey said; "but you see up there?" THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 1*7 Dick looked up, and on one side of the passage saw aome tiny figures. "The three hunters and ten of our men with muskets are up there; they started three hours ago, "as they would have to go, Jumbo said, five miles along the face of the cliff before they reached a point where they could make an ascent so as to gain the edge of the ravine. They will keep along parallel with us, and their fire would clear both sides; it is not usual to take any pre- caution of this sort, but after our attack of the other day, and the attitude of the chief and his people, we cannot be too cautious. After passing through the first three miles of the defile, the ravine widens into a valley a hundred yards wide; here they will come down and join us. There are two other ravines, similar to the first to be passed through, but the country there is so wild and broken that it would be impossible for them to keep along on the heights, and I doubt whether even the natives could find a point from which to attack us." They had now fairly entered the ravine. For thirty or iorty feet up the walls were smooth and polished by the action of the winter torrents; above, jagged rocks over- hung the path, and at some points the cliffs nearly met overhead. Although it was now almost broad daylight, in the depths of this ravine the light was dim and obscure. The boys at first were awestruck at the scene, but their attention was soon called to the difficulties of the pass. The bed of the stream was covered with rocks of all sizes; sometimes great bowlders, as big as a good-sized cottage, almost entirely blocked the way, and would have done so altogether had not the small bowlders round them formed slopes on either side. The depths of the ravine echoed and re-echoed, with a noise like thunder, the shout of the driver and the crack of the whip, as the 178 THE YOUNG C0L0N18TS. oxen struggled on. The wagons bumped and lurched along over the stones; the natives and whites all worked their hardest, clearing away the blocks as far as possible from the track required for the wagons. Armed with long wooden levers four or six together prized away the heavy bowlders, or when these were too massive to be moved by their strength, and when no other path could be chosen, piled a number of smaller blocks, so as to make a sort of ascent up which the wheels could travel. The wagons moved but one at a time, the united efforts, of the whole party being required to enable them to get along. When the leading wagon had moved forward a hundred yards the next in succession would be brought up, and so on until the six wagons were again in line; then all hands would set to work ahead, and prepare the path for another hundred yards. In two places, however, no efforts sufficed to clear the way; the blocks rose in such jagged masses that it was absolutely impossible for the oxen to pull across them — > indeed it was with the greatest difficulty that when un- yoked they were one by one got over; then tackles were fastened from the top of the rock to the wagons below — ropes and blocks being generally carried by travelers for such emergencies — the oxen fastened to the ends of the ropes, and with the purchase so obtained the wagons were dragged bodily one by one over the obstacles. It was not until late in the afternoon that the party passed safely through the defile and reached the valley beyond, men and animals worn out by the exertions they had undergone. The day had not passed without excitement, for when they were engaged at the most difficult point of the jour- ney the crack of rifles was heard far overhead, and for half an hour a steady fire was kept up there. Those be- low were of course wholly ignorant of what was passing THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 179 there, and for some time they suffered considerable anxiety; for if their guard above had been overpowered they must have been destroyed by rocks cast down by their foes. At the end of half an hour the firing ceased; but it was not until they camped for the night in the valley bejond the gorge that they learned from the hunters, who joined them there, what had happened. There ware, Jumbo explained, three or four hundred natives,, but fortunately these approached from the opposite sido of the gorge; consequently the little party of defenders was in no danger of attack. The enemy had been dis- concerted when they first opened fire, but had then pressed forward to get to the edge of the ravine. The. superior weapons of the defenders had, however, checked them, and finding that there was no possibility of coming to close quarters with the little band, they had, after losing several of their number, abandoned the attempt and fallen back. Soon after nightfall they were startled by a heavy crashing sound, and great rocks came bounding down the sides of the valley. The cattle and wagons were at once moved to the center of the watercourse, and here they were safe, for the bottom of the valley was so thickly strewn with great bowlders that, tremendous as- was the force with which the rocks loosened far above came bounding down, these were either arrested or shivered into fragments by the obstacles before they reached the center of the valley. No reply to this bombardment of the position was at- tempted. The enemy were invisible, and there was no clew to their position far up on the hillside. So long as the rolling down of the rocks was continued, it was cer- tain that no attack at close quarters was intended; con- sequently, after posting four sentries to arouse them in 180 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. case of need, the rest of the party, picking out the soft- est pieces of ground they could find between the stones, lay down to rest. Before doing so, however, Mr. Harvey hah a consulta- tion with the hunters. They said that the next narrow ravine was broken by several lateral defiles of similar character, which came down into it, and that it would therefore be quite impossible to keep along the top; whether there were any points at which the enemy could take post and assail them from above, they knew not. There was, then, nothing to do but to push steadily on, and early next morning they resumed their way. On the preceding day a slight shower of rain had fallen, but this had been insufficient to increase notably the waters of the streamlet which trickled down among the rocks, for the most part hidden from view. The hunters were of opinion that heavier storms were at hand, and Mr. Harvey agreed with them in the belief. "We are in a very nasty position, boys," he said, "and I wish now that I had turned south, and made my way down to the Limpopo again, and kept along its banks until past this mountain-range; it would have meant a loss of two months' time, and the country which we shall reach wh.en we get through this defile is a very giod one for trade. Still, I am sorry now that I did not adopt that plan; for, what with the natives and the torrent, our position is an extremely serious one; however, there is nothing for it but to push on now. We have passed one out of the three gorges, and even if the other two are in as bad a condition as the one we came up yester- day, two more days' labor will see us through it." As the caravan moved along the valley the yells of the natives, high up on the slopes, rose loud and menacing. They must have been disgusted at seeing that the labor upon which they had been engaged the whole night, of THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 181 loosening and setting in motion the rocks, had been entirely thrown away, for they could see that the wagons and teams were wholly uninjured. As the caravan reached the point where the Valley narrowed again, a mile above the halting-place, they began to descend the slopes, as if they meditated an attack, and the rifles of the whites and the three hunters opened fire, upon them and checked those on the bare sides of tho hill. Many, however, went further down, and descend- ing into the valley crept up under the shelter of the stones and bowlders, and as soon as they came within range opened fire with their bows and arrows. By this time, however, the wagons were entering the ravine, which, although at its entrance less abrupt and perpen- dicular than that below, soon assumed a precisely simi- lar character. Once well within its shelter Mr. Harvey posted Dick; with the three hunters and four of the other natives to defend the rear. This was a matter of little difficulty-, Two or three hundred yards up the ravine a barrier,, similar to those met with on the previous day, was en- countered, and the wagons had to be dragged up by' ropes, an operation which took upward of three hours. While the passage was being effected Dick with his. party had remained near the mouth of the ravine, and. had been busy with the enemy who pressed them; but after the last wagon had safely crossed the barrier they took their station at this point, which they could have held against any number of enemies. The caravan proceeded on its way, men and animals laboring to the utmost; when, at a point where the sides of rock seemed nearly to close above them, a narrow line of sky only being visible, a great rock came crushing and leaping down, bounding from side to side with a tremen- dous uproar, and bringing down with it a shower of 182 THE YOUNG COLONISTS* smaller rocks, which it had dislodged in its course. The bottom of the ravine was here about twelve yards wide, •and happened to be unusually level. The great rock, which must have weighed half a ton, fell on one side of the leading wagon and burst into fragments which flew in all directions. Fortunately no one was hurt, but a scream of dismay broke from the natives. "Steady!" Mr. Harvey shouted; "push on ahead; but each man keep to his work — the first who attempts to run and desert the wagons I will shoot through the head." "Tom, go on a hundred yards in front, and keep that distance ahead of the leading wagon. Shoot down at pnce any one who attempts to pass you." JJock followed rock in quick succession; there was, however, fortunately a bulge in the clifE on the right- £and side, projecting some twenty feet out, and as the Olocks struck this they were hurled off to the left side of the path. Seeing this Mr. Harvey kept the wagons close along on the right, and although several of the oxen and three or four of the men were struck by detached frag- ments from above, or by splinters from the stones as they fell, none were seriously injured. Long after the caravan had passed the point the rocks continued to thunder down, showing Mr. Harvey that those above were unable to see to the bottom of the gorge, but that they were discharging their missiles at random. A short distance further a cross ravine, a mere cleft in the rock, some five feet wide at the bottom, was passed, and Mr. Harvey congratulated himself at the cer- tainty that this would bar the progress of their foes above, and prevent the attack being renewed from any point further on. At this point so formidable an obstacle was met with in a massive rock, some thirty feet high, jammed in the THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 185 narrowest part of the ravine, that the wagons had to be emptied and hauled by ropes up the almost perpendicular rock, the oxen being taken through a passage, which with immense labor the men managed to clear of stones, under one of the angles of the rock. It was not. until after dark that they reached the spot where the ravine again widened out into a valley, having spent sixteen hours in accomplishing a distance of only three miles. However, all congratulated themselves that two-thirds of their labor was over, and that but one more defile had to be surmounted. The rearguard remained encamped at the opening of the defile, but the night passed without interruption, the natives -being doubtless disheartened by the failure to destroy the caravan by rocks from above. "Do you think there is any chance of their attacking ns to-night, down the slopes, as they did this morning?" Tom asked Mr. Harvey. "None whatever," the latter replied, "as you will see in the morning. This valley does not resemble the last;, the rocks rise almost perpendicularly on both sides, and it would not be possible for them to make their way down, even if they wanted to do so." With the first dawn of light the oxen were inspanned. Just as they were starting one of the natives of Dick's party came up to Mr. Harvey, and reported that the natives in large numbers were showing in the ravine, and the sharp crack of the rifles, which almost at the same moment broke out, confirmed his statement. "The defile must be held," Mr. Harvey said, "until we are well in the next pass. When the last wagon hast entered I will send back word, and they must then follow us and hold the entrance. Tom, you had better take four more of the armed natives to strengthen the rearguard. Tell Dick to come on and join me. You 134 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. had yonr fair share of labor yesterday, and your hands are cut about so, by lifting and heaving rocks, that you would be able to do little to-day. It is rather a good sign that the natives are pressing forward in such force on our rear, as it shows that they have no great faith in any attempt they may make to-day to repeat their rock- throwing experiment of yesterday." As before two natives were sent on ahead to examine the defile, and Mr. Harvey moved on with the caravan until he reached the upper edge of the valley, which was scarcely half a mile long. Just as he did so the natives came hurriedly down the defile; they reported that a short distance up they had met with another obstacle, to the full as difficult as that which they had got the wagons over on the preceding day, and that, as they turned an' angle in the defile and came in sight of it, they were saluted by a shower of arrows, and saw a crowd of natives on the top of the barrier. They had thrown themselves down behind the bowlders, and had obtained a good view of the natives and the obstacle. It was some forty feet further up, and was formed by three or four great bowlders jammed in together.- On the other side small bowlders and stones seemed to have been piled up by the torrent to the level of the rocks; but on the lower side it was almost perpendicular, and they questioned if a man could climb it — certainly there was no passage for oxen. THE YOUNG COLONISTS ic>i> CHAPTER XV. A MOUNTAIN TORRENT. The news brought by the scouts was very serious. The continued fire in the rear showed that the enemy were making a serious attack in that quarter. But Mr. Harvey feared that his fighting force there must be* weakened greatly, to enable him to attack so formidable a position as that which the enemy occupied in front. Before arriving at any decision as to his best course, he halted the caravan, and went forward himself, with the two natives, to inspect the position which they had dis- covered. When he reached the turn in the defile he crawled for- ward among the bowlders until he reached a spot where he could obtain a clear view of the barrier; it was to the full as formidable as it had been described by the scouts. It would have needed an active man to scale the rocks without any opposition from above, while on the top a dense body of natives were clustered, numbering at least fifty, and probably a considerable portion of their force was concealed from view. Mr. Harvey sent back one of the natives to tell Dick to come on and join him; after which he was to go back and bid Jumbo come up, as Mr. Harvey had great con- fidence in the hunter's shrewdnesa Dick oresently arrived, and was much impressed with the formidable nature of the obstacle. "Wr *" light creep forward," he said, "among the 186 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. stones and soon drive those fellows off the edge, but they would only lie down behind, and could easily de- stroy us, as we climbed one by one to the top. Each one, as he got up, would be riddled with assegais. What are you thinking of doing, sir?" . "I don't know what is best, Dick. I quite agree with you, it is a tremendous position to storm, but on the other hand it would be almost as bad to retreat.'* Ten minutes later Jumbo arrived at a run; without a. word he threw himself down by the side of Mr. Harvey, and for two or three minutes gazed silently at the obstacle ahead; then, to Mr. Harvey's surprise, he turned over on to his back, and lay there with his eyes open. "What on earth are you doing, Jumbo?" "Look there, sir," the native said, pointing to a glis- tening spot, the size of a crown-piece, on his stomach. "Well, what of that?" Mr. Harvey said; "that's a •drop of rain — there's another fallen on my hat. What do you think of that place ahead?" "Me no think nothing about him, sir; that place, sir, 210 consequence one way or de other. You hear him, sir?" As he spoke a loader crash of thunder burst over- bead. Mr. Harvey looked up now. That portion of the sky which could be seen was inky black. Great drops of rain were falling with a pattering sound on the rock. "Storm come, sir; very bad storm. I see him com- ing, and say to Massa Tom, 'Two or tree hour fight over; now you see someting like a mountain-storm. In tree hours water come down twenty feet deep.' " "You are right, Jumbo. It is lucky the storm has begun so early; if we had got far into the defile we should have been caught. Now, all we have got to do is to wait. Go back, Dick, and send up every man with TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 187 firearms; we must at once engage those fellows in front and occupy their attention. If they once perceive their danger they will make a desperate rush down here, and it will go hard with us then. When you have sent the fighting-men up, see that the teamsters move all the wagons to the highest piece of ground you can find in the valley. Let them arrange the wagons there as closely as they will pack, and keep the animals well round them. A flood will destroy our enemy, but I am not sure that it may not destroy us too. Now hurry away, and tell the fighting-men to run up as quick as they can. "When you have seen everything in readiness join Tom, and warn him to be ready to fall back to the wagons as soon as the flood comes." Dick ran down the ravine. It was not until he issued from it that he was aware how tremendously the rain was pouring down. In the defile he had been conscious only of a slight mist, with an occasional drop of heavy rain, for very few of the raindrops which entered the gap far above descended to the bottom, almost all strik- ing against the sides. In the comparatively open valley, however, the rain was coming down in a perfect cataract. Dick at once sent all the fighting-men to the front, and three minutes later the report of musketry told that they were engaged with the enemy. Dick now set to work with ten of the natives to select the spot on which to place the wagons. The bottom of the valley was very flat, and the sand between the bowlders showed that when the water was high the whole was covered. He, however, found a spot on the left-hand side, about midway between the two defiles, which was some feet higher than the rest. The hill- side behind at this point rose somewhat less abruptly than elsewhere, and it was probable that the rise in the bottom was formed by a slip which had taken place at t88 ™ E YOUNG COLONISTS. some past period. Here the wagons were arranged side beside in two rows, the wheels of the three inner wagons close against the slope above them. The cattle were gathered closely round. Dick then joined Tom, whom he found in high spirits, the hunters having already told him that the flood would very soon come to their relief. The party was hotly en- gaged. About thirty or forty yards intervened between them and their enemy, who, crouching behind rocks, were shooting their arrows high into the air, so that they came down almost perpendicularly upon the defenders. One of these had been killed and three severely wounded by the missiles; while they themselves could only get an occa- sional shot at a limb exposed beyond the shelter of the bowlders. Not having received orders to stay by Tom, Dick retraced his steps up the valley to the party above. From the cliffs at the side of the valley waterfalls were leaping down, and a stream of water was already begin- ning to flow down its center. The bed of the defile was perfectly dry, the stones being scarcely wetted by the fine mist from above. Dick found Mr. Harvey and the natives engaged in keeping up a hot fire at the top of the obstacle, lying at a distance of forty or fifty yards from it among the rocks. One or two dead natives were stretched on the top of the rock; the rest were not to be seen, but the arrows whistled fast over his head, showing that they were lying down just behind it. "The rain is tremendous outside," Dick said, as he joined Mr. Harvey. "You can have no idea what it is here. The water is pouring so fast into the valley that a stream is forming there already, and will soon be run- ning two or three feet deep down the lower pass. I ■wonder it has not begun to make its way down from above." THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 189 i "It has begun, Dick; look at those little threads of water between the stones. When it comes, it will come with a rush; that is always the way with these gorges. Jumbo is listening; it will come with a roar like thun- der. He has just told me I had better send most of the men back at once, keeping only four or five to continue firing to the last moment. You see the enemy, who are there on a sort of platform, will not notice the water that is making its way down. See how fast it rises; it is ankle-deep already — and, I tell you, we shall have to run when the time comes. " All the natives, with the exception of Jumbo and two other men, were sent back. "I don't see anything to fire at," Dick said. "No," Mr. Harvey agreed; "it is a pure waste of am- munition, except that it occupies their attention. They can hardly be conscious yet how tremendously it is rain- ing. If they were they would not remain where they are, but would make a rush upon us, however great the risk." "Listen!" Jumbo exclaimed suddenly. They listened and were conscious of a dull, heavy, roaring sound. Jumbo leaped to his feet. "Come!" he said; "run for your lives." They started up and took to their heels. A terrible yell was heard behind them, and, glancing over his shoulder as he turned the corner, Dick saw the natives climbing down from their defense, and even leaping from the top in their terror. Fast as Dick was running, the roar behind rose louder and louder. "Quick, Dick," Mr. Harvey shouted, "or you will oe too late." Dick hurried to the utmost, but the stream was already rising rapidly, and was running knee-deep be- tween the stones. Stumbling and slipping, and cutting 190 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. himself against the rocks, Dick struggled on. The mighty roar was now close behind him, and seemed to him like that of a heavy train at full speed. He reached the mouth of the ravine; the water was already up to his waist. Mr. Harvey and Jumbo dashed in, seized him by the arms, and dragged him out. "Run!" they said. They were not fifty yards from the mouth when Dick, looking round, saw a mighty wall of water, fifteen feet high, leap from it, pouring as from huge sluice-gates into the valley. He did not stop running until he joined the rest gathered by the wagon's. Tom and his party were already there, for the rising water had soon warned their assailants of the danger, and the fire had suddenly ceased. Already the greater part of the valley was covered with water, down the center of which a foaming torrent was flowing. Here and there could be seen numerous dark objects, which, he knew, were the bodies of the natives who had defended the upper defile, caught before they could reach its mouth by the wall of water from above. They had in- stantly been dashed lifeless against the rocks and bowlders, and not one could be seen to make toward the comparatively still waters on either side of the center stream. Driven back again by the narrow entrance to the lower defile the water in the valley rose rapidly, as with an ever-increasing violence it poured in from above. There it was rushing out in a solid, dark-brown cataract, which Dick judged to be fully forty feet in height. In a quarter of an hour from its first outburst the water had already reached the feet of those standing upon the little knoll of ground in the valley. The oxen lowing and stamping with terror pressed more and more closely to- gether. The young ostriches were placed in one of THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 191 the wagons, for although their height would have left their heads well above water, they would probably have succumbed to the effects of a prolonged submersion of their bodies. "If it goes on like this for another quarter of an hour," Mr. Harvey said, "the oxen will be washed away, if not the wagons. Thank God, I think we can all man" age to climb up the slope. Jumbo, tell the men each to load themselves with five or six days' provisions. Let half a dozen take boxes of ammunition, and as many bales of the best cloth. Let the rest take as many bundles of the best ostrich feathers as they can carry. Let them lay them all on the slope, twenty or thirty yards up, wherever they can find place for them, and then come down again, and make as many trips with the best goods as they can." All hands worked hard; inch by inch the water rose; Mr. Harvey, assisted by the boys and teamsters, fastened ropes together, and with these surrounded the closely packed throng of cattle. The water was now more than waist-deep, and was still rising; soon the cattle on the outside were lifted off their feet. There was no current here, and they floated with their heads on the backs of those in front of them; higher and higher the water rose, till the whole of the cattle were afloat. At first a few straggled, but soon they subsided into quiet, and the whole mass floated together, with only their heads above water. On every available ledge on the hillside were placed bundles and bales of all kinds, and here the whites and natives stood, watching the progress of the flood. The thunder-shower had ceased soon after the water first burst through the gorge, but Mr. Harvey knew that some hours must elapse before the flood would begin to abate. "I don't see why the water should not run off as fast as it comes in," Dick said. 192 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. "It all depends, Dick, upon the question whether in tljie lower defile there is any place narrower than the mouth, through which the water is rushing from above. According to appearances this is so; for, could the water escape faster than it comes in, the lake here would cease to rise. I think now the water has reached a level, where the outflow nearly equals the inflow. I have been watching the wheels of the wagons, and for the last ten minutes I do not think it has risen above an inch or two." "I will get down and watch," Dick said, and he scrambled down to the water's edge. Two minutes later he shouted up: "It has not risen at all since I came here!" The teamsters had taken their station on the outside wagons, and continued to talk and shout to the oxen, exhorting these to be patient and quiet, as if the animals were capable of understanding every word they said. For three hours there was no change in the situation. Then all thought that there was a slight decrease in the height of the torrent of water pouring from the defile, and half an hour later a slight but distinct subsidence in the level of the water could be perceived. In another hour it had fallen a foot, and alter that the fall was rapid and steady. The deep roar caused by the rushing torrent and the rumbling of the huge bowlders and rocks swept along in the narrow defile gradually subsided, and soon the bullocks were again standing on their feet. The natives set to work to wash away the thick sedi- ment which the flood had left on the floor of the wagons, and before nightfall the goods were all repacked. But few signs of the recent flood now remained in the valley. A stream still rushed through the center. Trunks and branches of trees lay here and there, as the water had left them, and the bodies of some twenty or thirt v natives TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 193 were lying among the rocks* In some, places shallow pools remained; in others were sheets of glistening mud. "We shall have no more trouble with the natives," Mr. Harvey said; "the fighting-men of that tribe must have been nearly annihilated. " "Do you think that those below were caught, as well as those above?" - "Certainly," Mr. Harvey answered; "the water went ■down with the speed of a race-horse; they had only a few minutes' start, and would have been overtaken before they could have even gained the lower bed of the gorge. We can journey on peacefully now. We have been for- tunate indeed; we have only lost one man, and the three who were hit with stones are all likely to do well. We have not lost a single bullock nor a bale of goods." "We shall have hard work to get the wagons up that place where the natives made the stand to-morrow." "It is quite likely," Mr. Harvey said, "that the obstacle there no longer exists. A flood like that of to-day would carry away anything. Look at those great blocks, some of which must weigh more than a hundred top*j. Likely enough some of them have formed part of that great pile. I have already sent Tony and Blacking tip the defile to see how the flood has left it, and in an hour they will tee back to report." The hunters on returning brought the good news that the great block had been removed, and so far as they had explored no other of any importance had been found. They said indeed that the defile was now more open than either of the two gorges they had already passed through. This was very satisfactory, for all had had enough of lifting and heaving rocks. Their hands were all cut and wounded, and every limb ached with the strains which they had undergone. 194 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. The next mornmg at daybreak the caravan started. The hunters' report of the state of the roads was fairly borne out, and although some difficulties were met with it was unnecessary to unyoke the oxen, although of course many bowlders had to be cleared away to allow them to pass. On emerging at the upper end of the defile they found they were in a valley which opened out to a great width, and rose in gradual slopes at its head to the crest of the hills. As the only egress at the lower end was by the defile, it was clear that the whole rain- fall must make its way by this exit, which fully accounted for the tremendous torrent they had witnessed. Two days' traveling brought them to the foot of the slopes on the other side of the range of hills, and they were soon engaged in carrying on a considerable trade with the natives there. For another three months they traveled slowly through the country, by the end of which time they had disposed of all their goods, and the wagons were filled to the tilts with skins and bales of ostrich feathers. They now turned their faces to the south. After journeying for a fortnight they perceived one day,/ far across the couritry, the white tilts of another caravan. The three whites at once started at full gallop, eager to hear news of what had taken place in the colony during their absence. As they neared the caravan two white men rode out to meet them; both were known to Mr. Harvey, and hearty greetings were exchanged. The newcomers were halting for the day, and Mr. Harvey and the boys were soon seated in tents, with three bottles of beer in front of them, a luxury which they heartily enjoyed, having been many months with- out tasting it. "And now what is the news in the colony?" Mr. Har- vey asked, after having replied to their Questions as to THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 195 the state of trade, and the route which they had fol- lowed, as the newcomers would of course take another line, so as not to pass over the same ground. "Things don't look well," they answered; "the Boers are growing so insolent that there is no getting on with them. Several English have been shot down in various places, without the smallest cause. They openly declare their intention of recovering their independence. The English stores are for the most part tabooed, and things altogether look very threatening. There is a mere handful of British troops in the Transvaal, and only a regiment or so in Natal. Those wretched duffers at home hurried every soldier out of the country the instant the fighting was over, and if the Boers really mean busi- ness we shall have no end of trouble. You see, we have crushed their two enemies, tne Zulus and Secoceni, and now that we have done the work for them they want to get rid of us." "I thought we should have trouble with them," Mr. Harvey said; "they are an obstinate, pig-headed race; they never would pay taxes to their own government; they would not even turn out and fight when Secoceni threatened to overrun the country; and now, as likely as not, they will fight desperately for the independence they were glad enough to relinquish in the hour of danger. What you tell me is a nuisance. I had originally in- tended to go down through Kimberley to Port Elizabeth; but I changed my mind and decided to go back through the Transvaal, and I have come so far to the east that I J do not like to change my plans again. However, I don't suppose we shall be interfered with. They can't very well quarrel with us, if we won't quarrel with them." "Perhaps not," the trader said; "but I tell you I have found it precious difficult to keep my temper several times. The insolence and swagger of those fellows ia amazing." 196 TEE TOTING COLONISTS. The two caravans halted near each other for the day, and a pleasant evening was spent. The next morning each resumed its way. No further adventure was met with until the Limpopo was reached; this was crossed on rafts. The natives who had accompanied them were now paid on*, receiving a handsome present each, in addition to the sum agreed upon, and the caravan proceeded on its way. At the first Dutch village at which they arrived, a week after leaving the Limpopo, they had evidence of a change of demeanor in the Boers. As they passed through the streets a group of five or six men were standing at the door of a store; one of them in a loud and insolent voice made a remark to the others, that he- fore long they would not have any of these English dogs going through their country — a remark which was re- ceived with boisterous approval by the others. Mr. Harvey's face flushed, and he was on the point of rein- ing in his horse, and riding up to chastise the insolent Boer, but the thought of the distance of country yet before him checked him. It was clearly the intention of the man to force a quarrel, and in this the English were sure to get the disadvantage finally. He therefore rode quietly on with the insolent laughter of the Dutchmen ringing in his ears. The lads were equally indignant, and it was only the example of Mr. Harvey which had restrained them. "Things have come to a pretty pass," Mr. Harvey said as he dismounted, "that Englishmen should be openly insulted in this way. However, I suppose it will not do to resent it, for these scoundrels would clearly be only too glad of an excuse to shoot us down; but if this sort of thing is going on at every village we pass through we shall have hard work in keeping our tempers until we are fairly out of the Transvaal. I pity our countrymen THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 197 who have bought land or set up stores in this country. I was never fond of the Boers, though I am willing to allow that they are a splendid set of men, and that they are magnificent riders and good shots. I question if we shall ever retain them against their will. Of coarse if we had a government which worked with energy and de- cision it would be a different matter altogether. There are a considerable number of English and Scotch settlers already here, and the natives would rise against the Dutch to a man, if called upon to do so; and if a couple of dozen of their ringleaders were promptly seized and shot there would be an end to the whole matter. But I know what it will be: the natives will not be encouraged or even allowed to rise, our soldiers, who can hardly hit a haystack at a hundred yards, will be shot down at a dis- tance by the Boers, and likely enough we shall meet with a serious disaster, and then the English govern- ment will get frightened and make any terms these fel» lows demand." 198 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. CHAPTER XVI. A FIGHT "WITH THE BOERS. For some time they continued their journey, meeting everywhere with the grossest incivility on the part of the Boers; in many places they were refused water at the farms, and warned at once off the land, and Mr. Harvey had the greatest difficulty in keeping his own temper and restraining the boys from resenting the language of the Boers. One day, as they were riding along, two Boers on horseback halted on an eminence near the road and ad- dressed taunting remarks to them; they made no answer, but continued their way. They had not gone a hundred yards when one of the Boers deliberately took aim and fired at them; the ball passed between Dick and Mr. Harvey and struck one of the natives walking jnst in front of them,, killing him upon the spot. This was too much. Mr. Harvey and the lads wheeled their horses, unslung their rifles, and fired at the Boers^ who were galloping away. One of them at once dropped from his saddle, shot- through the head; the other reeled, but, retaining his seat, galloped off at full speed. "This is a bad business, boys," Mr. Harvey said; "we could not help it, but it will bring trouble upon us. I Now let us branch. off from the road we are following and make for Leydenberg; we are within three days' march of that place. There is an English garrison there, and justice will be done. If we push on straight THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 199 for Standerton we shall be overtaken and probably killed before we get there." The bullocks' heads were turned toward the southeast, and at the best pace the teams were driven across the country. Several large native kraals were passed in the , course of the day, and after a march of nearly double the ordinary length the caravan halted for the night on the banks of a stream. A sharp watch was kept all night, but nothing particular happened. Just as they were about to inspan the oxen in the morning some fifteen or twenty men were seen approach- ing at a gallop. The oxen were at once driven again to the laager, and every man seized his arms. The Dutch- men halted at a distance of a hundred yards, and then three of them rode up to the caravan. "What do you want?" Mr. Harvey said, advancing on foot in front of the wagons, while the lads and the three hunters stood, rifles in hand, behind them. "We summon you to surrender," the Boers said; "you have murdered Mr. Van Burer and wounded Mr. Schlessihoff." "We have done nothing of the sort," Mr. Harvey an- swered. "We were going quietly along the road when those men insulted us; we passed on without answering. After we had gone a hundred yards they fired at us, nar- rowly missed me, and killed one of my men. We fired back, and with the result you have named. We are quite ready to answer for our conduct, and when we get to Leydenberg we shall at once deliver ourselves up to the magistrate, and report what has occurred, and you can then bring any charge you want to make against us." "You will never get to Leydenberg," the Boers said scoffingly; "we are your magistrates and judges; we want no English law here. Once for all, will you sur- render?" 200 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. "We certainly will not," Mr. Harvey replied, "and if you molest us it will be at your peril." ' Without another word the Boers turned their horses' heads and rode back to their comrades; upon their join- ing them the whole rode some little distance to the rear, and then divided, half turning to the left, the other to the right. "What on earth are they going to do?" Dick asked in surprise. "They are going to surround us," Mr. Harvey said; "they will dismount and leave their horses in shelter. Now, lads, out with all the bales of skins and pile them up under the wagons." All hands set to work, and soon under each wagon a thick breastwork of bales was erected, reaching nearly up to the floor, leaving only enough space to see out of and fire; the three whites and the hunters took station, one under each wagon, the teamsters and other natives being distributed round the square. Quickly as they had labored, the preparations were not complete when from a brow at the distance of about a hundred yards from the laager, a shot was fired, the bullet burying itself with a thud in one of the bales of skins; almost instantly from every point in a circle round other shots were fired, and the splintering of wood and the dull sounds as the shots struck the barricade told how accurate was their aim. Mr. Harvey's orders had been, "Don't throw away a shot. When you see the flash of a rifle, aim steadily at that point; the next time a head is lifted to take aim, hit it." The natives were ordered on no account to fire, unless the Boers attempted to close, but to lie quietly under shelter of the defenses. In consequence of these orders not a shot replied to the first volley of the Boers; but when the second round commenced puffs of smoke darted from beneath the wagons. Dick and Tom knew THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 201 that their shots' had been successful, for the heads at which they had aimed lay clearly in view, and no dis- charge came from the rifles pointed toward them. The other shots must have passed near their marks, and after this first exhibition of the shooting powers of the de- fenders the Boers became much more careful, firing only at intervals, and shifting their ground each time before they raised their heads to take aim. So the whole day passed, a dropping fire being kept up on both sides. The defenders were convinced by the end of the day that seven or eight of the Boers had fallen, but their places had been more than filled by newcomers who had been seen galloping across the plain toward the scene of conflict. On the side of the defenders no casualties had occurred. Toward evening the fire died away, and Tom and Dick joined Mr. Harvey. "What will they do next ?" "I don't know, Dick; the Boers are by no means fond of exposing themselves to danger, as has been proved over and over again in their fights with natives. They must have suffered already a great deal more than they bargained for, and are no doubt heartily sick of the job. They may try a rush at night, though I question whether they will do so. I rather imagine that their tactics will be to besiege us until we are driven to make a move, and then to attack us by the way. Fortunately the stream is close at hand, and we can get water for our cattle. Still, there must be an end of it at some time or other." Blacking now crept under the wagon. "Massa, what you say? — me think the best plan will be for me to crawl out and run to chief Mangrope; his place twenty miles away; he always hate the Dutch, and refuse to pay tribute; several times they have sent parties against him, but he always beat them off. Blacking tell 202 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. him that de Beers attack English, and that if he come down and help drive them off you give him one team of fine oxen — he come." "I think your plan is a very good one, Blacking; but do you think that you can get through?" "Get through those stupid Boers? Easily," Blacking said contemptuously. "Very well, Blacking; then as soon as it is dark you had better start." Blacking nodded and withdrew, and an hour after- ward stole out from the camp. As soon as night fell the Boers opened fire again, this ^ime aiming entirely at the end of the wagons nearest the water, evidently with the intention of rendering it difficult to procure water from the stream. Mr. Harvey and his companions answered by firing at the flashes. As they hoped that rescue would arrive ere long, Mr. Harvey did not permit any one to go outside shelter to fetch water, as the animals had been watered in the morning the first thing, and could, if necessary, hold out until the following night. Just as daylight was breaking a tremendous yell was heard, followed by a hasty discharge of muskets; then there was the sound of horses' hoofs galloping at full speed, and then, headed by Blacking, two to three hun- dred natives came up to the camp. The chief himself was among them. Mr. Harvey had on several occasions traded with him, and now thanked him warmly for the welcome aid he had brought him. The Boers were already far away, each man having rnn to his horse and galloped off, panic-stricken at, the sud- den attack. The oxen were at once inspanned, two being taken from each team and presented to the chief, together with a large bale of cotton in return for his as- sistance. The caravan then started, and after a march, of sixteen hours arrived at Leydenberg. TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 203 "It is an awful nuisance/' Dick said to Tom on the inarch, "our being obliged to come round here. If everything had gone straight, I calculated that we might be at home by Christmas Eve. Now, goodness only knows when we shall arrive; for as likely as not we may be kept here for days over this row with the Boers." The moment they arrived at Leydenberg Mr. Harvey, accompanied by the two lads and the three native hunters, went to the house of the magistrate. That gen- tleman had just finished his dinner; but on being told that his visitors' business was urgent he asked them to be shown in. The hunters remained outside, and the lads followed Mr. Harvey into the house. "I have come to make a complaint against some Boers," the trader said. "Then I can tell you beforehand," the magistrate put in, "that your mission is a vain one. Outside this town I have not at present the slightest authority. Com- plaints reach me on all sides of outrages perpetrated by the Boers upon English settlers and traders. Strong armed parties are moving about the country; and al- though I will of course hear anything that you have got to say, with a view of obtaining redress when things set- tle down again, I cannot hold out any hope of being able to take action at present." "I have scarcely come to you, sir, with the idea of ob- taining redress, but rather of stating my case, in case the Boers should bring a complaint against me." The trader then proceeded to relate the circumstances which had occurred: the wanton attack upon them in the first place, the murder of one of their servants, the killing of one and the wounding of the other of the ag- gressors, the v subsequent attack upon their camp, and their relief by Mangrope. "I think you have got remarkably well out of the 204 THE YOUNG GOLONISTS. affair, and although the attack of the Boers has cost you the life of one of your followers and twelve oxen, as you have killed eight or ten of them you have made matters more than even, and have, moreover, given them a lesson which may be useful. * I will take down your deposi- tions, as it is as well that your friends here, and the hunters you speak of, should testify to it. It is hardly likely that I shall hear any more of the matter; the Boers were clearly in the wrong, and in any case they would not be likely at the present moment, when the country is in a state very closely approaching insurrec- tion, to seek redress in an English court. Fortunately two hundred and fifty men of the Ninety-fourth .Regi- ment leave here to-morrow morning, on the way to Pretoria. Their road will, for some distance, be the same as yours; their colonel is at the present moment in the next room with several of his officers, and I will re- quest permission for your wagons to follow his baggage- train. Thus you can keep with him until the road separates, by which time you will be well out of the dis- trict of the Boers who attacked you. You will, I sup- pose, go through Utrecht and keep the eastern road, as that will be shorter than going round by Standerton and Newcastle. If you will wait here for a few minute? I will speak to the colonel. " In a short time the magistrate returned, saying that Mr. Harvey's six wagons might join the baggage-train of- the Ninety-fourth on the following morning. At eight o'clock the Ninety-fourth marched from Leydenberg, and Mr. Harvey's wagons fell in the rear of the column. As they had a considerable amount of bag- gage and stores, the column would not proceed at a faster rate than the ordinary pace of the bullock-train. When the column was once on the march the colonel I rode down the line and entered into conversation with THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 205 Mr. Harvey and the lads, who were riding with him, and after having heard the narrative of the fight with the Boers, he said to the lads, "You have had a baptism of fire early.' ' Mr. Harvey smiled. "They have had some very much more serious fighting in the country north of the Limpopo; besides, they were both present at Isandula, Kambula, and Ulundi." "Indeed!" the colonel said; "then they have seen lighting. Perhaps you will ride on with me to the head of the column again; we have a long day's march before us, and if your young friends will give us some of their experiences it will while away the time." The four cantered together to the head of the column, where the doctor and one or two other officers were rid- ing. After a word or two of introduction the colonel asked the lads to tell them how they came to be at Isandula, and how they escaped to tell the tale. "You had better tell it, Dick," Tom said; "you are a better hand at talking than I." Dick accordingly proceeded to relate their adventures during the Zulu war, and the story excited great interest among the officers. When the column halted for the day the colonel invited Mr. Harvey and the lads to dine at the mess, and would not listen to any excuse on the ground that their clothes were better suited for travel- ing among the native tribes than for dining at a regi- mental mess. The dinner was a very pleasant one, and after the cloth had been removed and cigars were lit, Mr. Harvey, afc the colonel's request, related their adventures north of the Limpopo. "Your life is indeed an adventurous one," he said, when the trader had finished. "It needs endurance, pluck, coolness, and a steady finger on the trigger. You 206 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. may truly be said, indeed, to carry your lives in your hands." "Our present journey has been an exceptionally -ad- venturous one," Mr. Harvey said, "and you must not suppose that we are often in the habit of fighting our way. I have indeed on several occasions been in very perilous positions, and some other evening, before we separate, I shall be glad, if it will interest you, to relate one or two of them." "By the way," the colonel said, when they took their leave, "remember, the word for the night is, 'Newcas- tle.' 'You will probably be challenged several times by sentries before you get to your wagons, for although there is no absolute insurrection at present, there is no saying when the Boers may break out. They will hardly think of attacking a body of troops marching peaceably along; still, it is as well to neglect no precautions. If you are challenged, 'Who comes there?' you will reply, 'Friends.' The sentry will then say, 'Advance and give ^the word.' You walk forward and say, 'Newcastle,' and you will pass all right." The march was continued for four days. At the end of this time they arrived at the spot where the direct road for Pieter-Maritzburg through Utrecht left that which they were following. "Look here, lads," Mr. Harvey said; "this road will take you considerably out of your way. If you like you can follow the column for another couple of days. Youj will then cross the south road, and can there leave themjj and gallop on by yourselves to Standerton in one day,; and home the next. That will take you back by the 23d;; whereas, if you go on with me, you will not be back by New Year's Day. We are getting now to a part of the,! colony where the English element is pretty strong, an( the Boers are not likely to be troublesome; so I bhall TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 207 have no difficulty in passing down with the wagons. You can tell your fathers that we have had a most satis- factory trip, and I expect when I have sold our goods at Durban they will have good reason to be coutent." The lads gladly accepted the offer; they were longing to be at home again, and especially wished to be back by Christmas. The colonel on hearing of the arrangement heartily invited the lads to mess with the regiment for the time that they continued with them, and offered to have a spare tent pitched for their accommodation. 208 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS, CHAPTEK XVII. A TERRIBLE JOURNEY. That evening Mr. Harvey and the lads were again in- vited to dine at mess, and after dinner the colonel asked Mr. Harvey if he would be good enough to tell them some of his adventures in the interior. "I have had so many/' the trader said, "that I hardly know which would be most interesting. I have been many times attacked by the natives, but I do not know that any of these affairs were so interesting as the fight we had in the defile the other day. Some of the worst adventures which we have to go through are those occa- sioned by want of water. I have had several of these, but the worst was one which befell me on one of my earliest trips up the country. On this occasion I did not as usual accompany my father, but went with a trader* named MacGregor, a Scotchman, as my father was ill at the time. He considered me too young to go by myself, and when he proposed to MacGregor that I should join him with the usual number of wagons he sent up, Mac- Gregor objected, saying— I have no doubt with justice—- that the double amount of goods would be more than.j could be disposed of. He added, however, that he should be glad if I would accompany him with a couplt of wagons. It was, as it turned out, a very good thin| for my father that his venture was such a small ont MacGregor was a keen trader; he understood the native character well and was generally very successful in his TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 20» ventures. His failing was that he was an obstinate, pig- headed man, very positive in his own opinions, and dis- trusting all advice given him. "Our trip had been a successful one. We penetrated very far in the interior, and disposed of all our goods. When we had done so, we started to strike down to Kimberley across a little-known and very sandy district. The natives among whom we were endeavored to dis- suade MacGregor from making the attempt, saying that the season was a very dry one, that many of the pools were empty, and that there would be the greatest diffi- culty in obtaining water. MacGregor disregarded the- advice. By taking the direct route south he would save some hundreds of miles. He said that other caravans had at different times taken this route in safety, and at the same time of the year. He insisted that the season had not been a particularly dry one, an* that he was not going to be frightened by old women's tales. The natives were always croaking about something, but he- did not mean to lose a month of his time for nothing. "Accordingly we started. The really bad part of our journey was about one hundred and fifty miles across a- sandy country, with low scrub. The bullocks, when driven to it, would eat the leaves of this scrub, so that we did not anticipate any difficulty in the way of forage. In the wet season many streams run across the country and find their way into the Limpopo. In summer they dry up, and water is only obtained in pools along their courses. There were twelve wagons in the caravan — tea belonging to MacGregor, and my two. I had with me a servant, a native, who had been for years in the employ- ment of my father, a very faithful and trustworthy fellow. "At the end of the first day's march of fifteen miles, •we found water at the snot to which our native guide led 210 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. us. . The second day the pool was found to be dry. We got there early, having started before daybreak, for the heat was tremendous. On finding the pool empty I rode ten miles down the course of the stream, and Mac- Oregor as far up it, but found no water, and on getting back to the camp the oxen were inspanned, and we made another march; here we found water, and halted next day. "So we went on until we were halfway across the desert. Several of the marches had been double ones, the track was heavy from the deep sand, some of the oxen had died, and all were much reduced in strength. Although MacGregor was not a man to allow that he had been wrong, I saw that he was anxious, and before ad- vancing he sent on a horseman and the native guide two days' journey to ses how the water held out. On their return they reported that twenty miles in front there was a pool of good water, and that thirty miles further there was a small supply, which was, however, rapidly drying up. MacGregor determined to push on. The first day's march was got through, athough five or six more oxen dropped by the way. The second was a ter- rible march; I have never known a hotter day in South Africa, and one felt blinded and crushed by the heat. The weakened teams could scarcely draw the wagons along, and by nightfall but half the journey had been performed. The oxen were turned loose and allowed for an hour or two to crop the bush; then they were in- spanned again. All night long we continued our march; when, just at sunrise, we got to the place where water had been found, the pool was empty — the two days' sun since the horseman had been there had completely dried it up. We set to work to dig a hole; but the sand was shallow, the rock lying but a foot or two below, and we only got a few buckets of water, but just enough to give THE TOUNG COLONISTS. 211 a swallow to each of the oxen and horses. Again we* searched far up and down the course of the stream, but without success; we dug innumerable holes in its bed,, but without finding water. "We were still fifty miles from safety; but in that fifty miles the natives said that they did not think a drop of water would be found, as this was notoriously the driest point on the route. Half the oxen had now died, and MacGregor determined to leave all but two of the wagons behind, to harness teams of the strongest of those remaining, and to drive the rest alongside. We halted till night to allow the animals to feed, and then started. We got on fanly enough until daybreak; then, the sun rose, and poured down upon us. It was a ter- rible day. No one spoke and the creaking of the wheels of the wagons was the only sound to be heard. Every mile we went the numbers lessened, as the bullocks lay down to die by the way. My tongue seemed to cleave to* the roof of my mouth, and the sun to scorch up my brain. I hardly took notice of what was going on around me, but let the reins hang loose on my horse's neck. Several times he stumbled, and at last fell heavily. I picked myself up from the sands, and saw that he was? dying. The wagons had come to a standstill now, and I had, I saw, for the last quarter of a mile gone on alone. I looked at my watch; it was four o'clock, and I turned and walked slowly back to the Wigons. The drivers had tmroped the oxen, but most of them lay where they had halted, incapable of rising to their feet; others had tot- tered to the shade cast by the wagons, and had thrown themselves down there. The drivers were lying among them. As I came up MacG*- gir staggered toward mej he was chewing a handful Oj. 1 aves. 'I have been wrong, Harvey,' he said, in a hoarse voice, 'and it has cost us all our lives. Say you forgive me, my boy.' 'I forgive you 212 THE TOUNQ COLONISTS. ieartily,' I said; 'you thought it was for the best.' I (■don't remember much more. I lay down and wondered vaguely what had become of my man, whom I had noi seen since we started on the previous evening. "The next thing I remember was that it was night. I got up on my feet and staggered to a bullock that I heard faintly groaning; I cut a vein in his neck and sucked the blood, and then started to walk; fortunately, as it turned out, I had not gone a hundred yards when a dizziness came over me, and I fell again to the ground. I must have lain there for some hours; when I became conscious water was being poured between my lips. I soon recovered sufficiently to sit up, and found that it was my faithful man. When the caravan started from "the last halting-place he had seen that it was impossible for it to reach its journey's end, and although, like the rest, he was exhausted and worn out, he had started at full speed alone, and by morning reached water, having ■traveled fifty miles in the night. It was midday before he succeeded in finding a native kraal; then by promise ■of a large reward he induced forty men, each laden with a heavy skin of water, to start with him, and at three in the morning reached the camp; fortunately he stumbled .across me just before he got there. "The assistance arrived in time. Two of the drivers ivere found to be dead, but MacGregor and the other Tiands, sixteen in number, were all brought round. The supply carried by the natives was sufficient to give an ample drink to the eighteen oxen which were still alive. A feed of maize was then given to each, but as they were too weak to drag even one of the wagons they were driven on ahead, and most of them got over the twenty- five miles which still separated them from water. We halted there a week, to allow the animals to recover; then, carrying skins of water for their supply on the TEE YGTTNG COLONISTS. 21& way, they went back and brought in the two wagons^, one at a time. With these I came down to the colony. MacGregor remained behind, and directly the rain set in went up with native cattle and brought down the other- wagons, all the valuable contents of which, however, had in the intervening time been carried off by natives. It was a near squeak, wasn't it? MacGregor was never the same man again, and shortly after his return to Natal he sold off his wagons and went back to Scotland. Being* young and strong I soon recovered from my privation." "Lions are very abundant in some parts of the inte- rior, are they not, Mr. Harvey?" one of the officers, asked, after they had thanked the trader for his story. "Extraordinarily so," Mr. Harvey replied; "in fact it has long been a puzzle among us how such vast quantities, could find food — in no other country in the world could they do so ; but here the abundance of deer is so great, that the lions are able to kill vast numbers, without mak- ing any great impression upon them." "But I should not have thought," an officer said,, "that a lion could run down a deer!" "He cannot," Mr. Harvey said, "except for short dis- tances. The South African lion is a lighter and more active beast than the northern lion, and can for the first hundred yards run with prodigious swiftness, taking; long bounds like a cat. Stealing through the long grass, and keeping to leeward of the herd, he will crawl up to within a short distance unperceived, and then with half a dozen tremendous bounds he is among them before they have fairly time to get up their full speed. They hunt too in regular packs; twenty or thirty of them will surround a herd, and gradually lessening their circle close upon their affrighted prey, who stand paralyzed with fear until the lions are fairly among them. "I was once surrounded by them and had a very nar- 214 THE TGVNG COLONISTS. row escape of my life. I had left my wagons at a large itative village and had ridden — accompanied only by my native servant — some fifty miles across the country to another tribe, to see whether they had lately been visited by any traders, and whether they had goods to dispose of. I reached the kraal in the morning, and the palaver with the chief as usual wasted the best part of the day; it was nearly dark when I started, but I was accustomed to ride by the light of the stars, and had no fear of miss- ing my way. I had been only two hours on the road when the sky became overcast, and half an hour later a tremendous storm burst. Having now no index for ■directing my way I found that it was useless to proceed; the plain was open, but 1 knew that a good-sized river ran a short distance to the north, so I turned my horse's hea,(\ in that direction, knowing that on a river-bank I was 'ikely to meet with trees.- Several times I missed my w^y in the driving rain, for the wind shifted fre- quently, and that was of course the only guide I had. "At last, to my great satisfaction, I struck upon the river and kept along its bank until I came to a large olump of trees; here we unsaddled our horses, picked out a comparatively dry spot under a big tree, which stood just at the edge of the river, wrapped ourselves in our rugs, and prepared to pass the night as comfortably as we could. The river was high, and my only fear was that it might overflow its banks and set us afloat before morning. However, we had not been there long before the rain ceased, the sky cleared, and the stars came out again; but as the horses had done a long day's work on the previous day, I determined to remain where I was until morning. Having been in the saddle all the pre- vious night, I slept heavily. The wind was still blowing strongly, and I suppose that the noise in the trees, and the lapping of the water THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 215 by the bank close by, prevented my hearing the stamp- ing of the horses, which, under ordinary circumstances, would certainly have warned me of the approaching danger. Suddenly I awoke with a terrific uproar. I sprang to my feet, but was instantly knocked down and a beast I knew to be a lion seized me by the left shoul- der. My revolver was, as always, in my belt; I drew it out, and fired into the brute's eye; his jaw relaxed, and I knew the shot was fatal. A terrible din was going on all round; there was light enough for me to see that both the horses had been pulled to the ground; two lions were rending the body of my servant, and others were approaching with loud roars. I sprang to my feet and climbed up into the tree, just as two more lions arrived upon the spot. My servant had not uttered a cry, and was, I have no doubt, struck dead at once. The horses ceased to struggle by the time I gained my tree. At least twenty lions gathered round, and growled and quar- reled over the carcasses of the horses. When they had finished these they walked round and round the tree, roaring horridly; some of them reared themselves against the trunk, as if they would try to climb it, but the lion is not a tree-climber, and I had not much fear that they would make the attempt. I hoped that in the morning they would move off; but they had clearly no intention of doing so, for as it became daylight they retired a short distance and then either lay down or sat upon their haunches in a semicircle fifty yards distant, watching me. "So the whole day passed; I had only the four shots" left in my revolver, for my spare ammunition was in the holster of my saddle, and even had I had a dozen revol- vers I could have done nothing against them. At night they again came up to the tree, and in hopes of fright- ening them off I descended to the lower branches, and 316 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. fired my remaining shots at brutes rearing up against it. As I aimed in each case at the eye, and the muzzle of my pistol was within four feet of their heads, the shots were fatal; but the only result was that the lions with- drew for a short distance, and renewed their guard Tound the tree. "You will wonder perhaps why all this time I did not take to the water; but lions, although, like all the cat tribe, disliking water, will cross rivers by swimming, and they seemed so pertinacious that I feared they might fol- low me. Toward morning, however, I determined on risking it, and creeping out to the end of a branch which overhung the river I dropped in. The stream was run- ning strong, and I kept under water, swimming down with it as hard as I possibly could. When I came up I glanced back at the tree I had quitted. The lions we/e gathered on the bank, roaring loudly and lashing their tails with every sign of excitement, looking at the wat*er where they had seen me disappear. I have not the least doubt but that they would have jumped in after me, had I not dived. I took this in at a glance, and then we;at under again, and so continued diving until I was sure that I was beyond the sight of the lions; then I made for the bank as quickly as possible. The river swarmed with crocodiles, and had it not been for the muddiness of the water I should probably have been snapped up within a minute or two of entering it. "It was with a feeling of deep thankfulness that I crawled out and lay down in a clump of reeds half a mile beyond the spot where the lions were looking for me. When the sun got high I felt sure that they would have dispersed as usual, and returned to their shelter for the day, and I therefore started on foot, and reached my camp late at night. "The next day we got in motion, and when three days THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 21? later we arrived at the kraal from which we had started, I- rode over to the tree and recovered my revolver and. saddles. Not even a bone remained of the carcasses of the horses, or of my native attendant." "That was a very nasty adventure," the colonel said. "Is it a common thing, caravans being attacked by lions?" "A very common thing," the trader replied; "indeed in certain parts of the country such attacks are con- stantly made, and the persistency with which the lions, in spite of the severe lessons they have received of th& deadly effect of firearms, yet continue to attack cara- vans is a proof that they must often be greatly oppressed by hunger." n "Which do they seem to prefer," one of the officers- asked, "human beings or cattle?" "They kill fifty oxen to one human being; but this probably arises from the fact that in the lion-country the drivers always sleep round large fires in the center of the cattle. I think that by preference the lions attack the horses, because these are more defenseless; the cattle sometimes make a good fight. I have seen them when, loose forming a circle with their heads outside, showing such a formidable line of horns that the lions have not. ventured to attack them. Once or twice I have seen single oxen, when attacked by solitary lions, come out victors in the assault. As the lion walked round and round, the bullock continued to face him, and I have then often seen them receive the spring upon their horns, and hurl the lion wounded and half-stunned yards away. Once I saw both die together — the bullock with one of his horns driven into the lion's chest, while the latter fixed his teeth in the bullock's neck, and tore away with his claws at its side, until both fell dead together." 518 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. "It must be a grand country for sport," one of the ■officers said. "It is that!" t*he trader replied. "I wonder some- times that gentlemen in England, who spend great sums every year in deer-forests and grouse-moors, do not more often come out for a few months' shooting here. The voyage is a pleasant one, and although the journey up ■country to the interior of course takes some time, the trip would be a novel one, and every comfort could be ■carried in the wagons; while the sport, when the right country was reached, would be more abundant and varied than in any other part of the world. Lions may be met, deer of numerous kinds, giraffes, hippopotami, •crocodiles, and many other animals, not to mention an occasional gallop after ostriches. The expenses, more- over, would not be greater than the rental and keep of a •deer-forest." "Yes, I am surprised myself that more sportsmen do not come out here. In odd times, too, they could get good fishing." "Excellent," the trader replied; "some of the rivers literally swarm with fish." "When I get back to England," the colonel said, "I must advise some of my friends to try it. As you say, there are scores of men who spend their thousands a year on deer-forests, grouse-shooting, and horse-racing, .and it would be a new sensation for them to come out for a few months' shooting in the interior of Africa. I must not tell them too much of the close shaves that you and your friends have had. A spice of danger adds to the enjoyment, but the adventures that you have gone through go somewhat beyond the point-*" THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 21$ CHAPTER XVIII. THE BOER INSURRECTION. The next morning the lads bade farewell to Mr- Harvey and the three hunters, and then rode on with the regiment. The day passed as quietly as the preceding, ones had done. On the 20th the column was marching along a road commanded on both sides by rising ground. The troops; as usual were marching at ease; one company was ahead of the line of wagons, two companies marched in strag- gling order by the side of the long teams, and the fourth company formed the rearguard. Suddenly, without the slightest warning, a flash of fire burst from the edge of the rise at either side. Num- bers of* the men fell, and a scene of the wildest confu- sion ensued. Some of the young soldiers ran for shelter underneath the wagons; others hastily loaded and fired va. the direction of their unseen foes. The colonel and officers strove to steady the men, and to lead them up the slope to attack the Boers; but so deadly was the fire of the latter, and the men fell in such numbers, that the colonel soon saw that resistance was: hopeless. Many of the officers were killed or wounded by the first fire, and in five minutes after the first shot, was fired one hundred and twenty men were killed or wounded; and as the rest could not bp got together to charge up the slope under the deadly fire of the Boers, the colonel, who was himself wounded, surrendered with :220 THE YOUNG COLONISTS. the survivors to the Boers. Two or three mounted officers only succeeded in getting through. When the fire opened Dick and Tom at once threw themselves off their horses, and unslinging their rifles opened fire. When they saw the bewilderment and con- fusion, and how fast the men were dropping under the fire of the Boers, Dick said to his friend: "It is all up, Tom; it is simply a massacre. We will wait for a minute or two, and then mount pnd make a dash for it." Their horses were both lying down beside them, for the lads had taught them to do this at the word of com- mand, as it enabled" them often when out hunting to conceal themselves in a slight depression from the sight of an approaching herd of deer. Thus they, as well as their masters, remained untouched by the storm of bul- lets. The Boers, almost concealed from view, steadily picked off the men. "It is of no use, Tom; let us mount and make a bolt for it. They must surrender in a few minutes, or not a man will be left alive." They gave the word to their horses, and these leaped to their feet, and, as was their habit in the chase, dashed off at full speed the instant their masters were in the saddle. Bending low on the necks of their horses, the lads rode at the top of their speed. Several bullets came very close to them, but keeping closely side by side, to lessen the mark they presented to the enemy, they dashed on untouched. Looking round when they had proceeded some little distance, they saw that four Boers had mounted and were in hot pursuit. Their horses were good ones, in capital condition, and had done easy work for the last few days. The Boers also were well mounted, and for three or four miles the chase con- tinued, the Dutch from time to time firing; but the lada THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 22i» were a good four hundred yards ahead, a distance beyond that at which the Boers are accustomed to shoot, or ■which their guns will carry with any accuracy. "We must stop this," Dick said, as they breasted an ascent. "If they should happen to hit one of our horses it would be all up with us. Dismount, Tom, as soon as you are over the rise." A« soon as they were out of sight of their pursuers, they reined up their horses and dismounted. They again made the animals lie down, and throwing them- selves behind them, rested their rifles upon them. The Boers, they had noticed, were not all together — ». twd^of them being about fifty yards ahead of the others- At, full speed the leading pursuers dashed for the rise;, as they came fairly in view they were but fifty yards- distant. The lads and their horses were almost hidden in the long grass, and the Boers did not for a moment notice them. When they did they instantly reined in their horses, but it was too late. The lads had their rifles fixed upon them, the two shots rang out together,, both the Boers fell lifeless from the saddle, and the Dutch horses dashed back along the track by which they had come. The lads instantly reloaded; but they waited in vain for the coming of the other pursuers; these on seeing the horses galloping toward them after the shots had been fired had at once turned and rode off. After wait- ing for a little time to be sure that they were not going; to be attacked, the friends mounted and rode on. They did not retrace their steps to see what had become of the; other pursuers, as it was possible that these had imitated their own tactics, and were lying down by their horses,, waiting to get a shot at them, should they ride back- They now continued their journey at an easy canter, and late in the evening entered the little town of Standerton. 222 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. JStanderton presented a scene of unusual excitement; teams of wagons filled its streets, armed men moved ;about and talked excitedly, numbers of cattle and horses under the charge of Kaffirs occupied every spare place near the town — it was an exodus. The loyal Boers, who were at that time in an absolute majority throughout the colony, were many of them moving across the frontier, that is, but little more than two hundred and fifty men, keeping the whole 'of the rest of the infantry in reserve, but ordering the mounted infantry to assist in the attack — a service which upon such ground they were alto- gether unfitted to perform. The result of such an arrange- ment as this was inevitable. Tom and Dick could scarcely believe their eyes when they saw this handful of men advancing up the steep hill, at whose summit was a force more than ten times as numerous, and composed of some of the finest marksmen \ri the world. The six English guns opened fire to cover the advance, and the fifty-eighth went gallantly up the hill. As soon as they approached the crest a tremendous fire of musketry was 242 THS TOTING COLONISTS. opened upon them by the Boers lying behind the in- trenchments. The men were literally swept away by the fire. Gallantly led by their officers, they pressed forward until within a few yards of the breastworks; then the Boers leaped to their feet, sprang over the works, and fell upon them. Colonel Deane, Major Poole, Lieutenant Elwes, and Lieutenant Bailey were killed, and no less than one hundred and eighty of the little force were killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. Few even of the survivors would have escaped had not the mounted infantry, who had ascended the spur at a point further to the right, made a gallant charge along the crest of the hill and checked the pursuit. The main body of the British advanced a short distance to make a demonstration, and prevent the Boers from fol- lowing up their success. The whole column then fell back four miles, to the ground which they had occupied the night before. The gallantry displayed by the Fifty- eighth and mounted infantry was the sole redeeming feature in the discreditable affair of Laing's Neck, where defeat had been rendered almost certain by the previous hesitation and delays, and was insured by the folly of sending a mere handful of men to attack such a posi- tion. As the British fell back the Boers advanced, and at nightfall placed themselves on the road between the camp and Newcastle, entirely cutting the force off from its base, and threatening both them and the town of Newcastle. Several days passed, the attitude of the Boers became more and more threatening, and General Colley deter- mined at all hazards to open the way back to Newcastle. On the morning of the 8th of February he naoved out with five companies of the Sixtieth Eifles, two field and two mountain guns, and a detachment of mounted in- fantry; Dick and Tom obtained leave to ride back with THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 243 the mounted detachment. At a commanding post near the Eiver Ingogo Sir George Colley left two mountain guns and a company of Eifles as a garrison, and moved forward with the rest of the column. The Eiver Ingogo runs at the bottom of a deep ravine. Crossing this the English force mounted to the top of the opposite crest, but they had gone but a short distance further when they were attacked on all sides by the Boers. The troops were ordered at once to take shelter among the bowlders and bushes, while the two guns from the top of the eminence opened fire with shell upon the enemy. Dick and Tom sought shelter with the rest, making their horses lie down beside them, and were soon as hotly engaged as the Eifles around them in answering the heavy fire of the Boers. The fight began at twelve o'clock, and raged without intermission for six hours; sometimes the Boers attacked on one side of the posi- tion, sometimes upon another. The ground was broken and thickly strewn with bowlders and bushes, and fa- vored by these the Boers crept up sometimes close to the position held by the English. So accurate was their shooting that none of the defenders could show his head above shelter for a moment, and it was as much as they could do to prevent the enemy from carrying the posi- tion at a rush. The Sixtieth fought with the greatest coolness and steadiness, and, numerous as were the enemy, they could not muster up courage for the rush which would have assuredly overwhelmed the little party that they were attacking. The two English guns could render but small service, the men being shot down as fast as they stood up to load, and every officer, driver, gunner, and horse was killed or wounded within half an hour after the action commenced. So incessant indeed was the rain of balls that the guns after the action were spotted with bullet-marks so thickly that it would have UA TBE YOVm COLOmSTS. b&en difficult to place the tip of the finger upon a place unstruck by a ball. When darkness put a stop to the fight one hundred and sixty men — more than two-thirds of the force — were killed or wounded. Among the former were Captain MacGregor of the staff, Captain Green of the Eoyal Artil- lery, and Lieutenants Green and O'Connell of the Six- tieth; while Lieutenants Pixney, Parsons, Twistlewaite and Haworth, all of the Sixtieth, were wounded. Had the Boers taken advantage of the cover of darkness to steal forward, they must have annihilated the little force; but they believed that they had them in their power, for the rain had fallen heavily, the Ingogo had risen, and was, they thought, unfordable. General Colley ascer- tained, however, that it was still possible to cross, and with the greatest silence the survivors moved off from their position, the storm helping to conceal the move- ment from the Boers. Very quietly they moved down to the steam, and with the greatest difficulty succeeded in crossing; then picking up on their way the company and guns which had been left on the eminence beyond, the column reached camp in safety. In the meantime reinforcements had been pushing forward from the sea as fast as possible, and on the 17th the column under Sir Evelyn Wood arrived at Newcastle, to the great joy of its inhabitants. For days an attack by the Boers had been expected, in- trenchments had been thrown up round the great con- voy which had been collected to advance with the force and all the inhabitants who could bear arms, and many settlers from the surrounding country, had come in to aid in the defense, should the Boers attack it. The arrival of the relieving column insured the safety of the town, and the Boers between Newcastle and Gen- eral Colley's little camp at once fell back to their old THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 245 position on Laing's Neck, leaving the road open. Gen- eral Colley and his staff rode in from Prospect Hill, the name of the camp, and had a consultation with General Wood. The Ninety-second Eegiment marched out and reinforced General Colley's column. The Boers' position at Laing's Neck was commanded by a lofty and ragged mountain, called Majuba Hill, on its right, and the occupation of this hill by the British would render the position untenable. It would have been an admirable military movement to seize this hill when the whole force was collected at the camp in readi- ness to advance, as, with their flank turned and a force advancing for a direct attack, the Boers must at once have retreated, but General Colley most unfortunately desired to retrieve the two defeats he had suffered, by compelling the Boers to fall back, before the arrival on the scene of Sir Evelyn Wood with the main body. He believed, no doubt, and with reason, that Majuba Hill once captured would be impregnable against any attack which might be made against it. Accordingly, on the night of the 26th, with twenty officers and six hundred and twenty-seven men drawn from the Fifty-eighth, Sixtieth, Ninety-second, and naval brigade, he started from the camp with the intention of seizing the hill. The night was a dark one, and the march across the unknown country difficult in the ex- treme. The intervening ground was cut up by steep valleys and rapid ascents, and for hours the troops strug- gled up and down these places, many of which would have been difficult to climb by daylight. At last, after immense labor, the force reached the foot of Majuba Hill, having taken six hours in accomplishing a distance which, as the crow flies, is little more than four miles. At a commanding point near the foot of the hill two hundred men were left, to keep open the communica- 246 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. tion; the main body kept on until they reached the sum- mit, just before daylight, the Boers being entirely in ignorance of the movement which had taken place. The position was of immense natural strength, as it was only at a few points that an ascent could be made. On the summit was a plateau, so that all the troops not actually engaged in repelling assaults could lie down perfectly secure from the fire from below. At sunrise the Boers "Z'Sl'l -J seen moving about in their lines. Ai *«#& laterality of mounted vedettes were seen trotting out toward the hill, which during the day they used as a post of observation; as they approached the outlying pickets fired upon them. As the sound of the guns was heard by the Boers below, a scene of the greatest confu- sion and excitement was observed from the height to prevail. Swarms of men were seen rushing hither and thither; some to their arms, some to their horses, others to their wagons, to which the oxen were at once har- nessed, ready for a retreat in case of necessity. Then a great portion of the Boers moved forward toward the hill, with the evident intention of attacking it. At seven o'clock the enemy opened fire, and the bullets whistled up thickly round the edge of the. plateau. The main body of the troops remained in the center of the plateau, out of fire, small bodies being posted near the edge to answer the fire of the Boers and prevent their approaching the accessible points. For five hours the musketry duel continued. So far its effect had been trifling, a few men only being wounded. The position appeared perfectly safe. The Boers were indeed between the garrison of the hill and the camp, but the former had three days' provisions with them, and could therefore hold out until Sir Evelyn Wood arrived with the main body for a direct attack upon the Boers' posi- tion. THE YOUNG COLONISTS. 247 Between twelve and one o'clock the Boers' fire slack- ened, and the besieged force thought that their assail- ants were drawing off; this, however, was net the case. Under cover of the shrubs and rocks the Boers were creeping quietly up, and at one o'clock a terrific fire suddenly broke out, and the enemy in great numbers rushed up the short intervening distance between them- selves and the scanty line of defenders on the edge of the plateau; these, seized by panic, at once fled, and the exulting Boers poured up on to the plateau and opened a destructive fire upon the troops. The scene which ensued was one of the most dis- creditable in the annals of the British army. Although armed with breech-loaders, and fully as numerous as the assailants who had gained the crest of the kill, the re- sistance offered was feeble in the extreme; had the troops charged the Boers, the advantages of discipline and of their vastly superior weapons would have been irresistible, and they could have cleared the plateau as speedily as it had been occupied. The great majority, however, were seized with a wild panic, and, in spite of the efforts of the officers, thought of nothing but seek- ing safety in flight. A few stood and fired, but how few these were can be judged from the fact that only oue Boer was killed, one severely wounded, and four slightly so; while half the British force were killed, wounded, or taken prisoners, the remainder managing to escape down the sides of the hill, and to join the force left at its foot, or to hide in the bushes until night. Among the killed were General Colley, Captain the Honorable C. Maude, Surgeon-Major H. Cornish, Surgeon A. Landon, and Lieu- tenant Trower of the naval brigade; eight officers were killed, and seven taken prisoners; eighty-six men were killed, one hundred and twenty-five wounded, fifty-one taken prisoners, and two missing. The fight, such as it 248 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. was, lasted five minutes. The force which had been left at the bottom of the hill, under Captain Eobertson, was also attacked; but, being admirably led by that officer, fought its way back to the camp with but small loss, the guns there assisting to cover its retreat. The boys had not accompanied the expedition, and from the camp had watched the line of smoke round the hill, and had joined in the laughter of the officers at the idea of the Boers attacking so tremendously strong a position. Intense was the astonishment in camp when a wreath of smoke suddenly rose from the summit, and when this cleared away, and all was quiet, and it became evident that the Boers had carried the position, it was difficult to say whether the feeling of dismay or humilia- tion most prevailed. With the defeat of Majuba Hill the war in the Trans- vaal virtually terminated. When the news reached Eng- land the government declared that the honor of the British flag should be vindicated, and great numbers of troops were sent out to Natal; these marched up the country, and were in readiness to assault the Boers' posi- tion, when the English government suddenly gave way, and granted to the Boers all that they demanded, the sole provision insisted upon being a purely nominal sov- ereignty on the part of the queen, and an equally nom- inal protection for the natives — a clause in the treaty which, from that time to this, no attempt whatever has been made to enforce. Not only were the natives prac- tically abandoned to the mercy of the Boers, to be shot down or enslaved at their will, as in former times, but the English settlers, who had for months made such a noble defense in every town in the Transvaal, were aban' doned, and the greater portion of them, ruined and plundered, have long since left the country where, rely- ing upon the empty promises and vain guarantee of Eng- 8 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. 249 land, they had embarked their fortunes. A more dis- graceful and humiliating chapter in English history than the war in the Transvaal, and the treaty which con- cluded it, is not to be found. After the battle of Majuba Hill Dick and Tom re- turned to their farms, resolved to have nothing further to do with the business; there they have remained steadily since that time. Mr. Humphreys' plantation of trees now covers a great extent of ground, and promises fully to answer his expectations of eventual profit. Those first planted are attaining large size, and the thinning brings in a considerable annual income. His wagons are fully employed in taking down fruit to Pieter-Maritzburg. In another ten years Mr. Hum- phreys expects that he will be a very wealthy man; he is thinking next year of paying a visit, with his wife and two sons, to England, where John will be left to finish his education and pass through college, with a view of eventually entering the Church. Dick is quite con- tented with his life; he has taken no further part in trading expeditions into the interior, although the profit realized in the venture under Mr. Harvey was considera- ble, but there is plenty of work on the farm to occupy his time. A large number of natives are employed in planting operations, and since the first year Mr. Hum- phreys has raised all his own trees from seeds. The breeding of cattle and horses has been abandoned, only a small herd and a flock of sheep being kept for home requirements, as it is found that the ever-increasing plantation and the great orchards of fruit-trees are quite sufficient to occupy their attention. Mr. Jackson, too, is prospering greatly; influenced by the example of his neighbor, he too has gone in for planting, although on a much smaller scale than Mr. Humphreys, bis means being insufficient to carry out 250 TEE YOUNG COLONISTS. such extensive operations. Tom and Dick are as great friends as ever, and when they can be sparGd often go out together on a deer-hunting expedition. Tom is en- gaged to the daughter of a trader in Newcastle; Dick, laughing, says that he shall look out for a wife when he gets to England. The prospects would be altogether bright for the emigrants from Derbyshire, were it not for the trouble which the weakness of the British gov- ernment, in sending back Oetewayo to Zululand, brought about, and from the increasingly bad feeling growing up between the Boers and the natives, owing to the constant aggressions of the latter, and their ill-treatment of the natives, in defiance of the agreements in the treaty with the British government. If the day should come when the natives at last rise and avenge upon the Boers the accumulated injuries of many years, neither Dick Hum- phreys nor Tom Jackson will be inclined to lift a hand to save the Boers from their well-merited fate. The example of the successful resistance offered by the Basutos to the whole power of the Cape government has had an immense effect among the native tribes-of South Africa, and sooner or later the colonists there will have a very serious crisis to pass through. Dick hopes that this crisis will not occur in his time, for Mr. Humphreys intends in another fifteen years, if he live so long, when his first-planted trees will have gained maturity, to divide his great forest into lots, to sell off, and to re- turn to his native land. Dick quite agrees in the plan, and hopes some day to be settled with an abundant com- petency in Old England. THE ERD. LOVE LETTERS With Directions How To Write Them By INGOLDSBY NORTH. This Js a branch of correspondence which folly demands a volume alone to provide for the various phases incident to Love, Courtship and Marriage. Few persons, however otherwise fluent with the pen, are able to express in wor Is the promptings of the first dawn of love, and even the ice once broken how to follow up a correspondence with the dearest one in the whole world and how to smooth the way with those who need to be consulted in the matter. 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