-* M THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Given to the School of Library Science In appreciation for the teaching of Miss Susan G. Akers by Rebecca Drane Warren MUSEUM and PANORAMA FOR INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT OF OUR YOUNG FRIENDS. VI. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN W E I K & C°- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil http://archive.org/details/museumpanoramafo06john T. ^^C ba^zce/ . c ^ ^'JZtVC-. -«s* t i I / P * K r / 7 1 a ^Mt> JztZ/tfu't g '.6.^&r lasts' £??^jS^ W92#?e&&a^#&fac'. & II / ?l/Z/'aM - C0&?Z, . r/ C f/tm - sn^tste? 6 \ ^T/te6C&&. w . r c //v. Ill 7 // s ^ z VI &JziteeMf&6?w-s&