\ ra^cfi'^ 3f- |T\e XriiX;^ V*, i J_, V^ -T-. r^ of H)c Uniberfiitp of J}ortf) Carolina Collection of i^ortlj Carolutiana Ifof)n ^prunt l^ill of the Class of 1889 'h, I mm^' TRACES OF THE INDIAN IN PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA By Douglas L. Rights - ' '*J§* TRACES OF THE INDIAN IN PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA Paper Read By Rev. Douglas L. Rights Before the Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Historical Society, in Raleigh, Deeerfber 7, 1923 ^5 The bold pioneers who colonized the Carolinas, truly makers of his- tory, were not, with few exceptions, especially interested in writing his- tory. N'ot only did most of them neglect to record scrupulously tluir own achievements, but they failed also to reveal to future generations much that they learned of their aboriginal predecessors, the red men. We have, in a general way, learned of the traits of the Indian in the Carolinas. There are a few detailed accounts 'on record. The natives of Eastern Carolina early came in con- tact with the whites, and the history of the two races was interwoven from the beginning of the settle- ment. It was not thus with Piedmont and Western Carolina. We learn about the Ind:an wars, but there is little to study which will throw an intimate light upon these men, their habits, customs, and manner of liv- ing, except the scattered traces which they have left behind. Teiiitorj;. The territory considered in th's paper is the piedmont section. The study includes the counties from Orange and Chatham in the east to AVilkes in the west; from Cabar- rus in the south to the Virsinia line in the north. The level country of the east pa.sses gradually into the hill country of the west. Before the Indians were driven across the mountains or departed, as some did, to the north, this section was mainly forest land with pleasant valleys, well watered and suitable for hunt- ing and fishing. The fertil.ty of the meadow land adjacent to streams forded advantages for the crude tempts at primeval agricultuie. THbes. An estimate of the number aboriginal inhabitants east of Mississippi at the beginning colonization by the whites is placed at about 280,000. Many tribes, speaking different languages and dialects, occupied this territory. They were engaged in conf.nu^il warfare. af- at- of the of The Algonquin and Iroquois groups, each composed of various tribes speaking similar dialects though each differed from the others, were the most numerous. The Indians encountered by the members of Sir Walter Raleigh's expedit ons to our coast'and were of the Algonquin group. The Tuscarora and the Cherokee were tribes be- longing to the Iroquois 1 nguistic group. Bishop Spangenberg in 1752 passed thru a Tuscarora town on the Roanoke River. Indians of this tribe may have roamed the piedmont country, but doubtiess did not have permanent settlements there, as they were at war with and feared the Indians of that region. The Cherokees held to the mountains of Western Carolina. Early reports give account of great numbers pass- ing thru Piedmont Carolina, but their stronghold was in the mount-iin country. The Senecas, also of the Ii-flquois, came this f ar south on hunting expeditions. The Siouan tribes, we know, had strongholds in the piedmont section. These included the Catawba, Cheraw, Saponi, Tutelo and Manocin. Of these, the Catawba is considered the most important. The SaponV. and Tutelo ranged from Piedmont Vir- ginia into Carolina, but the Catawba was a strong tribe of the piedmont region. Some small tribes had disappeared before the coming of the whites, as •s reported of the Sawra Indians. Bishop Spangenberg's diary, writ- ten at Edenton in 1752, records the following: "The Indians in North Carolina are in a bad way . The Chowan Indians are reduced to a few fam- ilies. The Tuscarora lived 35 miles from here, and are still in possession of a pretty piece of land. They are the remnant of that tribe with which Carolina was formerly at war, and part of them went to the Five Na- tions, and united with them. The Meherrin Indians, living further ^ west, are also reduced to a mere handful. Still further west 1 ve the Catawbas, who will probably be our neighbors. They are still at war with ihf Six Nations (Iroquo s). Southwest from here, behind South Carolina, are the Cherokees, a great Nation." In a study of the aboriginal traces left by th s vanishing people, it is difficult to a.ssign to what tribe the relics and remains belong. Some may have been left by hunting parties and temporary sojourners. However, the Siouan group should claim tha majority. This was the r home. The Siii*vey. The trail of the Indian is ea.sy to discover, namely, follow the water- courses. The Yadkin and Catawba rivers, largest streams of the sec- tion, reveal most clearly traces of the Indian. Though the land adjoin- ing the streams has been tilled for years, the mark of the red man is stfll there. Camp and village sites are difficult to obliterate. Occasion- ally an overflow from the river per- forms the work of archaeologist and excavates with a nicety that re- veals the secrets of the hidden burial grounds. However, the smaller streams bear witness also. Choose almost any creek of considerable size, and ei-e long you will f nd the evidence of former habitation by the red man. A stream only ten miles in length, known as South Fork Creek, is situated five miles directlv south of Winston-Salem and flows' west. At no point is the creek more than knee deep. A careful survey reveals nineteen camp or village sites. A thousand artifacts of flint have been gathered in the survey. These fields have been cultivated for over a century. Following the watercourses up in- to branches and even to large springs reveals traces of the Indian. If calculations from these surveys are correct, the Indians in choosing camp s tes preferred the north bank of a stream flowing west, the west bank of a stream flowing south, thus securing advantages of weather. A partiality for sandy loam soil is noted, evidencing no aboriginal desire to become a "stick in the mud." Scenes of natural beauty and grandeur are often marked as haunts of the Indian. Peculiar rock form- ations, cliffs, river bends, escarp- ments and Other more or less spec- tacular natural scenes made their appeal. It is disappointing, therefore, to record only faint traces of the Indian in the immediate v cinity of picturesque Pilot Mountain. How- ever, there were large camps at no great distance. The same mav bo .--•aul ul the Sawratown Mountains, reputed to be named after a native tribe. But altho traces in the mountains themselves are not so numei-ous, or are more diff cult to di.sclose, yet the longest and most beautiful fashioned spear head yet exhibited from the Piedmont section comes from the slopes of the Sawra- town range. It may be noted that traces reveal that the Indian did not camp direct- ly on the brink of streams unless on a high bank. The usual camp or village site was located on the second bottom or rise from the valley. An iquities. About 7000 specimens of stone im- plements gathered in the Piedmont section have been examined during the prepaiation of this paper. In Addition, pottery formed from baked mud. nearly all now found only in fragments, has betn disf?covered in abundance thruout the region. Or- naments of she)l, stone, baked mud and bone have been observed. A few ornaments of metal have been reported. These various relics may be classed in gener 1 with the tyn.^ found along the AtlanJc seaboard east of the Alleghenies extending from Maine to Georgia. The search reveals no siga of great age. Traces of a socalled "primitive man" do not r.ppear. Ex- cept in graves or caches, where arti- ficial deposit is apparent, no sign of very ancient human life is in evidence. One report showed that an arrowhead was found seven feet below the surface, but further in- vestigation revealed that it lay in the ed of a running stream, where it had undoubtedly been carried by tlie water. Paleolithic traces are not expected. However, quantities of these specimens of the neolithic age may rightly be called pre-hisioric. Many of the artifacts have been shaped long before the advent of the his- torians. For instance, the lonely white hunter's cabin, which served as the first abode of the pioneers who began the Wachovia settlement, has entirely disappeared. Not a trace of the colonists' work remains today on the spot marked by a l>Iain granite monument. But the plow has revealed within a few yards of this granite block distinct traces of a former Indian camp. Several arrowheads, arrowheads' broken in the making, a crude tomahawk, and fragments of pottery reveal an an- cient camp site occupied before the coming of the whites. Thus .some remains may be called pre-hi.storie, though none of gi-eat nge. • Haiiditaps. The deplorable lack of public museums cr depoii^ories Invo.ves re ious handicaps :or the student of Indian Ivfe in this rogion. There ar a number of private collec'ions hardly accessible, and no large, ad- equate disp ay for the public, -rhou- ETinds and thousands of specimens have been gathered and lost. Many •of the most inter*, sting have passed out of the sta-fe. Su "h collections as we find are general'y poorly class- ified, described or displayed. Within a radius of 2j miles of Win~ton-£alem there were thousands of whole specimens of mud-baked pottery left by the Indians. Today there is only one complete specimen en exhibit to show the ceramic art. This is in the Wachovia Historical Society, and though clacked, s otherwi~e well pr. served, and hap- pily possesses a record of th:- camp site where found. Jia.ny farmers, whose fieds were examined during the past few y~ars. had been plowing amid Invdian relics for years, and knev.r not what these odd bit3 of stone might be. It is interesting to note that this lack of acquaintance with Indian relics leads som' minds to exagger- ation of their value. It is reported that a soap:;tone pot, which the large museums of the country exhibit in abundance, is being held by a certain man foY $100. )0. At thi- rate for relic: our Na ional Museum wi'l roon riv^l the United £tat3s Treas- ury. The South Carolina collector, who is reputed to have gath red twenty bushels of arrowheads in a single county, is ceitainly a well-to- ri o perscn. The writer of this paper has sev- eral hundred very good' ^specimens of arrowheads, speAr points, drills and knivs fvom the Chapel Hill neighborhood, which were fashioned long before the savage sophom©ric j-ell brought terror to the campus. He is readj' to present these to the University wheneve ■ that institution provitles adequate museum facilities. At present, the only exhibition of aboriginal remains at the University is confined tc the new dormitories recent y erected, th? mortar of which was mixed wi h sand from an Indian burying ground. Re'ics. Of what do these relics cons/st? By far the mo^t numerous are the flint chipped implements. Among these, ariow points, knives, and fpear heads rank first in number. Then come scr.apers, drils or punches, oddly shaped stones, rough- ly formed axes, celts, gouges and other rude tools. Less plentiful are the pecked and polished smooth implements, axes, gouges, celts, etc. The axe, or toma- hawk, is usually grooved, sometimes -n the center, sometimes toward one eMid, thus making a snug fit for the handle, which embraced the body of the weapon. These vary in length from four to eight inches, in weight from one to three pounds. The heavier ones require a s trong arm for manipulation. Production of th3se artifacts required much time and labor. Hammer stones abound. These were of a size to fit into the hand, some larger for the heavier worK, nearly all having two small pits, one in the center of each flat side. They are made of quartzite, "nigger- head rock" or flint, with preference -or river washed stones. Fi'agments of pottery are found widespread thruout the section. There are two classes; baked mud and steatite or soap.stone. The first appears to have been moulded in baskets cf woven grass or reeds, usually conical in shape, then burned. Most of it shows gravel and even small pebbles intermingled with the clay. It is quite encluring and stands weathering as well as the average brick. Decorations sometimes ap- pear, mosfy near the rim, in the form of incised lines, small pits ap- parently impressed with bone or twig, impressions of thumb nail at regular intervals, and some scrolls or t.acings well rounded. These mud pots are ordinarily one-fourth to one-half inch thick. The color ranges from brick red to dark brown and even black. Often holes were punched near the rim for fitting hanelle. A gallon or less was the capacity of the majority of these pots. Soapstone vessels, of which num- bers have been preserved intact, were made from material found abundantly in the piedmont area. Some are blocks of stone with shal- low basin scooped out. Others are as large as half-bushel measures with walls more than an inch thick. Some have two knobs to serve as h ndles. More delicate specimens resemble the modern deep dish, and one specimen, probably a burial urn, is beautifully cut down to the size of a pint cup, with walls about one- fourth inch thick, having small holes pierced near the rim for insertion of handle the size of a cord. There are several soapstone pestle.g and mortars for pounding grain. Piljes and Ornaments. Traces show plainly that the Pieelmont Indian was adelicted to the use of tobacco. Pipes were 'made of baked mud, but more often of stone, principally soapstone. A few sm 11 metal pipes are in existence. Mud pipes range in shape from the straight tubular to the "L" shaped. y. ;«« • - W X. ■♦-1 j2 c« *ZI T, O .!<' 2 "3 2 ■■ ■* es X ;; '" J3 -c s :j -*-« J3 :; «M r- K w a.< •■N s o « a %■ tt «H ■« •^ Cm ^ s •■" ^ u X y; c ffl *■ 9 es H * u o .2 taH ** ,« M ^ ■w :; ,^ M 2 o M ■" C8 •^^ 1 -s Sf CS ■*=* ■M W C5 ':3 s» 5 A *i4 2 s 2 M X tM o o *^ 03 !m »* a :m P ^ ^ u • S o ''^ 5: X m 5 w o :« T c • «* «H ^ ■/ * /. X • "* ■ r - .^-sa i^ 5^ »- "r The .stiiiK- iiipt-s are suiuulhly finished. At least fotir different styles have been discovered in this region; tubular, Southern mound type, monitor and .VjqwI or vase shaped. The ornaments are usually of shell or stone, some of baked mud and bone. Bits of mica have been discovered and a few metal orna- ments. Many sheKs have been found on camp sites along rivers, mostly in kitchen middens, where sometimes a bed two fe*t thick, nitngled with animal bone.-, charcoal and broken implements, mark . former f tasting v!ace. Some of the larger mus^Jftf :>helTs, still lustrous and colorful were found. They may have served aa spoons or a^ ornaments. Some elongated shells resembling the conch weYe :.rought to )ight. These were pierced at the end to be ;;trung for necklace. Some shells are cut round like a coin with a smai: hcle drilled near the edge. £hells resemb ing sna'M shells, only much smaller, are found in quan- tities, some pierced for stringing. Wampum, or Indian money, has been found, shell beads about one-half inch long, half the thickness of a lead pencil, all pierced. Perforated mud beads the size of a marble have been found, also a few bone beads. Ornamental stones vary in shape and s'(ze. Some are crescent shaped with hole dri.led thru center. Others are squ.re, oval, elliptical and cir- cular. On some there are scratches Or markings, most of them with one or two pe-foraticns. A few objects re enible tiny saucers or bowls. Some -few copper bsads. and discs have been found, /, ; ;. . In linn W'arfai'e. • Graphic accounts of warfare ^j.e- tween Indians and . . wlyjje.. -se.ttlers have b e.i preseXVed',V-;."5^e. fallow .«g extracts from 'The' Records of the Moravians in North 'Carolina," cited by Mi3s Ade aide Fries, gives vivid pietuvt oj the f:tirring. times n the piedmont section in 1760, when the Indians were on the warpath: "This w2^s a year of fierce Indian war, and on he 10th of February the first whites were killed by tho Chcrokees n North Carolina. On the 13th of March many Indians we.e in our neighborhood; eight miles away, on the Yadkin, houses were burned; two men were killed at the bridge over the Wach (Salem Creek); two persons were killed on I he Town Fork. They had one large camp six miles from Bethania, and a smaller one less than three miles. Here at the mill, and at Betnana, there were Indian spies every night. M.nrch Ifith. a lifaiitif ul snow foil. lying for several days, and then wo could see the smoke from :hejr camps. Among our ncighboi:. more than fifteen people were slai'i. The Indians said later that they had tried to make prisoners here, but fa led; that several times thty had been stopped by the sound .if the watchman's horn and the ringing of the bell for morning and evening services. "On the 9th a man came, pierced thru and thru with an arrow. He related that 24 hours befor ; William Fish and his son had asked him to go with them to their farm to gel piov sions for the families gathei'ed at a certain place on the Yadkin. Some miles up the river they hap- pened upon a party of Indians, who fired at them and shot many arrows. Fish and his son fell, but this man, longing to reach Bethabara, for his soul's sake rode into the river to escape them. On the further .'lide he found more Ind/ans, but tliey paid no attention to him and he re-crossed the river, plunge.i into the woods, where in the darkness and rain he soon lost his way, and wounded by two arrows, wandered for many hours, but finally i-eached the Moravian town where Dr. Bonn took out the arrow and saved his life." Arrows. The arrows, such as this account mentions, were an important factor both in hunting and in warfare. They are the most numerous of all the implements still preserved and afford an interesting study. The site of a camp or lodge may be dis- covered by the scattered flint chips, broken from these implements in manufacture. Whether a flint weapon was an arrow, spear or knife, we can only conjecture from its size. Sometimes the shape shows distinctly that the implement in question is a knife and has been made for hafting. A large arrow or spear could serve also as knife. All grades of workmanship are found. Some of the arrow points are so crudely fashioned that we wonder if they were not so made to provoke a smile from some stolid savage. Others so delicately wrought, with long thin blade, symmetrical barbs, or so finely notched, that we marvel how aboriginal tools could accomplish the feat. The flint projectiles exammed vary in length from f)ne-half inch to seven inches. Material. The material from which they are made is largely flint of the varying grades. Some pure quartz arrows, which are transparent, are preserved. Beautiful white quartz arrowheads have been found thruout th's sec- tion. This is a native stone ea ily procured. Many tinted flints, gray, brown, blue, black, with streaked and spotted hues, form a multi- colored variety pleasing to the eye. Practically all are made of flint material, which represents quartz in d fferent degrees of purity. Thru- out the world this has been discov- ered by savages as a tractable stone, readily shaped by chipping. It breaks with a conchoidal fracture, that is, when struck a sharp blow with another hard stone, fragments break off leaving shallow, shell- shaped cavities. Attempts to use other grades of stone met with little success. Most of the flint was quarried at considerable distance from camp sites and was carried by the Indians m pieces as large as the hand and of the same shape. These were kept in supply for future use in ar- row making. Piles of these have been unearthed. Some of the arrowheads studied were apparently made of material brought many miles from the quarry. Some of the piedmont flint chips and implements of the f ner grade. It is quite probable, were brought from across the mountains, possioly some from the famous Flint Ridge quarries of Ohio, from which ma- terial has been traced six hundred miles. Classification. A report issued a number of years ago by the National Museum in- cluded a careful classification of the different shapes of Indian ar- rowheads as follows: "Division 1 — L.eaf-sh:iped — In this classification the leaf-shaped is placed at the head as being the oldest implement of its kind. The division includes all kinds, elliptical, oval, oblong, or lanceolate forms, bearing any relation to the shape of a leaf, and without stem, shoulder 'or barb. D vision II — Triangular — All spec- mens in the form of a triangle, whether bases or edges be convex, concave or straight. Division III — Stemmed — All va- rieties of stems, whether straight, pointed, expanding, round or flat, and whether bases or edges are convex, straight or concave. Division IV — Peculiar Forms, such as have beveled edges, serrated edges, bifurcated stems, perforators, etc." Following this classification, the Piedmont Indian made a good show- ing. From a single camp site in Forsyth county, 400 arrowheads were gathered. Of the many pos- sible shapes enumerated in this classification, every shape mentioned in the list was found included in the 400, except the long thin arrow ascribed to the California Indians, and some peculiar forms found only In distant portions of our country. i^rrow Making-. The mak.ng of an Indian arrow- head with primitive tcols is, to many people, a mystery. It has been called a lost art. However, traces in Pied- mont Carolina reveal nearly every stage in the process of manufacture. While there were numerous methods employed, in a general way we may trace the implement from quarry to quiver. First, large chunks of flint were broken (jTf at the quarry by mean.? of striking with weighty boulders. These were reduced by blows to large, leaf-shaped pieces. These could be transported and finished elsewhere at leisure. Hidden stores of these have been uncovered in the piedmont region. When ready for fashioning, the flint was laid on a flat stone which served as anvil. We are told that strips of buckskm or other soft ma- terial were placed between flint and anvil to reserve force of b-ows for the desired portion of the flint. The work of striking was done with a hammer stone, shaped like a large biscuit, which fitted well into the hand. Nearly every hammer stone found has two small pits, one worn in the cente: of each side. When the flint is worked down to a size easily managed, it can be held in the hand. Buckskin strings were doubtless used also to protect the hand. The leaJ-.-haped imple- ment ^is now re.dy to receive the finishing touches, to ba pointed, trimmed down, stemmed and barbed. The many specimens broken in the making and flUcarded show that the Indian was not always success- ful In his efforts. The renowned Captain John Smith left a valuable light upon the subject of arrowma^tng when he wrote about the Indian of V rginia, "His arrowhead he quickly maketh with a Wttle bone, which he ever weareth at his bracert, of any splint of a stone, or fflass in the form of a heart, and these they glew to the end of their Arrowes." These smaller tools for the finish- ing touches have come to light in our sect on. One of these little deer horn tools was cut down for hafting, and showed signs of use. Holding the flint in one hand, the Indian, with pressure and dexterous turn of the hard bone or horn tool, soon had the small chips flying and presented a deftly formed weapon ready for attaching to arrow shaft. Different methods were resorted to, but this may be considered the general process. On village and carnp s'tes the loca- tion of the arrowmaker's lodge may be discovered. Hammer stones, anvils, partly finished implements, arrowheads broken in process and thickly scattered flint chips reveal .an ancient workshop. An Indian (•lavc. Although traces of the Indian are abundant, a'ter the_ lapse of cue or two centurts, it is difficult to restore in imagination a camp or village as it actually appeared, peo- pled with its inhabitants. However, the overflow of the rivers during seasons of high wat< r, have revealed quite clearly methods of Indf'an burial. Such articles as deerskin and feathered ornaments h.ve long fince disappeared, but the remains h f t by the receding waters present a:\ interesting as.'^embly of articles. Modes of burial diffired among the various tr bes, and in the same tribe more el borate ceremonials were observed for more distinguished peronages. Practically a'l, how- ever, instead of following our cus- t':m in which pergonal effects of the deceased a e bequeathed to dc-cenr^ants. "-ou^rht rather to en- tomb such possessions and in addi- tion to add gifts from kinsmen and frienu o. ine departed. I'erh .ps a typical grave cf an important mem- Iier of a tribe may be noted in the following di-c-osure: The water of the stream had rarr ed away the soil to a .lepth of four feet. Here a layer of stoneT was loosened. Directly una M-neaih were numerous implements r-nd or- namental articles. The disintegrated bones showed that the remains had been deposited lying horizontally with head to the east, the body flexed in a sitting po^'ture. Th^ fol- low ng articles were sc:itte"e1 in the enclosure which was nine by twelve feet square: Six conch shells, size o" thumb, pierced to form a necklace . One large, lustrous musc^ shell. One shell cut to size of five cent piece, pierced with smooch hoh^ Five wamijum Vieads of shell. A handful of small shells, souie pierced. One mud-baked bead, pierced. One bone bead, pierced. One smooth, thin stone ornament, ])ierced at toi). A dozen or more sm'ill colored pebbles cf attractive shape. One tomahawK and aiiother frag- ment. One fragment of smooth celt. Three portions of soapstone pipes and one portion of a mud pipe. Four bone needles, broken from leg bone of some animal and smoothed down to a iioint, in length fiom one to four inches. Six hammer stones, all bearing marks of usage. One deer or goat horn, cut for ha ting, an arrowmaker's tool. Quantities of mus|*^ shells. Bones of deer, opossum, dog and other nimals and a tortoise shell. Large fragments of mud-baked pottery linning the grave. Two hundred twenty-five arrow- heads, rather small, and as many more fragments. From this we judge that the de- parted member of the tribe was plentifully supplied for his journey to the spirit land. Conclusion. Today the Indian has disappeared from Piedmont Carolina. The old folks remember when roving bands passed thru and would skillfully shoot their arrows with sure aim to strike down coins placed many feet awTy by the wonder ng white men. But' today the Indian here is a memory. Only the traces remain to tell of his departed glory. 00030721808 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION C Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95 ■in mW