Memorial on Extension of the Central Rail Road to the Town of Newborn €6e Liferarp of m Unitizmty of Jftortf) Carolina Collection of jRottf) Catoliniana 4£nDotoefi bg Joljn &ptunt Ml of tbf Clasp of 1889 Co 385.1 1 Calm- [Senate Doc. 81.] MEMORIAL TO THE Lmm^mma ®f TO^YM^omoGM, ON THE EXTENSION OF THE CENTRAL RAIL TO THE wm . B. Lane, James W. Cox. W, C White. Wm. Simmons, /,. Slade. George' W. Nance, William Wilson, Jesse D. Beall, John Charlotte, Alex. II. Stanly. E. Osborne, John Harvey, Nelson Wbitlord, John S. Ilnnter, John C. Coart, A. II. Barrow, Geo. W. Dixon, Jr., William Hay, Jacob Gooding, Jr. J. B. Oxby. H. E. French, Thomas Gray, F. Hover, Jerry Merret, Robert Harvey, J. Cicero Justice, "Wm. H. Harvey, John Taylor, Rile Lathinghonse, Lemuel Da}-. James Smith. John Allen, John Howard, A. H. Richardson, L. R. M. White, M. Phillips, H. Brinson, Joseph A. Williams, John Sears, E. Abramandeleer, Samuel W. Morris, Ww. B. W T ood, Parson Pittman, S. B. Forbes,. John C. Comcron John Danes, William C. Willis, George Sal ten, Joseph Gaskill, Daniel Lockharr. Samuel S. Smith, Ossian Hanks, James J. Howard, Wm. P. Roberson. Thomas J. Howard, Wm. P. Moore, <2] 8. James A. Seydara, Henry Creekman, John Creekman, John L. Stranbury, Frederick A. Moore, John B. Lane, Benjamin B Brooks, John Kershaw, Charles D. Fulcher. W. G. Singleton, Henry M. Allen, N. S. Brown, Joseph Gaskin, Win, C. Whitford, Jesse Gaskins John D. Whitford, E. Harvey, John Bryant, John Creekman, Jr., W. H. Jones, William G. Brvan, Jr., D. W. Gosby," John L. Dulaud, J. M. Agostine. J. Disosway, John B. Waltar, B. W. Brown, J. S. Cu minings, W. D. Hutchins, E. Colbnt, R. B. Brown, R. A. Davis, H. B Sam, Jr., W. J. Williams, J. Mildrum, B. Bentmyen, John Hill, L. R. Clank, Silas Shatham, Alozo D. Willis, M A. W. Elmer, J Burrow, W Hamilton, J A Smith, J M Roberts, W Foy, D Strutten, J J Streets, F C Metis, George G. Smith, John Osgood, Isaac Lewis, John M.' W r ebster, Geo. Cooper, Edward Hardy, C. J. White, D. W. Dudley, D. D. Sirmoud, Joseph P. Cosey, Jonathan R. Baiiy, William Baily, R. A. Richardson, H. W Jones, John W. Giftbrd, R. Castix, C. F. McLeod, Hizer V. Richardson, W. Anderson, Jno. Good, F Muse, J H Muse, J Hamontree. A Bynan, B Benun A Cummings, J A Cummings, L C Robus, G S Smith, J Elves, George Smith Charles Netherod, R Speakman, J Ball, T Higley, Richard Burk, S Adams, James Mucr, J Miller, Edward Perrciss J T Borott, Edward H Satter, D Hollus, D W Hawter, E Stanly, R J Jones, D Hancock T Jerkins, N S Riehardson. [ST8] D Marter, N A Bray, J Goody, J A Gnion, J Scott, N T Gooding S Bishop, F J Gardner, T S Jennings*. T M Smith, G Gasking, C Pratt, T Wilson, J Henry, J B Moore, J W Collins, T W May hew, J Haven R Primrose, J W Hancock, F. Lane, A Ireland, 1 Tavlor, A G Bell, T Simpon, T Sparrow, J Foster' L Trott, T G Foster*. J Stanly, B. Jones, H Russell, L Phife, J Priest, D H Bell, S Conoway, B. Trott, L B Herritage, G Allen, H B Smith, W Jones, Edward Hill, James W Watson, Jonn Saulter, D F Arthur, James Rose, J Pittman, B Ethridge, J M Arthur. T M Stevenson D W Gaskill, J B Huggins, S A Dunn, J H Lane, H B Lane, J. Carter, J Sincard T Wallace, J Pitmon, J Gooding, Sr, G Buley,. P Sins, J W Russell, A W Fentress, J. C Cole, E B Ritter, L S R-y, J B G Barron, G W Conoway, J W Oliver, D Hasket R Hill. O M Pittoi, J A Charlotte, S Rin, L Stern. J Curtis, E H Curtis, T Green, A Green, W R Street, R Moore, B F Tucker, E G Davis, L C Bishop, J Ball, James Swhing, Solomon Hove^, William Hill, John Rose, E Piver, Stephen Jones, Th^rp-'^ T '"' Edward G Hall, Walter Duffy, R N Duffy, S M Missellier. A L Simmons. . 74 [574] 10 P Lepper, J Lestis, R Smith, J Gooding, E Rodrick, W H Gooding, A N Armanie J S Ives, E Baul, C Pittman, E Jones. Benjamin Ellis.. UNIVERSITY OF NC AT CHAPEL HILL 00020352912 This book may be kept out one month unless a recall notice is sent to you. It must be brought to the North Carolina Collection (in Wilson Library) for renewal. Form No. A-369 ■ ■ "■■■■■'■" "''•; : . , ■