^ V T i-iri CHILD'S BIBLE QUESTION BOOK. ;hildren are much more interested in the words ^nd gestures of their teacher, as they see her eyes fixed on them, and hear the story of their lesson in her own words. It is therefore suggested, that the teacher read over the lesson previous to coming before the class, and be prepared to repeat it to the class in the form of a story or glowing scene passing before them, and then begin with the questions as they occur in tiae lesson, never leaving the first question till thoroughly com- mitted. Let the pupils in concert repeat both the question and answer after the teacher, till they can readily answer tht question when put by the teacher. The teacher should then proceed to the second question, and pursue the same method. When that is learned, also let her propose the first and sec- ond questions in succession, and by no means pass to xht third until these*are both answered consecutively, without hesitation. She may thus proceed with one question at a time, constantly repeating the previous ones until the whole !esson is faithfully committed by the class. " The questions all learned and understoofl, the teacher may proceed to the verses appended to each lessou." These TO TEACHERS 9 form a P'art of the lesson ; and it will be found in experience, that the learning of them will be looked upon rather as a recreation than a task, especially if some such method as the followftig be adopted : — " I-et the teacher recite one line, and require its repetitioi in concert until the class can recite it without aid. Pursue the same course with the second line, and then require the repetition of the two lines together ; then of three, until the verse is learned. "The teacher should be in no haste to get through the book. It is best to make the children thorough as far as tliey go, even if they are a whole month learning one lesson. "In pursuing this method, the intelligent teacher will of course introduce explanatory remarks, appropriate stories, etc., illustrating the lesson. This will both please and profit the class." In most instances, the poetry preceding the lesson should be learned before the questions. It will be seen, that occa- sionally the same questions are repeated in different lessons ; but they are such as are calculated to impress the mind with a moral truth, and may not be considered out of place, when we remember the saying of the wise man : " Give line upon line, precept upon precept, here a httle and there a Uttle." , One suggestion further respecting the manner in which the lessons are to be committed, namely : great pains should be taken, at the commencement, to make the voices of all har- monize. This vnll cost some pains and trouble at first, but will soon be overcome ; and the sweet harmony of infant voices will charm the ear. To gain this point, great pain a should be taken to observe the pauses, and give the various inflections to the voice, wliich different portions of the lessona iemand. A*" children naturally love order, this wii) be no 10 TO TEACHERS. hard matter to secure ; and in securing this, we gain the at tention of the class. Let no teacher be discouraged if for a time she sees but little interest; for perseverance and ingenuity will succeed ■fter a time, and the teacher will receive a doable rewazd for ail her labors OHlLD't^ BIBLE QUESTION BOOK LE S SON I. ABOUT GOD. Ques Cliildren, can you tell me who made the clear bh»€ liky, ihfe Bun, moon, and stars, that shine 80 brightly ? Ans, « The Almighty God that rules on hig>i ; He built the Earth and made the eky ; And fashioned in their various forms, Men, beasts, birds, and worms." 11) H child's biblb Ques. What is God ? Ans. A spirit. Ques. Can you see spirits ? Ans. We cannot. ^ Qztes. Can God see you ? Ans. He can. Ques. "Where is God ? Ans. Everywhere. " The Lord, the high and holy on*, Is present everywhere ; Go to the regions of the sun, And thou wilt find him there. " Go to the secret ocean caves, Where man hath never trod, And there, beneath the flashing waw, WiU be thy Maker, God." Ques. What can God do ? Ans. Whatever he will. Ques. What does God knoir ? Ans. All things. Ques. Does he know your thoughts f Ans. He does. Ques. Does he know all we do and say ? Ans. He does. " Asleep, awake, by night, by day, When at my lessons or my play ; Although the Lord I cannot see. His eye is always fixed on me." Ques. How long has God lived ? Ans. Always. Ques How long will he live ? Ans. Forever. Ques. Because God always has lived and alwayi mi -ve, what do we say of him ? Ans. That he is eternal. ^ Ques. AMiat more can you say of God ' Ans. That he is good, and does good- Ques. What- does God hate ? Ans. Sin. QUESTION BOOK. It Ques. What will he do to those that sin ? Ans. He will punish them. Ques. Whj will God punish them ? Ans. Because he cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Ques. Does God ever change ? Ans. He does not Ques. Because God never changes, what do we say of him ? Ans. We say he is unchangeable. BRIEF EECAPrrUIiATION. Ques What can you say of God ? Ans. He IS a spirit — past finding out — always pres- ent — can do all things good — is always nght and true — neyer changes — is without begmnmg or ending oi dajB. 14 CHILD S BIBLE i LESSON II, THE CREATIOX. Qties. In the first lesson you told me that God made the sun, moon, and clear blue sky. Did he make any thing besides ? Arts. Yes. He made every living creature. Ques. Will you mention some other things that Grod made ? Ans. He made stones, shells, and flowers, and CTeij Jhing that grows. ^es. •What did he make first ? • Ans. The heavens and earth. Ques. 'What next ? Ans. Light. Ques. W^'hat did he call the light ? Atts^ Day. QUESTION BOOK. If Ques, What did he call the darkness ? Ans. Night Ques. What did he say of the light ? Ans. That it was good. Ques. What was made next ? Ans. The clear blue sky and air. Ques, How do we use the air ? Ans. We breathe it. Ques. What is air put in motion ? Ans. Wind. Ques., Is wind useful ? Ans. It is; for it blows ships over the ocean, froa one country to another. Ques. What do we see in the sky in the eyening ? Ans. Moon and stars. Ques. What m the daytime ? Ans. The sun. Ques. What did God make next ? Ans. The dry land and sea. Ques. What grows upon the land ? Ans. Trees, flowers, grain, and grass. Ques. What was made on the fourth day ? Ans. Sun, moon, and stars. ^^Ques. What are they for ? Ans, To warm and light the earth. Ques. What was made next ? Ans. Whales and fishes to live in the water, and fowls and birds to live on the land and fly in iha 'tir. Ques. TVTiat was made on the sixth day ? Ans. Animals and creeping things. Ques. Can you name some of them ? Ans. Dogs, sheep, cows, horses, and elephants. Ques. Name some of the creeping things? Ans. Snakes and worms. Ques. What did the Lord say of all these thingi ? Ans. That they were good. 16 CHILD S BIBLE Ques. Whcic more did God make on the sixth day ? Am. Man. " Come, child, look upward to the sky. Behold the sun and moon, The expanse of stars that sparkle high, To che«r the midnight gloom. " Come, child, and now behold the earth%k In varied beauty stand ; ^ The product view of six days' birth, How wond'rous and how grand ! ' * Come, then, behold them all and say, How came these things to be ? That stand before which every way -' I turn myself to see. » T was Grod who made the earth and SMB. To whom the angels bow ; ^ was God who made both yoa actf ae. IkfS God who SMS w oow" QT^ / QUESTION BOOK. ai LESSON III THK CREATION — CONTINUED. Ques. You have told me some tlungs about the cro*- Kon. Can you tell me who created alTthings ? Ans. God did. Ques. Did he make all things ? , Ans. He did not. Ques. Name some things he did not make ? Ans. Books, tables, chairs. Ques. Who did make them ? Ans. Men did. Ques. What are they made of? Ans. Books are made of paper, and tables and chain •re made of wood. Ques. Who made the wood grow ? Ans. God did. Ques. What is paper made of? Ant. Cotton and linen rafjs. 2* t8 child's bible Ques. Who made the cotton and linen groTr ? Ans. Grod. " There 's not a plant or flower below, But makes his glories known. " Ques. Well, children, you see a great many thinga that man made ; did you ever see any thing that Las life that man made ? Ans. We did not. Ques. Can man make a tree or flower grow ? Ans. Man may plant them and take care of them, but he cannot give them life. Ques. Have trees and plants life ? Ans. They have. Ques. What kind of life ? A71S. Vegetable life. Ques. What kind of life have animalfl ? Ans. Animal life. Ques. What kind of life have we ? Ans. Animal and spiritual life. Ques. Will animal life die ? Ans. It will, when the body dies. Ques. Will vegetable life die ? ^^ Ajis. It will, when trees and plants die. Ques. Does spiritual life die ? Ans» It does not ; it will live for ever. Ques. What do we mean by — to make ? Ans. To form one thing from another. Ques. What is it to create ? Ans. To make out of nothing. Ques. What can man do ? Ans. He can make one thing from another. Ques. WTiat can God do ? Ans. He can create that out of which all things are made. \j- Ques. Men make clothes out of cloth ; but could men make cloth if God did not make the cotton or wool oi which cloth is made ? QUESTION BOOK It Ans. He could not No, little children, men could not make houses, ships, tables, books, or any thing, if God had not first created something to make them of. Neither could your mothers get you a single dinner if God had not provided some- thin" for food. Your fathers may sow grass and grain, but it would not grow if G^d did not give it vegetable life. Ques. What should this teach us ? Ans. That we cannot have any thing nnless Grod help us to it. Ques. Should we not thank and praise God for hit goodnew? Ans. We should. " Pndee to thee, Lord, forerw ; Gladly now we all unite ; PniM to thee, Ood ! the cf^nr, Lordof UihtMdUiBl^ CHILD'S BIBLB LESSON lY. THE FIRST MAN AND WOMAN. Ques. Tn onr last lesson you told me that God made every thing that you see. Can you tell me who made you? Ans. Grod. *' The great, the ererlasting God, He made you and me and exery thing." Ques. What was the name of the first man ? Ans. Adam. Ques. Of what was he made ? Ans. Of the dust of the ground. Ques. What is man ? Ans. Soul and spirit, with a body for his Bv« in. QUESTION BOOK. tl Ques. Was all of man made of the dust of the ground 7 Ans. No, his body only. Ques. How did man become a living soul ? Ans. God breathed into his nostrils the breath of hfi and he became a hving soul. Ques. What was the name of the first woman ? Ans. Eve. Ques. Of what was Eve made ? Ans. One of Adam's ribs. Ques. Where are our ribs ? Ans. In our sides. Ques. Did it hurt Adam when his rib was taken out ? Ans. It did not Ques. Why not ? Ans. Because the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him. Ques. What did Adam say when Eve was brought to him? Ans. This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Ques. What did he call her ? Ans. Woman. Ques. Where did God put the man and woman that he had made ? Ans. In the garden of Eden. Ques. What was in this garden ? Ans. Beautiful trees, flowers, and nice fruit Ques. What ran through the midst of the garden ? Ans. A beautiful stream of water. Ques. W^at did Adam and Eve eat ? Ans. Herbs, seeds, and fruit Ques. JNIight they eat of the fruit of all the trees ? Ans. All but the tree of knowledge. Ques. Were Adam and Eve good or bad when Qo^ made them ? Ans. Good. Ques. Why do you think they were good ? Ans. Because they were made like God. S3 CHILD'S BIBLE Ques. K children are good, will they always obey GoU and their parents ? Atis, They will. " Lord, I would be a child of thine, And thy blest image ever bare ; Deeply impress this heart of mine With glories which I wish to share " But where can I resemble thee, And in thy godlike natare share ? Thy humble follower let me be. Thy blessed likeixess let me bear. " Pure may I be, averse to sin, Just, holy, mercifol, and tme ; And let thy image formed wlthia, - - oBt in aU I ipMik ui4 «i.» qLESnON BOOK. 23 LESSON V. THE FALL. Ques. Children, you told me that a beautiftil stream ' QUESTION BOOK. LESSON VIII. THE SOUL AND SPIRIT. " A charge to keep I haye, A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky." tlufis. How many senses have you ? Ans. Five. Ques. What are they ? Ans. Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. Ques. Should you have these senses if you had at ipirit? ^715. We should not Ques. Did you ever see a dead boy or girl ? Ans. Yes. Ques. Well, they had eyes, ears, and hands, had they act? Ans. Yes; but they could not see with their eyes, oi hear with their ears, nor move their hands or feet Ques. Why not ? Ans. Because their souls had left their bodies. Ques. AVhat is your soul ? Ans. Something within me, that makes me love and wlah and think. so child's bible Ques. What will become of your bodies when yjam Bouls leave thdm ? Ans. They will die, and moulder in the ground Ques. Must all men die V Ans. Yes. ♦' Death enters, and there 's no defence ; His time there 's none can tell ; He '11 in a moment call thee hence, To heaven, or down to hell." Ques. How long will your souls live ? Ans. Forever : as long as God shall live. Ques. What will become of your soul when your body dies? Ans. It will go to God, who gave it Ques. Why will it go to God ? Ans. To be judged. Ques. Do little children die ? Ans. Yes. " Millions of infant souls compose The family above." Ques. Where will your spirits live if you have been good? Ans. In a happy place. Ques. If you are wicked and bad, where will Aey live? Ans. In a place of dreadful misery. Ques. Does God know if we have been good or bad ? Ans. He does. " How careful, then, ought I to live ! "With what religious fear, Who such a strict account must give For my behavior here ! " Ques. Why do you think he will know if you have been good or bad ? Ans. He knows all things. Ques. Shall we know as much as we do now when onf ipirits have left our bodies ? Ans. We "shalL QUESTION BOOK. Si Qu€& Shall we feel as happy as we now do, if we AaT« oeen good ? Ans. O yes I Ans If I shall reach that happy plac«, And be forever bless'd, Then I shall see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest." And shall we be sad if we have be« "» bad ? Yes. " Infinite j)5y or endless woe Attends on every breath , And yet how unconcerned we go Upon the briak of death ! " LESSON IX. Ans. OUR DWTIES TO GOD. Little children, who has done very much for " His name Is God : He gave me birth, And every living thing on earth :, And every tree and every plant that grows. To the same hand its bf^^ng owm." 32 CHrLD S BIBLE Ques How should we feel towards God ? Ans, Feel thankful to him, and love him. Ques. Why should we love him ? Ans. Because he has told us to love him. Ques. What has he commanded us to give him ? Ans. Our hearts. Ques. How can we give our hearts to him ? Ans. We can tell him that we will obey him and lo^ him, and ask him to take our wicked hearts. Ques. Will he take our wicked Ifearts ? Ans. He will, and give us better ones. Ques. "What does he say of those that love him ? Ans. I lov« those that love me. Ques. What ot those that seek him early ? Ans. They shall find me. Ques. What do we owe to God besides Iovo«? Ans. Obedience and fear. Ques. Why should we fear God ? Ans. Because he is pleased with those that fear him. Ques. Can you fear and love God too ? Ans. We can; for if we love him we shall fear to displease him. Ques. If you love God, how will you act with reference tc him ? • Ans. We shall obey him. Ques. What is the beginning of wisdom ? Ans. The fear of the Lord. Ques. If you knew a man that could hurt you, and would hurt you if you did not obey him, how should you regard him ? Ans. With fear. Ques. Well, if he was very Sind, and gave you even'- thing to make you happy, how should you regard him r A ns. With love. Ques. Then you would both V»ve and fear him, ithould you not ? Ans. We should T9 a Uttl« child lito£ ie»." LESSON X. DUTIE8 OF CHILDREN TO EACH OTHER. Ques. You have told me some of our duties to (5od i oow can you tell me some of your duties to each other ? Ans. " Deal with another, as you 'd have Another deal with you ; What you 're unwilling to receive, Be sure you never do." Ques. If a little boy should be unkind to you and hate you, should you try to make him unhappy ? Ans. We should be kind to him, and try to make him love us. Ques. Should you be offended with naughty children when they try to vex and teaze you ? Ans. «' I '11 not wittingly offend, Nor be easily offended ; _. What 's amiss I "11 strive to mend. Aa^ and'iri "vhat can't be mended.' QUESTION BOOK. 89 Ques. What are we not to do -when we are called oy I hard names ? Ans. AVe must not call hard names in return. Ques. If your little playmates call you hard names, I' what should you do ? Ans. ' " If I meet with railing tonnes, I Why should I retura them railing T i Since I best revenge my wrongs, By my patience never falling." Ques. What is your duty to the poor ? Ans. Help them if I can. Ques. How should you feel for them if you cannot ! lielp them ? Ans. Pity them. Ques. If you see little boys and girls that have on ] poor clothes, should you laugh at them and be proud of ; yours ? Ans. We should not, for — " The art of dress did ne'er begin Till Eve, our mother, learned to sin." [ Ques. There are a great many children that have no ! home, no father and mother, or any one to care for them ; and their clothos get ragged, and they are taught to steal and beg their food. None speaks kindly to them and they feel that every one dislikes them ; and some- times, when they meet little children that are dressed well I they feel ashamed. Do you think that good boys ani ; jrirls wiU laugh at them ? Ans. They would not. \ Ques. Sometimes naughty children do laugh, at these poor children, and that makes them angry, and then they speak wicked words, and try to quarrel with them ; but if these poor children were taught better, they would not do so, though they would feel very bad to be laughed . at Now can you (h any thing to help these pooi chil* • dren? 36 child's bible All's. We can give our pennies to the missionary, and he will teach them better. Ques. Can he not do more than this ? Ans, Yes ; he can get homes for them, and some one to take care of them. Ques. Then is it not your dutj to give your pennies to the missionary, instead of bupng candy with them ? Ans. It is. '*■ Children, work and lead the blind, By a careful hand and kind, Guide them from the ills of earth, To the joys of heavenly birth. " Children, love, and gentle prove ; Let no tongue in anger move ; Let no hands in anger strike ; • To your lovely Lord be like. ~*' Children, think ; and on life's past Muse, to fit you for its last ; And when death for you shall come, Heaven shall be your happy home " LESSON XI. . GOD HAS TAUGHT U^ OUR DUTIES IN THE BIBLK. Little children, you have learned some of your dutiei k) God and each other. Ques. What book teaches us these things ? Ans. The Bible. Ques. Does the Bible teach us the truth ? Ans. I* does, for it is God's own words to us. Ques "\\Tiat can you say of the Bible ? Ans It is a precious book indeed. " It is a precious book indeed,^ Happy the child that loves to read ; 'T is God's ovra word that he has given. To show our souls the way to heaven." QUESTION BOOK. SI Ques. Who wrote th^ Bible ? Ans. Good men. Ques.. Who told them what to write ? ^ Ans. God. Ques. How did he make them understand what to write? Ans. By his Holy Spirit. Ques. Can you tell me the names of some of the ^ood men that wrote the Bible V A}is. Moses and Joshua. Ques. Did they not write except God told them ? Ans. They did not. Ques. The Bible is divided into two parts ; what axe ihey called ? Ans. Old and New Testaments. Ques. How many books in the Old Testament ? Ans. Thirty-nine. Ques. What does the Old Testament teach us ? Ans. 1st. That God created all things. 2d. That he made all things good. 3d. That God loves goodness, and hates sin. 4th. That he cares for good people. 5th. That he will punish the wicked. 6th. It teaches our duty to God and man. Ques. Who wrote the book that contains the com- mandments ? A ns. Moses. Ques. Whom do we suppose wrote the history of the kings in Israel V Ahs. Ezra the scribe. Ques. Who wrote psalms of praise to God ? Ans. David, the pious king. Ques. Who wrote wise sayings ? Ans. Solomon, the king and wisest man. Ques. Who wrote of the visions they saw, and told Wxiat was to take place in the world ? Ans. Daniel, Jeremiah, and many more. Ques. What can vou say of Daniel ? 4 88 child's bible Ans. He was tlirown into a den of wild lion*. Ques. What can you say of Jeremiah '? Ans. He was thrown into a prison. QUes. Why was Daniel thrown into the den of bons7 A ns. Because he prayed to God. Ques. A^Tiy was Jeremiah thrown into prison V Ans. Because he spoke as God told him to. Ques. What were these men called ? Ans. Prophets. Ques. "What is a prophet ? Ans. One that tells what is to take place. Ques. Should you not like to be good like these mes that talked with God and knew his will ? Ans. O yes. " Daniel's wisdom may we know, Job's submission may we show, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal, Peter's fervent spirit feel. " Most of all, may I pursue The example Jesus drew ; In my life and conduct show Bow he lired and waUMd QUESTION BOOK. LESSON XII. QOD «A8 TAUGHT US OUR DUTIES IN THE BIBLE — CONTINUED. Qi i's. You have told me something about the Old Tes- tament. Can you tell me how many books in the New Tes<:ament ? A ns. Twenty-seven. Ques. Who wrote the four first books ? Am. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Qties. What did they write abo-ut? Ans. About Jesus Christ, and what he did and taught* Ques. Did they know him ? Ans. They did, for they learned of him. Ques. Does the Old Testament apeak of Jesus Christ V Ans. It does. It tells of his coming into the world to bave it from sin. Ques "What does the prophet Isaiah call him ? Ans. The Prince of ueace. 40 child'8 bible Ques. Did Isaiah write in the Old o.' New Testament f Ans. In the Old Testament. Ques. Did the prophets tell of any one besides Christ that should come ? Ans. They wrote of John the Baptist Ques. Who was John the Baptist ? Ans. The man that prepared the way for Jesus Christ Ques. What more does the New Testament teach us ? Ans. It tells us of the apostles and the end of the world. Ques. WTiat else does the New Testament contain ? .4 ns. Many letters to good people. Ques. WTio wrote a great many of the letters ? Ans. St PauL Ques. Who was St Paul ? Ans. He was a very wise and good man. Ques. What was he before he saw Jesus ? Ans. A very wicked man. Ques. WTiat did he become afterwards ? .4 ns. A preacher. Ques. WTiat does the New Testament teach ? Ans. 1st That Christ came into the world. 2d. Waa ciucified for the sins of the world. 3d. That because Christ suffered we may be happy forever. 4th. That we must obey his teachings if we would be happy. 6th- If we do not obey him, we shall be -lost Ques. What does the Bible tell us ? Ans. " It tells us how the vrorld was made, And how good men the Lord obeyed ; It points to heaven, where angels dwell, And warns us to escape from hell." Ques. Could any but good men have written tb*^ 6Me? Ans. They could not Qu£s. What does (Tod say he ^vill do to those thai cake any thing fi-om the Bible V QUESTION BOOK. 4« Ans. That he will take their names from the oook of fife. Ques. And what has he said he would do to those that •hould write more than he has told them to write ? Ans. That he would add to them the plagues that are ^tten about in the Bible. " The Bible! the Bible ! more precious than gold The hopes and the glories its pages unfold ; It speaks of salvation — wide opens the door: Its offers are free to the rich and the poor. " The Bible 1 the Bible ! blest volume of truth, How sweetly it smiles on the season of youth ; • It bids us seek early the pearl of great price, Ere the heart is enslaved in the bondage of vice. " The Bible ! the Bible ! the valleys shall ring, And hill-tops re-echo the notes that we sing : Our banners, inscribed with its precepts and rales. Shall long wave in triumph, the joy of our schools." LESSON XIII. REVIEW OF THE TWELVE PRECEDING LESSONS. Qiies. What can you say of God ? Ans. He is a spirit — past finding out; can do all things good ; is always right and true ; never changes ; b without beginning or ending of days. Ques. Name some things that God has made ? Ans. The sun and moon and stars, besides every liv* ing creature. Ques. How long was God in making all things ? Ans. Six days. Q'xes. What was made first V Ans. The heavens and the earth. Ques. What was made last ? Ans. Man. 12 child's bible Ques. Of what did he make him ? Ans. Of the dust of the earth. Ques. What do we breathe ? Ans. The air. Ques. What is air put in motion ? Ans. Wind. Ques. What if the air should be taken away ? Ans. Then we could not breathe. Ques. What is it to create ? A ns. To make out of nothing. Ones. What has God done ? Ans. He created that of which every thing is made. Ques. What can man do ? Ans. He can make one thing of another. Ques. What was the name of the first man ? Ans. Adam. v Ques. Name of the first woman ? Ans. Eve. Ques. Where were they placed ? Ans. In the garden of Eden. Ques. AYhat was given to them for food ? Ans. Herbs, seeds, and fruit Ques. What did they do ? Ans. They disobeyed God. 'Ques. How were they punished ? Ans. God cursed them, and drove them from the gar den. Ques. Did they die as the Lord had \old them ? .4 7is. They did — their bodies became sickly and died and the image of God died in them. Qu>ss. Plow did Adam and Eve feel after they baO broken God s commands ? Ans. They were ashamed, and hid themselves, Ques. What were they exposed to ? Ans. Eternal death. Ques. Does the Lord pity *he wicked? Ans. He does. QUESTION BOOK. 4t Qu€S. What is his language to sinners ? Ans. " Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, your Malaer, asks you why ? God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live." Ques. What did he do for Adam and Eve V Ans. He gave them a promise of mercy. Ques How could they be saved ? Ans. By faith in the promised seed. Ques. What was they to believe ? A*is. That Christ was to come into the world to it from sin. Ques. How can we be saved ? Ans. In believing on Christ " Jesus, while thou wast below, Thou to all thy love didst show ; And didst say to such as we, Suffer them to come to me. " Wilt thou not pronounce us blest T Let on us thj' blessing rest ; Grant that we may be of those Who thy kingdom shall compose." LESSON XIV. REVIEW — CONTINUED. Ques. What is your soul ? A ns. Something within me that makes me love and Irish and breathe. Ques. How long will your soul live ? Ans. Forever. Ques. What will become of your body when your soul »nd spirit leave it V 44 child's bible Ans, It will moulder in the earth. " Corruption, earth, and worms Shall but refine this flesh, Till my triumphant spirit comes To put it on afresh." Ques. What is your body ? Ans. A cage for my soul. Ques. "Will your bodies ever be made alive ? Ans. They will at the last day. Ques. Who will raise our bodies ? Ans. Jesus Christ. Ques. What kind of bodies shall we have ? Ans. Glorious bodies. "■ Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine ; And every shape and every face Be heavenly and divine." Ques. Where will your soul go when you die ? Ans. To God. Ques. What will he do with them ? Ans. If we have been good, he -rail take them to heaven ; if we have been wicked, he will send them to a place of punishment. Ques. Does God like to punish the wicked ? Ans. O no ! " He cannot bear to see A wretched sinner die." Ques. From whom do we receive all our good things ? Ans. From God. Ques. What are our duties to him V Ans. 1st. Obey him ; because he made us, and keeps us. 2d. Love him ; because he has done so muc^ for ua. 8d. Trust him ; because he will never fail us. 4 th. Fear him ; because he is holy, and will punish sinners. 5th Pray to him ; for he alone can give us eternal life. Ques. What is the whole duty of man ? Ans. Fear God, and keep his commandments QUESTrON BOOK. 45 Ques. Name some duties we owe to each otiier ? Ans. 1st. Be kind to all. 2d. Offend none. 3d. Pity the poor. 4th. Give our pennies to the missionary hi the poor children. Ques. How should we regard the faults of our t-om- panions ? «' Be to their faults a little blind. Be to their virtues very kind." Ques. Where has God taught us our duties ? Ans. In the Bible. Ques. How is the Bible divided ? Ans. Into the Old and New Testaments. Ques. Who wrote the Bible ? Ans. Good men. Ques. Who taught them what to write ? Ans. God did, by his Holy Spirit. Ques. What did the prophets write ? Ans. Of things to come. Ques. Of what does the New Testament tell us ? Ans. Of Jesus Christ and heaven. Ques. Will you read the Bible when leamt how ? " Holy Bible, book divine ; Precious treasure ! thou art mine ; Mine to tell me whence I came, Mine to teach me what I am. Mine to comfort in distress. If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine to show of living feith Man c«n triumph over dcAi&u'^ CHILD'S BIBLE LESSON XY. CAIN AXD ABEL. Little children, vou have learned that God created aB thing^s, and that all that he made was sood. You have learned how Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and brought sin and death into the world, and that while they were in this sad condition, God made them a promise of mercy ; and told them how they might be saved. You have heard how the Bible was given to us to teach u? our duties to God and man ; and now I wish you would t^II me something about Adam's children. Ques. Were Adam's children wicked ? Ans. They were. ' Lord, we are vile, conceived in sin, And born unholy and unclean : Sprung from the man -w-hose guilty fall Corrupts his race and taints us all." Ques. Can you name some of his children ? Ans. Cain and Abel. Ques. Can you tell me any thinij^ about Coin ? » QUESTION BOOK. H Ans, He ploughed and planted the ground. Ques. What did Abel do ? Arts. He took care of sheep and lambs. Qves. What did they do on Sunday ? Ans. They worshipped God. Ques. How did they worship him ? Ans. They brought, of the fruit of the ground, an erf- *iering to the Lord. Ques. What was this offering made of ? Ans. Fine flour and sweet oil. Ques. Why did they bring this ? Ans. To show that they thanked him for his care. Ques. Should they have done more than this ? Am. They should have confessed their sins, " may my broken , contrite heart. Timely my sins lament, And early, vrith repentant tears, Eternal woe preyent." Ques. What should they have done after confessing Itheir sins ? Atis. They should have asked God to have forgiven ;them. Ques. Should we confess to God that we are sinners- i»nd ask his forgiveness ? Ans. We must if we wish to be saved. Ques. Did Cain and Abel do so ? Ans. Abel did, but Cain did not. Qxies. Was God pleased with Abel ? Ans. He was, and he smiled on him. Ques. How did he look on Cain ? Ans. He frowned on him. Ques. AMiat did Abel bring to God to show that h« maa sinful, and wished to be forLnven ? Ans. A lamb, the firstling of tlie flock " Behold, for me the victim bleeds- Ilis wounds ai-e open wide ; For me the blood of spvinkliag pl«asd, And speaks me justified." 48 child's bible * Ques. WTiat is the firstling of the flock ? Ans. The oldest lamb. Ques. Would God have loved Cain if he had brought 8 limb as Abel did ? Ans. He would. Ques. How did Cain feel when he saw that God loveci Abel more than he did him ? Ans. He was angry with Abel. Ques. What did he do to Abel ? Ans. He rose up one day, when he was in the fieldf and killed him. Ques. If Cain had gone to the Lord, and told him that his spirit was wicked, and asked him for a good spirit, do you think he would have killed his brother '? Ans. We do not LESSON XVI. CALN AND ABEL — CONTINUED. In the last lesson, we learned that Cain did not worship God as he ought, and that the Lord was displeased with him ; but Abel worshipped God, and was loved by him, which caused Cain to rise up and kill his brother AbeL Ques. What should this teach us ? Ans. To worship God sincerely. Ques. What shall we call Cain ? Ans. The first murderer. Ques. What shall we call Abel ? Ans. The first martyr. Ques. Why shall we call him a martyr ? Ans. Because he was killed for his love to God. Ques. Have any, since Abel, been killed for loving an»l iervingj God ? QUEBTION ROOK 49 Ans. Yes, very many; Stephen was stoned to death. Qucs. What did the Lord say to Cain after he had killed liis brother '? Ans. Where is Abel, thy brother ? Ques. What was Cain's reply ? Ans. I know not. Am I my brother's keeper ? Ques. What did the Lord then say V Ans. What hast thou done. Ques. What cried to the Lord from the ground ? Ans. The blood of Abel. Ques. How did the Lord punish Cain ? Ans. He drove him away from his friends. Ques. What did he say Cain should be ? Ans. A vagabond and a fugitive in the earth. Ques. What did he mean by this '? Ans. That he should not liv€ in peace with his friendsi or be loved by God. Ques. How did he feel ? Ans. Very bad indeed. Ques. "VVTiat did he say ? Ans. I\Iy punishment is greater than I can bear. Ques. What was Cain afraid of? Ans. That he should be killed. Ques. Why was Cain afraid of being killed ? Ans. Because it was known that he killed AbeL Ques. Do wicked people do many things that they would not do if they knew they should be found out ? Ans, They do ; but God always sees them. Teacher. Yes, my little children, God always see« you, and knows when you are doing something that yon Would not do if you knew some one saw you. Ques. Where did Cain go ? Ans. He went out from the east of Eden. Ques. What did he become ? A?is. A vagabond. Ques. Do you think Cain was happy ? 5 90 child's bible Ans. We do not, for he was not loved. Ques. What will make us loved ? Ans, Good behavior. Ques. Was Cain guilty of any other sins but murder 1 Ans. He was. r? Ques Name them. Ans. 1st He did not worship God as he should. 2d. He hated Abel because he was good. 3d. After h@ had killed him, he told a wicked he to hide his sin. Ques. Do wicked children ever tell a he to hide theis fflns ? Ans, They do. Ques. Who is the father of lies ? Ans. The wicked spirit that told an untruth to Eve Ques. You see that Eve's son was a murderer and a Bar ; was God's image on his soul ? Ans. It; was not. " By envious Cain we 're taught How murder may begia , And how one angry, jeaJ.ou3 thought May lead to greata*- sin. " Our evil actions spring From smaU and hidden seeds ; At first we think some wicked thing, Then practise wicked deeds. « Cain once, perhaps, might start At what he soon would be ; Bat they that trust an eril hoas^ May proTe m ^lle a« he." QUESTION BOOK. 81 LESSON XVII. THE FLOOD. Qu€s. Little children, you have learned that the world became wicked. Did it grow any better after a gieat many years ? Ans. It did not. Ques. When the Lord saw the wickedness of men, how did he feel ? Ans. It grieved him. • Ques. What did he resolve to do ? Ans. To drown the world. Ques. What is it to drown ? Ans. To cover all over with water. Ques. If the world was drowned, what was to become of the people ? Ans. They would all die. Ques. Did any one know that Grod was going to drown the world ? 53 CHILD^S BIBLE Ans. fle told a good man, named Noah. Ques. What does the Bible say about him ? Ans. That he -was a just and perfect man. Ques. How many sons had he ? Ans. Three. Ques. What are their names ? Ans. Ham, Shem, and Japhet. Ques. What -did the Lord say to Noah after he had told him that he would drown the world ? Ans. Make thee an ark. Ques. ^Xhsit was the ark like ? Ans. Like a large ship with a roof on it Ques. Did Noah know how to make an ark ? Ans. He did not, but God told him how. Ques. What did the Lord say to Noah after the ark was made ? Ans. Thou shalt come into the ark. Ques. Who did he command him to take into the ark with him ? Ans. His three sons and their wives. Ques. What were they to bring into the ark with tibem ? Ans. Cattle, fowls, and creeping things. Ques. How many ? Ans. Two of a kind. Ques. Why were they to take them into the ark ? Ans. Tc^eep them alive. Ques. How many persons were saved in the ark ? Ans. Eight. Ques. Who were they ? Ans. Noah and his wife, his sons and their wivea Ques, Who shut them into the ark ? A ns. God. ' When the great and mighty flood Came upon a -world of sin, Noah made an ark of -wood, God -was pleased to shut him in ** QUESTION BOOK. 5t Ques. How long did It rain ? Ans. Forty days and forty nigbts. Ques. How long did the water cover the earth ? Ans. One hundred and fifty days. Ques. How long before the ground was dry enough for Noah to till it V Ans. Three hundred and sixty-five days. Qves. How much does that make ? ^715. One spring and summer, one fall and winter. Ques. What does that make ? Ans. One year. Ques. What had become of all the wicked people, and cattle ? Ans. They were all dead. Ques. Could not some of them have climbed up on tome high mountain and been kept alive ? Ans. They could not ; for every high hill and moun- .tain was covered. ** When the dark and heavy cloud Lifts on high its a-n-ful form, And above us, pealing loud, Rolls the thunder of the storm, Do not fear the lightning's flash, God directs it where to fall ; Do not fear the thunder's crash, For your Saviour rules them all." LESSON XVIII. THE FLOOD — CONTINUED, Ques. The world was drowned because of wickedncsa \ What should this teach us ? Ans. That God will destroy sinners. Ques. Noah was a good man, and God saved bun jn Uie ark. What should this teach us ? 6* 54 child's bible Ans. That God cares for good people. Ques. Did the ark float along upon the watei as ship* do? Ans. It did. " There was a lonely ark, That sailed o'er waters dark ; And, wide around, Not one tall tree was seen, Nor flower, nor leaf of green : All, all were drowned." Ques. Where did it rest, when the water began to go down? Ans. On a mountain. Ques. What is a mountain ? Ans. A very high hill. Ques. What was the name of the mountain upon which the ark rested ? Ans. Ararat. Ques. When Noah saw the waters drying up, what did he do ? Ans. He sent out a raven. Ques. What is a raven ? Ans. A large blackbird. / Ques. Was the raven taken into the ark again ? Ans. It was not Ques. What other bird did he send out seven days after? ^715. A dove. " Then a soft wing was spread, And o'er the billows dread A meek dore flew ; But on that shoreless tide No living thing she spied, To cheer her view." ' Ques. What did the dove do ? Ans. It came back to the ark ; for the water covered ^ earth. QUESTION BOOK. 53) Ques. How long did Noah wait before lie again sent ihe dove to see if the water had dried up ? Ans. Seven days. Ques. What did the dove do ? Ans. It came back to the ark with an ohve leaf in ita nouth. *' So to the ark she fled, With weary, drooping head, To seek for rest : Christ is THY ark, my love, I Thou art the timid dove — Fly to his breast." Ques. After seven other days, Noah sent out the dove ^ain, and it did not come back ; then he knew that the water was gone from the earth. What did he do ? Ans. He took the covering off the ark. Ques. Who spoke to him, and told him to go out from the ark ? Ans. God. Ques. How long had he been in the ark ? Ans. One year. Ques. What did Noah do soon after he left the ark? Ans. He built an altar, and offered burnt sacrifice. Ques. What is a burnt-offering ? Ans. A lamb, or any clean beast, entirely burnt aa a I sacrifice to God. Ques. What did a burnt sacrifice show ? Ans. That their hves could have been justly taken, iand their souls deserved eternal fire. Ques. Was God pleased with Noah when he sacrificed fto him? Ans. He was, and said, I will not again curse the J ground, for man's sake. Ques. What did he say of seed-time and harvest? Ans. They shall never cease. Ques. What of summer and winter, and of day and .ought? Ans. They shaU never stop. M child's bible Ques. What did he make with Noah and his sons ? A71S. A promise that he would never more drown tL& world. Ques. What did he crive him for a sign ? Ans. He set the beautiful rainbow in the sky» i^ESSON XIX. NOAH AFTER THE FLOOD, AND STRONG DRINK. Ques. How long did Noah live after the flood ? Ans. Three hundred and fift}'- years. Ques. How long did he hve before the flood? Ans. Six hundred years. Ques. Noah was a very old man ; do you know of (ma Sk at lived more years than Noah ? Ans. Methuselah did. Ques. How old was Methuselah ? Ans. Nine hundred and sixty-nine. Ques. Pid he live before or after the flood ? Ans. Before the flood. Ques. Did Noah live in a house as we do ? Ans. He did not ; he lived in a tent. Ques. What did he do after he made his tent? Ans. He went to farming. Ques. What did he plant ? Ans. A viaeyard. Ques. What grew in a vineyard ? Ans. Grapes. Ques. What is made of grapes ? Ans. Wine. Ques. What wiU wine mak;e of people who drink toi fiiuch of it ? Ans. Drunkards. I QUESTION BOOK. 67 Ques. Did Noah drink wine ? Am. He did. Ques. What did it do to nim ? Ans. It made him drunken. Ques. Is it probable that Noah knew that it would make him drunken ? Ans. It is not. Ques. Will good men drink wine and strong' drink ? Ans. They will not. Q*xes. What does the Bible say of wine ? .4715. Wine is a mocker. Ques. What of strong drink ? Ans. Strong drink is raging. Ques. What is strong drink ? .4715. Brandy, rum, gir , wine, cider, and strong beer. Ques. What does the Bible say of those that are de- ceived by it ? Ans. They are not wise. Ques. What does the Bible say of drunkards ? Ans. No drunkard shall enter the kingdom of ,heaven. Ques. What do they have that tarry long at the ^nne ? .4 ns. Woe, sorrow quarrellings, vain talk, and red •^yes. Ques. What does the wisest man say it biteth like ? A ns. It biteth like a serpent. Ques. What is a serpent ? .4ns. A large snake. Ques. How do th* y bite ? ' Ans. Very slily. Ques. What is said of the sting of wine? Ans. It stingeth like an adder. Ques. What is an adder ? .4ns. A very poisonoug snake. Ques. Then if wine and strong drink biteth and rtingeth like a sncike, what should it teach us? Ans. To let it alone, and never taste it W child's bible '* I seek for blessings more divine Than corn or oil or richest wine ; If these are sent, I -ll praise my G-oi ; Withheld, still sound his praise abroad. " One thing I a^k, and wilt thou hear, And grant my soul a gift =o dear ? Wisdom descending from above ; The choicest token of thy love. " Wisdom, betimes to know the Lord ^ To fear his name, and keep his word ; To lead my feet in paths of truth. And guide and guard my wandering youth." LESSON XX. BABEL, AJ^D THE PEOPLE SCATTERED. After a number of hundred years there was a great ftumber of people upon the earth, and they lived to« gether on a plain called Shinar. Ques. On what plain did they live ? Ans. The plain of Shinar. Ques. What kind of country is a plain ? Ans. A level country with no hills. Ques. "What did they say one to another ? Ans. Let us make bricks, and build a city and a tower Ques. "What is a tower ? Am. A very high house. Ques. VThj did they wish to build this city ? Ans. So as to hve together, and have one ruler. Ques. "WTiat is a ruler ? ^4 ns. In some countries, kings, and others, president! Ques. Which do we have ? A ns. Presidents. Ques. Of what were they going to build tlie city ? QUESTION BOOK. 59 Ans. Of bricks and slime. Ques. How high did they propose to build the tower ? Ans. As high as the heavens. Ques. Did this please the Lord ? A ns. It did not, for he did not like to have them all ive in one place. Qiies. What did he do ? Ans. He confused them. Ques. How did he confuse them ? A ns. He caused them to speak in different language* (2ues. Had they all talked alike before this ? A71S. They had. Ques. What did they do when they could not under- hand each other ? Ans. They stopped building the tower, and some vent to one place and others went to other places. Ques. Do people all speak alike now ? Ans. They do not. Ques. WTiat is the place called where God confounded md scattered the people ? Ans. Babel. Ques. Do all people worship the same God now ? Ans. They do not. Some worship idols. Ques. What are idols that some worship ? Ans. Images made of wood and stones. Ques. What do others worship ? Ans. Sun, moon, and stars. 1 shall not ask you any thing more about tliose that do lofr worship the God of heaven now, as I intend to hero- ikfter. Ques. Will you tell me if the people who built Babel lad a Bible to tell them what was God's will ? Ans. They had not. Ques. How, then, did they know his will ? Ans. He talked with good men and told them what jhey must do, and they told all the people. 60 child's bible Ques. What do some think the people were going it do in the tower of Babel ? Ans. Worship idols. " I thank the goodness and the grace Which on my birth have smiled, And made me, in these ChristiaD. days, A free and happy ?hlli. " I was not born, as thousands are, Where God was never known ; And taught to pray a useless prayer To blocks of wood and stone. " I was not born without a home, Or in some broken shed, A gipsy baby taught to roam, And steal my daily bread. " My God, I thank thee, who hast planned A better lot for me, And placed me in this happy land, Where I may hear of the«." LESSON XXI. THE COMMANDMENTS, AND HOW GIVEN. We have learned how God scattered the people, ^ that they lived all over a great many countries. Now 1 wish to tell you that there were some people, called Israel- ites, that God loved more than he did the rest, and he called them his people, and wished to have them obey him ; so he chose the meekest man to be their luler; and he used to talk with him and tell him how to govern thia ^eat nation. Ques. What was this people called ? Ans. Israelites. Que^. What was the name of their Kuler ? QUESTION BODK. 6\ Arts. Moses. Ques. What is Moses called ? Ans. The meekest man. Ques. What did the Lord say to Moses one day as he 'Went up Mount Sinai ? Ans. If this people will obey me, then shall they be my people. Ques. What did they say when Moses told them this ? Ans. We will do all the Lord hath spoken. Ques. What was heard three days after this ? Ans. Thunders, and the sound of a trumpet. Ques. What was on the mountain ? Ans. A black cloud, and lightnings. Ques. How did all the people feel when they beard Itbe thunders and the trumpet, and saw the lightning and idark clouds ? Ans. They trembled and were afraid. Ques. What did Moses do ? Ans. He led the people to'*the foot of the mountain to meet God. Ques. What was then done ? Ans. The Lord came down upon the mountain, and iMoses went up to him. Ques. How long did Moses stay upon the mountain ? Ans. Forty days. Ques. What did the Lord give to him ? Ans. Two tables of stone. Ques. What was wi-itten on them ? Ans. Ten commandments. Ques. Who gave the commandments to Moses V Ans. The Lord God. Ques. The commandments are very long, but I hav^ Itbem in verse Will you repeat the first two, and so on Ans. Ist. Thou no gods shalt have but me ; 2d. Before no idol bow thy knee ; • 3d. Take not th<' iiauio of God in vain ; 6 $9 CHILD'6 HliiLt ith. Dare not the Sabbath da}' profane. 5th. Give both thy parents honor due ; 6th. Take heed that thou no murder do ; Tth. Abstain from words and deeds unclean ; 8th. Steal not, though thou be poor and mean , 9th. Make not a wilful lie, nor Icve it ; lOth. ^Yhat is thy neighbor's dare not ooyet. Qu8s. Should we obey these command.s ? Ans. We must, and then God will be pleased with lUk Ques. What if we do not obey them? Ans. He will be angry with us. Ques. When were they written ? Ans. A great many hundred years ago. Ques. In view of keeping the commands, what should be our prayer ? Ans «* Jesus, high in glory. Lend a listening ear ; When we bow before thee, Infant praises hear. " "We are littlp children. Weak, and apt to stray ; Saviour, guide and keep oi In the heavenly way. " Keep us, Lord, from sinning, Watch us day by day ; Help us now to lore thee, Take our sins away. " Then, when Jesus callfi Oi To our heavenly home, We will gladly answer, (fesioui. Lord, I ooae^^ QUESTI0I7 BOOK. 69 !^* LESSON XXII. I IDOLATRY AND PRAYER. Qu€8. Little children, if I should love and think more I about you than any thing besides, what should I be caUed? Ans. An idolater. Ques. If you love your doll or rov;king-horse more I tJaan God, what shall we call you ? Ans. An idolater. Qices. What is an idolater ? Ans. It is one who loves some object or thing mor« I than God. Ques. We should love and obey our parents and I teachers, but who should we love more ? Ans. God. Ques. To whom should we pray ? Ans. To God. " God is in heayen ; and can he hear A feeble prayer like mine ? Yes, little child, thou need'st not fear, He listens now to thine." Ques. What is prayer ? Ans. " Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach ■ The majesty on high. " Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air ; His watchword at the gates of death. He enters heaven with prayer." Ques. Some little children kneel and pray to picturea I and images^ Is this right ? Ans. It is not. 14 child's bible Ques. Wliat does the Bible say about it ? Ans. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor mnrt them. Ques. Some pray to good people that havfi died do you think that they can bless them V Ans. We do not. Qties. Why not ? Ans. Because they cannot bless themselves. Ques. Who can bless every one ? A ns. God. Ques. To whom does the Bible say we should pray? Ans. To our father in heaven, who seeth in secret Ques. Why should we pray to him ? Ans. Because he has said, Ask, and ye shall receive Ques What does St. Paul say ? Ans. Pray without ceasing. " What is an idol ? Every breast Has idols of its own ; Sometimes of gold and silver bright, Sometimes of wood and stone. " And these are idols — sins, I mean — TThich young and old adore ; 0, God of mercy I in thy love Destroy them evermore. " If there be aught the world contains Which I love more than thee, That sinful love within my heart Idolatry must be. " Then take that sinful love away. And place thy love within ; And break down every image there, That bears the shape of sin ** Deeply inscribed on my heart. Let thy commandments be ; That there may live within my br«ae None other God but thee."' QUESI^ON BOOK. LESSON XXIII. IDOLATRY AND HEATHENISM. Ques. There are a great many people and children ftat buve images of the sun and moon, and of crocodiles fcnd other creatures, which they worship as God. "What ac we call them ? Ans. Heathen. Ques. Are the heathens afraid of their gods ? Ans. They are. Ques. Why are they ? Ans. Because they think they make them sick and die. . Ques. What do they do to make peace with their gods ? Ans. They make presents to them Ques. Can you tell me the narr^ of a river that th«» Hindoos worship V Ans. Ganges. Ques. What live in this river ? Ans Crocodiles. Que'i. What are crocodiles ? Ans. A large animal that has great teeth, and could bite us in two with them. Ques. What do the Hindoos think of them V Ans. That they are gods. Ques. What do they throw to these dreadful creatures ? A ns. Little children. Ques. "What do we call these poor, ignorant people ? Ans. Heathens. Ques. Why do they give their little children to theM dreadful creatures ? Ans. Because they think it will please them. Ques. Are the heathen idolateiB then ? a * M child's bible Ans They are, but they do not know about the true God. Ques. Are the idolaters you told me about in your last lesson, heathen ? A ns. They are not, because they knew about the true (rod. Ques. Vn^nch do you think are the worst, idolaters in hciithen countries or idolaters in Christian countries ? Afis. Those in Christian countries. Ques. Is ours a Christian country ? A ns. It is, for we have the Bible, and ministers t« preach to us. Ques. How should we feel towards the heathen ? Aris. We should pity and pray for them. Ques. Have we heathen in our town ? Ans. We have not. Ques. Have we idolaters in the town? Ans. We think we have. Ques. 'Describe some that you think are idolaters ? Ans. 1st. All that think more of fine clothes than of God. Also, 2d. Those that think more of money than of God. 3d. All that think more of fine rides than of G^>d. 4th. All that think more of themselves than of God. Ques. Where are heathen to be found ? Ans. In countries where they have no Bible ^ read. Ques. Where are idolaters to be found ? Ans. In all countries. " Poor little heathen boy, How sad I feel for thee ; Your ears hare never heard "VThat mother tells to me. " She t«ll3 me of a God, That made both you and me , To -whom we oft should bow Upon the bended knee. * He is both great and wise ; He gives us all our food ; QUESTION BOOK. fl And loves us when we try To serTB him, and be good. " When I am older grown. I then will tell you more, For mother bids me go To your benighted shore ; " And tell you all about The Saviour and his love, That you may love hun too, And dwell with him above." ESSON XXIV ABOUT SWEARING. Little children, you have heard much about God'f holiness and greatness and goodness. Ques. How should we speak of him ? Ans. Very carefully. Qufis. Should we call upon his name when we are playing and laughing ? Ans. We should not, nor when we are angry. Ques. Should we ever call upon his name ? Ans. We should. Ques. Why should we call upon his name ? Ans. 1st. To thank him for his goodness. 2 A To praise him for his mercies. 3d. To ask him to reheve un in the day of trouble. 4th. To £isk him to forgive got »>s. Ques. What is it to swear ? Ans. To use the name of God in a wicked manner Ques. What does the Bible say about it ? Ans. Take not the name of God in vain. Ques. What is it to take his name in vain ? Ans. To call it in a careless manner 88 child's bible Ques. How should you feel If you should hear naughty children and wicked men calling your father's name for gpoii;, or to threaten some one ? Ans. We should feel very bad. Yes, my little children, you would feel bad if you knew tLc^ Tricked men and boys used your father's name in a rude and careless manner. How much more should we feel sorry to hear them proraning our heavenly Father's name. Ques. To what are swearers exposed ? Ans To God's wrath. Ques. Should we be afraid of an angry God ? Ans. Yesl " How will they stand 'berfore his face, Who treated him with such disdain, "While he -shall doom them to the pla«e Of everlasting fire and pain ? " Ques. What does Jesus Christ say about swearing ? Ans. Swear nx)t at all. Ques. Do you ever think that you will swear ? Ans. We think not. Ques. It is wicked to swear. Do you think it is right to call each other names ? Ans. " Cross names and angry words require To be chastised at school ; And he 's in danger of hell-fire That calls his brother, fool." Ques. I have heard men and children say, " God knows." What may this be called ? Ans. One kind of swearing. Ques. Should we not be careful of all our words ? Ans, We should, for — " God is in heaven, and men below ; Be short our tunes, our words be few : A solemn reverence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues." QUESTION BOOK. 69 Ques. Is it best for children to play with thoee tksi n»ear, and use bad language ? Ans. It is not. '* "VlrTiy should T join with those in play, In whom I 've no delight ; Who curse and swear, but never pray ; Who call ill names, and fight. " Away from such I '11 turn my eye«, Nor with the seollers go ; I would be walking with the wise, That wiser I might grow " LESSON XXV. now TO KEEP THE SABBATH. fou must not play on Sunday, on Sunday ; But you may play on Monday, on Tuesday ; YcfVi may play on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Fridav You may play on Saturday till Sund^ comes again.'' fO child's bible Ques. How many names have days ? Ans. Seven. Ques. ^Vliat are they ? Ans. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thun* day, Friday, and Saturday. Ques. How many of these days are ours, to work in or play, just as we please ? Ans. Six. Ques. Which day has God reserved for us to. worship in, and rest from our work ? Ans. Sunday. Ques. What should we do on Sunday ? Ans. We must worship God. Ques. How do people worship God ? Ans. In thinking of him and praying to him, and Banging praises to his name. Ques. Is it right to do any thing more on Sunday ? Ans. We should learn about God and heaven. Ques. Where do we go to hear about God ? Ans. To church and Sabbath school. Ques. Then, if we learn about God in church and Sab- bath school, should we stay away from the church and school ? Ans. We must not. Ques. If we stay away from church, what are w* likely to do? Ans. To think and talk about vain things. Ques. Whose day is the Sabbath ? Ans. God's day. Ques. How does he say we must keep it 7 Ans. Keep it holy. Ques. Mention some things that httle children do that jreak the Sabbath ? Ans. Play with kittens, look at their toys, and play with each other. Ques. TeU me some things that 't is wrong to do on Sunday ? QUESTION BOOK. 7% Ans. " We must not work, we must not play, Upon Qod's holy Sabbath day." Ques. Can you name something that men do who t»i-eak the Sabbath ? A ns. Walk about, and ride out for pleasure. Qii(.'. auent ? Ans, " The Almighty Maker, God, How glorious is liis name ! His wonders hoyy liffused abroad, lliroBighout creation's fhsase ! ^ QUESTION BOOK. LESSON XXXVII. S- THE widow's son RAISED FROM THE DEAD. ,f " Come, children, tune your Toices Unto a joyful lay ; Lo ! heaven and earth rejoices On this most happy day." When Christ healed the rich man's servant that "wj • told you about in the last lesson, he was in Capernaum. Ques. '\Miere did he go the next day ? Ans. To a town called Nain. Ques. Who went with him ? Ans. His disciples, and many people. Ques. What did they see as they opened the gate is go into the town ? 4ns. A great many people coming. Ques. What were some men carrying ? Ans. The dead son of a widow. Ques. What is a widow ? Ans. A woman whose husband is dead. Qiies. How did the poor widow feel ? Ans. Very bad, for her only son was dead. Ques. How did Jesus feel for the poor woman whca *^e saw her weeping ? .4/^*^. He pitied her, and said, Weep not. Ques. ^Vhat did ihe men do when Jesus came up to Lhem ? Ans. They stopped. Ques. What did Jesus do ? Ans. He spoke to the dead man. Ques. AVhat did he say to him ? Ans. Rise up alive. Ques. Did the dead man hear him ? Ans. He did, and he rose up and spoke. Ques. How did the people te*-l ? i09 CHILD'S BIBLE Ans. They were afraid. Ques. What did they call Jesus ? Ans. A prophet. Ques. What did some say God had fulfilled to them ? A ns. His promise of mercy. Q,ues. To whom was this promise made ? Ans. To Adam and Eve. In the last lesson we learned that Christ healed the servant of a rich man, and in this lesson we hear of hii raising to life the son of a poor widow. Ques. What should this teach us ? Ans. That we should do good both to the rich and the poor. Q'ues. How do some people treat the poor ? Ans. With scorn. Ques. How do these same ones treat the rich ? Ans. Very politely. Ques. Are such persons Christlike ? Ans. They are not. Qiies. How does God respect both the rich and poor ? Ans. Alike. " Hosanna '!?e the children's song, To Christ, the children's king; His praise, to whom our soula belong, Let all the children sing. *' Hosanna, sound from hill to hill, And spread from plain to plain. While louder, sweeter, clearer stUl, Woods echo to the strain. " Hosanna, then, our songs sliaM te { Hosanna to our king : This is the children's jubilee, Let all the children sin<; * Ques. If he wanted little children to come unto hia when on earth, does he now in heaven ? Ans, He does. " Christ is in heaven, and can I go To thank him for his care ? " I'eacher. "Not yet, but lore him here below, And thou shalt praise him there." Ques. What did Jesus do to the little children that weri brought to bim ? Ans. He took them in his arms and blessed them, Ques. What did Jesus do for a blind man ? Ans. He opened his eyes so that he could see. Ques. What did he do for people that could no\ speak ? Ans. He cured them, so they could speak. " Ilear him, ye deep ; his praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come ; And leap, ye lame, with joy." Ques. What did he do for a man who had a withered hand ? Ans. He made it whole, like the other. Ques. What is a withered hand ? Ans. One that is dried up. Qves. How long did it take Jesus to heal the ack and open the eyes of the blind ? Ans. Only a moment. Ques. How did he do these things ? Ans. He spake, and it was done. Ques, Who fed five thousand people in the desert ? Ans. Jesus. Ques. What did he do before he gave the food tf them ? Ans. Ho looked up to heaven, and blessed it. Qiies. VYliat should this teach us ? QUESTION BOOK iOt Ans. To ask God's blessing on our food. Ques. ^Vho did the woman of Samaria say had told ler all that she had ever done ? Ans. The Saviour. Ques. Whom did she think he was ? 4ns. The Messiah. " Poor and needy though I be, God, Diy Milker, cares for nie ; Gives me shelter, clothing, food- Gives me all I have of good. " He will hsten when I pray, lie is with me night and day ; When I sleep, and when I wake, Keep me safe for Jesus' sake. *' He who reigns above the sky Once became as poor as I ; He whose blood for us was ahed Had not where to lay his head." LESSON XL. CHRIST TRA2JSFIGURED. " His glory shines with beams so bright, No mortal eye can bear the sight." Qt»es. Whom did Jesus take with him when ha we» 9,pou a mountain to pray ? Ans. Peter, James, and John. Ques. How did his face look as he prayed ? Ans. It did shine like the sun. Ques. What was the appearance of his clothes ? Ans. They were white as the light. Ques Who came and talked with Jesus? Ans. Moses and Elias. Ques. What did they talk about ? 108 CHILD'S BIBLE Ans. About Jesus being put to death. Ques. ^Nliat were Peter and James and John domg while Jesus was prating V Ans. They were sleeping. Ques. "What did they see when they awoke ? • A ns. They saw his glory, and the two men that were with him. Ques. What did Peter say to Jesus ? Ans. It is good for us to be here. , Ques. Why did he say this V Ans. Because he was so happy. Ques. What did he wish to make ? Ans. Three tents to hve in. Ques. "Who did he wish to make them for? Ans. One for I\loses, and one for Ehas, and one fin Jesus. Ques. Who was Moses ? Ans. The man that led Israel, and with whom Grod talked when on Mount Sinai. Ques. AVho was Elias ? Ans. The prophet that we^t to heaA'en in a chariot of fire. Ques. How long had Moses and Elias been dead and in heaven V Ans. Many hundred years. Ques. What appeared while Peter was talkmg ? Ans. A bright cloud passed over them. Ques. What was heai'd coming from the cloud ? A ns. A voice. Ques What did it say ? Ans. This is my beloved son, hear him. Ques. What did Peter and James and John do whec they heard this voice ? Ans. They fell on their faces, because they wer€ afraid. Ques. What did Jesus say when the voice was past ? i.ns. Arise, and be not afraid. QUiS&TION «OOK. 101 (£ues. Did they see any one when they looked up ? Ans. They did not. ' Ques. Whose voice was it that said, " This is my bo* ioved Son ? " Ans. The voice of God the Father. Ques. Was this voice ever heard before, saying, " Thia a my beloved Son ? " Ans. It wa^ heard when Jesus, was baptized. Ques. What did Jesus say to his disciples as he came iown from the mountain ? Ans. " Tell no man of the vision until I be risen from ithe dead." Ques. How did the disciples feel when they learned ithat Jesus was to be put to death ? Ans. They were sad. Ques. Who should we try to be like ? Ans. I '* I would be like Jesus, So frequently in prayer ; Alone upon the mountain top, He met his Father there. •* I want to be like Jesua, Engaged in doing good ; j So that it might be said of me, That I 've done what I could. " Alas ! I 'm not like Jestis, But I will pray to be ; Kind Saviour, take my sinfbl hcesl^ ^ nd make me more like thM i '' 10 110 child's BIBLS LESSON XLI. Christ's ago^^y in the garden of gethsemane. " While passing a garden, I paused to liear A voice faint and plaintive, from one that was near; The voice of the sufTrer affected my heart, While pleading in anguish the poor sinner's part " I listened a moment, then turned me to see What man of compassion this stranger might be ! I saw him. low kneeling upon the cold ground, The loveliest being that ever was found. " So deep were his sorrows, so fervent his prayers, That down o'er his bosom roUe • sweat, blood, and tran I wept to behold him. — I asKed .Mm his name, He answered, ' "T is Jesus '. Zuin. heaven I came ! ' ** ' I am thy Redeemer I for thee I must die ; The cup is most bitter, but canaot pass by ; Thy sins, like a mountain, are laid Upon me ; And all this deep anguish I suffer for thee.' " Qnes. How lon^ did Christ go about preaching and healing the sick, etc. r Ans, About three years and a half. Qtifis. Who hated him, and wished to kill him 7 Afis. A great many of the Jews. Ques. Why did they hate him ? Ans. Because he told them of their sins. Ques. Did they hate him for any thing else ? Ans. He was humble, and went with the poor. Ques. Do you think that made them hate him ? Ans, We do, for they were proud, and went with tJw nch. Ques. Whose company should we seek ? Ans. The society of the good, whether they are rich or poor. Ques. What should we do wban we are told of oa «^t8? QUESTION BOOK. * 111 Ans. We should be sorry, and ask God to make ui better. Ques. Did Jesus know that the Jews wLshed to kill him? Ans. He did, for he knows all tieai^ts. Ques. Where did he go the evening before he was to &e crucified ? Ans. Into a grove "of olive trees. Ques. Where was this grove or garden ? Ans. In Gethsemane. Ques. \Vhy did he go there ? Ans. To pray. Ques. How did he feel when he kneeled there to pray ? A ns. He was in an agony of spirit. Ques. Why was his spirit pained ? A71S. Because he felt the sins of the world, and knew liO must die for them, or it would be lost Ques. What did he ask of his Father ? Ans. Spare me from this hour. Ques. Did he not wish his Father to do as he pleased ? A71S. He said, " Not my will, but thine, be done." Ques. What came through the skin and fell to the ground because of liis distress ? Ans. Great drops of blood and water. My little children, you have seen people sweat great drops of sweat when they have been to work hard, but vour Saviour sweat great drops of blood for us. Oh, how should we love him ! Ques. Who saw his agony, and came to comfort him 7 Ans. An angel. Ques. Little children, did Christ suffer this for you ? Ans. He did. Quei^. Where were Christ's disciples all this time ? Ans. A httle distance from him in th-e garden. Qt^es. Were all of tbcm there '? 112 CHILD S BIBLE A 7is. Judas was not ; he had gone with those tha^ hated Jesus. Ques. What did he do ? Ans. He told them where they could find Jesus, and went with them, and kissed Jesus, so they might know him from the rest LESSON XLII. THE TRIAL OF JESUS CHRIST. " Te that ;asg by, behold the man ! The rudu of grief, condemned for you. The Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Weeping, to Calvary pursue ! Ques. As Judas led along the murderous band, and came into the garden where Jesus and his disciples were, how did he make them know which was Jesus ? Ans. He kissed hiju. Ques. Did Jesus know that Judas did not kiss him because he loved him ? Ans. He did, arid he said, Betrayest thou me with a kiss? Ques. What did the disciples say when they saw so many people come with swords to take Jesus ? Ans. Shall we strike with our swords. Ques. What did Jesus say ? Ans. No, suffer ye thus fai , Ques. Before Jesus had replit*!, what had one of the disciples done ? Ans. Struck the servant of the higli priest, and en* off his ear. Ques. What did Jesus then do ? '^ns. He healed him. Ques. If Jesus had had a wicked heart, would he hav« heal^id him when he had come to take Jesus and have him killed ? Ans. He would not. Ques. What should ibis teach us V Ans. To bless those that hurt us and wrong us. Ques. Where did they lead Jesus ? Ans. To the house of the high-pnest. Ques. Which of his disciples fol-lowed him there. Ans. Peter and John. Ques. Which of them was afraid, and said that he wa« not Jesus' disciple ? Ans. Peter, Ques. How many times did he say that he was not a disciple ? Ans. Three times. Ques. Did Jesus know that Peter denied him ? Ans. He did ; he had told hun that he woidd do sa Ques. What did Peter do after he had denied being a disciple ? Ans. He went out, and wept bitterly. Ques. 'WTiat had he done in saying that he was not a diaci-ple ? Ans. He had denied the truth. Ques. What do we suppose made him deny the truth ? A ns. He was afraid of being hurt or killed. Ques. What was done to Jesus in the house of the high-priest ? Ans. He was blindfolded and mocked, and some Btruck him. Ques. What did they say to him ? Ans. If thou be the Son of God, tell ua who smoto thee. Ques. What did the priests say to him ? Ans. Art thou the Son of God. Ques. Wliat did Jesus answer ? Ans. Ye say that I am. Ques. What did they then ? Ans. They put irons on his hands, and led him to tiM governor. Ques. Who -was the frovemor ? Ans. Pilate. Ques. What did he do with him ? Ans. He sent him to Herod. LESvSON XLIII. INCIDENTS PRIOR TO THE CRUCIFIXIOH', " Extended on a cursed tree, Besmeared with dust and sweat and blood, — See there the King of Glory, see, Sinks, and expires, the Son of God ! " Ques. What did Herod do with Jesus ? Ans. He mocked him. Ques. Who was this Herod ? Ans. The son of the wicked Herod that wished to kiD Christ when he was an infant. Ques. "Why did they send Christ to him ? Ans. Because he was ruler over Galilee, where Chriat Hved when at home. Ques. How did Herod treat Christ ? Ans. He made sport of him. Ques. What did Herod then do V Ans. Sent him back to Pilate, the governor of Judca ? Ques. What did Pilate say to the Jews who wer« "♦aoionn^ for the blood of Jesus ? Ans. Neither I nor Herod finds guilt in thif nan. Ques. What did he wish to do V Ans. Let him go. Ques. What did the Jews sav ? aUBSTIO« BOOK Hi Ans. They cried, crucify him ! Ques. What is it to crucify ? Ans. To hang upon a cross or tree. Ques. Did Pilate consent to crucify Jesus ? Ans. He washed his hands, and said, Do as yoi please, I lind no fault in him. Ques. What did the Jews say ? Ans. We will bear the blame. Ques. What was done then with Jesus ? Ans. They led him into a large hall, and took off hii garments, and put on a scarlet robe. Ques. What did they put on his head ? Ans. A crown of thorns. " See, from his' head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? " Ques. What was put in his hand ? Ans. A cane, made of reed. Ques. Why did they put on a scarlet cloak and crown of thorns ? Ans. To mock him because some said he was king of tihe Jews. Ques. Did kings wear scarlet cloaks, and crowns on their heads ? Ans. They did, and earned sceptres in their handi Ques. What did they say to him ? Ans. Long hve the King of the Jews 1 Ques. How did they say this V Ans. Mockingly. Ques. What other indignity did they offer to him ? Ans. They spit upon him, and struck him upon hif head with a reed. Ques. Where did they then lead him ? A?is. To the hill Calvary. Ques. Who followed him there ? Aaa. Some people, crying. li% IHILd'^ BIBLg * See his temples crovmed -with thoma, His bleeding hands extended wide ; His streamiug feet transfixed and tora^ The fountain gushing from, his side. " Beneath my '"-iid he faints and dies, I filU'd !ii- -iHsi wirh \<:iuz> unknown, I caused thuse mortal groans and cries I killed the father's only Sou," i:"^ $ LESSON XLIV. THE CRUCIFIXION. " Lo ! at noon "t \s sudden night , Darkness coTers all the day ; Rock? are rending at the sight ; Children, can you tell me why ^ Jesus condescends to rlie ? " Ques Wlio folloTved Jesus up Calvary's hill ? Ans. A jrrcat company, weeping for him. QUESTION BOOK. llf Qnes What did J esus say to them ? Ans. Weep not for me, but for yourselves and clul« dren. Ques. Why did 1 b tell them to weep for lhemsehe« and children ? Atis. Because d the trouble that was to come upon them. • Ques. Who wert to be troubled ? Ans. The Jews. Ques. Why were ^hey to be troubled ? Ans. Because thQf «iid not believe in Chiist, but put him to death. Ques. Upon what wx^ Jesus crucified ? Ans. Upon a cross. Ques. Who was crutLVd each side of him ? Ans. A thief. Ques. What is a thief? Ans. A person that ste%V- Ques. What did they give ^wkls to drink ? Ajis. Vinegar and gall. Ques. How does gall taste ? A71S. Very bitten Ques. Did he drink it ? Ans. He only tasted it. Dear children, your Saviour -r^ ciot allowed a drink of cold water, when he was fainting a^^d thirsting ; but ■when he called for drink, they only offered him sour vin- egar and bitter gall, which he could not dr^nk, and then they drove nails through his hands and feet to nail him to the cross. Qxies. How did he feel towards those that wer^ B^iUng him to the cross ? Ans. He forgave them, and prayed for |hem. Ques. What should this teach us ? Ans. To forgive, and pray for those that injure us. 118 child's bible Ques. What happened after Jesus had hung upon th« cross about three hours ? Ans. Darkness came over all the country. Ques. How long was it dark? Ans. Three hours. Ques. How dark was it ? Ans. So dark that they could not see the sun. Ques. What time in the day was it dark ? Ans. From twelve o'clock at noon till three o'clock la the afternoon. Ques. What shook the earth when he bowed his head and died ? Ans. An earthquake. Ques. What did it do ? Ans. It split the rocks, and opened the graves. Ques. What happened to the dead in the graves ? Ans, They were made alive and walked. Ques. What was done to the beautiful Temple ? Ans. Its vail was torn open. Ques. AVhat was the vail of the temple ? Ans. A beautiful covering over the holy place. Ques. How did those feel that had put Jesus to de LESSON XLV. CHRIST'S BURIAL AND RESURRECTION. Qties. As it was drawing near evening, and the next ■ dav was the Jewish Sabbath, what did the Jews wish to io'? Ans. To bury Jesus and the two thieves. Ques. What did the soldiers do to those that were hungi to make them die ? Ans. They broke their legs. Ques. Did they break Jesus' bones ? Ans. They did not, for he was dead. Ques. What did a wicked soldier do to Jesus? Ans. He pierced his side with a spear. Ques. What run from his pierced side ? Ans. Blood and water. Children, this was all done for our sake, because d our sins, that we may live in glory. Ques. How should we feel towards Jesus Christ, who Buffered so much for us V Ans. We should love him with all our hearts. Ques. Who went to Pilate, and asked for the dead body of Jesus ? Ans. A good man, named Joseph. Ques. What did he wish to do with it ? Ans. To put it in a nice new tomb. Ques. Who went to the tomb to see him bury Jesus ? A7u^. Some women, and a man named Nicodemus. Ques. What did they place before the door of the tomb ftfter they had put the body in it ? Ans. A large stone. Ques. What did the Jews do ? Ans. They sent some soldiers to watch it Ques Why did they watch it ? 120 child's bible Ans. For fear that the friends of Christ would steal !us body, and then say that Christ was risen from the dead. Ques. How many nights did Christ lay in the tomb ? Ans. Friday and Saturday nights. Ques. What did the soldiers see on Sunday morning as they were watching the tomb ? Ans. An angel gliding down from the sky. Ques, What did he do ? Ans. He rolled away the large stone that waa before the tomb. Ques. What did he do then ? Ans. He sat down upon the stone. Ques. What was seen in the tomb ? .4ns. The dead body came to life. Ques. How were the soldiei's affected? Ans. They fell down with fear. Ques. Who came to the tomb soon after Jesus had risen from the dead ? An3. Two women. Ques. How did they feel when they saw the tomb empty ? Ans. They were afraid the soldiers had carried away the dead body. Ques. As they looked around, what did they see ? Ans. The angel, with long, shining robes. Ques. W^at did he say to them '? Ans. Be not afraid, for Jesus is risen from the dead. Ques. What did the an-gel tell the women to do V Ajis. To go and tell the disciples that Jesus was aliv© Ques. Did they go ? Ans. They went with joy and fear. Ques. Who met them as they were going ? Ans. Jesus met them, and said, All hail ! Ques. What did they see in his hands and feet ? Ans. The marks that the nails made when he wa« bailed to the cross. QUESTION BOOK. " ISA " Never love nor sorrow was Like that my Jesus showed ; gee him stretched on yonder cross, And crushed beneath our load ! '^ LESSON XLVI-_ THE ASCENSION. " Shine to his praise, ye crystal skies. The floor of his abode ; Or Teil in shades your thousand eyes, Before your brighter God." Ques. How long did Christ staj apon earth after ht rose from the dead '? Ans. Forty days. Ques. YVh&t did he do during this time ? Ans. He told the disciples what they must do. Ques. What did he say they must do ? Ans. Preach the gospel to every creature, and bap- uze. Ques. In whose name were they to be baptized ? Ans. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Ques. Who were they to baptize ? Ans. Those that repented of their sins and believed on the Saviour. Ques. With what did he tell his disciples that they ihould be baptized ? Ans. With the Holy Ghost. Ques. Who did he say should go v/ith them ? Ans. He said, "Lo, I am with you." Ques. Ho\V long wiE he be with those that preach his word? Ans, Even unto the end of the world. 11 ' 122 child's bible Ques. After Jesus had toid his disciples these thingp Inhere did be go with them ? A71S. To the Mount of Olives. Ques, "Where is the Mount of OHves ? Ans. South of Jerusalem. Ques. Kear to what place did he go ? Ans. Bethany. Ques. As he came near to Bethany what did he do? Ans. He hfted up his hands and blessed them. Ques. What became of the Saviour after he blessed them? A ns. He went up into heaven. Ques. What did the disciples see as they stood gazing up into the skies ? A71S. Two angels. Ques. What did the angels have on ? Ans. White, shining robes. Ques. What did they ask the disciples ? Ans. AVhy stand ye gazing up into heaven. Ques. What did the angels tell them ? Ans. This same Jesus shall come again. Ques. W^hen shall Jesus come again ? Ans. At the end of the world. Ques. W'hat will he do ? Ans. He wiU take the good to heaven, but he iriU punish the wicked. Ques. Shall you and I see him ? Ans. We shall, tor every eye shall see him. Ques. Will he judge us ? Ans. He will, lor all we think, do, and say. " say, shall I be there. To see the dreadful glare, * The dreadful sound to hear. The dreadful heat to beai, Of falling crags, and rocks, of roaring 8eaS| Of smoking hills and tianiing skies t " yes ! we all shall be there ; The grayes shall open be : QUESTION BOOK. AH Bhall the trumpet li*iar, The Judge's face shall see ; In Tain shall some upon the mountains cail To hide their heads from him who judges all.*' tst LESSON XLVII. fWUBRE 18 JESUS, AND WHAT IS HE DOING FOR D8 i •' When I see thee hanginf^, bleeding, Djing on the cruel tree ; Pale in woe, yet interceding For the men that murdered thee ; How can I refrain from giving , Life and soul, and all away, On thy prom.ise ever liring. Thee adoring night and day 1 •' When I see thee upward breaking, From the grave, on high to stand, 1S|1 child's bible And thy rightful empire taking. At the Fathur's blest right hand, Can I longer doubt thj- favor, Or thy williijguess to bless? No, my interceding SaTiour, Words can ne'er my hopes express. Ques. Where is Jesus now ? Ans. Sitting at the right hand of God the FatheP. Ques. What is he now doing for us? Ans. " Now every suppliant's cry he heeds, And for the sinner intercedes." Ques. Where does he plead for us ? Ans. When we have sinned. Ques. With whom does he plead ? Ans. God the Father. Ques. K the Saviour did not plead in our betoalf, wliat would become of us ? Ans. We should die in our sins. " Dear Saviour, when I languish, And lay me down to die, 0, send a shining angel ' To take me to the sky." Ques. If we are sorry for our sins, what does he say for us ? Ans. Father, forgive them. Ques. Does God "the Father do as the Saviour askf him? ! Ans. He does. " The Father, satisfied, forgives ; The soul, repentant, hears and lives." Ques. "V\Tiat has Christ sent into the world ? Ans. The Holy Spirit. Ques. Why has he sent his spirit into the world 'i* A?is. To reprove the world of riifhteousness and of judgment to come- QUESTION BOOK Ques. What is it that makes 'us feel that we have Binned ? Ans, The Holy Spirit. Ques. And who pleads with God for our forgiveness ? A as. Jesus Christ. Ques. Could we ever be saved if there was no Christ ? Ans. We cculd not. Ques, Who gave the Saviour to die for sinners ? Ans. God the Father. Ques. Did not Jesus give himself? ; Ans. He did. " He laid his glory by ; Forsook his d'n'elling in the sky, And by a mean and humble birth, Became a stranger here on earth." Ques. How should we feel towards him, who has dons K) much for us ? Ans. We should love and obey him. Ques. What does he delight to have us do ? Ans. Ask for clean hearts and right spirits. Ques. What does he say of those that ask ? Ans. Ye shall receive. *' Ask but his grace, and lo ! 't is given ; B . Ask, and he turns your hell to heayen ! Though sin and sorrow wound my eoisl; thy balm will make it whoJc." .1 tu '.HlhD i. HmhS LESSON XLVIII HOW CAN WE GO AND LIVE WITH JESUS? " Cleanse me from sin, my heart renew, 0, make me wholly thiue ; Distil thy spirit, Lord, like dew, Upon this heart of mine, " Then shall I early know thy grace, Obey thy holy will, And be prepared to see thy face, On yonder Zion's hill." Quss. Little children, if you wish to go and live wili Jesug in the bright world above, what kind of Hkearti must you have? Ans. Clean hearts. Qiies. What will make our hearts clean ? Ans. The blood of Jesus Christ. Ques. What must we do, in order to have the blood ol Christ cleanse our hearts ? QUESTION BOOK^ lS» Ans. Ask Mm for clean hearts. Ques. How must we ask for clean hearts ? Ans. Believing that he will give them to us. Ques. If we have clean hearts, how shall we alwayi sonduct ourselves ? Ans. "With mildness and love. Ques. Shall we indulge in idleness and mischief if we have clean hearts ? Ans. O no. " Idle boys and men are found, Standing on the devil's ground." Ques. If our hearts are clean what shall we hats ? Ans. Sin. Ques. What is sin ? Ans. Disobedience to God. Ques. Can we, of ourselves, love God and hate an ? Ans. O no. " So hard our hearts have been, They love not Christ, nor grieve for Bin." Ques. TeU me some things you must not do if yoa I mean to go to heaven ? Ans. 1st. We must not deceive. 2d. We must not tell a lie. 3d. We must not quarrel. 4th. We must }i not get angry. 5th. We must not disobey our parents. < 6th. We must not be idle. Ques. What must you do if you wish to get to heaven ? Ans. 1st. We must speak the truth. 2d. Be kind to k every one. 3d. Keep the commandments. 4th. Pray < for a clean heart. 5th. Believe we have what we pray (ex. (ijies. When should we seek for clean hearts ? Ans. When we are young. Q^cs. Why should we seek him while young ? Ans. Because God has commanded it nwn.T>"<=i . BiBT..? ** 'T is easier -work, if we begin To fear the Lord betimed While pinners, that grow olu in sin, Are hardened in their crimes. u 5^ will pare us from a thousand snares, To mind religion young ; Grace will reserve our following years, And make our virtue strong." LESSON XLIX. DESCRIBE THE DESTINY OF THE LOST " Hear the sinner now lamenting At the. sight of fiercer pain ; Cries and tears he now is venting, But he weeps and cries in vain, Greatly mourning That he ne'er was horn again." Quits. Little 'children, you have learned what jou murt do if you would get to heaven. Now tell me what wili become of the impenitent ? Ans. They -syill be shut out of heaven. Ques. Will they have the'compacy of good people' Ans. They will not. " There I see my godly neighbors, AVho were once despised by me ; Now they 're clad in dazzUng splendor. Waiting my sad fate to see. Farewell, neighbors ! Dismal gulf, I 'm bound for thee." Qnes. What kind of company will they have ? Ans. The company of liars, thieves, and murdeiei* Ques. Where will God turn the itdcked ? Ans. Into hell. Ques. What will he rain upon them ? QUESTION BOOK. ISS Ans. Fire and brimstone. Ques. What will they do in that dreadfiil place f Ans. They will weep, and gnash their teelL Ques Why will they gnash their teeth ? • Ans. Because of their pain. " Hail ! ye ghosts that dwell in darkness, Qroaning, rattling qf your chains ! Christ has now pronounced my sentence, I 'm to dwell in endless pain ; i • Down I 'm rolling, ! Never to return again." Ques. How long will the wicked remain in thia dread- al place ? Ans, Forever. Ques. Do we read in the Bible of any that ever went this place ? Ans. We do ; of a rich man named Dives. Ques. Whom did Dives see when he was in the place }i torment ? Ans. Lazarus, in Abraham's bosom. Ques. Who was Lazarus ? Ans. A poor man that laid at the rich man's gate, and ite his crumbs ; and he died and went to heaven, but the ich man died and went to hell. Ques. Who was Abraham ? Ans. A good man that God loved- Ques. What is he called ? Ans. The father of the faithful. Ques. What did the rich man ask of Abraham ? 'Ans. To send Lazarus to him with a drop of ooU Iwater. Ques. Why did he wish for water ? Ans. To cool his tongue, for he was in flames of fire. Ques. Did Abraham send Lazarus ? A71S. He could not, because there was a great gulf :i etween them. Ques. How long win the wicked be tormented ? Am Night and day, fo'^ver. mo CHILD'S BIBLE " There is a dreadful hell, And everlasting pains ; There sinners must with devil* dlS9S2» In darkness, fire, and chains, " Can such a Ttretch as I Escape this cursed end? And may I hope, whene'er I die, I shall to heaven ascend ? __" Then I for grace will pray, "While I have life and breath j Lest I should be cut off to-day. And sent to eternal death." LESSON L. DESCRIBE HEAVEN. " There is, beyond the sky, A heaven of joy and love ; And holy children, when they d!©, Go to that world above." Ques. What sort of place is heaven ? Ans. A very bright and beautiful place. Ques. What will make it bright ? Ans. The glory of God. Ques. What sort of people will be there ? Ans. Holy people. Ques. What is heaven sometimes called ? Ans. A place of rest. Ques. Whom shall the people delight to see there i Ans. God ; and his name shall be on their foreheadf. Ques. What will he give to his people ? Ans. An eternal weight of glory. Ques. Will there be night in heaven ? jlns. There will be to night thef / »either candhji aeither light of the sui' QUESTION BOOK. iSl Ques, What shall light the place ? Ans.* The glory of the Lamb. Ques. Who besides God and holy people are in hea^ en? . Ans. Shining angels. Ques. How will the people be clothed? A ns. In white robes, and crowns on their heada. Qnes. What will they do in heaven ? Ans, Praise God, and sing songs. Ques. What will they have in their hands ? A ns. Harps of gold. Ques. What songs will be sung in heayen ? Ans Songs of redeeming love. Ques. To whom will they sing songs ? Ans. To God and the Lamb. Ques. Who is meant by the Lamb ? Ans. Jesus Christ. Ques. WiU the people ever be sad in heaven, and weep ? Ans. No ; for God shall wipe all tears from their eyes. Ques. Will people die there ? Ans. No ; thfere will be no more pain nor death there. " God's own soft hand shall -wipe the tears From every weeping eye, And pains and groans and griefi and fears, And death itself shall die. Ques. How long shall these happy people live in heav- en? Ans. For ever. Yes, dear children, those that are so happy as to go lo heaven will never again be sad or sorrowful, will never be sick and die, but will always be well and happy. Oh, how much we should praise God for what he has don-* for us 1 Ques. Children, do you think it is an easy matte? to get to heaven ? 182 child's bible Ans. We do not, for Clirist says, Strive to enter in. Ques. What did lie mean by tlie word strive ? « Ans. Try hard. Ques How must we try ? Ans. Pray, and watch against evil as long as we liT« *' No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath. Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. " There, on those high and flowery pMnf , Our spirits ne'er shall tire ; But in perpetual, joyful strains, Kedeeming love admire." LESSON LI. REVIEW THE LAST SEVENTEEN LESSONS. Ques* Who is Jesus Christ ? » Ans. The Son of God. Ques. What was his mother's name ? Ans. Mary. Ques. Where was he bom ? Ans. In Bethlehem of Judea. Ques. Who wished to kill him ? Ans. Herod the King. Ques. "Who named him ? Ans. An angel. Ques. What was Jesus Christ to be ? A ns. A light to the world. Ques. How old was Jesus when he began to preach > AnS'. About thirty years old. Ques. How many disciples did he choose ? A ns. Twelve. QUESTION BOOK. ISS Ques, What did he teach them when he went upon a paountaln to preach to the multitude V Ans. 1st. To be humble. 2d. To be sorry for their sins. 3d. To be mild and pleasant. 4th. To wish to te like God. 5th. To be kind to the poor. 6th. To be pure in heart. 7th. To be at peace with everybody. 8th, To be patient when spoken evil of. Ques. Who have pure hearts ? Ans. Those that have been cleansed with the blood ©f Christ, and do as he requires. Ques. Who shall see God ? Ans, Those that have pure hearts. Ques. Describe the peacemaker ? Ans. One that will not dispute or quarrel, and tries to persuade others not to do so. Ques. What is said of the peacemakers ? Ans. They shall be called the children of God. Ques. What did Jesus do besides preaching ? Ans. He cured the sick, opened the eyes of the bhnd, anstopped the ears of the deaf, and raised the dead. Ques. How long did he preach, and do these wonderful things ? A71S. About three years and a half. Ques. Whose servant did Jesus heal as he came down from the mountain ? Ans. The centurion's seivant. Ques. What is said of him ? Ans. He loved the Jews. Ques. What had he built for them ? A71S. A house to worship in. Ques. WTiat did he say when he saw Jesus commg> Ans. I am not worthy that he should come into mj louse. Ques^. How did Jesus cure his servant ? Ans. He spake, and he was healed. Ques. What did Jesus say of the centurion Ans. That he was a man of great faith 12 iSA child's biblb Ques. Should we not beKeve all tliat Jesus Las said ? Ans. We should. Ques. Kame some that Jesus raised from the dead ? Ans. The son of a widow, and Lazarus. Ques. "What did Jesus say of little children ? Ans. Suffer httle children to come unto me. *' To him let little children come, For he has said they may ; His bosom then shall be their home. Their tears he '11 wipe away." LESSON LII. REVIEW CONTINUED. Ques Who disliked Jesus V Ans. The rulers of the Jews. Ques. Why did they hate him ? Ans. Because he told them of their faults. Ques. Should we dislike those who tell us of our faults ? Ans. We should not Qiies. Did Jesus know that many of the Jews hated turn, and wanted to kill him ? Ans. He did ; he knew all their thoughts. Ques. Where did he go to pray one evening "* Ans. Into a garden of olive trees. " garden of Oliret, thou dear, honored spot, The fame of thy Tronder shall ne'er be forgot j The theme most transporting to seraphs above, The triumph of sorrow, the triumph of love." Yes, my dear children, the evening before Christ was crucified, he went away under some olive trees, and there he groaned and wept because of the sin that is in the QUESTION «00K. 115 world, and he knew that uiJesg he died and suffered for us, we should De miserable for ever ; and as he prayed, he sweat gvi at drops of blood, which ran down hia face and fell to the ground. All this was for us, dcai children. On, how much we should love him 1 Ques. Whde he was prapng, who came to take him? Ans. The rulers of the Jews. Ques, Whc told them where Jesus could be found ? Ans. Juda'j, one of Christ's disciples. Ques. Where did they take him ? Ans. To the housf of the high priest. Ques. What did tl ij do with him there ? Ans. They mocked him, and struck hum, and spit upon him. Ques. What did they say of him ? Ans- He speaketh profanely. Ques. Where did they take him in the morning? Ans. To Pilate. Ques. Why did they take him to Pilate ? Ans. To have him crucify Jesus, because lie was gov- ernor. Ques. What is it to crucify ? Ans. To hang. Ques. What did Pilate say of him ? Ans. I find no fault in him. Ques. What did Pilate consent to ? Ajis. Tc let the Jews crucify Jesus. Ques. What did the Jews to mock Jesus ? Ans. They put on him a scarlet robe, and a crown of thorns upon liis head. Ques. What did they put in his hand ? Ans. A reed cane. Ques. Why did they do this ? Ans. Because this was the manner of dressing fcrngiV and they dressed him so to mock him. Ques. What did they say to him ? Ans. Hail, King of the Jews . 136 CHILD 8 BIBLE QUESTION BOOK. Ques. What shook the earth when Jesos died ^ Ans. An earthquake. Ques. What was done to the beautiful temple ? Ans. Its covering was torn open. Ques. What was seen in the grave-yards ? Ans. The graves were opened, and the dead came Is l/fe and walked. Ques. Who buried Jesus ? Ans. A man named Joseph. Ques. When was he buried ? Ans. Friday evening. Ques. When did he rise from the dead ? Ans. Sunday morning. Ques. How long did he stay on the earth after he row "^ from the dead ? Ans. Fort}^ days. Ques. T^Tiere did he then go ? Ans. To heaven. Ques. What is he doing there ? - Ans. Pleading for us. Ques. Will he come to earth again ? Ans. He will come to judge the world. Ques. What will he do with those that disobey him ? Ans. Cast them into hell. Ques. What will he say to those that have loved and obeyed him ? ' Ans, Come, ye blessed, enter into joys. '■•* Hark, my soul, it is the Lord ! 'T is thy Saviour ; hear his word ! Jesus speaks ; he speaks to thee . ' Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ? •< Thou Shalt see my glory soon, When the work of farith is dene, Partner of thy throne shai* be ; * gay, poor sinner, lov'st thou me ? END. I r" i» QUESTION BOOKS,/ PUBL.'SHED BY THK MASS ,e:.^RATH SCHOOL SOOIETY, AND !-yii SALE AT. THK DEPOsiTom^as cornhill. k H. SARGENT, TKEAtukiiE. SOKIPTURE O.UESTIOWa. Vol, I.— 0*11 the !:;vil ;tlc .«f Paul lO tlie i.;r:ni!/id. Vol. If.— Ou rlie i-ir.a KiJistlc it tlie <:<>. .'Vtu.uiib- "V'OL III.— i>n tlie (^ospels in lUi-inoU'. . s nvt^ I. and II. Vol. IV.— Oil Sf'ooiid Coriiitliians. Titi;'-', .■sni JiKie. I'artu I. iuidll. Vol. v.— Oil the B ^ok of Gemsis. Parts I. and il. Vol. ^'I.— (>ii the (^ospeis in Havnioiiv. P;uiS I. and 11. Vol. VII.— On the FHra!)l<8v,- TcfetaHieiit.. Fart , I iuui II. % Vol. VIII.— On the <3rospe]s \n Harr.aony. Faits T. and li. Vol. IX.— Oil- tlie Acts of the AiOi^tlos. ■"'OL. X.— ''>u liie Book of -lob. VOL. X'.— < tn the Life and Teachings of Cln-i^t. * Vol. X[I.- i,>l the Book of Psalui^. VOL. XIII.— i -a the UlsiofV of OhHst. ' V' 1^. XI v.— On f lie .Miracle^ o," riinst. Vol. XV.— ')■) tbe .f/iuplie,>i- s relariiiK to CUvlst ii. the »>id TestauHMi!. Vol. Xyi.-^'On ocrlptine Biogr.aphy. Vol. X 7il -Oi' ILe Co'>k.s of Exodii.s and Levitinus, Vol. XVIII— Ou bci-ii)ture liiography. Part II. XiM,, XIX.— On Xi!niijcr.s and Deiiteionoinv. Voi.. XX.— Questii.>nson Ilebre^v.*. Vol, XXI. -t^U' 5ti(nis ou Xsaiaii. Vol. XXLI. — Question P.ook onrhi'ibtiaii 3icw,tliy. I-v-ioK'sBiBLE <;la.v- Qij(?<:sTioN Book. I Fii^^i <^!F.sTrox*i>oi)'v. Vol i: TooicaL , j"i;{sT Question Book. "A'i>i, n. Toi-.ical ! TlDMi.oGYFOllSABBAill ;ScH(:! >L:,-. 'j ML>CLLi .V"E")CS i:^{UE.STtON.S. | j iX! ...NT tOJiOOL Ol'iv-IION BOOK. .LNI: AXT tAHBAYyi'>i-f!Oi'(, t^L'KSTlO.X.'^. . | ' I.-) AXT bARBATlI bCH-iOL Qf.'ksTlOX AXl> liUiLi: I'lCTLKE j ; '.OOTf. I J-iULir.vL -. ATKCBLsM. Xt)S. 1 t(.' ;:. I.)e.su'.".-d for Infant Sab- j U ...■•! X.iTE~AS-L;fBLV's ^;H>IlTEltCATLCUISM. "VVithout ' ,>ciiptui'C Proofs, or Nutvi. or Ccnniievts- •« , '\ ■' j H'r:- i UXSTEH .\^SEM^;L^ 'S V UOJlTL'i v,\;uCHIfcM. 'iVi;ll'";j 4 : A -^ ON 1 IT. f>-<.iLAX -■ fllK Bl SHO' :TEii ■IKK 'oil ^•ateo ■ Pa: N.