Digitized by tiie Internet Arciiive in 2013 littp://arcliive.org/cletails/purediamondschoiOOmurr fUp A CHOICE COLLECTION OF Mm'v^ ^mfORBa aino music FOR THE and the SOOI^A^L GIE.aLE; BY JAMES R. MURRAY. '«E>^. PUBLISHED BY S. BRAINARDS' SONS, CLEVELAND. PREFACE. This Book was written, and is sent forth in the earnest hope and desire that it may aid, by the influence ot its songs of prayer and praise, in winning souls to the cause and kingdom of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is intended for use, not only in the Sunday School, but in the Prayer and Praise meetings of the Church, and in the Social Circle. Its wide range of subjects and their treatment, eminently fit it for this extended field of usefulness. Attention is called to a series of songs scattered throughout the work, which might be classed under the general title of "Songs concerning Heaven, our Home." Too many of our songs upon this subject seem to breathe a spirit of discontent and selfishness, utterly at variance with a true Christian submission to God's will. The writers of such songs fail to see any beauty or usefulness in this world, which its Maker pronounced "very good." They look with longing eyes upon the fruits of victory, but wish to be excused from fighting the battle. They desire the Crown, but are unwilling to bear the Cross, its necessary predecessor. We believe this is wrong, and in our songs have tried to inculcate quite a different lesson. While we look with longing, loving eyes upon our heavenly home, it should make us more contented with our lot here, more faithful to our duties, more submissive to God's good will, believing that he who has prepared so much- for our happiness tiiere, will not fail to do that which is best for us here, and take us to an Eternal Home, at just the very best time for us to go. God never makes mistakes. The name of the author of the poetry will be found on the lefi side of the page ; that of the composer, on the right. The entire contents of tWs work is copy-right proiitei'ty, and cannot, legally, be reprinted by any one, in any shape whatever, without special permission from the publishers. The author is especially fortunate in numbering among his friends nearly all of the more important writers of Sunday School music, and to them and to all who have contributed to "Pure Diamonds," he tenders his most grateful acknowledgments. JAMES R. MURRAY. Entered according to act of Congres»,iii the year 1872,by S. BEAINAKDS' SONS,iu the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PURE DIAMONDS. AGAIN WITH LOUD THANKSGIVING. Kate Cameron. Moderaio. Geo. F. Eoot. -«-;■—#-'-# — — 0-i—M-^^ — i H— ^a -I — ' — \- — ^ p^ •# -a^ ■# T^.V 1. Again with loud thanksgiving "We raise our grateful songs, Un-to the Lord of *-#-! glo-ry, To whom all praise belongs. We 2."WethankGo 'Jfizwi :t^: :p=:prz,A_^q:p; V ^ V— i^-V- -^-t SING! SING! FOR CHRIST IS KING! Hope Akdok. Earnestly. J. R. Murray. 1. "We've gathered liere to sing the love Our hearts for Christ are feeling ; We'll gladly sing the blessed truth,His Gospel is revealing I 2. O sing of Him who loved us so,That, wounded unto dying,He blessed the crowd who craved his life,Kiiid words to jeers replying. §£fel Efefe ^—^fi—^ i^Oi-^iz^: ?c=^=p=p: y y y ?=?i=P=^: i=e :t>=:?=^:fiitiit :r=5=tM t=:i^-t: r^ n::^il=:^: 1^1 I No heart shall wait in silence no w,Our thankfulness unknowing,Bnt all,with heart and voice attuned,His Glory shall be showing I And now behold ! our Savior risen,And crowned the Lord of heaven 1 Where saints in glory worship hira,To whom all praise be given I Chorus, spirited. -i -«■ t=i^=t ■-x=^- *-^--j t^ tW: t^- — ^ ---IP Then sing I sing 1 For Christ Is King, Sing in joy-ous measure! Sing I sing' sing I sing J We love to do his pleasure. e 1^ §^^. B5; t=^ w=w^ !=!= -^_^- :?=^ t==t Itmfci^ T==t: ■^=FEt_E: M. B. C. Slade. Gently. LOOKING FOR THE KINGDOM. From "The Glory," by G. F, ROOT. F. W. Root. lv-t^r~t^ ^^:^^=:^ZI^=lIZi^-f-^, -- jS— K— ^- ^S— K— N- :i^: ^-% I J I .^ I .a, ,^ .^ .^ m^ m^ -^ m^ m^ -^ m^ -^ 1, I am looking for theKing'dom,shaIlItrusf mytremnringfeet,"WTierethemoonIlefhton the waters makes a shining, 2, I am looking for thekingdom, need I seek and search no more. When I conic where lioly temples o-pen wide the 3, I am looking for the kingdom, shall I hills and mountains climb ? Shall I go where tuneful forests sweetest songs of golden sacred praises Hefrain. $ S^ i5=!v -K— N h - h h: ^—^. 4—^ ^-ni—^—ii :J=zr street? Thro' the jasper walls of sunset, by its pearly gates a-glow. To the kingdom can I go? Oh, I long to find the door? Where the solemn psalm is ris-ing,andtheincense6weetofprayer,ShaliIfindtliekingdomthere?Oh, I long, etc. Chime? Shall I seek wherechantingbillowssoundtheanthemsofthesea? Is the kingdom there for me? Oh, I long, etc. . t S: ♦ J -N -> -,^ ^ ^=^1 » ^ p f ■J-^ tfa:f «— ^^- m r-T-t :Fz:^_ j^-i-i v=i=t -^ -^^^ tr. -^ V— v~v- V U l ^ L^np 'Z—^- m-^-w- V ^ ^ ^ I I kingdom I Blessed, ho - ly, hap-py kingdom I Lead, O Lord, in -to thy kingdom, i -^ — #-^ — »' ■ It ^^:it=t V— ^- I Show me, Lord, the way. t=t: t==t: fT-T-T -^^" i 4. Unto me the Lord makes answer In the stillness of the word ; 5. Is thy kingdom. Lord, within me, wilt thou reign in me, my Lord ? Hast thou not Lo here 1 full often, and Lo there ! hast thou not heard ? I will trust the wondrous promise of the well-beloved word ; Look within thee, weary seeker, hear the Spirit say to thee. Make thou ready, O my spirit, joyful songs of triumph sound • There the kingdom thou shalt see, 0, 1 long, etc. For the kingdom I have found, O, I long, etc. u Mrs. M. B. C. Sladb, Joyfully, AND THEY SHALL SEE HIS FACE. (Eead Kbv XXII • 4 Matt, v • 8.) J. li. MURUAY. ^15 1. For me my Father calls ; The gates of peace I've found,An(i sweetly,o'erthe jasper wall3,Hi3 words of promise sound. I 2. Thy works,how fair they are, In sea,aud Iand,aiid sky ; But oh, beyond their beauty, far, I look with longing eye. My 3. I bear the Savior say, tip - on the mount, to me, The pure in heart are blest,for they Tlie Lord shall surely see. Oh, 111 1 •— ^ — m \ G O r#— # — 4 — ?-r?5— « 1 P — #— #-r*-^-#-# — #-!-■ — # — # — =-r-«9 "*" i £t ^zqe f TTf I 1 I 1 lt:a= m^- Go to Chorus in exact time. i=l: long to know my Lord Father - - clasp my ¥ :r=ai ^m I trust his wondrous grace; And so I love this blessed word, "And they shall see dear thou art I seek thy dwelling place; Oh, keep thy promise In my heart, "And they shall see hli Was han4 in Thiue ; My feet thy paths shall trace ; Cleanse thou my eyes, oh, love divine. And they shall see lis face." his face." his face. PV=¥^ F P f - fcS £=£ ^L-# :i— ^: t=t=t sczji: t=t: 5 4=t=t ■I LU- t=t 1— r f"r Chorus. t=l=l: I #--Hr^- ^=^ ^iT-*^ "And they "And they And thev shall see shall see shall see his face, his face, his face. And And And they shall see his face," And so I love this blessed word, "And they shall see his face." hisface."ji his faoe. ^ they shall see his face," Oh, keep thy promise in my heart,"And they shall see they shall see his face,Clean9e thou mine eyes,Oh,love divine,And they shal' see m i^ ^mm^ m ?2: I I t PAULUrA THE LAND OF THE FOREVER. (May be sung as a Solo and Choms.) #T-# — # ^.i ■■:X g—^—t^ hr-i P. P: BLIS8. -j>--i. fct 1^ #-^^ gzt^ii^ 1. There?sa inaii-sioiio'ertheriv-er,Whichtheeye of Faith can see, In the Land oftheFor- 2. There are pear-ly gates that o - pen, Where a cry s - tal riv - er flows ; Shall we seek those lilied giE f--r*-p- t=t=^: f~--f=^ :^: t=[=t: V— t Ghorus. i tq=>5. -#-^ t=t ■M^i^, ^^*=-T ey - }3r, Will you seek that home with me? waters, In that realm of dear re - pose ? i-r^^r-^f-i In the Land of the For-ev- er, In In the Land, etc. m ■\=t t: t=X r±-f^ft ^ :?:fcS=fc t=X ^^^^m p« man- sion o'er the riv-er, Where the loved 1»: t-^i^^ are parted nev-er, I will dwell for aye with thee. w. g±i r-r-r— ggE:^ '^ t=t: S t— t r-f- f-r 3. There s a rush of joyous pinions, When the worn and weary come : May we prove the wondrous rapture Of a spirit's welcome home. 4. We have shared each other's gladness- We have mingled sighs and tears ; I would lose thy love-clasp, never, In those bright eternal years. PRAISE YE THE LORD. ^ m Jas. McGrajtahaw. s=if^ ^ J '^^^- p^t^ -*T#- r 1. Praise ye the Lord all ye moor-lands andmountalns,PraiseHim alone all ye ev - er-green hUls ; 2. Praise ye the Lord all ye winds of the corners, Up from the glen peal the notes of yom: song; 3. Sing to the Lord all ye kin - dred and nations,Tribes and dominions that peo - pie the world ; ;e ^i s =Sr=Jv=tra ^ v—^ ^S ^^ r— 1^- St Glo - ry to God,shoutthebrightflowingfountains, Till all the earth with your mel - o - dy fills. Praise Him who cheereth the hearts of earth's mourners, Sing to the Lord, in his praise be ye strong. Where-e'er the sun sheds his glow-ing car-nations, There let your standards of praise be unfurled. ^ ^m. P=FP -»-^ t;^^ SS Woodlands and meadow flowers,Bloom of the summer hours,Bend to the winds with your anthems of praise ; Praise Him each bounding wave,Desert and cliflf and cave,Rock and ravine where the shadows are dim ; Shout till the bending sky. Ringing, shall send reply Back from the farthermost wan - der-ing star ; :p==^ i-=i^ :^^_^_^ ->-v— ^ 4 PRAISE YE THE LORD.-Concluded. «: S3 w-^ - — -^ — — ff-- — 0— Bepeatff, Sprays of the wa - ter-fall,Chant ye a cor - o-nal, Here at the feet of the Ancient of Days. Wake from your silentness, Sing to the wilderness, Praise ye the Lord, pay your homage to Him. Shout,till your songs of love Peal thro' the air a-bove, Bearing your lay to the mountains a - far. §^ -*-v— ^- ^^ ^ ?Ei:3«=li: F, A. Benson. THE SABBATH CHIME. -»~—0- lt=Zl^rr~^: ^ Nageli. lit i "T ^ J3E5 3^-jE?zt 1. Bright and blessed morn-ing, How I love thy dawn-ing. Hark ! the sounding bells ; 2. Wea-ry wand'rer weep - ing, God, the Father, seek-ing, Hith-er, hith-er come ; 3. "While the tones are peal - ing, In the tem-ple kneel-ing, Join the Sabbath Chime. m% 3t=i: :i=i: P ft ^5=^ ^: ^=^ 4^=45: 4 ^^:^^ ^^ ^=t ^j=r iSi V '^ '^ I Deep tones, is the call - ing. On the ear 'tis fall - ing. Love and peace it tells. O'er the heart is steal - ing, Love's de - vo - ted feel - ing. To the heavenly One. Emblem to us giv - en. Of the voice of Heav - en, Mel - o - dy di - vine. A * m 1 — r- 10 J. R. MtTRRAY Joyfully. MANY MANSIONS. In my Father's House are Many Mansions. -A — Geo. F. Eoot, ^^^^ 4 ^S^'-w t=i -W ■^■-^' iE p: , 1. Many Mangions . j«.any jjfansions ! In oar Fatner'g happy home a-bove ; Many Mansions ! Many 3. Many Mansions ! Many Mansions ! Not a cloud, or sorrow they shall Icnow ; Many Mansions ! Many 3. Many Mansions ! Many Mansions ' Where are all the dear ones gone before : Many Mansions I Many ■^ - - - t: ^ m^ IT r^ I 1 ^^s -t^-zN: :=]= -^ 1 1 — \- * -^- T^ ^S:-^ Mansions! Wherehischildrenliveinpeaceandlove.Therearehpraes of restforall the vrea-ry, And the Mansions ! Where the healing -vraters ev-er flow.Wherethesweet,sweet song of heaven is thrilling Every Mansions ! Where they thirst,and hunger never more,Wheretlie dear Lord's care is ever o'er them, Where they U :p=pc :P=pt -Pi-_/B- lit-Zfe =t: tired feet no moreshall roam, Many Mansions ! Many Mansioas! Waitingforus in the Heavenly home. heart with music's sweetest strain^Many Mansions ! Many Mansions! Let us strive those happy homes to gain. joy to ev-er do his ■will,Many Mansions I Many Mansions! How tiie sweet, sweet tho 'tour bosoms thrill. •^ ' 4 - § & — k— >-^ -F rL L.L i T t-f ^ r-T-^|-C-T ^2= i^ciHi: tr-^-T — r TELL THE JOYFUL STORY. Paulina. Earnestlif, Arr. from a "Spiritual," by J. R. M. 1. There's a home for us above,There's a mansion built by Love Divine.When our days of toil shall 2. I haveplacedintheemytrust,Thourememb'restwearedust,OGod,Andthinearrashallbe my ^^. 1 I I k^ l*^ tt m Chorus. :j-: g cease, We will seek that realm of peace, stay, Till I reach the Gates of Day. , mk^ 0, o, tell the joy tell the, etc. mEt E: fui sto-ry I There's a i P ^— g^— g: -t 1 \ land of rest and glo-ry, . . .. t: t. It -?2- ^ T!=^ r %^-#- 1 W ^/ 1 y A dear land of peace and love,Where all tears are if\aped a- I ■way. t: S£ :?i: lit >=: :^=^c=^ O, my Savior's voice I hear, In His blessed Word of cheer Audlove, He who ruled the wind and wave. He who came to seek and save. -1 — I — trV i — ! — I V 4. Let us walk with clasping hand. As a dear united band In Christ, Let us share each others' woes. Till our cares, and griefs shall close. 12 E. E. Kkxfobd. WE SHALL SIT AT JESUS' (Read Rev. hi. 21.) FEET. J. R. MUBRAY. 3 N S^E^^EEE^ :k=^^ t -O. O, 1. By and by, beyond the riv - er, We shall wear an an - gel crown, And for - €v - er and for - 2. There shall sorrow vex us never ; There shall weeping never come ! There, for-ev - er and for - 3. Home for ev - 'ry child immortal, I shall reach you by and by ! I shall en - ter at the t: f: t: . .rjs .^ , ^ ^ .,#- g t: t: t: . fJs h ^iEl li^SE^pi 1^=:^ -3-^ :F=^ &' s; x^ ti m Aw. Fine, •• 1 — ^ P^ ev - er. With the Lord of life sit down ; 1^ :^i=i=i=ti| P f^=^ fi==? ev - er, por-tal, We shall be with Christ at home! Of the gate-way, broad and high. Oh! the rapt-ure that comes o'er me, With the Nev - er sigh-ing, nev - er sor-row! Oh! the And I know in that fair ci - ty. Friends and Si 3-^ EE .^f_3__^_ fd ^ t.t-f ^^ hN^^^^^^ A D.G. :tfc=M=» £ m •Ml ^ '=^ -m-r thought so grand and sweet, There is rest be-yond the riv - er, We shall sit at Je - sus' feet. thought is ver-y sweet, Nev -er care to bear nor borrow, Sit-ting at the Savior's feet. kin - dred I shall meet, And — oh bless- ed thought of rapture — Shall sit down at Jesus* feet. IN THE VINEYARD OF OUR FATHER. 13 m^ 3^= 3^ t=i-- N. COE Stitwaet, 1. In the vineyard of our Path - er, Dai - ly work we find to do, Scattered gleanings we may 2. Toiling ear - ly in the morning, Catching moments thro' the day, Nothing small or lowly 3. Steadfast, then, in our en-deav - or. Heavenly Eather, may we be, And for -er - er and for - i^i^ >ES : | — I — i^=i ^ t=5 ?5C4: t fl? S gath - er, Tho' we are both young and few. Lit-tle clusters, lit - tie clusters, Help to scorning, While we work,and watch and pray. Gathering gladly,gathering gladly, Free-will ev - er, We will give the praise to thee. Hal - le - lu - jah, hal - le - lu - jkh, Singing m-&?=^=^ -&-i- t=t :es ^ ■\ — I — r i=J.^ 1?^: -o- 1^ fill the garner too, offerings by the way all e - ter - ni - ty, m: ' { . - . - , Lit-tle clusters, lit-tle clusters. Help to fill the garner too. Gathering gladly, gathering gladly Free-will offerings by the way Hal-le - lu - jah, hal - le -lu - jah. Singing all e - ter - ni - ty. -^ #-r-- ^ m # - T -^ • ^ ^-^' .» ^■ 4=t=t triit 1 — I — r m: i 14 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE. J. R. MUKKAY, Moclerato. Geo. F, Boot. mm^ 1. Today let your li^ht shine.That others may see, What Christ in his mercy Is doing for thee.Trim 2. Today let your light shine. Who knovrs,bntarayFrorD your lamp,my brother, May lead to the day A' 3. Today let your light shine, In Heaven's deephlue,Thereisnot a star But has something to do. May szt ^- T^i^' ^ ^%T-# brightly yaur beaco^n, And lift it on high, let It il - lu - mine The earth and the sky. soul that in darkness,AVould else have been lost In the by-ways of sin,That your shining has crossed. we, like the stars, In oiu* pathway shine on, Till darkness and dan-ger,And earth-life are gone. Today let your light shine,Today let your light shine, That all may be cheered, And be blest,let it shine. ■^ -^ .. _ _. -^ ^«- ^ MY FATHER'S HOUSE. 15 Words and Ma-dc bj Jambs B. Musbat. h 3E 1. There is a place of wavelesa rest, Far, far be-yond the skies ; Where beauty smiles e - 2. Whentoss'dup-on the waves of life, With fear on ev - 'ry side, When fiercely howls the 3. In that pure home of endless joy,Earth's part-ed friends shall meet, With smiles of love that Mi f=FS=^ ^=$: t=t SE -I I I t==t tt I ^ *=* ter - nal gath'ring ncT- er -1- pleasure nev - er dies ; My Father's house ! my heavenly home, Where foams the an • gry tide : Be - yond the storm, be-yond the gloom,Ereaks bless-ed - ness com -plete: There, there a dieus are nev-er known,Death -0- — — ^ j 1 1 .P - d -0-r^ =-k »g _ ^ I # 'la b m. - ly And storm,And fade And i r U t==t ^ i ^i=t i=t 3E ^ « « ^ * -^5>_i. pa ma - ny mansions stand, Prepared by hands di - vine for all Who seek the bet-ter land. forth the light of morn •, Bright beaming from my Father's house To cheer the soul for - lorn. frowns not on that scene, But light and glorious beau-ty shine Un-troubled and se - rene. -*- * *- *-' ^- * J J j _ t ;rpFF t=t -f^ Prepared by haads, 16 Words «nd Music by FAITHFUL IS HE THAT HATH PROMISED. JAKXS B. MmtBAT. Written for the "South Side" Congregational Sunday School, Lawrence, Mass, I- "" ^^3 i+s K- -^ h h m -h K & ^ ^^ :t=i: ^ -tr ^ 1. Whattho' the clouds gather thick o'er the way, Faith-ful is He that hath prom-ised; 2. Gen-tle, and lov-ing, and ten-der and true, Faith-ful is He that hath prom - ised ; 3. Down the far years comes the song of the blest, '^Faith-ful is He that hath prom - ised ;'* m^ g g .^-^-^-^^ I b= ^ Ml [ J^ -i^ $ M t=i -^-t :Sr^~ir-Sr^ ^ir-*^ What tho* the sunshine is hid from our day, Faith-ful is He that hath prom-ised ; The Lo ! His bright token is stretched o'er the blue, Faith-ful is He that hath prom-ised ; The Sweetly it falls on the soul seeking rest; *'Faith-ful is He that hath prom-ised." His mm. i I ^ ^g Ft^ # storm-cloud and tempest go forth at His word. He gathers to-geth-er and scatters abroad ; O ! lilies shall blossom, the hills shall be glad, The sparrows rejoice ; shall His children be sad? His word shall endure tho' the mountains shall fall, And out of His fullness He giveth to all ; Then ;iE£ -m 9—\ — -m a 9 ■ r ^~r^ r w a m 1^^- FAITHFUL IS HE THAT HATH PROMISED. Concluded. U m I* :|!s=:ts: 1— Jj 1 ^ N- K f \ - N ^==g 5 * soul wait in patience the day of the Lord, Faith-ful is He that hath prom - ised. rain falls a - like on the good and the bad, Faith-ful is He that hath prom - ised. what shall dismay us, what dan-gers ap - pall, Faith-ful is He that hath prom - ised. ^ :^^^ m Chorus. ^^ i N#J^ -»td« :it=it Faithful Is He! Faithful Is He! PF^ Trusting - ly sing as we sail on life's sea ; N N h ^ puzii— i=t;ii ^ ' ^ — b ^ U- i -^-^- 15=^ I I h h *! 1 1 3^ He will not leave us, wher-e'er M-emaybe, Faith-ful is He that hath prom-ised. mi j_^ V 9 9 P P ? ' W V JE^ ^^ 18 Miss M ■ A. Baksr. LEAD US, SHEPHERD TRUE. {May be sung as a Duet, or by the whole school.) H. R. PAL>rEK. p^^Ssm^mT^^^mm 1. Leadns, O Sav-ior dear 1 Keep us thy side so near, "We shall no dan-ger fear. Nor ev - en stray; 2. Lead us, O Christ di-vine ! Take our weak bands in thine • Let thy lore o'er us shine ; Call us thine own. a^§ A k m^^f '-^■ It T^ H±3: 7»=P #^P #^^f># Wlierequi-et wa - ters flow. And fair -est flow'retsgrow, Or where the storm-winds blow. Lead us, al - way. Hear - ing thy roice so sweet. May we. with read - y feet, Fol-low Tliee till we meet Kound thy pure throne. m^, t=i: t=t ^ ki Befrain. ^ I J I 4-| zzriivrj: i^^i=i [ ^ IT^ T-SV-T ^ ^ F-f-f-^ ^'- p r Lead us, O shepherd true 1 Lead, lest we stray, Till wo bid earth a-dien. Lead us, we pray.. LEAD US, SHEPHERD TRUE -Concluded. 19 kr--i=^ fX m^ .5_^_^ ^ Thou who hast gone be-fore. Guide to -t. t:. t- t^' that bless-ed shore,WIiere we shall sin no more, Lead us, al - way. £=t P=P==p: I I I lg=^- X=-l -p—^- t3:i^_^: nzzir "Words from "Youths Companion.'^ \ 1 THEN TELL JESUS. Z. M. PAKvra. ■•-J— i^— ^ 4- L Lit - tie ones are of - ten sor - ry For the naughty things they do ; Troub-les reach us all, and .sor-row, 2. Let us tell him all our troubles, Tell him we are sor-ry, too. He will do us kind-ness dou-ble, 3. Then tell Je - sus, We'll tell Je-sus, All our wants and all our woe; None but Je-sus can re - iieve us, N ! • -f- < i :tpt EE3 tn — r S=* 1 — r t=x ZfT iliiziz^^: ^ Jt Lit-tle hearts and big ones too, Help us to be good and true. None but Je-sus love us so. Then tell Je - sus. Then tell And for-give us. And for And to Je-sus I And to ii - r— 1 — b- ;E3^ Je-sus, That's the best thing wc can do. ■give us, Yes, oh yes, and love us too, Je-sus! Ev - cry one is free to go. -«-^ ^ -^ ■#- •#- i ;t^EEE:3 20 PBISCILLA J. OWTENS. NO ROOM FOR THE CROSS IN HEAVEN. (There's no house-room for Crosses in Heaven,— Ettthkrford.) t=:tl=t -#— ♦- i=i: ^^ John Morrison. Z^tLZM ^ J j i — N-^-T 1. As wetrav-el on from day to day. On our road to mansions shin - Ing, Let ns meet the tolls of the 2. Hard andhea - vy may its bur -den be, "With a bruise iip-on the eboul-der. But the Cross on earth was pre- 3. Then take up the Cross with firm - er hand, Tis the Cross of Clirist'sor-dain-ing, O'er the troubled sea to the ------ -^ --- -^ ' ' ' #• ft h ^-^i i \ L-l \~ ?^=pt -»^ — » 1=F ^^-W- /r-W- • ( 1 11 ^ « # # 0~—0 3±3: ^^? P =i==4 narrow way pared for thee sliiuing laud -i=iF^i it2-i # f-2: With a t^ue heart nn-re - pin - Ing; For when our work la done at last. Tor our Mas-ter , It will make tliy heart grow bold- er. The weary weight Christ will di-vide, Press-ing on with Thou wilt feel his might sus-tain - ing . Think of the Savior's blood-stained Cross, Of the crown that no - bly hope uu- shall be Chorus. Btriven,The Crown will shine,the Cross be past,There's no room for the Cross In riv - en, The realms a-bove are vast and wide,But no room for the Cross in giv - en, Press on thro' dan-ger, pain and loss,There's no room for the Cross in 111 .^ .-^ .^•-A. .^. N ^» Heav-en, Heav-en. Heav-en. No No No lU^^S^r=^-^J=U^ room for the Cross, no room, etc. room, etc. b I I ^ -r-t— r-r- ^ t=t -V— >- NO ROOM FOR THE CROSS IN HEAVEN.-Concluded. 21 m^^ i=^^ !-St -f—^ room for the Cross, no room for the Cross In Heaven,The realms above are vast and wide,But there's no room for the Cross In Heaven. om for the Cross, no room for the Cross In Heaven,The realms W W •-F — I 1 r- — 1^-4 1 U \ , — f-^ ^ -ff—W- :^^c=^: :P^ ;^-^_i^^. Joshua Young, GOD BLESS OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL -I — , — I 1 1 — , -fs — ~t t=t ^ -^ -^l^=F^ J. E. MUBEAT. --4 1 ^ -i-—- :*—t—p- ^ -pi_p: i^iqc :^=pt 4=: -[=-- 1. God bless our Sunday School ! Here thy good Spu'-it rule, And thy sweet peace I No cloud to 2. Safe led in paths of truth, Be all the steps of youth, To Heaven's door! Each lit- tie 3. How cau they keep thy way, Unless thou with them stay. And he their light? The storm may 4. Wa - ter the seed we plaut ! Both dew and sunshine grant, And not in vain I When heat of III III _ . H*- ^ i \—\- ij-jzilzzilt : S-^-# — ^ — ! — dim hand rage sum- ^%— #- ^ i -&-^- our sky, No tear in a - ny eye, Thy love he al-ways nio^h, And nev-er in thine, In ways that are di-vine, Where stars for - ev - er shine, Go thou be - and roar, And with both sail and oar. They fail to reach the shore. Without thy mer burns, When leaf of au-tumn turns, Oh, then, the Keaper learns, If good our ^^ ^ ^ 4t. #.•#.#. ^ ^ \ ♦..^^ A#- -->z=fczz}i: cease I fore I might ! grain! :--t: i 22 ALLELUJAH. "Words from "Hymns Ancient and Modem." fe-^r-K--h--!v J. H. TEIfXEY. m^m\^^ lu - jail, His the tri-umph. His the lu- jail. He is near us, Faith be- ifil 1. Al -le - lu -jail, sing to Je - sus. His the scep-tre, His the throne ! Al - le 2. Al - le - lu - jah not aa or- phans. We are left in sor-row now; Al - le 3. Al - le - lu - jah, Bread of an - gels. Thou on earth, our food, our stay, Al - le - lu -Jah, here the sin - ful Flee to H*^=i* i^= -^ #• •»• -V i i- ^—n- ■^hM- V- y— ^- -» — » — » — » L y ^ ^ _^,. -r-^-«- !=^=i a^li^^l i ijzii: vic-to-ry a - lone. Hark the songs of peaceful Zi - on. Thunder like a migh-ty floodl Je - sus out of ev-'ry lieves,nor questions how, Tho' the clouds from sight receiyed hirajWlien the for-ty days were o'er. Shall our hearts forget his thee from day to day. In - ter-ces-sor. Friend of sin-ners. Earth's Redeemer, plead for me. Where the songs of all the •»— ^-tH \ h-r!»— fa — i fzZ siS -^— ^- i^ 1/ -v'— ^ £i ii—ii. na - tion. Hath redeem'd US by His blood, Je- sus out of ev-'ry na- tion, Hathredeem'dus by his blood. prom - ise, "I am with you ev - er-more," Shall our hearts forget his prom - ise, "I am with you ev - er-more." ran-som'd, Sweep across the crys - tal sea. Where the songs of all tlie ran-som'd. Sweep across the crystal sea. -#• #• -^ ■#• i^: '^ ■fL S- ^9^ #. ■#- nm ^=ji: ^—^ V-V-V-V- [p REST ON THE BOSOM OF LOVE. 23 Andantino. Geo. F. Root. S3 m :N--h 4- -0-i-0- jm t=-5 =^ ^ se:: j?r-t< ii?-^^ Pil-grlm, tho'la - den with sor - row, Look from the clouds and the gloom ;Bright-ly the pleam of themor - row. Long with temp-la -lions oppressed ; Here, tho' thy path niay be drear - y. Safe from all 8or - row and woe; Safe l^omthe cut -ting de-ni - aJ, ft ft^ ^L_f ir^^-r^^ r-? ^-^^— ^ 0-'-0-T-^ «S?- Here, tho' thy heart may be wea - ry. Safe from tempta - tion and tri - al. mi^vrr -0-^-0- t=t t > — m ilife4: ^ \r^- \i^=X^ »_-.^-jQ- -© • V N S Shines on the path to the tomb : Soon shall thy spirit a - wak - ing. Gaze on the rap-tures a - bove ; Tlien all Its sor-row for- Sweet is tlie promise of rest; Rest from thy 1 a- bor for - ev - pr;Rest in the mansions a-bove :Nauglitsl^all disturb thee, O Mer-it oft meets with below : Safe "as a brand from the burning," Thanks to the Savior a - bove ; Safe from all troubles re- -L~-^m^-^~'^ft_fL».^ (S (g— r^t— ^A.^L_J-^J ^-£^-^ g— ^■;,y p 0'0-r sak - ing. Rest on the bo - som of love, nev - er, Safe on the bo - som of love, turn - ing. Here, on the bo - som of love. 5=s H5 -#-^-#- ^ ^ Rest, Rest, Rest on the bo-som of Rest, Rest, love. Yes, rest on the bo - som of love. Yes, rest on the bo - som of love. Yes, rest on the bo - som of love. :^^^E=S a 24 E. E. Rkxford. Slow and with feeling. THERE IS NO FRIEND LIKE JESUS. J. R. MUBBAT. ^-j=Li=^ ^^^i^m i=t ^^: ^?5 ■H oj ©- S 1. There is no friendlike Je - sus,"When sorrowsflood thobreast ; Hewas a ''man of sorrov/s," And 2. There is no friend like Je - sus,Tho' earthly friends are true ; They cannot trav-el with us Our 3. There is no friend like Je-sus, In hap-pi-ness and pain ; In sorrow and in sunshine Our S had noplace to earthly journey fri^d he will re • t I > I __ rest. But when our sorrows rex us, He gives us sym - pa-thy, through ; But Je-sus ne'er -will leave us, He holds us by the hand, main. To him we turn for comfort ; To him we look for rest; ^ t: tl ^ ^ #.4«-#.^«#.^- "=Ti l ! ^ |-T> — ^ UM-tI" ^. $ And, And And we m t=\ p-^ :t=t: -»-^ I I 1 Chorus. ^^m^=s^^^ M^-f leaning on his guides us in the find them on his ^^- 3i— r-n bo - som, He comforts you and me path - way, Toward the Better Land, bo - som, On Je - sus' loving breast. ■^ ^ ■'^ - - I I O there's no friend like Je - suj O there's, etc. O there's, etc. I, Tho' I i 1 I '^^m^^m THERE IS ([0 FRIEND LIKE JESUS.-Concluded. 25 i: a^ ^i^ J TTtJ ^ ;:rt dear are all the rest, t^ There is no friend like Je - sus, The dearest and the best. . . . ^^- * *■ -i^, r r P LLl ^^ ^^mi WHO LEFT THE REALMS OF HEAVENLY JOY. (Duet and Chorus.) J. K. OOUEE. 1. Wbo left the realms of heav'nly joy,And came on earth to die ; That sinful ones might be forgiven,E'en children such as I ? 2. Who called the lit-tle ones to him, When some would bid them stay ; And charged his own disciples dear,To feed his lambs alway ? 3. Who said the proudbi*t,greatest must Like little children be ? And love, obey, believe like them, If they his face would see ? 4. Who would not give this glorious Friend,His life and strength and love ? Then,when his life is o'er,a3cend To reign with Him above. Chorus. ff^^ t!=t 'Twaa Je - sus the Sa-Tior, His praise we will 8tng; We praise thee, we praise thee. Our Sa-vior and King. Chorus for last verse. His prais-es for - ev - er, The children shall sing; We praise thee, we praise thee, Oxu: Sa-vior and King. S 'W~W 53: :?aE: -tr^-tr ^ ^ ^ I I I t^ u-j-c i 26 COME AND BLESS US. From "The Pearl," by J, M. KnanncE. -N-V ^^ i^q ^ ^ '*-■ 1. Lit-tle hearts, O Lord,may love Thee,Little minds may learn thy ways : Lit-tle hands and feet may 2. Lo ! the Lord's day comes to cheer us ! Truth and love our teachers bring ; Great Redeemer I be Thou 3. Small, as now we stand before Thee, Larger shall we yearly grow : Help us ev - er to a - ^^ ■V-V- ^^i^i^ V— ^- i ^ Chorus. %^ i j t —i—i^ ^t=iT Ho-ly serve Thee, Lit-tle vol - ces sing thy praise. Ho-ly Je-sus, come and bless us ; Bless us near us. Make us grate - ful while we sing. Ho - ly Je-sus, etc. dore Thee, All thro' life Thy grace to show. Ho - ly Je-sus, etc. m ^: W^ — S: t=^ m while this hymn we raise ; Ho - ly Je-sus, come and bless us ; Bless us while this hymn we raise. -0 — #—•—#- -h — ^ ^r ^- MARCHING HOME. Words and Music by 27 C, C. Case. 1. We are marching homeward witli the blest. To lliat bright, bright world above; Wliere our friends are gone and are at 2. Jesus stands and beck-ons to us noAv, As we fal-ter on the way; He will save us if to him we 3. Our dear Savior has prepared the way, Wliere we all who will may come; If we serve him truly day by ^ig|3- Aqci3»: f;, 'f ^v-j i-gi qEPii -y-r7-r -^^_ -_L=rcipr^-r^--it t=t Chorus. — — g--: — j^^-^-L^=5«=*-^— #-i-2^-.— J— tf-i-*-c^-i ^ — rest, bow, day, ^^^ l2=£ In that world of light aaidlove. "Who rules both night and day. He at last will bring us home. Marching Home, .^^ Is: 3Iarching Home, -©- .^^-^. -^=?~3=t:?= ^^._A. -FhT-^-^ -# . • We are Marchiug Home, MarchiDg Home, We are maiiching homeward with ttie blest. Marching Home, i§^ -g #*# t=r #— ^^^— •- >->-^-a z:^i^: b— ^— f ^_p. .«j.^_^ I Marching Home, We are Marching Home to rest. V— 5^- E^^^EEs^inzr^ marching homeward with the blest, With the blest, Marching Home, MarchiHg Home, We are Marching Home to rest. T=S eH 1. What if a llt-tle ray of light, Just starting from the sun,Should linger in its downwardflight; Who'd miss the tiny one ? Per- 2. What if the raindrop in the sky. In listless ease should sayJ'U not be missed on earth, so I Contented here will stay , Would 3. I am a child, it will not do An i-dle lifetolead. Because I'm small with talents few, Qfme the Lord has need; Some 4. I must be ac-tlve every hour, And do my Maker's will; If but a ray can paint a flower, A rain-drop swell the rill, I His -0 — 1^- H-^ — a — ^-^^ — -•■-•■ -0- -0- -0- -^ Hh^ haps the rose would be less bright,Twas sent to shine upon. Perhaps the rose would be less bright, 'Twas sent to shine upon, not some lily, parched and dry, Less fragrant be to-day ? Would not some lily, parched and dry,Less fragrant be to - day ? work or call-ing to pur-sue. Or do some tumble deed. Some work or calling to pur-sue. Or do some humble deed, know in me there is a power, Some humble place to fill. I know in me there is a power, Some humble place to fill. -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ■0- N _.NKl Mks. M. B. C Slack. JSFot too fast^ hut earnestly. OVER JORDAN. (RKADDEtJT.xi:31, viii:7, 8.) J. E. MUKKAY. Sig^g^^^^ 1. With his dear and loving care. Will 2. Through the rocky wilderness. Will 3. Witli his strong and mighty hand. Will 4. lu the Promised Land to be. Will Je - ho - vah lead Je - ho - vah lead Je - ho - vah lead Je - ho - vah lead us on, us on, us on. To To To Till the hills and valleys fair. Ov - er the laud we shall possess, Ov - er that good and pleasant land, Ov - er fair Canaan's shore we see, Ov - er Jor-dan ? Jor-dan ? Jor-dan ? Jor-dan? OYER JORDAN.-Concluded. 29 m. ^zifciih: =^ ^ I^E I Yes, ■we^l rest our wea-ry feet By the crys-tal waters, 3weet,When the peaceful shore we greet, Over Jor - dan. Yes, by niglit the wondrous ray, Cloudy pil - lar by the day. They shall guide us on our way, Over Jor - dan. Yes! where vine and olive grow, And the brooks and fountains flow,Thirst nor hunger shall we know. Over Jor - dan. Yes! to dwell with Thee,at last. Guide and Head us, as Thou hast. Till the parted wave be passed. Over Jor - dan. 3lj_ :^- Pf=?E i^ >^-V- V^- -0 V V- M V— v^ i^-©-- Chorus. p^m 1EE$ ^ SE5 '^^^ O - ver Jor - daul O - ver Jor - dan I Yes, we'll rest ourwea-ry feet. By the Crys-tal wa-ters, sweet. ^f— «•- ^_^_ .^L_^_._^L_^ §^ j r-^-vHir iii: EE t2i=ifctb=t^=5z^i=j?: LP=I?— >C :^x=ife ^^^^g ^^1^1^^ pg; O - ver Jor - dan, O - ver Jor -© » »-■ ^»- ^-! 1 — .r_« 19 »— !— »- dan. When the peace-ful shore we'll greet, O - ver Jor ^ -v'-L IS ?i:*==ti ^— ^- dan. ^3 30 KEEP ME, FATHER. Earnestly. J. K. COUE. 4-H^-j:^ J N N 1. Keep me,Father,safely keepine,Never let my footsteps stray ; Lead me to the fount eternal,Tliere my doubts and fears allay. 2. Keep me,Fatlier,safely keep me.Till in Heaven I wake above ; Make me pure and good and holy,Spotless make me like the dove. Keep me,Father,safely keep me,From all dangers on the way ; While I tread the pathway rugged,C!limb the hills to lasting day. Keep me,Father. safely keep me. Till the toil of life is o'er ; Till the angels home shall bear me Safely over Jordan's shore. ^ .^ •_--«- -^ #^-#-#-.-# ^T-#- . # 0^-0-0^-0- #-*-^- -0-^-0- .^'-^-0±-0- y^-^-V- ■V— ?- V— h V^> V__^ -^^ ^ V V y > Chorus. ^t=t5: *r-*i E?5 IP #T-#-^ii-i— •t-* Keep me,Father,safely keep me,Never let my footsteps stray. Lead me to the fount e - ter-nal,There my doubts and fears allay. p-^-'-r— r-i^-tj- Words and Music by Duet. GATHERING HOME. (And ye shall be gathered, one by one,— Is. 27-12,) 31 1, Up to the beau-ti - ful mansions of light, Gather - ing Home ; Gather - ing Home ; 2. So let us walk in the way they have trod, Gather - ing Home ; Gather - ing Home ; ^3- ,s s ^t=^ ^^ 1^=^- ^-h f^^m ?c:M5: ±Z±r -# — #- •# ■# Up to the city where cometh no night, Where falleth no shadow, or gloom. One and an-oth-er are Walk in the road leading upward to God, Who lovingly bids us to come. Working for Je-sus, with ^JB f ■4 — r — f — f- m 4—f- g^EEE "^^^ m K-K. -0 — #- :i= :45=^ 4 fcts: -^— K— N h— K- ^=Jtz.^z=!t N h -^— *- •# ' •# ■# ^' gliding a - way, Gath-er-ing Home ; Gath-er-ing Home ; "Out of the darkness andin-to the him for our Guide, Gath-er-ing Home; Gath-er-ing Home ; Fearing no e-vil, what-ev-er be- 32 ^=fe: GATHERING HOME.-Concluded. Chorus, s Js \ ^^^^m^ - day," The dear ones are Gathering Home. Gather -ing Home ; Gather-mg Home ; Xev-er to tide While Gathering, Gather-ing Home. Gather-ing Home; etc. ^ 1^ h ^ . -0- -0- -^ S-l -& -^ ^-:Jr-^ sin again, never to roam ; Gathering Home ; Gathering Home ; God's Children are Gathering Home. I i I ^ fe ^^ 1?=)e -i^_V-V-J- -V-V~i/- • i/ i Arr. from H. BOXAR. THE MEETING PLACE. i ^^: «5: £ J. E. MUBBAT. ■ ! I s - -«— - f^t^f ■0- ' W—9 I P ^- •» — r-i — ir-p — ^-| p — ^ — ^ — li — ^~ 1. Where the fa - ded flower shall freshen, rreshen never more to fade ; Where the shaded sky shall brighten, 2. Where no shadow shall be - wild-er, Where Life's vain parade is o'er ; Where the sleep of sin Is broken, 3. Where Earth's barren vales shall blossom, Putting on their robes of green; And a pur - er, fair-er Eden ^zz±. i=t: :p^=P L_^g.^i v=t ■^ '^ \f \/ x=x m , •0- -^ m I I •I h— I 1 1 f- t=lrt \=t V I - THE MEETING PLACE.~Cor>cluded. 33 tr-N- P=^ t^ ^g i ESi=i ■^i^ S S ^ ^■ ^^ r^'i m Brighten ner-er more to shade. Ana tlie dreamer dreams no marc Be where only •wastes have been -#-#- Wliere the mora shall wake In glad-mess, Wliere the bond is never se-ver-ed. Where a King in king - ly glo - ry. :f=^ ^f=f? ¥ V - £&-^ tii And the moon the Part-ings, clasp-ings. Such as eai-th has N .-lJ.*^*LXr I b I I m^ joy pro-long; EoJ) and moan, nev-er known, i t f i feES^S t^^=^ Itefrain, X—X Klm \==x f -H-« \ 1 ^ ■f—^HT ^%-0- l I Where the day - light dies In fra-grance, 'Mid the burst of ho - ly song. Mid - Might wak-ing, twi- light weep-ing, Heav-y noon - tide— all are done Shall as - sunie the right-eous scep-tre, Claim and wear the heav'nly crown #•• -^ ^iS=^ 9^"^. r^^r \\ J-^J Broth-ers, we shall meet and rest, ^, ^ ^ ^ t: fi 4^ # 0- rw rpt V=^^\i^ :i: r I r r i i^. m. meet and rest, meet and rest, Broth • ers, we shall meet and rest, Mid the ho - ly and the blest. #• #• ^ - ^ f- -^ ^ . ■ »■ #. . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -f- • ■»■ ^ . 34 THEN HOIST THE SAILS.* S. Wesley Martlj.> H^ rHr-rr'>~ l^ j ~t ^ - M -'r^^~^"t:H^~^^:^ n — r•^^1~^ ^ M J ~-r ^ M J 1«< 7>i/e^ 1. Wbatves-sel are you sailing in, Wlille on Uie voyage of life? 2d D-uet. 2. Our compass is Ike "Word of God," Our anchor, stead- fast hope; 2d i>^fe^ n? Our Tes-sel is tlie Ark of God, '"l^ie " Tlie love of God fills ev - 'ry sail, And SPISSS^ 1st Duet. *• 2d Duet. way, the truth, the life." And wliat's the port your sailing for, What calm and peaceful bay? The port Is New Je -. 1st Duet. 2d Duet. faith's our anchor rope. How ma-ny have you now on board That no-ble ship di - vine? Ten thousand, thousand ru - sa-lem, The realms of end-less day. hap - i)y souls, And room for all man - liind. Then hoist the sails. Then hoist the sails, etc. To catch the gale. Each #— ^ m -i-^ 1=^5^ ;#— P g^ -f^—0— :ip: Then hoist tlie sails, * Select two Duets,— Let the 1st Duet sing the 1st, 2d, 5th and 6th lines of the 1st stanza, and the 2d Duet sing the 3d, 4Hi, 7th and 5th lines. Of the 2d stanza, the 1st Duet sings only the 5th and 6th lines, and the 2d Duet sings the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 7th and 8th llnet^ THEN HOIST THE SAILS -Concluded. 35 tS 7^:M "^ ! I.,! ri" h • ^ - -j^-j-'rH K-i -j r -[ N I - N-7 I 1 sailor ply the oar. The night be - gins to wear a - way, We soon shall reach the shore. ^. , — J—i — 0-^^—s I j ' T' a- 1 — y-<*-S-»-— *-rS — ^ — f----^-T-rS— »— ^- — » . i j''^* » n The night begius LEAD THEM TO THEE. (Hymn for Parents and Teachers.) S. "Wksuey Martin, 1. Leadthem,myGod,to thee, Lead them to thee, These children dear of mine, Thou gavest me. 2. When earth looks bright and fair ,Festive and gay, Let no de - lu-sive snare, Lure them astray. 3. Yea, tho' my faith be dim, I would believe, That thou this precious gift, Wilt now receive. J ♦ ♦ ^ *" - - - J ^^_tf_5^ 1 a—^ — ^•—-4 — » g » ^ — #— 4— ■-^— 4 — -f 1—0 1 , — t^^ r =v — .^ — H — ^p-ip-J— 1 r; — r — t— -I— ^^=^: ^ k^ — h — ^ — ?^- iEEE i --h Jti— jt^ifv:^: -s :— #- -N — lii: i O, by thy love divine, Lead them, my God, to thee,Lead them,Lead them, Lead them Butfromtemptation'spowerLeadthem,myGod,to thee,Leadthem,Leadthem, Lead them O, take their young hearts now; Lead them,my God to thee,Leadthem,Lead them, Lead them ^ i to thee, to thee. CO thee. 36 Mbs, M. a. Kiddbr. r* ! N h 3^ CROWNED WITH LIGHT. 1 h ^ J . > JAS. M, NOETtt JS--N jiiiMt .0 — 0-J — \ — I — ^ 3tinti3^: -1^-1^— i m :N— S :i=q: 'Fr=} .; i'r '^ 1. Crowned with light in a home of glo - ry. We shjill sing with the an - gel band; If on earth we are on - I7 2. If we work in the world's great har -vest, If we la - bor and ne'er gire o'er. Sowing seed for the gold- en ^^-hr--^ — f^^-j — 0-^-s — 0-0—0^ -, ft — ^-^-g>-... h K-^ M^ S^- _-^ P-h'^-I 0- ■f f n * ?E?: ^ ^ ■V—^- Jtl3t P^ *S CJiorus. ^m :5l==3: ^± isOiJM. - iul. As we march to the lie«Tealy land, harr - est. We shall reap on the oth - er shore 1E^ t=:t i=P «*jig Glo - ry, Hal - le - In - Jah, Sing ia m 2i^ ^-i -T4— #— (»- I -0 T n I J J — m \ J g^ HJZJl — eJZa—0 m # — #-L<»-S " 3. Let us pray for the Savior's blessing, Let us practice the golden rule ; Pleasant words and the .de«ds of mercy, We have learned in the Sabbath School. sure, And his lovaehall endure, Ev-er faithful His blessed word. 4. Crowned with light in the saints sweet haven, Robed in white in the better land, If on earth we are only faithful, Chorus* We shall sing with the angel band. Chorus. Words and Music by Joyfully. UPWARD AND ONWARD. (From "The Prize.") 37 J. E. MtTRRAY. 1. Upward and on-ward. In -to the light. Out of tlie darkness, out of the niglit; In-to the sunshine. In -to the 2. Upward and on-ward, nev-er des-palrl Up to the mountains shining aud fair; Up to the cit-y, golden and 3. Upward and on-ward, be not dismayed; An -gels surround thee, be not a-ftald; Loved ones are calling, Je-sus says J^^j^J^J^^^Uj^p. 4U J^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ 4L JfL. »^ t:=X ipzrprr^i:^ nirr?g=liqpt=t=t -»- \ U-1- v-v- ^ !> I i V— V- :f=P=t^ \^ '• m day, blest, 'Come, In - to the Up to the Come to your heavenly way. Upward and onward, pressing a - long, heavenly rest, , Upward and onward, etc. heavenly home." Upward and onward, etc. Let us ey - er walk with t=^. tr- f^ n V=^ ^ V V % I: ^EB^t. f^^^^s^^g^^a heart and purpose strong; "He who hath loved us," go - eth be - fore, Ev - er and ev - er - more. ^ # t ■x=x t=x ■#-T-#- \ X V — ^- -©- a:=t r M?: 38 C. B. Hjuigsb, Soprano. CHEERFULNESS. T. Martijt Townu, ^-H- 1. Cheerful hearts delight our heav'nly King, Breathing happy joy where-'er they go, 2. Think not that religion means to sigh, Casting down our hearts in guilt and shame; C%orws.Come,in joyful strains, then let us sing, Cheerful hearts delight our heav'nly King. „ Alto. mEi :=|v -N— N— h— N— H Jvnt^zitszJviqiz:^ • — # — # — 3; :':=izz'=:i 1. Cheer - ful hearts 2. Think not that Chorus. Come, in joy-ful strains, then let us sing, Tenor. de-light our heay'nly King, Breathing re - Ijgion means to sigh, Casting Cheerful happy joy where'er they go, down our hearts in guilt and shame, hearts de- light our heav'nly King, Shedding light and sunshine in their homes, Piercing e'en the darkest haunts of woe. Christ in his unbound - ed heav'n-ly love, Asks us to rejoice in his dear name. All can do the will of Him, our Lord, By a kindly smile and cheerful word. i^iii^zifc:-^- H ^ ^ — I — *— -^ — — 0—0- --fc-I^--fc E^SES fc^^iizg^tE Shedding Christ in All can light his do and sunshine in their homes, Piercing un-bounded heav'nly love, Asks us the will of Him, oar Lord, By a ^ Hi— «- i=S: e'en the darkest haunts of woe. to rejoice in His dear name, kindly smile and cheerful word. ■ft. 5: ^ ^ 4L i—'^.. CHEERFULNESS.-Concluded. 39 _!rzs_S— v^— ^. -fli—0. V — W — ^ — ^ — ^- ^■E^^e^iESEl Many bitter tho'ts and words have fled, Many weary hearts have ceased to pine ; k=^ h"-»r fe£ -# 0- l!=ti :15: '¥- ?=7= --N— N~N--N- Iziizszzizztzi- .-} — m Truest happiness it is when one Gives in earnest love his heart to God; «— «— * ^^ ^— ^- M: ^^/hM-\^ —0 — — — — 0- — I — I — I — I — I — -0 0- V—V—^^^-^/- :i«5=l«tzp: Chorus D. C, W- 'c=±=± l^^s Yielding to the influence of a smile, Prompted by a love al - most di - vine. Zfc— i5- SES £ 1,^^-1=: • -0- -^ -^ Trusting in His promise to re - move All the heavy - pressing sin - ful load. ■0 — r-0— 0-- r-0 • "^ — ^- — f— " ^ ^ {* — m -0— — — 0- t MM^g-^ u -V- :p: l-^ y 40 Duet. GUARDIAN ANGELS. (Are thej not all mlniaterlng spirits.) P. WVBTOJf^ ^m Nt -H-— -«— #- E^ ^rzr- ^F==r ^=i^ L Is it true that an-gelshear us, When we sing oarsongsof praise ?Tliat bright wings are wav-ingnear us, 2, Is it true that in our sor-row, They in ten - der lore draw nigh, Telling us of that bright morrow, 8. Can we doubt since that bright legion, Came re- Joic - Ing to the earth, Leaying the ce-les-tial region. S3 ^t q:; Quartette "When to heaven our thoughts we raise f Where no tear shall dim the eye? "o annoimcc the Savior's birth? Is it true that when we're pray- ing, Badiant forms are bending near? Do they come on ho-ly missions. From our Father's home a-bore; Or when in the garden bend-ing, Christ was filled with pain and grief p¥^^^^ JMW^ Chorus, ^ That they know what we are say - Ing, And our er - 'ry word can hear? Let us lis To return with our i>e - ti - tions. And our songs of praise and lore? I,et us, etc. Ho - ly an - gels were at - tend - ing. With their words of sweet re - lief? Let us, etc. ten to their singing, GUARDIAN ANGELS.-Concluded. 41 Tor It la ofHeaYcii'ly lore; And tho re - ry air is ringing, "With their praise , of God a - bove. =t CHILDREN OF JERUSALEM. i^=i Gbo. p. Root. I t^^3^ ^^^^^^g^ ■t^ J.- it ^ -^ t 4 f- * • 1. Children of Je -ru - sa-lem, Sanj? the praise of Je-«us* name, Children, too. In lat-er days. Join to sing the Savior's praise. 2. We are taught to love the Lord, We are taught to read his word, We are taught the way to Heaven, Praise for all to Crod be given. S. Parents, teachers, old and young. All now wait to swell the song, Higher, and yet higher, rise, 'Till hosannas reach the skies. mi w 1 3t3t i=3t2^ ■M:i=±ji=ji M ^ ^ :t^=jt 15=^- Chorus. 1 t 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 V ' 1 n J \' t \ r 't ■ 1^ • ■«' "d •> ■ t- i -ci 11 ^ — a ' J 1 42 BEHOLD THE LAMB. Rev. T. a. T. Hakna, Theo. p. Settaed, i -1— ,r4 3 «< U- ^=i^ ■^ ¥ *- 1. See him, from Jordan's bright waters as - cend-ing, Lifting his meek eyes in 2. Wander -ing, homeless, and fed by the stranger, Weary at noon by Sa ■ 3. Now, in the midst of the throne, in - ter - ced - ing. Marked with the wounds of the # ^ ^— r-ft ^ ^— T--. n Pt.-r-^ ^ t-^ ^ 1 §i5?fet -i — I — r ■k prayer, to the sky; Father and Spirit their -witness are blending. Sealing the ma - ri - a's well ; Nights full of weeping and days full of dan-ger, Who the re -• cross, he ap - pears ; Slain as our Pass - o-ver, ris - en and pleading, Offering his -J 1— ?^?^ It:—! 1 1§S S£EE^ :ti=t:=t: X=t -\ — r— T tit:: t=t I — r g=i I W=^- G-r Lamb who for sin - ners must die, port of his sor-rows can tell; in - cense, per - fum - ing our prayers, §S^=fc EE: Sealing the Lamb who for sinners must die. Who the report of his sorrows can tell , Of -fer-ing hi« incense,perfuming our prayers. P 1-^ 1 f— c-f — I f-=c-i P—F-ci^ n Hklen L. Smitii. JESUS LOVES YOU. J. M, KlKTFEIU 43 -^^- ..a-^. A-=^ =1— M— ^:- ±c; Bring your ev - 'ry Je - sus calls you. Bring your ev - 'ry care to Je-sus, jvindly calls you; grief to Je-sus, Jo-sns, your Tru^ his uev Wliobas suf Al-niigb-ty mend; er - fail - ing love; fered so for you; He will car - ry He wlio died on Tliiuk you lie will _f- - -fi- • S- m Chorus. m r i ^ r -0- -^ -s- ^ ' W4 Je - su3,your Al -mif;lity ft-iend; He will car^ m ^E all your burden, Love and keep you to the end. Bring your every joy to Jesus ; For he smiles to see you glad; He would have his cliildreu happy; Never gloomy, never sad. Chorus. 6. Give yourself away to Jesus ; Oil, he longs to make you blest; He will bring yen safe to glory, "Where the ransomed are at rest. ClIOEXTS . 44 is "Words and Music by Solo. ^x-r^ ON THrOTHER SIDE. (Read Rev. xxii: 1-5.) Semi- Chorus. Rzv. J. S. Boyd. Solo. -EF 1. Where shall we end our sor - row? On the oth - er 2. Where flows the crys - tal riv- er? On the oth - er 3. Where is Christ our loved ones bring-mg? On the oth - er -g= side. Where be - gin the side. Where God's children side. Where shall we soon ^i ffl m Semi-Chorus. Cliorus. T~\ -K !- ■j^- M glad to - mor-row? On the reign for- ev - er? On the hear them sing-ing? On the oth - er side, oth - er side, oth - er side. m % There the sweet voiced an - gels sing ; They no sun, no can -die need; Oh ! we'll join them — charming sight ! -H h h- 1^ :|=j: Saints on harps strike loud the strings Christ, their Light, his flock shall feed ; Waving palms and wearing white ; ^--^-t- l^ 3^-^ ^^m. ; Gladdest rau-sic ev - er rings, On the oth-er side. And to liv-ing wa-ters lead, On the oth-er side. Serving God both day and night. On the oth-er side. :.^=?: i OUR SAVIOR'S NAME. ("That name which Is above every' name,") 45 JOHX MOBBISOif. S5N -^-^^ 3EE£i it ^^^^^^ R i^ r=i 1. Our Savior's name,our Savior's name, O let It crown our loft-ieststrain,'WliileHe&v'n and eartli in concert sIng,And 2. Witli vi - ol, liarp, and trumpet's sound. Now let the fes - tal joy be crowned, While all on earth re-joice a - gain, And 3. Blest be thoev-er sacr-edmorn, That shrines the joy when Christ was boru,When he from realms ol" glory came. And Chorus, m all the hl^h-est arch-es ring, Our Sav - lor's sing in 8W( et triumphant strain. Our Sav - ior's scrapits glad - ly sang his name. Our Sav • ior's name, nadie. our Savior's our Savior's ©nr Savior's name name name :l P P r - t=t^ irlr-T :p=P S==M= e ■k fll ■^■ ~f=T=fzC^ O wreath it in sweet H«- -^ :t^ Savior's name. m^m^^^^^ ^ ^m^^ ^ chor -al strain, With i>eace on earth, goou will to men. With peace on earth, good wiil to ^ -ft. m t=t ^-^ =fci: igri r^ ^ m 46 PASS ALONG THE WATCHWORD CS, S, BATTLE SONG.) A. T. GOEHAM. Spirited. J -3 1-1 -zfe: V— ^P ^i^ ;t 1. Pass along :lie watchword. Soldiers ofthe King! 'Thro j^our bannered egionsletthe wai'-cry ringi 2. Gird a- new j'oiir armor, draw the trusty sword, Faithful lit-tle sol-diers, tighting for the Lord ! 3.We ar marchin homeward withourGodtodwell,Homewardwheretheangels' songs of triumph swell. ■V^/- Pass a-long the watchword as you onward go, Vic - to-ry, vie - to - ry, o-ver ev'ry foe ! Jesus Christ,your Captain, gives 3'^ou as you go, Vic - to-ry, vie - to - ry, o-ver ev'ry foe ! There we'll gladly gather, no more out to go, Vic - to-ry, vie - to - ry, ours o'er ev'ry foe ! Pass along the watchword ! Victory ! Vic - to-ry I Pass along the watchword ! Vic-to - ry ! Vic - to-ry ! I ' — ^ — ^ — \/ 1 1 ^^ — ^ — '^ »— ^-g — p- . "^ U ^ t/ PASS ALONG THE WATCHWORD !-Concluded. 47 ;^^= Pass along the watchword,shoutit as you go, Vic -to-ry, vie - to-ry, m^m^ -# — 0- -0 0- ov-er ev-'iy foe! ^ ^=t ^ i^ .SWKTT. WORK IN THE VINEYARD. (Go ye also into the vineyard ; and whatsoever is right, that sliall ye receive. -Matt, xx: 7.) J, "W. Shhyock. -■X ? il 1. Tliose who, trusting in the Lord, In his vineyard toil be - low, Will ob-tain the bright reward, Tliat the blest in 2. Learn to do the Master's will; Joy and peace will tiien be thine. And your path ^row brl,iriitor still. Till joii reach the 3. Those who are the Sous of God, Work with earnest liearts and hands. In o - l)H-dieuce to l\is word. With tlie love tluit 4. Toil ye with a purpose high, And the fond results a - wait, ITor each hour that passes by Brings thee near-er N N K i rpzipzip: ~K— \- -^— ^— ^— ^-la^—i^— a^— h- »— "— ^— *— T Chorus. I V N i"*^ K hea-venknow. ^ realms di-vine, V Work in his vineyard While 'tis called to-day, Tliat heav'u and its joys may be thine for aye, he commands, hea-veu's gate, J ife^ :i=p: -0~r0- 1^ 1^ — #-i-r#— — #■ — # — 0- -0 — 0-r0- ^ot t=t2: farp 48 THE JASPER SEA. llRS. M. Lu RlYKX. J. R. HT7RIU.T. N ^ N N - 03 ^^^^^^^^^ J=s^ ♦— 5- 1. They are waiting, waiting for us, By the Jasper sea; We can hear the heavenly chorus Of their 2. Since the light of Cliristian graces Never can grow dim, We may walk in shining places, Fol-low- f- , f- f- , JAjt IdUfT fei :^^=p: :)i^=f!= ^ ^* — *-j hr-*--^ :^ 1/ P u I ; m ^m t5=lfv ^=^ ^ T=^=t mel - o - dy ; We can see the pearly whiteness Of their garments fair, And discern the far off ers of him. They remember and watch o'er us,]^rom that further shore ; They have cleft the wave be- i^ i# At^ I ^ Chorus. They are wait in«. wait :ct ^ jsi- brightness In t^at ra-diant air. They are waiting, angels waiting, They are waiting, angels fore us. And passed safely i^'er. They are waiting, etc. M Hh -0-' -0- •0' nr j^- f r r r lEZZ^lllEZZ^ -4- THE JASPER SEA.-Concluded. 49 lor yon, ipzupizznizift friend, -J and -0 — 0- ~e They are wait *=*: i=f V V '^ V '-^ '^ '^ '^ '^ '^ '^ '^ 'f^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ' '^ '^ '^ [^ waiting, They are waiting, waiting, waiting for us by the Jasper sea. They are waiting, an-gels Q; g g ZZ lgZZI^Z ;=T:t=t iJiZI^jilZjE -u^— t^— >— w^ I Ing, In?, Wait - Inpr for 3-011 aiid for me. .^ — ^-^..-J — N i Kt-^-^ b U U U U i^ k' U waiting, yes they're waiting there for me ; ^ztii: ^ ' U U l^ U I Waiting for you and for me, for you and me. t=t t=:t=i: :ji — p ^ ^ zqzpzzznq A- J, W. THE. ETERNAL YEARS. J. R, MUKKAY. 113 -H-r- •rf-H -0—0—0- -Jt-Jt ^g» I — r- .)«»_^_ 1^— i- ^ j^ - r <» 1. O still,my heart,thy troubled thouglits,Tliy anxious doubts and fears : There yet is peace and rest for thee In theEternal Years. 2. O blessed home and blessed peace,Tlie thought my bosom cheers. There yet is calm and rest for me In those Eternal Years. 3. As faint and weary here I roam, Oppressed with gloomy fears, I sigh, I long, for the sweet peace Of those Eternal Years. 4. Hien liastenTliou tlie happy day When,free from cares and fears, WithThee my soul shall taste sweetrest In those Eternal Years, ssg ^•-^ ^^titr ^♦^^ V— ■>- :?g:^: V— ?- -*9- 1A=P: :^^=Fr=f p^ P 30 SING ALOUD HIS PRAISES. Words and Mixsic by Allegretto. ^--K -^~^f- ?E^^^-JE?_3S H. E- Kimball. -<9 . ^ 1. We have come together, a bright and happy band, To sing the praises of our heav'nly King; 2. He is ev - erneurus, at morningnoonandnight,Andguidesourwanc1eringfoot3tepsalltheday ; S.Then we'll sing his praises, pro-long the joyous song, And loudly swell the chorus o'er and o'er. n ^—^ t \ 1 -4 A— » * » — tf -* » — » — » »— ^- -K uf— h- — ^i- K _^ — ^/—^^ _^_>i_ _^, -N N- ^-7=^- t=M- Shout aloud the chorus, ex - alt his mighty name, 'Till we make the heav'nly arches ring. Then we'll give the glory, to him whose tender care, Leads us safely on our heav'nly -way. Je-sus died to save us, to save us from our sin. And we'll praise him ever, ev - er more. g^^ -^— ^ ? ^ -V- £333 ^^-^- -- — » — « %i=i ^ 'J it=b=:^^:=i= Chorus. l2zz«=i=iNzi)v N N ~m^^=^^^^^ *=i: :bw. m te^Ei^ Sing a-loud his praises, Sing a-loud his praises, i^i-j/ ^ H— Sing a-loud the praises of Christ our King, I fc:£=^ :i-z:^5iv:5=:i^=:ii: SING ALOUD HIS PRAISES.-Concluded. 51 !' :l=i=q=:;: ti^ r--^ Shout a-loud the chorus, Ex- alt his mighty name, Till we make the heav'nly arches ring. Andante. fcjt JUST AS THOU WILT. P, F. Bliss. :* T=^=^- -# « — * ^_i_^-^_? — — L«? ^ — # — :~-^ §! Just as Thou wilt— no more I pray. That Thou Avouldst take this cross a - -way ; I on - ly aslc for Just as Thou wilt— I can -not see The path Thy love marks out for me; Resigned, I leave the Just as Thou wilt— full well I know Thy hand in mercy deals the blow; Then, though my cherished ,•**! rS ■ . I I -^ - - - - f** ^t^t i= r— I — r 1 — r I I gi-ace to say, Thy will, not mine, be done, choice to Thee— Thy will, not mine, be donf. hopes lie low. Thy will, not mine, be done. I ^ h-— I 1 H-J-l H i 1 l—P JJ Jnst as Tliou wilt— though called to part With dearest friends, until my heart Quivers beneath Thy piercing dart— Thy will, not mine, be done. Just as Thou wilt— O Lamb divine, What grief can be compared to Thine! Then let tliy prayer henceforth be mine. Thy will, not mine, be done. Just as Thou wilt— till life be past; Then, safe beyond earth's stormy blast. My soul shall sing with joy at last. Thy will and mine be done. 52 WAITING AT THE FORD. Pattlixa* J. B. MxmBAT. m 1. With staff in hand we tread the way The Sa - vior trod in meekness. And lay up - on Him, day 2. It maybe that the light is dim, That once shone brightly o'er ns; It may be while wo look 3. And when the simmions comes to cross The dark and swollen riy - er. Still undismayed well look :^c=t:fc=?i: F=P=.i^-g^T=g=g= *t?: *=5^ by day. The to Him, That for aid To I -b-lU 1 ^ -^=-^ V V v tr-tr-r 'riT- fesP X—^- 3i: -t—4 i^ :J_T -^f 3E^ bur -den of our weakness. We bring un-to Him troubled hearts, That sin Is des-o - la-ting. And trust His word at skies are dark be-fore us : But we will walk by Faith, and know A peace, o'er earth's creating. And trust His word at Him who can de - lir-er: Then we shall see Him face to face. And know all Joy's o - la-ting. And bless His word from Sii^zzztz^izp: t:-p y ? y ^ ^ W ?• \ €— «- :^cz?ti^ -?— ?- t=i: K^ l-yiZ^^ rpzipizp «=pc 5=^f :p=p: V ^ Jordan's ford,Where we are on • ly waiting. And trust His word at Jordan's ford.Wliere wo are on - ly waiting. Jordan's ford, Wliere we areon-ly wait-lng, Aiid trust His word at Jordan's ford,Where we are on-ly waiting. Jordan's ford, When we po more are wait-ing, And bless His word Arom Jordan's ford, When we no more are waiting. I 5IB :^^iM=fc ^■^J -ir^-v— ;^-i4 ::::Uz:5: w— w — r- p-^-\ — r ^ r— n HOME FLIES THE DOVE. The soul may be likened to a dove in a cage, from which some day It shall bo set free to go home to Its rest. Words and Music by Jamxs R. Mubrat. Earnestly, 53 te^ W- -^^=f=^M^^^^=^f=4^ Where it nev - er more Bliall wea - ry, Home flies the dove ; From the transient and the fad - ing, Home flies the dove; Up to realms unknown to sigh - ing, Home flies the dove ; 3^ -:Sr-^ P» Jl Where the To the Whero shall I. ^ day is sky no come no t=t te£ icrt & ^ 5^=* ^=ft^t-^=^- nev-er drea-ry, Home flies cloud is shading, Home flies pain nor dy-ing, Home flies the dove ; the dove ; the dove ; ■0 : 0- . -4- -« — €- ^4 3^1: ^^m ^^ G-x- To the rest that is for-ev - er, To the love that To the longed for, hap-py meeting, All the well-be - Earthly joys no more de-taiu-ing Earthly scenes no M--^::^if=:¥^ :t=«: :5c=:^^=i^ r— t—t rt ?^ >^ n i» I I ^ 1 1 1 1 1 ! V 1 P* b * J J - '■ " N I lu , "1 yf^.\ji^^ — ^ — i^ — 4_ -jU. — J_J _j_ — h 1— -A s J ^--^ — -^ J — J — 3- — H-v ^ H •— ~V" — ^KS"~1ri~ -^i i H ""1 ^- -J chan-ges ner - er, loT - ed greet-ing, more rc-strain-ing. From its own no From the vain and Now the gold - en F — f — 1~ more to sev - er, false and fleet-ing, por - tals gain-ing, Home flies the dove. Home flies the dove. Home flies the dove. ^^V-^ — \r-t—r- U — ^-T-^- L — n 1«— L_j ^ 1 ^ .J ^^ \ U-J r tl 54 DID JESUS LOVE THEM? Mrs, M. B. C. Slade. J. R. Muekay. The questions may 1)6 snug by a single voice (Treble") or as a Duet (Treble aud Alto) or as printed, by tlie teachers or a class. The answers are to be sung by the whole school. The recitations may be by siugle voices or by classes. Ansiver. Question. ,n ^ r— N K N K- 1 — h — ^~~:^ — ^" - -N K ->^ K r~:^^ T \JL'^~s N — aj ^ M i— ' i % ^ t ~ i & » i zjz- : q_ ::::^ If^- -^ -^- :: t t t — ^ ^ yy "* fi^ S 4 S d _ 4 ^ S a % m '^ 1 1. Did Je - sus love tlie ■^ ^ ■<>. ■#- lil - ies pure. That deck-ed the fields around? — 1 1 T^- 1 r-l 1 -« "- 4 g s 9 Oh, yes; of this you ^ p p p O T- P^kf=r- 1 \ 1 \r —0 * # # :5=5— fe^= -b^ :^E - » » » * 1 1^4 L - -J !> L/ \j \ J J J J • > ^ ^ 1 1/ may be sure; These are bis words, I've found. PPEB33EE J* — ■^, A, r I RECITATION. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not^either do they spiu,and yet I say unto you tiiat even Solomon in alibis glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matt, yi: 28-21). 4. Q. Did Jesus love the sparkling sea That rippled with the Yi^indi:' A. Oh, yes, beside its waves walked he, His fisher-friends t0 find. RECITATION, Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother. And he saith unto them, follow me and I will make you flshersofmen.MATT.lv: 18- ly. 5. Q. Did Jesus love, Ah, best of all, Young children, such as we? A. Oh, yes, for thus his loving call The story tells to me : RECITATION. Jesus said, sufl'er the little children to come unto me and forbid themuot, I'orof such is the kuigdom oflieaven, Makk, X: 14. G. Q. And does he love us still on high Just as he did before? A, Oh, yes, and \vith him, by and by We'll dwell foreverniore I RECITATION. Jesus said— I will come asrain and receive you unto myself, that where I am tiiere ye may be also. Joiix, xiv : ;i. y • • ^ V I, r Did Jesus love the merry birds That sing their notes of glee ? Oh, yes, for thus in tender words, Of sparrows speaketh he. RECITATION. Jesus said, are not two sparrows sold for a farthing, and not one of them shall fall to the ground without your lather. Matt, x : 29. 3, Q. Did Jesus love the gentle shower, The warm and shining sun ? A, Oh, yes, he says his Tather's power Sends these to every one. RECITATION. He makethhissun to shine on the evil and on the good, and seudetb his rain on the justaud on tlie unjust. Matt, v; 45, sow YE BESIDE ALL WATERS. 55 Akna Shipton. Spirited. J. B, MUREAY. ES i!-i -*=.t: ■-?■ 1, Sow ye beeide all 2, Sow when the sun - liRlit 3, Sow when the moru-ing 4, Onl with thine heart in Pi wa " ters, sheddeth break-eth heav - en. -4rv^-^—^-~^—^ ->r-t- ^^m "Where heaven's dew may fall; Its warm and cheer - ing ray ; In beau -ty o'er the land; Onl la tliy Master's might; La - bor and be not For rain ofheav'ndes And when the even - ing Till the wild waste shall -(*—#- J=t -P^ X=Xr. i -M •0- ^ ^-^- Cko. D. C. Sow ye beside all wa-ters, ''^here heaven's dew ma?/ fall; La - bor and be not $ :i3: Fine. ?=£ i^ i=^=?^i= '<_-♦ -s- m wea - ry, For the Spir-it breathes o'er all. cend - eth. When the sunbeams pass a - way, fall - eth Then withhold not thou thine hand, bios - som In the blessed Savior's light. Sow ye be -side all Sow when the tern - ptest wa low Sow though the rock re - pel Work while the day-light last t«TS, ers. eth. =^ •v^^ -»-i- wea - ry, .^ For the Spir-it breathes o^er all. n J+ 1^ lu 1 I Chonu si), a r V rr 1 ■ h ^ 1 J J t* . 1,. ^ h. 1 1 ' ' 1 >L^ J J '■-■ s ' ^ «-? *• € <5 • ^ J - j ■ ^ r 1 p t-1~ -r- 1 F?5 *| g". <^, m ^ a \ ^ *^ * M ^ » J i ^ _ S I 1 1 t:^- 2 -1 -9 , \ 9. m 1 _ • M -2 *i '' A J -« "",.#•, m .. -'If 1 1 J S S A. p Sow-ing with faith and prayer. For calm-erdays will break. In cold andster - lie pride; Ere shades of night come on; U_ Namehim whose hand up - And seed in darkness Some cleft tliere may be Soon shall we rest from holds thee. And sow thou ev - 'ry-where. nourished, A good-ly plantmay make, rir - en. Where lit - tie seeds may hide, la - bor. Soon shall our work be done. 1 ^•ff ~ I ^ TT- \ 56 BE UP AND DOING. E. A.. W, r. P, Bliss. - -I f>— ft i^T 1 ^ Kt— 1 - — r— I f'— Ct — ^ 1. Be up and do - ing ! for the work A-rouud thee thickly stands ; And few the earnest 2. Be up and do-ing! thinkof menWho'redy-ingday by day, — Dy4ng in sin and ^—i^t^r^ workers are, And few the will -ing hands, wretchedness : Oil I help them while you may. Be up and do Be up and do It: t Ing I think of souls Who ing ! soon thy toil Shall :^3=^J: J- u %-. ^ -^— #- — t/_i_ f 'j I m 1=:^: ^^ 3=5 ^— ^ s 4 ^ ^-n^-h- litit perish all a - round. That thro' thy earnest helpfulness Some ''lost" ones maybe ''found," have a full re - ward, And all his faith-ful la - bor-ers Be "ev - er with the Lord." ^f^ Allegro. JESUS SAID. CBATTISMAL HYMNO Composed and Dedicated to the Lawrence St. Sabbath School, Lawrence, Mass, 57 S. A. Ellis. i m m i ^$=^=^^^=i=^. 113 r-==t Suf-fer lit -tie children to come un- to me, Je - sus said, Je - sus said, E '■H^ I^F^=^i^^rJ^ ^?^-- i s :J^= Fine. ^=^ 3=^t i 2-7 Suf-fer lit - tle^, children to come un - to me, Je - sus said, For-bid them not. ^ ^' ^ S . ^ ^ ^ . . , ^ ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ 5i 'T /rs -f- i : i 1 ^ 1 1 — -1- 1 F--* F H 1 1 1 — tH ^ s^ t=t :f=^ Moderato. --N Sr ?3i ^35 =S iN— ir .'^^-fc-l- z>. a T-^- # 0-^-0 For of such is theKingdom,theKirfgdomof HeaYen,For of suolh is the Kingdom,the Kingdom of Heaven. ■#. -fr #-'A.#- #-•#..♦ p^- ^, T . T r—^,-:r-r- — ^i-/B-r^ — ^T-^-fi-fi ^— ?— r-r-i } P V—g-^ isL^ -F-» ^-£-'^- m 58 THE LAND BEYOND THE BLUE. R. F. HtJGllES. Earnestly. 3. R. MURTIAY. pipii#i i=a->rai: ^^^-~i±^^=,^ I — , L__| — — ,_ • 1 p Tf — I 1^ ^ ■ i^ 1. Onward I Halt not, pllfirrim stranger, TlioMliy cross be hard to bear; Strength thou sliaTt receive from Heaven, If thy 2. Forward! Turn not,pili;rHn stranfi;er,Thcre'.s a race for thee to run, And a crown will be thy guerdon When thy 3. UpwardIFaiutnot,pilgrim stranger,Pierce the clouds which tliee surround; See the pear-iy gates be-fore thee, At the -fi^-^-^0 \^ V V ^m^^m.^ ■^ V ~fi'-fi- itriH: -?-p -^L_p- :^-^ V— ^- ;^ z' 1> ^ ' ^ cour - age fail thee ne'er. God is ev - erncar to guide thee. If thou to thy-self be true; Thy re - work be-low is done. There's a gol - den harp in glo-ry. And a spot - less robe for you, "Wlien you far ho-ri- zon'sboundl Look not backward, for there's danger ; Ev - erkeep the goal in view, Till tliou N m p p • -# ^ - \^ ^1 -^--»- jft_^ ^ \^ 1^ - ^ ward will come here-af - ter, In the land reach the Ho - ly Ci - ty, In the land pas - sest o'er the riv - er, To tlie laud I ,^ ^ ^ be^'^ond the blue, beyond the blue beyond the blue ;h" the land beyond the Blue, r;?=pizi- gg f'-7---r:Ec==:j==E=::xza-v- r-k U — (O- In the THE LAND BEYOND THE BLUE-Concluded. ,^ ifc^ =t-^ — I — ^—i — « - -A — %-- 1- *-T * 0-^—0- 1 "^r^ 1? ^ ^ 3t=5 land beyond the Blue, Thy LL a-waits thee yon-der -^—fL^—0-^fl P- i=^3=i 3 V V ■^- ^.^ -Gr nzi- the land beyond the Blue, 59 i "Words and Music by Moderato. s SIEVES =S±^ SHINING LIGHTS. (Matt, v: 16.) fcj 4— M^ «i — a — 0- 1^^^H-+ — t — « — « — <" — *" « — ]-- f — ^ — t— I — I — I Rev. J. S. BOTD. 4— ^-M-^- -^—t=.t=3—t-- ~d—i ^—ii—ii glo-rl - fy. 1. "Let your light so shine," (Jesus tells us why,) "That men by seeing your good works, Your Father may 8, Tf7ta« is each one's light? Love within the heart; All goodness, meekness, virtue, peace. And joy, bright rays im-part, Z, jFTcm; should each light shine ?By good words and deeds; By patience,kinduess,truth and love; All such are heav'n-bom seeds. 4. Tf7i€re should each light shine? Glow both true and fair Abroad, at home, at play, alone— Fresh gleaming every-where. — ^nb«'» — O —O ^ — 0-T-^ 1- g|E5E5ES=S Chorus. ^ Shin-ing ev - er brightly. Like a lit-tle t=t: t=t:=t=i: i^ k* i^ i^ I I - -r -sr star. Shining in the world's deep darkness Send your light a - far. )E=)i_'^W_>ril>i: V V V - :gc=^ f=F=F a 60 THE TARES. Miss M. A. Baksr. H, R. PAiaiBB. fefe— ^-^-^-^ ^ ^ '=ii=i-i=i=:t PS 1. Sa - tan Ihe tares is sow-ing; 2. Gtxl for the wheat Is car-ins, 8, Yes, lie tliewlieut is keeping, 4. When he the wheat doth sev - er. m ?^ So earn - est - ly eow-ing, sow-ing. Ami wilh the vrheat they're growinff. To ■ So ten - der - ly car-ing, car-ing. And wliiletlie tares he's sparing, Tlie So lov - Ing - ly keeping, keeping, Safe for llietime of reap-ing. For B - ter - nai - ly sev - er. sev - er. May we be his for - er - er. To • ^ §,, "d m m m » m m » '^ P~— =P=t=t - P P P P - Si timt W=^^ Pf « '^ \f V ^ ^ ^ A little faster. geth - er growing here, ur-vest d raweth near. ^ And the gar-ners built a-bove sing his grace and love. 0- angels will gather. By and by. By ami by. The wheat for the gamer of the ^^^^i^^^^^^^^fe S Kaster onHlgli, [igli. The angels will gather. By and by, By and by, The wheat for the g« #-»-^-.-^t_^«-/g_- y t" I / > ^P—jp-'-Ji-^p ' P-r^ P'-P-rP- t=t==t I II gamer of the Master on High, £i3^ ^ r-p p ^l k^ y ■^/-v- THINK HE LOVES THE LITTLE ONES BEST. OXRALD MASSEY. JOIIX MOBKISOX. te^-j^^^ :fc^!5=:^NzHtifcj5 61 P -.t^^r-t lE^ 1. When he was with us our Saviour said, Suffer the Children to come unto me ; I see Him still with 2. Here vre are poorest of God's own poor, Toiling for bread from day to day, In Heav'n is laid a 3. Then lit-tle hearts be glad and sing, Freely Hislove to His Children warms ; And little voices -O- -f- -f- -0- A ^.»- ^^}: V— '>— ^ H — h — I . r L — h- --^-V — ^ — ^ — I n- V V V \f • ^ -i* (Jhor%is. -*---^- ■* ►' ^ arms outspread,Andwaitingto greet themround his knee. ^ treas-iu-e sure. While money is round and rolls a-way . \ And tho' there is room for all the rest, I rip£le and ring,How gladly He folds them in His arms. i b I r, :.->— ^ : ^: — ^ £ -lA-V- think Ho lores the Lit-tleOne»best; And tho' there is room for all the rest, I think He loves tho LitUe Ones best. '^ r f f , ?^ V u ^ ^ 'A X=X 5^ 1 62 From The Pearl WORK FOR JESUS. J. M. KlEFFER. ^. -tr-K- ?^=1= i/ .;> y ^ 1. Now's the time aud here's the place ; Christian don't delay Jiut work with heart,and hand,andmight,For Jesus' cause to-day ♦•. . •«-•#■ -4—! +- 4—4— 4-4— -H-*-)— 4-!4— -^ ■#- 4— *#- ■#-. I y W- — W w -V V — w sr- ^ !^ ^ 'l^ i^ ^ rt -^-•-?^=H«- > • ff 'fg-^'fg— [=I5IZp ■\/—^—V—V- Choms. Now's the time,now's the time,The time to workfor Jesus; Yes,workwithheart,andhand,andmIght,For Jesus' cause to-daj'. L^. , 1 \ 1 j 1 1 i — r»-^» — 0~i-0^^-^ #-T-*-r#-^-» — I • — » — »-',-fi-r^-T-m — ^--^ — 0-1, n 2. Xow's the time, and here's the place ; Jesus lead the way ; Thou art our Light, our Streno^th, and Trust For thee we'll work to-day. Chorus. 3. Now's the time, and here's the place, Christian, never cease ; Birt labor on for Christ and tnith, Above there's rest and peace. Cfhorus, From The Teaiil. COME AWAY TO THE SABBATH SCHOOL. :|5z^vz:f5zih=q: d—i^—M- s V -jN- N N T-i"-r-t r-t fctj: i^ Frank M. Davis. -— H— '■-1 ^-T— I- ^ *=3: 1. Hear the cheerful morning bells, calling us to Sabbath School I Come a - way, come a-way, come a-way. List! their Come away, COME AWAY TO THE SABBATH SCHOOL.-Concluded. 63 n^ sacred chiming tells, tis a r-r- T t^i^ ^ k-^ :f;=r: du - ty for us all ; Come a - way, come a - way, come a - way, Ilap-py vz^-lp-f- yz i^ -V—* .— ^ -'^—^ "I — Come a - way, ^m SSfe ,1i:fc:ih=): -# — aj-H— 1-^ fa-ces, one and all, come a -way. Hasting to tlie fciubbath School, come a - way :^^=t -tf-i- come a- way. Where we come a- way. t-~: -T-r- H learn the Gold-en Bule, in our blessed Sabbath School, Come a - way, come a - way, come a - way. 2.How-we love the meetings there, in our blessed Sabbath School, Come away, come away, come away. There unite in praise and prayer, at bur Father's gracious call, Come away, come away, come away. There we've teachers, kind and true, come away. There we've books, both old and new, come away, There we love to lieed each rule, in our pleasant Sabbath School, Como away, come away, come away. .There we learn of Jesus' love, in our blessed Sabbath School, Come away, come away, come away. And the road that leads above, where there's happiness for alL. Come away, come away, come away. There we sing our songs oflove, come away. And are taught of things above, come awav. Then let's heed the cheerful call, for the blessed Sabbath School, Come away, come away come away. 64 IT IS BETTER FARTHER ON. Words and Music by J. B. MmuUT, i^S hi r s tZZfZLJt. ^ ^ 1. Prom the Golden Land a-bovo us. To our wea-ry hearts and lone; Comes a voice of an - i^el sweetness, 2, Are thy feet all bruised and irea-ry. Is thy Journey long and lone; Do the hoai« seem sad and dreary. ^ gg?3?^j^ =t s «« ^m^ -S>-v- ^^is^ s agE^^ j zgzo: '<-* iiisi -#-- n "It Is bet-ter far - ther onP Grief and pain may now op-press thee, Joy and hope and "It Is bet-ter far - ther onl" Here our loved are first to leave us. Here we sing with iEi :q.^. S§ iSli -f^- iS4 — ' — #-H-* J_ti:^.S-^=3^*3it^555=*^i IT IS BETTER FARTHER ON.-Concluded. 65 6E g-g- :n frieuds be gone, sad-dened tone. Faint not, heart, thy rest is com-ing, "It Here our eyes are dimmed with weeping, "It is bet-ter Is bet-ter far - ther on." far - ther on." B^^^ sweet - ly say-ing, S J |S.. S ■ -^—^ is bet - ter, -H~N-1- bet - ter. ■0-a 1 \- — h '^ ^ ■♦ -^ I I Hear the voi-ces ev - er sweet - ly say - ing. L S^ S3 #-T-f«- 1 ^ • f/ k^ bet-ter far-ther on,'* '^^ J^lt ^±:t?: V i> i^- m WHITHERSOEVER THOU GOEST WE GO, 1. "Through pathways of dan-ger and darkness and dread, "We fol - low Thee glad - ly, O Master," we said. "Lead 2. Says the Master "who follows the path wiierellead Must learn of Its sadness, and suf-fer its need. Its 3 Sore - sor - row-ing, sobbing and wounded and worn. We hear a voice say- ing, "This too have I borul" Ard Wm^: :M:i:K^r- V V «-T-5 — « -d \-\-A- -*i- ^^ on-ward, lead up-wardi thro' weal or thro' woe. For whith - er -so-ev - er Thou go- est, we go!" cross must en-dure, audits dan - gers must Icnow : "VVilttliou fol - low me,— where - so - ev - er I go?" % while we bend weep-ing, we find on the sod The prints where the feet of the Mas-ter have trod! Chorus. pi=:z:giJ±i:zO=zi=J=J: :^i^=1z:=1i: :i-Ti^J- :li s=s-i 'J i^^fE^^ "Yeal whither -so - ev - erl wliat - ev- er betide, We fear not the dan-gers with Thee for our guide ?Tho' we SIS -^— (•- .^_^. »^ ^ ±-1^ -p__-r_--_T::_^ — ^_ -^T WHITHERSOEVER THOU GOEST WE GO.-Concluded t^^ 1 . When friends, to whom we cling,forsake ; When writhes the heart that will not break,How sweet it were 2. When sorrow's cloudo'erspreads our sky ; When hopes andjoys all withering lie, How fond-ly turns 3. When fierce beset with wrath and strife ; When foes a - rise to seek our life, A - long the path 4. O, God! our hope,ourlight,ourall, Be Thou our friend, whatever be-full; Thro' all life's scenes Thee, Mitli Thee, Tliee, ^& ■■f=r to sleep, and wake, the wea-ry eye with dangers rife, for help we call r :*r i l!S^B InHeav'n, O God! withThee,with Thee, In Heav'n, O God! with Thee. To seek for rest in Thee, in Thee, To seek for rest in Thee. We safe-ly M^alk with Thee,with Thee, We safe-ly walk with Thee. On Thee, a - lone on Thee, on Thee, On Tliee, a - lone on Thee. :t: if rE £=E :;t 1 Dim I riL\ t— M 68 THE CHILDREN'S JUBILEE. Miss Sarah M, Gils. - iri *- 1. Hosanna, be the children'a song,To Chrlst,the children's King ; His praise,to whom our souls belong,Let all the children sing, 2. Ho - san-na, on the wings of light,0'er earth and ocean fly ; Till mom to eve, and noon to night,And heay'n to earth reply. in przpZZjC rr — w « — — s- •-•-Fa— -•! — ^ — ^- -# — ^ — » — * — ot-v — i-F-i — •-—d — j'-rd — h— i — ' * • • -^ -#■ -o- • ff Fromlit-tle ones to Je-sus brought,Hosanna now be heard; Let lit-tle in-fants now be taught To lisp that lovely word. Ho-san-na, then, our song shall be ; Hosanna to our King ; This is the childrens ju - bi - lee ; Let all the children sing. ;i^^^!^giiSi JilZS -#-*-; — I — tSii Hope AncoR. JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING. (Heaviness may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.) J, R. ]MURRAY. -^^^H^ -r 1. "WTiattho' the night be star - less. And sad, and cold and drear; 2. Wliattho' our hearts are la - den, "With many a grief and pahi; 3. The night of sor-row lingering. May seem to us so lougl ±ilr|?Si:^-JEB:j' _L:q:___U z=j;£E|==;i | . .i;l>t-i =| We know the moments pass - ing, Bring We know tlie Hand that gives them. Will But God, for all He sends us, Will i ^ m n JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING.-Concluded. >_.^^ ^ ^ I i__f. 69 igE^ H «__j 1 [— 1 \ h— i-^ «^- — S- ^ESzzj:^: morning: yet more near; We know the cloud of darkness, Is on - ly for the night, Tliat lift them off a - gain. We know, that tho' so wea - ry, We fain would weep with grief. The make us ful - ly strong; And as we turn to wel-come The mom's first ray of light. We -nt-i- J^^.^. ■^ic=$=:: tel^5 s ^ ■£=fj:tL Chorus. ^-^0A — — <--- daylight in its dawning. May seem more glad and briglif. liglit of God's own promise Shall sure-ly give re - lief. find that all our sor-row, Was on - ly for the iiiglit. i^^':i':!^S. v^ So tho' the night be star-less. Our ■^ » — 0-T~—-, — ^ -c a — « ^-^ 1—; 1 «- hearts will know no fear. -—-J- ^ , — J n-j-.-j- -! 0-^-0 0—0 #-r_^--. For moments quickly passing. Bring daylight yet more near, ^ ^ -^ - /** ^ .0 •? — ^- gr^ 70 THE BIBLE. Taulina. (A well of Salvation.) J. K. MURUAY. i^^— f^'^-d- ^■' V ! - k. ^ n p "> n pi n n . '■ 'v. h ^ h ' ■ ■■■ ) ^ 1 1^ J J J •< 1 1 1 . , ^ . n _i ^ _._. fCY) A — «' — H — H — ^- _^'_|^J_ -i ! " - j_?_^_^_. ._; — ^_,u- -_J_«'_i_1_ -« ,-.7.. . V^ ■* ^ s ^ J.^- » • [z:jzi5_?=_^=_. "^ s ^-:j4--^-#— g— #— ^-g— ^ s s ' ^-^. ^ 1, "VYhen the heart is pressed with care. And tlie eye grows dim ; Wlien we look to God In prayer, Fleeing un - to him • 2. Love the bless-ed word of Grod, Lest thy feet should slide From the narrow pathway, trod By the Cru - ci-fied. 3. Here are springs of joy and peace, Strength for weakness given, Hope that all our woes shall cease In the light of heav'a N K ,S ,S ■#- -f- M. ^ f. ^' ^^^^♦. ^ .-♦•-^*. ^\ to 9 9 p m F 1 1 i 1 r r r r ' ^ rill -= , — ■ r r L • Af r 1 •f"" ^ ^' a ^ >; V-^/- ■ > '^ > -3!.j>-j ^-^- T ^ J/_V4'~U- _)•_>_>_ — 1? — 1* — j? — 1* -U... " . ^'V 1/ '--^ ' — u' — / — 1 \/ — i^-J Ti 1/ 1 ^m ^ N N N N i i 4^-4!L «5: -N— N- 13 F i 4 's ■^ There is comfort and re-lief, That no words may tell, Lest thy spir-it weak-ly yield To the tempter's spell, Here the Pearl, whose mystic worth, Tim may never tell. m t=x There is heal-ing for our grief, In Sal-va-tiou's "Well. Seek this fountain and be healed From Salvation's Well. OhI what blessedness comes forth. From Salvation's "Well. JL M. jiL ^ JL ^ ^ ^^^ fill -/- -I — ^ p p » 5^ i=? f~± -i^-V ■V-- V - J^UJ/. v-v- vc=!;2: y ^ ^ ^ >- -^ \^ V- ±±z±z:^ I Chorus, ft h h ■^ -^— ^-f^-^ :^ N— K- ^ a i^ 1 beloved and blessed Page, "Wlio thy worth may tell ; -^^-^--#- ^— #— #^ s S S K •#- t-f— r Let us draw, from Youth to age. From Salvation's "Well. N N N S »!»!»#- V ' ^ '^ k -U-U- V— u^^ ; p F f - vE-vi- V^^-V-^- E. E. Rextobd, Andantino, HILLS OF THE BLEST. S, A. Elus. 71 :trj"-=t^ 1. Soul of theCiiristijm, be happy in God; 2. Soul of the Cliristian, be stead-last and true 3. Soul of the Christian, let notli-ing affright, 4. Soul of the Ciiiistiaii, be stead-fast in God, Treading tlie patli that your Savior has trod. Soon shall your f(»ot climb tlie Work in the field God has giv - en to you; Sow in tlie spring time, and Trust In thy Father and foMow the right, Look not toearthbut the Trust you his lfe.ud,tlio' it holdeth a rod. He luvethmost whomhe ' ^^ 1-, U< K h rn— H-' M: >-=F- V i^ V ^ ^ :fc:E^zfe=±5: -h — h — h-'-^ ^ -p— g ^ ^ ^ :EEi:ESE'E»E ■i^ y '^ \^ Hills of the Blest, Hills where the weary reap in the fall, hills ov - er there, Bean - ti-fnl Hills where a crowntliou shall wear, i chas - tis- etli sore Soul of the Christian, Oh fal-tor no more. J may tarry and rest. 1 Lo, there is sow-ihg and reaping for all. V Hills of the Blest,though the riv - er is wide. •y y y *> t^ r. ^ *"*■ See I your heights where the happy al)*de. Hills of the Blest Beautiful hills ^k^itft IIi4ls ! Hills where the weary may tarry and rest. Hills of the blest. 72 STRAIGHT AHEAD. Mary FLKTcnKn. tg:=:1=H=]"4:: \ — i — |l^— j — I — ^^qij=::?=:t: A ^- ph-^-^-<^ 3«: ^-^-i^ » 1, Nev-er from the path of du - ty, Ev - er let thy footsteps stray, Tho' in wild,lux - u-riaiit beau-ty Flowers bloom a - 2. Tho' the way be dark and narrow. Turn not to the left or right, Broader ways may come to-morrow, Purer beams thy :>E=«i=p: r-r-T-r ^zzprr^zr-^zz^djiLZp: "f^-'f .^ ^ :t=t I--I— U-i- p:t|=|: :r=t=i=t 1=1==j: r=g ^_^_ ^ s ^ ^ 3i=:i^: -jt-^—^—^- II I round thy way; Dangerous pitfalls they are hiding, Tho' they«weetest fragrance shed, Let tliy watchword be a - bid-ing, footsteps light ; Hope, its cheering rays so ten-der, May around thy pathway shed, Burn-lng with re - new - ed splendor. .gzzg zz^zit:=[: - L,_u J "T i p i-U I ! ': ti :F=^=^zqi: : r^-r - t :p—^ n r «— ^ t=t=t Chorus. straight ahead. straight a-head. 4^: ET-er, ev- er, ev - er straight ahead, Ev-er, ev-er, ev - er straight ahead. Straight ahead, straight ahead,Never pause to dream or wonder,0'er the m ^ -frf^-i- #.«^ ^'jt #..#. ^.^ ^*-..»-j«_ i—r-r-T :biE^=±:^: =^=S ^=«=: v-v-i/ H^t^JL ■>'— »— i ^ y ^ V ^ - V STRAIGHT AHEAD.-Concluded. 73 straight a-head. Straight a-head. words by tempters said ; straight ahead. — K— > r-j- N— N — ^— N— ^— S — : Straight ahead, Thy re-ward a-waits thee yonder,Straighta-head. \^ '^ V EVENING PRAYER. 8s 4 7s. '#^3=^- Y^ n- "i s ^^ , — 1 1 — ^ — j \ \ 1 — 1 Dr. Lowell Mason. -:zX ^-4 ^ , C Through the ^•^ Through the 1 9 ^ Pil - grims ^'\ Us and day thy Jove has spared us, Kow we lay us si - Leot watches guard us, Let no foe our here on earth and stran-gers. Dwell-ing In the ours pre-serve from dan - gers. In thine arms may ^ \^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t. JL. ^ —SI down peace mid'st we to mo - of re - rest ; ) lest; 5 foes ; ' pose ; " > ^4:_4- *^ 1 \\ h M bt-^J^— .^=^ --t ~'\ :?^4 -5^- -1©- HS- p^ -r Je - sus, And when thou our life's short -r — r guardian day is be; past, -— ,f- Sweet it is liest with thee -c^ to trust in in heaven at tlice. last. r ^ — K?- tt -^-6>- i 74 THE RSFT OF THE ROCK. Annie Heubekt. J, R. MUKEAY.^ m,H In tlie rift of the Rock He has covered my head Wlien the tempest waswlM in the dos - o-late land. In the rill of the Rock He has sheltered my soul, When the toilers at noonday grew faint in the heat, In the rift of the Rock Thou shaltcov - er me still, "When the glow of the sun -set is low in the skv; -^-=i=t=t:=l=:7=t: ' ^' ■ ■ -0 , -0- &=^^ -0 0-^0^^ 0-,r-0^ -#--# J^L—^. It— li-ti: Chorus D. C. In the rift of the Rock He has covered my head^ When the tempest was wild in the des - o-late land, Fine. 0-i-0-^0 *—-#—# ^-V-^-^* 9—!— 0—0 0-!-M :it-^-^--ir Through a pathway "Wlienthe des-ert un - cer-tain my steps He has led. And I felt in the darkness the touch of His hand, rolled far like a limitless scroll. Cool wa - ters leaped up at the touch of His feet; "When the forms of the reap-ers are dim on the hill. And the song dios a-way, and the end draweth nigh; — #^--^-r# — 0-T-0^0 — #-v-^r* — 0-'—0—0 — 0-'—0-^0 0-*—0—0 ir-T-=-r* — *-~-^-^—r Thro'' a pathway un-oer-tain my steps He has led. And I felt in the darkness the touch of His hand. Lead - ing on, lead-ing ov - er the slip - per - y steep,Where came but the ech - o - ing sound of tlie sliock. And the flowers that lay with pale lips to the sod, Bloom soft - ly and fair from a ho- li - «r stock. It will be bnt a dream of the lad-der of light. And Heav'n drawing near with-out tor-ror or sljock. mm '-^- THE RIFT OF THE ROCK -Conciude(J. i^SS^^^^t^^^: ^^-5: s ;=t5 W^ And clear thro' the sor - row - ful moan of the deep, The sing-ing of birds iu the rift of the Rock, Winged home by the winds to the mountains of God, They bloom ev - er-more iu the ritt of the Rock. For the an-gels, des-cend - ing by day and by night. "Will o - pen a door thro' the rift of the Rock. »a I DWELLERS IN TENTS,. J. R. ArUTKKAY. i 1, A while on earth we roam, In these frail liouses which are. ■«■- -©Cr 1^—^—*—^ ^i m '^^. m .not our I home, || Journeying toward a refuge | that is sure— A | rest se - | cure. I^t -&- P^ n^ 2. Only a little while We dread the frown of life, and [ court its \ smile ; A dwelling then we have, not | made with hands In I other j lands. Therefore, we need not mourn That sudden clouds cross our | skies are | home ; That winter chills us, and the { storm makes rents la j our frail | tents. 4. Therefore, we need not'fear, ^ Though moth and rust corrupt onr | treasure j here; Though midnight thieves creep in with ( silent stealth To I seize our ] wealth, \ For, in'our Father's house, A mansion fair He has pre- | pared for ] us ; And unly till His voice shall | call ns hence, We 1 dwell in ! tents. 76 LITTLE LAMBS. (He shall gather the lambs with HJs armB, and carry them in His bosom. Isaiah XL : 11.) From The Pearl. jy^ : ^^-T— K K ^-^--^ ^ 1. Lit-tle lambs, so white and fair,Are the Shepherd's constant care ; Now he leads their tender feet 2. Lit-tle lambs, so pure and white,Gather in their fold at night ; So when death comes,dark and cold, -^ # ft ft ft m ' -! \ — \-^ — f — :|: !1— it. — H H H H— l-V ' — ^ ^ •/ ^-J-K V-. 1- .r-i-^, I ^ ^=^ .^x_, In - to pastures ^reen and sweet ; Now they listen and o - bey, Folio wing where He leads the way ; Je - sus. Take us to thy fold ; May Thy strong and loving arms Shield us in those. last a-larms : «— —j m » # F-j-F » F— r— P- 1 1- F— r-# F r— I i-— h 1 c— -2^ — ^ — \/ — ^ — k^i ^ — Tz:sl-^/-^^^ — ^ — ^-J^-w< — ^ — I — ^-h — h — b — b- Chorus. Je-sufi, may we learn to be, Thus o - be-dlont uu - to Thee, j Sweet and qui-et be our sleep, O tlu)u Shepherd of tlic sheep. \ I rL y ^ ^ hi--l-V ^ 1— ^^^ — I h h h— '-- ^ h 1 ^-h- Lit-tle lambs, so white and fair, . . _ . I -i^- fc-i'^— i^^n-V ^ LITTLE LAMBS.-Concluded. -N — h — 77 $ J^^-4^ g :^ ^=^ Are the Shepherd's constant care ; Now he leads their tender feet, In - to pastures gre ^n and sweet. .^ — ^ t=t t=r=?=^: I ^ ;/ ^ ^ " GOOD COUNSEL (A Bhyme six kundred yeairs old.) -J ^^ J. R. MUKRAY. t==t- fc:^=Ht -^ :i: I I 1. Guard,my chilcl,thy tongue, That it speaks no wrong : 2. Guard,my child.thine eyes; Pry-ing is not wise; 3. Guard,my child,thinie ear ; Wicked words will sear ; 4. Ear and eye and tongue, Guard while thou art young; t==|: r^ ^^E^^ t=t: Let no e - vil word pass o'er it; Let them look on what is right ; Let no e - vil words come in, For, a - las I these bu - sy three, -1-- V* _t 1 — , 1 1 , — :?»=irz:J: I I I Set the watch of truth he-fore it, That it do no wrong, Guard,my child,thy tongue. From all e - vil turn their sight; Pry-ing is not wise, Guard,my child,thine eyes. That may cause the soul to sin, Wicked words will sear, Guard,my child,thine ear. Can un-ru-ly members be, Guard while thou art young, Ears and eyes and tongue. ^ 5-i ^ #. ■•- «Ea 78 J. L. Dayton. A.M. KEEP THEM HOLY. (Remember the Sabbath day, to keep It holy,) J. R, McmRAY. Sabbaths are the Savior's days, Sa Sweet tlie cred to his peaceful praise ; Keep them holy, keep them holy, eve-ry oue. Children are be-lovedofhim,Throne<4 beneath the cherubim: And his ear is ev-er op-en to their prayer, Wlien to Still improv-ing mind and soul. Still pre-par-ing for the goal. Where we trust in perfect blessedness to meet, Let us ■k.^ blessed rest, Wnen the cares of eve - ry breas t Melt a-way as vapors melt before the sun. Sunday school we pour. An - gels meet us at the door: Though we see them not, we feel that they are there, ded -i-cate our youth. To 11. e God of love aaidti-uth; Let hisgos-pel be alight un-to our feet. ? '^ Chorvs. Thank the 0~ ->---N- -H— •-• — 3 — — . J^ + Lord for Sabbaths -IP— P- U: ■4i # 0—i 0--i #-J~C^ Bright - en ing this world of Bin,— • Glo-rious KEEP THEM HOLY.-Concluded, 79 bea-cons on our way, As thro' thor-ny paths we stray: Lo! they point us toward the lieav'n we seek to win. A. L-. Waimno. COME TO THE CLEAR, DEEP RIVER. J. R, ZyiURRAY. Fine. 1. Come lo the clear.deep riv-er. Come where the pastures call ; Come to the ^reat,^ood Giver,Here there is room for all.From 'i. He will not now reluse thee, Weak hand and vision dim, For sometluiig lie will use thee, But first thou iiecdestliim. The 3. For one transporting minute, The beckoning word obey ; There is a power within it To bear thee on thy way. That ^-^ # — 9-^9 O — 9-v-G D. C, Come to the clear , deep riv - er, Come where the pastures call; Come to the great, good Giver,Ilere there is room foi' all life f--r- L_4-,^-4- Chorus.D.C. want e - ter-nal fleeinp:. Come to au endless store; Bring thy*whole famished being,For He wants nothing more. \ spir-it worn with straying, Will find his judgment best : O liear Avhat he is saying, Awd yield thyself to voice of mercy speaking Is trod the Savior's might, And all thy heart is seeking Lies safe-ly in its; t—r— I 80 MY HOME ABOVE. JA8, McGKAIlARAJSr, ^ ^ p ^— jp-i — ^^^=r^r^*— ^^--^^-*— 4Jr—^— S^^* — 01-0—0 — ^—0-^i — 5-f-^— I 1, Tliere' 2, There 3, There 4, Bless s a home I am waiting for, a home far away, Not a world like we're in where the paths lead a-stray, s a home I am waiting for, how sweet 'tis to think Oftliose pure crystal wa - ters for-ev - er to drink; s a home 1 am striving for, no mat-ter if feet Are wea - ryand torn withtlie thorns that we meet, - ed home,sweet-esthome, 'twill be wait-ing for me, If I, gentle Savior, will still fol-lowThee; -0^0 -0 — 0- -r:=fr fcr ^/—V—^—y^-^/—V ■^r-i:-j-r-c-t"r-rrr > '^ But a land where the wea-ry who sigh here in pain. May meet and weep nev-er, no, nev - er a -gain. And bathe in the sun-light of Je - sus' blest love. In that beau-ti - fiil mansion prepai-ed up a-bove. It will on - ly make hearts that are longing to be Still near-er, dear Sav-ior, yes, near-er to Thee, Thou knowest my wand 'ring, dear Je - sus, in love, For-give me and lead me sale home up a-bove. Chorus. -r-l T=^ I Let us sing, sweetly sing, of that home, hap -py home. As on earth, here we roam, here we roam, here we roam ; :*..--j»_#: -V^^ KU: u MY HOME ABOVE -Concluded. ^eS -J — — w-i- itzi^SzztsziitJ- tt=t Tls our home. Home of love, Bless-ed home. Home above. Home for all -who do the Sa - vior love. 81 :S J. IL MUUBAY. •4- WE ALL HAVE A WORK TO DO. =i^: K-i- L Yes, we all have 2. Yes, we all have 3, Yes, "we all have -^r-^; iijzzq: €rEO 1 F. ROOT 1^ J •iN 1 ^ 4 . d i^ -9- .-9— J^P . f a work to a work to a work to do do, do. In the vine-yard of the Lord; Let us work while 'tis day. There's work for the old and young, There's the sow - Ing of seeds. And the work - er -shall be blest, When the sun sink-ing low, m^M --# — » — »-f- p=t. ^- t=t W— i^ S=^3EE S!E^!-:$ 5^ ii^ rfcir -\ h Kr— j i-T— i \ 1 ^^H^r-^ ^^ N— I i-T -n God shall brighten the way. And his smile shall be our re There's the plucking of weeds, Ere the har - vest song is Calls the toil - er to go, To his heav'n - ly. heav'nly — 1 ' y -T-tf »-^-^ — I 1 — ^ ward, sung, rest, ^4- And hie smile shall be our re - ward. Ere the har - vest song is sung. Tohisheav'n-ly, heav'nly rest. V'^' 82 THE MORNING IS AT HAND. Paulina. JVot too fast^ biU earnestly/. J. E. MUEBAY, lizzi: 1=1: 3t Ohl tlie morning, blessed morning, Let us watch, and wait,and pray For the golden dawn to brighten. To the There are wea-i-y skies a-bove us. As we tread this earthly way; And the brows of those who love us. Have the There are sorrows laid up - on us, There are tri-als, grief and loss. But the Savior's love has won us. And we Let us nev-er faiut nor fal-ter. Let us nev-er weakly quail. For the purpose cannot al-ter, And the t=j==t bz^ :M=t: S ?L_)*_^Lh«L :^g^ -s>- r-r— rr i''~r~r :F=t=;: tEi=J=^-l ^33 =^=^=^=F^ latzi; i -# — 0- ■ir-*' ■^i^- pure and perfect day. Let us shout in joyful chorus. As we march at his command, Lo I tlie shadowsflee be- shadow of de-cay; But there comes a day of meeting AVhen, as one u - nit- ed band, We shall know a joy-ful leavetliem at the Cross; And we toil on stronger-hearted.When we strive at his command, O! the clouds of nigiit are promise will not fail: And the love of Christ constraining. We will seek the brighter 3trand,0l the stars of night are fore us, And greeting, And part - ed. And wan-ing. And ■^-^r-^-i- tlie morning is the morning is the morning is the morning is hand, hand, hand, hand. ^ 1 I Lo I the shadows flee before us, And the morning is We shall know a joy-ful greeting. And the morning is • OI the clouds of night are parted. And the morning is O! the stars of night are waning. And the morning is |E^HE5:^^EEEgE^; | EEEEEE at hand, at hand at hand, at hand. V- COME TO JESUS, WEARY ONE. 83 J, II. Texnf.y. 1. Come to Jesus, weary one,Hark, he calls you. Hark, he calls you ! He hae nothing left undone,To entice you ; Come, Oh come ! 2. Come to Jesus, weary one, Needy are you? Needy are you? He is a-ble all alone. To supply you I Come, Ob come ; ^ ^ #• -^ -^ ff-r-a^-fi- He smiles, he calls, he kindly waits. His arms he opens wide ; Oh, come to Je-s«s, wea-ry one. And in liis bosons hide, Heliolds a free and plenteous store,From which you may receive,And never, never sufiorniorc: For Jof us loves to give. -__« — # — — ^_j-^A_^ — — e-T-G #-rl 1 1 W—r-0-^-0 — — 0-T-0'—0 — — 0~r&— 0-r » • -S — — m V '^ V \0> V ^ ^ -^-^-. Chorus. ^m C«me to Jesus, weary onel Hark, he calls you I Hai'k, he calls you ! He has noti.ing left undone, To entice you :— Come,01i,come,^ 84 Words and Music by Tenderly. GOOD NIGHT. (From "Select Music for S. S.") J. H. McNavgutox. Wm —w 4ZL- L — «_; J » 9. — I — ^ 1. Goodnight, O Sa-vior dear, Good nightl Be near me till the morning light; O 2. Thy hand O let me hold in mine — I'll safe- ly, sweetly sleep in Thine; I t=t=t ■#- ■»• , ■»■ -^ •0' -(k- -9- i \ 1 ^J 1 1 1 — ,_^- ifiz-bzzzN- K K V K. jm 1 1 1 S. V Kr V Kr-n 1 'U~U ^ \^ -f f ~d 1^ ~h' J' i :] _^ —w-t — -f — i— 5- i ^ ^ — L — iJ- - i '. » J i i 1- -^ '—^' »■ hear fear 1^ my prayer, my ten - der no ill tho' dark the —fi fi ^ /• ^—, — |s U 9 ^ ^ 1 cry; r-42 -1 I'll I F~] L — m^ — ^ » ; — sleep so sweet when thou art hear thy voice : ''Fear not— "tis r: ^ f -r f f , — 0-t — — p — — » — -p— nigh. I!" ^ -v A .« T y«-^ -A— -b— ^=4=^=4=4- 1 :-b Si=i^=S=5— F Epz: ^-i i-^ i -^ -?-f i"- -*I3 Pi^= E^^=S^i^ hear my trembling, tender prayer— Hear thou my cry, O Sa - vior dear : Safe help - less child, I pray to Thee, O Sa - vior, bend Thine ear to me : Safe V -L GOOD NIGHT.-Concluded. dim. landing for last stanza. ^T^ ^^ ^ P -^ , pp keep me till the morning light — And 110^,0 Savior dear,good night. keep me till the morning light — I sleep, I sleep — good night,goodnight.Goodnigtit,Good night. ■P- r- 1i^: ■V — ^ -t==t I? # ----fe: 85 Rev. S. Wolcott, D. D, if WHERE FEEDETH THY FLOCK. (Song of Solomon, i: 7-8.; H, E. KXMBAIX. 3 ^- ■=^ » ffi 1. Tell me, whom, my soul doth love, Where Thy flock are feed - ing; Where the pastm-es 2. Tell me, sheltered from the heat. Whereat noon they rest them; Where at night their ii-^ W: ^g| :?£==: :ts=± =yi. f::^^: <^-4- :i;4z::^: which they rove — Thou their footsteps leading, safe retreat — Fold, where none molest them. £iB P—m- ^ V 3. Strong is Thy protecting arm ; Eichly Thou providest ; Feeding, resting — kept from harm- Blest the flock Thou guidest. 4. Noon and night be my defense ; Let no foe ensnare me; Bring me to the shepherds' tents— In Thy bosom bear me. 86 WHO WILL GREET ME FIRST IN HEAVEN. te Moderato. J. R. Murray. -a-^-0- -m — ^ ^-4 — I \ 1- ■ 0-^-G # .-# 1. Who Will greet me first in Heav - en, AVlien that bliss -ful realm I gain,— Wlien the hands have ceased from 2. AVho will ^reet me first in glo-ry? Oft the earn - est thought will rise, Mus - iug on the unknown my not these I for they have nev-er Gladdened here ^S -*- • -•- mor-tal view; Bnt the dear ones gone be. -o- t=^ :e;; M h-r -J^ toil- ing, And the heart hath ceased from pain When the last fare-well is spok - en, Severed won - ders Of that home be-yoad the skies Who will be my heav'uly men-tor? Will Vt fore me,— They, the loved, the tried, the trae; They who walked with me life's pathway, From my the last ten-der tie. And I know how sweet, how sol-emu. And how blest it is to die? be some seraph bright. Or an an - gel from the count-less 3Iyriads of that world of light? soul by death were riven. They who loved me best in this world. Will be first to greet in Heav'n. tei^Et^ai -p- Jl.%,.,f-:-J^-l*- T^=X n ^-q^L 1 SOUGHT THEE. (They that seek me early shall find me.) 87 J. H, Tekmet. -fc [^a^; ^rzfE ^ 1. I sought thee when my heart was low, 2. I laid my burden at thy feet, 3. I wept the sor-row of my heart, 4. And now that life to thee I'll give, ^ ii I found thee and my hopes revived. My head up - on thy ten-der breast. And thou mine ejes didst een-tly dry; With calmer trust and brighter joy; ^_ «? p fL And all Thy name I sighed In thee the world from of love I thro' fear that and for thee. It P i ifi^ eg i=r ^fe- me shall know. What com-fort did re-peat. And thou didst we must part. But thou didst I will live. To do thy I from thee un - der-stand whis-per, "Ev my sole will de - rived, the rest, er nigh." em - ploy. All AU It Thus that I need that I need was enougli, most se - cure all an*, more. Thy presence did all and more. Thy presence did asked no more. Thy voice did all part no more. With that sweet joy to me re - store. Thy presence did to me re - store. to me re - store. Thy presence did to me re - store. my life re - store. Thy voice did all my life re - store, thou didet re - store. With that sweet joy thou didst re - store. ,T. R. MURnAY. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. (Read Psalm xxm.) Geo. F. Root. Uv-irf S5 'F^ I 1, The Lord is niv shepherd, I shall not waut. In his ^een fastures forev - er 1 stray; Ever lie lead-eth me, 2, E'en thro'the vallty, val - ley of shadows, Feariagno ev - il, I «n-\vard sljall/ico. His love enfolding me, 3, Blessed Re-de«m-er, true is thy promise, "Lo! I am with you al-way, to tiieend,'* What shall distress me. Sg •-=—»—»-=> t=-t=t ^ tl Efcj rc-'^T^^ :jE=fct: ^p±p Cliorus. Ev-er he feed-eth me. Blessing and blessing me day af-ter day. His arms upholding me. Safe in the care which his blessed ones know. What can oppfess me, While I have thee for my Savior and friend. Singing his praises, my heart up - rais ^^-^^ S^^^^Ei W—^ t=\ :^^=i^=^o t=t l~i 1 h — I ' »-^» — » — \ ^^ ^m^^^m^^m^mmm Thanks for the love of my Savior and God ; Serving him ever, Be my endeavor. Walking the way that his footsteps have trod. DARE AND DO. 89 E. E. RexPORD Spirited. J. R. MUKRAT. J 1— I — ."^-JS- rx m 1. Let's dare and do, for the pare and true; Let's ev-er be brave and bold, In the fight with sin, let us 2. Let's work and toil , now in life's turmoil, Steadfast and strong for the right, And bat-tie wrong, the 3. Let's sow good seed, As the day may need, And wait till the harvests come,And the sheaves are bound on the #•• #• ^ V Chorus. 1^==:^^ :l±^i; =:^z:zq: ■^ — K m^t strive to win Some soul from the tempter's whole day long, And rest not v^n-tii the Master's ground In the tirne of Jlarvest hold, night home :h dare and do for the pure and true ; V J. V ^ . v^ That is the mission we have to do ; Dare and do, Dare and do, Ev - er be brave and true. #. • ^ ^:£=^t^=^-,^t -^ -0- -^ ^^^E^S=|E^g -tt=cxi=^=lt: e i 90 M. P. A. Croziee. Tenderly. COIVIE TO ME, SAVIOR. (From The Pkakl.) Fkank M. Davis. ii=t 5^ ^ h >. r*r -J « -af— *- — \—. *l * = # P ■' 1. Come to me, Sa - vior, Come,nowin my grief; Thy tender pres-ence is sweetest re - 2. Come to me, Sa - vior, for dark is the night ; Vain-ly I seek for some star's fee-ble 3. Come with the brightness that beams in Tliy face; Come with the smiles of Thy mer-cy and t:\ ;- —9 — # a # 0-!L ^ 9 ^ »-- f -I #- •— # 0-\-0-- — »- m SHB^^ ■i-T-- r -N— K- r±ii=-= i -N— X— K— K- ^fe lief; Thy heart haih known all the anguish I feel, Thy love a - lone all that anguish can heal, light ; O - pen my eyes to behold at my side, Je-sus my Sa - vior,my God and my Guide^ grace; Come, and with footsteps as si-lent and fleet, Morning shall come with Thy beautiful feet. 9 0—V-0- 1 — r i -0-r^ -0- ■ 5-# -0-^ :^r=S: ■#— '^. ^ k^ i^ ^ ^ ^ Chorus. --K— -N— -N-r f^ig-^^^i^^^^ Come to me, Sa - vior, Come to me, Sa - vior, Thy heart hath known all the anguish ,S N _ ,S_ 1 N N S I - - - .^_JL 1^; t==^. COIVIE TO ME, SAVIOR.-Concluded. 91 feel; Come to me, Sa-vior, Come to me, Sa-vior, Thy love a-lone 0-r^- -0 — # — 0- all that anguish can heal. -0 fttf «: i ^Ff >->-H*. t^ / ^ "Words and Music by — t^ WHO LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN? t=t- a: E -^i H. E. KiMBALI.. ^3Ei^. 1=4 ft«!- '-S— *-"4rr4i~-J'^^ ^ — ^— J-^-^f 1. Who loves the lit - tie children? Who folds them to his breast? Who,lhro' the hours of darkness 2. Wlio 'mid life's care and turmoil, In sun-shine and in storm. In con-flict and in dan-ger, 3. Who at the dy - inp pil-low. When vain is earthly aid, In gen -tie accents whispers N ■4==F :^cz^ a sgl -^ ES^S -^ Watch - es their rest? Shields from all harm. Be not a - fraid. ! J— 1-.. -^— ^ r-t ^ B^3 Chorus, taster. — ^ — ^ - ~^T ^=3: Tia Je - sus, our Sa - vior. Be - deem-er and Friend, His love will sup-ply ail our wants till ILfe's end. -I h — H 1 K h-^H= h b- — I n-^-i 1^—4^— -i.^— V- 92 Paulina. Joyfully. HIS LOVE IS EVER O'ER US. J. E. MUERAY. «r -t.£ S; ■^ -V :"^=^ r -i- — ^ S 1. O Soul ! come to the Mer-cy-seat ! O Lips ! sing of the way, O Feet ! 2. List! He call-eth so lov-iiig-ly, *'My Son, give me thine heart;" Then, like 3. Toil ! trust I love, for He loveth thee, Watch ! wait ! pray to the end ; Then He, ' _^_ -0- ^ ^ 'i ' ^ ^ ^ ^, t I :p; > — » — »- -m—^_ i— B?— ^-g- d: i>.C. • ^ ^^ • Soldi come to the Mer-cy-seatI V — p — p — ' — Lips! sing of the way., Fine. Feet! fol-low the Blessed One, Up to the Gates of Day. Ma-ry of Betha - ny, Choose -we the bet - ter part, smiling ap-prov-lng-lj. Will be thy Sa-vior- Priend. ; tr « fi ff p « *- ^--.-fi.- • —0- ■ 8» It? I -I p -^-0 j , P r— T-e* -•■—»- God's love is ev - er o'er us, His ■0- -0- ■#- -^ _•#-•*•. ■#• _^_^- ^: fol-low the Blessed One., Up to the Gates of Day. -p r D. C. -K— -8*-' an-gels go be-fore us, Our footsteps gent-ly guid - ing A- long the heavenly way. Then V— « ±1 t- fzlzf: V r 1 1 .:^_« — ^ I IN THAT BLEST HOME ABOVE. Arranged from a poem by Mes. Matean, (And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it,— Rkv. xxiii: 26.) 93 J. R, Murray. |— ] 1 ,K - -*%-! g- inz^. PII^~ -^-- ^-- 1. O to 2. Sweetly 3. Living— — — \ f^- be liv - infi the ransomed and never a ev rest bell • er so free, from the strife will toll. In that blest home a-bovf; In that blest home a-bove, Therenone willlo\Y-ly lie, WHicre life "VValk - ing A - ges Is one long, beside the uneud - ing will P 4- =^ t=t 1 D.C. to be liv - ing ev - er sofree^ In that blesi home a-bove ; WliereUfe is one long^ ^ Fine. :^- ^ V \^ -0 » # ^ -r - * \ Chorus D. C. songs that ne'er grow old. And sheltered secure in the Savior's fold, As on - ly the liv-ing can be. cross and take upthe crown, And they sing till the sorrows of earth they drown With songsfi-om the bright world above. sorrows are all cast down, O hap - py the dwellers of isle and town In the world beyond the sky, 1 » "f" " ^ ■•■ +-4— +- +-4— -4— -*- 4— ■0- -0- -0-'-0- h« -F- #• 1^ . ?-ti— 1 — \ — ': — r- a V-H^- tS -I— r+- V— ^ :^=k: =wi— P=t ■^^t—V- 94 Animated. WE ARE SOWING. (Read Makk rv: 26.) AHTII0R BAKEK, ^-^^ ^ — H^ —I « ffl-r — K —I ! «— r-®-h* ^ — «- *-«-■ f- & 1-- — I i « tfl-T-#P-+ 1, We are sowing, dal - ly sow-ing, 2, Seeds til at fall a - mid tlie stillness 3, Thou whoknowest all ourweakness, 4, Check the froward thoughts and passions. 1 • '^ Countless seeds of good and ill. Of the lone - ly mountain glen; Leave us not to sow a - lone! Stay the has - ty, heedless hands. 1 el N ' Scattered on the lev - ei v Seeds cast out in crowded I Bi^-v- #_^- -lA-V- -yf— tL-^ t- S%©isi^iii -J-^-4 ^^=^^5?^ N— N- silk-en, soft caress ; To lead the weak, to work, when toil demands, Nor curse with smiting what God meant to bless. tho'he hated me* God's golden gales i cannot en-ter in, If in my souionethought of hate there be. send 11 unto heav'n: Straight as the lark goes singing to the skies. So must my soul's bestpowers to God be given. ■■- - -it-t-V^. .A - ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^=t=t y^^—^/^^/H^Zr^. Vr 1^ V- I 96 THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD. Wm, T. Rogkks. 1. I have dreamed sweet dreavus of a fu 2, "Where nielo - dy solt 3, Twas oa-ly dream. pure as light. Bursts forth from a chor - al beauti - f ul dream, A glimpse of the land of the blest ; ^mm ^r- -^r~ p p p p m :^=}£=:^ :|E=:?£ "E^ i^ V— i^ tee n ^^ J^^ % ^ :«: J=Jt ±*: * ■n-o rest in the light of joy aiid love, "With nev - er a cloud sea of deep harmo - ny bright with waves Of rap - tar - ous, glad - land of whose joys can \ nev - er know. Till pass-ing be - yond to of some its I- ^1 care, song; rest; l^^l x=x. t=?^ Wliere Oh, Till t^^^^Mj^^^^^M -N— N iM=3!: m F^ ^ ^ . -, -, ^EE$ I ^ x ^x- -te^ 1 — r beauti- Ail foun-tains fall in light, Each drop a glit - t'ring gem, there we have walked with a joy - ousband. Of the loved ones gone be -fore, death's dark river we've passed for aye. With its cold waves dark'n-ing flow. As bright as if gather-ed by Aitd shared in the joys of the Then ev - er well dwell in that F.»- ^^ -P-^- ^—e—4 I I # :t=t ^-v- teB THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD.-Concluded. 97 B Chorus. I — N-i\ -^r- ^ • ^ s . J ^T-^ — n— i — :Ts-::^r--p: "^—^r — i-i I -N — N-t fal - ry liands, Ffom a roy - al di - a - dem. bet- ter land Tliat lies on the "oth - er shore.' beautiful world. And its lull tini - i - tion kuow. §&:fe ^ -#-T-#- ^ '^ 'y^ '^ the beau - tl-fuJ worla, O ttie The beau-ti-iul world, f\ N fs iS — ^.^0 — jp-p ^-'T^ r-hs-:" S — ft - l-^l^l^ V-V— i^- -l^-i-)i:::iz^ te^^^f^s^-^ .—J — ^_ =^=^1 :=i=^- -tt'^'— ^-^i: 3r^d— 11 1^ t^ ;/ P beau - ti - ful The beauti - ful world, world. the ^ J J J J ^ ' beau - ti-ful world. The beau-ti - ful world, all bright, all bright and fair. ^rb±. ?_P MH -1 1-=' -^ ■r L L L h- :s--w: ItE bp -^^ ^?^ t^p=Jl _Ll2 U-'^/_t-^J --l=t=: _l^-j Ll 1^ ^^ 'yi_J V • '» II DAY-STAR. *=t *^- 1^— ^-i— i* ;=r ^ ^ — tfi — •- fc -N— iv ^%-i-n^ :^=^ ia::!^ C. T. Root. ^— d S 4 ~^ji 5Efe 1^1 1. We lift our souls to Ihee, ITiou Day Star from on high ; The Sun it-self is but thy shade.Yet cheers both earth and sky, 2, Oh! let thy rising beams, Difl-pel the shades of night, And let the glories of thy love Come like the morning light. ^-t m if=f^ :fti= ^^¥0=W fHEE t==x. 0—W- p=:p=p=ip 1 :tt»=?=?^ "^^^^^^f-^-r? ^ f=i*=i« w ' i > ' > < /^ » ^ r ^-^^^ i' ^ ^ 1^ 'i^ THE CALL OF THE MASTER. E. E. Rexford. n 1 tc 1 1 1 1 From Mozart. 1 U 'i p n J J J ^N 1 1 • "i 1 '1 r J "" \jLWQ J-.- « J i A i- ■J A ^ 1 ! 1 j 1 J ■ ^■'- J . -^ - % = - ..■■5^ " ^ S » J f \\Sy.-^ S '- S S ^ d S 2 .#■■■■!: «^ r'J * S S a d" ■■■•0a' 5 I 1. List - en, oh children, the 2. Come then, oh come as the 3. Come, for he bids you no 4. Gath - er the tares in the ^ • A ^ ^ ^ ^ Lord is call Mas - ter bids long - er tar wheat - field grow - ing "Come, you; Much - ry, Life - ing: Pluck, I Come hith - er, oh is wait - ing for is llcet-ing, and and cast from the ■0- ■»■ -C- come you soon heart — © to me ; to do; is gone. The to - day, And — i \ 4- 9^^z=4=- F=^=^=P-1 :t=ds =]^ ^;r?= =&±=^ 'f-^ 4 1 i 1 1 . 1 r 1 ' ' 1 1 i i n 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 ■ y ■ — ■ ■■ h 1 1 1"^ . i 1 1' . . 1 I 1 ! - ' \ - 1 ■ , ■ ■ - ■ <^ ^1 ■ J iffl ^, ^ ■ **, ■ 1 ^ J. ,,H _. 1 i *», J 1 \ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ^ ■ frv ^ • ^ ^ J J J i=i-=S^ 5- i ^ iffl * * — 2^ ^ ' d \ \^\>\) a * ■ 9- 4 % ^ * o J rJ J Here there is room for the dear. ' i i dear chil - dren. Of such the Kingdom of Heav'n ' 1 shall be," AVork in the vineyard and toil iu har - vest; Come, for the Mas-ter has need of you. work of the mas-ter must be done quick - ly, Pdse to the la - ^jor in youth's fair dawn. ev - or and al - ways the good seed sow - ing, Work for the Mrfs-ter who calls to - day. 4^' ^ ^ •#■ -0- ■»• ■f^ ■^ ^ •*■ - . ^ ^ -f- 4L ^ _ Oi* !« • le U 1 i ■ "! — 1 i 1 1 r r ' 11 1^ ■ 1 1 » » ' 1 i^ b ! ■' 1 ' 1 1 P5 '« ■ 'r? W '^ L .; r? 'IS .\ ; P 1 ,j ■ '© ■ |« U 1 ' ,* f p'- ! 1 i i i i^ i' 1 1 ' 1 \ 1 Befrain. .^---0- 4=0 S^- Je - sus is call 1 — h i^- — I — 0- -0—0 ±ci -a;— aj — gj- jlzzi—Jnitut I i ! O hear him, hear him, "Come unto mc I have work for you,' -# — I — fi- -0 0- Hear ye the call and l|e ■0- ' -f- -0- -0- -0- -^ ^t^^ $^ t=t THE CALL OF THE MASTER.-Concluded. 99 ^ gSfefe^ l I^^^IeeI r wise and heed it, Bravely and no-bly your life work do, Bravely and no-bly your life work do. Taulina. Slow. THIS IS NOT YCUR REST. Arr. for this work from a Spiritual, by J. R. Mubray, 1. Gird ye for the toilsome day, For tliis is not your rest, 2. This,the vineyard of the Lord — For this is not your rest, 3. "Work while it is called to-day "For this is not your rest, Stay not i - dly by the way. For this is not your rest. Toil and wait His just award, For this is not your rest, "Win to Christ some soul astray. For this is not your rest. '■&=H^ ^ There are sorrows ye must shaxe,Tliere are burdens ye must bear,There is need of faith and prayer.For this is not your rest. Toil and ask His blessing down,Heeding not the cold world's frown,So shall yours be cross and crown,For this is not your rest, Hast-en-ing at Du-ty's call, Leav-ing to the Father all; Blessed they who stand or fall, For this is not your rest. U ^ P U I '/ '^ -^ 100 SCATTER SEED. J. R. Mtrrat. 1. In the furrows of thy life, Scatter seed, scat-ter seed! In the furrows of thy life Scatter seed I Small may 2. Sunandshower aid Thee now, Scatter seed, scat-ter seed ! Sun and shower aid Thee now Scatter seed ! Who can 3 Tlio' thy work should seem to fail,Scatter seed, scat-ter seed ! Tho' thy work should seem to fail.Scatter seed! Some may ?^3 t=?= -e— # fe t^ y_V- V— ^• ->-V- .ti ■^— # :^5=i^: V=^ \ N S N _Ui — ^ — « — =1 — m — =1- s :|5=:fcf *M: ^— #- <^-r^#-^ be thy spir-it field, But a goodly crop 'twill yield; Sow the kindly word :uid deed Scatter seed! Sow the tell where grain may grow,"VVinds are blowing to and fro, Dai-ly good thy simple creed. Scatter seed ! Dai - ly fall on ston - y ground ; Flower and blade are often found. In the clifts we 1 it-tie heed, Scatter seed! In the m ;« '^.. ^ ^_^- V \^ ^ V V ^ ■ '^ ^ '^ !^ i ■ ' ' ' t=t -/t_^ '^ 'J >^ ^ u^ '• i^ ^ kind-ly work and deed Scat-ter seed, Scat-ter seed, good thy simple creed, Scat-ter seed, Scat-ter seed, clifts we lit-tle heed, Scat-ter seed, Scat-ter seed. ai ^ >^ V~i>-V— u^- i^ V -i V—/- . Spring-time always dawns for Thee ; Scatter seed, Scatter seed ! Spring-time always dawns for Thee ; Scatter seed! Ope thy spirit's golden store, Stretch tliy furrows more and more, God will give to thee thy need, Scatter seed! Grod will give to thee thy need, Scatter seed, scatter seed ! I From The Tkize:. T&iiderly. HE FOLDS THEM IN HIS BOSOM. 101 (In memory of "Littlk Jim.") Words and Music by J. E. Mukeay. te^ S 2=4: -« — ' — #-, — #- :i-JJ^ :i=it -©- ^^^ -0 — '~«-v — « — 5- 1. He folds them in His bo - som Thro' all the hap-py hours; He gathers to His 2. His voice so sweet and ten - der, So heavenly in its tone, That when He calls they" ----- ^ , , -0 — 0- i^B V-=k. ;t-H«- -i=t- I'-T ■r-frT I I fe^ =1^ ^-v— ir :#-7-j^: S^ own dear home The well - be-loved of ours. For, Oh, He loves them dear - ly, His fol - low Him, And leavens here a - lone: Yet not a -lone, for ev - er And 1^ rg: r=Z?=^ t: choicest gems are they ev - er by oui- side, He guides them with a gen - tie hand A-long theheav'nly way. In gen - tie of - fi - ces of love The lit - tie an-gels glide. -0 — 0- -W=fi- 'J 1 ^^^- ^- tz^ 102 KEEP STRIVING. E, E. EeXFOKD. 3^ ^= * J. E. Mtteeat. ^^ ^: 1. As we journey a-long tliro' the val-ley of life,Toward the home that is over the riv - er, Our 2. We sometimes may fal-ter and sink by the way, But we should lose courage, oh nev-erl For 3. Then up, weary hearts, and press onward,right on, And nev-er sink down,but keep striving ; The mm 5^ t'- V ^ V :t—^- ^ S :|^=t5ZT i te=|v 1^=i^=^ ^ -i J. A r -:;t-r- ^-: =^ hearts must look upward, be strong in the strife. With faith in the boun-ti - ful Giv - er. far in the distance gleams brightly a day. Whose sunshine shall brighten for - ev - er. end is in view and the crown shall be won, And a welcome a-wait your arriv - ing. Chorus. ^ u ^ -I-- ^1 ' '[ d f 7 7 7 ■^ ^ « 'i ', ttt ' ^ ^^^ -* — 0-^0- >f=w- Keep striving,keepstriving,keepstriving,keepstriving,Never fal-ter at all by the way. But keep iif^ 1 i g M* — V-W^ P P 1 ^ — ^ — £ -^ — n- v'— U. ^ l^ 'l^ l^ -7-^ KEEP STRIVING.-Concluded. Striving, O yes,then keep striv - mg, O work with your might while 'tis day. iii^ -!/— t-i^ — ^/ — p — \/ — ^ — .^_ -^_JL NO NIGHT SHALL BE IN HEAVEN. (And there shall be no night there.— Rev, xXii: 6.) J- R. MXJEEATi. ^^^^piii^i^^^^pgf 1. No night shall be in Heav-en, no gathering gloom Shall o'er that glori-ous landscape ever come ; 2. No night shall be in Heav-en, no dreadful hour Of mental darkness, of the tempter's power; 3. No night shall be in Heav-en, O! had I faith To trust in what the faithful witness saith, 1 — — *-,-(© f-0-\—\ ^-ri — - — 0-r^ & r We'll fol -l^-S. ^_. . 9^ patient will, To gild the shadows bright-ly. low Hini,we'll fol - low Him, For 4 4 ^^ &. i^==t M- f= x-^-^ SEj:^ S ^^s^^ an - gels show the way Where Je-sus reigns, in realms of love, In life's e - ter - nal day. -—0>. m ^-0 I--- ^ ' r==^ 5 106 OVER THE RIVER. Words from Pastoral Visitor. m 1, O - ver the riv - er, the riv - er of time 2, O - ver the riv - er, the pil - grlras re - treat, 3, O - ver the riv - er, our 8or - rowa will cease, 4, O - ver the riv - er, the man - sious are there Lies the bright land of a Gor - geous in splen - dor, in Hushed by the eongs of Oh how in - vit - ingl our §a iss: m 1^ I ver - due sub - lime; beau - ty com - plete, heav - en - ly peace, loved ones are there, Val - leys of An - gels are When we get Soon in those ±VZ beau - ty in sing - ing in there what a man-slons their -4— izi: splen - dor do shine, har - mo - ny sweet, hap - py re - lease, gio - ry -weTl share; . "i;^ — ^ -|-r V N — ^ — —K — h — ^- r J ^ 1 1^. —A — ^ Chorus. — ^-^ — hi 1 f^ "=f^ --t^ -^T ht — p — 1— ^-^ Beau - ti Beau - ti Beau - tl Beau - ti ■ ful, - ful, . ful, -ful, beau-ti - beau-ti - beau-ti - beau-ti - zbzizb- ful, ful, ful, ful, 1 • beau - ti - ful beau - ti - ful beau - ti - ful beau - ti - ful f - ^ ^- home, home, home, home. k -... 1 • . -^ =i=^ -s=t-^ ~P~ -*%- i- =«M - ver the riv-er, tlie beau ■ ■#- -0- ■ ti - ful -J— — 1 riv t ■^ b=P -L— J^_. ..\y—\/ ^ 1 — 3: -^^ -p tti lZ i- -R— -V— — P __l -L OVER THE RIVER -Concluded. 107 z^3±'z=:f-fL:^-t^zr±:-i-t Over the river,tlie fields are all green,0-ver the riv - er, the fjeaii-ti - ful riv-er, O-verthe riv-er, the fields are all green. ^ h- -I — I — t — I — I — i-l — h- I — I pi ^ ^ 1 ^ — '-r I • — I ' 1 — rl 1 ^ — ^ — I ^-r* — I ^ — '-r-ri K ^_i^_y/_^^_^-^ -L, -U^-l^.^ L^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^-L-; »^ h /— ! ■--; !-: r- 1-. r . ^-H-: n h ' '■* 1/ y^ y \ i^>^^^>^i/i^^ NEAR TO HEAVEN. Agnes S. J K- Murray. (A little ?firl was with a party oa the top of a mountaiu, wheu she asked them to slug "Nearer,my Grod,to Thee,"{x?cause they were near to lieaveu./ -, — ,^ '^ h . U 1 S -N ' J^ ^ •- y» ..5._^_. 3--^ .0 — — 0— , ■4::^ 1. Yes, "a lit-tle child shalUead them," 'Twas a pretty childish thought, We are nearer,nearer 2. For we know that climbing upward, Far a-bove all earthly strife, We may catch a brighter ' • ^ ^ ' ' • - 1 ^; ^ ♦ f: -g. > i*»i t : i I BEES ii u u '^ i*^ t: -/- -f-^-yrTz^ V— i/^— V ^^ tf =g= :if^N: 1=1: =^zxz^jz=5=^zz=- Heaven, When up-on the mountain top. vis-ion, Of the pur-er, higher life. ^-- ms^m. immm^ 3. But we seldom climb the mountain, Oft our weary feet must stand In the valley, duty doing, With the foe on every hand. 4. Here we may be near to Heaven, If we guard each word and thought ; Till we see with clearer vision, Than upon the mountain top. 108 LOVING FRIEND. Words from S. S. Visitor, Moderato. z. ivr. Paryin. -4-.—^-^- -—-^. 1. IVo sis - ters sad, a message send, To one who was a lov - ing fi-iend, He 2. At length he conies and as they meet And wor - ship, fall - ing at his feet, Each 3. "Where have ye laid him," to the tomb, Groaning and sigh-ing see him come; And — # ^ 0- ^L^ zpzupziip: r-^T I I I :i± J^ i :i?^=iV '^ ^44^ -* — 5r still. m whom thou lov - est. Lord, is ill, Oh come, and all our sor-rows still, But \ sis - ter cries "hadst thou been here, Thou wouldst have spared my brother dear," "Thy ' to ^" the dead "come forth" he cries. Bound hand and foot, now see him rise. Oh -W-^ H£^-i. $ s g ^-l*- lo! that friend de-lays to come 'Till death hath sealed their brother's doom; Four broth - er shall a - rise and live, If thou canst but my word be - lieve, For wondrous sym-pa - thv and love! But now he sits enthroned a - bove; His !Pe -©- i LOVING FRIEND.-Concluded. 109 :& f -Irrjirr ^ ^- days e - lapse, he's absent still, I the res - ur - ec - tion am life new joy to souls im- parts m -P-i- What grief those sis - ters' bosoms fill. To all who trust my gracious name. And soothes and cheers the mourning hearts. ^S: m iS- Chorus. ^^ J . h— ^ ^^sg O wondrous sym-pa-thy and love, . J . i' ^ ^ h ,s . But now he intercedes a - bovo, I J. ^i A J. A g^: New jL :>s=ti=:>i=P=f=|: Oh wondrous sym - pa - thy and love, B now he intercedes above, I^ew N — K ^ ^a life, new joy to souls im-part, life, new joy, new joy to souls Impart, to souls -^— :^ ^ 4z ^—^ ^ T r T Aiid soothes and cheers the mourning heart. impart, Anc soothes and cheers the mourning heart , themourning heart. I ^ ^ ^♦^ / ^ .^ s I ^"^ t I I life, new joy ^m^m souls im -part, And soothes and cheers the I I I mourning heart. 110 BY AND BY. Letta C. Lord. Solo, or Duet and Choms. Wm, T. KoasBS. — 1_ — J ■"-«—• 1- 5: -i- ♦ . ^ t5T==l 1. Is thy trembling heart a - weary? Are thy footsteps 2. Is tliy spir - it sad "with- in thee? Raise thy heai-t in 3. Has thy spir - it grown a - wea-ry? Do Hot fal - ter •i. ^f^^W^^^^ almost gone? Does life seem a bur-den earnest prayer; Trust a Fatlier's lov - Ing ia thy strife; God has work for thee, my EE£ i i PP dreary? Cour-age,broth-er, struggle on I kindness, Trust a Fatlier's ten-dercare; brother, As thou tread'st the path of life; Bear it cheer - ful - ly and bravely. Call up-on him in thy sorrow, Darkn&ss may obscure thy pathway, Do not stop towe«p or He will hear thy faltYitrg Clouds may gather in tliy ^J=r t==t B-^igi Chorus. t9- I ^ ^ ^ sigh, Af - ter night the morning dawneth, cry, Tliough thou secst no sign of dawning, sky, Storms may rage, but do not murmur. Light w^ill greet thee by Light will greet tliee by Light will greet thee by By and by the morning ii|g^&EpS^rS^^^EEtp^^E4f^5=4EEL^ yL-il — i y^ *_J_p_i_^ — j^ — h- -^ 1 ^ \/-i~^ \/ 1 _^_X_(2 L L .]l — — a — Z_€_l_tf - _« BY AND BY.-Concluded. 111 i^ii^^ppiigiip dawneth, Byandbj', Byaudby, Tho' thou seest no sign of dawning, Light will greet thee by and by. i— — -, 1 1 1 1 pH-^ ^^--^r-^- 0-^—0-^-P-^-0 r 0-^-0 -y. WE ALL MIGHT DO GOOD. )=1qI1I=::^!CI>^-p:t ^ -0- -0- -0- -i^ -^ -#■• * -^ * -6^ JOHX MOKKISON. 1. We all might do good,Where we of- ten do ill— Tliere is always a way, Iftherebebutthe will; Though it 2. We all might do good, In a thousand small ways— N j'er in haste to reprove, But re-turn-ing due praise ; Spurning 3. We all might do good, Whether low-ly or great. For the deed is not gauged By the purse or estate; If it ! ,N ^ I I I . . I I ^ .N iil^i^S^i^il -^zzz^ t- ^—v- i be but a word Kind-lybreathed or expressed, It may guard off some pain, Or give peace to some breast, all i- die tales, And for-giv-iug the wrong. Treating kindly the hands, And the hearts we have won. be but a sup Of cold water that's giv'n, Like the widow's two mites, It is something for heav'n. mm -r-G- =£~ h r-t-" --0-y-^—fi ^— p-f2 f9-±- ff 0-^ ■©- -I — J-- m^ 112 WORK. From The Pearl, :*: 4~ -i=^. 33=f 1. Work, for the night is 2. Work, for the night la 3. Work, for the night is 4 — ^-fe-J 1- »z=p; I>n. LOWELL Mason. ivZ3t -^— • ■■^ &EB^E^^^: com - Ing, Work thro' the morning hours ; Work while the dew is com - hig, Work thro' the sun - ny noon ; Fill brightest hours With com- ing, Un - der the sun- set skies. While their bright tints are -0—.—»^ 0- ■^Sh -h- ii: iE^EE :(:=; «^: -J^- spark la - glow - mg, ling, bor, ^: Work 'mid springing flow'rs; Rest comes sure and soon; Work, for day -light flies; ■9- ^ -9- m ^ 1 ^ Work when the day grows bright - er, Give ev' - ry fly - ing mo - ment Work till the last beam fad - eth. i i :? g ^t^ rf: I le^Mi ^^ ' i I Work in the glowing sun; Work, for the night is com - ing,When man's work is done. Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is com - ing,When man works no more. Fadeth to shine no more; Work while the night is dark'n-ing, When man's work is o'er. ^ t ^: £ EElE^^E I ^f=!i- TRUST HIM ALWAYS. Words and Music bj (Trust ye in tlie Lord Jeboyah^ for in the Lord Jehovali is everlasting strength.) , 1 , 113 John MOBnisox. P ^ is-^ f-^ =r? :|^=S: H^ciil: Trust in Trust in Trust in Trust in lor - ing lov-ing lov - ing lov - iiig mn #— ^ fatli - er's hand. To shel - ter fath - er's voice. That calls us fath - er's cave. He free - ly Sav-ior's power, Thro'sor-row's I and to guide ; to o - bey; will provide; dark - est night. 4— J 1 ^^. Strong to np-hold and Thro' flow-lng vales, and His blessings rich, to U is presence makes the A-A— # ^ 1 — I — r f:^ Ghonms. o - ver all, His wis - dom will provide, pastures green. He points tlie liv - ing way, all ai'e given, Who in his love confide, darkest hour. To glow with heav'nly light. Trust in him always, trust in him always, Trust in him always ,N N X-L -K— V fe rrT^ :*: :* *=:*: S p:=r ztb :p4: ^— i- S ^ eJ nev-er, ner-erfear. Trust in him al-way*, nev - er fear. His hand will siistain thee when dau-ger is near. f^ ^ ^ f^ J i"^. V V - ¥-\ — r I r r -^P r-5 -4^!l> =£ V— >^ 1 — r 5^ 114 .V. H. A. AFTER TOIL COMETH REST. (There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of Qod.) J. B. MUKJBAY. ^ 1. I know there are homes up a-bovefor the wea-ry, Wliere sor-row and sigh-ing for - ev - er are o'er; 2. I knowthere is rest;but a-whileas we journey, A - long thro' this val-ley of shadows and tears, 3. Let us make them to feel that this earth's not all sad-ness, That dark clouds have linings of sil - yer and gold, 4. Then let us not lin-ger In sighs, and grow wea-ry, Ke-mem - ber the rest that is wait-ing a-bove, I There's And ,ror ^ 1 N t^ ^. h- 1 V -. ^ 4j-fc- -1 "^~"lr1 — ^ i^ -J- -h -^-^ f- -^■:^—--r- z^-J-~:j— -^-1 — h-t-t-i- *" know there are man-sions of rest some- thing to do; yes, we each point them to Je - sus, their lov those who have fin - ished their mis for have -ing - sion, -J-^—i- the faith - ful, our mis - sion, Ke-deem - er, be - liev - ing ^ f- Wait - ing The faiut-iug Whose love and That Je - su.s for us on the Beau- ti - ful Shore, to raise, and the lone - ly to clieer. af-foo-tion can nev-er be told, was lead - ing them home by his love. C\' 5 K . u s: !- s 1 1 1 1 ) 1 S 1^ . 1- -» -T l^'I • » f f f f ^ r ' r r ■ ! ■. i .. 1 ^ W W '■ W V -^ 1=^-^ J^ L b_L U b- -■ h — -M—\ ^- 4-- ._:« — 'ff_i W ^ ^ . ^ _ ! h . — : -A > >— ' '/ ^- -V — -V— 1 /— -V— ' ^-'i tr- -^-| b-l:^-'-' — ''—^ — '■ Chorus. ■^--rrt *=ti Af-ter toil af-ter toil, cometk rest, cometh rest, af-ter toil, af-ter toil, cometh rest, cometh rest, la the -^^ ^=^ -/'— W- ip—p p: iprzpzzp: -9 — — — , 1_ -0 0- V— y^ V^V^ AFTER TOIL COMETH REST -Concluded. ^ J . ^ . . _h_ 115 sweet, pw^et home of the good #- ^ ^ #. ^ §i eS:e3 blest, Af -^-^ - ter toll, af - ter toll com - eth rest -F- i te^ Moderato. SABBATH WORK. 1st. |. 2d. Rev. J. S. Boyd. :*^ S I^ L Ev'-ry Sab-bath, in our school Christ, the Lord.we praise. And we learn FomeBi-ble rule, Teaching' wisdom's 2. So, each day of ev'-ry week, On both young and old, Je-sus' blessing we will seek— Richer far than S, 'nK-ii,when earth's work all is o'er Ransomed by his love, "We sh&ll,on a fair - er shore, G^reen-est pastures K44^^ #- ^ V-M-M- i^ 4=t=t .ways. . .Kold. ♦ .rove. We will stud-y, read and pray. Laiube he called us, and we pray There glad anthems we will raise. ^M-k t=t tn: fe£ u ^ t=t From its teachings nev - er stray, Tlmt, as trusting sheep, we may And, as saints, proclaim his praise ^m T~f> • V V ^ » But will keep, from day to day What the Bi - ble says. Fol - low him from day to ' day, In his low - er fold, y Un - to ey - er - last - ing days } In the fold a - bove. ^^ 116 Miss M. A. Baker. All voices sing the Melody. NAMES WRITTEN IN HEAVEN. H. E. Palmeb. 1. Bless - ed are they whose eyes ad-mir- ing see The sights we be 2. Bless - ed are they who from the foun-taiu drink Of wis - dom, and 3. Most blest are they whose names in liv -ing lines, Are -writ- ten and J :^ hold love sealed to - day, and truth ; in heav'n ; And Whose And ^ ■m ra: L 1 r •< PS W ""^ fe ^^. :& n -^^===^ o-^ blest are the list' - ning ears which ea - ger hear The words minds and whose hearts are stored witli sa - cred things In ten Avho shall re - ceive the white, en - grav - en stone To all t-i 33^ our teach - ers say, der, joy - ous youth, the faith - ful given. -& ^*. 33 PI *^^-' ^^ 4 Chorus. For 33 :f=5: V-^'/- m ^- ■#- H^ mm ^ ges long a - go, kings and prophets sought to know What these words to us so plain - ly m NAMES WRITTEN IN HEAVEN -Concluded. 117 rtj'-iT^?-^" tell, plainly tell ; But what then was sealed the Lord has now revealed. That its light in our hearts may dwell. xnat Its iignt m ■♦•■#-#••#■ v^-4 :p=^ 9^ t=X. li=)cz^ ^W—^- V— V- ^ \^ '^ '^ ^ m s?^ Aj^xie E. Hall. LITTLE CHILD'S BELIEF. J. R. MCRRAY. 4=4 -i-' — I \ ^ 1 1 1 \ 1 1 \ \—\- — '■ \ ^ hH h believe in God the Father, Who made us ev' - ry one, "Who made the earth and heaven, Tlie moon and stars and sun, believe in Je-sus Christ, The Father's "on - ly Son," Who came to us from heaven. And loved us ev' - ry one. believe God's Holy Spir-it Is with us ev'-ryday; And if we do not grieve it, It will ne'er go a-way. •0- ■0- -0- -0- ■0- -^ ■0- ^^^ ■0- ■0- •0- -19- ^^4 v^^ ^^S=^S^ r-t r-T i^ • »• ]»• ■» • -^ ^ - ^ •]»• - 0- -f- -f - ^^ iS^ ^r 4_L N N J-4 _i — I ]. ^ :i^ESEj3E^:gEiES 0—0 — p- ^E^ m All that we have ^ach day. He taught us to be holy. From heaven up-on Je-sus, m t=t=t=t: By him, by him Is glv'n ; We call him when we pray. Till on the cross he died ; And now we call him Savior, It de-scended like a dove ; And it dweQeth ev-er with us I *Our fath-er in the heavens." And Christ the cru-ci-fied. To fill our hearts with love. ^ i^dji: tz: ■ \ 11 I ^^EEES -w—^—^—^ Its BABY'S GONE TO SLEEP, W. D. Smith, Ja. J, K. MCTKJRAY. t^mOt 1. Tliere's a pair of lit - tie hands, 2. There's an-oth-er bud re-moved, 3. She will wake in fair-er lauds. Laid to rest for-ev - er more ; There's two i)early dimpled cbeeka. Kre it felt the bli^'ht af sin, Tliro' the door the an-gels made. Where the au-gel voi-ces sing; There the flow'ret shall ex-pand. m$ s s « Si ^s i t. ^ m -#— ^ £S F^ ritard . ^^i :±i± :ir.i=t^ V— V— >^ Wliose rich blo3som-lng is o'er; Dar - lingba-by haspass'din; There shall love perfec-tion bring; Deatli has seal'd two little eyes. Far beyond the a-xure skies. She has reach 'd the golden shore. That will no more smile or weep ; Where the t i - ny star-eyes peep ; Thro' the rlv-er cold and deep; tei W^ I ts^^^p ^±=t ^^ ■*-it tt. -m W}g- ^-«r ritard . ^ -^^ ist a tempo BABY'S GONE TO SLEEP. rit e dim. Concluded. m a tempo. 1^=^ 3E£ ZZ&- Ti - iiy windows of the soul. Lit - tie From all earth's sad doubts and fears. Lit - tie An - gels bore her safe-ly there. Lit - tie ba-by's gone to sleep ; ba-by's gone to sleep; ba-b3''s gone to sleep; Lit-Me b:i-by"s Lit-tle ba-by's Lit-tle ba-by's gone to gone to gone to sleep, sleep, sleep. Chorus. -N— ^- :M^ ^rr- ^^: ^■^ I •0- ^ •0- -^ Soft - ly to the door-way 0-* — — — — ^—•. ^*-*%-i— ^ An - gels bore her safe-ly home ; ft)r her we may not weep; .j0 ^- r- I j^ ^ ^ . j;^ X.}/, \> rJ . B- rit e dim. 1' h — h~ -'■ fs — h — ^- pp a tempo. -^=^ 3^^^3 ccme, Lit - tie ba - by'e ■ A gone to .jeep; She has on • ly gone to Bleep. i^^-i^i?^- — - r — J- 4r- =5= iS— int- _U U— -1. -- -1.- -4i^ :fc— B 120 JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN. (Read Bsy. xxxm.) (New.) J. R. MtTRRAT. ^ ^^^m m Je - ru - Je - ru - Je - ru - Je - ru - sa - lem the Gold - en, I Ian - guisk for one gleam sa-lem the Gold - en, When sun- set's in the west, 8a -lem the Gold- en I There all our birds that flew— sa-lem the Gold -en, I toil on day by day. mi I t Of all thy glo - ry fold - en. In It seems the gate of glo - ry, Thott Our flowers buthalf nn - fold - en. Our Heart sore each night with long - ing, I ^: I I ^ 3ii=r IK dls - tance and in dream! clt - y of the blest! pearls that turned to dew — stretch my bauds and pray My thoughts, like palms In And mid-night's star - ry And all the glad life- That, midst Thy leaves of ex - ile. Climb up tor - ches, Thro' In .. . mu - sic. Now heard no lon-ger here, heal - ing, My soul shall find her rest, .pr,ay gloom, For a • ter - nie*dlate globin, Are Shall Where the ^m -_m=3i t^- 1 — r ^: 1=t: Chorus. ■£ ^ ism. glimpse of that dear coun - try That lies bo far a - way. wav - ing with their welcome To thy e - ter - nal home, come a - gain to greet us. As we are draw-ing near, wicked cease from troubling, The wea - ry are at rest. -»&- t^F-fi I I Je - ru - sa - lem the Gold - en, My .. ^ . -f- f - #. ^ - ♦ JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN.-Concluded. 121 ^^^ S I a *Srr^Sr—Sr^^ m 1 — hope, myheav'n, myhome; "With songa of joy and sweet em-ploy, To Thee, to Thee we come. 1 — r— t f V f * 1i=lE ^^E^^. Gently. THE TEACHERS' PRAYER. ^^^^^^^^Pi A. T. GOKHAM. ^SEIE^^ FFF -j^— ?^ bless Thee for that gracions word. The mothers of Sa-lem so Joy-fal-ly heard; That youngonesmay bow at Thy throne, May seek thy sal - va-tion and make it their own. That struct them be rich-ly supplied With wisdom to win them, and patience to guide; O scholars be - fore Thee ap - pear, The last blessed welcome may all of us hear ; Thy Dear Sa We thank May we When teach vior, we Thee that who in - -ers and ^ :p=:p=pirqc=i m -P — ^ f=^ I I I 4=:t ^r-r-^- -»- rr- t— I — I- i^S ii 7^— ^— r^ ;#^ €— i- -» — »- ^ ^ ■v—^ tr-t- — r ■*— f- f- 1 ^m -#--p= i t= q^ i be heav'n - ly ^ Come and jo la our ar - my, ^•#. ^ #. •#. Come and Join our ar _Hf _ ! -ft— « • «- - my, S:i*=S Marchin^c to the heav'n-ly t L L i:=l ^ i B=^H^-5-r 5i_H^ ii From Littlt: So'^TRR, ^ i ^^ I WILL NOT SWEAR. (LNTA^NT CU^S.) ^"^•^ f 25=t r^ s J- R. MtTHRAT. *-T^ ■a— #■ ■&. Ii=Js; ^1^ I ^— r^ ii— 4 4 S m 1. I will not swear, I ■will not dare.God'a name in Tain to take; I will not lie, But I will try, The truth my guide to make. 2. I will not steal, Tor I should feel De-^raded and ashamed; I will be kind,My parents mind^Nor be a flghternamed. 3. If I be -gin In youth to sin. My mis - e - ry is sure; No peace ofmind Can I thus find, No pleasure good and pure, 4« But If I love Our God aboTe4>ear firiends and parents kindly teachers true. And schoolmate8,too,Great peace then I shall find. t £ 124 Mrs, M. E. Nealy. DREAMS OF HEAVEN. (Having the glory of God.— Eev. XXI: 11.) Wm. T. Rogeks. 1. I dream of a land of flowers unfading. Which bloom afresh thro' the vernal j'ear: Of ever-green trees for - ev-er shading The 2. I dream of a home wliere pain and si}!— i^ J^T^z^ i^-r-tz ^=^-d=H h— *r p — ^ r r* r -i m iiifvii: ^=-4: ^— i- .^_H- 1^— ^^ — li-i^^^-^ streams of crystal, brighj and clear; Where crimson cloud-tints deck the morning, And rain-bow colors light up in the eve.On- nev - er leave us alone, alone ! Where harsh cold words can never grieve us. Sending a chill to the heart's warm tide,Where crys-tal riv-ers and peai-ly rills ! O friendships pure ! O loves unfading ! I dream of you all when my dark days come ; And ^ #. A JL %=i=i=^-^ ly to give up their rich adorning,And round our spirits their bright woof weave. ', those we trust will ne'er deceive us. But roam e-ter- nal- ly by our side. >I dream of aland of flow'rs un - fading. Which when the dark waters my eyes are shading,May bright forms smile rue a welcome home, ) m ■0 i-; h; \-. H-L-l 7 V^^ X:^t=^z>=ii^ # i^czpzi^zip: 1i£=^=^ -^r-Xr-^- ^ FEED MY LAMBS. J. A. Smart. ^g t -t—4—ji 0—li-^—^ ~ :t:S=^ "Feed my lambs !" how con - de - scending, How com -pas- sion -ate the grace Rich - est tre*-sure, dear - est tok - en, Erom his stores of love to give ; "Feed my lambs!" ye pas - tors, hear it; Feed the flock of his own hand; ^- -; ^- -^^— L- -^ ^ ^ ^t_ _^ ^ . — ^ -t I L -= :t:=|zit=^=iz;gr;z=±: 1 — -1 \- M-1 1 i V u-^ -i=2- ±=d-4: ^— i Jfe^: itLit:^ sa 3^ in-fant race ! Of the Sa - vior, just as - cend - ing, Thus to bless our Kept from age to age un - brok - en, Till its boun - ty we receive. O, for Him, for us, re - vere it; Keep the Shep - herd's last command , , ,. H t. fit ♦ . t: :^S1 S 126 OUR^S THE LOSS, AND NOT OUR DARLING'S. Words and Music by J. B, MCTKRAY. ^ JV=H- V— 1^- ?^=^ ^P=P= -# — ■»• 1. Onr'g the loss, and not our dar 2. Her'e the while robe?.ev-er shin 3. Her's the lit - tie feet that pat ling's; Our's the pain and her's the joy; ing. In the Love that made them so ; ter, fMak - in^ mw-£ic as they go), Our's the mourning and the Her's the glo - ry and the Thro' the golden streets of fei^ &13 -•" — • w. m ^ -^^ — - — I — -gf^^ w • w ^ — • — ^ • * •" gte# S£ ^^'- weep -ing, Her's thebllsB with-out al - loy; rap - tnre, "Which the an - gels on - ly know; heav - en. And where liv - Ing wa - ters flow ; m I --^ — H' ::^z^ Her's tlie Cit - y pure and gold - en ; Her's the crown- wreath,nev-er fad - ing-, Her's the lit - tie hand that beck - ons, n*^!^^^^ -m — • — •- -m- r-rt m i^ -TZit .^_:- OUR'S THE LOSS, AND NOT OUR DARLING'S.-Concluded. i 127 9 d J -' s-n- ' ^ ^ V V- ■Xi=^ -^— ^ i Our's the earth-llfe,3tain'd with sin; Her's the green fields.and the gar-dens, Where the an-gels en - ter in. Her's the mu-sic of the skies; Our's the eyes, all dim'd with weeping, Her's the ev-er tear-less eyes, Ev - er from the Radiant shore,— An- gel of the Lord to lead us Where we'll nev-er lose her more, h r^i I s I 1-1^ -# -m « m ' ^—r-d.* • ^ d ' «-«- ggE3 :j_s*_|_^- I S i5>-^- ^--/2- -<5>- Chorus. Our's the loss, and not owr ^ N N .^^.^ ,S :i— -i: dar — I- ling's; Our's the pain, and her's the joy;. ,^=^ Our's the loss and not I our dar-ling's, Our's the pain ^ :t and her's the joy; -iS^ lie i ^ i I Our's the mourning and the I S: Ing, Her's the bliss, with-out al - loy. rit e dim. <0> « ! i=J -t :^ iS 1 t^ I 1 Our'3 the mourn - ing -^-^ » J ^ 1 and the S: .(">♦■.- weep - ing, Her's the bliss, with-out -^ f , ^ . fa» ^— ^# ^~ =lEEfe^ r I 1 11 128 Spirited. ^ OUR SHIP IS HOMEWARD BOUND J. R. MUBRAY. ^=3 -8-^- -0 #- l,"WTiattho' the an - gry waves are high. And darkness reigns a - round? Let hope be bright In ev' - ry eye. Our ~ " " ' ..--..,, When with the eye of faith and love We He loved us first, we love him now, Then 2,Wliattho' the lightening glare a - hove. And deaf ning thunders roar, When with the eye of faith and love We 3. We've of - ten longed with them to bow At our Ke-deem-er's feet,- m «-r4 ^ #-r#-!~ P=^ ^^ &± =p=a: m t)i: g= 1 l?-f &^ :t=P -P— ?E ship is homeward bound I Whattho', nor moon, nor stars ap - pear A- mid the gloom pro - found; Wliy view thedis-tant shore? We know that friends are wait - ing there. We loved in life be - fore; And the bil- lows beat I And let them bear our hopes a - way, Although they once were sweet; We A S- :t2=t -r— r :l?=|: r-^ Chorus. ^ should we yield a place to fear? Our ship an - gel forms all bright and fair Line the catch a glimpse of com - ing day— Oh, let i=d^= §1 is homeward e - ter - nal the bil - lows bound, shore, beat I r=(?= Homeward, homeward. OUR SHIP !S HOMEWARD BOUND.-Concluded -Kt— t- -» — a- iPN^i^ 129 ship homeward bo und , Let hope be bright ev - ery eye. Our ship is homeward bound! 'i ^ — 1 y^--^ ' — -^ H (-7 — I H— '•- 1 '/^ — 1 y—^-»- ' -» — " m K — K- WE ARE LITTLE STUDENTS. (Infant Class.) JVziNi J. It. MURKAT. -N— N- ■^^t -^ ^.—^r -SitUtZLtzSl 1. We are lit -tie stu - dents, 2. Lit- tie tho'tsand ac - tions, 3. Lit-tle truths we re learn - ing, 4. Lit-tle pray'rs as -cend - ing, 6. Lit-tle songs of prais - es, Seeking in our youth, Heed we will with care; On the Sabbath day. Thro' the siu-ner's Friend, Lord, we'll raise to Thee, Seeking in our youth. Heed we will with care ; On the Sab-bath day, Thro' the sinner's Friend, Lord, we'll raise to Thee, Seeking in our Heed wa will with On the Sab-bath Thro' the sin-ner's Lord,well raise to I Jv-fe: 15T ^^^=^T zi^—^—g—w- youth, Paths of wisdom, safe - ty, Life, the light, the truth, care; Truth with its at - trac - tions Keeps from every snare, day. Make us A-er-y strong in Vir-tue's bap-py way. Friend; Bring re - turning bless - ing— Fit us forlite'send. Thee; And inheav'uthy glo - ries Sing e - ter - nal - ly. Life, the light, the truth. Keeps from ev - ery snare. Vir - tue's hap - py way. Fit us for life's end. Sing e - ter - nal - ly. 130 GOD'S WAYS ARE THE BEST. Words and Music by Slow. J. R. MCKBAT. 1. God's ways are the best, 2. God's ways are the best, 3. God's ways are the best. God's ways are the best, God's ways are the best, God's ways are the best. "We can but weep as she go-eth a- way ; Out of our home while we We on-ly see the blackpall and the shroud ; We on-ly see the sad We on-ly know of lile's sorrow and tears ; VVe on - ly know of its PS fSi-it— ^_^. t=^=t=t r-t—r-p-r-1 -f2±.(2—. -G>^~» — I ^ -t9 * -» » — »^ - -ICahG. E=t:f - g ■■ o •-^*-^- t:t=t t 0—0- f=f=PF=F=f^'f=T=F=f -#— i -^i£=^^=K=^ m J— i- dim. rit. T-t=^ wait and we pray , Watching thro' night for the heaven-ly day; God do-eth the rest, sor-row-ing crowd, We on - ly see the dark side of the cloud, God see-eth the rest, hopes and its fears. We on - ly know of earth's sorrowing years ; God knoweth the rest. ^ 9 ff fi - #— ^ t pL-^—B- -f2A_j2_ God do - eth God see- eth God knoweth the rest, the rest, the rest. i- n-x t=t: t=X -i-0- i9-*-Gh ^5j_». 'H=^ ^i_jg_L_ 1— r -r-j Paulina. a Moderato. OVER THE RIVER TO MANSIONS OF LIGHT. J. E. Murray, 1, Let 2, Let 3, Let iii^^i m me go to the heav -en - ly Canaan, for lol The me go, there are voic-es that call me a-way. My me go where they war-ble the heav - en - ly strains, I go where they war- •0- •*-.•*- -^'^- ^ i -^— ^■ H^- JU. night hath depart - ed— the East is aglow, I have spir - it respond-eth andchid-eth de-lay; Let me hear in my vis - ions the gush-ing refrain, They are f=£F t=t=i; ^-!-;s=i»- fc P=P- V V V— ^ OVER THE RIVER ^0 MANSIONS OF LIGHT.-Concluded. 131 IN=^£^^ t± ^ -M ^Ji 0—i-4—G ^ wan-dered a - far from the mansions of rest, The wa - ters of Life and the home of the blest. haste from the Ma - rah -like wa-ters of strife, To learn of theAVay, and the Trutli, and the Lite. strilc - ing their harps in di-vin-est ac-cord. And Heav-en re-ech-oes the praise of the Lord. m^ 4r—JU^- -»^ — O- ti' tit: ti't:^ Xi^ t==E :=:t= i^'-F--^ ^ itfct 1— 1: =4 ^ ^ I Chorus. izS^fr i=^^. lit -ji-j-j±- -i-^- m ' #-T-# ^- O - ver the riv - er to mansions of light— O - ver the riv ^-^ -^ ^T-f ^=^' £i£=?^ -fi er to spir-its in white— O -fr— P- ^4^ :tfc4«: •^ ^ I M^ a N N i ^ M M IJ -J— #■ ■:^^ jiizizz^ -# — # List to their ac - cents— how sweet - ly they flow I Wilt thou not go with us! "Wilt thou not go I J 3?: : ?: * r^-r: -G- T ^ .#. .^ .#. • .^ V ^E^ t=t i«— /e- t^t I 132 THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. "Words and ilusic by Moderato. J. K. Cole. ;S=i is-t-F* ! — ? — — J.IZ^—; — f, — -L : — — ^U_j_i._J_^ — J — g — *_J. 1 1. In this our Pil - grim way be - low, Weknow notliow or where to ^o, 2. Would you escape the w:iys of sin. And now the march to heav'n be-gin, 3. While you behold theHeav'uly throne,And worsliip Him who sits there-on; On ev'-ry hand temptations Seek Christ.the Sav - ior.while 'tis Come now to Christ, come now in m 53=?=?= i2± Chorus, Faster, lure ; We need a guide that^s true and sure day. He is the I^ite youth, He is tlie Way 3 that's true and sure. ) , the Truth, the Way. } O Je-sus, the Savior, our guide he will be. And lead us all safe-lyo'er , the Life, the Truth. ) t:t:-. . . ti . . tit:*- S S V i '^ > n life's stormy sea. The truth he will show us ; the Life and the Way, For this he has promised to all who o-bey. ^tz=!t±:tz±- -p— («- V V ■v'^^^V^^V— V=^- •r— ^^ ^r- "W^ -'— m m -W 1» » # »-T-» »• 1= »- V— V- Jf— ^- Mrs. M. B.C. Slade, CAST YOUR NETS ON THE OTHER SIDE. (Read Joun xxi: 3-G,) 133 Emilius Laroche. ■^*— -I — ^--^-e — » — « — s\ — #-- *- — ( — « — 1 «• -0. — » — 0i — m — #-- *- — ( — « — * 1 — « — tfi-'-j. ■ah -9- -»■ -^ -^ -*>-*'-«--#--^-«--S fish-ers went out by night at sea, In a ship on the waves of Gal -i - lee. In Tain they toiled till the one of the seven said, why, oh. Lord ? For they loved to o-bey the Master's word; Tliey cast, therefore, and be- fish-erswho go as fisli-era of men. Casting o - ver your nets all night in vain; The long, dark hours have ye brothers, be glad and strong in the faith, Ye are nsh - ers of men, the Mas-ter saith. And grow not faint tho' the ^ -^»— P- j F- y i^ _i8— jg: 3^ ft-.^ _^5t_^. _;ie_ii2_ 1^=^ ^ P P - t=X. ^ ^: #— P= ^ f IjEZ^H^^ -r-r -r-tr-tr-r r— r- r-t- 'k^ ;^ • ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^.,-a V -in — « &,- Chorus. -jtzji^ t^ea^ ^ i^ -h~br '— ^-4— 4-i J3t=-^ night was o'er Then Je - bus stood on the shin - ing shore, hold! they saw Their net more full than their hands could draw, toiled Avith-in The toss - ing waves of a world of sin? toil seem vain. But cast your nets to the right a - gain. -# f ^ &- A - cross the sound of the sea he cried, They then rejoiced that the dear Lord cried. Your mas-ter calls at the niorn-ing-tide. The dear Lord's voice in your heart shall guide. Cast Cast Cast Cast yournets on the otli- your nets on the oth- j'Ournets «n the oth- yournets on the oth- er side, er side, er side, er side. The oth The oth The oth The oth er side, the oth - er side, the oth - er side, the oth ■ er side, the oth ■ erside. Ye shall fill yournets on the oth erside. Ye shall fill your nets on the oth erside, YesliallfiU your nets on tlie oth er side. Ye shall fill your nets on the oth m * .J- •y^ — ^r ^B -f^ -* tf ^-"-1 H- f- f- ^ ^J- I 33- E? 51 er side, er side, er side, er side, f F i - 134 A LITTLE WHILE. (But tliou slialt follow me afterwards.— Joirx xni: 36.) :fc3=iN: J. E. Murray. — — 0-^-a # — & — 0-^-0 ^ ^—i — «'- *- :^=fe A lit- tie while to walk this wea-ry road; A lit- tie while to love with earth-ly love, A lit - tie while of storm and wind and rain, bear this IP a — i- heav - y load ; Then from a-bove, A l^i^4 A lit - tie while to Aiid then we share the "fullness' And then the shin - ing he&v - en we shallffaiii:A ' ^ t: t:- ^ - . J . ■^-r— t m^m v_i m all our earth-ly lit - tie time of lit - tie time to pil - grim-age shall cease, darkness and of doubt, toss on life's rough sea. §li-^, k*^r — f^ ^ b 1= Is £- a—, -•- -K ' the crown of 1 j 1 |K ff — L. And we shall wear the crown of perfect peace, A Then the bright home whose light shall ne'er go out. A Then in that peace - fnl home our rest shall be. A t: t: t: t:- ^ -i — -» — & — » — D- -h-. H H H- _^_A. -.^^._-^ m lit - tie toil and sad - ness here be - low, tie time to watch and plant and sow. Then lit - tie wliile we part from those we love. And tlien we'll meet tliem in our home a-bove, A lit - tie while! O Savior! make us strong, To bear that lit -tie tlio' it oft seems long I Guide A LITTLE WHILE.-Concluded. 135 I m mh x=x .€ — L_ J ^__ _i Je - BUS calls his la - bor - ers a - way, "Where ev - er lit - tie -while we wait with fear oppressed, Thea wea - ry thou our way with thine own lov-lng haud Till we shall last - lug joy and glad - uess stay, wait - Ing ends i« per - IVct rest. en - ter In the promised laud. ±=Hr=b: 4==t: -T -r— 1- i E3 u i Miss Thompsok. Moderate . WHITER THAN SNOW. (Eead Isaiah i: 18.) J. It. MUKRAY. :^5II^ -N— K- 1P=^ 1^=t i :tCI|v:^I^_z:t^ tt: w—^—i 1^—^ s s^-^ s s J— ^— J^ :*-l. 1. Whit- er than snow !beauti-ful snow, Cov'ring so ten-der-ly earth's dreary blight, Hiding the darkness of all here be-low, 2. Whit -er than snow !beauti-ful snow, Nev-er a stain on its ra - diance seen. Contrasting ev - er with sorrow and woe, 3. Whit -er than snow ! beauti-ful snow, Helpless-ly seek we for cleansing below, On-ly thro' Christ can our sins be forgiven, ^^^ 8^P— t^— 1^- ^?^=^ ■\/—^-A/- qt=W=W -^—ft. £3: ^ ^ .^ «^1^ 3^=^=q=:i^: IvzNzilS: t^ ^5=^ c=mN: 4^:1: :|5z:1^=^ ■7i—^—lt 1 f— i— 5— ;i^#— i -^ "^ "^^ ^^ Hid-ing tlie darkness of all here below, Emblem of pu-ri - ty, how can we be Like un-to thee, like un-to thee. Con-trastiug ev-er with sorrow and woe, To-ken of innocence ! when shall we be. Like un-to thee, lik'e un-to tliee. On-ly thro' Christ can our sins be forgiven, But if we trust in Him sometime we'll be.Like un-to thee, like un-to thee. ^>=^- :F=1s=^ :?± V— ?--?- ;^^^iil 136 Paulina. HASTE TO THE RESCUE. (Temperance.) (There is an evil -which I have seen under the sun and it is common among men.— Proy, vi: 1.) J. E. Mureay. W^ 1 ^ ^ — fs — r — r^T~7 1.0^: ■* -5-— ^- >! haste to the rescue— the streets are a - glow, With lights at the gates of the Cit - y of woe, How 2. The demon is sleepless, and spreading his snares, Wliile lov-ing and loved ones as - sist un - a-wares ; They 3. The 3'outh who lias tasted the poi - son -ous draught, The man who has thought of his ' scruples and laughed, The 4. Tlien haste to the rescue, if on - ly to win One soul to the right, from the meshes i of sin. If #. #- Hj. \ S K r-g~)€- ^-ff-5f — *-- f-h — H — 1-; — h— h — h-T- ^- #. ^ i :^==^: N-T Q 5 K K K K r K: k V \ K- ^_-^_ H^ -V K K 1 Hif -J- -p ^- ->, -.3. .-J- ^--_H--H_ — ?=h-i^ K— a/ H- ^ H -~ P K— i^ 1 ' fm y'mimaAmWiim*!^ 5S 1 ! i i "H lA " « J * ^V 1 J J J '4 J ^ S ^ * " ' la -'i/ _J ^ Chorus. Then flee from the tempter, O! flee, eire his toils Shall wring from the life of thy spir - it, his spoils, In 3P#-g — b-t-'^ ^ £> ^ » *P- \-'n — h — h — \ b ^ » ^- — -H Wr h g g - HASTE TO THE RESCUE.-Concluded. 137 -pi — « — ^ — ^ — I — «^-^-^^ — * — * 9^ 1^ mer - cy, _« •_ lov - ed, this warnin: -€ — S- IFiY^ energy, THE CHILDREN'S RESPONSE. (Temperance.) J. E, MUKBAY. ::1v -K--N- $ ^;jv M-m^v 1. Aye I we will join the valiant band,who march against the foe. And from the bui"nins,snatch the brand before it burns too low ; 2. "We will not taste the liquid death,tho' sinners may entice, But lift to God the prayer of faith,for strength to shun the vice ; 3. O ! nev-er may our hearts forget,the anguish they must know, Who see life's brief sun madly set in night of endless woe ; we remember in our youth the mandate all divine, That we should walk the ways of Truth, nor "tarry at the wine.' And we will bless the righteous laws that aid the high design. To prosper His most ho - ly cause, nor "tarry at the wine." Whose bitter wail, "O Lord, how long?" shall call the bolt divine,To crush for aye the monster Wrong,the mighty fiend of Wine. s ng i" snaa can me doic aivine,xo crusn lor aye lue luonsier vy rong,iue nuguiy nenu oi vv me. a-v-0-^» — #-r-» — *-^ — 0-^0-^0 — 0-'-0 — 0-^-0 — 0---0-rs-r^ — ^--^ — ^~^-^^ ■^ b 'i/ !^ '1/ b '1/ j^ ' ' ^■'^ i " ' ' ' ' i: 'i '^ ^ 138 ANNIVERSARY HYMN. Mendelssohn. 33^ :ij!5: m B 1. A - long the tracks of vanished years, Thro' storm and sun-shine, cold and heat, 2. Be - fore us pass the youthful throngs, Walking in Zi - en's qui - et ways, -N— i^ - p^=p=r- _«% — *— L-^ = 0- -N— j^- ^ Gent -ly our fan - cy wakes and hears, The happy tread of lit - tie feet, Gently our fan - cy We catch the pleasing Sabbath songs, Rising to heav'n on wings of praise, We catch the pleasing 1—-^ -^ ■0- -^ -0- -e- - - 0-—M ts ! -T-l i 1 --T-- F- t=t: L— L —i r— p- ^^ Tlie hap Kis - iiig py tread of lit - tie feet.... to heaven ou wings of praise. wakes and hears, The hap - py tread Kis-ing to heaven h ♦- -0- ■0- of lit on wings 1 "^J J»^ tie feet, of praise. h i ANNIVERSARY HYMN -Concluded. 139 3. Some of these pilgrim feet no more Tread these rough paths of earthly care ; They wander on that radiant shore Where sin shall never spread its snare. They wander on that radiant shore Where sin shall never spread its snare. 4. Yet we are safe while Jesus leads, Though dangers throng about our way ; He helps us in our sorest needs, And guards us from the beasts of prey, lie helps us in our sorest needs, And guards us from the beasts of prey. 5. In pastures green, Dy waters still, Through fields in living beauty drest, He takes us up to Zion's hill, On to his everlasting rest. He takes us up to Zion's hill, On to his everlasting rest. R. V. Murray. A LITTLE CHILD'S PRAYER. J. U. IMCRRAY. :i :^ -^ 1. Lord, teach a lit-tle child. In thy ways so meek and mild; 2. Let me do some work for Thee, Use - ful in the world to be. lone on Work of peace and 9^0 ~^±=iz E V^ — *— #- I bended knee. But with heart to bow to Thee, work of love, Such as angels do above. '-^s=^ m i 3. Fold me in thy arms I pray, Keep me good thro' all the day, When I sleep, or when I wake Lord, my soul in keeping take. 4. In thy love O may I stay, Teach me, Lord, aright to pray. Wheresoever I may be, Guide my little feet to Thee. 140 LOOKING FOR JESUS. Mns. M. B. C. Sj:.ax)E, J. E, MUBEAY. iM m _=^ 1 — I. — ^__ — -^ ■0' -ih . [^ ■ — 111 Bethlehem's manger so low, To fmd the young child we will go; The ~t: S an - gels sang o'er him,The wise fell be-fore him, In Bethlehem's manger so low. :=!: m :£=(= t=^ li=li: RECITATION. . And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger, Luke li : 16;, SONG. O'er blossoming Galilee hills, Or roaming by Nazareth rills, See where he is staying, Ilis mother obeying; O'er blossoming Galilee liills. EECITATION. And lie went down with tliem, and came to Xazaretli, and was subject unto them. Matt, i : 51. SO-X&. Oh, €ome to the Jordan with me, ** The calm, sunny river, and see All duty fnmiling, How Jesus is willing; Oh, come to the Jordan with me. RECITATIOX. Jesus said, suffer it to be so now, tor thus it becometh us to ful- fil all righteousness. Matt, hi : 15. LOOKING FOR JESUS -Concfuded. 141 SONG. Come up to the beautiful mount, Hear now, from liis lips like a fount, The blessings are flowing, His love is bestowing, Come up to the beautiful mount. EECITATIOX, He "went up into a mountam, and when he was set, his disciples came unto him, and lie opened liis mouth and tauglit tliem. Matt. v: 1, 2. SOifG. Kow enter the house of the Lord, Where Jesus has opened the word, His dear lips are preaching, His tender voice teaching, N'ow enter the house of the Lord. EECITATIOX. He went into the sj-nago/^ue on tlie SabJjath Day. and stood up for to read. He found the place where it is written. Tlie spirit of the Lord is upon me. Luke i v : IC, 17. SOXG. Now seek the sweet Bethany home, Where often at eve he would come ; Where Mary sits hearing His accents endearing, Now seek tlie sweet Bethany home. EECITATIOX. Martlia received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also siit at Jesus feet, and heard bis v/ord. LUKE x:oS,30, SOXG. Oh say, by and by can we go, By following Jesus below; ^ The briglit mansions sharing. His love is preparing, Oh say, by and hy can we go. EECITATIOX, Jesus said, In my father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you.— I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where 1 am ye may be also, John, XI v : 2, 3, SOXG. Yes, yes ! by and by we will go By following Jesus below ; The bright liaansions sharing, His love is preparing, Yes, yes ! by and by we will go. CHANT.-'M Will lift up Mine Eyes." 1 H. E. Kimball. 1. 1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence I Cometh, my ( help.]] 2. My help cometh from the Lord, | which made| heaven, and | earth. 3. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved, He that keepeth thee | will not | slumber. [| 4. Behold, He that keepeth Israel, | shall not | slum- ber, nor I sleep. 142 SACRED SCENES. Mrs. M. B. C. Slade. J. R. MUEBAY. M^^-=^ =?= -^ — Nq -"T^ H — ' N 1^ — ^~ -»l — =^ =d d=^:: 1. Beau-ti ■ — #— . ful lake of 1 Gal - i - lee, Sing to the -^ — shin - -H ing N shore, c\*'^r '^ ^ S ■ _\^ ■•■■ a m • ^ S -■^ i'Tf'^ 1 1 : ! ' - . , , ' S M Ia i-^ ^8 ^ ^— _^_ u \/— -M— -'/»•- - ■^f- -.r 1 _1^_ • * 7 _ji — ] P r ^ L_> ^ —^ — ... , , , L__! 1 i ^= -- HS K N. J — i — j^ — J^ — «,— =?= rTr-r- tu "^ — I^- -^ — iT- •f —J — ^% — ; — ;— Tell us whatJe - t' r f- r zz'zd sus said to thee. Stm-ing the storm -y r U- — « — ^ — 1 A ^^^ y oar. 1 F f P '^ '^ ( # A . . ' '(* « ^1 b^^ — — b b b — i — h ■-1= ^ bp-i -r — r- — — _; — 5_. ^-7— ' ■ J ^-^ P -t . L-t. — U- _i^_ 1 L_ ^ ± ^ ^^::^i=S=' ^ S ^^m m TVa - ters where Je ^ ^ ^ ^ - T^ 17- sus loved tt) go, t^ ^^ 1/ Sing us the wo^ds that hushed you so, Xrrz: SACRED SCENES.-Concluded. 143 ^ i :E^3Er; ^1 -i— g ^ • * la — r sus loved to go, W—fr^^ ■■■ J •■ ; - « , ^' « ' : « H M * ^ ft ' A g . -»■ ■- 5 ■ . # ■ G^- To Thy sun - ny From the warm,sw€ t-\-a ■ ^ » ^- M 'm pas - tures ver - nal,Lead us, gen-tle Shepherd— Lead us in Thy love ; et vales of E - den,Glad our songs shall echo To the hills a-bove ; •0- •"♦-■#-•■#- T^ r^» i^ ... ' • ' '^ • ,— 'i,<- iB..a^ =? ^ 1 f^ 1 , r Fr i=^^ ^ — ^— f ^— ^ ^|?_ — -1^ — ]^ — U j^ — 1 » ^ ^ ^ ' IN THY TENDER ARP^S, SAVIOR.-Concluded. 145 3^3=^ a^ 'V ^ '* «^~ — W- V—^- i^: -^ t=t5=l5^ Where sweet spring doth bloom e - ter - nal Take us in Thy Love— O take us in Thy Love! Woods and mountains loud re - sound-ing With E-ter-nal Love — O sweet E -ternal Love ! '^^^. i r~ p^ > V Chorus. rO — 1> \— i J— -1 1 Nr K-H^ K — \ 1 — p' ^ _ ^^i^ ^— H - — \ V- — \ — J — '^^ — ^— -H^ JS-WI~— ^ m h — K ^^-^ i;s -^ ^ 1- ^ A 1 J J - J — *, — J 4- * • H -J H S ^ ^ -^— 4— ^— *- In thy ten-der arms, Sa-vior, Take the lit - tie chil-dren — take us lit - tie children ; ^i^f-r r 1 P= ~\ — » 1 1 i 1 0— f^f=^--7 4==}* ^ ^-L_, .U-i:_,__|i~f » ^^-^=^=F-^-F=T- L^_p_CZl 4^=5-^- -Ft— t- ^— ^-F^-S 1 S ^ ±Z^ m ^— - itizzjtzt: Ji—jt. ^-s In Thy lov - ing arms, O Sa - vior, Take us all to Thee— O take us all to Thee* 4l:^-^_^. -J/. .;i_^- -T-^ .jL^t^ g 146 THE ANGELS OF THE LITTLE ONES. Mrs. M. B. C. Slade. (ReadMatt. xviii: 3-10.) J. R. Mukkat. Tlie questions may be sung by a single Toice or as a Duet, the answers to be spoken by the little ones together. ^s ^s \ I ^ ^_ ^ Question. lAit-tle ones, lit -tie ones, Je-sus, the mila,What did he do with a dear lit -tie child? ^ ~v- Answer.— And Jesus called a little child unto them, and set him in the midst of them. -Little ones, little ones, say have you read Words that the loving Lord Jesus then said? -Answer.— Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones. Question. — Little ones, little ones, how did his love Speak of the angels in heaven above ? Answer.— Yor I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in hearen. Question. — Little ones, little ones, how learn you, there. Angels the highest, have children In care ? Answer.— Because, Their angels DO always behold the face of the Fatheb. Question. — Little ones, little ones, sing us your joy Angels are kept in such loving employ. Mrs. M. B. C. Slade. SONG OF THE LITTLE ONES. J. R. MURKAY. V— ^ 1. I'm glad the ho-ly angels, up before the Father's face Are willing, -when he sends then* to our earthly dwelling place ; I'm 2. I love the gentle angels, and I wish that I could see Their kind and lovely faces, smiling pleasant-ly on me, I 3. Sure am I that our Father would not send them down to me, Unless my lit-tle actions, and my little words they see. So I i I ' ' ' ' l'L__J L U 1 l_ SONG OF THE LITTLE ONES.-Concluded. 147 glad they come to guard us, and to help us, night and day, ■wish that I could hear them when they sweetly, soltly sing; let us try to please them, and rejoice that we are told To guide our lit-tle footsteps up the hap-py, shin- ing way. Or on-ly catch the rus-tle of a sin-gle, waving wing. OUK angels are the an-gels that the Fathers face behold. -t_t i_i __ p- — p — p- f — p — ^ f- — »- — r ^-p—p--^ J 5 — J— -P s — r- — 5 ^___ i CHANT.-Psalm LXVM, iSE 1 d: :i4-^=g- :t_^-t:=i::-i:_s: A - MEN. iSlsl^^l 1. God be merciful unto | us and | bless us ; 1] And cause his | face to | shine up - | on us ; 2. That thy way may be | known upon | earth ; \ Thy saving | health a - | mong all | nations ; 3. Let the people praise | tliee, O | God; |1 Let | all the | people | praise thee; 4. O let the nations be glad and | sing for | joy; H For thou shaltjudge the people righteously and govern the . . | nations | upon 5. Let the people jjraise | thee, O | God; |1 Let | all the | people ] praise thee. 6. Then shall the earth [yield her | increase; 1| And God, even | our own | God, shall | bless us. 7. God I shall | bless us ; 1| And all the | ends of the | earth shall \ fear him. earth 5 148 NEARER TO THEE. Hymu by Sakah F, Adams, Arr. by Mrs, M. B. C, Slade. Dr, Lowell Masok. M^^ .^___H t-^ ^—d ^^l,F=-^3=i Kear-er, my God, to Thee, Near-er to Thee! E'en the' it be m ^a- m :p__f2- 1^^ :ri=S::?: t=t: A e- -*'- -^-^ -ry- m across That raisethme; :p=^ rpzi^i H 1-^ — \---0 ^ — ■ :f!=^ -i^— c^ 1-F= — I — •- ±G~ Still all my song shall be, Near-er, my God, to Thee, Near-er,my God, to Thee, IS ear-er to Thee ! pi .t=l__t i^ EECITATIOJf. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him. SONG, Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down. Darkness he over me My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God to Thee, — Nearer to Thee ! EECITATION. And Jacob lighted upon a certain place, and tarried tlaer^ all night, because the sun was set. And he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillow, and lay down to sleep. And he dreamed. Gjsn. xxviii: 11. SONG. There let the way appear Steps, unto heaven; All tliat thou sendest me. In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! RECITATION, Behold a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it reached to li,eaven: andbehold the angels of God ascending and descending on it, and behold the Lord stood above it. Geit. xxvni: 12, NEARER TO THEE -Concluded. 149 SONG. Then with 1113" waking thoughts Bright with thy praise, Out of my stormy griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So, by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! IIECITATION. And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, eurely the Lord isin this place; * * mid he look the stone that he liad put for ])is pillow and set it up for a jiillar. * '<■ * And he called the name of that place Bethel, Gen. xx via: IG, 18, 19, SONG. Or if, on joyful wing. Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon and stars forgot Upward I fly : Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee Nearer to Thee. RECITATION. If T ascend up into heaven, thou art there. IfltaKre the win^s of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right liand shall hold me, rb,cxxxix:8,9. LET US ADORE HIM. "Words and IVIusic by Slow and with reverance. mmm^^ ^^m J. B. MtTRBAY, 1. In-to the presence Of the Most Ho - ly. Come, let us en - ter now,Meekly and low - ly. i ^^mmi i^^^m^^m f-r- Self all forgetting, Pride all forsaking. Knowing that all we are Is of his making. Earnestly, humbly, Kneeling before him. Putting the world away Let us adore him. 150 MERRY CHR!STf\^AS. "Words and Music by Lively, J. R. MURKAY. 1. Mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry Christ-mas bells, O sweetly, sweetly chime; 2. Mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry Christ-mas bells, sweetly, sweetly chime ; Let your happy mu-sic on the Let your happy mu-sic on the V=l yi-L-g— ff y, W : ^ l^ > ^ 5z:^ ^-ti-t ^— V,— ^X— ^■ ^ >^ ^ > ^ Slower. ^-.-H- breez-es swell, O mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas time, breez-es swell, O mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas time. Peace on earth, good will to men, O an - gel sing - ers, sing again,Wliile Ban-ish ev'-ry tho't of care. Let mirth and mu-sic fill the air. Let m ir V— ^- -P?=^: IZl^-!!^ liuI^LlXL-^. Lively, K:t: hearts and voic - es here be - low Send back the glad re-frain. O words of cheer and smiles a-bound, And gladness ev' - ry where. O pit mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas bells, O mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas bells, O -U— U— U- • k<^ • ■>i=>i=i^ 5Et MERRY CHRISTMAS.-Concluded. sweetly, sweetly chime; sweetly, sweetly chime; -9- A- Let your happj' mu-sic on the breez-es swell, O mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas time. Let your happy mu-sic on the breez-es swell, O mer-ry, mer-ry Christmas time. t^-^^-^ Longfellow. CHRISTMAS BELLS. J. \V, SlIKYOCK. wild and 1. I heard the bells on 2. And thought how. as the 3. Till riug-ing, sing-ing car - ols Christmas day, Tlieir old day on the way, The world revolved from night to day play, And wild and sweet their had come, The bel - fries of all Chris-ten-dom, And rolled a - long .li n- voice, a chime, A tlit'ir words 3"rstzz — s — • re - peat. T 1 t, And w G—i- I I I words re - peat, And wild and sweet their words re-peat. Of brok-eu song Has rolled a-long th' un-brok - en song. Of chant sublime, A voioe, A chime, A chant sub-lime, Of 152 CHRISTMAS CHEER. Mrs. M. L. Rayne J. E. MUKRAY. ::^z: 1. 'Tis the mer - ry Christmas time, Rin^ tlie gay bells loud and clear, Mirth and mu - sic 2. 'Tis the hap- py Christmas tide, Eriends their pretty ofF-'rings bring ; Each has ^vith the 3. 'Tis the sol - emn Christmas tide, Here and there are va-cant chairs ; Some have gained the m^ i -s-^s i<^ -fi-^ 0s #2i •i^- i=t=t- i :t:t :t :$ t ±=it ^ in their chime, Christmas comes but once a year; oth - er vied, In some fair and cost - ly thing. eth - er side, Who were an - gels un - awares ; M Hap - py all a^e they who make He had not, 'tis of - ten said. And they send us greet-ing bright, *?- -N- -N— ^mmi m m '^s^ CHRISTMAS CHEER.-Concluded. tempo. 153 ^^^^^i^fe if' 0th - ers hap-py for his sake ; Who in Bethlehem was born,Long ago, on Christmas morn. Where to lay his sa-cred head, Let us not forget His poor When we view our Christmas store. ''Peace on Earth" good will to-night ! Let us catch the heav'nly cheer,Making Christmas all the year. I ri t. tempo. :^iEi^ -f s t '9 3t ■i- -^ ^±i: ^^ /Chorus, — *^ *— ^-^ jl-t-jrrna .,- Let "* 7> V mM. us catch -0 *--- the PI heav'n-ly cheer, — ff iP — heav'n-ly cheer, heav'n-ly cheer, 0- JN-' iilrzzz::^: -^ A- — 0- — %—\~0 — I — — — «- • ■♦ -«■ -0- -0- -0- Mak - ing Christ - mas all the year, Making Christ-mas __.«_^ — 0--^ 0- • — ii£|^=E^EEE=EEE^EEpEEE^ E ^-F^: all the year. I 154 "Words and Music by Moderato. _# — PA i^P- PEACE ON EARTH QUARTET. Allegretto. N J. K, Murray. n^^=f, M14- 3=cp ■#-1 Tt -r I 1. Peace on earth,Peace on earth.Good v/ill to men,0 ring again,ye merry bells,Of happy days your music tells,Aud yet once more your 2.Peace on eartli.Peace on earth,Good will to men,Shine out again,0 angel liglat,Break thro' the darkness of our night ;Sing to our souls the fgu^: :^=^- S-S-r^. t=t — — a^-i — '-' — '- strain prolong.O joyous Christmas song,Let gentle words and deeds abound,Let music ev'ry- where resound,A Loving Heart once glad refrain, "Peace and good will to men," Ck)me to earth's children ev'ry where,In lowly cot and palace fair, A Loving Heart once ——v. — — tf! — & — »-r-» — *-tts-T-«"r*---| — rl • — ^- W-^ •^^-v-p- ^ ^ ^ m Chorus. Animato. Mer-ry Christmas, S S N— Krd^^ ■ mer-ry Christmas, Mer-ry Christmas, bless-ings A- came this v/ay, On happy Christmas day, came this way. On happy Cliristmas day, 1^^ Mer-ry Christmas all, mer-ry Christmas all Mer-ry Christmas all, etc. &-r&-^i—^-0 9-r-» 0- r-i niFh=:Fzt=EF5=5=fe=^=^f kEk3Z^E5zEr--T— h— gilbrE ^ I ^ c^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [ 1^ V V • Merry Christmas, bless-ings -^L_^ -K— L PEACE ON EARTH.-Concluded. 155 ev - er on you fall ; >[erry Christmas, mer-ry Christmas, ISIerry Cliristmas one and all. Vivace, * • ^ ^ -^ ev - er on you fall ; Merry Christmas all, merrv Christmas all, Merry Christmas one and all, Merry, merry, merry, merry. — -^>^— U=S— tpt;—- u:=t? •J ^ ^ \> ^ ^ V i/^ -^-i^- /p_^. See^ jt-. J -^ \ 1 — f-»---^hl*—g>—»-H0—»—iP —»-!#-+ '^ V '^ ^ ? y > y \> y y y y y y y y y V merry, merry, merry, merry, merry, merry, merry,merry Christmas alL,Merry,merry,merry,merry,merry,merry,merry,merry, A ^B n T A A T^ — n ^^ -^»- T^ -^™ "W- TP^ "T — 7=TT# — s— s~!s— »—»-• -£- - te— is-r*— *- »— *— »— »— » "t tit •— *•- t<-^ ■tJ-tJ-ts-*-^- plE^^^-;t?feiE^^iEaE;E£tMSiEE^^iaESEa^§^ merry, merry Christmas all, ■•-■*- 4- -t— -*- +- -*■ - - .0-^0—0 — Mer-ry, merry, merry Christmas all, Merry, merry, merry Christmas all. "^-V '^^^^i;^j:!>J^.^ y y V y y 'y t^ k' u^ ^ "^ U all, A merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas all, A merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas all. ^j y, y, ^j \j 1^ ^ 1^ ^ i^ 156 :Mks, M. B. C. Slade. mmmMB THE NEW YEAR'S STORY Mekdelssohx. :^^=r: tt=i: przp: t=t: qiizzz^: izziznt fe^ 1. We sing the year's long sto - ry Of Sabbath ser - vice done ; Of fields all white with barvest; Of precious trophies p cres. f dim. ^ t:==t SaB3: — ^-1 — 1-| — ^ — ff-^-f - <^ % — • -^* — # * ^ '%-#- i^iizii?: ^^ 2. "We sing the year's glad sto - ry ; For,wheresoe'er we went, The Lord's dear love went with us, And showers of mercy s^^m^M 7C=i--^?C V- li e^^ lsi t=± won, In old fa - mil - iar pla - ces. So sacred and so dear, We greet be-lov-ed fa - ces, Ee In old fa-mil-iar pla - ces, , -f-: 15=1=1: rr ~\ r y -,-ti—^ ^' -Ti- -# «-r-«-^« «,- \t=i~^ sent. The seed here sown. up - spring - ing, Eich, golden harvest bore; Now our ripe sheave? bringing, we.Sing won, In old fa - mil -iar places. 3. We sing the j^ear's bright story, The story, new and old ; Our Shepherd's yoice hath gathered The lambs within the fold, Hath called them from the mountains, The winding ways of sin ; And to the living fountains Hath kindly led them in. 4.W9 sing the year's new story; Its promise, Lord, shall be. The strength thy hand hath given Shall grow by serving Thee, Unto thy kingdom pressing, Oh, Father, ever dear, Renew to us thy blessing. Make glad another year. J. It. Murray. PRECIOUS HOURS ARE PASSING, GSO. F, ROOT. 1. Thepre-cious hours are pass - ing, 2. Heed what each liour is say - ing, 3. 'Tis earn-est, pa - tient work-ing, Heed them well; How soon they'll pass forev-er, "Work to - day," To - mor-row iiev-er cometh, Yic-fry.., gains; Xotsloth,which gels itsla - bor X-, None can tell. 'Why de - lay?" For its pains. f-T-f J if I 1 158 m CHANT.-The Lord's Prayer. Tallis. l^l iz^bi= ^H- ±:^zigii5=Eii3=JJ A - MKX. 3. Our Father which art in heaveu, hallowed | be thy I name; U Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in | earth as it | is In | heaven. 2 Give us this day our | daily ' bread ; |I And forgive us our debts, as | we for - | give our | debtors. 3, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver | us from ] evil; || For thine is the kingdom and the ] power,and the | glory for- | ever Come Unto Me. 1, Come unto me all ye that labor and are | heavy | laden. Comf- unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and 1 1 will I give you | rest. 2, Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and | lowly iu I heart. And ye shall find I rest un- i to your | souls. 3. For my yoke is easy, and my | burden is | light. For my yoke is | easy— and my I burden — is 1 light. 4. And the spirit and the bride say cojiie, and let him that | heareth —say I come. And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take the | water of 1 life— ', freely, A - MEN". The Lorcf is my Shepherd. 1. The Lord is my shepherd, I | shall not | want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me be- 1 side the ', still— I waters, 2. He re- 1 storeth- my | soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness | for his | name's| — sake. 3. Yea, though I walkthrough the valley of the shadow of death.I will I fear no j evil. For thou art with me,thy rod and thy | staff— they | comfort | me. 4. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence | of mine | enemies. Thou auointest my head with oil. my | cup— | ruimetli | over. 5. Surely goodness and mercy sliall follow me all the i days of— my llife. And I will dwell in the | house— of the | Lord— for- ,* ever. A - MEN. The Ten Blessings, 10. Blessed are the | poor in | spirit; U for | theirs is the | kingdom of I heaven. Blessed are | they that | mourn :|ifor | they shall be | comf or t- I ed. Blessed | are the meekrjifor | they shall in- I heritthe | earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and | thirst after | righteous- ness:;!for | they | shall be | filled. Blessed | are the | merciful :iifor | they shall ob- ', tain— | mercy. Blessed are the | pure in 1 heart :i|for | they shall | see— | God. Blessed | are the | peace makers :i|for they shall be 1 called the 1 children of | God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for | righteousness | sake: llfor I theirs is the 1 kingdom of I heaven. BleSsed are ye when men shall revile you and 1 persecute | you. IIAnd shall say all manner of evil against you | falsely | for my I sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your re- | ward in heaven :!|For so persecuted they the prophets which | were be- | fore— I you. /\fter toil cometh rest 114 Again with loud thanksgiving 3 A little child's prayer 139 A little while .134 Allelujah 22 And they shall see his face. . . 6 Angels of the little ones 146 Anniversary Hymn 138 IJaby's gone to sleep 118 Beautiful world, The 96 Behold the Lamb 42 Be of good cheer 104 Be up and doing. 56 Bible, The 70 By and By 110 l^all of the master 98 Cast your netson the other sidel33 Chant — Psalm lxvii 147 Cheerfulness 38 Children of Jerusalem 41 Children's Jubilee 68 Children's Response 137 Child'screed 95 Christmas Bells 151 Christmas cheer 152 Come and bless us 26 Come and join our army 122 Come away to the Sabbath School 62 Come to Jesus, weary one 83 Come to me, Savior 90 Come to the clear, deep river. 79 Come unto me — (Chant) 158 Crowned wiih light 36 Uare and do 89 Day star 97 Did Jesus love them 54 Dreams of Heaven 124 Dwellers in tents — (Chant). . . 75 JZ/ternal years, The 49 Evening Prayer 73 J7 aithful is he that hath prom- ised 16 Feed my lambs ] 25 VJathering Home 31 God be merciful— (Chant) . . .147 God bless our Sunday School. 21 God s ways are the best 130 Good counsel 77 Good night 84 Guardian angels 40 11 aste to the rescue 136 He folds them in his bosom . .101 Hills of the blest 71 His love is ever o'er us 92 Home flies the Dove 53 1 n that blest home above 93 In the vineyard of our Father. 13 In thy tender arms, O Savior. 144 I sought Thee 87 I think he loves the little ones best 61 It is better farther on 64 I will lift up mine eyes — (Chant) 141 I will not swear 123 J asper sea 48 Jerusalem, the Golden 120 Jesus loves you 43 Jesus said. 57 Joy cometh in the morning. . 68 Just as thou wilt 51 iVeep me. Father 30 Keep striving 102 Keep them Holy 78 L/and beyond the blue 58 Land of the forever 7 Lead them to thee 35 Lead us, O Shepherd true 18 Let us adore him 149 Let your light shine 14 Little child's belief 117 Little child's prayer 139 Little Lambs 76 Looking for Jesus 140 Looking for the kingdom 5 Lord is my shepherd 88 Lord ismyshepherd--(Chant)158 Lord's prayer — (Chant) 158 Loving friend 108 160 iVl any mansions 10 Marching home 27 Meeting place 32 Merry Christmas 150 Morning is at hand 82 My Father's house 15 My home above 80 1\ ames written in heaven. . .116 Nearer to thee 148 Near to Heaven 107 New Year's Story 156 No night shall be in heaven. . 103 No room for the cross in heav'n 20 \J haste to the rescue 136 On the other side 41 tell the joyful story 11 Our Savior's name 45 Our ship is homeward bound. 128 Our's the loss and not our dar- ling's 126 Over Jordan 28 Over the river. 106 Over the river to mansions of light 130 1 ass along the watch word. . 46 Peace on earth 154 Praise ye the Lord ■ . . . . 8 Precious hours are passing . . . 157 Psalm Lxvii — (Chant) 147 iVest on the bosom of love . . 23 Rift of the rock 74 C O X T i: NTS. v5 abbath chime 9 Sabbath work 115 Sabbath s<;enes 142 Scatter seeds 100 Shining lights 59 Sing aloud his praises 50 Sing, sing, for Christ is King. 4 Some place for me 28 Song of the little ones 146 Sow ye beside all waters 55 Straight ahead. 72 1 ares, The GO Teachers' prayer, The 121 Ten Blessings— (Chant) 158 The angels of the little ones. . 146 The beautiful world 96 The Bible 70 The call of the master 98 The children's jubilee 68 The children's response 137 The child's creed , 95 The eternal years 49 The Jasper sea 48 The land beyond the blue 58 The land of the forever 7 The Lord is my shepherd — 88 The Lord is my shepherd— (Chant).. 158 The Lord's prayer— (Chant). 158 The meeting place 32 The morning is at at hand. . . 82 The New Year's story 156 Then hoist the sails 34 Then tell Jesus 19 The precious hours are pass- ing 15/ There is no friend like Jesus. 24 The rift of the rock 74 The sabbath chimes 9 The tares ■....■ 60 The teachers' prayer 121 The ten blessings 158 The way, the truth, the life. . . 132 This is not your rest 99 Trust him always 113 (J pward and onward ... 37 W aiting at the ford 52 Way, the life, the truth, The. 132 We all have a work to do 81 We all might do good Ill We are little students 129 We are sowing 94 We'll follow Him 105 We shall sitat Jesus' feet. ... 12 Where feedeth thy flock 85 Whiter than snow 135 Whithersoever thou goest, we go 66 Who left the realms of heav'n- lyjoy 25 AVho loves the little children. 91 Who will greet me first in heaven 86 With thee 07 Work 112 Work for Jesus 62 Work in the vineyard 47 VALUABLE MUSICAL WORKS, issued by S. 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