Library of The University of VWorth Carolina COLLECTION CoEES NiO. R/P RH 2 C-Ay RO DN aa ee ENDOWED BY TeO HN Se PR Reg Ne Ea le of the class of 1889 ey —— oe ony O rig 4. fe ecaneaeernert ee ais A eee ann a SSNs SISTENT : | + wey tail E ae ‘is i : Py. iis 4 casts i ie ig tah at Py pA is : } . = E ‘i AH ey ms Paths as : TS =f 5 Biel ah al di @; a a7 att HARIRI a ie j Hf fe { SHEA i ¢ case: a + sb thie = 4 is ali ft Bs i fiass u Te Meat ei" % { ii i a zt ule + F Sea te i 7 = +4 (3 ly “ete =H i y 5 te ia 2 et =H aii ; i E i : Y : qt =f iH os. Sf gti i = ti hs 4 ia ii tL = sSece mf : = is ‘ia See + soe a. dita = : iii é iitaiie i ay FE ie Pg 3 a + ss 4} r ry ji i Berta tar : : i =}. 9 eree's 7, em aE F = te iedis a Stn: iat ae i ss i ‘= iar. = s ane i , = vy: igiiseai i. 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AT CHAPEL HILL ATA | 00047445843 Form No. 471 ie 3, ase <7 f ve , rae } Pa a, She _ it hat he) i EEG eS al OF THE LAWS, DECISIONS AND ENAGTMENTS OR LEG Grand Lodge of North Carolina INDEPENDENT ORDER ODD FELLOWS, WITH CONSTITUTION OF GRAND LODGE AND RULES OF ORDER THEREOF, ““CONSTITUTION OR GENERAL LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBORDINATE LODGES IN NORTH CAROLINA;” AND CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS IN SUBORDINATE LODGES: AND AN aie oy OAT, TIN Dm. By Authority of Law. ie RALEIGH: EDWARDS, BROUGHTON & CO,, POWER PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1886. \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill httos:// a! a ey air eres He Cie, The Grand Lodge J. O..O. F. of North Carolina at its Forty-Third Session, held in the town of Goldsboro, having empowered the undersigned ‘‘ Committee on Digest” to “publish such laws now in existence in this jurisdiction as in their judgment they think proper,” in connection with other matter, have prepared the matter in this volume, in the shortest possible way, to give the required information. It has been our aim to condense as muchas possible, and to classify each heading, so as to enable one in search of in- formation upon any subject to get at the law bearing upon one particular point without searching through the entire volume. We have endeavored to arrive at the gist and meaning of the law without using surplus verbiage. We hope that while it is not perfect, and is subject to criticism, the Order will reap some benefit from our labors. Fraternally, Gaia USD Ign le Gel: elec blL RDSONGSE..G. Con, Bat WVOODE UE EsGa Mand Gmsecy, Commuttee. ACT OF INCORPORATION OF THE Grand Lodge of North Carolina, 1.0. 0. F. AN ACT FOR THE INCORPORATION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. SECTION 1. Be zt enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and tt 1s hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, That B. F. Hanks, W. S. G. Andrews, A. Paul Repiton, D. McMillan, R. B. Haywood, Evander Denar yen. VickKec, J. H.-Manly,.“f. Burr, Jr. A. C. Blount, O. W. Telfair, B. W. Vick, Perrin Busbee, Alexan- der McRae, John McRae, Jr., John McRae, Sr., I. Disos- way, Edward Yarborough, J. G. Cook, J. B. Littlejohn, D. Masawely Osler Pillyaw, A,B. Chesnutt, . L. C. Hubbard, B. 1. Howze and J. T. Miller, the present officers and rep- resentatives in the Grand Lodge of North Carolina of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and their successors, be and they are hereby declared to be a community, cor- poration and body politic, by the name and style and title aforesaid, and by that name they and their successors shall anc may at all times hereafter be capable in law to have, receive and retain to them and their successors, property, both real and personal, also devises or bequests of any per- son or persons, bodies corporate or political capable of making the same, and the same at their pleasure to transfer or dispose of, in such manner as they may think proper. SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation and their successors, by the name and style and title aforesaid, shall be forever hereafter capable in law to sue‘and be sued, 6 ACT OF INCORPORATION. plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, de- fend and be defended in all or any courts of justice, and before all and any judge, officers, or persons whatsoever, in all and singular actions, or matters or demands whatsoever. SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be law- ful for the said corporation to have a common seal for their use, and the same at their will and pleasure to change, alter and make new, from time to time as they may think best ; and shall in general have and exercise all such rights, privi- leges and immunities as by law are incident or necessary to ‘corporations and what may be necessary to the cOrB Craton herein constituted. Read three times, and ratified in the General Assembly this 16th day of January, 1849. ROB. B. GILLIAM, Speaker House of Commons. C. GRAVdES,; Speaker of the Senate. Cr Te de bel) 1 On IN OF THE Grand Lodge of North Carolina, [.0.0.F., Adopted May 1ith, 1849. LOGINS Ale OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SECTION 1. The Grand Lodge shall consist of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, . Grand Warden, Grand Chaplain, Grand Marshal, Grand Guardian, Grand Conductor, Grand Herald, is Past Grand Masters and Past Grands of every Lodge in the State of North Carolina. Sec. 2. No Past Grand or Past Grand Master shall be enti- tled to aseat in the Grand Lodge unless he be at the same time a contributing member of some Subordinate Lodge; nor to vote, unless said Lodge shall have made its quarterly re- ports and transmitted the per centum due the Grand Lodge. Src. 3. Every member of the Grand Lodge shall receive 8 GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION: the Grand Lodge degree before he takes his seat; and the Grand Lodge shall always be open in that degree for the introduction of Past Grands, and for the transaction of business. ARTIC IZ Eagit: JURISDICTION OF THE GRAND LODGE. SECTION 1. The Grand Lodge is the supreme tribunal in the State of North Carolina of the I. O. O. F., and no Lodge can exist without its sanction. It possesses the right of granting charters—of suspending or taking away the same upon proper cause—to receive and hear all appeals— . redress grievances and complaints arising in the several Lodges—to originate and regulate means for its support— to grant dispensations to initiate persons over age—and to do all such other acts as are promotive of the interests of the Order, or that appertain thereto by ancient custom or usage. SEC. 2. It cannot be opened unless there be a representa- tion of Past Grands from two Lodges. SEC. 3. In the absence of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master shall preside—and in the absence of the Deputy Grand Master the Grand Warden, and in his ab- sence any Past Grand who may be called to the chair by the voice of the Lodge. SEC. 4. The record of the proceedings of the last meet- ing of the Grand Lodge shall be read after the opening of the Grand Lodge. SeEc. 5. The Grand Lodge shall hold its communications annually, on the second Tuesday in May. It may also meet at its own adjournment, from time to time, and shall be as- sembled by the Grand Master at any time upon the appli- cation of seven Past Grands, on general business of the Order, or private business of particular Lodges. GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. 9 SEc. 6. All applications for charters to open new Lodges shall be addressed to the Grand Secretary, who shall imme- diately inform the Grand Master of applications, if he be within the State, and await his decision thereon ; but in case of his absence as above, the Deputy Grand Master may, at his discretion, grant a dispensation, subject to the approba- tion or disapprobation of the Grand Lodge at its next meeting. PeR IG EE. Lily POWERS OF THE GRAND MASTER. SECTION 1. He shall preside at all the meetings of the Grand Lodge, preserve order therein, decide on all questions of order, and may enforce it by fine; an appeal, however, may always be had to the Lodge. SEC. 2. He shall be received, when visiting any Subordi- nate Lodge, with the honors attached to his office, provided he appears in full regalia. SEC. 3. He shall appoint any Grand officer pro tem. in the absence of the regular elected Grand officer. SEc. 4. He shall appoint the Grand Chaplain, Grand Mar- shal, Grand Conductor, Grand Guardian and Grand Herald, and in the event of his resignation, death or removal, the Deputy Grand Master shall, ex-officzo, become Grand Mas- ter until the next regular meeting of the Grand Lodge. AR UICIZg INV: POWERS OF THE DEPUTY GRAND MASTER. The powers of the Deputy Grand Master shall be the same as that of the Grand Master during his absence. 10 GRAND LODGE.CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE: DUTIES OF THE GRAND SECRETARY. SECTION 1. The Grand Secretary shall attend in person at every sitting of the Grand Lodge, with all the books and papers of his office, under the penalty of five dollars, at the discretion of the Lodge; and in case of his absence, he shall transmit the books and Pap under a Depa: of twenty dollars. Sec. 2. He shall transmit annually, immediately after the closing of the Grand Lodge, a true printed register of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge to each of the Subordi- . nate Lodges in the State, and also to the several Grand Lodges in the United States. SEC. 3. He shall notify all the Subordinate Lodges of all the stated meetings of the Grand Lodge within one month previous to said meetings. SEC. 4. He shall prepare all Chartersworanted spy ace Grand Lodge, or dispensations granted by the Grand Mas- ter, and affix the seal of the Grand Lodge thereto ; he shall notify each Subordinate Lodge of all special meetings, pro- vide al! stationery for the use of the Grand Lodge, and superintend such printing as the Grand Lodge shall direct ; he shall have power to appoint a deputy, and shall receive, as compensation, such sum as the Grand Lodge may from time to time direct and deem necessary. ARTICLE Vili OF THE GRAND TREASURER. SECTION I. He shall keep his books in a fair and legible manner, exhibiting an account of all moneys received and paid away by him for the use, and by order of the Grand GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. 1a Lodge, from whom received, to whom paid, and by what authority. SEc. 2. He shall have his accounts posted at every regu- Jar meeting of the Grand Lodge, and submit them at each communication. MR TICE nV IT OF THE GRAND WARDEN. The Grand Warden shall preside in the absence of the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master; he shall assist the Grand Master in the ceremonies of the Order, and in the preservation of decorum in the Lodge; he shall, ex-ofi- cio or by deputy, confer degrees upon all past officers qualified to receive the same. VLC LEVITT: OF THE GRAND CONDUCTOR. The Grand Conductor is an assistant of the Grand Master in the ceremonies of the Order, and preservation of decorum. INR RIG TE Bal LX OF THE GRAND VGCEAPUAIN: It shall be the duty of the Grand Chaplain to attend at every meeting of the Grand Lodge, and to open and close the same with prayer. 12 GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. ARTICUE OF THE GRAND GUARDIAN. It is the duty of the Grand Guardian to attend at the inner door of the Grand Lodge, and see that none enter but well known brethren and officers thereof, until he shall be satisfied. AR TIGL Enea DUTIES OF GRAND HERALD. It shall be his duty to see that members are furnished with stationery, &c., during the session, see that the room is in order, and attend to such other duties as may be necessary. ARTICEE sere DUTIES OF GRAND MARSHAL. It shall be his duty to examine the Past Grands present and report their qualifications, see that members are im proper regalia, introduce Past Grands receiving Grand Lodge Degree, and to have charge of all processions of this Grand Lodge, and perform such other duties as may be directed. AIULCL Bee ahiis OF FEES AND DUES TO THE GRAND LODGE. SECTION I. For every charter for a Lodge, the sum of thirty dollars, which must be paid for on delivery. GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. 13 SEC. 2. Every Subordinate Lodge shall pay to the Grand Lodge, at each annual communication, a sum not exceeding ten per centum on initiations, degrees, dues and deposit- ing cards. (See section 48 of Digest.) Pcl ode EXT Vi, OF VOTES. SECTION 1. Votes shall be by Lodges, or by yeas and nays. SEc. 2. In all questions, whenever the vote by Lodges is called for, every Lodge shall be entitled to one vote through its Past Grands. SEc. 3. by Lodges on any question may be re- quired by any one Lodge. Sec. 4. In all other cases, every member of the Grand Lodge shall have one vote. Sec. 5. The Past Grands of Lodges not reporting to the Grand Lodge and paying her dues are denied the right of voting. SeEc. 6. All questions in the Grand Lodge shall be decided by a majority of members present, unless the vote by Lodges be required. SEc. 7. When Past Grands of any Lodge are equally di- vided the Representative thereof elect shall give the vote. Sec. 8. The yeas and nays shall be recorded whenever required by one-fifth of the members present. However, in all cases where the vote by Lodges is taken, the yeas and nays shall be recorded. ARTICLE AX. OF REPRESENTATIVES. SECTION 1. The Past Grands of each Subordinate Lodge shall, ex-officio, be representatives of the Grand Lodge. 14 GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. SEc. 2. No Lodge can be represented He proxy if in ar- rears to the Grand Lodge. SEc..3. At the annual communication the Grand Repre- sentative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge shall be elected by ballot, to serve two years. SEc. 4. No Lodge shall be represented by proxy, except those which have no Past Grands; as, also, those which have had Past Grands but who have removed out of the State, or withdrawn from said Lodges, or been taken away by death, and no brother shall represent, as proxy, more than one Lodge at any one time. ARTICLE via ELECTIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE. SECTION 1. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master,- Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and Grand Warden shall be elected in the above order at the annual commu- nications in May, by ballot. SEC. 2. No brother, unless he be a regular Past Grand and a contributing member of his Subordinate Lodge, shall be eligible for or appointed to any Grand office. The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master shall serve one year, or until the next annual communication. SEC. 3. In balloting, the Grand Secretary shall call over the votes in the following manner: Grand Master, or presiding officer. Deputy Grand Master. Grand Secretary. Grand Treasurer. Grand Warden. . Grand Marshal. Grand Chaplain. Grand Guardian. Grand Conductor. 2 eM anh Y bp o GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. 15 10. Grand Herald. 11. Past Grand Master. 12. Past Grands, of No. 1, and continued in order of Lodges, according to seniority. ; SEc. 4. The Grand Conductor shall, at each election, pre- sent the ballot box to every voter as he is called by the Grand Secretary, and having collected all the ballots, shall deliver them to the presiding officer, who shall appoint two brothers to count the same, and announce the result. SEc. 5. If there be more ballots than voters the election shall be void and the Lodge proceed anew in the election. SEc. 6. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to: a choice; and if more than two brethren be balloted for. and no one of them have a majority of the votes given, the candidate having the lowest ballot shall be dropped; and thus to continue until some one of them shall have received a Majority. Et nD nee: APPOINTMENT TO OFFICE. Upon the election of Grand Master, he shall appoint the Grand Marshal, Grand Conductor, Grand Guardian, Grand Herald, and Grand Chaplain, who shall be considered as permanent, unless objected to by any brother, in which event a majority of the Lodges shall determine the ap- pointment. ~ ARTICLE SVL i INSTALLATION. SECTION 1. The Grand Officers shall be installed at the pleasure of the Lodge, during the communication at which. they are elected. 16 GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. Sec. 2. The Grand Master elect is to be installed by the present Grand Master, or the last Past Grand Master, or the Senior Past Grand present. Sec. 3. The Grand Master shall then install the Deputy Grand Master, and the other newly elected officers. ARTICLE Sais ‘OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES. There shall be appointed at every regular annual commu- nication of the Grand Lodge, the following Standing Com- mittees, to consist of three members each:, . Committee — 2. Committee 2 Committee 4. Committee 5 Committee 6. Committee 7. Committee 8. Committee Gmc oni ittce 10. Committee it. Committee 12. Committee 13. Committee Order. 14. Committee 15. Committee on Credentials. : on the State of the Order. on Petitions and Grievances. on Finance. on Returns and Reports of Subordinate on Subordinate Lodges not represented. on Correspondence. on Unfinished Business. on Appeals. on Decisions. on Legislation. on Supervision. on Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of on Degree of Rebekah, on Mileage and Per Diem. A. RTLLGIE axe SECTION 1. Every Lodge shall make a complete semi- annual return of the whole number of its members, the number of initiations, of suspensions, expulsions, and rein- GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. 2 statements of members; which return shall be regularly at- tested by the officers of the Lodge; and at the annual ses- sion shall make areturn of its officers and the name of every member, with the degrees which he may have taken. SEc. 2. No Lodge shall confer any degree on a brother who is a member of another Lodge, without first obtaining permission of the Lodge to which the brother is attached. SEC. 3. No Lodge shall entertain a proposition to initiate any individual unless he be twenty-one years of age. Piel GLB aX ol: All the property, whether real, personal or mixed, belong- ing to any Subordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction, whether said Lodge is now in existence or be hereafter instituted, shall become the property of, and immediately vest in the Grand Lodge so soon as said Subordinate Lodge shall become defunct or cease to exist from any cause: Provided, Said property shall be held by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, in special trust, for the use and benefit of widows and orphans of the brothers of said defunct Lodge: And provided further, That if any such defunct Lodge shall again desire to revive, the Grand Lodge, upon application, shall account with said Lodge, after its resuscitation, for the ‘property so vested in the Grand Lodge, deducting therefrom any and all sums that may have been used or expended by the Grand Lodge for the use and benefit of the widows and orphans mentioned aforesaid, and without computing any interest on the balance that may be in the hands of the Grand Lodge; but if said application be not made in five years after the Subordinate Lodge ceases to’ exist, then the Grand Lodge shall not be required to account, but shall hold said property for the purpose herein set forth. 18 GRAND LODGE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE AS CASES NOT PROVIDED FOR. In all cases not provided for in this Constitution, the Grand Lodge shall adhere to and be governed by the ancient customs, rules, and principles of the Order. ARTICLE Gaza: ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. No amendment, alteration, or addition shall be made to this Constitution, unless proposed in writing ata regular communication and supported by the Past Grands of two Lodges, and a copy thereof certified by the Grand ‘Secre- tary shall be forwarded to every Subordinate Lodge for its consideration until the-next annual communication of the Grand Lodge, and such proposed alteration, amendment or addition shall not take place unless there shall appear in favor of it two-thirds of the votes present. RUE Se Or ORDER FOR THE Grand Lodge of North Carolina. 1. At the appointed hour for convening, the officers take their respective stations; the Grand Secretary shall call the roll of officers and Lodges, and report if a quorum be present. 2. [The Grand Marshal examines the Past Grands present and reports their qualifications. 3. The Grand Chaplain offers a prayer. 4. The Deputy Grand Master proclaims the Grand Lodge opened for the transaction of business. 5. Appointment by Grand Master of Committee of three on Credentials. 6. Report of Committee on Credentials. 7. The Grand Marshal introduces the Past Grands enti- tled to receive the Grand Lodge Degree, and the Degree is. conferred immediately. 8. Reading of Proceedings of last Grand Lodge. g. Reports of Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and Grand Representative to Sovereign Grand Lodge, which reports are referred to appropriate committees. 10. Grand Master appoints Standing Committees, viz: . Committee on State of the Order. . Committee on Petitions and Grievances. . Committee on Finance. . Committee on Returns and Reports of Subordinate Lodges. WwW WwW = JN 20 GRAND LODGE RULES OF ORDER. Committee on Subordinate Lodges not represented. Committee on Correspondence. Committee on Unfinished Business. Committee on Appeals. QO. Committee on Decisions. 10. Committee on Legislation. II. Committee on Supervision. 12. Committee on Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order. . 13. Committee on Degree of Rebekah. 14. Committee on Mileage and Per Diem. ae It. Roll of Lodges calied, and business presented by Representatives. 12. Hour fixed for instruction in secret work. 13. Hour fixed for election of officers. 14. Reports of Committees. ; Le DAILY ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. Upon opening the Lodge each morning—after the commencement of the communication—the first business in order, after reading and disposing of the minutes of preced- ing day’s proceedings, shall be reports of committees: First, Special Committees, by seniority ; second, Standing Committees, in the order of their appointment. 2. Petitions, grievances and appeals shall be next pre- sented, read and referred. 3. Communications received and disposed of. 4. Resolutions and motions. 5. Special orders at their fixed hours. GRAND LODGE RULES OF ORDER. 21 TEE RULES OF GENERAL. APPLICATION. 1. The ‘Grand Lodge shall be opened each morning with prayer. 2. No motion or resolution shall be the subject of debate untilit has been seconded and stated by the chair. 3. All resolutions shall be in writing, and all motions shall be reduced to writing at the request of any member of the Lodge. 4. When a question is before the Lodge, no motion shall be entertained, except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, to amend or to refer. And the motions thus enumerated shall have precedence in the order in which they are named. The first two shall be decided without debate. 5. A motion to lay an amendment on the table, if de- cided in the affirmative, shall not carry with it the original question. 6. When the reading of a paper or other matter is called for, and the same is objected to by a member, it shall be determined bya vote of the Lodge. 7. Before putting a question to a vote, the presiding off- cer shall ask ‘Is the Lodge ready for the question?” If no member rise to speak, he shall rise and put it. 8. While the presiding officer is putting a question or ad- dressing the Lodge, no one shall walk out of or across the room, nor entertain private discourse. g. After the presiding officer shali have risen to puta question, no member shall speak upon it except by unani- mous consent. 10. The presiding officer or any member of the Lodge, doubting the decision of a question, may call for a division of the Lodge upon it. Z2 GRAND LODGE RULES OF ORDER. 11. No member shall be permitted to speak or vote un- less clothed in regalia suited to his rank and standing in the Order. 12. When a member rises to speak, orto make a motion, or offer a resolution, or to present any matter for the con- sideration of the Lodge, he shall address the presiding offi- cer by his official title; and should he have occasion to allude to any other member, he shall do so in respectful language, applying to him the title appropriate to his rank in the Order. 13. Every member while speaking shall confine himself to the question under discussion, avoiding all personalities or indecorous language, as well as all improper reflections upon the Lodge and its members. 14. If a member while on the floor shall be called to order, he shall, at the request of the chair, take his seat until the question of order is determined; when, if the decision be in his favor, he may proceed. 15. Any member may appeal from the decision of the chair, and in such case, the question shall be—* Shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the Lodge ?” 16. No member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, until all the members of the Lodge have had an opportunity to speak, if they desire; and not then without the consent of the presiding officer. 17. The Chairman of a Committee shall always have the privilege of closing the debate upon any matter reported upon by the committee of which he is chairman. 18. Should two members rise to speak at the same time the chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor, 19. No member shall interrupt another while speaking without his consent and the permission of the presiding officer, except it be to call him to order. 20. When a petition, memorial or communication is pre- sented to the Lodge, the introducer shall be at liberty to make a brief statement of its contents. GRAND LODGE RULES OF ORDER. 23 21. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the largest sum or number and the longest time proposed. 22. Any member may call for a division of the question when the sense will admit of it. 23. Every member shall vote on all questions and serve on committees unless excused by the Lodge. 24. All reports of Committees shall be in writing, signed by the members thereof. | 25. No member shall be allowed to vote after the result has been announced, except by unanimous consent. 26. The yeas and nays shall be ordered and recorded when demanded by one-fifth of the members present. 27. Any Representative shall have the right to call fora _vote by Lodges. 28. When a question has been indefinitely postponed it cannot be again considered during that communication ex- cept by unanimous consent ; which consent must be given without debate. 29. A question or matter laid on the table may be called up for consideration at any time by a vote of the Lodge. 30. Any member who voted with the majority in any question may move for a reconsideration thereof, at any time during the communication. 31. A motion made and carried to indefinitely postpone a motion to reconsider disposes finally of the consideration of the original question during the communication at which it may be passed. 32. Any member has the right to protest against any of the proceedings of the Lodge, and to have his protest spread upon the Journal, if in respectful language. 33. No more than two amendments to a proposition shall be entertained at the same time; that is to say, an amend- ment, and an amendment to the amendment, and the ques- tion shall be first taken on the latter. 34. Any member guilty of a breach of decorum may be 24 GRAND LODGE RULES OF ORDER. ordered to take his seat by the presiding officer; and the Lodge may, by a vote, order him to be reprimanded or to leave the room. 35. If the Lodge shall order a member to leave the room he shall not again be allowed to participate in the delibera- tions until after ample apology. 36. The final adjournment of each communication of this Grand Lodge shall be immediately preceded by prayer. Constitution or General Laws FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF Subordinate Lodges in North Carolina, ARTICLE 1. This Lodge shall be hailed and entitled Prey er .-, Independent Order Odd Fellows, and shall possess full powers and privileges of a Subordinate Lodge, holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid charter, granted by the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina and incorporated by the Legislature of said State; and shall exist so long as there remain five members of the Scarlet Degree, in good standing, phe are willing to work under its charter. ArT. 2. Any white male person is eligible to membership in this Lodge, who is of good moral character, not under twenty-one years of age, exempt from infirmities which may prevent his gaining a livelihood, and a believer in a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe. ART. 3.. Propositions for membership must be made in writing, at a regular stated meeting, by a member of the _Lodge, stating the name, age, residence and occupation of the applicant, with the initiation fee, which proposition shall be entered on the records of the Lodge and referred to a committee, who shall inquire into the character and physical condition of the applicant and ‘make a report at the next regular meeting, when the Noble Grand shall order a ballot forthwith with ball ballots; and if, after the ballot is closed. there appears in the ballot-box not more than one black ball the Noble Grand shall declare the candidate 26 SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. elected; but should there be two or more black balls in the ballot-box, the Noble Grand shall declare the candidate rejected. And no new application from the rejected candi- date shall be considered until the expiration of six months. ART. 4. A member of the Order, desirous of joining this Lodge by deposit of card, shall make application through one of the members, and present his card of withdrawal from the Lodge of which he was a member, and his appli- cation shall be referred to a committee of three members, who shall report at the next regular meeting, when a ballot shall be had, and if not more than two black balls are cast he shall be declared elécted; if threé or more black balls are voted the applicant is rejected. But no person shall be thus admitted who claims admission by virtue of a card granted by any Lodge not under the jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. ART. 5. An Ancient Odd Fellow, (one whose card is out of date, or lost) may be admitted to membership in the manner prescribed for Initiates in Article 3. ArT. 6. The fee for initiation shall not be less than four dollars, to accompany the application. The charges for degrees shall not be less than two dollars each. Ministers ‘of the Gospel may be admitted to membership in the Order without the usual fees for initiation and the degrees: Pro- . vided, such minister at the time of hisapplication be in the regular exercise of his ministry. . ART. 7. Any member, who has been suspended for non- payment of dues, may be reinstated within one year after said suspension by payment of one year’s dues. After one year’s suspension, by payment of the sum charged for ini- tiation, in both cases to be referred to a committee and lie over until the next regular meeting, and be subject to a ballot as in case of aninitiate. Non-affiliati..g Odd Fellows, who have retained membership in the Order for ten con- ‘secutive years, and who at the time of application are over fifty years of age, may be admitted to membership as non- SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. 2H beneficial members, upon the payment of five dollars admis- sion fee, and one dollar per year dues, to be referred to a committee and lie over until the next regular meeting, and be subject to ballot as in case of an initiate. ART. 8. A member suspended for non-payment of dues, who makes application for reinstatement, and for a with- drawal card, for the purpose of joining another Lodge in the same jurisdiction, may be reinstated and granted a final card at any time within five years from the date of suspen- sion, upon the payment of one year’s dues and the usual Piice of a card. ART. g. It shall be optional with the several Lodges sub- ordinate to this Grand Lodge to re-elect any officer. ART. 10. No brother from another State shall be admitted ‘to visit or deposit his card in any Lodge in this State, unless he present a card or certificate, under the signature of the officers and seal of the Lodge of which he is a member, and endorsed with his name, and prove himself in the Annual Traveling Pass Word, and in the Degree in which the Lodge iis opened: Provided, nevertheless, a brother may visit if introduced by a Grand Representative or an elective officer of- the Grand Lodge of the State. ART. 11. In case a member of this Lodge is sick or dis- _ abled, the Noble Grand shall visit him or cause him to be visited by the Vice Grand or some other brother, and if not more than three months in arrears shall pay him weekly, from the funds of the Lodge, such sums as the By-Laws allow. And it shall be the duty of the Noble Grand to so arrange as that sick brothers shall be visited at least once a day during their illness ; and he shall have a correct roll of the members of the Lodge, and if need be, and the circum- stances require it, he shall notify two of the members in rota- tion, as they stand upon the roll, to attend each sick member during the night, and administer such assistance as may be in their power: Provided, the disease be not contagious, infectious or dangerous to others ; in which event he shall, 28 SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. if necessary, employ a nurse, to be paid from the funds of the Lodge. No brother can pay up his dues after his sick- ness or disability has begun, so as to entitle himself to ben- efits; and no brother can fall in arrears during his sickness or disability, because the Lodge can and must retain enough of the benefits to keep him in good standing. ART. 12. Every member of the Vodge atten six athe membership, in case of sickness or disability which shall render him unable to follow his usual business avocation, shall receive from the funds of, the Lodge as follows: An initiatory member, not less than one dollar per week ; a mem- ber of the first and second degrees, not less than two dol- lars per week; and a member of the third degree, not less than three dollars per week: Provided, that he is not more than three months in arrears for dues, and such sickness or disability was not caused by intemperance or immoral con- duct. ART. 13. In case of the death of a member of this Lodge not more than three months in arrears, not caused by vio- lation of any of the principles of our Order, there shall be allowed from the funds ofthe Legaewie eae dollars to defray the burial expenses of said brother, which the Noble Grand shall cause without delay to be paid to the person who incurs the expense of interment. The Noble Grand, in case of the absence of competent relatives, shall take charge of the funeral and have his remains decently buried at the expense of the Lodge ;.and in either case the Secre- tary shall charge the members pro vata a sum sufficient to meet the expenses, which charge shall constitute dues to the Lodge. ART. 14. Any member who shall violate any of the prin- ciples of the Order, or offend against these articles or the By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, sus- pended or expelled, as the By-Laws may direct, ancient usage require, or the Lodge determine. | ART. 15. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. 29 for any offence involving reprimand, suspension or expul- sion; but no member of this Lodge shall be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his offence be submitted to the Lodge in writing by a brother of the Order, except when made liable for the non-payment of dues to the Lodge. ps ART. 16. When charges have been preferred against a brother in a proper manner, or when any disputes, aggriev- ances or differences, existing between members, shall be brought before the Lodge, the Noble Grand of the Lodge shall thereupon appoint acommittee of three brethren, who shall summon the contending parties and examine and de- termine the matter in question in conformity with the code for conducting trials. ART. 17. The elective officers of this Lodge shall consist of Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Recording Secretary, Finan- cial Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected semi-an- nually, at the last half yearly meeting in June and Decem- ’ ber, and shall be installed at the next succeeding regular meeting after the election, or as soon thereafter as practica- ble, and shall serve a regular term of six months. They must be ballotted for separately, receive a majority of all the votes polled, and have received the third degree; and any candidate attempting to influence an election, directly or indirectly, shall be fined such sum as the Lodge may de- termine, and be ineligible to any office for two years there- after. Nominations for candidates to fill any of the elec- tive offices shall be made only one Lodge night immediately preceding and on the night of election, ArT. 18.'No brother shall be eligible to the office of Noble Grand unless he has served a regular term as con- templated by the law as Vice Grand; nor shall a brother be . eligible to the office of Vice Grand unless he has served in an elective office to the end of the term, or filled some in- ferior station twenty-six nights, and shall have received the third degree, and degree of Rebekah, if his Lodge has re- 30 SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. ceived said degree, and not in arrears to the Lodge, unless by special dispensation of the Grand Lodge. ArT. Ig. The appoin:ed officers shall be Chaplain, War- den, Conductor, Outside Guardian, Inside Guardian, Right Scene Supporter and Left Scene Supporter, Right and Left Supporters to Noble Grand appointed by the Noble Grand, and Right and Left Supporters to Vice Grand appointed by the Vice Grand, all of whom shall be scarlet members, members of Rebekah degree, and not in arrears to the Lodge. ArT. 20. Any elected or appointed officer, who shall have absented himself from the Lodge for more than three suc- cessive Lodge nights, shall thereby vacate his seat, unless excused by the Lodge; and another officer shall be elected or appointed as the case may require, who shall fill the situ- ation for the remainder of the term, and shall receive all the honors of the station as though he had served the full term. ArT. 21. It shall be the duty of the Lodge, through the Noble Grand and Vice Grand and Secretary, immediately upon the expiration of their term of service, to prepare a regular semi-annual report of the work during the term, - according to the forms required by the Grand Lodge, which report shall be accompanied by whatever amount may be due the Grand Lodge, and handed to the installing officer . before the installation of officers. The bond of the Treas- urer elect shall also be taken by the above named officers, and be ready by the night of installation. ART. 22. Any member feeling himself aggrieved by the action of the Lodge shall be entitled to an appeal to the Grand Lodge: Provided, that the appeal be written in du- plicate, and both copies be placed in the hands of the Noble Grand within two weeks after application therefor. ART. 23. The Secretary of each Lodge in this State shall forward to the Grand Secretary at least two weeks before the date of each session of the Grand Lodge, a certificate SUBORDINATE LODGE CONSTITUTION. 31 of the election of Representative from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge, and also furnish said Representative a dupli- cate copy. ART. 24. Each Subordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction shall notify the Encampment of which the brother was a member whenever his membership is reversed by expulsion. or withdrawal from his Lodge. ART. 25. Each Subordinate Lodge shall elect its Repre- sentative to the Grand Lodge on the first meeting in April each year. ART. 26. All fines imposed according to law upon any members of a Subordinate Lodge shall be charged against such member as dues, and the non-payment thereof shall subject him to the like penalties as those imposed for the ‘non-payment of dues. COuUens FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS IN SUBORDINATE LODGES IN NORTH CAROLINA: 1. All accusations of misconduct against any member of a Subordinate Lodge shall be communicated to the Noble Grand in a specific written charge or charges, who shall pre- sent the same to his Lodge at its first meeting thereafter. 4a2. The sitting Past Grand shall prosecute before the com- mittee and the Lodge all accusations legally presented, and to him the accuser shall himself, or through the Noble Grand privately, communicate the names of the witnesses by whom the accusation may be proven; and in the event of his fail- ure to prosecute the accused, or in case charges are prefer- red against the sitting Past Grand, the Noble Grand shall appoint some other brother for that purpose, or in his stead. 3. When the accusation is presented to the Lodge, the Noble Grand shall appoint three brethren to examine the evidence adduced, selecting them, if possible, from among the peers of the accused, and taking care that they be free from prejudice. 4. The committee shall immediately inform the Secretary of the time and place of their meeting, who shall commu- nicate the same to the sitting Past Grand and the accused. 5. The Recording Secretary shall also present to the com- mittee and to the accused a copy of the-accusation, under his signature and the seal of the Lodge. . 6. The sitting Past Grand shall hand to the Recording Secretary the names of the witnesses, who shall issue to CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 33 each a request in the name and under the seal of the Lodge, that they attend and give their evidence at the meeting of the committee. ; 7. Every brother, when thus requested, shall attend at the meeting of such committee, and give a full statement of facts within his knowledge that may have a bearing on the matter under investigation, under penalty of admonition, fine or suspension, upon mere motion. 8. And should a brother thus requested fail to appear, the committee shall report the fact to their Lodge; and if a member of another Lodge, the Noble Grand shall cause the delinquency to be communicated to such Lodge, who shall proceed to immediate action thereon, as provided in te g. Whenever a Subordinate Lodge, or a member thereof when under a charge, desires to take the testimony of a witness, whose personal presence cannot be had before the tribunal trying such charge, his deposition may be taken in the following manner: The party desiring to take the depo- sition shall file with the Recording Secretary ‘of the Lodge the interrogatives he wishes to be propounded to the wit- ness or witnesses, naming them. The Recording Secretary shall immediately deliver, or cause to be delivered to the opposite party, a copy of the interrogatives. ‘The latter party, within one week from such service, may file counter- interrogatives with the Recording Secretary, if he or they think proper. At the expiration of the week, or sooner, if counter-interrogatives be sooner filed, the Recording Secre- tary shall forward them to the Noble Grand of a Lodge near the witness or witnesses named. Upon the receipt of the same the Noble Grand shall as soon as possible take or cause the depositions to be taken by some competent member of the Order, causing every interrogatory to be propounded to the witnesses, and the answer to each reduced to writing in the presence of the witness; and when the deposition is completed, shall cause the witness to sign the 3 34 CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. same, and then the Noble Grand, or person taking the same, shall:certify the same to be duly taken, and such certificate shall be verified by the,seal of the Lodge; and the deposi- tion shall then be sealed in an envelope and transmitted by mail to the Lodge before which the trial is pending. 10. The deposition thus taken and verified may be read in evidence in the cause to which it relates. 11. The accused may ‘be assisted in his defence by any brother, and if he should not appear the Lodge shall ap- point some capable member to act as his advocate, and may proceed to the examination and scrutiny: Provided every reasonable effort is made to give notice of the accusation to the accused. 12. The accused may be assisted by counsel not a mem- ber of the Order before the committee of investigation. 13. The committee shall cause requests to be issued, in the manner sct out in Rule 7, for such person as the accused may desire to be examined. 14. They shall carefully and impartially hear the evidence: ist, That offered by the sitting Past Grand; 2d, That offered by the accused ; all of which shall beregistered in detail and reported to the Lodge by the committee. 15. They may suppress such parts of the evidence as they may deem not pertinent or improper, subject to an nD P es to the Lodge. 16. But such suppression must be made when the evi- dence is presented, and upon notice to the party offering it. 17. They may adjourn from time to time as the occasion requires, but due notice of the subsequent meeting must be given to the parties. 18. The testimony of persons not members of the Order may be taken by the committee of investigation in the case, and is entitled to such weight as the character of the wit- ness for truth will justify; but such witnesses can only be present whilst giving their testimony. 19. Written evidence can only be received by a committee CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 35 when the witness cannot appear in person before the com- mittee, and is good evidence if the witness is credible: Pro- vided, That the committee and the accused have due notice of the time and place of the taking of such testimony. 20. So soon as the report is presented, the Noble Grand shall declare the scrutiny of the accusation to be a specified order of business for the next meeting, and the Secretary shall cite the accused to appear at the scrutiny. 21. At the scrutiny the evidence shall be read and the Noble Grand shall state the question as follows: “Is the accused guilty of the charge?” which question may then be discussed on the evidence. 22. No evidence shall be admitted, except that reported in writing by a committee ; but upon application by either party the report may be recommitted for the purpose of re- ceiving additional testimony. 23. The sitting Past Grand and advocate may argue the question of guilt, but neither shall have a vote thereon. 24. At the close of the argument the sentiment of the Lodge shall be tested; and at the scrutiny, if two-thirds of ‘the members present declare in the affirmative, the accused shall be proclaimed guilty; if otherwise, he shall be pro- claimed innocent of the charge. 25. Should there be more than one charge in the accusa- tion, the question of guilt shall be tested upon each sepa- rately, and the accused shall be tried only upon the offence in the charge or charges specified. 26. Should fhe accused be found guilty, and the punish- ment is designated by law, then the Noble Grand shall an- nounce the award without further action by the Lodge. 27. But if the punishment is left to the discretion of the Lodge, then the question shall be tested by written ballots, as follows: I. Expulsion; 2. Suspension for a definite time ; 3. Deposition from office; 4. Fine; 5. Admonition. 36 CODE FOR CONDUCTING. TRIALS. The ballots shall be taken separately on the mode of punishment in the order thus stated, and the mode receiv- ing the majority of all the votes shall be declared as the judgment of the Lodge, except that the punishment of ex- pulsion shall require a two-thirds vote. 28. The accused shall withdraw from the Lodge while the questions of punishment or guilt are tested. 29. Upon petition of the accused, stating that he does not believe that he can receive an impartial trial at the hands of his Lodge, the Lodge may, at its discretion, (a majority voting therefor,) after the register of the evidence shall have been reported by the committee, direct the trial to be removed to the nearest Lodge to which there is no exception stated in the petition of the accused. ' 30. And such Lodge, upon the receipt, of a copy of the charges and the register of evidence, shall proceed to the hearing and scrutiny as if the accusation had been therein first preferred. 31. When there are several Lodges in the immediate vici- nage, the majority shall direct to which the removal shall be made. 32. Upon such removal, the sitting Past Grand and advo- cate from the removing Lodge may respectively present the case, as if no such action had taken place. 33. When the matter has been determined, a correct copy of the record of the proceedings had thereon, and the regis- ter of evidence, shall be returned to the removing Lodge and the same shall be carefully filed in its archives. 34. Any member convicted of charges by a Subordinate Lodge may, at any time within three months after convic- tion, apply to the Lodge for a new trial by written petition setting forth clearly and distinctly the grounds of his appli- cation, but not after this period without the consent of the Grand Lodge. CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. oy 35. New trials only shall be granted where it is clearly shown that the laws of the Order have not been complied with to the detriment of the accused, or that the evidence was not sufficient to justify conviction, or that the defen. dant was taken by surprise, or that he had not sufficient time to prepare for his defence allowed him, or that since his conviction he has discovered new and important testi- mony in his favor; and in all cases where the defendant has discovered new testimony he shall disclose in his petition the nature of such new matter, and names of witnesses whereby it may be proven; and he shall verify his petition by the usual forms of the Order. 36. An appeal to the Grand Lodge may be had by the accused or any brother or brothers. 37. But such appeal must be presented to the Subordi- nate Lodge in writing, sub-signed, and within six months after the final scrutiny ; but no appeal can be taken where a brother has been regularly tried and acquitted. 38. And the same shall be forwarded immediately by the Secretary to the Grand Lodge, with the register of evi- dence and a certified copy of all the proceedings previously had thereon. 39. It is not necessary that an application for a new trial be first made to the Subordinate Lodge before which the trial was first had to entitle the party to an appeal to the Grand Lodge. 4o. A member under penalty pending an appeal to the Grand Lodge, remains under the decision of his Lodge, and so continues until restored to membership. In case the Lodge enforces a fine or reprimand in his case pending an appeal, the penalty must not be enforced until the Grand Lodge decides the question. . 41. When the misconduct is confessed by the offending brother, the Lodge may proceed to vote upon his punish- ment without the previous formula of a trial. 42. The Noble Grand shall receive no accusation, unless 38 CODE FOR CONDUCTING ‘TRIALS. presented to him in person by the accuser, with the names of the witnesses. 43. The name of the accuser shall be known only to the sitting Past Grand and Noble Grand, and shall be carefully concealed by them, except the accusation is found false or malicious, and then the Noble Grand shall communicate it - to the Lodge. 44. A Subordinate Lodge may take the cognizance of and investigate charges against one of its members involving his character when they refer to his conduct previous to his becoming an Odd Fellow only, when violation of the laws of the land is involved developed after he joined the Order, or when a breach of the public law of the Order in connec- tion with his initiation is involved. 45. A member cannot be tried upon charges until such notice as is required by the laws of the Order be given. 46. Preferring charges against a brother debars him from benefits during the investigation of such charges, but if not found guilty the Lodge is liable for such berfefits as he may be entitled to. 47. A brother cannot be tried a second time for the same offence. 48. A committee of investigation on charges against a brother cannot meet for that purpose in a public or bar- room, at a coffee-house or tavern, without a violation of the laws and usages of the Order. 49. They must not inquire or permit any person to inquire of a witness whether or not he preferred the charges. 50. It shall be the duty of every Odd Fellow who may learn of any misconduct on the part of any brother to pre- sent the same to the Noble Grand of his Lodge, as stated in Rule. 51. It is also the Ait of the Noble Grand of a cee to bring charges against a member of his Lodge, knowing the said brother to be guilty of conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow, or of acting immorally. CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 39 52. These rules shall not deprive a Lodge of the right to prefer an accusation against an individual member, nor of dismissing an accusation when they deem it improper or insufficient. 53. If the accused have a permanent card, said card must -be revoked before proceeding to trial. 54. When a charge or any part of a charge is sustained by the evidence according to a regular trial, a penalty must be inflicted in proportion to the offence. 55. A brother under a penalty for an offence against a Lodge cannot, during the existence of such penalty, be sub- _ jected to another. 56. After the evidence has been reported and read to the Lodge, no portion of the charges shall be dismissed, though the remainder may be acknowledged by the accused. 37. It is unnecessary and informal to ballot as to the guilt or innocence of a charge, or part of a charge, acknowl- edged by the accused. 58. It is not competent to take evidence when the truth of the charge is acknowledged by the accused. 59. A Noble Grand cannot expel a brother from the Lodge, or require him to retire when under charges on trial, unless he be guilty of misconduct, except while the ballot is being taken on the charges against him. 60. No member can expect a fee as counsel (consistent with the spirit and principles of Odd Fellowship) in any case coming before the Grand or a Subordinate Lodge. 61. If a brother be guilty of an offence which would sub- ject him to trial and punishment by his Lodge, and should, before or after charges have been preferred, but before notice thereof shall have been served on him, absent himself so that such notice cannot be served on him, he~may be expelled for contempt. 62. In cases where charges have been preferred against a brother who shall have absconded, or so concealed himself that the charges or notice of trial. cannot be personally 4O CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. served upon him, the Lodge may regularly proceed with the trial upon proof of the fact rendering such personal ser- vice impracticable, and the further proof that a copy of the charges and notice of trial have been deposited in the post office nearest the last known residence of such brother, directed to him at such place of residence, postpaid; and that a like copy of the charges and notice of trial was left at his last place of residence, if the same be known: Pro- vided, that such paper shall be deemed to have been served upon the brother only from the date when the constructive service above described is complete: And provided further, that in case such brother returns after the conclusion of his trial, not having appeared on such trial either in person or by counsel, and ask for a new trial, the same shall be granted to him. 63. It is not competent for a wife to testify against her husband. 64. The subordinates of this jurisdiction in any and all matters of accusation shall be governed by this Code in the trial of their members. 65. The following forms shall be used as far as practicable : No. 1—Form of accusation. No. 2—Form of notice to sitting Past Grand. No. 3—Form of notice to accused. No. 4—Form of request to a brother. No. 5—Form of request to one not a member of the Order. No. 6—Form of report of delinquency of a witness. No. 7—Form of notice of same to his Lodge. No. 8—Form of missive to take depositions. No. g—Form of return to same. No. 10—Form of report of Examining Committee. No. A—Form of registering the evidence and certificate. No. 11—Form of citation of accused. No, 12—Form of petition for removal of trial. No, 13—Form of removing a case to another Lodge. No 14—Form of return from that Lodge. No. 15—Form of appeal. CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 4I (No. 1.) Mmaceusation is hereby preferred against Brother __........._.-...----.- of conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow, to-wit: He is charged, Ist, etc. ajc OP AE esd aed JA RAPES , N. G. (No. 2.) PRAT IMEY See ee BL (COD GE NOnesa eee = wll Os) ©)s. Bre Sen Sen en , North Carolina. ‘To the Sitting Past Grand: BROTHER—I am directed to inform you that the committee appointed to register the evidence as to the accusation preferred against Brother .--.._.._- will meet) io. oo. Che A , which time and place you are required to pro- ‘duce the witnesses sustaining the accusation. Witness the seal of our Lodge, this -----.-.... f ee Sree 2 race seme Reem ec yz (No. 3.) BROTHER—At the last meeting of our Lodge an accusation was preferred against you in words following, to-wit: = (Here insert accusation.) And the same has been referred to Brethren ___._..-.---.--- ands ee f for the registry of the evidence, and I am directed to inform you that this ~committeeswill meet ate... 2 22225---- ES OU See ease See ees , at which time and place you are requested to appear. Witness the scalvot oun Lodges this. == esas sess 42 CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. (No. 4.) STATE OF NorTH CAROLINA, I. O. O. F., ee ee LODGE NO mes Miogbrotherise teen ; Atehe instanceol pessoas ee ace , we request that you will attend at eee one aes , on _.......--.-, and there state to our committee any facts within your knowledge, touching the truth or falsity of a certain accusation heretofore preferred against our Brother --...-..---.--- , and herein you will not fail, under penalty of fine, reprimand or suspension. Witness our seal and the signature of our Recording Secretary, this AMOR ee eee It having been suggested to us that your evidence, touching the truth or falsity of a certain accusation heretofore against our Brother _.....-....--- will be of importance in its scrutiny, we respectfully request that you will be present at the meeting of our committee appointed to investigate the same, HOES CO WN po esc at Peete , and there communicate any facts bearing upon the accusation that may be within your knowledge. Witness our seal and the signature of our Recording Secretary. wo2, 5 AE eee PRN EC MOCCL YR (No. 6.) Toseeee ene ILOd Se aN Oe ee eee North Carolina. Your committee would respectfully report that they caused a request to be delivered sorb rothereee = ae ae ae eee Ofc 22. sone ae LOCC eNO mE tO. giverevidence-atithein meeting ,on 2c sss o5ene ee , in the matter of the accusa- tion referred to us, but the said brother has failed to appear. ce. See Oe LO Pos COT {Committe CODE FOR CONDUCTING: TRIALS. 43 (No. 7.) STATE OF NorTH CArRoLina, I. O. O. F., Wee Pe yee Modgew Now=sse= {NGL fn a Lodge, No. .:-- Greeting: BRETHREN—We have been advised by our committee that a request has beenmeclivered to Brother. oo 522-2 2555. -2-6 , of your Lodge, to‘give his evi- GenCerathne =s.-\-- One as see , In a certain accusation, now pending before us, but that he has failed to appear. You will therefore please to take such action thereon as will enforce his attendance. Witness our seal and the signature of our Noble Grand and Recording Sec- eelarymtnis 9. day of .225 2... spite ee (No. 8.) STATE OF NoRTH CAROLINA, IO, O.F,, eRe ace Pas lodge mw None a: To the Noble Grand of __..--.-. odes Now mse, Greeting: An accusation having been heretofore preferred in our Lodge against bropneng. sas sass oe , in words following, to wit: (Here insert accusation.) And the following interrogatories (and counter-interrogatories, if any) having been filed for answer, we forward the same to you, and desire you to pro- pound, or cause to be propounded to -...-.-.-..---. LYestaiie ab aware mo «a and return his (or ¢heir) answer, signed by him (or them,) as speedily as possible. Witness our seal and the signature of our Noble Grand and{ Recording Sec- retary, this _....- daynOl eeoe eae ees Oe eS ee ee eS ae INS G Rea ea ERNECH DEC Y- Ad CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. (No. 9.) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I. O. O. F., ps 8 rs Sele Lodge tiNomease= MO eee e a . Lodge, No, ..--, Returns Greeting: In accordance with the wish made known to us, in your missive bearing date _..........., we have caused the interrogatives therewith received to be propounded toss. 2 lepecesi ee eee , touching the truth of the accusation therein set out, and here vi return ie (or their) answer, signed as required, and do hereby certify the same to be duly taken. Witness our seal and the signature of our Noble Grand and Recording Sec- am CtALye itis eee = Cay) Olea eee lose STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I. O. O. F., ANS) Be esi lodge No. yeas: ie The committee appointed to examine the evidence adduced in the matter of the accusation avainst Brother -o:- 22) === ee=eee ecaperianty submit the accompanying register as the result of their examination. 22 a ae Committee. (A) Register of evidence in the matter of the accusation preferred against iBrothereees ae ee ee ae , which is in words following, to-wit: (Here insert accusation.) After due notice to the parties, the committee met at ..__-____--.._-- , on Chie eat ecie ne ne , the sitting Past Grand being present on the part of the accusation, at which time certain witnesses also there, being examined, made ‘statements which are now reduced to writing, and sub-signed as follows: (Here insert the evidence. The foregoing is an accurate and impartial register of all the statements of the above named witnesses material to the points in issue. J. deel = eee Committee. CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 45, (No. 11.) STATE OF NorTH Caroiina, I. O. O, ys neues ee Podge NO. 2. 4 (Bepprother=-..=5.. 00547 At our next meeting, to-wit: on .....__-_. the re ears , our Lodge will! proceed to make scrutiny touching the truth ot an accusation heretofore pre- sented against you, of which you now already have notice, at which scrutiny you are cited to appear. Witness our seal and the signature of our Recording Secretary, this GENAROV? pases Ao Ary Role aaas (No. 12.) STATE OF NorTH CaROLina, I, O. O. F., eS ee odgeseNow 22) To the Officers and Brothers of ._____.. RodcemNow meee Oe Orch: The undersigned, honestly believing that he cannot have an impartial trial at the hands of your Lodge, in the matter of the accusation now pending against him, respectfully prays that the same may be removed for trial to some sister Lodge, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 29 of the Code of irisismep butsvene £22 day. of 22... eloeee= Fraternally, (No. 13.) STATE OF NorTH CAROLINA, I. O. O. F., TA se Agee eee Lodge, No. ._--, sends Greeting: A certain accusation having been heretofore presented against our Brother Pr errs ae lata , and the evidence in the matter having been properly examined, it has been suggested to us that the accused will not receive impar- tial trial at our hands, wherefore, lest we might unwittingly do injury to our brother, we have caused the matter to be removed to your recognizance, and to that end herewith transmit the accusation and register of evidence, request- ing that you will hear the same, and make such determination thereon as to you may seem fit in the premises. Our sitting Past Grand will represent us- at the scrutiny. Witness our seal and the signature of our Recording Secretary, this -.-----~ (SES CONE Ee sap eer elo see © 40 CODE FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. (No. 14.) STATE OF NorTH CAROLINA, I. O. O. F., tes ick Lodge, No. <... Ao) Asal bee Lodge, No. -.. , Returns Greeting: Touching the matter of the accusation against _.....-.---.---. removed for our cognizance, by your. letter bearingidatc=se== === eee , we caused the parties to appear before us, at our regular meeting on the -.........---- p elt Baer See ea , (and the following punishment awarded, to-wit: ---.-.----- e) We therefore return the accusation and register of evidence, and also transmit a certified copy from the record of our proceedings in the matter. Witness our seal and the signature of our Noble Grand and Recording Sec- felany st Misweece = ay. Olpee eee Lowes eee pie aiepe wees 7 Nic (Ge ae ee ls le ogy LN CmDeCayE / (No. 15.) omen eee Wodge; No. tan 6el: OO mee Take notice that the undersigned hereby appeals from the action and judg- ment of this Lodge in the matter of the accusation, preferred against him, and which was tried in this Lodge at the meeting on the._._._... Gayion ae er 18__, on the following grounds: ; First, The evidence was insufficient to sustain said charges or the report of the committee in this: (Here insert wherein the evidence was insufficient.) Second, Errors committed at the trial, and by the Trial Committee, as fol- lows: (Here insert the errors complained of.) Watedta tins ey 2 an eee sense > IN G,, this eee day ole rer See IDM Le Are lb OF THE ACTS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INCLUDING SESSION OF 1886. Alternate Representative—See section 92. Amendments. 1. When the by-laws of a Lodge prescribe “that no part of these by-laws shall be repealed, amended or altered unless a proposition to that effect be presented to the Lodge in writing and read two weeks previous to the discussion thereof, when if two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of such motion it shall be adopted,” it is not in order to amend such proposition when it comes before the Lodge for final action.—Jour. 1877, p. 388. Appeals. 2. Any member of this Order, who desires to appeal from the action of this Lodge, must give notice thereof to his Lodge within three months from the date of such action. Jour. 1854, p. 38. Appropriation of Funds—See section 106. Assistant Grand Secretary—Sce sections 125, 142. Ballots. , , 3. Two black-balls are required to reject a candidate, both for initiation and the degrees.—Jour. 1883, p. 8. 48 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 4. A Lodge in electing its officers had eleven members — present who were entitled to vote; there were three candi- dates for Secretary ; two of them received three votes each, the other five votes. There was no election, asa candidate must receive a majority of all the votes polled to be elected. —-Jour. 1870, -p. 130. 9. While a brother in arrears has no right to vote, the Noble Grand, as the custodian of the ballot box, should stop the brother at the time of voting, and no reconsider- ation can be had on account of such vote.—Jour. 1873, p. 6. Benefits. 6. There is no legal obligation upon Subordinate Lodges to pay benefits to any but dona fide members.—Jour. 1868, pil. 7. The statute of limitations shall bar the claim for all sick benefits when not applied for within twelve months from the time they become due.—Jour. 1884, p. 38. 8. When the by-laws of a Lodge prohibit the payment of sick benefits to any member until he has been a contrib- uting member for six months, the payment of six months’ dues in advance will not entitle the member paying them to sick benefits prior to the expiration of the time designa- ted.— Jour. 1882, p. 413. 9, Lodges have the right to withhold benefits when the sickness of a brother is caused from intemperance or other immoral conduct; but the brother should, in all cases, have an opportunity of being heard and the right of appeal. J OUlel377,.D. 308: 10. A brother breaks his leg and is confined to his room for two months, but his physicians say he would have been GRAND LODGE DIGEST. AQ out in about one month but for his excessive drinking. Is the brother entitled to benefits for the whole time? No. He is entitled to ‘‘ benefits” for such time as his confine- ment was from natural causes, but if his immoral conduct prolonged his sickness he is not entitled to benefits for such - time.—Jour. 1880, p. 268. 11. A brother has the right to claim benefits for the whole time for which he is disabled by sickness.—Jour. 1878, p12: 12, A Lodge may provide by its by-laws against paying benefits fora fractional part of a week, and such is the general usage of the Order.—Jour. 1879, p. 129. 13. It is the duty of a Lodge to tender benefits to a brother who is entitled to them, although he has stated that he did not desire them.—Jour. 1879, p. 251. 14, No Subordinate Lodge shall pay as weekly, benefits more than one-half the sum collected as annual dues from each member, except that any Lodge receiving an income from any other source than dues, initiations and degrees. may provide for an increase of weekly benefits,‘to be paic out of such income.—Jour. 1884, p. 28. 15. All funeral benefits shall be paid by an assessment levied pro rata upon each member of the Lodge: Provided, that the same may be paid out of the receipts byany Lodge from sources other than dues, degrees and initiations, if such Lodge shall so determine.—Jour. 1884, p. 28. Bonds—See sections 136, 137. Cards. . 16. The vote of a Lodge granting a withdrawal card to 4 50 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. a brother applying therefor severs the connection of the brother with the Lodge immediately, and the only way for him to rejoin the Lodge is by petition and ballot. \A vote granting a withdrawal card cannot be reconsidered.—Jour. 1577, op. 300. 17. A member of a Lodge against whom no charges have been preferred, who has paid his dues and stands in no way indebted to the Lodge, upon application, is entitled to his withdrawal card as a brother in good standing, and the fact that he is not on good terms with a member of his Lodge at the time of his application constitutes no ground for refusing or withholding the same. “Jour. 1884, p. 6. 18. A brother holding an expired withdrawal card cannot connect himself with a Lodge without the payment of full fees. After the expiration of twelve months, the card becomes invalid for the purposes of visiting, but remains effective as evidence of previous good standing in the Order, when application is made for a renewal of membership. Jour. 1885, p. 66. 19. A Lodge having granted a withdrawal card, and by mistake a visiting card having been given, is bound to cor- rect the mistake and give the withdrawal card, notwith- standing statements have been made prejudicial to the character of the applicant as an Odd Fellow subsequently to his leaving.—Jour. 1845, p. 88. 20. A vote annulling a withdrawal card already granted, ‘places the member back in the Lodge as he was before the card was granted.—Jour. 1873, p. 7. See sections 9I, 108. Charges. 21. When the Noble Grand of a Lodge knows that a GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 51 member of his Lodge is guilty of conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow, it is not only within his power but it is his duty to prefer charges against him. What acts constitute conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow depend upon the facts of each particular case. Habitual drunkenness and asso- ciation with lewd characters, open and notorious acts of adultery—these would clearly seem to constitute conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow.—Jour. 1884, p. 6. See Code of Trials. Charters. 22, There is no law of the Order by which a Subordinate Lodge forfeits its charter by a failure to meet for three or four successive nights.—Jour. 1878, p. 12. See section 61. Charter Members—See MEMBERSHIP. Committees. 23. It is the duty of the “sick committee” to ascertain the condition of a brother if they have reason to believe he is sick.—Jour. 1878, p. 12. 24, When, at any session of the Grand Lodge, a brot@fer present shall be appointed chairman of a committee on a matter to be reported on at the next annual session, said brother, though not a representative at such ensuing ses- sion, shall be entitled to reimbursement for his expenses in attendance upon it for the purpose of making his report. —Jour. 1877, p. 426. 25, The committee on Constitution and By-Laws shall be appointed by the Grand Master at the term at which he is installed into office, and said committee shall hold over during the year and report to the next term. All by-laws of 52 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. Subordinate Lodges shall be forwarded to the chairman of said committee, who shall cause the committee to consider the same during the year and make report to the next ses- sion of this Grand Body.—Jour. 1877, p. 481. See section 127. Consolidation—See sections 111, 112. Conflict of Laws. 26, Where an old law of the Grand Lodge is in direct conflict with a later law, (where both cannot stand together), the latter repeals the former.—Jour. 1878, p. I1. Degrees—See section 116. Degree Lodges. 27. The setting apart by a Lodge of one evening in every month for work in the degrees does not constitute it a De- gree Lodge.—Jour. 1882, p. 413. Degree of Rebekah. 28. Accepted by the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1853, p. 12. 29. The unmarried daughters of Odd Fellows of the third degree, who are above the age of eighteen years, are suita- ble candidates for admission into Lodges of the Degree of Rebekah when proposed by either parent or by a guar- dian, and the same rule applies to unmarried sisters of Odd Fellows of the Scarlet Degree when proposed by their brother.—Jour. 1879, p. 184. Deputy Grand Master—See section 118. District Deputy Grand Masters. 30. Any District Deputy Grand Master who fails to make GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 53 a report according to law to the Grand Master within thirty days after the installation of the officers of the Lodges within his District, or neglects to notice any official com- munication from his superior officers (without good cause shown for such failure or neglect) should be removed from office by the Grand Master.—Jour. 1870, p. 175. 31. It is the duty of the District Deputy Grand Masters to take in their charge and keeping all property of this Grand Lodge within their districts of Lodges which are now or which may hereafter become defunct and hold the same subject to the order of the Grand Master or Grand Secretary.—Jour. 1870, p. 175. 32, Any District Deputy failing to make proper returns with the per capita tax within sixty days from the time pre- scribed by law shall forfeit his commission and be liable to fine and reprimand by the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1880, p. 299. 33. The different installing officers are required to see that the reports of their Lodges are made up correct before installation.—Jour. 1878, p. 48. 34, Each county having one Lodge or more within its limits.shall constitutea district, for the supervision of which the Grand Master shall appoint a District Deputy Grand Master at each session of this Grand Lodge, said district to be numbered in the manner deemed most convenient by the Grand Master.—Jour. 1883, p. 35. 35. District Deputies shall be commissioned by the Grand Master, and the commissions issued to them shall set forth in detail their duties and obligations, and the Grand Master is authorized in said commissions to delegate to said Depu- ties such of his powers as he may legally do and as may be 54 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. deemed by him necessary for the efficient discharge of their duties.—Jour. 1883, p. 35. 36, The Grand Master is required to remove any District Deputy who shall fail to discharge his duty or obey any legal order of the Grand Master and appoint a successor at once.—Jour. 1883, p. 35. 37. District Deputy Grand Masters shall be appointed by the Grand Master by and with the consent of the Grand Lodge, and shall have jurisdiction only in his own district. They shall enforce due observance of the constitution and by-laws of the Grand Lodge, be the organs of the Grand Master with the Subordinates in their district, and shall be responsible that the work of the Order is performed uni- formly, confer the official degrees on Past Officers when re- quested to do so, install the officers of Lodges under their charge, obeying the same laws that are now in force for the government of installing officers, and shall have authority | to appoint Special Deputies to perform said duties when they cannot attend to the installation in person. They shall decide all questions of law that may be submitted to them by the Lodge or members thereof under their charge, with the right of appeal to the Grand Master reserved to the Lodge or member affected by their decision. They shall report their action to the Grand Master semi-annually, and shall report forthwith to the Grand Master all cases ef vio- lation by Subordinates of the laws of the Lodge or diso- bedience to its lawful commands. And such other duties as the Grand Lodge may enjoin.—Jour. 1875, p. 142. 38, District Deputies are requested to urge upon Subor- dinates in their respective districts the prompt payment of balances due the Grand Lodge.—Jjour. 1874, p. 67. 39, District Deputies have no power to grant a dispensa- tion for any purpose.—Jour. 1880, p. 267. GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 55 40. District Deputy Grand Masters are required to trans- mit their reports to the Grand Secretary in registered pack- ages, and all moneys forwarded by them tosthe Grand Sec- retary should be transmitted either by draft, post-office order or registered letter.—Jour. 1878, p. 35. 41. Every District Deputy Grand Master shall visit each Lodge in his district once a year if required so to do by the Lodge, and the expenses of such visit shall be paid by the Lodge thus visited, and a report of the condition of such Lodge be reported to the Grand Master.—Jour. 1855, p. 45. 42. A District Deputy has no right to take the charter from a Subordinate Lodge. He may point out errors and call attention to violations of law, reporting to the Grand Master.—Jour. 1886, p. 134. see INSTALLING OFFICERS. Dues. ; To Grand Lodge. 43. All moneys due the Grand Lodge from Subordinate Lodges shall be paid to the Grand Secretary, who shall keep an account of the same, and pay over the amounts received to the Grand Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same.—Jour. 1840, p. 2II. 44, The receipt of an installing officer, given to the Sec- retary of a Subordinate Lodge for the semi-annual dues, shall be binding upon the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1860, p. 38. 45. The per capita tax on Subordinates must be estimated according to the roll of members as it stands (including those in arrears, as well as those in good standing,) at the close of the last meeting nights in June and December, and no Lodge, except Degree Lodges, are exempt from the operation of this tax.—Jour. 1877, p. 388. 56 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 46. Subordinate Lodges are requested to have their reports, and the per capita tax due this Grand Lodge for the year, in the hands of the Grand Secretary on or before the 31st of March, and in case of failure to comply with the foregoing, their Representative will not be allowed reim- bursement for his expenses.—Jour. 1882, p. 441. 47. A Subordinate Lodge must pay the semi-annual tax to the Grand Lodge, though it meets but twice a month. J Our 23732: 474, Per centage taxation abolished.—Jour. 1876, p. 305. 48. Per capita tax fixed at sixty-five cents per term. Jour. 1885, p. 95. To Subordinate Lodges. 49, No Subordinate Lodge has the power to exempt any of its members from the payment of weekly dues without the consent of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1849, p. 199. 50. A brother in arrears has a right to tender a portion of the amount due, and it is the duty of the Lodge to receive it.—Jour. 1878, pp. 44 and 45. 51. The lowest amount of dues a Lodge can adopt is six and a quarter cents a week.—Jour. 1880, p. 268. 52, The failure of a Lodge to meet during the term does not exempt its members from the payment of their dues, nor does it exempt the Lodge from the tax due the Grand Lodge, which should be paid semi-annually.—Jour. 1877, p-. 388. 53. A member cannot vote who is in arrears more than thirteen weeks.—Jour. 1886, p. 134. See section 100. GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 57 Elections—See section 4. Electioneering—See section 117. Expulsions—See SUSPENSIONS, section 172. Fines. 04, It is within the power of a Lodge to impose fines in the case of absent officers, but the spirit of the Order seems to be opposed to such provisions in the by-laws of Subordi- nates, but a Secretary has no right to refuse to enter fines in such cases when directed to do so by the Noble Grand. oureroo2.. p. 412. Grand Master and other officers—See OFFICERS. Honors. 55. “Honors” are the reward of service in official sta- _ tion, and to surrender the station at any time before the term expires forfeits the honors.—Jour. 1877, p. 388. Initiations—See sections 70, 81. Installing Officers. 56, Installing officers shall not communicate the pass word to any Lodge or proceed to invest the officers with their authority until they shall have received the report of the preceding term with the tax due the Grand Lodge. Jour. 1851, -p. 370. 57. It shall be the duty of the installing officer of each Lodge under this jurisdiction to transmit to the Grand Sec- retary within one month after receiving the same the returns and percentage due the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1851, p. 370. 58. On the night of installation the installing officer has 58 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. the power to order an election unless the absent brother (officer elect) is excused by the Lodge. Atany subsequent meeting the Lodge has the right to elect and install another brother into said office unless there is some provision in its by-laws to the contrary.—Jour. 1880, p. 267. 59. The officers of Subordinate Lodges shall not be in- stalled nor furnished with the Semi-Annual Password unless. the returns, reports and moneys the Grand Lodge be actually made and placed in the hands of the proper officer or be actually in transit to the proper destination.—Jour. 1857, p. 36. 60. The receipt of an installing officer given to the Sec- retary of a Subordinate Lodge for semi-annual dues shall be binding upon the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1860, p. 38. Institution of Lodge—See section 98. Leave of Absence—See sections 80, 157. Lodges. Grand Lodge. 61, Whenever a Lodge shall surrender its charter to this Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of such Lodge to furnish the Grand Lodge a list of the names of all the members of such Lodge, showing the standing of each member, the amount of liabilities to, and amount due by such Lodge; also the number and names of widows and orphans of deceased members. And the Grand Secretary shall issue a certificate or card to the widows of such de- ceased members as were in good standing at the time of their death.—Jour. 1844, p. 77. 62. The officers of this Grand Lodge shall receive from GRAND. LODGE DIGEST. 59 its funds the amount of their travelling and incidental expenses while engaged in attendance on the Grand Lodge. Jour. 1846, p. 100. 63. The names and address of all the officers of the Grand Lodge shall be printed with the proceedings of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1847, p. 135. 64, In future, Grand Masters of the State shall have the power to issue dispensations for opening Subordinate Lodges, in compliance with the laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1848, p. 163. 65. The hours of meeting and adjournment of this Grand Lodge shall be as follows: The morning session shall com- meuce ava eo clock A: M., and end at 1 o'clock P. M.. The evening session shall commence at 3 o'clock, and end at 6 o’clock P. M., and remain so for all future sessions.—Jour. (EBB NA 0 Daa 7 66. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina shall be located permanently at Raleigh, with the privilege of holding its sessions, each alternate year, at any other place in the State. PONTs 1871, pp..T1 and, 12. 67. One copy of the printed proceedings of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina shall be presented to each Sub- ordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction, and one copy to each Grand Lodge in the United States.—Jour. 1853, p. 35. 68. The proceedings of this Grand Lodge from the year 1843 to 1851, inclusive, shall be considered as volume Ist of the Journal of Proceedings of this Grand Lodge; the proceedings from 1852 to 1860, inclusive, shall be consid- ered as volume 2d of Journal of Proceedings of this Grand Lodge; the proceedings from 1865 to 1873, inclusive, shall 60 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. be considered as volume 3d of Journal of Proceedings of this Grand Lodge; and the Grand Secretary is directed, in publishing the proceedings, after those of the present ses- sion, to number the pages of different sessions continuously until the number of pages shall reach beyond 400, when that volume (4th) will close.—Jour. 1873, p. 20. Subordinate Lodges: 69. Each Lodge within this State having dispensation to meet semi-monthly instead of weekly is required to hold its meeting in the months of June and December so as to hold twenty-six meetings within two semi-annual terms.— Jour. 1854, p. 29 70. It is inexpedient for Subordinate Lodges to initiate into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship any person whose health is impaired by disease.—Jour. 1854, p. 37. 71, Each Subordinate Lodge within this jurisdiction is required to keep a book in which the Secretary shall record the names of every person rejécted, suspended or expelled by any Lodge in the State.-- Jour. 1854, p. 37. 72, All Subordinate Lodges are required to procure metallic seals with which to authenticate all documents re- quiring authentication by seal.—Jour. 1854, p. 29. 73, Whenever a Subordinate: Lodge makes a grant of money to any of its members or other persons, and its proper officers have drawn and signed a draft upon its Treasurer for the same, which draft the Treasurer refuses to pay, the Lodge has no right to reconsider the resolution and refuse the grant, having lost all control of the subject upon the delivery of the draft to the Treasurer, the Treas- urer himself not having the right to refuse payment thereof. —Jour. 1854, p. 38. GRAND LODGE DIGEST. OF 74, Subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction shall have power in reinstating members suspended for non-payment of dues to remit in whole or in part the dues accruing du- ring the suspension of said members.—Jour. 1858, p. 20. 75, All Subordinate Lodges are requested to purchase their diplomas through or from the Grand Secretary of this Grand Body.—Jour. 1860, p. 30. 76, All Subordinate Lodges having sent their report and tax to the Grand Lodge through the mail to the Grand Secretary, the same failing to reach the Grand Sec- retary through that medium, shall still be liable for the same.—Jour. 1860, p. 26. 77, All Subordinate Lodges are required to procure acts of incorporation at an early day.—Jour. 1858, p. 35. 78. Subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction are required to comply with the law by sending copies of their acts of incorporation to the next communication of this Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1871, p. 23. 79. The Secretaries of Subordinate Lodges are required to notify each Subordinate Lodge in the State when any applicant-is rejected by his Lodge.—Jour. 1874, p. 59. 80. A Lodge cannot legally grant a leave of absence to an officer for more than a majority of the nights in the term for the purpose of securing to said officer the honors per- taining to his station.—Jour. 1877, p. 388. 81. All initiations are given and conducted in the Initia- tory Degree, and for this purpose the Lodge should be closed in the Third Degree and re-opened in the Initiatory Degree. Members who have taken the Initiatory Degree 62 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. are entitled to be present during the initiatory ceremonies. —Jour. 1884, p. 6. 82. It is competent for a Past Grand in this jurisdiction to open and preside over a neighboring Lodge, in the ab- sence of all the qualified officers of said Lodge; but he shall not be entitled to vote on any question.—Jour. 1850, p. 295. 83, During Lodge hours, it is permissible for the Right Supporter of the Vice Grand to occupy the chair of the Vice Grand only when vacated by such officer temporarily. Jour. 1884, pp. 6 and 24. 84. Each Subordinate Lodge is required to retain dupli- cate copies of their reports to this: Graud Lodge.—Jour. Eo40yeD 3102: 85. It is inexpedient to receive applicants for admission into our Subordinate Lodges, from other States, without a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge or Grand Master of the State from which such applicant may hail.—Jour. 1846, DATO? 86. The following form of Record of Lodges is adopted to be published with the proceedings of the Grand Lodge ; TPO USE CT Ofte wie Lodge, No. .., under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina : Officers In- stalled. Time of Meeting. By whom a opened. By what | Date of Where held. Authority. Name. | No. | : opening. —Jour. 1846, p. 104. 87, The Subordinate Lodges in this State are required GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 63 to elect their officers and make their returns semi- a Jour. 1847, p. 133. 88, Each Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge is required to forward to the Grand Master an im- pression in wax of its seal.—Jour. 1847, p. 134. 89. Subordinate Lodges are required to furnish their past officers with a copy of the following certificate: nics to certify that.our well beloved Brother... 4224.2 Masuservedetne regular term of ....... Lodge Nol, and’ is entitled to the above named Degrees. Given under our hand, and the seal of our Lodge, fie 8.) Pitre Cay Ol peso.) sk —Jour. 1848, p. 167. 90, All Subordinate Lodges within this jurisdiction are particularly enjoined to make their Constitution and By- Laws conform to the ‘General Laws,” and to forward a copy to this Grand Lodge at its next communication. Jour 1340; p.s210. 91, Subordinate Lodges are fully authorized to recall or | annul a withdrawal card and to expel the offender, upon charges duly preferred.—Jour. 1851, p. 365. 92. Each Subordinate Lodge shall, at the time of the election of its representatives to this Grand Lodge, elect also an alternate, to be chosen from the Past Grands of said Lodge, to act only in the absence or inability of the Repre- sentative to attend; and to be entitled to all the immuni- ties and privileges of said Representative to this Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1853, p. 38. 64 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 93, All Subordinate Lodges are required to append to each semi-annual return the name of the post office most convenient to said Lodge, and the post office of each Subordi- nate Lodge shall be published opposite to the name of said Lodge in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1854, Dp. 33. 94, In publishing the proceedings. of the Grand Lodge the list of officers and members of Subordinate Lodges shall be included—Jour. 1856, p. 29. 95. It shall be the duty of every Subordinate Lodge at the time the semi-annual returns are prepared and forwarded to the Grand Secretary to report also as follows: What sum is payable by each member as annual dues; what sum Is pay- able as weekly benefits; what sum is payable as funeral ben- efits ; what assessment is levied for funeral benefits ; the ac- tual amount of Lodge receipts from dues; from fines ; from initiations ; from degrees; from assessments for funeral ben- efits; from other sources, with itemized statement; the ac- tual amount of. Lodge expenses itemized ; the actual amount of benefits paid; for sick benefits; for funeral benefits ; for other causes itemized; number of members entitled to ben- efits; number of weeks sickness for which benefits were paid. The Grand Secretary is directed to prepare and send to the various Subordinate Lodges a special blank in accord- ance with the foregoing resolution and to call their atten- tion to the fact that this Grand Lodge requires a strict com- pliance with the terms of these resolutions and especially that it is incumbent upon them to return the said blanks with each inquiry fully and properly responded to.—Jour. 1885, p. 90. 96. Whenever a Lodge is not instituted at least thirteen weeks before the termination of the regular term, it will be GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 65 necessary for the officers first elected to hold their respective stations for and during the remnant of the first part of a term and to the end of the next ensuing term.—Jour. 1874, p 47. 97. A new Lodge is composed of those only who take the obligation at institution. Absent petitioners, as wellas new members, must come in by petition and ballot as pre- scribed in Art. III of the General Laws for the government of Subordinate Lodges.—Jour. 1877, p. 388. 98. Any Past Grand in good standing can institute a Sub- ordinate Lodge under a dispensation.—Jour. 1880, p. 267. 99. No one who was not present at the institution can come in as a charter member nor receive the initiation or any of the degrees without paying the fees prescribed by law.— Jour. 1880, p. 267. 100. A Lodge has the right to remit the dues of a mem- ber.—Jour. 1880, p. 368. 101. When an applicant who has been ballotted for and elected to niembership fails to present himself within the time prescribed by the laws of the Lodge, it may declare his right forfeited.—Jour. 1878, p. 11. 102. After the name of a candidate is handed over to a committee it may be withdrawn before the report of that committee is presented but not subsequently.—Jour. 1851, Das70- 103. No Subordinate Lodge within this jurisdiction shall have any procession or public display in regalia without permission first had and obtained from the Grand Lodge or Grand Master.—Jour. 1849, p. 198. 5 66 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 104. No Subordinate Lodge within this jurisdiction shall have any address or public lecture without permission first had and obtained from the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. But they may be allowed to have private addresses or lec- tures delivered in the Lodge room by one of their own mem- bers.—Jour. 1849, p. 198. 105. A Lodge holding a festival may serve refreshments in the Lodge room, provided no wines, alcoholic or malt liquors are used.—Jour. 1882, p. 443. 106. The 26th of April is the only occasion when Lodges are permitted to appropriate any of their funds except for the legitimate purposes of the Order.—Jour. 1880, p. 267. 107. A brother under suspension for six months, against whom charges are preferred, can visit the Lodge for the pur- pose of defending himself, his admission to the Lodge room being for the specific and sole purpose of making such de- fence.—Jour. 1882, p. 413. 108. Any member of a Lodge, without regard to the de- gree he has attained, has the legal right to withdraw and join any other Lodge or to petition for a new Lodge.— Jour. 1880, p. 267. 109, Subordinate Lodges are requested to have their reports and the per capita tax due the Grand Lodge for the year in the hands of the Grand Secretary on or before the 31st of March, and are hereby notified that in case of failure to comply with the foregoing their Representative will not be allowed reimbursement for his expenses.—Jour. 1882, p. 441. 110. The property of the Subordinate as well as that of the Grand Lodge has been raised by the contribution of GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 67 members for the relief of distressed members, their widows and orphans: Therefore no mortgages, deeds of trust or liens of any kind or for any purpose, and no real estate of any Subordinate Lodge shall be alienated by such Subordi- nate without the consent of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1867, B39: 111, In towns or cities where there are two or more Lodges, said Lodges, or any two of them if they so desire, may consolidate into one Lodge upon such plan and on such terms as they may agree upon under the direction of the Grand Master, said consolidation to be subject to the ap- proval or disapproval of this Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1877, p. 48. 112. Any two Lodges within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge may be allowed to consolidate if they so de- sire, and on such terms as they may agree upon, when the distance between such Lodges does not exceed ten miles; subject, however, to the approval or disapproval of this Grand Lodge or the Grand Master in the absence of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1878, pp. 32, 33. Legal Notice. 1138. It shall be legal to give notice of charges preferred for a violation of law either by presenting the notice to the person charged or depositing the same in post office directed to the address of the offending brother.—Jour. 1854, p. 37. See sections 160, I61. Meetings—See section 69. Mortgages—Se- section 110. Members—See sections 99, 101, 108, 164. 68 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. Notice of Rejection—See section 79. Officers. Grand Master. 114. It shall be the duty of the Grand Master. for the time being, to make to the Grand Lodge of this State. Jour. 1853, p. 18. 115, The Grand Master is directed to procure a letter- book and record all letters written by him in his official capacity, and to submit the same to the annual meetings of the Grand Lodge, when he makes his report.—Jour. 1851, p. 364. 116, The Grand Master and his duly commissioned deputies, and also deputies specially appointed by the Grand Master, may, until further regulations are adopted by this Grand Lodge, initiate and confer the three Subordinate degrees upon such persons as may apply therefor for the purpose of instituting a new Lodge: Provided, that such Lodge cannot be located nearer than ten miles of any work- ing Lodge without the consent of such Lodge: And pro- vided further, that such applicants shall make application to some working Lodge and be ballotted on and elected in due form for the purpose of instituting such new Lodge: And provided further, that the said applicants shall pay into the general fund of said new Lodge at least five dol- lars each at the time of its institution.—Jour. 1883, p. 39. 117. It is the sense of this Grand Body that the elec- tioneering of brothers for office for themselves or their friends shall be prohibited, and any brother being declared guilty of such offence shall be disqualified from holding office for the space of two years.—Jour. 1884, p. 42. GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 69 118. A Deputy Grand Master, acting as Grand Master, and filling out the term as such under provisions of Article IV, Constitution, is dona fide the Grand Master, and entitled to all the honors pertaining to said office.—Jour. 1875, EeelGo..| Grand Secretary. 119, In making up his account he shall be required to charge, as estimated, all Lodges failing: to report in proper time the same fer capita they were due at the last preced- ing report of said Lodges, and his report shall show the amount paid for each term separately.—Jour. 1880, p. 299. 120. In future the Grand Secretary is requested to em- brace in his annual report the amount due from Subordi- nates in dues and supplies, together with an inventory of all supplies of any kind on hand.—Jour. 1880, p. 299. 121, The Grand Secretary is instructed to keep an alpha- betical record of all Past Grands belonging to this Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1879, p. 193. 122. The Grand Secretary, upon receiving an incorrect report, shall return the same-to the installing officer for correction.—Jour. 1878, p. 48. 123. The Grand Secretary is requested to take charge of the regalia and jewels belonging to this Grand Lodge, and provide a suitable box or trunk for their safe keeping.— Jour. 1878, p. 59. 124, The Grand Secretary shall keep a letter-book in which to preserve his official correspondence, to be submit- ted with his report to the annual meetings of the Grand Lodge.- -Jour. 1851, p. 364. 70 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 125, At the commencement of each Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Grand Master to appoint an Assist- ant Secretary, to act during the session, said assistant to be allowed two dollars per day.—Jour. 1853, p. 39. 126, The Grand Secretary is authorized to have blank forms of reports printed for the use of Subordinate Lodges. —Jour. 1845, p. 89. 127, It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to give to the chairman of each committee appointed by this Grand Lodge a notification of his appointment, with a list of the members composing said committee.—Jour. 1848, p. 161. 128. The Grand Secretary is instructed to transmit im- mediately after their reception to each Subordinate Lodge a copy of the journal of the proceedings of the Sovereign Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1849, p. 207. 129. The Grand Secretary is instructed to keep a regular account with the Sovereign Grand Lodge, so as to prevent further confusion in the accounts of this Grand Lodge with that Body.—Jour. 1850, p 287. 130. The Grand Secretary is instructed to furnish each Subordinate Lodge with blank forms of reports according to the form recommended by him, and the Subordinate Lodges are required to conform strictly to the same.—Jour. 1851, p. 365. 131. The Grand Secretary is directed to print with the proceedings of this Grand Lodge a complete roster of the members of this Grand Lodge, with the rank of each, and the name and number of the Lodge to which each belongs ; and said roster shall be republished with each year’s pro- ceedings, with the names of new members who may from GRAND LODGE DIGEST. FAs time to time hereafter become members, and the names of such as may have died or otherwise ceased to be members shall be omitted from each publication.—Jour. 1875, pp. 138, 139. 132. The Grand Secretary is required to keep a book in which the representatives of Subordinate Lodges and mem- bers of the Grand Lodge shall inscribe their names, places of residence and occupation.—Jour. 1853, p. 36. 133, The Grand Secretary failing to receive report and percentage of Subordinate Lodges through the mails shall still require them from such Lodge.—Jour. 1860, p. 26. Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer. 2 134, The Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer shall be required to make an official report at the commencement of each annual communication of this Grand Lodge.—Jour. EosSO.p. 27,7. 135, It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer to make their reports to the Grand Master at least one month prior to the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, which said reports, together with his own, he shall cause to be printed and distributed among the members of the Grand Lodge at the opening of the session.—Jour. 1853, D3. 136. Hereafter the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer shall be required to give bonds to this Grand Lodge in the sum to be fixed from time to time by this Body.—Jour. £3 7333)-137:- 137, The Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer shall, within one month after installation in office, execute their 72 GRAND ‘LODGE DIGEST. official bonds, made payable to the Grand Master, with secu- rity, to be approved by him and remain in his custody. The bonds of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer shall be five hundred dollars each until changed by this Body. —Jour. 1873, p. 38. 138. The Grand Secretary and the Grand Treasurer shall close their books on the same date, in order that the receipts issued by the Grand Treasurer to the Grand Secretary may cover the full amount received by that officer up to the close of the fiscal year.—Jour. 1885, p. 95. 139. The Grand Treasurer is required to furnish the grand officers with regalia, which shall be the property of the Grand Lodge, and shall be used only during the ses- sions of this Body.—Jour. 1852, p. 32. ‘ 140. The salary of the Grand Secretary fixed at $250.— Jour. 1851, p. 367. 141, The Grand Treasurer shall be allowed hereafter the sum of fifty dollars per annum for his services, and shall be required to keep the funds belonging to this Body on de- posit in some bank.—Jour. 1852, p. 32. 142, The Assistant Grand Secretary shall be allowed the sum of two dollars per day.—Jour, 1853, p. 39. Duties of other Grand Officers—See CONSTITUTION. | Officers of Subordinates. 143, From and after the first of July next each and every officer of a Subordinate Lodge (Acting Past Grands alone excepted,) shall be required to commit to memory the sev- eral charges appertaining to their respective offices within GRAND: LODGE! DIGEST. ae one month from the date of their installation.—Jour. 1854, pis. 144, We consider it of the utmost importance that off- cers of Subordinate Lodges. shall memorize their charges in accordance with the resolution of the Grand Lodge at its session of 1854 and that the Noble Grands of Lodges be urged to see that the resolution be made effectual and not - remain a dead letter on our statute books. We further re- commend that such Subordinate Lodges as have not already done so, pass a law imposing a fine for a non-compliance with the resolution of the Grand Lodge, and that the Subordi- nate Lodges impose said fine for every infraction of the same.—Jour. 1870, p. 177. ? See sections 80, 82, 83, 87; 89, 96. Noble Grand. 145. The Noble Grand of a Subordinate Lodge can in- stall his,successor in the absence of the Grand Master, or his Deputy, and of all Past Grands.—Jour. 1885, p. 66. 146. The Noble Grand has the right to invite a Past Grand to occupy his chair during initiation or the confer- ring of degrees.—Jour. 1881, p. 335, 336. 147. A brother is not entitled to the office of Noble Grand unless he has previously served the requisite number of nights as Vice Grand, or unless no other brother can be found who is eligible or such brother declines to serve.— Jour. 1676, p. 11. 148. A Lodge has the right to declare the chair of the Noble Grand vacant if that officer absents himself a suffi- cient number of ‘nights, according to the by-laws of the Lodge.—Jour. 1878. ps 11. ye 6 74 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. Vice Grand. 149, Having served the requisite number of nights in an appointive office is a sufficient qualification for the chair of Vice Grand.—Jour. 1878, p. II. Oxford Orphan Asylum. 150. This Grand Lodge commends the Orphan Asylum, at Oxford, to the various Subordinate Lodges in this juris- diction as a worthy object of their sympathy and assistance. —Jour. 1877, pp. 465, 466. 151. The Noble Grand of each Subordinate Lodge shall, semi-annually, appoint a.committee of three, who shall be styled the Orphan Asylum Committee, whose duty it shall be to,take up a collection for the benefit of said institution at such times as to them may seem proper: Provided always, That said collection shall be taken at least once a month and the amount forwarded to the Superintendent of said Asylum.—Jour. 1884, p. 35—~amended, Jour. 1886, p. 178. Per Capita Tax—See sections 45, 46, 47, 48, 109, 119, 165. . Printing. 152. The Grand Secretary is instructed to contract with some member of the Order for doing the regular printing of this Grand Lodge for the future, thirty days before the ses- sion of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1884, p. 29. Processions—See section 103. Public Addresses, &c.—See section 104. Regalia. 153, The Grand Master is authorized to present to any Lodge in this jurisdiction such of the regalia now in the GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 75 possession of the committee on the subject as has been re- ceived by them from defunct Lodges, and use the same in his discretion for the general good of the Order in this juris- diction.—Jour. 1883, p 29. See sections 123, 139. Reinstatement. 154, An expelled member must first apply to the Lodge of which he was formerly a member and if that Lodge wishes to pass upon his card it must, by petition, obtain the consent of the Grand Lodge. That consent being obtained the whole matter goes to the Subordinate Lodge under its By-Laws and the General Laws of the Order.—Jour. 1885, p. 66. See section 74. Representative—Grand. 155. In case of a vacancy in the office of Grand Repre- sentative, the Grand Master is empowered to appoint one to fill the unexpired term.—Jour. 1846, p. 99. Representative to State Grand Lodge. 156. Every Representative of a Subordinate Lodge shall, at the time of his election, be furnished with a certificate in the following form, viz: Bie ha sel ie ne Moa ges omeeeee lOO) fF. To the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina : Melisvisitaccertitystoa le, Pay pee see oe has been duly elected.a Representative of this Lodge to your Grand Body, to serve for one year from.the second Tuesday in May. In testimony whereof, I herewith affix my hand es: | and the seal of our Lodge, this _... day of ...-- yoko tee —Jour. 1848, p. 167. 76 GRAND LODGE ‘DIGEST. 157. No Representative, after taking his seat-in this Grand Lodge (the same being organized for the transaction of business,) shall be allowed leave. of absence during its deliberations, except in case of sickness of himself or family, unless by the unanimous consent of this Grand Body.— Jour. 1856, p. 33. 158. The necessary expenses of the Representatives in this Grand Lodge shall be hereafter paid by the Grand ORE ad ane 1350, peeor . Returns and Reports—See sections 30, 32, 33, 40; 56, Gon 59) 95;-109;-114,'122; 126, 130, 134135: Seals—See sections 72, 88. Statute of Limitations—See section 7. Suspensions and Expulsions. 159, The Lodges in this jurisdiction are instructed ‘not to notify the different Lodges of the suspension of members for non-payment of dues, but send them up to the Grand Secretary at the end of each term, with the reports.—Jour. C860; p.i22. ie aes 160. A member should be suspended when twelve months in arrears, but. legal notice must precede Susp ae —Jour. Es p- 358. , 161. The only notices required in case of: suspension for non-payment of dues, are as follows: the brother must be notified when he is three months in arrears, and must be again notified when six months in arrears; if at the end of twelve months he is still in.arrears for that. time, he must be declared suspended at a regular meeting. It is not requi- site that he shall be notified when suspended of the fact of such suspension.—Jour. 1882, p. 413. GRAND: LODGE ‘DIGEST, a. 162, A brother cannot be suspended when he holds an order against the Lodge, the amount of which, if credited on his dues, would reduce them to a sum below the amount necessary to warrant his suspension; and if a brother in such case should be inadvertently suspended, he would be entitled to have the suspension stricken out of the records. Jour. 1882; p. 413. 163. When a brother is suspended. for a specified time, he cannot be restored to membership until the specified time of suspension shall have fully expired, unless by action of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1886, p. 135. 164. A brother suspended for a definite period, as a pun- ishment forsome specific offence, upon the expiration of his term of suspension, is zfso.facto restored to membership. oMrloots pp-'3'35, 330. 165, No suspension can take place during the second term and be credited to what should have been done the pre- vious term; and the tax must be paid on all members whose names appear on the roll as not suspended the previous term.—Jour. 1879, p. 130. abi 166. A member cannot be expelled except regular charges be preferred against him, and a copy of said charges and specifications furnished the brother before the trial.—Jour. 1880, p. 268. 167. A Treasurer of a Lodge can be suspended for non- payment of dues.—Jour. 1882, p. 413. See section 107. Supplies. 168. All books, with their postage, must be charged to Subordinate Lodges except those books which are usually 78 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. granted with the dispensations to open new Lodges.—Jour. 1853, p. 16. 169, The price of Initiatory, Charge and Degree Books are reduced to two dollars and fifty cents.—Jour. 1874, p. 66. 170. Second hand Rituals half price.—Jour. 1866, p. 167. 171. Subordinate Lodges have the right to use only those odes which are issued by authority of the Sovereign Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1878, p. £1. Trials, how conducted—See CoDE OF TRIALS. 172, There is no other mode of expulsion for any cause recognized by this Grand Lodge other than that defined in the Code.—Jour. 1877, p. 420. 173. Under the code for conducting trials in Subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction, when charges are preferred against the sitting Past Grand, it is the duty of the Noble Grand to appoint some member of the Lodge to prosecute such charges before the committee and the Lodge.—Jour. 1884, p. 6. 174, On the trial of a brother, “if the punishment is in the discretion of the Lodge,” the vote should first be taken on the question of ‘ expulsion,” and so on until he is found ‘guilty ” or declared not subject to either punishment pre- scribed in the “ Code.”—Jour. 1878, p. 11. Voting—Scee section 53. Widows and Orphans. 175, When a Subordinate Lodge becomes defunct the Widows and Orphans’ Fund belonging to it shall, when re- ceived by the Grand Lodge, be reported and paid over to GRAND LODGE DIGEST. 79 the Grand Treasurer, who shall keep the same as a distinct fund, distinguishing the amount received from each Subor- dinate Lodge. When an application is made by any of the Widows or Orphans of members in good standing in said Lodge when it ceased to work to the Grand Master for assistance upon satisfactory proof of merits in the applicant, he may from time to time draw upon the Grand Treasurer for such sums as in his opinion may be sufficient to supply the wants of said applicant, which shall be paid to the applicant or some suitable person for his or her use.-- Jour. 1874, p. 63. 176. The Grand Lodge is pledged to provide for the ed- ucation of orphan children of the members of this Order whose circumstances require such aid as the Lodges to which their father belonged shall be unable to extend to them.—Jour. 1844, p. 77. 177, The Grand Secretary is instructed to keep an accu- rate list of the names of all widows and orphans of de- ceased brethren which may from time to time be brought to his notice on the books of the Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1844, Pp. 77: 178. The fund set apart and known as the “ Widows and Orphans Fund” cannot be used to pay funeral expenses of members.—Jour. 1884, p. 6. Widows and Orphans’ Relief Association. 179. The Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina hereby expresses its readiness to unite with the Grand Lodges of Virginia and West Virginia in securing the suc- cessful establishment of The Odd Fellows’ Widows’ and Orphans’ Relief Association as an adjunct to our beloved Order within these three jurisdictions, and to this end the Grand Master of this jurisdiction is hereby authorized to 80 GRAND LODGE DIGEST. co-operate with the Grand Masters of our-sister Jurisdictions in promoting this end. The officers and members of the several Lodges Of tais State are earnestly requested to unite themselves with the said Association, to advocate its claims within their re- spective Lodges, and to present it. to those outside of the Order who are seeking information in regard to the advan- tages of Odd Fellowship. The Grand Secretary of this Gad Lodwest is appointed General Agent for the Association in this State, and is re- quested to visit the several Lodges.and canvass the same for members as far as practicable, and the several District Dep- uty Grand Masters are appointed agents in their respective districts, and in addition to their other duties, are required to forward the interest of said Association. . A copy of this report shall be forwarded by the Grand Secretary to the President of Odd Fellows’ Widows’ and Orphans’ Relief Association, together with a list of the District Deputy Grand Masters of this jurisdiction, with the request that the said District Deputy Grand Masters and the Grand Secretary be at once supplied with the neces- sary blanks and papers to enable them to give full informa- tion in regard to the workings of the Association and fully carry out the duties hereinbefore imposed upon them.— Our 1885, p. 97. Wines, &c.—See section 105. : | 1 Withdrawal. Cards—See Carns, and sections 91, 108. FORMS. No. 1t—Form of petition for warrant by former members. No. 2—Form of petition from citizens desiring to become members for the purpose of instituting a Lodge. No. 3--Form of Grand Master’s permission. No.-~ 4—Form of return to Grand Master. No. 5—Form of return by District Deputy or Special Deputy after institu- tinga Lodge. No, 6—Form of letter for transmitting the A. T. P. W. No. 7—Form of letter authorizing the term P. W. to be given. No, 8—Form of application by card. No. g—Form of application for initiation, No. 10—Form of application for reinstatement. Wo, 11—Form of report of committee. NO. I—PETITION FOR WARRANT BY FORMER MEMBERS. NORTH CAROLINA, AACN Taare eer County. To the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, L, O. O. F. of North Carolina: The undersigned, holding cards from Lodges legally rec- ognized by our Order, respectfully represent that it would be to the interest of our Order to establish a Subordinate eodge to be locatedat> 2222. IT) pave ede Countyrn. Ci, fobe entitled. 22 2 Lodges Nov a e.- Wherefore your petitioners pray that a warrant may duly issue in pursuance of the laws of your Grand Body. Dake drath a ts 7: > Chister aor ey a0 br wemee.? 1S te Signatures. Nore.—This petition must be signed by five or more Scarlet Degree mem- bers holding withdrawal cards or certificates, unless they propose to join with citizens who will be initiated and the degrees conferred at the institution of the Lodge. 7 , 82 FORMS. NO. 2.—PETITION FROM CITIZENS DESIRING TO BECOME MEMBERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTITUTING A LODGE. NORTH CAROLINA, oes ae ee COU UY ses Le 0 the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, I ORO ae. North bait The undersigned, citizens of *thecounty pots s.e oe and State of North Carolina, desiring to become members of your Order, and believing it to be to the interest of the same to establish a Subordinate Lodge at .__.... in the COUNLY LOL ed sar ae. , do hereby apply for permission to be ballotted (on ines. eee Lodge, No. -., located at for the purpose of forming ourselves into a Lodge, and we hereby agree in case we are elected to membership to or- ganize a Lodge at such time as may be set apart by you in a warrant to be issued for such purpose under the laws of your Grand Body. | . Dated at... lease this). is .day-@ieeress ee [ cee : Signatures. NO. 3.—GRAND MASTER’S PERMISSION. OFFICE OF GRAND MASTER, I. O. O. F. oF N. C., Lo the Officers and Members of ....---- Lodge; No. 2 BRETHREN.—Permission is hereby granted and you are instructed to entertain and ballot upon the applications con- tained in the foregoing petition for the purposes therein set forth. You will please make return to me of the result as early as possible. Fraternally, igo: See eee Grand Master. NoTE.—The ballot should be conducted as though the applicants were for membership in the Lodge, except no fees is to be charged. Le FORMS. $3 NO. 4.—RETURN TO GRAND MASTER. Ree er ST, DOGleeN Ome ls Oy Or: To Grand Master I, O. O. F. of North Carolina : Ata meeting of our Lodge held on the ...: day-of. 2. 2., a ballot was had upon the petitioners ppeeencen by you tn Meum rAavot Ol ou... 420 , the same having been investigated - according to law. The ballot resulted in the election of Messtsivay onus and inet ketcetion.olyMlessrsi) 2 2 Sh ak Fraternally yours, SSCS SR ase ce teeta NG: Re os eee INCH eC ¥ [SEAL. | Mate abies 2 a (lise seeeUA VEO teat cr LO. NO. 5.—RETURN BYSDISTRIGis DE PURYSOK SPE ChAT DE RUTILY AFTER INSTITUTING A LODGE, eet . > Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge opalvort-Carounarl.O..Oof DEAR. SIR AND BROTHER.—Pursuant to the authority vested in me by (the within commission, if by Special, or as District Deputy, as the case may be,) I proceeded to Ria in the County of ....----, and assisted by a suffi cient number of known, approved and duly qualified broth- erswenychets so) fo) day, Olea se auoe Piboeny instituted: «7. Lodge, No. ..-., and installed the following officers who were duly phecced tos wite Soe Sess se ree Yours fraternally, Special Deputy or District Deputy. 84 FORMS. NO. 6.—LETTER FOR TRANSMITTING THE A. T. P. W. Vahey ree Lodge Noy.) iO 20a SRE AG, he Sa Se ee eae a hoe Lo the Noble Grand of any Lodge of the [.O. O. f.: The bearer, Brother’._ --.-., holding a legal .card from this edge sdated this a. day Oh sah Pes eos eer, the period of __ months, is entitled tothe A. T. P. W. for the current year, which please communicate to him after due examination, whereupon you will retain or destroy this letter. Las Spe reece NGG; IA TERS tea ee emeteee Secretary. [SEAL. | : Datedvate st. © this iS dayy ac beeen 18. . To the Noble-Grand of... Lodge, Wor ean ae a under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of N. C.: The bearer, Brother __.. _-.. ,a member in good stand- ing of this Lodge, is entitled to the semi-annual P. W. for the current term, which please communicate to ‘him after due examination, whereupon you will retain or destroy this letter: / DEN et OT eer Se RY Secretary. LonALs| Datedrat Vee ac this: Ydaynohe sch aaee 18 _- FORMS. 85 NO, 8.—APPLICATION BY CARD. Lo the Officers and Members of ..._ ._.- Lodee, Oke lieteey lO. O. F.,0f North Carolina: BROTHERS.—Herewith I present my card of withdrawal eure. odge. No... State of s......-., and’ re: spectfully be admitted a member of your Lodge, by deposit of same; (if an Ancient Odd Fellow, as an Ancient Odd Fellow.) cm Brlyerendence is) fs .0 32 2. ; my age .._. years; and my SCGUPAIIOM 1S 22.2. 2. Fraternally yours, Inecoummanded by sci... v2 ee. Refers to— NO. 9.—APPLICATION FOR INITIATION. pile ae Polen dothe Officers and (Members Of. 2.- .. ~ LMALC, ANOS eee) working under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of North Carolina : I respectfully request admission into this Lodge, and in consideration of such admission I promise and agree that, if elected, I will conform to the Constitution and By-Laws of your Lodge, and those of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and that I will seek my remedy for all rights on account of said membership or connection therewith in the 86 FORMS. tribunals of the Order only, without resorting for their en- } forcement in any event or for any purpose to the civil courts. My age is ...2)). .2 years |. miyeccupatiomy ee ; My residence wasn Dated teas tee Signed, . Stet S een eee ce eoceany ee ce Wit iessy ate aise J oaamenes NO. 10.—APPLICATION FOR REINSTATEMENT. To the Officers and Members of . ob OZ A INR aeRO) id as BRETHREN.— Having lost my membership in your Lodge by suspension for the non-payment of dues, I hereby make application for reinstatement. My residence,1S Use geen eee Miypace: 2 ee ee eee M y.coccupation -a ee. aie | The fee required by the laws of the Order accompany this application. Yours fraternally, 4NO, 11.—REPORT OF COMMITTEE. The committee to whom the above application was refer- red have examined carefully the character and physical con- dition of the applicant and beg leave to report _____--- Fraternally, *NoTE.—This form may also be used in reporting upon applicants for initia- tion and deposit of card. ADDENDA. 87 USSD Jes NBD VAG 180. The price of supplies shall be the same as charged to Subordinates by the Sovereign Grand Lodge.—Jour. 1886, D107. 181. Subordinate Lodges are required to pay the ex- penses of the Grand Secretary, when visited by him.—Jour. 1885, p. 100. 182. The Grand Secretary is required to rent an office, where he shall keep all his books and papers, and the sum of fifty dollars per annum is appropriated to pay the rent.— our, 1503, p.-34. 183. The fiscal year of the Grand Lodge commences on the first day of April, and terminates on the thirty-first day of March in each and every year, and the Grand Secretary and Treasurer are hereby instructed to close up their finan- cial accounts in accordance with the above dates.—Jour. 1875, p. 157: 184, All moneys belonging to the Widow and Orphan's fund are in charge and under the control of the Trustees or Committee of said fund. When it is not required for im- mediate use, they, being the custodians of said fund, can loan it, either to the Lodge or other party or parties, but should guard it as a sacred trust, and when loaned the pur- pose for which it was raised must be kept in view, to the end that it may not be squandered nor put where it cannot be collected when required for use.—Jour. 1877, p. 387. 88 ADDENDA. 185, That any Subordinate Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina can, under such reg- ulations as the Subordinate Lodge may adopt, employ reg- ular nurses to sit upand attend upon a sick brother in lieu of appointing by rotation two brethren to sit up witn a sick brother, as is now required by law: Provided, that this shall in no way interfere with the present requirement demand- ing that sick brothers shall be visited by the officers and members of the Lodge.—Jour. 1875, p. 155. 186, That any brother three months in arrears for dues shall forfeit all money benefits. A brother when three months in arrears for dues shall be notified by the Secretary. If his dues remain unpaid for six months he shall again be notified; and if for twelve months, he shall, without further notice, at a regular meeting, be declared suspended by the N. G. No member of a Subordinate Lodge shall be entitled to the Semi-Annual Pass Word until all dues, fines and assess- ments shall have been paid for. the previous term.—Jour. 1877, Pp. 437. 187. The Grand Secretary, in no case, must furnish sup" plies unless the cash accompanies the order.—Jour. 1870, Pp. 1035. INGLE GEN, PAGE. ART. SEC. ADDENDA. 87 . AMENDMENTS. Hor@ansiituiions Grand Lodge. 1. 5 see 2 Se 18 MOVemimAnre won Otententamedianr. 42 0c22. 22 5.2 23 INUIT GaRGReTA ALVIN ee ae oe ee 47 APPEAL, Forwarded by Secretary, with evidence._.__... 1 37 ISLONY TS So ol ei ae Wy Mirctnisermenni eal Oer aor ees ee ee 30 Pa ee ME OUICC Soa). ne ws Sat wad ese ee AT Wie Gorreiiiia! “1b aya Fe CaaE Saar 5a a ea 37 Wihehemna@ermconviction 2s. i205 26.22. cs cee ee 36 INommecessanvator mew trial, to..2. 2 ol. 222.25... 37 ID ecietOnmannOs,) PEMGINO e252 Feo kee 37 BALLOT—BALLOTING. Mowscovducreaun Grand Wodge 2... .s...-ss:=----- I4 Candidates dropped, VEL eee ae ete ad MCR Ree a2 15 In subordinates, what HE 1G CLs erapsiemee aimee ee Ce Sno), 2 eh Har notiiGece Tai Olt ye CaS ts meee toe eee eee Se lear an 48 (See VOTES AND VOTING.) BENEFITS. Hiner ew hen ehiciule (tg more eqns ene ee ees a 28 Paidebywassessment: Poe 4 ae oe sae Mee eS) Moe ic 49 Paid wonpolegeiger Men DeRs (Onl vine ue eae eee oe ere 48 Sick, i ener ESE Ss wate som Ne eta hie Bint 28 Paying in-edvance; not entitledss. S2s ascot ie. ses 48 Entitled only, when from natural causes___..--.-- tee S Claims for barred after twelve months._..__-._._._- 48 ELedremignht, to withhold. .2 os seeee seee ase es- a.) 49 Ibodre must: fender, whens. Jans « exaugatireds «cvs = 49 Against paying fractional part of week......-..-.-- 49 vSWELON Copa! 0s Peay us eee eee Fe, RES gee eae 49 MAE Ba henvbunoly MeN VO Ve NS 28 oe a ean Seve) emesis 49 Three months arrears forfeits, addenda._.._.....--- 88 BONDS. (Ghigginteh SGOCI CIs aos LARS eee SNe a obocre sede 71 Grandalredstirelioes a. cs sens. jalan eee ee TL 23 I 3 38 ay I oe 38 -- 37 2 2 36 : 34 - 39 we 40 16 3-4-5 16 6 -- 3 -- 4 ze 13 se 15 ge 6 ne 12 a 8 es 10 -- 7 -< 9 me 13 as 12 es II a 14 es 186 a wales -- 137 90 INDEX. PAGE. ART. SEC. CARDS. Cannot’ visit. without. sees. oo. ee eee Se p27, Pies 10 Entitled to upon’ application, 2225. eee eee a uy Lodge must correct error in granting_-_.--...._.-.- 50 =i 19 Becomesinvalid aftertonesyeate ss ee eS O agi 18 Vote granting Severs connections. .= eae ae 49 ae 16 Must revokerbefore triald2 22 5 aaa ae oe eee 39 Ee 53 fannulled, placessmember haces aes ee teen CO) Me 20 CHARGES. Must specify offence 2.5.22) Sogn eee ee 15 age How. preférred cc 5 oo, a ac I When against’S.: PG. 2S 5 eee 32 ae 2 Prosecutor s..20s2 222 oe eee eee 32 eo Committee appointed, when presented_..._.__.__.-- 32 =e ACCUSED MUSt present in Persone. ener nee 37 pi 42 Accuser known only to NS.G. and. PaiGe essere 38 ae 43 Committee cannot meet in bar-room_______. es eS 38 ss 48 If more thanone,, tested séparately.seaen ne ee eeeeree 35 oe 25 May investigate for:previous conduct seeneeseee nea 38 aa 44 Pending debars from. benéfits:_«. 2ocseu eee sees 38 46 Cannot inquire of witness if he preferred_..____.._- 38 che 49 Duty of any member to \prelerss_ ese 38 -- 50-51 Right of Lodge to prefer or dismiss geac se aeseeeee 1729 =p 52 When'sustained > penalty: sa 5-0 eee 30 a 54 No portion dismissed after evidence read.___..____- 39 ¥. 56 If acknowledged, unnecessary to ballot...-...-..... 39 ae 57 Absent under, may expel ?_20.. 7) Gaeeee eee 39 Se: 61 May investigate if‘ party absconds-—, sae 39 ors 62 Duty of, any to‘prefer.2.. 22224 nee 50 gs 21 (See TRIALS.) CHARTERS. Applications forzc. 2 2$25ccp0 oh nee ee ee 9 2 6 Hailure lommeet; does not-forteit= ssa eee eee 51 apron 22 On surrendering, must furnish namesis 720.287 eee 58 BS 61 CHARTER MEMBERS. Must be present at institution 2./329e,ceuee oe OCF In. 8.05 COMMITTEES. Standing—-Grand Lodgéwe_ 7 tae. se celee ee ee ~ 16 1g I Chairman) tovclose-debates=s=. sa seen eee 22 3 17 Reports in writing and signed voy. 5222.20 2 2e 52228 23 3 24 Pxpensés of Chairman«paid_i<2 a7 2 e2- ee eee ee 51 a 24 Ongby-laws hold Woversse cea e Saeee an ae ee 51 3 25 Visiting to ascertain condition of sick...........__- 51 = 23 Inyestigation;-appomited [2n o = awa, gens eee 32 ae 2) INDEX. COM MITTEES.— ConTINvED. gl! PAGE. ART. ‘SEC. Inform Secretary of time of meeting............-.. 32 (WansesrecNesiSHrOmDeFiSSiCds ees ns Meee LL) a4. Picntevidenceand recistere, 50.55 Jiccivssactvccks 34 Miayssuppress evidence 2 esc aete oh Pee le 34 Mtr varcl cl OM GINO Viet ween cps ee range on eae Ce ee eo 34 May take testimony of persons outside......-..--.-- 34 CONFLICT OF LAW. IE eermne Deal Sma OLIN C pemeers oy ere ee ete nen rs 52 CONSOLIDATION. MoGgesmayecousMlidatceess a= sets ole as a 67 Wndermdimrectvon of Grand Masters. 25... e-.252-5-.. 67 DEGREES, Grand Master and Deputies may confer.__----.---- 68 Lodges must have permission to confer, when_-_----. 17 DEGREE LODGE. Ni ISM Oty ween oe eRe wey gat ale Se ae eS 52 DEGREE OF REBEKAH. PAC COMuCUMmUVaaTaNnG (Od See. nea Jen 225525 ee 52 Silenbered nai dates dorset... ss. Sheu mice soups wee sae 52 DEPUTY GRAN) MASTER—(See GRAND OFFICERS.) DISTRICT MPU LIES: [SCR BN DOOR Cetel ESA ea ope a ee ae at pe ep a 54 DCIRCOUMMEY ede ISthICl ss) noice See we eet 53 Siallmebescommissionedae as 2s sees. se oe ose = aera 53 an lineubOmrepOrtmtemoyed .a nyse aie ere 52 and 54 POrfelisecOMmMirssl OMeNe el eats cine aes ab oran Soa Ae 53 ING power topgran tudispensatlomess.) sae seer ee e= ee 54 iINomiohit tottalverClantelmeeeese tee aoe else eae es 55 ioldrprepentysot defunct, hodves =a tes= = sears 5S Urgeisibordinates: to) pay balances. s22-—-52=- 25 = 54 Sendo reports are cIStere (in ae ear eee rete = ear 55 VERS Ge VASILE Tete UIT Che, care epee see eee ere 55 DUES. ho Grand: Lodge 202 se Se cee oe ee Se ae 13 See Must be paid to Grand Secretaryesocs nee oe ek 55 Mustibe inhand ibyeNarchys tStees= eee see ree = 56 Must'be paid ow allimembers. 2-22-22 eee eee on 55 Must pay: semi-annually..-_.. 2-3 -se sore a= 56 Percentage abolished J. 222.2 nee. tes Seen == ass 56 Perieapita Gxédyio ws a Se be eee ose ed 56 Receipt of installing officer binding for_.------.-.--- 55 To subordinates, minimum amount --....---.-.---- 56 @anncrrexampts \. sou. soos srdels sas obee ae pcs 56 4 13 14 -- 15-16 17 18 26 I12 II! 116 34 35 30 and 36 Be 39 42 31 38 40 41 43 46 45 47 474 48 47 51 49 92 INDEX. PAGE, ART. SEC. DUES.—ConrTINvu_ED. Can remit. .225 2424.52.82 eee 65 Failure to meet, does not— = seo Duty to'teceivesaipart) ot je. eee 56 Amount required ‘to reinstate! S2s2 ee eeeeeee eee” Amount of non-beneficialse se. oe eee, Cannot pay up when sick, to entitle -._......-..--- 28 Member notified if in arréats forss-e-see eee oe 88 If in arrears:for, not, entitledato say eee ae eee ELECTIONG a Officers’ of ‘Grand Wodretee sas — = sae ae emer 14 Requirésimajority 22242202 ee4 = seer eee Gs Sh (See BALLOTS AND VOTING.) ELECTIONEERING. Prohibited aeeses tid okie Dee ee eee eee eae 68 EXPULSIONS, Defined by Codes ia...) ee eave 78 (See SUSPENSIONS, ) EVIDENCE. Not competent, when charge acknowledged-__.- ._-- 39 Written received, when witness cannot appear.-_.--- 34 FEES. Charter 2.0392". 2 ee ee Rassias 2 For initiationvand) degrees) 2ae 58 Names printed in proceedings.------.----.-------- 59 Grand Master appoints p70 fem_.-.---------------- 9 GRAND MASTER, IDRURES ie ie ee See en eee meter Seeseeee cdc arial age, Makesmeportue se 5-5 226 42a oie nt asters a aes _ 68 ay 2k au. 24 me 25 a 116 eu 181 II 12. 16. 13 18 23 14-34 15 35 19 32 wbwO WH WW WD & &H Ww Ww W 3-4-5 ee oe 102. = IIo Ww WW Ww of 31. mis tel. me 62 ae 63. 3 3- 3 I-2-3-4 a yt 96 INDEX. OFFICERS—GRAND.—COonrTINUED. GRAND MASTER, Keeps letter-book +... ce 0227) Beha. Sei ee Has power to issue dispensations...72-2_ 362-22 aes May confer degrees: <- 2 S30 opera epee eer eee DEPUTY GRAND MASTERY Si. ot. ose ees Filling uttexpired term, Grand Master (e222) acer GRAND WARDEN)... 25.52/20 ss 5.5 SoS ee eee GRAND SECRETARY. Duties ot Le ees ae Makes+a: report). yo))u2.2 4 ns eee eee Gives bond 22... Ls ¢. se tae eee eee Salary off 2.6 sao 2S: ecient ah oe arene ees Estmates per capital tax. 1): as eeses ae mne Keeps alphabeti¢al record 5... a ea ees Keeps lettembooks.. 2.22 se eee: eee ee Keeps book for names of officers and Representatives. Have rosterprimted:: 22.02 o... a a ee ener Has blank forms printiedsee,- =e eee APNE gaan 2 : Makesinwentony of ssp plies ae sma steers Notifres‘Chainmanof Committeess. =e =e ene Keeps account with Sovereign Lodge __..........-.- Sends: Journal to, Subordinates - se. . == Returns incorrect me portsis ee epee ee Hasichargesot Negaltaeee eee eI ree he yah oe Contracts for printing.--- Sen A eae Keeps list of widows and orphans= 22222. eeeeeeene Miusterent*ofice .s nee Se eee Not to fuinish supplies, unless <2 52 2a) eee GRAND TREASURER Dities GhiGe, Sake sso Sie eee ee Makes réportic.i¢ 1k geek ene aa eee ee eee Gives bond’: -<2s£ {ick Se See ee Closes beoks (ico oe Furnishes, Regalia \..-<.2.220 52.2 ea eee ee Salary Otis di Jeb sie aS Se ee ee GRAND MARSHAIW oc) hs ee eee ene GRAND CONDUCTOR ges Joe 6 ee cee eer a ee GRANDS GUAR DIANG Ss eae sees re ee eet eS ES GRAN DSH BRAL DIMES 5 cs.eni= soe ete rate en GRAND OHAPILAIN 25 22 5.20. Se cc: a ae ae Sead OFFICERS OF SUBORDINATES. Blectivescconsist:ofy. 222-856 -20 se ee e Bligibilityt6r ge icst tweet mets acer mee ene tee eee PAGE. ART. SEC. 59 68 9 69 1g IO ppp gf 72 69 69 69 puis 70 7O 69 7O 70 70 69 69 74 79 87 88 Io Zhe. Ti 72 ws \O1rs pA 64 ae. 116 4 I a3 118 7 Fay 5 1-2-3-4 134-135 136-137 2 ge 140 ae IIg. ie apt OT Liat anes = ge A, KEN 126-130 ogee 20) a 127 e260) A 128 si) yagi) oe 2g} SS oo) AL 7 a 182 Ls 187 6 1-2 134-135 136-137 aS 138 -- 139 Sep hele I2 I 8 I 10 I inf I ce : 17, ie 18 fe INDEX. OFFICERS OF SUBORDINATES.—ConrinueED. Wriermetected and installed: W227. 2..52. 52.-....--- OEOMeEH AW COUEL ees ae oases... Soe Waionalicome-clecia: wae tees = oe Sua hoo PMD SCTMCOMVACALC SHE mom ene tucks Ngee Hone ie a te mo Commit charges to memory.--- - pa Cae ee eae VOR Crap POMCC Omar mre eee chal n ese ceils ek NOBLE GRAND. Wiattiesvot-—touvisit, sickwssysaee ee sec Se IPay GAGs GHAI 3 oa 6 Joe eae DeccmUNdapickahenviSitcd meaner eter oes. Pip smcnarcenoOlmounenal ee sees eee sels Ek INO teliodDlesimiess, bamVin Gates se eas. ee el oe Wacatesrchaimiivabsentwe.2--.5,..-+..-.- fila ee fopreees oS Gannofr expelssa= = — 2b Sey ase SNS Se ae PProimisnmancommittee.. 02% ..5.2-22--.)---+ ---- WHGSy OREO CATES We Me Ae to ne ae Pamoum@eecrmiidishinent...2.-02..2---22/24-------- CanminwitesteenG wtOschair, when's. 2- 22... 2. 22255 NMenvaIISUMESUCCESSOG ys eno ey Seen eels oe cle VICE GRAND. LBRO: HWS). Cros Seer ees er ke ee ee ache supporters to, Occipies chair. ..-\.0-_-255.---- SECRETARY. Forwards certificates of Representatives......-.---- Furnish duplicate to Representative.....--- ------- Breseniis CoplesvOl Charges Js. 55 Gus. --)-5------- IRROGRES Whe ie GEARS ene eo 5 AS Oe ee ere (See SUBORDINATE LODGES.) ORPHAN ASYLUM. @ommend Cdgacn ha mae ee a aR ae oe ees okt oo Committee on, and collections for 2-2)... -:-2.- . PAST GRAND. May presideévoveranothenLodgese=s-2-5e-- 4-5. 5--- PASS-WORD. WV Bentvorentitled Ores masses ete cc. 2 so: PENALTIES. Horsviolatingaprinciplesmers et eee eee eee siacic bubyeoetaiane OMY same elit eee acs os PER CAPITA TAX.—(See DUES.) PERSONALITIES. AUIS CHAOKG) 2 Dee se ies Se Ere ome ae ee eae PRIN TING.; Grand Secretary contracts. for.........--.-.- anette » 97 PAGE, ART. SEC, 29 64 27 30 72 30 27 27 27 28 73 73 39 29 32 35 W3 73 74 62 30 31 32 32 74 74 62 7) he sd 96 9 ae 20 oe 143-144 19 Sp: II ee II ! II YS 13 Le == 147 As 148 matt 59 16 ae Nes I aS, 26 3 146 Exc 145 : T49 4d 83 23 ERS 23 Ss : 5. ye 6, are I50) Lp I5L es 82: & 186 14 Fas es -- _.<,0 Sse eeeeees 33 Bt fe) May beiread_.-... -.2.-.2.22- 4 AL Ze IO Wife cannot testify against husband.___..........-. 40 28 63 YEAS AND NAYS, Orderedsand. recorded... .- 5. 2. [eg 3 26 Saori Renee ore ‘ SN SIR es ries ae oe ‘gui ge neat Sion Soe elias Paine a iS 23 ~ Rigen nae Tito es ee aS. Peat Oe eS ieee Tee sep 2