^sawwijULi Ti Ti •^^^ ^v4 i,.:j):-' Jl A^:n RETAIL ?^Al'i" »?i r 7[| yCiyiopJooisHiioes ^' ) •IIIU^O) fia.u; r k. I. J, ti^ od ilotioos; yeaiiif aod Slaoie Giocoiies. fi If you Tvant an^ >*ng Ql^iCK, go tliere first, gi '- «lk <Y Library OF THE University of NortK Carolina Tlii? hook was pvet^ented by PGLAS; DO lEST TANNlji Store C9^/. lUPlg^d IpBcialty. Best and Lrargest Stock in tlie Stat^ Trest of the Blue Ridg^e. Ti^^t^l^^, V^li^^^, &e. NO. 30 S. MAIN ST. ASHEVILLE, N. C. 00030756147 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION ASHEVILLE CITY DIEECTOKT. €1887> SOUTHERN DIRECTORY COMPANY. PUBLISHERS. Price $4.00. ' PREFACE. In response to an earnest demand for a city directory, the publishers began this work, reaHzing that the patronage received from Asheville's business men would poorly compensate them for their labor. Much encouragement was given by all leading busi- ness men and citizens, and finally the city officials employed them to take an oflicial census and number the houses. The latter was done not only as a great convenience, but to be ready for the free mail service to which Asheville will soon be entitled. This en- terprise on the part of the city and liberality on the part of her citizens, has enabled the publishers to thus place the products of their humble efforts before the public with as much completeness and perfection as was possible in such work. Altogether, a thorough canvass of the city was made, and while we do not claim that this book is either perfect or infallible — which would be impossible in such work — yet we do claim that it is as nearly correct and reliable as thorough canvassing and great carefulness could make it. With a pardonable pride, the publishers call attention to their advertising pages^ among which will be found cards from all the leading, enterprising and progressve business men of the city, whom we commend as honest and liberal in their dealings with their patrons as they have been earnest in advancing the best in- terests of the city in aiding this publication. Some errors and changes will be found preceding this, under the head of " Errata." Some names accidentally overlooked in the arrangement of the Directory, and some changes which have taken place since our canvass was made. Very respectfully. The Southern Directory Company. \\ X^^ qf ^^.y & P-o, AsHEviLLE City Directory. CONTENTS. Title PAGE. I Preface ......... 2 Errata 3 Census Table ......... 4 Classified Business Directory ..... 5 Miscellaneous Directory ....... 8 List of Advertisements ....... to Historical Sketch of Asheville . . . . . • ^"J Table of Distances ........ 23 Street Directory ......... 24 Abbreviations ..,..,... 28 General Directory of Names ...... 30 ERRATA. Removals , Corrections^ Names received too late for insertion in regular order, etc. BOSTIC, J B, real estate, 13 Patton ave, res 64 Bailey Bostic, Mrs J B, res 64 Bailey Bostic, Phifer, res 64 Bailey Bostic, Bennett, res 64 Bailey Brown E E, photographer, over 7 and 9 Patlon ave. Broyles Ed W, drummer, res 266 Patton ave Broyles Jas M, res 266 Patton ave Broyles Maggie A, res 266 Patton ave Campbell C H, mfr, soda water, rear 217 Haywood Campbell C H Mrs, res 217 Haywood Campbell Louisa, bds 217 Haywood Dobson S K, carp, res 336 S Main Dobson S K Mrs, res 336 S Main JARVIS MILTON, elk, 55 S Main, res 310 N Main Javvis Milton Mrs. res 310 N Mam Jarvis Sallie K, bds 310 N Main Jarvis Mary, bds 310 N Main Jarvis Willie, bds 310 N Main Jarvis Cora, bds 310 N Main LAW. J H, China, Glass and Queensware, 59 S Main, bds over 56 S Main AsHEviLLE City Directory. Lewis, Lou, c, servant, 64 Bailey LOOKWOOD, H N, Broom Factory, 255 Patton ave, res S Main o c McMULLEN, P. S., furniture, 33 N Main, res 60 Oak Morgan, P M, carp, res 23 Flint Morgan, Mrs P M, res 23 Flint Morgan, Bonnie, bds 23 Flint Morgan, Alex, bds 23 Flint Rea, A A, carp, res 366 S Main Rea, Mrs A A, res 366 S Main Rea, Jas H, bds 366 S Main Rudesill, M L, elk, 1 1 N Main, bds College. Sherman, N T, cigar mnfr, 58 S Main Stevens, E B, cigar mnfr, 58 S Main Weaver, H B, phys, 24 S Main Wilson, Mrs W H, res 34 Academy Wilson, John, bds 34 Academy Wilson, Luther, bds 34 Academy Wilson, Katie, bds 34 Academy Wilson, Mary, bds 34 Academy Wilson, Frank, bds 34 Academy Wilson, Everett, bds 34 Academy Wilson, George, bds 34 Academy CENSUS. The Official census ordered by the Mayor and Board of Alder- men of Asheville, January 28, 1S87, and compiled by the Southern Directory Company, give the following results : Whites 4,65 1 Colored 2,607 Married 2,785 Single 4,473 Over 2 1 years of age 3i5^4 Under 2 1 years of age 3?%4 Males 3>42S Females 3,830 Grand total 7^25^ Our books show the names of 195 persons obtained outside of the corporation, and which are included above. ASHEVILLE CiTV DIRECTORY MURRAY & LANCE, jLTJCTionsr AND CDMMISSIDN MERCHANTS 15 Sc^-U-tli. IVX^ixx St. Consignments Solicited. Particular attention given to the Sale of Real Estate. Highest Price and Quick Returns on all Goods entrusted to our care. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMPILED FROM OUR ADVERTISERS. ATTORNEYS. M E Carter, p 47 Henry Hardwicke, p 55 Jones & Shuford, p 121 Johnstone Jones, p 49 A J Lyman, p 61 W H Malone, p 43 Moore & Cummings, p 41 AUCTIONEERS. Murray & Lance, p 4 BAKERY & CONFECTION- ERY. Moore ^ Robards, inset page BARBERS. Plum Levi, p 43 William McTrent p 261 BLACKSMITHS. Brown & McSwaign, p 361 P J Brown, p 37 J H Woody, p 115 BOARDING HOUSES. I C Baird, p 61 C R Benjamin, p 121 Mrs Trenholm, p 37 Florida House, p 61 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Jas Carson, p 47 H T Estabrook, head and foot advertisements J N Morgan, head and foot ad- vertisements AsHEviLLE City Directory. BOOTS AND SHOES. Bearden, Rankin & Co., p 33 Brevard & Blanton, ist p cover S R Chedester & Son, p 71 S D Hall & Co., colored inset Herring & Weaver, 2d p cover J O Howell, p 47 M Levy, head and foot ads Reynolds, Baird & Co., p 49 Straith & Thomson, p 57 BROOM FACTORY. H N Lockwood, p 115 CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. J H Law, 59 S Main, name in black COAL DEALERS. Atkins & Carrington, p 36 N W Gird wood, ad on map COOPERAGE. William Weaver, p 55 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. W D Justice, p 33 C L Lindsey, p 67 CORNICE AND TINWARE. J R Hill, 3d page cover DENTISTS. B H Douglass, p 93 J G Queen, p 55 A B Ware, p 41 DRESSMAKERS. Mrs C Townsend, p 37 J L Wilkie and Mrs C M Wil- liams, p 59 DRUGGISTS. Grant & Roseberry, head and foot ads J H Woodcock, head and foot ads Both the above firms are grad- uates of Philadelphia Pharmacy. DRY GOODS. Bearden, Rankin & Co., p 33 Brevard & Blanton, ist p cover S R Chedester & Son, p 71 Graham, Graves & Co., p 39 J O Howell, p 47 Reynolds, Baird & Co., p 49 A. H. Stockton & Son, p 71 Straith & Thomson, p 57 FLORIST. Ray, McCloud & Pulliam, p 75 FURNITURE. W A Blair & Uo., 2d p ist fly S P McMuUen, p 63 GENTS' FURNISHING. M. Lev}^, foot and head ads GROCERIES. Bearden, Rankin & Co , p 33 Brevard & Blanton, ist p cover S R Chedester & Son, p 71 H S Greer, page 33 S D Hall & Co, colored inset S R Kepler, Head and Foot ads Reynolds Baird & Co, page 49 A H Stockton & Son, p 71 Straith & Tomson, p 57 Geo W Tilson, page 41 Stevens & Childs, p 117 AsHEviLLE City Directory. HARDWARE. VanGilder & Brown, page 4=^ HOTELS. W P Blair " Carolina House," page 53 S R Chedester & Son, " Grand Central,'' page 71 A G Halyburton, " French Broad," page 49 Rawls Bro's, ''The Swannanoa" page 244 J L L Slagle, '' Slagle House," P45 ICE CREAM SALOON. Moore & Robards, colored inset INSURANCE AGENT. E y Aston, page 29 C Cowan, Head and Foot ads H L Lang, Head and Foot ads JOB PRINTERS. Randolph & Hunt, page 33 Advance, page 235 Citizen, page 259 LIVERYMEN. Chambers & Weaver, page 74 F Stikeleather, page t^i LOCK AND GUN SMITH. J S Mosseller, page 37 MEAT MARKETS. T J Sumner, page 47 Zachary & Zachary, p 35 MILLSTONES. J T Wyatt, page 53 MUSIC STORE. T M De Vault, page 35 NEWSPAPERS. Advance (daily) page 235 Citizen (daily) page 259 County Homes(Monthly) p 119 PAINTER. R L Fitzpatrick, page 1^9 PHOTOGRAPHER. T H Lindsay, page 227 PHYSICIANS. A M Ballard, page 361 M H Fletcher, page 55 G W Purefoy, p 261 R.R. TICKET AGENT. F Stikeleather, page 51 REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Atkinson & Son, Inset Bostic, Blanton & Co, page 121 J M Campbell, Head and Foot ads Walter B Gwyn, 4th p cover A J Lyman, Head and Foot ads D S Watson, 2d page, ist Fly SASH AND BLINDS. Buttrick & Cole, colored Inset T L Clayton, page 67 MILLINERY. J H Wilkie, page 59 SILVERWARE. C Cowan, Head and Foot ads H L Lang, Head and Foot ads J H Law, 59 S Main st AsHEViLLE City Directory. SHOE MANUFACTORY. Graham, Graves & Co, p 39 STOVES AND TINWARE. W R Bearden. Head and Foot ads. TAILORS. J C Brown & Co, page 43 J W Schartle, page 71 TOBACCO FACTORY. Asheville Tobacco Works, p 79 TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. The Buncombe, Stevens & Childs, p 117 WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORIES. W D Justice, page 33 J H Woody, page 115 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. Graham, Graves & Co, page 39 WINE & LIQUOR STORES. Jas H Loughran, 3d page, last Fly Frank Loughran, ist page ist Flv CHURCHES. WHITE. First Baptist. — Corner Woodfin and Spruce streets. Rev. W. A. Nelson, D. D., pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and at night. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night. Second Baptist. — Corner Patton avenue and Bailey street, Rev. J. L. Carroll, D.D., pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. M. E. Church, South. — Church street. Rev. H. W. Bays, D D., pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and at night Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night. Presbyterian.— Church street. Rev. Mr. Lefevre, pastor. Services every Sunday at 1 1 A. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday. Episcopal. — Corner Church and Willow streets. Rev. Jarvis Buxton, rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M., and at 5:30 P. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Regular week services Wednesday at 10 A. M. and Friday at 6 P. M. AsHEviLLE City Directory Catholic. — Valley street, Rev. Father Price, pastor. Services every Sunday at ii A. M. and mass at 7:30 every morning. Methodist Mission Chapel. — North Asheville, Rev. Mr. Aikins, pastor. Sunday School at 3 P. M. and <iervicesat 8 P. M. every Sunday. COLORED. Episcopal Church — Corner Valley and S. Beaumont streets. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and at night. Sunday School at 4 P. M. Methodist. — Zion, College, near Pine street crossing, Rev. S. Sherman, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and at night. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday night. Baptist. — Corner S. Pine and S. Beaumont street, Rev. Mr. Rumley, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and at night. Sunday School at 9 a m. Prayer meeting every Wednes- day night. ASHEVILLE SOCIETIES. Cyrene Commandery, No. 5, K. T. — J. A. Porter, Eminent Commander; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night in each month. Hall No. 13 N. Public Square Asheville Chapter, R. A. M.— G. H. Bell, High Priest; S. Hammershlag, Secretary. Meets the second Wednesday night in each month. Hall No. 13 N. Public Square. Mt. Hermon Lodge, No. 118, F. & A. M.— H. C. Fagg, Wor- shipful Master; Fred. L. Jacobs, Secretary. Meets the first Friday night in each month. Hall No. 13 N. Public Square. Swannanoa Lodge, No. 646, K. of H — E. Levy, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nights in each month. Hall, over 15 N. Main Street. French Broad Council, No. 701, R. A. — S. Lipinsky, Re- gent; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets on the second and fourth Monday nights in each month. Hall, over 15 N. Main Street. The Asheville Public Library — Over Kepler's store, oppo- site Eagle Hotel, and next door to the Bank of Asheville. Open 10 AsHEviLLE City Directory. to visitors from io:oo A. M. to i P. M., and from 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. AsHEviLLE Club. — W. R. Penniman, President; T. W. Patton, Secretary. Hall over the Bank of Asheville, S. Main Street. Knights of Labor. — C. W. C. Deake, Master Workman: — Montieth, Secretary. Meets every Thursday night. No. 40, F. & A. M. (col.)— Jas. Lattimore, W. M ; Harrison Brown, Secretary. Meets first and third Monday nights in each month. List of Advertisements. PAGE. " Advance," Daily and Weekly 235 Atkinson & Son, real estate colored inset pages Atkins & Carrington 36 Asheville Tobacco Works, mf'g smoking tobacco 79 Aston, E. J., insurance agency 29 I3aird, I. C , boarding house 61 Ballard, Dr. A. M., physician 261 Bearden, W. R., stoves and tinware head and foot ads Bearden, Rankin & Co., general merchandise 33 Benjamin, C. R., boarding house 121 Blair, W. P., " Carolina House " 53 Blair, W. A. & Co., furniture, ist fly 2 Bostic, Blanton & Co., real estate 121 Brevard & Blanton. general merchandise ist page cover Brown, J. C. & Co., merchant tailor 43 Brown, P. J., blacksmith 37 Brown & McSwaign, blacksmiths 261 Buttrick & Cole, sash and blinds colored inset page Campbell, J. M., real estate head and foot ads Carson, James, books and stationery 47 Carter, M. E., attorney-at-law 47 Chambers & Weaver, liverymen 74 Chedester, S. R. & Son, general merchandise and hotel 71 '' Citizen," Daily and Weekly 259 Cowan, C, jeweler head and foot ads DeVault, musical instruments 35 Douglass, B. H., dentist 92 Estabrook, H, T., books and stationery head and foot ads AsHEviLLE City Directory. 11 PAGE Fletcher, M. H., physician 51;; Fitzpatrick, R. L., painter 59 Gird wood, N. W., coal card on map Grant & Roseberry, ''the popular druggists,". . . .head and foot ads Graham, Graves & Co., wholesale dry goods 39 Greer, H. S , groceries 33 Gwyn, Walter B., real estate 4th page of back Hall, S. D. & Co., general merchandise colored inset page Halyburton, A. G., French Broad Hotel 49 Hardwicke, Henry, attorney-at-law 55 Hill, J. R., cornice and tin- worker 3d page cover Hope Bros. & Co., jewelers, Knoxville, Tenn 131 Howell, J. O., dry goods 47 Jones & Shuford, attorney s-at-law 121 Jones, Johnstone, attorney-at-law 49 Justice, W. D., wagon and carriage builder 33 Kepler, S. R., groceries head and foot ads Knoxville Business College, Knoxville, Tenn 16 Knoxville Trunk Company, Knoxville, Tenn 2d page 2d fly Lang, H. L., jeweler head and foot ads Law, J. H., china, glass and queensware, 59 S. Main Levy, M., boots, shoes, hats, etc head and foot ads Levi, Plum, barber 43 Lindsey, T. H., photographer 227 Lindsey, Chas. L , contractor and builder 6^ Lockwood, H. N., broom factory 115 Loughran, Jas. H., wines and liquors ist page, 2d fly Loughran, Frank, wines and liquors ist page, ist fly Lyman, A. J., attorney and real estate 61 Malone, W. H., attorney- at-law 43 McMullen, P. S., furniture 63 McTrent, W., barber 261 Mosseller, J. S., lock and gunsmith. 37 Moore & Robards, bakery and confectionery colored inset Morgan, J. N., books and stationery head and foot ads Purefoy, G. W., physician 261 Queen, J. G., dentist 55 Randolph & Hunt, job printers 33 Rawls Bros., Swannanoa Hotel 244 Ray, McCloud & PuUiam, florist 75 Reynolds, Baird & Co., general merchandise 49 Schartle, J. W., merchant tailor 71 12 AsHEViLLE City Directory. PAGE Stikeleather, F„ R. R. tickets, etc 51 Stockton, A. H. & Son, general merchandise 71 Stockton, Mrs. A. H., Florida Boarding House 61 Straith & Thomson, general merchandise 51 Sumner, T. J., meat market 47 Tilson, G. W., groceries 41 Tomlinson Bros., "• Country Homes," 119 Townsend, Mrs. C, dress maker 37 Trenholm, Mrs, boarding house 37 VanGilder & Brown, hardware 45 Ware, Dr. A. B., dentist 41 Watson, D. S., real estate 2d page, ist fly Weaver, William, cooperage 55 Weaver & Herring, boots and shoes 2d page cover Wilkie, J. L., millinery 59 Woodcock, J. H., druggist head and foot ads Woody, J. H., wagon and catriage factory 1 15 Wyatt, J. T., millstones 53 Zachary & Zachary, meat market 35 PLACES OF INTEREST IN AND AROUND ASHEVILLE. Located itself in one of the most beautiful and picturesque por tions of the country, with magnificent scenery on every hand, yet there are many spots in and around this growing mountain city to which we desire to call the special attention of visitors. The roads leading to these places are generally in good condition, mak- ing pleasant drives, with some of the finest views to be had from the roads themselves. First, we will mention Richmond Hill, which is four miles northwest from the courthouse, approached by a well kept and de- lightful drive, crossing the French Broad river on a first-class iron bridge, just below the county and Western North Carolina Rail- road bridges. These splendid grounds are the property of Hon. Richmond Pearson, at present member of the Legislature from this section, and are generously thrown open to the public. We cannot attempt a description of them, but assure our readers that a visit will be thoroughly enjoyable. Fernihurst, the property of Col. J. K. Connally, is just two miles south of the courthouse, overlooking the Swannanoa river, and besides the beautiful grounds, commands many magnificent views of river, valley, hills and mountains. This is approached by a pleasant drive down Main street, and out Garrett avenue. Beaumont is situated on the summit of the mountain, just east and overlooking the town, the property of Capt. Hazzard. A fine drive circles the summit, giving extensive views of the city and the surrounding country. This is unquestionably the finest view near Asheville. Tahkeeostee Farm is something over a mile, nearly directly west from the city, and west of the French Broad river, and is a very popular drive for the pleasure seeker. Sunset Drive extends from College street along the side and 14 AsHEviLi.E City Directory. gradually assending the mountain immediately east of the city, shaded by the giant forest trees of the mountain and affording ex- cellent views of the city and surrounding country. The White Sulphur Springs is fifteen miles northwest of Ashe- ville, and besides possessing the attraction of excellent white sul- phur water, is located in an unusually lovely and picturesque sec- tion. There is a first-class hotel here, and is largely patronized by pleasure and health seekers during the entire year. Five miles west from Asheville is to be found the Yellow Sul- phur Springs. These springs are located in the midst of some of the most enchanting scenery, and are strongly impregnated with sulphur. Leaving Asheville, going out Patton avenue, or Hay- wood street, crossing the county bridge over the French Broad, and on out the Haywood road, this is one of the most pleasant drives leading from the city. Directly east from Asheville, some two miles, across the moun- tain, are found mineral springs of several varieties, and besides gaining some of the best views of the city from the summit of the mountain, a far extending panorama of distant mountains, hills and valleys is Jaid before the eye more beautiful in natural and pic- turesque grandeur than the famous mountain scenery of Switz- erland. Arden Park, just ten miles south from Asheville, offers many attractions to the summer tourist. Here is found one of those first-class, hospitable and stylish hotels, for which this mountain section is so justly celebrated, and is approached by an easy and well shaded drive over the Hendersonville road. Something over twenty miles east from Asheville, on the West- ern North Carolina Railroad, is the famous Round Knob Hotel, situated in a basin formed by the surrounding peaks of the Blue Ridge and near that point in the mountains where the railroad winds its serpentine coils up the steep mountain sides in assend- ing to the summit. Here, just in front of this hotel is a fountain which throws a strong stream of ice-cold sparkling wa- ter over a hundred feet in the air. This fountain is supplied -through pipes from a natural spring near the summit of an over- hanging peak. The Hot Springs are located on the Western North Carolina Railroad and the French Broad River, forty miles below AsHEViLLE City Directory. 15 Asheville, and are surrounded by giant peaks and lofty mountains on either hand, the only approach or outlet being up or down the river. This popular resort is too well known to require any de- scriptions from us. The new hotel, just completed, has every modern equipment, and the most fastidious can find perfect satis- faction. We only call attention to some of the most prominent places of interest, as our space is limited, and as the livery and hotel men mentioned in this work will all take pleasure in adding any information possible on this subject. We close by briefly mentioning a few places in the city: Asheville Library, over S. R. Kepler's, S. Main street. Asheville Club, over the Bank of Asheville, S, Main street. City Greenhouse, Chestnut street. Lindsev's Art Gallery, 57 S. Main street. The Fish Ponds, owned by J, W, C. Deake, on Charlotte street. Asheville Cemetery, west of the city, on Cemetery street. Fish Pond, owned by Capt. Cocke, on Depot street. 16 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Southeffi School of BusioessTfaiDifig. THOROOGH AND COMPLETE COIIKSE OF 8TDDY OPEN ALL THE YEAR. STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME. Prepares Young Men and Ladies for the active duties of Business Life. Progressive, Active, Thorough. -^y Send for Catalogue at once. \^ Address, J. T. JOHNSON, Principal, XIITO^VZI^X^S,, - T&2T2TESSSB. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 17 ASHEVILLE. In introducing the Directory to the public, it is proper to say sometliing of the subject to which it is chiefly devoted. But in doing so, we shall treat very lightly of historical events, however interesting they may be ; since, as is natural, the concern of our readers is more directly with the' present than the past, and in the rapid tide of events which sweep on so resistlessly to bear the the modest village of a few years ago to the altitude of city dig- nity, it is better to view it from that point at which its develop- ment began. For there was a period, and that a long one, during which the germs of this development lay dormant, and from its foundation until the accession of railroad facilities there was a pro- gress so little noticeable, that Asheville vegetated in torpid quie- tude, rather than advanced in size, population or consequence. Briefly, it may be said that Buncombe county, of which Ashe- ville became the county seat, was formed in 1791 from the coun- ties of Burke and Rutherford, and was named for Edward Bun- combe, of Revolutionary memory, but distinguished more largely for hospitality and geniality of nature than for soldierly qualities, or the wisdom or brilliancy of statesmanship. And the name, like that of many of the compatriots of the day, might be forgot- ten had it not been kept in living memory by the national prover- bial expression associated with it. Buncombe county had another title to prominence ; for before it became subject to sub-division, it was the sole county of the transmontane region, filling an area nearly equaling one-fourth of that of the whole state of North 18 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Carolina, and drawing to it the magniloquent name of the " State of Buncombe." Asheville, the county seat, and for many years the center of ts business, commercial and legal, was located the same year the county was formed, and at first named Morristown, subsequently receiving its present name, in honor of Samuel Ashe, a revolu- tionary patriot, and once Governor of North Carolina. It is situ- ated near the confluence of the French Broad and Swannanoa rivers, the courthouse being one mile from the former and two miles from the latter, though the expansion of the town in all di- rections is rapidly bringing it to the margins of each of these streams. The site of the town is a series of broken hills between the Town Mountains on the east and the French Broad River, on the west. Relatively to the higher mountains, and as seen from them, the location is a plain ; but as related to the river, from which the hills rise as they recede from from it to a height of 250 feet above its level, it presents a broken irregular contour, friendly to the picturesque and to purposes of health, but interposing some obstacles to symmetrical arrangements of public thoroughfares. But if irregular in surface, compensation is had in all its parts, in the magnificence of the prospects spread before the eye ; in the placid foreground of broad or sinuous valley, in the verdant foot- hills with which they are margined, and in the distant outlines of mountain ranges, surmounted by many a culminating peak, and invested in that deep or tender blue which distance throws over the scene. The elevation of Asheville above the sea, according to meas- urements long accepted, is 2,250 feet, and 250 feet above the level of the river. More recent measurements, made under the author- ity of the general government, but never officially announced, add 130 feet to this elevation. This elevation secures a modification of the summer heat, which is never intense, rarely rising above 84°, sometimes to 90^^, in the shade ; and the summer nights are always deliciously pleas- ant. While, during the summer, the air is always fanned with gentle breezes, there is marked and remarkable absence of bolster- AsHKViLLK City Directory, 19 ous winds. When the spring is fully established, the atmospheric turmoil at once subsides, only to be renewed on the return of win- ter. The winters are marked by the same general moderation ; occasional severe accesses of cold, at which time the mercury falls below zero, high northwesterly winds, frequent light snows, oc- casional rains, but a predominence of cleai*, balmy and delightful weather. The annual rainfall is ascertained to be a fraction over 40 inches, taking the average of ten years. There are exceptional years in which more or less rain falls than usual, but on the whole, there is great uniformity, and the climate of Asheville is unmis- takably healthy, invigorating and delightful. Asheville, as we have before said, made little progress from its foundation until it was reached by the W. N. C. Railroad in iSSi. Its healthfulness, the beauty of its surrounding scenery, and some foreshadowing of its future prominence had brought it into notice ; and this gave a stimulus to the work of internal im- provement which was to make Asheville accessible, and also do long deferred justice to long neglected Western North Carolina. In the fulfillment of this justice, more has been developed than was anticipated, for more deliberate observation of its position, and the topography of the country, proves it to be a natural and unavoidable railroad centre. The configuration of the valleys and of the mountains, demonstrates this to be strikingly true. The valley of the Swannanoa, opening westward from the Swannanoa gap of the Blue ridge, opens it for the passage of the railroad into the mountain region. The Hickorynut Gap, crossing the Ridge further South than the former, opens another line of communica- tion, soon, it is exj)ected, to be occupied by the Carolina Central Railroad : and both of these lines converge upon Asheville. The broad depression that begins at Hendersonville, has induced the construction of the Spartanburg and Asheville road, which also necessarily comes to Asheville. So, the contemplated Greeneville and Asheville road, and the Atlanta and Asheville road, to both of which charters have been granted must come down the valley of the French Broad river, and must unavoidably come to Asheville, And when they reach Asheville, their further progress is governed by the configuration of the river. Below Asheville, a gorge, mar- 20 AsHEviLLE City Directory, gined with a narrow bench, the river forcing its way through the Smoky mountains, and working through them, cutting the only possible pathway to railroad construction. • Westward from Ashe- ville, the same remarkable conditions exist, the valley of Hominy Creek offering the only practicable, almost the onlv possible ac- cess to the western counties, and to northwestern Georgia. And, again, the only feasible route for roads to the north, looking to connections with Baltimore or other distant termini, must without other alternative of choice, have Asheville in its line of direction.. All openings through the mountains converge at Asheville. The knowledge of this fact has become apparent to saga- cious men, and has had material influence upon the fortunes of the place. Already it is very widely known as a health and pleas- ure resort, is accessible from every point of the compass, connect- ed by perfect railroad service and with full telegraphic facilities. From a population of 2,216 in 1S80, it has advanced as is shown in our census table. The main streets have been macad- ized, the sidewalks are in process of reconstruction, a splendid system of electric lighting, uneq*ualed in the South, dispels the darkness, a water supply unsurpassed anywhere in purity of qual- ity and exhaustless abundance in quantity secures against the rav- ges of fire, is made to permeate every street and supply every house- hold, and by the elevation of its distributing source, does its work automatically. Health is promoted by this abundance of fine wa- ter, and by the use to be made of it in connection with sewerage, and also by the control obtained over the dust of the streets. In addition to what has already been accomplished, a com- pany is formed to light the city with gas ; a street railway com- pany will soon begin the work of placing its lines ; a telephone exchange has been in useful and successful operation for a year ; the best of hotel accommodations are now oft'ered the traveling public, and their very large patronage necessitate continual en- largements and additions to their buildings. The principal hotels are the Swannanoa, Battery Park, Grand Central, Carolina House, Western Hotel and Slagle Hotel. The boarding houses are numerous, and good, but too many to mention just here. AsuExiLLE City Directory. 21 Among the other institutions of the city, we first mention the chief educational estabhshments. The oldest and largest of these, is the Asheville Female College, with Rev. James Atkins, Jr., President, and J. A. Branner, Business Manager, and an able and competent corps of teachers. This college is situated in one of the most pleasant and picturesque portions of the city, with large and beautiful grounds surrounding the buildings, and shaded by a splendid growth of giant forest trees. The new college (in course of erection at the time of this writing) will be a building possess- ing all modern improvements and appointments, and one of which Asheville, and in fact the entire South may justly feel proud. For many years after the war this college was closed, and not until the present managememt was placed in charge did it fully succeed in regaining the patronage and prestige it had prior to that time Now, it is unquestionably one of the first institutions for the edu- cation of young ladies in the South. The Asheville Millitary Academy, with Prof. S. F. Venable, principal, is also a valuable institution for the education of young men and boys, and enjoys a large and well deserved patronage. Several private schools are also to be found here, and also two largely attended schools for colored children. All denominations are supplied with churches, and among the charitable institutions is the Mission Hospital, under charge of a committee of ladies, and visited daily by physicians and surgeons of prominence. The Masonic Fraternity, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Labor and the Sons of Temperance, each have lodges and large memberships. The Asheville Club and the Asheville Library are both prosperous and well patronized. The press of Asheville may justly claim the influence which has prompted its growth, and drawn to it the interest now felt abroad. There are two daily papers, the Citizen, edited by Fur- man, Stone & Cameron, and the Advance, published by Theodore Hobgood, both morning papers, and both issuing weekly editions. The Skylaiid Herald, published weekly by A. H. Jones, Town- Topics, weekly, by Randolph & Hunt, and the Gleaner, weekly, 22 AsHEviLLE City Directory. published by the colored people. In addition to these are the fol- lowing monthlies: Farmers Journal^ Country Homes, published by Tomlinson Bros., and the Land of the Sky, published by Natt, Atkinson. Such is a brief outline of the present condition of Asheville. Upon the advancement it has made within the past five years, its future progress may be safely predicated. Regarded at first chief- ly as a health and summer resort, it has confirmed these claims. It is now unequivocally recognized as an important railroad centre, a large manufacturing centre, an important distributing point of trade, and a social and political centre of far-reaching influence. With a present population of 7,000, the next decade will probably close on one of not less than 35,000. AsHEviLi^E City Directory. 23 TABLE OF DISTANCES. From Asheville, N. C, to New York, N. Y... Philadelphia, Pa . . Baltimore, Md . Washington, D. C. Kichniond, Va Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio. . . St. Louis, Mo Louisville, Ky . . . . Memphis, Tenn. Nashville, Chattanooga, " Knoxville, " Little Rock, Ark. . New Orleans, La. . . Mobile, Ala Birmingham, Ala. Savannah, Ga Atlanta, " Jacksonville, Fla. . Charleston, S. C. . Raleigh, N. C Morehead City. . . . Salisbury, N. C Hot Springs, "... Paint Rock, " ... Columbia, S. C . . . Distance. R. R. Fare. Time. 708 $23 55 28.20 616 21 05 25.25 519 18 25 23.00 478 17 05 21.20 370 13 30 20.00 721 21 40 34.00 420 12 75 24.00 739 20 40 33.00 398 12 40 22.00 552 17 05 26.00 393 12 30 17.00 242 7 75 12.35 131 4 40 9.00 687 23 45 35.00 813 24 00 48.00 672 20 15 44.00 385 12 05 20.00 337 14 60 28.00 248 12 25 18.00 509 18 65 48.00 290 12 00 15.00 272 10 60 26.00 416 15 75 32.00 142 5 80 6.00 40 1 50 1.40 48 1 80 2.00 166 S 10 10.00 Compiled by F. Stikeleather, R. R. Ticket Agent, 50 S. Main St. 24 AsHEviLLE City Directory. ASHEVILLE STREET DIRECTORY. Public Square is the center of the city, and all streets are numbered as, North, East, South or West from it. All streets running parallel with Main are numbered from Patton avenue, or College street, or from the beginning of the street nearest to either of the above streets. All streets running parallel with Patton avenue, or College street, are numbered fiom Main street, as above, Main street being the dividing line for all streets running East and West, and Patton avenue and College, for all running North and South. All numbers on the right hand side of the street going from the dividing street are odd, except on North Main, which has the odd numbers on the left. Main street being the onl}- one that runs entirely across the city, the even numbers were all placed on one side, both East and West, for convenience. ACADEMY— N from Hay- wood to corporate limits, cross Cherry, Hill, Cortland ave. and Cemetery sts. ASTON— W from Church to Bailey. ATKIN— E from S Main to Reservoir st , Cross Valley and Sorrell sts. AVERY— N from the depot to Haywood st. BAILEY— S from Patton ave. crosses Philip and Ware sts. BAIRD— E from Charlotte to Sun Set Drive, crosses N Pine St. BORDER -N from Chest- nut to Hillside crosses Broad st. BRICK~S from N Beau- mont to Eagle, crosses Moun- tain. BRIDGE— N from Woodfin to Chestnut, crosses Orange and Clayton. BUTTRICK— N from Hay- wood to Hill. CENTER— N from Senior across Hillside. CEMETERY— N W from Academy to Cemetery. CHARLOTTE — N from Woodfin to corporate limits, ASHEVILLE ClTV DIRECTORY. 25 cross Orange, Chestnut, Broad and Baird. CHERRY— W from N Main to Academy, cross Flint, Sond- ley, Short. CHESTNUT — E from N Main to N Pine, cross Merri- mon ave., Libby, Border, Bridge, Charlotte. CHUR.CH— S from Patton ave. to S Main, cross Willow, Aston. CLAYTON— E from Bridge to Charlotte. CLEMMONS— S E from S Pine to Reservoir, cross Zion. COLLEGE— E from N Main to Reservoir, cross Spruce, Da- vidson, Oak, Valley, N, Beau- mont, Locust and Pine. COURTLAND AVE — S from Academy to limits. DAVIDSON— S from Col- lege to Eagle. EAGLE— E from S Main, cross Spruce, Phillip, Valley. EAST— N from N Main to limit, cross Senior. FLINT— N from Haywood to Cherry. GROVE— S from Patton ave. to Phillip. GUDGER— N from Hay- wood to Courtland ave., cross Hill. HAYWOOD— Runs N to W from Patton ave. to Smith's Bridge, over French Broad riv- er, cross Pulliam, Walnut, Flint, N. French Broad ave.. Acade- my St., Patton ave., Buttrick, Spring, Hill. HAZZARD— S E from Eagle to Beaumont, cross S. Pine, Zion. HILL — E from Academy to Haywood, cross Gudger, Seney, Maiden Lane, Buttrick, Park, Spring. HILDEBRAND — E from Brick to S. Pine. HILLSIDE — E from N Main to Charlotte st., cross West, Center, Merrimon ave., Libby. LIBBY— N from Chestnut to Hillside, cross Broad. LOCUST— N from College to Woodfin. MADISON AVE.-W from Cemetery to limits. MAIDEN LANE— N from Hill to Courtland ave. McDowell ave. — w from S Main to S Depot st. MERRIMON AVE. — N from N Main to corporate lim- its, cross Orange, Chestnut, Broad, Hillside. MOUNTAIN— E from Brick to Reservoir, cross S. Pine, Zion. MULBERRY— W from 26 AsHEViLLE City Directory, Cherry to limits. N BEAUMONT — E from Valley to Reservoir, cross Brick, S. Pine, Zion. N.FRENCH BROAD AVE. — N from Patton aye to Hay- wood. N. MAIN— N from Public Square to corporate limit, cross College, PuUiam, Walnut, Hay- wood, Water, Merrimon ave., Cherry, Chestnut, East, Senior, Hillside. N. PINE— N from College to Baird, cross Woodfin, Chest- nut. N. SPRUCE— N from Col- lege to Woodfin. N. WATER— N from Patton ave to N. Main, cross Pulliam, Walnut, W. Woodfin. OAK— N from College to Woodfin. ORANGE— E from Merri- man ave., to Bridge. PARK — N from Hill to Campbell's addition. PATTON AVE— West from Public Square at Main st. to Haywood, cross Water,Church, Haywood, Bailey, Grove, French Broad ave.. Depot. PEARSON AVE.— N from Depot to Haywood. PENLEY— N from Walnut to W. Woodfin. PHILLIP— W from Bailey to S. French Broad tive., cross Grove. PUBLIC SQUARE— E from N Main st., thence W to S Main. PULLIAM-Wfrom N Main to Woodfin, cross N Water. RAILRO'D AVE.— N from Depot to Haywood parallel with Railroad. RA^'- S from Eagle to S Beaumont st. RESERVOIR— S from Sun- set Drive to Beaumont, cross College. SENEY— N from N Main. SHORT.— W from Cherry. SONDLEY— W from Cherry to corporate limit. SORRELL— S from S Beau- mont to Atkin. S. BEAUMONT — E from Valley to Reservoir. S. DEPOT— E from S Main to W. N. C. R. R. Depot, cross F. B. ave. S. FRENCH BROAD AVE — S from Patton ave. to S De- pot St., cross Phillip, Ware. S. MAIN— S from Pubhc Square to corporate limit, cross Eagle, Willow, Atkin, Church, S Depot, Valley. S. PINE— S from College to AsHEViLLE City Directory. 2T S Beaumont, cross N Beaumont, Hildebrand, Mountain, Eagle, Hazzard. S. SPRUCE— S from Col- lege to Eagle. S. WATER— S from Patton ave. to Willow. SPRING — W from Hay wood to Haywood at Melk's. SUNSET DRIVE— N from Baird to corporate limit. VALLEY— S from College to S Main, cross N Beaumont, Eagle, Atkin. WALNUT— W from N Main to Haywood, cross N Water. WEST— N from N Main. WILLOW— W from S Main to Church, cross S Water. WOODFIN-E from N Main to N Pine, cross N Spruce, Bridge, Oak, Charlotte, Locust. W. WOODFIN— W from N Main to Flint, cross N. Water, Penley st. ZION— S from Mountain to Hazzard, cross Clemmons. 28 AsHEviLLK City Directory. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DIRECTORY. agt agent asst assistant atty attorney ave avenue AFC .... Asheville Female College AFF . .Asheville Furniture Factory AM A Asheville Military Academy B of A Bank of Asheville barkpr barkeeper bds boards bkpr bookkeeper bldng building blks blacksmith c colored carp carpenter ch church elk clerk CO company cond conductor c h court house ct court dep deputy E east eng engineer gard gardener ins insurance June junction lab laborer mach machinist mkr maker manfr manufacturer mnfg manufacturing mngr manager N north ne northeast o c out of corporation Pat ave Fatton avenue pass passenger P O postoffice photog photographer phys physician pres president prin principal prof professor propr proprietor pub sqr public square res residence R R Railroad s e southeast sec secretary st street supt superintendent tel opr telegraph operator tkt ticket treas treasurer W west vv^ks vvrorks AsHEviLLE City Directory. 29 1865 1887 E. J. ASTON 'S Insurance Agency, aSHEVILLE, N. C. Representing the Following Companies: ASSETS. Liverpool & London & Globe (U. S. Branch) $6,639,781 North British and Mercantile, " " 3-.'^78>754 Commercial Union, " '' 2,596,314 Royal, " " 4'S30,i32 Northern Assurance, " " 1,388,677 New York Home 7,802,7 13 Georgia Home 745,300 PhcEnix, Hartford 4,709,929 Hartford, " 5,055,946 y^tna, " 9,568,840 Germania, " 3,500,774 Underwriters' Agency 3'^59'-^35 Insurance Company of North America 8,474,353 Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,445,576 Phoenix, Brooklyn 513S3, 1 72 Springfield Fire and Marine 3,044.915 Travelers, Hartford 8,500,000 $82,734,309 Uo- 5 JLSTOIT X^X-ACB. -^r:L37" KCoijLse, -^^fter IBeirLgr Painted ^irith our ■■' JO X Proves witbiu 12 months not !!iatis llll I \# On MOinTO factory Tvill be Re- painted at our exp IWI IA|j|l PQIIIIo «n^« 'witlisuclii ma- terial as oTrner ma. ■ ■■■#» **Vi I t«llll.^#^ y select. BB.A.iaiDE3^, T^J^lSr:E^Xl<T & CO 30 AsHEviLLK City Directory. LPHABETICAL # llRECTORY, OF ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. 1887. A Abbott Joe, gaid, res Melke ave Abbott A A Mrs, res Melke ave Abbott C M Miss, res Melke ave Abbott R P, res Melke ave Adams Geo F, policeman, bds 46 N Main Adams Chas S, res 91 Hill st Adams Mary E Mrs, res 91 Hill st Adams Louella, res 91 Hill st Adams Bertha M, res 91 Hill st Adams Etta J, res 91 Hill st Adams Netta A, res 91 Hill st Adams C K, Agt S Improvement Co, bds 453 Depot Adams y S, carp, res 11 S Pub Sqr Adams Elizabeth, c, laundress, res 18 Eagle Adams Alfred, c, lab, res 18 Eagle Adams Mary, c, res 18 Eagle Adams Daniel D, brickmason, res 384 Hayw^ood Adams Daniel D, Mrs, res 384 Haywood Adams J S, lawyer, 13 S Pub Sqr, res 41 Spruce FOR EVENING READING QO TO Morgan's Book Store Ask Your ISeigHbor Ho^w tliey Wear, THE BAY STATE CELEBRATED "CABLE WIRE" Dnnf q ft h 6 S , 3t BK ARDEIV, R ANKIX & CO AsHEviLLE City Directory. 31 Adams J S, Mrs, res 41 vSpruce Adams Jno S, res 41 Spruce Adams Susie S, res 41 Spruce Adams Julia G, res 41 Spruce Adams Joe L, res 41 Spruce Adams W M, policeman, res 46 N Main Addy W J, contractor, bds 78 Depot Adkins Wm, painter, res 94 Church Adkins Sarah Mrs, res 94 Church Adkins Margaret, res 94 Church Adkins Thos A, res 21 S Spruce Aiken Wm, barkpr, 33 S ISIain, bds Academy Aiken Will, printer, 13 Pat ave, 30 N Water Aiken Pink, c, waiter, 21 Pat ave Aiken Louvenia, c, laundress, 194 vS Beaumont Aiken Minnie, c, 194 S Beaumont Akers W D Rev, local minister, res Garrett ave (O C) Akers J R Mrs, res Garrett ave (O C) Akers Lewis R, res Garrett ave (O C) Akers D wight C, res Garrett ave (O C) Akers Hellen C, res Garrett ave (O C) Akers N C, Garrett ave (O C) Albright Louis, c, res 64 Academy Alexander J M, merchant, 4 N Pub Sqr, res 36:5 S Main Alexander Dora Mrs, res 36^ S Main Alexander Wyatt, bds 365 S Main Alexander Louise, bds 365 S Main Alexander May, bds 365 S Main Alexander Earnest, bds 36:; S Main Alexander Edith, bds 365 S Main Alexander Bays, bds 365 S Main Alexander George, c, pressman, 13 Pat ave, bds S Main Alexander Charles, c, lab, bds 55 Depot IHe'WSpaperS From an largre cities of tbe United States, IMlSteMORGANTc!^ 32 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Alexandei- K Mrs, bds 34 Bailey Alexander Clyde, bds 24 Bailey Alexander Gail, bds 24 Bailey Alexander Ruth, bds 24 Bailey Alexander Frank, c, carp, res 50 N Beaumont Alexander Kate Mrs, c, res 50 N Beaumont Alexander Laura, c, res 33 N Beaumont Alexander F Miss, student AFC Alexander Lou, c, cook, [73 Haywood Alexander ^^lark, carp. Bat Park Alexander Jordan, c, drayman, res 33 Pine Alexander Jane, c, laundress, res 33 Pine Alexander Amanda, c, laundress, 342 Haywood Alexander B, 342 Haywood Alexander Joe, c, lab, bds 288 S Beaumont Alexander L Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Allen Angeline Mrs, c, laundress, 8 Sorrell Allen Wm, atP H (O C) Allen Jane, at P H (O C) Allen Margaret at P H (O C) Allen S A Miss, 185 Pat ave Allison Jennie, c, 20 Woodfin Allison John, c, gardner, 20 Woodfin Allison William, carp, bds 365 Haywood Allison B, laundress, 35 Hill Allston Arthur, c, 82 Valley Amiss J Taylor, elk, 9 N Main, res 95 Bailey Amiss J Taylor Mrs, 95 Bailey Anderson Andrew, c, servt, Bat Park Anderson Mattie, c, 86 Pine Anderson Caroline, c, 86 Pine Anderson Thomas, c, servt, c^o Grove Armstrong Wm, c, driver, 45 S Main, res 170 Valley Armstrong E J, carp, 157 Charlotte Rosedale Cement, Portland Cement, Calcined Plaster and Lime. BEARDEN, RANKIN KO. AsHEviLLE City Directory 33 WE WANT TO DO YOUR PRINTING WE WILL DO IT PROMPTLY. WE WILL DO IT CHEAPLY. WE WILL DO IT WELL. RANDOI.PH & HUNX, No. 2 N. PUBLIC So . (OlcL S^e3.-woocL B-u.ll(a.iM.g:.) H. S. GREER, 28 N. MAIN ST., — DEALER IN GrocerlBS, Coitry Proiliice, Goictioirles, k All Goods sold at Lowest Cash Prices. Give me a trial order. SB ItT. ^s/^a^irL St. TWO DOORS BELOW ASHEVILLE BANK, 55 S. l^^^^X J^ S T, Bay State Boots and Shoes. Saeller, Lewin & Co.'s fine Shoes, in Ladies' and Men's wear. Longmans & Martinez' celebrated Mixed Paints, in all colors. Wliite Lead, Oils, Varnishes and Window Glass, Plastering, Hair, Hardware, Hydraulic Cements, Calcined Plaster. Staple Dry Goods. Upper and Sole Leather, &c., &c. All bills payable in tliirty days. W D. JUSTICE, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, Contractor and Builder. All Repairing a Specialty. ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, PERFUMERIES, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, >. C. 34 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Armstrong Florence Mrs, 157 Charlotte Armstrong M Miss, 157 Charlotte Armstrong R P, 157 Charlotte Armstrong W J, 157 Charlotte Armstrong L, 157 Charlotte Armstead John, c, shoemaker, 2 Eagle, res 129 Valley Armstead Rena Mrs, 129 Valley Armstead Henry, 129 Valley Asheville Club, 49 S Main, over B of A Asheville Cemetery, Cemetery st Ashley P Mrs, cook, 24 Davidson ASTON E J, Mayor and Ins Agt, rear 18 S Main, res 57 Church Aston E J Mrs, res 1^7 Church Aston J G, surveyor, rear 18 S Main, bds c;7 Church Aston A C Miss, bds 57 Church Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk n S G Mrs, dressmaker, res 146 S Main n G E, bds 146 S Main n Hattie, bds 146 S Main n T W, tinner, bds 146 S Main n Otho, bds 146 S Main ns W J, elk, 29 S Main, bds 29 S Main ATKINS B E, Atkins & Carrington, coal dealers, 6 N Pub Sqr, res 128 College Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk ns B E Mrs, res 128 College ns E D, bds 128 College ns J N, bds 128 College ns M F, bds 128 College ns L J, bds 128 College ns James Jr Rev, Pres A F College, res 59 Oak ns Ella Mrs, 59 Oak ns Mary L, 59 Oak ns Love B, 59 Oak ns J R, 59 Oak ns S A Mrs, 59 Oak Men's, Youth's and Boys' Fine Cloth- ing, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 35 T. M. DeVAULT, DEALER IN MUSICAL msmvMMwm -AND- LAMP GOODS. Agents for the AMERICAN STUDENT LAMP, the best and safest Lamp in the world for house use. ZACHARY &, ZACHARY, -DEALERS IN- BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, &G. No. 12 S. PUBLIC Sqr. [[^p^Fresh Meat delivered promptly to customers in all parts of the city. Proprietors of the BEST MARKET ia the City. FANCY _ O-OOIDS, ^ Morgan'sBookStore 36 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Atkins Sarah Mrs, housekpr, Garrett ave, O C ATKINS & CARRINGTON, Coal Dealers, 6 N Pub Sqr : BUY THE BEST: Jellieo and Anthracite Coal -FROM- ATKINS & CARRIN&TDN. Atkinson Natt, Real Estate, 9 N Main, res S F B ave Atkinson H M Mrs, res F B ave Atkinson Natt B Jr, res F B ave Atkinson N Mrs, res F B ave Atkinson E B, res F B ave Atkinson Chas B, bds F B ave Atkinson Mary R, bds F B ave Atkinson Hugh H, bds F B ave Atkinson P G, bds F B ave Atkinson Emma J, bds F B ave Atkinson Lillie D, bds F B ave Atkinson P V, bds F B ave Atkinson Edith, bds F B ave Atkinson Charlotte B, bds F B ave Austin Fletcher, carp, 95 East Austin Mary Mrs, 95 East Austin Barbara, 95 East Austin Frank, c, blacksmith, Willow, res 91 Gudger Austin Dollie Mrs, c, 91 Gudger Austin Henry, c, lab, bds 91 Gudger Austin Annie, c, bds 91 Gudger Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or Xig:lit, at GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Drug: Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHE;vii^I.E, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 37 PHILLIP J. BROWN, PRACTICAL All kinds of repair work done on short notice. Shop in rear of No. 21 Public Sqr. Fashionable Dressmaker. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LATEST STYLES MADE. Prepared to do Work Promptly. No. 42 S. MAIN ST. (Up Stairs.) Mrs. Trenholm, 67 COLLEGE ST. Having taken CoL Davidson's house, Mrs. Trenholm is prepared to receive boarders. Table boarders also desired. J. 8. MOSSELLER, Gun and Loch-Smifh. Musical Instruments repaired, and general job work done promptly. 21 SOUTH MAIN ST., Asheville, N. C. H.LLANG DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SilTer-ware Clocks Optical Goods, &c. 18 MAIN ST. ' REPARINQ AND ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY. 38 AsHEViLLE City Directory Avery J H, res 32 S Depot Avery Jennie Mis, res 32 S Depot Avery George, res 32 S Depot Avery Charles, res 32 S Depot Avery W W Prop A F F, bds F B Hotel Avery Lucinda, c, laundress, 40 Eagle Avery Hannah, c, cook, 159 Merrimon ave Avery Rolen, c, 6 Madison ave Avery T Mrs, c, 6 Madison ave Avery James, c, lab, bds Courtland ave Avery Lizzie, c, cook, 17 Charlotte Avery Emma, c, cook, 17 Charlotte Avery Frank, c, lab, bds 6 Madison ave B Bablers Julia, bds 112 Patton ave BafF Harry, c, lab, res Campbell Addition Baff A B Mrs, c, res Campbell Addition Badget Dennis, c, waiter, Battery Park Hotel Bailey Nelson, c, lab, res 3 Mountain Bailey Nancy Mrs, c, res 3 Mountain Bailey Addie, c, cook, 24 Grove, bds 24 Grove Bailey Wm, c, whitewasher, res 24 Brick Bailey Paul, c, poolroom, rear 34 S Main, res 26 Aston Bailey James, c, res 23 McDowell ave Bailey R Mrs, c, res 23 McDowell ave Bailey James Jr, c, brickmason, res rear 23 McDowell ave Bailey Ella Mrs, c, res rear 23 McDowell ave Bailey Julia, c, cook, 77 N Main, res 18 Ray Bailey Stella, c, laundress, res 18 Ray Bailey Laura, c, res 109 S Beaumont Bailey Amison, c, bds 109 S Beaumont Bailey Jones, c, res near poor house 20 BUTTON, Ladies' '' Dongola'' Shoe at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 39 GRAHAM, GRAVES & CO., -SUCCESSORS TO- C E. GRAHAM & CO, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS -A N D- NOTIONS, -A ND- 3^^fL.nsr TJ i^-iL. OT i:j:k iBiKS -OF- SHOES, No. 37 PATTON AVE. PLUMBING, ROOFING AND W.R.Bearden&Co. STOVES, TINWARE &C. 39 south Main street. ' GUTTERING. 40 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Bailey Maria Mrs, c, res near poor house Bailey Fannie, c, res near poor house Bailey Viney, c, laundress, res 24 Eagle Bailey Lee, c, hostler, res 24 Eagle Bailey Maria, c, res 24 Eagle Bailey Vina, c, cook, bds 70 Bailey Bailus H L, c, gard, bds 173 Haywood Baird Emma Mrs, res 178 Charlotte Baird Cornero, bds 178 Charlotte Baird Adolphus, bds 178 Charlotte Baird W B, dep elk sup ct, res 350 Haywood Baird A C, Mrs, res 350 Haywood BAIRD J C, grocer. 1 1 Pat ave, res 113 College Baird J E Mrs, res 113 College Baird James E, res 113 College Baird James A, elk postoffice, res 54 Bridge Baird D E, elk, 37 N Main, res N Pine Baird John, c, lab, res 33 N Beaumont Baird Lee, c, gard, res rear Charlotte Baird William, c, lab, res 3 Mountain Baird Zeb, elk. Main, res 178 Charlotte Baird Charles, c, porter, 69 S Main, res 69 S Main Baird Hester, c, cook, bds College Baird L T Mrs, res 136 Broad Baird Mary Mrs, c, res rear 245 Charlotte Baird Emma, e, res rear 245 Charlotte Baird Hattie, e, res rear 245 Charlotte Baird Elisha, elk, 39 N Main, res 35 Pine Baird H Mrs, res 35 Pine Baird Mary, res 35 Pine ( Baird Edward, bds 35 Pine Baird Lee, c, cook, bds 95 Pine Baird H M, res 54 Bridge ALL KINDS OF GAMES AT- J. I. MOR&M & GO'S. K. D. WHITTLE. .7. M. WHITTLE, ■^^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IANDFACT0EEE8 ALL KINDS trunkshSample cases, Carry the Largest and Most Complete Line of Trunks of Any House in the South. Special Orders are solicited, and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. A Liberal Discount to Merchants. Catalogue and Price List Free. 259 GAY St KNOXVILLE TRUNK CO. iriT02IVlXL.B, - TSITITBSSEE 259 GAY St. JAS, H. LOUGHRAN ffi PROPRIETOR OF THE- White Man's Bar, -DEALER IN- FINE WIS, LIOUOIIS,BRANDIEUc Kagle Block:, No. 46 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 41 A. B. WARE, TTiTtiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiLiiiriiiii ii titlllllllll l l ll llllllllllll l tril l lll l jIli ni ErTTTTrMiiiiiiiiiiiimiinml rm iiimiiiiiii iii iiniiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiniimiii iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiii iiiiy Office, No. 5 S. Main St. FILLINGS AND PLATES A SPECIALTY. GOOD WORK AND FAIR PRICES ALWAYS. Geo. Tilson, DEALER IN Pine Grocenes and Country Pfoduce. LAKGE STOCK! LOWEST PEICES! Prompt Attention. Groods Delivered. And do just what I say above ; what more can you ask? HAY VV OOD S 1 .^ BELOW BUTTERICK'S. CHAS. A. MOORE, Late of llcSload * Usoro. P. A. CUMMINGS. litte Dopt. Clork V. 3. Ciieuit Court. REFER TO ALL THE BANKS IN THE CITY. MOORE & CUMmiNGSy {Successors to McLoud & Moore), ATT0ENE7S AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ASHEVII^I^H, N. C. Practice In the United States Circuit and District Courts at Asheville, Statesville, Charlotte and Greenaboro; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the 10th and 12th Judicial Dletrlcts of the State of North Carolina. Special attention giTen to the collection of claime. Office, 15 South Court Square, Xieg:al Row. MORGAN & CO.— Keeps Croquet and Hammocks. 42 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Baird A H, rev col, res 54 Bridge Baird I Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Baird Annie, c, res 134 S Pine Baird Mary, c, res 82 Valley Baird Vickey Miss, "Boarding," res 36 S Main Baird E P, "Boarding," res 36 S Main Baird Robert, res near poor house, o c Baird Lizzie, c, bds 68 Woodfin Baker H D, drayman, res 12 Sondley Baker M L A, bds 12 Sondley Baker John A, bds 12 Sondley Baker Mary L, bds 12 Sondley Baker Wm A, bds 12 Sondley Baker John L, carp, bds 142 Pearson ave Baker Mrs, bds 72 Charlotte Ball Lula, bds 430 N Main Ball Joseph, cook, bds 24 Patton ave Ballard Albert, res 174 Haywood Ballard C F Mrs, res 174 Haywood Ballard A M Dr, physician, 8 N Pub Sqr, bds 174 Haywood Ballard Waldo H, mdse, 11 S Main, bds 174 Haywood Ballard Wm C, mdse, 11 S Main, bds 174 Haywood Ballard Wallace, bds 174 Haywood Ballard Ella Miss, bds 174 Haywood Ballew J R, wks at railroad, res 132 Pearson ave Ballew M J Mrs, res 132 Pearson ave Ballew Wm R, res 132 Pearson ave Ballew A M, 19 Patton ave, bds 21 Patton ave Ballew W F, carp, res 277 S Main Ballew K L Mrs, res 277 S Main Ballew J M, lab, bds 277 S Main Bamberger Julius, steward Battery Park Hotel Banks M A, res 39 Charlotte Banks H B, res 39 Charlotte Buttons and Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing, at Levy^Sf No. 19 Main Street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 43 PLUM LEV THE BARBER, Will give you as fine a Shave or Hair-cut as you can get anywhere. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN ONLY EMPLOYED. Everybody knows Plum to be THE BARBER of Asheville PATRONIZED BY "BILL NYE." DfficB, S. Main St., - AsliEvillG, N. G. PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS. Claivis Collected and Titles hivestigated. J. C. Brown & Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 25 PATTON AVENUE. ■:o: Always an excellent line of Patterns on hand. Fit wi Worloiiaisi First-Class. ENGLISH-MADE TROUSERS A SPECIALTY. Hxamitie our Stock of LADlES' FINE SHOES AND SHOE POLISH, BEAROEN, RAIVKIN & CO. 44 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Banks Wm M, res 39 Charlotte Banks Mary E, res 39 Charlotte Barber John, c, lab at railroad, bds 106 Pearson ave Barber J Z, auctioneer, res 511 Haywood Barber Wm, res 511 Haywood Barber Minnie, res 511 Haywood Barber Nila, res 51 1 Haywood Barber John, res 511 Haywood Barber J T, elk, 102 Patton ave, bds 511 Haywood Barber W W, elk, 102 Patton ave, bds 511 Haywood Barnard B F, tobacconist, res 18S Woodfin Barnard A E Mrs, res 188 Woodfin Barnard E S, res 188 Woodfin Barnard M A, res 188 Woodfin Barnard W W banker, i6 S Main, res 48 N Spruce Barnard C J Mrs, res 48 N Spruce Barnard J D, res 37 S Spruce Barnard A M Mrs, res 37 S Spruce Barnett Jacob, c, gard, res 42 N Main Barnett A Mrs, dressmaker, res 42 N Main Barnett John E, res 42 N Main Barnett J D, liveryman, 24 Eagle, res 37 Eagle Barnett John S, blksmh, 81 S Main, res 247 College Barnett Fred, res 270 S Main Barnett Wm, res 270 S Main Barrett Lizzie, c, laundress, 186 Patton ave Barrett Joseph R, lumberman, on W N C R R Bartlett A C, carp, res 179 S Main Bartlelt V W Mrs, res 179 S Main Bartlett S C Miss, res 179 S Main Bartlett Grace, res 179 S Main Bartlett R, c, cook, bds 78 Bailey Bartrum Mary, c, servt. Battery Park Hotel Bass Thos, tobacconist, res 35 N Spruce BASE BALL and LA WN TENNIS Shoes at M, Levy's^ No, 19 Main Street. AsHEViLLE City Directory 45 J. L. L, BLAdLE^ 90 ^^ 92 JPATTOW Ave.. ille, W, C, Table supplied with the BEST the market affords when in season. CONVENIENT TO BUSINESS. — HARDWARE Headquarters for Builders' Hardware, Nails, Iron, Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths' Tools, Wagon and Buggy Material, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Guns, Pistols and Cartridges, Cider and Cane Mills, Feed-Cutters, Corn-Shellers, Grain Cradles and Scythes; Plows, in a great variety; Cultivators and Harrows, Barb Wire and New Home Sewing Machines. Mowers, Reapers. Horse Rakes and Threshing Ma- chines, Steam Engines, Saw Mills and Belting. Farm Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buggies, Car- riages, &c. YAN &ILDEE & BEOWlf, ASHBVII.LE, IS. C. Dress Suits, English Worsted and Cork- screw, Cutatvay and Prince Alberts at M. Levy's No. 19 Maiw st. 46 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Bass Mamie, res 35 N Spruce Bass R, bds 150 Pearson ave Bass R Mrs bds 150 Pearson ave Bass R A, mdse, 14 Patton ave, bds 14 Patton ave. Bast R H, elk, 37 Patton ave, bds 35 Spruce Bast Albert, c, lab, res Courtland ave Bast Mattie Mrs, c, res Courtland ave Baterham Annie, nurse bds 340 College Battle Dr S W, phys, 24 S Main, bds Battery Park Hotel Battle S W Mrs, bds Battery Park Hotel Baxter Creasey, c, res 86 S Pine Baxter Susan, c, laundress, res 85 S Beaumont Baxter Lula, c, res 85 S Beaumont Bays W W Rev, pastor M E Ch S, res 33 Willow Bays W W Mrs, res 33 Willow- Bays Mamie, res 33 Willow Bays William, res 33 Willow Bean William, bds 150 Pearson ave Bean J R, res 466 Haywood Bean A Mrs, res 466 Haywood Bean Hugh res 466 Haywood Bean Carrie, res 466 Haywood Bean Allen, res 466 Haywood Bean Mamie, res 466 Haywood Bean Pink, c, res 134 Bailey BEARDEN M J, gen mdse, 55 S Main, res 235 N Main Bearden W L Mrs, bds 31 S Main Bearden Mamie, bds 235 N Main Bearden Eugene, bds 235 N Main BEARDEN W R, stoves and tinware, 39 S Main, res 163 College Bearden C M Mrs, res 163 College Bearden Rankin, res 163 College Beaulow Mack, c, gard, 73 Haywood Beatty, L, c, hostler, 117 S Main Large stock of Miscellaneous Books at MORGAX & CO'S. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 47 FOR STATIONERY, NEW3, CHEAP BOOKS, Lovell's, and other Libraries; also MAGAZIIKES AND DAILY PAPERS, GO TO CARSON'S STATIONERY and NEWS STORE . MELVi:^ E. OAKTER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Western North Carolina. Claifns collected in all parts of the State. T. 0". STJnynsTHlK^ DEALER IN AND FrBsli Fisli, Dysters and Ice w^liGn In Seasani My Motto: Good Quality and Honest Quantity. ..^SZXSSTT'IXjXjiE:^ INT. O. DEALER IN Dry Goodsy Notions^ GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. dbcj^lo^s, ^oofFS, s:s:<3£3S, LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS. FZSXZZXTG TiLCZZZ^S IL BT'nGlJSLJJTT. At No. 19 Main st. You will Find the Largest Stock of Clothing in Western North Carolina. M. LEVYVProprietor. 48 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Bechestaffr Ella, bds Main Bechestaffr Zeta, chamber maid, bds Main Bechestaffr Louise, laundress, bds Main Bedingfield B F, jeweler, bds 86 Cherry Bell Maud, seamstress, res 68 Valley Bell Thad, res 70 Seney Bell S Mrs, res 70 Seney / Belote V F, plasterer, res 333 S Main Belote K Mrs, res 333 S Main Belote Tracy Miss, res 333 S Main Belote Lillie Miss, 333 S Main Belote George, res 333 S Main Belote Maggie, res 333 S Main Belmore Burton, c, tobacco roller, res 81 Eagle Belmore Jane, c, res 81 Eagle Belmore Mena, c, bds 81 Eagle Belon M C, c, stone mason, res 265 Mountain Belon Jane Mrs, c, res 265 Mountain Benedict A, painter, bds 362 Haywood BENJAMIN CHARLES, boarding, res 61 Bridge Benjamin L Mrs, res 61 Bridge Benjamin M Miss, res 61 Bridge Benjamin Murrell, res 61 Bridge Bennett Hattie, c, cook, bds 38 Bailey Benson Henry, c, cook, bds 142 Pearson ave Benson Henry, c, lab, res 60 Sondley Best W, c, lab, res 31 Maiden Lane Best Nillie, c, res 31 Maiden Lane Best James, c, res 31 Maiden Lane Berry John, butcher, 43 Patton ave Berry John, carpenter, 46 S French Broad ave Berry John, Jr, 46 S French Broad ave Berry L Mrs, 46 S French Broad ave Berry Meven, 46 S French Broad ave For OFFICE STATIONERY and BLANK BOOKS, Goto MORGAN & GO'S. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 49 French Broad Hotel, A. G. Halliburton, Prop r. This Hotel is located within one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad Depot, and next to the offices of the Superintendent and General Freight Agent of the W. N. C. R. R. GOOD FARE, COMFORTABLE ROOMS, ON REASONABLE TERMS. A FIRST-CLASS BAR Is attached, where will be found at all times the best brands of Lqiicrs» Wines, Brandies, Cigars and Tobacco. Good plank Walk to City. Telephone connection with Uptown. JOHNSTONE JONES, NO. 8 PUBLIC SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. -^m — * ^ Practices in all the Courts of Western North Carolina 11 PATTON AVEiNUE, Asheville, N. C. They have a splendid assortment, and will keep constantly on hand the best grades of IFetnciil-sr CBrroceries, Bacon. Salt. Flour, Meal, DRY GCODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AHD SHOES, UUEEIMSWARE, CItOCKERY, LAIUP OOODS, GRAIN, FEED, HAY, Everything in a first-class Generf>l Merchandise Store. Our Prices are as low as the lowpst. strict ly for cas^h. Good Country Produce always taken. 11 PATTON AVENUE, Asheville, N. C. PRINTS, CINCH AMS, DOMESTICS^ DRESS COODS, NOTIONS, HATS at— BEARDE]V, RANKIN & CO. 50 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Berry Lucy Mrs, c, res 60 Sondley Berry Mattie, res 60 Sondley Bingham R Miss, bds 156 Patton ave Bishop Luther, lab, bds 335 N Main Bishop Lottie, res 146 Beaumont Bishop J J, res 452 S Depot Bishop L A Mrs, res 453 S Depot Bishop Hugh, res 452 S Depot Bishop James A, res 452 S Depot Bishop T E, res 4^2 S Depot Black James, c, lab, res 85 West Black George, c, res 125 Charlotte Black Anderson, c, carpenter, res 539 Haywood Black Ellen Mrs, c, 539 Haywood Blackwell Alexander, c, serv't, 49 Grove, res 44 Grove Blackwelder William, bds 127 Haywood Blackwood J B, carp, bds 79 Academy BLAIR WM A, furniture, 37 Patton ave, res 124 Woodfin Blair L A Mrs, res 124 Woodfin Blair L E, res 124 Woodfin Blair J T, agt depot, res 90 Depot Blair M E Mrs, res 90 Depot Blair Annie L, res 90 Depot Blair Florence, res 90 Depot Blair J M, bds 132 Church BLAIR W P, prop'r Carolina House, 26 N Main Blair A J, res 31 Penland Blair A E Mrs, res 31 Penland Blanchard Lida, res 456 N Main Blanchard Callie, res 456 N Main Blanchard S Miss, res 456 N Main BLANTON W P, gen mdse, 1 1 N Main, res 46 Libby Blanton Minnie Mrs, res 46 Libby BASE BALL and LA WN TENNIS Shoes at M. Levy^s, No. 19 Main Street, ASHEVILLE GiTY DIRECTORY. 51 OEVILLEJWFEfllCOMPM AND trP^TOWN TICKET OFPICE. ISTo. 50 S. IMZ-A-IIET St., (EAGLE BLOCK.) RAILWAY TICKETS S ALL POINTS. Baggage Checked Through from Hotel or Residence to Destination. Passengers and Baggage called for and delivered with promptness and dispatch. c^Full Livery Service.4^ GONNEGTIONS WITH TRANSFER GO., TELEPHONE NO. 7. A. J. LYMAN, [Kembor of the Matlostl Aiiocittloa o{ Seal Iit»t« Deilttt, V. S. A.] Real Estate and Loan Broker. OfBce in Court House Building, A«heville, N. C. 52 AsHKViLLE City Directory. Blanton C D, gen mdse, ii N Main, bds ii N Main Blanton J D, gen mdse, 1 1 N Main, res o c Blaray T, res 226 Charlotte Blaray B Mrs, res 226 Charlotte Blaray William, res 226 Charlotte Blaray Mary, res 226 Charlotte Blaray Ella, res 226 Charlotte Blaray Amelia, res 226 Charlotte Blaray Etta, res 226 Charlotte Blazer J H, lab, res 124 Hill Blazer Lizzie Mrs, res 124 Hill Bobough Kinzey Mrs, c, res 128 Church Bogle James, c, bds 52 College Boise Frank, c, waiter, res 61 Pine Boise Mollie, Mrs, c, res 6i Pine Boise Arthur, c, res 61 Pine Bollinger R C, tailor, 42 N Main, res 91 Woodfin Bollinger M E Mrs, res 91 Woodfin Bollinger Hattie, c, cook, bds 90 Depot Boiling J T, c, lab, bds 64 Grove Bones Mathers, traider, res 61 Bridge Bones Elizabeth Mrs, res 61 Bridge Bones Mary, res 61 Bridge Bones Kate, res 61 Bridge Bones Cora, 61 Bridge Bonnett Addie, c, 42 Haywood Borden Smith, 135 Valley Bost Albert, c, lab, res Courtland addition Bost Mattie Mrs, c, res Courtland addition Bost Beatrice, c, res Courtland addition Bostick Richard, c, lab, res 82 Valley Bowen Robert, c, nurse, bds 31 Grove Bowen Mark, painter, bds 9 Pulliam ' Bowen Fred, carp, res near Depot Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Da^ or rXigbt, at GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Drug Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHEVII^I^H, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 53 MILLSTONES. The undersigned has bought the well- known Rowan County Millstone Quarry of E, E. Phillips, deceased, and will con- tinue to supply the public demand for Millstones from this celebrated grit, so well known throughout this country for its superiority for Millstones. All kinds of Granite Work, Monu- ments, &c., done on short notice. Address, J. T. WYATT, SalisTo-a.r37-, 3iT- O. p. O. Box I40. PROPRIETOR OF Carolina House, Carriage to meet every train. Table supplied with everything the market affords, when in season. BoAW FROM $1.00 TO $1.50 Per Day. Large number of rooms on first floor. Pleasant location and convenient to city. Large Lawn. WOODCOCK'S ^West End Pharmacy, 268 Patton Ave., Belo^v Depot st. 54 AsHEViLLK City Directory. Bowen Alf, c, lab, res 35 Haywood Bowles R E, contractor, res 362 Haywood Bowles R E Mrs, res 362 Haywood Bowles H P, res 362 Haywood Bowley Samuel, c, lab, res 57 Cherry Bowley M Mrs, c, res 57 Cherry Bowling John, tobacconist, bds 24 Grove Boyce Mitchell, c, driver, res 387 Charlotte Boyce C Mrs, c, res 387 Charlotte Boyce W A, plumber, 8 S Water, res 95 College Boyce S A Mrs, res 95 College Boyd M Mrs, matron poor house, o c Boyd Robert, res poor house o c Boyd Mary, c, res near 35 S Main Boyden L, c, lab, res 327 Haywood Boyden G W, c, res 327 Haywood Boyden William, c, res 327 Haywood Boys Emma, c, laundress, res 40 Madison ave Brackton William, c, res 12 Academy Bradley W L, butcher, 45 S Main Bradfield R H, lawyer, res over 78 S Main Bradfield R H, mdse, 4 N Pub Sq, res 36^ S Main Bradford Charles, painter, res 10 Bridge Bradford Mary Mrs, res 10 Bridge Bragg L B Miss, c, teacher, res 255 College Branch S M, carp, A F F, bds 287 Haywood Branch T W mdse, 15 N Main, res 30 Woodfin Branch W Mrs, res 30 Woodfin Branch S A Mrs, res 30 Woodfin Branch W J, elk, res 30 Woodfin Branch P M. res 30 Woodfin Branch E C, res 30 Woodfin Branch L L, res 30 Woodfin Branch Mrs Dr, bds 4 Woodfin J- J±l VV £3XjJsJJtL , Dealer In 27 Pa«on"a".' ' ' Watclies, Clocks, etc., etc. C. COWAN AsHEViLLE City Directory. 55 DENTAL JURGERY. DR. J. G. QUEEN has removed his office to the Y. M. C. A. rooms, on PATTON AVENUE, and offers his professional services to the public. All professional work done with skril and neatness. ATTO R N E Y ^ AT *Ta W, Asheville, N. C Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Collections of claims a specialty. OFFICE, WITH SHERIFF IN CO UR T-HO USE, ^ 16 WILLOW ST., TOBACCO TIEBCES, for SMiil Leaf ToBacco. All orders filled promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. DR, M, H, FLETCHER, PHYSICUH hM STTHGEOK. OFFICE, OVER NO, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. .Residence, Penland Row, Penland St., (Upper corner house, near Banner Warehouse.) W.R.Bearden&Co., ""T"!-™' ' GUTTERING. STOVES, TINWARE &C. 39 south Main street. 56 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Brandon W S, butcher, res 80 S Main Brandon W S Mrs, res 80 S Main Brand X Mrs, res 155 N Main Brand L Mrs, res 133 N Main Brand Jacob, res 133 N Main Brand George, res 133 N Main Brand E C, bds 69 Bailey Brand J Mrs, bds 69 Bailey Branner Joseph A, florist, res 267 College Branner Mary J, res 267 College Brazelton Wm, c, bell boy at Battery Park Hotel Breese, W E, Prest First Bank, res N Main, o c Breese W E Mrs, res N Main, o c Breese W E Jr, res N Main, o c Breese Bessie, res N Main, o c Breese Robert, res N Main, o c Breese Edward, res N Main, o c BREVARD & BLANTON, gen mdse, 11 N Main Brevard J D, gen mdse, 1 1 N Main, res o c Brevard J D Mrs, res o c Bridges J C Mrs, res 150 Chestnut Bridges Mary E, res 150 Chestnut Bridges Silas L, res 150 Chestnut Bridges S E, res 150 Chestnut Bridges Columbus, res 150 Chestnut Bridges Smgleton, res 150 Chestnut Bridges Dillard, res 150 Chestnut Bridges S A, carp, bds 13 S Main Bright R D, cook, bds 129 N Main Bright Ellen res 13 S Main Bright B Miss, student AFC, cor Oak and Woodfin Brigman Bettie, cook, res 316 N Main Britt E H, rockman, res 176 Avery ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, PERFUMERIES. At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pfaarmacj, • ASHEYILLE, X. €► AsHEViLLE City Directory. 5T EXCELSIOR WEST [HP STORE! STRAITS & THOMSOK, GENERAL MERCHANTS and dealers in COUNTRY PRODUCE, Have opened the above store with a full stock of the highest quality, which they offer to cash buyers on the lowest possible terms. General Groceries, Fine Groceries, Pro- visions, Canned Goods; Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes; Flour, Bran and Feed. Fine Calicoes, Cheap Calicoes, Lawns, Ginghams, Worsteds, Cashmeres; Hosiery and Collars; Jeans, Cottonades and Domestic. Notions of all kinds H.GCk><3L-y''TXi.&,c3LG> Olotli.xzi.s- Gentlemen's Fine Suits, Gentlemen's Working Suits; Overalls and Dusters. Great variety of Pants Slxoo IDex^etx*1;zzi.e]3.t. Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gentlemen's Fine Shoes; Strong Shoes and Brogans; Ladies' Strong Shoes ISlCLt A.zi.ca. O^.^ DDex3A.xrtzzi.ei3.t- Gentlemen's Fine Felt Hats, Gentlemen's Wool Hats; Boys' Hats, Caps and Straw Hats. In addition to the above, we carry well-selected assortments of Earthenware, Wooden Ware, Baskets, Brushes, Stationery, Lamps, Per- fumery and Medicines. MODERATE PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS. Oal.1 ctzxd See C^xxx* GVoods. ■■iiiiBiH^BH^^TIie best possible Terms toCasb Buyers.^^— ■■»i^^i-i> Order ANTHARCITE+GOAL from 30 PattonAve. N. W. GIRDWOOD. Telephone 50. 58 AsHEViLLK City Directory. Britt M J Mrs, res 176 Avery Britt George E, res 176 Avery Britt Z B, res 176 Avery Britt Francis, res 176 Avery Brittan Geo, c, butcher, res o c Brittan L Mrs, c, res o c Brittan Sallie, c, cook, bds 134 Pine Brittan Joanna, res o c Brittan Clarisse, res o c Brittan Hattie, res o c Brittan Mary, c, res loi East Brittan Geo C, c, elk, bds 18 West Broadwell Cal, foreman A F F, res 281 Depot Brooks Wilson, elk, 3 Fatton ave, bds 3 Patton ave Brooks Jope, lab, bds 176 Avery Brooks Virginia, cook, 31 S Main, bds same Brooks John, c, driver, 11 S Main, res 46 Pine Brooks Ellen Mrs, c, res 46 Pine Brooks Annie, c, res 46 Pine Brooks Jane, c, res 46 Pine Brooks Johnson, c, res 46 Pine Brooks Vitnia, c, cook, res 42 Woodfin Brooks Nathan c, res 42 Woodfin Brooks Finla, c, res 42 Woodfin Brooks Wm, c, res 46 Pine Brooks Harry, c, res 46 Pine Brookshire J A, elk 19 S Main, res 260 Patton ave Brooten Aaron, c, ast jailer, res 159 S Beaumont Brooten Emma Mrs, c, res 159 S Beaumont • Brooten Hattie, cook, res 69 S Main Brooten Mattie, bds 159 S Beaumont Brooten Ella, res 69 S Main Brooten Pernay, res 69 S Main LUBRICATING, LINSEED OILS, VARNISH, WHITE LE PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY AND HAIR. BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. Alhevillh City Directouy. 59 '^. ^HAVEt^ ':i' R. L. FITZPATRICK "SrOITR HOITSBS- He has a Large Stock of- rASg Which he will hang at reasonable Prices. NO. 24 N. MAIN ST. *^To the Ladies of Asheville, and Visiting Ladies to our city: We desire to call your attention to our enter- prise. We keep on hand a Select Steely oj" navies' G0065, and make them up in the latest styles, for those who buy and desire it. We study the fashion journals before buying our goods, and are therefore enabled to offer you goods in the latest styles, together with Trimming, Millinery, Neck- wear, &c. Special efforts will be made to accommodate visitors in dressmaking. MR. J. L. WILKIE and MRS. C. M. WILLIAMS, Cor. Patton Avenue. NO. 3 CHURCH ST. H.LLANG, DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SilTer^rare Clocks Optical Goods* &c. 18 niAiN ST. ' REPARING AND ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY. 60 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Brooten Wm, res 69 S Main Brooten Hester, res 69 S Main Broughten Hattie, c, cook, 146 S Main, res 87 Beaumont BROWN J C & CO, tailors, 25 Patton ave, up stairs Brown M M, bds 32 Pearson ave Brown J V, undertaker, 16 S Main, res 65 Academy Brown J V Mrs, res 65 Academy Brown H M, elk, 19 S Main, bds 65 Academy Brown Bettie V, elk, 42 S Main, bds 65 Academy Brown M E Miss, teacher, bds 65 Academy Brown T C, mdse, res 19 Academy Brown M E Mrs, res 19 Academy Brown S L, res 19 Academy Brown Thos E, hardware, i6 S Main, res 78 Park ave Brown E W Mrs, res 78 Park ave Brown Augustus, c, res near Haywood Brown George, painter, 13 Willow, bds S Main Brown Dr J AC, phys, res 135 Haywood Brown M E Mrs, res 135 Haywood Brown L L, bds 135 Haywood Brown Mattie M, bds 135 Haywood Brown Jossie, bds 135 Haywood Brown Frank F, mdse, 41 S Main, res 149 Haywood Brown L Mrs, res 149 Haywood Brown Walter, res 149 Haywood Brown George, res 149 Haywood Brown Bessie, res 14c Haywood Brown E L, elk, 15 Patton ave, res 194 College Brown E P, Mrs, res 194 College Brown Mary W, bds 194 College Brown E L, Jr, bds 194 College Brown E F, bds 194 College Brown H C, bds 194 College S. R. KEPLER, For Fine Qroceries, Teas, Htc., Htc, 53 South Main Street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 61 A. J. LYMAN, OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE BUILDING, ASHEVILLE, N. C CONVETANCING A SPECIALTY. Florida Boarding House, iVa 159 Patton Ave., Cor. French Broad Ave. ^ GooD Fare at Reasonable Rates. ^ MR. and MRS. A. H. STOCKTON. G. W. PUREFO Y, M. D., ASHEVILLE, N.C. S c> Office over Carmichael'sDrug Store, 20 S. Main St. Residence, 27 Charlotte St. I. G. BA IRD, in the Davidson House, 112 College St., Cor. Valley. Within three minutes' walk of the Court-house. Twelve or fifteen boarders accommodated with board at reasonable rates. SHOES ARH ^WARR APJXED THAT YOU BUY OF H. L.EVY, ]Vo. 19 Main Street. 62 AsHEviLLB City Directory. Brown H N, bds 194 College Brown W L, res 159 Patton ave Brown Mattie Mrs, res 159 Patton ave Brown L E, res 159 Patton ave Brown S H, A M A, res 103 Academy Bi'own J Miss, servt, bds 433 S Depot BROWN P J, blacksmith, 3i S Pub Sq, res 14 Clayton Brown M B Mrs, res 14 Clayton Brown W E, res 14 Clayton Brown Chas L, 3i S Pub Sq, res 14 Clayton Brown C E, bds 14 Clayton Brown Lucy, bds 14 Clayton Brown Mary, bds 14 Clayton Brown T J, blaksmith, cor Walnut and N Main, res 14 Clayton Brown Mary, laundress, res 44 Walnut Brown Addie, res N Main, o c Brown Hugh, res N Main, o c Brown L V, hardware, 16 S Main, res 52 College Brown W C, elk, 69 S Main, bds same Brown L, tinner, 69 S Main, res 260 Patton ave Brown J S, grocer, 260 Patton ave, res same Brown M A Mrs, res 260 Patton ave Brown Wm H, res 260 Patton ave Brown Mollie Mrs, bds 112 Charlotte Brown T A, waiter, 3 Patton ave, bds same Brown S B, hardware, 16 S Main, res 52 College Brown A N Mrs, res 52 College Brown Thos E, res 52 College Brown Emma, bds 235 N Main Brown E E, photog, 9 Patton ave, res — Spruce Brown B F, rockman, res 481; Haywood Brown Mary Mrs, res 485 Haywood Brown James, bds 485 Haywood Brown John, plasterer, res 9 Pulliam LEVEY, No. 19 Main street, sells the Standard Screw Fastened Shoe. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 63 Who who are thinking of going to housekeeping, wanting oi- needing Furniture of any style or description, cheap or fine, can save money by buying from P. S. McMULLEN, 35 N. MAIN ST., opposite Postoffice. HE KEEPS CHAIRS, all sorts and styles; Tables, Wash- stands, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Cham- ber Suits, Parlor Suits; Din- ing Room Sets — Side- boards, Safes, Kitchen Tables, Extension Tables; Springs of different styles and qualities; Mattresses of different grades; PilloWS, BolsterS. CARPET PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. SHADE GOODS, CORNICE POLES, Moulding for Cornice and for Picture Frames, Moulding for Picture Hanging. Desks and Office Chairs, Hatracks, Towel racks and Splasher racks, and other things too numerous to mention. REMEMBER, THE BEST GOODS FOR THE MONEY CAN BE HAD AT P. S. McMULLEN'S. GOODS EXTRA CHEAP FOR CASH. S. R. K£PLKR, 53 S. Main St. Will Deliver Your RRnGFRIPS *» ^"y P^i*^ ^^ ^i^V- 64 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Brown S M Mrs, res 9 PuUiam Brown James, c, white washer, res 120 Academy Brown Callie, c, res 120 Academy Brown Arthur, c, res 120 Academy Brown Thos, c, res 20 Oak Brown Kate Mrs, c, res 20 Oak Brown David, c, res 15 Madison ave Brown S Mrs, c, seamstress, res 15 Madison ave Brown C M Mrs, c, bds 52 College Brown R Mrs, c, bds 35 Pine Brown H B, c, teacher, bds 98 Pine Brown R Mrs, res 98 Pine Brown Ann, c, cook, 103 S Main, res 147 Valley Brown Malinda, c, res 147 Valley Brown J W, c, waiter, 69 S Main, bds same Brown Ralph, c, lab, res 64 Grove Brown Albert, c, office boy, 58 Main Bronson Jas, at R R, bds 142 Pearson ave Brownson Coleman, tobacconist, res 174 Haywood Brownson C H, tobacconist, 236 Patton ave, res 174 Haywood Broyles J M, res 264 Patton ave Broyles J A Mrs, res 264 Patton ave Broyles Delia, res 264 Patton ave Broyles Lizzie, res 264 Patton ave Broyles Annie, res 264 Patton ave Broyles Hattie, res 264 Patton ave Bruce James, res 9 Pulliam Bruce Mitchell, lab, res 146 Church Bruce Lizzie, Mrs, res 146 Church Bruton J L, A F F, bds 142 Pearson ave Brunges Thos, c, barber, bds 33 N Beaumont Bryan Julius, c, lab, res 151 S Beaumont Bryan Mattie Mrs, c, res 151 S Beaumont Large Stock of PLUSH GOODS and TOYS, at MORGAN'S Bookstore. 30 PATTON AVENUE. - - - TELEPHONE 50. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 65 Bryan Frank, c, lab. res 151 S Beaumont Bryan Samuel, c, lab, res 151 S Beaumont Buchanan J L, res 24 N Main Buchanan C Mrs, res 34 N Main Buchanan Franklin, bds 34 North Main Buchanan Charles, bds 34 N Main Bachanan Bailey, bds 34 N Main Buchanan William, bds 2^ N Main Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVIIvIvK, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved ; farms, mountain, grazing and mineral lands. Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. iDurgiu nariieu, c, cuuk, 1 es ^53 vv luuw Burgin Murphy, c, res 35 Aston Burgin Annie Mrs, c, res 35 Aston Burgin Rufus, c, res 35 Aston Burgin Nellie, c, res 25 Aston Burgin Charles, c, res 35 Aston Burgin Lula c, res 35 Aston Burgin Mattie, c, res 46 Davidson Have your Boots and Shoes repaired at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. 53 S. main St. Will Deliver Your RRnnPRIFS ^(^ ^"y P^^*^ ^f City. 64 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Brown S M Mrs, res 9 PuUiam Brown James, c, whitewasher, res 120 Academy Brown Callie, c, res 120 Academy Brown Arthur, c, res 120 Academy Brown Thos, c, res 20 Oak Brown Kate Mrs, c, res 20 Oak Brown David, c, res 15 Madison ave The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTEp TO DESCRIKING AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, Si.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. . Broyles Hattie, res 264 Patton ave Bruce James, res 9 Pulliam Bruce MitcheU, lab, res 146 Church Bruce Lizzie, Mrs, res 146 Church Bruton J L, A F F, bds 142 Pearson ave Brunges Thos, c, barber, bds 33 N Beaumont Bryan Juhus, c, lab, res 151 S Beaumont Bryan Mattie Mrs, c, res 151 S Beaumont Large Stock of PLUSH GOODS and TOYS, at MORGAN'S Bookstore. ^Jellico Coah ^ ™T^««"' 30 PATTON AVENUE. - - - TELEPHONE 50. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 65 Bryan Frank, c, lab. res 151 S Beaumont Bryan Samuel, c, lab, res 151 S Beaumont Buchanan J L, res 24 N Main Buchanan C Mrs, res 34 N Main Buchanan Franklin, bds 34 North Main Buchanan Charles, bds 34 N Main Bachanan Bailey, bds 34 N Main Buchanan William, bds 24 N Main Buchanan Wiley, bds 24 N Main Buchanan Noah, bds 34 N Main Buchanan S E Mrs, res 370 S Main Buchanan Fred, res 370 S Main Buchanan Georgie, res 370 S Main Buckhart Jacob, c, res 96 Davidson ^ Buell D H Dr, minister, res 95 Church Buell Mary Mrs, res 95 Church Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg Burg n James, c, cook, res 356 College n Susie, c, res Charlotte n Lula, c, res Charlotte n Champ, c, res Charlotte n Regina, c, res Charlotte n John^ c, driver, res Charlotte ^ n Lizzie, Mrs, c, res Chailotte n J R, carp, bds 176 Bailey n Wni, c, A F F, bds 112 Pearson ave n Harriett, c, cook, res 33 Willow^ n Murphy, c, res 25 Aston n Annie Mrs, c, res 35 Aston n Rufus, c, res 25 Aston n Nellie, c, res 25 Aston n Charles, c, res 35 Aston n Lula c, res 35 Aston n Mattie, c, res 46 Davidson Have your Boots and Shoes repaired at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. Order BLACK DIAMOND GOAL from 3 O A A Telephone PattonAveV N. W, GIRDWOOD. V SO. 66 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Burgin Nina, c, res 46 Davidson Burgin Robert, c, res 46 Davidson Burgin Lillie, c, res 46 Davidson Burgin Samuel G, c, res 46 Davidson Burgin Laura, c, laundress, 17S Valley Burgin Samuel, c, lab, res 178 Valley Burgin George, c, lab res 178 Valley Burgin Caroline, c, laundress, res 9 Mountain Burgin Carrie J, c, res 9 Mountain Burgin Nora, c, res 9 Mountain Burke M F, tel operator, res 50 Bailey Burke M F Mrs, res 50 Bailey Burke Francis, res 50 Bailey Burke Blanche J, res 50 Bailey Burkhart Jake, c, tobacconist, res 106 Bailey Burkhart Julia, c, res 106 Bailey Bunn Albert, brickmason, res 25 Clayton Bunn M A, 35 Clayton Bunn T M, tinner, 39 S Main, res 106 East Bunn Lillie Mrs, res 106 East Bunn Carroll, res 106 East Bunnister, teacher, AFC, bds 61 Oak Burnett T L, liveryman, 41 S Main Burnett Newton, wagoner, bds 73 N Main Burnett Ollie, bds 73 N Main Burnett Joseph, bds 73 N Main Burnett Fannie, bds 73 ]S[ Main Burnett Taylor, lab, res 73 N Main Burnett L J, Mrs, res 73 N Main Burnett M Miss, res 73 N Main Burnett Beula, res 73 N Main Burnett Bell, res 73 N Mam Burnett Jessie, res 73 N Main M. Levy, No. 19 Main street, makes Boots and Shoes to order. Satis- faction Guaranteed. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 67 CHAS. L LINDSEY COIlMCfOl'" 48 Seney St., Cor. East, ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. Plans and specifications furnished on application. Charges reasonable for superintending work. Special attention paid to alterations and repairs. Asheville Sash, Doof i Blind Factorf. Cabinet finish in Hardwoods, including Mantels, Doors, Stairways, Wainscoting, and all inside finish and decorations a specialty. We have recently added a patent steam dry kiln, by which all material will be thoroughly dried. The Southern Pine Door — the finest made — furn- ished in any design to order, of strictly first-class ma- terial. All orders will receive prompt personal attention. T. L CLAYTON, Propr. E. S. CLAYTON, Agent. H. L. LANG DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SilTer-ware Clocks Optical Goods, &c. 18 MAIN ST. ' REPARING AND ENGRAVING A SPECIA1<TY. 68 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Burnett B U J, lab, bds over 78 S Main Burnett Joseph, bds over 78 S Main Burnett D O, bds over 78 S Main Burnett Fannie, bds over 78 S Main Burnett B, drayman, res 28 Davidson Burnett Mary Mrs, res 28 Davidson Burnett Ola, res 28 Davidson Burnett Myrtle, res 28 Davidson Burnett M A, res 250 N Main Burns F J, carp, res 194 Avery Burroughs Dr J A, phys, 5 S Main, res 88 N Main Burroughs A L Mrs, res 88 N Main Burton Harry, c, cook, bds 135 Haywood Butler, E N, c, res 166 Valley Butler Thomas, c, 166 Valley Button William, res 513 Haywood Button B Mrs, res 513 Haywood BUTTRICK JAS, mfg sash and blinds, 315 Haywood, res o c Buxton J Rev, pastor Epis Ch, res 157 Church Buxton A M Mrs, res 157 Church Buxton Fannie, res 157 Church Buxton Lillie, res 157 Church Buxton Eliza, res 157 Church Buxton Margaret, 157 Church Buxton Mary, 1 C57 Church Byers Katherine, seamstress, res 60 S Beaumont Byers Mollie, res 60 S Beaumont Byers Wm, res 60 S Beaumont Byers John, res 60 S Beaumont Byers Theo, res 60 S Beaumont Byers Ida, res 60 S Beaumont Byers M, c, laundress at Battery Park Hotel Byrd Isaac, c, res 182 Cemetery Byrus John, A M A, bds 103 Academy Keepsakes, XO TAKE HOME ^WIXH YOU, —at MORGAN'S.— S. R. KEPLER, For Fine Groceries, Teas, Ktc., Htc.^ 53 South Main Street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 69 c Caceada C C, drayman, res 4 Valley Caceada Mary Mrs, res 4 Valley Caceada Laura, bds 4 Valley Caceada Mattie, bds 4 Valley Caceada Airy, bds 4 Valley Cagle Calvin, carp, res 20 Buttrick Cagle P A Mrs, res 20 Buttrick Cagle J M, moulder, bds 20 Buttrick Cagle L L Miss, bds 20 Buttrick Cagle David C, bds 20 Buttrick Cain Dr D J, phys, res 117 S Main Cain DJ, Mrs, res 117 S Main Cain W D, elk, bds 117 S Main Cain K D Miss, bds 1178 Main Calais R C, A F F, bds 142 Pearson ave Caldwell Milus, c, lab, bds 35 Hill Caldwell Wiley, c, lab, res 13 Clemmons Caldwell Mary Mrs, c, res 13 Clemmons Caldwell John C, c, bds 13 Clemmons Calloway James, drayman, res 37 Clayton Calloway Mary Mrs, res 37 Clayton Calloway Lillie, bds 37 Clayton Calloway A J, bds 37 Clayton Calloway John, bds 37 Clayton Calloway Joseph, drayman, res 58 Pine Calloway Dora Mrs, res 58 Pine Calloway J L Miss, bds 58 Pine Calloway Wm A, bds 58 Pine Calloway Edward A, bds 58 Pine Calloway Bettie A, bds 58 Pine Calo Joseph, bds 18 N Main Cameron John D, editor Asheville Citizen, 13 Patton ave WnnnPflPI^'Q l^est End Pharmacy, f f UUUUUulV ^''^ Patton Ave., Below Depot st. n COWAN "'^^.^i^^^' Ui uuiinii, ^jviatches, Clocks, etc., etc. 27 Patton ave. 70 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Cameron M R Miss, res i6i Chestnut Camp L C, baggage master W C N R R, bds 452 S Depot CAMPBELL J M, real estate broker, 5 S Main, res 30 Philip Campbell Ellen Mrs, res 30 Philip Campbell Allie, bkpr, Battery Park Hotel, res 14 Philip Campbell A Mrs, res 14 Philip Campbell Geo, c, waiter, 21 Patton ave, res 46 Davidson Campbell Emma Mrs, c, res 46 Davidson Campbell Richard H, c, lab, res rear 34 S Main Campbell Wm A, harness maker, res 19 N Main Campbell Mary Mrs, res 19 N Main Campbell Bettie Mrs, res 19 N Main Campbell J A, elk 45 N Main Campbell George, carp, bds 35 College Campbell C H, res 217 Haywood Campbell C H Mrs, res 217 Haywood Campbell L Miss, res 217 Haywood Compbell Rich, c, bds 37 Hill Campbell Annie, c, bds 37 Hill Cannon George W, wines, liquors, 7 S Main, res 250 Patton ave Cannon C Mrs, res 250 Patton ave Cannon Bessie W, res 250 Patton ave Cannon Moses, c, driver, bds 55 Depot Cansler Eliza Mrs, c, cook, 95 Haywood Cape Caroline Mrs, c, cook, bds 95 S Pine Carle J W, A F F, bds 143 Pearson ave Carlisle W, c, waiter, Battery Park Hotel Carlton Ruby, bds 68 S Pine Carmichael W C, druggist, 20 S Main, res 47 Haywood Carmichael E L Mrs, res 47 Haywood Carmichael E, res 47 Haywood Carrington , bookp'r, Patton ave, bds 24 Bailey Carrington F N, bds 31 Haywood Carrington Alena Mrs, bds 31 Ha3'wood Carrier E J, res 50 Grove A LARGE STOCK OF OFFICE SUPPLIES AND BLANK BOOKS, ALWAYS TO BE FOUND AT ESTABRCfOK'S, Pifo. 22 SOUTH MAIX STREET. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 71 J. W. SHARTLE, I Merchant Tailor, | NO. 42 N. MAIN ST. A full supply of English and Domestic woolens con- stantly on hand. ''LAND OF THE SKYP GREAT SUCCESS OF THE §MAMD mWTEAL MOTEL I 28,012 ARRIVALS in three aod ooe-lialf jea[s.--25 per daj last jear. House, furniture and carpets new. Only hotel in the city lighted with gas. Rates reasonable. Electric bells in every room. Cold and hot baths. First-class in every respect. S- R- CHEDSSTSn & SOU, Owners and Proprietors. Livery and Feed stable in connection with the Hotel. Give baggage checks to our porters at the depot. Also Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Bought $64,000 worth of goods the past year — 33 per cent, more than any other house in the city; three times as much as many of the leading houses in the city. A. H. Stockton & Son, ITo. S S- r'TJBL.IC Sq„ Dealers in General Merchandise, Agents of Jolin faiiuamafar, PMlatelpliia. Ladies.', Gentlemen's and Children's Fine Clothing and Wraps. [veningReadiogs. «::;.. at [stabfook's, 72 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Carrier Kate Mrs, res 50 Grove Carrier J D, bds 50 Grove Carroll J L Rev, pastor 2d Bap ch, 12 Bailey, res 103 Merrimon ave Carroll J L Mrs, res 103 Merrimon ave Carroll A M, bds 103 Merrimon ave Carroll Eugene, bds 103 Merrimon ave Carroll J L jr, elk, 48 S Main, bds 103 Merrimon ave Carroll George, pauper at poor house, o c CARSON JAS, book and news depot, 40 N Main Carson Jas M, bds 117 S Main Carson J M Mrs, bds 47 Depot Carson Ottis M, bds 47 Depot Carson T C, elk at Depot, bds 47 Depot Carson Kate, bds 47 Depot Carson David M, gard, res 413 N Main Carson Jane Mrs, res 412 N Main Carson Carrie, bds 412 N Main Carson Lula, bds 412 N Main Carson Ida, bds 412 N Main Carson David, c, hostler, 81 S Main, bds 17 Mountain Carson William, c, lab, bds 64 S Beaumont Carson Jno, c, res near junc Spring and Haywood Carson M J Mrs, c, res near junc Spring and Haywood Carson Lillie, c, bds near junc Spring and Haywood Carson George, c, lab, bds near junc Spring and Haywood Carson Fannie A, c, cook, 31 Haywood Carson Mary, c, cook, 4 Woodfin Carson Mollie, c, cook, bds 161 Bailey Carson Benj, c, lab, res 72 Eagle CARTER M E, lawyer, 15 Pub Sq, res 40 N French Broad ave Carter M E Mrs, res 40 N French Broad ave Carter Fannie R, bds 40 N French Broad ave Carter Mary R, bds 40 N French Broad ave Carter Chas, phys. bds 3 Church M, LEVY, No. 19 Main street, carries a Full Line of Gents Slippers, Order ANTHARCITE+COAL from 30 PattonAve. N. W. GIRDWOOD. Telephone 50. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 73 Carter M N Mrs, bds 3 Church Carter William L, bds i30 Cherry Carter Arsemus L, lawyer, 15 S Pub Sq, res 113 College Carter H B, lawyer, 15 S Pub Sq, res 113 College Carter S K Mrs, res 113 College Carter J H, auctioneer, res 34 Grove Carter A L Mrs, res 24 Grove Carter Robin L, bds 24 Grove Carter C E, res 350 Haywood Carter Wm, broker, res 53 College Carter Thos, lab at depot, bds 150 Pearson ave Carter Joseph, c, blksmth, 24 S Beaumont, res 18 S Beaumont Carter Jane Mrs, c, res 18 S Beaumont " Carter Lillian, bds 18 S Beaumont Carter Julia, c, laundress, res 6 Madison ave Carter S Mrs, c, res 6 Madison ave Carter Julia, c, chamber maid, 17 Haywood Case S B Mrs, res 32 Davidson Case Wm, lab, res 42 Woodfin Case Nancy, res 42 Woodfin Case Syntha, bds 42 Woodfin Case Amanda, bds 42 Woodfin Case Sallie, bds 42 Woodfin Case Wm, c, lab, res 173 Beaumont Cathey John, c, carp, 220 S Main Cathey Frank, c, carp, res 220 S Main Cauble Dan W, blksmth, 425 N Main, res 430 N Main Cauble S H Mrs, res 430 N Main Cauble Claudie, bds 430 N Main CHAMBERS E 0, of Chambers & Weaver, liverymen, 36 Willow Chambers R J Mrs, res 58 Grove Chambers, N T, tobacconist, bds 30 Water Chambers Nathan, c, lab, bds 30 Water Chambers Z V, printer, 19 Pub Sqr, bds 24 Davidson oouvenirs, at morgan's. S. R. KEPLER, 53 S. Jnain St. Will Deliver Your RRnnPRIPS *<> any part of City. 74 Abheville City Directory. CHAMBERS & WEAVER, ii Still Nos. 15 and 1 7 WILLOW St. Fancy Pole teams and carriage work specialties. A lot of good Saddle horses always on hand. TELEPHONE CALL NO. 54. Orders promptly attended. iTo XjiTT-er^^ ^-u-siaaess tia-arisacted. oaa. Sia-aa-cLa^r.- Chambers William, bell boy at Battery Park Hotel Chambers John, c, res 133 Valley Chambers Geo, c, drayman, res 83 Valley Chambers Carrie, c, res 82 Valley Chambers Mary Mrs, c, res 82 Valley Chambers A W, c, cook, res 36 Brick Chambers Amanda Mrs, c, 36 Brick Chambers Lola, c, bds 36 Brick Champion Israel, elk, 13 N Main, res 261 Chestnut Champion H Mrs, res 261 Chestnnt Champion H A Miss, res 261 Chestnut STUFFED BIRDS, SEA SHELLS, ART POTTERY AND A VARIETY OF SOUVENIRS OF WESTERN N. C AT ESTABROOK'S, No. 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. AsHEViLLE City Directory 75 iCiTY Green Houses, NORTH ASHEVILLE, 55 CHESTNUT St, Noticing the growing demands of our growing city for growing institutions, especially in the floral line, we have established our Green Houses on a scale and at a point that will enable us to meet these demands. It is, and shall be, our purpose to keep everything the people want, and at prices that will induce them to place th^ir orders with us rather than send them abroad. We shall endeavor to accommodate the wants and please the taste of the public, and we trust our efforts will be appreciated by our aesthetic community. We ask your orders for anything in our line, and if not in stock will be on short notice. JN9. PeRY, FLQRIgT. Ray, McCloud & Piilllam, Prop'j. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or ?«iglit, at GRAPiX & ROSEBERRVS Drugr Store, 24 S. IMIain St., • - ASHHVIT.I.E, ^. C. 76 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Champion M L, res 261 Chestnut Champion Temperance Mrs, bds 103 Merrimon ave Chapman Ella, res 68 S Pine Chapman Kelley, res 37 S Spruce Chapman S B, elk, 20 S Main, bds 47 Haywood Chapman ASM Mrs, res 116 Haywood Chapman S H, boarding, res 47 Haywood Chapman R Mrs, res 46 Haywood Chapman S F, bds 47 Haywood Charles Geo W, blksmth, 167 S Main, res 179 S Main Charles Rachael Mrs, res 179 S Main Cheatham C Y, Master Trains, W N C R R, bds 4 Woodfin Cheatham Caroline, c cook, at 49 Chestnut CHEDESTER N P, mdse and hotel, 19 Patton ave, res 21 and 23 Patton ave CHEDESTER S R Mrs, mdse and hotel, 19 Patton ave, res 21 and 33 Patton ave Chedester Lawrence, res 21 and 23 Patton ave CHEDESTER SAM'L H, mdse and hotel, 19 Patton ave, bds 21 and 23 Patton ave Chedester Laura, bds 21 and 23 Patton ave Cheesborough E Miss, bds 66 Baird Childers William N, carp, res 73 N Main Childs W S Mrs, boarding, res 50 Baird st Childs J, real estate broker, room 8 c h, bds 4 Hayood Chubbuck J D Mrs, res 91 Bailey Chubbuck Geo R, bds 91 Bailey Chunn Joe S, carp, res 165 Haywood Chunn S J Mrs, res 165 Haywood Chunn Etta, bds 165 Haywood Chunn M J, bds 165 Haywood Chunn Lena, bds 165 Haywood City Hall, 36 Pub Sq, rear of Court House Clark Jas, carp, bds 129 N Main A. J. LYMAN, rMember of the tTatisnal Association of Seal Estate Dealers, 7. S. A.] Real Estate and Loan Broker. Office in Court House Building, Asheville, N. C. W.R.Bearden&Go., PLUMBING, ROOFING AND GUTTERING. STOVES, TINWARE &C. 39 south Main street. AsHEViLLE City Directory, 77 Clark D A, druggist, 20 S Main, bds 35 N Spruce Clark J A, bds 69 S Main Clark J H, carp, bds 179 S Main Clark C D, elk at depot, res 432 S Depot Clark A E Mrs, res 433 S Depot Clark Mary, bds 432 S Depot Clark T L, contractor and builder, res 78 Depot Clark M E Mrs, res 78 Depot Clark M N Mrs, bds 78 Depot Clark May, bds 78 Depot Clark J G, builder, bds 78 Depot Clark Dock, c, lab, bds near 69 S Main CLAYTON T L mnfgr sash, doors, etc., res 29 Spruce Clayton Mrs, res 29 Spruce Clayton E S, mfgr doors, sash, blinds, res 29 Spruce Clayton E S Mrs, res 29 Spruce Clayton Eliza Mrs, res 413 N Main Clayton Claude, res 418 N Main Clayton Benj, carp, res 42 Woodfin Clayton Ella Mrs, res 42 Woodfin Clayton Lula, bds 42 Woodfin Clayton Fannie, pauper at poor-house (o c) Clayton Drady Mrs, c, laundress, res 34 Zion Clayton MoUie, c, res 34 Zion Clayton Dora, c, res 34 S Water Clayton Mamie, c, res 34 S Water Clayton L, c, shoemaker, 290 Haywood Clayton John, c, carp, res 86 S Pine Clayton Isabella Mrs, c, laundress, res 86 S Pine Clayton John, c, carp, 24 Ray, res 140 S Pine Clayton Jessie, c, lab, 34 Zion Clayton Clara Mrs, c, res 34 Zion Clayton A E, c, bds 34 Zion ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, PERFUMERIES, '5 At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. M« Campbell^ Xhe Real Cstate Dealer^ Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. Office, ^o. 5 South I^ain street. 78 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Clayton William, c, bds 34 Zion Clemmons W F, carp, bds 28 Depot ' Clemmons Henry, c, blksmith, res 19 Clemmons Clemmons Kate Mrs, c, res 19 Clemmons Clemmons Winnie, c, bds 19 Clemmons Clements Mary, stewardess Battery Park Hotel Cleveland John, c, lab, bds 22 S Depot Clift Charles, telephone opr, bds 24 N Main Clift Frank, telephone opr, bds 24 N Main Clift Holmes, telephone opr, bds 24 N Main Coachman Charles, c, drayman, res 15 Madison ave Coachman Bettie Mrs, c, res it; Madison ave Cobb Theodore H, lav^^yer, 8 Pub Sqr, res 95 Hayv/ood Cobb E V Mrs, res 95 Haywood Cobb Ellen, bds 95 Haywood Cochran Columbus, c, lab, bds 73 N Main Cochran Presley, c, lab, 368 S Beaumont Coche Jos, tinner, res 94 Church Coche Ella, bds 35 College Cocke W M Jr, real estate, 9 N Main, res i67 S French Broad ave Cocke M J Mrs, res 167 S French Broad ave Cocke Williams J, bds 167 S French Broad ave Cocke P C, bds 167 S French Broad ave Cocke Fred, bds 167 S French Broad ave Coff H C, bds 121 Haywood • Coffin E Mrs, boarding house, res 31 Haywood Coffin S S, res 31 Haywood Cole Lucinda, res 15 Hildebrand Cole Catherine, res 15 Hildebrand Cole Joe, plumber, bds 16 N Main Cole Lee, plumber, bds 16 N Main Cole Goodson, lab, res 9 Pulliam Cole Hattie Mrs, res 9 Pulliam Cole Mary, bds 9 Pulliam Cole Robt, bds 9 Pulliam OF ASHETII^H, ANO ^W. N* C. at J. IV. MORGAN & CO'S Views, AsHEviLLE City Directory. 79 SMOKE LUSKA SMOKING T Manufactured ffDm Western Nortli Carolina Tubaccui NONE OFFERED UNTIL IT IS FOUR YEARS OLD. MANUFACTURED BY THE ASHEVILLE TOBAGGO WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF P Nos. 151 & 153 PAHON Ave, - Asheville, N. G. OU Ave., \ I W. 6IRDW00D. ^plione OU- 80 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Coleman J H Mrs, laundress, res near 91 Hill Coleman Eliza, c, school teacher, res 115 Mountain Coleman Alfred, c, bds 22 N French Broad ave Coleman Mike, waiter, bds 4 Woodfin Coleman Rebecca, c, cook, 167 Valley Collette William, c lab at depot, res 29 Gudger Collette Ida Mrs, c res 29 Gudger Collette M L Miss, c res 29 Gudger Collette Sam'l, c lab, bds 29 Gudger Collette Maggie, c bds 167 Valley Collie W J, A F F, res 47 Railroad ave Collins T C, carp, res 163 S Main Collins Maggie Mrs, res 163 S Main Collins A R Miss, res 163 S Main Collins T C, res rear 150 Pearson ave Collins M E Mrs, res rear 150 Pearson ave Collins Mary, bds rear 150 Pearson ave Collins A J, mdse, 2 Woodfin Collins M S Mrs, 2 Woodfin Collins L C, 2 Woodfin Collins T W, 2 Woodfin Collins E L, bds 2 Woodfin Collins Napoleon, hostler, res S Main o c Collins Minnie Mrs, S Main o c Collins Lucy, c, laundress, res 19 Water Collins S Mrs, c, res 278 College Collins H Mrs, c, laundress, res 288 S Beaumont Collins Charles, c, hostler, res 82 Chestnut Collins Francis, c, res 82 Chestnut Collins Lina, c, res 72 Valley Collins Charles, c, res 72 Valley Collins Charles, waiter, 79 N Main Commons J W, wagoner, res 467 N Main Xry a pair of M, Levy's Hand Made $3 Slioe. Every pair 'Warranted. ]No. 19 Main street. Call at Estabrook's 33 South main St., For Books, Fine Stationery, And Fancy Goods. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 81 Commons J L Mrs, res 467 N Main Commons Eliza, c, bds I65 Hill Commons Taylor, lab, bds 60 Merrimon ave Compton Louis, c, mason, res 170 Avery Compton O Mrs, c, res 170 Avery Connally Rev Jas K, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Jas K Mrs, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Mary, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Alice, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Lillie, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Ma}'^ C, res Fernihurst, o c Connally Walter, train dsptchr, W N C R R, bds 122 Patton ave Connally Devina, bds 68 S Pine Connally Nancy, c, bds ^5 Gudger Connally Nora, c, cook, bds 244 Chestnut Connally Annie, c, bds 244 Chestnut Connally Mike, c, serv't. Battery Park, res 46 Eagle Connally Georgia M, c, serv't, Battery Park, res 46 Eagle Connally J Mrs, c, cook, bds 63 N Main Connally Mattie, c, cook, 270 S Main, res 173 Mountain Connally D E, c, lab, res 182 Cemetery Connally H Mrs, c, res 182 Cemetery Connally Maria, c, laundress, bds 106 Baird Connally Patsey, c, cook, N Main o c Connally Nellie, c, cook, res 105 S Beaumont Connally Barbara, c, laundress, res 205 S Beaumont Connally M Miss, c, laundress. Battery Park Hotel Connally Jane Mrs, laundress, res 83 Madison ave Cook Jno L, carp, res 150 Church Cook Myrtle Mrs, res 150 Church Cook A F, dray, res 467 N Main Cook M A Mrs, res 467 N Main Cook Angeline, res 31 Bridge Cook R, drayman, res 31 Bridge Cook E A Mrs, 31 Bridge Gents Knee Pants, for Riding:, AX M* I^EVY'S No. 19 mAIX STREET. ^ ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, PERFUMERIES. 5 At ORANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. 82 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Cook J H, res 31 Bridge Cook A E, bds iSS VVoodfin Cook H C, carp, res 71 West Cook N C, bds 71 West Cook W H, liveryman, res 41 S Main Cook Emma, Mrs, res 41 S Main Cooley A R, mdse,47 S Main, res 153 S Main Cooley A R Mrs, res 153 S Main Cooper M A, barkpr, 46 S Main, res same Cooper E Mrs, c, cook, res 40 N French Broad ave Cooper A D, mdse, 2 Pub Sqr, res 39 Haywood Cooper H G, Mrs, res 39 Haywood Cooper C D, bds 39 Haywood Cooper J Ej bds 39 Haywood Cooper William, bds 39 Haywood Cope Rosa, c, cook, res 65 Valley Corbit J T, carp, res 161 Hill Corbit Mrs S A, res 161 Hill Corbit A S, bds 161 Hill Corkles Lizzie M, c, bds 13 Grove Corn W, drayman, res 436 N Main Corn Mary Mrs, res 436 N Main Corn Ellen, bds 436 N Main Corn J Miss, bds 436 N Main Corn Maggie, c, chambermaid, res 190 Valley Corn Fannie, c, servt at 4 Woodfin Cornell W S, supt cem, res o c Corpening Clara, c, laundress, res 26 Eagle Corpening Lawrence, c, bds 26 Eagle Corpening Harvey, c, lab, res 36 Sorrell Corpening Mary Mrs, c, res 36 Sorrell Corpening Mary, c, bds 36 Sorrell Corpening Wesley, c, waiter, 69 S Main, res 193 Valley Corpening Jno, c, lab, bds 326 S Beaumont DIAMONDS, WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, Sil-ver^rare Clocks Optical Goo<ls. &c. 5 H.L.LANG 18 MAIN ST. ' REPARING AND ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY. G. Gowan, T E T77- e: Xj e: i^, Reparing and Engraving a Specialty. 27 Patton Avenue. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 83 Corpening Kate Mrs, c, bds 326 S Beaumont Corpening Linle Mrs, c, bds 15 Madison ave Corpening Ella, c, bds 77 Eagle Corpening Chas, bds 77 Eagle Courtlandjno C, res Chestnut Courtland Jas, Chestnut Courtland Jas Wakefield, Chestnut Courtland Jas Mrs, Chestnut Courtland L C, Chestnut Courtland S C Mrs, Chestnut Cortley Signs, c, cook, bds 24 N Main Cosby R H, jeweler, 37 Patton ave, bds 54 Depot Cosby L E Mrs, bds 54 Depot Cotton T L, tinner, 39 S Main, bds 18 N Main Cotton Etta, c, res ^o Baird COWAN C, jeweler, 37 Patton ave, res 173 Haywood Cowan Laura Mrs, res 173 Haywood Cowan James, bds 173 Haywood Cowan Cordie, bds 173 Haywood Cowan Vickie, bds 173 Haywood Cowan Ella, bds 173 Haywood Cowan D L, jeweler, 37 Patton ave, bds 173 Haywood Cowan William, carp, bds 120 Pearson ave Cowan James, bds 120 Pearson ave Cowan Eugene, elk, bds 315 Haywood Cowan J T, lab, res 46 Maiden Lane Cowan M M Mrs, res 46 Maiden Lane Cowan John A, bds 46 Maiden Lane Cowan W R, bds 46 Maiden Lane Cowan I C A, bds 46 Maiden Lane Cowan L W G, bds 46 Maiden Lane Cowan H C, bds 46 Maiden Lane Cowan D C E, bds 46 Maiden Lane W.R.Bearden&Co., STOVES, TINWARE &c. 39 south ]»IaVn street. PLUMBING, ROOFING AND GUTTERING. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, No. 24 Soutb Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C 84 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Cowan Henry, c, lab, bds 26 Aston Cowson Bettie, c, bds 13 Clemmons Cowson William, c, lab, bds 13 Clemmons Couch Edward, lab, bds 129 N Main Couch Anderson, c, hostler, 13 S Main, bds 17 S Water Courtney James R, res 36 Philip Courtney Etta Mrs, res 36 Philip Courtney R F Miss, bds 36 Philip Courtney Hattie L, bds 36 Philip Courtney J H, county treas, room 2 c h, res 36 Philip Courtney J H Mrs, res 36 Philip Courtney Cora B, bds 36 Philip Courtney Harvey, c, lab, res Atkin extension Courtney M A Mrs, c, res Atkin extension Coulbreath Louis, c gard, bds 167 S French Broad ave Covington Lula, c bds 287 College Cox Thos E, barkpr, 46 S Main, res 46 S Main Cox Hattie, bds 254 N Main Cozzins M R Mrs, private boarding, res 17 Charlotte Cradle Jno sr, c lab, res 33 Sondle}' Cradle Jno Mrs, c res 33 Sondley Cradle Jno jr, c bds 33 Sondley Cradle Calloway, c bds 33 Sondley Craig Locke, lawyer, room 16, 2d floor c h, res Charlotte Crawford L Mrs, student A F C, 59 Oak Crawford Jas, c pressman, 13 Patton ave, res 5 Walnut Crawford Josie Mrs, c res 5 Walnut Creaseman W^illiam, c lab, bds 171; S Beaumont Creaseman Laura, bds 83 S Main Creasman Manly, mdse, res 1 1 Center Creasman Lou Mrs, res 1 1 Center Creasman Dora, bds 11 Center Creasman William, bds 11 Center Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or ^ig:lit, at ORANX & ROSEBERRY'S Oru^ Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHETII^LE, P(. C. Order ANTHARGITE+COAL from 30 PattonAve. N. W. G/RDWOOD. Telephone 50. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 85 Creasman Geo, c lab, Garrett ave o c Creasson Jas, carp, res 257 College Creasson Harriet Mrs, res 2c;7 College Criss Chas, c, lab, bds 22 S Depot Crockett J F, minister, res 254 N Main Crockett S A Mrs, res 254 N Main Crockett Mary J, bds 254 N Main Crockett Annie G, bds 254 N Main Crook Lou, seamstress, res 130 N Beaumont Crook Lola, res 130 N Beaumont Crook Sam'l, bds 130 N Beaumont Crook Jennie, bds 130 N Beaumont Crook Susan Mrs, bds 173 S Main Crook Ellen, bds 172 S Main Crook Maria, cook, 161 S Main, bds 161 S Main Crook N J Mrs, cook, bds 306 N Main Crook John, c, lab, bds 81 Eagle Crow L S, printer, Asheville Citizen, 13 Patton av'e, res 72 Cherry Crow MCE Mrs, res 72 Cherry Crow Mary M, res 73 Cherry Crow J H, res 72 Cherry Crow John, res 72 Cherry Crow Thomas, c, driver, 13 N Main, bds 77 Eagle Crowell Joseph, brickmason, res 60 Seney Crowell Sallie Mrs, res 60 Seney Crowell Clara, res 60 Seney Crowell Earnest, res 60 Seney Crowell Hattie, c, nurse, bds 211 Patton ave Crowell Fred, c, bds 211 Patton ave Crowell Frank, c, waiter, res 100 Gudger Crowell MoUie Mrs, c, laundress, res 100 Gudger Crowell Mary L, c, bds 100 Gudger Crowell William, c, bds 100 Gudger D^Jellico Coah^ *%T^*'«''' 30 PATTON AVENUE. - - - TELEPHONE 50. Order BLACK DIAMOND GOAL from 3 O A A Xelephone PattonAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD. V SO- 86 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Crowell Fred, c, bds loo Gudger Cruman Jno, c, bartender, res iS6 Patton ave Cruman J C, res i86 Patton ave Crump Lula, c. nurse, 23 S Main, res 36 Brick Crump P, c, res 17 Mountain Crump Henry, c, lab, res 17 Mountain Crump M Mrs, c, laundress, res 17 Mountain Crump Richard, c, res 83 Valley Crump Nannie Mrs, c, res 82 Valley Crump Mary E, c, res 82 Valley Curtis James, c, bds 45 S Spruce Curtis T E, tinner, 8 S Water, bds 95 College Cushman Walter S, lawyer, 13 Patton ave, res 161 Chestnut Cushman L Mrs, res 161 Chestnut Cunningham E L, carp, res 33 Orange Cunningham L M, Mrs, res 23 Orange Cunningham David, bds 23 Orange Cunningham M J Miss, bds 23 Orange Cunningham Ira E, bds 23 Orange Cunningham S E, barkpr, res 82 Depot Cunningham Hester Mrs, res 82 Depot Cunningham H E Miss, bds 82 Depot Cunningham Marintha, bds 133 Church GUMMIN6S P A, lawyer, [5 Pub Sqr, res 24 Bailey Cummings Nellie, res 24 Bailey Cummings Alice, res 24 Bailey Cummings M Mrs, c, cook, bds 22 N French Broad ave Cummings P A, bds 90 Patton ave Cummings Patrick, bds 90 Patton ave Cummings Sallie Mrs, c, laundress, res 200 Patton ave "VAVA TDDTH Iff ASH/' The Best inthe World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, 24 South ITIaiii St., ASHEVILLE, JV. C. Childs' Shirt Waists, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. AsHEViLi.E City Directory. 87 D Dale Thos, wks, A F F bds 194 Avery Dalton J T, blksmth, res 429 S Main Darden Pink, c driver, res 220 S Main Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVILLK, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved; farms, mountain, grazing and mmeral lands. Office in old Bank Building on PubHc Square, lele- phone call 49. Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav o ^*,.iii^, c cuuK, res 135 Valley s Roger, artist 9 N Main s Geo, res 136 Church s Julia Mrs, res 136 Church s Addie Mrs, bds 136 Church s Jno, driver, res 146 Church s Maggie Mrs, res 146 Church s Robt, bds 146 Church s Emma, bds 146 Church J. M, Campbell^Xlie Real Bstate Dealer, Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. Office, No. 5 Soutb main street. Order BLACK DIAMOND COAL from 3 O A A Xelephoiie PattonAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD. V 50- 86 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Crowell Fred, c bds lOO Gudger Cruman Jno, c, bartender, res i86 Patton ave Criiman J C, res iS6 Patton ave Crump Lula, c. nurse, 23 S Main, res 36 Brick The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO DfcSCRIKING AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, $i.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. CUMMlI^U-iS Jf A, lawyer, 15 ruu 041, icn ..^ x^«.x^^ Cummings NeHie, res 24 Bailey Cummings Alice, res 24 Bailey Cummings M Mrs, c, cook, bds 22 N French Broad ave Cummings P A, bds 90 Patton ave Cummings Patrick, bds 90 Patton ave Cummings Sallie Mrs, c, laundress, res 200 Patton ave "VAVA TDDTH TffASH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Al*H'rv%\"irN: c. Childs' Shirt VVTaists, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. AsHEViLi.E City Directory. 87 D Dale Thos, wks, A F F bds 194 Avery Dalton J T, blksmth, res 429 S Main Darden Pink, c driver, res 220 S Main Darden Mary, c cook, res 220 S Main Daughty J D, mc'hn't, res 531 Haywood Davenport E J Mrs, res 270 N Main Davenport J L Miss, bds 270 N Main Davenport L N Miss, bds 270 N Main Davenport Lona, res 313 Hayw^ood Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav d A, elk 37 N Main, res N Main dson H E, c nurse, 60 Baird dson Gorden, c lab, bds 112 College dson Mary, res 85 West dson E, carp, res 134 Bailey dson H M Mrs, res 24 Davidson dson Mary E, bds 24 Davidson dson W C, bds 34 Davidson dson Thos. c driver, 103 S Main dson A T, law^yer, ct house, bds 50 Baird dson A T Mrs, bds 50 Baird dson Addie. bds 50 Baird s Spence, mechanic, bds 313 Haywood s Henry, c cook, res 135 Valley s Roger, artist 9 N Main s Geo, res 136 Church s Julia Mrs, res 136 Church s Addie Mrs, bds 136 Church s Jno, driver, res 146 Church s Maggie Mrs, res 146 Church s Robt, bds 146 Church s Emma, bds 146 Church J. Bf. Campbell^Xlie Real Bstate Dealer, Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. Office, ^o. 5 Soutti Main street. MPattton) S Tele- rft Ave., \ H. W. eiRDWOOD. ^phone OU. 88 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav s Harry, bds 146 Church s Addie, bds 146 Church s Clarence, bds 146 Church s E B, auctioneer, res 33 Academy s F P Mrs res 33 Academy sLoula, res33 Academy s Alberta, res 33 Academy s Grace, res 33 Academy s M Mrs, c, cook, 152 Chestnut s Chas A, mechanic, 24 Patton ave s Sarah A, seamstress, res 6r S Beaumont s Mattie, res 61 S Beaumont s Mary, res 61 S Beaumont s Joe, c, butcher, N Pub Sqr, res 194 S Beaumont s Lizzie, res 290 S Beaumont s Fanny, res 290 S Beaumont s Chas, res 290 S Beaumont s Simon P, res 124 Pearson ave s Minnie, res 124 Pearson ave s Spencer, res 124 Pearson ave s Charles, wks A F F, res 124 Pearson ave s Albert, res 124 Pearson ave s Minnie, res 124 Pearson ave s A C, mdse, 13 N Pub Sqr, res 84 Bailey s A C, Mrs, res 84 Bailey s Eph, c, barber, 13 S Main, res Valley s Joe, c, butcher, res S Beaumont s Wm M, carp, res 28 N Depot s Jessie C, res 28 N Depot s C S, bds, 28 N Depot s J M, carp, res 28 N Depot s J M Mrs, res 28 N Depot s S P, bds 28 N Depot s Margaret, bds 28 N Depot Fine Groceries ^EHH S. R. Kepler The Finest Line of Cent's Furnishing Goods in the City, at M. Levy's. No* 19 9Iain Street* AsHEviLLE City Directory. 89 Davis Sarah E, bds 28 N Depot Davis Hester L, bds 28 N Depot Davis Robert V, bds 28 N Depot Davis Henry, c, barber, 33 S Main, res S Main Davis C J, res 182 S Main Davis C J Mrs, res 182 S Main Davis Jas N, bds 182 S Main Davis Simon, watchman at depot, res Depot Davis T K, jailer, 72 Eagle, res 40 N Beaumont Davis Mary Mrs, res 40 N Beaumont Davis Laura A, res 40 N Beaumont Davis Benj K, butcher, market house, bds 40 N Beaumont Davis Alice Mrs, bds 40 N Beaumont Davis Edwin, bds 40 N Beaumont Davis Lillian, bds 40 N Beaumont Davis John, carp, bds 38 Bailey Davis Thomas, bds 38 Bailey Davis K A Miss, bds 161 Bailey Davis R S Miss bds 161 Bailey Davis Emma, c, res 46 Eagle * Davis Chas, driver, 34 S Main, res Mountain Davis Robert, wks broom factory, 255 Patton ave Davis & Davis, contractors, 30 Water Davis P E, carp, res 316 N Main Davis S E Mrs, res 316 N Main Davis Stella, res 316 N Main Davis Linnie, bds 84 Bailey Davis Wallace, bds 84 Bailey Day S P Miss, bds 128 College Day Jno, c, cabinetmaker A F F Day Thos, c, A F F, res 112 Pearson ave Day S J Mrs, c, res 112 Pearson ave Day Berta, c, res 112 Pearson ave Day Jno, c, carp, res extension of Atkin A. J. LYMAN. [Uemljer of tha ITatioaal Association of Seal Estate Sealers, V. S. A.] Real Estate and Loan Broker. Office in Court House Building, Asheville, N. C. S. R. KEEPLER, Dealer in r'lI^ES C31- DEL O O 3E3 H. I E! S , 53 Soutb main Street. 90 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Day Sallie Mrs, c, res extension of Atkin Day Thos, c, res extension of Atkin Day Robt, c, res extension of Atkin Deadman Wm, printer, 47 S Main, res 137 S Beaumont Deadman Elizabeth Mrs, res 137 S Beaumont Dean Celia, c, nurse, 42 Haywood Dean J T, carp, res 78 Avery Dean J T Mrs, res 78 Avery Dean Wm, res 78 Avery Dean Hattie Mrs, res 78 Avery Dean Bettie, c, cook, 163 College Dean Ella Mrs, c, laundress, 34 Zion Deans Chas, c, serv't, bds 50 Baird Deake C T C, truck garden, res 324 Charlotte Deake C T C Mrs, res 324 Charlotte Deake J W C, steward Battery Park, res 324 Charlotte Deake Staunch, c, lab, res Carter building, S Pub Sq Deake Mrs T L, c, res Carter building, S Pub Sq Deaver W H, detective, res 25 Pine Deaver Mary L Mrs, res 31^ Pine Deaver C B, bds 25 Pine Deaver J C, bds 25 Pine Deaver N P, bds 25 Pine Deaver Lottie, bds 25 Pine Deaver W K, bds 25 Pine Deaver Clara M Mrs, res S Water Deaver Lucile G, bds S Water Deaver Ethel C, bds S Water Deboard Melinda, 136 Broad De Barry Dewain, bds 99 Chestnut Delashmit Kate, bds 157 Haywood DeVAULT T M, musical mdse, 35 N Main, res N Beaumont DeVault A Mrs, res N Beaumont DeVault Reese, res N Beaumont WnnnPflPI^'Q ^West Hnd Pbarmacy, If UUUUUUlV ^^^ Patton Ave., Below Depot st. Christmas and Birthday Presents, at MOROAN & GO'S. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 91 DeVault Geo H, 35 N Main, bds N Beaumont Dials Jesse, waiter, Battery Park Dial Lewis, c, plasterer, res rear 165 Hill Dial Mamie Mrs, c, res rear 165 Hill Dial George, c, bds rear 165 Hill Dial Maggie, c, bds rear 165 Hill Dias C E, c, cook, 38 Davidson Dickson Wm M, mdse, 27 N Main, res 28 Willow Dickson W M, res 38 Penland Dickson L C Mrs, res 38 Penland Dickson James, c, printer, bds 180 S Pine Dixon Mary J, c, res 95 Church Dixon Carl, c, res 95 Church Dixon Isaac, Sr, c, res 9=^ Church Dixon Delia Mrs, c, res 95 Church Dobey Amelia, col, cook, 327 College Dobey Lillie, c, 227 College Dobey Walter, c, waiter. Batter}- Park, res 101 S Beauniont Dobey Mary Mrs, c, res loi S Beaumont Dobb W, c, lab, bds 58 Bridge Dobbins Pinkney, c, lab, res 288 S Beaumont Dobbins Mary Mrs, c, res 2S8 S Beaumont Dock Jno, res 53 College Dock Stence, c, lab, res 9 Maiden Lane DDck Mrs M, res 9 Maiden Lane Dockins Jas, c, waiter. Battery Park Dockins Jas, c, waiter, 23 S Main Dodd E H, barkeeper under 58 S Main, res Water Dodd Reuben, c, lab, res 392 S Main Dodd Ann Mrs, c, res 392 S Main Dodd Pink, c, lab, res 392 S IVIain Dodd Mary Mrs, c, res 392 S Main Dodson J E, shoemaker, res 138 N Beaumont The Best Shoe made for $3.00 CAi^ B£ FOUND AT M. I^EVY'N I9 MAIX STREET. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. PICTURE FRAMES 01^ HAND AND MADE TO ORDER, AT ESTABROOK'S No. 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 92 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Dodson Alice Mrs, res 138 N Beaumont Dodson Grace, res 138 N Beaumont Dodson Claud, res 138 N Beaumont Doe T B, elk, 17 Patton ave, res White Oak .Doe Dora Mrs, res 20 Oak Doe L B, bds 20 Oak Doe Irving, bds 20 Oak Doe Thomas, bds 20 Oak Donnavin Mattie, servt, 278 Chestnut Donnavin Maggie, cook, 121 Haywood Dooley Addie, c, res 168 S Pine Dooley Robert, c, res 17 Mountain Dooley Hester, c, res 17 Mountain Donnovan Mary Mrs, seamstress, res 25 West Donnovan Maggie, bds 25 West Donnovan Kate, bds 25 West Donnovan Mattie, bds 25 West Donnovan Wm, bds 21^ West Dorton Hattie, pauper, poor house Dougherty M M, drayman, res 466 Haywood Dougherty M M Mrs, res 466 Haywood Dougherty Jas M, bds 466 Haywood Dougherty J S, bds 466 Haywood Dougherty Nelson, c, in jail, 72 Eagle DOUGLASS B H, dentist, 24 S Main, bds 49 Church Douglass Carrie, bds 49 Church Doubleday U, Doubleday & Scott, lumber dealers, res 174 Hayw'd Doubleday Harry, res 174 Haywood Doubleday J S, res 174 Haywood Dounchoe T J, water works, bds 274 College Dover M Mrs, c, laundress, res 58 Sondley Dover Lillie, c, bds 58 Sondley Dranger — Miss, bds 1 1 1 Merrimon ave Drake J B, machinist, N Main, res Bailey M. LEVY, No. 19 Main street, carries a Full Une of RUBBER GOODS. Toys, Plush Goods, Holiday Novelties Always on hand, at ESTABROOK'S 22 South Main Street. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 93 Drake J P, grocer, N Main, res 38 Bailey Drake Ida Mrs, res 38 Bailey Drake Annie, bds 38 Bailey Drake Arleen, bds 38 Bailey Drake Singleton, bds 38 Bailey Drake Carrie, bds 38 Bailey Drummond R F, tobacconist, res 68 Woodfin Drummond M A Mrs, res 68 Woodfin Drummond C S Miss, res 68 Woodfin Drummond Ada, res 68 Woodfin Drummond R F, tobacconist, res S Main Dryman W H, lab, res Cemetery Dryman M J Mrs, res Cemetery Dryman Thos, bds Cemetery Dryman Belton, bds Cemetery Dryman John, bds Cemetery Dryman Carrie, bds Cemetery Dryman Effie, bds. Cemetery Dryman Earnest, bds Cemetery Dryman Ella, bds Cemetery Dryman George, bds Cemetery Duckett Jno H, c, 60 Merrimon ave Duckett Louanna, bds 16 Hill Duckett Thos, bds 16 Hill Duckett Eugene, bds 16 Hill Duckett Noah, carp, bds 16 Hill Duckett Thos B, carp, res 16 Hill Duckett Thos B Mrs, res 16 Hill Duckett Martha, bds 16 Hill Duckett George, bds 16 Hill Duckett James, bds 16 Hill Duckett T B, mechanic, res 313 Haywood Duffey Walter, c, lab, res 333 N Main Duffey Mollie Mrs, c, res 333 N Matn LEVY'S Shoe Department can't be Beat. No. 19 Main street. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, toy GRANT & RONEBCRRY, 24 S. Main St., ASHEVILLE. 94 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Duffield C B, bds Swannanoa Hotel Duffield C B Mrs, bds Swannanoa Hotel Dukes T C H, bkpr, 15 Patton ave, res 33 Short Dukes E J Mrs, res 33 Short Dukes E C Miss, res 33 Short Dukes M L, res 33 Short Dukes M, res 33 vShort Dukes S, 33 Short Dukes Edward, 33 Short Dunn Jno, shoemaker, Patton ave, bds 12 Sondley Dunn R G, res 187 Haywood Dunn A L Mrs, res 187 Haywood Dunn Nannie, res 1S7 Haywood Dunn Hattie, res 187 Haywood Dunn Kate, res 187 Haywood Dunlap Thos R, carp, res 48 N Main Durham Algernon, c, teacher, res 166 Valley Durham Mary Mrs, c, res 166 Valley Durham Nathan, c, bds 166 Valley Durham Burt, c, bds 166 Valley Durham Benj, c, lab, bds 91 Gudger Durham Kate, res 61 French Broad ave Durham Jennie, c, laundress, res 153 Valley E Earl Nancy, c, laundress, res 104 Pine Earl Jacob, c, res 104 Pine Earl Mary, c, 104 Pine Earl Georgiana, c, res 104 Pine Earl James, c, bds Patton ave Earl Robert, c, lab, res 60 Sondley Earl Rebecca, c, res 60 Sondlev BUY A PAIR OF THOSE $5 00, HAND-SEWED, GENTS SHOE, AT M. LEVY'S No 19 MAIN STREET. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. LADIES NOTE PAPER, at J. N. MORGAN & GO'S. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 95 Earl Annie, c, bds 60 Sondley Earl Minnie, c, bds 60 Sondley Earl Carrie, c, laundress, 33 Mountain Earl Lillie, c, laundress, 33 Mountain Earl Lorenzo, c, 33 Mountain Eaton J H, plasterer, res 346 Haywood Eaton M E, Mrs, res 346 Haywood Eaton W A, bds 3^6 Haywood Eaton J H, bds 346 Haywood Eaton Geo E, bds 346 Haywood Earwood, Wm, wks broom factory, res 355 Patton ave Earwood Louise, cook, 23 S Water Edwards J M, yard master, depot, res Depot Edwards T K, druggist, bds 24 Bailey Edwards M J Mrs, bds 24 Bailey^ Edwards Alexander, c, lab, bds 511 Haywood Edwards Henry, lab, 24 N Main Edwards A Mrs, 24 N Main Edwards Arthur, 34 N Main Edwards Minnie, 24 N Main Edwards Ogden E Sr, res 244 Chestnut * Edwards Annie L, res 244 Chestnut Edwards Katherine, bds 244 Chestnut Edwards Helen, bds 244 Chestnut Edwards Robt S, bds 344 Chestnut Edwards Ogden E Ji", bds 244 Chestnut Edwards Andrew, c, waiter. Battery Park Hotel Edmonds Green, c, lab, res Cemetery Edmonds Hattie Mrs, c, res Cemetery Edney Mrs, res 29 College * Edney Maria, milliner, res 29 College Elkins Mack, carp, I'es 473 Main Elkins L A Mrs, res 473 Main Elkins M S, bds 473 Main Gents' Silk Half- Hose, at M, LEVY' S No, 19 Main street. Blank Books, J. N. MORO AX & CO'S 96 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Elkins J N, bds 473 Main Elkins Addie, bds 473 Main Elkins M E, bds 473 Main Elkins S L, bds 473 Main Elkins Alice, bds 473 Main Elkins Lela, bds 473 Main Elliott John, lab, bds 58 Pine Ellis Henry, c, cook, Swannanoa Hotel Ellick M, mdse, 24 N Main Ellick S Miss, elk 46 S Main Ellick A, 24 N Main Emerson P F, bds 47 Walnut Emerson C M Mrs, bds 47 Walnut Emerson C C, bds 47 Walnut Epps Jas, c, blksmith, res 15 Mountain Epps Louise Mrs, c, res 15 Mountain Epps Mollie, c, bds 15 Mountain Epps Martha, c, bds 15 Mountain Epps Lawrence, c, bds 15 Mountain Ei'by James, lab, res 335 N Main Erby N Mrs. res 335 N Main Erby Cordie, res 335 N Main Erby Ella, res 335 N Main Erwin S Bulow, res 351 S Main Erwin L S Mrs, res 351 S Main Erwin Nannie T, i-es 351 S Main Erwin Mary A, res 351 S Main Erwin John B, res 351 S Main Erwin William, res 351 S Main Erwin Lizzie, c, res 22 S Depot Erwin Carrie, c, res 22 S Depot Erwin Frank, c, res 22 S Depot Erwin Caroline, c, 26 Aston Erwin Solomon, c, lab, 5 Mountain CUFF ANO SOCK SUPPORTERS, AX M. I^EVY'S I«o. 19 MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE FOUNDRY --A.Kri>- MACHINE SHOPS, BVTTRICK & COLE, PROP'S. MANUFACTURERS OF CANE MILLS, t> MILL GEARINGS, Gudgeons, Spindles, Sash Weights, Hollow Ware, Plow Castings, &c. Repairing of Engines a Specialty. S. D. HALL & CO., GROCERIES BUXXRICK BLOCK PAXXOX AVE. FAMILY GROCERIES, W> Produce of all Kinds. :b :e3 :e lE^:, ^oikik:, AND COn^nEOTIOI-TEIBIES. CANNED GOODS, Best Brands of Flour a Specialty. Good Goods at Lo^^^est Prices. The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 97 Erwin Ella Mrs c, res 5 Mountain Erwin M D, c, lab, 41 Pine Erwin Hellen Mrs, c, lab, res 41 Pine Erwin Augustus, c, bds 41 Pine Erwin Laura, c, bds 41 Pine Erwin Matilda, c, cook, 55 Academy Erwin Fred, c, 5=^ Academy Erwin W T, elk, 100 Patton ave, bds 92 Patton ave Erwin Kate Mrs, res 27 N Spruce Erwin Cordie, dressmaker, 30 Water, bds 27 N Spruce Erwin Hannah, bds 27 N Spruce Erwin Marcus, bds 27 N Spruce Erwin Alice, bds 27 N Spruce Ei'win Mary, bds 27 N Spruce Erwin Lou, c, cook, cor Haywood and Pulliam Erwin Matilda, c, 56 Sondley Erwin Filmore, c, cook, 3 Patton ave, res N Main Erwin Fifer, c, waiter, 3 Patton ave, res S Main Erwin John, carp, res Melke ave Erwin Sarah Mrs, res Melke ave Erwin H C, shoemaker, 22 Patton ave Erwin William, c, plasterer, 181 vS Beaumont Erwin Ellen Mrs, res 181 S Beaumont ESTABROOK H T, bookseller, 22 S Main, res same Estabrook F C, Mrs, artist, res 22 S Main Euloe E Miss, student AFC Evans Prof B F, Prin Newton Academy, res S Main, o c Evans B F Mrs, res S Main, o c Evans Mary E, ast teacher, res S Main, o c Evans Harriet, c, laundress, Pattery Bark Evans Wm, c, bds 186 Patton ave SOFT HATS, LATEST STYLE~ AT M. I^EVY'S No. 19 ]»IAIN SXREEX. G. Cowan. T E TT^r E Xj E x^ , Reparing and Engraving a Specialty. 27 Patton Aveuue. 98 AsHEviLLE City Directory. F Fagg M J, res 60 Merrinion ave Fagg A M Mrs, res 60 Merrimon ave Fagg Bessie M, res 60 Merrimon ave Fagg M M, res 60 Merrimon ave Fagg H C, elk. 15 Patton ave, bds Church Fagg J A, res 63 Bridge Fagg J L Mrs, ires 63 Bridge Fagg Loula L, res 63 Bridge Fain N W, res 73 Academy Fain M E Mrs, res 73 Academy Fain Flora, res 72 Academy Fain Earl, res 73 Academy Fair J R, carp, res 335 Bridge Fair C C Mrs, res 335 Bridge Fair J O, res 335 Bridge Falk C F, mdse, 35 N Main, res 176 Merrimon ave Falk M S Mrs, res 176 Merrimon ave Falk Josie, res 176 Merrimon ave Falk Bertha, res 176 Merrimon ave Falk Louise, res 176 Merrimon ave Fanning Frank A, elk 13 N Main, res 2S9 S Main Fanning H M Mrs, res 289 S Main Fanning Grace, res 289 S Main Fanning Leslie, res 289 S Main Farmen Ida, bds 79 S Main Farmen Miss, bds 40 N F B ave Farmer John, bds 65 Academy Farnesworth Rose, c, servt. College Farnesworth Melinda, c, res 33 N Beaumont Farnesworth Rose, c, res 33 N Beaumont Centlemens' CLOVES, Endless Va* riety, at M. Levy's No. 19 Main st. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Hay or Piiglit, at GRA:NX & ROSEBHRRVS Drug Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHBVII>.IvE, B(. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 99 Farnesworth James, c, res 33 N Beaumont Featherston W C, elk, 7 S Main, res 35 Water Featherston L Mrs, res 35 Water Featherston Marion, res 35 Water Featherston Emma, res 35 Water Featherston A A, Hquors, 9 S Main, res 6S Charlotte Featherston A N Mrs, 68 Charlotte Featherston Carrie, 68 Charlotte Featherston Blanche, )es 68 Charlotte Featherston Ambrose, res 68 Charlotte Field Jacob, c, lab, Fernihurst, o c Field Mary, c, Ferhihur&t, o c Findley Robert, res 34 Woodfin Findley Robert Mrs, res 34 Woodfin Findley Albert, 34 Woodfin Finley Robert, drummer, 31 F B ave Finley Robert Mrs, res 31 F B ave Fisher Thos, mechanic, bds 78 Avery Fisher Ellen, servt, 146 Chestnut Fitzgerald, printer, S Pub Sqr, bds 34 Davidson Fitzgerald John, lab, res 119N Beaumont Fitzgerald Dora, bds 119 N Beaumont Fitzgerald Wm, bds 1 19 N Beaumont Fitzgerald Ellen, bds 119 N Beaumont Fitzgerald Jack, bds 119 N Beaumont Fitzgerald Joshua, carp, res 48 Clayton Fitzgerald Alice Mrs, res 48 Clayton Fitzgerald Oliver, bds 48 Clayton Fitzgerald Edward, bds 48 Clayton Fitzgerald Lafayette, bds 48 Clayton FITZPATRICK R L, painter, 34 N Main, res 30 Bridge Fitzpatrick L J Mrs, res 3o Bridge Fitzpatrick Rufus, bds 30 Bridge Fitzpatrick Winnie, bds 30 Bridge The FINEST Pleated Bosom SHIRTS, at M. I^EVY'S. IVo. 19 Main st. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRANX & RO^EBERRY, 24 S. Main St., ASHEYILLE. 100 ASHEVILLE ClTV DIRECTORY. ' Fitzpatrick Maud, bds 30 Bridge Fitzpatrick Ossie. bds 20 Bridge Fitzpatrick E C. painter, 34 N Main, bds 20 Bridge Flemming Etta, c, 109 Beaumont Flemming John, c, truckman at depot, bds 314 Raihoad FLETCHER M H Dr, 18 S Main, res 23 Penlajid Fletcher N Mrs, res 4S8 Haywood Fletcher Chas D, bds 488 Haywood Fletcher John, bds 488 Haywood Fletcher Geo W, bds 488 Haywood Flock Wm, c, lab, res 125 N Main Flock Clara, c, res 135 N Main Flock Wm Jr, c, bds 135 N Main Flock Mary, c, bds 135 Main Flock Annie Mrs, c, laundress, 40 Madison ave Flock Wm, c, 40 Madison ave Flock Clyde, c, 40 Madison ave Flournoy Robert A, c, barber, 60 S Main, res 33 N Beaumont Flournoy Victoria Mrs, c, 33 N Beaumont Flournoy John N, c, 33 N Beaumont Flournoy Richard, waiter, 33 S Main, bds 33 N Beaumont Flynn W W, lab, res 431 N Main Flynn E L Mrs res 431 N Main Flynn J B, bds 431 N Main Flynn R H, bds 431 N Main Flynn S E, bds 431 N Main Flynn Harriett, bds 431 N Main Foray Julius c, lab, res 56 Sondley Foray Hester Mrs, c, res 56 Sondley Foray Ida, c, bds 56 Sondley Forney Thos, c, porter 59 S Main, res 53 Davidson Forney Julia, c, res 53 Davidson Forney Delia, bds 61 F B ave For UNLAUNDBIED SHIBTS, Call on M, Levy, the Clothier, 19 Main st. PERFUMERIES, ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHTS AND LUMBORG'S, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 101 Forney Stanley, c, carp, res 70 S Main Forney Mary Mrs, c, res 70 S Main Forniey A Mrs, c, cook, 20 Woodfin Forney James, c, res 132 Patton ave Forney Mary Mrs, c, res 122 Patton ave Ford John, c, carp, res 1S7 S Beaumont Ford S Mrs, c, res 187 S Beaumont Ford Hester, c, cook, 106 Pearson ave Fort E Mrs, res 3S5 S Main Fort Wm, plasterer, res 3S5 S Main Fort Preston, carp, res 385 S Main Fort Sarah, res 385 S Main Fort Henry, res 3S5 S Main Fort Geo W, carp, res 366 S Main Fort George Mrs, res 366 S Main Fort Jessie, bds 366 S Main Fort West, bds 366 S Main Fort Hallie, bds 366 S Main Fort Sanford, bds 366 S Main Fort A, c, cook, 3 Patton ave Fortune A B, res 112 College Fortune "M J Mrs, res 112 College Fortune Burgin, bds 112 College Fortune Lizzie, bds 112 College Fortune Geroge, bds 112 College Fortune Cora, bds 112 College Fortune Alfred B, bds 112 College Fortune Alice, bds 112 College Fortune James, c, res 211 Haywood Fortune Susan, c. res 211 Hayw^ood Foster R P, elk F B Hotel, Depot Foster Leander. c, porter, 23 S Main, res 34 S Water Foster F M, wks A F F, res 83 Depot For a genteel Salt of Clothes, Go to The Popttlar Clothier, M. LEVY 19 Main st. GRANT &, ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, ^o. 24 Soutli Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C 102 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Foster Mattie Mrs, res 83 Depot Foster Robert, c, lab, bds 13S S Pine Foster S, c, bds 134 S Pine Foster Joe, c, harnessmaker, under 40 S Main, res 142 S Pine Foster N S Mrs, c, res 142 S Pine Foster Lula, c, bds 142 S Pine Foster Bettie, c, laundress, res 15 Mountain Foster B V, c. res 15 Mountain Foster George, c, waiter, Carolina House, 79 N Main Foster Sandy, c, lab, res loi East Foster Eliza Mrs, c, res loi East Foster L H, carp, bds 274 N Main Foster Etta, c, bds 39 Haywood Foster Frank, lab, bds 38 College Foster Frances Mrs, c, cook 125 Charlotte Foster Eliza, c, servt, 146 Chestnut Foster Vashti, c, bds 102 Mountain Fowler Marion, brickmason, res 344 S Main Fowler Sallie Mrs, res 344 S Main Fowler S, c, porter, 9 S Main, res 85 S Beaumont Fowler Eliza Mrs, c, res 8^5 S Beaumont Fowler Chas, c, bds 85 S Beaumont Fowler Thomas, c, bds 85 S Beaumont Fowler Lester, c, bds Sz, S Beaumont Fowler Wm, c, bds 85 S Beaumont Frady Kate Mrs, bds 60 S Beaumont Frady Alice, bds 60 S Beaumont Frady J H, res 327 S Main Frady Mollie Mrs, res 327 S Main Frady Benjamin, res 327 S Main Frady Maggie, bds 327 S Main Frady S L, lab, res 257 College Frady C E Mrs, res 257 College Frady Wm B, bds 257 College The latest Style of Hand- Turn Ladies Shoes, at M, Levy's 19 Main street. "VaVA TDDTH WiLBH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Aiyrv*iV',fi", 2i South ITIaiii 8t., N. C. AsHEviLi-E City Directory. 103 Frady Cornelia L, bds 257 College Frady Annie M, bds 357 College Frady George F, bds 357 College Frady Edgar, bds 257 College France H C, tobacconist, res 34 Bailey France H C Mrs, res 34 J^ailey France Wm, bds 34 Bailey France Peter, bds 24 Bailey Francis Wm, carp, res 302 Depot Francis Wm Mrs, res 202 Depot Francis M L Miss, bds 202 Depot Francis Hester B, bds 202 Depot Francis Wm jr, bds 203 Depot Francis Irene, bds 202 Depot Francis Robert, bds 303 Depot Francis Samuel, bds 202 Depot Francis M C Miss, bds 202 Depot Frank James, grocer 32 N Main, res 83 S Main Frank James Mrs, res 83 S Main Franks Cornelius, printer, res 378 College Franks B Mrs, res 378 College Franks William, printer, bds 378 College Franks Robert C, printer, bds 378 College Franks Maggie, bds 278 College Franklin John H, shoemaker, 40 S Main, res 24 Seney in E Mrs, res 34 Seney n Sallie, bds 24 Seney n Samuel, bds 2^ Seney n Arthur, bds, 34 Seney n Minnie, bds 34 Seney n Sam, tailor, 43 N Main, bds 30 Orange n H S Miss, bds 187 Haywood Frankl Frankl Frankl Frankl Frankl Frankl Frankl Go to I.E VY^S, tlie popular Clothier, for 'White Vests, Xo. 19 Main street. Order BLACK DIAMOND GOAL from PattonAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD, V SO. 104 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Freck A, shoemaker, 40 S Main, res 159 S Main Freck A Mrs, res 159 S Main Freck Annie, res 159 vS Main Freck Minnie, res 159 S Main Freck Earnest, res 159 S Main Freck Charles W, tinner, 11 S Main, res 1S8 S Main Freck DolUe Mrs, res 18S S Main Freck J L, bds 188 S Main Frost Thos, c, servt. Battery Park Fulbright Cora, res 9 Fine Fulbright W R, res 9 Fine Fulbright Laura, res 9 Pine Fulbright Thos, res 9 Pine FuUam John, machinist, bds 466 Haywood Fullenweider Henry, c, lab, res 81 Valley Fullenweider Henry Mrs, c, res 81 Valley Fullenweider Haywood, student A M A, bds 103 Academy Fulmer Jacob, eng W N C R R, res 86 Depot Fulmer Mollie Mrs. res 86 Depot Fulmer Maggie, bds 86 Depot Fulmer John, bds 86 Depot Fulton P Mrs, 256 N Main Furguson I Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak FURMAN ROBERT M, ed Citizen, 13 Pat ave, res 95 N Pine Furman Mollie M Mrs, res 95 N Pine Furman Carrie D, bds 95 N Pine Furman Robert M jr, bds 95 N Pine Furman George B. bbs 95 N Pine Furman Austin W, bds 95 N Pine Furman Mollie, bds 95 N Pine Furman R B, elk, 15 Patton ave, bds 194 College Fuse S E Mrs, res Campbell's addition M. I^EVY'S Shoe Oepartment is tlie Lrarg^est and most Complete in ^Western X. C. No. 19 Main st. r* A ■ Mext door to A H If I Fine Groceries -.-^r.i;.-;..: S. R. Kepler AsHEviLLE City Directory. 105 G Gaddis J Mrs, c laundress, res 95 Valley Gaddis Fred, c res 95 Valley Gadsby Henry, c lab, res 30 Woodfin Gadsby Henry Mrs, res 30 Woodfin Gage V, bds 29 Hill Gage John, mechanic, res 87 Hill Gage Mattie Mrs, res 87 Hill Gage Mamie, bds 87 Hill Gage John, bds 87 Hill Gaines Wm, c cook, 23 S Main Gaither Hester, c cook, 77 Charlotte Gaither Rufus, c lab, res 18 Ray Gaither Sarah, c laundress, Swannanoa Hotel Gale Wm Mrs, bds 211 Haywood Gale John, lab, bds 37 S Spruce Garden, Frank, c servt, 3 Church Gardner Young, c hostler 15 and 17 Willow Gardner Bell, c cook, 133 S Main Garland Joe, 58 N Main Garren Wm, carp, res 37 Spruce Garren Eliza Mrs, res 37 Spruce Garren A V, res 3 Seney Garren Hairiet, res 3 Seney Garren Mattie. bds 3 Seney Garren Mary, bds 3 Seney Garren James, bds 3 Seney Garren Leander, lab, res Campbell's addition Garren Jane Mrs, res Campbell's addition Garren Laura, res Campbell's addition Garren Lena, res Campbell's addition Garren E Miss, cook, 206 College The Handsomest line of Neck Wear in the City, at M. Levy's, 19 Main. OnP»tt^o<^^ ^ Tele- cn OU Ave., i N. W. 6IRDW00D. ^phone OU. 106 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Garrett R U, banker, res Garrett ave o c Garrett R U Mrs, res Garrett ave o c Garrett M A, bds Garrett ave o c Garrett Alex, broker, bds Garrett ave o c Garrison Asbury, c waiter, Swannanoa Hotel Gaston Hugh, c waiter, Carolina House Gatchell E A, phys, 64 S Main, res 143 Haywood Gatchell E A Mrs, res 143 Haywood Gatchell Chas, bds 143 Haywood Gates J W, baker, res 260 Patton ave Gates Mary Mrs, res 260 Patton ave Gates Edward F, bds 260 Patton ave Gates Laura, bds 260 Patton ave Gates Ed, tinner, 39 S Main bds 260 Patton ave Gates Thos, lab, res near poorhouse o c Gates Mrs M, res near poorhouse o c Gates Wm H, res near poorhouse o c Gherkins M J res 437 N Main Gherkins Eldridge, printer, 2 N pub sqr, bds 437 N Main. Gibbs Higgins, lab, res 95 Hazzard Gibbs A E, lab, res 194 Woodfin Gibbs A P, bds 194 Woodfin Gibbs L G, bds 194 Woodfin Gibbs M H, bds 194 Woodfin Gibbs Cora, c cook 208 Woodfin Gibson Nias, c porter, Swannanoa Hotel Gibson Geo, c lab, residence 138 N Pine Gibson Mary Mrs, res 138 N Pine Gibson Laura, res 138 N Pine Gibson Mary, c cook, 57 Church Gibson H, c res 136 N Pine Gibson Hardy, c res 136 N Pine Gibson John, c res 136 N Pine Gidian Olie, lab, res 48 Seney The Celebrated ^^Coon" Collars and Cuffs, at M. Levy's, 19 Main st. J. in, Campbell, Xlie Real Cstate Dealer, Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. Office, IMo. 5 South Blain street. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 107 Gidian Nannie Mrs, 48 Seney Gilbert John, wks A F F Gilbert S M, shoemkr, 19 S, Main, res 62 Hill Gilbert S M Mrs, res 62 Hill Gilbert Wm, bds 62 Hill Gilbert Alexie, bds 62 Hill Gilbert Thos B, bds 62 Hill Gilbert Jno, machinist, bds 118 Charlotte Gilden Wilson, gardener, Fernihurst o c Gilden Saml, gardener. Fernihurst o c Gilder Mary, res 273 S Main Gillespie M Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Gillespie A L Mrs, bds 1 1 1 Academy Gilliam Andrew J, watchman, A F F, bds 423 S Main Gilliam Jas, carp, res 94 Church Gilliam Mary Mrs, res 94 Church Gilliam Fanny, bds 94 Church Gilliam Jno, watchman, A F F Gilliam T J, tobacconist, 35 N Main Gills L, cook, 310 N Main Gilreath C H,Ves 65 Hill Gilreath C H Mrs, res 65 Hill Gilreath M V.Miss, bds 65 Hill Gilreath Emma, bds 65 Hill Gilreath Annie, bds 65 Hill Gilreath W P, bds 65 Hill Gilreath M H, bds 65 Hill Gilchrist Lottie, bds 65 Hill GIRDWOOD N W, coal dealer, 30 Patton ave, res 217 Haywood Girdwood N W Mrs, res 217 Haywood Glass David F, gardener, res 275 College Glass Ruth Mrs, res 275 College Glass George, bds 275 College Glass David, bds 275 College Linen, Mohair and Alpaca Dusters, at M. Levy^s No. 29 3Iain street. S. R. KEEPLER, Dealer in 53 South ITIaiii Street. 108 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Glass John, bds 375 College Glass Katie, bds 58 Hill Glassgow John, c, barber, rear 23 S Main, res 198 S Main Glassgow Mary Mrs, c, res 198 S Main Glenn R, carp, bds iS N Main Glenn Woodfin, bds 18 N Main Glover Giles, c, lab, res French Broad ave Glover Lyles, lab, bds 29 Hill Goldsmith Wm, elk, 39 N Main, res 37 Woodfin Goldsmith Wm Mrs, res 37 Woodfin Goldsmith Lee, bds 37 Woodfin Goldsmith Gella, bds 37 Woodfin Goldsmith S, bds 37 Woodfin Goldsmith Flora, bds 37 Woodfin Goldsmith Mollie, bds 120 Cherry Good John, c, lab, res 97 East Good Lizzie, c, res 97 East Good Garfield, c, bds 97 East Good Eliza, c, bds 97 East Goodlake G W, grocer, 36 S Main, res 195 S Main Goodlake G W Mrs, res 195 S Main Goodlake Sudie, bds 195 S Main Goodlake Thomas, tinner, 16 Willow, bds 195 S Main Goodlake Jessie, bds 195 S Main Goodlake Virgie L, bds 195 S Main Goodlake Freddie, bds 195 S Main Goodlake AUie, bds 195 S Main Goodlake John, carp, res near poor-house, o c Goodlake Ella Mrs, res near poor-honse, o c Goodlake Eleanor S Mrs, res 381 S Main Goodlake Augustus A, res 381 S Main Goodlake S Mrs, res 381 S Main Goodlake Daisy, bds 381 S Main For Gents Extra Fine Suspenders, Call on M. Levy, No. 19 Main st. WOODCOCK'S l^est Hud Pharmacy, 2(i8 Pattou Ave., Below Depot St. AsHEVii.LE City Directory. 109 Goodlake Clemmie, bds 381 S Main Goodlake Claudie, bds 381 S Main Goodlake Carl, bds 381 S Main Goodman John, lab in factory, 64 Grove Goodman Mary, c, servt, Bat Park, res 18 Sondley Goodman Willis, c, bds 19 Water Goodman Ella, c, bds 19 Water Goodwin Maria, c, res 52 Madison Goodwin Maitsell, c, res 52 Madison Goodwin Sandy, c, res 52 Madison Goodram Sandy, c, gardner, 235 N Main Goodram Lucy Mrs, c, cook, 23^ N Main Gorenflo I H, contractor and builder, bds 13 S Main Gorenflo James, carp, bds 13 S Main Gossamer C T, lab, bds 17 Walnut Gowan Harry, c, lab, res 60 Sondley Gowan Lena Mrs, c, res 60 Sondley Gowan Irene, c, bds 60 Sondley Gowan W H, c, bds 60 Sondley Grace Henry, carp, 48 N Main Grace Miss, 59 N Main Grace John, 59 N Main Grady R R, lab, res 400 N Main Grady E J Mrs. res 400 N Main Grant Julius, c, lab, res 159 S Beaumont GRANT & ROSEBERRY, druggists, 24 S Main GRANT JAMES S, druggists, 24 S Main, bds 35 N Spruce Grant F R, elk, 2? N Water Grant Rebecca, res 56 Madison Grant H F, res 152 Chestnut Grant H F Mrs res 152 Chestnut Grant F R, bds 152 Chestnut Grant Rose, bds 152 Chestnut Grant Carrie, bds 152 Chestnut Grant N M, bds 152 Chestnut Umbrellas, from 50cts to $5 OO, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main street. M. LEVY, No. 19 Main St., has the Largest stock of Hats in the City. 110 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Grant Wm, lab, res 48S Haywood Grant Wm Mrs, res 488 Haywood Grant M M Miss, bds 488 Haywood Grant James T, bds 488 Haywood Grant Trim, c, barber, 33 S Main Graham Joe, c, porter 7 S Main, res 77 Mountain Graham W J, wks A F F, res 23 Depot GRAHAM ROBT P, wholesale mdse, 37 Pat ave, bds 88 N Main Graham Jane, nurse, 278 Chestnut Graham C E, mdse, 37 Patton ave, res 22 French Broad ave Graham C E Mrs, res 22 N French Broad ave Graham A S, bds 22 N French Broad ave Graham Lucie, bds 22 N French Broad ave Grahl A S, res 142 Pearson ave Grass Henry, res 216 College Grass Carrie, res 216 College Graves L, c, bds 55 vS French Broad ave Graves J F, mdse, 37 Patton ave, res 64 Mountain Gray Jason, c', yardman at depot, bds 170 Avery Green Salina, c, cook, 90 S Main Green Nora M, teacher, bds 13 S Main Green Lottie, bds 25 Pine Green E J, wks 153 Patton ave, bds Cherry Green Loula, cook, 32 Davidson Greenlee Burt, c, driver, res 45 Church Greenlee Maria Mrs, res 45 Church Greenlee Robt, res 45 Church Greenlee Florence, res 45 Church Greenlee Geo, c, restaurant, 23 S Main Greenlee S, c, bds 95 Valley Greenlee Howard, c, waiter Battery Park Greenlee W, steward, Battery Park Greenlee Charlotte, c, nurse, 50 Bailey Greenlee Lizzie Mrs, c, laundress, res 152 Valley The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. The Latest thing in '' Cheviot Suits," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main St. AsHEViLLE City Directory. Ill Greenlee R A, c, waiter, res 152 Valley Greenlee J M Mrs, c, res 152 Valley Greenlee J J, mdse, 32 N Main, res 80 S Main Greenlee Chas, c,lab, bds 187 Haywood Greenlee Walter, c, painter, res 157 Hill Greenlee Rachel Mrs, c, res 157 Hill Greenlee Gwyn, c, bds 157 Hill Greenlee Thomas, c, bds 157 Hill Greenlee Belle, c, bds 157 Hill Greenlee John, c, lab, res 21 Sondley Greenlee John, Mrs, c, res 21 Sondley Greenlee Howard, c, bds 21 Sondley Greenlee James, c, bds 21 Sondley Greenlee Rufus, c, lab, res 9 Pulliam Greenlee Maria Mrs, c, res 9 Pulliam Greenlee Mary, c, bds 9 Pulliam Greenlee Maggie, c, bds 9 Pulliam Greenlee C;Mrs, c, cook, 113 College Greenlee Lucinda, c, bds 113 College Greenlee Samuel, c, servt, 75 College Greenlee Hester,"c, servt, 77 Charlotte Greenwood James, res 80S Main Greenwood James Mrs, res 80 S Main Greenwood Susie, bds 80 S Main Greenwood G A, bds 80 S Main Greenwood James G, bds So_,S Main Greer Benjaman, c, lab, res 21 Hildebrand Greer H S, mdse, 29 N Main, res 117 Cherry Greer Almira Mrs, res 117 Cherry Greer H L, bds 117 Cherry Greer Mollie, bds 117 Cherry Greer Maggie, bds 117 Cherry Greer N Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Greer A Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Co to M. Levy's 19 Main St., for Solar Tip Shoes for Children. Imported Flannel Shirts, all Colors, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. 112 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Greev Gaston A, mdse, 36 N Main, res 31 French Broad ave Greer James, c, lab, W N C R R, res Depot Greer Mary Mrs, c, res Depot Gregg M A Mrs, res 24 Bailey Griffin Wm, gardener, res 184 Avery Griggs Ruth, servt, bds 78 Depot Griggs L T, res 176 Bailey Griggs J P Mrs, res 176 Bailey Griggs M M, bds 176 Main Griggs R A, Miss, bds 176 Bailey Grimes Wm, c, drayman, res 64 Mountain Grimes Lou, c, res 64 Mountain x Grimes Lewis, c, bds 64 Mountain ,"^ Gudger H L, mdse 41 S Main, res 19 Academy Gudger A L Mrs, res 19 Academy Gudger B B, bds 19 Academy Gudger Alice, c residence 178 Valley /*^ Gudger H, res N Charlotte "]^ Gudger J Mrs, res N Charlotte ^ t Gudger Frances, bds N Charlotte A \3 Gudger Addie, bds N Charlotte '^^ >^ Gudger Harmon, bds N Charlotte ^ , Gudger Mary, bds^N Charlotte - Gudger J M, lawyer, res 211 Haywood Gudger J M Mrs, res 211 Haywood \ - Gudger W R, bds 211 Haywood Gudger E M, bds 211 Haywood Gudger F M, bds 2x1 Haywood v vn^ Gudger J E, bds 211 Haywood ' '^'C^ Gudger Lola, c cook, 103 Broad Guischard, G L, plumber, 8 S Water, bds 92 Patton ave GWYN WALTER B, real estate, room 9 ct house, res 34 Grove Gwyn Walter B Mrs, res 34 Grove Gwyn Laura L, res 34 Grove Gwyn Maud, res 34 Grove Gwyn Hattie Mrs, c cook, 74 N Main English Riding Pants and Hunting Jackets, at M. Levy's, 19 Main st. QRAXX & ROSHBHRRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 24 SOUTH MAIN STKEET, A$>HE^'1LL.E, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 113 H HALL S D, mdse, 315 Haywood, res 357 Haywood Hall S D Mrs, res 3^57 Haywood Hall Cornelius, res 9 Atkin Hall Mary Mrs, res 9 Atkin Hall Lena, res 9 Atkin Hall Cordelia, res 9 Atkin Hall A E, elk, 37 Patton ave, bds Spruce Hall Edward, lab, res 40 Baird Hall E Mrs, res 40 Baird Hall E A, bds 40 Baird Hall L L Miss, bds 40 Baird Hall O E Miss, bds 40 Baird Hall Julia, c, cook, 20 Oak Hall Lee, c, driver, N Main, o c Hall Ella, c, laundress, res 15 Mountain Hall Ged, c, res 193 Valley Hall Burton, shoemaker, 16 and 24 N Main Hall James, mail agent, W N C R, res 56 Patton ave Hall L Mrs, res 56 Patton ave Hall John, bds 56 Patton ave Hall Bennie, bds 56 Patton ave Hall Arabella, c, laundress, res 140 Academy Hall Sallie, c, bds 140 Academy Hall Dora, c, bds 140 Academy Hall Cordelia, c, nurse, 133 S Main Hall Oliver, c, lab, res, 57 Mountain Hall Mamie Mrs, c, res 57 Mountain Hall Fate, c, bds 57 Mountain Hall Annie, c, bds 57 Mountain Hall James, c, lab, res 23 Penland HALYBURTON A G, proprietor French Broad Hotel A full line of Ladies' and Cents' Wig- warn Slippers, at Levy's 19 Main. OnPattton? ^ Xele- eft OU Ave., ^ N. W, SIRDWOOD. ^phone OU. 114 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Halyburton M I Mrs, res French Broad Hotel Halyburton Ella, res French Broad Hotel Halyburton George, c, lab, res 167 Valley Halyburton Alice Mrs, res 167 Valley Halyburton Ada, c, res 167 Valley Halyburton Samuel, c, res 167 Valley Halyburton policeman, bds 40 N Main Halyburton A V, eng, Battery Park Hamblen M Miss, student, AFC bds, 59 Oak Hames Bert, c, lab, 64 Eagle Hammershlag S, mdse, 37 N Main, res 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Lizzie Mi;s, res 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Gella, bds 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Hannah, bds ^6 N Spruce Hammershlag Rachel, bds 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Marian, bds 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Mary, bds 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Henrietta, bds 56 N Spruce Hammershlag Solomon, bds 56 N Spruce Hamilton Alice, c, res 42 Davidson Hamilton May, c, res 42 Davidson Hamilton Wesley, c lab, 45 N Main Hamilton Jas, shoemkr, 29 Haywood Hamilton Addie, c cook, 99 Woodfin Hamilton T, livery, res 250 N Main Hamilton Frank, c drayman, res 186 Patton ave Hamilton Rev Jas, c res Courtland addition Hamilton Fannie Mrs, c res Courtland addition Hamilton Chas, c bds Courtland addition Hampton J H, elk, 8 N pub sqr, res 160 Bailey Hampton J H Mrs, res 160 Bailey Hampton Nora M, bds 160 Bailey Hampton Wade, c bds 64 Mountain M. Levy. 19 S. Main St., sells a Cents S3 OO Shoe for $2 69. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 115 HANFORD N. LOCKWOOD, Brooms, Whisks and Hearth Brooms, AND WHOLESALE JOBBER OF Bristle C3roocls, Paint, Kalsomiiie, Varnisli, Scrnl), Stencil, Slioe, — ; Latlier. Horse, Connter, Etc. Srusties ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. T. Xa:. "^s7s7"OOID"Z", Nos. 21, 23 and 25 WILLOW St., DEALER IN ALL KINDS (FROM CHEAPEST TO BEST QUALITY) OF Pleasure Vehicles, Surries, Buggies, &c. I keep constantly on hand the Celebrated Also all kinds repairing promptly and neatly executed. k GRANT Sl ROSEBERRY, GraduateB Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPEIVSING CHEMISTS, ]Vo. '34 Soutli Slain St., Asllevillef Pi. C 116 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Hampton C M, carp, res 24 Depot Hampton C M Mrs, res 24 Depot Hampton Aurelia, bds 24 Depot Hampton Nannie, bds 24 Depot Hampton John A, wines, liquors, 9 S Main res 42 Haywood Hampton Julia Mrs, res 42 Haywood Hampton Winnie, bds 42 Haywood Hampton George, bds 42 Haywood Hampton Richard, bds 42 Haywood Hampton Ralph, bds 42 Haywaod Hampton Wm, bds 42 Haywood Hampton Arthur, bds 42 Haywood Hampton Fred, bds 42 Haywood Hampton Felix, c, servt, 202 Woodfin Hanestine August, bds Fernihurst, o c Hanshaw Mary, c, bds 167 Valley Harbin T B, carp, res 161 Hill Harden Fannie, c, servt, res 190 Valley HARDWICKE HENRY, lawyer, room 5 ct house bds 23Paton ave HAR6AN T J, phys, 64 S Main, res 50 Bailey Hargan T J Mrs, res 50 Bailey Hargan Guy, bds 50 Bailey Hargan Estelle, bds 50 Baily Hargrove Jas, c, porter, 21 Patton ave Hargrove Bettie, c, res 15 Mountain Harkins ET S, res 396 Haywood Harkins S J Mrs, res 396 Haywood Harkins Geo A, bds 396 Haywood Harkins Thos J, carp, res 396 Haywood Harkins P J, bds 396 Haywood Harkins Ralph W, bds 396 Haywood Harkins Pearl, bds 396 Haywood Harkins Thos J, jr, bds 396 Haywood The Celebrated "PEARL SHIRT," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 117 STEVEHS & CHILDS -PROPRIETORS OF THE- Buncombe Warehouse, -FOR THE- SALE OE LEAE TOBACCO, NOS, 102, 104, 106 anJ 108 PATTON AYENUE, Good prices for all grades of Tobacco have pre- vailed at al times. Good stable accommodations for our customers. Lorge force of attendants in our warehouse. If you wans to sell your Tobacco at a fair price, bring it to the "Old Buncombe." We have at No. 100 PATTON Ave., (next door to our Warehouse), a first-class stock of GROCERIES-:^' COUNTRY PRODUCE, which are sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. Remember the Places, 100 to 108 Patton Ave., STEVENS & CHILDS, Proprietors. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or ]Nislit, at ORAPKX & ROSEBERRY'S Drug: Store,«24 S. ]»Iain St., - - ASHEVII.I^E, N. C. 118 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Harkins C J, policeman, res 36 Philip Harkins L J Mrs res 36 Philip Harkins C E, res 36 Philip Harland Robert, c, res 168 S Pine Harris George W, gardner, res Beaumont Harris M E Mrs, res Beaumont Harris John H, res Beaumont Harris Edward A, res Beaumont Harris T M, c, bell-boy Battery Park Harris Nelson, c, gard, Beaumont Harris P Mrs, c, res Beaumont Harris Emma, c, res Beaumont Harris Hattie, c, res Beaumont Harris C L, carp, res 32 Davidson Harris M C Mrs, res 32 Davidson Harris Jesse, c, driver, 236 Patton ave Harris John F, bds 350 Haywood Harris B Miss, student AFC, bds 59 Oak Harris Joseph, c, lab, res 327 Haywood Harris Annie Mrs, c, res 327 Haywood Harris Benjamin, c, lab, bds 179 S Main Harris Nelson, gard, res 90 S Main Harrison Hattie, c, 212 Chestnut Harrold John, res 24 Brick Harrold C K, res 24 Brick Harrold Bertha, bds 24 Brick Harsh A P, painter, res 21 Bridge Harsh Julia Mrs, res 21 Bridge Harsh Evaline, res 21 Bridge Hart J L, 43, 45 and 47 N Main Hart Joe, carp, res 48 N Main Hartley Bell, c, cook, 21 Sondley Hartzie Henry, cabinet maker, A F F, res o c Harvey T H, painter, res 182 S Main Trunks and Valises in endless variety, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 119 W. F. TOMLINSON, J. S. TOMLINSON, Asheville, N. C. Washington, D. C. A Farm, Family and Industrial Journal, -EDITEB BY- Tcmliasoa Brothers, No. 13 Patton Ave., - Asheville, N. C. This is a 1 6-page paper, profusely illustrated, and should be in every household. No pains will be spared in the advancement of the material interests of Western North Carolina in keeping this fact before the public, that no section can surpass ours in rich minerals, fine timbers, healthful climate, and a place more attractive for capitalists, pleasure-seekers and invalids. Subscription, 50 Cents Per Annum. Sample Copies sent/ree to any address on appli- cation. Order BLACK DIAMOND GOAL from 3 O A A Xeleplione PattoiiAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD. V 50- . 120 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Harvey M J Mrs, res 182 S Main Harvey E M Miss, bds 182 S Main Harvey E Mrs, bds 46 S French Broad ave Hatch Julia E, librarian, over 53 S Main, bds 98 Bailey Hatch Walter N, res McDowell ave Hatch W N Mrs, res McDow^ell ave Hatch Jas M, bds McDow^ell ave Hatch Jas A, bds McDowell ave Hatch Lewis, bds McDowell ave Hatch L N, res 98 Bailey Hatch E E Mrs, res 98 Bailey Hatch S C, res 98 Bailey Hatch E J, res 98 Bailey Havener Wm, cabinet maker, A F F, res 49 Cherry Havener J M, carp, res 37 Seney Havener E J Mrs. res 37 Seney Havener Thos, bds 37 Seney Havener E O, bds 37 Senay Havener M E, bds 37 Seney Havener Millie, bds 37 Seney Havener Bertie L, bds 37 Seney Havener R A, cabinet mkr, A F F, res 49 Cherry Havener M E Mrs, res 49 Cherry Havener A A, bds 49 Cherry Havener W A bds 49 Cherry Hawkins Saml, c, lab, res Cemetery Hawkins Ella Mrs, c, res Cemetery Hawkins Saml jr, c, bds Cemetery Hawkins Maggie, c, bds Cemetry Hawkins Mills, c, blksmth, 543 Haywood Hawkins Mary, servt, 79 Chestnut Hawkins Ella, c, cook, 93 Charlotte Hawkins John, tinner, res 87 Hill Xlie FINEST Pleated Bosom SHIRTS, at M. I^EVY'S IVo. 19 Main st. AsHEviLLK City Directory. 121 W.W.JONES. GEO. A. SHUFORD. Jones & Shuford, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office, 11 S. MAIN ST .—Johnston Building. J. B. BoSTic. Attorney: C. D. Blanton. T. H. Cobb' BOSTIC, BLANTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office, Citizen Building, No. 13 Patton Avenue, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Refer to Mercantile Banking Houses of Asheville; Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, N. C. ; Lookout National Bank of Morrlatown, Tenn. ; H. D. Lee & Co., Bankers, Shelby, N. C. ; H. Cone & Sons, Baltimore, Md.; H. & E. Hartman & Co., Baltimore, Md.; Harden & Murdock, Charleston, S. C; Miller Bros., Columbia, S. C. —FIRST-CLASS— PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, NO. 61 BRIDGE ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. :o: Pleasant part of the city and convenient to business. Persons wishing to be in a quiet, home-like place should stop with me. Table supplied with best the market provides. Special terms to boarders by the month. Call on or address, C. R. BENJAMIN. "TIRTIR TDDTH TffASH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Aiyrv'.Vi°ir«'. c. 122 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Hawkins Emma Mrs, res 87 Hill Hawkins Carroll, bds 87 Hill Hawkins Bertha, bds 87 Hill Hawkins G N, bds 346 Haywood Hawkins M C Mrs, bds 346 Haywood Hawley L Mrs, res 17 Charlotte Hawley M F Miss, res 17 Charlotte Hay G W, floor mgr, 43, 45 and 47 N Main Hays R Mrs, bds 35 College Hays Geo, c, barber rear 23 S Main Haynes S B Mrs, res N Main o c Haynes Lizzie, c, res 89 N Beaumont Haynes Caroline, c, res 89 N Beaumont Haynes Lyda, c, res 89 N Beaumont Haynes George, c, bds 89 N Beaumont Haynes Catherine, c, res 89 N Beaumont Haynes Alice, res 72 S Pine Haynes Sarah, laundress, res Cemetery Haynes Andrew, bds Cemetery Haynes Eliza, bds Cemetery Haynes Mary, bds Cemetery Haynes Sidney, bds Cemetery Haynes Lowe, bds Cemetery Haynes Geo, c, lab, res 234 N Main Haynes Lizzie Mrs, c, res 234 N Main Haynes Mary Mrs, res 73 N Main Haynes Floyd, res 73 N Main Haynes Charlie, res 73 N Main Haynes Florence, res 73 N Main Haynes Wm, bds 210 Railroad Haynes Winnie, bds 210 Railroad Haynes Minnie, bds 210 Railroad Haynes A F, engineer, A F F, res 210 Railroad The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRANT & RONHBHRRY, 24 S. Maiu St., ASHEYILLE. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 123 Haynes Mattie Mrs, res 210 Railroad Haynes Robt, c, servt, 147 Hill Haynes Robt Mrs, c, servt 147 Hill Haynes Hillard, c, lab, bds 179 S Main Hazzard Elliot, res 106 Woodfin Hazzard Lillian Mrs, res 106 Woodfin Hazzard Elliot, jr, bds 106 Woodfin Hazzard Wm, bds 106 Woodfin Hazzard John, bds Jo6 Woodfin Hazzard W M, res Beaumont Hazzard E Mrs, res Beaumont Hazzard E Miss, res Beaumont Heart John, carp and builder, res 274 N Main Heart Emma Mrs res 274 N Main Heart Millard, bds 274 N Main Heart C B, lumberman, res 43 Grove Heart J A Mrs, res 43 Grove Heart Ella L, bds 43 Grove Heart Jas D, bds 43 Grove Heart Geo B, bds 43 Grove Heath L M, harness maker, bds 133 S Main Heath L G, harness maker, 4 pub sqr, res N Main Hedrick E H. res 82 Chestnut Hedrick E H Mrs, res 82 Chestnut Heffner, bds 37 S Spruce Hegman Wm, brickmakr, bds 136 Broad Helper Hinton A, manager "The South" Pub Co, bds Swannanoa Hotel Helper Hinton A Mrs, bds Swannanoa Hotel Helton Madison, lab, res Adams, o c Helton Laura Mrs, res Adams, o c Helton Fanny, res Adams, o c Helton Florence, res Adams, o c Co to M. Levy's 19 Main st., for Solar Tip Shoes for Children. ATKIINSON'S tUBIN'S D C D C I I H^ |I D I C Q Wright's and Lumborg's rClirUIVlLriiLd, at GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 124 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Hemphill Sarah, cook, 354 Haywood Hemphill Dinah, c, cook, 71 Woodfin Hemphill Rufus, c, driver, res 24 Hildebrand Hemphill Alice Mrs, c, res 42 Hildebrand Hemphill James, c, bds 42 Hildebrand Hemphill Erwin, c, bds 43 Hildebrand Hemphill Jane, c, bds 43 Hildebrand Hemphill Jordan, c, bds 42 Hildebrand Hemphill Nora, c, bds 42 Hildebrand Hemphill Frank, c, lab, bds 46 Eagle Hemphill J P, bds 31 Seney Hemphill Esther, c, cook, 211 Patton ave Hemphill C T, c, gardner, res 220 S Main Hemphill Thos, c, lab, res 220 S Main Hemphill Ella Mrs, c, res 220 S Main Hemphill Daisey, c, bds 220 S Main Hemphill Perry, c, servt Qpllege Hemphill Samuel, c, lab, res 46 Davidson Hemphill Eliza Mrs, c, res 46 Davidson Hemphill George C, c, res 46 Davidson Henderson Malissa Mrs, seamstress, res 132 Church Henderson Ben, res N Main, o c Henderson Mary Mrs, res N Main, o c Henderson James, bds N Main, o c Henderson W L, lab, res 69 N Main Henderson Bell Mrs, res 69 N Main Henderson Mattie, bds 69 N Main Henderson Hannah, bds 69 N Main Henderson J G H, bds 69 N Main Henderson George, tobacconist, 47 and 49 Eagle, res 44 Grove Henderson George Mrs, res 44 Grove Henderson Barker, res 44 Grove Henderson Wm, c, cook, res 22 Eagle Gentlemens' GLOVES, Endless Va' riety, at M. Levy's No. 19 Main st. PRHSCRIPXIO^VS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels '^ Boarding; Houses, by ORAKX & ROSEBERRV, 24 S. IMain St., Asbeirille. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 125 Henderson Ella Mrs, c, res 22 Eagle Henderson John, c, porter, French Broad Hotel Henderson J D, carp, res 25 Hildebrand Henderson Jane Mrs, res 25 Hildebrand Henderson Robt, bds 25 Hildebrand Henderson Jennie, bds 25 Hildebrand Hendricks David, c, servt, 103 Merrimon ave Henry James, lab, res Garrett ave, o c Henry James Mrs, res Garrett ave, o c Henry Isabella, bds Garrett ave, o c Henry Mary, bds Garrett ave, o c Henry Robert, carp, bds 129 N Main Henry Augustus, bds 466 Haywood Henry Wm, carp, bds 466 Haywood Henry M Mrs, bds 4 Woodfin Henry Nettie, bds 4 Woodfin Henry Paul, bds 4 Woodfin Herbert L G, jeweler, 18 S Main, bds Spruce Herd Ed, r, lab. Banner, W H Herd Wesley, c, lab, Depot Herndon H M Mrs, millinery, 61 S Main, res 86 Woodfin Herren J H, boots and shoes, 26 S Main, res N Main Heston J M, mdse, 56 S Main, res 63 N Main Heston Mary Mrs, res 63 N Main Heston E E, elk, 56 S Main, res 63 N Main Heston W R, elk, 13 N Main, res 63 N Main Hicks Adolph, c, waiter, 32 N French Broad ave, res 119 S Beau- mont Hicks Martha Mrs, c, res 119 S Beaumont Hicks Mack, c, wks 24 S Main, bds 119 S Beaumont Hicks Wesly, c, lab, res 247 College Higgins G W Rev, c, bds 53 Mountain Higgins Geo C, c, lab, res 19 Water Higgins H C Mrs, res 19 Water Go to I^EYY'S, tlie popular Clothier, for Wliite Vests, ]N^o. 19 Main street. PERFUMERIES, ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, • ASHEVILLE, N. C. 126 AsHEViLLE City Directory. High Wm, c, carp, res 41 Hildebrand High L Mrs, c, res 41 Hildebrand High Mary, c, bds 41 Hildebrand High Hattie, c, bds 41 Hildebrand High Fred, c, bds 41 Hildebrand Hildebrand Agnes Mrs, res 14 Hildebrand Hildebrand Otto, res 14 Hildebrand Hildebrand Myra Mrs, res 14 Hildebrand Hildebrand Virgie, res 14 Hildebrand Hildebrand Clyde, res 14 Hildebrand Hildebrand John, mfg furniture, res near Beaumont, o c Hildebrand John Mrs, res near Beaumont, o c Hildebrand David, mfg furniture, bds near Beaumont, o c Hildebrand Ellen, bds near Beaumont, o c Hill W M, butcher, res 38 S Main Hill S Miss, res 38 S Main Hill Carrie, res 38 S Main Hill Chas, res 38 S Main Hill Alex, cook at jail, 72 Eagle Hill Mollie Mrs, res 72 Eagle Hill J J, res Hillside Hill M E, Mrs, res Hillside Hill Robert R, printer, 13 Patton ave, bds Hillside Hill Rosa, bds Hillside Hill Virgie S, bds Hillside Hill Augusta, bds Hillside Hill Wm, hostler, 15 and 17 Willow HILL J R, cornice work and roofer, 16 Willow, res 15 Depot Hill J R Mrs, res 15 Depot Hill Mattie, bds 15 Depot Hill Archie, bds 15 Depot Hilliard R M, carp, res 211 Haywood Hilliard Dr W L, phys, 17 S Main, res 103 S Main The Celebrated ^^Coon" Collars and Cuffs, at M. Levy's, 19 Main st. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, P(o. 24 Soutb 9Iain St., ASHEViLLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 127 Hilliard W L Mrs, res 103 S Main Hilliard Chas E, phys, bds 103 S Main Hilliard Margaret J, bds 103 S Main Hilliard Walter, elk, 51 S Main, bds 103 S Main Hilliard Love, bds 103 S Main Hilliard Howard, bds 103 S Main HILLIARD DR W D, phys, 11 S Pub Sqr, bds at Swannanoa Hotel Hilliard W D Mrs, bds Swannanoa Hotel Hilliard Margaret, bds Swannanoa Hotel Hines H O, stoves and tinware, 39 S Main, bds 35 S Main Hines Edward, mdse, res 63 Bridge Hines Susie Mrs, res 63 Bridge Hines Milley, c, laundress, res 36 Eagle Hines Wm, c, res 26 Eagle Hines Carrie, c, res 26 Eagle HOBGOOD THEO propr Daily Advance, res 22 Davidson Hobgood Theo Mrs, res 22 Davidson Hobgood F J Miss, bds 22 Davidson Hobgood Theo jr, bds 22 Davidson Hobgood J H Miss, bds 22 Davidson Hobson Benjamin, c, lab, res 255 Beaumont Hobson Mary Mrs, c, res 255 Beaumont Hobson Ida, c, res 2£;6 Beaumont Huffman Chas, student, bds 95 Church Hogan J A, lab, bds 325 S Main Hoke Thos, c, carp, bds 134 S Pine Holcomb O B, dray, res 120 Cherry Holcomb O B Mrs, res 120 Cherry Holcomb D M Miss, bds 120 Cherry Holcomb Bonnie, bds 1 20 Cherry Holcomb C F, res 418 S Main Holcomb K T Mrs, res 418 S Main Linen, Mohair and Alpaca Dusters , at M, Levy's Ko. 29 Main street. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours^ Day or Night, at GRAINX & ROSEBHRRY'S Drug Store, 24 S^ Main Street, AslieTille, P(. C 128 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Holcomb Julius, bds 41S S Main Holcomb Eugene, bds 418 S Main Holland M C Mrs, res 58 Woodfin Holland E W Miss, bds 58 Woodfin Holland J W, bds 58 Woodfin Holland R B Mrs, bds 17 Charlotte Holland R L, c, res 180 S Pine Hollinger E J, wks A F F, bds Depot HoUingsworth R F, blksmith, res 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Amelia, res 38 Davidson HoUingsworth John, bds 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Glover C, bds 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Carrie R, bds 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Nina K, bds 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Ralph S, bds 38 Davidson Hollingsworth Willie, bds 38 Davidson Holly Charlotte, c, cook, 29 Hay wood Holly Mary, c, bds 96 Baird Holmes £ I, tobacco mfg, 45 Church, res 60 Baird Holmes E I Mrs, res 60 Baird Holmes John C, bds 60 Baird Holmes Edward, bds 60 Baird Holmes C L Miss, bds 60 Baird Holmes Mary Mrs, c, servt 74 N Main Holmes Laura, c, cook, 346 Haywood Holmes Hilliard, c, servt, 452 S Depot Holt Mary Mrs, c res 134 Bailey Holt Edward, c, lab, res 106 Pearson ave Holt E Mrs, c, res 106 Pearson ave Holt Wm, c, res 106 Pearson ave Holt Jno, c, res 106 Pearson ave Holzen Katie, Milliner, 31 S Main, bds 33 S Main Homer Fred, c, res Atkin extension Hommell, carp, bds 142 Pearson ave M. LrEVY'S Slioe Oepartment is tlie Lrarg^est and most Complete in l^V'estern N. C, No. 19 Main st. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or ISigrlit, at GRAIKX & ROSBBHRRY'S Drug; Store^ 24 S. Main Street, AslieTille, N. C^ AsHEviLLE City Directory. 129 Hommell Jas, carp, bds 2S Davidson Hooper E E Mrs, res 29 Hill Hooper Dora, bds 29 Hill Hooper Sarah, c, laundress, res 35 Hill Hord Barne}', c, dray, res o c Hord Harriet, c, res o c House Mary, c, cook 15 Sorrell House Geo, c. stone cutter, res 10 1 S Beaumont House Mary Mrs, c, res loi S Beaumont Houston Emma, c, bds 1S6 Patton ave Houston James, c, bds 1S6 Patton ave Houston E R Mrs, res 73 Bailey Houston L Miss, bds 73 Bailey Houston Mary, c, laundress, res 76 Valley Houston Humphrey, c, res 76 Valley Houston Julia, c, nurse, 23 N French Broad ave Houston Julius, c, waiter, F B Hotel Houston Bart, hostler, 15 and 17 Willow Houston Riley, c, lab, W N C R R, res Depot Houston Carrie Mrs, c, res Depot Houston Maggie, c, res Depot Howard Sim, c, janitor club rooms, res 265 College Howard Florence Mrs, c, res 265 College Howard D Miss, bds 270 S Main Howard Horace, blacksmith, res 78 Cherry Howard Maria Mrs, res 78 Cherry Howard Jno, carp, res 21 Flint Howard Lena, bds 21 Flint Howard Maggie, bds 21 Flint Howard Jno, bds 21 Flint Howard Frank, bds 21 Flint Howard Robt, hostler, c, res 148 S Beaumont Howard Matilda Mrs, c, res 148 S Beaumont The latest Style of Rand- Turn Ladies Shoes J at M, Levy's 19 Main street. "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xlie Best in tlie l^orld, Manufactured by Orant & Roseberry , aI^h^eVIT A"^^ 1**. ' c. 130 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Howard Rosa, c, res 148 S Beaumont Howard Bettie, c, res 14S S Beaumont Howard John A, c, servt, Battery Park Howard H M, blacksmith, res Cherry Howe H Mrs, bds 83 Chestnut HOWELL J 0, mdse, 17 N Main, res 136 Broad Howell M S Mrs, res 136 Broad Howell Mack, c, servt, 75 College Howell H, driver, S3 S Main, res 83 French Broad ave Howell Fannie, c, laundress, res 242 Patton ave Howell Carrie, c, bds 242 Patton ave Howell James, c, bds 242 Patton ave Howell Turner, c, driver, 6 N Pub Sqr, res 44 Walnut Howell Wm E, butcher, res 119 N Main Howell J E Mrs, res 119 N Main Howell Thad, bds 119 N Main Howell John, bds 119 N Main Howell Kate Mrs, res 83 S French Broad ave Howell Eva, bds 83 S French Broad ave Howell Wm, bds 83 S French Broad ave Howell Frank, butcher, 32 N Main, res 33 Academy Howell W E, butcher 23 N Main, res 33 Academy Howell Mary Mrs, res 33 Academy Howell Harry, bds 33 Academy Howell Mack, c, gard, res 27 Davidson Howell Fannie Mrs, c, res 27 Davidson Howell Nellie, c, res 27 Davidson Howell Rosa, c, res 27 Davidson Howell Adeline, c, res 37 Davidson Howell Martha, c, res 37 Davidson Howell Carrietta, c, res 37 Davidson Howell J H, res 171 N Main Howell J H Mrs, res 171 N Main The Handsomest line of Neck Wear in the City, at M. Levy's, 19 Main. iVsHEViLLE City Directory. 131 J. W. HOPE. D. J. HOPE. W. D. DREHER. (Oldest established House in E. T.) HOPE BROS. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JEWELERS; Goods sent to any part of the United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lists. The largest stock of Solid Gold Wedding and En- gagement Rings in the South. Manufacturers of Medals, Badges and College Pins and Rings. Designs furnished on application. Ladies' Solid Gold Stem-winding Genuine American Watch for $25.00. This is the best watch for the money ever placed on the market. Sent to any address free of charge; if not satisfactory, money will be returned. Address, HOPE BROS. & CO., KNOXVILLE, TENN PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRAXX & ROSHBERRY, 24 S. Main St., AsbeTille. 132 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Howell Mattie, bds 171 N Main Howell Effiie, bds 171 N Main Howell Addie, bds 171 N Main Hudgings M, lab, res 437 N Main Hudgings Eliza Mrs, res 437 N Main Hudgings Luther, bds 437 N Main Hudgings Dollie, bds 437 N Main Hudgings M J, bds 437 N Main Hudgings Lela A, bds 437 N Main Hudgings Hillary, c, barber, 38 S Main Hudge West, c, truckman. Depot, res Depot Huey Carrie, c, servt, 49 Church Huggins Susan, pauper, poorhouse o c Huggins, works A F F, bds 118 Pearson ave Huggins Almira Mrs, c, cook 365 Haywood Huggins M Mrs, laundress, res 59 Hill Hughes David, butcher, res 188 Bailey Hughes David Mrs, res 188 Bailey Hughes Kelsie, bds 188 Bailey Hughes B, bds 188 Bailey Hughes Cleveland, bds 18S Bailey Hughes R P, bds 188 Bailey Hughes Jno, bds 24 Grove Hughes N A, bds 133 Haywood Hughes Thos P, bds 133 Haywood Hughes Annie Mrs, res N Main, o c HULL FRED A, tobacco mfg, 151 153 Patton ave, bds 49 Church Hull Maria Mrs, bds 49 Church Hull Harry, elk, 151 -153 Patton ave, res 49 Church Hull Green, res 78 Avery Hull Green, Mrs, res 78 Avery Hull Nannie, bds 78 Avery Hull Wm, bds 78 Avery Hulton N, lumber, bds, 264 Patton ave For Cents Extra Fine Suspenders, Call on M. Levy, No. 19 Main st. The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 133 Humphrey, c, res 500 Haywood Hunt H C, res Valley Hunt H C Mrs, res Valley Hunt Ed, mdse, Haywood, bds 150 Pearson ave TTiinf- F'finn-ir HHt; Vallev Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVILLK, N. C. Can supply every, demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved ; farms, mountain, grazing and mineral lands. Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. Hunt Lucy, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Florence, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Emma, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunter Jno, shoemaker, 19 S Main, res 28 Davidson Hunter Lula Mrs, res 28 Davidson Hunter Jno Jr, res 38 Davidson Hunter Ethel, res 28 Davidson Hunter Amelia, res 28 Davidson Hunter R A, res 48 N Main Hunter S A Mrs, res 48 N Main The Latest thing in "Cheviot Suits," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main St. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GWLAIST & ROSEBERRY, 24 S. 9Iain St., Asheville. 132 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Howell Mattie, bds 171 N Main Howell Effiie, bds 171 N Main Howell Addie, bds 171 N Main Hudgings M, lab, res 437 N Main Hudgings Eliza Mrs, res 437 N Main The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO DESCRIBING AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, $i.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents; Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. Hughes Thos P, bds 133 Haywood Hughes Annie Mrs, res N Main, o c HULL FRED A, tobacco mfg, 151 153 Patton ave, bds 49 Church Hull Maria Mrs, bds 49 Church Hull Harry, elk, 151- 153 Patton ave, res 49 Church Hull Green, res 78 Avery Hull Green, Mrs, res 78 Avery Hull Nannie, bds 78 Avery Hull Wm, bds 78 Avery Hulton N, lumber, bds, 264 Patton ave For Cents Extra Fine Suspenders, Call on M. Levy, No. 19 Main st. The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 133 Humphrey, c, res 500 Haywood Hunt H C, res Valley Hunt H C Mrs, res Valley Hunt Ed, mdse, Haywood, bds 150 Pearson ave Hunt Fanny, bds Valley Hunt Mamie, bds Valley Hunt Rufus, bds Valley Hunt W H, dray, res 23 Hildebrand Hunt Susan Mrs, res 22 Hildebrand Hunt R M, bds 22 Hildebrand Hunt Frances L, bds 22 Hildebrand Hunt L F, bds 22 Hildebrand Hunt Jasper, c, res Colleg^e Himt Thomas, c, lab, res 6S Madison ave Hunt Florence Mrs, c, res 68 Madison ave Hunt Arthur, c, bds 68 Madison ave Hunt Geo W, job printer, 2 S Pub Sq, res 10 Clayton Hunt Mrs P T, res 10 Clayton Hunt E H, mdse, 525 Haywood Hunt Jasper, c, lab, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Nannie Mrs, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Julia Mrs, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Mamie, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Laura, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Lucy, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Florence, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunt Emma, c, laundress, res 18 Madison ave Hunter Jno, shoemaker, 19 S Main, res 28 Davidson Hunter Lula Mrs, res 28 Davidson Hunter Jno Jr, res 28 Davidson ^ Hunter Ethel, res 28 Davidson Hunter Amelia, res 28 Davidson Hunter R A, res 48 N Main Hunter S A Mrs, res 48 N Main The Latest thing in '"Cheviot Suits," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main St. OnP»tttoii> ^ Tele- rn OU Ave., <> I W. 6IRDW00D. ^phone OU, 134 AsHEviLLE City Directory, Hunter L S, bds 4S N Main Hunter W V, bds 48 N Main Hunter S J, res over 30 S Main Hunter Clarissa Mrs, laundress, res 33 Sondley Hunter Thomas, policeman, res i 97 Patten ave Hunter James, c, teacher, bds 115 Mountain Hutchins T T, carp, bds 143 Pearson ave Hutchins M Mrs, c, cook, 38 Penland Hurt J C, res 254 N Main Hurt J C Mrs. res 254 N Main Hurt A E W, bds 254 N Main Hurt G B, bds 254 N Main Hurt Laura, bds 254 N Main I Ingle Alex, lab, res 285 College Ingle Alex Mrs, res 285 College Ingle Mary, bds 285 College Ingle Mattie, bds 285 College Ingle Blanche bds 285 College Ingle Calvin, bds 285 College Ingle Fannie, bds 285 College Ingle J M, elk. Main, res 27 Academy Ingle Lorena Mrs, res 27 Academy Ingle Lou, cook, 289 S Main Ingraham Miss, seamstress, bds 74 Haywood Inloes W H, res 99 Chestnut Inloes C E Mrs, res 99 Chestnut Inloes Chas E. bds 99 Chestnut Inman Lane, carp, res 73 N Main Inman Susan Mrs, res 73 N Main Inman Annie, bds 73 N Main Irving Laura, c, lanndress, 19 Water Go to I^EVY'S, tlie popular Clotbier, for 'Wliite Vests, No. 19 Main street. PRESCRIPTIOIVS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels ^ Boarding Houses, by OJBANX & ROSEBERRV, 24 S. IMain St., Aslieirille. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 135 Irving Nelson, c, lab, res Charlotte Irving Nelson Mrs, c, res Charlotte Irving D, c, mason, res 10 Irving Irving Lula Airs, c, res 10 Irving Irving M Mrs, c, bds 10 Irving Irving Henry, c, shoemaker, 32 Patton ave, res 326 Hayvs'^ood Irving R Mrs, c, res 326 Haywood Irving Laura, c, laundress, 21 Patton ave Irwin Theo, c, lab, res 17 Mountain Irwin Lucy Mrs, c, res 17 Mountain Irwin Mary, c, bds 17 Mountain Irwin Ella, c, bds 17 Mountain Isbell A H, mineralogist, res Penland Isbell A H Mrs, res Penland Isbell Claudie, bds Penland Isbell Fred, bds Penland Israel J M, res 86 Woodfin Israel J M Mrs, res 86 Woodfin Israel Wm R, res 86 Woodfin Israel Chester W, plumber, 8 S Water, bds S6 Woodfin Israel J M, jr, printer, 13 Patton ave, bds 86 Woodfin Israel E W, bds 86 Woodfin Israel S E, bds 86 Woodfin Israel W A, elk, 47 S Main, res 338 S Main Israel W A Mrs, res 338 S Main Israel Frank R, plasterer, bds 33S S Main Israel Nora A, bds 338 S Main Israel James W, bds 338 S Main Ivins Cornelius, c, waiter, Battery Park J Jackson Rebecca, res 109 S Beaumont Jackson B, c, servt Battery Park Jackson P. c, servt Battery Park Jackson C, painter, bds 466 Haywood A full line of Ladies' and Cents' Wig' warn Slippers, at Levy's 19 Main. PERFUMERIES, ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHTS AND LUMBORG'S, At ORANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pliarmacy, - ASHEVILLB, N. C. 136 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Jackson J L, student, A M A, bds 103 Academy Jackson Mattie, c, laundress, res 26 S Water Jackson Maria, c, res 16S Pine Jackson Chas, c, lab, res 171 N Main Jackson Chas Mrs, c, res 171 N Main Jacobs F D, druggist, 9 N Main, bds Grove Jacobs Julia, c, laundress, res 46 Madison ave Jamison B, carp, bds 43 Pine Jarrett W M, elk, 315 Haywood Jarvis Milton, elk, 55 S Main Jarvis W C, res 120 Cherry Jarvis W C Mrs, res 120 Cherry Jarvis G A Miss, bds 120 Cherry Jeannerett Wm, jeweler, 27 Patton ave, res 9 Pine Jeannerett Wm Mrs, res 9 Pine Jennison Annie, bds 88 Bailey Jenkins A E, carp, res 24 Brick Jenkins A E Mrs, res 24 Brick Jenkins Nelson, c, lab, res 42 Davidson Johnson Calvin, lab, res 169 S Main Johnson Calvin Mrs, res 169 S Main Johnson Jas, tinner, bds 169 S Main Johnson Pinkney, bds 169 S Main Johnson Mary, bds 169 S Main Johnson Julius, c, asst photog, 57 S Main, res S Pine Johnson Geo W, c, driver, 53 S Main Johnson Wm, c, cook, Swannanoa Hotel Johnson P J, printer, 47 S Main, bds same Johnson W P, printer, 47 S Main, bds same Johnson J M B Mrs, res 26 Willow Johnson Parker, c, lab, res 50 N Beaumont Johnson Parker Mrs, c, res 50 N Beaumont Johnson Annie, c, res 50 N Beaumont M. I^EVY'S Shoe Oepartment is tlie Lrarg^est and most Complete in l^estern N. C. No. 19 Main st. QRAIVX & ROSKBKRRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 24 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEV1L,L.£, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 137 Johnson Julia, c, laundress, 15 Mountain Johnson C, c, preacher, res 123 S Pine Johnson Annie Mrs, c, res 123 S Pine Johnson Isaiah, c, bds 133 S Pine Johnson John, c, lab, res 131 Valley Johnson Flora Mrs, c, res 131 Valley Johnson J H, c, lab, bds 186 Valley Johnson Geo, c, lab, res 173 Valley Johnson Emaline Mrs, c, res 172 Valley Johnson Edward, c, bds 173 Valley Johnson F M, mdse, 44 & 46 N Main, res same Johnson F M Mrs, res 44 & 46 N Main Johnson F L, bds 44 & 46 N Main Johnson Chas M, bds 44 & 46 N Main Johnson Belle, bds 106 Woodfin Johnson Milus, c, lab, res 57 Cherry Johnson Harvey, c, lab, res 140 Academy Johnson R M, carp, res no Cherry Johnson R M Mrs, res no Cherry Johnson Annie, bds no Cherry Johnson Fannie, bds no Cherry Johnson Frank, bds no Cherry Johnson Richard, bds no Cherry Johnson Eliza Mrs, boarding house, 4 Charlotte Johnson Geo M, res 4 Charlotte Johnson W A, tobacconist, 30 Water Johnson Miles, c, servt, 75 College Johnson Wm, c, lab, res 30 Madison ave Johnson Harry, c, lab, res 30 Madison ave Johnson J Mrs, c, res 30 Madison ave Johnson Pinkney, c, lab, res 39 Zion Johnson Pinkney Mrs, res 39 Zion Johnson fruit stand, 30 N Main Trunks and Valises in endless variety, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, AlVrviW^^", 24 Soutli IVIaiii 8t., K. C. 138 AsHEViLi.E City Directory. Johnson F Mrs, c, bds 250 College Johnson Elbert, c, lab, bds 58 Pearson ave Johnson Fannie Mrs, c, bds 58 Pearson ave Johnston Paul, c, waiter, 21 Patton ave, res 105 S Beaumont Johnston Paul Mrs, c, res 105 S Beaumont Johnston Thomas D, mem congress, office 11 S Main, res 55 Grove Johnston Thomas D Mrs, res 55 Grove Johnston Lelia M, bds 55 Grove Johnston Eugenia, bds 55 Grove Johnston Augustus, c, blksmith, 23 Willow Johnston Sallie Mrs, c, servt, bds 134 Bailey Johnston J M, W N C R R, res 73 Depot Johnston J M Mrs, res 73 Depot Johnston Maggie, bds 73 Depot Johnston Ella, c, servt, 24 Bailey Johnston Annie Mrs, c, laundress, res 184 S French Broad ave Johnston R M, mdse. 315 Haywood Johnston F J, mdse, 315 Haywood Johnston R B, res 58 N Main Johnston R B Mrs, res 58 N Main Johnston Wm, bds 58 N Main Johnston Robt P, bds 58 N Main JONES W W, lawyer, Jones & Shuford, 11 S Main, res 81 Mer- rimon ave Jones W W Mrs, res 81 Merrimon ave Jones Charles, bds 81 Merrimon ave Jones Mary, bds 81 Merrimon ave Jones Lillie, bds 81 Merrimon ave Jones Emma, bds 81 Merrimon ave Jones Campbell, bds 81 Merrimon ave Jones Thos A, lawyer, court house, bds 24 Grove Jones O M, groceries, 47 S Main, res 47 S Main Jones A H Mrs, res 47 S Main Co to M. Levy's 19 Main St., for Solar Tip Shoes for Children. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, toy GRANX & ROSEBER.RY, 24 S. Main St., ASHEVILLE. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 139 Jones A H, ed Skyland Herald, 47 S Main, res 47 S Main Jones W E, carp, res 112 Charlotte Jones Etta Mrs, res 112 Charlotte Jones B M, bkpr, 17 Patton ave, res White Oak Jones Chas, c, truckman at depot, res 32 Pearson ave Jones Sarah Mrs, c, res 32 Pearson ave Jones Ida, cook, 437 S Main Jones Albert, c, lab, res 106 Baird Jones Albert Mrs, c, res 106 Baird Jones George T, mdse, Patton ave, res 264 Patton ave Jones C B, plasterer, res 32 Buttrick Jones C B Mrs, res 32 Buttrick Jones C E Miss, bds 32 Buttrick Jones Mary, bds 32 Buttrick JONES JOHNSTONE, lawyer over 8 N Pub Sqr, res 161 Bailey Jones Johnstone Mrs, res 161 Bailey Jones Benjamin, lab, res 20 Oak Jones Wm, c, driver, 30 S Main Jones R R, liquors, 33 S Main, res t^o Academy Jones R R Airs, res 50 Academy Jones Claud, bds 50 Academy Jones Paul, bds 50 Academy Jones Fred, bds 50 Academy Jones E V, mang Singer Sewing Machine Co, 27 N Main Jones S T, contractor, bds 79 N Main Jones John, lab at depot, bds 71 Eagle Jones Hogan, c, lab, res 94 Hazzard Jones Mallissa Mrs, c, res 94 Hazzard Jones Kate, c, bds 94 Hazzard Jones Florence, bds 202 Merrimon ave Jones Belle, c, cook, 60 Merrimon ave Jones John, c, gardner, 60 Merrimon ave Jones Butler, c, driver, bds 220 S Main The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. ATKINSON'S I.1JBI1V»S PERFUMERIES. Wright's and Lumborg's I LlirUlflLniLu^ at GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEYILLE, N. C. 140 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Jones Alex Mrs, artist, res over 56 S Main Jones Alexander S, bds over 56 S Main Jones Abram B, bds over 56 S Main Jones Mary, bds over 56 S Main Jones Belle, bds over 56 S Main Jones H C, barkeeper, 23 S Main, res Patton ave Jones Chas, c, waiter 38 S Main Jones W C, mdse, 333 S Main, res same Jones L M Mrs, res 333 S Main Jones Jas R, bds 323 S Main Jones Thos T, bds 333 S Main Jones Mary E, bds 333 S Main Jones Perry, c, driver, bds 311 S Main Jordan J Y, commercial agt, 37 Patton ave, bds Main Jordan Chas, millinery, 38 N Main Jordan Albert, c, lab, 378 Chestnut Jordan Chas B, c, carp, res S Main Joyner Henry, carp, res 133 N Main Joyner Jane Mrs, res 133 N Main Joyner Olie, bds 133 N Main Justice R B, county surveyor, res 337 S Main Justice R B Mrs, res 337 S Main Justice Nannie, bds 337 S Main Justice A B, bds 337 S Main Justice Clara, bds 337 S Main Justice James D, carp, res 131 Broad Justice James D Mrs, res 131 Broad Justice Eliza, bds 131 Broad Justice Clyde, bds 131 Broad Justice George, painter, res 5x3 Haywood Justice Geo Mrs, res 513 Haywood Justice G W, carp, res 357 N Main Justice Hattie Mrs, res 357 N Main The Celebrated ^^Coon" Collars and Cuffs, at M. Levy's, 19 Main st. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates PMladelphla College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, ^o. 24 Soutli main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 141 ice J V, bds 357 N Main ice W V, painter, 11 S Main ice Wm S, mail carrier, res 136 N Beaumont ice W S Mrs, res 136 N Beaumont ice Sam, bds 136 N Beaumont ice Melvin, bds 136 N Beaumont JUSTICE W D, carriage makr, 67 S Main, res 394 N Main Justice W D Mrs, res 394 N Main Justice Bessie, bds 394 N Main Justice Thomas, bds 394 N Main Justice Loula, bds 394 N Main Justice Benj, bds 394 N Main Justice Joseph, bds 394 N Main Just Just Just Just Just Just K Keenan Jas A, moulder, res 133 Haywood Keenan Jas A Mrs, res 133 Haywood Keenan R F, bds 133 Haywood Keenan Chas E, bds 133 Haywood Keenan James, bds 133 Haywood Keenan Minnie L, bds 133 Haywood Keenan John, lab, res 313 Haywood Keer Thos J, res 93 Charlotte Kerr Charlotte, res 93 Charlotte Keer Elizabeth, res 93 Charlotte Keith E P, mdse, Patton ave, res 23 Depot Keith E P Mrs, res 23 Depot Keith Eddie, bds 146 Chestnut Keith Miss, cook, 23 S Water Kelly Mike, painter, res 50 Woodfin Kelly D P, bds 204 College IdneUf Mohair* and Alpaca Dusters, at M. Levy's No. 29 Main street. GRANT &L ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, :So. ^4 South Main Nt., AslieTille, PiT. C 142 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Kelser Warner, c, lab, bds 392 S Main Kemp H L, c, bellboy. Battery Park Kernes J M, wks at railroad, bds 143 Pearson ave Ketchen Geo, Southern Directory Co, bds 82 Woodfin Ketely Allie, cook, 46 N Main KEPLER S R, grocer, 53 S Main, res Woodfin Kepler W A, elk, 53 vS Main, res Woodfin Kepley L M, res 202 Railroad Kepley L M Mrs, res 202 Railroad Kepley A V, bds 202 Railroad Kilgore Diana, c, res 133 Valley Kilpatrick, C C, carp, bds 177 S Main Kilpatrick C C Mrs, res 177 S Main Kilpatrick Wm P, carp, res 177 S Main Kilpatrick Sarah Mrs, res 177 S Main Kimberly T M, butcher, 4 Eagle Kincaid Jane, c, 9 Pulliam Kingleton Wm R, lab, res 400 N Main Kingleton Wm R Mrs, res 400 N Main Kingleton Luther D, bds 400 N Main Kingleton John E, bds 400 N Main Knight S C, mdse, 531 Haywood Kyle Diana, c, laundress, res 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Thomas, c, res 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Lillie, c, bds 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Margaret, c, bds 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Nellie, c, bds 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Mary, c, bds 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Samuel, c, bds 19 Maiden Lane Kyle Mary, c, bds 357 Haywood Kyle Wm, c, res 26 Aston Kyle Betsy, c, laundress, res 55 Depot Kyle Isabella, res 55 Depot M. Levy. 19 S. Main St., sells a Cents S3 OO Shoe for $2 69. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or r^iglit, at GRABIX & ROSEBERRY'S Drug Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASREVII^I^H, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 143 L La Barb Amos, res 3 Church La Barb Amos Mrs, res 3 Church La Barb NelHe, bds 3 Church La Barb Hugh, bds 3 Church La Barb Bettie, bds 3 Church La Barb Gertrude, bds 3 Church Lakey Florence, bds 71 Orange Lance Mary A, bds 34 S French Broad ave Lance Ruth, bds 34 S French Broad ave LANCE P L, auctioneer, 15 S Main, res 34 S French Broad ave Lance P L Mrs, res 34 French Broad ave Lane H E Miss, bds 234 N Main Lane Chas, c, cabinetmaker, 17 Patton ave, res 127 Valley Lane Chas Mrs, c, res 127 Valle} Lane Rachel, c, res 198 S Main Lane Annie B, c, bds 198 S Main Lane Aline, c, bds 198 S Main Lane Thos, c, bds 198 S Main Lanford Styles, painter, res 35 Penland Lanford S Mrs, res 35 Penland Lanford B, bds 35 Penland Lanford S P, painter, res 161 S Main Lanford Lou Mrs, res 161 S Main Lanford Clarence, bds 161 S Main LANG H L, jeweler, 18 S Main, bds Patton ave Lang M Miss, student, AFC, bds 59 Oak Lang J H, brkpr, N Main, res 173 Hayw^ood Lang J H Mrs, res 173 Haywood Lang J H Jr, brkpr, 9 S Main, bds 173 Haywood Lang Jesse, brkpr, 7 S Main, bds 173 Haywood Lang George, bds 173 Haywood The Celebrated "PEARL SHIRT," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. Prescriptions Pitted at att Hours, Day or Nigbt, at GRAI^iX & ROSBBHRRY'S Drug Store, 24 S« Main Street, Asbeville, IS^ C 14-1 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Lang Dan, bds 173 Haywood Lang Lawrence, bds 173 Haywood Lang X S V, bds 173 Haywood Lang Chas, bds 173 Haywood Lawrence M F, c, res 88 Bailey Lawrence M F Mrs, c, res 88 Bailey Leach Hattie, bds 30 Woodfin Leach Kate, bds 20 Woodfin Leake Morgan, c, lab, res 23 S Main Ledbetter Adeline Mrs, c, laundress, res 17 Atkin Ledbetter Thos, c, res 17 Atkin Ledbetter George, c, bds 17 Atkin Ledbetter Rufus, c, lab, res 147 Valley Ledbetter Alfred, c, lab, res 93 Charlotte Ledbetter Mary Mrs, c, res 147 Valley Ledbetter Campbell, c, blacksmith, 46 S Beaumont, res 44 S Beau- mont Ledbetter C Mrs, c, res 44 S Beaumont Ledbetter Hannah, bds 44 S Beaumont Ledbetter John, c, bds 44 S Beaumont Ledbetter Henry sr, c, res 44 S Beaumont Ledford Wm, lab, res Cemetery Ledford Celia Mrs, res Cemetery Ledford Mary R, bds Cemetery Ledford Lillie, bds Cemetry Ledford Wm W, bds Cemetery Ledford R A Mrs, res Cemetery Ledford Maggie, bds Cemetery Ledford AUie, bds Cemetery Ledford Ruth, bds Cemetery Ledford Benjamin, lab, 153 Patton ave, res Cemetery Ledford M Mrs, res Cemetery Ledford Ellen, bds Cemetery Ledford M M, carp, res 120 Pearson ave Gentlemens' CLOVES, Endless Va- riety, at M. Levy's No. 19 Main st. Order BLACK DIAMOND COAL from 30 A A Telephoiie PattonAveV N. W. GIKDWOOD. V SO. AsHEvii.LE City Directory. 145 Ledford M M Mrs, res 120 Pearson ave Ledford Clarence, bds 120 Pearson ave Ledford John, bds 120 Pearson ave Lee C C, sr, livery, res 150 Church Lee C C Mrs, res 150 Church Lee Chas T, bds 150 Church Lee Alex B, bds 150 Church Lee Nancy G, bds 150 Church Lee Robt C, bds 150 Church Lee Benj, c, driver, res 3 Church Lee Emma Mrs. c, res 3 Church Lee Belle, c, res 3 Church Lee Jas, c, lab, res 186 Valley Lee John c, res 186 Valley Lee Chas, res 186 Valley Lee D W, drayman, res 52 Hillside ave Lee M B Mrs, res 52 Hillside ave Lee Neal, res 52 Hillside ave Lee Robert, painter, res 9 Center Lee Eliza Mrs, res 9 Center Lee Mattie, res 9 Center Lee Lizzie, res 9 Center Lee Calvin, res 9 Center Lee C E, commercial agent, res 26 Flint Lee C E Mrs' res 26 Flint Lee Frank, bds 26 Flint Lee Relia, bds 26 Flint Lee Ralph, bds 26 Flint Lee Annie, bds 26 Flint Lee Bessie, bds 26 Flint Lee C, c, servt Battery Bark Lee Hardy, res 162 Chestnut Lee Sallie Mrs, bds 162 Chestnut Xhe FINHST Pleated Bosom SHIRTS, at M. LEVY'S, No. 19 Main st. "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xlie Best in the "World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, ^I'll n^lTA*^^ %\'c. 14H AsHEviLLE City Directory. Lee Walter, bds 163 Chestnut Lee Bessie, bds 163 Chestnut Leech J M, res 79 Chestnut Leech S Mrs, res 79 Chestnut Leech Susie, bds 79 Chestnut Le Fevere Rev, pastor Presbyterian Church, bds PulHam Leonard C B, carp, res 192 S Main Leonard Lizzie Mrs, res 192 S Main Leonard Margie, res 192 S Main Leonard Lucile, res 192 S Main Lequees Everett, lab, res 58 Haywood Lesbord Albert, c, res 7 Walnut Letcher C P, c, minister, res 3S8 S Beaumont Letcher Jane Mrs, c, res 288 Beaumont LEVI PLUM, c, barber, 13 S Main, res 154 Church Levi Hannah Mrs, c, res 154 Church Levi Bertha, c, bds 154 Church LEVY M, boots, shoes, clothing, etc, 19 S Main, res same Levy M Mrs, res 19 S Main Levy Flora, bds 19 S Main Levy Nettie, bds 19 S Main Levy Sadie, bds 19 S Main Levy Mable, bds 19 S Main Levy Moses, bds 19 S Main Levy Max, bds 19 .S Main Lewis Prince, c, lab, res 88 Gudger Lewis Lee, c, res 88 Gudger Lewis Sarah, c, res 88 Gudger Lewis J D, carp, res 138 N Beaumont Lewis Kate Mrs, res 138 N Beaumont Lewis Carl, bds 138 N Beaumont Libby J H, bds 256 Flint Libby Grace, bds 256 Flint The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. PRESCRIPXIOIVS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels ^p> Boarding Houses, by GRAI^X & ROSEBBRRV, 24 S. 9Iaiii St., AsheYille. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 147 Linaholm Kate, cook, 261 Chestnut Lindsey Harry, res 44 Philip Lindsey Rita, res 44 Philip LINDSEY THOS H, photog, 57 S Main, res 82 Woodfin Lindsey Thos H Mrs, res 82 Woodfin Lindsey Ada, bds Sz Woodfin Real Estate Dealers, ' ASHEVILLK, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved ; farms, mountain, grazing and mineral lands. Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. N Lipinsky S Mrs, res 61 N Main Lipinsky Carrie, bds 61 N Main Lipinsky Maurice, bds 61 N Main Lipinsky Whit, bds 61 N Main Lipscomb E PI, c, teacher, res 86 S Pine Lipscomb Lizzie Mrs, c, res 86 S Pine Lipscomb Hattie, c, res 86 S Pine Lisby Susan, c, laundress, res 15 Walnut Little Sandy, c, lab, res 95 Valley Littrell Jno, shoemkr, Patton ave, res 20 Willow Go to I^HVY'S, tHe popular Clothier, for White Vests, No. 19 Main street. "VAVA TOOTH WASH" XHe Best in tlie "World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Al*im^?A"K nV'c. 146 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Lee Walter, bds 162 Chestnut Lee Bessie, bds 162 Chestnut Leech J M, res 79 Chestnut Leech S Airs, res 79 Chestnut Leech Susie, bds 79 Chestnut The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO DESCRIlilNG AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, Si.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. Levy Moses, bds 19 S Main Levy Max, bds 19 S Main Lewis Prince, c, lab, res 88 Gudger Lewis Lee, c, res 88 Gudger Lewis Sarah, c, res 88 Gudger Lewis J D, carp, res 138 N Beaumont Lewis Kate Mrs, res 138 N Beaumont Lewis Carl, bds 138 N Beaumont Libby J H, bds 256 Flint Libby Grace, bds 256 Flint The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. PRHSCRIPXIOIVS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels '^ Boardings Houses, by GRATS^X & ROSBBERRV, 24 S. Main St., Ashe-ville. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 147 Linaholm Kate, cook, 261 Chestnut Lindsey Harry, res 44 Philip Lindsey Rita, res 44 PhiHp LINDSEY THOS H, photog, 57 .S Main, res 82 Woodfin Lindsey Thos H Mrs, res 82 Woodfin Lindsey Ada, bds 82 Woodfin Lindsey Loula, bds 82 Woodfin Lindsey Edward, bds 82 Woodfin Lindsey Hosea. res 47 Seney Lindsey Martha, res 47 Seney LINDSEY L, contractor, res 48 Seney Lindsey C L Mrs, res 48 Seney Lindsey J B, carp, res 47 Wahiut Lindsey Richard, bds 47 Walnut Lindsey Virginia, bds 47 Walnut Lindsey Susan, c, cook, French Broad Hotel Lindsey A J, tinneir, 25 N Main, res 47 Seney Lindsey John G, tinner, 25 N Main, res N Main Lindsey J H, tinner, 25 N Main, res N Main Lindsey Resh, seamstress, 25 Patton ave, res N Main Lindsey J G Mrs, res N Main Lindsey H A, mineralogist, 36 S Main, res Grove Linwood E, butcher, res Patton ave Lipinsky S, mdse, 46 S Main, res 61 N Main Lipinsky S Mrs, res 61 N Main Lipinsky Carrie, bds 61 N Main Lipinsky Maurice, bds 61 N Main Lipinsky Whit, bds 61 N Main Lipscoinb E H, c, teacher, res 86 S Pine Lipscomb Lizzie Mrs, c, res 86 S Pine Lipscomb Hattie, c, res 86 S Pine Lisby Susan, c, laundress, res 15 Walnut Little Sandy, c, lab, res 95 Valley Littrell Jno, shoemkr, Patton ave, res 20 Willovv Go to LEVY'S, tlie popular Clotbier, for White Vests, IVo. 19 Main street. ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, . ...n wiiii.iii>.w, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. PERFUMERIES. 148 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Littrell Jno Mrs, res 20 Willow Littrell Horace, bds 30 Willow Littrell John Jr, bds 20 Willow Littrell Mattie, bds 20 Willow Locke Anderson, c, lab, S Pub Sqr Locke Ella, cook, 20 Oak Lockett W A, carp, res N Hill Lockett W A Mrs, res N Hill Lockett Sallie, bds N Hill Lockett J H, bds N Hill Lockett Frank, bds N Hill Lockett, varnisher, Asheville Furniture Factory LOCKWOOD H N, broom factory, Patton ave, bds S Main, o c Loftain, TJ, painter, res 64 Woodfin Loftain T J Mrs, res 64 Woodfin Loftain M J Miss, bds 64 Woodfin Logan George, c, fireman, A F F, res o c Logan Minnie, c, laundress, 60 Academy Logan Thos, c, waiter, 90 S Main, res 9 Maiden Lane Logan E Mrs, c, res 9 Maiden Lane Logan Geo, c, wks A F F, bds 537 Haywood Logan Ella, c, nurse, N Main, o c Logan Harry, c, gardner, res 175 S Beaumont Logan Randolph, c, waiter, Battery Park Logan J C, c, waiter. Battery Park Long Cabe, c, lab, res 22 S Depot Long R A, elk, 16 S Main, res 284 College Long R A Mrs, res 284 College Long Margaret, bds 2S4 College Long Maggie, c, servt, bds 284 College Long P, servt. Battery Park Looper Frank, c, truckman depot, res Haywood Looper W G, lab, res 2 14 Railroad ave Go to M. Levy's 19 Main St., for Solar Tip Shoes for Children. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College ot Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, Xo. 24 Soutb main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 149 Looper Bettie Mrs, res 214 Railioad ave Looper Hannah, bds 214 Railroad ave Looper James, bds 214 Railroad ave Lord Moses, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel, res 79 Valley Lorrick James, drayman, res 15 Philip Lorrick James Mrs, res 15 Philip Lorrick Harry, bds 15 Philip Lorrick Edna, bds 15 Philip LOUGHRAN FRANK, wines and liquors, 43 S Main, res same Loughran Frank Mrs, res 43 S Main LOUGHRAN JAMES H, wines, liquors, etc, 46 S Main, res 45 S Main Love Anderson, c driver, res 95 Valley Love Anderson Mrs, res 95 Valley Love Warren, c, waiter. Battery Park, res 38 Pine Love Annie Mrs, c, res 38 Pine Love Sarah, c, bds 38 Pine Love Ralph, c, bds 38 Pine Love M A Mrs, res 12 Philip Love Irving, elk, 9 Patton ave, bds 12 Philip Love Benj, elk, 9 Patton ave, bds 12 Philip Love James, c, bds 64 Mountain Love John L, c, lab, bds 102 Mountain Love Loula E, c, bds 102 Mountain Love Jno, c, carp, res 141 S Beaumont Love Addie Mrs, c, res 141 S Beaumont Low Gertrude, c, cook, Garrett ave o c Lowe W B, eng, W N C R R, bds 31 French Broad ave Lowe Ellen, c, laundress, res 265 College Lowe Barry, c, lab, res 265 College Lowden Robt, plumber, ii S Main, bds 13 S Main Lowery Jno, res 37 S Spruce Loyd Wm, res 97 Valley For Cents Extra Fine Suspenders, Call on M. Levy, No. 19 Main st. GRANT Sl ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelpliia College of Pharmacy, DISPHl>(SINO CHEMISTS, ]^(o. 34 South I»Iaiti .St., AslieTille, N. C 150 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Loyd D Mrs, laundress, res 97 Valley Lubinsky, mdse, 14 Patton ave, bds same Lucky Daisy, c, nurse, 34 Grove Luderick Lewis, c, lab, bds 34 S Water Lunsford Calvin, lab, res 69 N Main Lunsford L Mrs, res 69 N Main Lunsford Kizzie, bds 69 N Main Lunsford Chas, bds 69 N Main Lunsford Tillie, bds 69 N Main Lunsford Wash, lab, res Garrett ave o c Lunsford Wash Mrs, res Garrett ave o c Lunsford H, carp bds 118 Charlotte Lusk Jas, res 413 N Main Lusk Katherine Mrs, res 413 N Main Lusk Delia, bds 413 N Main Lusk V S, lawyer, res 201 College Lusk V S Mrs, res 201 College Lusk Mamie, res 201 College Luther K Miss, student, AFC, bds 59 Oak Luttrell W F, elk, 33 N Main, bds 20 Oak Luttrell Frankie, bds 20 Oak LYMAN A J, real estate, room 8 court-house, res cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut Lyman A J Mrs, res cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut Lynch W A Mrs, res 270 N Main Lynch S S, carp, res 90 Broad Lynch J S Mrs, res 90 Broad Lynch W R, bds 90 Broad Lynch R W, bds 90 Broad Lynch S A, bds 90 Broad Lynch R A, bds 90 Broad Lynch C A, bds 90 Broad Lyon M L Miss, housekeeper, 340 College The Latest thing in "'Cheviot Suits," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main St. "VAVA TDDTH WASH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, ArH^rv.VV^i" 34 South ]?Iaiii St., N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 151 Lyons H H, drugs, 9 N Main, res 34 Grove Lyons H H Mrs, res 34 Grove Lyons M H, bds 34 Grove Lyons R P D, bds 34 Grove Lyon N F, bds 34 Grove Lytle Harvey, c, cook, res 70 S Main Lytle Gertrude, bds 61 French Broad ave Lytle Jarnel, c, lab, 70 S Main Lytle James, c, brakeman W N C R R, res 157 Valley Lytle James Mrs, c, res 157 Valley Lytle Alice, c, bds 157 Valley Lytle Emma, c, bds 157 Valley Lytle Hattie, c, bds 157 Valley Lytle Sarah J, c, res rear Swannanoa Hotel Lyttle Mary, c, cook, res 33 Sondley Lyttle Mark, c, lab, 33 Sondley Lyttle Nancy, c, cook, 167 Haywood Lyttle John, c, lab, res 133 Valley Lyttle T S Mrs, c, res 133 Valley Lyttle Davis, c, bds 133 Valley Lyttle Julia, c, laundress, res /|2 Davidson Lyttle Wm, c, res 43 Davidson Lyttle Joe, gardener, N Main, o c M Mack Jake, lab, res N Main, o c Mack Julia Mrs, res N Main, o c Mackey J J, mdse, 34 N Main, res 15 Haywood Mackey J J Mrs, res 15 Haywood Mackey Josephine, bds 15 Haywood Mackey Chas, bds 15 Haywood Mackey Samuel, c, lab, res 4 Valley M. LEVY'S Shoe Department is tbe L,arg^est and most Complete in ^Western N. C. No. 19 Main st. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GWLJLTST & ROSHBERRY, 24 S. Main St., Aslieville. 152 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Mackey Lucy Mrs, c, res 4 Valley Madison Jas, tobacconist, res 256 College Madison Kate Mrs, res 256 College Madison J L Miss, bds 256 College Madison Loula, bds 256 College Madison Robt, bds 256 College Madison Nannie, bds 256 College Madison H M, bds 256 College Madison Bessie, bds 256 College Madison Grover, bds 256 College Magby L Mrs, c, cook, 274 N Main Maginnis John W, lab, res 69 Orange Maginnis Sarah A Mrs, res 69 Orange Maginnis Clifton, bds 69 Orange Maginnis Chas, bds 69 Orange Maginnis Jas L, bds 69 Orange Maginnis Wm T, bds 69 Orange Maginnis Geo W, bds 69 Orange Maginnis Palestine, bds 69 Orange Malloy John P, bds 90 Cherry MALONE W H, lawyer, 46 N Main, bds same Malone Albert, bds Battery Park Malone C W, ed Advance, res 70 Orange Malone C W Mrs, res 70 Orange Malone J O, bds 70 Orange Malone Albert H, bds 70 Orange Malone Charles N, bds 70 Orange Marcus Max, mdse, 10 Patton ave, bds 21 Patton ave Margolius M, elk, 46 S Main, res N Main Marguardt J A, barkpr, 43 S Main, res same Mark J W B, bds 35 N Spruce Marley J C, mason, res 4S5 Haywood Marley J C Mrs, res 485 Haywood Marley W A W, bds 485 Haywood M. Levy. 19 S. Main St., sells a Cents $3 OO Shoe for $2 69. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRA^T & ROSCBHRRV, 24 8. Main St., ASUEYILLE. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 153 Marley J H, bds 485 Haywood Marlow Burgin, butcher, res 40 N Beaumont Marshall J P, tobacconist, bds 4 Woodfin Martin N C Mrs, dressmkr, res 186 Patton ave Martin Stephen, c, lab, res loi East Martin Gestin, c, res loi East Martin Kate, c, res loi East Martin A J, cook, 250 N Main Martin Sarah, c, res 22 Eagle Martin A, steam laundry, bds 264 Patton ave MARTIN J G, lawyer, court house, res Atkin extension Martin J G Mrs, res Atkin extension Martin Esta, bds Atkin extension Martin A Miss, bds Atkin extension Martin James, bds Atkin extension Martin Josephine, bds Atkin extension Martin Annie, bds Atkin extension Martin Hattie Mrs, bds Atkin extension Martin W H, c, barber, 60 S Main, res 102 Mountain Martin Anna Mrs, c, res 102 Mountain Martin D J, c, bds, 102 Mountain Martin Fred, c, bds 102 Mountain Martin Inez, c, bds 102 Mountain Martin W H, jr, c, res 102 Mountain Mason W P, teacher, res Chestnut Mason W P Mrs, res Chestnut Mason M M, bds Chestnut Mason L R, bds Chestnut Mason M P, asst prin A M A, 78 Academy, res 125 College Mason L L Mrs, res 125 College Mason Wardlow, bds 125 College Massagee Frank, carp, res 69 Orange Massagee Sue S Mrs, res 69 Orange The Celebrated "PEARL SHIRT," at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. Prescriptions Fitted at att Hours, Day or Night, at GRAI^X & ROSEBHRRY'S Drug: Store, 24 S^ main Street, Aslieirille, M^i C 154 AsHEViLLE City Directory, Massagee Chas, bds 69 Orange Masonic Hall, over 8 N Pub Sqr Massey J F, lab, res 313 Haywood Mathews Mary Mrs, c, laundress, res Madison ave Mathews Mary, c, res Madison ave Mathews Eddie, c, res Madison ave Mathews Daisy, c, res Madison ave Mathews Geo, res 53 College Mathews Lillie Mrs, res 53 College Mathews Mattie, bds 53 College Matthews Christian, res 56 Madison ave Matthews Benj, bds 56 Madison ave Matthews Wm, c, servt, 157 Church Mathewson Mary J, res 95 Pine Mathes G M, elk, 26 S Main, res Charlotte Mathus L, butcher, bds 16 N Main May Susan, seamstress, res 204 S Beaumont May Jane, res 204 S Beaumont May Rebecca, res 204 S Beaumont Mays Nathan, lab, res 192 Valley Mays Nathan Mrs, res 192 Valley Mays Martha, res 192 Valley Mays Willie, res 192 Valley McAmiss D W, painter, bds 20 Bridge Mc Amiss L A, painter, bds 20 Bridge McBee V E, Supt W N C R R, bds Battery Park McBee V E Mrs, bds Battery Park McBee Rosa, bds Pattery Park McBee Echols, bds Battery Park McBrayer L A Mrs, prop Western Hotel, 13 S Main McBrayer L B, prop Western Hotel, 13 S Main McBryer Doc, c, bds 165 Hill McCall L Mrs, c, laundress, 200 Patton ave McCall M, carp, res 169 S Main ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 24 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 155 McCall M Mrs, res 169 S Main McCall Daniel, bds 169 S Main McCallie, bds 150 Pearson ave McCandless J D, carp, res 49 Academy McCandless J D Mrs, res 49 Academy McCandless Persia, bds 49 Academy McCandless Pearley, bds 49 Academy McCandless Eugene, bds 49 Academy McCandless Harry, bds 49 Academy McCandless Daisy, bds 49 Academy McCandless Chas D, civ eng, room 8, ct house, bds Battery Park McCandless d m, builder, res n hhi McCandless D M Mrs, res N Hill McCandless F M Miss, res N Hill McCandless N B, res N Hill McCandless J M, painter, res 71 Orange McCandless J M Mrs, res 71 Orange McCandless S A, bds 71 Orange McCandless M C Mrs, bds 71 Orange McCarson Erastus, lab, res 58 Hill McCarson Annie Mrs, res 58 Hill McCarson Bud, lab, res 437 N Main McCarson Hannah Mrs, res 437 N Main McCarson Ida, bds 10 Clayton McCarson, mchnst A F F. bds 452 S Depot McCARTY C C, Asheville Tobacco Wks, 151-153 Patton ave, res 58 Orange McCarty C C Mrs, res 58 Orange McCarty G H, bds 58 Orange McCarty C Clay, bds 58 Orange McCarty M A Miss, bds 58 Orange McCarty Robt, tobacconist, res 24 Orange McCarty Kate Mrs, res 24 Orange Advertise in The Advance. J. M. Campbell, Xlie Real £state Dealer, Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. Office, Wo. 5 South Iflain street. 156 AsHEviLLE City Directory. McCarty Mar}', bds 24 Orange McCarty Aurelia, bds 24 Orange McCarty Lillie, bds 24 Orange McCarty Rosa, bds 24 Orange McCarty Katie, bds 24 Orange McCarty May, bds 24 Orange McCarty Maria, bds 24 Orange McCassen Jane, c, res 193 Valley McCassen Quincy. c, res 193 Valley McCape C J, res 74 N Main McCape C J Mrs, res 74 N Main McClain D J, bds 25 Patton ave McClain V A, nurse, 310 N Main McClain Chas, c, driver, 311 S Main McClain Frank, c, lab, res near poorhouse McClain Martha Mrs, c, res near poorhouse McClain Marcella, 244 Chestnut McClellan Blanche, bds Valley McCloud C M, lawyer, res 234 N Main McCloud C M Mrs, res 234 N Main McCloud L P, bds 234 NMain McCloud J R, bds 234 N Main McCloud N C, bds 234 N Main McCloud J P, elk, 51 S Main, bds 234 N Main McCloud L Miss, teacher AFC, bds 59 Oak McCloy T C, res 36 Walnut McCloy Sallie J Mrs, res 36 Walnut McCloy Nannie, nurse, 36 Walnut McClure Bobt H, elk, 30 N Main, bds, 79 N Main McCombs, carp, bds 133 N Main McConnell J H, 29 N Main, res 74 Seney McConnell J H Mrs, res 74 Seney McConnell R E Miss, bds 74 Seney McConnell E, bds 74 Seney SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEK. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or P^iglit, at GRAIH^X & ROSBBERRV^S Drug Store, 24 S. I»Iain St., - - ASHBVU.LE, r<(. C. AsHEVii.LE City Directory. 157 McConnell H N, bds 74 Seney McConnell E C, bds 74 Seney McConnell, mdse, 29 N Main, res 90 Cherry McConnell M A Mrs, res 90 Cherry McCormick George, lab, W N C R R, res 206 Railroad McCormick Laura Mrs, res 206 Railroad McCreth Wm, c, lab, 26 N Main McCreth Joe, c, lab, 26 N Main McCrosky Samuel, carp, res Hill McDonald G L, mdse, 17 S Main, res 50 Bailev McDonald G L Mrs, res 50 Bailey McDonald E May, bds 50 Bailey McDonald Lillian, bds 50 Bailey McDonald Preston, bds 50 Bailey McDonald Grover C, bds 50 Bailey McDowell Chas, c, lab, res So Gudger McDowell C Mrs, c, res 80 Gudger McDowell Arian, c, bds 80 Gudger McDowell Mabel, c, bds, 80 Gudger McDowell Sue, c, cook, S Main McDowell Emma, c, servt, 162 Chestnut McDowell Maggie, c, bds 143 Haywood McDowell Wm, c, barber, bds 135 Valley McDowell John H, elk, 9 Patton ave, res McDowell ave McDowell J H Mrs, res McDowell ave McDowell Hardy, res McDowell ave McDowell Edward, bds McDowell ave McDowell Mrs, c, cook, 24 Bailey McDowell Hamilton, Transfer Co, res 48 S French Broad ave McDowell M H Mrs, res 47 S French Broad ave McDowell Daisy H, bds 47 S French Broad ave McDowell Mary, bds 47 S French Broad ave McDowell E, bds 47 S French Broad ave McDowell Annie, bds 47 S French Broad ave SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE'^Stl ATKIIVSON'S LVBIN'S DCPflllUIPDICQ Wright's and Lumborg's rLnrUIVlLllILd, at GRANT &, ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 158 AsHEviLLE City Directory. McDowell Carrie, bds 47 S French Broad ave McDowell W W, res 420 S Main McDowell W W Mrs, res 420 S Main McDowell James, bds 420 S Main McDowell Ed E, carp, bds 430 S Main McDowell George, bds 420 S Main McDowell Mary C, bds 420 S Main McDowell Arthur, wks A F F, bds 420 S Main McDowell Annie, bds 420 S Main McDowell W Gaston, elk S Main, res 431 S Main McDowell Mattie Mrs, res 431 S Main McDowell Nannie, bds 431 S Main McDowell Sallie, bds 431 S Main McDowell Wm, bds 431 S Main McDowell Clarence, bds 431 S Main McDowell Mary, bds 431 S Main McElrath S Mrs, c, laundress, res 26 S Water McElrath Hattie, c, bds 26 S Water McElrath Fifer, c, bds 26 S Water McElrath Jane, c, bds 26 S Water McElrath J W, butcher, 4 Eagle McElrath Ed, c, res 35 N Spruce McElrath A G, mdse, 24 Patton ave McElroy Hannah, c, laundress, res 33 Sondley McElroy Chas, c, bds 33 Sondley McElroy Emma, c, bds 33 Sondley McElroy Ada, c, bds 33 Sondley McP'alls Joe R, painter, 48 N Main McGill G P Mrs, res 125 College McGill Mary, bds i2c^ College McGill Wardlaw^, phys, 24 S Main, res Chestnut McGill Geo, carp, res rear Haywood McGill Mary Mrs, res rear Haywood The Handsomest line of Neck Wear in the City, at M. Levy's, 19 Main. The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street AsHEViLLE City Directory. 159 McGill Mollie, res rear Haywood McGill AUie. res rear Haywood McGlen L M, bds 19 Academy McGuire Lizzie, c, bds McDowell ave McGuire, conductor, W N C R R, res 368 Haywood McGuire Kate Mrs, res 368 Haywood McGuire May, bds 368 Haywood McGuire Robt, bds 368 Haywood Mclnturf D N Rev, pastor M E Church, res 1 1 Buttrick Mclnturf D N Mrs, res 11 Buttrick Mclntyre Andy, c, barber, bds 58 Sondley Mclntyre M Mrs, res 44 Walnut Mclntyre E L Miss, bds 50 Chestnut Mclntyre Lou, c, servt. Battery Park Mclntyre Phoebe, laundress, res 46 Eagle Mclntyre Philip, butcher, Pub Sqr, res 17 S Main Mclntyre Philip Mrs, res 17 S Main Mclntyre Lena, bds 17 S Main Mclntyre W C, bds 17 S Main Mclntyre Henry, c, bds 167 Valley Mclntyre M, c, lab, res Cemetery Mclntyre M Mrs, c, res Cemetery Mclntyre Carrie, res Cemetery Mclntyre Mary, res Cemetery Mclntyre C A, carp, res 365 Haywood Mclntyre C A Mrs, res 365 Haywood Mclntyre C D, res 365 Haywood McLityre J A, res 365 Haywood Mclntyre F R, brkmsn, res 15 Charlotte Mclntyre F R Mrs. res 15 Charlotte Mclntyre J Miss, res 15 Charlotte Mclntyre V, res 15 Charlotte Mclntyre M E Mrs, bds 9 Pine McKasson Jacob, c, lab, res 194 S Beaumont Centlemens' CLOVES, Endless Va- riety, at M. Levy's No. 19 Main st. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or T^ii^lit, at GVtAlST & ROSEBERRY'S DrugT Store, 24 S. Main Street, AsbeTille, N. C. 160 AsHEviLLE City Directory. McKasson Elsie Mrs, c, res 194 S Beaumont McKee J L, elk, 1 Patton ave, res Haywood McKee Robt, tobacconist, bds 25 Patton ave McKee W P, asst p m, 30 N Main, bds 25 Patton ave McKesson Elsie, c, cook, 46 Libby McKesson Daisy, c, 46 Libby McKesson Clara, c, servt 93 Charlotte McKierson Waco, c, res 82 Valley McKierson Annie, c, res 82 Valley McKierson Geo, c, bds 82 Valley McKinney Ellen, c, laundress, 36 Sondley McKinney Hester, c, laundress, 36 Sondley McKinney, carp, res 131 Broad McKinney Maud Mrs, res. 131 Broad McKinney Jennie, bds 131 Broad McKinney Flora, bds 131 Broad McKinney Augusta, bds 131 Broad McKinney Pearl, bds 131 Broad McMickens Paul, c, servt 202 Depot McMULLEN P STEWART, furniture 33 N Main, res 20 Oak McMuUen P S Mrs, res 20 Oak McMuUen Pauline, res 20 Oak McMullen James res 20 Oak McNeeley, elk, French Broad Hotel, 316 Depot McQiieen A M, drayman, res Melke ave McQueen M A Mrs, res Melke ave McQueen W H, bds Melke ave McQiieen A M, jr, bds Melke ave McQueen M E, Miss, bds Melke ave McQiieen M V, bds Melke ave McRae Chancy, c, laundress, 120 Academy McRae Green, c. bds 120 Academy McRae F, c, bell boy. Battery Park McRae Laura, c, servt, Battery Park Trunks and Valises in endless variety, at M. Levy's, No. 19 Main st. .A.ID-^EI^'T'ISE 12^ The Citizen. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 193 McRath John, carp, res 62 Bridge McRath May Mrs, res 63 Bridge McRath C M, bds 62 Bridge McRath Jackson, bds 62 Bridge McRath M E, Miss, bds 62 Bridge McRath H V, bds 62 Bridge McRee S S Mrs, res McDowell ave McSweeney, baker, 39 S Main, bds same McTrent Wm, c, barber, Patton ave, bds 135 Valley Meadows W E, res 5S Hill Meadows W E Mrs, res 58 Hill Meadows James F, bds 58 Hill Meadows C B, lab, res 58 Hill Meadows Ellen Mrs, res 58 Hill Meadows Chas, bds 58 Hill Meadows Lillie, bds 58 Hill Meadows Walter, bds 58 Hill Meadows Marshall, bds 58 Hill Meadows A Y, res 151 Haywood Meadows A Y Mrs, res 151 Haywood Meadows Bertha, bds 151 Haywood Meadows Thos, bds 151 Haywood Meadows Rosa Mrs, pauper, poor house, o c Meadows B, lab, bds 129 N Main Meadows Mary Mrs, bds 139 N Main Means W H, c, waiter. Battery Park Mears Mary, c, laundress, res 23 S Depot Mears Lincoln, c, bds 22 S Depot Mears Spurgeon, c, bds 22 S Depot Mears Mary S, c, bds 33 S Depot Mears J J, bds 31-33 S Main Mears Robt L, bds 31-33 S Main Mears Clarence, bds 31-33 S Main The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street. Prescriptions Pilled at all Hours, Day or Nis:litv at GRArsX & ROSEBERRV'!^ Dru^ Store, 24 S. Main Street, Aslieville, X. C 194 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Mears Clyde, bds 31-33 S Main Mears G A, mdse, 33 S Main, res 31-33 S Main Mears G A Mrs, milliner, 31 S Main, res 31-33 S Main Mears Ella, milliner, 31 S Main, bds 31-33 S Main Mears S P, elk, 31 S Main, bds 31-33 S Main Melke A C, carp, res 412 Haywood Melke A C Mrs, res 412 Haywood Melke Ida, res 412 Haywood Melton Martha Airs, pauper, poor-house, o c Melton Malinda, pauper, poor-house, o c Merrill Jno B, res 30 N Pine Merrill J B Mrs, res 30 N Pine Merrill L B, bds 30 N Pine Merrill Cora, bds 30 N Pine Merrill D L, elk, i Patton ave, res 52 Clayton Merrill D L Mrs, res 52 Clayton Merrill A J, mdse, S N Main, res o c Merrimon J W, res 1 1 1 Academy Merrimon J W Mrs, res iii Academy Merrimon A Miss, bds 11 1 Academy Merrimon K, bds 11 1 Academy Merrimon Jas H, res 2S0 vS French Broad ave Merrimon Jas H Mrs, res 2S0 S French Broad ave Merrimon M A, res 116 Merrimon ave Merrimon N A, res 116 Merrimon ave Merrimon E A, res 116 Merrimon ave Merrimon E H, lawyer, Pub Sqr, res 78 Bailey Merrimon E H Mrs, res 78 Bailey Merrimon L A Miss, bds 78 Bailey Merrimon J Gibbon, elk First National Bank, bds 78 Bailey Michaels Joseph, c, carp, res 151 S Beaumont Millard D T, sanitary inspector, res Haywood Millard D T Mrs, res Haywood J. 31, Campbell, Tlie Real Cstate Dealer, Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. OflSce, Xo. 5 Soutli Main street. Order BLACK DIAMOND COAL from 30 A A Telephone PattonAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD. V 50- AsHEVii.LE City Directory. 195 Millard Herbert R, bds Haywood Millard Chas C, bds Haywood Millard Ralph D, bds Haywood Millens Chas, wks W N C R R, bds 537 Haywood Miller Augustus, tinner, 11 S Main, res 64 N Beaumont Miller Henry, painter, res 64 N Beaumont Miller Ella Mrs, res 64 N Beaumont Miller Jane Mrs, res 64 N Beaumont Miller F M, elk 15 N Main, res 270 College Miller F M Mrs, res 370 College Miller Carrie, bds 270 College Miller Robt, printer, bds 270 College Miller J P, bds 270 College Miller Hattie, bds 270 College Miller Chas, bds 270 College Miller Stephen, bds 270 College Miller Jas, mason, res rear Haywood Miller Sarah Mrs, res rear Haywood Miller Delia, bds rear Haywood Miller Drayton, bds rear Haywood Miller Ed, bds rear Haywood Miller Carrie, bds rear Haywood Miller Cleveland, bds rear Haywood Miller G W, carp, res 34 Hill Miller G W Mrs, res 34 Hill Miller Smith, carp, bds 34 Hill Miller Hamblen, bds 34 Hill Miller Normon, bds 34 Hill Miller S, bds 34 Hill Miller R D Miss, res 161 Bailey Miller Fanny, c, bds 4 Valley Miller Chas, cabinet makr, A F F, res o c Miller Lewis, cabinet makr, A F F, res o c S»BgCR.BE Jljg J3^j,j||g gj,j^g|,_ "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xlie Best in the l^orld, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Al*H'n^?A"i?: IrV'c. 196 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Miller P A, tinner, ii S Main, res S Main Miller M Mrs, c, laundress, res 95 Valley Miller Leander, c, bds 95 Valley Miller Nettie B, c, bds 95 Valley Miller C H, elk, 26 S Main, res 34 Spruce Miller C H Mrs, res 34 Spruce Miller C H, jr, bds 34 Spruce Miller Rufus, carp, res iiS N Beaumont Miller Rufus Mrs, res 118 N Beaumont Miller Claud, bds 118 N Beaumont Miller Archie, bds 118 N Beaumont Miller James M, tinner, 8 S Water, bds 95 College Miller George, c, lab, res 137 Beaumont Miller Ed, c, lab, res 137 Beaumont Miller Richard, c, lab, res 137 Beaumont Miller G F, carp, res 31 Seney Miller G F Mrs, res 31 Seney Miller Thomas, drayman, res 118 Pearson ave Miller Thos Mrs, res 118 Pearson ave Miller Wm, bds 1 18 Pearson ave Miller Chas, bds 118 Pearson ave Miller Rose, c, cook, 65 Valley Miller Laura Mrs, c, res 76 Valle}' Miller John, c, res 76 Valley Miller Wm, c, res 76 Valley Miller James, c, mason, res 189 S Beaumont Miller Violet Mrs, c, res S Beaumont Miller A E, carp, bds 1 20 Pearson ave Miller Frank, tel opr depot, bds 123 Patton ave Miller T R, driver, bds 86 Cherry Miller Pleas, c, porter, 21 Patton ave Mills Thomas, carp, bds 29 College Mills Jane, c, cook, bds 115 Hayw^ood ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, toy GRANX & RO^EBHRRY, 24 S. Main St., ASHEVILLE. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 197 Milsted Jno Z, brkpr, 46 S Main, bds same Minis Fay, bds 119 N Main Minis Joe, bds 119 N Main Mince Richard, c, waiter, Swannanoa Hotel Mitchell R H, carp, res 38 Bailey Mitchell Hannah, c, cook, 167 Haywood Mitchell Tonisel Mrs, servt 25 Hildebrand Mitchell, T J, harnessmaker, res 40 Seney Mitchell T J Mrs, res 40 Seney Mitchell Abraham, c, lab, res 179 S Main Mitchell DoUie, c, cook, 118 Woodfin Mitchell M E, bds 40 Seney Mitchell M J, bds 40 Seney Mitchell Mar}^ Mrs, dressmakr, res N Main Mitchell Thos, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Mitchell Wm, c, lab, res 179 S Main Mitchell Hattie, bds French Broad Hotel, 316 Depot Monday A C, wines, liquors, 314 Depot, res 186 Depot Monday A C Mrs, res 1S6 Depot Monday Chas N, bds 1S6 Depot Monday Alonzo, bds 1S6 Depot Monday R C, wines, liquors, 314 Depot, res Depot Monkath W, brkpr, 37 Patton ave, res Bailey Montgomery Francis, c, bds 64 Mountain Monteith W M, res 50 Bailey Monteith W M Mrs, res 50 Bailey Monteith Archie, bds 50 Bailey Monteith Jno, bds 50 Bailey Monteith Robt, bds 50 Bailey Mooney Ham, c, carp, res 71 Eagle Mooney Charlotte Mrs, c, res 71 Eagle Mooney Kate, cook, 58 Haywood Mooney Geo, res 58 Haywood The Celebrated "PEARL SHIRT," at M. Lew's, No. 19 Main st. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPEIVSING CHEMISTS, No. ^4 Soutb Main Ht,f Aslieirille, N. C. 198 AsKEViLLE City Directory. Mooney John H, carp, res 204 College Mooney John H Mrs, res 204 College Mooney N K Miss, bds 204 College Mooney J O, bds 204 College Mooney Thos, bds 204 College Mooney R L, bds 204 College Mooney Luther M, bds 204 College Mooney M C Miss, bds 204 College Mooney Chas B, bds 204 College Morgan Wm, c, printer, 168 S Pine MORGAN J N, bookseller, 54 S Main, res 29 Woodfin Morgan J N, Mrs, res 29 Woodfin Morgan Chas, bds 29 Woodfin Morgan Florence S, bds 29 Woodfin Morgan Ida, c, cook, 84 Bailey Morgan John P, elk, 11 N Main, res 35 Penland ave Morgan John Mrs, res 35 Pendland ave Morgan Byron G, bds 35 Penland ave Morgan Cassius H, bds 35 Penland ave Morgan Wm C, bds 35 Pendland ave Morgan J L, tobacconist, c;S N Water, bds 4 Woodfin Morgan Daniel, res 331 Hayw^ood Morgan D Mrs, res 331 Hayw^ood Morgan Nannie, bds 331 Haywood Morgan Richard, wks 53 Patton ave Morgan G W, tobacconist, res 197 Patton ave Morgan Mattie J, res 197 Patton ave Morgan Ruth, bds 197 Patton ave Morgan Eva, bds 197 Patton ave Morgan Ella, bds 197 Patton ave Morgan Annie, bds 197 Patton ave Morgan Bessie, bds 197 Patton ave Morgan B A, bds 197 Patton ave Xhe FIXBSX Pleated Bosom SHIRTS, at M. I^EVY'S, No. 19 Main st. "V-ZLVA TDDTH TffABH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant Sl Roseberry, Aiyrvl^iT'V. c. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 199 Moore Chas, c, hlksmth, res 255 S Beaumont Moore Chas Mrs, c, res 355 S Beaumont Moore Wm, wks A F F, bds 106 Pearson ave Moore C B, dept elk U S Cir Ct, 8 N Pub Sqr, bds N Main MOORE CHAS A, lawyer. 15 S Pub Sqr, res Chestnut Moore C A Mrs, res Chestnut Moore L T Miss, bds Chestnut , Moore Thos. c, driver, 17 Patton ave Moore Jane, c, cook, Sj Chestnut ISIoore Morris, c, lab, res 29 Zion Moore J S. c, lab, res N Main Moore Ellen, c, cook, 17 Walnut Moore, carp, res 204 College Moore .Saml, res 204 College Moore General, c, 242 Patton ave Moore Addie, c, laundress, res Courtland Moore Dennis, c, lab, 7 Walnut Moore Tilghman, c, 7 Walnut Moore John, c, lab, res 38 Hill Moore Mattie Mrs, c, res 38 Hill Moore J L, lab, 108 Patton ave Moore O N, tobacconist, 151 -153 Patton ave Moore Joe, c, office-boy, 27 N Main Moore J C. elk, 33 N Main, res N Main MOORE M V, bakery and confectionery, 39 S Main Moore Wm, varnisher, A F F Moore M H, laundress, res 78 Valley Moore AUie, res 78 Valley Moore Ella, res 78 Valley Moore Thos, e, driver, bds 25 Aston Moore Wm, plasterer, bds 333 S Main Moore J L, tobacconist, res i';8 Patton ave Moore M A Mrs, res 158 Patton ave Advertise in The Advance, PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels ^ Boardings Houses, by GRANX & ROSBBHRRV, 24 S. Main St., Asheville. 200 Asheville City Directory, Moore Oscar, bds 158 Patten Moore Grace, bds 158 Patton ave Moore Cora, bds 158 Patton ave Moore Wm, bds 158 Patton ave Moose J C, elk, N Main, res 300 N Main Moose J C Mrs, res 300 N Main Moose Dwight, bds 300 N Main Moose Theston, bds 300 N Main Morehead Frank, c, waiter, 21 Patton ave, res 134 S Pine Morehead Lizzie Mrs, c, res 134 S Pine Morehead James, c, lab, res 6 Madison Morehead George, c, bds 6 Madison Morehead Chester, bds 6 Madison Morehead Julia, c, cook, 302 College Morehead L, 202 College Morrows Sophia, c, laundress, res [80 S Pine Morrows Chas, c, res 180 S Pine Morrows Eddie, c, res 180 S Pine Morris Sallie, c, laundress, res 2 Sorrell Morris Ellen, c, cook. Valley Morris H P, elk 348 Haywood, bds 354 Haywood Morris Geo, c, plasterer, res Cemetery Morris Geo Mrs, c, res Cemetery Morris Sarah, c, bds Cemetery Morris James, c, bds Cemetery Morris Emma, c, laundress, res 29 Zion Morris John, c, lab, res 31 S French Broad ave Morris Ellen, c, cook, 31 Haywood Morris Julia, c, cook, 92 Patton ave Morris Thos, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Morris L Mrs, laundress, res 5 S French Broad ave Morris Anna, c, bds 5 S French Broad ave Morris Margaret, c, bds 5 S French Broad ave Morris Alfied, c, bds ^ S French Broad ave SUBSCRIBE FOR XHE-^|r ^is, ^t«. ^»«. •*'«. '^^i' '^le- ^'«. A'^ •*'>«• •^''«• •iff' •*'«• '^'^ ■*'«• '^|^:?'!^^!^^I^^!^^J^:^!^^J^^!&^!^^!4 W^I^^I^^i*^^!^ W>**^ W W^i^^i«^^i^'^i«' "^i*^ •*i«* "^i^ "^i^ "^i^ "^i^ "^i^ "^i^ "^'^ "^4^ "^'^ **}** ROBARDS ^ *?»«• "&!^ •*!«• •^i*" Large Stock CANDIES, NUTS and FRUITS. ^J^ •?!«' SODA WATER, just from the Arctic Regions, with I the favorite flavors. ^»^ •^j^* Mi FRESH BREAD AND CAKES DAILY, in all varieties. Mk ^Ik Mk •?!«• •?»«• ^!^ ^?«. Mk ^!^ II jq(? G^i'ecvn? fl^ll ^i^g) ©x^tei' h'^^i'loi'. J SEE OTHER SIDE W :*!^ «?»«* ^|«. ^?<. ^f^ ^f;«. ^t«. ^t^. ^f*. ..^?^, ^f^ ..jt^ .,^T«. ^it, ^it, ^ie, ^?«. ^?«. ^t«. ^^ •^!4•^l^!^^!^^!&^% Ice Cream served in the best style Flavor desired. Finest in Western North Carolina. Nice cold drink at any time. Any ^t^ •&!«• Polite Attendants, and everything First-Class. •me. ^^ *!^ *& .&«. M'k •?»«• ^!^ •»!«» .^!& ^& ^!& ^^ ^&. ^!& Mk ^!& Mk SAh^^ ^^ Oysters when in season, in all the different ti«* nnanners of servmgr. Mi. 3^ ^!^ Mk REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 29 SOUTH MAIN STREET, t MOORE & ROBARDS. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or Night, at GRAXX & ROSEBBRRY'S Drug: Store, 24 S. INLain .Street, Aslieirille, N. C. AsHEViLi.E City Directory. 201 Morris Thos, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel, res 5 Pine Morris Mary Mrs, c, laundress, res 5 Pine Morris Lee, c, res 5 Pine Morris Jennie, c, res 5 Pine Morris T D, res 68 Woodfin Morris T H, floor mang, 37 N Water Morris Jas, c, porter, 43 S Main, res 127 Valley Morris Jas Mrs, c, res 127 Valley Morris Hattie, c, bds 127 Valley Morris Estelle, c, bds 127 Valley Morris Henry, c, barber 13 S Main, res 128 Church Morris Emma Mrs, c, res 128 Church Morris Wm, porter, 9 S Main, res 15 Mountain Morris Wm Mrs, res 15 Mountain Morris Kate, res 15 Mountain Morton Caleb, c, drayman, res 227 College Morton Mary Mrs, c, res 227 College Morton Thos, c, bds 15 College Morton Sophronia, c, bds 15 College Moss E P, mdse, 28 N Main, res 103 Broad Moss E P Mrs, res 103 Broad Moss Herbert, bds 103 Broad Moss Evaline, bds 103 Broad Moss Reginald bds 103 Broad MOSSELLER J S, gun and locksmith, 21 S Main, bds same Aloyniham J M, tobacconist, bds 35 N Spruce Moyniham M H, bds 25 S Pub Sqr Muller W O, wines, liquors, 7 S Main, res 16 Charlotte Mulkr L A Mrs, res 16 Charlotte Muller Earnest, bds 16 Charlotte Muller Minnie, bds 16 Charlotte Muller Eugene, bds 16 Charlotte Aluller Cora, bds 16 Charlotte Muller T D, bds 16 Charlotte Centlemens' CLOVES, Endless Va- riety, at M. Levy's No. 19 Main st. STJBSOI^IBE r-OI^ The Daily Advance 202 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Muller J D Mrs, bds i6 Charlotte Murray Noah, c, cook, S Main, res loi S Beaumont Murray Jennie Mrs, c, res loi S Beaumont Murray Mollie, c, bds 500 Haywood Murray Annie, c, laundress, res 15 Water Murray Geo, c, servt, 24 Grove MURRAY J L, auctioneer, 15 S Main, res Main Murray M M, c, servt, 3 Patton ave Murrer Alia, c, bds Chestnut Murphy Geo, c, lab, res 55 Gudger Murphy Ella Mrs, c, res 55 Gudger Murphy John, c, bds 55 Gudger Murphy Julia, c, bds 55 Gudger Murphy Johnson, c, barber, res 58 Sondley Murphy Albert, c, truckman, depot, res Hill Murphy Laura, c, cook, 50 Baird Muse Mattie, seamstress, res 4 Charlotte Myers Rev, res east Beaumont Myers Mrs, res east Beaumont Myers Henry, bds east Beaumont Myers Wm, bds east Beaumont Myers Mike, drayman, res 216 College Myers Ellen Mrs, res 216 College Myers Nora, bds 216 College Myers Robt, bds 216 College Myers Rome, bds 216 College Myers Mollie, bds 216 College Myers J D, mdse, 22 S Main, res N Main Myers Jas, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Myers G W, drayman, res 325 S Main Myers G W Mrs, res 325 S Main Myers Perry M, bds 325 S Main M. I^EVY'S Shoe Oepartment is the Lrargfest and most Complete in l^estern X. C. ^o. 19 Main st. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRA^X & ROSHBERRY, 24 S. 9Iain St., Aslieville. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 203 N Narville T W, shoemaker, i8 N Main, res 19 N Main Nash Geo W, lab, res near poorhouse, o c Nash Ella Mrs, res near poorhouse, o c Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVILLE, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved; farms, mountain, grazing and mineral lands. Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. Neil Laura, bds 46 Libby Neil T D, plasterer, i-es 35 College Neil T D Mrs, res 35 College Neil R G, plasterer, res 285 College Neil R G Mrs. res 2S5 College Neil Carrie, bds 285 College Neil Ralph, bds 285 College Nelson Rev W A, pastor ist Baptist Church, bds 137 Chestnut Nelson W A Mrs, bds 137 Chestnut SUTSCRIBE FOR THE ""'S^llii" S-CJBSOI^IBE ^O-Fl The Daily Advance 202 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Muller J D Mrs, bds i6 Charlotte Murray Noah, c, cook, S Main, res loi S Beaumont Murray Jennie Mrs, c, res loi S Beaumont Murray Mollie, c, bds 500 Haywood Murray Annie, c, laundress, res 15 Water The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO DESCRUUNG AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, Si.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. Myers Kobt, bds 3i6 College Myers Rome, bds 3 16 College Myers Mollie, bds 216 CoUege Myers J D, mdse, 22 S Main, res N Main Myers Jas, c, waiter Swannanoa Hotel Myers G W, drayman, res 325 S Main Myers G W Mrs, res 325 S Main Myers Perry M, bds 325 S Main M. I^KVY'S SHoe Department is tlie Lrarg^est and most Complete in ^Western X. C. No. 19 Main st. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRAXX & ROSKBERRV, 24 S. Main St., Asheirille. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 203 N Narville T W, shoemaker, i8 N Main, res 19 N Main Nash Geo W, lab, res near poorhouse, o c Nash Ella Mrs, res near poorhouse, o c Nash Chas, elk, 36 N Main, bds near poorhouse, o c Nash John, wks A F F, bds near poorhouse, o c Nash Sallie, bds near poorhouse, o c Nash Alamie, bds near poorhouse, o c Nash Thomas, bds near poorhouse, o c Nathan E M, R R ticket brokr, bds 24 Grove Nathan E M Mrs, bds 24 Grove Neal Dave, c, lab, res 22 Sondley Neal Dave Mrs, c, res 22 Sondley Neal Major, c, bds 22 Sondley Neal Thos, c, bds 22 Sondley Neal Cora, bds 22 Sondley Neal T W, res 24 Grove Neal T W Mrs, res 24 Grove Neal J W, bds 24 Grove Neal W L, bds 24 Grove Neath Jos, shoemkr, res 20 Brick Neighbors John T, lab, res 73 N Main Neighbors John T Mrs, res 73 N Main Neighbors Texas, bds 73 N Main Neil Laura, bds 46 Libby Neil T D, plasterer, res 35 College Neil T D Mrs, res 35 College Neil R G, plasterer, res 285 College Neil R G Mrs. res 285 College Neil Carrie, bds 285 College Neil Ralph, bds 285 College Nelson Rev W A, pastor ist Baptist Church, bds 137 Chestnut Nelson W A Mrs, bds 137 Chestnut SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, Pi(o. 24 Soutb Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C 204 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Nelson M L, phys, res 71 Woodfin Nelson M L Mrs, res 71 Woodfin Nelson Chas V, printer, 13 Patton ave, bds 71 Woodfin Nelson Archie D, lab, res 71 Woodfin Nelson Archie Mrs, res 71 Woodfin Nelson Samuel, bds 71 Woodfin Nelson Edward, bds 71 Woodfin Nelson Laura, bds 71 Woodfin Nelson Robert L, pressman, 13 Patton ave, bds 54 Bridge Nelson John, bds 40 N Beaumont Nelson Robt, drayman, res 35 S Spruce Nelson Martha Mrs, res 35 S Spruce Neville R O, res 4 Woodfin Neville L R, res 4 Woodfin Newland Benj W, tobacconist, res 99 Woodfin Newland Benj W Mrs. res 99 Woodfin Newland Laura W, bds 99 Woodfin Newland Thos M, bds 99 Woodfin Newland S M Miss, bds 99 Woodfin Newland Hallie L, bds 99 Woodfin Newland Mary J, bds 99 Woodfin Nichols Jno A, tobacconist, bds 35 N Spruce Nichols J R, painter, res 18S Bailey Nichols J R Mrs, res 1S8 Bailey Nichols B Miss, bds 18S Bailey Nichols John, c, waiter Battery Park Nipson Jno, c, brckmsn, bds Atkin extension Nix Crowell, res 216 College Nix C Mrs, res 216 College Nix Ala, bds 216 College Nix Cora, bds 3 16 College Nix Saml, bds 216 College Nix Joe, bds 256 College M. Levy. 19 S. Main St., sells a Cents S3 OO Shoe for $2 69. ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHTS AND LUMBORG'S, PERFUMERIES. 5 At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, X. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 205 Nix Emma, cook, 206 College Nix Adolphus, lab, res Garrett avenue, o c Nix Carrie Mrs, res Garrett ave, o c Nix Emma, bds Garrett ave, o c Nix M D, bds 25 N Main Nix L R, bds 25 N Main Nix E J Mrs, res 295 S French Broad ave Nix Falby J, bds 295 S French Broad ave Nix Joseph R, bds 295 S French Broad ave Nix Edw^ard, bds 295 S French Broad ave Nix Belle, cook, 167 S French Broad ave Noland J J mdse, 21 N Main, res 134 Bailey Noland Maggie Airs, res 134 Bailey Noland N C, bds 134 Bailey Noland John, bds 134 Bailey Noland G A Mrs, bds 134 Bailey Noland R B, mdse, 27 S Main, res 134 Bailey Noland R B Mrs, res 134 Bailey Noland D G, bds 134 Bailey Norman Lee, carp, bds 396 Haywood North Lewis, elk, 22 S Main, res 15s N Main North Lewis Mrs, res 155 N'Main North Sarah, bds 155 N Main Norton D S Mrs, res Chestnut Nowell Wm, shoemaker, 37 Patton ave, res 133 N Main No well Wm, Mrs, res 133 N Main Nowell Emma, bds 133 N Main Nowell Louise bds 133 N Main Nowell Addie, bds 133 N Main Nowell Stella, bds 133 N Main Nowell Joe, policeman, res 129 N Main Nowell Joe Mrs, res 129 N Main Nowell Charles, bds 129 N Main Advertise[ in Tlie DAILY ADVANCE, QRAXX & ROSKBKRRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 24 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILEE, N. C. 206 AsHEVii.LE City Directory. Nowell E, bds 129 N Main Nov>^eU John, bds 129 N Main Nowell Sylvia, shoemkr, 19 S Main, res N Main Nowell A, c, lab, res 19 PuUiam Nowell Miss C, bds 17 Haywood Nutcher Frank, carp, res 25 Seney Nutcher Frank Mrs, res 25 Seney Nutcher Daisy, bds 25 Seney Nye "Bill," humorist, res 91 Bailey Nye Wm Mrs, res 91 Bailey Nye Bessie, bds 91 Bailey Nye Max, bds 91 Bailey Nye Winnie, bds 91 Bailey o Oates Rufus, shoemaker, 37 Fatton ave Oates Rufus Mrs, Oatman T C, bds 452 S Depot O'Conner Jno, mchne hand A F F, bds Railroad ave O'Conner Nannie, seamstress, res 184 Avery O' Conner Mary, bds 1S4 Avery O'Conner John, bds 184 Avery O'Conner Katie, bds 184 Avery O'Conner Carrie, servt Battery Park Oglesby Wm, painter, res 130 N Beaumont Ollis Nelson, carp, res 515 Haywood Ollis Nelson Mrs, res 515 Haywood Ollis Fate, bds 515 Haywood Ollis Jane, bds 515 Haywood Ollis Mattie, bds 515 Haywood Ollis John, bds 515 Haywood The Handsomest line of Neck Wear in the City, at M. Levy's, 19 Main. ATKINSON'S LIJBIN'S PERFUMERIES, Wright's and Lumborg's I LlirUlflLrilLO; at GRANT &, ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 207 Ollis Robt, bds 515 Haywood Ollis Luther, bds 515 Haywood Ollis Doll}, bds 515 Haywood Ollis Frank, wrks A F F, bds Railroad ave Ollis John, wrks A F F, bds Railroad ave Ollis Thos, bds 78 Avery Ollis Leonard, carp, res 9 Fine Ollis Leonard Mrs, res 9 Fine Ollis W L, lab, res 9 Pine Ollis S A Mrs, res 9 Pine Ollis B M, bds 9 Pine Ollis Mattie, cook, 511 Haywood Olive J C, mdse, 537 Haywood, res same Olive J C Mrs, res 537 Haywood Olive Chas, bds 537 Haywood Olive Laura, bds 537 Haywood Oliver Lorena Mrs, c, res 16 Short Oliver Eugene, c, bds 16 Short Oliver Cornelia, c, bds 16 Short Orpin P C, carp, res 1 16 Cherry Orpin P C Mrs, res 116 Cherry Orpin Annie, bds 116 Cherry Orpin H W. bds 116 Cherry Orpin C C, bds 116 Cherry O'Ree Edward, c, jockey, res S Main Orr Gaston, c, lab, res 36S S Beaumont Orr Jane Mrs, c, res 368 S Beaumont Orr Saml, c, bds 368 S Beaumont Orr Sallie, c, bds 368 S Beaumont Orr Callie, c, bds 368 S Beaumont Orr Alice, bds 69 Orange Orr Thomas, res Garrett ave, o c Orr Thomas Mrs, res Garrett ave, o c The BOSS SHOE for an Old Lady, at Lew's, No. 19 Main street. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or :Kis:lit, at ORANX & ROSHBERRVS Drug Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHEVII.I.E, IV. C. 208 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Orr M M Mrs, res 43 Woodfin Orr Thos F, bds 42 Woodfin Orr E M, brkpr, 33 S Main, bds 42 Woodfin Osborne M A, bds 77 Charlotte Osborne Caleb, c, shoemkr, res Melke ave Osborne Willie, c, bds 388 S Beaumont Overton Alex, c, lab, res 211 Patton ave Overton Alex Mrs, c, cook, res 31 1 Patton ave Overton Mary S, c, bds 3ii Patton ave Overton Martha, c, bds 3ii Patton ave Overton W T, c, bds 211 Patton ave Overton W S, conductor, W N C R R, bds French Broad Hotel Owensby Thomas, c, bds 61 Merrimon ave Ov^enby Wm, bds 78 Cherry Owenby Ida Mrs, res 86 Cherry Ow^enby Mary, bds 86 Cherry Ov^^enby R L, res 86 Cherry P Pack Geo W, bds 40 N French Broad ave Pock Geo W Mrs, bds 40 N French Broad ave Pack B, bds 40 North French Broad ave Page Rodger J, lav^yer, 11 S Main, bds Swannanoa Hotel Page G W, butcher, 30 College, res 80 Orange Page V B Mrs, res 80 Orange Page J Z, baggage master, W N C R R, bds 210 Railroad Palmer Julia, nurse, hospital 19 Charlotte Pares Ruth Mrs, pauper, res o c Pares Rebecca, seamstress, bds 138 Pine Pares Bessie, bds 138 Pine Parker Alex, c, driver, bds rear of Hill Parker Mary, c, bds 55 Depot Parker G A, carp, res 71 West The Latest thing in "Cheviot Suits," at M. Levv's,IVo.19l\rain St. VIEWS of any place made to order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, S7 Soixtlo. lVi:A.ixx S»t3:*eet. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 209 Parker M E Mrs, res 71 West Parker J O, bds 71 West Parker W P, bds 71 West Parker Z A, bds 71 West Parker G G, wrks broom factory, Patton ave, bds 43 Depot Parkes Geo, c, lab, res 137 Beaumont Parkes Jane Mrs, c, res 137 Beaumont Paris William, painter, bds 362 Haywood Partee James, c, cook, 318 Haywood bds same Patch J H, res 270 S Main Patch Lydia Mrs, res 270 S Main Patterson J R, Register Deeds, room 10 c h, res 137 Chestnut Patterson Lillie Mrs, res 137 Chestnut Patterson William R, bds 137 Chestnut Patterson Lottie, bds 137 Chestnut Patterson Lea Mrs, bds 137 Chestnut Patterson A C, Deputy Sheriff, room 5 c h, res Haywood Patterson C T, bds 35 N Spruce Patterson Shep, carp, bds 16 to 24 N Main Patterson James, c, lab, res it^i Haywood Patterson Ida Mrs, c, res 151 Haywood Patton T W, banker, res 93 Charlotte Patton M D Mrs, res 93 Charlotte Patton J C, bds 93 Charlotte Patton McCloud, bds 93 Charlotte Patton Jas W Mrs, res 93 Charlotte Patton Fannie L, bds 93 Charlotte Patton Jas W, res 311 S Main Patton C C Mrs, res 311 S Main Patton Rufus, bds 311 S Main Patton Berta, bds 311 S Main Patton Hattie, bds 311 S Main Patton G W, res 136 Church Advertise[ in Xlie DAILY ADVANCE, "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xhe Best in tHe l^orld, Manufactured by Orant & Roseberry, AlHEvi'A'is" 24 Soutlt ITIain St., 210 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Patton N A, res 136 Church Patton LilHe, res 136 Church Patton W A, butcher, 4 Eagle, res So Orange Patton M M Mrs, res 80 Orange Patton Lilhe L, bds So Orange Patton Wesley, lab, bds 37 Academy Patton Erwin, mdse, Victoria, bds S Main, o c Patton M, elk Inf Court, court-house, res 437 S Main, o c ■ Patton Kate Mrs, res 437 S Main, o c Patton Annie Miss, bds 437 vS Main, o c Patton Henry, bds 437 vS Main, o c Patton Jesse, bds 437 S Main, o c Patton John, bds 437 S Main o c Patton Jean, bds 65 Academy Patton J G, c, mdse, res 505 Haywood Patton Samuel, c, res 505 Haywood Patton Mintie, c, laundress bds 55 Depot Patton Herman, c, bds 55 Depot Patton Saml, c, brickmason, res 60 Academy Patton Effie, c, bds 60 Academy Patton Mary, c, laundress, res 15 Water Payne S G, tobacco buyer, bds 43 Depot Payne Bud, c, waiter Battery Park, res 105 S Beaumont Payne Rosa Mrs, c, res 105 S Beaumont Peake Hattie, c, laundress, res N Main Peake Henry, c, bds N Main Peake Etta, c, bds N Main Pease L M, minister, res S Main, o c Pease A E Mrs, res S Main, o c Peck Zork, c, lab, res 19 Water Peck Hattie Mrs, c, res 19 Water Peck Mary, c, bds 19 Water Peeles E G, wrks A F F, bds 452 S Depot Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRA^X & ROSEBERRY, 2^ S. Main St., Asheville. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 211 Pegg Ellen, bds 48 Spruce Pelham S D, druggist, 48 S Main, bds same Penland Nathan P, mdse, 25 S Main, res 58 Bridge Penland H R Mrs, res 58 Bridge Penland A H, bds 58 Bridge Penland W C, carp, res 93 Academy Penland E W Mrs, res 93 Academy Penland N S, bds 93 Academy Penland S E, carp, res 277 S Main Penland N P Mrs, res 32 Penland Penland Mary Mrs, bds 32 Penland Penland W H, cashier First National Bank, 5 S Pub Sqr, res 73 Haywood Penland W H Mrs, res 73 Haywood Penland Ellen C, bds 73 Haywood Penland Benj, c, dray, res Orange Penland Mary, c, bds 368 Haywood Penland Harriet Mrs, res 73 Depot Penland Mary, c, res 73 Depot Penland Nellie, c, laundress, 3 Church, res same Penley W P, mdse, 34 N Main, res 306 N Main Penley F E Mrs, res 306 N Main Penley W K, mdse, 34 N Main, res 306 N Main Penley T A Mrs, res 306 N Main Penniman W R, Sr, res 90 S Main Penniman W T, mdse, 13 N Main, res 90 S Main Penniman W Ridgely, mdse, 13 N Main, res 90 S Main Penniman W R Mrs, res 90 S Main Penniman Charles F, mdse, 13 N Main, res 90 S Main Penniman A W Miss, bds 90 S Main Penniman & Co, mdse, 13 N Main PERRY JNO, florist, 55 & 1^7 Chestnut, res 43 Chestnut Perry E E Mrs, res 43 Chestnut Perry Jno Jif, bds 43 Chestnut S„BSCR.BB J,,g JJgl, j||3 „j,j^g„_ VIEl^S of aoy Place Made to Order by I.I1SDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 Soixtlx IMCa^xxi. Stx*eet. 212 AsHEviLLE City Directouv. Perry E S, tobacconist, 25-29 Water, bds Swannanoa Hotel Perry N R, tobacconist, 32 Water, res Woodfin Perry G W, mdse, 256 Patton ave, res same Perry W P, mdse, 256 Patton ave, res same Perry E Mrs, bds 256 Patton ave Perry Emma Mrs, bds 256 Patton ave Perry Pauline, bds 256 Patton ave Perry J N, carp, A F F, res 87 Melke ave Perry E C Mrs, res 87 Melke ave Perry Lillie B, bds 87 Melke ave Perry N R, tobacconist, res S Main, o c Perry N R Mrs, res S Main, o c Perry Lockwood, bds S Main, o c Perry Roland, bds S Main, o c Perry A Miss, bds 17 Hayw^ood Perry Jno, cook, 29 S Main, bds same Perry Jno Mrs, cook, 29 S Main, bds same Perry Joe, c, servt, 152 Chestnut Perrow^ B M, tobacconist, 25 S Pub Sqr Person B M, tobacco warehouse, bds 35 N Spruce Person Lloyd, c, servt, bds College Person Frank, c, servt, bds College Peters Phelix, c, lab, res 135 Valley Peters Teresa Mrs, c, laundress, res 135 Bailey Peters Annie, c, bds 135 Valley Peters Mary, c, cook, 318 Hayw^ood, bds same Petty Phelix, c, blacksmith, 24 Water, res Academy Petty M Mrs, c, cook, bds 30 Orange Petty Fanny, c, bds 55 Depot Petty Lula, c, bds 55 Depot Phillips Jos, carp, res 71 Hill PhilHps C Mrs, res 71 Hill PhilHps Decate, bds 71 Hill PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and delivered to Hotels ^ Boardings Houses, by GRA?i(T & ROSEBHRRY, 24 S. Main St., Asheirille. ATKIBiSON'S tUBIJ^i'S DPD[i||IU|CD|[>Q Wright's and Lumborg's rLnrUIVlLlllLd, at GRANT &, ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 213 Phillips M D, bds 7i Hill Pheneston Amanda, c, cook, 71 Eagle Piem P M, mdse, 14 Patton ave, res same Pierce Polly Mrs, laundress, 3 Valley Pickens Alice, bds 67 Woodfin Pickens John, c, drayman, 211 Haywood Pickens Hattie Mrs, c, rear 91 Hill Pickens John, c, dray, i"ear 91 Hill Pickens Leander c, lab, res 146 S Main Pickens Leander Mrs, c, res 146 S Main Pickens Ella, bds 146 S Main Pinkins Presley, c, lab, res 155 Short Pinkins Maria Mrs, c, res 55 Short Pinkins Olie, c, bds 55 Short Pinkins Julia, c, bds 55 Short Pinnix Roxy, c, cook, res 44 Phillips Pitman J H, shoemaker, 18 N Main, res 140 Church Pitman C J Mrs, res 140 Church Pitman Nannie, bds 140 Church Pitman Bertha, bds 140 Church Pitman William, bds 140 Church Pitman, carp. Battery Park, bds 30 Water Pitman Louisa Mrs, pauper, o c Pixley Lon, wks A F F, bds 318 Haywood Piatt W J, carp, bds 142 Pearson ave Pleasant C L, Mrs, res 1 19 S French Broad ave Pleasant Ava L, bds 119 S French Broad ave Pleasant Mary, bds 119 S French Broad ave Pleasant Alice, bds 119 S French Broad ave Plemmons H P, lab, res 450 N Main Plemmons H A Mrs, res 450 N Main Plemmons Nancy, bds 450 N Main Plemmons Leander, bds 450 N Main ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN. GRANT &, ROSEBERRY, Graduates PMladelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, Xo. 24 Soutb Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C- 214 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Plemmons V Mrs, laundress, res 3 Valley Plemmons Charles, res 3 Valley Plemmons Jake M, 3 Valley Point Ruth, bds 112 Charlotte Pollock W A, prop steam lanndry,office 1 1 S Main,bds Haywood Pollard John, mason, bds Walnut Pollard James, c, waiter, at 17 Haywood Pond M P, bds S Main, o c Pond Julia Mrs, bds S Main, o c Pond Florence, bds S Main, o c Pool J M, mdse, 34 Patton ave, res same Poole Jerry, c, lab, res 45 S Spruce Poole Annie Mrs, c, res 45 S Spruce Poor A E, brickmason, bds 278 College Poor George, bds 278 College Pope T W, billard room, bds 32 Davidson Pope M E Mrs, bds 32 Davidson Pope John, farmer, res S Main, o c Pope John, jr, res S Main, o c Pope Nancy Mrs, res S Main, o c Pope Mattie, bds S Main, o c Porter Robt R, drummer, 38 N Main, res 34 Flint Porter J Mrs, res 34 Flint Porter Alex, bds 34 Flint Porter Susie, bds 34 Flint Porter Lizzie, bds 34 Flint Porter J A, tobacconist, 35 Water, res 12 1 Haywood , Porter C L Mrs, res 121 Haywood Porter Margaret, bds 121 Haywood Porter Thos M, mdse, Victoria, bds S Main, o c Porter Frank, c, bds 26 Eagle Porter Hamilton, c, bds 26 Eagle Porter J W, c, waiter, Battery Park Hotel, bds 178 Valley Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at tbe Lindsey Art Studio, 57 Soutli Main Street. "VAVA TDDTH TSTABH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured 34 Soiitli Main St., N. C. by Grant 6l Roseberry, ASHEvVLifE AsHEViLLE City Directory. 215 Porterfield J E, Merrimon ave Portner Robt P, bookkpr, 27 N Nain, res 58 Grove Portner M H Mrs, res 58 Grove Portner M B, res ^8 Grove Portner E M Miss, b.ls cS (^.•.^^•<- Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVlLIvK, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved; farms, mountain, grazing and mmeral ^Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. ' oj »v , lau, res 34 tlildebrand Pounders M Mrs. res 34 Hildebrand Pounders Robert, bds 34 Hildebrand Pounders Otto P B, bds 24 Hildebrand Pounders Alonzo, bds 24 Hildebrand Pounders Zeb, elk, 2 N Pub Sqr Powell Jas. tobacconist, 102-108 Patton ave, bds 17 S Water Powell G S, mdse, 3 S Main, res 127 Haywood Powell G S Mrs. res 127 Haywood Powell Britt, c. hostler, res N Main * Powell Henrv, c, res N Main Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or Nigrbt, at ORANX & ROSEBBRRV'S Orus: Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHEVH^LB, r<(. C. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS- Xo. 24 South I»Iain St., ASHEVILLE, N. C. 214 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Plemmons V Mrs, laundress, res 3 Valley Plemmons Charles, res 3 Valley Plemmons Jake M, 3 Valley Pf^Inf Ruth, bds 112 Charlotte '^n The Land of the Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE. DEVOTED TO DESCRIBING AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." ' Subscription, $i.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR. J:'orrer ivoul xv, <uiui,.w.^., ,_ _ Porter J Mrs, res 34 Flint Porter Alex, bds 34 Flint Porter Susie, bds 34 Flint Porter Lizzie, bds 34 Flint Porter J A, tobacconist, 35 Water, res 121 Haywood Porter C L Mrs, res 121 Haywood Porter Margaret, bds' J 21 Haywood Porter Thos M, mdse, Victoria, bds S Main, o c Porter Frank, c, bds 26 Eagle Porter Hamilton, c, bds 26 Eagle Porter J W, c, waiter, Battery Park Hotel, bds 178 Valley Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at the Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. H ''TIRTIR TDDTH WASH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Aiyn.Vifi?', 34 South main St., AsHEViLLE City Directory. 215 Porterfield J E, Merrimon ave Portner Robt P, bookkpr, 27 N Nain, res 58 Grove Portner M H Mrs, res 58 Grove Portner M B, res ^8 Grove Portner E M Miss, bds 58 Grove Portner R F Miss bds 58 Grove Portner Bessie, bds 58 Grove Portner Grace, bds 58 Grove Potts Jane Mrs, seamstress, res 137 S Beaumont Potts ARE, bds 137 S Beaumont Potts Mvra E, bds 137 S Beaumont Potts R P, c, carp, 73 N Main Posten Alonzo, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel Posey W A, mdse. 34 Patton ave, res same Postell J H Rev, Epis minister, res 39 Depot Postell T W, elk 1 1 S Main, bds 39 Depot Postell Laura, bds 39 Depot Postell Unice, bds 39 Depot Postell Pearl, bds 33 Academy Postell Fannie Mrs, res 33 Academv Poteet E Mrs, bds 86 Woodfin Poteet Lillie, bds 86 Woodfin Pounders J W, lab, res 34 Hildebrand Pounders M Mrs, res 24 Hildebrand Pounders Robert, bds 24 Hildebrand Pounders Otto P B, bds 24 Hildebrand Pounders Alonzo, bds 24 Hildebrand Pounders Zeb, elk, 3 N Pub Sqr Powell Jas. tobacconist, 103-10S Patton ave, bds 17 S Water Powell G S, mdse, 3 S Main, res 137 Haywood Powell G S Mrs, res 137 Haywood Powell Britt, c. hostler, res N Main ♦ ' Powell Henrv, c, res N Main Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or ^igbt, at GRAISX & ROSEBERRV'S Drug Store, 24 S. Main St., - - ASHEVII^I^H, N. C. STJBSCI^ZBE IF'OX?. The Daily Advance 216 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Powell Emma, c, laundress, res 17 Atkin Powers A H, lab, res S Main, o c Powers A H Mrs, res S Main, o c Prater Maggie, c, cook, 36S Haywood, bds same PRATT J W L, butcher, 38 E Pub Sqr, res 44 Walnut Pratt S F Mrs, res 44 Walnut Pratt Phillip, bds 44 Walnut Presley James, drayman, res 95 Baird Presley M A Mrs, res 95 Baird Presley George W, bds 95 Baird Presley Robt E, bds 95 Baird Presley Van, lab, res 9 Pulliam Presley Hattie Mrs, res 9 Pulliam Presley James, bds 9 Pulliam Presley Peter, dray, res 43 Pine Presley L S Mrs, res 43 Pine Presley James, tinner, bds, 215 N Main Presley Mary, bds 95 West Priest Heston, c, servt Battery Park Hotel Price Father Rev, pastor Catholic Church, bds 57 Cherry Price T A, policeman, res 17 Bridge Price M D Mrs, res 17 Bridge Price Mary, milliner, 61 S Main, bds 86 Woodfin Price Jacob, gard, bds 412 Haywood Price Joe, water- works, bds 357 College Price Nellie, cook, res 15 Depot Price Julia, c, servt, Swannanoa Hotel, bds same Price Chas, c, barber, 7 Pulliam, res 58 Sondley Prince Adaline, c, cook, 26 Flint Proffitt Howard B, elk 17 N Main, res 76 Charlotte Proffitt S A Mrs, res 76 Charlotte Pro'ffitt A L MiSs, bds 76 Charlotte Proffitt Celia A, bds 76 Charlotte Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. -^xj-v-Ei^msE i2sr The Citizen. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 217 Puett Ann, c, cook, bds 78 Park ave Pugh Geo E, mang electric light, bds 77, 79 and 81 N Main Pulliam L, ins agt, 51 S Main, res 250 N Main Pulliam K F Mrs, res 250 N Main Pulliam AMD, bds 250 N Main Pulliam L R, bds 250 N Main Pulliam K W, bds 250 N Main Pulliam M W Mrs, res 58 N Main Pulliam M A, dray, bds 29 Hill PUREFOY G W, phys, over 24 S Main, res 27 Charlotte Purefoy L W Mrs, res 27 Charlotte Purefoy P W, bds 27 Charlotte Purefoy H, bds 27 Charlotte Puryer R O, eng. Battery Park Hotel Putnam D A, machinist, res 50 Woodfin Putnam E C Mrs, res 50 Woodfin Putnam Lula, bds 50 Woodfin Putnam Julia Mrs, dressmaker, res 50 Woodfin Putnam Lona, bds 50 Woodfin Putnam Van, bds 50 Woodfin Putle James, shoemaker, 73 N Main Putle P Mrs, res 73 N Main Q QUEEN J G, dentist, Patton ave, bds Grand Central Hotel Quigley Wm, res 55 Hill Quigley Wm Mrs, res 55 Hill Quigley Emma E, bds 55 Hill Quigley Sadie K, bds 55 Hill Qiugley Samuel, painter, 40 N Main, bds 55 Hill Quigley Edw^ard, bds 55 Hill Qiugley Benj, bds 55 Hill SUBSCRIBE FOR XHE-®|r Prescriptions Pilled at all Hours, Day or ^i8:bt, at GRAI\X & ROSHBBRRY'S Drue: Store, 24 S^ Main Street, Aslieville, 3^^ C 218 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Qiiigley Willie, bds 55 Hill Quigley Charles, bds 55 Hill Qiiigley Maria, res 55 Hill R Ragsdale Randall, c, lab, res 17s S Beaumont Ragsdale Mahala Mrs, c, res 17=; S Beaumont Ragsdale Mattie, c, res 175 S Beaumont Ragsdale Julius, c, res 175 S Beaumont Ragsdale Benj, c, shoemkr, 325 S Main Ragsdale Julius, c, drayman, res 60 Academy Ragsdale Lou Mrs, c, res 60 Academy Railey Annie, bds 99 Chestnut Ramseur H M, civ eng, res 32 Academy Ramseur H M Mrs, res 32 Academ}- Ramseur Vernon B, bds 32 Academy Ramseur C D Miss, bds 32 Academ}' Ramseur S S Miss, bds 32 Academy Ramseur H M, bds 32 Academy Ramsey Lee, c, lab, res 265 College Ramsey Harriet, c, res 265 College Ramsey J J, carp, res 163 Chestnut Ramsey J J Mrs, res 163 Chestnut Ramsey M S Miss, bds 163 Chestnut Ramsey F G, bds 163 Chestnut Ramsey Jno N, elk 17 N Main, res 46 Bridge Ramsey Jno N Mrs, res 46 Bridge Ramsour W S, tanner, res 273 N Main Ramsour W S Mrs, res 273 N Main Ramsour K L, bds 273 N Main Ramsour Mattie, cook, 119 S French Broad ave Ransom David, cabmkr, res 56 Center VIEWS OF ASHEVILLE AND W. N. C. at LINDSEY S THE PHOTOGRAPHERS. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRAXX & ROSBBHRRY, 24 8. Main St., ASHETILLE. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 219 Ransom M E Mrs, res 56 Center Ransom John, bds 56 Center Ransom William T, bds 56 Center Ransom Simon, bds 56 Center Ransom Annie, bds 56 Center Ransom Isaac, bds 56 Center Randall Celia Mrs, c, res 9 Atkin RANDOLPH W F, job printer, 3 N Pub Sqr, res 60 Reservoir Randolph W F Mrs, res 60 Reservoir RAMKIN A, mdse, 55 S Main, res 335 N Main Rankin A Mrs, res 335 N Main Rankin Minnie, bds 335 N Main Rankin Lizzie, bds 335 N Main Rankin Georgie, bds 335 N Main Rankin Carrold, bds 335 N Main RANKIN J E, vice-pres B of A, 51 S Main, res 61 Merrimon ave Rankin J E Mrs, res 61 Merrimon ave Rankin Clarence, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin Wm E, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin Arthur, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin J Guy, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin Grace, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin Levy, bds 61 Merrimon ave Rankin P, c, laundress, Battery Park Rankin Richard, c, lab, res Atkin extension . Ravvlings C H, mdse, 7 N Main, res 58 N Beaumont Rav^^Iings Mary Mrs, res 58 N Beaumont Raw^lings Laura, bds 58 N Beaumont Rawlings Huffman, bds 58 N Beaumont Rawlings Shuford, bds 58 N Main RAWLS R R, prop Swannanoa Hotel, 65 to 77 S Main RAWLS T, prop Swannanoa Hotel, 65 to 77 S Main Rawls B F Dr, res 40 N French Broad ave Advertise in The Advance. VIEWS of ''The Land of the Sky" at The Lindsey Art Studio. 220 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Rawls B F Mrs, res 40 N French Broad ave Rawls H G Mrs, res 304 Charlotte Ray J E, mfr tobacco, res 50 Chestnut Ray J E Mrs, res 50 Chestnut Ray James K, bds 50 Chestnut Ray Eddie L, bds 50 Chestnut Ray Hattie E, bds 50 Chestnut Ray J B, mason, res 38 S Main Ray J B Mrs, res 38 S Main Ray WilHe, bds 38 S Main Ray Celia, c, laundress, res rear 91 Hill Ray M P, c, laundress, res rear 91 Hill Ray Laura, c, laundress, res 28 Brick Ray Isaac, c, lab, res i Mountain Ray Laura Mrs, c, res i Mountain Ray Lizzie, c, cook, 70 Orange Ray Wm, c, lab, res 392 S Main Ray Mary Mrs, c, res 392 S Main Ray Lillie, c, bds 392 S Main Ray Mamie, c, bds 392 S Main Ray Robert, c, hostler, 83 S Main Ray Sam W, elk, 13 N Main, res 135 Hillside ave Ray Sam W Mrs, res 135 Hillside ave Raux E N Mrs, laundress. Battery Park Raysor C A, elk, 20 S Main, bds same Rector Thos S, tobacconist, res 43 Depot Rector Thos S Mrs, res 43 Depot Rector Roberta, bds 43 Depot Rector Bessie, bds 43 Depot Rector Mitchell, bds 43 Depot Rector Eliza, bds 43 Depot Rector Ambrose, bds 43 Depot Rector Bayless, bds 43 Depot Richmond John, drayman, res 80 Seney J. Bf • Campbell, Xlie Real Kstate Dealer^ Will Sell you a Pleasant Building Lot Cheap. OflBce, P(o. 5 Soutli Main street. PERFUMERIES, ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 221 Richmond Mollie Mrs, res So Seney Richmond Mattie, bds So Seney Richmond Mack, bds So Seney Richmond Dock, bds So Seney Richmond C C Mrs, bds So Seney Richmond John, c, servt, Patton ave Redwood H, mdse, 9 Patton ave, res 70 Bailey Redwood H Mrs, res 70 Bailey Redwood H W, bds 70 Bailey Redwood H T, bds 70 Bailey Redwood Katherine, bds 70 Bailey Reed J E, elk U S cir ct, S N Pub Sqr, res N Main, o c Reed J E Mrs, res N Main, o c Reed S K, bds N Main, o c Reed Geo W, bds N Main, o c Reed S H, mdse, S Main, o c, res iiS Woodfin Reed S H Mrs, res iiS Woodfin Reed Bonnie Kate, bds iiS Woodfin Reed Cora M, bds iiS Woodfin Reed Earl, bds iiS Woodfin Reed Thos, carp, bds 4S8 N Main, Reed Mary Mrs, seamstress, rest 25 West Reed Florence, c, servt, 190 Valley Reed Matitda, c, res 33 Sondley Reed Johi), c, driver, 30 Patton ave Reed L Miss, c, laundress, res 36 Madison Reed N Mrs, c, res 36 Madison Reed Annie, c, res 36 Madison Reeves R H, dentist, 19 N Main, res 35 N Spruce Reeves R H Mrs, res 35 N Spruce Reeves David, steward Swannanoa Hotel Register William, mdse, 51 Academy, bds same Reginald Loda, c, servt, 27S Chestnut VIEl^S OF "THE I. AIVO OF THE SK Y>> AT THE LINDSEY ART STUDIO. GRANT &L ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPEIVSING CHEMISTS, :No. 24 South Main St., Asbeirille, X. C. 222 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Reinardt Lizzie, cook, 61 Bridge Reinhart Milton, c, lab, bds 34 S Water Reinhart Robt, c, bds 34 vS Water REYNOLDS, BAIRD & CO, dry goods and grocers, 1 1 Patton ave REYNOLDS F S H, mdse, 1 1 Patton ave, res 59 N Main Reynolds F S H Mrs, res 59 N Main Reynolds Paul, bds 59 N Main Reynolds John, bds 59 N Main Reynolds Chas, bds 59 N Main Reynolds Dollie, bds 59 N Main REYNOLDS W T, elk Sup Ct, res 20 Woodfin Reynolds M S Mrs, res 20 Woodfin Reynolds G S, bds 20 Woodfin Reynolds R R, bds 20 Woodfin Reynolds N A, tax col, bds 20 Woodfin REYNOLDS D L, mdse, 1 1 Patton ave, res N Main, o c Reynolds J E Mrs, res N Main, o c Reynolds J A Mrs, bds 79 N Main Reynolds Herbert, bds 79 N Main Reynolds Lillian, bds 79 N Main Reynolds Bessie, bds 79 N Main Reynolds Thos, student A M A, bds 103 Academy Reynolds K I, lab, res 56 Seney Reynolds K I Mrs, res 56 Seney Reynolds Florence G, bds 56 Seney Reynolds R E. bds 56 Seney Reynolds Daisy, bds 56 Seney Reynolds L G, bds 56 Seney Reynolds Samuel, carp, bds 17 Charlotte Reynolds J K, supt livery stable, 78 S Main, res College Reynolds J K Mrs, res College Reynolds Henry, res 29 College Reynolds Mary Mrs, res 29 College SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Prescriptions Pilled at all Hours, Day or ^igbt^ at ORA^X & ROSBBHRRV'S Druff Store, 24 S. main Street, Asbeville, N. C^ AsHEviLLE City Directory. 223 Reynolds L, bds 39 College Reynolds Ed, bds 29 College Reynolds Willie V, bds 39 College Reynolds Joseph, bds 29 College Reynolds Sallie, bds 29 College Reynolds Geo, c, barber, 38 S Main Reynolds Wm, c, lab, res 220 S Main Rhea Will B, painter, 40 N Main, bds 20 Bridge Rhienhart Robt, c, waiter, 43 Patton ave Rheinhart F, carp, res 120 East Rheinhart F Mrs, res 120 East Rheinhart Thos E, bds 120 East Rheinhart Laura, bds 120 East Rheinhart Bessie, bds 120 East Rheinhart Ora, bds 120 East Rhodes John, wks water works, res 34 Brick Rhodes John Mrs, res 24 Brick Rhodes Annie, bds 24 Brick Rhodes Lillie, bds 24 Brick Rhodes Dora, bds 24 Brick Rhodes Pinkney, bds 24 Brick Rhodes Dovey, bds 34 Brick Rhodes Loula, bds 34 Brick Rhodes William, bds 78 Avery Rice M H, c, lab, bds 179 S Main Rice C Mrs, c, nurse, res 18 Sondley Rice Wallace, c, lab, bds 18 Sondley Rice Stella, c, bds 18 Sondley Rice Rebecca, c, nurse, 65 Valley Rice Wallace, c, waiter Battery Park Rich J R, tinner, 8 S Water, res 95 College Rich J R Mrs, res 95 College Rich J L, bds 95 College Rich Docie, bds 95 College Fine Photographs at the Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. VIEW^S OF ASHEVII.I.E AND W. N. C. atl^INDSEY'Sthe PHOTOGRAPHERS 224 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Rich Sallie, bds 95 College Rich Samuel, tinner, bds 95 College Rich J L, elk, room 2, court house, bds 95 College Richards Bettie, bds S Main Richards Kittie, bds S Main Richards R Mrs, bds S Main Richards May, bds S Main Richards May Lee, bds S Main Richardson Geo, c, hostler^ 78 S Main, bds 40 Eagle Richardson Victoria, c, teacher, bds 255 College Rickett Caroline Mrs, res 26 Aston Rickett Edna, res 26 Aston Rigsby Lizzie, bds 256 N Main Rigsby Julia, res 34 S French Broad ave Riley James, eng elect light, res 37 N French Broad ave Riley James Mrs, res 37 N French Broad ave Riley Nemon, bds 37 N French Broad ave Riley G R, bds 37 N French Broad ave Riley C M Mrs, bds 98 Bailey Ripley Mrs Gen, bds 24 Grove Rittick Dollie, c, res 1504 Haywood Rittick Wm, c, lab, res 506 Haywood Rittick Wm Mrs, c, res 506 Haywood Rittick Ida, c, bds 506 Haywood ROBARDS L, rest and bakery, 29 S Main, bds same Roberts A J, res 335 N Main Roberts A J Mrs, res 335 N Main Roberts L E, bds 335 N Main Roberts S H, bds 335 N Main Roberts L A, bds 335 N Main Roberts F B, bds 335 N Main Roberts G M, res 2 1 1 Patton ave Roberts Annie Mrs, res 2n Patton ave Robei"ts Lula, bds 2n Patton ave The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No 5, South Main street. Order BLACK DIAMOND COAL from 3 O A A Xelephoiie PattonAveV N. W. GIRDWOOD. V 50- ASHEVTLLE CiTY DIRECTORY. 225 Roberts Harry, bds 3ii Patton ave Roberts Earnest, bds 211 Patton ave Roberts Arthur, bds 211 Patton ave Roberts Fred, bds 211 Patton ave Roberts S M Mrs, bds 217 Haywood Roberts Samuel, iron worker, bds 257 College Roberts J E, mdse, 94 Patton ave, res same Roberts M A Mrs, res 94 Patton ave Roberts John, elk, 94 Patton ave, bds 28 N Depot Roberts M E, elk, 33 S Main, bds same Roberts Myra, e, res 21 S Pub Sqr Robertson A H, shoemaker, res 3 Seney Robertson Evaline Mrs, res 3 Seney Robertson G H, bds 3 Seney Robertson John W, bds 3 Seney Robertson Lon, bds 3 Seney Robertson Lillie, bds 3 Seney Robertson William, bds 3 Seney Robertson Rossie V, bds 3 Seney Robertson Frank, e, lab, res 134 S Pine Robertson Frank Mrs, e, res 134 S Pine Robertson Rosa, c, bds 134 S Pine Robertson David, e, bds 134 S Pine Robertson J D, bookkpr, 55 S Main, res|N Spruee Robinson Bud, drayman, res 106 East Robinson M D, bookkpr, Patton ave, res 79 Chestnut Robinson M D Mrs, res 79 Chestnut Rockhold James, ast baker, 35 S Main, bds 29 Bridge Rockhold G R, carp, res 277 S Main Rogers Abram, e, waiter, 154 Chureh Rogers Harriet Mrs, c, 154 Chureh Rogers Boyce, painter, French Broad Hotel QRAXX & ROSKBCRRY^ Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 34 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASBEVIL,L,E, N. C. VIETiTS of any Place Made to Order by I.IIVDSEY the PHOXOORAPHER^ 57 SovLtlx 1k/L&,±TX St;x*eot. 226 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Rogers Matilda, c, bds 130 Hill Rogers Samuel, c, lab, bds 130 Hill Rogers Diana, c, res 180 Pine Rolfe C M, printer, "Advance," bds 24 Davidson Rollins W W, prop Farmers' W H, res Marshall, o c Rollins J W, lab, res 133 N Main Rollins J W Mrs, res 133 N Main Rollins AUie, bds 133 N Main Rollins Chas, bds 133 N Main Romeszewski John, brkr, 9 Main, res 76 Cherry Romeszewski Lena Mrs, res 76 Cherry Romeszewski Mary, bds 76 Cherry Romeszewski John, bds 76 Cherry Romeszewski Abis, bds 76 Cherry Romeszewski Josephine, bds 76 Cherry Romeszewski Ambrose, bds 76 Cherry ROSEBERRY J M, druggist, 34 S Main, bds Chestnut, rooms at store Roseman Robt, c, lab, res 181 S Beaumont Roseman Robt Mrs, res 181 S Beaumont Ross W H, elk Carolina Hotel, 77-81 N Main Row Milus, c, lab, res 26 N Main Rowan Mark, painter, bds 134 N Beaumont Rowley Jno, c, lab, res N Main, o c Rowley Jno Mrs, c, res N Main, o c Rowley Jno jr, c, bds N Main, o c Rowley Hattie, c, bds N Main, o c Rudd C M, bds 48 N Main Rumbough Ed, Patton ave, bds 88 N Main Rumley Robt Rev, c, lab, res 278 Chestnut Rumley Robt Mrs, c, cook, res 278 Chestnut Rumpley R A. carp, res 98 East Rumpley R A Mrs, res 98 East Advertise in The Advance. Alhevillk City Directoky. 227 T. H. LINDSEY, 67 S. MAIN ST., Asheville, N, C. yPuBLissss OF Peotographic Views of<^ "Tke LlAi?^ of f 1?^ SI^y/' -OR- Beauties of Western North Carolina. A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 'Views of any size or place made to order, at short notice. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or P^i^bt, at GRAI^X & ROSCBBRRY'S Drue Store, 24 Si Maiti Street, AslieTille, ]>(4 C 228 AsHEviLLK City Directory. Russell Bertram, bds 49 Church Russell Sophia, bds 49 Church Rutherford Annie, bds 212 S Beaumont Rutherford Jas, c, bds 52 Davidson Rutherford R, c, cook, 19 PuUiam Ryan Mary, nurse, 31 Grove Rymer T B, res 423 S Main Rymer T B Mrs, res 423 S Main Rymer Maggie, bds 423 S Main Rymer T R, bds 423 S Main Rymer Joseph, bds 423 S Main Rymer, drayman, res 9 Pulliam Rymer R, bookkpr, 7 S Main, res 9 Pulliam Rymer D Miss, seamstress, res 130 N Beaumont Rymer W A, blacksmith, 429 S Main Rymer E J Mrs, res N Main, o c. Saddlefield Frank, c, lab, res 22 Eagle Saddlefield Mary Mrs, c, res 22 Eagle Sales Wiley Rev, c, minister, bds 56 N Spruce Sales Hattie Mrs, c, bds College Sams Anson B, res 120 Charlotte Sams Sarah L Mrs, res 120 Charlotte Sams A B jr, bds 120 Charlotte Sams O G, bds 120 Charlotte Sams S L, bds 120 Charlotte Sams Peran J, bds i2o Charlotte Sams Columbus, drayman, 30 Patton ave Sams Robert, drayman, res 527 Haywood Sams Ellen Mrs, res 527 Haywood Sams LAC, bds 527 Haywood Fine PHOXOORAPHS at the Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. VIEWS of any place made to order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 So-u-tlx Ty!Lek,±Ti. Stx*eet. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 229 Sams J B, drayman, res 527 Haywood Sams Nannie Mrs, res 537 Haywood Sams E J, bds 527 Haywood Sams Magnolia, bds 527 Haywood Sams G E, bds 527 Haywood Sams Fred, bds 527 Haywood Sams A B, car, res 79 Academy Sams M S Mrs, res 79 Academy Sams E, bds 79 Academy Sanders E Mrs, res 50 Woodfin Sanders Butler, c, driver, 7 S Main, bds 250 Patton ave Sanders Butler, c, lab, res Cemetery Sanders Lizzie Mrs, c, res Cemetery Sawyer James P, mdse, 15 Patton ave, res 58 Haywood Sawyer N C Mrs, res 58 Haywood Sawyer Clarence, bds 58 Haywood Sawyer E C, bds 58 Haywood Sawyer Jas P jr, bds 58 Haywood Sawyer Daisy, bds 58 Haywood Sawyer F H, c, lab, res 94 N Main Sawyer Samuel, c, caok, res 94 N Main Sawyer Jake, c, bds 94 N Main Sawyer Stone J, c, bds 94 N Main Sawyer Ellen, teacher, 91-93 N Main Sawyer Mary, teacher, 91-93 N Main Sawyer Jane,- c, cook, 115 S Main, res same Saxton H C, c, blksmith, 24 Water, res Academy Scates Wm, tinner, 39 S Main, bds 13 S Main Scales James A, c, A F F, bds 537 Haywood Scales Mary, c, nurse, 351 S Main, bds 361 S Main Scales Charlotte, c, cook, bds 35 Woodfin Scalp S D, watchmakr, bds 48 N Main SGHARTLE J W, tailor, 48 N Main, res 30 Orange ADVERTISE IN THE GITIZEN! GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS. No. 24 Soutb main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C. 230 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Schartle M J Mrs, res 30 Orange Schartle L L, bds 30 Orange Schartle W M, bds 30 Orange Schartle John W, bds 30 Orange Schartle L N Miss, bds 30 Orange Schartle Julia, bds 30 Orange Schartle Carrie M, bds 30 Orange Schartle Fred, tailor, N Main, res 143 N Beaumont Schartle Annie Mrs, res 143 N Beaumont Schartle Bernard, bds 143 N Beaumont Schartle Maggie, bds 143 N Beaumont Schartle Robert C, bds 143 N Beaumont Schartle Zeb, bds 143 N Beaumont Schealls C F, mchnst, res 30 Water Schealls Jessie Mrs, res 30 Water Schealls Marvin, bds 30 Water Scheill A, carp, res 49 Chestnut Scheill Mattie Mrs, res 49 Chestnut Scheill Fred, bds 49 Chestnut Scheill Claudie, bds 49 Chestnut Scheill Marion, bds 49 Chestnut Schneider Philip, steward Battery Park Hotel Schneider K F Mrs, boarding, res 77 Charlotte Schneider M A, res N Main, o c Schneider Robt Mrs, res N Main, o c Schneider Rena, bds N Main, o c Schreyer Geo, res 86 Woodfin Schreyer Geo Mrs, res 86 Woodfin Schreyer Roy, bds 86 Woodfin Scott C C, teacher A M A, bds 103 Academy Scott G F, lumber dealer, res 56 N French Broad ave Scott A L Mrs, res 56 N French Broad ave Scott Hattie M, bds 56 N French Broad ave Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 Soutli Main Street. The Citizen. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 231 Scott Annie L, bds 56 N French Broad ave Scott S E. bds 56 N French Broad ave Scott R L, bds 56 N French Broad ave Scott Edward F, bds 56 N French Broad ave Scott H A, bds 56 N French Broad ave Scott J C, carp and builder, 95 Woodfin Scott M J Mrs, res 95 Woodfin Scott John, lab, bds 37 S Spruce Scott Julia, c. bds 317 Hay v^ood Scott Sallie, c, laundress, bds 57 N Spruce Scruggs P B, shoemakr, Patton ave, res o\ er 30 S Main Scruggs John, bds over 30 S Main Scruggs Josephine, bds over 30 S Main Seagle Nathan, student, 95 Church, bds same Searcy Anderson, drayman, bds 48S Haywood Searcy Minerva, pauper, o c Seats W H, tinner, bds 13 S Main Secon Ida Mrs, bds S Main, o c Sellers Mamie, res 37 S Spruce Semones MFC, elk 19 Patton ave, bds 3i Patton ave Sendle J R, lab. res 19 N Main Sendle R B. res 19 N Main Setser D M, carp, res 198 S French Broad ave Setser Dora Mrs, res 198 S French Broad ave Setser Maud, bds 198 S French Broad ave Setser Glen, bds 19S S French Broad ave Setzer J R, carp, res 16 Sorrell Setzer J J Mrs, res 16 Sorrell Setzer Annie, bds 16 Soorell Setzer Walter, bds 16 Sorrell Sevier Edmond, drayman, res 77 Hill Sevier J D, carp, bds 77 Hill Sevier S E, carp, bds 77 Hill The Leading Real Estate Dealer of Asheville, is to be found at No. 5, South Main street. "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Tlie Best in tbe "World, Manufactured by Qrant & Roseberry, Al*H*rv*?A"^*; !?;'c. 232 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Sevier J D V, liveryman, 8i S Main, res Hillside Sevier Mary Mrs, res Hillside Sevier Daniel, bds Hillside Sevier Joe, bds Hillside Sevier James, bds Hillside Sevier Mary, bds Hillside Sevier Dollie, bds Hillside Sevier William, bds Hillside Sevier Charles, bds Hillside Sewart T, lab, res 40 Flint Sewart Ella Mrs, res 40 Flint Shackelford P C, brickmason, res 350 College Shackelford P C Mrs, dressmaker, res 350 College Shackelford Addie Mrs, res 366 S Main Shackelford Geo N, brickmason, bds 365 S Main Shackelford Alta Miss, bds 344 S Main Shackelford Beulah, bds 344 S Main Shackelford Annie, bds 344 S Main Shackelford William, bds 344 S Main Shadley W C, carp, res 90 Cherry Shadley R E Mrs, res 90 Cherry Shadley Mattie, res 90 Cherry Shaft A, carp, res 28 S Main Shaft Lizzie Mrs, res 28 S Main Shaft Laura, bds 28 S Main Shaft Alvers, bds 28 S Main Shaft Albert, bds 28 S Main Shank R H, mason, bds 16-24 ^ Main Shank M E Mrs, bds 16-24 N Main Shearer R J, painter, res 14 Clayton Shearer A J Mrs, res 14 Clayton Shelton Huston, c, gard, bds 24 Spruce Shepherd Geo, res 47 Walnut Advertise[ in Xbe DAILY ADVANCE. ATKINSONfS LVBIN'S D|I D IT 1 1 lUI |I D I C Q Wright's and Lumborg's I LlirUIVlLlllLd, at GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S PHARMACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 238- Shepherd May Mrs, res 47 Walnut Shepherd Frank, bds 47 Walnut Shepherd Ellen, laundress, res 44 Walnut Shepherd Maggie Mrs, res 44 Walnut Shepherd O, bds 318 Haywood Shepherd Chas, plumber, 8 S Water, bds Patton ave Sherman Samuel, c, minister A M E Zion, res 115 Mountain Sherman Rachel Mrs, c, res 115 Mountain Sherrell J J, carp, res 58 Pine Sherrell M E Mrs, res 58 Pine Sherrell M E Miss, bds 58 Pine Sherrell N C Miss, bds 58 Pine Sherrell Jennie M, bds 58 Pine Sherrell James L F, bds 58 Pine Shinner Robert, c, res rear 165 Hill Shinner Rebecca Mrs, c, res rear 65 Hill Shipman Rebecca, laundress, res 81 S Beaumont Shipman Minnie, bds 81 Beaumont Shipman Eliza, bds 81 S Beaumont Shipman Marion, bds 81 S Beaumont Shipman W P, carp, res 17 Walnut Shipman M L Mrs, bds 17 Walnut Shipman Hattie L, bds 17 Walnut Shipman J J, bds 17 Walnut Shipman Dora, bds 17 Walnut Shober C E, elk depot, res Patton ave Shober E T, elk depot SHUFORD G A, Judge Inferior Court, office 11 S Main, bds 115 Haywood Shuford Charles, plumber, bds 90-92 Patton ave Sigmon Theodore, bds 452 S Depot Siler Mary, c, res 178 Valley Simmonds G H, carp, res 341 Haywood Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. VIEWS OF ASHEVII.I.E AND W. N. C. at I^INOSEY'S the PHOTOGRAPHER. 234 AsHEviLLE City Directory. mmonds M C Mrs, res 341 Haywood mmonds Quincy, bds 341 Haywood mmonds Eugene, bds 341 Haywood mmons Annie Mrs, c, bds 74 N Main monton J C Mrs, res 23 Depot monton J C Miss, res 23 Depot monton Alex, c, driver, 68 S Main, res 167 Valley monton Eliza Mrs, c, laundress, res 167 Valley monton V, c, laundress, Battery Park monton Geo, c, servt. Battery Park, bds 34 S Water mmonton Silas, c, foreman tan-yard, res Walnut mmonton Elsie Mrs, c, laundress, bds Walnut mmonton Myra, c, laundress, bds Walnut mmonton George M, c, bds Walnut mmonton Sarah, c, cook, 47 Haywood mmonton Lee, c. 47 Haywood mpson Charles, c, lab, res 180 S Pine mpson Amanda Mrs, c, res iSo S Pine mpson George, c, bds 180 S Pine mpson Lizzie, c, bds 180 S Pine mpson A D, c, bds iSo S Pine , mpson Albert, c, bds 180 S Pine nclair A Mrs, boarding, "The Villa, Pulliam nclair Alex, bds Pulliam nclair M D Miss, bds Pulliam nclair L V Miss, bds Pulliam nclair Annie, bds Pulliam nclair McC, bds Pulliam ms Laura, cook, 155 N Main ngle, carp, bds 37 S Spruce ngleton E, c, mdse, 34 College, res 36 Sondley ngleton Clara Mrs, c, laundress, res 36 Sondley sk Maggie, bds 38 Bailey sney M Mrs, c, laundress, 157 Valley SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ^l?ISS^ AsHEviLLE City Directory. 235 ASHEVILLE DAILY ADVANCE. OFFICE, S. PUBLIC SQ., ASHEVILLE, - NORTH CAROLINA. ■ > ^ The only daily published in Asheville, that takes the full Associated Press dispatches. Largest circulation of any paper in Western North Carolina. It has the largest sales on all the news stands in the city. Advertising rates reasonable. THE WEEKLY ADVANCE Reaches a larger number of people in Buncombe and adjoining counties than can be reached in any other manner, and is read by 50,000 people. Subscribe for the live, wide-awake Daily and Weekly Advance. Have us to do your JOB PRINTING. We will do it promptly and cheaply. THEO. HOBGOOD, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SXJBSCI^IBE r-OI?. The Daily Advance 236\ AsHEvii.LE City Directory. Sisney Sallie, c, laundress, 157 Valley Sisney Charles, c, bds 142 S Pine SLA6LE J L L, hotel, 90 and 92 Patton ave Slagle Winnie Mrs, res 90 and 92 Patton ave Slagle J C B, bds 90 and 92 Patton ave Sloper J A, elk Patton ave, res over 30 S Main Sloper J M Mrs, res over 30 S Main Sluder J A Mrs, res 48 Spruce Sluder M S Miss, bds 48 Spruce Sluder Joe W, bds 48 Spruce Sluder Irving, bds 48 Spruce Smathers J L, elk 15 Patton ave, res 318 Haywood Smathers C L Mrs, res 318 Hayw^ood Smathers Eddie E, bds 318 Hayw^ood Smathers Fred, bds 318 Haywood Smathers Richard I, bds 318 Haywood Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm th W F, drayman, res 50 Bailey th M M Mrs, res 50 Bailey th M R Miss, bds 50 Bailey th John N, bds 50 Bailey th James R, bds 50 Bailey th Oscar, bds 50 Bailey th S Miss, seamstress, bds 47 Haywood th O O, carp, res 32 Davidson th J J Mrs, res 32 Davidson th lona, bds 32 Davidson th Stephens, drayman, res 37 S Spruce th Susan Mrs, res 37 S Spruce th O L Mrs, bds 37 S Spruce th J J, carp, res 139 S Beaumont th C F Mrs, res 139 S Beaumont th John E, bds 139 S Beaumont th Maggie, bds 139 S Beaumont Fine Photographs at the Lindsey Art Studio, B7 South Main Street. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRAXX & ROSEBERRV, 24 S. Main St., AsheTille. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 237 Smith F A, Mrs, res in Merrimon ave Smith Bertie, bds in Merrimon ave Smith Jennie, bds in Merrimon ave Smith Frank, bds in Merrimon ave Smith Owen, bds in Merrimon ave Smith Julia Mrs, nursp.. 206 R5>;it-/-vo^ uj Real Estate Dealers, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City (^an bupp :i 1 mproved and and Western section of the S ate. Lots, i p unimproved; farms, mountam, grazmg and mineral ''office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. , _._ _^ ^^..^j Smith E D, carp, bds 354 Hayw^ood Smith W R, bds 318 Haywood Smith Sarah A Mrs, bds 69 Orange Smith D V, elk 15 Patton ave, res Spruce Smith J W M, head waiter 21 Patton ave, bds same Smith J C, Patton ave Smith A M, elk 3 S Main, bds Spruce Smith Richard W, painter, res 19 Mountain Smith Malinda Mrs, res 19 Mountain S™gCR.BE J|,g J3|,j^j||j nj,j„„ STJBSCmBE I^OI?, The Daily Advance 236\ AsHEviLLE City Directory. Sisney Sallie, c, laundress, 157 Valley Sisney Charles, c, bds 142 S Pine SLAGLE J L L, hotel, 90 and 92 Patton ave Slagle Winnie Mrs, res 90 and 92 Patton ave The Land of the Sky. ' l.KVOTE,, T„ „KCK,B,Ko A»„ „.,,„STRAT, V; Western North Carolina THE ■■SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." ' Subscription, JKooT^^^i^j^ii^iTs^ple Copy. ,o cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons Publishers NATT ATKINSON, EDITOR, UUliMlCrS. JSmith U U, carp, res 3^ i^avmov^n Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm th J J Mrs, res 32 Davidson th lona, bds 32 Davidson th Stephens, drayman, res 37 S Spruce th Susan Mrs, res 37 S Spruce th O L Mrs, bds 37 S Spruce th J J, carp, res 139 S Beaumont th C F Mrs, res 139 S Beaumont th John E, bds 139 S Beaumont th Maggie, bds 139 S Beaumont Fine Photographs at the Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, by GRANT & ROSEBHRRY, 24 S. Main St., AslieTille. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 237 Smith F A, Mrs, res iii Merrimon ave Smith Bertie, bds 1 1 1 Merrimon ave Smith Jennie, bds iii Merrimon ave Smith Frank, bds iii Merrimon ave Smith Owen, bds iii Merrimon ave Smith Julia Mrs, nurse, 206 Railroad, bds same Smith Emory, bds 206 Railroad Smith George, bds 206 Railroad Smith H Mrs, bds N Main Smith Eugene, bds N Main Smith S, driver, Walnut Smith S A Mrs, res Walnut Smith Leona, bds Walnut Smith John G, bds Walnut Smith W C, bds Walnut Smith Maggie, bds 32 Penland Smith Henry, bds 32 Penland Smith Annie, bds 32 Penland Smith L, bds 32 Penland Smith Bessie, bds 32 Penland Smith J G, carp, res over 11 S Main Smith A P Mrs, res over 11 S Main Smith Sallie, bds 17 Charlotte Smith B R, tel opr, bds 24 Bailey Smith A L Mrs, bds 24 Bailey Smith E D, carp, bds 354 Haywood Smith W R, bds 318 Haywood Smith Sarah A Mrs, bds 69 Orange Smith D V, elk 15 Patton ave, res Spruce Smith J W M, head waiter 21 Patton ave, bds same Smith J C, Patton ave Smith A M, elk 3 S Main, bds Spruce Smith Richard W, painter, res 19 Mountain Smith Malinda Mrs, res 19 Mountain S™SCR,BE J|,3 J3|, III Jjjj VIEWS of ''The Land of the Sky" at The Lindsey Art Studio. 238 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Smith Mattie, bds 19 Mountain Smith Chas A, poHceman, bds N Main Smith Dinah Mrs, bds N Main Smith J M, prop Farmers' Warehouse, res o c Smith Steve, res S Spruce Smith A K, bds 122 Putton ave Smith Joe, c, lab, res Garrett ave, o c Smith John, c, lab, res 21 Hildebrand Smith Annie Mrs, c, laundress, 21 Hildebrand Smith John jr. c, bds 21 Hildebrand Smith Henry, c, eng Battery Park Hotel, bds same Smith Andy, c, lab, bds near poor-house, o c Smith A Mrs, c, bds near poor-house, o c Smith Stephen, c. Eagle, res 44 Water Smith John, c, barber, 33 Pine Smith A Miss, c, cook, 79 Chestnut Smith Ellen Mrs, c, bds 23 McDowell ave Smith Maggie, c, bds 23 McDowell ave Smith John, c, bds 23 McDowell Smith Robert, c, lab, res 139 Valley Smith Annie Mrs, c, res 139 Valley Smith Gertrude, c, bds 139 Valley Smith Samuel, c, lab, res 60 Academy Smith Wilson, c, lab, res 3 Church Smith M Mrs, c, res 3 Church Smith Ida, c, bds 3 Church Smith Pauline, c, bds 3 Church Smith Thomas, c, bds 3 Church Smith Wm, c, bds 3 Church Smith Ambrose, c, lab, res 128 Church Smith Lucy Mrs, c, res 12S Church Smith Vera, c, bds 128 Smith Cella, c, bds 128 Church Smith Jas, c, bds 128 Smith M, c, nurse, 38 S Main, res same J. M, Campbell^Xlie Real Hstate Dealer ^ Will Sell you a Pleasant Building* Lot Cheap. Office, Xo. 5 Soutb Main street. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or I^ight, at GRAKT & ROSHBHRRV'S Drug Store, 24 S. Main Street, Asbeirille, N. C AsHEviLLE City Directory. 239 Smith John, c, barber, 33 S Main, res 38 S Main Smith Hattie, c, servt, 19 S Main, bds same Smith Selas O, c, lab, 25-29 N Water Smith E Mrs, c, res 24 Spruce Snelson J G, lawyer, 16 S Main, res N Main Snelson Ella, res N Main Snelson Lottie, bds N Main Snelson Ida, bds N Main Snider W F, mdse, 3 Main, res 133 S Main Snider J A Mrs, res 133 S Main Snider Arnold H, bds 133 S Main Snider Sada, bds 133 S Main Sinder G Mrs, seamstress, bds 16 Charlotte Snowdon H, c, minister, res 57 N Spruce Snowdon L Mrs, c, res 57 N Spruce Sondley H E Mrs, " boarding," res 57 Cherry SONDLEY F A, lawyer, 15 S Public Square, res 57 Cherry Sorrells Geo A, wines and liquors, 58 S Main, res 42 Bailey Sorrells S K Mrs, res 42 Bailey Sorrells A P, wines and liquors, res Fairview, o c Sorrells Frank, buggy and carriage shop. Pub Sq, res 16 Sorrells Sorrells R Z, mdse, 16 N Main Sorrells A R, elk, 16 N Main Sorrells Pinkney Cooper, 16 Willow, bds 127 S Beaumont Sorrells L C, barkpr, 7 S Main, bds 150 Patton ave Sorrells M E Mrs, bds 25 N Main Southern A, c, waiter, 13 S Main, bds same Southern Mary Mrs, c, cook, 13 S Main, bds same Southers Andrew, c, 16-24 ^ Main Southwick C H, prop Battery Park, bds same South wick C H Mrs, bds Battery Park ;: Southwick Blanche, bds Battery Park Southwick Margaret, bds Battery Park VIEWSOF ASHEVILLE ANDW.N.C. at LINBSEY S THE PHOTOGRAPHERS. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPCNSINQ CHEMISTS, ^o. 34 Soutli Main St., AslieTille, N. C 240 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Spain Wm T, res 134 N Beaumont Spain Maria, bds 134 N Beaumont Spain Edward, bds 134 N Beaumont Spain Percy, bds 134 N Beaumont Span Joe, c, driver, bds 13 Grove Spears J W, liveryman, 76-80 S Main, bds 20 Woodfin Spears Walter, driver, bds 20 Woodfin Spears J C Mrs, res 20 Woodfin Spence Emma, bds 82 Woodfin Spurlock Lucy, c, bds 88 Baily Stansill S C Mrs, res 180 Woodfin Stansill Ida, bds 180 Woodfin Stansill Bertha, bds 180 Woodfin STANSILL GRIFFIN S, Southern Directory Co, res 86 Woodfin Stansill G S Mrs, res 86 Woodfin Stansill Florence A Miss, millinery, 61 S Main, res 86 Woodfin Stansill O S Miss, bds 180 Woodfin Stansill Alice Mrs, bds 260 Patton ave Starnes Jessie R, undertaker, office and res 155 N Main Starnes M B Mrs, res 155 N Main Starnes Xie, bds 155 N Main Starnes John W, county supt public instruction, res 24 Cherry Starnes Mary E Mrs, res 24 Cherry Starnes Brand, bds 24 Cherry Starnes Bettie, bds 24 Cherry Starnes Charles, tobacconist, bds 24 Cherry Starnes Fulton, mdse, bds 24 Cherry Starnes T F, tobacco dealer, 50 S Beaumont, bds 24 Cherry Starnes T C, tobacco dealer, 50 S Beaumont, bds 24 Cherry Starnes Geo H, tobacco dealer, 50 S Beaumont, bds 24 Cherry Steele J B, elk Battery Park, res 71 Pine Steele H G Mrs, res 71 Pine Steel Mary c, cook, bds 34 Grove VIE W^S OF "THE I. AND OF THE SKY" AT THE I.INDSEY ART STUDIO. PERFUMERIES, ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, - ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 241 Steinback Jas, c, well dig, res 105 S Beaumont Steinback Cora Mrs, c, res 105 S Beaumont Steinback Maggie, bds 105 S Beaumont Stepp Robt, res S Main, o c Stepp Ellen Mrs, res S Main, o c Stepp J W, res 273 S Main Stepp T V Mrs, res 273 S Main Stepp Lizzie, bds 273 S Main Stephenson Jno, painter, bds 106 Pearson ave STEVENS DR J N, prop W H, 106-108 Patton ave, res 32 Bailey Stevens C C Mrs, res 32 Bailey Stevens J W, bds 32 Bailey Stevens Lue Miss, bds 32 Bailey Stevens L A, bds 32 Bailey Stevens Annie, bds 32 Bailey Stevens Saml, lab, res 212 S Beaumont Stevens Matilda Mrs, res 212 S Beaumont Stevens L F, seamstress, 93 Academy Stevens Henry, bds 33 Academy Stevens Jas, c, bds 32 Bailey Stevens Jo, c, lab, res 82 Valley Stevens Julius, c, lab, bds 288 S Beaumont Stevenson Rebecca, c, cook, 135 Valley Stevenson James, c, lab, 102-108 Patton ave, res Bailey Stew^ard George, lab, bds 9 Pine Steward E, driver, res N Main, o c Steward E Mrs, res N Main, o c Steward Isaac, c, lab, res rear 159 Hill •Steward E Mrs, res rear 159 Hill Stewart R S, tailor, 42 N Main, bds 53 College , Stewart J M, carp, bds 13 S Main STIKELEATHER F, " the popular railroad ticket agent," 52 S Main, res 49 Church Stikeleather Mary Mrs, res 49 Church ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN. p ■ Window Shades, Car- |% g\ ■■ ■■ ■■ Furniture,f£S£P.S.McMullen. 33 l^iorth IMaiu. ^ iiiluljfiGo dllU riibUOi 33 I^ortb JTIaiu Street. 242 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Stikeleather Gilden, bds 49 Church Stines Nannie, cook, 24 Cherry STOCKTON A H, dry goods and groceries, 6 N Pub Sqr, res 159 Patton ave Stockton Cora M Mrs, private boarding, res 159 Patton ave Stockton Eliza, bds 159 Patton ave Stockton Mitchell, bds 159 Patton ave Stockton J W, mdse, 6 N Pub Sqr, res 159 Patton ave Stockton Walter, bds 159 Patton ave Stockton John, c, lab, res 167 Valley Stokes Henry, c, lab, res Cemetery STONE JORDAN, ed "Asheville Citizen," 13 Patton ave, res 117 Chestnut Stone M D Mrs, res 117 Chestnut Stone F J Miss, bds 117 Chestnut Stone M J Miss, bds 117 Chestnut Stone Jordon M, bds 117 Chestnut Stone Wm, bds 117 Chestnut STRAITH & THOMSON, dry goods and groceries, 234-236 Pat- ton ave STRAITH JNO, groceries and gen mdse, 234 Patton ave, res same Straith Kate Mrs, res 234 Patton ave Stroud S T, carp, res 40 Baird Stroud Lizzie Mrs, res 40 Baird Stroud Ovi^ens, bds 40 Baird Stroud E D, carp, res 188 Bailey Stroud E J Mrs, res 1S8 Bailey Stroud Chas A, bds 188 Bailey Stroud Peter, c, lab, res 26 Mountain • Stroud M Mrs, c, res 26 Mountain Stroup Liney, cook, 48 N Main Stroup Sallie, cook, 64 Woodfin Styles H S, lab, bds 40 Beaumont Suddreth Geo, wrks A F F, res Depot Suesabaugh S D, bds 35 N Spruce Fine Photographs at the Lindsey Art Studio, 37 South Main Street. Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or Nig^bt, at GRANT & ROSHBHRRV'S Drug: Store, 24 S. main Street, Asheville, N. C* AsHEviLLE City Directory. 243 Suesabaugh M L, bds 35 N Spruce Suggs D C, c, teacher col normal school, res 255 College Sullivan Robt B, lawyer, bds over 78 S Main Sullivan Peter c, waiter, 29 S Main, bds same SUMNER T J, meat market, 6 Patton ave Sumner B H, shoemkr, 37 Patton ave, bds 423 S Main Summer R I, carp, res 118 Charlotte Summer D A Mrs, res 118 Charlotte Summer James, carp, bds 118 Charlotte Summer Samuel, mchnst, bds 118 Charlotte Summer Franklin, bds 118 Charlotte Summerlin J J, elk, 102-108 Patton ave Summers T P, teacher AFC, bds 59 Oak Summers Jas A, bds 59 Oak Summers Carrie, bds 59 Oak Summers Mary, c, cook, bds 24 Grove Sumesron O C, mech, bds 313 Haywood Summers James, drayman, res 19 Pine Summers Mary Mrs, res 19 Pine Summers Alice, bds 19 Pine Summers Sallie, bds 19 Pine Summers Samuel, bds 19 Pine Summers, lab, bds 23 Depot Summers Sallie bds 118 Charlotte Summers Young, c, lab, bds 288 S Beaumont Summey A T, justice peace and U S Com, 5 Patton ave, res m^ Haywood Summey S R, Mrs, res 1 15 Haywood Summey Etta, bds 115 Haywood Summey Lottie, bds 115 Haywood Summey Mary, bds 115 Haywood Summey Sue, elk, 59 S Main, bds 115 Haywood Summey Ida, bds 116 Haywood Summey Albert, bds 121 Haywood AT T Vmr A KT (Member of the National Association of Real Eetate Dealers, U. S. A,) • J. LliUnlli REAL. ESTATE AN0 LOAN BUOKER. Office in Court House Building:, Asheville, If. O. P.S.McMullen, 33 North main Street. ' Furniture, Carpets, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Window Shades, Parlor Suits, Bed Room Suits, etc., etc. 244 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Summey Daniel F, elk 39 S Main, bds 35 S Main Summey Rose, c, cook, bds 47 Woodfin Summey William, c. waiter, 69 S Main, res 49 S Water Summey Harriet, c, res 49 S Water Summey William, c, waiter, 69 S Main, bds same Sumnoler J J, painter, near Depot, res 30 Water Swan Jno W, c, barber, 60 S Main, bds 33 N Beaumont SWANNANOA HOTEL, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77 S Main The Swannanoa Hotel, Strictly a First-class Hotel. ' Eligibly situated. Commanding magnificent mountain views, and yet con- venient to business. A home for Ladies and Families. RAWLS BROS., Proprietors ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. Swepson Calvin, c, mason, res 39 Hill Swepson Dollie Mrs, c, laundress, res 39 Hill Swepson Pink, c, bds 39 Hill Swink Alfred, bds 385 S Main Sword T J, mdse. Main, res 117 Cherry Sword N A Mrs, res 1 17 Cherry Sword Gertrude, bds 117 Cherry Sword Thos, liveryman, 24 Eagle, res Academy PHOTOGRAPHS. Fine Photographs at THE LINDSEY -A-HT STXJ3DIO, 57 SOUTH JTIAIiV ST. The Citizen. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 245 Swift Jasper, c, lab, res 76 S Pine Swift Laura Mrs, c, cook, res 76 S Pine Swift Julia L, c, bds 76 S Pine Swepson Gallic, c, bds 22 Sondley Swicegood L, painter, 13 Willow, res 173 S Main Swicegood W W Mrs, res 173 S Main Swicegood Carrie, bds 173 S Main Swink J C, blksmith, 190 S Main, res 1S8 S Main Swink J C Mrs, res 1S8 S Main Swink Mary, bds 188 S Main Swink Minnie, bds 188 S Main Swink Wm,bds 188 S Main Swink Robert, painter, S Main, res 179 S Main Swink Susan Mrs, res 179 S Main T Tabor Mrs R, res 23 Bridge Tabor J S, bds 23 Bridge Taig John, lab, bds Walnut Talbot J W, civ eng, bds 49 Chestnut Tate C M Mrs, res 141 Patton ave Tate Hattie, bds 141 Patton ave Tate Paul, bds 141 Patton ave Tate Addie, bds 141 Patton ave Tate Mary, bds 141 Patton ave Tate Sam, c, lab, res 16 Cemetery Tate Minnie Mrs, c, res i6 Cemetery Tate Wm, brkmason, res 45 S Spruce Tate Jane Mrs, res 45 S Spruce Tate Mamie, bds 45 S Spruce Tate Saml, c, lab, res [79 S Main Tate Winnie Mrs, c, res 179 S Main "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xlie Best in the World, Manufactured by Orant & Roseberry, Al*H^rv'?A"^" Vrc. VIEWS of «<XHE I.AIVD OF THE SKY>' at tbe I.INOSEY ART STUOIO. 57 Soixtlx lV£A,ixi. Stxreet. 246 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Tate Dora, c, bds 179 S Main Tate Garner, c, bds 179 S Main Taylor J R, tinner, 8 S Water, bds 20 Bridge Taylor S R, bds 71 Woodfin Taylor S R Mrs, bds 71 Woodfin Taylor Laura, bds 71 Woodfin Taylor Saml, bds 71 Woodfin Taylor Edward, bds 71 Woodfin Taylor Bettie, c, cook, 48 Spruce Taylor Sam, elk, 16 S Main, bds 122 Patton ave Taylor John C, bds 122 Patton ave Taylor Joe, lab, res 83 Seney Taylor Rebecca Mrs, res 83 Seney Taylor Maggie, bds 83 Seney Taylor Willie, bds 83 Seney Taylor Lillie, bds 83 Seney Taylor John, lab, res 83 Seney Taylor John Mrs, res 83 Seney Taylor Rachel, bds 83 Seney Taylor John jr, bds 83 Seney Taylor Charles, c, yardman, depot, res Depot Tazewell Daniel, c, servt, Swannanoa Hotel Teague Wm, lab, res 69 Orange Teague Wm Mrs, res 69 Orange Teague Willie, bds 69 Orange Teague John, lab, bds 37 S Spruce Tebbets A T Mrs, cook, 13 Grove Tennant Jas A, architect, res J16 S Main Tennant Jas A Mrs, res 116 S Main Tennant Geo R, bds 116 S Main Tennant Annie, bds 102 Academy Tennant Laura, bds 102 Academy Tennant G S, bds 102 Academy Terrell T B, bkpr, 16 S Main, bds 318 Haywood P.S.McMullen. Furniture, Carpets, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Window Shades, Parlor Suits, SS^ort'li" Mai'ii StreeT.""' Bed RoOUl Suits, etc., Ctc. PRESCRIPTIONS promptly filled and Delivered to Hotels and Boarding Houses, "by GRANT & ROSEBERRY, 24 S. Main St., AsheTille. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 247 Terrell Augustus, c, lab, res 82 Valley Terrell Myra, c, res 82 Valley Thayer F W Mrs, res 47 Woodfin Thomas John, lab, res 137 N Main Thomas E Mrs, res 137 N Main Thomas Wm, bds 137 N Main Thomas Henry, bds 137 N Main Thomas Ethel, bds 137 N Main Thomas Charles, bds 137 N Main Thomas A Mrs, seamstress, res 205 College Thom.as H B, bds 205 College Thomas H, bds 205 College Thomas John, c, lab, res 6r Pine Thomas Annie Mrs, c, res 61 Pine Thomas Cora, c, bds 61 Pine Thomas Kate, c, cook, 30 Water T'homas Clara, c, nurse, 47 Woodfin Thomason W S, cond W N C R R, res 19S Railroad ave Thomason M C Mrs, res 119 Railroad ave Thomas J M, bds 198 Railroad ave Thomas O A, bds 19S Railroad ave Thomas F W, bds 198 Railroad ave Thompson May, cook, 6 Orange Thompson Reuben, c, lab, res 92 Mountain Thompson Mary Mrs, c, res 92 Mountain Thompson Annie, c, servt, Swannanoa Hotel Thompson Evaline, c, laundress, res 86 Mountain Thompson Mary, c, laundress, res 86 Mountain Thompson Lizzie, c, laundress, res 86 Mountain Thompson Alfred, c, res 46 Davidson Thompson H Mrs, c, res 46 Davidson Thompson Mamie, c, bds 46 Davidson THOMSON WM, mdse, 234 and 236 Patton ave, res 82 Depot Tiernan T J, physician, res 485 S Depot VIEWSOFASHEVILLEANDW.N.C. at LINBSEY'S THE PHOTOGRAPHER. FURNITURE. 33 NORTH I»IAIN. All kinds Household and Kitcben Fur» niture in JLatest Desig^ns, a.nd Cbcap a» ■^ tlie Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 north main. 248 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Tiernan Jas M, mineralogist, res 485 S Depot Tiernan Stanton A, res 485 S Depot Tilson Thomas, lab, res 58 Hill Tilson Thomas Mrs, res 58 Hill Tilson Essie, bds 58 Hill Tilson Robt, bds 58 Hill TILSON GEO W, groceries, 348 Haywood, res 354 Haywood Tilson Geo W Mrs, res 354 Haywood T01VELIN30N J S, ed Country Homes, res Washington, D C TOMLINSON W F, ed Country Homes, 13 Patton ave Torrence W L, cond W N C R R, bds 132 Pearson ave Torrence W L Mrs, bds 132 Pearson ave Tow Joanna, seamstress, res 148 Academy Townsend James, lab, 153 Patton ave, bds Cherry Townsend Geo, plasterer, res 9 Woodfin Townsend Ruth Mrs, res 9 Woodfin Townsend M, shoemkr, 19 S Main, bds 18 N Main TOWNSEND MRS, dressmkr, 42 N Main, res same Townsend Ellen, bds 42 N Main Townsend Chas, bds 42 N Main Townsend M L Mrs, res 1 1 1 N Main Townsend Laura, bds 1 1 1 M Main Townsend James, bds 11 1 N Main Townsend Chas S, bds iii N Main Townsend Sidney, c, lab, res 42 Davidson Townsend Mary Mrs, res 344 S Main Townsend Nancy J, res 344 S Main Treadaway John, driver, bds 19 Academy TRENHOLM S D, boarding house, 67 College Trenholm S D Mrs, res 67 College Trenholm H G Miss, bds 67 College Trenholm John M, bds 67 College Trenholm Mary A, bds 67 College Trenholm Leonard, bds 67 College SURSCRIRE FOR THE ""TiSSii" Prescriptions Filled at all Hours, Day or Nisbt, at GRAI^X & ROSHBERRY'S Drugr Store, 24 Si ]»Iain Street, Aslieirille, K^ C AsHEviLLE City Directory. 249' Trexler B C, mdse, 155 S Main, res 172 S Main Trexler B C Mrs, res 172 S Main Trexler David, bds 172 S Main Trimmier J W, tobacconist, res 36 Walnut Trimmier J W Mrs, res 36 Walnut Trimmier W B, bds 36 Walnut Trimmier Beaufort, bds 36 Walnut Trimmier J Loyd, bds 36 Walnut Trull J R, mdse, 16 N Main Trull Chas, mdse, 16 N Main Tucker Jackson, waiter, Battery Park Tucker Rhoda, c, cook, 351 S Main Tuppins Maggie, c, bds 35 Hill Tuppins Nannie, c, bds 35 Hill Turk W A, A G T & P A, 345 Depot, bds Battery Park Turl, Mary, c, laundress, 40 Madison Turner Frank, c, lab, bds 58 Haywood Turner J A, restaurant, 3 Patton ave, bds same Turner Ed, c, lab, res 35 Hill Turner Mary Mrs, c, res 35 Hill Turner Willis c, driver, Fernihurst, o c Turner Edgar, c, shoemakr, 23 S Main, res Hill Twittle John, c, waiter, 77 Charlotte u Umphries Johnson, c, barber, res 58 Sondley Umphries Clara, c, res 58 Sondley Underwood Arthur, c, res rear 23 S Main Underwood Hattie, c, res rear 23 S Main Underwood John, bds 142 S Pine Underdown J A, mchnst A F F, res Haywood, o c Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. ■i I Window Shades, Car- |% f^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Furniture,ssggP-S.McMullen. 33 North lUaiii. ' All OljflDb dllll nlUOb. 33 i^ortb Main Street. 250 AsHEViLLE City Directory. V Van W, printer, Skyland Herald, 47 S Main Vandiver Walter W, lawyer, bds Patton ave Vandiver Wm, lab, res 73 N Main VAN GILDER T I, hardware, 16 S Main, res 75 College Van Gilder E Mrs, res 75 College Van Gilder Ralph, bds 75 College Van Gilder M, bds 75 College Van Gilder Mamie, bds 75 College VAN GILDER & BROWN, hardware, 16 S Main Vaughn C Mrs, c, laundress, res 91 Gudger Vaughn Dowell, c, res 91 Gudger Vaughn Cordie, c, res 91 Gudger Vaughn Julius, c, res 91 Gudger Vaughn Herbert, c. res 91 Gudger Vaughn G E, baker, 35 S Main, res 29 Bridge Vaughn G E Mrs, res 39 Bridge Vaughn R L Miss, bds 29 Bridge Vaughn Roy, bds 29 Bridge Vaughn Kate, bds 29 Bridge Vaughn Sarah, bds 29 Bridge Vaughn Marion Mrs, res 25 Water Venable S F, prin A M A, res 103 Academy Venable S F Mrs, res 103 Academy Venable Blanche, bds 103 Academy Venable Mary G, bds 103 Academy Venable Chas T, bds 103 Academy Vernon Elias, c, porter W N C R R, res 73 Depot Vernon Harriet, c, nurse, 368 Haywood Vernon Lius, c, fireman W N C R R, res 368 Haywood ORAIVT & ROSBBBRRY, Graduates Philadelishia College of Pharmacy I>IfiH»EJ3SrSI2NrC3- OHESlVtISTS, No. 24 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEV1L<L<E, N. C. ATKINSON'S LVBIN'S D C D [■ 1 1 lUI C D I C Q Wright's and Lumborg's I LnrUmLnlLO, at GRANT &, ROSEBERRY'S PIIAR9IACY, ASHEVILLE, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 251 w Waddell D C, cashier B of A, 51 S Main, res 159 Merrimon ave Waddell D C Mrs, res 159 Merrimon ave Waddell M W, bds 159 Merrimon ave Waddell D C jr, bds 159 Merrimon ave Waddell R S, bds i£^9 Merrimon ave Waddell Frank N, chief of police, res 209 Chestnut Waddell Frank N Mrs, res 209 Chestnut Waddell Chas E, bds 209 Chestnut Waddell Maud, bds 209 Chestnut Waddell J A, policeman, res 20 S Main Waddell J A Mrs, res 20 S Main Waddell D S, bds 20 S Main Waddington Jno W, c, driver 3 S Main, res Cherry Wagner J A, carp, res 67 Woodfin Wagner J A Mrs, res 67 Woodfin ' Wagner James, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner Fannie, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner John, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner Carrie, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner Lillie, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner Natt, bds 67 Woodfin Wagner C A, elk, 43 Patton ave, bds 16 N Main Walke Mrs, res 158 Chestnut Walke Carter, bds 158 Chestnut Walke Lena, bds 158 Chestnut Walke Myrtle, bds 158 Chestnut Walke Pearl, bds 158 Chestnut Walker Howard, c, lab, res 17 Walnut Walker Mary Mrs, c, res 17 Walnut Walker Nellie, c, cook, 50 Bailey Walker Mary L, c, res 26 S Water VIE^V^ OF "THE I.ANI> OF THE SK Y'> AT THE LINDSEY ART STUDIO. GRANT &. ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS, No. 24 Soutli Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C 252 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Walker G H, supt A F F, bds Depot Walker C C, foreman A F F, res Depot Walker Amanda, c, cook, Fernihurst, o c Walker Mrs C, res 88 Bailey Walker C P Miss, res 88 Bailey Walker J L, carp, res 46 S French Broad ave Walker Jas, c, lab, W N C R R, bds 214 Railroad Walker Jas Mrs, c, bds 214 Railroad Walker R P, tobacconist, 64 Grove, res 36 Walnut Walker R P Mrs, res 36 Walnut Walker Robt P jr, bds 36 Walnut Walker Will, bds 36 Walnut Walker Mrs A, col, bds 106 Pearson ave Walker Wm, c, bds 106 Pearson ave Walker John, c, bds 106 Pearson ave Walker Laura, c, cook, 117 S Main Walker Louise, c, nurse, 90 S Main Wall Archie, c, drayman Wallace Emma, c, cook, 58 N Main Wallace Dock, c, lab. Main Wallace James, c, cook, 36 Brick Wallace Jane Mrs, c, cook, 30 Philip Wallace Isadore, bds Valley Waller E, res 340 College Waller Edith, bds 340 College Waller Annie T, bds 340 College Walter Jas B, mdse, 90-92 Patton ave Walter Jas B Mrs, res 90-92 Patton ave Walton Ella, cook, 141 Broad Walton N I Mrs, dressmaker, res 99 Broad Walton Wm T, bds 99 Broad Walton E E Miss, bds 99 Broad Walton Maggie L, bds 99 Broad M ■ Window Shades, Car- !%#%■■ ■■ 11 Furni ure,sggSiiP-S.McMiillen. 33 North Main. " All alyiuSdilll illbuS. 33 ISortli Main Street. VIEWS of any place made to order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, AsHEViLLE City Directory. 253 Walton M E, bds 99 Broad Walton Robt A, bds 99 Broad Walton Harriet, c, laundress, res loi Cherry „_— —^^^^M Walton John, c, drayman, res loi Cherrv .,..*ji.^M«^^^^^^^» Walton An..;- XT a ^^^^^B Real Estate Dealers, phone call 49- _ .^,11.^11 r»road ave . v^xva j.>i J, lab, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward John B, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Annie, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Chas F, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Geo H, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Robt, bds 28 Davidson Ward Walter, c, w^aiter Swannanoa Hotel Ward W.-n, local minister, res 96 Church Ward Wm Mrs, res 96 Church Ward Edith C, bds 96 Church Ward W^m A, bds 96 Church FURNITURE, 33 NOKTH MAIN. All Kinds Household and Kitclieii Fur- niture in Latest Designs, and Cheap as the Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 north main. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates FMladelpMa College of Pharmacy, DISPENSING CHEMISTS. No. 34 South main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C 252 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Walker G H, supt A F F, bds Depot Walker C C, foreman A F F, res Depot "Walker Amanda, c, cook, Fernihurst, o c The Land of the Sky. A monthlyIiagazine DEVOTED To DFSr !,• I !■ t m r^ . ., ^ ' '""'SCklMNG AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." ' Subscription, Si.ooV^i^^ii^in^ple Copv, ,o cents VV aiiace jaiui^c, V,, , Wallace Jane Mrs, c, cook, 30 Philip Wallace Isadore, bds Valley Waller E, res 340 College Waller Edith, bds 340 College Waller Annie T, bds 340 College Walter Jas B, mdse, ^0-92 Patton ave Walter Jas B Mrs, res 90-92 Patton ave Walton Ella, cook, 141 Broad Walton N I Mrs, dressmaker, res 99 Broad Walton Wm T, bds 99 Broad Walton E E Miss, bds 99 Broad Walton Maggie L, bds 99 Broad H ■ Window Shades, Car- ■%#%■■ ■■ 11 Furnitiire ^^^^^-^^^^ p. S. McMullen. 33 North Main. ' All StylOSSDll PriCGS, 33 North Ittain Street. VIEWS of any place made to order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 Soi:Lt]3L l^a^ixi. Sti^eet. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 253 Walton M E, bds 99 Broad Walton Robt A, bds 99 Broad Walton Harriet, c, laundress, res loi Cherry Walton John, c, drayman, res loi Cherry Walton Annie, c, laundress, 46 Eagle ^ Walton Mamie, c, laundress, 46 Eagle Walton Loula, c, res 157 Valley Walton Annie, c, cook, 46 Bridge Ward Caroline, seamstress, res 5 Pine Ward Martha, res 5 Pine Ward H S, res 5 Pine Ward Thomas, res 5 Pine Ward Mrs, res 274 N Main Ward Mary, bds 274 N Main Ward James, bds 274 N Main Ward Robert, c, driver, res 21 S Pub Sqr Ward Robert Mrs, c, res 3 1 S Pub Sqr Ward Walter, c, bds 21 S Pub Sqr Ward Elliot, c, bds 21 S Pub Sqr Ward Jas T, lab, res 285 S French Broad ave Ward Jas T Mrs, res 285 S French Broad ave Ward Mary A Mrs, res 285 S French Broad ave Ward M J, lab, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward John B, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Annie, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Chas F, bds 285 S French Broad ave Ward Geo H, bds 285 S Fi-ench Broad ave Ward Robt, bds 28 Davidson W^ard Walter, c, w^aiter Sw^annanoa Hotel Ward W.*n, local minister, res 96 Church Ward Wm Mrs, res 96 Church Ward Edith C, bds 96 Church Ward Wm A, bds 96 Church FURNITURE. 33 NOKTH WAIN. All Kinds Household and Kitchen Fnr- uiture in liatest Designs, and Cheap as ■^ the Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 north main. VIEV^S OF ASHEVILLE AND W. N. C. at LINOSEY'S tlie PHOTOGRAPHER. 254 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Ward Edwin H, bds 96 Church WARE A B, dentist, 5 S Main, res 61 S Fiench Broad ave Ware A B Mrs, res 61 S French Broad ave Ware Nora, bds 61 S French Broad ave Ware Jas A, b^s 61 S French Broad ave . Ware Kathleen, bds 61 S French Broad ave Ware Herbert, shoemakr, 37 Patton ave, res 40 Flint Ware Gilbert, c, plasterer, res loi Cherry Ware Agnes Mrs, c, res loi Cherry Ware Jas, c, bds loi Cherry Ware Florence, c, bds loi Cherry Warner Joe, c, carp, res 133 Valley Warner Kate, c, res 133 Valley Warner Katherine, c, res 133 Valley Warner Ellen, bds 73 Bailey Warren Haynes, carp, res 58 N Beaumont Warren Wm, carp, res 26 Hill Warren Wm Mrs, res 26 Hill Warren Laura, bds 26 Hill Warren Claud, bds 26 Hill Warren Wm, eng, 313 Hayw^ood, res 326 Haywood Warren Wm Mrs, res 326 Haywood Warren Geo, bds 326 Haywood Warren Henry, bds 326 Haywood Warren Sarah, bds 326 Haywood Warren Tempie, bds 326 Haywood Warren Sallie, c, laundress, res 51 Maiden Lane Washington Annie, c, lanndress, res Cemetery Washington Delia, c, laundress, res Cemetery Washington Aaron, c, lab, res 131 Valley Washington Loula Mrs, c, res 131 Valley Washington Sorney, c, porter, Swannanoa Hotel Watkins Henry, res N Main, o c Watkins Henry, Mrs, res N Main, o c S™SCR.BB T,,g J3,,g^j||g „j,j ''VJLVA TDDTH WASH/' The Best in the World, Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, Aiyri*lY\*^",'V. c. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 255 Watson Henry, c, lab W N C R R, res i86 Valley Watson Laura, c, cook, S Main, res i86 Valley Watson R P, carp, res 179 S Main Watson R P Mrs, res 179 S Main Watson J B, bds 179 S Main Watson T E, bds 179 S Main WATSON J A, city physician, res 13 Grove Watson J A Airs, res 13 Grove Way Annie, nurse, 278 Chestnut Way Julia, bds 430 N Main Weatherspoon Fate, c, lab, bds 34 Eagle WEAVER WM, cooper, 16 Willow, res 127 S Beaumont Weaver Wm Mrs, res 127 S Beaumont Weaver Emma, bds 127 S Beaumont WEAVER JOHN H, livery stable, 15-17 Willow Weaver Fred, bds S Main Weaver M J Mrs, res 119 N Beaumont Weaver Mollie, bds 119 N Beaumont Weaver Joseph, bds 119 N Beaumont Weaver Isaac, c, drayman, res 86 Mountain Weaver Sallie Mrs, c, res 86 Mountain Weaver Grant, c, lab, res 154 Church Weaver Mitchell, c, bds 154 Church Weaver Sophia, c, bds 154 Church Weaver F M, elk, 55 S Main, bds same Weaver John, c, waiter Battery Park, res 82 Valley Weaver Alice Mrs, c, res 82 Valley Weaver Laura, c, res 82 Valley WEAVER W T, postmaster, and boots and shoes, 30 S Main, res 30 Philip Weaver W T Mrs, res 30 Philip Weaver J A, watchman depot, res 74 Avery Weaver J A Mrs, res 74 Avery VIE WS of " The Land of the Sky " at The Lindsey Art Studio. TIH^WS of any Place Made to Order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 So'U.tlx AAa.izi. Stxreet. 256 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Weaver C R, bds 74 Avery Weaver J W, bds 74 Avery Weaver Annie, c. cook, 58 Grove Weaver James, bds 157 Hayv^ood Weaver Susan, c, laundress, res 85 S Beaumont Webb H H, res Garrett ave Webb S M Mrs, res Garrett ave Webb Ida, bds Garrett ave Webb E B, bds Garrett ave Webb J A, elk, 16 S Main, res 31 N French Broad ave Webb J A Mrs, res 31 N French Broad ave Webb E H, bds 31 N French Broad ave Webb W A, bds 31 N French Broad ave Webb D H, mdse, 36 N Main, bds 31 N French Broad ave Webb Lucius, bds 31 N French Broad ave Webb Estella, bds 31 N French Broad ave Weddin W A, supt street work, res 53 College Weddin W A Mrs, res 53 College Weddin Annie, bds 53 College Weddin Ed, agt South Ex Co, 68 S Main, bds 53 College Weddin Lizzie, bds 53 College Weddin Effie, bds 53 College Weddin Walter, bds 53 College Weddin Kate, bds 53 College Weldon Noah, c, drayman, res neai' poor-house Weldon Noah Mrs, c, res near poor-house Weldon Violet, c, bds near poor-house Weldon Cora, c, bds near poor-house Weldon Natt, c, bds near poor-house Weldon M, carp, res 50 Woodfin Weldon Alice Mrs, res 50 Woodfin Weldon Amanda, bds 50 Woodfin Weldon Mollie, bds 50 Woodfin FURNITURE. 33 NORTH JTIAIIV. All Kiiidsi of Houseliold and Kitelieii Furniture iu Liatest Designs, and Cheap as tite Cbeapest. P. S. McMULLEN, ' 33 NORTH MAIN STREET. P.S.McMullen, Furniture, Carpets, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Window Shades, Parlor Suits, si^ortiT Main stre^.' " ' Bed Room Suits, etc., etc. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 257 A^r^M^„ t;; Ci bakerv, "^t; S Main, res 130 S Main nnm nmrnm § ^m^, Real Estate Dealers, ASHEVILLE, N. C. and W.'?'''^ ''"^ t"'^"'^ ^"' ^"^^ E^'"'^ '■" 'he City and Western sect,on of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved ; farms, mountain, grazing and min'a, ZTJ:^ '^"' '"'''"'' °" '"''- S^--. Tele- Welles Geo E B, bds 244 N Depot Welles Lottie M, bds 244 N Depot Welles M, c, laundress, res Eagle West C J, mchnst, bds 318 Haywood West A N Miss, res 152 Chestnut West F B, res 152 Chestnut West W W, tobacconist, 25-29 N Water, res 278 Chestnut West W W Mrs, res 278 Chestnut West Chas W Dr, bds 278 Chestnut West Laura Mrs, bds 278 Chestnut West Clifford, bds 278 Chestnut West Chas W, bds 278 Chestnut West Augusta, bds 278 Chestnut VIEIYS OF "XHE LAND OF THE SK Y'> AT THE LINDSEY ART STUOIO. VIEWS of any Place Made to Order by LIIVOSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 SoTXtlx 'Si/L&,±-n. Stxreet. 256 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Weaver C R, bds 74 Avery The La nd of th e Sky. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TU DESCRUilNG AND ILLUSTRATING Western North Carolina, THE "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Subscription, $i.oo per annum. Sample Copy, lo cents. Natt Atkinson & Sons, Publishers. NAT! ATKINSON, EDITOR= Weddin Lizzie, Dds 53 <^ouege Weddia Effie, bds 53 CoHege Weddin Walter, bds 53 College Weddin Kate, bds 53 College Weldon Noah, c, drayman, res neat' poor-house Weldon Noah Mrs, c, res near poor-house Weldon Violet, c, bds near poor-house Weldon Cora, c, bds near poor-house Weldon Natt, c, bds near poor-house Weldon M, carp, res 50 Woodfin Weldon Alice Mrs, res 50 Woodfin Weldon Amanda, bds 50 Woodfin Weldon MolHe, bds 50 Woodfin 33 NORTH mAIIV. All Kinds of Household and Kitehen r I III 111 I I 1 1 ll I* Furniture in Latest Designs, and Cheap I Ulllll I UIILi as the Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 north main street. P.S.McMullen, Furniture, Carpets', Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Window Shades, Parlor Suits, 33^orti" Mail! Street." " ' Bed Room Suits, etc., etc. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 257 Weldon S G, bakery, 35 S Main, res 130 S Main Weldon S G Mrs, res 130 S Main Weldon Mabel, bds 130 S Main Weldon Lenora, bds 130 S Main Weldon Sam G jr, bds 130 S Main Weldon Robt L, bds 130 S Main Weldon A C, baker, 35 S Main, res 38 S Main Weldon A C Mrs, res 38 S Main Weldon Saml V, bds 38 S Main Weldon Pauline M, bds 38 S Main Weldon A B, bds 38 S Main Weldon Fred W, bds 38 S Main Wells Ella, c, servt, 75 College Wells Isaac, c, driver, 15 Willow, res rear 23 S Main Wells Evaline, c, res 37 Davidson Welles T O, bds 142 Pearson ave Welles E B, tobacco heat regulator, res 244 N Depot Welles E B Mrs, res 344 N Depot Welles E W, bds 244 N Depot Welles Edna F, bds 244 N Depot Welles Geo E B, bds 244 N Depot Welles Lottie M, bds 244 N Depot Welles M, c, laundress, res Eagle West C J, mchnst, bds 318 Haywood West A N Miss, res 152 Chestnut West F B, res 152 Chestnut West W W, tobacconist, 25-29 N Water, res 278 Chestnut West W W Mrs, res 278 Chestnut West Chas W Dr, bds 278 Chestnut West Laura Mrs, bds 278 Chestnut West Clifford, bds 278 Chestnut West Chas W, bds 278 Chestnut West Augusta, bds 278 Chestnut VIEl^S OF "THE I. AND OF THE SKY" AT THE I.INDSEY ART STUDIO. VIEWS of '' THE LAND OF THE SKY" at tbe LINDSEY ART STUDIO. 57 &o-\xtlCL IMCftixi. Stx*eet. 258 AsHEviLLE City Directory. West Wm, bds 278 Chestnut West Shippen, bds 27S Chestnut West Evaline, bds 278 Chestnut West James, 25-29 N Water, bds 278 Chestnut West J T, carp, res 56 Seuey West J T Mrs, res 56 Seney West Wm R, carp, res near Haywood West Mary Mrs, res near Haywood West Chas, lab, bds 313 Haywood West J B, elk, 37 N Main, res N Main West James S, elk, 11 S Main, res 102 Academy West Jas S Mrs, res 102 Academy West J F, carp, res 37 S Spruce West E R, elk Battery Park, bds 30 Water West S B, bds 30 Water West S B Mrs, bds 30 Water West Clyde B, bds 30 Water West C C, bds 30 Water West V Miss, bds 30 Water West A G, carp, res 283 S Main West A G Mrs, res.283 S Main West Benj, bds 283 S Main West Lola A, bds 283 S Main West Bertha E, bds 283 S Main Westall J M, carp, res 202 Merrimon ave Westall J M Mrs, res 202 Merrimon ave Westall M L Miss, res 202 Merrimon ave Westall N B, carp, res 141 Broad Westall Mrs N B, res 141 Broad Westall J D, bds 141 Broad Westall A A, bds 141 Broad Westall E J Miss, bds 141 Broad Westall Lee, bds 141 Broad Westall T C, contractor and builder, res 206 Chestnut SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ^SfiS^ AsHEviLLE City Directory. 259 i t > :thk. — <^ Asheville Citizen, DAILY AND WEEKLY, 43 PATTON Ave. Asheville, - - N. C The Lafgesl Cifculalion in Westefn Noitli Cafolina. Biit Mfiitiilig Mdlim. Full News concerning Western North Carolina — its attractions, its rapid growth. Address, FURMAN, STONE & CAMERON. m I AVindow Shades, Car- >%#%■■ ■■ 11 Furniture, sgSSP-S.McMullen. 33 IVorth lUaiii. ' iill uljlUO dllli rilbCiii 33 IHortb Itlaiu Street. 260 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Westall T C Mrs, res 206 Chestnut Westall W H, bds 306 Chestnut Westall VV H Mrs, bds 206 Chestnut Westall Mary R, bds 306 Chestnut Westall T C, jr, bds 206 Chestnut Westall H G, bds 3o6 Chestnut Westall E C, bds 206 Chestnut Western North Carolina Baptist, office over 8 N Pub Sqr Whalton Annie, nurse, Atkin extension Wheeler Alex, c, drayman, res Beaumont Wheeler L Mrs, c, res Beaumont Wheeler Mack, c, lab, bds 179 S Main Wheeler Jas, c, bds 179 S Main Wheeler A, c, res 35 Aston v Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh te James, hostler, bds 155 N Main te Mary, c, cook, 513 Haywood te Allen, c, lab, res 171 N Main te Eliza Mrs, c, res 171 N Main te James c, bds 171 N Main te Lillie, nurse, 118 Woodfin te Wm, c, lab, bds 42 Valley te Maria, c, nurse, 90 S Main te Joe, c, lab, res 47 Walnut te Mattie Mrs, c, res 47 Walnut te Henry, c, bds 47 Walnut tener, bds 23 Depot tesides J B, carp, res 15 Seney tesides J B Mrs, res 15 Seney tesides Mattie, bds 15 Seney tesides J K, bds 15 Seney tesides George, bds 15 Seney tesides Sallie K, bds 15 Seney tesides James, bds 15 Seney tesides J H, carp, res N Main, o c Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 Soutli Main Street. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 261 G. W. PUEEFOT, M. D., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office, over Grant & Roseberry's Drug Store, No. 22 South Main Street. Residence, No. 27 Chiarlotte St. Brown & McSwaign, B LACK SMITHS, 51 Uorth Main St., Cor. Walnut. General Repair Work a Specialty. A. M. Ballard, M. D., Office, 8 N. Public Square, Residence, 1 74 Haywood Street. Crand Central Hotel Barfter Sliop, REAR OF OFFICE. W. H. McTrent, Proprietor. First-class Workmen employed. Good work only. Give me a call. No. 23 Patton Ave. ■■ ■ . Window Shades, Car- nAU ■■ 11 FurniturB &-»" '"-'«^^^^^^^ S. McMiillBn. 33 North miaiu. ' AllSiylCS flllU PnCGS, 33 North Main Street. 262 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Whitesides J H Mrs, res N Main, o c Whitesides A G, bds N Main, o c Whitesides C J, bds N Main, o c Whitesides W R, carp, res N Main, o c Whitesides W R Mrs, res N Main, o c Whitesides Patton, bds N Main, o c Whitesides Charles, bds N Main, o c Whitesides Winnie, bds N Main, o c Whitesides Gen, bds 35 Clayton Whitesides Ed W, printer, bds College Whitesides Lucy, c, laundress, S Main Whitson Felix, c, lab, res rear Swannanoa Hotel W^hitson Ella Mrs, c, res rear Swannanoa Hotel Whitson John, c, lab, res 88 S Beaumont Whitson Mat Mrs, c, res 88 S Beaumont Whitson James, c, bds 88 S Beaumont WHITSON W R, lawyer, room 4 courthouse, res 146 Chestnut Whitson W R Mrs, res 146 Chestnut Whitson Maud, bds 146 Chestnut Whitson James, c, lab, res 186 Valley Whitson Kate Mrs c, res 186 Valley Whitson Jane, c, bds 186 Valley Whitson Albert, c, bds 186 Valley Whitson G W, U S col, room 4 courthouse, res 36 Pine Whitson G W Mrs, res 36 Pine Whitson Chas P, carp, bds 36 Pine Whitson J J, bds 36 Pine Whitson S P, bds 36 Pine Whitson S L, bds 36 Pine Whitson H M, bds 36 Pine Whitson J A, bds 36 Pine Whitson John, messgr tel office W^hitner A, lab, les 313 Haywood Wliitley Lee, c, lab, res 26 Eagle ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN. The Citizen. ASHEVILLE CiTV DIRECTORY. 263 Whitlock A, mdse, 46 S Main, bds 61 N Main Whittaker Dora, bds S Main, o c Whittaker Mitchell, c, lab, res 88 Gudger Whittaker Mary Mrs, c, res 88 Gudger Whittaker Emma, c, res 88 Gudger .Whittaker M L, carp, res 127 S Beaumont Whittaker M L Mrs, res 137 S Beaumont Whittaker Maggie, bds 127 S Beaumont Whittimore Mattie, servt, 452 S Depot Whittinger N J, minister, res 24 Clayton Whittinger N J Mrs, res 24 Clayton Whittinger Lou, bds 24 Clayton • Whittinger Annie, bds 24 Clayton Whittinger Flora, bds 24 Clayton Whittinger Lizzie, bds 24 Clayton Whittinger M L, bds 24 Clayton Whittinger H C, cook, Atkin extension Whittington M G, elk, 4 Pub Sqr, res 24 Clayton Whooraw Abe, c, lab depot, res 71 Eagle Whooraw Wm, c, res 71 Eagle Wilcox M A, mdse, 29 N Main, res Cherry Wilburt Julia, c, nurse, 137 Patton ave Wilcox I S, livery, 13 S Water, res 17 S Water Wilcox I S Mrs, res 17 S Water Wilcox Wm M, bds 17 S Water Wilcox Julia M, bds 17 S Water Wilcox Loula B, bds 17 S Water Wilcox Joseph, bds 17 S Water Wildes Jake, horse dealer, 24 Eagle Wiley A L, elk, 21 Patton ave, bds same Wiley A L Mrs, bds 21 Patton ave Wiley Fred, bds 21 Patton ave Wilfong Julius, carp, res 195 S Main Wilfong Julius Mrs, res 195 S Main VIEWSOFASHEVILLEANDW.N.C. at LINDSEY'S THE PHOTOGRAPHER. VIE^WS OF ASHEVILLE ANO W. IS. C. at LIIVBSEY'S the PHOTOGRAPHER. 264 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Ikie J L Mrs, res 3 Church Ikie Jennie, bds 3 Church Ikie Burgin A, elk P O, bds 3 Church Ikie Quincy, bds 3 Church Ikie Ocie, bds 3 Church Ikie Clarence, bds 3 Church Ikins John, c, cook, Swannanoa Hotel Ikins Owen, c, cook, 38 S Main, res 106 Bailey Ikins Ida Mrs, c, res 106 Bailey ams Sifas, c, res loi S Beaumont ams Silas Mrs. c, res loi S Beaumont ams Arthur, c, lab, bds 101 S Beaumont ams Birdie, c, bds loi S Beaumont ams Ada, c, bds 10 1 S Beaumont ams Wm, c, driver, 102 Chestnut ams Wm Mrs, c, servt, 102 Chestnut ams Wm P, eng, res N Main, o c ams Wm P Mrs, res N Main, o c ams J H, machinist, bds N Main o c ams Fannie, bds N Main, o c ams Geo, c, mason, res 10 Irving ams Geo Mrs, c, res lo Irving ams Alice, c, laundress, bds 53 Mountain Will Will Will Will Will WILLIAMS J H, phys, S Main, res 64 N French Broad ave ams J H Mrs, res 64 N French Broad ave ams Annie, bds 64 N French Broad ave ams Wm, bds 64 N French Broad ave ams George, bds 64 N French Broad ave ams Roy, bds 64 N French Broad ave Fine Photographs at the Lindsey Art Studio, 37 South Main Street. VIEWS of any place made to order by LINDSEY the PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 SoiJLtlx 1MCA.1X1. Stxreet. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 265 Williams A D, c, cook, 21 Patton ave, res Church Williams John A, bkkpr, 13 Patton ave, res 198 Chestnut Williams John A Mrs, res 198 Chestnut Williams Willie, bds 19S Chestnut Williams Floy, bds 198 Chestnut Williams Wm, c, servt, 162 Chestnut Williams H Mrs, c, laundress, 9 Woodfin Williams Alonzo, c, brakeman W N C R R, res 91 Hill Williams Harvey, c, driver, res 91 Hill Williams Marion, elk, 6 N Pub Sqr, res 11 Center Williams Marion Mrs, res 1 1 Center Williams Chas, bds 1 1 Center Williams Fannie, bds 11 Center Williams Mattie, bds 11 Center Williams Joe, carp,'res 412 Haywood Williams N A, carp, res 48 N Main Williams Eliza, c, cook, 137 Valley Williams Regina, c, res 135 Valley Williams Hannah, c, res 135 Valley Williams R Mrs, res 58 N Main Williams Julia, res 58 N Main Williams Sam, c, gard, 118 Woodfin Williams Carrie, c, bds 134 Bailey Williams Solomon, c, lab, res 81 Valley Williams Louvenia Mrs, c, res 81 Valley Williams W D, elk Depot, bds French Broad Hotel Williams Thos, restaurant, 220 S Main, res same Williams Thos Mrs, i-es 220 S Main Williams Jesse, hostler, 78 S Main simpcgm^ The Asheville Citizen. FURNITURE. 33 TVORm IWAIN. All kinds Household and Kitchen Fur- niture in I^atest Designs, and Cbcap as '^ tlie Cbeapest. P. s. Mcmullen, ss north main. 266 AsHEViLLE City DiRECTonr. Williams W C, sewing machine agent, res Sz S Main Williams M A Mrs, res 83 S Main WILLIAMS MAMIE MRS, millinery, 3 Church, res same Williams Wilkie, bds 3 Church WiUiams C A Mrs, res 17 Bridge Williams Jesse, bds 17 Bridge Williams Edward, bds 17 Bridge Williams D H Mrs, housekeeper Swannanoa Hotel Williams Dora, bds Swannanoa Hotel Williams Jennie, bds Swannanoa Hotel Williams Howard, bds Swannanoa Hotel Williams Silas, c, lab, res 22 S Depot Williams Peggy Mrs, c, res 22 S Depot Williams Jno, c, bds 22 S Depot Williams Elbert, c, bds 22 S Depot Williams Viney, c, servt, 90 S Main Williams Maggie Mrs, res 154 Church Williams John, c, bds 13 Clemmons Williams Cordie, res 35 Pine Williams Annie, c, cook, 117 Chestnut Williams M J, c, servt, 117 Chestnut Williams W E, mdse, 17 Patton ave, res 20 Oak Williams G W, bds 20 Oak Willis Millissa, c, laundress, res 40 Eagle Willis Ada, c, res 40 Eagle Wills Martin, bds 32 Bailey Wilson Herbert, c, plasterer, res 9 Woodlin Wilson Herbert Mrs, c, res 9 Woodfin Wilson Annie, c, bds 9 Woodfin Wilson Lucy, c, cook, res 33 Sondley VIEWS of "The Land of the Sky" at The Lindsey Art Studio. ■■ ■ Window Shades, Car- m^ f^ ■■ ■■ la Furniture, SSS P- S. McMul en. 33 North main. ~ M uiyiuSdllll rllbuS. 33 North IWaiii Street. AsHEViLLE City Directory. 267 Wilson Ruth, c, res 33 Sondley Wilson John, c, res 33 Sondley Wilson Marion, carp, res 1 1 Short Wilson Marion Mrs, res 11 Short Wilson Mary bds 1 1 Short Wilson Julius, carp, bds 365 Haywood Wilson A W, carp, 16 Willow, res 139 S Beaumont Wilson A W Mrs, res 139 S Beaumont Wilson Edgar, bds 139 S Beaumont Wilson Munsey, bds 139 S Beaumont Wilson Thomas, bds 139 S Beaumont Wilson Jas, c, lab, res 119 S Beaumont Wilson Victoria Mrs, c, res 119 S Beaumont Wilson Gussie, c, bds 119 S Beaumont Wilson Frank, c, lab, res 85 S Beaumont Wilson John, c, drayman, res Beaumont Wilson C Mrs, c, res Beaumont Wilson Jackson, c, driver, res 301; S Beaumont Wilson Caroline Mrs, c, res 205 S Beaumont Wilson Katherine, c, bds 205 S Beaumont Wilson Geo, c, bds 205 S Beaumont Wilson Emma, c, laundress, 58 Pearson ave Wilson Laura, c, res 58 Pearson ave Wilson Isham, c, shoemakr, 23 Patten ave, res 96 Baird Wilson Sallie Mrs, c, res 96 Baird Wilson Brooks, elk, 3 Patton ave, bds same Wilson D B, mdse, 17 Patton ave, bds College Wilson J S, mdse, 24 Patton ave Wilson Geo, c, gard, bds S Main, o c FURNITURE, 33 NORTH MAIN. All Kiiidiii of Houseliold a.iid Kiteheu Furniture in Liatest Desig'ns, and Cheap as the Cheapest. P. S. McMULLEN, ' 38 NORTH MAIN STREET. VIEl^S of any Place Made to Order by I.INDSEY the PHOXOQRAPHKR, 57 So-U-tlx 3^^.1x1. Stxreet. 268 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Wilson John, c, servt, 157 Charlotte Wilson Wm. c, lab, bds 26 Madison ave Wilson John A, wrks W N C R R, bds 79 N Main Wilson Robt, res 37 Eagle Wilson Laura, c, res 142 S Pine Wilson Isaac, c, lab, res 143 S Pine Wilson A S, cooper, 13 Willow, bds S Beaumont Wilson Carrie M, res 37 S .Spruce Wilson Andrew, bds 37 S Spruce Wilson Simpson, bds 37 S Spruce Wilson Rufus, bds 37 S Spruce Wilson S C Mrs, gen agt pat med, res 4 Valley Wilson Luther, tel opr, depot, bds French Broad Hotel Wilson Alex, c, hostler, 83 S Main Wilson Jno W, res 33 S Water Wilson Nancy, c, res 34 S Water Wilson Emma, cook, 3 Church Wilson Leah, c. laundress, res 48 Madison Wilson Mary, c, bds 48 Madison Wilson Wm, bds 29 College Wilson J A. liveryman, bds Carolina House Winburn W A, elk, A G T & P A, office, bds French Broad Hotel Wingate T C, mdse, 22 N Main, res 419 N Main Wingate T C Mrs, res 419 N Main Wingate Rachel, c, nurse, Atkin extension Wingate John, c, teacher, res 9 Mountain Wingate Mary Mrs, c, res 9 Mountain Wingate Pauline, c, res 9 Mountain Winslow T E, conductor W N C R R, bds French Broad Hotel Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. FURNITURE, 33 NORTH MAIN. All Kinds HouKebold and Kitclk.eii Fnr» niture in £.atest Desig^na, and Cheap a« the Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 north main. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 269 Wise Sallie, c, cook, Garrett ave. o c Real Estate Dealers, ASHKVlLIvK, N. C. Can supply every demand for Real Estate in the City and Western section of the State. Lots, improved and unimproved; farms, mountain, grazing and mmeral ^Office in old Bank Building on Public Square. Tele- phone call 49. Woodard Henry, c, carp, res 16 Short Woodard Victoria Mrs, c, res 16 Short WOODCOCK J H, druggist, 268 Patton ave, bds 318 Haywood Wooden Amos, c, carp, res 41 Pine Wooden May Mrs, c, res 41 Pine Woodfin Violet, c, laundress, res 165 Hill Woodfin Turney, c, bds 165 Hill Woodfin Marion, c, bds 165 Hill Woodfin Anna M, bds 58 Woodfin n||AYAA|%||n||A I'iue Photographs at THE LINHSEY VIE^WS of any Place Made to Order by I.IIVDSEY tbe PHOTOGRAPHER, 57 So-u-tlrr 1!^a,1xi. Stx^eet. 268 AsHEviLLE City Directory. T„K,-, ^ servt, 1^7 Charlotte The Land of the Sky Western NwVh "rT"".- \^Qff Af] • ;;''''^^^^'-op}, 10 cents. NATT ATKINSON E D^Tof " ^ ^"''' P"WlSlierS. ^^■ w w w w w w w w w w Ison iviai\ , c, ov... ^^ Ison Wm, bds 39 College Ison J A. liveryman, bds Carolina House nburn W A, elk, A G T & P A, office, bds French Broad Hotel ngate T C, mdse, 23 N Main, res 419 N Main ngate T C Mrs, res 419 N Main ngate Rachel, c, nurse, Atkin extension ngate John, c. teacher, res 9 Mountain ngate Mary Mrs, c, res 9 Mountain ngate Pauline, c, res 9 Mountain nslow T E. conductor W N C R R, bds French Broad Hotel Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at The Lindsey Art Studio, 57 South Main Street. FURNITURE. 33 NORTH MAIN. All Kinds HouKehold and KitcKen Fnr- niture in Latest Designs, and Cheap a» the Cheapest. P. s. Mcmullen, 33 korth main. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 269 Wise Sallie, c, cook, Garrett ave, o c Wo Hop, laundry, under 19 S Main, bds same Wolfe J J, butcher, Patton ave, res 474 Haywood Wolfe J J Mrs, res 474 Haywood Wolfe Sarah, bds 474 Haywood Wolfe Harry, bds 474 Haywood Wolfe W O, marble dealer, 28 E Pub Sqr, res 92 Wood fin Wolfe W O Mrs, res 92 Woodfin Wolfe W, plasterer, res 36 Clayton Wolfe W Mrs, res 36 Clayton Wolfe Olive, bds 36 Clayton i Wolfe Emerson, bds 36 Clayton Wood M E Miss, tel opr, S Pub Sqr Wood M L, lab, bds 64 N French Broad ave Wood Lin, laundry, under 19 S Main, bds same Wood Wm, c, lab, res 17 Walnut Wood Wm Mrs, c, res 17 Walnut Wood Wm W, c, bds 17 Walnut Wood M W, c, bds 17 Walnut Woodard Henry, c, carp, res 16 Short Woodard Victoria Mrs, c, res 16 Short WOODCOCK J H, druggist, 268 Patton ave, bds 318 Haywood Wooden Amos, c, carp, res 41 Pine Wooden May Mrs, c, res 41 Pine Woodfin Violet, c, laundress, res 165 Hill Woodfin Turney, c, bds 165 Hill Woodfin Marion, c, bds 165 Hill Woodfin Anna M, bds 58 Woodfin PHOTOGRAPHS. Fiue Photographs at THE LINDSEY 57 SOUTH ITIAI\ ST. P.S.McMullen, :i5t IMnrth iTIaiii Strft'l. ' Furniture, Carpets, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Window Shades, Parlor Suits, ss^ort'iT ^aiiT street." " ' Bed Room Suits, etc., etc. 270 AsHEviLLE City Directory. Woodruff J L, mdse, 26 S Main, bds N Main WOODY J H, blksmith, 25 Willow, res 44 Clayton Woody J H Mrs, res 44 Clayton Woody Lillle, res 44 Clayton Woody MoUie, res 44 Clayton Woody B, elk, 37 N Main, bds Woodfin Wooldridge T J, elk, 53 S Main, bds Woodfin Woolford Emma, c, servt, 161 Bailey Worley J W, janitor, 72 Eagle Worley JasH, blacksmith, res Clayton Worley W J, sheriff, room 5, courthouse, res Haywood Worley George, carp, bds 29 College Wright John B, c, barber, 7 PuUiam, res 58 Sondley Wright Harriet, c, cook, 49 Church Wright Elmira, c, seamstress, res 138 Pine Wright Saloma, c, res 138 Pine Wright Lee, drayman, 30 Patton ave. Wright Mollie, c, res 142 S Pine Wright Laura, c, res 142 S Pine Wright M Mrs, res 50 Bailey Wright Henry, lab, res 137 S Beaumont Wright Henry Mrs, res 137 S Beaumont Wright George, bds 137 S Beaumont Wright Sam, bds 137 S Beaumont Wright J Lee, driver, res 156 Pearson ave Wright J Lee Mrs, res 156 Pearson ave Wright J F Miss, bds 156 Pearson ave Wright A M Miss, bds 156 Pearson ave Wright Eddie, bds 156 Pearson ave Fine PHOTOGRAPHS at the Lindsey Art Studio, 57 Soutli Main Street. GRAPiJT & ROSKBKRRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy No. 24 SOITH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILI^E, N. C. AsHEviLLE City Directory. 271 Wright Fred, bds 156 Pearson ave Wyatt J A, carp, res 163 Chestnut Wyatt J A Mrs, res 163 Chestnut Wyatt W R, bds 163 Chestnut Wyatt L C, bds 163 Chestnut Y Yarborough J M, shoemakr, Patton ave, res 12 Sondley Yarborough J M Mrs, res 12 Sondley Yarborough W F, bds 12 Sondley Yarborough C D, bds 12 Sondley Yarborough M M Miss, bds 12 Sondley Yarborongh Hattie, bds 32 Academy Yearwood Ellen, c, cook, 34 Flint Yeates W T, tobacconist, res 28 Davidson Yeates W T Mrs, res 28 Davidson Yeates Lawson, bds 28 Davidson Yeates Walter, bds 28 Davidson Yeates Ada B, bds 28 Davidson Yetty Loula, cook, 73 Haywood Yetty L B, nurse, 73 Haywood Yopp G W. painter, res 55 Academy Yopp G W Mrs, res 55 Academy Yopp W E, bds 55 Academy Yopp A J, bds 55 Academy Yopp H C, bds 55 Academy Young Jerry, plasterer, res 168 S Pine Young John, c, waiter, 13 S Main "VAVA TOOTH WASH" Xhe Best in tlie "World^ Manufactured by Grant & Roseberry, A%*iir^'i^^k'', IrV'c. GRANT & ROSEBERRY, Graduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, DISPKIVSING CHEMISTS, Xo. ^4 South Main St,y Asbe-v^ille, X. C 272 AsHEViLLE City Directory. Young M Mrs, c, laundress, res 58 Sondley Young W R, U S revenue service, res 38 Charlotte Young W R Mrs, res 38 Charlotte Young S L Miss, bds 38 Charlotte Young Thos B, deputy sheriff, bds 38 Charlotte Young James M, elk So Ex Co, 68 S Main, bds 38 Charlotte Young E C, bds 38 Charlotte Young D H, bds 38 Charlotte Young Ida M, bds 38 Charlotte Young A S, bds 38 Charlotte Young Mattie, c, cook, 209 Chestnut Young Arthur, c, bds 10 Irving ZACHARY R H, meats & produce, 12 N Pub Sq,bds 31 Patton ave ZAGHARY J R^ meats & produce, 12 N Pub Sq, bds 31 Patton ave Zachary Jno, butcher, Patton ave, bds 3 Church Zachary Maria Mrs, res 85 West Zachary E H, bds 85 West Zion A M E Church, 229 College ATKINSON'S, LUBIN'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUMBORG'S, At GRANT & ROSEBERRY'S Pharmacy, • PERFUMERIES 5 ASHEVILLE, Ji. C. v^ 1 I FRANK LOUGHRAN'S No. 43 MAIN STREET, Third Door above the Bank of Asheville. SOI-B AGBITT FOn THE Jos. Schlltz Brew ill Company's lU ij'':-': GWYN'S .H 4 i<l^ 1 — (■k_> TA"°.LISHED 1881 r..f t Refers to the Bank of ^she^ille ; ai]d Leadirig 6itizeii?. »i Call on or Address t r-. WALTER B. GWYN, ' ^M ASHEVILLE, i-.. G