C6 , THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA FROM THE LIBRARY OF Archibald Henderson CB B72Um2 c.2 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032193590 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION \ DANIEL BOONE— A BIBLIOGRAPHY DANIEL BOONE CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS CONCERNING DANIEL BOONE BY WILLIAM HARVEY MINER NEW YORK Published by THE DIBDIN CLUB 1901 Copyright, 1901 BY William Harvey Miner. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. THE following list — in preparing which the method adopted by the late T. W. Field in compiling his valuable "Essay. Towards an Indian Bibliography" has been fol- lowed — includes all that could be found, after a lengthy and exhaustive search, that deals in any way with the life and adventures of Boone. The numerous school and general histories of our country have not been in- cluded, because, with the exception of Ban- croft, Winsor and Hildreth, it would avail the student but little to turn to these for information. Bancroft may be considered to have made the only attempt at research above the average. Histories of the State of Kentucky have little value, as a rule, for material contained in them usually is nothing more or less than borrowed state- ments, and even as such of little worth. The notable exceptions are : Humphrey Marshall's "History of Kentucky," Mann Butler's "His- tory of the Commonwealth of Kentucky," and Lewis Collins's "Historical Sketches of Kentucky." Of the more recent works INTRODUCTORY NOTE Shaler's is probably the best. Among the histories of Tennessee and Missouri, John Haywood's two works, "Natural and Abo- riginal History of Tennessee" and "Civil and Political History of Tennessee," are probably of the most value, though published as early as 1823. James Phelan's "History of Ten- nessee" ranks with Shaler's on the adjoining I State. Paul Allen's "History of the Expedi- ' tion under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark" also contain much information on the subject. The library of Colonel Reuben T. Durrett at Louisville contains a great deal of valuable material of great interest; his "Life of John Filson," (No. 1, Filson Club Publications.) and his "Centenary of Kentucky," .(No. 7, Filson Club Publications,) both refer indirectly to Daniel Boone, as does the paper by Thomas Speed, "The Wilderness Road." being No. 2 of the Filson Club Publications. Col. Durrett's collection of portraits and relics of Boone is probably the most complete in existence. Among the papers of the late Lyman C. Draper of Madison, Wis., is much valuable Boone material, chiefly autographs, letters and documents. These are now in possession of the Wisconsin Historical Society, and were eventually to be published in a volume to be vi INTRODUCTORY NOTE entitled "Border Forays and Adventures." Henry B. Dawson's paper on the siege of Fort Boone, August 8-20, 1778, is excellent, as is also the introduction to William L. Stone's "Life of Brant," which touches on the border wars. Abiel Holmes in his "Annals of America" makes but one reference to Boone. Lord Byron eulogizes the American pioneer in "Don Juan," vm., 61-65, (1821.) Cooper has used him as a model for the hero of the "Leather Stocking Tales," though un- der different conditions and circumstances; and others, without change of name, have brought him before the public. An adequate and trustworthy life of Daniel Boone, however, must yet be written. In spite of the many references to his life in books and periodical literature, and a few so- called biographies, we know but little of him and his real life. Active during that period which, historically, was so vital to the growth and strength of our country (1735-1820,) his existence must always be one of intense con- temporary interest both to the historian and the student. The few so-called biographies of Boone give but little information concerning the real man, and no two seem to agree on any of the vital points in his life. According to the vii INTRODUCTORY NOTE best and most recent authorities Boone was born October 22, 1733, in that portion of Philadelphia County, Pa., that is now known as Berks County. Dr. Peter G. Bertelot had in preparation at the time of his death, in 1865, a work which was to be published under the title of "Oley and Vicinity," the manu- script of which is now in the possession of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. In this Dr. Bertelot asserts that "it is beyond a doubt that he [Boone J was a son of Berks, born in Oley township, and the house in which this occurred is partly standing yet." John F. Watson in a paper read before the Pennsyl- vania Historical Society, Tuesday, May 17, 1853, made the same statement. Boone's migrations extended over Penn- sylvania to Virginia and West Virginia, in his day one State, thence to North Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee, Transylvania, or Watauga, as it was then called, Ohio and the Illinois County, and at last to Missouri, where he died at Charette village, September 23, 1820, aged 86 years, 11 months and 4 days. In 1845 his remains, with those of his wife, were removed to Frankfort, Ky., and on that occasion, August 20, the Hon. J. J. Critten- den, delivered a fitting eulogy. The compiler acknowledges his gratitude viii INTRODUCTORY NOTE tc Mr. Hugh A. Morrison, Jr., and to Mr. J. G. Morrison, both of the Congressional Library, for their valuable and courteous as- sistance ; also to Mr. John Skinner, of Albany, N. Y., who has voluntarily furnished aid. To the student of American pioneer history the library of Col. R. T. Durrett, of Louisville, Ky., is invaluable, and to its owner the under- signed wishes to publicly express his thanks for the invitation to avail himself to his heart's content of all its treasures. To Dr. J. P. Hale, of the West Virginia Historical Society, must the compiler also feel himself irdebted, as a Boone enthusiast; and lastly, to Mr. Adolph Growoll, of the Publishers' Weekly, who has taken such a kindly interest in the work throughout. William Harvey Miner. "The Forest," Glenndale, Md. July 25, 1901. IX BIBLIOGRAPHY DANIEL BOONE— A BIBLIOGRAPHY ' Abbott, (John Stevens Cabot.) Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1872. 331 p., i2mo. Contains nothing original. Abbott, (John Stevens Cabot.) History of the State of Ohio, from the discovery of the great valley to the present time. De- troit, Northwestern Publishing Co., 1875. 8vo. Devotes nearly seventy-five pages to Daniel Boone and his exploits, which is in reality merely a condensation from his life of Boone, published in 1872. Allen, (Julius Asaph.) The American Bi- sons, living and extinct, Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- vard College, Cambridge, Mass. Vol. IV., No. 10. Cambridge, University Press, Welch, Bigelow & Co., 1876. 4to. Also included in the Kentucky Geological Sur- vey Reports under the direction of Prof. N. S. Shaler. Contains references of historical inter- est to both Daniel Boone and Nathaniel Boone. An excellent work. Allen, (William.) The American Bio- graphical Dictionary ... of the most em- inent persons deceased in North America. DANIEL BOONE . . . Boston, John P. Jewett & Co., Cleve- land, Henry P. B. Jewett, 1857. 8vo. Contains the usual amount of biographical ma- terial to be expected in such work. American adventure by land and sea. 2 v. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1842. i8mo. Volume I. contains a chapter on "The Ken- tucky adventures of Daniel Boone." Audubon, (Mrs. John James.) The life of John James Audubon, the naturalist, with an introduction by James Grant Wilson. N. Y., G. P. Putnam & Son, 1869. i2mo. Another and much more sumptuous edition of practically the same work was issued by the Scrib- ners in 1897, (8vo, 2 vols.,) and edited by Dr. Elliot Coues. The works contain two or three anecdotes of Daniel Boone and Audubon often found elsewhere. Audubon's description of the man is interesting, but, we fear, inaccurate. Audubon, (John James.) Ornithological bi- ography, or, an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America . . . and interspersed with delineations of Amer- ican scenery and manners. 5 v. Phila., E. L. Cary and A. Hart, 1832. Large 8vo. Audubon met and conversed with Daniel Boone, and gives us an excellent account of the episode. Barber, (John W.) Incidents in American history. Boston, G. F. Cooledge & Bro., 1847. i2mo. A small portion of the book relates to Boone. Of little value. Barber, (John W.) and (Elizabeth G.) His- ..... . toncal, poetical and pictorial American scenes . . . being a selection of interesting. ^wiUU. cJ^Xo Jawv^, vA-TT- A BIBLIOGRAPHY incidents in American history. . . . New Haven, published for J. H. Bradley, [1850.] i2mo. Rather a new edition of the preceding title with some new material. The woodcuts are real- ly interesting. One of these representing "Col. Boon's First View of Kentucky," together with eight stanzas by "E. G. B." commemorative of the event, is the extent of the book's usefulness in this particular line. Bass, (Florence.) Stories of pioneer life for young readers. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1900. i2mo. The whole of chapter V. is given to Daniel Boone. Intended for the youngest readers. Bateman, (Horatio.) Biographies of two hundred and fifty distinguished national men. 2 v. N. Y., John T. Giles & Co., 1871. i2mo. Biography No. 95 of one page is given to Daniel Boone. Valueless. Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky, (The) of the dead and living men of the nineteenth century. Cincinnati, J. M. Arm- strong & Co., 1878. 4to. Contains a three-column article on Daniel Boone and a steel portrait from Harding's paint- ing. Bogart, (William Henry.) Daniel Boone and the hunters of Kentucky. Auburn and Buffalo, Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1854. 390 p., i2mo. Also to be found with the imprint, N. Y. and Auburn, 1856, 464 p., Boston, 1859, 464 p., and N. Y., 1864. Now published by Lee & Shepard and entitled "The Border Boy." DANIEL BOONE [Bookstaver, (James N.)] Indian massa- cres and tales of the Redskins : an authen- tic history of the American Indian from 1492 to the present time. N. Y., A. D. Por- ter, 1895. i2mo. Chapter VIII. "Reminiscences of Daniel Boone, his hairbreadth escapes" is of little value. Boon[e], (Daniel.) Life and adventures, written by himself. Brooklyn, N. Y., (for C. Wilder,) 1823. 36 p., i2mo. The first edition of this pamphlet of which Field's "Indian bibliography" notes the second. (Brooklyn, 1824) and Sabin describes a third, (Providence, R. I., H. Trumbull, 1824.) The C. I. Bushnel sale at Bangs', in 1883, catalogues one with the date 1828, but this no doubt wa» erroneous. The first edition has been seen with I-ord Byron's eulogy on Boone and also his "Choice of Life" appended. It sold at the Brin- ley sale for $55.00. Copies of the Providence edition, which is the same as is contained in Imlay's "Description," q. v., have sold for five and seven dollars under the hammer. Boone, (Daniel.) Life and times of. includ- ing an account of the early settlement of Kentucky. Phil., G. G. Evans, [n. d.] i2mo. According to Sabin (6374,) this is a repro- duction of some anonymous book, with a new title-page. As Evans was the publisher of Hart- ley's "Life" (1859,) and his title in many ways resembles this, it is probably the same book. Boone, (Daniel.) Life of Daniel Boone, tfte pioneer of Kentucky. Boston, E. O. Libby & Co., 1858. i2mo. Sabin, 6373. Boone, (Daniel.) Report on petition of heirs . y> LW : . r- fir ^__ . v^.^^.u ^ [U~~-U~ , V— ■ i>u> *t* Jw. W^i . C^t^v^K, l -tiiur° r "l^w, lick*, i j i -i k A BIBLIOGRAPHY of Daniel Boone, House of Representatives select committee, July 2, 1838. Reports of Committees, No. 1039, 25th Congress, 2d session, V. IV. Government Printing Of- fice. 1 p., 8vo. Recommends allowance for services in the army. Bill reported. Bright, (John M.) Donelson and the pio- neers of Middle Tennessee. Washington, Globe Printing and Publishing House, 1880. 8vo. Excellent, though brief. References to Daniel Boone and Kentucky. Bryan, (Daniel.) The mountain muse: comprising the adventures of Daniel Boone. Harrisonburg, (Va.) (the author,) 1813. 252 p., i2mo. A lengthy exposition in verse, of the daring deeds of this valiant hero. , Butterfield, (Consul Willshire.) History of the Girtys, a concise account of them and their part taken during the war of the revolution. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1890. 8vo. Contains occasional references to Daniel Eoone. \ Cattermole, (E. G.) Famous frontiersmen, pioneers and scouts : the vanguards of American colonization . . . lives and mar- vellous exploits of the most renowned he- roes, trappers and explorers . . . including Boone . . . Brady, Crockett. . . . Chica- go, Coburn & Neuman Pub. Co., 1883. 8vo. Five chapters of unusual interest including the DANIEL BOONE first sixty-five pages of the work. Written witb an attempt at authority, and worthy of perusal. Clark, (George Rogers.) Sketch of his cam- paign in the Illinois in 1778-9, with an in- troduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle of Louis- ville and an appendix containing the Public and Private Instructions to Col. Clark and Major Bowman's Journal of the taking of Post St. Vincents. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1869. 8vo. Contains a selection from Daniel Boone's au- tobiography or narrative as contained in Imlay. Cody, (William F.,) ("Buffalo Bill," pseud.) Story of the Wild West and camp fire chats ... a full and complete history of the renouned pioneer quartette Boone, Crockett, Carson, and Buffalo Bill. Chica- go, R. S. Peale & Co., [1888.] 8vo. The first quarter of the work, which is de- voted to Boone, is extremely interesting and reada- ble, and contains all the essential facts, though without new ones, and shows but little original research. Collins, (Lewis.) Historical sketches of Kentucky . . . with anecdotes of pioneers and more than one hundred biographical sketches . . . Maysville, (Ky.,) and Cin- cinnati, J. A. & U. P. James, 1847. 8vo. Contains considerable material relative to Boone and the Boone family. Other editions in 1848 and 1850. Copies with the imprint of Phila., 1847, are occasionally seen. Dawson, (Henry B.) Battles of the United States by sea and land. 2 vols. N. Y. ( Johnson, Fry & Co., 1858. 4to. Volume I. contains six pages relating to the > h^ y /W^. AiA. • i ^ ^ T.J. ^^v^ 4 U iU^^ S ^^^^ *~ -^ S^a^ , ^^< ' A BIBLIOGRAPHY siege of Fort Boone, Aug. 8-20, 1778, and a brief sketch of the individual. Another edition of the same work with title changed to "Battles of the war of the Revolution" was published at Mor- risiana, N. Y., in 1867. Day, (Sherman.) Historical collections of the State of Pennsylvania. Phila., George W. Gorton, [1843.] 8vo. Contains notices of Daniel Boone and his fol- lowers. De Bows, (James Dunworthy Brownson.) The industrial resources, etc., of the south- ern and western states. 3 v. New Or- leans- (the author,) 1852-53. 8vo. Volumes I. and II. contain references to Boone. A third edition of the work .was pub- lished in New York in one volume, 8vo, 1854. Dodge, (J. R.) Red men of the Ohio Valley; an aboriginal history. Springfield, (O.,) Ruralist Publishing Co., i860. i2mo. .About a quarter of the material in the volume is devoted to Boone and worthy of perusal. Donaldson, (Thomas.) The George Catlin Indian Gallery in the U. S. National Mu- seum, with memoir and statistics. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1885 8vo. Contains a sketch of a visit to Boone in 1806 by Babasheela, an Englishman. Three pages of great contemporary interest. Drake, (Daniel.) Life of Daniel Boone. [Cincinnati, 1825.] 230 p., i2mo. The above, with the exception of the place and date, is from Sabin, No. 20820. The only other reference which I have found is in Thom- son's "Bibliography of Ohio," which is a mere mention. None of the six sketches of Dr. Drak.- DANIEL BOONE give the slightest clew, and my information as to the date and place comes from a friend in Cin- cinnati. The publisher I have not discovered, if, indeed, the book ever existed. Drake, (Francis S.) Indian history for young folks. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1885. 8vo. Chapter XIV., of twenty-two pages, is enti- tled "The Backwoodsmen of Kentucky" and gives some very readable and interesting facts con- cerning Daniel Boone. Drake, (Samuel Adams.) The making" of the Ohio Valley States, 1660- 1837. N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1894, 12 . Might readily be termed a history of the early northwest. Valuable, though elementary. Drake, (Samuel G.) Biography and history of the Indians of North America, from its first discovery. Boston, B. B. Mussey & Co., 1851. 8vo. An excellent work with several lengthy refer- ences to Daniel Boone, though the work claims to give but little attention to others aside from the Indians. Drake devoted his life to the pro- ject. First edition published in Boston in 1832 by Josiah Drake and entitled "Indian Biography." Duyckinck, (Evert Augustus.) National portrait gallery of eminent Americans, from paintings by Alonzo Chappel. New edition. 2 v. Johnson, Fry & Co., 1864-67. 4to. Volume I. contains a biographical sketch of Boone, by Duyckinck. Eggleston, (Edward.) Stories of great Americans for little Americans. N. Y., American Book Co., 1895. i2mo. Seven pages of elementary material concerning Daniel Boone. s f-fTCUv |5 ^V^Vw.'J* \ i2mo. Another contribution to the now numerous and equally valueless juveniles. English, (William Hayden.) Conquest of the country northwest of the River Ohio, 1 778- 1 783, and life of Gen. George Rogers Clark. 2 vols. Indianapolis and Kansas City, The Bowen-Merrill Co., 1896. 8vo. A lengthy and valuable work, giving much of contemporary interest concerning Daniel Boone and the Boone family. Everett, (Edward.) The Mount Vernon DANIEL BOONE papers. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1869. 8vo. Paper No. LII. of nine pages devoted to the life of Daniel Boone. Fernow, (Berthold.) The Ohio Valley in colonial days. Albany. Joel Munsell's Sons, 1890. (Munsell's Historical Series, No. 17.) 8vo. Contains much valuable material concerning Daniel Boone. Filson, (John.) The discovery, settlement, and present state of Kentucke ... to which is added an appendix containing the adven- tures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the first settlers. Wilmington, (Del.,) printed by James Adams, 1784. 118 p., 8vo. French translation by Parraud, Paris, 1785, 2.32 pages, 8vo, also an English edition, London, 1793. This is Boone's own account as dictated to Filson. The Wilmington edition has sold for $120.00. See also Imlay. First Century of the Republic, (The,) a review of American progress, compiled by Theodore D. Woolsey, David A. Wells, Francis A. Walker and others. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1876. 8vo. Contains two references to Daniel Boone. Flint, (Timothy.) Biographical memoir of Daniel Boone, the first settler of Kentucky. Cincinnati, George Conclin, 1833. 20 7 P> i2mo. The above was reprinted in 1834, 1840 and 1841. In 1842, 1846, 1849, 1850 and 1851 it was again reprinted by the same firm in editions of 252 pages. Applegate & Co., of Cincinnati, also issued an edition with the same number of pages 10 A BIBLIOGRAPHY in 1855. The work later reproduced by this firm as "The First White Man of the West; or, the Life and Exploits of Colonel Daniel Boone, the First Settler of Kentucky," 1856 and 1858, 252 pages. In 1S68 U. P. James issued an edition to which was added "An Account of Capt. Estill's Defeat," map and three plates, 256 pages, 16 . This is now to be had of Hurst & Co., N. Y., in 12°. The 1841 Conclin edition sold at the Brin- ley sale for $2.25. Flint, (Timothy.) Indian wars of the west . . . biographical sketches of those pioneers who headed the western settlers in repel- ling the attacks of the savages. Cincinnati, E. H. Fleet, 1833. 121110. Contains a somewhat lengthy but extremely inaccurate account of Boone and his followers. The "Bibliotheca Historica" of Stevens quotes an edition, Cincinnat, 1830. Flint, (Timothy,) ed. The Western Month- ly Review. 3 v. Cincinnati, E. H. Flint, 1828-30. 8vo. Complete in the three volumes. Volume I. contains Boon(e)'s "Remembrances of Arriving in Kentucky," an effusion of thirty-three line? which is anonymous, presumably written by the editor. Interesting but valueless. [French, (Benjamin Franklin.)] Biographia Americana; or, a historical and critical ac- count of the lives, actions, and writings of the most distinguished persons in North America, by A Gentleman of Philadelphia. N. Y., D. Mallory, 1825. 8vo. Three pages are given to Mr. Boone, as he is termed. Frost, (John.) Border wars of the west, comprising the frontier wars of Pennsyl- vania, Virginia, Kentucky . . . and em- II DANIEL BOONE bracing individual adventures among the Indians, and exploits of Boone, Kenton. Brady. . . . Auburn, (N. Y.,) Derby & Miller, 1853. 8vo. "The plates are colored with an outrage of taste aboriginally characteristic." — Field. Also an edition at New York, 1859. Frost, (John.) Heroic women of the west. Phil., A. Hart, 1854. i2mo. Contains an article, The wife and daughter of Daniel Boone, which is of little value and of no consequence to the historian. Indeed little of the material by this writer is of any moment. Frost, (John.) The panorama of nations . . . as illustrated in narratives of peril and ad- venture. Auburn, Alden, Beardsley & Co., Rochester, Wanzer, Beardsley & Co., 1853. i2mo. The fourth chapter traces the adventures and doings of Daniel Boone. Remarkable only on ac- count of ever having been published. We might note that the real name of this writer is William V. Moore though he would not be generally rec- ognized except under his pseudonym. Gallagher, (William D.), and Curry, (Ot- way,) eds. The Hesperian; or, Western Monthly Magazine. V . I.-II. Columbus, (O.,) published by John D. Nichols, 1838. V. III. Cincinnati, published by John D. Nichols, 1839. 3 v. 8vo. Volume III. containing six monthly parts, June-Dec, 1839, is quite scarce in a complete state. No number for May, 1839, was issued on account of the removal of the work from Colum- bus to Cincinnati. Volume II., number 2, con- tains an article by W. D. Gallagher, "An His- torical Sketch of the Early Settlements and Early 12 h^^JT/ll. : ^^ 7^^, ^/^LS^du j. l^c^^JZ f /9fSf, A BIBLIOGRAPHY Men of Kentucky," of twenty-four columns, and is a valuable contribution to the knowledge of Daniel Boone and his surroundings. Hartley's "Life of Daniel Boone" was taken almost entirely from this source. Gilmore, (James R.,) (Edmund Kirke, pseud.) The advance guard of western civ- ilization. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1888. i2mo. Contains one reference to Daniel Boone. Goodrich, (Samuel Griswold,) (Peter Parley, pseud.) Curiosities of human nature. Boston, Bradbury, Soden & Co., 1844. i6mo. Contains a sketch of nine pages on "Daniel Boone, pioneer and early settler of Kentucky," designed for young readers. \ Griffis, (William Elliot.) Sir William John- son and the Six Nations. (Makers of America Series.) N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., [1891.] i2mo. Contains one extremely valuable reference to Daniel Boone. Hale, (John P.) Facts and incidents not heretofore published about Daniel Boone. Charleston, (W. Va.,) (the author,) 1883. 18 p., i2mo. As interesting as it is accurate and reliable. Hale, (John P.) Trans-Allegheny pioneers ; historical sketches of 1748 and after. Cin- cinnati, S. C. Cox & Co., 1886. i2mo. Contains a sketch of, and many references to Daniel Boone. Hall, (James.) Sketches of history, life and manners in the West. . . . Cincinnati, Hubbard & Edmonds, 1834. i2mo. Of the above edition only volume I. was pub- 13 v DANIEL BOONE lished. A second edition was printed in Phila- delphia and issued by Harrison & Hall, 1835, in two volumes. The work is authentic and well written, mostly from personal observation. Vol- ume I. contains an account of Daniel Boone. Hall, (James,) ed. The Western Magazine, a continuation of the Illinois Monthly Magazine. 5 v. Cincinnati, v. I. -II., pub- lished by Cory & Fairbanks. V. III.-IV., published by Taylor & Tracy. V. V., ed- ited by James R. Fry, published by Flash, Ryder & Co., 1833-36. 8vo. Volume I. contains an excellent full-page por- trait of Daniel Boone from a painting by Y. W. Berry for Judge James Hall. There is also a single page sketch signed "X" which concerns Boone, but is extremely inaccurate. - Hamilton, (William T.) Report on petition to Daniel Boone, Aug. 1, 1850. House re- port No. 472, 31st Congress, 1st session, V. III. Washington, Government Print- ing Office. 1 p., 8vo. Adverse to petition, no evidence, committee asked to be discharged. Harding, (Chester.) My Egotistigraphy, prepared for his family and friends by one of his children. Cambridge, John Wilson & Son, 1866. 121110. Harding painted the first and last portrait of Daniel Boone that we have, and gives an excel- lent description of the man and his surroundings. The original picture is now in the possession of W. H. King of Chicago, 111. Harrison, (Frederick G.) Biographical sketches of preeminent Americans. 20 parts. Boston, E. W. Walker Co., 1892. 4to. This work contains a copper plate reproduc- 14 1VpA-K Lv\~<_Ax^ 1 1 I /X* "1 Let A BIBLIOGRAPHY tion of the portrait of Daniel Boone by Thomas Sully (17S3-187J) now owned by Mr. F. M. Etting of Philadelphia, and a sketch of five pages of great interest. Hart, (Albert Bushnell,) ed. American his- tory told by contemporaries. 4 v. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898-1901. 8vo. An excellent series of great value. Vol. II., "The Building of the Republic, 1689-1783," con- tains a reprint of Filson's "Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon(e)." Hartley, (Cecil B.) Life and times of Col- onel Daniel Boone, comprising the history of the early settlement of Kentucky. Phil., G. G. Evans, 1859. 351 p., i2mo. Reprinted in i860 and 1865. Now published by A. L. Burt & Co., New York. Contains also Boone's autobiography as dictated to Filson. Hawks, (Francis Lister,) (Uncle Philip, pseud.) The adventures of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky rifleman. N. Y., D. Apple- ton & Co., 1844. 174 p., i8mo. This little work was also issued under the pseudonym of "Lambert Lilly, Schoolmaster." Issued also in 1856 in the "Library for My Young Countrymen." Haycraft, (Samuel.) Speech in Kentucky Senate, Feb. 15, i860, on the erection of a monument to Daniel Boone. Louisville, State Printer, i860. 7 p., 8vo. Kentucky miscellaneous pamphlets, Volume I. Hempstead, (Edward.) Report on petition of Daniel Boone, Jan. 29, 1813, Executive document, 12th Congress, 2d session. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office. 4 p., 8vo. .Favorable to a prayer of petitioner that a 15 DANIEL BOONE portion of land be granted to him in Missouri Territory in consideration of trials and hardships endured by him in exploring and settling the former wilderness in the present state of Ken- tucky; his contests with British and Canadian French; petitioner admits that he has no legal right to tract of land secured to him as he sup- posed by title of Spanish Government. Heroes and hunters of the west; sketches of Boone, Kenton, Brady and others, (anon.) Phil., Theodore Bliss & Co., 1853. i2mo. Originally published by H. C. Peck and T. Bliss. Of little value. [Herring, (James,) and Longacre, (James B.)] National portrait gallery of distin- guished Americans. 4 v. N. Y., Monson Bancroft, 1834-39. 8vo. Volume II. contains sketch of Daniel Boone. Hill, (George Canning.) Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. Phil., J. B. Lippin- cott & Co., 1863. 262 p., i2mo. Sabin (No. 31819) quotes an edition, New York, i860, but without publisher. Claxton, Rem- sen & Haffelfinger, Philadelphia, reprinted the work in 1874. It is now published by Donohue, Henne- berry & Co., of Chicago. The work was originally entered for copyright in the District Court of Massachusetts. Howe, (Henry.) Historical collections of Ohio . . . facts, traditions, biographical 'Vojl^o-y^- " sketches. . . . Cincinnati, Derby, Bradley & Co., 1847- 8vo. Of considerable interest. Several anecdotes of Daniel Boone are given. The work has been re- printed in two and three volume form but with- out material change. Howe, (Henry.) Historical collections of 16 ■" r fyiJ^ fyt^/ty'** 9 '^ Iff G 1 I I A BIBLIOGRAPHY the great west, containing narratives of the most important . . . events . . . remarkable individual adventures . . . sketches of fron- tier life. 2 v. Cincinnati, (the author,) at E. Morgan & Co.'s., 1851. 8vo. A valuable work. The two volumes are gen- erally bound in one and paged consecutively. "Daniel Boone the Pioneer of Kentucky" is the subject of one sketch of about five pages. A little woodcut at page 37 showing "Boone's first X^CxjJU^i - ^ £^ view of Kentucky" is int eresting . Imlay, (Gilbert.) A topographical descrip- tion of the western territory of North America . . . and an essay toward the topography, and natural history of that important country. By John Filson. To which is added (1) the adventures of Daniel Boon, one of the First Settlers. The Second Edition, with considerable ad- ditions. London, J. Debrett, 1793. (4) + xvi-{-433-f 22 p., maps, 8vo. (See also Filson.) Another edition of this work was issued in New York, by Samuel Campbell, during the same year, in two volumes, 16 , and a third edition in London, in 1797. James, (Edwin.) Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains . . . under the command of Maj. Stephen H. Long. 2 v., with atlas. Phil., H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1823. 8°. In this account of Long's first expedition a short anecdote of Daniel Boone is given, which, while not exhaustive is valuable. Jenkins, (Howard M.) Historical collec- tions relating to Gwynedd, [Pa.] Phila., 17 DANIEL BOONE «S— [Ferris Bros., printers, Wilmington, Del.,] 1884. 8vo. The history of a township of Montgomery Co., settled in 1698 by Welsh emigrants. Contains much genealogical material concerning Daniel Boone and the Boone family. Jones, (John B.) Wild western scenes . . . wherein the conduct of Daniel Boone the great American pioneer is particularly de- scribed, by a Squatter. Phil., E. Ferrett & Co., 1845. 8vo. Republished in 1851, 1865 and 1869, and also in 1867 by J. B. Lippincott & Co. i2mo. Kelsey, (D. M.) Our pioneer heroes and their daring deeds ; the lives and famous exploits of De Soto, Smith, Boone, Crock- ett. ... St. Louis, (Mo.,) H. M. Brock- stedt, 1884. 8vo. Contains 33 pages of readable but hardly ac- curate material concerning Daniel Boone. Kirk, (Edmund.) See Gilmore, (James R.) Lodge, (Henry Cabot,) and Roosevelt, (Theo- dore.) Hero tales from American history. N. Y., Century Co., 1895. i2mo. Twenty-six stories from American history, one of which deals with the adventures of Daniel Boone. Lossing, (Benson John.) Lives of celebrated Americans. N. Y., Mason Bros., 1857. 8vo. A sketch of about two pages is devoted to Daniel Boone in the characteristic style of Mr. Lossing. Another edition with slight change of title was published in Hartford by Thomas Bel- knap, 1869. 8vo. Lowrie, (Walter,) and Clarke, (Matthew St. Clair.) American State Papers; Docu- ^ /s. \- A BIBLIOGRArHY ments, legislative and executive, Class II., Indian affairs. 2 v. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1832-34. 4to. In volume I., document No. 129, nth Con- gress, 2d session, March 14, 18 10, Mr. William Clark in a letter to Hon. William Eustis, Secre- tary of War, makes several references to Daniel Boon(e). These volumes are of extreme value from an historical standpoint. McClung, (John A.) Sketches of western adventure and incidents connected with the settlement of the west, 1755-94. Maysville, (Ky.,) L. Collins, 1832. i2mo. .A sketch of Daniel Boone includes pages 45- 86. Copies are to be had with the imprint, Phila., Grigg & Elliott, 1832, Cincinnati, J. A. James & Co., Dayton, (Ohio,) F. F. Claflin & Co., and Dayton, (Ohio,) Moore, Clarke & Co., with dates ranging from 1832 to 1854. A last edition was published in Covington, (Ky.,) 1872, and con- tains also "Additional sketches of adventure." i2tno. A valuable work. McDonald, (John.) Biographical sketches of General Nathaniel Massie, General Dun- can McArthur . . . General Simon Kenton : who were early settlers in the western country. Cincinnati, Morgan & Son, 1838. i2mo. The portion devoted to Simon Kenton gives some interesting details concerning Daniel Boon(e). Field, in his "Indian Bibliography," speaks very highly of the work. Reprinted by D. Osborn & Son, Dayton, Ohio, in 1852. McKee, (Samuel.) Confirmation of a grant to Daniel Boone, Dec. 24, 1813. State papers: Public lands, V. II., page 872, 19 DAXIEL BOOXE 13th Congress, 2d session. Washington, Government Printing Office. 8vo. Confirmation of a land grant from Don Zcnon Trudeau, Lieut. Governor of Upper Louisiana un- der the Spanish Government. McKee, (Samuel.) Report of Committee on Public Lands, Dec. 24, 1813. Executive document, 13th Congress, 2d session. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office. 6 p., 8vo. On the petition of Daniel Boone. Asks for confirmation of his title to lands in the Femme Osage district granted him by the Spanish Gov- ernment in 1798. Committee report favorably. McKnight, (Charles.) Our western border, its life, forays, scouts . . . adventurers . . . one hundred years ago. Phila., J. C. Mc- Curdy & Co., 1875. 8vo. Chapter IV., of ninety pages, is devoted to the life and adventures of Daniel Boone, and the frontispiece to the work is a portrait unlike any before produced. Made up almost entirely of sketches and incidents. Mason, (Augustus Lynch.) The romance and tragedy of pioneer life, a popular life of the heroes and adventurers who . . . beat back the savages from the borders of civili- zation, with an introduction by John Clark Ridpath. Cincinnati, Jones Bros. & Co., 1884. 4to. Chapter XV. of thirty-six pages relates to "The Days of Daniel Boone." Well written. Meigs, (Return J.,) (Chairman.) Report on the petition of Daniel Boone, Jan. 12, 1810. Executive document, nth Congress, 2d ses- 20 vuwu< VJ^^V *>-«JVW' H I V W~ /^Jt- ,1,1. (*} — '?«>*; - A BIBLIOGRAPHY sion. Washington, Government Printing Office. % p., 8vo. Services of the petitioner in exploring, settling and defending the first settlement in Kentucky as having contributed to the population of the western country. Bill for granting him a tract of land in Louisiana approved by the Commit- tee. B. P. Poore. Metcalf, (Samuel L.) Narratives of Indian warfare in the west, containing an account of Daniel Boone and the expedition of Gen- eral Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, and Wayne. Lexington, (Ky.,) William G. Hunt, 182 1. 8vo. .Scarce, but of little value.' Monette, (J. W.) History of the discovery and settlement of the Valley of the Mississ- ippi. 2 v. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1848. 8vo. An excellent work with many references to Daniel Boone and the early settlement of Ken- tucky. Montgomery, (Morton L.) School history of Berks Co., in Pennsylvania. Phil., J. B. Rodgers Printing Co., 1889. i2mo. Contains a sketch of Daniel Boone and has woodcut illustration of his birthplace. Moore, (Charles.) The northwest under three flags. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1900. 8vo. Numerous references to Daniel Boone. Con- tains a photo-reproduction of the painting of Boone by Chester Harding, now owned by W. H. King of Chicago. Morehead, (James T.) An address in com- 21 :, DANIEL BOONE memoration of the first settlement of Ken- tucky ... at Boonesborough, May 25, 1840. Frankfort, (Ky.,) A. G. Hodges, 1840. 8vo. Northrop, (Henry Davenport.) Indian hor- rors, or, massacres by the Red Men. . . . Chicago, National Publishing Co., [1891.] i2mo. A chapter, with illustrations, is given to "The adventures of Daniel Boone." A valueless com- pilation. Norton, (Frank Henry.) In the days of Daniel Boone, a romance of the dark and bloody ground. N. Y., American News Co., 1883. 406 p., i2mo. The work of a journalist, and written in true "newspaper" style. Palmer, (William P.,) and Sherwin, (Mc- Rae.) Calendar of Virginia State Papers and other manuscripts ; from July 2, 1790 to August 10, 1792. 5 v. Richmond, R. F. \ WaJJcer, James E. G&pde and Rush U. Derr, J 1875-1885. 4to. "' An exceedingly valuable collection. Contains several original reports by Daniel Boone, and other material of great value. Parley, (Peter.) See Goodrich, (Samuel Griswold.) Peck, (John Mason.) (See Sparks, Jared, and Perkins, James H.) Perkins, (James Handasyd.) Annals of the west, embracing a concise account of the principal events ... to the year 1850. St. Louis, James Albach, 1850. 8vo. Second edition, revised and enlarged by J. 22 p<*M I lux /<< '' >^~.Jkx<£;. ) / c /of, '#CfcZ f 9fam ; Skd&k S{ Z^U^kJL ^Borsn^tL. A BIBLIOGRAPHY M. Peck at the same place, 1851. On being is- sued a third time in 1852, the names of Perkins & Peck were omitted. Three other editions were published at Pittsburgh in 1856-7 and 1858. An excellent work containing considerable reference to Daniel Boone and his followers. Perkins, (James Handasyd.) Memoir and writings, edited by William Henry Chan- ning. 2 v. Cincinnati and Boston, Cros- by & Nichols, 1851. 8vo. Two lengthy and extremely interesting arti- cles "The pioneers of Kentucky" and the "Bor- der War of the Revolution," in Volume II. con- tain much valuable material relating to Daniel Boone. Perrin, (W. H.,) Battle, (J. H.,) and Kniffen, (G. C.) Kentucky: a history of the state. Louisville, F. A. Battey & Co., 1888. 4 . Several pages are devoted to Daniel Boone and his followers. A genealogy contained in the volume is of value, though the woodcut portrait at page 111 is without this feature. Perry, (Frances M.,) and Beebe, (Kather- ine.) Four American pioneers. Akron, Ohio, The Werner Co., 1900. i2mo. Contains sketches of Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, David Crockett and Kit Carson. The portrait of Boone is the only redeeming feature of the work. Perry, (Frances M.) The story [of] Daniel Boone, for young readers. Chic, Werner School Book Co., [1900.] 64 p., i2mo. Of no value. (O Philip, (Uncle.) See Hawks, (Francis pis- c\ ter.) Pierce, (B. K.) Audubon's adventures, or. 23 DANIEL BOOXE life in the woods. N. Y., Hunt & Eaton, Cincinnati, Cranston & Stowe, 1890. i6mo. Eight pages are given to the stereotyped anec- dotes usually attributed to this source. Some ad- ditional matter is given to Daniel Boone though of little value Pioneer life in the west : comprising the ad- ventures of Boone, Kenton, Brady . . . and others in their fierce encounters with the Indians. Phila., G. G. Evans, 1858. i2mo. The few pages devoted to Boone are of little value. Thomson's "Ohio Bibliography" considers it worthless. Porter, (Robert P.,) Gannett, (Henry,) and Jones, (William P.) The west, from a census of 1880, a history of the industrial, commercial, social, and political develop- ment ... of the west from 1800 to 1880. Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co.. 1882. 8vo. The portion dealing with Missouri gives an in- teresting sketch of Boone. i Powell, (Lyman P.,) ed. American historic towns : historic towns of the southern states. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. 8vo. Contains numerous references to Daniel Boone, also a reproduction of the painting of Boone in the possession of Colonel R. T. Durrett of Louis- ville. Pritts, (Joseph,) compiler. Border life, embracing a history of the discovery of America . . . also Virginia and the early settlements of Pennsylvania. Chambers- burg, (Pa.,) (the author,) 1839. 8vo. A second edition with added material was pub- lished in 1841 at Lancaster, (Pa.,) and contains a chapter of 27 pages on Daniel Boone by John A. McClung, also a woodcut portrait. New edi- -'4 A BIBLIOGRAPHY tion published by S. S. Miles at Abingdon, (Va.,) in 1849, with different arrangement of contents and some old material omitted. Putnam, (A. W.) History of Middle Ten- nessee; or, life and times of Gen. James Robertson. Nashville, (printed for the au- thor.) 1859. 8vo. The first two chapters contain much concerning Daniel Boone and his followers. Also contains a version of the oft-told "Bear" story. Ramsey, (J. G. M.) The annals of Tennes- see to the end of the eighteenth century. Charleston, John Russell, 1853. 8vo. Chapters I. and II. give considerable space to Daniel Boone. The whole work is of great in- J terest. Ranck, (George W.) History of Lexington, Kentucky; its earliest annals and recent progress. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke Co., 1872. 8vo. The whole of chapter III. is devoted to Daniel Boone, and several other references are made. Robertson, (George.) An address delivered at Camp Madison, on the 4th of July. 1843. Frankfort, A. G. Hodges, printer, 1843. 8vo. Has considerable Boone data. Roosevelt, (Theodore.) The wilderness hunter. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 8vo. With gossipy sketches of Daniel Boone, Crockett, and other heroes.' Roosevelt, (Theodore.) The winning of the west. 4 v. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889-96. 8vo. An excellent storehouse of facts concerning Daniel Boone and the early northwest. 25 DANIEL BOONE Roosevelt, (Theodore.) (See, also, Lodge, Henry Cabot.) Seymour, (Charles C. B.) Self-made men. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1858. i2mo. (59.) Eighteen pages devoted to Daniel Boone. Well written and shows more care than is usually be- stowed upon one individual in a collection of biographical sketches. Has portrait in woodcut. Shaw, (John.) Personal narrative, [in the Second Annual Report and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for 1855.] Madison, Calkins & Proudfit, 1856. 8vo. Consists of 35 pages which were dictated by Col. Shaw to Mr. Lyman C. Draper. Contains numerous references to Daniel Boone and his family. Sim ms, (William Gilmore.) Views and re- views in American literature, history and fiction. 2 v. N. Y., Wiley & Putnam, 1845. i2mo. The first volume, or series, contains twenty- five pages of remarkably readable material con- cerning Daniel Boon(e), written with Mr. Simms' usual lucidity.' Smith, (Helen Ainslie.) One hundred fa- mous Americans. N. Y., George Routledge & Sons, [1886.] 8vo. Four pages (with a portrait), devoted to Daniel Boone. Written for the young. Spalding, (M. J.) Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky, 1787-1827. Louisville, B. J. Webb & Bros., (1844.) i2mo. The introductory portion of the book contains considerable material pertaining to Daniel Boone. 26 Q . . Q hi / -^ . > ^A O 5 A BIBLIOGRAPHY Sparks, (Edwin Erie.) The expansion of the American people, social and territorial Chic, Scott, Foresman & Co., 1900. i2mo. One of the most recent and best contributions to our literature of the early northwest. Con- tains much concerning Daniel Boone. V Sparks, (Jared.) Library of American bi- ography, second series. V. 13 : Daniel Boone, pioneer and early settler of Ken- tucky, by J. M. Peck. Boston, Charles C. Little & James Brown, 1843. i6mo. Pages 7 to 203 of this volume contain the life of Daniel Boone which though short is one of the best, showing much original research and thought. Spooner, (Walter W.) The backwoodsmen; or, tales of the border, with an introduction by Florus B. Plimpton. Cincinnati, W. E. Dibble & Co., 1883- 8vo. A chapter of thirty-seven pages, entitled "In- cidents in the Life of Boone," gives much inter- esting and valuable material. Squatter, (A.) See Jones, (John B.) Stauffer, (Frank H.) The queer, the quaint and the quizzical, a cabinet for the curious. Phila., Robert A. Tripple, 1882. 8vo. Page 33 gives a specimen of Daniel Boone's spelling, claimed to be taken from an original letter. Strickland, (W. P.) The pioneers of the west; or, life in the woods. N. Y., Carlton & Phillips, 1856. i2mo. A chapter of forty-three pages, entitled "The Hunters of the West," gives in remarkably clear form a complete outline of the life, adventures and death of Daniel Boone. During the whole 27 DANIEL BOONE recital his name is mentioned but once. The work is now published by the Methodist Book Concern. Tarbell, (Ida M.,) and Davis, (J. McCan.) The early life of Abraham Lincoln. . . . N. Y., S. S. McClure, Ltd., 1896. 8vo. The early Lincolns were contemporary with Daniel Boone in Kentucky and this volume gives much of interest concerning the last-named, in- cluding a portrait and an illustration of Boone relics. Thatcher, (Benjamin Burney.) Tales of the Indians, being prominent passages of the t history of the North American natives. . . . Boston, Waitt & Dow, 183 1. i6mo. Chapter X^ "The settlement of Kentucky" is given in part to Daniel Boone. Thomson, (John Lewis.) History of the In- dian Wars and the War of the Revolution in the United States. 2 vols. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1873. 8vo. The chapter devoted to the "Indian Wars of the West" refers to Daniel Boone. Not valuable. Triplett, (Frank.) Conquering the wilder- ness. Akron, (O.,) The Werner Co., 1898. i2mo. Contains a short and not very elaborate ac- count of Daniel Boone. Trumbull, (Henry.) History of the discov- ery of America : of the landing of our fore- fathers at Plymouth and of their most re- markable engagements with the Indians in New England . . . including the defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer and St. Clair by the Indians at the westward ; . . . Bos- ton, George Clark, 1833. 8vo. Chapter VIII., of thirteen pages, is devoted to 28 A BIBLIOGRAPHY Daniel Boone and consists of a reprint of his life by himself. The original portions of the work are worthless. Tuckerman, (Henry Theodore.) Essays, biographical and critical. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co., 1857. 8vo. Contains, "Daniel Boone, Pioneer and Early Settler of Kentucky." An edition published in London under the title "Mental Portraits or Studies of Character" contains, with two excep- tions, the same collection of essays as the above. v Turner, (Frederick J.) The significance of the frontier in American history. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1894. 8vo. A paper of 28 pages in the collection of the American Historical Association for 1894, con- tains references to Daniel Boone. A paper by Stephen B. Weeks on "General Joseph Martin and the War of the Revolution in the West" con- tained in the same collection also gives slight reference to Daniel Boone. Tuttle, (Charles Richard.) History of the Border Wars of two centuries, embracing a narrative of the wars with the Indians from 1750 to 1874. Chicago, C. A. Wall & Co., 1874. 8vo. A fairly good volume with several references to Daniel Boone. Waddell, (Joseph A.) Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, with reminiscences, bio- graphical sketches . . . with a supplement. Richmond, J. W. Randolph & English, 1888. 8vo. Refers to an excursion made by Daniel Boone and others in those parts about 1778-9. Walker, (Charles I.) The northwest dur- 29 DANIEL BOONE ing the revolution; annual address before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Madison, Atwood & Culver, 1871. 8°. The above contains an introductory note by Ly- man C. Draper. It is an extremely valuable con- tribution and refers continually to Daniel Boone. Watson, (Henry C.) Nights in a block house; or, sketches of border life, embrac- ing adventures among the Indians . . . and exploits of Boone, Brady, Kenton . . . and other border heroes of the west. Phila., Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. 8vo. "This is a made-up book . . . written in the form of a novel, and possesses some historical value, as many of the narratives . . . are copied intact from works of undoubted accuracy." — Thomson. Webber, (C. W.) Wild scenes and wild hunters of the world. Phila., J. A. Brad- ley & Co., 185 1. 8vo. Chapter VI. of 69 pages is devoted to Daniel Boone and Audubon. This is one of the few books referred to by Mr. Justin Winsor in his "Narrative and Critical History" as containing Boone matter. The work is of little value. Wheeler, (John H.) Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851. 2 v. Phila., Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1851. 8vo. Daniel Boone was long a resident of this State and the writer devotes considerable space to him. Although printed in two volumes the work is al- ways found bpund as one book. Wheeler, (John H.) Reminiscences and memoirs of North Carolina and eminent North Carolinians. Columbus, (Ohio.) Co- lumbus Printing Works, 1884. 4to. Watauga County is described and Daniel Boone 30 t»-CoJ-« u. !m ^v' .0~. /-, L^j^ a _. - v- A', C,-^ -^ V n , A BIBLIOGRAPHY taken as one of its chief residents. A sketch of two pages and of considerable value. Whittaker, (Frederick.) Boone, the hun- ter; or. the backwoods belle; a romance of early life in Virginia. N. Y., Beadle & Adams, 1873. 101 p., i2mo. A true "dime" novel. "Wildwood. Warren." (pseud.) Thrilling ad ventures among the early settlers. Phil., J. E. Potter & Co., 1861. i2mo. The reader is "thrilled" with seventeen pages of matter pertaining to Daniel Boone. Williams, (John S.,) ed. The American Pioneer, a monthly periodical devoted to the interests of the Logan Historical So- ciety. 2 v. Cincinnati, R. P. Burks, 1843 8vo. Volume II. contains interesting and authentic data concerning Daniel Boone, also one of the best likenesses. An article by T. S. Hinde is of great value. Withers, (Alexander Scott.) Chronicles of border warfare, or the history of the settle- ment by the whites of Northwestern Vir- ginia. Clarksburg, (Va.,) Joseph Israel, 1831. i2mo. .Reprinted, with annotations by Reuben Gold Thwaites, 8vo, Cincinnati, 1895. Contains many references to Daniel Boone and much data con- cerning the Boone family. Wraxall, (Sir C. F. Lascelles.) Boone, the back-woodsman. London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1886. 8vo. 3i DANIEL BOONE MAGAZINE ARTICLES. Boone, Daniel. All the Year 'Round, 28:127; Col- burn's New Monthly Magazine, 6:519; Harper's (J. M. Brown,) 75:48, (B: J. Lossing,) 19:577; Hogg's Instructor, 1:56; Methodist Quarterly (Wentworth,) 13:364; Western Magazine (with . portrait,) 1:95; Niles Weekly Register, 4:31 ^-I < VVU^H 10:361, 15:328, 21:152, 21:191, 21:263; Daily Na- j \, - *, tional Intelligencer, 12:3701. W/V*f'« — Adventures. Carey's American Museum, 2:321; Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, 5:170; same article, Littell's Living Age, 100:93. — Birthplace. Potter's American Monthly. 13:470 — Grave of. Christian Review (J. M. Peck,) 13:402. — Scene in life of. Western Monthly Magazine, 1:385; Niles' Weekly Register, 24:166. — Sketch of. Illinois Monthly Magazine, 1:202; Literary Era, 8:1. — and Colonel Brown. Southern Literary Messen- ger, 30:52. Boone, Rebecca. In the wilderness. Magazine of ' \jjfo, Western History (F. A. Wilson,) 7:149- 32 VW- ■*-*- L^ . /?_. W^. IW.te - , /j. //2 _ 250 copies of this book were printed for The Dibdin Club by the Kay Printing House, 66 and 68 Centre Street, New York. Copy No. JJ.A