'Rlfcr3 **mJL*a&J "KliiLrTDarii** ®f)e Hibrarp of tfje Umbersiitp of JgortJ) Carolina tEfje Cameron Collection 3n Jflemorp of pennefjan Cameron September 9. 1854 = 3June 1, 1925 trustee of t&e Wltiibtxmtp of Jlottfj Carolina 1891=1925 Rits>r2> 8061 'iz mr IVd 'A 'N 'asnDBiig \>U) "SOJJI pJOjVKi) japujg j3|qduiiBd ^unoujoioqcf Th* University of N. C. MEMOEIAL OF THE RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL ROAD FOR INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOCK, Tb the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina : The memorial of the President and Directors of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company respectfully showeth — That by the Charter of this Road granted in 1352, the Cap- ital of the Company was paid at $800,000— $400,000 of which was m the Road bed and fixtures of the old Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, which was held by the State of North Caro- lina and was subscribed by her at that price, the residue was subscribed by individuals and paid in cash, the whole of which was expended in the re-construction of said Road and purchase ■of rolling stock, besides the sum of one hundred thousand ■dollars raised by loan on the bonds of the Company", payable in ten years •; that in the Act incorporating the North Carolina Hailroad Company, passed during the Session of 1848-'49, it was provided "■ that whenever the Roanoke Railroad Company, or the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, with or without the aid of individuals, shall subscribe to the Raleigh