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 1 .. The students of this school are not only required to ab- 
 stain from all vicious, immoral or irregular conduct, but they 
 are enjoined to conduct themselves on every occasion with the 
 propriety and decorum of gentlemen, and any student who 
 shall be guilty of any conduct unbecoming a gentleman shall 
 be dismissed or otherwise less severely punished. 
 2. Any student who shall drink or have in his possession 
 any wine, porter, ale, or any other spirituous or intoxicating 
 liquors^ or shall go to any inn, public house or place where 
 any of these liquors are sold, without the permission of the 
 Principals, <>r shall play at cards or any other game of chance, 
 or have cards or materials used in any game of chance in his 
 possession, or insult a sentinel by words or gesture, or answer 
 for another at roll call, or engage another to answer for him, 
 or shall prompt another during recitations, or be guilty of any 
 other deception whatever, or behave indecently or irreverently 
 while attending divine service, or profane the Sabbath, or use 
 any profane oath or execration, insult, traduce or defame, or 
 strike, or in any manner offer violence to another student, or 
 in r ! shall enter into any combination or agreement to hold 
 no friendly or social intercourse with another student, or 
 shall be guilty of disrespect or disobedience towards the 
 Instructors or other constituted authorities of the Institution, 
 shall incur penalties according to the nature and degree of the 
 fO offence. 
 Pq 3. No student shall at any time go to any Hotel, Tavern or 
 Sj Eating House to take any meal or lunch, except in company 
 - with his parent or guardian, or some near relative of discreet age 
4 Rules and Regulations of 
 or by permission of one of the Principals or officers in com- 
 4. Any student who shall wantonly damage any building, 
 quarters or other appurtenance, or lose, damage or destroy, 
 sell or otherwise dispose of the arms, accoutrements, instru- 
 ments or other property placed in his possession, shall, besides 
 paying for the same, be otherwise punished according to the 
 nature of the offence. 
 5. All immoralities, disorders, misbehavior or neglect, of 
 which any student may be guilty to the prejudice of good 
 order and discipline, though not especially herein mentioned,, 
 are to be punished according; to the nature and degree of the 
 6. All combinations, under any pretext whatever, are pro- 
 hibited. Any student, who in concert with others shall adopt 
 any measure under pretence of procuring a redress of griev- 
 ances, or enter into any agreement with a view to violate or 
 evade any regulation of the school, or shall endeavor to per- 
 suade others to enter into such concert or agreement, shall be 
 regarded as guilty of a very serious offence. 
 7. The Principals shall prescribe such limits around the In- 
 stitution as they may deem proper, beyond which no student 
 shall go without their permission. 
 8. The students are required to attend divine service Sun- 
 day forenoon when practicable, under such regulations as may 
 be prescribed by the Principals, and in the afternoon those 
 boarding at the Institution will be assigned Bible recitations. 
 9. The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited, and smoking 
 on or about the streets of Hillsboro will be regarded as a 
 serious offence. 
 1Q. The students shall be organized into a company, the 
 officers of which shall be appointed by the Commandant, from 
 those students who have been most active and soldier-like in 
 the performance of their duty, and most exemplary in their 
Homer and Graves's School. 5 
 11. There shall be an infantry drill every day, when the 
 weather is favorable (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) at such 
 regular hour of the day as the Principals may appoint, to con- 
 tinue ordinarily one half hour. 
 12. There shall be a dress parade at Retreat, according to 
 the form prescribed in the Army Regulations. 
 13. There shall be an inspection of the company underarms 
 (when the weather permits) at 9 o'clock every Saturday, ac- 
 cording to the form of the Army Regulations. 
 14. Hours for study will be arranged by special order. 
 15. There will be five general roll calls daily, and invaria- 
 The First, at Revelle ; Second, at Breakfast ; Third, at Din- 
 ner ; Fourth, at Supper, and Fifth, at Tattoo ; at which all 
 students not on duty or excused are required to attend. 
 16. No student shall lend or exchange his arms or accoutre- 
 ments, nor use those of another student, nor shall the arms be 
 taken from quarters except for duty, without permission. 
 17. No student shall alter his musket by filing or scraping 
 or varnishing the stock, or remove the Jock, without permis- 
 sion of the Commandant. 
 18. Students are prohibited from having in their possession 
 gun-powder or any description of fire-arms or any other wea- 
 pons not issued by the proper authority. 
 19. No student shall change the room assigned him without 
 permission of the Principals. 
 20. Every student on rising in the morning shall arrange 
 his room after the prescribed form. 
 21. Every student shall attend to the good order and ar- 
 rangement of his own arms, accoutrements, clothing and other 
 effects ; the Orderly shall attend to the general police of the 
 room, and shall require each occupant to discharge his proper 
 22. Students must prepare their clothes for the laundress 
 before 7 o'clock on Monday morning of each week. 
 23. No student shall throw stones, water or any other ar- 
 ticles from the windows, or in or about the quarters. 
6 Rules and Regulations of 
 24. No student shall keep any unauthorized article of furni- 
 tifre, and no student shall keep a light after Taps, except 
 when on duty or authorized so to do. 
 25. Students shall pass up and down stairs with as little 
 noise as possible, and shall at all times carefully abstain from 
 running, scuffling, boisterous talking, romping, dancing, or any 
 other species of noise on the galleries, or in the building, cal- 
 culated to disturb their fellow students or others. 
 26. No loitering or idling around the building or any other 
 place can be allowed during study hours, nor shall students at 
 any time loiter about the passage way or main entrance. 
 27. No student shall post up any placard or notice upon the 
 buildings without permission, nor shall he mark, cut, deface, 
 or injure any of the property or furniture whatever. 
 28. No student shall introduce a citizen into the building 
 without permission from the Principals. 
 29. Every student having permission to be absent must 
 leave his name with the Sergeant, or officer of the guard, on 
 going out and returning to quarters, who shall report the same, 
 with the time absent, on his daily reports. 
 30. Thee shall be an Orderly detailed for each room occu- 
 pied by the students, who shall perform the duties for one 
 31. The Orderly of each room shall see that the name of 
 his room-mate is on the Orderly board with his own at the 
 head, and the board is hung in its appropriate place. 
 32. The Orderly shall be held responsible for the cleanliness 
 of the room and for the strict observance of all regulations 
 and orders therein ; every violation of which he shall promptly 
 report. He shall be responsible for all property and furniture 
 therein, shall police and sweep out the rooms daily, thirty 
 minutes after Reveille, shall attend to the fires, and see that 
 there are lights in his room within ten minutes after the even- 
 ing call to quarters. 
 33. Every night at or before Taps, he shall see that the 
 lights are extinguished, and fires secure, if there be any. 
 34. Every Saturday morning the Orderly of each room shall, 
Horner and Graves's School. 7 
 with the assistance of his room mate, put his room in order 
 preparatory to the weekly inspection by the Commandant. 
 35. He shall answer prom tly and fully every question put 
 to him by any officer or student on duty. 
 36. The first two Officers among the students shall be super- 
 intendents of rooms, and are charged with and responsible for 
 their police and the preservation of good order therein. 
 37. They shall suppress all noise and scuffling or other im- 
 proper conduct, in the rooms under their charge, and forth- 
 with report the same to the Principals or Officer in command. 
 38. They shall communicate to the occupants of the rooms 
 all orders given them relative to the police, and shall cause 
 them to be observed. 
 39. They shall see that the beds are duly arranged in the 
 manner prescribed, thirty minutes after Reveille, and see that 
 all the occupants are in bed at Taps and fires secure. 
 40. The quarters will be inspected at least once a week, 
 and oftener, where there should appear a necessity for so do- 
 ing ; at which time the students will produce all the property 
 which they may have received, or account for the same. This 
 inspection will take place every Saturday morning immedi- 
 ately after that of the company, unless otherwise ordered. 
 41. At evening parade the Orderly Sergeant shall warn the 
 students who are detailed to mount guard the ensuing day, 
 always taking those who have been longest off. 
 42. The ceremonies of mounting guard shall be performed 
 as prescribed in the general regulations of the Army of the 
 United States. 
 43. Every member of the guard shall appear at guard 
 mounting in perfect order. 
 44. Students during their tour shall not leave the building 
 for a longer period than ten minutes, except on duty or for 
 45. Every Sentinel shall obey the orders of the Principals, 
 Commandant, or officers of the guard. 
 46. No Sentinel shall allow a violation of the regulations to 
 take place within the limits of his post without taking proper 
8 Rules and Regulations of 
 measures to prevent it ; nor shall he fail in any case to report 
 to the officer of the guard every such violation which comes 
 within his knowledge or observation, while on post. 
 47. The officers of the guard shall post the Sentinels at the 
 proper times, visit them frequently during their tour, and 
 instruct them upon all points of duty. 
 48. It shall be his duty to preserve good order in the build- 
 ing during his tour, and he shall cause all academic calls to 
 be sounded. 
 49. He shall attend all roll calls ; seek absentees, not prop- 
 erly excused, and cause them to repair where their attendance 
 is required. 
 50. During the season in which fires are permitted in the 
 building, he will frequently visit the rooms during recitation 
 51. He shall station himself in or near the Guard Room, 
 between guard mounting and retreat constantly, except when 
 absent on duty or at meals. 
 52. He shall be held responsible for all property deposited 
 in the Guard Eoom. 
 53. He shall take prompt and effectual measures for sup- 
 pressing irregularities or disturbances that may occur in or 
 near the building. 
 54. He shall visit the Sentinels, and assure himself that they 
 are well instructed in their duty. 
 55. On the back of his guard report he shall note all viola- 
 tions of the regulations which may have come to his know- 
 ledge during his tour ; he shall also state particularly the time 
 at which each absentee returns to his quarters, and the length 
 of time which he may have overstaid his leave ; and he will 
 subjoin to his report the word, " Certified," with his signature. 
 56. In all cases not provided for in the foregoing para- 
 graphs, the service of the guard shall be performed as pre- 
 scribed in the general regulations of the Army of the U. S. 
 57. The Principals alone, or the Commandant, shall have 
 power to arrest a student (except in case of mutiny, direct 
 disobedience of orders, or gross disrespect to superior officers > 
Homer fy Graves's Sehool. 9 
 and in case of fighting or committing a breach of the peace, 
 in which case they may be arrested by any Instructor or 
 officer, and in the last case, they may be arrested by any per- 
 son) ; and on being arrested he must retire to his quarters ; 
 the case being reported to the Principals for their approbation. 
 58. Every student under arrest shall confine himself to his 
 room until released, unless otherwise ordered, except when re- 
 quired to be absent therefrom for the performance ot some of 
 his academic or military duties ; to all of which (except those 
 of guard) he shall attend, and except also for a necessary occa- 
 sion, and to march to meals. 
 59. No student shall be released from arrest except by 
 authority of the Principals or Commandant; and every stu- 
 dent found guilty of a breach of arrest will be liable to sus- 
 pension or dismission. 
 60. Students requiring medical attendance will report the 
 fact or have it reported to the Principals, who will, according 
 to their judgment, either send for the Surgeon, or send the 
 student tj the Surgeon under the charge of some attendant, if 
 61. Sick students will, at the discretion of the Principals, 
 be removed to the Hospital. 
 62. The sick students who are not sent to the Hospital 
 shall not leave their rooms, except for the purpose of perform- 
 ing some duty, or taking such exercise as the Surgeon may 
 have prescribed, with the approbation of the Principals. 
 63. But no student shall, for any purpose whatever, be 
 absent from his room during any drill, parade or roll call, 
 from which he may have been excused. 
 64. In case of sickness, requiring medical aid, the Princi- 
 pals, unless otherwise instructed, will summon the Surgeon in 
 65. No person is allowed to visit the Hospital unless by 
 permission of the Principals or officer in command. 
 66. The senior officer of students present shall be command- 
 ant of the Mess Hall / he shall preserve order in the hall, and 
 a due observance of the mess regulations ; and shall see that 
10 Rules and Regulations of 
 the mess squads are eon ducted to and from the Mess Hall in a 
 military and soldier-like manner. 
 67 The students shall be divided into as many squads as 
 there are tables, with a first and second Carver to each, who 
 shall cause the regulations of the Hall to be observed by all 
 in their squad, and shall report all delinquencies to the Prin- 
 cipals or Commandant. * 
 68. At the respective signals for meals the squads will be 
 formed on the company parade ground, by the first Carvers of 
 each squad, as squad marchers, under the superintendence of 
 the Commandant of the hall, who shall march them to and 
 from the hall. The squad shall be formed and marched by the 
 second Carver in the absence of the first ; but in other cases 
 he shall march at the head of his squad. He is also respon- 
 sible for any violation of the regulations in his squad, and 
 shall report all such to the Commandant of the hall. 
 69. All students shall march to and from their meals, unless 
 sick or otherwise excused, and they shall leave the hall at the 
 signal given by the Commandant of the hall. 
 7(y. Each student shall have a particular place assigned to 
 him at the table, by a number corresponding with his position 
 in the squad, and shall not change it except by permission of 
 the Commandant. 
 71. All loud talking, frivolity or other improper conduct, in 
 the hall, is prohibited, and the Carvers alone shall call on 
 the waiter. 
 72. Wasting provisions or taking them from the mess hall, 
 or injuring, or abstracting mess furniture of any kind, is pro- 
 73. The Commandant of mess shall see that no student takes 
 his seat in the hall before the command " Seats /" and, also, 
 that every student leaves the hall after the command " Rise ;" 
 but for the better preservation of order each table will be 
 made to rise in turn, and form in squads in front of the hall, 
 and march back in the same order as marched to the hall. 
 74. No student shall go into the Mess Hall (except on duty) 
 at any other time, or in any other manner than is herein pre- 
Homer fy Graves's School. 11 
 scribed, nor into the kitchen, without permission from the 
 Principals or Officer in Command. 
 75. All deficiencies or complaints of the Mess Hall will be 
 reported immediately through the Commandant of mess to the 
 76. The recreation grounds will be limited to the inclosure, 
 except when extended by special instruction, and with certain 
 77. No student will be allowed to walk on recreation grounds 
 during study hours. 
 78. Climbing or jumping the fence around the ground is 
 79. No student shall go into town at any time, except with 
 permission of the Principals or officer in command. 
 80. Every student shall pay to his superior officer the com- 
 pliments prescribed by the general regulations of the army 
 of the United States. 
 81. No society shall be organized among the students with- 
 out special licenge from the Principals, nor shall any assembly 
 of the students be held for this, or any other purpose, with- 
 out their express permission promulgated in orders. 
 82. No student will be allowed to visit the room of another 
 during study hours. 
 83. On Sunday the students are enjoined to relinquish their 
 sports ; to devote their spare hours to reading, or studies ap- 
 propriate to the day, and to conduct themselves in a quiet and 
 peaceable manner. 
 84. The strictest attention to study and all other duties is 
 required. Every student, therefore, who shall absent himself 
 from duty of any kind, ami fail to render a satisfactory excuse 
 in writing for such absence, shall be reprimanded, put on ex- 
 tra duty, or confined, according to the circumstances of the 
 case; and demerit marks in numbers proportioned to his of- 
 fence will be recorded against him. 
 85. All delinquencies, for which students have been reported 
 for one week, will be read out on Friday afternoon parade. 
 86. Any student having a satisfactory excus e 
12 Rules and Regulations of 
 quencies shall express it in writing after the form prescribed, 
 and submit it to the commandant, within his first orderly hour, 
 after the publication of the report on parade. No excuse 
 shall be made by any student in any other manner, nor at any 
 other time, unless unavoidably prevented from complying with 
 the above directions, in which case the cause of delay shall 
 be annexed to the excuse. 
 87- No student shall address an officer or student who has 
 reported him for delinquencies, on the subject of such report, 
 unless specially permitted by the Principals ; and no officer or 
 student, having made such a report against a student, shall 
 hold any conversation with him relating to it, unless referred 
 to with the proper permission. 
 88. The different classes shall report without delay to their 
 respective recitation rooms at the given signals. 
 89. The Commandant will transact business with the stu 
 dents at 8 o'clock A. M. daily. 
 90. No student shall interfere with or interrupt any of the 
 guard in any way whatever ; and no student must speak to or 
 interrupt a sentinel on post. 
 91. Students a^e. particularly enjoined to conduct themselves 
 when in the streets of Hillsboro, and upon the trains in trav- 
 elling to and from the school, in a quiet and gentlemanly man- 
 92. Any student misbehaving himself while in the town 
 will be punished according to the nature of his offence. 
 93. Generally in all their intercourse with their officers, with 
 each other, and with all others, it is expected of students to 
 preserve the high-toned feeling and courtesy which ever dis- 
 tinguish the soldier and the gentleman. 
 94. The school duties of each day will be opened by the 
 students marching at the appointed hour to the Chapel for 
 religious service.