■r MINUTES OF THE SIXTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIK O^tangclical ITuilcrau Sjn0i OF NORTH CAROLINA, 91 Convened in St. Marie's Churchy Charlotte^ N. C, April 1,^ &^ ZOth. 1803. >^^J WITH THE MLN'CTES OF THE i\ Synodical Missionary Society, APPENDED. SALISBUEY, K. C: J. J. IJPtUiSiER, PRINTER. 18G3. MINUTES Of the Sixtieth Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod af North Carolina. In accordance with the resolution of adjournment, adopt- ed at the last Annual Convention, the Ministers and Lay -Del- egates of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, convened in St. Mark's Church, Charlotte, N. C, on Thurs- day, April 30th, 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Synodical Discourse was preached by the President, Eev. D. L Dreher, from the text, 2d Cor. 13 : 11. "Be of one mind, live in peace." FIEIST SESSION. Thursday, April 30th, 1863, ) Hi o'clock, A. M. f Synod was opened with singing, and a prayer by the Presi- dent. The roll was called, the absentees noted, and the cer- tificates of the Lay-Delegates received. The names of the clerical members and lay-delegates, composing this body, registered as follows : 4 MINUTES. OEDAINED MINISTERS. Rev. JOHN D. SCHECK, . . Gihsonvilh, GniJford County, N. C. '' WILLIAM ARTZ, . .Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, u '^ S. ROTHROCK . . RocJcviUe, Roican County, (( " J. H. MENGERT, . .Lexington, Davidson County " JACOB CRIM, . .South River, Roivan *' u " J. B. ANTHONY, . .Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus " JOSEPH A. LINN, . . Gold Hill, Rowan County, " " J. D. STINGLEY,* . . Trenton, Mississippi. " SIMEON SCHERER, .... . .Salisbu7-y, Roivan County, " L. C. GROSECLOSE, . . Gold Bill, " " J. SWICEGOOD,* ..Shady Grove, Davidson County " " G. D. BERNHEIM, . . Charlotte, Mecklenburg ''■ JOHNS. HEILIG, ..Mill Hill, Cabarrus County " DANIEL L DREHER . . Concord, '• " « B.C.HALL, . . Shows 2fills, Guilford " C. LENTZ, . . Statesville, Iredell County, " WILLIAM A. JULIAN, . . . .Lexington, Davidson County, " J. L. SMITHDEAL,! ..Newton. Catawba " " JAMES R. SIKES, . . Shady Grove, Davidson " ''• LOUISA. BIKLE, ..Mount Pleasant. Cabarrus, " W^ KIMBALL . . Snlisburv Rnwan dminii] LICENTIATE. Rev. a. GRIME3,t . . . Hay Meadow, Wilhes County, N. C, LAY-DELEGATES. Capt. S. WAGNER, . Rev. John. D SchecJcs D^'lfuntp 1 Maj. L. G. HEILIG, . . " William Artz u Mr. C. A. MILLER . . " Samuel RothrocJcs . . ^^ J. B. Anthony s P. RIDENHOUR, Esq., Mr. L. HOFFNER, " t/i A. Linn's Mr. ALEXANDER BROWN,. . . . " Simeon Scherers u Mr. GEORGE LYERLY, . . '• L. C Groseclof>e's (( Mr. J. DULS, .. '•' G. D. Bernheim's u u « <( Mr. W. T. H. PLASTER . . " John S. Ileiligs . . ♦' Daniel 7. Drehers .. " i?. C Halls .. " C Lentz Col. ISRAEL FISHER Mr. W. L. SH AFFNER " mathias miller " GEORGE SWICEGOOD, .. . . " William' A. Julians (( " J. A. HATIICOCK . . ''J L. SmithdeaTs . . " IF. A7m/;a?rs. (t " Mr. SAMUEL LINN, ^Absent. fAbscnt, but excused. MINUTES. Synod now being organized, the President read his Annual JRcport. PRESIDENT'S EEPORT. Time in its onward course has brought us to another annual Synodical meeting, at the time and place appointed, for the transaction of such business as pertains to the kingdom of the Redeemer. The joys and the sorrows of the past year are gon^and the manner we have performed our duty, has been noted down by the recording angel, for us to account for, wiien we shall stand before God. Not one of us was called to die, during the past year, our number remains unbroken to-day, and we stand as living monuments of a merciful God. While we, as ministers, have been spared, many of our dear laymen have been called from this world, whom, w'e hope, now -^ rest from their labors^ and their ivories dofolloiv them.'' Here and there may be seen those who mourn the loss of dear ones that have gone down to the tomb. The past year has been one of blood and tears, and it is to be hoped, this terrible scourge of the Almighty, will make us a better people. The ravages of war still prevail, and God only knows how long this unhappy condition of things will last. The ways of Providence are often dark and mysterious, and there may be purposes in the Divine mind that aflbrd satisfactory reasons for a continuance of this struggle. Yet, it may please God to avert our present calamities and restore peace to our bleeding nation, if we would repent of our sins and for- sake them. The same merciful God can' dry the tears of those who mourn ths loss of dear ones, who heaved their last sigh in the hospital, or in the fury of battle amidst the clank and din of arms, bravely grappling in a Hfe and death strug- gle for the freedom of their country. God only can cause a return of joy to all who mourn from any cause. His hand alone can brush away tears from weeping eyes and press the sighing bosom. During the past year, there have been few revivals of religion in the bounds of our Synod. The effusions of the Holy Spirit have not been as profuse as in former years. Our Zion now seems to languish for want of " refreshings from the presence of the Lord,'" and the hearts of the pious tremble at the desolation of Jerusalem. A large percentage of our male population has gone into the army, which has greatly reduced our congregations. An inor- dinate love of gain, and the mania of seeking after spontaneous wealth, hur- ries men with wild impetuosity into business transactions and schemes for wealth. Between the war and a love of gain, the soul is fretted and chafed, and moral leanness must be the inevitable result. Thousands now seem not to believe MINUTES. Religion is the chief concern, Of mortals here below ; More needful this, than glitt'ring weal^, Or aught the world bestows; No reputation, food or health, Can give us such repose." We trust the Lord, in his own good time, will again visit our beloved Zicn, and then give us fruitful showers of divine love to the joy and peace of our souls. # " Return, Lord, Tiow long, and lei it repent Thee concerning Tliy servants. Oh, satisfy us early ivith thy mercy ; that we may rejoice and he glad all our days, make us glad according io the days wherein Tliou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen eui7." In conformity with the constitution of Synod, I will now present you with an account of my OFFICIAL ACTS. Some time in June, 1862, Rev. Prof. G. F. Schseffer, a licentiate of the North Carolina Synod, made application to me for a letter of dismission with a view of connecting himself with one or the other of the Evangelical Lu- theran Synods in Virginia. The letter was given according to request. COMMUNICATIONS. June 30th, 1862, Rev. John L. Smithdeal writes informing me that he had " opened a preaching point near the Lenoir road, and about five miles from the Catawba bridge." He also states, "I have good congregations and san- guine expectations." We hope this brother's expectations have been realized, and that God will own and bless his labor. July 29th, 1862, Rev. James D. Stingley writes informing me of his inten- tion to leave the Iredell Pastorate, and return again to the State of Mississ- ippi. The reason assigned for this change, is, a want of " support." Early in September, brother Stingley left his charge for a point beyond the limits of this Synod, without applying for a letter of dismission. May the blessing of God attend this self-denying brother in his new field of labor. Sometime last Fall, Rev. G. D. Bernheim and Rev. John L. Smithdeal, ver- bally informed me that they had consented to supply the Iredell Pastorate; the former serving St. Michael's Church, and the latter St. Paul's Church. March 21st, 1863, Rev. A. Grimes writes requesting to be excused for not attending the present meeting of Synod, ofifering as an excuse, want of means and the infirmities of age. I recommend that he be excused, and that his letter be read in open Synod, and that his request meet with a hearty and liberal response at the hands of this Synod. This letter also contains his Pa- rochial Report. April 7th, 1863, Rev. Caleb Lentz, writes, " On last Sunday I visited Je- MINUTKS. rusalem, and made arrangements to preach to that people in connection with St. Matthews, during the ensuing year." May tho relation of Pastor and People be abundantly blessed. April 6th, 18G3, Rev. John H. Mengert wrote me a letter which I recom- mend to be read, and urge its contents upon the favorable consideration of this Synod. April 27th, 1SG3, Rev. John L. Smithdeal writes two communications, re- spectively intended for Synod and its Missionary Society. These letters, with their contents, are submitted to tho fraternal consideration of this body. April 28th, 18G3, Mr. H. Toilers mails certain communications for the in- formation of this Synod, respecting the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of Wilmington. They are respectfully referred to Synod for further con- sideration. VACANCIES. The Iredell Pastorate is without a regular Pastor, and it will be the duty of Synod to enquire whether any other arrangement be necessary or not. — The Wilmington Mission is still destitute of a minister, and it may be proper for this Synod to inaugurate some measures for its supply. It may be my duty to remind this Synod that our College is still without Professors, and the keys in the hands of the Board of Directors. It will be the duty of Synod to determine whether the College shall remain closed, or whether it shall be opened. The reading of this Report ends my term of ofl&ce. I truly thank you for the confidence you have reposed in me, and hope you will forgive the errors I may have committed. May the blessing of God attend your deliberations, and make them sub- serve the great work for which they may be designed. I herewith return to you the office entrusted to my care. Very respectfully, DANIEL I DREHER. The report was accepted and laid on the table for future action. An election was now held for Officers of Synod, for the en- suing year, which resulted as follows : Eev. G. D. BEENHEIM, President. " L. A. BIKLE, Becording Secretary. " J. S. IIEILIG, Corres. Secvetanj. Maj. L. G. IIEILIG, Treasurer. All papers for Synod having been called for, and handed 8 MINUTES. in, the President announced the regular Standing Commit- tees, viz : STANDING COMMITTEES. 1. On President's Rej^oH. — Eev'ds Artz, Mengert, and Mr. A. Brown. 2. On Petitions and Vacancies. — Eev'ds Scherer, Sikes, and Mr. George Lyerly. 3. On U7ijinished Business. — Rev'ds Scheck, Hall, and Mr. C. A. Miller. 4. On Finance. — Eev. Samuel Eothrock, Maj. L. G. Ilei- lig, and Mr. J. Dais. 5. On State of Religion. — Eev'ds Groseclose, Crim, and Capt. S. "Wagner. 6. On Proceedings of Conferences. — Eev'ds Julian, Kim- ball, and Mr. W. T. H. Plaster. 7. On Education. — Eev'ds Linn, Heilig, and Mr. L. Hoff- ner. Parochial Eeports were called for, and arranged as follows : MINUTE.S. 1 ^ -E3 1 1 H < ^ i ?^S.^?^S>^gSPS'g5-"^2S SS3 1 1 "^ Z i -^^.--^^Px^O<2':^ti';^r^:^ C^ !• = ? '^ n; r^. ^ - ^ - '-^^ • - 5 ^ a ^ '-^ 35* ; 5 = rx> h: ' R - ;::: r^ UH - ra o ry: > -^ ^ - c/: GO i— ! • > 'tlC^ '^' /-:j,xr rn^^rtro- :::^>o H 1 * ii ■ !;: i; -- : ft: -3 ^4: -^ ft pr r; k; ^ N c c-^: : Q: . so m ! S9 1 ! : : : r: y^\ -9 ! : : : : : ?» CO 00 K-tototo^^i-'Cotocoi-'NSi— totooototo^-to •••#*• ^suo}}vbd.tBuo^ \ !>?, 00 to 1— 'tOr-it-'l— '1— 'tOCOtOOtO OOtO^OiCrCOCnOiC5tw^OiC:--I><:-004^ to o OOt-'rf^^OOt-'lOH-itOtOtOOtOi-'>-'00 o ►-• h^ 1— ' to 1— to to to '-' rf^ 4^ CO CT C*» — to -T C:) i4^ 00 i4^ CI 10 ►— to OT CO — 's-fuwiuntuiuojl 01 4^ 1:0 UTO -I C OD h^^ CI 1 o o OOtOC»^OOOCOCOC5>^COC-lCO-1CO>-'4s^ 'isuoi}vmAifuoj j 8 OOOtOOOOOOCOkf^Cit— COt-'CnOOH- ^suoissiwpy 000 000 0000 000 ^SUOlJVUOJi-^l] ■ l<to 0001— 'OOOt— '©►-'OOOOtOCOOOO s 000000 000 00 OOOOOOH-OOOtOt-'l->OtOtOOO»— ''SUOU'SllUi-l(j\ 1 00 000 00000 0000 • • 'suoisimlx^ 1 00 1 001— 'OOOrf^Ol— 'OOOOOtOOOOO H-- to KJ to CO 1— ' I-' to en CT 1— ' ^^ vf^ CO 01 >fi> ^l C< OT • • • 'sjdqiudjf /o v;o9C/i I w 00 to 1— tOtOt— tO^TCOl— to sjnudun^ijl 1 —J 1 oocTOocoioocoocoio--icootoooDtoai L 1 00000000000000 00 t-i to 1 -sdiiiioos -s-vj/i' rp •^j/^^'i to CO 10 ci 00 l-^OtObOtOOtOi— Ot-«i-'i— b0t0C0Ot0Ol— 1 '{qooxio^ fivpu7ig H- O i-- CO H^ 1— t— 1 C-t on CO -7 on -I i! CO '9JdipD3j; i^t lOOCriOOOCOOOCOO CO 0000000 1 --I 00 CT 000000 C« 00000000 1 -1 •s./»20V-^S'; 1 00 00000000000000 1 's-as-s-D^O az*??^?'; ^^ 1 CO H-" 1^ 1 gg^^to o_ ►- ss. CO_ P_o_ t I—" \ 1' ' 1) ; o - • • • — rrr to • • ^ == = = — ! — = ^ 1 i V. H 1 VI .... . • . to . to ^ '.'.'.'. . • • 01 • CD 'Z»307 o b • • b b • b CJt • • Oi • S ' a . . . V-l to ^^ ' n i . . . C5 • en • to en CO i-" - P ; ; ; 00 • • 01 -T rx) to • • • •^ii^ioaaudfr ' X i to . • • b b • b • -T b b b b b • ■n \ . . . c< • • • • • c« • • 10 CANUTES . Kev. Joseph A. Linn offered the following : Whe7'eas, The Session of the Presbyterian Church of Charlotte has kindly tendered to this body the use of their Church, in which to hold our sessions of Synod and religious services, therefore .1. Resolved, That the Officers of this Synod make the necessary arrange- ments to have their pulpit supplied, on Sabbath morning, and at night. Rev. Daniel I. Dreher submitted the following : Whereas, It is the duty of this Synod to signify its concern for the spirit- ual welfare of our soldiers in the Confederate Army, by some substantial to- ken of its regard, therefore 2. Resolved, That this Synod do send ministers to serve the army as vol- unteer Chaplains, for the term of twelve months — one minister serving for one month at a time, 3. Resolved, That the various congregations be called upon to contribute for this purpose, means to defray the expenses of such ministers as may serve in the army as above designated. 4. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the President, to ascertain the names of the ministers who are willing to go as volunteer Chap- lains, to the army. The President appointed Eev'ds B. C. Hall, L. C. Grose- close, and John D. Scheck, to constitute said committee. Rev. Daniel I. Dreher asked leave of absence for the re- mainder of the session. Granted. Rev^ Samuel Rothrock offered the following resolution : 5. Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the President to divide the money sent by Davie Mission, among the ministers who served said mission, during the past year, in proportion to the amount of service rendered by each minister. The President appointed Messrs. Mathias Miller and W. L. Shoffner. Synod now entered into the election of Corresponding Del- egate to the South Carolina Synod, which resulted as follows : Rev. John H. Mengert, principal, and Rev. D. I. Dreher, alternate. The election to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees of North Carolina College, was next held, and resulted in the choice of Rev. Daniel I Dreher, Rev. J. B. Anthony, Mathi- as Barrier, Esq., and Col. John Shimpoch. MINUTES. . 11 Matliias Barrier, Esq., Treasurer of EnilowineiU Fund of Xorth Carolina College, api)eare(.l and took a seat with us, as an advisory member. The Eepoi-t of the Treasurer of Synod was read and refer- red to the Committee on Finance. Synod adjourned with prayer by Kev. J. 1>. Anthony. At night, Eev. B. C. Ilall preached from the text, 1 John iii chap. 1st verse. SECOND SESSION. Friday, May 1st, 9 o'clock, A. JM. Synod was opened with singing, and prayer by the Presi- dent. The roll was called, and the minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. Eev. J. Crim, corresponding delegate to the Synod of South Carolina, submitted the following report : The "delegate appointed by this body to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, would report that he met that respectable and efficient body, assembled in convention, in a Church, in Orangeburg District, October IGth, 1862, and was cordially and fraternally received as an advisory member, and invited to participate in their deliberations. Those brethren are zealously en- gaged in carrying on all the benevolent enterprises of the day. Their Col- lege and Theological Seminary are doing well, and are destined to accom- plish great things for the Church in the South and West. My necessary expenses were $9.25. Respectfully submitted, J. CRIM. The report was accepted and adopted. G. Resolved, That the expenses of the delegate, $9.25, be paid by the Trea- surer of Synod. Mr. W. L. Shoffner reported on the distribution of the funds, forwarded to Synod by the Davie Mission. The Committee appointed by Synod to make a proper apportionment of the funds sent by the Davie Mission, among the ministers who served said Mission, during the past year, beg leave to ofler the following : 12 [MINUTES. To Rev, C. Lentz, for 10 days' service, $28.25 " " J. Swicegood, for 2 days' service, 5.G5 '' " J. Crim, for 2 days' service, 5.65 " " W. A. Julian, for 2 days' service 5.G5 " •' D. I. Dreher, for 1 day's service, 2 82| " " J. B. Anthony, for 1 day's service, 2.82^ " '* S. Rothrock, for 1 day's service, 2.82^ " '' L. C. Groseclose, for 1 day's service. 2.82^ Respectfully submitted, \V. L. SHOFFNER, MATHIAS MILLER. Report accepted and adopted. EEPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE No. 1. s Tlie Committee on the President's Report, beg leave to say that they liive considered this interesting annual communication, and 1st. They recommend the several items of recommendation and suggestion contained in it, to the special notice and action of Synod; beginning with the letter of Rev. A. Grimes, and ending with his remarks and sugofestions respecting the election of Professors for North CaroHna College, and the re- opening of the institution. 2d. They recommend that the Report be printed entire. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM ARTZ, J. H. MEXGERT, ALEXANDER BROWN. The report was accepted, and, after referring the several items of recommendation and suggestions, contained in the President's Report, to the proper Standing Committees, was also adopted. Rev. D. J. Simmons of the Methodist Episcopal Cluirch of Charlotte being present, was introduced and cordially invited to take a seat amongst us, as an advisory member. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE No. 2. The Committee on Petitions and Vacancies ask leave to report the follow- ing : Item 1st, is a letter from our venerable and much esteemed Father Grimes, in which he states that he cannot attend this meeting of Synod in conse- quence of the infirmities of age, and earnestly solicits aid to enable him to MINUTES. 13 meet his most urgent wants for tlie ensuing year. All the money received from Synod, and lifted at the last annual convention for his benefit, has been spent ; and he was even compelled, dating the past year, to dispose of some of the little property he possesses, to procure nece&«ary food, &c. Your Committee recommend that father Grimes be excused for non-attend- ance at this meeting of Synod — that a committee of two be appointed by the President, to lift donations in his behalf, during the present sessions of Synod — and that the ministers, composing this body, present his case to their re- spective charges, and lift and forward donations to iiim. Item 2d, is a letter from Rev. J. L. Smithdeal, in which he says that he will not be able to attend Synod, in consequence of an attack of Pneumonia, from which he is just recovering. Your Committee recommend that bro. Smithdeal be excused, and that the letter containing a proposition to our Missionary Society, be referred to its next meeting. Item 3d, is a letter from M. M. !Miller, now in the army, which we ref'.r to the Ministerium. Item 4th, is a letter from "Sir. II. Vollers, commissioner, to r(.jirc.-ri.iil St. Paul's Church, Wilmington, in which he enclosed his certificate of appoint- ment and his Report. Your Committee recommend that said report be read before Synod. Item 5th, is a letter from J. II. Mengert now in our midst. Your Com- mittee recommend that said letter be read at the meeting of our Missionary Society. In conclusion, your Committee call the attention of Synod to the Irede-U charge as the only vacancy within our bounds. ; Respectfully submitted, S. SCHERER, J. R. SIKES, GEORGE LYERLY. The report was accepted and disposed of as follows; In relation to the recommendation under item 1st, it was 7. Resolved, That Rev. A. Grimes be excused for non-attendance, and that a committee of tv/o be appointed by the President to lift contributions in his behalf. Committee — Rev'ds. S. Scherer and J. 11. Sikes. Ill reference to the recommendation under item 2d, it was (?. Resolved, That Rev. J. L. Smithdeal be excused for nou-atte:idance, (hi- ring the present sessions of Synod. In relation to the Iredell charge, it was 9. Resolved, That the members of said charge be informed, it is the desi:e 14: MINUTES. of Synod that every effort be made by them to secure the services of a regu- lar pastor. REPOETS OF STAND^G -COMMITTEE m. 4. The Financial Committee would present the following re- ports : 1. SYNODICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Rev. John D. Scheclc's Charge. St. Paul's Church, $6 50 Frieden's, Church, 11 55 $18 05 Eev. William Artz' Charge. Mt. Carmel Church, 5 00 Mev. S. Rothrock^s Charge. Organ Church, 22 60 St. Peter's Church, 6 00 28 60 Rev. J. B. Anthony^ s Charge, Bethel Church, 5 80 St. John's Church, 10 00 15 80 Rev, J. A. LinrCs Charge. St. Stephen's Church, 6 00 Luther's Church, 5 50 St. Matthew's Church, 6 00 17 50 Rev. S. jScherer^s Charge. Bethel Church, 4 15 Salem Church, 3 00 7 15 Rev. L. C. Gloseclose^s Charge. Salisbury, 5 50 Union Church,^ 12 80 18 30 ■ Rev. G. D. BernheimLS Charge. St. Mark's Church, 10 00 Iredell Charge. St. Michael's Church, 8 75 St. Paul's Church, 2 50 11 2o Rev. J. S. Heilig^s Charge. St. Enoch's Church, 6 00 Trinity Church, 4 40 10 40' Rev. D. I. Dreher^s Charge. Concord, 17 90 Rev. B. C lialVs Charge. Richland Church, 1 00 Zion Church, 1 00 Lau's Church, 8 00 10 00 MINUTES. 15 Eev. C. Lentz's Charge. Jerusalem Church, 2 00 St. Matthew's Church, 1 40-; — 3 40 Eev. W. A. Julian'' s Charge. St. Luke's Church, 4 45 Lebanon Church, 8 00 Pilgrara's Church, 4 00 16 45 Rev. J. L. SmithdeaVs Charge . Beth-Eden, 4 00 Thyatira, 4 00 8 00 Bev. J. R. Sikei Charge. Bethany Church, 1 40 Hopewell Church, 1 00 Nazareth Church, 5 45 7 85 Rev. ^Y. KinibalVs Charge. Luther's Chapel, 5 00 St. Paul's Church, 4 35 9 35 Total amount. $215 00 Respectfully submitted. S. ROTHROCK, L. G. HEILIG, J. DULS. 2. SYNODICAL TREASURER'S REPORT. Matthias Barrier, Treasurer, in account with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, Dr. To balance in hands of Treasurer of last Synod, $ 48 86^ To cash received at last Synod, 119 99 Total, $168 85i 1862. Vouchers, Cr. May 27. — By cash paid J. J. Bruner for printing Minutes, $ 74 00 1863. May 1.— By balance in hands of Treasurer, 94 87i Total, $108 85i Respectfully submitted, i May 1, 1863. MATHIAS BARRIER, Treasurer. The Committee on Finance have examined the Treasurer's report and find the same correct. Respectfully submitted, S. ROTHROCK, L. G. HEILIG, J. DULS. Eeports accepted and adopted. IG MINUTES. EEPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE No. 7. The Committee on Education beg leave to submit the fol- hiwing: The only document placed in their hands, is the Annual Report of the Pre- siilent ot the Board of Trustees of North Carolina College, in which he in- forms us, that, owing to the present civil s^ife between the two sections of our country, and the almost total emigration of our youth to the scene of conflict, it was deemed inadvisable by the Board to re-open the College. The Board, however, have taken preparatory measure?, by creating a com- mitteee, whose duty it is made to correspond with suitable persons, with a view of securing proper Teachers, and as soon as the war shall cease, or cir- cumstances permit, to re-open the College. He further states that w-e are still in debt, and the only assets with which to pay, are the donations pro- mised to our several agents. With a view to secure tliese, and receive new subsciiptions, the Board have appointed M. Barrier, Esq., Agent, w4io has thus far discharged his duty faithfully, and has been successful in collecting a consiilerable amount of outstanding subscriptions. He states that our indebt- edness is still about $7,000 — the original cost of the College Buildings and Campus improvements having cost upwards.of $20.000 — and that the inter- est arising from the Endowment fund which exceeds $20,000, by a little, is now being applied to the payment of our debt. From statements made by our Agent, we also learn that of the remaining outstanding subscriptions, he thinks he will not be able to collect more than $G00. Besides there are other small assets in our possession, that may possibly reduce our indebted- ness to $6,000 leaving this amount unprovided for in any way, except the interest arising from the Endowment fund. Your Conimittee have no suggestions to make, except that they would ex- press the hope that Synod will sustain the Board in their past acts and present intentions. RespcclluUy, &c , J. A. LINN, J. S. IlEILIG, LEONARD IIOFFNEIL Eeport was accepted and adopted. In reference to the I'c-opening of th.e North Carolina Col- lege, it was 10. Resolved, That this matter bo referred to the Board of Trustees of said institution. Synod now adjourned to attend Divine service. Kcv. J. Crim preached at 11 o'clock from IJebrew?, 4th clni[). 9th verse. MTNITTES. ' 17 THIRD SESSI0:N'. oi o'clock, p. M. Synod re-assembled jincrproceeded to business. Rev. B. C. Hall reported for special comniittee on Chap- laincy to the army. The Committee to whom' was referred the subject of a Chaplaincy^ to the array, report that Rev'tls. J. II. Alengert and L. C. Groseclose, have consent- ed to serve as regnlai; volunteer Chaplains in the array, for the term of twelve months, provided they can make the necessary anangemeuts. Hcspcctfully submitted, B. C. HALL, L. C. GROSECLOSE, JOHN ,L>. SCHECK. Report accepted and adopted. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE No. 6. The Committee on Proceedings of Conferential Districts woidd submit the following : They have examined the Mmutes of the various Conferences within the bounds of this Synod, and have found nothing demanding attention at the present time. During the past year, regular meetings were held iu the dif- ferent Conferential Districts, doubtless to the interest and ediiication oi Uie Church. From the proceedmgs of each Conference, the Committee arc led to believe that repeated efforts were made to promote the Redeemer's cause in the land, to edify the Church, and point sinners to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Respectfully submitted, W. A. JULIAN, W. KIMBALL, W. T. H. PLASTER. Report accepted and adopted. ' Synod adjourned -^dth prayer by Rev. John D. Scheck. Rev.S. Soberer preached at night from the text, Romans 1st chap. 16th verse. FOURTH SESSI0:N'. , SATrKDATj May 2d, 9J o'clock, A. M. Synod was opened with singing, and prayer by Rev'd. C. Lentz. The roll was called, and minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. 18 MINUTES. EEPOKT OF STANDING COMMITTEE No. 5. The Committee on the state of Keligion report as follows : Bro. Scheck says, " During the past year, no very important change has occurred in the Alamance Pastorate. The ordinances of God's House are well attended, but I regret to say, that av^ have not enjoyed any very special visitations of the Holy Spirit." " The state of Religion in my charge," says bro. Heilig, " is quite encour- aging. The attendance on the ministrations of God's House, considering the times, is very good. The Gospel is heard with suitable attention — the ordi- nances are duly appreciated and observed, and the peculiar kindness of the people to their pastor, together with the deep concern felt for himself and family, is truly encouraging." Bro. Dreher writes, " The state of religion in my charge is as good as could be expected under the circumstances, but ^t as good as could be desired. The people of my charge are benevolent and kind." " On this subject," writes bro. Smithdeal, " I have little to say. This most unholy war has very much crippled the energies of my people^ so that there is not that deep-toned piety among my people I should like to see. Yet, ray lit- tle flock is awake to the support of the Gospel. My congregations, in the main, are very good. I have a very interesting class of catechumens. Bro. Linn states, " I have nothing of special interest to communicate. The ordinances of God's House and other means of grace have been usually well attended. There has been a fearful mortality in my charge, creating a general sadness and seriousness among tny people. There has been no spe- cial outpouring of the Spirit in my charge, and consequently very few acces- " sions to church membership." Bro. Julian remarks, "The state of religion in my charge is as good as could be expected under the circumstances, taking into consideration the condition of the country. My salary is well nigh as much as before the war. We still have a praying people — a people, I trust, who fear God and keep his commandments. We have had no revivals, during the past year, yet we trust wc have reason to believe that the church has been edi- fied." Bro. Kimball Says, " The state of religion in my pharge is encouraging at this time. We enjoyed two special seasons of grace during the past year — eighteen professed a cha jge of heart, and twenty-eight united with the Church. My people take great interest in the welfare of their pastor. They have increased my salary $150, besides a great many donations. The Sab- bath School at St. Paul's is in a prosperous condition. Love, peaf e and har- mony, seem to be the ruhng principle among us." Bro. Scherer states, " I am pleased to report, that though, as to prayer- meetings and Sabbath Schools, owing, at least in part, to the condition of the country, my charge is not as prosperous as desirable, yet there appeai-s to be MINUTES. 19 a growing interest as to the hearing of the word, and Irotn the manifest at- tention and impression made, I have reason to believe that my hibors are not vain. Tliere also appears' to bo a growing and conjniendable liberality, and what is most gratifying, a growing endearment between pastor and people, and almoh uninterrupted harmony and concert of action. To God be all the glory." Bro. Sikes remarks, " While the state of religion in the Forsyth mission is not what we could wish, yet we are not without encouragement. The la- bors of the past year have resulted in the accession of fourteen persons to the Church. And, although death has been in our midst, and deprived us of some of our most faithful and useful members, still we are on»the gaining hand. — Considering the circumstances by which we are surrounded, we cannot com- plain either of the'attendance, or of the attention of the people." Bro. Lentz says, " No report prepared — nothing special to report from the Davie mission. Attendance generally good." Bro. Bernheira observes, " I regret that I have no revivals of religion to report for the last Sy nodical year, nevertheless, I discern marked attention to the preached word, and a growing interest in the ordinances of God's' house, which always precede the out-pouring of God's Spirit. In our Church, in 'Charlotte, we have made some progress in pecuniary matters. T!ie debt on our Church property has at last been liquidated, and the title deeds are now in the hands of the proper officers. We have also procured a Melodeon to assist in our divine worship, which is also paid for, costing us something more than two hundred dollars. ' Bro. Hall remarks, "There has been no special out-pouring of the Spirit in my charge during the past Synodical year ; but the ordinances of -the Church have been well attended, and a commendable liberality displayed." Bro. Anthony reports, " I serve two congregations, St. Joh-n's and Bethel. They are regularly served with the means of grace. We have had no special revivals, but the means of grace are well attended. So far as I am advised peace and quiet prevail in the charge." Bro. Artz says, "I have nothing special -to report.'' Bro. Rothrock remarks,^ " In my congregations good attention is given to the preaching of the word, and the state of religion .under all the circumstan- ces by which we are surrounded, is- perhaps' as favorr^ble as could be'expect- ted, although the number of hearers is not as large as in former times, inas- much as many of the members are now in the army.'' Bro. Groseclcse observes, "The state of religion in my chi>rge is not as flourisliino^is in years past. Its progress has been seriously interrupted in some respects. Apparently there is- a declinci in the external prosperity as to revivals, and the accessions to the membership; yet, the attendance is good on the word preached, and also on the sacraments. The young and middle-aged men are nearly all in the army, but fortunately few of them 20 MINUTES. have died oi' been killed on thebaflle field. So far as I know, few if any of mv members have engaged in the sin of the day — speculation and extortion. Most of them appear tx) be "steadfast and immovable," if not "abounding in the work of the Lord." Some of the leading members at Union have doubled their subscription to their pastor's salary, and are prompt in paying it. I have not preached regularly in Salisbury this year, because that Church failed to raise its quota of my salary, though I have not resigned, nor do I ex- pect to resign the charge of it. In point of benevolence, my people have done better than they have ever done. Although, upon the whole, the state of re- ligion in my charge cannot be said to be flattering, yet it is hopeful— not be- ing barren of good fruits." Respectfully submitted, L. C. GROSECLO^ji, JACOB CRIM, S. WAGNER. Report accepted and adopted. < Rev. S. Rothrock submitted the following : WJiereas, This Synod did some years since, conditionally transfer its Se- minary fund to the Board of Trustees of N. C. College— said Board to have the use of said fund, without interest, until recalled by Synod ; and whereas this Svnod did at its annual convention, in 1860, resolve to recall said fund, but failed to make a formal demand of said Board for the fund, in conse- quence of which failure, this Synod is in arrears to the Theological Seminary of South Carolina, the interest accruing for three years on said fund, and with- out the means of meeting said arrears, therefore, 11. Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of N. C. College be respectfully requested to refund to Synod the interest which has accrued on said Semina- ry fund for the last three years, and that said Board of Trustees be regularly informed that this Synod will hereafter claim the interest arising from said fund. 12. That the Secretary forward to the PreMdent of the Board of Trustees a copy .of these preambles and resolutions, and the forwarding of which will be regarded as the regular information alluded to in the preceding resolution. ^ EEPORT OF STAKDIXG COMMITTEE :N"o. 3. The Committee to whom were referred for examination the Alinutes of the preceding years, beg leave to bring to your notice the following resolution, found on"pai:e20,'and passed by this body at its meeting in Wilmington, 1861: Resolved, "That ever^r member of Synod, who has not already done so, be required to 'sign the Constitution of Synod, at its next meeting, in 1862. Your Committee have reason to regret that the above resolution has not been complied with, we, therefore, recommend that the Secretary of Synod be required to bring with him, in 1864, the record containing the Constitu- tion of this Synod, and that the members of this body comply with the above- mentioned requisition. The Committee have found no other item claiming your attenfTon. Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. SCHECK, ^ E. C. HALL, C. A. MILLER. Report accepted and adopted. 13. Resolved, That Rev. G. D. Bernheini be permitted to retain the docu- ments of this Synod, now in hi'^ possession, until br has completed his histo- rical sketches of the Lutheran Church, South. 14. Resolved, Tiiat the Secretary purchase a box, and deposit therein the documents of Synod, for safe-keeping. Synod now took a recess to attend Divine Services. During the recess, Rev. W. Kimball preached from the text, Col. 2 : 6. FIFTH SESSIO^T.— 3 o'clock, P. M. Synod reassemble<l and resumed business. An election was entered into for a Director of the Theolgical Seminary of the Synod of South Carolina, which resulted in the choice of Rev. J. II. Men- gert. Rev. S. Scherer read tlic following : The Committee appointed by the President to lift donations in behalf of Rev. A. Grimes, report that they have attended to this duty. The amount placed in their hands, is $47. Respectfully submitted, S. SCHERER, J. R. SIKES. 15. Resolved, That the Chairman of the above Committee forward the amount lifted to father Grimes, in the safest manner possible. Rev. J. II. Mengert oflered the following : Whereas, The practice of distilling spiriiiious liquors out of fruit has pre- vailed to an alarming extent among our farmers, since the passage of an act by our Legislature prohibiting such distillation out of corn and other cereals, therefore, IG. Resolved, That it is the duty of our ministers to discountenance this practice by ever}'- lawful means at their disposal. Maj. L. G. Ileilig presented the following : 17. Resolved, That this Synod suggest to the Board of Trustees of X. C. College, the propriety of employing that portion of the Endowment Fund, over $20,000, in paying the indebtedness of the institution. Synod now went into an election for the placfe of holding its next Annual Convention. Mount Carmel Church, Cabarrus county, was selected. 18. Resolved, That when this Synod adjourns, it stands adjourned to meet in Mount Carmel Church, on Thursday before the first Sabbath in May, 18G4, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 19. Regplved, That the thanks of this Synod be tendered to the citizens of Charlotte, for the kind manner in which its members have been entertained ; and that the above resolution be read from the pulpits on to-morrow; and that a copy of the above be furnished to the Editors of the different papers of this place, for publication rn the same. 20. Resolved, That the Secretary procure the printing of 150Q copiei of the Minutes of this Synod. 21. Resolved, That the minutes of the Missionary Society be appended to the minutes of Synod. 22. Resolved, That we now adjourn to meet at the time gnd place already agreed upon. Closed with sin^'ing and prayer, and the benedictiop bj the President. At night, in tlie Lutheran Church, Rev. J. A. Linn pronounced an Essay on the great Reformation, begun by Luther A. D., 1517, based on Job 8 : 8 — 10. 22 •- MINUTES. EXERCISES OF SABBATH. In the Lutheran Church, in the morning, Rev. L. C. Groseclose preached from the text, Acts 1:3. After which the elements of the Holy Supper Avere consecrated by Rev. Joseph A. Linn, and the members of Synod present and a number of the fol- lowers of the meek and lowly. Saviour manifested their love to Him, by par- taking of His broken body and €hed blood. At night, Rev, "W. Kimball preached from the text. Eph. 5 : 14. In the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. Artz preached in the morning, and Rev. J. D. Scheck at night. In the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev, J. D. Scheck preached in the morning, and Rev.. J. B. Anthony at night. In the Baptist Church, Rev. S. Scherer preached in the morning, and Rev. W. Artz at night. In the afternoon, Rev. J. S. Heilig preached to an attentive congregation in the country. May God sanctify the labors of this Sabbath day to the good of His chil- dren and the salvation of sinners. LOUIS A. BIKLE, Secretary of Synod. MINUTES OF THE MINISTERIUM. Saturday, May 2d, S o'clock, A. M. The Ministerium met, and after the calling of the roll was opened with prayer by Rev. W. KimbalR Mr. M. M, Miller made application .to this Ministerium, through R^v, S. Scherer, for license. Pending the consideration of this matter, the Ministerium adjourned, sub- ject to the call of thePresident. Prayer by Rev. J. H, Mengert. 4 o'clock, p. M. The Ministerium was opened with prayer by Rev. S. Rothrock. Relative to the application of Mr. M. M. Miller for license, it was . 1. Resolved, That Mr. M. M. Miller be licensed to preach the gospel and administer the ordinances of the Church for one year. The Ministerium now adjourned to meet at the appointed time and place of holding the next annual meeting of Synod. Closed with prayer by Rev. W. Artz, and benediction by the President LOUIS A. BIKLE, Sec'ry of Ministerium. MINTTES. ' 23 MIKUTES OF THE SYNODICAL MISSIOKAEY SOCIETY. Saturday night, May 2d. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President called the Society to order. Prayer by Kev. J. S. Ileilig. OFFICERS ELECTED. Rev. J. A. LINN, President. " J. D. SCHJiCK, Vice President. " S. SCHERER, Secretary. " L. C. GROSECLOSE, Cor. SecWy. " G. D. BERNHEIM, Treasurer. The Treasurer's Report was read, and Col. D. L. Heilig and Moses Linn were appointed a Committee to examine it and report lo the Secretary. Bros, Mengert's and Smithdeal's letters were read and referred to the Ex- ecutive Committee. So also, the correspondence from the Wilmington Mis-' sion. The settlement of the Society with S. Scherer was also referred to the Executive Committee. Contributions of Members this year, $10 00 Life Members this year — Rev. W. Kimball, 5 00 Mr. George Lyerly, 5 00 CONGREGATIONAL COLLECTIONS. Rev. G. D. Bernlieinis Charge. St. Mark's. Charlotte, $9 70 Icehower's, 6 05 St. Michael's, 8 80 2i 55 Rev. J. L. SmithdeaTs Charge. Beth-Eden, 6 00 Thyatira, . 4 00 Rev. J. L. Smithdeal, 1 oO 11 50 Rev. S. /Scherer s Charge. Bethel, 18 90 Salem, 14 60 33 50 $89 55 TKEASUEEE'S EEPOET. Samtjel Rothrock, Treasurer, in account with Synodical Missionary Society: 1862. • BK May 5 — To note and cash as per last annual report $77 70 " To cash included in last report, . 23 32 " To Congregational contributions, 59 64 " To cash at annual meeting at Organ Church, 37 35 June 6 — To contribution by Lt. L. II. Rothrdck, 10 00 " 8— To do by Col. P. N. Heilig, 5 00 " To do by Mrs. Sarah Heilig, 5 00 " To do by Mrs. Mary A. Heilig, ' 5 00 24 MINIJTES. " 22 — To do by Organ Church Missionary Society, per J. D. Miller, Treasurer, C2 40 '• To contribution by J. L. Greeber, 5 00 " To do by A. F. Grieber. ' 5 00 " To do by Michael Bostian, 5 00 « To do John D. Miller, 5 00 " 28— To do Samuel Rothrock, Treasurer, 10 00 « To do by St. Paul's Church, per Rev. W. Kimball, 27 50 " To do by Luther's Chapel, per Rev. W. Kimball, 34 85 " To do William Ketchy, 3 00 " 29— To do by St. Peter's Church Missionary Society, per Moses Linn, 29 70 July 2 — To contribution by Rev. J. L. Smithdeal's charge in Catawba, 12 00 Sept. 1— To do " " " 3 00 *< 7 — To contributions per J. A. Linn, viz: Luther's Church, 22 20 St. Matthew's Church, . - 30 50 10— To contribution by St. Stephen's Church, per Peter J. Lentz, 22 50 Oct. G — To do by Bear Creek Church, per Rev. Anthony, 10 75 10— To do by Charlotte Church, 10 00 » _To do by Concord Church, " 56 00 Nov. 9— To do by Organ Church Mis. So. per J. D. Miller, Tr. 6 00 " 2S— To • do by St. Paul's Church, Iredell, per D. Harkey, 9 00 " —To do by Mt. Carmel Church, Maj. L. G. Heilig, 6 60 1863. Ap'l 30 — To casli per Rev. Sikes from his charge, 24 00 " — To cash per Rev. L. C. Groseclose, viz — Jerusalem Church, 11 15 Salisbury " 14 25 Union " 36 90 ;^ay 1 — To cash from St. John's Church, per Rev. J. B. Anthony, 31 75 " — To Centenary intcrcsii from Bethel per P. Ridenhour, 1 20 " — To amount oi D. M. Wagner's note, prin. and int. 57 07 '■' 2 — To cash from DavidSqn pas'torate, per Rev. W. A. Julian, 57 60 $832 99 Bros. Julian and Scheck were re-appointed to preach the Missionary Ser- mon nezt year. Resolved, That the Secretary prepare a synopsis of the proceedings of this meeting, and request Synod to have the same printed with its Minutes. Resolved, That this Society adjourn to meet again in conjunction witli the next meeting of Synod, at. the call of the President. Closed with prayer and benediction. SIMEON SCHERER, Secretary. MINUTES. 25 TREASUEER'S REPORT— Continued. 18G2. Vr. May T). i>y note and cash as per last Annual Report, $ 77 76 " " By Missionary Wages paid Rev. G. D. Bernheim, 12 00 " " By Missionary Wage? paid Rev. J. H. Mengert, 23 00 " 17 By payment iu full of B. F. Fraley's note, 92 64 July 7.' By Missionary Wages paid Rev. J. H. Mengert, 170 00 *' " By interest paid Rev. J. II. Mengert, 2 00 " " By premium for check and postage, 45 Oct. 18. By Missionary Wages paid Rev. G. D. Bernheim, CG 00 1863. April 30. By Missionary Wages paid Rev. L. C. Groseclosc, agent for Rev. A. Phillipi, 9S 00 May 2. By Missionary Wages paid Rev. J. R. Slkcs, 81 GO " " By balance in Treasury, ' 209 54 May 2, 18G3. $832 99 Respectfully submitted, SAM'L. ROTHROCK, Treasurer. The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's Report, have care- fully examined it, and the vouchers exhibited, and find the same to be cor- rect. Respectfully submitted, MOSES LINN, P. N. HEILIG. May 7, 1803. Note.— This part of the Treasurer's Report should have been inserted on page 24, but was accidentally omitted'.