>\ >-.: ~M.. ^'^^Sr PRECIOUS HYMNS AND ORDERS OF WORSHIP. ^ ^!^. ■ ^ .>^^. .^- ^'- •■i'^v Isl^^^t •^#" V^i Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/precioushymnsordOObeth No. 1. ORDER OF EXERCISES FOR BETHANY SABBATH SCHOOL, PHILADELPHIA. 1. Superintendent. — Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing — Rev. V. 12 2. Scholars and Teachers.— Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel and forgive- ness of sins. — Acts V. 31. 3. Associate Superintendent. — Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. — Heb. iv. 16. 4:. Scholars, Teachers, Secretaries, Treasurers, Superintendents, all close their eyes and engage in Silent Prayer. 5. Superintendent. — Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. — Psalm xxxii. i. 6*. Scholars and Teachers. — Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity. — Psalm xxxii 2. 7. Chant. {All}.— i. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place in | all gene- j rations. || Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from ever- | lasting to everlasting j Thou art { God. 8. Creed. {All.) 9. Superintendent.— The CatQchism question of the day. 10. Scholars and Teachers.— The Catechism answer of the day. 11. All.— Hymn. 12. Reading Scripture Lesson of the day. (Alternate or otherwise as directed.) 13. Invocation Hymn. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry ; While on others Thou art smiling, Do not pass me by. Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble cry, While on others thou art calling, do not pass lae by. 14, JPrayer. — Scholars and Teachers repeating. 15, Hymn, 16, Lesson Study. 17, One JBeU, — Giving notice that lessons must close in five minutes. 18, Two Bells, — Attention — Silence. 19, Hymns and Notices. 20, Superintendent's Lesson. 21, Hymns, 22, Superintendent, — Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, — Galatians i. 3. 2S. Scholars and Teachers, — Who gave Himself for our sins : that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Fiather. — Galatians i. 4. 24. Superintendent. — To Him be glory, both now and forever. — 2 Peter iii. 18. 25. All. — Amen. 26. Last Song. Hallelujah, Thine the glory, Hallelujah, Amen ! < Hallelujah, Thine the glory, Revive us again. 27. Scholars and Teachers. — The Lord's Prayer. 2S. School Dismdssed.— Singing. \ SPECIAL NOTE.— The Publishers of Precious Hymns print this book I I solely for use in their own Sabbath Schools, and are not at liberty to sell ' any to other Schools, much as they would wish to accommodate their i friends. No. 2. Jhe Jlew Order of Worship. BETHANY SABBATH SCHOOL. 2,20 — Organ lo minutes. 2.30—Slnging : Holy, Holy, Holy ! Lord God Almighty ! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee ; Holy, Holy, Holy ! Merciful and Mighty ! God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity ! Superintendent — Know ye that the Lord He is God ; it is He thathath made us, and not we ourselves ; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Associate Suiter ijitendent — The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 2d Associate Superintendent — God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Silent Prayer. Superintendent — He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things ? School — God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Infant School — Wheretore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God h^ Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Primary — Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Boys' Infant— ^e is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. TO BE SAID RESPONSIVELY. Males — So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Females — The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. JMales — Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. Females — And a light unto my path. JMLales — Order my steps in thy word. Females — And let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Pastor's Class — Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart. Superintendent — Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after right- eousness ; for they shall be filled. THE SCHOOL WILL RISE. Tlie Apostles' Creed or Ten Comtnandtnents — (Immediately preceding Hymns.) Choir — It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Thy name, O Most High. Hymn — Read alternately by School. Scripture of the Day, Invocation. Come, gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above, Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide, O'er every thought and step preside. Prayer — Ending with Chant, Our Father. Singing, JKissionary Offerings, — During which Organ plays. Then shall be read suitable passages of Scripture. Catechism. Notices, Secretaries — Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might ; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest. Study, Golden Text, Review, • Distribution of Papers, etc. Singing. Superintendent — Here have we no continuing city. Scholars— But we seek one to come. Superintendent — Blessed are the pure in heart. Scholars — For they shall see God. Superintendent — Fear not, little flock ; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Perfect Silence for ONE MINUTE before any one stirs. No. 3. Order of Worship — AT— BETHANY SABBATH SCHOOL 1 — 2,20, Organ and Cornet — lo minutes, 2—2,25, First' Bell— Frep^ivsLtion. 3—2,30, Second Bell— Ver{ect silence. d — Hymn : Father, to Thee I come, Owning how weak I am ; Grant Thy sustaining arm, Lead me, I pray. 5 — Silent Brayer. 6 — Superintendent — Have respect, therefore, to the prayer of Thy servant and to his supplication, O Lord, my God. 2 Chron. 6 : 19. 7 — School — Amen. 8 — Superintendent — That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof Thou hast said that Thou wouldest put Thy name there. 2 Chron. 6 : 20. 9 — School — Amen. 10 — 1st Associate Superintendent — But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth ? 2 Chron. 6:18. 11 — Bastor — Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them. Rev. 21:3. 12 — Boys — For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy ; I dwell in the high SiXidholy place. Isaiah 57 : 15. 13 — Girls — With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Isaiah 57 : 15. 14: — Infant Btotn Song: Hark ! I hear the Sa\ iour calling : " Little children, come to me ; I will bless you, save you, keep you, I from sin will set you free." Chc— He calls again ; Oh. let us. then, With one united cry. The call obey, and humbly say— " Dear Jesus, here am I." 15 — Brimary Boom, No, 1 — Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6. 16 — Brimary Boom, No, 2, Song : Chc— Like the stars of the morning, Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. His bright crown adorning. They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown. 17 — Boys — If we confess our sins, He is faithful and Just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, i John i ; 9. 18 — Gif'ls — All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53 : 6. 19 — Pastoi^'s Class — The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Psalm 103 : 8. 20 — 2d Associate Superintendent — I will sing of mercy and judgment; unto thee, O Lord, will I sing. Psalm loi : i. 21 — Chant the Lofd^s Prayer. 22— The Apostles' Creed. 23 — Catechism Questiaii and Answer. 2d— Golden Text of the Day. 25 — Hymn. 26 — Superintendent — And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the peo- ple, and when he opened it all the people stood up. Nehemiah 8 : 5. 27 — Holding tip Hibles, 28 — Reading Scripture IjCssou. 29 — Invocation. Boys.— Father, let Thy benediction. Gently falling as the dew, Girls. — And Thy ever-gracious presence, Bless us all this !?ervice through. May we ever Keep the end of life in view. 30— Bray er. 31 — Hym^n, 32 — Missionary Offerings — During which suitable portions of Scripture shall be read — the organ playing softly. 33 — Notices for the Bay and Week — Teachers marking roll. 31: — The Lesson Study. 35 — Review by Superintendent, 36 — Hymns. 37 — Secretary's time for Bistribution. 38 — Parting Words^ Superintendent — In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3 : 6. 39 — Scholaj^s' Last Words — I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help, Psalm 121 : i. 40 — Silent Brayer — No one stirring for a full minute unt^l the organ plays. PRECIOUS HYMNS. PHILADELPHIA. PROM THE PRESS OF THB Bethany Sabbath SchooL PREFACE. tor a long time we have felt in our Sab- bath School and Prayer Meetings the need of a Book of Song — something different from any of the numerous publications designed for such use. A book, first of all, without notes. The notes are valueless to nine- tenths of our scholars, and tend to confuse those who do not read music. A book that shall contain a larger number and proportii)ri of the "good old-fashioned" hymns and songs which are made doubly dear by sacr<^d ass'jciations. A book containing the choic- est selections of more recent Sunday Sch(jol songs, such as we have found by experience are best liked by the children, and best cal- culated to do them good. In this little book we have attempted to meet this want. How successful we have been, can be determined only after it has been for some time in the hands of our children, and in use in our Prayer Meetings. May the blessing of God attending it be proportionate to the sincerity of our desire in undertaking the task, rather than the skill with which we have executed it. (3) THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy Mng~ dom come; thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive, our debt- ors; and lead us not into tempta- tion, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the pow- er, and the glory, for ever. Amen,. {<) THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I AM the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. I. Thou Shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, Dr any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the lathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy ; six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daugh- ter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cat- tle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. V. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. yi. Thou shalt not kill. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor hia ox, nor his ass, nor any- thing that is thy neigbour's. (5) THE CREED, I BELTEYE IN GOD THE PaTHER ALMIGH- TY, Maker of heayen and earth: and IN Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, — he descended into hell; * the third day he arose again from the dead, he ascended into heav- en, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Pather Almighty ; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I belieye IN THE Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church — the communion of saints ; the for- giveness of sins ; the resurrection op the BODY, and the life everlasting. Amen. * That is, he continued in the state of the dead, and under the power of death, for a time. PRECIOUS HYMNS. CHANTS. X, Music — Oolden Shower, 99. OUE FATHER who art in heaven, | hallowed | be thy name : Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on j earth, as it | is in | heaven. 2 Give us this | day our | daily | bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we for- give I them that trespass a- | gainst us, 3 And lead us not into temptation, but de- | liver I us from I evil ; For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for- | ever. A- | men. Music — Hymnal, 2. o Psalm 117. PRAISE the Lord, | all ye | nations people, I great — praise | him, all | ye — Por his merciful kindness is towards us : endureth for Lord. [I (7) and the truth of the Lord ever, j Praise'-ye the | 8 precious hymns. Psalm 138. I will praise thee with my | whole — | heart : || before the gods will I | sing — I praise — | unto thee. || I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness, and I for thy | truth : '|| For thou hast magnified thy word a- | bove all | thy— | name. |1 In the day when I cried | thou — | answer- edst me, 1| and strengthenedst | me with I strength in •• my | soul.|| A.11 the kings of the earth shall | praise thee, •• O I Lord, || when they hear the I words of I thy— [ mouth. || Yea, they shall sing in the | ways •• of the | Lord : || for great is the | glory | of the 1 Lord. II Though the Lord be high, yet hath he res- pect j unto •• the | lowly : || but the proud he | knoweth •• a- | far — | off. || Though I Y^alk in the midst of trouble, | thou •• wilt re- | vive me : || thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and | thy right j hand shall | save me. || The Lord will perfect | that •• which con- | cernoth me : || thy mercy, O Lord, en- duretli for ever : forsake not the \ works of I thine own | hands, jj (6) 3. PEECIOUS HYMNS, 9 Music — Royal Diadem, page I2. Lo ! a fountain full and free, Overflowing ever ; Fainting heart, it is for thee, Overflowing ever ; Gushing, sparkling, never still. Taste its sweetness, drink thy fill. Refrain. Overflowing, overflowing ever. Overflowing, Flowing now for thee. List the murmur that it speaks, Overflowing ever ; On the soul in song it breaks. Overflowing ever ; Singing soothing souls to ease. Music of all melodies. — Ref. Blessed fount! the purest known. Overflowing ever ; Stream of life from out God's throne, Overflowing ever ; Sacred blood for sinners spilt. This can cleanse away thy guilt. — Ref. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 11 Music — Gospel Hy?nns No. j, hymn j>^. Fierce and wild the storm is raging Round a helpless bark, On to doom 'tis swiftly driving ; O'er the waters dark ! Chorus Joy, oh, joy, behold the Saviour, Joy, oh, joy, the message hear, " I'll stand by until the morning, YvQ,come\.o save you, do not fear." Yes, I'll stand by until the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear. Weary, helpless, hopeless seamen Fainting on the deck, With whatjoy they'll hail their Saviour, As He hails the wreck ! — Cho. On a wild and stormy ocean. Sinking 'neath the wave. Souls that perish heed the message, . Christ has come to save ! — Cho. Daring death thy soul to rescue. He in love has come ; Leave the wreck, and in him trusting. Thou shalt reach thy home ! — Cho. 10 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 12 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Music — Gospel Hymns No. j, hymn 8. I will sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me : On the cruel cross He suffered. From the curse to set me free. Chorus. Sing, oh ! sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me, On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free, And made me free. I will tell the wondrous story. How my lost estate to save. In His boundless love and mercy. He the ransom freely gave. — Cho. I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant pow'r I'll tell. How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. — Cho. I will sing of my Redeemer, And His heavenly love to me ; He from death to life hath bro't me. Son of God, with Him to be. — Cho. 6. Music — Gospel Hymns No. j, hymn i6. Sing them over again to me. Wonderful words of Life, Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of Life.' Words of life and beauty. Teach me faith and duty ; II : Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. : || Christ, the blessed One, gives to all Wonderful words of Life ; Sinner, list to the loving call. Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven. II : Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. : j] Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of Life ; Offer pardon and peace to all. Wonderful words of Life, Jesus, only Saviour, Sanctify forever. II: Beautiful words, wonderful words. Wonderful words of Life. :|| PRKCIOUS HYMNS. IS 7 C. p. M. • • Music— Book of Worship, p. 296. LO I on a narrow neck of land, 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand ; Yet how insensible ! A point of time, a moment's space, Eemoves me to yon lieavenly place, Or shuts me up in hell. 2 O God! my inmost soul convert. And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress ; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And save me ere it be too late ; Wake me to righteousness. 3 Before me place, in bright array. The pomp of that tremendous day When thou with clouds shalt come To judge the nations at thy bar ; And tell me, Lord ! shall I be there To meet a joyful doom ? ^ Sr-*^^^ "^^ ^"® ^^^^* business here- with holy trembling, holy fear, To make my calling sure. Thine utmost counsel to fulfill. And suffer all thy righteous will. And to the end endure. 9. PEECIOUS HYMNS. 15 God our Father ! we would praise Thee, For Thy loving smile to-day ; In Thy mercy wilt Thou keep us, As we go from hence away. Chorus. Hallowed be Thy name forever, May Thy glorious kingdom come ; As in heaveji Thy saints adore Thee, So on earth Thy will be done. God our Saviour ! we beseech Thee, Take us now beneath Thy care ; Grant to each and all Thy blessing, While we leave this house of prayer. — Cho. God the Spirit ! be our comfort ; Keep our mind in perfect peace ; Make our humble hearts Thy dwelling, More and more our faith increase. — Cho. God the Father, Son, and Spirit ; One triune, exalted Lord ! Thou the Alpha and Omega ; Thou the everlasting word. — Cho. Id PEECIOUS HYMNS. 8. Music — Soitgs of Grace and Glory, page 77. Shout for joy ! come before the Lord with singing; Young and old wake the glad refrain ; Praise Jehovah ! to Him your tribute bringing, i ill the skies echo back the strain. Praise the Father who loves His children evei. Chant His goodness in cheerful song ; He our God will forsake His people never ; Endless praises to Him belong. Shout, etc. j^raise the Son, who has brought free salvation. Pardon, peace, through His precious blood ; Bringing home out of every tribe and nation Wandering souls to the fold of God. Holy Spirit, our Comforter in sadness, Kindly light leading pilgrims on ; Thee we praise in a grateful hymn of gladness With the Father, and Holy Son. Shout, etc. le 10. PRECIOUS HYMNS Music — Watchword, page g^. When tossed on life's ocean, Secure we'll abide. If safely with Jesus Each care we confide. Chorus. No ill can annoy us, nor draw us aside, From trust in our Jesus, where safe we abide, All safely with Jesus, safely with Jesus, Safely with Jesus we'll ever abide. No grief is too simple His notice to gain ; Then cast it on Jesus, He'll free from thy pain, — Cho. When tempted He'll succor, And safe from the tide, 'Neath wings of protection. The weary He'll hide. — Cho. When angels of glory His coming foretell, We're safe in our Jesus, And all shall be well. — Cho. 11. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 17 PEECIOUS HYMNS. 19 Music — Royal Diadem, page 57. Take thy staff, O pilgrim, Haste thee on thy way ; Let the morrow find thee Farther than to-day. Refrain. — Haste thee, haste thee. Haste thee on thy way ; Let the morrow find thee Farther than to-day. If thou seek the citv Of the Golden Street, Pause not on thy pathway — Kest not, weary feet. Refrain. — Haste thee, etc. In the heavenly journey, Press with zeal along ; Resting will but weary — Running makes thee strong. Refrain — Haste thee, etc. 12. Music — Brightest and Best, page 148. Lift the voice in holy song, Awake, ye saints who love the Lord; Gather now in happy throng, And praise His name with one accord; Ye who know the great salvation, Sing the triumph of His grace, And with highest adoration Come before Jehovah's face. Chorus. Praise the Lord, ye sons of light, Praise the Lord, ye heavenly hosts; Praise the Lord for all His mighty acts, In all the places of His wide dominion; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Crowd His courts with lofty, praise. And sing the works that He hath done ; Songs of love and honor raise To Christ the Lord, the equal Son ; Shout aloud, ye souls in glory. Swell the song, ye saints below ; Till the heavens shall tell the story. And the earth the strain shall know. Cho — Praise the Lord, ye sons of light, etc. 18 PEECIOUS HYMNS 11^ Music — Songs of Grace and Glory, page 75. In the march of life, thro' the toil and strife Of the winding path before us. We have nought to fear with a Saviour near, And His banner waving o'er us. If the tempest rise in the dark'ning skies, We will yield to no repining, Tho' the storm roar loud, thro' the rifted cloud There's a golden sunbeam shining. Chorus. Jn the march of life, thro' the toil and strife Of the winding path before us, We have nought to fear with a Saviour near, And His banner waving o'er us. In the Christian race if we take our place. We may run and weary never ; Daily pressing on till the goal be won, Unto Jesus looking ever. Casting all our cares on the Lord by prayer, He will keep our feet from falling ; We will sure obtain, nor have to run in vain, For the prize of God's high calling. Cho.— In the march of life, etc. 20 13. PRECIOUS HYMNS. Music — Songs of Love. Praise the Saviour, O ye people ! Praise and bless His holy name ! [Him, Praise and worship Him. children, worship For a child from heaven He came ; Praise Him from the hills and mountains, From the vales and cities all, Hail Him king of earth and heaven, Who was once a child so small; Hail Him king of earth and heaven, Who was once a child so small. Cho. — Praise Him in the sanctuary ; Let the children swell the strain. And at morn, and noon, and even, Echo still the sweet refrain ; And at morn, and noon, and even. Echo still the sweet refrain. Praise Him for His mighty actions ; Praise Him for His tenderness. When He lovingly held the little ones In His arms to save and bless ; Praise Him, all ye wise and noble. Men and maidens, old and young ; Let redeeming love and mercy Be the theme of every tongue ; Let redeeming love and mercy Be the theme of every tongue. Cho. — Praise Him in the sanctuary, etc. p&iccious hymks, 21 Xt:« Music— Golden Shower, 101. 1 TIT^'^^ tearful eyes I look around, T T Life seems a dark and I stormy I sea; ' "^ ' Yet, 'midst the gloom, I hear a sound, A heavenly | whisper, | Come to me. 2 It tells me of a place of rest It tells me where my | soul may I flee; Oh ! to the weary, faint, opprest, Howsweetthe j bidding, j come to J ma 8 When nature shudders, loth to part Erom all I love, en- | joy, and | see ; VVhen a faint chill steals o'er my heart, A sweet voice | utters, | Come to j me. 4 Come, for all else must fall and die, Earth is no resting | place for | thee; Heavenward direct thy weeping eye, I am thy | portion, | Come to | me. 6 O voice of mercy I voice of love I ^ In conflict, grief, and | ago- | ny, Support me, cheer me from above 1 And gently j whisper, | Come to I me. THE FATHER. 2^ 16. T CM. 3fusic — Hymnal, 287. HE Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green : he leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul he doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for his own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill ; Eor thou art with me, and thy rod And stafi" me comfort still. 4 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me, And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. 17. Musi CM. -Hymnal, 301. THKOUGH all the changing scenes of liffe, In trouble and in joy. The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 My soul shall make her boast in him, And celebrate his fame ; Gome magnify the Lord with me^ With me exalt his name. ^^ THE FATHER, J.O, Music—Hymnal, 311. Q^ ]W[ rpHE Lord my Shepherd is, J- _ I shall be well supplied; wl^® is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside ? 2 He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows, A\ here hying waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. 3 If e'er I go astray. He doth my soul reclaim And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. ^' 4 While he afi"ords his aid I cannot yield to fear • Though I should walk through death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. 6 Amid surrounding foes Thou dost my table spread. My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head. 6 The bounties of thy love Shall crown my i'oU'wing days • Nor from thy house will ll-emove, S^ov cease to speak thy praise. 24 PRECIOUS HYMN«. 3 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Deliv'rance he afl'ords to all Who on his succour trust. 4 Oh make but trial of his love j Experience will decide How blest they are, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 18. O CM, H God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And.our eternal home. 2 Before the bills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. 3 A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising dawn. 4 Time, like an ever-rolling stream. Bears all its sons away ; They fly, forgotten — as a dream Dies at the opening day. THE FATHER. 2S THE FATHER. ^t 10. Music— Hymnal, 69. L, ^/L^ SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanks and sing, To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest, No mortal cares shall seize my breast ; Oh I may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works and bless his word ; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine I How deep thy counsels I how divine I 20. Music — Hymnal, 2. L.M. BEFOKE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone, — He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men,- And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed, He brought us to his fold again. * We are thy people, we thy care, Our souls and all our mortal frame : What lasting honors shall we rear^, Almighty Maker, to thy name i 22 H Music — Hymnal, 468. OW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ; What more can he say than to us he hath said, — To us who to Jesus for refuge have fled ? 2 When through fiery trials our pathway shall lie, Thy grace, all-sufficient, shall be our sup- ply i The flame shall not hurt us, — thine only design Our dross to consume, and our gold to refine. 8 E'en down to old age all thy people shall prove Thy sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when gray hairs shall our tem- ples adorn. Like lambs we shall still in thy bosom be borne. 4 The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for re- pose. Thou wilt not, thou wilt not desert to its foes ; That soul , — though all hell should endeavor to shake. Thou wilt not, — no never, — no never for- sake. 26 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise : And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 21. Music — Hymnal, 35. CM. WHILST Thee I seek, protecting Power! Be my vain wishes stilled, And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be filled. Thy love the power of thought bestowed, To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has flowed, That mercy I adore. 2 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ; Each blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferred by thee. In every joy that crowns my days, In every pain I bear. My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. 3 When gladness wings the favored hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill ; Resigned when storms of sorrow lower, My soul shall meet thy will. My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see, My steadfast heart shall know no fear- That heart will rest on thee. 28 23. PRECIOUS HYMNS. Tune — Balerma. CM. OFOR a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free ; — A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely shed for me ; 2. A heart resign'd, submissive, meek. My great Kedeemer's throne, Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone I 3 Oh for a lowly, contrite heart. Believing, true and clean ; Which neither life nor death can part, From him that dwells within ; 4 A heart in every thought renew'd, And full of love divine. Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy. Lord, of thine ! ^4« Music— Hymnal, 378. | S« CHILDREN of the heav'nly King, As we journey we will sing, — Sing our Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and wajie. 3 We are trav'lling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happ}^ now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. THE FATHER. »9 THE FATHER. 31 3 Oh ye mourning souls, be glad, Christ our Advocate is made ; Us to save our flesh assumes. Brother to our souls becomes. 4 Shout, ye little flock, and blest. Soon we'll enter into rest ; There our seat is now prepared, There our kingdom and reward. 6 Lord, submissive make us go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee. 20« Music— Hymnal, 439. 85 I 541 Repeat fifth line. GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy pow'rful hand : (» Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. Si Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar, Lead me all my journey through; Strong Deliv'rer, Be thou still my strength and shield. 8 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. 4 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'll pursue ; And after death, in distant worlds. The glorious theme renew. 28. Music — Hymnal, 482. L.M. GLOKY to thee. My God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh keep me, King of kings, Beneath thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself and thee I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Else, glorious, at the awful day. 4 Oh let my soul on thee repose. And may sweet sleep my eyelids close,— Sleep that shall me more vig'rous make, To serve my God, when I awake. 30 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 32 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction^ Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises I will ever give to thee 26. Music— Hymnal, 259. C, ]V[, FATHER, whate'er of earthly bliss Thy sov'reign will denies. Accepted at thy throne of grace Let this petition rise : — 2 Give me a calm, a thankful heart. From every murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart. And make me live to thee. 3 Let the sweet hope that thou art mine My life and death attend ; Thy presence through my journey shine. And crown my journey's end. 2 i • Music— Hymnal, 249. C« M!. WHEN all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys. Transported with the view I'm los'. In wonder, love and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 29. Music— Golden Chain, 107. S, ]V[, HOW gentle God's commands 1 How kind his precepts are! Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, And trust his constant care. 2 His bounty will provide. His saints securely dwell ; That hand which bev.rs creation up, Shall guard his children well. 3 Why should this anxious load Press down your weary mind? O seek your heavenly Father's throne, And peace and comfort find. 4 His goodness stands approved, Unchanged from day to day ; I'll drop my burden at his feet. And bear a song away. 30. Music — Golden Shower, 89. S.M. COME, sound His praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing, Jehovah is the sov'reign God, The universal king. 2 Come — worship at his throne. Come — bow before the Lord ; We are liis work, and not our own, He formed us by his word. THE FATHER. 33 35 3 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod ; Come— like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. THE SON, 31. ^^' ■ Golden Shower, 98. S.M. MY soul, repeat His praise. Whose mercies are so great ; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of his grace Our highest thoughts exceed- 3 His power subdues our sins, And his forgiving love, Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. 4 The pity of the Lord, To those who fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel ; He knows our feeble frame. 5 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower ; If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. 33. Music — Hymnal, 210, C.P.M. H could I speak the matchless worth, Oh could I sound the glories forth, Which in my Saviour shine; I'd soar and touch the heavenly strings. And vie with Gabriel, while he sings In notes almost divine. 2 I'd sing the precious blood he spilt. My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin and wrath divine; I'd sing his glorious righteousness. In which all-perfect, heavenly dress My soul shall ever shine. 3 I'd sing the characters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Exalted on his throne ; In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all his glories known. 4 Soon the delightful day will come When my dear Lord will call me home, And I shall see his face ; Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in his grace. CM. 34: PRECIOUS HTMNS. ^3^o Music — Hymnal, 32. GEEAT God 1 how infinite art thou I What worthless worms are we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made ; Thou art the ever living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years. Stands present in thy view ; To thee, there's nothing old appears; Geat God 1 there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn , And vexed with trifling cares, While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 36 PRECIOirS HYMNS. 0^« Music — Hymnal, 395. | S« pOCK of ages, cleft for me, JAj Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood From thy wounded side which flowed. Be of sin the double cure, — Cleanse me from its guilt and pow'r. Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil the law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone, — Thou must save, and thou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring ; Simply to thy cross I cling ; Naked, come to thee for dress. Helpless, look to thee for grace,— Yile, I to the fountain fly, Wash me, Saviour, or I die. 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my heart-strings break in death, When I soar to world's unknown. See thee on thy judgment-throne, — Kock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee. THE SON. 5y 35. Music— Hymnal, 260. C "ML. HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear I It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. 3 Dear Name, the rock on which I build, My shield and hiding-place ; Mj never-failing treas'ry, filled With boundless stores of grace. 4 Weak is the effort of my heart, A nd cold my warmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. 5 Till then I would thy love proclaim • With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. THE SON. 39 36. Music — Hymnal, 365. 7's. JESUS, lover of my soul. Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, 3 Jesus, the name that calms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of reigning sin, He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean. His blood availed for me. 38. Music — Hymnal, 427. 8.7's. While the tempest still is high ; COME, thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy gr ,c3 ; Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise : Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ^ Praise the mount, — fix m.e on it, — Mount of Grod's unchanging love. 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I'm come ; And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home : Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed with precious blood. '^ Oh to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! S8 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 40 PRECIOUS HYMNS, Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past, Safe into the haven guide ; Oh receive ij.iy soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee ; Leave, ah I leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me ; All my trust on thee is stayed, All inj help from thoo I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing, 3 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my sin; Let the healing streams abound. Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art, Ereely let me take of thee ; Spring thou up within my heart, — Rise to all eternity. 3 7. Music— Hymnal, 284. C. jM. OH ! for a thousand tongues to sing ]My dear Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace. 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honors of thy name. Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter. Bind my wand'ring heart to thee : Prone to wander. Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love ; Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it. Seal it from thy courts above. 39. Music — Hymnal, 300. CM, THERE is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins. And sinners plunged, beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he. Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power. Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more. 4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then, in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy power to save. When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. THE SON. 4:1 43 40. Music— Children's Praise. 65. | S« GENTLE Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child, Pity my simplicity, Suffer me to come to thee. 2 Fain 1 would to thee be brought ; Gracious God, forbid it not; Give me, O my God, a phice In the kingdom of thy grace. 3 Put thy hands upon my head, Let me in thine arms be staid, Let me lean upon thy breast, Lull me there, O lord, to rest. 4 Fain I would be as thou art ; Give me thy obedient heart ; Thou art pitiful and kind ; Let me have thy loving mind. 5 Help me, Saviour, to fulfil, God, my heavenly Father's will ; Never his good Spirit grieve, Only to his glory live. 41. Music— S. S. Hymns, 90. 8,7s. JESUS, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless thy little lamb to-night ; Through the darkness be thou near me, Keep me safe till morning light. 4 Haste, ye mortal.-, to adore him ; Learn his name, and taste his joy ; Till in heaven ye sing before him, Glory be to God most high !" 43 Music— S. S. Bell, 46. I THINK, when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men. How he calPd little children, as lambs to hjs fold, I should like to have been with him then, 2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my head. That his arms had been thrown around me ; That I might have seen his kind loak when he said, " Let the little ones come unto me." 3 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go, * And ask for a share in his love ; And if I thus earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him' above — 4 In that beautiful place he has gone to pre- pare For all who are wash'd and forgiven ; And many dear children are gather) -ig there, ^' For of such is the kingdom of heaven." 42 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 44 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 Through the day thy hand has led me, And I thank thee for thy care ; Thou hast warm'd me, clothed and fed me, Listen to my evening prayer. 3 Let my sins be all forgiven — -Bless the friends I love so well ; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with' thee to dwell. 4^. Music—Songs of Gladness, 79. g 7s. HARK ! what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding through the skies ? Lo I the angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. CHORUS : Hear them tell the wondrous story, Hear them chant in hymns of joy, " Glory in the highest — glory ! Glory be to God most high ! 2 Peace on earth — good will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found, Souls redeem'd, and sins forgiven, Loud our golden harps shall sound. 3 Christ is born, the great Anointed— Heaven and earth his praises sing i Oh, receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest and King, 44. 7s. CHRIST is merciful and mild ; He was once a little child ; He whom heavenly hosts adore Lived on earth among the poor. 2 Much I wonder when I see His unbounded love to me, How he laid his glory by, "When for me he stoop'd to die. 3 He the sick to health restored, To the poor he preach 'd the word ; Even children had a share Of his love and tender care. 4 Every bird can build its nest, Foxes have their place of rest : He by whom the world was made Had not where to lay his head. 5 He who is the Lord most high Then was poorer far than I, That I might hereafter be Rich to all eternity ! 45. Music — Hymnal, 438. 8,7's. NE there is above all others Well deserves the name of Friend , His is love beyond a brother's. Costly, free, and knows no end. THE SON. 4:5 2 Whicli of all our friends, to save us, Could or would have shed his blood ? But this Saviour died to have us Reconciled in him to God. 3 When he lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was his name • Now, above all glory raised, ' He rejoices in the same. 4 Oh for grace our hearts to soften, Teach us, Lord, at length to love • We, alas ! forget too often ' What a Friend we have above. 4t>. Music— Hymnal, 358. 6 4^S My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ! Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away j 4, Oh let me, from this day, Be wholly thine. 2 May thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, — My zeal inspire ; As thou hast died for me, Oh may my love to thee Pure, warm and changeless be, A living fire. 47 4 And those who find thee, find a bliss Nor tongue nor pen can show ; The love of Jesus, — what it is None but his loved ones know 48 • Music— Hymnal, 91. C. JXL<» SEE Israel's gentle Shepherd stan^ With all-engaging charms ; Hark, how he calls the tender lambs, And folds them in his arms ! 2 " Permit them to approach." he cries, "Nor scorn their humble name, For 'twas to bless such souls as these. The Lord of angels came." 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands, And yield them up to thee ; Joyful that we ourselves are thine, — Thine let our ofispring be. 49 W Music-Book of Worship, 527. 8,6. HEN, his salvation bringing, To Zion Jesus came, The children all stood singing Hosannas to his name. Nor did their zeal ofii'end him, For as he rode along, He let them still attend him, And smiled to hear their song. 46 PRECIOUS HYMNS, 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread. Be thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tear away, Nor let me ever stray From thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blest Saviour, then in love Fear and distress remove ; Oh ! bear me safe above, — A ransomed soul. 48 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 47. Music — Hymnal, 221. CM, JESUS, the very thought of thee With gladness fills my breast ; But dearer far thy face to see. And in thy presence rest. 2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind ! 3 O hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek I To those who fall, how kind thou art, How good to those who seek I 3 And since the Lord retaineth His love for children still ; Though now as King he reigneth On Zion's heavenly hill ; We'll flock around his banner. Who sits upon the throne ; And cry aloud, " Hosanna To David's royal Son." 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Kedeemer's praise ; The stones, our silence shaming, Might well hosannas raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words ? No ! while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall be the Lord's. OiJ. Music— Musical Leaves, 25. 0« I S4 GOD has said, "Forever blessed Those who seek me in their youth, They shall find the path of wisdom, And the narrow way of truth." Guide us. Saviour, guide us, Saviour, In the narrow way of truth. Guide us. Saviour, guide us, Saviour, In the narrow way of truth. 2 Be our strength, for we are weakness ; Be our wisdom and our guide ; May we walk in love and meekness, Nearer to our Saviour's side. 49 THE SON. 5t Naught can harm us, naught can harm us, "While we thus in thee abide, Naught can harm us, naught can harm us, While we thus in thee abide. 3 Thus when evening shades shall gather, We may turn our tearless eye To the dwelling of our Father, To our home beyond the sky ; Gently passing, gently passing To the happy land on high. Gently passing, gently passing . - To the happy land on high. Ox, 3Iusic — 3Iusical Leaves^ 26. lls. 'nnWAS Jesus, my Saviour, who died on JL the tree, To open a fountain for sinners like me ; His blood is that fountain which pardon bestows. And cleanses the foulest wherever it flows. Chorus. Tor the Lion of Judah shall break ev'ry chain, And give us the vict'ry again and again. 2 And when I was willing with all things to part, He gave me my bounty, his love in my heart ; 2 Jesus is the children's Saviour? 'Twas for them he shed his blood; Died, that poor and needy sinners Might be reconciled to God. Dying Saviour ! Bearing thus our sinful load. 3 Jesus is the children's Saviour I "'Suffer them," he says, "to come ;'•' If they seek his face and favor, They shall share his heavenly home, Risen Saviour ! Never more from thee to roam. • 4 Loving, suffering, dying Saviour I Kisen, glorious on thy throne, Haste the day when every idol Shall by truth be overthrown, And the kingdoms . Of the earth to the belong. 53. Music — Songs of Devotion, p. 11. EVER near us, ever near us, Bending o'er us as we pray. With his loving presence Jesus Cheers us on our homeward way. Chorus — Ever near, ever near, Watching o'er us day by day, Ever near, ever near, As we tread our homeward way. 60 PRECIOUS HYMNS. S2 PRECIOUS HYMNS. So now I am joined with the conquering band Who are marching to glory at Jesus' command. — Cho. 3 Though round me the storms of adversity roll. And the waves of destruction encompass my soul. In vain this frail vessel the tempest shall toss. My hopes rest secure on the blood of the cross. — Cho. 4 And when the last trumpet of judgment shall sound, And wake all the nations that sleep in the ground. Then, when heaven and earth shall ba melted away, I'll sing of the blood of the cross in that day. — Cho. K^imi» Music — Fresh Laurels, 4. Oj I S« JESUS is our loving Saviour, He, our best, our constant friend ; In his service life is pleasure, For he loveth to the end. Loving Saviour, loving Saviour, Here we at thy footstool bend, '^ Here we at thy footstool bend. 2 Ever near us, ever near us, In our bitter loneliness, Sweetly comes this gentle Jesus, Blessing us in tenderness. 3 Ever near us, ever near us. When the loves of life depart, Gently healing comes this Jesus, Binding up the wounded heart. 4 Ever near us, ever near us. As we cross the swelling tide, Through the storm our life-boat Jesus Bears us to the other side. 54. Music — Hymnal, 370. 7's. JESUS, cast a look on me. Give me true simplicity ; Make me poor, and keep me low, Seeking only thee to know. 2 All that feeds my busy pride, Cast it evermore aside ; Bid my will to/ thine submit. Lay me humbly at thy feet. 3 Make me like a little child, Simple, teachable and mild; Seeing only in thy light. Walking only in thy might. 58 THE SON. 55 4 Leaning on thy loving breast, Where a weary soul may rest ; Feeling well the peace of God Flowing from thy precious blood. 55, Music — Happy Voices^ 95. FAR from the fold of Jesus, I, a wayward child, Like a straying lamb, had wandered Into deserts wild ; But the gentle §hepherd sought me, Won me by his charms ; Safe away from danger bro't me. In his loving arms. Chorus. — Praise Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Saviour, loving, mild ; Jesus' name is sweetest music To the Christian child. 2 To his bosom close he pressed me. Pardoned all my sin, Led me by the stillest waters, Into pastures green. Now all day I'm glad and joyful, Happy in his love; All the night my rest is peaceful, Guarded from above. Cho. — Praise Jesus, etc. 57. Music — Songs of Devotion, p. 19. TAKE the cross without repining, Whatsoe'er thy cross may be ; Bear it up the rugged mountain, Jesus bore a cross for thee. Chorus. Take the cross and bear it meekly, Take the cross and bear it meekly, Take the cross and bear it meekly, Till thy work on earth is done. 2 Take the cross and learn thy duty, Learn of Him who bids thee pray ; He will make it plain before thee. Seek his counsel day by day. Take the cross, etc. 3 Trials bring the promise nearer, Take the cross — thyself deny , Thro' the might of Him who bore thee, Thou shalt conquer by-and-by. Take the cross, etc. 4 Take the cross and bear it meekly. Till thy work on earth is done : Till thy soul shall reach the haven. Till thy starry crown is won. Take the cross, etc. 54 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 56 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 Evermore I'll trust in Jesus, He shall be my Guide ; No allurement shall entice me From my Shepherd's side. By and by, from earth's temptations. He will give me rest, And in heaven's greener pastures Make me ever blest. Cho. — Praise Jesus, etc. 56. Music— Hymnal, 253. C. M. JOY to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns ; Let men their songs employ, While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his ble<;-ings flow Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. 58. Music — Happy Voices, 161. AYIOUR, listen to our prayer. Poor and sinful though we are ; Guilt-confessing, Give thy blessing. Grant us thy loving care. Cho. — O God our Father, Christ our King, Now to thee our hearts we bring ; Keep them ever. Blessed Saviour, Till in heaven thy love we sing. 2 Strength is thine ; we often stray From thy pure and holy way ; Wilt thou guide us, Walk beside us, Nearer every day ? Chorus. — O God our Father, &c. 3 Then may we, when life is o'er, Stand with thee on yonder shore : Freed from sinning, Heaven winning. Praising evermore. Chorus. — O God our Father, &c. Music — Hymnal, 532. C. ivl. EAR Saviour, ever at my side. How loving thou must be. To leave thy home in heaven to guard A little child like me 1 59 D THE iSON, 57 Thy beautiful and shining face I see not, though so near ; The sweetness of thy soft low voice I am too deaf to hear. 2 I cannot feel thee touch my hand ■With pressure light and mild, To check me, as my mother did When I was but a child ; > But I have felt thee in my thoughts Fighting with sin for me; And when my heart loves God, I know The sweetness is from thee. 3 And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down Morning and night to pray'r, Something there is within my heart Which "tells me thou art there : Yes, — when I pray, thou prayest too, Thy pray'r is then for me ; And when I sleep, thou, sleeping not, Dost watch me lovingly. 61 THE SON. 59 60. 3Iusic — Oolden Chain, 40. HEAR the royal proclamation. The glad tidings of salvation, Published to every creature. To the ruined sons of nature. Chorus. — Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, he reigns victorious, 61 58 PllECIOUS HYMNS. 60 Music — Book of Worship, p. 45. HAIL to the Lord's anointed I Great David's greater Son I Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun I He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, To take away transgression, And rule in equity. 2 He shall come down like showers Upon the fruitful earth. And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth : Before him on the mountains Shall peace, the herald, go ; And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. 3 ^or him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows ascend ; "Slis kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end: The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever ; That name to us is — Love. b Music — Book of Wo'rship, p. 411. SILENT night ! Holy night ! All is calm, all is bright Eound yon virgin mother and child. Holy Infant, tender and mild, II :Sleep in heavenly peace I :|| PRECIOUS HYMNS. Over heaven and earth most glorious, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns. 2 See the royal banner flying. Hear the heralds loudly crying, "Rebel sinners, royal favor Now is ofl'ered by the Saviour." Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. 3 "Here is wine, and milk, and honey; Come, and purchase without money ; Mercy flowing from a fountain, Streaming from the holy mountain." Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. 4 Shout, ye tongues of every nation. To the bounds of the creation ; Shout the praise of Judah's Lion, The Almighty Prince of Zion. Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. 5 Shout, ye saints, make joyful mention, Christ hath purchased our redemption ; Angels, shout the pleasing story. Through the brighter worlds of glory. Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. 2 Silent night ! holy night ! , . . , ^ Shepherds wake, touched with fright. Glories stream from heaven afar ; Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah, II :Christthe Saviour is born. :|| 3 Silent night ! holy night ! Son of God ! Light of light!— O how love beams from his face, With the dawn of heavenly grace, II : At Immanuel's birth 1 :|| 02« Music— Golden Shower, 68. TS, JESUS loves me ! this I know, For the Bible tells me so, Little ones to him belong, They are weak, but he is strong. Chorus. — Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, ■ Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loves me ! he who died Heaven's gate to open wide ; He will wash away my sin, Let his little child come in. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &c. THE SON. 01 3 Jesus loves me ! loves me still, Though I'm very weak and ill ; Trom his shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I I'e. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &c. 4 Jesus loves me; he will stay- Close beside me, all the way, If I love him, when I die He will take me home on high. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &o. 63 63, Music — Golden Censer, 12. "TOOTHING, either great or small, a\ Remains for me to do ; Jesus died, and paid it all, — Yes all the debt I owe. Chorus. — Jesus paid it all. All the debt I owe, Jesus died and paid it all, Yes, all the debt I owe. "When he from his lofty throne, Stoop'd down to do and die. Every thing was fully done ; " 'Tis finished !" was his cry. Chorus. — Jesus paid, &c. Weary, working, plodding one, Oh, wherefore toil you so ? And in thy presence stand. We are coming, &c. To meet that happy band. 3 We are coming, blessed Saviour, Our Father's house we see — A glorious mansion ever Tor children young as we. We are coming, &c. Our Father's house we see. 4 We are coming, blessed Saviour, That happy home is ours ; If here we gain thy favor We'll reach those fragrant bowers. We are coming, &c. That happy home is ours. 5 We are coming, blessed Saviour, To crown our Jesus King, ■ And then with angels ever His praises we will sing. We are coming, &c. To crown our Jesus, King. 65, 3fusic — Golden Censer, 20. IVTEVER be afraid to speak for Jesus, _1\| Think how much a word can do ; Never be afraid to own your Saviour, He who loves and cares for you. Cho. — Never be afraid, never be afraid, Never, never, never, Jesus is your loving Saviour, Therefore never be afraid. €2 PRECIOUS hymns. Cease your doing — all was done ; Yes, ages long ago. Chorus. — Jesus paid, &c. Till to Jesus' work you cling. Alone by simple faith, "Doing" is a deadly thing, Your "doing" ends in death. Chorus. — Jesus paid^ &c. Cast your deadly " doing " down, Down all at Jesus' feet ; Stand in him, in him alone. All glorious and complete. Chorus. — Jesus paid, &c. 64: PRECIOUS HYMNS. 64 W Music — Golden Censer, 17. E are coming blessed Saviour, We hear thy gentle voice ; We would be thine forever. And in thy love rejoice. Chorus. We are coming, we are coming, We are coming, blessed Saviour, We are coming, we are coming. We hear thy gentle voice. 2 We are coming, blessed Saviour, To meet that happy band. And sing with them forever, 2 Never be afraid to work for Jesus ; In his vineyard day by day Labor with a kind and willing spirit, He will all your toil repay. Cho. — Never be afraid, &c. 3 Never be afraid to bear for Jesus Keen reproaches when they fall ; Patiently endure your every trial, Jesus meekly bore them all. Cho. — Never be afraid, &c. 4 Never- be afraid to live for Jesus ; If you on his care depend. Safely shall you pass through every trial, He will bring you to the end. Cho. — Never be afraid, &c. 66 F Music — Golden Censer, 89. 6,4s. ADE, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine ; Break every tender tie, Jesus is mine ; Dark is the wilderness, Earth has no resting-place, Jesus alone can bless, Jesus is mine. 2 Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine ; Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine ; THE SON. 65 67 Perishing things of clay, Born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away, Jesus is mine. 3 Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine ; Lost in this dawning light, Jesus is mine ; All that my soul has tried, Left biit a dismal void, — Jesus has satisfied, Jesus is mine. 4 Parewell mortality, Jesus is mine ; "Welcome eternity, Jesus is mine ; "Welcome, O loved and blest, "Welcome, sweet scenes of rest^ "Welcome, my Saviour's breast, Jesus is mine. 67, Music — Golden Censer^ 109. JESUS is our pilot, No one else can guide Our frail bark in safety O'er life's stormy tide. "When the waves of trouble Baffle human skill, He can always calm them With his " Peace, be still 1" 2 2 Jesus, I'll try my cross to bear, I'll follow thee and never fear ; From thy dear fold I would not roam ; O take a little wanderer home. 3 Jesus, I cannot see thee here, Yet still I know thou'rt very near ; O say my sins are all forgiven. And I shall dwell with thee in heaven. 4 And now, dear Jesus, I am thine, be thou ever, ever mine. And let me never, never roam From thee, the little wanderer's home. 8,7,4s g Music — Hymnal^ 440. AVIOUPv, like a Shepherd lead us, Much we need thy tend'rest care; In thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use thy folds prepare: Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, thine we are. 2 "We are thine, do thou befriend us, Be the guardian of our way : Keep thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us wken we go astray: Blessed Jesus, Hear thy children when they pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful thoug-h we be : 69 S 66 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Chorus. — Jesus is our Pilot, Guided by his hand, "We shall reach the haven On the golden strand. 2 Jesus is our Pilot, Leaning on his arm, "We are safe from danger. Safe from fear and harm. In his strong protection Let us ever rest ; Eefuge from all sorrow On his faithful breast. Cho. — Jesus is, &c. 8 Jesus is our Pilot, "Well he knows the way From these earthly shadows To the realms of day. He can find that harbor Others seek in vain, "Where, as Lord of glory, Evermore he'll reign. Cho. — Jesus is, &c. 68. Music — Golden Censer, 114. oS. JESUS to thy dear arms I flee, I have no other hope but thee ; For thou dost sufl'er me to come, O take a little wanderer home. QS PRECIOUS HYMNS. Thou hast mercy to relieve us, G-race to cleanse, and pow'r to free : Blessed Jesus, Let us ever turn to thee. 4 Ever let us seek thy favor, Ever let us do thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, "With thy love our bosoms fill : Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. 70. Music— Hymnal, 288. C« j3fL< ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed. And did my Sov'reign die ? "Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 "Was it for crimes that I had done. He groaned upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 "Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, "When Grod, the mighty Maker, died For man, the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness. And melt my eyes to tears. THE SON. 69 THE SON. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. 1 1. Music— Book of Worship 186.Xj«]M. OTHE sweet wonders of that cross, Where my Redeemer loved and died ! Her noblest life my spirit draws Prom his dear wounds and bleeding side. 2 I would forever speak his name, In sounds to mortal cars unknown ; With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at his Father's throne. 72 A 3Iusic — Hymnal, 29. LL hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fa'il. Hail him, who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget Th:3 wormwood and the gall, Gro, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 74. 71 Music— Calvary Songs, page 26. Hark ! the mighty tones sublime, Trumpet tongues of olden time — Breathing on the silent air, Shouting glory everywhere ! Hark ! again their joyful sound Rings afar, the earth around ; While a vast, adoring throng Catch thestrain and join the song. Cho. — Unto us a child is given ; Open now the gates of heaven ; Eden lost, to man restored Through the birth of Christ the Lord. Mourning captive, cease thy tears ; Lo ! the promised day appears, Through the misty vale of night, Bursting in a flood of light ; Oh, what wondrous things are done By the Father, through the Son ! Oh, the smile of pardoning grace. Beaming in the Saviour's face ! — Cho. Now with he iling in her wings. Hark ! a white-robed angel sings : — "Mortals, from the realms above, I have borne my harp of love ; 70 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball. To him all majesty ascribe. And crown him Lord of all. 5 Oh that with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song, And 'crown him Lord of all. CM. I O* Music — Book of Worship, 225. \ SAVIOUR, source of every blessing, Tune my heart to grateful lays ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing. Call for ceaseless songs of praise. 2 Teach me some melodious measure, Sung by raptured saints above ; Fill my soul with sacred pleasure, While I sing redeeming love. 3 Thou didst seek me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; Thou, to save my soul from danger, Did'st redeem me with thy blood. 4 By thy hand restored, defended, Safe through life, thus far, I'm. come; And, O Lord, when life is ended, Bring me to my heavenly home. 72 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Hallelujah ! sing with me ; Hail our greatest jubilee ! Sing, in purest, sweetest lays, On this hoiy day of days." — Cho. I 0» Music — Hymnal, 154. Jj, J\lL, JESUS, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee? Ashamed of thee whom Angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days 1 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend* No, when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere his name. 3 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, JSTo fears to quell, no soul to save. 4 Till then — nor is my boasting vain — Till then, I boast a Saviour slain ; And oh may this my glory be. That Christ is not ashamed of me. I 6» ^wsw — Hymnal, 163. Jj, JML, JESUS, thou joy of loving hearts ! Thou fount of life ! thou light of men I From the best bliss that earth imparts We turn unfilled to thee again. THE SON, 73 75 2 We taste thee, O thou living hread, And long to feast upon thee still ; We drink of thee the fountain head, And thirst our souls from thee to fill. 3 Our restless spirits yearn for thee, Where'er our changeful lot is cast ; Glad, when thy gracious smile we see. Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast. 4 O Jesus, ever with us stay, Make all our moments calm and bright ; Chase the dark night of sin away, •Shed o'er the world thy holy light. YT. Music— Hymnal, 272. CM. JESUS, I love thy charming name, 'Tis music to mine ear ; Pain would I sound it out so loud That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My joy, my hope, my trust ; Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious powers can wish In thee most richly meet ; Nor to mine eyes is light so dear. Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Jesus, we ne'er can pay The debt we owe thy love; Yet tell us how we may Our gratitude approve; Our hearts, our all to thee we give, — The gift, though small, thou wilt receive. 79. Music — Hymnal, 351. H.M. COME, my Kedeemer, come. And deign to dwell with me ; Come, and thy right assume, And bid thy rivals flee: Come, my Redeemer, quickly come, And make my heart thy lasting home. 2 Rule thou in every thought And passion of my soul, Till all my pow'rs are brought Beneath thy full control : Come, ray Redeemer, quickly come, And make my heart thy lasting home. 3 Then shall my days be thine, And all my heart be love, And joy and peace be m.ne. Such as are known above: Come, my Redeemer, quickly come, And make my heart thy lasting home. 74 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 76 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there, The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 6 I'll speak the honors of thy name With my last lab 'ring breath ; Then speechless clasp thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. 78. Music- -Hymnal, 350. H, JVJ^ COME, every pious heart. That loves the Saviour's name, ..Your noblest pow'rs exert To celebrate his fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. 2 He left his starry crown, And laid his robes aside, On wings of love came down, And wept, and bled, and died ; What he endured, oh who can tell, To save our souls from death and hell. 3 From the dark grave he rose, ^ The mansions of the dead, And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up through the sky the conqu'ror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour God. 80. PRECIOUS HYMNS. Music — Hymnal, 431. 8,7's. SWEET the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend, — Jjife and health, and peace possessing. From the sinner's dying Friend. 2 Here I'll sit for evei: viewing Mercy stream in streams of blood ; Precious drops, my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. 3 Truly blessed is this station. Low before his cross to lie, — While I see divine compassion Floating in his languid eye. 4 Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the cross I gaze ; Love I much ? I'm much forgiven, — I'm a miracle of grace. 5 Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears his feet I bathe ; Constant still in faith abiding. Life deriving from his death. 81. Music — Hymnal, 288. CM. JESUS, my Saviour, bind me fast In cords of heav'nly love ; Then sweetly draw me to thy breast, Nor let me thence remove. rr THE HOLY SPIRIT. 79 2 Draw me from all created good ; From self, the world and sin, To the dear fountain of thy blood, And make me pure within. 3 Oh lead me to thy mercy-seat, Attract me nearer still ; Draw me, like Mary, to thy feet. To sit and learn thy will. 4 Oh draw me by thy providence, Thy Spirit and thy word. From all the things of time and sense, To thee, my gracious Lord. 82. 3Iusic — Hymnal^ 158. L.M. WHEN I survey the wondrous cross. On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ, my God j All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 3 When stdmy passions rise within thee. Think, think of Jesus, "When earthly pleasure lures to win thee, Think, think of Jesus, Though the cup of anguish draining, Cease thy wearied soul's complaining, See the Lamb in glory reigning. Think, think of Jesus. THE HOLY SriRIT, 84. Music— Hymnal, 238. CM. COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quick'ning powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ; Our souls can neither fly nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate, Our love so faint, so cold to thee And thine to us so great ? 78 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 80 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 His dying crimson, like a robe, Spreads o'er his body on the tree ; Then am I dead to all the globe, And all the globe is dead to me. 5 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. 83, D Ilusic — New Golden Shower, 11. OTH sorrow's shadow hover o'er thee, Think, think of Jesus, Is toil, and care, and pain before thee, Think, think of Jesus, Think of him on earth descending 'Neath thy sins and sorrows bending, With thy griefs his bosom rending, Think, think of Jesus. 2 If morning's light to joy awaken, Think, think of Jesus, Should evening find thee lone, forsaken, Think, think of Jesus, Should Time's hand of friends bereave thee, And thy brightest hopes deceive thee, Think of one who will not leave thee, Think, think of Jesus. 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove. With all thy quick'ning powers. Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love. And that shall kindle ours. 0&« Music — Hymnal, 380. / , GEACIOUS Spirit, love divine. Let thy light within me shine ; All my guilty fears remove, Fill me full of heav'n and love. 2 Speak thy pard'ning grace to me Set the burdened sinner free ; Lead me to the Lamb of God, Wash me in his precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart, Seal salvation on my heart ; Breathe thyself into my breast. Earnest of immortal rest. 4 Let me never from thee stray, Keep me in the narrow way ; Fill my soul with joy divine, Keep me, Lord, for ever thine. 86. Music — S. S. Banner, 13. KM. GOD calling yet I shall I not hear ? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear ? Shall life's swift passing years all fly. And still my soul in slumbers lie ? THE HOLY SPIRIT. 81 2 God calling ^-et ! shall I not rise ? Can I his loving voice despise, And basely his kind care repay? He calls me still : can I delay ? 3 God calling yet ! and shall he knock And I my heart the closer lock? He still is waiting to receive, And shall I dare'his Spirit grieve ? 4 God calling j^et ! and shall I give No heed but stiil in bondage live ? I wait, but he does not forsake, He calls me still : my heart, awake I 5 God calling yet !— I can not stav, My heart I yield witliout delay',- Vain world, farewell I from thee I part, The voice of God hath reached my heart. 87. Music— Ilyvmal, 332. S* JM!, COME, Holy Spirit, come, _ Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the darkness from our minds, And open thou our eyes. 2 Eevive our drooping faith. Our doubts and fears remove. And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. THE SCRIPTURES. S3 2 Holy Ghost, with pow'r divine Cleanse this guilty heart of mine ; Long hath sin, without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy Ghost, witb, joy divine Cheer this saddened heart of mine ; Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down every idol throne, Eeign supreme, and reign alone. THE SCRirTURES, yO. Music— Hymnal, 589. C. 3M FATHEE of mercies ! in thy word "What endless glory shines I Eorever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here the Eedeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 3 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight, And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 82 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 84. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life on every part, And new create the whole. 4 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts, Our minds from bondage free ; Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son and thee. 88. Music — Hymnal y 188. L.M. COME, Holy Spirit, calm my mind, And fit me to approach my God ; Eemove each vain, each worldly thought, And lead me to thy blest abode. 2 Hast thou imparted to my soul A living spark of holy fire ? Oh kindle now the sacred flame. Make me to burn with pure desire. 3 A brighter faith and hope impart. And let me now my Saviour see ; Oh soothe and cheer my burdened heart, And bid my spirit rest in thee. 89 H Music — Hymnal, 367. OLY Ghost, with light divine Shine npon this heart of mine Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 7s. 4 Divine instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou forever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word And view my Saviour there. 91. 3Iu S.M. -New Golden Shower, 98. 92 H LOED, thy perfect word Directs our steps aright, Nor can all other books afi'ord Such profit and delight. 2 Celestial beams it sheds To cheer this vale below: To distant lands its glory spreads, And streams of mercy flow. 3 True wisdom it imparts, Commands onr hope and fear; Oh, may we hide it in our hearts, And feel its influence there. CM. Music — Golden Censer, 86. OW happy is the youth who hears Instruction's warning voice. And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice. 2 For she has treasure greater far Than East or West unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. THE BCRfPTURES. 85 THE CHURCH. 87 8 She guides the young with innocence In pleasure's path to tread; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary* head. 4 According as her labors rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. 9a 78. Music — Happy Voices, 57. H OLY Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine I Mine to tell me whence I came, Mine to teach me what I am ; Mine to chide me when I rove, Mine to show a Saviour's love; Mine thou art to guide my feet; Mine to judge, condemn, acquit. 2 Mine to comfort in distress If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death ; Mine to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom: Oh, thou precious book divine. Precious treasure, thou art mine I 3 The Bible ! the Bible ! we hail it with joy. Its truths and its glories our tongues shall employ ; We'll sing of its triumphs, we'll tell of its- worth, And send its glad tidings afar o'er the earth. 4 The Bible I the Bible ! the valleys shall rmg, And hill-tops re-echo the notes that we sing ; Our banners inscribed with its nrecepts and rules ^ Shall long wave in triumph, the joy of our Schools. THE CHUnCH. yO, Music—Hymnal, 313. S^ J^f BLEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love,— The fellowship of kindred minds. Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one Our comforts and our cares. ' 86 PRECIOUS HYMNS. y4. Musk— Hymnal, 725. 7'S. FATHER, bless thy word to all, Quick and powerful let it prove ; Oh, may sinners hear thy call. Let thy people grow in love. 2 Thine own gracious message bless, Eollow it with power divine; Give the gospel great success, Thine the work, the glory thine. 8 Father, bid the world rejoice. Send, oh send thy truth abroad; Let the nations hear thy voice. Hear it and return to God. ' -. ^ yO« Music— Children's Praise, 121. THE Bible ! the Bible I more precious than gold The hopes and the glories its pages unfold ; It speaks of a Saviour and tells of his love • It shows us the way to the mansions above' It shows us the way to the mansions above. 2 The Bible! the Bible I blest volume of truth, How sweetly it smiles on the season of youth I It bids us seek early the pearl of great price. Ere th' heart is emlaved in the bondage of vice. Ere th' heart is enslaved in the bondage of vice. 88 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear. And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 The glorious hope revives Our courage by the way. While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 5 From sorrow, toil and pain. And sin we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. 97. Music — Hymnal, 37. S.M. COME, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 The men of grace have found Glory begun below: Celestial fruits on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow. 3 The hill of Sion yields A thousand sacred sweets. Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets. THE CHURCH. 89 4 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; We're inarching through Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high. yya Music— Songs of Devotion, p. 39. PASS me not, O gentle Saviour, ^ Hear my humble cry , While on others thou art smiling. Do not pass me by. 2 Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief ; Kneeling there in deep contritiouj Help my unbelief. 3 Thou the spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside thee, Whom in heaven but thee. y Qb Music— Songs of Devotion, p. 60. COME, with all thy sorrow, Weary, wandering soul ; Come to him who loves thee, He will make thee whole. Chorus— II : There is rest in Jesus, Sweet, sweet rest. :f 2 Come, in faith believing. To his will resigned ; THE CHURCH. 91 100 • Music— Hymnal, 107. C. JVL. DEAK Shepherd of thy poople, here Thy ])resence now display ; As thou hast given a place for prayer, So give us hearts to pray. 2 Within these walls let holy peace, And l(»ve aiid concord dwell ; Here give the troubled conscience ease, The wounded spirit heal. 3 The feeling heart, the melting eye, The humbled mind bestow, And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow. 4 May we in faith receive thy word, In faith present our prayers, And in the presence of our Lord Unbosom all our cares. lOX* Music — Hymnal, 115. 0« JVL* I LOVE thy kingdom, Lord, The house of thine abode, The church our blest Kedeemer saved With his own precious blood. 2 I love thy church, O God I Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye. And graven on thy hand. 90 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Ask, and he will give thee ; Seek and thou shalt find. 3 See the door of Mercy, Wouldst thou enter there? Knock, and he will open ; Lo I the key is prayer. 92 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 99. Music — Hymnal; 11. I I, IVI , JESUS shall reiacn where'er the sun Does its successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 For him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown his head ; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns, The joyful prisoner bursts his chains, The weary find eternal rest. And all the sons of want are blest. 6 Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King ; Angels descend with songs agnin, And earth repeat the loud An:.cri. 3 For her my tears shall fall, Eor her my prayers ascend, To her my cares and toils be given Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. INVITATION, 102. Hymnal, 627. 8,7,4's, COME, ye sinners, poor and wretched, Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity, love and power : He is able. He is willing ; doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; INVITATION. 93 INVITATION. 95 All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you — 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Lost and ruined by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You may never come at all. Not the righteous — Sinners Jesus came to call. 103. Music — Hymnal^ 227. CM. IHEAKD the voice of Jesus say, Come unto me and rest, — - Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast : I came to Jesus as I was, Weary, and worn, and sad : I found in him a resting-place. And he has made me glad. 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, I am this dark world's light, — Look unto me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright : I looked to Jesus, and I found In him my Star, my Sun ; And in that light of life I'll walk, Till travelling days are done. Grace first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. — Ref. Grace taught my roving feet To tread the heavenly road ; And new supplies each hour I meet. While pressing on to God. — Ref. 3fusic — Fresh Laurels, 50. 106. JESUS the water of life will give, Freely, freely, freely : Jesus the water of life will give Freely to those that love him. Come to that fountain, drink and live, Freely, freely, freely : Come to that fountain, O drink and live, Flowing for those that love him. Chorus. The Spirit and the Bride say come. Freely, freely, freely. And he that is thirsty let him come, And drink of the water of life. The fountain of life is flowing, Flowing, freely flowing. The fountain of life is flowing. Is flowing for you and for me. 94 104, PRECIOUS HYMNS. Music — Hymnal., 92. 96 PRECIOUS HYMNS. CM, "pEMEMBER thy Creator low, XVi In these thy youthful days ; He will accept thine earliest vow ; He loves thine earliest praise. 2 Remember thy Creator now ; Seek him while he is near — For evil days will come, when thou Shalt find no comfort here. 3 Remember thy Creator now. His willing servant be ; Then when thy head in death shall bow, He will remember thee. 4 Almighty God I our hearts incline Thy heavenly voice to hear ; Let all our future days be thine. Devoted to thy fear. 105. Music, Book of Worship^ p. 239. Tune, G. H. &= S. Songs No. i, page^o, Grace ! 'tis a charming sound. Harmonious to the ear ; "^ Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. Ref. — Saved by grace alone, This is all my plea ; Jesus died for all mankind, And Jesus died for me. 2 Jesus has promised a home in heaven, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised a homo in heaven. Freely to those who love him ; Treasures unfading will there be given, Freely, freely, freely. Treasures unfading will there be given, Freely to those that love him. Cho. 3 Jesus has promised a robe of white. Freely, freely, freely; Jesus has promised a robe of white. Freely to those that love him; Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light, Freely, freely, freely, Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light, Freely to those that love him. Cho„ 4 Jesus has promised eternal day. Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised eternal day, Freely to those that love him ; Pleasure that never shall pass away. Freely, freely, freely. Pleasure that never shall pass away. Freely to those that love him. Cho, 5 Jesus has promised a calm repose. Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised a calm repose. Freely to all that love him ; Come to the water of life that flows,. Freely, freely, freely. Come to the water of life that flows^ Freely to all that love him. INVITATION. 97 U9 107. T 6,48. Mime — Happy Voices, 78. 0-DAY the Saviour calls: Ye wand'rers come: Oh, ye benighted souls, "Why longer roam ? 2 To-day the Saviour calls : Tor refuge fly ; The storm of vengeance falls, Kuin is nigh. 3 To-day the Saviour calls, Oh, listen now: Within these sacred walls To Jesus bow,, 4 The Spirit calls to-day ; Yield to his power; Oh, grieve him not away, 'Tis mercy's hour. 108, Music— Calvary So7tgs,page IIQ. Brightly gleams our banner, Pointing to the sky, Waving wanderers onward To their home on high : Journeying o'er the desert, Gladly thus we pray, And with hearts united Take our heavenward way. 109, Music — Calvary Songs, page jo. The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin ; The Light of the world is Jesus. Like sunshine at noon-day his glory shone in. The Light of the world is Jesus. Cho. — Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee ; Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me ; Once I was blind, but now I can see : The Light of the world is Jesus. No darkness have we who in Jesus abide. The Light of the world is Jesus. We walk in the Light when we follow our Guide, The Light of the world is Jesus, — Cho. No need of the sunlight in heaven, we're told, The Light of the world is Jesus. The Lamb is the Light in the City of Cold, The Light of the world is Jesus. — Cho. 9H PEiM-iOUS HYMKr Cho. -Brightly gleams our banner. Pointing to the sky. Waving wanderers onward To their homes on high. Jesus, Lord and Master, At thy sacred feet, Here with hearts rejoicing See Thy children meet ; Often have we left Thee, Often gone astray. Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the narrow way. — Cho. All our days direct us In the way we go, Lead us on victorious Over every foe ; Bid Thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds lower. Pardon Thou and save us In the last dread hour. — Cho. Then with saints and angels May we join above, Offering endless praises At Thy throne of love ; When the toil is over, Then comes rest and peace, Jesus, in His beauty ; — Songs that never cease. — Cho. 100 110 PRECIOUS HYMXS. C. M. Music — Golden Shower, 51. THE Saviour calls ; let every ear Attend the heavenly sound; Ye doubti*g souls, dismiss your fear, Hope smiles reviving round. 2 For every thirsty, longing heart, Here streams of bounty flow. And life, and health, and bli.ss impart. To banish mortal woe. 3 Ye sinners, come, 'tis mercy's voice; The gracious call obey; Mercy invites to heavenly joys,— And can you yet delay ? 4 Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts ; To thee let sinners fly, And take the bliss that love imparts, And drink, and never die. Ill, Music — Book of Worship, 540. COME to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, just now; Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, just now. [Matt. 11 : 28. 2 He will save 3-ou, just m,\w. [Acts 1<: : 81. 3 Hg i.s able, just now. [Hcb. 7: 2.".] 4 He is willing, just now. [2 Pet. 8.- it.] INVITATION. 101 INYITATION. 5 He'll receive you, just now. [John 6: 37.] 6 He'll forgive you, just now. [IJohn 1 : 9.] 7 He'll renew you, just now. [2 Cor. 5: 17.] 8 Don't reject him, just now. [Isa. 53 .- 3.] 9 Only trust him, just now. [John 5: 12.] 10 Hallelujah, Amon ! [Rev. 19: 4.] lOS 112. Union P. 31. Hymns. 72. 7s. HASTEN, sinner, to be wise; Stay not for the morrow's sun Wisdom if you still despise. Harder is it to be won. ^ 2 Hasten, mercy to implore. Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy season should be o'er. Ere this evening's course be run. 3 Hasten, sinner, to return, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy lamp should cease to burn, Ere salvation's work is done. 4 Hasten, sinner, to be blest, ' Stay not for the morrow's sen, Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. 102 PRECIOUS HYMNS. L.M. 1X3. Hymnal, 623. COME hither, all ye weary souls, Ye heavy-laden sinners, come ; I'll give you rest from all your toils, And raise you to my heavenly home. 2 They shall find rest that learn of me ; I'm of a meek and lowly mind ; But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 3 Blest is the man whose shoulders take My yoke, and bear it with delight ; My yoke is easy to his neck. My grace shall make the burden light. 4 Jesus, we come at thy command, With faith, and hope, and humble zeal, Resign our spirits to thy hand. To mould and guide us at thy will. 114. 31usic — Casket, 9. 8,78. HARK I I hear the Saviour calling : "Little children, come to me; I will bless you, save you, keep you, I from sin will set you free." Chorus. He calls again : 0, let us, then, With one united cry, The call obey, and humbly say — "Dear Jesus, here am I." 2 Come," says Jesus, " in the morning Of your bright and tender youth- I will be 3-our guide and helper, ' I'm the Way, the Life, the Truth." Cho. 3 "Come without a moment's waiting, In your want and weakness come ; I will take you, I will love you, I will bring you to my home." Ciio. 4 " Come, for 'twas to seek and save you I to earth from Heaven came down ;' Come, that I may have and hold you In my everlasting crown." Cho. 5 " Come, there's nothing now to hinder Little child, whoe'er thou art; ' I for thee myself have given; Give me back thyself— thy heart. Cho. 115. C\^ think of a home over there, ^^ ^l ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ *'^e river of light, Where the saints all immortal and fair Are robed in their garments of white. Chorus ||: Over there, over there, overthere.'H II : Oh thnik of a home over there. :|| O^, think of the friends over there. Who before us the journey have trod, Ut the songs that they breathe on the air In their home in the palace of God. ' Over there, over there, Oh. think of the friends over there. 104 PRECIOUS HYMNS. My Saviour is now over there, There ray kindred and friends are at rest Then away from my sorrow and care, Let me fly to the land of the blest. Over there, over there, My Saviour is now over there. I'll soon be at home over there, For the end of my journey I see. Many dear to my heart, over there, Are waiting and watching for me. Over there, over there, I'll soon be at home over there. SELF-DEDICATION. JLJ.0« Music — Hymnal, 426. Q^ | ^ JESUS, I my cross have taken. All to leave and follow thee ; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be. Let the world neglect and leave me. They have left my Saviour too; Human hopes have oft deceived me, Thou art faithful, thou art true. 2 And while thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and luight, I SELF-DEDICATIOK. 105 SELF-DEDICATION. 107 Foes may hate and friends maysc:orn me, Show thy face, and all is bright. I may call thee Abba, Father, I have set my heart on thco ; Storms may howl, and clouds may gather All must work for good to me. 8 Let me know my full salvation, Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find in every slation Something still to do or bear. I would haste from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by pray 'r ; Heav'n's eternal day before me, Thine own hand to guide me there. t Oh, 'tis not in grief to harm me, "While thy love is left to me ; Oh, 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with thee. Soon shall close this earthly mission. Soon shall pass these pilgrim days ; Hope shall change to glad Iruition, Faith to sight, and pray'r to praise. 11-7 ^-^^ J^JL I « Music — Ilymnal^ 344. MY soul, be on thy guard. Ten thousand foes arise. And hosts of sins are pressing haid To draw thee from the skies. 4. Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, Assured if I rny trust betray, I shall forever die. 119. Music — Calvary Songs, page 27. Hark ! hark ! my soul ; angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields and ocean's wave- beat shore ; How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling, Of that new life when sin shall be no more 1 Cho. — Angels of Jesus ! Angels of light ! Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night. Onward we go, for still we hear them sing- ing, " Come, weary souls, for Jesus bids you come ; " And thro' the dark, its echoes sweetly ring- ing, The music of the gospel leads us home. —Cho. 106 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 108 PEECIOUS HTMNS. 2 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor once at ease sit down; Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou hast got the crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God; He'll take thee at thy parting breath, ■ Up to his blest abode. 118. Music- . S.M. -Fresh Laurels. 43. A CHARGE to keep I have, A God to glorify ; A never dying soul to save. And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil,— Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And oh, thy servant. Lord, prepare? A strict account to give. Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds o'er land and sea ; And laden souls by thousands meekly steal- ing, Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to Thee. — Cho. Angels, sing on ! your faithful watches keep- ing, Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above, Till morning's joy shall end the night of weeping. And life's long shadows break in cloudless love. — Cho. 120. Music— G. H. S. Songs, No. 2, page y8. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows, like sea billows roll ; Whatever my lot. Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul. Cho. It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. SELF-DEDICATION. 109 SKI.F-DKDK'ATION. Ill Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control. That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. — Cho. My sin — oh, the bliss of this glorious thought — My sin — not in part but the whole, Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. — Cho. And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, " Even so" — it is well with my soul. — Cho. X21. }fusk—lL/mnal, 356. Jlepeat the sixtli line ^EAKEK, my God, to thee, iS Xoarer to thee ! E'on though it he a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, J^earer. my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 122, M>'!^u'-Book- of Worship, 8. TB,iVr. WHAT sinners value I resign ; Lord, 'tisenough that tliou art mine; I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. 2 This life 's a dream — an empty show j But the bright world to which I go, Hath joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there? 8 O glorious hour ! — O blest abode ! I shall be near and like my God ; And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 4 My flesh shall slumber in the ground. Till the last trumpet's joyful sound : Then burst the chains with s weet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise. 123. O Book of Worship, 353. FOE a closer walk with God ! A calm and heavenly frame A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb I CM. 2 Keturn, holy Dove, return, Sweet messenger of re^t ; I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 110 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 112 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 Though a lone wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me. Pillowed on stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 3 There let the way appear Steps up to heav'n, — All that thou sendest me In mercy giv'n, — Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee. Nearer to thee. 4 Then, with my waking thoughtfl Bright with thy praise. Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to thee Nearer to thee. 5 Or if, on joyful wing. Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly. Still all my songs shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 3 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol be. Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 4 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. 124 M Music — Golden Censer, 81. Y father, I would be thy child, I know I'm sinful, wayward, wild; To thee I would be reconciled, Oh ! make me, oh 1 make me thine. 2 With patience I the race have run. Not looking back when once begun, And seek salvation through thy Son, And make me, oh ! make me thine. 8 The narrow way I fain would tread, A.nd by thy gentle hand be led. With heavenly manna daily fed, Oh I make me, oh ! make me thine. 4 Make me to love thee more and more, Thy holy spirit on me pour ; Grant me of grace a plenteous store, Oh ! make me, oh I make me thine. FAITH, 113 125. Ma,k.-][,nnnaL, 814. S.M!. OUK times are in thy hand, O God, we wish them there ; Our life, our friends, our souls we leave Entirely to thy care. 2 Our times are in thy hand, Whatever they may be, Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to thee. 3 Our times are in thy hand, Why should we doubt or fear ? A Father's hand will never cause His child a needless tear. 4 Our times are in thy hand, Jesus, the crucified ; The hand our many sins have pierced Is now our guard and guide. 126. Music — Royal Diadem, page IJ4, There's rest on the bosom of Jesus For all who are weary of sin • There's pardon and peace for the errincr r or those who as conquerors win. faith! 115 CllOKlS. My rock is firm, it is my sure foundation, 'Tis Jesus Christ, my loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, my loving Saviour, II The rock of my salvation. || 2 For he whose word is lasting as the hills, Whose truth is unchanging ever, Hath said my house on the solid rock shall stand, He'll hold it by his might in the hollow of his hand, And it never will fall, never will fall, never, never, never. — Cho. 3 O, if my house is built upon the sand, 'Twill fall when the floods are swelling ; The winds will blow, and the tempest will descend, And beat upon my house that is built up- on the sand, And it surely will fall — never to rise, never, never, never. — Cho. 4 Then let my house be built upon a rock, For there will it stand forever ; The floods may come, and the rolling thunder's shock May beat upon my house that is founded on a rock, But it never will fall, never will fall, never, never, never ! — Cho. 114 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Chorus. Rest, rest, rest, Yes ! rest for the weary and sad; There's rest on the bosom of Jesus ; He makes all the sorrowing glad. There's rest on the bosom of Jesus ; And joy that the world cannot give ; Oh, bring all your sorrows unto Him ! Oh, trust in His mercy and live ! — Cho. There's rest on the bosom of Jesus, When life's day of trial is past ; Oh, let us be faithful and serve Him, That we may be v/orthy at last ! — Cho. There's rest on the bosom of Jesus ; Yes, life everlasting and blest; We'll fear not the grave, for our Saviour Will lead us to heavenly rest. — Cho. 127. Music — Golden Censer. 72. H, if my house is built upon a rock, I know it will stand forever ; The floods may come, and the rolling thunder's shock May beat upon my house that is founded on a rock, But it never will fall, never will fall, never, never, never. lis PRECIOUS HYMNS. -lOQ ^-^* X.^jiQ^ Music — Golden Censer^ 105< HE leadeth me ! oh, blessed thought, O, words with heav'nly com fort fraught; Whate'er I do, where'er I be. Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me 1 He leadeth me ! He leadeth me ! By his own hand he leadeth me ; His faithful follower I would be, For by his hand he leadeth me. 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea — Still 'tis his hand that leadeth me I He leadeth me, &c. 3 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine — Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me. He leadeth me, &c. 4 And when my task on earth is done, When, by thy grace, the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jordan leadeth me. He leadeth me, &c. FAITH. 117 129. Musk — Calvary Songs, page jo. Come, oh, come with thy broken heart, Weary and worn with care; Come and kneel at the open door, Jesus is waiting there : Waiting to heal thy wounded soul. Waiting to give thee rest ; Why wilt thou walk where shadows fall ? Come to His loving breast. Cho. — Come, oh, come with thy broken heart. Weary and worn with care ; Come and kneel at the open door, Jesus is waiting there. Firmly cling to the blessed cross. There shall thy refuge be ; Wash thee now in the crimson fount, Flowing so pure for thee; List to the gentle, warning voice, List to the earnest call, . Leave at the cross thy burden now, Jesus will bear it all. — Cho. Come and taste of the precious feast, Feast of eternal love ; Think of joys that forever bloom, Bright in the life above : FAITH. iiQ XoX« Music — New Golden Shower, 75. WHEN clouds hang darkly o'er my way And earthly comfort dies, On thee, my Saviour and my God, My every hope relies. I hear thy Spirit's gentle voice, Thy cross by faith I see, — Thy precious blood, oh, dying Lamb, Kedeems and makes me what I am, For thou hast died for me. 2 My soul, confiding in thy word, Can rest securely there, And feel at peace in every storm, Beneath thy watchful care ; A sinner lost, but saved by grace Be this my only plea : Thy precious blood, oh dying Lamb, Eedeems and makes me what I am. For thou hast died for me. 3 O when I leave this mortal scene, And rise to worlds of light ; Then shall I see thee as thou art Arrayed in glory bright : There by the living stream divine, My raptured song shall be ; Thy precious blood, O dying Lamb, Eedeems and makes me what I am, For thou hast died for me. 118 PEECIOUS HYMNS. Come with a trusting heart to God, Come and be saved by grace ; Come, for He loves to clasp thee now, Close in His dear embrace. — Cho. XoU« Music — New Golden Shower, 93. PEECIOUS Saviour, I have found thee, Now I feel thy power divine ; In my raptured soul reflected I can see thy glory shine. Chorus. What a change from grief to gladness, Lost in wonder I adore ; Precious Saviour, I have found thee. Thou art mine, I ask no more. 2 Earthly pleasures fading round me, Like the autumn leaf may fall ; Jesus, thou wilt give me comfort, Thou art dearer far than all. — Ciio. 8 I will praise thee, I will bless thee, This my happy song shall be ; "When I reach the port of glory, Jesus, thou hast died for me. Chorus. Saved by grace, thy child forever. Lost in wonder, love and praise : Precious Saviour I have found thee, Thou art mine, I ask no more. 120 PRECIOUS HYMNS. RErENTANCE. XOmo Music — Hymnal, 262. CM. H OW oft, alas ! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ; How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word. 2 Yet sov'reign mercy calls, " Eeturn;' Dear Lord, and may I come? My vile ingratitude I mourn, Oh take the wand'rer home. 3 Almighty grace, thy healing power, How glorious, how divine, That can to life and bliss restore So vile a heart as mine. 4 Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet, Dear Saviour, I adore ; Oh keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. 133. L.M. Music — Hymnal, 407. JUST as I am, without one plea But that thy blood was shed for m©. And that thou bid'st me come to thee O Lamb of God, I come. REPENTANCE. 121 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of ono dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come. 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come. 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, — Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come. 6 Just as I am, thou wilt receive, "Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ; Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come. 134. Music— S. S. Banner, 104. S.M. I WAS a wand'ring sheep, I did not love the fold, I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controli'd ; I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam. 2 The Shepherd sought his sheep, The Father sought his child ; REPENTANCE. I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares ; He i'rom them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. 3 I long to be like Jesus, Meek, loving, lowly, mild; T long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child : I long to be with Jesus Amid the heav'nly throng, To sing with saints his praises, And learn the angels' song. 123 136. Music- ■Musical Leaves, 58. g S, DEPTH of mercy, can there be Mercy still reserved for me ? Can my God his w^rath forbear. Me, the chief of sinners spare ? Cho. — God is love ! I know, I feel, Jesus weeps and loves me still ; Jesus weeps. He weeps and loves me still. 2 I have lohg .withstood his grace ; Long provoked him to his face ; Would not hearken to his calls ; Grieved him by a thousand falls. God is love, &c. 122 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 124 PRECIOUS HYMNS. They followed me o'er vale and hill. O'er deserts waste and wild ; They found me nigh to death. Famished, and faint, and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love, They saved the wandering one. Jesus my Shepherd is, 'Twas he that loved my soul, 'Twas he that wash'd me in his blood, 'Twas he that made me whole ; 'Twas he that sought the lost, That found the wandering sheep, 'Twas he that brought me to the fold — 'Tis he that still doth keep. 135. Music — Hymnal, 410. 7,6's. I LAY my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God ; He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load : I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White in his blood most precious, Till not a spot remains. 2 I lay my wants on Jesus, — All fulness dwells in him. ; He healeth my diseases. He doth my soul redeem : 3 Now incline me to repent ; Let me now my sins lament; Now my foul revolt deplore. Weep, believe, and sin no more. God is love, &c. 4 There for me the Saviour stands ; Shows his wounds, and spreads his hands; God is love ! I know, I feel ; Jesus weeps, and loves me still. God is love, &c. 10-7 ^■^- XO ( o Music-Hymnal, 343. FATHEK, a weary heart Hath come to thee for peace ; The world hath not the healing art To bid its troubles cease ; It brings before thy throne Its weight of woe and care ; Do thou accept its pleading tone — The contrite sinner's prayer. 2 Father — it hath rebelled. Hath wandered from thy path, Nor heeded when the thunder swelled The tempest of thy wrath ; But now, a bruised thing, Neglected, pale, and bare, Lo, at thy footstool it doth bring The contrite sinner's prayer. ^ REPENTANCE. 125 PRATER. 127 Father, it bendf* before Thy throne amoni; (h-e bless'd ; Peace to the wretched heart restore, Give to the weary rest : Through Christ's atonement given, It trusteth yet to share The glorious heritage of heaven, By lowly, contrite prayer. 138. Music — Hymnal, 258. CM. COME, humble sinner, in whose breast A thousand thoughts revolve, — Come with your guilt and fear oppressed, And make this last resolve : 2 " I'll go to Jesus, though my sin High as a mountain rose; I know his courts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. 3 Perhaps he will admit my plea, Perhaps will hear my prayer j . But if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there. 4 I can but perisn if I go, I am resolved to try ; Por if I stay away, 1 know I must forever die." 2 Lord, I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my broast ; Let thy blood, for sinners spilt. Set my conscience free from guilt. 3 While I am a pilgrim here, Let thy love my spirit cheer ; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 4 Show me what I have to do, Ev'ry hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith Let me die thy people's death. JL^ZjLm^iusic-Book of Praise, 219.C«]Vr« APPEOACH, my soul, the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh ; Thou callest hardened s lis to thee, And such, O Lord, am I. 3 Bow'd down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest, By war without, and fears within, I come to thee for rest. 12(i PRECIOUS MYMNS. PRA YE It 128 PRECIOUS HYMNS. XoU« Music— Hymnal, 337. S^JVl. JESUS, who knows full well The heart of every saint. Invites us all our griefs to tell, To pray and never faint. 2 He bows his gracious ear. We ju'vcr ])load in vain : Yet we must wait till he appear, And pray, and pray again. 3 Though unbelief suggest, Why should wo longer wait? He bids us never give him rest, But be importunate. 4 Jesus, the Lord will hear His chosen, when they cry ; Yes, though he may a while forbear, He'll help them from on high. 140. Music— Hymnal, 400. 7^S. COME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He himself has bid me pray. Therefore will not say me nay. 4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place. That, sheltered near thy side, 1 may my fierce accuser face, And tell him thou hast died. 5 O wond'rous love, to bleed and die. To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name. Xrx.^9 Music — Golden Chain, 97. PRAYEK is the soul's sincere desire, Uttered or unexpressed ; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear. The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Pray^er the sublimest strains that reach The Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Christian's native air ; His watch-word at the gates of death ; He enters heaven with prayer. 129 131 6 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice, Keturning from his ways ; "While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry — " Behold he prays." 6 thou by whom we come to God — The Life, the Truth, the Way— The path of prayer thyself hast trod ; Lord, teach us how \o pray. 1 yl O ^'^^- JL^tO* ^iusic — Golden Censer, 103. LOKD, I hear of show'rs of blessings. Thou art scattering full and free ; Showers the thirsty land refreshing ; Let some droppings fall on me. Chorus. Even me, even me, Let some droppings fall on me. 2 Pass me not, God, my Father, Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather^ Let thy mercy fall on me. — Cho. 3 Pass me not, gracious Saviour Let me live and cling to thee : Fain I'm longing for thy favor ; Whilst thou'rt calling, call for me — 3 Cho. And since he bids me seek his face. Believe his word, and trust his grace, I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, May I thy consolation share ; Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home, and take my flight : This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize the everlasting prize ; And shout, while passing through the air, Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer. 145. Music — Hymnal, 237. CM, EAR, Refuge of my weary soul, On thee, when sorrows rise, On thee, when waves of trouble roll. My fainting hope relies. 2 To thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone can'st heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. 3 But oh, when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine ; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. 130 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 132 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Pass me not, mighty Spirit, Thou canst make-the blind to see : Witnesses of Jesus' merit, Speak the word of power to me — Cho. 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless : Blood of Christ, so rich and free ; Grace of God, so rich and boundless, Magnify it all in me. — Cho. 6 Pass me not, thy lost one bringing ; Bind my heart, O Lord, to thee ; Whilst the streams of life are springing-, Blessing others, bless me. — Cho. 8s. 144. Music — Golden Chain, 10. SWEET hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known : In seasons of distress and grief My soul has often found relief. And oft escaped the tempter's'snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. 2 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, Thy wings shall my petition bear To him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless : 4 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee? Thou art my only trust, — And still my soul would cleave to thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 6 Thy mercy-seat is open still, Here let my soul retreat ; With humble hope attend thy will, And wait beneath thv feet." 146, 7s. Music — New Golden Shower^ 113, GO to Jesus when thy heart Droops beneath its weisrht of care • When the joys of earth depart. Seek a purer light in prayer.' Chorus— Jesus will forsake thee never, H3 is thine, and thine forever ; By the cooling stream that flows Thou shalt find a sweet repose. 2 O'er the hopes in ruin laid, Does the t^ar in secret fall ? Is thy tremb ing soul afraid ? Go to the Jesus — tell him ail. Cho. — Jesus will, &c. 3 Go to Jesus, on his breast He will lay thy aching head; Calm thy every pain to rest, Beams of mercy o'er thee shed. Cho. — Jesus will, &c. 133 THE SABBATH. 135 147. Mus S. 6,4s. Banner, 81. OKD, at thy mercy-seat, I Humbly I fall, Pleuding thy promise sweet, Lord, hear my call ; Now let thy work begin, Oh, make me pure within, Cleanse me from every sin, Jesus, mv all. 2 Tears of repentant grief Silently fall. Help thou my unbelief, Hear thou my call. Oh, how I pine for thee, 'Tis all my hope, my Jesus has died for me, Jesus, my all. 3 Hark ! how the words of love Tenderly fall, Ere to the realms above. Heard is my call. ISTow every doubt has flown, Broken my heart of stone, Lord, I am thine alone, Jesus, my all. 149. Miisic— Hymnal, 114. S.lVt, WELCOME, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise, Welcome to this reviving breast. And these rejoicing eyes. 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; Here we may sit, and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst the place Where my dear God hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. 150 3Iusic — Hymnal, 72. L.M. THINE earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love. But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our longing souls aspire, With ardent love and strong desire. 2 In thy blest kingdom we shall be From every mortal trouble free ; No groans shall mingle with the songs Which warble from immortal tongues. 134 PRECIOUS HYMNS. THE SABBATH. 136 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 14:8* Music— Hymnal, 138. f S. SAFELY through another week God lias brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek. Waiting in his courts to-day ; Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace Through the dear Eedeemer's name. Show thy reconciling face, Take away our sin and shame : From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this''day in thee. 3 Here we're come thy name to praise, Let us feel thy presence near ; May thy glory meet our eyes. While we in thy house appear ; Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel's joyful sound^ Conquer sinners, comfort saints, Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief to all complaints ; Such let all our Sabbaths prove. Till we join the church above. 3 O long expected day begin, Dawn on this world of woe and sin ; Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, and rest in God 7s. Music — Book of Praise, 320. 151. E KE another Sabbaths' close, Ere again we seek repose, Lord ! our song ascends to thee ; At thy feet we bow the knee 2 For the mercies of the day, For this rest upon our way, Thanks to thee alone be given. Lord of earth, and King of heaven [ 3 Cold our services have been, Mingled every prayer with sin ; But thou can'st and will forgive, By thy grace alone we live. 4 Whil'st this thorny path we tread. May thy love our footsteps lead. When our journey here is past. May we rest with thee at last. 5 Let these earthly Sabbaths prove Foretastes of our joys above; While their steps thy pilgrims bend To the rest which knows no end. 152. THE SABBATH. 137 THE 8ABBATH. 139 Music — Songs of Devotion, p. 60. WEEPING will not save me— Tho' my face were bathed in tears, That could not allay my fears, Could not wash the sins of years — Weeping will not save me. CHORUS. Jesus wept and died for me, Jesus suffered on the tree, Jesuj waits to make me free — He alone can save me. 2 Working will not save me — Purest deeds that I can do, Holiest thought and feelings too, Can not form my soul anew — Working will not save me. 3 Waiting will not save me — Helpless, guilty, lost, I lie ; In my ear is mercy's cry ; If I wait I can but die — Waiting will not save me. 4 Faith in Christ will save me — Let me trust thy weeping Son ; Trust the work that he has done ; To his arms, Lord, help me run — ■ Faith in Christ will save me. 152. Music — Songs of Devotion, p. JESUS, keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain. Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. 138 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Chorus — In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever. Till my raptured soul shall find Eest beyond the river. 2 Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found m-e ; There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me. 3 Near the cross ! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadow o'er me, 4 Near the cross I'll watch and wait. Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand Just beyond the river. 153. Music — Golden Censer, 84 CM. THIS is the day the Lord hath made ; He calls the hours his own — Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround his throne. 2 To-day he rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell; To-day the saints his triumphs spread, And all his wonders tell. 3 Hosanna to the anointed King, To David's holy Son I Help us, O Lord ! descend and bring Salvation from thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men, With messages of grace, Who comes, in God his Father's name, To save our sinful race. 6 Hosanna m the highest strains The church on earth can raise ; The highest heavens, in which he reigns, Shall give him nobler praise. lo4* Music-^Book of Worship, 555. HOW sweet is the Sabbath to me, The day when the Saviour arose 1 'Tis heaven his beauties to see And in his soft arms to repose ; He knows I am weak and defiled. My life is but empty and vain ; But if he will make me his child, I'll never forsake him again. 2 This day he invites me to come : How kindly he bids me draw near I He oti'ers me heaven for home, And wipes off the penitent tear : He offers to pardon my sin, And keep me from every snare, To sprinkle and cleanse me within, And show me his tenderest care. 14:0 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 I cannot, I must not, refuse ; His goodness has conquered my heart: The Lord for my portion I choose, And bid all my folly depart. How sweet is the Sabbath to me. The day my Kedeemer arose ! 'Tis heaven his beauties to see And in his soft arms to repose. X^O* Music— Hymnal, 47L XX S HOW sweet is the Sabbath, the morning of rest ; The day of the week which I surely love best ; The morning my Saviour arose from the tomb, And took from the grave all its terror and gloom. 2 O let me be thoughtful and prayerful to-day, And not spend a minute in trifling or play ; ^ Kemembering these seasons were gracious- ly given To teach me to seek, and prepare me for heaven. 3 In the house of my God, in his presence and fear, When I worship to-day, may it all be sincere ; THE SABBATH, 14:1 THE SABBATH. 14:3 In the school when I learn, may I do it with care, And be grateful to those who watch over me there. 3 Instruct me, my Saviour ; a child though I be, I am not too young to be noticed by thee ; Kenew all my heart, keep me firm' in thy ways, I would love thee, and serve thee, and give thee the praise. 156 Music — Songs of Devotion, p, 150. CHILD of sin and sorrow, Filled with dis- may ; Wait not for to-morrow, Yield thee to-day. Heaven bids thee come While yet there's room. Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 2 Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high ; Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Would bring thee nigh 3 Child of sin and sorrow, Thy moments glide Like the flittiug arrow Or rushing tide. Ere time is o'er, Heaven's grace implore ; Child of sin and sorrow, In Christ confide. 3 Let sorrow do its work, Send grief and pain, Sweet are thy messengers. Sweet their refrain When they can sing with me. More love, O Christ, to thee ! More love to thee. 4 Then shall my latest breath Whisper thy praise; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise. This still its prayer shall be : More love, O Christ, to thee. More love to thee ! 158. 3Iusic — Hymnal, 239. CM. WHEN" the worn spirit wants repose, And sighs her God to seek. How sweet to hail the evening's close That ends the weary week ! 2 How sweet to hail the early dawn That opens on the sight, When first the soul-reviving morn Beams its new rays of light ! 3 Swee fc day ; thine hours too soon will cease ; Yet, while they gently roll, Breathe, Holy Spirit, source of peace, A Sabbath o'er my soul. 4 When will my pilgrimage be done, The world's long week be o'er. That Sabbath dawn which needs no sun, That day which fades no more ? 142 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 156.'^ Music — Songs of Devotion, p. 128. MY hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness ; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name : On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness seems to veil his face, I rest on his unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale ^ My anchor holds within the vail ; On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ; All other ground is shifting sand. 157. M 3Iusic — Songs of Devotion, p. 151, OKE love to thee, O Christ I More love to thee : Hear thou the prayer I make On bended knee ; This is my earnest plea : More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee. Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest: Now thee alone I seek, Give what is best : This all my prayer shall be, More love, O Christ, to thee, More love to thee. 144 159. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3fusic — Hymnal, 67. L.M. AiN'OTHER six days' work is done, Anotner Sabbalh is begun ; Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God'^hath blessed. 2 O that our thoughts and thanks may rise As grateful incense to the skies, And draw from heaven that sweet repose. Which none but he that feels it knows. 3 This heavenly calm within the breast Is the dear pledge of glorious rest. Which for the church Df God remains, The end of cares, the end of pains. 4 In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures pass away ; How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end I 160. 3Iusic — Carmina, 260. THE light of Sabbath eve Is fading fast away ; What record will it leave. To crown the closing day ? Is it a Sabbath spent, Of fruitless time destroyed ; Or have these moments lent Been sacredly employed ? 6's. THE SABBATH. 14:5 2 How dreadful and how drear, In yon dark world of pain, Will Sabbaths lost appear, That cannot come again ! Then, in that hopeless place, Tlie wretched soul will say, " I had those hours of grace, But cast them all away." 3 To waste these Sabbath hours Oh may we never dare ; Nor taint with thoughts of ours Tl.iese sacred days of prayer : But may our Sabbaths here Inspire our hearts with love ; And prove a foretaste clear Of that sweet rest above. 11»M. XOx« Music — Fresh Laurels, 67. AGAIN we meet, O Lord, Again we fill this place. To hear thy holy word, And ask thy promised grace ; To thank thee for the gifts we share, The children of thy love and care. 2 Grant us the listening ear, The understanding heart. The mind and will sincere. To choose the better part, — To take the learner's lowly seat And gather wisdom at thy feet. 163. DEATH. 14:7 8,7s. Music — Zion's Jubilee^ 240. WHEEE we oft have met in gladness, On the holy Sabbath day. Now we gather, in our sadness, Mourning over one away : Tears are falling On this holy Sabbath day. 2 One we loved has left our number, — In the narrow dwelling laid ; There to rest, in dreamless slumber. Till the trump that wakes the dead : When the angel From their slumbers wakes the dead. But while we in sadness gather. Mourning thus for one away, Lo, the angels say, " Another Joins our holy song to-day 1" Weep no longer ; Join with them the sacred lay. Let our grief, then, turn to gladness, As we praise the ^saving love, Which o'er every shade of sadness Sheds the light of joys above : Grief dispelling By the light of joys above. 146 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Through this, and every day. Teach us thy path to tread ; Nor let our feet astray By Satan's wiles be led ; But keep us in the narrow road- The way to glory and to God.. 162. JDEA TH, Music-Golden Shower, 39. L,M. ASLEEP in Jesus ! blessed sleep. From which none ever wakes to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose, LTnbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus ! how sweet To be for such a slumber meet! With holy confidence to sing. That death hath lost its venomed sting. 3 Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest ; No fear, no woe, shall dim'^that hour, Which manifests the Saviour's power. 4 Asleep in Jesus ! oh, for me Maj^ such a blissful refuge be I Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons from on high. 148 PRECIOUS HYMNS 164. Music ~G. H. &^ S. Songs No. 2, Nc. 23, Repeat the story o'er and o'er, Oi grace so full and free ; I love to hear it more and more, Since grace has rescued me. Cho. — The half was never told, The half was never told, Of grace divine, so wonderful, The half was never told. Oi peace I only knew the name, Nor found my soul its rest Until the sweet-voiced angel came To soothe ni}^ weary breast. — Cho. My highest place is lying low At my Redeemer's feet : No real/f?)/ in life I know, But in His service sweet. — Cho. And oh, what rapture will it be With all the host above, To sing through all eternity The wonders of His love. — Cho. DEATH. 14:9 CM. J[I30« Music — Golden Shower^ 81. WHY do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's ah\rms ? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms. 2 Are we not tending upward too, As fast as time can move? Nor should we wish the hours more slow, To keep us from our love. 3 "Why should we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, And left a long perfume. 4 Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise ; Awake, ye nations under ground I Ye saints ! ascend the skies. DEATH. 151 4 Life's duty done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load the spirit flies ; "While heaven and earth combine to say, "How bless'd the righteous when he dies!" 168. T 3Iusic — S.S.IIozanna, 78 7,6's. 166. 7's. AS the twilight shadows fall, Let us, in the closing day, Mark the solemn hour when all . Earthly things shall fade away. 2 In the grave to which we haste, No repentance can be found ; Shall we then our moments waste, While we stand on trial-ground ? IME is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb: Youth and vigor soon will flee, Blooming beauty lose its charms All that's mortal soon will be Enclosed in death's cold arms. 2 Time is winging us away To our eternal home ; Life is but a winter's day, A journey to the tomb: But the Christian shall enjoy Health and beauty soon above Ear beyond the world's alloy, Secure in Jesus' love. 169 O 6s. Music--' Fresh Laurels, 69. NE sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er : I'm nearer my home to-day, Than I have been before. 150 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 152 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 Ere the coming of that night, (When its coming who shall say?) Let us do with all our might. Strive and labor, watch and pray. 4 Lord, do thou thy grace impart ; Penitence and faith bestow ! Come and sanctify each heart, Let us thy salvation know. 5 That when waning years have fled, And these scenes have passed away, Kising with the summoned dead, We may wake to endless day. 167. H L.M. Music — Hymnal, 181. OW bless'd the righteous when they die, AVhen holy souls retire to rest! How mildly beams the closing eye ! How gently heaves th' expiring breast I 2 So fades a summer cloud away ; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er ; So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears. Where lights and shades alternate dwell ; How bright th' unchanging morn appears I Farewell, inconstant world, farewell. 2 Nearer my Father's house, Where many mansions be ; I'm nearer the great white throne, Nearer the jasper sea : 3 Nearer the bound of life Where we lay our burdens down ; And nearer the time to leave The cross and wear the crown. HEAVEN, ^ ^^ 0. M. X I 0« Music — Happy Voices, 187. THE pearly gates are open wide, I see the bright array ; On either side the angels glide, To keep the shining way. And little children learn to find The way by angels trod, Where Christ's redeemed in union walk The shining way of God. Cho. — The pearly gates are open wide, I see the bright array ; On either side^he angels glide, To keep the shining way. 153 155 2 "When storms arise, and darkness clouds The faithful ])il -rim's way, On either side the angels glide, To keep the shining- waj^ ; And brighter gleams the morning light Behind the gentle rod, For Christ's redeemed more clearly see The sliining way of God. Gho.— The pearly gates, &c. 3 And soon they walk the golden streets, IvTot slighted and alone ; On either side the angels glide, To lead them to the throne : And there they'll wear a starry crown Who once did tire and plod. For Christ's redeemed as kings shall tread The shining way of God. Cho. — The pearly gates, &c. 171. lliisic — Golden Chain, 34. SHALL we sing in heaven forever — Shall wc sing ? shall we sing ? Shall we sing in heaven forever, In that happy land ? Yes ! oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, Thoy that meet shall sing forever, Far beyond the rolling river. Meet to sing and love forever, In that happy land. Cho. — Safe, safe at home, safe, safe at home, No more to roam, no more to roam. Safe, safe at home, safe, safe at home, No more, no more to roam. 2 The most youthful soldier will then have a share In heavenly mansions prepared for us there; The song of redemption, from infants, shall swell. As of Jesus, to wondering angels, they tell. Cho. — Safe, safe at home, &c. 3 Oh, then will our hearts swell with rap- ture supreme, For, Jesus, thy glories will over us beam, Our minds with the riches of wisdom be stored. For God will be known and forever adored. Cho. — Safe, safe at home, &c. 173. Music- CM. ■Golden Chain, 53. THERE is a clime where Jesus reigns, A home of grace and love, Where angels sing, in sweetest strains. Of his redeeming love. 154 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 156 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 Shall we know each other ever In that land ? in that land ? Shall we know each other ever In that happy land ? Yes ; oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall know each other, Far beyond the rolling river, &c. 3 Shall we rest from care and sorrow, In that land ? Shall we rest from care and sorrow, In that happy land ? Yes! oh, yes! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall rest forever, Far beyond the rolling river, &c. 4 Shall we meet our faithful teachers In that land ? Shall we meet our faithful teachers In that happy land ? Yes! oh, yes! in that land, that happy land, Teachers and scholars meet together, Far beyond the rolling river, &c. X I ^e ^^usic — Golden Chain, 46. WHEN the battle is fought, and the vic- tory won, Life's trials are ended, and life's duties done, Then Jesus, our Saviour, will welcome us home, No more, in this desert of sin we shall roam. Chorus. Let us never mind the scoffs nor the frowns of the world, For we've all got the cross to bear; It will only make the crown the brighter to shine, When we have the crown to wear. 2 And children, too, will join to bless The precious Saviour's name. Clothed in his perfect righteousness, And saved from sin and shame. Cho. — Let us never mind, &c. 3 Yet all, alas ! may not be there, ^ For some will slight his grace; Now, though he calls, they do not care To turn and seek his face. Cho. — Let us never mind, &c. 4 He says to all " Come unto me, And I will give you rest," Oh ! linger not, but haste to be With his salvation blest. Cho. — Let us never mind, &c. 8,7s. 3fusic — Golden Chain, 78 BOYS. WHITHER, pilgrims are you going, Going each with staff in hand ? 174, 157 HEAVEN. 159 GIRLS. "We are going on a journey, Going at our King's command. ALL. Over hills, and plains, and valleys, We are going to his palace, "We are going to his palace. Going to the better land ; We are going to his palace, Going to the better land. 2 Fear ye not the way so lonely, You, a little, feeble band? GIRLS. No, for friends, unseen, are near us, Holy angels round us stand. ALL. Christ, our Leader, walks beside us, He will guard and he will guide us, He. will guard and he will guide us, Guide us to that better land ; He will guard and he will guide us, Guide us to that better land. .BOYS. 3 Tell me, pilgrims, what you hope for In that far-off better land ? GIRLS. Spotless robes and crowns of glory, From a Saviour's loving hand. 3 In vision I see its streets of gold, Its beautiful gates I too behold. The river of life, the crystal sea, The ambrosial fruit of life's fair tree. Cho.— Will you go? &c. 4 The heavenly throng arrayed in white, In rapture range the plains of light ; And in one harmonious choir they praise Their glorious Saviour's matchless grace, Cho.— Will you go ? &c. 176. Music — Golden Censer^ 18. MY heavenly home is bright and fair, We'll be gathered home ; Nor death, nor sighing visit there', We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait 'till Jesus comes, We'll wait 'till Jesus comes, We'll wait 'till Josus comes, And we'll be gathered home. 2 Its glittering towers the sun outshine. We'll be gathered home ; That heavenly mansion shall be mine, We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. 8 My Father's house is built on high, We'll be gathered home ; Above the arched and starry sky, We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait. &c. 158 PRECIOUS HYMNS, 160 PRECIOUS HYMNS. ALL. We shall drink of life's clear river. We shall dwell with God forever, We shall dwell with God forever, In that bright, that better land. BOYS. 4 Pilgrims, may we travel with you To that bright and better land? GIRLS. Come, and welcome, come, and welcome, Welcome to our pilgrim band. ALL. Come, oh come, and do not leave us Christ is waiting to receive us, Christ is waiting to receive us, • In that bright, that better land. ^ ^^ JL I Oo Music — Golden Chain^ 124. A BEAUTIFUL land by faith I see, A land of rest, from sorrow free. The home of the ransomed, bright and fair, And beautiful angels too, are there. Cho. — Will you go? will you go ? Go to that beautiful land with me ? Will you go ? will you go ? Go to that beautiful land. 2 That beautiful land, the City of Light, It ne'er has known the shades of night; The glory of God, the light of day Hath driven the darkness far away. Cho. — Will you go ? &c. 4 Let others seek a home below, We'll be gathered home ; Which flames devour, or waves o'erthroWj, We'll be gathered home. 5 Be mine the happier lot to own. We'll be gathered home ; A heavenly mansion near the throne, We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. 6 Then fail this earth, let stars decline, We'll be gathered home ; And sun and moon refuse to shine. We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. > 7 All nature sink, and cease to be, We'll be gathered home ; That heavenly mansion stands for me, We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. / 161 177. [EAVEN. 163 Shall we meet in heaven, shall we meet in heaven, . With the blest who have gone before ? Will a crown be given, will a crown be given. When we stand on the other shore ? Refrain. We may all meet there. We may all meet there,' If we love the Lord, and obey His word, We may all meet there. Will the angels bright, will the angels bright. Bear us on to that happy home? With the saints in light, with the saints in light, Shall we stand round the great white throne ? — Ref. Yes, we all may meet, yes, we all may meet, Where this life and its toils are o'er. And each other sreet, and each other greet. In a land where we'll part no more.— Ref. 178. Music — Golden Censer, 90 THERE is a glorious kingdom, A kingdom bright and fair, And many little children Walton the good Kins there. 7,6s 179. W Music- 8j8. ■Golden Censer^ 98. E are out on the ocoan sailing, Homeward bound we sweetly glide We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. Chorus. All the storms will soon bo over, Then we'll anchor in the harbor, We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. 2 Millions now are safely landed, Over on the golden shore : Millions more are on their journey, Yet there's room for millions more. Cho. — All the storms, &c. 3 Spread your sails while heavenly breezes Gently waft our vessel on ; All on board are sweetly singing — Free salvation is the song. Cho. — All the storms, &c. 4 When we all are safely anchored, We will shout — our trials o'er ; We will walk about the city. And we'll sing for evermore. Cho.— All the storms, «&c. 162 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Cho. — Yes, children, children Are in that glorious kingdom, That kingdom, that kingdom, That kingdom bright and fair. 2 O, in that glorious kingdom Is built a throne of gold ; Its ornaments are jewels, With riches all untold. . A kingdom, kingdom, ~ A bright and glorious kingdom, A kingdom, a kingdom, A kingdom bright and fair. 8 O, in that glorious kingdom. And on that golden throne. There reigns the blessed Saviour, Those children are his own. Yes, children, children Are in that glorious kingdom ;■ That kingdom, that kingdom. That kingdom bright and fair. 4 Come, all who love that kingdom, That kingdom bright and fair ; Come, give your hearts to Jesus, And dwell forever there. And praise him — praise him Forever in that kingdom ; That kingdom, that kingdom. That kingdom bright and fair. 164: PRECIOUS HYMI^'S. XOV/« Music — Golden Censer^ 104. JERUSALEM, forever bright. Beautiful land of rest ! No winter there, nor chill of night, Beautiful land of rest ! The dripping cloud is chased away. The sun breaks forth in endless day, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest. 'Cho. — Beautiful land, beautiful land. Beautiful land of rest ! Beautiful land, beautiful land, Beautiful land of rest. 2 Jerusalem, forever free. Beautiful land of rest ! The soul's sweet home of liberty. Beautiful land of rest ! The gyves of sin, the chains of woe. The ransomed there will never know. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest. Cho. — Beautiful land, &c. 3 Jerusalem, forever dear. Beautiful land of rest I Thy pearly gates almost appear. Beautiful land of rest ! And when we tread thy lovely shore, We'll sing the song we've sung before, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of yst. Cho. — Beautiful land, cVcc. 165 181. 6,4s. Music — Book of Worship, 570. I'M but a stranger here, heaven i? my home, Earth is a desert drear, heaven is mjhome, Danger and sorrow stand Eound me on every hand ; Heaven is raj fatherland, — Heaven is my home. 2 What though the tempest rage, Heaven is my home, Short is my pilgrimage, Heaven is my home, Time's cold and wintry blast Soon will be overpast ; I shall reach home at last. Heaven is my home. 3 There, at my Saviour's side, Heaven is my home, I shall be glorified, Heaven is my home. There are the good and blest. Those I loved most and best. And there I, too, shall rest, Heaven is my home. HEAVEN. 167 h And what shall be my journey, How long I'll stay below, Or what shall be my trials, Are not for me to know ; In every day of trouble, I'll raise my thoughts on high ; I'll think of the bright temple And crowns above the sky. 183 W 182. 7,68. Music — Book of Worship, 535. THEKE is a holy city, A happy world above, Beyond the starry regions. Built bv the God of love : Music — Book of Worship^ 571. E are on our journey home, ' Where Christ our Lord is gone : We shall meet around his throne, When he makes his people one II : In the new : || Jerusalem. 2 We can see that distant home. Though clouds rise dark between : Faith views the radiant dome. And a lustre flashes keen II : From the new : || Jerusalem. 3 O glory shining far From the never-setting Sun ! O trembling morning star ! Our journey's almost done II : To the new : || Jerusalem. 4 O holy, heavenly home I O rest eternal there ! When shall the exiles come. Where they cease from earthly care II : In the new : || Jerusalem. 166 PRECIOUS HYMNS. An everlasting temple ; And saints arrayed in white There serve their gr pat Eedeemer, And dwell with him in light. 2 The meanest child of glory Outshines the radiant sun ; But who can speak the splendor Of that eternal throne. Where Jesus sits exalted. In godlike majesty ? The elders fall before him. The angels bend the knee. 3 Is this the man of sorrows. Who stood at Pilate's bar. Condemned by haughty Herod, And by his men of war ? He seems a mighty conqueror, Who spoiled the powers below, And ransomed many captives From everlasting woe ! 4 The hosts of saints around him, Proclaim his work of grace ; The patriarchs and prophets, And all the godly race. Who speak of fiery trials And tortures on their way — They came from tribulation To everlasting day. 168 184^ PRECIOUS HYMNS. 184 GO, bury thy sorrow, The world hath its share : Go bury it deeply, Go hide it with care. Go think of it calmly, When curtained by night ; Go tell it to Jesus, And all will be right. 2 Go tell it to Jesus, He knoweth thy grief; Go tell it to Jesus, He'll send thee relief. Go gather the sunshine He sheds on thy way — He'll lighten thy burden : Go, weary one, pray ! 3 Hearts growing weary With heavier woe, Now droop 'mid the darkness, Go, comfort them, go ! Go bury thy sorrow, Let others be blest ; Go, give them the sunshine. Tell Jesus the rest. Music — Booh of Worship, 498. BKEAD of heaven, on thee I feed, For thy flesh is meat indeed ; Ever may my soul be fed With this true and living Bread ; HEAVEN. 169 Bay by day with strength supplied, Through the life of him who died. 2 Vine of heaven I thy blood supplies This blest cnp of sacrifice ; 'Tis thy wounds my healing give To thy cross I look, and live. Thou, my Life 1 oh, let me be Rooted, grafted, built on thee I loo. Music— Hymnal, 275. CM!. JERUSALEM, my happy home, Name ever dear to me, When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee ? 2 Oh when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend? Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths have no end. 3 There happier bow'rs than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know ; Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. 4 Why should T shrink at pain and woe, Or feel at death, dismay ? I've Ornaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 171 Soon our Saviour will return, 7's. Triumphant in the skies : Yet a season, and you know Ha])i)y entrance will be given. All our sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven. lo I • Musw— Hymnal, 393. PALMS of glory, raiment bright, Crowns that never fade away, Gird and deck the saints in light, — Priests, and kings, and conqu'rors they ; Yet the conqu'rors bring their palms To the Lamb amidst the throne, And proclaim, in joyful psalms, Vict'ry through his cross alone. 2 Who were these ? on earth they dwelt. Sinners once of Adam's r;ice ; Guilt, and fear, and suff'ring felt, But were saved from all by grace : They were mortal, too, like us ; — Ah ! when we like them shall die, May our souls, translated thus, Triumph, reign, and shine on high. X88. Music— Jlymnal, 299. dill, THEIvE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 170 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 172 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 5 Apostles, martyrs, prophets, there Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. 6 Jerusalem, my happ}^ home, My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labors have an end, When I thy joys shall see. loo. Music— Hymnal, 413. Y.G^Si T>ISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings, XVi Thy better portion trace ; Rise, from transitory things, Towards heav'n, thy native place ; Sun and moon and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepared above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course, Eire ascending seeks the sun, Both speed them to their source j So a soul that's born of God Pants to view his glorious face. Upward tends to his'abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize ; 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-with'riug fluw"rs ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heav'nly land from ours^ 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to the J{;ws old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. 4 But tim'rous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea ; And linger, shiv'ring on the brink, And fear to launch away. 6 Oh could we make our doubts remove. Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love W^ith unbeclouded eyes : 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death 'scoldjflood, Should fright us from the shore. 189. Music — Hymnal, 303, CM. WHEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. HEAVEJf. 173 175 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And hellish darts be hurled, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, And storms of sorrow fall, May I but safely reach m}^ home, My God, my heav'n, my all. 4 There shall t bathe my weary soul In seas of heav'nly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. 190, M lis. 3In£ic — Happy Voices, 163. Y home is in heaven, my rest is not here : Then why should I murmur when trials are near ? Be hush'd, my dark spirit : the worst that can come, But shortens thy journey, and hastens thee home. Cho. — Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! Keeeive me, dear Saviour, inglor7"at home. 2 It is not for me to be seeking my blios, And building my hopes in a region like this : 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, • Love cannot die. Oh then to glory run. Be a crown and kingdom won And bright, above the sun, We reign for aye. 192. Music — Golden Chain, 118. ABOUND the throne of God in heaven, Ten thousand children stand, Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Chorus. Singing glor}^, glory, glory hallelujah, Singing glory, glory, glory hallelujah. 2 What Tjrought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace, and joy, and love, How came those children there ? Cho. — Singing glory, &c. 3 Because the Saviour shed his blood. To wash away our sin ; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ; Cho. — Singing glory, &c. 174: PRECIOUS HYMNS. i7e PRECIOUS HYMNS. I look for a city which hands have not piled ; I pant for a country by sin undefiled. Cho. — Home, home, &c. 3 Afflictions may damp me, but cannot de- stroy. The glimpse of his love turns them all into joy; And the bitterest tears, if he smile but on them. Like dew in the sunshine, turn diamond or gem. Cho. — Home, home, &c. X!%yJL^ Music — Hymnal, 534. THERE is a happy land, Far, far away, Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day ; Oh, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Saviour King, Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye. 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away; Why will ye doubting staad, Why still delay? Oh, we shall happy be, When, from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye. 4 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name • And now they see his blessed face, And stand before the Lamb ; Cho. — Singing glory, &c. J_yO« Music — Hymnal, 418. BEAUTIFUL Zion built above, Beautiful city that I love ; Beautiful gates of pearly white, Beautiful temple — God its light; He who was slain on Calvary Opens those pearly gates to me. 2 Beautiful heav'n where all is light, Beautiful angels clothed in white. Beautiful strains that never tire, Beautifui harps through all the choir j There shall I join the chorus sweet, Worshipping at the Saviour's feet. 3 Beautiful crowns on every brow, Beautiful palms the conqu'rors show, Beautiful robes the ransomed wear, Beautiful all who enter there ; Thither I press with eager feet, There shall my rest be long and sweet. 4 Beautiful throne for Christ our King, Beautiful songs the angels sing, HEAVEN. 177 i Beautiful rest, all wand 'ring cease, Beautiful home i)f perfect peace ! There .shall my eyes the Saviour see ;- Haste to this heav'nly home with me. 8,7s. 194. Music — Golden Chain, IN the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest, Thei-e my Saviour 's gone before me, To fulfill m;/ soul's request. Cho. — There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary. There is rest for you — On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2 He is fitting up my mansion, "Which eternally shall stand, For my stay shall not be transient In that holy, happy land. Cho. — There is rest, &c, 3 Pain nor sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share ; But in that celestial centre, I a crown of life shall wea" Cho. — There is rest, &c. HEAVEN. 179 3 Should corning days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing ; That perfect rest naught can molest, Where golden hai-ps are ringing. Cho. — For, oh, we stand, &c. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Each chord on earth to sever, Our King says, " Come," and there is our home Forever, Oh, forever. Cho. — For oh, we stand, &c. 1 c\cx ^'^^- XyO« Music — Singing Pilgrim, b1 . THEY are waiting for the coming. Angels on the other shore, Waiting to receive the ransomed, When the storms of life are o'er ; Watching at the shining portals Of our Father's mansion fair ; They will strike their harps of glory, They will bid us welcome there. Cho. — They are waiting, waiting, waiting Angels on the other shore ; Waiting to receive the ransomed, When the storms of life are o'er. 2 They are waiting for the aged, Those who long the way have trod ; Waiting for the poor in spirit, Kich in faith and love to God ; 17S PRECIOUS HYMNS. 180 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Death itself shall then be vanquished, And Tts sting shall be withdrawn ; Shout for gladness, O, ye ransomed, Hail with joy the rising morn. Cho. — There is rest, &c. 5 Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory, Shout your triumph as you go ; Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance through. Cho. — There is rest, &c. CM. Music — Happy Voices, 200. 195. MY days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger Would not detain them as they fiy, Those hours of toil and danger. Chorus. For Oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2 We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our distant home discerning ; Our absent Lord has left our word, Let every lamp be burning. Cho.— For oh, we stand, &c. For the young and valiant soldiers, Who have nobly borne their part j For the self-denying Christian ; For the meek, the pure in heart. Cho, — They are waiting, &c. 3 They are waiting for the heralds Who in distant lands proclaim Life eternal, free salvation, Through a dying Saviour's name Waiting for the silent mourner, For the -weary and oppressed, Who have borne tbeir cross with patience, And are going home to rest. Cho. — They are waiting, &c. 4 In the sunny vales of Eden, By the river, clear and bright Where the tree of life is planted, And our faith is lost in sight ; We shall join the "church triumphant," Free from sorrow, toil, and care; Every tie again united, There will be no parting there. Cho. — They are waiting, &c. 197. Music — Musical Leaves, 30. WHEN life's labor-song is sung, And the ebon arch is sprung O'er the shaded couch of death so still ; Then the Lord will light the scene With the angels' starry sheen. As they welcome us to Zion's hill. HEAVEN. 18X Chortts. "We'll meet each otlier there, Yes ! we'll meet each other there, With the angels in the air, Yes I we'll meet each other there ; We'll meet each other there, Yes ! we'll meet each other there. With the angels, with the angels in the air Dark the shadows in the vale, Tierce the howling of the gale. But the shining ones are near our door ; With our robes as bright as they. We will tread the starry way, With the shadow and the storm no more. Cho. — We'll meet each other there, &c. Flood the heart with parting tears, Frost the head with passing 3^ears, Mingle want and woe together here * But the Lord will lift the cloud. That enwraps the shining crowd, And we'll never know a sorrow there. Cno. — We'll meet each other there, &c. 198. Music — Musical Leaves, 57. WEAEY wand'rcr o'er the main, Seeking ior thy home again. Through the gath'ring mists that rise, Veiling thy natal skies j HEAVEN. Refrain. 183 Then hide thee, hide thee in the cleft of the Rock, Hide thee, hide thee, hide in the cleft of the Rock. Come, bring thy heart to the shelt'ring Rock And all thy weight of care ; Look up, the light of a Sa\iour's love Is smiling SAvedly there ; He waiteth to welcome thee home. Oh, breathe but one penitent prayer ; The blood that flows from His wounded side, , Thro' faith will cleanse thee there. — Ref. There's life for thee at the shelt'ring Rock, A life of peace and love ; Sweet hope of rest in a higher land Of purer joys above ; Then stay with the Saviour, oh ! stay. Where nothing thy soul can e'er move, There calmly rest in the sweet retreat, The arms of Jesus' love. — Ref. 200 Songs of Gladness, 46. JERUSALEM the golden, With milk and honry blest, Beneath thy contemplation Sink heaitand voice to rest. 7, 5s. 182 PRECIOUS HYMjS^S. 184: prjSCious hymns. Look beyond, there's light for t^ee, Streaming o'er the turbid sea ; Softly it smiles, though distant far, The beautiful polar star. 2 Stranger, on a rocky strand Longing for thy father-land, Through the gath'ring clouds that rise, Veiling thy natal skies ; Look beyond, there's hope for thee, Dawning o'er the tranquil sea, Softly it smiles, though distant far, TL^ beautiful polar star. 3 Lo lely watcher, pale with grief, Thcu shalt find a sweet relief. Though thy tears unheeded fall, Jesus will count them all ; Look beyond, there 's joy for thee, Bretiking o'er a troubled sea. Softly it smiles, though distant far, • The beautiful polar star. 109. Come, stay thy feet by the shelt'ring Rock, And sweet thy rest shall be ; Come, lave thy brow in the spray that falls So clear and cool for thee ; Too long hastthoulinger'd away, But mercy is pleading with thee ; Oh. stay thy feet by the shelt'ring Rock, And sweet thy rest shall be. I know not — Oh ! I know not What joys await me there. What radiancy of glory. What bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion, All jubilant with song. And bright with many an angel, And all the martyr throng. There is the throne of David, And there, from toil released. The shout of them that triumph, The song of them that feast 3 And they who, with their Leader^ Have conquered in the fight, Forever and forever Are clad in robes of white. Oh, land that seest no sorrow. Oh, state that fear'st no strife, Oh, royal land of flowers, Oh, realms and home of life ! 4 Oh, sweet and blessed country. The home of God's elect ; Oh, sweet and blessed country. That eager hearts expect ! Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest, Who art, with God the Father '^' And Spirit, ever blest. 201 O HEAVEN. ■ 185 L. M. Music — Book of Praise, 113. HAPPY saints, who dwell in light, And walk with Jesus, clothed in white; Safe landed on that peaceful shore, Where pilgrims meet to part no more. 2 Released from sin, and toil, and grief, Death was their^gate to endless life ; An opened cage to let them fly And build their happy nests on high. 3 And now they range the heavenly plains, And sing their hymns in melting strains, And now their souls begin to prove The heights and depths of Jesus' love. 4 He cheers them with eternal smile, 'They sing hosannas all the while ; Or, overwhelmed with rapture sweet. Sink down adoring at his feet. 5 Ah! Lord with tardy steps I creep, And sometimes sing and sometimes weep; Yet strip me of this house of clay, And I will sing as loud as they. ^OiU« Music— Book of Praise, 1Q2. THERE is a blessed home, Beyond this land of woe, Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow : HEAVEN. 187 2 Shall we meet in that blest harbor. When our stormy voyage is o'er ; Shall we meet and cast the anchor By the fair celestial shore — Cho. — Shall we meet, &c. 3 Where the music of the ransomed Rolls in harmony around. And creation swells the chorus With its sweet melodious sound. Cho. — Shall we meet, &c. 4 Shall we meet with many a loved one Torn on earth from our embrace ? Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? Cho. — Shall we meet, &c 6 Shall we meet with Christ, our Saviour, When he comes to claim his own ? Shall we hear him bid us welcome, And sit down upon his throne ? Cho. — Shall we meet, &c. lOs. ^\J^Z» Music — Happy Voices, 211. JOYFULLY, joyfully, onward we move, Bound to the land of bright spirits above, Jesus, our Saviour, in mercy says, come. Joyfully, joyfully haste to your home. 186 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 188 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Where faith is lost in sight. And patient hope is crowned, And everlasting light Its glory throws around. » 2 There is a land of peace. Good angels know it well : Glad songs that never cease Within its portals swell ; Around its glorious throne Ten thousand saints adore Christ, with the Father, one i And Spirit, evermore. !■ 3 Look up, ye saints of God, Not fear to tread below The path your Saviour trod Of daily toil and woe ; Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love, His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. _ _ iuKJf^^ Music — Happy Voices, 189. SHALL we meet beyond the river. Where the surges cease to roll, Where, in all the bright forever. Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul? Oho. — Shall we meet, shall we meet. Shall we meet, shall we meet, Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll ? Soon will our pilgrimage end here below, Soon to the presence of God we shall go ; Then if to Jesus our hearts have been given. Joyfully, joyfully rest we in heaven. 2 Teachers and scholars have passed on be- fore ; Waiting, they watch us approaching the shore. Singing to cheer us while passing along, " Joyfully, joyfully haste to your home." Sounds of sweet music there ravish the ear; Harps of the blessed, your strains we shall hear, Filling with harmony heaven's high dome, Joyfully, joyfully, Jesus, we come. 3 Death with his arrow may soon lay us low; Safe in our Saviour, we fear not the blow : Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb ; Joyfully, joyfully will we go home. Bright will the morn of eternity dawn, Death shall be conquered, his sceptre be gone ; Over the plains of sweet Canaan we'll roam, Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home. 189 205 S 3Iusic — Happy Voices, 220. HALL we gather at the river O? ' S. Where bright angel feet have trod ; With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God ? Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river — Gather with the saints at the river . That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river, Washing up /its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy, golden day. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather, &c. 3 Ere we reach the shining river. Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. Cho.^ — Yes, we'll gather, &c. 4 At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face. Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather, &c. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river. Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. • Cho. — Yes, we'll gather, &c. 190 PRECIOUS HY.MNfJ. 206 I Music — Gospel Hymns No. 3, 86. 'VE reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine ; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. Cho. — O Beulah land, sweet Beulah land, As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me. And view the shining glory shore, My heaven, my home forevermore ! The Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we ; He gently leads me with His hand, For this is heaven's border-land. — Cho. A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever-vernal trees, And flowers that never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. — Cho. The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's melody. As angels, with the white-robed throng, Join in the sweet redemption song. — Cho. ■ HEAVEN. 191 207 Music — Calvary Songs, page 2^. " Glory to God ! Peace on the earth ! Good will to men !" sang the angels above ; Glory to God ! Peace on the earth ! Good will to men ! — sound the chorus of love ; [so near ; Bright dawns the morning, when heaven is Sweet be our anthem, for Jesus is here ; Come, let us sing — sing of His grace. Grateful thanksgivings shall utter His praise. Praise ye the Lord ! Lift to His name High hallelujahs from each happy voice ; Strike the loud chord ! Praise ye the Lord ! Let every soul in His glory rejoice ! Oh, for a strain such as angels repeat. When the redeemed cast their crowns at His feet ; "Worthy the Lamb! once He was slain. Now on His throne He is reigning again !" O Christ of God ! risen and crowned ! Come with Thy presence, Thy Spirit impart ! Come with Thy love ! come with Thy power ! Breathe on our souls, and enrich every heart ! Sad were Thy sufferings, shameful Thy cross, .sharing our punishment, bearing our loss ; Now, Lord of all. Thee we adore ! Bring we our souls to be Thine evermore ! 192 PRECIOUS HYMNS. ^\JZjm ^<^^i<^ — ^^'^ Golden Shower, 103. OLAND of rest, for thee I sigh, When will the moment come When I shall lay my armor by, And dwell in peace at home? Cho. — We'll wait 'till Jesus comes. We'll wait 'till Jesus comes, We'll weit 'till Jesus comes, And we'll be gather 'd home. 2 No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful sheltering dome. This world's a wilderness of woe, This world is not my home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. 3 To Jesus Christ I fled for rest. He bade me cease to roam, And lean for succor on his breast, And he'd conduct me home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. 4 I sought at once my Saviour's side. No more my steps shall roam. With him I'll brave death's chilling tide, And reach my heavenly home. Cho. — We'll wait, &c. HEAVEN. 193 MISSIONARY. 195 209, ', Music — New Golden Shower ^ 27. THERE'S a beautiful land on high, To its glories I fain would fly, When by sorrows pre.ss'd down, I long for my crown In that beautiful land on high. Chorus. In that beautiful land I'll be From earth and its cares set free ; My Jesus is there, he's gone to prepare A place in that land for me. 2 There's a beautiful land on high, I shall enter it bj and by, There with friends hand in hand, I shall walk on the strand, In that beautiful land on high. — Cho. 3 There's a beautiful land on high, Then wliy should I fear to die. When death is the way, to the realms of day, In that beautiful land on high. — Cho. 4 There's a beautiful land on high. And my kindred its bliss enjoy ; Andmethinks I now see them waiting for me, In that beautiful land on high. — Cho, 5 There's a beautiful land on high, <" Where I never shall weep or sigh ; 3 They are launching on th(! river, From the calm and quiet shore. And they soon will bear my spirit Where the weary sigh no more ; For the tide is swiftly flowing. And I long to greet the blest, "Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary be at rest." MISSIONAHT. Q ^ ^Xa« Music — Happy Voices, 232. THE sun shines bright. And it pours its light O'er the valley, the field, and flood ; The night-bird flies From the sun-lit skies, To his home in the leafy wood. Chorus. Then sleep no more, for the day is come, The night with its gloom has fled ; With a cheerful heart fulfil your part. And the path of duty tread. 2 God's word is light, Like the sun so bright, And it shines in this Christian clime ; And sin retires From its searching fires. To its home in the dens of crime. — Cho. 194 precious hymns. 196 PRECIOUS HYMNS. For my Father hath said no tear shall be shed In that beautiful land on high. — Cho. 6 There's a beautiful land on high. Where we never shall say "good-bye ; " Where the righteous will sing, and their chorus will ring In that beautiful land on high. — Cho. 210 I 3Insic — Fresh Laurels, 8,7s. 125. AM waiting by the river, And my heart has waited long; Now 1 think I hear the chorus Of the angels' welcome song, Oh, I see the dawn is breaking On the hill-tops of the blest, * ' Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary be at rest." 2 Far away beyond the shadows Of this weary vale of tears, There the tide of bliss is sweeping Through the bright and changeless years ; O ! I long to be with Jesus, In the mansions of the blest, " Where the wicked cease from troubling, And the weary be at rest." 3 Poor pagans sleep In their gloom so deep. Not a star lends its feeble ray ; But rays divine On your pathway shine. And you bask in the bright broad day. 4 Then pray and toil For a little while. And the wants of the world supply ; Do all you can, Whether child or man, For the night of the grave draws nigh. T A ^X^« Music — Hymnal, 144. ' ' IjlEOM Greenland's icy mountains, ' From India's coral strand. Where Afric's sunny fountains Eoll down their golden sand. From many an ancient river. From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What thouglj the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylons isle, Though every prospect pleases. And only man is vile ; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown. The heathen, m their blindness. Bow down to wood and stone. ivIlSSIONARY, 3 Shal] W8, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we, to men benighted, The lump of life deny ? Salvation ! O salvalionl The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story. And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransomed nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Kedeemer, King, Creator. In bliss returns to roijrn. 197 MISSIONARY. 199 213. Music — Golden Chain, 20. FAR out upon the prairie, How many children dwell, Who never read the Bible, Or hear the Sabbath bf 11 ; And when the holy morning Wakes us to sing and pray, Thf^y spend the precious moments In idleness and play. Chorus. Far out upon the prairie How many children dwell, Who never read the Bible, Or hear the Sabbath bell ; 2 Here, in thishappy land, we have the light Shining from God's own word, free, pure and bright ; Shall we not send to them Bibles to read, Teachers, and preachers, and all that they need? Cho. — Pity them, &c. 3 Then while the mission ships glad tidings bring. List I as that heathen band joyfully sing, " Over the ocean wave, oh ! see them corne, Bringing the bread of life, guiding us home." Cho. — Pity them, &c. 215. Music — Songs of Devotion, 417, Some are sowing their seed in the daylight fair ; They are sowing seed in the noonday's glare ; They are sowing seed in the soft twilight ; They are sowing their seed in the solemn night. Chorus. What shall the harvest be ? What shall the harvest be? What shall the harvest be ? What shall the harvest be ? 198 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 I wish that I could tell them How Jesus came to die. When he for little children Left his bright throne on high ; And all the sad, sad story Of sorrow which he bore. When for his crown of glory A crown of thorns he wore. — Cho. 3 And so each morn and evening, Whene'er I kneel in prayer, ~\ I'll ask the gracious Saviour To send his gospel there ; That in the glorious city In which he dwells above, We all may sing together Of his redeeming love. — Cho. 200 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 214. O Music — Golden Chain, 41. VEK the ocean wave, far, far away, _ There the poor heathen live, waiting for day : Groping in ignorance, dark as the night, No blessed Bible to give them the light. Chorus. Pity them, pity them. Christians at home , Haste with the bread of life," hasten and 2 Some are sowing their seed of word and deed. Which the cold know not, nor the careless heed ; 'Oh ! the gentle word, and the kindest deed, That have blest the sad heart in its sorest need. Sweet shall the harvest be, etc. 3 Some are sowing the seed of noble deed. With a sleepless watch and an earnest heed ; With a ceaseless hand in the earth they sow. And the fields are all whitening where'er they go. Rich will the harvest be, etc. 4 Whether sown in the darkness, or sown in the light; Whether sown in weakness, or sown in might ; Whether sown in meekness, or sown in wrath, In the broadest highway or the shadowy path- Sure will the harvest be. &c. 216 B H.M. Music — Golden Censer, 117. LOW ye the trumpet, blow — The gladly solemn sound Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bounds. The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransom 'd sinners, home. MISSIONARY. 201 MISCELLANEOUS. 203 217 N 2 Exalt the Lamb of G-od, The sin-atoning Lamb : Redemption by his blood Through all the lands proclaim ; The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 3 The gospel trumpet hear. The news of pardoning grace ; Ye iiappy souls draw naar, Behold your Saviour's face ; The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 4 Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonemqjit made ; Ye weary spirits, rest, Ye mournful souls, be glad ; The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 7,6s. Music — Choral Jlarp^ 136. OW be the gospel banner In every land unfurled, And be the shout, Hosannna ! Re-echoed through the world ; Till every isle and nation. Till every tribe and tongue Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 3 We are but young — yet we must die, Perhaps our latter end is nigh ; Lord, may we early seek thy grace, And find in Christ a hiding-place ! 4 We are but young — we need a guide, Tesus, in thee we would confide ; Oh, lead us in the-'path of truth, Protect and bless our helpless youth. 219. L.M. Music — Brightest and Best, page ii8. - To God be the glory, great things He hath done. So loved He the world that He gave us His son ; "Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, And opened the life gate that all may go in. Refkain. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice ; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice. Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son And give Him the glory, great things He hath done. Oh perfect redemption, the purchase of blood. To every believer the promise of God ; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. — Ref. Great things He has taught us, great things He hath And great our rejoicing thro' Jesus the Son; [done; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. —Ref. 202 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 What though the embattled legions Of earth and hell combine, His arm throughout their regions, Shall soon resplendent shine ; Ride on, O Lord, victorious, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Thy triumph shall be glorious ; Thy empire still increase. ? Yes, thou shalt reign forever, O Je«us, King of Kings ; Thy light, thy love, thy favor. Each ransomed captive sings : The isles for thee are waiting, The deserts learn thy praise ; The hills and valleys greeting, The song responsive raise. MISCELLANEO US. 218. W L.M. E are but young — yet we may sing The praises of our heavenly King ; He made the earth, the sea, the sky, And all the starry worlds on high. I "We are but young — yet we have heard The gospel news, the heavenly Word; If we despise the only way, Dreadful will be the judgment daj 204: PRECIOUS HYMNS. ^^^ C. M. 220. Mti.ic— Choral Harp, 156. IET ev'ry heart rejoice and sing ; _J Let choral anthems rise ; Ye rev'rend men and children bring To God your sacrifice. Chorus. For he is good ; The Lord is good. And kind are all his ways ; With t-ongs and honors sounding loud, The Lord Jehovah praii-:e. While the rocks and the rills, While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise : Let each prolong the grateful song, II And the God of our father's praise. |j 2 He bids the sun to rise and set ; In heav'n his pow'r is known; And earth subdued to him, shall yet Bow low before his throne. — Cho. 221. M Ilusic — Frcs.h Laurels, 24. ARCH along together. Ever firm and true. Many eyes are watching, Taking note of you. Pleasant winds or foul ones. Cloudy days or bright, Keep to the right, boys, Keep to the right. MISCELLANEOUS. Kaise on higli your banner, That its folds may fly, Like the wing of eagle Sweeping to the sky. If you wish to conquer Every foe you fight, Keep to the right, hoys, Keep to the ri^-iit. Of your heavenly Father, Strength and courage seek ; Swords are to no purpose If the heart be weak ! Every arm endowing With a warrior's might, Keep to the right, boys, Keep to the right ! Love should be your motto, Duty be your aim ; Ever ''overcoming," Till a crown you claim ; For a fame undying Strive with all your might, Keep to the right, boys, Keep to the right. 205 MISCELLANEOUS. 207 ^^^^ Book of Praise^ 227. 8,7,4. EAD us, heavenly Father, lead us, _J O'er the world's tempestuous sea ; Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us. Precious is the blood that healed ub, Perfect is the grace that sealed us, Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us ; All must be well. 2 Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well ; Ours is such a full salvation, All, ail is well ! Happy, still to God confiding, ' Fruitful, if in Christ abiding. Holy, through the Spirit's guiding ; All must be well ! 5 We expect a bright to-morrow, All will ba* well ; Faith can sing through days of sorrow All, all is well! On our Father's love relying, Jesus every need supplying, Or in living, or in dying. All must be well. 225. 8,7's. Music — Hymnal, 53. OKD, dismiss us with thy blessing, A Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace; O refresh us. Travelling through this wilderness. 20G PRECIOUS HYMNS. For we have no help but thee ; Yet possessing Every blessing, If our God our Father be. 2 Saviour, breathe forgiveness o'er us ; All our weakness thou dost know ; Thou did'st tread this earth before us, Thou did'st feel its keenest woe ; Lone and dreary, Faint and weary, Through the desert thou did'st go. 223. Music— Booh of Praise, 321. OF thy love some gracious token Grai)t us, Lord, before we go ; Bless thy word which has been spoken, Life and peace on all bestow ! When we join the world again, Let our hearts with th^e remain ; direct us And protect us, Till we gain the heavenly shore Where thy people want no more. 224. Music— Book of Praise, 408. THEOXJGH the love of God our Saviour, All will be well ; Free and changeless is this favor, All, all is well I 208 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Thanks we give and adoration, For thy gospel's joylal sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ; May thy presence With us evermore be found. So, whene'er the signal's given, IJs from earth to call away.. Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad to leave our cumbrous clay, May we, ready, Rise and reign in endless day. 226. M Music — Hymnal, 727. 8,7's. AY the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love. With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above ! 2 Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord ; And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot aiford. ^^2^ .Music-Happy Fozces, 108. P.Iill, SAY, brothers, will you meet us, Say, brothers, will you meet us, 6ay, brothers, will you meet us On Canaan's happy shore ? MISCELLANEOUS. 209 MISCELLANEOUS 211 2 By the grace of God we'll meet you, By the grace of God we'll meet you, By the grace of God we'll meet you Where parting is no more. 3 Jesus lives and reigns for ever, Jesus lives and reigns for ever, Jesus lives and reigns for ever, On Canaan's happ}'- shore. 4 Glory, glorv, halleluiah, Glory, glory, halleluiah, Glory, glory, halleluiah. For ever, evermore. 228. Music — Hymnal, 520. 7's. SOFTLY now the light of day Fades upon my sight away ; Free from care, froni labor free. Lord, I would commune with thee: Thou, whose all-pervadmg eye Naught escapes without, within, Pardon each infirmity. Open fault and secret sin. 2 Thou who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity ; Now from thy eternal throne^ Jesus, look with pitying e_^e ; Soon, for me, the light of day Shall forever pass away ; Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me. Lord, to dwell with thee. 230. M 231 MUSIC /% A %^^ Golden Chain, lOS. OjTC S* Y country, 'tis of thee. Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died ; Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country ! thee, Land of the noble free. Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills ; My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song : Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. lis Music — Golden Chain, 56 CHIDE mildly the erring. Kind language endears, Grief follows the sinful. Add not to their tears j 210 229. PRECIOUS HYMNS. Mudc — Songs of Devotion, 642. RESCUE the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring o»e, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save. Chorus. Rescue the perishing. Care for the dying ; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. 2 Though they are slighting him. Still he is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive. Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently, He will forgive if they only believe. 3 Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings He buried, that grace can restore. Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, [moreo Chords that were broken will vibrate once Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it ; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide. Back to the narrow way Patiently win them ; Tell the poor wand'rer a Saviour has died. 212 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Avoid with reproaches Fresh pain to bestow, The heart which is stricken Needs never a blow. 2 Chide mildly the erring, Jeer not at their fall, If strength be but human, How weakly were all ! What marvel that footsteps Should wander astrav, When tempests so shadow Life's wearisome way. 3 Chide mildly the erring, Entreat them with care. Their natures are mortal, They need not despair. We all have some frailty, We all are unwise. The grace which redeems us Must come from the skies. /^Oj^. Music — Golden Chain, 70. SWEETLY sing, sweetly sing, Praises to our heavenly King ; Let us raise, let us raise High our notes of praise ; Prpise to him whose name is Love, Praise to him who reigns above ; Eaise your songs, raise your songs, Now with thankful tongues. MISCELLANEOUS. 2 Far away, far away, We in sin's dark valley lay, Jesus came, Jesus came, Blessed be his name ! He redeemed us by his grace, Then prepared in heaven a place To receive — to receive All who will believe. 213 MISCELLANEOUS. 215 233. W Music — Golden Chain^ 76. Eare joyously voyaging over the main, Bound for the evergreen shore, "Whose inhabitants never of sickness com- plain, And never see death any more. Chorus. Then let the hurricane roar. It will the sooner be o'er ; We will weather the blast, and will land at last. Safe on the evergreen shore. 2 We have nothing to fear from the wind and the wave, Under our Saviour's command ; And our hearts in the midst of the dan- gers are brave ; For Jesus will bring us to land. Cho. — Then let the hurricane, &c. 235, Music, Book of Worship, 253. WITH broken heart and contrite sigh, A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry ; Thy pard'niiig grace is rich and free : O God, be merciful to me I 2 I smite upon my troubled breast, With deep and conscious guilt oppressed; Christ and his cross my only plea : O God, be merciful to me ! 3 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Can for a single sin atone , To Calvary alone I flee ; O God, be merciful to me ! 4 And when, redeemed from sin and hell. With all the ransomed throng I dwell. My raptured song shall ever be, God has been merciful to me ! j^tS^* Music — Golden S/iower, 74. WE'have come rejoicing on this happy day. In our Sunday school we dearly love to stay, And with voices blending in a sacred song, We the Saviour's praise prolong. 214 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 216 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 8 Let the high heaving billow and moun- tainous wave, Fearfully overhead break ; There is one by our side that can comfort and save ; There's one who will never forsake. Cho. — Then let the hurricane, &c. 4 Let the vessel be wrecked on the rock or the shoal, Sink to be seen never more ; He will bear, none the less, every passen- ger SOLtl, Safe, safe to the evergreen shore. Cho. — Then let the hurricane, &c. CM. 234. Music— Golden Chain, 77. ONCE more, my soul ! the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes ; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To him who rules the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, The day renews the sound ; Wide as the heaven, on which he sits, To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame, My tongue shall speak his praise ; My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, And yet his wrath delays. Chorus. There we shall never grieve him more, But, with the angels on that shore. Strike the harps of glory in a sweeter strain, And ever with them praise his holy name. 2 Thro' the week«he's kept us, and his smil- ing face Still is beaming on us in this happy place j And the gracious Spirit from his holy throne, Tells us of a better home. Cho. — There we shall never, &c. 3 Jesus there is smiling, on his Father's throne, Saying, " Come in welcome, come, for here is room, In these shining mansions, I have still a place. Children hasten to my face." Cho. — There we shall never, &c. ^fj I , Music — Golden Shotcer, 98. THE day is past and gone, The evening shades appear ; O may we all remember well The night of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest ; So death shall soon disrobe us all Of what we here possessed. MISCELLANEOUS. 217 MISCELLANEOUS. 219 3 Lord, keep us safe this night, Secure Irom all our fears ; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. 238. Music — Songs of Devotion, G28. BEOKEN in spirit, And laden with care, Sweet is thy refuge — Find it in prayer. Chorus— Tell it to Jesus ; Tell it to Jesus ; Tell it to Jesus ; He will give peace 2 Art thou neglected , And sighing to know Joys tliat in friendship Tenderly flow ? Tell it to Jesus, &c. 3 Art thou recalling The years that have fled ? Weeping in sorrow, Mourning the dead ? Tell it to Jesus, &c. 4 Dare to do right ! dare to be true ! Keep the great judgment-seat always in view ; Look at your work as you'll look at it then, Scanned oy Jehovah, and angels, and men. Cho. — Dare^- dare, &c. 5 Dare to do right ! dare to be true ! Jesus, your Saviour, will carry you through. City, and mansion, and throne all insight, ban you not dare to be true and do right? Cho. — Dare, dare, &c. o,7s. 240 • 3Tusic— Golden Censer, 21. IN the cross of Christ I glory. Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When th- woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes a c;'ive and fears annoy, Never shall tlie cross forsake me, Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross, the radiance streaming, Adds new lustre to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, , By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 218 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Bear thy afiliction, Whatever it be ; Jesus, thy Saviour, Bore it for thee. Tell it to Jesus, &c. ^f^y. Music — Golden Censer, 8. DARE to do right ! dare to be true I You have a work that no other can do, Do it so bravely, so kindly, so well. Angels will hasten the story to tell. Chorus. Dare, dare, dare to do right ! Dare, dare, dare to be true ! Dare to be true ! dare to be true ! 2 Dare to do right ! dare to be true ! Other men's failures can never save you ; Stand by your conscience, your honor, your faith ; Stand like a hero, and battle till death. Cho. — Dare, dare, &c. 3 Dare to do right ! dare to be true ! God, who created you, cares for you too ; Treasures the tears that his striving ones shed, Counts and protects every hair of your head. Cho. — Dare, dare, &c. 220 PRECIOUS HYMFS. 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the lights of sacred story_ Gather round its head sublime. 241 Music — Calvary Songs, page 33* Thou art my Shepherd, Caring in every need Thy little lamb to feed, Trusting thee still ; In the green pastures low, Where living waters flow, Safe by thy side I go. Fearing no ill. Or if my way lie Where death o'erhanging nigh My soul would terrify With sudden chill, — Yet I am not afraid ; While softly on my head Thy tender hand is laid, I fear no ill ! 242.' J Music — Songs of Devotion, 635. ESUS, my Saviour, Cleanse me from sin ; Make me thy temple : Dwell thou therein MISCELLANEOUS. 221 lIISCELLA;NrEOTT=?. A^'^cir Gentle and holy, Loving and mild, Make me to worship Thee, as a child. Chorus. Jesus, thou only Canst comfort me when lonely; O Jesus, my Saviour, Draw near unto me. 2 Longing for something-^Earth can not give ; Hoping and striving, Daily I live. But in thy presence Conflict must cease ; Saviour, dear Saviour, Grant me thy peace. 3 Cleanse me, oh cleanse me From every stain, Near me, oh near me, Ever remain. Jesus, my Saviour, Never depart : Make thy pure temple Here in my heart. 94-9 ^ ^A^Sl^n Music — Songs of Devotion, 630. WE praise thee, O God ! for the Son of thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. CHORUS. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us agciin. 2 We praise thee, O God ! for thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. 3 All o-lory and praise to the Lamb that was slain. Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed every stain. Trusting Him while life shall last. Trusting Him till earth is past ; Till within the jasper wall. Trusting Jesus, that is all. — Cho. 244. Music — Golden Censer , OWE are volunteers in the army of the Lord, Forming into line at our Captain's word ; We are under marching orders to take the battle-field, And we'll ne'er give o'er the fight 'till the foe shall yield. Chorus. Come and join the army, the army of the Lord, Jesus is our Captain, we rally at his word ; Sharp will be the conflict with the pow'rs of sin, But with such a Leader, we are sure to win. 2 0, glorious is the struggle in which we draw the sworu. Glorious in the kingdom of Christ, our Lord : 222 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 224 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Revive us again ; fill each heart with thy love ; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. 243. Music — (9; H. &^ S. Songs No. 2,page j_5. Simply trusting every day, Trusting thro' a stormy way ; Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Cho. — Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by; Trusting Him, whate'er befall. Trusting Jesus, that is all. Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine ; While He leads I cannot fall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. — Cho. Singing, if my way is clear ; Praying, if the path is drear ; If in danger, for Him call, Trusting Jesus, that is all. — Cho. It shall spread from sea to sea, it shall reach from shore to shore, And his people shall be blessed for ever- more. Cho. — Come and join, &c. 245. Music — Golden Censer., 116. GLORY to God in the highest ! Glory to God, glory to God, Glory to God in the highest! Shall be our song to-day ; Another year's rich mercies prove His ceaseless care and boundless love ,• So let our loudest voices raise Our Anniversary song of praise. Cho. — Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God in the highest I Glory, glory, glory, glory, Glory be to God on high. 2 Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God, glory to God, Glory to God in the highest ! Shall be our song to-day ; The song that woke the glorious mom When David's greater son was born, Sung by an heavenly host, and we Would join th' angelic company. Cho. — Glory to God, &c. MISCELLANEOUS. 223 3 Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God, .e^lory to God, Glory to God in the highest I Shall be onr song to-day; And while we with the angels sing, Gifts, with the wise men, let us bring Unto the Babe of Bethlehem, And oft'er our young hearts to him. Oho.— Glory to God, &c. 4 Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God, glory to God, Glory to God in the highest ! Shall be our song to-day. O, may we, an unbroken band, Around the throne of Jesus stand, And there with angels and the throng Of his redeemed ones, join the song. Oho— Glory to God, &c. ia40, ^ook of "Worsh/j), 209. SJ7^Sm ALWAYS with us, always with us. Words of cheer and words of love • ^ Thus the risen Saviour whispers ' From his dwelling-place above. 2 With us when we toil in sadness, Sowing much and reaping none • Telling us that in the future Golden harvests shall be won. MISCELLANEOUS. 227 5 With thee, when darlvness brings The signal of repose ; Calm in the shadow of thy wings Mine eyelids I would close. 248. MUSIC Book of Worship^ 483. lO's. ABIDE with me! Fast falls thee vcntide, The darkness deepens — Lord, with me ^ abide ! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me ! 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away : Ohange and decay in all around I see ; thou who changest not, abide with me ! 3 I need thy presence every passing hour : What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine. Lord, abide with me. 4 I fear no foe, with thee at hand to bless ; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitter- ness : e is d victory ? 1 triumph still, if thou abide with me. 226 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 228 3 With us when the storm is sweeping O'er our pathway dark and drear; Waking hope within our bosoms, Stilling every anxious fear. 4 With us in the lonely valley. When we cross the chilling stream ; Lighting up the steps to glory With salvation's radiant beam. 247. S Book of Worship, 360. S.M, TILL with thee, O my God, I would desire to be ; By day, by night, at home, abroad, I would be still with thee : 2 With thee, when dawn comes in, And calls me back to care ; Eacji day returning to begin With thee, my God, in prayer : 3 With thee, amid the crowd That throngs the busy mart. To ])ear thy voice, 'mid clamor loud, Speak softly to my heart : 4 With thee, when day is done. And evening calms the mind : The setting as the rising sun With thee my heart would find. 249. PRECIOUS HYMNS. Book of Worship, 574. S,!M[, A FEW more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with those that rest. Asleep within the tomb. Oho. — ^Then, O my Lord prepare My soul for that great day ; O wash me in thy precious blood. And take my sins away. 2 A few more storms shall beat On thir; wild, rocky shore, And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. Cho.— Then, O my Lord, &c. Z A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more. Cho. — Then, my Lord, &c. 4 A few more Sabbaths here Shall cheer us on our vv^a^- : And we shall reach the endless rest,. Th' eternal Sabbath day. Cho.— Then, O my Lord, &c. MISCELLANEOUS. 229 MISCELLANEOUS. 231 250, 3Iusic — Singing Pilgrim^ 25. TlfTE'YE listed in a holy war, V ? Battling for the Lord ! Ey-ernal life, eternal joj^, Battling for the Lord ! C HO.— We'll work 'till Jesus comes, We'll work 'till Jesus comes, We'll work 'till Jesus comes. And then we'll rest at hoihe. 2 Under our Captain, Jesus Christ, Battling for the Lord ! We've listed for this mortal life, Battling for the Lord ! Cho.— We'll work, &c. 3 We'll fight against the powers of sin, Battling for the Lord I In favor of our heavenly King, Battling for the Lord! Cho.— We'll work, &c 4 And when our warfare here is o'er. Battling for the Lord ! This strife we'll leave, and war no more, Battling for the Lord ! Cho.— We'll work, &c. 6 Our friends and kindred there we'll meet, On the heavenly shore ! And ground our arms at Jesus' feet On the heavenly shore ! Cho.— We'll work, &c. His faithful friend I ought to be, Since he has shown such love for me. 3 Stand up for Jesus ? yes, I must, My Lord, my life, my hope, my trust; My joy, my crown, my all, is he, Who, dying, conquered death for me. 4 Stand up for Jesus ? O, I will ; His love my inmost soul shall fill ; For now, with joy, I see, I see. How Jesus once stood up for me. 252.' L.M. AS pants the hart for water brooks, So pants my soul, O God, for thee ; For thee it thirsts, to thee it looks. And longs the living God to see. 2 Oh why art thou cast down, my soul ? And what should so disquiet thee? Still hope in God, and him extol. Whose face brings saving health to thee. CM. Mndc — Song% of Devotion, 250. FATHEE, I stretch my hands to thee, No other help I know ; If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah, whither shall I go ? 253. 230 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 232 PRECIOUS HYMNS. ^^X» Music — Happy Voices^ 209. I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger ; I can tarry, I can tarry but a night. Do not detain me, for I am going To where the fountains are ever flowing. Cho. — I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a night. 2 There the glory is ever shining ! Oh my longing heart, my longing heart is there ; Here in this country, so dark and dreary, I long have wandered, forlorn and weary. Cho. — I'm a pilgrim, &c. 3 There's the city to which I journey; My Kedeemer, my Kedeemer is its light I There is no sorrow, nor any sighing, Nor any sin there, nor any dying ! Cho. — I'm a pilgrim, &c. 252. Music — Sabbath Songs, 85. STAND up for Jesus ? well I may. For when, condemned to death, I lay A sin-bound soul, he set me free. By dying on the cross for me, 2 Stand up for Jesus ? sure I ought ; His precious blood my ransom wrought. 2 What did thine only Son endure, Before I drew my breath I What pain, what labor to secure My soul from endless death. 3 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing eyes ; Oh, may I now receive that gift : My soul, without it, dies. 253. CM T WAITED for the Lord, my God, -*- And patiently did bear ; At length to me he did incline, My voice and cry to hear. 2 He took me from a fearful pit. And from the miry clay. And on a rock he set my feet. Establishing my way. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, Our God to magnify ; Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the Lord rely. MISCELLANEOUS. 2S3 MISCELLANEOUS. 235 2o4:. Music— Hymnal, 567. L.^IVT. BEHOLD a Stranger at the door ! He gently knocks, has knocked before, Has waited long — is waiting still, You treat no other friend so ill. 2 O lovel}^ attitude, he stands With melting heart and bleeding hands, matchless kindness, and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes ! 3 But will he prove a friend indeed ? He will, — the very fricjnd you need; ' The Pricnd of sinners — yes, 'tis he, With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Eise, touched with gratitude divine, — Turn out his enemy and thine, . That soul-destroying monster sin, And let the heavenly Stranger in. 5 Admit him, ere his anger burn. His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit him, or the hour's at hand You'll at his door rejected stand, Bell, 89. 7'S. Ao^i Music — S. S. HARK, my soul, it is the Lord ; 'Tis thy Saviour, hoar his word ; Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee, "Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me ?" 2 The Son of God in tears The wondering angels see ; Be thou astonish 'd, O my soul, He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a t(;ar ; In heaven alone no sin is found, 4 And there's no weeping there. 257. M Music- CM. -If'/i>mal, 24L UST Jesus bear the cross alone. And all the world go free ? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2 The consecrated cross I'll bear. Till death shall set me free ; And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 3 Upon the crystal pavement down, At Jesus' pierced feet. Joyful I'll cast my golden crown, And his dear name repeat. 4 O precious cross ! O glorious crown I O resurrection day ! Let angels from thy throne come down. And bear my soul away. 234 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 " I delivered thee when bound, And, when wounded, healed thy wound ; Sought thee wandering, set the right, Turned thy darkness into light. 3 Can a woman's tender care Cease toward the child she bare? Yes, she may forgetful be. Yet will I remember thee. ■ 4 Mine is an unchanging love, Higher than the heights above ; Deeper than the depths beneath, Eree and faithful, strong as death. 5 Thou shalt see my glory soon, W^hen the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be ; Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me ?" 6 Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is weak and faint ; Yet I love thee and adore. Oh for grace to love thee more. 256. I) S.M, 3Iusic — S. S. Banner, 83. ID Christ o'er sinners weep. And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 236 PRECIOUS HYMNS. OKQ ^- ^- ^00« Music — Hymnal, 503. I LOVE to steal a while away From every cumb'ring care, And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful pray'r. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear. And all his promises to plead, Where none but God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On him whom I adore. 4 I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes in heav'n ; The prospect does my strength renew While here by tempests driv'n. 5 Thus when life's toilsome day is o'er May its departing ray Be calm as this impressive hour, And lead to endless dav. C. M. 259. Music— Book of Worshij), 344. AWAKE, my soul, stretch every nerve And press with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal. And an immortal crown. MISCELLANEOUS. 2311 MISCELLANEOUS. 2S9 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget tliG steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis Grod's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 4 That prize with peerless glories hright, "Which shall new lustre boast, "When victors' wreaths and monarchs' gems Shall blend in common dust. 5 Blest Saviour ! introduced by thee, Have we our race begun : And crowned with victory, at thy feet We'll lav our laurels down. o/>/^ " C. M. afOsJm Music— Book of Worship, 422. ISr Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 Oh, the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight ; Sweet fields arrayed in living green, And rivers of delight I 3 Onward, still onward, my refuge andguide, Gladly my way I pursue ; Bright is my path while I walk ty thy side, Thou wilt my courage renew. Cho. — Nearer the kingdom, &c. ^|3^, Music — Fresh Laurels, 56. IF we knew, when walking tho'tless Thro' the crowded, noisy way, That some pearl of wond'rous whiteness Close beside our pathway lay, We would pause when now we hasten, We would often look around, Lest our careless feet should trample Some rare jewel in the ground. 2 If we knew what lives were darken 'd By some thoughtless word of ours, Which had ever lain upon them, Like the frost upon the flowers, O with what sincere repentings, With what anguish of regret. While our eyes were overflowing. We would cry, " forgive, forget." 8 If we knew ! Alas ! and do we Ever care or seek to know, Whether bitter herbs or roses In our neighbors' gardens grow? God forgive us ! lest hereafter Our hearts break to hear him say "Careless child, I never knew you, From my presence flee away." 238 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 There generous fruits, that never fail, On trees immortal grow ; There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales, With milk and honey flow. 4 On all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day ; There God, the Son, forever reigns, And scatters night away. 5 No chilling winds nor pois'nous breath Can reach that healthful shore : Sickness and sorrow, pain and death. Are felt and feared no more. 261. Music — Fresh Laurels. 49. BLESSED Redeemer, how precious thou art, Full of compassion and grace ; Sweet IS the music of joy to my heart, Cheered by the smile of thy face. Cho. — Nearer the kingdom of glory to-day, Nearer, my Father, nearer to thee, Upward my spirit is soaring away. Pleasure immortal I see. 2 Shadows of darkness no longer I fear, Jesus, I know thou art mine; Hark ! 'tis the anthem of rapture I hearj Wafted from regions divine. Cho. — Nearer the kingdom, &c. 240 263. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 8,6s. Music — Fresh Laurels, 65. WHEN he Cometh, when he cometh, To make up his jewels. All his jewels, precious jewels. His lov'd and his own : Cho. — Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for his crown. 2 He will gather, he will gather The gems for his kingdom ; All the pure ones, all the bright ones. His lov'd and his own. Cho. — Like the stars, &c. 3 Little children, little children Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels. His lov'd and his own. Cho. — Like the stars, &c. 264. I Music- CM. ■Golden Censer, 87. SAW One hanging on a tree In agonies and blood. Who fixed his languid eyes on me. As near his cross I stood. MISCELLANEOUS. 241 MISCELLANEOUS. 24:3 Chorus. O, the Lamb, t]ie loving Lamb, The Lamb upon Calvary, The Lamb that was slain and liveth again To intercede for me. 2 Sure never till my latest breath Can I forget that look ; It seemed to charge me with his death, . Tho' not a word he spoke. Cho. — 0, the Lamb, &c. 8 My conscience felt and owned my guilt. And plunged me in despair ; I saw my sins his blood had spilt, And helped to nail him there. Cho. — 0, the Lamb, &c. 4 A second look he gave, which said, '■ ' I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom paid ; I die that thou may 'st live." Cho. — O, the Lamb, &c. i&OOe Music — Book of Praise^ 41. AS with gladnesss men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light. Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious God may we Evermore be led by thee. 2 But beyond that vale of tears Lies the land that knows no fears, Where our steps no more may roam, Pilgrims, we are going home ! Cho. — Yes, we are, &c. 3 Home to long lost friends and dear, "Who are missed and mourned for here •^ Home to endless peace and love, In our Father's house above. Cho. — Yes, we are, &c. 4 Let not trifles by the way Tempt our hearts or steps to stray From that narrow path and strait Leading to the golden gate. Cho. — Yes, we are, &c. 5 No, our faith hath One in view Who was once a pilgrim too ; From his track we will not roam. For to Christ we're going home. Cho — Yes, we are, &c. I SjOS. 20 I • Mrisic — Happy Voices, 141 THEEE is beauty all around. When there's love at home ; There is joy in every sound. When there's love at home. Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on every side, 242 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 244 PRECIOUS HYMNS. \ 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger bed ; There to hend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore ; So -may we with willing feet Ever seek thy mercy-seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare ; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free troni sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to thee, our heavenly King. 4- Holy Jesus ! every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds thy glory hide. 260« Music— Golden Shozver, 102. w E are pilgrims on the earth, Journeying onward from our birth ^ Every hour and every breath Bring us nearer still to death. Cho. — Yes, we are pilgrims, Yes, we are pilgrims. Yes, we are pilgrims On our journey home. Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, love at home ; Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's love at home. 2 Kindly heaven smiles above, When there's love at home. All the earth is iilled with love, When there's love at home. Sweeter sings the brooklet by, Brighter beams the azure sky ; Oh, there's One who smiles on high, When there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, &c. 3 Jesus, show thy mercy mine. Then there's love at home ; Sweetly whisper, I am thine, Then there's love at home. Source of love, thy cheering light Far exceeds the sun so bright — Can dispel the gloom of night ; Then there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, &c. 268. H ASTE, my dull soul, a Cast off thy care, Press to thy native skiea. Mighty in prayer. 6,4's. MISCELLANEOUS. 24:3 Jesus has gone before, Count all thy troubles o'er, He who thy burden bore, Jesus is there. 2 Soul, for the marriage-feast, Eobe and prepare, Pureness becomes each guest; Jesus is there. Saints, wave your victory palms, Chant your celestial psalms ; Bride of the Lamb, thy charms Oh, let us wear ! 3 Heaven's bliss is perfect, pure, Glory is there ; Heaven's bliss is ever sure, ^Thou art its heir. "What makes its joy complete ? ' What makes its hymns so sweet? There our best Friend we'll meet, Jesus is there. fj £^^3^9 Music— Book of Worship, 561. 'rniS religion that can give, JL In the light, in the light — Sweetest pleasure while we live In the light of God. 'Tis religion must supply In the light, in the light — Solid comfort when we die, In the light of God. MISCELLANEOUS. 247 Lord, break the fatal chain, And all my bonds remove ; Nor let one bosom sin remain. To keep me from thy love. 271 Music — Book of Wo7\ CM. . , 226. PLUNGED in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimmering day. 2 With pitying eyes the Prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief; He saw, and — O, amazing love 1 — He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above. With joyful haste he fled, Entered the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 O, for this love let rOcks and hills Their lasting silence break, And all harmonious human tongue» The Saviour's praises speak. 5 Angels, assist our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest notes. His love can ne'er be told. 246 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 248 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Cho. -Let us walk in the light. In the light, in the light ; Let us walk in the light, In the light of God. 2 After death its joys shall be — In the light, in the light ; Lasting as eternitv, In the light of God. • Be the living God my Friend In the light, in the light ; Then my bliss shall never end, In the light of God. Cho. — Let us w^alk, &t'. 270. Music — Hymnal, 320. S. M. OH, whither should I go. Burdened, and sick, and faint ? To whom should I my troubles show. And pour out my complaint ? My Saviour bids me come, Ah, why do I delay ? He calls the weary sinner home And yet from him I stay. What worldly tie must break, What idol yet depart, Which will not let the Saviour take .Possession of my heart? 272 P.M. Music — Book of Worship, 419. FKIEND after friend departs : Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end : Were this frail world our only rest. Living or dying, n'one were blest. 2 Beyond tke flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath. Nor life's affection transient fire. Whose sparks fly upward to expire. 3 There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A whole eternity of love, Formed for the good alone : And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that happier sphere. 0*7^ a Sicilian Hymn. ^ i O* 3Iusic—Book of Worship, 243. SAVIOUR ! visit thy plantation ; Grant us. Lord, a gracious rain ; All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again. 2 Keep no longer at a distance — Shine upon us from on high. Lest, for w;mt of thy assistance. Every plant should droop and die. MISCELLANEOUS 249 MISCELLANEOUS. 251 S Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us' prevalent in prayers ; Let each one esteemed thy servant, Shun the world's enticing snares. 4 Break the tempter's fatal power : Turn the stony heart to flesh, And begin, from this good hour, To revive thy work afresh. 273J Music— Hymnal, 289. OH, that I knew the secret place, Where I might find my God ; I'd spread my wants before his face, And pour my woes abroad. ^ 2 I'd tell him how my sins arise, What sorrows I sustain, How grace decays, and comfort dies, And leaves my heart in pain. S He knows what arguments I'd take To wrestle with my God ; I'd plead for his own mercy's sake. And for my Saviour's blood. 4 Arise, my soul, from deep distress, And banish every fear ; He calls thee to his throne of grace To spread thy sorrows there. "Work when the day grows brighter, Work in the glowing sun ; Work, for tJie night is coming, When man's work is done. 2 Work, for the night is coming, Work thro' the sunny noon ; Fill brightest hours v^ith labor, - Eest comes sure and soon ; Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. 3 Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies ; Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more ; Work while the night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. 275. Music — Book of Worship, CM. 321. A MAZING grace — how sweet the sound- Ji'\. That saved a wretch like me ! I once was lost, but now am found ; Wus blind, but now I see. 250 PRECIOUS HYMNS 252 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 273 O L.M. Music — Book of Worship, 357. THAT my load of sin were gone, O that I could at last submit At Jesus' feet to lay it down, To lay my soul at Jesus' feet ! 2 Eest for my soul I long to find ; Saviour of all, if mine thou art, Give me thy meek and lowly mind. And stamp thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin. And fully set my spirit free ; I can not rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in thee. 4 Fain would I learn of thee, my God, Thy light and easy burden prove, The cross all stained with h allow' d blood. The labor .of thy dying love. 5 I would, but thou must give the power, My heart from every sin release ; Bring, near, bring near the joyful hour. And fill me with thy perfect peace. ^ I TC. Music — N'etv Golden Shower, 68. WOEK, for the night is coming, Work thro' the morning hours; Work, while the dew is sparkling, Work 'mid springing flow'rs ; 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed. 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come ; But grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. 276. Sonffs of Gladness, 141. JESUS hath sought us ; Jesus hath sought us ; Joyful hosannas to him let us raise ; — Cheerily singing, Merrily ringing, Anthems, loud anthems, of jubilant praise. Chorus. Joyfully praise him ! Cheerfnlly raise him Glad songs and loud hosannas Shall ascend to Jesus above from Bethany School ! Joyfully praise him ! Cheerfully raise him Songs of thanksgiving to Jesus above from. Bethany School I MISCELLANEOUS. 253 2 Kind friends have taught us, Jesus hath brougkt us Under this roof where we gather to-day ; Gracious Jehovah, Guide and watch over ; Look on thy children in mercy, we pray. Cho. — Joyfully praise him ! &c. 3 Keep us and guide us ; Kindly provide us Comfort and strength for each step ot the way ; Mercy and blessing. Thy favor expressing, Keep us in love for eternity's day. Cho. — Joyfully praise him ! &c. 4 When thou hast led us. Taught us, and fed us, Strengthened our hearts, as we've journeyed along, • Then, gracious Father, Thy children gather. Joining in chorus of heaven's new song. Cho. — Joyfully praise him ! &c. 277. PSALM. L.M. HOW blest the man whose sins the Lord Has pardoned in his grace, Ail whose transgressions are removed, And covered from his face. MISCELLANEOUS. 25S ^ I Q, Mmic — Fresh Laurels^ 30. WE are marching on with shield and banner bright, We will work for God and battle for tho right. We will praise his name, rejoicing in his might, And we'll work till Jesus calls. In the Sunday school our army we prepare, As WG rally round our blessed standard there, And the Saviour's cross we early learn to bear, While we work till Jesus calls. Chorus. Then awake, then awake, Happy song, happy song, Shout for joy, shout for joy, As we gladly march along. We are marching onward, singing as we go, To the promised land where living waters flow ; Come and join our ranks as pilgrims here below. Come and work till Jesus calls. 2 We are marching on, our Captain ever near. Will protect us still, his gentle voice we hear : 254 precious hymns. 256 PRECIOUS HYMNS, 2 How blest the man to whom the Lord Imputeth not his sin ; And in whose spirit is no guile, Nor fraud is found therein. 3 Surely, when floods and waters great Do swell up to the brim, They shall not overwhelm his soul. Nor once come near to him. 277. 9s. JESUS, most holy, pray I to thee. My sinful fetters, Lord, break from me, Take this sad spirit, mourning for sin, Back to thy bosom, Lord, take me in. 2 Over the mountains long have I strayed, Cold winds of sorrow round me have played; None to bring comfort, none have I found, While tears of anguish watered the ground. 3 To this dear refuge now have I fled, Jesus, thy kind heart for me hath bled ; Back to thy bosom come I for rest, Under thy kind wings sheltered and blest. Let the foe advance, we'll never, never fear, For we'll work till Jesus calls. Then awake, awake, our happy, happy song. We will shout for joy, and gladly march along ; In the Lord of Hosts let every heart be strong. While we work till Jesus calls. Cho. — Then awake, &c 8 We are marching on the straight and nar- row way. That will lead to life and everlasting day, To the smiling fields that never will decay, But we'll work till Jesus calls. We are marching on and pressing toward the prize. To a glorious crown beyond the glowing skies, To the radiant fields where pleasure never dies. And we'll work till Jesus calls.- Cho. — Then awake, &c. 279 MISCELLAxVEOUS. PSALM. 257 C. p. M. LOKD, hear my voice, ray prayers attend, -brom earth's remotest bound I send My supplicating ciy. When troubles great o'erwhelm my breast, Th^n lead me on the Kock to rest, That higher is than I. ' In thee my soul hath shelter found, And thou hast been from foes around The tower of my defense. My house shall thy pavilion be. To covert of thy wings I'll flee' And find deliverance. 279J I am coming to the cross ; ' I am poor, and weak and blind : 1 am counting all but dross, I shall full salvation find. Chorus. I am trusting, Lord, in thee, Dear Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at thy feet I bow : Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2. Long my heart has sighed for thee: -Long has evil reigned within • Jesus sweetly sneaks to me, '' I will cleanse you from all sin.'' 5 I am trusting, <&c. MISCELLANEOUS. "Mercy!" I loudly cried , '* Oh ! give me rest from sin V '' I will," a voice replied ; And Mercy let me in. She bound my bleeding wounds She soothed my aching head ; She eased my burdened soul, And bore the load instead. In mercy's guise, I knew The Saviour long abused ; "Who often sought my heart. And wept when I refused. Oh !. what a blest return For ignorance and sin ! I stood outside the gate, And Jesus let me in. 259 281. Music — Songs of Gladness. THOU mansion bright, thou home of light, And ever blest employ, Where struggling faith is turned to sight, And sorrow turned to joy. Chorus. There Jesus sits enthroned, And saints and angels rouri.^, Ring out the joyous psalm Of Moses and the Lamb. 258 precious hymn*. 3 Here I give my all to the'', Friends, and time, and earthly store, Soul and body thine to be — Wholly thine, for evermore. I am trusting, &c. 4 In the promises I trust — Now I feel the blood applied ; I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. I am trusting, &c. 5 .lesus comes ! he fills my soul ; Perfected in love I am ; I am every whit made whole- Glory, glory to the Lamb ! I am trusting, &c. 260 precious hymns. 280. Music — Songs of Gladness, STOOD outside the gate, A poor wayfaring child ; Within my heart there beat • A tempest, loud and wild. A fear oppressed my soul, That I might be too late; And oh I I trembled sore, And prayed outside the gate. Thou mansion bright, thou home of light, What gloom around us lay, Till gleams of thee stole on our sight, And changed our night to day. Cho. — There Jesus sits, &c. Thou mansion bright, thou home of light, By Jesus' hand prepared, How can I loose thee from my sight, By worldly magic snared I Cho. — There Jesus sits, &c. Thou mansion t)right, thou home of light, I long, I long for thee ; I long to tread the margin bright Along the emerald sea. Cho. — There Jesus sits, &c. 282. day, Music — Songs of Gladness. WE are coming gladly coming On this I sacred Sabbath | ( Anniversary j Every heart with rapture swelling, Every tongue its praise to pay. Chorus. Welcome pastor, welcome teachers, Welcome friends and par(>nts dear; Welcome class-mates, come and join us. All are welcome, welcome here ; Come, come, come, all are welcome here MISCELLANEOUS. 2 We are singing, gladly singing, On this / sacjed Sabbath I . { Anniversary j -^ ' Youthful praises we are bringing, Heartfelt homage would we pay. Oho. — Welcome pastor, &c. 3 Jesus smiles when happy children Raise their tuneful voices high, Angels bear the joyous anthems To the the Saviour in the sky. Cho. — Welcome pastor, ifec. 4 We are praying, humbly praying,* 261 On this r sacred Sabbath ") , \ Anniversary j ^' Asking Christ to kindly lead us Safely through life's thorny way. Cho. — Welcome pastor, &c. 283. 3fusic — Sonffs of Gladness. SITTING at the feet of Jesus, Oil, what words I hear him say! Happy place ! so near, so precious I May it find me there each day ! Sitting at the feet of Jesus, I would look upon the past ; Por his love has been so gracious. It has won mj^ heart at last. MISCELLANEOUS. 263 He looks down from heaven ^ To see us shine ; You in your small corner, And I in mjne. 3 Jesus bids us shine, Then for all around ; ^ For many kinds of darkness In the world are found. There's sin, there's want and sorrow, So we must shine, You in your small corner, And I in mine. ^0^« Music — So7igs of Gladness. MY Saviour stands waiting, and knocks at the door , Has knocked, and is knocking again , I hear his kind voice ; I'll reject him no more, Nor let him stand pleading in vain. In infinite mercy he came from above. To ransom, to cleanse me from sin ; I'll yield to the voice of his merciful love, And let my dear Saviour came in. Cho. — Saviour, come in ; Cleanse me from sin ; Jesus, my Saviour, come in, come in ! Enter the door. Waiting no more, Saviour, dear Saviour, come in. 262 PEECI0U8 HYMNS. 2 Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where can mortal be more blest? There I lay my sins and sorrows And, when weary, find sweet rest. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, There I love to weep and pray, While I from his fullness gather G-race and comfort every day. 3 Bless me, O my Saviour ! bless me. As I sit low at thy feet ; Oh ! look down in love upon me ; Let me see thy face so sweet. Give me. Lord, the mind of Jesus ; Make me holy as he is : May I prove I've been with Jesus, Who is all my righteousness ! 284 Music — Songs of Gladness. JESUS bids us shine. With a pure, clear light, Like a little candle Burning in the night. In the world is darkness, So we must shine ; You in your small corner. And i in mine. 2 Jesus bids us shine. First of all, for him; Well he sees and knows it, If one light is dim I 264: PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 O Saviour, my Ransom, Redeemer, and Friend, The Life, and The Truth, and the Way, On thy precious merit alone I depend ; Dwell in me, and keep me, I pray. Thy goodness hath opened the door of my heart ; — 'Tis open in welcome to thee ; Come in, blessed Saviour, and never de- part ; Come in, with with thy mercy, to me. Cho. — Saviour, come in; &c. ^00« Music — Songs of Gladness, p. 60. I'VE been thinking of home — of "my Fath- er's house. Where the many mansions be ;" Of the city whose streets are paved with gold, Of its jasper walls, so fair to behold, Which the righteous alone shall see. 2 I've been thinking of home, where they need not the light Of the sun, nor moon, nor star; Where the gates of pearl "are not shut by day, For no night is there," but the weary may Find rest — from the world afar. 3 I've been thinking of home, of the loved ones there. Dear friends who have gone before, With whom we walked to the death-river side, [tide, And sadly we thought, as we watched the Of the happy days of yore. MISCELLANEOUS. 265 4 I've been thinking of home, and I'm home- sick now; My spirit doth long to be In the "better land," where the ransomed sing Of the love of Christ, their Redeemer, King, Of mercy so costly, so free. 5 I've been thinking of home ; yea, "home sweet home !" Oh there may we all unite With the white-robed throng that forever raise To the Triune G-od sweetest songs of praise. With glory, and honor, and might 1 ^dKj I • Music— Book of Worship, 83, OTHAT the Lord would guide my way To keep his statutes still ! O that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will I 2 O send thy Spirit down to write Thy law upon my heart; Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. 3 From vanity turn off mine eyes ; Let no corrupt design, Nor covetous desire arise Within this soul of mine. 4 Order my footsteps by thy word, And make my heart sincere: MISCELL A NEGUS. 267 266 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 5 My soul hath gone too far astray. My feet too often si ip ; Yet, since I've not forgot thy way, ' Restore thy wandering sheep. 6 Make me to walk in thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road ; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands Offend against my God. 288 Music — Hymnal, 133. LO ! the stone is rolled away, Death yields up his mighty prey; Jesus, rising from the tomb, Scatters all its fearful gloom. Praise him in the noblest songs, From ten thousand tongues ; Every note with rapture swell. And the Saviour's triumph tell. Let Immanuel be adored — Ransom, Mediator, Lord ! To creation's utmost bound. Let th' eternal praise resound. • CM. Music — Book of Worship, 369. 288. CALM me, my God, and keep me calm : Let thine outstretched wing Be like the shade of Elim's palm. Beside her desert spring. 2 Yes, keep me calm, though loud and rude The sounds my ear that greet — Calm in the closet's soliLide, Calm in the bustling street, — 3 Calm in the hour of buoyant health, Calm in the hour of pain ; Calm in my poverty or wealth. Calm in my loss or gain, — 4 Calm in the sufferance of wrong, Like him who bf)re my shame ; Calm 'mid the thre-iteniiig, taunting throng, Who hate thy holy name. 5 Calm me, ray God, and keep me calm. Soft resting on thy breast ; Soothe me with holy hymn and psalin. And bid my spirit rest. 289. PSALM CIII. PRAISE, my soul, the King of heaven, To his feet thy tribute bring. Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Who like me his praise should sing? Praise him ! Praise him ! Praise him ! Praise him I Praise the everlasting King ! 268 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Praise him for his grace and favor To our fathers in distress ; Praise him, still the same forever. Slow to chide, and swift to bless. Praise him ! Praise Him ! Praise him ! Praise him ! Glorious in his feithfulness. 3 Angels, help us to adore him — Ye behold him face to face. Sun and moon, bow down before him, Dwellers all in time and space. Praise him ! Praise him ! Praise him I Praise him 1 Praise with us the God of grace. 290. Music — Songs of Gladness. THESE are the crowns that we shall v,'ear. When all thy saints are crowned ; These are the psalms that we shall bear On yonder holy ground. 2 Par off as yet, reserved in heaven, Above the veiling sky. They sparkle like the stars of even. To hope's far-piercing eye. MISCELLANEOUS. 269 MISCELLANEOUS. 271 Z These are the rohes, unsoiled and white, Which then we shall put on, "When foremost 'midst the sons of light, We sit on yonder throne. 4 Then welcome toil, and care, and pain ! And welcome sorrow, too ! All toil is rest, all grief is gain, With such a prize in view. 291. Music — So7igs of Gladness. BLESSED comfort ! while I'm sleeping, God his constant. watch is keeping ; Ever wakeful, never slumbering, Every hair in mercy numbering ; Ne'er his helpless child forgetting ; — Never weary, never letting Any danger come too near me. Present, day and night, to cheer me. 2 E'en in hours of darkest danger. Hungering, thirsting, or a stranger, Trust I in my God to guide me, — All things needful he'll provide me : Trouble I need never borrow, Care nor anguish for the morrow ; Doubt nor grief need ever vex me ; Blehsed comfort God protects me. 3 Safe, in house by mercy builded, By Jehovah's sunlight gilded, iU%70« Music — Songs of Gladness, THE shadow of the Kock I Stay, pilgrim, stay ! Night treads upon the heels of day ; There is no other resting-place this way. The Kock is near, The well is clear — Rest in the shadow of the Rock. 2 The shadow of the Rock I All come alone ; All, ever since the sun hath shone. Who travelled by this road, have come alone. Be of good cheer — A home is here — Rest in the shadow of the Rock. 3 The shadow of the Rock ! To weary feet, That have been diligent and fleet. The sleep is deeper, and the shade more sweet. O weary, rest ! Thou art sore pressed — Rest in the shadow of the Rock 1 4 The shadow of the Rock I Pilgrim ! sleep sound ; In night's swift hours in silent bound. The Rock will put thee over leagues of ground, Gaining more way By night than day — Rest in the shadow of the Rock I 270 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 272 PRECIOUS HYMNS. On foundation sure erected. By eternal love protected ; — In his everlasting dwelling. All his grace and goodness telling ;■ Joyful in his full salvation,^ Jesus is my Rock, Foundation. 292. Music — Songs of Gladness. TOSSED with rough winds, and faint with fear. Above the tempest, soft and clear, What still small accents greet mine ear ? 'Tis I ; be not afraid. 2 'Tis T, who led thy steps aright ; 'Tis I, who gave thy blind eyes sight; 'Tis I, thy Lord, thy Life, thy Light, 'Tis I ; be not afraid. 3 These raging winds, this surging sea. Bear not a breath of wrath to thee ; That storm has all been spent on me, 'Tis I ; be not afraid. 4 When on the other side, thy feet Shall rest 'mid thousand welcomes sweet, One well-known voice thy heart shall greet, 'Tis I ; be not afraid. 5 The shadow of the Rock I Our day of pain. Thou scarce wilt hope the Rock to gain, Yetthere wilt sleep thy last sleep on the plain; And only wake In Heaven's day-break — Rest in the shadow of the Rock I 294. Music — Songs of Gladness. SWEET thought, my God I that on the palms Of thy most holy hands. Are graven all thy people's names. Though countless as the sands. 2 N"ot one too mean to have his place Amid that record blest, And if but there our names are found, We'll share the heavenly rest. 3 How can we yield, then, to distrust, Or think we are forgot. While ever thus the care of One, Who loves and changes not. MISCELLANEOUS. 273 MISCELLANEOUS. 27S 295, Music — Calvary Songs, page go. Cling close to the Rock, brother, danger is near ; Cling close to thy Saviour, and doubt not, nor fear ; For Jesus will hold thee, almighty to save. Thy Jesus, who triumphed o'er death ^and the grave. Cho.— Cling close to the Rock, tho* the tem- pest may shock. Assured of salvation in Jesus the Rock. Clihg close to the Rock, brother, closely to- day Ere waves of temptation shall sweep thee away ; Cling close to the Rock in the time of thy grief. For Jesus brings speedy and precious relief. —Cho. Cling close to the Rock, brother, close to the Rock, Tho' tempests may rage and though billows may shock ; 297/ Music, Book of Worship, 546. THE voice of free grace cries, " Escape to the moun- tain !" Far Adam's lost race Christ hath opened a fountain, For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression, ||:His blood flows most freely, in streams of salvation.tl CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb ! who hath purchased our pardon II : We'll praise him again when we pass over Jordan. :| 2 Ye souls that are wounded ! O flee to the Saviour ; He calls you in mercy — 'tis infinite favor ; Your sins are increasing — escape to the mountain, II : His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain-:l| 3 O Jesus ! ride onward, triumphantly glorious, O'er sin, death and hell, thou art more than victorious : Thy name is the theme of the great congregation, ||:While angels and men raise the shout of salvation. :|| 4 With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore ; With harps in our hands, we will praise him the more ; We'll range the sweet plains on the bank of the river, II : And sing of salvation for ever and ever !:|| 297. Music — Book of Worship, 399. WE seek a rest beyond the skies, In everlasting day ; Through floods and flames the passage lies. But Jesus guards the way. 2 The swelling flood and raging flame Hear and obey his word ; Then let us triumph in his nanle, — Our Saviour is the Lord. 27d PRECIOUS HYMNS. 276 PRECIOUS HYMNS. For Jesus the Saviour, thy Refuge, thy Friend, In mercy hath loved thee, and loves to the end. — Cho. 296. Music — Songs of Gladness. CHILDREN, hear the Saviour's accents, As they fall so tenderly ; Sweet the sound, and full of blessing, Little children come to me, Come to me, come to me, Little children come to me. 2 Though disciples may forbid you ; Though the world averse shall be ; Though the tempter's hosts surround you. Little children come to me, Come to me, &c. 8 Come and early share the blessings Of my grace — so rich, so free ; Ere the storms of life o'ertake you, Little children come to me, Come to me, &c. 4 Lord, we will obey the summons, J^arly to thy cross we flee, Make us thine, dear Saviour, only — Gladly will we come to thee, Come to thee, come to thee, Gladly will we come to thee. 298." Isa. -^iii, 6. CM. BENEATH Moriah's rocky side A gentle fountain springs : Silent and soft its waters glide, Like the peace the Spirit brings. 2 The thirsty Arab stoops to drink Of the cool and quiet wave — And the thirsty spirit stops to think Of Him who came to save. 3 Siloam is the fountain's name : It means One sent of God ; And thus the holy Saviour's name It gently spreads abroad. 4 O grant that I, like this sweet well, May Jesus' image bear, And spend my life, my all, to tell How full his mercies are. 298 Mudc- Hynmal^ 174. FATHER of mercies, God of love. Send down thy Spirit from above; Let me his sacred influence feel, To quicken, purify and heal. He is the source of every grace, Of light, and life, and holiness ; By him alone may I be taught. And all my works in him be wroughfe,^ MISCELLANEOUS. 277 Oh, let thy Holy Spirit come, And make my heart his constant home ; There his abundant grace display, And lead me in a perfect way. MISCELLANEOUS. 299. WILL not that joyful be ? When we walk by faith no more; When the Lord we loved before, As brother man we see ? When he welcomes us above, When we share his smile of love, Will not that joyful be ? 2 Will not that joyful be ? When we hear what none can tell, And the ringing chorus swell Of angel's melody ? When we join their songs of praise, Hallelujahs with them raise — Will not that joyful be? OQQ b S. M. ^ ^ *^ • Music — Songs of Devotion, 297 . 'OT what I feel or do Can give me peace with God ; Not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears, Can bear my awful load. 2 Thy work alone, O Christ, Can ease this weight of sin , Thy blood ftlone, O Lamb of God, Can give me peace within, 3 Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, O Lord, to thee, 278 PRECIOUS HYMNS. Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free. 4 'Tis Christ who saveth me. And freely pardon gives ; I love because he loveth me, I live because he lives. N' 300. Music — Songs of Gladness. ONE by one the sands are flowing, One by one the moments fall ; Some are coming, some are going — Do not strive to grasp them all. 2 One by one, (bright gifts from heaven,) Joys are sent thoe here below ; Take them readily, when given — Keady, too, to let them go. 3 One by one thy griefs shall meet thee, Do not fear an armed band ; One will fade, while others greet thee, Shadows passing through the land. 4 Every hour that fleets so slowly, Has its task to do or bear ; Luminous the crown, and holy, If thou set each gem with care. 5 Hours are golden links — God's tokens. Reaching heaven, but one by one Take them, lest the chain be broken Ere thy pilgrimage be done. 301. 279 Music — Calvary Songs, page 6j. O Jesus, Thou art standing Outside the fast-closed door, In lowly patience waiting, To pass the threshold o'er ; We bear the name of Christians, His name and sign we bear : Oh, shame, thrice shame upon us ! To keep Him standing there. O Jesus, Thou art pleading. In accents meek and low, " I died for you, my children, And will ye treat Me so ?" O Lord, with shame and sorrow We open now the door : Dear Saviour, enter, enter. And leave us nevermore ! 302. Music — Songs of Gladness. I HEARD a voice, the sweetest voice That mortal ever heard ; Oh ! how it made my heart rejoice, And every feeling stirred ! 280 JBECIOUS HYMNS. 'Twas Jesus spoke to me so mild, He call'd me to his side, And said, although with heart defiled, I might in him confide. 2 I saw his face, the fairest face That mortal ever saw ; I longed the Saviour to embrace, Erom him new life to draw. "Come unto me," he kindly said, " And I will give thee rest ; The ransom-price I fully paid — Repent! believe! be blest!" 3 I felt his love, the strongest love That mortal ever felt ; Oh ! how it drew my soul above, And made my hard heart melt I My burden at his feet I laid. And knew the joy of h(?aven. As in my willing ear he said The blessed word, '■'■ Forgiven.'' * 4 Dear Saviour, let me ever sing Thy praise, while I have breath ; - Each night and mom my tribute brings Until I sleep in death ; And then my soul, beyond the sky, Shall join with sweet acclaim, With all the ransomed throng on high. To praise Messiah's name. MISCELLANEOUS. 281 303. Music — Calvary Songs, page ii^. We are watching, we are waiting For the bright prophetic day, When the shadows, weary shadows, From the world shall roll away. Cho. — We are waiting for the morning. When the beauteous day is dawning, We are waiting for the morning, For the golden spires of day. Lo ! He comes ! see the king draw near ; Zion, shout, the Lord is here. We are watching, we are waiting For the star that brings the day : When the night of sin shall vanish li '' ^^^^^^ ''^"'^°s^ &°°d deeds are unsung • iJut oh say, IS it true, if their days are but few'. 1 hat a crown is laid up for the young ? Chorus. Yes yes I know there's a crown for the young. If their lives daily prove that the Saviour they ove. 1 know there s a crown, &c. 2 The youthful shall stand in that beautiful land And the song of salvation shall sing • And the infant of days strike its harp in the praise Ut Immanuel, its Saviour and King. 3 The noble of birth, and the poor of the earth Both the man and the youth and the child ' If m Jesus they trust, when they rise from the dust, bhall be crowned in the land undefiled. 4 The soul of a child, though by folly defiled. Is more precious than tongue can expre<5s •' T.^"*^,' '"^deemed by the blood that on Calvary flow'd It shall shine in the region of bliss. 5 Then be it your care for that world to prepare Bear the cross, that the croM'n may be yours'- Never tire in the road that leads upward to God' J^ or the crown is for him who endures ' 319, Music— Songs of Gladness. WHO is he in yonder stall, At whose feet the shepherds fall? Cho. — 'Tis the Lord, O wondrous story ! 'Tis the Lord, the King af glory. At his feet we humbly fall, Crown him, crown him Lord of all. 2 Only here for a little while, For the praise of God, my King, Only here for a little while, Till his praise in heaven I sing. Only here in the vale of tears, Till I learn to know and prove All the goodness that keeps me here, For the better world above. 3 Only here for a little while. But my Lord will come at last ; Then the toils of " little while " Shall be all in triumph passed. Christ, my King, shall in triumph come, And will wipe my tears away, Christ, my Saviour, will take me home To the land of cloudless day. O^X« Music — Songs of Gladness. LITTLE child, why wilt thou fear? Jesus, tender Shepherd's near, He, thy downy couch will keep, Tremble not to sleep. Cho. — Yes, he's near, Jesus is near, Tremble not to sleep. 2 Little child, why wilt thou fear ? Night is to his vision clear, And the darkness knows his tread, He defends thy bed. Cho. — Yes, he's near, &c. [Remaining verses in Songs of Gladness.] 294 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 296 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 2 Who is he in yonder cot, " Bending to his toilsome lot ? 3 Who is he who stands and weeps At the grave where Laz'rus sleeps ? 4 Who is he in deep distress, Fasting in the wilderness ? 5 Lo, at midnight, who is he Prays in dark Gethsemane? 6 Who is he in Calvary's throes, Asks for blessings on his foes ? 7 Who is he that from the grave Comes to heal, and help and save ? 8 Who is he that on yon throne Eules the world of light alone? 822. nnAKE the name of Jesus with you, -^ Child of sorrow and of woe ; It will joy and comfort give you. Take it, then, where'er you go. Chorus. Precious name ! oh how sweet ! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n ; Precious name I oh how sweet ! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from every snare. If temptations round you gather. Breathe that holy name in prayer. — Cho. ^^\J^ Ml/ SIC — Songs of Gladness. ONLY here for a little while. On the weary pilgrim way; Onl}'^ here for a little while, On the road to glorious day. Only here till my work is done, Till I lay my burden down, Only here till my Saviour calls. And gives me my harp and crown. Oh ! the precious name of Jesus ! How it thrills our souls with joy, When his loving arms receive us, And his songs our tongues employ. — Cho. At the name of Jesus bowing, Falling prostrate at his feet ; King of kings in heaven we'll crown him, When our journey is complete. — Cho. MISCELLANEOUS 297 MISCELLANEOUS. 299 323. Music — Oriola, 266. TOIL on, teachers, toil on boldly, Labor on, and watch and pray ; Men may scoff and treat jon coldly, Heed them not, go on your way ; Jesus is a loving master • Cease not then his work to do ; Cleave to him still closer, faster, Pie will own and honor you. 2 Toil on, teachers I toil on ever, Constantly, unflinching toil j ^ Faint ye not, and weary never. Labor on in every soil ; Listless souls one day may waken, Buried seeds spring up and grow. Sin's stout bulwarks may be shaken, Hardened hearts may be brought low 3 Toil on, teachers I earnest, steady, Sowing well the seed of truth ; Always willing, cheerful, ready, Watching, praying Jor your youth ; Patient, firm and persevering. Leaning on the promise sure ; Prayer will surely gain a hearing, Paithful to the end endure. Oi^4:« Music— Oriola, 306. BEOTHEES, sisters, ere we part, Every voice and every heart Join, and to our Eather raise One last hymn of grateful praist 326. Music — Songs of Gladness. HOW sweet to be allowed to pray To God, the holy One, With filial love and trust to say, O God, thy will be done. 2 We in these sacred words can find A cure for every ill ; They calm and S(^othe the troubled mind, And bid all care be still. 1 1 0, let that will which gave ms breath And an immortal soul. In joy or grief, in life or death. My every wish control. ii O, teach mj heart the blessed way To imitate thy Son ! Teach me, O God, in truth to pray, "Thy will, not mine, be done." 327. Music — G. H. dN> S. Songs No. i,pagej^. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness ; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus* name. Cho. — On Christ, the solid rock, I stand: All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand. 298 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 300 rKECIOUS HYMN'S. 2 Tho' we here should meet no more, Yet there is a brighter shore ; There, released from toil and pain, There we all may meet again. 3 Now to tym, who reigns in heaven, Be eternal glory given ; Grateful for thy love divine, O, may all our hearts be thine. 325. Music— Oriola, 314. LOED, teach us how to pray, And give us hearts to ask ; Or all we think, or do, or say. Will be a tiresome task. 2 Thy Holy Spirit send, Our bosoms to inspire ; Then shall our praise to thee ascend, With pure and warm desire. 3 Jesus, our great High Priest, Present our prayers above ,- And spread abroad o'er all thou seest, The mantle of thy love. 4 Teach us to find our bliss In earnest, fervent prayer ; For where we pray our Saviour is, And bliss is onlv there. When darkness veils His lovelv face, I rest on His unchanging grace ; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the vail. — Cho. When He shall come with trumpet sound, O, may I then in Him be found ; Dressed in His righteousness alone. Faultless to stand before the throne ! — Cho. 328. Music — Songs of Gladness. BLEST is th% hour when cares depart. And earthly | scenes are | far, — When tears of woe forget to start, And gently dawns upon the heart, Devotion's | holy ] star. 2 Blest is the place where angels bend To hear our | worship | rise. Where kindred thoughts their musings blend. And all the soul's afi'ections tend Beyond the | veiling | skies. 3 Blest are the hallowed vows that bind Man to his | work of | love — Bind him to cheer the humble mind, Console the weeping, lead the blind, And guide to | joys a- | bove. MISCELLANEOUS. 301 MISCELLANEOUS. 303 4 Sweet shall the song of glory swell, Spirit di- | vine, to [ thee,' When they whose work is finished well, In thy own courts of rest shall dwell, I Blest •• through e- | ternity. Amen. OiUc/* i/M5zc — Songs of Gladness. CONSIDER, consider The I lilies of the field whose I bloom is I brief, || We are as they; Like them we | fade a- I way. As I doth a | leaf. || 2 Consider, consider The I sparrows of the air of | small ac- ( count : II Our God doth view Whether they | fall or j mount — He I guards us | too. [| 3 Consider, consider The I lilies that do neither I spin nor I toil, II . ' Yet are most fair ; What profits | all this — care. And I all this | toil ? || 4 Consider, consider The I birds that have no barn nor { har- vest I weeks, || God gives them food j Much more our | Father j seek° To I do us I sood. II 4 If, then, so much of truth I know, So much of love behold, Let me not like a heathen stray, But seek the Saviour's fold, 332.' ALMOST persuaded now to believe ; Almost persuaded Christ to receive. Seems now some soul to say, " Go, Spirit ; go thy way ; Some more convenient day On thee I'll call." 2 Almost persuaded ! come, come to-day ; Almost persuaded ! turn not away ; Jesus merits your love. Angels are lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear. O, wanderer, come ! 3 Almost persuaded ! harvest is past. Almost persuaded! doom comes at last. " Almost" cannot avail ; " Almost " is but to fail ! Sad, sad that bitter wail — "Almost"— but lost! 332. BLISS of the purified ! bliss of the free, I plunge in the crimson tide opened for me. O'er sin and uncleanness exulting I stand. And point to the print of the nails in his hand. 802 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 804 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 330. Music — Songs of Gladness. When thou pray est enter \ into thy \ closet; \ And when thou hast shut thy door^ After I this manner | pray — | saying : || OUR Heavenly Father, hear our prayer, Thy name be hallowed everywhere ; Thy kingdom come ; thy perfect will In earth, as heaven, let all fulfill ; Give this day's bread, that we may live ; Forgive our sins as we forgive ; Help us temptation to withstand, From evil shield us by thy hand ; Now and forever unto thee, The kingdom, power and glory be. Amen. 331. I Music — Songs of Gladness. ONLY am a little child, To learn I've just begun ; Yet I have heard of Jesus Chiist, God's well-beloved Son. 2 From his bright home in heaven above, He came to earth and died ; On Calvary, between two thieves, The Lord was crucified. 3 The Bible says he knew no sin, The holy One was he ; I was a sinner doomed to die, He died instead of me. Chorus. O sing of his mighty love, ' ■ Sing of his mighty love. Sing of his mighty love, Mighty to save. O bliss of the purified, Jesus is lAine, No longer in dread condemnation I pine, In conscious salvation I sing of his grace Who lifted upon me the smiles of his face. O bliss of the purified, bliss of the pure : No wound hath the soul that his love cannot cure ; No sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, No tears, but may dry them on Jesus' breast. O Jesus, the crucified ! thee will I sing — My blessed Redeemer, my God and my King. My soul, filled with rapture, shall shout o'er the grave. And triumph in death in the mighty to save. 333. I WILL sing you a song of that beautiful land, The far-away home of the soul, Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand. While the years of eternity roll. 2 Oh that home of the soul, in my visions and dreams. Its bright jasper walls I can see, MISCELLANEOUS. S05 Till I fanpv Hut tliiiily the veil intervenes Between the lair city and rae. 3 There the great tree of life in its beauty doth grow, And the river of life floweth by : For no death ever enters that city, you know, And nothing that maketh a lie. 4 That unchangeable home is for you and for me, ' Where Jesus of Nazareth stands ; The King of all kingdoms forever is he, "^ And he lioldeth our crowns in his hands. 5 Oh how sweet it will be, in that beautiful land. So free from all sorrow and pain. With songs on our lips, and with harps in oui" hands, To meet one another again. 333 IS it true that I must lie In the graveyard, by-and-by, And with others, gone before. Sleep till time shall be no more? Is it true — Oh, is it true ? Is it true, as many say. Life is but a passing day. And that heaven is lost or won Ere this fleeting day has flown ? Is it true — Oh is it true ? MISCELLANEOUS. S07 4 Among thy saints let me be found, Whene'er th' archangel's trump shall sound, To see thy smiling face ; , Then loudest of the throng I'll sing. While heaven's resounding mansions ring With shouts of sovereign grace. 335. W Music — Songs of Gladness. HO arc these that ever fly, Ever moving tow'rd the sky, In bright clouds on dove-like wing, Victory I victory ! still they sing. Cho. — They are spirits going home. Home to Jesus, home to God, Eansomed from the sinner's doom, Snow-white washed in Jesus' blood. 2 These at yonder pearly gate. Holy angels them await, Point them on to endless day, Tell me, tell me who are they ? Cho. — They are spirits, &c. 3 Those, who mantled like the sun, Cast their crowns before the throne, Singing ever as they shine, " Thou hast bought us, we are thine." Cho, — They are spirits, &c. 306 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 308 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 3 Is it true that on the cross Jesus bled and died for us, And, while hanging on the tree, Upward sent a prayer for me ? Is it true — Oh is it true ? Is it true that all death's slain Will arise and live again. And to final judgment go, Some for bliss, and some for woe ? Is it true — Oh is it true ? qq J. c. p. M. ^Ol. Music— Hymnal, 212. WHEN thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come To take thy ransomed people home, Shall I among them stand ? Shall such a worthless worm as I, Who sometimes am afraid to die, Be found at thy right hand. 2 I love to meet among them now. Before thy feet with them to bow, Though vilett of them all ; But, can I bear the piercing thought ! What if my name should be left out When thou for them shalt call ? 3 O Lord, prevent it by thy grace — Be thou my only hiding-place, In this, th' accepted day ; Thy pard'ning voice oh let me heai; To still my unbelieving fear, Nor let me fall, I pray. 336 S Music — Songs of Gladness, UN of my soul, thou Saviour dear, It is not night if thou be near ; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide thee from thy servant's eyes. 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eye-lids gently steep, Be n^y last thought how sweet to rest Eorever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh. For without thee I dare not die, 4 If some poor wandering child of thine, Have spurned to-day the voice divine, Now, Lord, the gracious work begin ; Let him no more lie down in sin. 337. Music — Songs of Gladness. ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Saviour die ? Would he devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I ?. Cho. — Oh I how I love Jesus, Oh 1 how I love Jesus, Oh I how I love Jesus, Because he first loved me. [This Chorus may be suog to any C. M. Hymn.] MISCELLANEOUS. 309 %j^KJt Music — Songs of Gladness. BEYOND the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon ; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, Beyond the sowing and the reaping, I shall be soon. 2 Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon ; Beyond the shining and the shading, Beyond the hoping and the dreading, I shall be soon. 3 Beyond the gathering and the strewing, I shall be soon ; Beyond the ebbing and the flowing, Beyond the coming and the going, I shall be soon. 339, 31usic — Songs qf Gladness. JESUS— little children's friend, How many blessings thou dost send ; Oh, make me thankful unto thee, For all thy goodness unto me. 2 Naughty things I've done to-day. Wilt thou forgive, O Lord, I pray ; Oh, make me thankful, &c. 3 "While I sleep upon my bed. Let thy bright angels guard my head,' Oh, make me thankful, &c. 311 nOXOLOGIES. 342. L.M. PEAISE God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heav'nly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 343. CM. LET God, the Father, and the Son, And Spirit be adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. 344. S.M. YE angels round the throne. And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit too. 345. T L.C.M. O Father, Son and Holy Ghost, The God whom heav'n's triumphant host And saints on earth adore, Be glory as in ages past. Is now, and shall forever last, When time shall be no more. sio PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Let this night pass sweet away. And bring me to another day ; Oh, make me thankful, &c. 340. INVOCATIOK. Music — Golden Shower, 85. HELP us, Lord, throughout this day, While we sing and while we pray, Let thy Spirit with us stay, While here we learn of Jesus. 341. Music — Fresh Laurels^ 102. THE Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord is in his holy temple ; Let all the earth keep silence before him, Let all the earth keep silence before him, 312 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 346. H.M. TO God, the Father's throne. Perpetual honors raise. Glory to God the Son, To God the Spirit praise : With all our pow'rs, eternal King, Thy name we sing, while faith adores. 347. 6,4's. TTSO the great One in three, JL The highest glories be Hence evermore ; O God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, three in One, Praises to thee belong On earth, in heaven. 348. 7's. [Use 4, or 6,§or 8 lines.] PKAISES be to God above, Praise eternal as his love ; Praise him all ye heav'nly host. Father, Son and Holy Ghost j Praise him all below the sky. Praise the name of God, Most High ; As through countless ages past Evermore his praise shall last. DOXOLOGIES. S13 349. T 7,6's. the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit blest, Everlasting Three in One, All worship be addressed ; Praise from all above, below, As throughout the ages past, Now is given ; and shall be so, While endless ages last. 350. ll's. OFATHEE, Almighty, to thee be ad- dress'd, With Christ and the Spirit, one God ever blest, All glory and worship from earth and from heav'n. As was, and is now, and shall ever be giv'n. 351. 8,7's. GLOKY be to God, the Father, G-lory to th' eternal Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Hail the blessed Three in One ; Hallelujah! Praise above, below the sky ; Loud proclaim Jehovah's glory, Hail I the blessed Three in One. MISCELLANEOUS. 31& 7 Have you any love for Jesus ? When we gather shall we say That the followers of the Master Are not followers to-day ? 8 Koom for Jesus — King of glory I Time for him, all times obey ; Love for him who came to save ua— Lot us ask these things to-day. 353. T HOUGH fierce the howling winds may blow, While o'er life's raging sea we go, And heave our vessels to and fro, Our Father's at the helm. 2 Though lying-to with close-reefed sails, While on us beats the furious gale, Our child-like faith will never fail — Our Father's at the helm. 3 Though mountains on huge mountains rise And toss us upward to the skies, While many a sea quite o'er us flies — Our Father's at the helm. 4 Tho' down we plunge deep in the wave, All threatened with a watery grave. It cheered our hearts that God can save : Our Father's at the helm. 314 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 316 PRECIOUS HYMNS. OO^o Music; — Songs of Gladness. HAVE you any room for Jesus ? When we gather, shall we say That the followers of the Master Have no time for prayer to-day ? 2 He was cradled in a manger ; His own angels sang the hymn Of rejoicing at his coming. Yet there was no room for him, 3 O my brothers, are we wiser. Are we better now than they ? Have we any room for Jesus In the life we live to-day ? 4 Not much room for our Lord Jesus Has there been, or will there be ; Eoom for Pilate and for Herod — Not for him of Calvary ! 6 Room for pleasure — doors wide open- And for business; but for him. Only here and there, a manger, Like to that at Bethlehem. 6 Have you any time for Jesus? O my brothers, you and I, When a few more days are ended, Must have room and time to die. 5 Then let us join our cheerful songs ; This stormy voyage will not be long, But soon we'll join the ransomed throng, For Father's at the helm. 354. OPEN the door for the children, Tenderly gather them in ; In from the highways and hedges, In from the places of sin. Some are so young and so helpless, Some are so hungry and cold ; Open the door for the children- Gather them into the fold. 2 Open the door for the children ; See, they are coming in throngs ; Bid them set down to the banquet, Teach them your beautiful songs ! Pray you the Father to bless them. Pray you thac grace may be giv'n , Open the door for the children — Heirs of the kingdom of heav'n. 8 Open the door for the children. Take the dear lambs by the hand ; Point them to truth and to goodness, Send them to Canaan's land. Some are so young and so helpless. Some are so hungry and cold — Open the door for the children, Gather them into the fold. MISCELLANEOUS. 317 QK^ b S. M. OO jI» Mitsic — Book of Worship, 411. ' Tj^OKEVER with the Lord !' Jj So, Jesus, let it be : Life from the dead is in that word — 'Tis immortality. 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from thee I roam ; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3 ' Forever with the Lord !' Saviour, if 'tis thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfill. 4 So when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain. By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. OKK Music — Casket, 31, OUU.T ITTLE drops of water, _LJ Little grains of sand. Make the mighty ocean And the beauteous land. 2 And the little moments, Humble tho' they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. 3 So our little errors Lead the soul away From the paths of virtue, Oft in sin to stray. MISCELLANEOUS. There is a beautiful world, Of harmony and love ; O, may we safely enter there, And dwell with God above. Cho. — "We'll be there, &c. 319 357. Music — Silver Fountain, 119. PLEASE to watch us, blessed Saviour, As we leave our Sabbath home, Guide and keep us from all danger, Till again to thee we come. Chorus. Tho' we very often wander In the path of vice and sin, Yet we pray that thou would'st hear us. Cleanse and make us pure within. 2 Make each spirit meek and lowly, Make us leave the ways of strife, Lead us in the path of duty, Lead us to the better life. Cho. — Tho' we very often, &c. 3 Thus we'd serve thee, blessed Saviour, Till we've crossed life's stormy sea, And, with each loved friend and teachej, All are gathered home to thee. Cho. — Tho' we very often, &c. 31S PRECIOUS HYMNS. 320 PRECIOUS HYMNS. 4 Little deeds of kindness, Little deeds of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the heav'n above. 5 Little seeds of mercy, Sown by youthful hands, Grow to bless the nations, Far in ?ieathen lands. 356. ^^us^c — Casket, 76. THERE is a beautiful world Where saints and angels sing ; A world where peace and pleasure reign, And heav'nly praises ring. Cho.— We'll be there, we'll be there, Palms of vict'ry we shall wear, In that beautiful world on high. 2 There is a beautiful world. Where sorrow never comes ; A world where tears shall never fall, In sighing for our home. Cho.— We'll be there, &c. 3 There is a beautiful world, Unseen to mortal sight; And darkness never enters there ; That home is fair and bright. Cho.— We'll be there, &c. 358. ARISE, my soul arise ! Shake off thy guilty fears — The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears. Cho. — Jesus paid it all. All to him I owe ; Sin hath left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. 2 I hear the Saviour say, " Thy strength indeed is small ; Child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in me all in all." 359. Music— Book of Worship, 51c WE love our own dear Bethany, We love our Sabbath home ; We love our own dear Bethany, And joyful will we come. For Jesus here will meet with us, His spirit to impart ; Come, let us now his name confess^ And own him in our heart. 2 On earth he loved dear Bethany, It was his frequent home ; On earth he loved dear Bethany, O, may he hither come! MISCELLANEOUS. 321 MISCELJLANEOTJtt. 328 His name we'll never cease to sing, His word we will obey ; Loud let his name with praises ring, On this his holy day. 000.« Music— Sonffs of Gladness. I'm a little sailor, Sailing o'er the sea, Over Time's big billows, To eternity. Jesus, Pilot, hold the helm. Let no storm my bark o'erwhelm. 2 I'm a little soldier, Troops of foes around, Satan, sin and pleasure Smite with many a wouDd. Jesus, Captain, lead me on, Help me win the victor's crown. 3 I'm a little pilgrim, Traveling toward the sky. Steep the path before me, Snares around me lie. Jesus, pilgrim, show the way, Homeward to eternal day. 4 I'm a little racer, Eunning for the prize. Wreaths of fadeless flowers, Yonder in the skies. Jesus, who thy race hast run, Ever present help me on. 6 2 Though the road be rough and thorny, Trackless as the foaming sea, Thou hast trod this way before me, And I'll gladly follow thee. I will follow thee, &c. 3 Tho' thou lead'st me thro' affliction. Poor, forsaken though I be, Thou wert destitute, afflicted, And I only follow thee. I will follow thee, &c. 4 Though to Jordan's rolling billows, Cold and deep, thou leadest me, Tliou hast crossed its waves before me, And I still will follow thee. I will follow thee, &c. Music — Son(/s of Gladness. WHEN we get home where Jesus is, And hear his friendly greeting, Our souls will feel a heavenly bliss, In such a joyful meeting. Chorus. We soon shall be from sorrow free, . A happy home we're nearing ; Oiir Father's call invites us all, O, blessed thought, how cheering I 322 361. PRECIOUS HYMNS. 324: PRECIOUS HYMNS. Music — Songs of Gladness. WHEN to thee, who hast thy dwelling In the heaven of light excelling, We our youthful griefs are telling ; Lord and Saviour, hear us. 2 When, at birth of rosy morning, Our glad songs shall greet the dawning, When the sun the moon's adorning ; Lord and Saviour, hear us. 8 Or when day's bright hours are ending, When, the shades of night descending, We are at thy footstool bending ; Lord and Saviour, hear us. 4 Eor a life thy praise expressing, For a death thy name confessing, For a heaven of endless blessing ; Lord and Saviour, hear us. 362. I WILL follow my Saviour Wheresoe'er my lot may be ; Where thou goest I will follow, Yes, my Lord, I'll follow thee. Chorus. I will follow thee, my Saviour : Thou didst shed thy blood lf)r me, And tho' all men should forsake me. By thy grace I'll follow thee. 2 So long in this dark world we've stayed. We feel an anxious longing To see that home without a shade, Where ransomed souls are thronging. Cho. — We soon shall be, &c. 3 If doubts arise, or courage fail, At every ill-made story, Death soon will lift the mystic veil, And bear us home to glory. Cho. — We soon shall be, &c. 4 Then, happy souls, to Jesus raise Your songs, with cheerful voices, And sing that home's endearing lays. While every heart rejoices. Cho.-— We soon shall be, &c. 364. Music— S. S. Ec 50. HOW pleasant thus to dwell below, In fellowship of love ! And, tho' we part, 'tis bliss to know The good shall meet above. Chorus. Oh, that will be joyful, joyful, joyfull Oh, that will be j'. } iui, To meet to part no more. 2 Yes, happy thought i when we are free From earthly grief and pain. In heaven we shall each other see, And never part again. Cho, — Oh, that will be joyful, &g. illSCELLANEOUS. S25 MISCELLANEOUS. 327 8 The children who have loved the Lord, Shall hail their teachers there ; And teachers gain the rich reward Of all their toil and care. Cho.— Oh, that will be joyful, &c. 4 Then let us each, in strength divine, Still walk in wisdom's ways, That we with those we love may join In never-ending praise, Cho.— Oh, that will he joyful, &c. OOO. Music— Goldeji Chain, 26. PILGKIMS we are, to Canaan bound, Our journey lies along this road ; This wilderness we travel round. To reach the city of our God. Chorus. O happy pilgrims, spotless fair, "What makes your robes so white appear ? 2 A few more days, or weeks, or years, In this dark desert to complain ; A few more sighs, a few more tears, And we shall bid adieu to pain. Chg.— happy pilgrims, &c. 3 O blessed land ! O happy land ! When shall we reach thy golden shore And one redeemed, unbroken band United be for evermore ? Cho.— O happy pilgrims, &c. 32G PRECIOUS HYMNS. 366. MY body, soul and spirit, Jesus, I give to thee, A consecrated off'ring, Thine evermore to be. Chorus — My all is on the altar, I'm waiting for the fire — Waiting, waiting, waiting I'm waiting for the fire. 2 O Jesus, mighty Saviour, I trust in thy great name, I look for thy salvation. Thy promise now I claim. My all is on the altar, &c. 3 I am thine, O blessed Jesus, Wash'd by thy precious blood — Now seal me by thy Spirit, A sacrifice to God. My all is on the altar, &c. 367. HO ! my comrades, see the signal Waving in the sky ! Reinforcements now appearing, Victory is nigh I Cho, — " Hold the fort, for I am coming, Jesus signals still — Wave the answer back to heaven, " By thy grace, we will I" 2 See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on : Mighty men around us falling. Courage almost gone. 3 See the glorious banner waving. Hear the bugle blow ; In our Leader's name we'll triumph Over every foe. 4 Fierce and long the battle rages, But our Help is near ; Onward comes our great Commander ! Cheer, my comrades, cheer ! 367. TOSS'D with rough waves, and faint with fear. Above the tempest, soft and clear, What still, small accents greet mine ear? Cho.—" 'Tis I ! be not afraid !" '"Tis I ! 'tis I ! be not afraid." " 'Tis I ! thy Lord, thy Life, thy Light : 'Tis I— be not afraid!" 2 These raging winds, this surging sea. Bear not a breath of wrath to thee — • That storm has all been spent on me ; 'Tis I — be not afraid. 8 Mine eyes are watching by thy bed, Mine arms are underneath thy head, 328 PRECIOUS HYMNS. My blessing is around thee shed — 'Tis I — be not afraid. 4 When on the other side thy feet Shall rest where welcome thousands meet. One well-known voice thy heart shall gree\ "'Tis I— be not afraid!" 368. Prayer Meeting Hymns, 200. 7s. WAIT my soul, upon the Lord, To his gracious promise flee. Laying hold upon this word, "As thy days, thy strength shall be." 2 If the sorrows of thy case Seem peculiar still to thee, God has promised needful grace, — "As thy days thy strength shall be." 3 Days of trial, days of grief, In succession thou may'st see; This is still my sweet relief, — "As thy days, thy strength shall be." 4 Bock 6f ages, I'm secure, With thy promise, full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure ; "As thy days, thy strength shall be." MISCELLANEOUS.