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'V-V*; • •:• ,* -V •.•:•■ •.-:»■ • ■:• *.-v •.•:•■ •'..•V 1 ./:jr.*;;W»..V«V?::«:»..V*^:;»:'../:«^ flPrios, 19 Qpnts per Gcpy, $1,50 per Dna §f • . • . .• • • '• • •*•"• •• • « • • . .:8 ■■*:.■•« • ■"»' •:.••:•■ .-.O'. .••>.■* ■"•. , 0'. '.*:.>. : » • .' « » .. : e .'.*■?:».■•. ..■»•.'.«• , ; » ."■.■#•.'•■•.;• •.•:.■ •.•:«■ •.-:•■ *.-** *--v •.-:»■ • •:,• f.-V: ..•.■:«'• :• * "•If :* .* ■:« ••-V •.•:•' •.•V! We offer at LOWEST MARKET PRICES White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine, VARNISHES, Paint Brushes and WALL PAPERS, Everything needed by the Coach Painter, Sign Painter or House Painter and Paperhanger. WATT & BROTHER, 30 E. Market St., York, Pa. "I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." / Cor. 14-13. REVIVAL HYMNS AND CHORUSES, COMPILED BY REV. ISAAC H. ALBRIGHT FOURTH EDITION. PRICE 10 CENTS PER COPY. $1.00 PER DOZEN. Copyright 1891 by D. W. Crider. YORK, pa. : PUBLISHED BY CRIDER & BRO. PREFACE. The compiler of this work has long felt the need of a small collection of hymns and choruses, suit- able for use in seasons of religious interest ; so cheap that all can buy them ; so familiar that all can sing them. These hymns and choruses have been gathered from many sources. When we knew that a hymn was copy-right property, and its author was known, we secured permission to use it in our little book. We are under great obligations to our friends who have granted us this permission. With the desire that God's blessing may greatly attend its use, the work is sent forth on its mission of service. The Compiler, REVIVAL HYMNS AND CHORUSES. — 1 — Christ Knocking at the Door. i Behold a stranger at the door ! He gently knocks, has knocked before, Has waited long — is waiting still : You treat no other friend so ill. : O, let the dear Savior come in, He'll cleanse thy heart from sin ! O, keep Him no more, out at the door, But let the dear Savior come in. 2 O lovely attitude, He stands With melting heart and bleeding hands, O matchless kindness, and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes ! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed ? He will ; the very friend you need ; The Friend of sinners — yes, 'tis He With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine ; Turn out His enemy and thine, That soul destroying monster, sin, And* let the heavenly Stranger in. 5 Admit Him ere His anger burn ; His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit Him, or the hour's at hand, You'll at His door rejected stand. — 2 — Sinners Entreated. Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power : He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. Now ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh ; Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. Let not conscience make you linger Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him : This He gives you ; 'Tis the Spirit's glim'ring beam. CHORUSES. -l - Turn to the Lord, and seek salvation, Sound the praise of His dear name ; Glory, honor and salvation, Christ the Lord is come again. -2- O believe him ; O receive him — There is none like Christ, my God He is near thee ; He will cheer thee- Only trust in Jesus' blood. Doubting sinner, Doubt not, but believe, He who saved ten thousand others He will thee receive. — 3 — And Yet There is Room. i Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesus' guest ; Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call, The invitation is to all ; Come all the world ! come sinner thou ! All things in Christ are ready now. 3 Come all ye souls by sin oppress'd, Ye restless wanderers after rest ; Ye poor and maim'd, and halt and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 My message as from God receive, Ye all may come to Christ and live, O let His love your heart constrain, Nor suffer Him to die in vain. 5 This is the time, no more delay, The invitation is to-day ; Come in this moment at His call, And live for Him who died for all. CHORUSES. — 1 — O come and will you go, Will you go, will you go, O come will you go, Where pleasures never die. -2- Come along, come along, Come all the way along ; Come along, come along, And love the dying Lamb. -3- Come along, come along, Obey the word of God, For why will you die in your sins. _4_ Come home, come home, O prodigal child, come home, Come home, come home, O prodigal child, come home. — 1 — Down at the Cross. I Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down, where for cleansing from sin I cried ; There to my heart was the blood applied ; Glory to his name. Chorus. — Glory to his name, Glory to his name, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to his name. 2 I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within ; There at the cross where He took me in, Glory to his name. 3 O, precious fountain, that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in ; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, Glory to his name. 4 Come to this fountain, so rich and sweet ; Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet ; Plunge in to-day, and be made complete ; Glory to his hame. ^ — 5 — Almost Persuaded. t ( 'Almost persuaded," now to believe ; Almost persuaded," Christ to receive ; Seems now some soul to say, "Go, Spirit, go Thy way. Some more convenient day On Thee I'll call." Almost persuaded," come, come to-day; Almost persuaded," turn not away; Jesus invites you here, Angels are ling'ring near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear : O wanderer, come, ' Almost persuaded," harvest is past ! 'Almost persuaded," doom comes at last! 1 'Almost" can not avail; "Almost" is but to fail ! Sad, sad, that bitter wail — "Almost— but lost /" — 6 — Come to Jesus. Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now, Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. He will save you. Oh, believe Him. He is able. He is willing. He'll receive you. Flee to Jesus. Look unto Him. Only trust Him. Call upon Him. He will hear you. He'll have mercy. He'll forgive you. He will cleanse you. He'll renew you. He will clothe you. Jesus loves you. Don't reject Him. Hallelujah. Amen. — 7 — Don't Wait for To-Morrow. i O, come to the Savior to-day, 'Tis folly to wait till to-morrow ; Then will you longer delay ? To-morrow may fill you with sorrow. Cho. — The Savior is calling to-day, O, bring him your trouble and sorrow, Come, bow at his footstool and pray, It may be too late on to-morrow, 2 0, look at the cross where he died, And think of his anguish and sorrow, Then give up your folly and pride, It may be too late on to-morrow. 3 How many have gone to the grave, Whose end was destruction and horror, O, would you have Jesus to save : Then wait not to seek him to-morrow. 4 Then fly to the Savior to-day, And walk in the way that is narrow, 'Twill lead you from folly away, And give you a joyous to-morrow. — 8 — Come to the Fountain. i O come to-day to the fountain, That flows for you and for me ; Oj come, and drink of its waters, They flow ever full and free. Cho. — Come to the clear flowing fountain, Flowing for you and for me : Drink of the life-giving fountain, Its waters are pure and free. 2 O sinner burdened with sorrow, How sweet the message to thee : O, come to-day to the fountain, That flows ever full and free. 3 O sinner, look unto Jesus, Who conquered death and the grave ; He bids you come to the fountain, Its waters have power to save. 4 Why will you wander in darkness ? Why to the world will you cling ? O, come and plunge in the fountain, And you shall be free from sin. — 9 — Sorrow for the Suffering of the Savior. i Alas ! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sov'reign die? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? Was it for crimes that I have done He groan' d upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree. 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ the mighty Maker died For man the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. CHORUSES. -l — O look away, O look away, O look away to Calvary : To Calvary, to Calvary, O look away to Calvary. -2- He loves me, he loves me, He loves me, this I know, He gave himself to die for me, Because he loves me so. -3- Jesus is good to me, Jesus is good to me, So good, so good, Jesus is good to my soul. Help me, dear Savior, thee to own, And ever faithful be ; And when thou sittest on thy throne, Dear Lord, remember me. Jesus died for you, Jesus died for me, Yts, Jesus died for all mankind, Bless God, salvation's free. I'll never forget thee, I'll never forget thee, Lord, I'll never forget thee, Dear Lord remember me -7- I can, and I will, and I do believe, I can, and I will, and I do believe, I can, and I will, and I do believe, That Jesus died for me. -8- Look away, look away, Look away to Calvary, Look away, look away, Look away to Calvary. -9- Dear Jesus receive me, No more will I grieve thee/ O blessed Redeemer, O save me at the cross. -lO- O ! 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love ! The love of God to me : It brought my Savior from above, To die on Calvary. Only believe, and you shall be saved, Only believe and you shall be saved, Only believe, and you shall be saved, And heaven is yours forever. — 12 — The half was never told, The half was never told, Of grace divine, so wonderful, The half was never told. J LJ FIISTID THE kar»gest and ©est Srlrgtrd Stogk OF READY-MADE IGlothingl -AND- Gents' Furnishing Goods, .AT- LEHMAYER & BRO., THE OLD AM) RELIABLE, B E. Market Street, 'Vork, Pa. HEADQUARTERS IN ^HUN&Z -AND- YJJMSB&, ISM THE CHEAPEST 10 ME BEST. Fhpnittire. L A. SHIYE'S SONS. j 207 W£est Market ^treet, YORK, PA. WE HAVE THE Largest and best selected stock of Furniture in the City. WE GUARANTEE PRICES TO BE SATISFACTORY, •GIVE US A CALL. ^faz€mk0^ PHOTOGRHPH9RS, 20 S. (Jeor^e S't, Yorl(, pa. To all those wishing Photographs taken in the latest style and finish, we would advise them to call and see the work of SHflDLE & BUSSER. «TALL WORK GUARANTEED. The Frysinpr RAG CARPETS a Specialty. SOLD AT THE Carpet Store, The Largest Carpet Store in York, 124 WEST MARKET STREET, OBE. CULLISOE. Proprietor. BUY THE LATEST AND BEST 8 -AT- Miller's Big Shoe Store, YORK, F>A. JRCS* Gauze Oven Door RANGE and STOVE. Grand Times Cook, Altoona and Broadway Ranges, Double Heater Ranges, Furnaces and Heating Stoves, Plumbing, Tinners, Gas Work and Fixtures. ALL KINDS REPAIRS. HAITZ & JESSOP, HO and 112 N. George St., YORK, PA. -fcTGAS, COOK AND HEAT STOVES.^ layer Apt Piano Co. BRILIM FACTORY AND WAREROOMS: 1 vnRK Pfl BROAD AND WALNUT STS, J YU ™>™- A. PROPHRT is not without honor save in his own country, but the Wea^ep 0M@ns «RE HOST POPULAR WHERE THEY ARE BEST KNOWN. Over 2,000 Sold in VORK COVWTY. PIANOS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS, E)G., &Q. GO TO SMALL 9 © Leading Drug Store, -21- EAST MARKET STREET, YORK, JPJ±. FACTORS OF SMALL'S Liquid Rennet, SMALL'S Flavoring Extracts, SMALL'S Sarsaparilla, SMALL'S Beef Wine and Iron, SMALL'S Toothache Drops, STALL'S Everything and anything you may need which is usually kept in a First-Class Drug Store. AT D.W.CRIDER&BRGU Booksellers, 27 West JTOa^ket Street, YORK, PA., You will ai ways find a well-selected stock of BOOB, mm 9GB09L EIWARS CARDS, TEACHERS 1 BOLES, FOIIAII HOLD SEH8, A GENERAL LIKE QF FINE STATIONERY, ALL THE LATEST SQf BOOKS. AS THE AGENTS OF THE United Brethren Piiing Bonn of Dayton, Ohio, All piiMicaiions of tiie same can He secured of iliem. ^ ALL SUPPLIES NECESSARY FOR THE Public Schools KEPT IN STOCK.