Of>585.\ JA8"]TU> mo 17-1- ds 28 17 ). 30 00 r, 35 00 40 50 o. 30 00 35 00 $375.29 No. 2 Repair Shops, T Swan, Machinist, Jan 1 to Jan. 31, \i 1201 18 dsat2.50,%!d, 31 87 W Swan, do do do 28 at 2.00 56 00 J Neal, do do do 24^ at 2.50 60 62 J Reynolds, do do do 28 at 2.50 70 00 A Chilson, do do do 33 at 1.00 33 00 S McAdams,do do do 241 at 2.00 48 50 T. Hudson, do do do 17 i at 2,50 43 75 T Hyde, do do do 21 at 1.75 36 75 W Tucker, do do do 27J at 1 75 48 12 J Kinibol do do do 1 mo. at 16 %! mo.16 00 J Bridges, do do do 1 at 22 22 00 E King, do do do 1 at 16 10 00 F Perpignan do do do 25 ds at 2.50 <$ d,62 50 W Tapley, do do do 1 mo. . at 16 $ mo.16 00 C Graff, do do do 32 ds at 1.75" ^ d,56 00 J T Stars do do do 15 at 2.50 62 50 J Wilhelm, Black S . do do 28 at 2.50 70 00 J B Fonville,do do do 24 at 1.50 30 00 JHTappley.do do do 21 at 1.50 31 50 R Duck, do do do 30 at 16.5 ml 6 50 M L Black, Painter, do do 26| at 2.75%* d,71 50 J Bryant, do do do 26i at 1.60 39 75 J Greene, do do do 20" at 1.50 30 00 J Adams, do do do 26* at 39.75 39 75 J Terry, Machinist, do do 8 " at 1.75 14 00 R Holt, helper, do do 14.00"$ m.14 00 J J Jackson, do do do 201 ds at 2.00 d.40 50" T O Brien, Time K . do do 23 17 02 (J Andrews, Watchman, Jan. &Feb. 2 m., 26.00"$ m.52 00 W Smith, Machinist, do do 15 at 1.75 26 25 J H Perry, do do do ' ' 14$ at 22 80 $1201 18 No. O Repair Shops '•} 61032 43 J Neal, Machinist, Feb. 1, tc > 28. at 2.50^ d,54 30 T Swan, do do do 14 ds at '2.50 35 00 Wm Swan, do do do 24| at 2.00 51 50 W Garrett, do do do 16 at 2.50 40 00 JWkitsett, do do do 17 at 1.75 29 75 Pratte, do do do 18 at 2.25 40 50 C Graff, do do do 28f at 1.75 50 30 T Hudson, do do do 19 X at 2.50 55 62 A Chilson do do do 29 at 1-00 29 00 Keenan, do do do 10 at 2.50 25 00 Griswold, do do do 8 at 1.75 14 00 H Parks, do do do 3 at 22.00 f, m.02 50 A Overton, do do do 11 at 22. 00 $ m. 9 13 J W Reynolds, do do do 18| at 2.50 ^ d,46 87 TTVatkins, do do do 7 at 1-75 12 25 Jackson, do do do 5} at 2.00 11 00 J T Starr, do do do 2$ at 2.50 6 25 J McAdamsdo do do 19| at 2.00 39 00 W T Tucker,do do do 9Q1 -°2 at 1.75 41 12 J Hyde, do do do 12 at 1.75 21 00 E King, do do do 1 mo. at 16.50^: rn.16 50 J Kimball, do do do 1 at 16. 60 16 50 Bridges, do do do 1 at 22.00 22 00 F Perpignoii,do do do 23 ds at 2.75 ^ d, 63 25 "W Toppley,do do do 1 mo. , at 16.50^] ai.16 50 W Smith, do do do 25 J ds at 1.75 "^ i 1.44 62 J Perry, do do do 23f at 2.00 47 50 R Vernall, do do do 23} at 2.50 58 75 C Davis, do do do 21 f at 2.50 53 75 D Baker, do do do 24 ot2.50 60 00 T Bryan, Tim e K .do do 24 $ 18 96 1032 42 No. 4 Carpenter Shops, 811 39 L P Clifford, Cai •penter, Feb. 1. to 2: 3.25* ds at 2.50^ d.63 75 R Clifford, do do di i 26 at 1.75 45 50 G H Clifford, do do dc » 24 at 50 12 00 J Fix. do do do 19 at 2.25 42' 75 R Casey, do de do 27$ at 1.50 41 25 J King, do do do 27 at 1.1.5 31 05 J Sullivan, do do dc > 24} at 1.75 42 87 H Cragg, do do dc • 25} at 1.50 37 87 C McReady, do do do 1 mo . at 30. 0033m. 30 00 W Sikes, do do do 22f dsat2.G0$ d.45 50 J Ch avers, do do do 24 at 30.00$m.30 00 M L Black, Painter, do do 22 at 2.75"$ d.60 50 J T Bryent, do do do 22 at 1.75 38 50 J Adams, do do do 24 at 1.50 36 00 J Greene, do do do 24 at 1.50 36 00 J Wilhelm, Blacksmith, do do 23-J- at 2.150 58 12 J B Fonville, do do do 19J at 1.50 29 62 Tapply, do do do 20} at 1.50 30 75 R Duck, do do do 20 at 16.50 |)mo . 16 50 C McMurray, Fireman, do do 18 at 20.00 13 86 Reeding, do do do 23 ds . at 2.00 46 00 Findley, do do do 23 at 1.00 23 00 Whole amount of Warrant, $811 39 3420 29 No. of Warrant. 1286. 1287. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. Paid F M Rav, for carrying Mail one quarter in Charlotte, 3 45 00 Thomas E Roberts, M. of M. Salary, 1250 00 John II Kirkland, New York Exchange, 606 00 D Coleman, S J Walton's Order, 272 00 Wilev Hastings, on Salary and Lumher, 285 79 Tho's E Roberts, Pay Pulls Account for June, 1073 16 Richard Harris 54 Cords Wood @ 1.26, $67 50 J W Thomas Eli Cochran C Phifer E Wilborn Wm Foster J Wilbern A Clin arc! S Tomlinson J Shelton M Forsett 63 45 44 37} 34 i 22 20 20 20i 20 J T B Thompson 26 H Wineeoff G C Faucette A Pope Wm Tate L L Thomas H Johnson Giles Mebane Gr Marcon J Wilborn H Crafibrd 16* 14 12 12 9} 11 10 10 5 i 5 Dr.DT Caldwell 3 J G Johnson 4 S M Tomlinson 3 M Alexander 90 J Alexander I6-3- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do @ 1.00 @ 1.25 do do @ 1.00 @ 1.25 @ 1.00 do do @ 1.25 @ 1.00 @ 1.25 (a) 1.00 @1.25 do do do 06 25 56 25 55 00 87 12 50 00 00 40 25 62 26 00 46 43 27 25 25 25 26 17 15 12 11 11 10 20 135 63 50 00 00 87 00 10 00 10 00 6 87 5 00 4 75 4 00 3 75 00 50 00 R S Green 108 J D Ramsey, Bill of Sundries, viz : 1 Card Postage Stamps 3 00 1 Window Light 10 Cleaning Candle Sticks 25 Ink Eracers 15 Postage Stamps 3 00 1 Load Wood 1 25 Cotton Twine 20 Boy Services at Office 25 P. Stamps at Charlotte Station 2 00 P. Stamps for office 3 00 Cutting Wood and washing Towels 40 Postage on Annual Reports 1 75 1 Tumbler and Spittoons, (Office) 25 A C McClelland on Acc't of Painting 100 00 6 No. of Warrant. Paid Directors of N. C. R. R. Co. milage for atten- ding of Board at Salisbury, viz : R M Saunder3 $26 20 P C Cameron 18 00 Samuel Hargrave 3 40 Alexander McRae 52 80 F Pries 10 60 Giles Mebane 16 00 John D Bellamy 52 80 R P Pick 10 00 P B Hawkins 35 20 Wm T Bortch 36 00 C S Brown for carrying Mail at Salisbury, 1 quarter, to Jur ie30, 45 00 T J Holton for printing Schedules i 5 00 Committee of Finance, auditing Acc'ts of Treasurer, July, 1857 ', viz : E M Holt 15 days ( $ 5.00 75 00 Milage to and fr< Dm office 15 00 Jed H Lindsay 10 < days @ 5. 00 50 00 Milage to and from office 10 00 John U Kirkland 18 dajs @ 5.00 90 00 Milage to and from office 18 30 Directors of N. C. R. R. Co. mils_ tge for at- tending Meeting of Board at Salisbury in July : Alex MacRao 528 miles @10c 52 80 R P Dick 100 do 10 00 Jolin D Bellamy 528 do 52 80 F Fries 118 do 10 60 Wm T Dorteh 360 do 36 00 Giles Mebane 164 do 16 40 P B Hawkins 342 do 35 20 R M. Saunders 841 do 24 10 Samuel Hargrave 34 do 3 40 Ralph Gorrell 5 00 P C Cameron 18 00 1801 58 1298. July. McNeely, Mock & Co. on acc't 500 00 1299. S J Walton, Bridge Sup't and House ace 't 1500 00 1800. U. S. Draft sent Bank of Republic 5575 00 1301. U. Wells sight Drafts 284 27 1302. Norris & Sons Premium on do 2037 32 20 00 2057 32 1303. Exchange on New YorK 904 50 1304 Exchange on New York Premium on do 1000 00 10 00 —1010 00 No. of Warrant. 1305. Paid Manhattan Oil Company Premium on do 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. Edwin Boykin on wood acc't E Colburn for Sills and Lint! S J Walton to Taylor & Allison James Gr Moore on acc't George A Dudley On Pay Eoll No. 9 to wit : S Dixon, Foreman, Api'ill. to June 30, E Stafford, Carp. " " T Stafford, " " " J Johnson, " " " J Dixon, " " " J Cracker, '• " " T Gibson, " " " J Wood, " " " JVanderford" " " J W Bason, " " " E Teague, " " " E H Graham," " " J Holt, " " « J Whitsett, " " " Ivey Phillips," " " P H Williams" " " J Fowler, " " " Wm. Stagg, " •« " M Hinshaw,. " " " J Hedgepeth," " " JWCarmack" " " Wm, Harris, " " " G Stagg, " " " 8321 50 1 GO 323 10 200 00 ,les (Shops) 300 00 son 329 20 800 00 500 00 74ds. at3.35^d$247 90 711- at 1.60 114 00 78 at 1.60 124 80 65 at 1.60 104 00 67 at 1.60 107 20 13 at 1.60 20 80 m at 1.60 103 60 78 at 1.60 • 124 80 76f at 1.60 122 80 82i- at 1.60 100 40 75 at 1.60 120 00 57J at 1.60 108 00 78 at 1.60 124 80 78 at 1.60 124 80 78 at 1.60 124 80 73i at 1.60 117 20 5li at 1.60 82 00 23 at 1.60 36 80 64J at 1.60 102 80 73 at 1.60 116 80 39 at 1.60 62 40 50 at 1.60 80 00 44 at 1.60 70 40 -2441 10 1312. On Pay Boll No. 8: T S Robertson, Eng. June 1 to 30, 1 mo. at $85 ^m. 85 I iQ E H Marsh, do do do do S5 00 C Davis, do do do do C C Davis, do do do do S5 00 J Binns, do do do do 85 00 J Hopkins, do do do do 85 00 W Lewis, do4 days back pay omitted, 75 "$m .85 00 C W Smith, Con. May 1, to May 10, 13 ds, 50 fm.16 J Smith, Eng. June 1 to 30, 1 mo. at S5 85 00 George Fisher, do do do do 65 00 C W Bradshaw, Con. do do 50 50 00 T D Harriss, do do do do 50 00 H S Hazell, ■ do do do do 50 00 C P Haynes, |do do do do 50 00 Jno Kirkland, do do do do 50 00 W L Davidson, do do do do 50 00 Frank Snyder, Brakemando 20 35 23 33 J J Eeid, do 16 00 J S Murphy, Eng. do do 30|ds.8i 5 127 50 — 1228 50 No. of ■Varrant. 312. Paid on Pay Boll No. 6: W Valentine, Brakem. June 1, to 30, 21 ds. at $20 3£m.l4 00 Henry Mitchell do do do 1 mo. at 15 15 00 Jim Mitchell do do do 20 20 00 Wm Jones, Fireman, do do 20 20 00 E Freeman, BrakemaUj do do ; i mo. at 20 10 00 Ed Battle, do ' do do 1 mo, at 20 20 00 Sam Stith, do do do 22 22 00 Nat Riley do do do 20 20 00 G Dunston do do 20 20 00 Jack do May 27 to do 1 mo. 5 ds20 23 33 C Milton, Fireman, June 1, to do 1 mo. 16.50 16 50 Caleb Hardy do do do 20 20 00 John Rowe, do do do 16.50 16 50 Station Hands, J G Gamble H. Point, do do 2S 28 00 Henry Hall, Holtsburg, do do 20 20 00 Henry Cross, May 12th to do lmlOdsatlO ^11 1.14 70 A G McEbbons, Conc'rd do do 1 month, 20 20 00 John Bonds, Harrisburg, Apr. 1 do 3 ms. 16.33* 50 00 G Plumber, Charlotte, June 1 to do 1 mo. at 17 17 00 Aydlet, High Point, Apr. 1 to do 3 mo. IS 54 00 Daniel Owlins 23 ds. at 67^ cts fA 15 50 453 03 1313. Paid on Pay Roll No. 5 : C Carroll, Eng. June 1, to 30, 1 mo. at $85 <$ni.85 00 W Garrett do do do 85 00 ABIandsharddo do do 85 00 R Finwell do do do 85 00 C Parmeoto do do do 85 00 T W Swan, do do do 85 00 W P Harton do do do 75 00 T Greddins do do do 85 00 J M Cheek, Con. do 60 60 00 J J Bradbury do, do 50 50 00 J Hicks, Fireman do 22 22 00 J Rippey do do 22 22 00 Tkos Winn do 20 2| \ mo . at 2: 14 66$ C Leverman do 30 1 mo. at 22 22 00 N A Plesants do do 22 22 00 Wood Stewart do do 22 22 00 J Pettiford do do 22 22 00 Potter Coply, do May 20 to do 1; t mo . at ; 22 29 33* M Taylor, Brakem. June 1 do 1 mo. at 22 25 00 James Scott do do 22 22 00 J Browning do do 22 22 00 W Dunston do June 20 to do * mo. at 22 7 33J 1117 33- No. of Warrant. 1314. On Pay Roll No. 7 : It S McLard, Sec. Mas. June 1 to 30 1 nio. at $33 Sgm.33 00 J F Erwin, Jo do do do 33 00 R S Wood, do do do do 33 00 G II Kvider, do do do do 33 00 Thos. 13 Cook, do do do do 33 00 Eobt. Walker, do do do do 33 00 E Farribee, do do do do 33 00 P II Bilbro, do do do do 33 00 John McLean, do do do do 33 00 G M Allen, do do do do 33 00 Bridge Watchmen, Saml. Erwin.Rocky River do do at 10 ^m.10 00 J Erwin, Candle Creek, do do do 10 00 Britton Michal, Yadkin R. do do 25 25 &0 T B Cook, N & S Potts C. do do 12 12 00 A Hargrave, Swaini C. do do do 10 00 J. Church, Deep River, do do do 10 00 H Cook, Buffalo, do do do 10 00 B Green, do do do 10 00 1315. On Pay Poll No. 10 : Aug. King, Sec. Master, June 1, to 30, $33 ^ni.33 00 WDRaiford do do do 33 00 J B Greene do do 1 mo. at do 33 00 Alien Young do do dO 33 00 T H Perry do do do 33 00 Carter Bradshaw do do \ do 33 00 A T Sawyer, do do do 33 00 T J Freelaud do do do 33 00 W J Freeland do do do 33 00 W T Williams, T. Layer, June 20 to 31 fm 50 31 50 Elias Bass, W. L. R, B. 30 10 10 00 Micaja Elam, W. N. R. B. do 10 10 00 Alfred Eatcjan, L. S. S. do 20 20 00 Ed. Cooper, W. W. C. B. do 10 10 00 J Betts, W. P. S. do 30 30 00 H Scott, L. R. S. do 12.50 12 50 Jas. Morgan, L. M. S. do 18.75 18 75 S A Morgan, L. M. S. do 16.66 16 66 J Chamley, L. on Sec. do 12.50 12 50 Jas. Proctor, L. D. S. . do 16.66 16 66 S Browning, L. D. S. do 15.66 16 QQ A C Hunter, W. S. E. B. do 10.00 10 00 W Crabtree, W. Eno. B. do 10.00 10 00 H Crawford, W. B. C B. do 10.00 10 00 Thadeus Mayho, L. on S. do 11.00 11 00 Olmstead Mayho, L. on S. do 11.50 12 50 1316. K P Alston hand hire bond, 1856-57 615 00 Interest on do 2 00 Protest on do 1 00 427 00 561 73 618 00 No. of Warrant, 1317. 1318. 10 Bank Salem, premium and discount, .$266 00 E C Partee for sack Coffee lost 20 54 Freight to Greensboro 1 15 21 69 W A Cummings for 261b Coffee lost (§13 3 38 E .Whittington judgement vs. N. C. R. R. 3 50 Clerk of Court cost 2 70 Tax . 1 00 Attorney to L. M. S. fee 4 00 C A Boon, D. S. fee 1 00 Interest 25 D V Moffitt 150 Sills @ 30c W A Williams acc't for 1035 Oak Car Brakes J as Wiseman for Stock killed, val. $53 paid half W & A H Welch, viz : 23fft Flour 23 do 1 Barrel Flour sent to Stallinp-s Station 13 lb Bacon 12 18 84 12 5 27J 1 15c do do (Farrabee) do do (Sullivan) Nails @ 6c Bacon (Sullivan) Tallow Chain and Pad Lock Axe Helves Pair Socks for Lewis Butts for Farrabee doz. Screws Bolts for G-ates 39 ft Bacon @ 15c F Fries the following bill : Hand hire bonds 1856-7 229 Interest on v do 32 Balance on 545 cords wood, 1855-6 471 Springs & Weddington for 6100 Shingles @3.50fM. 21 Interest on do 2 81 77 50 95 80 70 25 80 31 13 15 85 50 75 30 10 20 85 12 45 45 00 48 00 26 50 44 10 25 35 20 31 72 732 79 B Farribee for 1 Bushel Meal @ 62Je 63 15 ft Flour @ 4e 60 Z J Lyon for 11 lb Coffee lost @ 13c 1 43 Freight on do 10 23 55 1 22 1 53 No. of Warrant. 11 S J Harris, Station expenses for 1858 : For Candles 1.00, Paper 75c Ink 35c, Envelops 50c, Wafers 10c, 81 75 95 S J Harris 2 bushels Meal for Station hands 1 50 14 ft> Bacon @ 12c 1 75 Beaver Creek Manufacturing Co. 1 bale Hardwaste, 410 ft> @ 8Je T D Harris for Harris & Co. To mending 3 tamping Irons Making 2 Crow Bars do 3 Sets hasps and staples do 1 do Mending 4 Tamping Irons 2 70 3 25 33 82 50 25 75 25 57 Laying Tamping Irons, found iron for same,50 Dressing 1 do 10 150 00 5 00 103 75 3 10 2 92 25 45 155 00 106 85 20 00 Murphy & Co. for lost goods : 1 Bag 165 lb Coffee @ 13c 21 44 1 Broken Chair 3 50 Freight on do 50 Aaron Wall for hand hire bond, ] 757, Interest on do W B Johnson bill rendered Interest on do Mrs. Jane Alexander's bill Stock killed : 2 Milch Cows valued $40 payed J, Matthew Alexander's bill §tock killed : Valued $24 paid half, A Blackard, repairing Pumps, P B Buffin lost Gi-oods, 2 boxes Adm. Candles C Allen paid Charyedia R M Oats 47 lb Bacon @ 18 A C McClelland, painting account, B Williams, for fitting up office, 1 Bolt and Lock 1.25, fixing Clock 3.00 1 Box for Train Thomas Speed hand hire bond, Interest on do S Steel for 1 box jewelry lost, W J Jollev, 668 lbs", White Lead @ 11, 73 48 12 00 27 00 lies 18 90 45 8 46 75 00 6 00 0, 4 25 1 25 11 50 280 00 , 9 00 . . 289 00 93 00 12 No. of Warrant, S S Thomas, Bill, 58200 Shingles, @ 2.50 f m, $145 50 16 lb bacon, @ 16 2 56 15 lb candles, @ 32J, 3 00 6 hand saw files, @ 10, 60 Boarding hands 20 days, 5 00 Twine and Canvass for Pump, 5 00 C Young Agent, Concord, For services for 1 year and 10 mo., 825 00 Hand hire bond for 1857, 125 00 159 16 950 00 J F Hughs Agent, Bill, viz : For salary Morrisville, 1 year 11 mo., 550 00 Lost goods paid by him, 25 00 Bill for 1856, wood racks at Station, 75 Hailing the same to bridge, 75 Paid for wood at Station, 6 75 12000 shingles $3.75 f m, 45 00 Hire boy at Station 4 mo, @ 18 ^ mo, 72 00 1 hand for 5 clays work @ 75 3 75 Meal and meat, 45 Paid for repairing window, 1 00 Cash for hire and board Station hand, 12 00 1 bottle ink and steel pens, 20 1 broom 25. i quire paper 10, 35 16 lb tallow for Engines, @ 12 J, 2 00 4 water buckets @ 30, 1 20 Hire hand 15 days @ 75, 11 25 ■V bushel meal for Capt. Allen @ 80 40 i3oard of boy 3 days @ 25, 75 i bushel Meal @ 1.00 25 7 lb Meat 50 1 Sieve and Frying Pan 65 i bushel Meal @ 1.00 25 735 25 Jno. Murphy & Co., bill of Stationery, 70 49 Premium on do 71 71 20 Wm. Manex for 22 cords Wood, @ 125 27 50 Geo. Phifer, 53 do do 40 00 1319 A V Sullivan, Agent, 1 year's salary 500 00 do Interest on do 17 50 1320 Bush & Lobsdale's account, viz : 200 lbs Casting, 8 collars for wheels @ 4 cts 8 00 ; D P Wheels, 30 inches, pattern E, fitted to 2 rolled axles; 2 wheels and axles @ $49 98 00 insurance to Wilmington, N C, 2 06 4 do &c 98 00 13 No. of Warrant. Insurance on do do 82 00 Extra work turning axle and fitting col- lars with set screws 30 00 27 days' interest on 55238 OG 1 08 206 do do 238 OG 9 84- -10 92 U per cent on 238 OG 3 57 Accrued int from maturity to payment of same 5 54 258 09 1321 Paid Chas A Rose 72 cords wood @ 1 25 93 61 1322 Paid Ames' Iron Company, 8 car wheel tires @ $44 58 557 25 Premium on do 5 57 Paid Hoops & Townsend, 200 lbs J square nuts @ 9 18 00 200 lbs | do @ 7 50 15 00 200 lbs $ do @ 7 50 15 00 200 lbs | do @ 7 50 15 00 200 lbs i six S do @ 13 24 00 200 lbs f do do @ 12 24 00 200 lbs | do do @ 12 24 00 Premium on do 1 37 138 o( P P Shaw, N Y, 2 for 50 pr, each 100 pieces Miller's superior wax R seam bags 135 00 1 for 60 pr, each GO pieces do 81 00 Strapping 3 can 2 J If cts 3§- 1 13 Insurance on $225 @ J per ct 1 13 Interest on do 2 18 220 4.± N G- Taylor, Philadelphia, for 2 crucibles, No 30, 60 lbs 2 crucibles, No 35 70 2 do 40 80 f 2 do 45 90 2 do 50 100 2 Crucibles, No 60 120 lbs 2 do 70 140 2 do 80 160 820 @ 3^-c 28 70 Cartage and cask 80 Premium on do 29- -29 79 Morris, Tanner & Co, Richmond, Va, for 5*+i C C Iron, 2,430 lbs @ 3*c 85 05 Cartage 50c, freight 84 12- 3 62 Premium on do 88- -89 55 Bank Republic, N. Y, Check on Leather Manufacturing Bank 2012 2B f per ct premium on do 15 09 2027 14 No. of Warrant. AUGUST. 1324. Paid on Pay Roll No. 11 : L P Clifford, Cptr. June 1 to 30, a H Clifford, R Clifford, J Sullivan, C Gardiner D H Blake W Sikes M Ready J R Whitsett H Craige R Casey J King J Fix J Cheevers F Carroll P Williams W Hastings 1325. 1326. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do M L Black, Painter, W J Joiley J Hundley P Jackley P J Williams Thos Ballard J Sauls Joe Adams L Greene do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 28| 25 26 28 6 25 19 26 34* 17J 39 GO 4 25 20 14 26 20 211- 25£ 24 1- 13 26 26 23 29 at 2.50 ^g at 50 at 1.75 at 2.00 at do at 1.75 at 2.00 at 1.15* at 1.00 at 1.50 at do at 1.15 at2.25 at 1.15* at 1.50 at 2.00 at 1.50 at 2.75 at 2.00 at 1.25 atl.CO at 1.50 at 1.25 at 2.00 at 1.25 at 1.50 72 12 45 56 12 43 38 29 34 26 58 38 56 23 21 52 30 58 51 30 13 39 32 46, 40 4 On Pay Roll No. 12 : J Willhelm, B'smith, June 1 to 30, 25| at 2.50 f d.63 Saml Marley do do J B Fonyille do do J Tarpley do do R Duke do do Wm Owens do do 12 22^ 22; 26 9 at do at 1.50 at do at mi at do 30 33 33 16 5 00 59 50 00 00 75 00 99 80 25 50 81 25 09 00 00 00 43 00 62 00 00 50 00 00 50 — -965 55 75 00 75 37 52 08 -182 47 Bank Republic, N Y, Premium on do 2000 00 10 00 1328. A C McLelland on account Painting Rowland & Bros, August 3d, 1857, Nor- folk, Va, 150 bags Corn @ 1 86 Drayage Freight to Raleigh Commissions for buying, 2} percent Freight on 6 hhds bacon (former bill) Interest to date George A Dudley, cash paid him en account — 2010 00 200 00 279 00 2 25 52 50 8 35 40 33 1 00 383 43 500 00 15 No. i of Warrant. 1329. J D Ramsey, on account $25 00 1330. Jas S Morrison, General Freight Agent, 700 00 1331. T S Robertson, Eng, July 1 to 31, lm.at$85$m .85 00 EH Marsh . do do do at do 85 00 C Davis" do do do at do 85 00 C C Davis do do do at do 85 00 J Binns do do do at do 85 00 J Hopkins do do do at do 85 00 J Smith do do do at do 85 00 C W Smith, Cond'r, do do at $50 50 00 C W Bradshaw do do do at do 50 00 T D Harris do . do do at do 50 00 H S Hazel do do do at do 50 00 C P Haynes do do do at do 50 00 J Kirkland, jr, do do do at do 50 00 W L Davidson do do do at do 50 00 F Snider, Brakem., July 14 to 31, 17d at 1.161 ^< 119 83 964 83 1332. C Carrol, Eng. July 1, to 31 1 mo. at $85 f m .85 00 W Garrett, do do do 85 00 R Finnell do do do 85 00 T S Huclsondo do do 85 00 C Parrnento do dc do 85 00 T W Swanndo do do 85 00 WPHartondo do do 85 00 J T Giddingsdo do do 85 00 G Fisher do do do 75 00 J M Cheek, Con, do 60 60 00 J J Bradberry do do 50 50 00 J Hicks, Fireman, do 22 22 00 J Reppey do do do 22 00 S Reppey do Back pay Jan . & Feb, 8 00 C Liverman do do do 22 00 N A Plesant do do do 22 00 "Wood Stewart do do do 22 00 J Pellford do do do 22 00 M Taylor, Brakem. July 1 to 31, Imo. at $25$: m25 00 J Scott, do do 22 22 00 J Browning do do $ mo., do 7 33 Jno, Scott, do July 21 to do do 7 33 -3 OOO looo- . B Valentine, Br'km. , July 1 to c U, 1m at §20 39; oi 20 00 • H Mitchell; do back pay due do at 18 * 20 50 E Rattle do July 1 to 3 1, do at 20 20 00 G Dunston do do do at do ' 20 00 Jack do do do at do 20 00 Bill Jones, Fireman, do do at 16 1 16 50 Calvin Melton do do do at do 16 50 Caleb Hardy do do do at 20 20 00 16 No. of Warrant. John Kowe do do do at 16} 16 60 Jacob Reid do do do at do 16 50 J G- Gamble, S. Hand, do do at 28 28 00 Henry Hale do do do at 20 20 00 — Cross do do do at 7 7 00 JAMcCibbonsdo do do at 20 20 00 John Bonds, do do do at 16.66 Geo Plummer, Wat'hin., do do at 17 17 00 O Aydoler do do do at 18 18 00 ThosWaldon do do do at 20 20 00 1334. L P Clifford, Carpenter ; , 263 ds. at 2.50 ^ day ,66 25 R Clifford do 26f 1.75 45 06 C Gardner do 18* 2.00 37 0C A H Sullivan do 27 * 2.00 55 0( D H Blake do 261 1.76 46 5^ P Williams do 25} 2.00 51 0( JPix do 25 2.25 56 21 R Casey do 26i 1.50 54 3£ J King do 39 1.15 44 8( J B Whitsett do 35f ' 1.00 35 7£ H Craigg do 24* 1.50 36 75 T Hastings do 25 1.50 37 5C J Conrard do 27 1.50 40 5C E H Clifford do 20 50 10 00 C McReady do 26} 1.00 26 50 J Cbeevers do 19-1- 1.00 19 25 322 00 G62 61 J Neal, Machinist, 29 ds. at $2.75 f d. 79 75 J) Baker do 35* ds. at 2.50 63 75 J Richardson do 24 ds- at do 60 00 Wm Smith do 26f ds. at 1.75 46 81 Wm C Swan do 271 ds. at 2.00 54 50 A Chilson do 26 J ds. at 1.00 26 50 J Rhodes do 26 ds. at 2.00 52 00 C H Graff, Mach'st, 35| ds. at 1.75 62 56 M D Bridges do 27 ds. at 831 22 60 N B Overton do 24 ds. at 83$ 20 08 H Parks do 27 ds. at 83| 22 60 J Kimball do 30 J ds. at 63 J 19 36 R M Swan do 37 ds. at 63* 17 15 E King do 27 ds. at 63* 17 15 Wm Tapley do 26 ds. at 63} 16 50 T Peragnon do 28* ds. at 3.00 85 50 C McMurry do 25 ds. at 74| 18 69 J Croper do 9* ds. at 2.50 23 75 C Hutton do 4 ds. at 2.50 10 00 W H Trott do 3* ds. at 2.25 7 68 WH Pratt do 2* ds. at 2.25 5 61. 17 No. of \\ arrant, P W Keenan Car . 3 ds. at 2.50 $7 5 J Hyde do 3 J ds. at 2.00 7 00 —747 27 50 J Willhelm, Blacksmith, 2:J ds, at ■> 2.50 ' ^ day , -"'7 B Fonville do 341 1.50 36 75 J H Tarpley do 15} 1.50 23 24 S Mosley do 24 2.50 70 00» R Duck do 27 631 15 88 William Owens do 24 63! 17 15 Thos. Ballard, Painter, 1 1.25 1 25- M S Black do 191 1.75 53 62 J Adams do 28i 1.25 35 63 P S Williams do ' 291 1.50 43 88 J Jolley do 1 2.00 2 00 J Htindly do 2 1.25 2 50 Johnson, Pump Maker, 35 2.00 70 00 T W O'Brien, Book keeper, 1 mo. 1 it 820 "$ mo. 20 00 J S Pugh, Watchman, 26 26 00 E Roberts, Shop Hand, 20 20 00 495 41 Deduct Win Owen, 15 88 -479 IS35. Paid. Suow & Smith, lumber account 1500 00 1336. Mrs Mary Everett, hand hire, 4 negroes, 1 year 560 00 1337. Thos Bice, Bridge Superstructure accouut 400 00 1338. PA Holt's account, bought boy Richard 1150 00 1339. Bond to S S Walton, superstructure bridges 800 00 1340. J D Ramsey, Sec'y, salary account, 400 00 1341. Jacob Bowe on account 1213 50 1342. Exchange sent Bank Republic, N Y, to pay ZNor- ris & Son for eno-iues 10000 00 premium on do 200 00 10200 00 1343. John A Holt on account, miscellaneous payment 150 00 SEPTEMBER. 1344. A C McLelland, on act. painting, 1345. Rowland & Bros., Norfolk, Ya., (Bill bacon,) on account, 1346. R Cochram, 100 cords wood, 2 ft. in length, (a), 1.55, balance on old act., 1347. E R Bennett, 1 steam guage, 122 inch Locomotive head light, Cartage, 222 in. Locomotive head lights, 890, 1 steam guage 830, Cartage 75, B 8300 00 1212 00 155 00 15 00 170 00 30 00 90 00 50 180 00 30 75 No. of Warrant. 18 1 22 inch Locomotive head light, 90 00 Cartage, 50 421 75 Credit by cash on above, 165 00 256 75 1348. Paid P A Newheart, on account, For Plastering, 500 00 1349. A P Page, on act., 500 00 1350. Jas. E Allen miscellaneous payments, 200 00 1351. Hosford & Co., N. Y„* 6 reams is. Cap. Frt. returns, $10 28 50 6 reams is. Envl. Cap. Prt. Report 12 28 50 Former bill rendered 46 55 10 4 qrs. Js, Envelope Pap. landings blks i 210. 15 00 6 5 qrs. T.P. 4 to Pr. Ticket ^ Books, $ red, [ 16 75 6-5 qrs. 800 Pr. Ticket Books, £ red, ) 1 doz Arnolds Writing Fluid qts 6 00 2 do do " pts 7 00 75 C Flats D. C. aps Expenditures ") and rects prtm, 2pp. \ mss. cl. Lids. V 11 50 50 Flat D caps Expend, ptmil side ) 2 Reams }s. Cap Frt list $16 ptmil ] and entered, ( o- ah 2 reams is. Cap Frt list $14 ptmil f -0 UU and entered, 2 |s. returns of Frt. lists 26 entered 2 reams fs. reports Frt. lists 28 " 6 groce James & Go's steel pens 1 Washington Medalion Pens, Prem and Exchange, 216 44 1352. Mrs. L Bencini Loss and Damage, 50 lbs Sugar lost from GUldsboro to Greensboro 13c. 6 50 Dr. Jno L Cole, Medical act. For extracting bone out boys finger on Section, 1 00 Wilhelm & Moore, Putting up desk, 25 Putting Lock on desk, 1 00—1 25 Dr. Charles T Powe, Prescription and Med., for boy Dick Station at Salisbury, 1 00 2 visits med. ; quinine pills, 1 50 2 do do 2 50 2 do do 2 00 1 do do 1 00 11 50 13 50 3 00 1 50 2 14 No. of Warrant. 19 4 do Prescription med. 2 00 1 do do do 1 50 1 do do do 1 00 1 do do do 1 50 1 do do do 1 CMT 2 do do do 2 00 2 do do do 2 00 1 do do (to boy Humphrey ) 1 00 2 do do (to bov Dick) 1 50 2 do do do" 1 50 3 do do do 2 50 1 do do (Jenny.) 2 00 2 do do do " 3 00 1 do do do 1 50 2 do do do 2 00 1 do do do 2 00 1 do do do 1 50 1 do do do 1 00 1 do do do 2 00 1 do do do 2 00 42 50 Murphy & Co, overcharge refunded 8 11 F N Query, stock account, killedl cow val- ued at 819 00— pay half 9 50 James A Query. I milk cow, value $25, nay 12 50 R T Ewiu, 51 cords of wood @ 61.25 13 75 Wilhelm & Moore, for oue desk 10 00 M C Walton, 6f cords wood @ $1.25 8 44 James A Dickson, cattle guard rights as per bond filed 24 00 Wilmington Chronicle, for advertising For opening book for subscription stock 10 00 do do re-opening do 7 00 do do do do 2 00 Notice meeting of stockholders 5 00 24 00 Frank Mason, for making one desk for Jamestown Station 10 00 Putting up water tank at McLane Station 30 00 Furnishing a'fid putting on 3 locks at do 2 25 Unloading Lumber do 10 00 Services going after lumber for do 15 00 ■Cash paid M'r. Phillips for masonry at do 23 40 do Mr. Wilson do do 5 10 do John Henshaw for waiting on do at do 7 00 8 pair 4 inch butts @ 30 cts 2 40 7 do 3 do 25 1 75 24 lbs nails 7 1 40 4 bolts for windows 37* 1 50 No. of Warrant. 20 2 gross screws 1.00 2 00 Cash paid M McLane for hauling sand 8 00 1 desk for McLane's Station 10 00 Making and hanging 4 shutters 8 00 Building Warehouse woodhouse as per contract 600 00 737 80 Credit by cash at sundry times on acct 700 00 37 80' 7 93 115 00 85 00 50 00- 25 49 00 49 00 17 46 01 25 25 — 177 21 197 70 81 31 Paid Jas S Scott, Dudley & Ashley's freight bill on bacon John O Baker, wood account, for 92 cords wood @ $1.25 J PDemareus, 68 cords wood @ 1.25 A C JNJcLelland on account McKnight & Huston freight acct Graham, Freight on bacon from Greensboro do 50 bbls lime do do do do do 174 bushels corn do 50 bbls lime 9 pair brick moles and irons Hancock & Stewart loss and damage on wet tobacco 19,770 ft>? @ 10 cts Thomas Bice, order to John Fddinger David Clewell, for binding. 216 volumes book regulations and instructions on N C 11 11 @ 18 32 40- Danforth, Wright & Co, N Y, for altering bond and coupon plates 50 00 Printing 710 impressions, 500 bond and coupons 710 sheets bond papers (a) $30 ^ M Premium on do Pthett & llobinson, Charleston, for damaged flour and wheat J II Cathcart for 5 buckets (a) 25 cts 5 lbs tallow 50 days' worn @ $1 Loading 8 cars 50 cts each 16 lbs tallow @ 12i cts 20 do do 8 do do Whiskey for sick hands Loading 12 cars, 50 cts each T J Summer cash loaned Bov Caleb Coarse Flour Loadine; 4 cars each 50 cts.. 35 50 21 30 1 07 107 87 112 37 1 25 63 50 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 50 6 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2.00 21 Hire of horse on Company business 2 00 do do and buggy do 3 00 1 night's lodging 75 Paid off 3 hands 45 05 My expenses to Yorkville, S C, after negro 19 75 Eoy 'Caleb 1 00 Well, tools and rope 20 00 Making 11 coats @ 75 cts 8 25 Paid hands to work Christmas week 49*00 Coal 15 00 Cash for meal 14 35 do 4 85 Time out on road for hands 14 12 Tobacco for hands 6 85 Soap 5 00 Cutting wood 7 94 $293 78 Credit by cash on acct 14G 80 do of Towniyres. pay. 16 98 163 78 130 00 ^aid Brown & Coffin balan e on old aeefc 1 00 2 pair shoes @ 1.50 o O 00 .2 do " 1.62 J 4 87 7 do 1.50 10 50 4 do lprl.50, 3pr@1.62J 5 38 1 hat 1 00 217 yds drill @ 21 cts 45 57 85 " do ~ 22 19 13 3 pair shoes @ 1.62 4 87 1 bunch cord 50 50 pair shoes @ 1.50 75 00 - 170 82 Peter Little, blacksmith, 25 00 Dr J G Jones for hire of boys, firemen, @ $180 — 2d quarter's payment 225 00 Packard Webb for services rendered at sta- tion from May 1st, 1855, to De 2d 7 mos @ $12 i ~& ni O S Branch, A M Scales order WE Holt, bill of stock killed S C Pharr, hand hire bond for 1856 Interest on do McKnight & Huston, freight on 100 bbls lime Pudly & Ashely, fr bill, to A Hargrave at Lexington, viz: 1 tool chest 63 1 matroce 55 400 feet sleepers 80 87 50 27 83 125 00 130 00 135 33 me 126 00 22 No. of Warrant. 3042> feet thick lumber 3309 do do 42 bolts 3445 feet lumber 60 bells medallions, 8 do molding 26 bolts 2400 feet plank 1353-. Paid sundry persons the following Bills for Stock killed, for the year 1856 — '57. P M Gates one hog valued $5, paid $3, do do one sheep, 1.50 Will Carten 1 cow, valued $35, paid Jacob Whitsett 1 hog volued $3, paid Wm Whitsett 1 cow valued $15, do Riley Vicken 3 cows valued $25, do 1354. do do do do do do do Simeon Ferrell 2 hogs do 8, Wm Bertin 1 cow do 10, Wm Bowen 3 heifers do 35, Wiley Hudson 1 cow do 20, Jas Freeland 1 cow do 15, J Setters 1 cow and ox do 35, N Q Owr 1 sheep, 1 hog do 8, Jacob Strewalt 1 heifer do 12, dp do 9, dp do 14, do do 4, dp do 3, do do 5, do do 6, do do 25, do do 3, do do 5, do do 20, do do 20, do do 20, do Giles Bledsoe 1 cow Jno Bain 1 cow Ralph Peeler Jerry Piggott 1 cow Wm Lethers 1 bull Wash Freeling 1 hog Eziph Mitchel 1 cow J M Smith 1 hog- Sarah Ello 1 hog E D McNair 2 cows M R Cachan 1 cow A Alexander 1 cow Mich Brown 1 cow S J Smith Eli Derry for coffin for r W Mitchell A H Lindsay loss on Coffee S H Garrona do S H Garrona do S H Garrona Frt. on do Jno A Holt expenses North and amount for advertising for road, Keath & Elauner bal. on settlement McKnight & Houston account, 902ft bacon @ 13c. Thos Cummins for board bill, for boys 10 meals @ 20c 6 08 6 62 40 6 90 3 15 25 4 80 50 18, 00 00 20 00 2 00 8 00 12 50 00 00 17 50 10 00 8 00 17 50 00, 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 12 50 50 50, 30 00 10 00 7 50 5 00 4 00 2 75 2 19 ' 8/0 211 50 7 50 1 70 5 24 59 31 107 10 117 26 2 00 23 Paid Jones & Hoaker Frt. on 1 box refunded bill, 50 2810 feet lumber, 9 73 300 do do 7 20 1 Pkge, 20 6 tons Pig Iron, 25 00 King & Hege 2 papers tacks. 13 Cask paid 1 Aims skovel 1 50 3 lb nails @ 6, 18 £ lb Twine, 12 17800 Shingles @ 2.50 44 50 Brayage on do 2 00 1 Truss for Boy 1 25 25i lb Iron @ 6 1 53 3 Window Pains 30 1 lb Putty 10 1 Candle Stick 13 251b White Lead @ 12-1 3 13 1 qt Oil 31 2 lb Nails 13 4 lb Rosin @ 10 40 1 qt Oil 16. 7 lb English Rosin 70 Sheeting 5, 11 yds Sheeting 14 10 lb Rosin @ 61 63 5 Pad Locks @ 20 1 00. 75 feet Tape Measure 75 Interest 25 For hand Cuffs 80 1 Chain 37 1 qt Oil 31 42 08 60 87 Credit by cash for Shingles and drayage 46 50 J H Lindsey, lost goods W II Britton, 62 i lbs bacon (a) 16# cts J M Saunders 1 bedstead for Charlotte station G M Allen, sect 10 W D, for 78 i lbs casting (w, 6 cts 1 bucket 1 bushel potatoos Paid road hands Christmas 200 lbs soap (a; 6 cts Thomas Cnmming's hands Christmas John Cumming's do do Pent of house for sec. hands 1856 F B McLane, 62 cords wood @ 1.25 14 37 5 50 10 42 4 00. 32 26 77 50 24 Paid C W Bradshaw, 1 lamp shade > 25 Mending lamp 10 l'lamp shade 15 4 do 1 00 3 bags and 2 boxes matches 25 1 gbbe for conductor',-; lamp 2 00 3 75 E Farribber for mending switch frog tank and hand bars 5 09 Huggins & Hartz for 26 lbs iron 1 43 W P Ptoss cutting wood and pumping water at McLean's station, 1 mo and 8 das (a), $15 'hompson, Columbia, S C, for 100 pr brogans sewed (rt'81} 150 : 1860. Edwin Boykin, bal on wood acct due him 10 ! l' I 161 R SMeLeard. Sec. Mas. July 1 to 31, 1 mo. at $3°. ~tf in. s: J F Erwin do do do R S Wood do do 30 George Krider do do do 3< 0i Thos. B Clark do do 33 Robert Walker do do do L Farrabee do do do : 00 ~ P II Bilbro do do do Jno. McLean do do do G M Allen do do do Bridge Watchmen. Samuel Envin, Rock River, do 10 10 Oi Jno Erwin, Candle Creek, do dn lO 00 Britton AJickal, TadkinKiver, do 20 2Q 00 Thos B Cook, A S Potts, C, do 1.2 I : 00 A Hargrave, Swearing C. do 10 10 00 No.of Warrant. Jno Church, H Cobb, B Green, William Lewis, Engineer, 26 Deep River, do Buffalo, do A C & R Fork, do do 1362. Augustus King, Sec. Mas. July 1, to 31, 1 mo. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Wm P Raford Jno B Green Allen Young F H Perry A T Sawyer Carter Bradshaw do T J Freeland do W J Freeland do Elias Bass, W. %. R. B. Micajah Ellen, W. N. R. B. Alfred Eatman, L. S. S. Edward Cooper, W. W. C; B. Hillard Scott, L. R. S. James Morgan, L. M. S, S A Morgan. L. M. S. John Chamley, L. on S. Joseph Proctor, L. D. S. S Browning, L. D. S. A C Hunter, W. S. C. B. Wm Crabtree, W. E. B. H Crawford, W. B. C. B. T Mayho, L. on S. A Maj-ho, L. on S. 1863. R S McLord, Sec. Mas. Aug. 1. J F Erwin do do R S Wood do do Geo K rider do do ThosBCook do do Robert Walkerdo do E Feribee do do P H Bilbro do dp John mcLean do do ■G M Allen do do Saml Erwin, W R. R. John Erwin, C. C. B. Britton Michal, Y. R. Thos B Cook, N. &. S. A Hargrave, L. C. B. Jno Church, D. R. B. Hiram Cobb, B. B. B Green, A. C. & R. F. W B Lewis, Engineer, ua do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 75 at $33 S do do do do do do do do 10 do 20 10 12.50 18.75 16.66 12.50 16.66 16.66 10 10 10 11 12.50 10 00 10 00 10 00 75 00 -491 00 .33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 12 50 18 75 16 66 12 50 16 66 16 66 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 12 50 -494 23 B- B. P. B. B. to 31, 1 mo, at $33 fmo. 33 00 do 33 33 00 do 30 30 00 do do 30 00 do 33 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 33 00 do do 33 00 do 10 10 00 do do 10 00 do 20 20 00 do 12 12 00 do 10 10 00 do do JO 00 do do 10 00 do do 10 00 do 75 75 00 -491 00 1364, Augustus King, Sec. Mas- Aug. 1 to 31, 1 mo, at $33 ^m.33 do Patrick Raford J B Green Allen Young F H Perry Carter Bradshaw A F Sawyer T J Freeland Wm J Freeland ao do do! do do do do do do do do do do do do 33 do do do dd do do do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 No. of Warrant. Ellas Bass W. L. R. B. do 10 10 00 Micajah Ellen, W. N- B. B. oo dd 10 00 Alfred Eat man, L. S. S. do 20 20 00 Edward Copper. W. W. C. B. do 12 12 00 Hjllard Scott, S. It. S. do 18.75 18 75 S A Morgan, L. M. S, do 16.G7 10 68 Jno Chamberry, L. B. S, do 12.50 12 50 Joseph rroctor, L. D. S. do 16.66 1G 66 S Browning, L. D. S. do 16.66 16 66 A C Hunter, W. S. C. B. do 10 10 00 Wm Crabtree, W- E. B. do 10 10 00 H Crawford, W. B. C. B. do 10 10 00 Thadious Mayho, S. on S. do 11 1100 A Mayho, S. on S. do 12.50 12 50 M Fleming 9- days at 2.00 18 00 Paid Fleming back pay, 42 00 13G5. Paid Murphy & Co, Salisbury, for 72 gallons lin seed oil @ $1 19i lbs sole leather @ 35 cts 1 broom 122s gallons linseed oil @ $1 3 kegs nails @ $6 10SS' lbs bacon @ 12i cts 204 lbs putty @ 7 cts 4 kegs nails @ $6 I gallon sperm oil 1 bunch twine 1 bucket 50 lbs nails @ 6i cts S3 gallons linseed oil @ 1.10 100 lbs nails @ 6 cts 2 kegs do $G 1 lot shirts 1 broom 110 lbs tallow @ 15 cts 38 pair negro shoes (a) $1.05 1 bottle ink Envelops 3 bales candle wick @ 6£ 6 do do 68 gallons oil @ $1.26 -553 73 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. George D Harden on Salary account A M Scales on account of Wood Paid Bank Republic N. Y. Amount sent in bill Exchange Cost of Exchange C F Fisher on account of Salary, for 1 year from July 13 '55 to July '56 for 1 do '56 '57; Interest 1 year on above 72 6 122 18 136 14 24 9 00 83 20 50 00 00 28 00 25 25 35 13 30 00 00 34 35 16 50 62 70 30 50 19 38 85 00 3 Dl 6 12 15 690 150 319 35 00 06 320 45 91 93 6712 38 2500 2500 150-2650 00 No. of Warrant. 1371 Paid C F Fisher's travelling expenses to 1372 July 23rd 1856 219 00 Hugh W Dixon orders 180 00 do do for Machine 40 50 225 50 1373. J & L Scott, Graham. On account of Clothing 400 00 1374. Julian E Summers On account bridge superstructure 500 00 1375. Thos E Roberts M of M Payment on account, 450 00 1276. Paid'T M Farrow on account For 118$ bushels corn 90c. 107 00 Dravage 1 19 ■ 108 19 S W Davis on account For 571 bushels corn 90c. 46 57 Thos M Crawford 166 lbs Tallow 12 jo, 20 .75 William Locke Salary account, 10 Mos. Services @ $500 per year 416 62 By Cash on account 250 00 1G6 62 Refunded Passenger for a ticket from Greensboro to Salisbury 4 55 Solomon Dixon freight account To J S Scott Agt Graham Station 48 00 J E Whitley balance on account for Pork for Section hands 20 00 George Rose (J M Long admr.) in full contract for Cattle Guards 25 00 George Guess Fireman 12 00 for 13 di lys work, in I )ec. '55 11 00 Interest on the same man, 1 00 Daniel Cole] For 336 feet Lumber 11x6 3 86 2240 do do do 25 76 1812 do do do 20 84 957 do do do 11 00 3198 do do do 36 76 160 do do do 1 84 142 do do do 1 63 3588 do do (rouoh edge ,)5x9 20 63 1954 do do 11x6 22 47 270 do do do 3 11 2009 do do do 23 11 400 do do do 4 60 1673 do do do 19 24 216 do do do "2 48 194 do do do 2 23 29 80 feet lumber do 92 8390 do do do 96 47 3505 do do do 20 15 880 do do do 10 12 745 do do cio 8 57 1338 do do do 19 99 355 80 359 40 3 60 841.16 1.45 7 43 14 Credit by Cash at sundry times Dr 3619 feet Lumber 1x16 252 do 5x9 24 do rough edge 3x2 Amount paid D Coleman 39 54 Paid Thos E Roberts, salary account 100 00 Snider & Meroney Drayage account, for haul- ing 2 loads meal 70 Hauling 1 safe 50, 2 loads corn 70 1 20 do 1 load meal 35, 1 bbl oil 10 45 do do corn 35, 1 load meal 35 70 do do do do, do do 70 do do do do, do do 70 do do do do, do do 70 do 2 loads do to Myer's mill 75 do 1 load meal from do 37 do do corn to J I Shaver's mill 1 00 do do do to and 1 load from do 1 50 do do rm j al 75, 1 bbl oil 10 S5 do do do 70, 1 load meal 70 140 do 3 kegs lead and 1088 lbs bacon 63 do 1 box 15, 1 kes; nails & bucket 5 20 do 2 bbls oil 20, 8 kegs lead 20 45 do 4 do 40, 2 bbls oil 20 60 do 2 boxes 25, 1 keg lead 12 37—13 27 Thos B Cooke, for bacon for boy Potnpey lw 60 Bacon for boy Frank 1 week 60 do Joseph and Mark -'1* days 30 do all hands 1 meal 30 do do supper 30 1 peck meal tor all hands' supper 15 do do 4 do do 12 1 Salt for hands 1 25 4i lbs bacon for hands @ 12$ 56] 5 do do do 62* do 1 25 5 do do 63 5 quarts molasses @ 18f 94 do* do do- 9& • No. of Warratit. 30 6 lbs bacon @ 15 90, 1 quart molasses 23 1 13 40£ do @ 18 dents 7 30 15* do do 2 79 26* do do 4 77 9 fish and 5 quarts molasses 1 46 50 bushels corn '@ 90 eta 45 00 72 13 Paid Solomon Slough on account, for 1| cattle guards $12 each 18 00 Yancy Balleneer on account, for lumber for Abbott and Leonard's creek bridge 41 00 Lumber for section sound at McLean's 11 00 ~ 52 00 A Hargrave, Dudly & Asbelj's account for Freight from Salisbury to Lexington 1 05 do Glenn's P O do 12 24 do do do 9 60 do do do 13 29 do Kaleigh do 9 14 do Glenn's P O do 12 15 do do do 6 20 do do do 11 75 do do do 11 35 do Raleigh do 1 50 do Glenn's PO do 7 57 95 92 Col Cranford for work done last winter in snow and one train 6 00 Boy Gabe for extra work for cutting 16 cords wood E Marsh for 486 lbs tallow @ 12* cents JT&PP Meroney for 3 feather dusters 1 feather dtister D J Capening for loss on barrel Sugar on "Road, 44 lbs, l4Je. J F Ervin, for 9^- lbs Baeon 16c. E B Burns, for 30£ lbs Bacon 20c, Addcrton & McRary, for loss on barrel Lard — damaged loss on 4 bushels Flax Seed $1.50 Section Hands No. 4, for cutting wood, Henry Dickson Agt. on account for services as Agt. at Hillsboro A Hargrave Agt. for freight for Com. use Jones & Hooker, for 800 lbs Pig Iron, '"Shops" Asa Chilson, for E,ock Work at Lexington Station 2 well buckets for Earnhartt, Hill & Noel, for 448 fbs Iron 7c. 37 lbs, scotch Iron 12^c. 1377. McKnight & Houston, this amount on Estimate filed for Work at Shops 1000 00 wood 4 00 60 75 2 10 75 2 85 6 38 1 5:2 6 30 10 00 6 00 16 00 12 75 300 00 20 61 16 80 20 00 5 00 25 00 31 36 4 64 36 00 31 No. of Warrant. 1378. Paid G A Dudley, for work at Shops 1379. R W Mills, Check in office on salary account 1 3S0. J D Cameron Agt. for services at Hillsbdro 1381. Manhatten Oil Co. N Y for 1 Cask Masons sperm oil •246 gins 1.25 I Tierce Headlight oil 82 gins 1.65 Cartage Insurance to Portsmouth, on $490, @ i pr ct for one cask Sperm oil 261 gins 1.25 Cartage, Insurance $359, @ I pr ct for 1 cask sperm oil 243 gins, 1.25 Cartage, Insurance to Portsmouth on 335, @ l pr ct 100 00 180 00 1 25 llll L 308 75 135 30 1 00 2 45 326 25 50 1 80 303 75 50 1 68 1081 98 Cr. By cash paid on above act 900 00 181 98 Paid Prem. on Exchange 1382. Feild & Hardie, (Phila.) for 2 doz. hand 2nd cut. Ed 93, 13,50 16,00 for 1 doz. Ed. dead Saw 9,00 14,00, 2 doz, hand saw, 2.40 4 d&z, best mill sawfile, 22,00 .! doz, best screw wrench 8.25. f- doz, do 4.50, 1-12 doz do 3.25. ,\ doz, Elk do 4.00, 1-12 doz, do. 4 doz, flat best files 5.50 4 doz, § best Ed, files 24.00. 1 doz, do 3,50, J doz, brass fastners sash, S.25, 1 Eatchet drill 1 doz, cold bit wrenches 28.00, 1 10-12 doz, Buly Lanterns, 49.50 77 50 1J doz Plain Lanterns 7.34, 1 Graduate Rule Compass 1.50 9 34 1 Groce J Screws 25 Boxes Glass 10 — 19 24.00, 1 doz. large Po- liece Lanterns IS. 00 42 00 } doz. tin oil cans 50c, J doz. copper cans 2.00 £ doz. Ruby Lanterns 1$ doz. plain Lanterns 67, 20 copper pit Brads 8h com. Brads 85, 12 m ditto, 20 marto S| m ditto 162— 13 m ditto 91 Premium for Exchange on ditto 138S. E 11 Cochran balance on acct, sill's old accouut 1384. C P Mendenhall on salary account 1385, Benj F Mebane, M D, rat medical attendance to Buck Extracting teeth for boy Stephen- Medicine for do Medical attendance to boy Joe Prescription far Buck Call visit to- do Medical attendance to Jos do- do &q< do 9 00 ' 909 00 61 80 48 00 16 00 6 75 22 00 27 50 30 25 7 00 6 96 7 15 2 00 362 54 3 63366 64 it 65 00 1000 00 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 11 00 10 00 6 00 32 Medical Attendance Prescription to boy Greene do do Buck Medical attendance to big Joe do do Peter N Copley for services at Shops, mechanic J F Hughs for 62o cords woods (a) 1.25 John Maynor for 25 do do J C Maynor for 49 i do do Wiley Maynor for 82 cords wood at 1.25 James Wilder for 18 do do M T Ellen for digging well and curbing do J G Lash, cashier BanK of Salem, for renewal of note in bonk, interest, &c. C T McMamon, M D, for visit to boy Henry Visit to boy Henry do do 2 do do 2 do to two boys Dressing boy's wound Visiting Sawyer's hands at section house 1 visit to Sam $4 — 1 visit to Bobin $4 do Walter $4 — do Alfred do do negro on gravel train do do do Blacksmith account for Sawyer and station, Bepairing pump handle Making one wrench Bepairing box for car axle 2 bolts for pump Punching 4 holes in heavy bars Stretching and punching draw bar Making one wrench Mending tamping bar A V Sullivan for wagon freight on 1 bale waste from Fayetteville 3 07 2 days' work for Joe Farmer at H P sta 2 00 846 lbs nett tobacco at 1G cents 135 36 G 00* 1 00 1 00 8 00 3 00 53 50 22 00 nic 77 82 31 25 61 56 102 50 22 50 6 00 246 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 75 50 1 00 1 00 4 50 75 50 00 Ballenger, Cogdell & Co for 5 sill 8x7, 16 feet long, 416 feet 4 16 5 plank 2 inches thick, 162 feet 1 62 Henry Millander, Agent, for cash paid for hand hire fair week 1 00 Cash paid Manly O'Neal 2| days' work 1 65 Cash paid for 1 signal cord 4.Q- 10 00 140 43 5 78 OS OCTOBER. Paid Murray & Bros., for freight overcharged and returned Jno Newlin & Sons, for 164 lbs Hard Twist 8c. R B Richardson, for lostTobocco Sol. Dixon's act. to J S Scott Agt, for freight on 17 Hhds Coal for freight on 5 Tons Pig Iron McKnight & Houston's account to Jas Scott Agt. at Graham, Stafford, Dixon & Co., for 2 fiat top Cook Stoves cost 3 diamond Plow plates 25 lb, 4 Jc. 2 bars } rod Iron 46 lb 4c. 2 Bundles Amithest 244 lb, \ 1 sheet No. 20, 21 lb, 6c. J 2 Boxes Cheese 48 It), and 73 lb, 121 lbs 10c. 1434 lbs Pig Iron 2c. freight paid on stoves do on band, plates, and Sheet Iron Interest on do to Dec. 24 1856 W P Wharton, 3 pieces bacon 63 lbs @, 14c. Bullen & Belvin, for 20 lb Nails 120c. 1 Bucket 25c. 4 pr. But Hinges large 1 Groce screws 1 Hammer 70, 10 lb nails 60, 11} lb Hinges Nails 1 knob lock 60, 1 Capd ditto 30c. 1 keg nails 6.00, Sf lb Rope 1.75 1 Frying Pan 2.50, 1 Oven 2.75 6 do 3 pr Fan Chains 75c. 12 pad locks 6 Frying pans 40 6 lb nails A W Albright, for lost molasses Directors Meeting at Shops, P C Cameron Giles Mebane W S Dortch Jno I Shaver F Fries A C & R J Caldwell M. D. for visits to Negro boy at High Point Dr W C Tarpley, for visit to Melons do and medicine c do do do do for Bill do do do do for Jenny do do for do do do for Rauston do do for Lowrey do do for Austin do for Bert do do for Bill $17 50 13 12 10 75 122 08 47 00-169 08 9 §0 16 00 1 12 1 81 15 90 12 10 28 68 ~ 3 41 1 05 1 20 80 31 8 8-2 1 45 1 00 60 1 30 1 13 10 90 7 75 5 25 2 10 2 25 4 75 2 40' 36 31 s 34 7 50 4 00 2 00 22 00 14 40 10 60 53 00 10 ot 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 25 2 00 34 for visits and rned. for Alfred do do for Lowrey D A Montgomery Agt, for services as Agt at Haw River, from Oct '56 to May '57 W P Jones, for hauling 25 loads wood 12£c. J B Balsley Agt. Greensboro, 1 box tobacco 1061b. 20c. Beever Creek Co., for 1 bale hard waste ISO lbs 8-}c .14 ST) Hauling to Hight Point 65c. 117 ■ 1 00 •2 00 18 25 75 00 3 12 21 .20 Jno C Cannon for printing. Stockholders ' tickets 16 02 8 00 Jno D Brown, for 13 boxes Roofing Tin $11 143 00 Freight on same 17 55 160 55 Glenn & Birch, for 13388 feet Lumber oak $1.25 167 35 1072 feet inch plank 13 40 570 do do steps 7 12 — 187 87 PI D Turner, viz : for 1 Ream cap paper 3 50 1 blank book 25 1 Alphabet 25 2 pieces India Rubber 20 £ ream best letter paper o 00 1 blank Book o 00 500 Envelops 1 50 75 do extra 60 1 box pens 75 1 bottle Ink 25 1 doz lead pencels 60 1 ream cap paper 3 25 1 blank book 25 1000 Envelopes 3 00 3 blank books for 60 1 doz lead pencils for 60 -J ream cap paper $4, 00 | do common note $3, 1 50 1 bunch quills 25 1 pocket Instand 25 \ doz sheets blotting Paper 37 Binding 2 Treas. Receipt Books 1 25 \ ream Cornel, note Paper 1 38 1 bottle Arnold's Ink 60 4 sticks Sealing Wax 40 1 letter clipper 50 100 Legal Envelopes 75 100 do do 75 1- letter holder 50 1 ream cap paper 3 50 J do comL note paper 2.75 1 38 1 doz lead pencils 50 1 lot of pens 25 1 sheet white blotting paper 10 1 Port folio 7 5 500 Envelopes 1 25 1 Gross Pens 1 '25 1 N. C. Almanac 05 600 Envelopes 3 00 Box pens 1.25, blotting paper 25 1 bo No. of Warrant, 35 1 Blank book 1 00 \ doz Red Tape 25 8 Packs black cards 25c. 75 1 bottle Mucellayed 35 1 Ledger 2 25 £ ream com. note paper 1 25 Inst, to 1st Oct. 1857 2 18 51 91 Ed. of Milton Chronicle for adv. 2 00 A P Newheart balance on account for Plastering at Shops, total amt. 792 00 Paid on above 500 00-292 00 C S Brown for qr. carrying Mail in Sal- isbury from Depot to Post Office 45 00 Pescud & Gatling 77 25 Win C Carter on acconnt for wood, old acct 200 00 J S Morrison for sundry payments made by him Transportation account 150 80 Repairing road do 04 00 do car do 15 50 Waste do 53 55 Wood do 4 00 Miscellaneous do 5 20 281 05 credit by cash G 75 274 30 A C McLelland on account 90 00 1386. Thos E Roberts, M of M, for acct salary 150 00 1387. A C McLellaud for painting on acct 1000 00 1388. Julian E Sumnev for pavment do 200 00 1389. Morris, Tanner k Co., Richmond, f r Invo. bdls per Kichmond and Pet'burg R R railroad iron 2185 lbs 82 43 ' bars do 16955 G13 72 do do 13444 5U7 85 Premium on do 6 00 1210 00 1390. Jas G- Moor^, for payment o account 1000 00 1391. Daniel Sellers bal settlement for wood contract 500 00 1392. J M Coffin the following bill, viz : C F Harris for one month's service at Salisbury station 20 00 M Brown for 2750 lbs bacon at 15 cents 412 50 R Lawrence for 622 lbs bacon 14 94 10 David Cannup for 5767 shingles at $2.75 12 55 A McGee for 1^ days' work Salisbury station 1 50 A A & M Kellogg for overcharge on marble 45 96 Boys at Salisbury station for Christmas week 52 25 John Jenkins for services at Salisbury station, 31 days at §1 31 00 36 Murphy & Co following bill from 1854 to '55, viz :" 1 set harness 12 00 2 pair haimes 50 cts each 1 00 2 do traces at 1.25 2 50 1\ yards pilot cloth at 1.87 J 4 69 8 do ticking at 20 1 60 2 bed blankets at 1.20 2 40 168 lbs coffee at 14 23 52 50 lbs sugar at 8" 4 00' 1 doz amiss shovels- 18 50 s 1 padlock 20 1 rope 25' 20 lbs sugar at 10 2 00 1 bag to hold do 10 48 yards lindsey at 30 14 40 33 do domestic at 8 2 64 8 oz thread at 10 80 5 doz buttons at 10 50 Mrs Williamson for making 6 coats at 75' 4 50 2 paper tacks 13 Mrs Williamson for making 6 coats at 75 4 50 Gash paid for -Caudles 1 00 11 lb Sugar 9o.- 1 00 8 ft Nails 7c. 56 1 paper Tacks 10 100 ft Flour 4 00 2 ft Nails 7c. 14 5 ft Sugar 50 1 bottle Sweet Oil 15 10 ft Sugar 10c. 1 00 3 Pair Blankets 2.50 7 50 1 Curry Comb 25 1 paper Tacks 10 Black Smith Hammer 3 75 29 £ yds. Lindsey 25c. 7 38 1 pr: Blaukets 2 50 99 yds. Osnaburgs 12 £c. 12 38 2 Gross Buttons 20c. 40 1 doz Shoe thread 25 155 ft Nails for Depot, 7c. 10 85 100 ft pure White Lead 11 50 5 gallons Linseed Oil 1.12J 5 63 1 Sack Salt 2 75 5 gallons Linseed Oil 12Jc. 5 63 1 gallon Spts. Turpentine 1 00 5 do Linseed Oil 1.12 ^c. 5 63 34 do Venitian Bed 10 3 40 5 do Linseed Oil 1121 5 63 30 do Zinc Paint 12$ 6 25 9| yds. Osnaburgs Hi. 1 12 v oz. Patent thread 12 £ 87 J5 ft No. 1 White Lead 10 2 50 J4J yds. Osnaburgs llj 3 98 1 ft White Patent Thread 1 50 1 Gross Buttons 20 2 ft Red Lead 12 J 25 3 gallons Linseed Oil 1.12* 3 38 15 ft Venitian Red 10 1 50 15 ft Iron 5 75 U gals. Turpentine 1.00 1 50 25 ft pure White Lead 11J 2 88 5 pair men's Shoes 1.25 6 25 1 do do 1 56 3 do do 1.25 3 75 1 paper Tax 05 15 pair heavy shoes 1.65 24 75 2 do 1.25 2 50 4 bags 56 2 24 4 do 62* 2 50 1 Skillet and Lid 85 20 days 2 wagon and team 4.00 160 00 6 hands 2 clays and team, 18 days 80c 14 40 8 do 17 1.36 104 80 Wm Crawford 20 days 1.00 20 00 Thos Crawford 6 days 1.00 6 00 565 79 Jenkins, Roberts & Co., act. to 1854. for 4 doz Wool Hats 87.50 30 00 17 pair Wool Socks 18c 3 42 1* gallons Whiskey 75 1 13 6 ft Nails 7 42 2 Brooms 35 70 6 Frying pans 37* 2 25 352 ft Bacon 12£ 44 00 2 pair Shoes 1.50 3 00 1 Axe 1 12 3 pair Shoes 1.60 4 80 8 ft Nails 7, 1 Hammer 50 1 06 4 pair Shoes 1.62*. 6 50 1 qr paper 20 1 broom 25 1 axe and helve I 25 do do 1 25 200 lbs spikes at6*,e 13 00 1 spring ballance 35 5 pairshoes at §1.60 8 00 4 do do 6 40 63* lbs nails at 7 c 4 45 2 boxes glass at $2.50 5 00 2 lbs white lead. at 12 J ,c 25 88' 13 lbs putty at 8c 1 04 81 do do 66 7| do do 62 11 doz window glass at 75 c 1 13 2 lbs white lead at 12 J c 25 4 lbs nails at 7 c 28 4 lbs lamp black at 15 c 60 2 brooms at 35 70 106 lbs tobacco 18c, 10 lbs sugar SI c 19 93 10 lbs coffee at 14 c 1 40 20 lbs casting at 6 c 1 30 112 lbs sole leather at 20 c 2 30 2 lbs nails at 7 c 14 8 pr shoes at $1.50 4 50 3 gal linseed oil at 1.25 3 75 11 do do do 1 87 8049 lbs bacon at 10 c 804 90 Drayage on do 1 60 1 bucket 30 1 dipper 25 4 buckets at 30 c 1 20 1 half bushel 80 4 pi shoes at 1.35 5 40 11 gal molasses at 40 c ■ 4 40 2 papers tacks at 61 c 12 4 boxes soap 50 3 frying pans at 37 1 13 Nails 07 80 lbs coffee at 14 c 11 20 20 lbs sugar at 8 c 1 60 1 bag 10, drayage 10 20 2 lbs nails at 7 c 14 5 tin buckets at 25 c 1 25 8 tin cups at 81 c 25 1 meal sieve 15 1 axe and helve 1« 85 3 amiss shovels at §1 3 00 2 buckets at 30 c 60 2 skillets at 50 c 1 00 Molasses 15 1 gal O molasses 50 4 amiss shovels at $1 4 00 1 axe and helve 1 35 17 plugs tobacco at 10 c 1 70 Salt 31, molasses 121 44 2 pr shoes at $1.37 2 75 1 paper tacks 06 Molasses 12 Tacks 20 2 paper do at 5 10 8y 5 lbs nails at 7 e 35 1032 40 Anderson Morgan for pumping water 50 G M & AT Jones for accout of 1854 & '55 1 wood :raw and frame 1 00 2 shovels 50 cts each, 1 spade 63 1 63 2 mattocks §1, $11, 2 lbs nails 6. G" 4 01 1 Hand Saw 1 00 2 lb Nails 61 13 32 J lb Cast Steel 19 6 13 6 lb Nails 6£ 39 1 doz Ames P Handle Shovels 12 00 19 lb Nails 6 J, 8 it) Cast Steel 19* 2 75 4 gross screws SO, 1.00, 60, 60 3 80 8 IbPuttey 6} 50 1 box 8x10 Glass No. ] 2 63 8 lb Putty 6i 50 6 Window Glass 5 30 18 lb cast Nails 6} 1 17 6 Glass 5, 3 lb Nails 6£ 50 10 lb Nails 6 J 65 3 Gross* Screws 60 1 80 20 lb Nails Assorted 6 } 1 30 15 do' do 98 1 Hasp 10, 1 Lock 5-0, 60 6 do 10x12 Glass No. 1 40 4 pair 4x4 Butts 21 1 lb Putty 06 1} Gross Screws 65 87 4 pair Bar Butts 15 60 4 do do 4x4 20 80 53 do Hammers 12 J 6 63 5 doz screws 05 25 3 Hasps and Staples 30 1 pair hinges 10, staples 6£ 28 1 Lock 25 1 pair Handcuffs 2 25 2 Collins Axes 130 2 60 2 Lamps pr Henderson 1 60 1 do Summers 1 60 1 doz Hand Saw files 1 25 4 Augers 12 £ 50 1 Saw Handle 30 3 lb Nails 6£ 20 to difference in hasp, and bolt ' 10 1 Halter chain 30 1 Trace do 73 1 pair Haimes 50 1 f lb Rope 27 40 4 lb, 4 m Spikjs 6* 2 60 12 do do 4 do do 9 do do 4 do meal do 8 do do do 10 do do 85 '37 ft> 5 m do 15 lb Nails 5 J 15 do 53 5 m Nails 2 upright deal Locks 2 Knobs do 10 lb Nails 6J 12 do 6 D Handle Shovels 112* 32 ft) Nails 6£ 6 D Handle Shovels 1.12* 3 do do 1 long do do 1 C S Pick 10 bushels Corn Meal 87* Kenneday & Mills, bill for 1855, viz : 3 Sieves 12 *, 4 Buckets 35, 6 bu. meal 85 8 bush, corn 80, 8 bush, meal SO 1 Sack Flour 400 1 bu. peas 87, 1 corn 80 do 2 brushes 70 6 bush, corn 10 2 bags peas 90 10 Plugs Tobacco 10, 4 frying pans 90 111 lbs bacon and 6 bus meal at 85 108 do 22 lbs bacon at 10 c 15 bus corn at 85, 4 bus corn at 85 2 bus meal at 85, 1 pan 31 3 bus corn 85, lj bus peas 85 2 bus oats at 50, tobacco 1?. doz shovels 4 bushels meal at 85 c 16 bushels meal at 85 c * doz spades 6 buckets 30 c each, 4 sieves at 25 c, 3 pans 60, 40, 31 135 lbs bacon at 10, 4 buckets at 30 4 pans at 3H, 4 shovels at 25 23 £ bus meal at 85c, drayage $2J 1 bucket 30, 12 lbs bacon at 10c, coffee 9 bus corn at 85 c, 42 J do tobacco 15, 1 bag flour $4i 24 bus meal at 85 c, drayage $2} 20 lbs nails at 7 c, 5 bus meal 85 c, 10 lbs soap at 12* c 13* lbs tallow, 101 lbs nails at 7 c, 1 bushel meal 2 * do 5 do at 90 c, 20 lbs nails 2 4 98 98 3 45 3 00 1 60 65 78 6 75 2 08 6 75 3 37 1 10 1 25 8 75 55 7 23 12 80 11 27 7 20 7 90 12 20 5 00 8 50 1 2 60 16 20 13 00 16 15 74 3 93 2 00 20 25 3 40 13 60 6 75 5 42 14 70 6 25 22 42 3 76 17 65 22 70 6 90 9 10 90 i 8 15 113 92 41 11 bus peas at 90 c, 2 gal molasses at 43c 1 coffee mill 75 2 98 1 bus meal 85 c, 8 plugs tobacco at 11 c j nails 7 2 42 11 lbs nails at 7 c, 8$ bus meal at 90 c, drayage 10 c 27 lbs nails at 7 c, 2 bus meal 9 42 3 69 27'} lbs bacon at 10 c, 4 bus meal 6 35 3 bus meal at 90 c, 1 bus corn 85 c 3 55 1 jug 30 c, spts turpentine 90 c 30 bus meal at 90 c, 1 gal molasses 50 c, 1 20 25 lbs nails at 7 c 29 25 11} lbs bacon at 10 c, whiskey 35 c, mo lasses 25 1 75 24} bus meal at 90 c, drayage 25, T J Sumner for Road 22 30 1 bus peas at$l, 1 jug 30, molasses 50 2 80 Sugar and coffee 20 c, 32 lbs bacon at 10 5 20 4 gal molasses 1 70 1 bus meal 90 c, 15 bus do at 90 14 40 36 lbs bacon at 10 c, 4 bus meal at 90c, 10 bus meal at 90 c 16 20 25 bus corn, } bus meal 21 70 1 bus meal 90 c, 26} lbs bacon at 10 c 3 55 158 lbs bacon at 10 c, 6 bus corn at 85 20 90 29} lbs bacon at 10 c 2 95 31 bus corn at 85 c 26 35 16 lbs bacon at 10 c, } bus meal 45 c 2 05 1 bus meal 90 21} lbs bacon 2 37 Paid Kennedy, Miles & Co, 1855, for i gallon Molasses 25 1 gollon do 13 17 lbs bacon 1 87 J gallon molasses 25 30 bus corn 30 00 10 sacks at 18 c 1 80 1} bus corn 1 50 14} lbs bacon at 11 c 1 60 h gallon molasses 40 Sugar and coffee 50 5 lbs tobacco at 20 c 1 00 1 gallon molasses 43 Salt 31 33} lbs bacon at lie 3 69 27} bushels corn at SI. 10 30 20 1 brush for office at depot 12 Soap do do JL5 bus corn and 15 bus meal 20 33 00 492 6' 8 80. 10 25 1 00 5 50 2 20 3 00 1 80 31 2 50 5 50 1 20 11 50 180 61 I 16 30 100 70 1854 242 55 42 No. of Warrant. 8 bus meal 1 bbl flour 1. empty barrel 5 bus corn at §1.10 2 do- do 15 bags 6 buckets 1 bunch twine Sugar 1.00; coffee 1.50 5 bus meal- 12 plugs tobacco Expenses to Columbia on It R business Eefunded Kennedy Mills & Co over charged James Watson for 100 bus corn at 95 ; e John Gibson for hand hire bond, 2 boys for 1854 J M Coffin, for overcharge on goods received i as agent, refunded by him 464 90 Jos Anderson, clerk, for services at Salisbury sta- tion, one month 20 00 1393. Paid John T. West, salary and sundries on occount, viz : . W White, Agent Express freight. 3 62- do do 4 00 do do 9 50 <> do do 39 00 do do 170 42 do do 290 78 do do 5 82 do do 199 45 do do 146 10 do do 119 13 do d© 190 74 do do 41 50 do do 3 75 do do 1 50 do do 10 00 Nathan Cull v, Lumber train, 50 00 A Dixon 106 bu. meal @1.10 116 60 do 70' do 1.0,0 70 00 W F Collins 30 do 24 00 T Young 2092 lb Beef @ 5o 104 60 S II Rogers for Meal 16 90 W Rand 5'* bus. Meal @ 70 3 85 Eliza Bell, making 17 coats @ 25c 4 25 do do 17 pants do 4 25 do do 8 coats do 2 00 do do 20 pants do 5 00 do do 40 coats do 10 00 do do 33 pants do 8 25 43 Refunded to Rev. A Gilchrist on ticket 2 30 do do J M Sherwood do 4 00 do do J M Atkinson do 2 30 do do T R Owen do 4 00 Willie Perry board 23 75 Greenberry Bagwell 10 bu. meal 10 00 do 15 do @ 90c 13 50 Whitloek & Hardy painting tin sign 2 00 R. & G. R. R. Co. freight on Furniture, (before we had a through arrange- ment with that road), 77 69 J J Betts 15 bus. Meal@ 75c 11 25 do 138 lb Bacon 11 15 20 do 208' do 22 85 do 15 bus. Meal 70 10 50 do Drayao-e 40 J C A Bonner 10 bus. Meal 80c 8 00 10 lb Tobacco 25c 2 50 J R Harrison 41 J ft poplar Lumber 1 00 J J Betts extra services 4 J mos. 40 00 Freight refunded R P Battle on hay 16 31 R M Andrews 5 pecks meal 1 75 Mrs. J Nixon cow killed 10 00 Refunded J H Dm-ham freight 5 55 W H. High Sheriff, Court cost 7 31 C H Bennington attention to uncle Ben 4 00 J C Stone, part negro hire 200 00 W H Higb/Shr'ff, Judg. C Pollard 174 03 Geo A Dudley, on account 150 00 Mrs Haywood hand hire bond ISO 00 G T Cook 500 hard bricks 7.50 37 50 J H Bryan loss on bacon 3 00 B.F Moor c lost baggage 5 00 Frt. refunded N OneeK. and A Leslie 12 90 J -J Betts watchman, 6 nights 6 00 Pratt & Freeman, 5 gals, lubricator do do . 1 can do C A Thompson cleaning and repairing watch 5 00 H Pieree r building Section house No. 3 Eastern Div. by contract 100 00 Thos Ruffin 1 looking glass 10 00 J A Hundley painting roof, Goldsboro 80 00 D King, Ice used at Stockholders meet- ing July 1856, and services 10 75 J T West salary from Jan. 1855 to April 1857 1575 00 W Stronarch error in freight 5 29 Express frt. (see Salisbury list) 4 50 Cash paid charged to Goldsboro 8 25 9, 9I\ Telegraph message, for President Cash refunded on 20 lbs fish White washing passenger room Painting do do E B Freeman, damaged rags S B Carraway frt. paid at Goldsboro J H Boylan frt paid at Wilmington Washing Office Extra hand at State Pair Post Office Stamps Labor of boys 3oys at night '5xtra laborers do do 23 days in hollidayg Post Office Stamps Small charges do do Post Office Stamps Reduction on freight, G. W. Mordecai Post Office Stamps Washing Office Cleaning wall Carpentry in Warehouse Post Office Stamps do do Reduction on freight Rev. Dr. Smedes do do for Graham Copying Bills &c. Post Office Stamps Writing bills &c. Writing tickets early in the morning Carpenter repairing door Washing Office Cooperage & drayage Extra hands Shade trees Reduction of freight G- W Mordecai 5 days work, 2 boys Christmas Extra hands draying, sawing, glazing, extra to Old Ben Post Office Stamps Freight charged to Morrisville do do Greensboro do do do To be charged to the Wilmington and Weldon R. R. Co. Reduction on freight from Mebanes Post Office Stamps Charges on frt. to Goldsboro 1 £0 1 00 1 25 2 00 3 15 2 90 1 9,0 2 00 7 15 3 50 50 75 3 45 1 25 23 00 1 50 40 50 1 00 5 88 1 25 70 5 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 48 75 25 00 4 00 35 00 15 40 50 75 3 00 25 30 5 50 5 88 10 00 21 05 1 25 25 2 50 4 20 20 80 1 36 1 25 50 98 50 150 00 5102 45 Reduction on frt. W L Pomeroy 1 00 do Telegraph Office 50 do J D Brown 70 Freight on Box to Goldsboro 1 25 do 2 do do 3- 25 do 1 do do 1 50 do 2 do do 2 50 do 1 box 1 pair springs 6 62 do 1 package to do 1 25 do 1 box do 1 25 do 1 package 75 do 2 Hhds. 2 casks bacon from Salisbury • 14 90 do 7 hhds. bacon from Charlotte chareed to Wilmington 26 44 do 1 bid ditto 9 10 do 100 bis. flour from Salisbury 23rd Feb. 1856, charged at Goldsboro 64 00 Refunded to passengers when the cul- vert was washed away west of Boone hill, Sept. 1856 Geo D Harpy, Salary Total on warrant 1393 —510 1394. W H Woodard, agent, Goldsboro', for sundry express vouchers pd. by him, total amt for December, 1856 47 38 H Robinson, watchman, Goldsboro', tor ser. for month of December, 1856 12 00 Hands extra work at Goldsboro' station 10 20 Letter stamps for do do 50 Feed of horse, poultry, &c, at do 1 70 Jesse T Woodard for servicesat do 1 33 Meal and lamp 1 00 W H Woodard, agt Goldsboro', servi. one mo33 00 Brush and pot for Goldsboro' station 1 25 W H Woodard, agt Goldsboro', for sundry ex. vouchers for January, 1857 14 75 W H Woodward, agt Goldsboro', sundry ac. paid by him, viz-: Cash paid L Linsh repairs baggage car 75 Spider for station $1, extra hand hire 1.70 2 70 Meal for hands 40 Watchman H Robinson for D«c 1856 30 00 do do do Jan 1857 31 00 Jos Waltenger & Co for 1 lantern 1 80 5 \ lbs sheet brass 3 02 9* lbs pan copper 4 75 2 model lock keys fine 1 50 63£ lbs copper by Mr Pepperman 31 75 Drayage on above 15 46 I doz file handles 1 doz brass hooks 4 mattrasses 4 ensign lamps 1 lock report 1 brass Wier 1 report key 1 piece copper 1 hand lantern Deduct 1 00 1 00 16 00 60 15 10 25 21 1 00 68 23 21 00 services for 47 li W H Woodward, agt, for N Jan 1857 on account 39 00 W II Woodward, agt Goldsboro', sundry a ct express vouchers paid by him 18 75 H Robinson, watchman. Goldsboro' sta- tion, for services for February 28 00 W H Woodard, agt -Goldsboro', for ser- vices as agt for Feb 1857 Hands for extra work Sundry express vouchers for March '57 W H Woodard Agt Goldsboro for Arnt. paid hands extra work W H Woodard services on account Jno Parish do do Sundry act. Exp. vouches pd by him Refunded W H Woodard Agt Golds- boro sundry act. pd. by him viz : Hands for extra work . Sation hands night work 1 bushel meal ,J M .Gardner clerk at Depot on act. N T Tunged do do W H. Woodard services on act. H Robinson Watchman Goldsboro Jno Divine ord President Exp. Vouchers pd. by W H W, May H llobinson Watchman, station N T Turnage, clerk do J M Gardner do do Self, Agt. services W A Williams for meal Hands for extra work Postage Stamps Express vouches for June J M Gardner services on act, N T Turnage do do H Robinson do do 42 00 4 50 63 90 7 60 35 00 1 50 45 50 11 10 8 40 1 00 22 00 35 65 25 60 30 00 63 59 20 00 31 00 11 92 27 75 52 60 2 00 2 25 50 14 25 35 00 37 40 30 00 No. of Warrant. 47 W H Woodard Agt. ' do 41 80 Express vouchers for July 11 25 J M Gardner clerk 35 45 NTTurnage do 38.10 II Robinson Watchman station ' 31 00 W H Woodard' Agt. 40 00 Express vouches for August 3 75 J M Gardner clerk 13 00 N T Turn age do 26 60 H Robinson Watchman 15 00 L M Huggins clerk 15 00 Express vouches for September 5 25 Jesse Woodard clerk 20 00 W, H Woodard Agt. 79 25 J M Gardner clerk 41 00 H Robinson do 30 00 A T Turnage do 75 00 Hand Hire 2 15 1395. Paid Jno A Holt Agt. Salisbury Station For Provisions bought for the Com- pany of the following persons, A G Caiters, 834 bush, corn &, meal 417 58 J C McConnaughey, 102 bush, corn 51 00 J Phillips, seven bushels meal 50c 3 50 Phillip Owens, 50 bush, corn 53c 26 50 J L Grabeiv. 3} bushels meal 1 75 J F McCorlell 49f bushels corn 50 24 40 R W Mills, 15} bush, corn meal 55 8 47 L Heilerv, 15' bushels meal 50 7 50 J Cook, 4361b bacon 10, 901b pork 7 49 90 •R W Mills, 44* bush, corn 52, 23 15 208 ft> bacon 10c 20 80 Will Spry, 16$ bus corn at 45 c 7 45 Philip Owen, 50 do 58 26 50 •J P Wiseman, 8J bus meal at 50 c 4 25 Thos Oath, 3168 lbs bacon 9| 308 88 McNeely, Mock & Ga ther, 100 lbs pure white lead at 12 c 12 00 100 lbs do do 12 00 2 lbs Venetian red t 10 c 20 K W Miles, 540 lbs bacon at 10 i c 56 70 J F McCarele, 56 bus corn 28 00 T E Pobbius, 18f do at 45 c S 43 J M Crowell for mending temping bars 50 W Hatchett for building fence around depot lot near II 11 bridge, Salisbury 7 00 Peter Ritchie, 15 bus corn at 45 c 6 75 H W Sides for moving privy on Co lot 1 50 C L Partee, 200 bus corn at 45 c 90 00 1531 55 No. of Warrant. 1396. 1397. 48 C L Partee, 54£ bus coan at 50 27 25 Station hands at Salisbury station 75 do do do 4 50 John Micenheimer, 5000 shiDgles 13 75 J V & F Symons, 4 bus meal 1 80 S Pryor for hauling bacon from mountains 11 50 Jjohn Jenkins for services at Sali'y sta 41 95 -1306 21 8 per ot on $350,000 Co's bonds, first six months' instalment 14000 00c Hogg & Haywood for 30,000 feet lumber at 1 c 300 00 T. D Hogg & Co for 9190 feet lumber 156 66 N White for postage quarter ending 31st Dec 4 66 do do do 31st March 4 52 J G Gilles, Columbia, S C, for 2 bales waste 670 lbs 67 00 James Sloan, 200 bus corn at $1.15 230 00 Augustus King for 22 J cords wood at $ 1.25 28 12 1 pr crank handles 1 00 2 bus meal at $1 2 0O L L Barrett for work done on 7th section house — 10 sq wall ceiling 1 sq 60 feet overhead $2.25 4 windows at $1 1 door Eepairs to train Making box to tank 24 85- W N Andrews building 2 chimneys 450 feet lumber 29 40 Chas E Johnson, M D, for visit, prescription &medicine to Billy Hill at Asbury Depot 8 00 Hutchings & Stallingsfor one frying pan 2 pr shoes station hands at $1.80 10 lbs bacon at 12£ ^ bus meal 1 pr draw steelyards 5 lbs bacon 1 peck meal Interest on. do Allen Young for 2 trees timber 50 c ea 5 bus meal at $1 16 lbs bacon at 20 cts 25 60 25 50 25 62 25 90 00 00 20 7 62 C M Lines for lot lumber at Shops. Alfred Hargrave for feeding hands at- depofr McKnight & Houston freight bill Jones & Hookes, for frt. at Hillsboro. O F Long, for 1 Washing Machine lost G A Dudley, for T D Harris order Refunded T C & B G Worth, overcharge on, M Brown's wheat by contract C P Mendenhall, for expense of Stationery for* Committee Finance Postage Stamps Expense to Hillsboro Superior court on Compa-* ny business 9 20 87 17 6 41 30 25 8 55 10 00 95 00 78 17 20 25 6 00 1 50 49 No. »f Warrant. Paid D Coleman for 7417 feet lumber 82 53 Henry Whitted for lost coffee 112 lbs at 12 15 68 J H Bryon for bal due as ap;t 11 50 Bryon & Boyt refunded freigbt 7 75 Eastman & Richardson do 15 75 35 01 Thos B Long, agt at Haw river, for 6 J mos service as agt and watchingbridge at $29 16? pr month 189 58 45 meals for passeDgers in snow storm at 83£ cts 1 gallon whiskey 7 meals ord by T S Garnett at 50 2 do Bradshaw do 15 00 1 25 3 50 1 00 210 33 13 00 < 40 lbs candles lost at 30 cts F M Rea for carrying mail at Charlotte 1 qr to October, 1857 ' 45 00 L P Phillips, station expense, for £ dozen chairs 3 00 Amt paid for making desk 100 1 bottle paste 35 1 broom 30 4 65 K F Hubbard's order on Treasurer for R R grease bill 95 83 S A Harris, tax collector, for towu tax Char. 6 00 J A Johnson for 1 fine brace and bits 12 09 1 steel square 1 00 13 00 Larkin, Lynch & Co for 10 bbls linseed oil, 330 gallons at §1.15 379 50 E H Vogler & Co for lost goods, viz : 4 pr men's calf boots at $3.85 15 40 2 pr youth's pattern leather do 12 pr women's pegged buskins 13 pr rueu's rubber sandals 12 pr child's lace boots 1 russett trunk Insurance 46 cts, exchange 92 Freight paid by us Error in above -2168 78 1398. W A Caldwell, Cashier, on loan acct in New York 5000 00 2.37 4 75 92 5 55 99 10 80 50 6 00 3 25 1 38 1 41 48 54 3 39 51 93 No. of Warrant. 1399. 1400. IWc 50 Scott & Co, for bill clothing for R R hands $1020 00 James E Allen on acct for castf advanced to Road hands as pr receipts 1000 00 Cash advanced to road hands as pr rec 400 00 do do do do 150 00 do do do do 535 50 The above amounts were advanced to hands &c, for which proper vouchers are filed in office. 1401. T S Robertson, .Eng. Aug. 1, to 31, 1 mo, at $85 "$ m. do do -2085 50 E H Marsh C Davis Jno Binns Jno Hopkins C Parmenter Wm Smith J Smith Geo Fisher C W Bradshaw, T A Harris H S Hazell C W Smith W L Davidson J Kirkland C P Haynes Henry Dickson do do do do do do do do Con. do do >do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •do do do do do do do 24 to do 7 days at do do do do do do 75 50 do do do do do do do 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 48 00 85 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 11 20 -1079 20 1402. J S Richardson, Eng. Aug. 1, to 31, 1 mo. at $85 "$ mo. 85 00 T AV Swan C Davis W P Harton C Carrol R Feraell T J Hudson T Giddens Wm C Swan J J Bradberry Geo Adams J M Cheek do do do do do do do do Con. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 28£ ds do do do do 1 day at do do do do do do do do do 50 do 60 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 85 00 70 00 50 00 1 60 60 00 Thos S Roberts Eng. Sep. 1, to 30, 1 mo. i it $85 P mo. 85 00 E H Marsh do do do do 85 00 C Davis do do do do 85 00 Jno Binns do do do ►do 85 00 J Hopkins do do do do 95 00 C Parmenter do do do do 85 00 William Smith do do do do 85 00 Geo Fisher do do do do 85 00 Isaac Smith do do 3 3 days at do 8 50 T D Harris, Con. do do 50 50 00 H S Hazell do do do do 50 00 C W Smith do do do do 50 00 W L Davidson do do do do 50 00 J Kirkland do do do do 50 00 Henry Dickson do do do do 50 00 W B Allen do do 6 to do 24 days at do 40 00 C W Bradshaw do do 1 to 13 13 days at do 23 85 ,1 861 60 1052 as No. of Warrant. 1404. J S Richardson, Eng. Sep. 1, to 30, 1 mo. at '$85 v$ : mo -85 00 T W Hudson do do do do 85 00 WP Harton do do do do 85 00 James Morton do do 11 day s 75 31 -70 C C Davis do do do 85 85 00 R Femell do do do do >85 00 C Carroll do do do do .85 I Brown for 12 sack-flour at $2.60 Mo. of Warrant. 170 00 56 2 36 21 00 16 40 00- -29 56 56 A Hargrave for 200 bus wheat at 85 c do overcharge on Coffee C P Haynes for overcharge on lumber M E Martin for services in office Sprague & Bro for 2 boxes adamantine can- dles, 72 lbs at 28 c 20 1 box adamantine candles, 30 lbs at 28 8 1 gross matches 1 N Hargrave, agt for McKnight & Houston, forfreight bill 15 00 Jones & Hoaker, 2 boxes steel and 1 keg iron 2 24 2 ploughs 3 00 M Brown for error in bill of freight O P flaynes for amt refunded Yadkin Man'g Co T R Henderson for solding Well Pump 2 dish pans 1 bucket Putting up pump at Thomasville Soldering pipe at Holtsburg Altering and repairing pump at Lexington 1 Putting tin en chimney V B Lewis for 2 bags flour at $2£ 1 bus peas 1 bus meal 1 bag flour 2 gallons whiskey 4 bus meal at G2 c D T Caldwell for overcharge on goods W R Cochran for 150 post oaks 250 black oaks 5 27 7 92 Co 6 92 1 00 1 00 50 5 00 1 50 nl 00 50 10 50 5 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 14 00 12 32 60 00 87 50 147 50 By cash on above 123 75 23 75 1416. Snow & Smith on account of lumber 500 00 1417. Tbos E Roberts on account on file 300 00 1418. J H Lindsey on acct (remainder on loan note) bk 5050 00 419. W W Vass, Treasurer li & G R R, order of S & R R at 3 days 1065 00 :420. N Y Exchange sent Bank Republic 12600 00 L421. Dudley & Ashley on account in cash 1000 00 Freight bill at Lexington 535 61 _1535 61 1422. Jos B Farris on acct salary as clerk at Sal. Sta. 125 00 1423. Henry Dickson, agt, on salary account 60 00 1426. Daniel Seliers bal on wood account 535 00 427. Julien E Sumner on acct 400 00 5T No. of Warrant. 1428. Sundry persons for stock killed, viz : John T Trice valuation $8 5 00 Willis Johnston do do 5 00 Daniel Sellers do 5 2 50 Moses Strickland do 10 5 00 Robt Chatham do 31 60 15 80 Cinthia Law do 16 8 00 Wm Lyles do 25 12 50 Jesse Withers do 16 8 00 Wm Reed do 4 4 00 W J Freeland do 16 8 00 Jesse Wheeler do 15 9 00 Andersen Ellis do 16 8 00 Jane Alexander do 18 9 00 C Y Lowrie do 10 5 00 J C Julian do 15 7 50 J E Swink do 11 5 50 G Kelly do 15 7 50 Wilson Taylor do 12 6 00 George Copely do 8 4 00 JBF Boon do 20 10 00 N Cooke do 15 7 50 R W Foarde do 15 7 50 lfiO 3 '29. Harper Donnell for one bbl flour lost -LUV/ 8 50 Peter C Smith in full jud gov't and costs lost goods 148 50 W H Gillam for 23 cords wood at $1.25 28 75 Wm Mendenhall for 17 cords wood 17 W W Allison for 1000 feet road crossing 12 50 S000 feet flouring @ 1.25 37 50 50 00 W J Freeland for 46 cords wood (cb, 1.25 57 50 W J Freeland Sec. Mas . 101b Tobacco, 1 peck salt 2 25 2 gallons whiskey 2 50 Mending 2 Tamping Bars 25 , 51b Tobacco for hands 1 00 2 bushels meal 1 40 51b Tob icco 1 00 Cash paid hand for pumping water 1 50 101b soap 1 00 8 bus meal 8 00 Putting eyes to 4 Hoes 1 00 Cash paid for extra pumping water 7 50 2 bus meal 3 00 Making 31 pr. Pants for hands 7 50 37 91 jL Thomas, Agt for boarding boys 40 days 12 00 9 Jib admt. candles 3 00 2 boxes matches 05 58 1 hand saw file 10 1 bucket 35 1 Broom 30 15 Himrant & Atkinson, for. 2 Bbls spts Tur- pentine 80 gls 34 40 J P Mabrey, for 431b bacon @ 18 ct.. 7 74 Wni J Mills for 8 sacks flour @ 2.60 . 20 80 12 do @ 2.50 30 00 50 80 N M Vinson for 2 bbls spts Turpentine 86 gallons 36 12 T W Haynesfor 13 daysservices at Salis- bury station 1.50 19 50 Kobt Walker for 2 bottles Liniment 81b bacon @ 15 } bus meal 101b bacon @ 15 221b' bacon @ 18 2 gls molasses 501b flour % 4 ct 141b bacon @ 15 ct 1 bus meal 151b bacon B> H Hester for 1 bag guano l6st James E Kerr for 41'} cords wood @ 1.25 Adams & Co's Express Agt Groldsboro by W H Woodard Agt sundry receipts C N McAdoo for overcharge on guano S Shepperd for 591b packing @ 25 109^ feet 2 in pipe @ 50 30a 2 | in pipe Drayage C C Timiant for 1 bbl sugar 2461b @14 C D McNair for judgments & costs C R. Christmas for enclosing end of house at Hillsboro Putting in three lights Rehanging window shutters Lattimer & Brown for glass putty and nails Buts and screws Pannuler&Raiford for 210 ft. roofing on cars Soldering cars 1 Pr. balance and scales 2 Pad Locks 1 Lantern 10 1 dust brush 50 1 20 50 1 50 - 3 96 1 80 2 00 2 10 1 25 2 25 17 06 5 20 52 00 14 25 40 20 14 75 54 79 2 89 25 72 08 34 44 6 41 4 50 15 25 4 90 42 25 — 67 23 10 ' 85 50 1 00 1 25 59 1 Lamp shade 1 Chest lock Soldering pip3 4 pr butts and screws Repairing Lamp do brass box on Eng. Apollo 1 Lamp shade Tumbler carriers 1 Pint cup 1 Lamp shade 24ft) sheet Iron 28ft) sheet " 46 inches wire 1 Pr. hinges lGro. do 2 papers rivetts David Pickett for making waggon tounge A Gr McLaughlin for overcharge on Through Seats S W Brown overcharge freight ref 'ded C P Haynes for amt ref 'd overcharge on salt J J Brunei' for error in charge on carpet bag M Brown error in freight over charge C P Haynes for cash pd for 1 sack flour C P Haynes for postage stamps Candles Sulpher Matches Postage stamps Cash pd boy order Prest. " " « Simon " " « " Porter " " « Julius " " J B Farris expenses to Salem Company business Cash pd H C Jones overcharge on box J Bastain for 140ft) cotton packing Slkin Manuf 'ng co for 2741b tallow T Crawford for 6701b tallow 102ft. beef Adams express co for freight received act. received by J T West agt Raleigh M Brown for 700 Wheat sacks @ 10 J M Bland agt expenses to Richmond co bus 5 00 J L Morehead for 1£ days work at Sals- bury for weighing wheat 2 00 A H Welch for fi fa, 24 81 G*E Shober for 4 boxes lost tobacc? 45 0..» 15 85 50 95 35 1 00 15 1 00 15 15 2 40 10 62 20 2 25 2 10 49 02 1 50 6 10 4 12 2 50 50 9 29 2 75 1 50 30 20 15 2 00 1 00 25 50 50 5 50 96 12 86 25 20 34 25 83 75 5 10 88 85 95 52 70 00 60 ' No. of Warrant. Paid Dudley & Ashley freight bill received at Lexington 64 A Hargrave for 225 bus corn 90 D J Lambeth for 103 £ cords wood 129 Adam's express co. recipts to A H Welch Charlotte 5 )430. Rowland & bros. for 150 bags corn 279 00 Drayage and freight to Raleigh 54 75 Commissions for buying 8 35 Frght pd to Raleigh on 6 hhds bacon 40 33 Interest on act. 1 00 Pd for co shops bacon shldrs 5400ft> 634 50 Drayage 90 Frght pd to Raleigh 2 hhds bacon Shoulders 1690ft> 228 15 Drayace 30 Frshtlo Raleigh 12 57 90 00 37 00 Pd cash on above bill 1431. LP Clifford, Cptr, Oct 1 to 31, G H Clifford do do J Sullivan do do C Gardner do do D H Blake do do PP Williams do do J F Courad do do W H Craig do do R Casey do do J King do do J B Whittsett do do T W Hasting do do Jos Fix do do W H Underhill do do J W Richards do do J Cheves do do C McReady do do W R Sikes do do Wm Williams do do MS Black do do P H Williams do do J P Adams do do S V House do do A J Bennett do do 22| ds 25| 23 f- 26i 21 u J. 4 4 36 34 £ 36f 27J 24* 8& m 10 li 21| 21-1 20 15* 26 24* 9* * 14 34T Robertson, Engr. Oct. 1, to 31 ,1 mo. at 85 ' |p mo . 85 00 B H Marsh do do do 85 00 C Davis do do do 85 00 .Jno Binns do do do 85 00 J Hopkins do do do 85 00 C Parmenter do do do 85 00 William Smith do do do 85 00 A B Hoyt do do 5 days do 97 00 W Swan do do do 97 00 T D Harris, Con. do 50 50 00 H S Hazell do do do 50 00 C W Smith do do do 50 00 W L Davidson do do do 50 00 J Kirkland do do do 50 00 H Dickson do do do 50 00 W B Allen do do do 50 00 1139 00 1435. W Hartan, Engineer, < Oct 1 to 31, 1 m @ $85 ^ m 85 00 J S Bichardson do do do do 85 00 T J Hudson do do do do 85 00 C C Davis do do do 42 42 00 B Finnell do do do do 42 00 James Martin do do do 85 85 00 Charles Carroll do do do do 85 00 Thos Swan do do do do 85 00 S McCutchen do do 12 days 32 88 -George Fisber do do 1 n: t do 85 00 J J Bradbury, CoJtr, do do 50 50 00 George Adams do do do do 50 00 GMFaucett do do do 24 50 —837 38 ,1436Beddingfield, Sec. Mas. Oct. 1, to 31, 17 ds.at§33 p: ml8 10 A T Sawyer do do 12 do 12 75 J F Ervin do do do 33 00 C Bradshaw do do do 33 00 Geo Krider do do ,30 30 00 Tbos B Cook do do 33 33 00 R Walker do do do 33 00 E Ferrebee do do do 33 GO Peyton H Bilbro do do do 33 00 .Jno McLean do do do S3 00 G M Allen do do do 33 00 Win C Lewis Engr. do 75 75 00 B Michal W. Y. B. B. do 20 20 00 B Greene W Abotts Creek do 10 10 00 429 85 1437. Aug King, S master, Sep 1 to 30, 1 m @ 33 f m 33 00 Pat Baiford do do do do 33 00 John B Green do do d» do 33 00 63 No. of Warrant. Allen Young do do do do 33 00 F H Peny do do do do 33 00 C Bradshaw do do 24 ds do 26 40 L H Huggira do Sep 25 to 30 5 do 6 50 A T Sawyer do 1 to 30 lm do 33 00 T J Freeland do do do do 33 00 W J Freeland do do do do 33 00 Elias Bass, W L R B, do do 10 10 00 M Ellen, WARR, do do 10 10 00 Vamsted Mayho, L on S do do 11 11 00 Thados Mayho do do do 12* 12 50 John Cbamley do do do m 12 50 Win Crabtree, Eno river, do do 10 10 00 Edw Cooper, W Creek, do do 10 10 00 Billiard Scott, Laborer, do do m 12 50 James Morgan, do do do 18| 18 75 S A Morgan, do do do 16.66 16 66 Jos Proctor do do do do 16 66 G Couch do do do do 16 66 A Eastman do do do 20 20 00 M Fleming, Engineer, do do 60 60 00 v K.QA nf» 1438Augustus King, Sec. Mas. Oct. lto31, 1 mo I at $33 p m 33 00 Patrick Raiford do do do 33 00 Jno B Greene do do do 33 00 Allen Young do do do 33 00 T H Perry do do do 33 00 L M Huggins do do do 33 00 Z J Lyon do do do 33 00 Tbos J Freeland do do do S3 00 Win J Freeland do do do 33 00 Elias Bass, W L R B do 10 10 00 Micajah Ellen W N R B do do 10 00 Ulmstead Mayho L on S do 11 11 00 Thadeus Mayho, L on S do 12 50 12 50 Billiard Scott, Laborer do 12 50 12 50 James Morgan do do 18 75 18 75 S A Morgan do do 16 66 16 66 A Eatman do do 20 20 00 Jas Proctor do do 16 66 16 66 G Couch do do 16 66 16 66 M Fleming, Engineer, do 60 60 00 501 73 1439R L McLord, Sec. Mas. Sep. 1 to Sep. $33 f mo . 31 75 Beddingfield do 2ds, , at 1 05 p d. 2 10 F Irvin do 30 1 mo. at 33 |mo. 33 00 R L "Woods do 15 16 00 C Bradshaw do 6 60 George Krider do Sep . 1 to 30, 1 mo at §33 p rr I. 33 00 4 No. of Warrant. T B Cook do do Robert Walker do do E Ferebe do do Peyton H Bilbro do do John McLean do do George Allen do do W B Lewis, Engineer, do Saml Erwin, WRRBdo Jno Erwin, Candle C. do B Michal, Yadkin R B do T B Cook Potts Creek do A Hargrave, Swaring C do B Green, Abbotts C do do do do do do do do do do do ¥ do do do do do do 75 10 10 20 10 10 10 33 33 33 33 33 33 75 10 10 20 5 5 10 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443 GrGleason, Blksmh, Oct 1 to'31. J B Fonville do do R Duck do do H Rack do' do J W O'Brian, Bookkpr do F J Snydei, Watchman do SLAVES. H Saunders, Blksmh do R Roberts, Cptr, do Greene Dolald, Blksmh do Yancey Donald do do Robert Moore do do Tom Paine, Shop hand, do H Little, Painter, ia July do do in \ugusfe do do in Sept do do in Oct J A Holt Disbr'ing agt sundry mis'lan'y act J Lynch for coal DECEMBER. C P Hayner, Salary as agent, J & J L Scoot, & Co. on act as follows: 100 pr pants @ 1.25 12ds@ $2.50^ d30 00 21£ 1.50 32 60 23 63| 13 61 14 do 8 91 lm 25.00^ m25 00 do 35.00 35 00 3Hs 50 1 75 2 do 6 00 1 do 50 If do 87 do do 87 2 ds do 1 00 2 1.00 2 00 n do 2 50 2 do 2 00 1 do 1 00 if 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 •455 45 163 <5& 380 74 317 25 175 00 100 shirts 75 2 boxes 75 100 shirts 75 100 pr pants 1.25 1 box 75 94 pr pants 1.25 1 box for packing 50 5 bottles ink at Graham Station 10 boxes matches 2 corn brooms @ 25 201 coarse shirts @ 75 125 00 75 00 1 50 75 00 125 00 75 117 50 50 50 50 50 150 75 65 Cloth for packings 25 Making and trimming 77 pr pants 38 50 do do 70 do 35 00 58 pr pants at $1.25 72 50 36 do do 45 00 Box for packing 75 Packing shirts 10 2 shirts to station hands at 75 1 50 2 pr pants at $1.25 2 50 2 shirts 75 1 50 4 pr pants 1.25 5 GO Candles for station 2 00 2 boxes matches 10 Candles 2 50 2 boxes matches 10 Candles, matches an< i stamps 5 95 Shoes for station ban ds 3 80 Candles and ink 1 10 3 boxes matches 15 Candles 50 312 Kersey coats 424 00 300 pr pants 390 00 325 shirts at 75 243 75 Shoes for station hand 1 90 3 shirts at 75 2 25 3 pr Kersey pants at 1.30 3 90 3 sack coats 1.75 5 25 2 pr wool socks 25 50 3 vests 1 00 3 00 3 wool hats 75 2 25 25 lbs tallow caudles for station- 25 Ink do 10 5 yds cloth to cover desk 75 1 paper box 05 14 Kersey sack coats 35 00 Cloth for packing same 25 3 blankets to station hands 3 75 .A nit paid do 1 00 Matches 30 Foot mat for station 50 Shoes for boy Nat 1 80 2 pr gloves to shovel snow 50 8 lbs brimstone for 5 'hops 80 8 dozen large corks 80 4 boxes matches 10 Paper box 10, wash pan 25, pins 5 40 6 shirts to station hands at 75 4 50 6 pr pants do 1.25 7 50 3 pr shoes 1.90 5 70 4 boxes matches 20 No. of Warrant, 66 ■312 shirts 1.75 234 06 312 pr pants 2.25 -390 00 Cloth for packing 50, broom and matches 60, candles 60 1 70 2680 10 Paid at this date — balance paid before — 372 0© 1446. Paid MeNeily, Mock & Co ehe following account 100 lbs white lead at 12, 2 gal turpentine 14 00 1 lb lamp-black 12, 10 lbs litharge at 12 1 37 21 pr blankets at 2.50 52 50 4 lbs ad. candles 35, 2 candlesticks 12 1 05 100 lbs white lead 12, 5 lbs litharge 12 12 62 1} yds enamelled cloth 60, 3 yds canvas 1 50 168 lbs steel at 15 25 20 5 lbs litharge 12£, 50 lbs zinc 12 6 63 1 pr shoes 1.75, 12 buckets 30, 1 doz glass 75 6 10 6 yds canton flannel 15, 20? cast steel 22] 5 51 1 axe helve 10 100 lbs lead 12, 10 lbs litharge, 1 gal tur 14 25 2 brooms 60 1 pr shoes 1.75, 100 lbs lead and zinc 13 75 2 pr shoes 1.75, 1 pr do 1.50, 240 lbs candles 30 77 00 100 lbs white lead 12, 4 prbrogans 1.40 17 60 200 do 10 lbs litharge 25 25 1 doz brooms 3.25, 5 pr shoes 1.62 11 37 92] lbs iron at 5 4 63 200 lbs white lead 12, 10 lbs litharge 12 25 25 1 bbl sperm oil 41 gallons at 1.25 51 25 do do 41} do 51 83 200 lbs zinc 12, 10 li.tt.arge 12$ 25 25 101] gallons linseed oil at 1.10 111 38 200 lbs lead zinc 12, 101 } gal oil 1.10 135 65 10 lbs litharge at 12 J 1 25 1 meal sieve^O, 1 do 1.00, 2 spittoons 50 2 20 1 inkstand 15, j doz glass 50 40 6 lbs nails 6, difference in glass 12 1- 50 10 lbs litharge 12 1, 4 class 10, 58 soap 9 6 87 110 lbs lead 12, 10 lbsKtharge 12 X, 129 gallons oil at 1.10 161 15 500 lbs lead 12, 135 gal oil 1.10 208 50 65 gal oil 1.10, 2 gal turpentine 1.00, lamp-black 12 73 02 2 brooms 30, 1 bucket 25 85 2 buckets 1.25, 9 lbs litharge 12* 2 38 808 lbs fire-proof paint at 6 18 48 1 cocoa dipper 30, 1 tumbler 20 50 6 lbs boras at 37 J -200 lead and zinc 12 26 25 No. of •Warrant. (67 200 lbs lead and zinc 12, 5 lbs litharge 24 G2 200 do do 24 00 1243 80 9300 paid in May— 8500 in June 800 00 Bal paid at this date 1447. Paid J F Hughes salary account as agent 1448. F l^erpignon on account 1857 203J squares roofing at 622 ft guttering 208 ft hip 30 ft elbows 235 ft leaders 196 ft guttering 14 i squares roofing 92 ft leaders 30 ft "-uttering 443 80 75 On quare? 2.75 559 62 20 124 40 6 12 48 10 3 00 12 23 55 20 30 20 2.50 37 00 10 20 20 6 00 814 40 Paid heretofore 171 10 F Perpignon balance •**• 643 30 1450. Nathaniel Alexander 320 sills at 35 112 00 Interest on acct 6 00 E Myers 1 bbl whiskey lost 30 00 "W H Woodard express receipts for pack- ages turned over by Express Co 22 35 W H McKay 620-} gal molasses at 38 and dray age 1.25 286 gallons molasses 38., drayage 75 Marshall, Leffits & Bro, Philadelphia, 450 ft trough gutter at 2.16 Cask, packing and cartage 72 ft moulded guttering Case 1.25, cartage LOO' 1 keg nails, 120 lbs at 14 1.3 lbs cone head rivets at 18 Cash paid workmen for fare Cartage on nails 1 keg nails, 107 lbs at 14 Cartage Interest on above April, 1855, Phifer & Yorke on account 1 qt turpentine 1 bottle do 25 castings at 5 1 wood bowl 1 Sifter 1 pr small scales 1 dusting brush 237 00 109 43 140 63 3 50 72 00 o 25 16 80 2 34 20 00 75 14 98 75 22 36 J 25 13 1 25 00 15 25 45 68 1 hatchet 20 lbs bacon at 9 4 bushels meal 1 sack 15, 1» bus meal 1.50 I sack 40, 2 bus meal 2.00 I I bus meal May, 1 vial ink, J C Young 1 doz hooks and eyes 2 buoch envelops 1 doz pens 50, post office stamps 50 1 qt turpentine 25, | ream paper 1.50 1 pocket book July, 1 paper sand 13, 1 sand box 37 1 lard can lost Dec, '54 63 lbs lard at 10 August, 1 bottle oil Quinine Sept, 2 day books 1.03, envelopes 25 5 bunches envelopes October, 2 lbs candles 75, candlestick 15 November, hatchec 1.25, ream paper3.75 Paid boy Anderson by order December, 1 axe and handle 1 bottle ink 1.00, matches 10 Lanterns 1.50, 2 lbs candles at 37jj- Feb, '56, 1 wash pau 38, 1 paper sand 10 Quinine 45, 1 yd canvass 30 Matches 6, 1 lock 50 March, Soap 25, pr shoes for Jim 1.65 1 pr shoes for Bob April, 1 bottle turpentine 4 pr hinges 1.00, 5 doz screws 50 £ ream paper 1.75, 2 qrs bill paper 75 Paper sand 10, pr hinges 25 May, 2 boxes matches June, 40 J lbs iron 2.43, bunch quills 50 Matches 6, 13 lbs nails at 6£ 82 July, '56, 7 lbs nails 44, pr brass hinges 94 15 lbs nails 25, broom 35 August, bottle car ink 13, turpentine 15 September, 2 lbs soap 4500 shingles 13.50, jug ink 1.00 1 2 quires bill paper October, 2 lbs candles 90, envelopes 15 1 paper sand 10, 1 quire note paper 20 November, qr paper 25, 2 lbs candles 75 Bo tie ink 13, hatchet 75 December, paper sand 13, 2 lbs nails 12 1 doz irons 1.25, 1 doz irons 1.88 shovel and tongs 1.00, 1 lb candles 40 85 1 80 3 60 I 65 2 40 1 50 13 1 00 50 1 00 1 75 2 00 50 1 25 6 30 20 50 1 28 25 80 5 00 15 1 63 1 10 2 25 48 75 56 1 90 1 65 15 1 50 2 50 35 06 2 93 88 1 38 60 28 25 A 50 60 I 05 30 1 00 88 25 3 13 1 40 69 No. of Warrant. Jan, '57, qr paper 25, 21 lbs bacon 2 98 4 lbs nails 25 June, 5 bundles envelopes 50, broom 40 90 Jesse Gasky 3 cords wood 3 90 L S Boone 18] cords wood at 1.25 22 80 W T Fry 2 borse loads wood at 75 3 00 Calvin to cut 4 cords wood 1 00 Bradley do 3j> do 87 Henry do 8 do 2 00 Jobn do 9 do 2 25 R L iVIcLord for boys cuttiug wood 10 25 Young & Williams board of mill 20 00 A Blackard sole leather 1 50 2 lbs beeswax 50, cord 25 75 1 hand saw 1.55, 1 auger 25 1 SO Screw wrench 1 25 H T Powe for II M Pritehard,s account ))| gallons fluid 3 50 3 lamp chimneys 75 2 A callous fluid 2 89 Mafches 2 80 Miller &, Or, Oysters bad order 2 25 Williams & Overburger, oysters lost 2 75 Postage in Charlotte" 5 00 W J McConnell damage on piaao 50 00 Brown & Coffin lost coffee, 102 lbs at 14 J 23 49 F M Rae for carrying mail in Charlotte 45 00 T W Whitley loss and damage on sugar (3 55 R G Lindsay for 2 long haudle shovels 2 00 Isreal Turner for ox killed 5 00 W R Stacey for stock killed 6 20 R L Coltrin for 107 bus corn at 50 53 50 5 G Coffin for boarding passengers in snowstorm while train was detained 132 00 Price Ozment for 200 bus corn at 50 100 00 D C Mebane for GO bus corn at 50 30 00 C N McAdoo for 343£ 171 87 -1616 11 1451. McKnight &, Houston for work at Shops, lay- ing brick at $10 per M, on acct 1000 00 1452 J B Balsby, agt, salary 550 00 J t-53. S Dixon, Carp. Oct. 20, to Dec. 22, 47 ds. at $3 50 ^ d. 157 4- r > G Stafford do do 46£ 1 60 74 40 P Stafford do do 50| do 80 80 J Dickson do do 41} do 60 00 P Gibson do do 43;} do 69 2*> J Wood do -do 4U no 71 20 S Vanderford do do 38" do 5.9 20 D Teague do do 49|- do 79 60 J C Holt do do 48 do 76 80 .f Whitsitt do do 411 do 7r> e>Q 70 No, of Warrant P II Williams do do 44 So" 70 46 w in Stagg do do ■!■', do :',c so G Stagg do do 40} do' 78 8(i W Wood do do 46| do' 74 81) E Sorrel! do do 5| de 9 20 W A Stonor dp do -llq do 71) 80 E Bronsoii dp -10 C Davidson do do 11| do •23 6o Jn o Mills do do 88| (l.i (31 (50 JR. Ricand do do 31? (lu 50 40 J Phillips do do 25 do 40 00 T Nan re do do ID. 1 , do 31 20 L Williams do do 12| do 20 00 1-1.'.. 1 25 1454 Geo C Mcndenhall ha Joab lliatt C J Freeland P A Holt Matthew Goodman Isaac Girer llobert Bealle B F Ward A Alexander MrsE Pearson Geo Winn Guard Mrs Barbee W II Jones Jas Fuller A T Powe Henry Brown Alfred Owens Miss M E Dusenbury J P Stimson A J Mock Dusenbury :} 2 gal, Sperm Oil 3 00 10 lbs blk lead 1.25 1 gal, sperm oil 1.50 2 75 bbl. sperm oil 30 gal. 45. 00, box mustard- 45 15 1 simple syrup 20, igal. Find 50, 70 72 Dec, 1 qt. lamp oil 40, 1 gal. ditto 1.50 1 bbl sperm oil, 31 gals @ 1.33* 1 do do \ gal. fluid 50, 1 bot. liniment for boy Medicine for Ike 25, 1 qt. fluid 25 ; Prescription Dr. Powe V A Stagg, Agt. Durhams, for 8 months pay @ $25 B Boykin 72 i cords woods @ 1.25 € S Brown, Mail Services in Salisbury For quarter ending Dec. 31 '57 45 00 Jesse Garky, for 162 ft. be wed timber 4«> 7 29 8$ cords wood $1.25 4 85 1 90 41 33 41 33 75 50 75 182 OS 200 00 90 02 — 11 04 J J & J A McConnaugbey for 4 blk books 75 J Cr Lash, cash discount & exch. on 12.000 240 00 F Scarr & Co., (Charlotte,) Feb. '57, 1* gal. fluid 1.50, 2i ditto 4 00 Mar., 2 lamp glass 1.50, 3 gals fluid 3 30 April, glass for lamp 25, gal. fluid 90, 1 15 I gal. fluid 90, 1 doz. lamp wick 40, 1 30 II gals, do 2 gals, ditto 90, 3 15 May, 1 gal. fluid, Bradshaw, ditto Hazell 1 80 1 gal. fluid, Davidson, 1 lamp glass ditto 1 15 1 bot. paste, Bradshaw, ditto Kirkland 1 00 1 gal. fluid, Hazell, 6 turpentine soap do 1 50 1 Lamp glass, do 25, 1 gal fluid ditto 90 1 15 1 bar soan do 15, 1 do 1 05 Wick for'lamp do 20, 20 1 gal. fluid 90, Dickson, 1 ditto Haynes 1 80 Fluid wick, Dickson, 10, 10 2A gals, fluid, Haynes, 2.25, lamp wick G,2 31 1 do do Bradshaw, 90, 90 1 bar soap do 10, 10 2 lamp glasses, Dickson, 50 50 Sponge, Harris 37, 1 gal fluid Dickson 90 1 27 1 bar soap Harris 10, 10 1 gal fluid Hazell 90, 90 1 doz lamp wick Davidson 40, 40 1 lamp glass do 25, 25 June, 1 gal fluid, Allen 90. 1 ditto 90, 1 80 1 do Bradshaw 90, Hazell 90, 1 80 1 do do 90 Lamp wick by Hazel 38, soap 10 48 Lamp wick, Davidson conductor 47 1 gallon fluid, Harris do 90 do Bradshaw do 90 do do do 09 73 i gallon fluid Hazel 00 90 £ do Kirkland do 45 1 do Harris do 90 July, do Bradshaw do 90 2 lamp glasses Harris do 50 1 gallon fluid do do 90 1 doz oil lamp wick 37 2 gallons fluid Bradshaw do 1 80 1 do Harris do 90 2 doz lamp wick 66 1£ gallon fluid Haynes do 1 35 2 lamp glasses Davidson do 50 2 gallons fluid Bradshaw do 1 80 1 package wick 10 1 gallon fluid Davidson do 90 1 package wick 10 1 gallon fluid Harris do 90 do do do 90 1 lamp glass do do 25 do Davidson do 25 1 gallon fluid Hazell do 90 do Haynes do 90 do D do 90 do Kirkland do 90 1 package wick do do 10 August, 8 i gallons fluid by conductors 6 75 1 doz wick and 2 glasses 90 1 gallon fluid, Hazel, conductor, GO 1 lamp wick 5 2$ gallons fluid 2 25 1 lamp globe Smith do 100 J gallon fluid K do 45 Lamp wick D do 50 1 gallon fluid S do 90 1 package wick S do 10 i gallon fluid D do 45 1 do H do 90 1 bar soap 15 ^ gallon fluid H do 45 September, 3 qts fluid do 65 1 bar soap D do 15 2 gallon fluid K do '45 1 do B do '90 do D do M do H do -90 do S do 90 do Dickson do '90 1 doz wick Kirkland do 40 3 qts fluid Hazel do '65 1 callon fluid Smith de 90 74 1 qt db' Parmenter 20' 1 ball wick lfc 1 gallon fluid 90 •} do K do 46 1 bottle mucilage 50 1 gallan fluid H do 00 2 lamp glasses Hazel do 50 1 bar soap 15 I gallon fluid K do 45 1 do Allen do 90 1 doz wick and matches 45 5i gallons by sundry conductors.- 4 70 1 o-ross matches 1 50 2 gals fluid 1 80 1 package wick 10 f gal fluid 75 i doz lamp wick 1 15 1 pkge wicK 10, 1 bar soap 25 1 gal fluid Dickson 90 1 " " Kirkland 45 1 qrfc " Parmenter 25- lgal « Dickson (Qfct.) 90. 1 " " Harris 90 3 qrt " Hazell 70 lgal " Smith 90 1 « « Allen 90 i " « Kirkland 45 I " " Powe 45 i " " McHaffy 45 3 " " 2 70, 1 doz lamp wick Allen. 40 li gal fluid Harris 90 1 bar soap Hazell 15- 1 lamp glass Hazell 25- |; gal fluid Smith 45 • 1 gal fluid Dickson 90 1 qrt fluid Parmenter 25 f gal fluid Hazell 50 8 gal fluid Dickson, Allen & Harris 2 70 1 pkg wick 12 I gal fluid Kirkland 45 '■> qrts fluid Hazell 70 1 gal fluid Smith 90 1 gal fluid Dickson 90 1 gal fluid Kirkland 45. 2 gal fluid Harris & Davidson 1 80 ■■' 2 bunch wick 50 3 qrts fluid Hazell 7C l a L;imp glass 25 » leal fluid Smith 90 1 gal fluid do J gal fluid do 1 qt. do Palmer 2 gal do K & S 2 lamp glass Hazell -3 qts. fluid do <0 1 pot muscilage Welch 50 1 paue glass 1 lamp glass 35 Nov, 3 gal fluid Dickson Harris & Smith 2 70* 1 lamp wick, 1 doz wick 50 3 gal fluid, Parmenter, Kirkland & Daviesou 2 70 i gal lurid 45 3 qrt fluid, Hazell 70 2 bars soap 30 1 qrt Fluid, Welch 25 -] gal fluid, Mcllaffy 45 ;} gal fluid, Kirkland i5 1 doz wick 40 1 doz white lead, Welch 20 1 gal fluid, Smith 90 2 lamp glass, Allen 50 2 gal fluid, Dicksou & Davidson 1 80 1 lamp glass. Davidson 25 3 qrts fluid, Hazell 70 1 gal fluid, Smith 90 i doz wick 20 1 gal flead, Allen 90 1 lamp glass 1 00 1 qrt fluid, Palmer 25 1 roll wick 10 | gal fluid, Kirkland 45 1 gal fluid, Harris 90 3 qrts fluid, Hazell 70 1 lamp "lass 25 1 gal Fluid, Smith 90 Dec, i gal. fluid Kirkland 45. 45 Role wick Davidson 10 10 45 45 25 1 80 60 70 1 gross matches Welch 1 35 i gal fluid Kirkland 45 1 gal do Harris 90 1 do Dickson 90 1 qt. do Palmer 25 1 gal do Davidson 90 Lamp wick 25 I gal fluid Welch 45 1 do Smith 90 1 do Harris 90 3 qts. do Hazell 70 Lamp Wick 10 I sal fluid Dickson- 45 76' | gal fluid McHafly 45 1 do Davidson 90 1 lamp glass Kirkland 35 3 qis. fluid 70, 2 gals fluid 1.80 2 50 Wick 20, 3 qts fluid Hazell 70, 90 J gal fluid Kirkland 45 3 Lamp glasses 90, 3 gal fluid 2.70 3 60 1 pkg luster Kirkland 10 3 qts fluid 70 Sprague & Bro., 96 lbs Candles 28 cts 26 32 Error in freight refunded 6 18 165 75 32 50 Thos M Crawford, for 138 lbs tallow, 12 \ 17 25 Mr Nash, refunded on ticket 1 50 B F Mebane, 1 visit to Jack 2 00 Prescription to Buck 1 00 do Chester 1 00 John R Faucette for cow killed 10 00 L A Hart 2 fluid side Lamps 4 50 Sprague & Bro., 20 lbs candles 28, 5 60 Kenan amount refunded on freight 2 86 J Dislurnell for Railway Guide 20 00 T Powe, as follows : May '56, Visits and Medicine to Dick 13 00 Dec, do to Humphry 1 50 4 do boy at Mr. F's 4 00 March, '57, do Humphry 1 00 4 do Dick 5 50 4 do Jerry 8 50 April, do Prince &, Jerry 10 50 May, do Geo & Prince 7 00 June, do Johnson & Prince 10 50 July, do George & Whit 12 00 To do Prince 2 00 Augnst, medieine for Joe 1 00 2 visits to do 3 00 do Jim 1 50 do Prince 1 00 Sept, night visit to Ike 2 50 Visit to Jake 1 50 2 do and medicine 3 00 do do 3 00 1 visit to Prince 1 00 do Jenkins 1 50 do George, Oct 1 00 do Prince 1 00 Atteution to Lewis 3 00 Kight visit to Prince 2 50 s Nt». of Warrant. 77 Visit to Prince November, 4 visits to Lewis Visit to Perry 7 visits to Lewis Visit to Perry 5 visits to Lewis 3 do George 1 00 3 00 1 50 5 00 1 50 5 50 3 50 125 00 Paid heretofore $33, bal this date Jos J L Scott & -Co., on clothing acet C W Smith fluid lamp and shades E R & J A Gibson for medical services W H McKee visit to woman and medicine December, visit to negro woman and nied May, '56, do do Pressing negro woman's hand Aug, do do 02 00 600 00 4 00 26 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 8 50 W H Woodard for express freight Total of this warrant 21 75 2513 70 J J Betts, Watchman. Nov. 1, to 30, Jim Scott, Brakeman, do do Bill Scott do do do C Melton Fireman. do do C Liverman do do do Bill Dunston do do do Joe Bird do do do Ed Battle do do do James Hix do do do Porter Copley do do do N A Pleasants do do do John Rowe do do do J S Richardson, T J Hudson William Horton James Martin C C Davis R Finnell C Carroll T W Swann Geo Fisher S McCutchins William Smith J M Cheek, Con J J Bradberry Geo M Adam? Jno M Faucett 1 mo. at S30 "§ mo. 30 00 22 22 00 20 . 20 00 16 50 16 50 22 22 00 20 20 OS 16 50 16 50 20 20 00 22 22 00 do 22 00 do 22 00 16 50 16 50 Engr. Nov. 1, to 28, 2S ds. at $85 |m . 90 33 do 30 1 mo. do 85 00 do do do do do do 85 00 85 00 do do do 85 OU do do do 85 00 do do do 85 GO do do do 85 00 do do do 85 00 do do do 85 q(J do 25 2S i ds. at do 71 83 due-tor, 30 1 mo. 60 60 00 do do 50 50 00 do do do 50 00 do do do 50 Go 50 C W Carroll C C Davis T J Hudson Geo Fisher Wm Hortou Engr. Dec. 1. to 31, 1 do do do do do do do do 1126 16 mo. at $85 ^ mo. 85 00 do 85 00 do 85 00 do 85 00 do 85 00 78 No. of Warrant. R Fi'nnell do T W Swann do J Martin do Win Swa mi do Win Smith do C Melton, Fireman, C LiVeiman do W Djmston do John Rowe do Porter Cople y do Win Andrew r S do S Andrews do N A Plesant s do Ed Rattle do S Stith do T D Harris, Condr. Dee. Henry Dicks ion do do do do do 6 6 days 2 83f f Jno Kirkland W L Davidson H S Haze 11 W B Allen C W Smith J J Bradherry Geo 31 Adams do J M Faneett do J M Cheek do H Mitehell, Btakeman, Jim Scott do Bill Scott do Tom Walden do Jim Walden do Geo Plummer, Watch. Jno Bonds. Labourer. Oct. N A J McKibbc-n Henry Hall T B Ward J G Gamble 1 O Aydlett J J Beits, W 80S 91 Thos S Robertson, Engr. Nov. 1 to SO, 1 mo. at $85 ^ m. 85 On E II Marsh do do do 85 00 C Davidson do do do 85 00 Jno S Bins do do do 85 00 John Hopkins do do do 85 00 C Parmenter do do do 85 00 A B Hoyt do do do 85 00 T D Harris, Ci inductor. do 50 60 00 II S Hazell do do do 50 00 C W Smith do do do 50 OO W L Davidson do do do 50 00 John Xirkland do do do 50 00 Henry Dickson do do do 50 00 W B Allen do do do 50 00 i-l S 00 Geo Plummer, Watchman, Nov. 1 to 80 1 mo. at §17 A J McKibbon, Labourer, do 20 H S Hall do do do F B Ward do do 10 J G Gamble do do 3.'i T^m- 17 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 :j3 00 79 N No.of 'Warrant. Aydelott do C Hardy, Fireman H Mitchell Brakejnan Bill Valentine do 1-41;: Henry Mangum do Win WaJden do do do do do do do 18 20 16 50 20 20 20 18 On 20 00 16 50 20 00 •J0 00 •20 00 168. C Davis, Engineer. Dec. 1 to 31. 1 mo. at S85 >' mo . 85 (i0 J J Hopkins do do do 85 00 T S Robertson do do do 85 ()0 Q Parmenter do do do 85 00 £ H Marsh dc do do 85 00 J L Binns do ko do 85 00 A B Iloyt do do do 95 08 S McCntcliins do 24 di xys do 68 00 Caleb Hardie, Fireman 31 1 month 20 00 J Ripley do ] t« Dee. 6 lays 30. 26da at 2.50 " c > i 4 20 L P Clifford, Carpt'r, Nov. 1 65 00 DH Clifford do do 25£ 633- 13 53 .1 Sullivan do 14 |- days Ibi • extra time2 00 80 00 DH Blake do do 24 1 75 42 87 P P Williams do do 25 2 00 50 00 W G Cray do i: J days for extra time 1 50 71 25 J King do do 34 1 15 39 10 J B Wliitsett do do 27* 1 00 27 5C J Fix do do •J 5 2 25 56 2% J W Pickard do do 25 1 50 37 50 CMcReady do do 25 1 15 28 75 WRSykes do do 24. 1 , 2 00 -10 00 Wm. Williams do do 25 38?, y 63 Wm. Murpey 'do do 23 i 1 50" 35 25 L W Hating do do 4 " 1 50 6 00 C Gardner do do 14 2 00 3 50 M L Black Painter do 25* 2 75 68 75 P J Williams do do 25 1 50 37 50 J. P Adams do do 24 1 25 30 00 S V House do do 21* 1 25 2fi 52 A J Bennett do do 25" 631 15 92 <5 Gloason, Blacksmith, Nov 1 to 30, , 22 ds @ $2.50 >M 00 00 J B Fonville do do 5 1 5(i 7 50 II Duck do do 25 63K- 15 92 X W O'Brien, time keeper do 1 mo 25 06 F Snyder, AVatchman, do do 35 00 A Blackard, Pump man do 9 q 3 1 50 35 6i SLAVES' Harry Little, Painter, do U 1 00 3 50 Alfred Haywood, Striker, do 0" 5d l 00 Henry do do n- do 6.3 Yancey do do 1 do 25 John, Shophand, do 7 do 3 50 Spencer, do do 2 do 1 0(i Jerry do do 2 do 1 00 Johnston do do 1 do 50 211 m GS7 20 185 42 Jas Neal, Machinist, Nov. 1 to 30, 26i ds. at §2 75 D Baker do do 23| 2 50 J Crepper do do 23| 2 50 C Sexton do do 23£ 2 50 o'J 37 64 37 59 37 80 C H Graff, Mchst, Jas Scott do Jno Seott do A Chilson do Thos Poole do A B Overton do M A Bridges do H Parks do Wm Tarpley do E King do J E Kimbal do R W Swan do L H Buis do IF Perpignom do J Swan, Tinner, L H' Thompson, Moulder, H Roberts do Wm Smith, Machinist, T W Swann do J Martin do Wm Surloyd Shop hand D Baker, Machst, Dec 1 to J Cropper do no Sexton do do C H Giaff do do Jos Scott do do John Scott do do A. Chilson do do James Pool do do A B Overton do do M A Bridges do do H Parkes do do W Tapley do do E King do do J E Kimball do do ft W Swan do do W C Swan do do L H Bissett do do F Perpignon do do J swan do do L H Thompson, mldr do H Roberts do do W Surlovd Mchst W Smith J Martin J Robertson P Kennaa J McRacken do do do do do J McKutchen do do do do do do do do do 40 do 25£ do 2S| do 27 do 27| do 26 do 29.J do 25 do 26£ do 25 do 26-J do 24X do 2i do 27 do 11$ do 22.1 do do 5 do U do 34 do 13 : 31, 25} ds 23 21 15 27£ do 31 26 33 30 do 28 27 30 29 13* 27 4 27 30 \ 271 12 16 14 12 28 \ 7 1 75 1 To 2 00 1 00 2 50 34| 84f 84$ 63| 63f 63f 68f 57f 3 00 2 50 2 50 16 50 1 75 2 50 2 25 67J @$2.50^ do do 1.75 do 2.00 1.00 2.50 841 do do 63? do do do 2.00 571 2.00 2.00 2.50 571 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.50 571 2.50 70 00 45 or, 51 50 27 00 69 87 22 00 25 97 22 00 16 86 15 91 16 86 22 12 13 84 81 00 28 25 56 25 16 50 8 75 11 25 7 87 7 49 892 d 63 75 57 50 52 50 26 25 48 12 55 00 31 00 65 00 27 93 25 40 25 40 17 82 17 17 19 10 18 45 27 00 15 57 9 00 54 00 75 63 20 00 15 57 21 00 36 00 28 00 30 00 16 27 17 50 — 915 95 81 No. of Warrant. 1403. L P Clifford, Carpenter, 24* ds at $2 50 f d. 61 87 E H Clifford do 25* 63| 16 26 J Sullivan do 2 00 40 00 J Murphey do 21 1 50 31 50 D H Blake do 21 J 1 75 37 62 J W Piekard do 25 i 1 50 38 25 J Fix do 27 2 25 60 75 J Larbree do 28 1 87* 52 50 P P Williams do 27 2 00 54 00 Jas Kiug do 27i 1 15 43 12 R Casey do 33 1 50 49 50 W R Sikea do 18 2 00 36 00 Jos Whitsett do 27 1 00 27 00 W H Craig do 33} 1 50 49 87 C McReady do 27 1 15 31 05 Wm Williams do 26 10 00 C Gordon do 16 2 00 32 00 G Gleason, Blacksmith 31* 2 50 78 75 J B Fouville do 23 1 50 34 50 R Duck do 27 16 50 f) m 17 13 M L Black, Painter, 22^ 2 75 f d 61 87 P J Williams do 23 1 50 34 50 J Adams do 27 1 25 33 75 A J Bennett do 27 631 17 13 T W O'Brien, Time keeper 1 m 25 00 25 00 W F Snyder, Watchman do 35 00 35 00 A Blackard, Pumpman 32* ds 1 50 48 75 1057 67 1464. Margaret Thomas, negro 1 lire 300 00 H C Jones, a 525 00 J R Davidson, u 300 00 J C McCounarjghey, u 876 87 J C McCounanghey, a 414 06 F J Hill, it 300 00 Mrs E W Hoyle, a 150 00 Mrs Parish, u 260 00 R M Saunders, u 260 00 B F Moore, k 620 00 D W Kerr, u 130 20 Sam'l Hargrave, a 600 00 J H Hargrave, i( 600 00 A Henderson, a 800 00 Sandy McKinley, a 150 00 J R Faucette, a 100 00 L (4 Jones, a 450 00 Alex Springs, u ISO 00 Geo Little, u 600 00 C J Freeland, a 522 00 C E Smith, tt 130 00 Harrison Harbour, it 130 00 82 No. of Warrant. Mrs J Hooker, negro hire B Newell, do B B Walker, do E Thompson, do L N Bilbro, do D A Mebane, do B F Hoden, do M Pinkston, do M Pinkston, do R Gorrell, do R Bai ringer, do S Holiman, do J A Gilmer, do J B Balsley, do D M Barringer, do W B Lewis, do A Henderson, do W S Gilmer, do C P Mendenhall, do W R Sharp, do 1465. Mayer, Mandel & Co Hasford & Co Tyog, Moore & Adams R S Hubbard, & Co. 1406. Silas Burns, as follows. May '57, To 1 cast steel chisel, 2 Switch Clamp 791b @ 9c 4 Exaust Pipes, 1621b @5c 13 hand car boxes 116fb @5c 1 Doz small castings 1181b, 8 Grate bars 10091b @ 4c Sharpening 4 chisels, stud for switch 51b Small castings 851b (a) 5 10 Stop castings 1401b 4 Grate bars 5801b @ 4 J 3 Pr castings for furnace 3951b @ 5 ] No 2 Frog 7381b. @ 62 1 hand car wheel Sharp 8 chisel 3 pr for furnace 3501b @5 42 Flask pin 251b @ 5 June. 9 Draw box castings 2901b @5 2 Cylender heads 1851b @5 16 Spring pockets 701b @5 Repair Switch 7 Pedistols 5081b @ 5 4 Grate Bars 8731b @ 4£ 2 Cylender heads 1831b @ 5 301 00 300 00 390 00 130 00 171 50 130 65 150 75 804 00 603 00 172 50 304 00 130 00 517 50 345 00 175 00 251 25 195 60 173 50 308 00 160 00 Till 1 28 1862 luiJ.1 •-> c 40 18 50 113 60 151 00 2145 50 2 45 7 11 8 10 5 80 5 90 45 41 b 70 4 25 7 00 26 10 19 75 44 26 6 00 40 17 50 1 25 14 50 9 ' 25 O 50 1 25 25 - 40 38 i 38 9 > 15 83 No. of Warrant. 1467. 1468. 1424. 1425. 1444. 1469. 1470. 1471. 1472. 1476. 1475. 1476. 2 pr Flasks 84 4 20 Hinges and screws, and put on lock 1 90 7 Pedistols 5081b (a) 5 25 40 1 Iron Flask 30 1 50 3 Grate bars 5651b @ 4 J 25 43 July. 1 Grate bar 2901b @4 13 05 2 Pedistols 1451b @5 7 25 8 Hangers 4001b @5 20 00 2 centre plates 4101b @5 20 50 Rep. switch at Raleigh 50 7 Pedistols 5181b @5 25 90 16 Boxes 7701b @5 38 50 2 Pullings 601b @5 3 00 8 Pedistols 5831b @5 29 15 1 Box and cap 471b @5 2 35 527 76 Paid Thos Rice, covering bridges 1093 34 J G Moore, on acpt not filed 500 00 H T Powe, on salary agent 200 00 J G Moore, for corn 410 00 G A Dudley, on acpt not filed 200 00 J D Ramsey on Salary 500 00 Thos E Roberts on salary 350 00 R Moore for Lumber at shops 200 00 C F Fisher, for exchange ban kRep 2100 00 C F Fisher, do do do do 5340 00 J G 31oore, acpt not filed s 1500 00 Total for January. 42 158 96 FEBRUARY. A T Sawyer, section master, A t ot 1 to 30, 1 m at 33 pr ni 33 00 J T Irv.i'n do do do do 33 00 CBradshaw do do do do 33 00 G Krider do do do 30 30 00 T B Cook do do do 33 33 00 R Walker do do 17 ds do 18 70 E Ferebee do do 1 ni do 33 00 P H Bilbro do do do do 38 00 John McLean do do do do 33 00 G M Allen do do do do 33 00 W D Thomas do do 13 ds do 14 30 Wni B Lewis, Engineer, do 1 m 85 85 00 J Church, Watch D R B, do do 10 10 00 R Michael do T R B, do do 20 20 00 B Greene, A C & R F B, do do 10 10 00 452 00 A T Sawyer, Sect. Mas. Dec. 1 to 31, : 1 mo. at $33 ^ ni 3 c : oo F Irvm do do do 33 00 C Bradshaw do do do 33 00 G Krider do do 30 30 00 Thos B Cook do do 38 33 00 W Thomas do do do 33 00 E Ferebee do do do 33 00 Peyton H Bilbro do do do 33 00 J McLean do do do 33 00 84 No. of Warrant. G M Allen, section masier, Dec 1 to Si, tm at $33 pr m 33 00 W B Lewis. Engineer, do 85 B Michael, Watch, Yadkin R B do 20 B Greene do AC&RFB do 10 1477. . Maf^ do do do do do do Nov. A King, Sect P Raiford J B Greene A Young F H Perry M L Higgins Z L Lyon T J Freeland do W J Freeland do E Bass, Watch, L. R. B. M Ellen do N. R. B. A Eatman, Station hand, J Morgan do J Maynor do Jos. Proctor do G Couch do T Mayho, Section hand, U Mayho do A C Hunter, Watch. C CB M Fleming Engineer 1 to 30, 1 mo. at $33 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1-477. A King, section master, Dec 1 to 31, 1478. 1479. 1480. P Raiford, do do J B Greene do do Allen Young do do F H Perry do do M L Hug-gins do do Z J Lyon do do T J Freeland do do W J Freeland do do E Bass, W L R B, do M Ellen, W N R B, do A Eatman, L S S, do J Morgan, L M S, do J Maynor, station hand do J Proctor do do G Couch do do T Mayho, section hand, do Umstead Mayho do do M Fleming, Engineer, do Glen & Burch lumber for shops M E Myers for pork Hamptou, Sheriff of Davidson, for J E Leonard judgment do do do do do do do do 10 do 20 18 75 ( 16 66 16 66 16 66 11 12 50 10 65 1 m at $33 do do do do do do do do lo do 20 HDorr Alex Conrad 11 L Hargrave B Sledge" do do do do pr 85 00 20 00 10 00 442 00 mo. 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 18 75 16 66 16 66 16 66 11 00 12 50 10 00 65 00—504 23 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 18 75 16 66 16 66 16 66 11 00 12 50 65 00—494 28 500 00 1000 00 289 353 556 62 43 39 60 74 72 00 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. C E Fisher for exchange sent Bank Republic KcKnight & Houston on account laying brick at Shops at $10 per thousand Robert Moore for lumber at $13 per thousand Willie Hastings for bill lumber for Shops Total for February 17214 10 -1305 44 4160 00 7276 60 528 00 551 60 No! of Warrant. 1485- U86. 1487. 85 MARCH. Willie Hastings on salary 58 cords wood at $1 25 Jan '57, 2 club axes at $1 50 IV sink Nov, 22 lbs pork 121 c 1 peck meal Dec, 101 lbs pork 1 spring cock for bucket J lb sulphur and 1 file Candles by eugineer Jan '58, Cash paid two hands for work done at station Christmas holiday I vial ink J E Sumner work on station houses Murphy & Co, Baltimore, pkg and bag 12 books wagon receipts, 6 qrs each on sup buff envelope paper, 8 on page, 72 qrs at 75 per quire Pkg and Rulg 4 reams report of freight list, 4: on sheet, sup buff laid cap and booked at 89 per ream Pkg and Ruling 10,000 blanks on sup buff laid cap, 10 on sheet, return tick- ets, at 83 75 per M Bos Pkg on sup blue wove cap in blk ink 13,000 through tickets, 4 on page, and packing do in 13 books of 1000, each i- bd 31 backs lettered, &e, at 85 per M Pkg and bdg 12 books tickets, 4 quires each in blk ink on sup white cap F, 48 qrs at 75 'per qr 2 do from Charlotte, 6 qrs each in red ink on sup white cap at 75 per qr 2 do from Salisbury, G qrs eack in blk ink on sup blue wove cap at 75 pr qr 2 do from Raleigh; G qrs each in brown ink on sup blue wove cap ot 75 pr qr Box Pkg and bkg 2 ticket books 6 qrs each in blk ink on sup blue cap from Salis- bury at 75 pr qr Do in red ink sup white cap, from Char Do green ink sup white cap from H Point Do brown ink sup blue cap from Raleigh Do blue ink sup blue sap from Hillsboro Do orange sup blue cap from Greensboro 75 00 72 50 3 00 10 2 75 20 1 89 2 05 15 08 14 00 10 171 82 100 00 54 00 8G 00 50 00 65 75 36 00 9 CO 9 00 9 00 62 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 No.of Warrant. 86 Do blk ink sup white cap from G-oldsboro 9 00 Pkg and bdg 4 reams freight list jSo 16 2 on sheet sup blue Wove cap endorsed 2 on sheet at $8.50 per ream 34 00 2 reams report through freight list No 28, 4 on sheet sup white cap, endorsed at $9 per ream 18 00 Do No 26 sup blue, endorsed, at $9 18 00 Box 75 Pkg and ruling 1 ream pay roll on sup blue wove cap and booked 9 00 Pkg 1000 through tickets on sup pink laid cap, Charlotte to Baltimore, 2 on page bdg do in two books 25 Pkg 1000 do on sup buff laid cap Salis- burv to Baltimore and bdg doin 2 books 20000 long bills G C line" at $2.50 2000 on yellow cards 5000 to travellers going North 3000 do Great Central line 400 do on yellow cards Pkg red and ft ruling 2 reams freight list No 16 2 on sheet sup blue wove cap backed at $9 pr M 36 00 Pkg 500 long bills on red caids Great Central line 8 75 6 25 50 00 35 00 12 50 7 50 7 00 $569 87 Paid on this account 500 00 Premium for exchange 17 50 1.488. Mayer, March & Co for 2 kegs Indian red, 229 lbs at 15 cts 34 35 1 keo- English vermillion red 56 lbs at3| 2 12 lbaj do do 30 1.75 52 50 1 case No 1 chrome green 60 26 15 60 Bos and cartage 50 Varnish 34£ gallons at $2.25 78 08-183 15 1489, Rowland & Bros on acct for bacon at 9£ c 1000 00 1491. Rowland & Bros do 9f 614 75 1492 S C R R Co bftl on transportation of iron 12621 22 1493. Int on 8 pr ceDt loan of $350,000 14000 00 1494. C F Fisher for exchange to pay Norris' bill 3870 00 1495. T E Roberts oa salary : 200 00 1496. C F Fisher travelling expenses from July, '56 to Jan, '57 264 °° 1497. Bank Republic on loan 5575 00 1498. do do 2523 00 1499.. do do 4972 50 1500. I- S Burkhead loss 17 lbs coffee at 12* c 2 12 $ 4o !bs rice at 5| 2 25* 87 Freight paid on same 46 J J Piggott lost bbl flour 6 75 Bag coffee 1G6 lbs at 122 21 16 J 11 Faucett building house for sta hands 100 00 M Brown smith acct, repair wrench 1 50 Jau, '57, putting steel on pick 50 Mending tamp 25 July, making do 75 Mending do 25 do 2 chisels 25 Aug, do tamp 50 Sept, making 2 tamps 2 00 Mending tamp 25 Oct, work on station 1 00 Dressing 3 chisels 38 Mending tamp 25 repairs to hand car 2 50 "Wrench hand car 50 Mending tamp bar 25 do shovel 38 Iron well bucket 1 50 Repairing hand car 50 For Postage Stamps 6 00 Expenses to Charleston and back 11 67 Postage and Envelopes, 9 70 A C McLelland, ou acpt painting 20 00 J B Harris, Hayues, salary 41 66 W Sheek, loss on dried fruit and wheat 18 25 C P Mendenhall 50 cords wood 62 50 E S Veach 24 do do 30 00 Jesse Gossett IF} do do 14 06 J Wilburu 83 do do 103 75 D Loftin, 52 J do do 65 62 A Clinard 79 do do 98 75 E Wilburu 21 £ do do 26 87 J J Chitty Pump at Thomasville, 40 00 Feb. '57. J Harty, Smith acpt. to work on Car, Tank and Valve 6 00 Mar. To work on pump and brake spring 5 25 Aprl. do do do do 4 50 June, do do do do & chain 2 25 July, do do Frog, tamp and brai e 5 50 Aug. do do Link, brake & pump 3 00 Sept. do do Truck do do 3 00 Nov. do do Pump 4 50 A King, 10 bushels meal 8 60 J H DeCarterett &son, for bind'g map of road 6 50 Baker & Owen, 1 double tin bucket 2 00 Repr oil can 15c and lamp 25 40 20lb russian icon 25 9 00 No. of Warrant. 1501 9671b blk tin 55 J T&P P Merony, lost cans peaches 2@75 To pd for put rocker on chair Santos, Walke, & co., Nov. '57. Murdoch & Cairn es, to sash for 80 windows 12x16 720 lights 12 £ To sash for 12 windows 10x16 108 @ 11 40 windows 10x12 1200 lights @ 8 Bee. 8 pr blinds 6 ft by 2 ft 10$ in $2,70 16 8 10 38 10 do do do do do do do do 712 U3 8£3 do 2 do 3 Of 3 518 84 3 4i 51 do 10* ! 4* do 2.55 4.00 3.05 2,70 4,05 4,00 4,75 3,05 52 80 1 50 50 185 46 90 00 11 88 96 00 21 60 40 80 32 00 30 50 102 60 30 50 32 00 9 50 9 15 500 419 S3 52 22 34 9 Paid on this Bill Hinnant & Atkinson, 2 bbls turpentine Chilson, Gumb & co. to 8001b beef @6£ 8561bs beef A Hargrave, for 81| bush corn A Hargrave, for pd Thornton, sect hand do Jack, do do do Addison, do do do Calvin, do do do Harryj do do do Alec, clo do do Levi, do do do Dave, do do G A Dudley items of freight due at Lexing- ton station and charged in his account for work at Shops 32 Area & Co for lamp 2 Jos L Query 14 cords wood at $1.25 17 53 84 30 00 36 75 50 00 00 00 00 ©0 00 00 70 50 50 Amount of warrrant 1500 E B Lowry negro hire 1627 3U M A Lowry do Richard Harris do Ales Wood do K Jones do John Griffia do C D Smith do George Little do L D Soper do & Herndon do 181 20 513 40 201 20 130 87 604 00 802 25 190 60 220 00 450 00 271 75 No. of Warrant, 1502. 89 C F Fisher paid boys extra George Little negro hire C T Burns do E B Haywood do M Weathcrly do W II Watson do W P Sharp do John Cameron do B F Bealle do E Joyuer do C D Smith do P E Hines do 648 32 132 151 151 151 160 304 163 458 204 175 60 00 17 37 13 62 00 50 10 00 20 00 •5705 90 Wm PoDe cow killed 8 00 P H Bilbro do 11 00 ' E Mendenhall hog killed 2 50 Alfred Margrave do 4 50 Jos Thompson stock killed 16 00 Jones & Hooker for sash 17 46 Matthew Albritton 2 mos' wages watchman 61 00 W H Woodward express vouchers 7 50 Andrews & Washington for loss 2 bars iron 9 S5 T S Robertson for Mile3 for Sunday work 3 60 Wesley for Sunday work 75 Caldwell & Cole visit to negro boy 3 00 Williams & Haywood, Jan, '57, 5 lbs chrome green 60, li doz corks 6 15 Gallon lamp oil, gal whale oil 2 50 Muriatic acid 65 Sal ammonia 1 50 Feb, Whiting 2-00, chalk 5 2 05 Spirits turpentine, lamp glass 25 2 gallons alcohol 2 00 Mar, 1 glass 12 x 16 20 : 1 do 14 x 18 25 45 5 boxes flint glass 12x14 16 25 6 do 12x16 21 00 7 do 12x18 26 25 1 do 16x22 4 50 April, 4 gal machine oil, 1 large glass 5 50 2 small glass, 1 gal lamp oil 1 50 Sponge 50 May, 1 gal lamp oil, 3 gal varnish 10 40 3 cans, do do 2 15 2 chimneys, do do 1 70 y Chalk 05 June, 1 lamp chimney 20 2 gallons lamp oil 2 60 1 do do 1 40 1 lamp chimney, soda water 1 20 do epts turpentine 35 July, 1 gal machine oil 2 lamp chimneys, gallon sperm oil 20 lbs. Venitian Red 1 gal. Lamp oil and 3 oz. Pul gum Ar Aug., 2 Lamp chimneys 41, 2 do 1 gal. lamp oil Sept,, 1 gal. Sperm oil, 6 panes glass Oct., 2 lamp chimneys, gal. lamp oil, 6 Glass 8x10 1 gal. lamp oil, 6 M. Acid 1 do Sperm oil, 1 do lamp 1 do lamp oil, 1 do machine 1 do 1 lamp 1 do 2 doz lamp wick 1 do 2 lamp chimneys Ball lamp wick, 5 matches 2 gal lamp oil, 1 lamp glass 138 77 Mny r '57, Dr. Neshitt, to extracting tooth 50 Sept., to Visit, prescription and medicine, 4 50 To consultation Dr. Happold 5 00 To prescription and medicine 5 00 1 30 1 80 1 20 tr, 1 55 70 1 30 1 60 1 80 42 2 05 2 70 2 70 2 40 1 60 1 70 15 2 70 15 00 Ju-n., '57, Samuel Hargrave to Smith work 1 75 For do in Feb., March, April, May, 8 14 For do in June, July, Sept., Oct., Dec. ,12 02 » 22 00 W II & R S Tucker, for 331bs candles 11 00 Dray age 25 37 pv blankets 2,20 81 40 13 do dq 2$4Q 31 20 33 hats 70 23 10 17 do 75 12 25 $159 20 W D Lindsay, to Medical attendance on negroes during the year 1857 6< 25 Oct. 57, R& A Murphy, 1461bs candles J Stowe to 7£ days at well house Concord Rev Dr Curtis, refunded om ticket, J I) Cameron salary 72 20 M Brown, 300 sacks Dinsmore & Co. Rail Road guides ,May 1855. Expenses of T L Cowan, To Hauling 4 J days $4 Hauling crop ties 1 J days 4 Ami of Ferriage act 91 No. of Warrant. July, '57. J J Surninerell, to visits and Prescription William Chilson Gum 1 16 25 82 11 Roberts, Time K. 1 mo. 25 00 C Graff, Machinist, 13 1 15 22 75 X> Baker do 24 2 50 60 00 J Cropper do 24 2 50 60 00 February 1858. Repair Shops. C Sexton, Mach. 20 davs 2 00 40 00 W Swan do 15* 2 00 30 50 P W Kenan do 24 i 2 00 49 00 J Robertson do 22 2 00 44 00 Jno Scott do 241 2 00 48 50 J Scott do 24 1 75 42 00 J Swan do 20 } 2 00 41 00 R Swan do 24J 63 15 44 L H Thompson do 30 2 00 60 00 A Chilson do 29:} 1 00 29 25 A B Overton do 13 83 10 79 W Bridges do 261 83 21 79 W Tarpley do 23 63 14 49 E King do 26 63 16 38 J Kimble do 19 63 11 97 L Buis do 1 mo. 15 00 J McRackie do 15 00 C Graff do 35£ ds. 1 75 62 12 NWWest do 1 mo 15 00- A Blackard do 24 ds. 1 50 36 00 W J Eldridge do 21 21 00 F Snyder, Watchman, 1 : DIO. 35 00 H Roberts, Time K, 25 00 H Smith, 15 00 J S Richardson, 10 days @ 2 50 25 00 January, 1858. Carpenter Shop. LP Clifford, Carp. 24 days @ 2 50 60 00 a H Clifford do 24 63f 15 28 95 Feb. Jno Sullivan do 24 2 00 48 00 J W Pickard do do 1 50 36 00 P P Williams do 21 i 2 00 42 50 J Larbee do 24| 1 871 46 38 J King do 30 1 15 34 50 C Gardner do 26* 2 00 62 50 Jo. Fix do 26 2 25 58 50 R Casey do 28* 1 50 42 75 W Gr Craige do 32 1 50 48 00 J B Whitset do 26 1 00 20 00 C McReady do 25* 1 15 29 32 W Williams do 1 mo. 10 00 Richard do 8 days 8 00 Geo Gleason, 1 Smith, 26 2 50 65 00 J B Fonvill do 2\ J 1 50 34 50 R Duck do 16 10 20 W Lurloyd do 1 month L 15 00 M L Black, Painter, ! 12 days 2 75 61 87 P J Williams do 19 1 50 28 50 J Adams do 23 1 25 28 75 A J Bennett do 23 1 25 14 64 Harry Little do i 1 00 75 Henry do i 50 25 Jerry do 2* 50 1 12 King do i 2 50 25 Henry do 1 25 5 Ben do •21 50 1 25 L P Clifford, I Oar pen. 22^ 2 50 56 87 Geo Clifford do 22 63 13 86 John Sullivan do 24 2 00 48 00 Ch. Gardner do 2Q\ 2 00 52 50 J Larbee do 23 1 87 43 00 J W Pickard do 23 1 50 34 50 P P Williams do 24 2 00 48 00 J King do 29 1 15 33 35 Jo Fix do 33 2 25 51 75 W G Craige do 20 £ 1 50 36 12 J B Whitset do 24 1 50 36 00 R Casey do 24 1 00 24 00 C McReady do 24* 1 25 28 17 W Williams do 1 mo 10 00 P H Williams : do 11 ds. 1 75 19 25 Geo Gleason, Smith, 34 2 50 60 00 J B Fonville do 23 1 50 34 50 R Duck do 1 mo. 16 50 Spencer do £ daj 50 25 M L Black, Painter 18 2 45 49 50 P J Williams do 24 1 50 36 00 J Adams do 24} 1 25 30 31 A J Bennott do 1 mc >. 15 t0 m No. of Warrant. 1509. 1510. Harry do 2f ds. 1 00 2 75 Holland 1 50 50 Total, Warrant. 1508 A King, Sec. Master, 1 ] nonth, 33 00 P Raper do do 33 00 J M Green do do 33 00 Allen Young do do 33 00 F H Perry do do 33 00 Anderson Page do do 33 00 T J Lyon do do 33 00 T J Freeland do do 33 00 W J Freeland do do 33 00 J Freeland do do 33 00 W World B. Watchman, do 10 00 M Ellen do clo 10 00 A Eadnian, Laborer do 20 00 J Proctor do do 16 66 G Couch do do 16 66 J Maynard do do 16 66 Th. Mayho do do 11 00 H Scott do do 12 50 J Winfree do do 18 00 February 1858. Rep iairs Road A King, Sec. Master, i 1 month, 33 00 P Rader do do 33 00 J B Green do clo 33 00 B Duypree do do 30 00 F H Perry do do 33 0C A Page do do 33 00 Jno Markham do do 30 00 T J Freeland do do 33 00 H J Freeland do do 33 00 A Young do do 40 00 W World, B. Watchman, do 10 00 M Ellen do do 10 00 A Eadman, Laborer do 20 00 Jo. Procto do do 16 66 G Couch do do 16 66 J Maynard do do 16 66 T Mayho do do 11 00 H Scott do do 12 50 J Winfree do do 18 00 Total, Warrant, Repairs of Road, Jan. 1509. 1858. Western Div. A T Sawyer, Sec. Master, 1 month 33 00 J F Ervin do, do 33 00 C Bradshaw do do 33 00 W H Chappell do do 33 00 T B Cook do do 33 00 W D Thomas do, do 30 00 3358 67 890 96 97 No. of VTfMTaut. 1511. 1512. 1513. 1514. 1516. 1517. E Ferebe-e do do Peyton H Bilbro do do John McLean do do G M Allen do do B Mitch 2II, Bridge Watchman do B Green do do J Morgan, Laborer, do P Ross do do Repairs of Road, Feb. '58. Western Div A T Sawyer Sec. Master, 1 month, J F Ervin do do C Bradshaw do do W H Chappell do do T B Cook do do W D Thomas do do E Ferebee do do Peyton H Bilbro do do John McLean do do G- M Allen do do B Michael, Bridge Watchman do B Green do do J Morgan, Laborer, do P Ross do do Total, Warrant. 1510 T E Roberts on salary T M Faucett, admr. J R Faucett, bal. of Sal. Nat Jones for wood J C Ju^an, for 'wood J G Gibbs & Co, waste J S Scott on following account 1S57, Nov, 34 sack coats 79 do 123 pr pants 9 do 240 shirts 180 00, 32 checked shirts 32 00 5 yds cloth for wrapping 26 cassinet coats 12 Kersey do 14 shirts 62 pr pants Dec, 45 Kersey coats 2 shirts sent to office 3 vests 1 50, 3 hats, 3 pr shoes, 3 pr socks, 3 wool comforts for hands at jraham Station 185§, Feb, 3 pr shoes 33 as 33 00 33 00 33 00 20 00 10 00 18 00 16 66 33 00 33 00 00 00 00 33 00 33 00 30 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 33 00 00 00 20 00 10 00 IS 00 16 66 783 ^. *--» 400 50 145 83 230 OU 133 75 400 00 1000 00 102 00 197 50 153 75 15 75 212 00 " 1 IK) S3 50 30 00 10 50 77 75 115 50 1 50 16 05 5 40 $1022 20 MAY, 1858. 1-518. Wm Fritz, right of way 1519. P Richardson, 336$ cords wood at '. Interest on do 1520. J D Ramsay, sec on salary G 300 00 420 62 7 00 427 62 100 Ou 98 No. of Warrant. 1621. R W Mills, salary 76 00 1622. 37 Bho.cts, £X26X6ft, best bloom,' 2329 lbs at 5} 122 27 25 bundles No 18X24X60 best American sheet, 2780 lb at 5| Cartage 4 bundles (12) flues, 2} inside X 14ft, l€8ftat36 1 box No 5X7-16 rivets for sheet iron, 40 lbs at 12£ 2 bun |JX| frog steel 271 lbs 2 do 2|X| do 293 2 do 5X-f do 276 5plates'7X|- do 336— 1176 lbs at 67 f 'Cartage 50, exchange on above 8 51 .1*23. C -F Fisher for New York exchange Premium at 2 pr cent 1-524. Cane Creek Manufacturing Company, 86 lbs waste at cts 178 do do 160 do do 49 do do F Fries, 2 bags wheat lost anS freight J B Fan-is on salary Chilson Gumb & Co, 1598 lbs tallow at 12} 6 barrels Alfred Hen-grave, 375 bus corn at 45 Geo A Dudley on acct freight Jo Clouse, freight refunded Wm Clouse " do B. 11 King's expenses to Columbia (witness^ J McDonald, 262 lbs waste at 6£ 595$ do 7 t Bradsbaw, White & Smith, lost goods C Phifcr, 60 pr pants at 72 Cts 60 shirts at 72 Bacon furnished Hire of negro, station Concord Morrison, Galther & Co, overcharge on cotton M H Turner, 2 -hogs killed M A Turner 1 do J B Grier, 1 cow killed John Beard, 4106 ft ceiling at 1.25 77 1 ft flooring do 469 ft If inch 500 ft 1 do Jo Shelton, house rent for Bilbro E Myers, lost box containing stove fixtures 1 Porcelain kettle 1 boiler 3 frying pans Shovel & tongs 1 cooper's adze 1 brace and bits 1 tea kettle 1 tea pot 1 wash basin i dish pan 1 cullender 1 spittoon 6 knives & forks 159 85 1 23 > 60 48 J 5 00 76 44 9 01 — 434 30 2000 01 40 00 °040 Al 5 16 10 68 9 60 2 94 7 45 130 00 199 75 4 56 123 75 42 96 24 08 9 86 50 00 16 37 41 69 27 11 43 20 43 20 23 95 84 00 2 00 7 50 2 00 7 50 51 32 9 63 5 86 6 25 35 00 10 00 5 00 1 25 2 00 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 60 75 50 50 2 50 Paid K Myers, 1 earring leuife 12 table spoons 6 tea spoons i box canary seed 1 fancy door mat 1 cloth brush 1 smoothing plane ] hatchet 1 coffee mill 1 pr blacking brushes 4 flat irons Jno D Cameron, on Salary G-lenn & Burch, lumber Murphy & Co., 33 lbs candles 82 16 J lb sole leather 28 60 lb candles 25 33 do 32 Drayage -} lb putty Glass 400 pr socks 22 20O ft) White lead 12 1 keg, 1.00, 1 cap 80, 1 broom 1 peck meal f gross agate buttons 20 Paid Murphy & Co., on above Jas Webb, 2 pr butts 1 pitcher 2 tumblers 1 broom J S Holt, 2 hands at Boone hill P. H Bilbro, 10 lb bacon 16 J 1 qt. oil & 14 lb flour 3 14 lb flour & 3 pecks meal 1 bushel meal, 1 qt oil 2| bushels meal J F Irwin, 13 bush, meal 60 15 lb bacon 17 1 bush, salt 1 shovel To boy Ben 6 days Christmas D A Powell, 1200 brick @ 8 Dr. Jno A Mcbane on act. counterfeit money paid to him as commissioner A & J Holt, 50 window light 5 1 knob lock 1 do 3 do 2 do 50 1 00 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 25 50 50 50 2 00 65 32 150 00 10 56 4 69 15 00 10 56 10 05 10 88 00 24 00 2 00 14 56 142 26 50 2 00 25 35 250 00 1 67 67 87 75 1 38 7 80 o 55 1 00 1 00 4 50 9 60 30 00 50 53 13 37 00 No. of Warrant. 8 doz paper tacks 3* do 1 fore plane 1DB Jack plane 1 do smoother 1 square 1 do 1 hand axe 1 hand hammer 1 hand saw 1 square 3 mortise locks 1.37 4 paper brads 1 keg nails 1 do 2 gal vinegar 40 6 pr heavy butts 4 \ doz screws 4 yds cotton flannel 16| 1 keg nails 1 ' do 10 papers brads 15 6 " do 10 21 pr heavy butts 1 gross screws 1 do. 1 do- Paid J L Dusenberry, Prcs. & Med. Henry do do Giles close attention to Giles from Aug. 30th., to 10th Sep. Pres. & Med. for Sam do do Jo 3 days attendance to Porter 13 do do Pleasant Pres. & Med. for Jo W J Pluinmer, repairing pump 8 straps J Beaver, 13 days work China grove Solomon Dixon, paid on order to J M Worth & Co., Total Warrant 1524 1525. Thos Hutchens 6>} cords woods 1.25 Benj Horn, hauling wood Greo Krider 7 bush meal 60 79 lb flour 2* 20 lb bacon 18 1 bottle liniment J P Tate 5 cords wood 1.25 35 75 25 35 35 55 40 25 12 2 50 13 4 13 40 6 75 6 75 80 2 10 33: 67 6 75 6 75 1 50 60 5 25 95 85 80 1 00 1 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 12 25 12 00 93 45 8 12 14 25 4 20 1 98 3 60 25 6 25 1851 m 101 Paid Mrs. J E. Faueett 30 cords wood L McRackin 26| c. wood 1.25 Coffin, Thornton & Co., lost goods bought of Inspaeh Reed & Co., 6 muslin hkfs 1 trunk W H Brittain, loss on 2 bags coffee J M Davidson, M. D. pres & med Pres and quinine Lewis Isley, stock killed Santos, Walk & Co., oil Thomas & Kivett, 688 ft plank 1.25 2500 ft do 151 do 1000 do 19u0 do 1.30 529 do 350 do 1.25 2000 i do W F Jones, well bucket Walker, Evans & Co., 50 paper boxes 32, bos and drayage Robt Brown stock killed Mrs. Nixon Stone, foj' culverts Times Office advertising 2 squares 3 weeks W D Thomas, 35 lb bacon 18 100 It) flour 2 \ 33 beef 3 bush meal 50 upsetting hammer do crow bar repairing crank >S Gr Coffin hire of Stephen Board and clothing Interest to March Thompson, Mebane & Co. 4 pair Shoes 12 months interest 1 pair Shoes W J Faueett 2 bushels meal, Freeland, 1 qr paper, 1 box matches v bush, meal, Freeland, do Crossett, 1 drawing knife, \ bush, meal, Crossett, 1 bush, peas, Freeland, 1 bush, meal, Crossett, 5 plua-s tobacco, 1 sifter, Freeland, 1 gimlet, 2 pair cast butts, do 1 dozen wood screws, do 1 bus. meal, 1 pr wrought butts, Crossett, 120 1 doz. screws, 1 lb saltpetre, do 20 37 50 32 81 40 4(5 3 50 1 04 9 50 1 00 1 25 10 00 LOS 93 8 60 31 25 1 88 12 50 24 70 6 88 4 37 25 00 1 SO 16 00 75 12 00 20 00 o 50 3 00 6 30 2 50 1 00 4 50 25 20 1 20 150 00 75 00 2 25 7 38 44 1 87 2 20 30 1 10 , 1 55 1 00 1 10 1 30 30 15 102 1 plug tobacco, 1 cake soap, Freeland, 1 pad lock, 1 peck salt, do 1 plug tobacco, 15 lb flour, do Paid W B Allen, 1 feather duster, 2 lamp chiinnies, 2 bars turpentine soap 1 lb pul. black lead, 1 red lantern rep 1 lamp chimney, 4 bolts and taps 1 qt lamp oil, 2 lamp ehimnies, 1 pr lamp trimmers, 1 sprinkler, 1 bro 2 bars turpentine soap, Meal for Sam at Salisbury, Meat and meal Goklsboro, Peek meal, Frank, 3 fib bacon, 3 meals, Goldsboro, 1 do Haw River, 2 meals for Sam, Haw River, MP Nicholson stock killed W P Raiford 10 bus meal 1G lb pork 12 1 Allen Young 2 barrels corn Work on well 8 days work, Griffin's boys 5 do Dupree's boys Nails and mend hand car belt, 432 feet ceiling 1.50 * T H Perry 17 i bus meal Cutting rod for pump, 2 files, Jesse W Miller calf killed H T Weatherspoon 1600 ft scant. 1.20 3000 | inch 1.25 2000 flooring 1.20 2000 ceiling 1.15 B Trollinger, order to T B Long lum. J B Balsley, boarding 3 Station hands 6 mo @ $5 H Hendricks 125 bush, corn 45 Jones & Hooker, sash for shops C Chrismass, glazing repairing roof J D Brown & Co., damaged, 1 bos 100 plates tin 2 do 1 chair Jesse F Woodward, serv. at Goldsboro Brown & Coffin, Soap 40 lb candles 16 negro coats 7 pair pants 49 £ yds kerseys 30 gray blankets J B Whitaker express freight 35 ; 50 50 1 i a PJ 70 35 1 . 45 1 00 orn, 1 25 20 25 75 85 90 30 3 00 8 40 2 00 6 00 4 25 8 00 5 00 1 85 6 48 11 37 30 2 50 19 20 34 50 24 00 23 00 341 75 90 00 56 25 4 65 60 40 6 50 8 50 1 00 163 30 25 13 33 30 00 8 75 17 33 60 00 12 00 108 No .of iVarr ant. Paid J M Gardner, serv. at Goldsboro sta. 116 94 Ben Sumner 60 cords wood 1.25 75 00 Sprague & Brothers, 6 boxes candles 33 60 D McKnight, work at Shops 33 90 John T Dodson, error in freight 3 50 Lewis Lutterloh do 4 08 Alfred Hargrave 4 lb bacon 18 72 10 lb bacon 18 1 80 6 lb shorts- 10 94 lb flour 1 88 11 lb bacon 18. 1 98 40 lb flour 80 10 do 20 £ bush meal 50 board Jim & Henderson. 50 sharpening 3 wood saws 15 bucket for depot 30 bolt for door. 16 mending sash and glazing GO 5 glass lights 30 41 lb iron 7 2 87 sharpening 3 saws 15 do do 15 overcharge on molasses 32 Gr A Dudley on act. 46 33 William Roberts judgment 31 80 Rev A A MeLaughlen, fare refunded 7 75 Adams express freights 5 75 I) R Harriss, 1 Cooke's map of N. C= 8 00 W II Chappell, repairs of road Total 1525 10 00 2084 152 6\ Field & Hardie 4 circular saws. 10 50 2 slitting saws 7 00 1 doz half round and 2 doz cut files 5 00 2 doz cut files, and 4 doz round files 30 75 4 do flat do, 104 lb speller, 111 12 420 2 lb antimony, 10} lb bismath 104 10 6 lb flat bastard," 27 00 6 doz hand bastard files 39 00 6 doz half round bastard 34 00 6 doz mill files, 1 box and cask. 84 00 Ward & Sinclair, 36 pieces india rubber ISO 60 53 lb packing 39 75 92 lb 1-16 packing 46 00 40 ft 3 inch 5 ply 50 00 30 ft 2 1 inch 5 ply 30 00 Bridges & Brother, 6 badges gold thread 15 00 12 badges morocco 3 00 JL Howard. 10 doz car locks 180 00 04 104 So. of Warrant. Paid on above 1 Paid Morriss, Tanner & Ob, 2 bundles iron ■)7ffl. MM* 39 35 2185 lb 82 43 2 bundles iron 16956 lb 613 72 Paid on above 298 30 Ex. on bills paid in warrant 1526, 27 85 Total warrant 1526 E Colburn, block for tackle 2 50 2 large iron bars 3 92 3 cast steel bars 10 50 Mayor & Mandcll, varnish act, 105 07 Henrv Nash, fee 10 00 'Thos.'Webb, fee 4 00 Thos. Burton, 5 acres land 15 00 Jesse Benbow 191b coffee lost 2 47 W F Phifer, 31 cord wood 1.50 46 50 Cutting up 120 cord wood 30 36 00 A T Sawyer, 13 bush meal, 10 50 •J M Hedgecock 3 cords wood 1.25 3 75 Biley Vickers, stock killed 2 00 S A Greswold & co, board of Smith & ladj • 3 00 Mr. Jno Gilmer 1 50 Craige 1 50 Mrs. Johnson & son, 2 25 Mrs. Leinbach, 1 50 Green, 1 50 Meals furnished by order Mr. Garnett 2 50 1 basket 25 2 blankets^ Cheek 2 50 6 meals ^ Bradshaw, 1 50 3 do for servants Dixon 75 3 do do Davidson 75 5 do do Smith 1 25 Parmler, Bull & co ; repairing oilers 75 21b copper 90 Work on engine 2 00 Soldering pipe !50 Repairing oil can 25 do lamps 75 do oilers 15 do feed-pipe 2 00 do oiler 15 1 oiler 40 1 stopper for ventilator 25 1 pr lamp scissors 25 pkins do do J Holland do do WR. Moore do do H Bradley^ Retainer for 1855 D Cosby vs. Co in Wake Jo W altering do Retainer for 1856 Co vs J W B Watson & L Dodd 3 cases Ratainer for 1857 Hire of three hands in Jan. 1858 Commission 21 per cent, on cellcction H W Husted, fee on Co vs Leach, Johnson Fee on Co vs D McPherson do H Bagley do Bradley do H Bell do Telfair & Thompson do ' J B Beckwith do W R Moore do A J Leach do A Saunders do D II Holland do A G Thornton do C Simpkius do E Nichols Co vs J T Leach, Supreme Court 25 2£ per cent commission on collections Total warrant 1529 J K Ruffin, II visits to Dick Scales & Taylor, lost bos tobacco X B Scott, hog killed A Lineberry, hogs killed C N McAdoo. 1 cow.kil.ed T C Hfusen, 32 lbs coffee lost Hinnant & Atkinson, 90 gal turpentine M Alexander, 296 cords wood at 1. 25 W G Hodges. 620 do . 1530. 50 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 50 00 10 00 In 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 oc 10 00 25 00 25 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 15 50 48 06 10 00 10 00 10. 00 10 00 10 oo 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 t 25 00 10 00 - - — 732 18 00 22 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 36 00 370 00 775 00 107 Paid K M Williamson, 420 ft bridge timber Wilmington Herald, adv 2 sqs 19 times J W Syme, adv 1 year 14, 2 sqs ; 3 weeks W L Pomeroy, 5 blank books Ben Hurdle, hogs killed Directors for meeting 13th of Feb. 1858, P B Hawkins Giles Mebane J D Bellamy F Fries Robert P Pick B Gorrell 1 J Shaver B 31 Saunders T W Haines, 3 pieces lace leather B W Shelly, 1 side do H Howell, 224 sills at 25 W H Woodard freights paid Express Co McNeely, Mock & Co, 220 pr wool socks J S Weiraian, refunded on ticket W H Wyatt, 100 lbs white lead J Turner, stock killed C F Fisher, refunded on ticket J Copley, stock killed A Cheek do W C Porter, 25 lbs Yenetiaa red Morris, Jones & Co, on account DeBopetl & Brown 2 bbls molasses 75 gal 2 Drayage Commission 2 -J ^ cent Ch & S C B Boad on freight Hunt, Addevton & co, 14 lb iron 2 shovels lo bush meal 1 bottle castor oil 1 bush meal 2 bush corn 8 lb tobacco lb iron 1 gal sperm oil 7 fib nails T D Harris, refunded to passengers P H Whitlev stock killed P H Blibro/hog do W Wilson, stock killed J Lynch, 400 bush coal and fuel W Sheik, SO sacks salt lost N D Sullivan, 10 boxes tobacco Levi Mitchell, station hand 1856 Peter Pfoff, 72 gals linseed oil 4 20 10 00 17 50 3 45 7 00 20 00 2 00 37 80 11 6£ 5 00' 5 00 15 00 12 00 4 40 2 50 56 00 26 14 50 25 o u 75 10 00 4 25 4 60 7 50 5 50 2 00 434 30 99 Li ml 50 25 57 940 00 77 1 87 90 40 60 1 20 60 33 o 00 44 24 65 o 00 5 00 15 00 97 00 27 68 173 88 49 45 82 80 108 Paid W A Graham freight refunded J D Cameron, agt salary 2 mo A W Hedgepeth £ bush meal J C Turrentine & son 13 lb bacon M Pinkston, 6 yds shirting & mkg 2 shirts 6 yds drilling for pants 1 linen coat 3£ yds geans 3 yds Rock Island Lining, buttons, thread & mkg 4 pants 3 pr sboes 1 hat 1 winter coat 3 yds shirting and making 1 pr socks Dr. Shemwell's bill for Simon Cash to visit sich negro at shops J D Ramsay, stamps, gum arabic, Matches, cleaning caudle sticks Stamps, gum and sand Mending nippers, stamps Cutting wood *T Klutz, young bull killed Overman & Brown, repair hand car J E Rheim, trunk lost M & E Myers, for pork, C A Boone, hauling sand S Barker, 9 days work Concord M A Smith, postage *T M Horah, stock killed, G Mcwry, 3' loads wood and hauling lumber M Klutz, cow killed J W Haydcn 50 cords wood 00 33 00 5 00 o O 00 15 00 1 00 12 00 50 v 10 00 1 00 7 00 100 00 468 00 8 00 1 50 7 oo 1 78 188 63 8 00 5 50- 6 30 1 75 6 08 1 50 20 00' 50 00 1 35 75 00 i 5 00 35 00 75 14 8 25 00 119 Paid: J H Privet W L Royal J H Privet do do C Sasser M Allbrittain Watchman W H Woodard C W Harris M & E Myers Overcharges and It J Gregory's bill M Allbrittain, Watchman Charles Bradsliaw 1444 ft walnut W Bowers Stock killed J W Jones balance on negro hire G- E Bost 16 \ cords wood 1.25 Glenn & Burch ord er to Boyden & Son on act of lumber B Michael for beef Cow killed R T Sechrist, black smithing, 2 key wedges Staple and hook Mending tamp bars Cutting screw Handle in shovel 18 bolts 19 frog bolts Sharpening chisel 14 bolts Mending pan handle Making staple Mending tamping bar do do do shovel do tamp bar and shovel. do tamp bar do do and sbovel do do do do do do do do do do screw wrench do 3 tamps Work on crank Put eye < Work on m tamp bar crank Mending- do shovel and tamps 2 bolts Work on crank Put eye on 2 tamps 5 55 2 Oft 11 88 6 23 80 7 29 31 00 130 00 14 00 25 72 122 05 31 00 36 10 5 50 22 50 20 62 193 00 13 00 7 50 10 10 40 10 25 1 45 1 50 15 1 40 10 25 15 40 30 50 50 30 30 25 25 50 62 25 50 50 1 50 25 35 1 25 120 No. of Warrant. Mending tarnps and shovel Paid H T Powe on Salary Express frts at Raleigh B Sumner 68 cords wood 1.50 E G-aither 40 days work of hands M Walter in lieu of two cattle guards Total Warrant 1563 '515. Geo D Hardy on salary i 564. J M Worth & Co. 4 tin buckets 11 lb bacon 2 dinner buckets 1 do Ball twine Well rope 5 £ lb bacon 44 do 11 J lbs bocon 1J yds linen Paper tacks 49 i lbs bacon 13 do 2 dinner buckets 2 caps 68, 1 pair shoes 1.75 7 dinner buckets, twine and pasteboard 1 cap Bale twine 2 caps 60 pair sboes 1 bucket Paper tacks and 2 pasteboards 2 doz caps 2 qr paper 5 lbs rope 1 hat 2 candlesticks 1 lb candles 6 buckets Oven lid 2 doz water buckets 1 box glass 1 bottle oil Sack salt 2 tin pans 5 dioner buckets 1 bottle Cherry Pectoral 1 dioner bucket 4- spades and 1 pasteboard 2 door roat 3 1 glass for train 2 dinner buckets 1 62 100 00 93 70 102 06 26 50 25 00 *108t 50 300 00 1 48 1 98 75 37 10 1 60 1 00 7 92 2 07 44 09 8 91 2 34 75 2 43 2 81 35 10 67 97 50 30 ' 20 8 CO 13 1 00 1 00 30 35 2 28 1 45 6 60 2 25 25 2 25 1 30 1 90 1 00 38 3 (05 3 00 15 121 6 doz hats 52 50 1 duster 40 7 dinner buckets 2 66 GO bushels wheat 51 00 3 window curtains for office 3 00 1 woollen shirt 1 35 Amt paid for mallet 75 Shirt for Jerry 56 1 padlock 75 GO pr shoes 105 00 do 100 80 Hock 40 60 £ casimer 15 90 36 oznaburgs 4 50 2 gross buttons 30 144 shirts 80 64 65 pr pants 72 15 58 coats 66 12 80 blankets 163 29 30 do 56 40 7 do 19 67 60 pr shoes 102 00 2 pr butts 25 1 doz caps 4 00 Bell rope 30 Bottle ink 5 2 tin cups 15 4 doz hats 35 00 1 doz caps 4 00 1 bell rope 1 80 Tallow 43 1 bucket 38 3 bunches cord 75 30 pair shoes 52 50 6 do do 10 50 9 J lb cord 2 85 3 dozen tin buckets 13 68 2 glasses for train 30 1 ball twine 10 6 axes 7 50 3 ovens and pot 4 38 '2 dinner buckets 76 L pair shoes 1 50 I bucket 38 I pair shoes 1 50 t axes 5 00 I saw, 1 hammer 2 40 L bucket 38 t sacks salt 9 60 2 lb salt petre 40 122- No. of Warrant. 3 pair shoes 1 sack salt 10f ft) rope Keg nails 3* dozen buckets (tin) 1 blank book •J gallon fluid Sack salt 16 J sole leather 416 yds linen 1 tin bucket 1 dozen buckets The foregoing account extends from Aug. 1857 to Feb. 1858, on which is paid 1565. Paid Murdock Haines on act for sash 1566. J M McLean agt. salary to 30th June '58 1567. J D Cameron 2 mo. salary 1568- John A Holt, extra pay to negroes Wm Erwin breaking C Crawford 2 mo J Jenkins 3 mo. Emanuel, night work G&SCRR freight 4 hhds bacon 10 hhds bacon 1 package Cask of oil R & G R R, 6 hhds bacon, 3 do 2 do 1 box for office 2 boxes 24 bundles shovels 2 boxes 1 box clothing 1 box for office 3 do 1 package, 1 box tobacco 63 bundles iron, 8 car wheels 2 boxes, 50,000 shingles 1 pump Refunded R & A Murpfiy do Mills, Moore & Co 1856. do Murphy & Co. do G M & A T Jones do Brown & Coffin do Sill & Sill do Sprague & Bros. do Murphy & Co. 1857.. do do do G-aither & Co 4 50 2 40 2 15 6 00 15 96 15 50 2 40 4 95 133 12 38 3 30 1002 53 86 69 191 25 83 33 31 60 2 00 27 00 90 00 2 50 12 52 10 37 2 00 6 60 48 45 34 56 23 08 2 00 6 89 28 24 3 15 25 5 00 6 90 1 15 .38 73 27 59 1 61 1 79 10 80 33 70 7 05 25 20 50 4 51 12 46 98 123 Refunded D A Davis ' do McConnaughy do W Murphy do 11 & A Murphy do Murphy & Co do C Burnett do Alf Johnson do J H Enuis do Murphy & Co do Meroney do Goods not received do do belonging to Concord hut charged to Salisbury Goods not received marked J E do do 25 58 do do do do TV" Turner overcharge J N Tele 1S56, Paid B Craige, 125 bus corn J A BradshaWj 100 do Moses Long 20} do Sam Beeves 312 lbs tallow John Verbal 236 do M L Hunt 13G do 10 bus corn H Williams, 45} bus corn 1856, J W Neely, 24} bus meal 70 70 70 15 15 13 70 70 75 15 70 15 13 12 i J Verbal 28 lbs tallow D C Colby 40 i bus corn Sam Reeves 172} lbs tallow J H Green 24 do Mr Sloop 28 do B H Rice 38| bus corn J A Kelser 22} bus meal T M Crawford, 13 days hauling corn J A Kesler, 94 bus meal 75 W M Spencer, hauling bacon E Leonard, 16} bus meal 1857, J Bradshaw. 100 bus corn McNeely, Mock & Co, 1260 lbs tallow Prather & Smith. 025 do John Bradshaw, 100 bus corn B Craige, corn V M Niece, 30 lbs tallow B Craige for corn W B Grant, 02 lbs tallow 132 lbs soap at 5 T E Brown, hauling corn B Craige for corn T B Brown, 49 1 bus meal A G Carter, 439 bushels meal 10 00 10 1 17 5 1 1 15 75 43 30 75 25 66 66 75 92 7 45 25 87 50 70 00 14 35 46 80 35 40 17 70 7 35 31 85 18 35 4 20 29 75 25 80 3 12 3 50 27 12 16 85 52 00 70 50 20 47 11 55 70 00 157 50 111 00 70 00 265 00 3 95 220 00 11 50 6 60 78 00 265 00 49 25 439 00 124 No. of Warrant. Paid W Lock, 1100 feet lumber B Sumner, 20 bushels corn J McRorie, 10,200 lbs wheat Sprague & Bros. 59 i lb bacon J R Wilbor 945 do A C McLelland on acct, order to Boyden Mrs Payne cow killed Jim, for Sunday work W L Davidson, travelling expenses to N. Y. 100 00 Total 1568 1569. Refunded J M Morehead frgt overcharge M Brown reduction of frght on damaged Flour Groldsboro J C Crossett (1857) night work October do do December do do 1§ bush meal 1 peck do Christmas work | bush meal Rev J H Parker hand hire bond Taxes and interest Jno L Reid overcharge flour H Richards 260 yds plastering 10048 bricks on chimney Extra for studding and shingling Iron for fiie place Total warrant 1569 1571. H B Williams negro hire Gr Litttle To $90 twice charged 16 March 1858 316.31 do 30 April Total Total for June 13 75 18 00 152 30 9 81 122 85 103 00 12 00 3 50 100 00 3^-16 8S 17 68 28 00 6 95 6 20 9 75 90 20 10 00 40 1200 00 12 60 2 It) 78 00 100 48 1 00 60 1476 80 200 00 5 00 90 00 316 31 611 31 $23 121 41 • V.^!,y ERSITY OF NC AT CHAPEL HILL 00023514056 This book may be kept out one month unless a recall notice is sent to you. It must be brought to the North Carolina Collection (in Wilson Library) for renewal. Form No. A-369