Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/collectionofhymnOOreist COLLECTION OF HYKNS DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THB CHURCH OF CHRIST BY JOHN REIST, Minister of the Gospel. LANCASTER: ELIAS BARR & CO, 1858. P.EARSOL A GEIST, PRINTERS, LANCASTER. PREFACE. IMPARTIAL feelings, love and grace. A heart that seeketh Jesus' praise, In reading will not take offense, In finding true, plain, scripture sense. The gospel is the power of God, [Rom. i. 16. To all who do obey his word ; Which Christ is able us to teach, Without the aid of excellent speech. [Cor. ii. 1. Thus in these gospel latter days, We contribute to Jesus praise, All honor in these simple rhymes, These reading and these singing lines. may this book be in his sight, Respected like the widow's mite, [Luke xxi. Who all her living did cast in; 1, 2, 3, 4. Thus let us do in thanksgiving. Come, let us love and praise the Lord, And sing his praise with one accord, And make melody in our hearts; [Eph. v. 19. Our worship tune in all its parts, And with the gospel harp thus sing — Put proper stress on every string. Each gospel duty is a part Which should be sung in every heart. [Col. iii. And where the people this neglect 16. a2 Their church may called be a sect. A church that keepeth not the whole Is not a safe place for a soul ; [2 Pet. iv. 5. As G-od will not with it abide ; Within whose members^love has died. Death through the body like a dart, Fli'th from each member to the heart ; And where their state indeed is such, They soon will be a lifeless church, And is a certain dying sign, That the church is oa the decline ; Not willing Christ's commands to keep, They'll not descend to washing feet. [John xiii Thus when all these commands do cease, 1-18 Then room is made for pride's increase, Which lifteth up before a fall, Be'ng poison to an humble call, Which poison runs through every vein, Till it corrupteth heart and brain. A church in such a state as this, Will not observe the holy kiss : [Thes. v. 26. The sign of love then being dead, From the feet upwards to the head ; Yet they will boast of better parts, That they those things do in their hearts. Their boast in this is also vain ; Their deeds do show it very plain. They call the Lord the Prince of peace; This proves they know that wars should cease. Willing ignorance is a crime, [2 Pet. iii. 5. Committed in this gospel time. Put into sheath should be the sword, Against all wars they should report ; But these duties, doleful sound; For by them no honor i& there found. Those duties did first lose their tune In the perverted church of Rome ; And afterwards by Protestants, Who disobey the Lord's commands. Come, reader, now view the sad fate Caused by uniting Church and State. Religion join'd with th' worldly staff, Is similar to Aaron's calf. [Ex. xxxii, 1-25. Moses Having Israel's care, Did cast it in the water there ; But in that great city of Rome, There Moses' law was not in tune. In sin the nations did repose, Until that dreadful beast arose ; And out of the great pagan sea [Rev. xiii. 1,2,3. Saint John its rising did foresee ; Apostate Christians it did guide, And virgin pur'ty laid aside, Mysterious Babylon the great [Rev. xvii. 4, 5. United having church and state; She being the mother of all Into her errors who do fall ; The Golden cup within her hand, [Rev. xvii. 4. The dreadful beast at her command, Likewise the dragon's pow'r and seat; [Rev. The Bible did forbid to read, xiii, 2. Thus making many dark in mind, A3 By which the blind could lead the blind. Thus in that dark and gloomy age, Bid dreadful persecution rage. With sword and oath they made defense, [Mat. And infant baptism did commence, v. 38 — 4?» Their church became a habitation For the first-born of each nation ; Men e'er conversion were baptiz'd, They having not the spirit of Christ. But that spirit by which Saul, [Sam. xviii. Would smite king David to the wall. 10, 11. The records us do well inform, That all who did indeed reform, Were persecuted for Christ's sake, And many burned at the stake. We next will view the sea of glass, And things revealed come to pass, [Rev. xv. 2. The martyr's faithfulness admire, Whose love was like a mingled fire, During that dark, dismal age In which did persecutions rage, Who valiantly did strive through grace, And gain'd the vict'ry o'er the beast ; And o'er the number of his name, They out of Babylon had come, [Rev. xviii. 4. The song of Christ the Lamb, did sing, [Rev. By putting stress on ev'ry string. xiv. 2, 3. Thus with the harp of God in hand, [Rev. xv. They on the sea of glass do stand. 2, 3. Lord God Almighty, great and true, Marvellous are the works you do ; But this song did Babylon dread, [Rev. xiii. 3 For it wounded her chief head. But some reformers then did yield, And soon the wounded head was heal'd. Thus many people did till now. And yet to image worship bow ; When saints their errors do dispute. They show a will to persecute. But to my subject to return, More of the martyr's fate to learn : To anti-Christ they did not yield, [1 John iv. :-'.. By Angels being firmly seal'd ; They being men of great renown, In Heav'n receive the glor'ous crown. Who come out of great tribulation. Out of ev'ry land and nation, [Rev. v. 9. 10. And before God's throne did stand [Rev. vii. In heavenly love with psalms in hand, 9, lu. While those whose hearts on earth did dwell. In danger were of death and hell. With martyr's case I will conclude, And to existing things allude ; With many blessings we are bless'd, Our government is of the best, And the bloody scene is past. As long as liberty doth last : But will it not the Lord provoke. To see it used for a cloak ? For with the cloak of liberty, Some cover their hypocrisy ; Their wrong, I will not mention all, a4 But will Isaiah's song recall. [Is. 5. ye people, come and judge Between the Lord and bis dear church; Could you require him to ao Aught more than he has done for you ? The Father in his saving plan, He is called the true husbandman; [John 15. The Holy Ghost, one of the trine, And the Son, the fruitful vine ; Conditions of the plan are such, That ev'ry member of his church, No other way can be supplied, Than in the true vine to abide. A church whose doctrine is defil'd And whose members' fruit is wild — Obeying not his holy word, Can never be the church of God. This subject now I will conclude, Entreat each reader to yield fruit. The harp an emblem is indeed, Of gospel harmony complete; Its ten strings, a number complete, The Christian's duties do repeat, To sing with it this is the skill, To do in ev'ry thing God's will. Saints' constitution is God's will, Whose laws confusion doth dispel ; His people therefore don't unite [2 Cor. vi. With those who do not walk in light. 14 — 18 And has the true foundation laid ; [1 Cor. iii. God is a God of order great, 10, 11. PREFACE. i> His church on it has firmly built, When it his word has well fulfil'd. Thus all our duties do amount [Rom. x. IS. To full and joyful gospel sound; Thus saints with gospel harps do sing, When they obey their heavenly king. may this little work extend To ev'ry truth-enquiring friend ; And should it cause in them desire For our given name t' inquire, Gi^en names are but a sound, But Jesus Christ is 'lone our ground, Yet there's a name to us applied, Which simply is, New Mennonite. a5 HYMNS. 1 L. M. The Birth of Jesus. THE birth of King Immanuel, Doth ev'ry birth on earth excel ; His glory fill'd the earth so rare, His heavenly vesture wore a star. 2 Immanuel, thine is the crown — Great is thy name and thy renown ; Let all the angels worship thee, Likewise all souls by thee set free. 3 Then joy on earth was sweet and great, To see Him come who all things made : And by the Father's will be born, Who sent him all things to reform. 4 The Lord, through whom the earth was made, On earth was in a manger laid: God's holy word was proved true, Through which he maketh all things new. 5 A new creation now on earth Imman'el made by the new birth : The dying sinner's place he took, That all to him for grace must look. a6 12 HYMNS. 6 O'er death the vict'ry he did gain, And triumphantly now doth reign; Therefore they all may now rejoice, That on the earth obey his voice. 7 Praise Him with all the heavnTy host, Through Father, Son and Holy Ghost; Sing peace on earth, good will to men, To all God's works we say amen. 2 C. M. Hope is the sure anchor in time of Temptation. HOPE is an anchor for my soul, While I on earth do live, On ev'ry promise it will hold, Which Christ to me doth give. 2 When I in hope and faith am strong, Of Jesus' love partake ; Temptation's waves may roll along, This ark they cannot break. 3 While I do pass from shore to shore, Oft fearful winds do blow And make the dreadful billows roar, While I am here below. 4 Hope keeps the promise in my hand, Therefore I need not faint, The blessings of the promised land, Through it can all be gain'd. HYMNS. 13 5 Hope never letteth come to shame Those that do trust in God ; Therefore I'll praise his holy name- Seek comfort in his word. 3 CM. Confessing the fear of the Cross. WITH pleasure I would serve thee. Lord, Support thy gospel cause, Seek comfort in thy holy word, But I do fear the cross. 2 Help me to take my cross on me, And mortify my pride; That I to world, the world to me, Indeed be crucified. 3 And help me also to believe. That I redeem'd may be — Help me a holy life to live, And thereby honor thee. 4 Lord, thy grace to me was great When I die* first repent; Which I do need in every state, I need it to the end. 5 And while I live I'll trust in thee, In thee I'll trust to die; thy salvation may I see, And live with thee on high. 14 4 CM. T lie Publican's Prayer, who leads the way for sinners to Pray here. COME, sinners, hear your Saviour tell The course you should proceed, When under fear of death and hell His mercy you do need. 2 The Publican did lead the way, Not lifting up his eyes, But smote his breast, began to pray, Have mercy, Lord, he cries. 3 Our breast is where our hearts abide, And in it sin begins , "What an amazing heavy load, W hen it is full of sin. 4 He smote his breast and felt within Ashani'd of all his vice ; To God he pray'd, forgive my sins — 0, sinners, do likewise. 5 And if with sins your hearts are filPd, let your conscience smite ; And if convicted own your guilt Now in your Saviour's sight. 6 Let conscience smite you in your breast, God's judgment do regard; Pray unto God until you're bless'd, With contrite, humble heart. HYMNS. 15 7 If humbly you do pray indeed, Have mercy, Lord, on me, Your righteousness will then exceed That of the Pharisee. 5 CM. Repentance and Baptism. HEAR, all ye sons of Adam's race, And all ye daughters too, The Son of God now offers grace To Adam and to you. 2 Their paradise was in the east, Lived harmless like the dove ; But you are bidden to the feast, To live in Jesus' love. ?» As did beguile the serpent Eve I fear that he may you ; My counsel therefore do receive, I'll tell you what to do. 1 Believe, repent, be born again — Come, do this day begin ; Let sin no more in your hearts reign, No longer live in sin. 5 As Noah's ark was built to save Before the deluge time, Repentance is for you a grave, To bury sin and crime. Ö The ark a figure is indeed, Of being saved in Christ, 16 HYMNS. For all that holy life do lead, Repent and are baptiz'd. 7 If you my counsel will receive, Then let me hear you say — 1 do in Jesus Christ believe, "Whom I will now obey. 6. C. M. The Spiritual Harvest. THE time of harvest is at hand, . ^ what a goodly sight ! Immortal fruits see pleasant stand, Arrayed in living white. 2 And herein is that saying true, The prophet's labors reap ; Thus Jesus says to me and you, If his commands we keep. 3 But we must labor in the Lord While we are here below, That union, love and one accord, Within our hearts may grow. 4 Those that do labor gather fruit Unto eternal life — Ye laborers be resolute, And for the promise strive. 5 But those their duties who neglect, And this world's way pursue, Eternal wants it will effect, They'll find the Lord's word true. 17 6 Their joys will then be turned to dross, Their comforts will be gone, They'll wish they chosen had the cross, Also their duties done. 7 But those that here do gather fruit Will have their full reward, In ev*ry promise that is good, In presence of the Lord. 7. L. M. A Consolation for a Troubled Soul. YE souls that do feel comfortless, A little season in distress, Your Savior knows which way is best, And changes seasons in your breast. 2 He summer doth create and spring, And regulateth everything : Our duties are to sow and reap, And his commandments holy keep. 3 If we to all his ways conform, Our spring and summer will be warm; God's love extends from pole to pole, And comforts ev'ry troubled soul. 4 This state you're in is nothing new, 'Most every one has felt so too j We all must learn to walk by faith, Receive new strength and grow in grace. 5 Come, try again and do not faint — Keep trying till you have attained ; 18 HYMNS. As others have found true relief, You may the same if you believe. 6 TJs all experience doth teach. Before our journey's end we reach, In patience we must run our race, And trust in Jesus' saving grace. 8. C. M. The SouP s Rest. O RESTING place ! for thee I long ; When will I there arrive, And join with angels in their song, In everlasting life. 2 No pleasure I've in things of time, Compar'd with things on high, But in thee is the treasure mine, Above the earth and sky. 3 Although on earth I now must be, But do not feel at home Till I through death shall be made free — Have rested in the tomb. 4 If I do dread the thought of death, Yet through it I must go, When I have breathed my last breath, I'll leave this world below. 5 My soul, may thy angels guide Into the realms of bliss ; There ne'er to fear death's swelling tide, My consolation is. HYMNS. 19 9. C. M. The Heavenly Kingdom, in the Gospel Days. THE happy year of jubilee, In which the Saviour came And set the bounden captive free Throughout his glorious realm. 2 On earth there is no people free From nature's evil way, But those who in God's kingdom be. And do his word obey. 3 From worldly care a chosen few, Made from vain glory free, Likewise from carnal office too, They worldly honor flee. 4 They harbor not revengeful spite. But advocate true peace, And do abhor all sin and pride, This gives their conscience ease. 5 Old things, with them, have passed away, And all become anew ; Christ is the life, the truth, the way ; This way they now pursue. 6 They shun the place where sinners meet, From evil they abstain ; And do avoid the scorner's seat — And all things that are vain. 20 10. L. M. The Apostle's Mission. WHEN Jesus Christ from death arose, Bade his apostles whom he chose, Go preach my gospel to the end, To all the nations you I send — 2 Tell them the law I have fulfill'd, My church on earth I will now build ; All pow'r is mine in heav'n and here, This you shall make to them appear. 3 I'll make your great commission known, By all the works that I have done ; And you shall prove my gospel true, By all the works that you shall do. 4 I would they all should understand The unbelieving shall be damn'd — Awake the sleeping and the dead, That they may righteous judgment dread. 5 The deaf do heal, that they may hear ; Give sight to blind, to see and fear, And heal the maim'd, the dumb, and lame, These wonders all do in my name. 6 And all that do my word believe, Baptized are and holy live, My great salvation th~y shall see, My church they are confirm'd by me. HYMNS. 21 11. L. M. Tlie Word of God the true Seed. OLORD, thy word the heav'nly seed — Thy servants sow, but it doth need That thou thy blessings dost bestow, To make it spring and also grow. 2 Lord, thy servants sow in vain, Unless thou givest dew and rain, ' For we thy blessings always need, When we thy word do hear and speak. 3 Lord, bless thy word, thy holy truth, To bring forth fruit in old and youth, That we with joy may it behold, In yielding fruit a hundred fold. 4 Ye souls that did the Lord's word hear, Indeed this word to you is dear ; If in your hearts it should be lost, Of you it is requir'd at cost. 5 The truth did cost your Saviour's life ; And if you do against it strive, You shall be like the thorn and bri'r, Thus cast into the burning fire. 6 Your comforts then will all be gone, And will for ever have to mourn — STo seed is sown down in that pit, But here you can receive it yet. 7 God's mercies are a multitude To them that bring forth gospel fruit; 22 HYMNS. Their happy harvest will arrive, Then will they reap eternal life. 12. L. M. The Christian's Principle. THE Christian meek doth follow Christ- Religion pure doth realize. And all the Lord's commands cloth keep, And everlasting life shall reap. 2 The bihle is his map in hand, While trav'ling through this wicked land : God's spirit unto him gives light, While walking pleasing in his sight. ?» The Christian is a man of peace, With him have war and envy ceas'd : Whose treasures are laid up above. His life is harmless like the dove. A He harbors not revengeful spite, But doth in Jesus' love abide ; His motives are to live in love, Has his affections set above. 5 The Christian being meek and plain, He seeketh not for glory vain ; In patience suffers worldly loss, For Jesus' sake he bears the cross. 13. C. M. The New Birth. HTM!' accepted time, the day of grace, -*- Let no one spend in vain, 28 Prepare yourselves to run your race By being born again. 2 The beav'nly kingdom you can't see,. Nor can you it attain, Unless you are from sin made free, - And truly born again. 3 The first birth is to sin inclin'd And sin in it doth reign ; In such a state are all mankind Which are not born again. 4 Come, gain the vict'ry o'er all things Which now do hinder you, As Abraham did o'er the kings, And gain his blessings too. '> Melchis'deck, the King of Peace, Will not come unto you, His blessings you will not receive Unless you're born anew. 6 Bear witness, Lord, with love divine And prove us born again, And like a branch in the true vine, Our leve and life sustain. 14. C. M. The Christian's Adorning. THE Christian's beautiful array Adorned inner man, An ornament that will display The chosen gospel plan. 24 HYMNS. 2 How beautiful do those appear Who in the gospel time, With conduct holy and sincere Do let their light thus shine. 3 Thus with the spirit, quiet, meek, Adorning of the heart, They are a light to them that seek A good religious part. £ Whoever doth this light behold Conviction should receive, That plaiting hair and wearing gold Is not the way to live. 5 The pride of life and of the eye Doth not come from above, Therefore let all themselves deny, Who seek redeeming love. 6 come and lay off all your pride Who gospel light behold, No longer your convictions hide In costly a'ray and gold. 7 Now come and let your light to shine ; Be virtuous, chaste, discreet, Be thou a branch in the true vine, A Christian be indeed. 15. CM. Free Salvation. THE Lord who made the universe, His holy gospel sent 2:, O'er all the nations of the earth Commands them to repent. 1 ' the paw*r of God And his salvation free To all who will obey his word. Where e'er on earth they be. 3 All who believe and do repent, While in the gospel days Obey the gospel to them sent, Are pardon'd by free grace. 4 How beautiful are now the foet Sent forth by Zion's king, And do the gospel truth repeat, Glad tidings to us bring. 5 Whom Jesus' love doth thus control, Will in his kingdom come ; Thus ev'ry true converted soul In Jesus will be one. 6 Thus doth the Lord invite them all, They are without excuse Who do not now obey their call, Salvation they refuse. 16. L. M. The Pure Wisdom which is from. Above. THE wisdom which is from above Is pure, it bringeth peace and love ; And will not in a body dwell, Subject to sinful ways of hell. 26 HYMNS. 2 This wisdom doth with all remain Who do God's holy truth maintain, Removeth dark temptation's clouds With superstition and all doubts. ;! The wisdom which is from above Is pure and peaceful like the dove; Its voice is heard in gospel days When souls rejoice in Jesus' grace. 4 'Tis privy to God's mysteries, Directs us in the ways of bliss : Doth also true principles teach, Likewise discerns the subtle speech. 5 'Tis full of mercy and good fruits, To others' needs it contributes ; It teaches us the fear of God And how to understand his word. 17. C. M. The Prodigal's Return, and Penitent Sin- ners encouraged to Believe. THE folly of the youngest son, Come let us now relate ; Tor many do as he has done, And also share his fate. 2 The portion that to him did fall, He took along with him ; Like him are on the way to hell, All that begin to sin. 27 :> Thus on a journey far from home, To gratify his taste, Regardless of the certain doom, His substance there did waste. 4 The famine that did him consume, Will ev'ry one distress, When once they see their dreadful doom, And do their sins confess. 5 Ye prodigals, therefore return Before it is too late, As also did the youngest son, And gain'd a happy state. 6 Confess that you t' unworthy be Now to be call'd a son, B ut like a servant willingly Confess the sins you've done. 7 Come seek the Father's living bread, And hear his happy voice ; Say, this my son was lost and dead, But now is come to life. 18. L. M. Address to New Converts. NEW converts, be ye vigilant ; Continue faithful to the end. Do of the world not seek applause, For they are strangers to your cause. 2 In haste now strive to run your race, And seek to grow in Jesus' grace ; 28 HYMNS. All your affections set on high, On things that are above the sky. 3 Love is of God, and God is love, Hence it proceedeth from above; His love is great salvation's well, And saveth us from death and hell. 4 Lose not your love, your spir'tu'l life, But for a warning take Lot's wife j Forget the pillar, not of salt, That you do not commit her fault. 19. L. M. Good Counsel to all People. DEAR people, come and take a view Of things that you should willing do come, a listening do lend, And hear the counsel of a friend. 2 I call on you in Jesus' name, And counsel you be born again ; If in your first birth you remain, Your hope of life in Christ is vain. 3 You have a soul to save or lose, And life or death you now can choose; come, choose life, be born anew, The narrow way of life pursue. 4 If you on earth pass the straight gate, dreadful will be your last fate, When in the tomb your body's put, And your soul findeth Heaven shut. HYMNS. 29 5 From earth and heaven you must go, From grave to Judgment, there to know ; And from your sentence you can't flee; Therefore, take counsel now from me. 6 Come, choose life, he horn again ; Forsake your sins, and all things vain, Then you will grow in Jesus' Grace, And walk in all his holy ways. 7 And when your bodies fill the grave, Your souls in Jesus will be safe ; And when in Jesus you arise, You'll enter into Paradise. 20. L M. Address to Young People. YOUNG people come, hear my address, may the Lord my counsel bless ; Come, do the ways of sin forsake, And do of Jesus' love partake. 2 Come seek the Lord while you are young, Before the evil days have come ; And you by sinning, God forsake, Till ev'ry tender cord shall break. 3 let a tear come from your eye, For ev'ry broken tender tie; If you the tie break of each call, You'll surely into judgment fall. 4 Come, do not wait till you are old, And you in love to God grow cold; 30 Doth not this thought your heart now chill, In fear of growing colder still. 5 may my counsel you excite, To seek in Jesus to unite; Repent of sin hefore you die, And bind again each broken tie. 6 Say, Lord, on earth thy will be done j let thy love in my heart burn ; Into thy truth my soul do guide. And I'll walk pleasing in thy sight, 21. L. M. The Church of Christ. THE church of Christ that's here below, Must be resign'd in all they do ; To Christ, the Shepherd of the flock, The only firm, established rock. 2 He call'd unto his friends most dear, And told them in these words so clear : My peace to you I freely give, Lay down my life that you may live. 3 If you will my disciples be, Obey my word, come unto me, And do as I have done to you, And this will prove that you are true. 4 A new command to you I give, That you in love will always live; But he who will his brother hate. Cannot of this pure love partake. a This love is kind, forgiving, pure, And will in suffering endure ; It doth the will always control, And binds in one each peaceful soul. (') My God, to us this love impart, Unite in one, each upright heart,* Be thou a guide unto our feet, That we may all thy precepts keep. 7 Be thou a light unto our eyes, In wisdom's ways to make us wise; That we a light on earth may be, The church of Christ confirm'd in thee. 22. C. M. Jesus the true Vine. IN the great saving gospel plan. The Holy Ghost divine, The Father's call'd the husbandman. The Son says, I'm the vine. 2 A branch in me that bears no fruit, Is taken quite away : The branch made fruitful by the root, Is purged that it may 3 Bring forth more fruit of peace and love, And through the word be clea^ Which word I've spoken from above, And come you to redeem. 32 4, I am the vine, the only true. Supporting ev'ry branch ; Without me ye can nothing do, No fruit you can advance. 5 Abide in me, then shall in truth My words abide in you ; What ye shall ask in perfect faith, It shall be done to you. 6 Father of heaven, wise and good, Purge us from ev'ry sin ; Supply us with the living food, That we more fruit may bring. 7 Dear Saviour, kind, increase our faith, let us not rebel, And like a wither'd branch cast forth In punishment to dwell. 23. C. M. Christ's Condescension and Suffering for Man WHEN Christ descended from above, And took a servant's place, So humbly meek in peace and love, He suffered all disgrace. 2 The Prophet saith he's looked upon, As one who evil does ; His ways are not like other men's, No beauty in him is. 3 Self-righteous Pharisees replied, A Beelzebub thou art; HYMN8. US The scribes and rulers him denied, And bid him to depart. 4 All ye who seek the Saviour's face, Reflect upon his ways ; In tribulation and disgrace, strive your souls to save. 5 Not many mighty, noble, great, Not many prudent, wise, Do choose this humble way to take, But rather it despise . 6 all ye humble in the Lord, On Jesus Christ rely ; Be firm and faithful to his word, That ye him not deny. 7 Do the Apostles imitate When persecutions rage ; In stripes, in bonds, in perils great, To God they praises gave. 24. C. M. Follovj Christ — Deny Self. WHEN Christ the people plainly taught, And showed that he's the way For all who life eternal sought, He firmly thus did say : 2 If any man come after me, Himself let him deny ; Take up his cross and daily be A follower of mine. Bl 34 3 For whosoe'er this world will love, And choose the life of sin, The life and light that's from above, Shall be removed from him. 4 But he who for his Saviour's sake, The life of self will lose, Shall of eternal life partake, And gospel light improve. 5 What profit shall a man enjoy, If he the world shall gain, And thereby his own soul destroy ? Wherewith shall he exchange ? 6 Whoever will my words despise, And be ashamed of me Before this sinful world, or wise, He shall condemned be. 7 The Son of man shall be ashamed In glory him to own, When with the Father he doth reign, And seated on his throne. 25. CM. Feet-washing Hymn. NOW the supper being ended, And partaken bread and wine, Jesus humbly thus attended An ordinance divine. 2 He now from supper did rise up, And laid his garments down. HYMNS. 35 And with a towel himself girt Thia mandate to perform. 3 He then took water and therein Wash'd his disciples' feet, And wip'd them with the towel clean. Thus prov'd his love complete. 4 When he to Simon Peter came His feet to wash and cleanse, He said, Lord, do thou the same Unto my head and hands. 5 But Christ replied, this need not be, Ye shall be wholly clean, If thus in true humility Your feet have washed been. 6 This washing feet, this humble call May quite despised be ; But if I wash thee not at all, Thou hast no part in me. 7 Ye call me Lord, and Master, plain, And ye say well and true, If I, your Lord and Master, then Your feet have washed for you. 8 Ye also ought to wash the feet For one another too, And likewise this example keep, As I have done to you. b2 36 HYMNS. 9 The servant is not greater than His Lord, who wash'd his feet ; Ye shall be happy if ye then This precept freely keep. 10 I'll spill my blood to wash you pure, Yet sin will you attend ; watch and pray, and thus endure, I'm with you to the end. 11 Saviour kind, thou friend of love, "Wash us from ev'ry sin ; Send down thy spirit from above, Into our hearts within. 12 When tempted, forsake us not, Let grace like water flow, Eemind us when we thee forget, Be with us here below. 26. C. M. Spiritual Treasures. OLET us lay our treasures up In heav'n, that place of rest, Where moth and rust do not corrupt, And thieves do not infest ; 2 But where they ever do remain Untarnish'd, and renew'd In brightness as a burning flame, With glory are bedew'd. 37 3 First let us bow our stubborn will Beneath Christ's gentle sway, And not our fleshly lusts fulfil, But his commands obey. 4 And earnest strive to overcome Our fallen nature quite, That we as nothing may become, Like beggars in his sight : 5 Beholding that we nought can do Without his holy aid, And nought within but evil view, When with perfection weigh' d ; 6 Thus yielding up ourselves to God, Unto his holy will, Submitting to his chast'ning rod, And shunning every ill. 7 We most abundantly can gain Those treasures rich and rare — Treasures that ever will remain — Which Christ will with us share. 27. C. M. Comfort in Affliction. Come troubled soul and seek relief. COME seek relief thou troubled soul, Within the holy camp, Where Jesus makes the wounded whole, Imparts to ev'ry want. b3 38 HYMNS. 2 If you have shun'd to walk his ways In yielding unto sin, And heeded not those gracious rays That from his throne do spring, '■i Let not this cause you to despair ; In sorrow great lament, For he will you in love forbear, If you sincere repent ; 4 And also will your sins forgive, His grace likewise bestow ; For 'tis his will that all should live, And his salvation know. 5 Oh therefore come with all your sins, Which sorely you oppress, And Christ, the blessed King of kings, Will heal all your distress. 28. S. M. Before Sermon. COMB ye that truly seek The love and grace of God, And if you feel infirm or weak, Yet do believe his word . 2 Christ will forgive your sin If you do seek his grace, And now feel willing to begin To walk in all his ways. HYMNS. 39 3 Let hope within you rise, And join with us to sing ; In praising God now join your voiee, Your sacrifices bring. 4 A list'ning ear do lend, And hear the word of God ; Oh may the Lord a blessing send, And bless his holy word. 5 Oh may we all receive A blessing in this day ; From ev'ry sorrow get relief Before we go away. 29. C. M. Peace tJie Land of Love. PEACE on the earth, good will to men, With joy the angels sung; The heav'nly hosts did join with them, When Jesus Christ was born. 2 True peace did Jesus leave on earth With his disciples pure ; And all that do receive new birth, Must in the same endure. 3 Bless'd are the souls of peaceful life, Whose patience cloth not cease — Who quench the coals of growing strife, And cultivate true peace. b4 40 4 Peace is a land where saints may rest — Full joy is there in store ; With happy feelings all are bless'd, Who gain its happy shore. 5 It is a land within its space Love always doth abound ; And souls who grow in Jesus' grace Are always in it found. 30. C. M. The Land of Palestine. THIS happy lot indeed is mine, While I am here below, To share a hope of Palestine, Where milk and honey flow. 2 This promise now doth firmly stand In Jesus' holy word, Those who obey shall gain the land — what a great reward ! 3 Sometimes I fear the thoughts of death, Which raises Jordan's tide ; But I will venture on by faith, And by my lot abide. 4 And while I'm in the living land, Christ's promise is my ark ; And at the time of his command, In it I will embark. HYMNS. 41 31. C. M. Funeral Hymn. SHORT is the time I did sojourn Here in this world helow ; But parents do not sadly mourn Because I home must go. 2 The Lord his blessing has declared Unto my peaceful soul ; Hence 'tis I only leave this world In glory there to dwell. 3 pray the Lord to grant to you Such humble souls as mine — So pure from sin and folly too, In innocence divine. 4 Then ye in hope may sure confide, In heaven there to meet With me and all the sanctified, In endless joy replete. ' 5 Farewell ye all, and comfort take — Weep not for happy me ; But weep for sin and folly's sake, That Christ may make you free. 32. L. M. Comfort in Affliction. OLOBD, alas ! I am distressed, By sin and sorrow sore oppressed ; 42 HYMNS. For if I look within my heart, 1 find 'tis pierced by Satan's dart. 2 If I review my daily course, If I my private thoughts rehearse, I find that evil present is, E'en when I strive the Lord to please. 3 Now Satan tempts my soul with fear, Which would lead me into despair — I fear Christ loves not wretched me, That I cannot accepted be. 4. But lo ! there is prepared a way To overcome, and I can say, For me there is prepared a shield — 'Tis faith, which I will valiant wield. 5 I claim with this Christ's righteousness, Which is my refuge in distress; Nor can the enemy prevail, Although through weakness oft I fail. 6 For I am prone to sin and care, Which causeth much distress and fear ; But lo, the righteousness of Christ, Has me from Satan's thrall released. 1 Therefore I will the Saviour praise, Who freely doth my sins erase ; He soothes all my distress and fears, And will at last wipe off all tears. 43 33. C M. The School of Christ. COME sinners to the school of Christ, Be subject to his will. Repent, believe and be baptiz'd. In school continue still. 2 If you are dumb come learn to speak, If blind come learn to see, If lame be heal'd and learn to walk, If deaf come learn to hear. 3 Come learn of Jesus ev'ry part, And learn this humble rule — Learn to be meek and low in heart And still remain in school. 4 Till you by true repentance learn, The evil of your hearts ; By spirit and by word discern, How to apply your parts. 5 Then you will learn by faith to walk. And not by carnal sight ,• Of Jesus' mercies learn to talk, And hear it with delight. 6 Thus in Christ's school you shall be elass'd, By his disciple's rule, To learn as long as life doth last, So long remain in school. 44 7 And when you have learn'd all good parts, Your time has come to die ; And having learn'd and loving hearts, You will remove on high. 34. L. M. True Benevolence. BENEVOLENCE, the best of parts, Is only found in tender hearts, Who do affected feel indeed, When they behold their neighbor's need. 2 To those in need it is a friend — Doth charity to all extend — To naked, hungry, and to lame — All in distress its mercies claim. 3 Benevolence Christ did commend, Which did the selfish Jews offend: And when compared with barren trees, It did offend the Pharisees. 4 Behold Elijah's recompense For widow's true benevolence ; He blessM her handful to sustain Her till the Lord did give them rain. 5 Behold the widows, how they weep, To see their sister Dorcas sleep ; But Peter, to their great surprise, Beheld her alms and bade her rise. HYMNS. 45 6 Charity is in gospel day, A perfect and most exc'lent way ; In all the happy, peaceful hearts, It is the bond of all good parts. 35. L. M. Requesting the Lord to send forth Ministers. IORD of the harrest, thee we pray, ^ Send laborers while yet to-day ; For faitnful laborers are few, Therefore our want of help is true. 2 'Tis getting ripe, Thy harvest great, Some of it is already white ; Send those who will thy precepts keep, Whereby we'll know they're sent to reap. 3 If men did to thy gospel heed, This world would be a fruitful field; Then we with pleasure might behold Fruits of the spirit hundred fold. 4 Thy word doth teach men to begin Repenting first of all their sin ; And in thy grace and knowledge grow, That we them by their works may know. 5 Lord, thou beginning art and end, Grant us to know whom thou wilt send ; Direct us now to give our voice, Those to elect who are thy choice. 46 6 From altar thine with glowing coals, Touch thou their lips and purge their souls, If with their lips they stamm'ring speak, Yet make thy word a hammer's stroke. 7 To break the hearts, though hard as stone, And bring the contrite sinners home; Thus be with us unto the end, On thee, Lord, we do depend. 36. L. M. Kingdom of Grace. A LIST'NING ear, come and give -£*- To Jesus, that your souls may live; He says the kingdom is at hand, Within the happy, promis'd land. 2 Behold, the kingdom is within Each one that doth repent of sin ; Likewise within the promis'd land, Are those who 'bey the Lord's command. 3 what a pleasant sight to see A soul that is from sin set free, And plac'd where milk and honey flow — Where wine and olives plenty grow. 4 But all that here rejoice on earth, Not being chang'd by the new birth, Are like a thief who climbeth in, Not willing to renounce his sin. 47 5 Yet Jesus from his gracious throne Doth pardon sinners who come home : E'en to their end of time and breath, He'd able all to save from death. 37. C. M. T he Spirittcal Journey. WHILE I am on my journey here, And in my feeble walk, 1 have my troubles, doubts and fears Of which I often talk. 2 But when I with my thoughts arise Into the realms of bliss, To think of Jesus' rich supplies, A comfort to me is. 3 Although I feel infirm and weak, Yet Jesus don't despise ; But when I humbly come and seek, He gives me new supplies. 4 And while I'm in these lower parts He heareth my complaint; He sheds his love into my heart, Therefore I need not faint. 5 Now I will travel on by by faith, In hope there to obtain, (When I on earth have run my race, ) In Paradise a crown. 48 HYMNS. 38. C. M. Need of Aid in time of Distress. OH, gracious Lord ! hear thou my cry, Impart a ray of love; Thy soothing grace do not deny, Send down thy heavenly dove. 2 For, Lord, I pass through trials sore ; Through shades of death I roam ; My soul with anguish floweth o'er, My hope is well nigh gone. 3 Dark, fearful clouds ohscure the sky, While darkness silent reigns ; Oh, gracious Lord ! hear thou my cry — Heal my distressing pains. 4 Those nightly shades drive thou away, Let beam thy gracious rays ; Thy mercy, Lord, benign display, Serene let be my days. 5 That I in hope may glad possess Thy promises divine ; That I may have in my distress, A balm to heal my mind. 39. L. M. Thanksgiving. OH Lord, I will not silent be, In singing praises unto thee ; HYMNS. My tongue shall ever thee confess — My life, my light, my righteousness. 2 For, Lord, thou hast my soul redeem'd, From everlasting death reclaim'd; Thy precious life thou didst not spare, That I might of thy glory share. 3 Me from my slumber thou didst wake, The charms of Satan thou didst break; And from his snares didst set me free, That I might live eternally. 4 Oh therefore how can I refrain From singing praises to thy name- How can I ever silent be, In rend'ring heartfelt thanks to thee ? 5 Ah, no ! this is my chief delight, My anxious care by day and night; Likewise how I may evermore Be faithful to thy sacred lore. 6 Oh therefore, Lord, give me to know, How I may serve thee here below ; How I may praise thy name aright, And honor thee by day and night. ' 40. L. M. The Backslider's Confession. 4 LAS ! and have I lost my love, And feel like a forsaken dove ! cl 50 HYMNS. Oh, like a dove with wounded wing, Each move I make I feel the sting. 2 The world and sin did me deceive, Oh> how shall I now vent my grief ? I did not see the devil's snare, » By which he held me in despair. 3 But now I feel and see my sin, And see where it first did begin ; "When I began the cross to flee, Good confidence was lost in me. 4 My courage fail'd and I grew slack, And foolishly I did look back ; The world did this in me behold, And help me on till love grew cold. 5 Thus I did first err in my mind, Then by degrees with the world join'd : And in these sins I did not halt) But took delight in others' faults. 6 Drew at the unbeliever's yoke — With other's sins my faults did cloak ; This is the way I went astray, And lost my strength to watch and pray. 7 But now I will return again, Confess my faults and bear my blame ; Oh Lord, to thee I now do cry, Forgive my sins or else I die. HYMNS. 51 8 Oh Lord, behold me at thy throne, Let thy rebellious child come home ; Oh do not banish me to hell, Do pardon me, Immanuel. 41 C. M. After Sermon. BEFORE we do our meeting close, We are in duty bound, To sing and to encourage those Who love the gospel sound. 2 Oh may pure love us all inflame, And tune each heart and tongue To praise the Lord's great holy name, With this our simple song. 3 When we again do leave this place, Let us in love remain — Still strive to grow in Jesus' grace, Until we meet again. 4 And if we here should meet no more, Oh may we meet on high, To praise the Lord for ever more, • In everlasting joy. 42. S. M. A So7ig of Joy. COME ye that love the Lord, Let now your joy appear, c2 52 HYMNS. Join in a song of sweet accord, And prove your love sincere. 2 Behold, we have been brought From darkness unto light Beyond the reach of mortal thought- Our prospects are now bright. 3 Earth is the Lord's foot-stool, But heaven is his throne ; Here in his holy gospel rule, We'll walk till we come home. 4 Affections setting all On things that are above, Also obey the holy call Which we have from above. 5 We're in a happy state, Yet being here below, If we of Jesus' love partake And in his grace do grow. 6 Come let us now rejoice, Give glory unto God ; Our treasures are above the skies, A consolating word. 43 P. M. Nominal Professors. ALL professors hear with pleasure Of the heaven^ kingdom, 53 For they think there is a treasure Which will to them be given; But when they hear that they must bear Of Jesus' cross an equal share, If disciples they would be ; But to this few will agree. 2 Pleasing is the invitation, Pardon'd souls come ye- to me, But this is a hard expression, The gospel mine obey'd must be. To hear men sing of joy above Creates a feeling of new love ; But when they his cross behold, Many let their love grow cold. 3 Pleasing is the invitation, Come and be a wedding guest — Preaching to them free salvation, Is according to request ; But when they hear they must forsake All things for Christ and his word's sake, Many, many do refuse The true way of life to choose. 44. L. M. New Birth. OUR nature's totally deprav'd, Corruption's in our flesh engrav'd, Wherefore if we would life obtain, Wo must of God be born again. C3 54 HYMNS. 2 We must be fashion'd after Him Who was unspotted, knew no sin; And of his nature must partake, Our foes to love, all evil hate. 3 With meekness like him be array 'd, Within us have his love displayed ; With innocence like him be crown'd, Like him in works of love abound. 4 If all these principles divine, Do truly in our hearts combine, Then we can to the truth attain, That we of God are born again. 5 In which we children do become Joint heirs with God's beloved Son, Unto that never fading crown, Prepar'd for all the newly born. 45 P. M. The Christian's Desire. APPREHENSIVE of future delight, My soul is enraptur'd with joy, For yon in those regions of light, No troubles shall ever annoy ; Hence sorrow for ever is flown, And pleasures eternal abide; In patience I long to be gone, And there with my Saviour abide. HYMNS 55 2 But for this I must first prepare — Before I can see it array'd, His cross I must patiently bear, First in the cold grave must be laid ; But when the last trumpet shall sound ; And Christ shall appeamn the sky, then I will rise from the tomb, And enter this glory on high, 3 To dwell in the presence of him Who sav'd me from ruin and wo — Who likewise did cleanse me from sin, And taught me salvation to know; In transport then ever I'll sing, Eternal hosannahs of love. To Jesus, my saviour and king, You in those bright regions above. 46. C. M. TJie year of Jubilee- NOW in this happy jubilee, The gospel sound attend, You from your sins will be set free, If you sincere repent. 2 Come while within the living land, And hear the trumpet sound — The heavn'ly kingdom is at hand, Wherein grace can be found. 3 Therefore unto yonr heritage Return in ecstasy, C4 56 HYMNS. Yourself to Jesus now engage, In this glad jubilee. 4 For ev'ry soul can now return Unto their first estate, Wherein God will them sure confirm, If they their sins forsake. 47. C. M. The Friends of Charity. THE sons of charity possess The nature of the dove, And flee from all unrighteousness, To seek for truths above. 2 Their love alike to all extends, Not only to their own, But to their foes as well as friends, Or those to them unknown. 3 They ever do seek after peace, In union to remain, In Christian virtues to increase, From evil to abstain. 4 If suff'ring wrong, they yet are kind, And seek not for revenge; But being of a heav'nly mind, They wrath for love exchange. HYMNS. 57 48. L. M. Comfort in Affliction. AL AS ! alas ! I am undone ! My heinous sins, and they alone, Have separated me from God, And I must groan beneath their load. 2 If I could but a favor find, Acceptance by a Saviour kind ; But my rebellious, sinful heart, Cannot in him expect a part. 3 My heart is harden'd like a stone, Involved in sin, to evil prone can the Lord accept me thus ? 1 am beneath his righteous curse ! 4 If even him I fain would serve, My sins I do the more perceive. wretched man ! by sin impaired, To Godliness so basely marred. 5 But I will venture to approach, Perhaps his mercy can me reach ; If not, then I content must be, He is yet just and righteous, He. 6 And if I can but mercy find, 1 will surrender heart and mind, To him who is so merciful, To save me from the path of hell. 58 HYMNS. 49. S. M. Consolation to a Coming Sinner. COME all who feel your wants, To-day's the day of grace, In which you can your sins renounce, And seek the Saviour's face. 2 You feel yourself forlorn, Approaching nigh to death, By sin and folly onward home, Can scarce lay hold of faith. 3 The tempter now suggests ! Alas ! you are undone ! In vain you look to Christ for grace ; In vain your sins' bemoan. 4 But do not despair, Although your sins are great, Unto your Saviour now repair, In your distressed state. 5 He is compassionate Towards the sinner poor, Who groans beneath the burden great, Of sin and trespass sore. 6 He says, come unto me, All ye that weary are ; And I will give rest unto you : My mercy you shall share. 7 therefore humbly bow, And of his grace partake. HYMNS. 59 Take up your cross, your Christ obey, And suffer for his sake. 8 Your members yield to him, Henceforth true meekness learn ; Thus will men see you love his name, And that you're newly born. 50. L. M. The Penitent Sinner. OLORD, I will confess to thee, That I my sins do feel and see ; A multitude thy mercies are, To sinners that to thee repair. 2 As yet I do feel dread and fears, In thinking of my evil years ; In hope that thou wilt hear my cry, Relieves my heart, my tears doth cry. 3 Yet when I weep, lament and mourn, My soul with anguish being torn My faith grows weak that cannot I Look for redemption from on high. 4 Oh may this happy lot be mine, , That I may be a child of thine ; And not on earth be left alone, But in thy church may find a home. 51. P. M. TJie Wise Virgins. AWAKEN from your slumber, Ye virgins now on tri'l, 60 HYMNS. Be of that happy number, With vessels fill'd with oil. The time is come, be watching, Soon it will be midnight ; Arise, ye happy virgins, And trim your lamps, have light. 2 Put on your wedding garments, And lay off all your fear, Wait for him ev'ry moment. Until he doth appear. The watchmen, hark ! are crying, The bridegroom will soon come ; Prepare yourselves, Zion ! Watch, pray till he doth come. 3 Adorn yourselves with virtues — With motives that are pure ; Prepare your souls and bodies, Like virgins that endure, Until will come the bridegroom, To take you to your home, In his eternal kingdom, There to receive the crown. 52. L. M. The Great Supper. THE Lord doth gospel joys compare, To a rich feast with viands rare ; But of this supper none do taste, But those that are a wedding guest. 61 2 therefore all como and confess That you do need Christ's righteousness, To be your wedding garment neat, Before you can sit down to eat. i3 Your hearts and hands first cleanse from guile, And then appear in a meek style ; Beware and take the lower seat, That your enjoyments may be sweet. 4 The King with you no fault will find, If you are deaf, maim'd, halt or blind, If only through his righteousness, The wedding garment you possess. 5 Oh come, ye halt and blind and maim'd, Whose hearts oppress'd with sins are pain'd, Come, and sincerely do repent, That you may this great feast attend. 53. C. M. A Comfort to the Feeble Feelings. OH Lord, from thy discerning sight, The thoughts that trouble me 1 cannot hide, for in thy light, All things are seen by thee. 2 Lord, if thou hast it thus decreed, That I should suffer here, Thy grace and mercy I do need, In this my short career. 62 HYMNS. 3 That to thy glory it may close, To my salvation too : And that I ever may repose, With all the chosen few. 54. L. M. The Motions of Love. YOUR hearts let not troubled be, In God believe, believe in me, That Satan when his darts doth aim, You in this faith may safe remain. 2 My Father's house here and above, Whose mansions are to dwell in love, For you in glory will prepare, That you may all assemble there. 3 A short time yet I am with you, In faithfulness and love prove true ; But I again will shortly come, To gather you around my throne. 4 Let peace and love amongst you dwell, And shun the dang'rous paths of hell ; Be of one heart and mind, as I Am with the Father, one on high. 5 And firmly in my grace repose, In faith the shafts of hell oppose, That troubles may you not annoy, But in return receive much joy. HYMNS. 63 55. L M. Invitation. C10ME all that are with sins oppressed, ; To Jesus that you may find rest. With all your sins and burdens come, And cast yourself before his throne. 2 That he may bid your souls to live, And through his boundless love, receive You in the kingdom of his grace, Within his kind and blest embrace, 3 Who did with death for you atone, T insure you life, that precious boon, From which he also did arise, Ascended far above the skies ; 4 In mercy there to intercede For your transgressions; for you need His plea a righteous God before, That he may you to grace restore. 56. S. M. Parti jig Hymn. ASSEMBL'D we have been, To worship our blest Lord : But, brethren, we must part again, According to his word. I Our love has been complete, Towards each other kind, Our blest communion has been sweet, The thought, may it bind 64 HYMNS. 3 Our kindred souls in one, That we may never part; But in the Spirit, God and Son, Be of one mind and heart. 4 That though we distant be, Far from each other dear, May in the spirit feel, that we Are to each other near. 5 And when the time draws nigh Of our sojourning here, That in this union we on high May with the saints appear. 57. L. M. The Birth of Christ. BEHOLD a dawning star appears, Nigh unto Bethlehem it nears, The wise men of the east to guide, Unto the smiling infant's side. 2 Behold him in the manger lay ! Immanuel, the King of day; Hark ! hear the angels loudly cry, All glory be to Ood on high ! 3 While peace on earth, good will to men, Salvation has appear' d again Unto the house of Israel, Likewise to thyse that far do dwell. HYMNS. 4 But lo ! they will not him receive, The glad report will not helieve; But him reject, likewise despise The maker of the earth and skies. 5 His words of life they do deny, With malice they against him cry, And seek how they may him betray, To take his precious life away. 6 Ah, now, that wicked band ! behold Into their bloody hands he's sold, Who're leading him exultingly Upon the mount of Calvary. 7 Lo ! There upon the cross he dies ! Now rends the earth, ascends the skies; The sun refuses to give light, The murd'rers tremble at the sight. 8 But now the mighty debt is paid, A reconciliation made ; The gates of Eden are unbarr'd And free salvation is declar'd. 9 Likewise the will of God is known, The works of hell are overthrown ; The long bound captive is set free, Messiah's gain'd the victory. 58. L. M. God our only Delight. "\/f"Y mind to warmer thoughts give place, ■*■'-!■ And all thy barren ones erase ; Let peace and love be 'lone thy theme Thy wand'rings far in heaven serene. 2 Let transient thoughts not thee engage, Nor things that fade away with age ; But let the Lord who dwells on high, Be thy re'l love, thine only joy. 3 His promises let ever be A source of comfort unto thee ; let them be your chief delight, Your meditation day and night. 59. C. M. A Morning Hymn. WHEN we with health and life were bless'd, Had clos'd our weary eyes, God did secure unto us rest, And gave us strength to rise. 2 The works of God all good have been, E'er since the days of old ; And glorious works are yet unseen Which he will still unfold. 3 And after the long sleep of death, God from his glor'ous throne, Will wake us up and give us breath, And raise us from the tomb. HYMNS. 4 We therefore now do praise the Lord, Lord do give us pow'r, By which we may ohey thy word, Until the dying hour. 5 And when th' appointed time has come, And having run our race. Receive us in thy happy home, Through thy redeeming grace. 60. L. M. A Morning Hymn. BEHOLD how fast our time doth fleet, Both night and day, awake or sleep : In sleeping imitate we death, All signs of life are drawing breath. 2 Oh Lord, since thou hast help'd us rise, Receive our morning sacrifice ; Our will is all that we can give, Unto thy glory help us live. 61. L. M. Jesus with the Saints. WHERE'R on earth the saints do meet And Jesus' words of grace repeat, While they are one in Jesus' mind, Within their midst they him will find. d2 ÖÖ HYMNS. 2 And if their number is but three, The Lord doth give them liberty To taste the promise in his word, Within the bond of one accord. 3 was there ever joy like this, To taste on earth celestial bliss, Which cannot here on earth exist, Except the Lord is in the midst ? 4 Oh happy are the chosen few, E'en if their number is but two, In love they meet, in love they part, Are one in faith and one in heart. 5 Oh what a happy gospel pow'r, To live in union ev'ry hour, Until in Jesus they do die, Then live with him above the sky. 62. C. M. The Mind of Christ. THE only and the proper way, The hope of life to find, By faith within the gospel day, Is having Jesus' mind. 2 The way of life and love was lost In Eve and Adam's fall ; Christ gave his life to pay the cost, Thus open'd it for all- HYMNS. 69 3 He took away the flaming sword, And turning cherubims, And open'd a new living road, By dying for our sins. 4 For us he suffer'd in the flesh, Was perfectly resign'd, In persecution and distress j Let us partake his mind. 5 As soon as we this road do find, And gospel truth regard, We have an armor for our mind, And comfort for our heart. 6 Bless'd are the men who minded are, Like Christ, the Son of God ; Who on him do place all their care, And do obey his word. 63. C. M. •First Love. THE first love is that blessed state In which we love to dwell; As soon as we free grace partake, Redeemed are from hell. 2 But dangers are of many kinds, In which it might be lost ; For some grow careless in their minds, Regardless of the cost. d3 70 HYMNS. 3 We eas'ly might become lukewarm, And not be much alarm'd, A little with the world conform, And think it is no harm. 4 Our duty is to watch and pray, And seek to gain the prize, That we on earth, both night and day, First love may realize, 5 And still remain in Jesus' love, In ev'ry season here, 'Till we shall live with him above, And leave back all our fear. 64. L. M. Repentance. WHAT darkness great o'ersbadows me, That I no ray of light can see ? What horrid forms around me flit! I'm on the confines of the pit. 2 Methinks I see the flames arise, Yet still what darkness shuts my eyes, That I no ray of light can see, To from this horrid dungeon flee ! 3 Great God ! do thou dispel this mist ; Do thou my burden'd soul assist ! Lord, open thou this prison door, And set me free for ever more. HYMNS. 71 4 Withdraw me from these realms of night Into thy great and marv'lous light; Redeem me, Lord, through thy dear Son, Who death and hell has overcome — 5 That I may thee most faithful serve, Thy word and spirit strict observe, Thy gentle cross most willing bear, And thy reproaches also share. 6 For, Oh ! I do sincere repent ; In secret, Lord, my sighs I vent; My mighty sins oppress me sore, My soul with anguish runneth o'er. 7 Therefore do thou my soul reprieve, And through thy boundless grace receive, That I may ever honor thee, In time and in eternity. 65 P. M. Consolation. FAINTING travTer, troubl'd spirit, Can you now comfort find ? Do temptations oft you visit, And dark fears come o'er your mind ? Can you not the thought inherit That you are a child of God ? That you are, by Jesus' merit, Freed and cleansed by his blood ? d4 72 2 Can you not by faith discover Those bright gleams of saving grace, And by liv'ning hope recover Strength to run your holy race ? Was not Jesus also tempted ? Did not Satan try him sore ? Yet from conq'ring him prevented, And the vict'ry from him tore? 3 Therefore be not thou dismayed, Look at Jesus' trying hour, See how Satan him assayed, Yet to harm him had do pow'r ; Through him you can also conquer, Satan you can put to shame, If by faith you on him venture, Trusting in Grod's holy name ,• 4 For his grace is all-sufficient, "Which he freely doth bestow ; And his power is efficient For to lead you safely through : Therefore 'rect your knees so feeble, And lift up your weary hands, Pray to God, who will enable You to break the tempter's bands. €6. P. M. Invitation. O SINNERS, come and hear me tell The love of King Immanuel ; HYMNS. 73 How he is precious life did sell, To save you from an endless hell, And snatch your souls from ruin. 2 Your sins have led you far away, And through transgressions gone astray, Beneath death's iron bands you lay ; Oh therefore haste and come away To Christ, who saves from ruin. 3 He calls with an inviting voice, Oh come and make a happy choice, That you with angels may rejoice — With them the pleasing theme rehearse, Of your escape from ruin. 4 Take up his cross, it patient bear, His righteous robe put on and wear, His name before all men declare, And in pure love the saints forbear, And live inheav'nly union. 5 Your members all do mortify, "With all the saints yourself deny, Unto yourself do daily die, That you may dwell in peace on high, In everlasting union. 6 come, partake of grace divine, And unto Christ all things resign, Who unto you doth now incline, To guide you to yon happy clime, To join the heav'nly union. 74 HYMNS. 67. L. M. Invitation. O SINNER, come and Jesus see. How lie in pain and agony Upon the bloody cross did die, Which 'lone the debt could satisfy ; 2 Which all mankind to death did doom, Yet not that which doth them entomb, But that enduring, fearful pain, Which will from age to age remain ; 3 And which your portion sure will be, Unless you are by Christ set free, Unless you do resign your will, Your duty unto God fulfil — 4 Becoming willing to deny Yourself, your members mortify ; And also willing to partake Of his reproach, for his dear sake. 5 Not seeking your own wicked ways, And neither vain nor earthly praise ; But seek to honor him who gave His precious life your soul to save. 6 Therefore your will to him resign, While having yet this precious time ; Let not his blood be shed in vain, But through it now your soul reclaim. HYMNS. 75 68. L. M. The Last Judgment. LET us the whole conclusion hear, And walk on earth in Godly fear; Obeying thus the great command Of Christ, the Judge of all the land. 2 The time of ign'rance is pass'd by, For all now know that man must die ; And that God will to judgment bring Each secret and each open thing. 3 But all that do on earth repent, Shall not be brought into judgment, For Christ's sake God forgives their sin, The book of life they're written in . 4 Yet sins committed on their race, Will follow them from place to place ; For whom the Lord doth intercede That from them all they may be freed. 5 I'll not pass by until I tell That there's a heav'n and a hell; Entreated be, for mercy's sake, Rjpent, avoid the burning lake. rt Oh how can you in sin indulge, And lightly pass the fixed gulf, Where you, against your own desire, Must snffer in eternal fire. 7 While life is promis'd unto all Who earnest heed the Saviour's call ; 76 HYMNS. In meekness who themselves deny, And lay their treasures up on high. 69. C. M. Atonement. OLET not Jesus die in vain For you, poor mortal man, But hasten now your soul reclaim Through the blood of the Lamb. 2 Take up your cross, yourself deny, Seek not the path of tame ; Your earthly members mortify, Despise reproach and shame. 3 Fear not the world, your Maker fear, Before him prostrate fall ; Before this generation here Confess him Lord of all. 4 And gird yourself with truth and love In holiness mature : Direct your mind to things above, Which ever will endure; 5 That you may reach yon happy shore, Where shines eternal day ; Where is a glor'ous crown in store, For those that here obey, 77 6 And who through Jesus are made free, And him with joy embrace, Who suffer'd on the bloody tree, To save them by free grace. 70. C. M. Consolation. YOU little flock, ye chosen few, Fear not, the Lord is nigh, To guard you and to lead you through This world, to life on high. 2 Let persecutions madly rage, And tribulations come, For they have been from age to age, Since first the world begun. 3 The prophets for ensamples take, Who died by false decrees ; The martyrs, who for Jesus' sake, Did march through bloody seas. 4 Yet they the vict'ry did obtain Through God, who loves his own ; Whose love they ever will proclaim Around his radiant throne. 5 Your enemies therefore let rave, Your guardian is true, Whose arm is powerful to save, And merciful to you. 78 HYMNS. 71. L. M. Fatth in God. FAITH is a shield and substance great To us while in a temp'ral state ; It is a gift of God indeed, Which all mankind on earth do need. 2 The Lord this gift to all extends, "Who by conversion are his friends, Who in the holy war enlist, And valiant are while it exists — 3 Who valiant strive from morn till night, Till unbelief is put to flight, And captive take they ev'ry thought, Thus is the mighty conquest wrought. 4 And through this gift they do obtain The triumph over death and pain ; And by this faith the shafts do quell, Which are hurl'd from the gates of hell. 5 Yet when one battle they have won, Another quickly is begun ; For unbelief from battle fled, Has rais'd an army from the dead — 6 The dead in sin, deaf, blind and lame, Self envy, pride, revenge and shame ; Yet none of these can do us harm, If we ourselves with faith do arm. 79 72. P. M. O SAVIOUR kind do thou incline Unto me in thy mercy ; Through thy rich grace, do thou efface My sins, and thus restore me : That as thy child with spirit mild, May thee obey, and night and day Seek thy eternal glory. My soul reform, do thou transform It to thy image holy ; That, born anew, I forth may shew Thy love and mercy only ; Likewise mature thy virtues pure May ever all; and never fall From this thy new creation. 3 Lord I do need that thou me lead With thy benignant spirit ; That I may find this heav'nly mind, And thy new birth inherit : And that thy ways unto thy praise I may in fear walk while I'm here, To life and to salvation. 4 therefore, Lord, me with thy word, And with thy holy spirit, Lead unto life in Paradise, Through thy infinite merit ; 80 HYMNS. That there I may in endless day, For ever rest with all the blest, In everlasting glory. 73. L. M. Adoration. THE Lord is worthy of all praise, Let hymns of glory ever raise Unto his rad'ant throne above, In strains of everlasting love. 2 Let worlds before his presence nod, Let angels praise their Maker God, Let heaven with loud anthems sing Unto the great eternal King. 4 Thou mighty orb and glit'ring sphere, In adoration now appear, Likewise ye pearls in ether sky, Come to the mighty concert nigh, 4 And praise your mighty Maker's name, His excellence aloud proclaim, Also ye vapors that do rise, Adore your great Creator wise. 5 Ye everlasting hills bow low, Ye winds your mighty trumpets blow, Swell aloud your glorious strains, Unto the Lord who ever reigns. ' HYMNS. 81 1.6 Let ev'ry tongue repeat the praise, !ln swelling forth melod'ous lays, i Your adorations raise on high Unto the mighty Shadai. 7 Likewise let us the Lord adore, And praise his name for ever more ; let us bow before his throne, And worship him supreme, alone. 74. C. M. Jesus' Love to Sinners. I'VE found the great salvation stream Which flow'd from Jesus' side ; All that believe will it esteem, For whom he also died. 2 Behold he left his radiant throne, And came on earth to die ; And through his blood he did atone, For sinners such as I. 3 Oh was there ever love like this, How could it greater be, Than to forsake the realms of bliss, To come and die for me ? 4 Of his pure love I did partake, Since I did first believe; When through repentance did forsake My sins, then he forgave. 82 HYMNS. 5 Oh may I always feel the love, And keep it to the end, "Which I received from above, When I did first repent. 75. C. M. The Great Stepper. TO the great supper ye are bid Who hear the gospel sound, Which supper now is ready made, And doth with joy abound. 2 What is your pleasure here on earth, Compar'd with joy on high; Or what are earthly treasures worth, When once you have to die. 3 Are you yet in the streets or lanes ? Then quickly come away, Before this world doth burn in flames, The gospel sound obey. 4 Let no reluctant thought arise, Whereby you might begin The call of mercy to despise, And perish in your sin. 5 If you in spirit do feel poor, Sick, wounded, weak or lame, Christ knows the sorrows you endure, Who bids the blind and maim. HYMNS. 83 6 Ho ye that are in tho highways, Return, there is yet room, Oh let conviction now take place, Which will compel you home. 7 Likewise ye that are in the hedge, For you there's also room, You're standing on the verge of life, And see your dreadful doom. 8 Ye that are bid, come now in haste, The supper is prepar'd ; If ye delay ye shall not taste, As Jesus hath declar'd. 76. ' CM. Supplication. OLORD, accept my humble praise, Accept my simple song; Accept my weak, imperfect lays, At thy eternal throne. 2 'Tis all, Lord, that I can give, Except to yield my will ,• For in my works I do perceive But imperfections still. 3 In all my actions, all my ways, I but corruption view ; Therefore, Lord, accept my praise, 'Tis all that I can do. 2e 84 HYMNS. 4 For, Lord, my fallen nature's prone To serve the prince of sin ; Is ever striving to dethrone Thy image, heav'nly King. 5 Yet with my mind I do thee serve, Most loyal, sovereign King, And from this let me never swerve, In yielding unto sin. 77. P. M. Man Immortal. MORTAL man ! what is your station ! Are you rich or are you poor, Or a ruler of a nation, Or a keeper of the door ? 2 Know that you're a transient creature, Soon to fade and pass away ; Death is mark'd in ev'ry feature, Signs of sure return to clay. 3 Yet your soul is all immortal, Lasting as him who it gave, Soon to pass the gloomy portal Of the dark and silent grave ; 4 There to stand before the splendor Of the judgment seat of God, There a strict account to render Of the works that here you did. HYMNS. 85 5 Therefore make a sure election; Choose with Christ to suffer shame, And to suffer great affliction For his ever blessed name, 6 That you may enjoy the pleasure, Flowing from bright Eden's bloom, And the everlastiug treasure Of bright glory 'yond the tomb. 73. L. M. True and False Humility Contrasted. AMAN who's truly meek and plain Will in simplicity remain ; He is a neighbor and a friend, On whom we always can depend. 2 The man that humble is indeed, No spirit him astray can lead ; His principles they being pure, That nought of earth can him allure. 3 But he who falsely bears the name, Cannot endure a litt e shame : Much less can he resist to blood, Against temptation's swelling flood. 4 The hypocrite is worst of all, He has no cross to bear at all, And secret thoughts his heart inflame Himself to pride in humble mien. »3 86 5 The hypocrites are those whose ends Are to betray the best of friends ; All trust and confidence betray, And seek true souls to lead astray. 79. C. M. Renewed from Faith to Faith. WE see the earth, we see the sky, We view all things therein ; Our thoughts sometimes like arrows fly, To things that are not seen. 2 "We look around on the broad field Of nature's wide expanse, Myster'ous wonders there are seal'd, At which our thoughts enhance. 3 Concerning the effect and cause Of all those works divine, From which we drew this mighty clause, "'Tis an Almighty hand." A faith from which there doth arise, Yet nominal 'tis found, That there is a Creator wise, By whom all things are formed. 5 Thus reason doth a faith conceive, A faith that has no life, By which we do no works perceive But angry growing strife. HYMNS. 87 6 Which faith the soul can never save, God will not such receive ; With it we're held a willing slave, Ourselves with it deceive. 7 But when by revelation, we View Christ upon the cross, And there perceive his agony In suff'ring for our loss ; 8 And through God's holy spirit feel That we deep wounded are — That Christ thus suflfer,d, us to heal, And unto health restore. 9 In faith we then our Saviour view, The merits of his blood, That he alone can us renew Unto the grace of God ; 10 By which we can alone attain Unto his righteousness. ^ And by it life alone can claim, Through his redeeming grace. 11 Thus we perceive that we must be Benew'd from faith to faith, If we would live eternally, And 'scape the pangs of death. £4 88 80 C. M. Funeral Hymn. SWEET friendship's tie's broke again, Another breach is made ; Our brother dear, what rending pain, In the cold grave is laid. 2 Death's icy arms did him embrace, And chill'd the crimson tide : Him hence did move to yonder space, There ever to abide ; 3 Whom we, alas, shall meet no more Here in this vale of tears ; But hope we shall on that fair shore, When Christ, our Lord appears. 4 This is a balm that gives relief, And stills the sor'wing mind j It soothed disconsolating grief, The broken heart it binds. 5 Beholding death, let us prepare To take our final leave, That we the jpys of Christ may share, The crown of life receive. 83, P. M. The Christian's Desire. OHOW fain would I go, And leave all here below, HYMNS. 89 To reside with my Saviour above, In his presence to dwell, With bright seraphs to tell Of his incomprehensible love, 2 Who in splendor complete, With bright hosts at his feet, Is receiving their homage divine, And in praising his name, With loud voices proclaim, Let all glory and honor be thine. 3 For this glory I long, Which is daily my song, To be absent, and present with him ; But in patience I'll wait, For that glorious state Of perfection, immortal, supreme. 4 And that duty I owe, To my God here below, In my weakness I first will fulfil ; In confessing his name, And adoring the same, By obeying his heavenly will. 5 then I will depart, And in hope will embark For yon region of pleasure and love ; There eternal to rest In the land of the blest, In the beautifi'd mansions above. 90 HYMNS. 82. C. M. Christian's Duty. COME brethren dear, and sober be, Your vigilance now show ,• As Christ the Saviour did decree To purge the leaven slow. 2 The leaven slow destructive sure, Conceal' d from nat'ral eye, Will soon destroy our love so pure, And break the holy tie. 3 If aught your brother wrong' d you in, Eeprove him straightway then, Do not commit that subtile sin To tell it other men. 4 And likewise be compassionate, Forgive your brother's sin Who humbly owns his faults are great, And asks your pardon then. 5 Confess your faults, in which beware Lest self your souls possess, Which will destroy that Christian care To cherish holy peace. 6 Strive to fulfil this great command, To love each other dear ; Your love to God cannot extend, Yet hate a brother near. 6 no, love is a gift so rare, Perfection it secures ,• 91 It will with nought on earth compare, For ever it endures. 83. L. M. Confession of Christ. O JESUS, thee I will confess, Thou art nay life and righteousness ; For thou hast pardoned me from sin, And sanctified my soul within. 2 Come saints and praise the Lord with me, From sin and death who made us free, And brought us to the tree of life, There to partake the healing leaf. 3 Behold he doth his love unfold, As he redeems us from the world ; To live in peace and union here, Each other true in love forbear. 4 Let us then stand both sure and firm, In love and peace all things perform; And as the Lord doth us command, To let our love to foes extend. 5 Nor seek revenge on any man "Who is opposed in all his plan, But in a meek and gentle mind, Be alwaj's peaceful, always kind. 6 For thus we show whose sons we are, If patiently all things we bear, 92 HYMNS. And say, yea, Lord, thy will be done, To thee is due all praise alone. 84. P. M. The Pilgrim's Journey. I AM a valiant pilgrim, By faith I hasten on Unto the land of Canaan, My glad and peaceful home ; Where milk and honey's flowing For ev'ry faithful soul, And lovely fruits are growing, Where crystal waters roll. 2 There God supreme is reigning. O'er all the holy throng, Who ever are proclaiming All glory to the throne, And constantly are singing Loud praises to the Lamb, While seraphs bright are winging Throughout the pleasant land. 3 thence I am now hast'ning, Let nothing me impede ; My precious time is wasting, Let me make earnest speed, That I may take possession Of that celestial land, To rest from all oppression, In presence of the Lamb. 93 5 P. M. Divine Thought. CELESTIAL thought, impulse divine ! -^ Eternal theme, thou dreain of time ! Jerusalem above, he dwelling of the great I Am, likewise of the triumphant Lamb, With all the hosts of love. The hope of saints their silent muse, 'heir inward joy which doth infuse Within their souls new life ; !heir future home and joyful rest, ind haven of the truly blest, Celestial paradise. holy thought, likew : se inspire rithin my heart a sacred fire, To lift my sonl on high — |a draw my mind from things terrene, n o thirst for Eden's joys serene, Hence, far above the sky. \6. L. M. Admonition to Children. EAR children, come and help to sing D Sweet praises to the heav'nly King, f\.nd leave your vain and carnal mirth jCo praise the Lord of heav'n and earth. 94 2 may the Lord your tongues inspire, And fill your hearts with a desire To seek him while you yet are young, Before your evil days have come. 3 In tender feelings do begin Before your hearts are fill'd with sin, Before you are impenitent, Draw nigh to God, sincere repent. 4 Before your hearts give way to wrath, come and tread the narrow path ; Your parents in the Lord obey, Avoiding thus destruction's way. 5 Happy and pleasing are the youth Who do obey the gospel truth, Their treasures are laid up above, Their hearts are fill'd with flaming love. 87. L. M, Birth of Christ. IMMANUEL, thy welcome birth Thy servants do declare on earth ; Thy birth, thy life, thy death and all, In faith thy servants oft recall. 2 Thy star appeared in the east, And with the angels joy increas'd, That life on earth appear'd again, Among the ruin'd sons of men. 95 I Oh may thy star from eastern skies, Illuminate our hearts and eyes, When in this western land we meet To worship at thy glor'ous feet j 4 That from the east unto the west. Thy truth with joy may be eonfess'd, E'en as thy grace, from pole to pole, Doth offer life to ev'ry soul. 88. L. M. Judgment. I00N shall this mighty fabric fall, S ( Soon shall the final end of all Appear emblazon'd on the sky, By heav'nly visions from on high — 2 When Christ shall in the clouds descend, And hence his flaming spirits send To waken with the trumpet's sound, The nations slumb'ring under ground, 3 And gather them, the quick before (From ev'ry land and ev'ry shore,) His flaming throne and judgment seat, With righteousness and truth replete. 4 Ignoble, noble, prince and lord, And mighty kings must hear the word, The rich and poor, the proud and gay, Must all appear at that great day. SJb HYMNS. 5 To hear their last and final doom Pronounc'd from the eternal throne. Of life, or death, or joy, or wo, Of blessedness or endless throe. 6 If thus this scene of time shall close, Salvation let me quickly choose ; Preferring Christ to earthly fame, That at that day I life may claim. 89. C. M. The Narrow Path. THE way of truth in faith Til tread, The path of righteousness That leads to rest, to life and peace, To joy and happiness. 2 Christ being 'lone my guiding star, My strength, my help and stay, My firm protection, hope and shield, Gn this true, narrow way. 3 Which wends its course thro' many snares, Oft through some dismal vale, Through shades of death, (0 fearful gloom!) Which makes me fear and quail. 4 Betimes it leads through flow'ry plains, Immers'd in rays of light, Which emanating from the throne Of God, increase delight HYMNS. 97 5 Anon through some enchanting ground, Fraught with enticing charms, Where souls are lull'd to sleep in death, Hugg'd in delusion's arms, 6 Through dangers great thus oft I go, Yet still I will press on, Having a hope, that anchor sure, That soon I'll rest at home. 90. C. M. Speak and Relieve your Mind. THERE is a time wherein to tell Most freely how we feel ; Yet you may think you may as well Your troubles yet conceal. 2 Thus you the door of freedom lock And shut your troubles in, And if the Lord himself would knock You'd open not to him. 3 Oh desperate will be your case If you continue so, No consolation can take place, But worse and worse you'll grow. 4 Your heart be'ng barr'd to God and love, With troubles fill'd, and grief, Nor saint nor angel from above, To you can g've relief. 93 5 Until you freely tell quite clear How you have felt and feel, And through a true and heav'nly fear, None of your grief conceal, 6 And saying, Lord, now enter in, My heart do thou prepare, By purging it from ev'ry sin, Make it a house of prayer. 7 A temple in Jerusalem, Oh Lord, make of my heart, And then, king Immanuel, Do never from me part. 91. C. M. Self-Denial. THE way of life in Christ, doth lead Us all beneath the cross ; We must, who future life would find, Of self sustain a loss. 2 If we the Saviour would obey, We must forsake the world, And choose the straight and narrow way He showeth in the word. 3 Ourselves we always must deny Of all our lust and pride, And pluck out the offending eye, Which with the world would side- 4 'Tis death to self thus to comply, But God we ne'er can praise Unless we do ourselves deny In all our works and ways. 5 Then let us always earnest strive And willingly obey. That we may gain eternal life In that celestial day. .92. P. M. The Pilgrims. COME all ye weary pilgrims That travel on the path That leads to endless blessing, Be strong and firm in faith, And be not slow to conquer The enemies of God ; Arise, arise from slumber. The time is nigh at hand. 2 Lift up your hands so feeble, Gird on your armor strong, And then you shall be able Your foes to overcome, Who're suffer'd oft to tempt you, Your faithfulness to prove, Which often does awake you From slumber and repose. 3 yes, the Lord is with us, He's always on our side; f2 100 HYMNS. His word is pure and gracious, His spirit is our guide ; The gospel lie has given, Which we must all obey, And never more must grieve him, While it is called to-day. 4 He always will Us strengthen, Which is his promise sure : His grace to us will lengthen, And make us perfect, pure ; And when our days are ended, He will us then remove To jo} r s that are unbounded, And there we'll dwell in love. 93. C. M. Communion Hymn. "IVTOW in our Saviour's blessed name -^ We here together meet, His acts, in meekness to proclaim, To worship at his feet ; 2 Who left his bright and rad'ant throne, And came on earth to die; To save our lives he gave his own, Thus did our pardon buy ; 3 Whom none of this world's princes knew, But did him crucify, And thus the Lord of glory slew, Who "for our sins did die. HYMNS. 101 4 The earth did quake, the rooks were t They prov'd a death divine; Arid o'er creation's vast extcut, The sun refus'd to shine. 5 The gates of hell did not prevail Against the saving rock. Nor did his plan of mercy fail In saving of his flock. 6 Captivity he captive took, And triumph'd o'er the grave; That all to him for grace must look, Who mercy has to save. 7 His death we now commemorate By ordinance divine, As often as we do partake Th' ordained bread and wine. 8 Likewise descend to washing feet, As Jesus did ordain ; For if we all his precepts keep, We prove we're born again. 94. S. M. A Warning. O MORTAL man behold IIow soon the Lord may come, By death to call you fro,in this world — To reap what thou hast sown. f3 102 HYMNS. 2 Swift as the day doth pass, Thy time doth waste away ; And like the flower of the grass, Thou cans't on earth not stay. 3 Pray is thy soul prepar'd To leave this world below, There to appear before the Lord ? Dost thou thy Saviour know? 4 If thou a stranger art To Christ and his free grace, Lamenting thou must then depart, Be banished from his face. 5 But hear the Saviour plead, " Come now while 'tis to-day, And soon from all thy sins be freed, do not long delay; 6 For if thou com'st to me With all thy heart and mind, From sin and death I'll make you free, 1 am a Saviour kind." 95. S. M. Judgment. rpiIE judgment day draws nigh, J- The signs foretell it plain,^ When Christ will sure descend from high, With his angelic train. 103 2 Then all both quick and dead, Before the judge must stand, To hear the sentence from the Lord, As Paul we understand. 3 And then each son of man Will reap that which he sowed; awful state of carnal man Who here refused his word. 4 The judge will then pronounce The fixed sentence dire, Depart, depart, ye cursed, hence Into eternal fire. 5 But happy will they be Who feared and loved their Lord, And did with all their heart obey ; Their's is the joyful word. 6 Come enter into rest For all the saints prepared, Eternally ye shall be blest Before the throne of God. 95. L M. Tlie Feeble Mind Depending on Grace. OH Lord, I will confess to thee, That I a feeble creature be ; strengthen thou my love and faith, That I may run my daily race. f4 104 HYMNS. 2 While on the narrow way I go, My journey oft times seemeth slow; Gould I but get along as well As others I hear sometimes tell. 3 But now I see no other way But unto thee, Lord, to pray; A consolation help me find Within thy word, to cheer my mind. 4 Oh could I only now he sure That I in spirit am but poor, Then would I soon be rich in faith, And with new courage run my race. b Lord, I on thy free grace depend, Prom even now unto the end, And add this word yet to my song, That when I'm weak thou'rt in me strong 97. C. M. Faith and Works. HO ye that sleep ! awake, arise, And walk in Jesus' light ; Behold celestial Paradise Within this gospel light. 2 The spirit is a liv'ning breeze, But faith's the breath of life, By which the dead can life receive. The sick again revive. HYMNS. 105 3 Faith and good works aro join'd in one Within a state of grace, By which all unto life can coino Unto Christ's righteousness. 4 Yet without works true faith is dead, On it do not depend ; But without faith the judgment dread, Death, which will be the end. 5 Unto good works created are All that do live by faith : Of Christ's sure mercies they do share, And are sav'd by his grace. 6 Ye souls, while in the living land, Who dwell both far and near, come, obey the Lord's command, Thus let your love appear. 98. L. M. Heaven the only source of Joy. NO lasting joy for me can yield Enliven'd nature's spacious field, For sin hath poison'd all her bliss, And marr'd terrestrial happiness. 2 One source alone can joy impart, To gladden my benighten'd heart, Which o'er my mind draws visions bright, Of joys in regions of delight. 106 HYMNS. 3 A hope it is by promise blest, A hope of everlasting rest, When life has ended, days have fled, When pass'd the regions of the dead. 4 In heaven, then, with saints to dwell, With voice cherubic loud to swell Unto the Lamb eternal praise, Who me from death to life did raise. 99. C. M. Supplication. OH, Lord ! withdraw my wretched soul From sin, reproach and shame; And on thy page of life enroll My most unworthy name; 2 That as thy child I may obey Thy true and sacred lore, And serve thee faithful night and day, Till life here shall be o'er. 3 And when thou bid'st thy saints to rise, To take them to thy home, Let me appear with them likewise, Around thy radiant throne. 4 In brighter worlds above the sky, On Canaan's happy shore, Where ev'ry tear shall be made dry, And saints shall weep no more. 107 100. P. M. Confidence m Christ. YE chosen, royal nation, Ye fol'wers of the Lamb, Who pass through tribulation, Unto the promis'd land ; With zeal press on your journey, Your hope is firm and sure ; Let nothing here delay you — In patience all endure. 2 Pat all your trust in Jesus, Who is your constant friend, And can alone preserve us Unshaken to the eud; Therefore be not dejected, When you through trials go, For ye are the elected, Redeem'd from endless wo — '6 For whom there is in heaven A glor'ous crown in store, To you which shall be given When your probation's o'er; Yea, life is set before you, The joys of paradise ; Therefore press on your journey, And evermore rejoice. 108 HYMNS. 101. C. M. Experimental Religion. (^OME, troubl'd souls, and hear me tell J How I ere this have felt — How under fear of death and hell My eyes to tear3 did melt. 2 My heart did fear, my thoughts did flow, What will become of me ! Must I down to perdition go, And there forever be ! 3 But Jesus came to my relief And bade me what to do — " Repent of sin, in me believe, Also be born anew." 4 Of all the love I felt on earth By far did not excel The love I felt by the new birth To blest Immanuel, 5 On earth who did enkindle fire, Which in my heart did burn, In flaming zeal and pure desire, To serve him in return. 102. C. M. Self-abased feeling. IF others merit do reward, Yet I do feel abas'd : Yet when I glory in the Lord, His goodness I do taste. HYMNS. 109 2 Delightful as the beaming sun, God's glory here doth shine; And in whose light I'll gather crumbs, Drink water made to wine. 103. C. M. True and False Zeal Contrasted. '"PHI] true and heav'nly flaming zeal -*- Within the newly born, Is a great power to propel The work of true reform. 2 But zeal that falsely bears the name, Is self but in disguise — ■ From growing strife it is a flame Which selfishness supplies. 3 True zeal is fully satisfied When Jesus' grace doth reign, The false is puffed up with pride, In having glory vain. 4 False zeal made Jerabo'm divide The house of Israel, To keep them all on his own side, J Rear'd altars at Bethel. 6 True zeal will have the house of God A holy house of prayer; It willingly doth bear the scourge If only Christ is there. llÜ HYMNS. 104. P. M. Hope. HOPE, sacred name, Eternal theme, Thou dost proclaim A future scene. 2 Enwrap'd when earth In darkest gloom And flames break forth, Portending doom. 3 When stars are hurl'd And nature quakes, When God the world With thunder shakes, 4 Thou shalt abide A gleaming star The saints to guide To heav'n afar. 105. P.M. Judgment. JEHOVAH threatens, sinners tremble, Mighty judgments are decreed, His righteous indignation's kindled Gainst all those who will not heed 2 The proffer' d grace of Christ, the Saviour, And his everlasting word, Ill Who do despise his gracious favor, And the merits of his blood. 3 For whom there is a day appointed, When before they must appear Their slighted Saviour, God's annointed, Their eternal doom to hear. 4 Which shall be tribulation, anguish, Shame, derision, piercing throe, To sufier and for ever languish In the darkest depths of wo. 5 Therefore come and make confession Of your sins of crimson hue, And through your Saviour seek remission, That he may acknowledge you. 6 As his elect and vassals chosen, Heirs to life and righteousness, And rich partakers of salvation, Through his free redeeming grace. 106. L. M. The Holy Ban. WHERE two or three are join'd in one, Saith Christ, I will their prayers h And will protect them, I alone, If they each do in love forbear; 112 HYMNS. 2 And I will them with pow'r invest, That they may my commands fulfil, E'en to exclude those who transgress And disobey my holy will. 3 Thy brother, if he trespass'd has, Reprove him then with thee alone, And if he hears you then, rejoice, Because thou hast thy brother won. 4 Yet if he doth not lend an ear, Take with thee members one or two, And if he then neglects to hear, Tell it unto the church also ; 5 And if he yet neglects to hear, There is but one alternative — Exclusion then, that ban severe, Must be observ'd most positive. 6 The church doth such an one declare As did the Jews a heathen man — All company with him forbear Until he doth repent again ; 7 Eor if his company were free Among the members meek and kind, At length would all defiled be, Themselves in dark confusion find. 8 Therefore the church doth give him o'er For the destruction of the flesh, HYMNS. 113 Associates with him no more, Which strong reminds him of his sins. 9 But count him not an enemy — Admonish him yet brother-like ; Perhaps retrieve him yet you may, And bring again him unto light. 10 Now Paul doth also tell us plain, If sens'al is a brother thine, From him you must in truth abstain, To eat with him you must decline. IIA man that is a heretic, Who doth support a doctrine false, If twice admonish'd, then reject, Knowing that he condemns himself. 12 The man on whom this ban's pronounc'd, Lest he despond in sorrow deep, If he repent, his sins renounce, Receive him then in love complete. 13 Thus furnish'd is the church with keys The 'postate from the saints to part, Likewise again then to receive, If they repent with all their heart 107. P. M. Petition for Grace. O JESUS, for thy mercy Unto thy throne I cry ; 114 HYMNS. Incline thine ear unto me, Assist me else I die ; Extend thy gracious pardon, Adopt me as thine heir, In thy eternal kingdom, Thy mercy let me share ; 2 For I in great rebellion, Disloyal was to thee, Rejected free salvation, Which thou didst offer me ; For which I now implore thee, do me not deny, Through thy rich grace restore me, And write my name on high, S That I henceforth forever, May not depart from thee, But constantly endeavor Acceptable to be, Through pious resignation, Unto thy holy will, Likewise throngh meek submission, Thy word of truth fulfil. 108. P. M. The Stream of Salvation. A STREAM throughout this region, With waters clear and free, HYMNS. Onward is constant gliding From land to distant sea, Whose banks are richly glowing With precious shining gems, Where faith and hope arc growing Ou love's forgiving stem. 2 O'er earth it is effusing A precious healing balm, Life also is diffusing Among the sons of men ; Its peerless wave hath rounded Creation's wide extent, Eternal death hath drowned In all that do repent. 3 From heaven it descended, Adown from Jesus' throne, With darkness hath contended, The pow'rs of hell o'erthrown, And hath shed forth salvation, The captive did redeem, To ev'ry land and nation Free pardon doth proclaim. 4 ye that have not tasted Of this pure limpid stream, But whose desires feasted Upon some other scene, Come quickly without treasure, And taste before you die, g2 % 116 HYMNS. Come, and with grateful pleasure, With this request comply. 109. C. M. Funeral Hymn. THE infants dear are call'd away By death's resistless hand, All sorrows leave without delay, Here in this troubled land. 2 If parents after birth rejoice, And claim them as their own, But how soon they feel the loss When they're laid in the tomb. 3 Ye parents with affections sweet, This loss seems great to you ; But you will them in heaven meet If you are born anew. 4 This hope to you may give relief, And heal the broken tie, If you this promise will receive, To live with them on high. 5 There angels always do behold The Father's face in peace : Christ will his love to them unfold, Which never more will cease. HYMNS. 11' 6 Christ's blood doth also make them free From Adam's sin and fall ; Likewise all who converted be, And do obey their call. 110. C. M. Funeral Hymn. BLEST are the dead that in the Lord Did live and also die ; On earth liv'd happy in his word, Will dwell with him on high. 2 O'er death the victory is won When they in Jesus die, Their race on earth they then have run, And enter Joys on high. 3 Their trials and their labors cease, Their works do follow them, Dwell in the realms of bliss and peace In new Jerusalem. 4 Now having gained the greatest prize Laid up for them in store, Within the gates of Paradise, Where sorrows are no more. 111. S. M. Entreaty. OLORD, do us protect Beneath thy pressing cross, g3 118 HYMNS. Our bark of hope do thou direct These raging waves across, 2 Which on this flood do roll Of vanity and pride, And vainly strive to sink the soul Beneath the swelling tide. 3 suffer not our hark To founder in this sea, Bat let it like thy ancient ark, Bide o'er triumphantly. 4 To Canaan's happy shore, That there we may rejoice And thy eternal name adore, With glad and cheerful voice. 112. P. M. THE mighty Lord, lo ! now descends In yonder clouds appearing, Unto this wretched world portends, In majesty is nearing; The heavens parting like a scroll, The earth convulsed from pole to pole, The trump of God proclaiming. 2 Ye nations all to judgment come, Which now doth set in power, From yonder bright effulgent throne 119 The edict goeth forward. Come stand before the judgment seat, The mighty Son of God, replete With judgment and with power, 3 That you may hear your final doom Of life or death for ever, And endless day or endless gloom, No more from which t' ensever ; His judgments being by decree Establish'd firm eternally, No more to be revoked. 4 Hail, blessed Saviour ! mighty King ! If time shall thus be closing, Let me unto thee glory bring, And be salvation choosing — Let me make haste to honor thee, From sin and death for ever flee, Beneath thy winga of mercy. 113. L. M. 137th Psalm. LO by the stream of Babylon, We captives did lament and mourn j For Zion's sake in sorrow we Our harps hung on the willow tree. 2 But those who led us far astray, Would have us always captive stay ; g4 120 HYMKS. From Zion far they led us forth, Requir'd us yet to be in mirth. 3 Of Zion they required a song, As though we did to them belong; Jerusalem let not my hand Play on the harp in this strange land. 4 How shall we sing the holy song, To comfort people who do wrong ; To my mouth's roof my tongue let cleave, If I their sins do not reprove. 5 Remember thou thy children Lord, Help them t' obey thy holy word; Help them to find salvation true, Thy temple build, their hearts renew. 6 Grant us thy spirit from on high, Let us religion pure enjoy, To worship thee in spirit and truth, help us errors to refuse. 114. C. M. M2d Psalm. BEHOLD how pleasant and how good It is within God's sight, To see his people joyous stand, And in hi3 word unite. 121 2 'Tis like the precious ointment pure, The house whose odor fill'd, And did from Aar'n till Christ endure, Till he his church did build. 3 Like Hermon's dew which did descend On Z ion's genial mount, Whose blessings now to us extend, Through Christ, the living fount. 4 These blessings from the living head, Like dew and rain distil, His doctrine is the living bread To all that do his will. 5 0, Zion 1 thou art truly bless'd In going out and in ; Within thy wall is peace and rest, Forgiven is thy sin. 115. C. M. 27th Psalm. EXCEPT the Lord the house doth build, They labor all in vain ; Where his commands are not fulfill'd, That building falleth soon. 2 Except the Lord the city keep, In vain the watchmen stand ; For lo ! in sin how many sleep, Destruction them will find. 122 HYMNS. 3 In vain it is they early rise, In vain they set up late ; In vain their steeples reach the skies, In vain his word relate. 4 In vain the bread of sorrow eat, And sacrifice to God ; Whereas they yet in sin do sleep, Contrary to his word. 5 The children are God's heritage, But dreadful is the fate Of those committing sacrilege Within the gospel gate. 6 As arrows in the archer's hand, So, mighty is the youth That fighteth for the promis'd land, Whose armor is the truth. 7 0, blessed youth, be not asham'd To speak the truth so plain, Till you the victory have gain'd Within Messiah's reign. 116. P. M. The Love of Christ. BRIGHT angels never can repeat The love that dwells in Jesus, The endless theme ne'er can complete, In that he did restore us ; HYMNS. 123 Who being high o'er seraphim, First in the seats of heaven, l name high o'er each other name, By God to him was given; Who left his bright and flaming throne Of everlasting glory, lis station likewise, and his crown, To enter into sorrow — Reproach to suffer — suffer shame From a lost generation, Vho mock'd him and deni'd his name, Rejected his salvation — Who yet withal, in mercy, gave His life for them a pardon, ]heir lost and ruined souls to save From sin, wo and perdition. Then rose to heaven, and again Resumed his crown and sceptre, n glory ever more to reign With most transcendent splendor. 17. C. M. The Love of Christ. rT7"IIAT love beyond our mortal sense, F ' In Jesus was display'd, a suffering for our great offence, Which righteous judgment stay'd — 124 HYMNS. / 2 Which also shed forth life and light O'er a benighted world, And pierc'd the clouds which shrouded sight, The myst'ry did unfold. 3 The veil did rend, that all might see, That which was veil'd within j And grace proclaim' d, that all might be Restor'd to life again. 4 Hope, too, reviv'd, that guiding star Which points to future life, Beyond the bourne of vision far, Where dwells but holiness. 5 may this love each soul inflame, The Lord to serve and fear ; To praise and glorify his name, In faith and truth sincere. 118. L. M. The Barren Tree. WITH understanding eyes I see The sinner is the barren tree ; Three seasons God came seeking fruit, But always found it destitute. * 2 It brings no fruit, now cut it down, Why should it longer cumber ground ? Thus pass the sinner's seasons by, And if cut down will surely die. HYMNS. 125 3 Reflect while in the living land, While in the day of grace you stand, Confess that you are destitute, And willing now to bring forth fruit. 1 Draw near to Jesus' mercy seat, In faith his mercy there entreat. let me one more season dwell, And do not cast me down to hell. 5 I in the grave cannot repent, Although in hell I might lament — The years that I in sin did spend Would never let my sorrows end. Lord, I do indeed conclude, While life remains, to bring forth fruit D let thy mercy now abound To an unworthy cumber-ground. T Dear Lord, I know that I am weak, Thy grace and mercy I do seek ; 3 may I in thy grace now grow, A.nd bring forth fruit while here below. L19. L. M. A Parting Hymn. THY word, Lord, is drink and meat ; This bread of life give us to eat; And when we once more part again, 3 let thy word with us remain. 126 HYMNS. 2 Lord, thy salvation we have found, Where living waters do abound; This water, Lord, give us to drink, That ne'er our souls might droop or sink. 3 Lord, be with us in out race While trav'ling through this wilderness ; Thou art our only living rock, Do thou support thy little flock. 4 Lord, great danger we are in. While in this wilderness of sin ; But thou, the shepherd of thy sheep, Thy little flock in safety keep. 130 S. M. Comfort in Affliction. LET lamentation cease, Although afflictions come; Mankind are subject to disease, Their comforts are soon gone. 2 If faith our substance is, All things are for our good ; Affliction teacheth patience's ease When 'tis well understood. 3 The love of God is shed Abroad into our hearts, When by the spirit we are led God's mercies to regard. 127 4 The Father's hand is mild. When us he doth correct ; We are to him a chosen child, If it has good effect. Let virtue us adorn, That men our patience see. Behaving like the newly born If we chastised be. " I love whom I chastise," Thus doth tbe Father say, Thereby to make us holy, wise, And teach us how to pray. Thus must all saints submit Unto the Father's love, yhile he their souls doth kindly St To dwell with him above. 21. C. M. Funeral Hymn. TTB know that all who have been born, ' » In nat'rai death must sleep ; hen let us comfort those who mourn, And weep with those that weep. Our brother did this life depart, And's gone to dwell above ; !is Christian walk we do regard, Remember his pure love. 128 HYMNS. 3 We who are left now feel the loss ; Death broke a tender tie j He walked with us and bore the cross, Help'd us to watch and pray. •4 And having come his dying hour, The vict'ry he did gain O'er death, which can him sting no more, And nothing more him pain. 5 While he in body was at home, He absent was from God ; His flesh will now rest in the tomb, His soul is with the Lord. 122. C. M. Invitation. COME ye that seek the Saviour's grace, And counsel take of him ; Repent, believe, walk in his ways, And he'll forgive your sin. 2 You have a high and holy call, No longer do delay, The heav'nly way is free for all Who will this call obey. 3 The way to heaven you shall find, Which leadeth us above; It makes us of one heart and mind, Who live in Jesus' love. HYMNS. 129 4 Come then, dear souls, and be not slack, The Spir't and bride say come, Not one of you shall be left back, That willing is to come. 5 If you to go with us intend, Then let us know your mind, That we to you our aid may lend, The heav'nly way to find. 123. C. M. ISOt/t Psalm. OUT of the depth to thee I cry, Lord, hear thou my voice ; 1 supplicate to thee on high, do not me despise. 2 If thou dost mark iniquity, Who can before thee stand ? Yet is forgiveness 'lone by thee, purify my hand. 3 Lord, for thee my soul doth wait, 1 in thy promise hope ; Thy tender mercies are so great, Why should my spirit droop. 4 Let Israel hope in the Lord, In him redemption seek, Likewise obey his holy word, And sinful ways forsake. 130 HYMNS. 124, P. M. Fulfilment in Christ. TYPES and shadows have pass'd by, Likewise has circumcision ; So that all can now draw nigh To Christ and gain admission, For all is fulfllFd in him Who hath wrought free salvation, Not alone for Palestine, But for each gentile nation. 2 He hath broken down the wall, Which was a firm partition ; Between the house of Israel And the great gentile nation, That they likewise might come in, And life through him inherit, By repentance, faith in him, In his infinite merit ; 3 So that Jews and gentiles all, Now can receive remission And redemption from their fall, Through his divine compassion j Since thus Eden is unbarr'd, And stay'd God's indignation, Come this blessing do regard, And now obtain salvation. 131 125. C. M. Admonition. rpHE gift of grace who will refuse, -*- And to perdition go ; Oh ! who will sin and folly choose, And sink to endless wo ! 2 Why not accept the Saviour's voice, But still his grace resist, why not make this happy choice, To yield to his behest. 3 Come and your weapons at his feet In meek submission cast, And mercy there of him entreat, That you may reach at last 4 The blooming fields, yon Jordan's wave, And there for ever rest — There at the living fount to lave, And fruits immortal taste. 126. C. M. Evening Hymn. HOW many souls have passed this day To their eternal home, And many more shall pass away Before another dawn. h2 132 HYMNS. 2 Yes, many now in healthful bloom, Both vigorous and gay, Before this gloomy night hath flown, Shall hence have pass'd away. 3 And doubtless many with a heart Inflamed with sin and pride, Shall, ere another day, depart, On death's dark, chilling tide. 4 Oh, therefore, let us now embrace This time, wherein we may Receive the proffered gift of grace, In this accepted day; 5 That when this eve of life draws nigh, "We may rejoice in hope, That Christ, the portals of the sky, Unto us soon will ope. 127. C. M. Warning. ALAS, poor man, stop now and think, Before you farther go, Perhaps you stand upon the brink Of everlasting wo. 2 pause, and do consider right The road that you pursue ; Do you walk pleasing in God's sight, With all his chosen few ? HYMNS. 133 3 Or are you yet on the wide road, That leadeth you away From God and his most holy word, In darkness far to stray ? 4 Then do come, without delay, Unto a Saviour kind, Who is the truth, the life and way, In him you peace can find. 5 Remember, time flies fast away, Death soon may strike the blow, Your promise only is to-day, Soon you from hence must go. 6 Then if you have, while here below, Walk'd in the heavenly way, Then with dear Jesus you can go, And live in endless day. 128. L. M. We must forsake all for Heaven. UNTO the Lord our wants are known, Our help doth come from him alone ; If we our will to him resign, In love to us he will incline. 2 We must forsake our carnal will, Likewise ambition which is ill, And also ever willing be All pride and sinful pleasures flee. 134 HYMNS. 3 We must repent of all our sin, And must be truly born again ; That with his word we may comply, And in all things ourselves deny . 4 If we all sinful things forsake, Confess his name 'fore small and great, In heaven he will us confess, 'Fore angel and his Father's face. 5 But if on earth we him deny, And do not with his word comply, His pleasures we shall never share, Death and destruction we must bear. 129. P. M. The Ensign, of Christ. BEHOLD upon Mount Zion, The banner gently wave, Rear'd there by Judah's Lion, His people all to save, Who planted it victorious, An ensign to the world, And of his triumph glorious, For which it is unfurl'd ; 2 And that around assembled, May from all nations there, With love to be enkindled, Each other to forbear, HYMXS. 135 Their ruthless swords transforming, To pruning hooks their spears, With truth themselves adorning, Like ancient holy seers ; 3 Being in one united, And of one heart and mind, Their faith to him have plighted, The Saviour of mankind, To love and serve most loya.l, His ever blessed name, To honor him as royal, And ever true remain. 130. L. M. Friends of the Gospel. CHRIST is the vine wherein if we Remain we shall most fruitful be, Producing fruit both rich and rare, Which 'lone by Grod accepted are. 2 We love shall yield by which to bear Our neighbor's burden, grief to share, And if transgress'd, him to forgive, And thus in peace and union live. 3 And those to injure us who seek, We kindly of the Lord entreat, That he may guide and them forgive, To Jesus, that their souls may live. h4 136 HYMNS. 4 Humility will also twine Around our hearts, most lovely shine, And meekness shall her mantle throw O'er all our actions here below. 5 We in these virtues will mature, In holiness become more pure, Until in heaven we shall be, Cloth' d with angelic purity. 131. L. M. Adoration. OH, great Redeemer, Prince of Peace, Thy reign triumphant ne'er shall cease ; From age to age bright angels shall Of thy eternal glory tell. 2 When nature shall wax dim and fade, And in oblivion shall be laid — When onward time shall cease to roll, And mortal dest'nies to control, 3 Unceasing yet shall be thy reign, Unceasing yet, and still the same, Will angels gather round thy throne, And there thy sceptre gladly own. 4 Lord, not only there, but here, Let thy weak creatures serve and fear, And here obey, as there they own, Thy great Omnipotence alone. HYMNS. 137 132. P. M. Admonition. WHY yet refuse the path to choose That leads to endless glory ? Why yet withstand the Lord's command, Through which he would restore you ? 2 Who from on high did come and die To shed on you salvation; therefore now to mercy bow In quiet resignation. 3 His offer'd grace with joy embrace, Your pride and self rejecting ; Him only serve and never swerve By sin and death electing ; 4 But onward press and him confess, Your treasure is in heaven ; A crown of life in Paradise, To you which shall be given. 5 Therefore rejoice, lift up your voice, To you is this salvation ; Resign your will, his word fulfil, Through true regeneration. 133. L. M. Rest for Troubled Souls. COME all ye souls in trials great, Come and of Jesus' love partake, 138 HYMNS. Coine prove his mercy and his grace, Believe your sins he can erase. 2 You need not fear when troubles come, When you are in temptation's storm, When waves of sorrow o'er you roll, When fear and death distress your soul. 3 But fly to Jesus, that you may Partake his strength from day to day ; That when the days of life do close, You in his bosom may repose. 134. P. M. Supplication. LOUD to thee I'll fly That I may comfort find, To thee my soul will cry, Thou art a Saviour kind ; A contrite heart and spirit meek, Lord not reject if it is weak. 2 When hard temptations me Distress on ev'ry side, My refuge is to thee, I know thou canst provide ; For if on earth no help is found, In thee it freely doth abound. HYMNS. 139 3 Do thou me here preserve, With watchfulness inspire, That I sincere in love May serve thee ev'ry hour : And when this span of life will close, I may in thee, Lord, repose. 135. C. M. A Funeral Hymn*. COME all ye souls and now behold How death has broke the tie, From the warm breast deprived, and cold, Behold the infant lie. 2 But are we also reconciFd, Come let this thought have place; Can we die harmless like a child, And view the Father's face ? 3 All those who do in Jesus sleep Are in a happy state ; Therefore ye souls who now do weep, Let this you consulate. 4 The Lord who dwells above the skies, Thus when the time has come, Will bid them all awake, arise, And take them to his home. 140 HYMNS. 136. C. M. A Psalm of David. MAKE haste, Lord, deliver me, Help me in my great need j Let me thy great salvation see, do thou my cause plead. 2 Let them be quickly turned hack Who seek my soul's distress ; Confound them who do seek my hurt, "When faults I mine confess. 3 Let their reward be their own shame, Because thy saints they scorn ; But we will praise thy holy name, Us comfort when we mourn. 4 Let those who do seek thee rejoice, Let G-od be magnified : In our great need hear thou our voice, And do for us provide. 5 For I am poor and needy too, Oh come to my relief; My want of help indeed is true, may I it receive. 137. L. M. Communion Hymn. I^HB heathen in their ignorance, ■ And the people did imagine vain * HYMNS. 141 With ruling Jews, who took offence, Did send their servants in a train 2 Against the Son of God's delight ; These powr's of earth and hell arose, And in that dark and dismal night, Judas betray'd him to his foes. 3 Christ said to them you'd have no pow'r,* Were it not giv'n you from on high, But I have come in to this hour, Wherein I'll for my people die. 4 The wine press I alone will tread, None of the people are with me, My arm alone salvation brought, I die to make my people free. 5 The night in which he was betray'd, He took the bread, it bless'd and brake, Take, eat, with words of grace he spake, 'Tis my body broke for your sake. 6 Then took the cup and bless'd the wine, And said, drink of it, 'tis my blood Of the new testament divine, 'Tis shed to reconcile your God. 7 I verily say unto you, I'll drink no more the fruit of vine Until the day I drink it new, When I am in the kingdom mine. 142 HYMNS. 8 As often as ye eat this bread, And drink this cup, yea, every one, For you, remember, I have died, This do till I again will come. 138. C. M. Reflections on the Dying Hour. DEAR people, think on your last doom, And do forget your mirth, You are a hast'ning to the tomb. Since e'en you're born on earth. 2 Your glory is like unto grass, And like its fading flow'r, Your dying time will come to pass, In spite of all your pow'r. 3 Your brightest prospects now in bloom, Will wither like the flow'r; Sickness and death will then consume, In your last dying hour. 4 Your cheerful life will have to fleet, You'll wither like the rose ; Then coffin, earth and winding sheet, Your body will enclose. 5 Then you'll be numbered with the dead Until the final end ; But if you do God's judgment dread, Come now and do repent, HYMNS. 143 6 Before the silver cord is broke, And ev'ry tender tie, The way of life in Christ do choose, Before you have to die. 139. S. M. Evening Hymn. THE day is gone and past, And night has taken place ; Thus is our time here fleeting fast, Soon we have run our race. 2 As we ourselves undress, And lay our garments down, So death will all men dispossess, E'en if they wear a crown. 3 In thee, Lord, we seek Protection night and day ; Indeed, we know that we are weak, This causes us to pray. 4 Oh when our rested eyes Again behold the light, Give thou us strength and help to rise From slumbers of the night. 5 And when we've run our race, Oh may we enter rest, 144 HYMNS. There t' inherit through thy grace, The promise of the bless'd. 140. C. M. Tlte Sinners Reclaimed. A SOUL whose love to God is cold, Will very soon begin To show with deeds, that they are sold To carnal love and sin. 2 Now they all can be reclaim' d Within the day of grace ; But Jesus' love must be esteem'd Before it can take place. 3 Behold, Christ suffer'd on the cross, Thus sinners did reclaim, Those who repent, confess their loss, Their freedom can regain. 4 Come sinners now and do repent, G-ive to conviction place ; With mourning do your sins lament, Draw near the throne of grace. 5 Say Lord, I will no more conceal My sorrow and my grief, And pray to him till you can feel A love which gives relief. HYl^NS. 145 6 Saviour, did you die indeed, For such a worm as I? Thy name and love to me is sweet, To thee I'll live and die. 141. C. M. A Comfort in a Forsaken Feeling. T SLEEP, my heart yet waketh still, -*- I hear thy voice above ; spirit'al love, come when you will, Thou art my welcome dove. 2 With patience I did wait for thee, And open did the door; My troubles now abated be, And seem all to be o'er. 3 I've put them off, how put them on; Troubles begin to come; 1 open'd and my love was gone, I am well nigh undone. 4 I seek for love, but find it not, This doth increase my fears ; I've call'd for love, no answer got, "Which melts mine eyes to tears. 5 daughters of Jerusalem, plead for me above ; Entreat bless'd King Immanuel To send to me true love. 146 HYMNS. 6 Forsaken state you shall not last, I feel love coming in ; I'll soon forget the sorrows past, The song of love I'll sing. 142. S. M. Parting Hymn. THE time is near at hand In which we here must part, But while within the living land, Let love dwell in each heart; 2 Still seeking things divine, While on the way we go > To yon celestial Palestine, Where milk and honey flow. 3 As pilgrims oft partake, Yet they continue on, Likewise to hear the word we meet, While we our race do run. 4 Thus we will run our race, According to command, That when we here do end our days, May reach the promis'd land. HYMNS. 147 143. S. M. Parting Hymn. THE time is drawing nigh When we must part again j By faith in Jesus let us try In union to remain. 2 Love perfect is our bond, In which we must endure, In doctrine pure and perfect, sound, We always are secure. 3 The burden help to bear, The feeble mind restore, Until we pass'd o'er Jordan are, And stand on Canaan's shore. 4 The cloud of witnesses, The Spirit and the faith, Doth lead us through this wilderness, Unto our resting place. 5 By faith, while in this life, We meet and part again ; But when in Heaven we arrive, Assembled we'll remain. 144. C. M. The Waters of Life. THE grace of God with shining beams, Shines in these lower parts ; i2 148 HYMNS. '•Tis one of Jesus' saving means Felt within sinners' hearts, 2 "Which teaches them themselves deny, With all ungodliness, And to the Lord for mercy cry, Their sins to him confess. 3 All who their time do thus redeem, Partake of Jesus' love, Whose gospel is a living stream, Which cometh from above ; 4 Which living stream runs from above, Flows in eternal life, And is the element of love By which the sick revive. 5 This river of salvation flows Abundant free and clear ; From heart to heart its virtue goes, And purgeth them of fear. 145. L. M. To Tart und Meet Again. UNITED we in love will sing, Before we part, a parting hymn, That parting we may all remain In love until we meet again. 149 2 Life is the time to serve the Lord, To live in love and one accord; That though we distant far may be, In mind we shall assembled be. 3 Affections let us set on high, In faith unto the Lord draw nigh, That we may meet in heav'n above, To dwell in everlasting love. 146. C. M. A Comfort to the Feeble. OH, Lord, from thee I cannot hide, These thoughts that trouble me, Can I walk pleasing in thy sight, So feeble as I be. 2 But if this is my certain lot, That troubles here below, Be unto me thy chast'ning rod, To make me humble grow. 3 Such words like these relieve my mind, "When I am strong in faith ; But when I do my weakness find, My troubles do take place. 4 If only I attain at last Redemption through thy grace, Then all my troubles will be past, And thine will be the praise. i3 150 HYMNS. 147. C. M. Zion Watchmen. OH, Zion, out of thee went forth The law which waken' d me, By which I learn'd the evil course In fallen nature see. 2 But from Jerusalem went forth The holy gospel word, Which is to me a precious source Of blessings from my God. 3 How beautiful are now the feet Sent forth by Zion's King, To us the gospel truth repeat, Glad tidings to us bring. 4 To Zion say thy God doth reign, And publish peace and joy To all that will return again, And to his word comply. 5 How beautiful doth it appear To us in Adam's fall, To hear the Gospel preach'd so clear, That Jesus died for all. 6 Oh, Zion's watchmen, cry aloud, And wake up those that sleep ; From Babylon do lead them out, Teach them God's word to keep. HYMNS. 151 148. L. M. Consolation. OH why in grief, Oh why in pain, Have fear and terror seized your frame ? Has unbelief you fetter' d fast, And o'er your mind dejection cast ? 2 Has Satan, with his fi'ry dart, Transfix' d it deep into your heart ? Has he, with sure and deadly aim, You with his arrows well nigh slain ? 3 Or is your own unworthiness The primal cause of your distress ? Do faults committed fearful rise In darkest forms before your eyes ? 4 view your Saviour, who has died, And for your sins was crucified, That you might through his boundless grace, Receive salvation, endless bliss. 5 He also conquer'd death and hell, The adversary did repel, That none need fear his dreadful roar, In passing hence to Canaan's shore. 149. C. M. On Holy Matrimony. OH Lord, according to commands, This wedding pair have come, i4 152 HYMNS. With heav'nly wisdom join their hands, Unite them into one. 2 Bless their united löve and faith, Thus keep them one in thee ; Temptation never let take place, To make them disagree. 3 Thus bless their marriage covenant, And help them bear the cross, That they, until their lives do end, Support thy gospel cause. 4 Bless them, that they may run their race Within the bond of love ; Here social bliss on earth embrace, Then join the bliss above. 5 Oh, Lord, when thou hast made them free From ev'ry timely tie, may they, like the angels, be With thee in heav'n on high. 150. ' L. M. Conviction. JERUSALEM, that happy place, Incorporated from above ; Her citizens are born in grace, And born again to live in love. 153 2 But thou wicked Jericho, Incorporated here on earth, Into thy sins the people go, When they begin to live in mirth. 3 Behold how many do appear, "Who from Jerusalem have come ,• How can we keep from shedding tears, To see them after folly run. 4 And see them fall and lie half dead, Rob'd by the sins of Jericho, Their pleasures having now all fled, And feel the sting of death and wo. 5 Ye neighbors, do no longer hide, The trouble that your hearts are in, I'll not pass by the other side, But tell you to repent of sin. 6 Good counsel now, like oil and wine, Will soothe the pains that you are in ; And Jesus, through his grace divine, Will help you to repent of sin. 151. P. M. affections set on things Above. ARISE my thoughts and hence remove To yonder Paradise above, The Eden of eternal love, The Triune's blest abode, 154 HYMNS. Where hosts, enraptur'd -with delight, "With shining crowns, array' d in light, Are shouting with angelic might. Hosannas to the throne. 2 ! soar away to yonder scene, Which let he thy delightful theme, T' ensever you from things terrene, That fade and soon decay; Which hut are shadows, quickly gone, Like moments pass'd, for ever flown, Beyond of mortal things the hourne, Soon shall they pass away. 3 When nature shall grow dim and fade, And sun and moon their course he stay'd, And earth no more shall cast her shade, But shall be wrapt in flames ; While planets course along the sky, With whom the sisters, stars shall hie, And blazing met'ors swiftly fly, Then shall be ended time. 4 With all terrestr'al happiness, All earthly joy, all earthly bliss, All then shall perish, all shall pass Away to be no more ; While heaven shall not be derang'd, Nor shall her glory great be chang'd, But ever shall remain the same When ages shall be o'er. HYMNS. 155 5 If things terrestr'al thus shall pass Away, and wither like the grass, While things celestial ne'er shall cease, And never shall decline ; Then quickly therefore, soar away, To yonder realms of endless day, And there make your delightful stay, While mortal I remain. 152. P. M. TJie Gospel Trumpet. HEAR ye not the trumpet sounding, O'er the hills the echo hounding, Life declaring free salvation Unto ev'ry land and nation, Purchased hy the Prince of Zion, By his bitter pain and dying, Life to give ? 2 Which was lost by sins in Eden, Wrought by Adam, through transgression, And since by his generation, Which on all entail'd perdition, So that could alone King Jesus, Through his sacred passion, save us Prom our fall ; 3 Who, through his divine compassion, Left the mansions of fruition, 156 HYMNS. To restore the sons of Adam, To the blooming fields of Eden, To their first and holy station, By the new divine creation, Faith in him. 4 Therefore come unto the Saviour, And accept his gracious favor — Come, while he is grace proclaiming, While you yet have time remaining, Let him save your souls from ruin, And enrol your name in heaven, With the blest. 153. C. M. On Baptism. THE ark a figure is indeed, Of being sav'd in Christ, According to apostles' creed, Repent and be baptiz'd. 2 Believe in Christ with all our hearts, Receive his holy word, Confess him in these lower parts, And live in one accord. 3 Repentance is for us a grave, In which to bury sin, And rise to grow in Jesus' grace, And live and die to him. 157 4 Now is the time in which t' embark, Who seek the world to come, By entering the Saviour's ark, And say, thy will be done. 5 Be'ng washed by the Saviour's blood, Their conscience then is pure, Are saved from the mystic flood, If in it they endure. 6 Oh what a pleasing, joyful sight In viewing them embark, Who from destruction take their flight In Jesus' saving ark. 15*. L. M. True Meekness. YE mortal men, be humble, meek, Then rev'rend titles you'll not seek ; Do bow your knees at Jesus' name, Forsake all pride and idle fame. 2 Call no man father here on earth, But call them brethren by new birth, Since fathers do Christ's church divide, By teaching what they think is right. 3 Our heav'nly Father dwells above, Him do reverence and him love ; We have one master, which is Christ, And in his name we are baptiz'd. 158 HYMNS. 4 But anti-christ on earth has come, In opposition to Gfod's Son ; "Where ever on earth he doth reign, He honors men with titles vain. 5 Oh mortal men, come be aware And do avoid his subtle snare ; Come, hear the Shepherd say to thee, My sheep the stranger's voice do flee. 155. P. M. The Christian's Duty. NOW ris'n with Christ, seek those things Which are above, where Jesus reigns, To intercede for you ; Let your affections rise on high, To things which are above the sky, "Which here in faith you view. 2 Your members therefore mortify, "Which are on earth them all deny, And seek to shun them here, "Wherein you walk'd some time, when ye Did live in them, but did not see The wrath of God severe. 3 But now you have through grace, also Put off these evil things below — Blasphemy, malice, wrath, HYMNS. 159 Filthy communication, too, And anger you no more do show, For it produceth death. 4 So now put on, as the elect Of God, belov'd, holy, perfect Bowels of mercies true ; A mind which humbleness contains, Which by long suffering doth gain — Kindness and meekness too ; 5 But charity, put on above All these things, for 'tis the love Which us together binds — The gift of Christ, our Saviour dear, The perfect bond of union here, With which he fills our minds. 6 The holy peace of God let rule, That in your hearts it may control In all that you would do ; For unto this we're call'd also, Into one body here below, We must be joined too. 7 The word of Christ let with you well, In richness with all wisdom dwell In perfectness through love ; With psalms and spiritual songs, Your praises may with grace abound Unto the Lord above. 160 HYMNS. 8 And what ye do in deed or word, Do all in the name of the Lord, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ; Through him give thanks to God above, Our Father, who there dwells in love, Far above the skies. 156, L. M. The Gospel. TX7"ITH a true heart let us draw near, T » That we salvation's voice may hear : It sounds to you, to me, and all Invited we are by its call. 2 Should not the joyful sound inspire Our minds, our hearts, our souls with fire Divine and heav'nly, which is love, Which us doth draw to Christ above. 3 He says to his apostles, go And preach my gospel the world through, To all that on the earth reside, fe With you I will always abide. 4 Teach all the nations my commands, For in them all salvation stands ; Those who believe shall all be savM, But unbelievers shall be dam'd. 161 157. L. M. Repentance and Judgment. AWAKE and flee from wrath to come, No longer stay in sinful home, But seek that you may grace possess, To run the race of righteousness, 2 By which you may be rescued soon From dread destruction's awful doom, Which all the wicked shall receive, If they do not in Christ believe, 3 And speedily repent and turn, And for their sins lament and mourn ; For he with pow'r to all doth say, You must appear in judgment day, 4 For all your deeds account to give, That your reward you may receive ; Eternal life I'll give to all Who are obedient to my call, 5 And serve me here with all their heart, Their mind, their strength, their soul thought, And always on my grace depend, To persevere unto the end ; 6 But those who will not serve their God. And will not leave their sinful road, But walk therein while here they live, And do against his spirit strive, i 162 HYMNS. 7 He will reward with pain and wo, And from his presence they must go ; Sternal vengeance they must feel. In pain and wo for ever dwell. 158,. L. M. Prepare for Death through Faith in Christ OMAN, remember thou must die, The sentence is for you and I; Where shall we live, where will we go, When we must leave this world below ! 2 will our souls then happy be, In endless, long eternity ? Or shall God's grace be then withdrawn, And we forever left to mourn ? 3 let us pause a moment here, And view God's word which is so clear ; It this requires of ev'ry one, Repent, and flee from wrath to come. 4 Works of repentance forth to show. And righteousness true, here below, Before that great and dreadful day, When God will take your soul away. 5 Come do instructions now receive, By which you can in Christ believe ; He died for us that we might lire, And pray'd his Father to forgive. HTM5S. 183 159. L. M. On the Death of a Brother. r P.UE hour of death at length did come, X Which has removed our brother homo,, Who shall enjoy immortal bliss, In mansions of eternal peace. -' And though his body's in the dust, His spirit rests now with the just, While yet on earth he did remain, He sought the heav'nly prize to gain. .'} His transient life he sought to spend. That he might have a happy end; Faithful he did his God believe, For which he shall reward receive. 4 (The tender children by him left, Of their kind father are bereft ; But God to them a friend will prove, And will protect them through his love.) 6 But God it is who calls away, Which warns us all to watch and pray; For this we know that we soon must Again be laid low in the dust. 6 may this death impression make Deep in our hearts, that we may seek, Through grace, to make our calling sure, And everlasting life secure. jZ 16*4 HYMNS. 160. C. M. Contentment in Christ. FIRST for the heav'nly kingdom seek, Ye that are seeking rest, Come learn of Jesus to be meek, Be number'd with the bless'd ; 2 Then will be added unto you The things which you do need, As long as you in faith prove true, Contented are indeed, 3 And you ne'er more will, here below, Seek for carnal pleasure ; Prom land to land you'll no more go, Seeking earthly treasure. •4 On earth God's people are made free From sorrow and from care, Celestial bliss they too shall see, If they obedient are. 161. L. M. The True Foundation Found. THE true foundation I have found, Th' apostles and the prophets' ground : 'Twaa hidden in my Saviour's blood, Before the time of the great flood. HYMNS. 16& 2 Like th' odor from the spikenard box, Christ's precious death which broke the rocks. Did fill the earth from pole to pole, Has also reach'd my troubled soul. 3 Within this blessed gospel sound, The true foundation I have found ; It did excite my feeling sense, To hear Christ died for my offence. 4 To him through faith I do appeal When my infirmities I feel, Who for my sins did shed his blood, And sav'd me from the mystie flood. 5 Through all this life, till in the grave, On this foundation I am safe, Which is an anchor for my soul, On which, by faith, I do lay hold. 162. C. M. The Barren Professor. OH ye professors, yet how long Will you be destitute ? Unto yourself you do great wrong, By your not yielding fruit. 2 Come view the state that you are in, Your danger now is great : j3 166 HYMNS. The longer you do live in sin, The worse will be your state. 3 The axe which is laid on the root Of ev'ry barren tree, unless you quickly do yield fruit, Will also cut down thee. 163. L. M. Christ, the Good Physician . (~\H Saviour art thou passing by, ^^ To thee for help we do apply ; Diseases run through all our veins, And in our hearts do cause great pains. 2 Oh good Physician, hear our cry, And do thy healing means apply ; Do heal in us the sting of death, Which rageth sorely in our flesh. 3 Our hearts with sorrows do abound. We're sick and sore and full of wounds : Our wounded conscience with our fears Sometimes do melt our eyes to tears. 4 Thy mercies are a healing balm, Thy promise is a cheering psalm ; help us to believe and feel, That thou wilt soon our sickness heal. HYMNS. 167 5 No earthly joy or timely wealth Equal is to spirit'al health ; how rejoiced we do feel When our disease begins to heal. 164. S. M. The Good Physician. OH thou Physician rare, As thou art passing by, Our case to thee we do declare, For help to thee apply. 2 Contagious a disease Prevailing is on earth, Which doth contin'ally increase E'en since the time of birth. 3 It is beyond the skill Of our medical art, To heal diseases of the will, Within the human heart. i But thou art from above, Celestial is thy skill, Do heal us through thy sacred love, Renew in us our will. 5 To thee I'll bring my case, Tell thee what I endure, j4 168 Sufficient is to me thy grace, T' effect in me a cure. 6 How happy I will feel, When I can hear thee tell That my complaint hegins to heal, And that I'll soon he well. 165. L. M. Against Self-Defence. COME hearken unto Jotham's plea, Thereby the people's folly see ; In Judges, chapter ninth, you'll find The trees compared to mankind : 2 The trees unto the olive said, Be thou our king and sovereign head; The olive did reply to them, By me they honor God and men. 3 The fig tree said, it will not suit For me to leave my sweetest fruit ; And said the vine, how can I leave My cheerful wine which doth revive. 4 The bramble lastly was their choice, And he did gladly hear their voice ; Said, if indeed you've chosen me, la shadow mine your trust must be. 6 According unto Jotham's plea, The Christian is the fruitful tree 3 This proof we have in ev'ry age, | Within the holy bible page. 6 If Jotham this truth plainly saw, 1 Yet being under Moses' law, Then surely we it plain should see, While in the gospel age we be. 166. P. M. Watch and Tray. WATCH and sober be in mind, Seek in Christ your safety, And be not to sin inclin'd, For Satan is crafty; And he will try his skill Upon those who repose, And sleep do at his will. 2 Watch or else Christ will remove From you his light shortly, And you then must feel reproof When you in trouble be ; For Christ's sake warning take, Since he wants you to be On your guard constantly. 3 Therefore let us always watch, .Also pray night and day ; 170 HYMNS. On this earth we're never safe, We soon might be led 'stray, And God soon on his throne, Bring us all, great and small, To the destined doom. 167. L. M. The Wonders done by Faith. THE wonders seen beneath the sun, Which are by faith in Jesus done. Are that of Adam's fallen race, By it religion do embrace. 2 By faith God opens sinners' eyes, And lets them see Christ's rich supplies Of grace and mercy, and all pow'r To save from hell till 'leventh hour. 3 Some of the vilest sinners here, By faith are brought to be sincere : The haughty, and the stubborn, will By it repent, God's word fulfil. 4 Young people who are rude and wild, By faith are made meek, lowly, mild ; These having heaped wrath on wrath, Bepent, and take the narrow path. 5 Some given to strong drink and wine, Bepent, and let their light then shine ; 171 And of self-righteous there are some Who to repentance by faith come. 6 The greatest wonder this of all, 1» that so few obey their call ; Oh come ye, who on earth do dweH. And b'lieve in King Immanuel. 16a p. m. I KNOW that merits have reward, But I do feel abas'd ; But when I glory in the Lord, I do his goodness taste. 2 Delightful as the beaming sun, God's glory here doth shine, And in that light I'll gather crumbs, Drink water made to wine. 3 Why should I let my courage sink, While Jesus doth provide; For soul and body, meat and drink, He hath my need supplied. •t All I can do is but a mite ; And even when I pray, When all my power is applied, I find not much to say. 172 HYMNS. 5 Small is the gift which I possess, I am infirm and weak ; It seems to me my words lack stress, Sometimes when I do speak. 6 Christ's mercy I do seek and find, He is the truth and way ; When I feel humble in my mind, Then I'm prepar'd to pray. 169. L. M. The Saviour is the True Way. THE way, the truth, and life, I am, Our Saviour doth to us proclaim, Who bore the sins of all the world, As all the prophets had foretold. 2 And now the way is opened wide, It was for this our Saviour died; Repent and mourn for all your sins, Repentance life eternal wins. 3 And do believe my gospel true, Glad tidings it doth bring to you, It speaks repenting sinners free, And heals the sick, the blind do see. 4 greatest joy to every soul, Who through our Saviour is made whole For he restores to life again, Those who long time in sins had lain. HYMNS. 17Ü 9 Should not our souls thirst for that lore. Which he us offers from above ? Should we neglect his love so great, Till it for us should be too late ? 6 dreadful consequence 'twill be, If you yourselves cast off shall see ; turn, turn, while grace abounds. While yet the gospel trumpet sounds. 170. C. M. The Spiritual Warfare. WITH flesh and blood we wrestle not, Nor mortally contend; But ruling powers are our lot, Against which we must stand. 2 Therefore we should ourselves here arm, With God's whole armor true j For then our foes us can ne'er harm, Nor can our souls undo. 3 With truth about our loins secure, With sword of God in hand, With righteousness also before, Ourselves thus to defend ; 4 Our feet prepared with gospel peace, To walk in love always, That all contention here may cease, To our Redeemer's praise, 174 HYMNS. 5 If thus equipp'd, we then can stand. And conquer all our foes ; For Jesus is at our right hand. And will protect always. 171. S. M. Straight is the Gate that leads to Life. THE straight and narrow way Which leads to endless life, Is found by few at present day, Though many for it strive. 2 For through their vain conceit, They seek to serve the Lord ; His counsel they with scorn do treat, Yea, trifle with his word. ?» This is the reason why So few do find the gate, For they themselves will not deny The holy truth they hate — 4 They will not bear the cross, Which Jesus says they must, And for his sake must suffer loss, Is his commandment just. 5 may we warning take, Which he to us doth give, And all our ways of sin forsake, That we to him may live. HYMNS. 17ü 6 We must be willing here ' Hid bumble cross to bear : All his commands we must sincere Obey, he doth declare. 7 This is the narrow way Of truth, that leads to life, That we our Saviour's word obey, And for it constant strive. 172. L. M. Comfort in the Mercy of God. GREAT are the mercies of our God, Which are abundant shed abroad : Teach us, Lord, them to comprehend, And always on the same depend. 2 Whatever may our station be, Enable us to look to thee That thou may'st help to us afford, As thou hast promis'd in thy word. 3 Thou canst be touch'd with feelings If Infirmities, through thy great love; That we in fear may not despair,' But can on thee cast all our care. 4 may we in true faith draw nigh To thee, Lord, who art on high ; And unto thee our sins confess, And with desire thus seek thy grao* 176 HYMNS. 5 To lone those who themselves deny, And with their hearts to thee draw nigh, And seek always holy to live, Thou wilt thy grace and mercy give. 173. C. M. Example of our Saviour vn Washing Feet- OUR Saviour did commandment give To his disciples here, That they in holy love should live, And hold each other dear. 2 As he example gave to them, While he on earth remain' d, That we in peace should follow him, In all that he ordain'd. 3 In our communion, we should seek To serve him as our Lord; All his commandments we should keep According to his word, 4 Which teach us all to humhle he, And wash our feet through love ; For this our Saviour did we see, Who's Lord of Heav'n above. 5 Which we must also now perform In humbleness of mind, That we to his commands conform, And love each other kind ; HYMNS. 177 6 And daily seek that we may here Bo eleans'd from sin and guile, And always walk in humble fear, Avoiding all that's vile. 7 Till finally we may, by grace, Be eleans'd from ev'ry sin ; And there in he av'n, Christ's dwelling place, His purity attain. 174. L. M. Need of True Charity. THOUGH I do speak with tongues of met-, Or those of angels could attain, And do not charity possess, 1 only am like sounding brass, 2 Or like a tinkling cimbal clear, Which only sounds to charm the ear, Though to the gift of prophecy I could attain, and it apply — 3 All mysteries could understand, All knowledge have at my command — And faith that I the mountains could Remove away from where they stood, 4 And do not have true charity, It all doth nothing profit me. 178 HYMNS. True charity, doth suffer long, ts always kind, doth never wrong — 5 It seeketh not what is its own, Nor eas'ly is provoked soon; No evil thoughts with it are found, It doth rejoice where truth abounds. 6 But where iniquity prevails, The consequence it then bewails, Through faith it doth all things endure, In hope, through patience, all things bears. 7 charity ! love divine ! may I seek to call thee mine ; Thou art a balm that all' doth heal, For thou dost never, never fail. 175. L. M. Awakening and Encouraging. OMT young friends, be ye appris'd, All this vain world must be despis'd ; Therefore do seek that in short time, You may prepare your souls in fine. 2 What is this world, with all 't has done? The vow now make with God's dear Son, This will remain for ever more, The soul's sweet joy in heaven secure. HYMN8. 1 7$ 8 Yea, never more the world do love, But join yourselves with Christ above ; Then you shall gain true strength in faith. That all your vice must sink beneath. 4 Ye vanities all soon depart, I will improve the time so short. That I no more will condescend, Against God's will my life to spend. 5 I have now meditated right, And thus resolv'd with all ray might, That nothing more than Christ I'll own, And willingly my flesh bring down. 6 To the false world and her deceit^ No more my soul will now submit ; Too long, alas ! the lust I lov'd, And by the same I griev'd my God. 7 I will press on to Christ above, Who bought and sav'd me through his love ; As a true branch to him I'll cleave, Till he shall come and me receive. 8 Nought more 111 seek but my God's praise, may he help that I the prize Whereto he me has called amain, When he shall come I may obtain. 9 True praise and thanks so shall my heart For ever more to thee impart ; k2 180 HYMNS. Here in this tiifle, therefore, always, Eternal God, be thine the praise. 176. L. M. Christ's Merits have satisfied the Lai OH0LY God ! righteous indeed, In ev'ry thing thou hast decreed, Thou hast reveal'd thy holy will To sinful man, who doth so ill. 2 For by thy law we know our sin, Which says keep ev'ry passion in ; who is here this doth obey, For we have all gone off the way. 3 We've lost all strength for to subdue Our sinful passions, daily new, how shall we the judgment flee Of God's just law, which condemns me. 4 But Christ has open'd now the way For to escape the judgment day ; A compensation he has made, And all our sins on him are laid. 5 In heav'n his glory he forsook, On earth the form of man he took, His word of grace he then proclaim' d, He heal'd the sick, made well the maimM. 181 (5 The deaf did hear, the blind did see, The bounden captives were made free; He then resign'd himself to God, And for a ramsom spill'd his blood, 7 To pay the debt that man had made. Who from the word of God had stray'd Again to bring him home to rest, That he eternal should be bless'd. 177. C. M. Come utito me all ye that are Heavy Laden. A LL who to Christ do laden come, -£*- Feel burden' d with their sins, Both halt and blind, and deaf and dumb, By coming, favor win. 2 They are received with joy and peace, And help is offer'd them : So that they all can find release From th' burden of their sins. 3 And what joy doth it create To the distressed soul ; His great relief from sinful state, By which he is made whole. 4 Tho sinner's captive soul, again From sin and bondage freed, k8 1 82 HYMISS. Can praise his Jesus who was slain. Yet lives to intercede . b Inviting all to come to him In penitence and faith, And he will free them from their sin, And from eternal death. 178. C. M. Supplication to the Lord, with Hope. MAY thy grace, God, attend O Us while we worship now : Fo on thy blessing we depend, Before thee humbly bow. 2 grant that we may strengthen'd be, In faith and hope and love, And our desires arise to thee, In praising thee above. 3 Grant wisdom true and knowledge right, To exercise our mind, And in each soul diffuse thy light, To make each other kind. 4 Enable us to edify By conversation sweet, Through which our hopes ascend on high Where we do hope to meet. HYMNS. 183 5 When we have overcome and won The great and precious prize, For which we did with patience run, And all did sacrifice. 6 then true joy we shall obtain, From Jesus Christ on high, Where we for ever shall remain In endless peace and joy. 179. L. M. Invitation to turn to the Lord. OMY dear friends, do warning take. And the broad road of sin forsake ; Christ soon will come with his reward, now prepare to meet the Lord. 2 he dispenses grace to all Who are submissive to his call ; They shall be call'd with Jesus heirs, And in his kingdom they shall share. 3 heavenly love, faith divine, blessings of dear Jesus mine, Eternal joys of happiness In mansions of eternal peace. A Another source can ne'er be found From whence such blessings do abound, The Lord alone is goodness full, He feeds the poor and hungry soul. K4 184 HYMNS 5 To him alone all praises give, And always to his honor live, And seek to walk in humble fear, His holy name always revere. 6 He will with kindness us protect, And on the way of life direct, Which if pursued until we die, In heav'n he will us not deny. 180. C. M. We must run the Race with Patience bearing the Cross. WITH patience let us run the race, With fortitude endure, With anxious fear desire true grace, To make our calling sure, 2 Through Jesus Christ, the author of Salvation of our souls, By his unbounded grace and love, Which he to us unfolds. 3 He unto us is wisdom made, And also righteousness ; Through him we too are sanctified, By his redeeming grace. 4 great Redeemer, through thy blood, Thou didst our pardon buy. HYMNS. 1&> Thou here didst give thyself to God, Through which we now draw nigh. 5 Great was the debt which thou didst pay, Our souls to ransom free, That we in God's great judgment day, Stand justified through thee. ti Then those who here did bear with joy The cross, despising shame, 8hall songs of praise their tongues employ, To glorify his name. 181. L. M. Example of our Saviour in Suffering. OUR Saviour suffer'd, leaving us Example that we follow must, Who did no sin, nor was there guile Found in his mouth, nor did revile. 2 He threaten'd not when suffering, But did commit himself to him Who judgeth righteously in all, And did in pray'r unto him call. 3 In his own body on the tree, Through love he bore our sins, that we, Be'ng dead to sins, should live unto The righteousness he brought to view. 4 For hereunto we called are, That we Christ's suffering should share ; 186 HYMNS. For by his stripes we're healed too, And sav'd by grace which he did shoi 5 For we as sheep were gone astray, But now are turn'd to the true way, Unto the shepherd of our souls, Who will preserve us in his fold. 182. L. M. The Love of Christ. OWHO shall now lay anything, Or charge against God's elect bring, It is our God that justifies, Who to condemn can then arise. 2 It is Christ Jesus who was slain, Yea, rather, that is ris'n again, And now at God's right hand is ev'n. To intercede for us in heav'n. 3 who or what shall separate Us from the love of Christ so great? Shall tribulation, or distress, Or persecution, nakedness, 4 Or famine, peril or the sword, Divide us from his holy word ? no, for we can conquer, through Jesus, whose love to us is true. HYMNS. 18T 5 For I'm persuaded in my faith, That neither Angels, life, or death, Nor prince, nor power, shall able be, To separate God's love from me. 183. L. M. The Cross of Christ. AWAKE, my dear friends, awake, Your sinful pleasures to forsake, While yet the gospel trumpets sound, With joyful news to all around. 2 Glad tidings they to us proclaim, Which here on earth, through Jesus came » Peace and good will to all it speaks, Who for his glorious kingdom seek. 3 Forgiveness in his blood they find, And comfort in their heart and mind, So that they humbly bow to him, Who through his love forgave their sin. 4 Their cross they take, as he commands, Forsaking all, both house and lands, From all encumbrance themselves free, That they may his disciples be, 5 And persecutions may endure, Knowing that it doth life ensure, For first the cross, and tben the life, When once is ended all our strife. 188 HYMNS. 184. L. M. Comfort in Temptations. COUNT it but joy, my brethren all, When in temptation ye do fall ; For thus your faith is tri'd, ye know, Which worketh patience here below. 2 Her perfect work let patience have, That ye may perfect be in love ; If any one should wisdom lack, Let him ask God, who is not slack, 3 But giveth freely to all men, And that without upbraiding them ; And it to him also shall be Through Jesus' mercy, given free. ■4 But let him ask in a true faith, Not wavering in his belief ; For he that wav'reth 's like a wave, That on the sea is tossed and drave. 5 Blest is the man that doth endure Temptation with a heart sincere, For when he's tried, he shall receive The crown of life, which God doth give. 185. C. M. We should Forgive One Another. THE heav'nly kingdom liken'd ia Unto a certain king, HYMNS. 189 Who would all of the servants hie Into a reck'ning bring. 2 And when to reckon he'd begun, Ten thousand talents one did owe, Who could not pay the mighty sum Which to his lord was due. 3 That servant then, condemned sore, Down at his feet did fall, And him besought for patience more, And he would pay it all. 4 His lord's compassion then was movM, And him the debt forgave ; ('Tis thus the Lord our God hath lov'd, And sent his Son to save.) 5 But this same one in great offence, His brother took and bound, Who ow'd to him a hundred pence, Which did his l,ord offend. C To the tormentors he then gave Him, till he all should pay; We also shall likewise receive, Our Lord to us doth say. 7 If from our hearts we don't forgive Our brother's trespass here, From Christ our Lord we shall receive Like condemnation sure. 190 HYMNS. 186. L. M. Virtue? of True Believers. BELOVED brethren, I beseech, (By grace of God St. Paul doth teach,) That ye present your bodies true, A living sacrifice to do. 2 To this vain world be not conformed, In a new mind be ye transformed, That ye may prove what is that good, That pleasing, perfect will of God. 3 Anxious pursue your duty here, And serve the Lord with constant fear ; Rejoice in hope, with patience bear The tribulations which you share. 4 Your hospitality also, With kindness here to strangers show $ Bless them which persecute you here, Yea, bless, and curse not them severe. 5 Rejoice with them that joys do share, And weep with them that mournful are ; Mind not high things which do elate, But condescend to low estate. 6 To no man evil recompense, But kindly pass by his offence ; These are the virtues which are found« And only with the saints abound ; 191 7 Who walk in love, and serve their God According to his holy word ; Themselves deny, and strive to live, That they their God no more may grieve. 187. S. M. The Judgment Day Coming. OUR days are spending fast, Our hours do fleet away, And soon with us 'twill be the last, The mournful judgment day, 2 When Jesus shall appear, With glory and with pow'r, Then all the nations him shall fear, In that last dreadful hour. 3 The Son of Man shall come With glory, in the clouds, And shall the dead raise from the tomb, With trumpets sounding loud; 4 Oh then all shall receive Their great reward from him ; To all his saints a crown he'll give, And to him take them in. 5 But sinners he'll exclude From all his blessings then, Which never more shall be renew'd, But e'er must suffer pain, 192 HYMNS. 6 Because they here did spend Their life in sinful ways, Not seeking for a happy end Till they had spent their days. 7 come ana warning take While God yet offers grace, And all the ways of sin forsake, That you your souls may save. 188. C. M. The Saviour came to save that which was Lost* OUR Lord, the Son of Man, is come To save that which was lost ,• To seek, and also to bring home, That which his life did cost. 2 Wherefore he saith, if brother thin© Should trespass against thee, Yea, then it is the duty mine, To go to him and see; 3 Perhaps I can, with truth and love, And words of kindness win, So that the Lord, through grace, may move Him to repent of sin. 4 But if he yet should stubborn prove, And would his fault not own, then we must not cease, through love, Him to admonish soon. HYMNS. 193 5 And bring his case before the church, Which if he will not hear, The Saviour us doth plainly teach, Exclusion he must bear. 6 For thus our Saviour hath declared, Who e'er on earth ye bind, From heaven they shall be debarr'd, Till they repentance find. 7 But when they do repent again, With joy we shall receive, Releasing them from sacred ban, And humbly them forgive. 189. L. M. Importance of Improving the Time. rpHE time is flying rapid on, J- It hastens fast, soon will be gone, The time allotted me; let me then, before too late, Think of that great and future state, Where will my soul then be ! 2 Can I then reach that peaceful shore, Where troubles I will see no more, And from my labors rest, To reign with Jesus Christ above, And dwell with him in peace and love, And be for ever blest; L 194 HYMNS. 3 0, Lord, I will myself deny, And unto thee I will draw nigh, While in my living days ; Thy righteous name I will confess Before all men, who do suppress Thy free abounding grace. 4 Lord, may I but reach that shore, To praise thy name for ever more In the bright realms above, And magnify thy holy name, Thy glory ever to proclaim, And sing redeeming love. 190. L. M. The Church of CJwist. THE church of Christ, and his alone, Consists of souls all newly born j The same by love, are bound in one, And ruled by him, the head alone. 2 And as the head is termed the vine, The members must, as branches fine, Also partake like nature kind, As we in John may plainly find. 3 He says, " He that abides in me And I in him, shall fruitful be ; Without me ye can nothing do, This I to you do plainly shew." HYMNS. 195 4t All who do not in me abide, Must he prun'd off, and*cast aside ; For they no gospel fruits mature, Wherefore the church them can't endure. 5 But they in whom the fruits are found, (In faith and works they must abound,) Shall all be purg'd and well suppli'd, That they bear fruit quite multipli'd. Lord, grant us thy spirit pure, That it within us may mature, The fruits of meekness, lore and peace, And thou alone shalt have the praise. 191. P. M. The True Church. A CHURCH was establish'd on earth here below, By Christ and apostles, as scripture doth show, Stands firm on the rock, bound together by love, Is rul'd by the true word of Christ from above, 2 .No spot and no wrinkle in it shall be found, But peace, truth and mercy in it must abound ; No fame nor vain glory the members should seek. [keep. But only how they the Lord's word pure may li 3 They're led by one spirit, and scripture's their guide, And in their dear Saviour they wholly confide, Who gives them instructions, and shows them the way, That they by delusions are not led astray. 4 But if they get slack in their duties to God» And will no more strictly obey his pure word, They'll soon fall in sin, and in darkness will stray, [away. And from the true love they will soon fall 5 Then they can no more in the true church abide, And with the Lord's people no more can reside, But must, by sep'ration, be taken away, As Christ, in his gospel, so plainly doth say. 6 That it without blemish may always remain, And have the pure doctrine, and ever retain The bonds of perfection and love to their King, That he them unto the bless'd mansions may bring. 192. L. M. True Obedience, ALAS ! alas ! where am I now ! I find that I have gone astray ; Yea, I on erring ways did go, And did the Saviour disobey. HYMNS. 197 2 For when appear'd his gospel light Which did illumine my dark soul, I saw my sin, (amazing sight !) My wretchedness it did reveal. 3 Then I for grace and mercy sought, And, as I thought, did find relief; I also saw, by this great light, The narrow path which leads to life. 4 But how straight the gate appear'd, And my unwilling heart did fear That if I did obey the word, I would lose all my comforts here. 5 I look' d around on ev'ry side, I saw professors pious call'd ; Some did in self defence confide, And others join'd yet with the world. 6 I said, all these are Christians too, Why need I be so scrupulous ? Why cannot I thus likewise do And also saved be by grace ? 7 But here my soul could find no rest, For I did not obey the word ; For which my soul is now distress'd, I feel my sins, ah ! grievous load. 8 pardon, Lord, my trespass great, For now I will thy voice obey ; Thy cross I'll bear, all evil hate, What e'er on earth my fate may be. l3 198 HYMNS. 193. C. M. The Lord's Prayer. O FATHER kind, Thou lov'st tby child, Who's truly born of thee ; Thou cleansest him from sin and guile, And sett'st his spirit free. 2 By Christ, thy dear beloved Son, Thou dost our hearts prepare, Whom thou didst sendfrom heaven's throne, Afflictions great to bear j 3 For sin and the misdeeds of man, Which bind us as a chain ; That we conforming with thy plan, May unto thee attain. 4 Therefore, Father, in us grant Thy name may hallow'd be ; Give us the light and oil we want, Our way on earth to see. 5 Thy kingdom come, God above, To all who've turn'd from sin ; Where nothing rules but peace and love, On those who walk therein. 6 Thy will should ev'ry Christian bind, Our own we should not take ; For having gain'd a heavenly mind, Our will we should forsake. 7 Give us our daily bread, Lord, That we may be supplied, HYMNS. 199 From out thy true and living word. While we on earth abide. 8 Our debts, Father, do forgive, Which in our souls we find ; Cleanse us from sin, that we may live In Jesus' favor kind. 9 As we have also those forgiv'n, Who trespasses have done ; As we receiv'd commandment ev'n, From Jesus Christ, thy Son. 10 Therefore, God, do us preserve From all that tempt us may ; That from thy truth we ne'er may swerve, While here on earth we stay. 11 Redeemus from all sin and guile Which keep ns still in pain, That we, God, may, like thy Child, From ev'ry sin abstain ; 1 2 For thine's the kingdom and the pow'r, Thy impulse all things sways ; Whatever blessings on us show'r, Must still enhance thy praise. 13 We'll then submit, while here in time, To God, nor think it long, That we may in yon heavenly clime, Shout forth the victor's song. l4 APPENDIX. HYMN 194. O JESUS, the true righteousness, Which ours destroyed doth us possess. Thou Lord, dost for our souls provide, What by the law was ne'er supplied ; 2 Whereby we are with God made one, Receiving power by the Son, Both death and hell to overcome, To worship at his holy throne. 3 But this no Pharisees possess, Because they do not seek his grace, And hence they will as outcasts be, In Satan's pow'r eternally, hymn 195. ETERNAL Light, illuminate Those who call on thee soon and late, Who under sin's most grievous load Sigh unto thee, gracious God. Have mercy on them, make them free From all their sins eternally. 2 Renew them in thy image pure, Give them faith's shield both strong and sure, As likewise light around to see, That they may ne'er diverted be APPENDIX. 201 Prom path of truth so plain and ev'n, Till they arrive with thee in heav'n. S Though Christendom in deep disguise While here on earth, may them despise/ grant thy path they e'er may see, And always follow after thee ; O Jesus, do thy flock preserve, That they may never from thee swerve. 4 In present time with troubles rife, Where brethren live in constant strife, And 'gainst each other judgment find, Though there is no sufficient ground, It does from self and party come, wo, thou fallen Christendom. 5 Remove this evil, hlessed Lord, Both by thy spirit and thy word ; As thou, at the Apostles' time, Didst Jews and Gentiles all combine, So now, Lord of heaven true. Join all in one who thee pursue ; 6 And bring them, thou Shepherd great, Into one herd, I thee entreat ; make thy truth to all appear, And grant that all may lend an ear, That by its bright illuming gleam, The day on many hearts may beam ; 7 That anti-Christ may be reveal'd, Who in sheep's clothing is conceal' d, 202 APPENDIX. Prepare! weak souls to captivate, Oppress'd with sins, and vices great, Made by deceit and falsehood blind, That they may Jesus never find. 8 Awake, awake, ye children good, Observe how the great multitude, The prophet false and beast adore j Desire the word of God no more; Hence on your guard assiduous stand, The Son of Man is nigh at hand. 9 The signs move on with rapid speed, Let us poor mortals all take heed, That at the coming of the Lord, He may us find upon our guard, And say, ye children, come with me, And spend a blest eternity. hymn 196. ZION sighs with grief and terror, All her strength and beauty fails j Fear and anguish sorely press her, While her enemy prevails ; For her hapless children, scatter'd Far on Babel's barren ground, Where no joyful strain is utter' d, And no soothing harp is found. 2 For the harlot of confusion Fills their cup with poison'd wine, And the maddening infusion Makes them think her pow'r divine ; APPENDIX. 203 Thus the beast and the false prophet, Strengthen'd by the dragon's skill, Urge them through the ways of Tophet, All his counsels to fulfil. 3 ye sons of Zion, hearken, Hear the voice of truth invite; Let not sin your prospects darken, And extinguish all your light; Flee from the oppressive Babel, Lest ye meet with her reward ; Prove her spirits while you're able, And may wisdom be your guard. 4 Children view the blessed union, Cherish'd by Immanuel ; Seek the chosen church communion, Where he condescends to dwell ; With the souls by God converted, Who are minded like their Lord, And with one accord concerted To leave all for Jesus' word. 5 Those who follow his directions, This vain world cannot endure, Nor receive the pure affections Which eternal peace ensure ; Fleeting gain and wordly pleasure, Christians now, alas ! pursue, And reject the heav'nly treasure Which alone is good and true. 204 APPENDIX. 6 Thus the church of Christ is mangl'd, And true doctrine disapprov'd ; Satan also hath entangled, And, by hellish art, remov'd Far from the true source of blessing, Faithful souls to grace inclin'd, G-ently luring and impressing Vain delusions on the mind. 7 Therefore, watch with care unceasing, All ye children free of grace, Still in faith and truth increasing, Let no cause your hope efface ; That ye be ingrafted early, And be members of the Lord, Hear his saving doctrine fairly, Resting firmly on his word. 8 0, Jehovah ! be entreated, Gather in thy little flock ; Let thy promise be completed, Fix thy church upon the rock. See, he comes, your souls to gather, Children fly from Babylon ; Sweetly praise your heav'nly Father, And assemble 'round his throne. 9 Now the narrow way discover Which your Saviour oft defin'd, Follow Jesus and moreover Rectify your carnal mind ; APPBNDIX. 205 Blees and love your proud oppressors, Spite and envy never bear, So shall you be true professors, And his friendship ever share. 10 Yea, Lord Jesus, let us proffer All our light and life to thee ; All our souls to thee we offer Now and to eternity : For thou hast, through great compassion, Thus restor'd us by the death ; And thy blood and intercession Speak us free from sin and wrath. htmn 197. O MIGHTY God ! great is our need In this last sad condition ; For anti-Christ doth still resist, And claims undue submission j Exalts his own, as hath been shown, Above the truths of heaven ; Rejects thy word, gracious Lord ! Which thou hast kindly given. 2 By him confin'd, the feeble mind Receives no good sensation, The serpent still ensnares their will And prompts their inclination j My God ! for this I feel distress To see such desolation ; All men are vain nor will refrain From scenes of dissipation. 206 APPENDIX. 3 Thy gentle child, the Christian mild, Is now hecome a stranger; No place can find among mankind To screen his head from danger : God ! thy grace no man can trace, For truth is long departed, And sheds no ray to cheer the way Of him who is true hearted. 4 Jesus, thy name numbers proclaim, And make a slight confession ; Thy doctrine show and partly know The scriptural expression: Thy name alone they proudly own, And say they have thy spirit ; By which they grieve and would deceive Those who thy love inherit. 5 Zion complains in mournful strains, Amidst a graceless nation ; Her beauty fails while sin prevails In spacious elation ; The temple fair, disrob'd and bare, Her holy minstrels falter ; The sacrifice unoffer'd lies Upon the sacred altar. 6 0, God of love ! our shame remove, Nor leave thy church to languish ; How canst thou bear her deep despair, And hear the sigh of anguish ; APPENDIX. 207 Recall her soon from Babylon, To raise the fallen temple ; May faith be sound and grace abound In doctrine and example. 7 Yea, by the might and heav'nly light Of thy benignant spirit, Let us renew thy doctrine true, On Christ's infinite merit : Through Jesus Christ, in whom we trust, By whom we have exemption ; Whose sprinkl'd blood speaks peace with God, And seals our sure redemption. 8 For this our days we spend in praise To him who gently guided, To Zion's plains from Babel's chains, Where long we had resided ; And now thy will we do fulfil, From sin our hearts we sever, And firmly stand by thy command, And shun the unbeliever. 9 Jesus, in thee our strength we see, In time of sad desertion ; Vouchsafe to hear our humble prayer, And aid our weak exertion ; Thou art our stay and happy way, Through which our souls must enter ; On thee alone our care is thrown, When through the floods we venture. 208 APPENDIX. 10 0, brethren dear ! ye now are pure, Watch, and be always ready, Prepared to quell the shafts of hell, And be your purpose steady ; With Christ conjoin 'd, we are refin'd If hap'ly we endeavor, As branches fair, the fruit to bear, Which must endure for ever. 11 Sisters belov'd, remain unmov'd, In Christ your true preserver, His cause espouse and keep the vows Which you have made with fervor ; Then he shall make your souls partake Seraphic joys in heaven, Bright scenes unfold, and harps of gold, As sweet rewards be given. 12 Prepare us here, to enter there, As guests in wedding raiment, There we shall see the harmony Of heavenly agreement; Father, to thee all glory be, And to the Holy Spirit, To Jesus too all praise is due, For we can claim no merit. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Page. A listening ear, come and give 46 Alas, and have I lost my love 49 All professors hear with pleasure 52 Apprehensive of future delight] 54 Alas, alas, I am undone 57 Awaken from your slumber 59 Assembl'd we have been 63 A man who's truly meek and plain 85 A stream through this region 114 Alas, poor man, stop now and think 132 A soul wbose love to God is cold 144 Arise my thoughts and hence remove 153 Awake and flee from wrath to come 161 All who to Christ do laden come 181 Awake, my dear friends, awake 187 Alas, alas, where am I now 196 A church was established on earth here below 195 Benevolence the best of parts 44 Before we do our meeting close 51 Behold a dawning star appears 64 Behold how fast our time doth fleet 67 Blest are the dead that in the Lord 117 M 210 INDEX. Behold how pleasant and how good 120 Bright angels never can repeat 122 Behold upon Mount Zion 134 Beloved brethren I beseech 190 Come sinners, hear your Saviour tell 14 Come seek relief, thou troubled soul 37 Come ye that truly seek 38 Come sinners, to the school of Christ 43 Come ye that love the Lord 51 Come all who feel your wants 58 Come all that are with sins oppress'd 63 Come, brethren dear, and sober be 90 Celestial thought, impulse divine 93 Come all ye weary pilgrims 99 Come troubled souls, and hear me tell 108 Come ye that seek the Saviour's grace 128 Christ is the vine wherein if we 135 Come all ye souls in trials great 137 Come all ye souls and now behold 139 Come hearken unto Jotham's plea 168 Count it but joy, my brethren all 187 Dear people come and take a view 28 Dear children come and help to sing 93 Dear people think on your last doom .142 Except the Lord the house doth build 121 Eternal light illuminate 200 Fainting traveler, troubl'd spirit 71 Faith is a shield and substance great 78 INDEX. 211 First for the heavenly kingdom seek 164 Great are the mercies of our God 175 Ho ye that sleep, awake arise 104 Hope, sacred name 110 How many souls have passed this day 131 Hear ye not the trumpet sounding 155 Hope is an anchor for my soul 12 Hear all ye sons of Adam's race 15 In the great saving gospel plan 31 I've found the great salvation stream 81 I am a valiant pilgrim 92 Immanuel, thy welcome birth 94 If others merit do reward 108 I sleep, my heart yet waketh still 145 I know that merits have reward 171 Jehovah threatens, sinners tremble 110 Jerusalem, that happy place 152 Lord of the harvest, thee we pray 45 Lo, by the stream of Babylon 119 Let lamentations cease 126 Lord, to thee I'll fly 138 Let us the whole conclusion hear 75 My mind to warmer thoughts give place 65 Mortal man, what is your station 84 Make haste, Lord, deliver me 140 h2 2}2 INDEX. New converts, be ye vigilant 27 Now the supper being ended 34 Now in this happy jubilee .55 Now in our Saviour's blessed Dame 1 00 No lasting joy for me can yield 105 Now ris'n with Christ, seek those things 158 resting place, for thee I long 18 Lord, thy word the heavenly seed 21 let us lay our treasures up 36 Lord, alas, I am distress'd 41 gracious Lord, hear thou my cry 48 Lord, I will not silent be 48 Our nature's totally depraved 53 Lord, I will confess to thee 59 Lord, from thy discerning sight 61 sinners, come and hear me tell 72 sinner, come and Jesus see 74 let not Jesus die in Vain 76 Saviour kind, do thou incline 79 Lord, accept my humble praise 83 how fain would I go 88 Jesus, thee I will confess 91 O mortal man, behold 101 Lord, I will confess to thee 103 O Lord, withdraw my wretched soul 106 O Jesus, for thy mercy 113 O Lord, do us protect 117 Out of the depth to thee I cry 129 O great Redeemer, Prince of peace 136 O Lord, from thee I cannot hide 149 INDEX. 213 Zion, out of thee went forth 150 why in grief, why in pain 151 Lord, according to command. 151 man, remember thou must die 162 ye professors, yet how long 165 O Saviour, art thou passing by 166 thou Physician rare 167 Our Saviour did commandment give 176 my young friends, be ye appris'd 178 holy God, righteous indeed 180 may thy grace, God attend 182 my dear friends, do warning take 183 Our Saviour suffered, leaving us 185 who shall now lay any thing 186 Our days are spending fast 19 Our Lord, the Son of Man is come 192 Father kind, thou lov'st thy child : 1 9g mighty God, great is our need Sftfg Jesus, the true righteousness 20q Peace on the earth, good will to men 39 Sweet friendship's tie is broke again 88 Short is the time I did sojourn 41 Soon shall this mighty fabric fall 95 The birth of King Immanuel 1 1 The time of harvest is at hand 16 The happy year of jubilee 19 The Christian meek doth follow Christ 22 Th* accepted time, the day of grace 22 m3 214 INDEX. The Lord who made the universe 24 The wisdom which is from above 25 The church of Christ that's here below 30 This happy lot indeed is mine 40 The Sons of charity possess 56 The only and the proper way 68 The Lord is worthy of all praise 80 The way of truth in faith I'll tread 96 The way of life in Christ doth lead 98 The true and heav'nly flaming zeal 109 The infants dear are call'd away 116 Thy word, Lord, is drink and meat 125 The gift of grace, who will refuse 131 The heathen in their ignorance 140 The time is near at hand 146 The time it is drawing nigh 147 The ark a figure is indeed 156 The hour of death at length has come 163 The wonders seen beneath the sun 170 The straight and narrow way 174 The heav'nly kingdom liken'd is 188 The Christian's beautiful array 23 The folly of the youngest son 26 The Lord doth gospel joys compare 60 The first love is that blessed state 69 To the great supper ye are bid 82 There is a time wherein to tell 97 The judgment day draws nigh 102 The mighty Lord, lo now descends 118 Types and shadows have pass'd by 130 INDEX. 215 The day is gone and pass'd 143 The grace of God with shining beams 147 The true foundation I have found 164 The way, the truth, the life I am 172 Though I do speak with tongues of men 177 The church of Christ, and his alone 194 The time is flying rapid on 193 Unto the Lord our wants are known 133 United we in love will sing 148 When Jesus Christ from death arose 20 When Christ descended from above 32 When Christ the people plainly taught 33 With pleasure I would serve the Lord 13 While I am on my journey here 47 When we with health and life were bless'd 66 Where e'er on earth the saints do meet 67 What darkness great overshadows me 70 We see the earth, we see the sky 86 Where two or three are join'd in one 111 What love beyond our mortal sense 123 With understanding eyes I see 124 We know that all who have been born 127 Why yet refuse the path to choose 137 With a true heart let us draw near 160 Watch and sober be in mind 169 With flesh and blood we wrestle not 173 With patience let us run the race 184 Your hearts, let not troubled be 62 You little flock, ye chosen few 77 Ml 216 INDEX. Te chosen royal nation 107 Ye mortal men, be humble, meek 157 Ye souls that do feel comfortless 17 Young people come hear my address 29 Zion sighs with grief and tears 202 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ADMONITION. Page. Awaken from your slumber 59 Alas poor man stop now and think 132 Come ye that truly seek 38 Come all ye weary pilgrims 99 Dear people come and take a view 2S Dear children come and help to sing 93 New converts be ye vigilant 27 mortal man behold 101 man remember thou must die 162 ye professors yet how long 165 my friends be ye appris'd 178 my dear friends do warning take 183 The gift of grace who will refuse 131 Why yet refuse the path to choose 137 Watch and sober be in mind 169 When Christ decended from above 32 Ye mortal men, be humble, meek 157 Young people come hear my address 29 ADOBATION. great redeemer, Prince of peace 136 The Lord is worthy of all praise 80 BAPTISM. Hear all ye sons of Adam's race 15 The ark a figure is indeed 156 218 INDEX. COMFORT AND CONSOLATION. Alas, alas I am undone 57 All who to Christ do laden come * 181 Come seek relief thou troubled soul 37 Come ye that love the Lord 51 Come all who feel your wants 58 Come all ye souls in trials great 137 Count it but joy my brethren all 188 Fainting trav'ler, troubled spirit 71 Great are the mercies of our God 175 I sleep, my heart yet waketh still 145 Let lamentations cease 126 resting place for thee I long 18 Lord alas I am distressed 41 Lord from thee I cannot hide 149 why in grief, why in pain 151 While I am on my journey here , 47 Ye souls that do feel comfortless 17 Your hearts let not troubled be ©2 You little flock, ye chosen few 77 Ye chosen royal nation 107 CHRISTIANS' DE8IRES. Apprehensive of future delight 54 how fain would I go 88 CHRISTIAN VIRTUE. Benevolence the best of parts 44 Beloved brethren I beseech 190 Christ is the vine wherein if we 135 In the great saving gospel plan 31 Jesus, thee I will confess 91 INDEX. 219 Our Saviour suffer'd leaving us 185 The Christian meek doth follow Christ 22 The Christian's beautiful array 23 The sons of charity possess 56 Though I do speak with tongues of men 177 COMMUNION. Now in our Saviour's blessed name 100 The heathen in their ignorance 140 CHRISTIAN DUTIES. Come brethren dear and sober be 90 Now ris'n with Christ, seek those things 158 The heavenly kingdom likened is 188 FAITH AND HOPE. Faith is a shield and substance great 78 Hope is an anchor for my soul 12 Ho ye that sleep, awake, arise 104 Hope, sacred name 110 No lasting joys for me can yield 105 This happy lot indeed is mine 40 The wonders seen beneath the sun 170 We see the earth, we see the sky 86 FUNERAL HYMNS. Bless'd are the dead that in the Lord 117 Come all ye souls and now behold 139 Dear people, think on your last doom 142 Short is the time I did sojourn 4l Sweet friendship's tie is broke again 88 The infants dear are call'd away, 116 The hour of death at length has come 16S We know that all who have been born 127 220 INDEX. INVITATION. Come all that are with sins oppress'd 63 Come ye that seek the Saviour's face 128 sinners, come and hear me tell 72 sinners, come and Jesus see 74 To the great supper ye are bid 82 JUDGMENT. Awake and flee from wrath to come 161 Jehovah threatens, sinners tremble 110 Let us the whole conclusion hear 75 Our days are spending fast 191 Soon shall this mighty fabric fall 95 The judgment day draws nigh 102 The mighty Lord, lo now descends 118 With understanding eyes I see 124 MORNING AND EVENING HYMNS. Behold how fast tbe time doth fleet 67 How many souls have pass'd this day 131 The day is gone and past 143 When we with health and life were bless'd 66 MATRIMONY. Lord, according to command 151 PENITENCE. Come sinners, hear your Saviour tell 14 Lord, I will confess to thee 103 The folly of the youngest son 26 What darkness great o'ershadow me 70 PARTING HYMN. Assembled we have been 63 Before we do our meeting close 51 221 Thy word, Lord, is drink and meet 125 The time is near at hand 146 The time is drawing nigh 147 United we in love will sing 148 PSALMS. Behold how pleasant and how good 120 Except the Lord the house doth build 121 Lo, by the stream of Babylon 119 Make haste, Lord deliver me 140 Out of the depth to thee I cry 129 REDEMPTION. A stream throughout this region 114 A soul whose love to God is cold 144 Hear ye not the trumpet sounding 155 holy God, righteous indeed 180 let not Jesus die in vain 76 The only and the proper way 68 The way, the truth, the life I am 172 With patience let us run our race 184 REGENERATION. Come, troubled souls, and hear me tell 108 Our nature's totally depraved 53 The accepted time, the day of grace 22 SUPPLICATION. Lord, do us protect 117 Jesus, for thy mercy 113 Lord, to thee I'll fly 138 may thy grace, God, attend 122 Lord, withdraw my wretched soul 106 O Saviour kind, do thou incline 79 222 INDEX. Lord I will confess to the.e 103 Lord, accept lny humble praise 83 Gracious Lord, hear thou my cry 48 Lord, from thy discerning sight 61 father kind, thou lov'st thy child 198 SELF DENIAL. The straight and narrow way 174 Unto thee, Lord, our wants are known 133 When Christ the people plainly taught 33 THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST. A listening ear, come and give Behold upon mount Zion Now in this happy jubilee Zion out of thee went forth Peace on the earth, good will to men The Lord doth gospel joys compare The Lord who made the universe The happy year of jubilee Where e'er on earth the saints do meet THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. The church of Christ that's here below 30 A Church was establish'd on earth here below 195 The church of Christ, and his alone 194 THE LOVE OF CHRIST. Bright angels never can repeat 122 I've found the great salvation stream 81 who shall now lay any thing 186 What love beyond our mortal sense 123 INDEX. 223 THE WORD OF GOD. Lord, thy word the heav'nly seed 21 The grace of God with shining beams 147 THE HOLT BAN. Our Lord, the Son of man, did come 192 Where two or three are join'd in one 111 THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Awake, my dear friends, awake 187 The way of life in Christ doth lead 98 With pleasure I would serve the Lord 13 THE GOOD PHYSICIAN. Saviour, art thou passing by 166 9 thou physician rare 167 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. Behold, a dawning star appears 64 Immanuel, thy welcome birth 94 The birth of King Immanuel 11 THE APOSTLES' MISSION. With a true heart let us draw near 160 When Jesus Christ from death arose 20 WASHING FEET. Now the supper being ended 34 Our Saviour did commandment give 176 MISCELLANEOUS. A man who's truly meek and plain 85 Alas, and have I lost my love 49 All professors hear with pleasure 52 Celestial thought, impulse divine 93 Come hearken unto Jotham's plea 166 224 index. Come sinners to the school of Christ First for the heavenly kingdom seek I know that merits have reward I am a valiant pilgrim If others merit do reward Jerusalem, that happy place Lord of the harvest, thee we praise Mortal man, what is your station My mind to warmer thoughts give place Lord, I will not silent be let us lay our treasures up The time of harvest is at hand The wisdom which is from above The first love is that blessed state The way of truth in faith I'll tread 96 There is a time wherein to tell 97 The true and heav'nly flaming zeal 100 The true foundation I have found 164 Types and shadows have pass'd by 130 With flesh and blood we wrestle not 173 The time is flying rapid on 193 Alas, alas, where am I now 196 (£ t n e ! I e i n c gum allgemeinen ©ebraucty beg trauten (Sottesbtcnfbs fiir bte ®emetnbe ®otte^ fiattcafter, $$a. Jk | 8icöer=@ammlimg* SSor unb nadj bet $rebtgt 1. mL 2tu$ tiefer «Rot$ fc^re^ ic^ ju bir* (3) D ©ott $ater, n?ir loben ti$, Unb teilte gute greifen ; £)aß tu fcidj, o £err ! gnätiglicfy, 21 tt uns neu tyaft bemiefem Ihtt faft uns, £err, ^ufammen g'füfyrt, Unö gu ermahnen turd) tein roort, ©ieb unö genab §u tiefem* 2, Defne ten munt, £err, teiner fne^t, (Sieb U)n'n weigert tarneben, S)ag fie tein roort mög'n fpredjen te$t, $3a$ tient sunt frommen leben, Unt nü^Iidj ift gu teinem preiö, (3itb nn$ junger nad) fotcfyer fpeijj, 2)a$ tji unfer begehren» 4 Vot unb rmcb 6er prefctcjt. 3* ©teb unferm ^ergen aud) öerjl:ant?, (£rleud)tung. l)ie auf erben, £>a§ bein »ort in uns »erb befannt, -Dag »tr fromm mögett »erben, Unb leben in gerecfytigfeit, Sichten auf bein »ort alle* gett, <5o bleibt man unbetrogen» 4» £)ein, o £err ! ift bas reid) allein, Unb audj bie ntadjt gufammen, Sßir loben btd) in ber gemein Unb banfen beinern namen, Unb bitten btd) au& Ijerjensgrunb, SÖoßft be$ unö fepn $u biefer ftunb, 2)md) 3efum (Eljriftum, $men* 2. Witt. (Seelen- toetbc. (11) /O e f u / 3 e f 1 ^ fcnitttt bes lebend ! ©teil, ac^ ftell bid) be$ uns ein! £)a§ wir je^unb ntd)t »ergebend SÖirlen unb be^* fammen fc^tt* 2. £)u öerl)eij?efl ja ben beuten, Dag T)u »ollteft »unber u)un, Unb in u)nen »illt erfd)etnen, 2Jd)! erfülle, erfülle and) nun» 3 + £err! »tr tragen beinen namen, Vov unb nrtti) bet preMtjt. £err! nnr finb in bid) getauft, Unb bu ^aft git beinem faamen Und mit beinern Mut erfauft 4. £)! fo kg und bicfy ernennen, $omm, erfläre fe(6ft bein toort, £)ag nur bid) recfyt fD^eifter nennen, Unb bir bienen fort unb fort 5» Sift bu mitten unter benen, SMdje ftd) nacfy tümm fyeit SDiit vereintem feuf- 3en fernen ; D ! fo fe$ awfy unfer tfjeiL 6, £e§r und fingen, lefjr un$ beten, £audj und an mit beinern ©eift, £)ag mir für ben 23ater treten, SBie ed tinblid) ift unb fyeigt* 7» ©ammle bie 3erftreuten ftnnen, (2tö§r bie flatterfyaftigfett, Saß uns Hdjt unb fraft gewinnen, £>\x ber Sfyrijten ttnfentyeit* 8» £) bu tyaupt ber regten gfieber! 9?imm und aud) $u folgen an, 23ring bad aBgetoicfyne ttneber, 2htf bie frofye ^immelssbafym 9, ©teb und äugen, gtefc und oljren, ©iefc und ^erjen, bie bir gleicfy, Wlaty i 6 Vov unb nad) bcv prefctgt, un$ reblicfy neugefcoren, £err I gu beinem ^immelreid)* 10. 21$ ja! Ie§r uns (griffen merben, Triften, bie ein lidjt ber »eft, (Sfjrijten, bie ein falg ber erben; 21$ ja, £err! Wie'« btr gefällt _ 3* mi. £)er 134 gjfalnu (12) Jperr Stfu (£§x\% bid) ^n uns foenb, 2)en £eiPgen (Seift In ju wn0 fenb, 2)er uns mit feiner gnab regier, Unb uns ben n?eg gur mafyrfyeit fittyr. 2. iHju auf ben munb gum toBe bem, «Bereit bas ^erg jur anbaut fein, £)en glauben metyr, ftarf ben tterftanb, 2)ag uns bein 9lam tterb wofyl befannt 3. 23is mir fingen mit (dotted $eer: heilig, fyctlig ift <33ott ber £err, Unb flauen bid) »on angeftdjt, 3n ew'ger freub unb fePgem Itcfyt* * 4. @^r feg bem 3Sater unb bem ©ofm, (sammt ^eil'gem ©eij: in einem tfyron, £)er fettigen 2)re^einigfeit Iaf= fen, (Segne uns mit fei' gern fterben, Unb mad) unö ju ^tmmels erben* % WM. 3tt) totd »on metner «ÜHffetyat, (3) ■im Ijaben wir beS £erm frort Söte* brum aufs neu gehört &dj 3?fu, liebjter feelen-fyort, (Scfyenfe ba§ es fruchtbar tverb, £>a§ jebes ^erj tverb aufgefoetft, 8 Vo? unb nach 6ee pvtbiQt. £>as nodj im fd)laf ber (Sünbe ftetft, Unb fid) gu t>tr belehre» 2. ©ieg beines geijtes balfamliraft 3tt citt jebe3 fyerge aus, 2luf bag bodj toerb mit emft gefdjaft SBatjre bug in jebem l)au3, £)amit bein füges gnaben*lid)t £)ie große ftnfiernig gerbricfyt, Die unfre geit bebecfet 3» 2td) #err, erneute keine g'mein, ^flan^e Heb unb etnigfett, Unb tilge ben gertrennungS^fdjein, £öbte bie part&et* ligtett; £ag Heb unb bemutfy fyerrfdjer fe^tt, £)ag jt<$ in beinern geift allein ©ein gange g'mein »erbinbe* * 6* 5KeU £)u ßlaubtßS $erj, fö benebev* (3) X-/ guter ©ott, nur fe^nb am ort, SBie bu e$ tyajt befohlen, 3« serfammeln an ein ort, Um bein rein »ort gu teuren; QöitVö beinern biener in ben munb, 2öa$ er foil reben gu ber fiunb, Vlafy beinern rat$ unb willen» 2«. rum fomme balb unb fäume nidjt, 2Bcil bir nod) fdjetnt bau gnaben4id)t, @o nimm ben ruf 31t l;er3en» 10 Dom Wort (Lottes. $om SBort @otte8* 7. ÄeL £eute iß bag reifte jubelfejh (8) O sperre ©ott! Dein göttlich roort 3fi lang »erbunfelt Blieben, S3iö burd) beitt gnat) Uns ift gefagt, 2öaö $aulu<3 l)at getrieben, Unb anbere apoftel mefyr, Slits bein'm göttlichen munbe De§ banf icb) bir 3ftit fXeiö, bag nur ©riebet biefe ftunbe. 2. Da§ e<3 mit madjt 2ln tag ift Bracht, SBic HarHä) ift fcor äugen; 2Xd^ ©ott mein £err! (£rbarm biet) ber'r, feie biet) noefy jefct verleugnen, Unb ach- ten fetyr 2luf menfcfyen lefyr, Darin ffe bod) ijerberben, Deiuö roorts serftanb ffiafy tyxCn befannt, 2)ag fte ni$t emig fterbem 3. 3$ glaube gar, %ti tljeu'r unb roafyr, 2öa$ bie apoftel fcfyreiben: öl) muß gefd^en, Unb atTs >?ergei}n, Dein "Dom \£>ort (Bottcö. 11 göttttd) »ort fott Meißen 3« etoigfeit, SBär cd audj leib SBicI f)art oerjtocften Kraut, Äefyr'n fte nicfyt um, Serben fte brum Seiten gar großen fc^merjen» 8, With D §mt ©ott bettt öb'Mtc^ (8) 3), ein frort ijl, £err! bie rechte Xel>r, Sin ltdjt, bad und erleuchtet; Sin fcfyilb 3U unfrer gegentoefyr; (Sin tfyau, ber und befeud)tet; (Ein ftärfungdtranf, Sßann nur und franf 5ln feel unb mutfy beftn* ben; (Ein oefted banb, £)ad unfre fyanb yjlit beiner lann oerbinbem 2» @o füfyre bann auf rechtem pfab, T)urd) big bein lid)t, midj blinben; Sag mid) burd) beinen fdjujj unb rati) Dew fatan überwintert; i)ie fitjjtgfeit Sag ade* gett 35on beinern »ort mid) fdjmeden; Unb beinc gunjt 3*t wir bic brunfi £>er gegenlieb erweden. 3. SSerTei^ audj beinen guten geift, £)er ailed bad »erftegle, Söorin bein wort midj unterweist, £)aß ict) midj brin be= 12 £l)rif*fefcig, n>a^ idj war Unb toaä icfy bin, erfenne, 3lu(^ niemals met)r SSon beiner lef)r 3n fünb nnb irr* tf)um renne» 4» ©ieb meinem glauben ftärf unb fraft, £)ie aüeö lann »otlbringen, £)amit burd) beffen etgenfdjaft 3$ ritterlich fann ringen, Unb freujj unb notl), 3« ga* ben tob, 23tel lieber woll erleiben, %U bag idj l)ier $om wort unb bir Sftid) lieg aus fleinmutf) [Reiben* % e^Tiflfefl-©efänge. 9, 2M, ©ott m tymmtte. (25) -$ ! toa& l)at bi$ bodj bewogen SSon be3 Ijoljen fyimmels faal? :,: 2Ba3 tyat bidj herabgezogen 3n bie$ tiefe jammer* t^at? 3efu meine freub unb wonn, SSttei* ne$ ^er^en^ wertet Iron» 'u l)afl bidj aus lieb ergeben gür uns in ben bittern tob :,: ©aburd) toie= berbradjt bas leben, Unb »erfötjnet un$ mit ©ott : 3efu, meine freub unb tt?onn, deines tjerjens tu 5* ipitf, bag mir bieg redjt bebenfen, (Sd^enfe fyeraenS rebltd^feit :,: 2)tr gum Opfer uns gu fdjenfen, 3** bie Ö^nje lebenöjeit : 3efu, meine freub unb toonn, deines tu 6. 33iö wir bid) beretnjt bort oben, 3 n beS tyofyen fyimmets tfjton :,: SBerben ofyn aufhören loben, 3n ber enget fü§em ton: 3ßfu, meine freub unb tt>onn, deines tu 14 £l)rtflfefceö SSaterö »ort, 3ft unfer Brüter, plf unt fyort, ffaf ten mir ftd)er trauen j Äotnut gange weit, ad) fomitt fyerbe^, £ter lannft tu, tag ©ott gnätig feo, 2lu3 Haren äugen flauen» 11 ♦ 3H*I, SBarum fott ta) ntt(^. (43) $röf)lid) fott mein ^erje fpringen, 2)ie= fer gett, 5)a für freut ÄUe enget fingen ; .Sport, l)ört, nne mit ttoHen cfyoren 3lHe luft Saute ruft: £§rijht$ ift geboren, 2. fytutt gel)t au£ feiner fammer ©ot* te$ fyelt, 3Der tie melt Sfteijjt aus allem jammer ; ©ott mirt menfd), tir, menfd), gu gute, ©otteS lint 2)a3 tterbintt ©tefy mit unferm blute. 3. (Sollt uns ©ott nun lönnen T)ajfen, £)er un$ giebt, 2ßa$ er liebt, lieber alle maffen ? ©ott giebt, unferm leit gu met)* ren, ©einen ©ofyn 2luö tem tl;ron <5ei* ner mad)t unt et)rem 4* (sollte oon uns fe^n gefeiter, £)er fein retc^ Unt gugleid) ©id) felbft uns 16 £l)nfTfefb<5efänge. »eretyret? (Sollt uns ©ottes ©ofyn itfdjt lieben, £>er je£t fömmt, 23on uns nimmt, 2öa$ uns »ill betrüben? 5. Jpatte für ber menfdjen orben Un* fer §eil (Einen greul, 2Bär er nid)t menfd) Sorben : Jpätt er luft 31t nnferm fdjaben, S9 fo »ürb Unfre bürb Sr nic^t auf jtd| laben. 6. (Er nimmt auf ftdj, »aS auf erben 2öir getljan, ©iebt ft$ an, ttnfer lamm gu »erben; Unfer lamm, baS für uns fttrbet, Unb be$ ©ott, gür ben tob, ©nab unb frieb er»irbet 7. 9?un er liegt in feiner frippen, £Huft gu ft$ 9fttdj unb btd), (Sprint mit fügen lippen : Saflfct fatjr'n , liebe brüber ! 2öaS t\x§ quält, 2BaS eud) fef)lt, 3$ bring alles »ieber. 8» (£9 fo lommt, unb lagt uns laufen, ©teüt eu$ ein, ©ro§ unb Hein, (Eilt mit großen Raufen ! Siebt ben, ber für liebe brennet, ©djaut ben ftern, 2)er eudj gern £icfyt unb labfal gönnet Cl)rttffefb<5efäntte. 17 12. deinen Sefum Ia§. (35) O /O^f« 3 ifl ^ fcfyönfte nam 5lCtcr, bie öom fytmmel fommen, £ulbreicfy, prächtig, tugenbfam, £)en ©ott felber angenom* men; ©einer großen Heblidjfeit ©(etd)t lein name toeit unb breit. 2. 3efnö ijt ba3 t)eit ber toelt, teilte arjneip für bie füuben, 3efc3 ift ein fiar* fer fyelb, Unfre feint) 1 ^u überminben, 2Bo nnr 3efu3 toirb gehört, Söirb ber teufet balb ^erftört. 3. 3efu$ tf* te* reifen (lein, ©er ge= funbtyeit öiie^t nnb leben. 3efu3 ftfft öon aller pein, £)te ben mengen lann umgeben. Sege 3?fum nur in3 fyer$, (So verliert fidj aller fcfymers. 4. 3efu3 ift mein em'ger fdja£, Unb ein abgrunb at(e$ guten ; 3efu^ ift ein freubem>la£ Voller fugett fytmmeteflutfyen ; 3efuö ift ein fidler tl;au, 2)er erfrifd)et fetb unb au. 5. 3efuö ift ber füge brunn, ©er bie feelen rec^t erquidet ; 3efu$ ift bie etv'ge 18 O)ri#fefcen mir ade ioelt lann fingen, 3a, idj bin im Fimmel f$on, Sßeun idj %tfum ffi? erfltngem %tfu& ift mein'3 fyergenS freub, Steine em'ge feligleit 7* 3efas ift wein Ijimmetöbrob, £>a$ mir fc^meeft tote t$g begehre; (Sr erhält mi$ für bem tob, ©tarft mtcfy, ba§ idj ewig lebe» ßuätx ift er mir im munb; 23alfam, roenn tdj bin oemmnbt 8» 3efu3 if* ber lebensbaum, Voller eblen tugenb=früd)te, SÖenn er ftnbt im fyer^en räum, 2Birb bag unfraut gan$ gu nickte; 2HIe$ gift unb unfyetl mityt, 2Öa0 fein flatten nur erreicht* 9, 3efuö ift bas f)ö$fte gut 3n bem ^immet unb auf erben, 3efa3 name macfyt mir mutlj, Dag idj nid)t lann traurig toerben. 3efuö name foil allein -ilttir ber liebfte name fe^n* Ueujal)f0-(Z5efänge. 19 3leuja^rg^©efange. 13» mtU Sßer G$rtjhtnu (20) *e£e bid?, mein geiji, ein wenig, Unb befd?au ^ bie$ ^wunber groß, SBie bein 22 Vom Zeiten unb Stetben 3efu. ®ott unb ©fyrenfönig £ängt am freute naeft unb Bloß? (&ie Hebe, t>ie t^n triebe ßu bir au$ be$ Waters fcfyooß* 2. £)b bidj 3e fa$ IteBt tton bergen $annft bu ^ier am freute feljn : <5fyau, luie alle ^öUen^f^mergeti gW ^^ "t bie feele gel^n; gludj unb fdjrecfen ityn be* beden, £öre bo$ fein flaggejtöljm 3. ©eine feel, son ©ott fcerlajfen, 3jl betrübt bis in ben tob; Unb fein leib Ijängt gleicher maßen, 2Mer nmnben, blut unb fotlj; 2We fräfte, ade fäfte @inb erfetjöpft in fyödjfter not^ 4* £)i§ ftnb meiner fünben fruchte, £)ie, mein £etlanb, ängften bt$; £>iefer leiben fdjtoer gewichte ©ollt tum abgrunb brütfen mid) ; IDtefe nötfyen, bie bid) tob* ten, (Sollt idj fügten etmglidj* 5. £)odj bu Ijafi für mt$ bejteget ©ünbe, tob unb ljöllen*ma$t; £)u l)ajt ©ottes red)t vergnüget, ©einen nrillen gan$ sollbradjt; Unb mir eben ^u bem leben, £)ur$ bein fterben, ba^n gemalt. Vom Zeiten unb Sterben 3efu. 23 6 + 2Jd), idj fünbenwurm ber erben! 3efu, ftirbjt bu mir gn gut? v5oü bein feint» crlb'fet werben £)urd) betn eigen tyerjensblut? 3d) mufj f^tr-eigen unb mtc| beugen ftüx bieä unoerbiente gut 7; <5eel unb leben, leib unb glieber ©teojl bu alle für miefy l)in: ©ollt idj bir nicfyt fcfyenfen wieber 2We3, teaä id) X)ab unb hin 9 . 3$ W« Mite gang aU leine, £>ir oerfdjreib id) tyerj unb pmu 8* 2)tr Witt t^ f burdj beine gnabe, SBletben^biS in tob getreu: Stile leiben, fcfyanb unb fcfyabe ©ollen mify tttdjt ma* cfyen fd)eu: ©einen willen gu erfüllen, deiner feeten fpeife fe^ 9. Sranf mit beinern blut m§ ar* men, £3 jerbridjt ber fünben Iraft: ©3 lann balb mein Ijerg erwärmen, Ünb ein neues leben fdjaft: 2td) burcfyfüeße, ad) burd)fü§e 9ftid) mit biefem Sebensfaft, 10. 3>eu nnb rein, Sin teig, ber ©ott gefalle. 2. Spabt bodj baranf genane adjt, £)a§ t$r endj wo^l proMret, 2Bie iljr »or ©Ott a$ $u jeber frtft 3 ttttl k°f en f^ner trei* bet; Daö ojterlamm im neuen bunb (Srforbert ba§ be$ ^er^enö grunb <3an% rein »on allem werbe» 4, SÖer oftern galten will, ber mu$ Dabep ttict)t unterlaufen, Die bittern fal* gen wahrer bug, Sr muß bas böfe fjajjen ; Dag Stjriftuö, uufer ojterlamm, gür un$ gefd)la$t am freu£e$jtamm 3§n burdj fein blut rein macfye» 5» Drum lagt uns ntt^t im fauerteig Der Bosheit, oftern effen, 9tod) aufy ber fdjalffyeit mand^erlety, Die fo tief ein* gefejfen; S3ielmer)r laßt uns bte ofterjeit 3m fügen teig ber lauterfeit Unb toaljr* tyett cfyriftltdj galten* 6. £err 3?fu, ofterlamm, oerleilj Uns beine oftergaben, Den frieben, unb baß 28 «5tmmelfal)rt6;(5efarttj. iütr babe$ Sin reined fyerae Jjaben! ©ieb, baß in un$ bein fyeilig$ wort Der fünften fauertetg fyinfort %t mefyr unb metyr au$* fege. % $tmmetfa$rt8*@efatiC5* 18. 37TeL SDer 100 gjfatm* (12) 'U öterjfg tag nadj oftern roar'n, Unb (£t)rijtu3 rooUt gen tyimmel faljr'n, SB'fdjieb er fein 1 jünger anf ben berg, SSolIenbt f)at er fein amt unb n>ert\ 2» (Er fpracfy: all bing erfüllet fmb, SDte man öon mir getrieben ftnbt 3n propfyeten unb Sftofeä lafyr. 2)ic fd^rtft er tfyn'n aufleget liar* 3. Sllfo (fpradj er) §ats mnf en fe^n, £>a§ Sfjrijhts litt be$ tobes pem, Unb mnfjt lieber *>om tob aufftefjn, £)urd) Ireuj3 unb tob in fein reicfy gefym 4 t 3m tyimmel ift mir aE gemalt PjtntrflfefkoX)Xfa^rtöfbecjc ; 3lt(eö tvaö ni$t rect)t getljan, Raunte ferner aus bem wege; ©cfyledjt unb redjt fe9 um uns an j Söirfe reu an fünben ftatt, SBann ber f»f geftraucr/elt Mi 4, Sag uns ftete bein seugnijü fügten, £)a§ wir (SJotteö finber fmb, £>ie auf ifyn attetne steten, Söann ftet) nott) unb brangfal ftnbt : £>ann beS Katers IMeS* rutt) 3ft wn^ allewege gut* 32 Don 23ti£e unb (Blaubtn. 5. giifyr una, ba§ mir gu tt)tn treten grety mit aller freubigfeit: ffiafy una tüdjtig, redjt ju bäten, lint) vertritt uns atlegeit! ©o n?trb unfer Mtt erhört, Unb bie äuöerjtdjt »ermetyrt. SSon 33ufe unb ©laukn< 3 21* 2HeU 2lc$ h>a3 foil. (35) efuS nimmt bie fitnber an! £>rum fo t»itt idj nidjt tsergagen, SBenn mid) meine mijfetjjat Unb bie fünben heftig plagen* ©rütfet baö genüffen mid), Ob! fo beul* id) nur baran, 2öa3 mir ®otte3 tuort tterfprtd)t: 3efuS nimmt bte fün* ber an* 2, 3^fu3 nimmt bie fünber an, Söenn fte ftdj gu iljm befefyren, Unb öergebung tfjrer fünb 9tur in wahrer Bug begehren» ©ünbenluft, brum gute na$t, 3$ »er* Von 23uf?e unb (Elauben. 33 laffe teilte bafyn, Wiä) erfreuet, bag id) l)ör: 3'efuä nimmt bie fünber an. 3» 3efuä nimmt bie fünber an ! SBetje bem, n?er tiefen glauben, SMefe öejte $* i>erfid)t, ©id) öom fatan läffet rauben, 1)aß er in ber fünfcenangft Zimmer fröt)* Jid) fagen fann : 3d) bin bennorf) gau$ gemip: Sefuö nimmt bie fünber an» 4, 3efu£ nimmt bie fünber anl £>ie* fem fyirten unfrer feelen SöiÜ idj je^t unb immerbar SJiicfy ju treuer tjanb em* pfeifen : güfyre mid) nad) beinern ratfy, £)a§ id) enbtidj rühmen famt, 2öie bu mid) fcer(orne$ fd)aaf, %i\ul fyaft genom* men an» 22, 9D?eL D 3efu G&rifl, metn'S lebend IiO)t. (12) /iDu unbegreiflich Ijödjfleä gut, $n toet* djem flebt mein fyer^ unb muti), 3d) bürjr, o lebenequell! nad) bir: 2ld) l)itf! ad) lauf! ac^ fomnt ju mir! 2, 3d) bin ein f)irfdj, ber burfitg ifl 34 Von 35u%t unb (Blaubtn. 23on groger fy$x bu, 3efu! fcift 9Soi tiefen f)irfdj ein feelentrant . (Srquicfe mid), bann id) bin frank 3. 3d) fd)re$e gu bir mit ber ftimm, 3d) feufge audj, o £err ! öernimm, SSer= nimm'eö bod), bn ©nabenqueÜ, Unb labe meine bürre feet. 4. (Ein frifcfyes Wafer fegtet mir, £err 3efn ! jend), jenc^ mid) nad) bir ; Vlafy bir ein groger bnrft mid) treibt, 3ld}! toäv id» bir nnr einverleibt 5. 2öo bift bn benn, o brautigam? 2Bo ioeibeft bn, o ®otteä lamm? 2(n ioelcfyem brünnlein rul)eft bn? 2fti$ bürft, afy lag mtd) audj bagu* 6. 3$ tan tii^t mefjr, tdj Bin gu fd)toad), 3$ fdjre^e, burft nnb rnf bir nad* 3)er bnrft mug Balb gelittet fe^n, 2)üüift ja mein nnb td) bin beim 23; WltL 5te tiefer non% (3) SB, 'o foil tdj I)tn r toer Reifet mir? 2öer führet miefy 3um leben? 3« ntemanb, Von 23uf$e unb (Blaubtn. 35 £err! aU nur ju bir SBitl td) mid) freg fegefcen. t>n bift, ber baö verlorne fud)t; £)u fegneft ba$, fo war öerfludjt; £ilf, 3efu! t)em elenben* 2. £err ! meine f unten ängften mid) ; ©er tobeSleib midj plaget Ö £eben3- gott, erbarme bid)! 35ergteb mir toaä mid) naget ! ©u weißt e£ wol)l, »a« mir gebrid)t; 3d) weiß eö aud), unb fag es nid)t: £ilf, 3efu! bem betrübtem 3. SDtt fprid)ft: id) foil mid) furzten ntdjt ©u ruf fl t id) bin baS leben; ©rum ift mein troji auf bid) gerid)t; ©u famtft' mir aUeä geben ; 3m tobe fannft bu be$ mir ftel)n, 3n notlj aU tyeqog für mir gefyn; £üf, 3efu! bem gertnirfd)tem 4. S3i(l bu ber argt, ber franfe trägt? Gsrqutde mtdj mit fegen ; 23ift bu ber ifirt, ber fc^wadje pflegt? 2tuf bid) will id) mid) legen : 3d) bin gefafyrlid) Iran! unb fc^wa$, £eü' unb serbinb, l)ör' an bie I tag ; £ilf, 3?fn! bem aerfdjlagnen* 36 Von 23uj?e im& . 2)er i;at be^ mir lein gnab. 2, £)odj ift triebt mein gefallen, £>afü ber fünber serberb; SDaö aber fag id) allen : 2)a§ ein jeber fromm »erb. 23e* lehret eui tton fyergen, 3^ fünber alle gleidj, Sßollt il/r »ermeiben fcfymergen, 3u mir gel)n in mein retd). \ Von -Buße vnb (Ertauben. 3. 3 Sftiemanb tt>tlt id) ber* fronen, £>er bite muß bvauffen fe^tu 4» £)aö nehmet tt?otjt gu tjergen 3tjr öötfer allgemein, ©oft lagt nicfyt mit U)m fdjerjen, Äein fünVr trnrb fetig fe^n, ©onbern aüein t> t e frommen, 2)ie galten feinen bunb, SÖerben in fein retcf) lommen, 2)te böfn in t)ötlengrunb, 25, SUM. ©ott tottts madjen ba§, (11) > unb tob, £)en fte qua* Un' in bem ijergen, ber tjitft jebem au$ ber nottj* £)arum p\U idj niüjt nachäffen, Sßttt bafb laufen tyin unb I)er, Stuf bm felbern, auf ben ftragen, SBttt i§n fuctyen metjr unb met)r. 4 + Siebfter 3efu lag bidj ftnben, Steine feele fcfyrept in mir, Zijn mir mit t>tn au* gen toinfen, Saß fte eilenbs feyn beo bir* 3Xc^ lag mid) bie gnab erlangen, Stttertteb* fter 3efu mein! Unb nimm meine feel gefangen, bafy fte immer beo bir fe^n* 5. 2ld) idj fterb oor lauter freuben, 3d) ftnb 3efum, meinen fd)a£; 3lüe weit* tuft »iß id) meiben, S3e^ it)m wilt id) fm= Von Z>u$c unb tälauben. 39 ben p(a£, Sftunmebr foil mid) nid>t£ be* trüben, 2Öaö micfr) üor betrübet l)at, 3$ Will nichts alö 3cfum lieben, Den mein feel gefunden l)at 26, ffltL mt freuet ftä) mein; (15) v^par beine Bufe nid)t 55on einem 3ar;r gum anbern, Du weißt ntdjt, wann bu mußt %ü€ biefer weit wegwanbern; T)u mußt nadj beinern tob $or ©ottcö ange* fldjt; 2ld)! benfe fleißig bran: ©par beine Buße nidbt! 2. ©par beine Buge nitfjt, S3i6 bag bn alt wirft werben ; Du weißt nid)t geit unb ftunb, 2Öie lang bu lebft auf erben: Söie balb tter(öfd)et bod) Der menfd)ert IeBens4icfyt! 2ßie balb ijt eg gefd)el)n! ©par beine Buße nidjt! 3. (Spar beine büße nicfyt 23i£ auf bag tobeäbette; ßerreiffe bod) in settDie ftarfe fünbenfette, Den! an bie tobcgangft, 2Öie ba baö fyerje bricht, Wad) bid) son fünbeu log: ©par beine büße nicfyt! 40 Von Biifje unb (Slaubett. 4, ©par beine fcu§e nicfyt, Söeit bu Btft jung öon fahren, Da bu erjt iujt unb freub 2Btüft in ber weit erfahren; Die jungen fterben aud) Unb muffen öor£ ge* ricfyt: Drum anbre btdj be$ ^eit, ©par beine bu§e nicfyt! 5. ©par beiue bufje ttidjt; Dein leben wirb ftd) euben; Drum lag ben fatan boefy Didj nidjt fogar tterblenben; Dann wer ba in ber weit 3SicI Böfeö angeriefyr, Der mu§ sur gotten get;n. ©par beine büße mebt! 6» ©par beine bufie ntd)t, Dtemetl bu nod) fannft bäten, ©o la§ ntdjt ah ttor ©ott 3n wahrer bu§ gu treten; bereue beine fünb; 2öann biefeö nidjt gefd)ief)t, Sßetj betner armen feel ! ©par beine bu$t nicfyt! 7. ©par beine hu$t nid)t; 2Wj! ä'nbre fyut betn leben, Unb fprtd) : id) i)ab mein ^er$ dlun meinem ©ort gegeben, 3d) fe$ auf 3^fuin (Sfyrift 2U1 meine guöerftc^t; Von 25ujse un6 (Slaiibcn. 41 ©o roirft bu feiig feön: ©par beine bupe ttic^t! 27. mu £er 42 gjfalm, (18) <0ton Hagt mit angft unb fdjmergen, 3ion, ©otteö ttiert$e ftabt, 3Me er trägt in feinem bergen, £)ie er i()m erwählet bat : 2Icfj: (fpricfyt fte) wie f)at mein ©ott s 3fti$ fettajfen in ber notb), Unb lägt mid) fo parte preffen, Steiner I;at er gan3 »er= geffen* 2. 2>r ®ott, ber mir tyat üerfprodjen (Seinen beöftanb jebergeit, Der lägt ftd) »ergebend jucfyen 3e|jt in meiner traurig* feit. 2lcfy! luitt er bann für nnb für ©raufam jürnen über mir? Äann unb tx>ttl er ßdj ber armen 3ej3t nidjt, roie öor* ^in erbarmen? 3« 3i° n / o bu vielgeliebte! <3prad) ju itjr bed Ferren mnnb: 3^^, bn bift je$t bie betrübte, ©eel unb geift ift bir »ernmnbt; £)pdj jied afleä trauern ein, 2ßo mag eine 42 Von 6er taufe. mutter fegn, X)te ü)r eigen finb fann §af* fen, Unb auö tfyrer forge laffen? 4. 3a toann bu gleich möcfyteft ftnben ©inen folgen mutterftnn, £)a bie liebe fann öerfcfynünben, ©o bleib t$ bocfy tter icfy bin: teilte treu bleibt gegen Mr, 3ion, o bu meine gier! ©u fyajt mir mein t)erg befeffen, ©einer fann idj nicfyt ttergeffen* Son bcr £aufe. 28. S0?cU fo&tt Daötb* (8) £ IjrtjhtS bas lamm auf erben fam, Iftöd^ ijaterö ratt) unb toiUen, Sides was ©ort öert)eiffen §at, Daffelb tt)ut er erfüllen, 2Öie silbama fcfyulb, unö bie unr)uib Sßradjt, unb göttlichen goren, £>affelbig ift burd) 3efum §t)rift Sßieber serfö't)net Sorben* Von ^et• (Cmife. 43 2. 2luf ta§ ba wirb fünbttdjer bürb £)er menfd) allfyie entloben, 3ft ifym ge= gei^t ein ar^t bereit, Sfyrijiuä ber tjeilt ben fd>at>cn. Derfelbig |at erworben gnab Sitten öötfern gemeine, 28er bie will l)on, ber mu§ ab|tot>n 35on aller fünb unreine» 3. 9)cerf ©ottes rattyj ba »on bem tob G()riftUü war aufgeftanben, Daß fein urftänb, alll)ie befyenb $unb wirb in allen lanben, Unb auü) bie gnab, wie er ffe l)at SBety bem üater empfangen; ©anbt er fein' fned)t nnter all g'f^led^t, Daß fte3 traten erlangen. 4. Dann alfo r)at göttlidjer ratlj 23e* fohlen l)ie auf erben, Dafj man fein wort, an allem ort, $u ber bu$ foil tfyun lelj* ren. Söer bem glaubt unb wirb getauft, Der foil ewigltd) leben; 2ßer nicfyt ge* laubt, wirb* lebend b'raubt, 3>erbammniß wirb tfym geben. 5. 51uö bem get)ör cfyrtftlicfyer lel)r, Der glaube tbut fyerfommen, 21l$bann bie tauf gebort barauf, ©o man'3 wort fyat angenommen. Die tauf ba ift in 3eju 44 Von 6er Caufe. Gttjrijr, Sin bunb au« gutem griffen» £)arnaclj man ift l)ie in t>er frift, 2tb* fagen'ö teufefö Itjren. 6, £)a£ man fortan foil leben ttyutt 3n bem göttlichen roitlem Ttor^u bie Pflicht im tauf gefdjicfyt, £)a§ man ben foil erfüllen* 2Sie einem mann ift unterrljan ©ein gemalt fyie auf erben, Sllfo ttürb man »ermattet fd)on 3w tauf Gljrifto bem Ferren. 29, ml. SBa0 mein ®ott totd, geföe&. (8) we$ ©ott getreu, tjalt feinen bunb, D menfd) ! in beinern leben, £eg biefen ftein 3um erften grunb, ©leib ttjm allein erge* Ben; 2>nf an ben fauf in beiner tauf, S)a er fiel) bir oerfd)rie6en, S3e^ feinem eib, in eangfeit 211$ »atcr biet) ^u lieben» 2. ©e^ ®ott getreu, la[j leinen nünb £)e3 freu^ bid), abfefyren; 3ft er betn sjater, bu fein finb, 2Öa3 roillt bu me()r begehren? SMeä l)öcl)fte ©ut macl)t regten muri) : Mann feine t)ulb bir werben, 9lid)t$ "Don bcv £ann brant fte un& gar bait) ben lofyn, 2BiU man nicfyt tljr aufleben, ©o man ßdj (EfyriftuS guge* fagt, Unb i^ren brand) ungültig adjt't, Sftacfy ©otteö recfyt gu leben* 2» Sin geift, ein leib, ein glaub, ein tauf, 3n einem ftnn gu geigen, Unb auä) nad) (Sfyrifii leben£lanf ©id) gänjlid) $üt* guneigen, £)aö falfdje fton ftcfy au^utl)un, 2Bie lef)rt ba$ eoangelion; @o ift mau balb »ertüorfen» 3. £)ie n>af)rJje.t" $at unä fo gelehrt, $la<$ folgern ftnn ju leben, Söelc^er ba fe$ gur bu§ be!el)rt, 3*u glauben ©ott erge* ben, £)a§ er foldjs burd) bie tauf befenn, Unb ju ©ott ftd) öom fallen trenn, 9lafy aller wafyrtyeit ftreben* 4* 2ßa$ nun ©ott ntdjt geboten Ijat, £)a0 mag man nicfyt gut Reifen: SOian %& ber mit ber menfdjenratt), Db fte unä Von btv taufe. 47 cmd) »erroetfen, Unb nennen nnä öcrjft^ rev l)ier, ©o leben wir nad) ßfyrifti lefyr, 3n nnüerfalfcl)ten wegen* 5, 2Ba$ fcfyabt unö, ob bie weit uns flucht, 3f)rfpotten, fd)elten, lad)en ? Db fte uns aud) mit frenj3 öerfucfyt, bag fte frep wader mad)en; 2Öenn wir nnr biet* ien ©ctt getreu, ©o bientö uns, wann wir werben frer;, 3^ unfern tyeil unb heften, 6» 9kd)bem un3 ®ott baö nene lleib ©es I)eÜ3 |at angezogen, ©o t|nt er un$ im geift geleit, Unb bleibt uns jiete gewo* gen, (Er fül)rt uns §Ut burd) alle notf), Unb fet) es aud) bes freu^eö tob, 3n feiner liebe, amen. 48 Vom <5cbäü)tni$ bee £eifcens 33cm @ebM)tm£j beg Seibeng unb ©tertieng $efiu 31* mtl. D fofm Daöib. (8) dvCetlt auf mit fleijj, ein tytmmelfpreis 3ft uns öon ®ott gegeben, £)ur$ 3efum ßfyrijt, weiter ba ift ®otte$ Wort, öer* nimm miefy eben. 3>nfeibcn §at im 2In* fang ©ott £)en öätern tfyun üerfyeigen, 3ur feligfeit nnb em'ger freut), ©arin'n t§ät er eö leiften. 2. (Efyriftuö baö lamm auf erben fam Um aller menfcfyen willen, 2)a§ er befyenb ba$ g'fej-j tiollenb, 2Belcfy3 niemanb modjt erfüllen, 2Bie eö bann ©Ott gefteüet fyat 2)urd) s IRofen feinen Inerte, 3n ber ftgur, meiere war nur SBeifenb auf (Efyrtftum redjte* 3. gfcrifhts ber £err freut uns bie Iet)r, £)iefetb tt)ut uns befcfyeiben ; SBirfet unb Sterbens 3efu. 49 bie feujj, folgt meinem fug, Unb tfyunb all füitt» sermciben; £)ie fftten fein ftetlt er $an$ rein, £>arnad) ftn'r foflen leben, 3^ ©otteö preig, merf auf mit fieig, 2)arum ftnb fie una geben. 4. 3Hs roar bie gett, nad) bem befd)eit, £>ag (Efjriftuö nun foüt leiten, Gsij cr3 ttotienbt, l> e i ß t er befyenb, 3^m ein lamm* lein bereiten* 2)a|'elb er auc^, nad) a/fe£es3 brand), 9)tit ben Jüngern tl)at ge= niefjen* 3)arnad) er b'()enb ta$ alt soil* enb, (Ein neu'3 t()ät er befd)lie§en* 5. 3D'a bie ftunb lam, baö brob er nal)m, Xßät bem 23ater lob fprecfyen, ©ae* felb er brad), %vCn jungem fpradj: 9M)mt l)in unb tl)ut ba$ effen, 2)arbep iljr mein foot g'benfen fe^n, ^Dtetn leib null id) ba geben gür euc^, unb ttiel id) leiben mill, 2)a§ ibr mit mir tfyut lebem 6. dergleichen and) mit folgern Ivaud), $at er ben feld) genommen, 2luö saterä gnab, i()m banfet l)at, Unb ben geben ben Jüngern; (Er fprad) babes?: ber feld) ba fe$ Deö neuen teftamente^ 3« meinem 4 50 Vom <5tbad)tni$ bts Zäbew hint, g'fcfyiifyt wfy ju gut %m freu£ tyät erS öoüenben. 32. SOW. D 3efu (E&rijr, nteüu (12) D 3efu bu mein Bräutigam! 2) er bu au£ lieb an$ freu{3e$*ffcimm gür midj ben tob gelitten fyaft, Unb rceggetljan ber jun* ben fofh 2. 3$ fomm gu beinern abenbmat; Sftid) beugt fo mancher fünbenfall; Dtc feelenmunben fc^mer^en micfy: (Sibarme bid), erbarme btdj! 3. £>u bift ber ar$t, bu btjt bas li#t, S)u bift ber £err, bem nid)t3 gebricht; T)u btjt ber brunn ber fyerrlicfyfeit, £)u bift ba$ rechte (redjfteifcfirifc« 4. Darum, iperr 3efu! bitt t<$ bi#, 3n meiner fdjraacfjfyeit fyetlc mid); 2ßa£ unrein ift, baö madje rein £mrd) beinen gellen gnabenfd)eim 5. (Srneure ben fcerfetjrten fmn, 9Hmm mid) gu bir im glauben tjin; ar unb unftd)tbar fepnb; £en guten fcorfafe, ben id) fiifjr, 53eoefrtge bein ©eiffc in mir, 11» Wuxn leoen, fttten, finn unb pfltdjt Sftaci) beinern l)eirgen toi (Jen rid) i; 21 d) ! 52 "Dom ©ebäcfytniß bcz Leibern lap mid) meine tag in ml) Unb frieben djrifttid) Bringen 3U* 12. SBiö bu mid), o bu leBen^fürft! 3u bir in t)immet nehmen ftürft ; Daf? id) be$ bir bort etoiglid) %n beiner tafel frene midj. 33, mtl. 5luf Triften. (28) vlnn lobet ade ©ottes ©oljn, £>er bie erlofung fnnben; Sengt enre fnie oor fei* nem tfyron, <&än Blut t)at übertounben ; 3>rei§, lob, el)r, banf, fraft, toei3l)eit, mad)t, @ep bem erwürgten lamm gebracht. 2. (S3 toar uns ®otte<3 Hdjt unb gnab, Unb leben tyart verriegelt; «Sein tiefer ftntt, fein iounberratl) 2ßol)l ftebenfadj oerfiegett; Stein- menfdj, fein engel öfnen lann: £)a3 lämmlein tfyuts, brum lobe man* 3. £)ie l)öd)fien geifter allzumal 9hm bir bie wie beugen, £)er enget millionen gal)t £>ir göttlich el)r erzeigen, 3a alle creatur bie fdjrept: Sob, e|r, preifj, mad)t, in ercigfeit unb Sterbens 3^- 53 4» £>ie pAÜHarßm erftcr geit £)en lang »erlangten grüben; Unb bie properen fmb erfreut, T)a§ fteö nun mit genießen : SIucI) bie apoftel fingen bir £>ofanna, mit ten finbern t)ier* 5. £)er märfrer Iron öon golbe glänzt, (Sie Bringen bir bie patmen ; 5)ie Jungfern weifj, unb fd)ön gefranst, £>ir fingen l)odj* 3eitö=pfalmen ; ©ie rufen wie au0 einem munb : -Dag I>at bes lammet Blut gefonnh 6. S)ie säter aus ber wüjtenety SJcit reiben garBen fommen, £)ic freuj3eMrager mancherlei), 2Ber 3al)lt bie anbern from* men? (Sie fcfyretBen beinern Blute 3U, £)en tapfem fteg, bie ew'ge rul)* 7« Sto, bein erfauftes ttolf atfljie (Sprint: tyatfelujia! amen! 2öir Beugen jejjt fcfyon unfre fnie, 3« beinern Blut unb namen: 33is bu unö Bringft ^ufammen bort, %u$ allem oolf, gefcfylecfyt unb ort 8» 2öa3 wirb baö fet)tt ! wie werben wir 35on ewger gnabe fagen! 2öie uns bein wunberfüfyrer fyier ©efuctjt, erlöst, getra* 54 Vom om ^u£u>afitert. 35om $u%m$iK* 35. With Bommt tyer &u. (6) -/Id) ! roic fo IteWidj unb wit fein 3ft e$, toann brüber einig fet;n, 3w glauben unb in liebe, Söenn fie einander fönnen recfyt ©ie füg roafdjen aß treue fn.edjt, 2lu$ ^ergen^bemutfyiMriebe. 2. £i§ ift föfttid) unb etjrenS t»ert$, 2öcÜ fel&jt ber iperr auf biefer erb 3^ie füg a/nvafdjen au» liebe; 2)en Jüngern t)at ge3etget aud), 2öie er au$ liebe tiefen brand) ©efttft au$ bemutl)3=triebe. 3 + Unb audj babei) gefprodjen $at: '3d) Bin ein meifter in ber fyaf, SBie tljr mid) and) erfennet ; Sin fürbilb tdj eudj nun gemacht, 2lu3 \\tht in berfelben nad)t, %U 3ubas fid) getrennet: 4, £>a£ it)r follt im gebädjtnif; §an, 2ßa$ euer Wltifttx f)at getfyan, Unb n>a$ Dom ^tfgfoafrfjem 57 er eud) gefyeiffen, äßte ifyr einander lieben foÜt, Unb nur fiel) feiner trennen wollt, £öie 3ubaö ber 53erratl)ci\ 5. (So Tagt uns bann betonten recl)t, 3n biefer ftunb aU treue fnecfyt, 2ßaö fug* irafden bebeutet, SDamit mir bodj in be* mittl) aud), 2lu3 lieb begeben tiefen brand), uns fd)iden 31t bem leiben; 6. Hub auclj 31t toal)rer einigfeit, din* anbei* lieben otme neib, 3" bemutl) red)t »on l)er3en: 2(d) ba§ fein %töaä fett ba* be?, £>er biefc3 tl)u au$ l)eud)eleö, 2ßeld)e$ ber feel mad)t fd)mer3en. 7. Dann wer fein $u§ Witt Waffen labn, ^tug merfen miel ber iperr getrau, ilnb mug babep gebenfen,.2Bie nötl)ig fe» bie rcinigung £)er feelen unb bie tyeift* gung, ©ewafdjen »on bem Ferren. 8. 2hm bann, £err 3efu 3um befdjluf, (Sd)enf ba3u beineö getjteä gu§, 3ej3itnb fräfttg »on oben; @o motten wir in biefer (hint), 2luß unferm gan3en I)er3en0grunb, £ein große lieb nod) loben* 58 T>om 3u£türtfd)ett. 36* VM. £eraltc(j t^ut ttu<$ »erlangen. (7) », 'on ^er^en rcotPn nur fingen 3« fneb unb einigfeit, Sftit fletjj unb ernftc bringen ßu ber ttoüfommenf)eit, £)a§ wir ©ott mögen gfaHen, 2öor$u er uns »id fyon, i)as merit ifyr frommen alle, Saft eud)S gu fyer^en got)«» 2. D ©ott! bn fcoKft uns geben, 3e£t unb gu aller ftunb, 3« betnem wort ^u leben, 3« galten beinen bunb, Söotlft uns ootllommen matten, in frieb unb einigfeit, Dag bu uns ftnbeft machen, Unb ftÖejett bereit 3* 2£ann bu nun nurjt anfftredjen, D £erre ^efu (StjrijH 3« ^Uen frommen foremen: ^ommt f)er bie i|r fe^b g'riijt, 3$ tö iß end) mit mir führen, 3" meines Waters reid), Darin foflt ifjr regieren, Unb leben ettriglid)» 4. 3m reicfy, bas ©ott berettet, Da i(l groß einigfeit, $rieb, freub gu alien Seiten, 3a bis in enngfeit* SSolPn wir bas reid) Vom ,$uf;tt>afif)en» 59 erlangen, tue groge einigfett, Sftüjfn wirS auf erb empfangen, Dag wir werben bereit. 5. Dann unferä satcrS Witten SDiüffen wir l)ie gleich 5luf erb aüegeit erfüllen, 2öie in bem fyimmelreid). Dann alfo tt)ut unä lehren Unfer Jperr 3efu3 (Sfyrift, 2Dag wir sollfornmen werben, &Me unfer -2$a=* ter ift. 6. (So t$it su bergen faffen Die tugenb Refu Sfyrijt, 2ßie er ifym ntcfyt tyat laffen Dienen gu jeber frijh (Sr fpriebt: tcb; bin ntcfyt fommen, Dag man mir bienen foil, ©onbern für alle frommen 9ftein leben laffen wotL 7. Damit ttjut er anzeigen Demutfj unb niebrigfeit, Da^u bie groge liebe, bie er beweifen fy'ät, Da er auf erb ift ge~ wefen 33ct) feinen Jüngern fcfyon, Die füg tf;ät er il;n'n wäfdjen, ßtiQt xijrCn bie liebe an. 8. 211fo t$$t er it) 1 n fagen: Sagt eu$ gu r)er3en ge()n, 2Ba$ icl) eueb; jeijt tljan \aU, ©oflt ifyr jum sorbttb §am 2llfo 60 Vom Jtifö&ftyett. follt iljrs erfüllen, Sinanber lieben tf)un, 2)a3 ift meinet Katers willen, .ftem'r foil ben anbern lafym 9. £)rum la§ unö flei§tg Ratten £)te einigfett im geift, 3m glauben unjerfpal* ten, $3ie uns bann Paulus l)eifjt, %a burdj baS banb beS friebenS, 3?l3t unb gu aller jeit, SBeil wir fetyn alle glieber, 25er* faßt in einem leib«. 37* Wich 57.tr tiaty, frrf#f <&}xifla$, unfer W*. (28) Jvommt, lagt uns, üjt liebe Brüber, gol< gen ©ottes lamme nacfy, 2)a§ wir boc^ als wafyre glieber Reifen tragen feine fdjmadj, Unb fcfyon ijkx auf btefer erben (Seinem getftes ftnber werben» 2„ Sßeil er mit wort unb werfen rein Uns ^er^Ud) öorgegangen, £)arunr will er bag fein gemein 3fym treulich tfu anljan* gen, £)afj ja lein ©lieb in falfdjem fd^eitt; SÖie 3uba$ fdjmatyt bie liebe fein» Vom ^uj$it>afi1)en. 61 3». Gin l)er3Üd) bilb bat er gelcn, 3" geigen feine Hebe, 2)er jünger füg tt)ät »afcfyen tfyun 21 u 3 (je^enö bemutl)3 triebe. arnm fyat er gefprod)en aud) : %l)x foot begeben tiefen branc^. 4. Unb I)at genüget rcafjrficlj fret), 3« tro£ ben t)ocbmnt()£=g,eifter, £)a§ ja ber !ned)t niebt größer fep, 211$ and) fein £err wnb ?)ieifter, Unb ber apoftel gar ntcfytö mefyr, 21(3 ber too i^n tfyut fenben tyer. 5. @o tt)itt anc^ nnfer 3efu (Efjrift 3« »afyrfyett im 3 benennen; 2Ber nicfyt uon ibm gcroafd)en ift, Äein tfyeit mit ttym fann nehmen. 2£er biefeS metp nnb bamad) t^nt, £)eg feet nnrb rein in 3efn Mut* 6* 9mn merfet tcolji, mas er getfjcm llnb unä aucfy.tjat geizigen, 3" folgen feiner Itebe^batm, 3« bemutt) un$ be= fleifjen, Unb einanber af3 trene fned)t £>ie füg an» liebe roafcfycn red)t* 7* $ommt, laffet uns bod) finblic*) fcsm, Unb nnfre fünb bereuen, Sinanber unfre fehler fein 2tuö fyerjenägrunb oer* 62 Vom $u$ivafityn. jei^en, ©amtt uns 3efu3 tnadje frep, Unb unfre fünbe aud) öcrgci^ 8. Sin jebeS fa$ beö näd)(ten gut Wlit Wahrem eruft unb fleijjje, £>arin t>te Heb befreien t$ut 2mf unfrer pilgerretfe, Uub baut bie rechte bruberfcfyaft 5^ac^ 3cfu pun uub a,eifte3*fraft. 9» 3a laffet uns bodj fyartb an fjanb 3u ttctfyrcr bemutl) rcaubelu, SDftffiü bas rechte liebesbaub Uns tmblidj lerue §an* betn, Uub eins bas aubre bauen fein, ßu QJotteS efyr uub preis allem. 10 + 9hm, liebjkr 3efu! zum befdjluj? £fmn nur bid) ^erjttc^ flehen, SBoÜfl geben: uns betnm liebeSfug, Uub felber mit uuS gefyen, Uns führen mit bem liebesbanb ßu, bir ins rechte satertanb. Von bcv (Gemeine (Botreß. 63 S5on ber ©emettte ©otteg* D 38. With Wtin ^erjenö Sefunw (3) SSater ber barm^er^igfeit! 2)er bu bir beine beerben ©cfammelt $ur apoftet geit, Unb fycrrltdj laffen werben ; «Du fyaft burd) beine>? geifieö traft, £)ie gro§e fdjaar ber fyeibenfdjaft 3« beinern reid) berufen. 2. 3Iuö ifyrer manigfaltigfeit £)e3 ftreits unb ifyrer fpracfyen, SDaburd) jte, in ber ttelt serjtreut, ©id) »on einanber brauen, £at jte betn guter getjt geführt, Unb fle mit l)cr3lid)!eit ge3tert, 3n etnigfeit beö glaubend. 3. 2ld)! feg bodj attd) $u biefer geit, Uni?, 53atcr! lieber gnäbig, Unb mac^ uns aus ber jungen ftreit «Jpinnncber freg unb lebig: ®kb, ba§ bein l)äuflein für unb für 3« einem geifte biene bir, 3n bei* ner liebe lebe. 4. &d) ! fdjaue, wie be$ fatanö lift «Sie 64 Von fcer (Sememe (Sottes. jammerltdj zertrennet, SQßte ftd)3 im ganfe beigt unb frtgt, 3m unöerftanbe brennet ; S3te alles in Verwirrung gebt, £)a eins baö anbere nidjt »erftefyr, Unb ftdj ufc* itötfjtg gwe^et» 5. $täj! £err, ftff folgern übet ab, Verfammle beine beerbe, £)a§ nnter beineö Wortes ftaab (Sie lieber einig werbe; 3Da§ bag banb ber üollfommenfyeit, Die Hebe, un» aus allem ftreit, 3« beinern geijie bringe* 39, m\. «Kein fcerjens 3efum. (3j » 'ie fd)ön unb lieblich ftefyt ef ait^, Sßenn Brüber ftnb gufammen (Einträchtig- lidj in einem f)au$, Unb fteljn in Itebe^J flammen! Söenn jte im geift gufammen ftetm, ßu ©ott in einem jtmte flcfyn, Unb galten an mit baten. 2. ©leid)Wie ber Balfam ebler art, 5luf Slaronö Ijaupt gegoffen, 3n$ gange fleib öon feinem bart ^am nieberwarts geflof* fen; Unb wie ber tau son &ermonim gällt T>on eer (Bcmeine <25otres. 65 auf 3tett* gebürge {)in, Unb alles lanb crqiticfet: 3. Sllfo fliegt ©otteö ©eift unb gnab 55on Gfyrifto su unö nieber 2luf bie, fo er ertraget X>at, Stuf alle feine glieber : Das iji bie frudjt ber etnigfeit, Jpeit, fegen, leben allezeit, Unb feine t)immels-güter. & 40. mU Der 130 «pfalnu (7) rBalt uns beine lefyre, £err, 3U ber Ie{3= ten jeit : (Srljalt bein reid) ; »ermefyre Die tfyeure d>riftenl)eit ; (Erhalt ftanbfyaften glauben Unb Hoffnung immerfort, Unb Ia§ uns ja nid)t rauben Dein tl;eureS n>ertl)es »ort 2. Srfyatt bein efyr, unb metjre Dem, ber bir n?iberfprid)t : (Erleucfyt, £err, unb belehre, 2Jttanffenb ctrig ltd)t! 2ßas bid) bis* * fyer nid)t fennct; (Sntbede bocfy ber melt, Der bu betn n>ort gegönnet, 2öas einig bir gefallt. 3, (Erhalt, h>as 'üu Qtbamt, Unb burdj bein blut erlauft, 2öas bu bir tyajt »er* 5 6ß Von 6er ©enteilte (Botteß. trauet: ©te firdj, auf »eldj' anlauft ©er grimmige fturm bes brachen* ©ety bu il>r fd)u£ unb »aü, ©a§, ob tie welt »ill fra* $en, e>ie nimmermehr öerfalL 4» (Srfyalt, £err! betne fdjaafe, ©er grimmig »olf fommt an: (£r»acfy aus deinem fdjlafe Söeil niemanb retten fann, D^n bid) bu groger Ijtrte! Seit uns auf gute »eib, Greife, natyr, erfreu, be»irtl)e, Uns in ber »üften Ijeib* 5. (Srfyalt uns, £err ! bein erbe, ©ein tüert^eö fyeiligttjum: 3*Keif, jerni^t, tier* berbe, Söas »tber beinen rufym : Sag bein gefe£ uns führen, ©önn uns bein $im* melsbrob; 2a§ IjeÜigfett uns gieren, Unb treu fetyn bis in tob* 6, ©rfyalt unb laß uns Ijören ©ein »ort, bas feiig macfyt, ©en ausbunb guter lehren, ©as Ufyt in ftnjtrer nadjt? ©a§ biefer brunn uns tränle, ©er tyimmelstau uns ne£, ©aß tiefe, rtctytfctynur lenfe, ©er; fyonig unb erge£. 7* Srfyalt in fturm unb »eilen ©ein Ijauflein, laß bocfy mdjt Uns »inb unbi Von bev (Bemeint (Rotte*. 67 Netter fällen, ©tenr felbft baö fd)iff nnb ricfyt 3>nlanf, bag n>ir nid)t meinen 23om giet ber felia,feit, Sag und baffelb erreichen, Unb 6t$ baljtn unö leit. 41. 2ttcl. 2Wenft$, nun »ißt hi feltg fevn. (1) v£/elobt fet) ©ott im f)b'd)fren rfyron, $)er imö l)at auserfofyren, $at wnö ein frönen rodf antfyon, SDajj j»ir fe^n nen geboren. 2. £aö iji ba$ re$t $od)3eitlidj fleib, £)amit ©ott fein öolf gieret, 2)ic tyodfoeit 'ö Sammy ifl fcfyon bereit, 5£)ie frommen branf $u führen. 3. grent eud), ityr liebe cfjrifren all, £>aß end) ©ott Ijat angenommen, Unb ! encb bereit einen frönen faal, £>arin wir | follen fommen. 4. 5Jtit ü)m galten baö aoenbmal)!, SBeldjeS er Jjat Bereitet £)enen, bie leiben viel trübfal, Um feinetnnllen ftreitem 68 Von ber (Sememe <25ottes. 5. greu fcidj ßion, bu tyeilge g'mem, Dein bräutgam vx>trt> fester fommen, Der bid) $at g'macfyt oon fünben rein, Da« reiefy §at er fäjon genommen* 6. Die (labt bie $at er fdjon bereit, Da bu font ftcfyer roofmen; (Sr giebt bir a\x§ ein neues lleib, 25on reiner feiben fdjöne. %, Die feib ift bie rechtfertigtet Der fyetfgen $te anf erben; 2öeld)er ftdj je£t bamit befleibt, Der muß oeracfytet werben. 8. (Selig ift, ber ba ioacfyen tfjut, Unb fl$ albeit bereitet, Unb tyält bie feiben h>of)l in J)ut, Damit er ift bef leibet 9. Söel^er fi$ aber tti$t befleibt SWit biefer reinen feiben, Derfelb »erfäumt ein große freub, (Str-ig »ein muß er leiben* 10. 2Hfo tjat nnfer Äönig f$on (Sin fleib mit blut gefprenget, Der uns a\x$ gnab $at gnommen an, Drum tooün nur ©ott lobftngem 11* Sßann ber $önfg aufbrechen toirb, Von btv (Sememe ©ottes. 69 fctt ber pofaunen fdjafle, Sttöbann werben mit U)m geführt £)ie ausgewählten aüe + 42, 9fteL 2Ber nur ten lieben ©oft, (27) ,^$dj fjaoe nun ben grunb gefunben, ©er meinen anfcr ewig l)ält; 2öo anbers, als in 3efu wunben? £)a lag er oor ber seit ber weit: £)en grunb ber unoewegltdj jte^t, Sßann erb unb tyimmel untergeht % (5s ift bas ewige erbarmen, £)a3 atleö beuten überfteigt; @3 finb bie ofuen lieoeSarmen 2)e§, ber fid) ^u bem fünber neigt, 2)em gegen nnö baö ^erje bricht, £)a§ Wir nicfyt fommen in3 geriet 3, 2Bir foHen nid)t oertoren werben; ©ott will, xm$ foil geholfen fe^n. £>e$* wegen tarn ber <5ol)n auf erben, Unb nafym Ijernadj ben I)immel ein; Deswegen Köpft er für unb für (So jtarf an unfern l)er$en3 tfyür. 70 Von btv Gemeine Gottes. 4» ß abgrunb ! melier unfre fünben £)urcfy (Sljrifti tob öerfcfytungen l)at! £)a$ ljei{jt bie wunben re$t oerbinben, 2)a ftn* bet fein öerbammen ftatt; Söeil (Sljrifti Mut bejtänbig fdjre^t; 33arml)er$igfeit ! barmfjergigfeit ! 5» £)arein Witt idj midj gläubig fenfen, £)em Witt tdj midj getroft ttertraun; Unb wann mfdj meine fünben Mnfen, 9tur bafb nad) ©otteä ^erje fdjau'n; £>a ftnbet ftdj 3u aller seit Unenbltcfye barml)er3igfeih 6» Söirb alles anbre weggeriffen, SÖaS feel unb leib erquicfen lann ; £>arf idj »on feinem trofte wiffen, Unb fcfyeine oöttig ausgetljan ? 3f* ^ errettung nodj. fo weit, yjlix bleibet bo$ barmljerjigfeit 7. beginnt bas trbifc^e gu brüten, 3<* tjäuft fidj fummer unb üerbrug, £)ag id) micfy nod) in sielen ftüden 9Jlit eitlen bin* gen quälen mug : Unb werb idj giemlic^ fel)r jerfireut, (So l)off icfy auf barmtjer* Stgfeit 8» SSftufj tdj an meinen bejten werfen, Von 6er (Sememe (Bottee. 71 darinnen id) gewanbelt Bin, 2$iel unsold fommen^cit bemerfen, @o fällt rool)l alles rühmen l)in; S>jj$ ijt audj tiefet troft Be* reit: 3d) l)offe auf barmtjerjigfeit 9» @ß gelje nur nad) bejfen willen, 33e9 bem fo ttiel erbarmen ijt ; (£r wolle felbft mein Ijerje ftiüen, £)amtt es ba$ nur nid)t »ergibt: @o fielet es in lieb unb leib, 3a, burdj unb auf barm^ergighit 10* ißety biefem grunbe will id> bleiben, <5o lange mify bie erbe tragt, £)aö will td) benfen, tljun unb treiben, @o lange ftdj ein ©lieb bewegt: ©o fing id) einftenS i)b'd)jt erfreut: £> abgrunb ber barmljer* gigleit! 43, mi. &$ ijt &mm an, (3) £> 9flenfdj! wie ijt bein r)er$ bejteHt? £ab ad)tung auf bein leben! 2öa$ trägt für frudjt bein Ijergensfelb ? @inbß bornen oberreben? £)enn aus ber frudjt lennt 72 Von bet <25ememe ©ottes. man bie faat, 2lu$ wer bag lanb gefäet tyat j ©ott ober ber oerberber* 2. 3jt nun bein ^erj bem tnege gleich Unb einer nebenftragen, £)a auf bem brei* ten lafterfteig S)ie ttögel atfeö fragen; 21$ ! prüfe bi$, e3 ift lein fdjer^; 3(1 fo beraubt bein armes §er$, (So bift bu gu bel(agen + 3. £)enn, ift ber faame weggerafft, SSer* treten unb gefreffen, <&o fyaft bu leine g(aubens^fraft, 9?od) feelenfpeis ju effem gätlt bir ins otjr ber faame nur, Unb ntcfyt ins §er$, fo ift bie fpur 3um leben gan^ vertreten, 4 + 3ft au$ bein fjer^e fetfenfjart, $er= prtet burd) bie fünben, ©o ift ber faame fdjledjt oermatyrt Stuf folgen felfen^grün* bem (Sin felfenftein fyat leinen faft, £)rum Ijat ber faame leine Iraft 3u frucfytbarlett $u grünten* 5 + ©o lang noefy nidjt gerlnirfcfyt bein ^erj, Unb öom gefefj gerfc^lagen £)urd) tt>aüre Buße, reu unb fd)mer$, ie ftcfy felbft gering tyie fd)ä£en. 3, (Selig ftnb, bie leibe tragen, «Da ftdj göttlich trauern ftnbt, Die befeufgen nnb beflagen 3fj*' «nb anbrer leute fünb ; £)fe beötjalben traurig ge^n, Dft oor ©Ott mit 74 Von bet (Sememe C5otteß. tfjränen ftefm; Diefe follen nodj auf erben, Unb bann bort getrottet werben» 4» ©ettg fmb tie frommen tjer^en S)ä man fanftmutl) führen fann, 2Betd)e fjofjn nnb tru£ tterfdjmeqen, Sßeidjen gerne jebermann, Die nid)t fudjen eigne radj, Unb oefe^en ®ott bie fad): Diefe xoiU ber £err befdjüjaen, Dafj fte no$ ba$ lanb be(t£en* 45, %flt\. 3$ fwnb an einem morgen* (4) 2) urdj gnab fo nütt tdj fingen, 3n ©ott'S furcfyt ^e&en an: SieB ©ott oor aUm bin* gen, Den nädjften aufy fo fdjom Das ijl's g'fe£ unb propfyeten gtoar, Die fotfn mir treulidj galten, Das fag id) eudj füwaljr* 2. Deinen näd)ften fottt bu lieben, 211$ bid) in lieb unb leib, Die fünb fottt "du nid)t üben, Dann es ijt große seit, #tedjt ju ttjun folPn wir fytbm an, Styrtjto 3efu nachfolgen, ©ein oorbilb fefyen an* Von 6er (Bemetne (Bottee. 75 3, £>ein'n nadjjren follt bu fennen, 3fym adrett güt$ oeroeis ; 3d) b<**f f^ bir tüo^l nennen, @o X)ör unt) merl mit fleifj: trüber unb fd)it>eftern 3U ber frnub, (So an Gtjriftum tl)un glauben, aufgenommen feinen bunb» 4, (giefyjr bu itjn übertreten, (Ein fünbe an bir tljun, greunblidj fotlt bu ifyn baten, 2lu$ lieb ir)m geigen an, 9htr gtr>tfd)en bir unb U)m allein, Xfyut er fid) bann belehren, (Sollt bu aufrieben fein* 5* SBill er bidj bann nidjt Ijören, Unb bein (traf nehmen an; 9?ocfy einem fyu er* Hären, 2öie fein fadj fep getrau, Unb (traft itjn wieber in geheim* Sßitt er eudj aud) nidjt l)ören, (So fagt e3 ber gemein* 6. ©ein Ijanbel foüt anzeigen, Söenn er entgegen fratyt. Sßirb er ftdj bann tl)un neigen, Unb bitten gort um gnab, (So rra* get d)riftlid)e gebulb; £l)ut (Sott tton I)er* gen bitten 25or feine fünb unb fdjulb, 7* Söttt er bie g'metn nidjt fyören, 3$* (traf nidjt nehmen an, 5T^ut bie geugniß 76 Von btt (Sememe ©ottcö. erHctren, 2)arnadj Ia§t3 mtfytil gafyn: 23erfünbt tfyn (Dotted pfag unb ratty, 2Öo er in füut> »erharret, £)ie ifym wirb folgen na$* 8. 23on iljm tljut eucfy abf^eiben Söofyl $u berfelben ftunb, £alt i|n wie einen §et* ben, 2Öo gerebt f)at SJjrifH munb* 3lu$ fpridjt $aulu<3 o§n trug unb Itjh £f)ut ifyn »on eud) tyinaufe, 2Ber ungefjorfam ijh 46» 5JZeL Wngttab begehr ity nic^t »on Mr* (49) *Cl5o$lauf, wohlauf bu © o 1 1 e 3 gemein ! Zeitig unb rein, 3*t biefen legten feiten, i)ie bu efm mann erwählet btjt, £eijt 3efu (Efyrift, Z$u bid) i§m zubereiten» £eg an bein gier, bann er fommt f$ier, £)arum bereit bad {jod^eitesfleib, £)ann er wirb fdjon bie tyod^ett fyon, 2M$ ewig mdjt me|r tton i|m loj«« 2. ©a« Weib, batton gemelbet tfl 3n biefer frijt, @oü tyetlig feön unb reine, "Don bcv ©emcinc (Botteö. 77 (Sott mebcr fled nod) runnel t)on, ©ollt t)u »crftobm .@o miß ©ott l)on ein gmeine. ©arum er §at geben in tob ©ein I iiebcö finb, »or reine fünb. 2fu3 tauter gnab, bein miffetfyat £)ir ©ort bein £err »ergeben t)at» 3. ©o nun bein fünb »ergeben tjt 2)urdj 3efum Gfyrift, £at bid) ©ort neu gebobren 3m tauf burd) ben Eiligen ©eift, , ba§ bu nun tyeigt Sin' braut &t)riftt er= tobren* ipalt bid) allein be3 gma()leö "bein,- S3tö il)m bereit $u aller seit, Äein anbern s JOiann feilt nehmen an, £)ict) fein atieinig galten tt)un* With Slommt r)er ju mir, fprt^jt* (6) So« auf, nfödj auf, o menfcfyenrmbl $$on beinern ffttaf fre§ auf gefdjminb, Söte bifi bu fo »erbroffen ? SöiÜt bu biefen tag müfjig fto()n, Unb nidjt in« Sperren mein* berg gor)n, £)er bidj r)at brufen laffen? 78 Don bev (Bemeint (Bottcs. 2. 3ft boci) ©ott gar ein freunblidj mann, Der ben Weinberg $at aufgetfjan* Wl bie 31t ifym tfyun fommen, Unb arbet* ttn bie Heine gelt, Den'n ftnß er balb ein toenig freub ©eben mit aüen frommen* 3. SBie fe^b iljr fo gar fd^läfrig lent, Daß i§r nicfyt mögt bie Heine jeit Die laji mit toitlen tragen. Da etoig frenb ber raglofyn ift, Söäfyrt e3 bodj nnr ein Heine frift, ©eneigt §at ffijj ber tage. 4. £> menfd) lag birS 3U ^ergen gofjn, @iet) bie frommen altoäter an, £onb bie laf* auf ftd) gnommen, fragen oiel jafyr nnb manchen tag, Unb ftnb bennodj ntdjt Sorben fdjtoad), 23i3 fte jur rulj fe^nb fommen* 5* Darum »erdete ntc^t ju lang, 5luf baß bie fonn nidjt Untergang; Die nad)t tfyut tyer^u nafjem Darum neljmt tuti) tttdjt langer tteit, Zxttt in ben Weinberg ein mit eil, en regten weg jn lehren, 2)a§ man »on fitn* ben ab foil fiotyn, Unb ftcfy a« ^ m *> e ^ ren. 2)ann er fefbjt fyridjt, icfy bin ber leben ttnb XVanbcl 81 I »eg, Darburdj man gu bem SSater aebt Die n>a$r$eit unb bas leben. ' 3- 2öer mit tym tolH gemeinfejaft Jon, ©etnö retc^ö tyeityaftig »erben, Derfelb mug auc$ beSgteldjen t^un p&ie auf bte* [er erben, 3a melier mit i^m erben null Sflng §te Ijaben be$ letbenö oieL Um hu neö namens nullen* 4 . Söeld&er nun Ijie in btefer $eit mit bem Ferren tyut jterben, Der ttJtrb aueb mit t^m etütg freub 3nö üßaterö reieb er* erben 2Ber aber i^m nic^t folgen tbut, Den $at au<$ titelt erlögt fein Mut, t unb traurigteit, Die felbft gar balb aerfäüt; 3$ Mn ja fcfyon TO ©ottes ©ol)n 3m glauben t)ier vertraut, Der bro* Im ft£t Unb tyier befct)üj3t, SBäfylt mict) gu feiner braut 4. 21$, 3efu! tobt 1 in mir bie Welt, Unb meinen alten ftnn, Der ftet) fo gerne £ebett unb WanbcL 83 guit)rl)ält; £err, nimm mid) felbfl nur |in, Unb Mnbc mid) ©atig »eftiglid) 2ttt bid), o #err, mein Jjort! ©o irr' idj nid)t 3« beirtem lidjt, 33iö in bie lebeitgpfort 2), 51* mi. 3Me mnfäcn. (22) 'emutfj if* bie fd)önfte tugertb, SHIer d)ri(len rufym uttb etjr, SDenn fte gieret iiitfre jugenb, Unb ba3 alter nod) ttielmefyr. Pflegen fie audj nid)t gu lobeit, 2)ie gu gro§em glitcf erljobett; (£ie ift metyr ate goit> wttb gelt», Unb was fyerdidj in ber melt 2» ©iefye, 3efu$ war bemütfjig, Sr er= tjob fid) felbften nic^t, (Er war freuitblid), liebreich, gütig, SBie uns ©otteö wort be- rid)t; 5Jian befanb in fernem lebett ©ar fein prangen unb ergeben, £)rum fprid)t er gu mir unb bir: Seme bemutl) bod) son mir. 3. 2Ber ber bemutlj ijt befliffe«, 3jl Be? jebermarm beliebt; 2öer ba nid)t3 will feptt unb wiffen, 2>r ifts, bem ©ott efyre 84 Vom ct)rijHüt)ett giebt: £)emut§ l)at (3ott ftets gefallen, (Sie gefallt aufy benen allen, ÜDie auf ®otte3 megen gel)n, Unb in 3efu liebe ftc^n* 4* Ü)emutlj machet nid)t oeräcfytlid), $3te bte (tol^e melt auSfcfyretyt, 2öenn fte fredj unb unbebäcfytlid) 3Dte bemütljtgen anfpetyt: (Stolpe muffen felbft gefielen, Söenn fte fromme um ßdj fefyen, £)af bod) bemutl) ebler ift, 211$ ein frecher, ftol^er 52* 2M. 3Kad> mit mir. (28) Jl/Cir n< ta<$ ! fpricfyt GHjrifhtS, unfer tyelb, Sftir nadj, iljr (Sljriften aüe: Verleugnet eucfy, »erlaßt bte melt,^'§olgt meinem ruf unt) fcfyalle ; 9tefymt euer freu£ unb unge* madj Stuf tu§, folgt meinemjmanbel nad). 2* 3$ Pi« baö Itdjt, id) leud)t eucfy für 9Jlit fyeiPgem tugenb4eben, 2öer gu mir lommt unb folget mir, 2)arf ntcfyt im ftn* ftern fcfymeben: 3d) Binder meg, idj meife moljl, Söie man mafjrljaftig manbeln foil. 3* SWein $ers ijt ooE bemütl)igleit, 25ott liebe meine feele, Sflein munb ber fleugt ^u £eben unb TO anbei. febe^eit Son füffem fanftmutfy3öle, 9fletn getft, gemütfye, traft unb ftnn 3ft ($ott er* geben, fcfyaut auf ifyn. 4* 3d) §etg eud) ba«, »a« fcfycibtidj ifi, 3u fliegen unb gu meiben, Unb euer fjer$ »on arger lift 3« reinigen unb $u fd>ei= ben. 3$ kin ber feelen felä unb tyort, Unb fitfyr euc^ gu ber I)immel^fort. 5. gättt'ö end) ju f^wcr, icfy gefy »oran, 3$ iffeU eud) an ber fette, 3$ tampfe felbft, td)J>red) bie fea$n, Sin alle« in bem ftreite. "(Sin bofer fnecfyt ber (litt barf ftefyn, SBenn er ben felbfyerrn ftefyt angetyn* 6» @o lagt uns benn bem litktn £erm ^O^it leib unb feel nacfygefyen, Unb toofyU gemutfy, getroft unb gem, 33ep t§m im leiben fielen! £>enn toer nicfyt fa'mpft, trägt; aufy bie fron 25e3 efo'gen leben« nid)t bason* 53. SWel. greu feto) fe$f, 0. (18) ^SDc^affet, fdjaffet, meine finber, ©Raffet eure feligfeit: S3auet nidjt tt)ie freche fün* 86 Vom rf)rifHui)ett ber, $luv auf gegenwärtige jeit; ©onbern flauet über eucfy, finget nad) bem $tm* metreidj, Unb bemühet eu(^ auf erben, 2öte ifyr möget felig werben, 2„ £>a£ nun tiefe« ntög gefdjeljen, 5)tüg t it)r ntdjt nadj fleifd) unb blut, Unb beffelben neigung get)en; (Sonbern toa$ @ott will unb tfyut, £)as muß ewig unb allem Sure« leben« rtdjtfdjnur fepn, fe« mag fletfcb unb b(ut in allen Uebel ober wotjt gefallen. 3, 3tjr l)abt urfadj gu befennen, £>a§ in euc^ aud) fünbe ftedt; 2)a$ il)r fleifd) 9on fleifd su nennen, £>af) end) lauter elenb becft; Unb bafj ®ottt$ gnaben^fraft 9htr allein bas gutefd)afft; 3a, baß auffer feiner gnabe, 3n eucfy nicfyt« bann feelen* fdjabe* 4. (Selig, wer im glauben Jämpfer, (Se* lig, wer im fampf beftel)t, Unb bie fünben in fid) bämpfet, @elig, wer bie mit »er* fdjmäl)t. Unter Sfyriftt freute« fdjmad) 3aget man bem frieben nadj : 2öer ben Nebelt unb XOanbtL 87 tytmmel Witt ererben, Sftufj guoor mit Gfyrifto fterben, 54, 9!JW. ©eelenfoeibe, meine, (11) <ut ja nimmer gut; Söer baoon wirb überwogen, 23inbet t|m felbjt eine rutlj, 3, (Simon, wann er (td) öermtjfer, SJMt bem .Jperrn in tob ju gefyn, Unb be3 \va* d)en$ bod) öergiffet, -äftujj er balb in tfyra* nen jtetjn* 4, 3ft ber neue geift gteidj wittig; 3ft baö alte fleifdj bo$ fcfywadj, ©djlä'fejl bu, fo trägft bu bittig Statt be$ lofynö oiel ml) unb aäj. 5, Unfer fetnb ijt ftetö in Waffen, @3 fommt üjm fem [Plummer an ; SSarum wollten wir bann fcfylafen? £)a$ war gar nidjt wofylgetfyan* Vom cfyrtjHtcfyett 6. SÖofyl bem, ber mit furcfyt unb jfc tern ©eine feligfeit frets fcfyaft, &r iji ftcfjer für gemittern, £)te bie fiebern weggerafft. 7* SBotyl bem, ber |fct« wac^t unb flehet 2luf ber fdjmalen pilgrimsfcatyn ; SBeil er unbeweglich freuet, SBann ber feint) il)n fället an* 8. SBo^l tem, ber ba feine tenben 3m^ mer lagt umgürtet fe$n, Unb ba$ licfyt in feinen |änben Sftie verlieret feinen fcfyeüu 9. Söo^l bem, ber Uq geit öerftetyet ©eine lamjje mit bem öl, Söann ber brau* tigam »ergießet, £)er errettet feine feel* 10* D bu Ritter beiner linber, ÜDer bu fdjläf jt nodj fdjlummerft nicfyt; Wlafyt mtd) gum überwinber 2We$ fcfylafs, ber midj anficht 11. Sag mity niemals ftdjer werben; ©eine furcht befdjirme midj : ©er ijerfu* djung Iajt4efdjwerben Sftilbre bu felbjt gnäbiglid}* 12. ©ety bu weder meiner ftnnen, £)aj? Heben unb Wanbcl 89 fte bir jlctö roacfyenb fepn, Unb idj, wann idj mu§ »on Rinnen, SBadjenb auefy mag fcfylafen ein» 55, 2J?eL efcrtjtoS, ber tft mein. (7) -/id) bleib mit betner gnabe S3e^ uns, £err 3efu (S^rift, £)a| uns fyinfort ntcfyt f$abe S)e£ böfen fetnbes lift, 2j 2lud) bleib mit beinern toorte 23et) uns, Srlöfer »errtj, £a§ uns be^b t)ier unb borte ©ety troft unb |eil befcfyefyrt. 3. 2ld) bleib mit beinern lichte 53et; uns in ftnfternij?, £>er fünben mad)t 3ermdjte, Unb macb bas tyerj genug* 4. 51 (^ bleib mit beinern fegen 33e^ uns, bu reidjer £err, 2)as trollen unb fcermö* gen £)nra§ uns ber feint) ntdjt trufce, Unb fäll bie böfe weit* 6, 21d) bleib mit beiner treue 23ety uns, mein £err unb ©ott, 23eftänbigfeit »er* leitje, £ilf uns aus aller notlj* 90 Dom d)rijHtct)ert 56* With $txßfy töut wi<$ »erlangen* (7) <5on ^er^en molPn mir fingen 3n frieb unb etnigfeit, 9J»it fleifi unb ernfte brin* gen ßu tor oollfommenfyett, 2)ajj mir ©ott mögen gfallen, SSoqu er uns tritt l^on, 2)as mer!t u)r frommen alle, Safjt eudjs 31t ^er^en gofyn* 2* D ®ott! bu mollf* uns geoen, 3e£t unb gu aller ftunb, 3k beinern mort ju leben, ßu galten beuten bunb, Söotlft uns ooEfommen mafytxt, 3n frieb unb einig* feit, £)afj bu uns ftnbeft wachen, Unb alle* geit bereit 3* SÖann bu nun mirft auffcredjen, D £erre 3efu Sl)rift! 3** allen frommen fpredjen: $ommt tyer bie ü)r fetyb g'rüft, 3$ mill euc^ mit mir führen, 3k meines 23aterS reid), 2)arin follt u)r regieren, Unb leben emigl% 4* 3m rei$ bas ©ott Bereitet, £)a iji grog einigtet., grieb, freub au allen Seiten, •Heben unb Wanbel. 91 3a bit in ewigfeit, SBülPn mir ba3 reid) erlangen, Die groge etngifett, SWüjf n mirä auf erb empfangen, SDaj? mir merben bereit, 5. £)ann unferS Waters mitten Püffen mir l)te gleich 2luf erb allezeit erfüllen, äßte in bem Ijimmelretc^ 2)ann alfo tfyut una lehren Unfer £err 3*fn £§r1(i, £>a§ mir soüfommen merben, 2öie unfer 3Sa= ter ifh 57, mi. mint feel tjh (40) O ^vJefu, meine freube, 5Jteinea ^erjena meibe, 3efu, meine gier ! 2ldj, mie lang, a<$ lange 3ft kem tyergen bange, Unb »er* langt nad) bir, ®ottea Samm, mein brau* tigam! Buffer bir fott mir auf erben Sfctifytä fonft lieberö merbem 2, Unter beinern fdjirmen S3tn tdj für ben ftürmen 2lüer feinbe fees?, Sag ben fatan mittem, Sag ben feinb erbittern, W\x ftel)t 3efu be^, £>b e$ je£t gleich 9*2 Vom ct)riftluf)en fradfyt unb feitet, £)b gleich fimb wnt> fyoUt fcfyreden, 3efuö null mtd) becfen* 3» £ro£ bem alten trafen, £ro£ be$ tobeS radjen, Xro£ ber fnr$t ba^n ! £obe weit nnb fprmge! 3$ im j)ier, nnb finge 3n gar fiterer rutjj ($otte$ ma\fyt tyäli midj in ad)t: (Srb nnb abgrnnb mnf$ »er* jmmmen, Db fte nodj fo brummen* 4. SBeg mit allen fdjä^en! £)n 0i(l mein ergeben, 3^fn, meine fnfh 2Öeg, iljr eiteln etjren, 3d) mag end) nidjt fyören, ^Bleibt mir unbetonjjjt (Slenb, notf), freu|3, fdjmad) nnb tob ©oll mid), ob td) »iet mnß leiben, 9ttd)t tton %t\u [Reiben* 5» ®nte nad)t, o ioefen, £)a$ bie toelt erlefen! Sfttr gefällft bn nidjt. ©nte nad)t, tljr fünben, bleibet weit ^atyxdtn, $ommt nid)t meljr an$ lidjt! ©nte nadjt, bn ftolg nnb prad)t, £)ir fe$ gang, bn lajler4eben, ®nte nadjt gegeben. 6. Söeidjt, i^r traner*geifter! 5Dann mein frenbenmeifter, 3efn3 tritt herein. £)enen, bie ©ott lieben, Wlufy andj tljr betrüben Sanier , snder fetyn. £)nlb tdj £eben unb Töanbtl. fcfyon ^ter fpott unb fyofyn, Dennod) bleibft bit aufy im leibe, 3efu! meine freube* 58. Wirf. D jlarfer ©ott. (12) O ,Ot)r junge gelben, aufgemalt! Die gan$e weit mug fetyn tteracfyt. Drum eilt, bag itjr in furger geit 9Kacfyt eure fee* len rool)l bereit* 2» 2öa$ ift bie toett mit allem ttjun? ©en fcunb gemalt mit (Sotted ©oftn, Das bleibt ber feel in eroigfeit Sin 1 jucfer* füge luft unb freub* 3. 3<* nimmermehr geliebt bie welt, steint el)r ftd) 3^fu gugefellt, @o über* fommt man glaubenSfraft, Dag man ana) balb tljr ttjun beffraft, 4, 9hm weg permit, bu eitelleit @$ ijt mir nun ju lieb bie jett, Dag tcfy fie ni$t meljr fo anroenb, Dag idj ben namen ©otteS f^änb» 5» 3$ $ab e$ nun bety mir bebaut, Unb biefen fcfylug gar t>eft gemalt, Dag e$ mir nun foil 3efuä fe^n, Unb wollt mein fleifcb; nicfyt gern barehu 94 (Btbäu unb 25itu£kbev. 6* ßuv fallen tx>elt unb iljrem trug ©fcricfyt meine feel, e6 ijr genug : 3 U ^"9 tya& t$ bie lujt geliebt, Unb bamit meinen ©Ott betrübt 7* 3$ eil nun fort jn meinem ($ott, 2)er mid? erlauft »om fiud) unb tob ; £)ar* um i$ aud) nun aU ein reb, £infü§ro üefl an 3efu lieb* 8. 9ttd)t$ anberS roill id), al$ ®ott mill, Söenn er mir l)ilft, baf id) ba3 jiel, Söo^u er mtd) berufen ^at, (Erlangen möge in ber fyat 9» enn es folget fonjt barauf (Sine lange (träfe, Unb bie notfj, ©amt bem tob, 9ftöd)te bi$ in fünben Unoermu* rtyet ftnben, 3. SÖac^e auf! fonft fann bt$ nicfyt Unfer iperr erleuchten« SBac^e! fonften wirb betn ttcfyt Dicfy no$ ferne beulten! £)cnn ©ott toitt 3Sor bie füll ©einer gna= bengaben Dfne äugen fyaUn. 4. 2Sa$e! baj? btd) fatanö lift $li$t im feblaf antreffe, Sßeil er fonft beljenbe ift, £)a§ er bt$ beäffe ; Unb ®ott giebt, i)ie er liebt, Oft in feine (trafen, SBann (te ftdjer fcfylafcn* 5» £)rum fo lag uns immerbar 2Ba= <$en, fleben, bäten! Söeit bie angjt, notfy unb gefafyr 3mmer nähertreten; £)enn bie idt 3ft nicfyt toeit, £>a uns ©ort wirb richten, Unb bie roelt oernicfyten. 96 (BtbäU unb &itu£.kbtv. 60. WltU 3# ttttt emfam. (25) @irf>, $ie Bin i$, Stjrenfömg! Sege mid) ttor beinen tfjrbn: (Sd)ii?äd)e rf)ränen, ^inblid) fernen, 23rtng id) bir, tu 5Ö?en* ft^enfoX)tt ! Sag bid) ftnben, Sag btd) fm* ben 33ort mir, ber id) af$ unb tfjon. 2, (Siel) bodj auf midj, £err, td) bitte bidj, Senfe mtdj nadj beinern ftnn, Did) aüetne 3dj nur me^ne, Dein erlaufter erb tdj bin; Sag bidj ftnben:,: ®ie& bidj mir, unb nimm mid) t)tn. 3 + 3$ ?*(j$ w ntebts, o iperre! 2tl^ nur beine fre^c gnab, Die bu gtebeft, Den bu Itebeft, Unb ber bid) liebt in ber tfjat: Sag bid) ftnben :,: Der tyat alles, wer bid) fat 4» £immet£fonne, feelemuonne, Unbe* fledtes ®otte3 Samm ! 3n ter §öle, SOtane feele (Sudjet bidj, o Bräutigam ! Sag bid) ftnben :,: (Starler £elb aus Daöibs ftamm. 5* #ör, wie ftagfidj, it>ie betueglidj Dir bie arme feele fingt, 2Öie bemütfyig Unb (Bcbat* unb ^5itt=je.ic6cr. 97 mefymütfyig £)eme$ ftnfccö jtimme Hingt: Sag bid) fmben :,: Ü)enn mein fyeqe gu bir bringt 6» JMefer getreu eitelfeiten, Sfteidjtfyum, motfufr, efyr unb freub, ©epnb nur ferner« gen deinem bergen, SBeldjeä fud)t btc emigfeih Sap bid) ftnben :,: ©rofer ®ott! macfy mid) bereit 61. With ffiaty \>i$, mein getfi* (29) £ tebfier £eilanb! nafye bidj, deinen grunb berühre; Unb auä aÜem fräftiglidj fjftid) in bid) einführet £>a£ id) bidj 3«ntg* Iid) Wqq in liebe fajfen, Sitten anbre laffen. 2. (Sammle ben gerflreuten ftnn, Xreuer fytrt ber feelen ! £)enn mann id) in bir ntd)t bin, 9flu§ mein getjt jtdj quälen; (Sreatur Slengfret nur, £>u allein fannjt Qtbtn SRufye, freub unb leben, 3, Sftacbe midj »on aüem frety, ©rünb* lid) abgerieben, 2)ajj td) eingef efyret fe$ 7 98 <5tbaU unb Xitt-Mebtv. ©rets in beinett frieben : Ätnblid) rein, (Sanft unb thin, 2)idj in unfcfyulb fel>e, 3n bir leb unb fietye. 4, SJflenfcfyenfreunb, 3 m m an u el! Dtdj mit mir öermcifyle* D bu fanfte liebet quell, (Salbe geift unb feele ; i)a$ mein null (Sanft unb (till, £>l)ne nnberftreben, £)ir ftdj mag ergeben* 5, Obermann Ijat feine lujt, Unb fein geitöertreiben ; 9ttir fesj eines nur bewußt, .Sperr, in bir ju bleiben: 2We$ foU folgen »o$I, SÖann icfy mid) nur übe %n bem weg ber liebe* 6» Kreaturen bleibet fern, Unb totö fonft fann ftören: 3efu, tdj null fcfyroetgen gern, Unb bicfj in mir ^ören; (Schaffe bu 2öal)re rutj, SÖirfe nacfy gefallen, 3$ W* ftiü in aßen» 7* 2Ba$ no$ flüchtig, fammle bu ; 2Ba$ nod) ftolj i% beuge ; 2Öaö ttemürret, bring gur rufy; 2öa$ no$ $art, erweise; Dag in mir 9ttd)t$ Ijinfür £ebe nodj erfdjeine, 5110 mein freunb alleine* (Bebdt; unb -Bitt^iebet*. 99 62. 27M. ftun ftcfr fcer. (32) JvCein ©ott! bag §er$ id) Dringe bir, 3ur gate unb gefd)enf: £>u forberft bie* fed ja »on mir, £cß bin id) eingeben!. 2. ©ieb mir, mein finb! bein fyerj, fpricfcjt bn, Da« iji mir lieb nnb totxtf, im ftnbeft anberftbodj nicfyt rufy 3m fyim* mel unb auf erb. 3. 9?un bu, mein 25ater! nimm U, an, s 3)?ein %tx\, oeradjt e« nicfyt, 3d) geb« fo gut id)« geben faun, ^e^r ju mir bein geftd)t. 4. $tt>ar ift es ootler fünbentoufr, Unb »oller eitelfeit, De« guten aber unbewußt, Der wahren frömmigfeit. 5. Dod) aber ftefyt e« nun in reu, (Sr* fennt fein'n übelftanb, Unb traget je^unb »or bem fdjeu, Daran 1 « guöor luft fanb. 6. £ier fällt unb liegt e« bir gu fug, Unb fd)re»t: nur fcfylage $u; 3 er ^ n ^ r f^r o 33ater! bag icfy bug $e<$tfei§ bag tc| ber beine bin, £)er beute, nicfyt ber weit. 63. 2»el. D flarfer ®ott. (12) ^runn alles ^eils ! bi$ eljren nur, Unb öfnen unfern munb »or bir; 2lus beiner gotttjeit ^etligt^um £)em tyo|er fegen auf un$ fomnu 2. Der £err, ber fegensbrunn, ber ewig fleugt ! £)urd^ fleug tym, ftnn unb wanbel wol)l, VRafy uns beins Jobs unb fegens soll! 64» 3D?eL Stebjter 3efu, fcu trtrfl tarnen, (42) O /O e f u • W me * n * eru £ m * r tragen, 5öann in böfen jammer^tagen SDftd) ber arme feinb anficht, 3>efu! kann ttergijj mein nt*t. 2. SBann bie fallen rottgefeöen £>en* fen gän3lic^ midj $u fällen, Unb mir ratty 102 (Btbäu unb 23itt'°.kbzv. unb tfjat geortet, 3efu (Sljrift, sergif mein nid)t 3» 2ßiü mi$ fcöfe tufi »erführen, @o lag mir bas (jerge rühren £)a$ sufünftige geriet, Unb ttergeffe meiner nicfyt. 4. «kommt tic melt mit ifyren tücfen, Unt miE mir taö gtel serrüden, £)urd) ifyr falfdjes »oüufWicfyt, 3efu$! fo t>ergi§ mein nid)t. 5. 2Boüen and) tvo^I meine frennte 9fttd) nicfyt anberö aU tie feinte ^intern anf t>er lebenäbaljn, 3efu ! nimm bid) rnei* ner an. 6. geriet mir« an traft gu bäten, £a§ mid) teinen geift vertreten, «Starfe meine 3Ut>erftc^t / Unt oergiffe meiner nid)t. 7. 2Biü aud) felbft ter glaub fdjmad) merben, Unt nid)t tragen tie befcfymerben, Sßenn tie brangfal3*i)ti3e ftid)t, %tfo ! fo »ergig mein nicfyt d5ebat; unb 35itt-Mtbev. 103 65. mU £> \taxhx ®ott, o feelenfraft. (12) 4\u$ lieb oertounbter 3efu mein, SBie fann id) bir gnug banfbar fein! Söotlt toünfdjen, idj fonnt lieben bidj, 2Öie bu allzeit geliebet mid). 2. $?ir giebft bu bidj auf neue toeifj, £) groger ©ott! jur feelenfpeiß, 35on mci= netwegen madjft btd) fletn, 2Bie fönnt betn lieb cod) größer fe^n. 3. 2ld) fomm $u mir, idj bitte bid), 9)Zit beiner gnab erquicfe mid), $Jitin feel nad) 3efu bjjtrftet fefyr, 21$ ia$ id) fein redjt toürbig war» 4. ©leidjnrie ein Ijirfdj sur toajferqueH 3n oollem lauf ftdj feinet fdjnetl, Sin'n gleiten burji erwecf in mir, 2ld) Stfu, 3efu ! f omm $u mir. 5. 3d) fann amar nidjt gnug banfbar fetyn 55or beine lieb, mein 3efulein, Sftod) greifen bein' fre^gebtgf eit ; £)odj lob id) beine gütigfeit. 6. %a, toenn tdj taufenb leben Ijätt, Unb alte für bid) laffen tl)ät, 2öar btefes 104 (Bebati unb 35\tt-Mtbtv. bod) ein fcfyledjteö btng, Unb gegen beiner lieb gu gering» 7* $ann i$ ni$t liefen nadj gebühr, £err 3ßfu ßfyrift, »er^eu) e$ mir, 3$ tr>ill bid) Heben tote td) fann, Unt> follt id)$ leben fe£en bran* 8* 2Öo i<$ nur gel), too td) nur fklj, £tlf, 3efu, bag td) nadj bir fdfc 2öie freut' tdj mtd), Söenn id^bid) fänbM 2ldj wann tdj bi# behalten lönnt 9» $ah ify bid), 3efu, j[e betrübt, Unb auffer bir nodj toaä geliebt, 3d) bitt bidj um ber liebe beut, Sag mtrS nunmehr »er* geben feon. 66* 2M, £er 134 gjfalm. (12) D ftarfer ©Ott, o feelen-fraft, D liebjter £err, o leben$*jaft* 2Bas foil idj tljun, toas ift bein toill? ©ebeut, idj toill bir galten ftill. 2. 3$ lann ja ntdjts, bas n>etft bu tool)!, Sludj toei§ id) ni$t, toa$ t$ tljun foH* £)u fannft allein »errieten bie$, £>u toeigt es aud) allein getoijj» (Btbäu unb £itt*£ie6er« 105 3. «Raty, haft, fy% ijl niemanb ate bu ; Sftatl) giekjt bu in flitter rulj : $raft btjl bu aud)Jn fyöd)fter notlj, £elb ift betn nam, o 2öunber=®ott. 4/ Du fei« be« Jjetls, erhalte mtdj, £)u leoen$=(troljm, fleug milbiattcfy, O^ug kodf) in meine feel l)inein, Unb feljre be^ bem fünber ein. 5. Die actt ifl Bö« unb falfcfyljeit »oil, 3d) roeig mdjt hue tdj leben foil. Du bift ein #err, ber grog son rati), Du bijt ein ©Ott, ber (tor! »on tfyat. 6. 2BA3 toiflt bu £err, ba« fage mir, ;3d> Kopf, ad) tf)u bodj auf bie tfyiir : 3d) ruf unb fcfyreo, bu fyo'rjt e« ttofyl, 20a« ttriüt bu, £err, bag id) tfyun foil? 67. mi. £err 3efu (S&rtfr, bio) §*♦ (12) 51 c^ bleib Be^ un$, £err 3efu @ljrijr, 2£eil e£ nun abenb toorben ift; 2)etn göttlich roort, ba$ tyelle ltdjt, Sag ja bep uns auölöftfyen nidjt. 2. 3n biefer lejjt'n betrübten jett, SSer* 106 <3tbäu unb ISituSAzbtv. letfy uns, £err, beftänbigfeit, £>a§ Wir teilt wort in einigfeit, beleben redjt in biefer gett 3, £)a§ wir in guter flitter ruf) £)i§ jeitlidj leben bringen ju; Unb wann ba$ leben neiget ftd), Sag un$ einfcfylafen 68, 5KeL 2)er 136 ^falnu (16) 1 us ber tiefe rufe idj ßn t>ir r £err! er* Kjöre mid), 2)eine ofyren gnabig lei§, 9fterf tie flefyenb ftimm babety* 2, 2lu3 ber tiefe rufe idj, ©ünben ge^en über mid): SÖitfft bu regten £err! ntit mir, ©o befiel) td) ntdjt »or bir, 3. 2lu$ ber tiefe rufe {<§, Bill bam jtiemanb fyoren mid) ? 2ldj ! fo pre, 3ef* mein, £)u wirft \a ber Reifer fepn. 4 + ShtS ber tiefe rufe tdj, 2ld) fc^oi lang erbärmiglid) ! Äreu£ unb leiben fyal ten an, 3efu$ mtdj brau« retten fann« TPom j&reug unb Reiben. 107 5, 2hiö ber tiefe rufe USjf, Sßarum, 3efu! lägt tu ntid)? 3$ ^arr f tr-arte, feufee, a$! 33t$ jur anbem morgenroadj. 6, 2fu$ ber tiefe rufe id), 3efu3 gnabe tröjtet mid) ; Üb e3 ntir fcfyon ge^et fyart, 3$ bod) ber erlöfung wart 7. 9Iu$ ber tiefe rufe tdj, JJtf'pt'g wirb erlöfeu midj : 3^fuö mattet, baß idj reiu Söerb son allen fünben mein«. 8. Sftunmefyr fyafc id) ausgeruft, 3efu$ fommet, machet luft ©eele! fd)tt>ing bid) in bie l)ty, ©age ju ber weit abje. 35cm $reu| unb Seiben. 69. SWel. Gtmjr, ber bu btji tag unb iid&t (12) wfö £(jri|iu« mit feiner wahren le^r $erfammelt ptt ein fleineö tyeer, (Sagt 108 "Dom %ttu% unb &.zibin. er, bag jeber mit gebult 3l)m täglidj '«■ freu£ nachtragen foÜX 2* Unb fpracfy : i§r liebe jünger mein, 3(jr fottct attjett mnnter feön, $uf erben audj ntc^tö lieben mefjr £>ann micfy, unb folgen meiner lefjr* 3* SDie toelt bie ttnrb tuft) ftetfen nadj, Unb antfjun mannen fpott unb fcfymacfy, Verjagen, unb aucfy fagen fre$, SBie bag ber fatan in eucfy fe$* 4, Söann man eu$ nun läjrert unb fcfymäcfyt, Meinethalben »erfolgt unb fdjlagr, ©e^b froty, bann ftefye, euer lotyn 3ft end) bereit in$ ^immelsM^ron. 5* ptfyt mid) an, i4 bin ©ottes @o^n, Unb tjab auty aü^eit toofytgetfyan, 3a bin gtoar aud) ber allerbeft, 9lodj tyabenä miefy getobt sulejjt. 6» SDöeil mi$ bie toelt ein böfen geift Unb argen öoff$*öerfü§rer ^eigt, Sind) meiner wafyrfyeit n?iberfprid)t, @o toirb fte$ t\xö) and) fdjenfen nidjt f. 3) od) fürtet eudj ntcr)t oor folgern mann, £>er nur ben leib ertöbten fann: "Dom %vcu% unb üet&ett. 109 ©onbern fürcfyt mefyr ben treuen ©Ott, Der betybea gu oerbammen tjat. 8. Derfelb probiert eudj wie ba$ golb, Unb ijt end) bod) aid finbern Ijolb, 2öo= fern it;r bleibt in meiner leljr, SBitt eut^ lajfen nimmermehr* 9. Dann idj bin eu'r, wnb tfyr fe$b mein, Drum too id) bleib, Da foflt ii)r fe$n, Unb »er end) plagt, ber rüfyrt mtin aug, 2ßc§ bemfelben an jenem tag» 10. (Su'r etenb, furdjt, angft, notfj unb pein Sßirb end) bort große freube fe$n, Unb biefe fdjanb ein preiß unb ef)r, SÖofyt »or bem gangen l)immel$|eer* 70. WleL £err Sfmjt, ber einig ©ctte3 arum fo lafj uns wachen, Säten $u aüer frijt, (Er tl)ut fidj tjergu machen, £)er unfer oerfudjer i(L (£r t^ut greulich um laufen, £>b er ein'n aus möd)t raufen 2lu$ ber ^eiligen fdjaar, mit Worten Kar, 4» ©o lagt uns nun öl laufen 3n un* fer ampel f$on, SBann ber bräutgam bricht aufe, £>af Wir ttjm entgegen gofyn, Unb unfre lichter brennen, ©o wirb er uns wol)t fennen, Unb führen ein, gur t)odJ3ett fein» Vom %vtu% unb Reiben. 111 71. 27M. Die Heb ijt fatt je^t in bcr toelt. (6j ^c ommt ^er $u mir, fpridjt ®otte$ @o!jn, 510, bie ifyr fe^b befc^tperet nun, TOt fün* ten §art belaben, 3^ ftttigen, alten, frau unb mann, 3$ »tu eud) Reifen, bann tdj fann 33att) feilen euren fcfyaben. 2, SDfein j|q$ if! fü§, mein bürb gering, Dafj »er$ nachträgt in bem bebing, Der fyöllenglut ent»eicfye : 3$ |clf itym treu* lidj, ba§ er$ trag, Unb burdj mict) felbjl gelangen mag 3uro e»'gen Himmelreiche. 3. 2ßaö tct) ttyat, »a$ i$ litte §ie 3n meinem leben fpat unb frütj, Das foüt ttjr auc^ erfüllen; 3a, »a$ ber menfd) benf, rebt unb t^ut, Das fommt iftm alles »ofyl ju gut, Söannö ijl nacfy ©otteS »Ittett. 4» ©ern »ottt bie »elt and) feiig fetyn, SÖenn nur nid)t »är bie fcfymadj unb petn, Die alle Triften leiben; ©o fann unb mag$ nicfyt anberä fetm, Darum ergeb ftdj »illig brein, 2Ber e»tg pein »ill meiben. 112 Dom :&reutj unb Zeiten» 12* SM, 3Ba3 magert boa) unb ftnrtcn toiu (45) SB, •as ®ott ttjut, bas ijt i»of)t getfjan, (£$ bleibt gerecht fein nulle, 2ßie er fängt meine fadjen m, 2Btfl i(| ifym galten ftiüe : (Sr ijt mein ©ott, £>er in ber nottj $ttd) ioofjl weiß au ermatten; Drum lag xfyn nur tpalten* 2. 2öa$ ©ott tfmt, bas ifl tootjt getrau, Sr tritt) mid) nidjt betrügen ; (Er führet midj auf renter Hfyn, <&o lag ic| midj begnügen $n feiner fyulb, Unb fyab ge* bulb ; (Sr mirb mein unglücf ioenben, (S3 jteljt in feinen fyänben» 3. 2Ba$ ©ott t^ut, bas ijt mof)t getrau, (Sr toirb midj toofyl bebenfen, (£r als mein ar$t unb fyelferSmann, SBirb mir nidjt gift etnfdjenfen, gür argene^; ©ott ijt ge* treu, £)rum null idj auf tyn hamn Unb feiner gute trauen, 4. S3a$ ©ott tf)ut, ba$ ijt feotyt getrau, (£r ift mein liefet, mein leben, 2)er mir Vom %vcüq unb Reiben. 113 ttidjts böfeö gönnen lann ; 3$ toiU m\6) ttyrn ergeben 3n freut) unb leib» (5$ fommt bie geir, Da öffentlich erfreuter, 2ßte treulich er eö mepnet 5» 2öaö ©ott tfjut, ba$ tfl »oljf getfjan. SfJcuß idj ben ^el(| gleich fc^metfen; SBeil bod) sulejjt 3$ h?erb ergebt, Wit füjjem trojt im ^erjen, £)a tteidjen alle fdjmerjen. 6, 2ßa$ ©ott tyut, ba$ ift »oft getfjan, Dabeip roitl id) verbleiben, @S mag mt$ auf bie rautye oa|n 9?otl), tot unb elenb treiben, ©o toirb ©ott mid) ©an$ oäter* Iidj 3n feinen armen galten; £)rum laß id) ifyn nur toalten* 114 £roi* in !£reut* unb £etbett. Strofl in J?reu| unb Seiben. 73. «Wei. 2Bte na$ ein. (18) JvCetne forgen, angjl unb plagen Saufen mit ber gett gu enb : 5lUe3 feuften, aÜeö Hagen, £)a$ ber £err atieine fennt, SBirb, ®ott lob, mdjt ewig fe^n: 5^a^ bent regen wirb ^in fdjeln Sieler taufenb fonnen blicfen deinen matten geift erauicfen. 2. 9fteine faat, bie id) gefäet, SBirb jur freube warfen au$: SBann bie bornen abgemäht, ©o trägt man bie frudjt ju fyaus : Söann ein wetter ift sorbety, SBirb ber ^tmmel wieber frety: Sftacfy bem tarn* pfen, nadj bem ftreiten kommen bie er* quichtng^eiten. 3. ®ottc« orbnung flehet ttejte, Unb bleibt ewig unoerrüdt: ©eine freunb unb tyodjgeitä^gäjre Sterben nafy bem jtreit be* glüdt: Sftatl erhalt ben fteg *ftadj gefüfyr* Croft in Tsvcuq unb Reiben. 115 tem fampf unbfrieg: (Sanaan rcirb nid)t gefunben, 2Bo man nid)t öat u6ern>unben. 4» Darum trage beine fetten, 9fteine feet unb bulbe bid) ; ©ott ttirb bidj genug erretten: Daö geautter leget fid), Vlad) bent oti£ nnb bonnerfefylag f^olgt ein an* genehmer tag; 2Utf ben abenb folgt ber morgen, Unb bie freube nad) ben forgem 74. mi. T)tt 100 gjfalm. (12) "Cijann menfdjen*Jjülf fcfyeint au3 ju few, ©o ftellt ftd) ©orte» frittfe ein: Söann niemanb l)ilft, fo l)ilfet er, Unb madjt mein leiben nid)t fo fd)tt?er. 2, 2öaö tradst id) lang nadj menfdjen gunfr, Die bod) »ergebet tote ein bunft? S3 ifl in biefer melt fein freunb, Der e$ fletö gut mit einem mepnt. 3. 9Mmm b e i n e juflud)t nur ju ©ort, Der fann bir nehmen beine not!) ♦ (Sud) 116 Zvoft in %veutz anb £et'fcett. ben jum freunb, ber bir attein Wit feiner fyütf fann nüfclidj fettt* 4. SÖann (Dort bein freunb: alöbann bein fetnb 3(t ^ne madjt unb ganj »er* fieint. Unb mären nod) sriet taufenb t)ier, ©o tonnt bocfy fetner fdjaben bir. 5. (Ss muf? bodj get)n, mieö ®ott ge* fällt, 2ßann fldj gleich alles gegen (reut, £a§ ©ott nur madjen wie er mitt, Unb fyalte feinem mitten ftitt 75. Sit eigner ÜTWobe?. (27) *cver nur ben lieben ©ott lägt matten, Unb hoffet auf tt)n attest, £)en mirb er munberlidj ermatten 3« altem freutj unb traurigleit; SB er ©ort bem 3lt(ert)ödjftett traut, ©er t)at auf leinen ©anb gebaut 2. 2Öaö Reifen uns bie ferneren for* gen ? 2öa$ Jjitft uns unfer met) unb ac^ ? SöaS t)itft e$, bag mir atle morgen 23e* feufjen unfer ungemadj? SBir machen Croft in %vtu% unb Zeiten. 117 unfer freu£ unb leib üftur glröger burd) tie traurigfett* 3, Sftan fyalte nur ein menig fiftfe, Unb fety bod) in fid) felbft üergnügt, Söie un* ferö <^5otteö gnaben^mille, Söte fein all* mtffenfyeit eö fügt ©ott, ber uns tfjm fyat ausermafylt, 2)er metg aud) gar mofyl, ma$ uns fel)It 4» @tng, bat, unb gefj auf ©ottes me* gen, $errtd)t baS beine nur getreu, Unb trau be$ fyimmelä reifem fegen, ©o mirb er bety bir werben neu: "Dann welker feine guoerfid)t Stuf ©ott fejat, ben »erläßt er mdjt. 76, mi. T)tx 100 ifalm. (12) -rum lommen mir, o £erre ©ort, Unb Itagen bir all unfer notfj, Söeit mir je£t ftetjn oerlaffen gar, 3n großer trüofal unb gefafyr» 6. (2iet) nicfyt an unfre fünben grog, @»rid) un$ baoon auö gnaben tos, <5tefy uns in unferm etenb Be», Maty uns »on atten plagen fre$* 7. Stuf baß fjernadj öon tjeqen mir 9ftit freuben fönnen banlen bir, ©efyorfam fe$n nad) beinern wort, 2)idj aü^eit greifen fyigv unb bort "Don ber .BrtrmbcrsigFeit <25otteö. 119 Sßon ber 23 armier jigfeit ©ottcg. £>, 77» Witt. 5luö tiefer noty. (3) 'u glonDtg^ fyerg, fo benebety, Unb gteb lob beinern Ferren, ©eben!, bag er bein 5Sater fe», SBelcfyen ^\i ftets fottt eljren, 2)ien?eil bu gar lein ftnnb ofyn ifyn -Üftit aüer forg in beinern ftnn £)ein leben fannß ernähren. 2* Sr iji, ber bic^ oon fjeraen liebt, Unb fein gut mit bir feilet, i)ir beine mijfe* tfyat sergtebt, Unb beine nmnben feilet, £)icb; roapnet ^um geistlichen frteg, £)ag bir ber feinb nicfyt oben lieg, Unb beinen fcfya£ gertfyeilet 3. (Er ift barml)er$tg unb au$ gut £)en armen unb elenben, 3)ie ftd) »on allem Übermut!) 3" feiner roafyrljett toenben ; (Sr nimmt fte aid ein sater auf, Unb fcfyaft bag fte ben regten lauf 3ur feltgfeit ootU enben. 120 Don fcetr ^Acml)cr5t0Fett (Bottee* 4* 2öte ftdj ein treuer »ctter neigt, Unb guts ttyut feinen finbern, 2llfo i?at ftcfy <$ott aud) gezeigt (Degen uns armen fün* tern* (£r §at uns lieb unb tfl uns fyolb, 33ergiebt uns gnäbig alle fcfyulb, 50?at^t uns 3U übernunbenn 78» ÜJW. ©er 9 fljfalm. (53) % einem zugeneigten g'müt§, Sßünfdj i<§ eudj (Lottes gnab unb gut, 9ftem aflerliebfte in bem Ferren, £)aß er eud) ttoü ben glauben mehren* 2* SßeÜ tljr (£§rifto fe$b einverleibt, £)odj frömmlicfy allzeit be^ iljm bleibt, (Su'r fleifdj unb blut moHt bod? bedingen, Siebet ntcfyt mel)r bie irbifcfy bingen» 3* 0le<|t müßt t^r fe$n tytmmlifdj ge* ftnnt, 3$t fe^b berufen gu ©ottes ftnb, 23äterli beriefen, Der eucfy »on fünben §at genefem 5, £alt mag ü)r t)abt, ertr-art ben Wjn, Dafj mfy niemanb beraubt ber fron ; &§xU ftuö trirb benen fte auffegen, Die ftd) mit bereit nidjt befdjmüjjen. 79. 97?eU <£$rijlu$, ber uns fei» (7) djnring bidj auf su beinern ®ott, Du betrübte feele! Sßarum Itegfl bu, ®ott Sum frort, 3*t ber fdjnjermut^Jjötjle? 9fterf(t bu nidjt bes fatanS lift? @r nütt burd) fein fampfen Deinen trojt, ben 3e* fuS (5t)rijt Dir erworben, bämpfen, 2. ©Rüttle beuten fopf unb fpricfj: Oleu^, bu alte f^Iange! 2öa$ erneurjt bu beinen jttdj, 9ftact)ft mir angjt unb bange? 3jt bir boct) ber fopf $erfnicft, Unb i$ bin burdjs leiben Sfteineä JpeÜanbS bir entrücft 3n ben faat ber freuben» 3. Söirfft bu mir mein fünben für? 122 Von 6ctr 2$armI)er5!gFett (Pottes. 2Öo tyat ©ott befohlen, 2>a§ mein urteil über mir 3$ &*9 bir fott Ijolen ? 23er $at bir tie macfyt gefd)enft, 2lnbre gu oerbam^ men, Der bu felbft bodj liegft »erfenft 3n ber Rotten flammen» 4, £ab tdj toas nidjt re$t gettjan, 3ft mtrS leib »on Ijerjen, Da hingegen nefym id) an (£f)rifti Mut unb f^mergen : Denn t>a$ ift bie ranjion deiner miffeljtaten, 33ring idj bieg oor ©ottes tfyron, 3ß mü ioofjl geraden. 5. (Efyriftt unfdjulb ijt mein ru^m, ©ein re$t meine frone, ©ein »erbienfl mein eigenem, Da id) fre$ in too^ne, Sllö in einem »eften fd)lo§, Das fein feinb fann fatten, 23rad)t er gleich baoor gefcfyoß, Unb i>aä Jjeer ber Rotten» 80, 3n Wanntet 9Mcbe9. (45) *£varum fottt id) midj bann grämen? ^>ab id) bod) (Xfyriftum nodj, S3er toitt mir ben nehmen? 2Öer will mir ben fjtmmel Von 6er ■Sarmfyerjigr'ett (Pottes. 123 rauben, £)en mir fcfyon ®otte$ @o§n S3e^ gelegt im glauben? 2. 9kcfenb lag i$ auf bem boten, 2)a id) !am, 2)a idj natym Steinen erfien ot>em; Badens toerb i<$ aud) ^in^ie^en, Söann td) toerb 2Son ber erb 2U$ ein fcfyat* ten fliegen* 3» ©ut unb Mut, leib, feet unb leben 3jl ntdjt mein, ©ott aüein 3(1 e$, ber$ gegeben : Sßttt er$ toieber ju ftdj fefjren, 9leljm er$ fyin, 3d) tt>iü ityn £ennod) frö* lid) efyren. 4. (getieft er mir ein freu|3 $u tragen, bringt herein Slngft unb pein, @oflt id) brum oeqagen? £>er e$ fd)idt, ber nrirb e$ toenben, Sr toeif toofyt, 2Bie er foü 3ttl mein unglüd enben. 81. 3n eigener 9J?eIobe9* <er lebt oergnüget, 20'ie (Dort fein^ SSater l)ier es mit tl)m füget 3. Söer 3efum be$ |i$ §at, SBünföt nid)t 3tt Ijaben 2)te eitelfeit ber melt Unb iljre gaben: Söer %t\um be$ ftdj l)at, £at gnng auf erben, Unt> fann in ewigfett nictyt reicher werben* 4. 2Ber 3efum be$ ftd> $at, ^ann ftcfyer reifen, (£r wirb il)m fcfyon ben meg ßum Ijimmel weifen : Sßer 3efum be$ fid) §at, £)en fann in nb'ttjen $em teufel, fünbe, weit nod) fyoüt tobten* 5. 2Ber 3efum be$ ft$ l)at, 23raud)t nidjt gu sagen, SBenn notl) unb ungewitter fünber plagen : 2öer 3efum be$ fid) fyat, 2)arf nidjt erfdjreden, Sßenn furcht unb angft bie fünbe will erweden. 6» 2öer 3efum be$ ff $ $at, £>arf nidjt »erjagen, 3fyw foH fein fummer mefyr. £)a$ Von fcer £avml)ev$iQMt (Softes. 125 tyer^e nagen: 2öer 3efum be$ ftd) tyar, Äann nicfyt serberben, 2ßer 3ef"nt bety ftdj jat, Wirt) fröliefy fierben* 82. 9!flel. Siebter 3efu, bu foirft Jommen. ^ (42) ^S2oflt es gleid) bisweilen fdjetnen, W.U foemt ©ott »erlieg t>ie feinen, (£9 fo toeig unb glaub id) bies, ©ort l)tlft enbltcf) bod) genug. 2. £ülfe, bte er aufgefdjoben, £at er brum nid)t aufgehoben : £tlft er ntcfyt $u jeber frift, ipilft er bocfy toenn'3 nötfyig ijt. 3. ©leid) nue öäter ntd)t batb geben, Söornacfj i|re ftnber (trebent (5o $at ©ott aud) maaö unb giel, (£r giebt wie unb toann er »iß* 4. (Setner famt id) midj getröjlen, $£cnn bte notf) am allergrößten: (Sr ift gegen midj fein finb, 9Ket)r als fcaterlidj. geftnnt. 5. £ro£ bem teufet, rro{3 bem brauen, 126 Von btv 25annl)er$i0Fett <25ottes. 3d) tonn iljre 9ftad)t öerladjen, Zxo% beg ferneren freu£e$ jodj, ©ort mein SSater, lebet nod), 6* £ro£ beg bittern tobes aäljnen, Xxcfy ber weit unb allen benen, £)ie mir ftnb oljn urfadj feint) : ©ort im l)immel ift mein freunb* 7. Sag bie weit nnr immer neiben, 2ötfl ftc mid) nidjt langer leiben, 69 ! fo frag id) nichts barnad), ©ort ift rioter meiner 8. SÖiH fte midj gleich öon fidj treiben, 9ftu§ mir bod) ber Ijimmel bleiben; $ah td) ben, ber iji mir mefyr, 211$ all il)r luft, gut unb eljr. 9. SBelt, id) mm bi$ gerne laffen, 2ßa$ bu liebeft, will ic^ Raffen, Zxtät bu ben erben*fotlj, Unb lag mir nur meinen ©Ott. 10. 2ld), £err! wenn idj bidj nur fyabe, (Sag id) allem anbern abe: Segt man mid) gleidj in ba$ grab, 2ldj £err! wenn i$ bidj nur $<*&♦ "Don bet liebt (Bottee unb zc. 127 SJütt ber Stete ©otte3 unb beg SMtyjtai* 83, mU £elft mir ©otteS gute» (20) \5) o 1 1 tji ein ©ott ber tiefte, (Sin freunb ber einigfeit ; (Sr roitl, bag matt (fdj üfte 3tt bem, n?a$ würfet freub Unb frieb in einem ftnn, £)er gttnftigfeit aftfage, ie untterföfynlidfyfeit 3, 2Ber fyier ben frieben tieftet 3*t toatjr* $ett, ofyn öerbru§ ©em nad)jten fid) er* gieftet, Dfyn abfielt auf genug, ©er fyat am t)immet tfjetl, £)a frieb unb Hefte ttofy* net, ©a friebe wirb belohnet: ©ott tjl unb ftleiftt fein t)eiL 128 Von bet £t'ebe ©otteö 4 + ipergegen wer belaben Sfttt bitterm j Ijag unb gorn, ©er tjat beg großen fcfya* ben, (£r ijt unb bleibt tterlofyrn ; ©3 fommt ba$ tfyeure blut, <5o ßljriftus unöerbrojfen 2ht3 liebe Ijat »ergojfen, 3fj*n nimmermehr gu gut 5, 2öer feinen näcfjften Raffet, ©er §af* fet felbften ®ott; ©rauf ©otte$ gönnen faffet, Unb ftürgt in foldje notfj, Darinnen er »erbirbt, Söofelbften fein erretten, ©er Rotten banb unb fetten 3fm feffeln, wann er ftirbt 6* 2ßer biefes re$t bebenfet, ©er ttrirb ber fonnen lid)t, SQann e$ gur erb ftd> lenfet, Unb elj' ber glang gebrtdjt, Sti^t laffen unteren, 33es>or ftdj Ijab geleget ©er 30m im er geljeget; SQoty, wofl! ttanns ift gefdjetym % £) drifte! fteur unb toenbe ©e$ fatanS bttterfeit, ©amit ernicfyt befyenbe (Srmeäe gorn unb ftreit S3e9 benen bie ber geift ©e$ friebenS foil regieren, Unb in ber fttüe führen ßu bem, roa$ lieblid) tjetfjt 8. £ilf uns ja fleißig galten ©ie einig* unb bts CTärt)ffetn 129 fett im geift, £)aß über un$ ntög walten, £)eitt fegen oüermeift, 9?adj beinern getjt unb ftnn (Sinanber uns »ertragen 3tt freunbfcfyaft, unb nachjagen £)em föftli* ct)en gewinn* 84, 2ReL ©ott fc^ batif, in aller* (16) @ieb! fy! wie lieblich Üb wie fein 3fte, wenn brüber frteblidj fe»n, Söenn i^r t§nn einträchtig ift, £)§ne falfd^eit, trug unb lift, 2. 2ßie ber eble balfam fließt Hub fi$ öon bem fyaupt ergießt, Höeil er »on fcX)r guter art, 3n be$ 2laron$ ganzen bart; 3. £)er tyerab fließt in fein Jleib, Unb erreget luft unb freub; 2Bie befällt ber tfau £ermon 2lud) bie berge $u 3^m 4. 3)enn bafelbjt bertyeißt ber £err 9leic%en fegen unb begehr, Unb baä leben in ber geit, Unb auefy bort in ewigfeit 5. 2lber a$ ! wie ift bie lieb <&o »er* 9 130 Von btv Zieht (Eottee lofdjen, bctg fein trieb SReljr auf erben »tri gefyürt, 2)er be$ andern fyerge rüfyrt! 6, 3ebermann lebt für ftct| l)in 3« ber melt nacfy feinem ftnn, £)enft an feinen anbern ntdjt, 2ßo bleibt ba bie liebet* jjjli^t? 7» £> £err 3efu, ©ottesfofjn! ©ä)aue bodj öon beinern tfyron, ©$aue bie jer* ftreuung an, 2)ie fein menfcfye beffern tann. 85. SM. ©cttfe^ fcanf, m aller. (16) 'ammle großer 9ftenfd)enf)irt, 2Itte$, tt>aö fldj fyat »erirrt : Sag in beinern gna* benfcfyein 2löes gang vereinigt fe^n. 2» ©teg ben balfam beiner fraft, £)er bem bergen Uhen fdjaft, £ief in unfer fyerg hinein, ©tratjt in unö ben freubenfcfyein. 3» 23inb gufammen fjerg unb Jjerg, Sag un$ trennen feinen fcfymerg: knüpfe felbft littb bee Uäct)tfert. 131 burcfy beine ^anb £a$ gefyetf'gte brüber* bant* 4. tg als ein lamm. 2. 3dj will lieben Unb midj üben 3«t öebät $u tag unb nadjt, Dag nun balbe Slüeö alte 3« mir wirb sum grab gebracht, Unb hingegen 2ittertt>egen 2lttes werbe nen gemalt* 3. 3$ feW lieben nnb mi$ üben, -Dag K§ rein nnb IjeUtg tterb; Unb mein leben güljre eben, Söie es ©ott son mir begehrt; 3a mein »anbei, £lmn nnb fjanbel, (5ep unfträ'fltdj auf ber erb. 4 + 3$ toitt lieben Unb mtdj üben Steine ganje leben^ett, SDftdj gu fcfyicfen Unb gtt ftörnütfen 9J?it bem reinen §odj* get^fletb, 3 U erft^einen, Üfttt ben reinen, $uf be3 SammeS i)od}3eü=freub* 87* Wltl. SBenn »fr trt työc&jtow (12) D 3efn (Eljrtfie, wahres li$t ; (Meudjte, bie bi$ fennen rtidjr, Unb bringe fie $u beiner Ijeerb, £)afj ifyre feel auc^ feltg tverb* unb 6cß Uäcf)j>eit. 133 2, Srfiitt mit beinern gnabenfdjein Die in irrtfyum »erführet fetyn; 2ludj bie, fo IcintlH fixtet an 3n tfyrem finn ein fal* fcfyer wa^n* 3» Unb n?a3 jtdj fonft »erlaufen Ijat 23on bir, baä fucfye bu mit gnab, Unb fein ttemmnbt gennffen ffctf; Sajj fie am fyimmel fyaben tfyeil 4» Den taukn öffne bas get)ör, Die fhtmmen richtig reben tefyr, Die fo beten* nen wollen freo, SöaS ifyres tyer$en$ glaube fep» 5. ©rleudjte, bie ba finb »erbtenbt, 25ring fyer, bie ftdj öon bir gewenbt, $er= fammle, bie gerftreuet ge§n, 9flacfy oejte, bie im greifet ftefyn* 6. (So werben fie mit uns jugtetd) Sluf erben unb im Himmelreich, £ier gettlid) unb bort ewiglich, Sür folcfye gnabe prei* fen bidj. 134 2Cuf muntern ntj6;£iebec. 9fafmuttterung8*£teber« 88» Wild. 3\)T fitnber fommt gegattöert, (20) & 'ty ftnber, rootlt ttjr HeBctt, (So liebt, roas liebenSroertfy; SßoHt iljr ja freube üben, er ftd) in uotl); 5^ie* mant) trollt ifyn erretten 2lu$ folder pein unb leib» 5* Drauf rief er um erbarmen: 21$ oater 2tbrat)am ! Äomm bodj unt) fyilf mir armen 2luö tiefer großen flamm; 3$ bitte bidj barum, 2Jcfy fenbe ia^axnm, Wlit einem tröpflein toaffer, ßu fügten meiue jung* 6» $ein troft warb il)m gegeben, 21(3 ber: gebenfe fol)n! «Dafj bu in beinern leben, £)em guts ermaßt $um loljm 2)rum liebe finberleiu, Safts eu^ ein toarmmg fe^n, ^erlagt ba$ eitle lebeu, S)ag ityr entgeht ber peiu* 2tfeL SW« naa), fpri#t &f)ru (28) tu. d)rifien*menfc(j! auf, auf jum jtreit; 2luf, auf junt übemünben! 3n biefer weit, 136 3Cufiminrerung0;&tei»etr* in tiefer gelt 3ft feine rntj $n ftnbett* SBer nicfyt mitt ftreiten, trägt tie Iron £)e$ eft'* gen lebend nidjt baton. 2* £)er teufel fommt mit feiner tijr, £)ie ttjelt mit prat^t nnt prangen, £)as fteifd) mit toottnft, too on btjt, 3« fäüen bid) nnb fangen ; ©treitft on ntcfyt roie ein tapfrer ijelb, ©o bift tn tyin nnt fcfyon gefaßt* 3* ©etenfe tag tn $n ter f a ^ n 2>etn'$ feltfyerm tyaft gefdjtooren; £)enf ferner, tag on aU tin mann 3nm jtrett btft an$* erlo^ren ; 3a tenfe, tag o^n ftreit nnt peg 9Ue leiner jnm trinmpf anfftteg* 4» 2Bte fdjmafytidj ifts, toenn ein foltat £)em feint ten rüden fetjret; SBie fdjänt* lidj, tvenn er feine ftatt SBerläfjt, nnt ftdj tttcfyt wehret; 2Öie fpöttlid), wenn er nod) mit fleiß 2Ut$ sagtjeü nürt tem feint $nm pretjt 5* «Bint an, ter tenfel ift bait fyn, £)te tvelt ttrirt leicht »erjaget, £)as fleifdj mng entließ an& tem pnn, Söie fe^r ti$$ immer #ufimmtenmtj6;£ie6er. 137 plaget; D em'ge fdjante, mnn ein §elt> 23or tiefen treten ouben fättt ! 6, 2öer überrointt, unt friert ten raunt £)er feinte, tie öermeffen, £)er tmrt im paratteg tjom bäum De« ernten leben« ejfen ; 2Ber übernnntt, ten foil fein leit 9iocfy tot berüfyrn in enugfett« 90. WUU Sm% m\$. (25) ffii ommt! lafjt un« au« 53abel fliegen, 2Ber tfdj no$ trinn finten mag, Saufen, eilen, niäjt öer$iet)en, Qs$ etma« öon ifyrer plag, *ftodj befledung tfyrer fünten £ter an leib unt feel mög (tuten* 2. 31p fünten fmt geftiegen ®ar Ijod) gegen ^immel an, 3a für ©ott auc^ ab= gediegen, £)a§ er« lang ni$t tulten fann, i@ontern fte tfyr'n regten loljn ©alte, bait nun trägt taöom 3, £) ! ttyr lieben Unter eilet, £)ie iljr nod) »out feiig feipn, Silet! eilet! tap 138 #ufmurttet:imtj6;2tefcet!. eucfj fettet Unfer arjt t>on fünben rein t SejuS SfyriftuS, (Dotted fo^ne, (Sturgt bit fyure balb ttom throne. 4* t, SBleibt in ber fünb gefangen, Die arme feel wirb leiben nottj, Sßetl fie gefangen l)at ber tob, Sßitt ftd) nicfyt fyel* fen laffen. 2, Da« leben 3efu tjt ein ffeib, 2öer biefe« wirb anjiefyen, ©er wirb »on (Stattet jorn befreit, tßirb bem geriet entfliegen, Unb ewig fommen in bie frenb, 5111)130 ein enb l)at aller ftreit, 20 o wafyre rul) jlc| finbet. 3. Da« leben 3efu ift audj Hein: O, wer bemuttj fönnt faffen, Der foUt ent- fliegen aller pein, Söann er ftd) nur fönnt lajfen ; 3n bemutt) unb in niebrigfeit, Der foÜt wofyl überwinben weit, Unb follt bie fron erlangen. 4» Da« leben 3efu ift au$ arm, unb 140 2üifmunteruntjSs£te&er. tt)of)l gar fremb auf erben ; D ttoljl t>er feelen, tnelc^e toarm Sftit feurigen Regier* ben, Unb folget tiefem leben na$, £)& fdjon babe$ siel freujs unb ftfymacfy, aö euty fonfl toiU 144 2difnuitttertitttj6s£te&er. Bütten, £agt gar eu$ fetbft tarnten, (E$ getyt burcfys fterben nur, 5. ^ommt tinker, lagt uns gel)en, ©er 23arer gefjet mit; (Sr felbft will fce$ und fteljen, 3« jebem fauren tritt: Sr will uns madjen mutl), SO^it fügen fonnen* Widen Uns tocfen unb erquiden; 2ldj ja, wir l^aben^ gut 6. «ftommt ftnber, lagt nn3 wanbern, 2Bir geljen l)anb an Ijanb ; (SinS freue ft$ am anient, 3n tiefem wilben lanb: $ommt, lagt uns finblidj fe^n, Uns auf bem weg nidjt ftreiten, 5)ie engel uns be* gleiten, 2lls unf're brüberleün 7* (Sollt wofyl ein fd)wa$er fatten, <5o greif ber ftärfre gu ; Sftan trag, man Ijelfe allen, Sttan pflanze lieb unt> rul): jtommt, binbet fefter an ! (Sin jeber fety ber fleinjte, SDod) aufy wol)l gern ber reinfle, 2luf unfrer liebeSbafyn* 8. (£s wirb nicfyt lang meljr währen, £alt nodj tin wenig aus ; (£s wirb nidjt lang me^r währen, @o fommen wir %\x tyaus ; £>a wirb man ewig rutyn, SÖann "Dom £obe (Bottes* 145 wir mit allen frommen 3)atjeim fcety'n $ater fommen: Söie wofyt, wie wotyt wtrbs tljun ! . 9» ©rauf wollen wirs bann wagen, (@3 ift wotyt wagend Wertlj) Unb grünb* lid) bem abfagen, 2öa$ aufmalt unb be* fdjwert: Söelt, bu bijt unö gu Hein; 2£tr gefyn burcfy 3efa leiben, £in in bte ewig* feiten, (S3 fofl nur 3efuö fepn ! 10» £) freunb, ben wir erlefen! D aü= ttergnügenb gut; D ewig*bleibenb wefen! 2Öie rei^ejt bu ben mutty! 2ßtr freuen uns in bir, SD« unf're wonnunb leben, Söorin w i r ewig fdjweben I Du unfre ganje jier ! S5om £oüe ©otteS. 94. üflel; 3iaem ®ott in fcer $(>&♦ (3) B e$ lob unb etyr bem $ öd) (ten ®ut, £>em 25 a t e r alter gute, £)em ®ott, ber 146 "Dom £obe töotteß. alle nmnber tljut, S)em ©ott, ber mein gemütlje Sfttit feinem reichen troft erfüllt, £)em ®ott, ber allen jammer ftiüt! ©ebt unferm ©ott bie efyre! % @3 banfen bir bte $immtU*fytv, D #errfdjer aller thronen! Unb bie auf erben, luft unb meer, 3n beinern flatten ir-olj* neu, £)ie greifen beine fd)b'pfer$ * madjt, 2)ie alles alfo tool)l bebaut ©ebt unferm ©ott bie e^re! 3. Söaö unfer ©ott gefdjaffen Ijat, £)aa toiU er aud) erhalten, darüber null er früfy unb foat Wlit feiner ©üte toalten: 3n feinem gangen fönigreid) 3f* <*fleä redjt unb alles gletdj* ©ebt unferm ©Ott bie eljre! 4. 3$ nef bem £errn in meiner notlj: 2ld) ©ott oernimm mein fdjre^en ! £)a . tyalf mein Reifer mir oom tob, Unb lieg mir troft gebeifyem £>rum bau!, a§ ©ott! brum banf id) bir» 2ldj ! banlet, banlet ©ott mit mir! ®tbt unferm ©ott bie eljre! o. £)er £err ijl nodj unb nimmer m$t Dom £obe (Bottee. 147 23on feinem oolf gefd)teben, (5r bleibet ifyre 3Uöerftd)t, 3^ f e 9 cn / ^ unt> frieben: 9Rlt mutter^änben leitet er Die feinen ftetig l)in unt> l)er: ©ebt unferm ©ott tie efyre ! 6, Söann trojt unb tyülf ermangeln mu§, Die alle toelt erzeiget, @o fommt, fo fyilft ber Überfluß, Der a£ bu mtdj mit gebulb ©o lange gcit getragen? £>a id) in man* d)er fünb Unb Übertretung lag, Unb bidj, o frommer ®ott ! (Srgürnet alle tag» 2* (Seljr große lieb unb gnab Srroiefejt 'cu mir armen: 3d) fufyr in boet)eit fort; £>u aber in erbarmen J 3d) roiberftrebte btr, Unb fdjob bie bu§e auf, £)u fdjobeft auf bie ftraf, £)a£j fte nidjt folgte brauf. 3» £>aß id) nun bin befeljret, £ajt bu allein »errietet, Du t)ajt be$ fatans reid) Unb roerf in mir sernidjtet: £err! beine gut unb treu, £>ie an bie roolfen reicht, . £at auü) mein fteinem tyr^ ßtxUctyn unb erroeidjt 4» ©elbft fount tdj aUguöiel 23eleibgen bid) mit fünben ; 3$ tonnte aber nidjt (gelb ft g n a b e nüeber ftnben : ©elbft fallen fonnte tdj, Unb in« oerberben get)n! $onnt Vom £obe (Bottee. 151 aber felber ntcfyt 23on meinem faÜ auf* fteJjn. 5» Du tyaft midj aufgeric^t, Unb mir ben toeg getretfet, Den idj nun toanbetn foil; Dafür £9, £err! gepreifet. ®ott fc9 gelobt, bag t<$ Die alte fünb nun |ag, Unb toitttg, ofyne furcht, Die tobten toerfe lag. 6. Damit t$ aber nidjt Sftifs neue wieber falle, (So gieb mir beinen ©eijr, Dietoeil icfy tjier nod) tr-aUe, Der meine fctytoacfyfjeit jtärf, Unb brinnen mächtig fe9, Unb mein gemütlje jteis 3" beinern bienft erneu. 7. 21$ leit' unb fitere midj, @o lang id) leb auf erben; Sag midj nidjt o^ne btdj Durd) midj gefüljret ioerben; gütjr idj mtdj otjne bid), @o roerb tdj balb »erführt ; Söann bu midj fü^rejl felbft, £lju ify, waä mir gebührt 8. D ©ott, bu groger ©ottl D SSater! J)ör mein flehen; D 3efc, ©otted fotyn! Sag beine Iraft mtdj fefyen; £) »erttyer 152 <5etfHuf)e TStmutkbtv. ^ett'fler ©eift! Regier mi$ attejett, 1Daf| icfy bir biene ^ter Unt> bort, in etvigfeit ©etjlli^e 23raut*£teber* 97. 2ReK SSalet totd t# btr geben. (7) $ rmuntert t\x§, % frommen! 3^3* eurer lammen fdjein, £)er abenb t(t gefom* men, Die fin (he na$t bri$t ein! @8 $at ftd) aufgemadjet 3)er brautigam mit prad)t, 2luf! batet, fampft unb wachet, 23aib if* es mttternadjt 2. 50?ac^t eure lampen fertig, Unb füllet fte mit ö(, @epb nun be$ tyiU geioärtig, ^Bereitet leib unb feeL £)ie toaster 3ion$ fdjre^en : Der bräutigam ift nafj, 23egeg= net Ü)m in reiben, Unb ftngt tyaflelujatj ! 3. ^Begegnet i|m auf erben, 3fyr, bie ifyr 3^** Xtcbt, Sftit freubigen geberben, Unb fe$b ntcfyt mtfyx betrübt : (£$ ßnb bie enn tine ftd)$ anfeuert lägt, IBrtc^t ber t)od)3eit4ag herein, £)a ifyr fottet fritylidj fojrn 2, 9Iuf, ifyr jüngttng unb Jungfrauen, Jpeoet euer tyaupt empor! 3ebermann nrirb auf eud) flauen, ßtiQtt cucö im fünften flor, ©efyt entgegen eurem £errn, Sr l)at eu$ oon fyerjen germ 3, Unb bu fomgS-Braut erfdjeine, 23rtdj Ijerfiir in beiner pracfyt, £)u, bu fcijt bie reine, Sßelcfye rufet tag unb nacfyt. 3n ber gavtfien Uebeöflamm : $omm, bu fc^onper oräuttganu 4, ßu ixm t^ron be$ fönig$ bringet 154 @et#Itcf)e &tauu£.kbtt. Reiner ftimme füßer fcfyaU; -D n?tc fdjön unb lieblidj Hinget i)cineö bräutgamS nuebertjall ; 3a, id) tomme Itebfte braut 1 IRuft bein lonig überlaut 5* freuet eu$ bod) berotoegen, 3^ fo* rufuen alljugletdj, Saffetd eud) fein ange* legen, £)aß ttjr fein bereitet eucfy; $ommt jur Jjod^eit, fommet bait», 2Beil ber ruf an mr £err ©ort tootle geben, 3m efyftanb mann unb toeib* 23or= auö mir ad begehren, ©ort ttotl ben tounfd) gewähren, 5)en neuen et/leut fyte* 2. £)a§ ftd) it)r'r feinö nicfyt trenne 35ont anbern füt)rot)in, 3m glauben jreif erfenne, ©ein et) ©ott'S fcfyicfung fetyt i)er |at fie ^fammen g'otbnet, Sßte'ö lebens nottjburft forberr, 2)er menfefy nicfyt fep jatleim 3. £)emna$, #err ©ort ju etjren £)em großen namen bein, Siecht cfyriftttcfy Heb luottjr mehren 3« ityres fyeqena fdjrein': SSftit frieben$4anb oerfrriefen 3t)r' et)', fo wirb fldj glücfen 3t)* te&en, tfyun unb tarn 4. 3« bir tetjr fte mit Witten Sinanber bienen rec^t, £)er liebe g'fe£ erfüllen, Dfyn gorn unb ganfgefecfyt <5in$ fe$ be$ an* 156 Vom getfHtctjeit £>tetf. bern eigen, (Sfyltdj treu $u era eigen, ^5« aüe bitterfeit 5» (Sin bultmütljigen geijk Sßerleitj i^n'n, £err, soran, 2)ann 'S freu£ tft attermeifte, 3" bem ftanb aufberba^n: £e|)r fte befd)roerni§ leiben, 2111 ungebult ttermeiben, Sfttt fyübfcfyer weiß unb berb. 6» Sftit freuben lag fte fefjen SeibS* frudjt, ifyr faamenö g'fcfylecfyt, SBie irielen frommen g'fcfyefyen, £)te sor bir g'toanbelt rec^t: 2Bir Mtten biefy mit treuen, Saß fte bie fad? nidjt g'reuen, £ilf i^n'n su fei'* gern enb» 33cm geijtti<$ett ©ieg* 100. mi 3D ber aUed p'tt (11) m äuge recfyt, mann (Lottes gnabe £)tdj nun gießet unb belehrt, £)ag bein geifl ftd) recfyt entlabe Son ber laft, bie tfyn be* fdjroert Vom 0eifHicf)eit Steg. 157 2. #Unge, benn bie pfort ift enge, Unb ber leben^tveg ift fcfymal; £ier hkibt alles im gebränge, 2Ba$ ntcfyt gielt $um tyünmeU* faal. 3» kämpfe Bio aufs blut unb leben, £>ring hinein in ©otteö reicht So ill ber fatan roiberftreben, SBerbe tveber matt norf) roeid), 4» Swinge, bag bein etfer glitte, Unb bie erfte liebe bid) SSon ber ganzen n?elt ab* gielje; Jpalbe Ite6e l)ä(t nicfyt ftidj, 5. klinge mit gebät nnb fdjre^en, £alte bamit fenrig an; Sag btdj feine jeit ge* renen, 2öaY$ aud) tag nnb nad)t getfyan. 6» Jpafl bn bann bie perl errungen, £)enfe ja nicfyt, bag bu nun 2ltleö böfe Ijafl bedungen, Daö uns fcfyaben pflegt $u tljum 7* 9Wmm mit furcht ja beiner feelen, £)eineö Ijeilö mit gittern ftatjr, Jpier in biefer leibeöp^le «Scfywebjc bu taglid) in gefaijr. 8. £alt ja beine frone sejie, £alte 158 t>om getfHt'efyett Steg. mannlid) t»a$ bu tyaft: 0ied)t beharren i| ba$ befte; Sftudfatt ift ein böfer gaft* 9, £a§ bein a ng e ja ntc^t cjaffen *fta< ber fdjnöben eitelfett; 231etbe tag unb na$t in maffen, glie^c trag* nnb ftcfyerljeit. 10» £)ie§ bebenfet mo^I, tljr flreiter, (Streitet re$t nnb färbtet twti) ; ®et)t bodj alle tage weiter, 23i$ tl)r fommt tn$ r)im* melretct). 101* fWri, (£0 tjt bag t)etl uns Jommm* ft (3) 'Uf, fecle! 3efu$, ©otte«*gamm, £at bid) gur brant ermäßet; (Sr t)at mit bir al£ brauttgam, (D gnabe) jldj fcermäfylet: (5r brennt für liebe gegen bid) : ©ein feu- fc^eö fyerje feinet fid) 9la^ feufdjer gegen* litte. 2. (£r liebet nidjt anf lurje geit, *ftein, fo ijt nidjt fein lieben, (Er miH an bir in enrigfett S^lec^t treue liebe ühtn. 231eib tu tt)m auct) in liebe treu, Unb auQtn* Vom gäftlitytn ©iecj. 159 Wiälity fte erneut @ein lieben nürb nicfyt wanfen» 3. <£r will fi* in g erect) tgfeit OTit bir nadj Söunfd) »ertrauem (£r ift ofyn un* terlap bereit, biet; gnäbtg an^ufcfyauen» @r metnetö recfyt unb fcfyenfet fid) ©etbft gnr gerecfytigfeit, bie bidj 2M$ bein geroanb foft fletben* 4. (£r fudjt an bir barrntjersigfeit ttnb gnabe gu bereifen. Sr giebet, tr-as bein i)«r3 erfreut, Söttt bid) mit mannet fyetfen : Sßer ttjn nur liebet, $at eö gut, @r flärft unb labet ftnn unb mutfy : S3e^ ifym ift (auter fyimmeL 5. £)u barfft W<| feiner liebeöbrunjt 3m glauben nur vertrauen» £>u fannft auf feine groge gunft SSfter)r aU auf felfen bauen» @r ift bie tr>ar)rt)eit unb ba$ licfyt; (£r roeifj »on feiner falfcfyfyeit nidjt : 2Ba$ er öerfpricfyt, gefcfyiefyet 6. £)u roirjt tfyn erjUidj in ber notfj WU beinen Ferren fennen: 2Jud? felbft ber fcfyrecfenööoü'e tob SÖirb bidj nicfyt &on tym 160 "Dom geteilten Bieg» trennen» -Dann wirb er bt$ sum fyim* mtU^aal, 21(3 feine Braut sum fyodj$ett$* ma^l ©efcfymücft unb fyerrlid) führen» 102» 2JM» fernen Sefum lag» (35) Wuter £irte! toittt bu nidjt Deines fdjafletnä bid) erbarmen? ®3 nadj beiner Wirten * pflügt fragen tjeim auf beinen armen? Söitlt bu mtdj mdjt aus ber quäl £olen in ben freuben^faal ? 2, @djau, toie idj »erirret bin 5Xuf ber wüftett biefer erben; $omm unb bringe midj bodj fyin 3" ben fdjaafen beiner fyeer* ben» gityr' mid) in ben fdjaafftafl ein, 2Bo bie tyeifgen lammer fe$n» 3, 9ftidj s) e r I a n g t, bid) mit ber fdjaar, Die bid) loben, anjufcfyauen, Die ba n?et* ben ofjn gefaijr 2faf ben fetten fytmmelö* auen, Die nid)t meljr in furzten fte^n, Unb ni$t lönnen irre gefyn» SZvnbtt'Mebcv. 161 4. £>enn id) bin l)ter fefyr beträngt, SDiug in fteten forfeit leben, Söeil bie l feinte ntid^ umfd)ränlt, Unb mit lift unb mad)t umgeben, £)a§ idj armeä fcfyafelein deinen Mid faun ftdjer fe»n. 5* O $tw 3^fu! lag mid) nidjt 3n ber toölfe rächen fommen ; £üf mir, nacfy ber £irten=pflid)t, £)a§ td) iljnen toerb entnommen; £ole mtd),bem fcfyafelein, 3» ben ernten fdjaafftatl ein* <£rnbte4*teber* 103, mtU 3w% mu$, *eu($ mu$, (25) « err be$ tyimmelS nnb ber erben ! Jperr* fdjer biefer gangen welt ! Sag ben mnnb »oil i lobeö toerben; T)a man bir $u fuge fällt, gür ben reiben ernbte=fegen £)anf unb Opfer bargulegen* 11 162 JZtnbtt'Mcbtv. 2. £)u fyaft frül) unb fpäten regen Un$ gu renter 3^it gefcfyitf t : Unt> fo %at man allerwegen 2Uten »otter font erblitft; S5erg unt) thaler, tief unb työfyen <&a$tn wir im fegen fielen» 3» 2Us ba$ fefb nnn reif gur ernbte, ©fingen wir bie fttfyel an, im man %um erjtannen lernte, 2öa$ beut (tarier arm geu)an, Sßerben be$ be$ fegend menge ifeocfy bte f^euern fafr $u enge ! 4» 0»Heb nun fraft, ben milben fegen, SDen uns beine Jjanb befdjetjrt, 2utc§ fo löblid) anzulegen, £>a{* ber flud) ü)n ni$t »ergebt bleiben wir in alten fünben, $ann bas gute leicht »erfc^winben. 104» 2HeL 2öer nur ben Heben ®ott« (27) £5 bag bodj Bety ber reiben ernbte, 2Öo= mit bu £b'$fter! uns erfreuft, Sin jeber frofy empfmben lernte, SÖie retdj du, uns gu fegnen fe^jtj 2öie gern bu unfern man* Evrxbte-Mcbti:. 163 get fHUft, Unb uns mit fpeis unb freub erfüllft 2* £)u fte^fl es gern, ttenn beiner gute, 23ater! unfer I)er$ fid) freut; Unb ein er* fenntfidjeS gemütfye $ud) bas, ttas tu für biefe seit Uns gur erquiefung tyaft fceftimmt, Sftit ban! aus betnen Rauben nimmt. 3» ©o lommt benn, ©otteS fyulb ^u feiern, $ommt Stiften, lagt uns feiner freu'n, Unb fcep ben angefüllten fcfyeuew, £)em #errn ber ernbte banffcar fe^m 3§m, ber uns ftets öerforget war, bringt neuen ban! tum Opfer bar ! 4» 9timm gnäcig an bas lo6 ber Tiefte, £)aS unfer ljer$ bir, SBater! treibt: 3)ein fegen metjr in uns bie triebe 3um rljäfgen bau!, gur folgfamfeit; £a§ prei§ für beine »atertreu %u§ unfer ganjes leben fe$. 164 tnorgem£tefcer. 2ft0tgen4*teber* 105. g»eU fioM ©o«, tte flfyrfftnu (32) 91, ■un fid) bie nadjt geenbet fjat, S^ic ftn jternig $ertljeilr, SBacfyt aüeö, n?a$ am afcenb fpat 3« feiner rufe geeilt 2. <&o tr>a$et audj, itjr firmen rr>adjt, £egt alien fcfylaf forfeit, 3um lobe ©otteä fe$b bebaut, Denn e$ ift banfen^eit 3. Unb bu, bes letbea ebler gaft, Du tljeure feele bit, Die bu fo fanft geruhet tyaft, Dan! ©Ott für feine rut). 4. 2Öie foü id) bir, bu ©eelentidjt ; 3«* gnüge banfbar fe$n ? s Jflein leib unb feel ift bir »erpflidjt, Unb idj Un etr-ig bein 5. 3« beinen armen fdjltef idj ein, ©rum tonnte \atan ntcfyt 2ftit feiner liji I XHovgett'Mebtv. 165 mir fcfyablidj feiprt, Die er auf micfy ge* ri$t 1 t 6, Jpa^ ban!, o 3efu! $afce banf $ür beine lieb unb treu; Jpilf, bag \§ bir mein lefcenlang $on ^er^en bau!* fear fe^* 7» ©ebenfe, £err, autf) fyut an mt$, 2ln biefcm ganzen tag, Unb tr-enbe öon mir gnäbigüdj, 2ßa$ bir mißfallen mag* 8» (Srfctfr, o 3efu, meine fcitr, *ftimm meine feufeer an, Unb lag aU meine tritt unb fcfyrttt ©efyn auf ber regten fra^n* 9, ©iefc beinen fegen biefen tag ßu meinem teer! unb tfyat, Damit id) fröfy* ltd) fagen mag: Sßofyt bem, ber 3efum 10, JBol&t bem, ber 3efum Be^ fl# füfyrt, ad)t, Dag be$ böfen feinbeS lijt SD^ein ntdjt matfytig toorben iff. 3» Sag bie nacfyt attdj meiner fünben 3ej3t mit biefer nacfyt oergetyn, 10 £err Sefn! tag mid) ftnben ©eine ttmnben offen ftefyn, Da aüetne §ulf nnb rat§ 3ft für meine mijjetfyat 4» £tlf, bag id) mit biefem morgen ©eijUid) anferftefjen mag, Unb für meine feele forgen, Dag, wenn nun bein groger tttorgen-^tcbetf. 167 tag Uns erfcfyeint unb bein geriet, 3$ bafür erfdjrecfe ntd)t 5* gitfyre mic^, o £err! unb leite 50?ei* nen gang nad) beinem wort, ©e^ unb Bleibe tu aud) fyeute -äftern befdjü^er unb mein tyort, 9Mrgenb$ aU be$ bir allein itann 1$ rec^t bewahret feipm 107. 27W. SBac$ auf, meto $er&* (19) St, aif, auf, ifyr meine lieber, S)Zetn ^er^ mein geift unb glieber, 2)em £öd)jten lob 3U (Ingen, Uno opfer tfjm gu bringen» 2* (Sr fyat tie nacfyt getoenber, £)a$ lidjt l)erab gefenbet, Unb mid) ofyn alle forgen (Sweat an biefem morgen» 3* (Sr ift mein fd)u£ getoefen, £)a§ id) frif$ unb genefen 2ln biefem tag aufjtefye, Unb meine pflidjt angebe» 4, (Se fatten taufenb fdjrecfen SSlify graufam lönnen toecfen, 2öo er nidjt felbjt getoa^et, Unb alles gut gemacht 5* Sfttein' feel, meiu leib unb leben, 168 XtlovgtnMcbec. ©ety ferner ifym ergeben : £Üf, £err ! aud) tyeut, unb fenbe ©en be^ftanb beiner fyanbe* 6, Dag id), ton bir gefüfyret, Unb über* öÜ* regieret, 3« betnes namens efyre Wltin ganges leben fe^re. 7. 23et)üte mid) i>or fünben, Unb lag midi) ftetö empfmben (Etn'n abf^en für ten fingen Die beuten gorne bringen, 8* Dein guter geiji ber leite 9flein tyerj, bag ftdj'S bereite, Damit, als linb unb erbe, 3d) bir nur leb unb jterbe. 9, SBegnabe midj mit fegen 2luf atten meinen wegen, SBegtüde meine traten, Unb lag fie tootyi geraden, 10. SBertet^e traft unb ftärfe, Dag beS berufet werfe, Durd) beineS geijieS fenben, 3d) möge glüdlidj enben. IL (£rf)ör aufy alle beter, 33efefjr bie Übertreter: <5e$ gnäbig mir unb aßen, $la§ beinern wolgefallen. 12. 3n(o«berfyeit am enbe 3Wmm midj in beine fyänbe, Unb lag midj felig jier* Ben, Das ew'ge leben erben. $ llbenb'Mtbev. 169 2t6enb4*iebcr* 108, mi. VJltin Sefit. (30) o ift nun abermat $on meiner tage gafyt Sin tag tterftricfyen; £)! trie mit fdjneflem fcfyritt Unb unsermerftem tritt 3(1 « genügen, 2» $aum mar ber morgen nafj, Sftun tjt bie nad)t fcfyon ba OTit ifyrem flatten: 2Ber !ann ber feiten lauf Unt) eilen tyat* ten auf, ©ie abzumatten! 3* 9Uin, nein, fie fäumt ftdj nidjt, (Sie fetjret i^r geftcfyt 9ttemat$ $urüde: 3(jr fug jtefyt nimmer jtiü; Drum, iver ifyr brausen miü, ©id) in fte fdjicfe. 4„ ©ie fleugt gleich wie an pfeil 3um gict in fcfyneüer eil; (£$ man$ gebenfet, Unb ftdjö »erfefyen mag, £at uns ber le{3te tag 3n$ grab serfenfet 5* £ilf auc^ burd) biefe nadjt, Unb ^abe auf mid) acfyt, ©e$ mir sur monne, 170 Tlbtnb'Mtbev. ßxtm gellen ta$ unb lidjt, SBenn mir ba$ licfyt aerori^t, %\xatU fonne* 109» WH. «Kim ft# ber tag geenbet* (32) ®* muber teifc, ju b einer rulj, ©ein 3efu$ ru§t in bir, ©djteuß bie serbroßnen auQtn ^u, Slftein 3efu$ wa$t in mir» 2» 3$ JaJ ein gnabia, wort gehört, ©Ott ift mein f$ufe, mein rattj, Sßann ftcfy ber fatan gleicfy empört, Sßo^l bem ber Sefnm |ät 3* £)tefj wort ijt tn ber na$t mein lidjt, Söann aüe* ftttfter ijt, Söo biefer fc^ilb ijt, ba aeroric^t £)e* argen fein* be* IflL 4. 2lnf btefe* wort fölaf i<§ nnn ein Unb fletye wieber auf, £)a* fofl bie mor genröttye fe^n SBe^m frühen fonnentauf* 5* £)er fdjfaf, be* tobe* oruber, ma$t 2lu$ mir ein tobtenbUb* 3$ fcfyfafe, bo$ llbcnb'Mcbtv. 171 ntetn fyerje toafytx $omm, Stfu, toann bu »lUt. 110. 27M. «Run {t$ bcr taQ ßeenbet. (32) % un fcridjt bie fmjtre na$t ^ereilt, £>e$ tages glan^ ift tobt; 3ebod), mein ^er^, fcfytaf nod) nicfyt ein, $omm, rebe erft mit ©ott. 2. D ®ott! bit großer £err ber toelt, £)en niemanb fefyen fann, 2)u fiefyjt auf midj ijom ^imme^^elt, £ör aud) mein feufeen an. 3» 2)er tag, ben idj nunmefjr ootl&racfyt, Soar tnaoefonbre betn; Darum fyat er MS in bie nad)t s 3JHr fotten fjeilig fe$n. 4. SBietteicfyt ift btefes nidjt gefdjetjn, Dann idj Mn fleifdj unb blut, Unb »fleg, es öftere $u oerfeljn, SBann gleich ber toittt gut. 5. 9tunfudj idj b ein en gnabenttjron: ©iefy meine fcfyulb nidjt an, Unb benfe, 172 libtnb'Mtbcv. bag beut lieber fo|n gür midj Jjat gnug geu}an» 111. SStfel. «Kim jta) ber tag geenbet. (32) 'djreib alles, toas man $eut gelehrt, 3n unfrc tjergen ein, Unb laflfe bie, fo e$ gehört, Dir and) gefyorfam fe^n. 2» (Erhalt wn$ fernerhin beut toort, Unb fyu uns immer toofyl, Damit man fiets an tiefem ort ©ort biene, roie man foil. 3* 3nt»effen fud) idj meine rut); D SSater! (tet) mir be^, Unb gieb mir beuten engel gu, Dag er mein toadjter fe$. 4, (3)ieb allen eine gnte nadjr, Die djrifttid) l)eut gelebt, Unb beg're ben, ber unbebaut Der gnabe nüberftrebt. 5» Sßofern bir aucr) mein tt)un gefällt, (So ^Üf mir morgen auf, Da§ td) nodj ferner in ber toelt Vollbringe meinen lauf» 6. Unb enblict) füt)re, wann es seit, ZiidyMebtv. 173 9flid) in ben fyimmel ein, T>a wirb in bet* ner fyerrlidjreit 9Jiein fabbatt) en?ig fegn. SEtfc^Steber* 112, »*. @9 foas frag «$♦ (25) wu eine Hoffnung ffrljet fcefte 2Utf ben lebenbigen ($)ott, (£r ift mir ber atterbefte, ©er mir be^ftetyt in ber notf): (£r allein, @ofl eö fer;n, £)en id) nur »on ^erjen mer;tt. 2". ©agt mir, roer fann bod) vertrauen 2Iuf ein fd)tt>acr;e$ menfcfyenfinb? 2©er !ann tejre <2d)lofler hamn 3n bie luft nnb in ben roinb ? So sercjefjr, 9Jidjt$ be* ffetyt, 2Öa$ ir)r auf ber erben fefjt 3» Slber ©orte$ gute roäfyret 3>mtner unb in etr-igfeit, 2Stet) nnb menfcfyen er er* nähret £>urd) ernmnfd)te ja^reöjeit, 2lfle$ 174 ta'fdKtefccr. $at (Seine gnat) £)argerei$et friUj unb feat 4» (Siebet er ntdjt atfeö reicfyttdj Unb mit grofjem Überfluß ? ©eine Heb ift un* Begreiflich, Söte ein parier waffergug; Snft unb erb Uns ernährt, Sßenn es ©ot* res gnnft begehrt 5* £)anfet nnn bem großen (Schöpfer £)urcfy ben ttafyren SJftenfcfyenfo^n, 2>r uns, ttie ein freier töpfer, £at gemalt aus erb unb tfyon; ©ro§ »on rati), ftarf »on tfjat 3fr ber uns erhalten $at. 113» 3DMU ©ott lob tin förttt jur* (3) % dermal uns beine gute 3luf ganj n>un* berbare tr-eif Unfre pflifyt füfyrt gu ge* ntütfye 2)urdj ben fegen in ber fpeiß, £>te bu uns Jjaft »orgeftreefet, Unb bamit in uuS erttjeefet (Sinen junger, £err, naefy bir» 2, Sßie groß ift beine freunblicfyfeit, SOBtc Ijerrlid) beine gute, £>ie ba »erforgt gu jeber seit £>en leib unb bas gemütfye* fctfif) s £ie&er. 175 Du iebenö*freunb unb menfcfyen^luft, Du tyaft un$ alien ratty gewußt, Unb uns fetyr woljl gelabet» 3. Des tyimmels fenfter ofneft bu Unb fdjenffl una milben regen; Du fcfyliejTfi bie erbe anf unb gu, Unb giebjt uns bei* nen fegen: Die foft ift ba anf bein getyeif, 2ßen follte baö $u beinern toreiß, D SBater, ntdjt bewegen! 4. gür foldje guthat wollen wir, 2öie liebe finber muffen, 33on ganger feelen banfen bir, Unb unfre matyljeit fctyliefjen Sftit einem banf unb lobgebicfyt. t) treuer ©ott ! oerfcfymäty e$ ntcfyt, Saß e$ bir wotyl* gefallen» 114* 2M* ®ott lob ein» (3) \Ditb, 3efu, baß idj bid) genieß 3n allen beinen gaben ; 33letb bu mir einig ewig füg, Du lannft ben geijt nur laben : 9ftein junger getyt in bicty tyinein, ffiaü) 'du bldj innig mir gemein, D 3ef"/ wein »er* gnügen ! 176 @cf)ete;£tee>et\ 2. £) leben$*wort! o feelcn^fpeig ! Wliv !raft unb leben fcfyenfe: D queü^brunn reiner Hebe! fleug, Slftctn fcfymacfytenb fyerge tränte ; a$ enb fommt ftynett ^erbeijj ; SB i r wiffen feinen morgen, Drum lebet bocfy in forgen, Der gefatyr ifl man* (fyerle^. 3. 33etra$tet wotyf tie fa$en, Dag uns ber £err tjeigt ma$en, 3" fe^n aü* geit bereit Dann fo wir würb'n erfun* "cm Siegen unb fd)Iafen in fünben, <5o würb unö werben leib* 4. Drum ruftet tvttf) be$ geiten, Unb alle fünb »ermeiben, Sebenb in g'redjtig* feit: S)a$ ijt bas rechte wad)en, Darburd) man mag geraden ßux e'wgen feligfeit 5. Eternit fe$b ®ott befohlen, Der wott uns aflgumalen, Durd) feine gnab allein, 3ur ew'gen freub ergeben, Dag wir nad) biefem Uhm Sftitfyt fomm'n in ewigS leib, 6* 3«w enb ifl mein begehren, DenF meiner in bem Ferren, 2öie icfy aucfy g'ftit* ©rf)ci6^ic6cr» 179 net bin : 9iun road)et aflefammen, £>urd) 3efum (Sfyrifhtm amen» (5$ mug gefcfyie* ten fe^m 117. 9ftel. (Srjörn bt# nt^t, o frommer. (8) « ebt friebfam, fpradj (£fjrifht$ ber £err 3u feinen auSertobrnen, (beliebte nefymt bieä für ein lefyr, Unb roollt fein ftimm gern fyören, 2)a3 ifi gefett ju ein'm a6* fdjeib 35on mir, trollt fejl brinn fielen. Db fdjeib idj gleich, bletbtö fyerj ber) end), S3iö rotr $ur freub eingeben* 2. Sin fyeqen^roetj mir überfam 3m Reiben über b 1 ma§en, 2Uö tdj fcon tuti) mein abfdjteb nafym, Ünb baömals mugt öerlaffem SDIein'm fyerjen bang, befyarr* Itdj lang, @s bleibt nod) unöergeffen, Db* fdjon id) fdjeib, bleibtö ^er^ ber; eu$, Sic follt i(^ eud^ ttergefferu 3. Wafy bem roefen (Sbriflt eudj balb, ©leid) roie ifyr tjabt empfangen, (&tbwt 180 Sct)ef6^ic6et?. anf m grnnb jur recfyt geftalt, ©ein we* gen wottt anfangen* £)artnn oejtefyt mein ratty, weite getyt $uf ein fcfyeiben fefyr tran* rig, Db fdjeib id) gleidj, bleibt^ §er$ oe$ end) 23t3 an mein enb gebanrig» 4 + ©eloot fc^ ©ott, nm bieg fein toerl, $)as er frafttg gelenfet, ©etyt ijjr ju bem gebäte fterf, ©ann meiner and? gebenfet 3m oaten rein, ba§ ©ott allein Vilify wotte toofyi beraten* £)&fd)eibidj gtetdj, oleiota tyerj be$ end), ©ott wotyn end) be$ in gnaben. 118. «WeU SliU Seftt menu (24) -<5ldj (Jemens geliebte! wir [Reiben jejj* unber, (Sin jebeö bas tyalte fein tyerje bodj munter, ©3 fdjrepe mit mir, 2lu£ liebet begier: ^)err3efn! £err3efu! 2ld) gencty un£ naety bir* 2. 3a, liebfte gefd)wijter, £)rnm lajfen uns wachen, SBeil nnfere feinbe ftd) Iräftig aufmachen, <&k fucfyen gn xaubm Den Sterbe unb 2>etträbni£;£t'e&ei\ 181 götttidjen glauben, £)amit jte »ertyinbern baö finbltd) »ertrauem 3» Unb weilen wir Je£t »on einanber nun treten, <5o lagt uns »or einander t>od^ fyerjficfy bäten, £)a§ feines bod) möge abtreten oom wege, 2ütf baß wir bewan* beln tie richtigen ftege. 4, §1$, licbefte glieber! e3 fönnte ge= fcfyefyen, £)ajü wir einanber nt$t träten mefyr fefyem Sin jebes fyu fletfje £ier auf feiner reife, £)amit wir bod) tragen bie frone 3um pretje* ©terfc* unb SBegra^tiiff Siebet, 119, üfleL (5$ tjt gennpa) an, (3) 'Omm, jterbli^er, Betrachte ntid) ! £)u lebft, idj lebt auf erben; äßas bu je|3t bift, ba£ war aud) tdj, 2öa$ id) bin, wirft bu werben ; Du ntugt pentad), id) bin oor* fym; 2ld)I benfe nid)t in beinern fimt, £>afj bu nicfyt bürfeft fterbem 182 ©terb* nub 25cgt?abm'g^tcber. 2. bereite bid), ftirb ab ber welt, 2)enf an bie legten ftunben! Söenn man ben tob oeräcfytlicfy i'ält, 2Birb er fe^r oft ge- funben. @$ ift bie reifye Ijeut an mir, 2Ber weiß, irielleicfyt, gilt« morgen bir, 3<* wol)l noc| biefen abenb» 3. ©prid) nit^t: idj Bin no$ gar gu jung, 3$ fotttt nod) lange leben! 2ldj nein! bu bift fd)on alt genug, £)en geijt »on bir ju geben; So ift gar balb um biefy get^an, (5$ fte()t ber tob fein alter an: 2Bie magft bu anbers benlen? 4» £)u feöjt bann fertig ober m$t, (so mußt bu gleicfywoljl wanbern, 5öann beirteS lebend jiel anbriet, (5$ geljt bir, wie ben anberm £>rum laß birs eine Warnung fe^n, Dein auferfte^n wirb über* ein 9fttt beinern fterben fommen. 5» 2ldj! benfe ntdjt: e$ Ijat nidjt notlj, 3d) toill midj fd)on befetjren, SÖann mir bie franfijeit geigt ben tob, ®ott wirb midj wo^l erhören. 2öer weig, ob bu gur franffyett fömmji? £>b bu ttic^t fdjnetf Bterbs unb 23egräbmfc£te6er. 183 ein enbe nimmjt? 2ßer tyilft atebann bir atmen ? | J 120, mi. JDemuty t{l bte fdfrifojfc, (22) % -He menfc&en muffen jterben, 2llle3 fleifdj »ergebt wie §eu, 2Ba$ ba lebet mufj fcer* berben, ©oil e$ anbers werben neu, Die* fer leib ber mu§ tterwefen, Sßann er an* berg foil genefen Der fo großen fyerrlidjfeit, Die ben frommen ijt bereit 2, Drum fo will t<$ tiefe« leben, 2öeil e$ meinem ®oit beliebt, 2ludj gan$ willig öon mir geben, 35in barüber nicfyt UtxnU: Denn in meines %t\u wunben $ah \$ fdjon erlöfung funben, Unb mtxn trojt in tobe$ttot§ 3ft be« Ferren (£§ri(ii tob, 3, £ier will i$ nun ewig wohnen; Steine lieben, gute nad>t ! Sure treu wirb ©Ott belohnen, Die tl)r §aM an mir üoU* bracht: Slöefammt i^r an&erwanbten, ©ute freunbe unb fcefannten, gebet wotyl, 184 ©terbs tiitb 25eQväbni$'Mcbtt. gu guter nadjt! ®ott fe^ banf, e$ iji soil* fcracfyt! 121* mtl. SKtm rudert alle halber* (37) v2/oit too bie jlunb if* fommett, ©a i<$ werb aufgenommen 3n3 ft^öne parabeig» 3#r eitern, bürft ntdjt Ilagen ; 9Wit freuten fottt i^r fagen : Dem §ö$ftert fe$ lofc, e$r tmb preiß«. 2. Sßie fann« ®ott Beffcr machen? dt reift mtdj aus bem rächen Des teufels unb ber weit, Die je£t wie löwett orüUen, 3$r grimm ift uicfyt ju ftiHen, 23i$ alles üoern Raufen fällt 3. Dies fmb bie legten tage, Da nichts als angft unb plagen Sftit laufen orfdjt herein» yjlify nimmt nun ©Ott oon l)ttt* neu, Uttb lä'fi et hridj etttritmen Der üoer* Rauften notlj unb ^ein* 4 + $ur$ ift meitt irbifdj leBeit ; dxn lefc fers wirb mir geoe« ©Ott itt ber ewigfeit Da werb t$ ttidjt metjr fterfcert, Sit feiner notl) »erberoen; Sftein leoe« Wirb fe^n lauter freub* ©rerb; unb 25eg?cibni$'Mebct. 185 5, gebt wol)l unb fc^b gefegnet; 2ßa$ eud) iej3unb begegnet, 3ft anbern and) ge* fdjefyn; 9tun ©ott wotl euc^ bewahren; Dort wollen wir uns wieber fefyn* 122. mU ^rrjli^ tjü£ (7) O /O^ war ein Keines ftnblein ©eoorn auf biefe weit, 2lber mein fterben^ftünblein $at mir ©ott bait» gefreut» 3dj wetfj gar nidjtä $u fagen, 2öa$ weit tft unb i^r tljun: 3d) t)ab in meinen tagen 9htr notlj gebrad)t baoom 2, Sffldn aüerliebfter sater, Der midj $ur weit gezeugt, Unb mein tyersliebjte mutter, $Me mid) felbjt Ijat gefäugt, Die folgen mir 31t grabe, Wlit feuften innig* lid), Dodj tdj war ©otteS gäbe, Die er nun nimmt ju (!<$♦ 3 + @r nimmt midj auf ju gnaben, 3«m erben in fein reidj, Der tob lann mir nid)t fcfyaben, 3d) bin ben engeln gleich; Sttem ieib wirb wieber leben 3n rut) unb ew'ger 186 etat** unb 23egvAbitif?«£tefeer. freut», tint) mit t>er feele fcfytoeben 3n gro* ger tyerrlidjfeit. 4 + gebt roofyl, tfjr meine liefen, £)u »at'r unt mutterfyerj, $3a$ rooUt ifyr eu(% betrüben, 5Sergeffet tiefen f^merj, tflix ijt fetyr toofyl gefdjeijen, 3$ leb in toonn unt freut, 3^ foüt mid) toteter fetyen £)ort in ter ^errlic^ieit 123, Wei. D 3efu trifle. (12) » fitter lebt ter menfdj, ter jtaub ! (Sein leben ift ein faflent laub; Unt> ten* nod) fd?mei$elt er fidj gern, Der tag tea totes fe$ nod) fern. 2. £)er Jüngling trofft te$ greife« siel, 2)er mann nod) feiner jat)re »tel, SDer greis gu fielen nod) ein jia^r, Unt feiner nimmt ten trrtfyum toaljr. 3» ©pridj nid)t: id) ten! in glüä unt notl) 3m tyer$en oft an meinen tot» £)er, ten ter tot nid)t toeifer macfyt, £at nie mit ernft an tljn getagt 4» Sßir UUn l)ier gur etvigfeit, 3« Sterbe unb 35t$väbnifrliebtv. 187 fyun, tt>a$ uns ber £err gebeut, Unb un= fer$ lebenä fleinfter tfyeil 3ft eine frtft gu unferm ^eiU 5. Der tobt rücft feelen »or geriet; 2>a bringt ©ott aücö an bag licfyt, Unb macfyt, toas l)ier »erborgen fear, Den ratlj ber ijerjen offenbar, 6, Drum, ba bein tob btr täglich braut, @o fe» bod) watfer unb bereit; $rüf bei* neu glauben aU ein djrift, £)b er burdj liebe tfyättg ijh 7, Sin feufter in ber legten notlj, (Sin ttmnfd), burd) be$ SrlöferS tob $or ©ot= te$ tfyron geregt ju fe$n, Die$ madjt bid) nicfyt »on fünben rein* 8. (Sin Jjeq, ba$ ©otteS fiimme Ijört, 3^r folgt unb ftdj ttom böfen fefyrt, (Ein gläubig f)er$ üon lieb erfüllt, Dies ift e$ tt>a$ in (Sfyrijto gilt 124, m\. 2Bcr nur ben lieben ©Ott lägt. (27) Sßer fteifj, ttie na^e mir mein enbe? Die seit getyt l;ln, es f ommt ber tob ; 2ldj 188 &twb; unb 25eQvabni$'Mtbw. 21dj toie gefdjttnnbe unb beljenbe $ann fommen meine tobeönotlv 9ftein ©ott! i$ bitt burd) (Sl)rifti Mut, 9flacb« nur mit meinem enbe gut 2. @« lann öor nadjt leidjt anber« werben, 211« e« am frühen morgen ttrnr ; SDann toeit idj leb auf biefer erben, £eb icfy in fleter tob«*gefal>n 9ftein ®ott! tdj bitt burd) G$rt(H Wut, Wlafy nur mit meinem enbe gut 3* £err! lel)r mid) (let« an« enbe ben* fen, Unb laf} mid), ft>ann idj fterben mu§, 5)ie feet in 3?fu nmnben fenfen, Unb ja ntcfyt fparen meine bu§. 9ftein ($ott! id) Mtt burd) (£§rijli blut, 9^ac^« nur mit meinem enbe gut 4. Sag mid) be$ geit mein Ijau« befiel* len, £)a§ tdj bereit feip für unb für, Ünb fage frifd) in allen fallen : £err ! mie bu anllft, fo fötd« mit mir. Sfftein ©ott! tdj bitt burd) (Sfyrifti blut, SO^ac^ö nur mit meinem enbe gut 5. Wlaty mix (let« jucferfüg ben ^ m * mcl, Unb gallenbitter biefe weit; ©ieb, Sterbe unb 2>egväbni fr Hiebet. 189 bag mir in bem welt*getümmel 3Me ewig* feit fe$ sorgefWIt 9Wcin ©ort! tef) bitt burefy Sfyrifti Mut, SD?acf)$ nur mit meinem enbe gut 125. SWeL 9hm lafjt un* ben leib. vlun bringen wir ben leib jur rufj, Unb betfen ifyn mit erbe $u, £>en leib, ber, nadj beö ©djöpferö fcfyluf, 3u flaufe unb erbe werben muj^ 2. @r bleibt nidjt immer afdj 1 unb ftaub, 9ti$t immer ber tterwefung raub; ©r wirb, wann (EfyrijtuS einft erfdjeint, -iJJttt feiner feeie neu vereint 3. £ier, menfd), fyier lerne, toaä bu biß; Sern fyier, tva& unfer Uhm ift %laü) forge, furcht unb mancher notf) itommt enblid) noefy autelt ber tob* 4. @d)neE fd^winbet unfre febenS^eit: 2htp$ fterben folgt bie ewigfeit 2ßie wir bie jett t)ier angewanbt, (So folgt ber lo^n am ©otte0 fyanb* 190 Vom legten (Bericht (Bottes. 3?om legten ©ert<$t ©otteS. 126* WltU greu big fc^r, o meine. (18) (S 3 ftnt? fdjott b t c testen jetten : $)rum mein 5er 3 bereite bid), 2Beil t>te get^ett f$on öon weiten, 3"™ geriet ereignen ftcfy ; Fimmel, erbe, luft unb meer, Sftacfyen fld), aU ®otte$ fyeer, 21uf gur radje fonber fronen, lieber bie im ftnftem wohnen. % @« ijt alles faft öerborben 3n ber ganaen cfyriftenljeit, ©laub unb liebe ftnb erftorben, Me3 lebt in ettelfeit 2ßie e$ war %\x 9faaf) ^eit, @o lebt jeijt in ftdjer* fyeit £>er gemeine fyauf ber Triften, £)ie in junbenfotfj ßdj brüften* 3» Unser ft anb nnb fünben* leben £errfct)et unb nimmt überfyanb* £)ie bem unfyetl miberftreben, ©inb als frembling' unbefannt, Unb wie 3ef"8 felbft öeracfyt: 3a, i^r ti)un jtefyt in »erbaut. 2Bie ift T>om legten (Beruht (Bottee. 191 benn ber toctt ju ratten 23e9 bergleidjen freoettfjaten? 4» 3efuö wirb batb felbfi einbrechen, SBeit fein t)eer fid) aufgemalt, Unb fein armea Häuflein rächen, £aö 31t ifym fcfyretyt tag unb nacfyt; Darum fyebt bas tyaupt empor 3« **3 Wimmele tfyür unb tfyor, Da§ üjr euer fyeil umfaßt, 2öeit (t<§ N* erlöfung nafyet 127, Wlü. 2luS tiefer not| fc^re^ ta) ju Mr, (3) d $ tji gewigticr; an ber geit, Dag ©otteä fotyn wirb fommen, 3n feiner großen Jjerr* Ucfyfeit, 3" rieten böf unb frommen; Dann wirb ba$ lachen werben tfyeur, Sßann alles wirb öergefyn in feu'r, Sßie $etruö baoon fc^reibet* 2. $ofaunen wirb man fyören geljn 5ln aller weit i^r enbe, Darauf balb werben auferjte^n 3111 tobten gar befyenbe: Die aber nodj ba$ leben fyan, Die wirb ber £err fcon ftunben an SSerwanbeln unb »erneuen» 192 Vom legten (Bericht (Borne. 3, SDarnadj roirb man ablefen Balb (Ein Bu^, barin gefdjrteben, 2Öa<3 alle menfdjen, jung nnb alt, 2luf erben §an getrieben x S)a bann gen?t§ ein jebermann Sßtrb fyören, roas er f)At gettjan 3« feinem gangen (eben* 4. D roejj bemfelben, roetdjer $at £)e3 Ferren Wort »erachtet, Unb nnr anf erben früfy nnb fpat 9ta4 großem gnt getrautet! S)er wirb fürwahr gar fafyl beftefm, Unb mit bem \atan 'muffen ge^n $on (£§rt|io in bie §ötte* 128* 2JM* Sla) treib aus* (30) «Ö5ann \4 *$ re $t betraft Unb fetje tag nnb nadjt 3<* ftunb nnb geite, £in* ge|en fo gefd^tomb, ©efcfynrinber als ber toinb, Qvlx enugfeite* 2, (So nrirb mir oftmals bang, SBeil t$ notfy allzulang %fliö) oft oerroeüe, Unb ni$t toie tdj foEt, Unb aucfy mty gerne vooilt, SBeftänbtg eile* Vom legten (Bericht ©ottcö. 193 3, D bag id) aHeseit 3tt renter rnun*' terfett 9flid) mödjte üben, Unb in ber nie* brigfeit Sfflein'n 3efum allezeit $önnt ^erjlidj lieben, 4, 2öeit meine seit »ergebt, Unb gar fein ting tieftest, Sßaö nur fyie fetyen, @o foflt id) billig ba$ ©udjen o^n unterlag, 2öa$ fann befielen, 5, 3^t ifl bie flotte gett, £)a$ ange* neunte fyeut, Der tag be$ Jjeilenä, £)rum eil' o feele ! bodj, Unb trag gern (Eljriftt jodj Dljne »ertoeilens, 6, SDle geit, bie geit ifl ba, ü)er ridjter ijt fe§r nal), (£r toirb balb fommen ; 2öer |tdj tjat mol)l bereit 3n biefer gnabengeit, Sßirb angenommen, 7, £) feiig rcirb ber fein, 2)er mit fann geljen ein 3nö reidj ber freuben, ^Billig follt man alliier (5id) Riefen für unb für, Unb tooljl bereiten, 129, mu §t\$ty t^ut mi($, (7) 'Oebenfe, menfdj! bas enbe, S3ebenlebet* *ten tob, 2)er tob fommt oft fceljenbe; 2)er 13 194 Vom legten (Bericht G5ottes. tjeute frifdj unb rot^, $ann morgen unb gefdjtoinber hinweg geftorben fe$n ; ©runt bilbe bir, o fünber! din tägtid) jterben ein* 2» SBebenfe menfdj! ba$ enbe, SBebenfe bas geriet: S3 muffen alle jtänt»e 23or 3efnö angeftd?t: $ein menfdj ift auäge* nommen, £ier mug ein jeber bran, Unb wirb ben lotjn befommen, Stadlern er §at getfjam 3, SBebenfe, menfdj! bas enbe, ©er Rotten angft nnb leib, ©ag totd& nidjt fa= tan blenbe SRtt feiner eitelfeit: £ter ift ein furjeS freuen, ©ort aber ewtgltd) (Sin fläglid) fdjmeräen^fdjre^en* tyty fünber! pte bidj, 4, 23ebenfe menfd) ! ba$ enbe, S3ebenle ftete bie jeit, ©ag bid) fa nidjtö abroenbe $on feiner |errlid)feit, ©amtt oor ©otteS tfjrone ©ie feele toirb »erpflegt; ©ort ift bie lebensfrone ©en frommen beigelegt 5, £err ! leljre mtdj bebenfen ©er sei* ttn le^te geit, ©ag ftdj nad) bir su lenfen, 9ftein fjerje feö bereit: Sag midj ben tob betradbten, Unb beinen ridjterfht^t: Sag Vom legten (Betriebt (25ottes. 195 miefy aitcfy nicfyt »erachten £)er l)'6Utn \tvax* 6. ipilf ©ott! ba§ i<$ in geiten 5Tuf meinen legten tag 9M Duge midj bereiten Unb täglich jierfcen mag: 3m tob tmb »or geriete <3tel) mir, o 3efn ! 6er;, SDajj id) ins tyimmels lichte 3« wohnen würbig fety* 130, 2Ret, Ö ®ott, bu frommer, (15) A"$tt redjmtng; recfynung will ©ott etnjt* licfy »on bir labern £!ju redjnung, fyridjt ber £err, SSon allen beinen gaoen. Z§u recfynung, fürchte ©ott, £>u mugt fonft fclö^ltdj fort; £lju redjnung, benfe jiets Sin biefe bonnerwort. 2, ©fcridj: lieoer ©ott! wer lann 25or beinern tljron fcejteljen, Sßenn bn mit bei* nem fnedjt SBitljt inö geriete ge^en? SBeil in ber gangen weit ßu fhtben nid)t ein mann, £)er bir anf tanfenb nnr Sin Wort antworten lann. 3. Sap gnabe geljn »or redjt, 9ldj lag miefy gnabe ftnben, <5»ric$ midj aus gna= 196 Vom *5immd unb ewigen £eben. ben los SSoit allen meinen fünften ; Safj beineS fofjneS Hut 2lu$ mein Ijerj madjen rein, Sag alte meine fcfyulb Sott unb i?er* geffen feipm 4,. £a§ mid) in biefer tvtlt 9htr t>tr gu eljren leben, Sag ja mein leib unb feel £)ir allzeit fetyn ergeben; ©er ©ei(l re* giere tntd), ©o werte id) roofyt beftefyn 3n meiner re^enung, Unb jur Ijimm'tefreub etnge^m SSom Fimmel unb ewigen SeBetu 131. ÜSftcL 2öer nur bcn Heben (27) % •adj einer Prüfung lurger tage (Srtvartet uns t>ie emigfeit ©ort, tort oerwanbelt ftd) bte flage 3n göttliche gufriebenfyeit £ier üU bte tugenb tl)ren fletfj, Unb jene loelt reicht ifyr ben prei§. 2* 2öal)r iff 3, ber fromme fd)medt auf erben ©d)on mannen fel'gen augenblid: Vom Fimmel unb erottjen Ztbtn. 197 ©od) alle freuben, bie ttjm »erben, @inb ftjm ein unooflfomm'nes glüd, (Sr bleibt ein menfd), unb feine rul) Stimmt in ber feele ab unb git. 3. 23alb jt ö r e n ifjn beö förperö ferner* gen, S3alt> ba$ geraufte tiefer roelt; 33alb tämpft in feinem eignen fyerjen Sin feinb, ber öfter fiegt, aU fällt: 23alb ftnft er burd) beä nädjften fä)ulb 3n fummer unb in ungebulh 4* £ier, too bie tugenb öftere leibet, 55«$ lafter öftere glüd(iä) ifr, Söo man ben glüdlidjen beneibet, Unb be$ befüm* merten oergifh £ier lann ber menfd) nie fre$ öon pein, 9lie frety oon eigner fctyioad)* $eit feipm 5. ipier fudj idj$ nur, ©ort foerb t$3 ftnben ; ©ort »erb td) t)eilig unb »erflärt, ©er tugenb ganzen rcertl) empfinben, ©en unau$f»red)Iict) gro§en n>ertt); ©en ©ort ber liebe »erb id) fefyn, 3fyn lieben, emig tt)n erl)öt)m 6» ©a wirb ber oorftdjt tyeUger hrifle fJJZein toiU unb meine too^lfafyrt fe^n, 198 Vom Fimmel unb tvoigtn Zehen. Unb lieoltdj wefen, *jetf bie fülle, 2lm throne ©ottes miefy erfreun. Dann lagt gewinn fietö auf gewinn 3Ri$ füllen, tag idj ewig Mn. 7» i)a werb t$ bas im licfyt erfennen, 2Ba$ td? auf erben bunfel fa$, Das wun* berbar unb petita, nennen, 3Öa$ uner* forfd)tt<% fyter gefcfyaty ; Da beult mein geijt mit preig unb bau! 2)te fdjtctung im ju* fammenfyang. 8. Da werb idj gu bem throne bringen, 2öo ©Ott, mein $etf, ftdj offenbart: Sin tyeitig, tyeiltg, l)et(tg fingen Dem £amme, ba$ erwürget warb ; Unb SfyeruMm unb (Seraphim, Unb alle tyimmel Jauchen itynu 9. Da werb idj in ber eugel fc^aaren SJflicc; if)nen gleicfy unb Jjeilig fetjn, Das nie geftörte gliid erfahren, Siftit frommen ftets fromm umguge^n* X)a wirb burdj {eben augenblicf 3^ fyett mein §eil, mein glüd i()r glücf* 10. Da werb tdj bem ben ban! fce$a^ len, Der ©otteS weg midj gefjen fyieg, Unb ifyn ju mittionenmalen 9lo$ fegnen bag SDec 134 pfalm. 199 er mir U)it nriea. S)a ftnb t$ in beä £ödj* fien tyanb Den freunb, ten i$ auf erben fanfc* 11. ©a ruft, o mödjte ©ott es geben! SSieUei^t auc^ mir ein fet'ger gu: £eil fe^ bir! benn bu fyaft mein leben, £)ie feele mir gerettet, bu ! D ©Ott, wie muß bieg glüä erfreun, Der retter einer feele fetyn ? 12. 2Ba$ fe^t) tfjr, leiben biefer erben, Do$ gegen jene Ijerrlidjfeit, Die offenbart an un£ foil werben, SSon ewigfeit gu ewtg* feit? SÖie nichts, wie gar nicfytä gegen fte, 3ft boa) ein augenblid ooU mül) ! 25er 134 pfatm- (12) (Ermunterunfl aum #*)& unfc JHenft 3 r fnedjt be$ Ferren aUguglei^, Den Ferren lobt im $immelrei$, Die il;r in 200 £et? 128 pfrlm, ©otteö §üu$ be^ nacfyt, 211$ feine oiener pt unb toacfyt 2, 3um fyettigttjum oie pub aufgebt, Sob, ep unb preif tern Ferren gebt, £)anffaget ifym »on fyeraenSgrunb, ©ein lob (let« füpt in eurem munb* 3. ®ott, ber gefcfyaffen fyat bie ttelt, Unb no$ bur$ feine haft erhält, £)er fegne btdj oom berg 3*on, Sfflit reifem gut gum gnabenlop. ©er 128 g)falm* P*r /rammen glücklich JJau^altung unb Dantoljtming. 'elig ift ber gepretfet, £>er ®ott »or äugen pit, ©i$ fetnerweg befleißet, £)a* »on audj nid)t abfallt: S)ann bu nnrjt bid) wofyl nähren, Sittit arbeit beiner pnb, ©ott nürb bir glüä befeueren, Uno fegnen beinen ftanb. Tcv 128 Pfalffl. 201 2. £)ein roeib gteid) einem reben 3n beinern ^auö nnrb fe^n, £) er feine frucfyt ttrirb geben 3" feiner seit an mein : $)ie finber toirjt bn fefyen 3" r w9$ um deinen tifefy 9lafy einer reiben ft el) en, ©(etcfywfe bie Ölzweig, frifefy* 3» £>as fe^nb bie frönen gaben, £)ie ©ott ben menfe^en giebt, Die ifyn in etjren tyaben, SBotton er ttrirb geliebt, ©ott, ber bir giebt gebeten 2ht3 3^*1, ^trb ber ftabt Semfalem »erleiden, S3ei> beinern leben, gnab* 4, £)u nrirji ancr) enbtidj fe$ en linb^ finber, unb barjn Sfraetä fachen flehen 3n gntem frieb wnb rut). 5nbf, (Bin 3t eg tfter bcr Steöer, mtyt nad) enterte^ 2MoMcn lijmtcn gcfnngen wxbtn. ©ette. (i) ©e(o6t fet> ©Ott im f)Sd»ften 67 (3) dermal un$ belne gute 174 2luf, @eefe!3efuS, 158 £aö leben 3efu t(l ein ttAt 139 £)u gläubige |erg, fo benebe^ 119 (S3 ijt genußtid) an ber gett 191 ®ieb, 3efu, ba§ id) bid) genieß 175 3$t Triften fet)t, bag ifjr 26 Äomm jtetBlidjet betraute midj 181 SSfterft auf tfyr öölfer altgemein 80 £) ©ott oater, n>ir loben 3 D guter ©ott, nur fe^nb 8 P Sflenfd) ! aüe ift bein §ers 71 204 XUtlcbitn "Helper. D ©eele ! fdjaue 3efum an, 24 D 23ater ber barmfyerjigfeit! 63 ©e^ lob unb efjr bem fyb'djften 145 Sßann man aUfyier ber tvelt iljr 46 2Beil nun bie gctt sorfyanben 176 2Bte ft^on unb Iteblid) fic^t e$ 64 2Bo foil id) I) in, wer Reifet mir ? 34 (4) £)urdj gnab fo will idj fingen, 74 (6) 2ldj ! wie fo lieblid) unb wie fein 56 ©ott lob ! bie fyocfygewünfcfyte gelt 14 Äommt fyer $u mir, fpridjt 111 2Bad) auf, mty auf, o menfdjenfinb 77 (7) 21$ bleibe mit beiner gnabe 89 SBebenfe, menfd)! ba3 enbe 193 (£rl)alt unä beine lel)re, 65 Ermuntert eu$, iljr frommen! 152 3$ war ein fletneS finblein 185 Sfterft auf ttyr menfcfyenfinber, 36 (Schwing bicfy auf ju beinern 121 tUdobim 2ieeti|ter. 53on lernen motTn mir fingen, 2>on fyerjen motTn mir fingen, (8) ßfyrifhtö ba3 lamm auf erben tarn £)etn »ort tfr, £>err ! bie re$te gebt friebfam, fpracr) SljrifhtS 9fterft auf mit fleifj, ein fjimmefä £) £err <55ott ! bein göttlid) <5e9 ©Ott getreu, fyalt feinen (11) 3efu, 3efu, 23runn be3 iHinge re^t, mann ©ottes gnabe 2öer ftc^ bünfen lägt er fielet 2Öo ift 3^|"w^/ wein »erlangen (12) 2tös Meto bet) int* £err 3efu S^rifl %l& (Efyriftu^ mit feiner magren Site 3efus Stjriftoa, ©ottes 21(3 merjtg tag nad) oftern 2luä lieb oermunbter 3efu 23runn aüeö tycite! bid) efyren 2)er 134 «pfalm 206 meioMeit 'Hegtjfrt?. £>u unbegreiflich §ö$jte$ gut 33 £err 3efu 6§rt(l, bt$ gu un$ 6 3|jr jungen gelben, aufgeroadjt 93 D 3efu bu mein feräutigam 50 D 3efu, tta^reä lt<$t 132 D parter ©ott, o feetentraft 104 SBann menfctyen^ülf fdjeint aud 115 Söann n>ir in Jjödjften nötfyen 117 2Bie ftctyer lebt ber ntenfd) 186 (14) 9hm ©ottloMeöiftöotfbrac^t 7 (15) ©par beine bufje nicfyt 39 Sfyu reaming; recfynung toiU 195 2öa$ faun id) bod) für ban! 150 (16) 2luö ber tiefe rufe id), 106 (sammle großer 9flenfdjen&irt 130 @ie§ ! tt?ie IteMtd) unb wie fein 129 (17) ©nab, frieb unb reidjen fegen 155 SBadjt auf; ityr orüber toerttje 109 XUtlobkn Gegiftet'. 2(77 (18) (5$ ftnb fdjon tie legten geiten 190 .ftommt, unb laßt euc^ 3efum 73 9fteine forgen, angji unb plagen 114 ©djaffet, fcfyajfet, meine finber 85 2Ber nur ben ließen ©ott lägt 116 3ion flagt mit angji unb f$mer$ 41 (19) 2luf, auf, iljr meine lieber 167 9ta lagt unö ge^n unb 20 (20) 94 ftnber, wollt tf)r ließen 134 ©ott ift ein ©ott ber liebe 127 3^ fünber! lommt gegangen 54 ^ommt finber, lagt uns geljen 143 2Ber ftc^ im ©eijt fcefcfyneibet 19 (22) 2llle djrifien Ijören gerne 141 2We mengen müfon fterfcen 183 £)emutlj ijt bie fdjbnjte tugenb 83 (24) ' %$ l)er$en$ geliebte l »fr 180 208 Xtldobkn ttegtflet:. (25) %&)l m$ |at bidj bodj bewogen 12 £)anft tern Gerrit, i§r ! 148 ©ott beg I)immel$ unb ber erben 166 iperr be3 fyimmels unb ber erben 161 3d) »ill lieben 131 $omm, o fomm, bu ©eifi be£ 31 $ommt! lagt uns auö 23abel 137 Steine Hoffnung jtefyet sefte 173 <5fyidtt eucfy, ifyr lieben gajie 153 @e£e bid), mein geift, ein 21 ©tel), Ijie bin t$, Sfyrenfontg ! 96 (27) 3$ tjabe nun ben grunb gefunben 69 %la§ einer Prüfung lurger 196 £) bag bodj be$ ber reidjen 162 2Öer weip, wie ndje mir 187 (28) 5luf $rijten*menfd) ! anf 135 $ommt, lagt una, ifyr liebe briiber 60 9ttir xtafyl fprtd)t (£fyriftu3, unfer 84 «Run lobet alle Lottes @ot;n 52 XHclobicn Htgiftcv. ©9) Sieger £eilanb ! natye bic^ 97 (30) 9ftac$e bid), mein ®ei(t, Bereit 94 <©o i(l nun abermal 169 28ann i$ ed re$t Betraft 192 (32) ©e§ müber leib gu betner 170 9ftein ©ott! ba'3 ^er^e icf) Bringe 99 9htn bricht bie ftnftre nadjt 171 9hm ft$ tie nadjt geenbet 164 (Sdjreib alles, toaö man fyeut 172 2öa$ mid) auf biefer welt 81 (35) ©uter £irte ! foiütbu 160 3efu ! haut beinen leib, 79 3efu$ i(t ber fdjönfie nam 17 3efu$ nimmt tie fünber an 32 (37) ©ott lob, bie fhmb ijt fommen 184 (40) 3efu, meine freube, • 91 14 210 XYttlobien ^cgtfletr. m 3efu ! $tlf mein fren£ ntir tragen ' 101 ©oüt e$ g(ei$ oistoeilen fdjetnen 125 (43) ftropd) fotf mein fyerge fpringen 15 SBarum fottt t$ mi$ fcann grämen 122 (45) 2Ba$ ®ott tyut, fcas tft mo^get^an 112 (49) SBo^Iauf, roo^Ianf, tu ©ottea 76 (53) SO?it einem ^geneigten g'mütfy 120 (61) Sfftufj e$ nnn fe$n gefcfyieben 177 Had) bekannten ntelofcien. ©er 121 $falm 201 9hm Bringen ioir ben leib gnr 189 Sßer 3efum oe$ ft* $at 123 (Dte3af)Iett in klammern geigen bte klaffen an, roie (ie in ben großen un&art&etyiföen £ie= ber= 23ü$ern fte^cn unb auf einerle? gelobten fonnen gefunden toerben») & e Q i ft e r* ©ette. dermal «no bettte gute 174 2$ JJ ei ? U ^ un * ^ err 3efa (Shrift 105 m bleibe mit tetner gnabe 89 3T« Arsens geliebte! n?tr 180 m hinter, n>ottt i$r lieben 134 ^flttmOat big bog bewogen 12 WlttiefoIUHi^ttnb tote fem 56 2lUe griffen ^ören gerne 141 m mengen muffen fterben 183 m G(rifhi0 mit feiner wahren 107 m 3efuö griffet«, ©otteö 29 WS »terato tag nag ojfern 28 Pf, auf, ifir meine lieber 167 «uf , @eele! SefuS, 168 2lufgrtftenmenfg!auf 135 212 2tegtf*er. 2lu$ t>er tiefe rufe i$, 106 2lu$ lieo »erttmnbter 3^f« 103 23ebenfe, menfd) ! fcaa enbe 193 SBrunn aUe3 tyeils ! bid) eljren 100 ©Jrifhts tag lamm auf erben Um 42 SDanft bem .Sperren, ifjr 148 2)a$ lekn 3efu ijt ein licfyt 139 ©ein fcort tft, £err! bie rechte 11 ©emutl) ijt bie fcfyönfte tugenb 83 ©er 121 $falm 201 ©er 134 $falm 200 ©u gläubige ^erj, fo benebety 119 ©u unbegreiflich fyödjfteS gut 33 ©urdj gnab fo nrill id) fingen, 74 (£rl)alt unä beine lel)re, 65 Ermuntert eud), ifyr frommen! 152 @$ ift getoif lid) an ber geit 191 6$ fmb fdjon bie legten geilen 190 Sröijlidj foil mein t)er$e fpringen 15 <$elj müber leib gu beiner 170 ©elobt fep ®ott im l)öd)ften 67 ®ie&, 3efu, ba§ idj bidj genieg 175 ©nab, frieb unb reichen fegen 155 (Dott be$ Jimmeld unb ber erben 166 ©ott i(l tin ©ott ber liebe ©ottfob - ! bte Wgettmnfc^te jeit ©ott (oo bte fhmb iff tommen ©uter §trte! nullt bu £err be$ fymmtU uri ber erben *J* c 3ef« Gfcft bi<$ a u un* Jä> labe nun ben grunb gefunben 69 8ft toar ein Weine* finblein 185 3<$ lottt lieben JgJ 3efu ! baue beinen leib, 79 gefu! |ilf man freu£ mir tragen 101 xjefu, 3efu, brunn be$ 4 3efu, meine freube, 01 gefuö ift ber fünfte nam 17 ^yefuö nimmt bie fünber an 32 3Jr Triften fe$t, bag t^r 26 ^r jungen gelben, aufgemalt 93 J)v funber ! fommt gegangen 54 £omm, tomm, t)n ©eift beö 31 flomm fterbli^er fcetra^te midj 181 Äommt (er $u mir, fpriftt HI Äommt finber, ragt uns gegen 143 ■Kommt lagt ««*, i$ r liebe brüber 60 tfommt! Tagt unt au$ Säbel 137 214 ^egitfee. $ommt, unb lagt eu# Sefum 73 Mt friebfam, fptad) £$rtjta* 179 Siebter £etlanb ! nalje bid) 97 Siftage bid), mein ©eift, bereit 94 Sftetne Hoffnung fielet ttefte 173 ^eine forden, angft unb plagen 114 Sftein ©ott! bas ferje idj bringe 99 üfterft auf itjr menfdjenfinber, 36 9fterft auf ifyr »ölfer allgemein 80 9flerft auf mit fleig, ein tjimmelö 48 SDTir nafyl fpricfyt SbriftuS, unfer 84 Wit einem zugeneigten g'mütl) 120 ÜJlug e$ nun fe^n gcfd^ieben 177 9lac^ einer Prüfung furjer 196 9mn bricht ine ftnftre nad)t 171 $lun bringen nnr ben leib mr 189 9lun ®ott lob! e$ ift »ollbracfyt 7 9hm lagt uns gefm unb 20 Wun lobet alle ©ottes @ofm 52 9tun ftd) bte nadjt geenbet 164 O bag bodj be$ ber reiben 162 D ©Ott SBater, jvir loben 3 D guter ©ott, wir fe$nb 8 D £err ©ott! bein göttlich 10 "Hcgif^ctr. 215 D 3*fu bu mein bräutigam 50 D 3efu, toatjre* lic^t * 132 O 9Kenfd)l tote ift bein tjer$ 71 D @eete! fcfyaue 3efum an, 24 flarter ©ott, o feeten traft 104 D SSater ber barm^erjigleit! 63 klinge red)t, wann ©otteö gnabe 156 ©ammte, groger Siflenfdjenjjirt 130 ©Raffet, fdjajfet, meine finber 85 ©djicfet iVL&j, ifyr lieben gäfte 153 ©cfyretb alles, toa$ man Ijeut 172 ©djtoing bid) auf $u beinern 121 @e£e bid), mein getft, ein 21 ©ety ©ott getreu, Ijalt feinen 44 ©es? lob ttnb efyr bem §öd)ften 145 ©tel), tyie bin tdj, ßtyrenfönig! 96 <5iefy ! wie liebltdj unb tote fein 129 (So ift nun abermal 169 ©otlt eö gletd) bisweilen feinen 125 ©par beine fcupe nid)t 39 Zifii redjnung; redjnung toitl 195 25on Ijergen trollen toir fingen, 58 25on fyerjen tooß'n wir fingen, 90 2£afy auf, toadj auf, o menf^enlinb 77 216 3ietjtjfct!. SÖadjt auf; \X)x brütet n>crtf)e 109 2ßann td) $ re$t betraft ■ 192 SBann man alltjier ber melt i$r 46 2öann menfdjen^ülf fc^etnt cai$ 115 2Bann tvtr in {jodiert nötfyen 117 SÖarum foüt idj mid) bann grämen 122 2Ba$ ®ott tljut,tba$ ift woljlgettyan 112 2öa<3 fann td) bod) für banf 150 2öa$ midj auf biefer roelt 81 SBeil nun bie seit öorfyanben 176 2öer 3efum be^ ftd) W 123 2Ber nur ben lieben ®ott logt 116 2ßer ftd) bünlen lagt er freuet 87 Sßer jt4 im ®eifl befd)netbet 19 2ßer ttmg, wie natje mir 187 2ßie föon unb Itebüd) ftef)t e$ 64 2öie jidjer lebt ber menfd) 186 2öo$lauf, worauf, 'üxx ©otteS 76 Sßo ijt 3efu3, ntein »erlangen 37 2Bo fott td) Jjin, mer Reifet mir? 34 3ion flogt mit ongft unb fcfymera 41 1