U. a DEPARTMevfT OF LABOR W. B. WILSON, Secrelaiy THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR AND F URING RECONSTRUCTION STATISTICS, PROBLEMS, AiN'D POLICIES RELATING TO THE GREATER INCLUSION OF NEGRO WAGE EARNERS IN AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF NECRO ECONOMICS GEORGE E. HAYNES. Ph. D., Ditectof SECOND STUDY ON NEGRO LABOR WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 Clje Librarp of tt)e ([Initjetjsftp of Ji3ortb Carolina CnDotoeD bp ^^e SDialectic ano pf)ilantl)ropir &oci(tie0 A THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES EI85.8 .U5T MAY 9 78 ufJfveRs,Ty III, '?mT^'-H"-L 000229083' I This book is due at the LOUIS R. WILSON LIBRARY on the last date stamped under "Date Due." If not on hold it may be renewed by bringing it to the library. DATE DUE RET. III! JIJLq_, mi^^^ Form No- 5 7 . 3 3'<» 1 '90 4m- JN 1 4 '93 ^ S^4^^ -'' i W iJ U SSRTH DATE DUE RET. OCT 7 2(00 ^TtilMi AUb' 2 2111 i«*v-'.'".54Cft,';.','W..;;,.':^rass'*i«f7..i7T.,i ■> XiTT.-.I '•<■«■•; ;j- •'••. .^'-si-fSQii n U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. B. WILSON. Secretary THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR \ND DURING RECONSTRUCTION STATISTICS, PROBLEMS, AND POLICIES RELATING TO THE GREATER INCLUSION OF NEGRO WAGE EARNERS IN AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF NEGRO ECONOMICS GEORGE E. HAYNES. Ph. D.. Director SECOND STUDY ON NEGRO LABOR r WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 5 Introduction 7 Chapter I. Migration, its causes and volume 10 II. Creation of office, Director of Negro Economics 12 III. Early results of Negro Economics Ser\ice 19 JProblems of Negro Labor 20 IV. Cooperation within the department 22 V. Negro labor and racial relationships at Chicago 26 VI. White and Negro workers in basic industries 32 VII. Statistics on the meat-packing and steel industries 52 VIII. Negro labor in the United States shipyards 58 Record-breaking Negro workers 62 IX. Report of work in Florida and Georgia 64 X. Report of work in Illinois ! 68 XI. Report of work in Michigan. 77 XII. Report of work in Mississippi 82 XIII. Report of work in New Jersey 88 XIV. Report of work in New York. 95 XV. Report of work in North Carolina 97 XVI. Report of work in Ohio 105 XVII. Report of work in Pennsylvania 116 XVIII. Report of work in Virginia 119 XIX. Negro women in industry 124 XX. Recommendations on scope of departmental authority 134 TABLES. Table I. Unskilled white and Negro male workers in selected tj^pical war industries 34 II. Average hours of work and average earnings 45 III. Opinions of 38 employers of Negro labor 50 IV. Meat-packing employees 53 V. Meat-packing employees (with graphs) 54 VI. Negro employees m eight principal shipyard districts 60 APPENDIXES. Appendix I. "Labor and Victory " 137 II. Constitution, North Carolina State Committee 139 III. Constitution, Ohio State Committee , . 141 IV. Constitution, Kentucky State Committee 143 3 h o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. United States Department of Labor, Division of Negro Economics, Washington, D. C, April 1, 1920. Sir: I have the honor of transmittm^ herewith a bulletin cover- ing, in brief, some of the work of the Division of Negro Economics, established by you on May 1,1918, and functioning through your imme- diate office smce that time, together with some valuable data giving the actual experiences of Negroes in industrial occupations, 1918- 1919. The publication was planned, m part, by my assistant, Karl F, Phillips, who also constructed the statistical and other tables contained m the report and who from the beginnmg and throughout the continuation of the work has given a most competent and highly efficient service to the department and to the public. You will note that the bulletin contains summarized statements of the policies and plans which you approved for this special service to Negro wage earners, their employers, and associates, and that concise statistical reports and data have been included. The graphs amplify- ing one of the larger tables were prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I may say that the files of the Division of Negro Eco- nomics contam a mass of similar material, but that owing to lack of funds and clerical help it was not practicable to endeavor to prepare any more material than that which appears in the report. In transmitting this bulletin I desire to thank the public-spirited citizens, white and colored, in organizations and as individuals, who gave prompt and voluntary assistance of untold value m promoting the work throughout the States and localities in which it was conduct- ed. I desire to thank, also, the Federal, State, and private agencies for their unlimited cooperation and advice at all times. Withm the department itself I am grateful to you, to the chiefs and heads of the various divisions and bureaus, and especially to the office of the Assistant Secretary and of the Solicitor for unfailing interest and assistance. The office and field staff of the division deserves special commenda- tion for untiring zeal and close application in carrying forward the many delicate and difficult tasks growling out of the work almost daily. I desire agam to call your attention to the recommendations cited on pages 134-136 of thia bulletin, which, you will recall, were mcluded in my memorandum report to you on the racial situation in Chicago. Respectfully, George E. Haynes, Director of Negro Econontiics. Hon. W. B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor. 5 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR AND DURING RECONSTRUCTION. mXRODUCTION. The entrance of Negroes into industries, particularly in the North during the great war led to niany questions: What particular indus- tries did they enter ? In what kinds of occupations were they most generally employed? Were they unskilled, semiskilled, or skilled? How did they measure up to the average number of working hours and average earnings as compared with the white workmen? What was the estimate and opinion of employers who tried them? How did they compare with white workmen in the same establishments and on the same jobs as to absenteeism, turn-over, quality of work produced, and speed in turning out quantity ? Some of the chapters of this bulletin bring together the best available data in an attempt to answer some of these questions with the facts. Obviously, the data is very limited in scope and neces- sarily fragmentary. It would, therefore, be unwise and unscientific to make any large generalizations based upon so limited an amount of data. What is presented, however, has been carefully gathered and collated, and, therefore, gives some definite indications and informa- tion where information has been heretofore very limited. Whatever analysis and comment have been made upon the tables and figures may be readily weighed in the light of the accompanying data them- selves. Facts and figures, however, are only bases of information upon which to build programs and plans of action. Negro workers are employed for the most part by white employers and work in the same industries and often on the same jobs with white workers. Their relations with these emplayers and other workers frequently assume racial as well as labor aspects. In such adjustments as were required during the war, when industries were calling as never before for all kinds of workers, activities which proved successful and valuable in promoting the welfare of these wage-earners and in im- proving their relations to employers and other workers were exceed- ingly important parts of the machinery of organized production. The plans and activities of the Department of Labor for dealing with these matters are experiences of permanent and instructive value, especially because of the hearty and successful response re- ceived from white and Negro citizens in many States and localities. A part of this bulletin, therefore, gives a summary of these plans and activities of the Division of Negro Economics in the office of the Secretary of Labor. The account shows the general program, the 8 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. facts and principles upon which it was based, and how it was carried out in the several States with the hearty indorsement and coopera- tion of governors and other State and local officials and of white and- colored citizens, both in organizations and as individuals. The first table of figures of Chapter VI gives clear indications of the distribution in 26 States of 129,708 white men and 62,340 Negro men in unskilled occupations of 292 different firms engaged in various war industries in 1918. Table II of the same chapter gives full details of the classification of occupations as skilled, semiskilled, and un- skilled, the average number of hours worked per week, and the average earnings per week and per hour of 4,260 white men and 2,722 Negro men m 194 occupations in 23 separate establishments engaged m basic industrial operations of foundries (both iron and steel), slaughtering and meat packing, automobile manufacture, coke ovens, manufacture of iron and steel and their products, and in glass manufacture. This table is accompanied by some comment, analyzing the comparison of white and Negro workmen on the points covered m each of the three general occupational classes. A sup- plementary part of this table gives similar figures for 153 white women and 83 Negro women in slaughtering and meat packing. Table III of this chapter gives in tabular form the opinions of 38 employers of Negro workers as to the attitude of their firms toward Negro labor, the opportunities for promotion, and their opinion on the compara- tive behavior of white and Negro employees. The 38 firms repre- sented were employing at that time 108,215 white workers and 6,757 Negro workers. These opinions, therefore, are fairly representative of the state of mind of northern emploj^ers in 1918-19. Slaughtering and meat packing and iron and steel were such im- portant industries and employed such large numbers of Negroes during the war that special reports were secured througli courtesy of plants carrving on these two industries. Chapter \n;i gives in considerable detail the tables and analyses of white and Negro workers for the first of these industries and adds additional dis- cussion to that of Chapter VI on the iron and steel establishments. Tables IV and V of this chapter give the number and per cent of distribution of the white and Negro employees, male and female, of two slaughtering and meat-packing plants for 30 weeks beginning July 13, 1918, and 159 weeks beginning January, 1916, respectively. On the basis of these tables two diagrams have been made and are included in the chapter, making these figures of the total numbers and percentages readily perceptible to the casual reader. There was no more important nor interesting work than that in the shipyards during the war. "Ships, ships, and more ships" was the call from Europe. It has not been feasible to get all the figures for aU the shipyards where Negroes were employed during the war, but a full record of the Negi-o employees at shipbuilding plants under the juris- diction of the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Cor- poration, were secured through courtesy of that board. This activity of Negro wage-earners assumed such important proportions that the material justifies a separate chapter — Chapter VIII. Table VI of this chapter gives these figures for occupations of 24,648 Negro men during tne war and 14,075 after the war and imtil September, 1919. They are classified both as a whole into skilled and Unskilled and by epecific occupations for each of the eight shipyard districts under the THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 9 Emergency Fleet Corporation. Some analysis of the figures given in this chapter indicates their significance. Unfortmiately this study of Negro wage-earners does not include data of their labor on the railroads, in the mines, in agriculture, and in domestic service, except as some of these are included in some of the figures given in the several tables below, and in the State reports of activities of the State supervisors of Ne^ro Economics, notably in Chapter XVI on Ohio, in Chapter X on Illmois, in Chapter XII on Mississippi, and in Chapter XV on North Carolina. The original plan for this bulletin contemplated the inclusion of these groups. The activities of the department embraced measures to promote their welfare, their efficiency, and to improve their rela- tions and opportunities. During this study efforts were made with- out satisfactory results to get comprehensive figures and facts from the United States Railroad Administration on this subject because their figures were not compiled separately. Figures for the other groups also could not be obtained from any available sources. There were not funds at hand for the Department of Labor to study these occu- pational groups with a staff of its own. It was deemed best, therefore, to await further provision for such study rather than attempt to include uncertain statements and insuflficient and inexact data. The experience of the department in touching these fields demonstrates their importance and justifies this postponement until they can be properly studied. Special note should be made of the sincere and effective cooperation of Mr. Ethelbert Stewart, Director of the Investigation and Inspection Service, whose staff workers were directed so effectively in the col- lection of a considerable amount of the statistical data included in several of the chapters. The Women's Bureau (formerly the Woman in Industry Service), first under Miss Mary Van Kleeck as director and now under Miss Mary Anderson as director, has given effective attention to the ques- tions affecting Negro women workers in industry and their relations to white women workers. During the war Mrs. Helen B. Irvin, as special agent of the Woman in Industry Service, assisted a part of the time by Mrs. Elizabeth R. Haynes as a doUar-a-year worker, made visits and inspections of a number of establishments that were em- ploying Negro women. A summary of Mrs. Irvin's reports about firms employing approximately 21,547 Ne^o women and girls is given in Chapter XIX. This discussion gives the general kind of industrial and other work in which these women were employed, indicates some of the problems arising out of their entrance in large number* into such work, and describes some of the typical condi- tions under which they labored. The records of the activities of the State supervisors of Negro Economics speak for themselves in Chapters IX to XVTII. The men in the field who followed the series of conferences and supervised on the ground the formation of State and local Negro worKers' ad- * visory committees in the coimties, towns, and cities of 11 States, with the necessary local routine to make effective the cooperation of white and colored citizens in meeting their many difficult and deh- cate racial labor problems, deserve high commendation as volunteer officers in the third fine of defense in industry and agriculture which labored to make the world safe for democracy. CHAPTER I. MIGRATION. Shortage of labor in northern industries was the direct cause of the increased Negro migration during the war period. This direct cause was, of course, augmented by other causes, among which were the increased dissatisfaction •v^'ith conditions in the South — the ravages of the boll weevil, floods, change of crop system, low wages, and poor houses and schools. A previous bulletin of the department summed up the causes as follows: Other causes assigned at the southern end are numerous: General dissatisfaction with conditions, ravages of boll weevil, floods, change of crop system, low wages, poor houses on plantations, poor school facilities, unsatisfactory crop settlements, rough treatment, lynching, desire for travel, labor agents, the Negro press, letters from friends in the North, and finally advice of white friends in the South where crops had failed. The Department of Labor estimates the Negro migration in figures of from 400,000 to 500,000. Other estimates, ranging from 300,000 to 800,000, have been made by individual experts and by private bureaus. Such a variation of figures goes to show the wide scope of the migi-ation. Prior to the war period the Negro worker had been sparsely located in the North, but the laws of self-preservation of the industrial and agri- cultural assets of our coimtry and the law of demand and supply turned almost overnight both into war and private industries hundreds of thousands of Negro workers, among whom there were laborers, mold- ers, carpenters, blacksmiths, painters, janitors, chauffeurs, machinist laborers, and a mass of other workers, comprising, probably, nearly every type of skilled, semiskilled, and imskilled labor. The most marked effects of the migration were easily determinable. First, the agricultural regions of the Southern States, particularly Mississippi and Louisiana, began to suffer for want of the Negro worker who had so long tilled the soil of those regions. On the other hand, the Negro workers who had been turned into the plants of the North faced the necessity of performing efficient work in the mini- mum amount of time, of adjusting themselves to northern condi- tions and of becoming fixtures in their particular line of employ- ment, or becoming "floaters." It is interesting to review for a moment some of the wage scales in Southern States. In 1917 about $12 a month was being paid for farm labor m many sections. In other sections 75 cents and $1 a day were considered equitable wages. During the harvesting of rice in the "grinding season" the amoimt was usually increased to $1.25 and $1.75 per day, with a possible average of $1.50. Cotton was always considered a cheap-labor crop, about which one man has said: The world has gone on thinking that the farm labor in the South should work for 75 cents or $1 a day when all other labor is getting $1.50 and $2 per day. 10 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 11 The States which contributed most largely to the masses of mi- grants were North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Temiessee. The m.i- grants from those States rapidly supplemented the Negro workers already sparsely employed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, and West Virginia.^ 1 See Negro Migration in 1916-17, Department of Labor bulletin. Government Printing Office. 1919. CHAPTER TT. CREATION OF THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF NEGRO ECONOMICS. In view of the perplexing questions \^dth regard to Negroes in in- dustry and agriculture and the migration of Negroes from the South to the North during 1916, 1917, and 1918, upon representations of white and Negro citizens and several influential organizations dealing particularly with Negro life and race relations, the Secretary of Lahor, Hon. William B. Wilson, after consideration and favorable recommen- dation by his Advisory Council on the war organization of the Depart- ment of Labor, decided to create the position of adviser on Negro labor in his immediate office, with the title of Director of Negro Economics. The function of this official was to advise the Secretary and the directors and chiefs of the several bureaus and divisions of the department on matters relating to Negro wage earners, and to outline and promote plans for greater cooperation between Negro wage earners, white employers, and white workers in agriculture and industry. In starting this work the Secretary stated that as Negroes con- stitute about one-tenth of the total population of the country and about one-seventh of the working population, it was reasonable and right that they should have representation at the council table when matters affecting them were being considered and decided. In de- fining the function of the office of the Director of Negro Economics the Secretary decided that the advice of the director should be secured before any work dealing with Negro wage earners was undertaken and that he be kept advised of the progress of such work so that the Department might have, at all times, the benefit of his judgment in all matters affecting Negroes. Accordingly, on May 1, 1918, the Secretary of Labor called to that position Dr. George E. Haynes, professor of sociology and economics at Fisk University and one of the secretaries of the National League on LTrban Conditions among Negroes. Dr. HajTies was strongly recom- mended by many individuals and organizations, among them being the Commercial Club of Nashville, Tenn., his home city. The Secretary of Labor, -with, the advice of the Director of Ne^ra Economics, early in May, 1918, considered and approved plans out- linmg three types of activities for dealing vrith. problems of Negro workers in their relations to white workers and white employers, as follows : 1. The organization of cooperative committees of white and colored citizens in the States and localities where problems of Negro labor arise, due to large numbers of Negro workers. 2. The development of a publicity or educational campaign to create good feeling between the races and to have both white and Negro citizens understand and cooperate with the purpose and plans of the department. 12 THE NEGRO AT WOEK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 13 3. The appointment of Negro staff workers in the States and localities to develop this organization of committees, to conduct this work of better racial labor relations, and to assist the several divisions and services of the department in mobilizing and stabilizing Negro labor for winning the war. In undertaking to carry out the three parts of this plan, the office of the Secretary recognized two main difficulties : 1. The difficulty of forestalling a strong feeling of suspicion on the part of the colored people, growing out of their past experiences in racial and labor matters. 2. The difficulty of forestalling a wrong impression among white people, especially those in the South, about the efforts of the department, and of having them understand that the department wishes to help them in local labor problems by means of its plans. Tliese cardinal facts were also given due consideration: 1. The two races are thrown together in their daily work, the majority of the em- ployers and a large number of the employees having relations with Negro employees being white persons. These conditions give rise to misunderstandings, prejudices, antagonisms, fears, and suspicions. These facts must be recognized and dealt with in a statesmanlike manner. 2. The problems are local in character, arising, as they do, between local employers and local employees. The people, however, in local communities, need the vision of national policies, plans, and standards to apply to their local situations. 3. Any plan or program should be based upon the desire and need of cooperation between white employers and representatives of Negro wage earners, and, wherever possible, white wage earners. FIELD ORGANIZATION— CONFERENCES AND COMMITTEES. The first step in setting up the field organization was a preliminary trip of the Director of Negro Economics to strategic centers in a number of States where Negro workers' problems were of pressing importance. Through preliminary correspondence, informal con- ferences and interviews were held with representative white and Negro citizens from different parts of each State visited. These interviews and conferences established the first points of sympathetic contact for cooperation in subsequent efforts to improve labor condi- tions and race relations. These preliminary visits laid the foundation for subsequent work. For instance, the North Carolina conference, called by Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor of the State and described below, which set the model for other Southern States, grew out of such a preliminary visit. The creation of the Negro workers' committees of Virginia and the cooperation of the Negro Organization Society of that State grew out of a similar visit on the trip. Similar results followed the connections made in other States. Upon the visit to a State, officials of State and private schools for Negroes, of the State councils of defense, representatives of the chambers of commerce, of the United States Employment Service, and of white and Negro colleges promised cooperation and assistance in the efforts of the department to stimulate Negro wage earners by improving their condition m such a way as to increase their efficiency for maximum production to win the war. L The first of a series of State conferences of representative white and Negro citizens was called on June 19, 1918, by Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor of North Carolina, at his office in the State capitol at Raleigh. There were present at this conference 17 of the most sub- stantial Negroes from all parts of the State and five white citizens, 14 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. including the governor, who presided throughout the conference and took an active part in the proceedings. .^ The plans of the Department of Labor for increasing the morale and efficiency of Negro workers were outlined by the Director of Negro Economics and freely discussed. At the close of the meeting the governor appointed a temporary' committee which drafted a constitution providing for a State Negro Workers' Advisory Com- mittee and for the organization of local county and city committees. This plan of organization, with slight modifications and readjust- ments, later served as a model for other States in the development of a voluntary field organization which was set up in the course of the next six months in fom* other southern States, and six northern States. Gov. Bickett was so highly pleased with the result of the conference that he issued a statement to the public press saying that this meeting was one of the most patriotic and helpful conferences he had ever attended. A State meeting of white and colored citizens was held by the Southern Sociological Congress at Gulf port, Miss., July 12, 1918. The congress extended an invitation to the Director of Negro Eco- nomics to address the meeting. About 200 white citizens, business men and planters, and about 75 Negro citizens of the State were in attendance^ The department took advantage of this State gathering to call together those who were especially interested in the adjustment of Negro labor problems. The address of the Director of Negro Eco- , nomics before the congress received a hearty response from both whites and Negroes present, and as a result several of the white citi- zens took an active part in the conference, which worked out a plan of State-wide organization similar to the one adopted by North Carolina. v-^ On the basis of the precedent set by Gov. Bickett and the success at the Gulf port meeting of the Southern Sociological Congress, Hon. Sidney Catts, Governor of Florida, called a conference of white and Negro citizens at Jacksonville, on July 16, 1918. After full discussion of plans and procedure this conference adopted a program and formed a State Negro Workers' Advisory Committee composed of representa- tive white and colored citizens under the auspices of the State Council of National Defense and the United States Employment Service. •■ A program of activities was worked out, having as its object the "pro- motion of better conditions and a better understanding of employ- ment matters relating to the Negroes of Florida in order that greater production of food and war supplies might be the result. So great was the enthusiasm on the day of the conference that the citizens of Jacksonville, white and colored, held a monster mass meeting, at which the governor, the Director of Negro Economics, and other officials spoke. In the meantime, through the help of the Negro Organization Society of Virginia, the Negro Workers' Advisory Committee of that State was organized and the first supervisor of Negro economics, a Negro citizen of training and experience, T. C. Erwin, was appointed and undertook the direction of advisory work in the State. The next step was to get the work and organization launched in northern territory. Ohio was selected for the initial effort, and on August 5, 1918, a conference was called by the department with the hearty help of the Federal Director of the United States Employment \ THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 15 Service and Hon. James M. Cox, governor of Ohio. This conference met at the State Capitol at Columbus and was notable for the num- ber in attendance, and the enthusiasm and readiness with which they worked out a plan of State-wide organization. There were present about 125 persons — white employers, Negro wage earners, and rep- resentatives of white wage earners. The afternoon session was closed with a splendid address by the governor. The conference adopted the usual plan of State organization and Charles E. Hall, the second supervisor of Negro economics, was assigned to the State to develop the organization and to supervise the work, under the auspices of the United States Employment Service office. C One other conference, that held in Louisville, Ky., August 6, 1918, needs to be described as showing one other slight variation in the far-reaching significance of the cooperative plan of organization. This conference was unique in that the plan of organization adopted was that of a united war-work committee made up jointly by those representing the State Council of Defense, United States Food Ad- ministration, United States Department of Agriculture, and the United States Department of Labor, white and colored citizens being the persons representing these various interests. The conference was noted for its enthusiasm. Hon. A. O. Stanley, governor of Ken- tucky, made an enthusiastic address to the conference and a large mass meeting followed in the evening. By the time of the Kentucky conference, three months after the first plans were outlined, the influence of the State conferences and their feasibility were so well proved as a means of starting a State move- ment and creating good will and favorable sentiment that other con- ferences followed as a matter of course in setting up the State work. Additional conferences in 1918 were held in Georgia, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey. A national informal conference was called by the Secretary of Labor and met in Washington, D. C, February 17-18, 1919. This conference included men and women representing welfare and social service organizations, both North and South, of both Negroes and white people, in order that the views and interests of all sections and of both races might be ascertained,' The kejmote of the confer- ence was sounded by the Secretary of Labor in welcoming the repre- sentatives. He said: Congress in defining the duties of the Department of Labor made no distinction either as to sex or race, and, I may add, as to previous condition of servitude. We were authorized to promote the welfare of wage earners, whether men or women or children, whether they were white or colored, whether they were native born or aUen residents; and in the undertaking to promote the welfare of the wage workers we have not assumed that it was our duty to promote the welfare of the wageworker at the expense of the plans of the commimity but to promote the welfare of the wageworker, ha\dng due respect to the rights of all other portions of oiu* population. The Assistant Secretary of Labor, Louis F. Post, in addressing the conference said: It is the function of the Department of Labor to look after the interests of all wage earners of any race, any age, or either sex. Special subjects were discussed, as follows: Lines of work which should be undertaken for improving race relations and con- ditions of Negro workers. 16 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Conduct and toleration as necessary for cooperation and good will between Negro and white workers. Special problems of women in industry'. The Ne^o land tenants and farm laborers and what agencies may do to help them. Education and Negro workers. On the second day the informal conference gave most of its time to the general topic: "Unity of action in local commmiities to secm"e efficiency and cooperation of welfare agencies and methods, by which the Department of Labor and other governmental agencies can best cooperate with private agencies and organizations." In a set of resolutions adopted and recommended to the Secretary of Labor the following important points are set forth : RESOLUTION ON PLAN OF COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATION ADOPTED AT INFORMAL CON- FERENCE ON NEGRO LABOR PROBLEMS, FEBRUARY 17 AND 18. 1919, AS APPROVED BY THE SECRETARY OF LABOR. Whereas the improvement of conditions of Negro wage earners and the improvement of relations of white employers, of white wage earners and of Negro wage earners are (juestions of great importance for the advancement of the welfare of all wage earners in America; and Whereas the several organizations and agencies specifically interested in promoting the better adjustment of Negro wage earners to American life need to work in closer cooperation : Therefore, It behooves representatives of such boards, agencies and organizations interested in such questions to adopt measures of cooperative organization, of action, and of policy that will foster constructive work along these lines. We, therefore, the representatives of such organizations, inA^ted to an informal con- ference in Washington by the Secretary of Labor, do hereby recommend and ask the Secretary to use his good offices in laying before the organizations represented, and any other organizations that may be interested, a plan of cooperative organization and effort on the following general lines: 1. That local efforts to influence employers of Negro workers to provide welfare facilities be undertaken, jointly, by all the agencies attempting to do such work in a community; and that the local representatives of the Department of Labor be used as far as practicable as a channel through which the experiences and methods of the sev- eral agencies shall seek exchange in these local efforts. Where there is no such local governmental organization or representative of the Department of Labor, and several agencies desire to act, that they request the Depart- ment of Labor to assist them in getting such a neutral channel of cooperation. 2. That our several agencies, boards and organizations, which undertake the organi- zation of any work or the expenditure of any funds for improving the living and neigh- borhood conditions of Negro workers in local communities seek to become informed of similar plans of other agencies, boards and organizations before deciding on plans or taking action. 3. That the Department of Labor be asked to furnish such information and to provide such facilities as are necessary for keeping the agencies, boards and organiza- tions informed of such plans, efforts, or proposed undertakings or steps that have been . undertaken by the several agencies, boards and organizations interested. 4. That each agency, board or organization here represented, or any other agency, board or organization that may hereafter be concerned shall, as soon as practicable, make available to the Department of Labor such parts of its records, facilities and opportunities as are necessary in order that the Department may have available the information needed for using its good offices in furthering the cooperation of such agen- cies, boards, or organizations. That such agencies, boards, or organizations detail for service in this connection such personnel ser\'ices of its staff as may be needed for carrying out the part of any effort in which said agency, board, or organization may be involved. 5. The Department of Labor is also asked to call a second conference, at the time that seems best, of representatives of the organizations that have been invited to this conference; also representatives of such other organizations that may be interested or concerned for futher discussion of the questions involved in connection with Negro economics, in, order that further exchange of experiences and plans of unity and co- operation may be discussed. • ' » THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 17 The following resolution was adopted by the conference as an addi- tion to the report of the committee: 6. That it is the consensus of this body that the representatives of national organi- zations attending this conference request their local representatives in various States to cooperate immediately with the representatives of the Director of Negro Economics of the United States Department of Labor in all matters affecting the interests of the Negro workers. A program of national work was also adopted and recommended to the Secretary covering the following matters : 1. Survey of Negro labor conditions. 2. The getting of Negro workers into industry. 3. Holding Negro workers in industry, including the impro\ing of living and working conditions in both agriculture and industry. 4. Training the next generation of workers. 5. The general advancement of Negro wage earners in the United States. The following are some of the organizations signing, and the names of their representatives : Name. Organization or agency represented. Dr. Jesse E. Moorland (chairman) (Miss) Nannie Burroughs International Committee, Y. M. C. A. The National Training School. (Mi^«) Mfiry C. .Tanlr'^nn, . War Work Council, Y. W. C. A. (National Board). John R. Sh'illady 1 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. War Camp Community Service. National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes. Phelp-Stokes Fund. National War Work Council, Y. M. C. A. (Vice) Walter F. White T. S. Settle F.iigpnp. Kincklfi Tnnps C. H. Tobias .' .Tohn T, F.mlpn, Armstrong Association of Philadelphia. Dr. Rodney W. Roundy American Missionary Association. Dr. R. R. Moton Rev. Harnld M. King1.75 Brake shoes . 2.40-3.00 $0.25 (') 2. SO .30-. 38 Do 2.50-3.00 Do .30-. 40 2. .50 Shells." .30-. 40 TEXAS. 300 6 75 40 40 30 45 70 120 80 100 100 100 100 100 10 9 10 10 11 $0.30-.40 .30-.33J $2. ,50-6. 00 Do 2.75 .30 VIRGINIA. Ammunition boxes. . . . Cement Chains Chemicals Do Commissary contractor. Creosoted material Fertilizer Do Foundry Do Guncotton Houses Land and gravel Lime Lumber Do Do Paving Pig iron Pipe Shell loading Tobacco With board. 25 100 1 250 150 10 16 30 5 12 1,158 80 10 57 116 200 (?) 5 70 870 475 125 50 40 75 30 150 65 53 30 58 54 .5,233 204 40 35 49 75 30 250 85 75 1,336 275 100 70 100 100 100 90 100 90 100 100 100 95 78 75 50 100 100 70 100 25 $0.35 .35 .35-. 40 .38J .35-. 40 .35 .35-. 44 .35-. 40 .35 2 No figures available. S3. 85 3.50-5.00 4.00 2.50 4.00 3.75 3.00 2.50 3. 25-4. 25 3.00-4.00 3.00 3.85 2.75 2. 00-5! 00 3.84 To ascertain more definitely and more in detail facts needed in understanding the problems involved in the Negro's new relation to industry, the Inspection and Investigation Service undertook an in- tensive study of several basic industries employing Negroes in 1918- 19. Mr. Byron K. Armstrong and two other investigators were sent to visit establishments that were employing perhaps large numbers of Negroes. The study had to be discontinued before completion THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 41 because the service under which it was being made was abolished after failure of appropriations. The data, therefore, cover only a few plants in Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania and does not include other States as originally planned. The conclusions that might have been drawn, therefore, will necessarily be deferred until further data is available. The facts and figures that were secured, however, are illuminating and instructive. The table which follows below (Table II) gives the details as to kinds of occupations, the average number of hours worked per week, the average earnings per week, and the average earnings per hour of 4,260 white men and 2,722 Negro men in 194 occupations in 23 establishments, for six basic industries — foundries, slaughtering and meat packing, automobiles, coke ovens, iron and steel and their products, and glass manufacturing. A supplement to this table (Table II) gives similar figures for 153 white and 83 Negro women in slaughtering and meat packing. The occupations shown in these two tables have been classified as skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled. This classification, to be sure, is uncertain and open to serious question but is the best designation feasible under our present lack of occupational analysis. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, says in its introductory statement to the first report on its "Description of Occupations": These descriptions of occupations are based on investigations, including private interviews and correspondence, extending over practically the entire United States. The one outstanding fact coming from this investigation is that there are no standards or generally accepted occupational names or definitions. The classification in the tables given below, however, were made as carefully as possible, with the assistance of the employment ex- perts of the plants visited, upon the basis of descriptions of -the actual processes the worker performed. They are not presented as conclusive, but only as indicative of the standards in proficiency required and pay received for such work. Some occupations, " car- penters" for mstance, have been classed as unskilled or semiskilled that on further consideration might be otherwise listed. This has been done in line with the classification of work into grades and plac- ing the work done in a particular establishment in the class that seems most indicative of its grade. Two comparisons from Table II — the average hourly earnings of Negro workers and the average number of hours worked per week — call for comment. There were 85 occupations in which 5 or more Negro men and 5 or more white men each were engaged in the 23 plants. Of these occupations 8 were classified as skilled, 25 were classified as semiskilled, and 52 were classified as unskilled. For purposes of these comparisons on the average hours worked per week and average hourly earnings some cases of the same occupa- tions in which five or more Negro workers and five or more white workers were employed in different plants were reckoned as a differ- ent unit of comparison of hours and of wages. The average number of hours worked per week and the average weekly earnmgs are based upon figures taken from the official records of each establishment. The foundries were the only plants that employed any considerable number of Negroes in skilled occupations. In 6 foundries there were 6 imits of comparison in skilled occupations on the basis here de- 42 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. scribed; meat packing and slaughtering establishments reported only 1 such unit of comparison in skilled occupations; 5 automobile estab- lishments reported no skilled occupations in which 5 or more Negroes were employed ; coke ovens (1 establishment) and glass manufacturing (1 establishment) had no skilled occupations in which 5 or more Negroes were employed and only 1 out of 8 iron and steel plants re- ported 1 skilled occupation which had a basis for such unit of com- parison. The fact that foundries have such a large representation of Negroes in skilled occupations may be explained partly because Negroes have probably had longer industrial experience in this industry than the other occupations listed, except possibly coke ovens. In the table, only 1 coke oven establishment is included, so a comparison can not be made. In the South, for more than a generation foundries have employed Negroes as molders and in other skilled and semiskilled work. When Negro workers migrated North, this was the line in which many of them had good skill and long experience. Their non- appearance in skilled occupations in iron and steel plants may be partly because their entrance in large numbers into these plants was to replace immigrant and foreign-born laborers who were doing mainly semiskilled and unskilled work, partly because of the smaQ proportion of skilled work in the industry, partly because some organized crafts in the industry were opposed to the employment of Negroes in their trade, and partly because not a great many Negroes possessed necessary training and experience to qualify for skilled work in this field. Taking such comparisons of skilled units in the foundries which were studied, Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked per w^eek than white workers in 3 units and a higher average earnings per hour in 1 unit. In 3 units Negro workers showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers and in 5 units a lower average of earnings per hour than white workers. In the one unit of comparison of skilled occupations in slaughtering and meat-packing establishments Negro workers showed a higher aver- age number of hours worked per week and a higher average of earnings per hour than white workers. In the one unit of comparison of skilled occupations in the iron and steel industry the Negro workers showed a lower average number of hours worked per week and lower average earnings per hour than w^hite workers. Turning to units of comparison for occupations classed as semi- skilled, in 5 foundries Negro workers showed a higher average num- ber of hours worked per week than white workers in 3 units and a higher average earnings per hour in 3 units. Negro workers made a lower average number of hours worked than white workers in 2 units and a lower average earnings per hour in 2 units. In slaughtering and meat packing, in 1 unit of comparison of semi- skilled occupations, Negro workers made a higher average number of hours worked and a higher average earnings per hour than white workers. In automobile establishments in 6 units of comparison of semi- skilled occupations, Negro workers showed the same average nuniber of hours worked as white workmen and the same average earnings THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAK. 43 per hour. In the coke ovens establishment, Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours than white workers in 1 unit and a higher average earnings per hour in 1 unit; a lower average num- ber of hours worked than white workers in 1 unit and a lower average earnings per hour in 2 units. In iron and steel plants Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked than white workers in 3 units of semiskilled occupations and a higher average earnings per hour in 2 units; a lower average number of hours than white workers in 1 unit and a lower average earnings per hour in 1 unit. Negro workers showed the same average number of hours worked per week as white workers in 6 units and the same average earnings per Aveek in 7 units. In glass manufacture Negro workers showed a lower average number of hours worked in 1 unit of semi- skilled occupations and a lower average hourly earnings in 1 unit. Taking the semiskilled group as a whole for all establishments em- ploying 5 or more Negro workers and 5 or more white workers, there are 25 units of comparison. These show that Negro workers had a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in 8 units and a higher average earnings per hour in 8 units, about one-third in each. Negro workers showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers in 5 units and a lower average earnings per hour in 5 units, about one-fourth in each. Negro workers showed the same average number of hours worked per week as white workers in 12 units and the same average earnings per hour in 12 units. The occupations classed as unskilled furnish the largest number of units of comparison — 52 in aU. In the foundries Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in six units and a higher average earnings per hour in five units. They showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers in two units, a lower average earnings per hour in four miits, and the same average number of hours worked per week as white workei-s in one unit. In slaughtering and meat packing Negro workers made a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in four units of unskilled occu- pations and a higher average earnings per hour in two units. They showed a lower average number of hours worked than white workers in four units and lower average earnings per hour in six units. In automobile establishments Negro workers showed the same average number of hours worked as white workers and the same average earnings per week in seven units of unskilled occupations. At the coke ovens plant Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in seven units and a higher average earnings per hour in five units. They showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers in four units and lower average earnings per hour than white workers in six units. In the iron and steel industries Negro workers made a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in tour units and a higher average earnings per hour in six units of unskilled occupations. They showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers in six units and lower average earn- mgs per week than white workers in four units. They showed the same average number of hours worked per week as white workers in 44 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. five units and the same average earnings p>er week as white workers in five units. In the glass manufacturing estabhshment Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers and a lower average earnings per week than white workers in two units of comparison of unsfilled occupations. Taking the 52 units of comparison of unskilled occupations as a whole, Negro workers showed a higher average number of hoHrs worked per week than white workers in 23 units, nearly one-haK of the total, and a higher average earnings per week in 18 units, a little more than one-third of the total number. They showed a lower average number of hours worked per week than white workers in 16 units, or a little less than one-third of the total number, and a lower average earnings per hour in 22 units or about two-fifths of the total number. Negro workers showed the same average number of hours worked per week as white workers in 13 units, or about one- fourth of the total number, and the same average earnings per week week as white workers in 12 units of unskilled occupations, or less than one-fourth of the total number. To sum up the comparison of unskilled units, Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours than white workers in nearly one-half of the total number of units of comparison, a lower average number of hours worked per week in a little less than one- third of the total number, and the same average number of hours worked per week in about one-fourth of the total number of units. The Negro workers showed a higher average earnings per week than white workers in a little more than one-third of the total number of units; a lower average weekly earnings in about two-fifths of the total number of units, and the same average earnings per week as white workers in less than one-fourth of the total number of units of white and Negro workers compared in unskilled occupations. Taking the total 85 units of comparison for the three classifications of skilled, semiskilled, and imskdlled occupations in all the establish- ments, the Negro workers showed a higher average number of hours worked per week than white workers in 35 miits, or considerably more than one-third of the total number of imits; a lower average number of hours worked per week in 25 units, or less than one-third, and the same average number of hours worked per week as white workers in 25 units, or less than one-third of the total units of com- parison. Negro workers showed higher average earnings per hour than white workers in 28 units, or about one- third of the total number of units of comparison in the three classes of occupations; they showed lower average earnings per week in 33 units, or considerably more than one- third of the total; and the same average earnings per week in 24 units, or somewhat less than one-third of the total number of units of comparison in all the occupations listed. The figures in detail of Table II, showing classification of occu- pations, the number of white and Negro employees, and the average number of hours of work per week and the average earnings per week and per hour of white and Negro workers in the specified occupations follows: THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 45 Table II. — Comparative table of "average hours of work'' and "average earnings" of male white and Negro employees engaged in specified occupations of six basic indus- tries— 1918-19. [S, skilled; S-S, semiskilled; Un-S, unskilled.] Occupation. FOUNDRY (iron AND steel). Carpenters Furnace men Grinders Laborers MillwTights Holders Core makers Chippers Electric welders Grinders Laborers do Holders Core makers Holders' do.i Laborers Holders Carpenters Casting chippers . . . . Casting cleaners Core-room helpers.. . Craters Cupola helpers Floor molders Foundry helpers Helpers Janitors Laborers Oven tenders Sweepers Yardmen Chippers Cub molders Cupola men Japanners Laborers Holders Holders' apprentices Holders' helpers Shake-out men SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT PACKING. Backers Brinze trimmers . . . Caul pullers Droppers (hoist).. . Fell beaters Gutters Headers Knockers Laborers Leg breakers Pritchers-up Rumpers Rump sawyers Splitters Switchers-on rail . . . Truckers Beef casings: Gut runners Laborers Hachinemen . . . Strippers Kind of occu- pation S-S.. S-S.. S-S.. Un-S S S-S.. s S-S.. S S-S.. Un-S Un-S S S s s Un-S s s-s.. S-S.. Un-S S-S.. S-S.. S-S.. s S-S.. Un-S Un-S Un-S S-S.. Un-S Un-S S-S.. S-S.. S-S.. S-S.. Un-S s Un-S S-S.. S-S.. s Un-S S s s s Un-S S Un-S. S S S Un-S S-S.. S Un-S S-S.. S Number of em- ployees. White. Negro, 1 1 11 16 78 233 1 12 11 7 10 3 1 2 5 29 59 42 35 140 38 24 24 29 24 16 8 62 69 33 35 45 2 ."> 4 32 6 6 26 1 1 7 24 11 12 17 6 6 3 5 40 19 2 2 26 10 2 1 17 3 1 8 2 4 3 1 37 7 .54 3 2 6 16 13 1 6 Average num- ber of hours worked per week. White. Negro, 59.00 67.75 40.65 48.55 58.75 52.75 54.30 43.30 57.30 48.50 58.30 68.20 51.50 47.70 49.20 50.80 48.40 47.90 50.40 38.10 40.30 35.30 42. 50 35.20 40.80 31.00 42.70 50.00 43.00 43.10 45.50 51.00 2 60.25 58.50 65.00 2 58. .50 2 56. 30 2 50. 50 2 62.50 2 64.80 2 37.50 68.20 67.50 64.50 67.50 74.00 67.50 51.20 68.50 68.90 67.50 64.00 67.90 67.50 67.50 79.50 55.50 70.90 64.20 74.60 67.50 38.00 62.00 45.40 46.95 58. 25 48.15 56.00 53.00 57.00 44.90 58.70 68.65 47.20 55.60 53.30 50.85 43.30 45.40 48.10 48.40 50.60 40.00 28.50 52.90 37.60 41.90 52.20 44.80 43.00 51.50 55. 90 51.00 2 65.00 56.80 62.60 2 58. 50 2 63. 05 2 39. 65 2 55. 40 2 54.25 2 33.35 71.50 67.50 54.80 65.50 74.00 67.70 59.80 68.50 70.60 62.90 67.50 69.80 68.00 67.50 69.00 63.90 67.50 71.50 67.50 69.50 Average earn- ings per week. White. Negro $23.60 28.79 15.49 17.41 26.44 30.22 28.44 22.98 38.63 27.39 24.70 23.96 25.23 31.12 28.53 28.71 24.91 28.47 26.29 14.97 15.21 12.05 17.56 13.83 25.38 11.78 17.27 18.24 17.74 20.39 14.50 16.95 2 31. 85 27.19 31.00 2 32. 74 2 23. 18 2 35. 89 2 25.00 2 29.12 2 37. 21 49.44 30. 04 31.92 29.03 32.93 33.75 29.17 32.54 27.57 32.07 27.52 45.18 33.75 53.67 34.19 23.87 36.85 25.68 32.08 30.72 $15.20 26.47 17.71 19.08 24.76 24.88 30.38 25.18 39.90 24.08 24.54 23.56 22.09 29.24 30.99 27.78 21.79 24.35 23.71 19.10 20.82 14.87 9.23 22.77 21.54 15.76 20.43 15.33 18. 75 20.07 19.02 12.67 2 47. 50 28.34 27.71 2 32. 85 2 25. 98 2 29. 19 2 26. 88 2 26. 31 2 34.63 51.84 30.04 27.10 28.18 32.93 33.88 34.06 31.85 28.24 29.88 29.03 35.93 34.00 53.67 30.95 27.48 35.10 28.59 29.03 31.63 Average earn- ings per hour. White. Negro, 0.4000 .4249 .3811 .3585 .4500 .5728 .5237 .5307 .6742 .5647 .4237 .3513 .4899 .6524 .5799 .5652 .5147 .5944 .5216 .3929 .3774 .3414 .4132 .3929 .6221 .3800 .4044 .36^8 .4126 .4731 .3187 .3324 .5287 .4648 .4769 .5597 .4117 .7107 .4000 .4494 .9922 .7249 .4450 .4949 .4301 .4450 .5000 .5697 .4750 .4001 .4751 4300 .6654 .5000 .7951 .4301 .4301 .5197 .4000 .4300 .4551 » PJfferwt types of molders, SO. 4000 .4269 .3900 .4063 .4250 .5167 .5425 . 4751 .7000 .5363 .4181 .3432 .4680 .5259 .5814 .5463 .5032 .5363 .4929 .3946 .4115 .3717 .3239 .4304 .5729 .3761 .3914 .3422 .4360 .3897 .3403 .2484 .7308 .4990 .4427 .5615 .4121 .7362 .4851 .48-50 1.0383 .7264 .4450 .4945 .4302 .4450 .5004 .5696 .4650 .4000 . 4827 . 4301 .5148 .5000 .7951 .4485 .4300 .5200 .3999 .4301 ,4551 i Compiled on a piecework basis, 46 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Table II. — Comparative table of "average hours of loork'" and "average earnings" of male ivhite and Negro employees engaged in specified occupations of six basic indus- tries — 1918-19 — Continued. [S, skilled; S-S, semiskUled; Un-S, unskilled.] Average num- Number of em- ber of hours Average earn- Average earn- Estab- lish- ment Kind plo> ees. worked per ings per week. ings per hour. Occupation. of occu- pation. week. White. Negro. White. Negro. White. Negro. White. Negro. SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT PACKING — COn. 6 Dry salt: Dippers S-S... S-S... Un-S. Un-S. Un-S. Un-S . 1 2 3 5 5 1 1 1 2 5 5 66.50 70.90 56. 30 52.20 62.90 64.70 46. 30 51.30 67.00 58. 30 63.90 .59. 90 $28.60 33.05 23.37 22.70 27.02 26.85 $19.88 22.02 28.81 25.05 27.09 24.83 $0. 4301 .4298 .4151 .4349 .4296 .4150 $0.4294 Graders . .4292 .4300 Packers .4297 Pilers .4239 Rubbers .4145 Truckers Un-S . 12 12 65.50 61.30 2*1.20 24.53 .4000 .4002 Hog heads: _ Laborers Un-S . 3 4 57.20 68.00 22.87 27.20 .3998 .4000 Skinheads S 1 1 61.10 61.10 27.20 27.20 .4452 . 4452 Hog killing: Laborers Un-S. 24 32 72.30 f)2. 30 28.94 24.92 .4003 .4000 Shave sides S 1 2 57.40 57.40 26.10 26.10 . 4547 .4547 Snatchers s 1 1 97.00 97.00 44.59 44.72 .4597 . 46ia Sausage-making: •" Laborers Un-S. 3ii 9 47.80 69.20 19.12 27.67 .4000 .3999 7 Beef killing: Backers S S 2 2 2 2 66.00 66. 00 66.00 ()6.00 52.20 31. (« 52.20 31.68 .7909 .4800 .7909 Fell beaters .4800 Fell cutters S o 1 59.80 66.00 33.60 .37.08 .5619 ..5618 Foot skinners . . . S 3 2 62.30 43.00 30. 26 20.68 .4857 .4809 Gullet raisers S-S... 1 2 .53. 50 65.80 24.54 31.18 .4587 .4739 Gutters S S s 2 1 2 2 6 2 66.00 65.00 66.00 64.50 64.20 66.00 36.00 40.18 33.48 35.00 39.76 33.48 . 5455 .6181 .50/3 .5426 Headers . .6193 Knockers .5073 Laborers Un-S . 20 18 56.20 .54.80 24.43 23.83 .4347 .4349 Leg breakers S 4 fi 46.40 62. 50 24.10 32.48 .5194 .5»7 Rimip sawyers. . s 3 3 47.30 65. 80 25.75 35.89 .5444 .5454 Splitters s 1 3 66.00 66.00 57.24 57.24 .8673 .8673 Repair department: Steamfltters.. .'. . s 52 13 65.70 72.60 37.68 41.76 .5735 .5752 8 Canning department (bacon): Butchers S-S... 3 U 57.70 56.90 25.89 25.83 .4487 .4540 Laborers Un-S. 100 84 58.40 59.10 25.21 25.45 .4317 .4306 Nailers S-S... 41 2 56.30 51.50 24.85 22.80 .4414 .4427 9 Beef coolers: Knifemen S-S... 14 13 64.80 67.80 27.33 29.11 .4218 .4294 Laborers Un-S. 20 34 58.70 59.90 23.41 23.88 .3988 .3987 Pieceworkers S 3 4 61.30 47.90 48.00 30.83 .7830 .6436 AUTOMOBILES. 10 Boiler room S-S... S-S... 6 25 4 1 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 22.57 30.00 22.57 22.80 .4514 .6000 .4514 Connecting rod de- .4560 partment. Enamel rubbers S-S... 16 4 50.00 50.00 35. 75 24.75 .7150 .49.50 Lathe department . . S-S . . . 60 1 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 .6000 .6000 Machine shop S-S... 8 1 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 .6000 .6000 Motor assembling . . . S-S... 30 1 50.00 50.00 38.75 38.75 .7750 .7750 Piston department. . S-S... 30 1 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 .6000 .6000 Sand-blast room I'n-S . 9 2 50.00 50.00 33.00 33.00 .6600 .6600 Stock tracers Un-S. 15 4 50.00 50.00 20.79 20.79 .4158 .4158 11 Core makers S 6 2 55.00 55.00 33. 55 33.55 .6100 .6100 do S-S... S-S... Un-S. 25 22 128 25 45 136 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 28. 60 26.40 24.20 28.60 26.40 24.20 .5200 .4800 .4400 .5200 .4800 Inside laborers .4400 Un-S. Un-S. 20 73 109 14 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 23.10 26.40 23.10 26.40 .4200 .4800 .4200 Stock handlers .4800 Truck drivers S-S-. 19 3 55.00 55.00 26.40 26.40 .4800 .4800 Truckers S-S.. Un-S S-S.. 24 8 54 134 12 15 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 23.10 26.40 33.00 23.10 26.40 33.00 .4200 .4800 .6000 .4200 12 .4800 Machine molders .6000 Un-S . S-S.. 10 25 4 25 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 26.40 33.00 26.40 33.00 .4800 .6000 .4800 Mold rammers .6000 Molders s Un-S . Un-S . Un-S . S-S... 6 10 80 50 100 3 20 40 65 60 55.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 55.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 44.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 44.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 .8000 .4500 .4500 .4500 .4500 .8000 13 Janitors .4500 Laborers .4500 Sweepers .4500 Truckers .4500 THE ISTEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 47 Table II. — Comparative table of '^average hours of ivork" and ''average earnings" of male tvkite and Negro employee* engaged in specified occupations of six basic indus- tries— 191S-19~Contimied. [S, skilled; S-S, semiskilled; Un-S, unskilled.] Occupation. Kind of occu- pation. Number of em- ployees. White. Negro Average num- ber of hours worked per week. White. Negro Average earn- ings per week. White. Negro, Average earn- ings per hour. White. Negro COKE OVENS.3 Battery-door hoisters Battery-house labor- ers. Battery laborers By-product labor Coal unloaders Coke loaders Crane engineers Door cleaners Dryermen Firemen Foremen Gas tenders Laborers Larr3mien Lidsmen Luttermen Batchers Pencilmen Pushers Salt wheelers Standpipe men Sulphate laborers . . . Water tenders IKON AND STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS. Transportation: Switchmen Pfate mill: Ctndersnappers . Hookers Laborers Pushers Scrapmen Shear helpers . . . Blast furnace: Cinder laborers.. First helpers Handymen Keepers, furnace Laborers Larrycar helper. Larrycar opera^ tors. Stockhouse la- borers. Gas makers Laborers Do Do Car checkers .... Furnacemen Inspectors Laborers Machine opera- tors. Spring formers.. Assemblers Laborers Machine hands. . Maintenance Picklers and sharers. Piercers S-S.. Un-S, Un-S, Un-S, Un-S , Un-S, S Un-S, Un-S, Un-S, S Un-S. Un-S, S-S.. Un-S , Un-S , Un-S , Un-S , S-S... Un-S. Un-S . Un-S . S-S . . , Un-S. Un-S. Un-S. Un-S . Un-S . Un-S. Un-S . S-S... Un-S. S Un-S. Un-S. S-S... Un-S. S-S... Un-S . Un-S . S-S... Un-S . Un-S , S-S... Un-S , S-S... S-S... S-S... Un-S. S S-S... S-S... S-S... 20 1 2 5 149 5 5 31 12 30 12 6 5 30 3 3 2 17 5 12 22 36 21 1 18 121 35 22 1 4 212 53 2 8 15 12 21 21 74 19 145 55 16 10 2 146 10 1 11 2 13 3 4 1 20 1 20 13 3 144.90 3 161.K) 3 150.30 3 139.60 3 163.20 3 142.60 3 1.56.00 3 165.90 3 151.70 3 180.00 3 156.00 3 15.S.10 3 149.80 3 108.50 3 160.70 3 1,52.20 3 148.00 3 142.50 3 1.58..30 3 133.30 3 160.70 3 140.90 3 175.00 74.35 78.00 66.00 67.85 73. 40 74.20 77.55 72.35 69.75 78.00 73.75 61.50 73.10 62.60 54.00 67.00 44.60 81.55 85.85 62.25 67.70 61.40 60.95 55.65 63.05 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3 131.30 3 150.00 3 156.50 3 149.50 163.80 3 167.50 3 155.00 143.00 3 161.70 3 1.52.70 3 168.00 3 153.20 3 143.00 3 155.20 3 1.56.20 3 1.57.60 3 144.00 3 1.54.90 3 167..50 3 134.00 3 144.60 3 164.00 3 180.00 72. 40 60.00 68.00 70.00 75.80 74.45 71.05 64.00 61.90 73.80 75.00 62.65 62.00 63.00 69.70 46.50 69.55 91.70 50.00 62.75 61.40 61.50 48.40 37.55 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 3$71.12 3 77. 25 3 65. 73 3 SO. 32 3 68. 62 3 96. 30 3 78. 38 3 73.01 3 87. 50 3 98. 58 3 80.10 3 76. 55 3 .53. 17 3 77.36 3 73. 44 3 69.81 '3 66. 35 3 77. 70 3 63. 29 3 77.21 3 66.30 3 94. 27 41.56 39.06 31.44 31.51 51.72 51.99 52.00 35.52 34.14 45.05 40.73 30.04 35. 75 34.78 48.85 1 25.91 24.74 ■18.18 33.99 43.51 29.13 33.86 30.71 2.5.62 35.35 54.19 22.50 20.00 35.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 3$64.17 3 70. 76 3 73. 04 3 70. 70 3 75.58 3 85. 52 3 92. 75 3 67.72 3 77. 03 3 74.24 3 104.43 3 77.41 3 79. 08 3 76.08 3 75. 07 3 75. 90 3 68. 04 3 72.92 3 82. 16 3 72.18 3 69. 92 3 77.24 3 97.12 40.47 30.04 32.16 30.13 51.68 51.33 50.47 31.42 30.31 42.25 41.20 29.43 30.41 33.08 22.85 25.59 16.38 35.57 45.29 19. 95 31.60 32.69 26.83 25.40 33.00 22.50 20.00 35.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 $0. 4908 .4777 .4582 .4708 .4922 .4812 .6173 .4638 .4813 .4861 .6319 .5066 .5110 .4900 .4814 . 4825 .4717 .4656 .4908 .4748 .4807 .4736 .5387 .5590 .5007 .4764 .4644 .7046 .7007 .6705 .4909 .4895 .5775 .5523 .4657 .4890 .5555 .4798 .3693 .4076 .4168 .5068 .4680 .5001 .5002 .4203 .6352 .8595 .4500 .4000 .7000 .4500 .4500 .4500 . 4887 .4717 . 4668 ■ .4729 .4614 .5106 .5984 .4736 .4764 .4862 .6216 .5053 .5530 .4902 .4806 .4816 .4725 .4708 .4905 .5387 .4835 .4710 .5396 .5589 .5057 .4726 .4304 .6811 .6894 .7103 .4909 .4896 .5725 .5493 .4697 . 4905 .5250 .4678 .3671 .3523 .5114 .4939 .3990 .5036 .5324 .4363 .5248 .4500 .4000 .7000 .4500 .4500 .4500 3 Average number of hours and average earnings under this coke-oven schedule were available only for a period of 13 days, and it was impracticable, therefore, to try to estimate the weekly hours and earnings. 48 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Table II. — Comparative table of ^'average hours of work" and ^'average earnings" of male white and Negro employees engaged in specified occupations of six basic indus- tries — 1918-19 — Continued. [S, skilled; S-S, semiskilled; Un-S, unskilled.] Estab- Kind Number of em- ployees. Average niun- ber of hours worked per Average earn- ings per week. Average earn- ings per hour. lish- ment Occupation. of occu- pation. week. No. White. Negro. White. Ne^o. White. Negro. White. Negro. IRON AND STEEL AND THEIR PRODUCTS— continued. 18 Blast furnace— Con. Punch press hands. Punch press helpers. Stock handlers.. Hammerm e n's helpers. Laborers (raw material). Sweepers Truckers Yardmen Nutmakers Do S-S... Un-S. 16 46 1 17 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $22.50 20.00 $22.50 20.00 $0. 4.500 .4000 $0.4500 .4000 19 Un-S . S-S... 13 113 8 14 50.00 41.05 50.00 41.15 20.00 21.35 20.00 21.72 .4000 .5201 .4000 .5278 Un-S. 57 23 52.60 49.25 21.33 19.93 .4055 .4047 20 21 Un-S. S-S... Un-S . S-S... Un-S. S-S... S-S... S-S... Un-S. S-S... S-S... Un-S. 2 5 6 3 1 7 8 29 47 77 15 28 7 18 47 2 1 2 1 6 28 13 IS 7 47.00 49.25 55.30 53.50 53.50 53. 50 53. .50 53.00 53.00 .53, 00 53.00 53.00 53.60 50.00 62.45 53.50 48. .50 53. ,50 35.00 .53.00 53.00 .53.00 .53. 00 53.00 15.82 15.95 17.98 25.47 24.08 24.08 19.32 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 16.84 17.08 19.39 25.47 18.68 24.08 20.63 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 22.79 .3367 .3238 .3251 . 4750 .4500 .4500 .3611 .4300 .4300 .4300 .4300 .4300 .3142 .3416 .3105 .4750 .3852 .4500 22 Trimmers Coring .,5894 .4300 .4300 Furnace .4300 .4300 Stock room .4300 MANUFACTURING GLASS. 23 Un-S. S-S... S-S... Un-S. 30 27 10 36 16 11 2 6 48.80 53.20 56.70 60.10 49.60 60.70 60.60 69.40 14.75 16.72 22.65 18.52 14.09 15.08 21.00 20.21 .3023 .3143 .399» .3082 .2841 .2974 Producermen Yard laborers .3465 .2912 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 49 Comparative table of "average hours of work" and "average earnings" of female white and Negro employees engaged in specified occupations in the slaughtering and meat- packing industry . Occupation. Kind of occu- pation. Number of employees. Average number of tiours worked per week.i Average earnings per week. Average earnings per hour. Total "regu- lar" hours per week. White. Negro. White. Negro. White. Negro. White. Negro. White. Negro. HOG-HEAD PREPA- RATION. Washers and trim- mers. Un-S . 7 7 57.4 57.4 $19. 50 $19. 50 $0. 3397 $0.3397 48 48 SAUSAGE MANUFAC- TURING. Casings workers Sausage-tying workers. Stuffing-room workers. Un-S . Un-S . Un-S. 9 6 20 12 1 13 48.8 47.8 50.5 49.1 46.6 46.7 15.09 14.48 16.87 14.96 14.22 ' 16. 04 .3092 .3029 .3341 .3047 .3052 .3436 48 48 48 48 48 48 CANNING DEPART- MENT (BACON). Bacon wipers Can oilers Un-S . Un-S . Un-S . Un-S. Un-S . Un-S . Un-S . 2 9 9 36 22 2? 8 2 2 19 4 3 12 56.0 57.1 52.3 53.0 55.2 50.6 51.2 55.1 59.5 36.0 57.3 51.5 56.2 56.5 17.69 18.11 34.11 16.78 19.41 16.09 16.20 17.41 18.87 22.36 18.16 17.65 17.80 17.86 .3159 .3172 .6522 .3166 .3516 .3180 .3164 .3160 .3171 .6211 .3169 .3427 .3167 3161 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Can painters Can wipers Scalers 48 Solder droppers Wrappers 48 48 I The number of hours in excess of 48 should be regarded as ' ' overtime. 1989°— 21 4 50 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. ■^5 s? ^ s ?? o ta. ii. 1 a, o •w <4> ■s fe ^^ 8 ►ot>. c ic r^ 8 «o !?■-'« ^ S 'H ^^ rf? 5S o ^ ?° M S' ^ a. It ''^ .§ ^ 00 « S2 ?^ a," O ^ 3S 3 3 Tr-O --• J= "Co 'S^rn' i^: j o o ^ g «J3 ^•e ci m ^ ' ■ .3 n ^ '^ y. a ■gs-So «fe£§ z3 ^ M S " S; o — 3 S cos-- o m CO -H cc "O r^ -^ Ci -H ^ ro OS -o r^ ci — ;c < — -H CO C3 v3 C3 X O — o "" ^ 1 "^ O 3;^ 3i'a-j:si;i-^:='Sp t-i 3 " o JJ.13 <:j o--- ^ WZ EH ;z;o > ^-c 3 c I O o 'A <^ o6s § S ^ ° P o-t<~.~. ? o o H 2; t a 2"- t t — — ^ o2s=o 2J 2; o o ^;2; z ^: • o o n o 2: » "^ S 2 S o fc- a > file's S o >^ >H >.>m2:><2; z O ■ 6 Tr oC 3t^3-£^a ft o o< ^- 3 MS © S :?§ > V ^ a « ■0.2 Eh >H>H >H cJ g5 ^ oj « © (H |>H - - - --"C e ■'; o c go 0.= ^ s-o Z rs-c o.- o ^ :z hJ .i; c3 — fl 2 i»! x tj a S C3 c3 C3 fi. MM E-i[/;H e H 5 n a; C— o -HM « Tr«5 t^ 09 0» o ^ c*^ CO -^irscot^oo OS THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 51 »- O >^>H 2 So^ 00000 000 00 000 Ofl-3g 00 ... . . ... .►_ , . • ^2 OS P5a22 :2 o o 22 J a - g 2 iJ a sa o;=q MS II §a S 2<0 <;m 2 2w 2 (scsnc^cs -i COM i3R 2 IPO's" <^„_^ o 3 2 g D.3 Co t2oo2wmw2 "2 ». o a » 03 » C^ a a cl o ■a a c3. o o c t; . • ^^ t-" OQ D CLi O § -si'^^a "S "" ^^«flS -a •o o «>^ §5 ^ aj«§ a ^ o-g o-=«! a =3 ssS ^ ^ o'S o ■aM2^o«M.gS^ giftftSsgt^ao Q.b£OO»3-wtl£lS"60 a » >^«!03o2o« ^WW2m2tMH2 CHAPTER VII. STATISTICS ON THE MEAT-PACKING AND STEEL INDUSTRIES. One of the evidences of the growing importance of Negroes in northern industries is shown by the increasing percentage of Negroes employed in one or two of the large meat-packing establishments in Chicago diu-ing 1916, 1917, and 1918, and a steel company of Indiana Harbor for all the months of 1918. In the first meat-packing company, beginning July 13, 1918, and running through to I^ebruary 28, 1919, it is sho^vn that at the begin- ning of this period there were 4,734 white employees, or 81.89 per cent, and 1,047 Negro employees, or 18.11 per cent of the labor force. There were 796 white women, or 87.19 per cent, and 117 Negro women, or 12.81 per cent. At the close of the period there were 4,925 white employees, or 83.38 per cent, and 982 Negro employees, or 16.62 per cent of the total number, while there were 821 white women con- stituting 89.24 per cenit, and 99 Negro women, or 10.76 per cent of the total number of employees. These figures indicate the importance in numbers and percentage of Negro workers in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, for the total number of white em- ployees at the beginning of the period was 81.89 per cent and at the close 83.38 per cent and the number of Negro employees at the beginnmg of the period was 18.11 per cent and at the close 16.62 per cent. This shows that there was a slight reduction in the percentage of Negro employees, both male and female, during the period, but that the reduction was very light, being slightly more than 1.5 per cent for Negro men and 2 per cent for Negro women. The table following shows the details of the variation by weeks : 52 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAJl. 53 i-HC0»OQ'^OO'^C0'^t^Ci0Ci0.-lc0C0aif0C0Oi0C000^Oh-i0Tt«Oi;D 1— irH— noo»ooor-r^':oeoc»ic^icoc^-^to ■^■^cocccococococ^rHOsos 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 OCOOOWt^OOC>»OOOOt-i— iQiiOOOi-HOOO't^OiOC^ »0 ci -^ CO '^ rp -i — GO 00 00 C or^o»oot— r-t^t'-t-"r-'Xir^oO'-.00OiO00Or*':0i-(»000C0I>-O ^-H^-l^QOocoor--a3t-^tpQoco^*c^O':ptooocoT-HOcc(^^oo■■-ocsc^ OSOOOiOiOO'-HOOi— (OOOOOSO'-tOO'-HOOOOOOaiOiOOS OCT)OOlOOCOTj.OOC^05COO'-lCiOOO';OOJu7iOiOi-( i-HOi-HOiC^oOiO'-^csfocOfCCiOfO'— i-^ioaioooooooc^»"^t--i>i-Tj- oioioiaioiccoJoicio6r>^QOt-^o6o6o6o6o6o6oiccfiaic^o6ooi^ OCOcOOCO^lMOt^O'-lt^aiCO.-lCOCSOiOOOTHC^Oii-HO'rj^ooOCO COcOC^t-^-^C^1iOfOCqoO"^00»OiO-Ot^r^»000C0M-*^O00.-Hr^O0ai-«(N'rt-^00O00i-i-ct)(N00C0O'*O^00Oi000":)-*O<-lC:ia5*o»0'*o^coi>» -■".■i->--S -a a » ■g a op.fe g o o a a sg oa- T-H»-ico":)00Tt<'— icoocsocoioO'*ocvjooo>coooior-"C^t^GO'^ioioc^ 1— lOdc^-^i— t.— iot^ooc^ioi>-o»oo-^i--a>coot~>-r--c^»ocooicDC*?o oooo^*o:^ooQooiooool^^^I^ol>•^^^^t^I^^^o6o6o6o6co^^^^o<:oo6o l>. OOO't 00 t - - ■rr^ I--. Tt^ (N O t~* »0 O O -. COOD'-DtOMOaiCO»CH>-oOW^Hi— lOiiOrf^OiOf-HOOi— tOON (N r>- 1^- LQ ■* -o CO -^ c" " — OOiOOiOSOOO* jc^r-r-LQ-^'OcO'^'Mc^ooojai.-H'^r-.ocsoo ^ast^ioc*^^t^t^'^oi.-HcoocococoGOi-<»oc^ I>■^^^>.^-.GOcooooOGOoooooooo^^-'^<:o^>-t^l:^aiC^l1— i^coc^(N00 05 0^^C^CO-^iOCOt^OOa>O^HCsJcO'^U5CDr^OOOiO 54 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. The figures of the second meat-packing company give a very large showing of the increasing use of Negro employees in this plant, one of the largest in the industry. At the beginning of the period (January, 1916, to January, 1919, or a period of 159 weeks), the plant was employing a total of 8,361 employees. Of these, 8,050, or 96.28 per cent, were white and 311, or 3.72 per cent, were colored. The full figures cover the period just preceding the entrance of the United States into the war, the entire period during which our country was at war, and approximately the three months following the signing of the armistice. The total number of employees of this firm gradually increased imtil it reached the mark of 16,989 em- ployees during the last week in November, 1918, and 17,434 during the third week of December, 1918. The number of colored em- ployees, however, .increased more rapidly in proportion than the number of white employees, reaching a maximum of 24.09 per cent of the total in March, 1918, and ranging from that time on between 17 and 21 per cent of the total. At the close of the period, Feb- ruary, 1919, the firm was employing 13,928 workers, of whom 11,123, or 79.86 per cent, were white employees and 2,805, or 20.14 per cent, were colored employees. This shows a proportionate increase, nearly fivefold, in the number of Negro employees. Table V. — Number of employees of the second meat-packing company, distributed by color, for a period of 159 successive weeks, January, 1916, to January, 1919. (See graphs follouing.) Total number of em- ployees, white and Ne- gro, male and fe- male. Total number of employees, distributed bj' color. Week No. Total number of em- ployees, white and Ne- gro, male and fe- male. Total number of employees, distributed by color. Week No. White. Per cent. Negro. Per cent. White. Per cent. Negro. Per cent. 3.. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3« 8,361 7,989 8,008 7,941 7,824 7,904 7,889 8,084 8,037 8,213 8,330 8,141 8,123 7,971 7,982 7,766 7,414 7,158 7,479 7,449 7,399 7,421 7,705 7,696 7,811 7,937 8,062 8,306 8,081 8,123 8,514 8,681 8,884 8,959 8,737 9,134 8,050 7,683 7,699 7,569 7,470 7,527 7,476 7,673 7,637 7,824 7,938 7,795 7,766 7,632 7,591 7,363 6,941 6,604 6,947 6,935 6,900 6,907 7,121 7,101 7,184 7,270 7,329 7,532 7,309 7,312 7,495 7,657 7,831 7,837 7,654 7,830 %.28 %.17 96.14 95.32 95.48 95.23 94.76 94.92 95.02 95.26 95.29 95.75 95.61 95.75 95.10 94.81 93.62 92.26 92.89 93.10 93.26 93.07 92.42 92.27 91.97 91.60 90.91 90.68 90.45 90.02 88.03 88.20 88.15 87.48 87.60 85.72 311 306 309 372 354 377 413 411 400 389 392 346 357 339 391 403 473 554 532 514 499 514 584 595 627 667 733 774 772 811 1,019 1,024 1,053 1,122 1,0S3 1,304 3.72 3.83 3.86 4.68 4.52 4.77 5.24 5.08 4.98 4.74 4.71 4.25 4.39 4.25 4.90 5.19 6.38 7.74 7.11 6.90 6.74 6.93 7.58 7.73 8.03 8.40 9.09 9.32 9.55 9.98 11.97 11.80 11.85 12.52 12.40 14.28 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 9,316 9,180 9,425 9, 620' 9,872 10,084 10, 129 10,229 10,394 10,630 10, 749 10,980 10,582 10, 135 10,284 10, 173 10,255 10,428 10,473 10,188 10, 175 10,075 10, 102 10, 155 10, 145 10,036 10, 142 10,223 10, 115 10, 264 10,533 10,646 10,640 10,416 10,452 10,181 8,007 7,927 8,101 8,240 8,344 8,637 8,673 8,686 8,830 8,977 9,057 9,070 8,802 8,450 8,579 8,495 8,598 8,700 8,746 8,614 8,525 8,423 8,469 8,503 8,510 8,372 8,464 8,512 8,243 8,384 8,673 8,697 8,722 8,442 8,504 8,199 85.95 86.35 85.95 85.65 84.52 85.65 85.63 84.92 84.95 84.45 84.26 82.60 83.18 83.37 83.42 83.51 83.84 83.43 83.51 84.55 83.78 83.60 83.83 83.73 83.88 83.41 83.45 83.26 81.49 81.68 82.34 81.69 81.97 81.05 81.36 80.53 1,309 1,253 1,324 1,380 1,528 1,447 1,456 1,543 1,564 1,653 1,692 1,910 1,780 1,685 1,705 1,678 1,657 1,728 1,727 1,574 1,650 1,652 1,633 1,652 1,635 1,664 1,678 1,711 1,872 1,880 1,860 1,949 1,918 1,974 1,948 1,982 14.05 13.65 14.05 14.35 15.48 14.35 14.37 15.08 15.05 15. 55 15.74 17.40 16.82 16.63 16.58 16.49 16.16 16.57 16.49 15.45 16.22 16.40 16.17 16.27 16.12 16.59 16.55 16.74 18.51 18.32 17.66 18.31 18.03 18.95 18.64 19.47 THE NEGEO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR, 55 Table Y .^Number of employees of the second meat-packing company, distributed by color, for a period of 159 successive weeks, Jamcary, 1916, to January, 1919. (See graphs following) — ^Continued. Total Total numbe r of employes. Total Total number of employees. number distributed by color. number distributed by color. of em- ployees, of em- ployees, Week white Week white No. and Ne- No. and Ne- gro, male White. Per cent. Negro. Per cent. gro, male White. Per cent. Negro. Per cent. and fe- and fe- male. male. 7? 10,385 8,312 80.04 2,073 19.96 117 12,885 10,395 80.68 2,490 19.32 74 10, 353 8,295 80.12 2,058 19.88 118 13, 359 10, 628 79.56 2,731 20.44 75 10, 360 8,402 81.10 1,958 18.90 119 13, 498 11,002 81.51 2,496 18.49 76 10, 534 8,442 80. 14 2,092 19.86 120 14, 134 11,200 79.24 2,934 20.76 77 10, 465 8,2S9 79. 21 2,176 20.79 121 14,672 11, 765 80.19 2,907 19.81 78 10, 705 8,498 79.38 2,207 20.62 122 14,688 11,719 79.79 2,969 ' 20.21 79 10, 679 8,401 78.67 2,278 21.33 123 14,420 11,717 81.26 2,703 18.74 80 10, 522 8,170 77.65 2,352 22.35 124 14,519 11,706 80.63 2,813 19.37 81 10, 653 8,460 79.41 2,193 20.59 125 14, 657 11,719 79.95 2,938 20.05 82 10, 653 8,535 80.12 2,118 19.88 126 14,905 12,064 80.94 2,841 19.06 83 10, 648 8,436 79.23 2,212 20.77 127 15,040 12,376 82.29 2,664 17.71 84 10, 821 8,546 78.98 2,275 21.02 128 15, 201 12, 155 79.96 3,046 20.04 85 10,748 8,491 79.00 2,257 21.00 129 15,045 11,951 79.44 3,094 20.56 86 10,745 8,387 78.05 2,358 21.95 130 15, 533 12,668 81.56 2,865 18.44 87 11,375 8,825 77.58 2,550 22.42 131 15,711 12,936 82.34 2,775 17.66 88 11,462 8,961 78.18 2,501 21.82 132 15, 336 12,513 81.59 2,823 18.41 89 11,633 8,902 76.52 2,731 23.48 133 15, 249 12,215 80.10 3,034 19.90 90 11,842 9,280 78.36 2,562 21.64 134 15, 326 12,416 81.01 2,910 18.99 91 11,856 9,409 79.36 2,447 20.64 135 15, 606 12, 895 82.63 2,711 17.37 92 11,S69 9,384 79.06 2,485 20.94 136 15,247 12,312 80.75 2,935 19.25 93 12, 203 9,794 80.26 2,409 19.74 137 14,695 12,042 81.95 2,653 18.05 94 12, 638 10,117 80. 05 2,521 19.95 138 15,063 11,920 79.13 3,143 20.87 95 12,846 10,338 80. 48 2,508 19.52 139 15, 481 12, 666 81.82 2,815 18.18 96 13,019 10,611 81. 50 2,408 18.50 140 15, 628 12,842 82.17 2,786 17.83 97 12, 889 10, 380 80.53 2,509 19.47 141 15, 554 12, 768 82.09 2,786 17.91 98 13, 305 10, 903 81.95 2,402 18.05 142 15, 181 12,194 80.32 2,987 19.68 99 13, 778 11, 157 80.98 2,621 19.02 143 14,494 11,652 80.39 2,842 19.61 100 13, 726 11,118 81.00 2, 608 19.00 144 14, 598 11,601 79.47 2,997 20.53 101 14,064 11,129 79.13 2,935 20.87 145 15, 530 12, 352 79.54 3,178 20.46 102 13, 259 10, 185 76.82 3,fl74 23.18 146 15,940 12,765 80.08 3,175 19.92 103 13,654 10, 787 79.00 2,867 21.00 147 16,346 13, 145 80. 42 3,201 19.58 104 14,018 11,043 78.78 2,975 21.22 148 16, 730 13,568 81.10 3,162 18.90 105 13, 492 10,748 79.66 2,744 20.34 149 16, 989 13,779 81.11 3,210 18.89 106 13, 878 10, 809 77.89 3,069 22.11 150 17, 148 13, 740 80.13 3,408 19.87 107 13, 665 10,681 78.16 2,984 21. 84 151 17, 222 13,851 80.45 3,371 19.55 108 13, 624 10, 700 78.54 2,924 21.46 152 17, 434 13, 813 79.23 3,621 20.77 109 13, 858 11, 109 80.16 2,749 19.84 153 15,297 12,386 80.97 2,911 19.03 110 13,958 11,367 81.44 2,591 18.56 154 15, 353 12,325 80.28 3,028 19.72 Ill 13, 865 10,525 75.91 3,340 24.09 155 15, 168 11,883 78.34 3,285 21.66 112 14,086 11,499 81.63 2,587 18.37 156 15, 145 11,747 77.56 3,398 22.44 113 14,054 11,026 78.45 3,028 21.55 157 15, 155 11,851 78.20 3,304 21.80 114 13,758 10,924 79.40 2,834 20.60 158 14,565 11,506 79.00 3,059 21.00 115 12,916 10,351 80.14 2,565 19.86 159 13,928 11,123 79.86 2,805 20.14 116 13,397 10,875 81.17 2,522 18.83 56 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. The accompanying diagrams show, graphicaih', the percentage of distribution by color of the total number of employees of this com- pany by weeks, from January, 1916, to January, 1919, and the per- centage of white and colored employees by weeks during this same period. u 30 40 to ft "] 90 . .^ . /7». Ly-r- kw^i'^^P'^^r^: T'*--T-vv,:75^^--^^^;r^^ w mM W u ' u X 10 so u » to so m 110 lu >io hi ise a JAN AF/i JULY OCT ,JM APfi JULY OCT ^AN APR JULY OCT ^M 1^16 I9i7 /m an COMPARATIVE INCREASE IN PERCENTAGE AMONG WHITE AND COLORED EM- PLOYEES IN ONE MEAT-PACKING PLANT DURING A PERIOD OF 159 WEEKS. The third piece of evidence came from a steel company at Indiana Harbor, Ind., and shows the total number and per cent of w^hite and colored employees from January, 1918, through December of the same year. This shows a total, at the begmning of the period, of 2,020 employees, of which 1,736, or 85.94 per cent, werciwhite, and 284, or 14.06 per cent, were colored. At the close of the period the firm was employmg ^ total of 2,171 emplo3^ees, of which 1,681, or 77.43 per cent, were white, and 490, or 22.57 per cent, were colored. The number of colored employees showed a steady increase over the original number, runnmg as high as 538 m October, 1918, to the closing number at the end of December, which number showed a considerable increase m total colored employees and a corresponding increased percentage of the total number of employees. Other dis- cussions of workers in iron and steel have been given in Chapter VI. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 57 illllill 1 »iim i 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 S /M-fo/cj 1 i ■ O.V o, 1 < C 1 :i. r <: 5^ <4 ^ \ ) ► V ^ « ) ^^ 1 / It; < , s r I, 15!^ < 5 > < < I • \ ■ ■■ 5^ \ X § i 1 5 ,§ ^ ^ s "> « t \ >. N 1 \ s '^S s 5 I ^ ^ ■ i >« ; / ^ 5 < y / ^ s 5.^ \ .§ s ■*!'^ L ~-? \ k '\ 1 1 ,* ^ S 1 ^ i ^ ^ / Si r^ / / \ -* ^ I ^ ...J^ 1 II 1 S 1 1 ? 1 § i 1 1 S' //33i/3iOO tOM o ■lOCO CO »— t xr*oococor^c^oscooc<»ox Tf CO "O -H -1 O X c* icc>o X CO »0 M :^;:s Kind of Occupation. 2 g 13 ■^ o Is V 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 5 k. c 1 1 a u a i c c 1 1 a 1. z 1 s u a £ 1 i 1. i c t c J s 1 1 1 1 c a E c "a r t- C 'c 1 > c c3 1 1 9 t. i d c 5 I t, .a THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 61 O t>. H ftei O B ° m Oi cu 6jO riS^I 'S a^l ft 'ri Sg^ •cfes 02 ■^i^ P S^ fl~ N-s a ,ct §^8 ;-4 ^ScS ft ««fl ft o .^.S ■» 'r* OT a; "^ Q ftT? P '- agp«s -« ft^ o ° 1:5 (13 -*r: g; r^ ) constant shifting of domestic help; (c) lack of interest in work and efficiency among domestic help; (d) absolute refusal to work on part of domestic help. 2. Apparent causes. — («) Low wages; (b) lack of sympathetic cooperation between women employers and women employees. Concerning (c) and (d) imder the conditions we find the following very human attitudes expressed in this simple manner : What's the use of doing good work when we get poor pay? It is better to do nothing "for nothing" than to work " for nothing." In the way of suggestions for relief the supervisor recommended that a vigorous campaign of conferences with women workers be begun, together with added assistance from the colored ministry to the end that cooperation of the women workers and women employers might bring forth some concession on the part of employers to the efficient women workere in the matter of wages. These coiiferences were had and, in many instances, the problem was much relieved. The program of work of Negro workei-s' advisory committees varied to some extent in accordance with the peculiar conditions of each State. The program of work which was outlined for Mssissippi is given below as showing the most stable means of accomplishing the objects of the work in this State. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 85 SUGGESTIONS TO INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE NEGRO WORKERS' ADVISORY COM- MITTEES FOR FIRST STEPS IN LOCAL ORGANIZATION. 1. Calling together colored representatives. — It will probably be well to call together four or fiA-e most responsible colored citizens (at least one of them should be a woman) in voiir countv, towi, or city and go over Avith them in detail, the plans and pm-pose of the State Negi-o workers'" advisory committee. In calling together these persons all possible factionalism should be aA-oided. The men and women called together should be the leaders of Aarious organizations and the various occupations of the commiuiity. 2. Get in touch uith vhite employers.— The Federal Director of the United States Employment SerAice of yom- State, or the Supervisor of Negro Economics vdW give you, if you vnite him, the names of some white citizens of your community whom these officials depend upon for local matters. You also know some of the most re- sponsible and trusted white employers of yom- locality. It will be w^ell to go to them for information and advice about cooperation of white people in your efforts on labor questions affecting the colored people. In case you do not know the name and address of the State official, wiite for the information to the chairman of your State Negro workers' adA-isory committee or to Dr. George E. Haynes, Director of Negi'o Eco- nomics, Department of Labor. Washington, D. 0. 3. Explain to vhite citizens the organization of_ the State committee. — The representa- t\\e white men in vour community should be interested. Get in touch with two or three of them, as suggested under No. 2, and tell them about the organization of the State Negi-o workers' ad^isoiy committee. Explain to them that this committee has cooperative white members; explain further the plan to have a county and neighbor- hood Negi-o advisoiy committee with white cooperati\e members. It is w^ell to ask their help in securing white citizens as permanent cooperating members of the county and local advisory committees. As soon as you decide on representative colored men for members of your local committee, and white men wiio may be recommended for cooperating members, send those names, with comments about the persons, their occupations and other connections, to the chairman of your State advisory committee. 4. Reaching the colored population. — The large numbers of colored people may be reached through the chiuches and the lodges. A personal visit made by you or some other responsible person to talk to those attending each chm'ch and each lodge is necessary. They need to be informed about the relation of their productive labor to agiicultm-e and industry. It will help also to secure white citizens to talk to Negi-o audiences. The facts about the purpose of th e Department of Labor in organiz- ing these Negro workers' advisory committees should be stated (see Article II of the constitution of the committee). Explain the present labor oisis and the important part Negroes are plaving and can play in getting one hundred per cent production. The Department of Labor desires to "get these constructive plans before your com- mimity v^ery soon by your help and the help of others on the State Comrnittee. As soon as you'are in apposition to put further plans in operation, please signify that by writing "the chairman of your State Advisory Committee or to the Supervisor of Negro Economics, Department of Labor, Meridian, Miss. 5. Cooperation in adjustiiig conditions. — If there is anything in your community which is causing restlessness and dissatisfaction among the colored people and you think these should be brought to the attention of wliite employers go to two or three white citizens whom you can trust or the cooperating membersof your committee and ask them to help you get the facts relating to such dissatisfaction before the members of local authorities or employers. Please bear in mind, however, especially in giving complaints, by all means to have some constructive plans and suggestions to correct and satisfy the complaints of the colored people. As you will agree, it is not sufficient and it is poor policy to go for- ward at any time with complaints and not have positive plans for remedying them. Some practical, constructive suggestions and plans which can be proposed to remedy causes are by all means essential. Fmthermore, we should not always expect to have our plans to remedy those con- ditions adopted. Other citizens may have better plans. The aim of the Negro workers' advisory committees is to help with constructive plans and programs to assist our country in getting the largest production in agriculture and industry and at the same time to help secure improved conditions among Negi-o wage earners. Both these ends can best be reached by constructive plans and pro.grams. C. There is being organized, now, by the United States Employment Service what are known as community labor boards, made up of representatives of the employers, of the employees, and of the United States Employment Service. You should get in touch with the white men who are on youi" local community labor board. If there 86 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. is no local board, you should endeavor to obtain, through the Super\isor of Negro Economics, the names of white citizens with whom you should get in touch on em- ployment matters. In case you do not know who the local members of your community labor board are, you should write to the Federal Director of the United States Flmployment Service of yoiu- State, to your State Supervisor of Negro Economics, or to the Depart- ment of Labor, Washington, D. C. 7. Some of the types of u'ork tchich you can begin. — (a) Holding public mass meet- ings to inform the people about the need for systematic labor; (/;) Discussions at regu- lar church and lodge meetings and other gatherings; (c) Bringing to the attention oi the United States Employment SerAice any misunderstandings among the colored people about the use of that serAice by them. Further suggestions will be furnished you upon request. Any other thdngs which it seems to you it would be well to do in your community you may take up with the chairman of your State Ad\Tsory Committee or with tht Super\isor of Negro Economics of your State, if one has been appointed. George E. Haynes, Director of Negro Economics. October, 1918. January, 1919, found the work in Mississippi well under way. The program of work had been presented at the Meridian Emancipation celebration exercises. The introductory card made up by the super- visor and approved by the Federal director to be used in connection with the recruiting had been sent out and a subsequent State corn- mittee meeting, as the work developed, had been planned. This meeting was held on January 27, 1919, in the Board of Trade Build- ing of Jackson, Miss., and the following points were discussed: 1. Organization. 2. Efficiency of Negro labor. 3. Better conditions for farm labor. 4. Bo3"S Working Reserve. 5. Plantation life in the Delta. The Federal Director of the United States Employment Service was present and emphasized the need for a readjustment between men, races, and nations, and the common basis of understanding of right and justice. A cordial spirit of good will and hearty coopera- tion existed throughout the meeting and eveiy interest was more strongly linked up than ever before in the purpose of furthering the plans of the Department of Labor. The organization of the Boys Working Reserve, an organization of 3'outhful members to substi- tute for men who were in the Army in planting and harvesting the agricultural crops, was taken up. Later on the Boys Working Re- serve Organization among Negro youth of Mississippi became effi- cient and helpful. At the close of January the plans as applicable to Mississippi were well established for returning soldiers. In Fe- ruary 1919 the Supervisor visited Yazoo City, Greenwood, Indianola, Greenville and Vicksburg. He reported "^increased thrift among Negro men and women and full time labor in the cotton fields. He reported, however, that in regions where conditions were particu- larly bad there were miles and miles of fields of unpicked cotton. In December, 1918, Supervisor Olden, who returned to liis ministry, was succeeded by Lemuel L. Foster, who took over the duties as supervisor of Negro economics for Mississippi. Mr. Foster had been tramed at Fisk University, had done considerable welfare and social work in the South, and for one month prior to his appointment, had given voluntary assistance to the United States Employment Service in furthering its work. Mr. Foster took up with vigor the program THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 87 begun by bis predecessor and supervised tbe work until its close, June 30, 1918. Among the surveys he made a special report on two of the large lumber companies of Mississippi, which had realized the need of uniformly good working conditions and recreational facilities for its workers. He reported in these two instances a contented and efficient working force and a lack of turnover. These surveys were considered of sufficient importance for a departmental release and the facts were given wide publicity in order to stimulate other employers and other employees, respectively, to establish and to hope to receive the same treatment. The membership on the advisory committee of white and colored citizens included the former mayor of Meridian, the vice president of the Citizens' National Bank, the clerk of the chancery court, and a prominent business man, all of whom were representative white citizens, shows again the type of cooperation which the depart- ment was able to secure. (For letter commending the work, see p. 23.) CHAPTER XIII. REPORT OF WORK IN NEW JERSEY. Prior to the war, Negro workers had been employed here and there in industrial and agricultural pursuits in New Jersey. A fairly good wage was paid to the Negro workers in the occupations to whicli they were admitted. With the increased demands of the war, industries in New Jersey quite naturally became attractive locations for thou- sands of Negroes who came north. It is estimated that at least 25,000 Negro migrants located in the cities of New Jersey during the period of 1916-17. The probable distribution of these ne^vcomers, on the estimated basis, is indicated in the following table: New York Central cami), Weehawken 500 Erie camps: Weehawken 300 Jersey City , 100 Philadelphia & Reading, Pennsylvania R. R., etc., camps 1, 300 Jersey City 3, 000 Newark 7, 000 Carneys Point 3, 500 Trenton 3, 000 Camden 2. 000 Bayonne, Paterson, and Perth Amboy 4, 000 Wrightstown and South Jersey 3. 000 Orange, Montclair, Paterson 3, 000 Total 30 700 Various agencies, Federal, State, and private, were keeping in touch with conditions affecting the labor situation of New Jersey for some time prior to the establisliment of the Division of Negro Elconomics. j Among the more important agencies giving special attention to Negro 1 affairs were the Associated Charities of Newark, the Urban League of Newark, and the State Bureau of Negro Migrants of the State De- partment of Labor, under the direction of Col. Lewis Bryant. This work caused increased attention to be given to matters pertaining to Negro workers. Correlating the efforts of these organizations, the United States Employment Service had carried forward the employ- ment policies and developed the recruiting and placement facilities in every field of labor, including Negro labor. It was quite natural, then, that the Department of Labor, having established a special Negro economics service, should turn to these agencies in the begin- ning for advice and assistance in putting into effect its special plans for improving conditions and relations of Negro workei^. A hasty preliminary survey was undertaken in Newark, N. J., by William M. Ashby, at that time executive secretary of the Urban League, at Newark, N. J., and later supervisor of Negro economics for New Jersey. The city of Newark was the largest industrial cen- ter in the State and was a pivotal point from which departmental activities affecting Negro workers might be weU directed. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 89 The Negro population in Newark in 1910 was approximately 10,000. B}- 1918 there had been an addition of from 8,000 to 10,000 and at the close of 19 18 this number had been increased. The mean number of deaths for 1917 was about 550, or probably 20.23 per cent per 1,000, a rather large number, probably on account of the newcomers from the South who were subjected to very unfavorable housing and living conditions under the severe New Jersey climate, and who were not advised as to proper clothing. These figures were corroborated by prominent insurance companies. Unlike most cities, in Newark there had been previously no distinct Negro quarters. With the influx of newcomers, however, Negro dis- tricts formed and from a few families large neighborhoods developed. The general trend of living conditions indicated a merging together of the older residents and the newer Negro population. Housing conditions were poor and rents were high. In a number of cases 10 and 12 persons lived in two or three rooms. The high purchase prices of properties and excessive rents, which increased in keeping with the law of demand and supply, and the restricted area where colored people could purchase, often keep the newcomei-s from secur- ing suitable quarters. Negroes were engaged, principally, in the unskilled work in chemical plants, transportation, trucking, smpyard work, leather factories, iron molding, foundries, construction, and team driving. In Newark the Negro construction workers and iron shipbuilding workers formed a union which did not win the recognition of the secretary of the State Federation of Labor because he said the Negroes wanted to choose a name that was already in use by another union. A smeltermen's union was organized in Trenton among the Negroes. Their delegate sits in the Federated Union CouncU of the city. A hod carriere' union, Local No. 1, elected a Negro as delegate. This union has about 1,200 members, about 50 per cent of whom are white. The team- sters' union of whites and Negroes has a Negro delegate. It is estimated that 6,000 male and 1,000 female workers were em- ployed in the several industries in Newark alone. The Negro female workers found employment in toy factories, shirt factories, clothing factories, and glue factories, at an average wage of about $8 a week. In the shell-loading plants the pay was much higher. This is true of pieceworkers in other occupations, too. Negro women were also at work in garment factories, tobacco factories, toy factories, shell- loading plants, celluloid manufacturing, food production, leather-bag making and trunk making, as well as m assorting cores in foundries. Negro women became reluctant to take positions as domestic servants on account of increasing demands for their services in in- dustrial plants. Occasionally, a machinist, a carpenter, a millwright found employment as a skilled worker, and hundreds of riveters were employ ea in the Federal shipbuilding agencies and districts, not to speak of private concerns. Calkers and shipfitters were also in demand. Anglesmiths, boiler makers, packers, molders, steel chip- pers, and stationary firemen found ample employment. As a hopeful sign there may be pointed out the small amount of friction between male workers of the two races; race relations were scarcely ever other than harmonious. Difficulties were more fre- quent among females. There were difficulties, also, when Negro skilled workers were first put on any job. Also, there were occa- 90 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. sional difficulties where white and colored workers were engaged in the same plant. The Negro church is the most effective agency for dealing with Negro workers, and through their church life a larger connection can be made than in any other way, but, unfortunately, it was only the individual ministers who took the Negro's industrial advantage seriously and tried to point out to him the industrial virtues. The church situation, therefore, is always an important factor to under- stand in any community. Newark is predominantly a Negro Bap- tist community. In some cases, migrants from the South brought pastors of their own denominations with them and they reestab- lished their congregations in the new home. The department found a great need for handling social and industrial problems and began cautiously to develop a program of work for the entire State. Accordingly, William M. Ashby, mentioned above, a graduate of Lincoln and Yale Universities and a man of unusual experience in industrial and social work, was released by his organization to the Department of Labor to be supervisor of Negro economics for New Jersey. Mr. Ashby at once made a brief investigation of certain New Jersey firms, visiting the cities of Elizabeth, Jersey City, Bay- onne, Garwood, Mays Landing, Camden, Paterson, Camp Dix, Camp Merritt, Atlantic City, Carneys Point, and other strategic points. Prominent firms in these cities, engaged in fulfilling both Government contracts and contracts for private firms and individ- uals, expressed their desire for the assistance of the Department of Labor. To three large firms in Camden the supervisor suggested the placement of a Negro foreman, in order to handle with the greatest satisfaction gangs of Negro workers. This suggestion was adopted in each case. At Amatol, a shell-loading plant was approached by the supervisor on the matter of the diversion of a large number of colored women workers from Atlantic City. Three hundred and eighty-five such workers were secured in a few days. A large plant at Paulsboro, which was running only one-fourth of its capacity on account of the labor shortage, was assisted by re- cruiting workers from Camden. This firm was engaged in rnaking French shells. At Camden, a shipbuilding company^ received a supply of Negro workers through the employment activity of the supervisor. For a firm in Garwood, which was making steel and brass rods for the United States Nav;\-, men were recruited from Newark. To a Jersey City firm with a Government contract to supply meat for overseas, the supervisor brought, within five days, about 45 Negro w^orkers. At Pompton Lakes, a plant running onh' to about 60 per cent of its capacity because of labor shortage was assisted in securing about 25 colored men. This plant had feared racial friction; but under the advice of the supervisor, no racial trouble came as a result of bringing these colored men. In Grasseli, Newark, Edgev/ater, Kearney, Lakehm-st, Freehold, Chrome, and Bound Brook, at later dates, the supervisor gave similar assistance, placing in all over 250 Negro workers in the com^e of about three weeks. On another itinerary, the supervisor visited Paterson, Elizabeth, Orange, Plainfield, Bayonne, Trenton, Atlantic City, Asbur\- Park, THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 91 Perth Amboy, Dover, and Roebling, making observations of labor shortages and assisting in recruiting and placing Negro workers to supply the needs. As samples of such observations and practical action which fol- lowed, there are cited below five brief investigations conducted by the New Jersey supervisor in November, 1918: 1. A female employee of the — — Co., being an operator on a night shift, was overheard by me to complain of unjust treatment on a threat of ejection in the middle of the night from the plant of the aforesaid company, by one of its assistant foremen. Fearing that her story, though harmlessly told, would create an erroneous impression and prol:)ably thereby menace the opportunity of other operatives, I interrupted her and asked her to repeat it to me. Upon hearing it in full, I took her to the representa- tive of the company in this office and with her assistance an interview with the em- ployment manager and general manager was secm-ed. The statement of her case in this interview — at which also was the assistant foreman against whom the complaint was made — was thoroughly considered and satisfactorily settled. Thus, the suspi- cions of other Ne.gi'o workers who were sought for this plant were met and dispelled. 2. In an attempt to produce greater efficiency among the colored women operatives of the Co., I had a lady of our department, along with the lady in charge of a colored social settlement, interview the superintendent of the women's department of the company. The superintendent of the above-mentioned company reports that, as against 12 colored women, the number with which they started three months ago, there are now 122 colored women, and that their work is very creditable under the direction of a matron who is colored. Efficiency clubs will be organized in this shop. 3. A female employee of the Co. complained of discrimination received at the plant for which she worked. The supervisor of Negro economics had the matter investigated and received report that this company had ceased operation on account of cancellation of contract. Case can not be carried further. 4. A general cii'cular form was sent to 55 employers of Negro labor throughout the State of New Jersey, to ascertain the quality of the work which is being given by such labor. The replies are varied, the general tone being very commendable. 5. The investigation at the — plant revealed that there are now about 60 col- ored women operatives whose work is commendable as against the unit of 10 which we started there when the opportunity was opened. In keeping with the plans of the department, the New Jersey con- ference, drawn along the lines of prior conferences in other States, was called and held on Friday, November 22, 1918. Representative citizens, white and colored, from all over the State were present. The folio wmg program was carried out : The constitution of the Negro workers' advisory committee was adopted, and shortly thereafter the formation of committees was begun. On account of the location of persons and problems in the cities of New Jersey, it was more practicable to begin at first the formation of the city committees than to follow the plans of other States and form, first, the State and county committees. Accord- ingly Negro workers' advisory committees were soon formed in Pat- erson, Newark, Camden, Trenton, Atlantic City, and several other. New Jersey points. These committees functioned under the direction of the State supervisor of Negro economics and in close cooperation with the United States Employment Service and other public and private organizations'. As a sample of other activities in this State, the following extracts are given. The following concerns the peculiar condition which the New Jersey supervisor f oimd at Camp Dix, N. J. : 92 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORED WAR, ' REPORT ON SITUATION AMONG COLORED SOLDIERS AT CAMP DIX, N. J., WHO ARE TO BE DEMOBILIZED SOON. On Friday, January 3, 1919, I went to Camp Dix. Immediately on my arrival I went to Y. M. C. A. Hut No. 7, which is used by Negro soldiers. Mr. Shelby DaAid- son, secretary, and Mr. C. T. Greene, assistant secretary, were interviewed.' In the course of inter\dew the point of most significance was the fact that there wa.') a decided aversion on the part of all the men attaching their names to anything which sjjelled United States, as most of them believed it meant reenlistment. This corroborated th'' statement made by Mr. WilUam Banks, of the Employment Service, now in the camp. The secretary mentioned also the fact that men from the United States Employment Ser^ice had "talked to the colored men to enlist their interest, but few had gone over. I then went to Building 928, where I met Col. Casper H. Cole, the commandant, and Mr. William Banks, who is in charge of the United States Employment SerA-ice in the camp. I inquired whether colored men came into the office in great nembers. The answer was negative. The reason for this was, I believe, due to what was said above, that men are afraid to sign their names to Government matters. I asked if the command that all soldiers in the camp be marched to the employment office be- fore their demobilization applied to colored as well as white men. The answer was affirmative. After their supper I spoke to about 300 colored men in the Y. M. C. A. and explained the situation more clearly relative to the Government's position in interest of getting men work as soon as they are discharged. My suggestion on the situation as applicable to all men in the camp, white and col- ored alike, is that in speaking of railroad opportunities men say "Pennsylvania Rail- road," "Reading Railroad," or "Santa Fe," etc., instead of saying United States Rail- road Administration, and also that in speaking of shipyards they say "Submarine,"' "Newport News," "Bristol," ■"Tampa," etc., instead of United States Shipping Board. This would eliminate from the minds of men the idea of a connection between the idea of a job and the Government. William M. Ashby, Supervisor of Negro Economics for New Jersey. The following letter shows the type of effort maugurated duruig the reconstruction period to give first-hand assistance through the United States Employment Service to returning soldiers: Circular letter of advice. March 27, 1919. From: The Director of Negro Economics. To: The Supervisors of Negro Economics. Subject: Cooperation with War Camp Community Service. 1. I find that the W^ar Camp Community Service has a number of camps for Negro soldiers and sailors, and I am informed that it is coojjerating with the United States Employment Ser\'ice. I have talked ■\\ith some of the representatives about their colored work and have also taken up the matter with the Director General, United States Employment SerAice, and the National Director of the Bureau for Placing Re- turning Soldiers and Sailors. It is agreeable to the national director for you to take up with the Federal director of the employment ser\dce of yoiu- State the question of utilizing such of these war camps as seem suitable for assisting in placing Negro soldiers and sailors. 2. You will find inclosed a Kst of the communities where there are acti^dties for colored soldiers, together with the names of the workers. I ad\ise that you take this up with the Federal director and assist him in getting in touch with such of these . people as he wishes to. Respectfully, ■ George E. Haynes, Director of Negro Economics. Approved: Edward Easton, Jr., National Superintendent, Bureau for Returning Soldiers and Sailors. Wade H. Skinner, Acting Director, Organization Division, U. S. Employment Service. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 93 Some sample replies to letters of the New Jersey Supervisor contain statements regarding the employment of Negro workers. These responses were in reply to a questionnaire the object of which was to secure the information : With reference to the questionnaire received from you, we are pleased to advise that we are using Negro workers as porters, elevator operators, matrons, dishwashers, and for other miscellaneous positions in the restaurant. During the war we engaged quite a number of colored women to act as elevator operators. In all branches of the work, we have found Negro workers entirely satis- factory. Answering your favor of recent date with reference to the Negro workers in our plant, I beg to state that we are well pleased with their work and I find them to be good and willing workers under the supervision of our white foremen, whom we have instructed to give every colored man or woman applj-ing for work to this company the most cordial treatment, not the variety that will antagonize and drive them away from the job. My personal dealings in the past as Employment and Welfare Manager, with the white and Negro workers have proven successful, as I have found that through kind- ness and friendly treatment, eliminating all profanity and personal insults, the major- ity of the Negro workers will do the work assigned to them thoroughly and to any company's satisfaction. At present we have in our employ several hundred Negroes employed as gener^J factory helpers only, but in the near future I hope to be successful in inducing my company to employ Negro mechanics. * * * Answermg your inquiry of the 4th inst., would advise that about 40 per cent of our labor is Negro. We do not find them to be as steady workers as the whites, although, in some instances, they have proven to be very faithful. We use them largely on work where muscular strength and endurance are of prime importance and in this they work out quite well. In a very few instances we have them operating machines, and, although we con- sider these workers above the average, their work is very satisfactory. Your letter, requesting information regarding our colored employees, was received We have, altogether, about 1,250 colored men and 6 women. Of the latter, 4 are in our main restaurant as dishwashers, and two in oiir administration buildings, who keep the ladies' room in order. As a general rule our Negro workers give satisfaction. Almost all of them are employed on the ships. They seem to make very good riveters bolters-up and chippers and caulkers. Those who recently came from the South seem to feel the cold weather, but the others who are acclimated, are as strong and hardy as the white men. Among the number we have there are about 75 or 100 West Indian Negroes There are no colored men domg clerical work here at all. There are some working as laborers and as far as I know none are in the machine shops. ' The following statements of Mr. Ashby, the New Jersey supervisor of Negro economics, give a very full insight into certain of his activities. These reports cover various periods following the signing of the armistice and show the complete turning over of departmental machinery to meet peace-time demands in the industrial life of the State : I am very pleased to report a slight change for the better on the New Jersey con- ditions of Negro labor this week. At the opening of the past week the offices found themselves unable to make opportunities but later in the week new developments occurred. This was true, particularly, of Newark where about 125 men were referred during the week, at least 90 per cent of whom were placed. These openings were made possible largely because of personal solicitation upon two industries. * * * 94 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. The unemployment situation is particularly acute in Jersey City now. The same i is true of Camden. In the former it is temporary, due to the strike of the Marine | workers in and about the port of New York. Many Negroes are stevedores on both the New York and New Jersey sides and due to the fact that transportation ia tied i up their work is made impossible. In Camden, however, the lack of plants running j on full time and also the crowding in of applicants from Philadelphia make it difficult i to do much placing. i The great problem with which I am most concerned at the present, is that of the returning soldiers. Many commissioned officers and also many men who distin- guished themselves in the Fifteenth and Buffalo regiments are New Jersey men. An appreciable number of these fellows are especially well prepared. I mention two or three — an illustrator and pen and pencil etcher, really talented; a tractor operator, graduate of the Scientific Course at Kutgers College; an auditor, near com- pletion of his course in the New York School of Finance. For the tractor operator, I have made, I believe, a position; but the remaining two are unemployed and it is rather criminal to offer to such men the most ordinary opportunities we have. CHAPTER XIV. REPORT OF WORK IN NEW YORK. Owing to special complications in the New York situation no State conference was held. There was such delay in getting the situation in hand that the supervisor of Negro economics, Mr. Jesse O. Thomas, did not enter upon duty until September, 1918, just two months be- fore the signing of the armistice, and his services were discontinued because of lack of funds after the end of that fiscal year. A New York Negro Workers' Advisory Committee was proposed in coopera- tion with the United States Employment Service and the New York City Employment Service and with the supervising commissioner of the New York State Industrial Commission, but this committee did not get fully to work before the readjustment came in the finance and plans of the United States Emplo}Tiient Service, under which the activities were carried on. A branch office of the United States Em- ployment Service was opened in the Harlem district jointly with the State bureau of employment of the State industrial commission, under Supt. Prince L. Edwards, and supervision given to this from Oc- tober, 1918, to March, 1919, and much work was done in meeting the difficult problems of placing semiskilled and skilled Negro workers in industrial establishmentc m New York City and vicinity. A large number of these men where returned Negro soldiers. The Submarine Boat Corporation may be mentioned, particularly, as hav-. ing taken into employment a number of men of technical training and experience. Large numbers of the returning Negro soldiers, both New York residents and those from other places, called for special service from the placement agencies developed by the Federal Gov- ernment and the State employment department. The supervisor of Negro economics for New York gave special help in the development of this work. A survey was made of labor conditions in Buffalo, N. Y., in April, 1919, showing considerable unemployment because of the closing dowm of munition plants and because oi the military de- mobilization returning many men from overseas. Unskilled Negro labor, however, could be placed without very much difficulty, but semiskilled and skilled Negro workmen here, as in other places in the State, found great difficulty in finding employment. Very few in- dustrial plants in the city employed colored women. Some of the firms, although employing thousands of workers, employed no colored or only a few, and these only m the menial occupations such as maids porters, janitors, or unskilled laborers. Similar surveys were made m Rochester, Albany, and New York City and environs. Both in New York City, Buffalo, and other parts oi the State the Negro serv- ice of the department was heartily received by both white and col- ored citizens, but only got well started before curtailment of appro- priations made it necessary to discontinue its preparations. 95 96 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Investigations were made of charges of discrimination against col- ored workers and steps taken, in each case where the facts warranted, to remove the handicap. When the housing situation began to be acute the supervisor made a survey of important cities of the State to ascertain the exact condition as it related to the Negro wage earners with the view to assisting the United States Homes Regis- tration Service in developing home-finding facilities, if thought ad- visable. Among the many organizations giving active cooperation special mention should be made of the National Association of Colored Women and its president, Mi's. Talbert, whose particular activity was in the field at Buffalo, N. Y., and Mi's. Annette W. Erdmann, of the industrial committee of the New York City Urban League, whose un- tiring effort and hearty zeal were largely responsible for getting such results as were possible under the complicated difficulties and con- ditions. CHAPTER XV. REPORT OF WORK IN NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina was selected as the State in which the initial effort of the Department of Labor should be made, and its program estab- lished for promoting and fostering the welfare of Negro wage earners through the special ser^ace of Negro economics. Consequently, fol- lowing an official trip of the Director of Negto Economics into impor- tant points in the State a conference of representative white and colored citizens was called by Hon. T. W. Bickett, governor of North Carolina, on June 19, 1918. There were present at this conference, which was held in the office of the governor, 17 of the most sub- stantial Negro citizens from all parts of the State and five white citizens, as described in Chapter II. At the close of the meeting the governor appomted a temporary committee which drafted a consti- tution provided for the Negro Workers Advisory Committee, and for an organization of local county and city committees. The w^orking plan of organization, with slight modifications and adjustments, which served as a model for the development of voluntary field organiza- tions in other States, has been previously explamed in the descrip- tion of activities in other States. Before discussing the subsequent steps of organization and activity in North Carolina, brief attention is here given to a few general and specific mdustrial and agricultural situations which obtamed m North Carolina. These situations are cited for the purpose of showmg the wide scope of the field of Negro work into which the policies and plans of the Division of Negro Economics were to be carried. The chief occupations of Negro women were m the field of agri- culture, laundry work, domestic service, some work m spuming mills (and some in hosiery and underwear), and work m tobacco factories. There was a scarcity of female labor and on that account a number of silk mills had been closed. The cotton-mill season extends from May to September, and the tobacco season from September to April. In many instances the homes of workers were of a poor t}^e; the streets and sidewalks fronting such homes were unpaved and poorly lighted. Surface drainage existed and general sanitation was inade- quate in some cases. On the other hand, there were large numbers of well-cared-for homes in communities of intelligent and progressive Negroes. In one North Carolma city it was reported that a Negi'o union had been organized to which the white workers objected. At New Bern, lumber mdustries emploj^mg large numbers of Negroes were re- ported as havmg "working conditions which were mipleasant." At Wilmmgton Negroes were employed m the shipyards, but only in the miskilled occupations. At various other points in North Carolina Negroes foimd employment in tanneries, hosiery mills, guano plants, box factories, and the like. Throughout the State 1989°— 21 7 97 98 THE NEGRO AT AVORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. there were found a number of physicians, dentists, druggists, and a more than usual ownership of store and office buildings. At Kingston 5,000 Negro women and children were reported working in tobacco factories. At Wajiiesville there were found mill girls, garment work- ers, and a few clerks, organized and unorganized. As a general situation throughout the State, Negro labor was much in demand and was affected by the usual factors — (a) the union, (b) low wages, (c) housing conditions, (d) health, (e) opportunity for advance- ment, (/) the general competition between white and colored workers. Follo\\dng the conference the plan for cooperation, and for the sub- sequent formation and activity of a State committee and subsidiary county and city committees was perfected. Among the early agen- cies of cooperation may be mentioned the United States Public Reserve, the State department of education, the rank and file of Negro colleges and universities in North Carolina, chambers of com- merce and the Negro private organizations, including the church. An initial State committee of 29 substantial Negro citizens from various sections of the State was formed. The membership of the State committee and its executive board represent the following cities: Wmston-Salem, Wadesboro, Winton, Oxford, Charlotte, Hen- derson, Raleigh, Greensboro, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Salisbury, Chadbourn, New Bern, Lumberton, Bricks, Lexington, Durham, Method, Goldsboro, Wilmmgton, Wilson, and Asheyille, thus bring- ing into play the influence and forces of the best citizens throughout the State. This committee was supplemented by interested white citizens, who became cooperating members. This State committee and the subsidiary county committee, after adopting the constitution, started out hi their activities under the supervision of Dr. A. M. Moore, who was appointed Supervisor of Negro Economics and special agent of the United States Employ- ment Service. It should be stated that Dr. Moore served the depart- ment tliroughout the entire period of the war and the following seven months as a dollar-a-year man. The early formation of county and city committees included the following counties : Guilford, Craven,Vance, Rockmgham, Buncombe, Granville, Forsyth, Beaufort, Durham, Hertford, Alamance, and Edgecombe, Halifax, and Nash combined. Wlien the work was closed on June 30, 1919, names had been submitted covering prac- tically every county in the State. Inasmuch as the Division of Negro Economics was in the imme- diate office of the Secretary of Labor, who was also chief adminis- trative ofliicer for the United States Employment Service as well as all the other departmental bureaus and divisions, it was practicable that the North Carolma Negro work, as did the work in other States, should have a close relationship to the L^nited States Emplo>Tnent Service in that State. Consequently under the plan of organization for the State, the Federal Du-ector of the United States Emplo^mient Service became an advisory member of the State Negro Workers.' Advisorv Committee. Also a close relationship with the governor, the chairman of the State Council of Defense, and other white men acting as advisers to other committees, was perfected and the follow- ing initial recommendation for North Carolma was gradually worked out and approved: THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 99 1. Workers appointed for special activities among Negro wage earners will work under the authority of the United States Employment Service to give them official standing, \\'ith cooperation and supervision of the Federal State director. 2. The work shall be undertaken with the advice of the Director of Negro Economics. 3. Matters calling for the expenditure of funds shall be submitted with the approval of the Federal director and with the advice of the Director of Negro Economics. 4. All work carried on which relates to the Employment Service shall be under- taken with the approval of the Federal State director. These plans of course were ''overhead" plans, but they covered the many details which became properly applicable to local committees in the State as they were found. In order to bring the plans to the attention of the public the special agent succeeded in getting in close touch with the white and Negro members throughout the State, and in making arrangements for a publicity service which would not conflict with the Information and Education Service of the depart- ment. Among some of the earlier problems were found (1) that many North Carolina laborers had oeen recruited through employment agencies and in an indiscriminating way many of the "shiitless" and "unstable" had been imported into North Carolina cities; (2) no particular opportunity had been offered to thrifty, dependable work- men to buy homes and to become permanent residents of the State. In subsequent plans of publicity and contact these two problems were dealt with by the North Carolina special agent and the close of the work found at each particular point but a few scattered persons who might be designated ''shiftless." The Supervisor of Negro Economics, having business interests of his own, soon found it necessary to have an assistant who could actively canvass cities throughout the State. Mr. R. McCants Andrews was subsequently detailed for such assistance work. Of the early problems which he faced there came report of race friction in a city of eastern North Carolina at a point in which there were members of the Negro workers' advisory committees. An investigation was made as to the nature of such race friction and valuable advice was given both to the employing class and to the working class, which resulted in removal of racial fric- tion. In this connection valuable assistance in the matter of sentiment was given by a leading North Carolina paper, to the attention of which was called the value of mediation between white workers, white employers and Negro workei-s followed by a spirit of conciliation and cooperation and the abilty to see both sides of any issue. It was pointed out also that the com- mon interest of the white employer who wants to engage the service which the Negro wage earner has to offer will make the adjustment of the labor situation a most important one. This paper gave publicity not only to the comment above quoted but also to subsequent comment and advice tending to create a better feeling among the employing and working classes of North Carolina. In carrying out the plan of work of the North Carolina committee, one of the first steps was for the supervisor to inaugurate an educa- tional campaign wherever practical among Negro workers at the various points in the State. Short itineraries were arranged and the supervisor was given permission to address groups of workers at man}^ large plants, with specific health questions, ideals of efficiency and recreational activities, in order to preserve the morale and com- -A 100 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Eetcncy of Negro workers. Although in many instances employers ad been slow to put on foot similar programs and thereby to bring about a contented group of workers, there were many leading plants in the State which had, from the beginning, recognized the need of such an institution as would make their workers contented. A superin- tendent of one of the large North Carolina phmts had under liis su- pervision about 800 Negro employees, who, in fact, practically made up one of the small villages of the State. In the early formation of one 01 the county committees this superintendent saw a splendid oppor- tunity presented in being able to link up his plans with the program of work oi the committee. It is of particular interest, in this connection, to point out some of the early steps which his plant had taken in an endeavor to preserve contentment among the workere. It was esti- mated that the average worker at this plant in the eight-hour day was earning $100 a month. The work was not exhausting, physi- cally, and overtime pay was allowed to good workers. The plant in question was equipped with steel lockers, porcelain washbowls, shower baths, and other facilities necessary to the comfort and clean- liness of its workers, white and colored. Within the viUage row after row of new houses had been erected. These houses were modem and sanitary, with running water, sewerage, and electric lights. They were rented to workers at an extremely low price and many had been purchased on a ten-year plan which the company had ar- ranged in order to increase the desire for permanent residence. The company also paid for a nine-months school for the childi'en of workere. In the viUage itself Negroes were engaged in business enterprises which were largely patronized by workers of this plant. A modern hospital was in the course of erection and two churches had been planned. The local Negro workers' advisory committee, under the direction of the supervisor, assisted this plant in a further educational cam- paign to promote efficiency and thrift among the Negro workers. Intelligent and self-respecting workers were solicited and the even- tual outcome of assistance given by the local committee resulted in the company's retaining a permanent social worker who has charge of a program in behalf of the welfare of these workers. As the work of the supervisor of Negro economics and the Negro workers' advisory committee increased in scope and understanding, various firms called upon the supervisor and his assistant for advice in the formation of plans for the higher economic status of their workers. One exceptionally large plant invited the supervisor and the director of Negro economics to outline a complete program of welfare for its Negro employees. Such a plan was made up and submitted, and it received the commendation and adoption of the officials of the firm. In his itineraries the assistant supervisor of Negro economics car- ried the program of the department int» the following cities: Durham, Badin, Oxford, Henderson, Bricks, Tarboro, Dover, New Bern, Bur- lington, Lexington, Spencer, Charlotte, Statesville, Hickory, Morgan- ton, Marion, AsheviUe, Wmston-Salem, Sahsbury, Raleigh, and High Point. At various other points the supervisor and his assistant visited Negro schools, making addresses and increasing the desire of workers for greater efficiency and of employers for greater consideration of their workers. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 101 So pleased were the governor and other State officials with the work of the Division of Negro Economics that the governor called, for June 14, 1919, the annual meeting of the Negro workers' advisory , committee, at which time the State supervisor submitted his recom- mendations concerning the work. Inasmuch as that report received the universal commendation of persons throughout the State, it is given in full: [U. S. Department of Labor, Office of Supervisor of Negro Economics for North Carolina, Durham, N. C] HOW TO KEEP NEGRO LABOR. New methods. — How to keep the Negro workers and make them satisfied with their lot is the problem now presented to the South. It ought not be difficult of solution. It is not natural for the Negroes to leave their old homes in this wholesale fashion; and they really do not want to go. Some planters and industrial establishments are already dernonstrating by means of better pay and greater care for their employees what such considerations will do in keeping the Negroes loyally at work in the South; and the more efficient Negro schools have for years been pointing the way. Constructive possibilities.— The improvement of race relations is a matter of time, and rests largely on the satisfactory solution of the economic problems of farm life. Several noteworthy tendencies were, however, noticeably strengthened by the loss of Negro labor. The first of these was the tendency of the leaders of the two races to draw closer together. Several State-wide and county meetings were held to discuss the migration and the grievances of the Negro. Until more interest is taken in theee meetings by the white leaders, and until they are followed by constructive programs for betiter law enforcement and education they can not measurably influence the tendency of the Negro to move. Holding Negro labor on the farm. — There is a general agreement that friendly personal interest, absolute!}^ fair dealing in all business transactions, clear understanding of the terms of the contract at the outset, itemized statements of indebtedness, good housing, and encouragement of the Negroes to raise their foodstuffs as far as possible, taken together, will attract and hold labor on farms. Majority of Negroes are workers. — Since the great majority of Negroes are in the working class, their permanent interests are as laborers, and these interests are in the mainte- nance of li\dng Avages and of good working conditions. The Negro's value to North Carolina. — There is no question as to the value of the Negro to the South; but circumstances are bringing other sections to an appreciation of his value also and the Negro, too, is coming to uderstand something of his worth to the community. If North Carolina would keep the Negro and have him satisfied she must give more constructive thought than has been her custom to the Negro and his welfare. The outline of facts stated above should help us to approach our local problems with greater understanding, greater sympathy, and a great Avillingness to cooperate in their satisfactory adjustment. With this understanding and sympathy we are better able to appreciate the statesmanlike policy of the Department of Labor in creating and maintaining the work of Negro economics. On May 1, 1918, the Secretary of Labor, Hon. William B. Wilson, realizing that the , Negro constitutes about one-seventh of the total working population of the country, > appointed a Negro, Dr. George E. Haynes, as adAdsory to the Secretary with the title Director of Negi'o Economics. This was done in ordei that the Negro might have a representative in council whenever matters affecting his welfare were being consi- dered ; and that more extensiAO plans migh t be developed for improving his efficiency and production in agiiculture and industry. There were appointed in four Southern States and five Northern States superAdsors of Negro economics who have established cooperative committees of representative white and colored citizens to work out together the local labor problems. These Negro workers' adA'isory committees, as they are called, have a program of work which is carried on by the colored members, the whites serving as cooperating members. So successful has the work of the committees proved that the Division of Negro Economics ■ have been continued for the important work of reconstruction. This work is not /_ separate from the other work of the department, but is carried on as an integral part. The superA-isors are under the authority of the Federal directors of the United States Employment Service. 102 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAE. NortJf Carolina led the way.— On June 19, 1918, Gov. T. W. Bickett, called a con- ference in his office which was attended by 17 of the most substantial Negjo citizens from all parts of the State and 5 white citizens. Out of this meetinp; came the plan of Negro workers' ad\'i8ory committees, which is now operating; in nine States. A State Negro workers' committee of leading Negro men and women of North Carolina was appointed and plans were formed for the creation of county and city committees, .^^here were on April 1 of the present year 25 of these committees actively at work in our State. The fv per visor's report. — The 8uper^d8or of Negro Economics for North Carolina and the assistant supervisor have \-isited 23 counties since their organization, holding conferences with leading white and colored citizens which have V)een most helpful. On the basis of this personal investigation thionghout the State, the supervisor \nshe9 to present imder separate headings, t summary of conditions as foimd: White employers awl liherol vhtte citizens. — There is the greatest cordiality and \nll- K ingness to cooperate upon the part of these persons. In many instances they rivaled the colored citizens in spirit and enthusiasm. They spoke freely as well as the Ne- groes, and are asking on eveiy hand to be called upon for cooperation. Some of them came from the rural districts and from near-by towTis to attend the conferences. Many employers are already offering special inducements to their Negro workers. For example, a cotton oil company is giA'ing fi'ee life insm-ance for S500 to all who remain in its employ for six months; many older employees have been giA-en fi'ee insurance for .?1.000. Knitting mill companies are carefully selecting colored girla for their plants and are giving employment at good wages throughout the year. Lum- ber companies are giving bonuses to men who go to the lumber camps. The labor situation in North Carolimi. — Broadly speaking there is a scarcity of Negro bbor in the State. All the industries are feeling this at present. But a greater suffering wiU be felt in the fall when it is time for crop gathering. The farmers are suffering most. Cotton is standing in the fields in all parts of the State from last year. It is highly desirable that leaders of white workmen cooperate with our committees. SPECIAL PROBLEMS INVOLVING NEGRO LABOR. 1. Tobacco, guano, and cotton-oil industries. Tobacco work is seasonal; the wage are high and no great intelligence is required for much of the work. When the gre^ warehouses open, crowds of workers leave year-round industries, often demoralizing the latter. The work of the industries here mentioned is dirty and does not invite workers of any particular skill. It is hard to promote cleaniness, efficiency, and thrift among workers whose lives are haphazard, who come and go through the streets in their working clothes and who are not generally considered as advanced workers. 2. Many of the seasonal plants rim 12-hoiu- shifts, often doubling the work day of the most faithful employees. This leads to the workers "lajdng off" on Saturdays and Mondays. In one 12-hom' plant visited the colored workers had "struck" for Saturdays off. 3. Lumber camps: In some instances the quarters provided for logging and mill camps have not attracted respectable workers and their families. "Floaters" and crap-shooters were mainly the classes who were \villing to go to such camps. Their ^work has, of course, not been satisfactory. On the other hand, one concern Aisited had made its location a real commimity and stimulated local pride in it. The manager of this concern spoke of his success in getting and holding labor of a splendid class in his little toAATi. 4. Hosiery mills: The plants visited are clean and sanitary, well-lighted, and safe They pay good wages and run all the year. The ownei-s are trying to select their workers carefully and to encoiu-age the development of character. But Aery few of them have been highly successful in getting an adequate force; and most of the girls leave as soon as the tobacco work opens. Some of these plants haA-e never been able to increase their output; and one of them is still compelled to close on Saturdays because of a general shortage of girls. HOW OUR NEGRO WORKERS* ADVISORY COMMITTEES CAN MEET THESE PROBLEMS. In line wdth our official program of work our committees should — (1) Promote the efficiency of colored workers in order to overcome the loss from shortage of labor. (2) Encourage the use of farm machinery to increase farm production and to create a surplus of farm labor for use in the harA-est time. (3) PrcA^ail upon white leaders as well as white employers to cooperate with our committees. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 103 (4) Encoxirage white employers in the tobacco", guano, and cotton oil industries to make the work as clean and as pleasing as possible. The instiiUation of clothes lockers and waslirooms \\i\\ impress the workers with the advantage of coming and going from vork in clean clothes. (.')) Advise Asith employers whose plants are rimning long hom-s as to whether shorter hoiu-s will not mean gi-eater efiiciency and greater regularity. Many workers are now averaging only four days a week; the proportion of "laying off" on Satur- days and Mondays is distressingly large. y (6) Pay close attention to seasonal plants, following especially shortage and sm-plus, 7>. and endeavoring to assist in transfer of workers to new jobs as these plants close. The United States Employment Service shoiUd be aided in recruiting Negi-o workers so ^s not to draw away workers from "year-roimd" industries. Reports as to shortage and surplus should be made regularly by the committeemen to the office of the super- visor so that colored workers may secm-e jobs without going gi-eat distances. (7) Suggest to employers of lumber concerns the development of commimity life in their camps, with better housing and family settlements. (8) Call to the attention of steady and capable yomig women in the community who are not employed the excellent sanitary condition of the knitting mills and opportunity for steady employment in them. It is wgeutly hoped that all public spirited citizens of both races who have at heart the agricultural and industrial expansion of om- State, and who realize that such ex- ^f pansion and development can only come through the improvement of Negro labor \vi\\ sustain this far-sighted effort of the Department of Laboi and will give active support to the program of work of the Division of Negro Economics, and to the under- signed, A. M. Moore, M. D., Special Agent and Supervisor of Negro Economics for North Carolina, Durham, N. C. June, 1919. It is deemed to be in place to quote commendations from Hon. T. W. Bickett, governor of North Carolina, regarding the Negro economics work in his State: There is the greatest cordiality and willingness on the part of the white employers and Liberal white citizens to cooperate mth the Negroes. In many instances they rival the colored citizens in spirit and enthusiasm. They speak freely and are askino- on every hand to be called into cooperation. * * * ° This re])ort sets out that in many industries and on the farms intelligent efforts are being made to improve Li\ing conditions of the Negro and to afford him every incentive to put forth his very best efforts. In one plant the committee devised a plan to pub- lish an honor roll containing the names of all Negroes who worked steadily six days in the week. Under this system the loafing list was decreased 57 per cent and there was a corresponding increase in the number of steady workers. * * * If ever>' man, black and white, in the United States, could read and digest this V report, it would go a great way toward solving all oiu- questions. I shall keep and use this report as a basis for my futiure work. * * * The Chief Justice of the State, the Federal Director of the United States employment Service and a number of employers all expressed themselves as profoundly impressed with the scope and character of the work done by the committee. The North Carolina Farmers' Conference on Labor Problems, held at Bricks, N. C, April 21, 1919, brought to the attention of the department its report and recommendations made to the State Negro workers' advisory committee concerning farm labor questions as they affected Negroes in the State. This report and its recommendations are deemed to be of sufficient importance to justify its inclusion in this report, and attention is therefore called to the specific conditions and recommendations of the farmers' conference. 104 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 1. Greater use of farm machinery: (a) This committee should encourage greater use of farm machinery as a means of creating a surplus of farm la})or. 1. The State and Federal governments should be urged to aid the farmers in securing farm tractors, ditchers, tobacco setters, potato planters, and other needed implements. 2. The owners of adjoining farms should be encouraged to purchase ma- chinery jointly. 2. Cooperative undertakings: (a) Progressive farmers are running cooperative cotton gins, sawmills, and warehouses and are purchasing guano and fertilizer together. Such efforts are not only meritorious as business enterprises; they often help the farmer to market his products quickly, obtain a money surplus, and improve his farm. (5) Cooperative harvesting should be encouraged in order to save the crops. This practice already exists in some communities. 3. Improvement farm life: (a) Every possible encouragement should be given to the improvement of farm life. 1. This committee shall cooperate with organizations forwarding "after- the-war" programs to render rural life more pleasant and profitable. 2. Plantation owners and farmers who employ Negro enants hould be urged to prox'ide them with good homes. 3. Full information concerning Government Farm Loans should be secured and given to the farmers. 4. Athletics and outdoor sports and all forms of regulated amusements should be encouraged, as well as indoor entertainments at schools and churches for ^vinter evenings. 4. Student farm labor: (a) It should be the aim of this committee to divert such student labor from the cities, for the summer vacations, as can be more profitably employed on the farms. 1. Many students are now realizing from $300 to $500 on two (2) acres of tobacco, haA^ing sufficient time left to do general farm work also. 2. Children of farm owners or tenants farming on their own account should be encouraged to remain at home, and parents and employers who receive the services of students should make such settlements with them as will adequately provide for the next year's schooling. 5. Distribution of labor: (a) Efforts should be made to recruit workers for the farms when seasonal indus- tries close in the cities. (b) Cooperate with the nearest United States EmplovTnent Service office. 6. Education: (a) White farmer and employer: 1. White farmers and employers of Negro farm labor should be urged to cooperate with Negro fanners in promoting the common interests of the rural communities. (b) Negro farmer and farm laborer: 1. Negro farmers and farm laborers should be urged to cooperate with white farmers and employers in promoting the common interests of the rural communities. 2. Lectures in colored churches and lodges on modem farm methods, use of farm machinery, improvement of farm life, race pride, industry and thrift, etc. 3. Farmers' conferences. 4. " Buy-a-farm " movement. 7. Farm demonstrators: (a) City and county officials should be urged to provide funds for the appoint- ment of Negro farm demonstrators. (6) The breeding of registered live stock should be extended under the direction of the county farm demonstrators. (c) Siu-veys should be made as to shortage and surplus of labor before planting and harvesting crops so that acreage might be reduced or extended and crops saved. CHAPTER XVI. REPORT OF WORK IN OHIO. The number of Negro migrants who settled in the principal indus- trial centers of Ohio were large. Estimates secured upon visits to those centers by investigators of the Department of Labor in 1917 give some definite notion of these numbers. The followm^ figm'es, of course, are largely general estimates and probably should be double, and, m some cases, increased to a large extent as of September 1, 1919. Cleveland 10, 000 Cincinnati 6, 000 Columbus 3, 000 Dayton 3,000 Toledo 3, 000 Canton 3, 000 Akron 3, 000 Middletown ' 1, 000 Camp Sherman, Chillicothe 2, 000 Portsmouth 300 Baltimore & Oliio camps : 400 Pennsylvania Railroad camps 800 Contractors 1 , 000 Traction companies 1, 000 Total 137, 500 It will be noticed that Alliance, Bellaire, Hamilton, Ironton, Lima, Springfield, Steubenville, Youngstown, and Zanesville were not included m this survey. These pomts, as well as other cities, contained a large number of iron, steel, coal, coke, and other industries which called for the kind of labor which Negroes were readily able to supply. As the figures mdicate, lar^e numbers of Negroes migrated mto Ohio and were distributed over it generally. Therefore, this State received early consideration m the program of the Department of Labor, Organization — Supervisor of Negro economics. — The departmental State supervisor of Ne^ro economics, Charles E. Hall, was appointed with the view of general efficiency to the department and to the State of Ohio. For more than 18 years Mr. Hall had been an employee of the Bureau of the Census in the United States Department of Com- merce, and had had considerable experience in field work. He had supervised the gathermg and preparation of statistical material relat- mg to the manuf acturmg mterests and to the Negro population m the United States. He had received special commendation from the Department of Commerce for this work. During 1916, the early period of Negro migration to the North, Mr. Hall had been detailed to the Department of Labor for field investigations. His valuable work m a report of more than ordmary worth, served as a basis for first steps by the Department of Labor. 1 Negro Migration in 1916-1917, Appendix to report of Francis E. Tyson. Government Printing OfBce, Washmgton. 105 106 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Being a native of the Middle West, Mr. Hall enjoyed a wide con- tact with public officials and representative citizen, through whom it was believed the fullest cooperation could be obtained. He took the field in Ohio on June 17, 1918, just preceding the State conference. The later success of his work gave substantial mdorsement to the judgment of the department in assignmg him to Ohio. Conference on Negro labor. — FoUowmg the assignment of Super- visor Hall to the State, under the auspices of the United States Employment Service, ])lans for the Ohio conference on Negro labor were started with the hearty cooperation of both State and Federal officials, the State Council of National Defejise and a number of private citizens and agencies. Special mention should be made of the personal interest and attention of Gov. James M. Cox and Mr. Fred D. Croxton, chairman of the State Council of National Defense. The conference was called by the Department of Labor to get action upon those things that needed to be done m Ohio to pro- mote the welfare of wage erners, and to stimulate the ])roduction for winning the war. Dr. F. L. Hagerty, professor of sociology, Ohio State University, presided. After considerable discussion and a num- ber of addresses the body of the work of the conference was done, through committees, reports from which were adopted for the further guidance of the department's work in the State. Some of the committees' recommendations were as follows; 1. Investigation into the difficulties arising from discrimination against Negroes by local labor unions. 2. Efforts to stabilize labor by giving new opportunities for promotion, by standardiz- ing wages, by reclassifying work, by the employment of colored foremen, and by, educational work among the working classes with the view of making them satisfied with their occupations. 3. An endeavor to employ the Negro worker in full accordance with his fitness. 4. The opening of new places of employment in keeping with the fitness of Negro wage-earners. 5. The conducting of welfare work in plants and factories. 6. The setting up of facilities for community recreation. ^ 7. Increased attention to rooms, lockers, ventilation, and adequate space for em- | ployees. 8. Special attention to health problems. The committee on industrial conditions reported to the conference that there was sufficient work to be secured in the State for Negro laborers in industry doing Government and other work and that the Negro laborers were generally reliable. It also reported that in some industries there was discrimination as to the kinds of work and con- j ditions under which the work was done with reference to Negro laborers. The committee stated that the demand for labor was more than the supply and in order that the Government might get the greatest return out of the amount of the actual and potential energy of the Negro workmen it was recommended that where skilled Negro laborers were doing unskilled work because of their inability to secure work at the skilled trades on account of color that the Government adopt rules for governmental contracts and make a special effort to see that every such man be given the opportunity to do that for which he was best fitted. The final recommendation of this com- mittee closed with the averment that "race or color should be no bar to advancement." THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 107 The committee on organization adopted with modifications to meet local conditions for use in Ohio the form of constitution for the Negro workers' advisory committee which the department had developed. The committee on Negro women in industry submitted a report on this subject of such special importance for future procedure that it is reproduced here in full : 1. We, as a committee, recommend that a Negro woman be placed on the State committee of women in industry, recently named by the Ohio Branch, Council of National Defense. 2. We, as a committee, recommend that the United States Employment Service place Negro placement secretaries in any employment office where numbers of colored women seek employment, to be determined by the State director. 3. We, as a committee, recommend that we indorse the standard which the women's committee, Ohio Branch, Council of National Defense, have drawn up through the committee on women in industry. 4. We recommend that this committee bring to the attention of the national com- mittee on housing any housing conditions as they affect Negro women. 5. We recommend that a pamphlet be drawn up stating the necessity of loyalty to duty and efficiency on the part of the worker, and the financial loss entailed through the neglect of such, upon the part of the employer and community, be given each worker thi'ough the employment office. 6. We, as a committee, recommend that a woman be placed on the committee of hygiene and sanitation, if the committee appointed this morning is a standing com- mittee. 7. We recommend that no worker shall be permitted to leave her present employ- ment without giving a week or more notice before l^eing accepted by another employer. 8. We recommend and ui-ge that a Negro welfare worker be placed in industries over Negi'o women as a solution to the employers' problem of adjustment. 9. We recommend the encom-agement of an adequate system of training within plants which recognizes the difference between showing and teaching for all new employees. Respectfully submitted. Miss Jennie D. Porter, Chairman, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Elsie Mountain, Secretary, Columbus, Ohio. Hon. James M. Cox, governor of Ohio, was present at the confer- ence and made the closing address, which included the following remarks : I have no disposition to interfere with your deliberations, but upon the statement of Dr. Haynes, with whom I have had a brief but delightful conference with reference to the earnestness of this meeting and the fact that it seems to be the most serious, if not the most successful, meeting that has l)een held in any of the States, I felt that we would l3e derelict in our responsibility to the duties that come and go each day, as governor of this State, if I did not come here and express my appreciation of your coming. First, we need your people and need them badly in the war. We, likewise, need yom- people and need them badly in the industrial life of this country. Last winter I had the privilege of visiting Tuskegee Institute. I had a long visit with that splendid type of yom* race. Dr. Moton. The opportimity was mine of making a sui'vey of what was being done at this institute. I took pains to make considerable inquiry with reference to national and industrial conditions in the State of Alabama, and I am prepared to say, in the candor of my own judgment, at least, that you, as representatives of the race, are just now coming into your own. Even in the Southern States, when the great flow started northward, the southern people found they could not get along without the colored people. The war gives you a great opportimity. I can say with pride, now, and reiterate it all tlirough the corridor of time, that not a single member of your race is following the standard of the Kaiser. I have had the opportunity of reviewing colored troops, and I hope you will not feel that I am speaking flippantly when I recall the circum- stances of re\iewing the troops at Camp Sherman. Capt. Talbott, with Gen. Glenn's staff, came over to the reviewing stand and said: "I have just left the colored regi- ment, and they are so full of pep that if they do not dance the Cakewalk when they 108 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. come by, I will be surprised." They presented the best line of the day — it was generally conceded to 1)e the best line of the day by the general, the persons in the reviewing stand, and the thousands of white people who were a.ssemV)led there. I hope that when the war is over we can then join together members of our race and yours in helping to work out in Ohio what they have in Alabama. The colored man is here, and here to stay, and since that is true we not only want to improve the educational opportunities that come to him but we also want to give attention to vocational training. * * * 1 want you to cany home to those you represent the assuiance that whatever help this State can render, either to the people in your State or to the soldiers at the front, needs but an e\idence of yom- desire. The Department of Labor takes this special opportunity to thank every agency and every individual who helped to make successful the Oliio conference August 5, 1919. Negroes workers' advisory comraittees. — Immediately after the confer- ence, Supervisor Hall, with the assistance of public-spirited citizens of Ohio, recommended to the department a number of the strongest persons for appointment to service on the State Negro workers' ad- visory committee, and to local, county, and city committees of 25 important centers of the State where Negro workers in considerable numbers resided. The complete personnel of the State committee follows : Edward Berry, Athens; Leroy W. Bobbins and Chas. C. Cowgill, IMiddletowTi; Chas. L. Johnson and Chas. P. Dunn, Springfield; Rob- ert K. Hodges, D. R. Williams, Alexander H. Martin, and (Miss) Hazel Mountain, Cleveland; Chas. W. Bryant, Harry B. Alexander, J. H. Hendrick,- and (Mrs.) E. W. Moore, Columbus; J. E. Ormes, Wilberforce; R. E. Holmes, Xenia; F. D. Patterson, Greenfield; Joseph L. Jones, H. S. Dunbar, Fred. A. Geier, and (Miss) Anna Laws, Cincmnati; B. M. Ward, B. H. Fisher, and (Mrs.) Minnie Scott, Toledo; Rev. W. O. Harper, and T. E. MiUiken, Youngstown; H. T. Elliott, Dayton; Rev. A. M. Thomas, Zanesville; (]Mrs.) Stephen Bates, ChiUicothe; James French, Sandusky; T. E. Greene, Akron. Pereons serving on these committees did so at the special request of the Secretary of Labor, and, in but one or two instances, %\-here the appointees were confronted with extreme pressure of business, were the invitations declined. Throughout the work the patriotism and spirit of service of the citizenship of Ohio made possible the suc- cessful carrying out of virtually every plan which the department launched, and the Ohio committee, like similar committees • in 10 other States, assisted in the handling of industrial problems with a maximum degree of satisfaction. Surveys of labor conditions. — The general industrial conditions in Ohio were investigated either by the supervisor directly or by the committee members, who reported to the supervisor on a form of blank, of which the following is a copy: NEGRO WAGE EARNERS IN OHIO. Information for supervisor of Negro economics. To members of county and city committees of Negro workers' advisory committee. Please fill out blank and return. 1. Are there many out of work in your city or county? . 2. Have many been released during the past 30 days? . 3. If so, were they absorbed by other occupations? . 4. Have any new avenues of employment been opened? . 5.. If so, state the kind of work. . THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 109 Remarks. (Under "Remarks " please furnish the supervisor with any other information which you think should be brought to his attention.) Information furnished by Address: Date: The first general survey developed the following facts : The Negro workers had not been greatly disturbed because of the many industrial readjustments and temporary suspensions of the manufacturing enterprises not essential to winning the war, during the war a^nd preceding the signing of the armistice. The counties of Hamilton, Lucas, and Montgomery, whose principal cities are Cincinnati, Toledo, and Dayton, respectively, were largely engaged on war contracts. In Toledo the opportunities for employ- ment were steadily improving. Local industries in Cleveland, Co- lumbus, Youngstown, Akron, Canton, Lima, Delaware, Greenville, Steubenville, ZanesviUe, Chillicothe, Sandusky, Portsmouth, Mari- etta, and other centers were employing large numbers of Ne^ro work- ers. In Butler County, the American Rolling Mills were giving em- ployment to hundreds of workers. In Lima, the Swift Packing Co. was giving employment to Negro men and women, who were making good. In Youngstown, Mahoning County, an increasing number of elevator girls and male truck drivers were given employment. In Dayton a large firm was making calls for considerable numbers of Negro laborers. This company was able to guarantee prospective workers housing facilities of the better type. Columbus reported a garm-ent manufacturer who was unable to get a suflficient number of Negro women who could operate power machines. Youngstown re- ported insufficient wages ($9 and $1 a week) for girls. Dayton reported an industry using from 1 5 to 30 colored women, sorting rags on a piece- work basis, at $15 per week. Job selling. — Among the special conditions found in Ohio was one which related to job selling in industrial establishments; and there is incorporated herein a full report of the Ohio supervisor respecting this condition, evidences of which were very apparent. Tliis report was approved by the Director of Negro Economics and sent to ad- visory committeemen in all parts of the State. JOB SELLING IN INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS TO NEGROES. To prevent job selling; by foremen, assistant foremen, "straw bosses" and "go- betweens" a very comprehensive bill was enacted by the last General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Industrial Commission of Ohio, the penalty being as follows: "Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be fined for the first offense not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution; and for the second or any subsequent offense not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars and the costs of prosecution." _ "Section 6. The Industrial (.'ommission of Ohio shall have full power, jurisdic- tion, and authority to administer the provisions of tliis act." Before the migration of Nesri-oes from the South had reached a considerable vol- ume, the foreign-born wage earners were the ones who were the victims of this per- nicious system and the Department of Investigation and Statistics secured definite information that the collection of fees for jobs, or assessments of various lands by foremen was a well-established custom in many of the industrial establishments through the State. It was found at the time the investigation was made that the price paid to foremen was generally $15, $20, or $25 for a job paying approximately 25 cents per hour, and that the custom appeared to have become so well established that 110 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. no demand for payment needed to be made as the applicant understood that he must make a payment of money before he got the work. Definite information was secured by the department to the effect that the shrewd foreman seldom received the money directly from the applicant, but usually had a number of men who acted as ''go-betweens" and who were generally "straw bosses" or workmen. This system of petty gi-aft became so pronounced and the demands of the grafters became so insistent that the investigators experienced no great dilficulty in securing the e^idence upon wMch a number of indictments were made under the old law relating to private employment agencies wliich was not broad enough in scope, how- ever, to fit the entire situation. The new law includes the acceptance of fees, gifts or gratuities, qr promises to pay a fee or to make a gift under the agreement or with the understanding that the grafter will undertake to secure or assist in securing work for the applicant, or with the under- standing that he vriW advance or undertake to secure or assist in securing an advance in pay or prevent or undertake to prevent or assist in preventing the discharge or reduction in pay or position of the worker in the employ of the company. The law which was enacted by the eighty-second general assembly covers all of these points and carries with it the penalty indicated above. There are indication that tliere has been a re^dv'■al of the practice of job selling, but that instead of working on the foreigners, the grafters have turned their attention to the helpless, ignorant, and destitute Negroes who are coming from the South to seek opportunities to better their condition, and it is not unlikely that the system of job selling in industrial establishments in Ohio will again be investigated as the practice is not only unlawful and highly dishonorable but has a tendency to destroy the morale of the workers and thereby seriously affect production. All such cases should be reported. Chaules E. Hall, Supervisor of Negro Economics. Approved. , (Signed) George E. Haynes. Director of Negro Economics. Living conditions of Negro workers. — It was the experience of the department that inifavorable living conditions, more than anything else, made difficult the advancement of the Negro worker in effi- ciency and increased contentment. At times the housing conditions were due to lack of employment; at times the conditions were due to lack of pride on the part of the worker; and at times the boarding- house keeper of the low ty^e set up conditions which necessity forced the working men to accept. As to the latter class, in one instance Supervisor Hall reported as fellows: October 11, 1918. Dr. George E. Haynes, Director of Negro Economics, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: On the evening of October 9, 1918, I visited the boarding and lodging house conducted- by — , a colored man, for the ■ Co., — , Ohio. This very dilapidated two-story frame building r-i located at Street, and is known as . It is the most filthy boarding and lodging house that has come under my observation. A foul-smelling closet adjoins the unclean dining room. I noticed broken windows upstairs in the sleeping quarters, and in the south wing even the skylights were without glass or other protection from the elements. There is no shower or bathroom for the 42 men who occupy this house, and it has been found necessary to borrow a washtub from the neighbors to accommodate the men who wdsh to take a bath. The place is heated by small stoves and natural gas heaters and the building is lighted by electricity. The kitchen was fairlj^ clean but the range had no hot-water boiler, wfdch greatly inconveniences the cooks and other kitchen help as well as the boarders. A number of the dirty sunken floors need jacking up and the rooms would not be less attractive if they were painted or wlutewashed. Although there are a few new bed mattresses, I found most of them alarmingly fUthy with bed coverings in the same THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Ill condition. Although there are plenty of rooms in the house, many of them are unfur- nished. Upon in(iuiry I was informed that the men coming off the night shift are obliged to occupy the rooms just vacated by the men going on the day shift. In some instances four of five men sleep in a room about 10 by 1 2 at the same time. Some of the bed springs are worn out, necessitating the sleeper to lie in most uncomfortable positions, regardless of the fact that he has been working hard and that the efficiency of his work depends largely upon comfortable repose. There is no assembly room, music (except nickel-in-the-slot piano), pool, billiards, or books. For these most inferior accommodations the men are charged $7.25 per week for room and board as compared with $4.55 per week charged by the Co., located in the same city and within a few blocks. The - — - — Co. maintains a large boarding and lodging house, known as "The , " which is now being papered, painted, and generally overhauled. In my opinion, the — — is extremly insanitary and a disease breeder, a condition which could not have escaped the attention of the local officials of the company, one of whom visits the house daily for the purpose of checking up. These conditions are doubtless the causes of the large turnover and inefficiency of the colored workers of this company. Respectfully, Charles E. Hall, Supervisor of Negro Economics, Ohio. This report was approved Lv the Director of Negro Economics fo^ submission to the general manager of the — - Company. Sub- sequent action by the company m the renovation of this place and change of these conditions followed the receipt of this report by him. Critical housing conditions in Cleveland, together with other economic problems, gave to that city a special need which the depart- ment planned to give attention to through a local representative member of the Negro workers' advisory committee. This plan, how- ever, was delayed and finally given up because of necessary changes in the policy of the department. Acute housing conditions were found also at Akron, Cleveland, Dayton, Lima, Portsmouth, Toledo, and Youngstown; and, subse- quently, the Department of Labor, through the United States Housing Corporation, had surveys made in several of these cities, but the sud- den termination of the war, accompanied by a readjustment of the industries to a peace-time basis, threw a great many persons out of work and the housing condition was somewhat relieved through the general exodus of Negro and white wage earners to other localities within and without the State where there was a shortage of labor and where adequate housing facilities obtained. One permanent result in stimulating building and loan associations is fully described below. The faiim'e of congressional appropriations for the furtherance of the Negro economics work mif avorably affected the industrial progress of this class of wage earners who had watched with increasing interest the development of this new agency which was established to better their industrial welfare and to act as a clearing house for industrial opportunities. Men were no longer obliged to live in idleness, because they were able at all times to learn thi'ough the supervisor where work could be obtained, the rate of wages, the hom's oi labor, and the attitude of the residents of any community toward Negro labor. Negro professional men, skilled and unskilled workers, and others, freel}" communicated with the Dnector of Negro Economics and with the State supervisor for the pm'pose of secm'ing a location or an opportunity in a community \\4iere conditions, were favorable to their prosperity, and the failure of appropriations to provide for the continuance of this field work was keenly felt. 112 THE NEGEO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Discrimination in occupations on account of color was one of the conditions which, in some instances, confronted the Ne^ro worker. The Ohio Conference on Negro Labor made reconmaendations on this point. Wliether such discriminations were approved by private or public employers made a difference in the action which the depart- ment could take. The private employer might hire whomsoever he chose. Aside from an appeal for justice and fair play on his part, the department was unable to take any specific action in such cases. Where such discriminations, however, were alleged to exist within the ranks of employers who because of war contracts or other rela- tions came under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, investi- gations were made and definite steps taken to remove such discrimi- nations. Complaints. — Complaints, other than those noted above, were generally of thi'ee types: 1. Discrimination in the matter of opportunities for the Negro worker. 2. Unfair treatment of the Negro worker by employers. 3. Inefficiency of the Negro workers. On the whole, there was a minimum amount of complaint in Ohio either by employer or employee. The stamp of efficiency was often placed upon the Negro worker, and the Negro worker often recog- nized the effort on the part of employers assuring to him equal pay, equal houi*s, recreation facilities, pleasant relations with white workers, and decent living conditions. Results. — Under the supervision of the United States Employment Service, the State supervisor of Negro economics made direct reports of placement of Negi-o workers to the Federal director. He assisted the emplo}Tnent offices throughout the State with their problems of g lacing Negro workers. Reports of the United States EmplojTnent ervice give him the recognition for this help. Placements were many and varied. Services were frequently rendered to firms which had not formerly employed Negro workers. Following the signing of the armistice and the resulting nonemployment situation the efforts for the returning Negro soldiers and sailors were carried along side by side with the efforts of the Federal and State machinery for the employment of all persons. An outstanding feature of the Ohio work was the project of fur- thermg the organization of buildhig and loan associations among Negroes of the State as one concrete means of remedying the housing situation. In a letter dated May 8, 1919, which was given State- wide publicity, Supervisor Hall made the following points : 1. Industrial opportunities m Ohio are ever opening. 2. The housing facilities offered to Negro workers are madequate. 3. Negro people themselves should make some of the financial arrangements for meetmg the housing situation. 4. Overcrowded and msanitary housmg conditions destroy the efficiency of the worker. 5. The home o^mer is ever a permanent workmg factor, con- tributmg to the growth of the State and to its civic and commercial progress. Thereafter Supervisor Hall compiled, from the Laws of Ohio, a skeleton outluie of the statutes regulatmg the organizing and con- ducting of buildmg and loan associations. He also formed a plan i THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 113 and model constitution for such associations among colored people of the several localities. This outlme of laws and plans was placed in the hands of members of the Negro workers' advisory commit- tees and of special groups in the cities and counties throughout the State having a considerable Negro population. This was supplemented by talks made by the supervisor to interested groups in various places. Wilberforce University gave special courses of lectures on building and loan matters in three centers of the State. So numerous became the requests for additional information that the supervisor f omid it necessary to prepare a model form of constitution and by-laws for distribution. In rapid succession building and loan associations were organized in several Ohio cities where they are greatly needed. Requests for the "Ohio plan" were also made by persons living in Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, and New York, and several associations in these States have smce been organized. All are reported to be doing good business financially and are helping to alleviate the housing conditions. Companies in other places are proposed and will doubtless be launched. In carrying out the purpose with which it was charged by Congress, the Department of Labor has steadfastly been a neutral adminis- trator regarding union and nonunion workers, and has endeavored to promote alike the interests of aU workers, white and colored, male and female, union and nonunion. With this in view, the department has sought to keep fuUy informed of the attitude of labor organiza- tions toward Negroes in territories where the question is a vital one for amicable relations of the two races in industry. Consequently, statement of the change in the attitude of organized labor in Ohio during this period is of special note. The copy of a letter of Mr. Thomas J. Donnelly, secretary-treasurer, Ohio Federa- tion of Labor, outlining the attitude of that organization in the matter of unionizing Negro wage earners covers this important point: Columbus, Ohio, January 22, 1919. Mr. Chas. E. Hall, Supervisor of Negro Economics, Department of Labor, Columbus, Ohio. Dear Mr. Hall: Supplementing our conversation recently upon the subject of Negro labor and the unionizing of colored men in this section of the country, I am writing you that at this time best results would be obtained, in my opinion, if efforts should be made to bring into the union those colored men who were born and edu- cated in the North, where through contact and association with the whites they have formed the same \iewpoint on industrial affairs, see the same necessity for a sustained effort, have the same "pep," and the same determination to protect their rights as wage earners and as citizens. These men can be taken in by the organizations rep- resenting both the skilled and unskilled branches of the labor unions, and I believe that no great objection would be found, especially if in communities where there are large numbers of both white and colored, distinct locals were organized; but where there are only a few whites or a few colored men following the same trade it would be adAisable for them to belong to the same local. A possible objection to a mixed local in communities where there are large numbers of both races employed in the same line of work is that both elements might vote along the color line upon questions of organization and policies. This of course would have a tendency to destroy the solidarity of the organization and to discount its work. I believe that once these colored workers were fairly well organized they would be a valued aid in organizing the illiterate ones who have migrated from the South and give them a clearer view of northern ideals and the responsibilities accompanying citizenship. While it has been my experience that colored men as a rule make good union men, I do not think that the colored agricultural illiterates from the South are adaptable to skilled industry and membership in unions of the skilled white workers. 1989°— 21 8 114 THE NEGEO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. Negroes reared in Ohio, ha^dng the advantage of the public schools in the State, should be adaptable to skilled industry and no doubt could secure membership in the unions of the skilled white workers or have separate organizations chartered by the international trades-unions. Places could possibly be found for a number of southern colored agricultural illiterates at common labor and in semiskilled trades. They would then be eligible to membership in the unions of the workers in these lines of industiy. Improved machinery has gi-eatly lessened the demand for muscle, biit at the same time has increased the demand for men who are trained to use their heads as well aa their hands. A great number of accidents in the Ohio factories and mills during the past few years has largely been due to the employment of illiterate foreigners from southern iEurope, who formerly followed agricultural pursuits, and the employment of large numbers of Negroes of the same class from the South would result, no doubt, in a like number of accidents. Until they become factory broken, more punctual and depend- able in attendance, more intelligent, and more accustomed to the northern method of li^dng they will not really constitute an asset of large value to skilled industr5\ Yours, very truly, Thos. J. Donnelly, Secretary- Treasurer, Ohio State Federation of Labor. In closing the work in Oliio, after the failure of a])propriations, Supervisor Hall gave the following statement of concrete results of his efforts: 1. The growth and stimulation of the opinion among colored workers that the Gov- ernment has recognized them induslrially, that they now have a medium through which to voice their complaints, and that because of the moral effect of such recog- nition they will be less subject to exploitation. 2. A more helpful attitude on the part of employers and a less hostile one on the part of white wage earners brought about through contact with colored members of j committees. 3. The gradual elimination of racial objection at "the gate" or point of hiring, through the cultivation of superintendents, managers, and directors of employment. 4. The announcement of the official attitude of the Ohio State Federation of Labor concerning skilled and unskilled Negro labor. 5. The increase in efncienc>' and decrease in labor turnoA^er brought about through the knowledge or belief that they would be given a "'square deal" industrially. 6. The awakening of Negi'oes, through the circulation of fi'equent State-wide re- ports, to the industrial opportunities open to them. 7. The location, through questionnaires sent to county committees, of points where a surplus or shortage of Negro labor obtained, and the adjustment of these conditions, when possible, through the Clearance Dixdsion of the United States Employment Service. 8. The placing of movable wooden racks on cold cement floors of shower baths in several industrial plants in order to encourage a more frequent use of the bath. 9. The closing of several dilapidated, filthy, disease-breeding Negro boarding and lodging houses maintained by large manufacturing companies. The personal in- spection of other lodging houses, camps, etc. 10. The creation of a better understanding of the functions of the Department of Labor, and a greater appreciation of governmental agencies brought about through the efforts of the State and county Negro worker's advisory committees. 11. The development of cooperative groups through the encouragement and in- formation given to committees in communities where the organization of a building and loan association would be both practicable and advisable. 12. The appointment of several colored "labor scouts'' whose efficient work in congested industrial centers was of great value to the service and to the Negro wage > earners. The opinions and attitude of white and colored citizens of Ohio ; on the work of Negro economics in that State show some- j thing of its effect. A few excerpts from the communications to the | department are given below: ii Yom- circular with reference to Negro economics in Ohio under date of December : 14th was received by us and read with Lively interest. Any further communication | or publication you may have on this subject I am sure will be appreciated. We are \ interested in this problem as you are, and desire to help in its solution so far as it is ! possible for us to do so. i THE NEGRO AT WOEK DURING THE WORLD WAE. 115 I am glad to know that your work is progressiiii;; satisfactorily. 1 sincerely hope that we will continue to hold our own industrially, and that the Government will continue to cooperate with us and allow us representation in the Department of Labor. I shall be glad to cooperate with j'ou to the extent of my ability in trying to bring about the conditions we both desire during readjustment. I received your circular, and most heartily welcome its coming. Words are in- adequate to express my appreciation. Please let the good thing continue to come this way. The work you are in calls for a first-class race man's efforts, and I believe that you should be retained with the Government in the same capacity. I am pleased to have met you, to have learned of your work, and to have been brought in touch with it, and I believe you mil be successful. I am glad you have completed your organization, and I assure you you have my full support. In returning your information blank, I would state that the Uruted States Employ- ment Ser"\dce is filling a long-felt need among our people, and that your methods meet my approval and will receive my earnest support. Let me hear from you at any time. Congratulations on your report. Keep it up. Just simply the information is a tremendous factor in cementing the race, and that means ultimate solidarity and success. Your very concise and yet informative letter relative to labor and labor conditions among the Negroes came to hand. It is a splendid document. You are to be con- grautlated upon its production, for in it you have at your finger tips the best and most information it has been my good fortune to receive relative to the Negro in this im- portant field of endeavor in Ohio. I wish you continued success in all yoiu- efforts. I thank you for the circular letter concerning the readjustment of Negro labor. Keep me posted, and if T can serve you, call on me. We have also got good service from the United States Employment Service, and Mr. Hall, State supervisor, is doing a great work. I wish to congratulate you upon the excellent work you are doing in Ohio for the industrial advancement of our people. We all appreciate the opportunity to coop- erate \\ith you and the Department of Labor. Your letter with the inclosed statement marked' "Personal, not for publication" has been received. We are grateful to }ou for your kindness in sending this infor- mation . I wish to advise you that as a result of your efforts here in Cincinnati to organize a building and loan association managed by colored men, we have the Industrial Sav- ings & Loan Co., incorporated for §300,000, which commenced doing business January 3L We will be prepared to make our first loan Avithin the next week or 10 days and our prospects are very bright for a large and groAving company. CHAPTER XVII. REPORT OF WORK IN PENNSYLVANIA. Pre war Conditions.— Negro labor can not be said to have enjoyed any abnormal inclusion in Pennsylvania industries. The historical and political development of Pennsylvania has not been such as to attract a large Negro population. Pennsylvania labor was probably formed, largely, by foreigners comprised of the so-called "Hunkie laborer in the unsldlled and semiskilled occupations. The skilled class was probably made up of American labor which developed in Pennsylvania along with the development of industry and which was supplemented, under the law of demand and supply, by skilled artisans and mechanics who came into Pennsylvania from other centers. Even the Negro mining class had been employed, previous to the war, in fairly large proportions in Pennsylvania mining dis- tricts of the southwestern section. In the JPittsburgh district, more than in any other section, the Negro worker, before the war, probably enjoyed a greater inclusion into all branches of labor than he did at any other point in the State. The Pittsburgh Negro had long since become a very desirable citizen, a competent worker, and a thrifty individual. In the steel mills at Pittsburgh, "rollers" and other types of workers were em- ployed at salaries sometimes as large as S250 per month. These persons maintained good homes and contributed to a high type of civic life in Pittsburgh. Now and then a technical worker from some of the best American universities was in a supervisory position in a steel mill. Industrial advances during the war. — With the stress of war the gi'eat industries of Pennsylvania, thi'ough sheer necessity, became objective centers of a tremendously large mass of workers. The never-failing law of demand and supply was exercising great influ- ence in drawing laborers. To the Negro worker, whether he came from locations within the State of Pennsylvania or other Northern States, or from the South, which was pouring into northern indus- tries its thousands of Negro migrants, the influence of the law of demand and supply was very effective. Consequently Negro labor of every type was drawn into employment in Pennsylvania, from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. When the Division of Negro Economics was established, the plans of the Secretary of Labor called for the development of this work of the Negro, choosing first the points of the greatest needs in different sections of the country. For this reason the work of the division was somewhat delayed in its beginnmg in Pennsylvania. The machinery of the United States Emplo}Tnent Service had been well established in Pennsylvania and as soon as plans for the Negro work were perfected and a worker available, it was decided to es- tablish a cooperating office, first, at Erie, Pa. A competent Negro official, Harry E. Arnold, of the United States Employment Service, was accordingly detailed to that city. 116 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 117 At that time Erie presented some very critical problems affecting the relations of white and Negro workers. At the outset of the war there was said to be about 300 Negroes residing in Erie. But on November 18, 1918, this population had increased to 2,000 persons, the majority of them newcomers, practically all of whom had come from the South. Housing conditions most seriously affected the Negroes in Erie. When the Negro economics activities first looked in upon the situation, 200 Negro laborers were living in crowded bunk houses and hastily erected camps. The larger portion of Negro fe- male workers were employed in domestic and personal service. Con- siderable complaint on the part of employees was directed against "irregularity of service." Because of this and the housing condi- tions, there was a large turnover of labor in Erie, male and female. Organization of committees. — The Negro special agent, Harry E. Arnold, following the above-described plan of the Secretary of Labor, thi'ough the Director of Negro Economics, established a strong com- mittee of colored and cooperating white members in Erie. The pur- poses and functions of such a committee have been previously ex- plained. A labor survey of Erie followed and thereafter, as soon as the local situation had been well got in hand, similar plans were out- hned for Meadville, Sharon, Pittsburgh, Washington, Connellsville, Harrisburg, New Castle, Beaver Falls, Sewickley, Wilkinsburg, Braddock, Homestead, Monongahela, Uniontown, Johnstown, Steel- ton, Carlisle, Chambersburg, York, Gettysburg, Williamsport, Lan- caster, Coatesville, Scranton, and other industrial centers. The signing of the armistice, of course, made unnecessary a greater development of plans for Negro labor in Pennsylvania, but during December, 1918, and January, February, and March, 1919, the Negro special agent had carried forward such plans in order to meet the readjustments which would naturally be found in reconstruction times. The beginning of April, 1919, found a surplus of 100 unem- ployed Negroes in Erie. The special agent within a few weeks had assisted in reducing this surplus to 48. In this effort it was neces- sary for liim to seek opportunities and assistance from a number of plants in the placement of Negro workers. Thirty-one representative plants, principally in the iron and steel industries, gave ready atten- tion to the employment of Neo;ro labor, and the following facts are significant in connection with its greater inclusion in Pennsylvania industries: Four hundred colored men, of which 50 per cent were skilled workers, were employed in one of the railroad shops. Six of these emplo5'ees were rated as "first-class mechanics" and were ranked amon^ the most efficient in the shops. The officials of a metal company and of a boiler company, both of which employed foundry men and skilled workers, stated that their "Negro employees are as efficient as the whites." When it became necessary for these plants to reduce their forces on account of the cancellation of contracts, preference was given, in the matter of continuation, to the permanent residents of tfie local- ities wherein these industries had their plants. The result was that the permanent employees are old residents of that city. This, of course, assists in stimulating the continuance of home ownership and solidarity of civic life. The special agent reported 200 Negroes in the employ of the Carnegie Steel Co. on May 7, 1918. Prior to the signing of the armistice the number was probably from 600 to 800. 118 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. In this instance, inadequate housing again retarded the inclusion of skilled workers. Bunk houses and other unsatisfactory conditions wliich the better type of laborer would be discontented with estopped supply of the skilled Negro worker. The American Steel & Wire Co. reported a regular force of 75 Negro workers, practically all of whom were skilled employees. The Savage Arms Corporation reported 60 colored workers on Government contracts. Two machinists were included in this number. The above facts show to a small degree some of the practical work accomplished by this division within a very short period of time. The adjustments which followed the appointment of a departmental representative in Pennsylvania indicate the neM of the continuation of such a special service in Pennsylvania districts, in which the Negro worker is strivmg for a permanent place in the industrial life. It may well be said that the great opportunities in this great State will at least, in some small degree, be more readih^ available to the com- petent Negro worker of the future. Cooperation. — The Division of Negro Economics is particularly grateful to the private individuals and organizations in Pennsylvania, as well as public officials, Federal, State, and city, who cooperated wholeheartedly in the work. Of particular mention are the Pitts- burgh Urban League, the Interstate Industrial Arts Association, and the Armstrong Association of Philadelphia. These organizations, with their wealth of material knowledge regarding Negro life, were quick to come to the assistance of the department in this special effort. The Negro Workers' Advisory Committee of Pliiladelphia, comprised of strong white and colored citizens of that city, was made possible through the activities and help of the two last-named organizations. This committee, seated at Philadelphia, a point in which Negro life is very important, would have done inestimable work of value for the department had the future allowed a contin- uance of the complete field work of the Negro Economics Service. As this report goes to the press, a statement has come from Erie, Pa., to the effect that the Negro workers' advisory committee of that city is still holding regular meetings, in an advisory capacity, with regard to the present labor problems of that vicinity. This is of special significance in view of the fact that nearly a year has clasped since the permanent work conducted by the department at Erie, ceased to function. The statement referred to emphasizes a cordial racial relationship at Erie and bespeaks a high respect on the part of employers and employees, white and colored, for the results accom- plished by the committee. CHAPTER XVIII. REPORT OF WORK IN VIRGINIA. The work of organization in this State was very easily launched after conference with the executive committee of the Negro Organiza- tion Society, which already had branch organizations in many localities of the State, both rural and city. The executive secretary of the State National Council of Defense very readily approved of our plans and directed the chairmen of the county councils through- out the State to appoint three white representatives for service as cooperating members for our local Negro workers' advisory com- mittees. We soon had, therefore, committees established in about 60 counties and 5 cities of the State and an office established at Rich- mond with Mr. T. C. Erwin, formerly executive secretary of the Negro Organization Society, in charge. A series of local conferences betw.een white employers and Negro workers for making out plans and adjustment of misunderstandings were held in Richmond, Alexandria, Roanoke, Norfolk, Petersburg, and Portsmouth. A special note may be given of the cooperative action of the State Council of National Defense in dealing successfully with a very critical situation of friction between white and colored carpenters at Camp Lee. One of the outstanding results of these conferences was the hand- ling of an apparent labor shortage at Norfolk. The following is a brief statement of facts: The chamber of commerce discovered that many activities of the city on which Governmental projects depended was suffering from lack of labor. At the same time there seemed to be large numbers of able-bodied men in the city. The labor shortage committee was appointed and an announcement made that there would be a campaign of officers of the law to compel men to go to work or to go to jail. As this affected Negro workers very largely, Mr. P. B. Young, chairman of the Negro workers' advisory committee took up the question with the labor shortage committee, pointing out to them that such a plan would not serve to get workers but to drive them from the city. A substitute plan was offered by the advisory committee to carry on an educational campaign, laying before the workere at mass meetings the labor shortage confronting the com- munity and its meaning to the city and to uie Government, with an appeal for volunteers. This plan was agreed to, and a series of street addresses were made at night on the most popular street corners in the districts frequented by Negroes. After a ten days' campaign of this kind employment offices were overrun with volunteer workers and there were more men than were needed on the jobs. The office of the supervisor received regular reports from over the State of the Negro labor situation and gave special assistance as a result in meeting the farm labor shortage wherever possible. Special educational campaigns were carried on throughout the State by 119 120 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. means of bulletins giving information to the local committees on war labor needs and furnishing material on employment, health, housing, and recreation that might be passed to the congregations within the territory of each committee. The supervisor of Negro economics was also associated with the director of the Boys' Working Reserve for the State of Virginia, and directed the begimiing of that work among colored boys of the State to assist in supplying the farm labor shortage during the farming season of 1918 and the spring season of 1919. When the Housing Bm-eau proposed the establishment of a model community at Truxtun, the supervisor of Negro economics very early was in touch with some of the strong colored citizens of Portsmouth, near by. A Negro workers' advisory committee, with Mr. W. H. Jennings as chairman, was formed. Through them there was devel- oped contact with the officers of the navy, yards, and the Housing Corporation was assisted in getting suitable residents for the houses of the project when opened. A few weeks after the first blocks of houses were occupied there appeared need for continued assistance in getting these residents adjusted to the new community and in securing cooperation among the families. The supervisor of Negro economics for Virginia there- fore gave considerable attention to this in cooperation with the local advisory committee of Portsmouth for help in stimulating the pride of the new residents in their community and in efforts to make Truxtun a model in every respect by keeping the buildings in the model condition they were when first occupied, and the lawns and surrounding grounds in first-class condition. After a few weeks it became evident that it was desirable to have a Negro operating representative put in charge of the project. The United States Housing Corporation appointed Mr. Fred D. McCracken, who had been with the Housing Bureau for more than a year, first as assistant to the chief of the United States Homes Registration and Placement Service, in Washington, and later as a traveling representative of the United States Housing Corporation. Mr. McCracken took charge as operating representative of Truxtun in July, 1919. This Truxtun project consists of 254 family houses with modern improvements, including electricity, hot and cold water, with garden and lawn space for each house, all being either detached or semi- detached residences. There are four stores and a modern brick school with 10 rooms all on one floor. Not only did the operating representative get the support of the Negi'o Workers' Advisory Committee of Portsmouth, but he soon formed an association of the householders of the community, divid- ing the town into districts, with a captain over each district. These captains formed a sort of town council for advice and help to the manager in directing the affairs of the town. The project, mider his management, has continued with marked success, including the conduct of the public school as soon as the fine school building was completed. Wlien the time came for selling the homes to the householders the volunteer organization of captains and householders was very helpful in inducing those who were then renting the properties to become the purchasers. All of the houses THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 121 have been taken on an easy-payment purchase plan. The Housing Corporation no longer fui'nisnes the funds for taking care of the Eublic utilities, these now being supported out of taxes which the ouseholders have levied upon themselves. There was inaugurated a system of messages to be delivered by representatives of the local advisory committees to Negro audiences gathered on various occasions in different localities. These mes- sages acquainted the people with the labor needs, opportunities and conditions. At the time the service was discontinued a series of economic surveys with special intensive survey of Norfolk, Va., were being planned for several cities in cooperation with local offi- cials and citizens. These surveys were to include living conditions of Negro workers, such as housing surveys, sanitation, etc. Tlie constitution of the Negro Workers' Advisory Committee of Virginia is somewhat different from that of the other States, and shows so concretely how effectively cooperative connections were made with the State and local private organizations in existence that it is incorporated herewith the account of the work of Virginia instead of in an appendix: CONSTITUTION OF THE NEGRO WORKERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF VIRGINIA. Article I. Name. — The name of this committee shall be the Negro Workers' Advisory Committee of Virginia. Art.. II. Purpose. — The purpose of this committee shall be to study, plan, and advise in a cooperatit^e spirit and manner with employers of Negro labor, with Negro workers and with the United States Department of Labor in securing from Negro laborers greater production in industry and agriculture for winning the war through increasing regularity, application and efficiency, through increasing the morale of Negro workers, and through improving their general condition. Art. III. MemhersMp. — ^The membership of this committee shall be composed of not more than thirty persons — colored men and women of Virginia. At least five members shall be women. Seven members of this committee shall be chosen from the executive com- mittee of the Negro Organization Society (Inc-.), who shaU be subject to reelection on the same terms of election as other members. The chairman of the Virginia Council of Defense, the Federal Director of the United States Employment Service, the chairman of the War Labor Board, and such other white citizens as may be appointed by the L^nited States Department of Labor shall be cooperating members. Governor Westmoreland Davis shall be Honorary Chairman. Art. IV. Executive board. — There shall be an executive board of nine chosen from the general committee. At least two members of the executive board shall be women, and three members shall be chosen from the central committee of the Negro Organization Society (Inc.), subject to the same terms of election as other members. Art. V. Appointments. — The members of the committee and of the executive board shall upon recommendation be appointed by the Secretary of Labor, who shall also designate the chairman and the secretary. These officers shall serve for both the advisory committee and the executive board. 122 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAE. Upon the first appointment, one-third of the members of both the advisory committe and its executive board shall be appointed to serve until January 1, 1919; one-tliird to serve until June 1, 1919; and one-third to serve until January 1, 1920. Thereafter, one-tliird of the membership of the committee and its executive board shall be appointed every six months to serve for a term of six months. The chairman and secretary shall serve for periods of six months each, subject to reappointment. There shall be a treasurer appointed by the executive board. He shall be under bond for the faithful per- formance of such duties as the executive board may designate. Art. VI. Meetings. — Section 1. The advisory committee shall meet at least once every six months and at such other times as the executive board may decide. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 2. The executive board shall meet at least once every other month and at such other times as the chairman and secretary shall decide, unless otherwise ordered by the board. Six members shall constitute a cjuorum. The chairman shall be required to call a meet- ing of the executive board upon a written request of five members of the advisory committee, of the board, or of both. Sec. 3. The meeting place of the advisory committee and the executive board shall be the State Capitol unless otherwise ordered by the executive board and approved by the Department of Labor. Art. VII. By-laws. — The executive board shall make such by- laws and rules for the conduct of business as seem best, subject to the approval of the advisory committee and the Department of Labor. Art. VIII. Powers of the executive hoard. — ^The executive board shall transact all business, make plans, enter into agreements, and perform such other acts as may be necessary for carrying out the pur- pose of this committee. All such transactions, plans, agreements, or acts shall be subject to revision by the advisory committee and the United States Department of Labor, through its duly-authorized representatives. Art. IX. Count;/ committees. — The executive board shall nominate for each county of the State having in their judgment a sufficient Negro population a county Negro workers' advisory committee of not more than eleven persons, at least two of whom must be women. This committee shall consist of one member from each magisterial district in the county and three members from the county at large, provided, however, that no county advisory committee shall consist of more than eleven members. Five members so nominated are to be appointed by the Department of Labor upon recommendation of the Negro Organization Societ}^ (Inc.), or its central committee. A member of the respective county councils of defense and such other white citizens as may be selected by the Governor of Virginia, or liis duly authorized representative, shall be cooperating members of the county advisory committee. Art. X. City committee. — The executive board shall nominate for each city of the State having in their judgment a sufficient Negro population a city Negro workers' advisory committee of not more than twenty-fivemembers, at least one-fifth of whom shah be women. A majorit}^ of the city advisory committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Those nominated for tliis committee THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 123 shall be appointed by the Department of Labor upon recommend- ation of the Negro Organization Society (Inc.), or its central com- mittee. Art. XI. Neigliborhood committees.— ^2ich district member of the county Negro workers' advisory committee shall appoint in his district a neighborhood committee consisting of one member for every five to fifteen families in the district. The district member of the county committee shall be chairman of this neighborhood commit- tee and shall be held responsible for the work of the committee. Art. XII. Finances. — -Neither this organization, its executive board, nor the county or neighborhood committees, nor any of their executive boards shall have power or authority to incur expenses or make any financial agreements or contracts, wliich shall in any way obligate the State of Virginia, the United States Department of Labor, or the Negro Organization Society (Inc.) No debts shall be incurred by this committee or its executive board or by any county or neighborhood committees or their respective executive boards unless previously provided for. The treasurer of this committee shaU keep account of receipts and expenditures and he shall keep any funds intrusted to liim deposited in such banks or trust companies as the executive board shall decide. Art. XIII. Amemlments. — ^Amendments may be made to this constitution by two-tliirds vote at a regular and duly called meeting of tills committee, provided such amendment shall have been pre- viously approved by the governor of Virginia, or liis duly authorized representative, and the United States Department of Labor and the Negro Organization Society (Inc). CHAPTER XIX. NEGRO WOMEN IN INDUSTRY. SUMMARY OF REPORTS MADE BY MRS. HELEN B. IRVIN, SPECIAL AGENT OF THE WOMEN'S BUREAU IN 1918-19. Desiring to give recognition to all major questions affecting women in industry and keeping in mind the declared purpose of the United States Department of Labor ''to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of wage earners of the United States," the Women's Bureau, early in its career as the Woman in Industry vService, made pro- vision to include in its program a study of the problems of Negro women in industry. The summary of data here given was secured from several industrial centers where typical conditions were known to prevail during visits made within the seven months begimiing December 1, 1918, and ending Jmie 30, 1919. This summary is by no means extensive. One hundred and fifty- two plants, employing more than 21,000 Negi-o workers, were visited, and the figures and statements here presented cover recent phases and developments in this industrial situation. The plants and industries visited were located in Illinois, Ohio, and Missouri, and in portions of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. In a number of cases recommendations were made for the improvement of conditions. Wherever subsequent information could be obtained showing that action had followed these recom- mendations and some instructive experience resulted a statement has been included in this summary. ESTDUSTRIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEGRO WOMEN. The total number of Negroes 10 years of age and over who were gainfully employed in 1910 as reported by the Thirteenth Census was 5,192,535; of these, 3,178,554 were male workers and 2,013,981 were female workers. Of the female workers, 1,051,137 were included in agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. Only 8,313 were listed in trade and transportation occupations, and 67,967 in manu- facturing and mechanical pursuits.' While these figures include women in all sections of the country, of wide range of training, and of aU ages above 10 yeai^, it is reported that, on an average, Negro women in industry are between 16 and 30 years of age. With the great labor shortage during the war, especially in northern industries, colored women had the opportunity to enter industrial pursuits never opened to them before. For the country as a whole there are at present no available figures to show the full extent to which they embraced the opportunities. The figures included below, however, are so typical as to give a good indication for the territory covered. As a result of recent migration in the North, these women were frequently new to urban life and to the factory type of community. They were, therefore, largely in process of adjustment to unaccustomed conditions, climatic, social, occupational, and economic. 1 Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Negro Population 1790-1915. General Tables Nos. 17 and 19. 124 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 125 The great need for workers to replace men drafted for Army service brought Avomen into occupations not heretofore considered within the range of their possible activities, Negro women shared to some extent these new fields. In response to the industrial demand, large numbers dropped their accustomed tasks in the home and in domestic service to take up the newer, more attractive work of supplying the need of the fighting world for the products of industry. In visits to 152 typical plants employing Negro women it was found that they were working at many different processes and under very different working conditions. Table VII which follows, gives an outline of the kind of work done by the women and the industries in which they were employed : Table VII. — Industrial occupations of 21,547 Negro women in (approximately) 75 specific processes, at 152 plants, during the period Dec. 1, 1918, to June SO, 1919. Number of plants in- spected. Product. Bed springs Brooms, brushes. Canned foods Clothing (men's and women's). Cotton mills (cordage, waste, mops). Department and other stores Furniture. Glassware. Hardware . Hosiery and knit goods. Laundries Leather goods Meats and meat products (stockyards abattoirs). Munitions Office work (Government work, mail- order houses). Rubber goods . Tobacco Transportation . War apparatus (gas masks, aeroplane sails, balloons). Processes at which women were employed. Number of women em- ployed, each specified process. Assembling, miscellaneous Machine operating • irading broom corn, binding bristles Pitting, packing, crystaUizing, and canningfruits and vegetables. Cutting Draping Hand finishing Machine sewing Feeding and tending machines Sorting cotton , Elevator operators Saleswomen Stock girls, maids Wrappers , Operating lathes Pohshing desks, pianos . -. Making blown glass Matron , timekeeper Miscellaneous machine operating punch and drill presses soldering, welding. Finishing knitted garments Operating knitting machines Steam and dry cleaning — Washing and ironing by power ma- chinery. Grading, cleaning and curing, tanning hides. Cleaning and curing offal Preparing, curing, and canning meats. Testing hides Time keeping Trimming and cleaning viscera Loading shells Billing macliines and addressograph operators. Card fiUng, clerking Expert investigating Packing and shipping goods Sldlled field work (lectures, etc.) S witchboa rd operatin g , . Typists, stenographers, bookkeepers. . M'aking and vulcanizing motor tires, tubes, rubber toys, etc. Making cigars Preparing snuff and chewing tobacco. . Stemming Weighing and inspecting Cleaning and repairing automobiles . . . Flagging trains Salvaging from railroad wreckage Power-machine stitching 4 Ifi 190 311 2 5 11 632 190 100 110 3 228 37 7 25 102 2 360 3a 692 11 146 130 2,990 117 37 2 136 499 331 2,705 7 182 8 2 2,303 114 2,373 5,965 2 215 18 84 57 21,547 126 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. It will be seen from a study of this table that the two industries employing the greatest number of Negro women were the meat- packing industry, where 3,282 were employed in the stockyards and abattoirs, and the tobacco industry, wnere 5,965 were employed at stemming tobacco, and 2,373 in the preparation of chewing tobacco and of snuff. Another very large group were doing office work, 5,538 being employed in 16 offices. The other occupations ranged from the simple work of sorting and packing to the operation of various machines requiring skill and dexterity. Some of these occupations, such as loading shells, operating lathes, cleaning and repairing auto- mobiles, flagging trains, and salvaging from railroad wreckage, were new to all women. On the greater immber of processes, however, white women had been employed many years before Negro women were taken on. During the war the employment of large numbers of women at new tasks in munitions plants and other war industries led to a shortage of labor in the textile and garment factories, which had long been great employers of women. As a result many textile and garment manufacturers, being quite unable to secure the requi- site number of white workers for their plants, accepted and even appealed to Negro girls and women to relieve the situation. The work of 1,670 girls and women in textile and garment trades was carefully observed. Several thousand others were known to be similarly employed. In several arsenals and munition plants croups oi Negro women were found mixing chemicals, loading shells, making gas masks, stitching wings for aeroplanes, and engaging in similar processes requiring great care, skillful fingers, patriotism, and courage. Most of these industries were housed in modern fireproof buildmgs, well ventilated to carry off the poisonous fumes, asbestos partitioned to prevent the spread of flames, and well equipped with hose, fire escapes, and first-aid apparatus for use in the occasional accidents that appear to be unavoidable in such places. The 499 munition makers were found to be giving satisfaction as a whole, and in some instances were reported to respond more readily than others for doing the heavy and dangerous portions of the work. They were proud of their unusual tasks and of their uniforms, and seem to have appreciated the working day shorter than household hours in domestic and personal service. In abattoirs, stockyards, and tanneries Negro women were en- gaged at different times in all processes except the actual butchering and inspecting of meats. They trimmed, sorted, and graded different portions of the carcasses; separated and cleaned the viscera; prepared, cured, and canned the meats; and graded, cleaned, cured, and tanned the hides for making articles of leather. In Government clothing factories and in private establishments on Government contracts they made overalls, army shirts, and dungarees in large numbers. In other factories they made bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, motor accessories, and metal buckets. In rubber plants they made automobile tires, tubes, parts of rubber boots, shoe heels, toys, and hospital necessities, such as rubber gloves, pads, and hot-water bottles. In transportation service they cleaned cars, acted as switch- 127 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 127 men and flagmen, mended roadbeds, salvaged small parts of engines and coaches from wreckage, painted and made simple repairs on automobiles, and occasionally acted as chaufi'enrs. Power-laundry work has furnished the opportunity for many Negro girls and women to earn a livelihood. In considerable numbers they have followed into the factory their former occupation of launder- ing clothing. Under good factory conditions this permits of escape from the more undesirable conditions of the household laundry service. Because of the difficulties and dangers of the work, and because of the traditional linking of Negro women to such tasks, there has been in most places little objection to them or color discrimi- nation against them in laundries. They have learned, consequently, to operate all kinds of power-laundry machinery; to wash, u"on, steam or dry clean garments of all sorts, as well as to do the hand finishing that is still in considerable demand. Many of these industries being essential in peace times, it is prob- able that large numbers of the Negro women who were drawn into them during the war emergency, and have made good, will find per- manent occupations at more desirable work than heretofore. In these industries Negro women usually fell heir to the less desir- able occupations or processes. As a whole, however, they stuck to these jobs and manj^ won advancement to higher places in that way. Many are still to be found spinning coarse yarn; knitting gloves, stockings, and underwear of cheap grades; making lingerie, fine waists, silk and woolen dresses, coats, caps, overalls, and men's shirts. The 8,388 tobacco workers observed in the factories visited were found chiefly in southern or border-line States, and, with the excep- tion of two groups, are working under most objectionable, insanitary conditions. Nearly 6,000 of these 3^oung, unskilled girls, work in stemmeries, where they prepare the stemmed tobacco for chewing, cigar making, snufl', and cigarettes. Ver}^ few Negro girls are found at the more skilled processes, such as making cigars. For this work one employment manager insisted upon hiring only pretty types, of rather foreign appearance, "in order that they may be regarded by patrons as Cuban, South American, or Spanish." Two women who were employed as weighers or inspectors were found to be both quick and accurate in their judgment, and are paving the way for others. In hotels many Negro women performed the services of cooks, dishwashers, waitresses, maids, elevator operators, and even bell girls. These latter were afterWL,rd quite generally replaced by boys and men, the girls being unable to handle most of the luggage of patrons. The wages of maids and waitresses were usually low, the workers being largely dependent upon "'tips." Elevator girls were operating both in hotels and in department stores as well as in many office buildings. They worked on alter- nate long and short "shifts," with brief rest periods, and carried passengers or freight as required. However, they were not usually compelled to lift packages into or out of their cars. Not only have these girls succeeded as elevator operators, but also as maids, stock girls, bundle wrappers, and even, where given the opportunity, as saleswomen. Several employers expressed a marked preference 128 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. for Negro stock girls, for reason that a greater variety of service might be demanded of them. For instance, in some stores they came to work 15 minutes before schedule time in order to polish mirrors and display cases. Careful observation showed that bundle wrappers working in sight of customers of stores were often of types whose racial identity was doubtful, while those behind the screens, as in packing and shipping departments, were more distinctly negroid in complexion. Three saleswomen of discernible Negro blood were of good appear- ance and showed keen intelligence about their work. Three or four quick and clever stock girls were found acting as sales assistants. Excepting Government appointees, of whom varying numbers have held positions under civil-service regulations since the period of reconstruction following the Civil War, comparatively few Negro women were employed at office work until 1917. The general spur to industry consequent upon America's participation in the war, the shifting of workers from home and farm to office, factory, and bat- tlefield made opportunities for greater numbers at clerical tasks than ever before. In this emergency several thousand Negro women found opportunities to play their part. The total of 5,538 found doing office work qualified in the offices of shops, of mail-order and other business houses, as typists, stenographers, and bookkeepers, 2,303 were observed at this work. There were 2,705 filing clerks, 331 billing and addressograph operators, and 182 packing and ship- ping clerks. These included, of course, forewomen and super risors of the various groups of workers. Clerical work was being done for the Government under civil-service and special classification. Also, there were 15 special investigators and lecturers and 2 telephone switchboard operators. A majority of these clerical workers, both in general commercial and industrial plants and in Government service, were given tem- porary appointments under the war emergency. Many of them were being released after the armistice to make way for discharged soldiers or because need for their services no longer existed. Othei-s were frankly told that such positions as remained available were intended for white workers, and that they had been used merely because no others could at that time be obtained. In known instances, however, Negro girls and women acquitted themselves in so satisfactory a manner that they have been retained, these having made permanent places for themselves. Also, a number of instances of individual success and achievement are known to have been rewarded by promotion and by assurance of continuance during satisfactory service. The signing of the armistice, bringing about a gradual cessation of war industries or a change in factory processes and products, probably meant the permanent dismissal of many of these Negro women industrial workers. Some have been provided for in the new plans of their employers and others have returned to their prewar occupations. Subsequent study is in progress to ascertain to what extent these Negro women have found a permanent foothold in these industrial occupations. THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 129 CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. In individual plants conditions were found to vary from the least desirable to the most satisfactory, as judged by modern industrial standards. Outstanding examples of these diftorences are to be found particularly in types of factory work usually denoted as "women's trades," such as textile, clothing, and tobacco industries. On the whole, the working conditions where Negro women were employed along with white women the conditions appeared to be similar. A few typical cases will illustrate the situation. In a hoisery mill employing Negro women no provision was made for first aid, although slight accidents are frequent. Other facilities for the comfort of the workers were at a minimum. The plant had no lunchroom or lockers. There were but two toilets and two sinks, and one separate faucet with a tin cup attached supplied the drinking water for the entire group. There was neither soap nor warm water for washing the hands, although the workers were expected to keep the white hosiery quite free of any soiling. They were taxed a few cents, for each soiled spot found by the inspector. On the other hand, another establishment, manufacturing men's shirts, offered thoroughly desirable working conditions with adequate facilities for the comfort of its employees. Each unit, consisting of 140 to 200 girls, was furnished with an instructor for processes that were new, whether carried on by hand or by power machine. The shops were well lighted and heated and were fitted with modern machinery that runs with little noise and gives to the operators pro- tection from accident. A small dispensary and first-aid room, with a nurse, were available. There was an excellent lunch room, with food furnished at cost. There were lockers, clean and adequate toilets, and sinks with soap and sanitary towels. All workers started with the same basic wage, with increases to more highly paid piecework as rapidly as their skill permitted. ^ Good and bad conditions were found also among industries here- tofore carried on entirely by men. For instance, a plant manufac- turing buckets and other sheet-metal products was very poorly heated, lighted, and ventilated. Its uneven cement floor held pools of water that had overflowed from the cooling tanks. Generously spilled paint and solder caused an uncertain footing in the dim aisles. One room, about 9 by 12 feet, with a single toilet in the corner and with hooks above two benches along the walls, furnished the only arrangements for women to change street clothing and working apparel and for the storage of coats and skirts of changed garments. There being no lockers, garments of workers were frequently reported as lost from the hooks. Two sinks just outside the door of this room were supplied merely, with cold water, and only roller towels were furnished. Under these conditions two grouj)s of 35 Negro women each worked on alternate day and night shifts. One group worked from 7 p.m. until 5 a, m., with a half hour at midnight for lunch. Because of the extreme suburban location of this plant and the inconvenience to cars these employees were obliged to walk about half mile across an unpaved, poorly lighted, wind-swept area which was unpleasant even on a clear winter midday, not to mention inclement weather. 1989^-21 9 130 THE NEGKO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. A ^roup of young Negro women, selected and sent by the local United States Employment office in response to an urgent appeal from the woman proprietor, left this factory in a body on their first day because of the abusive language of a foreman in response to their protest against the conditions under which they were expected to work. In marked contrast to these conditions were those found in an immense plant which was making bolts, nuts, small parts of motors, and other machine-shop products. The several hundred women employees were native-born white, Negro, and foreign-born of- several nationalities. The workrooms of this factory were light and clean, neither unduly noisy nor overcrowded. The punch and drill presses were provided with guards to reduce the number of accidents. The Negro women wore caps and overalls and were directed by a Negro forewoman. The plant was adequately equipped with toilets, washrooms, and lockers. There was a plain but clean lunchroom, a dispensary, with first-aid and visiting-nurse service without charge. There was also a company store where employees could purchase uniforms, other plain clothing, and a few necessary foodstufi's at wholesale rates. A training school ofi'ered certain instruction during a limited number of hours each working week. There was apparently no special arrangements made because of race, except that the colored women worked in a group to themselves and were superintended by a Negro forewoman. Realizing that the opinion of their employers would seriously aftect the future of Negro women in industry, an attempt was made to secure the opinions of superintendents or other officials dealing with Negro women in these plants. Of 34 employers who expressed a definite opinion on this subject, 14 said that they found the work of Negro women as satisfactory as other women workers, and 3 found their work better than that of the white women they were worldng with or had displaced. Of the 17 employers who felt that the work of Negro women did not compare satisfactorily with that of the white women, 7 reported that irregularity of attendance was the main cause for dissatisfaction, and 7 others felt that the output of Negro women was less because they were slower workers. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING. The chief of the problems of industrial training is presented by the very obvious need for a more cai'efully thought-out plan of education for Negro women, who are comparatively new to industry and who have no adequate standards upon which to base their estimate of their own worth or the requirements of their occupations. If private and public facilities were to be generally opened to Negro women for their education there would not fail to be a very general increase in the efficiency of Negro women in industry. This is not education in the usually accepted sense, though an impartial enforce- ment of the school attendance law will improve economic conditions for future groups of workers. It is training for efficiency, with- its contributing factors of personal hygiene, industrial sense, increasing skill, and realization of contractual obligation. It is the development of industrial consciousness through the fostering of pride in achieve- ment, through increasing personal and family thrift and thi'ough THE NEGRO AT WOEK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 131 encouraging an attitude of constanc}' toward a given task or locality. This type of education is essential in " training the worker on the As is the case with any group new to a situation, Kegro women on entering industry have need of patient, careful training in all proc- esses required of them and in the use of all machiner}^ employed in the specific work assio;ned to them. Such training plus the oppor- tunity to advance individuall}^ or in groups, as their increasing skill may warrant, has been found profitable by most of the employers who are awake to the possil)ilities of Negro women as workers. Eighty per cent of the employers interviewed who had given a trial to the training-plus-opportunit}^ method reported little or no diffi- culty with these workers, while 30 per cent expressed a preference for Negro women because of their cheerfulness, willingness, and loyalty in response to fair treatment. One employer who had instituted these courses said: ''We are getting all we hoped for and more." In this plant the gh'ls were doing clerical work. Each girl was given three days' special training before being put to work. Up to the time of the visit (1919) their work was so satisfactory that a large number were employed. The management said that it had found that Negro girls did just as good clerical work as white girls as soon as the " breaking-in " training had been given. In another plant, where a "supermtendent of service" was de- tailed to supermtend group and individual trainmg for work on small machine products, it was reported that there was no difference be- tween the work or attendance of the native-born white, Negro, and and foreign -bom women workers. This plant showed in the kind of women employed and the atmosphere of the workroom the excellent results of the absolutely equal chance given to all workers. In other plants training was more haphazard, being given by the forewoman and sometimes by fellow workers. It was from such establishments that the greater number of complaints of inefficiency and slowness came. In addition to courses of traming supplied by the employer within his plant and which are limited to the actual processes in use in his plant, there were found some opportunities for Negro women in the public schools, through continuation classes or night schools. In one locality a plan of cooperation for such extension work be- tween the vocational bureau of the public schools and a privately controlled industrial school was feasible. The school in question had already launched several courses designed to interest the young work- ing girls of that commmiity. The principal was quite willing to ex- tend the opportunity to Negro women workers, making such course as practically attractive as the school facilities would permit. At the time this school was offering courses of interest to housemaids, cafe- teria workers, butchers, core makers, motor mechanics, and various sorts of garment workers, including makers of overalls, shirts, and women's clothmg. Possibilities for decent, sane, healthful recreation for the average Negro working girl and woman bemg in many commmiities dis- tressingly inadequate, this phase of educational activity is very es- sential to efficiency. It appeared wise to attempt to arouse mterest in this matter wherever tne situation seemed urgently to warrant it. 132 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAE. As an instance of what can be done, a community center organization which had previously taken no heed of the 300 to 400 colored girls at work in a local factory was persuaded to provide for them a weekly meeting place and a leader of games and athletics. The principal of a Negro school was induced to appeal to the school authorities to include in their plan for a new building some provision for a joint assembly room and gymnasium. Much to the principal's surprise the appeal met a favorable reception, and the people of the little community are now watching the erection of their building with this addition. Several recreational clubs of different sorts have been organized in churches, and a certain war service has given excellent and valu- able assistance in this respect, followmg most willingly any lead or suggestion that might be given. A very important part of the work which was done by the Women's Bureau in connection with Negro women w^as the educational talks explaining to various OToups interested in this subject the standards and policies that should attain in establishments emploj^ing women and girls. In addition to the courses of training which could be made avail- able for Negro workers in the private or public schools, there could be a most valuable educational stimulus and training given in the various leagues and clubs of industrial women workers which are organized in different communities. METHODS OF SUPERVISION. If the Negro woman is to keep and increase her hold in industrial activities of the country, in addition to special training to fit her for the work, she will need the cooperation oi employers who understand the special problems attending her employment, and who will make adjustments and establish policies accordingly. Various methods of shop management in plants employing Negro and white workers together were noted during this survey, and on the basis of successful experiments that were observed recommendations were made for the improvement of conditions in other localities. In one northern community which had recently been subjected to a large influx of Negroes one well-known firm had already put into operation a plan of work for them on equal pay and conditions as other workers. The results were not only satisfactory but were promising of most desirable further development. The workers were making good in every department. Tlie largest numbers naturally were found in sections where mainly manual operations were required. Besides the many operators on punch and drill presses there were several forewomen, five typists, two or three clerks, two messengers, two elevator operators, a first-aid assistant, a postwoman, and a woman chauffeur. With this particular fii-m as a successful examnle three others were persuaded to give their Negro workers similar opportunity. . Negro women supervisors of units of workers of their o^^^l kind were gi^'ing results. One very successful instance of such super- vision can be used as an example of what might be accomplished through the more general adoption of the plan. This unit of approx- imately 200 girls in a large mail-order house had worked for about a THE NEGKO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 133 year under the supervision of an intelligent Negro woman. The work of these girls consisted of all office processes, such as bookkeep- ing, stenograpliic work, typewriting, and operating office appliances as well as packing and preparing goods for shipment. These workers were not only supervised but were also trained and instructed by Negro forewomen. The unit had a slogan, "Make good 100 per cent." So successful had been the work of this group that shortly after their dismissal by a new, unsympathetic superin- tendent, they were reinstated and their number augmented, because their work was so satisfactory in relation to the larger work of the entire plant. Although there was a number of examples found of a carefully thought out policy in the employment of Negro women, there were complaints oi discrimination made by these women too serious and frequent to be ignored. If a group of women persistently believes that they are ^iven the lowest wages, the most disagreeable work, the poorest material, and that they will be the first to be laid off, whether or not the facts fully warrant their beliefs, they will hardy put their best efforts into the improvement of their work. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. From the foregoing account it would seem that the Negro women have taken an increasingly important place in industrial activities, largely as a result of labor shortage during the war. They increased in numbers in meat packing, i!n the tobacco industry and power laundries, and entered largely into textile and garment factories, munitions plants, and into clerical positions. The conditions of the places of work varied from excellent to very poor, appearing to be similar to those surrounding white women where the two were working together. The Negro women workers need special attention to their industrial training and opportunities for community adjustment. Where employers have tried to do this they found it profitable. Special supervision, especially by persons of their o\vq race, has proven effective. So far as the situation may be regarded as peculiar to the Negro woman it may be said that she has been accepted, in the main, as an experiment; her admittance to a given occupation or plant has been conditioned upon no other workers being available, and her continu- ance frequently hinged upon the same. She was usually given the less desirable jobs. The Negro woman worker being new to industry has to learn its lessons of routine and regularity; the attitude both of the employer and of other workers toward Negro women workers was one of uncertainty. CHAPTER XX. RECOMMENDATIONS ON SCOPE OF DEPARTMENTAL AUTHORITY. From time to time the Director of Negro Economics submitted reports and memoranda to the Secretary of Labor showing the propaganda which it was attempted to estabhsh among Negro wage earners. Such a memorandum, with supporting documents and newspaper chppings and exhibits, were submitted to the Secretary about a month before the series of riots in Chicago, 111., Omaha, Nebr., Washington, D. C, and other places in the summer of 1919. In this memorandum there were analyzed the three schools of opinion and activities in the adjustment of Negro life, namely, the very radical I. W. W. group, the aggressive abohtionist group, and the conciliatory group. In the course of this memorandum, dated July 8, 1919, there occurred the following statements: This state of oi>inion in the Negro world is especially important with reference to the labor conditions in the States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and points in New Jersey, Indiana, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas. To this terri- tory thousands of Negroes have migrated and are still moving. They are coming into employments very much moie highly paid than those they left in the South. They ai"e badly housed in most cases, rather coolly received by the white workers and populace, segregated into "ghettos" in the larger industrial centers. They are little adjusted to the highly organized northern life into v.hich they haAe come fiom more backward communities in the South. The white workers in many localities in this temtory have looked with apprehension upon their settlement, at the present time there being considerable friction in points like Toledo, Ohio, Chicago, 111., and Omaha, Nebr. The occmTences at Philadelphia, East St. Louis, and Chester, Pa., within the last two years are only indications of what may easily take place in other places. The returning Negro soldiers are also going in large numbers to these centers. ■x- * * Their discontent, growing out of pre"\-ious conditions and present maladjustment in theii- new sun-oimdings, their desire for American rights, their resentment against imjust discrimination and other practices against them make them a -very ripe field for critical de^■elopments of unrest, ftiction, and distm'bances — dangers not only to the peace of labor conditions but also to the welfare of themselves, the community, and the Nation. Suspicions of white workers at the present time in several places make outbreaks easily possible. * * * In all this temtory there is very little, if any, well-organized and well-directed machinery for assisting Negi'oes in getting into touch with the employment offices and in getting located and adjusted in their new environment. Thousands of them are coming to places like Chicago and Detroit with no direction whatever. They \viU listen to counsel and guidance from Federal agents as fi'om no others. It has been clearly demonstrated that oiu* supenisors, working under the United States Employment Service, mth the development of Negro workers' advisory com- mittees in these places, can have the most far-reaching effect upon these workers. During the trying days of the Chicago riots the Director of Negro Economics went to Chicago and investigated the situation on the ground and on August 27, 1919, he made a fuU report of the Chicago situation to the Secretary of Labor, outlining the underlying labor causes in relation to white employers, white workmen, Negro work- men, housing, political, and other conditions. This report was sup- 134 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. 135 ported with a mass of testimony, newspaper clippino;s, and other data. The director also visited and reported upon the feeling between white and colored workers in St. Louis, Mo., Detroit and Flint, Mich., Cleveland, Ohio, and several other places. Testimony and evidence were also gathered from Sumter and Columbia, S. C, Birmingham, Ala., New York, N. Y., Jacksonville, Fla., and Montgomery, Ala., and from this testimony the director said, as a preface to the following recommendations (see pp. 26-31): I am led to believe that the mcial tension is so ^vide^pread as to be, in fact, a matter of national concern calling for some attention fi-om the National Government. He therefore made the following recommendations which were transmitted by the Assistant Secretary of Labor and approved by the Secretar\^ of Labor September 29, 1919: This report of racial friction, together with my pre^'ious memorandum on racial unrest, submitted July 8, 1919, shows imperative need of some forward steps. When the Secretary of Labor, furthering the effectiveness of his office, created the position of Dii-ector of Negi'o Economics there was latently established a means of exchange of information and of cooperation between this department and other departments of government, both State and Federal, through which a large. National constructive progi-am for bettering the li^dng and working conditions of Negro workers and im- proAdng theii' relations with white workers and white employers may be outlined and put into operation. The authority of the Secretary to establish "such cooperation between this department and other departments is given in the organic act as follows: "Said Secretary [of Labor] shall also have authority to call upon other departments of the Government for statistical data and the results obtained by them; and said Secretary of Labor may collate, arrange, and publish such statistical information obtained in such manner as to him may seem wise. ' ' (See. 4 of the organic act creating the Department of Labor. ) Section 10 of the organic act dii-ected the Secretary to report to Congress a plan for coordination of the activities, duties, and powers of his office ■nith those of other offices so far as they relate to labor. January 9, 1917, the Secretary of Labor reported such a plan to Congress with a bill to establish such cooperation and coordination of activi- ties, powers, and duties. (See H. Doc. No. 1906, 64th Cong. 2d sess.) Apparently this bill was never enacted into law. However, the Dii-ector of Negro Economics has been acting under the authority of the Secretary given in section 4 of the organic act quoted aboA'e so far as cooperation could be obtained with other departments in obtaining and furnishing information for the ad\"ice of the department. In addition to effective cooperation of an adAisory natiu-e which has been established with the se^'eral bureaus and di^'isions of the Department of Labor, special steps for cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government and with seme of the State governments have been successfully under- taken. SpecirJ mention may be made of such cooperative effort with the State Councils of National Defense during the war, with the Ignited States Public Health SerA-ice, and the War Risk Insurance Bm-eau of the Treasury Department, and with Col. Woods's offi.ce (Special Assistant to the Secretary of War), and with some of the demonstration agents of the Department of Agriculture. Based upon this past experience and the authority and powers of the Secretary of Labor for calling upon other branches of the Government for information affecting wage earners, I respectfully recommend : 1. That the office of the Secretary of Labor, by \irtue of the aforesaid authority, either through the Di^"ision of Negi'o Economics, or othenvise, as seems best, take steps through the executive of each department, or chiefs of bureaus or commissions or boards, (a) to develop cooperation for securing statistical data on labor matters from other departments, such data to be collated, arranged, and published with reference to Negro workers and their relations to white workers and white employers; (6) to work out plans for practical cooperation of the office of the Secretary of Labor with such other branches of the executive department of the Government as deals with questions of labor, such plans to be similar to those already started with the Public Health Ser\-ice, the Biu-eau of War Risk Insurance of the Treasury Department, and the office of Col. Woods, of the War Department. 2. That the Negio Workers' Advisory Committees already established be utilized for such cooperative service with other departments of the Government for such steps as may be effective in removing the conditions now causing racial unrest and friction, 136 THE NEGRO AT WORK DURING THE WORLD WAR. as it seems to me that some of the causes can be effectively removed by cooperative efforts of the agencies of the Federal Crovernment along the following lines: (a) Pub- licity and educational campaigns on the training of Negro workers, both shop training and uaskilled training; (6) improvement of the housing of Negro workers; (c) methods of encouraging thrift; (d) improvement of farm labor conditions and methods of labor management; (/) educational efficiency campaigns on promptness, regularity, full- time work, etc., utilizing Negro newspapers, associations, agencies, and public speakers; and (