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And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.G.; and 32 Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.; or OLIVER and BOYD, Edinburgh; or E. PONSONBY, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin. EXBE AND SPOTTISWOODE, Easi Haedihq Sxbbki, EiQ» 1906. [Cd. 2897.] Pnce 2s. Qd. G-IMr Library, Univ. of North Carolina Introduction Report Index CONTENTS. PAGE V. 1 555 INTRODUCTION. The introduction to the first volume of this calendar having described the whole of the collection, little remains to be said of a prefatory nature to the present volume. The manuscripts being calendared in chronological order, this second volume begins with the month of August, 1779, and ends with that of June, 1782, shortly after the departure of Sir Henry Clinton from New York for home and the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton to take his place. It includes within these dates such events as the occupation of the post at Penobscot by Col. Maclean and the destruction of the American fleet by Sir George Collier in August, 1779 (pp. 12-19), the expedition to which place was recounted at the end of the first volume ; the siege of Savannah by the French fleet under Comte d'Estaing and the American land forces under Maj. Gen. Lincoln in September and October of the same year — a siege successfully withstood by Brig. Gen. Prevost ; the expedition to Charlestown, South Carolina, undertaken by Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot from New York at the beginning of the year 1780 ; the siege of that town, and its capitula- tion on the 12th May. In June, Sir Henry returned to New York, leaving the command in the south to Earl Cornwallis, whose march through South and North Carolina into Virginia and its disastrous ending at Yorktown are indicated by numerous entries throughout these pages. The outbreak of hostilities with Spain was signalized in America by the proclamation of American Independence at New Orleans (p. 31), and followed by the invasion of West Florida by the Spaniards imder Don Bernardo de Galvez and capture of the forts on the Mississippi in the autumn of 1779, the taking of Mobile in March 1780, and the surrender of Pensacola to them in May, 1781, all of which are described in the letters from the military commander there — Maj. Gen. John Campbell. The correspondence with the post at Halifax is continued from the previous volume, as is that with the Governor of Georgia — Sir James Wright, and of East Florida— Governor Patrick Tonyn, while the letters of Lt. Gen. Alexander Leslie, who succeeded Earl VI Cornwallis in the southern command at Charles town, record the progress of events at the latter place. In March and April, 1782, the question of assisting the West Indies, and especially Jamaica, attacked or threatened as they were by the French and Spanish forces, led to discussions in the council of general officers at New York as to whether detach- ments should be made from New York or Charlestown. The decision to detach from Charlestown met with opposition from Gen. Leslie and the inhabitants of that post generally, and when finally a detachment under General O'Hara sailed, Rodney's victory over the Comte de Grasse on the 12th of April had for some time been an accomplished fact. An attempt on Jamaica was still, however, fully expected (pp. 490, 525 and 526). The resolution of the House of Commons against continuing the war (p. 407) leads, towards the close of the volume, to preparations for the evacuation of the southern provinces, but the retention of East Florida as a refuge for the loyalists of the neighbouring provinces is being ardently pressed. As already stated in the introduction to the first volume, this calendar was well advanced before the death of Mr. B. F. Stevens, and is seen through the press by his successor, Mr. Henry J. Brown. CALENDAR OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION. VOL. II. » Michael Francklin to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 2. Halifax, Nova Scotia. — Sends extract of letter from Lord G. Germain by which he is directed to dispose the Indians of his department to co-operate with the King's troops. " The Indians of Nova Scotia consist of about five hundred familys, all Roman Catholicks, containing near three thousand persons, who are scattered throughout the whole province, and live entirely by hunting and fishing. " In 1776 The Council of the Massachusetts Bay by means of presents and the adress of several enterprizing rebells, prevailed on the Indians to enter into a treaty by which they engaged to furnish six hundred men to join Mr. Washington's army ; that year some of them joined the rebells, in an attack on Fort Cumber- land. " In 1777 I was appointed Superintendant of the Indian Affairs in Nova Scotia, in the Spring, the rebells have taken post at St. John's River ; the Indians were assembled, and on the point of joining them, when I accompanied Brigade Major Studholme to that river with troops, and detachments of my own, and Col. Butler's Militia ; the rebells were defeated and dislodged, and the Indians obliged to separate from the rebells. " In 1778 the Americans prevailed on the Indians of St. John's River, to return the British flag to Fort Howe, and send in a declaration of war, and even went the length to take several vessels, and to commit other acts of hostility ; it was then judged necessary I should repair there, on my arrival, they came in, and were prevailed upon to accomodate their differences, and to deliver up the treaty they had entered into with the Massachusetts to give me some of their commissions, and medals, they had received from the Americans, and to take an oath to remain quiet, a copy of which oath I have the honor to inclose. '' In 1779 This year the Congress Agent who resides at Machias, has provided a French Priest for them, and he is now actually hovering on the frontiers, from whom several manifesto's of the Count D'Estang have been circulated ; but the measures I have taken and am about to take I trust will prevent their breaking with us : but how far they can be prevailed upon to act against the people of New England, out of the Province, is a matter of much doubt : It is possible with a good deal of management, and proper rewards, they may be brought to surprize some of the small priva- teers and whale boats, that infest and plunder the harbours of the whole sea coast of the province." ... Is persuaded the numbers who actually would march to co-operate would not be considerable and " the expence attending it very great, for in addition to the presents they will require before they set out, for themselves, and their friends, all the familys will expect to be clothed and fed, for as they do not generally plant corn, when the able men are sent from home the family must be clothed and victualed. " And as their attachment to the French interest is yet very strong and their regard for the rebells much strengthened by their alliance with France, it requires the greatest attention and address, to keep them quiet, and I have my apprehensions that when they are once generally rouzed to arms, there is a possibility, that on the appearance of any French squadron or ships on our coast, they may suddenly think of acting against us." .... His own situation. His allowance of £300 per annum insufficient. Has struggled with great difficulties and represented the necessity of providing a proper fund for the purposes of Indian affairs. Could not attend public meeting of the Indians at the beginning of last month, as it must have been attended with the expenditure of pro- visions and other articles which he had no way of obtaining. The same reason prevents his proceeding to the R. St. John having already incurred a debt of £200 and 3,000 rations of provisions borrowed from Mr. Butler and taken from his own family in the country. Begs the contingent expences may be defrayed and necessaries supplied. Maj. Studholme at Fort Howe has done much to keep the Indians near him quiet. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 102. 8 pages. Enclosing Ld. G. Germain to Michael Franklin 3 May 1779. " 1 Copy of Oath taken by Indians of Nova Scotia 19 Jan. 1779. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 2. Whitehall.— No. 43. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 167. 3 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 71 ; copy 432, fo. 12, and in the Sackville MSS. William Livesay to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 2. New York. — Petition. That his property in Fairfield, Connecticut, was destroyed in Tryon's expedition ; that he was obliged to leave with his family to avoid the resentment of the Americans and they are destitute of everything. With certi- ficate by Jeremiah Learning and John Sayre. Original. Vol. 25, No. 260. 2 'pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 2. Savannah. — Arrival of Creek Indians. Had ordered Lt. Sutherland to go to New York according to orders but Captain MoncriefT expecting daily leave of retiring and leaving for home, the want of an engineer would not permit letting Sutherland go till representations were made. Major General Lincoln applies for mutual resident commissaries of prisoners. Asks permission. Scarcity of money. Check to the Indian Department by the late Mr. Stuart's bill being returned protested. Refers to his Excellency the Commissary of Indian Affairs, and begs commands. Has been obliged to furnish that Department with £500. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 202. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 445. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton, Colonel of 7th (or Queen's) Regt. of Dragoons. 1779, August 3. War Office. — A surgeon's mate to be added to 7th (or Queen's) Regiment of Dragoons at the rate of 3/6 per diem. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 172. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 3. War Office. — Sends promotions and leaves of absence. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 174. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Vol. 14, No. 173. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 3. Savannah. — The* enclosed omitted through hurry. Will be obliged if his son receive the appointment. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 204. 1 page. Enclosing Major Van Braam. Memorial to Sir H. Clinton, 26 July 1779. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 4. War Office. — Acknowledges letters. Remarks on several appointments, successions and brevets. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 169. 2 pages. 4 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 4. War Office. — Mr. Jeffreys, formerly physician to the civil hospital at Boston, afterwards at Halifax, having passed usual examination at Surgeons' Hall has been appointed surgeon to the Hospital at New York. An apothecary is to succeed him at Halifax. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 170. 1 page. Officers of the Independent Companies to Major Hierlihy. 1779, August 4. Charlotte Town, Island of St. John.— The remote situation of the regiment must preclude Capt. McMillan being brought to a general Court Martial. Ask him to memorialize Sir Henry Clinton to remove him. They would even contribute to his support. There are several gentlemen willing to raise men to complete the different companies on his removal. Signed by 10 persons, the first being J. Curgenven, Captain. Original. Vol. 29, No. 233. 3 pages. Annexed : — [Statement of Captain Alexander McMillan's conduct]. Original. Vol. 29, No. 232. 9 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 5. Whitehall— No. 44. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 168. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 133 ; copy 432, fo. 13 : extract 605, fo. 442 ; copies in the Sackville MSS. Mrs. Beasley, Refugee. 1779, August 6. New York. — Certificate by Beverley Robinson, Col. Loyal Americans, that the bearer is a refugee from Cortlands Manor and has sons and sons in law in the Loyal Americans and Queen's Rangers, &c. Recommends her and three small children for rations. Autograph, signed. Vol. 31, No. 213. 1 page. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 6. Whitehall. — Separate. Recommends Mr. Auch- muty, loyalist, for employment. Copy. " Vol. 14, No. 166. .1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 19 ; and in the Sackville MSS. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 6. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Acknowledges dispatches. His requisition on 11th May for £100,000 was answered before receipt by the sum of £200,000 in specie being sent out on account of extraordinaries and £92,644 9s. lid. subsistence sent out with Mr. Crowder in Adl. Arbuthnot's fleet. Asks for regular returns of the military chest extraordinaries, &c, &c, that their Lordships can take care to send out supply of specie to keep down the exchange and prevent combinations of merchants to raise the price. With regard to provisions two fleets were recently dispatched and on the 20th of last month 30 sail of vessels for New York and Georgia under convoy of Sir Andrew Hamond in the " Roebuck." A further fleet is now loading at Corke for remainder of this year's supplies and next year's are being proceeded with. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 33, No. 90. 4 pages. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 7. Charlottes Ville. — Encloses letter from Baron De Geismar and endorses his request. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 164. 1 page. Endosing : — Baron de Geismar to Maj. Gen. Phillips 20 July 1779. Brig. Gen. de Gall to Maj. Gen. Phillips 20 July 1779. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 7. Charlottes Ville.—" An American Commissioner of Accounts Mr. James Milligan is arrived here with a demand upon me for payment of between eighty and ninety thousand pounds sterling for provisions &c. &c. supplied the troops of Convention in New England, as, also, to liquidate several subsequent accounts of the same nature. " I have had some conversation with that gentleman and much paper correspondence has passed between us which is now ended. " The accounts to be liquidated, and for which it may be necessary to give receipts and certificates, are in some forwardness, and when compleated and delivered in to me shall be forwarded to you Ex- cellency to whom I have informed Mr. Milligan all accounts must necessarily be referred by me. — At the time I shall send you, Sir, these accounts I shall, also, transmit to your Excellency copies of all the papers which have passed between Mr. Milligan and me. " Has written several letters ; has received none since 10 March. The officers in great distress for wine and rum ; begs a flag of truce for these commodities. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 165. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 7. Savannah. — Inconvenience arising from want of money. Renews application for a nomination to the vacancies as the service suffers much. The rebels give out intention to attack Georgia. Complaints of officers for want of bat and forage money. Signed letter. Vol 15, No 206. 1 page. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 449. Gov. James Wright to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 7. Savannah. — Refers to intelligence of intended attack on Georgia. " I am no soldier but I don't like many things I hear and see." Entreats him to make an early movement this way. The Indians would probably co-operate. The Indian Department does not appear to be properly conducted. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 205. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 431. Maj. John Butler to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, August 8. Extracts. Vol. 11, Nos. 59 and 63. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 29 Aug. Extract in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16. Rev. Wm. Duncan to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 9. New York. — Memorial. That being deprived of his parish of Newport in Virginia from his loyalty applied for leave to come to this city in a flag of truce but his petition being rejected he was reduced to the necessity of taking a passage to St. Eustatius and the vessel being captured he arrived here. Asks for a vacancy as Chaplain in any of the new regiments. Signed. Vol. 34, No. 92. 2 pages. Charles Inglis to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, August 9. — Introducing the bearer Mr. Duncan a clergyman and refugee from Virginia. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 93. 1 page. Major John Butler to Lt.-Col. Mason Bolton. 1779, August 10. Canadasagoe. — Followed by extracts of two letters to Capt. Walter Butler 11 and 12 August. Copy. Vol. 11, Nos. 70-71. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, August 10. New York.— Cannot comply with request of 13th June as to Capt. Prevost without doing injustice to senior captains. Captain Lumm to succeed. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 207. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. South9, August 10. New York. — " Respecting your late move into 177 Carolina I can say nothing except lament that I had not the least notice of your intentions as I had no Idea of sending you re- inforcement at that time or making any solid co-operation." . . . Platters himself General Prevost is an officer of too much service to act decidedly on vague reports of reinforcements being intended. The spirit that seems to prevail does them great credit. By newspaper sees that Lincoln has been repulsed in an attempt on Maitland's post at Stono. Takes it for granted he (Prevost) has fallen back to a safer post nearer Georgia. La Motte Picquet has sailed from France probably for this continent. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 208. 3 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton, or the Com- mander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in N. America for the time being. 1779, August 10. Treasury Chambers. — Daniel Coxe, Saml. Shoemaker and John Potts have applied to this board for relief. To take the first opportunity to make provision for them. Signed letter. Vol. 33, No. 51. 1 page. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 10. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Sending en- closed papers of Major Macleod. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 65. 1 page. Enclosures : — Account of Alex. Macleod) s losses see 5 June 1777. Lt. Alexander Macleod to Lord North. Memorial. Settled in North Carolina in 1774. Had already served twenty-two years, at Quebec, Pondicherry and Manilla. Was appointed captain in 1775 of one of the companies of Highlanders of Major Macdonald of the Royal Highland Emigrants and in services expended £278. After reverses, and living six weeks in woods and sivamps escaped to Sir Henry Clinton. Rewards were offered for him, his wife, children and servants scattered and his property destroyed and carried off to the amount of £1,500. Followed the fortunes of the army for two years but on reaching New York found that even his company under Major Macdonald was not available to him. Prays some bounty. Accompanying this is an account of losses of his effects — as horses, cows, farm utensils, household furniture, and wearing apparel — six men servants indented for four years each in- denture equal to £20, six women servants indented for four years at £12. Total £1,500. Copy. Vol. 20, Nos. 62 and 63. 5 pages. Gov. John Dalling to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 11. Jamaica. — Count D'Estaing at Hispaniola. Fears attack on this island. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 71. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain 26 Sept. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. J36, fo. 541. 8 Jonathan Clarke, British Commissary General, to Major General William Phillips. 1779, August 12. Charlotte Ville. — Report. Transmits copy of a general receipt which he has signed to the American Commissary for the provisions delivered to the Convention Troops from 1 January to 31 July. The provisions have been delivered agreeable to the American ration. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 162. 2 pages. Enclosure : — General Return and Receipt as stated. Vol. 14, No. 175. 1 page. Letter and enclosures forwarded by Maj. Gen. Phillips to Sir Henrv Clinton 14 August. Sir Henry Clinton to Major General John Campbell. 1779, August 12. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 7th April. Finding it impossible to send him provisions from this place has written to Gen. Grant and Gov. Bailing to give as much as possible, but as Mr. Robinson states the troops in W. Florida are victualled by a separate contract, hopes the other victuallers are arrived. As he (Campbell) has written to Lord G. Germain about the intended fort supposes he will receive his Lordship's directions. Approved reduction of the Independent Companies. Carpenters cannot be sent ; he must endeavour to raise a company or make the best shift he can. Has applied to Adml. Byron for a frigate to be stationed at Pensacola. Approves issuing rum to the troops : refers him to Mr. Wier for contracts. Clothing will be sent for the Provincial Troops. Demands of Lt. Cols. Stiel, Dickson and Capt. Johnson shall be paid. On arrival of Arbuthnot's Fleet the commanding officer of artillery may probably be able to send some officers, not before. Incorporation of Allen's and Chalmers' Corps cannot take place. Capt. Durnford ought to give up some of his employments if they interfere with his duties as Engineer. The two prisoners mentioned may be released. Will transmit Dr. Lorimer's memorial to the Secretary at War. Capt. Barbut, commissary, ought to pay his deputy. Declines approving appointment of a particular pay- master. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 55. 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to [Major General John Campbell]. 1779, August 12. New York. — Is concerned that he cannot comply with the request in letter of 10th March but in the present situation of the army his presence in West Florida cannot be dis- pensed with. Will write more at large by return of Mr. Williams. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 56. 1 page. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 12. Charlotte ville. — Sends copies of a variety of papers passed between himself and Mr. Milligan an American Commissioner of Accounts. The papers will explain his commission 9 and wherefore he has arrived. The accounts are collecting and shall be forwarded when they have passed through Departments of British Quarter Master General and Commissary General. Refers the whole to his Excellency. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 159. 1 page. Enclosure : — Maj. Gen. Phillips to James Milligan. " 1779, August 12. Col. Carter's House. — As you hinted the oilier day at Colonel Harvie's that a delay in settling the Accounts your Commission is charged with had been created by the Officers of the troops of Convention, althd' you afterwards confessed it was a mistake, I have been very attentive in watching the progress of this matter and the reports made me yesterday are that the account of Provisions is nearly, if not entirely examined — Mr. Commissary General Clarke being at the Barracks ready to receive them when delivered to him. " Captain Vallancey reports that he had not received any papers from the American Quarter Master General's depart- ment, so that it rests with your Officers, Sir, any delay there may be in this matter. " As you seem resolute for setting out for Philadelphia I have thought proper to trouble you with this letter not chusing you should quit Charlottes ville with an impression of the British Publick Officers which your mind seemd stampt with the last time I had the pleasure of conversing with you. " I shall take it as a favour if you will trouble yourself with a letter from me to the President of the American Congress to whom I send my dispatch to Sir Henry Clinton containing Copies of all the papers which have passed between you and me with a letter to Sir Henry, a Copy of which I send you. " / shall deliver this letter to you sealed or unsealed as you may prefer or as the respect due from you to Mr. Jay may prompt of which you, Sir, are the best judge. " I am very sorry the bad weather yesterday prevented me from the pleasure of receiving you at dinner.'''' Copy. Vol. 14, No. 161. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. William Phillips. 1779, August 13. New York.— " Dear Phillips, I have the pleasure to inform you that an exchange on parole is agreed on, the officers which the enemy are to receive for you and General Riedesel are already gone. My dispatches consenting to this and other arrangements concerning prisoners are sent out, as soon as they come to Philadelphia you will probably receive intimation of it, and be allowed to repair to us. It will be with no less satisfaction I shall see you than you will pay us the visit. I am My dear Generals Most obed 1 and Most faithful Serv 1 . " With respect to your final exchange we must talk of that when we meet." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 160. 1 page. 10 James Picket or Pickett to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 13. New York. — Memorial. That his house in Norwalk, Connecticut, was burnt in the late expedition. Is destitute of support and in infirm health. Begs rations for himself and family. Original. Vol. 44, No. 139. 1 page. Troops of Convention. Certified 13 August 1779. — " Account of expences attending the Troops of the Convention of Saratoga (including the transportation of their baggage from Richmond, and the expence of our [torn] the Quarter Master Generals Department 1 February to 31 July 1779 at the Post of Charlottesville also an account of Forage is [torn] 1 December 1778 to 31 January 1779 at Leesburg and Fredericks- burg to the order of Maj. Gen. Phillips in the month of February last. Certified 13 August by Geo. Rice, A.D.Q.M.G. Endorsed:— " Received 13th August at noon Geo. Vallancey, A.Q.M.G. American Quarter Master Generals Accounts for Waggon hire, Forage, &c &c delivered the Troops of Convention of Saratoga. Delivered to Major General Phillips 14th day of August 1779 at noon. Geo. Vallancey." Original. Vol. 56, No. 77. 1 large page. Apparently one of the enclosures in Gen. Phillips's letter of 14 August. Step. P. Adye, Aid de Camp, to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, August 14. New York. — Order to issue rations to Col. Thos. Rutherford, Ensign Morrison and Lt. John McCloud and families, refugees from North Carolina. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 211. 1 page. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 14. Charlotte ville, Virginia. — Has already men- tioned Mr. Milligan. Sends now the papers enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 241. 2 pages. Enclosures : — Report of Commissary Clarke see 12 August. A/c from the American Commissary of Provisions see 12 Aug. A/c from the American Dept. of Quarter Master General 13 Aug. Report of Thomas Bibby, D.A.G. That Major General Phillips's family being directed not to take up forage for his or their horses from any public magazine unless the taverns could not supply, and to pay for the quantity then taken up, the officers of the staff desired Capt. Bliss, the American Officer who attended, to take up and pay for what forage might be necessary particularly at Frederick town and 11 Fredericksburgh which are the only two places he recollects thai forage was drawn from the public magazines. Original. Vol. 14, No. 156. 1 page. Report of Geo. Vallancey, Ass. Q.M.G. 1779, August 14. Barracks. — Objections to the " mixed and blended " methods of the account. Cannot certify it as it stands. Vol. 14, No. 157. 7 pages. Maj. Gen. Phillips to James Milligan. 1779, August 14. Charlotteville. — The British Commissary General Mr. Clarke announces that he has examined with the American Commissaries the issues of provisions to July and signed the receipts. The British Quarter Master General has received a/c from the American Quarter Master General and reports thereon this morning. Must agree with Capt. Vallancey in his reasons for not being able to certify this a/c ; it contains such a variety of charges on different subjects that it would be utterly out of rule to sign accounts of which he knows no parti- culars. When the clothing and baggage arrived at Richmond country waggons could easily have been hired to convey them to the barracks and would have been paid for but it was thought proper that the American Quarter Master Genl. should furnish waggons for the purpose. " There is ... a charge made " against me for forage for my horses upon Receipts given by " Captain Bliss the American Officer who attended me upon the " March from New England to Virginia. There must be some " very particular mistake in this matter for I expressly refused " to receive forage from the public American Magazines without " paying for it. . . . I constantly supplied Captain Bliss " with money upon the March and when he left me at Fredericks- " burg all his Accounts to a considerable amount were paid him " by me." Will forward these accounts with the reports on them to Sir Henry Clinton, and requests he will take charae of the dispatch as far as Philadelphia. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 158. 4 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to [Charles Jenkinson]. 1779, August 15. New York. — Monthly returns of the army have always been sent as circumstances permitted. States have never been sent : requests his Majesty's commands before he can officially transmit them. Has ordered the Adjutant General to prepare copies of those sent to the Secretary of State. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 155. 1 page. Lt. Col. Mason Bolton to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, August 16. Niagara. Extract. Vol. 11, No. 72. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16. 12 Elizabeth Beower, refugee. 1779, August 18. New York.— Recommendation signed by Gov. Franklin for rations for herself and five children, her husband being infirm. Original. Vol. 29, No. 143. 1 page. Gov. Wm. Franklin to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, August 18. New York. — Question of withholding part of the rations from Elizabeth Browry who has been to draw rations for her husband during his absence. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 113. 2 pages. William Morris to General Sir Henry Clinton. Petition. Was a civil officer in Philadelphia — has exhausted what he was able to bring away with him. Begs passage to Europe for himself, his wife and son. Certified by Sam 1 Shoemaker and Daniel Coxe, New York, 18 August 1779. Original. Vol. 29, No. 191. 2 pages. Sir George Collier to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 19. " Raisonable " in Penobscot Bay. — " Dear Sir, I was fully impress'd with the belief when I left your Excellency that I should give a good account of the rebel armament at Penobscot ; those hopes have not proved illusive for we have taken, blown up and destroy' d them all, not even a single vessel escaping. " I left the Hook on the 3d instant with the squadron, consisting of the Raisonable, Greyhound, Blonde, Virginia, Galatea, Camilla & Otter Sloop ; nothing particular happen' d in the passage except two privateers taken by the Greyhound & Galatea : — the thick fogs entirely separated the Squadron, but they all rejoined me in a few hours after I arrived off the Island Monhagen, (the place of rendezvous) except the Otter Sloop, whom I have never seen since. — We lost no time in immediately proceeding up Penobscot Bay, & about 11 in the morning the rebel fleet presented them- selves to our view, they were drawn up in a crescent across the river, & seem'd inclinable to dispute the passage ; but their resolu- tion soon failed them, & an unexpected & ignominious flight took place :— the Blonde, Galatea & Virginia were at this time advanced 3 or 4 miles ahead, nevertheless without waiting to form the squadron, I made the signals for battle, & for a general chace ; the King's ships followed them with all the eagerness which a desire of destroying their enemies could inspire ; two of the rebel fleet viz. the Hunter & Defence, attempted to get off by the West Passage of Long Island, but without success ; the former then run ashore with every sail standing, & the Defence got into a small inlet where she anchored ; both intending to push to sea when it was dark : I sent a lieutenant & 50 men to board the Hunter, which he succeeded in without loss, tho' many popping shots were fired at him by her crew in the woods ; she is a very fine ship of 18 guns, & is said to be the fastest sailing vessel in America. 13 " I directed the Camilla to proceed into the inlet & take the Defence, but she prevented that measure being carried into execution, by blowing herself up. She was a new brig, & carried 16 six pounders. " The King's ships continued their pursuit of the Rebel Fleet up the River Penobscot, & considerable hazard attended this part of the chace from the extreme narrowness of the river ; from the shoals ; & from the flaming ships on either side ; the Hampden of 20 guns rinding herself so closely beset as not to be able to run ashore, surrendered : all the rest of the Rebel Fleet, amongst winch was the Warren of 32 guns, 18 & 12 pounders, together with 24 transports were all blown up & destroyed. " The Nautilus, Albany & North which had been left for the protection of the garrison, soon got themselves in condition & joined in the chace. " General Lovel who commanded the Rebel Army & Commodore Saltonstal the Fleet, had fixed on this day to have made a general assault on the fort & ships, which our appearance happily pre- vented. — " The remains of their army & sailors are now exploring their way thro' thick woods, and desart wastes, where probably many of them will perish with hunger. " I am informed that since their landing, they have fallen out amongst themselves, & fought, whereby between 50 & 60 are killed. " We have taken a great many cannon, & some of 18 & 12 pounders, but I cant at present ascertain their number ; many of the ships guns will be saved & I'have sent the Albany sloop up the river for the purpose of weighing them. " I congratulate your Excellency upon this very complete defeat of the Rebels, and I fancy they will be very cautious in future how they attempt expeditions." Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 109. 3 pages. Thomas Wallis to Colonel Roger Morris (Inspector of Claims of Refugees). 1779, August 19. New York.— On behalf of Mr. John Lovell of Boston imprisoned for his loyalty for three years from the time the British left Boston to last June. Has received and maintained him since his arrival in this city and asks that some allowance or provision be made for him. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 152. 2 pages. Enclosure .'—Memorial of John Lovell. Vol. 14, No. 153. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, August 20. New York.— No. 67. Chiefly on his wish to resign. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 68. 4 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 409 ; copy 307, fo. 130. 14 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779. August 21. New York.— No. 68. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 69. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 419 ; copy 307, fo. 135. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, August 21. Majabigwaduce. — Return of killed, wounded, and missing of a detachment of the 74th and 82d regiments under his command. Signed copy. Vol. 21, No. 105. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton 23 August. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. L, 155, fo. 261 ; printed in the London Gazette Extraordinary 24 September. Major Timothy Hierlihy. 1779, August 22. Chartotte Town. — List of officers for commis- sions in the Independent Companies under his command. Original. Vol. 52, No. 78. 1 page. Indian Message. 1779, August 22. Carleton Island.— From Little David, a Mohawk chief, to Assaragowa [Gen. Haldimand]. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 69. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16. Stephen P. Adye, aid de camp, to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, August 23. New York.— That various persons (13) lately exchanged from captivity at Boston and who were officers in the North Carolina Provincials and recommended by Gov. Martin may be supplied with provisions. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 209. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 23. Camp at Majebigwaduce. — " By my last letter of the 26th June I had the honor to acquaint your Excellency that we were then employed in the necessary preparations for constructing a fort, to contain about four hundred men ; Major Craig informs me he acquainted your Excellency with the difficulties which prevented our beginning the work before he sailed from hence, these continued, so that it was the 2d of July before the engineer had mark'd it out. The fort was designed to be a square of two hundred feet interior side, with four bastions ; on the 21st I received intelligence that a fleet and army of considerable force, had sailed from Boston for this place, at this time tho' we had exerted every effort we were capable of to forward our work, Your Excellency will easily conceive it was far from being in a situation 15 to afford us any security against a vigorous attack such as the strength of the enemys armament gave us reason to expect ; two of the bastions were untouched, the other two with the curtains were in general, from four to five feet high, and twelve thick, the ditch in many places, not more than three in depth, and no artillery mounted, or platforms laid ; I had however some time before thrown up a battery of four twelve pounders on a height near the river for the protection of the ships, and had entrenched the border of the swamp, so that I had no apprehension of the enemy's getting a footing on the peninsula from that side. "From the moment I received intelligence of the sailing of the enemy's fleet from Boston ; I laid aside all thoughts of finishing the fort, and I can scarce do justice to the ardor, and diligence with which I was seconded by all ranks in my endeavours to put ourselves into some tolerable posture of defence. On the 25th the enemy's fleet to the number of thirty seven sail of all sizes, made their appearance, and at two in the afternoon began a heavy canonade, tho from a good distance on the ships and battery ; The warm return that was made them by both, soon obliged them to retire, and anchor opposite the West Point, the 26th the attack was renewed with the same success : during both these days, and on the 27th they made several attempts to land their troops on the West Point, but were constantly repulsed by our picquet (which consisted of a captain and eighty men) and a party of seventy men who were in a fleche near the point, and at hand to support the picquet, however, on the morning of the 28th they, to my great surprize, effected their purpose under cover of a heavy canonade from their shipping, and forced the picquet under the command of Captain Archibald Campbell of the 74th Regiment, to retire to the Fort, before I had received the least intelligence of their being landed, owing to the Serjeant who was sent by Captain Campbell to inform me of it, having missed his way in the wood : it now became necessary to withdraw the posts, we had along the swamp. And the enemy having erected a battery on an island at the entrance of the harbour, which the Captains of the men of war, as well as Lieut. Colonel Campbell and myself, were of opinion made it necessary for the ships to move higher up the river ; I brought the four twelve pounders from the battery on the river, into the fort, and replaced them with three six pounders out of nine which Captain Mowatt had at my request, landed from the ships for our use ; The enemy's shipping made several other attempts during their stay to anchor within the river, but were constantly prevented by the fire from our shipping and batteries. " On the 30th the enemy opened a battery in the wood of two eighteen pounders and one twelve pounder with a 5J inch mortar at the distance of 750 yards from the fort, and a few days after another about 50 yards nearer, of two eighteen pounders from whence they fired on us with great briskness, notwithstanding which our men continued their work with such unremitting diligence that platforms had been early laid in the bastions, by which we were enabled to return their fire ; And we every moment increased [in strength, the canonading continued on both sides, 16 together with several skirmishes without the fort, (occasioned by the necessity we were under of supporting our battery, and keeping up the communication with the ships of war, which we did the whole time) until the 12th when a deserter came in and assured us the enen^ intended to attack the ships and storm the fort the ensuing day, for the latter we were under no apprehensions but as we thought that their great superiority in point of numbers might engage them to hazard another attempt on the former : I threw up a small work about 150 yards from the post towards the river on which I mounted five six pounders for the assistance of the shipping supported by 100 men for whom there was a good position under cover from the enemy's fire : with these, and from the experience we had already of the resolution of the officers and seamen of our little fleet ; I should have been under no apprehen- sion for the success had they carried their design into execution, which however they did not, and to our great astonishment on the morning of the 14th about 4 o'clock being without the fort recon- noitring we observed an unusual degree of quiet in the enemy's works, and on a closer examination found them abandoned ; About 80 men which had been appointed from the two regiments to act as light infantry under the command of Lieut. Carthrae of the 82d Regiment were immediately ordered into the wood and another party was sent across the swamp in hopes of cutting off their rear but to no purpose. They had embarked during the night, and carried off all the artillery except what was on the Island at the entrance of the harbour viz. 2 eighteen and one twelve pounder, these were spiked but will be soon rendered serviceable again, one of the eighteen pounders being so already. " At the time the enemy fled, and for some time before we had increased our strength so as to be under no apprehension of their attempting to storm us, the damage they did lis in the day time, we repaired every night, one of the gorges of the unfinished bastions was filled up with logs, and the well for the fort being in the other, it was enclosed with a work of earth and fascines ten feet thick, a sort of chevau de frise had been carried round the Fort, and a tolerable abbatis without that again. " From the point we were observing the confusion of the enemy's fleet which we were endeavouring to increase by bringing down two twelve pounders to play on them when the appearance of His Majesty's fleet under Commodore Sir George Collier, of which we had as yet no intelligence, informed us of the true reason of the enemy's flight, as soon as the tide would permit they attempted to escape up the river, but being closely pursued by His Majesty's ships (in which the activity of Captains Mowatt, Farnham and Selby in getting their Ships ready enabled them to join) I am happy to inform your Excellency that their destruction has been compleat not one having escaped being either taken or burnt. " On the 15th at the desire of Sir George Collier I embarked 200 men on board a transport who proceeded up the river after the shipping. The light infantry were already on board the three ships that joined Sir George from this harbour, the whole were intended to land in case the enemy had made any stand. 17 " I have nothing to add to the above account but the inclosed list of killed and wounded, and to endeavour to do justice to the chearfullness with which the officers, and men underwent the excessive fatigue required to make our post tenable, the greatest part of our work was carried on after the Enemy's batteries were erected, and with a spirit and alacrity that would have done credit to the oldest soldiers, indeed from the time the enemy opened their trenches to that of their departure, the men's spirits, and contempt of their opponents increased daily, so that our chief difficulty was to restrain them. To Lieut. Colonel Campbell, I am much indebted for the most unwearied diligence in every part, And I must request the liberty of also mentioning to your Excellency the great service I received from the particular activity and conduct on every occasion of Lieut. Carthrae of the 82 Rt. Permit me likewise to acknowledge the readiness with which Captain Mo watt, and under him, Captains Selby, and Farnham, assisted us on every occasion ; The greatest harmony has subsisted the whole time between the navy, and army, there being no other contest between them, but which should contribute most to their mutual safety. " Most of the inhabitants on both rivers notwithstanding their oath of allegiance, and fidelity to His Majesty were compelled to join the enemy on their arrival here, most of them were employed in working tho some of them were in arms ; inclosed I have the honor to send your Excellency General LovelPs proclamation. Your Excellency is too well acquainted with the nature of those publications, and the purposes the chiefs of the rebellion usually put them to — to be surprised at the falsehoods contained in it only I must beg leave to assure you, that the compulsion, and violence insinuated to have been made use of by us, is particularly so, not an article having been taken by either the navy or army since our arrival, without payment, not the smallest injury offered to any inhabitant : however on the Enemy's flight, being informed, that the dread of our resentment for their conduct had induced many of them to withdraw from their habitations with an intention of going to the westward : Sir George Collier concurred with me in opinion to issue another proclamation a copy of which is also inclosed, which together with the conduct observed by the Rebels in their flight, we are in hopes will undeceive the people, and prevent the breaking up of the settlement. " As I have received no provisions since my arrival here, and a part of what we brought was destroyed by the Enemie's fire, we are now reduced to about the quantity necessary for four weeks, Sir George Collier has sent a Sloop of War to Halifax by whom I have wrote for a supply sufficient for the garrison that will remain here for ten months, but as we have no account of the victuallers being- arrived there, I am afraid they will not be able to send us anything near that quantity, And as the supplying them during the winter will be impossible ; I must still request you would order some from New York. " I propose leaving here under the command of Lieut. Colonel Commandant Campbell, that part of his regiment now here as per 18 inclosed return, unless I receive directions to the contrary from your Excellency before I leave this which I propose doing with the part of the 82d here and returning to Halifax as soon as the Fort which we are hard at work on, is in such a posture of defence as to be secure against any future attempts. "I beg leave to return your Excellency thanks for your attention to our wants by sending £3,500 by Mr. Finn cane which I have received. I have the honor, &c." Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 108. 7 pages. Enclosures : — Proclamation by Brig. Gen. Lovell see 29 July. Return of killed, woimded & missing &c. see 21 August. Return of ordnance stores expended at the Garrison. Dated. Majabigivaduce 23 August, signed Francis McLean. Vol. 21, No. 104. 2 pages. Present state of the 74th Regt. signed Lt. Col. John Campbell. Vol. 21, No. 106. 1 page. Proclamation by Sir Geo. Collier and Brig. Gen. McLean dated Head Quarters 23 August. Vol. 21, No. 107. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 267. Brig. Gen. James Paterson to Lord Rawdon. 1779, August 23. New York. — States of the army only sent to the Secretary for the American Department. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 154. 1 page. Original and copy in the Public Record Office War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Sir George Collier to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 24. " Raisonable " Penobscot.— Private. " My Dear Sir, The raging fever with which I left the Hook grew to that height, as to make me believe I was on the point of setting out on a much longer voyage than to Penobscot. — I am however (I thank God) recovering fast, & have no other complaint but weakness : our great successes here, have much contributed to my return to health. " You remember I long ago mentioned my strong disapprobation of establishing a post at this place ; that opinion is much more firmly establishd now for I cant perceive one single end a settle- ment here will answer ; all the inhabitants are rebels who take an oath to the King to day, and another to the Congress to morrow, & all assisted the Rebels in every thing they cou'd during the siege. " The face of the whole country is as dreary as can be imagined, & the greatest part uncleard & fit for nothing but wild beasts ; the fort too I think ill placd, & I fear wont be in a state of defence by the time the winter sets in. 19 " That fellow Nutting whom y r Exc y remembers at New York, has just been with me on a message ; I asked him what coud possibly induce him to recommend the establishing a settlement in such a place, & what advantages might be expected from it ? He denied his having ever recommended the measure to Lord G. Germaine, nor coud I learn from him what particular benefits woud accrue to us, by keeping possession of so infernal a spot. " I suppose Gen 1 Mclean will give you the necessary particulars of his garrison ; I must beg to mention however their great want of provisions, & how very necessary it is to send a victualler here immediately, as they have not more than a months remaining — Cap 1 Barkley has my orders to convey it here, as soon as possible, if you Sir, are pleasd to give directions for its being got immediately ready. " Gen 1 Mclean tells me he proposes returning to Halifax in about 3 weeks, & to leave Lt.-Col. Campbell & 400 men in the garrison ; it is really too few — the least they shoud have is 600 — and tho I believe the Rebels wont be very fond of expeditions for one while, yet so weak a garrison might induce the enemy to give them fresh disturbance. " I consider myself (my Dear Sir Henry) as writing to a friend, & I am persuaded you will have the goodness to forgive my ex- pressing my thoughts freely, on subjects in which I can have no right, to concern myself. " The measure of withdrawing the posts at St. Johns River, & at Cumberland, Gen 1 Mclean most highly wishes, & is impatient to receive your orders for a measure so salutary. " I have sent no other account but yours to York of the defeat of the Rebel fleet, & I shall therefore beg the favor you will cause y r Secretary to make such extracts as you may judge proper, & send it to Rivingtons paper. " I hope e'er this all y r expected reinforcements are arrivd, & that your mind is a little more at Ease, than it has been for many months past — I am sure nobody deserves better of their country than you do, Sir, nor nobody has been usd worse ! May every happiness be yours ; I do assure you I have that strong attachm' to you that I cant express it ; my heart will ever sincerely rejoice in your successes & deplore any cause which may arise to give you uneasiness." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 110. 3 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 24. War Office.— " The clothing of the present year for the army under your command, being compleated and shipped, I have the honor to enclose for your information a return of the said clothing, and of some hospital and other stores, for the use of the said army." Copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 149 and 150. 1 page each. Enclosure : — Return of clothing, dec, shipped 9 and 13 August. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 149. 2 pages. 20 [Charles Jenkinson] to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 24. War Office.— That Capt. Robt. Clayton, 17th Foot, is permitted to return to Great Britain when the present campaign is over. Duplicate copy. Vol. 14, No. 148. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Fras. McLean to [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1779, August 24. Majabigwaduce. — Recommends to his pro- tection Mr. Goldthwaite a settler on the River Penobscot who has expressed a desire of going to New York in the Blonde frigate. Has been a great loser through the rebels burning his house, &c. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 74. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 25. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Messrs. Mure Son & Atkinson have been directed to provide 18,000 quarters of oats in addition to 32,000 ordered to be sent last July. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 33, No. 50. 1 page. James Smither, engraver, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 25. New York. — Petition. That he came from Philadelphia with the army ; since then has been in a poor state of health ; begs rations. Annexed is a certificate by J. Galloway dated 24 July 1778 as to his loyalty, and one from Samuel Shoemaker 16 August 1779. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 316 and 315. 4 pages. General Washington to [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1779, August 25. West Point, Head Quarters. — Sends the en- closed. Is persuaded he " will reprobate so gross a violation of a flag." Signed letter. Vol. 14. No. 144. 1 page. Enclosures : — Maj. Gen. William Heath to Gen. Washington. 1779, August 25. Mandevitts. — That Gov. Clinton having granted Mrs. Hannah Apple 84 years of age leave to go into New York to reside there, it was judged best to ask permission from the enemy's lines by a -flag. Encloses Capt. Heyivood's narrative of the treatment met with. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 146. 2 pages. Benjamin Heywood, Capt. Lieut. 6th. Mass. Regt., to Major General William Heath. 1779, August 25. Higldand's Camp. — That having arrived at the enemy s pickets, the commanding officer Col. W or nib (sic.) was summoned and came up at a gallop accompanied by his brother, and having seen the papers fell into a violent rage, sworr-, he could not receive any persons on a pass from rebels 21 and rascals and tore the flag and permit to pieces throwing them under his horses' feet. He then gave orders to carry them off as spies, but revoked the order and said they should go with him. Something was then said to him in the German language by his brother, upon which the Colonel ordered them to turn about to a small house, gave orders they should stay there all night, and seemed much more mollified. He left them and returned in half an hour very affable and good-natured. In the morning an officer came with the ColoneVs compliments and ordered them to return and that a flag would be sent in a day or two to the American lines with an answer. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 147. 3 pages. Maj. John Butler to Lt. Col. Mason Bolton. 1779, August 26. Chucknut. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 84. 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 28 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760, fo. 193. Messrs. Cox, Mair & Cox to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 26. Craig's Court. — Send a blank warrant to be filled up with the name of the gentleman appointed to do duty as mate in his Regiment of Dragoons (see Mr. Jenkinson's letter of 3 August). Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 171. 1 page. Messrs. Ross and Gray to Charles Jenkinson. 1779, August 26. Conduit Street. — The whole of the clothing for the regiments is to be sent to New York, thence reshipped for their respective destinations at Rhode Island etc., and the under- writers will not insure farther than that place till informed of the names and other particulars of the ships. Beg him to recommend to the Commander in Chief to direct that the necessary particulars may be sent to his (Jenkinson's) office that the insurance may be completed. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 140. 2 pages. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton 31 Aug. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 28. Whitehall.— No. 45. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 142. 8 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 149 ; copy 432, fo. 21 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 28. St. Augustine. — Nothing of consequence has happened since letter of 13th ult. Encloses duplicates of letter of 22 29th May and transmits a box from Gen. Campbell at Pensacola. Recommends enclosed petition from a young man one of the clerks in the Ordnance Office. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 145. 1 page. Enclosure : — William Penn to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. Petition. To succeed Mr. James Webb as Deputy Commissary of Musters. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 143. 1 page. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Sir Grey Cooper. 1779, August 29. New York. — Acknowledging receipt of letter of 4th March respecting £100 to be paid to Dr. Inglis for the use of the Rev. Mr. Camm. Draft. Vol. 33, No. 96. 1 page. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 29. Quebec. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 11, Nos. 45 and 60. 3 pages each. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 577 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 63. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 29. Quebec. Signed letter and Copy. Vol. 11, Nos. 57 and 62. 2 pages each. Enclosing Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Washington 29 Aug. Maj. Butler to Gen. Haldimand 8 Aug. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 61. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Washington. 1779, August 29. Quebec. — Against the treatment of Lt. Gov. Hamilton and his officers. Signed letter and Copy. Vol. 11, Nos. 58 and 61. 3 pages each. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 29 Aug. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16. Major James Grant, K.A.R., to Colonel Fanning. 1779, August 30. Verplanks Point. — Recommending the bearer William Murray who has had to fly from the enemy leaving his property in their hands. Desires rations or other means of sub- sistence for him, his wife and children. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 133. 2 pages. 23 Maj. John Butler to Lt. Col. Mason Bolton. 1779, August 31. Shechquago. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 85. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 28 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760, fo. 202. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, August 31. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 141. 1 page. Enclosure : — Council of St. John to General Sir Henry Clinton. [N.D. Supposed 1779, August.'} — Memorial, praying that the company [qy., Callbeck's] raised for protection of the Island may continue and receive orders to be completed. That Major Hierlihy's Corps does not number above 87 men and if completed they hope it will not be thought large enough to protect the Island. Signed Tho. WrigM, Peter Stewart and Wm. Nisbett. Original. Vol. 52, No. 79. 3 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1779, September 1. New York. — Acknowledges letters. The orders relative to supplies of this Army most satisfactory informa- tion. Is pleased at receiving approbation respecting relief given to Governor Franklin. Duplicate Copy. Vol. 33, No. 97. 1 page. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord [ ]. 1779, September 1. New York. — Acknowledging receipt of letter informing him of his appointment to the command of the 7th Regiment of Dragoons previously notified by Lord G. Germain. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 139. 1 page. Lt. John Docksteder to Lt. Col. Mason Bolton. 1779, September 1. Cataragaras. Copy: Vol. 11, No. 79. 1 page, _ Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 28 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760, fo. 204. Charles Stewart, Cashier & Paymaster of the Customs of North America, to Smith. 1779, September 1. London. — To prevent double payments of salaries of Officers of the Customs begs he will transmit to the care 24 of John Martin Leake, Treasury Chambers, a list of officers paid by warrants of the Commander in Chief. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 41. 1 page. Phillips Callbeck to Captain William Spry. 1779, September 2. Island of St. John, Charlotte Town. — Has already communicated Lord George Germain's letter of 4th Novr. signifying approval of his conduct in carrying on the fortifi- cation service here and that he was sure bills drawn to defray expense would be honoured by the Lords of the Treasury. Has now received letter of 6 May signifying that their Lordships had in some degree disapproved of his having drawn on them, that he is not to draw on them in future, but to apply to the Commander in Chief for orders and payment of works to be carried on for the defence. The consequences are distressing on account of pro- tested bills. Trusts that he will do what is necessary for the works and for his own relief. Certified copy by W. Spry 27 January 1780. Vol. 29, No. 296. 2 pages. Phillips Callbeck to Captain William Spry. 1779, September 2. Island of St. John, Charlotte Town. — For- wards duplicates of dispatches Nos. 8 and 9. Packet boat sent to wait for commands returned on Sunday evening unsuccessful. In great distress for want of orders as to finishing the works and also for money. Requests £600 by the bearer Mr. Robert Patterson. Has been under the necessity of drawing on him two sets of exchange in favor of Peter Stuart the Chief Justice, who has been advancing cash, and Robert Patterson for supplying lumber. Certified copy by W. Spry 27 January 1780. * Vol. 29, No. 297. 3 pages. Richard, Catherine and Ferdinand Reading, loyalists. 1779, September 2. — Order by two of the Judges of Munmouth County to remove within ten days as " inimical to the present Government." True copy. Vol. 29, No. 58. 1 page. Major John Butler to Lt. Col. Mason Bolton. 1779, September 3 and 8. Canadasego and Canawagaras. — Two letters. Copies. Vol. 11, No. 80. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 28 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760, fos. 205 and 210. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, September 3. New York. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 70. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 485 ; duplicate 589, fo. 90 ; copy 307, fo. 142. 25 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 3. Whitehall.— No. 46. Maj. Gen. Robertson to be continued on the American staff. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 136. 2 pages. Enclosing Memorial of Geo. Rome to Lord G. Germain 12 July. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 136, fo. 157 ; copy 432, fo. 26 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gov. James Robertson. 1779, September 3. Whitehall. — No. 2. Deserted lands and tenements to be applied to loyalists. Copies. Vol. 14, No. 138, and Vol. 20, No. 187. 3 pages each. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 188, fo. 299 ; copy 442, fo. 369. . General Sir Henry Clinton to [Charles Jenkinson]. 1779, September 4. New York. — Acknowledges various letters and duplicates. No opportunity has yet offered to send home the clothing sent for the drafted 10th, 45th and 52nd Regiments. 2 copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 131 and 133. 1 page each. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 4. Quebec. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 11, Nos. 68 and 65. 2 pages each. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 65. Mrs. McCrea, refugee. 1779, September 4. — Certificate as to her merits and per secution, signed by Jno. Agnew, Chaplain, Queen's Rangers, and James Agnew. Referred to Col. Morris by Wm. Crosbie, aid de camp. Original. Vol. 25, No. 273. 1 page. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 4. Head Quarters.—" I have the honor of taking the earliest opportunity to transmit your Excellency two letters from Major Gen 1 . Phillips and one from Major General Baron de Reidesel which came inclosed to me— from Major General Phillips." P.S.— I take the liberty to inclose a letter for Cornet Fitzhugh, which if there is nothing improper in it, you will be pleased to have delivered. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 134. 1 page. 26 Maj. James Campbell to Capt. F. Le Montais, commanding H.M. sloop of war the " Stork." 1770, September 5. Ked Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 24. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 11 Sept. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533, fo. 12. Lt. Col. Mason Bolton to Maj. John Nairn. 1779, September 6. Niagara. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 67. 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 14 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21787, fo. 79. Capt. F. [Le] Montais to Maj. James Campbell. 1779, September 6. " Stork " Pensacola Bay. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 25. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 11 Sept. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 533, fo. 44. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 6. Savannah. — Since he wrote by the " Experi- ment," Sir James Wallace, nothing material has happened till the day before yesterday when four French ships of war and two small sloops appeared off the bar. Being uncertain whether they were part of a large force, orders were sent to Lieut. Col. Maitland to evacuate Beaufort and come in to this town but yesterday morning the ships disappeared. Has since directed Maitland to keep fast but he is in readiness to move at the shortest notice. Thinks the rebels in the back country find at present amusement enough from the Indians. The enemy are preparing for a vigorous winter campaign. They are raising 1,500 recruits in North Carolina and forming a body of 3,000 blacks in South Carolina. They lately endeavoured to get a law passed in South Carolina making every fifth man a continental soldier but the law failed as did every other attempt to give value to their currency. Copies. Vol. 15, No. 209, and Vol. 16, No. 5. 4 and 2 pages respectively. Captain William Spry to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 6. Halifax. — Letters received from England make his return indispensably necessary. Repeats his solicitation for six months leave of absence. In case it is granted he desires one or more engineers may be ordered hither to take care of this 27 Department as lie will have an opportunity for a passage to England early next month. Certified copy. W. Spry. Vol. 21, No. 172. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to Sir H. Clinton 19 June 1780. Lt. Col. Mason Bolton to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, September 7, 8 and 10. Niagara. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 83. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 28 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 16 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760, fo. 208. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1779, September 8. New York. — " Having occasion to remit £10,000 Sterling in Specie to Virginia for the Troops of the Con- vention of Saratoga ; and wishing also to send by the same con- veyance that carries this Money a Quantity of Wine and other refreshments for their use, I am to request You will be so obliging to send me the necessary Passports for the safe conveyance thereof, in the Brigantine Patsey, of about 180 Tons Burthen, Thomas Harding Master." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 132. 1 page. Ma j. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 8. Head Quarters, Savannah. — There are now 42 sail off the harbour. Hopes Maitland will be here this day with the detachment from Beaufort. Wishes they had never been left there. " We are doing everything we can to put the place in the best posture of defence, time and circumstances will admit." Copies. Vol. 15. No. 211, and Vol. 16, No. 6. 1 page each. Captain John Andre to — . 1779, September 9. Head Quarters. — His excellency wishing that the innocent wife and children of John Taswell may not be the victims of his ill-behaviour desires him to relieve their distress by giving a guinea to the woman and sending her with this letter to Col. Morris that she may obtain rations for herself and family. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 203. 1 page. Major James Campbell to Lt. Col. Alexander Dickson. 1779, September 9. Head Quarters, Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 28. 6 pages. The Same to Capt. Anthony Forster. 1779, September 9. Hd. Quarters, Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 29. 4 pages. 28 The Same to Charles Stuart. 1779, September 9. Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 30. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gov. Peter Chester. 1779, September 9. Head Quarters, Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 26. 1 page. The above four letters enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 11 September. Copies of all in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, September 9. New York. Copy. Vol. 11, No. -19. 1 page. Signed letter and copv in the British Museum. Addtl. MSS. 21807. fos. 72 and 78. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, September 9. New York. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 48. 11 pages. Enclosing Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton. Extract. 9 Sept. Extract in Vol. 11, No. 197, H pages, and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136. fo. 599 ; signed letter in cipher in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 2807. fo. 80, decipher fo. 113 ; dupli- cate 21807 fo. 71. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to General Haldimand. 1779, September 9. — Begins " I beg leave to recommend to your Excellency's Favor and Protection, Capt. Ridsdale of the 44th." Copy. Vol. 11, No. 50. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, September 9. New York. — Having at his request appointed a general officer to relieve him, he is to give up the command to Brig. Gen. Garth and to proceed to St. Augustine. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 212. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, September 9. New York. — Acknowledges letters. Lieut. Col. Maitland's repulse of the rebels at Stono does him great honour. " He acted very much like himself." Is pleased to find that notwithstanding the threats of the enemy he is under no apprehensions of an attack. Has at his repeated request appointed Brig. Gen. Garth to relieve him but as he mentioned no desire of quitting the service altogether hopes it will be agreeable to go to St. Augustine and take command of the troops in East Florida. 29 Has ordered all officers belonging to his corps to join as soon as possible. Could not send money before arrival of Adl. Arbuthnot. Sir J. Wallace now carries £30,000. The Minister has signified that the Florida Rangers and refugees are to be considered as Provincial Troops. Lieut. Sutherland to remain with the Southern Army. Does not see the necessity of a Commissary of Prisoners as requested by Gen. Lincoln and cannot give his consent. Every proper encouragement to be given to the Indians. Gen. Garth is ordered to issue 200 days' forage money and the Florida Rangers are to receive the 165 days due to them last year. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 214. -4 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. Sir James Wrioht. 1779, September 9. New York. — Congratulates on his arrival. Is happy in the establishment of a civil government in Georgia. Brig. Gen. Garth succeeds Gen. Prevost. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 213. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 9. Savannah. — Comte d'Estaing on the coast. The rebels seem unprepared to co-operate. Copies. Vol. 15, No. 215 ; 16, No. 6*. 2 pages each. Extract in Vol. 11, No. 51, of 2 pages, sent by Clinton to Haldimand 9 Sept. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 535, fo. 177. Major James Campbell to Capt. F. Le Montais. 1779, September 10. Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 32. 3 pages. Capt. F. [Le] Montais to Maj. James Campbell. 1779, September 10. " Stork " Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 33. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gov. Peter Chester. 1779, September 10. Hd. Quarters, Red Clifts. Copy. Vol. 13. No. 31. 2 pages. Gov. Peter Chester to Maj. Gen. John Campbell. 1779, September 10. Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 27. 1 page. The above four letters enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton 11 September. Copies of all in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 10, War Office. — That Major General Robertson 30 has been appointed Governor of the Province of New York and to continue on the staff of North America as Major General. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 129. 1 page. Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot to Captain Smith. 1779, September 11. — Recommending the bearer (not named). As the General thought he might prove useful he was prevented returning home in the " Experiment." Original. Vol. 29, No. 179. 1 page. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 11. Red Gifts at the Entrance of the Harbour of Pensacola. — Representing his inability to execute Lord George Germain's orders to attack New Orleans. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 37. 16 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am & W. I. 533, fo. 74 ; extracts 137, fo. 179 ; 631, fos. 3, 27 ; War Office, In Letters, Original Cor- respondence 25. Enclosures : — Lt. Col. Dickson to Maj. Gen. Campbell, see 18 July. Maj. of Brigade Campbell to Capt. Le Montais, see 5 Sept. Capt. Le Montais — answer, see 6 Sept. Maj. Gen. Campbell to Gov. Chester, see 9 Sept. Gov. Chester to Maj. Gen. Campbell, see 10 Sept. Maj. of Brigade Campbell — Three letters, see 9 Sept. Maj. Gen. Campbell to Gov. Chester, see 10 Sept. Maj. of Brigade Campbell to Capt. Le Montais, see 10 Sept. Capt. Le Montais to James Campbell, see 10 Sept. See also Proclamation, 12th September, below. Gov. Chester to Maj. Gen. Campbell. 1779, September 11. Council Chamber, Pensacola. — Sends the following. Vol. 13, No. 34. 1 page. West Florida. Minute of Council. 1779, September 11. Council Chamber, Pensacola.— As to publication of martial law, &c. Vol. 13, No. 35. 4 pages. Copies of both these in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1779, September 11. Savannah in Georgia. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 121. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Tonyn to Sir H. Clinton 25 Sept. Copies in the Public' Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 779; Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 241 ; Home Office, Admiralty 187. 31 Capt. Hugh Robinson to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, September 11. " Guadaloupe." Copy. Vol. 11, No. 64. 1 page. Signed letter in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21800 fo. 96. Gov. Sir James Wright to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1779, September 11. Savannah. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 118. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Tonyn to Sir H. Clinton 25 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 775; Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 241 ; Home Office, Admiralty 187. Maj. Gen. Campbell. Proclamation and Declaration. 1779, September 12. West Florida, — [Mentioned in his letter of the previous day.] Copy. Vol. 16, No. 13. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533, fo. 68. Brig. Gen. J. W. de Speth to Gen. Haldimand. 1779, September 13. Trois Rivieres. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 74. French. 1 page. This, and the enclosure, sent by Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton 28 September. Signed letter in the British Museum, Additl. MSS. 21811, fo. 113. Enclosure : — 1779, September 13. Trois Rivieres. — List of German Officers still prisoners of war with the Rebels. Vol. U, No. 75. 1 page. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 14. Pensacola. — " I am sorry to have to inform your Excellency, that the fears expressed in my letter of the 1 1th instant have partly proved true — A dispatch I this moment have received from Lieut. Colonel Dickson informs me, that on the 20th ultimo the Independence of the American States was publickly declared by beat of drum at New Orleans ; That on the 29th of the same month, two of our transports that were returning from the Amit River, where they had landed a detachment of the regi- ment of Waldeck were seized at Galvez Town, and it would appear that they intended to have kept this last transaction a secret from Colonel Dickson, and Governor Galvez was marching with a con- siderable force towards Manchac, under pretence that our collecting troops at that place, rendered such a measure on his part, absolutely 32 necessaiy ; but at the same time professing the greatest cordiality and friendship, and expressing his hopes that satisfactory reasons would be given him for our movements ; his intentions would appear to have been an endeavour to lull Colonel Dickson into a state of confidence and security that he might the more easily surprise him : whatever might be his intentions they were fortunately frustrated by a deserter from the enemy (an Hibernian) who gave information as above, and put Colonel Dickson on Ms guard : however I am sorry to add that I find he has considered himself under the necessity of destroying a vessel load of pro- visions, that had been lately sent for the troops under his com- mand, and which he had not had time to convey to Manchac, in order to prevent its falling into the enemy's hands ; and as his store at Manchac was nearly expended he is left almost destitute of salt provisions and must depend on what he can procure from the inhabitants : Colonsl Dickson further informs me that a redoubt and some lines that have been lately thrown up at Messrs. Watt's and Flower's plantation on Baton Rouge intended for a post for the regiment of Waldeck — being much more tenable and secure than the insignificant Fort at Manchac, he intended to desert and destroy the latter, after removing his stores and small remnant of provisions and to take post at the former place, which un- doubtedly is strong by nature and has a better command of the Mississippi. " Other misfortunes have happened on this occasion, a vessel laden with 300 barrels of provisions and a considerable quantity of rum, on her way to Manchac by the River Mississippi, has un- questionably fallen into the enemy's hands ; and I dare not hope a better fate to two transports forwarded by the Lakes, — One with 55 officers and men of the regiment of Waldeck, the other with provisions : in short the troops under Colonel Dickson's im- mediate command and at the Natches consisting (besides officers) of 10 sergeants — 12 drummers and 429 rank and file are dis- agreeably and critically situated ; the communication whereby to supply them with provisions entirely cutt off, and the choice of methods of relieving them left for me to take one and all of them dangerous and uncertain in the execution : besides even Indians, for want of presents to make them, and for want of provisions on the Mississippi, cannot I'm afraid be employed for their relief ; moreover the Indian Department is in confusion for want of Mr. Cameron the new Superintendant's arrival from the Cherokee Nation (for which he was Deputy) and after the alterations it has lately undergone, it has not yet recovered its wonted vigour. " Since the date of my letter of the 11th I have had an account taken of the number of troops the vessels in this harbour fit for transports in the Lakes can carry, and the report made to me is 200 men with ease — and perhaps fifty more by crowding them ; I have sent to Mobile to take up what vessels ca:i be found there, for this service and shall at all vents proceed wit'? as many troops as transports can be found for, to ship. J "I stand and act from thence as circumstances may direct or necessity require : but 1 33 have to prepare your Excellency for an event that will (if our conjectures prove true) frustrate and disappoint every plan we can project, either for the annoyance of the Enemy, or for carrying relief to Colonel Dickson ; I have certain information that a large schooner was seen entering Lake Pontchartrain on the 9th instant — and, as there can be no idea formed of her, but being an Enemy's vessel, the West Florida armed sloop (our only force on the Lakes) carrying only four 3 & 4 pounders must fall a prey to her superior force, besides the Spaniards can now arm the four vessels they have taken as before represented and which are at Gralvez Town, which will render them stronger on the Lakes than any force we can fit out against them. " I have to report to your Excellency a step I have taken which perhaps may meet with censure, and may occasion some incon- venience, but as it proceeded from aperswasion and desire of thereby promoting the good of His Majesty's service ; I hope (even if dis- approved) that it will meet with the most favorable construction ; — The Carteret packet boat being a ship of force carrying 18 Six pounders and 60 men, And there being no ship of war serviceable on this station, I made application to Governor Chester in Council for an order to detain her, and which his Council having unani- mously approved, he has complied with, And I expect she will sail in a few days for the Balize to discover whether any of the Enemy's ships are on that station or on this coast, and to endeavor finding out whether reinforcements have been sent them from the Havannah. This intelligence will be absolutely necessary to regulate my future conduct. " Your Excellency will, from the full representation of the military state of this Province contained in this and in my letter of the 11th instant and from the knowledge of the other important objects of your command, be the best judge whether a reinforce- ment to me is proper or expedient." Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 38. 8 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 109. Enclosures : — Maj. Gen. Campbell to Gov. Chester. 1779, September 14. Head Quarters.— Sends the following. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 39. 4 pages. West Florida. Minute of Council. 1779, September 14. Council Chamber, Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 40. 4 pages. Copies of both of these are in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 14. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 66. 1 page. Enclosing Lt. Col. Bolton to Maj. Nairn 6 Sept. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 66. 34 Captain John McLean to [Lt. Colonel James Bruce]. 1779, September 14. Fort Massey. — Four privateers reported to be awaiting the coal fleet. This place invested by three privateers so that the shallop had to be sent away by night. Schooner " Rachel " will soon be out of provisions. Begs he will satisfy the bearer and his two assistants. Provisions will be more agreeable to them than money. [Apparently the intelligence alluded to in Lt. Col. Bruce's letter of 18 September.] Copy. Vol. 21, No. 123. 2 pages. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 14. Head Quarters, West Point. — " You will herewith find a passport for the safe conveyance of the money and necessaries for the use of the troops of Convention, which your Excellency requested in your letter of the 8th instant. I enclose the within letter at the desire of Mr. Harnage. I have the honour to be, &c." Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 128. 1 page. Colonel Beverley Robinson to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, September 15. New York. — Rations to be issued to Nicholas Ogden and his family. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 60. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. John Dalling. 1779, September 16. Head Quarters, New York. — Sending assistance. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 72. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain No. 71. 26 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 545 ; 548, fo. 21 ; and Colonial Correspondence, Jamaica 18. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 16. Whitehall. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 126. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 27 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Comte d'Estaing to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, September 16. Camp before Savannah. — Summons to surrender. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Count d'Estaing. 1779, September 16. Savannah. — Declines. 35 Comte d'Estaing to [Maj. Gen. A. Prevost]. 1779, September 16. Camp before Savannah. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Count d'Estaing. 1779, September 16. — Asks 24 hours' truce. Comte d'Estaing to Maj. Gen. Prevost. 1779, September 16. Camp before Savannah. — Consents. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Count d'Estaing. 1779, September 17. Savannah. — Decides to defend the post. Copies. Vol. 15, Nos. 220 to 225. 10 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton 2 November. Also in the Archives de la Marine, Paris, Vol. 168. and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I., Vol. 155. Halifax. 1779, September 17. Halifax. — Return of the Contractors' Provisions in the King's Store at Halifax. Signed J. B. Dight for John Butler, agent to the Contractors. Vol. 21, No. 121. 1 page. Elias Holmes, refugee. 1779, September 17. New York. — Certificate signed by Capt. David Peek, Capt. Lawrence Van Buskirk and others as to his loyalty and services. Original. Vol. 29, No. 73. 2 pages. Lieut. Col. James Bruce to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 18. Halifax. — That he had managed to hire vessels to bring off some coal from Spanish River, manning one of these ships with an officer and 18 men, which was able to beat off (by superior fire of small arms) a rebel brig of 18 guns. Was obliged to send two of these vessels to Gen. McLean with ten months' provisions. The ships now going will bring off about 700 chaldrons. The coast between this and Spanish River is infested with privateers, according to intelligence enclosed, which came yesterday, Yesterday a rebel schooner of 12 guns took a brig loaded with provisions. All the rest of the victuallers expected are arrived. Transmits return of provisions in store. Ships at Spanish River have to lie off the coast, which retards the loading. Advises vessels to be sent for what is necessary as soon as possible. Cartel arrived from Boston with 303 prisoners : an equal number was sent back. There only remain 30, most of whom are in hospital. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 111. 3 pages. 36 Lieut. Col. James Bruce to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 19. Halifax. — Transmits proceedings of General Court Martial held to try a deserter of the Regiment of Young Royal Highlanders. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 122. 1 'page. Lieut. Col. Mason Bolton and Maj. John Butler. 1779, September 14, 16, and 20. — Paper containing extract from Major Butler dated at Buff aloe Creek the 14th September to Lt. Col. Bolton ; from Bolton to Gen. Haldimand dated Niagara 16 September ; and from Butler to Haldimand also dated Niagara, 20 September. Mostly touching the advance of a large body of the enemy. Extracts. Vol. 11, Nos. 93 and 94. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton 3 October. Copy of the same in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres- pondence, Quebec, Vol. 16, fo. 611, the original letters to Haldimand being in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21760 and 21765. 1779, September 14 to 20. — Another paper containing extract of a letter from Hector McLean at Oswegatchie 15 September, to D°. McLean in New York, and heads of the above letters from Butler and Bolton of 14, 16/17, and 20 September. The extract from McLean is on the same subject, — that Butler had been forced back, after obstinate resistance, and had since received a reinforce- ment by Sir John Johnson of troops and Canada Indians. Extracts. Vol. 11, No. 89. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 21. Tuesday. Tawney Town in Maryland. — " The permission for my going from Virginia into New York upon my parole was signified to me the evening of the 7th instant at which time Major General D'Reidesel being at the Berkely Springs and the British Assistant Pay Master General at Williamburgh I was necessarily delayed from setting out untill my expresses reached them and that they could return to Charlottes Ville. " I set out, however, accompanied by Major General De Reidesel on the 16th Instant, and we are persuing our journey with all manner of expedition and imagine we shall reach Elizabeth Town in about eight days. " I have received two days ago, in a manner merely accidental by hearing that a pacquet directed for me was at a person's house upon the road, the letter from Mr. Loring of the 4th of August signifying to me that I was to name certain number of the officers of the Troops of Convention to go into New York upon their paroles in exchange for several American officers who have already received a liberty of visiting their friends — this business must now be neces- sarily transacted at Elizabeth Town and I shall take it as a singular favour of your Excellency to direct that Mr. Loring may meet me 37 there in order to regulate this matter or any circumstances which may arise in consequence of Major General De Reidese] and my arrival with our families at that place." Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 125. 3 pages. Baton Rouge. 1779, September 21. Baton Rouge, Mississippi. — Address of the Inhabitants to Lt. Col. Alexander Dickson. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 46. 3 pages. 1779, September 21. — Articles of Capitulation agreed between Don Bernardo de Galvez and Lt. Col. Dickson. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 49. 8 pages. 1779, September 22. — Reasons given by Lt. Col. Dickson for re- moving to Baton Rouge, with certificate by J. J. Graham, Assistant Engineer. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 47. 3 pages. The above three papers enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 15 December. Copies of all in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, 137 and 631, &c. Henry Stuart, Dep. Q. M. General. 1779, July 1 to September 21. — Account of expences at the Mississippy between these dates. £898 9s. Od. Original. Vol. 13, No. 78. 2 pages. Lieut. Colonel L. v. Fuser to JamEvS Penman. 1779, September 22. St. Augustine.—" The French Fleet being on our coast, it becomes necessary that I should put this place in the best condition possible in order to baffle their attempt should they come this way. But having no money for carrying on the works proposed and knowing your zeal for His Majesty's service, I am under the necessity of applying to you and hope you will be so kind as to undertake to pay the negroes employed at the King's works, and at the same time furnish me with what money may be wanted for other purposes, for which I will from time to time give you bills on Sir Henry Clinton, & at the same time lay before his Excellency proper accounts and vouchers for what may be ex- pended, as I intended to proceed with as much economy as possible having resolved to have nothing to say to your town people who are all Jews, but to employ the tradesmen of the Regiment, I hope to be able to confine the expence within two thousand pound, which sum I hope you will be so good as to supply. You will oblige me by your answer by first opportunity." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 92. 1 page. Enclosed by James Penman to [Sir H. Clinton] 26 Oct. 38 Maj. Gen. James Pattison to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, September 22. New York. — Confirming order of Lt. Genl. Jones, when Commandant, to issue rations to Messrs. Parker, Cram- mond and Blair and their families, being refugees from Virginia. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 199. 1 page. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 23. Whitehall. — Letter of introduction of the bearer Mr. William Preston who formerly served in America in the 44th Foot and who wishes to be employed amongst the Provincial Troops. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 123. 1 page. Col. G. R. Clark to Thomas Jefferson. 1779, September 23. Louiseville. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 102. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 293 ; autograph signed letter in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21844, fo. 115 ; copy 21757, fo. 250. Lieut. Colonel L. v. Fuser to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 25, October 2 and 24. St. Augustine.— " By the inclosed copies Your Excellency will see my situation and my want : I expect very little assistance from this place ; fine promises ; pompous writing ; and nothing done, is what I have experienced these three years past. " Notwithstanding Your Excellency may rest assured that everything in my power shall be done for the preservation of this place. " I have wrote to Major General Campbell (my only resource for the present) to send forthwith what men and powder he can con- veniently spare — also to Governor Dalling for some powder. " No Artillery Officer or Engineer having been left here, I have appointed Captain Burrard to act in both capacities, and Lieutenant Hesselberg to serve as his assistant. " I am left without money to carry on the works, Governor Tonyn promised me some, but when it came to the point he said that he had none, consequently I have employed Mr. Penman (a creditable merchant) to get me all the money he can that the service may not suffer— We are hard at work." P.S. — 2d October. — " Since my last. Mr. Penman went by my desire to St. John's River in order to get what intelligence he could from Georgia, also to settle with the inhabitants there the means of protecting themselves from depredation from small parties of the Rebels : in consequence he wrote the enclosed letter of which I gave the Governor the perusal. " I think Your Excellency should be informed that from the time 39 Major General Prevost left this place, the Lieutenant Governor Mr. Moultrie (a gentleman of South Carolina) has made it his constant business in all companies, even before officers, to say that Major General Prevost being in Georgia, his authority over the troops did not extend to this Province, and no Brigadier being here, the com- mand devolved of course to the Governor. " I took no notice of such absurdity (thinking it proceeded from ignorance) until I found that it began to produce a bad effect amongst some of the staff officers. — I hope and wish that Your Excellency would be pleased to explain that matter. "One hundred and thirty negroes are at work (I expect more every day) and as they must be paid and I have no money Messieurs Penman and Man have undertaken to furnish me with the money requisite for that and other purposes, and will take bills drawn on Your Excellency." 24 October. — " Monday last an express came from the Nations who informed us that the Indians rec d from the Spaniards presents of great value, amongst which were some casks of rum ; that the Indians listened with pleasure to their Talk upon which the Spaniards invited some of the Chiefs to the Havanna, with promises to send them soon back with three ships loaded with goods for them. " If this report be true it is more than probable that they will re- establish that Fort (which is a better one than that at Pensacola) in order to have an Harbour in the Bay, and to be at hand to in- dispose the Indians against us. " Not a man came from Savana since the express which brought me the letter from Major General Prevost of the 11th of last month, and all the report we have heard since from that quarter by people coming from Georgia is only hearsay and not fit to be transmitted to your Excellency. " One hundred soldiers & three hundred negroes are at work and I have the satisfaction to tell your Excellency that the covered ways and the glacis are almost finished, and that the artillery and stores are in good order, my greater want is powder & men. No preparation made yet by the Government here, except three in- significant galleys." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 122. 3 pages. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 25. St. Augustine.— Since receipt of letter of 20th October 1778 has written several to his Excellency. A report that Count Destaing and the French fleet were upon this coast has been confirmed by letters from Maj. Gen. Prevost and Sir James Wright. Encloses copies of those letters. Accounts of the rebels collecting at Augusta, that a General Scot is arrived from the north with continental troops that they expect to amount to near 4,000 : their flying parties have spread over the whole of Georgia. Province greatly weakened by the help given to Maj. Gen. Prevost. Co 1 . Fuser has undertaken repairs to fortifications of St. Augustine. 40 Expresses sent to Jamaica and Antigua to acquaint the Commanders in Chief of this event tho' he hopes Adl. Byron will have earlier in- telligence and that he may have removed the Count from the " Languedoc." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 120. 2 pages. Enclosing Sir J. Wright to Gov. Tonyn 11 Sept. Ma]'. Gen. Prevost to Gov. Tonyn 11 Sept. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, September 26. New York.— No. 71. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 73. 4 pages. Enclosing Gov. Dalling to Sir H. Clinton 11 Aug. Sir H. Clinton to Gov. Dalling 16 Sept. Signed letter in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 537 ; copy 307, fo. 167. James Penman to Lieut. Colonel L. v. Fuser. 1779, September 26. Jericho.—" Dear Colonel, last war it was my lot to pay away millions of the publick money for carrying on the service in Germany, in this, T have had the honour to advance some thousands of my own, for the same purpose in America ; I leave you to judge which was the most profitable employment. — However, notwithstanding I am at this moment, independent of other services, almost £3,000 in advance for the Carolina Royalists, and have been so for more than a twelve month ; Your endeavours for the protection of the Province shall not be frustrated, and you may command my purse and credit as far as it will go. — I beg however to explain to you, that having no use for money at New York, I must request of you, to prevail upon Sir Henry Clinton to furnish me with bills upon London for those you may draw upon him in my favour. — You know enough of this country to be sensible, that a large sum in specie cannot be raised here, therefore if any considerable works are to be carried on, it will be absolutely neces- sary that Sir Henry Clinton should supply you with money from New York. — In the meantime I have ordered my people to honour your drafts for the sum you mention ; and I shall remain here in order to keep people quiet upon their settlements, to do everything in my power for the security of their properties, and to give you the earliest intelligence of the motions of the Enemy, if they should attempt anything against us whilst the siege of Savannah is depending." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 91. 2 pages. Enclosed by James Penman to [Sir H. Clinton | 26 October. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 27. Whitehall.— No. 47. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 1 16. I page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 189 ; copy 432, fo. 29 ; and in the Sackville MSS. 41 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 27. Whitehall.— Secret. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 117. 8 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 136, fo. 169 ; copies 685, fo. 80 : and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 27. Whitehall.— Separate & most secret. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 119. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 193 ; copy 685, fo. 86 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Governor Richard Hughes to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 27. Government House. — Forwards two packets from Gen. Haldimand. Difficulties relative to defraying expense of barracks erected for a detachment at town of Cornwallis ; this province does not stand authorised to defray expenses of this kind ; entreats that it may be paid from contingent expenses of the Army, as he cannot engage or oblige the province to do it. Recommends the bearer Winkworth Tonge, Col. of the Militia of this province, to his favour in his request for the Lieut. Colonelcy of the Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers. Encloses observations on the erecting of fortifications, &c, in Nova Scotia. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 19. 2 pages. Triplicate. Vol. 21, No. 124. 3 pages. Henry Van Dyck to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 27. New York.— Memorial. That he was a candidate for holy orders in the Church of England and has been sent with his family and furniture within the lines, for his attachment to the King. Asks rations and such other support as may be judged meet. Annexed are certificates signed by Rev. Saml. Seabury, David Mathews, Mayor, and Col. Bev. Robinson. Original. Vol. 44, No. 140-142. 5 pages. Thos. de Grey to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Whitehall. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 115. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 197 ; copy 432, fo. 30 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Enclosures : — Philip Stephens to Thos. de Grey. 1779, September 28. Admiralty Office. — Sends the following. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 113. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Home Office, Admiralty, 180 & 168. 42 Intelligence from Capt. Stanhope of the ship " Garland " of the sailing of Count UEstaing from the West Indies. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 114. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Home Office, Admiralty. 180. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 73. 2 pages. Enclosing Brig. Gen. de Speth to Gen. Haldimand and List of German Officers still prisoners of war with the Rebels, see 13 Sept. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 86. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Quebec. — Mr. Jordan, Deputy Pay Master General for the forces in this province, has requested me to trans- mit the enclosed letters to your Excellency for safe and speedy conveyance. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 76. 1 page. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 93. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Quebec. — His dispatches will be delivered by Capt. Willoe who seeks exchange. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 77. 2 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 91. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 78. 7 pages. Copy No. 91. 5 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 88. Enclosures : — Maj. Butler to Lt. Col. Bolton see 26 Aug. Maj. Butler to Lt. Col. Bolton see 31 Aug. ' Lt. Docksteder to Lt. Col. Bolton see 1 Sept. Maj. Butler to Lt. Col. Bolton see 3 & 8 Sept. Lt. Col. Bolton to Gen. Haldimand see 7, 8 & 10 Sept. N.D. — Return of Officers from New York under Maj. James Rogers. Vol. 11, No. 81. 1 page. Original in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21820, fo. 13. 43 N.D. — Strength of the British Troops from Oswegatchie to Quebec. Vol. 11, No. 82. 1 page. Duplicate in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres- pondence, Quebec 16. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, September 28. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 86. 2 pages. Enclosina Agreement between Brig. Gen. Arnold and Geo. Forster 27 May 1776. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 95. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1779, September 29. New York. — " Upon receiving your letter of the 24th ultimo, I transmitted the papers that accompanied it to His Excellency Lieut. General Knyphausen, who has sent me Colonel Wurmb's answer thereto, and in justice to that gentleman, who is an officer of distinguished merit, I have the honor to enclose the same together with a translation thereof for your perusal, by which you will perceive that his conduct has been much misrepre- sented." Draft. Vol. 14, No. 112. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, September 30. New York.— No. 72. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 74. 4 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 561 ; copy 307, fo. 170. General Sir Henry Clinton to Thomas Harding. 1779, September 30. Head Quarters, New York. — Passport. To proceed to Hampton in Virginia with the brigantine " Patsey," with money, wine and necessaries for the troops of Convention now at Charlotteville. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 127. 1 page. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to General Washington. 1779, September 30. Elizabeth Town.—" Sir, I take the oppor- tunity of Mr. Commissary Mersereau's express to inform you, Sir, that Major General De Reidesel and myself with our respective families are arrived at this place. " To my great surprise I have received notice that we are to be detained and not suffered to go into New York agreeable to the tenour of the agreement settled, as I suppose, between Your Ex- cellency and Sir Henry Clinton. . . . " I cannot express my feelings on this event, and acknowledge 44 I did not expect to be thus made to journey through the country under the expectation of receiving by your permission and partici- pation, in which I am at last disappointed, a similar indulgence to what has been granted for some months to Brigadier General Thomson and Colonel McG-aw who are the officers, as I understand, opposed to me in the parole exchange as approved of by Sir Henry Clinton and Your Excellency. " I do not allow of any conduct of mine or Major General De Reidesel deserving this treatment and I am to hope, Sir, from Your known candour and honour an explanation." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 106. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Phillips to Sir H. Clinton 5 Oct. Brig. General William Woodford to Joshua Mersereau, Deputy Commissary of Prisoners. 1779, September 30. Elizabeth Town.—" Sir, You will remove Major General Phillips and the Officers of the Convention Troops under your care with their families and attendants to Chatham where you will have proper quarters provided for them till you receive further orders for their destination." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 111. 1 page. Robert Griffith to Col. Roger Morris. Wednesday morn. Endorsed 1779, September. — •" Any rations I may be intitled to your giving an order to the bearer to receive them will be greatly acknowledg'd." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 266. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 1. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 110. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Vol. 14, No. 109. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 1. Treasury Chambers. — -Transmits copy of con- tract with Messrs. Wombwell &c. for supplying his Majesty's forces at New York, Georgia and East Florida with provisions for 1780. To give contractors and their agents all necessary assistance. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 49. 1 page, George Rome to John Robinson. 1779, October 1. John Street, Adelphi. — Postponed calling again immediately after last appointment on account of the threatened invasion. Enclosed are the paragraphs in the letter then alluded to [not all identified]. Requests that the Commissary General might be instructed to co-operate with his own agents at Rhode Island in the choice of proper persons to adjust the amounts of rents, 45 wharfage, etc., to be paid. When their Lordships are informed it is a custom to pay rents of stores and wharves so employed at New York he is sure he may expect speedy relief for it would be injust if the Deputy Commissary at Rhode Island should enjoy emoluments of the remains of his (Rome's) estate saved from the Rebellion when those emoluments are insufficient to support himself. Does not wish any use to be made of last paragraph of enclosed copy at present. Enclosing [ ] to George Rome 16 June. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton 6 Oct. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 47. 2 pages. Thomas Goldthwaite to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 2. New York. — " Since my arrival from Penobscot I have been in hopes of having the hon r of an interview with your Excellency to lay before you the state of that country, & the im- portance of it to the crown, which by many years experience I must have a more adequate idea of than the cursory acquaintance of gentlemen who may differ from me in opinion. " If it is of any consequence of the crown to subjugate Boston, Salem, Newbury &c. those principal seats of rebellion, the way to effect it is to cut off the eastern part of that province which is their only source for fuel, masts, spars, lumber of every kind &c. " The post taken at Penobscot is a long step towards it, & if it shou'd be soon seconded by taking another post at Casco-bay or somewhere thereabouts, it wou'd compleat it ; but if this shou'd be impracticable at this difficult time, it is of the utmost conse- quence, that the post already at Penobscot is secured. If the present arrangement of his Majesty's troops wont permit of a reinforcement there, at this time, I myself will undertake to raise a Battalion out of the militia of that country, which notwithstanding their seeming delinquency in their late unhappy situation, I'll pledge myself for it, that they will make as good subjects as any the King has got. 'Twas I, principally, y l settled them in that country ; I commanded, them, & I fully know their principles, & have estate enough to carry into execution what I propose. Their numbers in this new settle- ment before these troubles came on were more than 2400 able men & whom I dare vouch, are principally our friends but if we neglect them & throw away that post, they most probably will become our enemies. I will enter into particulars & more fully explain those matters if your Excellency will be pleas'd to give me opportunity. I have the hon r . &c." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 72. 3 pages. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 3. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 92. 1 page. Enclosing extract of letters between Maj. Butler, Lt. Col. Bolton and Gen. Haldimand 14, 16 and 20 Sept r . Copy. Vol. 11, No. 90, 1 page; copy in the British Museum, AddtL MSS. 21807, fo. 97. 46 Don Bernardo de Galvez to an Indian. 1779, October 4. Nueva Orleans. — Commission as captain, and decoration with, the small medal of merit. On parchment, printed in colours and with coloured heraldic representation of seals. Original. In Spanish. Vol. 16, No. 41. 1 page. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 4. Quebec. Signed letter and copy. Vol. 11, Nos. 96 and 95. 1 page each. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 101. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 4. London. — Has appointed Donald MacLeron, late Serjeant of 55th and recommended by him, to be a King's letter man at 1/- per day. The other three recommended are not yet on the outpension and consequently not entitled to it by the King's regulations. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 108. 2 pages. Inhabitants of the Natchez to Lt. Col. Dickson. 1779, October 4. Natchez. — Address. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 45. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 15 Dec. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 275 ; 137. fo. 213; 631, fos. 8 & 32. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 5. Chatham in New Jersey.— Requesting him to give orders that 200 guineas may be sent out by Lieut. Bibby for his use. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 104. 1 page. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 5. Chatham in New Jersey. — Refers to two previous letters relating his arrival and detention at Elizabeth Town. Major Skinner has just informed him of an order that Riedesel and himself with their respective families should proceed back to Easton, Bethlehem or Reading in Pensilvania. Major Skinner has given permission for Lieut. Bibby to carry this letter to New York. Enquires if it might not be well to detain the flag ready to sail to Virginia until something is determined, as they would require to send every material for living if tney are to return there having sold off all their furniture not conceiving it possible any obstructions could be made. Resolves of Congress upon which they are detained are of 27th and 28th September ; is entirely 47 ignorant of the motives. Is sorry for Riedesel as he has need of medical advice. Proposes to request an explanation and suggests if it would not be more proper to return to Virginia than to linger for the decision of the American Congress who so often alter their way of thinking upon the subject of his situation. Awaits the return of Lieut. Bibby with his Excellency's commands to set out from this place. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 107. 3 pages. Enclosing Maj. Gen. Phillips to Genl. Washington 30 Sep. Comte d'Estaing and Major General Lincoln to Major General Augustine Prevost. 1779, October 6. Camp before Savannah. Copy. Vol. 15, No 227. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Count d'Estaing. 1779, October 6. — Answer. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 226. 1 page. Both these enclosed by Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton 2 Nov. Both in the Arch, de la Marine, Paris, Vol. 168 ; and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fos. 391 and 395. Printed in the London Gazette 25 December. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 6. Chatham in New Jersey.— Major Skinner accompanied Lieut. Bibby to Elizabeth Town to assist him in getting permission to go to New York, but on their arrival at Elizabeth Town, Major Hay, the Commandant, judged proper not to allow it. Had proposed to send in his baggage that it might be sent to Virginia in a flag if necessary ; this, also, refused unless sub- mitted to a strict search. Requests permission for an enclosed list of articles required by Madame de Riedesel to be sent to Elizabeth Town where an officer will remain to receive them. Should the flag sail immediately he begs only £4,000 may be sent and requests him to order Mr. Smith the Secretary to write an account of their situation to Virginia. Major General de Riedesel and himself set out for Easton to-morrow morning. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 105. 2 pages. Richard Reading to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, October 6. New York.— Memorial. That in 1776 he was obliged to flee from his home for his attachment to his sovereign — that he was twice taken prisoner — that his wife and children have been sent off by a warrant and as he has no employment begs such allowance of rations as may be proper. Certified by Gov. Franklin. Original. Vol. 29, No. 55. 1 page. 48 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 6. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Sends letter from Mr. G. Rome with its enclosure desiring payment of rent due for certain wharves and store-houses in Rhode Island used by the Commissaries there. To enquire into the facts and give such directions as he thinks just and proper. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 46. 1 page. Enclosing George Rome to John Robinson 1 Oct. ] to George Rome 16 June. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1779, October 7. New York. — Transmits list of Promotions for his Majesty's approbation. 2 copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 102 & 103. 1 page each. Duplicate signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Prescott. 1779, October 7. New York. — To evacuate Rhode Island. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 76. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain, No. 73, 9 Oct. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 569 ; the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 24322, fo. 56. Stores. 1779, October 7. London. — The Treasury in account with Thomas Harley for blankets shippsd on the " Mary " £3161 7. 8. Original. Vol. 35, No. 141. 1 page. Enclosed by Thos. Harley to Sir Henry Clinton 16 May 1781. William Knox to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 8. Whitehall.— Circular. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 101. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 283, fo. 539 ; 397, fo. 309 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21703, fo. 183 & 217 ; 10, fo. 121. Provincial Forces. 1779, October 8. — List of clothing and camp equipage for Pro- vincial forces, received, issued and remaining in the Inspector General's stores. Alexr. Innes, Inspector General. Copy. Vol. 54, No. 17. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, October 9. New York.— No. 73. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 75. 1 page. Enclosing Sir H. Clinton to Maj. Gen. Prescott 7 Oct. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 565 ; copy 307, fo. 174. 49 Nicholas Outhouse. 1779, October 9. New York. — Certificate signed by Col. Beverley Robinson addressed to Col. Morris. That Nicholas Outhouse is a refugee from Orange County and has three sons in the Loyal American Regiment. He is an old man and unable to provide for his wife and four small children. Recommends him for rations. Endorsed : — Approved by the Com 1 ", in Chief. Original. Vol. 14, No. 99. 1 'page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, October 10. New York. — Separate. Recommends three Provincial Corps — Queen's Rangers, New York Volunteers, and Volunteers of Ireland the officers of which are worthy of permanent rank and half pay. Recommends also Colonel Innes. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 80. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am & W. I. 136, fo. 627 ; duplicate 589, fo. 96 ; copy 307, fo. 178. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. William Phillips. 1779, October 11. H[ead] Q[uarters] N[ew] Y[ork].— " My Dear Sir, I have your letter from Chatham & as you may well imagine am no less surprised than chargined at your disappointment. I trust yet, that as you were exposed to this very troublesome journey & allowed yourself to be elated with pleasing hopes from Gen 1 . Washington's immediate orders, he will by his interposition on the occasion prevent your having any ground for complaint against him. " I have given directions for your being supplied with the articles you ask for. " You will from public report become acquainted with the measures which this & other circumstances have made me take with respect to prisoners. I am, with every wish for your welfare &o. " I shall be much obliged to you if you will recommend Cap'. Featherstone to succeed to Cap'. Craig's Comp y . in the 47th. I mean to interfere as little as possible in the promotions of the Convention Army, but I think he is intitled to a Company & I cannot give one any where else, he is besides an older Capt. Lt. than the gent n . of that rank in the Reg'." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 98. 2 pages. Cornelius Luyster to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 11. Newtown. — -Memorial. Represents his per- secution for his loyalty ; was imprisoned at Boston, Poughkeepsie 50 and in the prison ship at Esopus ; was sent within the British Lines with his wife and three daughters. Has had sickness and death in his family ; is sixty years old and broken by age, suffering and hardship ; asks some support. With two certificates. Original. Vol. 31, Nos. 178 and 179. 3 pages. Ann Cook to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 12. New York. — Memorial. Is widow of Nathaniel Cook a native of Connecticut ; that her husband served as a pilot until about six weeks ago when his death has left her with four children destitute. Begs rations and such other support as shall be judged meet. Original. Vol. 25, No. 267. 2 pages. Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners, to Colonel Beatty. 1779, October 12. New York. — Was deceived into a belief that difficulties were surmounted. Demands the return to captivity of all officers or persons admitted to parole. Expects those who have broken their word of honour to be restored without further delay. Upwards of 70 remain unaccounted for by his estimate, and even 50 by the American. The officers taken in the " Eagle " and those of the Convention mentioned in enclosed list he consents to exchange rank for rank. Demands that a person may reside at Philadelphia on same footing as Mr. Pintard resides here. Further proposals of exchange must be put off until those gentlemen who are on parole return, and those out contrary to parole restored or accounted for. Copy. Vol. 2, No. 150. 2 pages. Enclosure : — List of officers taken in the " Eagle " packet, and officers of the Convention at home by leave. Copy. Vol. 2, No. 151. 1 page. Alexander Cameron to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, October 15. Creek Nation, Little Tallassie. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 217. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 413. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, October 15b. New York. — Congratulations on defeat of Americans at Penobscot, To signify acknowledgments to the troops also to Lieut. Col. Campbell and Lieut. Carfrae. There is reason to apprehend attack against Halifax. Reinforcement he will send if the Admiral thinks it necessary to go to Halifax with the fleet. Approves sentences of Genl. Court Martial held there, therefore Major de Wint is to be released and Capt. Burgess cashiered. Endorsed : — Sent to the Admiral to be forwarded to Halifax. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 112. 3 pages. 51 Savannah. 1779, October [18]. In Lines of Savannah Camp. — Return of Casualties in the different corps during the siege. Signed by Maj. Gen. Prevost. Original. Vol. 16, No. 7. 1 page. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 407 ; printed in the London Gazette 25 December. Baton Rouge, &c. 1779, October 19. New Orleans. — Return of the different de- tachments of His Majesty's Troops prisoners (with the Spaniards at New Orleans) and the posts where taken. Alex. Dickson, Lt. Col. True copy examined by James Campbell, Major of Brigade. Vol. 13, No. 44. 1 page {table). Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 15 Dec. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 267 ; 137 fo. 221 ; 631, fos. 10 & 34; printed in the London Gazette 1 April 1780. Peter or Petrus Ackerman, refugee, to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 20. New York.— Memorial. That he had to fly from persecution ; has by his industry procured a livelihood for his family until he was taken ill about three months ago. Asks rations for himself and family. Certified by Abraham Van Buskirk and a number of others. Original. Vol. 25, No. 164. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, October 20. New York. — Secret. " It was my intention in the uncertainty we were in what might be Count d'Estaign's destination, and upon some conjectures gathered from intercepted dispatches, that Halifax was his object, to have reinforced you with (sic) men. These under General Stirling were embarked and waited the Admiral's motions with the fleet to sail with him. I now am informed by him that the season is too far advanced to proceed with this expedition. He likewise represents to me that any design of the Enemy against you must e'er this have suc- ceeded — have failed — or have been again set aside, as the same reasons which now influence him wou'd keep the French Squadron out of your seas at this time. No time was lost on my part from the hour that we had cause to be apprehensive on your account. I am happy to have no confirmation of the grounds on which we became so, and with less reluctance now yield to the necessity of withholding the reinforcement. " You will have learnt that a reinforcement intended for Quebec on Gen 1 . Haldimand's requisition had been dispersed at sea. I shall be much obliged to you, if possible, to convey information of this disagreable incident to him, and to give him assurances that as soon as the season of the year will permit it, another expedition 52 shall sail to replace the former ; a measure I wished to have taken before the winter, but which the Admiral told me prudence wou'd not have justified. I have however the satisfaction to believe that one of the causes which weighed for strengthening the Canadian Army is removed, Sullivan having by credible accounts relin- quished his designs upon Detroit for this year & being it is said returned to Washington's Army." 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 113 and 114. 2 pages each. Lt. Col. Alexander Dickson to [Maj. Gen. John Campbell]. 1779, October 20. New Orleans. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 48. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 15 Dec. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 255 ; 137 fo. 217 ; 631, fos. 9 and 33 ; printed in the London Gazette 1 April 1780. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 20. Camp at Majebigwaduce. — Interruption caused by the last visit of the rebels and the necessity of destroying part of what had been before made, prevents the works for defence of the fort being completed this season. Garrison is to be hutted. Expects tranquillity of this Province may be disturbed, as a force is collecting on the coast and an armament fitting out at Boston : this place or Nova Scotia can only be their object. Is inclined to believe it is against this place from the clamour in New England raised by the British occupying it. Cannot determine anything relative to his return to Nova Scotia or the force to be taken until the enemy's intentions are decided. Two provision ships arrived from Halifax. Clothing for the 74th and 82nd Regiments required. Force in Nova Scotia very weak. Notwithstanding the lenity with which he has made it his study to treat them and the oaths of allegiance and fidelity taken by them, he cannot promise himself the assistance of ten inhabitants on the whole river ; the upper part is even in arms and had a skirmish with some of his people a few days ago. No assistance will be given by inhabitants on the river. Has given Capt. A. Campbell of 74th leave of absence to complete cure from a broken thigh. Hopes his Excellency will approve. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 177. 4 pages. Abraham Lent to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 21. New York. — Petition. Has been obliged to quit his estate at Orange Town with capital of several thousand pounds. He, his wife and child and aged father have since been living on the little they were able to bring with them and are now destitute. Requests rations. The facts are certified by Wm. Bayard who adds that Jacob Lent, a brother, is in the same situation. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 100. 2 pages. 53 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. [1779, October 22.] Copy and duplicate. Vol. 11, Nos. 14 & 11. 4 pages & 3 pages. Both in cipher. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 105. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, October 22. New York. — Secret. As the Admiral has decided to proceed to Halifax with the fleet, sends reinforcement of the 57th and the Volunteers of Ireland with companies of the 80th and 84th amounting to near 1500 men. To return these as soon as the Admiral thinks the season too advanced for an attack on the post, retaining the 4 companies of his own regiment and sending to New York Major Small's battalion of Royal Highland Emigrants. Encloses for his consideration plan for incorporating the several Provincial Corps with McLean into two battalions. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 115. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Brio. General Stirling. 1779, October 22. Head Quarters, Denizis. — To proceed withfthe troops under his command — 57th Regt., the Volunteers of Ireland, 4 companies of the 80th and one of the Royal Highland Emigrants — to Halifax and put himself under the orders of Brig. Gen 1 . McLean. To return to New York when the Admiral and General think that post no longer threatened. The four companies of 80th Regt. are to be left at Halifax ; the whole of the Emigrants brought to New York. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 116. 1 page. Lieut. Col. L. v. Fuser to General Sir Henrich (sic) Clinton. 1779, October 22. St. Augustine. — Complaining of the conduct of Lt. Lockell, 3rd Battalion 60th, 1 who had remained at the billiard table instead of attending his men. That he had met all reproof with laughing and had been placed under arrest. Thinks that as he has been visited by the Governor's Secretary, Mr. Edwards, he is encouraged in his opposition. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 97. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 795. Enclosure : — N. F. C. Lockell to Lt. Col. L. v. Fuser. 1779, October 21. St. Augustine. — Acknowledges letter. Leaves his conduct to the determination of the gentlemen of the Court Martial. True Copy. Vol. 14, No. 96. 1 page. Archibald Campbell, Senior, Captain 74th, to Lord Amherst. 1779, October 25. Glasgow. — Requests further leave of absence 54 as the journey to America in this season of the year might prove fatal. Sends Doctor's certificate. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 218. 1 pagt. This and the following enclosed by Lord Amherst to Sir Henry Clinton 18 November. Enclosure : — 1779, October 25. Glasgow College. — Certificate by Doctor Alexander Stevenson that a voyage at this season would be dangerous. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 217. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, October 26. New York.— No. 76. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 77. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136. to. 653 ; copy 307, fo. 180. Alexander McGillivray to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1779, October 26. Little Tallassie. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 216. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 155, fo. 421. Governor Josiah Martin to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, October 26. New York. — In the 3rd person. Recom- mending James Stewart of North Carolina, old and infirm, for rations. Original. Vol. 44, No. 156. 1 page. James Penman to [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1779, October 26. Jericho on St. John's River.— Lays before him Col. Fuser's application to him for money to carry on the works at St. Augustine and his answer. Has agreed to supply it as it is not a large sum but should a larger advance become necessary he requires his Excellency's approbation. Is not unwilling but has already advanced sums which he has not yet been repaid. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 93. 1 page. Enclosing Lt. Col. Fuser to James Penman 22 Sept. 1779. James Penman to Lt. Col. Fuser 26 Sept. 1779. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, October 28. New York.— No. 77. Duplicate copy. Vol. 7, No. 78. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 685 ; copy 307, fo. 184. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, October 28. New York. — The Admiral and himself have been induced to consider the improbability of an attack on Halifax at this season and have decided, that the reinforcement shall not sail. D'Estaing may attack it in the spring. Recommends him to put his post in the best state possible and withdraw any detached posts he thinks may be of the least use ; suggests that of Fort Cumberland. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 117. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, October 29. New York.— Thanks for confidence in the command and commission devolving on him. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 79. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 697 ; & 307, fo. 187. Alchey or Alliche Butson, refugee. 1779, October 30.— Certificate by Edmund Fanning, Col. King's American Regt., that her son has been three years in his regiment — that she has been allowed to draw provisions for some weeks and that she and the other children are in the greatest distress for con- tinuance of that assistance. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 210. 1 page. 1779, October 30. New York. — Copy of a petition from Robert and Charles Cooke of this date annexed to an original memorial of 8 April 1782 which see. Lt. Col. L. v. Fuser to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 30. St. Augustine.— Account of the siege of Savannah from letters and reports. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 244. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 769 ; & 589, fo. 97 ; printed in the London Gazette Extraordinary 20 December. Gov. Pat Tonyn to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, October 30. St. Augustine. — Announcing repulse of the enemies' attack on Savannah. Autogravh signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 94. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 765 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 24322, fo. 58 ; printed in the London Gazette Extraordinary 20 December. ] to [Captain William Spry]. 1779, October 30. New York.— The sudden and unexpected departure of Mr. Finucane prevented acknowledgment of receipt 56 of his letters. The Commander in Chief has not been able to de- termine respecting leave of absence desired. When his a/cs are transmitted to this office, examined and certified by Genl. McLean, no time shall be lost in procuring final warrants ; in the meanwhile as a supply of money has been received at Halifax, inconveniences, it is hoped, will have been removed. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 118. 2 pages. [Sir H. Clinton] to Brigadier General Garth or officer com- manding H. M. forces in Georgia. 1779, October 31. New York. — That Major General Leslie is recovered and will assume the command. He sails in the " Blonde " for that purpose. Original. Vol. 15, No. 218. 1 page. John Robinson to Gov. Peter Chester. 1779, October 31. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 26. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 27 July 1780. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I., 267, fo. 389. COMTE D'ESTAING. n.d. [1779, October]. — A list of ships of war under the command of Count d'Estaing. Vol. 16, No. 8. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589, fo. 106 ; 155, fo. 399. S. D. Smyth to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 1. — Requesting rations, also forage for a horse. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 174. 1 page. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 2.— Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 97. 8 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 107 (dated 1 November). Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 2. War Office. — Acknowledges receipt of duplicates of three letters of 29th July last. List of promotions approved excepting succession to Capt. Munro of the 71st. ; for which the proposal of Lieut. Sutherland or Lieut. Duncanson lies over till letters are received. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 245. 2 pages. 57 Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 2. Savannah. — Account of the siege. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 219. 15 pages. Enclosing: — No. 1. Comte d'Estaing to Maj. Gen. Prevost 16 Sept. and the answer. No. 2. Comte d'Estaing to Maj. Gen. Prevost 16 Sept. and the answer. No. 3. Comte d'Estaing to Maj. Gen. Prevost 16 Sept. and the answer. No. 4. Maj. Gen. Prevost to Comte d'Estaing 6 Oct. and answer of Comte d'Estaing and Gen. Lincoln same day. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589, fo. 99. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Lt. Col. L. v. Fuser. 1779, November 3. Pensacola H d Q". — Cannot assist. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 234. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton 26 Dec. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156, fo. 85. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1779, November 3. Pensacola H d Q rs . — Announcing the seizure by Spain of the territories on the Mississippi and surrender of Leutenant Colonel Dickson. Extract. Vol. 15, No. 232. 3 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton 26 Dec. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, fo. 569. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 3. War Office. — Leave of absence for Major General Mathew. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 248. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 3. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 246. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Vol. 14, No. 247. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Whitehall. — No. 48. Not to resign the command to Earl Cornwallis. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 209. 3 pages. 58 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Whitehall.— No. 49. Disputes at the Bahamas. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 254. 2 pages. Enclosing : — Lt. Gov. Gambier to Lord G. Germayn (sic) 28 July. Capt. Grant. Memorial to Lt. Gov. Gambier 12 July. A. Ria & A. Chisholm. Affidavit before John Pratt 12 July. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Whitehall. — No. 50. General military events, affairs, &c. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 250. 6 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Whitehall. — No. 51. Rank for the Pro- vincials. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 249. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Whitehall. — Separate. To procure exchange of Nathan Collyer. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 253. 1 page. Drafts and copies of the above five despatches are in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I., Vols. 136 and 432 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Michael Francklin. 1779, November 4. — Indian presents shipped and consigned to New York. Extract. Vol. 21, No. 184. 1 page. Enclosed by Michael Francklin to Sir H. Clinton 21 Aug. 1780. Draft in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Nova Scotia, 13 No. 246. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 4. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 98. 3 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 109. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 5. War Office. — A second battalion to be raised and added to the 42nd or Royal Highland Regiment of Foot. Signifies his Majesty's pleasure that Captain John Mcintosh and three others return home to assist in raising the men. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 211. 2 pages. 59 Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 6. Savannah. — Death of Lt. Col. Maitland of the 71st, much and justly regretted. Encloses petitions for the vacancies. Hears from South Carolina that the rebels have no post of any consequence nearer than Sheldon. The greater part of that province in arms is collected at Charlestown which is being fortified. Is informed also that in the upper parts of this province they have nothing beyond a flying party lower than Augusta. Has heard nothing as yet of the Indians, their services always mercenary and precarious. In compensation for the work of the soldiers on the late occasion has ordered them a shirt a piece or other articles not exceeding two dollars per man. Captain Patrick Campbell re- quiring a sea voyage carries this dispatch. By real emergency of service, in particular to pay the Hessians, is obliged to draw bills on his Excellency. Arrival of the " Vigilant " and convoy, also ship with French officers and fifty men and a rebel galley which had surrendered. Sends letters from the Creek Nation and memorial from Major Graham. Signed copy. Vol. 16, No. 9. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 606, fo. 169. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 7. Head Qrs., Pensacola. — Misfortune of the capitulation of Baton Rouge. His own reduced condition. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 41. 5 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 113. Gov. Peter Chester to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1779, November 7. Pensacola. — Similar information to that of the 3rd November from Campbell. Extract. Vol. 15, No. 233. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Prevost to Sir H. Clinton 26 Dec. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, fo. 565. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 7. Savannah. — Lt. Col. Brown, of the King's R,angers (formerly in Florida) being appointed Superintendent for the Creek and Cherokee Nations, retaining his provincial rank, is willing to resign his corps to Capt. Prevost of the 60th, son of the writer. Begs that the Captain may be appointed to the corps, with the rank of Lt. Col. and be allowed to dispose of his present commission. Signed copy. Vol. 16, No. 10. 1 page. Phillips Callbeck to Captain William Spry. 1779, November 9. Island of St. John, Charlotte Town. — Receipt of and thanks for letter of 20th Sept. Mr. Wright's thanks for his appointment as acting paymaster. Since receipt of last orders 60 Major Commandant Hierlihy gave orders for five additional em- brasures to Pattison's Battery, also a small breast-work, in view of an invasion. Has been proceeding in an economical way with the barracks. The engineer's stores demanded are much wanted especially nails, window glass and hinges. Return of stores in hand shall be forwarded with other papers. The masons, Deane and Snigs, shall be paid and sent across through the country. Is pre- paring his accounts and intended to have proceeded to Halifax with them but was stopped in consequence of arrival of 200 Hessians under Col. De Borche. Their destination was Quebec but bad weather drove them back. Had to get them quartered and procure provisions. Will send accounts and attend him next April. As he is detained here proposes to discontinue the overseer and acting paymaster from last of November to 1st of May and prepare materials for works : desires orders on this head. Draws drafts in favour of Saml. Gay Esq. and Mr. Petr. Hall who have supplied him with cash. Certified true copy by W. Spry, Commanding Engineer, Halifax 27 Jan. 1780. Vol. 29, No. 292. 4 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1779, November 9. New York. — " When Mr. Loring my Com- missary of Prisoners addressed the enclosed Letter to Mr. Beatty, he received one in return from Mr. Skinner informing him that Mr. Beatty was absent. " That the purport of Mr. Loring's Letter may be known, I enclose it to you, Sir, requesting the necessary steps may be taken to enforce the just requisition it contains. " Mrs. Maxwell, the lady of Lieut 1 Maxwell of the 31 st Reg 1 , begs your permission to join her husband in Virginia, when an opportunity offers." Copy. Vol. 2, No. 149. 1 page. Lt. Col. Alexander Innes, Inspector Gen 1 of Prov 1 Forces to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 9. New York. — -Report on the superseded officers. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 83. 7 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain 11 Nov. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 136, fo. 729. Gov. Josiah Martin to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, November 9. New York. — Recommending the bearer William Williamson, a refugee from North Carolina, for rations. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 70. 1 page. Nicholas Ashton & Co. of Liverpool, Merchants, to Lord North. 1779, November 10.— Memorial. With reference to some cargoes of salt seized or made use of by order of Sir W. Howe. Desiring redress. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 26. 4 pages. 61 Mr. Jarvis, refugee. 1779, November 10. Lloyd's Neck.— Case of Mr. Jarvis. Signed Chas. Doughty, Surgeon, 3rd Battalion Delancys. That Mr. Jarvis and his family had been sent in from Stamford in Connecticut and that he had found him exceedingly ill with fever due to exposure ; he is almost a cripple and unable to do anything for subsistence of himself and family. Is therefore recommended as deserving of assistance. Original. Vol. 25, No. 263. 1 page. General von Seitz to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 10. Halifax.— That he had a letter from Col. de Bork announcing that owing to contrary winds, he had with the advice of Capt. Collins of the man of war, his convoy, landed with his men on the Island of St. John, and was setting about building huts. Lt. Col. Bruce has informed him that the vessel sent with provisions for that island before the arrival of the Hessians, was taken, having separated from her convoy. An armed vessel is now hired and loading with provisions, bedding, &c, for the Hessians and rest of troops. If a sufficiency cannot be sent it is suggested that 50 or 60 men should return in the transport. Signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 20. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, November 11. New York. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 81. Enclosing Lt. Col. Innes' Report to the Adjutant General [J. Patterson] 14 Mar. 1777. Lt. Col. Innes to Sir H. Clinton 9 Nov. 1779. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 725; copy 307, fo. 203. Messrs. Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph. 1779, November 11. — State of cash on receipts and payments to this date. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 182. 1 page. General H. E. von Seitz to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 15. Halifax. — " By the latest reports from Capt. Studholm at Fort Howe I am told Mr. Allan has finished a blockhouse and some works at Machias and is fiting out his privateer to cruise for a month in the Bay and that he is to have a party of Indians on board of her." Sends monthly returns. Signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 23. 1 page. William Seton to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, November 15. New York. — Recommendation of an aged couple — William Lownsbury — for rations. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 176. 1 page. 62 Alliche or Allche Butson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 16. New York. — Memorial. That her husband having joined Gen. Burgoyne's army his property was seized and confiscated and she with three children sent within the British lines. Is reduced by illhealth to poverty and begs rations. At end is a certificate signed Jeremiah Learning. Signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 209. 2 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Charles Jenkinson. 1779, November 17. New York. — In answer to letter of the 3rd August respecting Ensign O'Connor of the 16th. Encloses extract of a letter from Lord Rawdon to his deputy, Captain Hutchinson, which he hopes will fully explain. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 215. 1 page. J. Mervin Nooth to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, November 17. New York. — Recommends the bearer John Fritch with his refugee family. If in his power to allow rations to the whole or part of his family it will be an act of charity and at the same time a favour to the writer. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 318. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 17. Treasury Chambers. — Acknowledges receipt of various letters. The fleet of victuallers with the last four months' supply was ready to sail on 6th October and only waited for a fair wind. It is proposed to send out four months' further supply early in the spring and continue the same in the months of April and July for the next year. Contracts have been entered into for this pur- pose for 53,000 men in New York. As to money the large remittance in specie by Admiral Arbuthnot would it is supposed be an ample supply and there has been issued, to answer bills, £350,000. Their Lordships wish to keep him sufficiently supplied but these demands are for a very large amount and he is desired to conduct this as frugally as possible. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 33, No. 44. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 17. Whitehall Treasury Chambers. — Mr. Bayard, Judge of Vice Admiralty, is authorised to pay out of the droits of Admiralty in his hands the sum of £3761 4s. 8d. as payment of claim for deficiency of salary due to Sir Henry's father as Governor of New York. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 45. 2 pages. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 18. Whitehall. — His Majesty has granted Capt. Archibald Campbell the leave desired in his enclosed letter. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 216. 1 page. Enclosing Capt. Campbell to Lord Amherst with certificate by Dr. Stevenson 25 Oct. 1779. 63 Mr. Gordon to Messrs. Thompson & Campbell, Merchants at Jamaica. 1779, November 18. Pensacola.— " Immediately under a know- ledge of a Spanish War we all thought that we must take Orleans ; and preparations for an expedition were immediately commenced, but to our utter disappointment, just as we were ready to embark, an account was received that Don Galwas had obliged all our troops on the Mississippi to capitulate." Principal articles of the Capitulation. No danger to Pensacola from the westward unless they are assisted from Havanna. " Note. Before Lt. C. Dixon was taken he made a sally and killed more men of the Spaniards than he had himself." Vol. 14, No. 232. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Fuser to Sir H. Clinton 12 December. John Cochran to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 19. New York. — Memorial. That in the month of August 1775 he was ordered to dismantle the Castle of William and Mary, New Hampshire (of Avhich he was Captain Commandant) and repair to Boston. That he was obliged to leave his family behind, who were detained prisoners till 1778 when they were allowed to go to Rhode Island and remain there till the evacuation. Asks rations, houseroom and fuel. Original. Vol. 25, No. 327. 1 page. Capt. James Colbert, Assistant Commissary, to Alexander Cameron, Sup u of Indian Affairs. 1779, November 19. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 50. 1 page. Indian Talk to Capt. James Colbert. 1779, November 19. — From the Six towns in the Chactaw Nation. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 61. 2 pages. The above two papers supposed to be enclosed in Cameron's letter to Sir Henry Clinton 15 December. Copies of both in the Public Record Office, Am. & W- I. 284. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 20. War Office. — Recommends Mr. ThornhilPs affair to his consideration. Should be glad if it were speedily concluded so as to make compensation to Mr. Thornhill for the time he has waited for purchase money for his commission. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 219. 2 pages. Lieut. Colonel L. v. Fuser to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 21, St. Augustine. — " Since my last by the Rosebud privateer dated the 30 th of last month a schooner came 64 from Savanna with some private letters, who informed us that Monsieur D'Estain was gone, and that the coast was perfectly- clear. " Yesterday the Blonde Frigate anchored at the Bar and this morning I waited on Major General Leslie ; he being anxious to know the fate of Savanna, I gave him the perusal of the copy of my last letter to your Excellency ; I informed him also of the state of this place : what I had done : and what I was doing. I acquainted him also of the mode I took to pay the expences, by bills on your Excellency. " He seemed perfectly satisfied and assured me that your Excel- lency would approve of that method. " I could not have the satisfaction to see him on shore the wind blew fresh and fair ; and Captain Barkeley was anxious to sail for Savanna, in order to return to York as soon as possible. The General told me that any information of what was necessary to be done for the security of this Province would be received kindly by your Excellency ; consequently I take the liberty of inclosing a copy of a letter I now send to Major General Leslie, with a sketch of the inhabited part of this Province : happy shall I be if it meets with your Excellency's approbation. " The works go on but not so briskly as I wish ; since the news of the raising the siege of Savanna : most of the planters have retaken their negroes ; and I am sorry to tell your excellency that the Governor's negroes were the very first who went away : I sent an officer to acquaint him with it ; his answer was that he knew nothing of it, and that he would order them back, but he has not done it yet : The Lieutenant Governor and the Attorney General retook theirs also. So goes every thing here." Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 208. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 22. Savannah. — Sends duplicate despatches by Captain Stewart of the British Legion who having been here through the siege has behaved as an officer of merit. Nothing material has happened since and the rebels have no post nearer than Sheldon. We have taken one of their schooner (sic.) with five field pieces compleat, ammunition, &c. . . . likewise a galley and the Rutledge mounting two 18 & four 6 pounders." Exchange of prisoners negotiated. Encloses memorial of Lieut Laws. Recom- mends Quarter Master Mr. James Wright to succeed him. Has directed the Black Pioneer Companies to be employed in preparing material for erection of batteries, &c. Recommends Major Roger. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 15, Nos. 228 & 229. 2 pages and 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. John Campbell. 1779, November 23. New York. — Sends copy of the Minister's secret letter of 25th June as well as of his Lordship's circular letter 65 of 17th June lest the originals have not reached his hands. Leaves to his discretion either to act offensively against New Orleans or defensively if he is not in a situation to undertake services directed in letter of 25th June. Sends duplicates of last and copies of letters to Dalling, Adml. Byron, &c, respecting sending reinforce- ment and supplies of provisions. The copies of Spanish dispatches show the enemy's intentions against the post. Refers him to Capt. Addenbrooke for situation of affairs at New York. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 57. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 23. Whitehall.— No. 52. Maj. Gen. Mathew appointed Colonel to the 62 d . Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 220. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 557 ; copy 432, fo. 50 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 23. Whitehall. — Separate. On a memorial of Mr. Charles Robertson. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 221. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 529 ; copy 432, fo. 51 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 23. War Office. — Acknowledges receipt of letter of 15th August with papers enclosed. Also thanks him for copies of the Effective State and Distribution of the Forces. That he was not attempting to introduce a practice unsupported by precedent when he desired such returns will appear from the enclosed paper. It will be unnecessary to give him further trouble on this head as Lord George Germain promises to send to the War Office copies of the Effective States as often as he receives them. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 223. 2 pages. Enclosure : — Effective States of the Army under Sir W. Howe. List of dates. Vol. 14, No. 222. 1 page. James Campbell, Major of Brigade, to Alexander Cameron. 1779, November 24. Hd. Quarters. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 60. 1 page. Enclosed by Alexander Cameron to Sir H. Clinton 15 Dec. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 117. General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 24. New York. — Proclamation. To facilitate bringing in of wood cut for fuel. Copy. Vol 15, No. 129. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 25. Halifax. — " Having remained at the new- Settlement of Penobscot as long as the season would allow me, with any prospect of returning here with safety, and as long as I thought necessary for putting the post in the best posture of defence possible for this season ; — I have the honor to acquaint you that I arrived here under convoy of His Majesty's Ship Albany on the 23 d instant ; I have brought here the detachment of my Regiment, except some artificers who were necessary to finish the hutts, and some men who had been some time attached to the Artillery. '' Your Excellency will see by the inclosed return what that garrison now consists of, and as the Albany will return to that station in a feWdays, I propose sending by that opportunity 70 men of that part of the 74 th Regiment here which will compleat them to about 500 men. I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that I have left the works in that forwardness that with the above garrison, I shall remain without any apprehensions for their safety I " The fort is also well provided with every necessary, but as a considerable number of inhabitants have taken refuge on the peninsula, whose distressed situation renders it absolutely necessary that they should be supplied with provisions from the King's stores, — I propose sending by the Albany a further supply of provisions to compleat their stock to the end of May allowing for the additional consumption on the above account. — The shortness of the. time allowed me by the present opportunity will I hope appologize to your Excellency for my not sending, as I proposed, plans of what has already been done there, and of what I propose doing further. 1 shall have the honor of transmitting them by the next favourable occasion." Acknowledges letters. Has not yet been able to have any con- versation with Mr. Bridgeman relative to the proposed plan for the Provincial Corps in this province. H. M. ship " North " sailed with three transports for Spanish River ; believes there is a con- siderable quantity of coals dug there. Begs money. Will com- municate to the troops and officers His Excellency's acknowledg- ments, &c. P.S. — In my last I acquainted your Excellency that the in- habitants on the river Penobscot were not so well inclined to afford us assistance as I could have wished ; I have however now the satisfaction to inform you that the Rebel parties being all with- drawn ; and an Order from the General Court at Boston forbidding any person being molested on account of the assistance they might afford us, everything was in perfect tranquillity when I left it, and I have great reason to believe the garrison will be well supplied with such necessaries as the country produces. — F.M. On enquiry for the plan for the arrangement of the Provincial Corps in this Province mentioned in your Excellency's letter of the 22 d October, I find by some mistake it was not inclosed as mentioned, as I have therefore no instructions on that 67 head I am obliged to delay the putting it in execution till I hear again from your Excellency. — F.M. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 21, Nos. 126 and 125. 1 pages and 3 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 25. Savannah. — Would have wished the order to give over the command had been in Gen 1 . Leslie's name instead of Brig. Gen 1 . Garth's. Would have wished also to retire from the country, Col. Fuser being in his opinion a very proper person to defend St. Augustine. Ammunition and provisions both wanted there and actually but 200 of the King's troops in that province ; 300 more would be wanted to defend it effectually. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 230. 2 pages. General von Seitz to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 25. Halifax. — That Brig. Genl. McLean arrived at Halifax 22nd inst. That he gave over command of the garrison to him this day. The troops behaved well in McLean's absence. The battery at George's Island finished and in complete order. Signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 22. 1 page. Parliament. 1779, November 25 and 26. — Printed copy of the King's speech to both Houses, bound up with which are the addresses of the Lords and Commons. Vol. 35, Nos. 156, 157 and 158. Mary Shackerly to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 26. New York. — Petition. That she came off with the British troops from Elizabeth Town in February 1777 leaving house and furniture. That she has kept a school hiring a house from Mr. Walter Franklin for £40 a year. That this year he has obliged her to pay £78 and with other disappointments she is unable to subsist her family any longer. This is certified by Gov. Wm. Franklin. Original. Vol. 29, No. 54. 2 paye-s. Mary Driskill to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, certified 27 November. — Petition. Is widow belonging to the 10th Regiment. After her husband was killed at Chestnut Hill was taken prisoner and three times escaped from jail. Has lost her hearing from lying in the woods, and has nothing to support herself and her infant children. Certified by F. Smith, Lt. Col. to the 10th Foot, at Brooklyn 27 Nov. 1779. Original. Vol. 52, No. 61. 2 pages. 68 1779, November 28. — Schedule of despatches sent by Captain Addenbrooke. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 58. 1 page. 1779, November 28. — Heads of confidential intelligence given to Capt. Adenbrooke for the information of Maj. Gen. Campbell. Vol. 13, No. 59. 2 pages. SWANSON, McGlLLIVRAY & Co. to CHARLES StUART. 1779, November 28. Mobille.— A/c from 15 September to 16 November 1779 certified by Charles Stuart, Dep. Superintendent and by Jas. McGillivray 28th November, followed by Receipt dated Pensacola -1 March 1780 from Swanson and McGillivray to Alex. Cameron, Supt/of Indian Affairs. Marked No. 7. Vol. 13, No. 89. 2 pages. Griffin Correy, refugee. 1779, November 29. Hempstead. — Certificate by S. Clowes as to the poverty of Griffin Correy and family, refugees. Original. Vol. 20, No. 25. 1 page. Elias Holmes, refugee. 1779, November 29. New York. — Certificate signed by Samuel and Jacobus Peeck and John Ryckeman with recommendation for relief and assistance by Governor William Franklin. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 72. 1 page. Peter or Petrus Ackerman, refugee, to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November 30. — Memorial, similar to that of 20 October last, praying rations. Recommended by Abraham Van Buskirk and others and certified by Gov. Franklin. Original. Vol. 25, No. 165. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1779, November 30. New York. — Sends copy of a memorial of Colonel Lord Cathcart [see below] representing that £447 sterling being part of the pay of the Provincial Corps called the British Legion was stolen out of the Paymaster's tent. Believes facts stated are true and deserving of their Lordships' consideration. Draft. Vol. 33, No. 98. 1 page. Lord Cathcart to Sir Henry Clinton. N.D., but placed with the above letter. Memorial. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 99. 3 pages. Lieut. Colonel A. Bruce to [qy Col. Roger Morris]. [1779, November], Saturday morning. Head Quarters. — Requests him to enquire into the story of the bearer and if it is true order her 69 and her children rations. [No clue as to persons intended but may relate to the paper which follows.] Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 176. 1 page. Lawrence Kortright to Lieut. Colonel A. Bruce. 1779, November, Tuesday evening. — Result of enquiry in regard to Torrence McCollistin (sic) Sir John Johnson's corps, (husband of Judith McAllister). Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 175. 1 page. William Williamson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, November. — Memorial. Was a prominent supporter of his Majesty's Government in North Carolina. Has since his arrival in New York shifted to get bread by teaching a school but falling sick and losing that employment is utterly at a loss to procure sub- sistence. Not dated, but endorsed " 1779 Novr." recommended by Gov. Martin and approved by the Commander in Chief. Original. Vol. 44, No. 154. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 1. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 243. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Vol. 14, No. 242. 1 page. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 4. Whitehall— No. 53. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 237. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 701 ; copy 432, fo. 52 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 4. Whitehall.— No. 54. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 238. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 705 ; copy 432, fo. 53 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 4. Whitehall. No. 55. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 240. 7 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 136, fo. 709 ; copy 432, fo. 54 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Enclosure :— Lord Amherst to Lord George Germain. 1779, December 4. Whitehall. — Does not find any Captain Andre of the bUh Regt. There is a Capt. John Andre of the 70 2Qth who has been a captain twenty months and a Mr. Lewis Andre of the 44^. Cannot say either of these come under his (Germain s) description to merit the King's approbation as an old Captain, and though the rank in the Adjutant or Quarter Master GeneraTs Department does not go by seniority in the army yet some regard is supposed to be had to an officer s time of service. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 239. 1 page. Lord George Germain to Sir Richard Hughes. 1779, December 4. — Question of Mr. Francklin's bills. Extract. Vol. 21, No. 185. 1 page. Enclosed by Michael Francklin to Sir H. Clinton 21 Aug. 1780. Draft in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Nova Scotia 13; extract in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21809, fo. 100. John Ackerman, refugee, to [the Commander in Chief]. 1779, December 5. Greenwich. — Petition. Is lieutenant in the King's Militia Volunteers ; had his house and property burnt and had a " long continued sickness of the fever." Asks rations- for self and family. Recommended by Capt. Lawrence Buskirk and referred to Col. Morris by Wni. Crosbie, aid de camp. Original. Vol. 29, No. 1-14. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, December 5. New York. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 84. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 9 ; copy 307, fo. 233. Joseph St ace y Hastings to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, December 7. New York. — Memorial. Is a refugee from New Hampshire ; was compelled to leave in May 1777. Has supported himself and family but both himself and wife have been sick with fever. Prays rations till he can again support himself. Certified by Samuel Bard M.D. and by Benjamin Davis, Isaac Winslow, S. S. Blowers, George Leonard and E. G. Lutwvche. Signed. Vol. 14, No. 236. 2 pages. J. Upham to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, December 8. Long Island. — Recommending for rations the bearer Mr. David Brown of Massachusetts Bay. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 333. 1 page. j Richard Minifie or Menefie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 9. New York. — Memorial. Was compelled for his lovalty to abandon a comfortable living and come within the 71 British lines. Has been for fifteen months living on the pittance he brought with him. Is now reduced to absolute want and prays some employment. With certificate on the reverse by Ab. Cuyler Mayor of Albany, New York 13 December 1779. Signed. Vol. 14, No. 235. 2 pages. Geo. Troup & Co. 1779, December 1 and 9. Mobile. — A/c for gunpowder, £23 6s. 8d. with certificates, undated, by Thos. Strother and W. Hood as to price, by Capt. J. Christie as to purchase ; certified also by Chas. Stuart as issued to the Chactaw Indians. Receipt by John Falconer & Co. (for Troup) Feb. 1780. Marked No. 3. Original. Vol. 13, No. 95. 1 page. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1779, December 11. New York. — By the loss of the " Experi- ment " man of war taken by Count d'Estaing's squadron we have lost £30,000 sterling which was sent in that ship for the subsistence of the troops and contingent expenses of the army in Georgia. It is some consolation however to think that the French and rebels have since paid dear for their late attempt on that brave garrison. Draft. Vol. 33, No. 100. 1 page. Lieut. Colonel L. v. Fuser to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 12. St. Augustine. — ' l By the inclosed your Excellency will see that Lieutenant Colonel Dixon has been taken with all our troops on the Mississippi River by Don H. Galwas Governor of New Orleans ; but by Captain William Thompson commander of the privateer brig the Gayton we learn that Lieutenant Colonel Dixon was obliged to capitulate for want of provisions ; he told us also that Don Galwas' army was composed for the most part of militia, blacks, and mullattoes. " Should we receive a similar visit from the Havanna . . I shall do what ought to be done ; but I have not the gift to per- form miracles. General Prevost . . . seems deaf to all my representations. — I have wrote him by this opportunity. . In my last I acquainted your Excellency that most of the planters had retaken their negroes from the King's works, I have made a new application to the Governor ; he promises that he will procure me some next week : I long to see the works finished as they ought to be." Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 231. 1 page. Enclosing Gordon to Messrs. Thompson & Campbell 18 Nov. Louis Mathey, Lieut. 60th, 3 d Battalion. 1779, December 13. Portsmouth. — Resignation of his com- mission being incapable of active service. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 212. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord Amherst to Sir H. Clinton 17 Dec. 72 Governor Patrick Tonyn to [Gov. Sir James Wright]. 1779, December 13. St. Augustine. — Don Galvez and his capture of the posts on the Mississippi. Extract. Vol. 15, No. 236. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Wright to Sir H. Clinton 29 Dec. Alexander Cameron, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 15. Pensacola. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 63. 7 pages. Enclosing Indian Talk to Capt. Colbert 19 Nov. James Campbell to Alexander Cameron 24 Nov. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 101. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, 1779, December 15. Hd. Q r '- Pensacola. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 43. 8 pages. Enclosing Articles of Capitulation of Baton Rouge 21 Sept. Address of Inhabitants of Baton Rouge to Lt. Col. Dickson 21 Sept. Lt. Col. Dickson's Reasons for removing to Baton Rouge 22 Sept. Address of the Inhabitants of Natchez to Lt. Col. Dickson 4 Oct. Return of prisoners 19 October. Lt. Col. Dickson to [Maj. Gen. Campbell] 20 October. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 187 ; 631, fos. 4 and 28. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 15. Head Quarters Pensacola. — Informing him of the efficient conduct of Brigade Major James Campbell as pay- master to the staff and of contingent expenses in West Florida. Transmits the Major's a/c from his (the Major General's) arrival to the 30th June ; also from 1st July to 30th Sept. 1779, together with vouchers for those amounts. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 42. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1779, December 15. New York. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 85. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 53 ■ copy 307, fo. 238. 73 [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Charles Jenkinson. 1779, December 15. New York. — Recommendation of destitute family of Dr. Bruce. Draft. Vol. 14, No. 230. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Charles Jenkinson. 1779, December 15. New York. — Promotions ; arrangements for returning clothing ; stores ; invalids ; has been obliged to draft the 26th etc. ; sends following list. Draft. Vol. 14, No. 234. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. N.D. [but accompanies above letter]. — List of Sergeants discharged and recommended for His Majesty's Royal Bounty. Vol. 14, No. 233. 1 page. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 17. Whitehall. — Sends enclosed resignation that Clinton may appoint officers to the succession. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 213. 1 page. Enclosing Louis Mathey's Resignation. 13 Dec. Lord Cathcart to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 17. New York. — In answer to the three questions : " 1st. Upon what footing the waggons employed in the Quarter Master General's Department stood at the first landing on Long and Staten Islands in 1776 ? 21y. What alterations have since been made upon that arrangement ; and by whom ? And 31y. Upon what footing and by whom waggons are now furnished for the use of the Quarter Master General's Department ? " To the first he replies that they were furnished by Lt. Col. Shireff who hired them from different contractors and paid them by the day. To the 2nd. that the train of waggons and horses brought over from England never having been adequate to the exigencies of the army or calculated for the service of this country having been reduced to a small number of worn out horses and unserviceable waggons they were set aside and that both were hired by Sir Wm. Erskine. To the 3rd., he states that the regulated hire which he pays is " for one small waggon with one driver and two horses p. day £0 6s. 9d. sterling ; for one large waggon with one driver and four horses p. day £0 lis. 9d. sterling ; for a single horse p. day £0 Is. 8d. sterling." That when he joined the Department he found the Regiments, Staff, Hessian Artillery, pontoon train &c. complete ; likewise a train equal to transporting 21 days provisions for 10,000 men. So great a number of regimental waggons and horses had 74 been worn down this autumn that he was obliged to draft the lightest horses from the train to supply some of the troops from Rhode Island and has ordered strong horses to replace them. A marginal note is here inserted that " The good order in which the Foreign Corps keep their waggons and horses is a proof that the frequent deficiencies that happen in the British Corps are owing to want of care." 3 copies. Vol. 24, No. 24. Vol. 33, No. 121. Vol. 34, No. 139. 4 or 6 pages. Lt. Col. J. Marsh, Robert McLeroth, Charles Graham, Board of Field Officers. 1779, December 17. New York. — Report upon the state of the necessaries sent from England in August 1779. Duplicate. Vol. 47, No. 226. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 161 ; and 589, fo. 101. Alexander Cameron to Lord George Germain. 1779, December 18. Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 62. 11 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 73 ; copy 398, fo. 136. Colonel Beverly Robinson to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, December 19. New York. — Is directed by the Commander in Chief to desire Col. Morris to allow Mr. Philip J. Livingston rations. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 174. 1 page. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 20. New York. — Conversation with the American Colonel Mathews. They have ventured to draw up some memoran- dums to serve as a basis for a negotiation for exchange of prisoners. Signed letter and copy. Vol. 14, Nos. 224, 225. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 571 ; and in the Cornwallis MSS. Griffin Correy or Cory to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 21. Hempstead. — Memorial. That he was obliged two years ago to leave his farm and take refuge within the King's lines. That his wife and six children were since sent in from Westchester County ; that they have all been sick for a long time. Begs rations for himself and family. Original. Vol. 53, No. 82. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1 779, December 21 . War: Office. — Sends enclosed memorial asking him to prevent the Lieutenancy in the Fuzileers being filled as Lieut. 75 Symes' exchange into the 66th Regt. was contrary to the intentions of the parties themselves and the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has been requested to cancel the commission in the 66th. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 229. • 1 page. Enclosure : — Memorial of Captain Richard Symes, 52nd, (on behalf of his brother Lt. Charles Jefferyes Symes) to Charles Jenkinson. Touching some proposed exchange of regiments between his brother and a lieutenant in the 38th and ivhich he prays may be cancelled. Two copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 227 and 228. 2 pages each. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 23. St. Augustine. — Is at a loss to know if the express reached New York with dispatches acquainting him of the arrival of D'Estaing's fleet. Accounts from West Florida not favourable. Forwards letters from General Campbell. Awaits with great impatience the reinforcement for the Southern Army as it was ever his notion that the conquest of Carolina would be easily effectuated (sic). Hopes Clinton will be personally with it. Wishes he could promote his views as " there is a corner in my mind where you are seldom absent." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 207. 2 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to [Captain Abraham D'Aubant]. 1779, December 24. Head Q[uarte]rs. — Appointing him to the command of the detachment of the Engineer Corps at Halifax in consequence of Capt. Spry's return to England. To repair to that Garrison at the first opportunity. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 120. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1779, December 24. New York, Head Quarters. — Receipt of dispatches by the " Camilla " ; approves measures taken. Is con- cerned at his distress with regard to money as the condition of the funds here puts it out of his power to assist. Maj. Gen. Pattison desires him to order the 15 invalids lately replaced by serviceable men of the Royal Artillery, to return to New York, and to send also those officers of that corps who by promotion are transferred to this command. Capt. Spry has leave to go to England and Capt. D'Aubant is ordered to relieve him. To call on Spry for his accounts. Capt. Johnston of the 70th Regt. to be continued as Assistant Engineer. Encloses plan for arranging the Provincial Corps under his command. Copy. Vol. 21, No. J 19. 2 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Maj. Gen. William Phillips. 1779, December 24. New York. — Approval and consent to ground work of a cartel proposed. 76 Draft. Vol. 14, No. 226. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Kecord Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 575 ; and in the Cornwallis MSS. Alex. Innes, Inspector General of Provincial Forces, to Colonel Roger Morris. 1779, December 24. Inspector G-enls. Office, New York. — Certi- ficate to Thomas Clousley (sic) and family as objects worthy of his Majesty's bounty to refugees. (See Clousdal's memorial 30 Dec.) Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 187. 1 page. Alexander Cameron to Gov. Peter Chester. 1779, December 25. Pensacola. — Referring to him a demand from a large party of Creek Indians for presents &c. Signed copy. Vol. 13, No. 64. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fos. 463 and 129. H. Parker to Col. [Edmund Fanning]. [1779], December 25. " Phoenix " Gravesend Bay. — Recom- mending one Thomas Gibson. Is just on the wing. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 192. 1 page. Major General John Campbell. 1779, December 26. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Orders. Signed James Campbell, M.B. Uniting into one corps the Pennsylvania and Maryland Loyalists for present service. Arrange- ments. Rank of officers, &c. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 116. 3 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 10 Feb. 1780. Robert Mackenzie to Sir William Howe. 1779, December 26. Southgate. — Receipt of letter enclosing memorial from Nicholas Ashton & Co. to Lords of the Treasury. Gives information respecting circumstances on which his claim is founded by quoting the chief objects of the proclamation of 17 July 1777 with regard to imports and exports, particularly the prohibition of exports from New York once landed there. Does not know how far the memorialist may have suffered from this, but the Superintendent was attentive in reporting singular cases and that of Ashton & Co. was not communicated in any part of his correspondence. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 6. 5 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 26. Savannah. — Arrival of Major General Leslie who delivers letter requesting him (Prevost) to give up the command to Brig. Gen 1 Garth. As circumstances have altered it 77 was agreed that he should stay and assist till the arrival of further orders. The sums sent are not adequate to the. expenses incurred. Refers to letter as to the necessity of sending 300 men in addition to provisions to St. Augustine. The rebels continue to keep post at Sheldons. Has just received a letter from Lieut. Col. Fuser urging as usual the want of troops and sending letter from Major Gen 1 Campbell. Gen 1 Leslie concurring it was determined to send the men of the 60 th Regiment to reinforce that garrison hoping that Gen 1 O'Riley's designs were against Pensacola and not St. Augustine. P.S. — Has taken the liberty to draw on him at 10 days' sight in favour of John Tunno for £1,097 12s. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 231. 3 pages. Enclosing Major Gen 1 Campbell to Gov. Tonyn 3 Nov. Major Gen 1 Campbell to L l Co 1 Fuser 3 Nov. Gov. Chester to Governor Tonyn 7 Nov. Geo. Troup & Company. 1779, December 27. Mobille. — A/c for gunpowder, rum, &c. With certificates by Thos. Strother and Walter Hood of Mobile, that customary prices were charged ; by Elias Durnford, that the goods were purchased to pay a party of Chactaw Indians stationed there ; and a third by Ferq r Bethune that the goods were issued. Receipted by Falconer & Co. for Troup. — Feb. 1780. Marked No. 4. Vol. 13, No. 96. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1779, December 29. Savannah, Georgia. — " We are now anxiously looking out for your arrival here and I must request in the most earnest manner you will not lose a single day." Accounts from W T est Florida of Don Galvez's capture of the Manchak and Natchez District. Report from South Carolina by a negro, that a Spanish fleet of 52 sail is off Charlestown Bar. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 235. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Tonyn to [Sir J. Wright] 13 Dec. Thomas Clousdal, refugee, to Major General Tryon. 1779, December 30. New York. — Memorial. Has sustained losses ; begs to be put on the list for provisions. With certificate from David Sproat, Geo. Drummond and Rob. Loosely, not dated, and accompanied by another from Alex. Innes dated 24 Deer. Original. Vol. 29, No. 186. 1 page. Messrs. Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph. 1779, December 31. — Statement of Cash showing amount of payments by them, cash received from England and bills of exchange drawn on Harley and Drummond. Balance due £66,837 17s. 3d. Copy. Vol as No. 183. 7 lines. 78 A/cs at Pensacola. Statement of Provisions issued to the Chactaw Indians at Mobile 24 November to 31st December 1779 certified by Robt. McGillivray Interpreter. Charles Stuart witness. Signed John Christie, Captain 60th. Followed by Troup & Co.'s a/c £250 9s. 4d. for provisions, same dates, with receipt February 1780 by Falconer & Co. for Troup. Vol. 13, Nos. 93 and 94. 3 pages. A/c of Arthur Clarke for rum. Indian Department. 9-13 October 1779. With certificate by Wm McKinnon, acting com- missary, touching its delivery, and receipt for the money, dated Pensacola 31 December 1779. Vol. 13, No. 100. 1 page. [1779.] — Account to the Crown, of Wm. McKinnon, Com- missary, for extra services in the Indian Department £237 14s. 4d. f . With receipt, 4 Jan. 1780, Pensacola. Original. Vol. 13, No. 101. 1 page. Margaret Bignel, wife of Robert Bignel, sometime of Maryland, to General Sir Henry Clinton. N.D. [1779 or 1780.]— Petition. Recounts that her husband was settled at George Town in Maryland ; that he was forced to leave or join the militia ; that he put his family and effects on a flat bottomed boat and arrived safely at Portsmouth in Virginia but the boat was taken from them on pretence of being employed in fetching provisions for the " Blonde." That on coming from Charlestown to New York their goods were taken and her husband serving afterwards on a privateer was captured by the Americans and detained a prisoner four months. Begs rations for herself and child. Original. Vol. 25, No. 307. 2 pages. Robert Bignell to General Sir Henry Clinton. [? 1779 or 1780.] — Petition. Similar, in statement of facts, to the petition of Margaret above. Asks employment, payment for his vessel or a billet and rations. Original. Vol. 25, No. 308. 2 pages. Anna Crawford, widow, to General Sir Henry Clinton. N.D. [1779 or 1780.] — Petition. That her late husband was obliged for his loyalty to quit his habitation in Boston and take refuge with the British troops ; that since his death in August last she is left with five young children to support. Asks rations. Certified by E. Bridgham and James Anderson. Original. Vol. 25, No. 332. 2 pages. 1779. — Printed copy of the " Memoire Justificatif pour servir de Reponse a l'Expose &c. de la Cour de France." Vol. 24, No. 89. 32 pages and title. Copies of this are in the various Archives. 79 Mrs. Grant to General Sir Henry Clinton. N.D. [? 1779 or 1780.] — Memorial, as widow of Major Alexander Grant of the New York Volunteers, that since they were ordered on command last October she has received no rations. Original. Vol. 29, No. 178. 1 page. William McCrea, late of Albany County, to General Sir Henry Clinton. N.D. [? perhaps 1779.] — Memorial. Joined the army advancing to Fort Edward; was in the action of 7th October [? 1777 1 and taken prisoner ; by exchange arrived here ruined and penniless ; is brother of Miss McCrea. Asks subsistence for himself and family. Certified by Allan McDonell, Capt. 84th Regt. Original. Vol. 52, No. 64. 1 page. Lieut, or Captain Alexander MacLeod. N.D. [qy. 1779.] — Certificates by Lt. Gen. S. Fraser and by Donald McDonald vouching for the loss of property sustained and for the truth of his accounts. Query see the claim under 10 August 1779. Copy. Vol. 10, Nos. 96 and 97. 2 pages. General Mathew to Colonel Morris. N.D. Tuesday morning [with other papers in 1779], Duke Street. — In the 3rd person. Recommending Mrs. Lot for provisions till her husband's return. Original. Vol. 12. No. 59. 4 lines. William Pattison to Major Gen. Tryon. N.D. [supposed between 1779 and 1782.] — Memorial, representing a service of 24 years in the 22 d and 80 th regiments ; that he was tidesman at Philadelphia and joined the King's army at Boston serving in the Engineers' department and going with the army to Halifax. That in coming from Halifax to New York he had been taken prisoner and suffered greatly. Is now driven to the greatest want of provisions Avith no place to lay his head in. At the end is a certificate signed Edward Brabazon, Capt. 22 d regiment. Original. Vol. 29, No. 216. 2 pages. Provincial Troops. 1779. — Muster Roll of Col. Thomas Brown's Company of King's Rangers. Vol. 56, No. 6. 2 pages. 1779.— Printed book entitled " A list of Genl. & Staff Officers and of the Officers in the British, Foreign and Provincial Regiments 80 serving in North America under the command of his Excellency Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. with the dates of their Commissions as they rank in each corps and in the Army. New York." [Inter- leaved and corrected.] Printed by Macdonald and Cameron. No. 1. in Cooper Street near to Commissary Lorings. 1779. Vol. 57. Stephen Payne Adye, aid de camp, to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, January 3. New York. — It is the Commandant's desire that Rebecca Wheeler, widow, should continue to have one ration of provisions. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 128. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 3. War Office. — Acknowledges letter of 29th July enclosing a bill of exchange for £250 sterling for the benefit of Mr. Thornhill, late Lieutenant of 57th. regiment of Foot. The bill is accepted and he shall receive the amount when it becomes due. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 88. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 3. War Office.— Application having been made here for the pay of the garrison officers mentioned in the annexed list, which are borne on the garrison returns of North America but not provided for on the Establishment, desires that in case he should think it proper to continue them in their respective employ- ments they may be paid out of the contingencies of the forces in America. Is of opinion that such appointments having hitherto been considered as temporary, they should not become a permanent charge on the Establishment. With respect to the claim of Mr. Goldthwaite whose commission as Barrack Master of Castle William is mentioned as dated the 16th. April 1775, though by some omission he has never been entered on the monthly return of the staff &c. he is totally uninformed, but must presume that his demand, if allowed, should be satisfied in like manner with other local and temporary employments in North America. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 90. 2 pages. Enclosure : — List of Garrison Officers in North America not provided for on the establishment. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 89. 1 page. Patience Johnston to Major General Tryon. 1780, January 3. — Petition. Is widow of Augustus Johnston Judge of Vice Admiralty for the Southern District, and has been obliged, by the troops evacuating Rhode Island, to leave a comfort- 81 able home and take refuge in New York, with a family of five childr en. Begs some allowance. Countersigned by J. Marsh, Lt. Col. 43 d . Original. Vol. 25, No. 292. 1 page. William Bayakd to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, January 5. New York. — Recommending Jacobus Bogart, farmer from Orange County, for receipt of the King's bounty. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 80. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 5. War Office. — Acknowledges letter of 7th Oct. enclosing a list of promotions which will be laid before the King. Thanks for copy of the state of the army dated 13th Sept. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 86. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 5. War Office. — Death of Earl of Caithness. Permission for the present Lord to return home. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 87. 1 page. Elizabeth Rogers to Major General Wm. Tryon. 1780, January 6. New York. — Memorial. That she and her two daughters are refugees from Norwalk, Connecticut, where they lived " in a genteel affluence " till last summer when she lost all in the general conflagration. Was obliged to come within the lines for protection. Asks rations. Certified by Jeremiah Learning and John Beardsley. Original. Vol. 25, No. 255. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 8. War Office. — The list of promotions trans- mitted in letter of 7th October is approved excepting Serjeant Rose to be Adjutant to 2nd battalion of 42d regiment which appears to be inserted by mistake as that battalion is not now in America. Two duplicate signed letters. Vol. 14, Nos. 84 and 85. 1 page each. General Sir William Howe to John Robinson. 1780, January 10. Cholderton. — Encloses a memorial of Asliton & Co. with Mr. Mackenzie's letter on that subject. Hopes it will prove satisfactory as far as relates to his own conduct. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 83. 1 page. Stephen P. Adye to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, January 12. New York. — Same as that of 3 January with variations in the wording. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 202. 1 page. 82 Gov. Wm. Mathew Burt to Major Gen. Prevost. 1780, January 15. Antigua. — Amongst many prisoners brought by H.M.S. " Guadaloupe " was Lieut. Thos. Morris in the service of Congress. They say they were on parole granted by him (Prevost). Mr. Morris with his family wishes to return to America and he to Prevost. Has granted them leave ; and if any exchange takes place in America begs he may be exchanged for John Burke of this island. Enumerates Mr. Morris's family and slaves. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 13. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Washington to Sir H. Clinton 17 Sep. 1780. SwANSON McGlLLIVRAY & Co. 1779, December 30 1780, January 1-5 . Account for articles for.the use of war Indians. Certified by Elias Durnford as to the purchase and by Ferq r Bethune as to the issue. Receipted 1 June, 1780, Pensacola, by Swanson & McGillivray to Alexander Cameron. Original. Vol. 13, No. 106. 2 pages. John McGibbons, refugee. 1780, January 17. New York. — Memorial to Governor Tryon re- presenting his losses and sufferings in New Jersey and in Connecticut. Cannot support his family and begs rations and such further assist- ance as may be thought meet. Accompanied by certificates dated 16 and 18 January from John Smyth, Gov. Franklin, Henry Van Dyck and J. Learning. Signed. Vol. 29, Nos. 64, 65. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 19. Whitehall. — No. 56. Satisfaction at the defence of Georgia &c. ; arrangements against the French and Spanish West Indies ; corps of Lord Rawdon, Lt. Col. Simcoe and Lt. Col. Turnbull to be on the establishment. Rank of Lt. Col. in America for Alex 1 ' Innes. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 82. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 1; copy 685, fo. 113 ; and in the Sackville MSS. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 19. Head Quarters. — Severity of the weather has occasioned delay to the gentlemen who came out with the pro- positions concerted between Major General Phillips and themselves. They are unable to complete their business and return in the time limited by their paroles so three of them have taken the liberty to remain. Col. Magaw returns with an apology for the delay. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 1. 1 page. 83 Captain W. Tonge to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, January 22. Halifax. — Memorial. To confirm Lt. Col. Denny Denson's resignation in his favour. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 256. 3 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Tonge to Sir H. Clinton 30 Nov. 1780. Lieut. General Knyphausen to General Washington. 1780, January 23. New York. — " In the absence of Sir Henry Clinton I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19 th instant by Col. Magaw, and to acquaint you, that for the reasons assigned by your Excellency, the gentlemen therein mentioned have my permission to remain until the business they went out upon is compleated, as you say it will only detain them a very little time longer than was originally intended." Copy. Vol. 14, No. 81. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 25. Halifax. — Nothing of a private nature has happened except the loss of H.M.S. " North " and one of the trans- ports of this harbour on their return from Spanish River. Capt. Selby and most of the crew of the " North " lost, also Capt. John McLean of the 84th and some men of the 70th. Gen. Haldimand does not mention any interruption of the tranquillity of that province. By an officer from Penobscot Lt. Col. Campbell reports everything quiet ; the " Albany " with stores, provisions and a detachment of the 74th had arrived and the garrison consists of upwards of 500 men. The Provincial Corps has been successful in recruiting in Newfoundland ; about 200 have arrived here. Will evacuate Fort Cumberland early in the spring. It will be necessary to keep Fort Howe, H.M. Commissioner having entered into con- tract for masts to be delivered under the fort. Clothing and camp equipage of the 84th and 74th gone to New York — distressed in consequence. Being without any ship of war expects to be blocked by rebel privateers. Capt. Spry has delivered his accounts for 1779. They appear enormous, amounting to £34,548 10s. 5Jd. but he produces copies of vouchers for every article. Expenses in the Quarter Master General's Department also heavy ; thinks trans- ports should be sent from New York to load coals at Spanish River. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 163. 4 pages. Abraham Stevens to General William Tryon. 1780, January 25. New York. — Memorial. Since his discharge from the Queen's Rangers has been employed as a pilot in the Sound and was taken prisoner. As he and his wife are both ill prays that he may again receive rations as formerly granted by the Commander-in-Chief. With several certificates. Marked : — " referred to Col. Morris." Original. Vol. 14, Nos. 78 and 79. 3 pages. 84 William & Mary Babcock, refugees. 1780, January 26. New York. — Certificate signed by Wm Bayard and addressed to Col. Roger Morris that they are respectable characters from Haverstraw and real objects for the King's bounty. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 77. I page. i Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 26. Halifax. — Issue of 200 days bat and forage money to 74th and 82nd regiments previous to embarkation for Penobscot. On his return found that Lieut. Col. Bruce has also issued the same to the 70th regt. but not to the 84th, the provincial corps or the Hessian Regiment de Seitz. Begs directions on this subject and also on the application for 165 days more bat and forage money for the 74th and 82nd regiments. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 164. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 26. Halifax. — Has granted Lieut. Neil Campbell of 74th regt., who desires to purchase in the 84th regt., leave to proceed to Head Quarters to complete it. Commends Lieut. Campbell and says the proposed purchase is with the consent of the Lieutenants of that corps. Lieut. Lundin, recommended for vacant Capt. Lieutenancy by Capt. McDonald of the 84th regiment is an officer of merit. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 165. 2 pages. Phillips Callbeck. 1780, January 27. Halifax. — Memorandum of Mr. Callbeck's draughts, in 1779, on Captain Spry for account of the works on St. John's Island. £815 8s. 8d. Signed W. Spry. Original. Vol. 29, No. 291. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 28. Halifax. — Begs to know his Excellency's pleasure relative to an enclosed memorial from the officers on board the " St. Helena" transport, praying reimbursement for their losses. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 166. 1 page. - Major Beamsley Glasier to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January 31. St. Augustine. — Refers to his letter to Brigadier General Prevost. Does not now apprehend that Lieu- tenant Colonel Prevost can be any longer in the way of his prefer- ment in the regiment as he left this and went to England recom- mended to the Secretaries of State. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 76. 2 pages. Enclosure : — [Major Beamsley Glasier] to Major General Augustine Prevost. 1780, January 31. St. Augustine. — Asking to be 85 recommended to the Commander in Chief for the vacancy in the 60th Regiment by the death of Lieutenant Colonel Fuser. Recounts his services since 1745. Carried dispatches to General Braddock who was killed two days later. Was appointed by Sir William Johnson to command floe hundred provincials at Fort William Henry. Had the rank of Lieu- tenant Colonel in the New York provincial forces. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 75. 3 pages. Indians. 1780, January 1 to 31. -^-Statement of Provisions issued to the Chactaw Indians at Mobile in January 1780. Certified by Henery Nicholas, Interpreter, and Elias Durnford, Capt. of Engineers, Followed by Troup & Co.'s a/c £257 4s. 9d. receipted Pensacola 1 June 1780. Original. Vol. 13, Nos. 104 and 105. 3 pages. Gen. H[aldimand] to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, January. Quebec— No. 23. By Lieutenant Colonel Rogers who arrived from Penobscot received letter of 28 July. Thanks for intelligence. Is disappointed at not being able to receive reinforcements. The Western Indians decline in their affections and co-operation. Mentions the misfortune to Hamilton. Question of rank for the provincial officers, &c, &c. (On the back is copy in cipher of his previous letter of I Nov. 1779.) Signed letter . Vol. 11, No. 106. 3 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 115 (dated 31 Jan.). Major General William Phillips. N.D. [1780, supposed about January.] — Proposals drawn up by Maj. Gen. Phillips on the one part and Col. Robert Magaw, Col. Geo. Mathews, Lt. Col. Ely and Lt. Col. Ramsey on the other, and a suggested tariff for the exchange of prisoners. Signed, by all at the foot of each page. Original. Vol. 14, No. 37. 9 pages. Copy of this was sent home by Gen. Phillips to Lord G. Germain 25 March and is in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 473. Johannes Ackerman to Governor William Tryon. 1780, February 1. New York.— Petition. Was compelled to leave his farm three years ago and fly hither for protection. Would have continued to support his family had his health been spared. Presented a petition some time past ; was told by Col. Morris he could not draw rations in that line by reason of a lieutenant's commission in the Militia, for which reason he now presents this request for such relief as his Excellency shall grant. Original. Vol. 29, No. 146. 1 page. fe6 Gen. Washington to Colonels Mathews and Ely and Lt. Col. Ramsey. 1780, February 1. Morris Town, Head Quarters. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 74. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 583. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 2. Whitehall. — Capt. James Moncrief, Engineer Extraordinary, to receive in consideration of his services at Savannah brevet commission of a major in the army dated 25th Deer. last. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 73. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright. 1780, February 2, and April 15. Savannah. — Certificate of 2 February by Major James Moncrief concerning the damage of Sir James Wright's property, followed by valuation signed John Mullryn, Nath. Hall and Josiah Tattnall. Original. Vol. 15, No. 27(3. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir H. Clinton 1 June 1780. Nathaniel Gardiner to Governor William Tryon. 1780, February 3. New York. Memorial. — His attachment to Government induced him with wife and two children to quit Rhode Island and take refuge in this city, — is so reduced in circumstances he is unable to support them and by being a cripple is unable to labour. Asks rations. Original. Vol. 44, No. 151. 1 page. Captain W. Cunningham, Provost Martial. 1780, February 4. Savannah. — Inventory of his property lost on board the " Swan " transport the 7th January when that ship foundered on her passage from New York to Georgia. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 146. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Charles Jenkinson 9 May 1780. i Frederick Mackenzie, Deputy Adjutant General, to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, February 4. New York. — " General Tryon desires you will be so good as to order provisions to be issued to Mr. Jacob Kemble of Colonel Butlers Rangers with the other people of that Corps." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 72. 1 page. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 5. St. Augustine. — Return of the " Willing Maid " with dispatches sent to his Excellency and the Admiral in August last ; she was chased, had to take refuge in Savannah and remain during the blockade. Forwards again the box from Genl. 87 Campbell. Death of Lt. Col. Fuser of 60th Regt. Expresses pleasure that his Excellency and the reinforcement are on the way to the southern provinces. Barrier lines and the lines of this town are out of repair ; refers him to Capt. Moncrief for information. Letter received from Governor Dalling announcing that he has appropriated for Jamaica the ordnance stores destined for this garrison. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 71. 3 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W.I. 137, fo. 225 ; 631, fos. 11, 35. Edward Cooper, town adjutant of Savannah, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 6. Savannah. — Memorial ; that while on duty his baggage and furniture in his quarters were destroyed by the bursting of a shell (during the siege) and that his loss amounts to £100 sterling, for which he asks relief. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 147. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Charles Jenkinson 9 May 1780. John Smith to Ebenezer Mackie. 1780, February 6. — As Gen. Tryon has been so good as to con- sent to Mrs. Hunter's receiving rations, if she will call upon Col. Morris she will receive an order for drawing them. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 69. 1 page. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 6. St. Augustine. — Mr. Mackinen, deputy com- missary of stores and provisions, died a few days ago. Imagines the appointment may be provincial. Major Glasier, however, has appointed Wm. Brown Esq. to officiate. If the right to nominate is not in the Governor recommends Mr. Brown to succeed. He has a large family, was .', formerly an officer and an old Flanders acquaintance. i ; •' Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 68. 1 page. John Dean to Maj. Gen. Wm. Tryon. 1780, February 7. New York.— Memorial. Fell into the hands of the enemy when the town of Danbury was burnt ; escaped, and has acted as guide, has suffered from rheumatism and lost the use of his right hand ; his wife and children have been sent in ; begs some relief. Certified by Benjn. Davis and others and by J. Chandler and Amos Botsford. Original. Vol. 44, No. 147. 3 pages. Malkham Clark. 1780, February 8. — Receipt to Mr. James Colbert for pay and rations as wages from 8 February to 31 May last. [W. Florida.] Original. Vol. 13, No. 155. 1 page. Colonel Beverley Robinson to Colonel Roger Morris. N.D. [with the following letter but apparently written sometime before]. — Recommending Ezekiel Yeomans, who has often been of service in getting intelligence, and his family, to receive rations. Endorsed [probably for this and the following] " Febry. Sth 1780. Ezekile Yeomans New York 1M 1W 5Ch. Recommended By Colonel Robinson. Approved/'-By the Commander in Chief." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 50. 1 page. Colonel Bev. Robinson to Colonel" Roger Morris. 1780, February 8. — " Sr. I recommended ye bearer Ezekiel Yeomans some time ago for rations for his family." He has been sick for sometime ; desires rations for four or five weeks, by which time he hopes to provide for himself. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 51. 1 page. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 10. Head Quarters. Pensacola. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 115. 12 pages. Enclosing Order uniting the Pennyslvania and Maryland corps 26 Dec. 1779. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 315 ; extracts 137, fo. 233 ; 631, fos. 14 and 38 ; Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 4142, No. 60 ; War Office, In Letters, Original Corres- pondence 25. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 11. Savannah. — Death of Lt. Col. Fuser. Re- commends Major Glazier to succeed him, and Capt. Prevost if thought deserving, for the majority. " I have just now received intelligence of four boats, pretty large, having landed a party of Rebels at the White Bluff and the Islands and carry' d off near one hundred and forty negroes. I have sent immediate notice to Capt. Gayton that some measures may be taken if possible to intercept their return. . . . Br. General Paterson arrived here yesterday with whom I have had a consultation on his intended operations. Every information and assistance I can afford him shall not be wanting. His demand of troops amounts to 1,500 effectives by which means this garrison will remain with about one thousand and no artillery men." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 238. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 11. Savannah. — Recommending his brother to succeed to the vacant Lieutenant Colonelcy. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 239. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 11. Whitehall Treasury Chambers. — The Lords of the Treasury having taken into consideration a letter from Sir 89 W. Howe of 4 June 1776 transmitting returns of the houses occupied by the troops at Boston, is commanded to transmit enclosed list of such houses for which no rents have been paid and to desire him to make allowances to the owners of such houses as proposed in the enclosed list and pay the same out of the extraordinaries of the army. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 67. 1 page- Enclosure : — List of Houses occupied by the Troops in Boston from the time they came into Quarters until the place was evacuated, belonging to Loyal Subjects in Boston, with the yearly rents they would have let at before the rebellion. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 65. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 12. Head Quarters. Pensacola — The Spaniards in Mobile Bay. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 117. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 241 ; 631, fos. 15 and 39. General Sir Henry Clinton to Captain James Moncrief, J. G. Hay and J. Fraser. 1780, February 13. John's Island. Head Quarters.— Appoint- ment as commissaries of captures to take care of all things left on the deserted plantations. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 16. 1 page. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 13. Savannah.—" In my last I had the honor of acquainting you with the Death of L» Colo 1 Fuser since which B r General Patterson having made application to me for several requisits to enable him to proceed up this River, I immediately order' d a return to be given in to me of what remain' d in our several magazines, when I found that Captain MonCrieffe had taken away every carpenter — one excepted — all the intrenching tools and others that could be of any use— all the waggons with our best horses. That our large cannons have been taken off the batteries and our best artillery men taken with them. In short litle or nothing remains in any of our publick stores that cou d be of service in the diffence of this place or to assist in fiting out the expedition under Gen 1 Patterson. I do not imagine there is any immediate apprehension in this quarter — but shou'd your Excellency propose pushing forward — I think it incumbent on me to lay before your Excellency the exact and actual state of both St. Augustine and Savannah for your Excellency's consideration. Wishing that your Excellency's undertakings may meet with every success, that your most sanguine wishes can expect. I have the honor to be." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 241. 2 pages. 90 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 14. Whitehall. — Capt. Lyman of the Prince of Wales's American Volunteers desires to be removed into a regiment that is or will be speedily established. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 66. 2 pages. Copy, 50, No. 219. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 68 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 14. Whitehall. — Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 55. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 35 ; copy 432, fo. 70; and in the Sackville MSS. Enclosure : — Memorandums relative to the rank of Lt. Robert Duncanson of the 71 s ' Regiment {nephew of Lord Newhaven). Copy. Vol. 20, No. 56. 3 pages. Duplicate in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Domestic, Geo. III. 19 (under 5 Feb.). Samuel Jarvis to William Tryon, Governor and Commander in Chief of New York. 1780, February 14. New York. — Memorial ; stating that he and his family were taken out of their home at Stanford, Connecticut, in the dead of night, stript of everything, put into whaleboats and landed on Long Island at two o'clock in the morning. Consequent sickness has reduced them to the last extremity of real want. Asks a house, provisions, and some small pay. Certified by Jeremiah Learning. Original. Vol. 25, No. 264. 2 pages. Sir Grey Cooper to [qy Sir Henry Clinton]. 1780, February 15. Whitehall Treasury Chambers. — ■" The House of Commons having by a resolution of the 2 d instant ordered " that there be laid before this House an Account of all sums of money issued to the respective commissaries in North America for the use of His Majesty's Forces there, specifying the dates, sums & names of the respective commissaries from the 20th of November 1770," desires that such an account be made and transmitted. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 55. 1 page. Indian Department. 1780, February 15. New York. — Return of Rangers, &c, belonging to the Indian Department. Signed by Jos. Chew, Secretary for Indian Affairs, and endorsed by Col. Roger Morris indicating issue of rations to one of the persons named. Original. Vol. 14, No. 56. 1 page. 91 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 15. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 61. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. -19; copies 399, fo. 9 ; 397, fo. 315. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 15. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 62. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 15; copies 397, fo. 313 ; 399, fo. 10. William Knox to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 15. Whitehall—Circular. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 64. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 397, fo. 312 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21704, fo. 3, and 21710, fo. 121, &c. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 17. Savannah.— Will do everything in his power to fulfil his Excellency's views but considering his destitute situation he is left to struggle against almost insurmountable obstacles. Brig. Gen. Patterson will be retarded in his intended operations. Arrival of some of the missing ships at Tybee. The Deputy Quarter Master General has objected to paying the officers of the 60th regt. the 200 days' bat and forage money. Encloses a letter from Major Glazier. Annexes recommendations to the vacancies by Lieut. Col. Fuser's death. Hopes his Excellency will grant it to go in the Regiment. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 242. 2 pages. Gov. Peter Chester to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1780, February 18. Pensacola. Extract. Vol. 14, No. 20. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Tonvn to Sir H. Clinton 20 Mar. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 229 ; 631, fos. 13 and 36. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1780, February 18. Head Quarters, Fenwick.— " Dear Sir, The Rebels seem to have collected their whole force for the defence of Charlestown which renders it expedient that I shou'd be prepared for every opposition they will be able to make. " I find it therefore necessary to reverse my plan of operations in the back country for the present and to request that the 71 st Regiment, the light Companies, the Legion Infantry, Ferguson's Corps, N. & S. Carolinians & York Volunteers may be in readiness to join us under B. Gen 1 Paterson. 92 " But as I wou'd not abandon the advantage we may derive here from an invasion being supposed to impend the back settle" I request you will let the publick and the troops remain in that opinion, and let every arrangement seem to tend to the movement first intended. kt I shall send you back vessels for the conveyance of the above troops. " Yet as we are possessed of Stono Ferry & shall probably be in a short time on the Neck of Charlestown, I submit it to you whether the march by land would not be preferable, in which case all the cavalry you have might join us. You will be pleased to decide which is best and act accordingly. " I likewise desire you will if you think it advisable add more troops to what I have required or diminish the number if you find that necessary by striking off any corps, beginning with the N. York Volunteers which are last mentioned and so backward in the order I have written them down. " I think it necessary in case you move by land to inform you of certain regulations I have made to discountenance marauding, to gratify the soldier with an ample supply of provision and to prevent embezzlement of captured property. " To this end I enclose you an Extract from Gen. Orders— and I appoint Mr. to attend you who will receive from Capt. Mon- criefT and Major Hayes the instructions they have themselves in this business. — You find by this that no captured property what- soever is to pass thro' the hands of any department but according to the arrangements alluded to." Marked : — ' k Copy to Gen 1 . Prevost to be delivered first." Copy. Vol. 15, No. 237. 4 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to [Sir James Wright]. 1780, February 19. Head Quarters. Fenwick. — Similar to the first two paragraphs of the foregoing to Prevost. In the meantime he is to be so good as to hold out the movement to Augusta as still in contemplation. Col. Innes will inform him of wishes with respect to other operations on which he has not time to enter. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 240. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to [Colonel Innes]. 1780, February 19. — " Dear Sir, As I know your zeal for the service I will make no apology for requesting you to proceed with my dispatches as quick as possible on board to the Admiral who will be so good to give you a safe conveyance in some armed ship to Savanna. By the inclosed letter to Gen 1 Prevost you will see that I wish all the troops that can be spared may join us, rs soon as possible ; tis the opinion of all here particularly of Capt. Montcrief that the shortest way will be by land, Gen 1 Paterson will command, and if I mistake not you will be next, the position we shall have taken will cover your march. I do not think it right to send a positive order for their march by land, but I am clear that Gen 1 93 Prevost from a conversation I had with him will think it right they should, and if you and G. Paterson should think with me, you may, if he hesitates, produce this in more positive order for that purpose. For God's sake keep your troops under regulation during the march, particularly the Creeks, what think you of bringing an old sachem and Creek young warriors with you, I wish them to see our army, and operations ; reconcile Col. Brown to remaining behind with the Indians ; the instant Charlestown is ours he shall have my orders respecting them, in the mean time, as I told him, I would do every- thing to keep them in good humour. I do not recollect that I have any thing else to say to you but to wish you a good voyage & speedy junction with us upon the Ashley. Your ob 4 S l H. Clinton." k ' You will of course bring with you all the cattle you can get, but for God's sake no irregularities. Col. Brown will in proper time explain to the Indians the reason of our changing our plans." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 244. 3 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1780, February 19. Stono Ferry. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 107. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, fo. 603. Lt Gen. Knyphausen to Gen. Washington. 1780, February 19. Head Quart 5 , New York. 2 copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 53 and 54, 3 and 2 pages respectively. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 607. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 20. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Transmits account of the paymaster in West Florida for the quarter ending 31 December last together with a set of vouchers for the amount. He will perceive how the capture of vessels by the enemy and the preparations for an expedition against New Orleans swelled the Deputy Quarter Master General's accounts. Assistant Quarter Master General discontinued from 31st Deer. last. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 118. 2 pages. George Troup & Co. 1780, February 21. Mobile. — Account for pork, beef and Indian corn for Indians. Certified by Charles Stuart as being laid in at the risk of the Crown for victualling a party of 4000 Chactaws. Certified also by Alex. Cameron. Receipted 8 June 1780, Pensacola. Original. Vol. 13, No. 170. 2 pages. Wm. Armstrong, 17th Regt., to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, February 22.— Requests that the bearer Mrs. Hill, her mother, sister, and one child be allowed rations. Knew them when the 17th was at Stoney Point where from their being of service to the garrison they were driven out from their possessions. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 141. 1 page. 94 Joseph Pynchon to Joshua Chandler. 1780, February 22. Bus wick. — Recommending the bearer John Dean ; has lately seen his petition to be presented to Governor Tryon and has no doubt of the facts stated. Hopes for his interest in assisting Mr. Dean. Signed letter. Vol. 44. No. 138. 1 page. William Williams to Governor Wm. Tryon. 1780, February 24. New York. — Memorial. Has been per- secuted and fined 1100 pounds ; begs rations for self, wife and children. Certified by Thomas Ellison and Jas. Peters. Original. Vol. 14, No. 52. 1 -page. Wm. Handfield to Brig, General Francis McLean. 1780, February 25. Halifax. — Praying warrant for pay as Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General from 1 April 1776 to 21 July 1778. £210 10s. Original. Vol. 21, No. 168. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton 19 June. James & Robert Thompson. 1780, February 25. New York. — Receipted a/c for 1 qr. cask of old particular Madeira at 22 guineas per . . (sic) . Cartage 3/-. £41 4s. 4d. Signed, Vol. 42, No. 7. 1 page, John Cambel, commanding engineer, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, February 28. St. Augustine. — Arrived here the 25th inst. Lays before him a sketch and report of the works at this place together with a copy of the orders received from the commanding officer. Was separated from the fleet and driven to New Providence where he repaired and armed his ship to insure a junction with His Excellency. Refers to a late memorial and says he would prefer the most subordinate situation under His Excellency's immediate command to any other. Signed letter. Vol, 14, No. 49. 1 page. Captain Sylvester Muirson for himself and others to Lord G. Germain. 1780, February 29. London. — Memorial. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 3. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton 5 April. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 77. Gen. Washington to Lt. Gen. Knyphausen. 1780, February 29. Head Quarters. 2 Copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 45 and 47. 2 pages each. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 615. 95 Jno. Falconer & Co. [1780, February]. — Abstract of Accounts of expenses in the Indian Department due to Falconer & Co. £1,533 5s. OJd. Receipted February 1780. Three a/cs of the same for goods supplied to William McKinnon, acting commissary of Indian Affairs. About 23 September, 5-6 October, 11-30 October 1779. With McKinnon's acknowledgment for the goods. All receipted Pensacola, February 1780. Originals:^ Vol. 13, Nos. 92, 97, 98, 99. Samuel Jarvis to General Sir Henry Clinton. N.D. Endorsed February 1780. — Memorial. Same facts as in that addressed to Gov. Tryon and dated 14 February. Endorsed : — " reported to General Tryon." Original. Vol. 52, No. 56. 1 page. Thomas de Grey, Junior, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 1. Whitehall. — Circular. Sends by direction of Lord G. Germain the Gazette Extraordinary containing an account of the success of his Majesty's squadron under the command of Sir George Rodney. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 63. 1 page. Bernardo de Galvez to Elias Durnford. 1780, March 1. A la Pointe de Chacto. — Summons to surrender. French. Elias Durnford to Bernardo de Galvez. 1780, March 1. Fort Charlotte, Mobile.— Answer. Copies. Vol. 13, Nos. 121, 122. 1 page each. Both enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 24 March. Both in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267 ; 533 ; 137 ; and 631. J. Upham to Colonel Morris. 1780, March 1. New Town. — Transmits his return for the present week ; also memorial of John Dean from Connecticut and begs to be notified of its success. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 44, No. 148. 1 page. Elias Durnford to Ma.j. Gen. John Campbell. 1780, March 2, 4 o'clock afternoon. Mobile. — Transmits the summons to surrender, &c. . . . will defend the fort to the last extremity. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 120. 4 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 24 Mar. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 345 ; 533, fo. 91 ; 137, fo. 253 ; 631, fos. 17 and 43. 96 Major General Augustine Prevost to The Commander in Chief [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1780, March 2. Savannah.—" On the 28th ult° I had the honor to receive by Colonel Innes your Excellency's letter of the 18 th and in consequence of your wishes, every thing is fixed for proceeding by land, and on the 4 th instant the troops destined will march with Brig r General Patterson to Ebenezer ; and as they are to go higher up the River about ten miles for the facility of getting their artillery and horses across — there is not the least doubt but that the Rebels will suppose the rout of these troops to be towards Augusta. "In compliance with the orders through Captain MonCriefEe to the Dep>' Quart r M r Gen 1 — and further at the desire of B r G 1 Patterson, they have taken the remaining part of the Field Artillery that was left here, with it what was in store for their Service — as also all the musquet cartridges we had. Your Excellency will observe that by rendering this place undefencible — that the troops in it will be in the greatest danger — for want of ammunition artillery engineers &c — St. Augustine is in the same predicament — I therefore judge it my indisspenssable duty to represent the same to your Excellency — as I make not a doubt that if it is in your power you will send to both places enough to prevent that the troops there shou'd afford a triumph to our enemies without shame to themselves. The death of Lt. Col. Fuser more parti- cularly calls for assistance in that quarter. " Your Excellency's orders about marauding I will give to General Patterson and I have appointed ( ) to attend him and to receive the instructions from Major Hay's & Captain MonCrieffe that they are furnished with on that business. " The Indians being in great dread of the small pox^which at present rages in all the lower part of this Province are desirous of going away which it will be difficult for me to prevent— if we wish them to remain our friends — they are not people to be employed in the diffence of a place; they can not suffer the appearance of being shut up. More of them were expected but I think that expresses shou'd be sent to detain them. . . . " P.S. — I beg your Excellency will be so good and give me an answer about the necessary appointment of D r Hill as Inspector of Regimental Infirmaries agreeable to Doctor Roberts' requisition." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 243. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 2, Savannah. — Reminds of the liberty given him to return to England. The time of the year is come when he is rendered unfit to be of any essential service particularly in a place where no skill can keep off the enemy. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 245. 1 page. Andre Wj Wright . 1780, March 2.— Certificate by Major Small of the 2 d Battalion 97 84th Regiment of Highlanders that the bearer Andrew Wright served in the 55th in the late war. Petition of Andrew Wright that he served in the 55th ; was lawfully discharged in 1764 and since lived in Philadelphia till 1779 when he obtained permission to come to New York with his family with a view to return to England. That he was allowed by Major Andrews to draw rations till a passage might be found. That sickness prevented their leaving and his wife having died is left with the care of five children. Begs continuance of the provision. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 309 and 310. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. Proclamation. 1780, March 3. Head Quarters, James Island. — Of pardon. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 133. 3 pages. Printed broadside in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 237, fo. 467 ; MS. copies 137, fo. 98 ; 399, fo. 6. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. [1780], March 4. Head Quarters, James Island. — " An unex- pected opportunity of writing to Savaimah gives me the means of sending you two proclamations which I beg you will cause to be printed and published. " I likewise send you a letter for Gen. Paterson open for your inspection, desiring you will be so good as to forward it to him together with a number of the proclamations. " You will be pleased also to send some copies to me." Copy. Vol. 15, No. 246. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. Proclamation. 1780, March 4. Head Quarters, James Island. — Of pardon to deserters. Original. Vol. 15, No. 247. 1 page. Nicholas Fredenburgh to Governor Tryon. [1780, March 4]. — Petition. Was obliged to leave his house and farm on Cortlands Manor. Has ten in family and his money is now entirely expended. Begs rations. Certified by Gabriel Purdy, Samuel Meritt and others and endorsed " 4 March 1780 Reported to Maj. Gen 1 Robertson." (Compare name Nicholas Van Der Burgh at the end of this month.) Original. Vol. 14, No. 43. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 4. War Office. — Desiring liberty for Capt. Robert Wm. Winchester of the 20th who is a prisoner under the Convention of Saratoga. Would esteem it a favour if he could be preferred for promotion. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 40. 1 page. G 98 Lt. Gen. Knyphausen to General Washington. 1780, March 4. New York. — Concurs in postponement of meeting of commissioners. Mr. Pintard as an individual will have per- mission to communicate with the American commissary but Mr. Pintard is not considered in the character of an agent for prisoners. Three copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 41, 46, 48. 1 or 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 623. A/cs at Pensacola. Pensacola. — A/c of Robert Donald for sundries for the use of the Indians, delivered to Wm. McKinnon. acting commissary for the Indian Department, 29 September 1779. To Major Gen. Campbell. Certified as received by McKinnon and pavment settled and signed Robert Donald 4 March 1780. Ds. 495.7." Original. Vol. 16, No. 40. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 31 Oct. A/c of Swanson, McGillivray & Co. Certified by Troup & Co. and Strother & Co. Mobile 5 Oct. 1779. Receipted by Swanson, McGillivray & Co. to Alexander Cameron, Pensacola 4 March 1780. A/c of Montgomery, Wilton & Co. for sundries supplied for the use of the Indians delivered to Wm. McKinnon 29 September 1779. With acknowledgment of goods by Wm. McKinnon, commissary, and receipt dated Pensacola i March 1780 by John Joyce for Mont- gomery, Wilton & Co. £332 2s. Hd. Vol. 13, Nos. 90 and 91. 1 and 2 pages. Abener or Abner Wood to Maj. Gen. Tryon. 1780, March 4. New York. — Has been forced to fly for refuge ; has five " smawel " children ; asks " rashons." Certified by Thos. Duncan and 3 others. Marked by Morris with number of rations. Original. Vol. 14, No. 44. 2 pages. Major Thomas Murray, aid de camp, to Col. Roger Morris. 1780, March 5. New York. — Is directed by Lt. Gen. Robertson to desire him to order Messrs. Hayt, Kirkland and Sherwood a week's provisions this day inclusive or to next Wednesday seven- night. They are just come in from Connecticut in consequence of having signed a certain paper and are totally destitute or they would have been put off till Wednesday. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 265. 1 page. We art Banta to William Tryon, Capt. General and Governor of New York. 1780, March 7. New York.— Petition. Is a refugee from Hackinsack and a lieutenant in the King's Militia Volunteers. Was wounded in the knee and rendered a cripple for life ; has a wife and three small children to maintain ; was instrumental in taking several American prisoners and has served as guide. Asks rations and such other relief as may seem proper. Counter-signed by Gabriel Van Norden, &c. and certified by Gov. Franklin, 2 April. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 82. 2 pages. 99 Gen. Washington to Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair, Lt. Cols. Ed. Carrington and Alexander Hamilton. 1780, March 7. Morris Town, Head Quarters. — Powers to exchange prisoners. (Printed in Sparks's Washington, VI. 483.) Tivo copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 38 and 39. 2 pages each. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 649 ; 137, fo. 339 ; 631, fo. 57. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1780, March 8. Head Quarters, James's Island. — " D r Sir, I have received your letter of the 2 d March, and am satisfied to learn that the troops will be in motion the 4 th . I am sorry you should think the state of Savannah and Augustine so critical from their being so drained of artillery and stores. You shall receive supplies as soon as they can be procured. In the mean time I hope you will agree with me in the little probability there is of any attempt on these places, particularly on Savannah, and you will also permit me to observe that the situation of this last is far less precarious than at the time of the former incursions into the province. " You will be so good as to act w h respect to the Indians as you propose & only retain their goodwill & let them understand they are to expect to be called upon shortly. " Should you wish to repair your redouts or as I recommend it to you to contract your defences by forming a kind of citadel at the Bluff where the old battery stood, an engineer whom I shall send will undertake that work." Draft. Vol. 15, No. 249. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Major General Prevost. 1780, March 8. Head Quarters, James's Island. — Private. " D r Sir, — From what you said to me at Savannah I trusted to your retaining the command in Georgia during the present service and my arrangements are made in consequence. I hope Sir. it will not be attended with particular inconvenience to you if I am obliged to request you to put off your intended voyage until this business we are upon is finished, when not only my permission but every accommodation shall be offered you for your departing in the manner most agreeable to your wishes." (Marked) — " Duplicates of both by L l Durnford of the Engineers in the Friendship Brig. March L6«> 1780." Copy. Vol. 15, No. 250. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1780, March 8. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 106. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249. fo. 607. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 8. Savannah. — " B r Gen' Patterson was not in readiness to march with his Brigade — consisting of the Troops 100 order' d by your Excellency before the 5 th instant which day he left this place — since which we have had a great deal of rain and by a letter I this instant receive from the Brigad 1 " of yesterday's date he informs me from Ebenezer — that the country was over flow'd and that the roads would for some days be impassable. "jit is my opinion that if your Excellency is in immediate want of this body of troops — that transports ought immediately to be otder' d round to embark them — least the present weather shou'd retard if not altogether prevent his crossing the River particularly having such a train as he has. When I advised they shou'd proceed by land, I expected they would have been ready sooner — and I was confirmed in that determination by Colonel Innes intimating that it was also agreeable to your Excellency's intentions — and it wou'd have been most eligible — had they crossed before the rains." P.S. — 1 have the honor to acquaint your Excellency that L. Col. Tarlton with the dismounted troopers are gone in boats with M r James Frazer, appointed Commissary of Captures, to go through the Islands in order to endeavour to remount themselves — but am unacquainted with the instructions given them by B. Gen 1 Patterson. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 248. 2 pages. [Memorandum.] " Major Sheridan and L l Shedds of the 60 th Reg 1 went with the General's dispatches for Savannah & Augustine in the schooner Buck Duncan Hill master Tuesday March 8 th 1780." Original. Vol. 14, No. 70. Alice Armstrong, widow and two daughters, to Major General Wm. Tryon. 1780, March 9. New York. — Have been driven from their home and farm near Stoney Point and obliged to take refuge in New York where by every industry they are unable to support themselves ; beg provisions. State that when the British and Hessians took possession of Fort Montgomery and Stoney Point they were plundered of furniture, farm stock, &c, &c. Certified by two officers of the 17th and recommended by Ch. Justice Smith. Original. Vol. 29, No. 140. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 9. Savannah. — Sends Lt. Col. Brown's memorial and accounts of extraordinary expenditures for Indians incurred during the last two months. Requests money to pay them if they are to be discharged ; also for the remainder of bat and forage money for 1779. P.S. — Is informed that General Patterson yesterday sent across the Savannah River at Zubly, the Legion Infantry and New York Volunteers. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 251. 2 pages. Major Generals Wm. Tryon and Jas. Pattison. 1780, March 9. New York. — Opinion given at the request of 101 Major General Phillips upon a question of accounts. Opens with Maj. Gen. Phillips's statement and request, followed on same paper by the original answer by Maj. Gens. Tryon and Pattison that in the proposed exchange of prisoners with American officers on Long Island the accounts for subsistance and provisions must be left undischarged, but that the inhabitants of Long Island be indemnified for maintenance of said officers, and that a sum of money be advanced by Government, the accounts for which to be subject to liquidation with other a/cs of provisions between British and American Com- missaries. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 36. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 11. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 33. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 71; and in the Sackville MSS. Promotions. 1780, March 11. Head Quarters, James Island. — List submitted for approbation. Dated this day but endorsed " Camp before Charlestown 9 May." Copy. Vol. 4, No. 145. 3 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Charles Jenkinson 9 May 1780. Abraham Silleck, Selleek or Sillock to Major General Tryon. 1780, March 11. — Memorial. Was obliged to leave his home in Stamford, Connecticut ; took to coasting, ^was captured and thrown into jail. After his escape to this city his wife and 9 children were sent in and his estate seized. Has been cutting and carting wood but cannot get a livelihood. Begs rations. Certified by Jeremiah Learning and others. Original. Vol. 29, No. 177. 3 pages. Edward Cooper, Town Adjutant of Savannah. 1780, March 12. — Claim of losses in camp equipage, clothing, &c., in the burning of his quarters on the morning of 6 October 1779. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 143. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Charles Jenkinson 9 May. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 12. Savannah. — Received yesterday advice from Brig. Gen. Patterson that with the troops under his command he had effected the passage of Savannah River " all to his baggage." By the " Richmond " Capt. Hudson, has received £3,500 sterling from the contractors in England for subsistence of the regiments supposed to be in garrison at St. Augustine, also invoice of Indian goods from Mr. Knox shipped on the " Venus " transport ; has not heard of their arrival at Tybee. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 253. 1 page. 102 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. 1780, March 13. Head Quarters, James Island. — Sends the following return. Draft. Vol. 17, No. 104. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, to. 611. St. Augustine. 1780, March 13. — Return of Ordnance and Stores wanted from the garrison of St. Augustine. Signed P. Traille, Major commanding the R. Artillery. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 105. 1 page. Fort Charlotte, Mobile. 1780, March 13. Camp at Mobile. — Articles of Capitulation agreed on between Elias Durnford and Bernardo de Galvez. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 124. 6 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 28/29 Mar. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 357; 533, fo. 97 ; 631, fos. 20 and 46 ; 137, fo. 273 ; 265, fo. 943. Isaac Touro to Major General Wm. Tryon, Gov. & Commander in Chief in New York. 1780, March 13. New York. — Is late Rector of the Synagogue of Rhode Island ; has suffered every persecution and distress ; came to this city with the troops ; since then has struggled to maintain his wife and family. Certified by Lt. Col. Marsh. Original. Vol. 25, No. 334. 2 pages. Exchange of Prisoners. 1780, March 10-14. — Minutes of the Proceedings at Amboy of the Commissioners — Wm. Phillips, Cosmo Gordon and Charles Norton, for Sir Henry Clinton, and Arthur St. Clair, Edward Carrington and Alexander Hamilton for General Washington. Two copies, misplaced in binding. Vol. 14, Nos. 25 to 32. 45 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 631 ; 137, fo. 319 ; 631, fo. 58. Elias Durnford to Maj. Gen. John Campbell. 1780, March 14. Fort Charlotte, Mobile. — Announcing his surrender. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 123. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton 24 March. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 533, fo. 89 ; 63, fos. 18 and 44 ; 267, fo. 349 ; and 137, fo. 261. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 15. Whitehall— Most Secret, Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 24. 3 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo, 63 ; copy 685. fo. 159 ; and in the Sackville MSS, 103 Enclosure : — [Lord George Germain] to Lords of the Admiralty. 1780, March 15. Whitehall. — Most Secret. To reinforce Arbuthnot with 8 ships of the line, &c. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 23. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 685, fo. 155 ; Sackville MSS. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost. 1780, March 16. Head Quarters on James Island. — No. 42. Receipt of letter of 12th inst. Lieut. Durnford who delivers this, is sent to remain under his (Prevost's) directions at Tybee where he will erect a batter}' at the mouth of Savannah River. To forward the £3,500 arrived in the " Richmond " for the use of the garrison at St. Augustine. Transmits duplicates of two letters of the 8th. To send back Capt. Durnford if he is not required. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 252. 2 pages. William McIntosh. 1780, March 16. — A/c of expenses incurred at a meeting of the Lower Creeks, for presents. Duffle blankets, ruffled shirts, hand- kerchiefs and knives, provisions, travelling expenses, &c, self and Durozeux (sic.) interpreter £192 3s. 8d. Examined by Alexander Cameron and approved by Maj. Gen. Campbell, and, on the back, " Received by Wm. Mcintosh 30 June 1780." Preceded by a slip of paper bearing a certificate by James Durouzeaux that he saw the goods in the a/c delivered to the Indians 16 March 1780. Vol. 13, Nos. 158, 159. Ensign Archibald Cumine [to Charles Jenkinson]. 1780, March 17. — Enumerates six invalids of the provincial corps who having no agents in this country and their commanding officer being in America will be distressed for subsistence till they pass the Board and their discharges not being expressed in terms agreeable to the King's order it will be impossible for them to pass unless the War Office interferes in their behalf. Extract. Vol. 14, No. 9. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton 5 April. Nicholas Pratt to Major General William Tryon. 1780, March 17. New York. — Memorial. To avoid persecution left his family and home in Newhaven, Connecticut ; has been employed as master of a small vessel in the Commissariat Depart- ment ; asks rations for his wife and children. With three certifi- cates. Original. Vol. 29, No. 214. 2 pages. Gov. Sir James Wright to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 18. Savanah in Georgia. — " Sir, As I have some 104 reason to believe that a letter I had the honor to write to your Excellency on the 3 d instant, did not get to your hands I now send a copy — Viz. — ' It is with the utmost concern that I have ,'earnt your Excellency has altered your plan with respect to the route & operations of the troops in this Province, & that instead of going to Augusta, they are to cross this River & proceed towards Charlestown, and I can only lament that this Province will be exposed to the utmost danger, and the Rebels I presume command the whole country within twenty miles or less of Savanah — and with respect to the Indians, the Cherokees, Sir, you may depend will not stay here, & I wish may not go away in disgust, and the Creeks being stop't and sent home again, most like may be disgusted also, and however these people may be thought useless in the field — your Excellency will be pleased to recollect that I had the honor to mention to you here my opinion of the consequence of Indians, and that if they were against us they would harrass the King's Troops in any march, & receive the Rebels amongst them, and I feared we could never subdue the rebellion. We have no naval force here (unless the Eowey is at Tybee) — we have no works constructed at Cockspur as was agreed & intended to be done — and almost any trifling force may come up the River, and destroy everything in it and I consider this Province as left in such a state as it may easily fall a prey to the Enemy — especially if any small foreign force should come on our coast & we have little or no cannon & ammunition, and His Majesty's royal instructions and intentions with respect to the civil govern- ment & department in this Province (which I had the honor in part to acquaint your Excellency with) are totally frustrated. — It is very painfull to me to mention these matters, but my duty to the King, to the people here, & to myself, compel me to do it. I most heartily wish your Excellency all possible success & that you may be laureled & long live to enjoy the honor of them. I have the honor to be with perfect esteem,' " &c. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 254. 3 pages. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 19. Savannah. — Agreeable to commands has had the proclamation printed and published. Sent the letter to Gen. Patterson but did not wait for the printing of the proclamation. Has directed Major Prevost to put up a parcel of them amongst some stationery for his (Clinton's) office. Want of provisions as well as ignorance of outside enemies influenced them in leaving this place in April last. Indians have gone to avoid small pox but promise to take the field when called upon. If an engineer arrives he shall set to work to contract the works and form something like a citadel at the Bluff. P.S. — The English fleet may be hourly expected in this river. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 259. 2 pages. Thos. de Grey Junr. to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 20. Whitehall. — Circular. Transmits gazette of 105 28 February and an extra gazette of the 6th inst. containing accounts of success of the fleet in the West Indies under Rear Admiral Parker and that under the Rear Admiral Digby on his return from Gibraltar. Copy. Vol. 14:, No. 22. 1 page. Gov. Pat. Tonyn to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 20. St. Augustine. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 21. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Chester to Gov. Tonyn 18 Feb. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, fos. 615 and 619 ; extracts 137, fo. 225 ; 631, fos. 12 and 35. East Florida. 1780, March 23. Office of Ordnance, East Florida.— Return of Ordnance and Stores shipped on board the brigantine " Duncan." Signed John Penn for T. W. Burly Hall, Ordnance Storekeeper. Original. Vol. 14, No. 11. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Tonyn to Sir H. Clinton 3 April. Gen. Knyphausen to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, March 23. New York. s Autograph draft. Vol. 11, No. 108. 2 pages. Cipher. Vol. 11, No. 107. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 19. Signed letter in cipher in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 121 ; copy 21807, fo. 103. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 24. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Surrender of Fort Charlotte. His own movements. If this province is to be preserved a reinforcement must be sent. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 119. 8 pages. Enclosing Summons from Don Galvez to Lt. Col. Durnford 1 March. Answer of Lt. Col. Durnford 1 March. Lt. Gov. Durnford to Maj. Gen. Campbell 2 March. Lt. Gov. Durnford to Maj. Gen. Campbell 14 March. Copy in the Public Record Office] Am. & W.' I. 137, fo. 245 ; extracts 631, fos. 16 and 40 ; and Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 4142, No. 60 3 . Sir Henry Clinton to [Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost]. 1780, March 24. James Island. — Acknowledges letters of 9th & 19th March with Memorial from Lt. Col. Brown. To continue to adjust the business of Lt. Col. Brown and the Indian Department as before his arrival since it is impossible for him to judge of the propriety of these a/cs while engaged in other affairs of so much importance. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 256. 2 pages. 106 General Sir Henry Clinton to [ ]. 1780, March 24. James Island. — Despatches from England full of demonstrations of joy at news of Count D'Estaing's defeat before the lines of Savannah. The Park and Tower guns were fired which having but rarely happened on any former occasion is strongly expressive of the importance of that event and the great satisfaction it gave. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 255. 1 page,. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. Sir James Wright. 1780, March 25. Head Quarters, S. Carolina. — Acknowledges receipt of letter of 18th inst. and refers him to Genl. Prevost for information relative to arrangements made for the security of his province. Trusts the rebels will find themselves too much employed in this province to be able to give much disturbance. " It is not possible to answer for events in war but when success does attend us here we shall probably carry on operations upon the Upper Savannah. In this case the assistance you might be kind enough to procure us in boats, waggons, horses, &c, would be of the greatest service. I shall be much indebted to your Exy. for turning your attention to this object and shall at all times be happy in receiving from you the information and advice which your knowledge of the country and of the disposition of the people enables you to give me. Copy. Vol. 15, Nos. 257 and 258. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. William Phillips to Lord George Germain. 1780, March 25. New York.— Private. Extract. Vol. 14, No. 19. 4£ pages. Autograph signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 155, fo. 451. Major General Riedesel to [General Sir Guy Carleton]. 1780, March 25. New York. — Private complimentary letter recalling his civility and attention when under his orders. Madame Riedesel also presents her compliments to Lady Maria. Signed letter. Vol. 30, No. 128. 1 page. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 26. Savannah. — Lt. Durnford arrived and the works begun. Surprised to find the ordnance brig left behind ; sent her to Tybee to be forwarded by the first convoy. Received advice from the contractor for East Florida of above £4,000 being shipped in the " Hydra," which as well as the first money by the " Richmond," is intended to pay the subsistence of the 71st and the Hessian regiments ; to know his Excellency's pleasure about it, as he could charge against this money what he has already paid to those regiments which would leave him money in hand for other expenses. " Venus " with Indian presents arrived dismasted, Signed letter, Vol. 15, No. 260. 2 pages, 107 Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 28, 29. Head Quarters, Pensacola. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 125. 2 pages. Enclosing Articles of capitulation, Fort Charlotte, 13 March. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 265 ; 631, fos. 19, -15. Alexander McG-illivray. 1780, March 28.— A/c. of Alex. McGillivray with Thomas Smith for cows for Indians, with certificate by A. McGillivray and Alex. Cameron and receipt dated Pensacola, 30 June, John Mitchell & Co. Marked " No. 33." Original. Vol. 13, No. 135. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. James Robertson to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, March 29. New York. Autograph signed copy. Vol. 11, No. 109. 1 page. Cipher No. 109* 2 pages ; copy No. 19* 1 page. ; Signed letter in cipher in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 123 ; decipher fo. 104. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 30. Whitehall— No. 58. As to works, &c, in St. John's Island. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 17. 3 pages. * Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 69 ; copy 432, fo. 73 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Maj. Gen. Wm. Phillips to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 30. New York. Two copies. Vol. 14, Nos. 15 and 16. 1 page each. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 359 ; 631, fo. 53. Maj. Gen. Augustine Prevost to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March 30. Savannah. — The store ship of ordnance will be taken away to-morrow under care of Capt. Henry. The Governor alarmed by rebels appearing on the south side of Ogeechee river. " I immediately order' d a detachment of one Captain & sixty men to march and endeavour to find out what they were and if practicable to intercept them. Capt. Conclin of the 1 st Battn. of Genl. Delancy's Brigade who commanded, by too much zeal brought his men to a place where the Enemy had concealed themselves who upon giving their fire wounded him and one of the subalterns with six men, the Captain is since dead, and likewise two of the men. Receiving information that the Enemv were 300 strong and well mounted I sent another party of the King's Rangers with the remainder of the 1st Batt n . of Delancy's which has obliged the Rebels to retreat, but not before thev had burned all the barns of 108 rice belonging to the Governor's farms in that district, and carrying away as many of the negroes as they could. Our detachment is not as yet returned and I this moment received information from Lt. Governor Graham that he was threaten'd with the like visitation at his plantation called Monteath, but as they are on horse back and we have none, they will by all appearance likewise here make their retreat. On their way they met with a small party of Indians, ldll'd four men and one woman and took one man two boys and a girl prisoners." These depredations might have been avoided if the volunteers had not been dispersed. Requires warrants for holding general courts martial. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 261. 2 pages. Alexander Cameron, Superintendent. 1780, January 1 to March 31. — A/c of extra expenses incurred by Mr. Cameron for rewards and presents to Indian parties employed for the defence of Mobile and Pensacoia. £317 16s. 5Jd. Receipted Pensacola 28 May. Original. Vol. 13, No. 103. 1 page. Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph. 1780, March 31. — Statement of cash. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 184. Exchange of Prisoners. 1780, March. Amboy. — Proposed tariff by the Commissioners. Signed Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners. Original. Vol. 14, No. 18. 2 pages. Duplicate in the Public Record Office, Cornwallis MSS. 6, No. 5. Lieut. Gov. Sir Richard Hughes to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, March. Government House at Halifax. — Requests answer to an enclosed letter from several inhabitants concerned in erecting the barracks at Cornwallis and whose demands he is unable to satisfy. Also that when the Hessian battalion under De Seitz arrived at Halifax the German inhabitants were recommended to receive and quarter them in their houses. Has applied to Brig. Gen. McLean for payment to those people but he answers he cannot without his (the commander in chiefs) particular directions. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 176. 3 pages. Nicholas Van Derburgh to Col. Roger Morris. [? About 1780, March]. — Petition. Has three sons in the Pro- vincial regiments ; is banished from his farm. Has suffered im- prisonment and " wheeping." Has ten in family ; they have all had small-pox and four of his children have fever and ague these five months. Asks rations till he can help himself. Certified by Beverley Robinson and by William Grant. Apparently the same as Fredenburgh on the 4th March. Original. Vol. 14, No. 42. 2 pages. 109 [qy. Maj. Gen. William Phillips] to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 2. New York. — Secret. Recounting conversation held with the Commissioners, as private and secret, after the com- mission had broken up. They are to repeat the same also in a secret manner to General Washington. Extract. Vol. 14, No. 13. 6 pages. Gov. Pat. Tonyn to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 3. St. Augustine. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 12. 3 pages. Enclosing Return of Ordnance and Stores shipped on board the brigantine " Duncan " 23 March. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 249, fo. 623. Richard Seamark. 1780, April 3.— A/c for tobacco and porter £17 10s. lid. To Alex. Cameron. With certificate and receipt signed by Alex. Cameron (Indian goods). Original. Vol. 16, No. 20. 1 page. Maj. A. S. De Peyster to Lt. Col. Thomas Brown. 1780, April 5. Detroit. — Indians zealous for the King's service. They recently defeated Col. Rogers on his way with a convoy from New Orleans to Pitsburg. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 3. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Brown to Earl Cornwallis 17 Dec. Also enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton 29 Dec. Same in the Cornwallis MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 5. Whitehall— No. 59. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 4. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Capt. Muirson to Lord G. Germain 29 Feb. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 73; copy 432, fo. 83. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 5. Whitehall. — Desires exchange of Lt. Robert Burnett. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 2. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 137, fo. 83 ; copy 432, fo. 83. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 5. War Office. — A party of Maryland and Pennsyl- vania Loyalists having arrived from Pensacola under command of 110 Lieut. Inglis and there being no agent here for provincial corps has directed Messrs. Ross & Gray to honour bills drawn on them for subsistence of said party. Desires him to give orders that Messrs. Ross & Gray may be repaid what they advance. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 5. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 5. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Copy. Vol. 14, No. 6. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Vol. 14, No. 7. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 5. War Office. — Relative to the enclosures on the subject of invalids belonging to the provincial corps being sent to England. Requests him to give positive orders that no more be sent with a view to their being admitted to Chelsea. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 10. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Barrington to Sir Wm. Howe 1 May 1778. Ensign Cumine to [Charles Jenkinson] 17 Mar. 1780. [General Knyphausen] to General Washington. 1780, April 6. New York. — I have had the honor of receiving your Excellency's letter of the 27th ultimo respecting Mr. Pintard ; Any restriction in point of time exacted from him appears to be inconsistent, as his return does not wholly depend upon me ; 1 cannot, however, but be of opinion, that as far as his parole may have extended to restrain the freedom of speech, it was a necessary precaution, as his avowed intention was to return to N. York. It rests with you, Sir, to allow this to take place whenever you please ; but if it is expected that Mr. Pintard will be allowed to reside here in a public character, I must again beg leave to acquaint you that a claim of this nature is inadmissable. I have the honor to be, &c. Draft. Vol. 14, No. 1. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, April 6. Savannah in Georgia. — Sir, yesterday I had the honor to receive your Excellency's letter of the 25th ulto. by which you are pleased to refer me to General Prevost for information relative to the arrangements made for the security of this Province. What they may be, I am yet unacquainted with — the only posts which General Prevost has acquainted me with or that I know of, are at Ebenezer & Abercorn, till very lately a small party was sent to Oggechee Ferry, after the Rebels had been down and broke up and destroyed all my plantations and some others in that neighbour- hood. I have received petitions from the very much distressed and loyal inhabitants who have been drove from their settlements in St. George's Parish and downwards to St. Phillips — Conoochee nnanicut Island in preference to Rhode Island, next that of the Dumplins. This taken, the fleet could embrace the opportunity of a fair wind to enter the western passage, and, having doubled the north point of Connanicut, bear down towards the enemy's ships. This is only proposed in case the Rhode Island side be too dangerous to attempt a landing. Advises descents on other parts of New England, also visits at New London and Norwich, very mischievous places. Next to the destruction of the French Fleet the most salutary plan at this critical juncture would be to establish a post on George's Island, at the entrance of Boston Harbour. Discusses advantages of possessing Boston Harbour and difficulties of obtaining possession of George's Island. Signed at foot by Lt. Col. Martin as a true copy, 24 July, 1782, and, on the back, addressed to Sir Guy Carleton. Vol. 46, No. 23. 7 pages. A/cs. at Pensacola, West Florida. Ferq r . Bethune. A/c for horse hire and provisions to the Chactaw Indians on their way from the nation to the defence of Mobile. Also for interpreter's pay, travelling expenses for self, 1 January to 3 June, &c, &c. £127 18s. Qd. Certified by Cameron. Receipted by Peter Swanson, Pensacola, 24 July, 1780. Original. Vol. 13, No. 153. 1 page. James Colbert. A/c for travelling expenses, 1 April to 31 May, at 3/- sterling per day, £9 3s. Od. Received Pensacola, 24 July, 1780, for Colbert, by Swanson, McGillivray & Co. Original. Vol. 13, No. 156. 1 James Colbert. A/c including White's and Clarke's a/cs for wages (see 8 Feb. & 2 June). Also for sundry provisions supplied to the Cheekesaws. £39 13s. id. Certified by Cameron. Receipted by Swanson & McGillivray, Pensacola, 24 July, 1780. Original. Vol. 13, No. 157. 1 page. Thomas Graham. A/c as captain or leader of the Creek Indians. .£103 7s. id. Certified by Alexr. Cameron. Receipted by Peter Swanson, Pensacola, 24 July, 1780. Original. Vol. 13, No. 152. 1 page. Wm. Bayard to Colonel Roger Morris. 1780, July 26. New York. — Has enquired into the character of Margaret Ecker, and thinks the King's bounty should be continued to her. [The name is given by Morris as Eckerson.] Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 77. 1 page. 164 Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gov. Peter Chester. 1780, July 26. Pensacola Hd. Quarters. — Encloses further letters on same subject as letter of 27th. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 25. 3 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 27 July. Copy in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 377. Lieut. Col. Jos. Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean. 1780, July 26. Halifax.— In consequence of orders lately issued relative to officers serving in provincial corps, finds there are doubts as to his taking rank and command as Lieut. Col. in the army. Explains that a similar order was given out here in 1776, on which several < fficers of his regiment resigned their commissions and returned to former rank and duty in the respective corps. He himself was not called on to relinquish other commissions, and when Sir Wm. Howe came here in April, 1776, he took his tour as field officer of the day, and did other duties conformable to rank as Lt. Col. in the army. Eequests this point may be settled, as he would not by any means relinquish the rank conferred by his Majesty. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 180. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Goreham to Sir H. Clinton, 12 August. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 26. Head Quarters.— Is pleased that the proposition for appointing agents for prisoners meets with approbation. Would have been happy if he had delineated his idea of their powers and restrictions, but, as he has not done so, of ers the enclosed. It will be perfectly agreeable for the agent to reside at Lancaster, which will also be made the place of confinement as far as possible. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 123, first paragraph.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 6. 2 pages. Enclosure : — Propositions (8 in number) respecting the agents to be appointed for prisoners. Original. Vol. 15, No. 7. 3 pages. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 26. Head Quarters. — Will forward copy of the report as to the Troops of Convention to the Commandant at Charlottesville, with orders to enquire into the facts. Cannot but th'nk the terms of Gen. Phillips' letter rather exceptionable. (Printed, see second paragraph on p. 123 Sparks's Washington, Vol. VII.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 8. 2 pages. Major Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 27. Pensacola, Head Quarters. — That Major John Delancey, of the United Corps of Pennsylvania and Maryland 165 Loyalists, will deliver this. He has been appointed to the Capt. Lieutenancy of the 18th Foot. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 23. 1 page Major Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 27. Pensacola, Head Quarters. — Sends the enclosed. Remarks on the embarrassment such interference of governors makes in the King's service. Trusts his Excellency will make remonstrance to the Treasury. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 2-i. 2 pages. Enclosing Maj. Gen. Campbell to Gov. Chester, 26 July, 1780. John Robinson to Gov. Chester, 31 Oct., 1779. Major Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 28. Pensacola, Head Quarters. — Sends the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 27. 1 page. Enclosures : — Gov. Peter Chester to Maj. Gen. John Campbell. 1780, July 28. Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 29. 4 pages. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gov. Peter Chester. 1780, July 28. Pensacola, Hd. Quarters. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 28. 2 pages. Copy of both enclosures in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267. London Merchants trading to the Province of South Carolina to the King in Council. 1780, July 28. London. — Petition, signed by Greenwood and Higginson and eight others. This was forwarded by Lord G. Germain to Sir Henry Clinton and Adml. Arbuthnot in their capacity as Commissioners, the 3rd August, and by Sir Henry submitted to Earl Cornwallis and the trustees for captured property, 2 January, 1781. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 6. 2 pages. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 631, fo. 157. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, July 29. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. — Is commanded to transmit the enclosed and to desire he will pay the strictest attention to the speedy dispatch and return of the victualling transports. The Lords of the Admiralty have been desired to give directions to the naval commanding officer to grant a return of convoys to see them to Cork. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 68. 1 page. 16(3 Captain William Spry to Brigadier General McLean. 1780, July 29. Halifax. — Memorial. Requesting warrant ior £10,600 0s. IH. Signed copy. Vol. 21, No. 193. 1 page. A/c of Capt. William Spry, £23,600 0s. \U. (Compare that of 30 June.) Signed. Vol. 21, No. 194. 2 pages. Both these enclosed by Captain Spry to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Sep. Lieut. Col. Jos. Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean. 1780, July 31. Halifax. — In support of letter of 26th inst., has found in the books of the Town Major the very order for performing the duties specified in said letter, which clearly establishes the rank claimed. Complains he has been unemployed since his return from Fort Cumberland. Repeats his request that the matter of his taking rank according to the King's commission may be immedi- ately ascertained in general Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 181. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Goreham to Sir H. Clinton, 12 Aug. Jas. Simpson to Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis. [1780, July.] — In obedience to desire, has attentively considered of such regulations as would be best calculated to prevent imposition, and promote the good purposes intended by opening the trade of this Province. Thinks it would be well to fix the mode of exporta- tion on a plan agreeable to the spirit of the several Acts of Parliament which before the rebellion regulated the exportation of rice. Proceeds to quote these, and suggests modifications. If his plan is adopted would draw up the bond, certificate, etc., required from the masters or shippers, in such a form as to prevent bad conse- quences. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 3. 7 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 2. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 167. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 168. 1 page. Gabriel Worden to General James Robertson. 1780, August 2. New York. — Petition. Is refugee from West- chester County. Fled in haste and left all. Has four sons in the King's employ. Has a wife and three other children totally destitute of goods, business, money or provisions. At the end is a note by Thos. Murray, aid de camp, 8 August, desiring Col. Morris to give him rations for four weeks. Original. Vol. 22, No. 157. 1 page. 167 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 3. Whitehall.— No. 66. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 66. 6 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 45 ; copies 432, fo. 146 ; and in the Sackville MSS Richard Carrique, Lt. 16th Foot, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 4. Pensacola. — Memorial. Begs preferment. Original. Vol. 16, No. 31. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 9 Aug. Stores. 1780, August 4. — Invoice of medicines, instruments and materials for H.M. Forces at New York. Shipped per Prince George, Capt. Waring. Original. Vol. 54, No. 9. 3 pages. 1780, August 4.— Another invoice of medicines on the same ship. Original. Vol. 54, No. 18. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 6. Charlestown. — Impossibility of weakening the force in this province. Recounts events and movements. Arrange- ments for advancing into North Carolina. Sends five proclamations issued, &c. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 235.) Duplicate and triplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 29, 28. 10 pages each. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 233. Lieut. Col. Joseph Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean. 1780, August 6. Halifax. — Flattered himself some notice would have been taken of his two letters of 26th and 31st ult. Requests an answer to this, his third application, concerning the rank he holds by his Majesty's commission. Should he not receive an answer he begs leave to lay his case before the commander-in-chief. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 179. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Goreham to Sir H. Clinton, 12 Aug. John Smith to Major Duncan Drummond. 1780, August 8. New York. — The Commander in Chief thinks he should notify to the several Departments his appointment as Commissary of Accounts to this army, that the principals may submit their accounts for inspection. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 174. 1 page. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 9. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Recommending enclosed memorial. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 30. 1 page. Enclosing Richard Carrique to Sir H. Clinton, 4 August. 168 Mrs. Miller, refugee. 1780, August 9. New York. — The bearer is a daughter of widow Miller, refugee from Albany, whose son was hanged for the attach- ment of the family to Government. Recommendation, signed Edward Laight, for continuance of her rations. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 3. 1 page. Stores. 1780, August 10. — Return of clothing shipped per the " Prince George " for the use of the forces. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 171. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 15 Aug. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 10. Charlestown. — Expected attack by Gates on Lord Rawdon. Action at Hanging Rock. Is setting out to join the army. Duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 30, 31 and 32. 2 pages each. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 239. Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 11. Hingham, Massachusetts. — " I had yesterday the honor of your Excellency's favor of the 19th ultimo. " Agreeable to your proposition I will meet Major General Phillips at Elizabeth Town on the 12th of September. I have to request that Major Baylies and Captain Jackson, gentlemen of my family, whose paroles now limit them to New England, may be permitted to attend me." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 9. 1 page. Major Bruen to Colonel Morris. 1780, August 12. — Thomas Cloudsdal, a refugee from Philadelphia, was placed on the provision list, as was also his family. The pro- visions have been withdrawn of late to their great distress. Begs him to consider them and extend to them the charity allowed to others. Original. Vol. 29, No. 188. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Goreham to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 12. Halifax. — His peculiar situation prompts him to enclose copies of three letters to Brig. Gen. McLean. The only reply made by the latter was a garrison order of 10th — " Lt. Col. Goreham and Major Batt are to take their tour in all garrison duties." Not having any particular post allotted to him at present, and being informed that Lt. Col. Bruce, junior to him, raises some doubts about his (Goreham's) taking command prior to him, and means to make representation to his Excellency through Brig. 169 Gen. McLean, thought it right to lay his case before him for deter- mination. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 182. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Col. Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean, 6 Aug., 1780. Lt. Col. „ to Brig. Gen. „ 26 July, 1780. Lt. Col. „ to Brig. Gen. „ 31 July, 1780. General Sir H[enry] C[linton] to [John Robinson J. 1780, August 13. New York.— In letter of 5th July, 1779, announced the appointment of an inspector and prover of rum purchased for use of troops. Requests him to remind the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury of this letter and take their pleasure as to the salary for the person nominated. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 102. 1 page. [Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton.] [1780, August 13]. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 99 ; in cipher, No. 100. 2 pages each. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 190. Jas. Simpson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 13. Charlestown, S. Carolina. — Receipt of letter of 15th July. Little to add to letter of 18th about commotions in the back country. Cornwallis has sent an account of Gates' arrival. " Two months ago I had little doubt but by this time the tranquility of Carolina wou'd have been re-established, and the rebel cause entirely relinquished. I then knew that both Laurens & Rutledge were meditating how they should make their peace. For what reasons they have been diverted from their purposes I am a stranger ; but it is very visible that the hopes of the rebellious faction here are elevated by something which they either know or apprehend to be in agitation. Mr. Laurens has not long since with great confidence asserted that in a very few months America would be abandoned by the British troops, and left to her Independency. Where he hath his intelligence I cannot tell ; I do not suspect him to be so weak as to think it is likely to happen from the efforts of the Americans. He must, therefore, either be the dupe to his own folly by listening to reports he would willingly credit ; or with a peculiar malignity of heart he would wish to render as generally as possible the ruin in which he hath involved himself." Satisfaction at receiving an intimation that it might be proper for him to be at New York, but matters are so circumstanced that many incon- veniences wculd result from his leaving Has consented, at Cornwallis's request, to remain until some officers in the civil line arrive to take the duties, or the police of the country is reduced to system. Is informed by Capt. Lutwitche that letters must be ready this evening, and he is thus unable fully to inform his Excellency of the business in which he is engaged ; but states that he has to direct the extensive trade of the province which it has been found 170 necessary to subject to very particular rules and restrictions, has his duty as Counsel to the Commandant and the Police in which every week there are causes of weight and nicety, that he is con- stantly recurred to by every magistrate who finds himself at a loss for rules to regulate his conduct, that he has to watch over the behaviour of some of the most dangerous, hardened and perverse rebels that ever existed, and is pestered all day with outside applica- tions. Has neither time to eat nor sleep. Promises an official account if the " Triton " is delayed ; otherwise hopes in a short time to submit it in person. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 33. 5 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, August 14. New York. Cipher. 2 copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 118, 119 ; 2 pages each. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 21*. 1 page. Original in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 20807, fos. 193, 192 ; copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 637. Maj. Gen. W. Dalrymple to Major Henry Bruen & Captain Archd. Robertson, Dep. Q. M. Generals. 1780, August 14. New York. — Has received orders from the Commander-in-Chief to depart for Europe. Informs them it is his Excellency's intention that all horses, waggons, etc., employed in the Quarter Master General's Department remain on their present footing, except particular instructions to the contrary are sent. Three months' notice will be given to the proprietors of the train of the army before their property is discharged the service. The six armed vessels and two express vessels lately taken into the service are to be fitted out as quickly as possible. When money is wanted to defray expenses they are to make a requisition for temporary warrants from his Excellency, which are to be accounted for to himself, that they may be included in his accounts. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 138. 1 page. Major Duncan Drummond to Captain Smith. 1780, August 14. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 8th, to notify to the several Departments his appointment as Commissary of Accounts. As he has never received any instructions from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for acting in that office, he submits to his Excellency whether he should transmit a copy of the letter to them that he may receive necessary directions. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 173. 1 page. Captain W. Spry to Brigadier General McLean. 1780, August 14. Halifax. — His a/cs for the year 1779 have been submitted near seven months. Requests a warrant to enable him to pay off the many demands upon him. Unless he can proceed on this business immediately he will be unable to take advantage 171 of the leave of absence granted by the Commander in Chief. True copy, W. Spry, Commanding Engineer. Vol. 21, No. 192. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Sep. Another copy transmitted by Capt. Spry to Mr. Smith, 31 Oct., 1780. Vol, 21, No. 241. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 15. War Office. — Sends list of regiments for which clothing has been shipped on board the " Prince George." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 170. 1 page. Enclosing Return of clothing shipped, &c, 10 Aug. Camden. Field Return of the Troops under Earl Cornwallis on the night of the 15th August, 1780. Return of killed, wounded and missing in the battle of the 16th. Return of prisoners taken. Originals. Vol. 19, No. 38. 3 pages. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Lord G. Germain, 21 -Aug. The first two are also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 156. Catawba Fords. 1780, August 18. — Return of killed and wounded under the command of Lt. Col. Tarleton in the action. Return of prisoners taken by his troops. Originals. Vol. 19, No. 38. 2 pages. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Lord G. Germain, 21 Aug. The first one is also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156, fo. 157. - Earl Cornwallis to Lt. Col. Cruger, commanding at Ninety Six. 1780, August 18. Camden. Copy. Vol, 19, No. 61. 2 pages. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton, 4 Dec. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 421. Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1780, August 20. Camden.— No. 1. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 241.) Duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 34, 36, 35. 11 or 10 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156, fo. 113; 631, fo. 182 ; 308, fo 99 ; Sackville MSS. 172 Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1780, August 21. Camden.— No. 2. Duplicate, triplicate, and quadruplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 37, 40, 39. 11 or 10 pages. Enclosing Returns of the actions at Camden and Catawba Fords, 16 and 18 August. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156, fo. 133 ; 631, fo. 183 ; 308, fo. 108 ; Sackville MSS. Printed in the London Gazette Extraordinary, 9 October. Michael Francklin, Supt. of Indians in Nova Scotia, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 21. Windsor, Nova Scotia. — Sends extract of letter received by Sir Richard Hughes. Meeting of Indians on the River St. John, 24th June, as the Lieut. Gov. had ordered presents to be made to them at the expense of the Navy Board, for them to protect the workmen employed in cutting masts. Refers to enclosed speech. Until last fall provisions had been drawn from the military stores, but the Lt. Gov. says no provisions can be received without orders from the Commander in Chief. Intreats him to give orders for this purpose to Brig. Gen. McLean The Indians will go to the rebels if they are not attended to. This necessitates expense which he has borne himself, hoping to be reimbursed from the Treasury. Must now stop or ruin his family. A rupture with the Indians would put a stop to cutting masts for the King's ships. Encloses extract of Germain's letter of 4th November, by which he will see that Indian presents promised were shipped on board the " Vernon," but they have not arrived at Halifax. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 186. 3 pages. Enclosing Ld. G. Germain to Michael Franklin, 4 Nov., 1779. Ld. G. Germain to Sir R. Hughes, 4 Dec, 1779. Speech of Deputies of the Otawa Indians, 24 June, 1780. Lieut. Col. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 23. Fort George, Penobscot. — Has received letter from the Duke of Argyle of 14 February respecting the resignation of Capt. Alexr. Campbell, of the 74th, and requesting the company might be sold. In answer to his (Clinton's) desire he sends enclosed list of officers recommended for the succession. Is informed by Lt. Col. Goreham that Lt. Col. Leland has been appointed a Brigadier General. Reminds his Excellency that he is an older Lt. Col. and older Major than Leland, and hopes no injustice will be done to him. Considers it unfortunate to be con- fined to this place, and would be happy to be employed in a more active line. At the foot is the list of officers alluded to. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 188. 3 pages. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 23. Camden.— Capt. Malcolm, of the 33rd, is killed 173 Recommends to the succession. Would be glad if Capt. Ingram, promoted to the 70th Regt., returned to the 33rd, and let Lieut. Nichols go to the 70th. Thinks there is a lieutenancy vacant in the 33rd by promotion of Lt. St. Leger at home. If any notification should come, he recommends Ensign Fenwick to succeed. Duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 43, 90, 89. 2 pages each. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 23. Camden. — According to directions has trans- mitted to Lord G. Germain accounts of the event of the lGth ; encloses copies. Has not yet any accounts from North Carolina . . . The diversion in Chesapeak will be of the utmost importance. The troops here have gained in reputation, but have lost in numbers. . . . It is difficult to form a plan of operations ; thinks he should get to Hillsborough, assemble friends, and endeavour to form a magazine of flour and meal, etc., for the winter. All will depend on the operations his Excellency may think proper to pursue in the Chesapeak. Lt. Col. Innes deserted by the militia and wounded. Fears Major Harrison will fail in attempt to raise a corps. Great sickness ; the officers particularly affected ; doctors and surgeons laid up ; every public officer of the army incapable of doing his duty. Duplicate and triplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 41 and 42. 5 pages each. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 23. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Two trans- ports with parties of provincials having been blown off the coast of N. America and arrived in England and Ireland, money has been advanced by warrant according to the enclosed a/cs. Desires him to give directions that the two corps shall be charged with the sums so advanced, and the money deducted from the subsistence a/cs. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 61. 1 page. Enclosing Subsistence A/c of H.M. Orange Rangers, 21 July, 1780. Subsistence A/c paid the New York Volunteers at Plymouth, 21 July 1780. John Trotter to Major General Morrison. 1780, August 23. Frith St., Soho. — Having made canteens of several kinds of wood it is found when they are filled with water it penetrates through the heads of those made of beech, and it is also liable to warp. Foreign oak or wainscot will answer the purpose much better, and is made use of here for small vessels. Submits this to Lord Amherst's opinion. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 246. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 4 April, 1781. 174 Lieut. Col, John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 24. Penobscot. — Same as that on the 23rd. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 187. 2 pages. Lieut. Gov. Sir Richard Hughes to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 25. Government House at Halifax. — The difficul- ties in procuring such supply of provisions from the military stores in the garrison for the use of Indians in order to preserve them in their allegiance to his Majesty render it absolutely necessary to apply to his Excellency. Requests him to give directions to Brig. General McLean to cause to be issued from the army stores the requisite quantity of provisions and ammunition to prevent their going over to the Americans. Congratulates him on the success at Charlestown. Promises to prevent any improper use of the indulgence requested for the Indian tribes. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 189. 2 pages. HUBERD PvEES. 1780, August 25. Pensacola. — Receipt for pay of his Company of Volunteers in defending Fort Charlotte from 24 February to 24 March, 1780, £34 14s. Original. Vol. 13*No. 70. 1 page. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 26. Head Quarters.—" I find, by General Lincoln's letter to myself, that he proposes to meet General Phillips on the 12th of next month at Elizabeth Town, which will be perfectly agreeable to me. I shall direct our Commissary of Prisoners to be there at the same time, who will be instructed to execute, with the Commissary on your part, if your Excellency shall think proper to send him, an exchange of officers, prisoners of war. on the footing of equal rank or composition, as far as the number in our hands will admit, and to include also the whole of the officers of Convention now on parole at New York or in Europe. I wish the measure may meet your approbation, as it will afford relief to many individuals. " On the 26th ulto. I had the honor of addressing your Excellency and of inclosing some propositions relative to the agents to be appointed for prisoners, to which I have not been favoured with your answer. I shall be happy to receive it." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 10. 1 page. John Andre, Dep. Adj. Gen., to David Mathews, Mayor of New York. 1780, August 28. Head Quarters, New York.—" The Com- mander in Chief requests you will, with Colonel Beverly Robinson and Major Erskine, consider the pretensions of certain claimants of rent for houses, and give your opinion, which ought to be paid, and also from and to what periods." [Note added.]—" Major Erskine having gone for England before 175 the claims were all examined, Lieut. Col. Chalmers, of the Mary- land Loyallists, was added in his stead." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 189. 1 page. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 28. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/28. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 641 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 230. Alexander Cameron to Maj. Gen. John Campbell. 1780, August 29. Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 32. 4 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 18 Sept. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 519 ; 139, fo. 595; and 533, fo. 116. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, August 29. New York.— Capt. Sutherland, of the 55th Regt., who has decided in favour of his Company in that corps rather than the Garrison Battalion, has signified his intention of going to Europe to settle his family, and afterwards to join his regiment in the West Indies. Mentions him as a spirited officer who merits some attention. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 169. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1780, August 29. New York. — Transmits, for the information of the Lords of the Treasury, lists of necessaries sent out at prime cost by Government in 1777, 1778 and 1779 for the use of the troops, specifying what has been issued and Avhat remains. Sends an account of the stoppages made from the several regiments t^ re- imburse Government for the necessaries sent out in 1777. Nc stoppage can be made for those sent out in 1778 and 1779 until the prices of the articles are known. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 103. 1 page. Captain William Spry to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, August 29. Halifax.- — Has been served with writs by persons who have claims on the Engineers' Department. " Since your declaration leaves me no hopes of paying them myself, I am under the painful necessity either of exposing the credit of Government, & being taken into custody and remaining there, or turning the course of the suits to you as the chief representative of Government, on account & for the service of which the debts have been incurr'd : I, therefore, with all respect possible, acquaint you that the process of law will now be directed to you, according to the opinion and advice of my counsel, assuring you at the same time it is with great concern I find myself constrained to take a step so very much 176 against my inclination." True copy. W Spry, Commanding Engineer. Vol. 21, No. 191. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Sep., 1780. Another copy transmitted by Capt. Spry to Mr. Smith, 31 Oct. Vol. 21, No. 240. 2 pages. Gov. Pat. Tonyn to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, August 31. St. Augustine. — On 2nd May transmitted by Col. Moore the particulars of expenditure for Creek Indians, which necessarily fell upon Col. Moore. The accounts were perused at Charlestown by Maj. Gen. Pattison, and a note of reference put on the cover of Mr. Brown's letter. As this business is of importance to Mr. Moore, he represents it that justice may be done to his zeal for his Majesty's service. 2 copies. Vol. 30, Nos. 150 and 191. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Gov. Tonyn to Sir G. Carleton, 13 Nov., 1782. Earl Cornwallis to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1780, August. — [Lord Cornwallis, 4 December, says his genuine letter was addressed to Cruger, not to Balfour, and dated 18 August, and that the extract was wilfully altered.] Printed in Sparks's Washington, VII., 555. Extract. Vol. 15, No. 19. 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Washington to Sir H. Clinton, 16 Oct. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 287 ; and 139, fo. 389. Earl Cornwallis to Captain Duncan Rae. 1780, September 2. Head Quarters in Camden. — Authorizing him to embody as many loyal subjects as he can assemble in his neigh- bourhood (Anson County, N. Carolina). Original. Vol. 38, No. 105. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, September 3. New York.— No. 103. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 96. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 319 ; copy 308, fo. 127. Sir Henry Clinton to Major General Benjamin Lincoln. 1780, September 4. New York. — " In consequence of General Washington's acquiescence in the meeting proposed, General Phillips will be at Elizabeth Town on the 19th instant, whither the two gentlemen of your family may attend you as you desire. General Phillips's indisposition has prevented my sending you an earlier answer." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 57. 1 page. [General Sir -Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1780, September 4. New York. — " I have received the honor of 177 your letter of the 26th ultimo, and but for General Phillips's indis- position, which made the proposed meeting uncertain, I should have sent my reply sooner. " General Phillips hopes his health will permit him to be at Elizabeth Town on the 19th instant, where my company of prisoners shall attend ; and, at the same time, the propositions which I think necessary to offer respecting a resident commissary will be transmitted. I have the honor to be, &c." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 58. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 5. War Office. — Acknowledges letter of 15th July last. " In order to bring the numbers of the old regiments (except such of them as were under the Convention of Saratoga) to one and the same establishment, his Majesty directed that, for the service of the year 1779, the several corps should be augmented so as to consist of seventy men per company, with an additional corporal to each company. Had the recruiting service met with the expected success and enabled the several regiments to send out sufficient recruits for this purpose, I should not have failed to make you acquainted with the proposed addition to their establishment, that the returns made up in North America under your directions might have been regulated accordingly. " As this could not be effected, it has been thought proper to apply to the service of the current year a considerable part of the saving arising by the non-effective subsistence, and it is probable that Parliament will think it expedient to do the same for the succeeding year, or to reduce the companies of the several regiments abroad to the former numbers." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 172. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 6. Whitehall. — No. 67. Returns of provincial corps to be sent. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 53. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. Ill ; copies 432, fo. 153 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 6. Whitehall.— No. 68. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 52. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 115; copies 432, fo. 154 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 6. Whitehall. — Separate. To exchange Capt- Willoe. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 54. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138. fo. 123 ; copies 432, fo. 158 : and in the Sackville MSS. M 178 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 6. War Office. — Sends invoices of medicines [qy. see 4 August], hospital stores, &c, which have been shipped on board the ik Prince George." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4. No. 174. 1 page. Enclosure : — Invoice of hospital, bedding and stores shipped per the " Prince George." Copy. Vol. 4, No. 175. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 6. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 176. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 177. 2 pages. Captain William Spry to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, September 6. Halifax. — " Since you have not been pleased to take notice of the several applications I have done myself the honour of making to you for the settling of my accounts at this place, permit me to represent the peculiarity of my situation ; my accounts & copies of vouchers for last year have been near eight months before you, those for March & June since the end of July ; they are still before you, accompanied with a memorial for the balance. You have not enabled me to pay the claimants on the Department, nor done me the honour to send me your objections. I have been served with writs, & others are coming out daily by persons who were restrained hitherto by their confidence in the credit of Government, which never before had been arraignable. You have informed me if I am taken into custody I may remain there. In this distress my counsel has advis'd me to turn the course of law to you ; the creditors of Government have proved their debts, the decision of the Court will be for them, & the costs of such numerous suits, with the damage on bills you have constraint! me to protect, and which now you are paying by your own hand (as your Secretary informs me), with other damages, will make a considerable sum, and should it be set to the account of Government I must observe, with due submission, it will be a charge unnecessary & unprofitable. You are pleased to intimate an intention of refer- ring my accounts to Head Quarters. They have already been there ; the Commander in Chief, with great judgment, sent them back to be finally settled here. Here the expenditure was made, and here it should be verified, nor will a second reference produce any other effect than the prevention of my taking the benefit of his Excellency's indulgence of leave & the frustrating his appoint- ment of Capt. D'Aubant. All this discredit, needless expence, delay and disappointment may be repress'd if you will be pleas'd to signify to me in writing the objections you have to my account, and when I have removed them to enable me to pay the balance. If I do not obviate them to your entire satisfaction, I have to request 179 you would then, upon your reference to Head Quarters, send along with your objections my answers to them. And I entreat it as a justice that, after so long a detention of my accounts you would not send them back under the character of inaccuracy without allowing me the opportunity I solicit of proving them to be correct and faithful." True copy, W. Spry, Commanding Engineer. Vol. 21, No. 190. 3 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Sep., 1780. Another copy enclosed by Cant. Spry to Mr. Smith, 31 October. Vol. 21, No. 239. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, September 8. New York. — Acknowledges dispatches by the " Roebuck." Vacancy in the 47th regiment. Paymaster of Provincial Forces ordered to remit to Messrs. Ross and Gray and Cox & Mair the money advanced for the Maryland and Pennsyl- vania Loyalists and Orange Rangers. Transmits copy of Col. Birch's memorial, and requests him to lay it before his Majesty. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 173. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Wm. Franklin, Andrew Elliot, Wm. Smith and Fredk. Smyth to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 8. New York. — Being appointed council to the Peace Commission request an allowance. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 98. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain, 13 Sep. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 413. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781 [should be 1780], September 8. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/29. 1 page, 4 lines. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 357 ; 138, fo. 653 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 195 (dated 9 Sept.) Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1780. September 9. New York. Draft. Vol. 11, No. 120. 3 pages. Copy 18, No. 22. 2 pages. Extract 11, No. 121. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 645 ; original cipher in the British Museum, Addtl MSS. 21807, fo. 197 ; draft copy 21807, fo. 200. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, September 10. New York. Copies. Vol. 11, No. 122. 2 pages. 18, No. 23. 1 page. Signed letter in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 201. 180 Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780. September 10. New York. — " In my last dispatches (duplicates of which you will receive herewith) I had the honor to acquaint you that a French armament was expected upon the coast, and that there was great reason to believe it was destined for Canada. " This armament arrived at Rhode Island on the 12th of July, where it still remains. Admiral Graves arrived here on the 13th following with 6 ships of the line to reinforce Admiral Arbuthnot who is now cruizing with his fleet off Block Islnad. " I acquainted General Haldimand that I thought it was not probable the French & Rebels would attempt anything against Canada this year, but that their principal efforts would be directed against this place ; and this is still my opinion ; however, I think it highly probable that they will renew their intentions of attacking Canada bv No. i and the Lakes as early next year as the season will permit. " The arrival of the French reinforcement to the enemy, and their expectations of another, to consist of four ships of the line and a considerable body of land forces, has greatly facilitated Mr. Washington's success in compleating & augmenting his army. However, if the good news from the southward (which the inclosed paper contains) proves true, and of which there is little doubt, I hope Mr. Washington, even with the assistance of his French friends, will not be able to attempt anything serious this season. " As the army in this district is likely to be soon reduced to great distress for want of provisions, and as the Commissary General has informed me that there are 5,000 barrels of pork at Halifax, more than is necessary for the use of the garrison, I have applied to the Admiral for shipping to be sent for this supply, as our only resource ; and I beg you will be so good to give directions to the Deputy Commissary to have it in readiness for shipping upon the arrival of the vessels at Halifax." Marked " Sent to the Admiral, to be forwarded by the Camilla." Copy. Vol. 21. No. 132. 3 pages. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 11. Head Quarters. — Requesting him to furnish a permit for the " Blazing Star " to carry clothing, medicine and flour from Philadelphia to Charlestown. for the American prisoners there. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 11. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, September 13. New York. Copy. Vol. 7, No.. 97. 1 page. Enclosing W T m. Franklin and others to Sir H. Clinton, 8 Sept. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 409 ; copy 308, fo. 149. 181 James Simpson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 13. Charlestown. — The " Grenville " packet from Falmouth arrived three days ago. Private letters bring intelligence that the public officers of this Government are coming out with all speed. The riots in London seem to have engrossed the attention of all except during the interval of rejoicing at the arrival of Lord Lincoln with news of the reduction of Charlestown. Has received the Act of Parliament which regulates the trade to those places in America protected by his Majesty's arms. Every regula- tion it prescribes has been already exactly followed, so there is no cause for alteration unless it shall be judged expedient to permit exportation to the West Indies as well as to Europe. Rebel privateers infest this coast. Three of our ships taken, one called the " Glasgow." This event has furnished the rebels in North Carolina with ammunition. Unless the coast is kept clear several of our rich ships may fall into their hands. Capt. Garner has fixed the 26th for the convoy to sail. The vessels will have more than £100,000 value of produce of this Government. Will rejoin his Excellency by the first ship of war. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 44. 3 pages. Captain William Spry to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 13. Halifax. — Submits the enclosed, which he hopes will justify his procedure when distressed by writs served by claimants on his department. If the debts already proved must be established by civil judicature so much time will be taken up he will be unable to go to England. To obviate this, and his opposing in court his commanding office*, he requests his Excellency to direct Brig. Gen. McLean to state the objections against the a/cs, that they may be answered to his satisfaction. Autograph signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 21, Nos. 195 and 196. 3 pages each. Enclosing : — Capt. Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean, 29 July, 1780. Capt. Spry. A/c, 29 July, 1780. Capt. Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean, 14 August, 1780. Capt. Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean, 29 August, 1780. Capt. Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean, 6 Sept., 1780. Gov. William Franklin to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 14. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 3. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285. fo. 117. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 14. Halifax. — Private. The intelligence of a French armament coming on this coast has engrossed all attention. No pains have been spared to put the place in defence ; batteries repaired and constructed ; Citadel Hill entrenched, the ditch pallisaded. an abbatis carried round, and bomb proof magazines 182 sunk. But for any tolerable protection, either to town or dockyard, new works will be necessary. The smallest appearance of an attack in the spring would oblige him to set about them immediately. Great want of powder. Provisions and other articles are pretty ample. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 197. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 14. Halifax. — Receipt of letters of 28 June and 5 July. Battalion and flank companies shall be put on a level. Provincial corps remain on the same footing. Has issued bat, baggage and forage money to the troops and staff. Accounts will be sent to the Quarter Master General by his deputy here. The inspection of Spry's accounts has caused a procedure on his part very unjustifiable. Is only prevented by the present situation of affairs from suspending him or placing him under arrest. Will send the whole for his consideration by the " Charlestowm" Scarcity of money. Discount on bills 7 %. Transmits list of warrants from 1 Jan. to 30 June ; the vouchers shall go by the " Charles- town." Requests blank warrants for holding general courts martial. Last letters from Haldimand 16 Aug. ; everything quiet. The part of the Knyphausen Regt. which wintered at St. John's was arrived. Sent off to Quebec eighty recruits from Newfoundland which had wintered here : hopes they will arrive safe, as they have beaten off two rebel privateers. Requires clothing and camp equipage for four companies of his regiment. It is nearly thirty months since they were clothedo Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 198. 3 pages. Brig. Gen. McLean to Captain William Spry. 1780, September 14. Halifax. — In answer to the letter of the 6th inst., he acknowledges he has had the accounts for the time mentioned, except the cash account, which arrived 29 July. Reminds him that on many occasions he expressed astonishment that the enormous expense exceeded the value of the works, and that he could not sign them as approved, but should refer them to the Commander in Chief. Points out the extraordinary expense of carpenters during the short and inclement days in December, &c. Heavy expense of truckage. Extraordinary purchase of lumber. Recalls his answer to a question as to how the £4,100 in lumber was disposed of — that he did not know. Instructed him to carry on no works in the summer of 1779 during his (the Brigadier's) absence in Penobscot, yet £8,466 appears expended during that time, yet no additional works worth notice appeared. No suit at law would induce him to approve accounts to which there are so many solid objections Informs him no public money passes through his hands ; the bills alluded to are drawn by Major Studholme. Will state his objections in writing, and they, with the answers, shall be sent to the Commander in Chief. His 183 disrespect renders him liable to suspension from duty, however, he may continue the business of his department. Copy. Countersigned W. Spry. Vol. 21, No. 238. 8 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to J. Smith, 31 Oct., 1780. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1780, September 16. Head Quarters. — Sends the enclosed agreeable to request. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 51. 1 page. Enclosure :— 1780. September 16. H.M.S. "Romulus" New York.— Passport by Capt. Geo. Gayton for the ship " Blazing Star" from Philadelphia to Charlestown. Vol. 20, No. 50. 1 page. Earl Cornwallts to John Cruden. 1780, September 16. Head Quarters, Waxhaw, S. Carolina — Commission. For the seizure, superintendence, custody and management of captured property. Original. Vol. 53, No. 4. 6 pages. Certified copy in the CornwaLlis MSS. ; copy in Lansdowne House MSS. m, fo. 167. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 16. Halifax. — Transmits memorial of Lt. Col. Commandant Goreham relative to his rank and the establishment of his regiment. With respect to the former, Lt. Col. John Camp- bell, at Penobscot, is in similar circumstances, though unable to solicit attention to his pretensions. Also transmits Major Batt's memorial. Mr. Morris's appointment in the Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, and other circumstances set forth, happened before he (McLean) arrived in this province, but he believes the facts well founded. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 199. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 16. Halifax. — Transmits returns from the 70th and 82nd Regts. of officers desirous of promotion by purchase. Ensign McDonald, of the 84th Regt., is the only officer willing to purchase. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 200. 1 page. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 17. Head Quarters. — Concerning enclosure relative to the exchange of John Burke, of Antigua, for Lieut. Morris, of the Georgia Artillery. Should this be agreeable, will transmit a release for Mr. Burke discharging him from any obliga- tion of parole he may have entered into. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 12. 1 page. Enclosing Gov. Burt to Maj. Gen. Prevost, 15 Jan., 1780. 184 Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 18. Pensacola, Head Quarters. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 33. 4 pages. Enclosing Alex. Cameron to Maj. Gen. Campbell, 29 Aug. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 601. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1780, September 19. Head Quarters. — " Major General Phillips, who goes to Elizabeth Town to meet Major General Lincoln, is intrusted & instructed from me with everything relating to a general exchange of prisoners of war, as well as of the Troops of Convention, and also with all matters relative to the commissaries of provisions & their instructions, who it is intended should reside with the respective armies. " It is probable Major Gen. Lincoln will have your instructions to confer upon all these matters with Major Gen. Phillips, but should that not be the case, I take it for granted you will immediately send a proper officer for that purpose to Elizabeth Town. I have the honor to be, &c." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 49. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, September 21. New York. — Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 99. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 437 ; copy 308, fo. 154. Enclosure : — Memorial of officers. — Lt. Col. S. Birch and ten others to Sir H. Clinton, representing their loss in drawing their sub- sistence from the agents, discount on bills being 10 to 15 p.c. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 100. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 441, dated 20th. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 22. Whitehall.— No. 69. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 47. 4 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 127 ; copies 685, fo. 181 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Isaac Alyee, refugee. Certificates as to his loyalty and honesty, 23 September and 25 September, 1780, and on 1 February, 1781. Vol. 29, No. 83. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 23. Head Quarters, New York. — Proclamation. Announcing pardon to deserters who should surrender to any of H.M. troops before 1 Dec. next. Two printed copies. Vol. 15, No. 128. 1 page. 185 [Brigadier General Arnold.] 1780, September 26. New York. — In reply to message why Adj. Gen. Andre is detained, apprehends a few hours must return him, as he is under the protection of a flag of truce. Maintains that commanding at West Point he had undoubted right to send flag of truce for him, and that after the conversation he handed him confidential papers. Thinking it proper that he should return by land, directed him to make use of the feigned name of John Anderson, and gave him passports. He cannot fail, therefore, of being immediately sent to New York. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 534.) No signature nor address. Vol. 20, No. 45. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 373. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, September 26. New York. — Concerning Major Andre. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 534.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 46. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 374. Timothy Hierlihy, Major Commandant Independent Cos., to Brigadier General Francis McLean. 1780, September 26. Charlotte Town.— The bearer, Capt. Osborne, carries returns and accounts, which he hopes will be passed. Requests a general court martial for Capt. McMullen. Desires to go to New York to endeavour to get his family from among the rebels. This island being surrounded with ice in winter has little to fear from the enemy. Capt. Curgenven is capable of complying with any commands he may receive during Hierlihy' s absence. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 232. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 31 Oct. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1780, September 30. New York. — Has this instant received letter of this day's date in answer to his of the 26th. It does not express what time the Board of General Officers delivered their report, or whether the letter from Gen. Arnold to himself (Clinton) was offered to their consideration. Indeed, no intimation is given of its being received, yet it contains declarations of the most serious consequences in what relates to Major Andre. Must take the liberty of assuring him that he differs entirely in opinion from the decision of the American General Officers, nor can he consider Major Andre. according to the custom of armies, to have been a spy, and conse- quently by no means liable from the law of arms or nations at war to suffer death. " I have not the least doubt but your Excellency will be cautious of putting to death an officer of the British army, and I am perfectly convinced of the real honesty which governs your conduct on all occasions, and it will assuredly lead you, Sir, to not suffer too sudden an operation of so violent a measure." 186 Proposes meeting of three persons from each side to discuss the subject. Will send Lt. Gen. Robertson and two gentlemen to Dobbs' Ferry in a flag of truce, where they will wait for a message and passports. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 98. 3 pages. General Washington to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, September 30. Head Quarters. — Concerning Major Andre. (Printed, in part, in Sparks's Washington VII. 538.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 14. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 377. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1780, September 30. New York. — Answer. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 539.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 44. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 379. A/cs from Pensacola, West Florida. James Campbell, Paymaster to the Staff and Contingencies. A/c of contingencies and disbursements attending the military department of West Florida between 1 July and 30 September, £7,200 Is. 10Je7. Examined and approved by Maj. Gen. Campbell. Original. Vol. 16, No. 38. 2 pages. Lewis Rose, Indian Store Keeper. A/c for articles purchased as presents for Indians by order of Maj . Gen. Campbell, also for wharfage of Indian goods, etc., from 1 August to 30 September, £255 9s. 3frf. Receipted, Pensacola, 30 September, 1780. Original.. Vol. 16, No. 36. 2 pages. Wm. Gardner, Deputy Commissary General. A/c of contin- gencies, &c, attending the office of Commissary General of Stores and Provisions for the Province of West Florida, from 1st July to 30 September, 1780, £254 19s. 11£<£ Signed, Pensacola, 30 Sep., by Wm. Gardner, D.C.G. ; approved by Maj. Gen. Campbell, and receipted by Gardner, same date. Original. Vol. 16, No. 37. 2 pages. All three enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 31 October, 1780. James Campbell. A/c of expenses incurred in the office of Secretary to the General Officer Commanding in W. Florida, from 1 July to 30 September. Approved by Maj. Gen. Campbell. Receipted, 30 September, 1780, Pensacola. James Campbell. A/c for expresses and other services of Govern- ment from the same dates. Approved and receipted as the preceding. 187 Lt. Col. Alex. Dickson. Contingent a/c of expenses incurred in commanding on the Mississippi, 1 March, 1779, to 30 October. Approved and receipted as above. John Falconer & Co. A/c for sundries sold Lewis Rose, Indian Store, August 10 & 18, 1780. Receipted as above. J. Lorimer, Hospital Surgeon. Contingent a/c of the hospital for the quarter ending 30 September, 1780. Receipted. William Marshall. A/c for rent of stores and enclosures taken for H.M. service when the enemy appeared off the harbour in April. Dated Pensacola, 10 July, 1780. Receipted as above. Andrew Rainsford, Barrack Master. A/c of disbursements attending the barracks, 1 July to 30 September. Approved and receipted as above. Henry Stuart. General a/c of expenses in the Quarter Master General's Dept. at W. Florida, 1 July to 30 September, 1780, and of expenses incurred at the Mississippi, from 1 July to 21 September, 1779, £4,415 lis. i^d. Approved and receipted as above. Ditto. A/c for his salary as Deputy Quarter Master Genl., £72. Dated 30 September, 1780. Ditto. A/c of fresh beef purchased for the troops, from 1 Jxily to this date, £490 7s. Ditto. A/c of negro labourers employed in the Qr. Mast, and Commissary Genl.'s Dept. Ditto. A/c of sundry necessaries purchased for the use of crafts and carriages employed in the Qr. Mast. Genl.'s Dept. Ditto.^ A/c of forage purchased for horses employed in the Engineer and Qr. Mast. Genl.'s Dept., &c. Ditto. A/c of wages paid to masters, sailors and boatmen employed on board the different crafts in the service of Government at Pensacola, 1 July to 30 Sept., £243 18s. 10fd. Ditto. A/c of horses purchased for the Q. M. G. Dept., same dates, £113. Ditto. A/c of clothing, arms, horses, accoutrements, &c, for the W. Florida Royal Foresters, £631 5s. U. Receipts for pay, — from James Campbell, Major of Brigade ; from Samuel Moore, Lieut, of Guides, at 4/8 per day ; from Lewis Rose, as French and Spanish translator, and from Peter Swanson, as executor to Capt. Charles Walker. Another receipt is from Capt. Francis Miller, for balance of subsistence for his company of military batteaumen. Vol. 13, Nos. 65, 67 to 69, 71 to 77, 79 to 88. Benedict Arnold to Gen. Washington. 1780, October 1. New York. — (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 540.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 40. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 386. 188 Gen. Sir Henry C[linton] to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, October 2. New York. Copies. Vols. 11, No. 123 ; 18, No. 23*, in cipher ; 11, No. 125. 1 or 3 pages. Originals in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807 ; copy in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 138. Maj. Gen. James Robertson to Gen. Washington. 1780, October 2. " Greyhound," flag of truce. — Concerning Major Andre. (Printed in Sparks' s Washington VII. 541.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 41. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 383. J. Smith to Lieut. Colonel Campbell, commanding at Penobscot. 1780, October 2. New York. — Encloses, by order of the Com- mander in Chief, a letter of consequence, which he is to forward to Gen. Haldimand by a trusty messenger, over land. Is also directed to enclose papers of Lord Cornwallis's success at Camden. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 124. 1 page. Tom Mellish to the Hon. Francis Maclean. 1780, October 3. Charlotte town. — Memorial. Representing his services in raising an additional company to the Independent Com- panies by warrant from Major Hierlihy, and praying the establish- ment of the warrant or some compensation. Original. Vol. 21, No. 233. 4 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, October 4. New York. — Concerning Major Andre. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 43. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 389. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 4. Whitehall— No. 70. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 42. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 249 ; copies 685, fo. 183 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 4. War Office. — Acknowledges letters. Informa- tion relative to clothing for the 70th and 74th Regiments and McLean's corps at Halifax has been communicated to the agents of those corps. List of promotions sent to Amherst to be laid before his Majesty. Has shown all possible favour to Lt. Smollet Campbell, of the 71st, recommended in letter of 3rd June. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 178. 1 page. J. Curgenven, Captain, to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 6. Charlotte Town. — Memorial. Requests leave of absence for six months to go to England to settle accounts with 189 Government, as Collector of Newhaven and Receiver for Greenwich Hospital, for near £2,000. By the removal of the Board of Customs, and other vicissitudes, is unacquainted with the mode of getting them liquidated by writing. Has been in America thirteen years. If this interferes with Major Hierlihy's absence he would rather remain on the island until he returns. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 231. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 31 October. Gen. Washington to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 6. Head Quarters.— Concerning prisoners at Charlestown. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 234.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 15. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, i'o. 397 : and Cornwallis MSS. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 7. Head Quarters. — " I find by the report of our commissary of prisoners of the proceedings which lately took place between him and Mr. Loring at Elizabeth Town on the 21st ulto., that he was willing, on the part of your Excellency, to accede substantially to my propositions respecting an exchange of officers, provided the exchange should be extended to the privates, prisoners of war, then in your hands at New York. This is perfectly agree- able to me, and I have accordingly directed our commissary to take the most immediate measures to carry into execution, as well the exchange of those privates as of the officers." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 16. 1 page. Thomas Desbrisay, Lt. Gov. and Commander in Chief of the Island of St. John, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 8. Charlotte Town, Island of St. John.— Refers to a letter of 23 Sep., 1779, inclosing his memorial offering to raise at his own expense a battalion of three or four hundred men. Pro- poses to make it 500 men if he approves. If not, he desires to be appointed Lieut. Col. Commandant of Hierlihy's Independent Company, and he will engage to raise and form them into a corps. If neither of these proposals is acceptable, offers to command an independent company raised by Mr. Callbeck, the Atty. General, for the defence of this Island. Hopes he will be thought a more proper person to command it than Mr. Callbeck, who was bred an attorney in Ireland. He himself has been an officer thirty years. Is but forty- three, and perfectly fit for service. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 201. 3 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to [Gen. Washington]. 1780, October 9. New York. — Answer touching prisoners at Charlestown. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 552.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 36. 2 pages. Copies in the Public RecordO ffice. Am. & W. I. 138. fo. 397 : and Cornwallis MSS. 190 Gov. Walter Patterson to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780. October 10. Halifax.— Defences of the Island of St. John. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 213. 9 pages. Letter and papers enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 October. Duplicates in the Public Record Office. Colonial Correspondence, St. John (Prince Edward I.), 4. Enclosures : — Estimate of how much money would be requisite to carry on and finish the fortifications and other public works necessary for the defence of Charlotte Town, the Capital of the Island of Saint John. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 210. 2 pages. A calculation of what the Company of St. John's Volunteers would annually cost Government if completed to the number of 100 men, as first proposed to be raised, for the protection of said Island. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 217. 2 pages. Gov. Walter Patterson to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 10. Halifax.— Memorial. Requests £3,000 to put St. John in a state of defence. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 216. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, October 11. New York. — Separate. Arnold and Andre affair. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 101. 11 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 345 ; cop}- 308, fo. 155. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, October 12. New York.— No. 106. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 102. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 465 ; copy 308, fo. 164. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, October 12. New York. — Transmits list of promotions for his Majesty's approbation. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 179. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. 191 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Leslie. 1780, October 12. New York, Head Quarters. — Instructions. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 270.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 45. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Kecord Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 461 (dated 20 Sept.) ; and in the Cornwallis MSS. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Gov. Walter Patterson. 1780, October 12. Halifax.— Acknowledges letter of 10th. Regrets he cannot grant a warrant for the sum contained in his memorial, not having any orders. Will transmit the papers to General Clinton for his decision. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 214. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 October. Jno. Saxton to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 12. — Memorial. Refers to a former memorial. Col. Morris answers that, the case being different from other refugees, he is at a loss how to proceed. Represents himself ready, capable and ambitious of serving in any corps or station. Marked " To Col. Morris. 01. Delancey, D.A. Gen. Original. Vol 54, No. 6. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, October 13. New York. — Exchange of Generals Phillips and Riedesel. Autograph letter signed H. C. Vol. 20, No. 38. 1 page. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 13. Whitehall— No. 71. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 39. 4 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 257 ; copies 685, fo. 188 : and in the Sackville MSS. Gov. Walter Patterson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 13. Halifax. — Brig. Gen. McLean has promised to forward the letters and papers written to him respecting the govern- ment of St. John. Apologizes for their prolixity. Desires to receive orders or instructions directly from his Excellency, the government being distinct from Nova Scotia. But, as there is no money chest nearer than Halifax, he suggests the commanding officer at Nova Scotia be informed of the extent of his (Patterson's) powers. v Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 202. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord Amherst. 1780, October 16. New York. — Acknowledges letter acquainting 192 him that Capt. Barry, of the 52d Regt. has leave to serve with this army as Deputy Adjutant General. Refers him to his aid-de-camp, Capt. St. George, who presents this, for particulars respecting the present situation. " On the eve of a very important stroke (con- certed with the rebel General Arnold) it was discovered : — The General has made his escape to us, but we have lost our Adjutant General. As it is painful to me to enter into the particulars of this unhappy affair, I am sure your Lordship will forgive me if I refer you to Captain St. George." Copy.^Wol. 4, N0M8O. 1 page. Gen. Washington to Gen. Sir Heney Clinton. 1780, October 16. Head Quarters.— (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 553.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 17. 2 pages. Enclosing Lord Rawdon to Maj. Rugely, 1 July. Earl Cornwallis to Lt. Col. Balfour, August (see end). Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 279 ; and Cornwallis MSS. Captain Phillips Callbeck to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 18. Halifax. — Memorial. Quotes orders for raising the company, and begs that the bounty and subsistence money may be paid. Original. Vol. 21, No. 225. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 30 Oct. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, October 18. New York. Copies. Vols. 18, No. 24, and 11, No. 126; in cipher, No. 127. 1 or 2 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 657 ; autograph letter, in cipher, in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 210 ; autograph signed letter 21807, fo. 209. Jonathan Ketchum to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 18. New York, — Petition. Is from Norwalk, Connecticut. Represents his losses for his loyalty. That he came off with Governor Tryon in the year 1779 quite destitute. Has been sick at Huntington, Long Island. Proffered a memorial to Gen. Pattison, but that, being improperly made, brought no relief. One son has died in H.M. service, another has been taken prisoner. Asks his clemency and charity. Recommended by Jeremiah Learning and John Sayre. Original. Vol. 25, No. 269. 2 pages. Lt. Caleb Wheaton to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 19. Halifax.— Memorial of Lt. Wheaton, of the Independent Company, under Timothy Hierlihy, Major Com- 193 mandant. Asking his full pay as Lieut., having only received half pay. His services in the Independent Company. Previous to that was nineteen months prisoner with the Americans, during which he received no pay. Original. Vol. 53, No. 17. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Major General Campbell. 1780, October 21. New York. — Receipt of dispatches. Bat and forage money is a bounty granted only to troops who take the field, but in consideration of the fatigue borne by the troops in West Florida the officers of troops actually present may have the allow- ance for 1779, and 200 days for present year, according to enclosed distribution. Withholds consent to the union of the Pennsylvania and Maryland Loyalists on account of injury done to the commanding and other officers. Lt. Gordon brings clothing for provincial corps. Suggests application to Mr. Rigby for a Deputy Pay Master to the troops in West Florida, and has no doubt his recommendation of Maj. Campbell will have due weight. Thanks Capt. Heldring for his services as engineer. Concern at the weakness of the garrison, since it is impossible to send any reinforcement. Is happy that Galvez has returned to New Orleans. The enclosed copies of intercepted Spanish dispatches show the reason of that measure. Laments his want of money, but cannot relieve him. Hopes by now Sir Peter Parker has sent a naval force to Pensacola. Necessary to keep Indians in good humour. Mr. Cameron has written several long letters on the subject. Has referred the said Mr. Cameron to him. Hopes he has received ordnance and stores from home. Letters from Mr. Robinson and Gov. Chester referred for considera- tion must have been founded on a mistake, as no governor can have command over troops while an officer of superior rank to a colonel is present. Appointment of Maj. McDonald is right. Sends summary lists of prisoners tried by court martial, with confirmation of their sentences ; also two execution warrants, if one will be sufficient the other is to be destroyed. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 114. 5 pages. Captain Spry v. Brigadier General McLean. The defendant, by his attorney, defends and prays leave of the Court to imparle until next term of sitting. Filed Halifax, 21 October, 1780. Signed D. Wood, junr., Dep. Clk. Certified and sealed by Gerard ffitzgerald, Not. Public, 1 November. Vol. 21, No. 236. 1 page. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to J. Smith, 31 Oct. Lieut. Col. John Bayard, Commdt. King's Orange Rangers, to Brig. General Francis McLean. 1780, October 22. Halifax. — " Having exerted every effort in my power to recruit the Battn. of King's Orange Rangers, and in part succeeded, I find myself so greatly embarrassed in private affairs by the expences accrued from the last recruits got, that abso- 194 lute necessity obliges me to solicit in the most particular manner your indulging me with leave to go to New York for the purpose of adjusting my matters, the omission of which must involve me in a very unhappy situation, as I shall be exposed to the caprice of the civil power ; which I have in my power to prevent by obtaining yr. leave for a short time of absence from his province ; and, as I have a wish of exerting myself again to recruit for the Regiment, I beg leave further to request you'll be pleased to permit Lieut. Dawson, of the K. 0. Rangers, to go round to New York also, by this opportunity, as I am assured he has it in his power to procure many men in that province. I pray you'll not have any objections to his going, as also myself being so critically situated." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 222. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. Governor Walter Patterson to Brig. General McLean. 1780, October 22. Halifax. — No. 1. By the answer to his memorial finds his (McLean's) power in money matters respecting the Island of St. John so circumscribed and undefined as to make the situation unpleasant to himself and wretched to the few troops stationed .on the ^Island. Thinks this should be altered. Half of the men are in miserable huts, not fit to be inhabited by human beings. The manner in which they are paid is also a great grievance, the paymaster having to travel to Halifax, and then, being unable to take the risk of conveying the cash, has to invest it in necessaries in a very dear market. Mutinies and desertions frequent. Proposes to write to the General on the plan he pro- posed to McLean for defending the Island. Requests cash to be sent, sufficient to pay the six companies till next June ; also that he will order barracks to be built for lodging the men. " Justice, prudence and humanity, in my judgment, declare those measures necessary, and you were good enough to say your powers extended so far." Signed copy. Vol. 21, No. 207. 5 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Patterson to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 22. Head Quarters. — In answer to his proposals for a resident commissary, General Phillips transmitted another set substantially the same, except that these commissaries are to be appointed by the commanders-in-chief, each by his own authority. Cannot enter into such an agreement as his power is derived from Congress. Sends a new set, which, if agreeable to his Excellency, shall be signed and interchanged. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 20. 1 page. Enclosure : — Articles of agreement for the appointment of a commissary of prisoners to reside with the American and British armies respectively. Original. Vol. 15, No, 21. 4 pages. 195 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, October 23. New York.— (Printed in Sparks's Washington VII. 556.) Draft. Vol. 20, No. 37. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 291 ; and Cornwallis MSS. General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 24. New York. — Proclamation. Authorizing previously appointed officers (17 July, 1777) to superintend the imports and exports at New York, to perform the same ; also those at Charlestown, likewise. Endorsed " Proclamation Superinten- dents," 24 Oct., 1780. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 130. 2 pages, 2 lines. General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 24. New York. — Proclamation. Newspaper cut- ting, which also contains a proclamation by Major Gen. Robertson of this day. Vol. 20, No. 197. Accompanied and mentioned in Elliot's paper of 29 May, 1782. Moses Foster to Governor James Robertson. 1780, October 25. Bedford, Long Island.— Memorial. Late of Shelburne, Mass. Has suffered imprisonments and banishment. Commanded a party of refugees and Indians in Gen. Burgoyne's army. Has been within the " lynes " upwards of one year and maintained himself, but has now nothing for his family. Begs rations and some small pension and shelter. Original. Vol. 25, No. 290. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to [John Robinson]. 1780, October 26. New York. — In obedience to the command of the Lords of the Treasury of 10 August has directed the sum of £278 16s. 4±d. to be paid to Mr. McLeod. Will attend to their recommendation of that gentleman. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 104. 1 page. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. Not dated, but by comparison is found to be same as a copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 216; dated 26 October, 1780. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/33. 1 page. Gov. Walter Patterson to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean 1780, October 26. Halifax. " By your answer . . . [Found to be the same as that dated 22 October]. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 218. 5 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. 196 Captain Phillips Callbeck to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 27. Halifax. — Memorial. The creditors will not allow him to leave without paying his accounts. Begs orders may be given for subsistence due to him to be paid. Original. Vol. 21, No. 224. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 30 Oct. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to [John Robinson]. 1780, October 27. New York. — In answer to letter of 29 July, there is no detention of the victualling transports by the com- missary here. Fears they are often delayed for a convoy, as several applications were made to the Admiral for the last before it was ordered. No news yet of the Cork fleet. The King's stores are exhausted, and the measures taken several weeks since to obtain a small supply from Halifax are in some degree frustrated by the convoy not having yet sailed in spite of the Admiral's promise to dispatch it immediately. Requests him to represent to the Lords of the Treasury the need of keeping up supplies for this army. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 105. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Governor Walter Patterson. 1780, October 27. Halifax. — Letter of 26th inst. received. Repeats that he is unable to grant money for the public service in the Island of St. John without his Excellency's direction, to whom he will send the letters and memorial. " Having received instructions to furnish the troops on the Island of St. John with provisions, pay, and cloathing I shall give the necessary orders they shall not suffer in those respects ; but, as I cannot allow myself to consider that Island as being in any other respect within the limits of my command, I regret, and shall lay before the Commander in Chief the very bad situation in which you represent the barracks to be." The pay- master shall receive two or three musters in advance on his repre- senting by memorial the risks attending frequent journeys from the Island. Is concerned he cannot comply with the several requisitions made for the service of the Island, but can only obey his instructions, and keep himself as clear from public accounts as the nature of his situation will admit. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 208. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Patterson to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. Another copy, enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir Henry Clinton, 29 October. Vol. 21, No. 219. 2 pages. [Gov. Walter Patterson] to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 27. Halifax.— No. 2. " I have the honor to inclose you herewith a memorial from Capt. Callbeck. After the difficulties I have experienced in every thing relating to my Govt. since coming hither, I was determined to wait in silence the result of our joint representations to the Commander in Chief ; nor could 197 any consideration, less alarming than the present, have induced me to break through my resolution, or to have given you any further trouble on that subject. Capt. Callbeck's intreaties, the intreaties of his creditors, the distress and crulty of his case, his merit, nor the service which his company hath been of to the Island ; all these considerations together (however I might have felt them) could not have prevailed. But, Sir, when the lives and properties of the people intrusted to my care, together with my own, are at stake, though my hopes of success may be ever so small, my duty to my King, and every consideration that is dear to man, obliges me to say something on the present occasion. " In the letter which I had the honor of writing to you on the 22nd inst., I represented the discontented and distressful situation of the soldiers upon the Island, for want of pay and proper quarters. But I still hoped that the attatchment of Capt. Callbeck's Company to the Island, and its orderly behaviour in general, would enable me to preserve peace and good order during the ensuing winter. That only resourse is now cut off by this unexpected stroke. They will be without subsistance for seven or eight months, and without any certainty of being paid even then, for who will venture to say they shall, when it is known that to be enabled to fulfill his promise he must take a voyage to Head Quarters, at the risk of his life and to the ruin of his fortune. I will venture to pronounce, no man will be found ; you cannot yourself, sir, for if that is in your power, it is also in your power to pay them in the first instance. The men will be told they are not intitled to pay, consequently not soldiers. Judge then, yourself, what will follow, and let me entreat you to place yourself for a few moments only in the situation I must remain for the whole winter. If you can, I natter myself you will do all you can to relieve me. I do not ask it as a favor ; I ask it as your duty to our master, and I know what I ask is in your power. I know more. It is right. The existance of the company is acknowledged by the Commander in Chief, by his taking notice of it in the general arrangement of the new corps. It has been acknowledged by yourself, by being victualled and cloathed by your orders. You have as much power to pay them as you have to order them provisions and cloathing. You were pleased to say you thought they were militia. There has been no instance in America (within my knowledge) of a company of militia being kept imbodied for five years. But granting it to be the case, when the militia in England are imbodied for any extraordinary time, they are fed, cloathed, and paid as his Majesty's other troops. In short, sir, the matter appears so clear and so proper to me that I can- not account for the hesitation. I am so much concerned in this business that you will be good enough to excuse the earnestness of my language, and I natter myself if you can you will alter your opinion. But should it prove otherwise, that the soldiers are not to be paid, but are to be kept imbodied in a state of uncertainty whether they are to have pay or not, I shall sum up the whole by requesting, and I do it most earnestly, that you will give immediate orders for withdrawing the troops, as we shall be in a much happier state if left exposed to an accidental attack of an 198 outward foe than if kept in continual terror by a domestick enemy. I have the honor to be, &c." Copy. Vol. 21, No. 206. 5 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Patterson to Sir H. Clinton, 29 October. Another copy, same volume, No. 211 ; enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir Henry Clinton, the 29th October. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, October 28. New York.— Receipt of letters. John Watkins, the impressed man, mentioned in letter of 20th July, is at present on board the " Avenger." When that ship returns the enquiry he desires shall be made so that the man may be discharged and return to his friends. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 181. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Oliver DeLancey, D.A.Gen., to Colonel Beverley Robinson. 1780, October 28. Head Quarters. — The Commander-in-Chief desires that the Board who fixed the claims to houses in the town will also fix the rents to be paid. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 188. 1 page. Gov. William Franklin to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 28. New York. — Submitting the enclosed. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 14. 3 pages. Enclosures : — Draft of Instructions and Regulations for tile Board of Associated Loyalists, composed of FranMin, Josiah Martin, Ruggles, Coxe, Ludlow, Lutwyche, Rome and Leonard. Draft of Commission for the same. Copies. Vol. 17, Nos. 13 and 15. 7 and 3 pages respec- tively. Copies of these three papers in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285 and 139. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 28. Halifax. — Everything quiet. Empty trans- ports sent to New York for the Admiral's disposal. Begs some may be sent early next year to bring coals, &c. Received from the " Garland " £26,000 designed for Quebec. Mr. Thompson appointed deputy paymaster, vice Turner, deceased. Recommends Lieut. Jas. Dunlop to succeed Captain Alex. Campbell by purchase ; he is now a prisoner with the rebels. Requests him to try and exchange Lieuts. Rutherford, Maxwell, Dunlop and Anderson, who have been prisoners since March, 1779. Major Craig sent to New York to settle the recruiting and subsistence accounts of the 82d Companies there, after which he is to go to Europe on the same errand and his private affairs. Refers to him for information respecting the post, &c. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 203. 4 pages. 199 Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to [Governor Walter Patterson]. 1780, October 28. Halifax. — -No. 2. Repeats that he can make no alterations with respect to troops in the Island of St. John without further directions from Clinton. Can only transmit Capt. Callbeck's memorial to Head Quarters. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 205. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Patterson to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Oct. Another copy, same volume, No. 212 ; enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 29 October. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, October 29. New York.— Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 103. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 497 ; copy 308, fo. 182. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — Encloses letters which have passed between Governor Patterson and himself. In all his replies has been influenced by the consideration of having no instructions whatever relative to St. John as connected with his command, and the impropriety of granting money for services in another civil government. Begs to mention the difficulties attending the supply- ing that place with provisions — it might be done better from Europe. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 220. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Patterson to Brig. Gen. McLean, 10 October. Memorial of Gov. Patterson, 10 October. Estimate of money required to carry on the fortifica- tions, &c, see 10 October. Calculation of the annual expense of the six companies, see 1 July. Calculation of what the Company of Volunteers would annually cost if completed, &c, &c, see 10 October. Answer of Brig. Gen. McLean, 12 October. Gov. Patterson to Brig. Gen. McLean, 26 October. Answer of Brig. Gen. McLean, 27 October. Gov. Patterson to Brig. Gen. McLean, 27 October. Answer of Brig. Gen. McLean, 28 October. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — Has taken on himself to give leave to Lt. Col. Bayard, of the King's Orange Rangers, to go to New York to get his private affairs settled. Lt. Dawson, of that corps, has permission to go to recruit as the Govr. of Newfoundland has stopped recruiting in his Government. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 221. 1 page. Enclosing Lt. Col. Bayard to Brig. Gen. McLean, 22 Oct. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — Received letter from Lt. Col. Commandant Campbell, 71th Regt., requesting leave for Major 200 Campbell of that Regt. to go to Britain. As it is not in his power to grant this, he has given the Major leave to go to New York to solicit his Excellency's permission. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 246. 1 page. Bkig. Gen. Francis McLean to [Captain William Spry]. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — Stating objections to his account; the general grounds being that a survey of the works in no way justifies so large a sum ; that part of it was under General Massey's term of command, for which he is not responsible ; and that, though receipts are supplied, no detail of the expenditure or applica- tion of the materials is supplied. True copy, W. Spry. Commanding Engineer. Vol. 21, No. 237. 4 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Spry to Jno. Smith, private, 31 Oct., 1780. Another copy enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Nov., 1780. Vol. 21, No. 245. 5 pages. Gov. Walter Patterson to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — No. 3. Acknowledges answers to his letters of 26th and 27th. Quotes from the first " having received instructions to furnish the troops . . . with provisions, pay and clothing I shall take care they shall not suffer," and points out that the second letter, saying it is not in his power to pay Capt. Callbeck's Company, is contradictory. Is at a loss to account for his refusal. Is mortified his last letter merited so little atten- tion ; did not ask any favour for Capt. Callbeck ; placed the matter on what he thought would weigh with every servant of the crown — his duty. Signed copy. Vol. 21, No. 204. 4 pages. Enclosed in the following letter. Gov. Walter Patterson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 29. Halifax. — That he and Brig. Gen. McLean have differed about some representations and requests. As the matter must be settled by his Excellency he has enclosed copies of the letters which have passed between them. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 209. 2 pages. Enclosing letters between himself and Brig. Gen. McLean of 22, 27, 28 and 29 October. Lord Rawdon to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton]. 1780, October 29. Camp between Broad R. & Catawba. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 277.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 48. 5 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139. fo. 85. Elizabeth Gosling to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 30. New York.— Petition. Is told by Col. 201 Morris she must renew her petition. Begs, therefore, rations for herself and five small children, her husband ; being dead and one of her sons in H.M. service. Followed by* certificates, 28 Oct., signed by Gov. Franklin, John Smyth, Philip Kearny and Fred. Smyth. Signed. Vol. 29, Nos. 101 and 102. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 30. Halifax. — Encloses two memorials relative to bounty money and the pay of a company raised by him. Was informed by Maj. Gen. Massey that this company was to be dis- missed ; therefore, could not satisfy the demands without his Excellency's directions. Adds that he is satisfied with the facts of the memorial, and commends the character of Captain Callbeck. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 226. 2 pages. Enclosing two memorials of Capt. Callbeck, 18 and 27 October. Gov. Walter Patterson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 30. Halifax. — No. 3. Has appointed, until he is honoured with orders, John Stewart to be ordnance storekeeper at Charlottetown. Shows the necessity of this appointment, and hopes his Excellency will confirm it. Desires him to fix the salary and the method of its payment. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 223. 2 pages. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — . . . "The Chactaw Indians appear at length to be gained over to espouse our cause . . . the Spaniards having failed in furnishing the presents they had promised. ... In the first transport of their zeal they committed some acts of cruelty on French inhabitants . . . but they are now made thoroughly sensible that friendship and alliance with us are not to be cemented by barbarity, and will, I flatter myself, demean themselves hereafter with more humanity." Works begun at Red Cliffs. Are still uninvaded ; some disaster must have befallen the expedition from the Havannah, but no news can be had. Scarcity of rum. Difficulty of clothing the provincial troops. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 42. 3 pages. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Sends a/c of staff and contingent expenses ending 30 September. Also a/c of extraordinary expenses in the Indian Department from 1 Aug. to same date. [See 30 September.] P.S. — Monthly return of troops accompanies. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 39. I page. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Pensacola. — On the enclosed memorial from 202 officers of corps, and on a representation from Lt. Col. Dickson as to his expenses. Further recommendation of Capt. Foster of the same corps. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 34. 2 pages. Enclosure : — Memorial of Col. Hanxleden, '3rd Regt., Waldeck ; W m. Stiell, Lt. Col. 3rd Batt. 60th ; Wm. Allen, Lt. Col., United Corps Pennsylvania and Maryland Loyalists ; Wm. Johnstone, Capt. Royal Artillery ; and Anthony Forster, Capt. lQth Regt., on behalf of self and officers of their respective corps, to Maj. Gen. John Campbell Praying bat and forage money, provisions and necessaries being so high. Vol. 16, No. 35. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, October 31. New York.— Separate. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 104. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 601 ; copies 308, fo. 190 : and in Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 486. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, October 31. New York. — -Encloses return of recruits received by the last fleet from England, with copy of report of their state made by a Board of Field Officers. Calls attention to the hardship done to them and their regiments by drafting them into others different from those for which they were enlisted and clothed. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 182. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 20. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Halifax. — Refers the enclosed memorial to his Excellency's consideration. Requests his secretary's salary may be raised from 5/- to 10/- per day. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 227. 1 page. Enclosing John Marshall to Brig. Gen. McLean, 8 May, 1780. Another copy enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 16 July, 1781. Vol. 13, No. 204. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Halifax. — Encloses memorials and contingent account from Hierlihy. As by Maj . Gen. Massey's orders he cannot regard that island as under his command further than furnishing pay, clothing and provisions to the troops, he could only refer them to his Excellency. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 230. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Maj. Hierlihy to McLean, 26 Sep. Memorial of J. Curgenven to Brig. Gen. McLean, 6 Oct. 203 Lord Rawdon to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, Oct. 31. Camp between Broad R. & Catawba. South Carolina. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 49. 3 pages. Copies of this and enclosure in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156; and CornwaUis MSS. Enclosure : — Lord Rawdon to Maj. Gen. Leslie. 1780, October 31. Camp between Broad R. & Catawba, South Carolina. Signed copy. Vol. 19, No. 50. 3 pages. Captain William Spry to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, October 31. Halifax. — Transmits duplicates of letters. " General McLean not having been pleased to send me his objections to my accounts till yesterday, and the Charles Town frigate being to sail to-morrow, leaves me so short an interval of time as puts it out of my power to make the answers to those objections I might otherwise have done, and, therefore, can now only request permis- sion, in general terms, to assure your Excellency that I can, with the utmost facility, remove every one of them when the accounts come to be proved before the Court, where they are now depending ; and that they might, with equal ease, have been removed long ago if the General had been so good to give me the opportunity, by stating the objections in writing, which I had so often intreated of him to do previously to my being arrested. But as he has now thought proper, by his counsel, to file an emparlance to my suit till the next term, which is not before April, and I have been oblig'd to find special bail for my appearance then, or be sent to jail, I am deprived of taking the benefit of your Excellency's leave to go to England, or even to Head Quarters, personally to explain my accounts to your Excellency, and am therefore under the necessity of signifying my intention of remaining in America another year. At the same time, I beg your Excellency will accept my most sincere thanks for the indulgence you had been pleased to grant me." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 229. 3 pages. Captain William Spry to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, October 31. Halifax.— Acknowledges letter of 29th inst., containing the objections which he has so often entreated. As an emparlance to his suit is filed, is unable to go to England. Requests him to signify to his Excellency his intention of remaining in America for another campaign, and thanks for the indulgence granted. Autograph copy. Vol. 21, No. 235. 2 pages. Enclosed in his letter to John Smith below. Another copy enclosed by Brig. Gen. McLean to Sir A. Clinton, 2 Nov., 1780. ~ Vol. 21, No. 243. 1 page. 204 Captain William Spry to Jno. Smith, Secretary to the Commander- in-Chief. 1780, October 31. Halifax. — Sends the enclosed. Had Gen. McLean examined and settled his accounts quarterly, as given in, any objections might have been easily removed, but after two or three years it is impossible to produce the original evidences of all. Maintains it is impossible for any one to estimate the value of works by walking over them. Refers for evidence to Capt. Johnston, of the 70th, going to New York. Has regularly applied for money in advance, and presented memorials when the quarters closed. Was always put off with a want of money in the garrison, not with any objections to the accounts. Could not agree to pay off Major Studholme's or Mr. Williams's a/cs in preference to others equally just, though Gen. McLean offered from four to six thousand pounds to pay off these. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 234. 4 pages. Enclosing letters between Capt. Spry and Gen. McLean, see 14 & 29 August, 6 & 14 September, 29 & 30 October. Petition of Gen. McLean, defendant, to imparle, filed 21 October. PARLIAMENT. 1780, November 1. — The King's Speech; also the Lords' address, with the King's answer. Printed. 2 papers. Vol. 20, Nos. 30, 31. 2 pages & 3 pages. Enclosed by Lord Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 9 Nov. Lord George Germain to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 1. Whitehall. — Separate. Lord Dalrymple, appointed minister at the Court of Warsaw, to come home. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 35. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 329 ; 432, fo. 178. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 1. War Office. — Acknowledges letters of 10th July & 24th August, with monthly returns of the forces and certi- ficates of general and staff officers. List of promotions transmitted in letter of 10th August approved, except the proposed appointment of Mr. T. Cockell, late of the Marines, it being against the King's rules that any person shall come into the army from the Marines. He may come into the army as ensign, as he resigned his former commission in June, 1779. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 185. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 1. War Office. — Regulations concerning the sale of commissions abroad. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 186. 4 pages. 205 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 1. War Office. — Desires to know when the clothing sent for certain enumerated regiments was forwarded from New York to the Leeward Islands. If for want of a proper conveyance it has remained in store at New York he requests that the clothing for the 4th, 5th and 49th Regts. may be sent to England or Ireland, as those regiments have been drafted and sent home. The remainder is to be forwarded by the first opportunity. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 187. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 1. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol 4, No. 183. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 184. 1 page Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 2. Halifax. — Takes the liberty of laying before him what has passed here relative to the a/cs of Capt. Spry, Com- manding Engineer. The extraordinary procedure already men- tioned was that gentleman's suing him in the Courts of Common Law for the balance due. The Atty. and Solicitor General say that a final hearing cannot take place till April next, at which he is con- cerned, since Capt. Spry insinuates that it deprives him of the leave of absence granted by the Commander-in-Chief. Is doubtful whether the permission to keep him in the command after such a step will be approved. Has only to add that the works constructed here appear so very inadequate to the enormous sums expended that he must hesitate to affix any signature implying approbation. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 242. 2 pages. Enclosing Abstract of Capt. Spry's a/c, 30 June. Brig. Gen. McLean. Objections to these a/cs, 29 Oc . Capt. Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean, 31 Oct. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 4. Halifax. — Sends the enclosed ; requests orders. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 247. 1 page. Enclosures : — Abraham D'Aubant, Engineer in Ordinary, to Brig. General McLean. 1780, November 3. Halifax.— Finds himself put off from the direction of the Engineer Department here by Capt. Spry having determined to remain the ensuing ivinter. Requests permission to return to New York in the same way as if Capt. Spry had actually availed himself of the leave, and it had expired. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 248. 1 page. 206 Brig Gen. Francis McLean to Captain D'Aubant. 1780, November 4. Halifax. — Answer. Is sorry he cannot acquiesce in the requisition in his letter of yesterday without the Commander-in-Chief s approbation. Copy of letter shall be transmitted for his determination. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 249. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 4. Halifax. — Arrival of seven sail of victuallers, being part of the fleet which sailed 24 August from Portsmouth, bound to Quebec ; the remainder of the fleet expected soon with the " Orpheus." As it is too late for them to proceed, he suggests that the perishable part of their cargo be landed here, and the rest remain on board ready to push out early in the spring. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 252. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, November 4. New York. — Has received letter of 22nd October respecting the appointment of Commissaries of Prisoners residing with the British and American armies. Has no objection to receive one at New York. Phillips reports needs of Troops of Convention ; asks, therefore, passports for flag of truce. Exchanges Copy. Vol. 20, No. 34. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 295 ; extract 156, fo. 445. Treasury Minutes. 1780, November 4. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Read letter from Sir H. Clinton, 29 Aug., 1780, with state of necessaries sent out in 1777, 1778, 1779 ; also stoppages for those in 1777, and representing that, as the prices of the articles sent out in 1778-9, have not been made known, no stoppage can be made. Read letter from Germain, 29 Oct., transmitting lists of camp equipage, etc., for 1781, and report of Board of Field Officers as to damaged and unfit for service. Report to be transmitted to Mr. Harley and Mure, Son and Atkinson, and direct them to attend Thursday next. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 14. 2 pages. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 9 Dec. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 5. Halifax. — Capt. Colpoys, of the " Orpheus, 1 ' arrived here late last night. He has from ,£30,000 to £35,000 on board. It was intended for Quebec, but he was ordered to land it here if he could not effect his passage. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 253. 1 page. Lord Amherst to Lord George Germain. 1780, November 6. Whitehall. — Acknowledges letter of 4th inst. When the names of Major Tarleton and Capt. Ross were laid before the King he directed the latter should be promoted to the 207 rank of Major, and expressed his sense of the former's services in flattering terms without ordering additional rank, he having only lately been appointed as Major. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 28. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 9 Nov. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Trustees of Captured Property. 1780, November 6. New York. — -Transmitting petition of merchants. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 88. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 302, fo. 203. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1780, November 9. New York. Copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 128 and 130 ; in cipher, No. 129 ; also in Vol. 18, No. 24*. 1 page each. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 661 ; Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18 ; Board of Trade, Canada (Quebec), 8, fo. 119 ; and in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS 21865, fo. 134. Lord George Germain to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton]. 1780, November 9. Whitehall. — Circular. Transmitting the enclosed. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 33. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 397 ; and in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21704, fo. 78, and 21710, fo. 126. Enclosures : — King's Speech and Address of the Lords, see 1 November. Address of House of Commons to the King. Presented 8 November, drawn up on the 7th. Printed. Vol. 20, No. 32. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 9. Whitehall.— No. 72. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 29. 6 pages. Enclosing Lord Amherst to Lord G. Germain, 6 Nov. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 333 ; copies 432, fo. 190 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 9. Whitehall.— Supposed No. 73. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 27. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 341 ; copies 432, fo. 195 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1780, November 11. New York.— No. 110. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 105. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 669 ; copy 308, fo. 234, 208 Captain William Spry to Captain Smith, Secretary to his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. 1780, November 11. Halifax. — Requests him to lay the enclosures before his Excellency provided the originals or copies do not come to hand from Genl. McLean in the " Charlestown " frigate. This goes by the " Bonetta." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 259. 1 page. Enclosures : — Captain Wm. Spry to Brig. Gen. Francis McLean. 1780, November 11. Halifax. — In answer to Ms objections, reminds him first he had already signed and approved the accounts to 30 September, 1778, to the close of Gen. Masseys command ; that by reason of delays nearly £400 had been expended as interest. Cannot admit that any survey long after the services were performed could be a sufficient cause for reprobating his accounts, as many of the works had gone to decay. Complains of the delay in examining the a/cs, and in his being forced into having recourse to the civil law merely to obtain the protection of government from the suits brought against himself. Lt. Col. Bruce can testify to the works carried on in his {McLean 's) absence at Penobscot, as he gave the orders. As for the boat's crew, lias always, ivith other commanding engineers, had the same allowance ; indeed, has charged by mistake currency instead of sterling. The lumber has been carefully issued and applied. As for the winter employment of trucks, they do not amount to quite three, and the carpenters were scarcely sufficient for the making and repairing intrenching tools. Will endeavour to remove any further objections if they are stated to him. True copy, W. Spry, Commanding Engineer. Vol. 21, No. 258. 10 pages. 1780, November 10. Halifax. — Copies of affidavits given in to Gen. McLean, 11 Nov., 1780, respecting Capt. Spri/s accounts. Vol. 21, No. 257. 7 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Maj. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1780, November 12. Camp at Winnsborough, between Broad River & Wateree.— Plans for meeting him at Cross Creek, and his entering Cape Fear River. Protests that it was not his wish that he (Leslie) was removed from Carolina. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 295.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 51. 3 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 101. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 12. Halifax. — The " Charlestown," being ready to sail when his Excellency's letter of 10 September was received, has applied for a convoy for four of the victuallers here intended for Quebec, and directed the Commissary to get these ready with the utmost expedition. Will forward others. Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 260. 2 pages. 209 Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Lt. Col. Thomas Brown. 1780, November 15. Pensacola. —Expects invasion of the Spaniards. Desires reinforcement of Creek Indians. Extract. Vol. 20, No. 2. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Brown to Earl Cornwallis, 17 Dec. and by him forwarded to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Dec. Also in the Cornwallis MSS. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 15. Quebec. — Three letters. Copies. Vol. 18, No. 1/30, 31, 32. Copy of each in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807. Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie. 1780, November 16. Charlestown.— " This moment Lord Corn- wallis's dispatch of the 12th is arrived. As he mentions the contents, I think I may venture to expect you here, shou'd the opportunity of getting into Cape Fear be difficult, which I take it for granted it will be. So shall prepare a room in your own house for you. " Adieu until we meet which I hope will be soon, very soon. I ever am," &c. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 53. 1 page. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 16. Head Quarters. — Requesting a passport for the sloop " Carolina Packet " from Philadelphia to Charlestown, laden with provisions and clothing for the American troops prisoners of war there. Also that Mrs. Mary Mathews, with two black servants, may go to Charlestown in above vessel ; and, as her business cannot be transacted by the time that ship returns, he requests she may be allowed to take some other opportunity for that purpose. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 22. 2 pages. Gov. John Dalling to Earl Cornwallis. 1780, November 17. Jamaica. — To further Lord Charles Montagu in raising a corps in S. Carolina. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 35. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office. Colonial Correspondence, Jamaica, 21. Governor Dalling to the Rt. Hon. Lord Charles Montagu. [1780], November 17. Jamaica. — Instructions relat've to his raising a corps in Carolina to serve in Jamaica or elsewhere n America Copy. Vol. 22, No. 34.* 2 pages. This and the above enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Cl.nton, 5 Feb., 1781. 210 Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 18. Winsborough Camp. — Has given Lt. Col. Turnbull, of the New York Volunteers, leave to proceed to New York in hopes that a change of climate may help to restore his health. Is under obligations to that gentleman for his services in this province, and highly commends his zeal. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 58. 1 page. Captain George Gayton to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 19. " Romulus," Hampton Road. — " Since my last, of the 5th instant, his Majesty's ship Iris arrived from Charles- town with Lt. Gratton, charged with dispatches from Lt. Genl. Earl Cornwallis to Major General Leslie. In consequence of which letter it was judged for the good of his Majesty's service that Ports- mouth shou'd be evacuated, and the troops removed to Cape Fear, which was strongly recommended by his Lordship if it could be done consistent with Major Genl. Leslie's instructions from you. Part of the troops was embarked immediately on board of the transports under pretence of an expedition up James River. " Nov. 12th. — Dispatched his Majesty's ship Blonde to Charles- town with an answer to the Earl of Cornwallis's letter, committed to the care of Lt. Gratton ; when I wrote to the Commanding Officer by sea to give us every assistance in his power, such as pilots, crafts, provisions, &c, as we are much in want of all. " Do. 16th, at noon. — The troops marched out of Portsmouth to the old fort, place of their final embarkation. " Do. 17th. — Early in the morning the troops being all embarked, light airs southerly down the river, got under sail with the fleet, & very fortunately anchored all safe in Hampton Road about noon. The rear of the fleet had not been long at an anchor here before the wind came to the northward, and blowed hard for 24 hours. Luckily no damage done to the fleet, except 2 empty sloops & a small schooner driving on shore. " Every place that we have been at, found best part of the inhabitants had left their houses & taken their furniture with them, except a few women & children & old men. "Do. 21st — At 8 o'clock in the morning ; just going to get under sail, wind at south, light airs. Hope to get the fleet down to Lynhaven Bay to-day ; but I shall not stop there if the wind comes favourable, but proceed to the southward for Cape Fear. I mean to leave a ship off the Capes for a few days in case any thing shou'd be dispatched from New York." Copy. Vol. 19. No. 47. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 19. On board the " Romulus," Hampton Rd. — No. 4. Recounts the leaving Portsmouth in order to reinforce Lord Cornwallis. Left the works entire ; hopes the ground may still be taken up, as it is the key to the wealth of Virginia and Maryland. Laments weakness in ships of war. The Hessians a most respect- 211 able corps. Loss of the provincials by desertion. The people seem tired of the war. P.S. — Is afraid the move up the Delaware has not taken place. The want of small craft and light armed vessels crampt them much. In regard to provisions, refers him to Mr Wier. Gov. Hamilton is driven back to Hampton, something having happened to the sloop in the late gale. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 297.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 46. 6 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 97. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists (Wm. Franklin and others). 1780, November 20. — Commission and Instructions. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 16. 7 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 189 ; 144, fo. 105 ; 285, fo. 132. Gen. Washington to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton]. 1780, November 20. Head Quarters. — Concerning proposed exchange of all prisoners. (Printed, with omissions, in Sparks's Washington VII. 301.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 23. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 299 ; extract 156, fo. 465. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 21. Whitehall. — The Secretary at War has sent to him extract of letter of 8th Sept., containing a memorial from Lt. Col. Birch, 17th Regt. of Light Dragoons, in behalf of officers of that Regiment. Has laid the memorial before the King, who received it graciously, but did not give any particular commands upon it. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 188. 1 page. Gov. Thomas Chittenden to George Clinton, Gov. of the State of New York, &c. 1780, November 22. In Council, Arlington, State of Vermont. Two copies. Vols. 18, No. 2/E. 4, <& 11, No. 136. 1 page each. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, private, 2 Aug., 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, Col. Corr., Quebec, 18, No 49 ; and in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 46. Hannah Lewis to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November 27. New York. — Memor'al. Is widow of Curtis Lewis, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, late one of the Commissioned Guides who joined Sir W. Howe's army, and was employed as a messenger and guide. She was obliged to leave that 212 province in August last, lost her husband soon after, and is now left in distress with six children. Begs continuance of her late husband's pay, and rations. Recommended by S. Shoemaker and Col. Bev. Robinson. Original,. Vol. 25, No. 317. 2 pages. Sarah Lawson, refugee. 1780, November 28. New York. — Recommendation signed by Col. Bev. Robinson that the bearer is widow of a corporal in the Loyal American Regiment, and prays rations for herself, children and old mother. Original Vol. 25, No. 327.* 1 page. Thomas Monk to Colonel W. Tonge. 1780, November 28. — To be explicit upon the subject mentioned yesterday respecting the regiment, acquaints him that in a late memorial he informed the Commander-in-Chief that the expense incurred in raising recruits (for which the regiment is still in debt) was in expectation of the appointment of field and staff officers agreeable to orders of the Commander-in-Chief in June, 1776, and of consequent vacancies being filled. Hoped he (Tonge) would succeed Lt. Col. Denson. Has expressed a readiness to try and complete the regiment, if it is desired by his Excellency, and would be glad to be helped by him as Lieutenant Colonel. Wishes him success. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 254. 2 pages. Enclosed by Col. Tonge to Sir H. Clinton. 30 Nov. Mr. Perrot, refugee. 1780, November 28. Head Quarters. — Note from 01. Delancey, D. Adj. -General, to the Commissary General, that the bearer, Mr. Perrot, is to have rations from the date of this order in New York, with, at foot, another from T. A. Coffin to Col. Morris, " Mr. Wier directs me to request you would include Mr. Perrot in your weekly return." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 256. Nicholas Ashton & Co. to Lord North. 1780, November 29. — Memorial similar to that on 10 November, but with an additional state of the first cost, freight and insurance of 21,429 bushels. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 23. 3 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Washington. 1780, November 29. New York. — Concerning exchange of prisoners. Draft. Vol. 20, No. 24. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 303 ; extract 156, fo. 469. 213 Captain W. Tonge to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November J30. Windsor, Nova Scotia. — Refers to a memorial of a year ago, in which he set forth his long services, and the wishes of all the captains of the Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers that he might succeed Lt. Col. H. D. Denson. Was informed that his Excellency had referred his pretensions to Brig. Gen. McLean, who in answer to the enclosed memorial, had not yet received any orders on the subject. The officers have used their utmost exertions to recruit the Regiment. Refers to Capt. Monk's letter. Hopes his own supplication as an old soldier will not be in vain. Lt. Gen. Robertson may recollect him when at the siege of Louisbourg. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 255. 4 pages. Enclosing Capt. Tonge' s Memorial to Brig. Gen. McLean, 22 Jan. Thos. Monk to Capt. Tonge, 28 Nov., 1780. Lt. Col. N. Balfour to Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie. N. D. [? 1780, November.] — " The safety of this province now is concerned in your getting as fast as possible near us. The dis- patches for Sir Henry Clinton sent by the Beaumont are to explain everything that happened here of late, the requisition for your coming to Cape Fear, &c." Therefore, Lord Cornwallis wishes them to be sent by a man of war as quickly as possible. " A pilot is sent in the Beaumont, and more will be lying ready for you in the river" . . as also all sorts of good things — rice, salt, pork, &c. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 52. 1 page. Jane Isabella Winslow (widow of Chaplain Winslow) to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, November. New York. — Memorial. By the sudden death of her husband has lost her whole support and that of seven children. He had the appointment of chaplain in Gen. Skinner's brigade, and an allowance of rations and quarters. He was for near thirty years in the service of the Society for Propagating the Gospel, and was compelled to leave his charge near Boston. Original. Vol. 25, No. 288. 1 page. Board of Associated Loyalists to Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 1. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 17. 10 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 201 ; and 285, fo. 137. Charles Jenkinson to Lord Amherst. 1780. December 2. War Office. — Being uninformed of the transactions to which the enclosed letter, from Sir Henry Clinton, of 31st October, and accompanying papers, relate, has transmitted them to his Lordship. They appear to deserve attention, and he has no doubt he will cause enquiry to be made, and give directions 214 remedying the inconveniences and hardships complained of Desires to be informed of measures taken, that an answer may be returned to Sir Henry. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 195. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 5 December. Charles Jenkinson to Gen Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 2 War Office. — Acknowledges receipt of letter of 8th September, enclosing copy of Colonel Birch's memorial. Has transmitted it to Lord Amherst, who says he has laid it before the King, and by his Majesty's command has written to him thereon. Encloses promotions in case Dr. Morris should wish to retire on half pay on account of his age ; no one is to be appointed to the office of Inspector General in his room. No officer of the hospital is to be allowed to hold two commissions, as he cannot properly discharge the duty of both. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 189. 2 pages. Enclosures :■ — Lists of Promotions and Leaves of Absence. Copies. Vol. 4, Nos. 190 and 191. 2 pages and 1 page. Treasury Minutes. 1780, November 9 and December 2. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Resume consideration of the subjects on Nov. 4. Extracts relating to necessaries to be sent out to be forwarded to Lieutenant General Amherst for his opinion on the quantities and the qualities of samples. Direct Mure, Son and Atkinson to lay before Lieutenant General Amherst following samples [list follows of camp equipage, horse accoutrements, &c.]. 2 Dec. Read letter from Lieutenant General Amherst that he had ordered a Board of Officers to inspect the patterns. That samples and duplicates had been sealed, &c. Read report of the Board of Officers thereon. Mr. Harley to provide the following quantities of articles, for which he will be allowed a commission of 1J per cent, [then follows a fist of clothing]. Direct Mure and Co. to provide following quant ties, for which they will be allowed 1^ per cent, [then follows a list of camp equipage for infantry and cavalry, necessaries for the Pro- vincial troops, necessaries for the depot, horse furniture and accoutrements]. Copies of letters and samples to be sent to Mr. Knox. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 15. 9 pages. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 9 December. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 3. Winsborough Camp. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 302.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 59. 10 pages. Duplicate signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 339 ; signed copy 156, fo. 543 ; and copy 156, fo. 559. 215 Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 4. S. Carolina. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 60. 3 pages. Enclosing Earl Cornwallis to Lt. Col. Cruger, 18 August. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 409 ; and 631, fo. 160. Maj. Oliver De Lancey to Col. Morris. 1780, December 4. Head Quarters. — " Col. Cuyler is to receive two rations of provisions till further orders." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 219. 1 page. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 4. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Application having been made to the Treasury for payment of a bill for £350, drawn by Frederick Smyth, Chief Justice of New Jersey, on account of his salary of £400 a year, which salary was, by letter to Sir William Howe of 26th September, 1777, directed to be paid in America, under the peculiar circumstances of the case the bill is ordered to be paid, but Mr. Smyth is told not to draw any more bills for his allowance, and he (Sir Henry) is desired to pay him his salary in future. Signed letter. Vol. 14, No. 57. 2 pages. Enclosures : — John Robinson to Frederick Smyth, of New Jersey. 1780, December 4. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— The bill drawn on R. Walpole on account of his salary is to be paid, but he is desired not to draw any more bills for payment of his allowance in this country, but the same must be paid in America, as heretofore, by the Commander-in-Chief . Copy. Vol. 14, No. 59. 1 page. The letter to Sir Henry Clinton is supposed also to have enclosed copy of the warrant to Ch. Jus. Smyth, see 14 May, 1772. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 5. Whitehall. — No. 74. Receipt of various letters by Captain St. George. Andre's capture ; the pension to the Major's mother, &c. From Arnold's sincerity and knowledge of Washington's army, &c, Germain hopes they will form another plan which will hasten the dissolution of the rebellion. Impatient to hear of Cornwallis' s progress since the battle of Camden. Rodney's unexpected arrival at New York must have destroyed the rebels' expectations of effecting something against his Majesty's possessions by the aid of French ships and troops, &c. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 22. 4 pages. The draft and copies of this, No. 74, are in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 485 ; and 432, fo. 197 ; and in the Sackville MSS., all dated 28 November. 216 Charles Jenkinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 5. War Office. — It having been found impossible to fill up the augmentation voted in 1778, by obtaining recruits sufficient for that purpose, it is now directed that every battalion now on the establishment of seventy privates p. company, which had not, according to the latest returns, so many effectives as w th the recruits of their additional companies would complete the ten companies on service to five hundred and seventy effective rank and file, shall be reduced to the establishment of fifty-six privates p. company, similarly those on the establishment of one hundred privates p. company which would not complete to eight hundred and sixty effectives, shall be reduced to eighty-five privates p. company. The regiments under the Convention of Saratoga appear to be so lowered that their companies are to be reduced from fifty- six rank and file to thirty privates, but the number of non-commis- sioned officers is to continue as before. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 192. 3 pages. Enclosure :— List of regiments whose numbers are to be reduced from 25th December, 1780, with state of their intended establishment. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 193. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 5. War Office. — Receipt of letters. List of promotions and other papers sent to Lord Amherst. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 194. 1 page. Enclosing Charles Jenkinson to Lord Amherst, 2 December. Lord Rawdon to Earl Cornwallis. 1780, December 5. Camden. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 63. 5 pages. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton, 7 December. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 413. Lords of Admiralty to Lord George Germain. 1780, December 6. Admiralty Office. — Scaroty of shipping. Transports to be returned to Europe (from America). Copy. Vol. 20, No. 16. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 7 December. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Home Office, Admiralty, 187, fo. 603. Another copy. Vol. 20, No. 20. 2 pages. A third copy. Vol. 22, No. 44. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord George Germain to Earl Cornwallis, 7 December, 1780, and forwarded by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 13 February, 1781. Lord Amherst to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 6. Whitehall. — Has laid before the King the letter to Lord G. Germain recommending Captain St. George for the 217 office of Deputy Adjutant General in America, and to have the rank of major in the arm) 7 . His Majesty has acceded to both requests. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 196. 1 page. Lord Amherst to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 6. Whitehall.— Has laid before the King his request for an alterat ; on in the establishment of Major Small's battalion of Royal Highland Emigrants. He approves thereof, and directs that Major Small, lately promoted to the rank of Lieu- tenant Colonel by brevet, shall be appointed Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of that battalion, and a Major added to it that the 2nd battalion may be upon the same footing as the 1st. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 197. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to [qy. Gen. Sir Henry Cltnton]. 1780, December 6. Winnesborough Camp.— Encloses letter received from Duke Ferdinand. Concludes by its being addressed to himself, the Duke had heard the report that he (Sir Henry) had left the country. Is sure they are both well disposed to obey his commands. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 62. 1 page. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 6. Whitehall.— Separate. Application for exchange of Captain Sotheran, of the 62nd Regiment. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 21. I page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 197 ; copy in Sackville MSS. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 7 Wynnesborough. — Has received the enclosed letter from Rawdon in consequence of having transmitted to him the extract of his letter to Rugely. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 64. 1 page. Enclosing Lord Rawdon to Earl Cornwallis, 5 December. Col. William Dalrymple to Lord George Germain. 1780, December 7. London. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 3 pages. Enclosed by Leonard Morse to B. Thompson, 1 January, 1871 ; also enclosed by William Knox to Sir H. Clinton, 4 January, 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138, fo. 617 ; and 308, fo. 217. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 7. Whitehall— No. 75. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 18. 6 pages, Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 138. fo. 605; copy 432, fo. 200 ; and in the Sackville MSS. 218 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 7. Whitehall. — Circular. To give the strictest attention to what is desired in the enclosed letter. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 19. Copy No. 17. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosing Lords of Admiralty to Lord G. Germain, 6 December. Draft in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 284, fo. 491 ; copy 397, fo. 353. Lord George Germain to Earl Cornwallis. 1780, December 7. Whitehall. — Circular. Same as above. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 45. 1 page. Enclosing Lords of Admiralty to Lord G. Germain, 6 December, 1780. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 13 February, 1781. Lord Amherst to Lord George Germain. 1780, December 8. Whitehall. — The officer whom the Lord President wishes exchanged is Captain Master, of the 24th Regiment. Copy, in the third person. Vol. 22, No. 14. 1 page. Enclosed by William Knox to Sir H. Clinton, 4 January, 1781. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 9. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Is com- manded to transmit the enclosed copies of all the proceedings of this Board relative to supplying and sending out articles required by his Excellency for the service of the troops under his command . Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 13. 1 page. Enclosing Treasury Minutes, 4 and 9 Nov. and 2 Dec. General Washington to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 9. Head Quarters. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 24. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 307 ; extract 156, fo. 477. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists. 1780, December 10. Head Quarters, New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 18. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 181 ; 285, fo. 143. Charles Jenkinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 10. War Office. — The list of promotions enclosed in letter of 12th October is approved by the King, excepting that of Mr. Teesdale Cockell to the command of a company in the 2nd Battalion of the 60th Regiment. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 198. 1 page. 219 Gov. Thomas Chittenden to Gov. Hancock. 1780, December 12. Arlington. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 38 ; 18, part of No. 2. 3 pages and 2 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 2 August, 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18, No. 51 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 52. Gov. Thomas Chittenden to Gov. Turnbull [Trumbull] 1780, December 12. State of Vermont. In Council, Arlington. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 137 ; 18, part of No. 2. 3 pages and 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 50. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 12. New York. — Proclamation with form of parole. Whereas many well meaning subjects have been seduced from their allegiance . . . and whose wish to reburn . . is cut off by the armed tyrants who oppress and overawe them, I have judged it proper to send a body of . . . forces to . . . to free the inhabitants. . . the General who commands . . . is authorized to extend the benefit of the King's gracious intentions ... to all persons who submit. The troops are to treat all persons who submit and behave peaceably as King's subjects, and to show tenderest regard to their safety and property. Those who oppose to be treated with justifiable severity. (For another copy, see at the end of the month.) Copy. Vol. 15, Nos. 119 and 120. 3 pages. [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton] to Lt. Gen. Earl Cornwallis. 1780, December 13. New York. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 310.) Duplicate copy. Vol. 19, No. 54. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold. 1780, December 14. New York, Head Quarters. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 55. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 365 ; 589, fo. 119 ; and in Cornwallis MSS. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Cols. Dundass and Simcoe. 1780, December 14. New York. — Sends a blank dormant commission, which is only to be made use of in case of the death or incapacity of Brigadier General Arnold, to execute the command intrusted to him. On no account to make this known. Should these not happen the commission is to be returned unopened. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 57. 1 page. 220 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, December 14. New York. — -Encloses list of promotions for his Majesty's approbation. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 200. 1 page. William Crosbie, Barrack Master Gen., to Lt. Charles Blundell, Barrack Master, Bermuda. 1780, December 14. New York.— Receipt of letter of 26th September. Sends by the " Union " thirty boxes of dipt and mould candles for the use of the troops. Encloses receipt and invoice. Lodging money previous to 1st July not to be paid. To send quarterly accounts by the first opportunity and obtain proper vouchers, and take two receipts of the same tenor and date. To give notice of the supplies wanted, and an exact return of the barrack bedding and stores with him. Copij. Vol. 47, No. 244. 1 page. Enclosed by William Crosbie to Maj. Mackenzie, 10 March, 1783. John Smith to Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1780, December 14. New York. — The proceedings of a general court martial held at Charlestown, 11th August last, on the trial of Lieutenant Ford being transmitted to the Commander-in-Chief, without mentioning whether Cornwallis has approved the sentence or not, it is therefore returned for that purpose. His Excellency hopes the proceedings of general courts martial held in the Southern District are laid before his Lordship, as he has power to confirm them. The enclosed papers were sent by some mistake to the Commander-in-Chief with the last dispatches, from Major General Leslie. They are sent to him (Balfour) until he has a safe oppor- tunity of returning them to General Leslie. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 56. 1 page. Samuel Townshend [Townsend], Inspector-General Recruiting Service, to Lord [Amherst]. 1780, December 14. Upper Wimpole Street. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 207. 4 pages. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 1 January, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, Vol. 22. Gov. William Franklin to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 15. New York. — In answer to letter of the 10th. has summoned a meeting of the gentlemen to whom it was addressed. Ruggles and Ludlow have not yet attended. Thinks the answer will be to his satisfaction. 2 copies. Vol. 17, Nos. 4 and 12. 1 page each. 221 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, December 16. New York. — Sends enclosure for his con- sideration. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 201. 1 page. Enclosure : — Memorial to Sir Henry Clinton from the officers in the succession of Lieutenant Colonel Remington, who retired from the 43d Regiment on his pay. Understand that General Carleton in Canada gave orders for all officers on short pay to be paid full pay, in consequence of which several officers received the benefit. Pray an order that they may charge it in the usual half-yearly contingent account of the Regiment. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 202. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Thomas Brown to Earl Cornwallis. 1780, December 17. Augusta. — In consequence of talk sent to the Cherokee Nation the Indians have agreed to attack rebel plunderers who have taken possession of their hunting grounds on Watoga, &c. Chiefs of two thousand five hundred Cherokees promised to continue the war during winter if they were provided with arms and ammunition, and their families with clothing. White men have been sent with them to prevent outrages. He has adjusted the quarrels between Creeks and Cherokees, and the former have promised to assist. In consequence of the enclosed letters he has given directions to the Abenahkies to keep out parties on the Ohio to obstruct the navigation as well as that of the Mississippi. Two hundred were detached to Green River to annoy the plunderers and mountaineers. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 1. 3 pages. Enclosing Maj . Gen. Campbell to Lt. Col. Brown. 15 November. Maj. De Peyster to Lieut. Col. Browne, 5 April, 1780. Gov. Henry to [B. de Galvez], 14 January, 1778. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton, 29 December, 1780. Autograph signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, December 18. New York. — Receipt of letters. In com- pliance with desire, transmits a general return of all his Majesty's Provincial Forces in North America, as well as separate returns of each of those corps. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 204. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to [John Robinson]. 1780, December 18. New York. — Receipt of letter of 23d August and duplicate of 11th February. Had already given orders for the payment of the rent of houses occupied by the King's troops in Boston ; agreeable to list received some time since with original of letter of 11th Feb:uary ; has also given directions upon the subject of the other in conformity to the desire of the Lords of the Treasury. 222 Transmits return of stores which the Barrack Master General says will be wanted from Great Britain next year. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 106. 1 page. William Franklin to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 18. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 19. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 185 ; and 285, fo. 147. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 19. Treasury Chambers. — Sends copies of two memorials of Nicholas Ashton and Co., of Liverpool merchants, and other papers, for examination and enquiry. Copy. Vol 20, No. 11. 1 page. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780. December 19. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Approving measures taken in appointing Commissaries of captures on the expedition to South Carolina. (Printed in the Observations on Stedman's History of the American War, p. 11, and in one copy at least of Stedman's History, Vol. II., interleaved, after p. 318.) Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 12. 2 pages. Adam Williamson, Dep. Adj. Gen., to Lord Amherst. 1780, December 19. — Has read papers relative to last recruits sent to New York, and cannot find any just cause of complaint. Is astonished that only two out of eight hundred and ten men were reported unfit for service after being nearly s x months on board Reason for some of the men being drafted. Colonel Townsend is in possession of every man's receipt for what was due to him. The returns were transmitted to the Deputy Ad utant General in North America, and he has acknowledged the receipt of them. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 208. 2 pages. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 1 January, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, Vol. 22. Lord George Germain to the Governors in North America and West Indies. 1780, December 20. Whitehall.— Circular. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 9. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 3 January, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 397, fo. 354. [Gov. Haldimand] to [Capt. Justus Sherwood]. 1780, December 20. Quebec. — Instructions. Two copies. Vol. 11, No. 134; 18, part of No. 2. 3 pages and 4 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Haldimand to St H. Clinton, 2 Augus', 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18 : British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21839, fo. 3. 223 Maj. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 20. Charlestown. — " On my arrival here I found two letters from your Excellency, the one by Gen. O'Hara, the other by Col. Watson. I did myself the honor to write you on our leaving Hampton Road, dated the 22nd ult., where we were some days detained by violent & contrary winds. We had very bad weather at sea. The Galatea met us with orders to proceed to this place, where we fortunately got the 14th instant, all in health, without a missing ship ; most of our horses suffered ; only one sloop taken ; the two gallies are not arrived, I fancy they are drove to the southward. " Commodore Gayton took infinite pains to keep our fleet together, & has much merit in bringing us to port so handsomely. I felt latterly great anxiety, for our provisions were very scanty, & Lord Cornwallis shewed a strong inclination for our arrival. " For want of horses and waggons we were detained here until the 19th, when the troops disembarked and pursued their march for Camden. " I cou'd not comply with your Excellency's directions in regard to the 17th Foot & Light Dragoons, nor the gallies, having only received your letter here. ,( The Camilla met us at sea from Gardiner's Bay, with orders from Admiral Arbuthnot to carry home any accounts of our opera- tions. " I took the liberty to write to Lord George Germain, informing him of the reason of leaving Virginia. I also told him of our arrival, but referred him to Lord Cornwallis for particulars. " The Camilla being unfit to go to sea, Captain Gayton has ordered the Blonde to go home. " I go off to-morrow to overtake the troops, who cannot go fast, the roads being very deep-. I have the, &c. "N.B. — To do justice to Mr. Walters & Mr. Bradly, the agentB, they paid every attention to the public service." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 10. 2 pages. Lord Amherst to Charles Jenkinson. 1780, December 21, Whitehall. — Has received letter of 2nd inst., enclosing copy of a letter from Clinton with two papers concerning the drafts lately sent to America. The whole has been referred to the Inspector General of the recruiting service and the Deputy Adjutant General, and their answers are enclosed (see 14 and 19 Dec). Copy. Vol. 4, No 206. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 1 January, 1781. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, Vol. 22. Francis Hall. 1780, December 21. Halifax. — Statement and copy of bill of lading, signed by the above at Portsmouth in October, 1779. The 224 bill of lading is for goods shipped in the " Vernon " for New York, to be forwarded to Michael Fran[c]klin, which goods were delivered at New York, the receipt being dated 3rd July, 1780. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 178. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Hughes to Sir H. Clinton, 31 December, 1780. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 22. Wynnesborough. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 312.) Copy. Vol. 20, No. 9. 3 pages. John Robinson to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 23. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — 1; com- manded by the Lords of the Treasury to transmit the enclosed letter to Major Drummond, relative to his appointment as Commis- sary of Accounts to the army in America. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 13th May, promising to exert himself to reduce public expenditures, and directs him to give to Major Drummond the necessary orders relative to accounts. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 8. 1 page Enclosure : — John Robinson to Maj. Duncan Drummond. 1780, December 23. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — His letter of the 30th August, desiring to be authorized how to proceed as Commissary of Accounts attending the army in America, has been laid before the Lords of the Treasury. They are sur- prised he has not acted pursuant to the powers vested in him. The " orders, rules, and directions " in his commission refer to such as may be given as circumstances arise, and not those necessary to be given at time of appointment. He is therefore to proceed in the execution of his commission and examine and audit, &c, the accounts of the departments of the army under Clinton. He is to endeavour to curtail improper charges, and see that the respective services are carried on with economy. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 7. 2 pages. Hospitals. To 1780, December 24. New York.— Abstract of stoppages due to hospitals, New York, &c, £486 9s. id. Signed G. Mervin Nooth, Superintendent General. Also a similar one amounting to £418 19s. lOd. Annexed to Proceedings of Board of Enquiry, New York, 25 May, 1782, which see. Copy of both in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, Vol. 23. Provincial Troops. O ctober 25. — Muster Roll of Captam Donald McPherson's ' December 24. Company of the British Legion Infantry. Copy Vol. 23, No. 162. 1 page. 225 William Franklin. President of the Board, to Gen Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 26. New York. — Submitting, on behalf of the Board, draft of the articles for association, and of the declaration to the public. Two copies. Vol. 17, Nos. 9 and 10. 1 page each. Enclosure : — Draft of a commission for captain under the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists. Printed copy. Vol. 17, No. 8. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gov. William Franklin. 1780, December 27. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 11. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285, fo. 101. Joseph Hitchcock to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. 1780, December 27. New York. — Memorial. Describes himself as late inhabitant of Fredericksburgh in this province, a refugee residing in Long Island. That for his attachment to Government he was imprisoned for a long time ; that, having escaped, he has supported himself by his labour, but being advanced in years and rendered, by a fall from a waggon, incapable of maintaining himself he is absolutely without the necessaries of life, and begs rations or other subsistence. Certified by Jeremiah Learning as having suffered as described, and as really an object of compassion. Autograph signed. Vol. 31, No. 187. 2 pages. r Lord Amherst to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 29. Whitehall.— Signifies his Majesty's approval of Captain Forbes Champagne having leave to come to England to attend to his private business if the service will permit and there is no objection. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 199. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 29. Wynnesborough. — " When the numerous and formidable bodies of the back mountain men came down to attack Major Ferguson, & shewed themselves to be our inveterate eneoiies, I directed Lt. Col. Brown to encourage the Indians to attack the settlements of Watoga, Holstein, Caentuck & Nolachuckie, all which are new encroachments on the Indian territories. The good effects of this measure have already appeared. A large body of the mountaineers marched lately to join the rebe s near King's Mountain, but were soon obliged to return to oppose the incursions of the Indians. I have the honor to enclose to your Excellency copies of letters from Lt. Col. Brown, Major Gen. Campbell, & Major de Peister, with the intercepted ones from the Governor of Virginia to Don Galvez and h.s answer. 226 " If the account given of the behaviour of the Indians by Lt. Col. Brown is true, their humanity is a striking contrast to the shocking barbarities committed by the mountaineers." Copy. Vol. 20, No. 5. 1 page. Enclosing Lieut. Col. Brown to Earl Cornwallis, with three enclo- sures, see 17 December. James Moncrief, Engineer, W. Gratton, R. Powell and William Greenwood to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 29. Charlestown. — Acknowledge letter of 6th November, with petition of merchants trading to province of South Carolina. Represent they have never been possessed of books or papers of accounts of property as therein set forth, save what are set forth in enclosed return (? not found). Have not considered themselves trustees of captured property, as the Commissaries of Captures exercise their commission, and have sold property brought from the country to a considerable amount. Signed letter. Vol. 54, No. 34. 1 page. Messrs. Gordon, Crowder and Biddulph. 1780, September 30 and December 31. — Statement of cash for these dates. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 185. 11 and 12 lines respectively. Govr. Richard Hughes to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December 31. Government House, Halifax. — Mr. Francklin, Superintendent for Indian Affairs, having represented that the sum of £500 laid out in presents for those tribes of Indians who withdrew from their alliance with the rebels in 1778, and renewed their oaths to his Majesty, were actually shipped on the " Vernon " transport and sent to New York to be forwarded to Halifax, and consigned to the said Superintendent, as will appear by the enclosed copy of the bill of lading. By mistake they have been sent to the Deputy Quarter Master General of the Army at Halifax, and Brigadier General McLean will not permit them to be delivered without orders from Head Quarters. Entreats therefore, in the most earnest manner, that Brigadier General McLean may be authorised to deliver them to the Superintendent, as disappointment to the Indians may be attended with serious consequences, since the rebel agent at Machias is using every possible means to corrupt and bring them over to the American cause. Commends Mr. Francklin's loyalty and attention to his duties. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 177. 3 pages. Enclosing Statement by Francis Hall, 21 December, 1780, and bill of lading, signed by him in October, 1779. Prisoners. 1776, Ma y 19. — Abstract of expenditure for American 1780, December 31. prisoners from the Commissary General's Department, between these dates. Signed Peter Paumier, Deputy 227 Commissary General, and dated New York, the 26th March, 1782. With account, £31,878 9s. 6f December 31. General's Department. Endorsed :— Bar- rack Master General, No. 5, 31 Dec, 81. Original. Vol. 16, No. 126. 1 page. Remarks and observations in the Quarter Master General's Department, under the direction of Brigadier General W. Dalrymple, the 1st April to the 30th June ; the 1st July to the 30th Sept., 1st Oct. to 31st Dec, 1780. The divisions for each are : — Vessel hire, waggon hire, artificers' salaries and contingencies. (For the continuation of this see the 30th September, 1781. These two papers are in the same hand as one entered under Drummond, the 24th February, 1782.) Original. Vol. 54, No. 92. 6 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton. 1780, December. Head Quarters, New York. — Proclamation. The same as that dated the 12th December. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 131. 2 pages. Bermuda. 1780. — Nine a/cs of Disbursements at St. George's for a cistern, a guard house, for Forts Southampton and Paget, for gun carriages, and for the Castle, by order of his late Excellency Governor Bruere, 228 all signed by Hugh Stuart, Lt. Royal Garrison Battalion, acting engineer, approved by Geo. Bruere, Governor ; in the year 1780. These a/cs are followed by Extract from the Resolutions of the Bermuda General Assembly, 21 March, 1781, rejecting the a/cs of Hugh Stuart and James Darcus as inadmissible. Vol. 35, Nos. 65 to 73. 11 pages in all. Alexander Cameron. N. D. [1780.] — A/c of extra expenses incurred by Alex. Cameron. Superintendent, ... to procure a store of presents for Indians intended to have been employed for the protection of Mobile and that may still be required for the defence of the province. Really a statement of a/cs enumerating vouchers. Many of these have been entered at various dates. Total, £3,488 14s. 6d. Examined and approved by Major General Campbell. Vol. 13, No. 102. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton. N. D. [perhaps 1780.] — Two paragraphs in Clinton's hand, beginning : — 1. " This I take to be the purport of your letter, altho I confess there is some part of it I do not understand, nor wall I ask an explanation of lest it should impede what we have, of course, so much at heart " [some words crossed through]. 2d. " If according to the plan proposed in (sic) I of course concert (?) and will(?) . . . authorised by you. As to your sovereign and mine, Sir or Gent n apointed under the powers of what you call United States, I know of no sovereign for either of us here, but George the Third of Great Britain. Scotland and Ireland, & what you call United States, I consider as colonies in wanton rebellion against their sovereign." Vol. 14, No. 14. 2 pages. Copy in another hand ; a few words supplied to make Clinton's sense clearer. Vol. No. 14, No. 34. 2 pages. Andrew Elliot. N. D. [1780.] — Propositions drawn up by Mr. Elliot, that the Commanders-in-Chief each by his own authority and under his own immediate direction, do appoint for the benefit of prisoners an agent, one to reside at Lancaster the other at New York . . . to govern their conduct on the following regulations. Six items follow. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 48. 3 pages. Lt. Col. Joseph Goreham to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. N. D. [1780 or 1781.] — Memorial. His services in the Royal Fencible American Regiment. Desires rank of Brigadier General, and that his regiment be placed on the establishment. Original. Vol. 53, No. 13. 3 pages. 229 Lt. Gratton, R. W. Powell and Mr. Greenwood. 1780. — Return of effects, &c, taken up by the trustees of unclaimed property and stored in the house of John Rutledge as directed by warrant of June 3, 1780. The effects are indigo and coffee, and belong to John Brailsford, Robt. Moncrief, — Greenwood, — Powell, — Hopton, Locock & Brown and Fr. Symonds. Original. Vol. 19, No. 87. 1 page. John Hawkins to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. N. D. [? About 1780.] — Memorial. Is reduced by his loyalty and misfortunes to want. Begs relief. With certificate by Archd. Hamilton, Col. Co. Q. C. M., &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 186. 2 pages. Hospitals. 1777 to 1780. — Abstract of a/cs due from various Regiments for men left in the Hospital on their being drafted or embarking for the West Indies, and for recruits sent out to those Regiments from England, & also for men belonging to the Northern Army. £169 65. id. Signed by Dr. Nooth, also by Jonathan Mallet. Annexed to Proceedings of a Board of Enquiry at New York, 25 May, 1782, which see. J. Maitland, Lt. Col. 71st Regt., to Sir Henry Clinton. N. D. [1780 or 1781 .] — Recommends to his notice and protection Captain Roorbach of De Lancey's first Battalion. Copy. Vol.29, No. 268. 1 page. Isaac Ogden, refugee. N. D. [? 1780.] — Certificate recommending Isaac Ogden and his wife as subjects meriting rations. Signed by David Ogden, Wm. Franklin, Isaac Ogden and Ch. Justice Fred. Smyth. Vol. 29, No. 63. 1 page. N. D. [? 1780.] — Certificate to the same by Rev. I. Browne, rector of Church at Newark, P. Browne, Asst. Surgeon Gen. Hosp., D. Mathews, Mayor, Peter Dubois, magr. of police. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 95. 1 page. Elizabeth Rogers to Maj. Gen. James Robertson. N. D. [J about 1780.] — Petition. She and her two daughters are refugees from Norwalk, Connecticut, where she lost all in the fire there. Asks rations. Certified by Jeremiah Learning, missionary at Norwalk. Original. Vol. 25, No. 303. 1 page. Island of St. John. N. D. [1780]. — Description of such military roads as it will be necessary to make in St. John's Island to enable the militia to 230 assemble with, sufficient facility for its defence. Signed by Thos. Wright, Surveyor GeneraL,of Lands. Vol. 53, No. 14.| 2 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, St. John (Pr. Edward Is.) 4, under 10 Oct, 1780. William Stewart. N. D. [? 1780 or 1781.] — Case. W 7 as employed as a school- master and catechist in " the Society's " Mission of Newark and Second River. Lived on proceeds of a shop which was destroyed by fire. Is also ill. Begs rations for himself, wife and two children. With certificate signed by Peter Dubois and Isaac Browne, Rector of Newark. Vol. 29, No. 89. 2 pages. Troops. To 1780. — A/c of Extraordinaries paid for in the Commissary General's Department since 14 May, 1778. £650,017 18s. 3 T 7 2 d. Original. Vol. 35, No. 90. 1 page. To 1780. — State of the difference in sundry departments in Sir Wm. Howe's and Sir Henry Clinton's command. Concerns the Departments of the Barrack Master General, Commissary General, Quarter Master General, and the Engineers. Specifies the amounts of warrants issued for 2 years and 7 months respectively (under each command) showing an increase of £2,199,016 17s. 7|rf. Is reckoned to the end of 1780. Original. Vol. 53, No. 83. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 1. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 205. 1 page. Enclosing Lord Amherst to Charles Jenkinson, 21 Dec, 1780. Samuel Townshend to Lord [Amherst], 14 Dec, 1780. Adam Williamson to Lord Amherst, 19 Dec, 1780. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 1. War Office. — Sends copy of a letter from the Agent of the 80th Regt. notifying the death of Capt. Maxwell and of Lieut. Silk that the vacancies may be filled up. Duplicate signed letter. Vol 4, No. 209. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January. 1. War Office. — Capt. Clayton, prevented re- turning home by being taken prisoner, may now have leave to do so. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 210. 1 page. Leonard Morse to Benjamin Thompson. 1781, January 1. Whitehall. — In answer to a letter of the 11th ult. by Lord G. Germain's directions containing copy of a letter 231 from Qr. Master General Dalryrnple. Lord Amherst is of opinion that the English officers serving in America as general officers should be promoted to keep pace with the German officers, and if any pro- motion of German officers has lately been made to the prejudice of the English officers a local promotion in America only should be immediately made of these English officers. The command of Provincial troops should be given to an officer from among them- selves. If Lt, Col. SherifEe has resigned the office of Deputy Qr. Master General his Lordship has no objection to the appointment of Major Bruen. On the subject of the want of gun-powder quotes Report received from the Ordnance 16 Dec, 1780, that every demand of Sir Henry Clinton had been complied with except the last one of 28 Octr. With regard to Clinton's wishes for service of Col. Medows and Sir Hy. Calder the former is named for the com- mand of the expedition now fitting out and the latter is gone with his regiment to Ireland. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 1. 3 pages. Enclosing Col. Dalryrnple to Ld. G. Germain, 7 Dec, 1780. Enclosed by William Knox to Sir H. Clinton, 4 Jan., 1781. Major Thomas Murray to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, January 1. New York.— Lt. Gen. Robertson desires that Mrs. Cochrane be continued on the provision list. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 78. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, January 2. New York. — Sends open letter to the trustees of captured property, also his letter to Cornwallis. Draft. Vol. 22, No. 4. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Trustees of Captured Property at Charles Town. 1781, January 2. New York. — Recommending the enclosed peti- tion of merchants of London trading to S. Carolina [see 28 July, 1780]. Draft. Vol. 22, No. 5. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 302, fo. 211. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, January 2. New York. — Sends petition received from home and copy of his instructions to the trustees. Draft. Vol. 22, No. 3. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS., copy in Am. & W. I. 302, fo. 207. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 2. War Office. — In consequence of his desire expressed in his Dept. Adjt. General's letter to Col. Dalryrnple he has given positive orders to officers home on leave to return to their duty excepting only those whose absences have been renewed in consequence of ill-health. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 211. 1 page. 232 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 2. War Office. — Refers back to Sir Henry the question of re-imbursement for Maj. Gen. Leslie for loss sustained by him on board the " iEolus " transport. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 214. 1 page. Philip Stephens to John Robinson. 1781,- January 2. Board of Admiralty. — Has communicated to the Lords of the Admiralty the letter of 22nd December. Is com- manded to acquaint him for the information of the Lords of the Treasury that directions have been given to the Commanding Officer of H. M. ships in North America to appoint convoys for transports returning to England or Ireland, and that Adml. Arbuth- not is directed to give his reasons for not providing convoys for victuallers to bring provisions from Halifax. Extract. Vol. 22, No. 20. 1 page. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 23 January. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, January 3. New York. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 11. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 3. Wynnesborough. — Recommending to vacancies occasioned by the death of Capt. Cotton of the 33d. Regt. There will also be three ensigncies vacant in that Regt. Whenever his Excellency shall have fulfilled his intentions in regard to Lt. Col. Webster, he (Cornwallis) would recommend Volunteer Jas. Talbot and Adjt. John Fox for ensigncies in the 33rd. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 10. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 3. Whitehall.— No. 76. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 8. 6 pages. Enclosing Circular to Governors, 20 Dec, 1780. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 1 ; copies 685, fo. 205 and in the Sackville MSS. ; extract in Lansdowne House MSS. 68 : 13. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 3. Quebec. — No. 1. Two copies. Vols. 11, No. 131 and 18 No. 1/34. 2 pages. Extract 11, No. 132. 1 page. Copy of translation of letter in cipher in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 234. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 3. War Office. — The monthly returns of officers serving in garrisons in North America and lists of Barrack Masters 233 beyond April. 1779, have not yet come to hand. Requests him to give the necessary directions that the pay of persons concerned may be issued with as little further delay as possible. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 212. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 3. War Office.— Capt. St. George, 1st Regt. Foot Guards, to be Dept. Adjt. Gen. to the forces in America, with rank of major in the army. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 213. 1 page. Troops. 1781, January 3. New York.— Return of the number of horses belonging to the Royal Artillery at New York and its dependencies, also the quantity of forage in the different magazines on this date. Signed Will. Martin, Lieut, Colonel. Original. Vol. 36, No. 27. 1 page. William Knox to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 4. Whitehall. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 13. 1 page. Enclosing Lord Amherst to Lord G. Germain, 8 Dec, 1780. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 15 ; copy 432, fo. 223 ; copy in Sackville MSS. William Knox to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 4. Whitehall. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 12. 2 pages. Enclosing Leonard Morse to Benj. Thompson, 1 Jan., 1781, with letter from Col. Dalrymple to Lord G. Germain, 7 Dec, 1780. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 11 ; copy 432, fo. 222 ; copy in the Sackville MSS. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 5. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — That this place has once more providentially escaped a formidable invasion. Six King's ships and 51 transports sailed from Havanna 16 October to be joined by transports with provisions from La Vera Cruz and Campeachy. A fleet of observation is said to have also sailed at same time, A violent storm the next day totally dispersed them. Having already assembled the Indians, proposes to attack the enemy at Mobile village on Sunday mormng next. Arranges ships to appear in the bay at the time of the attack. Describes the redoubt at Red Cliffs. Defences at Fort George. Is at a loss. Desires decisions on Courts Martial and some blank warrants. Is distressed for answer to request of troops for bat and forage money. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 44. 3 pages. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 6. Wynne sborough. — Has written several letters ; fears they are all still at tharlestown. His difficulties not occasioned 234 by the opposite army, but by constant incursions of various parties and by perpetual risings^within the province ; the invariable successes of these parties against the militia keep the whole country in continual alaim and render the assistance of regular troops everywhere necessary. Will begin his march to-morrow to the Catawba and the Yadkin. Has directed Lt. Col. Balfour to apply for a force to be sent to Cape Fear immediately. The expression made use of by Lt. Col. Balfour to Maj. Gen. Leslie "was only meant to convey his private opinion of the necessity of his complying with my request," and of the danger to which the province would be exposed if again left destitute. He had no apprehensions while the army remained on the frontiers. Requests answer as to whether Lt. Gov. Graham's charge of 20s. a day as inspector of refugees in Georgia is to be allowed. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Con- troversy I. 315.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 15. 3 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139. fo. 425; and 631, fo. 161. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, Jan. 7, 11 o'clock at night. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Has this moment received intelligence of the repulse of the detach- ment who this morning at break of day attacked the enemy's post at Mobile village. Col. de Hanxleden being killed and Capt. Banmbach of the Waldeck Regiment wounded, the command devolved on Capt. Key, of the corps of Pennsylvania and Maryland Loyalists, who judged best to order a retreat. The Indians continued attacking after the troops had withdrawn. Signed letter Jjg$.\Vol. 16, No. 45. 3 pages. Maj. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 8. Camden. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 317.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 16. 1 page. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 433 ; and 631, fo. 163. Mobile. 1781, January 8. Pensacola. — Return of casualties at the village opposite Mobile the 7th Jan., 1781. Signed John Campbell, Maj. Gen. (The corps engaged were 3rd Battalion 60th ; 3rd Regiment Waldeck ; troop of West Florida Royal Foresters ; Pennsylvania and Maryland Loyalists.) Original. Vol. 16, No. 57. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 15 Feb., 1781. Also in the Public Record Office, accompanying his letter to Lord G. Germain, 11 January. Gen. Washington to Maj. Gen. William Phillips. 1781, January 8. Head Quarters, New Windsor. — In answer to letters of 18 and 23 December. The Governor of Virginia was asked 235 to give permission to the flag ship to proceed with the stores to some ocnvenient place for Fort Frederick. Is not at liberty to proceed with further exchange of the Troops of Convention till there is an adjustment of the debt. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 25. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 156, fo. 579 ; War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 21. Joseph Chew, Secretary for Indian Affairs. 1781, January 10. New York. — List of Rangers, Volunteers, &c, belonging to the Indian Department. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 184. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Comte de Rochambeau. 1781, [1782], Jan. 10. New York. — Sends Capt. Armstrong, an Assistant Quarter Master General, with a sum of money to repay that spared to Cornwallis. He will deliver a duplicate of the last letter, and will return when he has received his Excellency's commands. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 34. 1 page. Sir Henry Hoghton to the Hon. Thomas de Grey. 1781, January 10. Hedingham Castle, Essex. — For leave of absence to Lt. James Rawstorne. [Rawerton, in Army List.] Copy. Vol. 22, No. 37. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 3 Feb. Autograph signed letter in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Domestic, George III. 22. John Stout, Gabrel Purdy & Gilbert Bates to Col. Phillips. 1781, January 10. New York. — Request recommendation for Isaac Yurex or Yurrick for rations. At foot is the desired recom- mendation. " The above person is a real object of charitv. Fred. Philips." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 17. 1 page. Oliver De Lancey, D. A. Genl., to Lieut. Thomas Okerson. 1781, January 15. Head Quarters. — " You are to proceed with the party under your command into the Jerseys there to execute the plan proposed. " Your own humanity will point out to you the treatment he is to recieve & you are on no account to touch his life. " When you have executed your business you will return by the most convenient route." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 168. 1 page. Lt. Robert Macfarlane. 1781, January 15. Strand. — -Certificate by John Leman, physician, as to the health of Lt. Robert Macfarlane. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 223. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord Amherst to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Feb., 1781. 236 Captain William Spry to Brigadier General McLean. 1781, January 15. Halifax. — In obedience to the orders of the 7th inst. he has discontinued the overseer and discharged all car- penters. Work on Citadel Hill to ensure a sufficiency of water is being continued, but the number of miners cannot be diminished as they work by relief night and day. Sends reports of intrenching tools in store and quantities of each sort required for the ensuing campaign. Autograph signed copy. Vol. 13, No. 175. 2 pages. 1781, January 15. Halifax. — Report of number and state of the intrenching tools in store and of the quantities proposed to be made for the service of the ensuing campaign. True copy signed W. Spry. Vol. 13, No. 174. 1 page. Both enclosed by Capt, Spry to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Feb., 1781. Board of Associated Loyalists (by Wm. Franklin) to Major 0. De Lance y or in his absence Ma.j. Mackenzie. 1781, January 16. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 20. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 173 : and 285, fo. 71. Jno. Stapleton to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, January 17. Head Quarters. — The bearer Margaret Drake is to receive provisions for herself and three children. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 44, No. 187. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 18. Camp on Turkey Creek Broad River. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 319). Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 18. 7 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I, 157, fo. 31 ; 139, fo. 429 ; 631, fo. 162 ; and Cornwallis MSS. Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists (by Wm. Franklin) to Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot. 1781, January 19. New York. — Followed by his answer of the 20th. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 7. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 285, fos. 75 & 76. Eunice Morgan to General Sir Henry Clinton. Memorial for quarters and firing in her husband's absence (he is acting as lieutenant of a privateer). With recommendation by James Wardrop, Robt. Shedder, Niel Jamieson and John Goodrich, 237 junr., and note by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., dated New York, 21 January, 1781, granting provisions. Original. Vol. 35, No. 304. 1 page. Attached is newspaper cutting announcing sale of escheated property in Virginia, the name of Willoughby Morgan, as husband of the petitioner, underlined. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the President of the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists (Win. Franklin). 1781, January 22. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 6. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285, fo. 87. Major Oliver De Lancey to Gov. William Franklin. 1781, January 22. Hd. Quarters. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 21. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fos. 177 & 285, fo. 83. Board of Associated Loyalists (by Wm. Franklin) to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 22. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 5. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285, fo. 89. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Lt. Col. Clarke. 1781, January 22. St. Augustine. — The reinforcement under Leslie having joined Cornwallis is a material point gained. Pre- parations of the Spaniards to invade West Florida. The ships have sailed to assemble at Mobile ; Don Galvez to take the command. Refers him to Col. Glazier, who has stated some questions and answers. Represents weak state of this garrison, no engineer having been sent to repair or strengthen the fortifications. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 33. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 250, fo. 195. Enclosure : — Colonel Beamsley Glazier. Colonel Glazier's compliments to Mr. Forbes, and begs the favour of him to inform Lt. Floyer what he knows of Don Galvary's (sic) Expedition or any other interesting news. Questions to ask Mr. Forbes. Marked No. 3. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 32. 3 pages. Both these enclosed by Lt. Col. Clarke to Lt. Col. Balfour, 24 Jan., and by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Feb. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, January 23. New York.— No. 114.— With list of enclosures of correspondence with Gov. Franklin for the Board of Associated Loyalists. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 21. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 157 ; copy 308, fo. 264. 238 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 23. Treasury Chambers.— Transmits the enclosed. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 19. 1 page. Enclosing Philip Stephens to John Robinson, 2 Jan. Lieut. Col. Alured Clarke to Lieut. Col. Balfour. 1781, January 24. Savannah.— My Dear Balfour, — Some time ago Governor Tonyn intimated to me his intention of sending a Flag of Truce to the Havannah when a convenient opportunity should offer. This he has done by an intelligent young man (a Mr. Forbes) who left that place on the 7th & arrived at St. Augustine on the 14th of this month, with the intelligence contained in the Governor's letter to me, and the paper of questions and answers sent by Lt. Col. Glazier, copies of which I enclose for your informa- tion [22 January] in order that you may give me every assistance towards the defence of E. Florida, which I am confident will be attacked after the reduction of Pensacola ; and also that you may forward such parts of their contents to the admiral or officer com- manding the Navy as you may think useful to him. I am in con- stant expectation of accounts from Genl. Campbell, & shall set off for Augustine the moment he announces the appearance of the Spaniards before him. Whilst you were very weak in So. Carolina, I never made a difficulty about the numbers being too small for the defence of the place, because I foresaw the distress it would be to Lord Cornwallis to part with any more troops, but as the case is altered in some degree by the arrival of Genl. Leslie, & will be con- siderably so, in all probability very soon, by the arrival of the three regiments from Europe, I must request that you will contrive to spare me at least one hundred men ; & as my motive is merely the service immediately in question, if you was to let it be a detach- ment composed for the purpose, there would be no probability of their being detained longer than the business now before us requires. It surely is requisite that another artillery officer should be sent, and I do suppose one might be spared from Charles Town without any great inconvenience ; therefore, pray speak to Trade about it, and also that some articles may be supplied that are absolutely necessary and of which I will send an account. The garrison of St. Augustine at present consists of about 450 men — 100 I propose taking from hence — which, with what I have requested of you, will only make 650, a number by no means equal to what it ought to have ; but with which, and such of the inhabitants as may be scraped together, I would endeavour to make the best defence possible. Pray speak to MoncriefT on this subject, and I am convinced you will find his opinion coincide with mine. The article of provisions is also so necessary to be attended to that I must beg of you to speak strongly to Mr. Townsend on the subject, and beg of him not to neglect keeping up the stock as complete as possible, adverting always to the number of prisoners, when he sends supplies. |I shall write a few lines to Lord Cornwallis which I request you will forward to him with copies ofljthe papers of intelligence that I send you. I will mention to him my application to you for the men above re- 239 quested, and make no doubt of its meeting with his lordship's approbation. The two 36 pounders at Augustine are guns of in- finite importance and there are very few shot for them ; therefore beg some may be sent, as I am informed you have them at Charles- town. I cannot conclude without again begging you will press Major Traile & Mr. Townsend to do everything requisite. I am, &c. Although I write to Traile I enclose the ordnance returns for you to give him, thinking that may assist matters. One of them is sent from Augustine, and the demand such as to complete the garrison to its full allowance. The other I have made out here and hope that may be complied with if the other is beyond your abilities. P.S.— I have mentioned to Lord Cornwallis that you would send a copy of Governor Tonyn's letter and the other paper to him, so beg you will do it. 2 copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 29 & 31. 4 pages each. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Feb. COENELIUS DYCHMAN OT DyCKMAN to GOVERNOR ROBERTSON. 1781, January 24. New York. — Petition. Has been obliged to leave his farm in Bergen County in the Jerseys on account of three of his sons being in the King's service. By age and sickness is incapable of supporting a wife and two children. Asks rations or other relief. Testified by Abram Buskirk, Lt. Col. Ordered by Lt. Gen. Robertson. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 105. 1 page. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 25. Charles Town. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 22. 6 pages. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 ; extracts Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 437 ; and 631, fo. 164. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 25. Head Quarters. — Arrangement for exchange of officers of the Convention troops. Mr. John Franklin to be agent. Complaints of treatment of naval prisoners. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 31. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 1 57, fo. 73 ; War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 21. Benjamin Thompson to [John Robinson]. 1781, January 27. Whitehall. — Sends by Lord G. Germain's directions the enclosed memorial to be laid before the Lords of the Treasury. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 134. 1 page. Enclosure : — Abijah Willard to the Lords of the Treasury. That he was one of the councillors of Mass. Bay, was obliged to leave his house and estate in April, 1775, and put himself under the protection of the army ; that he acted as commissary 240 in collecting live stock, without any emolument ; that he has a ivife and two daughters to support, and is unable to support them. Asks same allowance as other councillors have received. With a certificate from Gen. Gage dated Portland Place, 23 January, 1781. Original. Vol. 22, Nos. 129 & 130. 3 pages. Both these enclosed bv J. Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 7 July, 1781. William Bayard to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, January 29. New York. — Recommending for bounty Jane Steale and her husband, refugees from Orange County — the husband ill and unfit to labour. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 251. 1 page. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, January 29. New York. — No. 117. Enclosing correspon- dence with Gen. Washington, October, November and December last. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 24. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 275 ; copy 308, fo. 274. Schedule of the six enclosures in the above letter. Vol. 22, No. 24.* Gov. Pat. Tonyn to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 29. St. Augustine. — Intelligence obtained from the Havana of plans against the Floridas and the Bahama Islands. Applies for needed protection. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 23. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 250, fo. 207. T. Bibby, A. D. A. General, to Colonel Morris. 1781, January 30. Col. Cuyler's family are to receive two rations of provisions till further orders. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 220. Slip of paper. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 31. Charles Town. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 25. 3 pages. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 ; extracts Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 441 ; and 631, fo. 165. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, January 31. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 26. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 121 ; copies 432, fo. 227 ; and in the Sackville MSS. 241 Lord Amheest to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 1. Whitehall. — Forwards enclosures regarding Macfarlane's leave of absence. Signed letter . Vol. 4. No. 221. 1 page. Enclosures : — Doctor's certificate on health of Lt. Macfarlane, see 15 Jan. Lord Amherst to Lieut. Eobert Macfarlane, of the 74th Regiment of Foot, at Messrs. Gray & Ogilv'es. 1781, February 1. Whitehall. — Has received his letter of Ihe 16th, and laid the application for renewal of leave of absence before the King. Will transmit a copy of the physician' s certificate to Clinton. Advises him to lose no time in returning to his duty, as he cannot expect promotion whilst absent. Copy. ' Vo\ 4, No. 222. 1 page. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 2. Charles Town. — Sends the enclosed, wishes it were in his power to comply with all Col. Clarke's requisitions, but so far as is possible his wants shall be supplied. Duplicate signed letter and copy. Vol. 22, Nos. 30 and 28. 1 page each. Enclosing Letter from Lt. Col. Clarke, 24 January, transmitting copy of a letter from Gov. Tonyn of 22 January, and paper of questions by Col. Glazier. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1781, February 2. New York. — "I have received your letter of the 25th ultimo, and have communicated to Major General Phillips that part of it which relates to him. " With respect to the admitting Mr. John Franklin to reside here as agent, I am to inform you, sir, that his conduct was so very exceptionable when he lived in this city before, that the Commandant found it requisite to remove him & his family without the lines. " The naval prisoners being entirely under the direction of the Officer Commanding the King's Ships on this station, I took the earliest opportunity of transmitting your letter to Vice Admiral Arbuthnot, through the Naval Officer Commanding at New York, and I am persuaded His Excellency will immediately direct the grievances complained of to be redressed, if, upon enquiry, they are found to exist." Copy. Vol. 22, No. 27. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781 , February 2. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 215. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions in the 1st & ?>rd Regimen* of Foot Guards. Vol. 4, No. 21 6. 1 page. Q 242 Troops. 1781, February 2. Fort Nassau, New Providence, Bahama Islands. — Return of the present state of the companies of H. M. Royal Garrison Battalion. Signed by John Maxwell, also by Alex. Rio, Lt. R.G.B. Original. Vol. 22, No. 117. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 4 June. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 3. Whitehall. — Separate. Leave of absence for Lieut. Rawstorne. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 36. 1 page. Enclosing Sir H. Hoghton to Thomas de Grey, 10 Jan. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 227 ; and in Sackville MSS. Earl Cornwallis to Lord Rawdon. 1781, February 4. Salisbury. — Passage of the Catawba ; the Guards behaved gallantly ; Genl. Davidson killed, and his militia routed. Tarleton attacks a body of militia, &c. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 49. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord Rawdon to Lt. Col. Balfour, 7 Feb. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 505. James Henry Craig to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, February 4. Wilmington. — Account of the taking of the town. Two copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 43 and 65. 6 pages each. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Feb. Autograph signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 ; copy Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 497. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 5. Charles Town. — Arrival of a fleet from England. The enclosures. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 34. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Bailing to Earl Cornwallis, 17 Nov., 1780. Gov. Dalling, Instructions for Lord Charles Montagu, same date. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 5. War Office.— Acknowledges letter of 14th December. List of promotions sent to Amherst to be laid before the King. | Monthly returns of his army not sent since 1st Dec, 1 779. Has had to state this in the House of Commons in an account lately called for. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 217. 1 page. 243 Leonard Morse to William Knox. 1781, February 5. Whitehall. — That Lord Amherst does not think it right that officers of the Convention army should receive allowance of bat and forage money — but Clinton might give some allowance or douceur out of the Contingencies in view of the par- ticular circumstances of that unfortunate army. 2 copies. Vol. 15, Nos. 29 & 26. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 7 February. Copy in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 21. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 6. Whitehall. — The list of promotions dated 14th Deer, approved excepting the succession of Lt. Cockell in the -37th, he not having been approved in the list of 10th August to become a Lieut, in that Regt. His Majesty hopes he will soon find a majority for Capt. Temple. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 224. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. • 1781, February 6. War Office. — Arrangements for correcting abuses and reducing the expenditure for medicines for the use of the forces without danger of inconvenience to the service. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 218. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, 23. Lord Rawdon to Lieut. Colonel Nesbit (sic) Balfour. 1781, February 6. Camden. — Sends by Lieut. Hunt a report that Cornwallis has forced the passage of the Catawba and routed the enemy's army. Further accounts confirm the intelligence. Davidson said to be killed. Cornwallis is in Salisbury. Above 200 prisoners escaped from the guard who were escorting them to Virginia. Extract. Vol. 22, No. 42. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 13 Feb., 1781. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Whitehall.— 2d Lieut. Saltonstall to be promoted to a 1st Lieutenancy in Major Mecan's succession instead of 2d Lieut. Ralph Markland also promoted to the first lieutenancy. Copy." Vol. 4, No. 225. 1 page. Major Oliver De Lance y to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, February 7. Head Quarters, New York. — To give rations to Messrs. Henry and David Van Schaack by order of the Commander in Chief. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 229. 1 page. 244 Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Whitehall.— No. 77. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 39. 5 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Whitehall.— No. 78. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 40. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Whitehall.— No. 79. Triplicate signed letter and copy. Vol. 15, Nos. 28 & 26.* 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosing Leonard Morse to William Knox, 5 Feb. Copies of the above three despatches in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I., Vol. 139, pages 125, 133 & 137 ; Vol. 432, pages'228, 232, 233 ; in the Sackville MSS., &c. Lord George Germain. 1781, February 7. Whitehall. — Circular. Sending printed copies of his Majesty's most gracious Message to both HousesTof Parliament. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 38. 1 page. Sir Charles Gould to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Horse Guards. — Has laid before the King the proceedings of a general Court Martial held at New York on Lt. Col. Thomas, 1st Foot Guards, charged with aspersing Lt. Col. Gordon's character. His Majesty approves the sentence whereby he is acquited. Lt. Col. Gordon to be tried on a charge of " not doing his duty before the Enemy on 23rd day of June, 1780," this charge being avowed by Lt. Col. Thomas. Gives names of those whose evidence is absolutely necessary on this occasion that they may be prevented leaving America before the trial. The Court to be composed as nearly as may be of officers of the Guards. Suggests the remainder be supplied from other corps. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 253. 3 pages. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/35. 2 pages. Cipher in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 23fi ; decipher 21807, fo. 237. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. War Office. — The list of promotions trans- mitted in letter of 14th December approved by the King, with the exception of Ensign Thompson to be Lieut, in 37th Regt. of Foot and 2d Lieut. Markland to be first Lieut, in Maj. Mecan's succes- sion. Explains reason of these exceptions. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 219. 1 page. 245 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 7. War Office. — That the request in the memorial from the officers of the 43d, that their short pay be made up to full pay, is not admitted. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 220. 1 page. Lord Rawdon to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, February 7. 6 Afternoon. Camden. — Greene has marched towards the Moravian settlement in N. Carolina.' Lee has followed. Will set out to clear the lower country. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 48. 1 page. Enclosing extract from Earl Cornwallis, 4 Feb. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 509. Jerusha Miller, widow of Joshua Miller, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 9. New York. — Is urged by necessity to make her case known. Is daughter of Austin Smith, Justice of Orange County. Her application to Lt. Gen. Robertson resulting in an order for one ration for one week and only serving to enhance her misfortunes, she presumes upon his Excellency's benevolence. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 163. 2 pages. Annexed : — Copy of a previous memorial to Governor Robertson, with order by Thomas Murray, Aid de camp, to Colonel Morris, New York, 24 August, 1780, for one ration to 31 August, followed by certi- ficate from Capt. Thos. Ward, David Babcock and Fredk. Hauser. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 163a. 4 pages. Lord George Germain to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton.] 1781, February 12. Whitehall. — Separate advantages of con- tinuing the commissaries of captures. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 41. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 237 ; and in the Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 12. War Office. — The King has appointed Dr. Thomas Proctor to succeed Dr. Morris, retired, as physician to the forces under Clinton's command. Flatters himself it will meet with his Excellenc}^ approbation. Has already informed him in letter of 2nd Dec. that his Majesty ordered upon Dr. Morris's resignation that the office of inspector of hospitals should be discon- tinued as unnecessary. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 226. 1 page. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 13. Charles Town.— Refers to the enclosures Necessity for cavalry in this province to oppose incursions of the enemy. Lord Charles Montagu's plan for raising a corps was from 246 amongst the rebel prisoners. Requests commands. Though General Du Portail was expressly directed to proceed to Phila- delphia he took a round of 300 miles in order to call at Green's camp from no other motive, apparently, than to give all the in- telligence in his power to that general. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 46. 3 pages. Enclosing : — Letter from^Maj. Craig, 4 February. Extract of a letter from Lord Rawdon, 6 February. Circular from Lord G. Germain, 7 December, with copy of the Lords of the Admiralty's letter of the 6th. Also in the Cornwallis MSS. Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, February 14. Portsmouth. — Three French men of war in Lynhaven Bay. Extract. 2 copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 56 & 62. 1 page each. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 24 Feb. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 51. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 14. Charles Town. — Sends dispatches received from Rawdon. To extend the good effects of Cornwallis's late successes he intends to move a part of this garrison over the Santee. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 47. 1 page. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 15. Head Quarters, Pensacola. — Acknowledges, by Lt. Hugh Mackay Gordon, letter of 21st October last and of 28th May previous. Thanks for gratuity of bat and forage money. Will follow his pleasure with regard to the Pennsylvania and Mary- land Loyalist corps. Plan for vacancies, etc., therein. Would not have appointed a paymaster had he not thought it requisite. Suggests promotion in the Royal American Regiment for Lieut. Henry Heldring, of the Regt. of W^aldeck. Is concerned at his Excellency's inability to send reinforcements. Gen. Dalling writes he can give no succour. The failure of the attack on Mobile village was due to the early death of Col. de Hanxleden, for the Waldeck soldiers could not then be induced to advance. The other troops forced the intrenchment, and were even in possession. Ebb tide and weather prevented the ships proceeding up the bay as proposed. Trusts the great expense of the Indian Department will be considered necessary. His endeavours to prevent the emigration from this province of the late inhabitants of the Natchez and Mobile districts by requiring their personal services and offering them provincial pay and provisions. Has granted leave to Lt. Col. StieU. Prays appointment of Capt. Andrew Rainsford as Deputy Commissary of Musters. Lt. H. M. Gordon prays allowance for baggage lost. 247 P.S. — Sends staff a/cs and expenses in Indian Department for quarter ending 31st Dec, with return of troops. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 46. 9 pages. Enclosing Return of Casualties at the village opposite Mobile, the 7th Jan., 1781. Signed John Campbell, Maj. Gen., 8 Jan., 1781. Lord Rawdon to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, February 15. Camden. — Intelligence that Lord Cornwallis was 6 miles beyond Salem. 2 copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 55 and 63. 1 page each. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Balfour to Sir H. Clinton, 24 Feb. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 513. Troops. 1781, February 17. Head Quarters, New York. — Orderly Book, incomplete. 8 July, 1780, to 17 February, 1781. Original. Vol. 18, No. 3. 90 pages. T. A. Coffin to Mr. Ludlow. 1781, February 17. — Mrs. Lock to have her provisions as formerly. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 133. 1 page. Mary Van Gorden to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 18. New York. — Petition. That she is widow of Benjamin Van Gorden of Col. Morris's 2nd Battalion New Jersey Volunteers. Was sent to this garrison by the Rebel Committee at Katskill ; begs provisions. Referred to Col. Morris. 27 Feb., ordered by Lt. Gen. Robertson for the months of March and April. Original. Vol. 22, No. 50. 2 pages. Major Thomas Murray to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, February 19. New York. — Nathaniel Hewson to be on list for one ration per day. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 57. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, February 20. New York. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 229. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Earl Cornwallis. 1781, February 20. Head Quarters, Hillsborough.— Proclama- tion. All loyal subjects to repair to this place. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 327.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 76. 1 page. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Lord G. Germain, 18 April. Also enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton, 23 April. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 209 ; and Cornwallis MSS. 5. 248 Oliver De Lance?, D. A. Genl., to Colonel Morris. 1781, February 20. Head Quarters. — Mr. Stainsbury, a refugee from Philadelphia, to receive rations for self and family. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 314. 1 page. Halifax. Copy of Bill of Lading — the " Adamant " — of goods for Halifax to be delivered to James Morden for McLean, of others to be forwarded to St. John's and delivered to the Governor, and a third lot to be forwarded by the Storekeeper to New York. Dated, Office of Ordnance, 20 Feb., 1781. Signed P. Veitch for Mr. Weaver. This is followed by a receipt from James Morden for the goods, Halifax Office of Ordnance, 27 April. Vol. 13, No. 221. 2 pages. Copy of Bill of Lading — the " St. Lawrence " — of goods for Halifax, for McLean, etc., as above on the " Adamant," dated 20 February, 1781. Followed by receipt of goods from James Morden, 25 April. Vol. 13, No. 222. 2 pages. These two Enclosed by John Boddington to the Respective Officers at Halifax, 24 Feb., 1781, also enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 23 Dec, 1781. Thomas Bibby, A. D. A. -Genl., to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, February 22. Head Quarters, New York. — To issue provisions to George Harding and family. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 190. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Daniel Murray, Esq. 1781, February 22. New York. — Warrant. To raise Regiment of Dragoons, of which Benj. Thompson is to be Lt. Col. Comdt. and he (Daniel Murray) Major. Copy. Vol. 2, No. 53. 3 pages. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 24. Charles Town. — Sends Rawdon's letter. Post at Congarees invested by 7 or 800 men under Sumpter. Hopes Rawdon will relieve it. Depeyster and 25 men of Fanning's Regiment submitted to the enemy. Consulted Capt. Barclay as to relieving the fleet and army in the Chesapeak, and forcing French ships from thence. Thinks it inexpedient to attempt anything that way, and the " Chatham " with, her convoy will go to New York. Capt. Barclay thinks it well to retain the " Galatea," &c, until the " Camilla " is ready for sea. Arrival of victuallers for New York ; on being watered the fleet will proceed. Col. Bruce arrived in the " Assurance " from Cork. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 54. 3 pages. Enclosing Lord Rawdon to Lt. Col. Balfour, 15 Feb. Extract of a letter from Brig. Gen. Arnold to Earl Cornwallis, 14 Feb. Copy in the Public Record Office, Cornwallis MSS. 5. 249 John Boddington, for Board of Ordnance, to the Respective Officers at Halifax. 1781, February 24. Office of Ordnance.— Instructions. Receipt of letter of 8th November. 800 whole and 400 half barrels of gun powder shipped on board the " Adamant " and " St. Lawrence " ; also 5,000 stand of small arms to be forwarded from Halifax to New York, and 300 for Island of St. John. On receipt of enclosed bills of lading he is to apply to the Admiral or Commander-in-Chief with regard to forwarding arms to New York, and to McLean, or the Commander-in-Chief of the land forces in Nova Scotia, with regard to those for the Island of St. John. Copt/. Vol. 13, No. 220. 2 pages. Enclosing Bills of Lading " Adamant " and " St. Lawrence," 20 February. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 23 December. Geo. Turnbull, Lt. Col. Com. New York Volunteers. 1781, February 24. New York.— Discharge of Nevers Perry, with receipt by Perry for pay, same date, no amount stated. Printed form filled in and signed. Vol. 25, No. 100. 1 page. Lieut. Robert Walter to Capt. Tonken. 1781, February 24. Littledale, Charlestown.— Transports, except the prison ships, to be sent home. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 99. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Earl Cornwallis, 15 June. Certified copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Benjamin Van Gorder (sic). 1781, February 25. New York.— Certificate by Lt. Col. John Morris, Commanding 2nd N. J. Volunteers, that he entered as soldier in the said Regiment and died coming from Philadelphia. (See his widow's memorial, 18 February, and further certificate, 1 May.) Original. Vol. 22, No. 51. 1 page. Captain William Spry to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 27. Halifax.— Capt. Callbeck will deliver this and explain why the accounts for expenditure at the Island of St. John have not been given in until now ; he will carry authenti- cated duplicates of the original vouchers, and plan of the works executed. Was ordered by Lt. Col. Bruce to accept and pay some of Callbeck's drafts, but Gen. McLean would not allow these to be charged against his warrants. Has therefore drawn on his Excel- lency by the Dep. Paymaster here for two amounts, and transmits memorial praying his Excellency's warrant. Encloses copy of memorial to McLean and account current. To prevent further prosecutions he has had to draw on his Excellency. By Gen. McLean's directions encloses copy of demand for intrenching tools, 250 he having forbidden any to be made or repaired here. Desired to visit Clinton at New York, but McLean denied leave of absence. Callbeck will explain the present state of works hare. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 173. 4 pages. Enclosures : — Capt. Spry to Brig Gen. McLean, see 15 Jan., 1781. Report of intrenching tools, see 15 Jan., 1781. Captain William Spry to Brig. Gen. McLean. 1781, February 26. Halifax.— Memorial. Asking warrant for £2,000 to pay balance and carry on service of Government. Autograph signed copy. Vol. 13, No. 176. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, February 27. New York.— If delay has arisen in returning transports it has been owing to the Naval Commanding Officer being unable to spare ships of war. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 58. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. U0, fo. 17 ; duplicate signed letter 589, fo. 131 ; copy 309, fo. 90. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 27. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 59. 1 page. Copies ^in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 132, fo. 240 and in the Sackville MSS. Brig. Gen. Francis McLean to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 27. Halifax. — Mr. Turner's death prevented him obeying earlier the orders of 12th May, but he now transmits a correct list of monies paid in the Commissary Department to the 20th February, 1780. Encloses copy of warrant granted by Lt. Col. Bruce, which was omitted by mistake ; a balance due to the 70th Regt. : also memorials from Major Batt and Capt. Bruce of the Orange Rangers, and copy of resignation of M. De Wint ; has permitted the latter to go to the West Indies. Convoy will be wanted for victuallers for Quebec in the spring. Transports and convoy to bring coals from Spanish River. Everything quiet in this Province, but if the enemy make an attempt in the ensuing season the enclosed return shows the force here is inadequate. Provincial corps have many men unfit for service. Recommends Lt. Col. Campbell, who complains of junior officers getting rank in preference to him. Vessel sent hence to Campbell is arrived safe, also money in the " Allegiance." His own health is in a declining state. Sends Capt. Smith lists of warrants granted for the December Quarter, 1780. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 172. 4 pages 251 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, February 28. New York. Separate. — Want of ships for convoys. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 60. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 445 ; copy 308, fo. 322 ; copy Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters 4144, No. 145. Gen. Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 28. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/36. 1 page. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 239 ; extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 635, fos. 9 & 140, fo. 201. J. Mallet, purveyor, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, February 28. New York. — Memorial. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 232. 2 pages. Original in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Sylvanus Waterbury. 1781, February 28. New York.— Certificate by Col. Be v. Robinson. That he had been in the British lines since the fall of 1777. Was in the Rebel service at Fort Montgomery. Has been our friend. Was employed by the Barrack Master. In bad health and applies for a ration of provisions. Followed by note from Thos. Murray, aid-de-camp, granting the request. Original. Vol. 25, No. 298. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, March 1. New York. — Transmits list of promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 230. 1 page'. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 1. Whitehall.— No. 80. Concerning the Island of St. John. Callbeck's company to be increased to 100 men. Major Heirlihy and five companies to be transferred to Halifax. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 61. 3 pages. Copies in Vol. 21, Nos. 145, 146, & 250. 2 pages each. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. &. W. I. 139, fo. 245 ; copies 432, fo. 241 ; and in the Sackville MSS. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 1. Copy. Vol. 18, No. l/36a. 1 page. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 211. 252 General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, March 2, 5 & 8. New York. — Army and navy in Okesa- peak blocked by a French naval force. Sent word immediately to the Admiral at Gardner's Bay. March 5. — Dreads fatal conse- quences if the Admiral delays too long. Has troops embarked, but cannot send them under convoy of only two frigates. Ethan Allen defies Congress. 8 March. — Letter received from Gen. Arnold that the French have left. They have returned to Rhode Island. The force under Gen. Phillips is now waiting for the Admiral. To take him under his orders. (The letter is printed in the Clinton-Corn- wallis Controversy, edited by B. F. Stevens, Vol. I., p. 3-41.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 67. 4 pages. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 3. Charles Town. — -Movements of the armies in North and South Carolina. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 64. -4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 155 ; and Cornwallis MSS. 5. Wm. Crosbie, A.D.C., to Col. Morris, Inspector Gen., &c, dec. 1781, March 4. New York. — To order one ration of provisions for Mrs. Hopkins. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 188. 1 page. Johannes Myer to Brig. Genl. Birch, Commandant of New York. 1781, March 4. — Petition. Certified a loyal subject by Lt. Col. Abraham Buskirk ; joined in recommendation by Gov. Franklin; with a note by — Metzner, M.B., and lastly by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., that rations are to be granted till 1st May. Not dated, but endorsed 4th March, 1781. Vol. 22, No. 66. 3 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, March 5. New York. — -Laments, with him, want oi safe conveyance for dispatches ; Lt. Gov. Graham ; oatships ; transports ; invalids ; prisoners ; concern at affair of Cowpens ; recommenda- tions to vacancies, &c. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Con- troversy I., p. 331.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 69. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. General Sir Henry Clinton to Honble. Lieut. Gov. Graham, Georgia. L781, March 5. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 24 Jan. Has received one on the same subject from Cornwallis. As the Loyalists in Georgia have been able to return to their usual occupa- tions his employment as Inspector of Refugees has ceased. On application to Cornwallis will issue a warrant for the amount of expenses charged and also for the salary of himself and his clerk- Copy. Vol. 22, No. 68. 1 page. 253 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 5. War Office.— Received letter of 18th Deer. transmitting general return of H. M. Provincial Forces in North America together with separate returns of each of those corps. As they are sent in compliance with Germain's desire has forwarded to his Lordship the general return inquiring if there is any par- ticular use to which these papers are to be applied. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 227 . 1 page. Provincial Troops. State of the men belonging to the Corps of Guides and Pioneers under the command of Lt. Angus McDonald from 15 May, 1780, to 5 March, 1781, when they were delivered to Lt. Ebenezer Brown at Hillsborough N. C. Signed Angus McDonald. Original,. Vol. 54, No. 45. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1784, March 6. War Office. — Acknowledging receipt of half yearly certificates of General and Staff Officers from June to Deer., 1780 ; also monthly returns of forces from Jan. to Sept., 1780, to- gether with a duplicate of the return of 1st May, 1770. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 228. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 6. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 233. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions and Leaves of absence. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 234. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 7. Whitehall.— No. ,81. Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 334. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 71. 5 pages. Also in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 311 ; 432, fo. 244 ; Sackville MSS. ; and Lansdowne MSS. 68 : 23. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 7. Whitehall.— No. 82. On the Provincial Forces- Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 70. 6 pages. Copy 50, No- 194. 4 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 201 ; copy 432, fo. 247 ; and mjhe Sackville MSS. Stores. 1781, March 7. London. — Invoice of bedding and stores for the use of H.M. Hospital at New York shipt on board the " Fanny " transport. Also the invoice of tents and camp necessaries for the campaign of 1781 on the same ship and consigned to Sir H. Clinton. 254 Distribution of 18,878 wood canteens for the forces, as per invoice No. 1, showing the regiments and number of canteens to each, (n. d.) Recapitulation of the total tents and camp equipage above. Vol. 4, Nos. 241, 242, 247, 248. 9 pages in all. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 4 April. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, March 8. New York. — Introducing Capt. Amherst. Copij. Vol. 22, No. 72. 1 page. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. General Sir Henry Clinton to Major General Alexander Leslie. 1781, March 8. New York. — Received his letters from Charles- town and Camden by the " Halifax." As Cornwallis preferred a junction with him (Leslie) to the intended diversion in Cape Fear River is glad the " Galatea " met him before he got over the bar. Sorry he cannot comply with the wishes respecting Capt. Skelly, but the recommendation in regard to the succession in the 64th Regt. shall take place according to his desire. The volunteer he mentions shall be provided for immediately Copij. Vol. 22, No. 73. 1 page. Ethan Allen to President Huntington. 1781, March 9. Sunderland. ' 2 copies. Vols. 11, No. 142 ; 18, No. 2. Enc. 7. 3 pages each. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Aug. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 185 ; 635, fo. 25 ; Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18 ; and in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 56. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, March 9. New York. — Disposal of prisoners is submitted to Earl Cornwallis. As to Lord Charles Montagu and his instructions, refers him also to Lord Cornwallis. Expects a supply of arms. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 74. 1 page. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. (Printed in the Clinton- ( fornwallis Controversy I. 346.) . >>" f- n -i 'Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George t Germain. 1781, March 9. New York. — Separate. As to Superintendent- Elliot and the duties on imports and exports. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 77. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I, 139, fo. 85 ; copy 308, fo. 342. 255 [Segur], Minister of War, to Comte de Rochambeau. 1781, March 9. Versailles. — Instructions. Extract. Vol. 22, No. 156. -4 pages. Enclosed by Comte de Rochambeau to Chev. de La Luzerne, 27 May. Also enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton. Most secret, 2 Aug. Copy in Archives de la Guerre, Paris, 3733, No. 281 ; extract in Lansdowne MSS. 35,^666. Col. Ira Allen to President Huntington. 1781, March 10. Sunderland. — Followed by extract of a letter from a member of Congress to his friend, 11 March. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 143 ; 18, No. 2, Enc. 8. 1 page each. Enclosed by Gov. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Aug. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18 ; Am. & W. I. 635, fo. 29 ; 140, fo. 189 ; and in the British Museum, Addtl/MSS. 21835, fo. 58. Brig. Gen 1 . Benedict Arnold to Captain McCollick [Capt. Kollock.] 1781, March 10. Head Quarters, Portsmouth. — Sir, — I have this minute received yours of the 6th inst. and am much obliged to you for the intelligence you send me. I had been informed of Mr. Washington being on his way to the southward some days before and pressed the Commodore to send ships up the bay to intercept him, which he has refused, alledging that he has orders to keep the ships in shoal water, which I believe he is heartily inclined to do, whenever he thinks there is danger. I have, however, pressed him again to send up two frigates immediately ; whether he will comply with my request or not is uncertain. An express boat arrived here last night, which left New York with a fleet of transports and men of war, bound to this place, having on board between two and three thousand troops, who are expected hourly. You need be under no apprehension for your own safety. I wish you to load your ships and return as soon as possible, as I will have occasion for your vessels as soon as the troops arrive. You will please to send an express boat to me immediately on receipt of this provided you have any further intelligence of Mr. Washington, which you will communicate to me from time to time. I wish you success and am, Sir, your obedient, humble servt. Signed letter. Vol. 40, No. 260. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. Kollock to [Sir G. Carleton], 8 Sep., 1783. John Mason. 1781, March 10. — Certificate enumerating cash and effects of John Mason, deceased. [See Elizabeth Mason's memorial. F> September, 1783.] Copy. Vol. 40, No. 102. 1 page. f 256 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 12. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Their Lord- ships have considered the letters of 5th July, 1779, and 13 August 1780, respecting the appointment of an inspector and prover of rum, and desiring to know what salary is to be allotted. They cannot form an opinion on the subject, and if the office is necessary they request him to make a reasonable and just allowance. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22. No. 75. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 12. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Acknowledges letter of 18th December, 1780. In pursuance of the requisition therein 10,000 rugs, 5,000 blankets and 80,000 lbs. of tallow candles one-third part to be mould for the use of the officers and two-thirds dipped, ten to the pound, and 500 iron pots have been ordered for the Barrack Master General's Department. Their Lordships have also considered the letter from Mr. Wier dated 16th December, relative to four ships for Quebec, and also desiring supply of 50,009 quarters of oats. The oats shall be sent out ; and his resolution to forward the ships to Quebec as soon as the season will admit is approved. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 76. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 13. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. —The Lords of the Treasury have considered several letters from Mr. Wier relative to the state of provisions for the troops under his Excellency's command. They have ordered supplies for 37,000 men in the New York Department and 15,000 in Georgia, North and South Carolina, East Florida and Bahamas. Calls his attention to the great increase in the demand for provisions. My Lords have heard that the department of the army under Lord Cornwallis at Camden, returned at 6,400 rations, have not consumed salt, but have been chiefly supplied, while in the interior part of Carolina, with fresh provisions, and their Lordships hope that the garrisons of Charles Town, Savanna, and St. Augustine, and the detachments at Ninety-six, and Augusta, might also, in a great measure, be supplied at those places with fresh provisions. My Lords also cannot help observing that the number of rations daily issued is very great in proportion to the number of troops ; that they increase almost by every return ; and that the number of horses in the New York department is likewise very greatly increased. The expence to the public in sending out all these supplies from Great Britain is very heavy. Their Lordships therefore do most earnestly recommend to your Excellency to turn your serious attention to this business ; that you will examine into, regulate and properly direct this branch of service ; and state to my Lords your opinion what can be done therein so as to carry it on with proper economy for the benefit of the public, and at the same time give proper and ample supply to the troops, and their Lordships direct me to assure your Excellency 257 that my Lords will take the proper means to send out what shall be fully sufficient for this purpose, and will be at all times ready to concur with you in every measure, that you may think to be proper and effectual for executing this service for the benefit of the public. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 78. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 13. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 79. 1 page. Enclosure : — John Robinson to Daniel Wier. 1781, March 13. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Orders have been given to send out 50,000 quarters of oats. All direc- tions relative to provisions will now be given by the Navy Board. Instructions respecting deficiencies. My Lords are at ~ a loss to account why the proportion of butter is not equal to other species of provisions. Hopes that supplies unavoidably bought^ in America have been purchased with all possible economy; and that all live stock captured has been brought to the credit of the public. Directs him when sending return of provisions to state how many days the provisions in store will supply the numbers victualled. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 80. 3 pages. John Andrews to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 14. New York.— Memorial. Was an inhabitant of Rhode Island and chosen to carry dispatch as to the French fleet being at that place. Was on that account banished, his property seized, his family distressed. As property to the extent of £3,000 has been taken from him, begs his Excellency for grant of a house in New York, and some small consideration to support his wife and family. Testified to by William Wanton, the late governor of Rhode Island. Original. Vol. 25, No. 296. 2 pages. Navy Board,— J. Williams and three others to [John Robinson]. 1781, March 14. Navy Office.— In answer to letter of 13th inst. they have no prospect of being able to provide tonnage for the 50,000 quarters of oats to be sent to New York. They suggest this service be postponed until they have secured sufficient provisions for the army on different stations abroad. Also request some months' notice when their services are required for such large orders. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 87. 1 page. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 30 March. [John Smith, Secretary, to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour.] 1781, March 14. New York.— Transports to be sent hither in- stead of to Europe. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 81. 2 pages. , Signed letter and extract in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 and 6. K 258 Lieut. Col. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 15. Fort George (Penobscot). — Received a letter from the Duke of Argyle relative to Capt. A. Campbell continuing in his regiment as his health is recovered. Approves this. " The 17th of last month a party from this place commanded by Lieut. Stockton of the King's Rangers, landed near to George's River, marched five miles through the woods to Thomastown, and about one in the morning attacked the house where the Rebel Brigadier General Wadsworth (who commanded all to the eastward of Cape Ann) was quartered with a guard of six men, and took him and two of his men prisoners and carried them to this place where he still remains. " We had three men wounded, one since dead. Brigadier Wads- worth intended to have gone for Falmouth the next day to take charge of the fortifications of that place, which the Rebels are carrying on with all dispatch. I am informed they have already twenty four cannon mounted, of which some of them are 32 pounders. Wadsworth says they are to make very strong works there, as they were informed it is to be attacked by some British troops next summer, and they will be well prepared to receive them." Recommends John Campbell for the Lieutenancy as Lt. Cheap has never joined the regiment, and John Russel to be Ensign. The inhabitants have no attachment to the King. Requests the 74th Regiment may be recalled as the people are acquainted with the soldiers and have enticed some to desert. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 179. 2 pages. John Ketchum, of Stratford and recently of Huntington, Long Island, to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, March 15. New York.— Petition. That early in the rebellion he had come in from New England — by reason of epileptic fits is unable to support himself and family — begs rations. His loyalty is certified by Jeremiah Learning and John Sayre, and his disorder by Dr. Samuel Bord and Isaac Hubbard, New York, also 15 March. Thos. Murray intimates. New York, 23 March, that Col. Morris will allow rations. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 261 & 262. 3 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, March 17. Guilford.— No. 6. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 79. 1 Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, March 17. Guilford.— No. 7. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 80.i|12 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, March 17. Guilford. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 8] . 10 pages. The above three dispatches enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton. 23 April. . 259 Originals of all three in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157 ; copies in 309 and in the Cornwallis MSS. 5; and printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 353, et seq. Enclosure : — Return of the killed and wounded in the march through North Carolina. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 78. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to Lord Rawdon. 1781, March 17. Guilford. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 85. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord Rawdon to Sir H. Clinton, 23 Mar. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 141 ; copy 157, fo. 163. Comte de Rochambeau to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton]. 1781, March 'l8. New Port. — Sends letters which some prisoners of war have desired him to forward. If his Excellency is commis- sioned by Arbuthnot to exchange man for man he himself is so by the Chev. Destouches. Leaves it to [Clinton] either to send a flag to carry prisoners back to New York or else he himself will send one. Does not know how many prisoners are at York in Virginia but is not commissioned to exchange them. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 45. 1 page. Duplicate in Archives de la Guerre, Paris, 3733, fo. 223. 1781, March 19, 20 to June 5. — Copy of correspondence between Maj. Gen. Campbell and Don Bernardo de Galvez. See under the last date. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, March 20. New York. — Sends memorial received from Mr. Mallett [see 28 February]. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 231. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Stores. 1781, March 20. London. — Invoice of sundries shipped per the Fanny," Capt. Gregson (or Greyson), for the Provincial troops. Original. Vol. 54. No. 93. 1 page. Invoice to the Treasury for articles provided by Thomas Harley and shipt on board the " Fanny," " John and Jane," and ;: Ariel " transports, for the service of H. M. Forces under Sir H. Clinton. £24,865 17s. Od. London, 20 March, 1781. i Original. Vol. 54, No. 95. 2 pages. 260 Schedule of Invoices, &c, by the " Ariel," " Fanny " and " John and Jane," most of them dated 20 March, 1781, and note of " Three Letters from Mure & Atkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 30 April." At the foot is : — " Received the above mentioned papers to be returned when called for. — Peter Paumier, Dy. Com. Gen." Copy. Vol. 34, No. 22. 1 page. Capt. Thomas Tonken, agent for transports, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 20. New York.— That all the transports at Charles- town are being sent home, even those intended to be kept in this country. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 100. 1 page, Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 15 June. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 21. Whitehall.— No. 83. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 82. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 317 ; copy 685, fo. 213 ; copy in the Sackville MSS. Gov. George Bruere to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 22. Bermuda Government House. — Refusal by the Assembly to make good Lieut. Hugh Stuart's disbursements at Fort Clinton, as acting engineer. Major Sutherland is said to have received a sum to pay the charges of fortifications, &c. If Lt. Stuart's case is not considered the poor man will be ruined. Things wanted to carry on the service — boats, gun-carriages, field pieces and grasshoppers to run to the bays to prevent landings, ordnance, &c. Sutherland's conduct has injured the garrison. Requests his Excellency will order outstanding accounts to be liquidated. In case of invasion part of the country at least will assist. Signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 82. 2 pages. Lieut. Hugh Stuart to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 22. Bermuda. — Petition. That his accounts being- disclaimed by the House of Assembly at Bermuda he will be in- volved in inextricable difficulties if he does not have relief. Original. Vol. 35, No. 81. 1 page. Lord Rawdon to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 23. Camden, South Carolina. — " I have the honour to transmit to your Excellency the copy of a note which I have this day received from Lord Cornwallis. In obedience to his Lord- ship's command, I have likewise sent a copy to Lord G. Germain. "From the information of the messenger (who is a person well 261 acquainted with our army). I can mention to your Excellency some additional circumstances of this -most important victory. Lord Cornwallis having been exceedingly distressed for provisions was moving from Guilford County to Cross Creek ; General Greene con- sidering this movement as a retreat and confident in his numbers advanced in hopes of making some favourable stroke against the rear of his Lordship's army. On the night between the 14th & 15th Lord Cornwallis ordered the baggage escorted by the Royal North Carolina Regiment & all the Militia to proceed towards Cross Creek, whilst he returned to Guilford (11 miles distant) with the rest of the army and 2 pieces of cannon. The enemy having notice from their Light Troops were drawn up in readiness to receive the attack. The action began about 10 in the morning and lasted about 2 hours. The enemy were very strongly posted, and, I be- lieve, -fought with obstinacy ; but they were at last completely routed and dispersed. The messenger thinks the enemy lost about 2,000, but in this he speaks very much at random. Our loss, how- ever, bore very little proportion to that of the enemy ; General O'Hara, Col. Webster, Lt. Col. Tarleton, Lord Dunglass are among the wounded, but none of them were in any danger. Lord Corn- wallis had two horses shot under him but fortunately was not hurt. Upon the 2 days following the action a considerable number of the continentals came in to Lord Cornwallis & surrendered themselves. They reported that Greene was wounded. As the person who gave me this account has been with the army ever since we came into this part of the country, I imagine his story is pretty accurate. " Your Excellency has, I doubt not, from time to time been in- formed by Lt. Col. Balfour of every material occurrence in this province. My situation does not admit that I shou'd either have timely notice of the departure of vessels for New York, or that I shou'd with freedom describe the state of the district. Indeed, I shou'd have nothing in general to report but operations of too inferior a nature to interest your Excellency's attention. Generals Sumpter and Marion, commanding district corps, have made some efforts to excite insurrection in this province and to interrupt our supplies from Charlestown. Hitherto they have done little mischief. The enemy have been defeated in several skirmishes and in detail have suffered considerably, with little loss on our part. The pro- vincial Light Infantry, the R. S. Carolina Regiment, and in par- ticular the New York Volunteers, have distinguished themselves much. As the enemy are all mounted we have never been able to force them to a decisive action. They are still in the field ; but the destruction of Greene's Army will have a serious effect upon their spirits." Copy. Vol. 22, No. 84. 2 pages. Enclosing Earl Cornwallis to Lord Rawdon, 17 March, 1781. Benjamin Lewis to Gov. Robertson. 1781, March 25. — Memorial. Is in want of assistance, being driven from his estate on Cortlands Manor. With certificate from Jacob Frost and Tertullus Dickinson, New York, 11 April : a 262 second from Peter Corn a fellow prisoner, and a third from Peter Huggerford, Jonathan Fowler and Caleb Frost. Followed by note from Thos. Murray, aid-de-camp, 15 April — ordering pro- visions for Lewis and family. Original. Vol. 31, No. 173. 1 page. R. Adair to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, March 28. Argyll Street. — Having been informed that Mr. Laurie a young mate in the hospital had been appointed surgeon in the room of Mr. Jefferies by purchase, enquired of Mr. Jefferies and was informed he had received £600 to resign his commission having been refused leave of absence to settle his private affairs ; he added that the transaction was carried on without Clinton's knowledge. This is the only sale ever known in the hospital. Thinks his Excellency ought to know how he has been deceived into this appointment. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 236. 2 pages. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 3 Apr., 1781. Phillips Callbeck to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 29. New York. — Memorial. That in consequence of orders he had raised 63 men; that Major Hierlihy and the In- dependent Co. arrived at St. John's 2 Deer., 1778, with orders to discharge the company raised. That the Council considered it unwise to disband it under the circumstances. Services of that company ; is distressed by urgent claims of creditors ; he applied to Brig Gen. McLean at Halifax, but his claim is now referred to the commander-in-chief. Asks orders for completing the company and payment of the arrears and appointments now due. Original. Vol. 54, No. 76. 7 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, March 30. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Is directed to send the enclosed and represent the heavy expense of sending out supplies of oats. Enquiry to be made whether the increased numbers of horses are effectives or are necessary, and whether it is not possible to procure forage in America. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 86. 2 pages. Enclosing Navy Board to [John Robinson], 14 March, 1781. George Farrel, refugee, to Brig. Gen. Samuel Birch. 1781, March 31. New York. — Memorial. Begging a small place to live in for self and family, and rations. Has two sons serving. Accompanied by a certificate from John Morris command- ing the 2nd Battalion N. J. Volunteers, that Farrel, junior, served in his regiment. There is also a memorandum by Thos. Murray, aid-de-camp, 2 April. " Referred to Col. Morris for one ration." Original. Vol. 31, No. 199 and 198. 2 pages. 263 Colonel Innes, Inspector General, Provincial Forces. 1781, January 1 to March 31. — A/c "for Contingent expenses in the department and for making Cloathing for said Troops and other Disbursements on their account." Copy. Vol. 22, No. 88. 3 pages. Statements, &c. Comparative view to purchase or Hire Horses, Waggons, Carts, &c, in the Quarter Master General's Department for one quarter to 31 March, 1781. Endorsed State No. 1. Original, not signed. Vol. 35, No. 117. 2 pages. Enclosed by Majors Bruen and Robertson to Lt. Gen. Robertson. 14 Sept.. 1781. Comparative 'view to Purchase or Hire Vessels in the Quarter Master General's Department for one quarter to 31 March, 1781. Endorsed State No. 2. Original, not signed. Vol. 35, No. 107 '. 2 pages. Enclosed by Majors Bruen and Robertson to Lt. Gen. Robertson, 14 Sept., 1781. List of vessels employed in different Departments — the Com- missary General's, the Quarter Master General's, the Barrack Master General's and the Engineers' Department, from 1 January to 31 March, 1781, dated 31st March. Original. Vol. 53, No. 88. 4 pages. Account of drivers, horses and waggons furnished by Brig. Gen. Dalrymple, Q.M.G., of the army in North America in the District of New York, by order of his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief for the General and Staff Officers and several corps of the army between Jan. 1 and March 31, 1781 (90 days), £46,609 10s. Od. This included the Provincial and Hessian staff. Original. Vol. 53, No. 89. 4 pages. Sketch of the Quarter Master General's Department at New York for 3 months from Jan. 1 to 31 March, 1781, £279,623 17s. 4d. Endorsed No. 3. Original. Vol. 53, No. 97. 2 pages. Account of charges for Vessels, Carts, Waggons and Labourers Hir (sic) in the Commissary General's Department from 1 Jan. to 31 March, 1781, showing the comparison if in Government hands. Balance in favour of Government £45,955 13s. Od. Endorsed No. 4. Original. Vol. 53, No. 92. 1 page. Account of charges in the Engineers' Department for vessel, Cart, and Waggon Hire from Jan. 1 to March 31, 1781, £5,779 7s. 4d. Endorsed No. 6. Original. Vol. 53, No. 93. 1 page. 264 Amount of Expenditures in different Departments for one quarter in 1780 and 1781 ; endorsed 31 March, 1781 The departments and quarters are : Q. M. General's, 1 Jan. to 31 March, 1781 ; Barrack Master General's, 1 October to 31 Decem- ber, 1780. Endorsed No. 7. Original. Vol. 53, No. 94. 1 page. Comparative View to purchase or to hire Vessels, Horses and Waggons employed at present at the Different Departments — that of the Commissary General, the Quarter Master General, the Barrack Master General and the Engineers' Department from I January to 31 March, 1781. Endorsed No. 10. Original-. Vol. 53, No. 90. 2 pages. Amount of Savings to Government upon the largest Scale from a Comparison of one Quarter from 1 January to 31 March, 1781. This includes the Commissary General's Department, the Engineers' Department, and those of the Barrack Master and Quarter Master General. Endorsed No. 11. Original. Vol. 53, No. 91. 1 page. Paper endorsed " State of Savings No. 11 " ; seems a detailed estimate of A/cs in the Quarter Master General's Department for the period of 1 January to 31 March, 1781. Though also numbered II is not the same as that above. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 83. 1 vage. Ed. Winslow, Muster Master General, Provincial Forces. 1781, March 31. New York.— A/c of disbursements, travelling charges, stationery, &c, £39 17s. 2d., from 1 January to 31 March, 1781. Copy. Vol. 37, No. 137. 1 page. Stores. 1781, March. London. — Invoice of Clothing shipt on the " Ariel" for the Queen's Rangers, — No. 1 ; another for Lord Rawdon's Regiment, — No. 2 ; and a third for the New York Volunteers, — No. 3. Vol. 35, Nos. 144 & 140. 1 page each. Enclosed by Thomas Harley to Sir H. Clinton, 16 May, 1781. [General Sir] H[enry] C[linton] to Cte de Rochambeau. 1781, April 1. New York. — Before receiving his letter of 18 March the naval officer commanding at New York had sent a cartel to Newport to treat for the exchange of English prisoners. This explains why he did not reply to the proposals received. Acknow- ledges kind treatment of Capt. Gayton and his crew at Rhode Island. Copy. In French. Vol. 29, No. 31. 123 words. 265 Oliver De Lancey, Adj . General, to Major Murray, 2nd Battn. 84th Regt. 1781, April 1. Adjutant General's Office, New York. — Encloses his commission as Major and signifies that the appointment is in consequence of the King's order that the 2nd is to be established on same footing as the 1st Battalion. The 9th Captain must remain in possession of his pay and arrears until a vacancy happens ; the deficiency in the meanwhile will be made up by a warrant for 10s. per day from the Commander-in-Chief, this letter authorising him to demand such warrant. Copy. Vol. 50, No. 234.* 1 page. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1781, April 2. New York. — Encloses copy of a requisition to Messrs. Gordon and Biddulph, agents for the contractors, for £400,000 sterling. Triplicate copy. Vol. 22, No. 89. 1 page. Catherine Darby to General Sir Henry Clinton. Memorial. — Representing her sufferings for her loyalty, and her present destitution — has sons in the Royal army. With certificate by James Peters, dated New York, 2 April, 1781. Original. Vol. 31, Nos. 225, 226. 2 pages. Navy Board (J. Williams, Geo. Marsh and others) to the Secretary of the Treasury [Robinson]. 1781, April 2. Navy Office. — Observe by the return of the trans- ports from America that there are at different ports eleven ships employed for prisoners, hospitals and store ships, amounting to near 4,000 tons, and which at a moderate calculation exceeds £29,000 ^ annum. Submit whether some other means than employing trans- ports for such services should not be recommended to the com- manding officers, so as to prevent so heavy a charge on the public. " These ships are hired at 12 ^ ton ^ month, whereas those hired by us for services of this kind at home having very few men and less wear and tear do not exceed 6s. ^ ton, and the "Hope" hired at New York purposely for this service was procured for seven shillings. If therefore no other method can be adopted but keeping them in ships we would submit whether our agents may not be authorized to take up ships on purpose for these services." Copy. Vol. 22, No. 152. 1 page. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 26 July, 1781. Congress. 1781, April 3. — Resolution, recalling Burgoyne and other officers absent on parole. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 33. 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Washington to Sir H. Clinton, 16 April. . Copy in the Comwallis MSS. 6. 266 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 3. War Office. — The enclosure. As such transaction might establish a precedent highly detrimental by introducing improper persons into the hospitals, asks him to make enquiries and take steps to put an effectual stop to such proceedings. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 235. 2 pages. Enclosing Robert Adair to Charles Jenkinson, 28 March. Rachel Myers to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 3. New York. — Petition. That she was an in- habitant of Newport, but from the decisive part her son Benjamin took with the Associated Refugees she was obliged to come with her nine children to New York. Begs rations of provisions. Recom- mended by a number of officers of the 43rd and 22nd Regiments. Referred to Col. Morris, 12 June, 1781, and rations ordered. Original. Vol. 25, No. 336. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 4. Whitehall.— No 84. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 379.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 92. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 337 ; copy 432, fo. 281 ; Sackville MSS. ; extract in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 27. Lord George Germain to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 4. Whitehall— Separate, Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 90. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 329 ; copy 432, fo. 280 ; copy in the Sackville MSS (all dated 3 April). Enclosure : — Due de Nivernois to Lord Sandwich. No date. — On behalf of Vicomte Dubuisson. Copy. Vol. 22. No. 91. 2 pages. French. Copy in the. Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fo. 333. Lieut. Col. Joseph Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean. 1781, April 4. Halifax. — Lays before him for his consideration a paper of claims for his rank and command, and requests him to forward it to head quarters to be presented to the Commander-in- Chief. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 196. 1 page. Enclosed by Li. Col. Goreham to Col. De Seitz and Lt. Col. Bruce, 4 May, 1781. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton, 1781, April 4. War Office. — Referring to him an application of Messrs. Gray and Ogilvie respecting a bill for £130 drawn byCapt. Wickham, paymaster 2nd Battalion 60th. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 239. 1 page. 267 Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 4. War Office. — Sends enclosed. Reminds him that the clothing sent to America and belonging to old regiments under General Vaughan's command has not been forwarded to the West Indies. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 237. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of Promotions and a Leave of Absence, <&c. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 238. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 178L, April 4. War Office. — Tents and camp necessaries having been provided, incloses return, invoices and distribution of canteens. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 240. 2 pages. Enclosing Invoices, etc. See 7 March, 1781. John Trotter to Maj. Gen. Morrison, 23 August, 1780. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, April 5. New York.— No. 123. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 383.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 93. 13 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 25 ; copy 309, fo. 93. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 7. Charlestown. — Transports — only those unfit for service have gone home. Supplies of clothing. Need of small arms. Cornwallis in need of supplies. Money. Danger threatening W. Florida. Incursions of enemy and lack of cavalry, &c. (Printed as above, p. 392.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 65. 4 pages. Copy and extract in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 and 6. A. Bruce to James Fraser. 1781, April 9. Head Quarters. — Is unable to serve his brother while he remains at home, but if he comes to this country he shall be an officer as soon as decency will allow. True copy by James Fraser. Vol. 50, No. 94. 1 page. Enclosed by James Fraser to Sir Guy Carleton, 11 April, 1783. A. Bruce, aid de camp, to Colonel Morris. 1781, April 9. Head Quarters. — To grant provisions to James Defrendren and his wife. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 321. 1 page. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. F 1781, April 9. Line of Fort George, Pensacola. — Account of the Spanish attack on Pensacola. r Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 47. 5 pages. 268 Doctor Samuel Isaacs to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 9. New York. — Memorial. His distressed con- dition — supplied British and other prisoners confined in gaol at Poughkeepsie with provisions and medicines — six times tried before Committees ; banished and confined — has fled hither for refuge — his wife and children banished also — his wife dead, and himself and family sick— seeks relief and rations. With certificate signed by Samuel and Joseph Mabbett and others, their names being attested to by (1) Beverley Robinson and (2) by Philip J. Livingston. Autograph and signed. Vol. 31, Nos. 182 and 183. 3 pages. " Endeavour." 1781, April 9. Valuation and appraisement of goods shipped by Spyers Singleton and James Ellis on the flag of truce schooner " Endeavour " and value of the schooner (£800), with copy of certificate to its authenticity. Invoice of the goods shipped, with certificate. Copy. Vol. 41, Nos. 26 and 25. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Robert R. Livingston to Sir G. Carleton, 12 May, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 147, fo. 654-6 ; and 593, fo. 218-9. Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, April 9. New York. — Proclamation and warrant appoint- ing a second vestry. Copy. Vol. 20, No. 186. 3 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 10. Camp nr. Wilmington. — Proposes Lt. Col. Yorke to succeed the late Col. Webster. Ensigncy for adjutant Fox. Lt. Ward unfit for service and wishes to retire. Recommends Adjutant Watson of the 23rd and Capt. Campbell of the 33rd, who has lately distinguished himself much. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 67. 2 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 10. Camp near Wilmington. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 395.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 66. 6 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W'. I. 140, fo. 131 ; 157, fo. 255 ; extract 140, fo. 556 ; copies Cornwallis MSS. 5. Anne Eve to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 12. New York. — Memorial. Representing her husband, Capt. Oswald Eve's, services and losses and praying in his absence a billet of a room and rations. This is followed by two certificates, from Mr. Shoemaker and Daniel Coxe, and endorsed as referred to Col. Morris, 13 April, and rations ordered. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 319 and 320. 3 pages. 269 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Eael Coenwallis. 1781, April 13. New York.— Advising his coming to Chesapeak. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 405). Copy. Vol. 22, No. 95. 2 pages. Duplicate signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 5. Robert Mois. 1781, April 6. 16. — Journal from New York to Portsmouth, Virginia, as mate in the ~" Lapwing." — Is to deliver dispatches — describes course and winds, etc. The captain would not stay on deck when it was his watch, and a serjeant and one man of the Queen's Rangers were stationed to keep him there. Original. Vol. 19, No. 117. 3 pages. Gen. Washington to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 16. Head Quarters. New Windsor. — Sending the enclosed. As late exchanges have released all. only Burgoyne's return is required. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 32. 1 page. Enclosing Congress Resolution, 3 April. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Brig. General Arnold to Captain Kollock. 1781, April 17. Portsmouth. — Is ordered by Gen. Phillips to give him directions respecting obtaining intelligence. The " De- fiance " and " Rambler " to proceed with him to east shore of Maryland, where he is to employ trustworthy persons to go to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Annapolis, Head of Elk and York Town and obtain strength of the enemy, their numbers, provisions, pro- jected movements, &c, and report to Phillips at Portsmouth by 1st May. He is to return with these vessels from the eastern shore as soon as possible and bring the lumber contracted for. Signed letter. Vol. 40, No. 261. 2 pages. Enclosed? by Capt, Kollock to [Sir G. Carleton], 8 Sept., 1783. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Brig. Gen. Campbell, Penobscot. 1781. April 17. New York.— Received letter of 15th ult. with enclosures. Was happy to comply with the Duke of Argyle's desire to allow Capt. Alex. Campbell to remain in the 74th Regiment. The enterprise under Lt. Stockton against Brig. Wadsworth appears to have been well executed. Congratulates him on promotion to rank of Colonel as it enables him to appoint him Brig. Genl. Cannot take steps relative to Lt. Cheap until official notice is received. Copy. Vol. 21. No. 133. 2 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, April 18. Wilmington.— No. 9. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 75. 3 pages. Enclosing Proclamation, 20 February- 270 Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, April 18. Wilmington.— No. 10. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 74. 2 pages. Both these enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir H. Clinton, 23 April. Signed letters for both in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fos. 243, 251 ; copies 309, fos. 64, 67 ; Cornwallis MS 3. 5. (Both printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 414-8.) Lieut. Colonel A. Bruce to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, April 19. Head Quarters. — Encloses memorial of George Rine and begs him to give the relief merited by his loyalty and sufferings. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 201. 1 page. Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 20. Charles Town. — Greene's Movements. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 418.) Duplicate signzd letter. Vol. 19, No. 70. 2 pajss. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 251. James Campbell to Messrs. McPherson & Smith. 1781, April 20. Fort George, Head Quarters. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 54. 1 paje. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 747. Anhalt Troops. 1781, April 20. — Dressee et signee a Bremerlehe. Note by Col. Wm. Faucitt and C. F. de Davier and A. S. Koseritz. That His Royal Highness the Prince of Anhalt having offered to augment his troops, and the King of Great Britain accepting, the under- signed agree to two conditions, &c. Copy. French. Vol. 11, No. 249. 1 page. Qy. Enclosed by J. G. H. d'Rauschenblat to [ ], 8 Oct., 1782. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 21. St. Augustine.—" The interruption to our correspondence with New York since the fleet left the southern provinces has been much felt by the capture of nearly all the merchantmen of this Colony and the embarrassment occasioned by the loss of letters." Sends duplicates of former letters as to Mr. Moore, and trusts his Excellency will enable him to discharge that gentleman's account, as he is greatly distressed by the loss of money advanced for public services. [See also 29 May.] Copy. Vol. 30, No. 192. 2 pajes. Enclosed by Gov. P. Tonyn to Sir G. Carleton, 13-14 Nov., 1782. 271 Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 22. Charles Town. — Pensacola reported taken. Fears Lord Rawdon may be invested in Camden, &c. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 71. 2 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 253. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, April 23, 30, and May 1. New York.— No. 124. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 458.) Copy. -Vol. 22, N'o. 96. 9 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 83 ; copy 309, fo. 104. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 23. Wilmington. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 424.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 82. 2 pages. Enclosing copies of his letters to Lord G. Germain, Nos. 6, 7 and 8 ; see 17 March, Nos. 9 and 10, see 18 April, and No. 11 of this date below. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 267 ; Cornwallis MSS. 5 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 83. Earl Cornwallis to Lord George Germain. 1781, April 23. Wilmington.— No. 11. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 420.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 77. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 267 ; copies 140, fo. 263 ; 309, fo. 71 ; Cornwallis MSS. Fort Watson, Scot's Lake. 1781, April 15/23.— Journal of the blockade at Scot's Lake, 15th April, by James Mackay, Lt., Robert Robinson, Ensign, and Thos. B. Campbell, Surgeon, all Provincial Light Infantry. Continued to 23 April. Followed on the 4th page by copy of the capitulation of Fort Watson. Copy. Vol. 54, No. 33. 4 pages. Earl Cornwallis to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 24. Wilmington. — (Printed, with the enclosure, in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 426-7.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 83. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 271. Enclosure : — Earl Cornwallis to Maj. Gen. William Phillips. 1781, April 24. Wilmington. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 84. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 157, fo. 275 ; 140, fo. 223 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 24322, fo. 69 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 81. 272 " Endeavour." 1781, April 25. Newbern, North Carolina. — Appointment, by Abner Nash, Capt. Genl. and Commander in Chief of North Carolina, of James Spicer to the command of a flag vessel for conveying British prisoners to Charlestown. With certificate by John Taylor. Copy. Vol. 41, Nos. 23 and 24. 3 pajes. Enclosed by Robert R. Livingston to Sir Guy Carleton, 12 May, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 167, fo. 652; and 593, fo. 217. Major General William Faucitt to William Eraser. 1781, April 26. Bremer Lehe. — German recruits and baggage. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 118. 3 pages. Enclosed hy Lord George Germain to Sir Henry Clinton, 4 June, 1781. Autograph [signed letter in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Foreign, German States, 195, No. 39. John Nichols to General Sir Henry Clinton. Memorial. Is late an inhabitant of Rhode Island ; seeks assistance for himself and distressed family. Certified by Wm. Wanton, also by Fredk. Mackenzie, D.A.G., the latter dated 26 April, 1781. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 194. 2 pages. Warrant. 1781, April 26. New York.— No. 102. To pay Thomas Wallis, attorney to Ed. Winslow, Muster Master General of Provincial Forces, £39 17s. 2d. (See Winslow's a/c, 31 March.) Printed form filled in. Vol. 37, No. 136. 1 page. Lieut. John Walker to Lieut. Col. J. Goreham. 1781, April 28. Halifax. — " For the reason specified in the enclosed resignation as a lieutenant in the regiment under your command I request your consent to the measure, and that you would please to recommend it to his Excellency the Commander in Chief thro' Brigadier General McLean for a final approbation." Copy. Vol. 13, No. 181. 1 page. Enclosure : — Resignation. " In consideration of age, infirmity and ill state of health resigns his commission as lieutenant in the Royal Fensible American Regiment of Foot." Signed letter. Vol. 13, iVo.jl88. 1 page. Lieut. John Walker to Lieut. Col. J. Goreham. 1781, April 28. Halifax. — As he is particularly acquainted with his long services and his misfortunes in being driven from his home in Worster {sic), New England, entreats his recommendation and interest with McLean and the Commander in Chief that the gentle- man who succeeds him may pay the sum generally offered and 273 enable him to discharge the debt he owes the Regt., and which, with half pay, will support him till he may perhaps reclaim his possessions. P.S. — Hopes to receive his full subsistence until his Excellency's decision is known. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 182. 2 pages. The above three are enclosed by Lt. Col. Goreham to Sir H. Clinton, 1 May, 1781. Lieut. Colonel Barton. 1781, April 30. — Proceedings of a Court pursuant to adjournment. Evidence by Brig. Gen. Delancey, Gov. Franklin, Chief Jus. Frederick Smyth and Treasurer John Smyth in favour of Lt. Col. Barton as an honest and loyal subject. Of his military character they have no knowledge. Vol. 47, No. 49. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, April 30. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 441.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 68. 6 pages. Also in the Cornwallis MSS. 5 ; Am. & W. I. 140, fos. 123, 557. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, April 30. New York. — Receipt of dispatches. Promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 243. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, 23. [General Sir H. Clinton] to Colonel de Voit. 1781 , April 30. New York. — To proceed with the troops embarked under his command to Chesapeak Bay in Virginia, and place hitnself under orders of Maj. Gen. Phillips, who will probably be at Ports- mouth. Should he be at a distance, to endeavour to communicate with him, placing the transports in Elizabeth River and remaining on board for directions. Draft. Vol. 47, No. 220. 2 pages. Halifax. 1781, April 30. Halifax. — Garrison orders. Roster of duty for field officers. Signed with initials of De Seitz. Lt. Col. Goreham' s name is the last on the list. Vol. 13, No. 187. 1 page. Query Enclosed by Lt. Col. Goreham to Sir H. Clinton, b" May, 1781. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 30. War Office.— In answer to P. S. of letter of 28 January, sees no objection to his issuing the pay of Brigadiers General by his warrants in North America. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 249. 1 page. s 274 Messrs. Mure, Son & Atkinson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, April 30. London. — Sending the enclosed. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 139. 1 page. Enclosures : — Invoice of camp equipage, accoutrements, cloathing and stores shipt by order of the Treasury on board the ships " Ariel " and " John and Jane " for America. £38,601 lis. Id. Specification of the above. Originals. Vol. 35, Nos. 137 and 138. 6 pages. German Troops. 1781, April. Bremer Lehe. — Return of German recruits for America, after embarkation. Signed by Wm. Faucitt, Major General. Endorsed, 4th May. Original. Vol. 22, No. 119. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 4 June. Also in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Foreign, German States, Vol. 194. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord Amherst. 1781, May 1. New York. — Acknowledges letters of 21st Nov. and 6th Deer., with one of 29th Deer., signifying his Majesty's approbation for leave of absence being granted to Capt. Champagne, of 23rd Regiment. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 244. 1 page. Lieut. Colonel Jos. Goreham to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 1. Halifax. — Encloses Capt. Walker's resignation as lieutenant. To relieve his distress he has promised to pay him a sum of money if his Excellency will approve his son, John Goreham, to succeed to the 2nd lieutenancy. Lt. Connor is the eldest 2nd lieut. in the Regiment. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 180. 1 page. Enclosing Letters and resignation of Lt. Walker, see 28 April. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 1. War Office. — Acknowledges letters. Has sent to Lord Amherst for his Majesty's approbation lists of promotions. Date of Mr. Venters' lieutenancy has been altered in books here. The paragraph about clothing of the 4th, 5th and 49th Regts. has been transmitted to Colonels of those Corps. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 250. 1 page. Benjamin Van Gorder. 1781, May 1. New York.— Certificate signed by Lt, Col. John Morris commanding the 2nd N. Jersey Volunteers. On the back is a note from Thos. Murray, aid de camp, that Col. Morris will put Mrs. Van Gorder on provision list. N. York, 10 June, 1781. Original. Vol. 22, No. 52. 275 Report of General and Field Officers. 1781, May 1. New York. — Relative to the allowances to officers to be made for losses of baggage. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 101. 3 pages. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 1. ^ Head Quarters. New Windsor.— Revokes orders of 16th April. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 35. 1 page. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 2. Whitehall— Secret. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 464.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 100. 7 pages. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 2. Whitehall.— Secret. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 101. 2 pages. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 2. Whitehall.— Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 102. 3 pages. Copies of the above three letters in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 139, fos. 615, 619, 623 ; Vols. 685 or 432 ; Sackville MSS., &c. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 2. War Office.— Acknowledges letter of 20th March enclosing Mr. Mallett's memorial, which has been laid before the King. Neither he nor Mr. Grant is to be deprived of their com- missions. In answer to part of the memorial, the appointment of Dr. Nooth to the General Superintendency of Hospitals was for the purpose of preserving harmony. Another physician shall be sent in place of Dr. Veale, who may retire on half pay. Mr. Adair is of opinion that the regimental surgeons are not sufficiently skilful to fill vacancies in the General Hospital, though they may be appointed apothecaries. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 251. 3 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, May 3. New York. — Transports. He may take small arms if he wants them. Mr. Lacy appointed captain of port of Charlestown. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 69. 2 pages. Signed letters in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Exchange of Prisoners. 1781, May 3. Pedee. — Articles of a cartel between Captain F. Cornwallis, for Earl Cornwallis, and Lt. Col. E. Carrington, for Maj. 276 Gen. Greene, for the exchange and relief of prisoners of war taken in the Southern Department. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 96. 2 pages. Printed copy 23, No. 107. Enclosed by Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton, 27 May, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 83. Major General William Faucitt to Lord Stormont. 1781, May 4. Bremer Lehe. — Remarks on the German recruits. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 120. 7 pages. Enclosed by Lord George Germain to Sir Henry Clinton, No. 85, 4 June, 1781. Autograph signed letter in the Public Record Office, S. P. Foreign, German States, Vol. 194, No. 66.* Navy Board to John Robinson. 1781, May 4. — Enclose the terms on which they propose to agree with Messrs. Mure, Son & Atkinson for shipping to carry the oats to New York. Call attention before closing to the article of demur- rage, and suggest application to the Lords of the Admiralty and notice to the Commander in Chief of the heavy expense to the public if the ships are detained at New York. Extract. 2 copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 109 and 113. 1 and 2 pages. Enclosure : — Agreement as above. 2 copies. Vol. 22, Nos. 110 and 112. 2 and 3 pages. Letter and agreement enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 23 May, 1781. Lieut. Colonel Nisbet Balfour to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 5. Charles Town. — Being unable to communicate with Lord Cornwallis has felt it necessary at Lord Charles Montagu's request to furnish his corps with one muster's pay and some clothing from the Provincial Stores ; will transmit the accounts to General Dalling. Hopes some one may be appointed to audit public accounts here. Requests some rule may be made for compensating pro- prietors of houses occupied by Government : refers him to Capt. McMahon, the Barrack Master, for particulars. Lieut. Sutherland has gone with Cornwallis' s army, the directions that he should return to New York being lost in the dispatch vessel. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 72. 4 pages. Colonel H. E.(?) De Seitz to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 5. Halifax. — Announcing death of Brig. Gen. McLean, the 4th inst. Has taken command of the troops in this province, and Lt. Col. Bruce of 70th for (sic) signing warrants for issuing money, &c, for subsistence of the troops. Encloses copy of letter from Lt. Col. Goreham and answer returned, which he hopes will meet with approval. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 193. 2 pages. Enclosure : — Lt. Col. Jos. Goreham to Col. De Seitz & Lt. Col. Bruce. 1781, May 4. Halifax. — The enclosed was sent by the late Genl. McLean to the Commander in Chief. Trusts there will 277 not arise the least idea of dispute lohere rank and command are so fully expressed. However, at this juncture, to guard against any difficulties sends copy of his commission [see 25 May. 1772]. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 183. 1 page. Circumstances land facts which preclude every objection to Lt. Col. Goreham's taking rank and command in the British line of duty. Vol. 13. No. 184. 1 page. Col. H. E.(?) De Seitz to Lt. Col. Goreham. 1781, May 4. Halifax. — Has considered his letter. As Brig. Gen. McLean had ordered Lt. Col. Bruce to take rank of him in the roster in this garrison cannot presume to alter it. His claim shall be sent to his Excellency on the first opportunity. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 185. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Jos. Goreham to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 6. Halifax. — Transmits the enclosed. His uneasiness and concern at recollecting that five years ago he came to the military command of this district ; was then sent to a remote outpost for several years ; is passed over in promotions, and now has his rank and command disputed. Awaits redress. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 189. 1 page. Enclosures : — Letter to Col. De Seitz and Lt. Col. Bruce, 4 May, with paper of circumstances and facts, &c. Same as those above enclosed by De Seitz. Vol. 13, No. 197 and 194. Commission to Lt. Col. Goreham, 25 May, 1772. Lt. Col. Goreham to Brig. Gen. McLean, 4 April, 1781. Garrison orders, 30 April, 1781. Lt. Col. Joseph Goreham to Col. De Seitz. 1781, May 5. Halifax. — States his grounds for disapproval of the present proceedings upon the death of Gen. McLean. On repeated applications to McLean orders were given out relative to his doing duty, in which duty he took rank of all the Lt. Cols, in Garrison, and a few days before the General's death he said he ivould not undertake to decide, but would refer it to the Commander in Chief. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 186. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 6. Charles Town.— British Post at Wright's Bluff surrendered. Sends Lt. McKay's Journal of the siege [qy. see under 23 April]. Lord Rawdon's attack on Gen. Greene at Hob- kick's Hill. General state of the country most distressing ; defection universal. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 471.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 73. 5 pages. Extract inHhe Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 140, fo. 253. 278 General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 7. Head Quarters, New York. — Proclamation. Rewards for enlisting in the Provincial Corps. Printed. Vol. 15, No. 134. MSS. 15, No. 136 ; 22, No. 141. 1 page each. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 493 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 245. Samuel Townsend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1781, May 7. Chatham Barracks. — Apparently dated 1781, but must be 1782, which see. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Gen. Haldimand. 1781, May 8. New York. — Two letters of same date, one con- cerning Vermont. Copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 139, 140, 141 (139 in cipher); also Vol. 18, No. 25. Originals in the Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21807, fos. 246, 249, 252, 254. Hugh Wallace to Nicholas Ashton, merchant, Liverpool. 1781, May 8. New York. — Relating to an affair of a consign- ment of salt by him (Ashton) to Mr. W. Stepple at New York. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 112. 2 pages. Enclosed by A. Elliott to Sir H. Clinton, 17 July, 1781. Pensacola. 1781, May 9. Fort George. — Articles of Capitulation. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 58. 13 pages. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 266, fos. 105 & 119 ; copies 267, fo. 695 ; Admty., Secretary, In Letters, 3820 ; Arch, de la Marine 183, fo. 292. Return of Killed and Wounded in the siege of Fort Georsre. Signed by James Campbell, Major of Brigade. Original. Vol. 16, No. 55. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 711. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 10. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Approves steps taken by Major Duncan Drummond, Commy. of A/cs in North America, and has written to him recommending him to examine, audit, &c, the accounts in|the several departments and check all undue expenditure of public money. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 104. 1 page. Henry Stuart, Deputy Quarter Master General, to Henry Smith and Donald McPherson. 1781, May 10. Head Quarters. Pensacola. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 54. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 743. 279 Vermont. 1781, May 11. Isle au Noix. — Information by Ira Allen as to the state of Vermont. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 144. 7 pages. Vol. 18, No. 2, enc. 9. 5 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton, 2 Aug., 1781. Also in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSB., 21836, fo. 68 ; 21838, fo. 403 ; 21840, fo. 37 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec 18, No. 54. M.aj. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 12. Pensacola, Head Quarters of British Troops. — A long letter recounting the surrender of Fort George to a united French and Spanish force. (Sends States of Garrison of Fort George and of Navy Redoubt, Returns of killed and wounded, and Copy of Capitulation.) Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 48. 14 pages. Samuel Clark to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. 1781, May 13. New York. — Petition. Was driven from his habitation in Dutchess Co. ; is sick and unable to support his wife and seven children. Followed by note from Thos. Murray, aid de camp, New York, 18 May, that Col. Morris will be pleased to issue provisions to wife and children. Original. Vol 25, No. 328. 1 page. Captain Thomas Bibby to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, May 14. Head Quarters. — Requesting particular attention to Mr. McCrea as he is in a distressed situation. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 221. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, May 14. New York. — Mr. CockelPs lieutenancy. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 245. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Baron De Cockenhausen to Major Henry Bruen. 1781, May 14. New York. — Genl. Knyphausen is of opinion that the number of orderly waggons attached to the Hessian Regts. cannot be diminished. There is but one waggon with two horses pr. company. Acknowledges letter of yesterday and agrees to leave artillery and waggon horses at the pastures on Long Island " until further emergencies." 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 122. Vol. 35, No. 114. 3 pages and 2 pages. Enclosed by Majors Bruen and Robertson to Lt. Gen. Robert- son, 14 Sept., 1781. 280 George Diefendorf, refugee from Philadelphia, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 14, New York. — Memorial. Certified, by George Harding and John Granger. Accompanied by a medical certi- ficate from S. Seabury, 17 May, physician to the almshouse, that he was brought in with his throat cut. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 212 and 213. 3 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1781, May 15. New York. — It is reported to him that a quantity of claret had been brought here in the ordnance ships, which it is said some merchants have been permitted to send free of freight and duty under the idea it would come cheaper to the officers. Be- lieves it is sold at as high a price as if it were imported in usual way of trade and therefore the officers reap no benefit. Should such indulgences be granted in future he suggests confining them to cheaper Portugal wines which are more used than the French, and to guard against the contrivances of the merchants here. Copy. Vol. 33. No. 107. 2 pages. Captain Robert Mathews to . . . [Captain Sherwood]. 1783, May 15. Quebec. — Private. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 145, and 18, No. 2, enclosure 10. 3 pages and 2 pages. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir Henrv Clinton, 2 Aug., 1781. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21839, fo. 37 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18, No. 55. Brigadier General B. Arnold to Captain Kollock. 1781, May 16. Petersburgh. — Acknowledges letters to the late Maj. Gen. Phillips and himself. Desires him to request the gentle- man in waiting to return and prosecute his plan of gaining intelli- gence. If money is wanting he is to apply to Capt. Vallancey and show this letter. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 40, No. 259. 1 page. Enclosed by Capt. Kollock to [Sir G. Carleton], 8 Sept., 1783. Thomas Harley to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 16. London. — Transmits duplicates of invoices sent by the ''Ariel." The Treasury having also directed him to furnish invoices of the prime cost and charges of the articles now shipt. as well as of all shipt in 1779 and 1780, encloses these also, making seven in number. [See 18 February, 20 March & 7 October, 1779, and at the end of March, 1781.] Signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 146. 1 page. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May ] 6. Head Quarters, New Windsor.— Will it be allowed to ship 600 hds. of tobacco from Virginia and Maryland to Charles Town to be sold for support of the prisoners there ? Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 34. 1 page. 281 General Haldimand/ to [Captain Sherwood]. 1781, May 17. Quebec— Private. , 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 146, and 18, No. 2, enclos. 11. 3 pages each. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Aug., 1781. Copies in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21839, fo. 39 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18, No. 56. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, May 18. New York.— No. 126. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 105. 7 pages. On same paper is extract of a letter from Shrewsbury, 13 May, and note of three enclosures. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 217; copy 309, fo. 117. Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 20. Petersburg!!.— (Printed in the Clinton-Corn- wallis Controversy I. 476.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 86. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 319 ; 670, fo. 40. Colonel Ira Allen to Major R. B. Lernoult. 1781, May 21. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 154; 18, No. 2, enclos. 16. \ page each. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 2 August. Copies in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21836, fo. 84 ; 21840, fo. 18. Maj. General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 21. Pensacola. — His private dispatch — that it is with the utmost concern and pain he has yielded a province to the arms of Spain. He came to this command at his Excellency's request. and on arrival represented it as in want of cannon, ordnance, artillery stores, yet not a single article was furnished in two years. Trusts its defence against such a formidable armament has preserved the honour of the garrison and will not diminish the splendour of his Excellency's command. Trusts also that the terms of the capitulation will soon restore them to the King's service. Asks that Lt. Gordon (16th), his aid de camp, may convey the dispatches home. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 49. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1781, May 21. New York. — Has received the two letters on the subject of Lt. Gen. Burgoyne's recall. In answer to the letter of 16th, he cannot permit a quantity of tobacco to be sent to Charles- town in South Carolina. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 107. 1 page. 282 Captain Robert M[athews] to . . . [Captain Justus Sherwood]. 1781, May 21. Quebec. — Two letters, one marked private. 2 copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 151 and 152 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 12 and 13. 2 pages and 3 pages. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton, 2 August, 1781. Copies in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21839, fos. 43, 45 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 18, Nos. 57, 58. Anthony Stewart to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, May 21. No. 206 Water Street, New York.— Encloses copy of letter received from Head Quarters yesterday. To state his requests he encloses copies of two letters written to Mr. Delancey on the subject. Desires an answer. His family consists of Mrs. Stewart and three children, one man and two women servants. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 185. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, May 22. New York.— No. 128. (Printed in the Clinton- Corn wallis Controversy I. -178.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 106. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 259; copy 309, fo. 123. [Captain Justus Sherwood] to Major R. B. Lernoult. 1781, May 22. — Accompanied by report of Samuel Rose, also by that of the party [E. Hawley and B. Benedict] sent by the Commis- sioners to learn the report of the rebel flag. Followed by another letter from Sherwood to Lernoult of the same date. Copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 153 and 155, and in Vol. 18, No. 2, enclos. 14, 15, 17. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton, 2 August, 1781. Also in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21836, fos. 89 and 85 ; 21840. fos. 17, 18, 42, 43 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 18, Nos. 59, 60. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 23. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— The Commis- sioners of the Navy having entered into an agreement with Messrs. Mure, Son & Atkinson for shipping to carry a supply of oats to America, and the Commissioners having desired in their accompany- ing letter that orders be given that the ships be not detained at New York beyond the periods mentioned in the agreement, sends the enclosed, and requests his Excellency to give the orders desired. Duplicate signed letter and copy. Vol. 22, Nos. 108 and 111. 1 page each. Enclosing : — Navy Board to John Robinson, 4 May. Navy Board Agreement with Messrs. Mure, Son & Atkinson, 4 May. 283 Conference at Weathersfield. Paper signed by General Washington, Cornte de Rochambeau and Comte de Barras at " Weatherfield pres de Hartford le 23 me Mai, 1781," showing, in two columns, the proposals by the French generals and Washington's answers. The conference seems to have been begun on the 16th and continued on the 17th. (Printed in substance in Sparks' s Washington VIII. 517.) Copy. French. Vol. 22, No. 156. 8 pages. Accompanies letter of Comte de Rochambeau, 27 May. Enclosed by Lord G-. Germain to Sir H. Clinton. Most secret. 2 Aug., 1781. Also in the Lansdowne MSS. 35, No. 66a ; Paris, Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, Etats Unis 17, No. 3 bis ; 16 No. 89 ; Archives de la Guerre 3734. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, May 24. New York. — Supposes that Lord Cornwallis will have left orders with Lord Rawdon relative to his evacuating Camden should it be thought necessary. Must request from Lord Rawdon a report of his victory over Gen. Greene, which has been most important. Is sorry to find that a spirit of revolt should be kept up by the officers who are prisoners at Charlestown. Has proposed an exchange for part of them and thinks he should endeavour to rid himself of as many of them that way as possible. Being anxious to have Lt. Sutherland of the Engineers here, wishes a duplicate of the order for his coming had been sent since it might have reached him. " Having approved of the sentence of the General Court Martial held at Charlestown on the trial of Lieut. Allaire of the Royal American Regiment for the wilful murder of Ensign Keating, of the Prince of Wales's American Regiment, you will be pleased to signify the same, and direct the prisoner to be released from his arrest." The long delay of the " Speedy" packet has occasioned an enquiry. Requests that in future should it be thought necessary to open at Charlestown the mails directed for New York, the greatest care might be taken of the public dispatches and as little detention as possible be given to the packet. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 85. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. dated 21 May. Abraham Jewell, refugee. 1781, May 24. New York.— Certificate signed by Col. Bev. Robinson and addressed to Col. Morris, that he is poor and distressed, and as a loyal subject worthy of rations. Endorsed : — Ordered by Lt. Gen. Robertson. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 184. 1 page. Major Oliver De Lancey to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, May 25. — Desires to know why he can only grant Mr. McRae provision. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 222. 1 page. 284 Mr. Elliot to Mr. Addison. 1781, May 25. New York. — That his memorial must be handed to his Excellency through Col. R. Morris. Original. 3rd person. Vol. 29, No. 200. 1 page. Capt. Justus Sherwood. 1781, May 8 to 25. — Substance of what passed in conference with Col. Ira Allen at Isle au Noix. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 133 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 1. 13 pages and 12 pages. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton, 2 August, 1781. Copies Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21838, fo. 405 ; 21840, fo. 26 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 18, No. 46. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 26. Byrd's Plantation, North of James River. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy I. 487.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 94. 6 pages. Copy in Lansdowne MSS. 68, No. 87 ; extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 14C, fo. 327 ; fo. 568 ; 589, fo. 136. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 27. Byrd's Plantation, North of James River. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 95. 1 page. Enclosing articles 1 of a cartel settled between Capt. F. Cornwallis and Lt. Col. Carrington, see 1 May. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Comte de Rochambeau to Chevalier De La Lucerne [Luzerne]. 1781, May 27. Newport. — Sends the articles of the conference at Weathersfield (see 23 May), also extract of his own instructions from the Minister of War (see 9 March). Hopes the squadron will get out with the first fair wind. As soon as possible will march under the orders of Gen. Washington and will make the best use of his legs that circumstances permit, and of their arms, if oppor- tunity offers, to attack New York. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 155. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Aug. Copies in Lansdowne MSS. 35, No. 66 ; Archives de la Guerre, Paris, 3736. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, May 29 and June 1. New York.— (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy I. 493.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 91. 6 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140. fo. 335 ; fo. 561 ; 670, fo. 41. 285 Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 29. St. Augustine. — Same as that dated 21 April. Copy. Vol, 30, No. 151. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gov. P. Tonyn to Sir G. Carleton, 13-14 Nov., 1782. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, May 31. Pensacola. — Sending correspondence with Gov. Galvez, apparently with reference to a demand for the restitution of Fort Panmure supposed under the terms of the capitulation of Fort George, and alluding to the " ignoble conduct of the Spanish General." Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 50. 3 pages. Lord Rawdon to Francis Rush Clarke. 1781, May 31. Charlestown. — Certificate. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 36.* 1 page. Enclosed by F. R. Clarke to Sir G. Carleton, 14 Jan., 1783. Ma j. General Phillips. 1781, April and May. — Plan for distribution of prize money arising from captures made by the army under the command of the late Maj. Gen. Phillips in James River, Virginia. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 95.* 2 pages across. Original in the Public Record Office, Domestic, George III., 96, Nos. 10 and 11 ; copies State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321 ; Am. & W. I. 145, fo. 696. Troops. . N. D. 1781, May. — Memorandums relative to the Quarter Master General's Department — given to General Robertson, May, 1781. Lord Cathcart on succeeding Sir Wm. Erskine, 30 June, 1779, reviewed all the horses and waggons, the provision train, the pontoon train, etc. Found a train equal to transporting 21 days' provisions for 10,000 men. Explaining that the train has been usefully employed in providing fuel for the town, and in the service of the other depart- ments, and by Brig. Gen. Dalrymple's orders has been kept complete and on the best footing for immediate service, and in 4 years has been brought to the perfection it now stands in, and if a diminution is thought of it would be almost impossible to augment it again. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 140. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 1. Whitehall. — Lt. Cotter of the 24th to be exchanged. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 114. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 305; Sackville MSS. - Major Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 2. Pensacola. — Asks forage money for the troops, 166 days of last year being yet unpaid, also 200 days' bat, baggage and forage for 1781. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 51. 1 page. 286 Peter Chester, late Governor of Pensacola, to Lord George Germain. 1781, June 2. Charles Town. — Translation (having been inserted in the " Madrid Gazette "). West Florida has surrendered to Spanish arms. The enemy appeared the 9th March, and a few days after entered the harbour. Begs to defer giving a particular account of the siege till his return to England. They were obliged to capitulate the 8th May. Sends copy of capitulation signed 9th. It would not have happened so soon but for a bomb falling on the powder magazine, which blew up and carried away the principal part of the advanced works. Believes Maj. Gen. Campbell was of opinion the other works could not hold out and hoisted a white flag. Maj. Gen. Campbell and Capt. Dean sent to the Havannah and Major of Brigade Campbell to New Orleans ; the other prisoners of war sailed for New York. Two copies. Vol. 22, No. 115. 4 pages. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 4. Whitehall— No 85. (Printed in the Clinton - Cornwallis Controversy II. 7.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 116. 4 pages. Enclosing : — Maj. Gen. Faucitt to Lord Stormont, 4 May. Maj. Gen. Faucitt to Wm. Fraser, 26 April. Return of two companies of the Royal Garrison Battalion, 2 Feb. Return of German Recruits after embarkation at Bremerlehe . . . April. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 229 ; copies 432, fo. 307 ; in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 4. Whitehall.— Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 121. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 1 ; copies 432, fo. 310 ; in the Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 5. Whitehall. — Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 123. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 5 ; copies 432, fo. 318 ; in the Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 5. War Office. — Dr. Thos. Clerk, approved by the College of Physicians, to be physician of the forces. Reasons for sending another physician explained in letter of 2nd May. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 252. 1 page. 287 Pensacola. 1781, March to June 5. — Copy of correspondence between Maj. Gen. John Campbell commanding his Majesty's Forces in West Florida and his Excellency Don Bernardo de Galvez commanding his Catholic Majesty's Forces on the expedition against Pensacola. The letters are variously dated from 19 March to 5 June, and include the summons to surrender and the articles of capitulation. Numbered 1-54. Vol. 16, No. 59, 60. 70 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fos. 631 to 694. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 6. Whitehall.— No. 86. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 13.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 122. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 13 ; copies 432, fo. 320 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 47 ; Sackville MSS. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 6 and 21. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1/37. 4 pages. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fos. 258, 260 ; extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 79. William Knox to Charles Shaw. 1781, June 6. — Management of Indians. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 99. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Arch. McArthur to Sir Guy Carleton, 19 May, 1783. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 285, fo. 351 ; copy 397, fo. 364. Mure, Atkinson & Mure to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 7. London.— Enclose duplicates of general invoice and specification of stores shipped on board the " Ariel " and " John and Jane " transports. Have undertaken to transport the supply of oats upon freight. Having obtained an award upon the price to be paid them for the rum delivered under an agreement with Gen. Howe in 1777 they have now made proposals to the Commissary General for renewing that contract if it meets with his approval. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 147. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 145. 3 pages each. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, June 8. New York.— (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 14.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 92. 3 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 566 ; fo. 336 ; 670, fo. 41. 288 General Sir Henry Clinton to the Officer Commanding the Troops at Portsmouth. 1781, June 8. Head Quarters. — That the vessels employed as dispatch boats may be returned to this port as soon as possible after delivering their dispatches without being detained long for Cornwallis. Should any reinforcement arrive from Europe in the Chesapeak they are not to disembark, but be sent to join him (Clinton) as soon as possible. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 93. 1 page. William Williams, refugee, to Gov. James Robertson. Petition. Is a refugee, late of Cortlands Manor, Westchester, himself, wife and four children being turned out of their homes for their loyalty. Asks house-room and provisions. Not dated, but testified to 8 June, 1781, New York, by several persons, and followed by note from Murray, aide de camp, 3 July, that Col. Morris would issue rations to him and family for the month. Original. Vol. 22, No. 139. 2 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Brigadier General Campbell. 1781, June 9. New York. — Fears Brig. Gen. McLean died last month, though he has received no official notification of that event. Desires him to go to Halifax and take command of all his Majesty's forces in Nova Scotia. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 134. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, June 9. New York. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 124. 2 pages. Signed letters in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 305 ; 589, fo. 138 ; copies 398, fo. 331 ; 399, fo. 55. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, June 11. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 18.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 97. 5 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 343 ; 589, fo. 139 ; in Lansdowne MSS. 68, No. 75 ; extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 571. Lieut. Col. Bruce to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 12. Halifax. — Acquainted him in letter of 6th May that Brig. Gen. McLean died on the 4th inst., that the command of the troops in the province devolved on De Seitz, and the British and Staff on himself (Bruce) by Brig. Gen. McLean's orders, as he conceived Lt. Col. Goreham to have Provincial rank only. Is repairing Citadel Hill and Fort Massey. Troops at St. John's Island and Spanish River in want of provisions. Intends unloading transports with provisions for Quebec and sending them for coal. Should the provisions be wanted there they can easily be reloaded. 289 Begs him to send a British officer senior to Col. De Seitz, otherwise it will be impossible to carry on the service, " he is so unacquainted with ours, so jealous . . . that it makes my situation most disagreeable, fortunately my understanding a little of his language makes things go on better." The 82nd Regt. and Provincial Regts. in want of clothing. Sent memorial from Surgeon Leightheizer to Maj. Gen. Tryon, 28th Jan., 1780, to be preseated to his Excellency, for disposing of his commission through ill-health. Recommended Mr. Kay to succeed him. Hopes this was approved. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 190. 5 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord North. 1781, June 12. New York. — Recommends the bearer, Lt. Salisbury ; he has served with distinction in this country, anl was wounded in Virginia. The " Romulus," of which he was 1st Lieut., being taken, he goes to England to solicit employment. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 108. 1 page. General Haldimand to Brigadier General McLean. 1781, June 12. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 205. 1 paje. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 16 July, 1781. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. M3S. 21809, fo. 189. William Reed, of Connecticut, farmer, Memorial to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, June 12. New York. — Has been obliged to fly from his farm. Is afflicted with a palsy. Asks support. With certificate by Jeremiah Learning and others and Col. Ludlow, and endorse- ment showing its recommendation to Col. Morris, 15 June, and the ration granted 19 June. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 301-302. 4 pages. Lieut. Colonel James Bruce to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 13. Halifax. — An inhabitant from Fort Howe informs that a French frigate of 36 guns has been at Machias con- voying provisions from Boston and at Passamaquaddy, where she sounded the bays and took heights of adjacent grounds. Received letters from St. John's Island about provisions ; will try to supply them. The Governor and military by no means agree. Capt. Curgunven and Lieut. Henderson have had a duel in which the latter was killed ; the Captain to be tried on the 8th. His letter of yesterday shows necessity of a Brigadier to command here. Presumes to lay his own long services before his Excellency. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 192. 4 pages. H. E. (?) De Seitz to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 13. Halifax.— Repeats, by the "Medea," contents of his letter of 5th May by the " Dispatch," as he is uncertain of the latter's safe arrival. Adds a postscript of the numbers of the working party on the fortifications down to 3 June. 2 signed letters. Vol. 13, Nos. 191 and 198. 2 pages each. 290 Lord Kensington to Lord [George Germain]. 1781, June 14. Jermyn Street. — Recommends Capt. John Lewis of the 64th. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 96. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord George Germain to Sir Henry Clinton, 18 June, 1781. Autograph signed letter in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Domestic, Geo. III., 22. Benjamin Thompson to Sir Grey Cooper. 1781, June 14. Whitehall. — Is commanded by Lord Germain to transmit the enclosed memorial and desire him to lay it before the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. His Lordship thinks it deserves their attention. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 128. 2 pages. This and enclosure transmitted by J. Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 7 July. Enclosure : — Abijah Willard to Lord George Germain. Memorial. That he commanded one of the Massachusetts Regiments during the last French ivar. Was one of the Council though he has never received the allowance. His services to Gen. Gage and later as commissary of fresh provisions ; acting part of the time without pay, and then on the bare and insuffi- cient alloivance of 10/- a day. Asks payment of his allowance as councillor, but if not, desires a commission as commissary at 30/- a day, as others, and a sum of money to enable himself and son to return to America. Accompanied by certificates from Gen. Gage, Gov. Try on and Sir Wm. ErsJcine. Signed copy. Vol. 22, Nos. 131 and 132. 2 pages. Mr. Wallace to General Robertson. 1781, June 14. — Asks for a ration for Mrs. Smith and child. Original. 3rd person. Vol. 25, No. 300. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, June 15. New York. — With regard to the transports sent home from Charlestown, transmits letters received from Capt. Tonken [see 24 February and 20 March] and extracts of those which passed between Lt. Col. Balfour and himself [13 February, 14 March, 7 April, 3 May]. Disapproves of Lt. Col. Balfour's action. Has referred to the agent the investigation of his Lordship's suspicion as to the business being misrepresented. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 98. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Israel Mauduit to Sir Grey Cooper. 1781, June 15. Clement's Lane. — Col. Willard has, as directed, presented his Memorial at the Secretary's Office, and it comes - 291 recommended by Germain. Requests him to forward this applica- tion, as Commissioners of Accounts have told Col. Willard it is for his Majesty's service that he should speedily return. He should sail with the next ships. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 133. 1 page. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 7 July, 1781. Cornelius Ackerman to Governor James Robertson. 1781, June 18. New York. — Petition. Was compelled to leave his home in Bergen Co., New Jersey. Has a wife and two children. Is deprived of use of his limbs. Certified by Peter and Jacobus Bogert, Peter Ruttan and Theunis Blauvelt. This was accompanied by a note from Wm. Bayard, see 29 June. Original. Vol. 29, No. 110. 1 page. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 18. Whitehall. — The King has given the command of the 82nd Regt. of Foot to Lt. Col. Gunning, and to Major Tarleton the rank of Lt. Col. in the army. Lord Hillsborough has desired him to recommend Major Brownlow of the 57th Regiment. Letter signed. Vol. 4, No. 284. 1 page. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 18. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 97. 1 page. Enclosing Lord Kensington to [Lord G. Germain], 14 June, 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 321 ; Sackville MSS. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Colonel Nisbet Balfour. 1781, June 20. New York. — Prison ships not to be used after- wards as transports. Sends a/cs at St. Augustine and E. Florida to be settled. Pay for the town major and barrack master to be 5/- and 4/-, not 10/- per day. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 101. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. " Endeavour." 1781, June 20. — Deposition of James Spicer, master, and three mariners as to the seizure of the ship by the British on this date. Copy. Vol. 41, No. 31. 3 pages. Enclosed by Robt. R. Livingston to Sir Guy Carleton, 12 May, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 147, fo. 660 ; and 593, fo. 222. 292 Meschech Weare to [Samuel Livermore and John Sullivan]. 1781, June 20. Exeter. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 165 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 22. 2 pages each. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct., 1781. Copies in the Public Kecord Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 24 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 69 ; in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 71. Bkig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 22. Fort George, Penobscot. — Refers him to letter of 21st ult. Received commands of 9th inst., and will be able to leave this place in three days in the "Allegiance" for Halifax. Capt. Hartcup will take command of garrison and Capt Campbell, jn., command of regiments. Enquires what Field Officers and corps shall be sent to relieve the 74th. " This Fort will be, six weeks hence, in exceeding good posture of defence, when the three principal bastions will be finished with casemats in each of them, and a good ditch round the whole fort . . . Before the end of Septem- ber next, there will be eight rooms for officers, and good barracks for three hundred and fifty men, which I humbly think is a sufficient garrison for this place." Wishes to know if bat and forage money is to be allowed the officers this year. Recommends to the succession if account of Capt. Donald Campbell's death is true. Has given leave to Lt. Colin Campbell to join the Grenadiers as Lt. MacFarlan is in Europe. On the 19th, the rebel Brig. Gen. Wadsworth and one Burton made their escape from a barrack room here by cutting a hole in the ceiling although two sentries were constantly posted at the door and a window cut in it for observation. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 209. 4 pages. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Captain Smith. 1781, June 22. Fort George. — Intends to go to Halifax in three days. To send his commission as Brig. General by first ship of war, and the approval of his Excellency for Capt. Dugald Campbell to be his Brigade Major, whom he recommends to the company now vacant by death of Capt. Donald Campbell, Light Infantry, who, he is informed, died in Virginia. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 210. 1 page. Mrs. Callelo, refugee. Certificate signed E. Smith, Ben. James and Jonathan Hampton. Apparently a fragment or third page of a sheet containing a memorial. Not dated. That Hamilton Callelo was killed " on board the Privateer Rodney, as mentioned above." Below is a note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, New York, 22 June [1781], that the General has ordered rations for two months to Mrs. Callelo. Signed letter. Vol. 44, No. 150. 1 page. 293 Troops. 1780, Dec. 25 — Contingent bill of the 38th Regiment between 1781. June 24- these dates, £36 12s. 5d. Millet, Capt. 38th. Vol. 24, No. 34. 1 page. Certified by Matthew 1781, April 25 to June 24. — Abstract of pay for the 74th Regiment, signed John Campbell, Lt. Col. commanding the Light Infantry detachment. £166 14s. 8d. (For the warrant to pay this see 1783 only, day and month not filled in.) Original. Vol. 27, No. 171. 1 page. Lord North to [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1781, June 26. Downing Street. — Concerning Mr. Cuyler. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 109. 2 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21705, fo. 87. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornvvallis. 1781, June 28. New York. — Directing, if not otherwise employed, a force to seize the stores at Philadelphia and proceed hither. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 29.) Duplicate copy in cipher. Vol. 19, No. 115. 7 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 580. Lord Amherst to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 29. Whitehall. — List of promotions of 1st March and 30th April approved, excepting appointment of Mr. Harris to be surgeon in the room of Mr. Field, as the King does not permit surgeoncies to be sold. Cornet Stapleton to be Capt. Lieut, of 17th Dragoons. The King's rules do not admit an officer being a Quarter Master or vice versa ; but in consequence of the late situation of the Convention Regiments Lieut. Torrians may be Quarter Master to the 20th Regiment and Quarter Master Paxton of the 47th an ensign in that regiment ; the former should be altered as soon as possible, and Ensign Paxton resign his Quarter Master's commission. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 256. 2 pages. Wm. Bayard to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, June 29. New York.— Recommending Cornelius Ackerman. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 111. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, June 30. Williamsburgh. — (Printed in the Clinton-Corn wallis Controversy II. 31.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 102. 11 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 505 ; 141, fo. 57. 294 Messrs. Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph. 1781, March 31 and June 30 — Statement of cash. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 193. 1 page. Captain Justus Sherwood. [1781, June.] — Queries [to General Haldimand] with answers. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 135 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 3. 3 pages. Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton, 2 Aug., 1781. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21838, fos. 402 and 400 ; 21840, fos. 40 and 41 ; in the Public Eecord Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 18, No. 48. Henry Smith. 1781, June. Pensacola. — Affidavit sworn before John Miller, J.P. Is commander of a sloop. Voyage up the Escambia. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 43. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 739. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, July 1. New York. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 260. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, in Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Troops. 1781, July 1. — Return of clerks, storekeepers, waggon masters, conductors and labourers employed in the Quarter Master General's Department in the District of New York, commencing this date, with recapitulations. Also return of carpenters, wheelwrights, sawyers, blacksmiths and harness makers employed in the Quarter Master General's Department in District of New York, commencing same date. And a list of ship carpenters, joiners, caulkers and sawyers, &c, employed in the Quarter Master General's Department in building and repairing gallies, small craft, flat bottomed boats, batteaux boats and scows in the District of New York. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 125. 4 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 2. War Office.— Acknowledges letters of 30th April and 14 May. The King has confirmed Capt. Cockell's appointments. Promotions in list of 1st March and 30th April approved excepting hospital mate Harris to be a surgeon vice Field, who retires. This is presumed to be a purchase. Refers to letter of 3rd April relative to Dr. Jeffries who sold his commission. Variations in appoint- ments in 16th and 71st Regts. explained in annexed paper. Letter signed. Vol. 4, No. 254. 2 pages. Enclosure : — List of Promotions. Variations. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 255. 1 page. 295 [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Col. Bruce, 70th. Regt. 1781, July 4. New York. — " Having in vain applied to Vice- Adrairal Arbuthnot for a convoy to Halifax, or an opportunity of sending a letter there, I fear you will not have received that which I sent by an unarmed vessel some time since, wherein I acquainted you that I had appointed Brigr. Genl. Campbell to the command of Halifax, and directed him to repair thither immediately. But lest any accident should have prevented his arrival there, I do hereby authorize and appoint you to act as Brigadier-General in the Province of Nova Scotia, until you are joined by him, or another officer senior in rank to you, on either of which events taking place, this appointment of Brigr. must cease. " I shall immediately apply to Rear Admiral Graves for a convoy to Halifax ; the victuallers for Quebec should therefore be held in readiness to go thither as they are much wanted in Canada. " Having received directions from the Minister to remove Hier- lihy's Corps from St. John's to Halifax, and leave the protection of that island to Captain Calbeck's company, which is to be aug- mented to 100 men, you will be pleased to signify these intentions to those officers should you have any opportunity, that they may be prepared." 2 copies. Vol. 21, No. 144, and Vol. 29, No. 228. 2 pages each. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, July 4. New York.— Separate. Duplicate copy. Vol. 22, No. 127. 1 page. Signed letters in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 461 ; 589, fo. 140 ; copy 309, fo. 142. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 4. Whitehall. — Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 126. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 279 ; copies 432, fo. 326 ; in Sackville MSS. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Colonel De Seitz. 1781, July 4.— Acknowledges letter of 43th. ult. The " Dispatch " captured. Brig. -Gen. Campbell is to take command of the troops in Nova Scotia. Until his arrival the temporary rank of Brigadier is given to Lt.-Col. Bruce. Explains that it is necessary that the garrison of Halifax should always be commanded by a British officer. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 135 and 136. 2 pages each. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 4. War Office.— On the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 257. 1 page. Enclosures : — Leaves of Absence. List of Promotions. Vol. 4, Nos. 258 and 259. 1 page and 2 pages respectively. 296 [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord George Germain. 1781, July 7. New York.— Separate. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 136. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 477 ; copy 309, fo. 163. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 7. Whitehall.— No. 87. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 43.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 138. 5 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 283 ; copies 432, fo. 331 ; in Sackville MSS. ; extract in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 55. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 7. Whitehall.— Private. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 45.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 137. 3 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 291 ; copies 685, fo. 223 ; in Sackville MSS. ; extract in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 59. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, July 7. New York. — Is glad to receive the approbation of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury of his having appointed Commissaries of Captures. Has directed Cornwallis to revive the appointment on his taking the field in Carolina. Refers to returns of the Commissary General as to cattle taken from the enemy and issued to the troops. Mentions that Germain desired Mr. Hay to continue as Commissary of Captures ; but as he was only 2nd in the Commission has requested his Lordship to recommend Col. Bev. Robinson on account of the losses he has sustained by his loyalty and as being the originator of the plan. Duplicate copy. Vol. 33, No. 110. 3 pages. Richard Rigby to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 7. Pay Office. — Recommends the bearer, Mr. Poyntz, who is appointed Deputy Paymaster at New York instead of Mr. Thomas. Requests, if possible, he will get an Ensign's commission for Peter Buchanan, now a Cadet belonging to the 74th Regt. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 225. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 7. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. — Is commanded to transmit the enclosed papers and to recommend Mr. Willard to be continued as commissary of fresh provisions at 20s. per day. (For these enclosures see above, 27 January, 14 and 15 June.) Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 135. 2 pages. 297 [General Sir Henry Clinton] to [Earl Cornwallis]. N. D. [1781, July 8]. — Fragments, found to be draft of a letter of this date. (See the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 49.) Vol. 19, Nos. 112 and 113. 3 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 537. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 8. Cobham. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 56.) Signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 103. 5 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. Gl. Provincial Troops. 1781, July 8. Whitehall.— Copy of a letter from Lord Germain to the Treasury to direct that horse furniture and accoutrements for 1,000 men be provided and sent out according to Mr. Thompson's patterns, also suits of light dragoon clothing. May 14. — Extract cf a letter from Col. Innes, New York, to Benjamin Thompson, re- presenting distress for want of cavalry appointments. July 10. — Minutes of the Treasury Board on the subject, to have the Adjutant- General consider the samples. August 24.— Copy of Adj.-Geni. Fawcett's letter approving samples, and with a detailed list of articles to be provided for the use of His Majesty's provincial forces in North America. August 29.— Treasury Minutes directing Mr. Thompson to provide and send out the same. One paper. Vol. 22, Nos. 179 and 180. About 9 pages. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 20 Sept. Richard Rigby to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 9. Pay Office.— That he has appointed Mr. Poyntz (who presents this letter) to be resident Deputy Paymaster at New York. Has directed Mr. Thomas as soon as he is relieved by Mr. Pojntz to join Cornwallis and take charge of payments to the forces under his ccirrrend. Signed letter. Vcl. 35, No. 96. 1 page. Colonel Ira Allen to General Haldimand. 1781, July 10. Sunderland. 2 copies. Vcl. 11, No. 156 ; 18 No. 2. enclos. 18. 4 pages and 3 pages respectively . Enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Sept., 1781. Original in the Brit. Mus., Adcltl. MSS. 21835, fo. 72 ; copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 20. Governor Chitteneen to Jonas Fay, Ira Allen and B. Woodward. 1781, July 10. Council Chamber, Bennington.— Commission. Copy. Vol.11, No. 169. 2 pages. Enclosed by J. Fay and others to Congress, 14 August. Also enclosed by General Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 89 ; Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 27a; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 74. 298 General Sir H[enry] C[linton] to Lord George Germain. 1781, July 10. New York. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 142. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 481 ; copies Admty., Sec, In Letters 4146, No. 57' 2 ; Am. & W. I. 309, fo. 164. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord George Germain. 1781, July 10. New York. — Sending proclamation, see 7 May. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 140. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office^Am. & W. I, 140, fo. 489 ; copy 309, fo. 164. Colonel H. E. (?) DE*SErrz/to[GENERAL Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 10. Halifax. — Transmits Returns of Troops for May and June. Has " the more motives for it," as he saw complaints in a letter to Brig. Gen. Campbell of 9th June of his reports not having reached His Excellency. Has " sufficient justification that nobody can make the least complaints against his own conduct and the officers under his command." Hopes he will have no suspicion of him and recommends himself to his kind protection. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 199. 2 pages. Thomas Baddeley to Major De Lancey. 1781, July 11. New York. — As captain of the Bermuda Garrison Battalion encloses the engineers a/c (perhaps that on 23 May, '80). Autograph signed letter. Vol. 54, No. 100, 1 page Capt. Alex. McDonald to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1781, July 11. Halifax. — Dispute with Brig. Gen. MacLean as to forming the 9 Companies of the Battalion (2d 84th) into five as directed by Major Commandant Small. Requests leave to do so. The agents are in advance for a large sum for the 84th Regt., and they will honour no more drafts from the commanding officers or paymasters ; propriety of an interview with Lt. Col. Small. Asks leave to send Capt. John McDonald for this purpose Copy. Vol. 13, No. 203. 4 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 16 July. Mure, Atkinson & Mure to the Masters of Oat Ships. 1781, July 11. London. — To obey orders of the agents of trans- ports. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 143. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 14 July, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 399. Lieut. Colonel A. Bruce to Major [Mackenzie]. 1781, July 12. Head Quarters. — Recommending the bearer (not named) as an object of charity. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 208. 1 page. 299 Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 12. Suffolk.— (Printed in the Clint on-Cormvallis Controversy II. 66.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 104. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 67. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Capt. Alex. McDonald. 1781, July 13. — Transmits letter of 11th July to His Excellency as he does not feel authorised to make arrangements without his orders. Capt. John McDonald has leave to go to Head Quarters. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 202. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 16 July. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, July 13. New York. — Encloses extract of letter from Germain to send from Charlestown cannon for Gov. Maxwell of the Bahamas. Does not know how many Gov. Maxwell wants. To write and ascertain. Extract. Vol. 19, No. 105. 1 page. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Anthony Farrington to [Brig. Gen. John Campbell]. 1781, July 13. Halifax, Nova Scotia. — Represents that the Company of the Royal Regiment of Artillery in this garrison is insufficient to manage the artillery mounted for defence of this place, and that it is much weakened by detachments to depending posts, though the posts, particularly Fort George, Penobscot, are not furnished with the proper number of artillery men. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 206. 2 pages. 1781, July 14. Halifax. — -Return by Anthony Farrington, Major of Royal Artillery, of number of officers and men (exclusive of Royal Artillery) necessary for management of cannon on the several batteries in the Garrison of Halifax in case of an attack by sea. Addressed to Brig. Gen. Campbell. Return of Major Farrington' s Company, 4th Battalion Royal Artillery. Originals. Vol. 13, Nos. 200 and 201. 1 page each. The above three enclosed by Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 16 July. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 14. Whitehall.— No. 88. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwalhs Controversy II. 69.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 144. 3 pages. Enclosing letter of Messrs. Mure to the Masters of the Oat Ships, 11 July. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 393 ; copies 432, fo. '336 ; in the Sackville MSS. 300 Abraham Vanderbeck to Governor James Robertson. 1781, July 15. New York.— Petition. Has been compelled to fly hither for refuge, having two sons in his Majesty's service. Attested by Lt. Col. Ab. Buskirk, John Zabriski and Thos. Outwater, and with note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, dated 8 August, that Col. Morris will issue rations to petitioner and family for twelve weeks. Original. Vol. 29, No. 52. 1 page. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 16. Halif ax.— Sends duplicate of letter of 22nd ult. Embarked at Penobscot 24th ult. and arrived on the 8th inst. Repairs of fortifications here in great forwardness. Finds no magazines for provisions on Citadel Hill. Has directed Capt. Spry to build two. Has directed the engineers to prepare and will send plans of works constructed prior to his command. Thinks they are too extensive for the number of men as he will see by Major Farringdon's returns [13 and 14 July]. Sends to the Adjutant- General returns, &c, for the last six months. Forwards pro- ceedings of two general Courts-Martial. Deputy Judge Advocate has no more warrants. Gen. Haldimand having sent for his provisions, the four victuallers are reloaded for Quebec [see Haldimand's letter, 12 June]. Ships to be sent for coal. Transmits copy of McLean's letter of 31 October, 1780, respecting his secretary, Mr. Finucane, who is appointed to that department. Encloses copy of McDonald's letter and his answer [11 and 13 July]. Has given leave to Lt. Col. Goreham to go to New York as he thinks himself aggrieved by Lt. Col. Bruce being put before him in the roster of duty. Requests to be allowed to send some of his officers on the recruiting service. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 207. 5 pages. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 16. Suffolk.— Has given Lieut.-Col. Pennington permission to go to New York. Is satisfied with his zeal. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 106. 1 page. Thomas Murray, aide de camp, to Colonel Morris. 1781, July }6. New York. — That the bearer, Russell Bowen, has been turned out of the Almshouse for improper behaviour, and is to be allowed one ration. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 207. 85 words. Major General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 17. New York. — Explaining that he had allowed the inhabitants of the Natchez (a district already ceded to Spain) commissions to captains or 1 aders, and directions to make a diver- sion in his favour. Fifteen days after the surrender the not delivering up the fort at the Natchez is brought up as a principal accusation. Lays before him the correspondence with Gen. Galvez. 301 Hopes the detention of his secretary Maj. Campbell and Capt. Dean? will be considered a stretch of power and violation of the laws of nations, and requests some steps may be taken for their release. Signed Jeter. Vol. 16, No. 53. 3 'pages. Andrew Elliot to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 17. Superintendent's Office, New York.— The en- closures contain his report upon facts set forth in two memorials of Nicholas Ashton & Co. to the Lords of the Treasury. Copy. Vol, 33, No. 111. 1 page. Enclosures : — Hugh Wallace to Nicholas Ashton, see 8 May, 1781. 1781, July 17, 18. — Account of salt, measured and delivered out of the ships " Valiant,'''' " Ellis " and " Sarah Gout- bourne." Copy. Vol. 33, No. 112 * 2 pages. 1781, July 17. New York. — Report of Andrew Elliott on the Memorials of Nicholas Ashton. Vol. 33. No. 113. 4 pages. Lord North to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 17. Bushy Park. — Recommends Mr. Aberdein, the bearer of this letter, as a commissary. Autograph signed letter. Vcl. 47, No. 236. 3 pages. Hospitals. Account signed by one Wm. or Wms. to Dr. Lorimer. — " To my wages as nurse on board the Hospital ship from the 1st of June to the 16th of July. 1781 = £2 6s. To old sheets and other materials for bandages, £3 Is. Id.— Total £5 7s. Id. Receipted 17th July, 1781. Original. Vol. 27, No. 215. 1 page. 1781, June 4 to July 18. — Contingent account by Dr. Lorimer of the Hospital for the Garrison of Pensacola from 4 June to 18 July, 1781, £16 5s. 5|d. Copy, with copy of endorsement, dated 27th September, 1782, as recommended for payment by the Board of Public Accounts — James Robertson, President. Copy. Vol. 48, No. 31. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, July 18. New York. — Separate. Concerning prizes. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 146. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 5 ; copies 309, fo. 171 ; Admlty., Secretary, In Letters 486, No. 373. Prisoners. 1781, July 18. New York. — Return of staff officers and others prisoners to Spain present distinguishing such as received pay from Gen. Campbell at Pensacola. Original, not signed. Vol. 52, No. 28. 1 page, 302 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 18. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. — In order to keep down the exchange their Lordships have directed Messrs. Harley and Drummond to send out in specie all the money in their hands for subsistence of troops at New York, together with £100,000 for extraordinaries. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 145. 1 page. Major General John Campbell to Captain John Smith (Secretary to Sir EL Clinton). 1781, July 19. New York. — Desiring him to pay amount of Lt. Gordon's loss by shipwreck. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 52. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, July 19. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 19th Decem- ber, with copies of Ashton's memorials and papers relative thereto. Has ordered an enquiry, and enclosures shew that the memorials are founded upon misrepresentation, which must have been made by the agents of the firm here. No application has as yet been made to him in behalf of Messrs. Ashton and Co.'s claim, and he could not have paid any such without knowing it to be their Lordship's intention to make similar allowance to others who might make like claim. Other merchants in the garrison have cheerfully sub- mitted to necessary regulations. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 113.* 2 pages. Major Duncan Drummond to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 19. New York. — From small investigation as yet into the accounts and expenditures in one or two departments, represents that the only way of reducing the expenses seems to be by taking the vessels, horses and waggons out of the hands of departments and placing them in those of the Government. Fore- sees objections. Proposes a Board of General Officers to enquire whether it is practicable. 2 copies. Vol. 22, No. 147 and Vol. 53, No. 96. 4 pages and 2 pages. Lieut. -Col. Nisbet Balfour to Sir James Wright. 1781, July 20. Charlestown. — Only the uncertain and distracted affairs of this country have hitherto prevented him from answering his letters. Understands that the boundaries of British possessions are nearly determined, and that Lord Rawdon has found it necessary to quit the back country, bringing along with the army all the loyalists who wished to follow. That boundary, all which can be protected, will run from near the Cord's Ferry on the Santee towards Orangeburgh, and across by the Saltketchers to the Savannah. Thus the richer parts of the province will be covered, and the loyalists placed on the lands of those revolted. Has written to Col. Clarke to make his arrangements for Georgia. " As to covering a country 303 by a post, it is impossible ; a moving body of light troops only can effect the purpose." The King's stores cannot supply the militia. Regrets to say the revolt is universal. The minds of the people are bent on their former principles, and the efforts of friends, feeble and pusillanimous. Fears the country must be ruined without a single advantage hereafter to be reaped from the boasted loyalty and ex- tensive possessions enjoyed in South Carolina. Whatever can be gained by strong representations will be done. On same paper. — Charlestown, 24 August. Acknowledges dis- patch of the 16th. Has detained the boat three days in hope of Lt.-Gen. Leslie's arrival, as he will probably bring with him a new arrangement for the Southern District. Things, therefore, are much at a standstill. Thinks same line of conduct would be best with him, but does not presume to interfere with any resolutions taken by him and Col. Clarke. Copies. Vol. 23, No. 30. 4 pages. Enclosed bij Sir J. Wright to Sir H. Clinton, 16 Oct. Oliver De Lancey, Adj. -Gen., to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, July 20. Head Quarters. — Mr. Lewis to receive rations for himself and family. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 293. 1 page, Oliver De Lancey, Adj. -Gen., to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, July 22. Head Quarters. — Provisions to be issued to Patrick Smith. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 166. ' 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Haldimand. 1781, July 23. New York. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 149; 18, No. 2, enclosures 26. 3 pages and 2 vages. Signed letter in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 263. Sir H. Clinton to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1781, July 24. New York. — Received letter of 22nd ult., and is happy to find he was to set out for Nova Scotia three days later, as the enemy are desirous of getting possession of Halifax and Penobscot, and may attempt one of them. Though he is appointed to the command at Halifax, there is no necessity to remove the 74th Regiment from Penobscot. Capt. Hartcup may go to Europe when the works at Penobscot are finished. Directs him to enquire concerning Indian presents "^detained by the Assistant Quarter Master General at Halifax, and order them to be given to Mr. Fran(c)klin if intended for him. Usual supply of -provisions to be granted to the Indian inhabitants of the Province. 3 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 137, 138 and 139. 2 or 4 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain 1781, July 24. New York. — A/cs for French officers, prisoners. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 148. 2 pages. Signed letterin the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 35 ; copies 309, fo. 181 ; Admty., Sec, In Letters 4146, No. 58 A1 304 William Knox to Gent. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 24. Whitehall. — Intelligence of stores from Holland. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 149. 2 pages. Also in the" Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 403 ; 432, fo. 339 ; and in the SackviUe MSS. [John Smith, Secy.] to Captain D'Aubant. 1781, July 24. New York. — Received letter of 14th November, and also his to Commander-in-Chief. Want of opportunity pre- vented an earlier answor. His Excellency desires him to come to Head Quarters, when he hopes to be able to place him in a command suitable to his seniority in the corps of Engineers. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 140 and 141. 2 pages and 1 page respec- tively. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Governor Hughes. 1781, July 25. New York. — As it is evident the detention of Indian presents by the Assistant Quarter Master General is owing to some' mistake, has sent to Brigadier General Campbell to order them to be delivered to Mr. Fran(c)klin. Has desired the Brigadier to issue provisions for use of Indian inhabitants as customary. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 142 and 143. 1 page each. General Sir Henry Clinton to Governor Walter Patterson. 1781, July 25. New York. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 147 and 251. 3 pages and 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., St. John (Pr. Ed. I.) 4, fo. 299. Troops of Convention. 1781, July 25. New York. — Opinion signed by Maj. Gen. James Robertson, Benj. Lincoln and Saml. Birch and addressed to Capt. Smith, that the allowance which the Commander-in-Chief proposes t3 make to officers of the Convention army is perfectly proper. Original. Vol. 15, No. 30. Copy No. 27. 1 page each. Lieutenant Alexander Sutherland to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, July 25. " Billy " Ordnance Transport, Hampton Rd. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 95.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 107. 3 parjes. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 145 ; Admlty., Sec, In Letters 489, No. 248. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, July 26. New York. — Appointments or promotions. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 261. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. 305 Lord George Germain to Governor Haldimand. 1781, July 26. Whitehall.— No. 33. Duplicate extract. Vol. 11, No. 184. 4 pages. Signed letter in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21704, fo. 129 ; copies 21704, fo. 133; 21710, fo. 58; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 18, No. 38 ; Am. & W. I. 685, fo. 226 ; Sackville MSS. Charles Hudson, Thomas Symonds, Charles Everttt and Ralph Dundas, Captains of H.M. ships, to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, July 26. Richmond, Hampton Rd. — (Printed in the Clinton-Comwallis Controversy II. 101.) Copy Vol. 19, No. 108. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 149 ; Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters 489, No. 247. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, July 26. Treasury Chambers. — Transmits enclosure rela- tive to the expense of transports used for prisoners, &c, and pro- posing mode of lessening it. Desires him to take it into considera- tion and give such orders as he sees best for the public service. Duplicate letter, signed. Vol. 22, No. 151. 1 page. Enclosing Navy Board to the Treasury, 2 April, 1781. Captain John Smith to Brigadier General Campbell. 1781, July 26. New York.— Received letters of 21st May and 22nd ult. The Commander-in-Chief approves Capt. Dugald Campbell to be his Major of Brigade, but the one appointed by McLean must cease to do the duty. No commissions as Brigadier are granted by the Commander-in-Chief, as he only appoints until the King's pleasure is known. Should his troops take the field they will have bat and forage money. His Excellency desires him to give Capt. D'Aubant permission to come to New York. Hopes Mr. Finacane is continued in the office he held under Genl. McLean. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 148 and 149. 3 pages and 1 page. [Captain John Smith] to Captain Spry. 1781, July 26. Secretary's Office, New York. — Received his letter by Capt. Callbeck. His Excellency does not consider the Island of St. John within his command, and must refer him to the Board of Ordnance for payment of works of defence. Encloses extract of a letter from Lord Germain respecting works to be con- structed on St. John's Island as it shows this business is under control of that Board. His vouchers and accounts transmitted here will be laid before Major Drummond, auditor, as far back as 1779, and when returned with his certificate annexed will, it is hoped, be finally settled. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 150 and 151. 2 pages and 1 page. 306 Gov. Sir James "Wright to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1781, July 27. Savannah in Georgia. — Received letter of the 20th in answer to his of 11, 18 and 27 June. Observes the reasons given for not answering, but the ignorance in which he has been kept is greatly prejudicial. It has been with great difficulty that he has been able to keep the back country militia from quitting Ebenezer. Wishes he had allowed them to do so. " It is with the utmost concern that I see the very narrow limits the King's troops in So. Caro a are reduced to & that two such valuable Provinces should be ruin'd &■ lost in the manner they have . . . surely as soon as your representation of the situation of affairs to the S°ward is known, a sufficient force will be sent to our relief . . . By what I learn of Col Clarke with respect to the limits proposed to be held in this Province, I consider them as next to giving it up, have therefore met the gentlemen of the Council on the matter, and with their full approbation, I beg leave to say. that the re-estab- lishment of a post at Augusta & that as soon as possible, I conceive to be a matter of such consequence to His Majesty's service, and to the King's loyal subjects in this Province, that my duty to the King, to the inhabitants here and to myself, all unite in compelling me to state the necessity of re-establishing a post there — and in the most serious manner to require the same to be done." Augusta is the key to this Province, seat of government, place of supplies, &c. Reckons that 7,800 inhabitants, mostly loyal, whose habitations lie above Augusta, will be lost to the King, and will make their peace with the rebel powers. They have given the strongest proofs of their loyalty, seeing relatives put to death solely on that account. Thinks to give them up is the height of cruelty and the worst policy. 500 troops might be sufficient to save the Province. " It is my duty to represent what I judge to be for his Majesty's service. & to demand that assistance which I think necessary for that service, and when I have done this, I have discharg'd my duty to the King, and to the greatly distress'd & suffering loyal subjects in this Province, and let the consequences be what they may, I conceive they will not lye at my door." An enemy's force at Augusta may mean the loss of Savannah and the whole province. Requests him to communicate this to the Commander-in-Chief, and begs a clear and positive answer. P.S. — Has ordered the bearer, a pilot, to wait for an answer. , Copy. Vol. 23, No. 28. 7 pages. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir H. Clinton, 1G Oct., 1781. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, July 28. New York. — Concerning regimental surgeons. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 262. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Jno. Pafford to Brigadier General Birch, Commandant of New York. Memorial. That his wife and family, with two negroes, plate and effects were seduced on board a rebel galley at Charlestown, and on 307 following them to Philadelphia was thrown into prison as a spy. Being exchanged, begs rations for his family till he can get a passage to Charlestown. Also claims one of his negroes now in New York. Referred to Gov. Robertson, 28 July, and rations ordered in August. Original. Vol. 44, No. 145. 2 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Phillips Callbeck. 1781, July. Head Quarters, New York. — Authority to raise a company. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 289. 2 pages. Lieut. -Col. Nisbet Balfour to Sir Jas. Wright. 1781, August 1. Charlestown.—" The operations in South Carolina have hitherto been carried on at such a distance from hence, and the communications been so precarious, that my own informations have been frequently imperfect ; such, however, as came to me and cou'd in any way concern the Province of Georgia, I regularly transmitted to Col. Clarke, as the officer intrusted with the charge of His Majesty's troops there, and I doubt not thro' him your Excelly. got every essential information he was impower'd to give. With your Excellency I regret the loss of the back country, especially Ninety-Six and Augusta, and the more so, as the manner of it was a general revolt of the inhabitants. I must assure your Excellency that a full proportion of provisions and stores have from time to time been sent to the troops in Georgia, and I am fearfull the Commander-in-Chief and Lord Cornwallir. mav be displeased at the very large quantities detain' d by me for the supply of this, your Province and East Florida, and which has always precluded any want. Such has been the scarcity of guns here, that on the Commanding Engineer's representation of there not being a sufficient number for the works now constructing to defend this town, we have been obliged to purchase some. ¥ou will therefore see the impossibility of my sending any to Savannah, but I am in hopes you will be able to procure what are wanted, in the same way we have done here. " I truly feel the disagreable state to which many of His Majesty's loyal subjects in your Province are at present reduced, which I am the better enabled to judge of, from the similar situation of many deserving persons in this. " Not having received from Lord Cornwallis any directions for reinforcing your Province, it is Lord Rawdon's opinion, as well as mine, that it would be improper to do it, untill we hear from him ; but your Excellency may be assured that when such orders come here there will be no delay in executing of them. " In respect to re-establishing the post at Augusta, I must beg leave to refer your Excellency to Col. Clarke, to whom I have wrote on the subject, and who must be the best judge how far with his present force he is capable of doing it." Copy. Vol. 23, No. 28.* 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir H. Clinton, 16 Oct. 308 j Captain Henry Chads, Agent for Transports. 1781, August 1. New York. — Return of vessels employed in H. M. Service in the Quarter Master General's Department under his direction. Signed. Vol. 22, No. 153. 2 pages. Philip Dumaresq to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 1. Bowery Lane. — Memorial. Went with the army from Boston to Halifax, and again to this place. Has en- deavoured with his own means to support his family, but is no longer able to do so, and begs rations or other assistance. Followed by note from Thomas Murray, aide de camp, dated 28th August, to Col. Morris, that Genl. Robertson desires rations to be issued in consequence. Original. Vol 25, No. 330. 2 pages. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 1. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1, end. 38. 2 pages. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 321. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 1. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 263. 1 page. Enclosures : — List of Promotions. Leaves of Absence. Vol. 4, Nos. 284 and 205. 2 pages and 1 page respectively. General Sir Henry Cltnton to Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis. 1781, August 2. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 109.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 119. 16 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 153. General Sir Henry C[linton] to General Haldimand. 1781, August 2. New York. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 150 ; 18 No. 2, enclos. 26. 2 pages each. Copy in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 272. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 2. Whitehall— Most secret. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 154. 5 pages. Enclosing : — Comte de Rochambeau to Chev. de La Luzerne. 27 May, 1781. Accompanied by paper signed by Washington and the French generals, see 23 May, and the extract of Rocham- beau's instructions, 9 March. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 407 ; copies 685, fo. 232 ; in the Sackville MSS. 309 General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 2. Copy Vol. 18, No. 1, end. 38.* 2 pages. Also in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 27G. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 2. Quebec. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 157 ; 18 No. 1, end. 41. 6 pagres and 5 pages. Endosing Gov. Chittenden to Gov. George Clinton, 22 Nov., 1780. Gov. Chittenden to Gov. Hancock, 12 Dec, 1780. Gov. Chittenden to Gov. Tumbull [Trumbull], 12 Dec, 1780. [Gov. Haldimand], instructions fco . . . [Capt. Sherwood], 20 Dec, 1780. Gen. Allen to Samuel Huntington, 9 March, 1781. Col. Ira. Allen to Samuel Huntington, 10, 11 March. 1781. Col. Ira. Allen. Information of Vermont, 11 May, 1781. Capt. Mathews to . . . [Capt. Sherwood], 15 May, 1781. Gen. Haldimand to [Capt. Sherwood], 17 May, 1781. Col. A[llen] to Major Lernoult, 21 May 1781. Two letters from Capt. Mathews to Capt. Sherwood. 21 May, 1781. Two letters from Capt. Sherwood to Maj. Lernoult, 22 May, 1781. and accompanying report of Samuel Rose. Substance of a Conference between Capt. Sherwood and Col. Allen, 8, 25 May, 1781. [Queries by Capt. Sherwood, with Haldimand' s answers, June, 1781.] Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 274. Lieut. Governor George Bruere to [Earl Cornwallis.] 1781, August 3. Bermuda Government House. St. George's.— The French fleet leaves Martinique. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 109. 2 paqes. Signed letter in the Cornwallis MSS. 6. Major Duncan Drummond to John Smith. 1781, August 3. New York.— Being unable to get through the examination of the accounts from the different departments so as to grant certificates for their obtaining monev immeiiatelv, requests him to beg His Excellency to grant such sums on account as may enable the Departments to discharge their engagements to the 31st June last. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 172. 1 page. 310 Delegates of New York to Congress. 1781, August 3. Philadelphia. — Memorial. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 166 ; 18 No. 2, enclos. 23. 7 pages and 5 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton. 1 Oct., 1781. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 96 ; in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 19, No. 25 ; Am. & W. I. 142, io. 73. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 3. St. Augustine. — Col. Moore being no longer able to bear delay of payment for the Indian expenses without ruin and being thrown into jail, he has drawn two bills in his favour on the Commander-in-Chief (Sir Henry). Extract. (2 copies.) Vol. 30, Nos. 112 and 193. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Tonyn to Sir G. Carleton, 13 Nov., 1782. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 4. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 158. 3 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 140, fo. 465 ; copy 432, fo.<342 ; in the Sackville MSS. Major General John Campbell to Colonel Alex. Innes. 1781, August 7. New York. — Acknowledges letter of this date and memorial. Is of opinion that Capt. Chrystie with the officers and men of the West Florida Forresters, prisoners, have an undoubted right to full pay as long as they remain prisoners. As to Col. Chalmers' memorial refers to 1st Article of Capitulation. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 53. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. Gabriel Christie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 7. Antigua. — Owns his conviction of the necessity of sparing some troops during the hurricane season to support his Excellency in saving a post of so much importance as New York in case of an attack, but could only spare the 40th, an excellent corps, but reduced by service, which is promptly embarked. Hopes his action will be favourably represented at home. Signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 235. 2 pages. Resolution of Congress. 1781, August 7. — Respecting the New Hampshire grants. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 167. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct., 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Canada, 19, No. 26 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 81 ; in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 77, 311 Major Oliver Delancey, Adjutant General, to Lieutenant General James Robertson. 1781, August 7. Head Quarters, New York. — Sends enclosure. Requests to know the time and place the general officers, &c, shall attend him. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 159. 1 page. Enclosure : — Order by the Commander-in-Chief for the assembling of a Board of General Officers to receive from Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts, information touching the expenditure of public money in the different departments, and to report thereon. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 160. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Major Duncan Drummond. 1781, August 8. Head Quarters. — Receipt of letter of 19th July. Informs him a Board is appointed to enquire into the expenditures of the Public Departments. Requests him to give every informa- tion which will enable them to make a full report. Copy. Vol, 35, No. 171. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, August 9. New York.— No. 137. (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 120.) Copy. Vol. 22, No. 161. 4 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 131 ; copy 309, fo. 192. Major Joseph Fay to General Haldimand. 1781, August 9. Lake Champlain. — Private. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 158 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 19. 3 and 2 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Sept. Original in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 82; copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres.. Canada, Quebec, 19, No. 21 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 43. Ebenezer Punderson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 9. New York. — Memorial. A recommendation from the Treasury to the Commissary General has proved insufficient to procure him employment. Represents his loyalty and character. Begs to be placed on the footing of the refugees from Massachusetts Bay and New England. Original, Vol. 25, No. 251. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, August 10. New York.— Received letter of 23d May with its enclosures. Will give orders to Mr. Weir to see the oat ships are unloaded before the expiration of the limited time. Every attention shall be paid to recommendations in despatches of 23rd December and 12th and 13th March, on which he will write more fully. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 114. 1 page. 312 Board of Accounts. 1781, August 10. — Proceedings of a Board of General Officers summoned by Sir Henry Clinton at New York on this date, Gen. Robertson, president, to receive from Major Drummond, Commissary of A/cs, information as to expenditure of public money by the different departments. The dates run regularly to 3 and 6 September, but the last page is dated 5 December and signed by Gen. Robertson as the original proceedings. The letters quoted are entered in this calendar on their respective dates, i.e. this day, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22 and 24 August and 6 September. Original. Vol. 18, No. 4. 49 pages. Lieut. Gen. James Robertson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 10. New York. — Report recommending musters to be taken of vessels, boats, conductors, waggons, artificers, &c, &c. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 4/1-2. jf] Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. 1781, August 10. Head Quarters. — Answer. Requests the Board will issue to the Departments the directions they think neces- sary in order to obtain information. The Departments shall have orders to obev such directions. Encloses copy of these orders. Origind. Vol. 22, No. 162. Copies. Vol. 22, No. 163, and Vol. 18, No. 4/3. " 1 page each. John Smith, Secretary, to the Departments. 1781, August 10. Head Quarters. — To pay every attention to any orders the Board may give. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 4/4. 1 page. Lieut. Governor Thos. Desbrisay to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 11. Island of St. John, Charlotton. — In praise of Major Hierlihy. Is awaiting letters ; hopes his own application to be appointed commandant of a battalion or other post may have met with approval. Thanks for favour to his son Jasper. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 211. 3 pages. 1781, August 7-11.— The London Gazette, No. 12214. Print. Vol 7, No. 123. 8 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Sept. Timothy Hierlihy, Captain Independent Companies. 1781, August 12. Charlotte Town.— Certificate that the company called the St. John's Volunteers had done good service and constant duty with the Independent Companies. Original. Vol. 54, No. 74. 2 pages. Troops. 1781, August 13. New York.— Estimate of the value of sundry regimental articles belonging to the 54th Regt. of Foot, lost in the Sound on their wav from Rhode Island to New York. Copy. Vol. 4. No. 297. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 6 Feb., 1782. 313 Jonas Fay, Ira Allen and Bezaleel "Woodward to the President of Congress. 1781, August 14. Philadelphia. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 168. 1 page. Enclosing Gov. Chittenden. Commission to J. Fay and others 10 July. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct., 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 27 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 85 ; in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 88. Beriah Norton to Lord George Germain. 1781, August 14. London. — Memorial. As agent for the in- habitants of Martha's Vineyard, desires a recommendation to the Commander-in-Chief, the Treasury having referred there his claim for payment of stock delivered to Gen. Grey in September, 1778. Original. Vol. 47, No. 229. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Sept., 1781. Board of Accounts. 1781, August 14. New York. — Letter from the Secretary, Adam Stewart, to the Heads of the Principal Departments — Quarter Master, Barrack Master, the Commissary-General, and the Com- manding Engineer, asking their ideas as to the cause of the excess in expenditure over that of 1775-1778. 15 August. — Letters agreed to be written this day by the Secretary to Daniel Wier, Commissary-General, and to Henry Chads, agent for transports. Vol. 18, No. 4/6, 8, 10. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, August 15. New York.— Sends letter from Dr. Nooth. Hospitals. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 268. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Wm. Crosbie, B.M.G., to Lieut.-Gen. James Robertson. 1781, August 15. New York. — Received letter from the Secretary to the Board of General Officers respecting ideas as to the cause of increase in the expense of his Department. Is unable to express an opinion as the increase happened prior to his appointment on the 1st of July, 1780. Signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 169. Copies, Vol. 22, No. 170. Vol. 18, No. 4/9-10. 2 pages each. Captain Alexr. Mercer, Commanding Engineer, to Adam Stewart. 1781, August 15. New York. — That the extent of the works in the Engineer Department has made the expense very considerable. 314 Has observed strictest economy. The price of all materials has advanced many hundreds per cent. Wages of artificers and labourers have advanced in proportion. Original. Vol. 22, No. 171. Copies, Vol. 22, No. 172; Vol. 18, No. 4/11-13. 3 pages each. Majors Henry Bruen and Archibald Robertson to Lieutenant General James Robertson. 1781, August 16. New York. — Accounting for the increase of expense in the Quarter Master General's Department by the move- ments of a larger army, consequent provision-trains, small craft, building gun boats and batteaux to replace English flat bottomed boats worn out, &c, &c. Submits copy of the instructions left to them by Brig. Gen. Dalrymple, when he left for Europe, and which they have faithfully followed. Original. Vol. 35, No. 136. Copies, Vol. 35, No. 135 ; Vol. 34, No. 136 ; Vol. 18, No. 4/16-21. 7, 6, or 4 pages. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 16. York Town in Virginia. — (Original written in cypher.) No detachment can be made from this place. The evacuation of Portsmouth is not complete, and the works here will not be safe against a coup de main with less than 1,000 men. Cannot at present say whether he can spare any troops, but when the garrison of Portsmouth arrives will report state of things here. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 126.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 118. 3 pages. General Haldimand to Messrs A. & B. [Capt. Sherwood and Dr. Smyth]. 1781, August 16. Quebec. Private. 2 copies. Vol. 11. No. 159 ; 18. No. 2, enclos. 20. 5 pages and 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Sept. Copies in the Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21839, fo. 97 ; in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Canada, 19, No. 22 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 47. Thomas Simons to Colonel Thomas Clarke. 1781, August 16. Charles Town, So. Carolina. — The flag " En- deavour.' ? Original. Vol. 41, No. 27. 2 pages. Enclosed by Robert R. Livingston to Sir Guy Carleton, 12 May, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. 1. 147, fo. 657 : and 593, fo. 220. John Stapleton to Colonel Roger Morris. 1781, August 16. Head Quarters. — Mrs. Stockden to receive one ration of provisions as a refugee. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 136. 1 page. 315 Governor Sir James Wright to Lieut. -Col. Balfour. 1781, August 16. Savannah in Georgia. — " I had the honor to receive your letter of the first just., and am extremely sorry it is not in your power to send the reinforcement I requested untill you hear from Lord Cornwallis, but I am well persuaded if you saw and knew the consequences of not taking post at Augusta, you would strain a point to do it, and if you could only send 250 I believe it might do for the present, and probably save this Province, and depend upon it, if once the. rebels get Georgia, those on each side will not stand long. Possibly Georgia may be considered as of little consequence. But be assured if America is recover'd it will be one of the first colonies on the continent, and the consequence and value of it is very well known to the King's Ministers." Having received undoubted information of a plan against Augusta and Savannah, it has been decided to raise a body of militia and send them up country, and he has written to Col. Clarke desiring to know what assistance he could give. Quotes from Col. Clarke's answer promising 200 of the King's troops. On the whole it is concluded to go up the country. " I think there is little doubt but 400 rnilitia will be collected at Ebenezer, and it's expected 200 more may join on the march, but this will depend on circumstances. Certainly it is a small force to undertake so long a march, and without being altogether clear of the enemies' force, and altho' we shall be ready by the 25 th , yet we shall wait your answer before any movement takes place, as much will depend on your giving us some assistance, and also co-operating. But if nothing is done, I shall expect the consequences I have mention' d. These, Sir, " are new matters which (I presume) have happen'd since you wrote to Lord Cornwallis, and are circumstances his Lordship could not know when he might answer your letter, and as I apprehend this to be a very serious affair, not confin'd to Georgia, but extending to Florida, So. Carolina, and the King's cause in general ; therefore I cannot avoid once more representing it to you, before it may be too late." Enumerates the objects of the movement — to take post again at Augusta — to destroy the provisions on Beech Island — 15,000 bushels of corn of last year's growth, and a good crop on the ground very essential to the enemy, but this being in Carolina is submitted to him (Balfour) ; third, to give the back country people an opportunity to collect their families and effects, and remove this way ; and lastly, to dis- concert and prevent the enemy forming their government or collecting their forces there. Begs him to communicate this to Lord Rawdon, or any other in command, and to dispatch the boat in answer as soon as possible. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 29. 4 pages. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir H. Clinton 16 Oct. Major Henry Bruen and Archibald Robertson to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, August 17. New York. — Recounting the mode pursued for the supply of wagons and horses contracted for for the use of 316 the army. Question of daily hire in comparison with a complete and efficient provision train as now maintained. Original. Vol. 35, No. 109. 10 pages. Copies, Vol. 34, No. 115 Vol. 18 ; No. 4/22-29. 6 and 8 pages. Captain Henry Chads to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, August 17. New York. — Agreeable to Mr. Stewart's letter of the 15th, transmits the enclosed return of vessels for which he grants certificates, with their tonnage and number of men, and the charter parties for those chartered since he has been agent, Original Vol. 22, No. 165. 1 page. Copies, Vol. 22, No. 164 ; Vol. 18, No. 4/14-15. 1 and 2 pages. Enclosure : — 1781, August 17. New York. — Return of vessels employed in H. M. Service in the Quarter Master General's Department, under the direction of Capt. Henry Chads ; also in the Com- missary Generals Department, and again in the Barrack Master Generals Department. Signed. Vol. 22, No. 166. 4 pages. 1781, August 17. — The same, signed by Thos. Skelton for Henry Chads, and enclosed by Skelton to Lieut. Gen. Robertson, 6 September. Vol. 35, No. 127, 8, 9. 4 pages. James Fisher to Colonel Thomas Clarke. 1781, August 17. Charlestown. Copy. Vol. 41, No. 29. 2 pages. Enclosed by Robert R. Livingston to Sir Guy Carleton, 12 May, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 147, fo. 658, and 593, fo. 221. General Sir Henry Clinton to [John Robinson]. 1781, August 17. New York.— Receipt of letter of 23rd with enclosures by the Halifax packet. Will give orders to Mr. Wier to hasten the unloading of the oat-ships when they arrive. Major Drummond has entered on his duties in auditing the accounts of the different Departments of the army. Copy. Vol 33, No. 115. 2 paqes Captain Thos. Tonken to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, August 17. New York. — Transmits return. Refers him to the Quarter Master General's office as to their chartering. Dispatch boats are chartered by the month @ £50 each, without regard to tonnage. Original Vol. 22, No. 168, 1 page ; copies Vol. 22, No. 167; Vol 18, No. 4/13-14. 1 page and 2 pages. Enclosure : — List of the armed vessels and dispatch boats in H.M. service 317 ' in the Quarter Master General's Department under inspection of Capt. Tonhen. In tabular form-, shows names of vessels, how rigged, and mentions number of guns, and how employed. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 150. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Major General Greene. 1781, August 18. Charles Town. — Received letter of the 2nd hist., and will reply to its remonstrances with candour and on the authority of authentic documents. Is at a loss to know how Maj. Hyrne has represented the detention of the persons mentioned, but the enclosed letter to him and Dr. Fraser will show it was done by the advice of mutual referees and confirmed by their joint approbation. The 'ailedgments' against these persons were either atrocious breaches of civil institutions or violation of military paroles. Must hold them still as prisoners on parole and require them to be returned. "lam sorry that the appeals you make, to our officers, for the humanity of their treatment when prisoners, cannot be extended to those of the Militia, in the same situation, many of whom, especially those taken at Black Mingo, I am warranted to say, are now languishing in the goals of North Carolina, tho' in direct violation of that cartel, for the rights of which, you so warmly plead. The treatment these unhappy people most invariably received from your officers, was my motive, for seizing as hostages, your Militia prisoners here, & not a view to retaliate the private animosities of inconsiderable individuals ; when therefore a general exchange took place (& I cou'd not suffer myself a moment, to doubt its being fairly carried into execution) I readily consented to their being liberated, ... As I have always deemed public faith most essential, & have carefully regarded the untarnish'd honor of my country, so it was impossible I cou'd sanction the drawing prisoners into service before the period of their paroles admitted, which I doubt not you will be convinced of in the case particularly alluded to, by the enclosed certificate, which will also serve as a future caution, against drawing warm & hasty conclusions, from unestablished facts." Demands that Lieut. Col. Grimkie, who desertedjrom his parole, shall be returned here a prisoner. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 109. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, March, 1782. Brig. General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 18. Halifax. — Acknowledges letter of the 24th. Every attention will be paid to the intelligence therein. Has communicated with the officer at Penobscot. Has directed presents for Indians to be given to Mr. Fran(c)klin. Works here in great forwardness. Batteries made on Citadel Hill. 5,000 stands of arms arrived last spring for New York ; but as they were much wanted here Lt. Col. Bruce sent only one half. Has ordered the purchase of powder, mortar and shells found in a French prize. Ships sent to coal mines are safely arrived altho' they were attacked by two French frigates. Fears the "Jack" is taken. The "Charles 318 Town]" and " Vulture " returned much shattered. The " Vernon has gone to Europe with Adl. Sir Richard Hughes. Maj. Thos. Batt died at Fort Cumberland the 15th ult. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 208. 4 pages. Brig. General John Campbell to John Smith. 1781, August 18. Halifax. — Received letter of 26th ult. and desires to know the date of his appointment as Brigadier. The late Brig. Gen. McLean appointed town major Chas. Lyons to be Deputy Commissary of Musters in this Province. Desires to know His Excellency's pleasure thereon. Is glad he anticipated his desire by appointing Mr. Finucane his secretary. The late Brig. General wished his salary to be increased. Regrets his Excellency has not relieved the 74th Regt. at Penobscot or sent a field officer to take command. Captain D'Aubant will go to New York by the first opportunity. Received the enclosed from Lt. Col. Hicks of the 70th Regt. Requests him to lay it before the Commander- in-Chief. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 213. 2 pages. Enclosure :— Lt. Col. E. Hicks to Brig. Gen. Campbell. 1781, August 19. Halifax. — As he (the Brigadier) cannot give him permission to go to New York, requests him to apply to the Commander-in-Chief in order to obtain his leave. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 214. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, August 18. New York.— Concerning recruits. Duplicate copy. Vol. 4, No. 269. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Major Patrick Ferguson. 1781, August 18. Charles Town. — Note of money advanced Maj. Patrick Ferguson, 8th May, 1780, on account of the detachment under his command, by order of Maj. Andre. Signed Adam Gordon. (The warrant to pay is dated 30 Nov., 1782.) Copy. Vol. 32, No. 97. I page. Troops. 1781, August 18. — List of regiments in North America for which clothing was shipped on board the " Archer " transport and com- pleated this date. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 266. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Aug., 1781. Vermont. 1781, August 18. Philadelphia. — Proposals of Jonas Fay, Ira Allen and Bezaleel Woodward to the Committee of Congress. 319 Questions proposed by the Committee of Congress to the agents on the part of Vermont. Copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 170 and 171. 3 pages each."' Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct., 1781. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21835, fos. 91, 93 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Canada or Quebec, 19, Nos. 28, 29 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fos. 93, 97. 1781, August 2 to 18. — Extracts of five letters from the agents [Capt. Sherwood and Dr. Smyth] for negotiating with the people of Vermont. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 160 ; 18, No. 2, enclos. 21. 6 and 4 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 27 September. Also in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Canada, 19, No. 23 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 55. Brig. General Benedict Arnold to Fredk. Metzner. 1781, August 19. New York. — Authority to raise 30 Dragoons to serve for 2 years, and his appointment as captain by commission will be then delivered. Copy. Vol. 39, No. 165. 2 pages. Troops. 1781, August 19. — Return of horses foraged at New York and posts dependant. Original. Vol. 35, No. 89. 9 pages. 1781, August 20. New York.— Return of the number of men, women and children belonging to the Civil Department victualled at New York and outposts. Original. Vol. 35, No. 86. 1 page. 1781, August 20. New York. — Return of the number of men, women and children of the British and Foreign Regiments, New Levies, and Civil Departments victualled at New York and out- posts. Original. Vol. 35, No. 88. 3 pages. Board of Accounts. 1781, August 20. New York. — Letters by the Secretary, Adam Stewart, to Col. Turnbull and Captain Chads, agents for transports, for an exact state of all the vessels employed in the military service, and to the various departments — Quarter Master General, Barrack Master General, etc. — to have a muster taken on Sunday next of all vessels, drivers, horses, waggons, labourers, &c. Draft. Vol. 18, No. 4/30-1. Francis Child (Mrs.) to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, August 20. New York. — Memorial. Requests rations for herself and four children. Certified by Daniel Hammill, 25 August, and also by Samuel Jarvis and Edward Nicoll, Junr. Original certified. Vol. 31, No. 221. 2 pages. 320 Congress. 1781, August 17 and 20. — Resolutions touching Vermont. Vol. 11, No. 172. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct. Copies in the British Museum, Addtl. MS3. 21835, fo. 95 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 19, No. 30 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 101. Martin Dob, refugee. 1781, August 20. New York. — Certificate signed by Henry Vander Burgh, judge, Dutchess Co., Samuel Mallett, Henry Ellis, justice, and Thomas Lincoln, as to the good character, loyalty and loss of property of Martin Dob. Original. Vol. 31, No. 227. 2 pages. Lieut. Gov. Andrew Snape Hamond to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 20. Halifax, Nova Scotia. — Having been appointed Lieut. Governor of this province, he has taken upon him the ad- ministration. Will be glad to concur in promoting His Majesty's service. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 212. 1 page. Officers in his army to Major General Greene. 1781, August 20. Camp on the High Hills of Santee. — Complain- ing that in violation of the capitulation of Charlestown several people have been confined in prison ships, and have not been ex- changed according to the general cartel. Also that Col. Haynes had been executed. Asks that a strict enquiry be made. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 110. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, March, 1782. John Pafford, refugee. 1781, August 22. New York.— Note by Major Thomas Murray that Col. Morris will be pleased to continue rations till Mr. Pafford can get a passage to Charlestown. Signed letter. Vol. 44, No. 146. 1 page. Daniel Wier, Commissary General, to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, August 22. New York. — Representing that since 1778 supplies from Europe have been very irregular, and with larger forces more provisions have had to be furnished at advanced prices at this place. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 4/33 and 35. 3 pages. Majors Henry Bruen and Archibald Robertson to Lieut. Colonel William Crosbie, Barrack Master General. 1781, August 23. New York. — Asking whether horses and waggons belonging to the Quarter Master General's Department 321 have not been constantly employed in his Department ; also his opinion whether if he had depended on the inhabitants for supplies the business of his Department could have been carried on. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 129. 1 page. Similar letter to Capt. Mercer, Commanding Engineer, and to Daniel Wier, Commissary General. Copy. Vol. 34, Nos. 132 and 133. 1 page each Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 23. York in Virginia. — Recommends Lt. Col. Du Buy, who takes charge of his dispatches. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 110. 2 pages. Wm. Crosbie, B.M.G., to the Board of General Officers, of which Lt. Genl. Robertson is President. 1781, August 23. New York. — In conformity to request of the 20th, sends return of places where vessels, drivers, horses, &c, employed in his department may be seen on Sunday next. Letter signed. Vol. 35, No. 111. 1 page. Enclosures : — 1781, August 23. New York.— Return of places where the drivers, horses and waggons, also the labourers and artificers employed in the Barrack Master General's Department may be seen. 1781, August 23. New York. — Return of transports em- ployed in the Barrack Master General's Department. Vol. 35, Nos. 102 and 110. 1 page each. 1781, August 23. New York.— Return of drivers, horses and waggons that are with the corps to the southward. Original. Vol. 35, No. 131. 2 pages. Enclosed by Major Bruen to Lt. Gen. Robertson, 1 Sep., 1781. 1781, August 23. Brooklyn, Long Island.— Muster roll of the assistants, &c, employed in the Commissary General's Department at the different provision magazines on this island. Original. Vol. 44, No. 178. 1 page. 1781, August 24. Charlestown.— Letter from Lt. Col. Balfour — on same paper as that of 20 July, which see. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 30.* 2 pages. Lieutenant Colonel Nisbet Balfour. Order to Lieut. Colonel Moncrief, Lieut. W. Gratton, R. W. Powell and W. Green- wood, trustees of captured property. 1781, August 24. Charlestown.— Commanding them to deliver 63 casks of indigo and 15 of coffee to the claimants, taking bonds x 322 for the value thereof, it being for the purpose of paying debts to British merchants residing in England (2 pages). Accompanied by receipt signed by the claimants for the captured property delivered (1 page). Also return of captured property remaining in store in the house of J. Rutledge under charge of the trustees, 24 August (1 page). Vol. 23, Nos. 3, 4 and 5. Enclosed by J. Moncrief and others to Sir H. Clinton, 1 October. Major Henry Bruen to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, August 24. New York. — Quotes letter received from the Board, of the 20th inst., notifying the muster to be made on Sunday. Has made the required muster rolls, which will be produced at specified places. The mustering of the vessels remains with the agent for small craft. 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 135 ; and Vol. 18, No. 4/36-37. 2 pages each. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 2i. York in A^irginia.— Recommends the bearer, Col. Alligood, who has been a sufferer on account of his loyalty. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 111. 1 page. Wm. Crosbie, B.M.G., to the Board of General Officers, of which his Excellency Lt. Gen. Robertson is President. 1781, August 24. New York. — A long letter containing explana- tions and reasoning on the question of the increase of expenditure in the several departments, particularly his own. Signed letter. Vol. 18, No. 5. 12 pages. Provincial Troops. 1781, June 25 to August 24. — Muster roll of Capt. Donald McPherson's Company, British Legion Infantry. Signed. Vol. 22, No. 174. 1 page. Troops. Abstract of 61 days' pay for the Light Infantry Company of the 74th Regiment, commanded by Brig. Gen. John Campbell, from 25 June t,o 24 August, 1781. £163 13s. 8d. Signed John Campbell, Lieut. Original. Vol. 37, No. 31. Duplicate. Vol. 27, No. 169. 1 page each. Major Gen. Nathaniel Greene to Lieut. Col. Balfour. 1781, August 26. Head Quarters. — Since writing on the 2d inst. he has heard of a more flagrant violation of the late cartel in the execution of Col. Hayne. Intends to retaliate unless something is offered in justification. Will send in the remainder of the private 323 soldiers should there be any as soon as the-commissaries can adjust it. All other exchanges will be stopped until present obstacles are removed. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 108. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Genl. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, March, 1782. Troops (various Departments). 1781, August 26. New York. — Five returns of drivers, horses, waggons, &c, and waggon masters, conductors, clerks, storekeepers, carpenters, blacksmiths, harness makers, and labourers in the Quarter Master General's Department, in the district of New York attached to the staff and Hessians or to the regiments, and in the district of Staten Island. Signed by Oliver Bourdett, Waggon Master General, and by J. Welch, Acting Commissary of Musters. Originals. Vol. 35, Nos. 97 to 101. 9 pages. 1781, August 26. Brooklyn or New York. — Seven further returns or muster rolls of labourers, conductors, clerks and store- keepers, drivers, horses, waggons, &c, artificers, shipcarpenters, blacksmiths, &c, employed in the same department, on Long Island, at and near the 6 mile stone, in the ship yard and at Fort Knyphausen. Signed by the Assistant Deputy Quarter Master General and others. Vol. 35, Nos. 118 to 120, 122 to 125. 10 pages. 1781, August 26. — Muster roll of artificers, labourers, &c, employed in the Commissary General's Department at Harlem Heights and Marston's Wharf. Original. Vol. 44, No. 177. 1 page. 1781, August 26. Barrack Master General's Office, New York. — Two returns of artificers, labourers, waggons, horses, drivers, &c, employed in the Commissary General's Department. Originals. Vol. 56, Nos. 19 and 20. 2 pages. Same date and place. — Two returns of artificers, labourers, waggons, horses, drivers, &c, employed in the Barrack Master General's Department at New York and on York Island. Signed and certified. Vol. 56, Nos. 17 and 18. 2 pages. Same date. — Three muster rolls of artificers, sawyers, &c, em- ployed at Horn's Hook, Fort Knyphausen, New York, Staten Island, Paulus Hook, and Brooklyn under the direction of Capt. Mercer, Commanding Engineer. Originals. Vols. 56, Nos. 16 and 16* ; 44, No. 169. 3£ pages in all. Same date. — Muster roll of labourers, drivers, &c, employed in the Forage Department at Brooklyn, Long Island. Original. Vol. 44, No. 176. 1 page. 324 Genera] state of a muster taken of waggon masters, conductors' clerks, storekeepers, artificers, labourers, drivers, horses and waggons employed in the Quarter Master General's Department in the District of New York by order of the Commander-in-Chief on the two days, 26 and 27 August, at the various places named. Vol. 35, Nos. 132 and 34, 131. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Major Bruen to Gen. Robertson, 1 September. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 27. War Office, — Sends list of regiments under his command for which clothing was shipped per the " Archer " [see 18 August], also invoice of the second half of medicines for their use for the present year. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 267. 1 page. Gravesend Township. 1781, August 28. — " List of money due to the inhabitants for the boarding of Continental and other officers, prisoners, and some French as will hereunto appear of by different accounts." Showing names of officers and of the inhabitants. Original. Vol. 56, No. 23. 2 pages. John Sommers, Surgeon 3d Batt. 60th. 1781, August 28. New York. — Certificate that 7 gallons of wine and 4 gallons of best vinegar amounting to 46 dollars 8 ryals were furnished by Mr. Arthur Strother, merchant, at Pensacola, for use of the sick of 3d and 4th battalion 60th, by order of Dr. Lonmer, and which has not been paid. Signed. Vol. 27, No. 216. 1 page. Troops (various Departments). Muster roll of the assistants and labourers employed in the Barrack Master General's Department, 28 August, 1781. Jamaica, Long Island. Signed by Geo. Gunn, A.B.M. ; also signed by Benj. Rix, Q.M. of 17th Light Dragoons, Acting Commissary of Musters. Original. Vol! 44, No. 171. 1 page. Muster roll of the assistants and labourers employed in H. M. Forage Magazine under Daniel Wier, Commissary General, 28 August, 1781. Jamaica, Long Island. Signed William Shepherd, A.C.F., also Benj. Rix (as above). Original. Vol. 44, No. 173. 1 page. Muster roll of the assistants and labourers employed in the Commissary General's Department at this post in the forage service. 28 August, 1781. Flushing, Long Island. Signed John Yates, A.C.F., also Benj. Rix (as above). Original. Vol. 44, No. 174. 1 page. 325 Muster roll of the assistants and labourers employed in the Commissary General's Department at this post in the forage service. 28 August, 1781. New Town, Long Island. Signed Walter Humphreys, Ass. Com. Forage, also Benj. Rix (as above). Original. Vol. 44, No. 175. 1 page. Muster roll of Batteau men in the Quarter Master General's Department. Endorsed New York, 28 August, 1781. Original. Vol. 35, No. 126. 1 page. Enclosed &7/>Major Bruen to Lieut. Gen. Robertson, 1 Sep., 1781. Muster roll of the assistants and labourers, horses and waggons employed in the Barrack Master General's] Department, 29 August, 1781. Lloyd's Neck. Signed Jas. Nixon, Assistant to ye Barrack Master. Also signed Benj. Rix, Q.M. 17th L. Dragoons, 'acting Commissary of Musters. Original. Vol. 54, No. 48. 1 page. Muster roll of the vessels employed in the Barrack Master General's Department at Lloyd's Neck, 29 August, 1781. Signed as the fore- going. Original. Vol. 54, No. 48.* 1 page. Lieut. Col. James Bruce to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 29. Halifax. — Brig. Gen. Campbell arrived previous to receipt of letter of 4th July. Begs the favour of being more immediately under His Excellency's command. Duplicate autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 215 1 page. Andrew Thompson and Alex. McKee to Major De Peyster. 1781, August 29. Camp near the Ohio. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 164; 18, No. 2, enclos. 45.* 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Sept. Copies in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21815, fo. 124; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 134. Charlestown Merchants and Others to Lieut. Colonel Nisbet Balfour. 1781, August 30. Charlestown. — A long, elaborate memorial, with signatures, as to the authority of the Board of Police in debts and executions. Vol. 25, No. 65. 7 pages. Troops (various Departments). Muster roll of assistants and labourers employed in the Com- missary General's Department with the 17th Regiment Light Dragoons at this port, and in the forage service. 30 August, 1781 . 326 Fresh Meadows on Long Island. Signed Jno. Jarvis, Assistant Commissary Forage with 17th Regt. L. Dragoons ; also signed Benj. Six, Q.M. 17th L. Dragoons, Acting Commissary of Musters. Original. Vol. 44, No. 172. 1 page. Muster roll of the Barrack Master General's Department stationed at Brooklyn and Yallow Hook, Long Island, 31 August, 1781. Signed O'Sulivan Sutherland, Assistant B. Mr. Certified by Benj. Rix., Q.M. 17th Light Dragoons, Acting Commissary of Musters. Original. Vol. 44, No. 170. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Major Gen. Alexander Leslie. 1781, August 31. — Instructions to proceed in the "Blonde" to Charles Town and assume command. f Copy. Vol. 19,". No. 120. 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Major Gen. Alexander Leslie. 1781, August 31. — If on his arrival at Charlestown he finds that the Lieut. Governor or other officers of government have arrived there, he is to consult with them on the state of the Province, and whenever it shall be their joint opinions that the tranquillity of the whole province, or any district, is so far recovered as to admit of their being restored to the King's peace, he is to report the same to His Majesty's Commissioners. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 121. 1 page. Lieut. General Earl Cobnwallis to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 31. York in Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 146.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 19, No. 116 ; copy. No. 122. 1 page each. Copy in the Public Record' Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 259. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, August 31 . Whitehall.— No. 90. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 130. 3 pages. Draft in the Public Record' Office, Am. & W. T. 140, fo. 469 ; copies 432, fo. 344 ; in the Sackville MSS. Hospitals. Invoice of the second half of medicines, instruments, and materials for the use of His Majesty's Forces at New York for the service of the year 1781. Headed August, 1781. (Qy., is this the invoice referred to by Mr. Jenkinson 29th August?) Original. Vol. 56, No. 10. 4 pages. Major Henry Bruen to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, September 1. New York. — Sends general abstract of muster taken of the Quarter Master General's Department within this district. The Muster Masters will likewise give into the Board 327 the rolls taken at the different posts. Sends also return of drivers, horses and waggons with the corps lately embarked, and for the Chesapeak. (For these returns, see 23, 26, 27, 28 August, also 23 September.) 2 copies. Vol. 35, No. 133, and Vol. 34, No. 134. 1 page each. Schedule of enclosures in above letter. Vol. 35, No. 134. 1 page. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 1, Whitehall.— Circular. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 122. 1 page. Enclosing the London Gazette, No. 12214. 7-11 Aug.. 1781. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis. 1781, September 2. New York.— (Printed in the Clinton-Corn- wallis Controversy II. 148.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 124. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 267. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 2. York Town, Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 149.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 123. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 271. Lieut. Col. Nisbet Balfour to Major Gen. Greene. 1781, September 3. Charles Town. — Received letter of 26th ultimo and the address enclosed. Respecting the confinement of militia prisoners he refers to letter of 17th May. Letter ot the 18th ultimo will account for the detention of persons here contrary to the late cartel. The execution of Col. Haynes took place by Lord Cornwallis's express directions in regard to all those who should be found in arms after being at their own request received as sub- jects since the capitulation of Charlestown, more especially such as should have accepted commissions, or distinguished themselves in inducing a revolt. Remarks on his threat of retaliation, and re- minds him that at the very period when Lt. Fulkes, of the Loyal Militia, was publicly executed at Motts House, numbers of American officers were absolutely in his (Balfour's) power, and this, likewise, was the case when Col. Grierson and Major Dunlop fell, without attempts to secure them, by the hands of licensed and protected murderers. Capt. Barry, Dep. Adjt. Genl., will deliver this letter and await a reply. He will also be ready to attend any one to dis- cuss this matter, and the further carrying out of the cartel at present existing. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 111. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, Mar., 1782. Oliver Delancey, Adj. Gen., to Major Bruen, D. Q. M. Gen. 1781, September 3. — To have waggons ready to carry twenty days' provisions for 8,000 men ; also horses and carriages for the 328 pontoons or flat boats. Desires to know how many will be necessary, and when they will be ready to move. 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 125, and Vol. 35, No. 116. 1 page each. Enclosed by Majors Bruen and Eobertson to Lt. Genl. Robertson, 14 Sept., 1781. H[enry] B[ruen] to Major Delancey. 1781, September 3. New York. — Answer. Promises that waggons, horses, drivers, etc., shall be in readiness to proceed when wanted. 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 119, and Vol. 35, No. 106. 1 page each. Wm. Crosbie Barrack Master General, to Majors Bruen and Eobertson. i781, September 3. New York. — In answer to letter of 23rd ult., he acknowledges the great benefit derived from horses and waggons furnished by the Quarter Master General's Department. Is of opinion the inhabitants cannot give all the assistance required by Government. Has made enquiries and learns that it was owing to help received from Quarter Master General's Department that in the winters of 1779 and 1780 the troops in New York were kept from suffering through want of fuel. 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 127, and Vol. 35, No. 115. 2 pages and 1 page respectively. Enclosed by Majors Bruen and Robertson to Lt. Genl. Robertson, 14 Sept., 1781. Lord G. Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782 [should be 1781], September 3. Whitehall— Separate. 2 Copies. Vol. 7, No. 124, 129. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 346 ; Sackville MSS. Major Gen. Nathaniel Greene to Lieut. Col. Balfour. 1781, September 4. Head Quarters. — Received letter of 18th August. Forwards copy of Major Hyrne's report on the detention of persons mentioned in the letter of the 2nd ult. No reasons have been offered which justify the detention. Has written to Cornwallis and will rest the matter with him. As to their violating their paroles, if they were not prisoners of war, in which light he (Balfour) refuses to consider them, is not answerable for their conduct, but if they were, then they might with reason think themselves dis- charged from their paroles by the subsequent proclamation signed by the commissaries of prisoners of both armies, which liberated all the militia. If ' ! any of his (Balfour's) prisoners have been detained in North Carolina contrary to cartel will give every satisfaction. Sends report of a court of enquiry on Col. Grimke's escape. The matter must be left for future discussion. Mr. Fraser's certificate that Capt. Fenwick's corps was a part of the prisoners gives him no satisfaction. Copy. Vol. 53, No. 123. 3 pages. 329 1781. September 4. Madrid. — Printed copy of the Gazeta de Madrid. Vol. 23, No. 166. 12 pages. Enclosed by B. de Galvez to Sir H. Clinton, 30 Dec, 1781. Maey Taller, widow, to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. Petition. Resided at Boston till its evacuation ; went to Halifax* thence came to New York. Ha s until now never claimed the benevo- lence of Government, but her funds are exhausted. Asks rations and fuel for herself and family. Certified by Geo. Leonard and E. G. Lutwyche, New York, 4 September, 1781. Original. Vol. 25, No. 287. 2 pages. Cox, Matr & Cox to [Brig. General Geo. Garth]. 1781, September 5. Craig's Court. — In order to enable him to receive his pay in England it will be necessary for Sir H. Clinton to send to England a separate certificate mentioning the time for which he did not receive Brigadier's pay in America. The pay of his Major of Brigade (Jones) must be issued by Clinton in America. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 197. ' 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Genl. Garth to Sir H. Clinton, 31 Dec Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 5. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 272. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of promotions. 21st and Q2d Regis. Copy. Vol' '4, No. r 273. 1 page. Wm. Russell to Brigadier General Jno. Campbell. 1781, September 5. Halifax. — Memorial. As contractor for digging coals at Spanish river, asks payment. (For the accom- panying a/c see 30 April, 1779.) Original. Vol. 16, No. 11. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to John Smith, 15 Oct. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis. 1781, September 6, at noon. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton - Cornwallis Controversy II. 152.) Duplicate and triplicate signed letters. Vol. 19, Nos. 125, 126. 2 paaes each. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 275. Thomas Skelton to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, September 6. New York. — Transmits returns of all the vessels, small craft, boats, boatmen and batteaux men for which Capt. Chads issued certificates of pay 17 August last, agreeable to the returns rendered for the information of the Board of General Officers under that date. (See the returns of 17 August.) Autograph signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 130. 1 page. 330 John Smith to Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts. 1781, September 6. New York. — Certificate relative to Mr. Franks's account has been laid before the Commander-in-Chief, who conceives all accounts which are unpaid and for which a claim upon Government is made ought to be certified by Maj. Drummond, therefore Mr. Franks's account should undergo such examination. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 170. 1 page. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 7. Whitehall. — Separate. Copies. Vol. 7, Nos. 125 and 132. 1 page each. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 346 ; Sackville MSS. Alexander Mercer, commanding engineer, to Majors Bruen and Robertson. 1781, September 7. New York. — Has received material assist- ance from the Quarter Master General's Department ; in fact the service could not have been carried on, nor could the Engineer Department have existed, without such assistance. Refers them to Capt. Parker, Lt. Fyers and Captain Sproule^for particulars. 2 copies. Vol. 34, No. 126, and Vol. 35, No. 105. 3 and 2 pages respectively. [Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton]. N. D. [1781, September 8.] Extract — few lines only. Vol. 19, No. 114. 1 quarto page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 347. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 154.) Charles Richards, refugee, to General Robenson [Robertson]. 1781, September 8. New York. — Petition. Lived in a creditable way in the Jersies. Was imprisoned nine months in Morristown Jail ; escaped and came within the lines whither his wife and five children were sent later. Is reduced to greatest adversity. Certified by Lt. Col. Barton and by Brig. Gen. Skinner, the latter on 23 May. A note by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 17 Sept., orders rations for four weeks. Original. Vol. 29, No. 93. 2 pages. Robert Adair to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, September 11. Argyle Street. — In answer to a letter from Dr. Nooth, of 6 July, submitted to his consideration, touching the prevention of abuses by the demands of the regimental surgeons on the general hospital stores. Recommends memorial of the mates of the general hospital for increase of pay. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 276. 4 pages. Enclosed by C. Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 1 Oct., 1781. 331 General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord Georoe Germain. 1781, September 12. New York.— No. 141. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 175. 6 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 279 ; copy 309, fo. 232. Henry Bruen to General Robertson. [1781], September 13. — Is getting fair copies of estimates and papers ready to lay before the Board to-morrow. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 121. 1 page. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 13. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1, end. 39. 1 page. Copy in the British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 278. Henry Bruen and Archibald Robertson to Lieut. -General Robertson. 1781, September 14. New York.— Having considered a Compara- tive View to purchase or to hire vessels, horses and waggons employed at present in the different departments, they are enabled to lay before him States 1 and 2. which differ, it is true, much from the Comparative View, but being founded on fact they presume will show that the present mode of hiring, rather than in becoming con- tractor, is the best method. Refer to the other enclosures showing necessity of keeping up the horses and waggons in the Quarter Master General's Department. Signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 108. 4 pages. Copy, Vol. 34, No. 128. 3 pages. Enclosing : States Nos. ] and 2, 31 March. Baron de Cockenhausen to Maj. Bruen, 14 May. Major Pelancey to Maj. Bruen, 3 September. Wm. Crosbie, B.M.G., to Maj. Bruen and Robertson, 3 Sept. A. Mercer, Comg. Engineer, to ditto., 7 Sept. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 14. War Office. — Acknowledges letter of 1st July, with a copy of a memorial from Mr. Pitcher, Commissary to the British troops in North America, praying he may be restored to his former pay. In answer he does not think it well to make any alteration in a measure taken by his predecessor. Signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 221 ; Duplicate Vol. 4, No. 274. 1 page each. Mary Yeomans to Governor James Robertson. 1781, September 14. New York. — Petition. Has been compelled to fly to the city for refuge with her six children. Her husband is now taken prisoner by the rebels. Asks relief. A. note on the back from Head Quarters, 17th September, signed 01. Delancey, requests Col. Morris to furnish rations to herself and familv. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 142. 1 page. 332 Lord George Germain to Major General John Campbell. 1781, September 15. Whitehall. — Receipt of news of capitulation of Pensacola. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 177. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 267, fo. 755 ; copies 432, fo. 349 ; in the Sackville MSS. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 16/17. York Town, Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy IT. 156.) Duplicate signed letter, part in cypher. Vol. 19, Nos. 128-9 ; copies 127 and 130. 3 pages and 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 363. Governor Walter Patterson to Brig. General John Campbell. 1781, September 16. Charlotton. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 218. 4 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to John Smith, 15 October. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, St. John (Pr. Edward I.), 4, fo. 303 ; extract Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 371. Troops (Quarter Master General's Department). 1781, September 19. New York. — Return of batteaux, gun batteaux and scows belonging to the Quarter Master General's ship yard or department. Signed Richard Brady. Original. Vol. 35, No. 113. 2 pages. Newspaper Cutting. 1781, September 19. New York. — Containing : — General orders, New York, 17 Sept. ; letter from Lt. Col. Upham to Gov. Franklin, Fort Franklin, 13 Sept. ; Brig. Gen. Arnold to the Commander-in- Chief, off Plumb Island, 8 Sept., and returns of killed and wounded, and of ordnance taken at Fort Griswold, &c, 6 September. Vol. 22, No. 173. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord [Amherst]. 1781, September 20. New York. — Concurs in his sentiments that Lieut. McFarlane (74th) could not expect promotion while absent from America. Had Major Temple been in this country when Major Mecan died he would have been appointed to the vacancy. As he is now arrived, and serving with the Grenadiers, he shall be promoted to a majority the first chance. Draft. Vol. 4, No. 270. 2 pages. Major James Henry Craig to Duncan Ray. 1781, September 20. Wilmington.— Appointment as colonel of the Loyal Militia of the Highland District of Anson County. Printed form. Vol. 38, Nos. 106 and 7. 1 page. 333 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 20. Whitehall Treasury Chambers. — Lord G. Germain having signified the King's pleasure that a quantity of horse furniture, accoutrements, and clothing should be sent to America, transmits the enclosed copies of proceedings (see at 8 July). Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 178. 1 page. Vermont. 1781, September 20. Skeensborough. — Proposals by the Com- missioners — Ira Allen and Joseph Fay. Queries, in answer, by Capt. Justus Sherwood and Dr. Smyth, with their replies. Copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 172* and 173. 4 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 October, 1781. Also in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21835, fos. 106 and 107 ; Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Canada, 19, Nos. 31 and 32 ; Am. & W. I. 142, fos. 105 and 109. Chesapeak. 1781, September 23. New York. — Return of drivers, horses and wagons with the different corps up the Chesapeak. (The return is certainly dated 23 September, yet appears to be that mentioned by Major Bruen in his letter of 1 September.) Copy. Vol. 34, No. 130. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to [Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis]. 1781, September 24. New York.— (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 159.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 131. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 383. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 24.^ Quebec. Copy. Vol. 18, No. 1, end. 40. 2 pages. Copy in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 279. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, September 25. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 161.) Copies. Vol. 19, Nos. 132 and 133. 2 pages each. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 387. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 25. Whitehall.— No. 91. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 163.) Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 121. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 205; copies 432, fo. 351 ; Sackville MSS. 334 General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1781, September 26. New York. — Exchanges. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 271. 1 page. Triplicate signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence, 23. General Haldimand to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 27. Quebec. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 161 ; 18, No. 2/42. 3 pages each. Enclosing Col. Ira Allen to Gen. Haldimand, 10 July, 1781. Maj. Fay to Gen. Haldimand, 9 August. Gen. Haldimand to Messrs. A. & B. [Capt. Sherwood & Dr. Smyth], 16 August. Extracts of letters from Capt. Sherwood & Dr. Smyth. 2/18 August. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 39 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 298. Troops. 1781, September 27. New York. — Return of clothing belonging to H. M. 16th Regt. of Foot taken by the enemy at Pensacola. Sworn before D. Mathews, mayor, on this date. Estimate of the expense of the above clothing, £755 10s. 6d. n. d. Copies. Vol. 42, Nos. 243, 244 and 245. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Robertson to [ ], 8 March, 1783. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 28. Quebec. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 162 ; 18, No. 2/43. 2 pages each. pies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 117 ; Brit. Mus. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 117 ; m, Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 283. William Wannemaker to Lieut. General Robertson. Petition. That he was obliged by his loyalty to leave a farm and living in Bergen county, New Jersey. Is old and cannot maintain his family by his labour. Accompanied by a certificate signed D. Isaac Browne and Abraham Buskirk, 15 Sept., 1781, as to his loyalty, &c, and recommending him, two grown daughters and two children for provisions. Added is an order by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 28 Sept., for Col. Morris to put petitioner and two children on his list for provisions. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 50 and 51. 2 pages. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton 1781, September 29, 10 p.m. York Town, Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 169.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 136. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589, fo. 144 ; 141, fo. 405. 335 Lokd George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 29. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 228. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Beriah Norton, 14 Aug., 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 354 ; Sackville MSS. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 29. Quebec. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 163 ; 18, No. 2/44. 8 and 7 pages respec- tively. Enclosing A. Thompson and Alex. McKee to Major De Peyster, 29 Aug. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 124 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 285. R. Clayton to [Charles Jenkinson]. 1781, September 30. Adlington. — Previous leave of absence for his brother was not used because he had already embarked for Virginia. Requests leave may be sent for him at the end of this campaign. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 280. 2 pages. Enclosed by C Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 4 October. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis. 1781, September 30. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 172.) Copies. Vol. 19, Nos. 134 and 135. 2 pages each. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589, fo. 145. [Qy. Duncan Drummond, commissary of a/cs.] Remarks and observations in the Quarter Master General's Department under the direction of Maj. Gen. Dalrymple between 1 January and 30 September, 1781, three quarters. (Query con- tinuation of the paper under 31 Dec, 1780.) Original. Vol. 54, No. 102. 6 pages. Brigadier General Dalrymple. Answers to the remarks and observations on the accounts of the Quarter Master General's Department under the direction of Brig. Gen. W. Dalrymple on the various quarters from 1 April, 1780, to 30 September, 1781, and exhibited by Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts. Original. Vol. 54, No. 101. 7 pages. Lord George Germain to [? General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1781, September 30. Stoneland Lodge. — Begs to introduce Mr. Thompson* and to thank his Excellency for giving that gentleman * Lt. Col. Benjamin Thompson, afterwards Count Rumford, the founder of the Royal Institution. 336 the command of a Regiment of Light Dragoons. He shows a spirit and zeal for the service in quitting for a time an agreeable and profitable civil situation. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 128. 2 pages. Messrs. Gordon, BiddulphJ& Gordon. 1781, September 30. — Statement of cash — showing payments and receipts, either by cash received from England or by bills of exchange on Harley & Drummond. | Copy. Vol. 35, No. 194. 10 lines. Lieut. Colonel James Moncrief to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, September 30. Charles Town. — Received letter v of 13th July, and acquainted Capt. Mcintosh with what has been done for him. With regard to the state of East Florida and Savannah, had directions from Lord Cornwallis to point out to Col. Clark and Lieut. Durnford the necessary works for defence. By report of Lt. Durnford they are now in great forwardness. Since sending the plan of the neck of Charles Town a new work has been begun to flank the two advanced forts. The ruinous state of Fort Arbuthnot has obliged him to begin a closed work on the nearest point of Sullivan's Island. Would be glad to be moved to a more active situation should there be no appearance of attack on this place. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 121.* 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Moncrief to Sir H. Clinton, 23 November. A secret commissioner [Capt. Sherwood] to Capt. Mathews. 1781, September 30. Quebec. — Concerning Vermont. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 174. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldirnand to Sir H. Clinton, 1 October, 1781. Autograph signed letter in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21835, fo. 109 ; copies, Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Canada,' 19, No. 33 ; Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 653 ; 142, fo. 113. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 1. Quebec. — Concerning Vermont. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 175. 3 pages. Enclosing : — Meschech Weare to Samuel Livermore and John Sullivan, 20 June, 1781. Delegates of New York. Memorial to Congress, 3 August. Congress Resolution, 7 August. J. Fay, Ira Allen, and B. Woodword to the President of Congress [McKean], 14 August. (Enclosure). Gov. Chittenden. Commission to Jonas Fay and others, 10 July. J. Fay, Ira Allen, and B. Woodward. Proposals to Com- mittee of Congress, 18 Aug. 337 Queries from Congress Committee to Vermont Agents [Col. Allen and others], 18 August. Congress [Resolution]. Extract from Minutes, 17 Aug., with another extract of 20 August. Ira Allen and J. Fay. Proposals to [Capt. Sherwood and Geo. Smyth], 20 Sept. Capt. Sherwood and Geo. Smyth. Queries to Col. Allen and J . Fay, with their answers, 20 Sept. [Capt. Sherwood] to Captain Mathews, 30 Sept. Copies in Vol. 18, No. 2/45 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 300 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 643 ; and 142, fo. 63. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 1. War Office.— Received letter of 28th July, with enclosures relative to the plan for preventing the improper use of medicines by regimental surgeons. Referred them to Mr. Adair, whose report he encloses, and on further consultation it was decided to refer the whole to the Hospital Board in America. Re- quests he will forward a copy of the final regulations they adopt. Pay of hospital mates to be increased to 7s. 6d. per day, but only competent men to be retained. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, Nos. 275 and 277. 3 pages. Enclosing Robert Adair to Charles Jenkinson, 11 Sep. Lieut. Colonel James Moncrief, Lieut. W. Gratton, R. W. Powell, and W. Greenwood, trustees of captured property, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 1. Charles Town.— Enclose copy of Lt. Col. Balfour's letter to them to deliver under bond certain captured property in their hands [see 24 August], also send return of that property as delivered and the value appraised. There are other casks of indigo in store, for which no bonds have been offered. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 2. 2 pages. Lieut. Colonel Nisbet Balfour to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 2. Charles Town. Extract. Vol. 19, No. 137. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 289. [Gen. Sir H. Clinton to General Haldimand]. 1781, October 2. New York. — Letter, no names, supposed Clinton to Haldimand, begins : — " Sir, I am honoured with your letters Nos. 5 and 6." Cornwallis's situation alarming. Hopes to sail about 12th. " A very early effort towards Minisink going southward with the season, would be of great use." If Cornwallis is relieved, and the French fleet quit operations, will go on in the Chesapeak all the winter. Here follows a note of 11 lines dated 3rd Oct., probably to Brant, beginning " Dr. Joseph. If you have no other object of importance 338 m view I request you will make a move upon Minisink." . . . The letter of the 2nd October then apparently continues : " Your Excellency has my consent to act as you have proposed with regard to Major Rogers," and his officers and recruits. 2 copies. Vol. 11, No. 179 and Vol. 18, No. 26 d . 36 lines. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 2. Quebec. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 178. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 138 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 302. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 3. York Town, Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy II. 174.) Signed letter, partly in cypher. Vol. 19, No. 138. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589,' fo. 146 ; 141, fo. 413. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 3. Whitehall. — Recommends Mr. Grymes, of Virginia. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 108. J page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 432, fo. 354 ; Sackville MSS. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 3. Quebec, — Touching Vermont. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 177. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 142 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 304. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 4. Whitehall. — Separate, Touching Lord Dun- more. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 107 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 355 ; Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 4. Whitehall. — Separate. Maj. Delancey to be adjutant general. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 120. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 432, fo. 357 ; Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 4. War Office,— Received letter of 26th July. The enclosed list of promotions has been approved. Ensign Pott's 339 commission is correctly dated in the books of the War Office, and Ensign Mackenzie's has been altered as desired. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 278. 2 folios. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 4. War Office. -Refers to enclosure, and says Captain Clayton has leave to return to England at the end of this campaign. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 1, No. 279. I page. Enclosing R. Clayton to Charles Jenkinson, 30 Sep. Major General William Tryon to Governor Montfort Browne. 1781, October 4. Somerby, near Yarmouth. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 181. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. 1. 147, fo. 455 ; 590, fo. 151 ; War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 24. Samuel W^atkins to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, October 4. Petition. — Late of Connecticut. Has har- boured and concealed the King's friends. Was obliged to come within the lines for protection. His wife and eight children after- wards sent in. Is lame, and unable to provide support. Recom- mended by Gov. Franklin, and with note from Thos. Murray, aid? de camp, that rations are refused, there being no public service pleaded. Original. Vol. 25, No. 297. 1 page. General Haldimand to the Inhabitants of Vermont. [1781, October 5.] — Proclamation of terms. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 176. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Canada, 19, No. 19 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21839, fo. 135. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 5. War Office. — Acknowledges letter of 18th August. Has transmitted a copy to Germain that his Lordship may know that the recruits intended for regiments in the Leeward Islands have been drafted into the army under his (Clinton's) command. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 283. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. General John Campbell. 1781, October 6. New York. — Approving sentences of various courts-martial, two of these being Lt. Alex. McDonald and Lt. John Cummings, of the King's Orange Rangers. Officers may be sent on recruiting service at the end of the campaign. Sends 340 warrant for Mr. J as. Murray for £100; he is to receive similar allowance until further orders, in consideration of his services and sufferings. Transmits blank warrants for holding general courts- martial. 2 copies. Vol. 21, Nos. 152 and 153. 3 pages and 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 6. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 281. J page. Enclosure : — List of promotions and leaves of absence. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 282. 1 page. Daniel 'Wier to Majors Bruen and Robertson. 1781, October 6. New York. — 111 health has prevented reply to letter of 23rd August respecting horses and waggons belonging to the Quarter Master General's Department. Has received essential- assistance from them and that at a time when no others could be procured. At Philadelphia the victuallers being prevented getting up the river supplies were landed by boats on the beach at night, and thence transported to the city by these waggons ; they were also employed during that fall and winter. At Long Island, etc., they have frequently transported provisions and forage and without their aid the service must have frequently suffered. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 124. 3 pages. Mrs. Kennedy to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, Oct. 9. New York. — Petition. Is widow of Dr. Benjamin Kennedy, of Maryland, whose attachment to government procured him such ill-treatment as occasioned his death. The ravages on his estate have obliged her and her son, nine years old, to take refuge in New Y T ork to obtain passage to their friends in England. Desires a billet and rations till an opportunity offers. Accom- panied by certificates. Original. Vol. 44, Nos. 152 3. 3 pages. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 10. Whitehall.— Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 106. 1 page. * Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 141, fo. 209 ; copies 433, fo. 8 ; Sackville MSS. George Cherry to the Commander in Chief [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1781, October 12. Army Victualling Office, Cowes. — Sends bill of lading and invoice of provisions on the " William " navy trans- port victualler, consigned to his order. Details of markings on the cases and contractors' names. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 37. 2 pages. 341 Lord George Germain to General .Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 12. Whitehall.— Nos. 92 and 93. Two letters. Duplicate signed letters. Vol. 7, Nos. 110 and 111. 10 pages and 1 page. Drafts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. HI, fo. 213, 235 ; copies 433, fo. 1 , 9 ; Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 12. Whitehall. Separate. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 109. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. Si W. 1. 141, fo. 239 ; copies 433, fo. 8 ; Sackville MSS. Mary Hudson to Lieut. General James Robertson. Memorial, asking rations. Certified by Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner. Not dated, but with note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, New York, 12 Oct., 1781 :— " Col. Morris will be pleased to put the petitioner on his list for provisions." Original. Vol. 29, No. 71. 1 page. Vermont. Extracts from the minister's correspondence relating to Vermont. The dates included are :— Jan. 11, 1779 : March 3 and Feb. 7, 1781 (No. 77) ; April 30 (no year) ; Dec. 16, 1780 ; May 23, 1781 (No. 129) ; July 7 (No. 87) and Oct. 12 (No. 92), 1781, and the entries are brief abstracts of the references to Vermont in these letters. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 180. 3 pages. Brig. General John Campbell to John Smith, Secretary. 1781, October 15. Halifax. — Requests him to lay the enclosed letter before his Excellency in order to receive his decision. Also desires the Commander-in-Chief's determination on the memorials of Wm. Russell and of some officers of the Nova Scotia Volunteers, Royal Fensible Americans and the Independent Company. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 217. 1 page. Enclosing Gov. Patterson to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 16 Sep., 1781. William Russell. Memonal to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 5 Sep., 1781. William Russell. A/c, 30 April, 1779. George Cherry to the Commander in Chief [Sir H. Clinton]. 1781 , October 15. Army Victualling'Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight. — Sends bill of lading for and invoice of provisions shipped on the " Conqueror." Contractors' marks. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 36, No. 38. 1 page. Enclosure : — Invoice of 1,242 barrels flour and 229 casks of pease shipped on the " Conqueror " transport victualler for service of the troops at New York. Original, signed, part printed form. Vol. 36. No. 39. 1 page. 342 Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 15. York Town, Virginia. — (Printed in the Clinton- Cornwallis Controversy IT. 188.) 2 copies. Vol. 19, Nos. 139 and 140. 2 pages. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 141, fo. 511 ; Admi- ralty, Secretary, In Letters, 489, No. 269. Sir James Wright to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 16. Savannah in Georgia.— Having already represented the unhappy situation of affairs in this province wherever he thought there was any prospect of getting assistance, but without success, it only remains for him to lay the same before his Excellency as a last resource. Refers to the enclosed letters to Lt. Col. Balfour, but to this day has not been able to get any assistance. The rebels are in possession of the whole country above Ebenezer ; they have sent in the wives and children of the loyal refugees, seizing the pro- perty ; they threaten to reduce Savannah by famine ; and are to lay waste the country ; so that the province is ruined and lost for want of a little assistance. There is great loyalty — upwards of 500 country people have fled here for refuge and taken arms, many more are hiding in the swamps to avoid the enemy, and had they had the protection which it would have been the best policy to have given them the province would have soon been able to defend itself. Less than a reinforcement of 500 will not do. Are also in need of provisions, heavy cannon and stores. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 27. 3 pages. Enclosing Correspondence with Lt. Col. Balfour, see 20 and 27 July ; 1, 16 and 24 August. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 17. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — In answer to letter of 7th July, their Lordships approve the appointment of Col. Bev. Robinson to be Commissary of captured cattle in North America. Has also directed Mr. Wier to state to this Board, to his Excellency and to Major Drummond, in what manner the cattle, &c, taken from the enemy have been brought to account, and what savings have been made to the public thereby in issues of salt provisions to troops or otherwise. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 22, No. 182. 1 page. Brigadier General Benedict Arnold to Frederick Metzner. 1781, October 18. New York. — Authority to raise men for a regiment. Copy. Vol. 39, No. 166. 1 page. Capt. R. Pearls. 1781, October 20.— Abstract of pay due from 3rd May, 1780, being the time he was ordered by H. E. Sir Henry Clinton to Ninety Six district to raise and embody the friends of Govern- ment until 20 October, 1781, being 527 days at 10/-, with deduc- tions = £210 2s. Od. Original. Vol. 51, No. 10. 1 paae, 343 Joseph Lyon to General Sir Henry Clinton. Petition. — Is refugee from Fairfield, Connecticut. Has sacrificed a large estate, and has been serviceable to Government. Has difficulty in supporting his wife and child, and asks some relief. Not dated, but certified by Lt. Col. Upham, 22 Oct., 1781, Foit Franklin, Lloyd's Neck, and recommended by John Sayre, 17 Jan., 1782. Original. Vol. 52, No. 57. 2 pages. Sarah Lot to Brig. Gen. Samuel Birch, Commandant. 1781, October 24. New York. — Memorial for house or part of a house, her husband having met with an accident when working on the fire ships, and she left a widow with four small children. Followed by certificate signed by various persons in the naval yard, a recommendation by John St. Clair, secretary, and note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 9 November, that Col. Morris will be pleased to issue rations for herself and family. Original. Vol. 29, No. 99. 2 pages. Provincial Troops. 1781, August 25 to October 24.— (British Legion Infantry). Muster roll of Capt. Donald McPherson's Company. Signed. Vol. 23, No. 140. 1 page. Note or memorandum for the filling in of a warrant to Captain James Edwards and Donald McPherson for 365 days' pay for the non-commissioned officers and men of their two companies from 25 October, 1780, to 24 October, 1781— £955 lis. lid. Vol. 50, No. 296. 1 qio. page. Troops. 74th Regiment. — Abstract of 61 days' pay for the non-com- missioned officers and private men of the Light Infantry Co. of the 74th Foot, commanded by Brig. Gen. John Campbell, from 25 August to 24 October, 1781— £160 12*. U. Signed John Campbell, Lieut, commanding 74th L. Infantry. Annexed to warrant to pay. 1783 (day not filled in). Vol. 27, No. 167, and Vol. 38, No. 240. 1 page each. Charles Jenkinson to [? John Robinson]. I 1781, October 25. War Office. — Acknowledges receipt of letter of 13th July, with enclosures respecting the application of the clothing of the 4th Regiment to the use of the provincials by Sir Henry Clinton, who desired that the same might be replaced in London to the colonel of the regiment. In answer, there is no doubt the colonel ought to be indemnified. P.S. — Since writing this letter he learns the charge for this clothing has been reim- bursed to the colonel. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 156. 2 pages. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 15 Dec, 1781 344 Johannes Medler to Governor James Robertson. 1781, October 25. New York. — Memorial. Is of Poghkeepsie, in Dutchess County. His losses, sufferings and banishment for his loyalty. Has two sons serving. Cannot procure subsistence for himself and family, and being reduced from the state of a substantial farmer to low and indigent circumstances is compelled to implore public aid. With certificate. A note from Thos. Murray to;Col. Morris, 2 Novr., orders two rations per day. Original. Vol. 29, No. 165. 2 pages. Brig. General John Campbell to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, October 26. Halifax. — Received letter of the 6th, with enclosures. The determination about courts -martial was im- mediately notified. An enquiry is being made about the character of John Thomas, 70th Regt., so that if he is penitent, pardon may be extended to him. Desires answer to proceedings of a general court-martial on six men belonging to the Royal Fensible American Regiment. Works for defence here nearly finished. Signed letter Vol. 13, No. 216. 2 pages. Hugh McKinsey, refugee. 1781, October 26. Ulster County, State of New York.— Order of banishment signed Patrick Barber and Henry Smith, Justices of the Peace, serving as a pass for the wife and family of Hugh McKinsey (sic) to the enemies' lines (see his petition, 20 April, 1782). Vol 29, No. 198. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Alexander Leslie. 1781, October 28. " London," off Chesapeak. — In addition to letter and instructions of 31 August, directs him to preserve such posts in South Carolina as are already in possession of the King's troops, always regarding the safety of Charlestown as the principal object of his attention. Question of withdrawing post at Wilmington. Desires to know frequently the state of the troops under his com- mand. At foot is " Additional Instructions " instructing him to fortify the point in Stono Inlet, and to send the schooner back with dispatches in cypher. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 141. 2 pages. Enclosure : — Instructions to proceed to Charlestown in the " Carysfort " and take the command of all hitherto held by Cornwallis. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 142. 1 page. Lieut. Colonel Lacorne St. Luc to [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1781, 8 bre 30. Montreal. — Acknowledges favours received. Begs him to use his influence with the King to procure for him the salary of colonel, or at least that of lieutenant colonel. Is engaged 345 in maintaining the Indians in their allegiance. Mr. Campbell works hard and succeeds well with the nations. P.S. — Sends two black- foxes by Maj. Gen. Tryon, also bows and arrows for his little Canadian gentlemen, and his respects to Lady Mary. Regrets departure of Mr. Cramahe. Signed letter. French. Vol. 30, No. 131. 3 pages. Major General James Robertson to General Haldimano. 1781, October 31. — Writes in Sir Henry's absence. Auto draft. Vol. 11, No. 183 ; in cipher, 182. 1 page. Original in Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 325; decipher 21807, fo. 306. Victuallers. 1781, October. — Abstract of the cargoes of four victuallers, with note at foot by F. Mackenzie, D.A.G. Two of these bound for New York to complete the contract for 1781, and two for Charlestown. Consist of " flour, oatmeal and pease." The note at foot is : " The originals sent to the Commissary General the 3rd September, 1782, having been received by the Commander-in-Chief. 1 September. Vol. 51, No. 235. 1 page. Warrant. Memorandum or sketch to fill out a warrant. No name given. For provisions and forage supplied to Cornwallis's army in Septem- ber and October, 1781. [Perhaps intended for the warrant to Robert Hoaksely, 9 August, 1782, as the same words appear there.] Vol: 35, Nori 52. 1 page. Vermont. 1781, October 16 to November 2. — Two papers headed " Ex- tracts," concerning Vermont, and found by comparison with the originals in the British Museum to contain part of a letter from Capt. Sherwood to Capt. Mathews, 27 October ; from Mr. Allan to Capt. Sherwood, 20 October ; proceedings of Vermont Council and Assembly, 16 October ; from Lt. Col. St. Leger to Capt. Mathews and Capt. Sherwood to the same, 2 November ; and from John Trueheart to Capt. Sherwood, 27 October. Vol. 11, Nos. 196 and 197. 7 pages. Also in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Quebec, 19, 88 and 89 ; the original letters being in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21836, fos. 264 and 270; 21835, fos. 114 and 116; 21794, fo. 173 ; 21842, fo. 242. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 2. War Office.— Cols. Pat. Tonyn and Chas. O'Hara to be promoted to the rank of Major General. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4. No. 285. 1 page. 346 Lieut. Colonel J. Upham to Governor William Franklin. 1781, November 3. Fort Franklin, Lloyd's Neck. — As to ex- change of Gardiner and his crew. Reported intended attack on this place. Is convinced of CornwalhYs fate. The loyalists very distressed. Will propose exchange for the West Haven prisoners. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 44. 3 pages. Extract in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 207, fo. 469. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to John Robinson. 1781, November 4. New York. — Received letters of 7th, 18tli and 26th July. Mr. Willard will be continued as Commissary of fresh provisions. Has given orders to contractors' agents to keep down the exchange ; the large supply of specie ordered out will greatly assist. The Hon. Henry White to continue inspector and prover of rum. Mr. Robert Aberdeen nominated assistant com- misssary vice Mr. Porteous, deceased. P.S. — Encloses estimate of barrack stores required for 1782. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 141. 2 pages. General .Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. L781, November 5. New York. — Sends draft on Cadiz of Don Gaspar de Miranda, commander of a Spanish Hag of truce, which brought a part of the garrison of Pensaeola, for money advanced him. Hopes it will be duly honoured that it may be placed to the credit of Government. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 116. 1 page. Joshua Loring to Major Abraham Skinner. 1781, November 5. New York.— Exchanges. (Annexed to J. Loring's state of exchange of prisoners since 3 September, 1781, see summer of 1782.) Copy. Vol. 27, No. 108. 1 page. John Lowry, late of Virginia, to Sir Henry Clinton. Memorial. Was employed by Brig. Gen. Arnold to carry dis- patches at risk of his life. W T as obliged to leave his house, property and family. Asks protection and support. Not dated. With certificates from Brig. Gen. Arnold and Lt. Col. Abercromby, both dated New York, 6 November, 1781. Original. Vol. 25, No. 325. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 7. War Office. — Dr. Paine, late apothecary, to succeed to first vacancy of a physician to the forces, meanwhile to act as physician on present pay of apothecary. Mr. Gregory West, hospital mate, to succeed Dr. Paine as apothecary. For reasons stated Mr. Loring may retain his commission as surgeon, but no further sales are to be permitted in hospitals ; no such similar trans- action as Dr. Nooth alludes to happened at the Havanna expedition. Dup. signed letter, Vol. 4, No. 286. Copy of first two paragraphs, Vol. 25, No. 193. 2 pages and 1 page respectively. 347 J. Martin (late Governor) to [ ] 1781, November 7. London. — Informs him of loss in his baggage of accounts of supplies to Loyalists in North Carolina in 1776, together with others of like nature, that he may get new copies uf them properly authenticated to be laid before the Commander-in- Chief. Will use his efforts with the Treasury for directions for settlement of such accounts. Wishes him to inform Mr. McKay and others who presented similar ones. Is anxious to know how their corps woes on and presents his compliments. Copy. Vol. 44, No. 132. 2 pages. Thomas Neville, acting a? agent for prisoners of war at Jamaica, to Commissioners for Sick and Wounded Seamen. 1781, November 7. Jamaica.- — During the last month 600 prisoners have been sent to the Havanna in exchange for those brought here and remitted to New York, captured at Mobile ; has taken three certificates from Capt. Miranda, one of which he encloses in case thev might have earlier or safer means of sending to New York. Extract. Vol. 26, No. 62. 1 page. Enclosed by C. Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 5 Nov., 1782. Alexander McDonald, Capt. 2d Battn. 84th, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 8. Halifax. — That the agents for the regiment write they are some thousands in advance without making any distinction between the 1st and 2d battalions. His own a cs as pay- master to the 2d battalion were not overdrawn, but his bills have been returned protested, the holders of the bills, merchants in Halifax, will not want their money, and he sees no alternative but jail. Will pledge his commission and everything he has to be answerable in a strict scrutiny, and begs relief from the military chest. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 51. 3 pages. Enclosure : — 1781, November 10. Halifax. — List of bills protested. Vol. 47, No. 52. 1 page. Cte. de Eochambeau to [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782 {sic pro 1781), 9 bre 9. Au Camp devant York.— Count de Grasse having left him the power of exchanging some land officers, a list of whom is enclosed [not identified] and who have been made prisoners by his fleet, he (Rochambeau) proposes the exchange of the Sieur de Ternan, Lt. Col. of the Legion of Col. Armand and the Sieurs Bert and le Brun, captains in the same corps. These three officers are in the American service, but being Frenchmen are his particular concern. The Sieur Ternan can naturally be exchanged with Lt. Col. Doyle. With regard to the two captains, not having any English prisoners of the same rank, proposes, against them, 348 one of the two majors taken and a lieutenant or ensign, choice being left to his Excellency. There is also one named L'Enfant, a Frenchman taken at Charlestown. Proposes to exchange him for one of the other subaltern officers whose rank he does not remember. As soon as his Excellency shall agree, will return faithfully the paroles of honour given by the officers. Copy. French. Vol. 29, No. 46. 1 page. Abijail Goldthwait to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 10. New York. — Memorial. Is widow of a mate in the General Hospital. Has respectable connections in New England. Begs provisions and fuel as well as a room. With recommendation by J. (or T.) Walter and E. G. Lutwyche and by Geo. Panton, the latter dated 22 November. Original. Vol. 25, No. 291 . 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Governor William Franklin. 1781, November 12. Head Quarters. — Acknowledges Col. Upham's letter communicated to him. Should be happy to contri- bute everything in his power to ease the minds of the Loyalists, and asks the sentiments of the Board on the means for doing this, that he may take the opinion of a Board of General Officers. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 45. "I page. [General Sir Henry Clinton to General Haldimanb]. 1781, November 12. — In cipher. Vol. 11, No. 194 ; decipher, No. 190. 3 pages each. Original in the Brit, Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 308 ; copies 21807. fo. 310'; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 150. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord North. 1781, November 12. New York. — Mr. Wier, Commissarv General, died this morning. Strongly recommends Mr. Elliot to succeed him. Triplicate copy. Vol. 33, No. 117. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alexander Leslie to Lord George Germain. 1781, November 13. Charlestown. — Has been ordered here by Sir Henry Clinton to take command of the Southern Provinces, Garrison at Cape Fear withdrawn, being unable to reinforce it, The enemy have 1,500 men at Wilmington under a militia general, Rutherford, but hopes Major Craig will be able to get the troops off without much loss. General Greene continues on the high hills of Santee.'^ Can give no news of Washington or the French fleet. This town must be his own first object. Enemy are trying to cut off supplies. The fleet with provisions and stores safely arrived, A supply is sent to Georgia and St. Augustine. Copy . Vol 1 23, No . 81 . * 2 pages . Enclosed by Lt, Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 12 March. 1782. 349 Governor William Franklin to Sir Henry Clinton. L781, November 14. New York. — Expedients to re3tore confi- dence of the loyalists, alarmed by 10th article of Cornwallis's capi- tulation. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 46. 5 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 446. Sir Henry Clinton to [Governor William FranklinJ 1781, November 15. Head Quarters. — Will lay his letter before Lord Cornwallis. Copy. Vol. 17. No. 17. I page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. k W. 1. 142, fo. 154. General Haldimanp to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 15. Quebec. Copy. Vol.. 11, No. 195. 2 pages. Enclosing Two papers of Extracts concerning Vermont, see at 2 November. Copy in the Brit, Mas., Addtl. MSS. 21807, fo. 313. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Leslie. 1781, November 16. New York. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 143. 2 pages. This and the enclosure also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fos. 27 and 31. Enclosure : — 1781, November 16. New York. — Information received by a person who left York Town on November i, as to the enemy s forces sent to the southward. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 141. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Peter Paumier, Dep. Commissary of Stores and Provisions. 1781, November 16. Head Quarters, New Y"ork. — Directing him to receive from Mr. Wier's executors all kinds of provisions, pay, oats, &c, belonging to the King in the public magazines or else- where, and make report of same. He is hereby required to act in all things belonging to the Commissariat until a Commissary General be appointed or the pleasure of the Treasury be known. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 119. 2 pages. Wm. Crosbie, B.M.G., to Maj. Gen. W. Dalrymple, Q.M.G. 1781, November 16. New York. — A requisition by Lt. General Robertson on the inhabitants of King's County, Long Island, for the delivery of 800 cords of wood into the magazines at Brooklyn by 1st October last, having produced only 33 cords (whether owing to unwillingness, or inability thro* want of waggons he will not determine), is under the necessity of asking what number of waggons could be furnished from his department for that purpose. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 167. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. Dalrymple to Sir H. Clinton, 23 Nov. 350 John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 16. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.— Having laid before the Lords Commissioners of H. M. Treasury a memorial of Charles Inglis, D.D., also two letters from the Bishop of London, recommending said memorial, desires His Excellency to pay Dr. Inglis £100 per annum from the time his stipend was stopped, and continue it while New York is under martial law. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 142. 1 page. Joshua H. Smith to the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 16. New York. — -Memorial. Refers to his mis- fortunes and connection with Capt. Andre's affairs. His property in this place yields him no more than £1-10 per annum, and in the expensiveness of living in the garrison wants even fire. Asks assistance such as other loyal sufferers of condition have experienced. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 27. 3 pages. Enclosed by Joshua H. Smith to Sir Guy Carleton, 23 Sep., 1782. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Sir Andrew Snape Hamond. 1781, November 17. Head Quarters, New York. — Acknowledges letter of 20th August concerning his appointment as Lt. Gov. of Nova Scotia. Will be glad to concur with him in promoting the King's service. Draft. Vol, 21, No. 154. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781. Nov. 17. New York.— Mr. Wier, Commissary General, died on 12th inst. Encloses copy of orders [see 16 Nov.] to Paumier, Senior Dep. Commissary, to take charge of the department in this quarter, and Maj. Morrison is to take charge in the southern district. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 118. 1 page. Lieut. Col. Alexander Stewart to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 17. Ravenels Plantation. — " I had the honor of writing your Excellency yesterday, but by a letter I have just received from Lieut. Colonel Balfour, I find my letter and dispatches to you, giving you an account of the victory I gained over the rebel General Green at the Eutaws have been lost, as also the Hope sloop- of-war that carried them. A copy of ray publick letter to Lord Corn- wallis was likewise sent by the same conveyance, and must have shared the same fate, tho' 1 at first understood the dispatches that went by the Hope sloop were all saved, as were all the people on board — otherwise 1 should have done myself the honor to have wrote to your Excellency long e're this. Lieut. Colonel Balfour writes me he will forward to you a copy of my letter to Lord Cornwallis by a frigate that is expected to sail soon for New York. " T hope my conduct, and that of the officers end men that fought under me, will meet with your Excellency's approbation, and I flatter myself you will do us all the justice you think we deserve .351 with his Majesty. The action for some time was doubtfull, but at last it ended with a totall rout of Green's army, our left flank at one time was turned by their having such a quantity of cavalry, which obliged us to retire for a small distance, on which occasion some prisoners were taken by the enemy, and our being so unfortunate as to have out our rooting partys, was also the occasion of loosing some prisoners, as those of the flank companys of the three Regts. lately from Ireland and the Buffs fell into the hands of the enemy before the action commenced, notwithstanding upon my first in- formation of the enemys advancing, I sent to them to return to camp, which was near three hours before the action began, but urj- luckely the people sent after them could not fall in with them. By every information I have been able to get since the action, the enemy lost above a thousand men killed and wounded, and about fifty officers, several ot which were of rank. And when your Ex- cellency considers that that was almost as many men as I had in the field, I hope youll allow we had some merite. Mr. Green had two sixpounders and two three pounders in the field — the two former I got, and would also have got the two latter but they had been dis- abled early in the action, and had been sent of along with the three pounder he got from me when my left retired. I never saw an army more compleatly routed then Green's was, and had I had cavalry I should have totally annihilated them. The returns of the killed, wounded, and missing, and the copy of my publick letter to Lord Cornwallis are all in Charles Town, as I did not choose to carry them about with me, but copys of them all will be sent to your Excellency by the first opportunity. " I beg leave to refer your Excellency to my letter of yesterday for the recommendations in the 3rd Regiment, and I have the honor to be, &c." Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. H. 3 pages. Narrative of the loss of the hospital at Fair Lawn or Colleton House on 17 November, with copies of the correspondence between Capt. McLean of the 84th and Major Doyle, &c, 10 to 17 November. Form part of the proceedings of a Court of Enquiry at Charlestown. see 29 "January, 1782. Cuba and Jamaica. 1781, November 18. — Printed cartel between the Islands of Cuba and Jamaica. Given at St. J ago de la Vega, and on board H.M.S. " Ramillies," Port Royal Harbour, Jamaica, the 18th Nov., 1781, signed JohnDalling, Peter Parker, Francis de Miranda, commissioned by the Capt. Gen. of the Island of Cuba, and John Clement, Deputy Secretary, by command of the Vice Admiral, Samuel Hodgson. The 5th page, being a table of rations served to prisoners, bears the MS. signature of the Captain General, Cagigal. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 125. 5 pages. Enclosed by Cagigal to Don Juan Campbell, 18 Apr., 1782. Also enclosed by Juan Laban to Sir John Campbell, 29 May, 1782. Lista de tropa de S.M.B. prisonercs de Guerra en la Havana con distincion de cuerpos y clases excluyendas la que por enferma's 352 halla actualmente en el Ospital. With certificate at end by Francisco de Miranda that the number of prisoners included in the list were exchanged at Jamaica, 20 November, 1781. Triplicate, Spanish. Vol. 26, Nos. 60 and 61 . £ p^ges, misplaced in binding. Enclosed by C. Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 5 March, 1782. ' Major Duncan Drummond to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, November 20. New York. — In consequence of his com- mission as Commissary of the Public Accounts of this army, and instructed by the Treasury, he had the honour of presenting his ideas on the subject to the Commander-in-Chief, who constituted the Board over which he (Robertson) presides. An estimate or comparative view which he had laid before the Board has been contrasted with one of higher expense, and a conclusion drawn apparently in favour of the latter. Does not pretend to infalli- bility. The calculations in the enclosed estimate are made on the largest scale of expense and on the judgment of mechanics and men of experience. Submits them to the consideration of the Board. Signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 104. 3 pages. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 116. 2 pages. Enclosures :■ — 1781, November 20. New York. — Observations in support of the plan presented to the Board of General. Officers. Marked No. 22. Signed. Vol. 35, No. 103. 9 pages. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 117. 8 pages. J 781, November 20. New York. — Estimate of the probable expenses attending the establishment of a train of horses and waggons with the requisite persons of every denomination, and the annual repairs necessary to keep it up, including casualties, the proportion of horses and waggons being the same as those at present employed in the Q.M.G. Department. Marked No. 22. Signed. Vol. 35, No. 112. 6 pages. Isabella Raymond to Governor James Robertson. 1781, November 20. New York. — Petition. Is widow of James Raymond, employed as a pilot. Begs one ration of provisions and one room's fuel. Recommended bj Jeremiah Learning, and with note from Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 3 December, that Col. Morris will put her on his list for provisions. Original. Vol. 25, No. 254. 2 pages, Margaret Weyman to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, November 21. New York.— Petition. That she with her husband, Moses Weyman, and seven children were driven from West Chester in 1776. That he had managed to support his family. She herself, through disease, is unable to work. Has lost her husband and eldest son, and begs rations or other relief for herself 353 and four children. With certificate by Dr. Samuel Seabury, same date, and followed by note from Thos. Murray, aide de camp, dated 3 December, ordering one ration. Original. Vol. 52, No. 59. 2 pages. John Masters to General Robertson. 1781, November 22. New York. — Petition. Representing his distress and asking two rations for himself and family. With note from Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 23 November, that Col. Morris will please to issue one ration for the wife and children of the petitioner to April next. Original. Vol. 25, No. 258. 1 page. John Vanhise, refugee. 1781, November 22. — Certificate signed by Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner. With note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 8 March, 1782, that Col. Morris will be pleased to order a ration to be issued. Original. Vol. 29, No. 49. 1 page. Major Gen. Wm. Dalrymple to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 23. New York. — Applications have been made from heads of departments for a farther supply of waggons and horses to carry on the business of their departments. Sends copies of letters. His whole establishment being in present employ, wishes to know which branches chiefly to attend to should the Department be unequal to the demands of the whole. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 168. 1 page. Enclosures : — Wm. Crosbie to Maj. Gen. Dalrymple, 16 Nov., 1781. Peter Paumier, Deputy Commissary Gen., to Major General William Dalrymple. 1781, November 22. New York. — Finding it impossible to procure from the inhabitants of Long Island waggons to trans- port the provisions from the landing place at Flushing to the magazine at Jamaica, applies to him and asks " a brigade for one turn " from Brooklyn. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 166. 1 page. George Folliott to Sir Henry Clinton and Rear Adml. Digby, Commissioners for restoring peace. 1781, November 23. New York. — Memorial. Original and copy. Vol. 23, No. 147 ; 25, No. 79. 3 pages each. Copy sent by Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain, 6 Dec. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 162. LrEUT. Colonel James Moncrief to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 23. Charles Town. — Encloses duplicate of letter of 30th September sent by the " Hope " cast away on the coast of Georgia. Since the arrival of Gen. Leslie every exertion 354 has been made in forwarding the defences. It has been necessary to fortify a post across the Neck of Charlestown as far up as the Quarter house. A post has been fortified on the main at Stono Ferry to cover John Island, &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 121. 2 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Governor Thomas Desbrisay. 1781, November 24. New York. — Acknowledges receipt of letter of 11th August ; is unable to comply with his request to be appointed Commandant of a Battalion or Field Officer to some corps as the incomplete state of the Provincial regiments precludes raising new ones. Draft. Vol. 21, No. 155. 2 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1781, November 24. New York. — " Sir, — I beg leave to propose that your Commissary General of Prisoners may be authorised to meet mine as soon as convenient either at Elizabeth Town or Staten Island, in order finally to adjust the exchange of Lieut. General Burgoyne, for which proposals have been made some time since ; and likewise to treat for the exchange of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis, and such other officers of his army as may be agreed on. I am, &c. I have likewise to request you will send me a passport for a vessel, as specified in the margin : to carry medicines and other hospital stores to Virginia for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers of the British Army prisoners there." Draft. Vol. 23, No. 143. 1 page. Governor William Franklin to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 24. New York. — Concerning Mr. Hake. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 48. 5 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 589, fo. 158. Captain Abm. D'Aubant (C. Eng.) to Brigadier General William Dalrymple, Q. M. Genl. 1781, November 25. New York. — Showing proportion of waggons wanted by the Engineers' Department from the Quarter Master General. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 165. 1 page. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Brig. General John Campbell. 1781, November 26. New York.— Received letters of 18th August and 26th October. As it appears by a letter from Lord Geo. Germain that a number of small arms and a quantity of gun- powder destined for New York were sent to Halifax last spring, desires he will forward such of them as are not wanted for the troops in Nova Scotia. Is surprised that so great a quantity as 2,500 stand of arms should be required to supply the casual deficiencies of the regiments there. f | Approves of the purchase of powder, mortar, and shells taken in a French prize. Draft. Vol. 21, No. 156. 2 pages'. 355 Captain John Smith, [Secretary], to Brig. Gen. Campbell. 1781, November 26. New York- -Received letters of 18th August and loth October. His appointment as Brig. General dates from 17th April last, but he is to take that rank from 20th September, 1779, to preserve his seniority to Leiand. Town Major Lyons may receive pay for the time he has done duty as Commissary of Musters, but his Excellency has nominated Lt. Sweetland to succeed Mr. Turner. Cannot increase his secretary's pay. Lt. Col. Hicks or any other field officer may take command at Penobscot. Memorials of Major Monk, &c, given to the Adjutant General. Desires to know what compensation should be given to Mr. Russell. Men in enclosed summary list tried by court-martial, 4th March, 1780, are to be released as they have suffered a long confinement. His Excellency will consider Gov. Patterson's letter and perhaps send copy to Germain. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 158. 3 pages. Captain John Smith to Captain William Spry. 1781, November 26. New York. — The Commander-in-Chief will grant him the leave of absence desired, but thinks it well his accounts should be settled previous to departure. Copy. - Vol. 21, No. 157. 1 page. Parliament. 1781, November 27. — Copy of the King's Speech. Printed. Vol. 7, No. 116. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 5 Dec. Brig. General Benedict Arnold to Major Murray. 1781. November 28. New York. — Recommends the bearer, Mr. Alexr. Murray, useful as a seaman in Virginia. He was at York Town in the siege, and made his escape. He merits some support. A note at the foot by Major Murray to Col. Morris orders provisions for him, his wife and child. Signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 91. 2 pages. Oaky Harrison to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, November 28. — Petition. That his property has been seized and sold, and his wife and children sent destitute to this place. Is in consumption and prays rations for himself and his family. With certificate by Isaac Ogden, Nicholas Ogden, Peter Ogden and Governor Franklin. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 100. 2 pages. Parliament. 1781, November 28. — Printed copies of the addresses of the Houses of Lords and Commons, with his Majesty's answer. Printed. Vol. 7, Nos. 117 and 118. 7 pages in all. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir H. Clinton, 5 Dec, 356 George Walls, refugee. 1781, November 29. New York. — Certificate signed by Isaac Ogden followed by the words : — " Recommended to his Excellency Gen. Robertson by his obedient humble servant, Wm. Franklin." also by a note from Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 3 Dec, that Col. Morris will be pleased to put the wife of Geo. Wall (sic) and his four children on his list for one ration and a half. Original. Vol. 29, No. 88. 2 pages. Lord Amherst to Lord George Germain. 1781, November 30. Whitehall.— The King has granted the brevet rank of Major to Capt. Beckwith, particularly for his spirited assistance in the assault of Fort Griswold. Copy. Vol. 7, No. 113. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lord G. Germain to Sir Henry Clinton, 3 Dec, 1781. General Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallls. 1781, November 30. New York. — (Printed in the Olinton- Cornwallis Controversy IT. 217.) Copy. Vol. 19, No. 145. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 19 ; 142, fo. 216. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1781, November 30. New York. — "Having occasion to remit two thousand pounds sterling in specie to the British Officers at Frederick Town and Winchester, I am to request a passport for a Deputy Pay Master to proceed thither by land with the above sum, who after the delivery thereof will return to this place." Copy. Vol. 23, No. 144. 1 page. Nathan Closson to Lieut. Genl. Robertson. 1781, November 30. New York. — Memorial. Is a refugee from Dutchess County, has lost his substance, and the sickness of his wife, children and himself has brought them to great distress. Asks some rations. Certified same date by H. and D. van Schaack and Saml. Mabbett, and recommended by Bev. Robinson, Col. Loyal American Regiment. On the back is note by Thos. Murray, aide de camp, 14 Dec, ordering rations. Autograph, signed. Vol. 31, No. 222. 2 pages. Major General William Dalrymple to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, November 30. New York. — Remarks on the estimate and observations laid before the Board by Major Drummond. Appre- ciates Major Drummond's candour, but characterizes his project as visionary, and if carried into execution, more defective than and equally expensive to the present establishments. At this moment the Department almost singly supports the whole weight of the different departments who are in a great measure disappointed of the aid expected of the inhabitants whose incapacity or unwillingness 357 to execute the demands made on them have uniformly been the same. Refers the board to all the former papers laid before them, a copy of which, with an aggregate, he has the honour to deliver, as well as some additional papers. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 118. 4 pages. Enclosures : — 1781, November 30. New York. — Observations by Maj. Gen. Dalrymple, Quarter Master General, upon an estimate of the probable expenses attending a train of horses and waggons recommended to be adopted in his department by Major Drummond. Original. Vol. 34, No. 120. 4 pages. Not dated, but believed to be the " aggregate " mentioned in the letter above. " An aggregate of papers addressed by Majors Bruen and Robertson to the Board, of General Officers at New York." The list contains 34 papers. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 141. 3 pages. Lieut. General Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, November 30. Charlestown.— Arrived here on the 8th, and sent for Craig's detachment from Willmington. Their safe arrival, with all the loyalists who wished to accompany them. Found the corps under Col. Stuart consisting of 1,700 infantry and 200 cavalry posted above Monk's Coiner watching the movements of Greene's army, but on the approach of reinforcements Greene has moved across the Santee, and he has directed Col. Stuart to fall down on this side Goose Creek. The army here not above 3,500 men. Intends sending a detachment to Savannah fearing Greene may attack it. Is clear that without some additional force both in infantry and artillery the greatest part of present possessions must inevitably fall. Has established posts at Stono and John's Island. Will try to keep the Islands for the sake of supplies. Enquires if the debris of the corps belonging to Cornwaiiis's army may be drafted into the regiments here. Requests him to appoint some person to audit the accounts of the Public Departments here. P.S. — Genl. Stuart is come to Camp at the Quarter House. Greene is ad- vancing to Dorchester. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 23, Nos. 7 and 8. 6 pages. Lieut. Col. John Small to Alexander Lesly [qy. Leslie]. 1781, November 30. Charlestown. — Memorial. As Lieut. Col. Commandant of the 2nd Battalion 84th, states that he and his brother officers have served for twelve months without their regimental pay and subsistence. Original. Vol. 23, No. 35. 3 pages. Lieut. Colonel Nisbet Balfour to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 1. Charles Town. Copy. Vol. 19, No. 148. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 293. 358 Major Genebal Alexander Leslie to [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1781, December 1. Charles Town. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 9. 1 vage. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 275. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1781, December 2. Head Quarters. — Sends copies of letter and papers received from the Quarter Master General, as they show the extent of the assistance to be expected from the inhabitants of the neighbouring districts with respect to the military arrangements requisite at this time. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 169. 1 page. Earl Cornwallis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 2. New York. — (Printed in the Clinton-Corn- wallis Controversy II. 219.) 2 copies. Vol. 19, Nos. 116, 147. 3 pages. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fos. 23 and 220. Board of General Officers. 1781, December 3. New York. — Report to General Sir Henry Clinton. Signed Lt. Gen. Robertson, Maj. Gen. Paterson and Brig. Gen. Birch. On the case of Lt. Col. Cosmo Gordon, who had demanded a court-martial in vindication of his conduct of 23 June, 1780. Original. Vol. 47, No. 224. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 3. New York.— No. 148. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwalhs Controversy II. 230.) Copy. Vol. 23, No. 145. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 11 ; copy 309, fo. 306. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 3. Whitehall.— No. 94. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 112. 2 pages. Enclosing Lord Amherst to Lord G. Germain, 30 Nov., 1781. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. k W. I. 141, fo. 521 : copies 433, fo. 16 ; Sackville MSS. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 3. War Office.— Receipt of letters of 31st July and 26 September, with enclosures. The lists of officers of the Troops oi Convention and the regiments in the West Indies lately exchanged have been sent to the Lords of Admiralty, and the proposal for exchange of Burgoyne to Lord Geo. Germain. Pro- motions in letter of 26th September approved. Mr. Maxwell to succeed Mr. Gordon as surgeon without purchase. Mr. Gordon to be reimbursed what the surgeoncy cost him by the sale of an ensigncy. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 286. 2 pages. 359 New York. 1781, December 3. New York. — Report of the Magistrates of Police made in compliance with Gen. Robertson's letter of 29 Nov., 1781, in which was enclosed Sir Henry Clinton's letter of 28 Nov., with G. Folliott's memorial to the Commissioners. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 148. 10 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain, 6 Dec, 1781. Copy in Vol. 25, No. 89 ; original in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 166. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, December 4. Head Quarters. — Requests him to assemble the members of the Board over which he presides, and make a report of the proceedings thereof, accompanied by papers laid before it by the Commissary of Accounts and principals of the different departments. Draft. Vol. 34, No. 121. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 4. War Office. — Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 287. Enclosure : — List of Promotions and Leaves of Absence. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 288. 2 pages. Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 4, Charles Town.— No. 2. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 10. 6 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 317. Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 4. Charles Town.— No. 3. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 11. 8 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 328. Enclosures : — Thomas Irving, Receiver Gen. S.C., to Lt. Gen. Leslie. 1781, December 4. Charlestown. — Two letters. Originals. Vol. 23, Nos. 12, 13 and 11. 3 and 9 pages. Copies in Vol. 25. No. 87 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, pp. 135 and 139 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fos. 37, 47. Thos. Brown to [Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie]. 1781, December 5. Savannah. — The Spanish garrison in the Creek nation is reduced by sickness from 900 to 500 men. The Spanish Governor has tried to detach Indians from His Majesty's service. Tonyn says Spaniards mean to attack East Florida, and he requires help of 500 Indians. Operations of the Cherokees and 360 Creeks. Indian presents needed. Last year's accounts paid by Balfour, except a small balance. Will send accounts and vouchers by first safe conveyance. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 42. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 27 Dec. Governor William Bull to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 5. Charlestown. — Arrived here last February to be ready to take the administration of South Carolina as soon as it should be declared in the King's peace. Meanwhile has been employed as Intendant General of the Police. The Chief Justice and other principal civil officers of the crown have lately arrived here. Such as are not here he has power to appoint whenever the success of his Majesty's arms shall have brought the province to the King's peace. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 16. 2 pages. South Carolina. 1781, December 5. Charlestown. — List of the Civil Officers of Government now here who received allowances from the Treasury on account of the loss of the emoluments of their respective employ- ments during the suspension of the King's authority in the province. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 15. 1 page. Copies in the Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 163 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 33. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 5. Whitehall.— No. 95. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 114. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 141, fo. 525 ; copies 433, fo. 18 ; Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 5. Whitehall— Circular. Signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 115. 1 page. Enclosing the King's Speech. 27 Nov. Addresses from the Lords and Commons, with the King's answer, 28 Nov. Thos. Murray, A.D.C., to Honble. Roger Morris, Queen Street. 1781, December 5. New York. — Two rations per day to be issued to Mr. Hubbard from Virginia. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34, No, 94. 1 page. Lieut. Gen. James Robertson to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 5. New York.- -Summoned the gentlemen of the Board to meet this morning. Sends all their proceedings and papers laid before them, with a list. Signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 114. 2 pages. 361 Proceedings of a Board of General Officers summoned on the 10th August, but the last page of which is dated 5 December. See under 10 August. 1781 , December 6. — Gross list of papers sent to Sir Henry Clinton by Lieut. Gen. Robertson as President of the Board of General Officers (21 papers in all). Vol. 22, No. 176. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 6. New York. — Separate. (Printed in the Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy II. 233.) Copy. Vol. 23, No. 146. 9 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 112, fo. 190; copy 309, fo. 316. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 6. New York. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 149. 2 pages. Enclosing Memorial of George Folliott, 23 Nov., Report of the New York Magistrates, 3 Dec. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 158; copy 309, fo. 315. Hugh Kelly. 1781, December 6. — Certificate by Brig. Gen. James Hamilton that the bearer, Mi. Kelly, waited on him in Maryland, and was and is very active in the King's service. Copy. Vol. 25, part of No. 142. Annexed to the case of Kelly and Fleming, see the end of July, 1782. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 6. Philadelphia. — (Printed in Sparks's Washing- ton VIII. 215.) Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 36. 2 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Washington to Sir Henry Clinton, 31 Dec, 1781. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 175. Major de Meibon [Meibom] to Lord George Germain. 1 781 , December 7. New York. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 138. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 228 ; copies 144, fo. 345 ; 309, fo. 325 ; F. 0., Various, 321. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, December 8. New York. — That Major Drummond had announced discoveries of expenditure of the public money and found a plan for great saving. That a Board of Officers has been appointed ; that the comparative view on which Major Drummond 362 had erected " his flattering edifice " had been collected from insuffi- cient and unauthentic materials, and that Major Drummond now withdraws this. Sends report of the proceedings of the Board. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 22, 4 pages. COMTE DE RoCHAMBEAU to GEN. SlR HENRY CLINTON. 1781, December 9. Williamsburg. — Similar letter to that of 9 November. Begs he will look upon this as its duplicate. P.S. — When Earl Cornwallis and his army evacuated York, he made me acquainted with the need he stood in for money. I divided with him, with great pleasure, a part of what remained in our military chest, with only one condition, which was that it should be reimbursed by the military chest at New York. I put your Excellency in mind of this only because there is no mention made of it in the dispatches I have received by the Bonetta. Etat des Ofliciers d'Infanterie fait Prisoniers par l'Armee Navale et renvoyes sur leur Parole. Lord Rawdon. Mr. Doyle, Lieut. Col. Mr. Joseph Greene, Major du 1st Battn. Delancey. Mr. Robt. Timpany, Major. Mr. Wm. Delazeyle, Lieut, d'un Regt. hessois. Mr. John Millar, Lieut, d'une Legion Angloise. Mr. John Stanley, Enseigne do. Mr. David, Officier do. Mr. J. Allen, Quartier Mtre. du 69th Regt. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 33. 3 pages. Copy in the Archives de la Guerre 3734, fo. 163. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 10. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Col. Williamson, Deputy Adjutant- General, has examined patterns of articles to be sent out for the Army in the Southern Colonies. Duplicates of each have been sealed and one set will be sent out with the articles for comparison. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 150. 1 page. Major Abraham Skinner to Joshua Loring. 1781, December 10. Elizabeth Town. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 109. 1 page. Annexed to J. Loring's Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 Sep., 1781 (see Summer of 1782). Abraham Vanderbeak to Gov. James Robertson. 1781, December 10. New York. — Petition. Has been obliged to leave his farm in Bergen County on account of his sons entering his Majesty's service. Is old and infirm and asks some relief. Certified by Lt. Col. Buskirk, Capt. Zabriski and Surgeon Thomas Outwater, and followed by note from Thos. Murray, a.d.c, 29 Jan., 1782, ordering provisions for the petitioner, his wife and two children. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 52. 1 page. 363 CounciiTof War. 1781, December 11. New York, Head Quarters. — Signed by Sir H. Clinton, Adl. Digby and Capt. Affleck. Ships of the line to leave. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 153. 1 page. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to Lord G. Germain, 14 Dec. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 297. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord North. 1781, December 12. New York. — Mr. Elliott having his salary from the Treasury stopped has desired to go to England to have his conduct enquired into. Requests his Lordship to enquire into it as during the present condition of trade Mr. Elliott cannot be spared. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 151. 1 page. Hannah Watson to the Commander-in-Chief. 1781, December 12. — Memorial. Is widow of Robert Watson who sacrificed his life in his loyalty. Is unable to toil for a liveli- hood, " hertofore nursed in the downy lap of ease and luxury." Asks some relief. — Recommended by Adj. Gen. Delancey to Col. Morris, and rations ordered by Gen. Robertson. Original. Vol. 52, No. 60. 1 page. Adam Bergh to Lieut. General Robertson. 1781, December 13. New York. — Memorial. Was a farmer of Dutchess County and imprisoned several times for his loyalty. His wife and children except two were sent here in April, 1779. Has endeavoured to support them, but by sickness and misfortune has been unable to do so. Prays a portion of the public charity provided for persons in such circumstances. Certified by George Shaw, Gabriel H. Ludlow, and D. Mathews, Mayor. Original. Vol. 31, No. 216. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 13. Charlestown. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 26. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 397. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 14. New York.— No. 151. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 152. 4 pages. Enclosing Council of War, 11 December. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 279 ; copy 309, fo. 340. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1781, December 14. New York. — Requests a passport for two officers, quarter masters, &c, to carry clothing, necessaries, and money to the British and German prisoners confined in the different parts of Pennsylvania. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 154. 1 page. I ' 364 American Prisoners. 1781, December 14. New Lotts.— Memorandum of the monies due to the different inhabitants of New Lotts on Long Island, for boarding the American officers prisoners on parole, amounting to 2,169£. 2s. Signed Johannes Lott, Junr., Lieut. Militia. Also of that due to the inhabitants of Flatt Bush for boarding American prisoners, amounting to 5,590Z. 15s. M. Addressed to Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners. Originals. Vol. 31, Nos. 7 and 8. 1 'page each. Edmund Eyre, Major 54th Regiment, to the Secretary at War [Charles Jenkinson]. 1781, December 15. Lamb's Conduit Street. — With reference to the account of losses claimed by the 54th Regiment for stores lost in a vessel wrecked in Hell Gate on the way from Rhode Island to New York, and earnestly requesting the claim may be reconsidered as the soldiers are unable to bear that loss. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 296. 3 pages. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 6 Feb., 1782. John Graham to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 15. Savannah, Georgia. — Begs to be appointed if a vacancy happens in either of the departments of Superintendent for Indian affairs in the Southern District, as there is little hope of Mr. Cameron's recovery. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 18. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 15. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. — Desiring him to give orders that the value of the clothing of the 4th regiment of foot, which has been given to recruits of regular regiments, may be reimbursed to the public ; also that the part delivered to pro- vincials be accounted for in same way as other provincial clothing. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 155. Enclosing Charles Jenkinson to [John Robinson], 25 Oct., 1781. Duncan Drummond to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 16. New York. — Suggests that a deputy Com- missary of Accounts be stationed at Charlestown to audit the accounts of the Army in South Carolina, as represented by Gen. Leslie. If advisable, will prepare the necessary instructions. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 163. 1 page. N. D. [1781, December 16]. — Draft apparently of the instruc- tions mentioned in the above letter. To proceed to Charlestown to audit army accounts there under Lt. Gen. Leslie. Apparently also written as a result of his letter to Clinton of this day, and in consequence of an order received. Draft. Vol. 35, No. 164. 1 page. 365 Council of War, or Board of Officers. 1781, December 17. Head Quarters, New York.— -Minutes. Resolved that there seems no necessity to reinforce Charlestown, and the defence of Savannah to be left to Gen. Leslie as circumstances may direct. Signed, Peter Russel. Original. Vol. 48, No. 49. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 335. Major Anthony Farrington and Capt. W. Spry to Brigadier General John Campbell. 1781, December 17. Halifax. — In answer to letter relative to the powder in this garrison they enclose a return of powder in the magazines. Are of opinion it is only sufficient for one month's siege, and that no part can be spared. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 225. 1 page. 1781, December 17. Halifax. — Return of quantity of powder for land service, in the magazines. Signed Anthony Farrington. Signed. Vol. 13, No. 226. 1 page. Exchange of Prisoners. 1781, December 17. Elizabeth Town. — Joshua Loring to Abraham Skinner : — Desiring an explicit answer as to the proposal of 3 September touching the exchange of Gen. Burgoyne. Answer : — Is not authorized to enter into the exchange of Gen. Burgoyne. Abraham Skinner to Joshua Loring : — Is willing to enter into the question of exchange except that of Lord Cornwallis. Joshua Loring to Abraham Skinner : — Proposal to exchange rank for rank as far as it will apply. Copies. Vol. 27, Nos. Ill, 110, 112, 113. 4 pages. Annexed to Joshua Loring's Statement of the Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781 [see summer of 1782]. James (Jacobo) Campbell to Brigadier General Don Josef de Ezpeletta (sic). N. D. [but from the covering letter appears to be "18 de corriente," 18 Dec, 1781.] — Has seen the letter of Gov. Chester to Lord G. Germain printed in the Gazeta de Madrid. Bitterly com- plains that his detention was predetermined. Spanish translation countersigned Galvez. Vol. 23, No. 167. 2 pages. Enclosed by B. de Galvez to Sir H. Clinton, 30 Dec, 1781. Maj. Gen. John Campbell to Alex. Cameron, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Pensacola. 1781, December 18. Hd. Quarters, Pensacola. — Explains method of presenting a/cs for defraying expenses incurred in his department under his (Campbell's) orders. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 227. 1 page. 366 Governor Sir James Wright to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 18. Savannah, in Georgia. — Desiring immediate relief or the province must fall. .■ Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 31. 3 pages. ' Copies in Vol. 15, No. 283 ; 17, No. 124 ; Public Record Office, Am. &W. I. 142, fo. 401. Governor William Franklin to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 19. New York. — Writes for Board of Associated Loyalists. & \» Copy. Vol. 17, No. 49. 7 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 458. Joshua Loring to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 19. New York. — Recounting what he had pro- posed to Mr. Skinner who has returned to Gen. Washington and expects to meet him again fully empowered. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 114. 2 pages. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of exchange of prisoners since 3 Sep., 1781 [see summer of 1782]. Lieut Colonel Alured Clarke to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 20. Savannah. — Sends states of his forces and represents how inadequate they are. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 32. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 405. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 20. New York. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 157. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 367 ; copy 309, fo. 344. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Leslie. 1781, December 20. New York.— No. 1. Copy. Vol.23, No. 17. 22 folios. Ext. vol. 25, in No. 87. I page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 307 ; extracts 298, fo. 496 ; 143, fo. 51 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, pp. 95 and 123. General Sir Henry Clinton to The Trustees for Captured Property [Moncrief, Gratton, Powell and Greenwood]. 1781, December 20. New York. — Received letter of 1st ult. Had no other design in appointing trustees but to secure captured property from waste or damage till the true owners were ascer- tained. Can have therefore no objections to its being restored to such, if loyal subjects, upon requisite bonds being given to guard against future claims. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 19. 1 page. 367 General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, December 20. New York. — Situation of affairs in Carolina renders it impossible to obtain a supply of rice from there as a substitute for oats. Forage is issued only for effective horses and such as are judged absolutely necessary. Number of effective horses cannot be reduced. The demand for greater supply of provisions than was stated in Mr. Wier's returns was caused by the direction to supply the Associated Loyalists, as well as on account of the number of refugees. The greatest care shall be paid to the expenditure of the ample supplies sent by the Treasury. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 158. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Brigadier General Stewart. 1781, December 20. New York. — Received letters of 16th and 17th ult. ; has also received from Lt. Col. Balfour a copy of his (Stewart's) letter to Cornwallis. Has sent copy of last mentioned to the minister. Thanks for his conduct in the action of Eutaw Springs, and requests him to signify his approval to the officers and men. Appointment as Brigadier General is confirmed. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 20. 1 page. Charles Lyons, Town Major, to Brig. Gen. Campbell. 1781, December 21. Halifax. — He hopes to succeed to the appointment of Commissary of Musters through his recommendation, in consideration of the small pay annexed to that of Town Major. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 224. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. J. Campbell to John Smith, 23 Dec. Depositions. 1781, December 21. New York. — By Hannah Watson and Abraham Teller. Part of a paper of complaints against Col. Roger Morris, inspector of claims of Loyal Refugees, see under 25 December. Copies. Vol. 54, Nos. 58 and 59. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1781, December 22. New York. — No. 2. Desires, in spite of Lord Cornwallis's directions, that the Staff Officers of the garrisons in the district under his (Leslie's) command may receive only the same rate of subsistence which similar officers receive here. Proper stipends may be granted to distressed refugees. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 1. 3 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1781, December 22. New York. — No. 3. Is sorry he is unable to grant Lt. Col. Balfour's request to be allowed to go to Europe, as his services, either as Commandant of Charles Town or Lt. Col. of the 23rd Regt., are essentially necessary. Should he desire to resign the first office he (Leslie) is to appoint a successor. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 22. 2 pages. 368 [Gen. Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1781, December 22. — No. 4. Has appointed Peter Russell Super- intendent of Port of Charles Town vice N. Phillips, resigned, and Mr. J. Towns to be 2d Deputy Superintendent of said port vice Mr. Sweetland. Russell has received leave of absence to settle his affairs and Mr. McCullought will act in his department during his absence. Mr. Towns to commence duty at once. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 23. 2 pages. Brig. General John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 23. Halifax. — Sends copy of instructions from the Board of Ordnance to the Storekeeper here [see 20 and 24 February] by which it will appear that no gunpowder was sent here for the service at New York. Sends also return of powder in store and report thereon [see 17 December]. Sends 500 stands of arms in the " Belisarius " and " Amphitrite " ; will send remaining 1,000 by next safe opportunity. Is assured by Mr. Morden that Mr. Russell's claim is just. Has signified His Excellency's pardon to John Thomas. Recommends Mr. Lachlane to be Ensign by purchase vice Duncan Stewart, and Mr. J. Russell to succeed Donald Stewart. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 219. 4 pages. Brig. General John Campbell to John Smith, Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief. 1781, December 23. Halifax. — Explains that prior to receipt of letter of 26th ult. he drew pay as Brig. General from 20th Sept.. 1779. Has signified His Excellency's pardon to men of Royal Fensible American Regiment and Nova Scotia Volunteers. Lt. Col. Hicks will go to Penobscot to take command of that post. The appointment of a Commissary of Musters was annexed to that of Town Major to enable such officer to live. The enclosed letter will, he hopes, plead for the application. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 223. 3 pages. Enclosing Charles Lyons to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 21 December. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Leslie. 1781, December 23. New York. — No. 5. " Altho' we are, I am persuaded, all of the same opinion, that our late misfortune in Chesapeak was owing to the want of promised naval force to cover our operations there, there seem to be certain implications in Lord Cornwallis's letter of the 20th of October, which I thought might tend to impress the publick with an idea that his Lordship had been forced by me into a bad post, notwithstanding he had represented the defects of the ground ; whereas you will observe by the corre- spondence that I directed his Lordship to fortify old Point Comfort ; but his Lordship not approving of that, as he says, according to the spirit of my orders, took York and Glocester ; of which he owns, however, he never represented the defects. It likewise may be supposed by that letter that I had promised the exertions of the navy before the 24th of September. His Lordship acknowledges 369 I did not, nor did I, speaking of the sailing of the fleet to attempt to succor him, say it woidd sail about the 5th. "As to intrenching tools, exclusive of those sent with you, Sir, by formal returns of the Quarter Master General and Engineer, I have sent above 3,000 to Chesapeak. All those as yet are not accounted for, but I believe it will appear that his Lordship, instead of 400, had above 1,000, when he began his works on York River. His Lordship tells me his letter was written in a hurry, and under great agitation of mind ; nobody felt more for him and his gallant army, and I am sure, Sir, you will do me the justice to say that I made every exertion to succor them. Should his Lordship, on his arrival in England, find that his letter has made an impression so different from what, I am persuaded, he intended, he will have the candor, I am sure, publickly to avow the sentiments he seemed to profess when I had a conversation with him prior to his letter being printed." 2 copies. Vol. 23, Nos. 24 and 25. 2 pages and 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Leslie. 1781, December 23. New York.— Recommending Mr. Baine appointed to act as Deputy Commissary of Accounts under Major Drummond, and who will deliver this letter. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 21. 1 page. Lieut. Colonel E. Hicks to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 23. Halifax. — Thanks for appointing him to the command of the post at Penobscot. Requests he will consider the length of his services and annex some appointment either as Governor or Lieutenant Governor. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 228. 3 pages. Brigadier General Samuel Birch. Order to boatmen plying between the city and any of the landings on the Sound or East River, to apply for new passes. — New York, 24 Dec, 1781. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 3. 1 page. Officers. 1781, June 25 to December 24.— List of General and Staff Officers upon the establishment in North America within the colonies lying on the Atlantic from Nova Scotia to West Florida, with certificates by Sir H. Clinton and W. D. Poyntz. 2 copies. Vol. 31, No. 61, and Vol. 37, No. 145. 4 pages each. Provincial Troops. I7fti June 25 ' kist of warrants granted on account of ' December 24. subsistence for the Provincial Forces from these dates, amounting to £98,000. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 44*. 1 page. 370 Troops. 1780, December 25. Account of 365 days' pay to the Extra Staff 1781, December 24. of the Detachment of Foot Guards commanded by General O'Hara. with medicine money — £797 15s. 8%d. Copy. Vol. 43, No. 136. 1 page. Annexed to Warrant dated 12 August, 1782. Contingent Bill for the 38th Regiment from June 25 to December 24, 1781. The items are for one nurse, for wine, soap, &c, for sick and for stationery. Certified by Wm. Davies, captain. Original. Vol. 38, No. 250. 1 page. [General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson]. 1781, December 25. New York. — Acknowledging dispatches. Draft. Vol. 4, No. 291. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Loyalists. 1781, December 25. New York.— Memorial to Sir H. Clinton for the removal of Col. Morris. There is a page and a half of names of the signers, and the memorial is followed by several certificates as to Morris's conduct, amongst them depositions of John P. Smith and Abm. Teller, 17 and 18 Jan., 1782, which deposition of Teller is followed by recommendations of himself by Beverly Robinson to David Mathews in August, 1777, and by various certificates to him in 1782. Preceding the memorial are the two depositions entered on 21 December. Copy. Vol. 54, No. 59. 2 pages. Nova Scotia. 1781, December 25. Halifax. — Account of subsistence of the British and Foreign troops in Nova Scotia, &c, £26,696 lis. 6d., paid by Alexander Thomson, Paymaster of H. M. Forces at Halifax, between 25 June, 1780, and 25 December, 1781. Original. Vol. 52, No. 42. 3 pages. Troops. 1781, December 25. — Establishment of the 76th Regiment of Foot under Lt. Col. McDonnel. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 290. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 29 Dec. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 26. New York.— No. 152. Duplicate copy. Vol. 23, No. 163. 5 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 301 ; copy 309, fo. 345. 371 Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 27. Charlestown. — No. 4. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, Nos. 39 and 40. 6 paqes. Enclosing Thomas Brown to [Lieut. General Leslie], 5 Dec. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 427. Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. [1781], December 27. Charlestown. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 33. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 423. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1781, December 28. New York. — Transmits the most material of the remaining papers which were sent him with the report of the Board respecting Major Drummond's observations on the expenditures of the public departments. 2 copies. Vol. 33, No. 120, and Vol. 24, No. 61. 1 page each. Schedule of enclosures in the above letter. 2 copies. Vol. 23, Nos. 164 and 165. 1 page each. Joseph Robinson to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 28. Charles Town. — Memorial. Representing his losses and his services in recruiting the corps and acting with it. That he has advanced £142 besides many smaller sums. Asks that his services may be laid before his Majesty and if his services are not now required he may have his pay and leave to return to Great Britain. Original. Vol. 26, No. 39. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 49. 4 pages and 6 pages. Enclosed by Welbore Ellis to Sir Henry Clinton, 7 Mar., 1782. Thomas Fletchall, of Ninety Six, to Lord George Germain. 1781, December 29. Charles Town. — Memorial of his losses. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 56. 3 pages. Enclosed by Welbore Ellis to Sir Henry Clinton, 6 March, 1782. Signed original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 682. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 29. War Office.— The establishment of the 76th Regiment to be reduced to 85 private men per company for similar reasons to those stated in letter of 5th December, 1780. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 289. 1 page. Enclosing Establishment of the 76th Regiment of foot under Lt. Col. McDonnel, 25 Dec, 1781. St. Eustatius. Extract from the French account published in the Martinico paper received this 29 December, 1781, of the capture of that island and St. Martin's, by the French. Vol. 23, No. 38. 1 page. 372 Peter Vallean. late of Dutchess Co., blacksmith, to Governor James Robertson. 1781, December 29. — Memorial. Has supported his wife and family by trade, but is now too ill. Begs some provision. Certified by Sam. Bord and Bartholomew Crannell and recommended by Beverly Eobinson. A note from Thos. Murray, A.D.C., follows, dated 11 Jan., 1782, ordering rations for petitioner, his wife and children. Original. Vol. 25, No. 129. 2 pages. Bernardo De Galvez to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 30. Havanna.— This will be delivered by Baron Winterfield, 2nd Lt. Irish Infantry who goes with the English families left sick at Pensacola, which was the reason of their deten- tion. He will inform of the proceedings with Gen. Campbell and of the motives for not acceding to the convention made between Gen Campbell and the Gov. of Havannah " that the prisoners shd. be sent to New York in exchange for the Spaniards who might be at Jamaica." His reasons for suspending it are that they had no powers to make it, the governor of this place not being empowered and Gen. Campbell as a prisoner being disqualified. The French had made bitter complaints that the prisoners going there would reinforce the British army to their prejudice. " Their complaints would have been better founded if the prisoners from the foregoing settlements of the Mississippi, who had no right to expect it as they were not included in the capitulation of Pensacola, had taken the same route, wherefore I am in treaty to send them another way that will be less inconvenient on our part and they in a short time will enjoy the liberty I wish them.'" Again recommends the officer who bears this. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 168. Translation. Vol. 22, No. 103. 6 and 3 pages. Bernardo de Galvez to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 30. Havana. — That Major of Brigade Campbell having asked permission to send the correspondence [between Galvez and Gen. Campbell] either to Sir H. Clinton or to Gen. Campbell he had agreed to that, but not to his (Campbell's) adding any explanation of his own knowing the abuse of his pen. Will cite documents referring to Genl. Campbell's actions and his own, setting aside those of the Secretary. Desires him to compare the Baton Rouge capitulation, where he will find that Natchez belonged to West Florida, next, the Pensacola capitulation, wherein not only that garrison, but all the province is surrendered, and further the letters of 25th to 29th May and the commissions given to Capt. Blomart and two others whom he (Galvez) has prisoners ; they having so manifestly broken the capitulation he is sufficiently authorized to make reprisals and not allow the whole garrison to proceed. Has, however, detained only Brigade Major Campbell and Capt. Dean. Complains of the invectives and false charges of the gentlemen Campbells, General and Secretary, and their strata- gems, but on his part he allowed the General and family to embark. 373 P.S. — Since writing, Mr. James Campbell has sent him, to forward to New York, not the correspondence with his general, but that with himself (Galvez). Has told him if he does not send the former the latter shall not go. Sends enclosed the last paragraph of a letter written by Mr. C. to Major General Espeleta. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 169. Translation. Vol. 48, No. 216. 6 pages and 5 pages. Enclosing Gazeta de Madrid, 4 Sep. Jas. Campbell to Brig. Gen. Ezpeletta, 18 Dec. Bernardo de Galvez to Don Frederico Baron de Winterfeldt. 1781, December 30. Havamiah. — Passport and orders as to delivery of dispatches to Sir Henry Clinton. Copy. Vol. 48, No. 217. 1 page. Troops. 1781, December 30. Charlestown. — Account of subsistence due to the officers of the 2d Battalion of the 84th Regt. of Highlanders detached and on service in the Southern District of North America, down to the 23d February, 1782. Signed Lt. Col. John Small. £1,304 2s. 6d. With note by Samuel Bliss. Followed by certificate of the officers of that battalion to the truth of the sums named in the foregoing a/c. (Qy. see also note by Leslie, 31 December.) True copy. Vol. 23, Nos. 36-37. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Comte de Rochambeau. 1781, December 31. N. York. — Acknowledges letter of 9th inst., and thanks for assistance to Lord Cornwallis. On the arrival of Capt. Vallancey, the paymaster, the amount was immediately directed to be issued and is now at Williamsburg ready to be sent by a flag of truce. Agrees to exchanges proposed by his Excellency. Has no French officer to exchange for Lord Rawdon, but encloses a list of American colonels, a,ny of whom he would be glad to give in exchange. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 32. 2 pages. Brig. General George Garth to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 31. Kingston, Jamaica. — Requests that he will signify his appointment as Brigadier General to his agents that they may obtain without further difficulty his salary from Government. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 12, No. 196. 1 page. Enclosing Cox, Mair & Cox to [Brig. Gen. Garth], 5 Sep. Gov. and Council of Georgia" -to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 31. Savannah.— Signed by Sir James Wright, A. Stokes, Lewis Johnston and others. Recommending Mr. Graham to succeed Mr. Cameron. Original. Vol. 23, No. 44. 3 pages. Enclosed by Sir James Wright to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Jan., 1782. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 125 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, fo. 213. 374 Messrs. Gordon, Biddulph & Gordon. 1780, December 31. State of Accounts. Balance due to Govern- 1781, December 31. men t 31 Dec, £8,476 Us. Id. Draft. Vol. 35, No. 53. 1 page. Hessians. Return of necessaries received from the Quarter Master General's Stores for the use of various Hessian regiments at Philadelphia, and during the years 1779 and 1780, signed Abraham Iredell, Storekeeper. The last date mentioned on the papers is 31 Dec, 1781, the day on which particulars had been handed in. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 119. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 31. Charlestown. — Note on a wrapper. Begins " This will explain to your Excellency in regard to Col. Small's officers." [It seems possible that this may have covered the account dated 30 Dec. (see under Troops).] Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 41. 1 page. Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1781, December 31. Charlestown. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 34. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 435. Prisoners. Expenditures for the American prisoners by Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners at New York, from 27 August, 1776, to 31 December, 1781. Original. Vol. 56, No. 26. 2 pages. Account of fuel issued for (American) prisoners confined in the Sugar House Prison in New York from 1 July, 1780, to 31 December, 1781 ; also fuel and candles issued to the Provost Marshal for the prisoners in his custody for the same period. Original. Vol. 31, No. 6. 1 page. N. D. [? 1781, December]. Flatlands. Money due to the in- habitants for boarding American prisoners (agreeable to their orders), £2,164 Is. 2>d. Gives names of prisoners, names of in- habitants, orders accepted, and not accepted. Marked No. 3. Original. Vol. 31, No. 9. 3 pages. N. D. [? 1781, Dec]. New Utrecht.— List of money due to inhabitants of New Utreght (sic) for boarding continental and other officers, prisoners, £2,208 13s. 3d. Marked No. 2. Vol. 31, No. 10. 2 pages. N. D. [1781, December]. — Memorandum of cash due for the board of the American Officers quartered on Long Island. A re- capitulation of the totals of 6 papers, two of them the above under Flatlands and New Utrecht. ' Vol. 31, No. 11. 9 lines. 375 Troops. Paper showing the established allowance of fuel and candles for barrack rooms for 52 weeks — 13-§ cords of wood and 26 lbs. candles — and the amount to the garrison at New York, including refugees and distressed persons between 1 Jan. and 31 December, 1781 — 23,124 cords of wood and 61,297 candles. . Vol. 47, No. 239. 2 pages. 1781, December 31. — State of balances due to and from the agents to the contractors from 11 November, 1779, to this date. Original. Vol. 35, No. 52. 1 page. Gen. Washington to Gen. Sir H. Clinton. 1781, December 31. Philadelphia. — Change of cantonments for British and German prisoners of war. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 37. 2 pages. Enclosing Gen. Washington to Sir Henry Clinton, 6 Dec. Lieutenant Bach. N. D. [1781]. — Memorandum, that Lt. Bach of the Anspach Yagers, a corporal and nine privates were with Phillips up James River. He is embarked this morning, and wishes to have his dividend, amounting to £47 sterling. Vol. 24, No. 124. 5 lines. Mary Calello, signed Colella, to Gen. James Robertson. N. D. [? 1781]. — Memorial. Is widow of Hamilton Calello, late of Maryland, who on account of his loyalty was seized and put in irons in jail. Having escaped he entered as sailing master on the Rodney privateer and was killed in a hurricane. Is entirely destitute and begs rations. Certified by Hugh Dean. Compare papers under 22 June, 1781. Original. Vol. 54, No. 5. 2 pages. Maj. James Campbell to Gen. Espeleta. N. D. [Query about end of 1781]. — Translated. To the effect that he has seen Governor Chester's letter from Charlestown to Lord George Germain as it is printed in the New York Gazette, and from that, and the remembrance that the Governor had a long conference with General Galvez, does not doubt but that his own detention was predetermined before the time General Galvez professes, and can guess what was further concerted at that conference, vizt., the recommending to Governor Chester (in return for the protection, &c, granted) to be the panegyrist of General Galvez. Copy. Vol. 51, No. 105. I page. John Clarke to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. N. D. [?1781-1782]. — Memorial. His imprisonment and suffer- ings. Begs some provision for his wife and children. With certi- ficate by D. Mathews, Mayor. Autograph, signed. Vol. 31, No. 224. 1 page. 376 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Roger Morris. N. D. [1781.] — Instructions as Inspector of Refugees. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 1. 2 pages. East Florida. N. D. [1781.] — Memorial from sundry inhabitants of East Florida, and of the Loyalists ready to embark and others to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. Asking for a small number of troops to protect them in settlements on St. Mary's River. The first name is John Graham, for himself and Richard Oswald and James Graham. Original. Vol. 56, No. 21. 3 pages. Andrew Elliot and others. N. D. [Perhaps 1781 or 1782.] — List of officers of the police at New York, with their salaries. Duplicate. Vol. 31, No. 102. 1 page. Richard Lorentz, Paymaster of the Hessian Troops. 1781. — " Memorandum for Capt. Smith." Signed by Richard Lorentz. Observation on presenting the account of subsistence for the Hessian troops under Sir H. Clinton. Original. Vol. 28, No. 188. 1 page Provincial Troops. 1781. — Return of 165 days' forage money for the officers of Capt, Althause's company of riflernemof the New York Volunteers com- manded by Lieutenant Colonel Turnbull, for the year 1781. [For the warrant to pay see 3 Sept., 1782.] Copy. Vol. 37, No. 37. 1 page. John Rice. N. D. [? 1781.] — Note. Begs to succeed the late Mr. Winslow as Deputy Commissary of Prisoners. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 323. 1 page. Schedules. 1780 and 1781. — " Schedule of Correspondence with Earl Corn- wallis, Lt. Gen. Leslie, and Lt. Col. Balfour to be left." Six bundles. Vol. 19, No. 27. 1 page. To 1781. — Schedule of Inclosures — consisting of letter from the Adjutant-General to Lieutenant General Robertson [n. d.], several returns from Mr. Weir, letters from Majors Bruen and Robertson, &c. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 154. 1 page. Troops. N. D. [? 1781.]— Sketch of a plan for a board of works to be appointed to control and direct upon general principles the various 377 departments of the army to include all the contingencies, charges and works as may be denominated extra, leaving the particular detail of each department to its own government. Original. . Vol. 53, No. 95. 3 pages. 1778 to 1781. — Abstract of provisions issued to the 1st Battalion 71st Regiment on consecutive dates once in two months between these dates. Showing the number of rations, price and where issued. Signed Gregory Townsend, Assistant Deputy Commissary. Ditto for the second battalion, same periods. Original. Vol. 53, Nos. 102, 103. 2 pages. Warrants. 1781. — Abstracts of warrants granted on account, to the several departments at Charlestown, South Carolina, within this year. £469,471 17s. Id. Original. Vol. 56, No. 78. 4 pages. 1779, 1780, and 1781.— Note for filling up warrant to Samuel Hicks for the sum of £62 7s. Id., amount due to transport skips " Wisk " and " Regard " within these years. Vol. 50, No. 291. 8 lines. ] to Major Bruen. N. D. [1781.] — Extract of a letter to Major Bruen from a gentleman conversant in business^to whom he had submitted the consideration of some papers for his opinion. In the paper entitled " Sketch of the Quarter Master General's Department at New York for three months from the 1st of January to the 31st of March, 1781," it is shown that when the vessels, horses and wagons become the property of Government there would be a saving of £186,802 10s. 8d. per annum in the Quarter Master General's Department alone. Remarks that there is no allowance made for wear and tear of such articles and the allowance for pay and provisions of the men is insufficient ; there is also no allowance for first cost of these vessels, &c. In a l ' Comparative view to purchase or hire," &c, there is no expenditure for support of these expensive engines of land and water carriage. Therefore this account should be made up before the Board of General Officers determine whether there would be a saving to Government in purchasing instead of hiring as before. Vol. 34, No. 123. 3 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Sir Charles Gould. 1782, January 2. New York. — That Colonel Cosmo Gordon persisting in his desire for a trial by Court-Martial, he encloses copy of report of Board of General Officers to whom he had referred the matter. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 223. 2 pages. 378 General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, January 2. New York. Copij. Vol. 26, No. 147. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 179. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 2. Whitehall.— No. 96. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 119. 6 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 1 ; copies 685, fo. 242 ; and SackviUe MSS. Lord George Germain to General Haldimand. 1782, January 2. Whitehall.— No. 34. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 191. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21704. No. 146 : copies 21808, No. 3 ; 21710, No. 61 ; draft Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 1 ; copies Am. & W. I. 685, fo. 246; SackviUe MSS. Governor Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 2. Savannah in Georgia. Signed letter. Vol. 23. No. 43. 1 page. Enclosing Council of Georgia (A. Stokes and others) to Sir H. Clinton, 31 Dec, 1781. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 131 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68. p. 209. Evacuation of Charlestown. 1782, January 3. Briton Transport, off New York. — List of transports appointed to receive the garrison of Charlestown, stores, inhabitants, etc. Shows those bound for New York, Jamaica, St. Lucia, England, those left at St. Augustine to sail for New York in the spring, bound for St. Augustine, and sailed for Halifax. 2 copies. Vol. 56, No. 79. 3 pages each. Major Duncan Drummond to Lt. Col. William Crosbie. 1782, January 3. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 18. 2 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 Mar. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Lord George Germain. 1782, January 3. — " Soon after my arrival here I did myself the honour to write your Lordship by a private schooner, at which time I intimated my having recalled the garrison of Wilmington. They soon after arrived here under Major Craig, whose services during his command in North Carolina do him honour and I do not doubt have been mentioned to your Lordship by the Commander-in-Chief. It is with much concern that I am obliged to inform your Lordship of the almost total revolt of this Province. Since our misfortunes in Virginia many persons in whom we placed confidence have 379 abandoned us, and those, who by their former exertions have rendered themselves obnoxious to the rebels, or who from inclination still adhere to their loyalty, being drove with their families from their possessions, and deprived of every means of support, are now become a burthen upon us, which tho' great, cannot with humanity be avoided. " Brigadier General Stuart fell back to a position on this neck, six miles from town, where we have constructed such works as render his encampment formidable. A strong post on the east side of Cooper River gives us a communication with the main on our right, and Major Craig, with six hundred men, holds John and James Islands, which form the left of our position. " Your Lordship will observe the narrow limits to which we are now confined, but Sr. Henry's instructions to me were to make my first object the defence and safety of this town, which I should risk was I to extend my posts farther. I have represented to his Ex- cell y the absolute necessity of a reinforcement, if it is intended that the army here should act offensively. My being intirely destitute of real cavalry creates infinite difficulties, and obliges me to supply their place with mounted infantry, who from inexperience in that line must fight under every disadvantage. I take the liberty to assure your Lordship that without cavalry his Majesty's arms can never be decisively successful in this country. If an established regiment of Dragoons was sent here they could be mounted very tollerably on the horses now employed by the mounted infantry. " The great superiority of the enemy's horse renders it impossible to procure any certain intelligence. We have been frequently deceived with regard to the troops they expect from the northward ; they are now, however, near at hand, and must join in a few days. Green's position is on the south side of Edisto, where he waits their arrival. At present his force in Continentals is not very con- siderable, but having the whole militia at his orders gives him a numerous army. " I have detached two hundred men and some artillery men to Georgia, and am ready on the enemy's pointing that way to give them further succours. It is out of my power to reinforce St. Augustine, but I intend immediately to compleat it in provisions for five months ; this I am enabled to do by the arrival of the English fleet under the convoy of the Astrea, Rotterdam, and Duke de Chartres, which I have the pleasure to inform your Lordship arrived safe here. The Cork fleet convoyed by the Quebeck also came off this Bar some days since, and after sending in a few vessels bound for this port, proceeded for New York without communicating with me. " I have received many applications from the civil officers lately arrived from England requiring support, which I cannot grant them without disobeying the Commander-in-Chief's positive instruc- tions. However they receive salaries by being appointed to the Board of Police, which is all the assistance I can at present afford them. I have the honour to be, &c. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 82. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, see 12 March. 380 Captain John Smith to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, January 3. New York. — Encloses copies of the Commander- in-Chiefs letters to Mr. Robinson relative to proceedings of the Board upon the public accounts. Requests he will transmit, in return, copies of such as he may have written that gentlemen on the same subject, for His Excellency's information. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 162. 1 page. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 3. St. Augustine. — The state of this Province nearly the same as formerly represented, and there is every reason to expect the forces of the King of Spain early in the spring. Re- quests reinforcements. Adds, in a postscript, list of bills drawn to liquidate ordnance and Indian accounts, which he begs may be honoured. The bills amount to £688 2s. id. Autograph signed letter. Vol, 23, Nos. 45 and 46. 4 pages. Two extracts of the above. Vol. 30, Nos. 148 and 194. Major Duncan Drummond to John Smith, Esq., Secretary. 1782, January 4. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 3rd inst. enclosing letters of 8th and 12th December from His Excellency Mr. Robinson. Transmits in return copies of letters of 8th and 17th Dec, which he had written to Mr. Robinson. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 161. 1 page. Major Oliver De Lance y to Lieut. Thomas Okerson. 1782, January 5. Head Quarters. — In answer to letter "of yesterday.'* Can have no objection to his stating to the Com- mander-in-Chief his situation and the transaction to which he alludes. But it will be necessary to inform him that whatever services were intended were prevented by circumstances, and the recompence received was in consequence of the zeal showed and not for any advantage arising to Government. Signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 196. 2 pages. Board of General Officers. 1782, January 6. Head Quarters. — Minutes of a meeting. The Board consisted of Sir Henry Clinton, Gens. Robertson, Paterson, Knyphausen, O'Hara, and Col. Dalrymple, Adl. Digby assisting. Peter Russel, secretary. Discuss letters from Gen. Leslie, Gov. Wright and Lt. Col. Clarke. Resolved that Leslie can spare for Savannah 500 men, but the officers judge it right that about 1,000 men should be held in readiness to embark (from New York) in case his next dispatch should contain such information as may make it necessary to send them to him. Vol. 26, No. 146. 1 page. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. Col. Alured Clarke. 1782, January 6. New York. Sketch. Vol. 23, No. 49. 6 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. L 142, fo. 413. 381 Sir Henry Clinton to Governor Sir James Wright. 1782, January 6. New York. Sketch or Draft. Vol. 23, No. 50. 3 pages. Copies 17, No. 125 ; 15, No. 289. Copies, Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 409 ; 298, fo. 492. Lieut. Col. W. Crosbie to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, January 7. New York. Copy. Vol, 24, No. 17. 3 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 March. Memorandum that Wynant Williams was dispatched with letter from the Hon. Win. Smith, to whom not stated, on the 7th January, 1782. Vol.U, No. 181. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, January 8.— No. 6. Sketch or Draft. Vol. 23, No. 48. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 142, fo. 417. Peter John. 1782, January 8. New York.— Certificate signed by Cadwallader Golden as to his honesty, industry and loyalty. Original. Vol. 31, No. 181. 1 page. John Tunno to the [South Carolina] Board of Police. 1782, January 8. Charlestown.— Petition, countersigned Ths. Winstanley. Praying that execution be still delayed till he is able to discharge his debts to Mr. Ogilvie. Original. Vol. 23, No. 70. 3 pages. Enclosed by John Tunno to Sir H. Clinton, 5 February. Peter John to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 9. — Memorial. That he has been driven from his home. Has two sons in Col. Fanning's Regiment, is aged and infirm and cannot support his wife and five children. On the back is an order from Thos. Murray, A.D.C., dated 11 January, to issue provisions for all. Original. Vol. 31, No. 180. 2 pages. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 11. Philadelphia. — The Commissioners are primarily not to arrange about exchanges, but about expenses. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 38. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 183. Davis Lewis, Surgeon King's Rangers, to Dr. Marshall. 1782, January 12. Halifax. — Represents that every week one or two of those men from the Stanislaus (prison ship) who are on 38.2 board as guards are brought to bis hospital senseless. Requests him to represent the matter to Brig. Gen. Campbell and point out the necessity of withdrawing the aforesaid guard from that ship. Copy from the original letter, And. Finucane, Secy. Vol. 13, No. 231. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to J. Smith, 10 February. Board of General Officers. 1782, January 14. Head Quarters, New York. — Minutes of a meeting. Same Board as on 6 January above. Consideration of measures to be taken to quiet the minds of the Loyalists, alarmed by the 10th article of the capitulation of York Town. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 148. 2 pages. Major Abraham Skinner to Joshua Loring. 1782, January 14. Eliza th Town. — Proposal for exchange of Burgoyne for rank, as fixed by tarif, against prisoners taken at the Cedars, provided some allowance is made for the French officers sent in on parole in 1777. Will exchange the other prisoners except Lord Cornwallis. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 115. 2 pages. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781 [see summer of 1782]. Lewis Davis, Surgeon. 1782, January 15. Halifax. — Examination, concerning above letter to Mr. Marshall. Copy. Vol. 13, No. 230. 3 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to John Smith, 10 Feb., 1782. John Myer, late of Bergen County, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 15. New York. — Petition signed Johnnes Mejer. Was obliged to take refuge within the lines, with his wife and seven children, from resentment of the rebels, and leave his farm. Has endeavoured to support them till the present, but his horse dying and his family sick, is compelled to implore provisions. Certified by David Peek, John Ackerson, Major D. Isaac Browne of the 4th Batt. Jersey Volunteers, and by Thos. Outwater. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 171 and 172. 3 pages. Board of General Officers. 1782, January 17. Head Quarters, New York. — Minutes of a meeting. Same Board as on 6 January above. Same subject as previous meeting of the 14th January. Copy. Vol. 2G, No. 150. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie. 1782, January 17. New York.— No. 7. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 47. 7 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 439. 383 John Marshall and others. 1782, January 17. Halifax. — Report of Hospital Staff and Regimental Surgeons. As to the disease in question, it appears to be the jail or hospital fever. Submit that the " Stanislaus " prison ship be destroyed. The prison ships in that harbour in the winter cannot fail to foster malignant diseases. Also that the naval and prison hospitals are too close together, and that as the disease has found its way into the regimental hospital, strict attention should be paid to space, air, cleanliness and separation between the sick and healthy. True copy. Signed A. Finucane. Vol. 13, No. 229. 4 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to John Smith, 10 Feb., 1782. 1782, January 18. — Deposition of Abraham Teller — part of a paper complaining of Colonel Morris, see under Loyalists, 25 Dec, 1781. Major Duncan Drummond to Lt. Col. Wm. Crosbie. 1782, January 19. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 15. 3 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 March. Treasury. 1782, January 19. — Contract with William Mills for victualling 3,250 men in America. Like contracts entered into with nine others. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 166. 13 pages. Enclosed by John Robinson to the Commanding Officer at New York [Sir H. Clinton], 29 January, 1782. Joshua Loring to Major Abraham Skinner. 1782, January 20. Eliza th Town.— Will meet him at Decker's Ferry on Thursday as early as he pleases. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 116. 1 page. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781 [see summer of 1782]. COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU to GEN. SlR HENRY CLINTON. 1782, January 20. Williamsburg. — Has received by Capt. Armstrong letter of 31 December and 10 January. Sends back paroles of the three officers whom he desires to exchange and to supply that of Maj. Barclay he sends duplicate of exchange proposed by Clinton with his own consent annexed. Lord Rawdon in his parole takes the title of Brig. General, and in consequence believes he can only be exchanged against one of equal grade. However, will send to Washington the list of American Colonels offered in exchange, and if he desires any of them to be exchanged for Lord Rawdon will put no opposition. Sends receipt of the Treasurer for the sum they were happy to lend to Cornwallis. " The Treasurer has found over the debt, the sum of 1,031/. 4 sols, which has been remitted to the captain of the flag." Copy. Vol. 29, No. 47. 1 page. 384 Ensign Charles Davys Whitley. 1782, January 20. Charles Town. — Certificate by Major John Campbell, commanding the Volunteers of Ireland, as to wound and death of Ensign Whitley. Copy. Vol. 43, No. 242. A few lines. Annexed to Warrant to Mrs. Whitley. 28 August, 1782. William Wiederholt to [ ]. 1782, January 20. Marston's Wharf. — In answer to a letter gives narrative of the affair to which the memorial of David Dobson relates. A court-martial has been ordered to enquire into the attack on the refugee Dobson by some German soldiers. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 205. 2 pages. Lt. Col. James Bruce and 6 other Officers to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, January 21. Halifax. — Having considered the report signed by Dr. Marshal and the surgeons of the garrison relative to the sickness among the men acting as guards on the " Stanislaus," they are of opinion it would be imprudent to continue a guard on board said prison ship, and that the sentinels should be placed at a proper distance from the naval and prison hospitals. True copy. Signed And. Finucane, Secy. Vol. 13, No. 232. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to John Smith, 10 Feb., 1782. General Sir Henry Clinton to Joshua Loring. 1782, January 21. New York.— Directions to ratify proposal of Burgoyne's exchange. To enquire the reasons why the enemy refuse to exchange Lord Cornwallis, or whether they adhere, to exchange him for Mr. Laurens, &c, &c. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 118. 3 pages. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September. 1781 [see summer of 1782]. Lt. Col. William Crosbie to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, January 21. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 16. 2 pages. Enclosed by Maj. Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 Mar. Thomas Skottowe to Lt. Col. Nisbet Balfour. 1782, January 21. Charlestown. — That in conformity with the King's commands he left England last February to take up his duties as Secretary of the Province, but finds in consequence of the distracted state of the country and the narrow limits of the King's authority, the emoluments of his office are inadequate to his support. Desires therefore a seat at the Board of Police with other civil officers. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 60. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 2 February. 385 Board of General Officers. 1782, January 23. Head Quarters. — Minutes marked " Extract." Written by and signed Peter Russel. Same Board as shown above 6 January. Same subject as on 14 January. Approve measure of writing to Leslie and to Clarke that the Commander-in-Chief and every officer will pay the same attention to the interests and security of all H. M. loyal subjects everywhere as they do to those of the troops under their orders. On the impropriety and incon- venience of reviving the civil government in New York. Vol. 26, No. 156. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1782, January 23. New York. — Observations on Major Drum- mond and his " Comparative View " and on the Board of General Officers. Is at a loss to know to what contracts the Major alludes in his letter of 17th December. As to the army train, the manage- ment is still in the same Department, and is still hired at the same rates as when he himself first took command of the army, but refers him to the enclosed letter. Major Drummond's remarks on the present situation are rather foreign to the object of his com- mission. Will send remaining papers laid before the Board. Draft. Vol. 24, No. 23. 3 pages. Enclosing Lord Cathcart to Sir H. Clinton, 17 Dec, 1779. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, January 23. New York. — is ready to send Commissioners. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 153. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 143, fo. 187. J. Paterson and W. Dalrymple to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782. January 23. New York. Signed letter." Vol. 26, No. 155- 2 pages. Draft No. 152. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 379. COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU to GENERAL SlR HENRY CLINTON. 1782, January 23. Williamsburg. — Has received a letter from Washington, who is of the same opinion as himself that Lord Rawdon having signed his parole as Brigadier General can only be exchanged against one of the same grade, and proposes Brig. Gen. Moultrie of South Carolina. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 48. 1 page. Copy in the Archives de la Guerre, Paris, 3734. Major Abraham Skinner to Joshua Loring. 1782, January 23. Eliza th Town. — The severe storm and the ice will delay them both. Proposes Monday. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 119. 1 page. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781 [see summer of 1782]. 2b 386 : Sir Henry Clinton to Governor William Franklin. 1782, January 24. Head Quarters. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 50. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 297, fo. 501. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, January 24. New York.— No. 153. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 159. 8 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 383 ; copy 309, fo. 350. Schedule of enclosures in above letter. Vol. 26, No. 157. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 393. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, January 25. New York. — No. 154. Triplicate copy. Vol. 26, No. 158. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 468: General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1782, January 25. New York. — Same as that on 23 January. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 122. 3 pages. Major Duncan Drummond, Commissary of Accounts, to Major Gen. Wm. Dalrymple, Quarter Master General. 1782, January 25. New York. — Encloses for his perusal remarks and observations on the three first quarters of expenditures of the public money in his department. Requests further explanation on these several heads of expense before he can affix his signature to accounts of such magnitude. Copy Vol. 35, No. 95. 1 page. Enclosing Maj. Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 13 March. John Adams to Joshua Loring. 1782, January 26. Eliza th Town. — Received letter addressed to Mr. Skinner, who on account of indisposition could not attend appointment. Does not know what day is appointed .. Is distressed at murder of Capt. Jacques. Will do all in his power to detect murderer. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 120. 1 page. Annexed to J. Loring. Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781 [see summer of 1782]. Captain Nisbet to Thomas Irving. 1782, January 26. Charlestown. — Encloses by command of Leslie extract of a letter to the General. Asks him to point out in a letter in what particulars he as Receiver General will interfere with Mr. Cruden. (No. 2 of a paper of correspondence of Mr. Irving with the Commander-in-Chief.) Copy. Vol. 25, No. 87a. 1 page. 387 Henry Daniel^Beck. 1782, January 27. From on board a ship in the harbour of the Savannah. — Certificate signed by James Campbell, major of brigade, as to the services of Henry Daniel Beck as surgeon's mate. Original. Vol. 27, No. 210. 1 page. John P. Smith to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 28. New York. — Petition. That he left a farm in Orange County. Entered service of government in this city. Taken by the Americans when passing to Philadelphia. His sufferings in jails, etc., have brought on a rheumatic complaint " which disqualifies from labor." Seeks some relief from the royal charity. Signed also by one or two officers of the Provincial Troops, and with a recommendation by Wm. Bayard, 9 February. Original. Vol. 29, No. 167. 2 pages. Duke of Argyll to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. London. — At the earnest desire of Brig. General John Campbell, commanding at Halifax, transmits a memorial to his Excellency begging the favour of its being recom- mended to his Majesty. Need say nothing in favour of the services and pretensions of the two gentlemen concerned. As the corps was raised in Argyllshire and the officers are all connections and friends, is persuaded he will excuse the trouble. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 75. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton, 30 July. Hospital at Fair Lawn — Colleton's House. 1782, January 29. — Court of enquiry held at Charlestown by order of Lt. Gen. Leslie for the purpose of enquiring how and in what manner the hospital was destroyed and the sick made prisoners by the enemy when under the command of Captain McLean, 2nd Battalion 84th Regiment. Signed Paston Gould, President. Containing : — Narrative by Capt. McLean and letters, — from William Brereton to Capt. McLean, 10 Nov., 1781 ; Major Doyle to Officer Commanding at Fair Lawn, Capt. McLean to Colonel Stuart, and Capt McLean to Major Doyle, 11 November ; Major Doyle to Capt. McLean or Officer Com- manding at Fair Lawn, and Capt. McLean to Lt. Col. Balfour, 12 November ; Major Doyle to Capt. McLean and Capt. McLean to Major Doyle, 13 Nov. ; Capt. McLean to Maj. Doyle and Major Doyle to Capt. McLean, 14 November ; Capt. McLean to Major Doyle and to Lt. Col. Balfour, 15 November ; Major Doyle to Capt. McLean, and Capt. McLean to Brig. Gen. Stuart and to Lt. Col. Balfour, 16 November ; and Major Doyle to Capt. McLean, 17 November. Signed. Vol. 52, No. 146. 30 pages. Supposed enclosure in Lt. Gen. Leslie's letter of 31 January. 388 Governor William Franklin to General sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 51. I. page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 297, fo. 502. Lt. (Jen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. Near Charlestown Camp. — Receipt of letters. Sends returns of the army. The several detached corps of cavalry have been incorporated into distinct ones under Lt. Col. Thompson ; irom the unwearied attention and diligent efforts of that officer they arc become respectable. Men of Provincial Light Infantry are sent back to their battalions or incorporated with others. Has put a stop to the purchase of horses. Appointments made by Maj. Gen. Gould and himself which have not been approved are- withdrawn. Mr. Beane is announced as Commissary of Musters. Men from New York are safely arrived. Invalids are sent to Europe. The people are daily coming to seek protection, vl which tho' entail ling a burden on ourselves, is not to be refused them ; 1 regret the heavy and increasing expence of provisions and money incurred by this means and by the militia now with us ; but their misery and helpless situation justifies our attention to them, tho', perhaps, their services are not to be esteemed an equivalent. Every possible attention is paid by me to public expenditures, and to the reducing them. Constant demands are made to me for payment of expences incurred before my arrival.''' The Legion and Lt. Col. Simcoe's Corps shall be sent first opportunity. These drafts weaken his effective force, and nothing material can be hoped from offensive operations. From the large inundations made by Col. Moncrief in front of the town, apprehends sickness among the troops. The South Carolina Regiment being weak in officers he has appointed Lt. McLean to the troop vacant by the death of Capt. Campbell. Sends return of refugees feci from the King's stores in Charlestown, return of the militia doing duty on James Island, and abstract of pay due to field officers of the militia according to rates established by Lord Cornwallis and Lord Rawdon. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 51. 7 pages. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. Camp near CharlestoAvn. — Major Craig has permission to repair to New York. Lt. Col. Thomas is to take command of James Island. Maior Dansey, of the 30th Regiment, is likewise ordered there. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 53. 1 page Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. Camp. — Reminds his Excellency of his promise that his stay here should not be for a long time. Is anxious to go away before summer to attend to his private business. Has had a fall from his horse. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 54. 1 page. 389 Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. Camp near Charles Town. — Sir, — Having received such information of General Marian's situation on the north side of the Cooper as to induce me to detach against him. a party under the command of Major Brereton, consisting of the cavalry, flank corps & volunteers of Ireland, was crossed to Daniel's Island, and moved from thence ; a small corps under Capt. Roberts, of the 63rd Regt. marched also from Haddul's Point, the whole to form a junction and proceed against the enemy ; but they having got intelligence of our design, and it being apprehended they would in consequence retire, it was thought advisable to send on the cavalry ; they were accordingly pushed forward, & found the enemy to the number of 400 drawn up on horse back to receive them, seventy of the cavalry under Major Coffin charged with great gallantry, cut to pieces and took near 100 of the rebels ; the whole returned to their different stations the proceeding day, with the loss of Capt. Campbell of the South Carolina Regt., killed, and Capt. Campbel of the same Regt. and two privates, wounded. On the 13th of December I received intelligence of Mr. Green's intentions of detaching a very strong corps against Major Craig (who was judiciously posted at William Gibb's on John's Island), supported by his whole army, which had crossed the Eddisto for that purpose, and moved towards Stono. Notwithstanding their great superiority I am sensible they would not have succeeded in their attempt, which was hazardous, tho' well concerted, yet very little was to be gained by their defeat, which must have been partial, and so many circumstances concurring to induce me to prevent the attempt, that 1 ordered the Island to be evacuated ; Major Craig crossed that night, and the following day to Perrineau's on James Island, and took post there, near to the four redoubts Colonel Moncrief had previously directed to be constructed for the more effectual security of that Island. I must add, the quitting of John's Island, tho' under the circum- stances I have described, was well conducted, and effected without any loss. A few of the enemy appeared as the rear had finished its embarkation. " The rebels left the Island immediately, much disappointed. They lay some days near Jacks onbourgh. Mr. Greene has since moved back and recrossed the Eddisto, occupying nearly his former posi- tion ; some of his cavalry and light troops are advanced towards Beacon Bridge, with a'few of the former on this side, for the purpose of patroling. "B. General Marian's people are strongly posted on the borders of a swamp, near to Strawberry Ferry — suspicious and jealous of our intentions. " General Wayne march'd about a fortnight past, towards Georgia, with a corps of cavalry and infantry. \ sent Colonel Moncrief immediately on learning it, to Savanah to put the works there in the best possible state of defence, leaving to his excellent judgement the making such additions as he should think necessary. I expect much from the spirit and alacrity his presence will diffuse thro' all ranks in that place, & I cannot omit expressing to your Excel- 390 lency the high sense I entertain, and the acknowledgements that are due to that gentleman for his very great alacrity on this occasion. " I am to inform you, Sir, that one hundred and fifty men have been sent to Georgia, principally recruits and recovered men belong- ing to the corps there. " The Garrison Company is still stationed at Fort Arbuthnot, now consisting of about 170 men ; they are settled with by their late corps. I have attached Lieutenant Cameron to that company — an officer from half pay ; he has been often wounded, and repeatedly made prisoner by the enemy. Captain Brown having brought no subaltern officer with him, will explain to your Excellency the necessity for this appointment. " At the request of Major Craig, commanding on John's Island, a General Court Martial was directed to set there, for the tryal of several most desperate and daring villains, who had made a practice of plundering the inhabitants ; it becoming absolutely necessary to check so violent a breach of good order and discipline, I was under the necessity of ordering one of the two condemned to die, for immediate execution. He was a Serjeant of the Legion. I have the honor," &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 52. 6 pages, Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 29. Camp. — In case of anything serious here he must appoint Colonels Westerhagen and Binning to act as Brigadier Generals, they being both senior to Brig. Gen. Stewart. Is General de Bose to receive bat and forage money as Lt. General or Major General ? Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 55. 1 page. John Robinson to the Officer Commanding at New York [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, January 29. Treasury Chambers. — Sends the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 165. 1 page. Enclosing Treasury Contract with W. Mills and others, 19 Jan. Thomas Irving to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, January 30. Charlestown — No. 4 of a set of correspon- dence respecting the Receiver General's Office. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 88. 3 pages. Thomas Irving to Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, January 31. Charlestown Camp. — With extract of his shorter letter of 4 December. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 61. 5 pages. Enclosed by Lieut. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 2 Feb. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143 ; fo. 55 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 147. 391 Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, January 31. Camp near Charlestown. — Transmits pro- ceedings of the Board assembled to enquire into the loss of the Hospital at Colleton House [see 29 January]. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 56. 1 page. John Tunno to Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, January 31. Charlestown. — Complaining of a late decision of the Board of Police against him, and declaring his intention of appealing to the Commander-in-Chief, unless he will interfere and rectify this proceeding of the Board. Refers to the enclosed memorial. Remarks on the policy of the Board, which he says is calculated to strengthen the rebel interest. At the foot is a copy of General Leslie's answer of 3 Feb., that he is sorry the Board does not meet with his (Tunno's) approbation, but as it was estab- lished by Lord Cornwallis, and approved by higher powers, he cannot take it upon him to alter its form or establishment. Signed letter. Vol. 23, Nos. 72 and 71, misplaced in binding. 5 pages. Enclosing John Tunno to the Board of Police [S. Carolina], 8 Jan., 1782. Enclosed by John Tunno to Sir H. Clinton, 5 February, 1782. General Nathaniel Greene to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, February 1. Head Quarters. — Has been waiting to see whether he meant to justify and support the infraction of the carrel by Lt. Col. Balfour in the discrimination among the prisoners and in the execution of Col. Hayne. Before Cornwallis's answer could be obtained he and his army were made prisoners, and the matter has been before Congress. He would pursue the exchange upon the plan of the cartel before their final decision if those prisoners are liberated who have been subjects of discrimination. Capt. Barry is ordered into confinement meanwhile. Threatens with retaliation on the thousands of prisoners in their hands if he gives support to what is unjust. Received his letter concerning Gov. Burke ; he is now in N. Carolina, and before writing to him desires to know whether he is to be considered a prisoner of war or prisoner of state. Copy. Vol. 53, No. 125. 4 pages. John Hinchman, late of Glocester County, West New Jersey, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 1. Brooklyn Ferry. — Memorial for increased allowance on account of the arrival of his wife. With recommenda- tion from the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists, signed Wm. Franklin, President, and followed by order for rations, 1 March, by Thos. Murray, A.D.C. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 69-70. 3 pages. 392 Thomas Irving to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 1. Charlestown. — No. 5 of a paper endorsed " Correspondence of Mr. Irving with the Commander-in-Chief and Lt. Gen. Leslie respecting the Receiver General's Office " Copy. Vol. 25, No. 88a. 2 pages. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 1. Near Charlestown Camp. — Has appointed Mr. Graham to succeed the late Mr. Cameron as Superintendent of Indian affairs until His Excellency's pleasure is known. Was induced to do this by Sir James Wright and Lt. Col. Thompson, and has signified it to Germain. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 57. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, February 2. New York. — Desires him to appoint a Deputy or Assistant Pay Master to reside in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in order to pay their subsistence to the troops who are prisoners of war at that place and its neighbourhood. Copy, signed. Vol. 39, No. 68. 1 page. Enclosed by W. D, Poyntz to Sir G. Carleton, 24 May. Thomas Irving to Capt. Nisbett, aide-de-camp to General Leslie. 1782, February 2. Charlestown. — A letter he encloses for General Leslie respects the Board of Police ; he has altered the beginning so that it reads simply as a letter. The Lt. Governor and some other oentlemen desire that it should be sent to the Commander- in-Chief, by the ,£ Savage," as there is not time to make out a joint representation as to the state of the Board in consequence of the paragraph of Sir Henry Clinton's letter. They will take into con- sideration that paragraph and transmit an answer to Gen. Leslie. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 62. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton on this day. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Robert Biddulph. 1782, February 2. Head Quarters Camp, near Charlestown, — Directing him to pay in bills of exchange a certain proportion of all sums issued on account of the extraordinary and contingent expenses as that must contribute to keeping the exchange at par. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 66. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 3 Feb. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 2. Camp near Charlestown. — Has laid the part of his Excellency's letter relative to the Board of Police before that Board and transmits their answer. Is waiting to hear before reducing their salaries. A Board is now sitting to enquire what 393 ought to be paid for the houses taken from Loyalists, and its pro- ceedings shall be sent to Head Quarters. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 59. 2 pages. Enclosing Thomas Skottowe to Lt. Col. Balfour, 21 Jan. Thomas Irving to Lt. Gen. Leslie, 31 Jan. Thomas Irving to Capt. Nisbett, 2 Feb. above. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 67 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 159. Lieut. Gen. Alexe. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 2. Camp near Chariestown. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 63. 3 pages. Copies in Lansdowne MSS. 68. fo. 155 ; Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 63. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 2. Head Quarters. — Explains a paragraph in his letter mentioning the diffidence of the troops. The greater proportion of the corps here have not been inured to service and want that confidence felt by an army accustomed to victory, and the unfortunate fall of Lord Cornwallis could not fail of holding out a gloomy presage to a young army. His idea was to obtain a corps of veteran troops for this place. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 58. 2 pages. Troops. 1782, February 2. Halifax. — Return of the number of men supernumeraries of 5 companies of the 2nd Battalion 84th Regiment and their women and children who are going to New York. Signed Alex. McDonald, captain commanding. Vol. 13, No. 234. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig, Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 10 Feb. Reuben Coddington to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1782, February 3. New York. — Memorial. Was obliged to leave his home in New Jersey. Has supported himself and family of 5 children till now, but is disabled by rheumatism and asks rations. Recommended by John Smyth and Stephen Skinner and followed by order byJThos. Murray, A.D.C., 16 February, for rations till 1st May. Original. Vol. 29, No. 183. 1 page. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 3. Camp. — Recommends the bearer, Captain Nesbit, to his protection. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 64. 1 page. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 3. Camp near Chariestown. — In consequence of a representation of Mr. Biddulph, contractor's agent, of the necessity 394 of adopting some measure to keep the exchange at par the enclosed letter has been written. Suggests more specie b3 sent to this place. The contractors have hitherto paid 10 % discount for money- procured from the inhabitants. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 65. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Gen. Leslie to Robert Biddulph, 2 Feb. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 3. Camp. — Represents that his high position increases his expenses considerably. Requests his Excellency will allow him a sum for table money. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 67. 1 page. William Deane Poyntz to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 3. Pay Office. — Proposes method of paying the officers of Cornwallis's army now prisoners of war in Pennsylvania through Eddy, Sykes & Co. of this city, who would, for 6 per cent., pay to his (Poyntz's) deputy at Lancaster or elsewhere all necessary sums. Copy. Vol. 39, No. 69. 2 pages. Enclosed by W. D. Poyntz to Sir Guy Carleton, 24 May, 1782. Sir Henry Clinton to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, February 4. New York. — Acknowledges his letter of yesterday's date and approves the method of furnishing the British and German prisoners of war with their subsistence. Copy signed. Vol. 39, No. 70. 1 page. Enclosed by W. D. Poyntz to Sir G. Carleton, 24 May. Major Duncan Drummond to Lt. Col. William Crosbie. 1782, February 4. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 14. 2 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 Mar. Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to [Capt. Smith, Secretary]. 1782, February 4. — Desires to know whether he is to draw his pay as Lieut. General here or in England. Sent an answer from Mr. Jenkinson in regard to the loss of his baggage on the " (Eolus " ; hopes it was made known to his Excellency. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 68. 1 page. Thos. Murray, A.D.C., to the Honorable Colonel Morris. 1782, February 4. New York. — To issue provisions to Walter Dobbs. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 206. 1 page. William Brady, late of Dutchess County, New York, to Lt. Gen. Robertson. 1782, February 5. New York. — Petition. Was persecuted and driven from his estate. Has hitherto supported himself and family, 395 but his two eldest sons are in his Majesty's service, and by long sickness in his family is reduced, with his wife and five helpless children, to poverty and want. Begs rations of provisions. Recommended by Col. Be v. Robinson, and followed by note from Thos. Murray, A.D.C., to Col. Morris, 16 February, ordering rations. Signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 215. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, February 5. New York. — To receive Major Gordon's warrants for the subsistence of the British and German prisoners in Pennsylvania. Copy signed. Vol. 39, No. 72. 1 page. Enclosed by W. D. Poyntz to Sir G. Carleton, 24 May, 1782. John Cruden to John Smith, Secretary. 1782, February 5. Charlestown. — Encloses a copy of his com- mission from Cornwallis, and begs him to lay it before the Commander in Chief. Is trying to arrange his business so as to be free to wait in person on his Excellency. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 69. 1 page. Copy in the Cornwallis MSS. 7. John Tunno to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 5. Charlestown. — A verbose letter appealing for redress respecting a decree of the Board of Police by which he is in danger of imprisonment for debt, although he is denied the right of recovering money owing to himself. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 73. 3 pages. Enclosing John Tunno. Petition to the Board of Police [S. Carolina], 8 Jan. John Tunno to Lt. Gen. Leslie, 31 Jan., and answer, 3 Feb. John Wilson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 5. Charles Town.— Is left by Lt. Col. Moncrief to carry on works for the defence of this place. These are in a very advanced state. A survey of the country occupied and a draft of the position of the army shall be sent as soon as possible after Moncrief's return from Savannah. Original. Vol. 53, No. 5. 1 page. Lord George Germain to Lieut. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, February 6. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 163. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 406, fo. 1 ; copies 433, fo. 21 ; Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 6. Whitehall.— No. 97. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 126. 6 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142. fo. 345: copies 433, fo. 35 ; Sackville MSS. 396 Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 6. Whitehall.— No. 98. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 127. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 355; copies 433, fo. 38 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 103 ; Sackville MSS. Lord George Germain to Major General Leslie. 1782, February 6. Whitehall. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 164. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 433, fo. 24 ; Sackville MSS, Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 6. War Office.— Received letter of 25th Decem- ber, with a list of promotions which shall be laid before the King. Thanks for private letter of 26th December relative to Mr, Ker. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No, 292, 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 6. War Office. — Returns papers respecting k>S8 sustained by the 54th Regiment on its passage from Rhode Island to New York. Encloses copy of Col. Eyre's letter of 15 December last on the subject. Remarks on claims made for this loss ; thinks such can be best settled in America, hopes Clinton will reconsider them, allow them if he thinks them justifiable, and grant warrant for amount required to meet them. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, Nos. 295 and 298. 3 pages. Enclosing Maj. Eyre to Charles Jenkinson, 15 December, 1781. Estimate of the value of articles belonging to the 54th Regiment. &c, lost in the Sound, 13 August, 1781. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 6. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 293. 1 page. Enclosure : — Promotion list and leaves of absence for various regiments. Duplicate. Vol. 4, No. 294. I page. COMTE DE ROCHAMBEATJ to GENERAL SlR HENRY CLINTON. 1782, February 6. Williamsburg. — Sends all the convalescents who can be moved from Gloucester Hospital. Asks him to send in exchange those of the southern brigade who were taken in the " Bonetta." Copy. French. Vol. 29, No. 7. 1 page. Colonel Beverley Robinson to [ ]. 1782, February 7. New York.— His application for provisions must be to Lt. Gen. Robertson, who will give an order to Colonel Morris to issue them. Will give any further assistance if necessary. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 329. 1 page. 397 Brig. General Samuel Birch, Commandant of New York.., 1782, February 0. New York. — Account of contingencies from 25 September to 24 December, 1781, £111 8s. l\d. For stationery, care of a steeple clock at Is. 6rf. a day, pay to the town Serjeant, &c. Certified by Dun". Drummond, Commissary of Accounts, Auditor's Office, 9 February, 1782. Signed. Vol. 23, No. 161. 1 page. William Deane Poyntz, Deputy Paymaster General. 1782, February 9. — Contract with Messrs. Eddy, Sykes & Co. to furnish and deliver at Lancaster and elsewhere money as required for subsistence of British prisoners of war, bills of exchange beinc made payable to them, their services allowed for, &c. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 124. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir H. Clinton to John Robinson, 24 Mar. Another copy. Enclosed by W. D. Poyntz to Sir Guy Carleton, 21th May, 1782. Vol. 39, No. 71. 2 pages. Prisoners. 1782, February 9. New York. — Proposal signed by J. Lormg and Abraham Skinner, commissaries, for the exchange of Lt. Gen. Burgoyne for an equivalent of 1,047 officers and rank and file. Proposal for the exchange of Brig. Gen. O'Hara, value 200, against Brig. (.Ten. Mcintosh, value 200 ; and Lt. Col. Abercromby, value 72, against Lt. Col. Archibald Lytle, same value. Ratified and con- firmed by Loring and Skinner. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 121. 2 pages. Annexed, to J. Loring's statement of exchange of prisoners since 3 Sept., 1781. See summer of 1782. Copies of the above proposal relative to Burgoyne were sent home by Sir H. Clinton, and are now in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fos. 506 and 526. Brig. (ten. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 10. Halifax. — Orders respecting the two bat- talions of the 84th Regiment have been obeyed, and the super- numeraries are on board the " Magician/' as are also 1,000 stands of arms. Has given Lt. Col. Bruce leave to go to New York for two months. Capt. Spry having his (Clinton's) permission has gone for two months also. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 235. 2 folios. Enclosing Capt. Alex. McDonald. Return of supernumeraries . . . and their women and children who are going to New York. 2 February. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to John Smith, Secretary. 1782, February 10. Halifax. — Requests him to read the enclosed papers, and should the matter be mentioned, lay them before the Commander-in-Chief. Encloses memorials from Lieuts. Cuff and 398 Fitzsimons, and desires His Excellency's determination respecting their rank. Signed letter. Vol. 13, No. 233. 1 folio. Enclosing Report of J. Marshall and others, 17 January. Examination of Lewis Davis, surgeon, 15 January. Lewis Davis to Dr. Marshall, 12 January. Lt. Col. Bruce and others to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 21 Jan. General Sir Henry Clintqn to General Washington. 1782, February 10. New York. — Asks passport for officer to convey money to the prisoners of war at Lancaster, and that he as Deputy Paymaster may continue there as required. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 162. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, February 11. New York. — Desiring passports for vessels to carry clothing, &c, to prisoners. 2 copies. Vol. 26, No. 161 and part of No. 46. \\ pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1782, February 11. New York. — Has the exchange of Lord Cornwallis for Mr. Laurens been agreed to ? Copy. Vol. 26, No. 160. 1£ pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 191. George Panton, Chaplain. 1782, February 11. New York. — Abstract of a/c from the Inspector General's Office, dated this day, showing Mr. Panton's subsistence as chaplain to the Prince of Wales' American Volunteers at 6/8 per day from 24 February, 1781, to 28 February, 1782, and the deductions by the subsistence to Mr. Oliver, who acts at Charles- town at 3/- per day. Balance in James Boyd's hands £31 18s. 9|-d At the foot is an abstract of the deductions from Mr. Panton's pay which adds to the subsistence for Mr. Oliver a charge of 15 per cent. for £120, and places the total deductions at £111 7s. Copy. Vol. 44, No. 100. 2 pages. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 12. Whitehall. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 131. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 363 ; copies 433, fo. 40 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 111. Joshua Loring to Major Abraham Skinner. 1782, February 12. New York.— Makes reservation for Earl Cornwallis of American officers, one Brig. Genl., seven Colonels, two Lieut. Colonels. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 122. 1 page. Annexed to J. Loring's Statement of Exchange of Prisoners since 3 September, 1781, see summer of 1782. 399 Mary Thompson. 1782, February 12. Memorial— That she and her husband are refugees from Philadelphia. He has been taken three times. Ha - been robbed, and is ill with cancer. Begs rations for her husband as well as the continuance of her own. Followed by note from Major Murray to Colonel Morris ordering rations, 23 February. Original. Vol. 25, No. 277. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright and Lieut. Colonel Alured Clarke. 1782, February 13. Savannah, Georgia. — Statement relative to the rebel forces crossing the Savannah River, with affidavits of John Graham e and others. Original,. Sealed. Vol. 61, No. 3. 6 pages. Lieut. Col. William Crosbie to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, February 14. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 13. 4 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 March. Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, Walter Farquharson and two others, to [Charles Jenkinson]. 1782, February 15. Office for Sick and Wounded Seamen. — Transmitting list and agent's letter (see 7 and 20 November, 1781). Copy. Vol. 26, No. 63. 1 page. Enclosed by Charles Jenkinson to Sir H. Clinton, 5 March, 1782. David Dobson, of Sinnicook, Long Island, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 15. Long Island. — Memorial. Refers to some disaster to himself and family, and to his services as a guide. Asks relief or any kind of assistance. On the back is an order by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 1 March, upon Colonel Morris, for rations to 1st May. Original. Vol. 31, No. 204. 3 pages. Gov. Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 16. Postscript 21. Savannah in Georgia.— Received his letter of 6 January, and regrets he (Clinton) cannot send the desired reinforcement here. In consequence of a passage from that letter he has applied to Gen. Leslie, though without much hope of his compliance. Quotes from Sir Henry's letter that if General Greene attempts an attack, and early notice were received, he would immediately endeavour to send a reinforcement. This, Sir James says, would be too late, the passages to and from New York and the embarkation would take two months, while any event or loss would happen in a week or ten days. Wishes his Excellency had been pleased to send a reinforcement, and repeats his desire for 1,000 men. P.S. 21st. — Has just received a letter from Leslie, 400 representing it is not in his power to spare men. Has been obliged to draw on the Treasury for the expense of raising two troops of horse. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 290. 3 pages. Three copies of the above, Vol. 15, No. 285 ; Vol. 17, No. 123 ; Vol. 23, No. 77. Lieut. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 18. Camp near Charlestown. — Receipt of letters. Since letter of a fortnight ago nothing has happened. Greene is on this side Parker's Ferry, his stores on the other. Wayne took some infantry to Georgia to distress the Loyalists. At present Colonel Clarke has a full thousand fit for duty, besides the Dragoons, Militia and 300 Chactaw Indians. Moncrief is returned from Georgia. Hopes that able officer will not be recalled. Encloses letter for his perusal. The demands from all quarters from loyal subjects for cattle, horses, forage, provisions, &c, are allarming and seldom any receipt to show, but certifyed by some officer of rank. Have hitherto put them off, but they now declare if they are not paid they must starve. " I became very unpopular from my wishing to be an oeconomist for the public. I beg your Excel- lency's directions in this matter, for T declare I am affraid of opening a door that will be difficult to shut. At the same time, there are a number of respectable familys starving, who look up to the public for support ; it is beyond belief and their claims are strong, from their suffering for our cause." Thanks for an ensigncy for his nephew. Desires him to continue Mr. McCaul of the fi4th, who has been appointed to the 13rd, in the former Regiment and put a Mr. Wood in the 43rd for reasons stated. Provisions for 6 months and 170 men are being sent to Providence. P.S. — Colonel Berry is confined to the Gommandant's house in Camden, but General Green has not yet explained why. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 74, 4 pages. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fos. 5 and 71 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 119. Enclosure : — Lieut. Gov. William Bull, on behalf of Board of Police, to [Lieut. Gen. Leslie]. 1782, February 18. Charlestown. Signed letter. Vol. 23, Nos. 75 and 76. 7 pages. Dupli- cate, No. 84. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 75 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 127. John Pack to Governor Franklin. 1782, February 18. New York. — Memorial. Has laboured under severe sickness through the winter ; has a wife' and 3 children ; desires rations. Recommended by Governor Franklin. Referred to Col. Morris and with endorsement showing rations ^ordered. Annexed is a certificate from Major Beckwith that memoralist was employed as a guide. Original. Vol. 29, No. 56, 57. 2 pages. 401 Provincial Troops^. 1782, February 18. London. — Invoice of 500 Light Dragoon carbines for tie use of H. M. provincial forces in America . . . consigned to the Inspector Gene-al of Provincial Forces in South Carolina . . . and shipt on board the Ward transport . . . for Charlestown. Original. Vol. 29, No. 258. 2 papers. 1 page each. 1782, February 18. London. — Invoice of 500 sets of Light Dragoon clothing and appointments for the use of provincial forces, shipt on board the " Ward " transport for Charlestown, consigned to the Inspector General there of Provincial Forces. Original. Vol. 56, No. 36. 1 page. 1782. February 18. London. — Invoice of sadlery and appoint- ments for mounting 2,000 infantry for the use of the Provincial Forces shipt on the " Ward " for Charlestown, consigned to the Inspector General of Provincial Forces. Original. Vol. 56, No. 37. 1 page. 1782, February 18. London. — Invoice of 500 setts Light Dragoon appointments and clothing for the use of the Provincial Forces ship'd on the " Ward " for Charlestown, consigned to the Inspector General of Provincial Forces. Original. Vol. 56, No. 38. 1 page. Stores. 1782, February 18. — Receipt by Samuel Marsom for cargo of the " Sophia " navy transport victualler, as furnished by John Marsh, agent victualler at Cork, and bound to New York for the use of the troops there. The cargo consisted of barrels of beef, of pork, and firkins of butter. Original. Vol. 36, No. 87. 1 page. 1782, February 18. Army Victualling Ofhce, Cork. — Invoice signed by John Marsh, Agent Victualler for cargo of the " Sophia." Original. Vol. 36, No. 89. 4 pages. Both enclosed by John Marsh to [Sir H. Clinton], 28 April, 1782. Governor John Martin. Proclamation. 1782, February 20. Ebenezer. — Offering to German and other troops 200 acres, with a cow and two swine, to every non-com- missioned officer or private who may leave the British service and become citizen of the State. Copies. Vol. 23, No. 85. In German. No. 88. 2 pages and 1 page. 1782, February 20. Ebenezer. — Another proclamation offering to citizens who may have been seduced from their allegiance to Congress (with several names excepted) full pardon and protection if they surrender to Brig. General Wayne before 15 March. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 86. 2 pages. Both enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 12 March. 2 c 402 [Lieut. Colonel Thompson] to Lieut. Gen. Alexr. Leslie. 1782, February 20. Daniel's Island. — Reporting his arrival here with the cavalry at 6 o'clock this evening after marching from Goose Creek, by Monk's Corner and Hugen's Bridge, without meeting the enemy. Surprised a guard at Strawberry Ferry, but the main body had gone off towards Santee. 140 head of horned cattle, besides hogs, sheep and goats, brought in. Expects to be able to get as much forage as they require during their stay. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 90. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 12 March. General Sir Henry Clinton to Comte de Rochambeau. 1782, February 21. Head Quarters, New York. — Acknowledges letters of 23rd ult. and Gth inst. by Captain Richardson, who arrived with the convalescents. Admiral Digby sends in return 50 of the troops taken in the " Bonetta." Is obliged for the humane attention to the sick and wounded. To the proposal respecting Lord Rawdon's exchange he would have readily acceded had not that of Moultrie been already effected. Offers Brig. General Scott. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 193. 1 page. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Haldimand. 1782, February 22. Copy in cipher. Vol. 11, No. 188/9, 3 pages; part decipher, No. 185. Original in cipher, Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 7 ; signed letter, fo. 5. Joshua Curry to Lieut. General James Robertson. Memorial. — Had his buckwheat and grain destroyed while the enemy were reconnoitring the lines, the fence being thrown down, and he was not allowed by British and Hessians to put it up. Asks rations for subsistence of himself and family. Recommended by Col. Beverly Robinson, and followed by order for rations by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., dated New York, 23 February, 1782. Original. Vol. 31, No. 223. 2 pages. Commons House of Assembly, Georgia, to Gov. Sir James Wright. 1782, February 23. — Address signed Samuel Farley, speaker. Deplorable state of the Province. No security to plant crops. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 83. 4 pages. Qy. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 12 March. Substance in Vol. 53, Nos. 2, 3 ; copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 298, fo. 520. Joshua Sherwood to Lieut. General James Robertson. Petition. — Was driven from his estate in Cortlands Manor in 1780. Has a wife and 9 children, and asks rations. Subscribed to by 403 Weedon Fowler and three others, recommended by Colonel Beverly- Robinson, and followed by order for rations by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., dated New York, 23 February, 1782. Original. Vol. 29, No. 137. 2 pages. Troops. 1781, Dece mber 25 . Account of subsistence for the 69th Regi- 1782, February 23. ment, 61 days. Archd. Campbell, Paymaster, £1,102 Is. U. Original,. Vol. 31, No. 85. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 23. Savannah in Georgia. — Recommending the bearer, Captain Wylly, who raised a company in Lieut. Colonel Brown's Corps, of which he has been deprived by a late arrangement. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No.-78. 1 page. [Major] D[uncan] D[rummond]. 1782, February 24. New York. — Remarks on the answers given in by Quarter Master Gen. Dalrymple to the " Observations " ex- hibited by Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts (qy. see under 30 Sept. 1781). Signed D. D. Qy. Original. Vol. 54, No. 72. 2 pages. Colonel Benjamin Thompson to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, February 24. Drake's Plantation, Sunday Evening, 10 o'clock. — Sir, I have the pleasure to congratulate with you upon the success of the detachment under my command, in the attack, and the defeat, of a body of the rebel troops which we surprized this afternoon in their encampment upon the banks of the Santee, near Wambaw Bridge, and totally routed. We marched from Daniel's Island at two o'clock this morning, and proceeding up the country towards Cain Hoy, at daylight we discovered that the road was intirely covered and cut up with fresh tracks of horses, which appeared to have gone up in the direction in which we were marching. Upon encmiring at the plantations we learnt from the negroes that a body of near five hundred men, all mounted, had come down from Santee the day before, and had returned in the evening. We lost no time in pur- suing them, and at half an hour before sunset, after a march of more than forty-five miles, the cavalry arrived in sight of their encamp- ment. The infantry had been left to take post at a plantation, eight miles in the rear, not being able to proceed any further from the excessive fatigue of so long and so rapid a march. As soon as we came out of a wood upon the left of their encamp- ment, where their advanced vidette was posted (who was killed upon the spot) we discovered their dragoons crossing in our front to the left over a causway and bridge that lay between them and their militia. We instantly charged them, and some of the swiftest horses of our militia, who were in front, came up in time to cut off \, 404 a few men in their rear, and immediately, without halting, followed after their main body. As soon as the enemy had got over this bridge, and had gained the summit of a rising ground, eighty or one hundred yards from the end of the causway they came to the right about and formed in very good order. At this instant all our force was in their sight. The head of the column (which was at full speed) was upon the causway. and the militia, which had halted within thirty yards of their line, formed opposite to them, and invited them, both by words and gestures, to come on. I expected every instant when the rebel Dragoons would have charged them, but after remaining in this critical situation about a cmarter of a minute Major Doyle, who was in front of the whole, made the signal for his militia to charge. They gave a shout. and rushed on, sword in hand, with the utmost intrepidity, and the enemy fired their pistols and gave wa} T in great confusion. We pursued them through the middle of their encampment, and along the causway leading to Wambaw Bridge ; but the bridge, breaking down just as we were crossing it prevented our following them any further in that direction. In the meantime several small parties that had attempted to get off by other roads and by taking to the woods and swamps, had been pursued by our militia, and many of them had been destroyed. I imagine the rebel militia ran off as soon as they heard of our advancing to attack them (which I have since learnt was not more than half an hour before we arrived), as none of them made their appearance to oppose us. It is said they were upwards of three hundred, under the command of Colonel Macdonald. All that were found upon the field or taken prisoners were Continental troops. I cannot exactly ascertain the numbers of the enemy that were killed and wounded, but from what I saw, and from the report of two officers I desired to go over the ground to ascertain the fact, I am confident there were not less than thirty left dead upon the spot, and many others must have perished in the swamps and rivers in attempting to make their escape. Among the slain was Major Benson, who commanded Horry's Regiment of Continental Dragoons, and two or three others who appeared by their dress to be officers of distinction. To the enemy's loss we must add ten men that were killed and two that were taken prisoners of the different parties and patroles which we fell in with upon our march. I have the happiness to acquaint you that we had not a single man killed, and only one very slightly wounded. We sounded the retreat in the center of the enemy's camp, just as the sun was setting, and at nine o'clock we joined our infantry at this place. The behaviour of the troops in this affair, as well as during the whole time we have* been absent from camp, has been such as merits the highest commendation. Their steady behaviour and ready attentions to the orders they receive give me the greatest confidence in them ; and I have no doubt if they are ever (sic) they will do themselves great honor. But I ought to mention in a particular manner the behaviour of our two troops of militia. The spirit and intrepidity they showed in the attack of Horry's 405 Dragoons is deserving of the greatest praise. No men behaved with greater gallantry, and I am so well pleased with their conduct in all respects that I shall ever be happy to serve with (sic). I have the honor, &c. Copy. Vol. 53, No. 1. 3 pages. John Hignett Keeling, refugee, late of New Jersey, to the Com- mandant of New York [Samuel Birch]. 1782, February 25.— Petition. That having been obliged to take refuge is at present out of all business. Asks rations and firewood for his family. Referred by the Commandant to his Excellency General Robertson. On the back is note by Thos. Murrav, A.D.C., I March, ordering rations till 1 May. Original. Vol. 29, No. 173. 2 pages. Godfrey Matthews to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1782, February 25. — Petition. Has been a soldier for five years in the New York Volunteers, but was discharged on account of sickness. Prays some assistance. With note by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 1 March, ordering rations to the 1st May. Original. Vol. 29, No. 204. 1 page. Thomas Murray, A.D.C., to Colonel Morris. 1782, February 25. New York. — To put Mrs. Beardmore, the mother of the late Major Beardmore, and his two sisters on the list for 1 ration and a half. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 31, No. 218. 1 page. Capt. John Smith, Secretary, to Major Drummond. 1782, February 25. New York. — Returns the Treasury letters which he had shewn to the Commander-in-Chief. His Excellency wishes to see him at Head Quarters to-morrow forenoon. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 160. 1 folio. Col. Benjamin Thompson to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, February 25. Duxcents Plantation, Monday. — " Sir, I did not expect after the affair of yesterday, the enemy would so soon have put it in my power to congratulate with you upon another defeat of their troops by those which you have done me the honor to put under my command. " We had the good fortune this morning to fall in with a chosen corps under the command of General Marion, in person, which we attacked and totally routed, killing a considerable number of them, taking sixteen prisoners, and driving General Marion and the greater part of his army into the Santee, where it is probable a great many of them perished. " After resting and refreshing our horses at the plantation where we halted last night, at 9 o'clock this morning the cavalry marched back to the Santee, to the ground where we fell in with the enemy yesterday- The infantry marched at the same time for this place, and we promised to join them in the afternoon. 406 " As I had received intelligence that Colonel Horry was sick at a house about a mile on the right of his camp, and that Maham's Dragoons lay not far off, we made a detour of two or three miles to our left, in order to sweep that part of the country, intending to return by the great Santee Road. " We had advanced about nine miles from the place we left in the morning, when, coming in through a gate way to the cleared ground of a plantation, we discovered the enemy about three hundred yards distant, directly in front of us, drawn up in the area between the negroe hutts belonging to the plantation. The ground was perfectly clear between us, and the field extended at least two hundred yards to our right and to our left, without any fence or other obstacle to obstruct our motions. I observed that the river was close upon the enemy's rear, and there appeared to be no way by which they could escape without giving us an opportunity of attacking them. I saw by the colours of their uniforms that they were not the same troops we had beaten the evening before, and suspecting by the countenance they held, as well as from the position they had taken, that they had infantry with them, I thought it prudent to form our line, which we did in less than two minutes, without the least confusion or irregularity, tho' the gate way was so narrow that only two horses could pass it abreast. The York Volunteers, which formed our advanced guard, stood fast, and the four troops of the South Carolina Royalists formed up upon their right and left. The two troops of militia formed upon our flanks, and the Legion and Gilles's troops formed in our rear as a reserve. While this was doing a party of the militia, with the officers' servants, dismounted and made an opening in the fence in our rear, so that a troop might pass through in front, in case we had been obliged to retire. " As soon as the troops were formed I ordered a charge to be sounded, and the line moved forwards. The enemy also sounded a charge, but instead of coming out to meet us they were discovered going off by their right in the greatest hurry and confusion, and attempting to gain a swamp that was upon the banks of the river on that side. We immediately charged after them at full speed, and had the good fortune to come up in time to cut off a great part of their rear. Those that gained the swamp were pursued, and many of them were killed in attempting to get into the rivers, and others were shot and drowned in attempting to swim to the opposite shore. " We took near forty horses, many of which are capital chargers ; above twenty British muskets with bayonets, a great number of swords, helmets, &c, one officer's espontoon, one drum, the baggage of a number of officers, and among the rest General Marion's tent and his canteens full of liquor, which afforded a timely supply to the troops. " The loss of the enemy we could not exactly ascertain, but I think it must have been considerable, considering the situation in which they were when they were attacked, and the confusion in which they retired. " I cannot express the satisfaction I feel at being able to acquaint 407 that in this affair, like that of yesterday, we had not a single man killed, and only one wounded, who I am in hopes will recover. " I learn from the prisoners that General Marion's force consisted of Maham's Regiment of Continental Dragoons all the remains that could be collected of Horry's Dragoons and the militia we routed yesterday (which amounted to no more than twenty of the former and thirty or forty of the latter), a detachment of Continental Infantry, and about thirty militia General Marion had brought with him from the southward. This force had been collected for the purpose of attacking us, and General Marion had given positive orders for the cavalry to charge wherever they met with us. They had got intelligence of our having retired to Drake's plantation, and were just preparing to follow us when we came upon them. " After the action we collected at our leisure all the cattle from the rebel plantations in that quarter, and have sent them down the road with a proper escort. We shall follow as soon as the troops are refreshed. " In this last affair with the enemy, as well as during the whole time I have had the honor to command this detachment, the troops, both officers and men, have behaved in such a manner as to merit my warmest acknowledgments. I have the honor to be, &c. " Wappataw Church, Tuesday, 1 o'clock, p.m. — Since writing the above four dragoons, dressed in rebel uniforms, which I sent upon a secret expedition near twenty miles up the Santee Road, above where the last action happened, have returned, and report that General Marion had not been heard of on this side of the river since his defeat, and that they had not met with a single rebel in arms in the country through which they had passed, tho' they had come down all the way upon the great road from Santee upon our trail." Copy. Vol. 53, No. 128. 4 pages. John Calef. Paper containing the following certificates to the character, services and losses of Dr. John Calef. From Lt. Gen. Gage, dated Portland Place, 26 February, 1782 ; from Thomas Goldthwaite, London, 1(5 October, 1781 ; Thomas Flucker, no date ; and John MacDonald, London, 20 February, 1782. Followed by extract of a letter from Gov. Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, 30 Dec, 1772, and from Capt. Mowat to Lord Germain, 9 May, 1780. Copy. Vol. 25, Nos. 51 and 52. Copy in the Lansdowne MSS. Vol. 66. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, February 26. Philadelphia. — (Printed in Sparks's Washing- ton VIII., 247.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 39. 3 pages. Extract. Vol. 26, No. 46. House of Commons. 1782, February 27. — Resolutions against continuing the war. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 16. 2 pages. Enclosed by W. Ellis to Sir Guy Carleton, 25 March, 1782. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 399, fo. 77. 408 Intelligence. J 782, February 27. — Intelligence received from the prisoners taken in the schooner " Maria Louisa." bound from Cape Nichola Mole to St. Jago in Cuba. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 233. 3 pages. Enclosed by Vice Admiral Parker to Rear Admiral Digby, 7 Mar. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 163 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 233. Jeremiah Merritt to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1782, February 27. New York. — Petition. Driven from his estate in Westchester County ; engaged as a soldier in the Queen's Rangers till discharged as unfit for further service ; has a wife and four children, and is himself a cripple. Asks rations. Followed by certificates by Jacob Frost and Jonathan Fowler, and bears note by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., 1 March, ordering rations till 1st May. 'Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 217 and 218. 2 pages. Colonel Beverley Robinson to Lieut. General Robertson. 1782, February 28. New York.— It being necessary that the bearer, Winant Williams, should be kept in town ready for service, he requests he may receive an order to Colonel Morris for rations for himself and wife. Memorandum : — " Col. Morris will be pleased to comply with the above request.' 1 — Thos. Murray, A.D.C. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 138. 1 page. Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners, to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Delancey. [1782, February. N. D.].— Relative to John Tailyour, who is to carry provisions, etc., to Lancaster for British German prisoners. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 42. 1 page. John Striclan, late of Bucks Co. in Pennsylvania, to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. 1782, February. — Memorial. Was persecuted for his loyalty. Sickness has deprived him of most of his eyesight. Begs rations, or other relief. With certificate signed by Gilbert Hicks and five others. Original. Vol. 25, No. 313. 2 pages. Lord Barrington and H. F. Carteret, Postmasters General, to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 1. General Post Office. — Representing incon- venience of delays of the packet boats at New York, and complaining that the mails are frequently carried to Head Quarters, so that great pa t of the letters are never delivered at all, or very little postage is collected, and begging him on his arrival at New York to allow the mails to go to the post office and to support the post office deputies in the execution of their duty. Signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 67. 3 pages. 409 General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 1. New York.— No. 157. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 65. 4 pages. Signed letter in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 1 ; copy 310, fo. 30. John and Catharine Driver to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 1. New York. — Petition. Have lost their estate at Lunnenburgh, and been plundered. That he served in the Provincial corps and in the 60th Loyal Americans. That both are upwards of 60 years of age and infirm, being greatly afflicted with " Rheu- maticks." Asks some relief. With a memorandum that it was referred 5th March to the Board of Associated Loyalists, and a certificate, 6th March, by William Franklin, as President of that Board. Annexed is also a certificate from Capt. Simeon Covel and eight others, 2 March, and from John Cummings, not dated, with note from D. Mathews, mayor, 11 March, directing Mr. Smyth to grant him a licence — without pay. Endorsed by Col. Morris :— " Ordered— By Lieut. General Robertson. 1 M. 1 W." Signed. Vol. 29, Nos. 103 and 104. 4 pages. Intelligence. Not dated, but endorsed " 1 March, 1782. Substance of it to be sent to General Haldimand." " Large stores of provisions at the falls of Ohio. Rebel General Clark, a very enterprising man." Touching Clarke's proposed expedition against Detroit, &c. Pro- posed expedition against Canada by the French and Americans. New Jersey to raise sums of money, &c. Vol. 11, No. 186. 1 page. Nevers Perry. 1782, March 1. New York. — Certificate from George Turnbull, Lieut. Colonel Commandant, New York Volunteers, to Nevers Perry, late Corporal in those Volunteers, as to his good conduct and wounds. Signed. Vol. 25, No. 99. 1 page. George Scadden, or Scaddin, to Colonel Roger Morris. Memorial. — That himself and four sons are in the King's service. That his wife and daughters remained on his plantation, near Goshen, till all the stock and property were confiscated, and are now in this city in great distress. Begs provisions or other relief. Not dated, but with certificates from Charles Inglis and John Sayre, both dated New York, 1 March, 1782, and a third not dated, from D. Mathews, mayor. Original. Vol. 29. No. 134. 2 pages. Stephen Skinner, late of the Council of New Jersey, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 1. New York. — Memorial. Thanks for salary bestowed, but asks also rations. Original. Vol. 25, No. 324. 2 pages. 410 William Blake to Welbore Ellis. 1782, March 2. Charles Town. — Memorial, with extract of a letter from Thomas Farr, Attorney, 18 Dec, 1781. Copy. Vol. 26, Nos. 51-2. 2 pages. Enclosed by Welbore Ellis to Sir Henry Clinton, G Mar. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 631, fo. 167-8. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 2. Westminster. — Writ of Privy Seal appointing him Commander-in-Chief of the forces in North America. Original, with seal. Vol. (Case)J31. 1 page. David Mathews to Colonel Roger Morris. 1782, March 2. — Recommending George Scaddin. (See Scaddin's memorial above.) Autograph signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 135. 1 page. Governor Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 3. Savannah in Georgia. — Encloses substance of an address received from the Commons House of Assembly. Originals. Vol. 23, Nos. 79 and 80. 1 page each. Enclosing Address to Sir James Wright, 23 February. House of Commons. 1782, March 4. — Extract from the journals of the House of Commons, consisting of the answer of the King [1 March] to their address, and their subsequent address of thanks. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 14. 3 pages. Enclosed by Welbore Ellis to Sir Guy Carleton, 25 Mar. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 399, fo. 78. Maj. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 4. New York. — The Commander-in-Chief having repeated his demands for an immediate settlement of the accounts in the Quarter Master General's Department, troubles him with some words of explanation on various items, and begs that he will decide on a certificate for the inspection of these accounts. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 85. 2 pages. Sir Charles Gould to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 4. Horse Guards. — Relative to Colonel Cosmo Gordon. Signed letter. V. Vol. 26, No. 66. 2 pages. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 4. War Office. — Received letter of 25th January, with half yearly certificate of General and Staff Officers up to December 411 1781. List of promotions of 25th December, approved, excepting Ensign William Allan to be Lieutenant vice Lieutenant Carroll, deceased. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 299. 1 page. Isaac Titsworth, refugee. 1782, March 4. — Certificate from Brigadier Gen. Cortlandt Skinner to his bravery and services. Followed by another certificate from the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists, signed Danl. Coxe, President, dated 12 March, and with endorsement showing order for rations. Original. Vol. 29, No. 90. 2 pages. Jacob Ackerson to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1782, March 5. New York.— Of the County of Orange, farmer. Petition for relief, representing his loyalty and the calamitous circumstances of his wife and two children. With various certifi- cates and note from Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 12 March, ordering rations till 1st May. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 180 and 181. 3 pages. Rear Admiral Robert Digby to General Washington. 1782, March 5. l ' Rotterdam," off New York.— Acknowledges letter of 26th February, and will authorize General O'Hara and General Abercrombie to treat concerning the exchange of American sea prisoners for the British prisoners in his (Washington's) posses- sion. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 107. 1 folio. Major Duncan Drummond to Lieut. Colonel Wm. Crosbie. 1782, March 5. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 21. 7 pages. Enclosure : — State of charges and cost of firewood provided by Lieut. Col. Crosbie, B.M.G., in 1780, taken from Crosbie^s A/cs by Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts, as shoiving to ivhat he takes exception. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 11. 2 pages. Both enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 18 March. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 5. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 207. 2 pages. Copy in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 11. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 5. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 64. 1 page. 412 Enclosing Thos. Neville to Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, 7 Nov., 1781. Lista de Tropa de S. M. B. prisoneros de Guerra en la Havana, &c, 20 Nov., 1781. Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to [ ], 15 Feb., 1782. Sir Henry Clinton to Governor William Franklin. 1782, March 6. New York. — The King desires the loyalists to be informed of his continual attention to their interests and safety, and that his military officers will pay the same attention to them as to their own soldiers. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 52. 2 pages. Printed copy in the Brit Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21836, fo. 283. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 0. Whitehall. — His request to resign agreed to. &c, &c. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 7, No. 134. 2 pages. Copy, No. 133. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am*& W. I. 142, fo. 488; copy 433, fo. 44. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 6. Whitehall. — Sends the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 50. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Wm. Blake, &c, see 2 Mar., 1782. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 480 ; copy 433, fo. 46. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 6. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 57. 1 page- Enclosing Memorial of Thos. Fletchall to Lord George Germain, 29 Dec, 1781. Drait in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 476 ; copy 433, fo. 47. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 6. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 53. 1 page. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 484 ; copy 433, fo. 46. Enclosure : — Thomas Pattinson to Lord George Germain. Memorial, for further leave of absence, accompanied by medical certificate, signed P. Shiells, dated 29 January. Copies. Vol. 26, Nos. 54 and 55. 2 pages and 1 page. 413 Robert Gillmer, or Gillmore, to Lieut. General Robertson. 1782, March 6. New York. — Memorial for rations for himself, a son in consumption, his wife, and a child. Was formerly an officer in the King's array ; has been stripped of everything, and is now 72 years of age. With order by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 8 March, on Colonel Morris for rations. Signed letter . Vol. 31, No. 191. 1 page. Charles Jenkinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 6. War Office. Signed letter. Vol. 4, No. 300. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 58. 54 words. Enclosure : — List of Promotions of 16th, list, and 82nd Regiments. Original. Vol. 4. No. 301. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 59. 1 page each. New York. Vice Admiralty Court. 1782, March 6. New York. — Decree condemning as lawful prizes 10 ships taken in the Chesapeak. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 113. 1 page. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 297, fo. 301 : copies 143, fo. 103 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 197. Stores. 1782, March 6. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Receipt for the cargo of the ki Jane," navy transport victualler, consisting of beef, pork, and butter — received from John Marsh, agent victualler. Original. Vol. 36, No. 81. 1 page. 1782, March 6. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of the goods shipped on the " Jane " for New York. Original. Vol. 36, No. 82. 4 pages. Both enclosed by John Marsh to [Sir H. Clinton], 28 April. General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 7. St. James's. — Commission from the King. Signed and sealed. Vol. (Case) 61. 1 sheet. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1782, March 7. New York. — Sends description of the vessels to be sent into Delaware and Chesapeak with clothing and necessaries for the prisoners of war. Requests the passports as soon as con- venient. The meeting of the Commissioners having been so long delayed has been obliged to change the persons nominated, and as it will take some time for these to possess themselves of the requisite 414 knowledge, asks that the meeting may be deferred to 10 April next. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 44, and in No. 46. Enclosure : — Description of the " Dolphin " brig and sloop " Leith," showing tonnage, captains' names, &c. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 43, and in No. 46. The same, partly in pencil, apparently a draft. Vol. 26, No. 41. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 7. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 48. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Joseph Robinson to Lord G. Germain, 28 Dec., 1781. Letter of Joseph Robinson to his friends on the frontiers of South Carolina, 27 June, 1780. Duplicate signed letter in Vol. 26, No. 38 ; draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 494 ; copy 433, fo. 47. Gov. Josiah Martin to Welbore Ellis. 1782, March 7. 28 South Milton Street, London.— Recom- mending the regiment of Scotch Highland emigrants. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 69. 6 pages. Enclosed by John Fisher to Sir Guy Carleton, 26 Mar. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 298, fo. 71 ; copy 314, fo. 2. Enclosure : — Return of officers nominated for the Regiment of North Carolina Highlanders, shewing their present situation and establishment. Signed Jo. Martin. Original. Vol. 25, No. 70. 1 page. Vice Admiral Sir Peter Parker to Rear Admiral Robert Digby. 1782, March 7. Sandwich, Port Royal, Jamaica. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 232. 2 pages. Enclosing Intelligence, &c, see 27 February, 1782. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 155; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 229. Board of General Officers. 1782, March 8. Head Quarters. — Minutes of a meeting signed by Peter Russel. Same Board as on 6 January. The Commander- in-Chief suggests an expedition up the Delaware in the hope of taking or destroying the shipping, stores, &c, collected there, and by seizing their Bank, to destroy the enemy's public credit and distract their councils, and to eventually bring off such part of the prisoners of Lord Cornwallis's army as might be fortunate enough to escape. The plan left to be considered. Vol. 26, No. 35. 4 pages. 415 Brigadier General Archibald Campbell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 8. Jamaica. — Apprehended attack, &c. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 234. 2 pages. Copies in Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 167 ; Lans- downe MSS. 68, p. 225. General Sir Henry Clinton to Governor Maxwell. 1782, March 8. New York. — That in view of an attack by the Spaniards on Providence, or St. Augustine, he directed Lt. Colonel Balfour to enquire and send cannon and ammunition, &c. Lieu- tenant General Leslie reports having sent 170 men to Providence with provisions for 6 months. Flatters himself this reinforcement will have reached him. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 231. 2 pages. Neill MacArthur, Capt. N. Carolina Highlanders. 1782, March 8. Charlestown. — Account for sundries furnished the Loyalists in North Carolina in January, 1776. Arms and pro- visions — total in North Carolina currency £848 4s. 6rf., exchange at 175 p.c, in sterling £484 14s. Certified by Alexr. Maclean, Alexr. McDonald, and Lt. Col. Allan Stewart of the regiment. Original. Vol. 44, fos. 130 and 131. 2 pages. John Smith, Secretary, to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 8. New York. — Requesting that he will forward to the Commander-in-Chief copies of all letters he writes to Mr. Robinson relative to his proceedings as Commissary of Accounts to the Army under His Excellency's command. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 159. 1 page. Major D[uncan] D[rummond] to Major General Dalrymple. 1782, March 9. New York. — Has examined the accounts from 1 April, 1780, to 30th September, 1781, and is ready to certify them with the exceptions specified in remarks of the 24th ultimo. If he apprehends difficulties may arise in the execution of his duties from the signature being withheld to the whole will submit all the papers to His Excellency for his determination. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 94. I page. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton, 13 March. Major Gen. Nathaniel Greene to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1782, March 9. Head Quarters. — As Mr. Starke and others, excepted out of the general exchange, are now set at liberty, he has directed that Captain Barry be released from his confinement. Captain Shubrick is directed to go on with the exchanges on the plan of the cartel if it meets his (Leslie's) approval. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 112. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton. . . March, 1782. 416 Board of General Officers. 1782, March. 10. Head Quarters. — Minutes. This appears to be alluded to as a Council of War. It is on the advisability or not of assisting the West Indies — agreed that not a man can be spared from New York but that 2,000 could go from the southern district ; also as to a proposed expedition to Delaware and Philadelphia — opinions divided. Signed Peter Russel. Vol. 26, No. 32. 2 'pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 21. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Haldimand. 1782. March 10. — In cipher, and decipher. Vol. 11, Nos. 192-3 ; 187 ; 202. Also in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fos. 13 and 15. Lieutenant General Knyphausen to Frederick Metzner. 1782, March 11. New York. — Certificate. That Metzner having served as aid-de-camp he had frequent opportunities to distinguish him as an officer of merit and abilities. (For Metzner's memorial see 6th October, 1783.) Copy. Vol. 39, No. 164. 1 page. General Washington to Commissioners for Exchange of Prisoners, Brig. Gen. Henry Knox and Gouverneur Morris. 1782, March 11. Philadelphia. — Instructions. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 79. 3 pages. Enclosed by Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliott to Sir H. Clinton, 1 April. 1782. (opy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 371. Brigadier General Montfort Browne to Welbore Ellis. 1782, March 12. — Memorial. That having been ordered by Lord George Germain, by letter of 28 Aug., 1779, to return to England to answer charges against him as Governor of Bahamas, did not wait to ask permission of the Commander-in-Chief. That as he is preparing to return to x4merica with Sir Guy Carleton, asks a letter to the Commander-in-Chief stating the facts, and that it was not the intention of Government (as it is taken for granted) that he should lose his emoluments as Brigadier General. Original. Vol. 53, No. 68. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 12. New York. — Repeats his request that Drum- mond would grant certificates for the accounts of the departments he had examined, accompanied with his remarks on such parts as he did not approve. Is impatient at this business being still delayed, as large sums of the public money remain unaccounted for. Copy. Vol. 35, No. 84. 1 page. Charles Handfield, Paymaster of Absent Corps. 1782, March 12 and April 16. — Account of warrants granted for allowance to men of the Convention Army as they have come in 417 from the Americans, and for demands of intermediate pav to men of same. £1,258 13s. 8d. and £500. Copy. Vol. 37, No. 88. 1 page. Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 12. Camp near Charlestown. — Sends copies of two of his letters to Lord George Germain. " General Greene, with his army, is on this side Parker's Ferry ; Colonel Laurens with the cavalry and light troops advanced in front. Greene has been lately joined by three hundred state troops from North Carolina ; they are endeavouring to recruit in both the Carolinas, and to pay the bounty in hard money, besides giving them three slaves, of the Tories' property, in the course of three years' service. A report prevails that fifteen hundred French infantry with Lauzun's Legion have marched from Virginia on their way hither, but I have no certain accounts of it." Sends the garrison company to Providence. Encloses duplicate of a letter from Governor Bull and the Board of Police. Desires answer as to the claims on government from loyal subjects, whose property was taken for the service. The expence of the militia is great from the wonderful number of officers. Money scarce, exchange getting up to 10 p.c. Wayne is doing nothing but distressing the loyal inhabitants. Sends proclamations to encourage the British, &c, to desert. " Col. Clarke ordered out a party of dragoons to recover five Hessians who had gone off. The dragoons came up with them and killed the whole. I intend to relieve that regiment as soon as a ship of war can be spared." The Governor and Council of Georgia want to have the country opened to cultivate their plantations. Fears the troops he can send will not be sufficient. Sends memorial of Alexander Wright. Is he to supply the departments with money equal to their demands ? Gov. Tonyn pushes very hard for troops. A commodore needed. Loss of the " Alligator," fired by a party of Lee's troops. General " Greene has now moved near the Ashley and is encamped two miles on the other side near Beacon's Bridge. I apprehend his design is to cover the country to favour the removal of the negroes to the other side of the Santee and to prevent supplies of provisions from coming into the town to which purpose they have lately issued a proclamation, which I have the honour to enclose to your Excellency." Question of arming the negroes. Proposes a detach- ment by water on the side of Port Royal to distress the enemy and oblige Wayne to fall back from Savannah. P.S.— 31st, on board the " Astrea." Arrival of the " Garland " with the retaken February packet. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 81. 8 pages. Enclosing Lt. Gen. Leslie to Lord G. Germain, 13 November, 1781. Lieut. Gen. Leslie to Lord G. Germain, 3 January, 1782. Lt. Gov. Bull to [Lt. Gov. Leslie], 18 February, 1782. Georgia, Commons House of Assembly, Address to Sir James Wright, 23 February, 1782. Proclamations by Gov. John Martin, 20 February, 1782. Proclamation by John Mathews, 14 March, 1782. 2d 418 Lieut. General Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 12. Camp, Davis's House. — -Private. " Sir, — I do not find that Wayne has any force in Georgia to attempt an attack on Savannah, he from a superiority in cavalry comes at times near the town, and has lately burned a few out houses belonging to the Governor. " From Colonel Clark's letters to me, I find the Hessian Regiment has been there too long, they desert fast, and I am afiraid little dependance is to be put in them, I shall from this reason be under the necessity of withdrawing them, I am very much at a loss whom to send to replace that corps. I am sorry to observe that when the Hessian troops are sent to out posts desertion takes place, they being so long here has been the means of their forming too many connec- tions. And the enemy have taken every care to encourage desertion as much as in their power, this together with the assistance of their friends within our walls enables them to seduce the foreigners, from the encouragement they give them. I am sorry to find sonic leading people of our militia going over to the enemy and persuading others to follow them, in fact to us they are of little use (a few cavalry excepted), and are a great expence to Government, but we cannot force those that have been formerly our friends out of the lines, who have come in for our protection. I have the honor to be," &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 1)1. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 12. — Concerning Lt. Col. Thompson. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 89. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Col. Thompson, Report to Lt. Gen. Leslie, 20 Feb., 1782. Copies in Vol. 42, No. 33 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 146, fo. 525 ; 590, fo. 66 ; State Papers, Domestic Geo. 111., 99. Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, March 12.— After the York and English fleets sail, will be very weak in King's ships. Has been unable to get one to carry the stores and garrison men to Providence. Some small vessels are much wanted. George Town ought to be destroyed, as the enemy are using it to get sup] dies for their army. Is indebted to Captain Peacock for his attention and zeal. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 92. 1 page. John Morrison to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 12. Charlestown. — Encloses, as Senior Deputy Commissary General, returns of prisoners, ashore and afloat. The Cowes and Cork victuallers are still unloaded. Sends also various returns of forage and live stock ; of persons victualled and horses that draw forage ; of surveys on damaged provisions (the greatest 419 part of the new contract would have been condemned but for the uncertainty of getting fresh supplies) ; of cattle driven in for use of the troops ; of provisions received, returns of provisions in store at Savannah, and the numbers victualled and horses foraged. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 102. 3 pages. Brigadier General S. Birch to Frederick Metzner. 1782, March 13. New York. — Certificate. Testimonial to zeal, attention and unexceptionable conduct as an officer and a gentle- man. [For Metzner's memorial, see 6 October, 1783.] Copy. Vol. 39, No. 163. 1 page. Board of General Officers. 1782, March 13. Head Quarters, New York. — Minutes of a meeting. Signed by Peter Russell — same Board as that on 6 January. Troops to be spared for the West Indies if absolutely necessary, and with positive assurances that they be returned; but if S. Carolina has fallen, the army is not to be weakened by detaching. Vol. 26, No. 31. 2 pages. Major Duncan Drummond to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 13. New York. — Encloses copies of his letters and his remarks and observations upon the Quarter Master General's Accounts, by which it may be seen that he has complied as strictly and speedily with his orders as the nature of the business would admit. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 93. 1 page. (For two of the probable enclosures, see 25 January and 9 March.) Lieut. Colonel James Moncrief to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 13. Charlestown. — Will await further directions before going northward. " The number of slaves who have attached themselves to the Engineer Department since my arrival . . . and who look up to me for protection has been for some time past a matter of serious concern." Advantage of their labour. Asks upon what footing they are to be fixed before his departure. Advises embodying a brigade of negroes. Every exertion has been made in taking the field position of the army. Materials preparing to erect a new fort on Sullivan's Island in place of Fort Arbuthnot ; also for redoubts and batteries which can be transported to any place required by the service. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 129. 3 pages. Christian Pulisveldt to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 13. New York.— Petition. Asks support. Has lost his farm of 200 acres. Was discharged from the New Jersey 420 Volunteers on account of bad health ; has had great hardships, and lost two of his children through sickness. Certified by Lieut. Col. Buskirk, and recommended for two months' relief by Gov. Franklin for the Board, 20 March. Original. Vol. 29, No. 192.^ 2 pages. Colonel Philip Skene to John Calef. 1782, March 13. Chelsea. — " If you think the following testi- mony from my hand worthy acceptance, you may make use of it, as you see fit." To John Calef, Esq., Russel Court, Drury Lane. That he was a surgeon with the army in the late war, member of the General Assembly of Massachusetts Bay, delegate to England from the inhabitants of Penobscot, and firmly attached to the King's authority to the risk of his life and loss of his whole estate. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 54. 2 pages. Enclosed by John Calef to Maurice Morgan (sic), 20 Nov., 1782. General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 14. St. James'. — Royal Warrant with respect to vacancies of commissioned officers in the troops under his command. Signed and sealed. Vol. (Case) 61. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 14. New York.— No. 158. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 30. 6 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 9; Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, March 14. New York. — Sir, Judging it probable that if Sir George Rodney's fleet should arrive in the Leeward Islands before that from Brest, the French fleet under De Grasse might be defeated or drove to leeward, and the general officer commanding there might, in consequence, call upon me for troops to assist in raising the siege of Brimstone Hill, supposing the garrison to hold out until that event takes place, I thought proper to submit the propriety of complying with such a requisition to the opinion of a Council of War, who were unanimous that not a man ought to be detached to such a distance from this post in its present threatened situation, but that 2,000 men may with safety be spared from the Southern District in the approaching season, when military opera- tions are deemed impracticable in that climate. I have, accord- ingly, sent a runner to the Leeward Islands to apprise the Com- manders-in-Chief of the sea and land forces there of my intentions to send thither the above number of troops for the purpose, and under the circumstances here stated, in case a requisition should have been made for them, and to inform them that I was moreover inclined to send these troops likewise to the relief of Jamaica should it be attacked and an application made to me for assistance, in case the superiority of our fleet to that of the enemy shall be such at the time as to insure them a safe passage thither and their 421 return to me when the service is accomplished. I have therefore to request you will hold the 3d, 19th and 30th Regiments, including their flank companies, together with the 82d and 84th, detachment of Jagers and remains of the Regiment of Bose, in readiness for embarkation about the 20th of next month. For should the then unthreatened situation of the different posts under your command admit of their being detached from your district, I shall in that case most probably be desirous about that period of drawing those corps to this place to enable me to comply with any requisition for succor which may be made from the West Indies or to act according to exigences ; and I am of opinion that by withdrawing the post at the Quarter House in the beginning of May, leaving the defence of the Islands to the militia and refugees, which you report to be about 500 men, and reducing the garrison of Savannah to its former number, the garrison in Charlestown may be thereby rendered sufficiently ample to secure it against every sort of danger during the summer months. But, it being my intention to send you back an adequate reinforcement from hence before the season for taking the field in Carolina returns, I am in hopes no inconvenience or danger will accrue to you from your compliance with this request. I have the honor, &c. Endorsed : — Sent down to the Hook to go by the Garland, but was too late, though the Admiral said she should be detained for it. Sent afterwards to the Admiral's to be forwarded by the Savage. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 93. 3 pages. John Mathews (Governor of South Carolina). 1782, March 14. Jacksonburgh. — Proclamation forbidding pro- visions being carried into the enemies' lines. Printed. Vol. 23, No. 87. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 12 March, 1782. John Smith, Secretary, to Major Gordon. 1782, March 14. New York. — Is directed by the Commander-in- Chief to acquaint him that in consequence of the opinion of a Board of General Officers assembled for the purpose he is to pay a certain amount on account of subsistence, to each serjeant, corporal, drummer, and private of the British, who are prisoners. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 222. 1 page. Brook Watson. 1782, March 14. — Royal Commissions appointing him Superin- tendent and Director of forage, provisions, necessaries, and extra- ordinaries of the army in North America, and Commissary General of stores, provisions and forage. Two copies of each. Vol. 34, Nos. 46, 47, and 49. 2 pages, 1 page, and 2 pages respectively. Enclosed by Brook Watson to Sir Guy Carleton, 4 Dec, 1782. 422 General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 14. Philadelphia. — That it is inconvenient for the Commissioners to remain in the neighbourhood till the 16th of next month. Requests that the meeting be arranged earlier. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 40. 2 pages. 1782, March 14. New York (sic). — Extract of the same. Followed by pass from General Washington for the brig kV Dolphin " to go to Wilmington with stores for the prisoners of war. Vol. 26, part of No. 46. Lieut. Gen. John Campbell to Lieut. Colonel Innes. 1782, March 15. New York.— Certificate that Capt. Chrystie, with troops of the West Florida Royal Foresters, was on service under his command in West Florida, and is entitled to receive contingent allowance. Signed letter. Vol. 37, No. 105. 1 page. Enclosed by Adam Chrystie to Col. De Lancey, 2 Apl. Commissioners for Victualling to Philip Stephens. 1782, March 15. Victualling Office. — Having caused an account of provisions, &.c. delivered from transports and ships of war to commissaries in America, between 1 January, ] 775, and 31 December, 1781, to be made up from the books of the office and cast into money, the same amounts to £228,242 7s. 9d., and these provisions not being- accounted for to the office ask the Admiralty's instructions how to proceed to have the account liquidated. P.S. — Enclose a copy of the account. 2 copies. Vol. 46, No. 39, and Vol. 26, No. 7. 1 page each. Enclosed by John Robinson to .Sir H. Clinton, 30 March. Peter Dusenbury to Lieutenant General Robertson. 1782, March 15. New York. — Memorial asking to be allowed provisions, he and his wife and seven children being in a state of wretchedness almost insupportable. Certified by Peter Huggeford, Ambrose Haight and C. Fowler, same day, and with note by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 18th March, ordering rations till 1 May. Annexed is Surgeon Bayley's certificate to ill health of the petitioner. Original. Vol. 31, Nos. 202, 203. 4 pages. Thomas Irving to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1 782, March 15. Charlestown. — No. 6 of a set of papers respecting the Receiver General's Office. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 886. 4 pages. Stores. 1782, March 15. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of goods shipped on the " Spencer" for New York, Signed John Marsh, agent victualler. Receipt signed by the captain for the same goods. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 78 and 79. 1 page and 4 pages. Enclosed by John Marsh to Sir Henry Clinton, 28 April, 1782. 42S General Sir Henry Clinton to [Major Duncan Drummond]. 1782, March 16. New York.— Is favoured with his letter of 13th instant inclosing remarks and observations on the Quarter Master General's accounts only, whereas he expected those on the accounts of the other departments. Asks these or for the certificates to be granted if the accounts are just and proper. Draft. Vol. 24, No. 25. 2 pages. Commissioners Knox and Morris to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 16. Elizabeth Town. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 42. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 199. Lieut. Col. Wm. Crosbie to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 16. New York. Copy, Vol. 24, No. 12. 3 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir H. Clinton. 18 March. General Haldimand to the Commander-in-Chief [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, March 16. — No. 1. Is anxious for news from him. In cipher. Vol. 11, No. 205. 1 page. Decipher. No. 206. Also in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MS8. 21808, fo. 17. Joshua Loring. 1782, March 16. New York. — Account of expenditure in the Commissary of Prisoners' Department at New York, £22,229 13s. 6§f£. No. 1. Original. Vol. 31, No. 12. 1 page. Lieut. General James Robertson to Captain Smith, Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief. 1782, March 16. New York. — Concerning salary to Colonel Billop as Superintendent of Staten Island. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 45, No. 131. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1782, March 17. New York.— No. 9. Mr. Cruden's commission is of a different nature from that of Mr. Irving. The whole affair is submitted to the Secretary of State. Cannot increase Gov. Bull's salary, nor grant allowance to Mr. Irving without orders from the Treasury. Has avoided in New York any such extension of the powers of the Board of Police as seems to have taken place at Charlestown. They are to be directed in future not to take cognisance or enforce payment of bonds, mortgages, obligations or other debts contracted before the capitulation of Charlestown, as the public interest, the interest of the British merchants and the interests of the loyalists require a stop to be put to proceedings of this nature. Sends a report of proceedings of the Police at 424 New York, as the restrictions and regulations under which they have acted have answered every purpose. Draft. Vol. 23, Nos. 94, 95. 5 pages. Extract in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 298, fo. 208. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 18.— Separate. Draft. Vol. 26, No. 27. 3 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 25 ; duplicate in the Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 115. Schedule of Enclosures in above letter. Vol. 26, No. 26. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 29. Sir Henry Clinton to Commissioners Knox and Morris. 1782, March 18. New York. — Though his reasons still exist for deferring the meeting till 10th April, is unwilling to expose them to inconvenience, therefore names the 28th instant. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 28. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, March 18. New York.— Is sorry his letter of the 7th did not arrive in time, but the delay must have been on the American side, as Colonel Dayton's receipt is of the 9th. Is willing to lessen any disagreeable circumstances, and has appointed the 28th instant. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 29. 2 pages. General Sir Henry Clinton to Governor Sir James Wright. 1782, March 18. New York. — Received his letter of 2d January, enclosing one from the Council of Georgia, recommending Mr. Graham to succeed the late Mr. Cameron as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Would be glad to comply with the request if the appointment rested with him, but it shall be forwarded to the minister for his Majesty's determination. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 99. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Dalrymple and Andrew Elliot. 1782, March 18. New York. — Authority as commissioners for exchange of prisoners. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 75. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 215. Major Duncan Drummond to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 18. New York. — Sends copies of correspondence between Lt. Colonel Crosby, B.M.G., and himself on subject of his 425 accounts. Had already begun to enquire into the accounts of the Commissary General. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 24, No. 9. 2 pages. ' Enclosing 9 letters between himself and Lieut. Colonel Crosbie, see 3, 7, 19, 21 January ; 4, 14 February ; 5, 16, and 18 March, below. Major Duncan Drummond to Lieut. Col. Wm. Crosbie. 1782, March 18. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 20. 3 pages. Enclosed in above letter. (?) J., T., or F. Keppel to Colonel Morris. 1782, March 18. Head Quarters. — Encloses memorial of Mr. Skinner referred by the Commander in Chief to Lieut. General Robertson. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 322. 1 page. Andrew Kettle or Kittle to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 18. New York. — Late of Kenderhook, in the province of New York, farmer. Petition. Joined Gen. Burgoyne and on the Convention of Saratoga was sent to Canada. After eight months arrived in New York and joined the corps of refugees under Major Ward, as a captain. His estate disposed of. His wife and children in great distress, and himself near 60 years of age and incapable, by rheumatism, of doing duty. Asks bounty for support. With certificate from Wm. Franklin on behalf of the Board (of Associated Loyalists), 19 March. Original. Vol. 25, No. 285. 2 pages. New York. 1782, March 18. New York.— Weekly State of the Provost. Original. Vol. 12, No. 14. 2 pages. Treasury. 1782, March 18. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Minutes of the Board. Mr. Fisher to provide the several articles of bedding. Copy. Vol. 46, No. 31. 1 page. Copy in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21707, fo. 73. This and the following enclosed by John Robinson to Sir H. Clinton, 26 March. 1782, March 18. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Directions to Mr. Harley to provide to pattern, &c, the articles mentioned. Copy. Vol. 46, No. 32. 1 page. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, March 19. New York.— No. 10. Would be glad to con- firm Lieutenant Governor Graham as Superintendent of Indian Affairs if the appointment rested with himself, yet as Lt. Colonel 426 Brown lias offered to perform the duties without extra expense to Government he cannot decide on a measure of this nature, but will transmit recommendations in favour of Mr. Graham to the minister, for his Majesty's determination. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 96. 1 page. Sir Heney Clinton to Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, March 19. New York.— Has appointed Capt. Baddely to the office of Barrack Master of Charles Town, reserving that of Barrack Master of Long Island in this district for Captain McMahon when he should return from Europe. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 97. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Governor Patrick Tonyn. 1782, March 19. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 3rd January, and will honour the three bills of that date drawn on account of expenditures in the Indian and Ordnance Departments of East Florida. In future requests him to signify to Lieut. General Leslie his wishes relative to military arrangements. Fears that letters have miscarried as they have not come to hand. Con- gratulates him on his promotion to the rank of Major General. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 98. I pages. [»Sir Henry Clinton] to the Executors of Mr. Wier. 1782, March 19. New York.— That the papers of Mr. Wier be [aid before Major Drummond. Draft. Vol. 24, No. 27. I page. Stores. 1782, March 19. Army Victualling Office, Cork.— Receipt by James Potts for the cargo of the " Swan " navy transport victualler from John Marsh, agent victualler. Original. Vol. 36, No. 83. 1 page. Invoice of beef, pork, butter and oatmeal shipped on the " Swan " navy transport victualler for the use of the troops at New York. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 85 and 86. 3 pages. Both enclosed by John Marsh to [Sir Henry Clinton], 28 April. General Sir Henry Clinton to Charles Jenkinson. 1782, March 20. New York. Copy. Vol. 4, No. 302. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Thomas Aston Coffin to Captain John Smith, Secretary. 1782, March 20. New York.— That Mr. Wier's accounts shall be sent to Major Drummond as his Excellency desires. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 24, No. 26. 1 page. 427 Lieut. Col. Wm. Crosbie to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 20. New York. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 19. 2 pages. Enclosed by Major Drummond to Sir Henry Clinton, 21 March. Welbore Ellis to General Sir G-uy Carleton. 1782, March 20. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 25. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 510; copies 606, fos. 206 and 214 ; 433, fo. 51 ; Dartmouth MSS., Amer. Papers. Jehiel Ketchum, late of Norwalk, Connecticut, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 20. New York. — Petition. That he came over with Major General Tryon, when he made his last expedition into Con- necticut, after undergoing and suffering every species of vengeance that vindictive malice could invent. Has a wife and seven children, and begs assistance. Annexed is certificate from Jeremiah Learning, New York, 20 March, followed by one. from John Sayre. Referred to Colonel Morris, and by him to the Board of Associated Loyalists, and recommended by the Board, 22 Man-h Rations ordered by Lieut. General Robertson. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 311, 312. 3 pages. Jane Mulligan to Lieut. General Robinson [Robertson]. 1782, March 20. — Petition. Thanks for past assistance. Asks again rations and " fewell " for herself and small son. Certified by Thomas Crowell and Jonathan Boven, or Bowne. Original, signed. Vol. 29, No. 08. 2 pages. Moses Pitcher, loyal refugee from Boston, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 20. New York. — Petition. That he escaped from Boston to Rhode Island, whither his wife and 8 children were sent, and where he remained till its evacuation. His whole family afflicted with sickness for 19 months. Asks some relief. Recom- mended (on behalf of the Board) by Governor Franklin, 25th March. Original. Vol. 25, No. 289. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Major Duncan Drummond. 1782, March 21. New York. — Acknowledges letter inclosing objections to Account of Barrack Master General, etc. Proposes to constitute a Board to investigate. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 62. 2 pages. Commissioners Knox and Morris to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 21. Morris County. — Will meet his Commissioners on the 28th. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 41. 1 page. 428 Major Duncan Drummond to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 21. New York.— Since his letter of the 18th, has received Crosbie's of the 20th, which he encloses. Is at a loss to account for employment of transports if it is not admitted that they serve the purpose of transporting wood for use of the army. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 24, No. 10. 1 page. Enclosing Lieut. Col. Crosbie to Major Drummond, 20 March. General Sir Guy Carleton and Rear Admiral Digby. 1782, March 21. Westminster. — Letters Patent appointing them Commissioners for restoring peace. Original, with seal. Vol. (Case) 62. 2 rolls. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 22. New York.— No. 159. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 24. 4 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 81 ; duplicate in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 175. [Mrs. Lewis] to Lieutenant General James Robertson. No name nor date. — Petition desiring assistance for self and two small children. Has one son killed and another serving His Majesty. On the reverse is an order on Colonel Morris for rations, signed by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 22 March, 1782. On a slip wafered to top of the petition is a certificate to the assistance given by Mrs. Lewis, and to the fact of her son being in the service, signed John Morris, Lt. Col. Commandant 2d. New Jersey Volunteers. Original. Vol. 29, No. 66, 67. 1J pages. Captain W. Spry, Commanding Engineer. 1782, March 22. — Works proposed to add to the defence of Halifax. Signed W. Spry. Copy. Vol. 21, No. 159.* 2 pages. Philip Stephens to John Robinson. 1782, March 22. Admiralty Office.— Transmitting letter from the Victualling Board of the 15th instant. 2 copies, signed. Vol. 26, No. 6, and Vol. 46, No. 38. 1 page each. Enclosed by John Robinson to Sir Henry Clinton, 30 March. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 23. New York.— On the decree of the Court as to prizes, see the 6th March. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 22. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 99 ; duplicate in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 193. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to General Washington. 1782, March 23. New York. — A flag of truce having been boarded by a party of armed men, and the Hessian officer having 429 been plundered of the amount of money lie was taking to the prisoners, Gen. Knyphausen has replaced the money, and the same officer will again proceed under the sanction of the former transport. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 23. 2 pages. Welbore Ellis to Loeds of the Treasury. 1782, March 23. Whitehall— Having laid before the King the petition of Thomas Ch. Williams in behalf of the army under Brig. General Arnold praying for nett proceeds of sales of prizes and goods taken by them on expedition as awarded in the Court of Vice Admiralty at New York. It is directed that one-eighth part be given to Brig. Gen. Arnold for his services and the remainder divided among officers and soldiers. Two copies. Vol. 26, Nos. 20 and 21. 2 pages each. Stores. 1782, January 23 and March 23. Office of Ordnance, the Tower, and Portsmouth. — Bill of Lading, or Invoice of goods laden on board the " Lady Amherst." Ordnance stores to be transported to New York, and there delivered to Francis Stevens, ordnance store keeper. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 23. 6 pages. 1782, March 23. Office of Ordnance, Portsmouth. — Counterpart of Bill of Lading of the " Lady Amherst." Original. Vol. 36, No. 25. 1 page. 1782, March 23. Office of Ordnance, Portsmouth. — Counterpart of Bill of Lading of the " Success." Original. Vol. 36, No. 26. 1 page. Both enclosed by Richard Veale to [Sir Guy Carleton], 18 May. Dr. Paine. 1782, March 23.— Extract from General Orders. Dr. Paine to act as physician until a vacancy should happen, and Mr. Gregory West as apothecary vice Paine. Vol. 25, No. 192. 1 page. [Sir Henry Clinton] to [may be Brig. Gen. John Campbell]. 1782, March 24. New York.— The arrival of Brigadier General Bruce and Captain Spry having given him an opportunity of con- sulting them, recommends for his consideration certain works pro- posed for the defence of Halifax by Captain Spry. If thought ad- visable he had better send for Captain Hartcup from Penobscot. Draft. Vol. 21, No. 159. 4 pages. [General Sir Henry Clinton] to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 24. New York.— No. 160. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 19. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 117 ; duplicate in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 205. 430 General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782, March 24. New York. — Touching provision for Provincial officers' widows. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 18. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 135 ; duplicate in Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 201. General Sir Henry Clinton to John Robinson. 1782, March 24. New York. — Acknowledges receipt of various letters. Encloses plan for supplying British prisoners with supplies for subsistence, by which the large sums of money required will be kept within the British lines. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 123. 2 pages. Enclosing Wm. Deane Poyntz, contract with Messrs. Eddy, Sykes and Company, 9 February, 1782. Hospitals. 1781, December 25. Abstract of the accounts of his Majesty's 1782, March 24. Hospitals at New York between these dates, J. Mallet, purveyor. £1,261 13s. 84d. Copy. Vol. 31. No. 53. 1 page. General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 25. St. James'. — Royal warrant authorising him to appoint Courts Martial, confirm sentences, &c, amongst the troops under his command. Original, signed and sealed. Vol. (Case) 61. General Sir Henry Clinton to Board of Officers. 1782, March 25. New York. —That they (Major General O'Hara, Major General Paterson, Brig. General Gunning, Brig. General Bruce, Brig. General Delancey, Colonel Robinson, Mr. Elliot and Mr. White) should meet on Mondays and Thursdays and constitute themselves a Board. See proceedings on 27 March. Draft. Vol. 35, No. 92. Copies. Vol. 24, No. 5; Vol. 18, No. 27/1. 2 pages or 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, March 25. New York. Instructions to exchange prisoners. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 74. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 207. Enclosure : — " Memorandums " as to the rate of exchanges. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 76. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. ; 143, fo. 463. 431 Welbore Ellis to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 25. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 17. 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 518 ; copy 433, fo. 52. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 25. Whitehall. — Sends the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 15. 1 page. Enclosing Resolution of House of Commons, 27 Feb. Extract from Journals of House of Commons of 4 March. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 142, fo. 514 ; copy 433, fo. 53. Stores. 1782, March 25. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beef, pork, butter, and oatmeal shipped on the " William and Mary " for the troops at New York. Receipt for the same signed Thos. Hayes, Captain. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 69 and 70. 4 pages and 1 page. Both enclosed by John Marsh to [Sir Henry Clinton], 28 April. Lieut. Gov. Archibald Campbell to Major Gen. Mathew. 1782, March 26. Spanish Town. — Wrote about a fortnight since informing him that the combined forces of France and Spain are assembling at Cape Francois with the intention of attacking Jamaica early next month. Desires him to give all possible assist- ance, as the troops there are not equal to meet the united forces .of the enemy. Signed letter. Vol. 12, No. 147. 1 page. Enclosed by Major Gen. Mathew to Sir Henry Clinton, 8 May. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Brig, Gen. John Campbell. 1782, March 26. New York. —The Inspector General of Pro- vincial Forces having represented the dissatisfaction appearing among the Provincial Corps of Nova Scotia Volunteers on account of their being forced to serve on board armed craft, desires a report on the subject. Complains that the rules relative to Provincial Corps have, been infringed, particularly by Captain Hayden in enlisting rebel prisoners ; they are to be discharged and returned to the Commissary of Prisoners. In future strict attention is to be paid to enforce the rules. Captain Hayden with the detachment of Lieut. Colonel Rogers's Corps now at Halifax is to relieve Hierlihy's five companies at St. Johns, who are to be incorporated with the Nova Scotia Volunteers at Halifax. Draft or copy. Vol. 21, No. 160. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General Alex. Leslie. 1782, March 26. New York. — Regrets that he desires to return to Europe, but will not withhold his consent when the service 432 permits his absence. Will consult with General Robertson as to the great expense attending Leslie's situation, and send the result next opportunity. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 103. 1 page. Welbore Ellis to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 26. Whitehall. — Sends instructions. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 9. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 433, fo. 53. John Fisher to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, March 26. Whitehall. — Sends the enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 68. 1 page. Enclosing Josiah Martin to Welbore Ellis, 7 March, 1782, with return of officers. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 433, fo. 54. Alexander Innes, Inspector General Provincial Forces, to Captain Smith, Secretary. 1782, March 26. Inspector General's Office. — Having represented to the Commander-in-Chief that great dissatisfaction appeared in the Provincial Corps of Nova Scotia Volunteers on account of their being employed on board armed craft, his Excellency has directed him (Captain Smith) to prepare a letter for the Commanding Officer at Halifax to beg he will make enquiries and report thereon, also to signify to the Commanding Officer that strict attention should be paid to the established rules of the Provincial Forces. Captain Hayden, with the detachment of Lieut. Colonel Rogers's Corps, is to relieve Major Hierlihy's five independent companies at St. John's. [Compare above — Clinton to Campbell.] Signed letter. Vol. 21, No. 161. 2 pages. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 26. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Their Lord- ships trust he will be able to reduce the number of horses on the present plan of war in North America. As the quantity of oats sent out is considerable, and there still remains some to be sent, they cannot direct any further supplies until they hear from him on this subject. Signed letters. Vol. 46, No. 36, and Vol. 26, No. 10. 1 page each. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782 March 26. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Sends copy of a minute of the Board, containing the orders given for providing and sending out necessaries. Desires him to give the necessary orders respecting the same supplies. Signed letters. Vol. 46, No. 33, and Vol. 26, No. 12. 1 page each Enclosures : — Treasury Minutes, see 18 March. 433 N. D. " Account of clothing ordered for New York, for the Provincials, to be provided by Mr. Harley." Two copies. Vol. 46, No. 34, and Vol. 20. No. 13. 1 page each. N. D. Account of necessaries, &c, ordered for New York, for Provincials. Consists of clothes, camp equipage, saddlery and accoutrements, to be provided by Mr. Fisher. Two copies. Vol. 46, No. 35, and Vol. 26, No. 11. 2 pages each . Winthrop and Kemble to Major General (THara. 1782, March 26. New York.— With certificate signed by W. Dalrymple, Henry Brnen and Archibald Robertson. [A copy is with Proceedings of the Board on 27 March.] Signed letter. Vol. 35, No. 91. 3 pages. Isaac Yurex to Governor James Robertson. 1782, March 26. New York.— Petition. Was obliged to take refuge in this city. His wife and three, children have been sent here to him. Is unable to support them, and asks rations. Followed on same paper by note from Thos. Murray, A.D.C., 27th March, desiring Colonel Morris to put petitioner and family on list for rations till 1st May Original. Vol. 29, No. 170. 2 pages. Board of General Officers. 1782, March 25-27. New York.— Proceedings at General O'Hara's quarters, as president of a board appointed to meet and examine the correspondence between the Commissary of Accounts and the heads of the several departments, in consequence of his ex- ceptions to some parts of their respective accounts submitted to his examination. Contains copy of Clinton's letter of 25 March and two from Winthrop and Kemble, 18 April, 1777, and 26 March, 1782. Original. Vol. 18, Nos. 27-30. 16 pages. [Sir Henry Cltnton] to [Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie]. 1782, March 27. New York.— No. 12. Since closing his dis- patches he has received intelligence that the French are moving from Virginia to the southward ; does not credit such reports, but informs him that he may be on his guard. It is also said they have been conveying cannon, stores. &c, from the Chesapeak by the inland navigation towards Wilmington : if there is any truth in these statements, requests to be informed. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 100. 2 pages. Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. " 1782, March 27. New York. — They desire his pleasure on some questions which have arisen from consideration of the ostensible objects of their commission. Added is a note of the questions with answers. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 77. 3 < pages. 2e 434 Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, March 27. Camp. — You know, Sir, that my constitution is much impaired from having serv'd the whole war ; besides that, the perplexity of civil matters here, independent of military ones, is so much beyond my abilities to arrange, that I declare myself unequal to the task, nor have I constitution to stand it, from morning to night I have memorials and petitions full of distress, &c, &c, before me. Independent of my public situation, and even state of health. I have an aged mother (82 vrs.) going into her "grave, and only wishing to see me. And I have an only daughter, who I have scarce ever seen from being constantly with my regiment, her happiness now depends on my return to Europe. She may form a very good alliance, but is under promise to me to remain single until I see her. Excuse my troubling vou with these family matters, it is to convince you I don't go away because his Majesty has been pleased to provide for me in giving me an old regiment. Dr. Hayes will inform your Excellency from sickness and accidents, by falls, dislocations, &c, my health is unfit to stand the summer." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23. No. 105. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, March 27. — Secret. Is " difnculted " in regard to Colonel Westerhagen and Colonel Binning, both senior officers to Brigadier Stewart, the former very lame and unfit for service. Both command fine regiments, but their situation prevents him bringing them into the field, where they ought to be, as they have both been too long in garrison and many of them formed bad connections. Their men l^t prisoners escape, &c. General de" Bose does everything in his power to forward the King's service. General de Knoblauch is of no use. his health quite gone. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23. No. 104. 2 pages. Board of General Officers. 1782, March 28. Head Quarters.— Minutes. Present — Clinton, Robertson, Paterson. Knyphausen, O'Hara, Dalrymple, Admiral Digby. Written by and signed Peter Russel. Opinions taken on expedition to the Delaware, — four for. two against. Vol. 26. No. 8. 2 pages. Major General Charles O'Hara to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 28. New York. — Sends proceedings and report of Board of General Officers agreeable to letter of 25th. Has directed Mr. Seton, who acted as Secretary, to return all papers laid before them by Captain Smith, together with Winthrop and Kemble's letter of 18 April. 1777. to Sir W. Erskine and another to the Board. Signed letter. Vol. 24. No. 1 . 1 page. 435 Captain John Smith, Secretary, to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, March 29. New York.— Received letter of 4th February. His pay as Lieutenant General upon this staff must be received by his agent at home in the same manner that this business was transacted when he was Major General. Has already sent an answer respecting loss of baggage, which he hopes has been received. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 114. 1 page. Samuel Bean, Deputy Auditor and Muster Master to the Southern Army, to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 30. Charlestown, South Carolina. —Expresses his obligation for kind attention. Major Drummond filled np his appointment as auditor of accounts at a salary of 10/- a day, a sum disproportioned to his position, being the pay of the clerks. Requests his interest on behalf of his boy. Has mustered all the British and Hessian troops, and is now busied in going through the accounts of the different departments. Condoles with him on the death of Lord John Clinton. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 101. 2 pages. Lieut. General Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 30— "In consequence of a report that the enemy were driving away the negroes from the plantations of the loyalists the cavalry were detached across the Cooper River for the purpose of rescuing them, which they were not in time to effect ; they have however brought away about a hundred of the enemies' negroes, and made prisoners the Rebel Chief Justice Pendleton, who formerly broke his parole at the capitulation, and Major Hyne, one of General Green's aides-de-camp. "I was induced to make this movement in order to convince the loyalists of my desire to do everything in my power to check the spirit and counteract the effect of the sanguinary laws lately passed by the rebel assembly against them. "I enclose an address lately presented by them to me, and I most earnestly request your Excellency's instructions respecting the answer I am to give them, and in particular how far the measure of arming the negroes should be carried into execution, and how far it may be proper to reimburse the losses which the loyalists may sustain. " It is an object of great importance to establish a plan upon this subject, and to determine in what manner their officers should be appointed and in what terms their freedom should be given them. I should consider Lt. Colonel Moncrief as a very proper person to be at their head, being well acquainted with their disposition, and in the highest estimation amongst them. " If your Excellency should adopt this measure it will be very necessary I should receive your answer by express as any delay will make it impracticable. " Col. Balfour presses me to remind your Excellency on the 436 subject of his leave, the circumstance of Haine's execution renders his situation here very unpleasant. I have the honour to be,"f&e. Signed letter. Vol. 53, No. 127. 3 pages. Enclosure :■ — N. D. Address and petition of the loyal inhabitants of South Carolina now in this garrison. Signed Robert Ballinghall, Chairman. Relying upon his willingness to adopt such measures as may effectually prevent the execution of the laws passed by the " usurped " legislature confiscating their estates and property, and for the accomplishment of these measures tendering their services at the risk of their lives and fortunes. Original. Vol. 53, No. 126. 1 page. Joshua Loring. 1782, January 1 to March 30. — Abstract of expenditure in the Commissary of Prisoners' Department at New York. £274 17s. 3d. Copy. Vol. 26, No.jS. 1 page. John Robinson to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March 30. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— Transmits the enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Stephens, Secretary to the Admiralty (see 22nd March), transmitting a letter from the Com- missioners for Victualling with an account of provisions delivered from transports and ships of war to commissaries in America, between 1 January, 1775, and 31 December, 1781, amounting to £228,242 7s. 9d. Desires he will examine and report the facts to this Board, also to examine and return a state of provisions, &c, supplied to the navy from the army stores. Two signed letters. Vol. 46, No. 37, and Vol. 26, No. 5. 1 page each. Messrs. Gordon, Biddulph & Gordon. 1782, March 31. — Statement of cash on this date, Copy. Vol. 35, No. 186. 1 page. Alexander Thomson to John Smith, Secretary. 1782, March 31. Halifax. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 62. 1 page. 1781, December 31 to 31 March, 1782. — A/c of contingent and extraordinary expenses of H. M. Forces in Nova Scotia paid by Alexander Thomson pursuant to warrants from the Commanding Officer of his Majesty's troops in Nova Scotia. £27,560 18s. Id. Signed Alex. Thomson, Deputy Paymaster. Signed. Vol. 52, No. 40. 1 page. 1782, March 31. Halifax.— State of the Military Chest. Signed Alex. Thomson. Original. Vol. 52, No. 41. 1 page. 437 Accounts, Warrants, &c. 1782, January I to 31 March.- — Notes for filling up a warrant to Thomas Aston Coffin to enable him to pay £241 Os. lOd. to persons in an annexed list [not now annexed], being allowances granted by order of the Commander-in-Chief for the quarter ending 31 March. Vol. 50, No. 295. 1 page. 1782, January 1 to 31 March. — Abstract of pay for Captain Charles Handfield, Paymaster to the non-commissioned officers and men of absent corps. 90 days at 10/-. £45. Original. Vol. 38, No. 272. 1 page. 1782, January 1 to 31 March. — A/c of pay due to Roger Morris, Inspector of Claims of Refugees, his Deputy, Assistants and Clerk. £207 10s. Original. Vol. 31, No. 34. 1 page. 1782, January 1 to 31 March. — An account of sundry sums of money paid by Colonel Roger Morris to refugees, &c, by order of his Excellency, Sir Henry Clinton, Commander in Chief, &c, at 4/8 the dollar. £1,727 12s. lid, Copy. Vol. 31, No. 35. 4 pages. 1782, January 1 to 31 March.— A/c of expenses, £216 19s. 9d., in the Adjutant General's Office, for wages of clerks, stationery, &c. Copy. Vol, 26, No. 4. 1 page. 1782, January 1 to 31 March. — Abstract of pay due to clerks in the Secretary's Office. Copy. Vol. 37, No. 86. 1 page. 1782, March 31. New York. — A/c for contingent expenses in the Department of Edward Winslow, Muster Master General of his Majesty's Provincial Forces, from I January to this date. £75 5s. id. With certificate by Duncan Drummond, Commissaxy of Accounts, dated 8 May. Original. Vol. 37, No. 138. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 2. 2 pages and 1 page. Francis Green to the Lords of the Treasury. 1782, March. London.— -Memorial. This and the papers annexed relate to the payment for hire of the sloop " Ca.rleton," Francis Green being the owner, and the ship being under the direction of George Leonard. Annexed are : — Extract from the King's warrant, 26 July, 1780. Certificate from Sir George Collier, March, 1782. A/c of George Leonard, certified 30 April, 1782. Authority or commission from Sir George Collier to George Leonard, 24 July, 1779. A/c of Francis Green for hire of sloop " Carleton," certified by George Leonard, 18 March, 1782. Original. Vol. 54, No. 11. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 675. 438 Lieut. General Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, March. Charlestown. — " I beg leave to enclose to your Excellency copies of some letters that have passed between Genl. Greene, Lt. Colonel Balfour and me respecting the execution of Colonel Hayne, and the discrimination of prisoners in this district. " The very disagreeable predicament which Lt. Colonel Balfour and other officers of rank in this army stand in, from this business, renders it necessary for me to receive your Excellency's commands upon that point as soon as possible. " I have, therefore, for your Excellency's information, instructed Lt. Colonel Thompson fully upon the whole transaction ; and I beg leave to refer to that gentleman for the particulars, and every circumstance your Excellency may wish to be farther acquainted with concerning this measure adopted by Lord Cornwallis, and under whose immediate orders Lt. Colonel Balfour was then acting. " The necessity I shall in all probability be under of putting arms into the hands of negroes, I have also requested Lt. Col. Thompson to lay before you, and I am to beg your Excellency will be so good as to inform me what plan you would choose for them to be formed upon, as it appears to me a measure that will soon become indis- pensably necessary shou'd the war continue to be carried on in this part of America. " The sanguinary laws lately passed by the rebel civil government has thrown our remaining friends here into the most distressing situation, particularly an Act by which their properties are immedi- ately to be confiscated and sold. Many of the loyalists here being men with large estates and advanced in life, will, I doubt not, leave us and go over to the enemy. "' This I will do my utmost to prevent as long as possible, but 1 must request your Excellency's instructions if you wish me to adopt any measures by which the enemy may either be deterred from carrying their law into execution, or by which our friends may be reimbursed for their losses as far as we can. " Lt. Colo. Thompson will also have the honor to communicate with your Excellency upon this subject." Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 106. 3 pages. Enclosing the papers alluded to in the text, see 3 May, 1781 ; 18, 20 and26 August and 3 September, 1781 ; 9 March, 1782. Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir H. Clinton. 1782, April 1. Elizabeth Town. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 78. 2 pages. Enclosing Powers from General Washington to Commissioners Knox and Morris, 11 March. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 223. General H[aldimand] to [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, April 1. Montreal.— This being the 19th letter he has written since he received his of the 2nd August, he is almost certain their letters have mutually miscarried. Is also in ignorance of the enemy's intentions, which reports direct against this Province. 439 Repeats his request that he will communicate with him by most speedy and different routes. In cipher. Vol. 11, No. 204. 1 page. Copy. No. 206.* Copy in Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 18. New York. 1782, April 1. New York. — Weekly state of the Provost. Original. Vol. 12, No. 15. 2 pages. Stores. 1782, April 1. London. — Invoice of tents and camp necessaries for 20 battalions of infantry shipt on board the " Holdernesse " transport for New York, per Wm. Worsfield & Co., packers. Original. Vol. 56, No. 46. 1 large double page. 1782, April 1. — Return of camp necessaries, &c, shipped on board the " Holdernesse " transport for the forces under Sir Henry Clinton and compleated on this date. (Compare under 2 May.) Copy. Vol. 33, No. 210. 1 page and 2 lines. Adam Chrystie, Captain Commanding West Florida Royal Foresters, to Col. Oliver De Lancey, Adjt. General. 1782, April 2. Newton, Long Island. — Being considerably in advance last year for contingencies, applied at the Inspector General's Office for the allowance for 1781, and was told that a certificate^ from General . Campbell was necessary. The enclosed was then presented to Colonel Innes. Is answered that no allowance can be given without an order from the Commander in Chief. Autograph signed' letter. Vol. 37, No. 104. 1 page. Enclosing Lieut. Gen. J. Campbell to Lt. Col. Innes. Certificate for Captain Chrystie, 15 March. Sir Henry Clinton to Commissioners Dalyrmple and Elliot. 1782. April 2. New York. — Received theirs of yesterday's date, enclosing powers given to Washington's Commissioners. Recom- mends the enclosed additional memoranda to their consideration, though not stating them as positive rules. The propriety of adopting the cartel settled between England and France for the basis of the present one will naturally occur to them. Cannot send copy of such, but believes the enemy is acquainted therewith, as de B arras mentioned it in his letter from Rhode Island. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 80. 2 pages. Enclosure : — " Memorandums ." Recommending them to propose that the cartel settled this war between Great Britain and France should be the basis on which the one in contemplation is to be founded. One of his Excellency 's chief reasons for wishing to delay the meeting of the Commissioners until 10th April was his hope 440 of receiving dispatches from England which might inform him respecting the cartel settled between the Courts of London and Versailles. Vol. 17, No. 81. 1 page. Stores. 1782, April 2. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beef> pork, butter and oatmeal shipped on the " Martha " navy transport victualler, John Willis, Master, for use of the troops in New York. With weights of the 754 firkins of butter. Signed John Marsh. Original. Vol. 36, No. 73. 5 pages. 1782, April 2. — Receipt for cargo as shipped Jby John Marsh, Agent Victualler at Cork, for use of the troops at New York. Signed John Willis, Master of k ' Martha." Original. Vol. 36, No. 72. I page. Both enclosed by John Marsh to the Commander in Chief, 28 April. Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 3. Elizabeth Town. — Send the enclosed. Copy. Vol, 17, No. 82. 1 page. Enclosures : — Paper by Commissioners Knox and Morris classifying prisoners under 4 heads : — 1st, military ; 2nd, naval ; 3rd, prisoners for offences against the laws of (car (deserters, spies, marauders and incendiaries) ; 4th, citizens. As to the 1st, they enclose a tariff ; to the 2nd, they suggest their col- lection at a given place till exchanged, and submit tariff 2 ; offenders against the laws of wax should be punished, ; citizens to be liberated, and balance accounted for as private soldiers: Add a list of articles to be allowed, with blank left, for the value. Tariff No. 1 — for military. Tariff No. 2 — for naval. Articles of rations proposed. Copy. Vol. 17, Nos. 83-4. 5 pages. 1782, April 3. Elizabeth Town. — Answer of Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot. Agree in the main to the 4 classes, with some explanations as to militia and marauders, &c. Agree to Tariff 1, but defer opinion on No. 2 till Admiral Digby should give further instructions. As to punishment of offenders, any discussion must be submitted to the respective commanders in chief ; also the release of citizens. " The question of the quantity, quality and value of rations is too important to decide till the subsistence of prisoners comes directly into question. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 85. 3 pages. 1782, April 3. Elizabeth Town. — Proposal by Commis- sioners Knox and Morris to adopt some general principle to facilitate liquidation of past accounts. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 86. 2 pages. 441 Lieut. General Alexr. Leslie to Major General Greene. 1782, April 4. Head Quarters. — Protesting against the in- humanity of the seizure of the property of the loyalists. To ensure a juster line of conduct was his motive in a late excursion to seize negroes, &c. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 118. 4 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 9 April. Copies in Vol. 42, No. 128 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 147, fo. (575 ; 590, fo. 142. Major General Greene to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, April 4. Head Quarters, S. Carolina. — Answer. Copy. Vol. 42, No. 129. I V'"J r - Enclosed, with the copy of Leslie's letter, by the South Carolina delegates to Sir G. Carleton, 27 March, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 147, fo. 677 ; 590, fo. 142. Earl of Shelburne to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 4. St. James's.— The "Ceres" frigate, being ready to put to sea it is the King's pleasure that he embark therein, and proceed to New York to take upon himself the command with which the King has entrusted him. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 68. 1 page. Ensign Hendorff. 1782, April 5. New York. — Account for loss of baggage. £42 16s. id. Sworn before Stephen P. Adye, Judge Advocate's Office, same date. Original. Vol. 31, No. 107. i page. Annexed to Warrant to pay that amount, see 7 November. [? Caftain John Smith] to Major Drummond, Commissary of Accounts. 1782, April 5. New York.- -Transmits, by order of the Com- mander-in-Chief, a copy of the Report of the Board of General Officers appointed to investigate the correspondence and papers sent to His Excellency respecting the Accounts of the Quarter Master General and Barrack Master General's Departments. Draft. Vol. 24, No. 59. 1 page. Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 6. Elizabeth Town.— Private. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 92. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 227. 442 Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 6. Elizabeth Town. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 87. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 231. Enclosures : — Comrs. Knox and Morris to Comes. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 4. — Cannot assent to British soldiers being ex- changed for American citizens. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 88. 3 pages. 1782. April 5. — Answer of Comrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 90. 1 page. Comrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Knox and Morris. 1782, April 5. Elizabeth Toivn. — At the proper time they will enter into the subject of accounts. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 89. 1 page. Comrs. Knox and Morris to Comrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 6. — Repeating statement of their letter of the Uh. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 91. 1 page. Board of CIeneral Officers. 1782, April 6. Head Quarters. — Minutes of a Meeting. Question put — whether an order should be sent to General Leslie to embark the 2,000 men to proceed to this place when the convoy arrives for them — resolved in the affirmative. This is endorsed " Minutes of the Council, New York." Copy. Vol. 26, No. 67. 1 page. Stores. 1782, April 6. Army Victualling Office, Cork.— Receipt for cargo of " Nancy " navy transport, Thos. Furlong, master, supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler, for New York for use of the troops. 1782, April 6. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beef, pork, and butter shipped on the " Nancy," with weights and marks. Signed. Vol. 36, Nos. 66 and 67. 1 page and 4 pages. Both enclosed by J. Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief, 28 April. Sir Henry Clinton to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 7. New York. — Received last night their letters and dispatches ; will take the opinion of the general officers to-morrow forenoon, and t communicate thefresult. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 95. 1 page. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Commrs. Knox and Morris 1782, April 7. Elizabeth Town. — Though the paper delivered to them yesterday by Washington's Commrs. puts an end to all treaty on that part of the first proposition which respects a general cartel, they propose to proceed as usual in the exchange of all prisoners 443 of war, both naval and military, within their precincts — for the residue that remains they suggest that a liberal ransom may be accepted by^the^ enemy as a compensation for their liberation and maintenance. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 94. 2 pages. Peter Russell to Captain Smith. 1782, April 7. Elizabeth Town. — The Commissioners have desired him to send for the Commander-in-Chief's information the copy of the above proposition respecting prisoners. Believes Washington's Commrs. will agree to no exchange or commutation, as they appear to want England to pay them a certain periodical sum for maintenance of her prisoners. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 93. 1 page. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 8. Elizabeth Town. — Encloses copies of proposition made by them to Washington's Commissioners and their answer, by which His Excellency will perceive that all treaty for a general or partial exchange of prisoners is entirely broken off. Will wait further instructions before proceeding with the other propositions respecting maintenance of prisoners and liquidation of past accounts. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 98. 1 page. Enclosures : — Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Commrs. Knox and Morris. 1782, April 7. Elizabeth Town. — Having consulted Admiral Digby on the subject, he has declared he will not object to the tariff proposed, if Washington's Commissioners consent to pay the debt to the navy by giving British prisoners in exchange. They are therefore ready to liberate all naval American prisoners by accepting British prisoners of war in exchange. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 99. 1 page. Commrs. Knox and Morris to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 8. Elizabeth Town.— In the actual situation of affairs they must decline exchanging seamen for soldiers. Any convention for liberating prisoners by pecuniary compensa- tion would only form part of a general cartel. They think it would be most proper to suspend exchanges until the general business referred to the Commissioners be determined. At present a pecuniary compensation for soldiers cannot be accepted. Copy. Vol. 17. No. 100. 1 page. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 8. Elizabeth Town. — Since closing their dispatches Washington's Commissioners have sent an answer to the request they 444 referred to in their private letter. They have therefore sent a boat with a copy of it for his information. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 71. 1 page. Enclosure : — Commrs. Knox and Morris to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliott. 1782, April 8. Elizabeth Town. — As there appears at present an insurmountable obstacle to settling a general cartel, it becomes proper to proceed to the other objects of the meeting. As fixing the articles and price of a ration appears necessary, previous to adjusting past accounts or making future arrange- ments, they wish to receive the answers of Clinton's Commis- sioners on the subject. The consideration of particular ex- changes must be postponed until past accounts are adjusted. To remove every obstacle the undersigned propose to accept on the part of the United States the sum of £200,000 sterling, for the balance of all the accounts for 'maintaining prisoners from the. commencement of the war until the last day of the present month. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 70. 2 pages. William Dalrymple to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 8. Elizabeth Town. — Sends purport of conversation between the different commissioners. Has avoided all unnecessary discussions in 'the past, but Washington's Commissioners would enter into details respecting their mission. His and Elliot's situation is becoming very unpleasant, and they wish they could be certain that any useful purpose would attend its continuation. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 96. 1 page. Enclosure : — Conversation between the Commissioners. Proposals by the American Commissioners on the quantity and quality of the ration to be given to prisoners, and as to liquidation of past accounts. They maintain that till these two objects are accom- plished no cartel can take place. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 97. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 8. New York. —Opinion of the General Officers as to the proposals that should bp made to the American Commissioners. Copy. Vol. 26. No. 69. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 235. S. S. Blowers (for Board of Associated Loyalists) to Commissary Chaloner. 1782, April 8. New York. — Order for release of three prisoners exchanged. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 30. 1 page. Vol. 29, No. 121.fl page. T Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton. 25 April. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 347. 445 [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lt. Gen. Alexander Leslie. 1782, April 8. New York. — No. 13. Has only time to send duplicate of his letter of 14 March, and in addition to desire him to hold the troops therein mentioned in readiness for immediate embarkation for New York to join the convoy which the Admiral may order for the purpose. Requests him to reduce the garrisons of Savannah and St. Augustine if expedient so to do. P.S. — Captain Chads is directed to inform the Agent at Charles- town what transports will be sent from New York with the convov. Draft, Vol. 23, No. 115. 2 pages. Charles Cooke. 1782, April 8. London. — Memorial to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, touching a claim for hour alleged to have been provided for the use of the British army. Annexed are : — Petition of Robert Couke for himself and brother and co-partner Charles Cooke, merchants, to Sir H. Clinton, with statement. 12 May, 1779. Case of Robert Cooke. 12 March, 1779. Daniel Wier. Opinion, preceded by a note expressing the Commander-in-Chief's desire to have Mr. Wier's opinion on Cooke's claim. 9 May, 1779. [Sir H. Clinton]. The Commander-in-Chief's Answer by Capt. J. Andre. [May, 1779.] Deposition of William Lenox before D. Mathews. 27 October, 1778. Deposition of Samuel Kerr before D. Mathews. 27 October, 1778. Deposition of John C. Seager before D. Mathews. 29 October, 1778. Certificate of John C. Senger. 22 March, 1779. Petition of Robert Cooke, for himself and brother and co-partner Charles Cooke, merchants, to the Earl of Carlisle, Sir H. Clinton and William Eden, Commissioners. 20 November, 1778. Adam Ferguson to Andrew Elliot. 23 November, 1778. Certificate of Samuel Shoemaker and John Potts. 23 November, 1778. Certificate of Daniel Coxe, 23 November, 1778. Deposition of Andrew Elliot. [23 November, 1778.] Certificate of Brig. Gen. Skinner. 14 November, 1778. Certificate of Thomas Stirling. 5 September, 1779. Charles and Robert Cooke. Invoice of 395 barrels of flour, £1,434 Is. 8d. William Erskine to Capt. Andre. 21 June, 1779. Certificate of Lord Rawdon. 7 October, 1779. Certificate of Brig. Gen. Skinner. 18 July, 1780. Petition of Robert Cooke and his brother and co-partner Charles Cooke, merchants, to Lords Commissioners of Treasury. 30 October, 1779. Certificate of Governor Franklin. 5 November, 1779. 446 Certificate of Brig. Gen. Skinner. 8 December, 1779. Deposition of David Mathews concerning the above 22 papers. 7 December, 1781. Originals. Vol. 16, Nos. 118-121. Qy. that this memorial and papers were transmitted by Richard Burke to Sir Guy Carleton, see his letter of 19 April. William Livesay to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 8. Jamaica. — Petition for further relief. As he is far advanced in age and his eyesight fails him, begs that in addition to his 4s. a day he may be ordered to receive such further subsistence as may be proper. With two certificates. Referred to Col. Morris, and by him to the Board of Associated Loyalists, and answered on the 23d April that he cannot be recommended for any further allowance unless he can be relieved from a billet on his house. Original. Vol. 25, No. 284. 4 pages. Lieut. General Leslie to Governor John Matthews. 1782, April 8. Head Quarters. Copy. Vol. 42, No. 129.* Enclosed by John Rutledge and others to Sir Guy Carleton, 27 March, 1783. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 147, fo. 677 ; 590. fo. 142. James Moncrief, Commanding Engineer, to Lt. Gen. Leslie. 1782, April 8. Charlestown. — According to his request has calculated the number of troops required for the defence of Charles- town and its dependencies, and thinks not less than 4,500 regular troops will be needed. With these and the help of armed ships and galleys frequent descents could be made into different parts of the country, and communication kept up with Georgia. The same quantity will still be needed if the rebel army should receive rein- forcements from the North and make an attempt upon Charlestown or if the French fleet and army should arrive to act with Greene's force. Autograph signed letter . Vol. 53, No. 124. 2 pages. Copies. Vol. 23, No. 123. 3 pages. Vol. 26, No. 84. 3 pages. [Qy. Capt. John Smith] to [Maj. Duncan Drummond]. 1782, April 8. — The Commander in Chief desires to see him to- morrow morning at 11 o'clock, and requests" him to consider the subject mentioned in his letter of 21 March, as he wishes to lay the same before the Treasury. The accounts of the Commissary General's department having been in his possession since Mr. Wier's death, His Excellency is desirous of receiving his observations upon them as soon as possible. Draft. Vol. 24, No. 60. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Commrs. Dalyrmple and Elliot. 1782, April 9. — Received dispatches of yesterday. Requests Mr. Elliot to come here as soon as possible to receive a definite answer 447 to the propositions made by Washington's Commissioners, giving out as his reason that some particular business relative to the port requires his presence for a short time. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 72. 1 page. Daniel Coxe, for Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists, to Lieut. Colonel Oliver De Lancey. 1782, April 9. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 29. 2 pages. Also Vol. 29, No. 123. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 25 April, 1782. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 143, fo. 339. Governor William Franklin (for same Board) to Captain Richard Lippincot. 1782, April 9. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 31. 2 pages. Also Vol. 29, Nos. 120 and 127. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 25 April, 1782. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 343. Lt. Gen. Alexander Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 9. Charlestown. — Encloses copy of his letter to Gen. Greene. Has left his answer on a table in camp, but it was of a civil nature. Has sent them to Gov. Mathews. Could not get an answer. Their advanced corps have fallen back from Bacon bridge. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 117. 1 page. Enclosing Lt. Gen. Leslie to Maj. Gen. Greene, 4 April. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 10. Head Quarters. — Minutes of a meeting discussing the proposed reinforcement for Jamaica and its place of embarkation. Resolved — that the relief of Jamaica be attempted and the troops sent there from Charlestown. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 73. 3 pages. Stores. 1782, April 10. Army Victualling Office, Cork.— Invoice of beef, pork, butter and oatmeal shipped on the " Favourite," navy trans- port victualler, for the use of the troops at New York. Same date and place. — Receipt by Francis Ellis, master, for the same, supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 76 and 75. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by John Marsh to the Comr. in Chief, 28 April. Brig. Gen. Alured Clarke to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1782, April 11. Savannah.— Extracts. "The number of this garrison decreased fifty men in the course of last month . . nine or ten have already" deserted in this — five or six of Brown's and four Hessians." Is impatient to have a certain corps relieved, for 'tis impossible to say what might be the consequence of their 448 defection, being a large proportion of our garrison." Hears of reinforcements to Wayne. Provisions falling short. The enemy expects a foreign fleet at Tybee by the 25th. Extracts. Vol. 23, No. 126 ; also Vol. 26, No. 82. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 17 April. Accompanying the above is a letter from a deserter, Henry Pumphrey, to his brother soldiers in Savannah, advising them not to listen to the reports of the officers and refugees, but escape from bondage and tyranny to liberty and happiness. Refers to Gov. Martin's proclamation and rewards. Is now starting for Maryland to enjoy that happiness which he hopes they will soon participate in. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 127. 3 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Maj. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple. 1782, April 11. New York. — Was engaged with a Council of War when Mr. Elliot called yesterday, and is now broke in upon by the officers of the Charlestown fleet, but he shall be dispatched to- morrow, as a council is to meet at 9 in the morning to consider his business. The best apologv must be made to the gentlemen. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 75. ' 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 12.— New York. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 76. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 239, Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. 1782. April 12. New York.— No. 161. Copy. Vol. 22, No. 94-. 6 pages. Signed letters in Public Record Office, Am. k W. I. 113, fo. 1-17 ; Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 217. Jonathan Finley to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 12. New York. — Memorial for relief, as a loyalist. Certified by William Wanton and others, recommended by the Board of Associated Loyalists, 29 April, and followed by order for rations by Thomas Murray, 3 May. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 291 5. 3 pages. Governor John Mathews to Lieut. General Leslie. 1782, April 12.— Cane Acre. Copy. Vol. 16, No. 104. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 147, fo. 679; 590, fo. 142. John Stansbury to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, April 12. New York. — Proposes supplying the military chest at Lancaster with any sum required in specie at 3 %. Re- quests an answer. Copy. Vol. 39, No. 73. 1 page. Enclosed by Wm. Deane Poyntz to Sir G. Carleton. 24 May. - 449 Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to [Commrs. Knox and Morris]. 1782, April 13. Elizabeth Town.— Proposition in answer to the two papers received. They are instructed to say, that for reasons stated Sir Henry Clinton cannot agree to pay any sum in liqui- dation of past accounts. They propose an immediate exchange of prisoners in the order herein mentioned, and that any remainder should be ransomed on the terms expressed in the cartel subsisting between Gt. Britain and France. Also that in future each party shall subsist their own prisoners at their own expense. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 78. 3 pages. Enclosed by Commrs. Dalrvmple and Elliot to Sir H. Clinton. 14 April. Capt. Richard Lippincot. 1782, April 13. New York. — Report to the Honourable Board of Associated Loyalists announcing capture of a privateer whale boat in Shrewsburv (?) River. Copies. Vol. 17, No. 42. Vol. 29, No. 152. 1 page each. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 27 April. s. 75 James Rivington. To 1782, April 13. — A/c with Government for books, newspapers, &c, ordered by his Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton, to be printed, reprinted, and distributed without the Lines. " 1780, Dec. 27th. — Printing one thousand copies of a book entitled Observations upon the Trial and Execution of Major Andre, with the whole Trial at large, on writing paper, at Is. Qd. currency, as per estimate delivered in 1781, Feb. 3d. — Three thousand copies of a four shilling book entitled a Candid Retrospect of the American War, agreable to an estimate previously delivered in , at Is. 6d. each currency Book binders for sewing do. Mar. 28th. — Printing by order five columns of the Candid Retrospect, in the Gazette of Mar. 28th Mar. 31st. — Ditto 3 columns of do. April 4. — Ditto 5 colums of do. Aug. 28. — Reprinting do. a second time by order 5 columns Sept. 1. — Ditto do. 3 columns " 5. — Ditto do. 5 columns To 15,804 papers sent weekly cut of the lines from April 4th, 1781, to April 13th, 1782, inclusive, as per particulars delivered in . . . . 305 2 New York currency . . £775 8 " With copy of Lt. Gen. Robertson's certificate 27 November, 1782. (For the warrant to pay, see at the end of December, 1782. J Vol. 48, No. 209. 2 pages. 2 F . 225 7 10 e . 14 8 8 14 . 14 8 8 14 450 Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Gen. Alexander Leslie. 1782, April 14. New York. — No. 14. Acknowledges despatches. Is concerned to find his health will not permit him to remain much longer in command of the Southern district ; hopes to find shortly some General to succeed him. Soon after dispatching his last letter requesting troops to be held in readiness to be sent to New York, he received a requisition from the Lt. Governor of Jamaica for assistance to be sent to that island, as it was threatened with a powerful invasion by the combined forces of France and Spain. It has been decided by the General Officers to send 2,000 troops from Charlestown for its relief. Desires him therefore to put the troops mentioned in the enclosed return under the orders of General O'Hara upon his arrival at Charlestown to proceed to the southward. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 119. 3 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Maj. Gen. Chas. O'Hara. 1782, April 14. New York.— Instructions to go to Charlestown and proceed with a reinforcement to Jamaica, which is threatened with a powerful^invasion by the combined forces of France and Spain. He is to g return to this continent as soon as Jamaica is in safety ; if before October, to proceed to New York, but if later, to Charlestown. The Adjt. General will give a return of troops for this expedition. Some blank warrants and deputations for the Judge Advocates for holding general courts- martial will be sent, and he is hereby authorized to approve the sentences of the said courts- martial, excepting such as extend to life or limb and cashiering of commissioned officers. Copies. Vol. 23, No. 120 ; also Vol. 12, No. 163. 3 pages each. Another copy, Vol. 12, No. 169, enclosed by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Sir G. Carleton, 4 July. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. j 1782, April 14. Elizabeth Town. — Transmit copies of their last proposition to Washington's Commissioners [see 13 April], and their answer thereto. As it appears that all that remains to be done will be better adjusted between His Excellency and Gen. Washington, they desire his commands for their return. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 80. 1 page. Enclosure : — Commrs. Knox and Morris to [Dalrymple and Elliot]. 1782, April 14. Elizabeth Town. — Answer. Repeat that a proposal to give seamen or money for soldiers cannot be acceded to. The offer to accept £200,000 was not unreasonable, for they think a greater sum due. Until the accounts be settled they cannot consent to an exchange of military prisoners. They cannot permit purchase of provisions by British Commissaries, but they agree that each party should cause provisions for their prisoners to be sent from the opposite lines. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 79. 1 page. 451 Ab. D'Aubant, Commanding Engineer. 1782, April 14. New York. — Return of intrenching tools put on board the Sloop " Chance " for 1,000 men. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 159. 1 page. Another copy, Vol. 12, No. 167, enclosed by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Sir G. Carleton, 4 July. Monmouth County Inhabitants to General Washington. 1782, April 14. Monmouth. — Address. Demanding vengeance for the murder of Captain Huddy. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 73. 6 pages. Qy. enclosure No. 1 in Washington's original letter of 21 April. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 365. Maj. Gen. Charles O'Hara. 1782, April 14. — Return of a detachment intended for the relief of Jamaica. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 158. 1 page. Another copy — Vol. 12, No. 168 — enclosed by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Sir G. Carleton, 4 July. William Deane Poyntz to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 14. New York. — Transmits copy of a letter con- taining a new proposal for furnishing sums necessary for the sub- sistence of prisoners of war at Lancaster. Cannot say how far the proposal is adequate to the establishment of a certain fund, but as the terms are more advantageous than those entered into by His Excellency's command, he thought it right to send them. Copy. Vol. 39, No. 74. 1 page. Enclosed by Wm. Deane Poyntz to Sir G. Carleton, 24 May. Board of General and Field Officers. 1782, April 15. South Carolina, Head Quarters. — Report on the Commander-in-Chief's letter of the 14th ult., recmiring 2,000 men to be held in readiness for embarkation. Nine reasons why such a course is inexpedient and may be injurious to His Majesty's service. Original. Vol. 23, No. 124. 5 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 17 April. Another copy. Vol. 26, No. 83. 6 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Comrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 15. New York. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 77. 4 pages. No. 74, 2 pages, marked iTlVdtC Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 243. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, April 15. New York. — Believes that the enemy will not establish themselves at Georgetown while there is a superiority in 452 galleys at that place, but if that should not be the case, they may store their provisions and arms there. As Cols. Stewart and Coates will embark with their respective regiments, the inconvenience of the two Hessian Colonels being senior to them will be removed. Wishes it was in his power to reinforce him. Last returns from South Carolina state 5,035 regular troops are fit for duty there. " And Dr. Hayes tells me there were not 30 sick in the General Hospitals, so that of the 600 sick specified in the last returns I natter myself there are few that could not on emergency serve. My opinion does not altogether coincide with your observations respect- ing the deductions to be made for the various services enumerated by you, as I conceive that most under that description may be generally of use to an army that does not march, and there is an order for all servants to do duty when wanted. ... I shall approve much of the reduction you propose in the department of the Quarter Master General. . . . The Lieutenant Colonels of the 3d and 19th Regiments, whom I had appointed to act as Brigadiers in this country, will, of course, embark as Lieut. Colonels with their respective corps, and cease to do duty as Brigadiers until they return. As General O'Hara wishes to take Major of Brigade Wynyard with him, you will be so good to permit him to attend him. With respect to the disagreeable predicament which you mention Lt. Colonel Balfour and other officers of rank in the Southern Army stand in, on account of Mr. Greene's threats for Colonel Haynes' execution, I shall consult Lt. Colonel Thompson and let you know my sentiments by the earliest opportunity. I have the honour to be, &c. P.S. — With respect to the civil officers you speak of, that belonged to Lord Cornwallis's Army, I shall consider their situation and let you know by the next opportunity." Copy. Vol. 23, No. 121. 5 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Col. James Moncrief. 1782, April 15. New York. — Dear Moncrief,— If at this time your post is unthreatened there is little danger of an attempt this summer, altho' I firmly believe they will try their hand next winter, but as this will depend upon what happens in the West Indies, I heartily wish it was in my power to reinforce your General to enable him to disperse Green's army. Alas ! that is not in my power, and for defensive he has too much at this season at least. By his last returns he has 5,035 rank and file fit for duty in Charlestown and its environs, besides a tolerable good and numerous militia, from these he can well spare, at least so we all say here, 2,000 for the summer. I have therefore ordered that number for embarkation, 'tis not a wanton call as you will see, Jamaica is certainly threatened, and I really believe if Guichen's reinforcement is not too late, and the Spaniards from Havannah dispersed by the storm we are told they met with, that it will be attacked, to try to save it is certainly our duty, and for that purpose I detach from the only post we can, with most positive orders, however, to return to me the instant this service is performed, or this coast attacked. I fear without the refugees can 453 keep it you must give up your post of Quarter House, which, except, perhaps, in case of serious attack, is not of consequence enough to employ 2,000 men, and which must be a very sickly station in summer. Lord Dunmore is arrived, he tells me you think that a post might be established at Old Point Comfort and Sewell's Point that would secure James River, he tells me further that looking towards it, you have already prepared a quantity of materials ; if therefore it should be in our power in better days to go there in such force and remain long enough to establish a post, and it can be kept afterwards with a small force, I request you to go on providing such materials as you shall judge necessary, and if your post of Charlestown is not threatened early in June, and a good and safe opportunity offers for this place, I should wish you to come that we may consult together as well for that as for the security of this. Believe me, dear Mon- crief, ever your faithful friend. The arming negroes requires a little consideration. I will, as soon as possible, let you know my ideas. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 122. 3 pages. John Maxwell to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 15. Providence. — No. 11. Captain Chamberlain, with two transports, containing stores and 182 men, have safely arrived, 25 of the latter are of no service owing to wounds they have received. Desires a surgeon or mate to be appointed immediately. Wishes that an engineer could be sent to report what has been done, and might be done at Providence. Requests him to appoint George Bunch as ensign, with orders to remain at Providence. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 102*. 1 page. Case of Huddy and Lippincott. 1782, April 15.— Depositions of Daniel Randolph, John North, Aaron White, John Russel and William Borden. Copies. Vol. 17, Nos. 66, 67, 68, 69, 70. Qy. Enclosures Nos. 2 to 6 in Washington's original letter of 21 April. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 399, &c. Earl of Shelburne to Brig. General John Campbell. 1782, April 15. Whitehall. Copy. Vol. 49, No. 21. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton, 17 Aug. Copv in Vol. 49, No. 23 ; draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 406, fo. 5 ; copy Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21809, fo. 225. Earl of Shelburne to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 15. Whitehall.— Secret. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 85. 2 pages. Duplicate, No. 81. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 17. 454 Stores. 1782, April 15. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beef, pork, butter and oatmeal shipped on board the " George " navy transport victualler, for the use of the troops at New York ; with weights of the firkins of butter. Receipt for same as supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler. Signed by the captain, Robert Landbrugh. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 64 and 63. 4 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by John Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief, 28 April. [Sir Henry Clinton] to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, April 16. New York. — Directing bim to pay £500 sterling to Capt. C. Handheld, paymaster of absent corps, who requires it for demands of intermediate pay due to men of the Convention Army. This, with the acquittance of Captain Handheld, shall be sufficient authority for so doing. Draft. Vol. 24,' No. 160. 1 page. \ Hugh Connor to A. Piggott, Office of Accounts. 1782, April 16. Winchester Street.— Is grateful to Mr. Edmund Burke for mentioning his unfortunate brother. Encloses a paper giving particulars of that brother's misfortunes ; begs him to acquaint Sir Guy Carleton of the same, and hopes he will grant him some assistance. Case of Michael Connor follows. That he was forced to leave Philadelphia or swear allegiance to Congress. Is at New York living on the bounty of friends, and begs some civil department at New York under the Commissary General, Office of Ordnance, or some other situation. Originals. Vol. 30, Nos. 57 and 58. 1 page each. Enclosed by A. Piggott to Sir G. Carleton, 14 May. Sir Henry Clinton to William Deane Poyntz. 1782, April 17. New York.— Acknowledges letter of 14th inst.> relative to a fresh proposal for furnishing money for subsistence of the British who are prisoners in the rebel country. Having the utmost confidence in his zeal and attention to the public service he leaves it entirely to his judgment and £discretion'|to carry it into execution. [ Signed copy. Vol. 39, No. 75.| I'page. ! Enclosed by Wm. Deane Poyntz*to Sir Guy Carleton, 24 May. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 17. Elizabeth Town.— Received dispatch of 15th April ftudfthe Minute* of [the Council of War. Enclose^paper No. 1 delivered to Washington's Commissioners, with their ^'answer, also reply No. 2, with the answer received this day, which is to be con- sidered their ultimatum, and to which they request an immediate answer. They request His Excellency to give particular instructions 455 upon the proposals and demands contained in the last paper, and Captain Churchill will return with them without loss of time. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 91. 1 page. Enclosures : — Commes. Dalrymple and Elliot to [Knox and Morris.] 1782, April 16. Elizabeth Town. — Explain cause of delay in answering their letter of the \Ath inst. In order to make the proposal " that each party shall in future subsist their own prisoners " effective powers must be vested in persons properly appointed to purchase provisions should any accident happen to those intended for their use. They expect Washington's Commissioners will recede from their declaration against the purchase of provisions by British Commissaries ; otherwise they propose the prisoners be maintained as formerly. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 90. 2 pages. 1782, April 16. Elizabeth Town. — Answer to the above. The purchase of provisions in America by British Commis- saries cannot be permitted. Danger of cross accidents may be provided against by laying up sufficient magazines in due season. The proposition that prisoners be maintained as formerly appears too indefinite for a direct positive answer. They therefore request an explanation as to the articles of ration, and propose that Commissaries duly authorized to settle past accounts meet at some place on the first of June next. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 89. 2 pages. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Knox and Morris. 1782, April 16. Elizabeth Town. — In answer to the paper of this date they observe that many accidents may prevent the laying up sufficient magazines in proper season ; provisions might become unfit for use and be liable to be destroyed by fire and the casualties of war. In offering their proposition for the maintenance of prisoners they had in view the 5th article of Cornivallis's capitulation. Their anxiety to bring this business to a conclusion prompts this early answer. They will transmit to Clinton the American Commissioners'' proposal for the meeting of Commissaries to settle past accounts. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 88. 2 pages. Commrs. Knox and Morris to Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 17. Elizabeth Town. — It would be most agree- able that prisoners be fed with provisions sent in from the opposite lines. But they will consent to fix the value of the ration at 8d. sterling, and wood at 20s. sterling per cord, under the idea that American prisoners be furnished with like articles at the same rate. And that the accounts may be regularly settled they propose that persons be appointed by the respective generals and allowed to reside at places where prisoners are confined. Accounts to be settled every 3 months and the balance 456 paid at Philadelphia or New York. That Sir Henry Clinton should fay £50,000 sterling on account of provisions and fuel from 1st January last until 1st June next. Prices of flesh, bread, spirits, &c. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 87. 2 pages. Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 17. Elizabeth Town. — Acknowledge private letter of 15th. Refer to their public letter of this day and explain their remarks as to their negotiations. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 86. 2 pages. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782. April 17. Camp near Charles Town. — Is honoured with despatches of the 14th, two of 19th, 26th and 27th March. In reply refers him to the report of the board of officers respecting the sending of troops from Charlestown ; considers such an action would lead to the fall of Charlestown or Savannah and that it would be better to evacuate these places than leave them in such a weak state. Encloses extract of letter from Brig. Gen. Clarke with an enclosure. Thanks for accepting the recommendation of Governor Graham ; will fulfil command as to appointment of Capt. Baddely. His attention will be always towards the French troops in Virginia, and reinforcements sent from there to the rebel army. At present has heard of none coming besides the Duke of Lauzun's legion. Will send no troops from Charlestown until he has reply to this. Signed letters. Vol. 23, No. 125 ; 26, No. 92. 3 and 2 pages. Enclosing Brig. Gen. Clarke to Lt. Gen. Leslie, 11 April ; with letter from Henry Pumphrey, deserter. Report of Board of General and Field Officers, 15 April. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 17. Camp. — Has exchanged Capt. Barry ; desires to know whether he or Capt. Stapleton is to continue in the Adjutant General's line here. Capt. Barry wishes to return to England to join the 52nd regt. Proposes a garrison company for Fort Arbuth- not from troops at Charlestown ; requests orders on this matter. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 128. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to [Sir Henry Clinton.] 1782, April 17. Camp near Charlestown. — Recommends for pro- motion Major Weymss and Brevet Major Stuart. There are other old officers whom he should like promoted. Reminds him that the two Hessian Colonels at Charlestown — i.e., Westerhagen and Benning — are senior to the three British Brigadiers in the district. Desires to receive instructions respecting the waggons and horses of the Quarter Master General's Department. Frigates or sloops of war are much needed on this coast. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 129. 2 pages. 457 Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 17. — Has received another letter from Brig. Gen. Clarke at Savannah. On the 13th three large schooners and 2 sloops arrived in that river : they proceeded towards Beaulieu, returned and anchored at the bar, and hoisted French colours. Will send a reinforcement if necessary. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 130. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 17. — Sir, — I am sorry your Excellency dont yet agree to my going to Europe. I assure you, independent of my bad state of health, and ten years constant service, family matters require it more and more by every letter from home. I refer your Excellency to Genl. Robertson on this head. There's in this Province one Lt. Genl., two M. Genls., and two Brigadiers, besides myself ; if it's necessary I will return as soon as ever I get my private concerns settled ; and be assured I am uncap- able to manage the strange perplexed situations of things in these Provinces at this present time. I have the honor to be, &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 131. 1 page. Gov. John Maxwell to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, April 17. Bahamas.— Lieut. Cooper has arrived, and is endeavouring to put the two companies in order. MoncriefT has directed Cooper to assist in the Engineer Department, but has given him no plan. Is glad to find from Admiral Digby's letter that the importance of Bahamas is at last acknowledged. Temporary lodging for the troops is provided. A flag has returned from the Cape ; Don Galvez encamped with 7,000 men, waiting for the French fleet to go against Jamaica, which Rodney's arrival has prevented. 2 copies. Vol. 26, Nos. 93 and 94. 3 pages and 2 pages. Qy. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir H. Clinton, 1 May. Enclosure : — List of ships that sailed from this place [Havannah] the 5th inst. with a convoy bound for Cape Francois. Note at end : — " The vessel which brought the intelligence sailed the 8th of March from Havannah, and was captured the \lth do. N. Almagrar Copy. Vol. 26, No. 95. 1 page. Juan Manuel t>e Cagigal to " Don Juan Campbell." 1782, April 18. Havana. — With reference to prisoners. Signed letter in Spanish. Vol. 26, No. 99. Translation 16, No. 122.* 3 and 2 pages. Enclosing Cartel, see under 18 November, 1781. Enclosed by Juan Laban to Maj. Gen. Campbell, 29 May, 1782. Sir Henry Clinton to Commissioners Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 18. New York. Copies. Vol. 26, Nos. 96 and 97. 2 and 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 247. 458 Dep. Q. M. G. Wm. Handfield to Brig. Gen. John Campbell,. 1782, April 18. Halifax. — Gives particulars respecting the purchasing and arming of the sloops " Gage " and " Howe," the schooner " Buckram," and the brig " Howe." Copy. Vol. 49, No. 12. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 20 April. Also enclosed % Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir G. Carleton, . . June. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 18. Charlestown. — Since writing yesterday he has received a letter from Sir James Wright, in consequence of which he embarks the 30th Regiment on the 20th inst. for that Province. If the Hessian Regiment can be spared hereafter he means to remove it thence here. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 137. 1 page. Benjamin Money, Master of Sloop " Speedwell." [1782], April 18. New Providence. — Report that a Spanish fleet under the command of Don Galvez had arrived at Cape Francois from the Havannah, and encamped while awaiting the French fleet. Hearing the latter were blocked up in Martinique by Rodney, the Spanish fleet returned to Havannah. A flag of truce from Cape Francois to Providence confirms the above. The Spanish fleet on its return had been seen within 30 leagues of the Havannah by two privateer schooners. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 98. 2 pages. Richard Burke to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 19. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — The Treasury desire him to send the memorial from Charles Cooke requesting payment for flour purchased by him for the army, also some papers concerning his claim. They wish him to examine these and acquaint the Board if it was collected to supply the rebel forces and afterwards taken from the rebel magazine, and whether the flour ought to be paid for in England. [For the memorial referred to query see 8 April.] Signed letter . Vol. 26, No. 101. 1 page. Commrs. Knox and Morris to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot 1782, April 19. Elizabeth Town. — Their sentiments on the paper received the 13th are contained in those of the 8th and 14th. They repeat that the purchase of provisions in America by British Com- missaries is inadmissible. They acknowledge themselves disap- pointed that the benevolent intentions of Washington have been frustrated, and lament the consequences that must ensue. Past accounts must be liquidated ; provision for the future subsistence of prisoners must be made. Citizens of the United States of America in all parts of the world must be protected. Neither money nor seamen will be accepted in exchange for soldiers. A final decision 4 59 on disputed points will be left to the British Commander-in-Chief. They acknowledge the politeness and attention received from the Commissioners appointed by Clinton. This is marked on the top, in another hand, " to Sir H. Clinton." Copy. Vol. 26, No. 105. 2 pages. Maj. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple to Commrs. Knox and Morris. 1782, April 19. Elizabeth Town. — Proposal that the cessation of hostilities, within the limits already agreed on, continue 24 hours after the departure of the Commissioners from Elizabeth Town. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 108. 1 page. Commrs. Knox and Morris to Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot. 1782, April 19. Elizabeth Town.— Agree to the above proposal. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 106. 1 page. Maj. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 19. Elizabeth Town. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 103. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 251. Enclosure : — Commrs. Dalrymple and Elliot to Commrs. Knox and Morris. 1782, April 19. Elizabeth Town. — In their paper of the 13th inst. they made every humane and consistent offer in hopes of effecting a general cartel. To prevent difficulties they pointed out a mode by which each party should in future subsist its own prisoners. Were concerned to find the Commissioners would not consent to the proposed exchange until past accounts were settled, and that they rejected the only alternative by which the proposed mode of supplying prisoners could be made effective. These proceedings having been laid before Clinton his Commis- sioners have received orders to close their mission, and to say that the enemy's demand of £50,000 on account of provisions and fuel is inadmissible. As a general cartel is not agreed to, the prisoners must continue to be supported by the captors. They acknowledge politeness and attention, and regret the benevolent purposes of the meeting are frustrated. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 104. 3 pages. Case of Huddy and Lippincott. 1782, April 19. — Deposition of William Borden, with certificates by John Walton, Capt. L. D., and David 5 Forman. Original. Vol. 17, No. 72. 3 pages. f~ \ W f Qy. Enclosure No. 8 in Washington's original letter of 21 April. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 423. Major John Ross. [1782], April 19. Oswego. — Memorandum signed John Ross, Major. The vigilance recommended attended to ; exertions redoubled ; nothing discovered on his part as yet. Original. Vol. 11, No. 203.* 1 page. 460 Earl of Shelburne to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, April 19. Whitehall. — The British recruits to proceed from Portsmouth to Halifax ; the commanding officer will deliver this letter, and it is the King's pleasure that he and the recruits he brings be under Campbell's command. He is to acquaint Carleton of the arrival of the troops and forward to him the enclosed letter. Copy. Vol. 49, No. 28. 1 page. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir G. Carleton, 20 August. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 406, fo. 9, dated 20th. Earl of Shelburne to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 19. Whitehall.— The transports and victuallers intended for New York with British recruits, stores and provisions, have been delayed, and it is now proposed to send them to Halifax for reasons stated in his letter of 15th inst. ; Brig. Gen. Campbell is to advise of the arrival of this convoy. German recruits to be ordered to proceed to assist Penobscot. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 107. 2 pages. Stores. 1782, April 19. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beef, pork and butter shipped on board the " Christiana " navy transport victualler, for the use of the troops in Georgia. Receipt by Hercules Angus, master, for same as supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 58 and 57. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by John Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief, 28 April. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 20. Halifax.— Acknowledges letter of 26 March. Hopes the enclosed papers will show that the report made by Bridgham to the Inspector General is false and malicious, especially regarding the Nova Scotia Volunteers. Complaints of Bridgham. Encloses paper on the vessels " Gage," " Howe " and " Buckram," and returns from Major Monk showing the number of Nova Scotia Volunteers on these ships. Requests him to send copies of all orders, rules and regulations concerning the provincial corps ; did not know there was one prohibiting enlisting rebel prisoners, else Heyden should not have done so ; has ordered him to return all those he had enlisted. Lt. Col. Rogers' corps shall be sent, as soon as navigation is open, to the Island of St. John, to relieve the five companies of Hierlihy at that place, incorporated with the Nova Scotia Volunteers. Signed letter,. Vol. 49, No. 11. 5 pages. Enclosing Wm. Handheld to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 18 April. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir G. Carleton, 24 June. • Sir Henry C[linton] to Governor William Franklin. 1782, April 20. Head Quarters. — To enquire into the alleged murder of Huddy. Copy. Vol. 29, No. 147. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 303 ; 144, fo. 491 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. 4B1 Illtreatment op Loyalists. 1782, April 20. New York State.— Deposition of John Tilton before Wm. Walton. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 118. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 25 April, 1782. Copies in Vol. 17, Nos. 26 and 38. and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 327. Michael Lownsbury to Lt. Genl. James Robertson. 1782, April 20. — Memorial for assistance. Certified by Peter Huggeford, surgeon ; also by Joshua Pell and Jonathan Fowler, and with note on the back by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., 27 April, granting rations. Original. Vol. 31, No. 177. 1 page. Hugh Mackenzie to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. 1782, April 20. New York. — Petition setting forth his sufferings on account of his loyalty, and praying his wife and children may have some place to live in and be allowed rations. With certificate, signed J. Chew, Secretary for Indian Affairs, same date. Original. Vol. 29, No. 197. 2 pages. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 21 . Halifax. — Has received his of 26 March, respecting works to be carried on at Halifax, and also Capt. Spry's minutes thereon. Approves, but has not sufficient troops to accomplish ; has not even enough men to defend the posts if attacked by the French. Desires permission to withdraw post at the eastern battery and to reinforce Georges Island, with which, Fort Massey and Citadel Hill, considers he could make a good defence. Is now repairing damages at batteries and building barracks at Georges Island and Fort Massey. Will send Major Skinner to Penobscot by first ship, and request Hartcup to return. P.S. — Recommends memorial from Ensign Wood. Signed letter. Vol. 49, No. 13. 2 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Gen. Sir G. Carleton, 24 June. Case of Huddy and Lippincott. Declaration by the Loyalist Refugees, headed by the copy of a label found on Huddy's breast — " Up goes Huddy for Philip White." Copy. Vol. 17, No. 71. 1 page. Qy. Enclosure No. 7 in Washington's original letter of 21 April. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fos. 467 and 419. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 21. Head Quarters. — (Printed in Sparks's Washing- ton VIII. 264.) Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 109. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 395 ; 144, fo. 113 ; 144, fo. 495 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. 462 John Allin, refugee from Bergen Co., to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 22. New York. — Petition for assistance, with certi- ficate signed James Hallett and others, a recommendation by Mr. Franklin for the Board of Associated Loyalists, 29 April, and note from Thomas Murray, A.D.C., granting rations, 3 May. Original. Vol. 29, Nos. 108 and 107. 2 'pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to [Major Duncan Drummond]. 1782. April 22. New York. — Requests a speedy answer to his letters of 21 March and 8 April, and to know his determination respecting the accounts of the Quarter Master and Barrack Master Generals. Draft and copy. Vol. 24, Nos. 63 and 64. 1 page each. Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, April 22. New York. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 110. 20 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 375. Maj. Duncan Drummond to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 22. New York. — Cannot investigate the late Com- missary General's a/cs fully, as most of the original papers are in England ; gives a list ; thinks they had better be settled there. If so will commence examining those of the present Commissary General. Refers him to previous remarks on this subject ; suggests improvements in the establishments ; believes expenditure might be lessened by a stoppage for rations of provisions issued from the King's stores to the staff of the army, etc. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 65. 3 pages. Andrew Finucane to Capt. John Smith. 1782, April 22. Halifax. — Has received his of 26 March. Com- municated to Brig. Gen. Campbell the part concerning him, who returns thanks. Remarks on the appointment of Mr. Shaw as Provost Martial (sic). Campbell has ordered him to do duty as deputy Muster Master General of Provincial Forces in Nova Scotia in the absence of Skinner who is to take command of Fort George, Penobscot. Desires confirmation of this appointment. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 64. 2 pages. Illtreatment of Loyalists. 1782, April 22. Office of Police. — Deposition of Rodah Pew. Original. Vol. 29, No. 116. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 25 April. Copies in Vol. 17, Nos. 24 and 39, 2 pages each ; and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 319. William Jordan to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 22. New York. — Memorial. Begs he may receive the vacant ensigncy in the Queen's Rangers. Original. Vol. 50, No. 137. 1 page. 463 Earl of Shelburne to General Haldimand. 1782, April 22. Whitehall— Most secret. Copies. Vol. 26, Nos. Ill and 112. 7 and 5 pages. Signed letter in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21705, fo. 44 ; copy 21710, fo. 102 ; draft Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Quebec, 19, No. 76 ; copy Am. & W. I. 685, fo. 249. Edward Blackney. 1782, April 28. New York. — Memorial. Having lost all through the rebellion, he requests some provision for himself and wife. With recommendation by Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, same date, and note bv Thomas Murray, Aide-de-Camp, ordering rations, 27 April. Original. Vol. 25, No. 280. 2 pages. Maj. Duncan Drummond to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 23. New York. — A severe illness has prevented his answer to letters of the 21st ultimo and 8th inst. Received yesterday that of the 22nd. Cannot interfere further with the last accounts of the Quarter Master and Barrack Master Generals, as he transmits to the Treasury copies of his remarks and reports of the Board, and it does not become him to judge on either. Copy. Vol. 24, No. 66. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Lord George Germain. 1782, April 23. Camp near Charles Town. — My Lord, — Since I had the honor to address your Lordship, on the 2d inst., nothing very essential has occured. The enemy still keep their position extending from the west side of the Ashley towards Eddisto. Their present force may be estimated as somewhat more than two thousand five hundred men, exclusive of militia, and their hopes of immediate reinforcement five hundred to complete the Virginia line, with the French Legion of the Duke de Lauzun, about three hundred ; tho' I doubt not every effort will be made by General Greene to draw hither a larger body of French troops ; to induce which I have reason to believe Colonel Lee, with other officers of consideration, have been sent from his army to the northward. To these expecta- tions and views may be added their prospect of soon rilling up the South Carolina line, which, being nearly annihilated by the siege and many actions in this country, required thirteen hundred men to reform it. This they are now attempting in North Carolina, at the enormous bounty of three negroes for each recruit, to be paid by instalments, at the specified periods of their enlistments. On our part, I have endeavoured by frequent excursions of cavalry, sustained by infantry, to irritate the enemy and harrass their detached posts, and tho', from the nature of such operations, no decided consequences could be expected, yet, I am happy to inform your Lordship, they have been hitherto successful to the extent of their objects ; and, at the same time, that they were distressing to the rebels, gave confidence to the King's troops, and served to animate a defensive situation. 464 Some few days since I received from the Commander in Chief a dispatch, dated the 14th ultimo, requiring a corps of two thousand men from hence, which, from the high consequence of its object to this country and his Majesty's service, 1 immediately referred to a Board of the principal officers here, whose opinion being unanimous against such a measure in the present state of affairs, I shall delay complying with it, until his Excellency shall have decided on the reasons we submitted to him as the grounds of our judgment. The circumstances of this Province in respect to provisions being the same as I stated to your Lordship in my last, and no victuallers having arrived since, I have nothing further to observe on this head, unless it is necessary to add that the troops in Georgia and East Florida are subsisted from hence, those Provinces being included in this command and for every resource dependent on it. And as I conceive the present intentions of the enemy are, by straitening the garrisons of Savannah and Charles Town, to reduce the inhabitants to a want of every necessary, or force them to relinquish the British cause, I must recommend, in the strongest terms, to your Lordship that their wants should be considered m the supplies sent to this army, and that every encouragement should be given to the exporting provisions for this place. It will likewise be expedient, as everything in these parts depends on a superiority in cavalry, that oats should be sent hither from England, which, in this particular, will place us out of reach of those thousand casualties to which your Lordship knows a country at war is ever subjected, and which, in the present instance, more particularly apply. I have the honour, &c. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 113. 3 pages. Illtreatment of Loyalists. 1782, April 23. Office of Police in New York. — Depositions of Lieutenant Josiah Parker, 3rd New Jersey Volunteers, and Clayton Tilton, before William Walton. Originals. Vol. 29, Nos. 117, 119. 1 page each. Enclosed by William Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 25 April. Copies in Vol. 17, No. 25, 27, 36 and 37 ; and in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. 1. 143, fo. 323 and 331. John Maxwell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 23. Providence. — No. 12. Transmits a duplicate of No. 11, and state of the garrison. There will be sent in the return transports ten or fifteen (sic) if they can be got on board. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 102. 1 page. Stores. 1782, April 23. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoices of beef, pork and butter shipped on the " Jackson " and " Peggy " victuallers, for use of the troops in New York. Receipts for same, by the Captains, as supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 49, 61, 50 and 60. 9 pages in all. Enclosed by John Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief, 28 April. 465 Alexr. Thomson to John Smith (Sec. to Sir H. Clinton). 1782, April 23. Halifax.— Acknowledges letter of 27 March, and sends herewith an account of subsistence paid to British and foreign troops, between 25 June, 1780, and 25 December, 1781, equal to £26,696 lis. §\d. Will continue to send such at stated times, and countersign the list of warrants issued to different departments. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 63. 1 page. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 23. War Office. — Major General Pattison to serve as Lieut. Gen. with two aids-de-camp in North America ; his appoint- ment to date from 3rd March inclusive. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 114 ; Vol. 33, No. 203. 1 page each. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 23. War Office. — As there are a number of apothe- caries on the establishment of the New York Hospital, Mr. R. Huddleston is not to return thither, but be placed on half pay. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 115 ; Vol. 33, No. 208. 1 page each. Sarah Wheeler to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 23. New York.— Memorial. Setting forth her husband's services to Government, and praying relief as the property bequeathed her has been confiscated by the usurpers. With recom- mendation by John Sayre, 24 April. Signed. Vol. 26, No. 116. 2 pages. Margaret Bell to Earl of Dunmore. Petition praying help for herself and family, because of the distress she is reduced to on account of her husband's loyalty. Not dated, but with note at foot by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., ordering rations.— New York, 24 April, 1782. Original. Vol. 25, No. 271. 2 pages. Andrew Elliot, Superintendent of the Port. 1782, April 24. Superintendent's Office, New York. — Account of pay due, commencing the 25th January and ending the 24th April, 1782, both days included, and also the disbursements during the said time. £447 10s. 2d. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 118. 1 page. Stores. 1782, April 24. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Invoice of beet, pork and butter shipped on the " Robert and Jane," navy transport victualler, for use of the troops in Georgia. Receipt by the captain for same as supplied by John Marsh, agent victualler. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 54 and 55. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosed by John Marsh to the Commander in Chief, 28 April. 2g 466 Troops. February 24. — Account of subsistence for the Grenadier ""' A P rl124 - Company and odd men of the 43rd Regiment. £250 10s. Duplicate. Vol. 24, No. 67. 1 page. February 24. __Account of subsistence for the 69th Regi- l'«A April 24. ment . £1069 Original. Vol. 31, No. 86. 1 page. 1781. December 25. — Account of subsistence for the 84th Regi- 1782, April 24. ment £16 Q 0s 2 d. Vol. 28, No. 136. 1 page. February 24 — Abstract of cash, £303 14s. 6rf., paid to non- w > April 24. commissioned officers and men of absent regiments. Signed, Charles Handheld, Paymaster of absent corps. Vol. 24, No. 39. 1 page. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 25. New York. — Minutes. That a court-martial should investigate the affair of the death of Capt. Huddy. Original, signed James Robertson. Vol. 29, No. 125. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 355 ; 144, fo. 121. Sir Henry Clinton to Governor William Franklin. 1782, April 25. New York. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 33. 1 page. Copies in Vol. 29, No. 148 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 307. Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, April 25. New York. Draft or copy. Vol. 26, No. 117. 3 pages. Copies in Vol. 22, No. 99 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 451 ; 144, fo. 499 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Commissioners Sir Henry Clinton and Rear Admiral Digby to Lieut. Gen. Robertson and the Board of Officers. 1782, April 25. New York. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 124. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 351 ; 144, fo. 117 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 32 L 467 William Franklin (President of the Board of Associated Loyalists) to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 25. New York. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 122. 2 pages. Enclosing Daniel Cox to Lieut. Col. De Lancey, 9 April. S. S. Blowers to Commissary Chaloner, 8 April. Gov. Franklin to Capt. Lippincott, 9 April. Copies in Vol. 17, No. 28 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 335. William Franklin (President) to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 25. New York. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 114. 1 page. Enclosing, besides the following, four depositions, see 20, 22-23 April. Copies in Vol. 17, Nos. 22 and 34 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 311. Enclosure : — 1782, April 25. New York. — State of facts respecting the murders committed on the loyalists in Monmouth County. Original. Vol. 29, No. 115. 3 pages. Copies in Vol. 17, Nos. 23 and 35 ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 315. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 26. Head Quarters. — Minutes of a meeting. Decided that Lippincot and other persons concerned with him in putting Huddy to death be tried by a General Court Martial. The Court to be composed of officers from the regular and provincial corps. The Board decided it would be proper for the Commander-in-Chief to write to the President of the Board of Loyalists to know for whom the three prisoners of war taken by Lippincot were exchanged, and what report he made to the Board on his return from Sandy Hook. They should also give the number of prisoners now in their custody, and in future not exchange any without the Commander-in-Chief's orders. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 119. 2 pages. Merchants of Charlestown, South Carolina, to Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie. 1782, April 26. Charlestown. — Memorial. Are informed that the Court of Police is precluded, by a late order from the Commander- in-Chief, from taking cognizance of debts contracted before the surrender of this capital. Represent that the King had signified his royal approbation of the extension of the jurisdiction of that Court to recognize those contracted before the capitulation. A note at the end states that Sir H. Clinton was never informed of such royal approbation. Signed, Vol. 25, No. 66. 3 pages. 468 Sir Henry Clinton to Governor William Franklin. 1782, April 26. Head Qrs., New York. Draft. Vol. 29, No. 126. 3 pages. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 32. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 359 ; extracts 144, fo. 503 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Maj. Gen. Edward Mathew to Gen. Sir H. Clinton. 1782, April 26. St. Lucia. — Has received his of 11th December ; that sent by Lewis was destroyed at sea with all his despatches, but he had a memorandum of its contents. Thanks for offer of 2,000 men. Rodney's victory has placed the Windward Islands in a state of security, and he hopes his arrival will be in time to save Jamaica from all threatened attacks. Would be glad of light dragoons and negroes. An addition to this letter, dated 8 May, refers to the enclosed letter. Has detached with Rodney the 14th and 69th regiments. His present state of forces in St. Lucia is too weak to attack any of the enemy's islands near him ; desires two schooners to be sent as soon as possible. Transmits return of troops. Signed letter. Vol. 12, No. 146. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Gov. Campbell to Maj. Gen. Mathew, 26 March. William Mullock. 1782, April 26. New York. — Deposition before William Waddell. Respecting the hanging of Daniel Current by the American General, Lord Stirling. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 151. 1 page. Enclosed by Wm. Franklin to Sir H. Clinton, 27 April. Also enclosed, by Sir H. Clinton "to Lt. Gen. Robertson, 30 April. Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner. 1782, April 26. Staaten Island. — Instructions to the Officer commanding the detachment ordered to relieve the Garrison at Sandy Hook Lighthouse. To give a receipt for ammunition, &c, delivered by the officer commanding on this Island. The men not to stroll about the Hook, but be always near the lighthouse. He is not to leave the post without permission. To make a weekly state of the garrison to the officer commanding on Staaten Island. No expedition with refugees or others to be made without permission. Deserters from the enemy, and others coming in from the country to reside are to be sent to Head Quarters on Staaten (sic) Island. To view the Gutt, Spermeceti Cove, the Cedars, and ground in front so as to be able to follow should an enemy pass. These instructions to be delivered to the officer relieving him. Copy. Vol. 45, No. 145. 3 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Skinner to Sir Guy Carleton, 28 May. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 27. Head Quarters, S. Carolina. — Minutes of a meeting signed by Generals Leslie, Gould, Stewart, Coates. Balfour 4 no and Moncrief . That if the Commander-in-Chief judges it absolutely necessary to detach a corps of 2,000 men from the Southern District, the evacuation of Savannah would be a necessary measure ; but the specific instructions of His Excellency would be required before such a step was taken. Original and copy. Vol. 26, Nos. 122 and 124. 2 pages and 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner. 1782, April 27.— Desires that Lieut. Thomas, a continental officer who lately came in a flag of truce to Staten Island, may be re- leased and allowed to return to Elizabeth Town. To report all particulars respecting detention of J. S. Hatfield, and send to New York the other men belonging to the same flag, so that they may be examined and measures taken to procure the release of those refugees now prisoners with the enemy. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 121. 2 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. 1782, April 27. New York. — Hearing an officer under a flag of trace has been detained, has ordered him to be set at liberty. Draft. Vol. 26, No. 120. 1 page. Gov. William Franklin to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 27. New York. — Enclosing report by Lippincot [see 13 April], and maintaining that the Board is ignorant of the particulars of Huddy's reported death, except what is contained in the enclosed paper which Lippincot was preparing when he was seized. Complains of the murders of many loyal British subjects, who have not received the solemnly promised protection. Gives particulars of three instances of retaliation which have had a good effect, and thinks that considering how long the Loyalists have borne with the cruelties of the rebels, it is not surprising they have begun to retaliate. Disapproves of the practice, but fears if the Loyalists are not better treated they will either leave the country or join the rebels. Refers to the enclosures. Will fulfil commands concerning future exchange of prisoners ; sends particulars of those now in custody. Signed letter and copy. Vols. 29, No. 155 ; 17, No. 40. 8 pages each. This, with the enclosures, appears to have been sent on to General Robertson, 30 April. Enclosures : — Report of Capt. Lippincot to the Board of Associated Loyalists, see 13 April. Deposition of William Mullock before William Waddell. see 26 April. 1782, April 27. City of New York. — Oath of Isaac Alyay, or Alyee, before William Waddell. Respecting the hanging of Daniel Current by the Americans and Lord Stirling. Original, Vol. 29, No. 150. 2 pages. 470 New York. — Part of the draft of an intended report on the execution of Joshua Ruddy. Their indignation being excited by many murders of their brethren, they determined to retaliate, and hanged Ruddy as an example, he being the chief agent in the recent murder of Philip White. 2 copies. Vols. 29, No. 154 ; 17, No. 43. 7 pages and 6 pages. Representation of Lieutenant Caleb Mailer y and four others, prisoners, to Major General Pattison, of the cases of a number of Loyalists under sentence of death in Connecticut, &c. Two copies. Vol. 29, No. 149 ; 17, No. 41. 3 pp. & 8 pp, 1782, April 27. New York. — Return of prisoners now in the Provost, belonging to the Associated Loyalists. Signed Walter Chaloner, Commissary of Prisoners to Associated Loyalists. Original. Vol. 29, No. 152.* 1 page. 1782, April 27. — Affidavit of Aaron White before William Waddell as to the murder of Philip White, a Loyalist. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 153. 3 pages. Pennsylvania. Writ of attachment, 27 April, 1782. Allowed 23 July, returnable 24 September, of the goods in the possession of William Henry — i.e., seized from John Tailvour. Vol. 44, Nos. 125-126. 2 pages. Enclosed by John Tailyour to Sir G. Carleton, see end of September, 1782. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 28. Montreal. Duplicate. Vol. 11, No. 208. 7 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 353 ; S.P., Foreign, Various, 321 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 20. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 28. Charles Town. — Has received his despatches Nos. 13, 14 and 15. Military and personal respect make painful his inability to comply fully with the directions to send 2,000 troops from Charlestown to Jamaica. Transmits proceedings of the Board of Officers assembled to consider this subject yesterday. Considers 4,500 men necessary to sustain Charlestown and surrounding posts, and as Green is expected to attack Savannah soon, thinks if Charles- town is weakened Savannah and that post may both be lost. Suggests that assistance be sent to Jamaica from New York, and that the troops be withdrawn from Savannah. Transports will have to be sent for the accommodation of troops and loyalists, if it is resolved to quit either Savannah or Charlestown, as there are no vessels at either of those places. The corps put under Gen. O'Hara, ready for Jamaica, consists of the 19th and 30th, upwards of 1,000 rank and file. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 129. 5 pages. 471 John Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief at New York [Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, April 28. Army Victualling Office, Cork. — Twelve letters transmitting invoices of the cargoes shipped for the forces. Signed letters. Vol. 36, Nos. 48, 52, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 84, 88. 1 page each. John Marsh to the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Georgia [Lt. Gen. Leslie]. 1782, April 28. Army Victualling Office, Cork.— Three letters with regard to the dispatch of provisions and sending invoices. Signed letters. Vol. 36, Nos. 51, 56 and 53. 1 page each. Lt. Col. James Moncrief to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 28. Charles Town.— That a fortified post at the Quarter House should be kept ; if any post can be spared it is the one at Hadrel's Point. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 117. 3 pages. Earl of Shelburne to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 28. Whitehall. — Recommends the bearer, Mr. Leonard, of Boston, New England, as a person deserving favour and protection : the documents in his possession show he has been steadily attached to Government. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 131. 2 pages. Troops. 1782, April 28. Charles Town.— Embarkation return of the 19th and 30th Regiments. Signed Charles O'Hara. Original. Vol. 26, No. 130. 1 page. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Sir H. Clinton, 29 April. Original in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 253 ; copy, State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Gov. Sir James Wright to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 28. Savannah. — -Hopes he will consider his letters of the 16th and 21st February. Desires approval of his son's exchange with Major Grant of Fanning's Regiment. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 115. 1 page. Lewis Blanchard and others. 1782, March 29 and April 29. — Affidavits concerning the treatment of flags. Signed copy. Vol. 25, No. 78. 3 pages. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 29. Head Quarters, New York. — Minutes of a meeting Read letters from Germain, Welbore Ellis, and Lieutenant G?n3ra. 472 Leslie. Discussed questions relative to the detachment to be sent to Jamaica. Resolved — that the Commander-in-Chief send an express vessel to Charlestown with orders to Lieutenant General Leslie to send only twelve hundred men to Jamaica, if he fears any of his posts may be endangered by sending two thousand, also that a battalion will be immediately sent him from this place. Copy. Vol. 26. No. 135. 3 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie. 1782, April 29. New York. — No. 16. Acknowledges receipt of letter of last month. In consequence of representation therein, if O'Hara has not sailed, and if apprehensions are entertained for the safety of Charlestown, he is to send 1,200 men instead of 2,000. A battalion will also be immediately sent from this place. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 132. 1 page. The same marked : — " The Exact Cypher Copv." Vol. 23, No. 133. 2 pages. [Sir Henry Clinton] to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, April 29. New York. — His Majesty having permitted him to resign the command in North America, proposes to set out for Europe in a few days. Lieut. Gen. Robertson will be left in the chief command. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 134. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 29. — Hopes he has permission to return to Europe, as he considers Gen. Gould and the other officers equal to the com- mand. The 3rd Regiment not being recovered from the fatigues of last summer has not gone with O'Hara" to Jamaica. Brigadier Stewart still continues Brigadier, so the two Hessian Colonels are still in the same situation. Hopes to hear from him soon, as he is anxious concerning Savannah. The men of war and two small brigs that went to Providence have not yet returned. All well at St. Augustine five days ago. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 134. 2 pages. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Lord George Germain. 1782, April 29. Charles Town.— No. 5. A few days after de- spatching his letter, No. 4, he received, by Genl. O'Hara, Sir Henry Clinton's orders to detach 2,000 troops to Jamaica. Considered it impossible to send so many without endangering Charlestown and Savannah, so has despatched only two regiments, consisting of a little over one thousand men. Sends copies of his despatches on this subject to Gen. Clinton, including proceedings of two councils of war assembled to settle the matter. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 133. 1 page. Maj. Gen. Chas. O'Hara to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 29. Charles Town. — Announcing his arrival at Charlestown on 26 April. Applied to Lt. Gen. Leslie for the troops 473 intended for relief of Jamaica. Intends setting out for the West Indies with the 19th and 30th Regiments in a few days. Encloses states of these regiments, showing they amount to 1,019 men. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 132. 2 pages. Enclosing Embarkation return of the 19th and 30th Regts., 28 April. Copy of the same sent by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, 4 July. Vol. 12, No. 166. 2 pages. Another copy. Vol. 12, No. 162. 2 pages. COMTE DE ROCHAMBEAU to SlR HENRY CLINTON. 1782, April 29. Williamsburg. — Sends the enclosed. Their paroles are in his possession and the exchange may take place at once if Clinton agrees. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 50. 1 page. Enclosure : — Prospectus of an exchange of the land British officers taken by the fleet of Count de Grasse in 1781. Brig. Gen. Lord Rawdon against Brig. Gen. Scott ; Count de Laumoy, Colonel in the service of the United States, against Joseph Greene, Major of the first battalion of Delancey, and Robert Thimpany, Major of the Uh Batt. N . Jersey Volunteers ; Messrs. Brissant, Descoutures and Verdieres, Lieutenants and Sub-lieutenants in Col. Armand's corps, against Thos. Stanley, Ensign in the British Legion ; — Davis, Lieut, in ditto ; and John Allen, Qr. Master of the 69th. (See also 29 May.) Original. Vol. 15, No. 51. 1 page. Troops. 1782, April 29. Fort Nassau. — Weekly state of two companies of his Majesty's Royal Garrison Battalion, commanded by Lt. Robert McGinnis. Original. Vol. 29, No. 281. 1 page. Board of General Officers. 1782, April 30. New York. — Minutes of a meeting. Original. Vol. 29, No. 157. 2 pages. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 144. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 431 ; 144, fo. 129. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, April 30. New York. — Received this morning his four letters of 17th April, and, in consequence, assembled a Board of General Officers, who agreed that as it appeared to be his inten- tion to delay sending any troops from Charleston till an answer was received, it would then be too late. If, therefore, no troops have been sent to Jamaica the order may be considered countermanded. If, however, 1,200 under O'Hara have been despatched, General Robertson will send him a complete battalion from New York as before proposed. The King has accepted his own resignation of his 474 command, and he intends starting for Europe in a few days, leaving General Robertson in command. Sends copy of orders just received respecting the 71st regiment. Copy. Vol. 23, Nos. 135 and 136. 4 pages. Sir Henry Clinton to Lieut. General James Robertson. 1782, April 30. Head Quarters. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 156. 2 pages. Enclosing letter and affidavits received from Gov. Franklin [see 27th April]. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 427 ; 144, fo. 125 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April 30. Charles Town. — Transmits copies of his public dispatches to the Secretary of State. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 123. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. f 1782, April 30. Charles Town.— Requesting His Excellency's permission for Capt. Barns, lately exchanged, to go direct to England to join his regiment there. Regrets to part with this gentleman. | Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 137. 1 page. Lord Orford to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 30. Norwich. — Recommending Ensign Stevens of the 37th ; formerly an Ensign in the West Norfolk Regiment, who is on the point of going to America. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 44. 1 page. James Rivington. 1782, April 30. New York. — Recapitulation of his accounts for printing. Endorsed : — " Mr. James Rivington' s receipt for £484 15s. sterling, in full payment of his accounts against Sir Henry Clinton's Secretary's Office in the years 1779, 1780, and 1781.'' Copy. Vol. 50, No. 239. 1 page. Earl of Shelburne to Lt. Gov. Arch. Campbell. 1782, April 30. Whitehall. — Expressing confidence in his abilities and zeal ; hopes his exertions for the defence of Jamaica will be crowned with success. Sends duplicate of his letter of the 8th inst. stating that reinforcements and supplies had been sent for his assistance, and that Sir Guy Carleton had orders to help him if necessary. To give Carleton particulars of his situation previous to receiving aid. Extracts. Vol. 26. Nos. 138 and 136. 3 pages and 2 pages. 475 Earl of Shelburne to Maj. Gen. Edward MatheW. 1782, April 30. Whitehall. — Has heard from Clinton that a re- inforcement of 2,000 men had been sent to defend Brimstone Hill, but they can be used for any other emergency if needed. To acquaint Carleton of his situation and designs, as orders have been given to send assistance if necessary. Thinks from information received from Capt. Robertson (respecting the state of the enemy) that a successful attempt might be made to recover the island of St. Christopher ; leaves it, however, to him to decide whether such a step is prudent at the present season. Extracts. Vol. 26, Nos. 142 and 143. 4 pages and 2 pages. John Tailiou to Joshua Loring. 1782, April 30. — Paragraph of a letter. Finds that his permission to remain at Lancaster to supply the. prisoners with stores and necessaries has not yet arrived. Gen. Lincoln objects to his stay. Desires him to apply to Washington immediately ; hopes the permit will soon be sent, otherwise he must return without fulfilling his mission. Vol. 26, No. 45. 1 page. Thomas Townshend to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, April 30. War Office.— On the death of Lt. Gen. Fraser, the two battalions of the 71st are formed into two distinct regiments. Arrangements accordingly. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 141. 3 pages. Duplicate. Vol. 33, Nos. 197 and 200. 4 pages. Enclosures : — Establishment of the list Regt., commanded by Col. Thomas Stirling, from 13 February, 1782, inclusive. ? Copies. Vol. 26, No. 140. Vol. 33, No. 199. 1 page each. Distribution of the Officers of the late Lieut. Gen. Eraser's Regiment into the list (Stirling's) and second 71st (Balcarres > ). Copies. Vol.26, No. 139. 3 pages. Vol 33, #0.198. 3 pages. B. H. Wallop to Lx. Col. Oliver De Lancey. 1782, April 30. Brooklyn. — Sends account of his disbursements for stationery since he has acted on Long Island. Begs payment. Marked : — " Referred to the Board of which Brig. Gen. Clarke is president. 10 December. T. Bibby, A.D.A.G." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 28, No. 164. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, April. Charles Town. — Sends this to advise Admiral Digby of the necessity of increasing the naval force at Charlestown. Regrets to observe a change in the disposition of the people at Charlestown and in the province. The late misfortunes of the British and the acts passed by the S. Carolina Assembly unite to repress motives of allegiance to H. M. Government. Greene's army 476 daily increasing from the number of militia which is joining him ; they are constructing boats and galleys. Some intercepted letters mention a proposed movement of French troops to the southward. In case troops may be ordered from Chariest-own to the West Indies, has considered how many would be required for the defence of Charlestown and its outposts, and finds that very few can be spared from there. An English letter of marque lately brought in a Spanish transport ship with five officers, 70 men, and military stores ; the vessel belonged to the fleet of transports from Havannah to Cape Francois under convoy of seven ships of war ; intends sending the prisoners to Havannah and requesting an equal number of British prisoners to be sent here. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 116. 3 pages. Negotiations with Vermont. 1782, April to July. — Paper containing copy of a letter from • l A. & B. to E." [Sherwood and Smyth to Ira Allen and Maj. Fay], dated Quebec, April ; from " C." to General Haldimand, 16 June, and from " Mr. G." [Jacob Lansingh] to the same, 11 Julv. Copy. Vol. 11, No. 216. 3 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir Guy Carleton, 28 July. Copies in the Public Eecord Office, Am. & W. I. 145 ; Colonial Corres., Quebec, 20 ; State Papers. Foreign, Various, 321 ; Brit. Mus.. Addtl. MSS. 21837 and 21839. Board of Associated Loyalists. 1782, April. — Minutes of Proceedings for the month. Certified by William Franklin. Taken from their Journals. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 48. 23 pages. [Gordon, Biddulph and Gordon.] 1782, April. New York. — Cash account of Wm. Deane Poyntz, Deputy Paymaster General, showing cash paid to him, and, opposite, cash received for bills drawn at New York. Original. Vol. 35, No. 59. 2 pages. 1782, April. New York.— Receipt of clerks in the Secretary's Office for pay, 1 January to 31 March, £139 10s. Copy. Vol. 37, No. 85. 1 page. Sir Henry Clinton to Brig. Gen. Archd. Campbell, Lt. Gov. of Jamaica. 1782, May 1. New York. — That he had dispatched Lt. Gen. O'Hara to Charlestown to take the proposed corps from there to Jamaica, but that Gen. Leslie's representations had delayed any such detachment. As it will now be too late he has decided to ease Gen. Leslie's apprehensions and countermand that order. Has resigned the command to Lt. Gen. Robertson. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 230. 3 pages. 47 7 Gen. Sir Henry Clinton] to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, May 1. New York. — Transmits extract of a letter received from the minister on 28 April, and copies of some enclosures it contained. He is to give such orders to his army in the Southern District, including East Florida and Georgia, as will ensure its compliance to the wishes of the House of Commons as expressed in the above mentioned letter. Draft. Vol. 23, No. 138. 1 page. Andrew Elliot. 1782, May 1. Superintendent General's Office, New York. — Account of pay due to the Superintendent General of the Police and the officers of his Department, commencing the 5th February. 1782, and ending the first day of May, and also the Disbursements during that time. £339 Os. id. Signed copy. Vol. 26, No. 170. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 1. Charles Town.— Sends the enclosed. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 169. 1 page. Enclosing Gov. Maxwell to Lieut. Gen. Leslie, with list of ships that sailed from this place [? Havannah] the 5th inst., with a convoy bound for Cape Francois {see 17 April). William Porter, Deputy Commissary of Musters. 1782, May 1. New York. — Expenses for horse hire, &c, incurred in mustering foreign troops in the district of New York to 24 Decem- ber, 1781. £93 15s. Copy. Vol. 28, No. 49. 3 pages. Provincial Forces. 1782, May 1. New York. — State of his Majesty's Provincial Forces within the district of New York. Original. Vol. 54, No. 73. 3 pages. 1782, May 1. New York.— State of all the Provincial Forces at different periods. Original. Vol. 56, No. 39. 1 page. 1782, May 1. — State of the three battalions of the New Jersey Volunteers. Original. Vol. 29, No. 285. 3 pages. 1782, May 1. — Schedule of papers numbered 1 to 18. Headed and endorsed " Minute." Three of the entries are dated 1 May, 1782, the others have no date added. The first entry is " State of Provincial Forces at different periods." Original. Vol. 29, No. 284, 1 page. 478 Lieut. General James Robertson to General Washington. 1782, May 1. New York. Signed copy. Vol. 26, No. 175. 3 pages. Copy, No. 174. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 297, fo. 315 ; 589, fo. 171 ; 143, fo. 455 ; 144, fo. 507 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Stores. 1782, May 1. London. — Invoice of tents and camp necessaries for 10 battalions of infantry . . . shipped on board the " Steady " transport, Capt. John Ayre, for New York, consigned to the officer commanding his Majesty's forces there. Three copies. Vol. 26, No. 193 ; Vol. 33, Nos. 207 and 211. 2 pages each. 1782, May 1. — Totals of the preceding invoice. Copies. Vol. 26, No. 197* ; Vol. 33, No. 205. 1 page each. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 1. War Office. — Received Sir Henry Clinton's official letter of the 20th with a list of promotions, which shall be laid before the King and answer sent. The date of Crosbie's commission has been altered according to Clinton's desire. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 171 ; Vol. 33, No. 209. 1 page each. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 1. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 173. 3 pages. Vol. 33, No. 201. 1 page. Enclosure : — List of promotions and leaves of absence. Vol. 26, No. 173.* Also Vol. 33, No. 202. 2 pages each. Case of Huddy and Lippincot. 1782, May 2. — Schedule of papers delivered to Capt. Adye. Signed. Vol. 29, No. 158. 2 pages. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, May 2. New York.— No. 19. Had not time to examine papers regarding Hayne or to consult with Col. Thompson before Gen. O'Hara left New York, so could then give no decisive answer respecting that affair. Has since considered it, but not having received any formal report of the execution of Hayne, and hearing that Gen. Greene's complaint has been answered by Lord Cornwallis, " under whose orders Lt. Col. Balfour is supposed to have acted," considers it improper to give any opinion thereon, especially as he is resigning his command. Refers him to his successor should he have occasion to write again respecting it. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 139. 3 pages. 471) Gov. William Franklin (for Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists) to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 2. New York. Signed letter. Vol. 29, No. 128. 6 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 143, fo. 435. 1782, May 2. — Draft by Daniel Coxe of a proposed paragraph in the above letter. Vol. 46, No. 4. 2 pages. Copy, Vol. 45. No. 117. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 145, fo. 59 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Richard Hallifax to the Commander-in-Chief at New York. 1782, May 2. Albermarle Street. — The medicines ordered by the Secretary at War for the use of the King's forces at New York have been shipped on board the " Holderness " and " Steady " transports, and the invoices for the same placed therein. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 172. 1 page. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 2. War Office. — Encloses a return of tents, camp necessaries and medicines shipped in the " Holderness " transport, for the troops under his command, together with the invoices referred to. Provision has been made therein for 30 battalions of 600 each. Maj. Gen. Tryon having sent last year camp equipage for his regiment, in a ship bound for Halifax, whatever is sent to New York for that corps may be appropriated to the use of others, according as Carleton thinks proper. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 176. Vol. 33, No. 196. 2 pages each. Enclosures : — " Return of camp necessaries, &c, shipped on board the ' Holderness ' Transport for His Majesty's British forces serving in North America, under the command of General Sir Henry Clinton, and compleated 1st April, 1782." (Compare 1 April.) Vol. 26, No. 176.* 1 page. Invoice of medicines, &c, for the use of the army at Neiv York for 1782. Originals. Vol. 54, Nos. 121 and 116. 4 pages and 3 pages. Warrants. 1781, October 16. — List of warrants that have been granted by His 1782, May 2. Excellency Sir Henry Clinton to people that have drawn allowances for their support. Original. Vol. 35, No. 150. 4 pages. 480 Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 3. Charles Town. — Is nappy in the honour of for- warding the intelligence enclosed, which confirms his hopes that the superiority of the King's fleet in the Leeward Islands, under Rodney, has obliged the enemy to abandon their proposed attack on Jamaica. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 178. 1 "page. Accounts, Warrants, &c. 1782, May 4. New York. — A/c of monies paid by John Smith, Esq., for Government service by order of Sir H. Clinton between 1 July and 31 December, 1781, for expresses, incidental expenses, secret services, and to the Paymaster for pay. £5,196 9s. 7d. Copy. Vol. 37, No. 9. 3 pages. 1782, May 4. New York. — A/c of expenses attending the Commissary of A/cs Office paid by Maj. Duncan Drummond for the army in America, £154 3s. 2d., between 1 January and 4 May, inclusive. Signed copy. Vol. 26, No. 179. 1 page. 177S, May 26. — Abstract of the accounts of James Rivington that 1782, May 4. have been paid by John Smith, Esq., Secretary and Paymaster to Sir H. Clinton, £1,001 18s. 3d. Original. Vol. 50, No. 240. 1 page. 1778, January 1 . — A/c for stationery and printing for the Secretaries' 1782, May 4. " Office, £2,690 6s. 3|d. Original. Vol. 37, No. 22. 5 pages. 1782, May 4. New York. — Warrant to pay Edward Winslow, Muster Master General Provincial Forces, by his attorney, Thomas Wallis, the sum of £75 5s. 4d., for disbursements, for travelling charges, stationery and office rent, as per annexed A/c. [See 31 March, 1781.] Original. Vol. 37, No. 139. 1 page. General Sir Guy Carleton to John Hamilton. 1782, May 5. — Commission as agent for small craft. Copy. Vol. 38, No. 285. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 675. New York. 1782, May 5. — List of horses drawing forage in New York and its Dependencies, showing names of officers and horses to each ; also various regiments, including provincial troops. Original. Vol. 52, No. 14. 5 pages. 481 Warrants. 1782, May 5. Head Quarters, New York.— No. 1. To pay Lieut. iUex. Gray, Acting Paymaster to the 40th Regiment, the sum of £970 18s. A.d., being for subsistence as per annexed A/c [to 24 June, which see]. Printed copy. Vol. 27, No. 72. 1 page. 1782, May 5. New York.— No. 2. To pay Capt. Charles Hand- field, Paymaster of the 22nd Regiment, the sum of £1,131 lis., being for subsistence for said regiment as per annexed A/c [to 24 June, which see]. Printed copy. Vol. 27, No. 78. 1 page. General Washington to Lieut. General Robertson. 1782, May 5. Head Quarters. (Printed in Sparks's Washington VIII., 281, dated 4 May.) Copy. Vol. 15, No. 48. 3 pages. Extracts, Nos. 45 and 56 (dated 4 May). Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 297, fo. 319 ; 589, fo. 172 ; 143, fo. 459 ; 144, fo. 511 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321; and elsewhere. Board op Officers. 1782, May 6. Charles Town.— Report, by Lt. Col. John Harris Cruger, of a Board of Field Officers ordered to enquire into a deficiency in the measurement of provisions issued to the troops, &c, by the Deputy Commissary General. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 114. 2 pages. Enclosed by Edward Scott to John Smith, 8 May. Gov. William Franklin to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 6. New York. — In 3rd person. Suggests that the court-martial ordered for the trial of Lippincott be postponed, in order that His Excellency may have the opportunity of examining the peculiar circumstances of the case. Desires him to send to Gen. Clinton for the papers he has received from the Board of Associated Loyalists on that subject, as they will show him the importance of the affair. i Original and copy. Vol. 17, No. 54 ; Vol. 46, No. 5. 1 page each. Gov. John Maxwell to the Commanding Officer at Charlestown [Lt. Gen. Leslie]. 1782, May 6. Bahamas, Providence. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 120. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Browne to Sir H. Clinton, 25 May. Copy in Vol. 17, No. 127 ; signed letter, Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Bahamas, 10 ; copies, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 243 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. 2a 482 New Providence. 1782, May 6. Fort Nassau. — State of the troops on the Island. Original, signed John Maxwell. Vol. 17, No. 119. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Maxwell to Sir H. Clinton, 14 May, 1782. Also in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Bahamas, 10. Maj. Gen. Charles O'Hara to Capt. John Colpoys. 1782, May 6. " Orpheus " at Sea. — Suggests that owing to the advancement of the season and the small number of troops, it would be more expedient to go direct to Jamaica to relieve it against the invasion which daily threatens it, than to go first to the Leeward Islands and communicate with Rodney. Is aware that this pro- position is contrary to Digby's orders, and the opinion of the Council of War, but the circumstances now are different from those under which their wishes on the subject were expressed, and he believes the above reasons will justify the proposed change in the route to be taken by the troops. Copies. Vol. 12, Nos. 161 and 165. 3 pages each. Enclosed by Maj. Gen. O'Hara to Sir G. Carleton, 4 July. Prisoners. 1782, May 6. — Comparative view of British and American prisoners, showing a balance due the Americans of 950. 1782, May 6. New York. — Return of British and German officers, prisoners to the Americans, on parole within the lines. 1782, May 6. New York. — Return of American officers, prisoners to the British, on parole. 1782, May 6. New York. — Return of British officers, prisoners with the Americans. All signed by Joshua Loring, Commissary General of Prisoners. Vol. 26, Nos. 182, 183, 184, and 185. 1 page each. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 6. War Office.— Has laid before the King Clinton's list of promotions dated 20th March last ; the same approved, with the exception of Ensign Allen, who has been promoted recently to the Lieutenancy, as stated in letter to Clinton of 6 March. To appoint another to that vacancy. Almost all the 16th Regiment having been captured in West Florida, and most of the officers since returned to Great Britain, that regiment is considered as upon the home establishment, and the remainder of the officers are to be sent home. Sends a list of Lieutenants promoted, the vacancies to be filled up by purchase. Remarks on Surgeon Chissolm's appoint- ment. With list of officers appointed Captains in the New Indepen- dent Companies. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 186. Vol. 33, No. 213. 3 pages each. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Governor William Livingston. 1782, May 7. New York. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 191. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fos. 33 and 515 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321, 4SS Sir Guy Carleton to General Washington. 1782, May 7. New York.— (Printed in Sparks's Washington VIII. 536.) Copy. Vol. 26, No. 190. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 29 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321 ; and elsewhere. Alex. Gillon, Commodore of the Navy of S. Carolina, to John Maxwell, Govr. and Commdr. -in-Chief of the Bahama Is. 1782, May 7. On board the " South Carolina," off Providence.— That his Excellency, Lt. Gen. Cagigal, writes to him (Maxwell) this day offering the terms on which it is hoped the Bahama Islands will be surrendered to Spain. Hopes his humane designs will be met with alacrity. " We know your situation, and, notwithstanding your late reinforcements, are convinced that any opposition you can make to the land and sea forces now in view will be fruitless ; prudence may therefore point out the path you should pursue, and I assure you I shall esteem it one of the happiest circumstances of my life if by any exertions of mine I can stop the effusion of blood, or screen from acts of violence even the enemies of my country." Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 120. 1 page. Enclosed by Gov. Maxwell to Sir H. Clinton, 14 May. Capt. John Stapleton to [ ]. 1782, May 7. Charles Town. — Nothing material has happened since the sailing of the fleet with the troops on board on the 4th inst. Received his Excellency's letter, and took steps to forward its con- tents. Capt. Baddely acts as Barrack Master. Mr. Sweetland arrived from Savannah. Will send official papers by a man of war. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 187. 2 pages. Thomas Sweetland to [ ]. 1782, May 7. Charles Town. — Has leave from Gen. Clarke to return to New York. Has waited on Gen. Leslie. Is grieved to leave the remains of the regiment. Though the duty was severe, was never so happy in his life. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 189. 1 page. Samuel Townsend to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1781 [1782], May 7. Chatham Barracks.— Col. Musgrave will deliver this packet, which contains the embarkation returns of 1,100 men embarked for New York. They are in good health. Each man, besides the usual necessaries, " is provided with a check shirt and trousers, and three shillings when on board to provide him with soap and tobacco." From want of officers has been obliged to send those of three independent companies to take care of the men now sent. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 30, No. 7. 2 pages. 484 Bahama Islands. 1782, May 8. Nassau. — Articles of capitulation at Nassau in New Providence by John Maxwell, Capt. Gen., Gov. and Corndr. in Chief of the Bahama Islands, &c, &c, to Juan Manuel de Cagigal, Capt. Gen. and Comdr. in Chief over the Island of Cuba, &c, &c. Vol. 17, Nos. 121-122. 5 pages. Enclosed by Gov. Maxwell to Sir H. Clinton, 14 May. Copy in the Public Record Office, Colonial Correspondence, Bahamas, 10. Richard Burke to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 8. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.— The Lords of the Treasury have considered Francis Green's memorial requesting £761 12s. for the hire of the sloop " Carleton," and now desire it to be sent for his Excellency's examination and opinion on the facts therein stated. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 192. 1 page. Copy. Vol .46, No .47. I p. George Cherry to [Gen. Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 8. Army Victualling Office, Cowes. — Transmits a bill of lading for and invoice of provisions shipped on the " Nancy " navy transport for the use of the troops at New York. The contracts for these provisions and the date each parcel was received at the stores are noted on the invoice. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 36. 1 page. New York. 1782, May 8. New York. — Return of the number of men, women and children victualled at New York and the out posts, between the 22nd and 28th April, 1782. Signed Peter Paumier, 8 May. Divided into British and Provincial Regiments, Civil Departments and Foreign Regiments. Original. Vol. 26, No. 128. 3 pages. 1782, May 8. New York. — Return of provisions remaining in his Majesty's stores, also what have been received and issued from 3rd March to 27th April, 1782, inclusive, and return of provisions, &c, on hand 28 April. Signed Peter Paumier, Deputy Commissary- General, 8 May. Original. Vol. 26, Nos. 125-126. 3 pages. Edward Scott, Secretary, to John Smith, Secretary to the Comr. in Chief. 1782, May 8. Charlestown. — General Leslie has desired him to make known a difference which has arisen between the Commissary General's and other Departments at Charlestown. The dispute has been caused by the Commissariat using wine measure instead of the usual Winchester bushel in the issuing of rice and other articles. 485 General Leslie wishes to know what is the practice in New York or what directions may have been sent to this post. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 113. 2 pages. Duplicate letter with a P.S. of 17 May. Enclosing Report of a Board of Field Officers on the subject, 6 May. Duplicate autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 112. 2 pages. Rear Admieal Robert Digby to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 9. New York. Signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 115. 2 pages. Copy. No. 116. I page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 211 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 9. Charles Town. — Nothing important happened since the 5th inst. Greene has obtained some militia lately from North Carolina. General O'Hara sailed on the 6th with 1,200 men. No news from England or any other part, except Providence. Received letters from Savannah the 3rd inst. reporting all well there. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 188. 1 page. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 9. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Signed letters. Vol. 26, No. 194 ; Vol. 33, No. 206. 1 page each. Enclosing Invoice of tents and camp necessaries for 10 battalions of infantry, 1 May. Transports. 1782, May 9. New York. — Lists of troop ships serving at New York, and, on the facing page, list of troop ships at Charles Town. Signed H. Chads. Original. Vol. 52, No. 25. 2 pages. Lt. Col. Jno. Connolly to Morris Morgan (sic). 1782, May 10. — Reminds him of the assurance that the order should be given to the Inspector General of the Provincial Forces to allow his subsistence to be remitted to England during his leave of absence if he sailed previous to its delivery. Desires that favour may now be granted. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 57. 1 page. Capt. J. James to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. Memorial, not dated, concerning a sum of money he advanced to his regiment, in consequence of the paymaster having been robbed, also a horse he purchased for the regiment. Desires His Excellency to enquire into the matter. Accompanied by certificate from Thomas Miller of 10 May and from Alexander Innes, 4 May. Originals. Vol. 50, Nos. 222 and 221. 2 pages and 1 page. 486 Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 10. War Office.— Encloses extract of the letter of service given to the late General Fraser for raising the 71st Regiment, showing the King's intention that when one of the majors in either battalion died, or was provided for without purchase, he was not to be replaced, as one major was sufficient for each battalion. Notwithstanding this, the establishment of two majors has been suffered to continue, but the King's intention is to be now carried into effect. Has communicated the same to Col. Stirling and Lord Balcarres. Signed letters. Vol. 26, No. 195 ; Vol. 33, No. 212. 2 pages each. Enclosing Sec. at War to Lt. Gen. Fraser, 16 Dec, 1775. Troops. 1782, May 10. New York. — Return of the regiments, corps, officers, &c, &c, who receive fuel in New York, with the number of rooms they respectively draw for. This includes the British Staff, Germans, the various departments — Barrack Master General, Commissary General, Qr. Master General, &c, the British Officers, Provincial Officers, their wives or widows. Also two and a half pages of refugees. Vol. 47, No. 254-255. 25 pages. General Washington to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 10. Head Quarters. — (Printed in Sparks's Washington VIII. 295.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 49. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 37 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321 ; and elsewhere. Sir Guy Carleton to [Earl of Shelburne] 1782, May 11. New Y T ork.— No. 1. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 196. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 25 ; duplicate, State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. William Davies to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 11. New York. — Petition. With order of allowance signed Thomas Murray, 21st June. Endorsed : — " Asks rations. Referred to His Excellency Genl. Robertson. Fredk. Mackenzie, D.A. Genl., 14th June, 1782. 1782, June. Mr. W. Davies. Order for £20, N.Y.C., per year ordered. By His Excellency Lieut. General Robertson." Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 104-105. 2 pages. Frederick Hauser to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 12. New York.— Memorial. Praying to be allowed half pay and other advantages received by persons under his cir- cumstances, he having been made a prisoner while acting as an officer under Cornwallis. Original. Vol. 25, No. 55. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Col. Connolly to [Mr. Morgann], 13 May. 487 Long Island. 1782, May 6-12. — Abstract of men, women and children victualled on Long Island between these dates. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 127. 1 page. Bkig. Gen. Benedict Arnold to SirTGoy Carleton. 1782, May 13. London. — Sir, As we have had very favorable winds for some time after you sailed, I hope e'er this you have arrived safe in New York, and found matters in a better train than our fears had painted them. I am convinced that Mr. Washington will not be able to collect a very formidable army this spring ; and I hope the recruits from hence, and the troops taken at York Town (who we .are told are to be exchanged for seamen), will give your Excellency a very decided superiority over Mr. Washington's army. I believe, considering the fleet which we have in the West Indies, that not much is to be apprehended from that quarter. *[ Lord Shelburne has very politely promised me his friendship, and has hinted his wishes to have me go to New York. But it is opposed (as I apprehend) by some one or more of the gentlemen in administra- tion ; whether he waits for intelligence to make his arrangements, or to know the success of negotiations, I am in doubt, but hope soon to have the matter reduced to a certainty, whether I am to go or not. He has assured me that my detention in England shall not in the least affect my pay or corps. I take the liberty of inclosing a letter for Sir Henry Clinton, which (if he has not left New York) I beg the favor of you (after reading it), to seal and deliver him, as it regards the provincial corps, mine in particular, which I think have been cruelly treated by the misrepresentations and artifice of Col. Innes, who has heretofore been permitted to make such regulations, and give such orders for their government as he thought proper, which, with his frequently withholding pay and clothing from the troops, have tended in a great measure to promote desertions, and prevent recruiting, and every possible discouragement has been thrown in the way of the latter, by the treatment which the provincial officers, and soldiers in general, have received from Colonel Innes. I beg leave to add that when I joined the British Army, I sacrificed a handsome fortune, and very flattering prospects, to what I esteemed my duty, and I am sorry to say that at present my pros- pects are far from being so. I am told that the Secretary of War proposes to incorporate the provincial privates with the British regiments, and disband the officers ; but I have a greater confidence in the wisdom and justice of the nation than to suppose such a measure will ever take place. I have the honor to be . . . &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 30, No. 108. 2 pages. Chief Justice David Brearly to Gov. Livingston. 1782, May 13. Trenton. — Report on case of Hetfield and Bagely. Copy. Vol. 15, No. 57. 4 pages. Enclosed by Gen. Washington to Sir Guy Carleton, 10 June. Copies in Vol. 15, No. 46 ; Public Record Office. Am. & W I 144, fo. 171. Lieut. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, May 13. New York. — Kecommendation of the memorial of John Allen Martin, see the 6th June. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 132. 2 pages. [Sir Guy Carleton] to [Rear Admiral Robert Digby]. 1782, May 13. Draft. Vol. 20, No. 150. 2 pages. Copy. No. 149. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 215; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Lt. Col. John Connolly to Morris Morgan (sic). 1782, May 13. — Encloses and recommends memorial relative to a distressed loyalist, and desires it to be delivered to Sir Guy. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 56. 1 page. Enclosing Memorial of Frederick Hauser, 12 May. Governor William Livingston to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 13. Trenton. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 53. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fos. 157 and 519 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 13. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 26, No. 197 ; Vol. 33, No. 204. 1 page each. Enclosing Return of camp equipage, 1 May. Troops. 1782, May 13. — Return of engineers, assistant engineers, draughts- men and clerks, artificers, labourers, vessels, waggons and horses employed in the Engineer's Department at this date. Collected from the several returns rendered. Robert Morse, Chief Engineer. Original. Vol. 35, No. 2. 3 pages. Charlestown. 1782, May 14. — List and value of houses used for his Majesty's service, with report by R. W. Powell and others. Shewing the street, number of house, proprietor, whether used as barrack, hospital or store, with the amount paid, amounting to £12,350 12s. 3d. Original. Vol. 53, Nos. 116 and 117. Copy, No. 8. Governor William Livingston to General Washington. 1782, May 14. Trenton. — (Printed in Sparks's Correspondence of the American Revolution III. 504.) Extract. Vol. 15, No. 44. 1 page. The same, No. 55. Enclosed by General Washington to General Sir Guy Carleton, 10 June, 1782. Extracts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. T. 144, fo. 175. Gov. John Maxwell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 14. New Providence. — Encloses the capitulation for this island and its dependencies, made 8th of May, with Don Juan Manuel Cagigal. As that force was so far superior to any he could muster, the inhabitants preferred a capitulation to an action with the enemy. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 118. 1 page. Enclosing State of the troops on the Island of New Providence, 6 May. Commodore Gillon to Gov. Maxwell, 7 May. Articles of capitulation at Nassau, 8 May. Gov. John Maxwell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May ] 4. New Providence.— The force Cagigal had with him at New Providence was the second division going to rendezvous at the Cape, where Don Galvez has been sometime. Encloses the most exact account of these forces. Their future operation depends on their success to windward. Had he had more troops, frigates, and an engineer this disaster would not have happened. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 116. 1 page. Enclosure : — Return of the enemies' forces [Spanish and American] against New Providence. Vol. 17. No. 117. 1 page. Also in the Public Record Office, Colonial Corres., Bahamas, 10. A. Piggott to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 14. London. — Mr. Burke is desirous of some assistance being rendered to the brother in New York of a gentleman in whom he is interested. Sends the enclosed. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 30, No. 56. 1 page. Enclosing Hugh Connor to A. Piggot, 16 April, 1782, with case of Michael Connor. Troops. 1782, May 14. New York. — Return of batteaux, boats and scows belonging to the Quarter Master General's Department. Signed H. Chads. Original. Vol. 36, No. 202. 2 pages. Lt. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 15. New York.- — Respecting statements in his letter of 17 July, 1781, and requesting his intercession with General Galvez for enlargement of Maj. Campbell and Capt. Deans. Signed letter. Vol. 16, No. 109. 3 pages. Lt. Col. William Martin. 1782, May 15. New York.— State of the Brigade of Royal Artillery in North America. Addressed to the Commander-in-Chief. Signed Will. Martin. Original. Vol. 36, No. 7. 1 page. 490 1782, May 15. — Monthly return of the Brigade of Royal Artillery in North America. Signed Will. Martin. Original. Vol. 54, No. 71. 2 pages. Hospital Stores. 1782, May 15. London. — "Shipped on board the ' Lucretia ' transport (Capt. J. Wilson), for New York, consigned to Dr. John Nooth, Superintendent General of Hospitals," lamp oil, sweet ditto, together 1,000 gallons. Copy. Vol. 33, No. 216. 1 page. Enclosed by Thomas Townshend to Sir Guy Carleton, 16 May. Lt. Gov. Archibald Campbell to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 16. Spanish Town, Jamaica. — Received his of the 4th and 13th inst. enclosing that of 13th March to the General Officer commanding in the Leeward Islands. Thanks for sending 2,000 men for the relief of Jamaica. Expects he has heard of Rodney's victory over the French fleet. The beaten ships of de Grasse's fleet have gone into the Cape, and England need fear nothing from the French or Spaniards while Rodney is near. A great number of Spanish and French troops and ships are stationed at Cape Francois, and these will probably attack Jamaica after Rodney has left it ; desires more troops to assist his forces in this attack. Has great need of an engineer ; should be glad if Lieutenant Sutherland could be spared from New York to fill that post. Signed letter. Vol. 12, No. 195. 3 pages. George Cherry to [Gen. Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 16. Army Victualling Office, Cowes. — Encloses bill of lading and invoice of provisions shipped on the " Thames " navy transport for use of the troops at New York. The contracts regarding the supplying of these provisions are mentioned on the invoice, with the date each parcel was received at the stores. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 35. 1 page. Lt. Col. William Martin. 1782, May 16. Office of Ordnance, New York.— Abstract of the Civil Branch of the Royal Artillery at Charles Town, Savannah, and Halifax, 1 Jan., 1782. Return of the Civil Branch of Royal Artillery at New York and its Dependencies. Return of the Civil Branch of the Royal Artillery Prisoners of War. A list of the officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery at New- York and its Dependencies. Return of vessels employed in the service of the Royal Artillery. All signed Will. Martin. Originals. Vol. 36, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10. 1 page each. 1782, May 16. Ordnance Office, New York. — List of brass and iron ordnance at Halifax, Charlestown, Savannah, and St. Augustine. Signed Will. Martin. Original. Vol. 54, No. 67. 2 pages 491 1782, May 16. Office of Ordnance, New York. — Return of brass and iron ordnance at New York and its Dependencies. Signed Will Martin. Original. Vol. 56, No. 24. 2 pages. Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 16. War Office.— Sends the enclosed. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 33, No. 215. 1 page. Enclosing Invoice of hospital stores, 15 May. Brook Watson to Morris Morgan (sic). 1782, May 16. New York.— In answer to Mr. Scott's letter, it has been the custom to issue the articles of dry provisions by the Winchester bushel, except in the delivery of very small quantities, when wine measure is used. Signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 27. 1 page. Lieut. S. R. Wilson. 1782, May 16. Brooklyn. — State of a detachment of the Garrison Battalion. Signed by Lt. Saml. Rd. Wilson. Original. Vol. 29, No. 283. 2 pages. [Sir Guy Carleton] to the Governor of Jamaica [Campbell]. 1782, May 17. Head Quarters, New York. — Acquainting of his appointment to the chief command of the forces bordering on the Atlantic Ocean. Draft. Vol. 32, No. 206. 1 page. George Cherry to [Gen. Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 17. Army Victualling Office, Cowes. — Similar letter to that on the 16th, but for the " Ranger " transport. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 34. 1 page. Hanau Troops. 1782, May 17. Fort Knyphausen.— Memorial of Lt. Col. Janecke for £1,000 to enable him to provide subsistence for the Hesse Hanau troops. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 141. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. 1782, May 17. Charles Town. — Received lately two despatches from Clinton notifying his succession as commander of the army ; congratulates him upon this appointment. Was glad to learn the force sent to Jamaica so nearly corresponds to the last directions of Sir Henry. Wayne continues in Georgia, and General Greene remains west of the Ashley. He has lately taken some of the militia, probably to fill the places of some continentals who have retired. Fears from reports and General Maxwell's letters that a Spanish fleet will soon attack the Bahamas. Congratulates him on the news contained in the " enclosed newspaper." Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 111. 3 pages. M Warrant. 1782, May 17. New York.— To pay Capt. John Sargent, Pay- master to the 38th Regt., the sum of £1,047 Is. 8d., being for sub- sistence for said regiment as per annexed a/c [see 24 June]. Printed copy. Vol. 27, No. 76. 1 page. Beriah Norton to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 18. New York. — Memorial as agent for the inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard. Has been two years soliciting Government for payment of stock delivered to Maj. Gen. Grey in 1778 ; that he has incurred very heavy expenses, and involved himself ; seeks some compensation or gratuity which will extricate him. Original and copy. Vol. 52, No. SQ ; Vol. 44, No. 98. 1 page and 2 pages. Earl of Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 18. Whitehall. — Circular. Transmits gazette con- taining particulars of the victory by Rodney over de Grasse's fleet on 12 April, " and the Count taken prisoner." Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 199. 1 page. Richard Veale to [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 18. Office of Ordnance, Portsmouth. — Encloses counterpart of two bills of lading for arms, etc., shipped on the " Lady Amherst " and "Success," ordnance store ships bound for New York, according to orders received from the Ordnance depart- ment on 13 February last (see these enclosures 23 March). Autograph signed letter. Vol. 36, No. 24. 1 page. Brook Watson to Morris Morgan (sic). 1782, May 18. New York. — Received letter of yesterday, enclosing copies of three letters — one from the Secretary to the Treasury, one from the Secretary to the Admiralty, and the third from the Victualling Office. It is impossible to examine into the claims of the Commissioners of the Victualling Office until the account is laid before him ; requests it may be sent for. Signed letter and copy. Vol. 34, Nos. 44 and 30. 1 page each. Peter Paumier, Deputy Commissary General. 1782, May 19. New York.— Memorial for £30,000 for forage and expenses. Signed. Vol. 34, No. 24. 2 pages. Warrant. 1782, May 19. New York.— To pay Lt. Hugh Colvill, Pay- master to the 54th Regiment, the sum of £1,292 13s. I0d., being for subsistence for said regiment as per annexed a/c (see 21 June). Printed copy. Vol. 27, No. 74. 493 Messrs. Gordon, Biddulph and Gordon. 1782, May 20.— Statement of cash. Original. Vol. 35, No. 187. 1 page. George Gracie to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 20. New York. — To recover value for goods for which he had given credit to one Bartlett Allan, of Martha's Vineyard. Original and copy. Vol. 44, Nos. 92 and 95. 2 pages each. John Hardy to Earl of Dunmore. N. D., endorsed 20 May, 1782.— Petition. Was an inhabitant of Norfolk, Virginia. Eepresents loss of his property. With certi- ficate, memoranda, and order for allowance of £30 a year, 1 July. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 108-9. 4 pages. Intelligence. 1782, May 20. — Secret intelligence received from Cape Francois. Preparations for a French and Spanish attack on Jamaica. Signed. Vol. 12, No. 193. 6 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Arch. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton, 15 June, 1782. Copy in Lansdowne House MSS. 168/1, fo. 147. Stores. 1782, May 20. London. — Invoice of the prime cost of sundry articles provided for the Dep6t of His Majesty's forces in North America by the Treasury, and shipped on the " Holdernesse," " Lucretia " and " Steady " transports for New York :— 36,890 pair best calf leather shoes at - 5/6 p. pr. 36,936 pair white yarn stockings - 1/3 p. pr. 13,906 fine frilled shirts - 5/3 p. 6,028 haversacks - 1/- each 12,553 blanketts is 627J pr. 7/4 - 6/6 p. 7,228 Ditto is 3,614 pr. 8/4 - 8/3 p. Copy. Vol. 43, No. 77. 1 page. Enclosed by John Fisher to Sir Guy Carleton, 12 June. General Sir Guy Carleton to General Haldimand. 1782, May 21. Draft. Vol. 47, No. 1. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Brit, Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 24 ; duplicate 21808, fo. 22 ; copy 21806, fo. 25. Lt. Gov. Arch. Campbell to Lt. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, May 21 . Jamaica.—" Dear Sir,— The Spaniards have acted so extremely unjust in the article of your exchange and that of your late garrison by receiving from me an equivalent of officers and men without returning for these six months a ratification of that agree- ment that I consider it my duty to acquaint you of it." Adds list of the 15 names actually exchanged at this island. 494 " As the Spaniards of late have had a greater object in view than the mere exchange of prisoners of war, and seemed to have the ball completely before their feet, they have had the assurance to treat our cartels and agreements with disrespect, but I hope 'ere long to have it in my power to extort from them what at present their arrogance denies. Don Galvez's first aide-de-camp, Colol. Sefior Don Roderiques, and two other officers, were actually exchanged for you, and the others in the same manner ; but I have heard of late that Capt. James Campbell is still in their hands, and that they have been dancing him about the world at the will of Don Galvez. Of this circumstance be pleased to acquaint me that I may take an early occasion to retaliate upon their Counts and Marquis whatever conduct they shew to him." Copy. Vol. 12, No. 200. 4 pages. Governor Patrick Tonyn to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 21. St. Augustine. — Congratulation on Rodney's victory. Alarm in this place at the surrender of island of Providence to Spain on the 10th instant. Desires assistance in their present critical situation. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 173. 2 pages. General Washington to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 21. Head Quarters. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 52. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 223 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Lt. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, May 22. Head Quarters, New York. — No. 1. Announces his appointment as commander of the forces. The Governors of East Florida and Georgia and the officers commanding at Savannah and St. Augustine are ordered to obey such orders as he (Genl. Leslie) may send them. Draft. Vol. 17, No. 159. 2 pages. Commissioners for taking care of Sick and Wounded Seamen to George Harrison, Master of the Tyger transport at Plymouth. 1782, May 22. Office on Tower Hill. — Instructions to receive American prisoners and proceed to the Delaware. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 95. 1 page. Enclosed by George Harrison to Sir Guy Carleton, 20 Aug. Copy in the Public Record Office, S. P., Foreign, Various, 321. Sir Guy Carleton to Lt. General Alexr. Leslie. 1782, May 23. New York. — No. 2. Secret. A day or two after receipt of this he may expect a fleet of transports for the evacuation of Savannah and St. Augustine, to bring off not only troops and stores, but also the loyalists who choose to depart. Attention and assistance to be given to the Governors, etc., and no destruction 495 to be allowed. Even the fortifications to remain uninjured. Intends admitting only troops and stores at New York, and the heavy artillery, etc., to be sent from Sandy Hook to Halifax. Gives direc- tions for the shipping sent from New York and Charlestown ; this last place he shall have evacuated soon, so wishes Leslie to act accordingly, but all to be done with as much secrecy as possible. Draft. 'Vol. 17, No. 158. 4 pages. [Sir Guy Carleton] to General Washington. 1782, May 23. New York. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 202. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 227 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Benjamin Hart, Master of " Maria," to R. Adm. Robert Digby. 1782, May 23. New York.— Memorial. Was granted a flag of truce at Charlestown to go to Virginia on business. At sea, met the " Amphion " and received prisoners with orders to deliver them at Virginia and receive British prisoners in exchange. That before he sailed for New York five of these ran away, seized a sloop and put to sea. Desires to be exonerated from suspicion, and enquiries to be made to detect the perpetrators of the breach of honour. Original. Vol. 38, No. 200. 3 pages. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene. 1782, May 23. Head Quarters.— Capt. Skelly, having stated the queries respecting the papers lately submitted, informs him that these papers were transmitted by Sir Henry Clinton explaining that they were sufficient official authority for a suspension of hostili- ties, the offer of which he now renews. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 109. 2 pages. Enclosed by Lieut. Gen. Leslie to Lieut. Gen. Robertson, 27 May. Printed in the Edinburgh Evening Post, 19 October. Translations in the French Archives. John Karloch. Petition. Praying provisions and a little money to supply his family with necessaries. Not dated, but with a certificate at foot from D. I. Browne, first Major 4th Battalion Jersey Volunteers, dated 23 May, 1782. Accompanied by a certificate from Saml. Isaacs, Surgeon, as to condition of his eyes, and another from Abraham van Buskirk as to his services. With order from the aid de camp to be received into the poor house and Col. Morris to put his name on the list for £40 per annum. Originals. Vol. 25, Nos. Ill, 110 and 112. 4 pages in all. John Marsh, Agent Victualler, to [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 23. Army Victualling Office, Cork.— Forwards receipt for and invoice of provisions shipped on the " John and 496 Humphrey," navy transport, for the use of the troops in New York. The contract for the provisions, and the time they were received at the stores, are mentioned on the invoice. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 33. 1 page. Warrant. 1782, May 23. Head Quarters, New York.— To pay Lt. Col. Janecke £1,000, as commanding the corps of Hanau troops, on account of subsistence for said corps. Original. Vol. 31, No. 140. 1 page. Sir Guy Carleton to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, May 24. New York, Head Quarters. — No. 1. Announcing his appointment to the chief command in America, and requesting all information useful to H. M. service. Draft. Vol. 32, No. 1. 1 page. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Lt. Col. Beamsley Glazier. 1782, May 24. Head Quarters, New York. — Announcing his appointment ; has given orders to Lt. Gen. Leslie. Draft. Vol. 17, No. 154. 1 page. 1782, May 24. Head Quarters, New York. — Similar letters to Gov. Sir James Wright, Brig. Gen. Alured Clarke and Gov. Patrick Tonyn. Drafts. Vol. 17, Nos. 155, 156 and 157. 2 pages each. Commissioners for Sick and Hurt to Francis Maxwell. 1782, May 24. Office on Tower Hill. — Instructions as master of the Symmetry transport at Plymouth to receive on board American prisoners from Plymouth Yard or Mill Prison, and proceed to Baltimore or Philadelphia. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 98. 1 page. Enclosed by Francis Maxwell to Sir G. Carleton, 16 August. Copy in the Public Record Office, S. P., Foreign, Various, 321. William Dalrymple, Qr. Master Gen., to Lt. Col. Delancey. 1782, May 24. New York. — Note. There is no precedent in the Quarter Master General's Office for paying officers or others for acting as Commissary of Prisoners. Two lieutenants of theWaldeck Corps had last February an order from Head Quarters for £100, being amount of a/c for themselves, a serjeant and two privateers from Havana to Jamaica and New York, &c. Signed letter. Vol. 24, No. 112. 1 page. Enclosed by George de Haacke to Maurice Morgan[n], 18 August. Intelligence. 1782, May 24. — Private information respecting the peculation in the public departments. Addressed to General Sir Guy Carleton. 497 It is plain that assistant commissaries, or clerks, on 5s. a day, with large families, cannot live in luxury and keep servants, horses, and chaises, &c. William Butler, formerly a barber to Commissary Lake, at one time had the whole victualling office under his control. His daughter married David Leard (sic), agent for transports, and as owner and agent of 50 or 75 sail, they might charge government what tonnage they pleased. The vessels ought to be measured again. Another of the junto, Stephen Kebble, on entering the commissary line under Mr. Butler, begun on nothing, has at his death left £2,000 on interest and a free house. Another of the name of Nixon went to Savannah and Charlestown, and has placed his wife and children in London on an independent fortune made in a few years. As to the Forage Department, the writer does not think it prudent that the head gentleman in any department should demean himself to go into partnership with any of his under-hands in horses and carts, and cannot understand how a collector of forage in the country can sell some hundreds of bushels of oats and do justice to his employer the King. Original. Vol. 46, No. 28. 3 pages. John Marsh, Agent Victualler, to [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 24. Army Victualling Office. Cork. — Similar letter to that of 23rd inst., but for the " Mary and Margaret " nav^ - transport. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 32. 1 page. [Maurice Morgann] to [Edward Scott]. 1782, May 24. New York. — Acknowledges letter of 8th to Capt. Smith. Has communicated contents to the Commissary General, and encloses a copy of his answer. Draft or copy. Vol. 17, No. 153. 1 page. Inhabitants of New York to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 24. New York. — Address from the city. Signed David Mathews, mayor. Original. Vol. 26, No. 203. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 183 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. William Deane Poyntz to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 24. New York. — Transmits letters and papers relative to the establishment of a military chest in Pennsylvania for the payment of subsistence of British and German prisoners of war detained in that province and elsewhere. Requests his opinion on the new proposal enclosed. Signed letter. Vol. 39, No. 57. 4 pages. Enclosing No. 1. Sir H. Clinton to W. D. Poyntz, 2 February. „ 2. Wm. D. Poyntz to Sir H. Clinton, 3 February .... 3. Sir H. Clinton to Wm. D. Poyntz, 4 February. , 4. Agreement or contract between W. D. Poyntz and Eddy, Sykes & Co., 9 February. 2 1 498 Enclosing No. 5. Sir H. Clinton to Wm. D. Poyntz, 5 February. „ 6. John Stansburv to Wm. D. Poyntz, 12 April. „ 7. Wm. D. Poyntz to Sir H. Clinton, 14 April. „ 8. Sir H. Clinton to Wm. D. Poyntz, 17 April. . " William and John." 1782, May 24. Henrico County, Virginia. — Deposition of Fred Kitts, late master of the " William and John," before W. Foushee as to the seizure of his sloop within Hampton Bar on the night of the 10th by five men in a boat. That he was confined in the cabin, and two days later he, with two negroes, was put on shore on Smith's Island, and the sloop, he believed, taken on to New York. Signed. Vol. 15, No. 59. 3 pages. Enclosed by Benjamin Harrison to Sir Gr. Carleton, 31 May. Governor William Browne to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 25. Bermuda. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 119. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Maxwell to [Lt. Gen. Leslie], 6 Mav. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 239 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. William Bull to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 25. Charlestown. — Has served as Intendant General of the Police for the last fifteen months according to the King's command. Congratulates him upon his appointment as Commander- in-Chief and his safe arrival at New York. Hopes he will assist the King's subjects in South Carolina, many of them having been banished, and their estates confiscated ; the estates here consist largely of negroes, without whose labour the lands are of little value, and who can easily be removed or dispersed. Autograph signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 23, Nos. 170 and 171. 2 pages each. Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene to Lieut. Gen. Leslie. 1782, May 25. Head Quarters. — Received his letter of the 23rd. Has had no orders from Congress concerning the cessation of hostili- ties. If a treaty is on foot he will, undoubtedly, receive instructions, but until then does not think himself at liberty to agree to a cessation of hostilities. Copy. Vol. 17, No. 110. 1 page. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Lt. Gen. Robertson, 27 May. Inserted in the Edinburgh Evening Post of 19 October with Leslie's of the 23d inst. Hospitals. 1782, May 25. New York. — Proceedings of a Board of Enquiry on hospital stoppage a/cs. Signed Lieut. Col. D. 'Veber and Majors Eyre and Home. Original. Vol. 39, No. 174. 3 pages. 499 Annexed : — Six abstracts of stoppage accounts, viz. : — Due from various corps to H. M. Hospital at New York to 24 Dec, 1781, and in Virginia to 28 April, 1782. A/cs that appear to have been paid by several regiments to one of the clerks of the Hospital, who deserted with the money to the enemy, and with which the Hospital has never been credited, 1777 and 1778. Due from various provincial corps to the Hospital at New York to 24 Dec. 1780. Due from the various British regiments to ditto to same date. Due from regiments for men left in the Hospital on their being drafted or embarking for the West Indies, and for re- cruits sent out to regiments from England, and also for men belonging to the Northern Army. In the years 1777 to 1780. Due from various regiments prior to their leaving America — the 16th Light Dragoons to 24 Dec, 1777, and Uh, 5th, 27th Regis, to 24 Oct., 1778, the 69th, 1781. Signed J. Mervin Nooth and Jonathan Mallet. Originals. Vol. 39, Nos. 168 to 173. 13 pages. Copy of the above proceedings and abstracts. Vol. 27, Nos. 98 to 104. Copy in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. John Fisher to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 26. London. — Encloses a general invoice of the articles required by the Commander-in-Chief for the supply of the depot of the army and the Provincial forces for 1782. The particular invoices and bills of lading have been sent to the Quarter Master General and the Inspector General of the Provincial Forces by the vessels which took the articles. Has also directed patterns to be sent. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 204. 1 page. John Peter Lawson to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 26. Hempstead. — Petition for provisions. Accom- panied by certificates, and with note by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., ordering allowance of £20 a year. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 153 and 154. 3 pages. John Morrison, Dep. Com. Gen., to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 26. Commissary General's Office, Charlestown. — Transmits a return of provisions, etc., ashore and afloat at Charles- town and the different pests in this province ; also one of those at Savannah, St. Augustine and Island of New Providence to this date ; also a return of numbers victualled, horses foraged, and of forage and live stock. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 172. 1 page. 500 Troops. 17S9 Ma J 5- — Account of expenses in tne Barrack Master ' May 26. General's Department in the City of New York, New York Island, Paulus Hook, &c, &c, between these dates, during which period Lt. Col. Crosbie continued to carry on the business of the Department. £7,608 Is. 2d. Attached is a memo., 16 December, that the a/c was certified by Duncan Drummond, Commissary of A/cs, and approved by the Board. \ Original. Vol. 48, No. 152. 11 pages. Brook Watson, Com. Gen., to Maj. Gen. Dalrymple, Q.M.G. 1782, May 26. New York. — Desires re-delivery of sundry returns of small stores. Requests him to inform all the people in his depart- ment, who from a change of system may now belong to his own, that they are to remain in their respective stations, and that the waggons, vessels, etc., are to continue as usual. Copy. Vol 50, No. 233. 1 page. Charles Asgill, Lieut. 1st Regt. Foot Guards, to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 27. Lancaster. — Is condemned by lot as amenable for Capt. Huddy's death. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 206. 1 page. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 137 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Brunswick Troops. 1782, May 27. Bushwik — Memorial of Lieut. Col. de Mengen for £1,255 for subsistence to the Brunswick troops. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 143. 1 page. 1782, May 27. New York. — Warrant to pay the same. Printed copy. Vol. 31, No. 142. 1 page. Sir Guy Carleton to Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, May 27. New York.— No. 3. Has seen Capt. Elphinston relative to an evacuation of St. Augustine, and he considers it would be advisable to postpone that till after the evacuation of Savannah and Charlestown, as it would require more tonnage than is at present at their command. Elphinston also believes that if Gov. Tonyn was informed that the evacuation would probably take place next winter or spring, the people would take measures accordingly which would cause it to be accomplished with more ease and speed. Agrees with these suggestions, and is disposed to leave St. Augustine for the present, especially as the troops from Charlestown will greatly assist New York, while those from St. Augustine would be of little use. As he (Leslie), however, is so well acquainted with the situation of affairs in the Southern district, will leave it to him to give such orders as he considers best under present circumstances. Draft. Vol. 17, No. 152. 3 pages. 501 Commissary General's Department. 1782, May 27. — Outstanding debts due for forage received prior to May 27th, 1782. Remains due £5,039 8s. Id. Signed by George Brinley, Dep. Com. Gen. Vol. 34, No. 4. 4 pages. Major James Gordon to General Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 27. Lancaster. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 207. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 141 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Major James Gordon to the Chevalier de la Luzerne. 1782, May 27. Lancaster. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 4. 3 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 145 ; French translation in Paris, Arch, des Affaires Etrangeres, Etats Unis 21, No. 74. General Haldimand to General Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, May 27. Montreal. Decipher. 2 copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 209, 210. 3 pages each. Copies in Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 25. Lt. Gen. Alexr. Leslie to James Robertson, General and Com- mander-in-Chief. 1782, May 27. Charles Town. — Has received Clinton's despatches Nos. 17, 18 and 19. The enclosed papers will explain the steps he took after the receipt of No. 18 letter. Should not have communi- cated with General Greene on the subject had not the condition of the people induced him to do so. The enemy having commenced to confiscate the estates of the loyalists, he hoped to have stopped them by the measure he proposed. The state of his army and that of the Americans continue the same as when he last wrote. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 108. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Gen. Leslie to Maj. Gen. Greene, 23 May. Maj. Gen. Greene to Lt. Gen. Leslie, 25 May. McDonald and Cameron to Hugh Gaine. 1782, May 27. — Receipt for 28 quires of money warrants and 5 pieces of paper at 4/-, £23 8s. (Accompanied Alex. Cameron's memorial to Lt. Gen. Robertson, see 1783.) Original. Vol. 48, No. 235. 1 page. i Ralph Macnair to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 27. New York. — Memorial. Praying some station in which he can support his family, or some other relief. Original, Vol. 25, No. 106. 2 pages. 502 Lt. H. Sinclair, 57th Regt., to Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner. 1782, May 27. Sandy Hook.— Notifying the arrival of the rebel Hyler with two whale boats off Shrewsbury Inlet. That Capt. Schaak and party having set out to intercept them were taken prisoners, were taken off and are now confined near Middletown at Point Comfort. Has applied to Capt. Fooks of the Lion to send some mariners to strengthen this post till the Brigadier General can reinforce it. Copy. Vol. 45, No. 144. 4 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Skinner to Sir Guy Carleton, 28 May. " William and John." 1782, May 27. Elizabeth City. — Certificate of clearance from Port Hampton. 1782, May 27. Elizabeth City. — Deposition of James Barron before Jacob Wray as to the escape of some British prisoners from the flagship " Maria," and that the runaways had not been heard of till Capt. Kitts reported the seizure of his ship. 1782, May 27. Elizabeth City.— Deposition of Richard Barron before Jacob Wray to the like effect. Originals. Vol. 15, Nos. 61, 62 and 63. 1 page each. Enclosed by Benjamin Harrison to Sir Guy Carleton, 31 May. Enoch Honeywell to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. 1782, May 28.— Petition. Is a refugee. Asks relief. With a certificate signed and accompanied by another from James Delancey of the West Chester Refugees. Originals. Vol. 25, Nos. 157 and 156. 2 pages and 1 page. Isaac Post. 1782, May 28. Staaten Island. — Certificate from Brigadier General Skinner, also from Major Cortland, that the above was obliged to abandon his property or undergo a rigorous imprison- ment, being a firm Loyalist. Followed by note from Thomas Murray, aide-de-camp, ordering allowance, 9 July. Original. Vol. 25, No. 149. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 28. — Encloses copy of a letter received from Sandy Hook. Is surprized that such an event should have happened, as the instructions could not justify the march. As Hyler has gone upfthe bay, he desires that Lieutenant Blanchard, with his 'boats, be ordered to this post, as he thinks with them Hyler might be captured. Considers his daring acts demand attention and should be stopped as soon as possible. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 45, No. 143. 2 pages. Enclosing Lt. Sinclair to Brig. Gen. Skinner, 27 May. Instructions by Brig. Gen. Skinner, 26 April. 503 Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 28. War Office. — Sends invoice of hospital stores shipped on the " Lucretia " [not identified]. Signed letter. Vol. 26, No. 208. 1 page. Andrew Elliot. 1782, May 29. Superintendent's Office, New York.— Statement respecting Clinton's and Robertson's proclamations of 24 October, 1780. Since issuing these two proclamations, the imports and exports from this garrison have been regulated agreeable thereto. A newspaper cutting containing these two proclamations of 24 October, 1780, accompanies this statement. Signed. Vol. 20, No. 198. 1 page. Juan Laban to Don Juan Cambell [Maj. Gen. John Campbell]. 1782, May 29. Havana. — Sending the enclosed. Signed letter. Spanish. Vol. 26, No. 177. 2 pages. English translation. Vol. 16, No. 122. 1 page. Enclosing Juan Manuel de Cagigal to Don Juan Campbell, 18 April, 1782, with cartel between the Islands of Cuba and Jamaica, 18 Nov., 1781. Maj. Thomas Murray, A.D.C., to Robert Bayard. 1782, May 29. New York. — Is directed by Gen. Robertson to send the enclosed [not found], and to request he will give the neces- sary orders that the vessel therein mentioned may not be con- demned until enquiry has been made. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 66. 1 page. New York Island, Long Island, and Staten Island. 1782, May 29. New York.— Sketch of the plan adopted by Sir H. Clinton for securing the peace, interest and trade of the inhabi- tants in the three Islands. Establishment of the police ; landed estates of the rebels parcelled out amongst needy refugees under certain restrictions, and granted during pleasure. Arrangement for trade of the garrison. Original. Vol. 20, No. 196. 7 pages. Cte. de Rochambeau to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 29. Williamsburg.— Sir, " A few days before the departure of Sir Henry Clinton I had the honor to send him a pro- posal of exchange for the few officers remaining of those who have been taken by Count De Grasse's fleet, of your land troops. I have now the honor to send a duplicate of it to your Excellency, and hope that you will find it just and reasonable, and finish that affair. — I am with the highest consideration, &c." Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 76. 1 page. Enclosure : — 1782, May 29. Williamsburg.— List of British officers to be exchanged, taken by Cte. de Grasse in 1781. {Same as that dated 29 April.) Vol. 15, No. 11. lyage. 504 Gov. Sir James Wright to General Wayne, &c, &c. 1782, May 29. Savannah. — Has received letters from the Secretary of State enclosing copies of the proceedings in the House of Commons relative to the war ; also the King's answer to their address. Transmits copies, and wishing to observe such conduct as may best promote a speedy and happy reconciliation between Great Britain and America, proposes, as the best means for bringing about that desirable object, a cessation of arms and hostilities for such time as may be agreed upon. Reply of General Wayne, dated 30th. Acknowledges letter and enclosure. " A speedy and happy peace between Great Britain " and America is an object so essential to the interest of both " Empires that duty and inclination will induce me to exert every " power towards attaining so desirable an end, but not thinking " myself vested with full authority to accede to your proposition " for a cessation of arms and hostilities, I shall immediately transmit " copys of all the proceedings, &c, in the House of Commons. tc together with your letter on that subject, to the Honorable Major " General Green, and will embrace the earliest opportunity to " announce his answer." Copies. Vol. 23, No. 175 ; Vol. 15, No. 286. 3 and 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir G. Carleton. 30 May. Sir Guy Carleton to Brig. Gen. John Campbell. 1782, May 30. New York. — No. 2. Secret. Expects a rein- forcement from Europe to arrive at Halifax ; should any part be destined for that district he is to let them be disembarked ; the rest to sail for this port. Recommends attention to the post of Penobscot, which is of great importance ; also economy in public expenditure. Requests report of the produce of his district, where troops may be quartered, and the number of men able to carry arms. Draft. Vol. 32, No. 2. 3 pages. Andrew Flnucane to Capt. John Smith. 1782, May 30. Halifax.— Refers to previous letter of 22nd April requesting him to have his appointment of deputy Muster Master of Provincial Forces confirmed. That Brig. Gen. Campbell has appointed Colin Campbell, his nephew, to be his secretary. Regrets having (after four years' service) been replaced by Colin Campbell, and hopes he will be remembered in future appointments. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 95. 1 page. Amos Green to Gen Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 30. New York. — Petition. Is a refugee from Con- necticut. Requests assistance to keep himself and family from suffering. Accompanied by a certificate from J. Upham and N. Hubbell. Originals. Vol. 25, Nos. 158 and 159. i pages. 505 Associated Loyalists to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 30 (endorsed). — Address of the Associated Loyalists in the Provinces of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the three Lower Counties on Delaware. Copij. Vol. 26, No. 212. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. T. 144, fo. 199 ; State Papers, Foreign. Various, 321. New 7 York Loyal Refugees to Sir Guy Carleton. r N. D. But answer dated 30 May,1782].— Address. Original. Vol. 16, No. 94. 2 pages. Copies (Address and Answer) in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 187 ; S. P., Foreign, Various, 321. J 782, Mav 30. — Answer to the above Address. Draft. Vol. 26, No. 211. 1 page. Peter Paumier, Deputy Commissary, to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782. May 30. New York. — Hopes His Excellency has come to a decision concerning the memorial presented on the 19th hist., as the people who have demands against the department of the Commissary General begin to be very pressing for payment. Autograph signed letter Vol. 34, No. 26. 1 page. " William and John.'' 1782, May 30.— Description of the sloop by Wm. Whitlock. Certified by Isaac Younghusband as sworn before him. Signed. Vol. 15, No. 60. 1 page. Enclosed by Benjamin Harrison to Sir Guy Carleton, 31 May. Gov. Sir James Wright to Sir Guy Caeleton. 1782, May 30. Savannah in Georgia. — " Sir, — I am to congratu- late your Excellency on your safe arrival at New York, and as possibly Sir Henry Clinton in bis hurry at going away might not leave my last letters I have'the honor to inclose copys of them.' " Our situation is really very critical, r and since the troops were sent from Charlestown to Jamaica I don't expect' assistance from General Leslie. But surely, Sir, when matters seem to be drawing so near a conclusion, as the present prospect indicates, we ought the rather to be supported and protected, and not suffered to fall. For I presume the King having possession of this Province or not will make a very material difference on a treaty for peace, &c. " Since hearing of your Excellency's arrival with full powers to treat and settle terms of peace with the Congress, or to continue the war, which is the current report and fully credited here, it is presumed there is the greatest probability that peace will soon take place. Therefore the loyalists here have applied to me to request that your Excellency will be pleased 7 to"'advert to their situation — men who have been firm in their allegiance throughout from the 506 beginning ; men who have suffered every kind of distress for their loyalty ; and men the remains of whose property has been lately confiscated by the rebel powers and is now under orders for being sold at public auction. " But. Sir, they trust that, as your Excellency well knows they have not only justice and equity on their side, but also an undoubted claim to the interference and protection of Government, you will be pleased to stipulate that their property shall be restored to them. " The King's officers in the Civil Government here are all in the same predicament, and have suffered greatly. I myself have had my property to the amount of upwards of £40,000 sterg. already carried away and destroyed from time to time by them, and the remainder of my property, as well as that of the other gentlemen, is now under confiscation and orders for sale. " When Lord Carlisle and the other Commissioners were sent out I was then in London, and with some other refugees petitioned and obtained an instruction to them to prepare an article in any treaty which might be made in favour of the property of the loyal refugees. But, unfortunately, nothing could be done at that time. Relying on your Excellency's goodness and the justice of the claim, I doubt not but you will be pleased to take the matter up. And have the honor to be with high esteem and regard, &c. " P.S. — On the receipt of the Secretary of State's letter, I thought it my duty to write to General Wayne on the subject, a copy of which and his answer I have the honor to inclose." Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 174.v^Co5o?/,fl5, No. 288. 4 pages and 3 pages. Enclosing Gov. Wright to Gen. Wayne and answer, 29 May. [Sir] G[uy] C[arleton] to General Haldimand. 1782, May 31. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 2. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 29 ; copy 21806, fo. 24. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Sir Andrew Snape Hammond. 1782, May 31. Head Quarters, New York. — Informing him of his appointment to the chief command, and requesting any information that may be useful to His Majesty's service. Draft. Vol. 32, No. 3. 1 page. George Cherry to the Commander-in-Chief [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, May 31. Army Victualling Office, Cowes. — Transmits a bill of lading for, and invoice of, sundry provisions shipped on the " Charming Polly," navy transport, for the use of the troops at New York. The contracts for these provisions and the date they were received at the stores are noted on the invoice. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 31. 1 page. 507 Commissary General's Department. 1782, May 31. New York. — Abstract of outstanding demands due by the Crown in the above Department under the direction of Peter Paumier, Deputy Commissary General, signed by him and examined by James Robertson, President of the Board, 28 August, at the Commissary of Accounts' Office. £51,178 15s. ?>ld. Original. Vol. 34, Nos. 7 andlS. 2 pages. Engineers' Department. 17S9 A P ri l i- — New York. — An abstract of cash disbursed on ' May 31. account of his Majesty's works in the above Department, carried on under the direction of Captain Abraham D'Aubant, Commanding Engineer at New York and the Posts thereon depending, between these dates inclusive, also of that disbursed by Lieutenants Fyers and Straton at Portsmouth, Virginia, from 1 January to 31 May, 1781. Examined by D. Drummond, Commissary of Accounts. 5 August. 1782, and approved by James Robertson, President of the Board. Original. Vol. 53, Nos. 80 and 81. [•" 5 pages. Georgia Commons House of Assembly to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 31. Commons House of Assembly. — Address. Con- gratulations on his appointment to the chief command. Brief state of their situation. Request attention to the property and interests of the loyalists. Signed Samuel Farley. Speaker. Originals. Vol. 15, No. 287. and Vol. 53, No. 112. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Sir J. Wright to Sir Guy Carleton, 1 June. Messrs. Gordon. Biddulph and Gordon. 1782, May 6 to 31. — List of bills drawn upon Thomas Harley and H. Drummond. Copy. Vol. 2, No. 155. 16 pages. General H[aldimand] to [General Sir Henry Clinton]. 1782, May 31. Decipher. 2 copies. Vol. 11, Nos. 211 and 212. 1 page each. Copy in Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 27. Benjamin Harrison to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May 31. Virginia. — The owners of the sloop " William and John " have complained to him that this vessel was taken, with her cargo, by five men whom they suspect belong to the crew of the flag brig " Maria." Encloses depositions which verify these suspicions. Desires that this matter be investigated, the vessel sought after and returned with cargo, and the men who captured them punished, so as to prevent similar offences in the future. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 58. 2 pages. Enclosing Fred Kitts. Deposition before W. Foushee, 24 May. Depositions of Moss Armistead. James and Richard Barron, 27 May. Description of sloop " William and John," 30 May. 508 Bahama Islands. 1782, May. — Return of inhabitants. Signed John Wilson. Vol. "47, No. 116. 1 page. Board op Associated Loyalists. 1782, May. — Account for stationery and contingent expenses ; the Secretary and Assistant Secretary's salaries at 5/- a dav each. £106 4.s. M. " Signed William Franklin. Copy. Vol. 26, No. 180. 1 page. 1782 May.— Minutes of Proceedings of the Board for the month ; copied from their journals. Have notified the direction that no expedition against the enemy is to take place without orders from the Commander-in-Chief. The trial of Capt. Lippincot for the execution of J. Huddy is illegal and unjustifiable. Letter sent to his Excellency stating the terms on which the Associated Loyalists would engage themselves for six months to defend the post at Lloyd's Neck. Requested approbation of Carleton relative to the proposed exchange of a rebel prisoner for an Associated Loyalist. Remonstrance against the renewal of Captain Lippincot's trial. Thomas Wainwright to be liberated for Daniel Towser. Considered a petition from Richard Martin and James Brown to be allowed part of the sloop " Sukey " ; the Board ordered them to receive one quarter part of the net proceeds : the proceeds of the captures made on the expedition to Tappan and Toms River to be distributed. The Commanding Officer at Lloyd's Neck to be requested to transmit the return of the state and strength of the garrison there to the Board that they may lay it before the Commander-in-Chief. Signed William Franklin. Copy. Vol. 25, Nos. 45 and 46. 9 pages. George Hanger to Maj. Beckwith, aid-de-camp. [1782, May]. — Received letter from Captain James respecting his loss of £150, owing to the paymaster being robbed at Bergen ; he states therein that he has received no satisfactory answer to his memorial on that subject, and he desires to have the decision and advice of those officers who superintend the Board of Accounts. If payment cannot be granted to him in this country, he wishes for leave of absence from the Commander-in-Chief to allow him to proceed to England for that purpose, as he is in great need of the £150, having paid it to the troops out of his own subsistence. \_Autograpli signed letter'k Vol. 50, No. 223.W2 pages. Thomas Phillips to Lt. Gen. James Robertson. [1782, May]. — Petition. Was obliged to flee for his attachment to Government. Was taken prisoner and escaped. Has en- deavoured to support, his wife and six children, but has been sick. Has lost all his property. Begs rations. Certified by David Ogden, Isaac Ogden, Thomas Longworth. and William Franklin. Original. Vol. 29, No. 94. 2 pages. 509 Capt. John Smith. N. D. [About May, 1782, on Clinton's leaving for home]. — Schedule of Miscellaneous papers left by Captain Smith with Sir Guy Carleton's Secretary [Mr. Morgann]. Original. Vol. 31, No. 99. 2 pages. Capt. William Spry to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, May. Head Quarters. — Memorial. Requesting to be re- commended to His Majesty for brevet rank in the armv. Copy. Vol. 30, No. 28. 2 pages. Enclosed by Sir G. Carleton to Gen. Conway, 11 September. Troops. 1782, January to May. — List of Regimental Contingent Accounts. Certified by Sir Henry Clinton. With form of certificate. Vol. 37, Nos. 7 and 8. 1 page. 1782, May. — Abstract of monies paid to departments, — the Quarter Master General's, Barrack Master General's, Engineers, Com- missary General's, and the Provincial Troops. Amounting to £633,187 15s. lOhd. Various dates from November, 1781, to May, 1782. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 91. 1 page. 1782, June 1. Pay Office.— Abstract of monies paid to William Deane Poyntz, Commissary General's Department, since the death of Daniel Weir, Esq., to the 6th May, 1782, £140,000. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 92. 1 page. Hospitals. 1782, June 1. — General Hospital Staff. Signed J. Mervin Nooth, Sup erintendent General . Original. Vol. 44, No. 158. 4 pages. Gov. Sir James Wright to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 1. Savannah in Georgia. — Since his last of 30 May, the House of Assembly has prepared an address to His Excellencv respecting the Loyalists. Encloses that address confirming all that is stated therein regarding them. The province of Georgia has been much neglected ; hopes that he will take an interest in the inhabitants and procure for them the justice they deserve. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 176. Copy, Vol. 5, No. 282. 2 pages and 1 page. Enclosing Georgia Address, 31 May. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Major General Edward Mathew. 1782, June 2. Head Quarters. New York. Draft. Vol. 32, No. 205. 1 page. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 153, fo. 91. 510 Brig. Gen. Alured Clarke to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 2. Savannah. — The state and situation of the troops in this province and East Florida, must be so fully explained to His Excellency by Lt. Gen. Leslie that he will not presume to trespass on his time. Congratulates him on his appointment. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 183. 2 pages. Sir Guy Carleton to Don Bernardo de Galvez. 1782, June 3. New York.— Received 10th May last his letter of 30th December. Is grieved at the disputes with British officers. England has no prejudice against Spain ; believes the dissatisfaction has been caused through the mistakes of interpreters. Will en- deavour to prevent such misunderstandings. Desires that Capt. Deans, and Major Campbell (detained owing to an insurrection at the Natchez and the capture of Fort Panmure) may be liberated, if this has not already been done. Regarding the Convention made between the Governor of Havannah and Major Campbell for the exchange of the English prisoners under the capitulation of Baton Rouge against those of Spain, at that time in Jamaica, he has con- sulted it, and considers it contains no reason for Campbell's deten- tion, and hopes this convention will be fulfilled in future. Draft. Vol. 27, No. 6. Copy, Vol. 27, No. 5. 5 pages and 4 pages. James Gordon, Major 80th Regt., to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 3. Coll. Dayton's Quarters, Chatham. — Touching Captain Asgill. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 27, No. 3. Copy, No. 1. 1 page each. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 149. John Hancock to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 3. Boston. Autograph signed letters. Vol. 15, Nos. 72 and 73. 3 and 2 pages. Also (with enclosure) in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 397, &c. ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Enclosure : — List of {American) prisoners on board the Guard Ship at New York. With notes for each added by David Sproat, and marked at foot — " This is the only list I left at the Commander- in-Chiefs. D. S." Original. Vol. 15, No. 75. 1 page. Hanau Troops. 1782, June 3. Bedford, Long Island. — Memorial from Col. Lentz for £400 for subsistence of the Hesse Hanau troops under his command. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 145. 1 page. 1782, June 3. Head Quarters, New York. — Warrant No. 12 to pay Col. Lentz £400 for subsistence to said troops under his com- mand. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 144. 1 page. 511 Col. Hinte, Regt. de Donop, to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 3. Fort Knyphausen. — Memorial for pay as Com- mander on Fort Knyphausen. Original. Vol. 35, No. 38. 1 page. Maurice Morgann to Peter Paumier. 1780 [should be 1782], June 3. New York.— The Commander- in-Chief desires an a/c of expenditures, as £40,000 were delivered to him on the 6th of May ; until this is sent he cannot issue a warrant for the further sum of £30,000. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 29. 1 page. Beriah Norton to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 3. New York. — Memorial as agent for the inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard for a final decision as to the prayer of his several memorials before any further requisitions on the inhabitants are made. Original. Vol. 44,'2Vo. 97. Copy. Vol. 44, No. 96. 1 and 2 pages. Treasury. 1782, June 3. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Minutes on the question of the situation of the civil officers of government in South Carolina, and allowances to be granted to them. (See also the letter from Mr. Burke of 4 June.) Copy. Vol. 43, No. 27. 6 pages. Enclosed by Lord Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 8 July. Anhalt Zerbst Troops. 1782, June 3. Brooklyn (sic). — Memorial from R. H. Von Luttichau for £500 for subsistence of the Anhalt Zerbst troops under his command. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 149. 1 page. For the warrant to pay that amount, see 8 June. Richard Burke to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 4. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — The Lords of the Treasury have considered his letter of March 18th to the Secretary of State, with copies and extracts of other letters stating the situa- tion of the civil officers of Government in the province of South Carolina with respect to their allowances and distresses. These people were granted a certain sum whilst in England, but they returned to Carolina, hoping to resume their former positions ; this, however, they failed to do. He is desired to pay them allow- ances out of the military chest. Gives list of those who are to be thus assisted, and the amount each is to receive. This is endorsed as " Received 4th September ; " a copy being sent to Gen. Leslie by Messrs. Dupont and Ogilvie 10th September, and another copy by the " Assurance " 18th September. Signed letter. Vol. 27, No. 7. 4 pages. 512 Capt. Edward Fage, R. Artillery, to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 4. London. — His services as aid de camp to General Conway having been approved, and his exchange promised, desires the fulfilment of that promise so as to be able more fully to execute the duties of that office. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 30, No. 116. 1 page. General Haldimand to Sir Henry Clinton. 1782, June 4. Quebec. Signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 213. 2 pages. Copy in the Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 31. Peter Paumier to Maurice Morgann. 1782, June 4. New York. — Considers his letter of the 3rd inst. conveys unjust suspicions from the Commander-in-Chief of his conduct during the short time he had charge of the Commissary General's Department. Begs ] him j^to s deliver -the enclosed to his Excellency. Requests when the warrant of survey of damaged provisions is signed it may be forwarded. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34. No. 31. 1 page. Enclosures : — Peter Paumier to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 4. New York. — Explains how the money granted by the last warrant has been expended, and transmits sketch. Hopes his Excellency will order the warrant he requested to be made out. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 28. 2 pages. 1782, June 4. — Account of cash actually paid in the Depart- ment of the Commissary General between 6 May and 3 June, 1782. £68,658. Peter Paumier, D.C.G. Autograph. Vol. 34, No. 9. 1 page. Lt. Gov. William Bull to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5. Charles Town. — Memorial on behalf of the Loyal Inhabitants of South and North Carolina. Congratulations on his appointment. Having given unequivocal testimony of their attachment to the King's Government they are confident in the pledges of the King and Parliament to support them, restore their rights and properties, and re-establish the government and con- stitution. Original. Vol. 52, No. 35. 3 pages. Oliver De Lancey, Adj. Gen., to Col. Roger Morris. 1782, June 5. Head Quarters, New York. — Monsieur De Rumigny to receive one ration of provisions. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 326. 1 page. Maurice Morgann to [Peter Paumier]. 1782, June 5. New York. — Is directed by the Commander-in- Chief to assure him that in his official capacity he makes no distinction of men or offices. The demand for an account arose from the 513 accident of his (Paumier's) first applying for a warrant and the propriety of an early answer being given. His Excellency means that all the accounts of the accountants in the different departments shall be regularly examined into, for the satisfaction of the public and themselves. The abstract sent is not the detailed account desired, as he will now perceive. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 32. 2 pages. Peter Paumier to Maurice Morgann. 1782, June 5. New York. — His own two quarters' accounts to 31 March have been ready some time waiting for Major Drummond to say when he was ready to receive them. Those since that period cannot be made up till he has the money to pay them ; the out- standing debts for the forage department and the cattle department are so numerous that they cannot be fully ascertained till brought in for payment, and then immediate payment is expected, which is impossible unless he is furnished with the means. Asks that his disagreeable situation may be represented. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 33. 2 pages. James Penman to Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, June 5. Charlestown. — A long letter on the consequences of the evacuation of East Florida. Its importance as ajfrontier against Spanish attacks, &c. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 179. 7 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir G. Carleton, 5 June. Enclosure : — List of the principal i settlers in East Florida, with the sums they are supposed to have laid out upon their estates ; also list of gentlemen who have obtained grants of land, but have not made any settlement upon them. Amongst those in the latter list are Lords Grosvenor, Dartmouth, Onslow, Townshend, Temple and brothers, Moira, Tyrone, Loughborough, and Adam Gordon, Lady Greenwich, Sir Alexander and Sir Archi- bald Grant, and Admiral Barrington. Copy. Vol. 23, Nos. 180 and 181. 2 pages. Earl of Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5. Whitehall.— No. 16. Triplicate signed letter. Vol. 27, No. 10. 15 pages. Drafts in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 73 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Earl of Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5. Whitehall. — Separate. Signed letter. Vol. 27. No. 11. Duplicate, No. 9. 1 page each. Draft in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 14-1, fo. 69. Earl of Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5. Whitehall. Signed letter. Vol.27, No. 12. Duplicate, No. 8. 1 and 2 pages. Draft in the Public Record Office. Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 65. 2 E 514 Thomas Townshend to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5. War Office. — Sending the enclosed. Signed letter and duplicate. Vol. 27, Nos. 17 and 15. 1 page each. Enclosure : — List of promotions and leaves of absence. Original. Vol. 27, No. 16. Copy, No. 13. 2 pages each. Waldeck Troops. 1782, June 5. Newtown, Long Island. — Memorial of Lieut. Col. C. de Horn for a temporary warrant for subsistence of the 3rd Regiment Waldeck under his command, £700. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 147. 1 page. For the warrant to pay that amount, see 8 June. Lieut. Colonel John W. T. Watson to General Washington. 1782, June 5. New York. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 25. 2 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 153. David Wright to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 5 (endorsed). — Petition. Had put himself and his wife under protection of His Majesty's arms at York in Virginia, and the unexpected disaster to that place is the cause of his mis- fortunes. Asks some provision. With order for allowance of £20 a quarter, signed Thomas Murray, A.D.C Original. Vol. 25, No. 107. 2 pages. Judge Robert Bayard to Major Thomas Murray. 1782, June 6. New York. — According to General Robertson's request, has made enquiry respecting the vessel which Capt. Hart supposed had entered New York, as stated in his memorial to Ad- miral Digby ; cannot find, however, that that vessel was ever brought in, or mentioned as a prize in the Court of Vice Admiralty for the province. Autograph signed letter. Vol 15, No. 67. 1 page. Peter Bradshaw to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 6. New York. — Petition. Is a refugee from Saratoga. Had entered into service, but met with an accident ; begs for relief for distresses of his small family. With order for allowance of £40 per annum. Original. Vol. 25, No. 126. 1 page. Juan Manuel de Cagigal, Gov. of Havannah, to Don Juan Campbell, or in his absence to the Governor of New York. 1782. June 6. Havana. — Forwarding prisoners. Signed letter. Spanish. Vol. 27, No. 21. Translation, No. 20; also Vol. 53, No. 10. 2 pages and 1 page. John Allen Martin to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, Jure 6. — Memorial. Served as Lieut, and Ensign in the Foot Guards, and acted as volunteer in the Artillery and Engineer 515 Departments. On 18th April, 1780, was appointed as Assistant Engineer to Capt. Hildring, and continued till 10th of May, 1781, the day of the capitulation of Pensacola. Being considered as a prisoner by the Spaniards, he embarked on board a flag of truce, and arrived 11th May. Has received no pay from 10th May, 1781. Never received bat or forage money. Humbly begs that he may be allowed pay for as long as others of the garrison that may not actually be upon the military establishment. Original. Vol. 56, No. 80. 3 wages. Brook Watson to Maurice Morgann. 1782, June 6. New York. — Enquires if the requisition made by Lt. Col. Crosbie, Barrack Master General, on 25th September for barrack bedding and candles, was handed to the Treasury, and if it|was, what answer has been returned to the Commander-in-Chief. Signed letter. Vol. 34, No. 69. 1 page. Mr. [Stephen] Skinner to Maurice Morgan[n]. 1782, June 7. New York. — Mr. Skinner is informed by Gen. Robinson (sic) that the Commander-in-Chief means to continue the salary to his Majesty's Council of New York. Mr. Skinner will thank Mr. Morgan if he will be so good as to make out his warrant for £100, ending the 25th of last month. Original. Vol. 27, No. 23. 1 page. Baron de Wtnterfeldt. 1782, June 7. Head Quarters, New York. — Return permit for Havannah. Copy. Vol. 48, No. 218. ' page. Anhalt Zerbst Troops. 1782, June 8. Head Quarters, New York. — Warrant No. 15 to pay Major R. H. Von Luttichau for subsistence of the troops under his command, £500. (See his memorial, 3 June). Copy. Vol. 31, No. 148. \ page. Samuel Hake. 1782, June 8. 86 Broadway, New York. — Representation of Samuel Hake to Sir Guy Carleton, that as a merchant in this city he had an opportunity of knowing the temper and disposition of the people. That he had sought safety in flight to England ; that by the patronage of the Ministry he was induced to return early in 1778 ; was captured on his passage and carried to Connecticut. He suc- ceeded in obtaining passports by interesting Robt. R. Livingston and his brother John in a scheme for bringing them goods from New York. On his arrival he communicated his plan, and the Royal Commissioners, Governor Johnstone and Mr. Eden, who were desirous of transmitting into the country the Declaration held forth to the rebels, pressed him to return speedily and take some with him and he was supplied with a flag and goods. Unfortunately the flag 516 was seized, the goods forfeited, and himself detained in gaol or on parole for three years. During this time he endeavoured to dis- seminate principles of loyalty, and with others formed the accom- panying propositions, together with two addresses, signed on behalf of 2,300 loyalists. These he brought with him, and was followed to the city by two other agents, and though the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists endeavoured to further the scheme, the delays proved fatal, and to avoid capture one of the agents was obliged to return to this garrison. Annexed : — Letter from John Cook to Samuel Hake, 20 September, 1781, with an address from the Loyal subjects of Livingston Manor to Sir Henry Clinton, representing their willingness to take up arms. 5 September, 1781. Address from the Loyal Subjects of Charlotte Precinct, Dutchess County, 5 September, 1781. That two-thirds of the inhabitants are ready and willing to^bcar arms and escape from injustice and tyranny. Recommending Samuel Hake. Propositions which Samuel Hake, Esqr., is charged to make to His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, &c. on his arrival at New York." On a given signal, with the co-operation of the British, to rise and assist in the reduction of West Point, or to rise in the different districts and seize, or put to death, some of the ring-leaders of the rebellion ; convinced that if some of the most persecuting characters among the rebels w T ere re- moved the remainder from fear of "retaliation would not continue " the horrid system of spilling loyal blood, which every day cries to Heaven for vengeance on account of the murders, imprisonments, and even agonizing tortures to which we are obliged to submit." Signed Samuel Hake for Loyalists, A note on|the back addresses these to Maj. Delancey, 10 November,'; 1781. Deposition by John M'Ginniss before! William Waddell, 5 November, 1781, as to Samuel Hake, and corroborating the above plans and proposals of the loyalists. Similar depositions of Samuel Isaacs, Robert Smith, Abraham Teller, Wynant Williams, and Nicholas Rouse. Correspondence with regard to his attendance at Head Quarters, or at the Board of Associated Loyalists, and the introduction and interviews of Messrs. Cook and Freligh. who presented the address from the Dutchess County Loyalists. November. 1781, to February, 1782. Deposition of Messrs. Cook and Freligh, as to their treatment by Col. Robinson, and the neglect of their proposals, exonerating and praising Mr. Hake. Copy of their passports into the country. Letter from Abram Freligh to Sir Henry, 22 April, that he and Mr. Wilde left for home to convey to the inhabitants news of the reception of their address ; that the long detention in New York had proved their ruin, and that having received friendly warning he escaped back into this city. Deposition of Isaiah Wilde, 26 April, as to his being a delegate of fifty-five reputable farmers' sons anxious to enlist, provided they might have the 517 choice of their officers ; that Mr. Hake was the gentleman they wished to have in command. As to his interview with Col". B. Robinson. That he was privy to the address and proposition presented by Mr. Hake, &c. That after waiting some time Col. Robinson informed them the Commander-in- Chief did not incline to give a written order or certificate, but that the Loyalists might depend on having the liberty of choosing their officers. Letter from Mr. Wilde to Sir Henry acknowledging the message, which he fears, without any written orderrwill have an ill tendency. Memorial, 2 May, 1782, from 221 of the first characters and most respectable loyalists in this city desiring permission for Samuel Hake to visit England for the purpose of soliciting and stating their concerns, and that an officer might be sent out of the lines to effect his exchange. Similar memorial of 44 gentlemen, same date. Certificate to the authenticity of the copies of the above letters and depositions, by Robert Miller, 4 June, 1782. Original. Vol. 54, No. 52. 2 pages. [Maurice Morgann] to Brook Watson. 1782, June 8. New York. — In answer to his of the 6th inst., finds a letter from Gen. Clinton to Robinson, 4th November, 1781, which appears to have enclosed an estimate of barrack stores, which the Barrack Master said would be wanted for the next year, but cannot find any answer returned. Copy. Vol. 34, No. 68. 1 page. W t illiam Deane Poyntz to Sir Guy Carleton. May is. — Account for subsistence for various regiments, 178 ' j^Ti. British and German, between these dates. Original. Vol. 18, Nos. 17-20. 2 pages. Waldeck Troops. 1782, June 8. Head Quarters, New York.— Warrant No. 14, to pay Philip Marc, Commissary of 3rd Regiment Waldeck, com- manded by Lt. Col. Horn, the sum of £700 for subsistence of said regiment. {See Col. de Horn's memorial/ 5 'June.) Copy. Vol. 31, No. 146. 1 page. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Comte de Rochambeau. 1782, June 9. New York.— Touching exchange of prisoners. Draft. Vol. 27, No. 24. 2 pages. Case op Huddy and Lippincot. 1782 June 9. New York.— Case and Law Opinion. Signed William Smith and J. T. Kempe. To try Richard Lippincot for the murder of Joshua Huddy. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 33. 2 pages. Signed copy in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 133. 518 T. or J. Thompson, Maj. of Brigade, to Capt. de Haacke. 1782, June 9. New York. — Has laid the papers enclosed in his letter of yesterday before Gen. Campbell, who considers his demand for expenses incurred by remaining at Havannah just 'but cannot allow him pay as a commissary of prisoners. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 24, No. 111. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. de Haacke to Maurice Morgan[n], 18 August. [ ] to Rear Admiral Robert Digby. 1782, June 9. New York. — Gives, by His Excellency's desire, a state of the Island and his opinion what force would be sufficient to protect and defend it. The writer is a native of the Island, and had arrived at New York last November, a prisoner from Virginia, and found Governor Browne here. Will carry a copy of this report to the Governor and Council of the Island (Bermuda). Copy. Vol. 53. No. 11. 2 pages. William Corlies to Gov.^Wm. Franklin, President*of Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists. 1782, June 10. New York. — Memorial on behalf of Timothy Scoby and William Herbert, captured by the rebels, and condemned to be hanged for their loyalty. With affidavits b^ William Maddock and Nathan^Wardell, 11 June. Original. Vol. 17, No? 53. Copy, Vol. 46, No. 6. 2 pages each. Enclosed by Gov. Franklin^to Sir Guy Carleton, 11 June. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 10. — At the desire of Brig. Gen. Clarke has given Major Newmarch leave to proceed to New York, there to solicit Carleton's permission to go to England to settle some private affairs. Autograph, signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 128. 1 page. Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 10. Charlestown. — Does not doubt but that Sir Henry Clinton and Gen. Robertson have already mentioned his desire to return home. His private affairs, his health, and the happiness of his only daughter require his presence ; hopes to be permitted to start from here if opportunity offers. ^ Autograph signed letter . Vol. 17, No. 131. 2 pages. Loyalists. 1782, June 10. — List of Distressed and Associated Loyalists now residing within the King's lines, who in consequence of the non- performance of the repeated promises by Sir Henry Clinton, and their too great zeal to promote His Majesty's cause, were obliged to take refuge in New York, and have not wherewithal to support themselves. 6 names. With [order [f r z allowance to 'each signed Thomas Murray, 12 July. "E Original Vol. 25, No. 139. 2 pages. 519 General Washington to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 10. Head Quarters. Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 54. 2 pages. Enclosing Gov. Livingston to Gen. Washington, 14 May. Gen. Washington to Lt. Gen. Robinson (sic). Extract, dated 4 May, see 5 May. Chief Justice Brearly. Report to Gov. Livingston, see 13 May. Copies in Vol. 15, No. 43. 1 page ; Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 167. [Sir Guy Carleton] to [Governor William Browne]. 1782, June 11. H[ead] Quarters], New York. Draft, Vol. 47, No. 125. 2 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 245 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Thomas Fairchild to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. Flushing. — Petition. His losses and services. Complaints against Brigadier General Browne ; asks pay and rations. Referred to Col. Inn^s, 12 June. Col. Innes's memorandum in answer, 19 June. Referred to Gen. Robertson. Followed by note or order for allowance of £40 from Thomas Murray, A.D.C., dated 24 July. Original. Vol. 25, 'No. 103. 4 pages. Jeremiah Fowler to Lt. Gen.'" James Robertson. 1782, June 11. New York. — Petition. Was obliged to flee from his estate in West Chester County. Has a wife and nine children. Is sick and a cripple. Requests provisions and other support. With certificates and order of allowance j£ or £20 as no provisions can be granted. Original. Vol. 25, No. 160. 2 pages. Gov. William Franklin to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. New York. — In behalf of the Board of Associated Loyalists. Has received the enclosed memorial respecting two loyalists who have been taken prisoners by the rebels, and tried for high treason against the state of New Jersey and sentenced to death. Is assured there is nothing against them but their loyalty. Being unable to assist them, it submits the whole affair for his considera- tion and decision. Signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 55. Copy, Vol. 46, No. 7. 2 pages each. Enclosing William Corlies' memorial, 10 June. Capt. George de Haacke to Col. Delancey. 1782, June 11. New Town. — In 3rd person. Returns his memorial, with General Campbell's declaration. Does not desire reward, only the expenses incurred through forwarding exchange of 520 prisoners at Havannah. Referred to the Board of Accounts. The Board's opinion added, dated 10 July, that the claim as Commissary of prisoners is without proper foundation. Vol. 24, No. 113. 2 pages. Enclosed by Capt. de Haacke to Maurice Morgan[n], 18 Aug. Patience Johnston to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. New York. — Petition. Is widow of Augustus Johnston, late Judge of Vice Admiralty. Asks support and assist- ance for her family. Recommended by Governor William Franklin. With order of allowance for £60 by Thomas Murray, dated the 9th July. Original. Vol. 25, No. 102. 2 pages. Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. Charlestown. — No. 1. Received by Capt. Ash despatch of 23 May, but not the one marked No. 1. According to instructions to withdraw the King's forces from Savannah and St. Augustine, he has sent Capt. Skelly, with copies of these orders, to the commanding officers at these posts. Is uncertain whether 10,500 tons of shipping will be adequate for bringing off these garrisons, but none can be added from this post. No changes have occurred with regard to the armies since late despatch. Scarcity of rum and oats among his troops. New Providence, with all the Bahama Islands, has surrendered to Spain. Governor Maxwell has despatched a flag of truce with the accounts of the surrender ; he himself and the garrison have sailed for England. Signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 177. 3 pages. Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. Charlestown. — Secret. Has written repeatedly to Sir H. Clinton to have the Quarter-Master-General's Department reduced. Thinks half the horses sufficient if the Army does not go about the country. Lt. Col. Browne's a/cs to be settled at New York ; has given him £10,000 " at sundrys." Transmits a list of rents for houses, barracks, stores, etc., due since the siege up to the present time ; desires orders to settle them. Some orders given by Adml. Digby to his officer here have raised a suspicion of an intended evacuation. Has no King's ships to protect the bar, two privateers having even captured their nshing»boats ; trade here has suffered much last two years for want of armed ships. Question of convoy for planters of Georgia and St. Augustine to send their negroes to Jamaica or some other island. Awaits answer as to pay for prisoners of Cornwallis's army. Major Anstruther writes from Bermudas, stating garrison is short of provisions ; cannot send any from here. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 182. 3 pages. Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. — Sends Mr. Penman's opinion on intended evacua- tion of East Florida. [See 5 June.] Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 178. 1 page. 521 Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. — Introduces and recommends Mr. Cruden, who was entrusted by Lord Cornwallis with the sole direction of the seques- tered estates in South Carolina. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 129. 1 page. Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie to [ ]. 1782, June 11. Charles Town. — An open or circular letter in- troducing Mr. Cruden. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 130. 1 page. Northrup Marlpe to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. New York. — Petition, stating his services as guide to the British, his imprisonment, loaded with irons, by the Americans, his escape and further services. Has received no payment. His wife and children have been turned out of their house and sent to this city. Asks some provision for himself and them. Accom- panied by certificate from Governor Franklin, with notes ordering allowance of £80 per annum. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 115 and 116. 3 pages. Edward Scott (secretary) to the Secretary of the Commander-in- Chief [Maurice Morgann]. 1782, June 11. Charlestown. — In accordance with directions received from Gen. Leslie, encloses an estimate of rents due to Loyalists for the houses in Charlestown occupied by Government. This estimate has been made out by order of the Board appointed for that purpose, and he desires it to be laid before the Commander- in-Chief. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 184. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Cortland Skinner to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 11. — Acknowledges letter of the 9th in answer to his of the 7th relative to Hetfield and the other refugees. Kegrets attention has not been paid to these men 'agreeable to His Ex- cellency's sentiments, as then the disagreeable situation in regard to Lippincot would not have happened. Has no other evidence of facts relative to these men. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 54, No. 30. Copy. Vol. 44, No. 168. 2 pages and 1 page. William Browne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 12. Bermuda. — On his arrival in December last he found the militia in disorder and the forts ruinous. The alarm created by the conquest of the Bahamas has diffused a military spirit throughout the people, and the utmost exertions are being made for defence. Requests 500 stand of arms with their accoutre- ments for them ; also that 30 pieces of cannon sent to New York for safety by Capt. Tollemache in 1775 may be returned. Mr. Vandam at New York will receive and forward whatever may be granted on this occasion. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 47, No. 121. 2 pages. 522 Sir Guy Carleton to Governor William Livingston. 1782, June 12. — Reclaiming four persons recently condemned by his State at Freehold. Copij. Vol. 27, No. 26. 3 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 163 ; 144, fo. 523 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. John Fisher to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 12. London. — In his letter of 26 May he enclosed a general invoice of the several articles provided and shipped by order of the Treasury for use of forces in America. Now encloses an invoice " of the prime " [cost]. [See 20 May.] Autograph signed letter. Vol. 43, No. 76. 1 page. Intelligence. Received at Jamaica, 12 June, 1782. — Secret intelligence from the Havannah. The state of the Spanish Navy in the West Indies on the 21st May was fifteen ships of the line and nine frigates. " General state of the Spanish land forces in the West Indies, 21st May, 1782 :— Spanish troops at the Cape for the Expedition against Jamaica : — Arrived from Cadiz at the Cape - men 4,157 Troops sent from the Havanna for the Expedition against Jamaica! under Don Galvez, consisting of the corps which was sent from Old Spain 2 years ago, 2 batns. of people of colour and 1,500 desperate troops collected from Vera Cruz and Campeachy in consequence of an order from the Court of Spain to draw all their forces from these quarters to act under Genl. Don Bernardo de Galvez, Commander- in Chief of all Expeditions in America - - 7,400 Troops which sailed under Lieut. Genl. Cagigal on the 22nd April for the attack of Providence, altho' many were of opinion that this gentleman had his eye on St. Augustine. - - - - - 2,100 N.B. — The only vessel of force upon this Expedition (on board of which General Cagigal embarked) is the American frigate South Carolina (Commodore Gillen), mounting 28 forty-two pounders and 14 twelves, with 17 gun vessels, brigs, and schooners, 8 of them mount- ing 2 twenty-four pounders^each, the rest twelves and nines. Troops at Pensacola in garrison - - - 1,100 New Orleans - .... G00 Mobile, Batton Rouge, Natches, Point Cupe, and Galvez Town - 540 At the Havanna about ----- 100 Total, 15,997 N.B. — The Havanna Malitia men are a contemptible Banditti ; but the County Militia, which amount to about 5,000 horsemen, 523 not badly mounted, are in tollerable good discipline. There are at the Havanna 61 American vessels loaded and ready to 3ail as soon as the embargo is taken off. A correct list of the Slaves and Free People of Colour in the Island of Cuba, taken by order of the King in the year 1780 : — Free Mulatto Men - - - 10,201 Do. Do. Women - - - 9,006 19,207 Do. Negro Men - - - 5,959 Do. Do. Women - - - 5,689 Mulatto Male Slaves - - - 3,510 Do. Female Do. - - - 2,206 Negro Males Do. - - 25,267 Do. Females Do. - - 13,359 11,648 5,716 38,626 Total, 74,197 At Porto Rico, there is only one regiment, and that supposed not to be half compleat. In consequence of the disturbances in Cartha- gena, one of the two regiments there in garrison were sent down to the continent, though greatly against the Governor of Porto Rico's opinion, who for a long time absolutely refused to part with a soldier, declaring that with all the forces he had they were not sufficient to garrison that Island. However, as there was a necessity for sending troops to Carthagena, the Spaniards thought it most prudent to leave Porto Rico in a weak state of defence than run the risk of losing one-half of the Continent, relying upon the superiority of the combined fleets for the protection of that Island. The ringleaders of the revolt at Carthagena are taken, and have been made a sacrifice to the cruelty of Spanish Policy. The Court of Spain have been under the necessity of granting a free trade to this Province with all the allied and neutral powers by which means it is given out that the disturbances are quelled. iSThe revolt at Quito becomes more formidable every day, and i is the firm opinion of many people they never can be subjected. — Archd. Campbell." k Signed. Vol. 12, No. 194. 5 pages. [^Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton. 15 June. Copy in the Lansdowne MSS., 168/1, p. 144. Rev. George Panton to [Gen. Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, June 12. New York. — Complaining of the stoppage of his pay. Referred to Colonel Innes for information, who answers that Lieutenant Colonel Balfour had ordered the stoppage to be given to the clergyman who did duty while Mr. Panton was attend- ing his Academy in New York. Colonel Innes's answer is repeated under Panton's memorial of 15th February, 1783 ; also under state- ment of jiacts, 27th March, 1783. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 44, No. 101. 3 pages. 524 [Inhabitants of South Carolina] to Lt. Gen. Leslie. 1782, June 12. Charles Town. — Memorial protesting against the evacuation of East Florida. Copy. Vol. 54, No. 20. 2 pages. Thomas White to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 12. New York.— Petition. That he was banished from New Jersey, and is destitute ; asks assistance. Accompanied by certificate from Lieut. Moody, 28 September, 1781, and Lt. Col. Barton, 8 May. 1781, and by note ordering £40 per annum. Original. Vol. 25, Nos. 145 to 148. 4 pages. Shubael Cottle and Malatiah Davis to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton and Rear Admiral Digby. 1782, June 13. Martha's Vineyard. — Memorial, for payment of stock delivered to Map Gen. Grey in 1778. With note signed Ebenr. Smith, probably to Beriah Norton, transmitting copy of a letter sent to Capt. Collings (sic) Sept. 1st, 1775. Original. Vol. 44, No. 90. Copy. Vol. 44, No. 91. 3 pages each. Richard Burke to Evan Nepean. 1782, June 14. Treasury Chambers. — The Treasury have con- sidered his letter, and one from Clinton of 18th March, with copies and extracts of several letters respecting the distressed situation of the civil officers of Government in South Carolina. Sends copy of their minute to be sent to Lord Shelburne for his consideration. Copy. Vol. 43, No. 25. 1 page. Enclosed by Lord Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton, 8 July. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to James Morden. 1782, June 14. Halifax. — Testimonial to his punctual regularity and rectitude in the duties of his office as barrack master at Halifax. Signed. Vol. 49, No. 4. 1 page. Enclosed by James Morden to Sir Guy Carleton, 18 June. Sir Guy Carleton to the Earl of Shelburne. 1782, June 14. New York. — No. 4 (with Schedule of Enclosures), Nos. 5. 6, 7, 8. Copies. Vol. 27, Nos. 34, 32, 31, 30, 29, and 28. Signed letters in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144 ; copies. State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Mir Guy Carleton to the Earl of Shelburne. 1782, June 14. New York. — Recommending Capt. Coote. Draft. Vol. 27, No. 35. 1 page. Signed letter in the Lansdowne MSS. 68, p. 249. [Sir Guy Carleton] to [Henry Strachey]. 1782, June 14. — No. 1. That he has constituted a Board at this place to examine the public accounts of the army. Draft. Vol. 41, No. 142. 2 pages. 525 [Sir Guy Carleton] to Henry Strachey. 1782, June 14. New York.— No. 2. Transmits report of the Commissary General on the letters from Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty, and the Commrs. for Victualling. Draft. Vol. 41, No. 143. 1 page. [Sir Guy Carleton] to Thomas Townshend. 1782, June 14.— No. 1. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 36. 1 page. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Proprietors of Lands in East Florida to Lt. Gen. Leslie. 1782, June 14. Charles Town. — Memorial. Representing their misfortune in view of any evacuation of that province. Signed. Vol. 23, No. 202. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir Guy Carleton, 28 June. Admiral Sir G. B. Rodney to [Brig. Gen. Arch. Campbell]. 1782, June 14. " Formidable " at Port Royal. — Acknowledges receipt of letter directed to Sir Peter Parker. Was surprised to find on his arrival at Jamaica that no troops had been sent there from America, as the safety of that island depends upon the strength of forces there ; " had not Providence ordained that His Majesty's arms should be successful against the French Fleet, and an oppor- tunity given of bringing them to battle, Jamaica must have been lost." Thinks not one moment ought to be lost. The enemy has at the Cape 37 sail of the line and 24,000 troops. The Spaniards seem determined to carry on their expedition, and hourly expect assistance from Europe. Desires the matter to be laid before the Commander-in-Chief. So large a portion of the British cannot possibly remain during the hurricane months, and he cannot answer for the consequence of leaving the Island without a large supply of troops. Copy. Vol. 12, No. 173. 3 pages. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton, 15 June. John Wetherhead to the Commander-in-Chief [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, June 14. New York. — Has suffered much distress on account of his lo} r alty, and complains of receiving no rent for a stable belonging to him, and used by the Commander-in-Chief since 1776, though he has made frequent applications. Seeks re- dress for the injustice done to him by Captain Mercer respecting some more of his property. Refers to Delancey for the truth of his statements ; considers his sufferings and losses are equal to those experienced by other people who have already obtained assistance from the Treasury. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 25, No. 21. 3 pages. Enclosure : — Estimate of brick and stone in three buildings. Original. Vol. 25, No. 22. 1 page. 526 Brig. Gen. Arch. Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 15. Jamaica. — Congratulations on his appointment as Commander-in-Chief. The important victory obtained by Rodney over the French fleet has prevented^ the armaments of France and Spain from making their long meditated attempt on the Island of Jamaica. By the enclosed intelligence from Cape Francois and Cuba, he will find that the enemy's force at St. Domingo on the 18th of May amounted to 22,000 troops and 42 sail of the line. [See 20 May and 12 June.] Fears that after the departure of Rodney's fleet from Jamaica, the French and Spaniards will attack that Island. The enclosed return will show the troops in the Island. There ought to be a force of 4,000 regulars. He can thus judge what force should be spared from New York. Has received a letter from Shelburne granting the request for two engineers ; should esteem it a favour if Lieut. Sutherland from New York could be sent as one. Signed letter. Vol. 12, No. 192. 3 pages. Enclosure : — State of the troops at Jamaica — showing a total' of 2,880. Vol, 12, No. 172. 1 page. Duplicate of the foregoing letter enclosing that from Sir G. B. Rodney to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 14 June. Vol. 12, No. 174. 3 pages. Maj. Gen. Charles O'Hara. 1782, May 1 and June 15. — State of the detachment under the command of Gen. O'Hara at sea, 15 June. Written lengthwise — 1 sheet, signed by O'Hara. Also state of the detachment at Charles- town, 1 May, again written lengthwise — 1 sheet, and signed. With this is a duplicate of both states. Original. Vol. 54, No. 16. 4 pages. Provincial Troops. 1782, June 15.— Roll of Lt. Col. Thompson's troop of King's American Dragoons, formed and compleated agreeable to an arrange- ment approved by His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton, 15 June. Signed B. Thompson, Lieut. Col. Commanding, with certificate by Edward Winslow, Muster Master General Provincial Forces. Roll of Major Daniel Murray's Troop. Roll of Major Joshua Upham's Troop. Roll of Capt. William Stewart's Troop. Originals. Vol. 27, Nos. 37 and 39. 4 pages. Mary Swords to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 15. New York. — Memorial. Is widow of Thomas Swords, who served in the last war ; that her husband was imprisoned and deprived of all his substance ; that her son Richard, in the Provincial troops, was killed in the expedition to Virginia. Her 527 rations of fuel having been lately discontinued, asks some further relief. With order for allowance by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., 1 July, for £40 per annum. Original. Vol. 52, No. 43. 2 pages. Sir Guy Carleton to Henry Strachey. 1782, June 16. New York. — No. 3. Transmits a list of warrants granted by Sir Henry Clinton, from 1 April to 4 May, 1782, inclusive. Copy. Vol. 41, No. 158. 1 page. Intelligence. 1782, June 16. — State of the French and Spanish ships at Cape Francois. A copy by Wm. Augt. Merrick. Vol. 12, No. 177. 4 pages. Copy in the Public Record Office, Admiralty, Secretary, In Letters, 314, No. 214. Georgia. 1782, June 16. Savannah. — Address of the Upper and Commons Houses of Assembly to Lieut. Gen. Alex. Leslie. Signed Sir James Wright, John Graham, and Samuel Farley, protesting against the evacuation of that province and East Florida. Beg that the garrison of St. Augustine might be removed to this place (Savannah). Original. Vol. 53, No. 114. 3 pages. 1782, June 16. Savannah. — Address, same as the foregoing, with the exception of the last paragraph, which suggests that if the evacuation of this province takes place, East Florida might be kept as an asylum for the refugees. Original. Vol. 53, No. 115. 3 pages. Sir Guy Carleton to the Earl of Shelburne. 1782, June 17.— No. 9. Draft. Vol. 27, No. 41. 2 pages. Signed letter in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 249 ; State Papers. Foreign, Various, 321. James Morden to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 18. Halifax. — That Mr. Crawford, Deputy Commis- sary General, had called upon him to deliver over all the wood, coals and candles in his custody as Barrack Master. Hearing that another person is to be employed to act in that duty, solicits to be continued in the full exercise of every part of his office as Barrack Master. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 49, No. 3. 2 pages. Enclosing Brig. Gen. Campbell's testimonial, 14 June. William Deane Poyntz. • ,-j.q May 21. — New York. — Account with Sir Guy Carleton for 'June 18. extraordinaries. (Incomplete, the addition wanting.) Original. Vol. 18, No. 16, page 1. 2 pages. 528 Lt. Gen. James Robertson to [Sir Guy Carleton]. 1782, June 18. New York. — Some gentlemen of the law., counsel for Mr. Lippincot, have required him as Chancellor of the province to grant a writ of prohibition to the president and members of the court martial, to prohibit them from proceeding any further upon the charge against Richard Lippincot. Has signified to these gentlemen that he does not find himself possessed of the legal power of a chancellor. Submits the papers in case it is necessary to give any directions on the subject. Signed letter. Vol. 20, No. 161. 2 pages. Maurice Morgann to Lieut. Gen. James Robertson. 1782, June 18. — Returns the papers concerning the injunction. Sends draft of a letter to Washington for perusal, and if need be reform. Refers to his consideration how he wishes to be accom- panied, and if he would like to be joined by some gentlemen of the law. Draft. Vol. 20, No. 159. 1 page. Hessians. 1782, June 18. New York. — Memorial from Richard Lorentz, Paymaster General of Hessian troops, for £10,000 for subsistence for same for the year 1782. Copy. Vol. 31, No. 151. 1 page. Warrant to pay the same. Vol. 31, No. 150. 1 page. House of Commons. 1782, June 19.— Printed votes, pages 785 to 795. No. 106. Vol. 26, No. 145. 11 pages. ( »East Florida. 1782, June 19. — Address of the Upper and Commons Houses of Assembly to Gov. Patrick Tonyn. Desiring some defence if the troops are withdrawn. Copies. Vol. 17, No. 126. 4 pages. Vol. 23, No. 187 and 193. The same with Governor Tonyn' s answer. Vol. 23, No, 194, 195. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 250, fos. 439, 751. Lt. Col. A. Emmerick. 1782, June 19. New York. — Proposals for establishing a post at Fort Lee on a neck of land formed by the Hudson and Hackinsack rivers, close on the Jersey shore, opposite to Fort Knyphausen. Signed. Vol. 46, JVo.'21. 4 pages. John Morgan, refugee, to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 19. New York. — Memorial. Has served as a guide and in the Barrack Master's service. His wife and children have 529 been stripped of all that they had. Is sick, and reduced to poverty. With recommendation by Samuel Shoemaker, and order of allowance by Thos. Murray, A.D.C., for £40 per annum. Original. Vol. 25, No. 143. 2 pages. John Campbell. 1782, June 20. Halifax.— A description of the nature and kind of the lands, &c, in Nova Scotia, with a brief account of its produce and advantages, and the number of inhabitants, &c, &c, &c. ' Signed. Vol. 41, No. 198. 8 pages. Sir Guy Carleton to General Washington. ] 1782, June 20. New York.— (Printed in Sparks's Washington VIII. 537.) Copy. Vol. 27, No. 42. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 405 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. Daniel Coxe to Maj. Gen. Patterson. 1782, June 20. New York. — Defending himself against the suspicions of being acquainted with, and agreeing to, Huddy's execution. Disapproval of retaliation. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 56. Copy. Vol. 46, No. 8. 3 pages and 8 pages. East Florida. i 1782, June 20. [St. Augustine]. — Resolutions of the Commons House of Assembly to stand by the Governor and preserve the allegiance of the province. Resolutions of the Upper House of Assembly. Message from both Houses to Gov. Tonyn and his answer. Copies. Vol. 23, Nos. 201, 200 and 196. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir G. Carleton, 28 June. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 250. Hessians. 1782, June 20. New York. — Philip Ludewig's account with Government, £82 17s. id. With certificate by Lossberg, 24 June. See the warrant for that amount, 27 June. Original. Vol. 27, No. 92. 1 page. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 20. St. Augustine. — Lt. Gen. Leslie's letter of 4 June, stating that preparations were to be made for the evacuation of St. Augustine, has impressed his mind with the deepest affliction for the impending distresses of the loyal inhabitants who must remain in the province. Transmits the address of the General Assembly to himself ; doubts not he will comply with their requests for assistance, and send not only arms and military stores, but also troops. Has received no orders yet from His Majesty's Ministers 2l 530 to relinquish, this province, and hopes measures will be adopted to preserve it. Desires some armed vessels to be sent for defence of the river St. John, whence naval stores are exported of great conse- quence to Britain. Autograph signed letter and triplicate. Vol. 23, Nos. 185 and 186. 3 pages and 2 pages. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Lt. Gen. Alex. Leslie. 1782, June 20. St. Augustine. — Received his triplicate of 4th June, two days ago, and it contained his first intimation of the in- tended evacuation of East Florida. Is at a loss in what words to express his astonishment and his sympathy for the greater part of the inhabitants, who must remain here. Communicated the con- tents of letter to the General Assembly ; sends the address received in reply, and hopes their request for arms, ammunition and cannon will be granted. Has received no orders from Ministers to quit the province, and, as he is desirous of preserving it to the Crown, wishes it may be in his (Leslie's) power to do what his humanity shall dictate. Requests the enclosed letter be sent to Carleton. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 23, No. 192. 3 pages. Enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir G. Carleton, 28 June. Elizabeth Whitley to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 20. New York. — Is widow of Charles Davys Whitley, late ensign in the Volunteers of Ireland ; asks the bounty usual for widows. Accompanied by certificates, dated 14 and 21 August, which see. Original.^ Vol. 43, No. 245. 2 pages. Anspach Troops. 1782, June 21. New York. — Memorial from Col. August de Voit for £2,500 for subsistence for the Anspach Yagers, for the next two months. (See the warrant for that amount, 25 June.) Copy. Vol. 31, No. 155. 1 page. John Boddington to the " Respective Officers at Halifax." 1782, June 21. Office of Ordnance. — In future no bills drawn by the storekeeper will be accepted unless attested by the Admiral, if for sea service, or by the Commander-in-Chief, if for land service. Certified a " true copy, James Morden, Storekeeper and Paymaster." Enclosed by James Morden to Sir G. Carleton, 12 October. Vol. 49, No. 8. 1 page. Capt. John Colpoys to Maj. Gen. Charles O'Hara. 1782, June 21. " Orpheus."— Considers the advice in his letter so very foreign to the opinion of the Council of War, held previous to their departure from New York, that he does not feel justified in deviating from the orders given by Adml. Digby. Thanks for the offer of taking the responsibility, but cannot conceive it would in the least tend to his exculpation. Copies Vol. 12, Nos. 164 and 160. 1 page each. 531 Easi Flokida. 1782, June 21. St. Augustine. — Address of the Assembly to the King. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 197. 4 pages. Address of the Assembly to Gov. Tonyn. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 198. 2 pages. Answer of Gov. Tonyn to the above address. Copy. Vol. 23, No. 199. 2 pages. All enclosed by Lt. Gen. Leslie to Sir G. Carleton, No 2, 28 June. Originals in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 250. Gov. Patrick Tonyn to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 21. St. Augustine. — Transmits the spirited resolutions of the Houses of Assembly of East Florida, showing the determina- tion to defend the province to the last extremity ; the conduct of the inhabitants also deserves commendation. Suggests for the protection of the property belonging to the inhabitants that His Excellency should countermand the. order for the removal of the garrison, and take them under his own protection. Suggests trans- ports and a convoy for such inhabitants as wish to go to Jamaica. Colonel Moore, at the people's request, presents these despatches and awaits his reply. Triplicate autograph signed letter. Vol. 17, No. 138. 2 pages. General Haldimand to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 22. Quebec— No. 1. Qy. Original. Vol. 11, No. 214. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 361 ; S. P., Foreign, Various, 321 ; Brit. Mus., Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 33 ; 21806, fo. 2. Halifax and Nova Scotia. 1782, June 22. Halifax. — Return of guns and mortars on the several batteries in the garrison. Signed Anthony Farrington, Major commanding Royal Artillery. Original. Vol. 36, No. 19. 1 page. Qy. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 24 June. 1782, June 22. Halifax. — Return of the Royal Artillery in the province, and at Fort George, Penobscot Bay, and Halifax. Signed Anthony Farrington, Major commanding Royal Artillery. Copy. Vol. 36, No. 20. 1 page. Qy. Enclosed by Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 24 June. Hanau Troops. 1782, June 22. Denyses Ferry. — Memorial of Lieut, de Biinau, commanding detachment of Hessian Hanau Yagers, for £143, for subsistence for same. (See warrant for that amount, 25 June.) Original. Vol. 31, No. 157. 1 page. 532 ! General Washington to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 22. Head Quarters. — (Printed in Sparks's Washing- ton VIII. 312.) Signed letter. Vol. 15, No. 68. 4 pages. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 144, fo. 409 ; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321. : General Haldimand to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 23. Quebec— No. 2. Duplicate signed letter. Vol. 11, No. 215. 1 page. Enclosed by Gen. Haldimand to Sir G. Carleton, 28 July. 1782. Copies in the Public Record Office, Am. & W. I. 145, fo. 87; State Papers, Foreign, Various, 321 ; British Museum, Addtl. MSS. 21808, fo. 36 ; 21806, fo. 3. Capt. Sir Andrew Snape Hamond to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 23. Halifax, Nova Scotia. — Acknowledges letter communicating Carleton's appointment to the chief command, and promises to transmit all useful information. Signed letter. Vol. 49, No. 5. 1 page. Earl oe Shelburne to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 23. London. — John Bailey to succeed to an ensigncy. Autograph signed letter. Vol. 27, No. 43. 1 page. Brig. Gen. Birch and others. 1781, Dec. 25 . — Account of pay due to Brigadier Generals Birch, 1782, June 24. Gunning, Abercrombie, Bruce and March. (See the warrant to pay this amount, 30 June.) Copy. Vol. 27, No. 90. 1 page. Brig. Gen. John Campbell to Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 24. Halifax.— No. 1. Receipt of letter of 24th May. Congratulates him on being appointed to the chief command. Complains all the junior officers have been promoted over him, and hopes justice will now be done. In his own vindication begs to have Maj. Monk and Mr. Bridgham, Deputy Inspector Gen. of Provincials, tried by Court Martial. Has sent provisions and ammunition for Forts Howe and Cumberland. Enquires what is to be done with the " Howe " and the " Buckram," armed vessels, when they have finished their present employment of carrying provisions and am- munition for Fort Cumberland from Fort Howe. In obedience to orders Lieut. Col. Rogers' corps were sent to the Island of St. John to relieve Hierlihy's five companies, who are daily expected here to be incorporated with the Nova Scotia Volunteers. Sends returns. Here is only one field officer present belonging to the three British regiments in this garrison. A detachment is in readiness to embark 533 for Spanish River for the purpose of raising coals for the use of the army, according to a requisition made by Brook Watson. Signed letter. Vol. 49, No. 10. 4 pages. § Enclosing Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 20 April. Wm. Handfield to Brig. Gen. Campbell, 18 April. Brig. Gen. Campbell to Sir H. Clinton, 21 April. Return of guns . . . Halifax, 22 June. Return of Royal Artillery in Nova Scotia, 22 June. Archelaus Carpenter to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 24. — Petition. Is a refugee from North Castle, West Chester County. Was obliged to leave a well-improved farm. Has lived on Long Island, and hitherto supported his large family, but is now so exhausted he cannot go on without some assistance. With certificates, and order of allowance by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., 28 June, for £20 per annum. Original. Vol. 25, No. 163. 2*pages. Hanau Troops. 1782, June 24. McGowns Pass.— Memorial of Lieut. Col. Janecke, commanding the Hessian Hanau troops, asking for £1,200 for subsistence for same. Original. Vol. 31, No. 153. 1 page. Warrant to pay the same. Vol. 31, No. 152. 1 page. Hospitals. 1781, Dec. 25. — Abstract of pay due to the staff officers of H. M. 1782, June 24. Hospitals at New York, £2,500. J. Mervin Nooth, Superintendent General. Accompanied by warrant to pay the same, dated 25 June. Vol. 24. Nos. 38 and 37. 1 page each. , „q 2 Mostly to — Staff of the Hospital, showing the date to which ' June 24. each has been paid ; not otherwise Mated nor signed. Vol. 24, No. 78. 2 pages. 1781, Dec, 25- — Return of the payment and employment of the 1782, June 24. British Hospital staff. Original, signed J. Mervin Nooth, Superintendent General. Shows rank (physician, surgeon, apothecary, &c), name, date to which paid up, and remarks as to where each is (New York, Europe, resigned, &c). Original. Vol. 24, No. 81. 1 page. 17 j,n March 25. — Abstract of pay due to the established mates ' June 24. of the Hospitals at New York, £827 5s. Signed J. Mervin Nooth. Accompanied by warrant to pay the same, dated 25 June. Copies. Vol. 27, Nos. 82 and 81. 1 page each. 534 ,-^n March 25- — Abstract of pay due to the supernumerary mates, '' June 24. quarter-master and cutler of H. M. Hospitals at New York, £909 2s. 6d. Signed J. Mervin Nooth, Superintendent General. (The warrant to pay that amount is dated 29 June, which date see.) Copy. Vol. 27, No. 106. 1 page. ,-o„ March 25. — Abstract of the a/cs of H. M. Hospital at '' June 24. New York between these dates, and in Virginia between 10 December, 1780, and the same date, £1,163 Is. Ihd. Certified examined by Duncan Drummond, Com- missary of A/cs, New York, 7 August, and approved by the Board of A/cs the same day. {See the warrant to pay this under 19 August.) Copy. Vol. 43, Nos. 182 and 183. 2 pages. Agnes Lockwood, widow, to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton. 1782, June 24. — Petition. Prays fuel and other assistance ', has five sons and five grandsons in the service. Certificates, not dated. Referred to General Robertson, 24 June. Allowance ordered by Thomas Murray, A.D.C., 9 July, of £40. Original. Vol. 25, No 155. 2 pages. Officers. 1781, Dec. 25- — List of General and Staff Officers upon the estab- 1782, June 24. lishment in North America within the colonies lying on the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to West Florida. Original. Vol. 31, No. 97. 3 pages. Copies. Vol. 54, No. 64 ; 24, Nos. 42 and 43. Copies in the Public Record Office, War Office, In Letters, Original Correspondence 23. Provincial Troops. 17ft9 April 25. — American Legion. A/c of stoppages due to H. M. ' June 24. Hospitals at New York, with receipt pro J. Mallet, purveyor, 31 August. Original. Vol. 27, No. 60. 1 page. ,_ ft{> March 25. — Armed Boats Company. A/c of subsistence for '' June 24. Capt. William Luce's company of Armed Boatmen for 92 days, £967 16s. &d. Signed by William Luce, by Oliver Delancey, Adjutant General, and certified by W. Chipman. (See- the warrant to pay, . . October.) Original. Vol. 47, No. 214. 2 pages. ,_ S9 March 25. — Armed Boats Company. Abstract of 92 days' w ' June 24. pay for the officers and men, £968 Is. 4d. (See the warrant to pay, 2 November.) Copy. Vol. 31, No. 126. 1 page. 535 17S f) March 25. — Memorandum of words to fill in a warrant for ' June 24. Brook Watson to enable him to pay £968 Is. Ad. to the Armed Boatmen. See above a/c. Vol. 24, No. 82. 6 lines. To 1782, June 24.— Black Pioneers. Certificate by J. Mallet, that the hospital stoppage accounts due are settled. Original. Vol. 27, No. 70. 1 page. 1782, June 24. — British Legion Cavalry. Abstract of broken periods, £432 lis. Qd. Signed George Haye and Moore Hovendon. Original. Vol. 28, No. 134. 1 page. 1782 April 25. — British Legion Infantry. Abstract of 61 days' ' June 24. pay to the commissioned, staff, non-commissioned officers and privates, £327 Os. 3d. Original. Vol. 41, No. 220, 2 vages. To 1782, June 24.— British Legion. Certificate by J. Mallet that Captain Miller has settled the Hospital stoppages. Original. Vol. 27, No. 61. 1 page. 1779, October 25- — Garrison Battalion. Certificate by J. Mallet, that 1782, June 24. the hospital stoppage accounts between these dates have been settled. Original. Vol. 27, No. 69. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Guides and Pioneers. Abstract of pay due to non-commissioned officers and men taken prisoners and returned, £222 Is. Vol. 41, No. 217. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — King's American" Regiment, commanded by Col. E. Fanning. Abstract of pay due to a corporal, drummer, and 12 men, £150 7s. 2d. Signed A. De Peyster, Capt., King's American Regiment. Also signed by George Thomas, Paymaster, by W. Chip- man, and examined. Original. Vol. 41, No. 216. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Loyal American Regiment commanded by Col. Beverley Robinson. Abstract of pay for men returned from imprisonment, from the time of their being taken to this date, £333 12s. id. Original. Vol. 50, No. 247. 1 page. To 1782, June 24.— Loyal American Regiment." Certificate by J. Mallet, that the Hospital stoppage a/cs against it are settled. Original. Vol. 27, No. 63. 1 page. To 1782, June 24.— Maryland Loyalists. Certificate by J. Mallet, that the Hospital stoppage accounts are settled. Original. Vol. 27, No. 66. 1 page. 536 To 1782, June 24. — New Jersey Volunteers, 1st Battalion. Certi- ficate by J. Mallet, Purveyor, that the Hospital stoppage account is settled. Original. Vol. 43, No. 217. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — New Jersey Volunteers. Certificate by J. Mallet that the Hospital stoppage accounts against Col. Buskirk's Battalion are settled. Original. Vol. 27, No. 50. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — New York Volunteers. Abstract of pay due to the non-commissioned officers and private men, who were taken prisoners, and since returned, £170 9s. 6d. Original. Vol. 39, No. 56. 2 pages. To 1782, June 24. — North Carolina Independent Company, com- manded bv Eli Branson. Abstract of pay and subsistence from 1 April, 1781, to October 19, 202 days, £164 19s. 4d.f_ Below is certificate by J. Mallet, that the stoppage accounts are settled to 24 June, 1782. Original. Vol. 27, No. 52. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Pennsylvania Loyalists. Certificate by J. Mallet, purveyor, that the Hospital stoppage account has been settled. Original. Vol. 39, No. 249. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Prince of Wales' American Eegt. Abstract of pay due to the non-commissioned officers and privates from different periods, £277 14s. Qd. Original. Vol. 39, No. 41. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Queen's Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe, Com- mander. Abstract of pay due to sundry non-commissioned officers and privates whilst prisoners in the country. Various periods to each man, £1,162 16s. lid. Endorsed to 24 June. Signed R. Armstrong, Major, also J. Kerr, Captain and Paymaster. Original. Vol. 27, No. 152. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Queen's Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe, Com- mander. Abstract of pay ; same as the foregoing, but only signed W. Chipman, Muster Master General, British American Forces. Original. Vol. 27, No. 154. 1 page. 1781, Dec 25 . — Queen's Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe, Commander. 1782, June 24. Abstract of pay due to non-commissioned officers and privates joined from being prisoners, £782 6s. 6d. Original. Vol. 27, No. 71. 1 page. 1781, Dec^25. — Queen's Rangers. Abstract of pay due to non- 1782, June 24. commissioned officers and privates when prisoners, £1,162 18s. lid!. Signed J. Kerr, Captain and Paymaster. Vol. 41, No. 243. 1 page. 537 To 1782, June 24. — Queen's Rangers. Abstract of broken periods and vacant pay, £102 12s. Od, Original signed J. Kerr, Captain and Paymaster. (The warrant to pay this is dated 13 May, 1783.) Vol. 28, No. 148. 2 pages. 1782, June 24. — Queen's Rangers. Certificate by J. Mallet, that the hospital stoppages against them are settled to this date, except what was due in 1776 and 1777 from Colonel Rogers. Original. Vol. 27, No. 47. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — South Carolina Royalists. Abstract of pay due to the non-commissioned officers and privates who were taken prisoners and since returned, £106 10s. 6d. With names of the officers on the back. Signed Charles J. Allicocke, Lieutenant. Original. Vol. 39, No. 36. 2 pages. 1782, June 24. — State of the Provincial Troops in the district of Carolina. Signed Alexander Innes, Inspector-General of Provincial Forces. Original, Vol. 29, No. 286. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — List of names, &c, certified by Lieut. Col. George Turnbull to be a return of the non-commissioned officers and privates drawn for by him from Gordon, Biddulph and Gordon. Original. Vol. 27, No. 53. 2 pages. 1781, Dec. 25 . — Warrants granted on account of subsistence for the 1782, June 24- Provincial Troops, £75,000. Wanted on account, £22,000. Total, £97,000. Copy. Vol, 27, No. 44. 1 page. To 1782, June 24. — Six accounts of Col. Alex. Innes, Inspector General of Provincial Forces, for contingent expenses in the depart- ment and for saddlery, caps, pistols, swords, and making cloathing for the said troops, and other disbursements on their account. From 1 April to 30 June, 1781, £2,225 4s. lid. The same from 1 July to 30 September, 1781, £3,007 16s. 6fd. The same from 1 October to 31 December, 1781, £1,052 lis. 0§rf. The same from 1 January to 31 March, 1782, £1,161 15s. 2fd. The same from 1 April to 5 May, 1782, £396 2s. 3f 9 April l. — Abstract of pay due to the extra officers of the '' June 30. Quarter Master General's Department in the district of New York, £147 5s. Signed W. Dalrymple, Quarter Master General. Vol. 43, No. 110. 1 page. See warrant for that amount, 5 August. List of people that are paid agreeable to their accounts when given in. Beginning with the Adjutant General's Department ; includes persons known as loyalists holding appointments. The latest date appears to be 30 June, 1782, one of them being paid to that date, mostly, however, to March and May. Shows sums paid and times to which they are paid up. Original. Vol. 52, No. 29. 1 page. 1789 Apri] *• — Account of subsistence, £45 10s. Signed Charles ""' June 30. Handfield, Paymaster of absent corps. Original. Vol. 27, No. 126. 1 page. 1789 May_27- — Abstract of pay due for men employed in the ' June 30. Boat at Paulus Hook, £49 New York currency. Captain Edward Handfield. Copy. Vol. 47, No. 209. 1 page. Annexed to warrant for same, dated May, 1783. William Wanton. Warrant to pay the sum of £78 14s. 5d., allowance granted for support, having been obliged to leave property at Rhode Island — 4 months and 22 days at £200. Printed copy. Vol. 28, No. 204. 2 pages. 553 Paper of calculations for same, 9 Feb. to 30 June. 1782. Vol. 28, No. 204.* 1 page. Statement of a/c down to 30 June, 1782 (showing allowance given him since October, 1780). Balance due, £147 5s. 2hd. Original. Vol. 28, No. 206. 1 page. Warrants. 1782, June 30. New York.— Warrant to pay to Cadwallader Golden the sum of £68 5s., allowance for expenses from 1 April to 30 June, 91 days at 5s. per day ; also pay as resident commissary of prisoners in the rebel lines for the same period, at 10s. per day. Printed copy. Vol. 38, No. 266. 1 page. 1782, June 30. New York. — To pay Anthony Fiva the sum of £11 7s. Qd., allowance as interpreter to foreign troops, from 1 April to 30 June, 91 days, at 2s. 6d. Printed copy. Vol. 38, No. 264. 1 page. 1782, June 30. New York. — To pay Bernard Michael Houseal the sum of £22 15s., allowance for services as German translator for the Hessian troops, from 1 April to 30 June, 91 days, at 5s. Printed copy. Vol. 38, No. 247. 1 page. The same, but date not filled in, Vol. 38, No. 262. 1789 May 21 " — Account of warrants for extraordinaries granted ' June 30. by Sir Guy Carleton. Compared at the Pay Office and agreed 9 September, 1782, £16,899 9s. Vol. 27, No. 134. 1 page. 1789 May 2I ' "^ S * °^ warran ^s for extraordinaries granted by ' June 30- Sir Guy Carleton on William Deane Povntz. £16,899 9s. Copies. Vol. 24, No. 52 ; also Vol. 18, No. 7/1. 4 pages each. Enclosed by G. Carleton to the Treasury, 12 September, 1782. 1781, October. — Warrants for extraordinaries to be made out for the 1782, June 30- quarter ending 30 June, 1782. Military Depart- ment, allowances for support, and Civil Department. Original. Vol. 44, Nos. 164 and 165. 3 pages. 17 r>o April l. — List of warrants for extraordinaries for people ' June 30. that draw pay for their salaries and allowances for their support from Government due within the quarter. Original. Vol. 56, No. 42. 1 page. Patrick Commins to Sir Guy Carlton (sic). [1782, June or July]. — Petition. Was imprisoned and stript of everything by the rebels. Has helped many to come to the British 554 army, and has five brothers in His Majesty's service. Having his wife, small children and grandmother to support, is reduced to the lowest ebb of poverty. Certified by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Rogers, of the King's Rangers, and others. Original,. Vol. 25, No. 162. 2 pages. Gordon, Biddulph and Gordon. 1782, June. New York. — Bills drawn on Harley and Drummond in the month of June, 1782. Original. Vol. 35, No. 199. 11 pages. Board op Associated Loyalists. 1782, June. — Minutes of the proceedings of the Directors, for the month. Certified by William Franklin. Relative to exchange of prisoners ; provisions issued to loyalists ; Colonel Upham's appoint- ment in the King's American Dragoons ; memorial to the Com- mander-in-Chief on behalf of two loyalists condemned to die for their loyalty ; distribution of the proceeds of prizes, &c. Copy. Vol. 25, No. 49. 12 pages. William Deane Poyntz. 1 7S9 Ma y- — Statement. Showing cash paid and, on the opposite ' June, page, cash received for bills drawn. Original. Vol. 35, No. 198. 4 pages. Prisoners. Statement of Joshua Loring, Commissary, as to the exchange of prisoners since 3 Sept., 1781. Copy. Vol. 27, No. 107. 2 pages. Annexed are : — J. Loring to Major Skinner, 5 November, 1781. Maj. Skinner to J. Loring, 10 December, 1781. Correspondence between Skinner and Loring — 4 letters, 17 December, 1781. J. Loring to Sir H. Clinton, 19 December, 1781. Major Skinner to J. Loring, 14 January, 1782. J. Loring to Major Skinner, 20 January, 1782. J. Loring, memorandum submitted to the Com- mander-in-Chief. Sir H. Clinton to J. Loring, 21 January, 1782. Major Skinner to J. Loring, 23 January, 1782. J. Adams to J. Loring, 26 January, 1782. Proposals. 9 February. J. Loring to Major Skinner, 12 February, 1782. Comparative view of British and American prisoners -—officers. Also state of privates. 28 June. 555 INDEX. 'A. & B., Messrs. See Sherwood & Smyth. Abercorn (Georgia), 110. Abercrombie. Lieut. -Col. or Brig.-Gen., 411/ 532. certificate from, 346. exchange of, 397. Aberdein or Aberdeen, Robert, 301, 346. Ackerman : Cornelius, refugee, 291, 293. John or Johannes, refugee, 70, 85, 118. Peter or Petrus, refugee, 51, 68, 139. Ackerson : Jacob, refugee, 411. John, certificate by, 382. Act of Parliament, regulating trade, 181. Adair : Alexander, letter to, 550. Robert, 275, 337. , letter from, 330. , letter to, 262. Adams, John, letter from, 386. Addenbrooke, Capt., 65, 68, 122. Addison, Mr., letter to, 284. Adlington, letter dated at, 335. Admiral, the, 50, 51.. 52, 53, 55, 86, 92, 196, 252, 445. Admiralty or Lords of the Admiralty, 165. 232, 276, 358, 422, 436. letter from, 216. letter to, 103. Secretary of the. See Stephens. Adye, Stephen Payne, capt., aid-de camp, and judge advocate, 441, 478. letters from, 10, 14, 80, 81. Affleck, Capt., 156, 363. Agnew : James, 25, 121. John, chaplain, Queen's Rangers, 25. [Stair], capt., certificate signed by, 121. Albany, 126, 168. mayor of, 171. Allaire, Lieut,, 283. Allan : Bartlett, 493. (or Allen), Ensign William, 411, 482. (Allen), Mi-., 61, Allen : Ethan, defies Congress, 252. , letter from, 254. Colonel Ira, letters from, 255, 281, 297, 345. , information by, 279. , conference with, 284. , (as joint agent for Vermont), commission to, 297. , proposals by, 318, 333. , questions to, 319. , letter from, 313. , letter to, 476. John, 362, 473. , exchange of, 547. William, Lieut. -Colonel of the Penn- sylvania Loyalists, 8, 202. Allicocke, Charles J., 537. AUigood, Colonel, 322. Allin, John, refugee, 462. Almagra, N., 457. Althause, Captain, 162. his company, 376. Alyee, Alyea or Aljea. Isaac, refugee, 115, 184. oath of, 469. Amboy, proceedings at, for exchange of prisoners, 102, 108, 155, 160. A mericans : assisted from Holland, 304. Bank of, 414. encourage Hessians to desert, 418. estates of, divided amongst refugees, 503. forces, army, troops, &c, of, , take post at St. John's River, 1. , defeated at Penobscot, 13, 14-17, 19-50. , withdraw from Penobscot, 66. , prepare for vigorous winter campaign, 26. , co-operation with French at Savannah mentioned. 29, 71. , overrun Georgia, 39. , carry off negroes, 88. , collect force for defence of Charlestown, 91. , skirmish with [near Savannah], 107, 110, 111-112. , attitude in South Carolina, 169. , reinforced by French and ex- pected to attack Canada and New York, 180. . information concerning, 349. 556 Americans, forces — contd. , numbers of, 39, 348, 417, 463. — — , against New Providence, 489. , superiority in horse, 379. — — . continentals mentioned, 39. 379, 404, 407, 469, 491. , Horry's regiment, 404-5. , S. Carolina line, 463. , Virginia line, 463. , militia, 78, 379. , bounties paid for recruits, 463. , proposed expedition against Canada, 409. -, encounter with Thompson's cavalry, 403-4. 405-6. , policy of straitening garrisons of Savannah and Charlestown, 464. — — . (See also names of places and generals.) furnished with ammunition by cap- ture of ships, 181. Indians influenced or gained bv, 1-2, 172, 174, 226. prisoners of. See Prisoners, privateers of. See Privateers, ships belonging to, 35, 59, 522, 523. See also Gilion. , destroyed at Penobscot, 12-13, 14-16, 19. — - — , captured at Savannah, 64. Amherst : Lieut. -General or Lord, 173, 188, 214, 216, 231, 242, 243. , letters from, 38, 62, 69, 73, 86, 156, 206, 211, 216, 217, 218, 223, 225. 241, 243, 291, 293, 356. , letters to, 53, 119. 191. 213, 218, 222, 274, 332. Captain, 254. Amit, River, 31. Amoss, James, 123, 135, 550. Anderson : James, certificate by, 78. John, name assumed by John Andre, 185. Lieut., 198. Andre : John, captain or major, aid-de-camp, 69, 158, 318. , letters from, 27, 174, 445. , letter to, 445. , concerning the affair of, 185, 186, 188, 190, 192, 215, 350, 449. , pension to his mother, 215. Lewis, 70. Andrew, Anthony, 113, 138. Andrews : John, memorial from, 257. Major, 97. Angus, Hercules, 460. Anhalt, Prince of, 270. Anhalt Zerbst troops, 270, 511. 515. Anketele, Captain, 138. Ann, Cape, 258. Annapolis (Maryland), 269. Anson County (North Carolina), 176, 332. Anspach troops, 530, 540, 542. Anstruther, Major, 520. Antigua, 40. letters dated from, 82, 310, 546. Antill, Major John, letter from, 129. Apple. Mrs. Hannah. 20. Arbuthnot. Vice Admiral, 4. 8, 29. 62. 152. 223, 241, 259, 295. letter from. 30. letter to, 236. reinforcements for, 103, 180. Argvll or Argvle, Duke of, letters from, 156. 387 ; mentioned 143, 172, 258, 269. Argyllshire, corps raised in, 387. Arlington. Vermont, letters dated from, 211, 219. Armand, Colonel, legion or corps, 347, 473, 547. Armstrong : Alice, refugee, 100. John, certificate bv. 126. Major R,, 536. William. 17th Regt., letter from. 93. Captain, 235, 383. Army. See Troops. List, 1779, for army in America under Clinton, 79. Arnold. Brigadier General Benedict, 185, 215, 219, 252, 346. letters from, 185, 187, 246, 255, 269, 280, 319, 332, 342, 355, 487. letter to, 219. certificate from, 346. award of prizes of expedition under, 429. Asgill, Lieut, or Ca'ptain Charles, letters from, 500, 510. Ash, Captain, 520. Ashley, River, 93, 417, 463, 491. Ashton, Nicholas or Nicholas & Co., merchants of Liverpool, 76, 81, 131, 222. memorials from, 60, 212. reports on memorials of, 301, 302. letters to, 278, 301. Athearn : Abijah, 139. James, 139. Augusta (Georgia), 39, 59, 92, 96, 104, 113, 114, 125, 128, 256, 305, 307, 315. letter dated from, 221. Ayre, Captain John, 478. B Babcock : David, certificate from, 245. Elizabeth, refugee, 139. William and Mary, refugees, 84. Bach, Lt., memorandum from, 375. Si 55' aeon Bridge, 447. (Compare Beacon's Bridge.) addeley, Thomas, letter from, 298. addely, Capt., 426, 456, 483. lagely, , 487. •ahama Islands, 58, 240, 457. apprehended attack, and surrender to Spanish and American forces, 483, 484, 489, 491, 494, 520, 521. Gov. of, 416. stores and cannon, 256, 299. return of inhabitants, 508. Royal Garrison Battalion in, 242. 3ailey, John, 532. Paisley, Mrs. Katharine, certificate for, 124. Compare Beasley. Salcarres, Lord, 475, 486. 3alfour, Lt. Col. Nisbet, 135, 234, 261. 290, 350, 360, 367, 376, 391, 415. 435. 438; 452, 468, 478, 523, 543. cannot be spared to go home, 367. letters, &c, from, 209, 213, 239, 240, 241, 242, 245, 248, 252, 267, 270, 271, 276, 277, 302, 307, 317, 321. 327, 337, 357. letters, &c, to, 176, 220, 231, 238, 242, 243, 245, 247, 254, 257, 275, 283, 291, 299, 306, 315, 322, 325, 328, 384, 387. letters mentioned. 290, 337, 342. Balize, 33. Ballinghall, Robert, 436. Baltimore, 269, 496. Banta, Weart, petition from, 98. Barber, Patrick, 344. Barbur, Capt., 122. Barbut, Capt., commissary, 8. Barclay : James, 545. Major, 383. Bard, Samuel, M.D., certificate by, 70. Barkley, Capt. (Andrew, navy), 19, 64, 125, 248. Barns, Capt., 474. Barras, Mons. de, 439. conference with Washington, 283. Barrington : Lord, 153. , and H. F. Carteret, postmasters- general, letter from, 408. Admiral, 513. Barron : James, deposition of, 502. Richard, deposition of, 502. Barrow, Capt., 113. Barry, Capt., 156. 192, 327, 391, 415, 456. Barton, Lt. Col., certificates by, 330, 524. proceedings against, 273. Bates : Abraham and Isaac Bell, 548. Gilbert, letter from, 235. Baton Rouge, Mississippi, 32, 522. address of inhabitants of, 37. capitulation of, 37, 59, 63, 71, 72. 372, 510. prisoners taken at, 51, 72. return of troops, &c, 51. Batt, Maj. Thomas, 168, 183, 250. complaint against, 140, 141. death of, 318. Baumbach, Capt., 234. Bayard : Lt. Col. John, Comdt. King's Rangers, 141, 199. , letter from, 193. Robert, Judge of Vice Admiralty, 62. , letter from, 514. , letter to, 503. William, certificates and letters "f recommendation by, 52, 81, 84, 115, 163, 240, 293, 387. Bayley, Surgeon, certificate 1 j } 422. Baylies, Major, 168. Beacon or Beacon's Bridge, 389, 417. (Compare Bacon Bridge.) Beane, Baine, or Bean, Samuel, commis- sary of musters, 388, 389. letter from, 435. Beardmore : Major, 405. Mrs., 405. Beardsley, John, certificate by, 81. Beasley, Mrs., refugee, 4. Compare Baisley. Beatty, Col., 60. letter to, 50. Beauclerk, Capt. Geo., 138. Beaufort, 26, 27. Beaulieu, 457. Beck, Henry Daniel, 387. Beckwith, Maj., 356. certificate from, 400. aide-de-camp, letter to, 508. Bedford, Long Island, papers dated at, 195, 510. Beech Island, 315. Bell: Isaac. See Bates and. Margaret, letter from, 465. Benedict, B., 282. Benning, Col., 456. Bennington, letter dated at, 297. Benson, G., Maj. of Brigade, 130, 404. letter from, 142. Bergen, 118, 508. Bergen County, New Jersey, 239, 291, 334, 362. Bergh, Adam, letter from, 363. Berkelv Springs, 36. Bermudas, 154, 518, 520, 521. accounts of disbursements, 126, 227. Assembly, 228, 260. Fort Clinton at. 260. Garrison Battalion at, 298. See also Provincial troops. letters, &c, dated in, 260, 309, 498, 521. privateer. 120. stores for, 220. Berry. Col., 400. Bert, Sieur, 347. Bessonett, Daniel, certificate by, 139. Bethlehem (Pennsylvania), 46. Bethune, Ferq., 130, 146, 159. account, 163. 558 Bethune, Ferq., — contd. certificates by. 77, 82, 124. memorandum by, 146. Bibby, Lieut, or Capt. Thomas, assistant- dep.-adj.-gen.. 46, 47, 475. letters from, 240, 248, 279. report of, 10. Biddulph, Mr. or Robert, 393. letter to, 392. statement of cash by, 226. (See also Gordon & Co.) Bignel, Margaret, petition of. 78. Bignell, Robert, petition of, 78. Billenton, Ann, refugee, 139. Billop, Col., 423. Binning, Col., 390, 434. Birch, Samuel, Lt. Col. or Brig. Gen., commandant of New York, 80, 304 532. accounts as commandant, 397, 548 549. certificate from, 419. memorial of, with others, 184 ; men- tioned 179, 211. 214. order from, 369. letters or memorials to, 252, 262. 306, | 343, 405. signs report of a Board, 358. warrant to, 549. Black Mingo, 317- Blackney, Edward, refugee, 463. Blair, Mr., 38. Blake, Win., memorial from, 410. Blanchard, Lewis, or Lt., 502. affidavit, 471. Blauvelt. Theunis, certificate by, 291 Bliss : Samuel, 373. Capt. (American officer), 10, 11. Block Island, 180. Blomart, Capt., 372. Blowers, S. S., certificate by, 70. letter from, 444. Blundell, Lt. Chas., barrack master. Bermuda, letters to, 154, 220. Board of Field Officers, 74, 202, 206. Board of General Officers (at New York), 348, 377. report of, 358. minutes, 380, 382, 385. 414, 416, 419. 434, 442, 447, 466, 467, 471, 473. Board of General Officers, forming a Board of Accounts (New York), "301, 302, 313, 319, 329, 331, 359, 421, 430, 463, 509, 508 520, 524, 534, 549. summoned to receive report on ex- penditure, 311. proceedings, 312, 313, 319. letters to, 321. 322. papers laid before, 352, 356-7. further proceedings, 360-1, 362, 371, 380, 433, 434. remarks and observations on papers laid before, 377, 385. Board of General and Field Officers (at Charlestown, S. Carolina), 451, 456, 464, 468, 481. Boddington, John, for Board of Ordnance letterfrom. 530. letter to, 249. Bogart or Bogert, Jacobus, 81. certificate by, 291. Bogert, Peter, certificate by, 291. Bolton, Lieut. Col. Mason, letters from, 11, 26, 27, 36. letters to, 6, 21, 23, 24. Bonapan, Mr., 138. Borck. Col. van, 60, 61, 144. Bord. Dr. Samuel, certificates^by, 258, 372. Borden, William, depositions by, 453. 459. Bose, General de, 390, 434. regiment of, 421. Boston, 4, 13. 14, 15, 45, 49, 63, 78, 79, 213, 289. 308, 329, 427, 471. prisoners from, 35. H enemy's force fitting out at, 52. General Court at, 66. list of houses occupied by troops at, 89. , to be paid for, 221. suggestion to repossess harbour of, 163. letter dated at, 510. Botsford, Amos, certificate by, 87. Bourdett, Oliver, Wag. Mast. Gen., 323. Boven or Bowne. Jonathan, certificate by, 427. Bowen, Russell, 300. Boyd, James, 398. Brabazon, Capt. Edward, 79. Braddock, Genl., 85. Bradly, Mr., 223. Bradshaw, Peter, refugee, 514. Brady : Richard, 332. William, refugee, petition, 394. Brailsford, John, 229. Branson, Eli, 536. Brant, Joseph, note to, 337. Brearly, Chief Justice David, letter from, 487. Bremerlehe, letters and papers dated at, 270, 272, 274, 276. Brereton, Maj. William, 389. letter from, 387. Brest Fleet, 420. Bridgeman, Mr., 66. Bridgham : E.. certificate by, 7o. Mr., 460, 532. Brimstone Hill, St. Christopher's, 420, 475. Brinley, George, Dep. Com. Genl., 501. Brissant or Brissaut, Lieut., 473. exchange of. 547. Broad River, South Carolina, 200, 203. Bromfield, Maj. Stephen, 538. Brooklyn, 349, 353. letters or papers dated at, 67, 131, 321, 323, 326, 391, 475, 491, 511. Brower or Browry, Elizabeth, refugee, 12. . and Jemima, 118. Brown : David, 70. Dorcas, petition from, 113. Lieut. Ebenezer, 253. 559 Brown — contd. James, 508. Thomas, Lt. Col. of Rangers, 93, 100. 105. 117, 128. 134, 176, 225. 226, 520. , appointed Supt. of Creek and Cherokee nations, 59. -. corps of, 112, 403, 447. , muster roll of his company, 79. , letters from, 130, 221, 359. , letters to, 109, 152. 209. , offers to perform duties of Supt of Indian affairs, 426. William, 87. Capt., 390. — , of Locoek and Brown, 229. Browne : Maj. D. Isaac, certificates by, 334. 382, 495. Rev. Isaac, certificates by, 120, 139, 229, 230. Montfort, Brig. Gen., Gov. of Bahamas, 518, 519. , letter from, 416. , letter to, 339. P., certificate by, 229. William, Gov. of Bermudas, letters from. 498, 521. , letters to, 519, 545. Brownlow, Major, 291. Bruce : Lt. Col. A(udrew), letters from, 68, 267. 270, 298. , letter to, 69. Lt. Col. James, in Nova Scotia, after- wards Brig. Gen.. 34, 61, 84. 208, 249, 250, 317, 532. , letters from, 35, 36, 288, 289, 325. , and six other officers, 384. , letters to, 34, 295. , precedence of Goreham, 168 ; and temporary command in Nova Scotia, 276-7, 288-9, 295, 300. , has leave to go to New York, 397. , in New York, 429, 430. Col., 248. Dr., 73. Capt. of Orange Bangers, 250. Bruen, Maj. Henry, 231, 333. letters from, 168, 322, 326, 328, 331. letters to, 279, 327, 377. and Capt. Archibald Robertson, Dep. Qr. Mr. Genls., 357, 376. , certificate by, 433. , letters from, 314, 315. 320, 331. , letters to, 170, 328, 330, 340. Bruere, Geo., Gov. or Lieut. Gov. of Bermuda, 126, 227, 228. letters from, 260," 309. Brunswick troops, subsistence for, 500. Brush, Margaret, widow of Crean, 116. Buchanan, Peter, 296. Buckner, Capt., 156. Bucks Co., Pa., 408. Buffaloe Creek, letter dated from, 36. Buford, Col., 143. Bull, William, Lieut. Gov. of S. Carolina, 417, 423. letters from, 360, 400. 498. memorial from, 512. Bimau, Lt. de, memorial of, 531. warrant to pay to, 541. Bunch, George, 453. Burgess, Capt., 50. Burgoyne, Gen., 195. his army mentioned, 62, 119, 425. (See also Troops of Convention.) recalled by Congress, 265, 269, 281. question of exchange of, 354, 358, 365, 382, 384 ; settled, 397. Burgoyne, Col. John, 551. Burke : Edmund, 454, 489. John, of Antigua, 82, 183. Richard, 446, 511. , letters from, 458, 484, 511, 524. Gov. [Thomas], 391. Burnett : Lt. Robert, 109. Capt., in the navy, 156. Burrard, Capt.. 38. Burt, Gov. Win. Mathew, letter from, 82. Burton, (American), escapes from prison, 292. Bushy Park, letter dated from, 301. Buskirk : Lt. Col. Abram, certificates by, 35, 51, 68, 118, 239, 252, 300, 334, 362, 120, 495. , his battalion, 536. Capt. Lawrence, 70. Buswick (Bushwik), papers dated at, 94, 500. Butler : Maj. John, 36. , letters from, 6, 21, 23, 24, 36. John, agent at Halifax, 2, 35. Capt. Walter, letters to, 6. William, 497. Col. [qy. meant for Maj. John], his militia, 1. Butson. Alchey or Alliche, refugee, 55, 02, 119. Byrd's Plantation, 584. Byron, Admiral, 8, 40, 65, 122. Cadiz, 346. Cagigal, Juan Manuel de, Lieut. Gen., and Gov. of Havannah, Bahamas sur- render to, 483, 484, 489. forces under, in attack on New Pro- vidence, 522. letters from, 457, 514. signs cartel, 351. Caentuck, 225. 560 Cain Hoy, 403. Caithness. Earl of, 81. Calder, Sir Henry, 231. Calef, Dr. John, agreement with Hy. Goldthwaite, 118. testimonials to. 407, 420. Callbeck, Cant, Phillips. 84. 189, 200. 249, 250. 305. his company, 23, 192, 251. 262. 295. hardships of, 197, 200. letters from. 24, 59. letter to, 307. memorials from, 192, 196, 262 : men- tioned, 196, 199. Callelo, Mary, widow of Hamilton Callelo, refugee, 292, 375. Cambel, John, of the Engineers, 129. letter from, 94. Camden (S. Carolina), 143, 223, 254, 256, 271, 283. 400. battle of, 188, 215. field return of troops under Cornwallis at, 171. letters dated from, 133, 171, 172, 173, 176, 216, 234, 243, 245, 247, 260. Cameron : Alexander, Supt. of Indian Affairs, 32, 63, 82, 103, 109, 193. , accounts. 108. 116, 123, 127, 146, 228. , certified by, 93, 107, 119, 124, 127, 130, 133, 142. 143, 146-149. , letters from, 50. 72, 74, 76, 139, 145, 159, 175. , letters to, 63, 65, 115, 140, 148, 365. , illness of, 364. , question of his successor, 373, 392. 424. Alexander, printer, 501. (See also Macdonaid and.) D., 539. Lieut., 390. Camm, Rev. Mr., 22. Campbell : Capt. Alex.. 143, 172. 198, 258. 269. Brig. Gen. Archibald. Lt. Gov. of Jamaica, letters from, 415, 431, 490, 493, 526, 543. ■, signs Intelligence, 523. % letters to, 474, 476, 525. Capt. Archibald (74th), 15, 52, 62. , letter from. 53. Archibald, paymaster of 69th, 403, 539. Lt, Colin, 292. Colin (may be same as above), 504. Capt. Donald, 292. Dugald, 292, 305. Duncan, 542. James, maj. of brigade, paymaster in W. Florida, 51, 76, 122, 187, 193, 510. , accounts, 72, 186, 500. 1 certificate by, 387. , letters from, 26, 27, 28, 29, 65, 115, 140, 270, 365, 375. Campbell, James — contd. letters to,' 1 26, 29, 139. , detained as prisoner of war, 286, 301, 372, 373, 489, 494, 510. , signs Return, 278. John, Maj. Genl. or Lt. Genl., com- manding in W. Florida, 22, 38, 68, 75, 77, 87, 98. 103, 124, 238, 301. 439, 518, 519. , letters from, 28, 29, 30, 31. 33, 57, 59, 72, 88, 89, 93, 105, 107, 114, 121, 124, 148, 154, 162, 164, 165, 167, 184, 201, 209, 225, 233, 234, 246, 267, 279, 281, 285, 300, 302. 310, 422. , letters and memorials to, 8, 29, 30, 52, 64, 95, 102, 112, 128, 145, 175, 193, 202, 332, 339. 354, 355, 365, 367, 384, 395, 457, 493. 496, 503, 504, 514. , accounts, 146-7, 158. , approves accounts. 186-7. 228. 550. , orders by, 76. — — , proclamation, 31. , in connection with the Indians under his command, 159-60. , in connection with his provincial regiments, 160. , dispute with Gov. Chester, 164-5. — ■ — , plans attack on Mobile, 233 ; which is repulsed, 234. , surrenders at Pensacola to the Spaniards, 279, 281. 286. , sent to Havana, 286. , dispute with Galvez over prisoners, 285, 287, 300-1, 372-3. , warrant to, 550. John, Lt, Col. 74th, later Brig. Gen., 15, 17. 19. 83. 143, 183, 199, 298, 304, 325, 343, 382. 387. 460, 462, 504. , letters from, 172, 174, 258, 292, 299, 300, 317, 318, 341, 344, 368, 397. 460, 461, 489, 524, 532, 542. , letters and memorials to, 188, 269, 28S, 298. 299, 303. 305, 318. 329, 429, 453, 458, 460, 540, 544. , complains of juniors being placed over him, 250. — , to succeed Maclean in Nova Scotia, 288, 295. — — . leaves Penobscot to take com- mand at Halifax, 292, 303. , signs pay list, 293. . commands Light Infantry Co. of 74th, 322. Maj. John, Volunteers of Ireland, certificate by, 384. John, engineer. See Cambel. John, Lieut. (74th), 258. signs pay lists, 322, 343. Jobn, Mr. (Nova Scotia), 529. Neil, Lt,, 84. Capt. Pat., 59. Lt. Smollet, 135, 188. 561 Campbell — contd. Thos. B., surgeon, 271. Major, 74th, 200. Capt., 112. Capt., of the 33rd, 268. Capt., (junr.), 74th. 292. Capt., S. Carolina Rest., killed, 388, 389. Capt., ditto, 389. Lieut., 143. Mr., 345. See Thompson and Campbell. Campeachy, 233, 522. Canada, 114, 138, 142, 144. 152, 156. 221. 295, 409, 425. Indians of, 36. expected attack on, 180. Canadasagoe or Canadasego, letters dated at, 6, 24. Canawagaras, letter dated at, 24. " Candid Retrospect of the American War," account for printing, 449. Cane Acre, letter dated at, 448. Cape Fear or Cape Fear River, 210. expedition to, 135, 208, 209, 213. 234. 254. garrison withdrawn, 348. Cane Francois, 431, 457, 458, 476, 489, 490, 493, 522, 525. 526. 527. 543. Cape Nichola Mole, 408. Carleton ; Sir Guy, commander in chief (1782- 1783), 114, 221, 441, 446, 454, 460, 474, 475, 508, 543. , commission, warrants, &c, to, 410, 413, 420, 430. . letters from, 480, 482, 483, 486, 488, 493, 496, 500, 504, 506, 509, 510, 517, 519, 522, 524. 525, 527, 529. . letters, petitions, &c, to, 106, 278, 344, 408, 427, 431, 432, 441, 453, 458, 460, 462. 465, 471, 474, 475, 478, 479, 481-495, 497-507, 509-514, 517-533, 541-547, 553. , papers addressed to, 163, 496. , secretary of. See Morgann. , starting for America, 416. , and Rear Adml. Digby. See Commissioners for restoring peace. Lady Maria, 106, 345. Island, Indian message dated at, 14. Carlisle, Earl of, 506. (See also Commis- sioners for restoring peace.) Carolina or the Carolinas. 75, 111, 208, 296, 367, 417. {See also North and youth Carolina. ) Carpenter, Archelaus, refugee, 533. Carrington, Lt. Col. Edward, 102. letter to, 99. cartel arranged by, 275. Carrique, Richard, Lt., 16th Foot, letter from, 167. Carioll. Lt., 411. Carter, Col., letter dated from house of, 9. Carteret, H. F. See Barrington and. Carthagena, 523. Carthrae or Carfrae, Lieut., 16, 17, 50. Casco Bay, 45. Castle William (near Boston), 80. Cataragaras, letter dated from, 23. Catawba, 200, 203, 234. 242, 243. return of casualties and prisoners under Tarleton at the Fords, 171. Cathcart, Lord, 68, 285. memorial of, 68. letter from, 73. Cedars, the, 468. proposed exchange of prisoners taken at, 382. Cessation or suspension of hostilities, 504. Chacto Point, letter dated at, 95. Chads, Capt. Henry, agent for transports, 313, 329, 445, 485, 489. letter from, 316. to, 319. returns of vessels, 308, 316. Chalmers, Lt. Col. (of the Maryland Loyalists), 175, 310. his corps, 8. Chaloner, Walter, commissary of prisoners, 470. letter to, 444. Chamberlain, Capt., 453. Champagne, Capt. Forbes, 225, 274. Champlain, Lake, 311. Chandler : J., certificate by, 87. Joshua, letter to, 94. Chapman, Capt., certificate by, 119. Charlestown. S. Carolina. 78, 104, 111, 125, 129, 130, 137, 150, 158, 176, 209. 210, 233, 238, 239, 254, 256, 260. 261, 283, 306, 307, 320. 375, 398, 448, 456, 495. Bar, 77. Neck, 113, 125, 336, 354. letters, &c, dated at or near, 101, 119. 120, 121-123, 125-129, 131-133, 135, 136, 142, 143. 145. 149, 156- 158, 167-169, 181, 209, 223, 226, 239, 240, 242, 245, 246, 248, 252, 267. 270, 271, 276, 277, 285. 286, 302, 307, 314. 316-318, 321, 325, 327, 336, 337, 348, 353, 357-360, 363, 370, 373. 374, 381, 384, 386, 388-395. 400, 410, 415, 417-419. 422, 435, 438, 446, 447, 456, 458, 463, 467, 470-472, 474, 475, 477, 480, 481, 483-485, 491, 498, 499, 501, 512, 513, 518, 520, 521, 524, 525, 543-546. Clinton's preparations for attacking, 91-92-93, 96. surrender, or capitulation, or Clinton's success, alluded to, 120. 121. 125, 128, 129, 138, 141, 143, 149, 156, 159, 174, 181, 423, 435, 467. commissaries appointed for captured property, 89 ; regulations men- tioned, 92. report on captured property in, and neighbourhood, 133 ; mentioned, 135 ; trustees appointed, 136 ; 2 N 562 Ch arlestown — contd. coir minion to Cruden to superin- tend, 183 ; letter to trustees, 231 ; (See also Moncrief and others.) division of spoil between naval and military captors, 125 ; referred to the King, 136. commandant of, 135. handbill dispersed in, 137. police begin to act for, 158 : Board of Police in, 325, 423. (See also S. Carolina.) in connection with prisoners, 180, 183, 1S9, 272. 280, 281, 283, 317, 320, 327, 348, 438. court martial held at, 220, 283. captain of port of, 275. transports sent home from, 290. cannon to be sent to Bahamas, 299. merchants of, memorials, 325. 467. Leslie to proceed to, 326, 344. the chief object of his attention, 344. stores for, 345, 401. dep. com. of accounts to be stationed at, 364 ; Baine recommended, 369. (See also under Bean.) court of enquiry at, 351. its defences and works, 354, 388, 395, 419. Leslie on the defence of, 378, 379. Craig's detachment arrives at.357. 378. not to be reinforced, 365. warrants granted at, 377. court of enquiry held at, 387. loyalists fed from King's stores at, 388. barrack master of, 426. agent for transports, 445. Leslie ordered to detach troops from, for Jamaica or W. Indies, 420-1 on the question of such detachment, 447, 450, 452, 453, 476, 505 reports of a Board against the pro posal, 451, 456, 469, 470, 472 Leslie cannot detach, 472 ; a lesser number may be detached, 472 ; or order considered countermanded. 473 ; O'Hara sent to, 450, 476. forces in or round, 452. necessary for defence of, 446. 470, 476. necessity of increased naval force, 475. change in disposition of people, 475. American policy to straiten garrison of, 464. dispute over provisions at, 481, 484. rents for houses in, occupied as bar- racks, &c, 488, 520, 521. civil branch of R. Artillery at, 490. ordnance at, 490. account of stores and provisions, 499. state of detachment under O'Hara at. 526. question of evacuation, 470 ; trans- ports to receive garrison, 378 ; preparations, 495, 500, 520. 543. Charlotte : Precinct, New York Province, 516. Charlotte — con td. Town, Island of St. John, 201. , defence of, 190. , letters and memorials dated from, 4, 14, 24, 59, 185. 188, 189, 312, 332. Charlotteville or Charlottesville, Virginia, 9, 10, 36, 43, 164. letters, &c, dated at, 5, 8, 10, 11. Chatham : Barracks (England), letters dated at, 278, 483. (New Jersey), 44, 49. , letters dated from, 46, 47. (perhaps Pennsylvania), letter dated at. 510. Cheap, Lt.. 258, 269. Chelsea [Hospital], 110. Cherry, George, letters from, 340, 341, 484, 490, 491, 506. Chesapeak, the 173, 288, 337, 368. 413, 433, 542. operations in, 156, 157. fleet and army in, 248. French ships in, 248. , block the British, 252. , leave, 252. Cornwallis advised to go to. 269. troops sent to, under de Voit, 273. drivers, waggons, &c, with the corps up, 327, 333. tools sent to, 369. letter dated from off, 344. prizes taken in, 413. Chester : Peter, Gov. of WestFlorida, 33, 159, 193. , dispute with Gen. Campbell, 164, 165. , letters from, 29. 30, 59, 91, 286 ; mentioned, 365. 375. letters to, 28, 29, 33, 56, 76, 164, 165. County, Pennsylvania, 211. Chestnut Hill, 67. ' Chew, Joseph, Sec. for Indian Affairs, 90. certificate by, 461. list of rangers, &c, 235. Child, Mrs. Francis, memorial, 319. Chilmark, 139. Chipman, W., 534, 535, 536. Chissolm, Surgeon, 482. Chittenden, Gov. Thos., letter from, 211, 219. commission from, 297. Cholderton, letter dated from, 81. Christie : Brig. Gen. Gabriel, letter from, 310. Capt. John, 78. Chrystie, Capt. Adam. 310, 422. letter from, 439. Chucknut, letter dated from, 21. Churchill, Capt., 455. Clark : Col. G. R. (American), 409. , letter from, 38. Malkham, receipt, 87. Samuel, petition from, 279. 563 Clarke : Alured, Lt. Col. or Brig. Gen., 128, 241, 302, 303, 306, 307, 315, 336, 380, 385, 417, 456, 457, 475, 483, 518, 546. , joint statement by, 399. , letters from, 128, 238, 366, 447, 510. . letters to, 125, 158, 237.. 380, 496. , succeeds Prevost, 125. , troops under. 400. , pay for, 551. Arthur, account, 78. Francis Rush, letter to, 285. John, letter from, 375. Jonathan, commissary gen. to Troops of Convention, 9, 11, 156. , report from, 8. Col. Thos., letters to, 314, 316. Lt. Col. [should be Clerk, which see]. Clayton : R., letter from, 335. Capt. Robt., 20, 230, 339. Clement, John, Deputy Secretary, signs cartel, 351. Clerk : Lt. Col., barrack-master gen., 148, 154. , letter to, 144. Dr. Thos., physician to the forces, 286. Clinton : George, Governor of the State of New York, 20. , letter to, 211. Sir Henry, General, and Commander in Chief in America, mentioned, passim, 1-480. , letters, memorials, &c. from and to, passim, 1-494. , proclamations, 65, 97, 104, 126, 127, 219, 298, 503. , wishes to resign, 13. , orders evacuation of Rhode Island, 48. , sends assistance to Haldimand, 51. , will send reinforcement to Halifax, 53. , decides against it, 55. , not allowed to resign to Corn- wallis, 57. , his expedition to the southward, 77, 89, 91-93, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106. — — , instructed to send commissaries' accounts to be laid before Commons, 90. , Charlestown surrenders to, 121. , leaves Cornwallis in command and returns to New York, 129, 132, 143. , examines expenditure, 144, 145, 148. , takes position on North River, 156. , seeks redress for prisoners of Troops of Convention, 161. Clinton, Sir Henry — contd. , apprehends attack on New York, 180. , endeavours to save Andre, 185, 186, 188. , represents need of supplies, 196. , comparative expense of depart- ments under his and Sir Wm. Howe's commands, 227, 230. See further under Troops, departments. , asked to examine into increased cost of supplies, 256. , advises Cornwallis to go to Chesa- peak, 269. , summons board of accounts, 312. See further under Board of Accounts. , goes to Chesapeak [to relieve Cornwallis], 344, 345. , presides over Board of General Officers, 380. See further Board of General Officers. , observations on Drummond's papers and the Board which con- sidered them, 385. , suggests expedition up the Dela- ware, 414. , cannot spare men from New York for West Indies, 420-421. , allowed to resign and return home, 412, 472, 473-4, 476, 478, 509. , troops \mder. See the item Troops. army list for 1779, 79-80. , (See also Commissioners for restoring peace.) Lord John, 435. Closson, Nathan, refugee, 356. Clousdal or Cloudsdal, Thomas, refugee, 77, 168. Clowes, S., certificate by, 68. Cluett, John T., 151. Coates, Colonel, 452, 468. Cobham (Virginia), letter dated at, 297. Cochran, John, memorial from, 63. Cochrane, Mrs., loyalist, 231. Cockburn, John, Lt. Royal Artillery, account, 162. Cockell, Teesdale, 204, 218, 243, 279, 294. Cockenhausen, Baron de, letter from, 279. Cockspur (Georgia), 104. Coddington, Reuben, memorial, 393. Coffee, 321. Coffin: Thomas Aston, note and letters from 212, 247, 426. , warrant to. 437. Major [John], 389. Colbert, Captain James, Commissary in W. Florida, account, 163. Indian talk to, 63. letter from, 63. receipts to, 87, 134. Colden, Cadwallader, certificate by, 381. pay to, 553. Colleton's House, Hospital at Fair Lawn, loss of, 351, 387, 391. 564 Collier, Sir George, Commodore, 16, 17. joint proclamation by, 18. letters from, 12, 18. Collins : John, 146. Captain (naval), 61, 524. Colpoys. Captain John, 206. letter from, 530. letter to, 482. Colvill, Lt. Hugh, 492, 539. Commins, Patrick, petition of, 553. Commissaries of Captures, 222, 226, 296. Commissary General, 296, 311. 345, 497, 525. (See also Wier.) Commissioners : of Accounts, 291. for Sick and Wounded Seamen, letters and instructions from, 399, 494, 495. , letter to, 347. of the Navy See Navy Board. for Victualling. See Victualling Board. for restoring peace (Carlisle, Clinton, Eden, Johnstone), 506, 515. , petition to, 445. , (Clinton, and Arbuthnot), 165, 326. , council to, 179. , (Clinton and Digby), 359. , (Carleton and Digby), letters patent, 428. , memorial to, 524. Commons, House of, 242, 477, 504. addresses, &c, 207, 355, 410. resolutions, 90, 407. votes, 528. Concklin, Charity, 126. Conclin, Captain, 107. Congarees, post at, 248. Congress, 18, 47, 82, 134, 152, 391, 401, 454, 498, 505. agent of, at Machias, 2. defied by Ethan Allen, 252. letter from a member of, 255. memorial to, 310. President of, 9. , letter to, 313. negotiations with Vermont, 318-9. resolves, 46, 310, 320; recalling Burgoyne, 265. Connecticut, 50, 61, 81, 82, 90, 95, 98. 103, 126, 192, 289, 339. 343. 427. 470, 504, 515. Connanicut Island, 163. Connolly, Lt. Col. Jno., letter from, 485, 488. Connor : [Constant], 274. Hugh, letter from, 454. Michael, case of, 454. Conoochee, 110. Conway, General, 512. Cook : Ann, memorial from, 50. John, letter from, 516. Nathaniel, 59. Cooke, Robert and Charles, memorials of, 445 ; mentioned, 458. Cooper : Edward, town adjutant of Savannah, 125. , claim for losses, 87, 101, 120. Sir Grey, 123, , letter from. 90. , letters to, 22, 290. Lieut, (may be same as Edward above), 457. River, 379, 389, 435. Coote, Captain, 524. Cord's Ferry, 302. Corke (Cork), 5, 165, 196, 248, 379, 401, 419, 440. Army Victualling Office, papers dated at. 401, 413, 422, 426, 431, 440, 442, 447, 454, 460, 464, 465, 471, 484. 490, 491, 495, 497. Corlies/ William, memorial from, 518. Corn, Peter, certificate from, 262. Cornel, Joseph, account, 146. Cornwallis : Earl, 57, 114 136, 150, 158, 165, 169, 210, 213, 215, 220, 223, 238, 239, 243, 252, 254, 275, 276, 283, 288, 296, 297, 307, 315, 327, 328, 349, 350, 351. 367, 388. 391, 395, 438, 478, 486, 521, 538. , letters, &c., from, 133, 145, 156, 157, 158, 167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 176, 183, 208, 210, 214, 215, 217, 224, 225, 232, 233, 236, 242, 252, 258, 259, 268, 269, 270, 271, 281, 284, 293. 297, 299, 300, 314, 321, 322, 326, 327, 330, 332, 334, 338, 358 ; letters mentioned, 209, 252. to. 129, 131, 132, 135, 156, 157, 166, 209, 216, 218, 219, 221, 231, 232, 246, 252, 254, 269, 273, 284, 287, 288, 290, 293, 297, 304, 305, 308, 309, 327, 329, 333, 335, 342, 356 ; letter mentioned, 367. , his army mentioned, 143, 256, 276, 345, 357, 394, 414, 452, 520. , exchange of prisoners by, 275-6. -, left in command in Southern district, 129, 130, 143 ; instructions to, 132, 135. , prepares to advance to N. Carolina, 173. , successes, 188, 242, 243, 246, 247, 260-1. , casualties of troops under, at Camden, 171. , proclamation, 247. — — , needs supplies, 267. , advised to go to Chesapeak, 269. — ■ — , his situation alarming, 337. , his fate, capture, capitulation, &c, 346, 349, 362, 391, 393, 455 , is supplied with money by Rochambeau, 235, 362, 373, 383. , Leslie to succeed (in S. Carolina), 344, 565 Cornwallis, Earl — contd. — — , Clinton defends his own action with regard to. 3(58. , question of his exchange, 354, 365, 382, 384, 39S. Captain Frederick, 538. , cartel arranged by, 275. (Nova Scotia), 41, 108. Correy or Cory, Griffin, refugee, 68, 74. Cortland, Major, certificate from, 502. Cortlands Manor, 4, 97, 124, 261, 288, 402. Cotter, Lt., 285. Cottle, S., 139. and Malatiah Davis, memorial, 524. Cotton, Captain, 232. Council of War. 363, 365, 416, 448, 530. Covel, Captain Simeon, certificate from, 409. Cowes, Isle of Wight, 419. Army Victualling Office, 340, 341, 506. Cowie, Andrew, accounts, 127. Cowpen, affair of, 252. Cox, Mair & Cox, Messrs., 150, 179. letters from, 21, 329. Coxe, Daniel, 198, 411, 479. certificates by, 7, 12, 268, 445. letters from, 447, 479, 529. Craig, Captain or Major James Henry, 14, 49, 198, 348, 379, 388, 389, 390. letters from, 242, 332. his detachment arrives at Charlestown from Wilmington, 357, 378. his services commended, 378. Cramahe, Mr., 345. Crammond, Mr., 38. Crannell, Bartholomew, certificate by, 372. Crawford : Anna, widow, 78. dep. commissary gen. at Halifax. 527, 544. Crosbie, Wm., Aid de camp, Maj., Lt.-Col., barrack-master-gen., 25, 70, 411, 478, 500, 515. commission and instructions to, as barrack-master-gen., 148 ; men- tioned, 154. letters from, 154, 220, 252, 313, 321, 322, 349, 381, 384, 399, 423, 427. letters to, 320, 328, 378, 383, 394, 411, 425. his accounts, 424, 428. Cross Creek, 208, 261. Crowell, Thomas, certificate by, 427. Crowder, Mr., 4. statement of cash by, 226. (Sec also Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph. ) Cruden : John, commission to, 183. , letter from, 395. Mr., may be John or James, 386. 423, 521, 544. Cruger, Lt. Col. G. H, letter to, 171; mentioned, 176. report by, 481. Cuba, 408, 526. cartel with Jamaica, 351. Governor of, 484. slaves and free coloured people in, 523. Cuff, Lt., 397. Cumine, Ensign Archibald, letters from, 103. Cummings : John, certificate from, 409. Lt. John, court-martial, 339. Cunningham : Capt. A. M., 539. Capt. W., Provost- Martial, inventory of lost property. 86. Capt. William, company of, 539. Curgenven, Capt. J., 4, 185, 289. memorial from, 188. Current, Daniel, 468, 469. Curry, Joshua, refugee, 402. Customs, Board or Officers of, 23, 189. Cuyler, Col. Abraham, 215, 240, 293. certificate by, 71. Dalling, John, General and Governor of Jamaica, 8, 38, 65, 87, 115, 122, 246, 276, 539. letters from, 7, 209. letter to. 34. signs cartel, 351. D airy m pie : Lord, 204. William, Colonel, Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen., Quarter-Master-General, com- missioner to exchange prisoners, 227, 231.. 285, 314 335, 380. , certificate signed bv, 433. , letters from. 116, 144, 170, 217, 353, 356, 385, 410, 444, 459, 496. , letters to, 349, 353, 354, 386, 415, 448, 500. , one of a Board of General Officers, 434. , accounts of his department, 263, 552. , observations, 357. , remarks on answers of. 403. , and Andrew Elliot, commis- sioners to exchange prisoners, , powers to, 424. -, instructions, 430. , letters or papers from, 433, 438, 440, 441, 442, 443, 449, 450, 454, 455, 456, 459. , letters to, 439, 442, 443, 444, 446, 448, 450. 451, 455, 457, 458. 459. Danbury, 87. Daniel's Island, 389, 403. letter dated at, 402. Dansey, Major, 388. Darby : Catherine, letter from, 26t>. Captain C[hri 531. George, Pensacola, 253, 278, 279, 285. , letters dated at, 267. 270. Griswold, return of casualties, &c, at, 332. Howe, 1, 2, 61, 83, 289, 532. Forts — contd. Knyphausen, 323, 511, 528. , papers dated at, 491, 511. Lee, 528. Massey, 288, 461. , letter dated from, 34. Montgomery, 100, 251. Nassau, New Providence, Bahama Islands, 242. — — , papers dated at, 473, 482, 484. Number 4, 180. Paget, 227. Panmure, 285, 510. St. Mark's, 118. Watson, Scot's Lake, Journal of blockade at, 271. William Henry, 85. Foster, Moses, letter from, 195. Foushee. W., 498. Fowler : C, certificate by, 422. Jeremiah, petition from, 519. Jonathan, certificates from, 262, 408. 461. Weedon, 403. Fox: H. E., Lt. Col., 551. John, 114. Adjutant John, 232, 268. France, La Motte Picquet sails from, 7. Memoire justificatif pour servir de Reponse a 1' Expose de la Cour de la, 78. (See also French.) Francklin. Michael, superintendent of Indian affairs [in Nova Scotia], 224, 226, 303, 304. his services, 1—2. his accounts, 70. letters from, 1, 172. 540. letter to, 58. Indian presents to be given to, 317. Franklin : John, 239. Walter, 67- Win, late Gov. of New Jersey, presi- dent of Board of Associated Loyalists, 198, 237, 467. , certificates or recommendation of sundry loyalists, 47. 67. 68. 82, 98, 115, 117, 118, 126, 137, 139, 141, 201, 229, 252, 339, 355, 356, 391. 400, 409, 420, 425, 427, 445, 462, 476, 508, 520, 521. , letters from, 12, 181, 198, 220, 222, 225, 236, 237, 349, 354, 366, 388, 447, 467, 469, 479. 481, 519. , letter from (as one of a council), 179. , letters or petitions to, 118, 139, 225, 237, 332, 346, 348, 349, 386, 400, 412, 460, 466, 468, 518. f commission and instructions to, 211. , evidence in favour of Lt. Col. Barton, 273. , signs proceedings of Board, accounts, &c, 508, 554. 570 Franks, Mr., 330. Fraser : Elizabeth, certificate for, 126. James, letter to, 267. James, certifies account, 552. Lt. Gen. S.. 79, 475, 486. Wm., letter to. 272. Dr., 317. Lt., 143. Mr., 328. Frazer, James, 100. Fredenburgh, Nicholas, petition from, 97. Fredericksburg, 10, 11, 225. Frederick town (Maryland), 10, 356, 542 Freehold, 522. Freligh, Abram., 516. French : alliance mentioned, 2. assistance to Americans, 7. capture St. Eustatius and St. Martin's, 371. complain of prisoners being sent to New York, 372. fleet, squadron, ships, men of war, frigates. &c, 2, 37, 39. 51, 141, 152, 156, 180. 181, 215, 246, 248, 252, 257, 284, 289, 317, 337, 348. 420, 446, 448, 457, 458, 527. , thoughts on an expedition against, at Rhode Island, 1G3. , apprehended attack on Halifax by, 461. , leaves Martinique, 309. to combine with Spaniards against Jamaica, 431, 450, 457, 458, 493. , troops and ships at Cape Francois, 490. , Rodney's victory over, 490, £25, 526. Indians attached to French interest, 2. inhabitants (in W. Florida), 201. officers, £9. , in the American service, 347. , prisoners, 303. prize, 317, 354. taken at Charlestown, mentioned ex- change of, 125. troops or army, proposed expedition against Canada, 409. , infantry, 417. , in Virginia and move southward, 433, 446, 456, 463, 476. , in W. Indies, 543. war (previous), 290. wines, 280. Fresh Meadows, Long Island, 326. Fritch, John, refugee, 62. Frost : Caleb, certificates by ; 118, 123, 262. Jacob, certificates by, 261, 408. Fu^hs, Lt. Col. de, letter from, 542. Fulkes, Lt,, 327. Furlong, Thomas, 442. Fuser, Lt. Col. L. von, 39, 54, 67, 77, 85. 87, 88, 89. 91, 96, 127. letters from. 37, 38. 53, 55. 63. 71. letters to, 40, 53, 57. Fyers. Lt., 330, 507. Gage, Gen., 290. certificates from, 240, 290, 407. Gaine, Hugh, letter to, 501. Galbraith, Ann, certificate to, 129. Galloway, J., certificate by, 20. Galvez, Gen. Don Bernardo de, 31, 121, 122, 237, 375, 489. letters from, 95, 112, 372, 373. letters to, 95. 114, 510 ; letter men- tioned, 225. commission to an Indian, 46. obliges Dickson and forts on Missis- sippi (Manchac, &c.) to capitulate, 37, 63, 71. 72, 77. besieges Mobile (Fort Charlotte), 95 ; captures it, 102. expected to attack Pensacola. 121, 124. (See further Pensacola.) proposes neutrality of Indians, 193. controversy with, to'ching prisoners, 285. 287. 300-1, 372-3, 489, 494. forces under, for expedition against Jamaica, 457, 458, 522. Galvez Town, 31, 33, 522. Gardiner : Nathaniel, memorial from, 86. (Capt. of a ship), 346. Gardiner's Bay, 223, 252. Gardner, Wm., dep. commissary gen., 186. accounts of, 186. Garner, Capt.. 181. Garth, Brig. Gen. George, 28. 29, 67, 76. letter from, 373. letters to, 56, 329. Gates, Gen., 168, 169. Gay, Samuel, 60. Gayport, Capt., 264. Gayton, Capt. George, commodore, 223. letter from, 210. passport from, 183. removes troops from Hampton Road to Charlestown, 223. Gazeta de Madrid, 329, 365. Geismar, Baron de, 5. General Orders, 92, 332, 429. George III., or the King. 115-6, 128, 148. 177, 228, 291, 293, 512. papers laid before, referred to, approved of, &c., 136. 151, 157, 179, 211, 214, 216, 217, 225, 241-244, 274, 275, 396, 478, 482. speeches, &c., of, to Parliament, and addresses of the Houses to. 154, 204, 207, 244, 355, 410, 504. 571 George III. — contd. accepts Anhalt Troops, 270. address of East Florida Assembly to. 531. George's Island (entrance of Boston Harbour), 163. (near Halifax), 461. George's River (Maine), 258. George Town. 45, 78, 418, 544. Georgia, 7, 38, 39, 82, 86, 99, 125, 127, 158, 302, 353, 3S9, 446, 477. Assembly of, addresses, 402, 410, 507, 527. Artillery (American troops), 183. Attorney Gen. of, 158. Governor of. See Wright. Governor and Council of. 417, 424 : letter from, 373. expected attack on, 5. civil government established in, 29. American forces spread over, 39 ; in upper parts of, 59. money for support of troops in, lost, 71. Gov. Wright represents its defenceless condition, 104 ; answered, 106. repeats representation, 110-111. body of horse desired, 111, 134-5. accounts for troops in, 132. stores or provisions for forces in, 5, 44, 256, 348, 460, 464, 465. concerning loyalists in, 130, 252, 306, 307, 342, 400 ; their interests pleaded, 507, 509 : question of con- voy for planters' negroes to Jamaica, &c, 520 ; loyal inhabi- tants remove to E. Florida as a refuge, 546. inspection of refugees in, 234. situation in, 306, 307, 315, 342, 366, 399, 402, 510. Leslie detaches force to. 379. 390, 458. enemy's force in, 418 ; Wayne in, 491. losses of civil officers of. 506. against evacuation of, 527. Germain, Lord George. 8. 19, 65, 95, 111, 133. 165, 173, 223, 230, 239, 253, 260, 290, 291, 296, 333, 339, 355, 358, 392, 416, 471. letters from. 2, 4, 21, 25, 34. 40, 41, 57, 58, 65, 69, 70, 82, 90, 91, 101, 102, 103, 107, 109, 114, 117, 118, 123, 137, 150, 151, 152, 154, 162, 167, 177, 184, 188, 191, 204, 207, 215, 217, 218. 222, 232, 240, 242, 244. 245, 246, 251, 253, 260, 275, 285. 286, 287, 291, 295, 296, 297, 299, 305, 308, 310, 326, 327, 328, 330, 333, 335, 33S, 340, 341, 358, 360, 378, 395, 396 ; letters from, mentioned, 1, 24, 172, 206. 299, 305, 354. letters, memorials, &c, to, 13, 14, 24, 40, 43, 48, 49, 54, 55, 61, 69, 70, 72, 74, 94, 106, 114, 119, 122, 123, 136, 156, 171, 172, 176, 180, 184, 190, 198, 202, 206, 207, 216, 217, 218, Germain. Lord George, letters, memorials. &c. — contd. 237, 240, 250. 251. 254, 258, 266. 267, 269, 270. 271, 281, 282, 286. 288, 290, 295, 296, 298, 301, 303, 311, 313, 331/332, 348, 356, 358. 361, 363, 366, 370, 371, 378, 386, 407, 409, 412, 420, 424, 428. 429, 430, 448,~ 463, 472 ; letters to, mentioned, 365, 375. German Troops, or foreign troops, used generally (see specifically Hessians, Waldeckers, &c), 274, 319, 384, 477, 484, 486. accounts for, in Nova Scotia, 370, 465. keep waggons and horses in good order, 74. offers to, to desert, 401. officers, 231 ; printed list of officers, 79-80 ; officers, prisoners, 31. prisoners of war in Pennsylvania, 363, 375, 394, 395, 408, 497. recruits, 272, 274, 276, 460. subsistence for, 517. Germany, 40, 127. Gibb, William, 389. Gibraltar, 105. Gibson, Thomas, 76. certificate for, 123 Gilles's troops, 406. Gillmer or Gillmore, Robert, refugee, 413. Gillon, Alex., American Commodore, 522. letter from, 483. Glasgow, letter dated from, 53. certificate dated from College at, 54. Glazier or Glasier, Maj. or Lt. Col. Beamsley, 88, 91, 112, 237, 238. letter from, 84. letter to, 496. Gloucester (Virginia), 368, 396, 548. Gloucester County, West New Jersey, 391. Goldthwait, Abijail, refugee, 348. Goldthwaite : Henry, agreement with John Calef, 118. Thomas, 20. , letter from, 45. , certificate from, 407. Mr., 80. Goodrich, James, junr., recommendation by, 236. Goose Creek, 357, 402. Gordon : Adam, 318, 513. Lt. Col. Cosmo, 102. 244. 358, 377, 410. Lt. Hugh Mackay. 122, 124, 193, 246, 281, 302. Maj. James. 395. , letters from, 501, 510. , letter to, 421. Mr., of the hospital, 227, 358. Mr., letter from, 63. Mr., statement of cash by, 226. Crowder & Biddulph, Gordon & Piiddulph, or Gordon, Biddulph, & Gordon, Messrs., 265, 537. 572 Gordon, Crowder & Biddulph — coiitd. — — , statements of cash, 61, 77. 108, 145, 294, 336, 374, 436. 476. 493, 549. , bills drawnjby, 507, 554. Gorehani : John, son of Joseph, 274. Joseph, Lt. Col., 172. , letters or memorials from, 140, 164. 166, 167, 168, 183. 228, 266. 274, 277. , letter to, 272. , disputes precedence of Lt. Col. Bruce in Nova Scotia, 168. 273, 276-7, 288, 300. Capt.. 152. Goshen, 409. Gosling, Elizabeth, petition from. 200. Gould : Sir Charles, letters from, 244, 410. , letter to, 377. Maj. Gen. Paston, 387, 388, 468, 472. Governors in North America and West Indies, letter to, 222. Gracie, George, letter from, 493. Graham : Charles, one of a Board of Field Officers, 74. James, 376. John, Lt. Gov. of Georgia, 108, 234, 252, 399, 527. ■ , inspector of refugees, 252. , letter from, 364. , letters to, 114, 252; mentioned, 134, 135. , recommended to succeed Cameron as superintendent of Indian affiairs, 373, 424, 425, 426, 456 ; appointed temporarily. 392. John. 376. Thomas, 127. , account, 163. Major, 59. Granger, John, certificate by, 280. Grant : Sir Alexander, 513. Maj. Alexander, widow of, 79. Sir Archibald, 513. Gen. [James], 8. Maj. James, King's American Regi- ment, 471. , certificate by, 119. . letter from, 22. Wm., certificate by, 108. Mr., of the hospital, 275. Grasse, Count de, or his fleet, 347, 420, 473, 548. exchange of officers taken by, in 1781, 503. defeated (in 1782), 490, 492. Gratton, Lt. [W.], 210. and others, trustees of captured property, 135, 136. 226. 229, 321, 337, 366. (See also Trustees.) Graves, Adrnl., 156. list of ships under, 156. reinforces Arbuthnot, 180. Gravesend Township, 324. Gray : Lt. Alex., 481. Capt. Robert, certificate by, 119. and Ogilvie, 241, 266. See Messrs. Ross & Gray. Green : Amos, petition from, 504. Francis, 437, 484. , memorial from, 437. or Greint. John, certificate by, 126. or Greene. Maj. Joseph, 362, 473, 548. River, 221. Greene, Nathaniel. American General, 245, 270, 435, 446. 447, 452. 485, 491, 501, 504. letters from, 322. 328, 391, 415. 441, 498. letters to, 317, 320, 327, 441, 495. his camp mentioned, 246. defeated at Guilford, 261. exchange of prisoners by, 276. action with Rawdon, 277, 2S3. dispute with, over prisoners, 317, 322-3. 327, 328, 400. 415, 438, 452, 478. on hills of Santee, 348. defeated at the Eutaws, 350-1. moves across Santee, 357. advances to Dorchester, 357. may attack Savannah, 357, 470. on south side Edisto, 379. movements, 389. 399, 400, 417, 447. Greenfield, Lewis, 139. Greenwich : Lady, 513. Hospital, Receiver for, 189. (America) petition dated at, 70. Greenwood, Win., with others, trustee of captured property, 136, 226, 229, 321. Greenwood & Higginson, 165. Gregson or Greyson, Capt., 259. Grey, Gen., 126, 492, 524. claims for stock delivered to, 313. Gridston, Mr., 113. Grierson, Col., 327. Griffith, Robert, letter from, 44. Grimke, Col., 317, 328. Grosvenor, Lord, 513. Grymes, Mr., 338. Guichen, Mons., 452. Guilford, Cornwallis's success at, 261. letters dated at, 258, 259. Guinter or Gunter, Mary, memorial from, 141. Gunn, George, assistant barrack master, 324. Gunning, Lt, Col. or Brig. Gen., 291, 430. Gutt, the, 468. Haacke, Capt. George de, letter from, 519. letter to, 518. 573 Hackinsack, or Hackinsack River, 98, 528. Haddul'a or Hadrel's Point, 389, 471. Haight, Ambrose, certificate by, 422. Haine, Col. See Hayne. Hake, Samuel, 354 ; papers concerning, 515-7. Haldimand, Gen., 14, 41, 51, S3, 144, 152, 180, 182, 188, 409. letters, &c, from, 22, 25, 33, 42, 43, 45, 46, 56, 58, 85, 153, 154, 169, 175, 179, 195, 209, 222, 232, 244, 251, 281. 287, 289, 308, 309, 314, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336. 338, 339, 349, 411, 423, 439, 470, 501, 507, 512, 531, 532. letters, &c, to. 6. 11, 14, 27, 28, 31, 36, 53, 105, 107. 118, 131, 153, 170, 179, 188, 192, 207, 278, 297, 303, 305, 308, 311, 337, 345, 348, 378, 402, 416, 463, 476, 493, 506. Halifax, 4, 19, 52, 67, 75, 79, 144, 151, 152, 154, 172, 180, 188, 191, 262, 295, 308. 329, 347, 378, 387, 479, 504. attack on, expected, 50, 51, 53, 55, 303. barrack master of, 524. Campbell to go to, and take com- mand, 288, 292, 295, 303. defence of. 121, 181-2 ; works or forti- fications, 200, 205. 208, 236, 289, 300, 317, 344, 428, 429, 461; battery at George's Island, 67. garrison orders, 273. German inhabitants at, 108. Hierlihy's companies to be transferred to, 251, 295. hospital at, 4. letters, memorials, &c, dated from, 1, 26, 35, 36, 60, 61, 66, 67, 83, 84, 94, 108, 119, 129, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 174, 175, 178, 181, 182, 183, 190- 196, 198-206, 208. 223, 226, 236, 248, 249, 250, 266, 272. 273, 274, 276, 277, 288. 289, 298, 299, 300. 317, 318, 320, 325, 329, 341, 344, 347, 365, 367-370. 381-384, 393, 397, 436, 458, 460, 461, 462, 465, 504. 524, 527, 529, 531. 532. 540, 542, 544, 547. military chest, state of, 436. ordnance officers at, letters to, 249, 530. packet boat, 316. paymaster at, Alex. Thomson, 370. prisoners at, account, 227. provisions or stores, 35, 180, 182, 196, 226, 248, 354, 365. troops : artillery company at, and various returns, &c, 299, 490. 531 ; troops mentioned, 431, 432 ; British recruits proceed to, for New York, 460. Hall : Francis, 223. Nathaniel, 86. Peter, 60. T. W. Burly, 105. Hallett, James, certificate signed by, 462. Hallifax, Richard, letter from, 479. Hamilton : Lt. Col. Alexander, commissioner to exchange prisoners, 99, 102. Archd., Col., certificate by, 229. Lt. Gov. [Henry], 22, 85, 211. Brig. Gen. James, 155. , certificate by, 361. John, agent for small craft, 480. Hammill, Daniel, certificate by, 319. Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape, 5, 121. letters from, 320, 532. letters, &c, to, 350, 506, 547. Hampton : Jonathan, certificate signed by, 292. (Virginia), 43, 211, 502; Bar, 498; Road, 210, 223; letters dated in, 304, 305. Hanau, or Hesse Hanau Troops, 491, 490. subsistence, 510, 531, 533. warrant to pay, 541. Hancock, Gov. John, letter from, 510. letter to, 219. Handfield : Capt. Charles, paymaster of absent corps, 454, 466, 538, 540, 552. , accounts, 417, 437. , warrant to pay, 481. Capt. Edward, 538, 552. Maj. Win., Dep. Quartei' Master Gen., 152. , letters from, 94, 458. Hanger, George, letter from, 508. Hanging Rock, action at, 168. Hanxleden, Col. de, 234, 246. memorial signed by, 202. Harding : George, 248. , certificate by, 280. Thomas, master of " Patsey," 27. , pass to, 43. — , (may be George), 140. Hardy, John, petition from. 493. Harlem Heights, 323. Harley, Thomas or Mr., contractor. 48, 162, 206, 214, 259, 425, 433. account, 131. letter from, 280. Harley & Drummond, 77, 302, 336, 507, 554. Harnage, Mr., 34. HarrisTMr., 293, 294. Harrison : Benjamin, Gov. of Virginia, 541. , letter from, 507. George, master of transport, in- structions to, 494. Oaky, refugee, letter from, 355. Major, 173. Hart, Benjamin, master of " Maria." 514. memorial from, 495. Hartcup, Capt.. commands at Penobscot, 292, 429, 461. Harvie, Col., 9. Hastings, Joseph Stacey, memorial from, 70. 574 Hatfield, J. S., 469. Hauser, Frederick, certificate from, 245. memorial from, 486. Havana or Havannah, 33, 39, 63, 71, 128, 238, 286, 346, 347, 452, 457, 458, 476, 496, 515, 518, 520, 522. American ships at, 523. expedition sails from, against Pensa- ccla, 201, 233. governor of, 372, 510. (See also Cagigal.) intelligence from. 522. letters dated at, 372, 373. 457, 503. 514. prisoners in, 351, 540. 550. Haverstraw, 84. Hawkins, John, memorial from, 229. Hawley, E., 282. Hay: Major (American officer), 47. Mr., 296. Hayden, Capt,, 431, 432. [Compare Heyden. ) Haye, George, 535. Hayes : ' Dr. [J. Macnamara], 158, 434, 452. Capt. Thomas, 431. Maj., 92, 96. Hayne (Haynes, Haine), American Col., 320, 322, '327. 391, 436, 438, 452, 478. Hayt, Mr., 98. Head of Elk. 269. Heath. Maj. Gen. William, letters from. and to, 20. Hedingham Castle. Essex, letter dated at, 235. Heffernan, John, certificate by, 121. Helclring or Hildring. Lt. or Capt. Henrv, 122, 193, 246, 515. Hell Gate, 364. Hempstead, papers dated at, 68. 74. 499. Henderson, Lt., 289. Hendorff. Ensign, account, 441. Henrico County, Virginia, 498. Henry : Capt. [John, of the navyl. 107. 135, 136. William. 470, 545. Herbert : William, 518. Capt. of sloop " Wier," 113. Hesselberg, Lt., 38. Hessians, 100, 210, 323, 376, 402, 429, 435. detachment forced to winter at St. John's Island, 60. 61. officer, 362, 428. regiments mentioned ; Artillery, 73 ; account, 549 ; de Donop, 511 ; detachment of jagers, 421 : de Seitz, 84, 108. return of necessaries, 374. staff mentioned, 263. translator, 553. (See also Houseal.) waggons belonging to, 279. accounts, 528, 529. warrant to pay, 543. Hessians — contd. in Savannah, 59, 106, 112, 458; desert, 417, 418, 434, 447 ; question of precedence of colonels, 452, 456, 472. (Ses also Westerhagen, &c.) Hetfield, 487, 521. Hewetson, Capt. Brinsley, pay of, 549. Hewson, Nathaniel, 247. Heyden, , 460. (Compare. Hayden.) Hey wood, Benjamin, Capt. Lt. 6th Mass. Regiment, letter from, 20. Hicks : Lt. Col. E., 318. 355, 368. , letter from, 369. , letter to, 318. Gilbert, certificate signed by, 408. John, 139. Samuel, 377. Hierlihy, Timothy, Maj. Commandant Independent Cos., 60, 188, 189. 262, 312. certificate by, 312. letter or memorial of, 185 ; mentioned, 202. letter to, 4. his corps or companies, 23, 188, 189, 192-3, 262, 431, 432, 460. , list of officers, 14. . transferred to Halifax, 251, 295. Highland's Camp, letter dated at, 20. Hi'dring. See Heldring. Hill : Duncan, master of schooner, 100. Dr., 96. Hillsborough : Lord, 291. (N. Carolina), 173, 253. , proclamation dated at, 247. Hinchman, John, memorial, 391. Hingham (Mass.), letter dated from, 168. Hispaniola, 7. Hitchcock, Joseph, memorial from, 225. Hoakesley, Robert, Waggon Master Gen., 155, 345. Hobkirk's Hill, action at, 277. Hodge, D., account, 147. Hodgson, Vice Adml. Samuel, signs cartel, 351. Hoghton, Sir Henry, letter from, 235. Holland, stores from [to the Americans], 304. Holmes, Elias, refugee, 35, 68. Holms, David, & Co., account, 147. Holstein, 225. Home : Maj., 498. Capt. Walter, 538. Honeywell, Enoch, petition from, 502. Hood, Walter, certificate by, 71, 77. Hopkins, Mrs., refugee, 252. Hopton, 229. Horn, Lt. Col. C. de. 514, 517, 540. Horn's Hook, 323. Horry, Col., 406. his regiment of Continental Dragoons, 404. 407. 57.5 Hospitals, or Hospital affairs, 4, 35, 119, 139, 148, 157, 275, 313, 330, 337, 346, 396, 452. 465. 509, 541. accounts: 187, 229, 301, 430, 533-4 ; pay of surgeon's mate, 3 ; of hospital mates, 337 ; nurse's wages, 301 ; abstract of expenses for prisoners, 227 ; arrangements for stoppage accounts, 224, 229. 499 ; board of enquiry on stoppage accounts, 498. at Halifax, 3S3, 384. inspector of, discontinued, 245. medicines or stores, 167, 17S, 243. 253, 326, 490, 503. officers of, 138, 214. purveyor of, 138. (See also Mallet.) question of sale or purchase of com- mission in, 262, 266 ; not allowed, 293, 294. ships, 265, 301. staff of, 509. warrant to pay, 547. Houseal, Rev. Bernard Michael, German translator, 113. 553. Houston, Dr., 158. Hovendon, Moore, 535. Howe, Gen. Sir Wm., 89, 153, 164, 211, 215, 287. comparative expense of departments under. 227, 230. letter from, 81. letter to, 76. Hubbard : Isaac, 258. James, of Virginia, 360, 543. Mrs., widow of James, 543. Hubbell, N., certificate from, 504. Huck, Capt., 157. Huddleston, R., 465. Huddy, Capt. Joshua : concerning the case of, 451, 453, 459, 460, 461, 466. 467. 469, 470, 478, 500, 508, 517, 529 Hudson : Capt. Charles, 101. , letter from, 305. Mary, memorial from, 341. River, 528. Hngen's Bridge, 402. Huargeford, Peter, certificate signed by, 123, 262, 422, 461. Hughes, Adl. Sir Richard, Lieut. Gov. of Nova Scotia, 172, 318. letters from. 41. 108, 174. 226. letters to, 70. 304. Hume, James, Chief Justice, E. Florida. 131. Humphreys, Walter, assistant commissary of forage, 325. Hunt. Lt.. 243. Hunter, Mrs., 87. Huntington : Presdt,, letter to, 254, 255. Long Island, 192. Hutchinson : Capt., 62. Gov,, letter from, 407. Hyler, , 502. Hvne or Hyrne, Major (American), 317, 328. 435. Indian Affairs, Indian Department, or Indians, 2, 3, 6, 26, 32, 59, 78, 85, 99, 100, 104, 105, 1.08, 109, 162. 193, 195, 287, 345, 359. accounts and expenses, 82, 85. 93, 95, 98, 103, 108, 109, 116, 119, 127, 130, 131, 133, 142, 143, 146-149, 152, 176, 186-7, 246, 247, 380. , account for burial of a Chactaw chief, 124. , (Col. Moore's) expenses with regard to Indians, 310. embarrassed by death of Stuart, 117. commissary, 3, 112. commission from Galvez to a chief, 46. congress to be called, 159. message from an Indian Chief, 14. return of Rangers, &c., in the depart- ment, 90, 235. presents, 58, 76, 101, 103, 106, 108, 144, 147, 158, 159, 172, 174. 186, 226, 228, 303, 304, 317, 360. Secretary for. See J. Chew. Superintendent of. See Alexr. Cameron, Michael Francklin, &c., superintendency in Southern dis- trict applied for, 364. Indians enticed by the Spaniards, 39. 359. , influenced and employed by Americans, 61. , dread small pox, 96, 104. , cannot suffer appearance of being shut up, 96. , emploved at Mobile and Pensa- cola. 112/122, 146, 159, 160, 228. 233, 234 ; other services (Georgia, &c), 221, 225, 226. , visit St. Augustine, 130. 1 w iH go to the rebels if not attended to, 172, 174. . talk or speech by, 63. 142. tribes : Algonquins, 142. Abenakies. 142. 221. Canabas, 142. of Canada. 36. Chactaws. 63, 71. 77, 78. 93. 146. 159, 160, 201, 400. Cherokees, 32, 104, 221. 359. Chickesaws, 159. Creeks. Upper, and Lower, 3, 59. 76, 93, 103, 104, 117, 130. 147. 159, 176, 209, 221, 360 ; Spanish garrison amongst, 359. Hurons, 142. Malcete, 142. 57o Indians, tribes — contd. Mickmack, 142. Mohawk chief, a, 14. Mountaineers, 142. of Nova Scotia, 1, 2, 172, 303. 304 : presents for, 172, 174, 226. Otawas, 142. Simonolies, 152. Tallyusue. 146. Indigo, 321. Inglis : Rev. Dr. Charles, 22. , certificate from, 400. , letter from, 6. , support for, 350. Lt. [James], 110, 150. Ingram, Capt., 173. Innes, Col. Alexander, Inspector Gen. of Provincial Forces, 82. 92, 96, 100. 119, 173, 439, 487, 519, 523. certificate by, 77, 485. letters from, 60, 76, 297, 432. letters to, 92, 310, 422. recommended, 49. his presence necessary in S. Carolina to inspect new corps raising, 158. states and accounts, 48, 263. 537. Intelligence, 408, 409, 493. 496, 522, 527. Inverary, letter dated from, 156. Iredell, Abraham, storekeeper, 374. Ireland, 150, 157, 173, 189. 205, 231, 232, Lord Lt, of, 75, 150. regiments from, 351. Irving, Thomas, 392. 423. letters from, 390, 392, 422. letter to, 386. Isaacs, Dr. Samuel, memorial, certificate and deposition by, 268, 495. 516. Isle au Noix, 284. paper dated at, 279. Jackson : Michael, account, 147. Capt. (American officer). 168. Jacksonburgh, 389. paper dated at, 421. Jacques, Capt., 386. Jamaica, 40, 87, 115. 119, 122, 137, 162, 209, 324, 353, 378, 496. apprehended attack on, 7, 415, 420 ; by the French and Spaniards, 450, 452, 457, 468, 474, 480, 490, 493. 525, 526, 543 ; Spanish forces for expedition against, 522 ; to be relieved from Charlestown, 447, 450, 452, 470, 491, 505 ; corps under O'Hara for, 451, 470, 472, 473, 476, 482. letters, &c, dated at, 7, 209. 347, 415, 446 493, 526,i543. Jamaica — contd. Lt. Gov. of, 450. (See also Archibald Campbell.) prisoners, 347. 493, 510. , cartel with Cuba, 351, 352. question of owners of negroes in Georgia and S. Carolina, &c, re- moving them to, 520, 531, 543, 544. troops at, 526. James : Ben, certificate by, 292. Capt. J., 508. , memorial from, 485. Island, 379, 388, 389. , letters, &c. dated from, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106. River, Virginia, 210, 284, 285, 375, 453. Jamieson, Niel, recommendation by, 236. Janecke, Lt. Col., 491, 496. memorial of, 533. Jarvis : John, assistant commissary forage, 326. Samuel, case of, 61. — — , memorials from, 90, 95, 112. , certificate by. 319. Jay, Mr., 9. Jefferson, Thomas, letter to, 38. Jeffries (Jefferies, Jeffreys), Dr., 4, 262, 294. Jenkinson, Charles, secretarv for war, 21, 326, 394. letters from, 3. 4, 19, 20. 23. 29, 44, 46, 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 69, 74, 80, 81. 97, 109, 110. 116, 117, 121, 138, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 161, 166, 171, 177, 178, 188, 204, 205, 213, 214, 216, 218, 230-233, 241- 245, 253, 266, 267, 273, 274, 275, 286, 294, 295, 308, 324, 329, 331, 337-340, 343, 345, 346. 358, 359, 371, 396, 410, 411, 413. letters, &c, to, 11, 21, 25, 48, 62, 73. 75, 103, 120, 123, 131, 135, 151, 154, 159, 175 179, 190, 196, 202. 220. 221. 223, 247, 251, 259, 262, 273, 279, 294, 304, 306, 313, 318, 330, 334, 335, 364, 370, 399, 426. Jericho, on St. John's River, letters dated from, 40.. 54. Jerseys, the (see also New Jersey), 235, 239, 330. Jewell, Abraham, refugee, 283. Jews, 37. John, Peter, certificate to, 381. letter from, 381. John's Island, 354, 357, 379, 389, 390. letter dated from, 89. Johnson : Sir John, 36. , his corps, 69. Sir William, 85. Lt. Col., recommendation by, 463. Johnston : Augustus. 80. 520. Capt. of 70th [Boulter], 75, 204. Lewis, of Georgia, 373. Patience, petitions from, 80, 520, 577 Johnstone : Gov. [George], 515. or Johnson, Capt., Roval Artillery, [William], 8, 122, 161. , signs memorial, 202. Jones : Arthur, 159. Lt. Gen. [Daniel], 38. — , Major of Brigade, 329. Jordan : Wm., petition from, 462. Mr., dep. paymaster genl., Quebec, 42. Joyce, John, 98. K Karloch, John, petition from. 495. Katskill, 247. Kay, Mr., 289. Kearny, Philip, certificate by, 201. Keating, Ensign, 283. Kebble, Stephen, 497. Keeling, John Hignett, refugee, 405. Kelly, Hugh, certificate to, 361. Kemble, Jacob, 86. Kempe, John Tabor, opinion, 517. letter to, 542. Kenderhook, New York, 425. Kennedy, Mrs., widow of Dr. Benjamin. petition from, 340. Kensington, Lord, letter from, 290. Keppel, J. T., or F. (?), letter from, 425. Ker, Mrs., 396. Kerr : Capt. J., 536, 537. Samuel, deposition, 445. Ketchum : Jehiel, refugee, 427. John, refugee, 258. Jonathan, refugee, 192. Kettle or Kittle, Andrew, refugee, 425. Key, Capt,, 234. King's County, Long Island, 349. King's Mountain, 225. Kingston, Jamaica, letter dated at, 373. Kirkland, Mr., 98. Kitts, Capt. Fred, 502. deposition of, 498. Knoblauch, Gen. de, 434. Knox : Wm., 101, 214. , letters from, 48, 91, 154, 233. 287, 304. , letter to, 243. Henry, and Gouverneur Morris, com- missioners to exchange prisoners, instructions to, 416. , letters, &c, from, 423, 427, 440, 441, 443, 444, 450, 455, 458, 459. , letters to, 424. 442, 443, 449, 455, 459. Knyphausen, Lt. Gen., 43, 153, 161, 279, 380, 429, 434. certificate from, 416. letters from, 83, 93, 98, 105, 110, 118, 131. letters to, 94, 134, 153, 154. his regiment, 182. Kollock, Capt., letters to, 255, 269, 280. Kortright, Lawrence, letter from, 69. Koseritz, A. S., note signed by, 270. Laban, Juan, letter from, 503. Lachlane, Mr., 368. Lacy, Mr., Capt. of port of Charlestown, 275. Laight, Edward, 168. Laird (spelt Leard), David, 497. Lake, — , commissary, 497. Lakes, the, 180. La Luzerne, Chevalier de, letters to, 284, 308, 501. Lamb, James, certificate by, 126. La Motte Picquet, French naval com- mander, 7. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 161, 164, 228, 392, 394, 397 398, 408, 448, 451, 475. letters dated at, 500, 501. Landburgh, Robert, 454. Lansingh, Jacob, letter from, 476. Laumoy, Count de, Col, exchange of, 473, 548. Laurens : Mr. [Henry], 169. , question of exchange of, 384, 398. Col. [John], 417. Lauzun, Duke of, his Legion, 417, 456, 463. La Vera Cruz. See Vera Cruz. Law or Laws, Lt. (60th), 64, 112. Lawrie, Mi'., 262. Lawson : John Peter, petition from, 499. R., bridge master, letter from, 145. Sarah, refugee, 212. Leake, John Martin, 24. Learning, Jeremiah, certificates or recom- mendations by, 3, 62, 81, 82. 90, 101, 112. 119, 192, 225, 229, 258, 289, 352, 427. Leaves of absence, 3, 214. 295, 308, 340. 478, 514. Le Brim, Sieur, 347. Lee, Col. (American), 245, 417, 463. Lees burg, 10. Leeward Islands, 205, 339, 420, 480, 482, 490. Leighthcizer, Surgeon, 289. Leland, Lt. Col., 172, 355. Leman, John, certificate by, 235. [Le] Montais, Capt. F., of H. M. sloop Stork, letters from and to, 26, 29. L'enfant, a Frenchman, 348. Lenox, Wm., deposition, 445. 2 o 578 Lent : Abraham, petition from, 52. Jacob, 52. Lentz, Col, 510. Leonard. Goorce or Mr., may be two persons, 102, 19S, 437. 471. certificates by, 70, 329. memorial from, 114. Lernonlt, Maj. R. B., letter to, 281, 282. Leslie, Maj. Gen. Alexander, 56, 67, 77, 210, 220, 232, 234, 238, 364, 373, 376, 380, 385, 386, 387, 391, 392, 415, 426, 468, 472, 483, 484, 485, 496, 505, 510, 511, 521, 529. letters from, 223, 234, 348, 357, 358, 359, 363, 371, 374, 378, 388-394, 400, 417, 418, 434, 435, 438, 441, 446, 447, 456, 457, 458, 463, 470, 472, 474, 475, 477, 480, 485, 491, 495, 501, 518, 520, 521, 543, 544, 546. letters to. 208, 209, 210, 213, 254, 326, 344, 349, 357, 359, 366-369, 381, 382, 390, 391. 396, 400, 402, 403, 405, 415, 420, 423, 425, 426, 431, 433, 435, 441, 444, 446, 447, 448, 450, 451, 457, 467, 471, 472, 473, 477, 478, 481, 494, 498, 500, 513, 524, 525, 530, 543. at St. Augustine,. 64. arrives at Savannah, 76. signs report, with others, 133 ; men- tioned, 135. instructions to, 191. troops under, remove from Hampton Road to Charlestown, 223. arrival in Charlestown expected, 303. takes command in the South, at Charlestown, 326.. 344, 348, 353 ; further instructions to, 344. not to be reinforced at Charlestown, 365. question of detaching men to defend I Georgia or Savannah, 365, 379, 380, f 390, 399-400, 457, 458. on the situation of the province, 378-9. cannot reinforce, but will provision St. Augustine, 379. his wish to return home, 388, 431, 434, 450, 457, 518, 544; is not able to manage the perplexed situation, 457. requests table money, 394 ; answer, 432. cannot find ships to send Garrison Co. to Providence, 418. concerning detaching. for W. Indies, New York or Jamaica, 421, 442, 445, 450, 451, 464, 470, 472, 476. address to, 527. Lewes, J., 547. Lewis : Benjn., memorial from, 261. Curtis, 211. Davis, letter from, 381. Francis, account, 147. Hannah, refugee, 211. Lewis — covtd- Capt. John, 290. Mr., refi gee. 303. Mrs., refugee, 428. Lincoln : Lord, 181. Mai. Gen. Benjamin, 3, 7, 29, 125, 475. , letters from, 152, 168. to, 160, 176. , opinion signed by, 304. , exchange of 153, 160. , to meet Phillips to exchange prisoners, 168, 174, 176-7, 184. , joint letter with d'Estaing, 47. Thomas, certificate by, 320. County, 118. Lippincct. Capt. Richard, 453, 459, 461, 467, 469, 478, 481, 508, 517, 521, 528. letter to, 447. report by, 449. Little Tallassie, Creek Nation, letters dated from, 50, 54. Livermore, Samuel, letter to, 292. Liverpool, 60. Livesay, Wm., refugee, 3, 446. Livingston : John, 515. Philip J., 74, 268. Robert R.. 515. Gov. William, letters from, 488, 541. , letters to, 482, 487, 522. Manor, 113, 516. Lloyd's Neck, 61, 325, 343, 346, 508. Lock, Mrs., 247. Lockell, Lt. N. F. C, 53. letter from, 53. Lockwood, Mrs., refugee, 131. London, 40, 497. Bishop of, 350. Court of, 440. Gazette, 95, 104, 105, 312. letters and papers dated at, 23, 46, 48, 94, 131, 132, 159, 165, 217, 253, 259, 264, 274, 2S0, 287, 298, 313, 347, 387, 401, 437, 439, 445, 478, 487, 489, 490, 493, 499, 512, 522. merchants of, trading to Carolina, petition of, 165 ; mentioned, 231. rejoicing at success at Savannah, 106. riots in, 181. places in or near : Admiralty Office, letter dated at, 428. Albe(r)marle St., letter dated from, 479. Argyll or Argyle St., letters dated from, 262, 330. Chelsea, letter dated at, 420. Clement's Lane, letter dated from, 290. College of Surgeons, 286. Conduit Street, letter dated from, 21. Craig's Court, letters dated from, 21, 329. 579 London — contd. Downing Street, letter dated from, 293. Duke Street, letter dated from, 79. Frith Street, Soho, letter dated from, 173. General Post Office, letter dated at, 408. Horse Guards, letters dated at, 244, 410. Jermyn Street, letter dated from, 290. John Street, Adelphi, letter dated from, 44. Lamb's Conduit Street, letter dated from, 364. Ordnance Office, papers dated at, 429, 530. Pall Mall Court, certificate dated at, 162. Pay Office, letters dated at, 296, 297. Portland Place, certificate dated from, 240. Russel Court, Drury Lane, 420. St. James's, papers dated at, 413, 420, 430, 441. South Milton Street, letter dated at, 414. Strand, certificate dated from, 235. Tower, 106. , paper dated at, 429. Tower Hill, letters dated at, 494, 496. Upper Wimpole Street, letter dated from, 220. War Office, letters dated at, 3, 4, 19, 20, 23, 29, 44, 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 69, 74, 80, 81, 97, 109, 110, 116, 117, 121, 138, 148, 150-153, 157, 161, 166, 171, 177, 178, 188, 204, 205, 213, 214, 216, 218. 230-233, 241-245, 253, 266, 267, 273, 274, 275, 286, 294, 295, 308, 324, 329, 331, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 345, 346, 358, 359, 370. 396, 410, 411, 413, 465, 475, 478, 482, 486, 488, 491, 503, 514, 537. Westminster, papers dated at, 410, 428. Whitehall, letters dated at, 2, 4, 21, 25, 34, 38, 40, 41, 48, 56, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 82, 86, 90, 91, 95, 101-104, 107, 109, 114, 117, 118, 123. 137, 150-152, 154, 156, 162, 167, 177, 184, 188, 191, 204, 206, 207, 211, 215-218, 222, 223, 230, 232, 233, 239-245, 250, 251, 253, 260, 266, 275, 285-287, 290, 291, 293. 295-297, 299, 304, 305, 308, 310, 326-328, 330, 332, 333, 335, 338,340,341, 356, 358, 360, 378,^395,_396, 398, 412, 414, 427, 429,431, 432, 453, 460, 463, 471, 474, 475, 492, 513 ; at Treasury Chambers, 4, 7, 20, 44, 48, 62, 88, 90, 131, London — contd. 162, 165, 173, 206, 214, 215, 218, 222, 224, 238, 256, 257, 262, 278, 282, 296, 302, 305, 333, 342, 350, 362, 364, 390, 425, 432, 436, 458, 484, 511, 524. Winchester Street, letter dated at, 454. Long Island, 12. 73, 90, 119, 144, 192, 225, 279, 340, 349, 353, 364, 399, 475, 533. barrack master of, 426. letter dated from, 70. musters taken at, 323, 324. 325, 326. persons victualled on, 487. prisoners on. 101. plan for securing peace and trade of, 503. Longworth. Thomas, certificate by, 508. Loosely, Robert, certificate of, 77. Lord President [of the Council], 218. Lords, House of, address to the King, 204, 355. (See also Parliament.) Lorentz, Richard, paymaster cf Hessians, 528. memorandum from, 376. Lorimer, J., hospital surgeon, 8, 324. accounts, 187, 301. Loring, Joshua, commissary gen. of prisoners, 36, 60, 80, 108. 189. accounts, 364, 374, 423. 436, 551. correspondence with Skinner over exchange of prisoners, 365, 366. letters, returns, statements, from, 50, 144. 346, 366, 383, 398, 408, 482, 554. letters to, 362, 382, 384, 385, 386, 475. negociations for exchanges, 397. Lossberg, Gen., certificate by, 529. Lot, Mrs., or Sarah, 79. memorial from, 343. Lott, Johannes, Junr., Lt., 364. Loughborough, Lord, 513. Lcuisburg, siege of, mentioned, 213. Louiseville, letters dated from, 38. Louisiana, 162. Love! or Lovell, Gen., 13, 17. Lovell, John, loyalist, 13. Lovett, Mi-., 129. Lowndes, Mr., losses of, 150. Lownsbury : Henry, certificate for, 123. Michael, refugee, 461. William, refugee, 61. Lowry, John, letter from, 346. Loyalists or loyal refugees : applications for subsistence from bead quarters, passim, entered under their respective names, proposals concerning association of, 114. question of repayment to, for damages, &o., 133. embodying of, 176, 342. (See also below. Board of Associated Loyalists.) 580 Loyalists — conld. subsistence of, necessitates greater supplies of provisions, 367. memorial from, desiring removal of Col. Morris, 370. alarm at Cornwallis's fate and the capitulation at York Town, 346, 348, 349, 382. their interests to be attended to, 385, 412. illtreatment of, by Americans, 467, 469, 470, 518, 519, 522, 554. their retaliation not surprizing, 469. returns : of allowances or payments to, 437, 479, 518, 549 ; of fuel, &c, 375, 486. in connection with Samuel Hake. 516-7. in Georgia, 252, 307, 400, 448. , inspector of refugees, 234. , plead for consideration, 505-6. , property confiscated, 506. , attention to their interests pleaded for, 507, 509. , suggest that E. Florida might be an asylum, 527. , relieved at E. Florida being- maintained as a refuge, 546. , to be brought away, if desired, from Savannah, 494. in Georgia or S. Carolina : , arrangements for appropriating property of the Americans to use of, 130 ; mentioned, 136, 302. , assistance to be given to, 132. , supposed numerous, 136. , distressed by Wayne, 417. in North or South Carolina, 302, 347. 366. 388, 393, 415, 423. , accompany Craig to Charles - town, 357. , to receive allowances, 367. , claims for property taken up by the service, 417. , laws against and hardships, 435, 436, 438, 441, 475, 501, 543. , memorial on behalf of, 512. in East Florida : , settle on St. Mary's River, 376. 1 to be brought away from St. Augustine if desired, 494. , distressed at proposed evacua- tion of E. Florida, 529, 531. of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Dela- ware, address of, 505. Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists, 237, 348, 366, 391, 409, 411, 420, 425, 427, 444, 446, 447, 448, 462, 467, 481, 516, 518, 519, 548. , account, 508. , draft of instructions and regula- tions, 198. , commission and instructions, 211. , draft of articles of association, &c, mentioned, 225. Loyalists, Board of Directors, &c. — contd. , commission for a captain, &c, 225. , letters from, 213, 236, 237. (See also the President — William Frankjin. ) , letters and report to, 218, 237, 449. (See also Wm. Franklin.) -, minutes of proceedings, 475, 508, 554. , prisoners in hands of, 467, 469, 470. Luce, Capt. William, 534. Ludewig, Philip, account for Hessians, 529. warrant, 543. Ludlow : Mi'. [George D.], 198, 220. Gabriel H.. certificate by, 363. Mr., letter to, 247. Lumm, Capt., 6. Lundin, Lt., 84. Lunnenburgh, 409. Luttichau, R. H. von, 511, 515. Lutwitche, Capt. (in the navy, should be Lutwidsje), 169. Lutwyche. E. G., 198. certificates, &c, by, 70, 329, 348. Luyster, Cornelius, memorial from, 49. Lyman, Capt., 90, 137. Lynhaven Bay, 210, 246. Lyon, Joseph, letter from, 343. Lyons, Charles, town major of Halifax, 313, 355. letter from, 367. Lytle, Archibald, Lt. Col. (American), exchange of, 397. M Mabbett : Joseph, certificate by, 268. Samuel, certificates by, 268, 356. McAllister, Judith, 69. McArthur, Capt. Neil, account, 415. McCaul, Mr., 400. McCloud, Lt. John, 10. McCollick. See Kollock. McCollistin, Torrence, 69. McCrea : William, late of Albany County, memorial from, 79. Mr., refugee, 279, 283. Mrs., refugee, certificate to, 25. Miss, 79. McCree, Mrs. (qy. same as McCrea), 125. McCulloh (McCullogh or McCullought), Robert, 119, 368. letter from, 142. McDonald (Macdonald) : Capt. Alexr., commanding 2nd Batt. 84th, 84, 393. 581 McDonald (Macdonald), Capt. Alex. — contd. , letters from, 298, 347. , letter to, 299. , letters mentioned, 300. Alexr., N. Carolina Highlanders, certi- ficate by, 415. lit. Alexr., court martial, 339. Lt. Angus, 253. Donald, 79. Capt. John, 298, 299. John, certificate from, 407. Col. (American officer), 404. Maj. (Royal Highland Emigrants), 7. Maj., 193. Ensign 84th, 183. and Cameron, printers, 80. , letter from, 501. McDonell : Capt. Allan, certificate by, 79. Lt. Col. John (76th), 370. 539. Macfarlane. Lt, Robt,, of 74th. 235, 241, 292, 332. letter to, 241. McGaw, Col.. 44. McGee, W., 130. McGibbon, David, 550. McGibbons, John, refugee, 82. McGillivray : Alexander, accounts and certificate, 107, 147. , letter from, 54. James, certificate by, 68. Lachlane, account, 133. Robert, certificate by, 78. & Co. (See Swanson, McGillivray & Co.) McGinnis, Lt. Robert, 473. M'Ginniss, John, deposition by, 516. McGirt, — , 112, 114. McGown's Pass, paper dated at. 533. Machias, 2, 61, 226, 289. Mcintosh : Brig. Gen. [John], exchange of, 397. Capt. John, 58. John, 146. William, 103, 130. Capt., 336. McKay or Mackay : Lt. James, 271, 277. Mr., 347. McKee, Alex., joint letter from, 325. Mackenzie : Capt. or Maj. Frederick, Dep. Adj. Gen., 81, 486. , certificate and note by, 272, 345. , letters, &c, from, 86, 112. letters to, 236, 298. ■ , pay of, 552. Hugh, petition from, 461. Robert, letter from, 76. Ensign, 339. Ebenezer, letter to, 87. McKinnon, William, deputy commissary of stores and provisions, 7S, 87, 95, 98, 148. McKinsey, Hugh, refugee, 344. McLean or Maclean : Alexr. (N. Carolina Highlanders), certificate by, 415. Donald, certificate by, 126. , letter to, 36. Brig. Gen. Francis, commanding in Nova Scotia. 19, 35, 56, 108, 116, 140, 141, 142, 168, 169, 172, 174, 191, 213, 226, 248, 249, 250, 262, 272, 298, 300. 305, 318, 542. , letters from, 14, 20, 52, 66, 83, 84, 141, 144, 181, 182. 183, 191, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 250. letters and memorials to, 50, 5 1 , 53, 55, 75, 83, 94, 119, 121. 129, 143, 151, 164, 166, 167, 170, 175, 178, 180, 185, 188, 189, 192-196, 200, 203, 236, 250, 266, 289. , repulses attack on Penobscot, 14-17. , joint proclamation by, 17, 18. , leaves Penobscot and returns to Halifax, 66. , dispute over Spry's accounts, 170, 175, 178-179, 181, 182, 193, 203, 204, 205, 208. , death of, and temporary succes- sor of, 276, 277, 288-9. , Campbell to succeed, 288. , his corps, 151, 182, 188. (See also under Troops 84th Regt.) Hector, extract from, 36. Capt. John, 83. , letter from, 34. Capt., 84th [qy. Murdoch], 387. Lt. Murdock [74th], 143. Lt. (of S. Carolina Regt.), 388. Macleod, Lt., Capt., or Maj. Alexander, 7, 79, 195. MacLeron, Donald, Serjt., 46. McLeroth, Robert, one of a Board of Field Officers, report, 74. McMahon, Capt., 276, 426. McMillan or McMullen, Capt., 4, 185. Macnair, Ralph, memorial from, 501. McPherson : Capt. Donald, musters of his company, 224, 322, 343. , warrant to pay, 343. Donald, commissary of Indian pro- visions, 130. , account, 147. , certifies accounts, 142, 143, 147, 148. , joint letter to, 270, 278. Maddock, William, affidavit by, 518. Madeira wine, 94. Magaw, Col. Robert, 82, 83, 85. Maham's Regt. of Continental Dragoons, 406, 407. Mair & Cox. See Cox, Mair & Cox. Maitland, Lt. Col., 7, 26, 27, 28, 59. letter from, 229. Majabia;waduce, ordnance stores expended at, 18. papers dated at, 14, 20,^52. 582 Malcolm, Capt., 172. Mallery, Lt. Caleb, 470. Mallet, Jonathan, purveyor of hospitals, 430, 499, 534-537, 539, 541. letter from, 148. memorial from, 251 ; mentioned, 259, 275. signs paper, 229. Mallett, Samuel, certificate by, 320. Manchac, 31, 32. its capture b3 7 Galvez, 77. MandevilFs, letter dated from, 20. Manilla, 7. Mann or Man, Mr., 39, 127, 128. Marc, Philip, 517. March {sic), Brig. Gen., 532. Marion, Gen., (American), 261, 389. corps of, routed, 405-7. Markland, Ralph, 2nd Lt., 213, 244. Marsh : George. See Navy Board. Lt. Col. J., 81, 539. . certificate by, 102. , letter to, 114. , one of a Board of Field Officers, report, 74. John, agent victualler, 401, 413. 422, 440, 442, 447, 454, 460, 464, 465. , letters from, 471, 495, 497. Marshall : John, surgeon at Halifax, letter to, 381 ; mentioned, 382. , memorial from, 119. (with others), report of, 383, 384. Wm., account, 142, 187. Marsom, Samuel, receipt by, 401. Martha's Vineyard, 139, 492, 493, 511. claims of inhabitants for stock de- livered, 313. memorial dated from, 524. Martin : John, American Governor, proclama- tions, 401 ; mentioned, 448. John, 138. John Allen, 488, 547. , memorial from, 514. Josiah, late Gov. of N. Carolina, 14, 198, 414. , letters from, 54, 60, 347, 414. , recommendation by, 69. Richard, 508. William, Lt. Col. Royal Artillery, papers and returns by, 163, 233. 489, 490, 491, 547. Martinique, 309, 458. Maryland, 78. 210, 269, 340, 361, 375, 448, 543. loyalists of, 505 ; loyalist regiment, •see Provincial Troops. tobacco from, 280. Mason, John, 255. Massachusetts Bay, 70, 311. Council of, 1, 290. councillor of, Abijah Willard, 239, 240. General Assembly, 420. regiments in previous war, 290. Massey, Maj. Gen., 200, 201, 202, 208. Master, Capt. Richard, to be exchanged, 218. Masters. John, petition from, 353. Masts, S3. cutting of, 172. Mathew. Maj. Gen. Edward, 57, 65, 121, 125. letters from, 79, 468, 546. letters to, 431, 475, 509. Mathews : David, Mayor of New York, certificates by, 41. 220, 363, 375, 409. , depositions before, 334, 445. , deposition by. 446. , letter and recommendation to, 174, 370. , note and letter from, 409, 410. , signs city address. 497. Col. George, American officer, 74. , as commissioner for exchange of prisoners, 85, 86. Godfrey, 405. John, American Governor. 447. , letter to, 446. , letter from, 448. , proclamation; 421. Mrs. Mary, 209. Capt. Robert, letters from, 280, 282. , letters to, 336, 345. Mathey, Lt. Louis, 71. Mauduit, Israel, letter from, 290. Maxwell : Francis, master of transport, 496. John. Gov. of Bahamas, 242, 299. , capitulation to Cagigal. 484, 489. , letters from, 453, 457, 464, 481, 4S9. , letters to, 415, 483. , sails for England, 520. Patrick, account for medicines, 149. Mr., surgeon, [qy. Patrick], 358. Capt. (80th), 230. Lt., 198. Lt. (31st Regiment), 60. Mrs., wife of the foregoing, 60. Mecan, Maj., 243, 244, 332. Medler, Johannes, memorial from, 344. Medows, Col., 231. Medway, [Georgia], 111. Meggs, George, Capt., 539. Meibon, Major de, letter from, 361. Mellish, Tom, memorial from, 188. Mengen. Lt. Col. de, memorial of, 500. Mercer, Capt. Alex., commanding engineer, 323, 525. letters from, 145, 313, 330. letter to, 321. Merritt : Jeremiah, refugee, 408. Samuel, certificate by, 97. Mersereau, Joshua, dep. commissary of prisoners, 43. order to, 44. Metzner, Frederick, orders and testi- monials to, 319, 342, 416, 419. recommendation by, 252. Meyer, Charles, 542. 583 Middletown, 502. Mill Prison, 496. Millar, Lt. John, 362. Miller : Barbara or Mrs., refugee, 113, 168. Capt. Francis, 187, 550. Jerusha, widow of Joshua, letter from, 245. Robert, certificate by, 517. Thomas, certificate by, 485. Capt. [British Lesion], 535. (qy. same as John Millar.) Millet, Matthew, certificate by, 293. Milligan, James, American commissioner of accounts, 5, 8, 10. letters to, 9, 11. Mills, Win., contract with, 3S3. Minifie (Menefie), Richard, memorial from, 70. Minisink, 337, 338. Minorcans, 115. Miranda : Francisco de, Capt., sisms or certifies papers, 347. 351, 352. Don Gaspar de, 346. Mississippi. 32, 37, 57, 63, 187, 221. capture of posts on the, 71, 72, 372. (See also Baton Rcige.) Mitchell, John, & Co., 107. Mobile, 32. 78, S5, 98, 112, 237, 246, 522. accounts or letters dated from or near, 68, 71, 77, 93, 95, 134. Spaniards appear in the Bay, 89. siege of Fort Charlotte by Galvez, 95 ; capitulation, 102, 105. 128. Indians employed at, 108, 146, 159, 228. Indian congress to be called at, 159. store ship captured off the bar, 159. British propose attack on village opposite, 233 ; attack fails, 234, 240 ; casualties, 234. prisoners mentioned. 347. Moira, Lord. 513. Mois, Robert, Journal of, 269. Moncrief : Capt. Maj., or Lt. Col. James, en- gineer, 3, 86, 87, 89. 92. 96, 238, 3S8, 389. 395, 435, 457, 469. , certificates by, 86, 133. , with others, as commissary of captures, letter to, 89. , to superintend fortifications in Southern district, 129. . letters from, 336, 353, 419, 446, 471. , letter to. 452. , sent to Savannah (from Charles- town). 389, 395 ; returns, 400. , with others, as trustee of captured property, 135 ; letters from, 226, 237 ; order and letter to, 321. 366. Robert, 229. Money, Benjamin, report, 458. Monhagen Island, 12. Monk, Capt. or Maj. Thomas 355, 460, 532. letter from. 212; mentioned, 213. Monk's Corner. 357, 402. Monmouth, address dated at, 451. County. 24, 117. 467. inhabitants of. 451. Montagu. Lord Charles, instructions to, 209 ; mentioned. 254. corps raised bv, 209, 245, 276. Monteath, plantation, 108. Montgornerv. Wilton & Co., account, 98. Montreal, letters dated at, 344, 439. 470, 501. Moody, Lt., certificate from, 524. Moore : Alex., account, 147. Col. or Mr., commissary and store- keeper of Indian presents rPhilip], 130, 131, 176. 270. 310, 53 L Thomas Win., barrack master, Sa- vannah, account of, 550. Samuel, Lt. of Guides, 187. Moravian settlement in N. Carolina, 245. Morden, James, barrack master, &c, at Halifax, 368, 530. 542. letters from. 527, 544. letter to, 524. receipts from, 248. Morgan : Eunice, letter from, 236. John, refugee, 528. Willoughby. 237. Morgann, Maurice, secy, to Sir Guy Carleton, 542. letters from, 497, 511, 512, 517. 528, 541. letters to, 485, 48S, 491, 492, 512, 513, 515, 521, 547. papers left by Capt. Smith with, 509. Morison, Malcom, loyalist, 120. Morris : Lt. Col. John, certificates from, 249, 262. 274, 428. Dr. [Michael], 214, 245. Col. Roger, Inspector of the claims of Refugees, 71, 85, 87, 90, 93, 247. , letters, memorials, &c, to. 6, 10. 12, 13, 14, 34. 38, 44, 47. 54, 60, 61, 62. 70, 74, 76, 79. 80, 81, 86, 88, 93. 95. 98, 108, 112, 116, 117, 121, 125, 126, 129, 132, 140- 158, 163, 168, 215, 231, 236, 240. 243, 247, 248. 252, 287, 270. 279, 2S2, 283, 293, 300, 303. 314, 360, 376, 394, 405, 409, 410, 425. 512. . claims referred to. or orders issued, 25, 27, 70. 83. 84, US, 139, 157, 166. 191, 212, 245, 247. 258, 202. 266, 268, 274. 279. 233. 234, 2S8, 239. 300, 303. 320, 331. 334, 341, 343. 344. 352. 353. 355. 356, 363, 395, 396. 399. 400. 403, 409, 413, 427, 428. 433. 446. 495. , complaints against, 367. , memorial for removal of, 370. , accounts of. 437. 549, 550. Lt. Thomas (American officer), 82, 183 584 Morris — contd. William, petition from, 12. Mr., 183. County, letters dated from, 427. Town, letters dated from, 86, 99, 134. , Jail, 330. Morrison : Maj. Gen. [George], letter to, 173. John, Dep. Commissary Gen., 350. , letters from, 418, 499, 545. Ensign, 10. Morse : Leonard, letters from, 230, 243. Robert. Chief Engineer, 488, 552. Motts House, 327. Moultrie, Lt, Gov. or Brig. Gen., 39. proposed exchange of, 385. 402. Mowat (Mowatt), Capt., 15, 16, 17. letter from, 407. Muirson, Capt. Sylvester, for himself and others, memorial from, 94. Mulligan, Jane, refugee, 427. Mullock, William, deposition of. 468. Mullryn, John, 86. Munro, Capt., 56. Mure, Son & Atkinson or Mure, Atkinson & Mure, 20. 206, 214, 260, 276, 282. letters from, 287, 298. Murray : Ale xr., 355. Maj. Daniel, to raise troop of dragoons, 248. , roll of his troop. 526. Jas., 340. Gen. Lord John, 538. John, account, 147. Maj. Thomas, aide de camp, letters from, 503, 542. , letters to, 265, 355, 514. . orders concerning refugees, 98, 113, 120, 121, 157, 159. 166, 231, 237, 245, 247, 251. 252, 258, 262, 274, 279, 288, 292, 300, 308, 320. 330, 334, 339, 341, 343, 344, 352, 353, 355, 356, 360, 362, 372, 381. 391, 393, 394, 395, 399, 402, 403, 405, 408, 411, 413, 422, 428, 433, 448, 461, 462, 463, 465, 486, 499, 502, 514. 518, 519, 520, 527, 529, 533, 534. William, refugee, 22, 119. Musgrave, Col., 483. Myer, Johannes or John, refugee, 252, 382. Myers : l_ Benjamin, 266. Rachel, refugee, 266. N Nairn, Maj. John, letter to, 26. Nash, Abner, 272. letters to, 142. Nassau. See Fort Nassau. Natchez, the, 32, 77, 246, 300, 372, 510, 522. address of inhabitants, 46. Navy Board, 282. letters from, 143, 257, 265, 276. takes over direction of provisions to troops, 257. Negroes or slaves, 37, 39, 64, 71, 77, 88, 108. Ill, 114, 127, 128, 132. 135, 146, 150, 158, 187, 209, 306, 307, 403, 406, 417, 419, 435, 463, 468, 498, 520, 523, 543, 544, 546. promised freedom, 544. question of arming and embodying, 419, 435. 438. Neil, Arthur, 161. account, 142. Nepean. Evan, letter from, 550. letter to, 524. Nesbit, Capt., 393. (Same as Nisbet which see.) Nesbitt, C. aid-de-camp, letter from, 125. Neville, Thomas, letter from, 347. Newark, New Jersey, 120, 139, 229, 230 Newbern, N. Carolina, paper ' dated at, 272. New Brunswick, 137. Newbury, 45. New England, 2, 5, 11, 52, 157. 163, 16S, 258, 272, 311, 348. Newfoundland, 83, 182, 199, 541. New Hampshire, 63, 70. Grants, 310. Newhaven, Lord, 90. Xewhaven (Connecticut), 103. collector cf, 189. New Jersey, 82, 120, 291, 334, 393, 409. 519, 522. Chief Justice of. See F. Smyth. councillor of, 409. Volunteers. See Provincial Troops. New London. 163. New Lotts, 364. Newmarch, Maj., 518. New Orleans, 30, 31, 51, 63, 65, 71, 93, 109, 193, 286. papers dated at, 46, 51, 52. Spanish troops in. 522. Newport [Rhode Island], 264, 266. letters dated at, 259, 284. Newport, in Virginia, 6. New Providence, Bahamas, 94, 453, 458, 472, 485, 489. Spaniards expected to attack, 415. Leslie sends men, &c, to, 400, 415, 417 ; cannot get ship to carry them, 418. letters dated at, 458, 464, 481, 483, 489. return of stores in, 499. Spanish troops under Cagigal in expedition against, 522. state of garrison of, mentioned, 464. state of troops on Island of, 482. surrender to Spain mentioned, 520. Newspaper cuttings, 332, 503. Newton, Wm., Asst. Depty. Paymaster Gen., letter to, 136. 585 New Town, Long Island, 325. papers dated at, 49, 95, 325, 439, 514. New Windsor, letters dated at, 234. 269, 275, 280. New York, head quarters of the British forces, mentioned, and letters and papers dated from, passim. Academy in, 523. apprehended attack on, 180, 284, 310. Carleton to proceed to, 441. civil government in, not to be revived, 385. commandant of, see Birch ; account of contingencies in the commandant's office, 397. commanding engineer at, 507. council : minutes of, 442 ; salaries to, 515 ; councillor, 409. delegates of, memorial, 310. deputy paymaster at, 296, 297. exports and imports mentioned, 254, 503. , superintendency of, 195. See also Andrew Elliot. Gazette, 375, 449. (See. also Riving- ton.) general orders, 332. hospital at, 4, 224, 326, 465, 499. , accounts and returns, 227, 533-534. , warrants to pay, 541, 547. , stores for, 253. See also under Hospitals, inhabitants of, address from, 497. Island, 144, 323, 500. , plan for securing peace and trade of, 503. journal from, to Portsmouth, Virginia, 269. judge advocate. See S. P. Adye. loyal refugees, memorial from, 505. , corps of, 425. See also generally Loyalists, mails and packet boats, 408. Mayor of, 174. See also David Mathews, places in : , Bowery Lane, letter dated at, 308. , Cooper St., 80. , Marston's Wharf, 323. , letters dated at, 384. . Water Street, letter dated at, 282. police : officers or magistrates, 359, 376, 423-4 ; papers dated at office of, 462, 464. prisoners : , account of prisoners in garrison, 146. , in Sugar House prison, 374 ; and with Provost Martial, 374. , commissar}' of prisoners Dept., 436. , question of resident agent of prisoners at, 228. New York. Prisoners — conld. , (taken at Pensacola) brought to, 346, 347. , from Pensacola, not to be sent to, 372. , on guardship at, 510. Provost, weekly state, 425, 439 ; return of prisoners in, belonging to Associated Loyalists, 470. rent for houses, &c, 174. returns or musters in departments at, or in district of, 294, 323, 325 ; of horses foraged, 319, 180 ; and persons victualled, &c, 319, 484 ; receiving fuel, 486 ; of provisions in, 484 ; of the Royal Artillery at, 490 ; of ordnance at, 491. stores or provisions for, 5, 44, 58, 62, 141, 224, 226, 248, 249, 256, 257, 276, 282, 302, 317, 341, 345, 354, 368, 397, 401, 413, 422, 426, 429, 431, 433, 439, 442, 447, 454, 460, 464, 478, 479, 484, 490, 492, 493, 496, 506. troops : 2nd Batt. 84th goes to, 393 ; troops not to be spared from, 416 ; Leslie to detach troops for, 445 ; question of detaching from, 470, 473; troops embarked from Eng- land for, 483. Vice Admiralty Court at, 62, 413, 429, 514. Niagara, letters dated at, 11, 26, 27, 36. Nicholas, Henry, certificate by. 85. Nichols : John, refugee, 272. Lt., 173. Nicoll, Edward, junr., certificate by, 319. Ninety Six, S. Carolina, 171. 256, 307, 342. Nisbet (Nisbett), Capt., letter from, 386. letter to, 392. (Same as Nesbit, which Nisbett, Wm, 23. Nivernois, Due de, letter from, 266. Nixon : James, 325. — , 497. Nolachuckie, 225. Nooth, J. Mervin, Superintendent of Hospitals, 138, 158, 227, 275, 313, 330, 346, 490, 499, 509, 533, 534. letter from, 62. papers signed by, 224. 227, 229. Norfolk. Virginia, 493. North : Lord, letters from, 293, 301. letters or memorials to, 7, 60, 212, 289, 348, 363. John, deposition by, 453. River, 156. North Carolina, 69, 252, 256, 391. American forces : , recruits raising in, 26. , bounties paid for recruits, 463. , furnished with ammunition, 181. , militia referred to, 485. , state troops, 417. 586 North Carolina — contd. Cornwallis prepares to advance into, 167, 173 ; retrrn of casualties on march through, 259. Highlanders. See Provincial Troops- loyalists, 347. . refugee families from, in New York, 10. , account for supplies to, 415. , memorial on behalf of, 512. Moravian Settlement, 245. prisoners in, 317, 328. stores for troops in, 256. North Castle, West Chester County, 533. Northern Army [Burgoyne's], 229, 499. Norton : Beriah, 524. , authority to, 126. 139. , memorials from, 313, 492, 511. Charles. 102. Norwalk, Connecticut, 10, 81, 192, 229. Norwich (England), letters dated at, 474. Norwich (New England), 163. Nova Scotia, 41, 52, 142, 191. 249, 369. Assembly, memorial of. 547. Campbell takes command, 288, 289, 295, 303. description of, 529, 542 ; number of inhabitants, 529. expected attack on, 52 ; unprepared- ness. 250. (See also Halifax.) Hamond appointed Lt. Gov. of, 350. Indians of. 303, 304 ; description of, 1 ; Superintendent of Indian affairs in, 1. troops in, mentioned, 354 ; accounts, 370, 436 ; return of Royal Artillery in, 531. Nugent, Maj. O., 539. Nutting, — , 19. Oaths of allegiance, 17, 18, 52. O'Brien, James, refugee, 120. O'Connor, Ensign or Lt., 62, 117, 122. Officers. See Troops. Ogden : David, certificates by, 229, 508. Isaac, 229. . certificates by, 120, 229, 355, 356, 508. Nicholas, 34. , certificate by, 355. Peter, certificate by, 355. Ogeechee or Oggecbee River, 107, 111, 112, 114: ferry, 110. Ogilvie, Mr.', 381. Ogle, Sir C, 156. O'Hara, Col. or Maj. Gen. Charles, 121, 223, 370. wounded, 261. O'Hara, Col. or Maj. Gen Charles — contd. promoted Maj. Gen., 345. one of a board of general officers, 380, 430. 433, 434. exchange of, 397. to exchange prisoners, 411. letters from, 434, 472, 482. letters to, 433, 450, 530. expedition of : to Charlestown, thence to proceed with reinforcements to Jamaica, 450, 451, 452. 470, 471, 472-3, 476, 47S, 482, 485, 526, 538. Ohio, the, 221, 325, 409. Okerson, Lt. Thomas, letters to. 235, 380. Old Point Comfort, 368, 453, 502. Oliver, Mr., 398. Onslow, Lord, 513. Orangeburgh, 302. militia, 149. Orange Countv, 49, 81, 115, 240, 245, 387, 411. Orange Town, 52. Orde, Capt., 125. Orderly Book, 247. Ordnance Board, 231, 305, 368, 492. papers dated from the Office, 248, 249. (See also Lord Amherst, and John Boddington. ) Orford, Lord, letter from, 474. O'Riley, Gen., 77. Osborne, Capt., 185. Oswald, Richard, 376. Os we gate hie, 43. extract dated at, 36. Oswego, papers dated at, 459. Outhouse, Nicholas, certificate for, 49. Outwater, Thomas, certificates by, 115, 300, 362, 382. Owens, David, account, 127. Pack, John, refugee, 400. Packet boats, 24, 115, 181. 408. Pafford, John, refugee, 306, 320. Page : James, Serjeant 51st, 119. J[oseph]. barrack master, 146. Paine, Dr., 346, 429. Panton, George, chaplain, claim of, 398. letter from, 523. recommendation by, 348. Paper money, 150. Parker : Capt. Sir Hyde, 123. , letter from. 76. Lt. Josiah, deposition of, 464. Rear or Vice Adml. Sir Peter, 105, 122, 128, 162, 193, 525. -, letter from, 414. , signs cartel, 351. Capt. [William], 330. Mr., refugee, 38. 587 Parker's Ferrv, 400, 417. Parliament, 153, 177, 355, 512. King's speeches, &c., to. and address of, 67, 204, 244. (-See also Commons and Lords.) Pascow, Sergt., 121. Passamaq noddy, 289. Indians of. 142. Paterson or Patterson, Brig. Gen. or Maj. Gen. James, arrives at Savannah, 88. prepares for an expedition, 89, 91, 92-93, 96, 97, 99. starts, and is impeded by rains, 100. movements alluded to, 101, 104, 111. at Charlestown, 130, 135, 136. letter from, 18. letters to, 136, 529. petition to, should be to Pattison, which see. one of a board of general officers at New York, 358, 380. 430, 434. as commissioner, joint letter from. 385. Patterson : Robert, 24. Walter. Gov. of St. John's Island, letters from, 149, 190, 191, 194, 195. 196. 200, 201, 332; men- tioned, 199, 355. , letters to, 191, 196, 199, 304. Pattinson, Thomas, 413. Pattison : Maj. Gen. James, 176, 465, 470. , letter from, 38. , opinion of, 100. , petition to (as Patterson), 139. William, memorial from, 79. Pattison's Battery [St. John's Island], 60. Paid, William, examination of, 128. Pauhis Hook, 323, 500, 552. Paumier, Peter, Dep. Commissary Gen., 120. 127, 226-7, 260, 349, 350, 484. 507. letters and memorials from, 353, 492, 505, 512, 513. letters to, 319, 511, 512. Paxton, Quarter Master, 293. Peace, question of, 504. 505. Peacock, Capt., 418. Pearis, Capt. R., abstract of pay, 342. Pedee [River], 136, 143. paper dated at, 275. Peeck, Samuel and Jacobus, certificate by, 68. Peek, Capt. David, certificates by, 35, 382. Pell, Joshua, certificate by, 461. Pendleton, Chief Justice (American), 435. Penman, James, 38. 39, 127, 128, 520. letters from. 40, 54, 513. letter to, 37. Penn : John, 105. William, petition from, 22. Pennington, Lt. Col., 300. Pennsylvania, 46, 161, 211. Council, order of, 545. loyalists of, 505. Pennsylvania — covtd. prisoners in, 363, 392, 394. 395, 397, 39S. 497. writ of attachment, 470. Penobscot. 20, 83, 84, 85, 144. 182. 183, 188, 20S, 269, 317, 318, 355, 460, 542. American fleet destroved at, bv Sir George Collier, 12-13. 16. 50; and attack on, repulsed. 15-16. Collier's opinion of. 18-19. Goldthwaite's opinion of. 45. Maclean leaves, in good defence, and returns to Halifax, 66, 67. letter dated from, 174. Campbell leaves to Hartcup in good state, of defence, 292. he embarks, 300. supposed threatened by enemy, 303. Lt. Col. Hicks to take command of, 368, 369. Calef. the delegate of inhabitants of, 420. Hartcup in command at. 429. Maj. Skinner to take command at, 461, 462. to receive attention, 504, 542. plan of fort mentioned, 542. (See also Fort George.) Pensacola, 22, 39, 63, 77, 109, 115, 122, 127. 301, 324. question of frigate for, 8. letters and papers dated at, 29. 31, 57 59, 63. 72, 74, 76, 88, 89, 91, 93. 105. 107, 108, 114, 115, 117, 121, 124, 139, 140, 145, 148, 154, 159. 162, 165, 167, 175, 184, 201, 209, 233, 234, 246, 267, 270, 278, 279. 281, 285, 294, 365. harboi r of, 30. Council Chamber, minutes in, 30, 33. accounts and receipts from, 68. 78, - s2. 85, 93. 95, 98 119, 123. 124, 130, 135, 142, 143, 146-148, 149, 163, 174, 186, 187, 201, 301. Indians emploved in defence of, 108, 146, 159. 160. . demand of ordnance stores, 162. expected attack on, 121, 124, 12S, 129, 162, 233, 238. attacked by Spaniards, and capitu- lates. 267, 271, 278, 279, 281, 285, 287, 332, 334, 372, 515. articles of capitulation, &c, 278. part of garrison brought to New York, 346. prisoners mentioned, 372, 550. Spanish troops in, 522. Fort George at. Ser Fort George. Perkins, Lewis, account, 147. Perrineau's, 389. Perrot, Mr., refugee, 212. Perry, Nevers. 249, 409. Peterkin, James, account, 147. Peters, James, certificates by, 94, 265. Petersburgh, letters dated at, 280, 281. Pew,_Rodah, deposition by, 462. 588 Philadelphia, 9, 11, 12, 50, 79, 97. 121, 134, 152, 161, 168, 180, 183, 209, 246, 248, 249, 269, 307, 340, 374, 387, 399, 416, 454, 456, 496, 551. account for hospitals at, 227. letters, &c, dated at, 310, 313, 318, 361, 375, 381, 407, 416, 422, 545. proposal for an expedition against, 293. Philips, Fredk., Col. of Militia, attest and recommendation by, 118, 235. letter to, 235. Philips or Phillips, Capt. N., Adj. Gen., 368. letter from, 113. Phillips : Thomas, refugee, 508. Maj. Gen. William, 10, 25, 44, 82, 101, 102, 164, 241, 375. .letters from, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11. 36, 43, 46, 47, 74, 106, 107, 109, 114. 155. , letters, &c, to, 8, 9, 49, 75, 234, 271. , question of exchange of, 160, 191. , negotiates for exchange of prisoners, 85, 168, 174, 176-7, 184 ; for resident commissaries, 194. , reports needs of Troops of Con- vention, 206. , at Portsmouth, Virginia, 269, 273 ; force under, 252 ; plan respecting prize money, 285. , death of, alluded to, 280, 285. Phillipsburgb, letters dated at, 151, 156. Picket (Pickett), James, memorial from, 10- Piggott, A., letter from, 489. letter to, 454. Pintard : Mr. or Lewis, 50, 98, 110, 134, 157, 161. Mrs., 134, 157. Pitcher : Moses, refugee, 427. Mr., commissary, 331. Pitsburg, 109. Plumb Psland, letter dated at, 332. Plymouth, England, 162, 496. yard (prison), 496. Poghkeepsie. See Poughkeepsie. Point Comfort. See Old Point Comfort. Point Cupe (Coupee), 522. Pondicherry, 7. Pontchartrain, Lake, 33. Porteous, Mr., 346. Porter : Robert, account, 143. William, dep. commissary of musters, 477, 540, 551. Porto Rico, 523. Port Royal, S. Carolina, 417. Port Royal, Jamaica, papers dated at, 351, 525. Portsmouth (England), 206, 460. letters, &c, dated at, 71, 429, 492. Portsmouth, Virginia, 78, 121, 210, 223, 507. Gen. Phillips at, 269, 273. journal from New York to, 269. Portsmouth — contd. letters dated at, 246, 255, 269. its evacuation alluded to, 314. Portugal wines, 280. Post, Isaac, refugee, 502. Pott, Ensign, 338. Potts : James, 426. John, 7. , certificate by, 445. Poughkeepsie, 49, 268, 344. Powell, Robert Wm., appointed with others to take charge of unclaimed slaves, 127. as a trustee for captured porperty, 136, 226, 229, 321. report of, with others, on houses in Charlestown, 488. Poyntz, Wm. Deane, 296, 297, 553. accounts or statements, 476, 509, 527, 551, 554. certificate by, 369. contract, 397. letters from, 394, 451, 497, 517. letters to, 392, 394, 395, 448, 454. Pratt, Nicholas, refugee, 103. Prescott, Maj. Gen., letter to, 48. Press, the, or impress, 198. Preston, William, 38. Prevost : Maj. Gen. Augustine, 29, 39, 51, 71, 92, 93, 106.1 10, 111, 114. 125, 127, 128, 134. , letters from, 3, 5, 26, 27, 29. 30, 34, 35, 47, 57, 59, 64, 67, 76, 88, 89, 91, 96, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112, 115, 120, 127. , letters to, 6, 28, 34, 35, 47, 50, 54, 82, 84, 91, 97, 99, 103, 105, 113, 125. , brother of, recommended for Lt. Colonelcy, 88. Lt. Col., 84. Maj., 104. Capt. (qy. same as Major), 6, 59, 88. Pringle, Lt. Col. Robert, 541. Prisoners, 31, 82, 98, 121, 125, 139, 155, 161, 193, 246. 252, 258, 259, 265, 268, 286, 301, 305, 310, 356, 372, 430, 457, 476, 490, 510, 514, 518, 535, 536, 540, 542, 543, 544, 550. accounts of expenditure, 146, 226-7, 374, 428, 436, 551. — ■ — , for boarding officers, 324, 364. , dispute over a/cs for subsistence 441,-444, 449, 450, 455, 456, 458, 459 ; arrangements for subsistence, 451, 454, 455, 458, 459. at Charlestown, 158, 180, 189, 209, 252, 254, 272, 280, 418-9. , dispute with Greene over, 317, 322-3, 327, 328, 391, 438. taken at Baton Rouge, &c, 51. taken at Camden and Catawba Fords, 171. officers taken at Yorktown, 362. 589 Prisoners — contd. in Pennsylvania, &c, 363, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 408, 413, 414, 422, 451, 475, 497. taken in a schooner, 408. (of Cornwallis's army), 520. commissary gen. of, mentioned, 354. (See also Loring. ) dep. commissary of, 376, 418. (See also Winslow. ) commissary or commissaries of, or agent for, 3, 29, 98, 189, 239, 241, 431, 450, 458, 470, 496. question of resident commissaries or agents, 134, 153, 161, 164, 174, 177, 194, 206, 228. exchanges, 9. 36, 42, 50, 58, 64, 74, 75, 82, 83, 85, 98, 99, 101. 102, 108, 109. 125, 132, 134, 153, 155, 174, 176-7. 183, 184, 189, 198, 206, 211, 212, 259, 264, 269, 275-6, 283, 320, 322, 323, 327, 328, 334, 346, 347-8, 354, 365, 373, 381, 382, 383, 385, 398, 402, 411, 413, 415, 416, 422, 424, 427, 430, 433, 438, 439, 440-444, 446-451, 454-459, 467, 469-471, 473, 476. 493-4, 495, 503, 508, 517, 519-20, 547-8. , comparative view and returns, 482, 546. , statement by Commissary Lor- ing, 554. , cartel ship from Boston, 35. , cartel between Cuba and Jamaica, 351. , convention alluded to, between the Gov. of Havana and Maj. Campbell, 510. escape of, 243; from a Mag of truce, 502. Americans not to be enlisted in Provincial corps, 431, 460. , sent from England, 494, 496. , officers. 36, 101. French, 259, 264, 303, 347-8, 373, 382, 383, 547-8. Spanish, 372. naval, 239, 241, 411, 443. in hands of Board of Associated Loyalists, 467, 469, 470, 508. prison ships mentioned, 50, 249, 265, 320. , not to be used as transports, 291. , at Halifax, 381, 383, 384. , guardship at New York, 510. Privateers, 2, 12, 34, 35, 61, 63, 71, 78, 83, 116, 122, 181, 182, 449, 458, 496, 520 ; (Spanish), 128. Prizes, 301, 428, 429, 514, 554. taken in Chesapeak, 413. Proctor, Dr. Thomas, 245. Promotions, 3, 48, 56, 69, 73, 81, 101, 110, 117, 120, 131, 138, 151, 157, 178, 188, 190, 205, 206, 214, 216, 218, 220, 231, 241, 242, 243, 244, 251, 253, 267, 268, 273, 274, 293, 294, 295, 304, 308, 329, 332, 338, 340, 345, 359, 396, 413, 478, 482, 514. Providence. Sec New Providence. Provincial Troops, 53, 66, 75, 83. 84, 85, 103. 108, 122, 141, 151, 162. 173, 231, 250. 253, 271, 289, 354, 406, 431. 432, 460, 480, 484, 487, 526. desert, 211. in Nova Scotia, 182, 504. , dep. muster master gen. of, 462. inspector gen. of, 431, 432, 460, 485, 549 ; (see also Lt Col. Alex. Innos) ; dep. inspector of, see Rooke. invalids : question of sending to England. 110. monies paid to. 509. muster master gen. See Winslow. , account in office of, 437. officers of, 14, 49, 60, 79-80, 263, 387, 486, 487. , question of rank, 58, 85, 151, 164. , widows, 430, 486. raising of : proposals by Brig. Ruggles, 137. , authority to raise Dragoons (Thompson's), 248. rebel prisoners not to be enlisted in, 431, 460. regiments specified : , American Legion, hospital stoppages, 534. , Armed Boats Co., account of subsistence, 534. — — , Black Pioneers, 64. — ■ — , hospital stoppages, 535. , British Legion Cavalry and Infantry, 64, 68, 91, 100, 143, 157, 224, 322, 388, 390, 406, 473, 535. , Col. Butler's Rangers, 86. , De Lancey's 1st Battalion, 107, 229, 362, 473. , 3rd Battalion, 61. , Florida Rangers, 29. (See also King's Rangers.) , Garrison Battalion or Royal Garrison Battalion, 126, 175, 228, 242, 390, 417, 473, 491, 535. , Guides and Pioneers, account, 535. , allowances to people under head of, 549. — ■ — — ■ — , state of, 253. -, Independent Companies or Hier- lihy's rive companies, 14, 188, 189, 192, 312, 341, 532. , letter from officers, 4. , King's American Dragoons, 554. , roll of four troops of, 526. , King's American Regiment, 55, 119, 123, 126, 535. , King's Orange Rangers, 141, 150, 151, 162, 179, 193, 194. 199, 250, 258, 339. , King's Rangers, or Brown's corps, 59, 107, 544. , muster roll of Col. Thos. Brown's Co., 79. (See also Florida Rangers.) 590 Provincial Troops, regiments — contd. , King's Rangers. Roger's corps, 554. , Loyal or Royal American Regiment. 4, 49 212, 246, 283, 35G, 535. , Maryland Lovalists, 76, 109, 150, 154, 175, 179, 535. , junction with Pennsyl- vania Lovalists, 122, 164-5, 193, 202/234, 246. , New Jersey Volunteers, 419- 420, 477. , 1st Battalion, 536. , 2nd Battalion, 129, 247, 249, 262, 274, 428. , 3rd Battalion, 464. , 4th Battalion, 382, 473, 495, 536. , New York Volunteers. 49, 79, 91. 92, 100, 131, 139. 162, 210, 261. 264, 376, 405, 406, 409, 536. , North Carolina Highlanders, or Highland Emigrants, 414. 415. , North Carolina Provincials, 14, [query, the Highlanders above]. , North Carolina Royal Regiment, 261, [query, the Highlanders above]. , North Carolina Independent Co., 536. , North and South Carolinians, 91. , Nova Scotia Volunteers, 41, 183, 213, 341, 368, 431, 432, 460, 532. , Pennsylvania Loyalists, 76, 109, 150, 154, 179, 536. , junction with Maryland Loyalists, 122. 164-5, 193, 202, 234, 246. , Prince of Wales' American Volunteers, 90, 2S3, 398, 536. , Queen's Rangers, 4, 49, 83, 131, 264, 269, 408, 482, 536-7. , Royal Fencible American Regi- ment, 152, 228, 272, 341, 344, 368. — ■ — , Royal Highland Emigrants, 7, 53, 217. {See also Troops, 84th Regt.) , South Carolina Royalists, 40, 388, 389, 406, 537. , Volunteers of Ireland, 49, 53, 131, 384, 389, 530. , West Florida Royal Foresters, 160, 187, 234, 310, 422, 439. , West Florida Loyal Refugees, 160. — — , Young Royal Highlanders, 36. returns or musters, 177, 221, 224, 253, 322, 477, 537. rewards for enlisting in, 278. stores for, 48, 214, 259, 401, 433, 499, 537, 544. , clothing, 8, 48, 131. 132. 145, 193, 201, 263, 264, 343, 364, 433. warrants granted for, 369. Pulisveldt, Christian, refugee, 419. Pumphrey, Henry, deserter, letter of, 448. Punderson, Ebenezer, memorial, 311. Purdy. Gabriel, certificate and letter from, 97, 235. Putnam, James, 548. Pynchon, Joseph, letter from, 94. Q Quebec. 7, 43. 51, 60, 144, 182, 198, 206, 208, 250. letters dated at, 22. 25, 33 42, 43, 45. 46, 56, 58, 85, 153, 154, 175, 209, 222, 232, 244, 280, 281 282, 287, 2S9, 309, 314, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 349, 411, 476, 512, 531, 532. ships and stores for, 256, 288, 295, 300. Queen's County Militia, 229. Quito, 523. Rae or Ray, Capt. Duncan, letters to, 176, 332. Rainsford, Capt, Andrew, 187, 246. B,amsey, Lt. Col., 85. Randolph, Daniel, depositions of, 453. Ravenels Plantation, letter dated at, 350. Rawdon, Lord, 62. 157, 168, 246, 248, 271, 283, 302, 307, 315, 362, 388. his corps or regiment, 82, 264. (See aUo Provincial Troops, Volunteers of Ireland.) his action with Greene, 277, 283. certificate from, 445. letters from, 149. 200, 203, 216, 243, 245, 247, 260, 285 ; mentioned, 217, 24S. letters to, 18, 242, 259. touching exchange of, 373, 383, 385, 402, 547. Rawstorne or Rawerton, Lt. James, 235, 242. Ray or Rae. See Rae. Raymond, Isabella, widow of James, petition from, 352. Reading : Catherine, memorial from, 117. Richard, memorial from, 47. Richard, Catherine and Ferdinand, loyalists, 24. in Pennsylvania, i6. Red Cliffs. 201, 233. letters dated from, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Reed, Win., memorial from, 289. Rees, Huberd. receipt, 174. Remington, Lieut. Col., 221. 591 Rhode Island, 21. 44, 45, 48, 63, 74, 80, ! 80 252, 257, 264, 312, 364, 396, 427, 439, 552. to be evacuated (by British), 48. synagogue of. 102. thoughts on an expedition against the French fleet at, 163. Rice : George, Asst. Dep. Qr. Mr. Gen., to Troops of Convention, 10. John, petition from, 376. Richards. Charles, petition from, 330. Richardson, Capt., 402. Richmond (America), 10, 11. Ridsdale, Capt., 28. Riedesel : Maj. Gen.. 9, 25, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 47. , letter from, 106. , question of exchange of, 19, 160. Madame, 47, 106. Rigby. Richard, 193. letters from, 296. 297. Rine, Geo., refugee, 270. Rio, Lt. Alex., 242. Rivington, James, accounts, 449, 474, 480. his paper, 19. Rix, Benj., asst. commissary of musters, 324, 325, 326. Roberts : Dr., 96, 125, 227, 537. Capt., 389. Robertson : Maj. Archibald, conjointly with Maj. Bruen, 357, 360. , certificate by. 433. , letters from, 314, 315, 320. , letters to, 328, 330. Charles, 65. Maj. Gen. or Lt. Gen. James, Gov. of New York, &c, 25, 97, 98, 116, 120. 121, 141, 213, 285, 359, 376, 380, 432, 434, 457, 472, 473, 474, 476, 501, 503, 514, 515, 518, 544. , appointed Governor of New York, 29-30. , letters from, 107, 188, 312, 345, 360, 423, 478, 528. , letters, memorials, &c, to, 25, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118-121, 141, 157, 166, 195, 225, 229, 239, 245, 258, 261, 279, 2S8-291, 300, 311, 313-316, 319, 320, 322. 326, 329, 330, 331, 334, 339, 340, 341, 344, 352, 353, 355, 356 358, 359, 362, 363. 372, 375, 393, 394, 402, 405, 408, 411, 413, 422, 427, 428. 433, 461, 474, 481, 491, 501, 502, 508, 519, 528, 541, 547. , loyalist claims referred to hiin, and orders issued, 132, 140, 159, 231, 239, 247, 283, 307, 308, 356, 363, 396, 405, 409, 425, 427, 486, 519, 534. , opinion"signed by, 304. , proclamations by, 195, 268 ; mentioned, 503. Robertson, Maj. Gen. or Lt. Gen. James — contd , requisitions wood, 340. , sent to endeavour to save Andre, 186. , as President of Board of Public Accounts, 301, 311, 312, 316, 360-1. , examines or certifies accounts, 449, 507, 548, 551, 552. , as head of Board of General Officers, letter to, 466. , signs reports, 358, 466. Capt., 475. Robinson : Col. Beverly, commanding corps of Guides and Pioneers, 174, 296, 430, 516, 517, 535. , allowances paid by, 549. , certificates or recommendations of loyalists by, 4, 41. 49. 88, 108, 120, 124, 212, 251, 268, 283, 356, 370, 372, 395, 402, 403. , commissary of captured cattle, 342. . letters from, 34, 74, 88, 116, 121, 132, 140, 158, 396, 408. , letter to, 198. G., account for hire of schooner, 113, 138. Capt. Hugh, letter from, 31. John, secretary to the Treasury, 193, 380, 415, 517, 551. , letters fiom, 4, 7. 20, 44. 48, 56, 62, 88, 162, 165, 173, 215, 21S, 222, 224, 238, 256, 257, 262. 278, 2S2, 296, 302, 305, 333, 342, 350, 362, 364, 390, 432. 436. , letters to, 23, 44. 68, 71, 81, 123, 143, 169, 175, 195, 190, 221, 232, 239, 257, 265, 276, 280, 296, 302 311, 316, 343 346, 350, 361, 367, 371, 385, 386, 428, 430. Joseph, letters from, 143, 371. Ensign Robert, 271. Rochambeau, Comte de, conference with Washington, 283. his instructions, 255, 2S4. letters from. 259, 284, 308, 347, 362, 3S3, 385, 396, 473, 503, 547. letters to, 235, 264, 373, 402, 517. supplies Cornwaliis with money, 235, 362 ; repaid, 373, 383. Roderiques, Senor Don, Colonel, 494. Rodney, Admiral Sir George B., 95, 215, 420, 457, 458. 482, 543. letter from, 525. his victory mentioned, 468, 480, 490, 492, 494, 525, 526. Roger3 : Elizabeth, memorials from, 81, 229. Maj. James, 42, 338. Lt. Col. [Robert], S5, 109, 142, 144, 537. , certificate by, 554. , his corps, 431, 432, 460, 532. 592 Roman Catholics, 1. Rome, George, 48. \ letter from, 44. on the Board of Associated Loyalists, 198. Rooke, H., dep. Inspector Gen. of Pro- vincial Forces, letter from, 145. Roorbach, Capt., 229. Rose : Lewis, Indian storekeeper, 186, 187. Samuel, report of, 282. Serjeant, 81. Ross : Capt. [Alexander], 206. Major John, memorandum by, 459. Ross and Gray, Messrs., 110, 150, 179. , letter from, 21. Rouse, Nicholas, deposition by, 516. Rugely, Maj. H., letter to, 149 ; men- tioned, 217. Ruggles, Brig. Gen. Timothy, on Board of Associated Loyalists, 198, 220. proposals for raising a regt. of dra- goons, 137. Rum, 8, 201, 287. in the Indian Dept., 78. inspector and prover of, 169, 256. want of, 544. Rumigny, Monsieur de, 512. Russel or Russell : J. or John, 258, 368. John, deposition by, 453. Peter, secretary, 365, 389, 385, 414, 416, 419, 434. , letter from, 443. William, memorial and claim of, 329, 341, 355, 368. Capt., 130, 136. Rutherford : Col. Thomas (American officer), 10. , troops under, 348. Lieut., 198. Rutledge, John, 169, 229, 322. Ruttan, Peter, certificate by, 291. Ryckeman, John, certificate by, 68. St. Augustine. 28, 89, 99, 100, 238, 256, 378, 472, 494, 522, 543, 544, 546. accounts at, 130, 291. apprehended attack on, 77, 115. 415. defensive works or fortifications men- tioned, 37, 38, 39, 54, 64, 67, 71, 94. Fort St. Mark's at, 138. garrison at, weak, 237, 238-9 ; to be reduced if necessary, 445. Indians in connection with, 130, 152. Lt. Gen. Leslie touches at, 64. Leslie cannot reinforce, but will provision, 379. St. Augustine — contd. letters dated from. 21, 37, 38, 39, 53, 55, 63. 71, 72, 75, 84, 86, 87, 94, 105, 109, 113, 117, 118, 127, 128, 138, 176, 237, 240, 270, 285, 310, 380, 494, 529, 530, 531. ordnance and stores at, 490, 499. question .of evacuation, 494-5, 500, 520, 527, 529, 530. question of convoy for planters' negroes to Jamaica, &c, 520. supplies drawn from, 102, 105, 118, 129, 138. supplies for, 77, 101, 103, 348. St. Christopher, Island of, 475. St. Clair: Maj. Gen. Arthur, commissioner to exchange prisoners, 99, 102. John, secretary, recommendation and letter from, 343, 545. St. Domingo, 526, 543. St. Eustatius, 6, 150. account of capture of, 371. St. George, Capt., 192, 215, 216, 233. St. George's, Bermuda, 227. letters dated at, 309, 545. St. George's Parish, 110, 135. St. Jago in Cuba, 408. St. Jago de la Vega, cartel dated at, 351. St. John, Island of, 84, 144, 189, 249, 251, 262, 289, 532. calculation of annual expense to Government, 149. Council of. memorial, 23. defence of : works, fortifications, &c, 189, 190, 194, 305. description of military roads, 229-230. Hessians winter at, 60, 61, 182. Hierlihy's corps at to be relieved, 295, 431, 432, 460. its government distinct from Nova Scotia, 191, 196, 199; and not within Clinton's command, 305. letter dated from, 149. protected by ice from the enemy, 185. stores for, 248, 249. troops at, 194. 196, 197, 199-200, 288, 295. Co. of Volunteers, 190, 312. St. John's or St. John's River [E. Florida], 38, 127, 543. naval stores exported from, 530. St. John's River, Nova Scotia. 1, 19. meeting of Indians at, 142, 172. St. Leger : Lt. Col., letter from, 345. Lt., 173. St. Luc, Lieut. Col. Lacorne, letter from, 344. St. Lucia, 378, 468. St. Martin's Island, account of capture of, 371. St. Marv's River, loyalists settling on, 376. St. Phillips, 110. Salem, 45, 247. 593 Salisbury : Lt.,' 289. (N. Carolina). 243. , letter dated from, 242. Saltketchers, 302. Saltonstal, Commodore, 13. Saltonstall, 2nd Lt., 243. Sandwich. Lord, letter to, 266. Sandy Hook, 12, 18, 467, 495, 502. letter dated at, 502. lighthouse, 129, 468. Santee, 246, 302, 357, 402, 403. 405, 417. high hills of, 320. road, 406. 407. Saratoga, 514. Convention of, mentioned, 155, 425. (See also Troops of Convention.) Sargent, Capt. John, 492, 538. Savannah, 39, 86. 92. 97, 99, 100, 104, 122, 125, 136, 143, 256, 302, 305, 307, 315, 456, 457, 483, 485, 494, 497. . letters, certificates, &c., dated at, or near, 3, 5, 26, 27. 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 47. 51, 57, 59, 64, 67, 76, 77, 86-89, 91, 96 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110-115, 120, 127, 128, 130, 133, 134, 136, 238, 306, 315, 342. 359, 364. 366, 373, 378, 399, 403, 410, 447, 471, 504, 505, 509, 510, 527, 550. French ships under D'Estaing appear off, 26, 27, 29, 39. siege of (1779), 34, 35, 40, 55, 57, 64, 86, 87, 106, 1 33 ; return of casual- ties, 51. Leslie arrives at, 76. town adjutant of, 101. threatened attack on and defence of, 336, 342, 357, 366, 389, 395, 399, 421, 469; its defence to be left to Leslie at Charlestown, 365 ; he is to reinforce, 380 ; cannot spare men, 399-400 ; will send re- inforcement if necessary, 457 ; sends regiment, 458. suggestion to oblige Wayne to fall back from, 417 ; his nearness to the town, 418. provisions in store at, 419. provisions fall short, garrison desert, 447-8 ; letter of deserter, 448. garrison to be reduced if necessary, 445. garrison of, American policy of straitening, 464. emp^yment of negroes, 544. civil branch of royal artillery at, 490. ordnance at, 490. proposed evacuation, 469, 470, 494-5, 500, 520, 546. River, 100, 101, 103, 104, 128, 399. Sayre, John, certificates or recommenda- tions by, 3, 192 ; 258. 343, 409. 427, 465. Saxton, John, memorial from, 191. Scadden (Scaddin), George, refugee, 409, 410. Schaak, Capt,, 502. Scoby, Timothy. 518. Scot's Lake, Fort Watson, Journal of blockade at, 271. Scott : Brig. Gen. [Charles], (American army), 39. . question of exchange, 402, 473, 547. Edward, secretary, letters from, 484, 521 ; mentioned, 491. , letter to, 497. Seabury, Rev. Dr. Samuel, certificates by, 41, 280, 353. Seamark, Richard, 109. Second River, 230. Secretary for War. See Charles Jenkinson. Secretary for the American Department, See Lord G. Germain. Secret Service, 547. Segur, Marquis de, instructions to Rochambeau, 255, 284. Seitz, Col. or Brig. Gen. de or von, 273. joint temporary command in Nova Scotia, 276-7, 288-9, 295. letters from, 61, 67, 276, 289, 298. letter to, 295. Pelby, Capt., 16, 17, 83. Senger, John C, deposition and certificate, 445. fteton, William or Mr., 434. certificate by, 123. letter from, 61. Seweil's Point, 453. Shackerly, Mary, petitions from, 67, 115. Shaw : Charles, 117. , letter to, 287. George, certificate by, 363. John. 539. Mr., 462. Shechquago, letter dated from, 23. Shedden : Robert, recommendation by, 236. William, letter from. 545. Shedds, Lt., 100. Shelburne, Earl of, 487, 524, 526. 550. letters from, 141, 453, 460, 463, 471, 474, 475, 492, 513. 532. letters to, 486, 524, 527, 546. Sheldon (Sheldons), 59, 64, 77. Shepherd, William, asst. commissary of forage, 324. Sheridan, Major, 100. Sherifte. -See Shireff. Sherwood : Joshua, refugee, 402-3. Capt. Justus, letters, instructions, &c, to, 222, 280, 281, 282, 294, 345, , letters and papers from, 282, 294, 336, 345. , conference with Ira Allen, 284. , and Dr. Smyth, letter to, 314. , negotiations with people of Vermont. 319, 333. Mi'., 98. Shiells. P., 412. 2 p 594 Ships : Adamant, 249. , bill of lading, 248. Molus. 232, 394. Albany, H.M.S., 13, 66. 83. Allegiance, 250, 292. Alligator, 417. America, 156. Amphion, 495. Amphitrite, 368. Archer, 318. in'e/, 259, 260, 264, 274, 280, 287. Assurance, 248, 511, 546. Astrea, 379, 417. Avenger, 159, 198. Beaumont, 213. Bedford, 156. Belisarius, 368. Billy, ordnance transport, 304. Blazing Star, 180, 183. Blonde, frigate, 12, 20. 56, 78, 210, 223, 326. Bonetta, 208, 362, 396. 402, 548. Briton, 378. Buck (schooner), 100. Buckram, 458, 460, 532. Camilla, 12, 13, 75, 180, 223, 248. Carleton, sloop, 437, 484. Carolina Packet, 209. Carteret, packet boat, 33. Carysfort, 344. Ceres, frigate, 441. Ceres, storeship, 151. Chance, sloop, 451. Charlestons, frigate, 182, 203, 208, 317. Charming Polly, 506. Chatham, 248.' Christiana, 460. Congueror, 341. Defence, American ship, 12, 13. Defiance, 269. Dispatch, 289, 295. Dolphin, brig, 414, 422. Due de Chartres, 379. Duncan. 105. Eagle, 50. .EarZ Bathurst, storeship, 159. ■E#is, 301. Endeavour, 268, 272, 291, 314. Experiment, 26, 30, 71. Fanny, transport, 253, 259, 260. Favourite, 447. Formidable, 525. Fowey, 104. Friendship, brig, 99. tfagre, sloop, 458, 460. Galatea, 12, 223, 248, 254. Garland, 42, 198, 417, 421. Gayton, privateer, 71. George, navy transport, 454. Glasgow, 181. Grenville, 181. Greyhound, H.M.S., 12. Greyhound, transport, 120. Greyhound, flag of truce, letter dated from. 188. Guadaloupe, H.M.3., 31, 82. Ships — contd. Halifax, 254. Hampden, 13. Holdemess, 439, 479, 493. //ope, sloop-of-war, 265, 350, 353. Howe, brig, 458. Howe, sloop, 458. Howe, not identified, 460, 532, 542. Hunter, 12. Hydra, 106. 7m, H.M.S., 210. Jack, 317. Jackson, 464. Jawe, 413. Jo Aw erod Humphrey, 496. JoTm and Jane, 259, 260, 274, 287. Katherine, 117. Keppel, 118. iacfo/ Amherst, 429, 492. Languedoc, French ship, 40. Lapwing, 269. LeiiA, sloop, 414. Lewis, 468. Liora, 502. Littledale, letter dated from, 249. London, 156, 344. Loyalist, 118. 138. Lucretia, 490, 493, 503. Magician, 397. Mina, 128, 495, 502, 507, 541. Maria Louisa, 408. Martha, navy transport, 440. Mary, store ship, 48. Mary and Margaret, 497. Medea, 289. Mentor, man-of-war, 122. Nancy, schooner, 118, 138. Nancy, navy transport, 442, 484. Nautilus, 13. North, H.M.S., 13, 83. Orpheus, 206, 482, 530. Otter, sloop, 12. Palliser, 547. PaUey, brigantine, 27, 43. Peggy, 464. Phoenix, letter dated from, 76 Prince George, 167, 168. 171, J 7* Prudent. 156. Quebeck, 379. Rachel, schooner, 34. Raisonable, 12. , letters dated from, 12, 18. Rambler, 269. Ramillies, H.M.S., 351. Ranger, 491. Regard, 151, 154, 377. Richmond, 101, 103, 106, 123 125. 156, 305. Robert and Jane, 465. Robust, 141. Rodney, privateer, 375. Roebuck, 5, 179. Romulus, 183, 289. , letters dated from, 210 Rosebud, privateer, 63. Rotterdam, 379, 411. Royal Oak, 156. 595 Ships — contd. Rutledge, American ship, 64. St. Helena., transport, 84. St. Lawrence, 249. , bill of lading, 248. Sandwich, 414. Sarah Goulbourne, 301. Savage, 392, 421. Sir Henry Clinton, brigantine, 548. Society, 230. Sophia, navy transport, 401. South Carolina, American frigate, 483, 522. Speedwell, 458. Speedy, 283. Spencer, 422. Stanislaus, prison ship, 381, 383, 384. Steady, transport, 478. 479, 493. Stork. H.M.S., letters dated from, 26, 29. Success, 429. 492 Sukey, 508. Swan, transport, S6, 123, 426. Symmetry, transport, 496. Thames, 490. Triton, 170. Tyger, transport, 494. Union, 220. Valiant, 301. Venus, 101, 106. Vernon, 172, 224, 226, 318. Vigilant, 59. Virginia, H.M.S., 12. Vulture, 318. Ward, transport, 401. Warren (American ship), 13. West Florida, armed sloop, 33. Whirligig, schooner, 113. Who's Afraid, privateer, 122. William, 340.' William and Elizabeth, 115. William and John, 498, 502, 505, 507. ' — — , seizure of, 498, 541, 542. William and Mary, 431. Willing Maid, 86. Wisk, 377. Shireff, Lt. Col., 73, 231. Shoemaker, Samuel, certificates or recom- mendations by, 7, 12, 20. 121, 212, 268. 445, 529. Shrewsbury, extract from, 281. Shrewsbury Inlet or River, 449, 502. Shubrick, Capt, 415. Silk, Lieut., 230. Silleck (Selleck, Sillock), Abraham, memorial from, 101. Simcoe, Lt. Col. J. Graves, 536. his corps, 82, 388. See also Provincial Troops, Queen's Rangers. letter to, 219. Simons, Thomas, letter from, 314. Simpson, James, letters from, 149. 158, 166, 169, 181. Sinclair, Lt. H., letter from, 502. Sinnicook, Long Is., 399. Skeensborough, paper dated at, 333. Skelly, Capt., 254. 495, 520. Skelton, Thomas, 316. letter from, 329. Skene, Col. Philip, testimonial from, 420. Skinner : Major Abraham, American commis- sary of prisoners. 46. 47, 60. , correspondence with Loring over exchange of prisoners, 346, 362, 365, 366, 382, 385, 386, 397, 39S. Brig. Gen. Cortland, brigade of, 213. {See also Provincial troops, 1st Batt. New Jersey Volunteers.) , certificates by, 113, 330. 341, 353, 411, 445, 502. , instructions from, 468. , letters from, 502, 521. , letters to, 469, 502. Major, 70th regt. [John], to take command at Penobscot, 461, 462, 542. Stephen, loyalist, letter from, 515. — — , memorial, 409 ; mentioned, 425. , recommendation by. 393. Skottowe, Thomas, letter from, 384. Slaves or negroes. See Negroes. Small, Major or Lt. Col. John. 53, 298. 373, 374. certificate by, 96. his battalion, 152. . letter from, 357. promotion of, 217. Small pox, 96, 158. Smith : Austin, 245. E., certificate signed by, 292. Ebenr., 524. Maj. Genl. F., certificate bv, 131. Lt. Col. F., certificate by, 67. Henry, Justice of Peace, order by, 344. Henry, affidavit. 294. , and Donald McPherson, letters to, 270, 278. James, account of, 138. Mr., or Capt. John, secretary to the com. in chief, 47, 250, 434, 497. , account paid bv, 480. . letters from. 87, 115, 144, 145, 167, i88, 220, 257, 304, 305, 312, 330, 355, 3S0, 405, 415, 421, 435, 441, 446. , letters to, 30, 144, 145, 148, 170, 204, 208, 292, 302. 309. 318, 341, 36S, 380, 394, 395. 397, 423, 426, 432, 436, 443, 462. 465, 484, 504. , memorandum for, 376. , papers left with incoming secretary, 509. , report or opinion addressed to, 304. John P., deposition and petition of, 370, 387. Joshua H., letter from, 350. Patrick, refugee, 303. Robert, deposition by. 516. Solomon. 548. Thomas. 107. 596 Smith — contd. William, Chief Justice of New York, 100, 113, 126, 381. , as one of a council, letter from, 179. , opinion, 517. Mr., letter to, 23. Mrs., 290. Smith's Island, 498. Smitber, James, petition from, 20. Smyth : Chief Justice Frederick, certificates by, 201, 229. , concerning claim for salary, 215. — , evidence in favour of Lt. Col. Barton, 27S. , as one of a council, letter from, 179. John, certificctss, &c, by, 82, 201, 393. , evidence in favour of Lt. Col. Barton, 273. S. D., letter from, 56. Dr., and Capt. Sherwood, letter to, 314. Snedeker, Theodoras, certificate by, 126. Snigs, — , (mason), 60. Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c, 213. Somerby, nr. Yarmouth, letter dated at, 339. Sommers, .Tohn, surgeon, certificate of, 324. Sotheran, Capt., to be exchanged, 217. Sound, the [? Long Island Sound], 312, 369. Southampton Fort, 227. South Carolina, 6. 26, 39, 77, 116, 157, 209, 222, 238, 252, 344, 385, 419. Assembly (State Govt.), Acts against loyalists, 475. civil officers of royal government : their return to, distressed situation and support, 181, 326, 360, 379, 384, 511, 524. commodore of navy of, see Gillon. deputy commissary to examine accounts of army in, 364. , Baine recommended, 369. inhabitants not disposed tov/ards the King's government, 475. letter to friends on the frontier of, 143. loyalists in, 307, 417, 521. , address or memorials, 436, 512, 524. , numbers expected to support King's govt., 149. , hardships and laws against, 435, 436, 438, 441, 475, 49S. negroes raising in (for Americans), 26. on the situation of affairs in, 59. 149- 150, 158, 169-170, 234, 245, 302-3, 306, 307, 315, 378-9, 388, 389, 463-4. papers dated from, 106, 3 26, 215. police, or board of police of Charles- town or S. Carolina, 158, 169, 170, 391, 392, 395, 417, 467. South Carolina, police — contd. , Intendant General of, — Lt. Gov. Bull, 498. , letter to, 381. sequestered estates in, under the direction of Mr. Cruden, 521. stores for troops in, 256. , arms and stores for Provincial forces consigned to, 401. trade : regulations for, 166, 169, 181. , petition of merchants trading to, 207, 226, 231. troops : new corps raising, 158. , Lord C. Montagu's plan for raising corps, mentioned, 245. , not inured to service, 393. , numbers of troops in, 452. Southgate, letter dated from, 76. Spain, war with, 63. See also below Spanish forces. Spangler. Mary, widow of George, memorial from, 121. Spanish forces, or fleet, or the Spaniards : invasion of West Florida, 31-33, 37, -51, 57, 122. cultivate Indian interest, 39, 201 ; governor entices Indians from British service, 359. fleet reported off Charlestown bar, 77. in Mobile Bay, 89. movements against Mobile, &c, 159, 160. design on Pensacola deferred, 162. dispatches intercepted, 193. expedition against Pensacola or West Florida, 201, 209, 233, 237, 238. attack on Pensacola, 267, 271. its surrender, 278, 279. West Florida yielded to, 281, 286. return of prisoners, 301. memorial of a prisoner, 515. East Florida a defence against Spanish attacks, 513. expected to attack East Florida, 115, 359, 380. garrison in the Creek nation, 359. dispute with, over prisoners, &c, 300-1, 493-4, 510. expected to attack Providence or St. Augustine, 415. attack on Bahamas, and surrender of New Providence, 483, 484, 489, 491, 494, 520. at Cape Francois, 458, 490. return to Havannah, 458. to combine with French in attacking Jamaica, 431, 450, 452, 457, 458, 493, 525, 526. capture of a transport ship belonging to. 476. state of, in West Indies. 522, 523, 527, 543. See also Don Galvez. Spanish River, 83. coal from, 35, 66, 83, 121, 250, 317, 329 533, 542. troops at, 288. 597 Spanish Town (Jamaica), letters dated at, 431, 490. Specht, Brig. Gonl., 155. Spermaceti Cove, 468. Speth, Brig. Gen. J. W. de, letter from, 31. Spicer, James, 272. deposition, 291. Sproat, David, 510. certificate by, 77. Sproule, Capt., 330. Sprv, Capt. William, 75, 141, 152, 300, 397. ' certifies papers, 24, 27, 60, 84, 171, 176, 179, 183, 200, 208. dispute over his accounts, 75, 83, 84, 116, 146, 166, 170, 175, 178, 181, 182, 193, 200, 203, 204, 205, 208 ; 249, 250, 305. letters from, 20, 129, 142, 166, 170, 175, 178, 181, 203, 204, 208, 236, 249, 250 ; memorial, 509. letters to, 24, 55, 59, 115, 182, 200, 305, 355. works proposed for Halifax, 428, 429, 461. Spyers, Singleton, and Jas. Ellis, 268. Stainsbury, Mr., 248. Stamford, Connecticut, 61, 90, 101. Stanhope, Capt., 42. Stanley, John [same as Thomas], 362. Thomas, 473, 547. Stansbury, John, letter from, 448. Stapleton : • John, 456. . letters from, 236, 314, 483. Cornet, 293. Starke, Mr., 415. Staten Island, 73, 144, 323, 354, 468, 469. paper dated at, 502. plan for securing peace and trade of, 503. superintendent of, 423. Statia. See St. Eustatius. Steale, Jane, 240. Stephens, Philip, 525. letters from, 41, 232, 428 ; men- tioned, 436. letter to, 422. Stepple, W., 278. Stevens : Abraham, memorial from, 83. Francis, ordnance storekeeper, 429. Ensign, 474. Stevenson, Dr. Alexander, certificate by, 54. Stewart : Adam, 313, 316, 319. , letter to, 313. Lt. Col. or Brig. Gen. Alexander, 357, 379, 390, 434, 452, 468, 472. ■, his victory over Gen. Greene, 350-1. , his movements, 357. , letter from, 350 ; mentioned, 367. , letters to, 367, 387. Lt. Col. Allan, certificate by, 415. Anthony, letter from, 282. Stewart — contd. Charles, letter from, 23. Donald, 368. Duncan, 368. James, loj'alist, 54. John, ordnance storekeeper, 201 Peter, 23. Capt. William, roll of troop of, 52fi William, loyalist, 230. Capt. of the British Legion, 64. Mrs., 282. Stiell, Lt. Col., 8, 122, 202, 246. Stillwell, Mrs., refugee, 137. Stirling : Lord, American Genl., 468, 469. Col. or Brig. Gen. Thomas. 51, 475, 486. — — , certificate of, 445. , letter to, 53. Stockden, Mrs., 314. Stockton, Lieut., 258, 269. Stokes, A., 373. Stoneland Lodsre, letter dated at, 335. Stoney Point, 93, 100. Stono, 7, 28, 357, 389. Ferry, 92, 354. , letter dated from, 93. Inlet. 344. Stout, John, certificate and letter from, 139, 235. Strachan, Patrick, account, 148. Strachey, Henry, letter to, 524, 525, 527. Straton, Lieut., 507. Strawberry Ferry, 389, 402. Striclan, John, refugee, 408. Strother : Arthur.. 324. Thomas, certificate by, 71, 77. and Co... certificate by, 98. Stuart : Brig. Gen. Alexander. See Stewait. Charles, dep. superintendent of Indian affairs, 78, 159. , account to, 68. , certificates by, 68, 71, 93. , letter to, 28. Henry, dep. Qr. Master Goo., accounts, 37, 187. , letter from, 278. Lt. Hugh, 126, 228. , his accounts disputed, 260. . letter from, 260. Col. [John], 160. Mr. [? John or Charles], 3, 117. Peter, chief justice of Island of St. John, 24. Brevet Major, 456. Studholm (Studholme), Capt. or Major, 1, 2, 61, 182, 204. Suffolk (? Virginia), letters dated at, 299, 300. Sullivan, John, American General, 52. letter to, 292. Sullivan's Island, 336, 419. Sumpter, General, 248, 261. Sunderland [America], letters dated from, 254, 255, 297. 598 Superintendent, the. See Andrew Elliot. Superintendent General of Hospitals (Dr. Nooth), 490. Surgeon's Hall, 4. Suspension of hostilities, 495, 498. Sutherland : Lt. Alex., 3, 29, 56, 276, 283, 490. 526. . letter from, 304. O'Su'livan, 326. Major, 260. Capt., 55 th Regt., 175. Swanson, Peter, 187. Swanson, McGillivray and Co.. accounts, 68, 82, 98. Sweetland, Thomas, 355, 368, 483. letter from, 483. Swords : Mary, widow of Thomas, memorial from, 526. Richard.. 526. Symes, Lt. Chas. Jefferyes, 75. memorial of his brother, Capt. Richard, on behalf of, 75. Symonds : Fr., 229. Thos., Capt. in Navy, letter from, 305. Taller, Mary, widow, petition, 329. Tailyour (Tailiou), John 408, 170. letter from, 475. Talbot, James, 232. Tappan, 508. Tarleton. Maj. or Lt. Col. Banastre, 100, 132, 206, 242, 291. letter from, 131. success at Wacsaw, 143. returns of casualties under, at Catawba, 171. wounded, 261. Taswell, John, 27. Tattnall, Josiah, 86. Tawney Town in Maryland, letter dated at, 36. Taylor : John, certificate by, 272. Peter, 127. Teller, Abraham, depositions of, 370, 516. Temple : Lord, 513. Capt. or Maj., 243, 332. Ternan, Sieur de, 347. Thimpany. See Timpany. Thomas : Lt. Col., 1st Foot Guards [Frederick], 244, 388. George, Quarter Master, King's American Regt., 119, 535. John, 70th Regt., 344, 368. Lt., American officer, 469. Mr., 296, 297. Thomastown, 258. Thompson : Andrew, joint letter from, 325. Anna, refugee, 131. Lt. Col. Benjamin, 392, 418, 478. , certificate by, 162. ■ , letters from. 239, 290. 402, 403. 405. , letters to, 230, 297. , given command of regiment of dragoons, 248, 335, 388. , recounts his movements, 402, and encounters with the enemy, 403-4, 405-6. , conveys dispatches to New York, 438, 452. , roll of troop of, 526. James and Robert, receipted account, 94. Mary, memorial of, 399. Capt. Samuel, 156. T. or J., Maj. of brigade, letter from, 518. Thomas, 539. Capt. Will., 71. Mr. See Alexander Thomson. Ensign, 244. and Campbell, Messrs., merchants at Jamaica, letter to, 63. Thomson : Alexander, dep. paymaster at Halifax, 198, 370, 436. , letters from, 436, 465. Brig. Gen., [? William Thompson, American Officer], 44. Thornhiil, Mr., late Lt., 63, 80. Tilton : Clayton, deposition, 464. John, deposition, 461. Timpany, Maj. Robert, 362, 473, 548. Tisbury, paper signed at, 139. Titsworth, Isaac, refugee, 411. Tobacco, 135, 280, 281. Tollemache, Capt., 521. Tolmie, Normand, certificate by, 126. Tomlinson, Hannah, petition from, 139. Toms River, 508. Tonge, Winckworth, Capt. or Col. of Militia, memorial and letter from, 83, 213. letter to, 212. recommended, 41. Tonken, Capt. Thomas, 317. letters from. 260, 316 ; mentioned, 290. letter to, 249. Tonyn, Patrick, gov. of East Florida, 38, 113, 130, 152, 238, 239, 359, 500. letters from, 21, 39, 55, 72, 75. 86, 87, 105, 109, 117, 127, 128, 138, 176, 237, 240, 270. 285, 310, 380. 494, 529-531. letters, addresses, or petitions to, 22, 30, 31, 57, 59, 91, 93, 99, 102, 112, 129, 417, 426, 496, 528, 529, 530. promoted maj. gen., 345. Torrians, Lt., 293. 599 Touro, Isaac, letter from, 102. Towns, J., 368. Townsend : Gregory, assistant dep. commissary, 238, 239, 377. Col. Samuel, 162, 222. , letters from, 220, 278, 483. Townshend : Lord, 513. Thomas, letters from, 465, 475, 478, 479, 482, 485, 486, 488, 491, 503, 514. , letter to, 525. Towser, Daniel, 508. Traile, Maj., 102, 238, 239. Transports, storeships, and victuallers, 5, 8, 17, 21, 35, 62, 120, 143, 144, 165, 173, 206, 208, 232, 248, 250, 252, 255, 257, 273, 275, 295, 298, 318, 319, 345, 401, 413, 419. 426, 428, 429, 436. 440, 442, 445, 447, 453, 454, 460, 464, 465, 470, 478, 479, 484, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 496, 497. concerning their detention in America, 196, 198, 216, 249, 250, 260, 265, 267, 276, 282, 288, 290. used for prisoners, 265, 305. not to be used as prison ships. 291. returns or lists of, 308, 378, 485. (See also Chads and Tonken, agents.) Travis, Elizabeth, refugee, 118. Treasury, or Lords of the Treasury, 24, 88, 121, 123, 131, 132, 162, 165, 169, 170, 172, 175, 195, 196, 215, 221, 232, 239, 256, 259, 290, 296, 302, 311, 313, 347, 349, 350, 352, 367, 405, 423, 458, 463, 484, 511, 515, 522, 524, 525, 551. allowances to loyal civil servants, 360, 363. contracts, 62, 383. letters or memorials to, 297, 301, 429, 437, 445. (For letters from, see John Robinson, secretary. ) minutes, 131, 206, 214, 297, 425, 432, 511. Trenton, papers dated at, 487, 488, 540. Trois Rivieres, letters dated at, 31. Troops, British army, 1, 149, 156, 293, 294, 312, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 367, 435. canteens of wood for, 173. departments (generally), 353 ; com- parative view of, during command of Howe and of Clinton, 227, 230 ; enquiry into expenditure, 167, 170, 224, 302, 309, 311-317, 319-326, 356, 371, 403, 423, 433, 435, 462 ; plan for board of control, 376-7 ; alleged peculation in, 496-7. departments specified : , adjutant general's dept., ac- counts, 437, 552. Troops, British army, departments — contd. , barrack master general's dept., 144, 145, 227, 230, 263-4, 313, 310, 321, 323, 324, 325, 411, 424, 427, 441. 462, 463, 500, 509; Barrack Master General, -see Clerk also Crosbie. , bridge master's dept., 145. , commander hi chief's secretary's office, 437, 474, 470, 480, 552. , commissary general's dept., 9, 120, 227, 230, 263, 264, 313, 316, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325-6, 353, 421, 425. 446, 462. 501, 505. 507, 509, 511, 512, 513. , commissaries' accounts required by House of Com- mons, 90. (See also Daniel Wier, and Peter Paumier.) , engineer's dept., 145, 175, 227, 230, 263-4, 313-4, 321, 323, 330, 354, 419, 488, 507, 509, 515, 552. , forage dept., 323, 324, 497. , quarter master general's dept., 9, 73, 116, 122, 144, 170, 227, 230, 263-4, 285, 294, 308, 313, 314, 315-6, 317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326-7, 328, 330, 331, 332, 335, 340, 349, 352, 353, 354. 356-7, 358, 377, 355, 386, 410, 419, 423, 441, 462, 463, 489, 496, 509, 520, 545, 552. desertions, 154, 258 ; offers to, to desert, 401. in West Florida. See West Florida. King's bounty, 73 ; a King's letter man, 46. need of cavalry, 379. number of horses to be reduced, 432. officer commanding the troops at Portsmouth, Virginia, letter to, 288. officers, 5, 9, 17, 39, 42, 64, 79, 84, 91, 114, 120, 125, 133, 135, 140, 151, 153, 154, 172, 173, 175, 193, 202, 204, 221, 231, 232, 245, 250, 256, 266, 274, 292, 300, 339, 367, 373, 410, 420, 448, .467, 480, 482, 483, 496, 503, 542, 552. , list of garrison officers, 80. •, lists of genl. and staff, 253, 369, 534. , memorial of, 184. , prisoners at Charlestown, 283. , report of general and field officers, 275. , sale or purchase of commissions, 63, 113, 143, 172, 183, 198, 204, 272, 358, 368, 482. , wines for, 5, 280. pay of, or money for, accounts, or expenses, 4, 5, 18, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 54, 56, 59, 62, 66, 75, 77, 106, 10S, 112, 123, 127, 132, 136, 141, 152, 153, 162, 170, 184, 198, 201, 206, 226, 267. 273, 285, 302. 329, 331, 336, 346, 357, 367, 370, 375, 392, 394, 465, 492, 508, 517, 532, 540. 600 Troops, British army, pay of, contd. , want of money, 5, 193. , money lost in the Experiment, 71. recruits, 202, 216, 222, 223, 229, 318, 339, 460. , recruiting service does not meet with expected success, 177. regiments, augmentation of, 177 ; reduction of, 216. regiments named : , 7th (or Queen's) Regiment of Dragoons, 3, 21, 23. , 16th Light Dragoons, 499. , 17th Light Dragoons, 211, 223, 293, 324, 325, 326. , Foot Guards, 1st Regt., 117, 233, 241, 244, 500. , Coldstream Guards, 121. , Foot Guards, 3rd Rest., 117, 241. — , Foot Guards, not specified, 121, 138, 242, 514. , accounts, 370, 538. , Grenadiers, 292, 332, 551. , Fuzileers [qy. the 7th Foot], 74. , 3rd Regt. of Foot, 351, 421, 452, 472. , 4th Regt., 205, 274, 343, 364, 499. , 5th Rest., 205, 274, 499. , 7th Regt., 148 ; accounts, 538. , 10th Regt., 25, 67. , 14th Regt., 468. , 16th Regt., 62, 117, 122, 148, 167, 202, 281, 294, 334, 413, 482. , 17th Foot, 20. 93, 100, 223. , 18th Foot, 165. , 19th Regt., 421, 452, 470, 471, 473. , 20th Regt., 97, 293. , 21st Regt., 329. , 22nd Rest., 79, 266, 481. 538. , 23rd Regt., 121, 268, 274, 367, 538. , 24th Regt,, 218, 285. , 26th Regt., 73. , 27th Regt., 499. , 30th Regt., 388, 421, 458, 470, 471, 473. , 31st Regt., 60. , 33rd Regt., 172, 173, 232. 268, 538. , 37th Regt., 122, 161, 244, 474. , 38th Rest., 75, 492. - , accounts, 293, 370, 538. , 40th Regt., 310, 481, 538. , 42nd or Royal Highland Rest,, 58, 81, 538. , 43rd Regt., 81, 221, 245, 266, 400. , accounts, 466, 539. , 44th Foot, 28, 38, 70. , 45th Regt., 25. , 47th Regt., 49, 179, 293. , 49th Regt., 205, 274. , 51st Regt., 119. Troops, British army, regiments — contd. , 52nd Regt., 25, 156, 192. . 54th Rest., 69, 312, 364, 396, 474, 492, 539. , 55th Regt., 46, 97, 175. , 57th Regt., 53, 80, 138. 291, 502, 539. , 60th or Loyal American Regt., 59, 77, 78, 85, 87, 91, 100. 112, 113, 409, 539. , 2nd Battalion, 218, 266. , 3rd Battalion, 53, 71, 202, 234, 324, 544. , 4th Battahon, 324. , 62nd Regt., 65, 217, 329. , 63rd Regt., 389. , 64th Regt., 113, 254, 290,f400. , 66th Regt., 75. , 69th Regt., 362, 468, 473, 499. , accounts, 403, 466, 539. , 70th Regt., 75, 83, 84, 151, 173, 183, 188, 204, 250, 276, 295, 318, 344. 542. , 71st Regt., 56, 59. 90, 91, 106, 112, 119, 135, 151, 229, 294, 377, 413. 474, 475. 486, 544. . 74th Regt,, 14, 15, 18, 52, 53, 66. 83, 84, 151, 172, 241, 292. , accounts, 293. 343. . 76th Regt., 539. , establishment of, 370, 371. , 80th or Maclean's Regt., 53, 66, 79, 230, 510. , 82nd Regt., 14, 16, 17, 18, 52, 84, 183. 198, 289, 291, 413, 421. , 84th Regt. or Royal Highland Emigrants, 53, 79, 83, 84, 183, 265, 466, 550. , 2nd Battahon, 96-97, 150, 298, 347, 357, 373, 387, 393, 397, 421. , Royal Artillery, 8, 66, 75, 141, 202, 233, 299, 489, 490, 512, 514, 531 ; artillery officers, 38, 88, 89 ; men, 88, 89, 96, 99, 102. , Corps of Engineers, 129, 304 ; engineers mentioned, 3, 14, 26, 38, 75, 79, 94, 96, 99, 104, 126. — — , Marines, 204. returns, lists, or states, mentioned, 11, 18, 43, 61, 65, 81, 123, 124, 151, 162, 171, 177, 201, 204, 242, 253, 298, 3S8, 471, 486. stores and provisions, 5. 8, 19, 20, 23, 35, 48, 52, 61, 62, 65, 67, 73, 74, 83, 87, 89, 115, 122, 123, 129, 132, 144, 155, 162, 167, 175, 193, 206, 213, 214, 218, 222, 248, 249, 253, 254, 256, 259-260, 262, 267, 274, 276, 280, 282, 287, 288, 289, 311, 313, 316, 333, 340, 341, 345, 346, 362, 367, 383, 401, 422, 425, 426, 429, 431, 432, 436, 439, 440, 442, 445, 447, 453, 454, 460, 464, 465, 471, 478, 479, 481, 483, 484, 490, 493. 495-6, 499, 500, 515, 517, 520, 522. 601 Troops, British army, stores — contd. , allowanceof fuel and candles, 375. , captured at Charlestown, 121, 129. , clothing specified, 19, 21, 25, "3, 83, 148,d51, 168, 171, 188, 205, 264, 289, 318, 324. , destroyed or lost, 32, 364. . providing of, taken over by Navy Board, 257. . question of increased expense, 256-257. ~^-, want of, 17. 180, 196, 281. Troops of Convention (prisoners of Gen. Buigoyne's army, under the Con- vention of Saratoga), 49, 177, 293, 304. disputed accounts of provisions for, 5, 8-9, 10, 11. money, stores, and pay for, 27, 34, 43, 47, 206. 235, 417, 454. officers, and exchange of officers, 36, 44, 50, 114, 161, 174, 184, 235, 239. 243, 358. report of situation of, 155 ; mentioned, 161, 164. Trotter, John, letter from, 173. Troup, Geo. & Co., accounts, 71, 77, 78, 85, 93. certificate by, 98. Trueheart, John, letter from, 345. Trumbach, Regt., 125, 128. Trumbull, Govr., letter to, 219. Trustees of Captured Property, 165, 207, 231. (See also tinder Moncrief and Gratton. ) Tryon, Gov. or Maj. Gen. Wm, 86, 87, 94, 95, 289, 345, 427, 479. certificate from, 290. expedition mentioned, 3. letter from, 339. letters, petitions, &c, to. 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 90. 94, 97, 98. 100, 101, 102, 103. opinion of, 100. Tryon County, North Carolina, 150. Tunno, John, 77. letter from, 381, 395 Turkey Creek, Broad River, letter dated from, 236. Turnbull : Dr. [Andrew], 127, 128. Lt. Col. George, 210, 319, 376, 537. , certificate from, 409. , corps of, 82. (See also Provin- cial Troops, New York Volunteers.) , discharge by, 249. Turner, 198, 250, 355. Tuttle, Daniel, refugee, 126. Tybee, 91, 101, 103, 104, 106, 123, 448, 546. Tyrone, Lord, 513. U Ulster County, New York province, paper d^ter) from. 344. United States, 228, 444, 458, 473. independence proclaimed at New Orleans, 31. See also Americans. Upham, Lt. Col. Joshua, certificates by, 343, 504. letters from, 70, 95, 332, 346; men- tioned, 348. serves in King's American Dragoons, 554. roll of his troop, 526. Vallancey, Capt. George, assistant quarter master general, 9, 10, 11, 280, 373. report by, 11. Vallean : Elizabeth, 116. Peter, memorial from, 372. Vandam, Mr., 521. Vanderbeak or Vanderbeek, Abraham, petitions, 300, 362. Vanderburgh : Nicholas, 97. , petition from, 108. Henry, certificate by, 320. Van Dyck, Henry, 82. memorial from, 41. Van Gorden or Vangorder, Benjamin and Mary, refugees, 247, 249, 274. Vanhise, John, refugee, 353. Van Norden, Gabriel, 98. Van Schaack, Henry and David, 243, 356. Vaughan, Gen., 267. Veale : Richard, letter from, 492. Dr., 275. Veitch, P., 248. Venters, Mr., 27 i. Vera Cruz, 233, 522. Verdieres, Lt., exchange of, 473, 547. Vermont, letters dated from. 211, 219. papers concerning, 278, 279, 318, 319, 320, 333, 336, 338, 339, 341. 345, 476. proclamation to inhabitants of, 339. Verplanks Point, letter dated from, 22. Versailles, Court of, 440. paper dated at, 255. Vice^, Admiralty for Southern district, judge of, 80, 520. (See also New York, Vice Admiralty Court at.) Victuallers. See Transports and Victual- lers. Victualling Office or Board, or Commis- sioners .for Victualling, 428, 436, 492, 525. letter from ,"422. 2Q 602 Virginia, 6, 11, 36. 43, 46, 47, 60, 78, 121. 155, 161, 210, 223, 243, 259, 273, 289, 292, 335, 338, 355, 360, 378, 417, 493, 495, 507, 518, 526, 543. Capes of, 210. French troops in, 433, 456. governor of, 225, 234, 541. hospital accounts, 499, 534. refugees from, 38. 60. sale of escheated property in, 237. stores for prisoners in, 354. tobacco from, 280. Voit, Col. August de. letter to, 273. memorial from. 530. warrant to pay to, 540. W Wacsaw, engagement at, mentioned, 143. return of casualties, 130. letter dated from, 131. Waddell. Wm., depositions before. 468 469, 470, 516. Wadsworth, Brig. Gen. (American). 258 269, 292. Wainwright, Thomas, 508. Waldeck Troops or Regiment, 31, 32, 122 154, 202, 234, 246. 496, 514, 517, 540. Walker : Capt. Charles, 187. lit or Capt, John, 274. , letter from, 272. Wallace : Hugh, letter from, 278. 301. Sir James, 26, 29. John, certificate by, 123. Mr., letter from, 290. Wallis, Thomas, 272. 480. letter from, 13. Wallop, B. H., letter from, 475. Walls, George, refugee, certificate to. 356 Walpole, R.. 215. Walter : J. (or T.), recommendation by, 348. Lt. Robert, letter from, 249. Walters, Mr., 223 [qy. same as Robt. Walter]. Walton : John, certificate by, 459. Wm., depositions before, 461, 464. Wambaw Bridge, 403, 404. Wannemaker, William, letter from, 334. Wanton, Wm., allowance to. 552-3. certificates by, 257, 272. 448. Wappataw Church. 407. Ward : Elizabeth, 132. Capt. Thomas, certificate from. 245. Maj. [qy. same as Thomas]. 425. Lt., 268. — , 140. Wardeil, Nathan, affidavit by, 518. Wardrop, James, recommendation by, 236. Waring, Capt., 167. Warrants, 272, 345. 377, 437, 479, 481, 492, 496, 510, 515, 517, 527, 533, 537, 540, 541, 545, 547, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553. Warsaw, Court of, 204. Warwick, Orange County, 115. Washington, Genl., 49. 102, 109. 153. 155. 156, 240, 255. 348. 366, 383. 385, 475, 487, 528, 548. conference with French Generals, 283. letters, &c, from, 20, 25. 34, 82. 86. 94. 99, 134. 153. 157, 164, 174, 180, 183, 186. 189. 192, 194, 209, 211, 218, 234. 239, 269, 275, 280, 361, 375, 381, 407, 416, 422, 461, 481. 486, 494, 519. 532. letters to, 20. 22, 27. 43. 60. 83. 93. 98. 110, 161. 176. 183-189, 191, 195, 206. 212. 241. 281, 354, 356, 363, 378, 385. 398. 411, 413. 424, 428, 451, 462, 466, 469. 478, 483. 488. 495, 514. 529. proposed joint attack on New York. 284. his army. 1. 52, 215. reinforced by French, 180. Waterbury, Sylvenus, 121. 251. Watkins : John, 159, 198. Samuel, letter from, 339. Wm., letter from. 159. Watoga, 221, 225. Watson : Brook, commissary general, 533, 535. , letters from, 491. 492, 500, 515. , commission and letters to, 421, 517, 545. Adjutant, 23rd, [George], 268. Hannah, widow of Robert, 363, 367. Lt. Col. John W. T., 223. , letter from, 514. Watt, Mr., plantation of, 32. Waxhaw, S. Carolina, letter dated at, 183. Wayne, Brig. Gen. [Anthony], 389, 400, 401, 417, 418, 448, 491, 506. letter to, and reply, 504. Weare, Meschech, letter from, 292. Weathersfield, conference at, mentioned, 284. Weaver, Mr., 248. Webb, James, 22. Webster, Lt. Col.. 232, 261, 268. Wegg, E. R.. attorney general, W. Florida, 117. Weir. See Wier. Welch, J., acting commissary of musters, 323. Well wood, Lt., adjutant, 143. West, Gregory, 346, 429. West Chester County, 74, 166, 352, 408, 519, 533. West Chester Refugees, 502. Westerhagen, Col., 125, 390, 434, 452, 456. West Florida, 8, 75, 77, 87, 146, 233, 369, 372, 422, 482. 603 West Florida — contd. accounts of military dept. in, 72, 93, 186-7 (qy. see also Pensacola). board of ordnance, 162. council of, 8, 30, 33, 159. proclamation dated from, 31. Spanish expedition against, 233, 237, 240, 267. yielded to Spain (by surrender of Pensacola), 281, 286, 287. West Haven, 346. West Indies, 42, 82, 105, 150, 175, 181, 229, 250, 267, 452, 473, 476, 487, 499. question of detaching troops for. 416, 419, 420, 421. regiments in, exchanged, 358. Spanish fleet and troops in, 522-3. West Point, 516. Arnold's command at, 185. letters dated from, 20, 34. Wetherhead, John, 545. petition from, 525. Weyman, Margaret, widow of Moses, petition from, 352. Weymss, Maj., 456. Wheaton, Lt. Caleb, memorial from, 192. Wheeler : Rebecca, widow, 80. Sarah, letter from, 465. White: Aaron, depositions by, 453, 470. Mr. [Henry], 430. John, account and receipt, 124, 134. Philip, 461, 470. Thomas, petition from, 524. Whitley : Elizabeth, widow, 530. Ensign Charles Davys, 530. , certificate for, 384. Whitlock, Wm, 505. Wickham, Capt., 266. Wiederholt, William, letter from, 384. Wier or Weir, Daniel, commissary gen., 8, 211, 256, 311, 313, 316, 324, 342, 366, 376, 509. order and letters from, 212, 320, 340. letters, &c, to, 212, 257, 321. letter to executors of, 426. opinion of, 445. his papers to be laid before Drummond, 426. his death and successor, 348, 349, 350. Wilde, Isaiah, 516, 517. Wilkinson, — , quarter master to infantry, 545. Willard, Abijah, 346. memorial from, 290. recommended, 290-1, 296. commissary of fresh provisions, 346. William and Mary Castle (New Hamp- shire), 63. Wm. or Wins., accounts of, 301. Williams : Lt. Hanbury, 123. John, see Navy Board. John, petition from, 541. Williams — contd . Thomas Ch., 429. William, refugee, petitions from, 94. 288. Wynant, 381. 408. , deposition by, 516. Mr., 8. Mr., 204. Williamsburg, 373. letters dated at, 293, 362, 383, 385. 396, 473, 503, 547. Williamson : Col. Adam, Dep. Adj. Gen., 362. , letter from, 222. William, 60. , memorial from, 69. Gen. (American), capitulation of, mentioned, 150. WiUington, Lt., 162. Willis, John, 440. Willoe, Capt., to be exchanged, 42, 177. Wilmington, 422, 433. capture of, 242. question of withdrawing post at, 344, 348. American troops at, 348. Craig's detachment sent to Charles- town from, 357 ; or garrison recalled, 378. letters dated at, 242, 268, 269, 270, 271, 332. Wilson : J., capt. of a transport, 490. John, letter from, 395. John. 508. Lt. Samuel Rd., 491. Wilton, Wm., 161. Winchester, Capt. Robert Wm., 97. Winchester (Virginia). 356. Windsor, Nova Scotia, letters dated at, 172, 213. Windward Islands, 468, 543. Winnsborougb or Wynnesborough, letters dated from, 208, 210, 214, 217, 224, 225, 232, 233. Winslow : Edward, muster master gen. Pro- vincial Forces, account, 264. , certificate by, 526. , warrants to pay, 272, 480. Isaac, certificate by, 70. Jane Isabella, widow of Chaplain Winslow, memorial from, 213 Mr., 376. Winstanley, Thomas, 381. Wint, Major de, 50. Winterfeldt, Baron de, 372, 515 pass to, 373. Winthrop & Kemble, 433, 434. letter from, 433. Wisner, Leonard, account, 148. Wombwell, Messrs., contractors, 44. Wood: Abener or Abner, refugee, 98. D., junior, 193. Ensign, 461. Mr.. 400. 604 Woodford, Brig. Gen. William, letter from, 44. Woodward, Bezaleel, one of the agents for Vermont, 297, 313, 318-9. Worden, Gabriel, petition from, 166. Wormb. See Wurmb. Worsfield, Wm. & Co., 439. Worster, New England, 272. Wray, Jacob, 502. Wright : Alexander, 417. Andrew, certificate and petition, 96, 97. David, petition from, 514. Sir James, Gov. of Georgia, 39, 107. 128, 158, 373, 380, 392, 458, 527. — — , letters, &c, from, 5, 31, 77, 103, 110, 113, 114, 120, 128, 133, 134, 136, 306, 315. 342, 366, 378, 399. 403, 410, 471, 504, 505, 509. , letters and addresses to, 29, 72, 92, 106, 125. 130, 302. 307, 381, 402. 424, 496. , loss of property, 86, 108, HO, 506. James, 64. Thomas, 23, 230. Mr. [perhaps Thomas], 59. Lt., 113. Wright's Bluff, 277. . Wurmb or Wormb. Col., 20, 43. Wylly, Capt., 403. Wynnesborough. See Winnsborough. Wynyard, Major of Brigade, 452. Yadkin River, 234. Yallow Hook, Long Island, 326. Yates, John, assistant commissary of forage, 324. Yeates, David, certificate by, 131. Yeomans : Ezekiel, 88. Mary, petition from, 331. Yorke, Lt. Col., 268. York River, 369. York Town, or York in Virginia, 259, 269, 355, 487. letters dated at or near, 314, 321, 322, 326, 327, 332, 334, 338, 342, 347. information from, 349. Cornwallis's occupation of, and capitu- lation alluded to, 362, 368, 382, 514. Younghusband, Isaac, certificate by, 505. Yurex or Yurrick, Isaac, 235. petition from, 433. Zabriski, Capt. John, certificates by, 300, 362. Zubly, 100. HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. His Majesty the King has been pleased to ratify and confirm the terms of the Commission issued by Her late Majesty, appointing certain Commissioners to ascertain what unpublished MSS. are extant in the collections of private persons and in institutions which are calculated to throw light upon subjects connected with the Civil, Ecclesiastical, Literary, or Scientific History of this country ; and to appoint certain additional Commissioners for the same purposes. The present Commissioners are : — Sir R. Henn Collins, Master of the Rolls ; the Marquess of Ripon, K.G., the Earl of Liverpool; the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Crawford, K.T., the Earl of Rosebery, K.G., Lord Fitzmaurice, Lord Alverstone, G.C.M.G., Lord Lindley, Lord Stanmore, G.C.M.G., Sir Edward Fry, Mr. John Morley, O.M., M.P., Sir H. C. Maxwell-Lyte, K.C.B., and Mr. C. H. Firth, M.A., LL.D The Commissioners think it probable that you may feel an interest in this object, and be wiling to assist in the attainment of it ; and with that view they desire to lay before you an outline of the course which they usually follow. If any nobleman or gentleman express his willingness to submit to the Commissioners any unprinted book, or collection of documents in his possession or custody, they will cause an inspection to be made by some competent person, and should the MSS. appear to come within the scope of their enquiry, the owner will be asked to consent to the publication of copies or abstracts of them in the Reports of the Commission, which are presented to Parliament every Session. To avoid any possible apprehension that the examination of papers by the Commissioners may extend to title-deeds or other documents of present legal value, positive instructions are given to every person who inspects MSS. on their behalf that nothing relating to the titles of existing owners is to be divulged, and that if, in the course of his work, any modern title-deeds or papers of a private character chance to come before him, they are to be instantly put aside, and not to be examined or calendared under any pretence whatever. The object of the Commission is the discovery of unpublished historical and literary materials, and in all their proceedings the Commissioners will direct their attention to that object exclusively. In practice it has been found more satisfactory, when the collection of manuscripts is a large one, for the inspector to make a selection therefrom at the place of deposit and to obtain the owner's consent to remove the selected papers to the Public Record Office in London or in Dublin, or to the General Register House in Edinburgh, where they can be more fully dealt with, and where they will be preserved 'with the same care as if they formed part of the muniments of the realm, during the term of their examination. Among the numerous owners of MSS. who have allowed their papers of historical interest to be temporarily removed from their muniment rooms and lent to the Commissioners to facilitate the preparation of a report may be named : — His Majesty the King, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke of Portland, the Marquess of Salisbury, the Marquess Townshend, the Marquess of Ailesbury, the Marquess of Bath, the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Carlisle, the Earl of Egmont, the Earl of Lindsey, the Earl of Ancaster, the Earl of Lonsdale, Lord Braye, Lord Hothfield, Lord Kenyon, Mrs. Stopford Sackville, the Right Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe, Sir George Womb well, Mr. le Fleming, of Rydal, Mr. Leyborne Popham. of Littlecote, and Mr. Fortescue, of Dropmore. The costs of inspections, reports, and calendars, and the con- veyance of documents, will be defrayed at the public expense, without any charge to the owners. The Commissioners will also, if so requested, give their advice as to the best means of repairing and preserving any interesting papers or MSS. which may be in a state of decay. The Commissioners will feel much obliged if you will com- municate to them the names of any gentlemen who may be able and willing to assist in obtaining the objects for which this Commission has been issued. R. A. ROBERTS, Secretary. HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION, REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO INQUIRE WHAT PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND INSTITUTIONS ARE EXTANT WHICH WOULD BE OF UTILITY IN THE ILLUSTRATION OF HISTORY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. Date Size Sessional No. Price s. d. 1870 First Report, with Appendix - f'cap [C. 55] 1 6 (Re- Contents : — printed England. House of Lords ; Cambridge 1874.) Colleges ; Abingdon and other Corpora- tions, &c. Scotland. Advocates' Library, Glasgow Corporation, &c. Ireland. Dublin, Cork, and other Cor- porations, &c. 1871 Second Report with Appendix and Index to the First and Second Reports - ,, [C. 441] 3 10 Contents : — Engiand. House of Lords ; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Oxford Colleges ; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Spencer, &c. Scotland. Aberdeen and St. An- | drew's Universities, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Dr. Lyons, &c. 1872 Third Report with Appendix and Index |C. 673] 6 (Re- Contents : — printed England. House of Lords ; Cam- 1895.) bridge Colleges ; Stonyhurst College ; Bridgwater and other Corporations ; Duk? of Northumberland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Marquis of Bath. &c. Scotland. University of Glasgow ; Duke of Montrose, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Black Book of Limerick, &c. 1873 Fourth Report, with Appendix. Part I. ,, Contents : — England. House of Lords. West- minster Abbey ; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges ; Cinque Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, &c. [0. 857] i) s Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin ; Marquis of Ormonde. Date 1873 1876 1877 (Re- printed 1893.) 1879 (Re- printed 1895.) (Re- printed 1895.) 1881 1881 1881 Fourth Report. Part II. Index Fifth 7 Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations. Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. Scotland. Earl cf Aberdeen, &c. Ditto. Part II. Index Sixth Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth Palace ; Black Book of the Archdeacon of Canterbury ; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations ; Lord Lecon- lield, Sir Reginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index. Seventh Report, with Appendix. Part I. Contents : — House of Lords ; County of Somerset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Eighth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. Contents : — List of collections examined, 1869- 1880. England. House of Lords ; Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen College, Oxford ; Royal College of Physicians ; Queen Anne's Bounty Office ; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O'Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of Manchester. Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Earl of Ashburnham [C. 1432] 7 [C. 1432 i.] 3 6 [C. 1745]: 8 6 [C. 2102] 1 10 [C. 2340] 7 6 [C.2340L] [C. 3040] S 6 [Out of ■print.'] rC. 3040 i.] [C 3040 ii.] [Out of print.] [Out of print.] Date Size Sessional No. Price 1883 Ninth Report, with Appendix and Index. s. d. (Re- Part I. .... f'cap [C. 3773] 5 2 printed Contents : — 1895.) St. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals ; Eton College ; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, and Barnstaple Cor- porations, &c. 1884 Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - ,, [C. 3773 i.] 6 3 (Re- Contents : — printed England. House of Lords. Earl of 1895.) Leicester ; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Mor- rison, Esqs., &c. Scotland. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. Ireland. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. 1884 Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index - ,, [C. 3773 [Out of Contents : — ii.] print.] Mrs. Stopford Sackville [re-issued. revised and extended as [Cd. 1892]. 1883 Calendar of the Manuscripts of the (Re- Marquis of Salisbury. K.G. (or Cecil printed MSS.). Part I. 1306-1571. 8vo. [C. 3777] 3 5 1895.) . 1888 Ditto. Part II. 1572-1582. [C. 5463] 3 5 1889 Ditto. Part III. 1583-1589. '• [C. 5889 v.] [C. 6S23] 2 1 1892 Ditto. Part IV. 1590-1594. 2 11 1894 Ditto. Part V. 1594-1596. [C. 7574] 2 6 1896 Ditto. Part VI. 1596. [C. 7884] 2 8 1899 Ditto. Part VII. 1597. - - ,, [C. 9246] 2 8 1899 Ditto. Part VIII. 1598. [C. 9467] 2 8 1902 Ditto. Part IX. 1599. - [Cd. 928] 2 3 1904 Ditto. Part X. 1600. » [Cd. 2052] 2 3 1885 Tenth Report .... This is introductory to the following : — " [C. 4548] [Out of print.] 1885 (1.) Appendix and Index [C. 4575] 3 7 (Re- Earl of Eglmton, Sir J. S. Maxwell, printed Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. 1895.) Weston Underwood, G. W. Digby, Esqs. (2.) Appendix and Index 1885 „ [C. 4576] 1 4 The family of Gawdy. Hi.] 1885 (3.) Appendix and Index ,, [C. 4576 [Out of Wells Cathedral. ii-] print.] 1885 (4.) Appendix and Index Earl of Westmoreland ; Capt. Stewart : Lord Stafford; Sir N. W. Throck- morton ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Lord Muncaster, M.P., Capt. J. F. Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of Powis, and others, the Corporations of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Ply- mouth, and the County of Essex ; and Stonyhurst College. [C. 4576] [Out of print.] 1885 (5.) Appendix and Index ,, [4576 L] 2 10 (Re- Marquis of Ormonde. Earl of Fingall, printed Corporations of Galway, Waterford, 1895.) the Sees of Dublin and Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland. 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1890 1888 1888 1889 1888 1891 1889 1890 1891 1891 1891 1892 1891 (6.) Appendix and Index Marquis of Abergavenny ; Lord Braye ; G. F. Liittrell ; P. P. Bouverie ; W. Bromley Davenport ; R. T. Balfour, Esquires Eleventh Report This is introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix and Index H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre- spondence. (2.) Appendix and Index House of Lords. 1678-1688. (3.) Appendix ahd Index Corporations of Southampton and Lynn (4.) Appendix and Index Marquess Townshend. (5.) Appendix and Index Earl of Dartmouth. (6.) Appendix and Index Duke of Hamilton. (7.) Appendix and Index Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford. Lord Hothfield, &c. ; Bridgwater Trust Office, Reading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. Twelfth Report This is introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix - Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby). Vol. I. (2.) Appendix - Ditto. Vol. II. (3.) Appendix and Index Ditto. Vol. III. (4.) Appendix - Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. (5.) Appendix and Index Ditto. Vol. II. (6.) Appendix and Index House of Lords, 1689-1690. (7.) Appendix and Index S. H. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal. (8.) Appendix and Index Duke of Athole, K.T., and Earl of Home. (9.) Appendix and Index - Duke of Beaufort, K.G., Earl of Donouglnuore, J. H. Gurney, W. W. B. Hulton, R. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitkin, P. V. Smith, Esqs. ; Bishop of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces- ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough, Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrers, and Newark ; Southwell Minster ; Lincoln District Registry. ( ! 0. ) Appendix .... The First Earl of Charlemont, Vol. I. Thirteenth Report This is introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix - Duke of Portland. Vol. I. (2 ) Appendix and Index. Ditto. Vol. II. [C. 5060 vi.] [C. 5060] [C. 5060] i-J [C. 5060 ii.] [C. 5060 iii.] [C. 5060 iv.] [C. 5060 v.] [C. 5612] s. d. 1 7 3 1 I 2 1 8 2 6 2 8 1 6 2 [C. 5889] 3 [C. 5472] 2 7 [C. 5613] [C. 5889 i-] [C. 5614] [C. 5889 2 5 1 4 [Out of [print. ] 2 2 1 1 11 [C. 5889 iii.] [C. 5889 ir.] [C. 6338] 1 [C. 6338 i-] [C. 6338 ii.] [C. 6827] [C. 6474] ! [C. 6827 i-1 1 11 3 3 2 Date Size Sessional No. 1 Price 1892 (3.) Appendix. J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. s. d. Vol. I. - Svo. [C. 6660] 2 7 1892 (4.) Appendix and Index Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. F. C. Loder- Symonds, E. R. Wodehouse, M.P., J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. B. Len- nard, Bart., Rev. W. D. Macray, and Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary Report). [C. 6810] 2 4 1892 (5.) Appendix and Index. House of Lords, 1690-1691 - „ [C. 6822] 2 4 1893 (6.) Appendix and Index. Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart. ; The Delaval [C. 7166] 1 4 Family, of Seaton Delaval ; Earl of Ancaster ; and Gen. Lyttelton- Annesley. 1893 (7.) Appendix and Index. Earl of Lonsdale [C. 7241] 1 3 1893 (8.) xAppendix and Index. The First Earl of Charlemont, Vol. II. n [C. 7424] 1 11 1896 Fol RTEENTH REPORT M [C. 7983] 3 This is introductory to the following : — 1894 (1.) Appendix and Index. Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. III. - [C 7476] I 11 1894 (2.) Appendix. Duke of Portland. Vol. III. >5 [C. 7569] 2 8 1894 (3.) Appendix and Index. Duke of Roxburghe ; Sir H. H. n [C. 7570] 1 2 Campbell, Bart. ; Earl of Strath - more ; and Countess Dowager of Seafield. 1894 (4.) Appendix and Index. Lord Kenyon n [C. 7571] 2 10 1896 (5.) Appendix. J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. » [C. 7572] 2 8 Vol. II. 1895 (6.) Appendix and Index. House of Lords, 1692-1693 - [C. 7573] 1 11 (Manuscripts of the House of Lords, 1693-1695, Vol. I. (New Series.) See H.L. No. 5 of 1900. Price 2s. 9d. Ditto. 1695-1697. Vol. II. See H.L. No. 18. 1903. Price 2s. 9d. Ditto. 1697-1699. Vol. III. See H.L. No. 175. 1905. Price 2s. 1895 (7.) Appendix. Marquis of Ormonde [G 7678] 1 10 1895 (8.) Appendix and Index. Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds, Hertford, [C. 7881] 1 5 and Great Grimsby Corporations. The Dean and Chapter of Wor- cester, and of Lichfield ; The Bishop's % Registry of Worcester. 1896 (9.) Appendix and Index. Earl of Buckinghamshire ; Earl of [C. 7882] 2 6 Lindsey ; Earl of Onslow ; Lord Emly ; T. J. Hare, Esq. ; and J. Round, Esq., M.P. 1895 (10. Appendix and Index. Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. II. American [C. 7883] 2 9 Papers. Date 1899 Fifteenth Report 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1899 1 898 1899 1 905 1902 t 1903 1905 1899 1903 Tbis is introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix and Index. Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. III. (2.) Appendix. J. Eliot Hodgkin, Esq. (3.) Appendix and Index. Charles Haliday, Esq., of Dublin : Acts of the Privy Council in Ireland. 1556-1571 ; Sir William Ussher's Table to the Council Book ; Table to the Red Council Book. (4.) Appendix. Duke of Portland. Vol. IV. (5.) Appendix and Index. The Right Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe - (6.) Appendix and Index. Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard (7.) Appendix and Index. Duke of Somerset ; Marquis of Ailesbury; and Sir F. G. Puleston, Bart. (8.) Appendix and Index. Duke of Buccleuch and Q teensberry, at Drnmlanrig. Vol. I. (9.) Appendix and Index. J. J. Hope Johnstone, Esq., of Annan- dale (10.) Shrewsbury and Coventry Corporations ; Sir H. 0. Corbet, Bart., Earl of Radnor, P. T. Tillard; J. R. Carr-Ellison ; Andrew Kingsmill, Esqrs. Manuscripts in the Welsh Language. Vol. I. — Lord Mostyn, at Mostyn Hall. Vol. I. Part II.— W. R. M. Wynne, Esq., of Peniarth. Vol. 1. Part III.— Peniarth. Sir T. Williams ; John Jones ; Robert Vaughan. Vol. II. Part I.— Jesus College, Oxford ; Free Library, Cardiff ; Havod ; Wrexham ; Llanwrin ; Merthyr ; Aberdar. Vol. II. Part II.— Plas Llan Stephan ; Free Librarv, Cardiff. Vol. II. Part III.— Panton ; Cwrtmawr. Manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensherry, K.G., K.T., at Montagu Horse, Whitehall. Vol. I. Ditto. Vol. II. (Part I.) Size Sessional No. Price 8vo. [C. 9295] [C. 8156] [C. 8327] [C. 8364] [C. 8497] [C. 8550] [C. 8551] [C. 8552] [C. 8553] [C. 8554] [C. 9472] s. d. 4 1 5 1 8 1 4 2 11 10 3 6 1 9 1 4 1 1 „ [C. 8829] 1 4 [C. 9468] 2 11 [Cd.2443] 8 [Cd. 1100] 1 9 TCd. 1692] 1 8 „ ( [Cd. 2444] 8 [C. 9244] o 7 [Cd. 930] 1 10 Dato 1903 1903 1899 1902 1903 1904 1904 1899 1901 1901 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1901 Ditto. Vol. n. (Part II.) Ditto at Drumlanrig Castle. Vol. II. Ditto Marquis of Ormonde, K.P. Kilkenny Castle. Vol. II. at 1903 1904 1902 1904 1902 1904 Ditto. New Series. Vol. I. Ditto. Vol. II. Ditto. Vol. III. - Ditto Mrs. Stopford Sackville. Vol. I. Ditto Duke of Portland, K.G. Vol. V. Ditto. Vol. VI., with Index to Vols. III. -VI. Ditto. Vol. VII. .... Ditto J. M. Heathcote, Esq >. Ditto J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. Vol. III. Ditto F. W. Leyborne-Popham, Esq. Ditto Mrs. Frankland-Russell-Astley Ditto Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Ditto Beverley Corporation - Ditto Various Collections. Vol. I. Corporations of Berwick-on-Tweed, Burford and Lostwithiel ; the Counties of Wilts and Worcester ; the Bishop of Chichester ; and the Dean and Chapters of Chichester, Canterbury and Salisbury. Ditto. Vol. II. Sir Geo. Wombwell ; the Duke of Norfolk ; Lord Edmund Talbot (the Shrewsburj' papers) ; Miss Buxton, Mrs. Harford, and Mrs. Wentworth of Woolley. Ditto. Vol. III. .... T. B. Clarke-Thornhill, Esq. ; Sir T. Barrett-Lennard, Bart. ; Pelham R. Papillon. Esq. ; W. Cleverly Alexander. Esq. Calendar of the Stuart Manuscripts at Windsor Castle, belonging to His Majesty the King. Vol. I. Ditto. Vol. II. Manuscripts Colonel David Milne-Home of Wedderburn Castle, N.B. Manuscripts Marquess of Bath at Longleat, Wiltshire. Vol. I. Size Sessional X... Price 8vo. [Cd. 930-i] *•. d. 1 11 » [Cd. 1827] 1 1 »? [C. 92451 2 ,, [Cd. 929] 1 7 ,. [Cd. 1691] I 10 » [Cd. 1963] 2 [Cd. 1892] 1 10 [C. 9466] 2 9 ,• [Cd. 676] 1 9 [Cd. 783] 2 3 [C. 9469] 1 3 <, [C. 9470] 3 1 » [C. 9471] 1 6 [Cd. 282] 2 [Cd. 283] 1 1 » [Cd. 284] 1 [Cd. 784] 2 [Cd. 932] [Cd. 1964] [Cd. 927] [Cd. 2189] [Cd. 931] [Cd. 2048] 2 4 1 6 2 11 2 9 1 4 Date 1904 1904 1904 1905 American Manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Vol. I. Sixteenth Report (containing a list of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collec- tions Reports have been made to July. 1904). Manuscripts of the Earl of Mar and Kellie at Alloa^ House, N.B. Ditto J. B. Fortescue. Esq., of Dropmore. Vol. IV. Size 1905 j Ditto Lady Du Cane i 1905 Ditto Marquess of Lothian, at Blickling Hall. 1905 Ditto Earl of Egmont. Vol. I.g Part I. 1905 Ditto. Ditto. Vol. I. Part II. 1905 Ditto Duke of Rutland. Vol. IV. - 1906 Ditto J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore. Vol. V. 1906 Franciscan Manuscripts preserved at the Convent, Merchants' Quay, Dublin. 1906 American Manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great B_itain. Vol. II. Ditto Dean and Chapter of Wells Ditto Marquess of Ormonde. New Series, Vol. IV. Ditto Earl of Verulam Ditto Earl of Ancaster Ditto — Various Collections. Vol. IV. Bishop of Salisbury ; Bishop of Exeter ; Dean and Chapter of Exeter ; City of Salisbury, &c. Calendar of Stuart MSS. ; belonging to H.M. the King. Vol. III. Sessional No. Price 8vo. [Cd. 2201] 2 3 [Cd. 2209] [Cd. 2319] [Cd. 2318] [Cd. 2570] [Cd. 2606] [Cd. 2811] [Cd. 2867] 9 [Cd. 2190] 2 7 „ '[Cd. 2333] 2 6 [Cd. 2367] I 2 6 2 2 1 8 1 9 2 9 2 4 1 4 [Cd. 2897] : 2 6 [Cd. 2810] \In the vress.] [In the press.] [In the press.) [In the press.] [In the press.] [In the vprcss.]