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PREFACE In presenting a new Spanish grammar, the author feels that, as so many American students are not intimately acquainted with the ordinary facts of general or even English grammar, special emphasis and drill on syntax is the most important feature of foreign language study, whether one inclines to the direct or the grammar method. It seems important, therefore, to explain many elementary and seemingly obvious facts of language structure, avoid- ing, so far as possible, technical terms. Pronunciation has been incorporated within the body of the text, to make the student feel that it is an essential feature of language work. At the beginning of the gram- mar, it is taken up in its broad aspects, to give the student a working acquaintance with it; at the end of the book, when the student has already a certain intimacy with the language, it is considered in some finer details. The les- sons, which are short on the average so that an ordinary class can cover each assignment in an hour, are designed to be progressive. Idiomatic structure is emphasized throughout, both in special idioms and in general construc- tion. Thus the subjunctive, which presents such difficulty to American students, is given special attention. It has a general introduction, explaining its peculiar function ; and the ten lessons on it are not put in one group, but are separated, so that the student may acquire the use of the mood more at leisure and with the feeling that it works all through the language. There is an appendix with a com- plete summary of the subjunctive, so that the student may J at all times have a bird's-eye view of the subject. Simi- ^ larly, the irregular verbs are made the topics of special <4 lessons, with exercises based directly upon them, with the 3* idea of having the students learn their verbs by using them, iv PREFACE exactly as they make use of nouns and pronouns, gender and number. A high school course in Spanish might well occupy three years ; but owing to the demands made on students by other work, two years are usually the maximum given. This grammar is designed to be covered in two years of high school or one year oir college. It is strongly recommended that each lesson of the grammar should be done completely, the pupils being thoroughly quizzed on subject matter and vocabulary. The drill work, usually in A and AA, may be done orally, as also B ; but BB should always be written out at home in exercise books and gone over in class with board work. It is suggested also that review tests should be held about every five lessons, the results to determine whether the students are prepared to go ahead or should spend further time on the work. This grammar work should be accompanied by reading as soon as the progress and ability of the class warrant, oral work to start the first week and to continue in increasing proportion. In concluding, the author wishes to express his obliga- tions to Miss G. B. Simonds, one time teacher of modern languages at Haverhill High School, whose sympathetic assistance has done much to make this book possible; Dr. S. E. Leavitt, head of the Spanish department at the Uni- versity of North Carolina, whose careful and intelligent reading of manuscript and proof has been of very material help in clearing the text of errors; to Dr. L. R. Wilson, head of the University Press, who has encouraged and aided the author in the many difficulties arising in con- nection with the printing. Much of the merit of this text is due to their helpful interest. A. A. Shapiro. Chapel Hill, 1ST. C, 1924. CONTENTS PAGE Lesson I 1 II 3 III 4 IV 6 V 7 VI 9 VII Position of Adjectives. Possession .... 11 VIII 13 IX Number and Agreement of Nouns and Adjectives 14 X Present and Preterite Indicative of Second 16 XI Present and Preterite Indicative of Third 18 XII Plural of Nouns and Adjectives Ending in a 19 XIII Subject Pronouns 21 XIV 24 XV 26 XVI XVII Possessive Adjectives . . . . . . ^ 30 XVIII Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives . ^ — ■> estudiariamos juntos Si el hubiese estado aqui, hubieramos estudiado juntos If he had been here, we should have studied together. 3. Si = Whether. Note that after si, in the sense of whether, only the indicative may be used. Quiero saber si estan aqui, I want to know whether they are here. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 109 VOCABULARY en vez de, instead of la guerra, war juntos, -as, together el liceo, high school, academy prestar, to lend, to pay {atten- tion) el sofa, sofa temprano, -a, early A. 1. Si tuviera ocho mil dolares, compraria la casa. 2. i Cuantos soldados habria en esta ciudad ahora si hubiese guerra? 3. No tuvieramos que estudiar tanto si prepara- semos nuestras lecciones tan bien como ustedes. 4. Me habria ensenado donde estan los libros en su casa si Imbiera tenido mucho tiempo. 5. Trabajando aquel hombre (If that man worked), estaria mucho mas contento. 6. Si ella no preparase bien una comida, el no la comiera. 7. £ Donde habriamos vivido si hubiesemos vendido la casa? 8. Si dijese esto, no hablaria con verdad. 9. Si tuviese veinte anos, no estaria en el liceo. 10. Si la vajilla estuviese sucia, ella la lavara. 11. Si yo tuviera calor, no cerraria la ven- tana. 12. Si ayer Vd. hubiera hablado a su padre de estos libros, el los habria comprado. 13. Si usted estuviese en Madrid, ^en que calle viviria? 14. Si los alumnos prepa- rasen sus lecciones mejor, ^tendrian mejores notas? 15. Si hubiese un sofa en la casa, el dormiria alii. 16. Si encen- diera la luz en el dormitorio, leeria. 17. Si yo tuviera dinero, compraria el pano hoy mismo. 18. Si aquel hom- bre dijera que quien no trabaja es feliz, no diria la verdad. 19. Si me hubiese ensenado la leccion, yo habria acabado de estudiar ahora. A A. 1. If you had your book there, would you lend it to me? 2. How many soldiers would there be here now if there were still war? 3. The young pupils would not be so diligent if they did not have to study. 4. If they had sold their house, where would they be living now? 5. If they had sold it, where would they live now? 6. If the girl had not washed the dishes, she would have fin- ished studying already. 7. If he had spoken to his father yesterday about the book, then he would have it today. 8. If I had my verbs to conjugate now, I should not be playing the piano. 9. If this child were younger, he would 110 SPANISH GRAMMAR not be so large. 10. If he found his book, he would have to study. 11. If we had nine thousand dollars, we should buy the house. 12. I should not have all my lessons ready if I had not studied all day yesterday. 13. If you had found the program, wouldn't you have given it to them? 14. If they had had a telegram, they would not be here now. 15. If they had put the children to bed, they would not have to read to them. 16. If there were coffee instead of tea, I should drink it. 17. If he had good notes in his notebook, he would have better marks. 18. If we found his hat, we should not have to buy him another. LESSON XL VI SUBJUNCTIVE (Continued) 1. Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions. The sub- junctive is used with many impersonal verbs expressing possibility, necessity, emotion, opinion, and the like. Es tiempo de que estudien, It is time that they studied. Es posible que lo tenga, It is possible that he has it. Other expressions are : es imposible, it is impossible importa, it is important es importante, it is important es preciso, it is necessary es lastima, it is a pity 2. Many impersonal expressions substitute an infinitive for the que clause with subjunctive. Here a dative of the personal pronoun is used with the finite verb. Es imposible que este aqui, It is impossible that he is here. Le es posible estar aqui, It is possible for him to be here. But avoid the infinitive where the impersonal ex- pression has a noun. Es tiempo de que este aqui, It is time that he were here. 3. Present Tense, saber, to know (stem sab-) se, I know sabemos, we know sabes, you know sabeis, you know sabe, he, she, it knows; you know saben, they know; you know SUBJUNCTIVE 111 demasiado, too much esta noche, tonight por lo comun, generally VOCABULARY saber, to know; to know how; to taste of a tiempo, on time A. 1. Es tiempo de que ella la vea. 2. Es tiempo de que lavemos. 3. Es posible que nos aburran si estamos all! mucho tiempo. 4. Es preciso escribir los ejercicios dificiles tan bien como los faciles. 5. Es necesario que nos escriban t odos los dias. 6. No se si estan aqui o no ; pero si 1 se que estaran. 7. Es imposible que tenga un mal ejercicio porque siempre esta estudiando. 8. No me dijo si estaria aqui, pero creo que si estara. 1 9. Si ellos le dicen eso, yo quisiera saberlo. 10. No sabe si son madrilenos o sevillanos ; pero si sabe que son espanoles. 11. <;Es posible que hayan pasado tanto tiempo en la playa? 12. No le fue posible viajar en automovil porque costaba demasiado. 13, Era posible hacerlo. 14. Era preciso que cocinaramos todos los dias una comida para veinte y un hombres. 15. Me fue preciso preparar la comida para toda la familia. A A. 1. I had to write (use construction with era pre- ciso or necesario) two exercises because I had not written one the day before. 2. I don't know whether they are studying now; but generally they do not prepare their work on time. 3. Do you know whether they were here with their parents? 4. It was impossible for them to say it. 5. Do they know yet whether they had good marks? 6. Wasn't it possible for them to get better marks? 7. Couldn't they study more every day? 8. It was im- possible for them to buy the ink because they didn't have much time; and now we can't write our exercises. 9. It is time for us to have good marks. 10. It was time that they did (hiciese) their work; they are the laziest children in the class. 11. Did they know whether the Gonzalez [es] would be here tonight? 12. It wasn't necessary for them to work, because their parents were rich. 13. But it was a pity that they didn't work. Sf is inserted in statements to make them more emphatic. Cf. A, 8. 112 SPANISH GRAMMAR LESSON XLVII 1. Dative of Taking Away. Verbs meaning to take away, buy, ask, etc., take the dative of the person, the accusative of the thing. Nadie se lo robo, No one robbed him of it. La compraron al senor X, They bought it from Mr. X. No lo pregunto a Maria, sino a Juan, He didn't ask Mary that, but John. 2. Past Anterior (Secondary Pluperfect), hablar, to speak hube hablado, I had spoken hubimos hablado, we had spoken hubiste hablado, you had spoken hubisteis hablado, you had spoken hubo hablado, he, she, it had hubieron hablado, they had spok- spoken; you had spoken en; you had spoken beber, to drink escribir, to write hube bebido, hube escrito hubiste bebido hubiste escrito etc. etc. The past anterior has exactly the same meaning as the pluperfect, but is found only after conjunctions of time, such as cuando, when; despues (de) que, after; luego que, as soon as. Even here, however, the ordinary pluperfect or even the preterite may be used. Despues de que hubo (habia) hablado, partio, After he had spoken, he left. VOCABULARY adelante, on, ahead el negociante, business man, el abogado, lawyer mercliant asi que, and so los negocios, business bajo, under, beneath olvidar, to forget cantar, to sing partir, to leave, to depart el derecho, law pedir (i), to ask for la medicina, medicine pedir prestado, to borrow el medico, doctor quitar, to take away robar, to rob, to steal A. 1. el mismo alumno 2. se lo pido a usted 3. despues de que hubo trabajado 4. os lo robaron a vosotros 5. te DATIVE OF TAKING AWAY 113 las robo a ti 6. cuando hubimos estudiado 7. me lo pre- guntaba 8. se lo pidio prestado a el 9. la nina misma 10. cuando hube lavado 11. Juan mismo 12. el hombre mismo 13. los mismos papeles 14. me las tomaron 15. te las robaron 16. os lo pidio 17. se lo preguntamos 18. nos los quitaron 19. ^se lo quito a usted? AA. 1. lie asked me for it 2. they robbed him of it 3. after they had come-in 4. after coming-in (after they had come-in) 5. they will take it from you 6. he is asking you for them 7. did they take it from him ? 8. after they had eaten 9. when they had asked him for them 10. John himself 11. after I had left 12. the same man 13. the man himself 14. Mary herself 15. the same man 16. the very books 17. they had robbed him of them 18. when they had departed 19. the same children 20. the children themselves B. 1. Despues de que hubo hablado, tomo su sombrero y partio. 2. El mismo Juan (That very John) con quien acabamos de hablar estudia medicina — pero nunca sera medico. 3. Cuando hubimos comprado el pano, visitamos a mi hermana. 4. Robaron mucho hierro a aquel nego- ciante, asi que ahora no puede seguir adelante en su negocio. 5. Se lo pedimos a nuestro padre, pero el no tenia nada de eso. 6. El mismo hombre que nos dijo eso antes, ahora no dice lo mismo. 7. Quiero lo mio (note the neuter use of lo to denote indefinite meaning) — no lo tuyo. 8. Compro el piano al senor X. 9. Conjugas los mismos veinte verbos que conjugaste ayer; pero antes de manana los olvidaras otra vez. 10. A mi tambien me preguntaron si habia estudiado la leccion, y conteste que no. ' 11. Estos lapices son mejores que los de Maria. 12. Estos mismos lapices son mejores de los que tiene Maria. 13. Se los quite a Juan. 14. Despues de que hubo tocado el piano, canto. 15. ^Le duele el mismo diente? 16. ^Que juzga usted de un hombre que roba diner o a un nino? 17. Quiero sentar al nino en la misma silla donde estaba antes. 18. La 114 SPANISH GRAMMAR senora tomo los lapices de la nina (how translated?) y se los dio al hermano de Juan. 19. La senora quito los lapices a la nina (cf. with 18). BB. 1. No one robbed the merchant of anything ; he lost his money. 2. Did yon conjugate the same verbs as those your brother was conjugating yesterday? 3. These very pens are the ones your brother lost. 4. He wants to seat the child at the table. 5. Him too they asked whether he liked the cloth ; but he said, No. 6. After we had studied the lessons hard (mucho), we wrote all the exercises. 7. Mary herself studied all the lesson, but the brother never works. 8. After she had worked a long time, she took her hat and left. 9. If they ask their father for the money, he will not give it to them. 10. Did they buy the table and chairs from Mr. S. ? 11. They did not buy them for Mr. S. 12. After they bought the piano, they found it was not a good one. 14. Did they ask him too for the money? 15. The lady took the books from her children, and then they wrote the exercises. LESSON XLVIII REFLEXIVES AND RECIPROCALS Review Lessons XXI and XXXVIII. 1. Conjunctive forms (direct and indirect). me, myself nos, ourselves te, yourself os, yourselves se, himself, herself, itself; your- se, themselves; yourselves self Disjunctive forms. mi, myself nosotros, -as, ourselves ti, yourself vosotros, -as, yourselves si, himself, vourself, itself; your- si, themselves; yourselves self REFLEXIVES AND RECIPROCALS 115 Note the forms conmigo, contigo, consigo (Cf. Lesson ZLII, 3). 2. Do not mistake the intensive pronoun for the re- flexive. Cf . the English : I myself (intensive) see myself (reflexive). Yo mismo me veo. , 3. The conjunctive pronouns are used reflexively or re- ciprocally; the disjunctive only reflexively. (a) , Keflexively, a pronoun denotes that the subject acts on itself. Me veo en el espejo, I see myself in the glass. (b) Reciprocally, the individuals of a plural subject (nosotros, etc.) act on one another. If there are two indi- viduals, we say in English: "We write each other. ' 7 If there are more than two individuals, we say: "We write one another. ' ' Se escriben a menudo, They write to each other (one another) frequently. 4. To prevent a reciprocal verb from being mistaken for a reflexive, or vice- versa (cf. the translations of (a) and (b) above), the Spanish often adds el uno (la una, etc.) al otro (a la otra). The article may be omitted. Nos escribimos la una a la otra, We write to each other. Distinguish also : Se escriben el uno al otro, They write to each other. \ Se escriben unos a otros, They write to one another. Note that some verbs require the preposition de. Nos acordamos la una de la otra, We remember each other. Se rien uno de otro, They laugh at one another. 5. Eeflexive verbs are given in vocabularies with -se added to the infinitive. In inflection, however, the student must use the proper form of the reflexive. peinarse, to comb oneself me peino, I comb myself 116 SPANISH GRAMMAS VOCABULARY aburrirse, to bore oneself; to felicitarse, to congratulate one- be bored self, each other acordarse (ue) de, to remind holgarse (ue), to be idle, to have oneself of, to remember a good time afeitarse, to shave oneself lejos, far a menudo, frequently, often mutuamente, mutually, each bafiarse, to bathe oneself, to other, one another take a bath ocupado, -a, busy convencerse, to convince one- ocuparse de, to occupy oneself self, to be convinced with decidirse, to decide oneself, to preocuparse de, to be preoccu- make up one's mind pied with dirigirse, to make one*s way pues, for; well (to), to go salvarse, to save oneself; to run escaparse, to escape, to run away off el espejo, mirror, looking glass sentarse (ie), to seat oneself, to sit down A. 1. Xos acordainos una de otra muybien: pues. siendo nirias, habianios estudiado en la misnia escuela. 2. No nos habianios escrito porque no habianios tenido rtiucho tiempo para eso. 3. Xo tiene nada consigo. 4. Me veo en el espejo. 5. Xo se rien unos de otros porque son todos muy diligentes. 6. ^Xo te ves en este espejo? 7. Se felicitan mutuamente en sus cartas porque se quieren niucho. 8. Ustedes pueden felicitarse porque tienen hijos tan buenos. 9. <:Se escriben muy a menudo? 10. X'o ; no se escriben una a otra casi nunca ; y riven en dos ciudades que son muy lejos una de otra. 11. Yo me veo a mi mismo en el agua, pero no te veo a ti. 12. Xo tenian nada consigo. 13. Xo hablan nunca de si; siempre hablan de otros. 14. 1 sll0uld S P eak Si estuviese aqui, le hablara r ^ h i m Si estuviera aqui, le hablaria ^ Note also the substitutions: Estuviera el aqui, { hablaria We re he here, I should speak to Estando el aqui, M * A estar el aqui, ) Past contrary to fact si plus -se pluperfect subjunctive { ~ ra P^ u P er ^ c ^ subjunctive r r r j [or conditional perfect si plus -ra pluperfect subjunctive conditional perfect Si hubiese estado aqui, le habria hablado ) If he had been here, I Si hubiese estado aqui, le hubiera hablado I should have spoken Si hubiera estado aqui, le habria hablado J to him. Note also the substitutions: Hubiese estado el aqui, le habria (hubiera) hablado ) ^ d h T e li bee , n 1 Habiendo estado el aqui, le habria (hubiera) hablado >■ £ ere? 1 shou[a A haber estado el aqui, le habria (hubiera) hablado ) to a \ e im SF 1 (b) in adverbial clauses of time, place, purpose, con- cession, manner, and other (adverbial) relations, if in- definite. Le hablare antes que ellos lleguen, I shall speak to him before they arrive. 214 SPANISH GEAMMAR Note: Le hablare antes de llegar (yo), I shall speak to him before (my) arriving. (c) In adjective clauses, the antecedent of which is indefinite. Busco un hombre que pueda hacerlo, I am looking for a man who can do it. Note: Busco al hombre que lo hizo, I am looking for the man who did it. (d) in noun clauses, the indefinite subject or object of a verb: e. g., it is necessary, it is time, it is possible; verbs of wishing, willing, desiring, forbidding, denying, asking, doubting, fearing, hoping, to be glad or sorry. Es preciso que estudie, He must study (It is necessary that he study). Quiero que estudie, I want him to study (I want that he studies). Note: where a real fact is stated, the indicative is used ; so always after si = whether. No dudo que estan aqui, I don't doubt (this is a fact) that they are here. No sabe si estan aqui, He does not know whether they are here. (e) in the first person plural and third person singu- lar and plural, to express a hope (the so-called optative or hortatory use). Apparently these cases occur in inde- pendent clauses, as are a few other isolated instances; but these are explained on the ground of an understood main verb. Estudiemos (Vamos a estudiar), Let us study. Que lo digan (Diganlo), Let them tell it. jViva el Paraguay! Hurrah for Paraguay! APPENDIX E APPENDIX E Orthographic changes chart (cf. Lessons LI and LVIII) -ar verbs change before e in all -er, -ir verbs change before o in present subjunctive and first present indicative and a in singular preterite indicative: all present subjunctive: c becomes qu: sacar qu becomes c: delinquir g gu: llegar gu g: distinguir gu gu: averiguar — • — z c: rezar c z: veneer; esparcir j j: (not g): dejar g j: coger, elegir (so also verbs like crujir) Note also the changes below : Verbs with a stem ending in 11 and n drop initial i of endings -io and -ie- : preterite third singular and plural ; present participle; all past and future subjunctive; bullir; tenir. Leer and other verbs in which an i becomes intervocalic change the -i- to -y-. This occurs in the same forms as in bullir: leer; reir. Note special written accents in verbs like reir. Verbs like huir introduce a y between the stem and end- ing in all forms where the ending begins with any vowel but i. This occurs in all forms as in bullir, and also in the present indicative all singular and third plural, all the present subjunctive, and in the affirmative imperative sin- gular. Distinguish verbs like enviar, continuar, which place a written accent on -i-, -u-, in all singular and third plural present indicative and subjunctive and intimate singular imperative; and verbs like limpiar, averiguar, which do not. Like enviar are conjugated : confiar to confide guiar, to guide desafiar, to challenge porfiar, to persist desconfiar, to distrust resfriar, to chill espiar, to spy telegrafiar, to telegraph expiar, to expiate vaciar, to empty fiar, to trust variar, to vary; etc. 216 SPANISH GRAMMAR Like continuar are conjugated: acentuar, to accent efectuar, to effect exceptuar, to except habituar, to accustom insinuar, to insinuate Like limpiar are : perpetuar, to perpetuate puntuar, to punctuate situar, to situate valuar, to evaluate; etc. afiliar, to affiliate ; anunciar, to announce ; dif erenciar, to differentiate ; estudiar, to study ; etc. APPENDIX F ABSTRACT AND GENERIC NOUNS 1 'Snow is white." We speak of the whiteness of snow, of the mortality of men. But we cannot see, touch, hear, etc. whiteness or mortality. These are simply ways of re- garding snow or men. Nouns like whiteness, mortality, truth, death, honesty, etc., are abstract nouns — nouns which refer not to the thing itself but to a quality of that thing — its redness, truth, honesty, death, etc., something which has no reality detached from concrete nouns. In a garden are: a birch, an oak, a maple. Each is a thing by itself, a special kind, a special unit. But when one wishes to refer to them all, one calls them " trees." "Trees" is a word which designates the class to which be- long a certain group of units w T hich possess certain qualities in common. So we speak of men, quadrupeds, rodents, fauna, flora, mammals, etc. Such nouns, referring to a class, are called generic nouns. APPENDIX H 217 APPENDIX Gr ORDINALS primero, first segundo, second tercero, third cuarto, fourth quinto, fifth sexto, sixth se(p)timo, seventh octavo, eighth noveno, ninth decimo, tenth undecimo, eleventh duodecimo, twelfth decimo tercio, thirteenth decimo cuarto, fourteenth decimo quinto, fifteenth decimo sexto, sixteenth decimo se(p)timo, seventeenth decimo octavo, eighteenth decimo nono, nineteenth vigesimo, twentieth vigesimo primo, twenty-first trigesimo, thirtieth See also Lesson LXVII. cuadragesimo, fortieth quincuagesimo, fiftieth sexagesimo, sixtieth septuagesimo, seventieth octogesimo, eightieth nonagesimo, ninetieth centesimo, hundredth centesimo vigesimo, hundred twentieth ducentesimo, two-hundredth trecentesimo, three -hundredth cuadragentesimo, four-hundredth quingentesimo, five -hundredth sescentesimo, six -hundredth septengesimo, seven -hundredth octogentesimo, eight-hundredth nonagentesimo, nine -hundredth milesimo, thousandth dosmilesimo, two -thousandth tresmilesimo, three -thousandth millonesimo, millionth APPENDIX H IDIOMS AND TRANSLATION Eeview Appendix B. 1. Idioms can not very well be classified, and so it is not practical to give rules for them. Idioms are learned best by noting individual cases in Spanish, and then practicing on them. The exact use of idiom polishes translation and makes it natural. The only rule of translation is: Translate (1) as closely as (2) idiomatic English permits (and vice-versa of course). (1) The English of the translation should be 218 SPANISH GRAMMAR as rigorously close as the genius of either language permits. (2) The English translation should be English — Not Eng- lish words in Spanish order or Spanish words in English order — but English words in English order; and so for the Spanish. 2. Tiempo — hora — vez give an obvious illustration. All are translated into English as time. But compare the three English sentences below. (a) Art is long and time is fleeting. Or, I stayed a long time. Me quede mucho tiempo. (b) What time is it? ^Que hora es? (c) I did it eight times. Lo hice ocho veces. (a) is time in general, as men speak of "time and space.' 7 Spanish tiempo. (b) is time specifically, measured by the clock, counted by the second, the minute, hour. Spanish hora. (c) is time without reference to either of the above; it is time in the sense of occasion, single or multiple. I did it one time, on one occasion ; I did it twenty times, on twenty occasions. Spanish vez. To say (a) Quede mucha vez, for Quede mucho tiempo; or (b) iQue tiempo es? for ^Que hora es?; or (c) Lo hice ocho tiempos or horas for Lo hice ocho veces would be meaningless or misleading. As well say in Eng- lish : ' ' What occasion is it ? ' ' for ' ' What time is it ? ' ' 3. Compare the use of gustar, acabar de, volver a, tener que, hay viento, ; pobre de usted !, haber de, hay que, the future of probability, the use of gender and mood — all these differ imperceptibly or markedly from the corre- sponding English. 4. Please! sirvase (plus the infinitive) Sirvase hacerlo, Please do it. tenga V. la bondad de [plus the infinitive) Tenga V. la bondad de hacerlo, Please do it. hagame V. el favor de (plus the infinitive) Hagame V. el favor de hacerlo, Please do it. APPENDIX H 219 Please = Yes, please is Si me hace el favor. I Quiere Ud. mas agua ? — Si me hace el favor, Do you want more water? — Yes, please. 5. If the student will take idioms at their face value, as something more or less different from the regular con- structions, he will have no unusual trouble. The one thing is to remember that languages are different from each other, not merely in vocabulary, but in construction and expression. If the student will study structure and idiom rather than vocabulary, he will have little difficulty in giving smooth, natural translations; and ultimately, using a language without resort to translation at all. 220 SPANISH GRAM MAE LIST OP IEEEGULAE VEEBS (Numbers and letters refer to lessons and subdivisions.) acentuar, to accentuate 58 acordarse, to remember 39, 1(a); 52, 1 acostarse, to go to bed 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1 agradecer, to thank 58, (b) almorzar, to lunch 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1; 58, (a) alzar, to raise 58 andar, to go 68 aprobar, to approve 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1 argiiir, to argue 68 asir, to grasp 76 avanzar, to advance 58, (a) averiguar, to ascertain 51 bendecir, to bless 75 bullir, to boil 51 buscar, to look for 51, 1(a) caber, to be contained in 70 caer, to fall 58, (c) ; 68 cerrar, to shut 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 cocer, to cook 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 58, (b) coger, to catch 51 comenzar, to commence 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1; 58, (a) competir, to compete 39, 1 (c) ; 52, 3 complacerse, to be pleased 76 conducir, to drive 58, (b) confesar, to confess 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 confiar, to confide App. E. conjugar, to conjugate 51, 1(c) conocer, to know 58 contar, to count 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 continuar, to continue 58 convencer, to convince 58 convenir, to agree 74 costar, to cost 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1 creer, to believe 58, (c) cubrir, to cover 65 dar, to give 72 decir, to say 74 deducir, to deduce 65 degollar, to behead 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1 (torite -giie- where diphthong occurs) delinquir, to be delinquent 51 derretir, to melt 39, 1(c); 52, 3 desafiar, to challenge App. E. desconfiar, to distrust App. E. desosar, to bone 39, 1(a); 52, 1 {write deshueso, etc.) despedirse, to take leave 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 despertar, to awaken 39, 1(a); 52, 1 detenerse, to halt 74 dirigirse, to go 51, 1(d) distinguir, to distinguish 51 doler, to pain 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 dormir, to sleep 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 efectuar, to effect App. E. elegir, to choose 39, 1(c); 52, 3; 51, 1(d) empezar, to begin 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 58, (a) encender, to kindle 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 encerrar, to shut up 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 encontrar, to meet 39, 1(a); 52, 1 enfriar, to grow cold 58 ennegrecer, to grow black 58, (b) ennoblecer, to ennoble 58, (b) entender, to understand 39, 1(a); 52, 1 entregar, to hand over 51 enviar, to send 58 equivocarse, to be mistaken 51, 1(a) erguir, to erect 39, 2 and 1(c); 51, 1(f) errar, to err 39, 2 escribir, to write 65 esparcir, to scatter 58 espiar, to spy App. E. estar, to be 68 exceptuar, to except App. E. expiar, to expiate App. E. fabricar, to manufacture 51 fiar, to trust App. E. frefr, to fry; p.p. frito 68 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS 221 guiar, to guide App. E. grunir, to grunt 51 guiar, to guide App. E. haber, to have 70 habituar, to accustom App. E. hacer, to do 74 holgarse, to loaf 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 51, 1(c) huir, to flee 68 impedir, to prevent 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 imprimir, to imprint 65 insinuar, to insinuate App. E. ir, to go 70 jugar, to play 35; 39, 1(a); 52, 3; 51, 1(c) juzgar, to judge 51, 1(c) leer, to read 58 llegar, to arrive 51 Hover, to rain 39^ 1(a) ; 52, 1 menguar, to diminish 51, 1(e) mentir, to lie 39, 1(b) ; 52, 2 merecer, to deserve 58, (b) morder, to bite 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 morir, to die 39, 1(b) ; 52, 2 nacer, to be born 58, (b) negar, to deny 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 51, 1(c) nevar, to snow 39, 1(a); 52, 1 oir, to hear 68 oler, to smell 39, 2 oponerse, to resist 71 oprimir, to oppress 65 parecer, to appear 58, (b) pedir, to ask 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 pensar, to think 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 perder, to lose 39, 1 (a) ; 52, 1 perpetuar, to perpetuate App. E. placer, to please 76 poder, to be able 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 poner, to put 74 porfiar, to persist App. E. preferir, to prefer 39, 1(b); 52, 2 prender, to take 65 puntuar, to punctuate App. E. querer, to wish 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1; 72 reir, to laugh 68 repetir, 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 resfriar, to chill App. E. rezar, to pray 58 roer, to gnaw 58 rogar, to ask 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 51, 1(c) romper, to break 65, 2 saber, to know 70 sacar, to draw out 51 salir, to go out 66 seguir, to follow 39, 1(c); 52, 3; 51, 1(f) sentarse, to sit down 39, 1(a); 52 1 sentir, to feel 39, 1(b) ; 52, 2 ser, to be 70 servir, to serve 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 situar, to situate App. E. solver, to solve 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 65, 1 sonreir, to smile 68 suprimir, to suppress 65 telegrafiar, to telegraph 58 temblar, to tremble 39, 1(a) ; 52, 1 tener, to have 74 tenir, to stain 51 tocar, to touch 51, 1(a) traer, to bring 66 tronar, to thunder 39, 1(a); 52, 1 vaciar, to empty 58 valer, to be worth 66 valuar, to evaluate App. E. variar, to vary 58 veneer, to conquer 58 venir, to come 74 ver, to see 72 vestir, to clothe 39, 1(c) ; 52, 3 volver, to return 39, 1(a); 52, 1; 65 yacer, to lie 76 zambullirse, to dive 51, 2 VOCABULARY 1 SPANISH— ENGLISH A a, to, at; {conj. after verb of motion), in order to 5; 50, 2 (b) el abogado, lawyer 47 el abril, April 60 abrir, to open; p.p., abierto 65 el abuelo, grandfather; la abue- la, grandmother 71 aburrir, to bore, to weary, to tire 11 aburrirse, to be bored 48 acabar, to finish; acabar de . . , to have just {see App. B) la accion, action; share (of stock) 71, A27 el aceite, oil (used as food) 71 acentuar, to accentuate 58; 71 acentuo, I stress, accent 3 el acero, steel 37 acompanar, to accompany, to go with 42 aconsejar, to advise 55 acontecer, to befall, to take place, to happen 72 acordar en (R-ch. I), to agree to 56 acordarse de (R-ch. I), to re- mind oneself of, to remem- ber 48 (estar) acostado (seeyacex) 76 B5 acostar (R-ch. I), to put to bed; (reflexive) to go to bed 35 acudir, to hasten,, to come to 11 adelante (adv.), on, ahead 47 la aduana, customs, custom- house 71 afeitarse, to shave oneself 48 el aficion, affection, fondness 75 1 Numbers refer to lessons. a fin (de) que (conj.), in order that 53 agarrar, to grasp; to take (a street car) 76, B5 el agosto, August 60 agradar, to please; me agrada, it pleases me, I like it (App. B) agradecer, to thank 69 (la) agua, water 2; 58 (la) aguila, eagle 19 ahi (adv.), there 30 ahora (adv.), now 16 el aire, air; manner 71 jaja! (inter jec), aha! 3 ajeno, -a (adj.), strange, for- eign, that of another 63 al (a plus el) and infinitive = on and English present participle 50 la aldea, village 73 alegrar, to please, rejoice; me alegra, it rejoices me, I like, I am glad of it (App. B) ; 55 aleman, -a (adj.), German 2 Alemania, Germany 15 al fin (adv.), finally 68 Alfonso, Alphonsus 59 alguno, -a (adj. or pro.), some; (after noun), none, no 19; 41 el alimento, food 76 al lado de (prep.), beside, at the side of 42 (la) alma, soul 19 i . . de mi alma! (inter jec), dear . . ! 69 almorzar (R-ch. I) , to lunch 35 alojar, to lodge, to dwell 51 alumno, -a, pupil, student 5 alzar, to raise 58 alia veremos, we'll see about it (then) 74, B16 alii (adv.), there 11 223 224 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULAEY amable (adj.), nice, amiable, kind 72 amar, to love 16 amarillo, -a (adj.), yellow 41 a menudo (adv.), frequently, often 48 a menos que (conj.), unless 53 (la) America, America 4 americano, -a, American 14 amigo -a, friend 5 Ana, Anna 22 ancho, -a (adj.), wide 41 andar, to go 57; 68 angosto, -a (adj.), narrow 41 el animal, animal 51 anteayer (adv.), day before yesterday 60 antes (adv.), before 32 antes (de) que (conj.), before 50 antiguo, -a (adj.), ancient 25 antojarse; se le antoja, he fan- cies (impersonal verb) 49; 76 Apocalipsis, Apocalypse 60 el ano, year 20 a pesar de que (conj.), in spite of the fact that 53 aplicado, -a (adj.), diligent, in- dustrious 41 aprender, to learn 56 aprender, -a, to learn to 56 aprisa (adv.), quickly 57 aprobar (R-ch. I), to approve 55 la apuntacion, note (as, " to make a note of something ") 39 aquel, aquella; -os, -as, that; those (adj.), 30 aquel, aquella; -os, -as, that; those (pro.) 30 aqui (adv.), here 11 el arbol, tree 64 la Argentina, Argentina 54 argiiir, to argue 68 la aritmetica, arithmetic 19 (la) arma, arm (military term) 51 arrimarse, to approach, to come (close) 63 el asco, disgust ; asco me da, it disgusts me 72 asegurar, to assure asi (adv.), so, and so 3 asi que (conj.), and so; so that 47 asir, to grasp, to seize 76 la asistencia, aid; presence, au- dience 73 asistir, to be present 64 la atencion, attention 45 atletico, -a, athletic 3; 75 atrasar, to be behind; (of a watch), to be slow 60 (la) aula, hall, lecture hall, audi- torium 71 aun, even, still (e. g., "that is still larger") (adv. of de- - gree) aun, yet, as yet, still (e. g., "he is still here") (adv. of time) 3 aunque (conj.), although 53 el automovil, automobile 43 avanzar, to advance 60 averiguar, to ascertain 51 avisado, -a (adj.), prudent, clever 72 ayer (adv.), yesterday 11 ayudar, to aid, to help 67 el azahar, orange blossom 1 el azucar, sugar 17 azul (adj.), blue 3; 59 B elbaile, dance 73 bajar, to descend, to go down 31 bajo (prep.), under 24 el bambu, bamboo 34 banarse, to bathe oneself, to take a bath 48 barato, -a (adj.), cheap, inex- pensive 34 bastante (adv. or adj.), enough 14 beber, to drink 10 bendecir, to bless 74 la bestia, beast 71 bien (adv.), well 10, B7; 23 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 225 el billete de banco, bank note 37 bianco -a {adj.), white 6 elbolsillo, pocket 40 la bondad, kindness ; tenga Y. la bondad de . . . , please . . . (App. H) bonito, -a (adj.), pretty 33 borrar, to erase, to efface 75 elbrazo, arm 31 brillante (adj.), brilliant 39 brincar, to jump 51 brunir, to polish 51 bueno, -a, good 10 Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (capital of Argentina) 59 el buey, ox 2 la buhardilla, small garret (cf. buharda, garret window) 77 bullir, to boil 51 burlon, -a ( adj. ) , humorous 33 buscar, to look for, to seek, to fetch 12; 51 C jca! (inter jec), not at all! 27 el caballo, horse 38 elcabello, hair; los cabellos, hair (singular collective noun in English) 31 caber, to be contained in, to have room for 70 la cabeza, head 74 cada (indecl. adj.), each, ev- ery; cadauno or una (pro.), each one, every one caer, to fall 68 el cafe, coffee; cafe; (pi.) cafes 17; 34 Cain, Cain (see Genesis in Bible) el Cairo, Cairo (city in Egypt) 61 el calcetm, sock 16 caliente (adj.), hot 14 elcalor, heat; tener (mucho) calor, to be (very) warm 27; hace calor, it is warm (of weather) 60 calzarse, to put on (shoes) 49 calladito, -a (adj.) , very quiet callado, -a (adj.), quiet 77 el Callao, Callao (city in Peru) 61 la calle, street 12 la cama, bed 1 cambiar, to change el camino, way, road la camisa, shirt 29 la campanilla, small bell (cf. la campana, bell) 77 el campo, field; country; en el campo, in the country (as opposed to the city) 70 el Canada, Canada 61 el canape, couch 34 jcanastos! (inter jec), Gee whiz! Good gracious! 69 cansado, -a (adj.), tired (with estar) 15; tiring, annoying, boring (with ser) 14 cantar, to sing 47 la cantidad, quantity, amount 65 la capital, capital (of a country) 59, AA3 el capitan, captain 14 el capftulo, chapter 67 la cara, face 8 Carlos, Charles 67 la carne, meat 17 caro, -a (adj.), dear, expen- sive 54 el carpintero, carpenter 59 la carta, letter 40 la carrera, circuit; race, trip 38 el carro, (street) car, trolley car (see tranvia) 31 la casa, house 10 el caseron, big (ill-proportioned) house 77 castano, -a (adj.),, chestnut - colored 31 el castellano, 'Castilian 61 castellano, -a (adj.), Castilian, Spanish (of the peninsula Spain) 61 la casucha, ugly old house 77 la cebolla, onion 39, BB5 el centavo, cent 74 la centinela, sentinel 33 elcentro, center; el Centre, the 8 226 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY center of town, down town 59 cerca de {prep.), near 30 el cero, zero 67 cerquisima (adv.), very near 76 cerquita (adv.), quite close 77 cerrar (R-ch. I), to close, to lock, to shut 35 el cielo, sky, heaven 13 cierto, -a , ( adj. ) , certain, sure ; (for meaning before or af- ter noun, see 33) el cilindro, cylinder 1 el cirio, wax candle 73 la ciudad, city 23 la clase, class ; kind, sort 41 la cobardia, cowardice, act of cowardice 50 cocer (R-ch. I), to cook, to boil 58 cocinar, to cook 8 el coche, coach, carriage 38 coger, to catch, to seize, to take (g to j before a or o) 51 comenzar (R-ch. I), to begin 56 comer, to eat 10 el cometa, comet 33 la comida, meal, dinner 8 como (conj.), as; how 23 icomo? (conj.), how? 18 competir (R-ch. Ill), to com- pete 36 complacerse (en), to be pleased with 76 completo, -a (adj.), complete, perfect 39 comprar, to buy, to purchase 8 con (prep.), with 5 conducir, to lead; to drive (as an auto) 43 confesar (R-ch. I), to confess, to admit 35 la confianza, confidence conjugar, to conjugate 16 conmigo, with me 42 conocer, to know, to be ac- quainted with, to be fami- liar with, to meet 58 considerar, to consider 32 consistir en, to consist of 56 constar (impersonal), to be clear, to be evident 76 contar (R-ch. I), to count; to relate, to recount 35 contentarse con, to be satisfied with 56 contento, -a (adj.), contented, glad, happy 7 contestar, to answer, to reply 36 contigo, with you, with thee 42 continuar, to continue 58 convencer, to convince 58 convencerse, to convince one- self, to be convinced 48 convenir, to agree; (3rd sing, as impersonal), it suits 74 copiar, to copy 66 el cortaplumas, penknife 34 cortar, to cut corto, -a (adj.), short 61 correr, to run 42 la cosa, thing 10 costar (R-ch. I), to cost 39 Cousino, Oousino (surname) 2 creer, to believe; to think (as, "I think so ") 23 cruel (adj.), cruel 71 crujir, to creak 51 el cuaderno, notebook 39 cuadrado, -a (adj.), square 33 cual (rel. adj. or pro.), which, what 24 I cual? (inter, pro. or adj.), which? what? 18 cuando (conj.), when I cuando? when 18 cuanto, -a; -os, -as (rel. adj. or pro.), how much; how many; as much (many) as 23 ; 24 cuanto or mientras mas . . . (tanto) mas, the more . . . the more, 23 ^ cuanto, -a; -os, -as? (inter. SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 227 adj. or pro.), how much? how many? 18 cuantos estamos del mes? What day of the month is it? 60 el cilarto, fourth; quarter (in telling time) 60 el cuarto, room 49 cubrir, to cover; cubierto (ir- reg. past, part.), covered 65 la cuchara, spoon 18 la cucharita, spoon, teaspoon 18 el cuchillo, knife 18 el cuello, collar 29 el cuento, story; account 19 el cuidado, care ; tener cuidado, to be careful, to take care; i Cuidado que . . . ! Look out that. . . . ! 68 cumplir (con), to fulfil, to complete 32 el cuociente, quotient 71 el cura, priest 1 cursi {adj.), cheap 34 cuyo, -a; -os, -as (pos. adj. or pro. ), whose 24; j cuyo, -a; -os, -as? (int.) 18 CH la chaqueta, jacket 29 chico, -a (adj.), little, small 33 el chubasco, squall 2 D da, (he, she, it) gives 38 dado que (conj.), considering 53 dan, (they) give 38 dar, to give 16; 72 dar a la calle, to face the street 72 dar con, to come across 72 dar las dos (etc.), to strike two (o'clock) 72 dar las gracias, to thank 72 darse por, to act as if 72 darse por entendido, to appear to understand 72, B21 de (prep.), of, from; (conj.), than 5; 23 deber, ought, must; to owe 35 el deber, duty 32 decidirse (por), to decide (oneself), to make up one's mind 48; (with verb), a decir, to say, to tell 40; 74 el dedo, finger 31 deducir, to deduce 65 degollar (R-ch. I), to behead (List of Irreg. Verbs) dejar, to let, to allow, to per- mit 62 (transitive only) dejar de, to leave off (doing a thing) ; dejo de escribir, he stopped writing, he left off writing 50 delinquir, to be delinquent 51 de manera de (or) que (conj.), so that 50; 53 demasiado (adv.), too (as 9 too much) 46 de modo de (or) que (conj.), so that 53 de ninguna manera (adv.), in no way 41 un dentista, dentist 33 dentro de (prep.), within 40 el dependiente, clerk 43 derecho, -a (adj.), right; straight 31 el derecho, law 47 derretir (R-ch. Ill), to melt 36 desayunarse, to breakfast, to have breakfast 49 el desayuno, breakfast 50 descansar, to rest 56 descubridor, -a (adj. or noun), discoverer 2 desde (prep.), since; desde que (conj.), for (Sp. present — Engl, perf.) 64 desear, to desire, to want 15 desnudar ( se ) , to undress (one- self ), 49 desosar (R-ch. I), to bone (List of Irreg. Verbs) despacio, -a (adj.), slow, leis- urely 23 228 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULAEY despacio (adv.), slowly 23 despedir {R-ch. Ill), to dis- miss; (refl.), to take leave 36; 52 despertar (R-ch. I), to wake up (transitive) ; despertarse, to awaken, to wake up (in- transitive) 49 despues (adv.), after, after- wards 28 despues de (prep, of time), af- ter 25 despues (de) que (conj.), after 50 detenerse, to stop, to halt (in- transitive) 74 detenldamente (adv.), care- fully 41 detras de (prep.), behind 32 la deuda, debt 71 el dia, day; dia habil (or util), work day 33; 60 eldiablo, devil; idiablo! the deuce! imil diablos! the deuce ! 69 el diario, newspaper 70 dice, (he, she, it) says, tells 24 dicen, (they) say, tell 24 el diciembre, December 60 el diente, tooth 8 dieron, (they) gave 36 dificil (adj.), difficult 10 la dificultad, difficulty 38 dijeron, (they) told, said 8, BB14 dijimos, we said dijo, (he, she, it) said, told 3; 24 diligente (adj.), diligent, in- dustrious 7 el dinero, money 19 dio, (he, she, it) gave; you gave 36 el Dios, God 27 j^Dios mio! (interjec.), Good heavens! 69 dire, diras, etc., I shall tell, you will tell, etc. 42 dirigirse, to make one's way (toward), to go 48 distinguir, to distinguish 51 dividir, to divide 67 el dolar, dollar 4 doler (R-ch. I), to pain, to ache; le duele la cabeza, he has a headache 74 el domingo, Sunday 34 don, Mr., master 20 donde (conj.), where 24 en donde (conj.), where, in which 73 I donde? (int. conj.), where? 21, B4 dona, Mrs., mistress, Miss 20 dormir (R-ch. I), to sleep 35 el dormitorio, bedroom 19 dos, two 2 la duda, doubt 70 dudar, to doubt 43 duele, it hurts; it grieves; me duele este pie, this foot hurts me 31 dulce (adj.), sweet; fair, gen- tle 61 durante (prep.), during 43 el duro, dollar (coin used in Spain) 1 E e = y, and 64 jea! (interjec), hi! hurrav! 69 echar a, to begin to 56 echar de, to manage to 56 el ejercicio, exercise; practise 15 el, the (def. art., maso. sing.) 4 el (disj. pro.), him, (to) him 42; (sub. pro.), he 13 el (la) cual; los (las) cuales, (rel. pro.), who, whom 25 electrico, -a (adj.), electrical 30 elegir (R-ch. Ill), to elect, to choose 75 Elena, Helen 12 el mio (pos. pro.), mine; el nuestro, ours 40 el (la; los, las) que (pers. pro.), who, whom 25 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 229 el suyo (pos. pro.), his, hers, its; yours (polite), theirs 40 eltuyo (pos. pro.), yours; thine 40 (el) uno . . . (el) otro, the one . . . the other; each other; (plural), some . . . others; one . . . another 48 el vuestro (pos. pro. ) , yours 40 ella (pers. and disj. pro.), she; her, to her 13; 42 ellos, ellas (pers. pro., disj. pro.), they; them; to them 13; 42 embestir, to attack, to assail 73 embustero, -a (adj. or noun), cheat 69 empezar (R-ch. I), to begin 56 el empleado, clerk, employee 25 emplear, to employ, to use 76 en (prep.), in, on; en su reloj, by your watch 4; 60, Bll en casa (de) (adv. or prep.), at the house (of), at home 38 en caso (de) que (conj.), in case 53 encender (R-ch. I), to light, to kindle 35 encerrar (R-ch. J), to shut in, to lock up 35 encontrar (R-ch. I), to meet, to find, to come across 31 enemigo, -a (adj. or noun), enemy 16 el enero, J anuary 60 enfermo, -a (adj.), sick, ill, sore 31 enfriar, to chill, to make cold 58 en lata (adj.), canned, tinned 41 ennegrecer, to blacken, to ob- scure 73 ennoblecer, to ennoble, to em- bellish 73 enorme (adj.), enormous 33 Enrique, Henry 12 en seguida ( adv. ) , then, next, at once, immediately 43 ensenar, to show, to teach, to point out 24 entender (R-ch. I), to under- stand, to hear 35 entonces (adv.), then 33 entrar (en), to enter, to go into (intransitive verb) (App. B) entregar, to hand over, to give (over) 51 el entresuelo, ground floor 19 el entusiasmo, enthusiasm 41 en vez de (prep.), instead of 45 enviar, to send 58 equivocarse, to be mistaken 52 erguir (R-ch. II or III), to erect (see List of irreg. verbs) errar (R-ch. I), to err; to wander 39 es, (he, she, it) is; you (po- lite) are 6 escaparse, to escape, to run * off 48 escoces, -a (adj.), Scotch (man) 33 escribir, to write 11 escrito (irreg. past, part.), written 16; 65 el escritorio, writing desk 70 la escuela, school 23 ese, esa; esos, esas (adj.), that; those 30 ese, esa; esos, esas (pro.), that; those 30 (la) Espana, Spain 15 espanol, -a (adj.), Spanish 14 esparcir, to scatter 58 la especie, kind, sort, species, class 41 el espejo, mirror, looking-glass 48 esperar, to wait for, to hope espia, spy 33 esposo, -a, spouse; husband; wife 230 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULAEY la esquina, corner (of a street) 19 el estadista, statesman 16 (los)Estados Unidos, the United States 15 el estante, bookshelf, set of shelves 70 estar, to be (see also ser) 15; 68 estar para, to be about to 56 estar por, to be inclined to, to feel like 56 este, -a; -os, -as (demonstr. adj.), this; these 30 este, -a; -os, -as (demonstr. pro.), this (one); these 30 el estudiante, student (in col- lege) 30 estudiar, to study 13 estupido, -a (adj.), stupid 69 etcetera, et cetera, and so forth 49 europeo, -a (adj., noun) Euro- pean 64 el examen, examination 39 examinar, to examine 41 excelente (adj.), excellent 64 excepto (prep.), except 73 eximio, -a (adj.), eminent; famous 73 existir, to exist 24 el exito, favorable result, out- come 39 F fabricar, to manufacture; fa- bricarse, to be manufac- tured 49 facil (adj.), easy 5 f altar, to be lacking; (also used in expressions of time-, f altan cinco minutos para las ocho, it is five minutes of eight) 60 farmaceutico, -a (adj.), phar- maceutical 71 el favor, favor; hagame V. el favor de, please (lit., do me the favor to . . .) si me hace el favor, please (yes, please) (App. H) el f ebrero, February 60 felicitarse,to congratulate one- self 48 feliz (adj.), happy, lucky 7 felizmente (adv.), happily 57 Fernandez, Fernandez (sur- name) figurarse, to fancy, to imagine 49 fijarse en, to notice carefully 56 filosofar, to philosophize 57 el filosofo, philosopher 73 a fines de (prep.), at the end of (a month) 60 Finita, little Serafina 77 flaco, -a (adj.), thin, lean 8 flojo, -a (adj.), lazy 31 fluido, -a (adj.), fluent, liquid 71 elfrac, (dress) coat 1 frances, -a (adj.), French 14 (la) Francia, France 15 frefr, to fry; (past part.) frito 68 fresco, -a (adj.), fresh 15 frio, -a (adj.), cold 14 el frio, cold 27 fuerte (adj.), strong la f uerza, strength; las fuerzas, strength, force (singular noun in Eng.) G Gabriel, Gabriel 12 ganadero, -a (adj.), herding, stock-raising 59 ganar, to gain, to earn 26 (las) ganas, desire (s) ; tener ga- nas de, to feel like ... 56 garboso, -a (adj.), graceful, elegant 1 gastar, to spend 74 el general, general 1 generalmente (adv.), gener- ally 14 el genio, genius, character, tem- per SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 231 el giro, (bank) draft 1 la gloria, glory; (also) Gloria, Gloria (a girVs name) 71 Gomez, Gomez (surname) 64, B3 Gonzalez, Gonzalez (surname)?, gordo, -a (adj.), stout 54 gracias (adv.), thanks 72 grande (adj.), large, big 6; 22 gritar, to shout, to call out 54 grunir, to grunt 51 guardarse de . . . , to refrain from ... 56 la guerra, war 1 ll | gui'a, guide 33 guiar, to guide 58 Guillermo, William 69 guisar, to cook 1 gustar, to please; me gusta, it pleases me, I like (App. B) el gusto, taste 49 Gutierrez, Gutierrez (sur- name) H haber, to have (auxiliary for perfect tenses — cf. also te- ner. For idioms, see) 28; 70 ha de, he is to . . . 29 hay que, ought to . . .; you should ... 29 habil (adj.), clever, skilful, apt dia habil, work day 60 el ) , J-habitante, inhabitant 22 la ) 1 hablador, -a (adj.), talkative, garrulous 33 hablar, to speak, to talk 4 hace (he, she, it) makes, does 38; it is (in expressions of weather) 60; (Sp. present for Eng. perfect) 64 hacer, to do, to make 74 hacer saber, to let know, to inform 57, AA15 hacerse, to become, to make oneself 59; 74 hacia (prep-.), towards 42 hacia, (he, she, it) was mak- ing, made; (Sp. imp. for Eng. pluperf.) 64 la hacienda, country estate 64 (la) hacha, axe (for el hacha) 19 hallar, to find 4 (la) hambre, hunger; tener ham- bre, to be hungry 27 haragan, -a (adj.), lazy 33 hare, haras, etc., I shall do, you will do, etc. 42 hasta (adv.), as much as; (conj.), until 22, B7 hasta que (conj.), until 53 hasta luego (adv.), good-by, "so-long"; hasta lueguito (adv.), good-by, "so-long" . 77 hay, there is, there are (for other tenses, see 28); (for expressions of weather, see 28, 4) no hay remedio, there is no help for it 74 el helado, ice cream 39 el hermano, brother 6 hermoso, -a (adj.), beautiful, handsome 54 el hielo, ice 14 el hierro, iron 37 hinchado, -a (adj.), swollen 2 la hipotesis, hypothesis 34 hizo, (he, she, it) made, did 54 la hoja, leaf, page 39 holgarse (R-ch. I), to loaf, to have a good time 48 el hombre, man 9 el hombro, shoulder 40 la hora, hour; time; iQue hora es? what time is it? 60 hoy (adv.), today 4 el hueso, bone 39 el huevo, egg 17 huir, to flee 68 el huracan, hurricane 2 I igualmente (adv.), equally imaginarse, to imagine, to 232 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULAKY fancy (also used imperson- ally) 49 impedir (R-ch. Ill), to hinder, to prevent 36 importa, it matters, it is im- portant 56 imposible [adj.), impossible; es — que (takes subjunc- tive) 43 imprimir, to imprint, to print; (irreg. past part.) impreso 65 indiferente (adj.), indifferent 41 indio, -a (adj.), Indian 64 la industria, industry, business 59 infeliz (adj.), unhappy; un- lucky 29 i infeliz de usted! unhappy you! woe to you! (App. H 9 3) el ingeniero, engineer 59 (la) Inglaterra, England 15 ingles, -a (adj.), English 14 innoble (adj.), ignoble 73 insistir (en), to insist (on) 56 el instinto, instinct 64 inteligente (adj.), intelligent 76 inteligentisimo, -a (adj.), in- telligent, most (extremely) intelligent 76 interesante (adj.), interesting 38 intitularse, to be called, to have as title 54 el invierno, winter 60 ir, to go 56; 70 irlandes, -a (adj. or noun), Irish 75 irse, to go off, to go away 49 Isabel, Elizabeth 20 -isimo, -a (superlative abso- lute ending) very, most, extremely 76 la isla, island 75 israelita (adj. or noun), Is- raelite 75 izquierdo, -a (adj.), left 31 j el jabali, wild boar el jaguar, jaguar 1 jamas (adv.), never 41 el jamon, ham 19 el jef e, chief, leader, head 67 Jesus, Jesus; i Jesus mil ve- ces! (inter jec.) , Good gra- cious! 69 el jinete, horseman Jorge, George 59 Jose, Joseph; ; Jesus, Jos§, y Maria ! (inter jec.), Gracious ! 69 la jota, jota (name of the letter .J) 1 jbven (adj. or noun), youth; young boy (girl) 35 Juan, John 12 Juana, Jane 77 Juanita, little (or dear) Jane 77 el jueves, Thursday 34 eljuez, judge; (pi.) jueces 65 jugar (R-ch. I), to play 35 eljuicio, judgment; sense, rea- son, opinion 71 el julio, July 60 eljunio, June 60 juntos, -as (adj.), together 45 juzgar, to judge, to think, to consider 32 K elkilometro, kilometer 73 elkiosco (also quiosco), kiosk, news stand 73 L ellado, side 42; al lado de (prep.), beside; a mi lado, beside me 42 la mia, mine 40 la nuestra, ours 40 el lapiz, pencil 5 largo, -a (adj.), long 33 las (def. art. fern, plural) 9 lalastima, pity; es lastima, SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 233 (with subjunctive), it is a pity 46 la suya, his, hers, its; yours (polite) ; theirs 40 latino, -a (adj.), Latin 61; el latin, (the language) la tuya, yours, thine 40 lavar, to wash 16 la vuestra (pro.), yours 40 la leccion, lesson 6 la leche, milk 17 leer, to read 58 lejos (adv.), far 48 levantar, to lift; (refl.), to get up 49 la ley, law 34 el libro, book 6 el liceo, high school 45 ligero, -a (adj.), swift, light, rapid 38 limpiar, to clean 8; 58 limpio, -a, (adj.), clean 15 lingiiistico, -a (adj.), linguis- tic 71 listo, -a (adj.), ready 32 lo (neuter adj. as adv.), how 29, 2 elloro, parrot 2 los (def. art., masc. pi.), the 9 luchar (por), to struggle (to) 56; to wrestle 64 luego que (conj.), as soon as, when 53 Luis, Louis 67 Luisito, little Louis 77 ellunes, Monday 34 laluz, light; candle 30 LL la Have, key 70 llegar (a), to arrive, to reach (intransitive) 32; 51 lleno, -a (adj.), full 15 llevar, to carry; (refl.), to carry off 49 llorar, to weep, to cry 27 Hover (R-ch. I) , to rain 35 lalluvia, rain; hay lluvia, it is rainy 60 M la madera, wood 70 la madre, mother 6 madrileno, -a (adj.), (inhabi- tant) of Madrid 25 el maestro, (primary) school teacher 63 elmaiz, maize, corn 3; 71 mal (adv.), badly 23 malamente (adv.), badly 57 maldecir, to curse 74 malo, -a (adj.), bad; ill, sick 14; 15 la mama, mother, mamma 34 mandar, to order, to com- mand, to send 44 la mano, hand 33 la mantequilla, butter 17 la manzana, apple 67 manana (adv.), tomorrow; (as noun, feminine), morning 11 elmaravedi, farthing; (pi.) ma- ravedies; also, maravedis, maravedises 34 marchar, to walk; (refl.), to go off 54 Maria, Mary 12; j Jesus, Jos6, y Maria! Good gracious! 69 elmartes, Thursday 34 elmarzo, March 60 mas (adv.), more ]4; plus 67 las matematicas, mathematics 73 el mayo, May 60 mayor (adj.), older 23; 33 me, me; myself; to me 21; 38; 48 la media, stocking 16 a mediados de (prep.), in the middle of (a month) 60 lamedicina, medicine 47 el medico, doctor 47 la medida, measure, means 1 medio, -a (adj.), half (see also la mitad) 60; 67 la me j ilia, cheek 2 mejor (adj.), better 23 menester; es menester, it is necessary 51 234 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY menguar, to diminish (see averiguar) menor {adj.), younger 23 menos {adv.), less 23; por lo menos {adv.), at least 72 mentir (R-ch. II), to lie, to tell a falsehood 35 merecer, to deserve {see cono- cer) el mes, month 60 la mesa, table 7 meter, to put 40 mi {disj. pro.), me, to me; myself 42; 48 mi(s) {pos. adj.), my 17 elmiedo, fear; tener miedo, to be afraid 27 mientras {conj.), while 64 el miercoles, Wednesday 34 la mies, grains; {pi.) mieses 34 mio, -a {adj.), my, mine 40 jmire! see here! listen here! 69 mirar, to look (at) 50 mismo, -a {adj.), same; very, -self 24 la mitad, half {see also medio) 67 moderno, -a {adj.), modern 25 el momento, moment 40 la Moneda, the Mint ; Calle de la Moneda, Treasury (Mint) Street 13 lamontana, mountain 25 morder {R-ch. I), to bite 39 moreno, -a {adj.), dark, brun- ette 14 morir {R-ch. II), to die 35; {p.p. irreg.) muerto, dead; killed {trans.) 65 mortal {adj.), mortal 61 lamosca, fly 24 elmozo, boy; servant, waiter 6; la moza, girl 6 elmuchacho, boy; la muchacha, girl 8 mucho, -a; -os, -as {adj. or pro.) much; many 10 mucho (adv.), much, a great deal 10 la mujer, woman 5 la mujer cilia, little, insignificant woman 77 elmundo, world; todo el mundo, everybody 54 mutuamente (adv. )7nmtually, each other, one another 48 muy (adv.), very 10 N nacer, to be born; nacio, (he, she) was born 59 la nacion, nation 12 nada (pro.), nothing; (adv.), not at all 41 nadar, to swim 64 nadie (pro.), nobody 41 la naranja, orange 67, BB10 la neblina, mist, fog ; hay mucha neblina, it is very misty 28 necesario, -a (adj.), neces- sary; es necesario (takes subjunct.) 43 necesitar, to need 56 negarse (R-ch. 1), to refuse 56 el negociante, business man 47 los negocios, business negro, -a (adj.), black 6 nevar (R-ch. I), to snow 35 ni (conj.), nor; ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor 7; 41 ni por mucho, not by a good deal 25 la nieve, snow 33 ninguno, -a (adj. or pro.), no, none, no one 19 la nina, girl 6 laninita, little girl 77 elnino, boy 6 los ninos, children 9 no (adv.), no; not 8; 41 ino? isn't it true? isn't that so? won't he? didn't they? aren't you? etc. 35 no solamente . . . sino que, not only . . . but also 50 esta noche (adv.), tonight 46 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 235 • 6 no es verdad? (see £no? above) 35 no hay por que, there is no reason for no . . . mas (adv.), no more, no longer 41 no . . . mas que, only 23 (la) Norte America, North Ameri- ca; (also) America del Norte 68 no sea que (conj.), unless 53 nosotros, -as (pers. pro.), we; us 13; 42 la nota, mark (in school work) 39 . . las noticias, news 40 el noviembre, November 60 nuestro, -a (adj.), our, ours 40 (la) Nueva York, New York 59, Bo nuevamente (adv.), newly 57 nuevo, -a (adj.), new 57 nunca (adv.), never 41 0 o (conj.), or 7 el occidente, Occident, west 1 el octubre, October 60 ocupado, -a (adj.), busy 48 ocuparse de, to busy oneself with, to bother about 48 joiga! (ioye!), (inter jec), listen! see here! 69 oir, to hear 57; 68 el ojo, eye 59 oler (R-ch. I), to smell 39 olvidarse (de), to forget; se me olvida (impersonal), I forget 49 oponerse (a), to refuse, to op- pose 56 oprimir, to oppress 65 ordinario, -a (adj.), ordinary, common, average 64 el otono, autumn 60 otro, -a (adj. or pro.), other, another 13 P el padre, father 6 pagar, to pay 51 la pagina, page 58 el pais, country (nation) 61, Bll la paja, straw 33 la palabra, word, speech 16 el pan, bread; loaf 17 el pano, cloth 41 el papa, father, "dad"; (pi.), papas 34 el papacito, dear father 77 elpapel, paper (in general; not a newspaper) 2 el papel secante, blotting paper 70 para (prep.) for; (conj.), in order to 5; 50 el Paraguay, Paraguay (country in South America) 61 parece, it seems; me parece, it seems to me; I think 30 la pared, wall Paris, Paris 24, BB8 la parte, part 67 partir, to leave (intransitive) , to depart 47 pasado (past. part, as adj.), past, last; el mes proximo pasado, last month; pasado manana, day after tomor- row 60 pasar, to pass, to go; to hap- pen 25 pasearse, to take a walk 66 la paz, peace 57 pedir (R-ch. Ill), to ask (a favor; dative of person, ac- cusative of thing) 36 pedir prestado, to borrow 47 peinarse, to comb oneself 48 la pelota, ball 74 el pensamiento, thought; (a) thought 64 pensar (R-ch. 7), to think; to intend 56; 65 pensar en, to think of (one's at- tention is centered on) 64 236 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULAKY pensar de, to think of (have an opinion of) 64 peor (adv.), worse 23 pequeno, -a (adj.), small, lit- tle 5 perder (R-ch. I), to lose; to ruin 35; 56, A18 perezoso, -a (adj.) , lazy, idle 7 permitir, to permit, to allow 55 pero (conj.), but 1 la persona, person 59 el Peru, Peru (country in South America) 61 elperro, dog 1 elpescado, fish (out of water) 41 el peso, dollar, peso (South American coin; see also duro and peseta) ; weight 20 elpetroleo, kerosene 30 el pez, fish (in water, not caught) 41 el piano, piano 6 el pie, foot 19 la piedra, stone 68 la pieza, room 12 la pimienta, pepper 24 pintoresco, -a (adj.), pictur- esque 38 elpiso, floor, story (of a house) 13; 19 elpiso bajo or los bajos, ground floor (of a two-story house) ; el piso alto or los altos, upper floor (of a two-story house) 13 piso principal, main floor, sec- ond floor (of a house of several stories) 19 la pizarra, slate, blackboard 5 placer, to please 76 el planeta, planet 33 el plato, plate, dish, course 18 la playa, beach, shore 43 la pluma, pen; plumafuente, fountain pen 5 pobre, poor; jpobre de el! poor fellow! 14; 29 poco, -a; -os, -as (adj.), little; few 23 poco (adv.), little, but little 23 poder (R-ch. I), to be able, can 35 no poder mas, to be exhausted 72 a mas no poder, with all one's might 72 no poder menos de . . . , can't help (doing) 68 el poema, poem 33 la poesia, poem; poetry 54, Bll poner, to put; (refl.), to put on (clothes) 49; ponerse, to become; ponerse a, to set about, to begin to 56 poquisimo, -a (adj.), very lit- tle 76, A14 por, for, on account of, by, in exchange for, through, around 4; 68, BB14 por . . . que (subjunct.) , how- ever 53 por consiguiente (adv.), conse- quently 13 jPor Dios! (inter jec.) , for Heaven's sake! 27 por lo comun (adv.), generally 46 I por que? (int. conj.) , why ? 18 porque (rel. conj.), because 50 posible (adj.), possible; es posible (subjunct.) , it is possible 43 postrero, -a (adj.), last (of a series; see ultimo) 19 el precio, price 14 preciso; es preciso, it is ne- cessary (subjunct.) , 43 preferir (R-ch. II), to prefer 55 la pregunta, question 52 preguntar, to ask (a ques- 1 tion) 24 prender, to catch; (past, part.) preso, prendido 65 preocuparse de, to be pre- occupied with; to occupy oneself with 48 preparar, to prepare 8 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 237 presentar, to introduce, to present 42 el presidente; la presidenta, president 33 el preso, captive (see prender) 65 prestar, to lend, to pay (with such words as atencion, at- tention) 45 la primavera, spring 60 primero, -a (adj. or pro.), first 19 el primo ; la prima, cousin 6 principal (adj.), chief; piso principal, main floor, second floor 19 principiar (a), to begin (to) 56 a principios de (prep.), at the beginning of (a month) 60 laprisa, haste; tener prisa, to be in a hurry 72 probablemente (adv.), proba- bly 32 el prof esor, la prof esora, teacher, professor 39 elprograma, program 33 prohibir, forbid (subjunct.) , 55 pronto (adv.) , soon, quickly,at once, immediately 52 propio, -a (adj.),, own 52 proximo, -a (adj.), next; near, nearest 60 la puerta, door 13 piles (conj.), for; (adv.), well 48 puesto (adj.), on, put on (of clothes) 59 puro, -a (adj.), pure; la pura verdad, the mere truth 56 Q que (conj.), that, than 23; 30, 3 que (expletive) 69 que- (prefix^ very (reteque- bueno) 76 que (rel. pro.), which, that, who, whom 10; 24 ^qu6? (int. pro.), what? which? who? whom? 18 el quebrado, fraction 67 quedar, to remain, to stay 15 querer (R-ch. I), to wish; que- rer a, to love, to like (a person) 35 querer decir, to wish to say, to mean 72 como V. quiera, as you wish, as you like 72 querido, -a (past. part, as adj.), dear, beloved 72 iquia! (adv.), not at all! (see ;ca!) 27 ^quien? (int. pro.), who? whom? 18 iQuien supiera . . . ! If I could only . . . ! 54 quien (rel, pro.), who, whom; he who, whoever 24; 25 quinto, fifth 67 quisiera, I should wish, I should like, I wish 44 quitar, to take away, to de- prive of 47 R rajar, to split, to cleave 51 rapidamente (adv.),, rapidly, swiftly 38 raro, -a (adj.), rare, unusual 41 el rato, while 74 re- (emphatic prefix), very; rebueno, very good 76 recibir, to receive; to be passed (in a class) 39 recorrer, to traverse, to go over 56 redondo, -a (adj.), round 33 reducir, to reduce 58 refr, to laugh 68 reirse (de), to laugh at, to make fun of 48 el reloj, the watch, clock 12 el remedio, remedy, aid; no hay remedio, there is no help for it 74 repetir (R-ch. Ill), to repeat 36 238 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABTJLAKY el resfriado, cold (a sickness) 74 respectado, -a {adj.), respected 64 el rey, king 34 rezar, to pray 51 rico, -a {adj.),, rich, excellent, sumptuous 14 rien, they, you (polite) laugh 48 el rincon, corner (inner corner) 19 robar, to rob, to steal 47 roer, to gnaw; see leer, 58 rogar (R-ch. I) , to beg, to ask, to request 51 rojo, -a (adj.), red 11 romper, to break ; ( past part. ) , roto 52; (also) rompido 65 ronco, -a (adj.), hoarse 33 la rosa, rose 73 el rubi, ruby 34 rubio, -a (adj.), blond, light 14 S el sabado, Saturday 34 sabe a, it tastes of 64 saber, to know; to know how 46; 70 sacar, to pull out; to draw out 51 salir, to go out 11 la salud, health; i salud! your health! Greetings! 6 estar bueno (malo) de salud, to be in good (bad) health 43 salvarse, to save oneself, to run away 48 el santo, saint ; holy 22 la sardina, sardine 41 el sastre, tailor 14 satisfactorio, -a (adj.), satis- factory 22 satisfecho, -a (past. part, as adj.), satisfied 10 se (pers. pro.), (to) himself, herself; yourself (formal) ; to him,, to her; to you (formal) 38; 42; 48 la sed, thirst ; tener sed, to be thirsty 17 la seda, silk 41 seguir (R-ch. Ill) , to continue, to go on 57 segun (prep.), according to 42 seguramente (adv.), surely, certainly 68 seguro, -a (adj.), sure, certain 49 la semana, week 34 el sendero, path 25 sentar (R-ch. I), to seat; (refl.) to sit down 35 sentir (R-ch. II), to feel; to be sorry 35 el senor, gentleman; sir; Mr. 13 la senora, lady; madam; Mrs. 13 la senorita, young lady; Miss 13 el septiembre, September (also setiembre) 60 ser, to be (see also estar) 14; 70 yo soy, etc., it is I, etc. 18, BB1 Seranna, Serafina (girVs name) 77 servir (R-ch. Ill) , to serve ; to be good for; sfrvase, please 36; (App. E) sevillano, -a (adj.), (native) of Seville 25 si (conj.), if, whether 45 si (adv.), yes 11; 30 si (disj. pro.), himself, them- selves; yourself, yourselves (formal) 48 siempre (adv.), always 64 siempre que (conj.), provided that 53 siguiente (adj.), following 49 la silla, chair 35 el sillon, big chair, armchair 2 sin embargo (adv.), neverthe- less 38 sino (que), (conj.), but 41 sin que (conj.), without 53 sirvase V. (and infinitive), please (App. H) sobresaliente (adj.), excellent 39 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 239 el sobrino, nephew ; la sobrina, niece 61 socarron, -a {adj.), sly; roguish 33 el sofa, sofa 45 el sol, sun; hay mucho sol, it is very sunny 28 el soldado, soldier 14 soler, to be wont, to be used to 76 solo, -a (adj.), alone,, only 42 solo {adv.), only 42 solver (R-ch. I), to solve; (past part.), suelto, solved, loos- ened; occasional 65 el sombrero, hat 4 son, (they) are 9, BB5 sonrefr, to smile 68 su(s) (pos. adj.), his, her, its; their; your (polite) 17 suceder, to happen 55 sucio, -a (adj.), dirty, soiled 15 el suelo, ground, floor (of a room) 13 suelto (see solver) 39 el sueno, sleep; tener (mucho) sueno, to be (very) sleepy 27 suficiente (adj.), sufficient 14 suntuoso, -a (adj.), sumptu- ous 73 supiera; si supiera . . , if I . knew how ... 54 suprimir, to suppress; (past part.) suprimido and su- preso 65 suyo, -a (pos. adj.), his, her, its; their; your (polite) 40 T tal, such; (un) tal, such a; tales . . . tales, some . . . others 59 tambien (adv.), also 7 tampoco (adv.), either 10 tan (adv.), as; very 23; 69 tan (adv. with adj. or adv.) como, as (so) ... as 50 tanto, -a (adj.) , so much ; (pi.) so many; cuanto mas . . . tanto menos, the more . . . the less 23; 25 tanto (adv.), so much 25 tanto . . . como, so (as) much ... as 50 taner, to play (a musical in- strument) 58 tardar en, to be slow in 56 tarde (adv.), late 35 la tarde, afternoon; todas las tardes, every afternoon 26 la taza, cup ; taza para te, tea- cup; taza de te, cup of tea 64 -te- (emphatic prefix) very; retequebueno, very good 76 te (pers. pro.), (to) thee, you; yourself 21; 38; 48 elte, (plural, tes), tea 17 tejer, to weave 51 telegrafiar, to telegraph 58 el telegrama, telegram 33 temblar (R-ch. I), (de and noun), to tremble (with) 35 temer, to fear, to be afraid 10 temprano (adv.), early 45 el tenedor, fork 18 tener, to have 27 ; 74 tener a, to hold 67 tener ganas de, to feel like 56 tener hambre, to be hungry 27 no tener nada que ver con, to have nothing to do with 74 tener que, to have to, must 29 tener razon, to be right 74 tengo, I have 17 tenir (R-ch. Ill), to stain, to dye 51 tercero, -a (adj. or pro.), third 19 terminar, to finish 60, BB15 tesis, thesis 34 ti (disj. pro.), (to) thee; you; thyself, yourself 42; 48 la tia, aunt 6 tibio, -a (adj.), lukewarm, tepid 15 240 SPANISH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY el tiempo, time; weather 35 a tiempo {adv.), on time 46 es tiempo de que, it is time for (to) (with subjunct.) 43 tiene, (he, she, it) has; (you polite) have 11 tienen, (they) have; (you polite) have 11 la tinta, ink 6 el tio, uncle 6 tirar, to throw 68 tirar de, to pull at (App. B) la tiza, chalk 5 tocar, to touch; to play (a musical instrument) 6; 16 todavia (adv.), still, yet 34 todo, -a (adj.), all; todos los . . . every 14; 26 jtoma! (inter jec), well! I declare! 69 tomar, to take 7 el tomo, tome, volume 67 tonto, -a (adj.), foolish 76 trabajar, to work 4 el trabajo, work 6 traer, to bring 66 traidor, -a (adj. or noun), treacherous, traitor 33 traidoramente (adv.), treach- erously 57 eltraje, suit 49 la trampa, trap ; dar en la trampa, to fall into the trap 72 tranquilo, -a (adj.), tranquil, quiet, calm 49 el tranvia, street car, trolley car (word used in Spain) 31 tras (prep.), after 56 tratar de, to try to ; tratar, to treat 56 tronar (R-ch. I), to thunder 35 el trueno, thunder 33 tti (pers. pro.), you; thou 13 turco, -a (adj. or noun), Turk- ish, Turk 33 tu(s) (pos. adj.), your; thy 17 tuyo, -a (pos. adj.), thy, your 40 U u = o, or 64 a ultimos de (prep.), at the end of (a month) 60 un, una (indef. art.), a, one; unos, unas, some 9 unico, -a (adj.), only 54 uno . . . otro, the one . . . the other; each other; (pi.) some . . . others; one an- other 48 usar, to use, to wear 34 usted; (pi.), ustedes; V., Vd., Ud.; VV., Vds., Uds., you (polite) 13 util (adj.), useful; dia util, work day 60 V ;va! (inter jec.) , well! really! 73* las vacaciones, vacation 43 vaciar, to empty 58 vacio, -a (adj.), empty 15 el vaiven, fluctuation, alternat- ing movement 2 la vajilla, kitchen utensils (col- lective noun) 16 valer, to be worth 66 jvalgame Dios! Good heav- ens! 69 el valor, worth, value 33 jvamos a ver! (inter jec), come! let's see! 69 variar, to vary 58 el vaso, glass 15 Vd. = usted, you (polite form) 13 se ve, it is evident veinte (num. adj.), twenty 20 elvejote, (repulsive) old man 77 veneer, to overcome, to con- quer 58 vender, to sell 10 venir, to come 51; 74 venir a, to happen to (plus verb) 56 SPANISH— ENGLISH VOCABULARY 241 la ventana, window 13 ver, to see 29; 72 es de ver . . . , it is worth seeing ... 72 no ver las horas de . . . , to be very anxious to ... 72 el verano, summer 60 elverbo, verb 16 la verdad, truth 6 £ verdad? (see £no? above) verdaderamente, truly, really, 58, BB6 verdadero, -a {adj.), real, true 58 vestir {R-ch. Ill), to dress; {refl.), to dress oneself, to dress 36 la vez, time (in series) ; ocho ve- ces, eight times 12 de vez en cuando, from time to time 68 a veces (adv.), at times, sometimes 44 viajar, to travel 43 viene, (he, she, it) comes; you (polite) come 57 la semana que viene, next week 60 elviento, wind; hay viento, it is windy 28 elviernes, Friday "34 vino, (he, she, it) came; you (polite) came 50 el vino, wine 17 Vina del Mar, Vina del Mar (lit., vineyard of the sea), name of a beach near Val- paraiso, Chile 43 vio, (he, she, it) saw; you (polite) saw 57 la virtud, virtue 6 visitar, to visit 42 la vista, sight; view; de vista, by sight 63 jviva . . . ! hurrah for . . . ! 54 vivir, to live 11 volver (R-ch. I), to turn, to return; volver a . . , to . . . again: volvio a escribir, he wrote again 35; (App. B) ; (irreg. past part.), vuelto 65 vosotros, -as (per s. pro.) , you; yourselves 13; 42 la voz, voice 33 vuestro, -a (pos. adj.), your 17; 40 Y y (conj.), and 5 ya (adv.), already, now; ya no, no longer 13 iya lo creo! I should say so! 69,B14 yacer, to lie 76 yo (pers. pro.), I 13 elyodo, iodine 71 Z zambullirse, to dive ; see bullir 51 el zapato, shoe 29 la zorra, fox 1 la zorrilla, polecat, skunk 77 zumbar, to buzz 1 GEXEEAL VOCABULAEY ENGLISH— SPANISH A a, un, una (indef. art.) 9 to be able, poder (ue) 35 to be about to, estar para 56 to accentuate, acentuar; you ac- centuate, acentuais 58: 71 to accompany, acompanar 42 according to. segtin {prep.) 42 account, el cuento 19 to ache, doler (ue) ; he has a head- ache, le duele la cabeza 74 to be acquainted with, conocer 58 action, la accion 71. A27 to admit, confesar (ie) 35 to advance, avanzar 60 to advise, aconsejar 55 affection, la aflcion 75 to be afraid, terner 10; tener mie- do 27 after, despues de {prep, of time) 25; despues {adv.) 28; despues (de) que (conj.) 50; tras {prep.) 56 afternoon, la tarde 26 afterwards, despues [adv.) 28 again, volvio a . . . {inf.), he wrote again, volvio a escribir {App. B) to agree, convenir 74 to agree to, acordar (ue) en 56 aha! ;aja! {inter jec.) 3 ahead, adelante {adv.) 47 aid, la asistencia 73 to aid, ayudar 67 air, el aire 71 all, todo. -a (adj.) 14; 26 to allow, dejar 62; permitir 55 alone, solo, -a [adj.) 42 Alphonsus, Alfonso 59 already, ya {adv.) 13 also, tanibien {adv.) 7 alternating movement, el vaiven 2 although, aunque {conj.) 53 always, siempre (adv.) 64 America, America 4 242 American, amerieano. -a {adj. or noun) 14 amiable, amable {adj.) 72 amount, la eantidad 65 ancient, antiguo, -a {adj.) 25 and, y [conj.) 5; e (before initial i or hi) 64 animal, el animal 51 Anna, Ana 22 annoying, cansado, -a {with ser; used of j)ersons) 14 to answer, contestar 36 to be very anxious to, no ver las horas de 72 Apocalypse, Apocalipsis {in the last book of Sew Testament) 60 apple, la manzana 67 to approach, arrimarse 63 to approve, aprobar (ue) 55 April, abril 60 apt, habil (adj.) 60 (they) are, son 9, BB5 aren't you? ;. no? ;. no es verdad? I ver dad? 35 to argue, argiiir 6S arithmetic, la aritmetica 19 arm, (la) arma (military term) 51; (of the body) el brazo 31 around, por (prep.) 68, BB14 to arrive, llegar 32; 51 as, como (conj.) 23; as . . . as, tan (adj. or adv.) como 50 to ascertain, averiguar 51 to ask (a favor-, dative of person and accusative of thing) pedir (i) 36 (see preguntar) to ask (a question-, dative of per- son and accusative of thing) preguntar 24 (see pedir ) to ask, rogar (ue) 51 as much (many) as, cuanto, -a; -os; -as 23; tanto (noun) como 50 as much as, hast a (adv.) 22, B7 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 243 as soon as, luego que {conj.) 53 to assail, embestir 73 at, a 5 athletic, atletico, -a {adj.) 3; 75 at once, en seguida (adv.) 43; pronto {adv.) 52 to attack, embestir 73 attention, atencion 45 at the side of, al lado de {prep.) 42 audience, la asistencia 73 auditorium, (la) aula 71 August, el agosto 60 aunt, la tia 6 automobile, el automovil 43 autumn, el otofio 60 to awaken, despertarse (ie) 49 axe, (la) hacha (written and pro- nounced el hacha — see 19) B bad, malo, -a (with ser) 14 badly, mal (adv.) 23; malamente (adv.) 57 ball, la pelota 74 bamboo, el bambu 34 bank note, el billete de banco 37 to bathe oneself, bafiarse 48 to be, ser, estar 14; 15; 68; 70; it is I, etc., soy yo, etc. beach, la playa 43 beast, la bestia 71 beautiful, hermoso, -a (adj.) 54 because, porque (rel. conj.) 50 to become, hacerse 59; 74; ponerse 56 bed, la cama 1 bedroom, el dormitorio 19 to befall, acontecer 72 before, antes (adv.) 32; antes (de) que (conj. of time) 50 to beg, rogar (ue) 51 to begin, comenzar (ie) 56; to be- gin to, echar a 56; to begin, em- pezar (ie) 56; to begin (to), principiar (a) 56; to begin, po- nerse a 56 at the beginning of (a month), a principios de 60 to behead, degollar (ue) (List of Irreg. Verbs) behind, detras de (prep.) 32 to be behind, atrasar; (of a watch) to be slow 60 to believe, creer 23 small bell, la campanilla (from campana, bell) 77 beside, al lado de (prep.) 42 better, mejor (adj.) 23 big, grande (adj.) 22 to bite, morder (ue) 39 black, negro, -a (adj.) 6 blackboard, la pizarra 5 to blacken, ennegrecer 73 to bless, bendecir 74; (past parts.) bendito, bendecido blond, rubio, -a (adj.) 14 blue, azul (adj.) 3; 59 (wild) boar, el jabali to boil, bullir 51; cocer (ue) 58 bone, el hueso 39 to bone, desosar (ue) (List of irr. verbs) book, el libro 6 bookshelf, el estante 70 to bore, aburrir 11 to be bored, aburrirse 48 boring, cansado (with ser) 14 to be born, nacer; he was born, nacio 59 to borrow, pedir (i) prestado 47 to bother about, ocuparse de 48 boy, el mozo; el mucliacho; el nifio; little boy, niuito 6; 8; 77 bread, el pan 17 to break, romper; (irreg. past part.), roto; (also) rompido52; 65 breakfast, el desayuno 50 to breakfast, desayunarse 49 brilliant, brillante (adj.) 39 brother, el hermano 6 brunette, moreno, -a (adj.) 14 Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (capi- tal of Argentina) 59 to burnish, brufiir 51 business, los negocios; la indus- tria 47; 59 business man, el negociante 47 busy, ocupado, -a (adj.) 48 244 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY to busy oneself with, ocuparse de 48 but, pero {conj.) 1; sino (que) 41 butter, la mantequilla 17 to buy, comprar 8 to buzz, zumbar 1 by, por 16; by your watch, en su reloj 60, Bll C Cain, Cam (see first book of Old Testament) Cairo, el Cairo {city in Egypt) 61 to call out, gritar 54 Callao, el Callao {city in Peru) 61 to be called, intitularse 54 calm, tranquilo, -a (adj.) 49 came, (he, she, it) came, vino; you came (polite form), vino 50 can, poder (ue) (physically able) 35; saber (mentally able) 70 Canada, el Canada 61 candle, la luz 30 wax candle, el cirio 73 canned, en lata (adj.) 41 capital, la capital (of a country) 59, AA3 captain, el capitan 14 captive, el preso (see prender) car, trolley car, el carro (word used in South America) 31; el tranvia (word used in Spain) care, el euidado 68; to be careful, tener euidado 68 carefully (adv.), detenidamente 41 carpenter, el carpintero 59 carriage, el coche 38 to carry, llevar; to carry off, llevarse 49 Castilian, castellano, -a (adj. or noun) 61 to catch, coger 51; prender; (past part.),, preso, prendido, caught, captive 65 cent, el centavo 74 center, el centro; (also center of town, down town) 59 certain, cierto, -a (adj.) 33; se- guro, -a (adj.) 49 certainly, seguramente 68 chair, la silla 35; arm chair, el sillon 2 chalk, la tiza 5 to change, cambiar chapter, el capitulo 67 character, el genio Charles, Carlos 67 cheap, barato -a; cursi (adj.) 34 cheat, embustero, -a (adj. or noun) 69 cheek, la mejilla 2 chestnut-colored, castano, -a (adj.) 31 chief, principal (adj.) 19 chief, el jefe 67 children, los ninos 9 to chill, enfriar 58 to choose, elegir (i) 75 circuit, la carrera 38 city, la ciudad 1 ; 23 class, la clase 41 class (sort), la especie 41 clean, limpio, -a (adj.) 15 to clean, limpiar 8; 58 to be clear, constar (impersonal) 76 to cleave, rajar 51 clerk, el dependiente 43; el em- pleado 25 clever, avisado, -a (adj.) 72; habil (adj.) 60 clock, el reloj 12 to close, cerrar (ie) 35 cloth, el pano 41 coach, el coche 38 (dress) coat, el frac 1 coffee, el cafe; (pi.) los cafes 17; 34 cold, el frio 27 cold, frio, -a (adj.) 14; resfriado (sickness) 74 collar, el cuello 29 to comb oneself, peinarse 48 to come, venir 51; 74 you (polite) come, viene 57 come! jvamos a ver! (inter jec.) 69 to come across (to find), encon- trar (ue) 31; dar con 72 to come close, arrimarse 63 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 245 to come to, acudir a 11 comet, el cometa 33 common, ordinario, -a 64 to compete, competir (i) 36 complete, completo, -a {adj.) 39 to confess, confesar (ie) 35 confidence, la confianza to congratulate oneself, felicitarse 48 to conjugate, conjugar 16 to conquer, veneer 58 consequently, por consiguiente (adv.) 13 to consider, considerar; juzgar 32 considering, dado que (conj.) 53 to consist of, consistir en 56 to be contained in, caoer 70 contented, contento, -a (adj.) 7 to continue, continuar 58; seguir (i) 57 to convince, convencer 58; to con- vince oneself, to be convinced, convencerse 48 to cook, coeer (ue) 58; cocinar 8; guisar 1 to copy, copiar 66 corner (of a street), la esquina; (inside corner) el rincon 19 to cost, costar (ue) 39 couch, el canape; (pi.) los canapes 34 could; if I could only . . . ! jQuien supiera . . . ! 54 to count, contar (ue) 35 country, el campo; in the country, en el campo 70; country estate, la hacienda 64; (nation), el pals 61, Bll country (nation), pais 61, Bll course (of a meal), el plato 18 cousin, primo, -a 6 Cousino, Cousifio (surname) 2 to cover, cubrir 69; (irreg. past part.), cubierto 65 cowardice, act of cowardice, la co- bardia 50 to creak, crujir 51 cruel, cruel (adj.) 71 to cry, llorar 2; 27 cup, la taza; teacup, taza para te; cup of tea, taza de te 6 4 to curse, maldecir 74; (past parts.) maldito, maldecido custom-house, la aduana 71 customs, la aduana 71 to cut, cortar cylinder, cilindro 1 D dance, el baile 73 day, el dia 33 day before yesterday, anteayer (adv.) 60 dead, muerto, -a (past part, of mo- rir) 65 dear (expensive; also beloved), caro, -a (adj.) 54; querido (be- loved) 72 dear ... ! . . . de mi alma ! (inter jee.) 69 debt, la deuda 71 December, el diciembre 60 to decide (oneself), decidirse (por) 48; (with verb), a I declare! jtoma! 69 to deduce, deducir 65 to be delinquent, delinquir 51 dentist, el dentista 33 to depart, partir 47 to deprive of, quitar 47 to deserve, merecer (see conocer) to descend, bajar 31 to desire, desear 15 the deuce! jdiablo! (inter jec.) 69; ;mil diablos! 69 devil, el diablo 69 did you? (see aren't you? above) to die, morir (ue) 35; (irreg. past part.), muerto 65 difficult, dificil (adj.) 10 diligent, aplicado, -a (adj.) 41; diligente (adj.) 7 to diminish, menguar (see averi- guar) dinner, la comida 8 dirty, sucio, -a (adj.) 15 discoverer, descubridor, -a (adj. or noun) 2 disgust, el asco; it disgusts me, asco me da 72 dish (course), el plato 18 246 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY to dismiss, despedir (i) 36 to distinguish, distinguir 51 to dive, zambullirse; see bullir 51 to divide, dividir 67 to do, liacer, 74; I shall do, you will do, etc., hare, haras, etc. 42 doctor, el medico 47 does, (he, she, it), hace 38 dog, el perro 1 dollar, el dolar 4; el peso, (in South America) 20; el duro, (in Spain) 1 door, la pnerta 13 doubt, la duda 70 to doubt, dudar 43 draft (bank draft), el giro 1 to draw out, sacar 51 to dress, vestir (i) 36; to dress oneself, vestirse to drink, beber 10; tomar 7 to drive (a carriage, an auto), con- ducir, guiar, manejar 43 during, durante (prep.) 43 duty, el deber 32 to dwell, alojar 51 to dye, tenir (i) 51 E each, cada (indecl. adj.) each one, cada uno, -a (pro.) each other, (el) uno . . . (el) otro 48; mutuamente (adv.) 48 eagle, (la) aguila 19 (see agua above) early, temprano (adv.) 45 to earn, ganar 26 easy, facil (adj.) 5 to eat, comer 10 to efface, borrar 75 egg, el huevo 17 either, tampoco (adv.) 10 to elect, elegir (i) 75 electrical, electrico, -a (adj.) 30 elegant, garboso, -a (adj.) 1 Elizabeth, Isabel 20 to embellish, ennoblecer 73 eminent, eximio, -a (adj.) 73 to employ, emplear 76 employee, empleado, -a (adj.) 25 empty, vacio, -a (adj.) 15 to empty, vaciar 58 at the end of (a month), a fines de (prep.) ; a ultimos de (prep.) 60 enemy, enemigo, -a (adj. or noun) 16 engineer, ingeniero 59 England, (la) Inglaterra 15 English, ingles, -a (adj.) 14 to ennoble, ennoblecer 73 enormous, enorme (adj.) 33 enough, bastante (adj. or adv.) 14 to enter, entrar (en) (intrans. verb) (App. B) enthusiasm, el entusiasmo 41 equally, igualmente to erase, borrar 75 to erect, erguir (ye or i) (App. of irreg. verbs) to err, errar (ye) 39 to escape, escaparse 48 European, europeo, -a (adj.) 64 even, ami (adv. of comparison) every, cada (indecl. adj.) ; todos los . . . ; everyone, cada uno, -a 14 everybody, todo el mundo 54 to be evident, constar; it is evi- dent, consta 76; se ve examination, el examen 39 to examine, examinar 41 excellent, excelente (adj.) 64; rico, -a (adj.) 14; sobresaliente (adj.) 39 except, excepto (prep.) 73 exercise, el ejercicio 15 to be exhausted, no poder mas 72 to exist, existir 24 expensive, caro, -a (adj.) 54 extremely, (suffix) -lsimo, -a 76 eye, el ojo 59 F face, la cara 8 to face the street, dar a la calle 72 fair, dulce (adj.) 61 to fall, caer 68 to fall into the trap, dar en la trampa 72 famous, eximio, -a (adj.) 73 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 247 to fancy, antojarse; he fancies, se le imagina; se le antoja 49; 76 far, lejos (adv.) 48 farthing, el maravedi; (pi.) mara- vedies, maravedfs, maravedises 34 fast, to be fast (of a watch), avanzar 60 father, el padre; father, " dad," papa; (plural) papas 34; dear father, papacito 77 favor, el favor (App. E) favorable result, el exito 39 fear, el miedo 27 to fear, temer 10 February, el febrero 60 to feel, sentir (ie) 35 to feel like, tener ganas de; estar por 56 Fernandez, Fernandez (surname) to fetch, buscar 12 few, pocos, -as (adj. or pro.) 23 field, el campo 71 fifth, quinto, -a 67 finally, al fin (adv.) 68 to find, encontrar (ue) 31; hallar 4 finger, el dedo 31 to finish, acabar (App. B) ; termi- nar 60, BB15 first, primero, -a (adj. or pro.) 19 fish, el pescado (out of water) ; (see also el pez, in water, not caught) 41 to flee, huir 68 floor (of a room), el suelo 13; (of a house), el piso; ground floor (of two-story house) el piso bajo or los bajos; upper floor (of two-story house') el piso alto or los altos ; main floor, second floor (of house of several sto- ries), el piso principal 13; 19 fluctuation, el vaiven 2 fluent (fluid as adj.),, fluido, -a 71 fly, la mosca 24 fog, la neblina; it is foggy, hay neblina 28 following, siguiente (adj.) 49 fondness, la aficion 75 food, el alimento 76 foolish, tonto, -a (adj. or noun) 76 foot, el pie 19 for (Sp. present for Eng. perfect), desde hace . . ; (Sp. imp. for Eng. pluperf. . .) 64 for, para (prep.) 5; por 4 for, pues (conj.) 48 For Heaven's sake! jpor Dios! forbid, prohibir 55 force, la fuerza or las fuerzas foreign (that of another), ajeno, -a (adj.) 63 to forget, olvidarse (de) ; I forget, se me olvida (impersonal est.) 49 fork, el tenedor 18 fourth, (quarter, in telling time), el cuarto 60 fox, la zorra 1 fraction, el quebrado 67 France, (la) Francia 15 French, f ranees, -a (adj.) 14 frequently, a menudo (adv.) 48 fresh, fresco, -a (adj.) 15 Friday, el viernes 34 friend, amigo, -a 5 from, de (prep.) 5 to fry, freir; (irreg. past part.), frito, 68 to fulfil, cumplir (con) 32 full, Ueno, -a (adj.) 15 to make fun of, reirse de 48 G Gabriel, Gabriel 12 to gain, ganar 26 garret; small garret, buhardilla (from buharda, garret window) 77 garrulous, hablador, -a (adj.) 33 gave; (they) gave, you (polite) gave, dieron; (he, she, it) gave, dio 36 Gee whiz! jcanastos! 69 general, el general 1 generally, generalmente (adv.) 14; por lo comun (adv.) 46 genius, el genio 248 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY gentle, dulce (adj.) 61 gentleman, el senor 13 George, Jorge 59 Germany, Alemania 15 German, aleman, -a (adj.) 2 to get up, levantarse 49 girl, la moza; la muchacha 6; 8 to give, dar 72; (they) give, dan; (he, she, it) gives, da 38 to give (over), entregar 51 glad, contento, -a 7 glass, el vaso (drinking glass) 15 Gloria, Gloria (girl's name) 71 glory, la gloria 71 to gnaw, roer; see leer 58 to go, ir 56; 70; andar 57; 68; dirigirse 48; pasar 25 to go down, bajar 31 to go into, entrar en (intransitive) (App. B) to go off, away, irse 49; mar- charse 54 to go out, salir 11 to go over (to traverse), recorrer 56 to go with, acompanar 42 to go to bed, acostarse (ue) 35 God, el Dios 27 Gomez, Gomez (surname) 64, B3 Gonzalez, Gonzalez (surname) 2 good, bueno, -a (adj.) 10 to be good for, servir (i) 61 good-by, liasta luego, hasta hie- guito (adv.) 77 Good gracious, jcanastos! (inter- jec.) 69; j Jesus, Jose, y Maria! 69 Good heavens! jDios mio! (inter- jec.) 69 graceful, garboso, -a (adj.) 1 Gracious! j Jesus, Jose, y Maria! 69 grains, la mies; (pi.) las mieses 17 grandfather, el abuelo 71 grandmother, la abuela 71 to grasp, agarrar; asir 76, B5 a great deal, mucho (adv.) 9 it grieves (hurts), duele 31 ground, el suelo 13 ground floor, el entresuelo (of a building of several stories) 19 to grunt, grunir 51 guide, el (or) la guia 33 Gutierrez, Gutierrez (surname) H hair, a hair, un cabello; hair (col- lective) los cabellos 31 half, medio, -a (adj.) 60; la mitad (noun) 67 hall (lecture hall), (la) aula 71 to halt, detenerse 74 ham, el jamon 19 hand, la mano 33 to hand over, entregar 51 to happen, acontecer 72; pasar 55; suceder 55; venir a (with verb) 56 happily, felizmente (adv.) 57 happy, contento, -a (adj.) ; feliz 7 has, (he she, it; you polite), tiene 11 haste, la prisa 72 to hasten, acudir 11 hat, el sombrero 4 to have, liaber (auxiliary for per- fect tenses) ; tener (to possess) 27; 28; 29; 56; 70; 74 have, (they; you polite), tienen 11 to have breakfast, desayunarse 49 head, la cabeza, 74; (chief), el jefe 67 health, la salud 6 health; to be in good health, estar bueno de salud 43 to hear, entender (ie) 35; oir 57; 68 heat, el calor 27 • heaven, el cielo 13 Good heavens! iValgame Dios! 69 Helen, Elena 12 to help, ayudar 67 help, el remedio; there is no help for it, no hay remedio 74; can't help (doing), no poder menos de 68 Henry, Enrique 12 her, to her, ella (disj. pro.) 42; le (conj. pro.) ; se (with a fqU ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 249 lowing direct obj. pro.) ; su (pos. adj.) 17; 21 herding, ganadero, -a (adj.) 59 here, aqui (adv.) 11 hers, suyo, -a (adj. or. pro.) 40 herself, to herself (reft, pro.), se 38; si (dis;. pro.) 42; 48 hi! jea! 69 high school, el liceo 45 him, to him, el (disj. pro.) 42; le (conj. pro.) ; se (followed by a direct obj. pro.) 38; (to) him- self, si, (refl. pro.) 38; 42; 48 to hinder, impedir (i) 36 his, su(s) (pos. adj.) 17; suyo, -a (pos. adj. or pro.) 40; el suyo (pos. pro.) 40 hoarse, ronco, -a (adj.) 33 hold, tener a 65 holy, santo, -a (adj.) 22 to hope, esperar horse, el caballo 38 horseman, el jinete hot, calient e 14 hour, la hora 60 house, la casa 10; (big, ill-propor- tioned house), el caseron; (ugly old house), la casucha 77 at the house of, at home, en casa (de) (adv. or prep.) 38 how, como (conj. adv.) 23 how? (int. conj.) £como? 18 how, lo (as in: . . how good they are ... ") 29, 2 however, por (adj. or adv.) que (subjunct.) 53 how many, cuantos, -as 23; how many? ^cuantos, -as? 18 how much, cuanto, -a 23; how much? i cuanto, -a? 18 humorous, burlon, -a 33 hunger, (la) hambre 27 hungry, to be hungry, tener ham- bre 27 hurrah for . . . ! jviva ... ! 54 hurricane, el huracan 2 to be in a hurry, tener prisa 72 it hurts, duele 31; this foot hurts me, me duele este pie 31 husband, el esposo hypothesis, la hipotesis 34 I I, yo (pers. pro.) 13 ice, el liielo 14 ice cream, el helado 39 idle, perezoso, -a (adj.) 7 if, si (conj.) 45 ignoble, innoble (adj.) 73 ill, enfermo, -a 31; malo, -a (with estar) 15 to imagine, flgurarse; imaginarse 49 immediately, en seguida (adv.) 43; pronto (adv.) 52 it is important, importa 56 impossible, imposible (adj.) 43 to imprint, imprimir (irreg. past part.) impreso 65 in, en (prep.) 4 in case, en caso (de) que (conj.) 53 to be inclined to, estar por 56 Indian, indio, -a 64 (Indian) corn, maiz 3; 72 indifferent, indiferente 41 industrious, aplicado, -a (adj.) 41; diligente (adj.) 7 industry, la industria 59 inexpensive, barato,, -a 24 to inform, hacer saber 57, AA15 inhabitant, el habitante 22 ink, la tinta 6 in order that, a fin (de) que (conj.) 53; para que in order to, para (conj.) 5 to insist (on), insistir (en) 56 instead of, en vez de (prep.) 45 instinct, el instinto 64 intelligent, inteligente (adj.) ; very intelligent, inteligentisimo, -a 76 to intend, pensar (ie) 56 interesting, interesante (adj.) 38 to introduce, presentar 42 iodine, el yodo 71 Irish, irlandes, -a (adj. or noun) 75 irorf, el hierro 37 250 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULAKY is, (he, she, it), es 6; it is (in ex- pressions of weather) liace 60 island, la isla 75 Israelite, israelita (adj. or noun) 75 is to, (he, she, it), lia de 29 its, su(s) (pos. adj.) 17 J jacket, la chaqueta 29 jaguar, el jaguar 1 Jane, Juana; little Jane, Juanita 77 January, el enero 60 Jesus, Jesus 69 John, Juan 12 joined, anexo, -a; anejo, -a (adj.) Joseph, Jose 69 judge, el juez; (pi.) jueces 65 to judge, juzgar 32 judgment, el juicio 71 July, el julio 60 to jump, brincar 51 June, el junio 60 to have just, acabar de . . . (App. B) K kerosene, el petroleo 30 key, la Have 70 kilometer, el kilometro 73 kind, amable (adj.) 72 kind, la especie 41 to kindle, encender (ie) 35 kindness, Ja bondad (App. H) king, el rey 34 kitchen utensils, la vajilla (col- lective) 16 knife, el cucliillo 18 to know, conocer 58; to know how, saber 46; 70 L to be lacking, faltar 60 lady, la senora 13 large, grande (adj.) 6; 22 last, pasado (past part, as adj., as el mes pasado, last month) 60; (of a series) postrero, -a( adj.) 19 late, tarde (adv.) 35 Latin, latino, -a (adj.) 61; latin, (the language) to laugh, reir 68 laugh, (they; you, polite) rien 48 to laugh at, reirse de 48 law, el derecho (abstract noun only) 47; la ley 34 lawyer, el abogado 47 lazy, flojo, -a (adj.) 31; haragan, -a (adj.) 33; perezoso, -a (adj.) 7 to lead, conducir 43 leader, el jefe 67 leaf, la hoja 39 lean, flaco, -a (adj.) 8 to learn, aprender 56 at least, por lo menos (adv.) 72 to leave, partir (intransitive) 47 to leave off (doing a thing), de- jar de ... 50; he left off writ- ing, dejo de escribir 50 left, izquierdo, -a (adj.) 31 leisurely, despacio, -a (adj.) 23 to lend, pre star 45 less, menos (adv.) 23 lesson, la leccion 6 to let, dejar 62; to let know, hacer saber let's see! jvamosaver! (inter jee.) 69 letter, la carta 40 to lie (tell a falsehood) , mentir (ie) 35 to lie (to lie down), yacer 76 to lift, levantar 49 light, la luz 30 light (blond), rubio, -a (adj.) 14 light (swift), ligero, -a 38 to light, encender (ie) 35 to like (a person), querer (ie) a 35; (a thing), gustar (imperson- al est.) (App. B) I should like, quisiera 44; I like it, me agrada; me alegra; me gusta (App. B) linguistic, linguistico, -a 71 liquid, fluido, -a (adj.) 71 listen! joiga! joye!; listen here! jmire! 69 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 251 little (in size),, cliico, -a (adj.) 33; pequeno, -a 5 little (in amount), poco, -a (adj.) 23 little, but little, poco (adv.) ; lit- tle, poco de (partitive adv.) 23 little girl, la ninita 77 to live, vivir 11 loaf, el pan 17 to loaf, liolgarse (ue) 48 to lock, cerrar (ie) 35 to lock up, encerrar (ie) 35 to lodge, alojar 51 long, largo, -a (adj.) 33 no longer, no . . . mas (adv.) 41; ya no 13 to look at, mirar 50 to look for, buscar 12 Look out that . . . ! jCuidado que . . . ! 68 looking-glass, el espejo 48 to lose, perder (ie) 35 Louis, Luis; little Louis, Luisito 67; 77 to love, amar 16; querer a (ie) 35 lukewarm, tibio, -a (adj.) 15 to lunch, almorzar (ue) 35 M madam, senora 13 made, (he, she, it; you polite), hacia 64; liizo (preterite) 54 Madrid (inhabitant of), madrileno, -a (adj. or noun) 25 maize, maiz 3; 71 to make, hacer 74 makes, (he, she, it; you polite), hace 38 to make cold, enfriar 58 to make oneself, hacerse 59; 74 to make up one's mind, decidirse por; (with verb), a 48 to make one's way toward, to go, dirigirse 48 was making, (he, she, it; you po- lite) hacia 64 mamma, la mama; (pi.) las ma- mas 34 man, el hombre 9 to manage, echar de 56 manner, el aire 71 to manufacture, fabricar 49; to be manufactured, fabricarse 49 many, muchos, -as (adj.), 10 March, el marzo 60 mark (in school), la nota 39 Mary, Maria 12 mathematics, las matematicas 73 it matters, importa 56 May, el mayo 60 me, to me, mi (disj. pro.) 42; 48; me (conj. pro.) 21; 38; with me, conmigo 42 meal, la comida 8 to mean (to wish to say), querer decir 72 means, la medida 1 measure, la medida 1 meat, la carne 17 medicine, la medicina 47 to meet, conocer 58; encontrar (ue) 31 to melt, derretir (i) 36 mere truth, la pura verdad 56 middle, in the middle of (a month), a mediados de 60 might, with all one's might, a mas no poder 72 milk, la leclie 17 mine, el mio (pos. pro.) 40 mint, la moneda 13 mirror, el espejo 48 miss, dona (with first name) 20; la seiiorita (used with surname) 13 mist, la neblina; it is misty, bay neblina 28 Mrs., Mistress, dona (with first name) 20; senora (used with surname) 13 mistake, la falta mistaken, (to be), equivocarse 52 mister, Mr., master, don (with first name) 20; senor (used with surname) 13 modern, moderno, -a (adj.) 25 moment, el momento 40 money, el dinero 19 month, el mes 60 252 • ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY Monday, el lunes 34 more, mas (adv.) 14; the more . . . the more, cuanto mas . . . (tanto) mas 23; no more, no longer, no . . . mas (adv.) 41 morning, la manana 11 mortal, mortal (adj.) 61 most, isimo, -a (suffix) 76 mother, la madre 6 mountain, la montana 25 much, mucho (adv.) 10 much, mucho, -a (adj.) 10 must, deber 35 mutually, mutuamente (adv.) 48 my, mi(s) (pos. adj.) 17; mio, -a (pos. adj. or pro.) 40 N narrow, angosto, -a (adj.) 41 nation, la nacion 12 near, cerca de (prep.) 30; proximo, -a (adj.) 60 necessary, necesario, -a (adj.); preciso 43 it is necessary, es necesario 43; es menester 51 to need, necesitar 56 neither, ni; neither . . . nor, ni . . . ni (conj.) 7; 41 nephew, el sobrino 61 never, nunca (adv.) ; jamas (adv.) 41 nevertheless, sin embargo (adv.) 38 new, nuevo, -a (adj.) 57 newly, nuevamente (adv.) 57 news, las noticias 40 newspaper, el diario 70 news stand, el kiosco (quiosco) 73 New York, Nueva York 59, B5 next, en seguida (adv.) 43 next, proximo, -a (adj.) 60; next week, la semana que viene 60 nice, amable (adj.) 72 niece, la sobrina 61 no (none), ninguno, -a (adj. or pro.) 19; (after noun) alguno 19; 41 no, no (adj.) 8; 41 nobody, nadie (pro.) 41 no one, ninguno, -a (adj. or pro.) 19 nor, ni (conj.) 7 North America, America del Norte, Norte America 68 not, no (adv.) 8; 41; not at all! jca! (inter jec.) ; nada (adv.; in- ter jee.) 41; not by a good deal, ni por mucho (adv.; inter jec.) 25 note (as, "to make a note of something"), la apuntacion 39 notebook, el cuaderno 39 nothing, nada (pro.) 41 to notice carefully, fijarse en 56 November, el noviembre 60 now, ahora (adv.) 16; ya (adv.) 13 to obscure, ennegrecer 73 occasional, suelto, -a (past part. as adj. from solver) 65 to occupy oneself with, preocu- parse de 48 October, el octubre 60 of, de (prep.) 5; (in expressions of time) ; faltan cinco minutos para las ocho, it is five minutes of eight 60 often, a menudo (adv.) 48 oil (as, olive oil), el aceite 71 old (out-of-date), anejo, -a (adj.) 2 older, mayor (adj.) 23; 33 on, en (prep.) 4; adelante (adv.) 47 on (plus present part.), al (plus in fin.) 50 on account of, por (prep.) 4 on (put on, as : " he has his hat on ") puesto, -a 59 one, un, una (indef. art.) 9 one another, (el) uno . . . (el) otro ; mutuamente ; the one . . . the other, (el) uno . . . (el) otro 48 onion, la cebolla 39, BB5 only, tmico, -a (adj.) 54; solo (adv.) 42; no . . . mas que (adv.) 23; not only . . . but also, no solo (or solamente) . . . sino que 50 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULAKY 253 to open, abrir 65 opened, abierto (irreg. past part.) 65 opinion, el juicio 71 to oppose, oponerse (a) 56 to oppress, oprimir 65; {past parts.) oprimido, opreso or, o (conj.) 7; u = o {before 0- or ho-) 64 orange, la naranja 67, BB10 orange blossom, el azaliar 1 to order, mandar 44 ordinary, ordinario, -a 64 other (another), otro -a {adj. or pro.) 13 ought, deber 35 ought to ... , hay que ... 29 our(s), nuestro, -a {adj.); (el) nuestro {pro.) 40 outcome, el exito 39 to overcome, veneer 58 to owe, deber 35 own, propio, -a {adj.) 52 ox, el buey 2 P page, la hoja 39; la pagina {as of a book) 58 to pain, doler (ue) 74 paper (in general, not a news- paper), el papel; blotting paper, el papel secante 70 Paraguay, el Paraguay 61 Paris, Paris 24, BB8 parrot, el loro 2 part, la parte 67 to pass, pasar 25 to be passed (in a class on an examination) recibir39; aprobar past, pasado, -a (past part, as adj.) 60 path, el sendero 25 to pay, pagar 51 to pay (attention), prestar (aten- cion) 45 peace, la paz 57 pen, la pluma; fountain pen, plumafuente, 5; 70 pencil, el lapiz 5 penknife, el cortaplumas 34 pepper, la pimienta 24 perfect, eompleto, -a (adj.) 39 to permit, dejar 62; permitir 55 person, la persona 59 Peru, el Peru 61 pharmaceutical, farmaceutico, -a (adj.) 71 philosopher, el filosofo 73 to philosophize, filosofar 57 piano, el piano 6 picturesque, pintoresco, -a (adj.) 38 pity, la lastima; it is a pity, es lastima 46 planet, el planeta 33 plate, el plato 18 to play, jugar (ue) 35; (a musical instrument) tafier, tocar 6; 16; 58 to please, alegrar; it pleases me, I like, me alegra; gustar, me gusta, I like (App. B) ; placer 76; agradar; me agrada, it pleases me, I like (App. B) to be pleased with, complacerse (en) 76 please, tenga V. la bondad de . . . ; hagame V. el favor de . . . ; sir- vase V. (App. H) please (yes, please), si me hace el favor (App.H) plus, mas 67 pocket, el bolsillo 40 poem, la poesia 54, Bll; el poema 33 poetry, la poesia, 54, Bll to point out, ensenar 24 polecat,, la zorrilla 77 to polish, brufiir 51 poor, pobre (adj.)-, jpobre de el! poor fellow! 14; 29 possible, posible (adj.) 43 practice, el ejercicio 15 to pray, rezar 51 to prefer, preferir (ie) 55 to be preoccupied with, preocu- parse de 48 to prepare, preparar 8 to present, presentar 42 to be present, asistir 64 254: ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY president, el presidente, la presi- denta 33 pretty, bonito, -a 33 to prevent, impedir (i) 36 price, el precio 14 priest, el cura 1 to print, irnprimir; (irreg. past part.), impreso 65 probably, probablemente (adv.) 32 professor, el profesor. la profesora 39 program, el programa 33 provided that, siempre que (conj.) 53 prudent, avisado, -a {adj.) 72 to pull at, tirar de {App. B) to pull out, sacar 51 pupil, alumno, -a 5 to purchase, comprar 8 pure, puro, -a (adj.) 56 to put, meter 40; poner; to put on (clothes), ponerse 49 to put to bed, acostar (ue) 35 to put on (shoes), calzarse 49 0 quantity, la cantidad 65 question, la pregunta 52 quickly, aprisa (adv.) 57; pronto (adv.) 52 quiet, callado, -a (adj.) • very quiet, calladito 77; tranquilo, -a (adj.) 49 quotient, el cuociente 71 R race, la carrera 38 rain, la lluvia; it is rainy, hay lluvia 60 to rain, Hover (ue) 35 to raise, alzar 58 rapid, ligero, -a (adj.) 38 rapidly, rapidamente (adv.) 38 rare, raro, -a (adj.) 41 to reach, llegar (a) (intrans.) 32; 51 to read, leer 58 ready, listo, -a (adj.) 32 real, verdadero, -a (adj.) 58 really, verdaderamente 58, BB6; jva! (inter jec.) really! 73 reason, la razon 74; (judgment) el juicio 71; there is no reason for, no hay por que to receive, recibir 39 to recount, contar (ue) 35 red, rojo, -a (adj.) 11 to reduce, reducir 58 to refrain from, guardarse de 56 to refuse, negarse (ie) (a) 56; oponerse (a) 56 to rejoice, alegrarse (de) (App. B) ; 55 to relate, contar (ue) 35 reliable, eierto, -a 33 to remain, quedar (se) 74 remedy, el remedio 74 to remember, acordarse (ue) de 48 to remind oneself of, acordarse (ue) de 48 to repeat, repetir (i) 36 to reply, contestar 36 repulsive old man, el vejote 77 to request, rogar (ue) 51 respected, respectado -a (past. part, as adj.) 64 to rest, descansar 56 to return, volver (ue) 35 returned, vuelto (irreg. past part.) 65 rich, rico, -a 14 right, derecho, -a (adj.) ; as y "right hand") 31 to "be right, tener razon 74 road, el camino to rob, robar 47 roguish, socarron, -a (adj.) 33 room (of a house), el cuarto 49; la pieza 12 to have room for, caber 70 round, redondo, -a (adj.) 33 rose, la rosa 73 ruby, el rub! 34 to ruin, perder (ie) (person as ob- ject) 56, A18 to run, correr 42 to run away, salvarse 48 to run off, escaparse 48 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 255 S said, (they, you polite), dijeron 8, BB14; (he, she, it), dijo 3; 24; (we), dijimos saint, santo {adj. or noun) 22 sake; For Heaven's sake, ;por Dios! 27 same, mismo, -a (adj. before noun) 24 sardine, la sardina 41 satisfactory, satisfactorio, -a {adj.) 22 satisfied, satisfecho, -a (past part. as adj.) 10 to be satisfied with, contentarse con 56 Saturday, el sabado 34 to save oneself, salvarse 48 saw, (he, she, it; you polite), vio 57 to say, decir 40; 74 say, (they; you polite), dicen 24 says, (he, she, it; you polite) dice 24 to scatter, esparcir 58 school, la escuela 23 Scotch, escoces, -a (adj. or noun) 33 to seat, sentar (ie) ; to seat one- self, to sit down, sentarse (ie) 35 to see, ver 29; 72; we'll see about it, alia veremos; see here! jmire! joiga! joye! 69; 74, B16 to seek, buscar 12 it seems, parece 30 to seize, asir 76; coger 51 -self, mismo (intensive adj. after noun) 24 to sell, vender 10 to send, enviar 58; mandar 44 sense, el juicio 71 sentinel, la centinela 33 September, el se(p)tiembre 60 Serafina, Serafina (girl's name) 77 little Serafina, Finita 77 servant, el mozo 6 to serve, servir (i) 36 set of shelves, el estante 70 Seville (native of), sevillano. -a (adj. or noun) 25 share (of stock), accion 71, A27 to shave oneself, afeitarse 48 she, ella 13 shirt, la camisa 29 shoe, el zapato 29 shore, la playa 43 short, corto, -a 61 should, you should, hay que 29; I should say so! jYa* lo creo! 69,B14 shoulder, el hombro 40 to shout, gritar 54 to show, ensenar 24 to shut, cerrar (ie) 35 to shut in, encerrar (ie) 35 sick, enfermo, -a (adj.) 31 malo, -a (adj.) (with estar) 15 side, el lado 42 sight, la vista 63; by sight, de vista silk, la seda 41 since, desde que (conj.) ; desde (prep.) 64 to sing, cantar 47 sir, senor 13 to sit down, sentarse (ie) 35 skilful, habil (adj.) 60 skunk, la zorrilla 77 sky, el cielo 13 slate, la pizarra 5 sleep, el sueiio 27; to sleep, dor- mir (ue) 35; to be sleepy, tener sueuo 27 slow, despacio, -a (adj.) 23; to be slow (of a watch), atrasar 60 slowly, despacio (adv.) 23 to be slow in, tardar en 56 sly, socarron, -a (adj.) 33 small, chico, -a (adj.) 33; pequeno, -a 5 to smell, oler (hue) 39 to smile, sonreir 68 snow, la nieve 33 to snow, nevar (ie) 35 so, and so (conj. adv.), asi 3 "so long," hasta luego (adv.) 77 and so forth, et cetera, etcetera 49 so many, tantos, -as (adj.) 25 so much, tanto, -a (adj.) 25 so much, tanto (adv.) 25 so that, asi que (conj.)- 47 256 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY so that, de manera (de or) que {conj.) 50; 53; de modo (de or) que {conj.) 53 sock, el calcetm 16 sofa, el sofa 45 soiled, sucio, -a {adj.) 15 soldier, el soldado 14 to solve, solver (ue) ; {irreg. past part.) suelto 65 some, alguno, -a {adj. or pro.) 19; 41 some, unos, unas {adj. or pro.) 9 some . . . others, (los) unos . . . (los) otros 48; tales . . . tales 59 sometimes, a veces {adv.) 44 soon, pronto {adv.) 52 to be sorry, sentir (ie) 35 sore, enfermo 31 sort, la clase; la especie 41 soul, (la) alma 19 Spain, la Espana 15 Spanish, espafiol, -a (adj. or pro.) 14 to speak, hablar 4 speech, la palabra 16 to spend, gastar 74 in spite of the fact that, a pesar de que 53 to split, rajar 51 spoon, la cuchara 18; small spoon, teaspoon, la cucliarita 18 spouse, esposo, -a spring, la primavera 60 squall, el chubasco 2 square, cuadrado, -a {adj.) 33 to stain, tenir (i) 51 statesman, el estadista 16 to stay, quedar (se) 15 to steal, robar 47 steel, el acero 37 still {as, "He is still here "), toda- via 34; aim 3 still (as, "That is still larger"), aun {adv. of degree) stock raising, ganadero, -a (adj.) 59 stocking, la media 16 stone, la piedra 68 to stop, detenerse 74 stopped; he stopped writing, dej6 de escribir 50 story (narrative) , el cuento 19 story (of a house), el piso 13 stout, gordo, -a (adj.) 54 straight, derecho, -a 31 strange, ajeno, -a (adj.) 63 straw, la paja 33 street, la calle 12 street car, el tranvia 31 strength, la fuerza; las fuerzas strike, to strike two (o'clock), dar las dos 72 strong, fuerte (adj.) to struggle (for), luchar (por) 56 student, alumno, -a (in high school)-, 5; el estudiante (in college) 30 to study, estudiar 13 stupid, estupido, -a (adj.) 69 such, tal; such a, (un) tal 59 sufficient, suficiente (adj.) 14 sugar, el azucar 17 suit, el traje 49 it suits, convenir (3rd sing, as impersonal) 74 summer, el verano 60 sumptuous, rico, -a (adj.) 14; suntuoso, -a (adj.) 73 sun, el sol; it is sunny, hay sol 28 Sunday, el domingo 34 to suppress, suprimir; (past part.) suprimido and supreso 65 sure, seguro, -a (adj.) 49; cierto, -a 33 surely, seguramente (adv.) 68 sweet, dulce (adj.) 61 swift, ligero, -a (adj.) 38 swiftly, rapidamente (adv.) 38 to swim, nadar 64 swollen, hinchado, -a (adj.) 2 T to take, coger 51 table, la mesa 7 tailor, el sastre 14 to take, tomar 7 to take (a street car), agarrar 76, B5 to take care, tener cuidado 68 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 257 to take leave (refl.), despedirse (i) 52 to take place, acontecer 72 to take a walk, pasearse 66 to take away, quitar 47 to talk, hablar 4 talkative, hablador, -a (adj.) 33 taste, el gusto 49 to taste of, saber a; it tastes of onions, sabe a cebollas 64 tea, el te; (pi.) tes 17 to teach, ensefiar 24 teacher (primary school), el maes- tro, la maestra 63; (high school, college), el profesor, la profesora 39 teaspoon, la cucliarita 18 telegram, el telegrama 33 to telegraph, telegrafiar 58 to tell, decir 40; 74; I shall tell, you will tell, etc., dire, diras, etc. 42 temper, el genio tepid, tibio, -a (adj.) 15 than, que; de; de (el, etc., lo) que (conj.) 5; 23 to thank, agradecer 69; dar las gracias 72 thanks, gracias (adv.) 72 that, aquel, -11a; ese, -a (adj.) 30 that, aquel, -11a; §se, -a ( pro.) 30 that, que (rel. pro.) 10; 24 that, que (conj.) (expletive, see 69) 30, 3 the, el, la; los, las 9 their(s), su(s) ; suyo, -a (s) (pos. adj. or pro.) 17 ; 40 them, ellos, ellas (pers. pro.) 42 themselves, si (disj. pro.) 48 then, en seguida (adv.) 43; en- tonces (adv.) 33 there, ahl (adv.); allf 11; 30 there is, there are, hay 28 these, estos, -as (demonstr. adj.) 30 these, §stos, -as (demonstr. pro.) 30 they, ellos, -as (pers. pro.) 13 thin, flaco, -a (adj.) 8 thine, tuyo, -a (pos. adj.) 17 thing, la cosa 10 to think, pensar (ie) ; to think of 9 (to put one's attention on), pen- sar en; to think of (to have an opinion of), pensar de 56; 64 think; I think so, creer; lo creo, creo que si 23 ; I think (it seems to me), me parece 30 third, tercero, -a (adj. or pro.) 19 thirst, la sed 17 thirsty, to be thirsty, tener sed 17 this, este, -a (demonstr. adj.) 30 this, este, -a (demonstr. pro.) 30 those, esos, -as; aquellos,, -as 30 (as pro., use accent) thought, el pensamiento 64 thou, tu (pers. pro.) 13 through, por (prep.) 4 to throw, tirar 68 thunder, el trueno 33 to thunder, tronar (ue) 35 Thursday, el jueves 34 thy, tu(s) (pos. adj.); (el) tuyo (adj. or pro.) 17 time (as, "What time is it? "), la hora 60 time (in general), el tiempo 35; on time, a tiempo 46; it is time for (to), es tiempo de (que) 43 time (in series) la vez 12; at times, a veces (adv.) 4:4:; from time to time, de vez en cuando 68 to have a good time, holgarse (ue) 48 tinned, en lata (adj.) 41 to tire, aburrir 11 tired, cansado, -a (with estar) 15 tiring, cansado, -a (with ser) 14 to have as title, intitularse 54 to, a 5; (after verb of motion, as conj., in order to) 50, 2(b) today, hoy (adv.) 4 together, juntos, -as (adj.) 45 told, (he, she, it), dijo 3, 24 told, (they), dijeron 8, BB14 tomorrow, mafiana (adv.) 11 tonight, esta noche (adv.) 46 too, demasiado (adv. of degree) 46 tooth, el diente 8 to touch, tocar 6 towards, hacia (prep.) 42 258 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY traitor, traidor, -a (adj. or noun) 33 tranquil, tranquilo, -a {adj.) 49 trap, la trampa 72 to travel, via jar 43 to traverse, recorrer 56 treacherous, traidoii, -a {adj.) 33 treacherously, traidoramente ( adv. ) 57 Treasury Street, Calle de la Mo- neda 13 to treat, tratar 56 tree, el arbol 64 to tremble (with), temblar (ie) (de) 35 trip {around a city), la carrera 38 trolley car, el tranvia (word used in Spain) 31; el carro (word used in South America) true, verdadero, -a (adj.) 58 truly, verdaderamente (adv.) 58 truth, la verdad 6 to try to, tratar de 56 Tuesday, el martes 34 Turk, turco, -a (adj. or noun) 33 Turkish, turco, -a (adj.) 33 to turn, volver (ue) ; revolver (ue) 35 twenty, veinte (numeral adj.) 20 two, dos (num. adj.) 2 U uncle, el tio 6 under, bajo (prep.) 24; debajo de to understand, entender (ie) 35 to undress, desnudar; to undress oneself, desnudarse 49 unhappy, infeliz (adj.) 29 United States, (los) Estados Uni- dos 15 unless, a menos que (conj.) 53; no sea que (conj.) 53 unlucky, infeliz (adj.) 29 until, hasta que (conj.) 53 unusual, raro, -a (adj.) 41 us,, nosotros, -as (disj. pro.) 42 to use, emplear 76; usar 34 to be used to (plus verb), soler (ue) 76 useful, util (adj.) 60 V vacation, las vacaciones 43 value, el valor 33 to vary, variar 58 verb, el verbo 16 very, muy (adv.) 10; mismo, -a (adj. after noun) 24; -isimo, -a (adj. or adv. suffiw) 76; tan (adv.) 69; re-, te-, que-, (pre- fixes, used alone or together) 76 very little, poqmsimo, -a (adj. or adv.) 76,A14 very near, cerqulsima (adv.) 76 very sunny, it is very sunny, hay mucho sol 28; 60 view, la vista 63 village, la aldea 73 Vina del Mar, Vina del Mar, (lit., Vineyard of the Sea, name of a beach near Valparaiso, in Chile) 43 virtue, la virtud 6 to visit, visitar 42 voice, la voz 33 volume, el tomo 67 W to wait for, esperar waiter, el mozo 6 to wake up (transitive) despertar (ie) ; (intransitive) despertarse (ie) 49 to walk, marchar 54; pasearse 66 wall, la pared to wander, errar (ye) 39 to want, desear 15 war, la guerra 1 to be very warm, tener mucho calor (of persons) 27; it is warm (of weather), hace calor 60 to wash, lavar 16 watch, el reloj 12 way, el camino; in no way, de ninguna manera (adv.) 41 water, (la) agua; (written and pronounced el agua) 2; 58 we, nosotros, -as (pers. pro.) 13 to wear, usar 34 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULARY 259 to weary, aburrir 11 weather, el tiempo 35 to weave, tejer 51 Wednesday, el miercoles 34 week, la semana 34 to weep, llorar 2; 27 weight, el peso 20 well, bien {adv.) 10, B7; 23 well, pues (conj. adv.) 48 well! jva! {inter jec.) 73; itoma! 69 west, occidente; el oeste 1 what, cual {rel. adj.) 24 what, que {with inf.) ; lo que {with finite verb) 56 what? ^cual? {int. adj.) £cual? {int. pro.) ique? 18; What day of the month is it? lA cuantos estamos del mes? 60 when, cuando {rel. conj.) ; luego que (conj.) 18; 53 when? i cuando? {int. conj.) 18 where {conj.) donde, en donde 24 where? {int. conj.) i donde? £en donde? 21, B4 whether, si (-conj.) 45 which, que {rel. pro.) 24 which? ique? ^cual? {int. adj. or pro.) 18 while, el rato 74 while, mientras {conj.) ; mientras que {conj.) 64 white, bianco, -a 6 who, whom, que, quien {rel. pro.) 10; 24 who? whom? ique? i quien? {int. pro.) 18 who, el cual (or que) {rel. pro.) 25 whose, cuyo, -a {pos. adj. or pro.) 24 whose? £cuyo, -a? {int. adj. or pro.) why? ipor qu£? 18 wide, ancho, -a {adj.) 41 wife, la esposa William, Guillermo 69 window, la ventana 13 wind, el viento 28 windy; it is windy, hay viento 28 wine, el vino 17 winter, el invierno 60 to wish, querer (ie) 35; I wish, quisiera 44 (=1 should like); (they) wish, quieren 3 with, con {prep.) 5; with all one's might, a mas no poder 72 within, dentro de {prep.) 40 without, sin que {conj.) 53 why? ipor que? {conj.) 18 woe to you! jinfeliz de usted! 29 woman, la mujer; insignificant woman, mujercilla 77 to be wont, soler (ue) 76 wood, la madera 70 word, la palabra 16 work, el trabajo 6 to work, trabajar 4 work day, dia habil 60; dia util 60 world, el mundo 54 worse, peor {adj. or adv.) 23 worth, el valor 33; to be worth, valer 66 it is worth seeing, es de ver 72 to wrestle, luchar 64 to write, escribir 11 writing desk, el escritorio 70 written, escrito {irreg. past part. of escribir) 16; 65 Y year, el aiio 20 yellow, amarillo, -a {adj.) 41 yes, si {adv.) 11 ; 30 yesterday, ayer {adv.) 11 yet, todavia {adv.) 34; ailn 3 you, to you (thee), yourself {re- flex or pers. pro.), te 21; 38; 48; ti {disj. pro.) 42; 48; tu {pers. pro.) 13 you, usted, Ud., Vd., V. {subject or disj. pro.) 13; 42 you, vosotros, -as {int. pi., subject or disj. pro.) 13; 42 to you, te {int. pers. pro., sing.), vosotros, -as {pi.) ; le {formal pers. pro., sing.), les (pi.) ; ti, vosotros, -as, Vd., Vds., (disj.) 38; 42; 48 260 ENGLISH— SPANISH VOCABULAEY young girl, joven 35 younger, menor {adj.) 23 young lady, la senorita 13 your, vuestro, -a {pos. adj.) 17; 40; tu(s) {pos. adj.); su(s) {pos. adj., polite) 17 yours, suyo, -a {pos. adj., polite) ; el suyo {pos. pro., polite) 40; tuyo, -a {pos. adj., int. form) ; el tuyo {pos. pro., int. form) 40 youth (lad), el joven 35 Z zero, el cero 67 SUBJECT INDEX (Individual words are to be found in the Vocabulary or Table of Contents.) Accentuation, III, 1-4; in inter- rogative words, XVIII, 4; in pronouns, XXX, 2 ; use of accent mark, LXXV, 1, 2. Adjectives: gender, V, 2, 3; IX, 3; XXXIII, 1, 2; number, IX, 1, 2; position, VII, 2; XXXIII, 4, 6; comparison, XXIII. Descrip- tive, VII, 2; limiting, VII, 2. Demonstrative, XXX, 1 ; inter- rogative, XVIII ; possessive, XVII; XL, 5; '(def. art. for pos., XL, 6); prepositional, XXXVII; 5; relative, XXIV, 4. Adverbs: Comparison, XXIII. Agent, with the passive, XVI, 3. Agreement: see Adjectives; Pas- sive; Possessives. Apocopation, XIX, 1-4; XXII, 6, 7. Articles: uses of, LIX, LXI; def. art. for pos. adj., XL, 6. Augmentatives, LXXVII, 1, 3. Brackets, use of in exercises, p. 8, fn. 2. Capitals, III, 6. Cardinals: see Numerals. Changes in Spelling: see Verbs. Comparison, XXIII. Conditions: in the indicative, XLV, 1(a) ; in the subjunctive, see Subjunctive. Conjunctions: with indicative, L, 1 ; with infinitive, L, 2 ; with subjunctive, LIII, 2. Conjunctive: see Pronouns. Consonants: see Pronunciation. Contraction: of articles with a or de, V, 3; of imperative with pronoun object, LXIII, 3; see also Apocopation. Dates and Time, LX, 1, 2, 4, 5. Demonstratives: see Adjectives; Pronouns. Diminutives, LXXVII, 1, 2. Diphthongs, II, 6; III, 4; LXI, 2, 3. Disjunctive: see Pronouns. Exclamations, LXIX. Fractions : see Numerals — Ordi- nals. Gender: see Adjectives; Nouns; Pronouns. Idioms, XXVII, 5; XXVIII, 4; XXIX; LX, 6; LXIV, 4; Apps. B and H. Imperative: forms, LTV, 2; LXII; for position of pronouns with, see Pronouns. Indicative: see Conditions; Con- junctions ; Tenses. Infinitive: see Verbs. Interjections, LXIX. Interrogation: see Verbs. Inter rogatives : see Adjectives; Pronouns. Intransitive verb, p. 28, fn. 1. Mood: see Verbs. Negation: see Verbs. Neuter, XII, 3; XXXI, 3. Nouns : gender, V, 1 ; VI ; XXXIII, 1, 3; number, IX, 1, 2; XII, 1; XXXIV. Adjectives as nouns, XXII, 8. Abstract and generic, App. F. Number: see Adjectives; Nouns, App. A. 261 262 SUBJECT INDEX Numerals: Cardinals, XX; XXIT; Ordinals, LXVII; App. G. Object : direct, use of a with, XII, 2. Omission: of indef. art. with pre- dicate nominative, XIV, 3; with ciento or mil, XXII, 5; of y in numbers, XXII, 2. Order, with ser and one predicate adjective, p. 10, fn. 1. Ordinals: see Numerals. Orthographic changes: see Verbs. Parentheses, use of in exercises, p. 8, fn. 2. Participles: present, XXXVII, 1, 2; LVII, 1; past, XVI, 1; can- not be followed by pro. obj., p. 143, A, 1. Passive: see Verbs. Person, App. A. Personal pronouns: see Conjunc- tive; Disjunctive; Subject. Plural: see Adjectives; Nouns; App. A. Position: see Adjectives; Pro- nouns. Possession, VII, 1. Possessives: see Adjectives; Pro- nouns. Prepositional: see Pronouns — dis- junctive. Pronouns : conjunctive, XXI ; XXXVIII, 1-6; XLVIII, 1; de- monstrative, XXX, 2; XXXI; disjunctive, XLII; XLVIII, 1; in- terrogative, XVIII ; possessive, XL; reciprocal and reflexive, XLVIII; XLIX; relative, XXIV; XXV; subject, XIII. Position of personal pronouns, XXI, 2; XXXVIII; LVII, 4; with im- perative, LXIII; cannot be used with past part., p. 143, A, 1; with ser, XXXVIII, 7. Pronunciation : consonants, I ; LXXIII; vowels, II; LXXI. Punctuation, III, 5. Radical-changing: see Verbs. Reciprocal: see Verbs. Reflexive: see Pronouns; Verbs. Relatives: see Pronouns. Repetition, of article or preposi- tion, V, 4. si or si used to make statements emphatic, p. Ill, fn. 1. Singular: see Adjectives, Nouns; App. A. .Stress: see Accentuation. Subjunctive: future, LXXVII, 4; past (imperfect), XLIV; pres- ent, XLIII; sequence of tenses, XLIII, 4; XLIV, 3, 4; in adjec- tive clauses, LIV, 3; in adverb- ial clauses, LIII; in conditional sentences, XLV; with imperson- al expressions, XLVI, 1, 2; in main clauses, LIV, 1 ; in noun clauses, LV; in wishes, LIV, 2. See also Apps. C and D. Radi- cal-changing verbs, LII. Superlative: see Comparison. Syllabification: LXXV, 3. Taking away, dative of, XL VII, 1. Tenses (indicative) : conditional, XXXII, 2, 3, 5; imperfect (past descriptive), XXVI; future, XXXII, 1, 3, 4; LXX; past anterior ( secondary pluperfect ) , XLVII, 2; perfect tenses, XXVIII, 5 ; present, IV, 3 ; pres- ent (imperfect) for English per- fect (pluperfect), LXIV, 1; preterite, VIII, 2, 3; progressive tenses, XXXVII, 3. Time: see Dates. Transitive verbs, p. 28, fn. 1. Triphthongs, II, 6; LXI, 2, 4. Verbs: first conjugation, IV; VIII; second conjugation, X; third conjugation, XI. Princi- pal parts, LXVI, 1. Interroga- tion, V, 5 ; negation, VIII, 4, 5 ; XLI, 1-3. Omission of pro. subj., IV, 2. Infinitive: after con- junctions, L, 2; as noun, L, 3; SUBJECT INDEX 263 LVII, 2, 3; with prepositions, LVI, 1-3; for subjunctive, XLVI, 2. Imperative, see Imperative; participles, see Participles ; pass- ive voice, XVI, 1-4; (see also p. 28, fn. 1) ; reflexives and re- ciprocals, XL VIII; XLIX; sub- junctive, see iSubjunctive. Tenses, see Tenses. Changes in spelling ( Orthographic changes ) , LI ; LVIII; App. E; inceptives, LVIII, (b) ; LXV, 3. Irregular, see Table of Contents; List of Irregular Verbs. Radical-chang- ing, XXXV; XXXVI; XXXIX; LII. Voice, passive: see Verbs, very much = muy, p. 17, fn. 1. Vowels: see Pronunciation. Weather, expressions of LX, 6.