THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C378 U.K3 l832G.i UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00036720628 This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE gialjttic aii^ ||JTilai#cfliiic |;0dsHi5, AT JUNE 20, 1832. BY HOS. WILLIAM GASTOA\ LL, D. FIFTH EDITION. CHAPEL HILL : JAMES M. HENDERSON, PKINTER 10 IHB BNIVEESIir. 1858. if^. This Address was dollvcrc-d before the two Literiiry Societies of the Uui- %X'rsity of Xorth Carolina by the Hon. Williaii Ctastox, LL. D., on Com' meneement day of 1832. It has since that time passed through four edi- tions, lu continues to be so popuhir and in such great demand, that the Philanthropic Society lias ordered this the fifth edition to be published, 2s'. C. HUGHES, ^ M. L. EURE, [- Com. E. H. DAVIS. 3 4^ UK Genti.emex of the Dialectic and PiiiEAxxHr.oFic Societies : When I look around on tliis extraordinary concourso of visitors, I cannot Init fool that expectation has ])eon too highl}' excited, and cannot but anticipate and regret the disappointment which it must necessarilj' meet with. — Aware of tlie value that is here set upon the ceremony of the annual address ; knowing- that the friends of the I'ni- versity tlu'oughout the State, regard it as calculated not only to excite a spirit of emulation among the Students, but to attract the public attention to the Institution itself : and warmlv attached to that noble cause, for tlie advance- ment of which these edifices have been erected and your associations formed, I felt myself bound to accept the invi- tation, in obedience to which I appear before you. Could I indeed have foreseen the unusual engagements, which added to the ordinary occupations of a busy life, have left me no leisure to prepare any thing worthy of the general expectation, I should have deemed myself at liberty to decline the call. But the discovery was not made until af- ter my word was pledged, and it was too late to hope that the duty could be devolved on another. Compelled then to choose between an entire disappointment of your hopes, and the presenting myself to joii without the advantages of full preparation, I have resolved to execute the underta- king imperfectly, rather than forego it altogether. To whatever petty mortifications the adoption of this alterna- tive may expose lac elsewhere, from you, my'young friends^ 6 HON. AVILLIAM GASTON'S ADDEESS. I am sure of a favoraLlo reception. You Avill see in it an expression of tlie sense wliieli I entertain of tlie lionor con- ferred on me, by jowr choice, of my readiness to gratify your wishes, and of my solicitude to cheer you on in the nol)le career upon wliich you have entered. The few homel}' truths which I wisli to impress upon your minds, will not indeed come mended from my tongue, l)ut I do not despair that, presented in their naked plainness, hut urged with the earnestness and sincerity of friendship, they ma}' win their way to 3^our generous and aft'ectionate approbation. The authority of Shakespeare is often invoked for the posi- tion, that " there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." "Without venturing to den}^ altogether the fitness of this metaphor, and fully ad- mitting it to have enough of truth to render it appropriate to the occasion for which it was used, and the character to whom the great poet assigned it, I yet regard it as too fa- vorable of that indolence of disposition which is always ready to imagine success in life as depending on some for- tunate tide. I hold, that, generall}', every man is the ar- chitect of his own fortune, the author of his own greatness or insignificance, happiness or misery. True it is, that cas- ualties, neither to be foreseen or prevented, may defeat schemes which have been wisely concerted and vigorously prosecuted ; and that success, undeserved, and perhaps un- sought for, may sometimes befall the weak and slothful. — These, however, are but occasional deviations from the or- dinary course of nature, according to which, man's ener- gies, wisely or foolishly directed, and diligently or careless- ly exerted, are made to determine his character and condi- tion in society. The stoutest ship that was ever manned with prudent heads, brave hearts and strong hands, has foundered in a hurricane, while the feeble bark that "owns ]io mastery in floating," is sometimes safely wafted into port ; yet, who can deny that, ordinarily, the fote of the IIOX. WILLIAM GASTON S ADDRESS. 7 voyage must depend on tlie skill, care and courage witli Avliicli it is conducted. Mucli, too, very much, cither for permanent good or ill in the tate of evcrv individual, lias been found to foUov,' al- most necessarily from the habits formed, the propensities cherished or restrained, and the rules of conduct adopted at a very early period of life. AVe might, perhaps, l)e tempted to regret that such important and often awful con- sequences should follow on the doings of an age, when the unworn senses are alive to every impression, and the keen appetite greedy for every enjoyment ; when the imagina- tion is wild, the judgment feeble, and "heedless rambling impulse" has scarcely learned to think. Yet such is the constitution of nature, and such consequently the ap[)oint- ment of Him, whose w\ays are always wase, benevolent and just, and whose will it w^ere not more madness to resist, than it is impiety to question. Look through the world, and the least observant cannot fail to discover talents abus- ed, opportunities squandered, and men ruined, because of early folly, misbehavior or thoughtlessness; and let those wlio have passed through life's ordeal w4th safety and honor, look back on their trials, and the}' will acknowledge how much they owe to very early impressions, and to habits contrac- ted almost without a sense of their use or a foresight of their consequences. He, therefore, who aspires to excel- lence, cannot too soon propose to himself the objects which he should strive to obtain, nor fix his aim too early, or too steadily, on the eucl to which his efforts should be directed. The shortness of life, the large fragments of it which are necessarily occupied by animal wants, or wasted in frivol- ous cares and amusements, leave, at best, but an inconsid- erable portion to be devoted to intellectual cultivation and exertion. To waste this portion would be criminal impro- vidence, and it is of the highest moment to learn betimes how it may be most beneficially applied. Q IIOX. WILLIAM GASTON S ADDRESS. The end wliieli an ingenuous youth naturally proposes to hhnself is, a faithful and honorable discharge of the duties of life. His objects are to realize the fond hopes of his pa- rents and friends, to acquire the affection and esteem of tliose around him, to become the dispenser of good to his fellow-men, and thus to fulfil the purposes for which it has pleased God to place him in this world of trial antl discip- line, lie feels that these objects are indeed good. By a moral instinct, he is propelled towards them as fit to fill his heart, kindle his aspirations and animate his exertions. — Reason, as she gradually unfolds her powers and assumes dominion over him, sanctions this choice with her appro- Ijation ; and Eeligion comes in aid of ISTature and Reason, to teach him that talents are but lent to be improved, and that an account must be one day rendered, in which their use or neglect will be amply rewarded or severely punish- ed. How much is it not to be lamented, that sloth should enervate, dissipation corrupt, or vice brutalize, this child of hope and promise ? You who have him in charge, watch over him with never sleeping vigilance and affectionate solicitude. Give him a happy start, sustain him when disposed to flag, reanimate him when discouraged, check kindly liis wanderings, soothe his wounded feelings, guide him with your counsels, and save him from the foes by which he is surrounded and beset. " Made nova virtute puer sic itur ad asfra." Most faithfully, no doubt, are these duties performed by the able and excellent men who are here charged with the ofHce of instruction. Little can be done in aid of their ef- forts, but to exhort and entreat all placed under their care to attend to their admonitions, treasure up their counsels, and obey their injunctions. Yet there are some errors which were prevalent when I was a boy, which I have rea- son to believe still prevail in public schools, and which may perhaps be better handled by an old friend than by an ac- IIOX. WILLIAM GASTOX^'S ADDRESS. 9 knowlodged instructor — and to these, therefore, I would for a feu' iiionients request the i\u-oral>le attentiou of the Younger portion of 1113' hearers. Vigorous, diligent, and persevering application is essen- tial to the attainment of excellence in every pursuit of man. It is undouhtedly a mistake to suppose, that there is no original inequality in the mental faculties of different indi- viduals. Probably, there is as great a disparity in their in- tellectual, as their physical conformation. But hovrever false this extravagant theory may be, there is another er- ror far more common, and, practically, far more mischie- vous — the error of exaggerating the difference between the original energies of intellect, and of attributing to splendid and resistless genius those victories, which are not to bo achieved but by well directed and continued industry. It is in the infancy of life, that the inequalities of original talent are most striking, and it is not strange that vanity on the one hand, and indolent admiration on the other, should hjqDerbolically extol these obvious advantages. In what this disparity consists, it may not be easy to state with precision. But from an observation of many years, I venture to suggest, that the chief natural superiority man- ifested by the favored few over their competitors in the in- tellectual conflict, is to be found in the facility with which - their attention is directed and confined to its proper sub- jects. That youth may be regarded as fortunate indeed, wdio in early life can restrain his wandering thouglits and tie down his mind at will, to the contemplation of whatev- er he washes to comprehend and to make his own. A few moments of this concentrated application is worth days and weeks of a vague, interrupted, scattered attention. The first resembles the well-known manoeuvre in Strategy, so simple in its conception and yet so astonishing in its re- sults, by which all the arms of a military force are made to bear upon a given point at the same moment. Everything 10 HON. "WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. here tells, because there is no power wasted, and none mis- applied. IS'ow let no one despair, because he finds this ef- fort to confine his attention difficult, or for a considerable length of time impracticable. IS'othing is more certain than that this power over the mind ma_y 1)e acquired. Let the attempt be repeated again and again — first for short, afterwards, as the ability is increased, for longer periods, and success will ultimately follow. The habit of fixed at- tention will thus be created, and it is one of the peculiari- ties of all active habits, that in proportion to the difficulty with which they were produced, is their inveteracy, when once thoroughly formed. Thus, it not unfrequently hap- pens, that the advantages with which the individual com- menced his career, who was naturally alert and devoted in his attention to every sulrject as it was successively pre- sented to his notice, have not enabled him to contend suc- cessfully with him, who by hard efforts has chained down his wandering thoughts and dissipated faculties to the hab- it of attention. Among the best results which attend a course of regular academical education, is this exclusive and concentrated direction of the mental powers to their appropriate objects. In the years employed principally in the study of the learned languages, the necessity of finding out the mean- ing of each word, and discerning either the agreement be- tween different words, or the dependance of some of them upon others in certain grammatical relations, necessarily sharpens and fixes the attention. After this preparatory discipline of the intellect, the student is introduced to the study of mathematical science, where proposition leads on to proposition in regular order, and his attention is neces- sarily enchained to each truth, as it follows with logical certainty, from truths previously demonstrated. He is then initiated into the mysterious laws of ISTatural Philoso- phy, as they have been discovered, explained, and illustra- IIOX. WILLIAM GASTOX'S ADDRESS. 11 tod, by a course of rigorous induction, and is ultimately fa- miliarized with the yet nobler ami more sublime investiga- tions of moral science, the refinements of taste, the beau- ties of eloquence, and the charms of heavenlj- poesy. And this admiral)le training is conducted remote from the bus- tles and cares of the world, in the very hush of the passions, and be^^ond the reach of beguiling and distracting pleas- ures. Here, surely, then, the understanding is disciplined, its discriminations rendered more acute, its general health and vigor confirmed, while a facility is created for directing its powers to the various manly and trying services, which may await it in life's busy theatre. But not unfrequently is the question asked by querulous Students, why all this devoted attention to the dead languages, to mathematical theorems, philosophical experiments, metaphysical disquis- itions and critical subleties ? In the world, no one talks Greek or Latin, and at the Forum, or in the Legislative Hall, we shall not be called to demonstrate the propositions of Euclid, or explain the phenomena of hydrostatics and optics. The motives of human action are better learned in that great practical school, the world, than by poring over the theories of metaphysicians ; and all the rules of Quinc- tilian, Rollin or Blair, will never make a powerful reasoner or an eloquent orator. ^A^iy, then, shall we consume otir nights and days in the acquisition of that which is to be of no practical utility hereafter, and wdiicli brings with it no immediate advantage, except the gratification of pride, a short-lived honor, a distinction at Commencement ? Be- w^are, my young friends, bew^are of the tempter. These are the suggestions of Sloth — the most insidious, persuasive and dangerous of deceivers. ♦ " Vifanda est improha syren Desidia." If you cannot close your ears against her insinuations, strengthen your understandings to triumph over her soph- isms, and nerve your courage to resist her wdles. Be sure, 12 iiox. willia:m gastox's addeess. if yon submit to lier bcnumbiug influence, and waste your daj's bere in idleness, tbe time will come, wlien w^itli bit- ter, but perhaps unavailing anguisb, you sliall bemoan your folly. Remember, that it is not designed by an accidental education, to teacli you all that it behooves you to learn — Education is not completed within these Avails. When you shall have quitted this peaceful retreat, and selected the profession or state in life in which joii are to be engaged, then you should apply all your efforts to the acquisition of that species of knowledge which is more especially needed. Here are inculcated those elementary principles of science and literature, which experience has shown to be best fitted to form the foundation of the character of the scholar and gentleman — those rudiments of instruction, which, omitted here, are rarely indeed acquired afterwards. Here are to be formed those habits of vigorous and continuous applica- tion — here, the capacities for improvement are to be culti- vated and strengthened, so that every occasion and every emplojmrent without these walls may become subsidary to further advancement in knowledge, ability, and usefulness. It is a miserable fallacy to mistake the exception for the rule. True it is, that those who have won the highest honors at College, do not always realize the hopes that these glorious beginnings have excited. " The fair bloom of fairest fruit" may be blasted by pestilent dews. Folly, vanity and vice, low pursuits and vulgar associations, indolence, intemper- ance, and debauchery, but too often debase and destroy the generous j^outh, who entered on life's career, rich in aca- demical distinctions, docile, ardent for fame, patient of la- bour, of manly purpose and noblest promise. Mourn over these moral wrecks. Lamelit the instability of all earthly good, the frail character of all human excellence. Weep for those who have fallen from their high estate, but say not it was folly in them thus to have risen. True it is also, that it sometimes, though very rarely, happens, that those who nox. ■WILLIAM Gaston's addees?. 13 have been idle during tlieir ncademical course, have by ex'- traordinary exertions,, retrieved tlieir early neglect, and in the end outstripped others Avho started in the race fiir ahead. These are the exceptions — they furnish cause to humble arrogance, check presumption, banish despair, and 'encourage reformation. But so surely as a virtuous life visually preceeds a happy death, so surely it will be found, that within the College precincts is laid the ground work of that pre-eminence afterward acquired in the strife of men, and that College distinctions are not only good testi- mony of the fidelity with which College duties have been performed, but the best presages and pledges of excellence on a more elevated and extensive field of action. In defi- ance, therefore, of all the lures of pleasure, and seductive suggestions of sloth, let active persevering industry be the habit of your lives. Fomi this habit here, and cherish and preserve it ever afterwards. But however earnestly you are thus exhorted to diligence, let it not be forgotten, that diligence itself is but a subor- dinate cjuality, and derives its chief value from the end to which it is directed, and the motives by which it is impell- ed. It is diligence in a good cause only that is commend- able. The first great maxim of human conduct, that which it is all important to impress on the understandings of young men, and recommend to their hearty adoption, is above all things, in all circumstances, and under every emergency, to preserve a clean heart and an honest pnrpose. Integri- ty, firm, determined integrity, is that quality, which of all others, raises man to the highest dignity of his nature, and fits him to adorn and bless the sphere in which he is ap- pointed to move. Without it, neither genius nor learning, neither the gifts of God, nor human exertions, can avail aught for the accomplishment of the great objects of human existence. Integrity is the cro^^vning virtue — integrity is •the perv^ading principle which ought to regulate, guide, con^ 14 IIOX. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. trol, and vivify, every impulse, desire and action. Honesty is sometimes spoken of as a vulgar virtue ; and perliaps that honesty, which barely refrains from outraging the positive rules ordained by society for the protection of pro- perty, and which ordinarily pays debts and performs its en- gagements, how^ever useful and commendable a quality, is not to be numbered among the highest eftbrts of human virtue. But that integrity Avliich, however tempting the opportunity, or however secure against detection, no selfish- ness nor resentment, no lust of power, place, favour, profit or pleasure, can cause to swerve from the strict rule of right, is the perfection of man's moral nature. In this sense, the poet was right, when he pronounced " an honest man the noblest work of God." It is almost inconceivable what an erect and independent spirit this high endowment commu- nicates to the man, and what a moral intrepidity and vivi- fying energy it imparts to his character. There is a family alliance between all the virtues, and perfect integrity is al- ways followed by a train of goodly qualities, frankness be- nevolence, humanity, patriotism, promptness to act, and pa- tience to endure. In moments of public need, these indi- cate the man who is worthy of universal confidence. Erec- ted on such a basis, and built up of such materials, fame is enduring. Such is the fame of our Washington, of the man "inflexible to ill and obstinately just." While, therefore, other monuments, intended to perpetuate human greatness, are daily m.ouldering into dust, and belie the proud inscrip- tions which they bear, the solid granite pyramid of his glory lasts from age to age, imperishable, seen afar off", looming high over the vast desert, a mark, a sign, a won- der, for the wayfarers through this pilgrimage of life. . A nice sense of integrity cannot, therefore, be too early cherished, or too sedulously cultivated. In the very dawn- ings of life occasions are presented for its exercise. With- in these walls, temptations every day occur, when temporary HON. WILLIAM GASTON's ADDRESS. 15 advantage solicits a deviation from the rule of right. In the discharge of the various duties which you owe to your companions, let no petty selfishness be indulged, no artifi- liccs practised, l\y which you are to escape from your fair share of labour, inconvenience or contribution, or any one deprived of the full measure of whatever 'he may rightfully claim. Cultivate singleness of purpose and frankness of demeanor, and hold in contempt whatever is sordid, disin- genous, cunning or mean. But it is when these peaceful shades shall have been left behind, and the fitful course of busy life begun, that seductions will be presented under every form by which inexperience, infirmity of purpose, and facility of disposition, can be waylaid. Then is the crisis of the young man's fate — then is the time to take his stand, to seize his vantage ground. If he can then defy the allurements of cupidity, sensuality and ambition, the laugh of fools, the arts of parasites, and the contagion of improbity ; then indeed, may he hope, " In sight of mortal and immortal powers, " As in a boundless theatre to run " The great career of justice — " And through the mists of passion and of sense, " Aud through the tossing tide of chance and pain " To hold his course unfaultering." You, m}" young friends, who are standing at the thresh- old, and waiting with eager impatience the signal for en- trance upon life, must not think that I mean to alarm you with idle fears, because I thus warn you of the approaching conflict. The enraged bull may close his eyes before he rushes upon his foe, but rational courage calmly surveys danger, and then deliberately prepares and determines to encounter it. Apprized of your peril, and armed for the encounter, enter on your course with resolved hearts, and fear not for the issue. So sweet are the notes of human praise, and so abhorrent the tones of reproach, that it is among the highest efibrts 16 IIOX. WILLIAM GASTO^"'S ADDRESS. of magnanimity to pursne the straigiit forward course of duty, without being turned aside by commendation or re- proof, by flattery or calumny. Wliatever be our journey through life, like the princes in the Eastern tale ascending the mountain in search of the wondrous bird, we are sure to hear around us the confused sounds of blandishment and solicitation, of menace and insult, until with many of us, the giddy head is turned, and we are converted into monuments of warning to those who are to follow life's ad- venture. Rare, indeed, is that moral courage, which, like a prudent. Parisade, closes its ears against the imprsssion of these sounds, and casts not an eye behind until its destined course be accomplished. E-are, however, as may be this excellence, in its perfection perhaps unattainable, there can be no true dignity and decision of character "without a near approach to it. Let youth be ever modest, ever deferen- tial to the counsels, the suggestions and the claims of ocners. But in matters of right and wrong, whatever be the lures, the taunts, or the usages of the Avorld, or "what- ever the supposed inconvenience of singularity, let judg- ment and conscience always rule with absolute sw^ay. Carry this maxim with you through life, whatever be the station you are to occupy, or the business you are to pur- sue ; and carry with it another kindred maxim : rely for success in your undertakings, not on the patronage of oth- ers, but on your own capacity, resolution, diligence, and exertions. Rise by merit, or rise not at all. Suited as these injunctions are believed to be, to all, they are pecu- liarly addressed to those among you, who, panting for re- nown, are resolved to enter upon a public career, and long "to read their history in a nation's e3^es." " How wretched," exclaims the Poet of Nature, "is that poor man who hangs on Princes' favours." Miserable is the condition of every being who hangs on the favours of creatures like himself. Deserve, and strive by desert to HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. 17 win, tlie esteem of your fellow men. Tlius acquired, it decorates liim who obtains, and blesses those who bestow it To them it is returned in faithful service, and to him in aid of the approbation of conscience to animate diligence and re- ward exertion. Those too, who engage in public service, are bound to cherish a hearty sympathy with the wants, feelings, comforts and wishes of the people, whose welfare is committed to their charge. It is essential for the preser- vation of that confidence which ought to subsist between, the principal and the agent, the constituent and the repre- sentative, that all haughtiness and reserve should be ban- ished from their intercourse. It sometimes happens, that he who has lived too constantly among books, manifests a disgust in an association with the uneducated and unrefin- ed, which mortifies and repels them. This is absurd in him and unjust to them. It is absurd, for he ought to know, and know well, those for whom, and upon whom, he ex- pects to act — they constitute, in fact, one of the first and most appropriate objects of his study; and it is unjust, for not unfrequently under this roughness which shocks the man of books, is to be found a stock of practical informa- tion, in which he is miserably deficient. Banish, then, all superciliousness, for it is criminal and ridiculous. Honest- I ly seek to serve your country, for it is glorious to advance the good of your fellow men, and thus, as far as feeble mor- tals may, act up to the great example of Him to whose im- age and likeness you are made. Seek, also, by all honest arts, to win their confidence, but beware how you prefer their favor to their service. The high road of service is indeed laborious, exposed to the rain and sun, the heat and dust ; while the by-path of favor has, apparently, at first, much the same direction, and is bordered with flowers and sheltered by trees, " cooled %vith fountains and murmuring with waterfalls." ]^o wonder, then, that like the son of Abensina, in Johnston's beautiful Apologue, the young ad- 18 HOX. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. venturer is tempted to try tlie liappy experiment of " unit- ing pleasure with business, and gaining the rewards of dil- igence without suftering its fatigues." But once entered upon, the path of favor, though found to decline more and more from its first direction, is pursued through all its de- viations, till at length even the thought of return to the road of service is utterly abandoned. To court the fond- ness of the people, is found, or supposed, to be easier than to merit their approbation. Meanly ambitious of public trust, without the virtues to deserve it ; intent on personal distinction, and having forgotten the ends for which alone it is worth possessing, the miserable being, concentred all in self, learns to pander to every vulgar prejudice, to advo- cate every popular error, to chime in with every dominant party, to ftiwn, flatter and deceive, and becomes a dema- gogue. How wretched is that poor being who hangs on the peoi)le"s favor ! All manliness of principle has been lost in this long course of meanness ; he dare not use his temporary' popularity for any purposes of public good, in which there may be a hazard of forfeiting it ; and the very eminence to which he is exalted, renders but more conspi- cuous his servilitv and deo'radation. However clear the convictions of his judgments, however strong the admoni- tions of his, as yet, not thoroughly stifled conscience, not these, not the law of God, nor the rule of right, nor the public good — ^but the caprice of his constituents, must be his only guide. Having risen by artifice, and conscious of no worth to support him, he is in hourly dread of being supplanted in the favor of the deluded multitude by some more cunning deceiver. And such, sooner or later, is sure to be his fate. At some unlucky moment, when he bears his blushing honors thick upon him, (and well may such honors blush!) he is jerked from his elevation by some more dexterous demagogue, and falls unpitied, never to rise again. And can this be the lot of him who has been HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. 19 liere trained to admire and love liigli-minded excellence — who lias been taught by high classical authority to regard with the same fearless and immovable iudifierence, the stern countenance of the tyrant and the wicked ardor of the multitude, and who has learned from a yet higher and ho- lier authority, to hold fast on " whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, to abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good ?" Believe me, how- ever, this is no f\mcy picture. The original may be found in the world every day. JSTor will it surprise those who have had occasion to see how the vain heart is swoln, and the giddy head turned, how honesty of purpose and manliness of spirit, are perverted by popular applause. It is but the first step that costs. Once yield to the sugges- tion, that a little deciet or prevarication, a slight sacrifice of principle and independence, a compromise of conscience in matters not absolutely fundamental, may be excused, when the immediate gain is obvious and the end in view important, and the downward path becomes every day more and more smooth, until, in its descent, it reaches the very abyss of vulgar, trading, intriguing, electioneering, office-hunting politicians. If in this lowest depth a lower deep can be found, none of us, I am sure, have the curiosi- ty to explore it. But is Integrity sure to meet here its merited reward ? — Unquestionably not. If it were, and the fact generally known, there would scarcely be room for choice, and men would be honest from the want of a plausible temptation to be otherwise. But it is not too much to say, that, in general. Integrity has a tendency to promote the interest of him who pursues it, and it is therefore recommended to our adoption by prudence, not less than by principle. — Success in the acquisition of any extrinsic object is neces- sarily uncertain, since it depends on contingencies which Ifd HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. cannot be foreseen, and which, if foreseen, are frequently "be- yond our power. It is not in mortals to command success, l^o talent, no courage, no industry, and no address, can he certain to affect it. But when it is attempted hy cunning, disingenu- ous means, it is usually rendered more difficult of attainment, hecause of the complexity of the scheme, and the risk of detec- tion and counteraction. Honesty, in the long run, is therefore the surer policy. It is impossible to thrive without the reputation of it, and it is far easier to be honest indeed, than to cheat the world into the belief of integrity where it is not. The crooked stratagems, the arts, toils, conceal- ments and self-denials, which are necessary to cany on a successful imposition, are far more onerous and painful, than all the duties which a life of probity enjoins; while the consciousness of an upright deportment, diffuses through the whole man that security and serenity, which infinitely outweigh all the advantages of successful cunning. I^or in recommending a spirit of Independence, is it intended to proscribe the acceptance of friendly aid, freely tendered, and won by no mean solicitation. Childi'en of the same common family, we are bound to help each other in the trials and difficulties of our common pilgrimage, nor should we ever be too proud to receive from others that assistance, which it is our duty to render to them. 'Now such aid is not only more likely to be bestowed, but comes with far greater effect, when there has been a manly and sustained effort to do without it. The spindling plant which has al- ways been supported by a prop, is not only unable to stand alone, but can scarcely be sustained by props when the sea- son of fruit arrives ; whereas, the slightest assistance then bestowed on the hardy tree, that self-sustained has always braved the breeze, will enable it to bear up under the heav- iest and richest burthen. He who trusts to others must be necessarily often disappointed, and the habit of dependence creates a helplessness which is almost incapable of exertion. HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. 21 Fancy dwells ou expected aid, until it mistakes its own cre- ations for realities, and tlie child of illusion wastes life in miserable day dreams, unable to act for himself, and confi- dently relying on assistance wbicli be is destined never to receive. Deeply rooted principles of probity, confirmed habits of industry, and a determination to rely on ons's own exer- tions, constitute then the great preparation for the dis- charge of the duties of man, and the best security for per- forming them with honor to one's self and benefit to others. Eut it may be asked, what is there in such a life of never ending toil, effort and privation, to recommend it to the acceptance of the young and the gay ? Those who aspire to heroic renown, may indeed make up their minds to em- brace these " hard doctrines ;" but it may be well question- ed whether happiness is not preferable to greatness, and en- joyment more desirable than distinction. Let others, if they will, toil up " up the steep where Fame's proud tem- ple shines afar;" we choose rather to sport in luxurious ease and careless glee in the valley below. It is, indeed, on those who aspire to eminence, that these injunctions are intended to be pressed with the greatest emphasis, not only because a failure in them would be more disastrous than in others, but because they are exposed to greater and more numerous dangers of error. But it is a sad mistake to suppose that they are not suited to all, and are not ear- nestly urged upon all, however humble their pretensions or moderate their views. Happiness, as well as greatness, en- joyment as well as renown, have no friends so sure as In- tegrity, Diligence and Independence. We are not placed here to waste our days in wanton riot or inglorious ease, with appetites perpetually gratified and never palled, ex- empted from all care and solicitude, with life ever fresh, and joys ever new. He who has fitted us for our condition, and assigned to us its appropriate duties, has not left his 22' HON. WILLIAM GAvSTON'S ADCRESS. work unfinished, and omitted to provide a penalty for the neglect of our obligations. Labor is not more the duty, than the blessing of man. Without it, there is neither mental nor physical vigor, health, cheerfulness, nor anima- tion ; neither the eagerness of hope, nor the capacity to en- joy. Every human being must have some object to engage his attention, excite his wishes, and rouse him to action, or he sinks, a prey to listlessness. For want of proper occu- pations, see strenuous idleness resorting to a thousand ex- pedients — the race course, the bottle, or the gaming table, the frivolities of fashion, the debasements of sensuality, the petty contentions of envj^, the grovelling pursuits of avarice, and all the various distracting agitations of vice. Call you these enjoyments ? Is such the happiness which it is so dreadful to forego ? " Vast hapoiness enjoy thy gay allies ! " A youth of follies, an old age of cares, Young yet enervate, old yet never wise ; " Vice VFastes their vigor and their mind impairs. " Vain, idle, dissolute, in thoughtless ease, " lleserving vroes for age, their prime they spend ; " All vrrotched, hopeless to the evil days, " With sorrow to the verge ot life they tend ; " Grieved with the present, of the past ashamed ; " They live and are despised, they die, jio more are named." If to every bounty of Providence there be annexed, as assuredly there is, some obligations as a condition for its enjoyment; on us, blest as we have been, and as we now are, with the choicest gifts of Heaven here below — with freedom, peace, order, civilization and social virtue — there are unquestionably imposed weighty obligations. You whom I now address, will, in a few years, be among the men of the succeeding age. In a country like ours, where the public will is wholly unfettered, and every man is a component part of that country, there is no individual so humble who has not duties of a public kind to discharge. HON. WILLIAM GASTON's ADDRESS. 23 His views aud actions have an influence on tliose of others, and his opinions, with theirs, serve to make up that public wilL More especially is this the case Avith those who, whatever may be their pursuits in hfe, have been raised by education to a comparative superiority in intellectual vigor and attainments. On you, and such as 3'ou, depends the fate of the most precious heritage ever won by the valor, or preserved by the prudence, or consecrated ])y the virtue of an illustrious ancestry — illustrious, not because of facti- tious titles, but nature's nobles, wise, good, generous and brave ! To you, and such as you, will be confided in de- posit, the institutions of our renowned and beloved country. Receive them with awe, cherish them with loyalty, and transmit them whole, and if possible, improved to your children. Yours will, indeed, be no sinecure office. As the public will is the operative spring of all public action, it will be your duty to make and to keep the public will enlightened. There will always be some error to dispel, some prejudice to correct, some illusion to guard against, some imposition to detect and expose. In aid of these in- dividual efi:orts, you must provide, by public institutions, for ditfusing among the people, that general information without which they cannot be protected from the machina- tions of deceivers. As your country grows in years, you must also cause it to grow in science, literature, arts and refinement. It will be for you to develope and multiply its resources, to check the faults of manners as they rise, and to advance the cause of industr}-^, temperance, moderation, justice, morals and religion, all around you. On you too, will devolve the duty which has been too long neglected, but which cannot with impunity be neglected much longer, of providing for th-e mitigation, and (is it too much to hope for in North Carolina ?) for the ultimate extirpation of the worst evil that affects the Southern part of our Confedera- cy. Full well do you know to what I refer, for on this sub- 24 HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDKESS. |ect tliere is, with all of us, a morbid sensitiveness wHcIi gives warning even of an approach to it. Disguise the truth as we may, and throw the blame where we will, it is Slavery which, more than any other cause, keeps us back in the career of improvement. It stifles industry and re- presses enterprise — it is fatal to economy and providence — it discourages skill — impairs our strength as st community, and poisons morals at the fountain head. How this evil is to be encountered, how subdued, is indeed a difficult and delicate enquiry, which this is not the time to examine, nor the occasion to discuss. I felt, however, that I could not discharge my duty, without referring to this subject, as one which ought to engage the prudence, moderation and firm- ness of those who, sooner or later, must act decisively up- on it. I would not depress your bouyant spirits with gloomy anticipations, but I should be wanting in frankness, if I did not state my conviction, that you will be called to the performance of other duties unusually grave and impor- tant. Perils surround you and are imminent, which will require clear heads, pure intentions, and stout hearts, to discern and to overcome. There is no side on which dan- ger may not make its approach, but from the wickedness and madness of factions, it is most menacing. Time was, indeed, when factions contended amongst us with virulence and fury ; but they were, or affected to be, at issue, on questions of principle; now, Americans band together un- der the names of men, and wear the livery, and put on the badges of their leaders. Then the individuals of the dif- ferent parties were found side by side, dispersed through- out the various districts of our confederated Republic ; but now, the parties that distract the land, are almost identified with our geographical distinctions. Kow then has come that period, foreseen and dreaded by our "Washington, by him, " who more than any other individual, founded this our HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. 25 wide-spreading Empire, and gave to our western world in- dependence and freedom" — by liimj who with a father's warning voice, bade us beware of " parties founded on geo- graphical discriminations." As yet, the sentiment so deep- ly planted in the hearts of our honest yeomanry, that union is strength, has not been uprooted. As yet, they acknow- ledge the truth, and feel the force of the homely, but excel- lent aphorism, "United we stand, divided we fall." As yet, they take pride in the name of "the United States'* — in the recollection of the fields that were won, the blood which was poured forth, and the glory which was gained in the common cause, under the common banner of a uni- ted country. May God, in his mercy, forbid that I, or you,, my friends, should live to see the day, when these senti- ments and feelings shall be extinct ! Wlienever that day comes, then is the hour at hand when this glorious Repub- lic, this at once national and cenfederated Republic, which for nearly half a century has presented to the eyes, the hopes, and the gratitude of man, a more brilliant and love- ly image than Plato, or More, or Harrington, ever feigned or fancied, shall be like a tale that is told, like a vision that has passed away. But these sentiments and feelings are necessarily weakened, and in the end must be destroyed, unless the moderate, the good and the wise unite to "frown indignantly upon the first dawnings of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to en- feeble the sacred ties which now link together its various parts," Threats of resistance, secession, separation — have become common as household words, in the wicked and silly violence of public declaimers. The public ear is fa- miliarized, and the public mind will soon be accustomed to the detestable suggestions of Disunion ! Calculations and conjectures, what may the East do without the South, and what may the South do without the East, sneers, me- naces, reproaches, and recriminations, all tend to the same 26 HON. WILLIAM GASTON'S ADDRESS. fatal end ! What can the East do without the South ? — What can the South do without tlie East ? They may do much ; they may exhibit to the curiosity of political anato- mists, and the pity and wonder of the world, the " disjecta membra" the sundered bleeding limbs of a once gigantic body instinct with life and strength, and vigor. They can furnish to the philosophic historian, another melancholy and striking instance of the political axiom, that all Re- publican Confederacies have an inherent and unavoidable tendency to dissolution. They will present fields and oc- casions for border wars, for leagues and counter-leagues, for the intrigues of petty statesmen, the struggles of mili- tary chiefs, for confiscations, insurrections, and deeds of darkest hue. They will gladen the hearts of those who have proclaimed, that men are not fit to govern themselves, and shed a disastrous eclipse on the hopes of rational free- doom throughout the world. Solon, in his Code, proposed no punishment for parricide, treating it as an impossible crime. Such with us, ought to be the crime of political parricide — the dismemberment of our "father land." " Cari sunt ])arentes, cari sunt liberi, jyroinnqui, familiares, sed omnes omnium caritates patria una complexa est; 2^ro qua quis bonus dubitei mortem oppeiere si ei sit iwofuturus ? Quo est detestabilior isto^ rum immanitas qui lacerarunt scdere patriam, et in ea funditus delenda occupaii et sunt etfu£ru7it." If it must be so, let parties and party men continue to quarrel with little or no regard to the public good. They may mistify themselves and others with disputations on political economy, proving the most opposite doctrines to their own satisfaction, and perhaps, to the conviction of no one else on earth. They may deserve reprobation for their selfishness, their violence, their errors, or their wickedness. They may do our country much harm. They may retard its growth, destroy its harmony, impair its character, ren- der its institutions unstable, pervert the public mind, and HON. WILLIAM OASTON'S ADDRESS. 27 deprave the public morals. These are, indeed, evils, and sore evils, but the principle of life remains, and will yet struggle with assured success, over these temporary mala- dies. Still we are great, glorious, united and free; still we have a name that is reveared abroad and loved at home — a name which is a tower of strength to us against foreign wrong, and a bond of internal union and harmony — a name, which no enemy pronounces but with respect, and which no citizen hears, but with a throb of exultation. Still wo have that blessed Constitution, which, with all its pretend- ed defects, all its alleged violations, has conferred more benefit on man, than ever yet flowed from any other human institution — which has established justice, insured domes- tic tranquility, provided for the common defence, promoted the general welfare, and which, under God, if we be truo to ourselves, will insure the blessings of Liberty to us and our posterity. Surely, such a country, and such a Constitution, have claims upon you, my friends, which cannot be disregarded. I entreat and adjure you then, by all that is near and dear to you on earth — by all the obligations of Patriotism — by the memory of your fathers, who fell in the great and glorious struggle — for the sake of your sons whom you would not have to blush for your degeneracy — by all your proud recollections of the past, and all your fond anticipa- tions of the future renown of our nation — preserve that Country, uphold that Constitution. Resolve, that they ehall not be lost while in your keeping, and may God Al- mighty strengthen you to fulfil that vow !