!:^£si.C;5il:iSsSS?? ZEBULd 'AND IN T^^E■%INA1t'*MD"« TIVES UPON THE UNVEIUE9 ACCEPTANCE OF THE ST J^^' •*REPRESENtA-" ^K4:|:4Q^,,AND I THE it x' ^•^¥«x> ^ xx-r n x--"'* x-x ^ WW>^^-»Vx^ X :Vx ^^xxv, SCx X\ Xs V .xA y^*f^f^"^r^^^^^#^> CB X^ - ^ ^^ V *xxiX:Vt\«x\^ ^-■ XN N «^ Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies. 1?: V ? ? ? Co f e. 00006777384 This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine .if FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below : u JUL7- 22D2A QEC 2 2 1 29 Mar'30 . ■■; -i 2l \-%^ m3 ^< 9f\ to tG (JL^ STATUE OF ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE ERECTED IN STATUARY HALL OF THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PROCEEDINGS IN STATUARY HALL AND IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRE- SENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES UPON THE UNVEILING, PRESENTATION, AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE STATUE OF ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE FROM THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 0Urtjj-3Faurtlj (Bottgrtaa Compiled under the direction of ihe Joint Committee oo PriotiDg WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 AUTHORITY TO PRINT SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 25, SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS Passed the Senate June 22, 1916; House July 29, 1916 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed and bound, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Print- ing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings at the tmveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the statue of ZEBtJLON Baird Vance presented by the State of Nortli Carolina, sixteen thousand five hundred copies, with suitable illustration, of which five tliousand shall be for the use of the Senate and ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Con- gress from the State of North Carolina. CONTENTS PROCEEDINGS IN STATUARY HALL Page Prayer by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Bw)unt Cheshire, Bishop op THE Protestant Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina 7 Address by Hon. William Alexander Hoke, Chairman of the Vance Statue Commission o UNVEttiNG OF the Statue by Miss Dorothy Espey Pillow, Great Granddaughter of Zebulon Baird Vance 10 Presentation op the Statue for the Commission and Address BY Hon. Clement Manly, Member op the Vance Statue Com- mission J J Presentation op the Statue for the State and Address by Hon. Locke Craig, Governor op North Carolina 15 Acceptance of the Statue on Behalf op the Government and Address by Hon. Thomas R. Marshall, Vice President of the United States 27 Decoration op Statue 2a PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE Addresses by — Mr. Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina 36 Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts 47 Mr. Hoke Smith, of Georgia m PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D 54 Addresses by — Mr. John H. Small, of North Carolina 56 Mr. George E. Hood, of North Carolina 60 Mr. Edward W. Pou, of North Carolina 64 Mr. Charles M. Stedman, of North Carolina 66 Mr. James J. Britt, of North Carolina 79 Mr. Robert L. Doughton, of North Carolina 83 Mr. Edwin V. Webb, op North Carolina 88 Mr. Hannibal L. Godwin, op North Carolina 93 Mr. Claude Kitchin, of North Carolina 94 3 THE SCULPTOR GUTZON BORGLUM Bom in Idaho, March 25, 1867; son of Dr. James de la Mothe Borglum and Ida (Michelson) Borglum. Educated in the public schools of Fremont and Omaha, Nebr., and at St. Mary's College, Kans. Studied art in San Fran- cisco, and went to Paris in 1890, working and studying in Academic Julien and Ecole des Beaux Arts. Exhibited as painter and sculptor in Paris Salon, in Spain in 1892, and in CaUfomia in 1893-94; returned East and went to London in 1896, remaining there and in Paris until 1901. Has been in New York City since 1902. Exhibited in Paris in 1896 and 1901; held successful "one-man" ex- hibit in London; received gold medal for sculpture at Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Was sculptor for work on Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York; Sheridan Equestrian Monument in Washington, D. C. ; colossal marble head of Lincoln and the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance in the Capitol Building; figure of America on Amer- ican RepubUcs Building; Mares of Diomedes (bronze), Metropolitan Museum, New York; The Atlas (marble), New York, etc. Member Royal Society of British Artists, Society National des Beaux Arts, and Architectural League. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington, D. C), Play- ers, Camp Fire, Lotos, Fencers, City, and Balsam Lake Club, New York. UNVEILING AND PRESENTATION STATUARY HALL JUNE 22, 1916 PROCEEDINGS IN STATUARY HALL PRAYER, By the Right Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina O God, our Maker, our Father, by whose divine provi- dence all things in heaven and earth are governed and pre- served. Whose loving kindness is over all Thy works; be with us as we are here assembled in Thy presence; enable us to feel in our hearts the divine presence and power which we acknowledge with our lips, and make our lives to praise Thee by obedience to Thy laws and loyal and loving service to our country and to our fellows. We thank Thee for the many blessings which we have of Thy hand; for the peace and plenty which we enjoy; for the harmony and good will which prevail among our people. Make us to be of one mind in all things essential, and put far from us strife and discord, injustice, and cruelty. We bless Thy holy name for Thy goodness to us in all our past history; for the unity and brotherly love which have grown out of our national experiences. Thou hast over- ruled the wrath of man to Thy praise, and brought u^ to Godly union and concord. Thou, O Lord, art set on a throne that judgest right, and Thou dost sustain with Thy free spirit all who rule in truth and righteousness. We invoke the abundance of Thy grace and favor upon our country, our President, our Congress, our States, and our governors, that as a Nation we may know what things we ought to do and that we may have strength and power faithfully to perform the same. We give Thee high praise and hearty thanks for the good examples of all those who in the past history of our country have acted well their parts in the strifes and contentions out of which Thou has brought us to unity and strength. And especially at this time we thank Thee for the life and labors, for tlie faithfulness and courage, for the great heart and the 7 8 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance strong hand of Thy servant, Zebulon Baird Vance, whose memory we are here met to honor, and whose statue we now place among those of other great men of our country. May we ever cherish their memory, emulate their virtues, and preserve in honor, safety, and peace the country in whose service they lived and died. We ask all for His sake, and in His name, who taught tis that when we pray we should say: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever. Amen. ADDRESS BY HON. WILLIAM ALEXANDER HOKE, CHAIR- MAN OF THE VANCE STATUE COMMISSION Friends and Fellow Citizens : Under a joint resolution of the General Assembly of North Carolina and by ap- pointment of Gov. lyocke Craig, a commission, composed of Mrs. M. V. Moore, Miss Laura L. Carter, Mr. Clement Manly, Mr. John H. Martin, and the speaker have been for some time past engaged in procuring a statue of the late Senator Zebulon Baird Vance. Having given the matter our best consideration, the committee were fortu- nate in selecting and securing the services of the eminent sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, and he has produced a statue that is at once an impressive likeness and a work of great artistic merit. We are met to-day to unveil the statue and present it to the American people and its honored and accredited representatives. The task has been throughout and to each and every member of the committee a most grateful undertaking for, in common with all the people of North Carolina regardless of party or race, they rejoice to have this man stand for them before the American people as their representative in what is broad-minded and patriotic, courageous, steadfast and true. As the man amongst us who preeminently fills the re- quirement of the act of Congress dedicating this Hall to the good and great men of the Nation ... an illustrious citizen, distinguished for civic and miUtary virtues. He was indeed, my covmtrymen, a great leader of his people in war and peace; great in intellect, great in character and achievement, great in the breadth and quahty of his sympathy. His people followed him with unfaltering trust for more than 30 of the most eventful years of their history and were not disappointed. They admired and loved the man for his integrity and his courage, for 9 to Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance his wisdom and strength, his genius, his matchless elo- quence and far-seeing vision, for his loyal-hearted, un- changing devotion at all times and under all circumstances to their best interest as he was given light to see it. His hold upon the affections of the people of North Carolina endures and grows stronger with time and we are deeply- gratified to have you with us here to-day in paying this tribute to his memory. The statue was then unveiled by Miss Dorothy Espey Pillow, aged 6, a great-granddaughter of Senator Vance, and presented for the commission by the Hon. Clement Manly, of North Carohna, who had been throughout a most efficient and deeply interested member of the commission. ADDRESS OF HON. CLEMENT MANLY Ladies and Gentlemen : The honor of making an ad- dress on this great son of North Carolina, whose memory we reverence to-day, is not delegated to me, but to another, fitted to the task, our governor. I shall not trespass on the hour further than to do as I am bidden: present to Gov. Craig, on behalf of the commission, the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, and with it a brief account of our stewardship. On receipt of the commission from your excellency, those honored with your confidence met in Raleigh on the 26th day of October, 19 14, effected an organization by the election of Hon. W. A. Hoke, chairman, and Mrs. M. Van Lear Moore, secretary. For the purpose in hand, each member gave individual effort by correspondence and investigation to the selection of the artist. The commission met in Washington on the 22d day of November of the same year, for comparison of data, and through the invitation of our chairman had in conference several well-known sculptors of this country, with specimens of their work. At this meeting nothing definite was determined, and fmther effort and inquiries were made, both at home and abroad, looking to the selec- tion of a suitable artist. The distracted state of Europe, then daily extending its influence of dismay, made it apparent we could not with safety rely on the older world, and obliged us to confine our selection to America. Earnest consideration was given the matter of selection by each member of the commission, resulting in many varying views, until finally we were led by the kindly hand of Miss Laura Carter to the unanimous selection of Mr. Gutzon Borglum, an artist whose work stands in favor throughout the country and exhibited in majestic form in this very Capitol. After a visit by the committee to the Borglum studio in New York, and on examination of his work and conference 1 2 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance with the sculptor, a contract was prepared on the 8th of January, 1915, and entered into between the State of North Carolina and Mr. Gutzon Borglum for the exe- cution of the statue of Vance. With the selection of the artist oiu- work would seem to have been in great measure accomplished. But Mr. Borglum was a stranger to Gov. Vance, and it became incumbent on the committee, by every available means, to furnish the artist with information and knowledge of the subject. Photographs, biographies, and personal rec- ollections of those who knew Vance, a review of his writ- ings and speeches, all were collected and submitted. A small model embodying the general idea of the artist was made and carried to Asheville for inspection of his family and friends, from this a plaster figiue of full size was pre- pared and exhibited, and by frequent conference and criticism of the work as it progressed the commission sought to aid the artist in the character and portraition of the statue. In this vital part of our work we feel much indebted to Mr. Silas McBee, of New York, Mr. Peter' M. Wilson, of this city, and Mr. W. W. Fuller, of New York, gentlemen of intimate acquaintance with and knowledge of Gov. Vance; and while the work was in progress Mr. McBee, with generous love of his native State, gave much of his time in frequent visits to the studio and in confer- ence with Mr. Borglum. It was at this stage, that the committee first seriously considered the character of statue — whether it should be of marble or bronze. The original legislative act provided for marble, but the general assembly being in session, our chairman procured an amendatory act, striking out the word "marble." Thus, luifettered, the committee har- moniously followed the suggestion of Mr. Borglum to cast the noble and rugged features of the man in bronze. The acts of the commission in detail appear in the min- utes of the secretary, Mrs. Moore, to whom we feel in- debted for an accurate record. Under rules governing this National Hall of Fame, each State has the privilege of placing here statues of two Address of Hon. Clement Manly 13 of its citizens. A glance about us shows that this right has been exercised by our sister States, nearly all having the complement of the number accorded them. Yet, until this good hour. North Carolina, one of the original thirteen States, and rich in its treasures, has not seen fit to exercise this sacred privilege. In this, as in all its unheralded achievement, the State has shown one con- trolling characteristic — that of, slow to action. Serene and self-contained in its consciousness of power, and in the doing of duty, North Carolina has always thought it well to make the story rather than to tell it, and so, esse quam videri. In 1907 North CaroUna took steps to carry out this pious duty. The general assembly of that year authorized the governor to appoint a commission with authority to provide a statue of Zebulon Baird Vance. In a State rich in patriotic story and in the annals of her great men and women, those whose children's children are now a part of us, and who honor the ever living memory of their for- bears, it was indeed difficult to make distinction, and, as might be expected, there was some hesitation in the selec- tion of the two men to be thus preferred, but as to one there was no doubt. It was one voice that named Vance. In all our history and goodly traditions of men whose character and deeds had made them great and loved of the people, popular and universal favor had set its seal on him. The heart of the living age beat for Vance. It can with truth be said of this man that he was of the people, without regard to race, condition or creed, the rich and the poor, the wise and the simple, and as to them he knew no class and no distinction. Through an eventful Ufe he held places of honor — colonel of a regiment, gov- ernor of a State, Senator of the United States, positions at least suggesting title, but none fixed itself on him. To all he was Vance. The commission, perhaps in the pride of its accomplish- ment, dares feel it brings to you a great statue, worthy of the subject, worthy of the people who now present it, and 14 Statue of Zehtdan Baird Vance fit to stand with these glories of the Republic. The act of the legislature providing for it was adopted in the spirit of the State. However slow it may have been in recogni- tion of its right to representation in this hall, yet, when it had determined to exercise this right, its choice made to place here a statue of Vance, it was generous in its botmty, and the cost of the work left to the commission, and, like the love the State bore to its great citizen, was without limit. In fixing the compensation of the artist there was no trade, and a sum agreed on well within the expectation of the governor and coimcil of State; yet with earnest anticipation we feel that the State has re- ceived a return of value more than money, or more than money's worth; it has gotten the creation of a thought, of a part of a great artist, the thing which money can not buy, and which is the divine gift which genius contributes to its art. Vance was a soldier and a citizen. His military service, though alike honorable and faithful, was not long, but cut short by a call to take the helm and guide the State through troublous waters. The work that took his best was in the civil walk, the friend and cotmselor of the people, and with this service came his fame, ripening with all the honors of the statesman. So the artist, in his creation, presents the man in his full life, soldier and citizen. The military cloak is falling from his shoulders, and he stands forth in the dress of the citizen, in the attitude of the orator in action, speaking to the people, and appearing in the form they knew and loved. Macaulay said of De Vere, the twentieth Earl of Oxford: " Englishmen loved to call him the noblest subject of Europe." May I paraphrase this to say: "Vance, the noblest citizen of the State." The presentation for the State was then made by Gov. Locke Craig. ADDRESS OF HON. LOCKE CRAIG Mr. Chairman : You and each member of your com- mission are entitled to the grateful appreciation of the State. You were appointed by the governor and council of state under a resolution of the general assembly au- thorizing the placing of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance in this hall. You have done your work without compensation, but with a zeal which no money could buy. You secured one of the most eminent artists of the age, and have delivered a magnificent statue that excites the enthusiastic admiration of all that have seen it. It speaks the force and the character of our greatest man. I should acknowledge, too, the obligation which all of us feel for the invaluable assistance of Mr. Silas McBee and Mr. Peter M. Wilson, generously and patriotically given. And now, Mr. President [turning to the Vice Presi- dent], the State of North Carolina presents through you to the United States the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance. This is done by authority of a resolution of the General Assembly of North Carolina passed without dissent. The recognition of Vance as the greatest of our men, and the placing of his statue in this pantheon of the Nation, is but the execution of the judgment of all of the people of North Carolina. His personality, his character, and his deeds confer upon him the right to stand here, a peer among the foremost of the RepubUc. Our State has not been in a hurry to occupy the two places assigned to h^r in this hall. In preferring Vance as the first, she has been mindful of her obligation to consider with justice all of her noble sons. And she has realized, too, her obligation to do justice to herself. This statue shall be a perpetual memorial of him and of her. The State must be judged by the best that she can pro- duce. He is otu- most precious gift to the world. Since 15 1 6 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance we have set him up as the finest conception and expres- sion of North CaroHna life, he must be the standard by which this and coming generations shall measure the sig- nificance and worth of the State. He was a son of North Carolina, bone of her bone, and flesh of her flesh. He was bom and reared among the moimtains, and was of Scotch-Irish lineage, but his sym- pathies were not limited by sectional lines nor by the dogmas of creeds. Wlierever he went, among all classes and conditions of men, from the humblest to the great- est, he was primus inter pares, and exemplified the uni- versal brotherhood. In fashionable salons, among schol- ars and statesmen, he was simple, natiu-al, brilliant, easily the center. With the same unpretentious manner," on terms of perfect equality he charmed the men in work- ing clothes, with rough hands, and was loved by them as their wiser and stronger brother, whose fidelity could never be doubted. He taught dignity to nobility. He was "a legist among the lawyers, a sidereal among the astronomers." Vance was trusted and honored and loved by the people of North Carolina as no other man has been. He was elected and reelected to the places of highest honor. He was vested with the greatest trust and called in every crisis to do the foremost part. From the time that he was 30 years old until the day of his death at the age of 64 he was the unrivaled leader. Faith in his loyalty and prowess never faltered. Preeminent merit is not always the necessary prerequi- site to high official position, but for 30 years, in times of war and revolution, disaster and sufi'ering, Vance was the chosen champion of the people. He declared their poli- cies. He voiced their highest aspirations. He was always in the fiercest of the conflict to meet and to overcome with blow for blow the mightiest that opposed. He was the voice of the State, the incarnation of her passion, her hopes, her determination, and her piUT)Ose. He was the Address of Hon. Locke Craig 17 leader to call her to duty, to rescue her victoriously from ruin and strife into the way of peace and to point her to a triumphant destiny. This entitles him to a place among the immortals. In i860 Vance attended the State convention of the Whigs in Salisbury. This was his first appearance before the whole State. He was 30 years old, a Member of Con- gress from the mountain district, having been elected for the first time in 1858. The greatest men of the State were there, among them WilHam A. Graham and George E. Badger, statesmen of national prominence. Reports about the yoimg Congressman from the mountains had spread down into the State. When he spoke to the con- vention it was realized that the man for the times of approaching storm had appeared. Men heard him with wild delight, and the multitude bore him on their shoulders through the streets of the city. Nothing like him had been seen. He was young, splendid in courage and in humor, in logic and eloquence. They acclaimed him then the bom leader of men. He held and was- worthy of this distinction as long as he lived. In 1 86 1 he resigned his position in Congress and went into the Confederate Army. He was captain and then colonel of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, a regiment glorious for heroism and sacrifice. The men emulated the daring and the courage of their commander. In 1862, without his seeking, he was elected governor. No man was ever called to a task more difficult, and no man ever performed his task with more consummate ability and determination. North Carolina was a Union State; Vance was a Union man. He and she were steadfast to the Union until the awful choice was presented, either to join the armies that were to crush into submission the seceding States in the exercise of constitutional right, or to join the sister States of the South in resisting invasion. When North Caro- lina joined the Confederacy, and plighted her faith to 60551"— 17 2 1 8 Statue of ZebtUon Baird Vance the cause, Vance was determined that his State should be true to the covenant even unto destruction and death, that she should never surrender until the last soldier had laid down his arms. In 1863, after the Battle of Gettysbiu-g, when the cause of the Confederacy was desperate, there were strong men in North Carolina who demanded that the governor should make peace separate from the other Southern States. They made to the old Union men an appeal of plausi- bility and power. There were thousands of men in the State who would not join the Confederate Army, and thousands who had left it. The conscript laws must be enforced; the laws and the jurisdiction of the State must be maintained; there was ruiiversal uncertainty and confusion. But always the young governor was firm and clear. He held the State true to the Confederacy. But he made the Confederate Government to know that the civil tribunals of this State were supreme for the protection of the rights of the hmn- blest citizen against militarj' power; that the writ of habeas corpus must be respected, and that it should never be suspended, neither for the enforcement of the conscript laws nor for any other cause; that if under this writ a citizen of North Carolina should be released from arrest or prison, for the protection of such a citizen he would, if necessary, make armed resistance to the Con- federate Government with the whole military power of the State. He trampled down disloyalty to the Confederacy at home. He resisted the imlawful exercise of military power from Richmond. It required a master arm to guide the ship of state in this tempest between Scylla and Charybdis. In the poUtical campaign of 1 864 his enemies threw down to him the gage of battle — peace against war. The strong Union sentiment of the State that prevailed until the very breaking out of the war, the reverence that had always Address of Hon. Locke Craig 19 existed for the Union, made the situation dangerous and fraught with more difficulty in North Carolina than in any other Southern State. Vance was the storm center. Destiny shook her doubtful urn. The material considera- tions were all with his opponents. The State could cut loose from the Confederacy and make an advantageous peace if she would. Vance went to Virginia to speak to the North Carolina soldiers of Lee's army. They were the men who bore the hardships and the brunt of the battle. The supreme issue was clear — the separate peace or continued war. Already the land was robed in the consuming fire of war. North Carolina was bleeding to death, a land of sorrows and acquainted with grief; the flower of her sons had been slain; wives and children were suffering at home, sometimes gathering for bread the com that was spilled out of the wagons of invading armies. The men had heard this cry from home, but they heard, too, the clarion voice of the governor that called to battle and to sacrifice. Wellington said that the pres- ence of Napoleon in battle was equivalent to 50,000 men. Lee said that Vance's visit and speech to his army was equivalent to a reenforcement of 50,000 men. He spoke in various parts of the State. Not only the army but the people were inspired with his heroic spirit. The opposition, bom of selfishness, wilted before his burn- ing eloquence. The men who had left the camp returned to the colors. North Carolina sent more soldiers to the armies of the Confederacy than any other State, and they were constant even tmto the end. In 1864 on the issue of separate peace or continued war, and on his administration as war governor, the soldiers voted for Vance. The people voted for him. He was triumphantly elected. North Carolina kept her faith and endured the sacrifice. When Xerxes was invading Greece, he sent ambassadors to Athens to portray the ruin of resistance and to propose a separate peace that would bring to the Athenians wealth 20 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance and make their city the ruhng city of Greece. The Spartans had been slain at Thermopylae, the Persian armies — innumerable — were sweeping down from the north. The Persian fleets covered the ^gean Sea. Some favored the proposal for the ignominious peace in the Assembly of Athens. Cyrsilus urged that the terms of the great king be accepted. Themistocles declared that it were better for Athens to be destroyed while fighting for the honor and independence of Greece than to accept all of the gold of the Orient. The men of Athens followed Themistocles. They sent away the Persian ambassadors; they stoned Cyrsilus to death. And in the day when overwhelming armies were marching upon our land, when the State was drinking the cup of trembUng to the very dregs, under the leadership of Vance she gave to us the inheritance that shall never be taken from us. While mastering the difficulties of politics, and harmon- izing contending factions, he did not forget the needs of the soldiers, nor the people, nor the destitute families of the deserters. His ships defied the blockade and brought into our ports from England rifles, munitions, clothing, shoes, and blankets for the Army, necessities and com- forts for all of the homes of the rich and the poor. Our soldiers and people were better provided for than any of the South. He is known to us and to history as "The great war governor." After the carnage of battle, after the wreck and desola- tion of war, the night of reconstruction set in. North Carolina's wounds had healed, but her heart was bleeding. All of the beasts of prey came forth to plunder and to devour. Darkness and demoralization prevailed. There were many who thought that we should seek admission to the Union in humility and contrition, that we should accept the new order, that we should join the dominant party with its dogmas of social and poHtical equality, that we should submit to the disfranchisement of the foremost and the bravest, and not cry aloud against the Address 0/ Hon. Locke Craig 21 control of elections by Federal soldiers. Many of these men were strong men. They thought that further con- tention with a victorious party was hopeless, and would be disastrous. But there were those who stood for the integrity of the State as a member of the Union, who did not surrender their ideals, who believed in the supremacy of our race, who knew that the policies of reconstruction were impossible, except to our shame and ruin. Vance was the leader, the voice of these, the inspiration of a State that was crushed. In a speech in Raleigh at the beginning of this area of chaos, referring to the men who were advocating the policies that in his opinion would bring ruin to the State, humiliation to the people, and threaten the overthrow of our civilization, after pouring out upon them his ridicule and invective, as with the blast ©f a tempest he said: "It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for them in North Carolina." He made good the prophecy. After the surrender and the dissolution of the Confed- eracy he was loyal to the Union. He had left it with sorrow. He had no venom, no hatred in his heart, he was charitable to all of his foes, even in his own adversity, but he made reconstruction odious in North Carolina. He poured out the lava of his wrath upon the men who were plundering the State and trampling down her pride and her life. In 1870 the State elected a Democratic general assembly over military power and enfranchised slaves. Vance was elected to the United States Senate. He was denied admission on account of disabilities — proscribed because of his service to the Confederacy. The devotion and trust of the people in him was stronger than ever. The storms growing out of the war had not abated. The violence of the contest for the rehabilitation of the State and the restoration of her government to virtue and intelli- gence continued with determination. Vance was nomi- nated for governor in 1876. Judge Thomas Settle, a 22 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance man of character and eminent ability, the foremost of the RepubUcans, was his opponent. Their joint canvass has never been equaled in our State, nor in my opinion sur- passed anywhere. The problems resulting from the war, the political status of the State, the constitutional rights of the people, the new social order, the administration of our government were debated with consummate power. These men standing for opposing ideas had grappled to try conclusions. The time was fierce and the people were intense. Multitudes gathered to hear them. The Repub- licans hailed Settle with enthusiasm as a splendid and undaunted chief. Vance was acclaimed as a deliverer. He was escorted by cavalcades and surrounded by cheer- ing thousands. Vance was elected. The supremacy of his party, the ideals and the policies for which he stood were firmly established in North Carolina. Order came out of chaos, the hatreds of the war were forgotten, the fields were glad with harvests, the university was opened, schools were established, the State rejoiced in peace and in her growing strength. She turned to the working out of her destiny, loyal to the Union of the fathers and imder the flag. In 1879 Vance took his seat in the Senate of the United States. The volcanic force and fire of the period of storm and revolution subsided into the calm and clear strength and dignity of the Senator. At no period in our history have there been so many men in the Senate of power and accomplished statesmanship. Every State sent her strongest men. The floor of the Senate was the arena of intellectual giants. There were Blaine, of Maine; Edmunds and Morrill, of Vermont; Hoar, of Massachusetts ; Conkling, of New York; Bayard, of Delaware; Ransom, of North Carolina; Hampton, of South Carolina; Benjamin Hill, of Georgia; Morgan, of Alabama; Lamar, of Missis- sippi; Blackburn, of Kentucky; Vest,of Missouri; Voorhees, of Indiana; Thurman, of Ohio; Ingalls, of Kansas. In this great company Vance was recognized as the equal Address of Hon. Locke Craig 23 of any, an intellectual gladiator who never lowered his arm, a statesman who dedicated himself to labor and to the service of the State and of the whole Nation. He mastered the problems of his time, and added to his national fame. His speeches gave evidence, not only of his known ability, but of classic culttire. In debates on the policies and fundamental questions of controlling importance he was generally put forward as the spokes- man of his party. He was by constitution and by culture a democrat. He was the um-elenting foe of unjust priv- ilege of all kinds, the apostle of equal rights. He delivered the faith that is now the creed of Democracy. For half a century the advocates of political dogmas have con- jured with his name, or tried to conjiu^e with it. There was nothing of the demagogue about Vance. He was nearly always on the popular side, but often by his own genius he made his side popular. He was one of those men of genius of universal type. He was one of the people, in full accord and sympathy with them. His single purpose was the common good, with a passion for justice and against unfairness and oppression. Gen. Theodore F. Davidson, a kinsman of Vance, who knew him perhaps more intimately than any living man, says of him: Another characteristic particularly in public matters, was his capacity to divine the right; it seemed to me that with less effort than any public man of whom I have any knowledge, he could almost instantly comprehend a public question with its results, by intuition. This quality was an endow- ment of nature, developed and strengthened by the circumstances of his unusual career. Another distinguishing characteristic which made him the first of the "leaders of men," was his absolute devotion to that \vhich he believed to be the best for his country and his people. I do not believe there ever was a moment in his life when he was not perfectly willing to offer himself and all he had for the benefit of his countrymen without the slightest considera- tion whether it brought to him compensation in any form. If you strike the chord of a musical instrument in the midst of other musical instruments, all of the chords that are in perfect harmony will vibrate with the same rhythm. 24 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance Vance was in harmony with the people. The same causes that stirred them stirred him. He uttered the dominant note. His vision was farther and clearer. His conception stronger. He expressed what they vaguely felt, and what they had been longing to hear, and he gave tone and vmity to their thought, their aspirations, and their life. He was sympathetic and tender as a child. On the 13th of May, 1865, he was arrested without notice by Federal soldiers in Statesville. As he went along the road to his unknown destiny, a prisoner surrounded by soldiers, through a State where in other days every jour- ney had been a triumphal procession, Mr. Samuel Wit- towsky, who was with him, says that for a moment he was overcome and shed tears while they drove along in silence. "This will not do," said Vance; "I must not allow my feelings to unman me, but it is so hard to bear. I am not so much concerned about what may be in store for me, but my poor wife and little children; they have not a cent of money to live on." When Danton, the giant of the French Revolution, who had defied imperial armies, who had hurled at the feet of the coalesced kings of Europe as gage of battle, the head of a king; who had organized armies and had saved France, when he stood upon the platform of the guillotine, surrounded by sol- diers and the populace howling for his blood, he, too, broke down in tears, saying: " I will never see my poor wife any more, then." He, too, nerved himself with the expression: " Danton, no weakness." Vance never quailed nor bowed the knee to power. When he was down, when his enemies were in control and his future seemed darkest he wrote the following letter: To THE Editor of thb Nbw York World: I see by the public prints that Gen. Kilpatrick has decorated me with his disapprobation before the people of Pennsylvania. He informs them, substantially, that he tamed me by capturing me and riding me 200 miles on a bareback mule. I will do him the justice to say that he knew tliat was a lie when he uttered it. I surrendered to Gen. Schofield at Greensboro, N. C, on the 2d day of May, 1865, who told me to go to my home and remain there, saying that if Address of Hon. Locke Craig 25 he got any orders to arrest me he would send there for me. Accordingly I went home, and there remained until I was arrested on the 13th of May by a detachment of 300 Cavalry, imder Maj. Porter, of Harrisbiu-g, from whom I received nothing but kindness and courtesy. I came in a buggy to Salisbury, where we took the cars. I saw no mule on the trip, yet I thought I saw an ass at the general's headquarters; this impression has since been confirmed. Respectfully, yours, Z. B. Vance. His humor was inimitable ; it was spontaneous. Audi- ences were convulsed with laughter by his witticisms and his stories; but his himior was always an incident. It always illustrated. It was always used for a purpose. It was overwhelming and brought his antagonist irre- sistibly into ridicule. When the southern leaders in Congress were accused of disloyalty, he said: Wlfat motive have we to injure this country? Having siirrendered the doctrine of secession and abandoned any intention whatsoever to divide this Union, how could we expect that the democracy to which we belong could obtain and hold the control of the Government except by showing the people by our acts that we are patriotically desirous of promoting its welfare and its glory. But you say you distrust these expressions. My friends, in your hearts you do not. On the contrary, a man who has offered his blood once for his plighted faith you believe when he plights his faith again. There is not a southern rebel, no matter how bitter and rampant he may have been, that you have not received with arms widespread and rewarded with offices of honor and trust who came to you with craven repentance on his tongue, ready to vote the Republican ticket and eating dirt with the same gluttonous appetite with which he once ate fire. You profess to believe him, but you despise him in your hearts. You are not alarmed to receive him and you cast no suspicion upon his professions of sincerity, though, as has more than once happened, he asks you to believe he tells the truth to-day because he told a lie yesterday. His personal appearance was unique. He did not look like other men. No man who saw him ever forgot him. His magnetism charmed with a peculiar and indescribable power. When you looked upon him, you knew that you beheld the lion-hearted leader of men. When known and imderstood, men of all parties ad- mired and honored him for his convictions, his cotu-age, his kindness of heart, his abiding loyalty and devotion to the whole cotmtry. 26 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance When he died the State was awed into a solemnity that we had not known. It was realized that the foremost had fallen. The train bearing him for the last time to the bosom of the moimtains that bore him and nm-tured him passed through the State while the assembled people with uncovered heads bowed and wept. Meetings were held in almost every county in expression of universal sorrow. The State was his funeral cortege. No hollow formalist was he, deceptive and self-deceptive, ghastly to the natural sense, but a very man, fiery, real, from the great fire bosom of nature herself. The Chairman: We are honored in having with us here to-day the Vice President of the United States. Called to his high place by reason of faithful and able service to his people, presiding with distinction over the august body where Senator Vance served so long and so well, it is eminently fitting that he should receive the statue in be- half of the Nation. It is indeed a privilege to present the Vice President. ADDRESS OF HON. THOMAS R. MARSHALL That which we call life is but a narrow isthmus which links the " Land of Was " to the " Land of To Be. " We enter by the "Port of Wail" and we leave it over the "Bridge of Sighs." We have our hopes, our fears, our seeming failures and successes. Alternate sunshine and shadow play around us, and at the close we wonder whether we have found the right way out of our wilderness of thought, whether it has paid. So many seemingly strive for high and mighty purposes only to fail, and so many roam like care-free children along the way only to seemingly succeed that yet again we wonder whether there is a purpose in it all. That man who walks by knowledge can not tell; that man who goes along the path of faith, he alone knows. For, in the brief span of this existence, there are so many unaccountable experiences one can not think they come by chance. Into the composite photograph of a man there are so many indis- tinguishable faces that in the making of it there must have been a plan. This is not perfunctory service upon the part of the presiding officer of the Senate. It is a quickened heart throb at the memory of days agone and an humble apology to Zebui^on B. Vance for a partial failure of life's work. This is both an official and personal occasion to me. In the days of my young manhood when more or less thought- fully striving to fit myself for the duties of an American citizen, I was sent by my parents to a small Presbyterian college in Indiana. Some little while after my matricula- tion I was solicited to join a Greek letter fraternity. Among the inducements held out to me was the fact that Gov. Vance of North Carolina would be one of my broth- ers and that Gen. Lew Wallace of Indiana would be another. I was not overly thoughtful as a boy nor do I claim to be now that age has come, but I did exercise 27 28 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance enough thought to reach the conclusion that I wanted to be a member of a fraternity that embraced in its ranks a war governor of the South and a Union general of the North. For more than 40 years now I have enjoyed at fraternity banquets the opportunity of referring to "Brother Zeb Vance" and "Brother Lew Wallace." While governor of my native State, I had the honor of delivering the oration at the unveiling in this Hall of Fame of Indiana's contribution of the statue of Brother Lew Wallace. To-day, on behalf of the Government of the United States, I have the honor of receiving the statue of Brother Zeb Vance. Let him who believes that men are tossed by fate without purpose upon the angry seas of life, think on these occturences. Most of us are very thoughtless. We have no well- defined intention of sajring or doing aught that will offend our brother man, lessen the sum total of his happiness or prevent the onward progress of humankind, but most of us are careless. Forty-six years ago I began to consider the life of Zebulon B. Vance. I found then that the lodestar of his life was truth; that the compass by which he sailed his bark was consecrated to present duty; that his char- acter contained something more than knowledge, industry and eloquence; that it had wrapped up within it that most priceless jewel of humanity — influence — and that that in- fluence was never used in an unworthy cause nor for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. And as the years went by and he passed from the keeping of North Carolina into the keeping of the RepubUc, he sailed an unvarying course toward truth and honor and justice. True he had his am- bitions and they were satisfied far beyond the dreams or merits of other men but his ambition diS'ered from mighty conquerors in that he sought place, preferment and power not for himself but for the sufi'ering, the helpless and the less competent sons of men. To many even in these short Address of Hon. Thomas R. Marshall 29 years since his ashes have mingled again with the soil of the Old North State, his name may be but a memory. But his courage in war, his patriotism in peace, his un- selfish devotion to the rights of man are a memory which sweetens the sleep of every North Carolinian, strengthens the arm of every American and heartens the hope of every young man who wants to do the right for the right's sake in the new age now just upon us. The Republic receives into this pantheon with loving gratitude this counterfeit presentment of North Carolina's illustrious son and may the time never come when any son or daughter of the Republic shall pass it by unnoticed or fail to lift a prayer to Heaven for the birth and rebirth of the high ideals which he inspired in the minds and hearts and conduct of the men and women of North Carolina. The statue was then decorated with palms, presented by Mrs. Josephus Daniels, and with wreaths of pine and of rhododendron, sent by the patriotic women of North Carolina and presented by Mrs. Eugene Little, president of the North Carolina division of the Daughters of the Confederacy, by Mrs. W. P. Parsons of Wadesboro, and by Mrs. Glenn, president of the Zeb Vance Chapter of Bun- combe County. The ceremony was then closed with the benediction of the bishop. ACCEPTANCE OF THE STATUE BY THE SENATE JUNE 22, 1916 BY THE HOUSE JULY 29, 1916 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE SATURDAY, JUKE 3, 1916 Mr. Overman. I ask present consideration for the reso- lution which I send to the desk. The resolution (S. Res. 210) was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to, as follows: Resolved, That exercises appropriate to the reception and acceptance from the State of North Carolina of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, erected in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, be made the special order for Thursday, June 22, igi6, after the conclusion of the routine morning business. Mr. Overman. I send to the desk a notice, which I ask to have read. The Secretary. The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. Overman] gives notice that on Thursday, June 22, 191 6, immediately upon the conclusion of the routine morning business, he will ask that the business of the Senate be suspended in order that there may be held appropriate exercises for the reception and acceptance from the State of North Carolina of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, erected in Statuary Hall in the Capitol. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916 Mr. Overman. Mr. President, in accordance with a notice which is found upon the calendar, given some two weeks ago, and also in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Senate, I send forward a letter from his excellency, the governor of North Carolina, and ask that it may be read. The Vice President. In the absence of objection, the Secretary will read the letter. 60551°— 17 3 ,3 34 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance The Secretary read as follows: State of North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, June 20, IQ16. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform you that the General Assembly of North Carolina, by joint resolution, directed that the governor and council of state procure a statue of her illustrious citizen, Zebulon Baird Vance, governor. Member of the House of Representatives, and Senator, to be placed in Statuary Hall, the Capitol, Washington, D. C, pursuant to the act of Congress. By virtue of said resolution the governor, with the approval of the council of state, appointed William A, Hoke, Mrs. M. V. Moore, Miss Laura Lindsay Carter, Clement Manly, and John Henry Martin, a commission to procure and have said statue erected. I am informed by the commission that the statue, made by Gutzon Bor- glura, has been duly placed in position and is now ready to be presented to you. As governor of the State of North Carolina, it affords me pleasure to present to the people and Government of the United States tlie statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, distinguished soldier, citizen, and statesman. Your obedient servant, Locke Craig, Governor. Mr. Overman. Mr. President, I offer a concurrent reso- lution, and ask that it be read. Later I shall ask unani- mous consent for its present consideration. The resolution (S. Con. Res. 24) was read, as follows: Resolved, etc.. That the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, presented by the State of North Carolina to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State of North Carolina for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the high piupose of his life, and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of North Carolina. Mr. Overman. Mr. President, I ask for the adoption of the concurrent resolution which I have heretofore sub- mitted and which has been read. The concurrent resolution was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Overman. Mr. President, I now offer the concurrent resolution which I send to the desk. The Vice President. The Secretary will read the con- current resolution submitted by the Senator from North Carolina. Proceedings in the Senate 35 The concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 25) was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to, as follows : Resolved, That there be printed and bound, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings at the unveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance presented by the State of North Carolina, 16,500 copies, with suitable illustration, of which 5,000 shall be for the use of the Senate and ro,ooo for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining 1,500 copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of North Carolina. ADDRESS OF MR. OVERMAN, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. President, with the completion of the two wings added to the old Capitol, one now occupied by the House of Representatives and the other by the Senate, the old House of Representatives was left deserted and silent. The scenes enacted there in that old Chamber for 50 years were only a precious memory, and the echoes made by the noise of footsteps only recalled the eloquent voices which had once so stirred the Members who sat there to make laws for their country. For the utiHzation of tliis deserted Chamber many plans were submitted. The late Senator Morrill, then a Mem- ber of the House, finally submitted the following plan, wliich was approved and became a law on the 2d day of July, 1869: The President is authorized to invite all the States to provide and furnish statues, in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each State, of deceased persons who have been citizens thereof and illustrious for their historic renown or for distinguished civic or military services, such a^ each State may deem to be worthy of this national commemoration; and when so furnished the same shall be placed in the old Hall of the House of Repre- sentatives, in the Capitol of the United States, which is set apart, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as a national Statuary Hall for the pur- pose herein indicated. His remarks in speaking to the passage of this bill are worthy to be quoted here, and were as follows: Congress is the guardian of this fine old Hall, surpassing in beauty all the rooms of this vast pile, and should protect it from desecration. Its noble columns from a quarry exhausted and incapable of reproduction — "Nature formed but one. And broke the die in molding." Its democratic simplicity and grandeur of style and its wealth of asso- ciation, with many earnest and eloquent chapters in the history of our country, deserve perpetuity at the hands of an American Congress. It was here that many of our most distinguished men, whose fame "the world will not willingly let die," began or ended their career. It appears to me eminently proper, therefore, that this House should take the initiative in setting a|);irt with reverent affection the Hall, so charged with precious memories, to some purpose of usefulness and dignity. 36 Address of Mr. Overman, of North Carolina 37 To what end more useful or grand, and at the same time simple and inex- pensive, can we devote it than to ordain that it shall be set apart for the reception of such statuary as each State shall elect to be deserving of this lasting commemoration? Will not all the States with generous emulation proudly respond, and thus furnish a new evidence that the Union will clasp and hold forever all its jewels — ^the glories of the past, civil, military, and judicial — in one hallowed spot where those who will be here to aid in carrying on the Government may daily receive fresh inspiration and new incentives? "To scorn delights and live laborious days?" and where pilgrims from all parts of the Union, as well as from foreign lands, may come and behold a gallery filled with such American manhood as succeeding generations will delight to honor, and see also the actual form and mold of those who have inerasably fixed their names on the pages of history. North Carolina, one of the old original 13 States, now claims her right and the happy privilege to place in that gallery of renowned statesmen, heroes, soldiers, and patriots one of her foremost citizens, illustrious and dis- tinguished for his services to his State and his country, both in peace and in war — a patriot and a leader among men, idolized by all his people. For 50 years the State of North CaroUna failed to avail herself of this generous offer of Congress. But when the time came to make selection of him to be so greatly honored and revered, among all the great and noble men of the State from its early history, distinguished Americans, patriots, statesmen, lawyers, judges, builders of the State and country, great Senators and governors, as they all passed in review the eyes of the people in- stinctively tiuned upon one man, and with one accord, without a dissenting voice, selected the great commoner, Zebulon Baird Vance. As the beautiful movmtains in which he first saw the light towers over the lovely valleys lying below, as Moimt Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Rocky Mountains, towers over the other peaks of the Appalachian Range, out of which it lifts its lofty head, at the foot of which Senator Vance built his beautiful home, so in the hearts of his countrymen he towers over all the great array of men who had become distinguished in the State and our cotmtry's history. He had loved them, led them, and suffered with 38 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance them in the dark days, in the days of distress and gloom, amid the storms, their distress, and defeat; and then after the storm was over, after the disaster, the suffering, the distress, and defeat he led them in sunshine and to tri- umphant victory. He had faithfully represented them in the House of Rep- resentatives. He had led them and fought with them upon the bloody field of battle. He had served them in the executive chair so ably and conspicuously that he be- came far and wide renowned as the greatest of the war governors; and when the clouds had passed away and the evil days had gone, again as their governor upon its ruins he helped to rebuild the old State, and with great ability and eminent statesmanship for more than 1 2 years served his people in the Senate, and finally died at his post of duty. He loved the people and the people loved him as few public men had ever been loved. His heroic statue now stands in Statuary Hall with Washington and Lincoln, Lee and Grant, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and with other renowned statesmen and patriots whose States have placed them there for our countrymen to admire and revere, and that they may derive "fresh inspiration and new incentives" to their country's honor and glory. In this age of commercialism we are inclined to forget the men whose high ideals and devotion to duty have aided in the upbuilding of this great Government and the preservation of the immortal principles upon which it was founded. In the mad rush for place and position it is well to have just such object lessons as are found in that gallery of statesmen to remind us that our happiness and the blessings of liberty we enjoy are interwoven with the efforts, hardships, and the accomplishments of those who have lived before us. The history of those lives is the history of our coimtry. Senator Vance 's ancestors were of Scotch-Irish descent. They settled in North Carolina Ijefore the Revolution, and both his paternal and maternal ancestors fought in Address of Mr. Overman, of North Carolina 39 that great struggle for independence — one at Valley Forge with Washington and the other at Ramseurs Mill and Kings Mountain. Both aided in the erection of this wonderful superstructure which guarantees political lib- erty and individual freedom. From them he inherited his great courage, his patriotism, and his rugged honesty. Senator Vance had combined in him the humor and known wit of the Irish, and the logic, the perseverance, the in- sight, and love of liberty of the Scotch. Upon the hus- tings, in the office, the social circle, in every company and on every occasion he enlivened it with his wit, bright- ened it with his humor, and charmed it with his jovial good nature. He was bom in the county of Buncombe, on the 13th day of May, 1830, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, near the French Broad River, whose waters dash, sing, and roar over the rugged rocks, through the picturesque forests between the great mountains on to the sea. He spent his early life upon the farm. He acquired a good education in the village school, and when prepared he attended Washington College, Tennessee, and then one year at the university of the State ; read law and received his license to practice. At the age of 21 he was elected county attorney, at the age of 24 he was elected to the house of commons, at the age of 28 he was elected to Congress, and at the age of 30 was reelected to Congress for a second term. At the age of 3 1 , in 1 86 1 , he volunteered for the war and was elected captain and then colonel of the famous fighting Twenty-sixth Regiment North Carolina State troops in the Confederate Army. At the age of 32 he was elected governor of the State of North Carolina, and at the age of 34 he was reelected governor for a second term. At the age of 40 he was elected United States Senator, but was denied admission upon the ground that his political disabilities had not been removed. At the age of 46 he was again elected governor of his State. At the age of 49 he was again elected to the United States Senate and 40 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance took his seat, and every six years thereafter was reelected to the Senate until his death in this city at the age of 64 years, having been elected four times to this great body. Thus step by step, from his early manhood, higher and higher his people heaped promotions and honors upon him and elevated him to positions of con- fidence and trust, in all of which positions he achieved distinction. He never betrayed his people. He served them in all these positions with fidelity and great ability and never a breath of scandal or criticism of his integrity and honesty was ever made against him by either friend or foe. While at the front fighting with his regiment, to one of his constituents who was urging him to give his con- sent for the people of his district to elect him to the Confederate Congress he replied as follows : You remember well the position I occupied upon the great question which so lately divided the people of the Soutli. Ardently devoted to the old Union and the forms which the Federal fathers established, I clung to it so long as I thought there was a shadow of a hope of preserving, purifying, or reconstructing it. And you will also remember that in the last official communication I had the honor to make to my constituents as their Representative I pledged myself in case all our efforts for peace and justice at the hands of the North should fail, that their cause was mine, their destiny was my destiny, and that all I had and was should be spent in their service. Those hopes did fail, as you know, signally and miserably fail; civil war was thrust upon the country and the strong arm of northern despotism was stretched out to crush and subdue the southern people. I immediately volunteered for their defense, in obe- dience not only to this promise, but also, as I trust, to patriotic instincts; and I should hold this promise but poorly fulfilled should I now, after having acquired sufficient knowledge of military affairs to begin to be useful to my country, escape its obligations by seeking or even accepting a civil appointment. He had been elected to Congress in 1854 as a State Rights American. At home and in Congress he was an outspoken Union man. He loved the flag his fathers had fought to establish, but he also believed, as he had been taught, that his first duty was to his State. When his State, which had voted in April, 1861 , to stay in the Union, finally had to take her choice whether to fight with and for her neighbors or against them, on the 20th of May, a Address of Mr. Overman, of North Carolina 41 month following, unhesitatingly seceded from the Union, he, as was his duty to do, went with his people and at once volunteered to fight in their defense, and he went into the war with his whole heart and soul. He was making a speech at Asheville, in his district, for the preservation of the Union when Mr. Lincoln s proclamation arrived and was handed him. His hand came down and his voice raised for volunteers for the war. Sometime after this the people of the State began to hold meetings and in the press began to call upon him to consent to allow them to run him for governor. Time and again he was importuned to do so, and then from the battle front he wrote to a friend as follows: Believing that the only hope of the South depended upon the prosecution of tlie war at all hazards and to the utmost extremity so long as the foot of an invader pressed Southern soil, I took the field at an early day, with the determination to remain there until our independence was achieved. My convictions in tliis regard remain unchanged. In accordance therewith I have steadily and sincerely declined all promotion save that which placed me at the head of the gallant men whom I now command. A true man shotild, however, be willing to serve wherever the public voice may assign him. If, therefore, my fellow citizens believe that I could serve the great cause better as governor than I am now doing, and should see proper to con- fer this great responsibility upon me, without solicitation on my part, I should not feel at liberty to decline it, however conscious of my own un- worthiness. In thus frankly avowing my willingness to labor in any position which may be thought best for the public good, I do not wish to be considered guilty of the affectation of indifference to the great honor which my fellow citizens thus propose to bestow upon me. On the contrary, I should con- sider it the crowning glory of my life to be placed in a position where I could most advance the interests and honor of North Carolina, and , if neces- sary', lead her gallant sons against her foes. But I shall be content with the people's will. Let them speak. He was elected governor in 1862 and was reelected in 1864, and during tliis most stormy, trying, and saddest period of the State's history he served with the highest executive ability and exhibited a degree of wisdom, far- seeing sagacity, and ability for organization rarely ever seen in any man. He equipped and sent to the Con- federate Army more troops than any other Southern State. Her soldiers were better clad and her people had more comfort at home. 42 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance All the ports of the South had been blockaded, and soon after his inauguration he conceived the idea of "running the blockade," and organized a fleet of blockade runners from Wilmington, N. C, to European and South Ameri- can ports, by means of which he was enabled to export cotton and receive in exchange shoes, cloth, cotton cards, and other necessities of life for the soldiers and people at home. This blockade he successfully carried on during nearly the entire war. In every county he organized relief societies to save the poor from starvation, and did every- thing possible that could be done to care for the women and children while his soldiers were away fighting in de- fense of the State. He upheld the rights of the courts and the individuals, and refused to allow to be suspended the great writ of habeas corpus. At the close of the war he was arrested and confined in the old Capitol Prison, but when the records were shown of his kind treatment of the 10,000 starving Union sol- diers confined at Salisbury, in his State, his appeal to his own people to share their scanty subsistence with them, and his appeal to the authorities of the North for an ex- change of prisoners he was granted an early discharge. He returned home, sad at heart, to share with his people their poverty and defeat. He began the practice of the law for a hveUhood, but his people called upon him again to serve them and lead them. In the great campaign of 1876, when the people of the State determined to rid themselves from carpetbag mis- rule and the rottenness and corruption that then obtained in high places, from the insult and oppression of the mis- guided negro — their former slaves — from the chaotic con- ditions that then prevailed in the State, they again called upon Gov. Vance to be their Moses to lead them out of the wilderness of their troubles and humiliation; and the Democratic Party, with which he had allied liimself, se- lected him as their standard bearer and nominated him for governor. The Republicans had nominated one of Address of Mr. Overman, of North Carolina 43 the ablest debaters in that State, and then in joint canvass thev began one of the ablest, bitterest, and most exciting campaigns ever known or ever will be known again in that State. Mr. President, although quite a young man, I was with him occasionally in that campaign and with others fol- lowed him to his different appointments in the State. I saw the great multitude of men, women, and children who flocked to see him and hear him. I saw the great cavalcades tliat came cheering to welcome him and escort him on the highways to his appointments. Many of them would follow him about from appointment to ap- pointment and never tire of hearing him. I have seen that great form rise to speak and then the wild cheering. I have heard him address the multitude, at times moving them to tears, at times moving them to uncontrollable laughter at his sallies of wit and humor; have heard those delightful anecdotes with which he clinched some of his strongest points, heard his unanswerable logic, his fierce invective, ridicule, and sarcasm, and his flow of eloquence, and altogether, like a mighty torrent, it would carry the crowd with him and would so warm their hearts that with mighty cheers — They threw their hats As they would hang them on the horns of the moon, Shouting their exultation. "They heard him with raptiue and exultant joy." I have seen that magnificent presence of his rise when the masses, wrought up to great excitement, like the waves of the sea in a great storm wrought up to wildest ftuy, when it seemed they were almost ready to mob his op- ponent, lift his arm and wave his hand for order, and in a moment they were as quiet as the grave and were listen- ing in respectful silence to the great speech of his oppo- nent. He always had wonderful control of his audience. It was one triumphant march from the mountains to the sea. He was elected. Nothing cotdd stop the great vic- tory which came to him. 44 Statiie of Zebulon Baird Vance With his election came peace, race antagonism was in a measm^e allayed, and the old Commonwealth started on its onward march upward to happiness and prosperity. Red strings, Ku Klux, and secret political societies of all kinds were heard of no more. Frequent murders, arson, rape, riots, and rapine ceased. Justice was administered to all alike by the courts, good order was restored, and the people who builded this great Commonwealth came into their own again. He began at once to plan for the settlement of the great debt that was burdening the people, to provide for the education of the white people and the black people alike, to provide for the care of the insane, the deaf, dumb, and blind, and relieve the people of the terrible burdens under which they were then suffering, all of which, in a measure, matured. He called a great meeting of the colored men of the State to meet at the capitol and addressed them in words of wisdom and tenderness, advising them that he was their governor; and the kindly advice he then gave had its effect to this day and accounts somewhat for the cordial relations which now exist between the races in that State. He honored me with a position, with his confidence and his friendship. I was closely associated with him and knew him in the executive office and in the home circle. I loved him for his uniform kindness. I admired him for his genius, his great courage, and patience imder most trying circumstances. I enjoyed his brilliant conversation and his rich, rare, and racy fund of anecdotes, his humor, and jovial disposition. While his soul was full of wit and humor, he was serious and often engaged in the deepest thought and found time to write his celebrated lecture upon the "Scattered Nation." Perhaps the only thing for which he was seriously criti- cized while governor was his too free use of the pardoning power. I have seen the little blind girl pleading for the pardon of her aged father, the wife pleading for her hus- band, and the mother for her boy bring him to tears. His Address oj Mr. Overman, of North Carolina 45 great tender heart could not resist their appeals. Tender- ness, sympathy, and mercy were part of his nature. He would often yield when he knew that his action was taken in the face of adverse opinion. Free from egotism, he was one of the most approachable of men, and the executive chamber was always open to all comers without regard to their standing in life. His majestic form, his resonant voice, his long flowing locks, the merry twinkle of the eye, and his simple manners, his open-heartedness, impressed everyone who came in his presence. They felt they stood in the presence of a great man, but were unafraid and at once felt at home. His people would not permit him to remain long in the executive chair, and two years after he had been inaugu- rated governor he was elected to the Senate and was sworn in as a Member of this body on the 4th day of March, 1879. He at once took high rank in this body and was recognized as one of its greatest debaters. He was on some of the most important committees, but his greatest work was upon the Finance Committee. Perhaps his greatest speech here was upon the tariff question. He carefully attended to the wants of his constituents, was very industrious, and contributed by his wisdom to many important public measures. His great reputation had preceded him here, and he suffered not by his close associations with his colleagues, in his service here, or by his activities in the Nation's counsels. Imbued with the doctrine of State rights, loving the South, her people, and her traditions with a fervor amovmting to passion, he viewed with distrust and sus- picion every measure which seemed to him to point to a centralization of power in the Federal Government. Imbued with the spirit of chivalry, with high ideals of honor and a lover of the truth, he was ever on the side of right and justice, and the cause of the people foimd in him a bold and steadfast champion. 46 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance Among his colleagues in the Senate there were great men of great minds and great ability; statesmen of long and large experience, but with them he suffered not by comparison. He was a great reader of the Bible and had an abiding faith in the truth of the Christian religion and the im- mortality of the soul. Not in years, but worn with cares, duties, honors, and responsibilities of a long life of arduous service to his people and his coimtry, having completed his work, his great soul passed into eternity, and the people of his State without regard to party, race, sex, or creed bowed their heads in sorrow. Women wept and strong men shed tears as they walked along the streets. Three times governor of a great State; twice elected to the House of Representatives; four times elected to the United States Senate. Can there be fovmd in the annals of our history such a record? To perpetuate his memory his native coimty has erected a great monument to him in the city of Asheville, his people a bronze statue of him in the beautiful capitol grounds, and his State now has placed in the abiding place of the Nation's immortals, in bronze, his chiseled form and features in memory of the deeds of the past and to be an inspiration to those who come after us to kindle the fires of patriotism and stir the hearts of the youth of the land to greater and nobler endeavor for the glory and honor of our great country. Like a granite pillar chiseled from his own native quarries his life rises above us, lofty and massive, and yet graceful. It rises above the clouds of troubles and hardships he endured, and, sim kissed, it stands in the light of heaven, a monument of a glory that is past and a guide to that which is to be. The potentates on whom men gaze, When once their nilc has reached its goal, Die into darkness with their days. But monarchs of tlie mind and soul, With light unfailing and unspent. Illuminate fame's firmament. ADDRESS OF MR. LODGE, OF MASSACHUSETTS Mr. President: When I entered the Senate, in March, 1S93, Senator Vance was one of its ablest, best-known, and most popular Members. My acquaintance with him was necessarily brief, because within a year after my coming into the Senate Senator Vance died. It is no slight evidence, however, of the power of his personality and of his personal attraction that I felt that by his death I had lost a friend, for he had made me his friend in those few short months. I was a yoimg man and on the other side, politically, but nevertheless he dwells with me now as one of the most vivid memories of my early days in the Senate and stands out a marked and gracious figiu-e in my visions of the past. Others far better qualified than I will trace here his distinguished career, both in war and in peace. All that I can hope to give is the impression made upon me during the brief year in which I knew him. He had a strong per- sonality, as I have already said; but, imlike some strong personalities, his carried with it nothing but a sense of kindliness and humor, for which delightful qualities, indeed, he was conspicuous. When he died the feeling that came uppermost, I think, in the minds of all who knew him in the Senate was not of the eminent public man or of his services in the field and in public life. It was that we had lost a friend, a man who had awakened in us the warm feelings of affection. But there was another side to Gov. Vance, far more important even than this, and which I see now more clearly than I did at the time. He was a fine example of a certain type of man who had fought on the Confederate side during the Civil War. There were many of these men in the Senate in those days; now, alas! there are very few. Then for the first time I was brought into personal contact with them. I had been bred in an 47 48 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance atmosphere of intense hostility to the principles for which they had fought. I widely disagreed with most of their political views; but I was not long in the society of these men in the Senate — these men of whom Gov. Vance was such an admirable example — without learning keenly to appreciate their strong qualities. Their theories of polit- ical action which had guided them in the past, and which guided them then, were not mine and never could be; but they were men of principle and of conviction, and for their principles they had not only fought but they were ready to sacrifice themselves to them if need came in the less dangerous but more insidious trials of public life.. They were men of traditions. They had the old Ameri- can traditions strong within them, as did the men from the North, who fought against them. What I mean pre- cisely by this it would take more time to explain than I have to give, but I think everyone who knows and loves our history will understand what I mean. Above all. Gov. Vance and those who shared his prin- ciples and had fought with him in the Civil War were men who believed profoundly that there were certain things for which the individual life ought to be sacrificed, and that there were higher ideals to be followed than living in comfort and safety with opportunity to accumu- late money. They were to the fullest extent like those whom they met in arms upon the battle fields of the Civil War, of the race of men who fought the Revolution, and they resented dishonor or humiliation for their country as they would have resented it for themselves. Rather than permit their Nation to undergo humiliation or be dishonored, rather than sacrifice principles in which they believed, they were ready to fight and, if need be, give their lives. They and the men who fought for the Union, however they differed, went to war in the same spirit, which has, I believe, at all times ever been the true American spirit. When it is extinguished, then the end of the Republic is not far off. Address of Mr. Lodge, of Massachusetts 49 In Gov. Vance one saw first his wit and humor, his geniality and good comradeship, and everyone loved him for these most attractive qualities. But as one came to know him better one felt that he was a representative of those by whose toil and sacrifice and courage great na- tions are made. Nobody could doubt for a moment that Gov. Vance would die rather than be — One of a nation, who, henceforth, raus* wear Their fetters in their souls. Therefore North Carolina does well to give his statue to the Nation, and we do well to honor and recall his memory here. 605il°— 17 4 ADDRESS OF MR. SMITH, OF GEORGIA Mr. President : Citizens of North Carolina have made records for patriotism, from the days of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence on down to the present time, unsurpassed in the annals of history. Her sons have rendered distinguished service as lawyers, as sol- diers, and as statesmen. The bench has never been occupied by greater jurists than Gaston, Iredell, Rufl&n, and Pearson. To tlie bril- liant galaxy of American soldiers North Carolina con- tributed, among others, Gens. Graham, McDowell, Hoke, and Hill. Her statesmen have given splendid servdce to the entire country, and from among their number may be mentioned Macon, Mangum, Graham, and Merriman. When the question arose in North Carolina of selecting from her distinguished sons one whose statue should grace the National Statuary Hall, the citizens of that State found many worthy of the place. It might well have been expected that difficulty of decision would develop, but there was no division of sentiment as to who should be chosen. With one voice North Carolinians named him, Zebulon B. Vance, and no one questions that the naming was justly made. I knew him from my childhood to the hour of his death. He was devoted to the University of North Carolina and visited that institution frequently. There he was always a guest of my father, who was a professor of the univer- sity. I was at his bedside through the long, long night when he died. It is a privilege to join with Nortli Caro- linians and pay tribute to his memory. He was a great executive officer. He was governor of North Carolina during the Civil War, and as a result of his calm, forceful, determined administration of the affairs of the State North Carolina's troops were the best clad 50 Address of Mr. Smith, of Georgia 51 and the best fed of any of the troops of the Southern States. Of him it can justly be said he was the most successful and valued governor of a Southern State during the Civil War. But I do not believe North Carolinians for this reason selected his statue for the Hall of Fame. He was a great legislator, wise, thoughtful, tireless, progressive, practical. If his public services had been Umited to his legislative career he would rank among the first. But I do not believe North Carolinians for this reason selected his statue for the Hall of Fame. He was a wonderful orator. With powerful logic he could array facts in simple language, clear and convincing. With a humor and a wit never equaled, he could delight his audience, while he charmed them with his pathos and won them with his logic. But I do not believe North Carolinians for this reason selected his statue for the Hall of Fame. If I may name what I believe placed Zebulon B. Vance above all others with his constituents, I would say it was his intense, all-controlling, all-sustaining love for his State and his people. He loved them with a great, imfailing love. It was a love which imselfishly led him in his every thought and act, which dominated his life, which was his very life. There never was a moment when that love failed to control and inspire him in their service or when he would not willingly have died for his people and his State. North Carolinians knew how he loved them, and they almost worshiped him in return. Great deeds make great men, but a great, unselfish love for his people made every act of the life of this wonderful man an act of loyal, joyous service to the people of North Carolina and to his fellow men. He had faith in the power of love and rejoiced in the service which it produced; and if he were here to speak to-day, and were permitted to select from liis marv'elous 52 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance record a tribute to his memory to account for the honor which his constituents have given him, I believe he would have us say, " His whole life was given to the service of his people, he loved them so; he loved his fellow men." The beautiful lines of Leigh Hunt suggest, but do not adequately present, the love of this son of the old North State: ABOU BEN ADHEM AND THE ANGEL. Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw, within the twilight in the room, Making it rich, like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold, And to the presence in the room he said, "What wTitest thou?" The vision raised its head, And with a look made of all sweet accord Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord." "And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so," Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerily still, and said, " I pray thee, then, Write me as one who loves his fellow men. " The angel wrote and vanished. The next night It came again with a great wakening light, And showed the names whom love of God had blest; And lo! Ben Adhem 's name led all the rest! MONDAY, JULY 31, 1916 A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 24) accept- ing from the State of North Carolina the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance and tendering the thanks of Congress for the contribution. The message also announced that the House had passed the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 25) to authorize the printing of the proceedings in Congress and in Statuary Hall relative to the unveiling of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916 A message from the Senate, by Mr. Waldorf, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed the follow- ing concurrent resolutions, in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives was requested: Senate concurrent resolution 24 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the statue of ZEBtTLON Baird Vance, presented by the State of North Carolina to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State of North Carolina for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illus- trious for the high purpose of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of North Carolina. Senate concurrent resolution 25 Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring). That there be printed and bound under the direction of the Joint Committee on Print- ing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings at the un- veiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the statue of Zebulon Baird VanxE presented by the State of North Carolina, 16,500 copies, with suitable illustration, of which 5,000 shall be for the use of the Senate and 10,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining 1,500 copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress from the State of North Carolina. Senate concurrent resolution 24 to the Committee on the Library. Senate concurrent resolution 25 to the Committee on Printing. TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916 Mr. KiTCHiN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the resolution which I send to the desk and ask to have read. The Speaker. The gentleman from North Carolina asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of the resolution which the Clerk will report. S3 54 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That exercises appropriate to tlie reception and acceptance from the State of North Carolina of the statue of Zebulon Baird VanxE, erected in Statuary Hall, in the Capitol, be made a special order for Satur- day, July 29, 1916, not later than 3 o'clock p. m. The Speaker. Is there objection to the present con- sideration of the resolution ? The question was taken, and the resolution was agreed to. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1916 The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was called to order by the Clerk, Hon. South Trimble, who read the following communication : The Speaker's Rooms, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, July 26, iQid. Hon. South Trimble, Clerk of the Hotise. I hereby designate Hon. Charles M. Stedman, a Representative from North Carolina, to preside in the House on Saturday, July 29. Champ Clark. jMr. Stedman took the chair as Speaker pro tempore amid applause. PRAYER BY REV. HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. Thou great Spirit, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, our heavenly Father, help us to worship Thee in spirit aiid in truth by a faithful, conscientious, and efficient service in all the affairs of life, that we may leave in our wake a record worthy of the talents Thou hast bestowed upon us, be they few or many. The special order of the day proves the worth of a noble life, a man of large parts, true to his convictions, faithful as a public servant, still lives in the hearts of his people. His statue placed in this Capitol will speak to coming generations and inspire men to go and do likewise. So may we live and pass on to the glory and honor of Thy holy name. Amen. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the special order. Proceedings in the House 55 The Clerk read as follows: House resolution 322 Resolved, That exercises appropriate to the reception and acceptance from the State of Nortli Carolina of the statue of Zebulon Baird VancB, erected in Statuary Hall, in the Capitol, be made a special order for Satiu"- day, July 29, igi6, not later than 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. KiTCHiN. Mr. Speaker, I send to the Clerk's desk the following Senate concurrent resolution. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution. The Clerk read as follows : « Senate concurrent resolution 24 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, presented by the State of North Carolina to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the vState of North Carolina for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illus- trious for the high purpose of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a copy of these resolutions, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of the State of North Carolina. ADDRESS OF MR. SMALL, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Small. Mr. Speaker, these exercises commemorate an event of very great significance to the people of North Carolina and of importance to the Nation. The State has for the first time taken advantage of the opportunity to prepare and place in Statuary Hall a bronze figure of one of her illustrious sons. He was in many respects a distinguished, able, successful man, a wise statesman, a faithful legislator, loyal to his people and to his country. I shall not attempt to present any data bearing uporf the biography of Zebulon Baird Vance, but will only advert to a few phases in the life of that distinguished citizen. I said that his was a successful life; and it was. But what constitutes success? We may agree that heredity, normal mental powers, training and education, environment, oppor- tunity, character, persistence, and will power are prominent factors. But there is no man so wise as to be able to look at a young man just blooming into manhood and with safety prophesy what his life will be, and at a younger and more tender age the r61e of prophecy is even more difficult. The life of public service is simply the life of the average citizen amplified and extended by greater opportunities. The qualities which make for the useful, serviceable life of the ordinary citizen to whom no preferment has come must exist substantially in him who seeks to serve in public station. Zebulon Baird Vance had two distinct lines of public service, executive and legislative. As executive of the State of North Carolina, from his first election in 1862 to the close of the Civil War, he has come to be recognized in history as the great war governor, not alone entitled to this distinction in his own State, but in all the States of the Confederacy through those troublous and perilous years. His life as the chief execu- tive of his Commonwealth stands out more resplendently, filled more largely with service to his people and to the Con- federacy than that of the governor of any of those States during that period. There are said to have been several dis- tinctive features of his term as governor. 56 Address of Mr. Small, of North Carolina 57 The South during that time was lacking in food, munitions, and clothing. Its manufacturing facilities were meager, its agriculture was impaired, its sons in large degree, larger than in the Union States, were at the front, and it became an impor- tant question to secure the necessaries for the sustenance of life and the prosecution of the war. It was he who maintained a fleet of vessels, carrying cotton and other valuable products of the South to the Continent of Europe, particularly to Great Britain, and receiving in return clothing, munitions, and other essentials. And until the Navy of the Union had formed its cordon of blockade so tightly around the southern coast as to make impossible the sailing of vessels from any of our ports this fleet was maintained by him and was of inestimable benefit in providing the necessities of North Carolina and of the Con- federate Army. There is another feature of those troublous times which we like to recall. In time of war the necessity for miUtary law must in large degree prevail, and yet from the time of his election in 1862 until the surrender of Gen. Johnston's army there was never a period in North Carolina when any one of its citizens, no matter how humble, if his liberty was restrained might not appeal to the courts of the State and have the cause of his detention inquired into. The great writ of habeas corpus, every day in the year was open to its citizens. Vance, while aggressive, while loyal to the cause of the Con- federacy, which his State had joined, was yet never malevolent, nor did bitter passion or prejudice control his sense of charity or becloud his intellect. While furnishing food to his own citizens, he on more than one occasion appealed to the people of North Carolina to divide their scanty allowance with Union prisoners incarcerated at Salisbury and at other points within the State. . In loyalty, in zeal, in the fine qualities which go to make up the able administrator, in the finer qualities of the heart which must distinguish the true man in every cause, during this stormy period Vance was preeininent as a citizen and distinguished as an executive. He had large legislative experience. He served nearly four years in this House prior to the Civil War, and he made friend- ships here with gentlemen from other sections of the country; and when they were divided by the stress of that fratricidal war, when he was in prison at the end, many were the kind messages 58 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance of sjrmpathy and generous acts which came from his old friends of the North. They recalled and cherished the qualities of the manly and courageous friend of ante-bellum days. In 1878 he was called from the executive chair, having again been elected governor of North Carolina in 1876, to a seat in the Senate of the United States. He served there until his death in April, 1894. Up to that time there were perhaps varying opinions as to his ability. He had a gift of humor which many regarded as an impediment to the highest legislative achieve- ments, and full opportunity had not yet come to him to remove the skepticism which existed in the minds of some as to his mental strength and caliber. But those 16 years of service in the Senate established his name for all time as the peer of any who served in that body. Beck of Kentucky, Bate of Ten- nessee, Hoar of Massachusetts, Chandler of New Hampshire, and other eminent Senators, colleagues of his during that period, both during his time of service and when they performed the sad duty of expressing their estimate of him in the hour of death, gave unstinted expression to their admiration of his quaUties as a man, his abilities as a legislator, his patriotic life of service to his country. Mr. Speaker, what constitutes the highest type of the legisla- tor ? In a democracy he must represent his constituency, and yet not servilely, not to the extent of surrendering his conscience or his intellectual integrity. He must be a leader, and yet not lead with such independence of thought or action as to remove him from the line of a representative of his people. There is a happy medium between the two. Because a legislator some- times goes contrary to what seems to be the current of public sentiment among his constituency or the country it does not mean that he is misrepresenting them. There are times when a member of a legislative body must appeal from the current of what seems to be public opinion to the intelligence, to the wis- dom, to the patriotism, to the love of truth of those whom he represents. I think that perhaps the study of no man who has graced the Halls of Congress will more nearly typify the happy combination of him who desires to be a true servant of the people and at the same time preser\'e his mental integrity and his sense of honor than did Zebulon B. Vance. Vance was possessed of a rare gift of humor. It is not an exaggeration to state that in all the history of North Carolina Address of Mr. Small, of North Carolina 59 the name of no man will parallel that of Vance. His humor was not studied or forced. It was not the result of a retentive memory. It flowed as naturally as the babbling brook, and was just as sweet and as tender as the perfume of a flower; nothing unkind, no thrust which wounded, but only that ineffable sen,se of humor which enlivened the situation and confused an antago- nist. I doubt if anyone, even those who remember him best, can recall a single incident in which that divine sense of humor of his ever left a wound. Mr. Speaker, there is one other characteristic of Vance to which I would like to advert. No man in public life can ever achieve a lasting reputation who does not combine, with ability and industry and patriotism, a love of his fellow men. As the apostle said, " Faith, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is charity." Reading as I have done to some extent the history of the great Civil War upon both sides, I sometimes have dwelt with astonishment on the history of Lincoln's administration. There were men at that time who seemed to tower above him in strength and in public estimation. To recur at this time to the unkind expressions in the public prints and upon the rostrum about this man of trials and of sorrows brings wonder to us at this remote period. But whose name to-day among those engaged in that great struggle for the preservation of the Union stands more preeminent than that of Lincoln? And the one quality by which that deserved eminence has been achieved was the patient love and charity which day after day was manifested by him in his dealings with his fellows and in his attitude toward the States of the South, whom he called the erring brothers, and to those who difi'ered with him upon his own side in that titanic contest. Vance was aggressive; he had the triumphant spirit; he loved personal success. Yet there never was a day in his life when personal success was to him of greater value than the good opinion and the love of his fellow man. Mr. Speaker, for all time to come, as the history of North Carolina shall be written and rewritten, as her sons shall come and go in the service of their community, their State, and their country, with no disposition to exaggerate, I can say, in all truth, that no name will shine brighter, no life will be a larger inspiration, than that of Zebulon Baird Vance. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. HOOD, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker : In response to legislative invitation by act of Congress of July 2, 1864, the great State of North Carolina contributes to the National Statuary Hall a bronze statue of Zebulon B. Vance. The people of North Carolina with one accord decided that he was "illustrious for his historical renown and for distinguished civil and military service " rendered to the State and Nation, and deserved a niche in the Pantheon of the Republic. Side by side with Washington, Lee, Web- ster, Calhoun, Morton, Ingalls, Benton, Houston, and other great statesmen and warriors of oiur land, the massive figure of Zebulon B. Vance towers as an inspiration to the thousands who, beholding it, studying the life and character of this great North Carolinian, will be prompted to greater service, higher ideals, and nobler Uving. I shall not attempt to follow minutely the history of the "Old North State's" statesman, lawyer, orator, patriot, scholar, and friend, nor delineate with any degree of elaboration his wonderful traits, splendid character- istics, and unique personality. Leave thee alone for a comparison. I realize that it would be superfluous to do so, in view of the fact that others have done this with marked pre- cision and ability. I simply desire, as one of a younger generation, to pay a feeble tribute to his memory. Although of fine parentage, he began life's struggle in an humble home under adverse circumstances, his father having died when he was quite young. Dinging the early years of his life he supported a widowed mother, acquired an education, and with an energy and determination that knew no defeat carv^ed his way to fame. 60 Address of Mr. Hood, of North Carolina 6i After attaining an education through his individual efforts and the sacrifices of his godly mother, in 1854, soon after reaching his majority, he received his license to practice law, locating in liis mountain home — Asheville. "With new-fledged hope still fluttering in his breast" he began his memorable career. He was elected solicitor of the covmty court, State legislator, twice to Congress, three times governor, and four times as United States Senator. In addition to the service rendered in civil life, upon the breaking out of the Civil War he organized and was made captain of the "Rough and Ready Guards," which com- pany was called to the front immediately, and soon there- after, on account of his gallant services in battle, he was elected colonel of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment. With a public service of nearly a half centmy, in peace and in war, he filled every position intrusted to him by the people with fideUty, credit, and distinction. The people loved to honor hifn ; they knew he was their friend. He was idolized by all classes ; the rank and file felt that he' never failed to use his best efforts for their interests and welfare. His hopes, aspirations, desires, and ambition seemed to be to serve his coimtry well and faithfully. His heart seemed to throb in harmony with that of the masses, and he longed to do everything in his power for them at all times and under any conditions. Senator Blackburn made the following statement in his eulogy of Senator Vance: This man's character, Mr. President, is best illustrated by an instance with which I became acquainted only within the last week and but for which I would not have asked indulgence of the Senate to attest my love to his memory. The general commanding the armies of this covmtry told me less than a week ago that when the war ended he was left in command of the district of North Carolina. He received an order peremptory from the War Office here to arrest Gov. Vance, capture all his papers and cor- respondence, and send them to the War Department. He said he knew full well that Vance was not seeking to flee the country or avoid arrest, but 62 Statue of Zehtdon Baird Vance that he sent an officer up to his mountain home with instructions to capture every paper that belonged to his official or his personal correspondence and bring them there; and the officer did. Gen. Schofield sent Gov. Vance, with those papers and records, here to the then Secretary of War. We all remember that that was Penn- sylvania's great war officer, Stanton, whom some people thought was not mild, whom some thought was even savage, but who, in my judgment, in point of efficiency and ability, was the greatest war minister that the earth has known since the days of the elder Camot of France. Gen. Schofield sent Gov. Vance here, and among those records he sent the book which contained every particle of correspondence that Vance had ever held with the President of the dead Confederacy. All was open and Stanton examined it all. When he did and saw what this man had done, how persistent his efforts had been to ameliorate the conditions of Federal prisoners and to assuage the horrors of war, the great Secretary said to him, "Upon your own record you stand acquitted; you are at lib- erty to go where you will. " [Applause.] Thus you see that notwithstanding the sufferings of his own people, under such trying conditions, he was always ready and willing to relieve the suffering of Federal pris- oners. This is an index to his true character. I can not do better than embody as part of my re- marks a portion of the magnificent address delivered by Hon. Charles W. Tillett, of Charlotte, soon after the death of Senator Vance, which is as follows: Zeb Vance is dead! Soldier, statesman, patriot, friend! In war and peace, the one of all her sons to whom his mother State looked most for succor and relief; and can it be that in the days to come, when dreaded dangers threaten all around, we nevermore can call for him, before whose matchless powers in days gone by our enemies have quailed and fled? Zeb Vance is dead! His was a name you could conjure with, and ofttimes in the past, when this loved Commonwealth of ours has been stirred to its inmost depths and men knew not which way to go nor what to say, tlie cry was sounded forth that "Vance is coming," and from the mountain fastnesses of the west and the everglades of the eastern plain the people came who never would come forth to hear another living man, and gathering around in countless multitudes they hung upon his every word with eager eye and listening ear, and all he told them they believed because "our Vance" had said it. Zeb Vance is dead! And where shall come the man to tell tlic world the soul-inspiring story of his hero life; how coming forth from humble home he baffled and overcame the fates that would have crushed beneath their feet a man of meaner mold ; how serving faithfully and well in every trust committed unto him he soon won first place in tlie hearts of all his Address of Mr. Hood, of North Carolina 63 countrymen and held that place for threescore years unto the end; how •when his native land was plunged in throes of civil strife he went forth in the front ranks to defend and save her and fought with valor all her foes; how called to rule as chief executive in times that tried men 's souls he ruled so wisely and so well; how when the war was over and the cause was lost, when down upon his bleeding, prostrate country came the hordes of vam- pires from the North to suck the last remaining drops of life-blood from his people, he rose with power almost divine and drove tliem back; and then with gentle hand he caused the wounds to heal and his loved land to pros- per once again as in the years gone by ; and how at last, when after years of faithful, honest toil, upon his noble form was laid the icy hand of death, he bowed his head in meek submission to His will and yielded up to God his manly soul? Who can be found to sing the praise of such a one, and who can speak the anguish of the people's hearts at his untimely death? Zeb Vance is dead! He was the friend and tribune of the people. Though he rose to place where he held converse with the great and mighty of the earth, his sympathetic heart was open to all mankind, and his strong arm was first stretched forth to lift the lowliest of the sons of men that cried to him for help, and in the Nation's Senate halls his voice was ever lifted up to plead the cause of the downtrodden and oppressed against the favored classes and the money kings. I believe, Mr. Speaker, that the sublimest, most beauti- ftil and grandest of God's creation is that man who loves his fellow man and observes the golden rule — Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. Ever ready to minister to their wants and necessities, dispelling the clouds of gloom and adversity, and spread- ing sunshine, radiance, and happiness, such a man was Zebulon B. Vance. Thousands have been made happier, brighter, and bet- ter as a result of his noble and god-like life. He has builded a monument in the hearts of his country- men greater than human skill can devise or human hands construct. The tender, affectionate memory of self-sacrifice and glorious deeds done for friends and constituents will for- ever linger as "an alabaster box of precious ointment." So lives he still, in soul and heart. Heroic and sublime. [Applause J ADDRESS OF MR. POU, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: It was very fine that the people of North Carolina, through their Representatives, should decree the placing of the statue of Zebulon B. Vance in Statuary Hall with such unanimity. The State has given to the world many great men, but of them all North Carolina, his native State, said this son of mine by his life hath earned a place in the Nation's Hall of Fame. And as I look upon that stately form I am strong in the faith that the virtues more than any others of the many possessed b)' Senator Vance which influenced our people to place his statue in this building were his rugged, unquestioned honesty, and his deep-rooted love for his people — the latter being the overruling passion of his life. The whole world is always looking for the man who loves every other man more than he does a dollar. Thank God there are such men, and out of the agony of war poor, stricken North Carolina found such a man, used him in rebuilding her own crushed fortunes, and later on offered him to the Nation. He left behind a glorious memory. He did not live in vain. His heart throbbed with love and sympathy to the very end. There was no gloom in his philosophy, no sting in his boundless humor, no offense in his remonstrance. He looked at things with kindly eyes. He loved us all. He felt keenly for the sorrows of his fellow man. All classes of his beloved native State will long remember him with tenderness and gratitude. He taught by his life the beautiful gospel of humanity. No king, no conqueror, no magistrate, no ruler ever bequeathed a fairer legacy to his people. He made no schisms. He inspired no con- flicts save in the cause of justice. He lit no fires of hate. He despised money save when it made man happy. 64 Address of Mr. Pou, of North Carolina 65 Aiid, Mr. Speaker, from the hour when he kneeled at his mother's knee to his last hour upon this earth he fol- lowed with unfaltering footsteps the shining star of Truth. [Applause.] Mr. Small took the chair as Speaker pro tempore. 60551°— 17— 5 ADDRESS OF MR. STEDMAN, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: The elevation of the hmnan race, its ad- vancement physically, intellectually, and morally has commanded the highest and most imselfish effort? of heroic men and women in every age. It has long been an estabhshed truth that the destiny of every individual is controlled in a large degree by the ideals established in their early days. The great ideals which the youth of every land should strive to form, emulate, and cherish are the highest standards of physical, intellectual, and moral excellence in their respective spheres. To a marked extent they are interdependent. It need not be said that the last named far outweighs the former in its influence upon the life of all. Wonderful is the effect of environ- ment on ideals so created — of association, of scenery, of paintings, of sculpture, of nature in all its wondrous and varied charms, of forest, of stream, of moimtain, of ocean. The history of the people of all times verifies the state- ment that collectively and individually we reflect our environment. The Greek youth of old represented the highest type of physical perfection the world has ever known. As the boy grew into manhood he witnessed the Olympic games. He rejoiced in the applause which greeted the victor. He returned home with the supreme desire in his heart that by rigid asceticism and tmceasing athletic practice he might some day wear the crown of wild olive. The child of Italy looks with rapture and delight upon the golden splendor of its skies, wanders amidst the crea- tions of art which everywhere adorn its public buildings, and lies down at night to dream of the happy days when his own work, chiseled in marble or painted upon canvas, shall rival that of the great masters, which has led captive his heart and his imagination. 66 Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 67 But there is a force which fascinates and entrances the minds of all, whether in the glory of youth, in the me- ridian of manhood, or in the decline of age. It is more impressive and lasting than the golden splendor of the ocean when lighted up by the rays of the sun, than the silent and majestic grandeur of the mountain, than the most costly temple reared by the skill of man, than any landscape arrayed in nature's most attractive garb. It is a vision of a man who bears the temptations of victory without seduction and the ordeal of suffering without dis- may — a man set apart by Providence from the mass of humanity, that by his exalted mental and moral endow- ments he may stand forever as a mighty rock in the ocean, as a beacon light through all ages. Profoundly impressed with the importance of the in- fluence which will be exerted upon the lives and fortunes of the many thousand visitors who throng to tliis beautiful and attractive Capitol, as well as upon the thoughts of national legislators who assemble here; by the environ- ment of exlialted thought and by reflection upon the great qualities which elevate and adorn humanity, the Thirty- eighth Congress of the United States diuing its first ses- sion in 1 864 enacted a bill for the construction of Statuary Hall and authorized the President — to invite each and all of the States to provide and furnish statues, in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number from each State, of deceased per- sons who have been citizens thereof and illustrious for their historic renown or for distinguished civil or military services, such as each State shall de- termine to be worthy of this national commemoration; and when so fxxr- nished the same shall be placed in the old Hall of the House of Repre- sentatives in the Capitol of the United States, which is hereby set apart, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as a national Statuary Hall. Gladly accepting tlie invitation thus extended, the Gen- eral Assembly of North Carolina, during the year 1907, adopted without a dissenting voice a resolution author- izing the governor and council of state to place a statue of Zebulon Baird Vance in Statuary Hall. The bill was introduced by Hon. J. C. Buxton, senator from For- syth Cotmty. No man or woman living in North Carolina 68 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance doubts that above all others he is preeminently entitled to this distinction. In pursuance of tliat resolution, Gov. Craig, of North Carolina, appointed a commission to see that in all respects the work was properly done. You will know how faithfully and efficiently the commission has discharged its duty when you look upon the splendid bronze statue of North Carolina's illustrious and best- beloved son, unveiled in Statuary Hall, and which it is our grateful pleasmre to accept. Statuary Hall was not constructed as a monument to preserve the memory of the illustrious dead and nothing more. It was intended as a shrine to be preserved under the fostering care of the National Government to which the youth of our land may come with ever-increasing num- bers in the recmring years and gaze witli awe and deUght upon the greatest and best citizens of the Republic and learn from their lives the lesson of virtue in its broadest sense and all that it implies. To what better school for reflection could a young man or woman be sent than to a great temple, where hung upon its walls are the portraits and embedded in its niches are the statues of those who by their virtues in private life or their valor in war have brought renown and glory to their native land ? The traveler from distant lands who sojourns in London will find his way to Trafalgar Square. His eyes will be fixed upon the monument to the greatest naval hero the world has ever known. He will hear the booming of Nelson's cannon, as their echo reverberates from Tra- falgar to the British Channel, telling the world that the contest with Napoleon is not imequal so long as English blood maintains the fight. But with that echo comes the soimd of the admiral's trumpet, more distinct, forever to linger in the memory of Nelson's countrymen — "England expects every man to do his duty." And you leave Trafalgar Square feeling and knowing that a supreme sense of duty leads to lasting renown, which remains unwithered when the garlands of military and naval Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 69 glory have faded forever. And you wander to Blenheim Castle. Its walls are covered with the portraits of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, and paintings of the mem- orable fields upon which he won his glory and overthrew the armies of Louis XIV, led by his greatest commanders. And then you will think of the avarice and meanness of the man whose statues surround you and whose face looks down upon you, and all the memories of Blenheim and Ramillies can not take the stain or the tarnish from the marble and bronze. And your lieart tells you that the love of money is incompatible with true greatness and unselfish patriotism. Perhaps from England you may cross the Channel and go to the gay — I will not say the happy — capital of her ancient and inveterate foe. You will seek the Mausoleum of Napoleon. You will stand by the splendid sepulcher which contains his ashes, brought from the island of St. Helena to be deposited upon the banks of the Seine amongst the people who witnessed his glory and his crimes. With his image in your mind, you will traverse the Italian plains, the valleys of the Danube and the Rhine, stand by the banks of the Vistula, and linger upon the shores of the Neimen. Lodi, Areola, Marengo, Aus- terlitz, Wagram, Eylau, and Friedland crown him with more than imperial splendor. You see his sun go down in blood and gloom upon the field of Waterloo, but the horizon of his life is still resplendent with the luster of his unrivaled military achievements. A fair and beautiful land drenched in blood and white with the bones of youthful conscripts lies before you. Your spirit cries aloud — It is vanity of vanity: his whole life was vanity. You joyfully turn to the monuments which everywhere mark the landscape in your own land. You find your way with eager step to its beautiful Capitol. You wander to Statuary Hall. Your eyes rest upon the statues of the mighty dead, the busts of Washington, of Jefferson, of Lincoln, of R. H. Lee. yo Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance What a story of self-denial, of truth, of beauty, of valor, of gentleness, of all the virtues which adorn and beautify humanity their lives declare to you as you stand before them, whether their images and features be portrayed by the painter's canvas or the sculptor's art. The bronze image of Vance is before you, selected by his grateful State as worthy of the resting place where the great and good of our Republic sleep. When you look upon his statue will you simply con- template the features and say that the work is well done and that the figure upon the pedestal was worthy of being so perpetuated and then pass on ? Are you satisfied alone with the grandeur which lights up his manly face? Not at all. His whole character comes in review before you and fastens itself indelibly upon your mind. This is an occasion intended rather to signify our accept- ance of his statue, one worthy of the sculptor's highest art, which has been recently unveiled in Statuary Hall, than to give a biographical sketch of his life. I will not speak of the early days of his boyhood, so prophetic of the splendor of his future career, of those elements of his character creating a personality which charmed and delighted all whose good fortune it was to meet him, which made him the center of attraction alike in the abodes of the poor and the humble as well as in the mansions of the rich and powerful, of his ready and unfailing wit, of his tender sympathies, of his unselfish charities, of his deeds of kindness extended to all in distress when, the opportunity came to him to assist them. Years ago, on the 23d of April, 1895, a few months after his death, which occurred on the 14th of April, 1894, many eulogies were delivered commemorative of his life, of his attractive personality, of his splendid achievements, now and for all time to come the pride and glory of North Carolina. But as monuments should not only be the images of those whom they represent but are intended also to call Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 71 the attention of posterity to their leading characteristics, by which they were enabled to be of service to all human- ity as well as to their own country, it is proper and ap- propriate to mention to-day, briefly at least, some of those great qualities possessed by him which are ever essential to glorious achievements. His life was picturesque, eventful, and elevating. The beauty and grandeur of nature in the region where he was bom and reared gave a majestic character to his thoughts. A supreme love of truth, a lofty and generous patriotism, a forgetfulness of self, moral courage, personal fearlessness, absolute sincerity in word, in thought, and in deed; these, with an intense love of humanity, constituted the basis of his character, which will ever be resplendent in the galaxy of great names which America has furnished to the world. Nature had endowed him with a rare and wonderful gift of eloquence, the power of which seldom failed to carry every audience by storm and enabled him to impress his hearers with the truth of his own convictions. The effect of his oratory can be best illustrated by a most remarkable incident occiuring during the Civil War. The time for which the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment had enlisted — one year — ^had expired. He was the first colonel of that famous regiment, whose name will gild with splendor the pages of history so long as the world loves endming courage and patriotic heroism. The men were packing their knapsacks and preparing for their journey home. They were singing gay songs of happiness in anticipation of meeting again those so near to their hearts. The fathers of many of the young soldiers had arrived at camp to accompany them. Vance ordered the drum to be soimded and calling the men together addressed them. He luged them to reenUst, to protect the honor and glory of North Carolina. The sweet and happy memories of their homes faded from their vision as he appealed to their supreme sense of duty in an effort, pronounced by those who heard it, to 72 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance be unequaled and unrivaled. Every man in the regiment reenlisted as they cheered for Vance, and then sang in full chorus "The Old North State forever." His military career was full of honor and glory, but was of brief duration. He raised a company in Buncombe Coimty, N. C. — the Rough and Ready Guards — which was organized on the 4th of May, 1861, with Vance as captain. This company was placed in the Fovirteenth Regiment of North Carolina troops. In the fall of 1861 he was elected colonel of the Twenty-sixth Regiment. On the 14th of March, 1862, the battle of Newbem was fought. He greatly distinguished himself by his coolness, skill, and utter indifference to danger. Soon thereafter his regiment was ordered to Virginia, and was actively engaged in the seven days' fight around Richmond. At Malvern Hill, on July 3, 1862, he attracted the admiration of all who witnessed liis splendid conduct. In August, 1862, he was elected governor of North Carolina. He did not seek the office and did not desire it. He declared publicly that the only honor he coveted was to lead the brave men intrusted to his command. In obedience to their wishes and the recognized preference of the people of North Carolina for him, above all others, to conduct the affairs of the State, he yielded, and in its hour of peril was inaugurated on the 8th of September, 1862. There has been no period of time in the history of the State when its people were so beleaguered with obstacles which threatened the destruction of their aspirations and hopes, and of all that was dear to their hearts, than during his administration. Sustained by his unselfish and devoted love, their efforts, directed by his consummate ability, their fortitude and unconquerable spirit triumphed over every misfortune, and they emerged from the chaos of ruin encircled with a halo of renown which shall live untarnished and undimmed through all the years to come. [Applause.] Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 73 His administration was illustrious for its many achieve- ments which commanded the admiration of men in those perilous days; but its crowning glory, in the estimation of all, whether friends to the cause of the Union or adher- ents of the Southern Confederacy, was the untiring care, the provident wisdom, and unstinted labor given to pro- vide every possible comfort for North Carolina soldiers and their helpless wives and children. To this object above all others Gov. Vance devoted the best energies of a great and active mind. Of the success of his efforts I will not speak to-day, as recently, upon another occasion, I have referred to it at length in an address delivered at a Confederate camp in this city. Suffice it to say that, under his administration and due to his foresight, North Carolina not only clothed her own troops dirring the entire war but furnished cloth- ing for troops from other States, and that for many months previous to Gen. Lee's surrender the Army of Northern Virginia had been almost entirely furnished with food from North Carolina. It is a truth questioned by none that no troops in any corps of the Confederate Army were more thoroughly equipped and provided for in every way necessary to their efficiency and comfort, both as to arms, food, and cloth- ing, than were the soldiers from North Carolina. For their helpless wives and children he caused to be established depots of provisions for their subsistence, and appointed committees to see that they were not neglected. With him it was a labor of love and enthusiasm, to which he gave unceasing personal attention. He was devotedly attached to the Union and exerted himself to prevent its dissolution. He was opposed to secession until the proclamation of President Lincoln call- ing for troops to coerce the Southern States left him no choice. The destiny of North Carolina was his destiny. When once the loyalty of North Carolina was pledged to her sister States of the South, his loyalty was unalterably Hnked with hers. 74 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance As governor of the State he manifested an especial pride in the high morale of North Carolina troops. He made many visits to them. No period of his eventful life was marked by an inci- dent more attractive by its glamor of romance and patri- otic heroism than his visit to the North Carolina troops in Lee's army in March, 1864. This interesting episode in his wonderful career has been often alluded to and was mentioned in an address delivered by Mr. Woodward, of North Carolma, in this House when he paid a tribute to his memory in recognition of his illustrious services to his State and otur Republic. The North Carolina troops whom he visited comprised 13 brigades, aggregating more than one-half of the army. They were encamped along the bank of the Rapidan River. Gen. Lee, with members of his staff, captivated by the eloquence of Vance and the lofty sentiments to which he gave ex- pression, accompanied him from brigade to brigade. The enthusiasm of the soldiers knew no bounds. It was the prelude to the campaign which soon thereafter com- menced, in which they won imperishable renown. His last speech was made at a general review of Lee's army near Orange Com-t House. It was ordered by that great commander as a special compliment to V.^NCE, an honor bestowed upon none other in all its history. No orator in all the annals of time ever had an audience whose presence was more calculated to inspire heroic sen- timent and high resolve. It was the remnant of the Army of Northern Virginia. Upon its banners were names which will long live during the ages to come — Manassas, Chancellorsville, Sharpsbtng, Fredericksburg, Gettysbiu-g. The greatest commander of the English-speaking race was beside him. Stonewall Jackson had gone to his final rest. Pettigrew had joined him in immortality. But A. P. Hill and D. H. Hill, Longstreet, and Ewell, Early, and Gordon were before him. They forgot the fields of their glory as they listened to him. J. E. B. Stuart was Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 75 there and never so happy, unless at the head of a cavabry charge. Hoke of North Carolina, who had established his reputation forever as one of the foremost of all the great soldiers of the Civil War, gazed upon him with mingled pride and affection. He knew him and loved him. M. W. Ransom — illus- trious in war and in peace — whose fame spans the Ameri- can continent, and whose statue should stand beside that of Vance, shared the exultation of Hoke; Pegram of Vir- ginia, and Haskell of South Carolina, those unrivaled artillery officers who had discarded the ancient method of artillery fighting and carried their guns to the front line of battle, leaned forward to catch his every utterance. History has no more splendid scene to record. Another marked feature of his administration was the maintenance of the supremacy of the civil authority of the State against the military power of the Confederate Government, although he had equipped and sent to the field from North Carolina more troops, according to its military population, than were sent from any other State. He issued an order dated the 26th of May, 1863, com- manding the militia force of the State to resist the arrest of any citizens of the State who had been discharged by writ of habeas corpus tried by any judge of the superior or supreme court of the State. He ever kept steadily in view the principles of liberty and the rights of its citizens as interpreted by our fathers. He won the fight and achieved for North Carolina the honor of maintaining the privilege of the great writ of liberty in the midst of the strife of millions of people. A memorable triumph, which came to no other State either of the United States or Confederate States, with perhaps one exception. Nor will posterity forget the spirit of humanity ever manifested by him when, as governor of North Carolina, he rose superior to every environment amidst the horrors of war. 76 Statue of Zebtiion Baird Vance His efforts to relieve the necessities of the Union prison- ers held in the military prison at Sahsbury, N. C, will attract the admiration of the brave and generous from every civilized land. Although the people of North Carolina were making a supreme effort to provide for their own soldiers and their wives and children left at home, at his request they gave ungrudgingly to the Federal prisoners a portion of their provisions, in many instances depriving themselves of needed comforts. [Applause.] Union soldiers were fed from the homes of men who were sleeping upon the fields of northern Virginia, following the banner of Robert E. Lee. "When the full truth of the conditions existing in the prison at Salisbury, made inevitable by the Civil War raging at the time, shall be known to the world, as well as the unselfish conduct of the people of North Carolina, prompted in their labor of charity and humanity by the greatest of all her sons in that era of heroic names, addi- tional luster will be given to the name of a State already illumined by the achievements of her children on the battle field. The ties which bind together every section of our coun- try will be made stronger and more enduring. The de- scendants of both Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers, as they rejoice together over the glory of our rexmited coumtry, will rise up and with one acclaim bless the name of Zebulon B. Vance, of North Carolina. Early in life he was intrusted with high office. He was equal to any responsibility cast upon him. He possessed the true elements of greatness which ever lead to lasting renown. Few men in public life have ever filled the positions of honor and trust for which they have been chosen with so much credit to themselves and honor to those whom they represented. Address of Mr. Stedman, of North Carolina 77 He was three times elected governor of North Carohna. twice elected to the House of Representatives of the United States, and four times elected to the Senate of the United States. . He was one of the greatest debaters who ever appeared upon the floor of that body. His speeches showed pro- found thought, patriotic sentiment, lofty eloquence, and rare wit They attracted the attention of the entire country. He commanded the respect, admiration, and affection of his associates, regardless of party ties. The attachment of all classes of citizens of North Caro- lina for him has been without a parallel in the history of ^^Unl^e many great men, he never experienced the fickle tenure of popular applause nor the ingratitude of those whom he had both served and honored. Unlike Scipio Africanus, the conqueror of Carthage, who died an exile from home and whose remains rested on a foreign shore, he was buried amidst the people he loved so well by the banks of the French Broad River, the melody of whose rippling, laughing waters gave to the happy dreams of his boyhood that joy and delight which neither eold nor place nor power can buy. [Applause.] Unlike Themistocles, the savior of Athens, who sought refuge at the court of an alien kmg. he never desired, sought, or needed an appeal from the arbitrament of his own countrymen. ... i To-day his memory is treasured with the same love which went out to him when in the full meridian and splendor of his fame. ^t. • ^• He died in the triumph and faith of the Chnstian reUgion and left a name without blemish and without reproach-a heritage of honor to his descendants, to his State, and to our common country. , . ^ c, ^ May the high and patriotic mission for which Statuary HaU was designed by its founders be fulfilled. 78 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance Let it be made a living fountain of life and truth for all those who are inspired by example. May it send out with ever-increasing volume and power a stream of high, pure, lofty, and patriotic thought to bless our entire land. May the lovers of innocent pleasure as well as the lovers of truth and art assemble there together — fair women and brave men, scholars and philosophers, me- chanics and lawyers, farmers and statesmen from every section of the Republic. May they realize that it is moral grandeur alone which can permanently enchain the attention of mankind. They will not fail to halt their steps before the splendid image of the illustrious North Carolinian. They will linger long over the entrancing story of his life. His simple habits, his absolute scorn fpr the vulgar love of money, his self-abnegation, his supreme devotion to the welfare and glory of his country will be fastened indelibly upon their minds. They will carry with them these thoughts and will be better citizens if they are worthy to stand in the hall where heroes sleep. Fortunate is the nation and exalted will be its destiny which can furnish to the world such a model for emula- tion as portrayed in the character and life of Zebulon B. Vance. His name and fame belong not to North Carolina alone but are the common property of the American people, and will be preserved by them in their pristine splendor when the bronze statue which we have accepted has per- ished by decay and crumbled iato dust. [Loud applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. BRITT, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: I come to pay tribute to one with whom I did not politically agree, but in whose life and character I feel a pride not excelled by any man, here or elsewhere. Twenty -five years ago, in this Capitol, I first met ZEBUI.ON Baird Vance. I saw him occasionally there- after imtil his death, April 14, 1894. He impressed me as have but few men. He was strong in body, towering in intellect, rich in humor, and eloquent in speech. In my district, near the city of Asheville, at the foot of the great motmtain, his eyes first saw the light; on the slope of beautiful Riverside, overlooking the winding French Broad, his cherished dust reposes, and from the heart of Asheville there rises a granite shaft, tall and majestic, to tell to the passer-by the story of the people's love for him, while hard by are the scenes of his early struggles, his rising hopes, and his unfolding aspirations. It was here that he became the brilliant lawyer, the influential State legislator, the great Representative in Congress, and first took captive the hearts of the people. He came of a powerful lineage. His ancestors were makers of history. Through the sturdy Irish he went back to the hardy Norman. In his blood there were touches of many noble strains. This it was that gave him his marvelous versatility. For he could speak with a logic that convinced, with an eloquence that charmed, and with a statement of fact that left no denial. And he could play all the manifold chords of the human heart. There was the humor that provoked an vmcon- scious smile, the joke that brought peals of laughter, the sarcasm that left anger, the wit that sparkled, and the pathos that touched the fountain of tears. 79 8o Statue of Zebvlon Baird Vance From yonder Senate gallery I have looked down upon him engaged in gladiatorial debate. It was a scene not to be forgotten. Like a great master he held the stage. The subject was war, reconstruction, or the tariff. The Chamber and galleries were filled. There was the eager listening, the tense look, the pervasive interest. Such as could agree, shouted; such as could not, admired. His opponents were Allison and Ingalls, Morton and Sherman, Hoar and Morrill. And they were giants worthy of his steel. Whether a blow of the bludgeon, a tlirust of the rapier, or a sweep of the broadsword, he knew when and where to strike. But he took no mean advantage. He fought an honorable fight. He observed the rules of fair debate. But he gave no quarter and asked none. He was a master polemic . Asa speaker he has rarely been excelled . He possessed the great quahties of popular leadership. He knew the way to the hearts of the people. He sounded their depths, interpreted their feelings, took their part, and sympathized with their wants; and they showered him with the rich plenitude of their affection. In calling their sons by his name, in telling again his stories, they pay their unconscious tribute to a great friend. If I could bring to this Capitol the hearts of the people of my section, the generous affections of those who followed him from childhood to greatness, there would be poured out at yon- der bronzen image a wealth of love, deep as the fountain of the human heart and sweet as ever embalmed a Pantheon shrine. The great and distinguishing quality of Vance's char- acter was his superb humanity. He was intensely human. He was only a man, and he knew it. He was not a saint, and did not affect to be. To him this was a plain, work- aday world, filled with good and bad, joy and sorrow, hope and fear. He believed in the essential virtues. He had no patience with shams and pretenses. With him life was an open book. His heart was always open, his words frank, and his manner firm. But he was warm and Address of Mr. Britt, of North Carolina 8i responsive. His handclasp was magnetic. No one ever forgot its thrill. His voice was deep and rich and full of charm. His stories were fresh, original, and telling. His humor was easy, natural, and unstudied, but deUcious and wholesome. His story was always just the story for that time and place. I shall never forget the day the news of his death came. I was at a distant place in the country. The news had in some way reached the community. Two plain men called to tell me the sad intelligence. One of them, a great stout man, broke down and cried like a child. The other, with a pale face, repeated several times the words, "Our great friend is gone." You see how he had swept the hearts of the plain people. He was of them, with them, and al- ways for them. We do not understand the laws that fix the different orders of men. Thinking as babes, we can not see how one man can be so far above or below another. Children of the same Father, nourished by the same earth-mother, living under the same kindly heavens, our statures ought not to be so imequal. Yet it is not so. Like the stars, we differ one from another. Some of us come and go, leaving no trace of our hurried stay. Others, a little stronger and a trifle wiser, linger for a while only to go and be forgotten. But some there are that move so powerfully among the forces of the world and the affairs of men that they abide through the generations. Vance is one of these. His name is an institution in North Carolina. He has touched every phase of our life. His achievements are our inspiration. We trusted him, we honored him. We gave him the best we had. He was a county attorney, a mem- ber of the general assembly, twice a Representative in Congress, a captain and a colonel in the Confederate Army, three times governor of the State, and four times a United States Senator. All these he filled with the high- est fidelity. He did more than this. He led the people upward and onward. 68551°— 17 6 82 Statv£ of Zebulon Baird Vance He impressed upon them a great and towering per- sonality. He quickened their lives, steadied their course, and guided their progress. He moved them by moral force and intellectual greatness. Our State will prob- ably not again see his like, but there is left to us the priceless example of his great life and character and the splendor of his glorious achievements. There is no night ; the stars go down To rise upon some other shore; And bright in Heaven 's jeweled crown They shine forevermore. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF MR. DOUGHTON, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: Others, by reason of a personal acquaint- ance and intimate association with the late Senator A^^ance, have been far better fitted than I to pay tribute to his memory, and it would seem that all that can be said now must be repetition. But the beautiful story of the life and character of North Carolina's most beloved son and his noble and unselfish service to his State and the Nation can not be told too often, and never may be told so fully as his wonderful career justifies. His life has been and ever will be a source of pride and inspiration to every patriotic citizen of North Carolina and a favored topic around the firesides from the moimtains to the sea. Countless will be the patriots of that State whose hearts will swell with pride when they look upon this statue which our State has so appropriately presented to our country, and which stands among those of the Nation's great men, none of whom was the superior of our Vance. It is the first statue of a North Carolinian to be thus placed in this Hall of Fame of the National Capitol, and it represents our State nobly, for he interpreted and exemplified by his life the true spirit, patriotism, and worth of our people. When a great man dies, one whose greatness has come through genuine servace to his country, the Nation mourns and its sorrow is deep and solemn. But there is always a circle where this sorrow goes far beyond the deep and solemn sorrow of a nation. It is the sorrow that wrings the heart and brings bitter tears from those who knew him as he was, his faults as well as his virtues, those who feel a great personal loss at his taking away. From the number of people who thus mourn on such an occasion we may judge the esteem in which a great man is held. When on the 14th day of April, 1894, Senator Zebulon B. Vance breathed his last in Washington City and the 83 84 Stattie of Zebidon Baird Vance sad news was flashed back to the State and passed sol- emnly from town to town and from home to home, the sorrow of our people was keener and more general than was ever evidenced in the State before. In many places strong men wept as children, unashamed, and as the funeral train passed through the State on its way to liis mountain home, the land of his birth, great sorrow was manifest at every place where the train halted. In the towns where the people gathered to pay tribute, the most eloquent and touching that have yet been uttered, such sorrow was evidenced as never before and may never be again. It was so all over the State, for he was known and loved by a greater percentage of its population than any other man, and none who ever saw him failed to remember and admire him, for his masterful personality at once grasped and forever held the people. May we know the cause of this universal sorrow ? We can account for the solemn sorrow that pervades the Na- tion when such a man is called away, but why does the stalwart, brave-souled veteran who has faced death on many battle fields weep when he is told that " Zeb Vance is dead " ? If we can answer truly, we have the secret of the great- ness of this truly great man. Vance had rendered to every man, woman, and child in liis State a personal serv- ice. Did not the sturdy hero of many bloody battles know that his wife and little children had been kept from grim want during the terrible days of war by the great Gov. Vance? Did not he remember that when he was held fast in the relentless grasp of that awful struggle and suffering agonies, not because of his own condition or the fear of death but because a dependent wife and children whom he had sworn to protect were starving and he was helpless to prevent it, that the glad news came to camp that Vance had found a way to feed and clothe them? What greater service could one render under such cir- cumstances than to find a way under such difficulties to Address of Mr. DoTighton, of North Carolina 85 perform the first great duty of a father — to keep the wolf from the door ? This service Vance performed for every patriotic son of North Carolina who followed Lee and Jack- son and Johnston and brought glory to southern arms. Against what difficulties this service was performed his- tory may some time tell. Thus he bound the people to him inseparably, and in turn they loved and honored him and gave him prestige and power, and when he died they knew that as a people their best friend was gone. Ten years after the war had closed Vance was again called to be governor of his State. He had guided its destinies through the dark and stormy night of a terri- ble war, and by his unselfish and patriotic devotion to the cause of the people had made his name famous and his memory forever cherished. Now, another burden was pressing down upon his people. They had tried for 10 years to bear this burden in their great desire for peace and righteousness after they had fought so val- iantly for a lost cause, but their patience was rewarded only by cruelty and oppression. The hand of the tyrant was clutching at their throats and the demon of anarchy was entrenching himself around their homes. The proud head of southern chivalry was bowed low before the un- earned power of a horde of vampires, the slum of north- em society, that had swooped down on the vanquished South like vultures following the trail of an army. Heathen ignorance had been exalted to power by the in- cidents of war and was incited to deeds of atrocity too terrible to relate. Thus it became necessary for the South to fight again, to fight a great battle of peace. She fought and won. Though she had been crushed in war, she could bear it because honors won would com- pensate; but now it seemed she would forever be put to shame by a cruel hand that could feel no sympathy for her suffering. The germ of civilization and liberty was smoldering in the ruins of a vanquished land, and a great spirit must come to fan it into flame — a flame of emanci- 86 Statue of Zebtdon Baird Vance pation of the dominant race of the South and of the world. A great victory must be won, not with sword and saber, not in the spiUing of blood, but by sheer force of courage and intelligence directed against the arrogant power of anarchy, ignorance, and prejudice. This required leader- ship, wisdom, patience, and statesmanship of the highest order. Fortunately such men still lived in the South, and in North Carolina Vance heard the call and re- sponded. The gubernatorial campaign of 1876 will ever be re- membered as a vital part of the State's history. Vance was opposed by Judge Settle, a man of high character and exceptional abihty, but lacking in the traits of lead- ership that characterized his opponent. A sweeping joint campaign was made of the entire State, and notwithstand- ing the opposite party had been in complete control of every branch of both the National and State Govern- ments since the war, Vance was elected by a large ma- jority. Thus his people called him to render the second great service to his State, to emancipate them from a political bondage. Previous to this he had been elected to the United States Senate, but was denied his seat, though he was elected again in 1879 and admitted. His career as a Senator was a fitting climax to his great services to his State and the Nation. He at once took rank among the foremost orators and statesmen of the time, and his work was marked for close study and untiring industry, which undoubtedly hastened his death. His last gxeat speech in the Senate, delivered during the famous debate on the repeal of the Sherman law, and which is considered by many as the ablest defense of bimetalism ever pre- sented, so completely exhausted him tliat he never was able to enter the Senate Chamber again. His utterances were classic, and he was authority on the subjects he investigated, and he was the leader of his party in tlie Senate on the important questions of the tariff and finance for several years prior to his deatli. Address of Mr. Doughton, of North Carolina 87 In conclusion, I wish to speak briefly of another great service Vance rendered to the country at this time. When he entered the Senate prejudice was still rife both in the North and in the South, though it was slowly waning. But it was evident that bitterness and mis- understanding must obtain for generations if a better tmderstanding were not brought about. Even though the issues had been settled so far as the sword can settle issues, there remained the bitterness of sectional feeling. Of the few southern men of the day who were able to bring to the North the true spirit of the South, Zebulon B. Vance, of North Carolina, and Henry W. Grady, of Georgia, stand out as shining lights. Grady showed the North that the spirit of I^ee's army, which they had learned to respect in battle, was the spirit that still lived in the South, and that when these brave men laid down their arms to Grant at Appomattox the war was forever over so far as the true South was concerned. Vance by his good-natured humor, sound logic, and magic personality, and abundant knowledge of political history showed the intelligent audiences of New York and Boston that if "secession and slavery" were crimes, they must- have been none the less crimes when advocated in Hart- ford and Boston — and they applauded him when he told them these things. Before the unanswerable appeals of Vance and Grady the wall of sectional prejudice melted away like a mist before the morning sun, and they were glad to carry a message back to the South, for they saw that the North and the South would soon clasp hands over the graves of the noble men of the "Blue and the Gray" who died that we as a Nation might live and imderstand. ADDRESS OF MR. WEBB, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker : The concurrent resolution now before this House that the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, which has been placed in Statuary Hall by the State of North Carolina, be accepted by us in the name of the National Government, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State of North Carolina for her contribution to this Hall of Fame, will be adopted, like those offered on the 1 6th day of April, 1894, at the time of his death, without a dissenting voice. You are all familiar with the history of Statuary Hall, and how, in 1869, when it was no longer needed as a meet- ing place for the House of Representatives, on account of the Capitol having been enlarged and the present Hall, where we are now meeting, provided, it was set apart as a sacred spot, hallowed by the many historical events that had transpired within its walls during the eventful years that it had been used as the meeting place of this House, in which each State was in\'ited to place statues in marble or bronze of not exceeding two of her illustrious deceased who had become illustrious on account of their heroic renown or because of distinguished civil or military services. North Carolina has had many illustrious sons, whose lives and characters have been such as to entitle them to stand in silent but impressive marble or bronze in that historic hall as the mute representatives of the great men of that State. The delicate task of choosing from such a long list of those who had devoted their lives to the service of their State and Nation and achieved renown at home and abroad in every line of public endeavor, whether in peace or in war, and by whose wisdom and courage our civilization had been advanced, may, in a measure, account for her 88 Address of Mr. Webb, of North Carolina 89 tardiness in availing herself of the privilege which Con- gress had accorded her. But the matter could not be longer put off and the North Carolina General Assembly of 1 907 made provision for placing a statue in Statuary Hall, and by legislative enactment, without a dissenting vote, wrote into the law that it should be of Zebulon Baird Vance. Some may feel inclined to apologize for so long a delay in providing for this statue, but to me there is a compen- sating assiirance that the State, in keeping with its tra- ditional conservatism, has acted wisely. It is a more splendid tribute to his greatness that, 13 years after his death, a succeeding generation should have spoken through their representatives in the general assembly of that State with one voice and selected him as the one to be thus honored. I have read the splendid eulogies which were delivered in both Houses of Congress at the time of his death by those with whom he had associated in his public duties. These were his daily companions, who, by personal con- tact, had felt the warmth of his genial natiu^e and become bound to him by ties of affection. They might have been warped in their judgment by the sorrow of the occasion and blinded to his faults by their kindly affection for him. During these 22 years his life work has been measured and has stood the test of time. The judgment rendered on that sad occasion has met the tmanimous approval of the people of his State. I feel a special pride in his selection, and in the splendid statue that has been presented to us by the State of North Carolina, which pride the people of the district I have the honor to represent in this House share with me, on account of the fact that Zebulon Baird Vance lived in my dis- trict, in the thriving commercial city of Charlotte, N. C, during a part of his most active public career. He was bom in Buncombe County, in an adjoining dis- trict, the 13th day of May, 1830, in the midst of the most go Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance beautiful mountain scenery that is to be found anywhere, surrounded on every hand by the lofty mountain peaks, indicative of strength, stability, and grandeur in nature, and close by the crystal, rippling waters of the French Broad River as it came fresh from the pure mountain springs, giving out nature's lullaby as it swiftly found its way over its rocky bottom on toward the sea. These were the environments which nature surrounded him with during the impressionable days of his youth. When we think of his strong, well-developed physical form, which is faithfully portrayed to us in the splendid bronze statue we are to-day receiving, and of the manly traits of character, softened by a kindly affection and brotherly love for his fellow man, we have no difficulty in finding, without stopping to theorize as to cause and effect, that his life was typical of his early natural environ- ments. Unfortunately for me on this occasion, I can not portray his life and character to you as one who lived in close con- tact and with intimate personal knowledge of his active public career and draw upon a rich store of personal ex- periences and reminiscences to impress their character- istics upon you. I was but a yoxmg man when he died and only knew him in his declining years. As a small boy I only knew him as a small boy knows his people's hero. I saw him on a number of public occasions, and his per- sonality left a lasting impression upon me. When he spoke in a community all the boys, as well as all the men, went to hear him. Everybody honored him, loved him, and referred to him as Zeb Vance. The history of his long, brilliant, and useful career has been ably presented, not only on this occasion, but also on the occasion of his death, by those who lived more nearly in his time, and more ably than I could do it, and I shall not now attempt to review it. Beginning with the year he completed his education, he was successfully elected county attorney. State legislator, Address of Mr. Webb, of North Carolina 91 Representative in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Con- gresses, served as captain and colonel in the Confederate Army, governor of North Carolina for three terms, elected to the United States Senate in 1876, but denied a seat for political disabilities growing out of the war; again elected United States Senator in 1879, and succeeded himself in this high office until his death, in 1894. These are the public offices which, during his 60 years of almost con- tinuous public life, he was called to fill. That he did his duty and filled each worthily is proven by his successive promotions. A grateful people knew no greater honor to bestow upon him. Vance was endowed by nature with the traits of a great leader. He was able, bold, and fearless; had a high con- ception of duty; was a diligent student of public ques- tions; and, through it all, had an abiding faith in and love for his fellow man. His success was not attained by any devious route, or by resort to the methods of the political trickster. His high moral character and love of truth and honor guided him in a straight and safe course through the many trying events of his life. But many men might possess the same noble charac- teristics without ever receiving such tmiversal recogni- tion and appreciation. The almost unanimous recognition of his greatness in his own State may have been due in part to the fact that he lived through a very trying period in the history of North Carolina, when the public pulse of the State was throbbing with emotion and every public service recounted. I am, however, inclined to the belief that it was more due to his great power as a public speaker. His arguments were strong and well fortified by facts and illustrations and well seasoned by timely and well-pointed anecdotes. His adversaries were held in check by the strength of his argument and routed by the keenness of his wit and ridicule. But his greatest strength lay in his ability to translate his arguments and present his facts in the 92 Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance language that was easily understood by his hearers. The most unlettered portion of his audience carried home some fact which he had embedded there. If nothing else, the hearer could recount some well-pointed joke that Vance had told which illustrated his position upon some public question. But why continue to speak of the elements of his character that made him great? Man's effort to analyze a truly great man must fall far short. It is an impossible task. Zebulon Baird Vance is great in the minds of all North Carolinians and worthy of the prominent place his statue occupies in Statuary Hall, not because of his ability, character, his power to sway audiences, his love for his fellow man, nor any of the other attributes spoken of by me, but because of all these and others I have not mentioned blended into one and translated by his noble life into action which, guided by his faith in God, has resulted in good to his fellow man, which has led them into a higher civilization and a more perfect state. Measured by the results of his active life, he is great, and we but honor this Nation in accepting with our thanks this statue, well done by an eminent artist and presented by the loving hands of the State he helped to build up. May many youths of this generation who pause and look upon this statue of Vance as it stands in Statuary Hall be inspired by his noble Life to emulate his example. ADDRESS OF MR. GODWIN, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: It is fitting that we should pay tribute to the cherished memory of Senator Zebulon B. Vance. I shall not undertake to recite the full record of his life and public service. Senator Vance belonged to that type which we fondly term "a man of the people." To the American mind this phrase is richly significant. It denotes a self-reliant man of courage and energy who by native ability and application has carved his way to a high and respected station among his fellow men. All who knew him fully imderstand that these qualities were exemplified in the earnest and industrious life of North Carolina's greatest chieftain. In early life he showed that he was destined to become a leader in the affairs of men. His habits were industrious and his disposition was genial, and as a con- sequence he rapidly gained the respect and love of all who knew him. The people of North Carolina displayed their high regard for his ability and honesty by repeatedly electing him to positions of high honor and trust. There was a mutual confidence and cordiality between him and his constituents, with a large number of whom he en- joyed personal and intimate acquaintance. He had a mag- netic openness of manner which easily attracted friends and invited men to salute him in terms of easy familiarity ; but in purpose he was sincere and ardent, and as he pur- sued his path through life he strove always to show kind- ness, to bring a smile to the face of sorrow, and to create happiness and hope among those where formerly there had been but misery and dejection. To-day he lies at rest among the people whom he loved and served and who in return were loving and loyal to him. By them his memory will ever be kept green and the recol- lection of his splendid qualities of mind and heart will ever be enshrined in their memories. And we, his colleagues, even among the changing conditions of this busy place, at a later date will affectionately remember him always. 93 ADDRESS OF MR. KITCHIN, OF NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Speaker: It is almost a holy, yes, a holy pleasure to join with my colleagues on this occasion in paying tribute to North Carolina's most illustrious son. I shall not detail the inspiring story of the career of Zebulon B. Vance, which has been so delightfully told in this presence; how at the age of 28, overcoming a 3,000 majority against his party in the preceding election, he was elected to Congress from the mountain district by a still larger majority; how he entered the Confederate Army in May, 1861, as captain and within three months was elected colonel of the famous Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment; how the people of the State in 1862, looking about to find the best fitted man to guide her destinies through the gravest crisis of her life, selected him at the age of 32 and made him governor, reelecting him in 1864; how as such governor he made the splendid record which earned for him the title of "The Great War Governor of the Confederacy"; how, in 1876, in the expiring days of reconstruction he redeemed the State by again being elected governor; how, though once refused admission, he was four times elected to the United States Senate, finally dying in the service of the State and Nation as a Member of that body. I shall content myself by adding to that of others my estimate of him. Vance was North Carolina's finest product. Of all her distinguished men, living and dead, he stands out in the admiration and esteem, in the confidence and affection of her people the central figure. None other approaches him. The people of the State loved him; he loved them. Each had implicit confidence in the other. Nor did either doubt the other. I venture the opinion that no public man in any State was ever as much beloved by his people as Vance was by 94 Address 0} Mr. Kitchin, of North Carolina 95 the people of North CaroHna. Almost every home in the State, of rich and poor alike, irrespective of political affili- ations, has upon its walls the pictiire of Vance. Sons to families in every section and of every party bear his name. His statement of a fact was to the people of North Carolina complete demonstration. His opinion of a public measure or question was to them absolute conclusion. His public life more nearly represented the mind and heart of North Carolina than that of any man, living or dead. Vance possessed the elements of greatness, the quali- ties of statesmanship. He was a big man — big in body, in mind, in heart. He was United States Senator for 17 years, from 1877 to 1894. They were days of giants — days of statesmanship. Among his compeers in the Sen- ate were men like Thinman, of Ohio; Bayard, of Dela- ware; Beck, of Kentucky; Vest, of Missouri; Voorhees, of Indiana; Morgan, of Alabama; George, of Mississippi; Daniel, of Virginia; Ransom, of North Carolina — Demo- crats; and Edmunds, of Vermont; Sherman, of Ohio; Har- rison, of Indiana; Hoar, of Massachusetts; Logan, of Illinois; Ingalls, of Kansas; Quay, of Pennsylvania- Republicans. In ability, in wisdom, in patriotism, in coinage — in all the elements of statesmanship — these men were never sm^- passed by men in any tribunal of the world. They were giants. Vance was the equal of the biggest and the best. He stood in the forefront of this splendid galaxy. His was a captivating, commanding, majestic presence, and to it everyone, the lowest as well as the highest, ever had a welcome, and in it all felt at home. He drew all men to him. His personality was over- whelming. His presence was sunshine, his voice music. He cheered and charmed, he entertained and instructed all about him. He was without guile. He never schemed. He never held whispered, closed-door conferences of political machi- nations. He built up no political machine. He had no gS Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance personal organization. He had no special friends in this or that county to "look out for his interest." He had no political favorites. The people were all for him and with him, and he was for and with and of all the people. Sycophants and courtiers did not swarm about him. They knew he had no special favors to bestow. His big, open, manly nature intuitively repelled them. He was the incarnation of candor, sincerity, truth, courage, kindliness. He had no enemies. No public man ever had fewer critics. In the days of bitterest partisanship in our State no candidate or member of the opposite party ever de- famed Vance. His motive was never impunged. His wit and humor, in which he excelled all public men, were irresistible. But his speeches and debates were full of logical, analytical argument and wide research. On account of his abounding wit some thought that he was not given to study and investigation. The contrary is the fact. No public man was a more diligent and profound student. His discussion of any question furnished the fullest evidence of this. He was master of every subject he touched. He captured and controlled every audience he faced. Dead now nearly a quarter of a century, the mention of his name anywhere in the State is still the rallying inspi- ration of all that is good and brave and true in her citi- zenship. In life and in death he was, he is. North Carolina's largest asset. Long, long will be the time before another Zeb Vance will be raised up for the State. God bless the minds and hearts of her people with his memory forever. Mr. Speaker, I forbear to conclude without expressing great pleasure in hearing my distinguished colleague, Maj. Stedman, express the hope, which I, together with thou- sands of her citizens, have long entertained, that our Address of Mr. Kitchin, oj North Carolina 97 State will place in Statuary Hall beside that of Vance the statue of Matt W. Ransom. Ransom is full worthy a place in this Hall of Fame. Renowned as a soldier, an orator, a diplomat, a statesman, he reflected the greatness and the glory of his State and added fresh luster to her fame in every position of trust and honor he held during a public life of nearly 40 years. For 1 7 years he and Vance were colleagues in the United States Senate. No State was ever represented in that august body with more marked ability, wisdom, patriotism, loyalty, courage than was North Carolina when Ransom and Vance were her Senators. If our State should place Ransom by the side of Vance in Statuary Hall, and if bronze or marble could portray the imposing appearance, the commanding presence, the charming and inspiring coimtenance of these two men, as in life they looked, the tens of thousands that yearly visit this Capitol would seek them out and linger long in admi- ration and homage about them. North Carolina would with exulting pride match them with the hall-famed favorites of any State. Mr. Kitchin. Mr. Speaker, I ask imanimous consent that any Member of the House shall have the right to ex- tend his remarks in the Record on the subject for an in- definite time . The Speaker pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from North Carolina ? There was no objection. Mr. Kitchin. I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Speaker, for the adoption of the resolution which has been re- ported at the desk. The Speaker pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to the Senate concurrent resolution. The question was taken, and the Senate concurrent resolution was agreed to. 60551°— 17 7 98 Statue of Mr. Zebulon Baird Vance Mr. KiTCHiN. Mr. Speaker, I do not know that it is ex- actly in order at the present time, but I ask unanimous consent for the passage of the resolution for printing. It will have to be passed at some time this session, and we may as well consider and pass it now. The Speaker pro tempore. The Clerk will report the resolution. The Clerk read as follows : Concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 25) to authorize the printing of the proceedings in Congress and in Statuary Hall relative to unveiling of the statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, and so forth. Resolved by the Senate (tlw House of Representatives concurring). That there be printed and bound, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Print- ing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the proceedings at the un- veiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the statue of Zebulon Bajrd Vance presented by the State of North Carolina, 16,500 copies, with suitable illustration, of which 5,000 shall be for the use of the Senate and 10,000 for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining 1,500 copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representa- tives in Congress from the State of North Carolina. Mr. KiTCHiN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the discharge of the Committee on Printing, and ask that the resolution be considered now. The Speaker pro tempore. The gentleman from North Carolina asks unanimous consent that the Committee on Printing be discharged from fiu-ther consideration of the resolution just read, and that the resolution be consid- ered now. Is there objection? There was no objection. Mr. KiTCHiN. I move the adoption of the concurrent resolution, Mr. Speaker. The Senate concurrent resolution was agreed to. ii i