y SERMONS OF REV. R.G. PEARSON THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp2S2 P36g ; X <*., 3(* 5 PampMet Collection DnJte Divinity 5chocl . -. n § m .«§ =?■■*•■„ ; -4 flTHE GREAT EVANGELIST SZEZRZb^C OUSTS ■^F 5 of ^^ ■ Rev. R.G.PEARSON, 1 ;• ^>- DELIVERED IN CENTENARY M. E. CHURCH, WINSTON, N. C. 1§| During one of the Greatest Religious Revivals in the History of North Carolina. September 16 to October 4, 188S. REPORTED AND COMPILED BY ;■ j' i.- ' r * irjii MAXWELL GORMAN c i lanier's steam print, Winston, n. c. ' 1888. •■■ ■ : • ■. ■ •■■ • ■ JSSS»; ■ ■• .- ..' •'■ r - 1 H A-i^' — " l - t -#£,&*— * ^jM*d> i 3- [t^k-&LoJL ^ &n'~ ^r 7 -J-t-*^ sig»< ^-c^^ ? vvv i; ^-M^^!^^ i flu o^rjr' '• " : ^- SM O; C> ~- - ' ~ . ?S5 (A (fa s^^—;-^ i j-J £^ ■ - -- - — *^^—* j yt4 % ^>v-."" /-■■■■ MgSy ■w 1 " UrZ /. r-Y ''y?-~?<--} sU. syi, & GL 0*~dJZL A o / //fit /-<" <■ ^ikJ^ (7t^ INTRODUCTORY. f-i In response to numerous requests from those who heard the sermons of Mr. Pearson, and desire to preserve them in a compact form, a limited edition of this pamphlet has been published. It contains all the sermons reported by me for the Twin City Daily, with additions to several of them, and those to Business Men and the Young Men, which have not been printed in any form heretofore. The reader will understand that these are not verbatim reports, but faithful, extended outlines, and are essentially correct in every par- ticular. MAXWELL GORMAN. Winston, N. C, October, iSSS. } fiU~ I test N- C.'t \jlA -- I , 'osIijuaX — aWt/ 4 j4i ■ THE GREAT EVANGELIST, His Arrival in Winston — A Sketch of his Life, and an Outline of his Opening Sermons. Rev. R. G. Pearson arrived in Winston Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1SS8, and on Sunday night, Sept. 1 6th, began a series of meetings in that handsome and commodious House of God, the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, which continued with daily increasing interest for nearly three weeks. Many souls were converted, and thousands of professing Christians had their faith materially strengthened by the burning words of this admirable man of God. Mr. Pearson was born in Starkville, Mississippi, and is therefore a Southern man by birth, and one in principle. He received a full col- legiate education at the Cooper Institute, of Mississippi, and from there he went to the Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee, where he graduated in the theological department in 1S76. He then returned to Mississippi, and as his first pastorate took charge of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Tupelo, in that State. He retained the pastor- ate of this Church for two years, and during that time erected a hand- some Church edifice, and added many to his congregation. He was then called as pastor to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Columbia, Tenn., and during a period of two years that he remained there he held a number of revivals, at which many were converted. Pie was called to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Nashville, Tennessee, as assistant pastor to the Rev. A. J. Baird, with the under- standing that one-half of his time should be devoted to evangelistic work. After one year of harmonious and satisfactory service in this capacity, Mr. Pearson decided to devote himself to evangelistic work entirely, and for the past six years has devoted himself constantly to that work. At first his meetings were "denominational," but his labors were so blessed that he received repeated invitations from churches of all denominations to hold "union" meetings, which induced him to 2 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. conduct "non-denominational" meetings. During the time he has been engaged in this 'work he has labored in the following States: — Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, Texas, Mississippi and Alabama, and in the Cities of Nashville, Evansville, St. Louis, Dallas, Memphis and Vicksburg. In 1S78 Mr. Pearson married Miss Bowen of Oxford, Mississippi, who was then a teacher in the Union Female College, from which institution she had previously graduated. • Since her marriage she has been a faithful and efficient helpmeet to Mr. Pearson, aiding him in his great work in a quiet, womanly, but effective manner that has gained her the love and admiration of all who know her. His manner of preaching is entirely free from all the claptrap and trickery frequently resorted to by evangelists. He preaches the gospel in a plain but forcible and eloquent style, as all who have attended his meetings can testify, and he seems to imbue his hearers with a portion of his own great earnestness in the work he is doing. Three years since he was offered the pastorate of Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Louisville, Kentucky, but being deeply im- pressed with the conviction that he was called of God to do the work of an evangelist, he declined the offer. While he is a Cumberland Presbyterian himself, and believes in maintaining Church organization, he feels that his work is that of a "general evangelist," and he wishes those who may be converted through his instrumentality to join any Church that their consciences dictate. During the past twelve months Mr. Pearson has held meetings at Statesville, Salisbury, Raleigh, Newbern, Wilmington and Asheville, all of which have resulted in great good. The noted evangelist (who, by the way, is now a North Carolinian, being a citizen of Asheville) is a slender, delicate-looking man, with an effeminate voice, and appears to be about thirty-seven years of age. There is nothing about his appearance to indicate power or strength, but intellectually he possesses both of these in an eminent degree, as an audience soon perceives. HIS FIRST SERMON'S. HIS FIRST SERMONS. Over two thousand people were packed into the Church and Sunday School annex when Mr. Pearson arose to preach his first sermon. He took his text from Gallations, 6th chap, and 7th verse: "Be not deceived ; God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sovveth that shall he also reap." He divided his subject into four divisions, and by illustrations and terse language expounded the great truths of His word in a most effective way. Mr. Pearson is not a great orator, but he has the knack of seizing right hold of an audience and commanding its earnest attention from the moment he begins to talk until the last syllable is uttered. He proved by scriptural quotations, and by modern illustrations, that like begets like; that "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Mr. Pearson preached on Monday night, Sept. 17th, to another immense congregation of people. His subject was " Faith and Works," which he divided into three propositions: How is a man justified in the sight of God? How is a man justified in the sight of men? The relation between faith and works. Mr. Pearson held that a man is justified in the sight of God by faith, and by faith alone; that he must have a full and abiding faith in God, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and that a mere assent to the correctness of the scriptures is not belief. Man is justified in the sight of men by his works. An alleged Christian maybe a member of the Church; he may say that he believes it is wrong to cheat his neighbor, to play cards for money, to drink whiskey, &c, but if he believes this, and then goes to work and cheats his neighbor, plays cards for money, and drinks whiskey, he is not a child of God. He must practice what he believes. "By their works shall ye know them." Faith and works go hand in hand. A man who has the right kind of faith will do good works; and the man who, in his daily lite, "goes about doing good," is apt to have more or less faith in him. Mr. Pearson handled his subject in a masterly manner, and at the conclusion of the services many accepted the invitation to pass into the enquiry room. & £ 5fc :£ :£ * ^ + 3< Up to this time it had not occurred to me to attempt any extended 4 AN OUTLINE OF Hid SERMON'S. reports in our daily paper, the space at our command being limited; but the interest so increased that I concluded to devote more space to our notices of these meetings. However, I took no notes until the following Monday night, and the first four sermons, of which a synop- sis is given, are briefed entirely from memory, and of course are not perfect. The remaining ones are reported from abbreviated long-hand notes, and are essentially correct in every particular. i THERE MUST BE BLOOD. Rev. R. G. Pearson preached again Wednesday night, Sept. 19th, to a congregation of about two thousand people. He took his text from the 1 2th chapter of Exodus: "And when I see the blood I will pass over you." As usual, Mr. Pearson secured the earnest attention of his audience from the beginning and held it throughout the evening. There were three facts that he wanted to impress upon his hearers : There must be blood; it must be shed blood ; it must be applied blood. Here it was the blood of the paschal lamb, his shed blood, that was to be applied to the door-post. Just why it should be applied to the door post, instead of on the wall, or on the roof, is none of our business. God said apply it to the door post, and that is sufficient. "There is one thing, and one thing only, that will cleanse the soul from sin, and that is the atoning blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. "A man who has lived in sin may reform, he may turn over a new leaf, and lead in the future a strictly moral and upright life. But that does not wipe out the transgressions of the past. " Here is a man, his name is Smith. He has been buying goods for ten years from Jones, the grocery merchant, and he has been behind in his accounts all along. Well, he reforms, and resolves to pay his debts more punctually in the future. He goes to Jones and says : 'Jones, Eve been trading with you a long time, and I know I am in debt to you; but, Jones, Eve resolved to hereafter pay cash for what I get.' What will Jones say ? He will say something like this: 'Well, Smith, I am glad to hear it, and I hope you'll stick to it; but, Smith, how about the money you already owe me? How about the groceries you ate up ten years ago, Smith ?' THE GREAT EVANGELIST. 5 " If Smith is a truly reformed man he will wipe out that debt as soon as he is able to do so. " And every reformed sinner has a debt to wipe out, and there is only one way to wipe it out. "You may be earnest and sincere about your intentions for the future; you may join a Church and be baptized, either by sprinkling or pouring or Immersion; you may go up to the altar and partake of the sacrament — but that of itself is not going to carry you to heaven. " ' Ye must be born again.' You must truly and earnestly repent of your past transgressions. There is not enough water in the Atlantic ocean to wash away your sins. It must be blood! It must be shed blood ; it must be applied blood — the atoning blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! " Christ's blood was shed for you. Have you applied it? Where did you apply it. Ah, dying men, some of you have that blood under your feet to-night, and you are stamping upon it!" Mr. Pearson preached one hour, and then the usual enquiry meeting was held. A great many remained to talk with Mr. Pearson and the pastors present, and a number of conversions are reported, while there is hardly a Christian who has heard this wonderfully gifted man whose Christian faith has not been materially strengthened. This was only his fourth sermon, but he had already made an impress upon these towns and this people such as no minister who has preceded him ever succeeded in doing. WHAT IS YOUR SOUL WORTH, DYING MAN? Rev. R. G. Pearson preached again on the night of Sept. 20th, to an immense congregation of people. His subject was, " What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." As is his habit, Mr. Pearson divided his subject under different heads, and then dissected it in a clear and masterly manner. His power of analysis is his strongest point. " What is your soul worth ? A man comes to you and asks : What will you take for one of your eyes? Will you sell it? No, it is not in the market. What will you take for your right arm? Why, you will not sell it at any price. 6 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. " Well, if your poor mortal body, which in a few years will be eaten by the worms and return to its native dust — if this mortal part of you is so valuable how much more priceless ought your immortal soul to be. It is indeed valuable. It is worth the blood of Jesus Christ, who so freely shed it for your soul's salvation. It is worth the life of Christ who died to save you/ " And yet there are men within the sound of my voice who are bart- ering away their souls to the devil in yonder grog shop, in that gamb- ling hell, and in all these dens of iniquity ! Selling your immortal soul to the devil for a mess of pottage, when you will not barter your right arm at any price. " Can you lose your soul ? You can ! Skeptics say differently. But we are not here to discuss the views of skeptics. God says you can lose it, and what God says is so ! The Bible does not lie. Indeed your soul is already lost, unless you repent and are forgiven. Man is born with the elements of sin in him. That is why it is so hard to do right in all respects. "Ye are condemned already. You may have been a very moral man all your life. You may never have done anything very wrong, and yet if you are living to-night without having accepted Jesus as your Savior, without a true and abiding belief in the Bible, you are travel- ing the road that leads to hell, and nowhere else. " You haven't got to do anything to get into hell. You are con- demned already, and you will get there without any additional efforts on your part, unless you accept the teachings of the Bible and accept Christ as your Savior. "The only difference between you and the man who died in his sins is this: Both of you are condemned. Judgment has been executed on the dead man, and he is beyond redemption, while you stand a chance of being pardoned. And it all rests with you. " How can we lose our soul? Well, in an infinite variety of ways, and one of the most common is by neglect. " My friends, Winston is one of the most moral, temperate communi- ties I ever visited. But let me say to you : The business men of this town are going to hell wrapped in the shroud of their business ! They are thinking more about their business than they are thinking about their souls. God grant that they may give more serious thought to their eternal welfare ! "What is it that is lost?" Under this head Mr. Pearson depicted the delights of heaven and the torments of the damned. I AN OUTLINE OF HIS SERMONS. 7 "Suppose you die an unforgiven sinner, and you look up out of hell and are given a view of heaven. And there in that Elysium you see your sainted mother — she who taught you how to pray, ' Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep' — and then the vision vanishes and you are condemned to the torments of hell forever and forever, world without end. Never to see that mother's face again, never to hear her voice throughout all the ages of eternity. Oh, dying man, are you going to stand condemned to such a fate as that by your own obstinate, sinful refusal to ask God's forgiveness?" Mr. Pearson concluded his sermon by asking and answering the question: " Can souls be saved here to-night?" " Now is the accepted time. Seek Him while He maybe found; call ye upon Him while He is near." THIS MAN RECEIVETH SINNERS. Another immense throng of people greeted the appearance of Rev. R. G. Pearson at Centenary M. E. Church Friday night, Sept. 21st. His text was taken from Luke 15th chapter and 2ndvarse: "This man receiveth sinners." Mr. Pearson divided his subject under three heads, and then pro- ceeded to analyze it in his usual clear and forcible manner. "What kind of sinners will Christ not receive ? The unwilling. Christ will not receive any man who comes to Him unwillingly. Nor will He receive an unbeliever. You must accept Christ as your Savior, and implicitly believe in the teachings of the Bible. And you must be willing to foasake all your sins. You cannot renounce a por- tion of them and retain one or more of your pet sins. Those pet sins are the very ones you will be required to give up, and unless you make up your mind to that effect it is useless to ask forgiveness of God. "Unbelief is at the bottom of all sin. What is murder? Oh, you say, that is a terrible crime. What is seduction ; what is theft ; what is arson ? Oh, you say, those are terrible sins. Well, my friends, un- belief is a greater sin than either, and is at the bottom of them all. " There is a tree out there. A man comes along with an axe and cuts it down. After a while little branches will spring up around the remaining stump of the tree, until the stump is hidden from view. You see those branches, they are conspicuous, but you do not see the 8 AN OUTLINE OF HIS SERMONS. old stump. How came those branches there ? Because down under that stump is a root that still lives, and these little trees or branches are the upshoots of it, the outcroppings of that stump's life. " Those branches represent the sins I have named, and the other minor sins, and that old stump and its living root represent the unbe- lief that has taken hold of a man's soul and causes him to commit the crimes represented by the offshoots. "Unbelief is giving the lie to God. What greater insult could be offered Him? " What kind of sinners does Christ receive ? The truly penitent. You have sinned. Go to God and acknowledge it. Tell Him that you truly and earnestly repent. Throw yourself on His mercy. Don't go to arguing with God about ' your rights ;' don't imitate the Pharisee and thank God that you are not like other men. But pray the prayer of the Publican, ' God be merciful to me, a sinner? Then make up your mind to renounce all y owe sins. "If you will do this, God will bless you. My word for it, God's word for it, He will save you this night if you come to Him with your heart filled with emotions like these. " How does Christ receive sinners ? Through faith, and through faith alone. Here is a man ; he tumbles over a precipice, and when about half way down he catches onto a grape vine and arrests his descent. There he hangs, suspended in mid air. He cannot go up again, and his grip on the grape vine is not going to last long. "Along comes the angel, Gabriel. Says Gabriel: ' Do you believe I am Gabriel ?' ' Yes.' ' Do you believe I can save you now?' ' Yes.' 'Well, turn loose that grape vine!' " Now if that man really believes in Gabriel, he will turn loose that grape vine ; and if he doesn't turn it loose, it is a self-evident fact that he does not believe what he says. "The trouble with many of you to-night is, you are afraid to let go of that grape vine. ' Well, you've got to do it, If you want to be saved." Mr. Pearson drew a remarkably clear and beautiful picture of true penitence. He also took occasion to compliment the choir and the congregation. He said that, in all his experience, he had never seen a people who were more prompt in coming to church o?i time, and in preserving order and decorum after they got there. No preaching Saturday, that being the evangelist's day of rest. AN OUTLINE OF HfS SERMONS. BELIEVE ON THE LORD. On Sunday night, September 23, (Mr. Pearson did not preach in the morning at any church) another vast throng of people filled the church and annex to hear Mr. Pearson. They began to file into the church doors before 6 o'clock, and by 6:45 o'clock every seat was occupied and many were turned away. The preliminary services did not begin untiL 7:30, but the immense congregation patiently waited until that hour. At 8 o'clock Mr. Pearson made his appearance, and after a short,, earnest prayer, took his text from Acts, 1 6th chapter and 31st verse r " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." As will be seen from the text, his subject was Faith. " What is faith ? What is the object of faith ? What is the unport- ance of faith ? What is the philosophy of faith ? What is the utility of faith ? " Faith is confidence in God. Faith is the means of salvation, and the only means of salvation. Faith is everything with the Christian. You see those posts there which support that gallery. Well, those posts must have a foundation upon which to rest, else they could not support the gallery. God is the Rock of Ages, the foundation upon which rests the posts of our faith, which support our Christian hope. "The object of faith is to save sinners, and unless a penitent have faith he cannot find peace. The importance of faith, then, is inestimable to all who would be saved. It is of the utmost importance ; it is of more importance to you than everything else in this world combined. " Faith is the connecting link between a sinner and his salvation. Let me give you a practical illustration : You go clown to the depot. There stands an engine and a long line of cars. What is that engine there for ? It is there to take those cars to their destination. Well, how is it going to do it? Why, there is only one way : The engine backs up to those cars and a man couples them together, and off both engine and cars go. Now that engine never could have pulled those cars had there not been a connection between them, could it? Just so with us. Christ, the all-saving locomotive, stands ready to carry us to heaven, if we will only link ourselves to Him, and Faith is the only connecting link. Faith is the most philosophic thing in the world. "'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.' "What is the utility of faith? Why it is the very foundation of busi- ness in every day life, and I can prove it. I will give you an illustra- IO THE GREAT EVANGELIST. tion. I'll take a tobacco example; you go it pretty heavy on tobacco in Winston. Suppose I go to one of your factories and I say to the proprietor : ' I want a certain number of boxes of tobacco.' ' All right, Mr. Pearson,' and he has the order filled. I go down in my pocket and hand him a $500 U. S. treasury note. What is that piece of paper worth? It is worth $500. Why? Because the U. S. government pledges its faith to redeem it on demand. The manufacturer accepts the bill, of course, and is glad to exchange his tobacco for that note. He is so well pleased that he wants to know if he cannot sell me some more tobacco. "'Well,' says I, 'yes; you can duplicate the order.' When he has done so I go down in my pocket again and hand him a $500 Confed- erate bill. "'Oh/ he says, ' I cannot accept that paper, Mr. Pearson.' I insist on his taking it, but all my arguments will not induce him to accept it. Why ? Because he has no faith in the ability of the defunct Confed- eracy to redeem its promise to pay. "Another illustration: Down there is a bank. You are a business man, and every day, or once a week, you take your money to that banker and deposit it with him for safe keeping. Why? Because you have faith in that institution and in that officer of the bank, and for no other reason in the world. If you believed that bank was 'shaky' or that that official was dishonest, you would not deposit your money there. " Well, if you can trust all your worldly wealth with another man, can you not trust your soul with Christ ? "Have faith in God, give your soul into His keeping; ' believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou sluilt be saved !' "Faith, in our daily life, goes even farther: It is the basis of the happiness of the home circle. Let a man lose coufidence in his wife ; let him lose faith in her chastity, and there is no power on earth or in heaven that can restore happiness to that home. "On the other hand, let a wife have confidence in her husband; let her have implicit faith in him, as her husband, and no man nor any thing can destroy or shake that belief. " You may accuse him ; you may prosecute him ; you may persecute him ; you may hang him by the neck until he is dead, and she will clasp his lifeless body in her arms, declaring her belief in him still. " Then, have faith in God. Believe what this blessed Book tells you, ' and thou shalt be saved.' I BfAKING EXCUSES I I "Talk about a man who relies on his faith 'going- it blind'! Could you devise a more practical way of getting to heaven? Suppose it were made a monetary consideration. Well, Jay Gould, Russell Sage, and the other millionaires might get into heaven on those terms, but what would become of the great mass of the people ? Suppose it was made a question of physical strength. What would become of the weak? Suppose it was made an intellectual qualifica- tion. What would become of the great mass of comparatively ignor- ant people ? Under any other condition than by faith, a large portion of the human race could entertain no hope of heaven. But, thank God, by faith every man can be saved, no person, need despair of ultimately reaching Paradise. " No, sir ; it is not ' going it blind ' when you rely on faith. I know there is a God ; I know my Redeemer liveth ; I kncnv I have a home in heaven, and I know I will some day be with Jesus and numbered with. His saints above 1" MAKING EXCUSES. Mr. Pearson preached Monday night, Sept. 24th, from the text : "And they all with one consent began to make excuse." — Luke 14:18. " The majority of sinners have some excuse for not being a Christian. Now I propose to take up a few of these and consider them, with a view to showing you how untenable they are, and then leave the responsibility with you. "Well, here is a man who says he is not a Christian because he does not believe in the Bible. I am not here to defend God's word or God's gospel — they need no defence, and it doesn't affect the Bible one iota whether you believe it or not; but it affects you, and it affects you very seriously. "There is a furnace with a red-hot fire in it. You may pretend to believe that it will not burn. Well, your belief does not affect that fire at all. It will burn all the same, and if you don't believe it, just put your hand in it and see. " Disbelief in a thing does not prevent that thing from accomplishing its purpose, and you will be damned despite your alleged disbelief in the Bible. Why don't you believe in the Bible ? Is it because you //if /y>- fi~i* A**&'$*~f U/*ft<* > Jo^'-A x " - •rA^»*TJ'?RW- 12 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. have not given it a practical test, or because you do not comprehend it all ? "No, sir! You have no such reason. Your real ' reason ' is that you love one or more of your sins better than you love your God. Well, let me tell you that you will be judged by the Bible whether you believe in it or not, and if you continue in your unbelief you will be eternally damned! r-N " Well, here is another man, and he says he would be a Christian, -i~»^ but he doesn't understand the Bible, he doesn't understand Christianity, ^\j^ and to accept what he does not' understand would be stultifying his £i intellect. Uo you do that way about everything? You ate your din- 2 » ner yesterday, didn't you ? What did you eat ? ' Oh,' you say, ' I ate C- a variety of things — meats, vegetables, &c.' Very well. Now, do you c. know how some of that food makes brains, and some bone, and some \ ■ muscle, and some blood? ' No,' you say, 'I do not.' Well, you did -£;. not refuse to eat on that account, did you ? You will not refuse to eat i- hereafter because you don't understand whether or how this or that js^ article of food is going to make brains, or blood, or bone, or muscle, JJ"» will you? If you do you will soon starve. j\"^_ "There is a lawn out there, and when cattle eat that grass it makes -■$? s£, . . . , Vi chair, but vou don't know how it makes hair. And is that any argu- --- ,'~- j- ment against eating beefsteak? A sheep eats it and it makes wool. '' r- r Is that am - argument against eatin°- mutton ? A goose eats it and it makes feathers. Is that any argument against sleeping on a feather bed ? Certainly not. "Because you do not understand all of the Bible, are you going to reject the whole? There are many things in the Bible that I do not understand. It is impossible for the finite mind to grasp it all, and God did not intend that we should understand it all. But the things which are essential to our salvation are as simple as can be, and are as |J5 plain as the noon-day sun. "" -it? Another man says it is very difficult to be a Christian, and that is : \ f why he is not one. Well, do you reject all difficult things? Here is 7~tV Jones, and he has a large family. It is mighty hard for him to sup- £ > port them comfortably, but by industry and perseverance he manages ^~--' to do it. He doesn't turn his wife out into the street and send his ' ~f*^ children to the poor-house, because it is difficult to make a living for " ^-^"them. He surmounts the difficulty and supports his family, even if -"""*! r he does have to struggle to do it. But it is not difficult to be a o * * Christian, if you go about it right. Where did you get that idea from ? J ' My yoke is easyjind my burden is light.' ,- / i ■ /v.- ■> ! ( s j! ' ' a/ ' -'- —*>*& k o MAKING EXCUSES. I 3 "The trouble is that so many professing Christians try to go to heaven with the Bible under one arm and a barrel of whiskey under the other — with a prayer-book in one hand and a pack of cards in the other hand : the men who drink sacrimental wine on Sunday and whiskey the balance of the week. "Well, here is another man and he says: 'I'd be a Christian, but there are so many hypocrites in the church.' Yes, there are hypocrites in the church, and there always will be. Christ said there would always be hypocrites in the church. But are you going to reject Christ and salvation because some professing Christians are hypocrites? You hold my note for $ioo, and I hand you ten $10 bills to cancel that note. One of those $10 bills turns out to be a counterfeit. Would you tear up the other nine because the tenth one was a counterfeit, and declare that you would have nothing to do with money in the future ? Of course not. Well, where is your consistency then ? Because the devil has got some counterfeit Christians in the church are you going to reject Christianity altogether? " You don't want to be associated with the hypocrites, eh ? If all the hypocrites and the devil himself join the church I am going to stay there. The hypocrites will go to hell, and I will not. But if you reject Christ you w r ill go to hell too, and be associated with hypocrites through all the ages of eternity. I prefer to be associated with them a little while in this world. This 'excuse' is only a trick the devil is playing on you, and you don't know it. It reminds me of the way they kill wild geese out West. The hunter makes a decoy goose and puts it in the field, and then he digs himself a pit near the decoy goose and gets into it, with a loaded gun. The real geese come flying over, and they see that decoy goose, and it looks like a good place to feed, and the one down there seems to be a real goose, and they alight there too. And then the hunter pulls the trigger and they are dead geese. Just so. While you stand off regarding the decoy-goose church member, this counterfeit Christian, who is generally a prominent Sunday School worker, the devil comes along and gets you — you are his game " Here is another man, and he says he'd be a Christian, but there are too many churches, all claiming to be right A specious but fallaci- ous argument. There are a number of churches, and they differ about minor matters, and in their forms of church government. But they all agree upon the governing principle of the church of Christ. They all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world— "~~ ** . ■' ^ ... . — ,_ ■*_, .._. ■ 14 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Episcopalians, Moravians, and Catholics. And you must believe in Christ or be .damned. " But the unconverted man is not looking for any particular church ; he is seeking salvation. Don't look to any particular church — look to the one great Mediator. '" Here is an hotel, five stories high. It catches afire, and a man in :he top stories rushes upon the roof. There are several hook and ladder companies there — some with red, and some with blue, and some with black ladders. .That man wants to get off that roof, and he has got to be in a hurry about it, too. Does he stop to ask which is the best ladder company? No, sir; he don't want to know anything about the company, he wants a ladder, and he doesn't stop to see whether it is a red one, or a blue one, or a black one, either. So with you to- night, You are not after any particular denominaton, it is Christ and Christ's love that you want "Well, another man says, 'Well, the Lord knows whether I am going to be saved or not. He knows my destiny, and I have nothing to do with it.' That is a metaphysical question gotten up by the devil- Let me illustrate: Here is a man who has a good farm, a half dozen good mules, plenty of farming implements, and four or five able-bodied sons. He comes to me and asks me to give him some corn. Why haven't you got corn? I ask hirn. ' No,' says he; 'you see the Lord knew just how much corn I was going to raise anyhow, and it was no use for me to bother about it. So I just laid down my plow, turned out the mules, and sent the boys a-fishing. And I didn't raise a bit of com.' Of course he didn't; but if he and his boys and his mules had worked the good farm God gave him during the good seasons God sent he would have had plenty of corn. "Yes, God knows whether you are going to be saved or not. But you are a free moral agent. Here are the means of salvation which He offers you, and offers you freely, without money and without price. Now, it is for you to say whether you will be saved or not. "Are you afraid of ridicule? Is that fear keeping you away from Christ ? Well, didn't they ridicule Christ? If a man ridicules you for telling the truth, are you going to turn liar on that account ? If one ridicules your honesty will you become a thief for that reason ? "Well, here's a man who says that it will interfere with his business to be a true Christian. If your business is in accord with the Ten Commandments, religion is not going to interfere with it. "But if you. are selling whiskey; if you are practicing extortion, and J > Z) Z~"y* ' *,' ,.'•■■ <-< >_ ' U '' ';• -;- 1 !■■'• --• .:.-^-'-'^"~ I i j i > v ' i ■ ■ i • ■*■ // • • _ \ t nri • f ■> '----<■-• ' • • ■' / — ' '.*' •_■■. fi ■ ' ' , -MAKING EXCUSES. ' 15 making the poor pay you an usurious interest; if you are renting your houses out to liquor sellers and prostitutes, then religion rvill interfere with your 'business,' and the sooner it interferes with it the better. ' For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ?' " And, lastly, here comes a man who says, ' Oh, I am going to wait until I am dying; then I'll get religion.' I have no patience and little faith in death-bed repentance. It is an exceedingly hazardous and improbable thing. Medical authority tells us that fully two-thirds of the people who die, die in an unconscious state, and there is only one case of death-bed repentance on record in Biblical history. "Oh, be what you are from principle! Don't serve the devil all your life, and on your death-bed ask God to accept your miserable worm- eaten soul when you can serve the devil no longer. I wouldn't dart' to make the offer, for the chances are God would not accept it. " Lay your hand on your heart and ask yourself the question : ' Does my 'excuse' satisfy my conscience and my intellect?' If not, stay here to the enquiry meeting to-night. Setde this question to-night for all time. Turn your face heavenward and be eternally saved!" COMING TO CHRIST. Centenary M. E. Church was filled with people again Tuesday night, September 25th. Mr. Pearson took his text from John 6:37 — "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." " What a blessed, tender word. ' Come.' One of the sweetest words in the vocabulary. Come unto Me, all that are heavy laden and I will give thee rest Come, and take of the water of life freely. " We must not only want to come. We must not only expect to come. But we must come ! " I want to talk to the unsaved to-night, and to the penitent ones especially. And I am going to ask seven questions, and then let the Bible answer them: 1 . May I come to Jesus ? 2. Why should I come to Jesus ? 3. When should I come to Jesus ? 4. How should I come to Jesus ? 5 1 6 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. 5. Why have I not come to Jesus? 6. What if I never do come to Jesus ? 7. What if I do come to Jesus? " First, then : May I come to Jesus? May /, a sinner; may I, a liar; may /, a drunkard; may I, a profaner of God's name; may /, steeped in iniquity as lam — may /come to Jesus? Yes, there are none so low and degraded whom Christ will not save, if He is approached in the right way. " Ho every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy wine and milk with- out money and without price." — Isaiah 50:1. "Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." — John J:^J. " And the spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth say, come. And 'let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely." — Revelations 22:17. " Here we have God, the Father, saying, Come ! God, the Son, saying, Come! God, the Holy Spirit, saying, Come! ' Ho, every one that thirsteth, come!' "Are you a human being? Then God says, come. Are you a man? Christ says, Let every man come. The Holy Spirit says, Whosoever may, let him come. " No matter how fallen you are. No matter how infamous your past life may have been, Christ stands ready to save you. And if you do not get to heaven it will not be because you could not, but because you would not. " Second. Why should I come to Jesus ? Why not go to science, or to Mohammed, or to Ingersoll ? Why? What does the Bible say in this connection ? ' I am the way.' ' I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.' — John 14:6. "'No man cometh unto the Father but by Me!' Then you must come to Jesus because you cannot reach God and heaven in any other way. He is the only medium to heaven. Isn't that a good reason why you should come to Christ ? You can't love God, you cannot serve God, except through Christ. And unless you love God and serve Him you cannot be saved. ' Neither is there salvation in any other ; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.' — Acts 4: 1 2. " Christ is not only the way to God and to salvation, but He is the only way. Through Him alone can you obtain eternal life. There is COMING TO CHRIST. 1 7 a Christ for even- sinner out of hell, and there is a hell for every sin- ner out of Christ! "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by hfm, seeing he everliveth to make intercession for them." — Hebrews 7:25. " He is not only able to save you, and to save you n.■.:. . . : . ..-._- Now, the parallel fact is, that Faith — not comprehension or under- standing—but Faith, of itself, is the condition of salvation. All who comply with that condition and look to Christ will be saved; those who do not will be lost. . „: ■■■ .;. That's all. Simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept Christ as your saviour and thou shalt be saved. See the following references: Galatians, 3:26; John, 5:24; John, 6:47; Acts, 13:38 and 20; Romans, 4:4; Romans, 5:1. :_- Here is a man with a sin-sick soul ; here is Christ on the cross — look, dying man and be cured. You must look, and that is the one condition. ^'-^J-/' : - .;'Mi>-*-'.': ?■&,■-<: •■ ■■■■-- '.-■-.;• '0%h '"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the son of God; the one who loved and died for you, and, thus believing, commit your soul into his ..keeping.] .-, .---..-- ; ; ; - ; _- /; - - ------ i'-^^;it..: ":.:..";": ;.■";:" •4'-' Well, some man asks me what did God make snakes for, anyway? £35ja -'*rT7\...:--.;.. ; WHA1 SHALL I DO WITH JESUS? 29 That is none of our business and we should not argue about it. The fact is God did make snakes, and they bit the children of Israel. But remember this: No man died because he had been bitten by snakes. That isn't what killed them. They died because they would not look on the brazen serpent. They died because they zaould not ac- cept the remedy which God offered them ! So with you. Some of you are great sinners and you have been sinning a long time. But you are not dying a spiritual death on that account. Remember this : You are dying, and will be damned, because yen mill not accept God's remedy and be cured of your sins ! That is what is killing you to night Will you look upon the Cross of Christ, and be saved now? He that heareth My word and believeth on him that sent me shall have eternal life. God grant that you may resolve to do that to-night. The usual inquiry meeting was then held. Hundreds of people re- mained and about twenty found peace before they left the church, making in the neighborhood of one hundred conversions since the se- ries of meetings began. But Mr. Peason's work must not be judged solely by the number of new professions. Perhaps the greatest good that he accomplished was the fact that hundreds of professing Christians and members of the church, who had back-slidden or grown cold in their faith, were brought again to the feet of Jesus, and had their faith renewed and strengthened by the prop of a new determination to more faithfully serve their God in the future. WHAT SHALL I 1)0 WITH JESUS? On Friday night, September 28th, Mr. Pearson took his text from Matthew, 27:22 : " "What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?" He explained the customs of the Jews, the cry for the crucifixion of Christ, Pontius Pilate's hesitation and indecision about pronouncing ■. \ 30 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. judgment upon Him, his final official determination and the motives which led him to put Jesus to death on the cross. Pilate had to make some decision. ■ So with all of us; we must decide — not officially, but individually, what we will do with Christ — Jesus, our saviour ; Jesus, our commander; Jesus, our all in all. What will /do with Jesus? So, I want to talk to you to-night about disposing of Jesus, and there are three facts that cannot be ignored : 1. You must do something. 2. You have done something. 3. What you finally do will decide your eternal destiny. First, then; You must do something with Jesus. You can't ignore this matter. You can't turn away from it and say you will not do anything with Him. You are a free moral agent, and you must make a decision. God has presented you with a ruler and a king, and you must decide whether you will accept him or not. Pontius Pilate represented every unsaved man, and he did not want to face the issue. Why ? "Well he had been wronging the people and defying the govern- ment, and he did not want Caesar to learn of his misdoings, but he knew the Jews would report him to Caesar if he did not convict Christ. On the other hand, he felt in his heart that Jesus ought not to be put to death, and he said that he found no fault in Him. .He did not want to convict an innocent man. ^:'- v; " Here was wealth, position, power, and luxury on one hand, and con- science and better nature on the other. - 1[ So with many of you to-night. You have been sinning mightily. You have been wronging your fellow man. Here are your associates in wrong doing ; it's hard to pull out of the old rut, and you don't want to dig up the dark record of the past. - On the other hand, down in your heart of hearts you are convinced that Jesus is the Christ, but you don't want to reflect. Like some pro- fessed infidels, you are convicted in your own mind, but to all outward appearances you are an infidel. .., . . There was an infidel in Texas who walked up and down the room all night, exclaiming, " I am a skeptic ; I am an infidel, but I am going to hell all the same !." And it is so. You may bean unbeliever; you, may be a skeptic; you may be an infidel, but let me .tell you that you are merely play- ing a bluff, and you are going straight to hell despite your unbelief and in spite of your skepticism. : - . - /VA:-, ' ■■■-■ ■- ■■■■■■:■■ ' .— -.-'' - -■■■.■'. J ' ■ , '- . 1 "^ '~f:L IstStS . i. Jesus, the bread of life! Jesus, the water of life! Jesus, the only One whose blood can cleanse your soul from sin ! He who can take your soul to God ! He, who will come again by and by ! Blessed Jesus ! ! He, who will sit on the Great White Throne to judge us all- say, what are you going to do with Jesus?. L\. ',£&. ". •- - '■--■'' '[■•';. ■.' - If you are ashamed of Jesus here He will be ashamed of you when we all stand around the Great White Throne. What are you going to do with Jusus ? ../- -. ;-.- -;.'.■■:}■_ ::;•.••■-, :":';. j . '-' . -.: .--";:. ■."";•'■,' jfofj Well, .my, friends, I'll tell you what / am going to do with Him.' Tr have -accepted Jesus as- my Saviour, my commander, myall in all. And His commands are the principles which regulate my life until the ■_ end. ■'. ---<■-_- ■•;•- •'■ ■ - ■' >-.->, ( - ■ - - fSg>|5£<$pS ..'. And Ilwantto say here in this year of our Lord, 1888, in this good old State of North Carolina, in this city of Winston, and on this 28th day of September— I am not ashamed to call Him my Commander, my Saviour, my Master ! ... Let the wife of my bosom forsake me;. let the only brother 1 have in the world renounce me, let mankind turn their backs upon me — I am going to continue to stick to Jesus ! : liSSrcS?* My God ! . My Hope ! ! My Eternal Refuge ! ! ! : % . . " VAnd when you hear that Pearson is dead, you may know that he died with both arms around the Cross, clinging to Christ ! Blessed Jesus? ,:-yx- ' ■ mIf 'i'hiii ; - 'V^'''^'-" ■ ' J ''■--■ .-*»"?? ■■■4tf ; "'-- The closing words of this sermon were of a most affecting nature, and the tears trickled down the cheeks of hundreds of his hearers as they coursed rapidly from the eyes of him who uttered them„ : - At the .after-meeting at least 700 people remained and there were 27 new . converts. --.-■ "~. ■ ' •;7. ': ' , 'Vl- "-"•- " ,■ Wi& ; ^M- ' ESS - ■'• -"- ;-v '■'■■■■.-■■.'.■."■■*- ■; ■ THE- HOLY SPIRIT. ' $£ THE HOLY SPIRIT. Centenary church was filled with people Sunday night, September 30th, before 7 o'clock, and hundreds of people were turned away before the preliminary services began, at 7:15 o'clock. Mr. Pearson took his text from John, 14:26: "But the comforter,- which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,, whatsoever I have said unto you." You ask me if I understand what the Holy Trinity is, and I tell you no; I do not understand it at all. Have I examined it? I don't ex- amine it. What do I do with it, then? Well, I believe in it. I accept it, without understanding it, as a truth revealed in God's blessed word- In the Trinity we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and I want to talk to you to-night about the Holy Spirit — vital and important subject ; the subject about which there is so much specula- tion, and concerning 1 which so many mythical ideas are advanced. And why? Because people do not study the bearing of God's word ■ on this great question as they ought. Now there are five questions to be asked and answered : -. ; 1. Is the Holy Ghost a personality ? . . 2. What is the relation of the Holy Ghost to the written Word of God ? 3. What is the relation of the Holy Spirit to unsaved sinners ? : ■ 4. What is the relation of the Holy Ghost to the regenerated child of God? .:, . . :■''{■'■'. •". 5.' What are some of the emblems of the Holy Spirit ? y . First, then : Is the Holy Ghost a personality? •' -V ' --- ■ ; This is a vital question, and we want to gel: down with both- feet; to an understanding of what God's word says about it ' '■ n - : - In Matthew, iSth chapter and 19th verse, we have these -wc»rds: •" Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." '.. :So, in baptism we have the doctrine of the Trinity. The personality of the Father and the Son will not be questioned ; and any argument, any philosophy, any theory which will' show that the Holy Ghost is not" a personality, will also show, with a little substitution, that God the Father is not a personality — and we must stand or fall on the per- sonality of the Father. 3<5 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. The same argument that will prove that the Holy Ghost is not a personality, will also prove that Jesus Christ is not a personality. And when you destroy the personality of your Saviour, the whole structure -of religion falls to the ground. So we must either accept the doctrine of the personality of the Holy Ghost, or fall back on bald, blank ■atheism. How vital, then, is the question of the personality of the Holy Ghost! THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. Do you know what "the unpardonable sin" is? Well.it is bias, phemy against the Holy Ghost. Here it is, as plain as daylight, in Matthew, 12:21 and 22 :—" Wherefore, I say unto you: All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy -against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whoso- ever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him ; . but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be for- given him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the unpardonable sin — the sin for which God offers no forgiveness, in this world nor any other. '„,'■ r ; .:'■ Well, you can't blaspheme an attribute; you can only blaspherre a personality. Therefore, when this sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is held up as the unpardonable sin, there could be no stronger argument of the personality of the Holy Ghost So, any argument against this personality is based on implication, and not on the Scrip- tures. ; ' '; - . V [: ;£m >-}s\ ' ■'; What is this unpardonable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost ? ■ ■■'. We are told that Christ cast out devils and performed miracles through the power of the Holy Ghost The Jews said He did these things through the power of the devil. Therefore, Jesus charged them with blasphemy against the Holy Ghost — the unpardonable sin — by attributing the Words of the Holy Ghost to the devil. ■■ ■/;■>: Does any one commit that sin to-day? you ask. Well, if you 1 attribute any of the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil, you most assuredly do. And I'll tell you of a sin which, if not the unpardona- ble one, borders close upon it: .-;..,-* -V ■'-..• Here is a work of grace going on in this church and in this com- .: inunity. There is no undue excitement ; there is no attempt to get up •excitement I don't believe in too much excitement in this matter, ; and I don't preach on that line. ;- . v .' '■'..,' Here are strong men who have been, and are being brought to God, 1 1 I THE HOLY SPIRITT. 37 through their Saviour Jesust Christ What is this deep repentence and regeneration ? It is the work ot the Holy Ghost ! Now, you make light of it and say it is all bosh, and that v. ill be a near approach to, if it is not, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. You ridicule it, if you do not exactly attribute it to the devil. Say what you please against me, and about these other preachers here, if you want to, and God may forgive you. But don't speak lightly of sacred things. I warn you, don't ridicule or attribute to the devil the workings of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of this people. Don't you do it ! 2. What is the relation of the Holy Ghost to the written word of God? In II Timothy, 3:16 we have these words: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Again, in II Peter, 1:21 — "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." The scriptures were written under the guidance, direction and tute- lage of God by these men of God through the Holy Ghost. All this blessed Book contains was given us by the inspiration of God — and a-l-l means all ! Well, now, some man out there says there are some things in the Bible he does not believe. You don't ? "No," says he. "For instance, there's that story about the whale swallowing Jonah — I don't believe thaC You don't ! Why ? Is there anything unreasonable about it — anything about it that bears the stamp of falsity ? Is it contrary to common sense ? Certainly not Now,let's look at it a little : Do you believe in a God at all ? " Oil, yes." Do you believe that he created all things ? " Yes." Do you believe God could make a whale? '' Yes." Well, if He can make a whale at all, couldn't he have made one big enough to swallow Jonah or any other man? Certainly. Then the only question about this thing is whether God can make a whale. You say he can. Well, that settles it. You assume the whale was of a given size. That is the trouble. But this whale was a fish made to order, so to speak, and he swallowed Jonah. There is no absurdity about it at all. . % % - ' , If you will read the 12th chapter of Matthew you will see that God has set his Divine seal upon the truthfulness of this "story.'' "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's f>elry, ;s THE GREAT EVANGELIST. I I so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart o' the earth." There is a good deal of history and geography in the Bible. Take the drunkenness of Noah as an example.. That was not inspired drunk- enness, but an inspired record of that drunkenness.. Hence the absurd- ity of the remarks of some* men concerning'" the appearance of the words "adultery,;' "drunkenness," "lying,"" Sec. 1 ,. in the Bible. ':^V/: J; - God is the author, and the Holy Ghost the recorder of the Bible. You go up here'to'your court house, and look at the docket of your Superior Court. There you will find a. record of the cases to be tried — murder, arson, theft, adultery, &c. Now, would you hold the Judge, or the Solicitor, or the Clerk responsible for the commission of those crimes? Certainly not. The Court is only responsible for the docket's being a correct record. So with the Holy Ghost and the Bible. When you say this Bible is not true, you give the Holy Ghost the : lie. And when you do that God will shut you up in hell, and keep you there. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to teach us God's word. See John 14:26. "■■r.,-'\ ■- ~ /-'- ~ . . 3. What is the relation of the Holy Spirit to unsaved sinners? See John 16:8: "And when he is come (that is, the Holy Ghost) he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment." "Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost As your fathers did so do ye." Here is a fond mother who has been pleading for years with her wayward son, but unmindful of her entreaties and her prayers, he con- tinues on his downward course until she gives him up in despair. Why? Because he opposes; because he continues to oppose her; because he rejects her advice. So it is with the Holy Spirit. He opposes you on your downward course. \ He does not want to see you goto hell. But you refuse to heed his advice, dictated by your conscience. " " -- ' ;:; " :V '"., '• ";■■';"• ' -'." 'Well, the Spirit will not always strive with man (see Genesis 6:3), \.and I warn you to be careful how you refuse his advice. Oh, when ••A*" '.the Spirit of God is striving with you,' I -implore you not to refuse to 'accept his teachings !' For if you continue to oppose and resist him, and continue to reject the religion of Jesus Christ, He will forsake you. . - And then you are lost — eternally lost! „■ ■■-, • ,, ...,,* ■" \ Jv^v'God the Father, andGod the Son/have done their part— now, don't A^ drive the Holy Spirit from you! " There are only three persons in the '''f': godhead — the Father, Son,. and Holy Ghost — and if you resist the ■ .■■'■'■' ' - .'' ■"• ' '' '-. . '"41 THE HOLY SPIRIT. 39 workings of the Holy Spirit you will lose your only helper, and you will surely be lost. I know of a case which actually happened in Kentucky: 1 here was a man who went to church, and the Holy Spirit began to strive with him. He could have no peace. His conscience told him to ask God's forgiveness and become a Christian, and he resisted the promptings of his heart. One day he was so much distressed that he saddled his horse and rode down the road, and the Spirit was striving within him still. He resisted, and finally, raising himself up in the stirrups, he ■ exclaimed: "I won't do it!" And God's Spirit left him then and there forever and forever. And he said he had hardly uttered the words before he became sensible of that fact. And to-day he feels that he is past redemption, beyond all hope of forgiveness. He has never had a serious thought on the subject of his soul's salvation since. Here is another case: At an enquiry meeting I was holding, Mrs. Pearson approached a young lady in the audience, and she asked her if she did not want to be a Christian. "No," she said She believed in God, she believed the Bible, and all that, she said; but still she had no desire to become a Christian. Well, Mrs. Pearson asked her why; if she had always had such a feeling as that. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed, "There ivas a time when 1 felt that I ought to accept Jesus asm)' saviour; there was a time when 1 thought ] ought to become a child of God. But I resisted that feeling until I made up my mind that I wouldn't do it. "And," she added plaintively, "I have had no feeling on the subject since. My heart is as cold as that stone." Oh, my friends, the Spirit of God will not always strive with man, and I beg you, I implore you in God's name — don't resist the Spirit if it is striving with you to-night. 4. What is the relation of the Holy Spirit to the believer — -to the regenerated child of God? The relation is precisely the same as the relation of the Ho!)' Ghosttb the humanity of Christ. See Luke 1:35; John 1:13; Matthew 3:16; Acts 1:5; Matthew 3:16; Romans 8:14— "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." And let me say right here, that the Holy Spirit does not lead any one to the hop, or the "german," or-the card party, or the dram shop. See, also, John 1:33; John 14:16; Luke 4:14; Acts 1:8. Hence Christ is the son of God, and so are his believing children his children. Live in spirit and pray in spirit. 5. What are some of the emblems of the Holy Spirit ? 40 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Out there at your graded school they teach the children by what is called "object lessons." It is difficult for us to grasp the idea of the Holy Spirit, and so God has given us object lessons that we may learn *he more readily. .. ■ See John, 3:8. Here we have the Spirit in the emblem of the wind. I don't understand, I cannot explain what the wind is. Nor can I see it. But I can feel it, and I know when the wind blows. ;■- ^.":;\:%; ■ ■.'■ Just so with the Holy Spirit. I can't see, nor understand, nor explain it. But I know I do feel its influence. One is as incompre- hensible as the other. Say what you please, though, when I feel the current on my cheek and see the boughs, of a tree bend to and fro, I know the wind blows ; and when I feel the influence of the Holy Ghost I know the Spirit of God is striving within me. .:"; i t ^ .. i'L In John, y.38 we have the Holy Spirit in the emblem of water. Water ! That which we cannot live without; without which our per- sons cannot be made clean. And so the Spirit washes us with the waters of regeneration which flow from the throne of God. I don't know how water slakes my thirst, but I know it deos slake it. So with the Holy Spirit. I don't know the process by which the Spirit satisfies our thirst for righteousness, but I know that result is accomplished. : f 5..: k - ■- -- • ~H& '■■-■{■■, ;•• In Luke, 4:18 we have the Holy Spirit in the emblem of oil. Oil that makes the troubled water calm ; oil that lights us out of dark- ness — from the Chaos of infidelity into the bright light of Christianity ; from death unto life ! In Acts, 2:3 we have the Holy Spirit in the emblem of fire. The fire which makes everything hot like itself. Fire which is elevating — the flames and sparks fly upward ; the fire which purifies things. So with the Holy Ghost, making us clean, and free from iniquity, so that when these sparks of clay are elevated to heaven we may be purified in His sight V ' : ' .'",'' '-- : ''-'*■: -'J'- ' -- r ': ':"■"'-''- -V •'.""'' And here in John,. 1:32 we have the Holy Spirit in the emblem of the dove— not an eagle, not a buzzard, not a bird of prey. But the harmless, gentle dove. Significant emblem!, The timid dove ! ...The bird so easily frightened away !' -'• ,' - . - ,-' ■ ,. ■ < v :;•..■ . y '/' Like a dove, God's Holy Spirit would move us tenderly to Christ Like the dove the Holy Spirit is timid, and if you oppose and resist this gentle Spirit He will wing his way .from, you forever and, like:. the city of Jerusalem, you will be left in utter desolation. jf?J§ '-- '"''■ -T If there is one in this house to-night with whom the Holy Spirit is . : - ,..j.k\; ,:>' ■.-■•-! *.--.* v> r '-. ■ THE GLORIES OF EARTH AND HEAVEN COMPARED. 4|. striving, let mebeg of you, not to resist, but stay to the enquiry meet- ing and make your peace with God this night ! Don't oppose him; don't reject him-~Oh, dying man, don't let the Spirit strive with you in vain, until He gives you up and forsakes you, and leaves you for- ever. If He does you are lost forever and forever ! There were a number of conversions at the enquiry meeting. THE GLORIES OF EARTH AND HEAVEN COMPARED. Another great crowd of people assembled in Centenary M. E. church Monday night, October 1st, to hear the great evangelist. The gas machine which supplies light for the church got out of order arid would not work, but the congregation remained until lamps were secured Mr. Peason remarked on the interest in the meetings thus manifested and thanked God that it was so. He read the 5th chapter of 2nd' Kings, and preached about the cure of Naaman, the commander of the Syrian hosts, who was a leper. I am going to preach you an 'expository sermon to-night-- a lesson, a practical and important lesson, for every careless and unconcerned man of the world, and for every child of God, and for every penitent sinner seeking salvation ! '■'' Naaman was a big man in his country. He was commander of the army of Syria — a great general, a nobleman, a statesman, a man of great earthly power. But he was a leper / ■'■■ > >. I am going to show you that this world, with all its honors and emoluments, is nothing when compared to Eternity. Some men say that religion may do for the weak men and women, v.'ho have nothing else in particular to do ; but we business men, we statesmen, we great politicians, must attend to our business and to the affairs of State. These things arc of mote importance than religion to us. 1 want to explode this common theory to-night And Mr. Pearson proceeded to do this in his own reasoning, argu- mentative and masterly way. He showed how all Naaman's wealth, influence and power could not cure him of the disease which com- pelled him to be ostracised and shut out from association among his fellow men; how the lowly servant maid was the means of influencing Naaman to seek a cure through God, the only physician who could ■42 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Ileal him. He dwelt on Naaman's hesitation and dqubts; how he wanted to know why washing himself in the rivers Abana or Pharpar, clear and sparkling streams, would not cure him as well as dipping seven times in the muddy Jordan; how he wanted to ' dictate to God the terms of his cure; how he wanted to buy the remedy and couldn't, and on what terms he was finally healed ; and how Gchazi was smitten with leprosy for abusing his master's name to Naaman. Now, let us take up and consider some of the big things of this world. Take the Presidency of the United States — the highest and greatest and most honorable office to which man can attain, the acme of human ambition. ■■ • --- Suppose a man is elected to that exalted office, as some man will be in about six weeks hence, and he makes a wise ruler, his administra- tion becomes a brilliant one, he gains a world-wide reputation as a remarkably great man, and he dies, as die he must. What then ? I go to Washington and see a great funeral cortege moving down Pennsylvania avenue; there is pomp and pageantry and brilliant mili- tary display, and an immense multitude watch as the procession goes by. I enquire of some spectator what it all means and he says, " Why, this is the funeral of the greatest President that ever lived" And I say, hold on there until I tack this card on his coffin : " Buf he was not a Christian!" What did his brilliant career amount to ; what does all this pomp and display amount to, after all? He did not serve his Maker; he died without making his peace with God, and he went to hell just as the humblest unsaved citizen of the country he governed would go. What is the Presidency without God? I would rather live in a log cabin with the bare necessaries of life, feeling secure in the love of Jesus, than be President of the greatest country in the world and live and die without God in the most magnificent palace the hands of men could erect. Well, this man says he does not want to be President. He merely wants to be a successful politician and a statesman. All right. John Randolph, the Bald Eagle of Congress, was a successful politician and a great statesman. He is said to have been the most sarcastic man in Congressional life, and sarcasm is always an evidence of intellect - -.Just before John Randolph died he wrote " Remorse ! " three times ; on a card, stuck the card in his vest pocket and died. I will not say that John Randolph died an unsaved sinner, but on the supposition that he did, I look at his big funeral and say, "What's this?" THE GLORIES OF EARTH AND HEAVES COMPARED. 43 Why, says one, this is the funeral of the great John Randolph, of Roanoke, the Bald Eagle of Congress, one of the greatest men our country has produced. Hold on, I say, until I nail this to his coffin : " But he was lost!" What did his popularity, his statesmanship, his sarcasm amount to, if he died an unsaved sinner? Well, here is another man, and he says he only wants to be a great orator. All right. Take Gambetta, of France, a man who could sway multitudes with his eloquent tongue, as the wind bends the reed. When Gambetta died he exclaimed, "I am lost!" Well, I see the great display at his funeral, and they tell me they are burying the most . eloquent man of his day, the modern Demosthenes. And I tack on his coffin the fatal words: "But he was lost!" What did his eloquence and what does his fame amount to? What will his silver-tongued oratory amount to in the great day of judgment? Nothing! i\bso- lutely nothing. Here is another man, and he says he doesn't want to be president, nor a statesman, nor an orator. He wants to be a successful merchant and business man. All right. A. T. Stewart, of New York, was a successful merchant and business man, and he died. They all die; don't you forget that — they all die, and you are going to die some time. Stewart was a man who had reached the pinnacle of mercantile success. Suppose I see his funeral moving along Broadway and Fifth avenue, and they tell me that they are burying the merchant prince of New York and the United States. Well, I say hold on until I tack this card to his coffin: "But he was lost!" What did his earthly suc- cess amount to? Nothing! Well, some man in Winston says, I only want to be the biggest and most successful tobacco manufacturer in North Carolina. Well, you become that, and one day I happen in Winston and see a great crowd of carriages following a hearse, and I ask what that means. 1 hey tell me that is the funeral of our largest and most successful tobacco manufacturer, and 1 say, Was he a Christian? "No." Well, hold on until I tack this card to his coffin: "But he was lost. 1 '' What did his success amount to? "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ?" I had rather be a twig or a twist of the tobacco which that man made than to be the corpse of the unsaved sinner in that hearse- But it is useless to argue the question any further on this line All can see that the glories of earth are but a bubble when compared with the Glories of Eternity, and I will close this feature with the case of 44 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. "Lazarus. Read the 16th chapter of Luke, beginning at the 19th verse. Here was a beggar, an outcast full of sores, which the dogs licked. He was as low down in the social scale as men generally get to be But he was a child of Gqd. : ; ' ■ " • Suppose I come along and see, an old mule pulling a dilapidated cart with a pine box in it, and an old darkey acting as master .of ceremonies, taking the body of Lazarus to the Potter's Field to put it in a hole in the ground. . And I ask what that means. I am told that it is the •corpse' of a beggar, a pauper, who ■ had no home and no friends — a poor, poverty-stricken wretch. And I say, Hold on until I tack this .card to the box: "But he was a Christian!" And he was carried by ■the angels 'into Abraham's bosom! ' What is all your earthly wealth' and splendor, compared to the sal- vation of Christ, which of itself makes us spiritual millionaries and joint heirs with God? Some Christians seem to think that they have no influence, and can do nothing toward bringing others to Jesus. But there are none ; so obscure that he cannot do sometJdng for his Maker. Take this little servant maid as an example: Who would have thought that she would be the means of bringing the great Assyrian to his God, by simply saying that He could cure the leprosy. ; a-' ' Because you cannot write a book, or preach a sermon, is no reason why you should not speak a word tor Jesus in season, and when the opportunity presents itseff. ;.-:'. It is not the big sermons, and long-winded dissertations that convert souls to God. It is the timely word more often. - -. '•■ ..■■".. In a certain town in the United States there was a pastor, an educated man, and a fine speaker, who had; amor g his usual congregatfon an infidel. He had been preaching at that infidel for some time, but to no effect. 'Finally he concluded to write a big sermon, and he delivered it in great oratorical style, and a few days after he heard that the infidel was converted sure enough. So he went to see the man, and he asked him what particular part of his sermon had the desired effect on him. The new convert astonished him by replying that no part of his im- mense effort had any effect on him at all. And then he told him what did bring about his conversion : As he was going down the church steps an old lady fell, and would have been badly hurt had he not caught her. She looked up into the infidel's face, and, thanking him, said, "Mister, do you love Jesus?" . ." 7 That was all. But those words, "Do I love Jesus?" rang in that 1 ■ •*- & ■ LAYING UV RICHES. ■ /K man's ears day and night, until he finally was convinced that he did love Jesus, and said so. Oh, my friends, do you love Jesus? If you do, drop a word here and there for him and the great cause of religion. All can do some- thing, -v, Cf We are taught in this lesson that God will permit no man to dictate to him the terms of salvation. No matter how high and influential, and powerful and rich you are, you have got to accept this religion on God's terms — the very same terms which are offered the lowliest in life — by grace., I had a man to say to me once that he would give rue his check for gio.ooo if I would make him feel as happy as I appeared to be. But you can't buy the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ Oh, dying man, accept God's terms and be happy! Don't try to dictate to him, but accept God's plan in God's way, and go to heaven. LAYING UP RICHES. i - ; i ■ r . i me. Pearson's sermon to 'the. business men. On Tuesday morning October 2d, Mr. Pearson preached especially to the business men of Winston-Salem. The capacious church build- ing was crowded to its utmost capacity by both old and young men, representing the various occupations in life. Many merchants and other business men closed their establishments during the service, in order that both themselves and their employees could attend. Mr. Pearson took his text irom the 6th chapter of Matthew, ir> ?■) verses : " Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where' neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steaL For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." I want to call your special attention to the 1 9th verse, wherein it is said, "Lay not up treasures for yourselves" Sec, and there are sev- eral observations which I desire to make at the outset J.6 THE GREAT EVANGELIST, a ' There is a common idea prevalent among some people that it is sinful to be rich. This is a very erroneous idea. Some of the best men I ever knew were rich men. Abraham was a wealthy man, and yet he was the father of faith. Some men think there is a good deal of virtue in being poor. But there is not. Some of the worst-men I ever knew were poor men. While wealth has its snares, poverty also has its peculiar temptations. It is not riches or poverty that we should seek, but the wherewith to be content. And there is an idea that business must be divorced from religion. It is a great mistake for a child of God, especially, to entertain such an idea as this. The idea that a man cannot be both a successful bus- iness man and a consistent Christian is a very erroneous and dangerous one. Combine business and religion. Don't go to either extreme, or you will have one or the other of these examples : Here is a man who is all business with no religion. He may gain the world, but he will lose his soul. Here is another man who is all religion and no business, and he will land in the poor-house. Don't take either extreme, but combine your business and your religion. If you are a business man, be one. Be a diligent business man, but be fervent in spirit also. That is the Bible idea of a business man. Be straightforward in your business and in your religion. Take the case of John Wannamaker, of Philadelphia. He is a model business man, and yet he is one of the most earnest, consecrated Chris- tian men in the United States. Instead of divorcing your business from your religion you want to bring them together. You cannot properly conduct a business unless a Christian spirit actuates you, and we cannot successfully conduct spiritual matters without money. '"Are you a successful businessman? If so, how did you become so ? God gave you the talent. Are you a successful preacher? God gave you that talent, and he will hold us responsible for the way in which we exercise our talents. It takes money to build churches and to carry on any kind of gos- pel work. ' ' ' •- • ■-^■•^'■■'■■'■'- ■■'■ /■.'- Some people have an idea that it does not require money to run the church. I once heard of an old lady who was very proud of the fact that she had been a Christian for 15 years and it had cost her only 15 cents! v ^' ''■: ' " ' LAYING UP RICHES. 4/ The preachers preach the gospel, and you business men support the pastors and send money to the heathen. God will bless you for that. The men who furnish the money will get their part of the reward for the good the pastor and the missionary do with it. People are not required to starve in order to get to heaven At a camp meeting I was holding once, some of my friends took up a collection, without my solicitation, for my benefit. One old fellow met me and said : " Pearson, I didn't know you preached for money." I told him I did not, but that I could not eat souls, and if I could it would take a dozen of such as his to make a meal. Let us bring our hearts, our money, and our religion and consecrate all to God. Now, I propose to show you how you can lay up treasures in heaven and make money too. Read the following quotations which bear on this great subject : Luke, 12:19-21; Matthew, 19:22; Matthew, 13:22; Matthew, 19:23; Timothy, 6:9 and 10; James, 1:11; Ecclesiastes, 5:10; Proverbs, 11:4; James, 5:1, 2 and 3 ; Timothy, 6:11. "And I will say to my soul, Soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years ; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee, then whose shall these things be which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God' : — Luke, $2:19-21. What is the danger taught, in this lesson ? That a man in laying up riches is likely to forget God. Here was a man, presumably a farmer, who was not a bad man at heart. But, mark you, all his time was spend in laying up riches for himself. How did he lose his soul ? Not by getting rich, but because he forgot God — in his forgetfulness of God he lost his soul. Some of you are rich and some of you are trying to get rich. That is all right. But be careful not to let the accumulation of riches make you forget God. Has it not had that effect already, to some extent, on some of you ? Have any of you forgotten your obligations to God ? Well, let me tell you that some day while you are forgetting God, He will say : "Thou iool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee." You will not be turned into hell because you got rich, but because you forgot God. 4 s THB-GKEAT EVANGELIST. "But wheti the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrow- ful, for he had great possessions." — Matthew, 19:22. Here was a young man — a moral, sober young man. Perhaps his onry fault was the fact that his mind was wholly wrapped up in his riches and in the accumulation of wealth. And he went away sorrow- ful. Why ? Becauce his money caused him to reject Christ. The young men who have all the money they want are the hardest to convert. The pastors of New York will tell you that it is the rich who are the hardest to make Christians of. Why ? Because they have all in this world they desire. Talk to those people about self- denial ! It is a gospel they do not understand. And then we see poor people with the appetite for riches, and if they had them they would gratify themselves in the same way some of the rich do. It is no harm to get rich honestly, if you do not allow your riches to come between you and Christ. This laying up of riches for one's self is calculated to choke the scriptures. See Matthew 13:22. The cares of the world, and the deceitfulnessof riches are calculated to choke God's word in our hearts. I have in my mind's eye now a man, an exemplary Christian gentle- man, who embarked in a splendid business, and he finally became so engrossed in his business that he couldn't go to church, and he drifted away from God and from God's people. I talked with him, and he told me that he was losing spiritual growth — not because he was successful and rich, but because he allowed his riches to choke the word of God in his heart. God says, keep the Sabbath day holy. By riding out to your farm on Sunday, and giving instructions to the hands about the work for the following week; by going to the post office and opening your business letters on Sunday, and spending the balance of the day think- ing how you will answer them— by such things as these you are breaking the Sabbath day and choking G8d's word. And you are choking God's word by self-indulgence who have big hot dinners on Sunday, while the poor cook is deprived of the privilege of hearing the gospel preached. ' lam a regular blue-stocking Presbyterian in my views on these subjects. • ; ....... . -/-_-.--«> There are business men who make it convenient, when they go to New York to purchase goods, to put in Sunday on the road traveling. No thoroughly good Christian business man will do it. 1 LAYING UP RICHES. try And there is this Sunday visiting business. Young men take Sun- day afternoons to visit their sweethearts. A daughter of mine should not receive her gendemen friends on Sunday if she never got married Riches have their temptations, and that is why, in Matthew 19:23,. we are told that it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Are you going to lay up riches? Then let your outflow increase in proportion to your income. You cannot grow rich and shut up your heart and refuse to help the poor and God's work, and be a Christian. You ought to give at least one-tenth of your income to God's work. And you ought to do it because it will keep your soul open, and tie- cause a man who honors God in this way can grow rich and maintain his Christian integrity. I keep a bank that I call God's bank, and once a year 1 take out the money and send it to help build some church, to buy tracts and liter- ature, to support some missionary, or to educate some young man for the ministry. After a trial, I find that I can live better and happier on the nine-tenths than I could on the ten-tenths, and I would not be deprived of this privilege of giving for anything. I would as soon think of putting my hand into a man's pocket and taking his money without his knowledge or consent as to receive $100 and not give $\o of it to God. If the church members of this country would give only a small por- tion of their. incomes to the support of the gospel, there would be no church mortgages on record. Oh, how it would lubricate the machin- ery of religion! Mr. Pearson here took occasion to severely denounce church fairs and festivals. He doesn't believe in such schemes and has no use for them. Another trouble about riches is that they "drown men in destruction and perdition." See I. Timothy; 6:9 and IO. "But they that will be rich, fall into temptation, and f- snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." The man who will make money, any how; honestly if he can, but means to get! rich any way, had better look out, for by loving riches better than he loves his God, he will pierce his heart with sorrow and drown his soul in perdition. 3° THE GREAT EVANGELIST. At this juncture Mr. Pearson remarked on the practice of betting and condemned it in strong language. It is much better to be satisfied with getting an honest living in an honest way. There may not be so much money in it, but there is a great deal more heaven. The riches of this earth fade away. See James 1:11. Yes, you may lay up riches here, but they will fade away. I know many men who were once wealthy and who are now poor. Are you going to lose your soul for something that will fade away? . And, then, riches satisfieth not. In Ecclesiastes 5:10, we have these words : " He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loveth abundance with increase; this is also vanity." Riches cannot satisfy your spiritual wants, and not always your temporal desires. I heard of a lady who paid $7,000 a year for a fancy cook, and she was such a dyspeptic that she could only eat hoe-cake and drink milk! Vanderbilt once said he would give anything if he could eat and relish a "square meal," and enjoy a good night's rest. Why the poor- est of us have that! Riches profit not in the day of wrath. See Proverbs 11:4. Riches will not profit you in the day of wrath, but that day of wrath is coming! Suppose you hoard up riches and meet God on the day of wrath, what will it have profited you if you have gained the whole world and lost your own soul? Earthly riches rust and canker and eat your flesh. See James 5:1, 2 and 3. If you have riches and do not use them properly they will rise up against you in the day of judgment. Mr. Pearson here took occasion to censure the rich for paying poor people less than their services were worth. He denounced the rich lady of fashion who "jews" the poor mantua-rrakers down to the last cent, and who pays her domestic help barely pauper wages, and de- clared that her money would canker and rise up against her in the day of judgment • • •.-' May God help us to do as we would be done by! I .--. .:. '"..* < . . _.. .,', ..*. r -- ■'■-. . . l THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 5 I THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. ' Centenary M. E. church was fillled again on Tuesday night, October 2d, to hear the Great Reasoner preach on the Second Coming of Christ- Mr. Pearson took his text from John, 14:1-3 — "Let not your heart be troubled ; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's- house are many mansions ; if it were not so I would have told you. 1 go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." These are the words of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ — words of consolation spoken to the children of God. Jesus Christ was in the world once. He suffered for our sins, was crucified dead and buried, and arose from the dead for our justification and ascended unto heaven. Now, this same Jesus will return again. And it is remarkable how these two facts are linked together in the sacrament of the Lord's supper. So, I want to talk to you to-night about the second coming of Christ There is a great deal of myth and fanaticism and controversy about this subject in the minds of a great many people. Some people think that it merely implies the triumphant death of the Christian ; others, that the universal spreading of the gospel and the triumph of the church means the second coming of Christ ; others think that it refers to the millennium and thai that, per se, means the second coming of Christ. So far as fanaticism is concerned, there are cranks on both sides, and the same is true of nearly all the doctrines taught in God's word. But I don't care anything about these controversies. AH I want to know is what the Bibles says on the subject. Let us keep clear of all theories and notions, and, taking the word of God, see what it teaches Lay aside dogmas and take God's word for it, This is a practical sermon that I am going to preach to you to-night, for God has signally honored this doctrine in the conviction and con- version of men and by reclaiming backsliders. And ] am going to ask three questions : 1. How is He coming the second time ? 2 Wlien is He coming ? 3. WJiy is He coming ? First, then : How is He coming ? '52 "THE GREAT EVANGELIST. •» In 1st Thessaionians and 1 6th verse we have these words : "For ' "the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout," &c. Now, I make the point that He is coming personally. What does "himself" mean? Does it mean the death of the Christian, or the conversion of the world ? No ; it means Jesus Christ himself, and that is the way he is coming — personally. Did He not come that way, in the first place, and toil and suffer and die as a personality? The Lord himself will descend from heaven. The same person is going to walk this earth again. Listen to these words from Acts i:io and u: "And while they looked steadily toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel : which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven ? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." ■ > So, I make the point that He is coming bodily. He will come in the same manner He went to heaven, and He went to heaven bodily. He went with his crucified and resurrected body. And his second com- ing doesn't mean the millennium, or the death of the Christian, or the spread of the gospel and the triumph of the church. And he will come visibly. " Beloved, he cometh with the clouds ; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him." — Revelations, v.j. " Every eye shall see him." Well, some man says, How about the dead ? What did Job say ? Job knew that he would see him again, and he said he would be res- surrected and behold him. Oh, that / could have seen him at Galilee and at the transfiguration ! I did not see him then, but I will see him. I will see him, not crowned with thorns, derided and spit upon, but I will see him as he appears in a cloud of glory ! He who loves me and died for my justification— oh,:I shall see him ! And you who profane and blaspheme his holy name — you shall see him, too. And you will call on the rocks and mountains to fall on you and hide you from his penetrating, all-seeing eye! When the great day of wrath comes, who will be able to stand ? He will come suddenly. "For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven, so shall also the Son of man be in his day." — Luke, 17:24. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. 53 He will come as suddenly as the lightning, and you had better be getting ready to meet him. You don't know how soon you may die and meet him, nor how soon He will return to earth and meet you. He will come unexpectedly. "Therefore, be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." — Matthew, 24:44 By coming suddenly and unexpectedly He found half the Foolish Virgins asleep. So with you, when He comes the second time He will find half of the church members asleep, I am afraid. Those of you who are ready and waiting and watching for him— • those who have their lamps trimmed and burning, will be taken with him to rest, and you slack and slothful church members had better look out God means something when He says "watch." God means some- thing when He says, Keep yourself unspotted from the world. Simeon was watching, and whether Christ appears again this cen- tury, or next, or next, there will be somebody watching then. There- fore, be ready and watch — watch because the Scriptures commands you to watch. Now, as to the second question : When is he coming ? If you mean by "when" the exact time, 1 answer that no man know- eth — not even the angels in heaven. Some crank says He cannot come before the millennium. Well, if you can't say when He will come, you cannot tell when He will not come. The very fact that He set no lime, and instructed us to watch for bis coming, implies that He may come at any time. My opinion, based on the scriptures, is that He will come before the millennium. Read the 30th verse of the 12th chapter of Matthew. Now, when will be harvest time? It will be when Christ comes, whether it be at the end of the century or at the end of the world If the "wheat" and the "tares" are to be separated when He comes, it pressages that He will come before the millennium. The 20th chapter of Revelations tells us that the devil is to be caught and bound and cast into a pit for a thousand years, and at the end of that period he is to be turned loose again. Well, if you are to have a thousand years of the millennium while the devil is shut up, and can't have any after he is turned loose again, how are you going to have any millennium before Christ comes and binds the devil and shuts him up? 54 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Read the nth chapter of Isaiah. "And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth." Christ will come to introduce the millenium, instead of the millen- ium coming to introduce Christ. '- " - We saw a while ago in Revelations 1:7, that there would be wailing. If there is to be a millenium of a thousand years before Christ gets here, what are the nations to wail about? Oh, should He come to-night, would I wail to see my Jesus? Him whom I love better than my own life? No. I would shout, "Glory hallelujah!" Why? Because all my suffering would be over; because I would meet my sainted dead; because I would be with Christ world without end! Those who are lost will do the wailing. Because this world will not be saved by preaching is no argument for saying the gospel is a failure. I have preached with all my strength, but I have not converted all to whom I have preached. I am preaching to some to-night who will not come to Christ and be saved. The gospel is preached as a witness that God loves you, and to prove that you can be saved if you will. Third question: Why is He coming again? What for? He is coming to bind the devil, to purge the church, to revolution- ize the world, to make all things new. He is coming to gather his people to himself. And our sainted dead — He will gather them to himself, also. God will bring the spirits of the just man, purified and made perfect, and the graves will be opened, and the dead will arise. No wonder Paul called it, "Blessed hope." We will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And this old earth is to be set afire, and it will melt with fervent heat. But He will gather his living and dead saints to himself before He sets this world on fire. If it had not been for the good men and women here, this earth might have been set on fire long ago. Would you perish in that way? If not, trim your lamps and keep them burning — be ready and watch for the Second Coming of Christ. You have the Bible, read it; you have the gospel preached to you, heed it. For Christ is coming to punish those who have knowledge of him and will not seek salvation. f( v! . "And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels — in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlast- ing destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." — II Thessalonians 1:7 to 9. SERMON TO THE YOUNG MEN. 55 Punished with everlasting destruction ! Yes, blessed Jesus is coming again, bodily and in person — Christ who loved you so well that he let men scourge him, and spit upon him, and crucify him, that you might have Eternal Life! He has sent men to preach the gospel to you, and you reject i ; . and live on in your sins. What then? He is coming to punish with everlasting destruction those who know not God and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Will you be numbered with that class? Oh, dying man, will you obey that gospel to-night, and seek him while He may be found. Will you call upon him while He is near? God grant that you may; and when He comes, may we all pass in together to the Marriage Supper! SERMON TO THE YOUNG MEN. On Wednesday night, October 3d, Mr. Pearson preached especially to the young men. He said he wanted to hold out to the young men for imitation some noble Christian character, and he had selected Daniel as that character. My heart goes out especially to the young men, and I want to call your attention to the remarkable character of one of the grandest men. that ever lived — a model statesman, a model politician, a model busi- ness man, and, withal, a model Christian of unflinching and uncom- promising integrity and fidelity. Go to God's word and examine into the life of one of the noblest, grandest men that ever lived — Daniel. Re^d the first chapter of Daniel, first to ninth verses. In the first place, Daniel was a Scriptural young man. He knew and believed and obeyed the Scriptures, and he modeled his character after the teachings of this Blessed Word. Now, Nebuchadnezzar, in selecting Daniel as one of those to be taught statecraft, that he might become a politician and a statesman, required that he should study so and so and eat such and such things. Daniel decided that he would not defile himself by eating the food thus prepared for him. God had told him that he, a jew, must not 56 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. eat certain kinds of meat, and the question with Daniel was, "Shall I obey the king of Babylon or the King of Heaven ? I have got to dis- obey one or the other. Now, which one ? That is the issue." And Daniel determined to obey the King of Heaven and to do what the Scriptures taught him to do. . -. He was told that if he did not obey the king of Babylon he would be beheaded, that he would be executed on the block, and I can imagine Daniel saying: "Very well ; let them kill me if they will. I will lose my head sooner than disobey my God !" That is the sort of stuff to make young men of. That is the sort of stuff of which heroes are made. Are any of you young men going to be statesmen? Are you going to do anything to elevate your race? Is the world going to be any better for you having lived in it ? If so you've got to take your stand on God's word, let fashion and style say what they may. Plant both feet firmly on the teachings of the Bible and say, " Here I stand or fall ! " Will you do it ? One of the saddest sights to me is to see so many young men who do not read, study or believe very much of the Bible. God says the Scriptures will make you wise in matters of salvation. What if you are wise in everything else, and lose your soul? In the 119th Psalm and 9th verse we have these words: "Where- with shall a young man cleanse his way ? By taking heed thereto according to thy word." If any of you profane God's name (and I am afraid some of you do — most senseless and despicable practice!), remember that the Scriptures say you shall not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. These same Scriptures tell you that no drunkard, no covetous man, no whoremonger shall enter the kingdom of heaven. If you obey God's word you will be cleansed from all such sins. Oh, be like Daniel— be a Scriptural young man ! Be careful in your selection of associates. Do as Daniel did, and select christian young men, who love God, and have some backbone, as your companions. Daniel owed much to his associations. There is nothing more important in your career, pertaining to your welfare in this world and the next, as the character of the young men whom you choose as your daily associates. " Birds of a feather flock tegether." Show me the associates of a man, arid I will tell you the character of that man. ■■::■';-- ;;"_■ • :- [• u • ■ ■-;- ■■... i-o '; . : J r- ,, Don't associate with young men who speak sneeringly of pure wo- SERMON TO THE YOUNG MEN. 57 men, or those who make fun of religion and speak lightly of the Bible. Daniel did not associate with that class of young men. And when you select a companion for life, get a pure, good, christian woman, rather than a fashionable "society" one, if you value your future happiness. Read the 3d chapter of Daniel. Merc was Daniel refusing to wor- ship the golden image. He would bend the knee to none but God, and all the persuasion of others could not induce him to go through even the form of worshipping the golden image. Daniel was a man of prayer. See Daniel 6:10. He was not afraid to pray, and although he knew the edict of the king was signed, order- ing all to worship only the golden image, he went to an open window, his accustomed place in his room, and with his face toward Jerusalem, continued to pray to his God. He knew he would be cast into the lion's den if he was discovered, and yet he made no effort to conceal the act. He wouldn't even close the blinds. He was discovered, the fact was reported to the king, and Daniel was: cast into the lion's den. Daniel was praying when they took him, and I can imagine him praying as he laid his head on the shaggy mane of the lion and slept as peacefully as a child! Daniel knew that his God could protect him, and his faith was so strong that he was satisfied that He would shield him fnc'r.'i harm. And because of this the king acknowledged Daniel's God as the only true God. That is the kind of praying young men we need to-day. Don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be afraid of ridicule. There was a Christian young man attending a certain college, and he had a room to himself, until a new student, a godless young fellow, arrived one day. The two got along all right during the day, arid when the time to retire arrived the Christian young man, as was his custom, kneeled by the bedside and began to pray, whereupon the new student stepped up and stuck a pin into him. The young man delib- erately arose, seized a chair and knocked his tormentor in the head with it. Then, without examining to see how badly the young mar. was hurt, he again kneeled and finished his prayer. • His new room-mate had more respect for him after that, and he was not troubled with pins again. Don't be afraid or ashamed to pray. And if you are on your knees praying and some one comes into the room, you stay where you are until you finish your prayer. Don't jump up and blush and look like a man who has been caught stealing, or doing some other disgraceful act, 38 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Some men think they have not time to pray. That is a great mis- "take. Daniel had more business than Cleveland and all his cabinet to perform, and he found time to pray three times a day. And here is some ioxi2 corner-grocery merchant saying, he "hasn't time" to pray. That won't do. Daniel passed safely through this ordeal because he believed in God. There is an ordeal which you will have to- pass through, and if you want to go through it successfully you must have faith. Don't rely so much on your brains or your shrewdness. Rely on God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you have faith, and put your trust in Him, you will come out more than conqueror, Daniel measured arms with a king, and came out successful. Are you going to be a power in the land, and take hold of poor, fallen, sin-cursed humanity and lift it up? Then be like Daniel — a man of taith. Don't live to be a mere bubble on earth. Be a power for good-! ■- " Daniel was taught of God. Had he not been he could not have read the hand-writing on the wall. . -::.-- , Read this Bible: it will teach you the way to heaven! And Daniel was honored of God. How many are there here to- night who would have turned to God as Daniel did when ordered to worship the golden image? Where are the worldly young men who obeyed that order and turned their backs on the only living and true God? They are covered with the dust of time, while the life of Daniel shines with historic splendor. Young man, God has a work for you to do. Will you go and per- form your duty? . ■-:.;■• It is esteemed a great honor to have a niche in the capitol at Wash- ington, and in Westminster Abbey. But that is not my idea of glory. Oh, it is the height of my ambition, and it should be the height of your ambition, to find and fill, at the end of our earthly labors, the niche in the Temple of that city not made with hands, eternal in the heavens! If you have not yet confessed Christ, do it this night Enlist your- self on God's side. Emulate the example of Daniel and stand by his side in the great Day of Judgment! •.;.: :. . . : ::r i- . ' ' ■ - .■- fei , l* .; i.li :..'-• ' li A'Sji . ' . ■ '-" J.' ...~'fj LOOKING UNTO JESUS. 59. LOOKING UNTO JESUS. THE FAREWELL SERMON OF MR. PEARSOX. Mr. Peason preached his farewell sermon Thursday morning, Octo- ber 4th. It was especially adapted to the new converts. He took his text from Hebrews, 12:2: " Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith ; who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." I want to talk especially to the young converts to-day. You have a joy set before you, and to realize that joy you want to lay aside the sins that possess you, and you must not get out of patienee or be dis- couraged if the devil sometimes gets the better of you.. Now, what is the best thing to do to accomplish this object ? Look to Jesus. What has been your besetting sin ? Drunkenness ? Desecration of the Sabbath day? Neglect of God's word? Then, in order to lay it aside you must look to Jesus. Now, there was the case of Peter. He was all right as long as he kept his eye on Jesus, but as soon as he took his eye off of Jesus and began to look at the boat and the waves he began to sink then and there. And that will be the case with you if you look around and meditate on the temptations that will beset you, instead of keeping your mental eye on Jesus. When we look to Jesus, what are we looking for ? What is it that is to be obtained ? What is He to us — what is Jesus to the young convert ? In the first place, He is our Redeemer. " Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law."— Galatia is, 3:13. Here Fie is held up as our Redeemer. Let us look at him in that light. He will redeem the penitent from the eternal consequences of sin, and from the power of the devil. There is a mortgage on your soul. You are morally bankrupt, and you have no resources to lift that mortgage. Your only salvation is through the grace of God, and Jesus Christ is the only one through whose instrumentality the mortgage can be lifted. Neither you nor I can lift it — it must lifted by the atoning blood of our Saviour. "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give «o "THE GREAT EVANGELIST, an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is m you, with meekness and fear." — I Peter, 3:15. Christ is the only one in the Universe of God that can satisfy divine justice. The conclusion, then, is irresistable that you must accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, or die in your sins a moral bankrupt. See Romans, 16:26 and 27. Let me give you an illustration : Here is a young lady, a marriage- ble young lady. She is heavily in debt, and can't pay the mortgage that is held on her property, and yet it is evident that if she does not lift the mortgage she will be a bankrupt. A marriageable man comes along and he marries this young lady, and he pays off the mortgage held by a third person. The mortgagor is thus satisfied, the mortgagee is satisfied, equity is satisfied, and the debt is paid to the satisfaction of all concerned, and ;yet the young lady did not pay the debt. The young man was her redeemer in that momentary crisis, and she accepted him as such. Now here you are, a miserable sinner. You have violated God's law, and there is a mortgage on your soul. Christ comes along and pays it off That satisfies God, but Christ is not satisfied unless you accept him as your Saviour. When that is done, God, justice, equity, and Christ are all satisfied and the debt is paid. On the other hand, if you reject Christ as your Saviour you will be cast into hell, there to stay until the last farthing is wiped out — and that will be for all eternity. Do you accept Jesus os your Redeemer this morning? Read about Abraham, the Father of Faith. Do you know the secret of Abraham's faithfulness ? It was this : Abraham had his eye fixed continually on God. Don't look at your surroundings so much — look to Jesus. And there was Moses. What was the secret of Moses' meekness ? Read the 7th chapter of Hebrews. The faith of Moses was so great that he could look beyond the skies. See Ihim on Mount Sinai. See him in the Promised Land — he got there after death, thank God. Think of Moses at the Transfiguration, and imagine how happy he was when he realized the delights for which he had rejected earthly honors. The reason the world is so attractive to you is because you are look- ing at the world entirely. You don't see anything better. If you would look to Jesus the one object of your life would be to glorify God. LOOKING UNTO JESUS. 6 1 The very best, and the only, preventive against sin in this world, and against the allurements of the devil, is "Looking to Jesus." Your besetting sin would not be half so attractive if you did not look at the world so much. Look to Jesus when in trouble for help ; and when you are prosperous and happy, look to Jesus still, and thank God for his goodness to you. Talk about sorrow and suffering. You don't know what sorrow and suffering is. Think of Job, who lost health, property, children, all he had in the world, and, to cap the climax, whose wife told him to "curse God and die." Think of the faith of Job under circumstances like those. What else is Jesus to us? He is our Leader. See Isaiah, 55:4: " Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people." He has given him for a Leader to the people. Here is a question for you young converts. You are starting out on a new life and you want a leader. The vital thing for you to do at the outset, is to accept Christ as that leader. Resolve in the beginning that whatsoever the world may do or say, you will accept Jesus as your leader; that you will follow him in your daily lives, and that whenever and wherever you see the banner of Christ raised, either in or out of the church, you will rally around that banner and stand by your leader. Whenever temptation besets you, look to Jesus, your leader, and fol- low him, and then you will not drink whisky, or play cards, or go to the circus ts hear the clown ridicule the Bible, or talk about or take advantage of your neighbor, or desecrate tne Sabbath clay, or profane God's holy name. Look for the footprints of Jesus, and follow in them! You will find them in your poverty-— Christ was so poor that he had not where to lay his head. You will find them all along the Path of Rectitude ! You will find them all along life, even to the grave. Yon find the footprints of Jesus in the grave. And when you reach the heavenly shore beyond the tomb— you will find the footprints of Jesus there ! Follow him while you live, look to Jesus when you die, and when you reach the Eternal City on the other shore, the very first thing your eyes will fall upon- will be the Footprints of Jesus! He is the Leader. Follow him, let the consequences be what they may, and He will shield you from harm. 62 THE GREAT EVANGELIST. Jesus is also our Commander. Have you been a soldier? If you have you know that a soldier's first duty is to obey orders — obedience. Then obey your Commander. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus, your Commander, who is your only Commander. Don't go by what people say. Don't go by what your pastor says, even, if his views conflict with the teachings of the Bible. Jesus Christ is your only Commander, and no mere man has a right to dictate to you on spiritual subjects. No man has a right to say that it is ?iecessary that you should be baptized in a particular way. Men may differ in their opinions on this and other subjects, but none have a right to dic- tate or command you in this or on any other subject. Read the Bible and Look to Jesus, your only Commander.' Then Jesus is also our Friend. "There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." — -Prov. 18:24. - •' " ' ' A Friend that sticketh closer than a brother! Yes, Jesus is the best, the truest Friend you have. He is a Friend in need, a Friend indeed — in prosperity and adversity; when the world applauds and when it hisses; in your trials and sorrows, Jesus is your Friend. He is an earnest, warm, true, unswerving Friend. The friendship of man, even the love of your wife and your mother, is as nothing when compared to the friendship of Jesus. \ Christ is our Advocate. It is He who will advocate our cause at heaven's high court. Go into our earthly courts. The prisoner does not plead his own case. He employs an advocate, a lawyer. So, Christ will be the Christian's attorney in that court of last resort, and the devil will be the opposing counsel. And when satan prefers charges against you, Christ will be there to defend his children, his friends. The devil will be able to make a pretty good case against the majority of us, and he is a cunning old devil, and he knows how to argue his side of the question. He will prefer some mighty serious charges against you. If you have been converted to God, and accepted Jesus as your Savior, Christ will be there to defend you, and to defend you success- fully. Jesus will admit the charges of satan, and say that it is true that you were once a sinner, but He will make the point that He liquidated the debt on the cross, and if you are his friend He will say, " Charge it to me." " Get thee hence, satan," Christ will say. " If you have any- thing against my friend, my child, prefer your charges against Me!" " I met you in Winston, and I measured arms with you there !" LOOKING UNTO JESUS. 63 Christ is our Elder Brother. What a distinction to be a brother of Jesus Christ! Talk about the "first families" of Virginia and the "aristocracy" of Europe, and about "blue blood" — I tell you there is a blood I appreciate more than I do "blue blood." I don't know whether I have any blue blood in my veins or not, and 1 don't ot re- But I do know that I am akin to Jesus! • I don't know anything about the aristocracy of Europe; but, thank God, I belong to the Aristocracy of the Skies. I am the child of a King! Christ is also our Judge. In Acts 17:31, we have Jesus represented as our Judge. Does it not make you tremble — ye who have not con- fessed him; ye who have trampled on his laws? He will judge you honestly and truly. I Oh, how I look forward to that great day, and rejoice that Jesu,s will be my judge! This same Jesus who is my redeemer, my leader, my commander, my advocate, my friend, my elder brother — this same Jesus will be my Judge! Christ is our All, and in All. See Collossians 3:1 1. There is a great deal of talk about getting to heaven. Some people seem to think that if they can get into heaven that is all they want — that that is all in alL Well, it depends altogether on circumstances whether I want to go to heaven or not I I don't want to go to heaven if Jesus is not there. My purpose is not so much to get into heaven as it is to be with Christ. There was an instance which occurred in this State that I will relate: A man and his wife had a beautiful little girl. The mother was taken sick and died, and after the funeral the little child was carried back home. She ran into her late mother's apartments and cried, "'Mamma!" No answer. She ran into the parlor, the dining-room, and into every room in the house calling, "Mamma!" And finally r>ome one told her that her mamma was gone and would not come back again, and the poor little thing cried : " If my mamma is not here / don'l want to stay here!" And that is the way I feel about my Jesus. Ii I should go to heaven and find that my Saviour was not there I would not want to stay there. The first thing that! shall do when I walk up the streets of the New Jerusalem will be to ask, Where is my Jesus ? Where is my Re- deemer ? Where is my Leader ? Where is my Friend ? Where is my Judge? Where is my Advocate ? Where is my Elder Brother? He is my all in all ! i "/—&•"" -1/' . :.■/. .-'/■'.■■, 1 ' :-< ,W >r-r. ■ /■'->-■ ■•' • * >— - ' ■ • A:t KSflfi* —•?_■<■*■*■ ^ ( .. 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