General William Lee Davidson Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill }fr. Prcsidciif of the (1 nil ford Battle (! round Conipanij, Ladies and Genlli nii II : Fom-th of July celebrations are visually expectad to be ac- com})anieil with ilights of eloquence and streams of oratory as tlie deeds of our ancestors and the blessings they have secured for mankind are brought to memory. Although a century and a fourth have elapsed since he of whom I s^jeak to you gave his life as a part of the price of the indei>endence of America, yet so little history has been written concerning his services that a simple memorial oration would be but little understood or appreciated by my audience. In order to have true history, we must first collect the ''ana"' or account of the individual inci- dent or deeds of the individual. These the annalist arranges with reference to date of occurrence and then the liistorian is rea'ly for his work. ('om])arison of ev^ents and individuals with panegyrics, etc.. follow. Today 1 come not with an ora- tion, but with some *'ana," some annals, some history concern- ing my subject, a.Jid hope I may fnrni>h a paper that will be useful to the writer and student of North Carolina history. 1 fear that man}^ of our ])eople do not ai>preciate the claims of the State to the glories and blessings of the Fourth of July — hail its coming with joyful acclaim and have a just pride in all that concerns it. The men of whom you shall hear today rendered their services and gave their lives to establish the Foui-th of July as an important date in the calendars of the nations (,f the ea.rth. Then while we will never <-ease to honor the memory of the men who followed Lee and his lieutenants in IS-'Jl-'O;"), let us not forget the services of those who followed Washington and Greene in 1776-'S1, and the blessings they purchased for us. In most of the States there are no localities to recall events of the Kevolution. The oldest inhabitant almost recollects the first house or even when the Indians left. The military monu- ments relate almost Avholly to the Civil War. And as the father tells his son of the hero commemorated, endjellishing with real or imaginary narration, he arouses and perpetuates secfional feeling and keeps alive in the yontli aniniosilv for a portion of his conntrynien. With us it is different: tliis battle- field, Moore's Creek, Charlotte and the other places of revolu- tionary engagements, are object lessons in teaching jtatriotisni. From almost every hill top in my vicinity we see King's ^loun- tain; it aids in perpetuating the valor of our ancestors a?id en- couraging love for the Union. • During the Civil War, Avhen the body of the heroic grandson was interred by that of the grandfather of Kevolutionary fame, pride was felt in his conduct and generations will be taught to remember it — but there was and has been no lessening of the admiration and veneration of the deeds of the grand-sire in making America a Nation. GfiN. WILLIAM LI:K D.WIHSON. Davif^son's Creek, having its source a few miles norlli of Mooresville, in Iredell (formerly Kowan) counly. Hows in a southeast direction and emi)ties into the Catawba i-iver below Beattie's Ford, in Meclclenburg county. Among the families that settled upon the lands of the upper portion of the creek prior to the Revolution were those of Davidson, Ramsey, Rrevard, Osborne, Winslow, Kerr, Rankin, Temi)leton, Dickey, Brawley, Moore and Emerson. They came principally from I'ennsylvania and Maryland. From the David- sons the creek derived its iL-ime. They were generall Scotdi- Ii-ish Presbyterians and as was the custom of these jieople, organized themselves int<> a "congregation" for the jM-omotion of religion and educatioiL Among the early settlers was George Davidson and family, from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1750. His youngest son, William Lee Davidson, was born in 171(5. He was edu- cated at Charlotte at the Academy, which afterwards became successively Queen's Museum and Liberty Hall, but probably attende'd the Centre Academy prior to coming to Charlotte. There is some confusion as to his name — whether 'Lee" is prop- erly a portion of it. He appears upon the muster rolls under both names. In his will, which is recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court in Salisbury, he says: "I, William Lee Davidson," and si^ns it ''Wni. L. Davidson." This settles the (juestion. His pension and land grant for i-ervices are to William Da- vidson. He is not mentioned in the records as William Lee nntil he becomes liC'utenant-colonel, October 4, 1777. So in liis- torical matters he is both William and William Lee and cannot be restricted to either name. I think Lee was the maiden name of his mother, or some of her connection. His eldest son was called George Lee. His yonnjiest son, born several months after his death and named for him, was called William Lee. William Lee Davidson, after reaching his majority, made his home prior to his marriage with his cousin. Major George Davidson. He married ^larv, the eldest child of -John P»revard, and settled on Davidson's creek at what is now known as the McTherson place, and owned afterwards by Hon. Rnfus Reid. He also owned the land npon which Davidson College is located. It was sold by his son, William Lee, to the trnstees of the college in 1835. DAVIDSOX COITNTY. In 178.'>, the Legislature organized the county of Davidson an5, the Concord Presbytery resolved "that the manual labor institution which we are about to build be called Davidson College, as a tribute to the memory of that distin- guished and excellent man. General William Davidson, who in the ardor of patriotism fearlessly contending for the liberty of his country, fell (universally lamented) in the battle of Cowan's Fora." THE DAVIDSON MONUMt^NT. September 20, 17S1, Congress enacted the following resolu tion : "That the Governor and (Council of tlie State of North ('aro- lina be directed to erect a inonunient at the expense of the United States, not exceeding in value live hundred resi«lent (d' the Guilford Battle Ground Comitany, to wlutse ]>atriotic sei-- vices much of the woi-k of preserving and adorning this historic field is due. F.y means of this appro]triation of five thousand dollai'S, this monument Juis been erected, (rnifrdl DurUlHun iras (I cilizoi of Itoi'dii [tioir Ircddl) coiiiilji. (iiuJ liis sci-riccs arc to he rrcditcd to tliat coiniti/ (tiid not to M i'cl}()ihurS, then by regiment or county, then Superior Court districts or brigade, afterwards State or Province. COMMITTEES OF SAFETY. The tirst governing bodies were Committees of Safety, and were organized in New Hanover, Mecklenburg, Rowan and per- haps other counties, as early as YilZ. The county cominittees were generally comi»osed of two representatives from each cap- tain's beat. The convention, May 20, 1775, at Charlotte, was probably the Committee of Safety for ]Mecklenl»urg county. Gen. Graham, in his address at Charlotte, INIay 20, 183"), says these committees continued for fifteen years or more. Subseiiuent to the Kevolution they usually met after the elec- tion and framed instructions to Representatives in the Legis- lature, that he received such instruction in 17S!) nnd 17!MI when Senator. That at that time (1835) there were laws in exist- ence that had been suggested by these committees. The journal of the Committee of Safety of KovN'an county is preserved as early as August 8, 1774, and shows existence before that date. William Davidson appears as a member Seijtember 23d, and was probably one of the members at the organization. He is a]»]>ointe(l a member of a committee <»f twenty-five to see that tlie resolves of the Provim-ial and Continental ('ongi-esses are observed. This is the first appearance of his name njxin Ihe records. At the same session he is appointed a member of a committee to cite certain i»ersons to ajtpear before the Commit- tee of i^afety to answer the charge of aihancing the i)rice of powder. iMii.rriA siORVicic. Angnst 1, 177;"), format i(tn of t-omjiMnies of "minnte men" is antlntrized, who sliall be ready to resjKiiid immediately to the call of the crovided r«tr the <»rganizaiiation, retaining the name Committee of Safety, except for the State, which was called Provincial Conncil. Septend)er I'Oth, his militia company is rejtorted as contain- ing one hunilred and eighteen men. October 17, 177."), nnder the law of the Provincial Congress, he is elected a member of the Committee of Safety for the connty of Kowan, the committee being now elected by the free- liolders and honseholders of the connty. Novend)ei' 2Sth. he reported a company of minnte men as organized and a committee is apixdnted to inspect tlie c(tm- pany and see that it is comi>osed of ''able, elfective men.'' In December, 1775, lie served under Gen. Rutherford against tlie Schovelite tories in South Carolina in the "Snow Cam- l)aign," probably with liis comj>any of minute men; also in the campaign against the Cherokee Indians in the fall of 1770. (State Records, Vol. XV.. ]». 113.) TIIK NORTH CAROLINA LINE, OR CONTINENTALS. In August, 1775, North Carolina organized two regiments to serve "during the war." In April, 177(5, in compliance with the act of Congress to furnish nine battalions "to serve during 9 the war," four more regiments were orj>aiiize(l, wliicli, with the two formed the year before, six in all, comstitvited (he nine battalions. William Davidson was commissioned ^lajor of the Fourth Regiment April 15, 1770. These troops were designated the "North Carolina Line or Continentals," as distinguishing them from the miliiia, which retained its former organi/.ati(»n, and Avas called into service by the State authorities for designated terms of service, gener- ally three months. This distinction of troops was not observed by all the States. Massachusetts and the other New England States succeeded in having Congress to recognize nearly all their troops as ('ontinentals, however short the term of enlist- ment or call to service, and thus had a large force recorded as Continentals who did not serve nearly as long as many of the North Carolina militia, and the New England States thus secured the appointment of a much larger nund)er of general oflScers in the Continental force than they were justly entitled to, and obtained for their troops the benefit of the acts of the Continental Congress. The militia Avas under control of the State, the Continental, of Congress. The frequent reduction of Gen. Washington's forces to incon- veniently small numbers by the return home of nmny of the troops of the Northern States A\'hose short terms of enlistment Avould expire, interfered much with its efficiency and i)revented action of importance to the American cause. This New England continental Army, except the officers, was Avith difficulty kept embodied after Washington assumed com- mand during the siege of JJoston, oAving to short enlistments, and soon melted away Avlien the British evacuated the city in March, 1776. Having had a short military service, they re- turned home to enjoy the comforts of the fireside and the ap- propriations of the Continental Congress. In the campaign of 1776, the loss of the State of New York and the retreat through NeAv Jersey of Washington Avith his depleted army is attributed to this cause. Early in 1777, Congress, in order to remedy this evil, ordered the North Carolina I>rigade to march to re-enforce the armv 10 of the tM>imiuin(lei--iii-cliief, and runiisli liiiii a force that eoiihl be depended uiwn for permanent and ellirient sei-vice. These troops, under Col. Martin, (Jens. II(»\ve and Mo(»re, had "seen service" against the Schovilite tories in South Caro- lina; under Major-General Lee in the repulse ttf Clinton and Tarker at Charleston, S. C., and a.uaii'st the Loyalists of the Cape Fear section. Cen. Moore had died in April, 1777. (Jen. Howe was in command of the Department of the Soiilh. Col. Nash was promoted brigadier general and jdaced in command. The troops were in Charleston as late as February, but before May had assembled at Halifax and begun the march iiorih- ward. In .Ma\-, 1777, i\>\. Alex. >hirlin. uf I he Second Ke^iment, wriles (Jen. ^^'aslling•ton that he has readied Ah'.\aii.!ria. \'a., with the advance of the brigade; that nine ballalious, with a total of forty-five~ hundred men, had left ILilifax as i-eiufcuve- ments to his army; that the men who Isad not liai s;iialli>ox would go into camp (at (Jeorgetown) for iuoc'lation ; that Major dethro Sumner would i)roceed immediately wilh a com- uumd of all the immuues. A report of Major Sr.muer's «-o]n- mand, ten days later, shows only one hundred jui 1 sixty men. This would indicate that 4,300 uien went into cam]) for inocuhi- tion. The nr.mber which died cannot be accurately stated. (Jovernor Grahaui, in his address uison the "Life and Character of (Jen. (Jrreene" (December, ISCjO), states that "An extensive burial place is still recognized in that jdace (Georgetiiwn) as the sepulchre of the North Carj)lying (lie virus from one alTlicted with it to the patient, and he had a genuine case of smallpox. Courage to endure the agonies of this camp was greater than that to face the eue;ny in battle. The trooi>s reached Washington's airmy iu June at Miildle- brook. New Jersey, and were organized by Gen. Nash. There is no report of the services of this brigade as ;i bon- tingent that had assembled at Halifax, and tiience to Washing ton's army. They remained with this army until November, 1779, when the North Carolina Continental Drigade was or- dered to reinforce Gen. Lincoln at Charleston. In May the Legislature had reciuestel the brigade to be sent south. Congress re})lied that this Avas impracticable in the summer, but it would be done in the fall. The brigade then numbered seven hundred and thirty-seven eihcient men. D ar- rived at Charleston in March. Col. Davidson having (detained, en route, a furlough to visit his family, did not report at Charleston before it was encompassed by the enemy and thus escaped cai)ture at the surrender. The muster rolls of the (Continental Line show timt the fiel 1 officers of a regiment each had a com[)any, the ca.ptains being omitted in organization of such companies. In ^'ol. NIV. of The State Records, page 294, there is the roll of Lieutenant- Colonel W. L. Davidson's com})any on April 23, 1779. It con- tained, after leaving the snrallpox camp, (i2 men; 19 of these had died; 9 were in the hospital and 32 present for duty, a death rate of 31 per cent., of dead and disabled 47 per cent. 13 Tlie bi'iji'ade siilforod sevoroly in tlie service witli (Umi. ^VnsIlinJ^- toii. It jserved in rennsylvania, New Jersey ;uul New York, going as far North as West I'oint (one of Davidson's men died at West Point) ; fonglit in the battle of jNloninonth and sliared in all the hardships of this memorable ejioch of the war in that section. The State Avas to snpply tlie clothing, the national govern- ment the rations; the officers to purchase both for themselves. Both officers and men suffered severely, the arrearage of pa3' causing the officers to see even "harder times" than the men, as is shown by corresjtondence witli the State authorities. A letter from (icn. Lockton Mcintosh to Gov. Caswell from the camp at Valley Forge, states that no troojis suffered nntre in the intensely cold winter of 1777-S than did those of North Carolina in Washington's army. In this service, although we see but little recorded mention of Col. Davidson, the esteem in which he Avas held by his com- rades, and others familiar with military movements, shoAvs that he Avas ajiiong the most efficient officers of the brigade. I have never seen a report subsequent to that of Col. Martin in 1777, that returns more than 2. (MM) men. Of tlie 4, ")()!) men AA'ho left Halifax in May, 1777, and the re-enforcements sent in 177S, only 7;>7 etVective men i-eturned to Norlh Carolina in De- cember, 177!). The i"e]»ort for January, 177!), shows jaesent 1,33!), of Avhom 448 are sick. The Third Kegiment re]»orts 35 effective out of 4(»4. SERVICE IN NOUTII CAROLINA MILITIA. When Lord Kawdl. When Ixn-d Kawdon retired 1o Camden, he went willi (5en. Rntherford to Kamsanr's Mill, where they arrived a few honrs after the conliict had terminated. From here he marched with Gen. Kntherford to suppress the Tory leader Bryan in the "forks of the Yadkin." The forks of the Yadkin, as mentioned in hist<»i-y of this time, was not the territory between North and South Yadkin rivers, but that between the creeks east of the Yadkin, mostly in what is now Surry county. IJryan, whose force numbered eight hundred, having learned of tbe battle of Ramsaur's Mill and Rutherford's advance against him, hastily departed to unite with Maj. McArthur on the Pee Dee. Gol. Davidson, with his command, which, according to Maj. Tdount's letter to (lov. Nash, numbered 1C>() (\'(d. NV., ]». <'., State Records), being mounted, was dis]iatcheil down the west side of the Yadkin to overtake him, but the start he had and the celerity with which he moved, enabled liryan to reach his friends without molestation. Learning that a i>arty of Tories were at Gcdson's M\\\ (now probably Lowder's, in Stanly county), near the junction of Rocky and Pee Dee rivers, Col. Davidson, on July 21st, undertook to surprise and cai)tur? them, but his movements being discerned by the enemy, onh' partially succeeded; he killed three, wounded four and cap- tured ten. He was severely woundcil through the loins; aiteu tion being probably called to him by his conspicuor-s uniform; two of liis men were also wounded. He was carried hiune where he remained two months. Al'POINTED BRIGADIER (iENERAL. Gen. Rutherford was wounded and caidured at the battle of Camden, August Kith. Gen. H. W. Harrington, of the Fayette- ville district, w^as assigned temporarily to the command of the Salisbury district. Gen. Sumner having been assigned to the 15 coiiHuaiul of tlie militia in service otlier llian that of tlie Salis- bury district, had Col. Uavidson a}»i>oiiited to coiinnand the "horse'' of his coiiniiaiul. On Auj^^ust ^Jlst, the Legislature appointed Colonel l)a\idson IJrigadier-General of uiilitia for the Salisbury disti-ict dr.rini>- (teneral IJutherford's absence, and Major William K. Davie t-olonel of the cavalry. These a]»i»oiiitiiients met with hearty ai»i»roval in the Salisbury district, but Gen. Harrington, beiiiii' offended at the ap- p(»intment of Gen. Davidson, j>ave notice of his resignation as brigadier-general of militia so soon as the condition of affairs in his immediate command would admit, and on Novem- ber 3d, tendered it to the l)Oard of AVar. He complained of being deprive! of command of the first brigade in the State a deserved comijliment to the Salisbury district. Gen. Har- rington had been an efficient officer and i>erfornied valuable services in the Fayetteville district. There was considerable jealousy between the militia and Continental officers when thrown in the same command. Upon the reception of his commission, Gen. Davidson, having recovered from his wound, inunediately repaired to Charlotte and entered upon his duties. He still, however, retaineil his commission of lieutenant-colonel in the Continental line. The militia were assembling to oppose the advance of Cornwallis, the renve down the Yadkin in order to aid Cornwallis in crossing that stream. Col. Francis Locke, of Kowan, one of the most gallant and use- ful officers of this time, commanded at SherrilTs Ford, and was to be re-enforced by Col. Williams with the militia of Surry and other counties. Col. Locke had won the battle at Rani- saur's ^lill, three months before, when sent by Gen. Rutherford on similar service. 16 CORNWALLIS AT CHARLOTTE. The Yadkin had been designated as tlie place of battle and when Coi-nwallis advanced on the 25tli of September, (Jen. Sumner, with his command, immediately moved, not stopping until he had crossed at Trading Ford, near where the Southern Railroad now crosses. Gen. Davidson took jmsition at Mallaid Creek, eight miles from Charlotte, and committed to Col. Davie tlie opposition of Cornwallis' entrance to Charlotte and Davie in turn committed covering the retreat to Adjutant Graham. There seems to have been no intention to re-enforce the i)arties engaged in the tight, but each command was expected after en- gaging the enemy, to escape as best he could. An account of the gallant tight at Charlotte and the Cross Koads would too much enlarge my narrative and is well told elsewliere. Corn- wallis was awaiting news from P>rguson and did not advance beyond Charlotte. Gen. Sumner did not recross the Yadkin ; Gen. Davidson kept his command at Phifer's, and by detach- ments annoyed the expeditions sent from Charlotte into the adjacent country for provisions and sujijilies. and kept Corn- wallis in ignorance of the movements of his allies. These forays extended entirely around Charlotte and there were en- gagaments almost daily, the most noted being that at Mcln- tyre's farm, October od. The rejmrts of Coi-nwallis and his officers testify to the gallantry of the troops and the ])atriotism of the Mecklenburg ]»eoi>le in these atfairs. While the militia that were called into service to opi>ose Ferguson were assem- bling at Sherrill's Ford. Colonels Cleveland, McDowell, Sevier, Shelby, Hampton, Winston, of North Carolina, and Campbell, of Virginia, of their own accord, wei"e assembling for the same object such of their men as would answer their call. AVhen they had assembled about 1,500 men near Gilberts- toAvu, Rutherford county, the question as to who was entitled to command could not be satisfactorily adjusted, as they were all colonels. On October 4tli they sent Col. Josei)h :\IcDowell to Gen. Gates, asking for an officer to be sent to command the force. The following are extracts fi'om this communication, viz. : 17 ''As we have at this time called out onr militia without any orders from the executives of onr dilfercnit Stales, iind with the view of expellinj* the enemy ont of this part of the conntrv, we think such a body of men ^^•<>rthy of your attention and would rcijuest you to send a jieneral officer immediately to take the command of such troojis as nniy endxxly in this ([uarter. All our Iroojhs heinii uiililia and but little acipiainted with disci- ]»line, we could wish him to be a iientleman and able to keep uj* a pr(tper discipline without dis,nustin_n the soldiery. "It is the wish of such of us as are acipminted with Gen. Da- vidson and Col. INIoryan (if in service), that one of these gen- tlemen nuiy be appointed to this command. ''Benja]\[in Cleveland, "Isaac Shelby, "Andreav Hampton, "AViLLL^M Campbell, "Joseph Winston." Tlie Norlh Carolina men belonged to tJen. Davidson's com- mand and it is highly proltable that he would have been sent. In the meantime Col. Cam]»be!l, having individually the largest number of men, was given command, and on October 7th, the enemy was found and the battle of King's Moinitain won before a connnan(]er was sent. Soon after this (Jen. Snmll wood, (»f Maryland, who had acted so gallautly at Cam leu and had been appointed Major-General or conunander of the North (_'arolina militia in service, arrived and assumed connuand. Gen. Sumner was atfronte:! at the ai)]M»intment and retired from service for a time, or until the arrival of (xen. Greene. We have at this time quite a chapter of dissatisfaction on account of promotions. Hari'ington vs. Davidson, Caswell and Sumner vs. Suiallwood, and Smallwood vs. liaron Stueben, if he should be ]»laced over Iuul The time for which the militia had been called in service ex- pired in November. Gen. Gates had been relieved of the com- mand of the Southern army and his successor. Gen. Greene, had arrived at Charlotte December 3d. Early in December Gen. Davidson ordered into service another detail of militia for three months. It seems to liave beea Gen. Katheriord's 18 plau to have had his regiments divided into "details" to be called into service in succession, while in some commands when a call to service was issued, first volunteers were called (ov to fill it, and what was lacking in volunteers, was obtained by draft. One detail had been sent to Charleston; anotiiei- had been called to meet the first aositi(m to Cornwall is : - NOTE TO COL. jMAUTIX. 'Sir: — IJ.v this time you may be acquainted with the posi- tion the army is to take for the i)resent. In the nu'antime it appears to me that a i)ro])er exertion of the militia of my dis- trict might greatly injure if not totally ruin the British army. I have been delil>erating on this matter some time and submit my plan to your consideration, and iiope that you will en- deavor to ](resent it or something that will be more eligible. My scheme is to send Gen. ^Morgan to the westward with his light troops and rifiemen; one thousand volunteer militia, which I can raise in twenty days, and the refugees from Sout^h Carolina and (Jeorgia to join, which will make a formidable body of desperadoes, the whole to be under Morgan's direction, and proceed immediately to Ninety Six and prossess ourselves of the w:esteru parts of South Carolina, at the same time the main army to move down to the wax haws, which will oblige the enemy to divide (which will put them quite in our power), or vacate the present posts and collect to one point, in which case we can command the country, cut off their supplies and force them to retreat and fight the militia in their own way. The mer&eager waits. T have neither time nor room to make further observations. I think the scheme practicable and cer- 19 lain of success, nnloss the eneniv be i-e-enCoi-ced. Favor me witli vtnir o|>iiiioii on tliis matter, and iK'lieve me, dear sir. "Voiir very obedient and lionoral)le servant, "W.M. Davidsox. ' N. I>. — This c<»mes to von in a private cajtacify." (State Records, XIV., p. 751).) As Gen. Davidson's troo}!S were all infantry, about Jannar\ 1st he proposed to Adjt. Joseph (Iraham, who had ah'eady served one term or three months, altlioniili exenjjit for three years on acconnt of nine months' service in tiie Continental line, and who had jnst recovered frinn wt>nnds received at Char- lotte Septend»er 2r»th, to enlist a body of cavalry, jn-omisinj;' him such raidc a^ the nnml)er e;ilisted won]<] entitle hijn to. In a few weeks he had hi'ty-tive men, only three of whoni were mar- ried, end>odied, and he was commissioned captain. orr-osixG corxwalijs. Gen. Greene, in o}t]»osino- Cornwallis" second advance into NoV-th Carolina, disposed his forces as follows: Gen. Hnger with tlie C(»ntinentals at T'heraw. S. C.. on the east ; (len. ]\[or- o;an witli H(!ward ami Col. William Washington's cavalry and some Xortii Car(»iina militia iin^'er Col. Joseph McDowell, near I'road i-iver, on the west; for a central force, connecting these and ]irepared to a.ct with either as occasion might require, he relied ni)on the miliii.a of Kowan and ^Mecklenburg, under (ien. Davidson. The militia of these counties from the formation of committe3s of safety until the close of the war, while answer- ing in full ](roj>ortion all calls for troo]is for the line or militia service beyond the State, seem to have regarded themselves as always ready to answer calls to service in their own locality, clainnng no exemptions to which any might be entitled on ac- C(uint of any previous service. They only asked that the call should be for fighting and not for ordinary cam]) duty; as soon as the fight was over they return home with or without leave. The history of the Kevolutiiui shows no history of greater valor and ])atriotisni. At the battle of Cowpens, January, 1781, Gen. Morgan de- feated Tarleton, and by death wounds and capture, deprived 20 Cornwallis of the service of one-fifth of tlie most valuable of his regular troops. Cornwallis, in his forward movement, would have to cross the Catawba; arrangements were made lo annoy ami injure him while so doing, and this dutv was assigned Id Gen. l)avids(»n and his North Carolina militia. Cen. (Ireene seems to have had no intention of a battle with Cornwallis; he ordered (Jen. Huger, who commaui^eil the Continentals at Che- raw, to retreat to Cuilfoi-d Court House, which he himself proceeded to do, and when he joined him there continued his journey across the Dan. Gen. Davidson made his arrangements at the respective fords on the Catawba river; ]»ickets of cavalry were ]»laced at Tuckaseege, Toole's and Cowan's Fords. Col. John Williams, of Surry, with two hundred men at Tuckaseege; Capt. Potts, of Mecklenburg, at Toole's, with seventy; Lieutenant Thomas Da- vidson, of Mecklenburg, at Cowan's, with twenty-tive. It was supposed that the crossiiLg- would be at Beattie's Ford, the best crossing on the river, and on the main line of travel in passing through this section. Here were assembled the Orange County militia, under Col. Farmer, and the Mecklenburg under Col. Thomas Tolk. and some of the Rowan men. Gen. Davidson mane his headquarters at this point. Gen. Greene having noti- tied him that he desired to see Gen. Morgan aneattie's Ford, dispatched his brother-in-law, K[»hraim Davidson, then only a lad, to notify them. On January ,*Ust, all parties had arrived at the appointed place within ten min- utes. After an interview of half an hour they se])arated. The enemy appeared on the opposite bank during the conference. In the isorth Carolina Booklet for April,, 19()G, is a detailed account of the battle of Cowan's Ford, hence I omit ]>articulars of it. Gen. Davidson, by the aid of Graham's cavalry, who fre- quently crossed the river, kept well posted as to the position of the enemy. Gen. Greene suggested that the ai)pearance at Beattie's Ford was jtrobably a ruse and that Cornwallis would pass Tarleton over the river during the night at some private ford and attack Davidson in the rear at the point selected for crossing. Patrols were ordered up and down the river be- tween the fords, to be kept moving all night. Gen. Davidson, 21 after Greene's departure, remarked to Capt. Graham that ''This was Gen. Greene's first view of tlie Catawba, but he seemed to know as much about it as those who were reared on it.'' (ien. ihividson had probably learned through friends that Cowan's had been selected as the point of crossin«>', and moved Col. Polk's force and Graham's cavalry to this point, where they arriveil after dark and spent the ni.«ht near by. Inlorma- tion received led them to jkink that the horse ford would be chosen as the route for the crossing. This information was probably gained from persons who had heard the in(]uiries of the officers as to the fords. The horse ford was much the best bottom and shallower water, while the wagon ford was not half the length. The horse ford reaches the bank a quarter of a. mile below the wagon ford. (JEN. DAVIDSON KTLLP^D. Gen. O'Hara, supported by Tarleton, had been chosen as the force to cross at Cowan's. The British entered the water; O'llara's infantry in front, with i)oles to steady themselves against the swiit current, Tarleton's cavalry following. About tiie time "O'llara m(»ved, Webster had his men to go into the river at J'eattie's Ford and fire their guns; also opened with his artillery; made a feint as if he were going to cross in order to detract attention from Cowan's. As soon as Lieutenant Da- vidson's pickets discovered the enemy, they opened fire. They Avere re-enforced by Graham's men, dismounted, Avho joined in the firing. Gen. Davidson, hearing the firing, rei)aired imme- diately to Col. Polk's command and ordered them to move up to the wagon ford. He directed Capt. Graluim to give place to Polk's men and to mount his men, form on the ridge in the rear and be p'rei)ared to meet any attack as (ien. Greene had suggested. The enemy reached the bank before many of l*olk's men got into jtosition, and secui-ing the crossing, immediately loaded, and advancing up the bank, l)egan firing. Gen. David- son ordererl a retreat for 1(10 yards down the river. The firing became so heavy that his command fell back fifty yards farther. tie ordered his men to take shelter l)ehind the trees and renew the battle. The enemy were advancing in line, firing sh>wly, 22 Fiom Cell. J. 1\ Gra/hun and llis Revolutionary I'apcis. 23 when Gen. Davidson Avas sliot, beinjj instantly killed. The in- t'antrv immediately dispersed, lioinj; 11ir<»ni;h the hushes to avoid the enemy's cavalry, ('apt. (Jraham l)i-oni;ht olT his com mand in order. (Jen. Davidson was shot through the left breast hy a small ritie hall. As the British carried muskets, this is sujtposed to have bten done by a Tory, who acted as jiilot to the enemy in crossing the river. The enemy did not discover Gen. David- son's body. They buried the three other Americans who were killed at the river, and all of their dea:l, including ^laj. Hall. He fell down the river from the for.l and they moved up the rivei- on leaving. Gen. Davidson's horse, after he fell, Avent to the house of Maj. John Davidson, Avliere Jos. G. Davidson now lives, near Toole's Ford. Major. David ^Vils(»n, who was with Gen. Davidson when he fell, assisted by his pastor, Rev. Mr. McGaiil, and Richard Hairy, took the body to the residence of Samuel AVilson, where it was prepared for burial and that nij^ht interred at Hopewell church, some three miles away, by torchlight, as the night v/as very dark. It is stated by some writers that the bot-y, before recovery, ha 1 been stripped of its clothing, -but this is very improbable. His sword was recovered and is now preserved at Davidson College. D' the clothing had been taken, the sword Avould not have been left. His grave is still known, although unmarked by memorial stone. Mrs. Da- vidson was informed of the General's death at her home some eight or ten miles aAvay, and her neighbor, George Temjdeton, Avhose descendants still live in the community near Moores- ville, accompanied her to the burial. Thus at the age of thirty-four years fell one of the most use- ful men that North Gar.tlina furnished in the struggle for inde- pendence, after more than six years service in varior.s posi- tions, in each of which he met the demands of the occasion. Light Horse Harry Lee says of him in his "3Ie:noirs :"' "The loss of I'rigadier Davidson would have been always felt in any stage of the war. D Avas particularlj' detrimental in its effects at this period, as he Avas the chief instrument re- lied uiion by Greene for the assembly of the militia, an event all important at this crisis and anxiously desired by the American 24 general. The ball i)assed tlii'ou<;li his breast and he instantly fell dead. This iiroiiiising soldier was thus lost to his conntrj in the meridian ol' life and at a moment when his services would have been hiiihly beneficial to her. lie was a man of popular manners, jdeasinjn address, active and inilefati^able; devoted to the profession of arms and to the great cause for which he fought. His future rsefu.lness may be inferred from his former conduct. The Congress of the I'nited States in gratitude for his services and in commemoration of Iheir sense of his worth, passed suilabk' resolutions." He made his will Decendier, 17S(>, appointing his father-in- law, John Rrevaril, his bother-in-law, W'lu. Sliar]»e, and -John Dickey executors. Only Dickey and Sharpe acted, and in 17S3 presented a memorial to the Legislature of the State for set- tlement of an_iorint due for his sei-vices. This was ordered ]>aid. The matter is again referred to in the session of 17!)(>, Novem- ber L".»tli, and of 17!)!'. H. .1. I)ecend»er .".tli. \\'lien he was ap- pointed brigadier-generaf of the militia, he still reiaine;l his position ii the "line" as (Jen. Kutherl'ord would when ex- changed, assume the command of the luilitia. In l)ecend)er, 1780, (Jen. Sumner was ordered by Congress to report the supernumerary officers of the Continental line who were unnec- essary on account of the reduced number of the force, ami c<)uld be dropped. (Jen. Sumner, in making liis rejtort danuai'y 27, 1781, to Gen. Greene, regrets that the country is to lose the valuable services of these officers. He includes Gen. Davidson in the list, as he states at his re(iuest. (State Kecords, \'ol. XV., p. 501.) On Dccend>er ;}1, 1780, his connection with the North Caro- lina Continentals ended, but the dropped officers, or their widows, were to receive half pay until seven years after the close of the war. (101, Vol. XV.) Davidson's rrigadb after his death. As this [taper is intended to be historical a short notice of Gen. Davidson's Brigade after his death is annexed. A full account of this is given in Gen. Graham's Kevolutionary I'apers. They did not conclude that as the enemy had left their borders 25 tliey would return home and leave liim to the attention of those A\ honi he niiglit next visit, but being- unable to stop his advance, foiiiH'd to annoy his rear and serve as best they could wherever needed unMl their term of service expired. They assembled at Harris' Mill, on Kocky river, the next day and started in ]»nr- suit of the enemy. On the 11th of February at Sliallow Ford they requested Gen. Andrew Pickens, of South Carolina, to as- sume command, as there was no general officei- of this State present, and Major James Jackson, of Georgia, afterwards Gov- ernor of that State, was ap])ointed brigade major, or as Ave say now adjutant general. There were seven hundred of David- son's men and some thirty or forty refugees from South Caroli- na and (icorgia. Gen. Pickens continued in command until the expiration of the three months' term of his men early in March and just before the battle of Guilford Court House. Gen. Pickens, being from South Carolina, has caused histo- ria.ns to credit these troops to that State. Gen. Pickens was a brave and efficient commander and his association with the North Carolina troops entirely jdeawant, but the troojis were North Carolinians and their services should be credited to the State. On February 18th, pre]»arations for battle were made upon the alarm of "Tarleton is coming." It proved to be Light Horse Harry Lee with his legion, whose, unifcu'm — dark green — was the same as that of Tarleton. This was the tirst intelli- gence that Gen. (Jreene had of the Avhereabouts of Davidson's command or that Pickens had that Greene had recrossed the Dan. The brigade then served with Gen. Greene until the term of service exj tired early in March, participating in the engage- ment at Cla})ps, Whitsell or Hart's Mills, Pyle's massacre and other points. Some of them remained longer but the last de- parted for home March 10. A query, concerning which, the students of history can em- l>loy themselves is : whether the seven hundred men of David- son's brigade, nearly all of whom had seen service in two or three campaigns, would not have been more valuable in the bat- 26 tie of Guilford Court House than those of the raw troops of Butler and Eaton ; and if it was not a mistake in Gen. Greene to defer battle awaiting tlie arrival of the latter until Pickens (or Davidson's) men had been disbanded. PAPER RELATING TO GEN. DAVIDSON'S SERVIGES. ROLL OP AV. L. KAVIDSON S COMPANY. Pension Office. P>ook entitled "Novtli Carolina Miseella- ueons Rolls." Not paged. Roll of Lieutenant Col. Davidson's Company on the 2oi'd of A](i-il. 1771): (Coi»ied from Orderly Pook of Sergeant Isaac- Rowel.) First Lieutenant — Edward Yarborongli. Second Lieutenant — Reuben Wilkerson. Sergeant — Isaac Rowel, John Ilorton, John Godwin. Corporal — Jesse Raggett, Dempsy Johnson, James Tliorp. Privates — Adam Brevard. Samuel Boyd, James Boyd, Uriah Bass, Bii-d, Cornett, Timothy Morgan, -losepli Furtrell, Wm. Grant, Daniel Parker, Council I^.ass, Fifer, Barny Johnson, Richard Sumner, Sothey JManly, Booth Newton, Pioneer, Wm. Scott, Pioneer, Lemon Land, Waiter, Hardy Short, John Nor- wood, Joshua Reams, l»uckner Floyd, Wm. Hatchcock, Solo- mon Deberry, Thomas Wiggins, Wm. Wilkinson, John Wilson, David Journekin, Samuel Davis. Left at Hospital — Barnaby Murrel, Drummer, Wm. JNIoore, Charles (Jilison, James Robai-ds, Sterling Scott, Waiter, Hardy Porliss, AVm. Smith, Isliam Jones, Lithro Lane, left at Trenton, Johsua Lewis, Robert Monger, Wm. Gray, Jos. ^A'ard, Isaac Gunns, Chas. Thomjison, John (/arter, anrigadieil-( Jenei-al l>avids<»n. Colonel Kos- ciusko, Cliief lOngineer, Colonel Ituford, Lientenant-Colonel Howard, Lieutenant-Colonel Washington. The Council being assembled the Commander-in-Chief ac- <(uaintes them that: The want of jtrovisions and forage in the cam]*, the advanced season of the year, the almost total (ailure of the herbage, the entire want of a magazine of salt meat and the uncertainty of jtroviding it, the inci-easing sick- ness and the un>\holesonu> situation of the camp, the want of any jtroper accommodation of the sick, the want of hosi»otal stores and ])ro})er comforts necessary for sick and diseased sol- diers, the i)robability of reinforcement being sent from the enemy at New York, the invjision of Virginia, and the ai>i»ar- ent ])rospect of Sir Harry Clinton's su])]»orting that invasion and commanding a co-operation Avith Cornwallis, the State and strength of the army compared with that of the enemy, and the expediency of reinforcement coming to our army are the motives which induced him to assemble this Council of War and reinion of the nun'ement and the position that the army ought to take in the jjresent circumstances. The Council having fully deliberated upon the matter before 29 them and the question bein, 1780. Tlie enemy is still confined to Charlotte. The small rifle companies I have kept hanging u]ion their lines have been of service in cliecking their foraging jtarties. They are ]»robab]y I.SIM) strong, including those Loyalists they have received re- cruited in the Southward. Besides these they have some un- foinit'd tories who follow the fortunes of the army; rather a dead weight than a benefit. A Col. Ferguson, in the llritish service, has by a vai'iety of means been j ernicious to our interests in the west of both the Ca.rolinas. There has such a force taken the field against him as v.ill probably rid us of such a troublesome neighbor. As the main strength of the British in the Southern States seems col- lected in Charlotte I have adopted every measure in my power to annoy them. WM. DAVIDSON. 30 Dispatch to Gen. Sumner: October 8th, 1780. I have the jvleasiire to enclose yon a larije packet of dispatch- es taken yesterday at Mc('al}»in's creek on tlie way to Camden by a small jiarty of my brigade. A detachment of ll'O horses under Kutleilge and Dixon almost snrronnde 1 Charlotte yes- terday, attacked a pickquet at (Nd. Tolk's mill and al a cerlain Mr. Elliott's brought a sen1i-y of «'iglil Tories who aie now on their way to you. A small j.'arty of rillcmcn brought olf lifty horses from the Tories at Col. Tolk's jilantatiiMi last night. Dixon lost one man killed. I have the honor to be, etc., etc. WM. DAVIDSON. Vol. XIV., p. G44. Camp Rocky River, Oct. 10, 1780. Sir: — I have two detachments of Cavalry and Infantry, each on the enemy's line. A considerable (juantity of powder was secured some time ago within four miles of Charlotte, which 1 knew nothing of until Sunday evening. 13 cags were brought off that night, and the remainder sixteen have this moment ar- rived safe, which I will forward immediately. Pray let me know if his Lordship's figures have been decijdiered yet. 1 find he is determined to surprise me and I am as determined to dis- appoint him. Inclosed you have a draft of the enemy's lines which was sent to me by Col. P k, whilst a prisoner. I be- lieve it may be depended on. (^ol. Davie is very ])oorly. I am etc., etc., WM. DAVIDSON." N. B.^Gen. Graham in an address at Charlotte, May 20th. 1835, says this j)owder had been moved from Camden to Char- lotte in the fall of 1771), and was guarded hy the students of the Academy; that when there Avas exi)ectalion of the enemy ad- vancing several of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration on a day agreed upon came with sacks in which they tilled the powder and conveyed it to places of safety, they appeared like boys going to mill. It was concealed in separate places — after- wards afforded a reasonable supply — not much was damaged and the enemy ^ot none. (N. C Booklet, January IIMKI.) Tuesday eyening a small party of my infantry fell in will) two wagons on llieir way from Camden within two miles of Charlotte. They killed two men. took and brought off the wag- ons, horses and portmanteaus with otTrtcers' baggage. (Page 786.) To Gen. Sumner: October 11, 1780. Nothing new from Charlotte. Had we more men we could make their forage cost them dear. The ajtpearance of 50 men yesterday caused 100 to return without a handful. Inform Gov. Nash.