RELIGIOUS TRACTS. No. 15. A SERIOUS ADDRESS TO CHILDREN. Published by the " Society of the Protestant Episco- pal Church for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania." FOR THE " EPISCOPAL FEMALE TRACT SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA." Dear Children, You have heard of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came down from heaven to save sinners. And perhaps you have heard that, great and glorious as he was — he was so kind, and so ^ .^jmble, as to notice such children as you are. And when hi._disciples were sending them away for fear they sKoirii be troublesome, Jesus said, Suffer little childreii to comk unto me^ and forbid them not. And he took them up in his arms, and blessed them. He called such little ones as you are, his Iambs; and he has commanded his ministers, if they love him, to feed his lambs; that is, to teach and instruct them, in a way suited to their tender years; to feed them with the sincere milk of his word, that they may grow wise unto salvation. When we consider that you have souls, immortal souls, that must either be happy for ever in heaveni or for ever misera{>le in hell,- — we are moved with compassion towards you: we are ready to say. Shall these dear children, the lambs of Christ's flock, whom he so tenderly loves, and for whom he died, shaW they 2 perish for ever? Instead of being brought up for God and heaven, shall they be brought up for the devil and his kingdom? Shall their infant tongues be taught the language of hell, instead of the praises of their God? Dreadful thought! You were sent into this world to know God, and to serve him here on earth, that you may dwell with him, and be happy for ever in heaven; and is it not sad, that you should be ignorant of the God that made you, ignorant of the Saviour that came to redeem you; ig- norant of your own souls, and of that world in which you are to live for ever? You have been taught, perhaps, to say. Our Father, which art in heaven. But have you ever been taught, who this heavenly Father is; and what he has done for you; and what you must do to become his chil- dren? Remember, He is not the father of liars, or swear- ers, or sabbath-breakers: If you do these things, you must not call God your Father. It is the devil who is the father of liars; and if you are like him in wick- ed .works, you must live for ever with him in hell. But, children, we hope better things of you. Do you not desire to be the children of God, to have him for your Father and Friend? to know him and love him? Then let me tell you what God is; and will it not rejoice your little hearts to hear it — GOD IS LOVE. It is God that gives you every good thing that you enjoy; it is his sun that shines to warm and comfort you; it is his corn that feeds you; and his flax and wool that clothes you. Have you parents to provide ^r you; or, if they are poor, have you friends to help you; it is God that gives them to you; and— ill you not love him for all his goodness to you? And we »an tell you with joy, that God has done still greater things than these for you; he has given his dear, his well-beloved Son, to redeem and save you. Jesus died the cruel death of the cross, that yon might be saved from everlasting death; and he rose from the dead, that you might also rise from the dead> and live with him for ever in heaven. And has God so loved the world, has he so loved you, as to give his only begotten Son to die for you* and will you not love him? You see he is not willing that any should perish. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pities you. He pities you, when he sees that all his mercies do not make you love Him* He pities you, when he sees that you love sin more than holiness. He pities you, when he sees that you will not come to Jesus for pardon, life, and salvation. He pities you, when he sees you going with sinners, in the broad road to de- struction. And he says, with love and compassion* Why will ye die? Come unto me, aiid be saved? I would gather you as a hen gaihereth her chickens un- der her ivingsy but ye would not. Does the blessed God thus love and pity you, and will you not love him? He is pleased to hear your in- fant tongues employed in his praise; he loves to hear you pray to him, and call him Father; and will voe not be his dutiful and obedient children. The first and great commandment, you know, is to love the Lord your God with all your heart; and sure - ly you do not think it a hard commandment to love this God, who loves and is so good to you. Is it not reasonable that you should love him above all things, who is your best friend, and can do more for you than all the world? Are you sick? He can heal all your diseases. Are you poor and in want? He can satisfy you with bread for your body, and with the bread of life for your souls. Go, children, with all your wants, to this compassionate Father. He that heareth the young ravens, when thy cry, will surely hear yoU; when you cry unto him. Say unto him in prayer— My Heavenly Father, I would love thee, not only because thou hast commanded me, but because it is my happiness, my pleasure, to love thee. Whom is there in heaven or on earth, that I should love so well as thee? My parents do much for me, and I love them, and thank thee for them; but thou, my Hea- venly Father, canst do much more; thou canst heal all my diseases, and forgive all my sins. Thou canst make me holy and happy here, and take me to dwell with thee for ever in heaven. I would love thee, because thou hast so loved us, as to ^end thy dear Son to redeem and save us. Though I am a weak and sinful child, this com- passionate Saviour invites me to come to him. I would be meek and humble, loving and kind, like his lambs. I would show my love to him by keeping his commandments. I would be thy dutiful as well as thy lovmg child. Whatsoever thou commandest, ;fcat would I do: whatsoever thou forbiddest, that would I avoid. Make me like thyself in holiness and goodness here, that 1 may be fit to dwell with thee^ and be happy for ever in heaven, for the sake of my dear Redeemer. Amen. SONG L On the Scrifiture, Holy Bible! book divine! Precious Treasure! thou art mine! Mine, to tell me whence I came; Mine, to teach me what I am. Mine to chide me when I rove, Mine to shew a Saviour's love: Mine art thou, to guide thy feet. Mine to judge, condemn, acquit. Mine, to comfort in distress, If the holy spirit bless; Mine, to show by living faith Man can triumph over death: Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom: O thou precious book divine! Holy Bible! thou art mine. SONG II. On the Death of good Children who are gone to heaven^ Happy the children who are gone To live with Jesus Christ in peace, Who stand around his glorious throne, Redeem'd by blood and sav*d by grace. The Saviour whom they Jov*d below, Hath kindly wip'd their tears away; No sin nor sorrow there they know. But bask in one eternal day. There with their golden harps they sing, While thousand thousands join their songs; Hosanna to the Immortal King, To whom immortal praise belongs. Almighty Lord! and when shall we Be brought with them in bliss to join? Thy glorious countenance to see; , And sing thy mercy all divine? SONG III. The Lord's day. Once more we keep the sacred day. That saw the Saviour rise; Once more we tune our infant song, To him that rules the skies. 2. What numbers vainly spend these hours, That are to Jesus due! A 2 6 Children and parents how they live, And how they perish tool 3. But we, a happier few, are taught, The better paths of truth; We hail, once more, the plan of love, That pities wandering youth. 4. Our foolish hearts are prone to err: Too oft v/e find it so; O may the God of grace forgive; And better hearts bestow. 5. O may the God, who gave our lives, And who still leads us on, Be pleased to train our infant minds, To know and love his son. 6. Teach us thy way while here we learn, To read thy heav'nly word; Bless all the kind instructions giv'n, And make us thine, O Lord. SONG IV. Sins of Children corrected. Some children take God's name in vain, And early learn to curse and swear; The tongues that curse God's sacred name,> The worm that never dies shall tear. Some children sport away the time That others use to praise and pray; Vengeance their footsteps shall pursue. That hallow not God's sacred day. Some children, cruel, and unkind, To parents disobedient prove! How can such children hope to see That God who is the God of Love! Some children, slow to learn the truth, Are cunning yet, to learn to steal. But God, who hates their thievish way{% Shall all their secret sins reveal. 7 Some children, by old Satan taught, Can dare to use the liar's tongue: Such children must to Satan go; To such eternal flames belong. Two sinners God's just vengeance felt For telling one presumptuous lie; Dear children! learn to dread his wrathj Lest you should also sin and die. SONG V. Breathing after holiness, O that the Lord would guide my ways^ To keep his statutes still! O that my God would grant me grace To know and do his will! 2. O send thy Spirit down, to write Thy law upon my hearti Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liar's part. 3. From vanity turn off my eyes; Let no corrupt design. Nor covetous desires, arise Within this soul of mine. 4. Order my footsteps by thy word, And make my heart sincere; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 5. My soul hath gono too far astray, My feet too oil^ii slip; 'iKeep in mind thy way, thy wand'ring sheep. *n thy commands; 8 HYMNS FOR INFANT MINDS, 1. A child^s hymn of firaise. I thank the goodness and the grace Which on my birth have smil'dj And made me in these blessed days, ' A happy christian child. I was not born, as thousands are, Where God was never known; And taught to pray a useless prayer, To blocks of wood and stone. I was not born a little slave, To labour in the sun, ' And wish I - : but in the grave, And ail.m; * oour done! ^ I was not born without a home. Or in some broken shed; A gypsey haby, taught to roam. And steal my daily bread. My God, I thank thee, who has plann'd A better lot for me, And plac'd me in this happy lan.d, And where I hear of thee. 2. About Godf who made the sun and moon. I saw the glorious sun ai Frorn yonder mountr*