Library OP THE University of North Carolina This book was presented by Of 385. I - /98G p l ■"Oiffof M^Det Doc. ]STo. 38.] [Ses. 1858-'9. Ordered to he Printed. Holden & Wilson, Printers to the State. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ATLANTIC AND NORTH-CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. To his Excellency Governor Bragg : Sir : Having been quite ill, and the Chief Engineer of our Road being absent, I have only time in reply to your request, to make a hasty statement of the condition of the Atlantic & North-Carolina Railroad Company, and of the present condi- tion of the Road and works thereon. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. Craven County Bonds, $ 32,000 Individual Bonds, 29,000 $ 61,000 Carteret Connty subscription, 50,000 $ 111,000 Balance due Gov. Morehead on con- tract, including all extra work, $ 20,000 C. B. Wood, 40,000 Carolina City, • 10,000 70,000 70,000 $ 41,000 We have in Newborn and Goldsboro', about $8,000 worth ~ Document Ko. 38. [Session real estate that can be sold without injury to the Company • but we owe about $17,000 for two locomotives. We have turn tables and passenger sheds to buy and build, which will exhaust the $41,000. However, I believe we are now fairly out of the woods, and if we had the $116,000 loss sustained on State bonds, we could pay the interest on the loan without feeling it. As it is, I do think that interest should be remit- ted, at any rate up to this date. The discount on loan of State bonds, was $50,000 ; and I am quite sure no one could com- plain of the price obtained when they were sold. Doubtless the proper course for the State and Company was pursued in the disposal. Mr. Stanly's contract has been long since set- tled and accounts balanced. Mr. John C. Washington has been paid nearly or quite up to his contract, and his extra work cannot exceed a few thousand dollars. His matters are now in the hands of a committee to investigate and lay before the Directors. The committee consist of Thompson, of Wayne, Ramsey, of Carteret, Desmond and Wooten, of Lenoir, all State Directors — and the Treasurer of our Company and Chief Engineer. I think we are in a fair wav to settle our differ- ences with Carteret county, and obtain at once a portion of their bonds. It is right that we should calculate for a loss of at least 10 per cent, on the bonds of the counties, as they will hardly bring over $90. I would sell at that price. The indi- vidual bonds mentioned were not given by contractors, but are perfectlj good and available, and worth dollar for dollar. Works remaining unfinished and to be finished by contrac- tors : 3,000 cubic yards embankment at Morehead City. Culverts : to finish the culverts about 225,000 brick will be required, which are now ready for delivery. Bridges are all completed, except the covering in of Bear Creek and Stony Creek, in Washington's contract ; ware- houses at Mosely Hall and Kinston ; the first is framed, and the latter frame being sawed and brick burned, which will be delivered in a few days. These buildings will be in Wash- ington's contract. The warehouse at Morehead City, most of the lumber sawed and framing commenced, in Morehead's contract. • 1858--9.] Document No 38. 3 Works to be finished by the Company are not embraced in contract. The passenger shed at Goldsboro' will be enlarged for the accommodation of our Road in a few weeks, and will cost about $2,500. Track to be extended down Railroad street in Goldsboro', from intersection of Wilmington Road, and connected with the North-Carolina Railroad ; it will be about one mile in length ; but all the materials for it are on hand and paid for. The Trent River Bridge is not covered, but will be covered about the 1st of January. This work will cost some $8,000. Embankments to be made by Company at leisure time, about 5,000 cubic yards along line of Road — cost say, $3,000. This work can be postponed for a while ; but it is best not to neglect it too long. Therefore, as soon as we get the locomo- tives out of the hands of the contractors, a train will be used for the filling in, &c. There is not a foot of trestle on the Road, from Goldsboro' to Beaufort harbor. We have no carpenter shop ; one can be constructed for a very small sum of money. But it would be advisable to build one entirely fire proof; therefore, it would cost $5,000. A wooden building could be put up for 800 or $1,000 ; but it might burn $10,000 worth of cars. This building can, and will be, postponed at present. It will be necessary to construct one or two additional wa- ter stations in the course of a year along the Road. This work would finish everything up, with the exception of passenger sheds at Morehead City ; but as it is doubtful where to place it, only a temporary one will be erected at present. I close this statement with the expression of my regret that I had not more time, and the aid of the Engineer and Trea- surer of the Company, which would have enabled me to pre- sent a fuller and more accurate report ; but the statements I have given to you, are substantially correct. Very respectfully, JOHN D. WHITFORD, Pratt At. & M. C. R. R. Cornp. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00042071792 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION