DIRECTORY OF THE First Baptist Church, HENDERSON. N. C. 4 DIRECTORY OF THE First Baptist Church, OF HENDERSON, N. O, TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF Other Baptists whose Membership is out ot Town CONTAINING ALSO THE Church Covenant, Church Calendar, and a List of the Church Officers. i, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 h'ttps:// Our Church Covenant. As we trust we have been brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the influence of His Spirit to give ourselves up to him, so we do now solemnly covenant with each other, that, God enabling us, we. will walk together in brotherly love; that we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other, as the case shall require; that we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor Omit the great duty of prayer, both for ourselves and for others; that we will participate in each*other's joys, and endeavor, with tenderness and sympathy, to bear each other's burdens and sorrows; that we will earn- estly endeavor to bring up such as may be under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; that we will seek divine aid, to enable us to walk circum- spectly and watchfully in the world, denying ungodli- ness and every worldly lust; that we will strive to- gether, in so far as God prospers us, for the support of a faithful evangelical ministry among us; that we will endeavor, by example and effort, to win souls to Christ; and that through life, amidst evil report and good report, we will seek to live to the glory of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. CHURCH OFFICERS. Pastor— S. L. Morgan. Deacons— J. T. Alderman, J. ,S. Royster, J. I. Miller, T. P. Stewart, J. R. Teague, W. T. Carter, W. B. Daniel. Clerk —J. R. Teague. Treasurer Current Expenses— T. G. Horner. Treasurer Benevolences— G. L. W. Pegram. Financial Secretary— Mrs. C. 0. Phelps. Superintendent Sunday School— J. I. Miller. President W. M. S.— Mrs, W. D. Horner. President L. A. S.— Mrs. T. M. Pittman. President Y. W. A,— Miss Lelia White, Leader B. Y. P. U.-W. D. Massee. Leader Sunbeams— Mrs. W. W. Parker. Organist— Mrs. Andrew J. Davis. Head Usher— E, F. Shaw. Head Collector— W. W, Parker. Calendar. Preaching every Sunday Morning and Evening. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. W. M. S.. Monday after 3rd Sunday. L. A. S. , Monday after 1st Sunday. Y. W. A., Monday after 4th Sunday. B. Y. P. U., Every Sunday Afternoon. Sunbeams, Tuesday after 1st Sunday. HOURS FOR SERVICES. September 15th to April 1st, all evening services 7 :30. September 15th to April 1st, all afternoon services 3:30. April 1st to September 15th, all evening services 8:00. April 1st to September 15th, all afternoon services 4:00. ROLL OF MEMBERS. This roll contains only a few of the names of members who have removed from Henderson. Adams, Mrs, H. A 326 Andrews Ave. Adcock, E. W 805 Garnett Street. Adcock, Mrs. E. W- 805 Garnett Street Alderman, J. T 234 Turner Ave. Alderman, Mrs. J. T 234 Turner Ave, Alderman, John T., Jr 234 Turner Ave. Allen, Mrs. B. G Bell Street Alley, Mrs. J. A Garnett Street (Alley) Aycock, Geo. A Automobile Factory Ay cock, Mrs. D. E Montgomery Street Aycock, Miss Lena Montgomery Street Aycock, Miss Lillian Alise Montgomery Street Aycock, Miss Minnie Montgomery Street Barnes, A. T 318 Rowland Street Barnes, Mrs. A. T 318 Rowland Street Barnes, Alwyn P Box 69, Durham, N. C. Barnes, Virginia, 318 Rowland Street Barnes, Mrs. Jane 318 Rowland Street Barnes, Jos. E College Street Barnes, Mrs. Jos. E College Street Barnes, Mrs. Elizabeth R. F. D, 3 Basket, James U, S. Army Baucom, Geo. E 155 Burwell Ave. Baucom, Mrs. Geo, E 155 Burwell Ave. f FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bell, J. E. C Cor. Young and Garnett Streets Bell, Mrs. J. E. C Cor. Young and Garnett Streets Betts, Mrs. Sabelia Rowland Street Bloomer, Mrs. Hugh Enfield, N. C Boing, Mrs. Katie R. £\ D. 2 Bradford, J. E Gary Street Bradford, W. A. Nicholas Street Bradford, Oscar L Nicholas Street Brewer, Mrs. C. S 211 William Street Brewer, Catharine 211 William Street Brewer, Charles 211 William Street Brinkley, L. C 223 Harrell Street Brodie, Mrs. B. T R. F. D. 5 Bunn, E. V 121 Church Street Burrows, E. W 615 William Street Burrows, Mrs. E. W 615 William Street Burton, Mrs. C. J 543 William Street Burton, Miss Lalla 543 William Street Burton, Miss Carrie 543 William Street Calloway, J. J. S Vance Hotel Capps, Mrs. M. C Grey stone, N. C. Carter, W. T E. William Street Carter, J. R 316 Charles Street Clark, Mynell 234 Arch Street Clark, Norman 20 Belle Street Cooper, Mrs. C. M 215 William Street Cooper, C. M., Jr 215 William Street OF HENDERSON, N, C. 7 Cooper, Miss Julia 215 William Street Cooper, MissHattie 215 William Street Crabtree, D. C 304 Chavasse Ave. Crabtree, Miss Lyda 304 Chavasse Ave. Crabtree, Miss Genara 304 Chavasse Ave. Crabtree, Isaac Automobile Factory Crabtree, Raymond Kerner-McNair Store Crockett, Miss Lucy C Montgomery Street Daniel, W. B 243 Andrews Ave- Daniel, Mrs. W. B 243 Andrews Ave. Daniel, Miss Essie 243 Andrews Ave. Daniel, Miss Iowna 243 Andrews Ave. Daniel, Julian 243 Andrews Ave. Dean, Mrs. Simpson 335 Charles Street Draper, Mrs. M. G 224 Chavasse Ave, Draper, Miss Carrie, 224 Chavasse Ave. Duke, R. H 144 Young Street Duke, Mrs. R. H 144 Young Street Duke, Miss Florence R. F. D. 1 Dunn, Mrs, H. L, 132 Breckenridge Street Dunn, Miss Maude 132 Breckenridge Street Ellington, Mrs. B. F 736 Garnett Street Elmore, J. T 544 Garnett Street Elmore, Mrs. J. T 544 Garnett Street Elmore, Joseph P.. 544 Garnett Street Elmore, Walter „_Brooklyn, N. Y. Elmore, Miss Janie 544 Garnett Street ) '8 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Elmore, Miss Lennie 544 Garnett Street Evans, W. J 26 Maple Street Evans. Mrs. W. J. . 26 Maple Street Evans, Norwood 26 Maple Street Evans, C. T 240 Chavasse Ave. Evans, Mrs. C. T 240 Chavasse Ave. Evans, Lillian 240 Chavasse Ave. Evans, Mrs. J. W _409 Andrews Ave. Evans, Miss Sallie 409 Andrews Ave. Evans, Miss Bertha 409 Andrews Ave. Evans, D. E 17 Young Ave. Evans, Mrs. D. E 17 Young Ave. Faulkner, E. H 934 Nicholas Street Faulkner, Mrs. E. H 934 Nicholas Street Faulkner, H. R 932 Nicholas Street Faulkner, Miss Josephine 932 Nicholas Street Faulkner, Mrs, T. W 210 Davis Street Faulkner, Mrs. N. E . R. F. D. Fogleman, W. H 320 Charles Street Fogleman, Mrs. W. H 320 Charles Street Fogleman, Mrs. Lyman M 139 Winder Street Fuller, Mrs. Walter W. William Street Futrell, H, R Montgomery Street Futrell, Mrs. H, R Montgomery Street Futrell, Miss Annie Belle Montgomery Street Gee, Mrs. J. B 422 Andrews Ave. Gholson, Thornton P 210 Turner Ave. OF HENDERSON, N. C. 9 Gholson, Lillian 210 Turner Ave. Gill, C. W 136 Hamilton Street Gill, Mrs. C. W 136 Hamilton Street Gill, Mrs. John A ___608 Garnett Street Green, Miss Sallie 144 Young Street Gresham, J. C Gary Street Gresham, Mrs, J. C Gary Street Gresham, Miss Malla Gary Street Gresham, Sam. T Gary Street Gresham, Mrs. Sam. T Gary Street Gupton, E. M 231 Zene Street Gupton, P. D ____231 Zene Street Gupton, Mrs. P. D. _ 231 Zene Street Hannon, Norris C „ 1039 Nicholas Street Hannon, Daniel T 311 Oil Mill Street Harrell, Geo. P., Jr __121 Church Street Hershman, Mrs. C. E 531 Vance Street Hershman, Miss Elizabeth 531 Vance Street Hershman, R. P 234 Arch Street Hershman, Mrs. R. P 234 Arch Street Hester, Chas. R 345 Arch Street Hester, Mrs. Chas. R 345 Arch Street Hester. Robert 345 Arch Street Hicks, Mrs. T. T 151 Burwell Ave. Hight, Mrs. J. W . R. F. D, 3 Hight, Miss Nannie Belle R. F. D. 3 Hight, Walter ___R. F. D. 3 10 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Horner, W. D 747 College Street Horner, Mrs. W. D 747 College Street Horner, Jas. W. Oxford, N. C. Horner, T, G 11 Gholson Ave. Horner, Mrs. T. G 11 Gholson Ave. Horton, Mrs. W. R Montgomery Street Howard, Mrs. L. T Rock Spring Street Hudson, Mrs. W. D North Henderson Hughes, J. M. 306 Chavasse Ave. Hughes, Jno. R Madison, N. C. Jackson, Mrs, Cora Middleburg, N. C. Jeter, Fletcher „_531 Vance Street Jones, Mrs. R. J Garnett Street Jones, Miss Cyntha 750 Garnett Street Joyner, Mrs. E. T 251 Chavasse Ave. Joyner, Miss Viola 251 Chavasse Ave. Kelly, Jas. A 803 Railroad Street Kelly, Mrs. Jas. A 803 Railroad Street Kelly, Miss Cassie Cor. Young and Garnett Kerr, R. H 819 Nicholas Street Kerr, Mrs, R. H 819 Nicholas Street Kittrell, J. C. 135 Church Street Knott, G. W 121JBurwell Ave. Knott, Mrs. G. W 121 J Burwell Ave. Mangum, Mrs. J. R 154 Horner Street Mangum, Miss Annie 154 Horner Street Mangum, Miss Lillian. 154 Horner Street OF HENDERSON, N. C. 11 Mangum, Miss Minnie 154 Horner Street Man gum, George 154 Horner Street Mangum, D, H 121 Church Street Manning, Miss Pattie Scotland Neck, N. C. Markham, D. H Henderson, N. C. Marston, Mrs. R. J 511 Andrews Ave. Martin, W. L 232 Zene Street Massee, W. D 315 Rowland Street Massee, Mrs. W. D 315 Rowland Street May, T. H ..501 Chestnut Street Melvin, T. J Chattanooga, Tenn. Melvin, Mrs. T. J Chattanooga, Tenn. Miller, J. I 914 William Street Missillier, Mrs. J. L. H 315 William Street Mixon, Mrs. H. M Burwell Ave. Morgan, S. L 224 Turner Ave. Morgan, Mrs. S. L 224 Turner Ave. Moss, Mrs. W, E 139 Winder Street Murphy, A. E 520 Garnett Street Mustian, Mrs. John 327 Clark Street Mustian, Kate 327 Clark Street Mcintosh, C. C R. F. D. 5 Mcintosh, Dr. L. C At Mrs. B. T. Brodie's McMurray, Miss Lena W. William Street Parham, S. S 620 Garnett Street Parham, J. H 1001 W. Garnett Street Parham, W. B 506 Garnett Street 12 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Parham, Asa _114 Spring Street Parker, W. W 407 Chestnut Street Parker, Mrs. W. W 407 Chestnut Street Parker, Spottswood 407 Chestnut Street Parker, Walter, Jr 407 Chestnut Street Parrish, Miss Minta __736 Garnett Street Payne, R. A., Jr Raleigh, N. C. Payne, Mrs, Maggie Raleigh, N. C. Pegram, G. L. W, Cor. Young and Chestnut Pegram, Mrs, G. L. W Cor, Young and Chestnut Pegram, Miss Annie Cor, Young and Chestnut Pegram, Miss May Cor. Young and Chestnut Pegram, Miss Agnes Cor. Young and Chestnut Pegram, Miss Ida Belle Cor. Young and Chestnut Pegram, Julian Cor. Youug and Chestnut Pegram, George, Cor. Young and Chestnut Pegram, Elmus __Cor. Young and Chestnut Peace, Mrs. J. M 234 Turner Ave. Perry, Mrs. Geo 152 Hamilton Street Petty, Miss Lossie 121 J Bur well Ave. Phelps, Mrs. Cora 315 William Street Pirie, Mrs. David 526 Garnett Street Pittard, Dr. J. T 326 Rowland Street Pittman, T. M.__ 404 Charles Street Pittman, Mrs. T. M 404 Charles Street Poole, Mrs. K. D, 234 Arch Street Poole, Mrs. J. G 29 Maple Street OF HENDERSON, N. C. 13 Powell, Mrs. E. C 213 Turner Ave. Pritchard, Mrs. W. W 140 Breckenridge Street Puckett, E. L 424 Andrews Ave. Puckett, Mrs. E. L 424 Andrews Ave. Reich, Mrs. F. P Hospital Renn, Mrs. P. E..__ R. F. D. Roberts, Miss Hester Henderson Robertson, F. 1009 Nicholson Street Rogers, A. L 704 Garnett Street Rogerson, E. S Cor. Belle and Garnett Streets Royster, J. S _521 William Street Royster, Mrs. J, S 521 William Street Royster, Willard 521 William Street Royster, T. Benton , 521 William Street Royster, Miss Esther 521 William Street Royster, Miss Hattie 521 William Street Sanderford, H. R 119 Burwell Ave. Shaw, Ed. F Capital Buggy Co. Shaw, Elliott G 207 Turner Ave. Shaw, Mrs. Elliott G .207 Turner Ave. Shaw, C. C Montgomery Street Shell, Mrs. O. P Warrenton, N, C. Shotwell, Robert E Seaboard Feed and Produce Co. Singleton, Miss Betty May Anchor Stores Co. Smith, Mrs. J. Moses 815 Railroad Street Spruill, S. O 409 Rowland Street Spruill, Miss Eva _133 Hamilton Street 14 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Stephenson, S. T Richmond, Va. Stewart, T. P R. F, D, 1 Stewart, 0. L.__. . R. F. D. 1 Stewart, Miss Ettie R. F. D. 1 Stone, Macon 217 William Street Stovall, Mrs. Geo. 323 Burwell Ave, Tarlton, A. A 320 Southall Street Tarlton, Mrs. A. A 320 Southall Street Teague, J. R 126 Winder Street Teague, Mrs. J. R... 126 Winder Street Tharrington, W. B R. F. D. 2 Thomas, E. H 304 Charles Street Thomas, Mrs. E. H 304 Charles Street Thomas, E. Goodrich „ 304 Charles Street Thomason, Mrs, Henry 526 Garnett Street Thrower, Mrs. J. R 137 Clark Street Thrower, Miss Eugenia 137 Clark Street Thrower, Hiram E 108 Burwell Ave. Trotter, Mrs. J. W . 228 Chavasse Ave. Trotter, Miss Bessie 228 Chavasse Ave. Turner, Mrs. O. T Oxford, N. C. Twitty, Mrs. Pattie 145 Breckenridge Street Upchurch, Dr. R. T._ 318 Wyche Street Vick, Miss Daisy 501 William Street Waddill, Mrs. W. B 330 Burwell Ave. Waddill, William 330 Burwell Ave. Wade, Miss Amy King, N, H. OF HENDERSON, N. C. 15 Watkins, E. W 115 William Street Watkins, Mrs. Kate 620 Garnett Street Watkins, Miss Lassiter 620 Garnett Street Watkins, Miss Maria 620 Garnett Street Watson, Miss Birdie 234 Turner Ave. Wester, Mrs. R. L Rowland Street Wester, Miss Mildred Rowland Street Wester, W. H 334 Garnett Street Wester, Mrs. W. H 334 Garnett Street Wester, W, H., Jr 334 Garnett Street Wester, Alfred B 334 Garnett Street Wester, Mrs. Alfred B 334 Garnett Street Wester, John Lee 334 Garnett Street Wester, Millard 334 Garnett Street White, Mrs. 0. 213 William Street White, Miss Lelia 213 William Street Wiggins, MissMattie R. F. D. 3 Wilbourne, W. H 553 Breckenridge Street Williams, C. W 408 Rowland Street Williams, Mrs. C. W 408 Rowland Street Willis, Nelson W 262 Chavasse Ave. Willis, Mrs. Nelson W 262 Chavasse Ave. Wood, Mrs. W. E 155 Burwell Ave. Woodlief, C. A 224 Harrell Ave. Woodlief, Mrs. C. A 224 Harrell Ave, Woodlief, M. J 409 Rowland Street Wicker, Helen College Street 16 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTISTS WITH MEMBERSHIP ELSEWHERE. This list of 140 Baptists is printed with the hope that members of the church will call on them, cultivate their acquaintance, and persuade them to eome into the ehurch. Allen, A. C Ellington Grocery Aycock, W, H Montgomery Street Aycock, Mrs. W. H Montgomery Street Beck, W. T __Dorsey'sDrug Store Blanchard, R. W 318 Rowland Street Boling, Mrs. J. N _158 Horner Street Boling, Miss Ada 158 Horner Street Boyd, L, F. 240 Chavasse Ave. Brewer, C. S . 211 William Street Bridges, J. L 815 Nicholas Street Bridgers, E. L __Over Brinkley's Store Brodie, Mrs. J. H William Street Brown, W. F ____253 Chavasse Ave, Bugg, Miss Alice 224 Charles Street Carter, Mrs. I. C 520 Vance Street Chalkley, Miss Clay 133 Hamilton Street Champion, J. H 449 Garnett Street Champion, Mrs. J. H 449 Garnett Street Champion, William 724 Garnett Street Champion, H. M 436 Garnett Street Champion, Mrs. H. M 436 Garnett Street Champion, W. B Maple Street OF HENDERSON, N. C, 17 Champion, Mrs. W. B Maple Street Cheatham, L. M Citizens' Bank Christopher, Miss Hattie 240 Andrews Ave. Collins, B. E. _ 342 Andrews Ave- Collins, Mrs. B. E, 342 Andrews Ave. Cooper, N. C 132 Breckenridge Street Currin, F. B 132 Breckenridge Street Currin, S, B . Cheatham & Knott's Daniel, William B., Jr 243 Andrews Ave; Daniel, Mrs. Russell 316 Andrews Ave. Darden, W. M 132 Breckenridge Street Dunnavant, W. V 121 Church Street Dorsey, C. W 139 Hamilton Street Dorsey, Mrs. C. W 139 Hamilton Street Duke, Mrs. E. L Duke's Boarding House Duke, Miss Zola 144 Church Street Duke, Miss Florence S 231 Zene Street Evans, J. W Evans & Puckett's Evans, Thomas George Perry's Store Evans, Mrs, Laura . 154 Burwell Ave. Evans, Joseph S 154 Burwell Ave. Evans, Melville G 154 Burwell Ave. Evans, Mrs. William L 815 Nicholas Street Faber, Mrs, C. A ..104 Chestnut Street Faulkner, James G Davis Street Furman, Dr. W. H 620 Garnett Street 18 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gill, Fred A 133 Hamilton Street Gill, Mrs. Fred A 133 Hamilton Street Green, Miss Maude Anchor Stores Co. Grissom, Mrs. R. 520 Garnett Street Hannon, Mrs. Daniel T Oil Mill Street Hart, G. W Paragon Drug Store Hart, Mrs. G W 123 Winder Street Hedgepeth, J. M Samuel Watkins' Store Henderson, Dr. T. B 264 Charles Street Hendricks, Arthur Gary Street Hershman, C. E 531 Vance Street Hershman, P. P 517 Rowland Street Hershman, Mrs. P. P 517 Rowland Street Hight, Mrs. I. H —.316 Chavasse Ave. Hobgood, A. L Cheatham Boarding House Hobgood, Miss Christine 5-10 Cent Store Hoyle, Miss Cora 132 Breckenridge Street Hunt, J. T 119 Burwell Ave. Jackson, L. A. Jackson's Grocery Jeffress, Miss Fannie S Parham Supply Co. Jenkins. Mrs. W. H , Jr 110 Burwell Ave. Johnson, Lawrence Vance Iron Works Jones, Miss Annie Cor. Belle and Garnett Streets Kalstron, C. N ___203 Breckenridge Street Kimball, W. H . 513 William Street Lewis, Mrs. M. E Back of W. B. WaddilPs OF HENDERSON, N. C, 19 Lloyd, Mrs. Everett, 132 Breckenridge Street Lowe, B. G Corbitt Hill Lowe, Mrs. B. G Corbitt Hill Mathewson, J. A 225 Arch Street Mangum, J. R. 154 Horner Street May, Mrs. E. D 212 Davis Street Milne, J. S 217 William Street Milne, Mrs. Elizabeth 155 Church Street Milne, Miss Maggie, 155 Church Street Milne, Miss Marion 155 Church Street Miscey, L. T Turner's Market Mitchell, F. B New Shoe Store Murchison, Miss Margie 224 Charles Street Murphy, E. C 520 Garnett Street Murphy, Z. V _ 520 Garnett Street Murrell, J. H. Burwell Ave. McCorkle, Miss Estelle Anchor Stores Co. McCraw, Miss Bessie Gholson Ave- Nelson, Rev. E. R 406 Chestnut Street Nelson, Mrs. E. R 406 Chestnut Street Norwood, Mrs. A. L Alexander Ave. Nowell, A. G „ 154 Burwell Ave, Ogletree, Mrs. C. F 153 Horner Street Olson, Edwin A Manning House Page, Frank College Street Page, Clarence E Murrell's Barber Shop 20 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Parrish, Henry R 446 Garnett Street Parrish, Mrs. Henry R 446 Garnett Street Partin, G, W Seaboard Telegraph Office Pendley, Miss Woodfin Burwell Ave. Percy, Mrs. R. H Corbitt Hill Pierce, W. P Pierce's Grocery Co. Pierce, B. B 207 Mulberry Street Pierce, Miss Lonie 207 Mulberry Street Pollock, Mrs. L. H t Young Ave. Poteat, R. B. 208 Davis Street Poteat, Mrs. R. B _208 Davis Street Powell, Miss Sue 110 Burwell Ave. Pope, B. B Davis's Store Quinn, Mrs. T. M 123 Burwell Ave. Reams, Mrs. M. J 652 Garnett Street Reams, Miss Effie 652 Garnett Street Reams, H. A. 652 Garnett Street Reavis, Custis Parham Supply Co. Robertson, Mrs. F. O 1009 Nicholas Street Robertson, O. C Maple Street Robertson, Mrs. O. C _Maple Street Rogers, O. F. Vance Street Rogers, Mrs, O. F Vance Street Rogers, Mrs. A. L. 704 Garnett Street Sears, W. D 216 Walnut Street Sears, Mrs. W. D 216 Walnut Street OF HENDERSON, N. C. 21 Seymore, Mrs. E. E Alexander Ave. Smith, Miss Virginia 121J Burwell Ave. Stainback, W, C 323 Southall Street Stone, Mrs. Mary A 817 Railroad Street Sykes, Mrs, W. S 210 Turner Ave. Toombs, Richard 517 Rowland Street Toombs, Garnett 517 Rowland Street Toombs, Oscar 517 Rowland Street Warren, W. W Near Gas Plant Wester, R, L Rowland Street Wiggins, Miss Lucy Anchor Stores Co, Wilson, Miss Evelyn Anchor Stores Co. Woodlief, J, L Garnett Street (Alley) Woodlief, J, M 316 Chavasse Ave. Woody, Miss Mae 155 Burwell Ave, Woody, W, J Harris & Evans' Grocery I wwm