"She Hath Done What She Could" 
 A Sermon 
C&e ili&ratp 
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 ©nitoersitp of Jftortt) Carolina 
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 of tye Glass of 1889 
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"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is 
 vain; but a woman that feareth the 
 Lord, shall be praised.." 
 Prov. 31: xxx. 

 " She hath done what she could." 
 St. Mark, I4th Chap. 8th Verse. 
 This encomium was bestowed upon a female disciple of 
 the Saviour for a special act of love and devotion. She 
 had poured upon his head a box of Ointment of Spikenard, 
 very precious ; and when she was rebuked for the apparent 
 waste, our gracious Saviour not only vindicated his shrink- 
 ing daughter from the charge, but cheered her affectionate 
 heart, and commended to imitation her generous zeal, in the 
 all-expressive eulogy, " She hath done what she could." 
 Attractive as is the contemplation thus afforded of af- 
 fectionate zeal and devotion on the one hand, and of infi- 
 nite grace and condescension on the other, I propose to in- 
 vite your attention to a more general subject, very natu- 
 rally suggested by the words of the text, and not, I trust, 
 without important practical application and interest. 
 I purpose, then, to consider the duties and responsibili- 
 ties of a woman, — thus showing, not only what she can 
 do, but what she must do, if she would be entitled to the 
 commendation, " She hath done what she could." 
 To treat a subject of such fulness in the most brief and 
 direct manner, let us consider, 1st, what a woman can do, 
 and, therefore, what she should endeavor to do, in the pe- 
 riod of her life, which precedes her entrance upon the rela- 
 tions of wife and mother. 
 These relations are so interesting and momentous, that, 
 at the mention of female duty and responsibility, they im- 
 mediately arise in the mind, and almost engross it. 
 What injustice is thus done to our subject, let the lives 
 of those faithful women testify, who have voluntarily fore- 
 gone these tender relations, that, unembarrassed by any 
 selfish cares, they might pursue their unwearied path of 
 I benevolence amid the private dwellings of poverty, of sick- 
 ness, and of ignorance, or in the Institutions which public 
 charity has opened for the alleviation of human woe. 
 But without insisting upon a measure of Christian self- 
 sacrifice, that certainly cannot be generally demanded of 
 the sex, however beautiful in the sight of men, and accept- 
 able in the sight of God, it may be in particular instances, 
 we may find in the period of a woman's life, which we are 
 considering, much that she can do to promote the glory of 
 God, and diffuse happiness around her. 
 Even in her early youth, what essential aid may an af- 
 fectionate daughter render to a mother, " cumbered," per- 
 haps, and overburthened with the cares of her household. 
 By her assiduous attentions towards her younger brothers 
 and sisters, by the aid she may give them in their lessons 
 and in their sports, by the gentle supervision and restraint 
 she may exercise over them in the absence of the maternal 
 eye, by the beautiful example she may afford them, of obe- 
 dience and filial duty, by her sympathy and assistance in 
 their little troubles and sorrows, and by supplying her mo- 
 ther's place in other departments of the household, super- 
 intending, or performing, as the case may be, those domes- 
 tic offices, which only a woman's hand can execute, and 
 on the fulfilment of which, domestic happiness and comfort 
 so much depend, how may a Christian daughter repay the 
 care aud pains of which her own childhood was the object 
 — revive and rejoice the hearts of her parents, when they 
 droop with weariness and anxiety, and almost justify their 
 exulting sentiment, " Many daughters have done virtuous- 
 ly, but thou excellest them all." 
 But from the peculiar position of a woman at this period 
 of her life, a very serious responsibility is often thrown 
 upon her for the due employment of her time. 
 The young man is very early apprenticed to the business 
 or profession he is to pursue for a maintenance ; and in the 
 studies or labors exacted by this preparation, he finds 
 wholesome and constant occupation. 
 But how often has the young woman many hours of 
 every day at her command — hours not seldom lost through 
 indolence, frittered away in dress, and vanity or gossip, or, 
 worse than all, consumed in the perusal of works of fiction, 
 generally of a light and enervating, sometimes even of a 
 corrupt and debasing character. 
 How much in these hours might one, seriously disposed 
 to do what she could, accomplish for her own mental im- 
 provement, by such reading and studies, as will fit her, 
 not only to sustain well her part in general society, but to 
 discharge, with grace and intelligence, the engrossing du- 
 ties of her after life, which leave so little time for the pur- 
 suits of taste and literature. 
 In her hours of social intercourse, how much may even 
 a young woman, if she be pious and intelligent, effect, in 
 giving grace and dignity to the tone of conversation — in 
 repressing the effusions of scandal, or the ridicule of se- 
 rious things ; in a word, in rendering virtue and goodness 
 fascinating, by the attractive association in which they are 
 presented. Indeed, I must be permitted here to say, that a 
 high standard of female refinement, intelligence and piety, 
 is the best, perhaps the only, security for similar qualities 
 in men. 
 Let the fop and the profligate — the unintelligent drudge 
 in business and slave of Mammon, find access to the smiles 
 and esteem of. our daughters, as readily as the man of ap- 
 proved virtue and cultivated mind, and one of the strongest 
 stimulants to industry and self-denial will be removed, by 
 the thoughtless and reckless bestowal of the fairest earthly 
 prize. Surely in this view, a very serious responsibility 
 attaches to early womanhood. 
 Nor in another social view, is it less burdened. At no 
 period of life, is a woman more at liberty to exercise to- 
 wards the poor, the ignorant, and the distressed, those 
 <J offices of love, which so well become her sex, and which 
 £ she can discharge without overstepping the limits of the 
 J> most shrinking modesty. She must be singularly circum- 
 l stanced, indeed, who has not, within her own knowledge, 
 some humble pensioner, to whom she can carry a cup of 
 cold water, or a more substantial tribute, while she admin- 
 isters what, often, is more highly valued by the object of 
 her bounty — the looks and words of sympathy and kind- 
 Without dwelling in detail upon every method, in which 
 a faithful daughter of the Church, by pious labors, and un- 
 obtrusive zeal, may render efficient service to her Divine 
 Master, I must, at least, specify and urge the claims of one 
 — I allude to the instruction of the ignorant. This is a 
 duty which might be enforced upon selfish motives, alone. 
 Nothing is more true, than that, " teaching, we learn." 
 The very best method of systematizing and arranging our 
 knowledge — of rendering its impression accurate, clear, 
 and deep, and of realizing its value, so as to be stimulated 
 to new acquisitions, is to endeavor to impart it to others. 
 And the exercise of patience and forbearance — in a word, 
 the self- discipline required of a teacher, is the best possible 
 preparation of a woman for the peculiar duties of her after 
 In this connection, the labors of the Sunday School will 
 immediately occur to you. And well they may: for if the < 
 Pastor cannot look to the young women of his charge, for > 
 their devoted assistance in the care of the lambs of his ? 
 flock, from whom else can he hope for such aid ? < 
 But I am not willing to limit to a single day of the week, s 
 the opportunity which many young women may have of > 
 doing good in this best, this doubly-blessing way. What is 
 to prevent their devotion to this work of a portion of every 
 day of the week ? Is it the want of time ? How many 
 of their hours, not employed for purposes necessary or 
 useful, nay, perhaps passed in listless apathy, or frivolous 
 pursuits, cry out against this excuse ! Is it for want of 
 pupils ? To say nothing of the opportunity of improving 
 themselves and benefitting others, which public institutions 
 for the education of their sex would gladly afford, what 
 neighborhood would not furnish numbers who are growing 
 up in ignorance and vice, in whose destiny an hour or two 
 per day of such instruction, such counsel, such sympathy, 
 as an intelligent christian woman could impart, could make 
 all the difference there is between vice and virtue, despair 
 and hope, misery and happiness, Hell and Heaven ! Nay, 
 in a community like ours, where we are surrounded in such 
 numbers by servants born in our own house, and looking 
 up to us for the supply of eveiy want, surely the pious 
 daughter need not go far, perhaps not beyond the precincts 
 of her own abode, to find suitable objects of her benevo- 
 lence, whose tender years, without transgressing any human 
 law, and in the most angelic fulfilment of the divine law of 
 love for all mankind, she might imbue with those lessons of 
 piety, and those sound words of scripture, and of prayer, 
 which, while they would make them more faithful servants 
 of their masters upon earth, might also invest them with 
 the freedom of the skies. 
 If I have said enough on this portion of the subject to 
 make you feel how much is left unsaid, I am content, as 
 the time compels to pass to the duties of a female in the 
 relations of wife and mother. 
 „ ™~~~ — _~—~™~™, _„„„„~~~™ „,„„ .„„ j 
 And here I may say distinctly, what is perhaps implied 
 in a preceding remark, that a woman who has given her 
 heart and her hand, herself and her all, in the holy estate 
 of matrimony, to a man, in whose moral and religious in- 
 tegrity she has not good reason to confide, has in one of 
 the points most essential to her own welfare, and the good 
 of the community, failed to do what she could, and exposed 
 herselt to the severest retribution. One of the first con- 
 ditions of ths married state is, that the desire of the wife 
 shall be to her husband, and that he shall rule over her ? 
 " Wives." says St. Peter, " be in subjection to your own 
 husbands, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him 
 Lord." " The Husband," says St. Paul, " is the head of 
 the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church." How 
 important then, nay how imperative, is it, that, in taking 
 the step which links her " for better, for worse, till death do 
 them part," to one who is henceforward to be " the disposer 
 of her destiny," she should be influenced more by a regard 
 to the moral and intellectual qualities, which, in her guide 
 and head, she can honor and reverence, than to his posses- 
 sion of personal attractions, or incidental advantages, how- 
 ever great and desirable. But we know that Satan himself 
 may assume for his own purposes, the form of an angel of 
 light. We need not wonder then, that the unsuspecting 
 affections of a woman are sometimes gained, before the 
 darker shades in the character of their object are discover- 
 ed, and thus he becomes possessed of the power and rights 
 of a husband, who scarce deserves the name of a man. It 
 is also too true, that many who are thus disappointed in 
 their dearest hopes, are the victims of a sinful infatuation, 
 or a criminal neglect. But however this may be, the ar- 
 rangement which consigns a woman to the authority and 
 to the mercy of a man who has no sympathy in her holiest 
 feelings — who may be disposed to set before his family and 
 society an example of irreligion and immorality — who may 
 even drown his reason in the drunkard's bowl, and vent 
 upon the woman he has sworn to cherish the insane excite- 
 < ment of his mirth, or the morbid dejection and nervous 
 > irritability of which he has become the prey, till his rightful 
 ? authority degenerates into a brutal tyranny, and her wed- 
 < ded life becomes a prolonged martyrdom, this arrangement 
 s is often the severest test of what a woman can do, who is 
 imbued with the love of God, and sustained by his grace. 
 And even without the supposition of an extreme case, it 
 may be said* that the little faults in the temper, habits, or 
 manners of a husband, which the intimacy of married life 
 reveals to the eyes of a wife, and the little but perpetual 
 trials to which she may be thus constantly subjected, serve 
 to bring out into beautiful relief some of the most valuable 
 and difficult graces a Christian can cultivate or exhibit. 
 Thus, the patience, the humility, the meekness, the long- 
 suffering, the heavenly-mindedness, which our blessed reli- 
 gion requires and originates, become most favorably known 
 to the husband, and address him in the most winning and 
 persuasive manner. And here, it seems to me, is indicated 
 the most important duty of the Christian wife. From na- 
 tural temperament, and the circumstances of her daily life, 
 she is more sensitive than her husband to the appeals of 
 religion, and less exposed to the dangers and temptations 
 of the world. While, then, it should be her endeavor to 
 render the home of her husband a place of rest from the 
 toils of business — of comforts amid the disappointments of 
 life — of cheerful recreation amid its cares — it should be 
 especially her effort to make it the residence of purity and 
 piety. Against anger, clamor, wrath, bitterness, evil-speak- 
 ing, murmurs, discontent, reproaches, and complainings, 
 the door should be effectually shut ; while for meekness 
 gentleness, resignation, forbearance, hope, peace and joy, 
 there should be an abundant entrance, and a perpetual 
 welcome ! In this way, may the Christian wife often be- 
 come the minister to her husband's salvation. She may be 
 to him, at all times, a preacher of righteousness, improving 
 every event of sorrow or of joy, into some delightful lesson 
 of Christian patience, or gratitude, or moderation. Not 
 that she will seize every opportunity of inculcating in lan- 
 guage the truths and precepts of the gospel, or ever obtrude 
 in an offensive manner her remonstrances and appeals. 
 The preaching of the wife to be effectual, and " to win the 
 husband," must be simply her faithful exhibition in all her 
 conduct of the beauty and heavenly influence of religion. 
 It should appear in her subjection to her husband's author- 
 ity, in her affectionate attachment to him, and her evident 
 wish to make him happy. It should be seen in the cheer- 
 ful discharge of her domestic duties, in her maternal solici- 
 tude, especially for the spiritual welfare of her offspring; 
 in her mild and christian, but watchful and careful control 
 of her household, consulting by a wise economy the inter- 
 ests of her husband, and by a just distribution the comfort 
 and happiness of her dependants and servants ; in her for- 
 bearance towards the involuntary faults of the latter, her 
 pains and patience in teaching them their duties, and the 
 anxiety she manifests for their moral and religious improve- 
 ment ; in her performance of the gentle offices of charity 
 towards her neighbors ; in her assiduous endeavors to avail 
 herself of all the public services of the sanctuary ; in her 
 evident, though unobtrusive attention to the private and 
 most sacred duties of religion, and in the sacrifices she is 
 willing to make of personal or domestic display, that she 
 may have to give, and may enable and persuade her hus- 
 band to give bountifully of his means, towards the labors 
 of christian benevolence, and especially towards the exten- 
 sion of the Redeemer's Kingdom. It is well known, that 
 many, who in their matrimonial arrangements have thought 
 only for their present happiness, have thus found in their 
 believing wives the ministers to their everlasting bliss. 
 What responsibility is thus thrown upon the christian wo- 
 man ? If she does what she can in this most interesting 
 relation, she may be the light, the joy, the salvation, of her 
 husband and household; but if she is recreant lo her obli- 
 gations — if the wife is a deserter of her taith and its duties, 
 the last hope, I had almost said, of husband and family, is 
 gone forever ! 
 It is however in the relation of mother, that female in- 
 fluence is most powerfully felt, and may be most effectually 
 exerted for the welfare of its immediate objects and of so- 
 ciety, dflfe 
 As the clay is in the hands of the potter, so, it may almost 
 be said, are the hearts of her children, under the discipline 
 of a pious and intelligent mother. Their first and deepest 
 impressions are derived from her. Her constant presence 
 with them in their most tender years, affords her every op- 
 portunity of moulding their character almost as she will. 
 If then she is fitted by piety and intelligence for her vo- 
 cation, and does what she can, she may train her sons and 
 daughters in those ways of wisdom and paths of peace, 
 which terminate in the land of everlasting life. 
 Surely it need not be urged that this is the duty of a 
 Christian Mother ; that looking upon her offspring as im- 
 mortal beiags committed during their earliest and most de- 
 pendent years to her special guardianship, she ought to 
 spare no pains, to shrink from no self-denial, to employ 
 every persuasion of love, every influence of authority, eve- 
 ry argument of reason, every aid of the imagination, every 
 provision of the Church, by which, she may be enabled to 
 secure for her children the unspeakable blessings of the 
 Gospel of Christ. 
 What disappointment and trials will wring the mother's 
 heart, what constant need she will find for the exercise of 
 every christian grace, and above all for fervent prayer, 
 for undying patience, and implicit faith, they only can tell, 
 who have been the most earnestly engaged in this noblest 
 work of woman. But it is her duty to persevere ; and she 
 shall have her reward. 
 Having trained her children " in the way they should 
 go," she may be assured they " will not depart from it." 
 If her life is prolonged upon the earth, she will see them 
 beloved and honored in society, and anxious by every filial 
 assiduity to evince how entirely they attribute to her, the 
 esteem and favor they enjoy ; and whenever she may be 
 called fjrom her labors here, she may bid them adieu in the 
 firm and blessed hope, that they will be, " her joy and crown 
 of rejoicing," in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at 
 his coming. 
 Though I have spoken only of the religious influence of 
 a mother over her children, it is obvious, how much their 
 taste, and manners, and general character must depend 
 upon her plastic hand. Nay, is it not unfrequently the 
 case from the isolated position of the families in a country 
 so extensive as ours, and particularly in the newer portions 
 of it, that the only dependence of children, and especially 
 of daughters, for instruction of every sort, during many of 
 the most important, because the most impressible years of 
 their life, is upon their mother. Burdened as she is, under 
 such circumstances, with every care that can occupy a 
 house-keeper, obliged to do with her own hands, what in 
 more settled districts the division of labor assigns to many 
 — what physical endurance, what exhaustless energy, what 
 triumphant patience, what wise economy of time and of re- 
 sources, must that mother exercise, who, amid all her other 
 duties, yet considers every day as lost, of which a part is 
 not devoted to the education of her children. 
 Is the picture too highly wrought to be realized in our 
 selfish and sinful world ? Are the powers of the mother 
 taxed beyond their strength in this representation ? Per- 
 haps, my brethren, any capabilities but those of a mother 
 would fail under such requirements. But they are no more 
 than a mother can fulfil ; they are no more than mothers, 
 within my own knowledge, have fulfilled, and are now ful- 
 filling ; the}' are no more than every mother in similar cir- 
 cumstances must fulfil, if she would discharge acceptably 
 her high and holy mission, and be entitled to the commen- 
 dation, "She hath done what she could." 
 1 have touched, my brethren, upon some of the more ob- 
 vious heads of female duty and responsibility. Much more 
 remains unsaid ; yet meagre as the outline is, it must be 
 sadly felt, how seldom, in actual life, it is filled out. 
 Of the young, how many are the mere votaries of fash- 
 ion and pleasure ! Of wives, how many are the willing 
 companions of their husbands, in a life of worldly extrava- 
 gance and vanity ! Of mothers, how many are there, who 
 even foster the passions and habits in their children, which 
 are sure to lead to their ruin ! 
 And why may these, and numerous similar questions, be 
 asked with such mortifying effect ? Alas, my brethren, the 
 answer reveals a radical error. The true mission of wo- 
 man has not been generally felt and understood. The con- s 
 trolling and sanctifying influence she can exert, has not been > 
 appreciated ; what she can do to refine, and elevate, and < 
 bless mankind, has not been properly estimated ; and she ) 
 has, therefore, been sent forth on her high vocation, too 
 often entirely ignorant of its responsibilities, and utterly 
 unfitted to discharge them. 
 What is the process that is too frequently considered an 
 adequate preparation of a woman for the duties and re- 
 sponsibilities under which she lies ? 
 A young girl, between the period of infancy and that of 
 early youth, is allowed to acquire such secular knowledge 
 and accomplishments, as may be conveniently attained in 
 a desultory attendance at school, and such religious infor- 
 mation as is comprised in a few formularies, sacred hymns 
 and verses in the Bible, all in themselves most excellent, 
 but taught without unction, acquired without interest, and 
 often as the penalty for misconduct, and. therefore, exerting 
 no favorable practical influence. Having reached the age 
 at which she begins to understand what she reads, and ap- 
 preciate what she learns, and having acquired some ele- 
 mentary acquaintance with books in her own tongue — a 
 few phrases of a foreign language — a few tunes upon an 
 instrument of music — and, perhaps, the ability to sketch a 
 rose, or copy a landscape, she is permitted to enter society. 
 In this sphere, without any prescribed course of reading, 
 or study, with very few restraints upon her liberty, she is 
 allowed to amuse herself, till her affections and hand being 
 engaged, she is led to the matrimonial altar. In this new 
 relation, the deep feelings of conjugal and maternal love — 
 the experience she acquires by her daily mistakes and trials 
 — the efforts she may make to repair the past, and to fulfil 
 the duties which she sees to be growing around her — the 
 judicious counsels of friends, and the enlightening grace of 
 God, operating through these and other means, may save 
 the wife and mother, the husband and children from the 
 destiny that seemed so immiment. 
 But how much more naturally — alas, how much more 
 ordinarily, does it result from such a union, that the most 
 solemn duties,, assumed without reflection or preparation, 
 indeed without any adequate conception of their existence, 
 are utterly neglected, and another generation arises, having 
 no cause to call their mother blessed. 
 In a word, my brethren, to bring this discourse to a con- 
 clusion, a woman who does what she can in the several re- 
 lations assigned to her in life, is the fairest embodiment on 
 earth, of Christian principle and duty. 
 Her influence over man, through those natural avenues 
 to his heart, by which she alone can approach, is almost ir- 
 resistible for his present good and his eternal felicity. 
 If she 10 ill do what she can, in the illustration and exem- 
 plification of our holy faith, she can do almost what she 
 will for the moral and spiritual welfare of the world. But, 
 to accomplish this, she must understand her high and heav- 
 enly mission. 
 For this purpose, she must be trained from her infancy 
 in the knowledge and love of her duties towards God and 
 man. In line upon line, and precept upon precept, must 
 this instruction be imparted. With persuasive accents — 
 with looks of love — with unwearied explanations and illus- 
 trations — with consistent and holy example must it be en- 
 forced, until it is received into the heart, and there sustain- 
 ed by the habitual endeavor to practice what has been 
 In secular knowledge, after the necessary elementary 
 study, a broad and deep foundation must be laid in those 
 departments of study, which tend to strengthen and estab- 
 lish the mind, and improve the reasoning faculties ; nor 
 should the lighter accomplishments of a woman, for which 
 she has a taste, and which her circumstances allow her to 
 pursue, be without their share of diligent attention ; and 
 this course should be pursued, if possible, under wise and 
 authoritative direction, till its effect on the pupil's mind is 
 evident to all, and she has acquired both a taste for profita- 
 ble knowledge and the ability to appreciate and digest her 
 When, at length, she enters society, it should be under 
 the guardianship of one capable of securing her against its 
 snares and dangers; and her domestic duties — her intel- 
 lectual improvement — her social pleasures, and her offers 
 of charity towards the poor and ignorant, should all be al- 
 lowed their fair proportion of her time. 
 Thus fitted and prepared for the holy estate of matrimo- 
 ny, she is the richest prize — she is the dearest treasure 
 this earth contains for man. Let her be entrusted only to 
 one, who will esteem her very highly, in love for her own> 
 and her work's sake. 
 To such a one she will prove a wife, including in herself 
 "all joys ;" to his children, a mother who will fulfil all that 
 the sacred name imports ; to his household a mistress in 
 whom authority will be graciously tempered with love ; to 
 society an ornament and a blessing ; and, as the crown and 
 reward of all, she shall have the answer of her conscience, 
 and the testimony of her God, that " She hath done what \ 
 she could." / 
 Almighty Gob, who through thine only begotten Son 
 Jesus Christ, has overcome death, and opened to us the 
 gate of everlasting life j we humbly beseech thee 
 that, as by thy special grace preventing us, that dost 
 put into our minds" good desires j so by thy continual 
 help we may bring the same to good effect, through 
 Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with 
 thee and the holy ghost, ever one god, world with- 
 OUT end. Amen. 