>?■ ; j 3 V m •2? ^ mw»i 8 ■ «**. Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies. Goofed LIBRARY OF THE Uniuersittj of North Carolina. THE WOOD COLLECTION. Presented by Thos. F. Wood, M. D. Alcove 3 ^ Shelf i^^^w^*-^ 't-A\,.e^r't*->v'' n ..5 Librar University of Endowed by the I thro pic' Con • -v % ..V. ^ * r VJ i*^» ***>■■• • * Uniuers TH Presen AlXOVE % V% % r ,\ % V *<*•■<• / v%v J. \ \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil m http://archive.org/details/resourcesofsouthporc RESOURCES mtfan Jf^lds aiti (Jurats, MEDICAL, ECONOMICAL, AND AGRICULTURAL. BEING ALSO A MEDICAL BOTANY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES | PRACTICAL INFORMATION ON THE USEFUL PROPERTIES OF THE TREES, PLANTS, AND SHRUBS. BY FRANCIS PEYRE PORCHER, SURGEON P. A. C. S. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL, RICHMOND, VA. CHARLESTON : STEAM-POWER PRESS OF EVANS fc COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad Street. 1863. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by FRANCIS PEYRE PORCHER, M. D., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Confederate States, for the District of Charles- ton, South Carolina. Printed by Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad sireex, Charleston, S. C. r PREFACE. MEDICINAL AND USEFUL PLANTS AND TEEES OF / THE CONFEDERATE STATES — INDIGENOUS AND INTRODUCED. The following paper is prepared by direction of the Surgeon- General, for which purpose the author was released tempora- rily from service in the field and hospital. It is intended as a repertory of scientific and popular knowl- edge as regards the medicinal, economical, and useful properties of the trees, plants, and shrubs found within the limits of the Confederate States, whether employed in the arts, for manufac- turing purposes, or in domestic economy, to supply a present as well as a future want. Treating specially of our medicinal plants and of the best substitutes for foreign articles of vegeta- ble origin, my aim has been to spare no exertions, compatible with the limits assigned me, to make it applicable as well to the requirements of the Surgeon as of the Planter and Farmer; and I trust that after the war shall have ceased there will still be no diminution in the desire of every one to possess a source from whence his curiosity may be satisfied on matters pertaining to our useful plants. The Regimental Surgeon in the field, the Physician in his private practice, or the Planter on his estate may themselves collect and apply these substances within their reach, which are frequently quite as valuable as others obtained from abroad, and either impossible to be pro- cured or scarce and costly. But information scattered through a variety of sources must needs be firs j collected to be available in any practical point of view. I have, therefore, inserted whatever I thought would throw light upon the vegetable productions of the Confederate States, IV PREFACE. to enable every one to use the ample material within his reach. I have searched, through the various catalogues and systematic works on botany, and noticed in almost every instance the habitat and precise locality of plants, that each one may be apprised of the proximity of valuable species. Catalogues of the trees and plants growing in special local- ities thus become of great service, as they indicate precisely where valuable species may be procured. Those interested may obtain the localities of many plants found in the Confeder- ate States by consulting Elliott's Botany, Darby's, and the recent work by Chapman, of Florida, " The Flora of the South- ern United States." Among the catalogues issued at the South are one by Dr. Jno. Bachman of " Plants growing in the vicin- ity of Charleston," published in the Southern Agriculturist; one by Prof. Louis B. Gribbes of those found in Bichland dis- trict, S. C.j "Plants found in the vicinity of Newbern, 1ST. C," by H. B. Croomj an unfinished paper, by W. Wragg Smith, Esq., published in the Transactions of the Elliott Society of Charleston ; and "A Medico-Botanical Catalogue of the Plants of St. John's, Berkley, S. C," by the writer. Also my " Sketch of the Medical Botany of South Carolina," published in the Transactions of the An . Med Association, vol. ii, 1849, and " Besources of the Southern Fields and Forests," De Bow's Beview, August, 1861. The extensive collection in the Charles- ton Museum by my friend, Mr. H. W. Bavenel, as well as the several publications of himself and Mr. M. A. Curtis, of Hills- borough, 1ST. C, might also be consulted with profit. I have availed myself of Dr. Chapman's work in ascertaining the names of plants added by botanists since the time of Walter and Elliott, and not contained in the catalogues referred to. The plants have been arranged after the Natural system, adopting for the most part the views of Lindley. The reference to information contained in books* serves the purpose of showing those interested in any production or manu- facture where fuller details, which are too long to insert, can be procured. It will be seen from inspecting the list of author- *I take this occasion to express my indebtedness to Col. J. B. Moore, of State- burg, S. C, for the use of a valuable library of agricultural and chemical books, and for many facilities afforded me in the prosecution of this work; also, to Prof. L. R. Gribbes, for the loan of the catalogues in his possession. PREFACE. V ities, that the labor of searching through the large number of medical and other authorities has been very great. I have not hesitated to draw largely from any quarter, appending the name of the author, whenever I thought the matter applicable to our present condition and requirements. Thus, on the sub- ject of the Grape, Vine, Sugar, Sorghum, Tannin, Opium, Flax, Mustard, Castor oil, Oils, Turpentine, Starch, Potash, Soda, "Wood for engraving and for domestic purposes, Medicinal sub- stances, etc., I have been profuse in my selections from a multi- plicity of sources. I have avoided more than a cursory mention of the Crypto- gamic plants, Fungi, etc., as the space occupied would be too great. I would refer the reader to my paper in the Transac- tions of the Am. Med. Association, vol. vii, on " The Medicinal, Dietetic, and Poisonous Properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of the United States/' where the subject is treated in extenso, and a description of several hundred useful or poisonous species furnished. The older as well as the more recent works on the Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Medical Botany — from Johannes Eay and- Bergius to Pereira, Griffith, and Stille — have been consulted. That complete and extensive work, the Diction- naire de Matiere Medicate, by Merat and De Lens, including the supplementary volume, has been freely translated when neces- sary. I have also examined the Agricultural journals, the Patent Office Reports, the " Rural Cyclopaedia," edited by Wil- son, of Edinburgh, and excerpts from the journals and newspa- pers of the day, which have since the beginning of the present contest been particularly full in information on the economical resources of our Confederacy. From these I have been care- fully collecting. In our present exigency many topics are appropriately intro- duced which would hardly have place in a strictly medical work. Information of this kind is generally referred to under sub- jects with which it is closely allied. Thus, Potash, Ashes, and Soap are classed under "Carya" and "Quercus" (Hickory and Oak), Soda and Soda Soaps under "Salsola" and "Fucus," Charcoal under "Pinus" and " Salix " (Pine and Willow), Oils under " Sesamum " (Bene), Starch and Arrow-root under " Ma- VI PREFACE. ranta " and " Convolvulus/' etc., as these plants are character- istically rich in such products. The index, however, will con- tain full references. The mode of action of medicinal plants infinitely varies ; their selection, consequently, for the several purposes required by the physician is not in my opinion a matter of mere acci- dent, the result of guesswork, or of popular reputation. Each is distinguished by the composition of its principal constituents ; these are generally astringent principles, narcotics, stimulating vegetable oils, cooling, refrigerant acids, bitter tonics, cathar- tics, etc., etc. Some, as the Cinchonacese and the less active antiperiodics, contain principles still more rarely met with and more obscure in their mode of operation, which have con- trol in warding off the access of malarial attacks. But once in possession of the main active principles furnished by a plant, it is easy to see ivhy it gains credit as a remedy in certain classes of disease. This power it may share in comniCn with many others, and several properties may be combined in various degrees in each, which it is necessary to know, preliminary to a judicious ajoplication of them. Many plants, for example, are reputed efficacious in arresting the profluvise, diarrhoeas, and discharges from the mucous surfaces generally; this should excite no surprise when it is suspected or ascertained that they contain tannin simply. In some others, as in the Uva ursi, for example, the tannin is associated with a stimulating diuretic oil, which further adapts it to the relief of chronic renal affec- tions. So with those Avhich experience teaches us produce a carthartic, emetic, narcotic, sedative, irritant, or vermifuge action on the human system. It is always in virtue of the well known principles they contain that they prove serviceable and are preferred, and chemical analysis subsequently reveals precisely what it is upon which their powers depend. The ignorant, whether credulous or incredulous, know only by memory the name of the plant and the disease which it is said to suit — as in the manner of charlatans and herb doctors. In a notice by my distinguished friend, W. Gilmore Simms, Esq., of the article in De Bow's Eeview, by the writer, pub- lished in the Charleston Mercury, Sept. 1861, he speaks thus of the preparations necessary to the great issues then at stake : PKEFAOE. Vll "Now is the time when all the art and science that we pos- sess, and all the suggestions that we can make, should be put in requisition, to the great end of our sectional independence. Every citizen who thinks himself in possession of a truth or a fact which he deems to be not generally recognized, should make it public — put it to challenge — that it may be subjected to investigation. In this way, and this only, with our 'Doubts and Queries/ shall we bring about that searching investigation which will develop our sectional resources." He refers in discursive language to the " resources of the Southern fields and forests, the natural productions in brief of the South — her resources in the woods, and swamps, and fields, the earth and rocks ; for purposes of need, utility, med- icine, art, science, and mechanics; hints to the domestic man- ufacturer ; to the workers in wood and earth ; and rock and tree; and shrub and flower; hints, clues, suggestions, which may be turned to the most useful purposes ; not merely as expedients during the pressure of war and blockade, but contin- uously, through all time, as affording profit, use, interest, and employment to our people." From an inspection of the large amount of material em- braced in this volume it will be seen that our Southern Flora is extraordinarily rich. It is the teeming product of every variety of soil and climate, from Maryland to Florida, from Tennessee to Texas. The Atlantic slopes with their marine growth, the Mountain ridges of the interior, the almost infra-tropical productions of South Florida, with the rich alluvia of the Eiver courses — all contrib- ute to swell the lists and produce a wonderful exuberance of vegetation. These a bounteous Providence has vouchsafed to a Confederacy of States, starting forth Upon their career under new and happier auspices, and with independence and self- reliance forced upon them by an almost sacred necessity. I here introduce a notice of upwards of four hundred sub- stances, possessing every variety of useful quality. Some will be rejected as useless, others may be found upon closer exam- ination to be still more valuable. The most precious of all Textile Fibres, and Grains, Silks, Seeds, Oils, Gums, Caout- chouc, Eesins, Dyes, Fecula, Albumen, Sugar, Vegetable Acids, Starch, Liquors, Spirit, Burning Fluid, material for making Vlll PREFACE. Paper and Cordage, Barks, Medicines, Wood for Tanning and the production of Chemical Agencies, for Timber, Ship-build- ing, Engraving, Furniture, Implements and Utensils of every description — all abound in the greatest munificence, and need but the arm of the authorities or the energy and enterprise of the private citizen to be made sources of utility, profit, or beauty. ALPHABETICAL INDEX RESOURCES OF THE, SOUTHERN FIELDS AND FORESTS," INDEX TO THE, COMMON NAMES OF PLANTS, GENERAL INDEX Acacia, false, 188. " rose, 189. " substitute for, 310, 352; see de- mulcents. Acetic acid, from pine, 498. Acids, vegetable in plants, 369, 405, 534. Acorn, bearing, to raise, 265 ; substitute for coffee, 535 ; for bread, 541 Adam's needles, a substitute for flax and hemp, 531. Adder'.s tongue, 530. Agaric, substitute for, 130; see styptics. Agave, Virginian, 522; Mexican, in Fla., drink from, 522 ; alcohol and materials for paper from, 522. Agrimony, 145, 271. Albumen, plants yielding, uses of, 92, 42. Alder, 266; for tanning, 267; oil and wine from, 268; black, 389. Alcohol (see Liquors), in grape, 222; from sap of birch, 266; from agave, 522 Ale (see Beer), 279. Algee, 591. Alkaline salts in weeds (see Potash and Soda), 504, 590. Alkanet, 439. Allspice, 199; substitute fov, 354. Aloa (see Zostera), a substitute for cot- ton, 547. Alumina in plants, 266. Alum root, 138. Alteratives, vegetable, 33, 121, 385, 419, American centaury, 479. " Colombo, 480. " cranberry, 383- " hemlock, 44. " olive, 493. " orchard grass,, 587. " spearmint, 440; " silver fir, 576. " spikenard, 51. Ammonia, plants yielding, 80, 364, 474'. Amulet, plant used as, 437. Amy root, sudorific and alterative, and use in asthma, 483. Anassthetics, influence on plants, 197; local, 417; singular native, 475. Anemone, 16, 17. Animals, list of plants avoided by, 563 ; food for, 563. Angelica, 46; tree, 50. Aniscsced tree, 39. Anodyne, (see Narcotics), local, 44, 380, 417. Antimony, substitute for, 486. Antiperiodics, native, 38, 40, 43, 59, 96, 136, 238, 267, 372, 389, 390, 404, 412, 420, 427, 428, 436, 441, 446, 464, 480, 484, 494. Antiscorbutics, sorrel as, 369, 370, 385. Antispasmodics, native, 424, 425, 440,442, 444, 446, 448,' 525, 533, 544. Antiseptics, vegetable, 356, 424, 43S, 442; powder, 502; sugar as, 569. 428,429,437, 460, 465, 528, 537, 538, Anthelmintics, native (see "Vermifuge), 591. 22, 106, 362, 481, 404, 448, 527, 587. Ambrosia, 419. Aphrodisiacs, native, 440, 443, 410,470, American arbor vitas, 507. | 524, 546. INDEX. Apple, 150: cider from, 151, • liquor from, 160; wood for printing, 150; to store up, 149; insects on, to prevent, 150; substitute for dried, 65. Apple, May, 77. Aphis on apple and peach, to destroy, 150, 173. Apocyne, 483. Arbor vitae, for engraving and for hedges, 507, 173. Aromatics, native, 38, 39, 45. 46, 47, 352, •354, 357, 380, 416, 424, 426, 444, 447, 522, 532, 539, 546, 561, 585, 588. Arnica, 426. Arrow-head, 536. Arrow-root, method of preparation and cultivation, 512; Indian, 510; machine for rasping, 513; to dry, 514; to pre- pare and cultivate on plantations, 515, 536. Artichoke, 420, 417; cultivation and uses, 421; burr, 428. Arum, 542. Asarin, 357. Ash, 168, 167, 494. Ashes, strength of and yield, 259 ; Potash, etc., in, 260 ; use in soap making, 259, 326, 333, 590. Asafoetida, substitute for, 424. Asparagus (see Salads), 535, 175 : subst. for, 275, 488, 535, 537, 538; subst. for coffee, to prepare, 535. Asparagine, 537, 535. Aster, 414. Astragalus, 177. Astringents, native, 17, 18, 19, 20, 35, 58, 59, 71, 109, 138, 140, J 41, 144, 145, 146, 193, 199, 200, 201 to 208, 237, 238, 239, 257, 262, 266, 269, 271, 316, 345, 368, :369, 370, 372, 380, 384, 387, 388, 389, 390, 415, 416, 424, 436, 437, 438, 439, 441, 444, 447, 463, 467, 522, 545, 590, 591. Atamasco lily, 522. Avens, white, 145. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 600. Bald cypress, 508. Balm, 440; of Gilead tree, 506. Baling cotton, wood for, 325. Bands for cotton bales, 325. Balsam, tree, 130 ; balsam plants yielding, 506, 507, 509. Barbe de capucin, 433. Barley, liquor from, 164. Barberry, 51. Barilla, plants yielding, 133, 360 (see potash); to manufacture from fuci, 593. Barks, to dry, 5; for cordage 103; see fibre, yielding tannin (see Quercus), 241, et seq. ■ Barometer, natural, 136, 177, 384, 590. Bastard alkanet, 438. Baskets, material for making, 62, 63, 380; to prepare, 339. Bas-s wood, 103. Bay, singular properties ascribed to, 36, 3S0. Beaver tree, 36; poison, 44. Bear grass, to cultivate and prepare fibre as substitute for hemp, 530, 531. Bee pasture, plants for, 423, 440. Beer, native plants yielding, to make, 195, 276, 279, 280, 353? 421, 479 ; French army,353; persimmon, 387; to strength- en, 425; spruce, 507; from China briar, 537; from corn, 552; small, 552. Beech, ashes rich in potash, 236 ; oil from, . 237 : leaves for stuffing beds, 237 ; drops, 462. Beds, material to stuff, 237, 4S8; see mat- tresses. Beet, vinegar from, 374; to extract sugar from, 375 ; cultivation of, 375 ; to crys- tallize, 571. -. Belladonna, substitute for, 470J 477. Bene, oil and mucilage from, 450 ; sub- stitute for castor and olive oil, 450 ; to extract,, 452. Benzoic acid in plants, 561. Benzoin, 354. Bermuda arrow-root, to prepare, 512; grass, 565. Birch, red, 266; cherry, 265; sweet, 265. Bird, catching, 392 ; lime, 64, 390 ; to prepare, 391; to intoxicate, 528. Bitters (see tonics), substitute for, 380, 478, 532, 546. Biting knotweed, 370. Black alder, 339; oak, 238; gum, 347; drink, 393; walnut, 318; oil from in toothache, 368 : spruce, 505, 507 ; root, 467, 419. Blackberry, 140, 141; wine, to prepare, 141, 142 ; syrup, 143 ; cordial, 143 ; in tanning leather, 242. Blade tea, 548. Bladder nut, 130. Blazing star, 527. Bleaching plants, method, 90. Blistering plaster, substitute for, 16, 17, IS, 19, 397; blistering fly, 16; to col- lect, 398 ; see, also, Eseharotics. Blood root, 30. Blue flag, as a diuretic in dropsy, 523 ; tripterella, 523; dyes, to extract, 179, 182; plants yielding, 187, 310, 316. Boats, timber for, 306, 509 : bark, 508. Bog rush, 589. Boneset, 410. Books, consulted, 1. Bots. native remedy, 41, 107. Box, 111 ; boxes, material for packing, 545. Bougie, material for making, 310. Bows, from Osage orange, 103. Brake, 590. Brandy, native material for making, 65 ; from persimmon, 386. Bread, substitute for, 177 ; from persim- INDEX. mon, 386; potato, 397; from roots of Carrot, 47. plants, 541; hygienic, from corn, 549; Cartridge-boxes, material for, 349. Indian loaf, 599 ; from rice, 580 Brewing (see Liquors), 280. Brooklime, 468. Brook pimpernel, 468 ; weed, 385. Broom rape, 462. Brooms, material for, 266, 508, 526 ; from doura corn, 566, 567. Brushes, native material for, 526. Buckeye, 84. Buckwheat, substitute for, 373. Buffalo clover, 177; berry tree, 174. Bugle weed, 441. Bulrush, 537. Burdock, 419. Burning fluid, see Oil. Burr, 419 ; artichoke, 428. Butterfly weed, 485. Butternut, 317. Button, snakeroot, 43, 410 ; bush, 405. Buttons, native materials for, 65, 84. Byram's plan of cultivation and manu- facture of silk, 282 Cabbage tree, 526; palmetto, 526; for forts, wharves, thatch, etc., 526; skunk. 544. Cabinet work, woods suited for, 11, 62, 41, 79, 80, 103, 104, 107, 120, 197, 150, 171. 188, 189, 311, 312, 318, 320, 321, 323, 343, 347, 392, 460, 494, 499, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 511, 590. Cactus, 66. Calabash, 65. Calamus, an aromatic, 545. Calico printing, plants used in, 406 ; bush, 381. Calomel, substitute for (see Deobstru- ents and Alteratives), 431, 487. Cake, plants yielding oil, 67, 69, 73, 118, 423. Cammelina., an oil plant, 67. Camphor, plants yielding, 199. Canada, leatherwood, 350 ; snakeroot, 357 ; balsam, 506. Canadian collinsonia, 201, 208, 444. Cancer root, 462, 463; weed, 442. Candles, to harden, 66, 501; from myr- tle berries, 314; for war times, 500. Cane, and reed, 587; see Chinese and sugar-canes. Cantharis vesic, 397; to collect, 398. Cantharides, substitute for, 16, 19, 28, 40, 131, 176, 350, 510, 424; to prepare from potato fly, 397. Caoutchouc, plant producing, 120, 127, 128, 417, 539; to prepare, 487 (Inuline), 485. Capers, 75 ; substitute for, 18. Cardinal flower, 404. Carmine ink, substitute for, 367. Carminatives (see Aromatics), 416, 539, 546. Carolina potato, 397 ; jalap, 397. Casks, cider, 156 ; material for caulking, 545, 589. Cassia, 196. Cassina, 393. Castor oil plant, mode of cultivation, expression of oil, uses, etc., 112, 114, 115; self-hulling, 117; stearine from, 118; cake for manure, 118. Catechu (seo Astringents), 147, 438. Cataleptic power in plant, 447, 483. Cathartic bromus, 587. Cathartics, substitute for, 21, 29, 37, 65, 66, 126. 129, 139, 173, 175, 195, 305, 317, 358, 361, 370, 372, 376, 395, 396, 397, 407, 408, 411, 428, 431, 449, 465, 1 466, 467, 480, 484, 490, 523, 533, 565, 582, 587. Catnip, 447 ; cattail, 57, 544 ; catweed, 426; catfoot, 427. Cattail, as a substitute for cotton, and to stuff mattresses, 544. Caulking, material for, 545. Caustic properties, plants possessing (see Escharotics), 16, 18, 582. Cedar, 507, 510 ; oil from, 510. Celery, 45. Cement for cisterns, 259. Centaury, Am. 479. Chairs, wood suited for making, 41, 79, 104, 257, 266, 311, 323, 589. Chamomile, wild, 424; substitute for, 424, 425, 60. Champagne, substitute for, 387. Charcoal, qualities of, 241, 339, 497; plants yielding for gunpowder, 267, 273, 339, 340, 362; to prepare, 339, 498 ; to purify water, 342 ; to clarify vinegar, 498. Cherokee rose, as hedge plant, 103. Cherry, liquor from, 161, 170; birch, 265; cordial and syrup, 170, 171. Cheese, plants to flavor, 176, 406. Chess, dye from, 587. Chestnut, uses of, 238. Chiccory, cultivation of, and admixture with coffee, uses of, 431. Chickweed, 136, 347, 384. China briar, 537; grass, 272; vegetable to cement, 532. Chinese tea plant, cultivation and prep- aration, 104. Chinese sugar-cane, sugar, molasses, and syrup from, to manufacture, value of, 567, et seq.; vinegar, paper, and coffee from, 576, 577. Chinquapin, astringency of, 237. Chloroform, substitute for, 44 ; influence on plants, 197. Cider, manufacture of, 150 ; from mul- berry, 305; persimmon, 387. Cigars, pis. to flavor, 410; pectoral, 422. Circhonine in Georgia, bark, 405; sub- stitute for, 59. INDEX. Circulation, plants acting on; see Seda tives. Cisterns, cement for, 259. Citric acid, mode of extracting, 108, 306, Cloth from fibre, 272; plants yielding, 484, 488, 489; to render water-proof, 500; from mulberry, 307; plants to wash, 590. Clover, rabbit-foot, 177; buffalo, 177; yellow, 176; red, 177; white, 177. Club rush, 589. Cob, corn, analysis of, 550; potash, lye, and soda, soap from, 551. Cochineal insect, 66, 67. Cockle, 145. Cocoons, method of treating, 280. Coffee, 405; substitute for, 91, 435; from cotton seed, 96; substitute suggested,' 177, 407, 195, 196; from potato, 400; from chiccory, 431 ; Florida, 196; from asparagus, 535; from acorns, 535; from corn, 552; from Chinese sugar-cane, 577; from rice, 580; from wheat, 584. Cohosh, 19. Collinsonia, 445. Colocynth, substitute for, 200, 485. Colombo, American, 480. Colt's-tail, 415. Concentrated lye, to prepare, 259 ; potash in, 327, 332 ; from corn, 551. Confederate flax, 531. Conium, substitute for, 44. Consumption weed, 418. Contrayerva, substitute for, 425. Copaiba, substitute for, 378. Copal varnish, plants yielding, 208 ; Co- palm oil and resin, 344. Corn, Indian, oil, sugar, paper, beer, soda, soap, potash, bread, etc. from, 548, et teq ; cobs, prod, of, 549; anal, of, 560 as food for horses, 550 ; soap from shucks, 551; Guinea and doura, 566 Coral, Indian, 538. Cordage, plants yielding, 350, 429, 435, 103, 271, 273 ; from mulberry, 305 ; wa- hoo, 311 ; golden-rod, 417 ; Indian hemp, 484; spruce, 507; from bear grass, 530. Cordial, cherry to make, 171; blackberry, 143. Cork, substitute for, 347; tree, 265. Cosmetic, plant used as, 534. Cotton, 93 ; fibre in surgery, 95 ; subst. for quinine, 95 ; substitute for coffee, 96, 544; soap from, 96, 100; gun cotton, 96 ; to decorticate seed, 97 ; cotton seed oil and cake, 97; as a manure, 100; wooden slats for baling, 259 ; recent substitute for, 547 ; woody fibre unfitted for, 547 ; microscop. exam. 548. Counter irritants, see Escharotics. Cow-pea, 194. Crab apple, 149. Cranberry, value, cultivation, and preser- vation of, 383. Cranesbill, 138. Creosote, from pine, 498, 504. Creeping cucumber, 65. Cress, 71 ; see Salad, Virginian, 67. Croton oil, substitute for, 28. Crow foot, 13S. Cryptogamous genera, 589. Cucumber, tree, 38 ; creeping, 65 ; Indian, 529. Culpepper, extracts from Nicholas, 37. Cunilla, 445. Currants, 174; wild, 168. Custard, apple, 41. Cutworm, to prevent, 107. Cypress, 508, 509 ; powder, 543. Cyperus, jointed, 588. Daisy, ox-eyed, 426. Dandelion, 429 ; substitute for coffee, ca- outchouc in, 430. Darnel, bearded, poisonous to wheat, 564. Deadly nightshade, 468. Deafness, plants relieving, 444. Deer-grass, 57. Delirium, caused by plants, 565. Demulcents, native, 35, 76, 176, 310, 345, 352, 390, 418, 436. Dentrifice, vegetable, 368. Deobstruents, 145, 369, 429, 465, 528, 540; gee Alteratives. Devil's fig, 28; wood, 493. Dewberry, 141. Diaphoretics, 446. Digitalis, 461; substitute for, 465, 441. Dill, 47. Discutients, native, 78, 334, 537; see Es- charotics. Dittany, 445. Diuretics, native, 39, 42, 43, 47, 64, 86, 120, 144, 272, 347, 356, 359, 368, 371, 377, 395, 403, 405, 408, 410, 415, 416, 419, 428, 435, 444, 468, 470, 510, 523, 530, 535, 542, 565. Dock, 368, 370. Dog's-tooth violet, 530. Dog's-bane, 483, 484; pi, vomiting, 588. Dogwood, 59; dog-fennel, 414; tested for tannin, 346: to tan leather, 414. Dollar plant, 193. Doura corn, 566; subst. for wheat, 567. Dragon's blood, 370; root, 540. Dried fruit, substitute for, 65; fig, 309. Drinks from native plants (see Liquors), 23, 157. Duckweed, 21, 548. Dwarf-nettle, 268; milk-weed, 488; pal- metto, 527. Dye from native plants, blue, 19, 131 178, 179, 183, 189, 316, 372, 494, 523 536; green, 18, 21, 262, 494, 534, 587 yellow, 16, 18, 21, 29, 52, 79, 103, 149 146, 173, 175, 188, 233, 239, 271, 322 371, 388, 389, 395, 406, 417, 419, 429j; red, 33, 178, 367, 406; black, 55, 80 122, 204, 210, 240, 316, 319, 386, 442 484, 494, 310, 598; scarlet, 60, 63, 79 INDEX. Xlll cinnamon, 509, 267; purple, 80, 178? 262,379; crimson, 367: dove color, 80; brown, 367; drab, 21; saffron, 173," in'oZet, 187; olive, 262; indelible, 367; for bank notes, 598; 359, 360, 421, 423, 473, 236 ; to extract, 260, 325, 360 ; to prepare, 326, 328 ; from weeds, 328, 421, 504; nitrate of, 363, 376, 590, from fuci, 594. Potato, sweet, 397; coffee from, 400 ; starch from, 400; blistering flies on, 400; to cleanse silk, 400, 472; Irish, starch from, 471 ; yam, a substitute for, 539. Prickly, ash, 136, 137 ; pear, to harden tallow, 66 ; poppy, 28. Pride of India, 106; as vermifuge, and for cabinet purposes, 107. Printing blocks, material for, 122 ; see wood engraving, 150, 168. Prussic acid, plants yielding, 170, 171, 172. Puccoon, 30; formulas for, 599, 601. Purgatives, plants supplying, see Cathar- tics. Pyroligneous acid from pine, 498; vinegar from, 498. Pumpkin, 64. Pupil, plants dilating, 470, 476. Purslane, 131. Putty root, substitute for gum arabio, 525, Quass, manufacture, 164. Quassia, 137. Queen's delight, 121. Quercitron, 239 ; oak, 239. Quinine (see Antiperiod.), substitute for, •S3S, 334, 372, 405, 412. Rabbit-foot clover, 177. Radish, water, 71. Rag weed, 419 ; root, 429. Raspberry, wild, 144. Rattlesnake's master, 50, 522 ; plants hos- tile to, 494. Reed mace, 544; burr, 545. Red-bird salad, 197 ; chickweed, 384; clo- ver, 177. Refrigerants, 139, 140, 368, 369, 383, 437, 534, 536. Reeling of silk, 300. Rennet, plant acting as, 77, 131, 139, 406, 482. Rhubarb, substitute for, 368, 370, 396, 480 ; culture of, in Confederate States, 373; preparation of roots, 374. Rhus, antidote for, 201. Ribwort, 437. Rice, Carolina, uses of, effect in producing myope, 578; starch from, 578; bread from, 580 ; substitute for coffee, 580. Roots, to dry, 7; furnishing starch and food, 541, 542, 544. Rope, wahoo, for baling cotton, 311; material for, 350. Rose, 460, 461 ; water to prepare, 460 ; oil to prepare, 461; acacia, 189; rose- mary, 437. Rosaries, seeds for making, 130. XV1U INDEX. Rosin from pine, 497 ; from cypress, 509. Rouge, substitute for, 439. Royal fern, 591. Rubefacients (see Escharotics), 17, 31, 33, 74. Rue, Turkey, 187. Rush, white, 582. Rye, substitute for coffee, 5S4. Saccharine matter in grasses, 225; see, also, Wine and Sugar. Sage, 442 ; cultivation of, 443. Sago from potato, 397 ; from arum, 543. Salad, substitute for, 56, 57, 67, 72, 73, 131, 136, 276, 369, 430, 529, 544. Saliein, 335. Salivation caused by plants, 128, 136, 137, 177, 410, 436, 447, 486; plants arrest- ing, 420 ; see Alteratives. Saliva, plants tinging, 436. Salt, economy in, 332, 503. Saltwort, 359; yielding soda, SCO; marsh grass, 582. Sap of tree?, liquors from, 163; sugar from, 318, 321. Saponine, 132. Sampson's snakeroot, 478. Sand-paper, substitute for, 415. Sanguinaria, 599. Sanicle, 42. Sarsaparilla, 51, 132, 376; substitute for, 460, 537. Sassafras, 350; substitute for gum arabic, 351, 352; beer from, 353. Savin, substitute for, 510. Saw palmetto for mattresses and hats, 525. Scabish, 55. Scarlet pimpernel, 3S4. Scouring rush, 582. Skullcap, 446. Sea myrtle, 418; grape, 376; orach, 361 : weed, soda, iodine, and potash from, 593; as manure, 594. Sedatives, plants acting as, 19, 20, 30, 44. 47, 5S, 103, 169, 172, 173, 382, 383, 401, 441. 465, 469, 525. 528, 535. Seneka snakeroot, 85. Senna, wild, 195. Sensibility in plants, 197. Sensitive plant, 197. Serpentaria, 355, 357. Service tree, 161, 168; drink from, 162. Side-saddle flower, 53. Silk, making of, 280 ; rearing of worms and processes, 281,e/ xeq.; substitute for, 489. Silkweed for cloth, thread, cushions, etc., 489; cultivation of, 489. Silica in plants, 415, 590. Silver fir, 506. Simpler's joy, 450. Sisal hemp, to cultivate and prepare, 58 : to cleanse, rot, the fibre, 519, et seq. Skunk cabbage, 544. Sheep laurel, 381; sorrel, 308; plants poisonous to, 379. Ship building, timber for, 188, 189, 236, 263, 505, 507; see wood for cabinet work. Shoe wax, to make, 206; wooden shoes, 343. 348. Shrub, 199. Shucks, soap, paper, soda, manufactures from, 551, et seq.; yarn from, 561. Smart-weed,370. Smilacine, 538. Smith, Dr. J. L. on crystal, sugar, 570. Smut caused by barberry, 52 ; to prevent, 598. Snake-head, 465; plantain, 437; weed, 44; root, 43, 85, 355, 357, 358; Sampson's snakeroot, 478: black snakeroot, 19. Snuff, plants to flavor, 546. Soapwort, 132. Soap, plants furnishing, 69, 83, 84, 96, 107, 132, 325, 423 ; soft, to make, 134, 332, hard, 259. 331 ; to make with lye, 261, 316; economical, 262, 331, 332; from myrtle berries, 314 ; from resin without grease, 501 ; from corn shucks, 551, 561; plants acting as, 590; from sea- weed, 593. Soda, plants yielding, 133, 359, 551 ; to manufacture, 133, 134, 360; from kelp, 590, 593. Soft rush, 537. Solanina, 469, 471, 472. Solferino, color, 367. Solomon's seal, 534. Sorghum and sorgho suere, sugar and syrup from, to manufacture, 567, et seq. ; mill for, 568. Sorrel, 3H8, 374. Sour wood, 379 ; gum, 347. Sow thistle, 436. Soup, plant to make, 195, 585. Sparterie, for baskets, 343. Spearmint, 440. Speedwell, 466. Spice bush, 354. Spicy wintergreen, 3S0. Spiders, to relieve sting of, 401. Spigeline, 4S2. Spikenard, American, 51. Spinach, substitute for, 136. Spirits, from plants (see Liquors). Spotted wintergreen, 377. Spruce, 505 ; bemlock, for tanning, 506 ; black, 507 ; essence of, 507; white, 507; beer, 279. Spurge, 128. Spurry, 135 ; to improve soils, 561. Squaw root, 462. St. John's wort, 78. Staggers, plant causing, 522. Starch, plants yielding, 53, 84, 524, 537; from potato, 397, 400, 422; to extract and prepare, 516 ; by fermentation, 517; to wash and pack for sale, 518, 534, 536, 539; from Indian turnip, 541, from roots, to be converted into bread. INDEX. 542 ; from corn, 553 ; from rice, 578 ; from wheat, to manufacture, 584. Star-flower, 532 ; grass, 532, 533. Stearine, plant yielding, 122, 124. Steeple bush, 146. Sternutatories, native 31, 483, 358, 533. Stitchweed, 136. Stimulants, plants yielding, 85, 427, 542, 543. " Stomachics, native, 39, 479. 480, 532. Stramonium, 474. Strawberry, 144. Styptic weed, 130, 196, 424; styptics, 424, 426. Sugar-cane, 577, 570 ; et seq.; paper and syrup from, 573 ; wax from, 578. Sugar maple, 80 ; to extract sugar from, 81. Sugar, to manufacture, 81, 567; et seq.; berry, 312; plants producing, 79, 80, 92, 539 ; to clarify with vegetable albu- men, 92 ; from sap of walnut, 318, 321 ; from beet, 375; from sap of trees, 318, 321, 396; from potato, 400; from silkweed, 488 ; to prepare and manufac- ture from corn, 553 ; Naudain and Webb's method, 553, 558; large amount in lime grass, 562 ; Chinese sugar, mo- lasses, and syrup from, to manufacture, 567; et seq.; mill for, 268; antiseptic power of, 569; to crystallize, 570, 577. Sumachs, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207; anti- dote to poisoning by, 201, 273, 450, 541; cultivation of for tannin, 209; and for calico printing in Sicily, 209. Sun, dew, 73 ; flower, extraordinary evap- oration in, oil, cigars from, cultivation of, 422 ; paper from, 423 ; potassa and oil from, 423. Swallowwort, 488. Swamp laurel, 36 ; dogwood, 62. Sweet, birch, 265, 380 ; gum, for tanning, 344; leaf, 388, 3S9; shrub, 199; potato, 397. Syrup, of wild cherry, 171 ; astringent, 388 ; to manufacture from Ch. sugar- cane, 567, et seq., 591. Tallow tree, 122; candles and soap to ob- tain from it, 123. Tannin, plants yielding (see Astringents); to extract, 209, 210, 379, 380, 415, 438, 445, 591 ; leaves tested for, 345 ; (see Khus, Quercus, and Liquidambar). Tanning leather, plants for, 146, 201 to 211, 240, 243, 267, 316, 345, 384, 494, 546; method described by Dr. Lee, 245 ; easy method on plantations, 249 ; method from So. Cultivator, 255 ; leaves sug- gested to be used in, 345 ; dogfennel and gum for, 346. Tansy, 425. Tanya, indelible dye from, 367. Tar water, 504. Taraxacum, uses of, 428. Tare, 194. Tea, antispasmodic from Tilia, 103, 525; Chinese tea plant, cult, and subst. for, 104, 140, 144, 380, 389, 390, 391, 393, 417, 482; New Jersey tea tree, 109; demulcent and aromatic, 352, 354; flavor of green tea, 523 ; blade, 553. Telegraph poles, wood for, 510. Terebene and turpentine, 501. Textile plants, see '< Fibre." Thatch, pi. for, 590. Thirst, plants allaying, 379. Thistles, 436. Thorn-apple, 28, 474, 477. Thoroughwort, 410, 413. Thread from pi. (see Fibre), 88, 272, 489. Thyme, 444. Tickweed, 446. Tilleul, subst. for soothing tea from, 103. Timber, best time to fell, 241 ; to season, 258; relative strength of, 258; density of, 264; effect of soil and season upon 263; selection of, 264; height of, 264. Timothy grass, peculiarity of seed, 566. Titi, for pipe stems, 130. Tobacco, 473; subst. for, 29, 62, 358; to flavor, 410, 439, 473, 546. Tomato, 472. Tonics, native, 18, 21, 33, 36, 39, 54, 61, 63, 136, 138, 146, 169, 344, 356, 376, 377, 389, 390, 413, 415, 427, 428, 435, 445, 448, 466, 478, 480, 524, 527, 532, 546. Tool handles, wood for, see "Cabinet," 235. Toothache, remedy for, 447; bush, 50, 136, 137. Torchwood, 200. Touch-me-not, 139. Traveller's joy, 16. Trees, height, strength, etc.; see "Timber." Trefoil, 177. Tripterella, blue, 523. True blue grass, value in enriching lands, 585. Trumpet flower, 460. Tuckahoe, 599. Tulip tree, 39; poplar, 39. Tupelo, 347 ; for making utensils, shoes, etc., 348. Turkey pea, 187. Turmeric, IS. Turnsole, 438. Turpentine, extraction, uses, etc., 495, 499; soap from, 496; effects upon sys- tem, 499; to render leather and cloth water-proof, 500; terebene from, 501; as a burning fluid, 501. Twine, material for, 531 ; (see Cordage). Twin-leaf, 21. Ultramarine blue from plants, 536. Umbrella tree, 38; wood for handles of, 235. Unicorn root, 532. Uterus, influence of cotton seed on, 94. XX INDEX. Valerian, substitute for, 525. Vanilla, substitute for, 173; wild, 410. Varnishes, pl.yielding, 200, 202, 207, 208. Vegetable stearine, 125; wax, 313; see Oil. Veneering, material for, 16, 79, 80. Venus fly-trap, 35. Veratrum viride and ver^atria, 528; mode of using as a sedative, 529. Vermifuges, native, 22, 39, 41, 48, 106, 132, 234, 280, 361, 363, 404, 449, 466, 481, 507, 510, 588, 590. Veronica, 467. Vervain, 450. Vesicants; see Escharotics. Vetch, 194. Violet, common, 75; hand-leaved, 76; dog's-tooth, 530. Vinegar, native material for (see Sumach), 64, 150,308; from honey, 308; from fig, 308; from beet, 374; persimmon, 388; from pyroligneous aeid, 498; from Chinese sugar-cane, 576. Vine, grape, 213; wine from, to make, 214, et seq. Virgin's bower, 16. Virginian veronica, 407; lycopus, 441; cress, 67; swallowwort, 488; silk, 488; medeola, 529. Vitality in plants, 395. Volatile oil, peculiar, 546. Vomiting, plants allaying, 440, 444, 527. Wake robin, 540. Walnut, 317, 318; sugar and oil from, 318; leaves as alterative, 319 ; for gun stocks, 320; Persian, 321. Wahoo, 311; rope and cordage from, 311. Walter's pine, 506; grass, 581. Washing, economical mode of, 261. Water-proof material, 89; to purify, 342; chickweed, 347; cress, 71 ; fescue, 587; flax-seed, 548 ; horehound, 440 ; lily, 35 ; melon, 64 ; pepper, 370 ; radish, witch-hazel, to detect, 59; plantain, 536 ; grass to prevent encroachment of, 562. Wax, insect, 122; to obtain from myrtle, 313; nature of, 313; myrtle, 312; from sugar-cane, 578. Weeds, as manure, and to prevent spread of, 564; alkaline salts in, 504. Weeping willow, 343. Weymouth pine, uses of, 505. Wheat, gluten, and starch from, 583; sub- stitute for, 235, 567; from doura corn, 567; bitters, 587; smut in, 598; poi- soned, 564. White, hellebore, 312, 523 ; substitute for, 67; ash, 494; cedar, 509 ; beech, 235; avens, 145 ; oak, baling for cotton, 25S ; and strength of fibre, 258 ; weed, 420 ; wood, 39; poplar, 343; spruce, 507; rush, 582. Whortleberry, 384. Wild chamomile, 424; carrot, 48; cherry, 169; syrup of, 170, 179; coffee, 196; currant, 168; endive, 431; ginger, 357; rose-bay, 380 ; horehound, 413; hippo, 126; indigo, 173, 178; ipecac, 127; jalap, 21 ; lettuce, 435 ; lemon, 21; liq- uorice, 51; orange, 171; potato vine, 396; raspberry, 144; radish, 72; sarsa- parilla, 51 ; senna, 195 ; strawberry, 144; yam, 334; vanilla, 410; garlic, 532 ; yam, 539. Willow, 334; osier, 335; purple, 335; for baskets, 336 ; to cultivate, 336 ; red, 62. Wine, from native grape, to manufacture, 213, el seq.; cellars for, 213 ; Prof. Jack- son's plan of making wine, 214; from grape leaves, 219; Hume's method, 222; in California, 225 ; red, 228 ; fermenta- tion, 165,232,234; from orange, 108; blackberry, to make, 141, 142 ; from sap of birch, 268 ; to color, 366. Wing-rib sumach, 207. Winterberry, 389; green, 377, 380. Witch-hazel, 58; in detecting water, 59 ; alder. Wood, substitute for, as dye wood, 417. Woodbine, 408; anemone, 16; sorrel, 139, 140. . Wood, native, for engraving, 11, 62, 122, 150, 168, 233, 266, 381, 386, 392, 508; soft and hard, 12, 62, 233, 358, 382, 384, 493, 235, 266, 507; for cabinet and manufacturing purposes, 11, 62, 79, 80, 103, 104, 107, 150, 171, 188, 189, 120, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 257, 266, 306, 310, 311, 312, 318, 320, 323, 343, 392, 460, 494, 499, 505, 506, 507, 511; strength of fibre of, 257, 263 ; dye from, 16, 18, 21, 182, 240 (see Dyes) ; relative density of wood, 263, 507, 511 ; influ- ence of soil upon, 263 ; for fuel, 421 ; duration impregnated with sulphate of copper, and method, 502, 511; to pre- serve by chemical agencies, 503; for ship building, 505, 507, 511; for gun- stocks, 320. Wormseed, 361. Wormwood, for supply of potash, 364. Woorari, from plant, 483. Xanthoxylin, 137. Yam root, wild, to cult, and store, 539. Yarrow, wild, 424. Yaupon, tea from, 393. Yellow grass, 533; clover, 176; lady's slipper, 525 ; locust tree, 188 ; moccason, 525, parilla, 376;' root, 18, 21; star thistle, 28 ; star grass, 533 ; sarsaparilla, 376,460. INDEX BOTANICAL NAMES OF GENERA AND SPECIES. Abies balsamea, 506. " Canadensis, 506. " Nigra, 507. " Alba, 507. Abutilon Avicennse, 91. Acalypha Virginica, 120. Acer rubrum, 79. " saccharinum, 80. Achillea millefolium, 424. Achyranthes repens, 359. Aconitum uncinatum, 441. Acorus calamus, 545. Actsea racemosa, 19. Adiantum, 590. " pedatum, 591. iEsculus pavia, 84. Agave Virginica, 522. " Sisalina, 518. " pulque, 522. Agaricus cainpestrls, 594. Agrimonia eupatoria, 145, 271. Agrostis stolonifera, 563. " perennaris, 581. Aletris farinosa, 532. ' " aurea, 533. Algse, 592. Allium Canadense, 531. " Carolinianum, 532. Alisma plantago, 536. ■* trivialis, 536. " parviflora, 536. Alnus serrulata, 266, 377. Amaryllis atamasco, 522. Ambrosia trifida, 420. " artemisifolia, 419 Amelanchier, 161, 162, 168. Aniianthum muscaHoxicum, 527. Ammi majus, 45. Amophila arenaria, 582. Amorpha frutieosa, 187. Amphicavpa monoica, 194. Amygdalus, 173. Amyris Floridana, 200. Anagallis arvensis, 384. Anchusa tinctoria, 126. Andromeda angustif., 379. " arborea, 379. " coriacca, 379. " mariana, 379. " nitida, 379. " speciosa, 379. Anemone nemorosa, 16. " hepatica, 17. Anethum foeniculum, 47. Angelica lucida, 46. Anona triloba, 41. Anthemis, 424. Anthoxanthum odoratum, 354, 356. Antennaria Margaritacea, 426. Apium graveolens, 45. " petroselinum, 45. Apocynum cannabinum,483 " androsEemif.,484 " pubescens, 483. Arcbangelica, 46. Aracbis hypogea, 194. Aralia spinosa, 50. " nudicaulis, 51. u racemosa, 51. Argemone Mexicana, 28. Arissema atroreubens, 540. Aristolochia serpent., 355. " hastata, 357. " sipho, 357. Arnipa nudicaulis, 426. " montana, 427. Aroniabotryapium, 161, 16S Artemisia eaudata, 362. Arrhenatherum, 586. Arundo arenaria, 582. Arundinaria a'igantea, 587. " macrosper.,587 Arum niaculaturn, 542. " triphyllum, 540. " Virginicum, 542. I Asarum Virginicum, 358. " Canadense, 357. I " arii'olium, 358. Asclepias decumbens, 485. " incarnata, 48.S. " verticillata, 488. " tuberosa, 4S5. " cornuti, 488. " Syriaca, 488. Ascyrum Crux-Andrese, 78. " multicaule, 78. Asimina triloba, 41. Asparagus officinalis, 535. Aster tortifolius, 414. " cordifolium, 415. " linarifolius, 415. Atriplex laciniata, 361. Atropa physaloides, 473. Avena sativa, 583. Bacebaris halimifolia, 418. Baptisia bracteata, 175. " leucophasa, 175. " tinctoria, 175. Batschia canescens, 33. Benzoin odoriferum,352,354 Berberis Canadensis, 51. " vulgaris, 51. Beta vulgaris, 374. Betula nigra, 266. " lenta, 265, 380. Bignonia, capreolata, 460. " catalpa, 460. u crucigera, 460. Bletia verecunda, 524. " aphylla, 424. Bcehmeria nivea, 272. Brassica oleracea, 454. " campestris, 454. Broussonetia papyrif., 307. Bromus secalinus, 587. " purgaus, 587. Bumelia lycioides, 3S5. Bursera gummifera, 200. Buxus sempcrvirens, 111. Cactus cochinilifer, 67. " opuntia, 66. Calamagrostis, 582. XXI 1 INDEX. Callicarpa Americana, 449. Callitriche verna, 347. " heterophyl., 347 Caltha palustris, 18. Calycanthus Floridus, 199. Camelina sativa, cultivation of, 67. Canella alba, 131. Cannabis sativa, 273. " Indica, 273. Canna flacida, 536. Capparis spinosa, 75. " Jamaicensis, 75. " cynophalloph., 75 Caprifolium, 408. Capsella bursa-pastoris, 70. Capsicum annuum, 468. Carex acuta, 589, 544. Carpinus, (see Ostrya) 233. Carya amara, 322. " olivfeforniis, 333. " porcina, 322. " alba, 322. " myristicia3formis,333 Cassia occidentalis, 196. " Caroliniana, 196. " ehamtecrista, 196. " hirsuta, 196. " Marylandica, 195. " tora, 197. Castanea pumila, 237. " vesca, 238. Catalpa cordifolia, 460. Ceanothus Americanus, 109 Celtis occidentalis, 312. Centaurea benedicta, 427. Cephalanthus Occident., 405 Cerasus serotina, 169. " Caroliniana, 171. Cercis Canadensis, 197. Cicuta maculata, 44. " virosa, 45. Cimicifuga racemosa, 19. Citrus aurantium, 107. Chamselirium Carolin.,427. Chamajrops palmetto, 526. " serrulata, 512, 525. Chelone glabra, 465. Chenopodium anthelminti- cum, 361, 359. Chenopodium ambros., 363. " alb., 359,364. " botrys, 363. Chimaphila maculata, 377. " umbellata,378. Cbionanthus Virginica,494. Cliironia, (see Centaurea) 479. Chrysanthemum leucanthe- muiii, 426. Cichorium intybus, 431. Citrus aurantium, 107. " limonium, 107, 109. Citrullus, 64. Cladrastis tinctoria, 175. Clematis crispa, 15. " viorna, 16. " Virginiana, 16. Clethra tomentosa, 379. " alnifolia, 379. Cliftonia ligustrina, 130. Clusia flava, 130. " rosea, 130. Cnicus, (see Centaurea) 427. Coccoloba urifera, 376. " Floridana, 376. Coffea Arabica, 405. Collinsonia Canadens., 201, 208, 444. Collinsonia anisata, 445. " scabra, 445. Commelina communis, 536. Convalaria multiflora, 534. " biflora, 534. " majallis, 534. " polygonat., 534 Convolvulus macror., 396. " batatas, 397. '• Jalapa, 397. " pandurat.,396. Cornus Florida, 59. " sericea, 62. " san guinea, 63. " stricta, 63. Corylus, rostrata, 234. " Americana, 234. Corypha palmetto, 426. Crataegus crus-galli, 148. " cordata, 148. Croton balsamiferum, 111. " maratimum, 111. Ctenium American, 585. Cucumis citrullus, 64. " pepo, 64. " melo, 65. " sativus, 65. Cucurbita lagenaria, 65. Cunilla mariana, 445. Cupressus disticha, 508. " thyoides, 509. Cuscuta Americana, 395. " compacta, 395. " cornuti, 395. " vulgivaga, 395. Cynara scolymus, 428. Cynoglossum Virginic.,439. " officinale,439. " amplex., 439. Cyperus articulatus, 588. " vireus, 58S. " odoratus, 588. " hydra, 588. Cypripcdum pubescens,425. Cyrilla racemiflora, 130. Dactylis glomerata, 5S7. Dasystoma pubescens, 466. Datura stramonum, 474. " tatula, 474. Daucus carota, 47. " pusilus, 48. Delphinium consolida, 19. Diervilla trifida, 408. " canadensis, 408. Digitaria dactylon, 565. Digitalis purpurea, 465. Dilatris tinctoria, 522. Dionoea muscipula, 35. Dioscorea battatas, 539. " villosa, 539. " sativa, 540. " alata, 540. Diospyros Virginiana, 335. Diplopappus linarif. 415. Dirca palustris, 350. Discopleura capillacea, 45. Dracocephalum variega- tum, 447. Dracocephalum Virgini- anum, 448. Dosera rotundifolium, 77. Echites difformis, 482. Eclipta ereeta, 420. " procumbens, 420. Eleocharis palustris, 589. Elymus arenarius, 562. Epiphagus Americana, 462. Equisetum lsevigatum, 590. " hiemale, 590. " arvense, 590. Erigeron annuum, 416. " eanadense.415,416 " Philadelphic.,415. " pusilum, 416. " strigosum, 415. Eryngium aquaticum, 43. • " yuccaefolium, 43. " foetidum, 43. " aromaticum, 43. Erythronium Americ, 530. ' ; lanceol. 530. Erysimum, 71. Eugenia, 199. Euonymus Americanus,129. " atropurpur. 129. Eupatorium perfoliat. 410. Eupatorium purpur. 412. Eupatorium rotundif. 413. Eupatorium teucrif. 413. Eupatorium verbenas. 413. Eupatorium foeniculaceum, 345, 414. Euphorbia annua, 129. Euphorbia corollata, 126. Euphorbia helioscopea, 129. Euphorbia hypericif. 128. Euphorbia ipecacuan. 127. Euphorbia maculata, 128. " thymifolia, 129. Fagus sylvatica, 235. " Americana, 235. " feruginea, 246. INDEX. XX111 Festuca, 585. " duriuscula, 586. Ficus carica, 308. Filices, 589. Foeniculum officinale, 46. Fosteronia diflbrmis, 482. Fragaria vesca, 144. " Virginiana, 144. Frasera Walteri, 480. " Caroliniensis, 480. Fraxinus acuminata, 494. " Americana, 494. Fuci, 593. Fucus serratus, 592. '* vesiculosus, 592. Fumaria officinalis, 34. Fungi, 594. Galium trifidum, 406. " hispidulum, 406. " tinctorium, 406. jSaultheria procumb. 380. Gelseminum sempervi. 461. Gentiana catesbaei, 478. " ochroleuca, 479. " lutea, 386, 479. " purpur. 386, 479. " Elliot tii, 478. " saponaria, 479. " quinqueflora, 479. Geranium maculatum, 138. Gerardia flava, 466. Geum Virginianum, 145. " Carolinianum, 145. Gillenia tomentosa, 146. " trifoliata, 147. " stipulacea. 148. Glyceria fluitans, 585. '"' tomentosa, 187. Gnaphalium margaritace- um, 426. Gnaphalium polycepb. 426. Gonolobus macrophyl. 485. Gossypium herbaceum, 93. Gratiola officinalis, 465. " aurea, 466. " Virginica, 465. Gyromia Virginica, 529. Hamamelis Virginica, 58. Hedeoma pulegioides, 446. Hedyotis, 407. Helianthus tuberosus, 417, 420. Helianthus annuus, 422. Heliotropium indicum, 438. Helonias dioica, 527. " erythrosper., 527. Helosciadium, 45. Hepatica, triloba, 17. Heuchera Americana, 200. Hibiscus moscheutos, 91. " esculentis, 91. Hieracium gronovii, 442. Hippomane mancinella,120. Holcus odoratns, 561. " sorghum, 566. " lanatus, 586. Hopea tinctoria, 388. Houstonia, 407. Humulus lupulus, 275. Hydrastis canadensis, 18. Hydrolea quadrivalvis, 400. Hydrocotyle umbellata, 42. Hypericum sarothra, 79. " perforatum, 78. Ilex cassina, 393. " vomitoria, 393. " opaca, 390. " dahoon, 395, " myrtifolia, 395. Illicium Floridanum, 39. " parviflorum, 39, Impatiens pallida, 139. " noli me tan., 139. Indigophera Carolin., 178. " argentea, 179. " anil, 178. " tinctoria, 181. Inula helenium, 417. Ipomoea nil, 396. " panduratus, 396. Iris Virginica, 524. " versicolor, 523. Isatis tinctoria, 179. Jatropha stimulosa,119,578, Jeffersonia diphylla, 21. Juglans cinerea, 317. " nigra, 318. " regia, 321. Juncus effusus, 537. " communis, 537. Juniperus Virginiana, 510 Jussiosa grandiflora, 57. Kalmia latifolia, 381. " angustifolia, 353. " hirsuta, 382. Lachnanthes tinctoria, 522. Lactuca elongata, 435. " longifolia, 435. Laurus sassafras, 350. " benzoin, 352, 354. " geniculata, 355. Leersia oryzoides, 581. Lemna polyrhiza, 548. Leontodon tarax., 428. Leonurus cardiaca, 448. Lepidium Virginicum, 67. Leptandra, 467. Leucanthemum vulgare, 426 Liatris spicata, 410. " scai-iosa, 410. " squamosa, 410. " odoratissima, 410 Limnetis, 582. Linum usitatissimum, 88 Liquidambar styracif., 344. Liriodendron tulipifera, 39. Lithospermum canescens,33 " arvense, 439. Lobelia inflata, 401. " syphilitica, 403. " cardinalis, 404. Lolium temulentum, 564. Lonicera sempervirens, 408 diervilla, 408. caprifolium, 408. Lycopus Europeus, 440. angustifolius, 440. sinuatus, 440. Virginicus, 441. Ludwigia alternifolia, 57. Lycoperdon solidum, 599. Maclura auruntiaca, 101. Magnolia glauca, 36. " acuminata, 38. " grandiflora, 38. " macrophylla, 39. " tripetata, 38. « umbrella, 38. Malva rotundifolia, 90. " sylvestris, 90. Maranta aruudinacia, 511. Marubium vulgare, 448. Maranta cotula, 424. Medeola Virginica, 529. Medicago lupulina, 176. Melanthium Virginic, 527. Melia azedarach, 106. Melilotus officinalis, 176. Melissa officinalis, 440. Melothria pendula, 65. Menispermum Ganad., 376. Mentha tenuis, 440. " piperita, 440. Mercurialis annua, 129. Mimosa sensitiva, 197. Mitchella repens, 405. Monarda punctata, 443. Monocera aromatica, 585. Monotropa uniflora, 378. Morus alba, 280. " multicaulis, 284. " rubra, 305. Mylocarium, 130. Myrica Carolinensis, 316. " cerifera, 312. Nabalus Fraseri, 435. Nepeta cataria, 447. Nicotiana tabacum, 473. Nymphasa odorata, 35. Nyssa aquatica, 347. OEnothera biennis, 55. Oldenlandia, 407. Olea Europea, 490. Olea Americana, 493. Opuntia vulgaris, 66. Orchis, 524. XXIV INDEX. Orobanehe Virginiana, 462. " Amer., 462, 463. " uniflora, 462. Orontium aquaticum, 544. Oryza sativa, 578. Osmunda regalis, 591. Ostrya Virginica, 233. " carpinus, 233. Oxalis acetosella, 139. " violacea, 140. " acetosella, 139. " corniculata, 140. " furcata, 140. Oxycoccus, 383. Panax quinquefolium, 48. Pancratium maratim., 522. " Carolinian. 522 Panicum dactylon, 565. " Italicum, 565. Passiflora lutea, 77. " incarnata, 77. Papaver somnifer., 23, 25. " " alba, 25 Peltandra Virginica, 542. Phleum pratense, 565. Physalis viscosa, 473. *' obscura, 473. " pubescens, 473. Phytolacca decandra, 365. Pinckneya pubens, 404. Pinus nigra, 505. " australis, 495. " glabra, 506. " balsarnea, 506. " balsamifera. 506. " canadensis, 506. " palustris, 495, 504. " rigida, 504. "' strobus, 505. " tasda, 506. Piscidia erythrina, 175. Pisuui sativum, 194. Plantago major, 436. " lanceolata, 437. Poa, 585. " compressa, 585. " pratensis, 585. Podophyllum peltatum, 21, 601. Polygala senega, 85. " paucifolia, 87. " polygama, 87. " sanguinea, 87. Polygonum punctatum, 370. " aviculare, 372. " convolvul., 373. " fagopyrum, 373 " hydropiper. 370 " polygama, 372. " parvifolia, 372. " scandens, 373. " tinctorium, 179 " hydropiper, 370 Polygonatum biflorum, 534. Polygonatum pubesc, 534. " multiflo., 534. Populus alba, 343. " heteroph., 344, 413 Portulacea oleracea, 131. Potentilla canadensis, 140. reptans? 140. Prenanthes alba, 435. Prinos verticillatus, 389. " glaber, 390. Prunella vulgaris, 446. Prunus Virginiana, 169. " Caroliniana, 171. Psoralea esculenta, 177. Pteris aquilina, 590. Pterocaulon pycnost., 419. Puccinia, 598. Punica granatum, 58. Pyrethrum, 362. Pyrola maculata, 377. " umbellata, 378. " rotundifolia, 378. Pyrus coronaria, 149. " malus, 149. " cydonia, 149. " Americana, 167, 168. Quercus tinctoria, 238. " alba, 287. " falcata, 239,256. " montana, 263. " prinos, 264. " rubra, 262. " virens, 263. " suber, 264. Ranunculus sceleratus, 18. " repens, 19. " phragmites, 16. Rheum palmatum, 373. " emodii, 373. Rhexia, glabella, 57. Rhizophora mangle, 55. Rhododendron maxim., 380 " pimctat. 3S1 Rhus toxicodendron, 200; see Sumach, for antidote, 201, 273. Rhus coriaria, 209. " copallina, 207. " glabra, 202. " pumila, 20S. " radicans, 200. " typnina, 203, 208. " vernix, 206. " venenata, 206. Rhyncosia tomentosa, 193. Ricinus communis, 111. Robinia pseudacacia, 188. " viscosa, 193. " hispida, 189. Rubia tinctorium, 406. Rubia Brownii, 406. Rubus villosus, 140. " occideutalis, 144. Rubus trivialis, 141. Ruellia, strepens, 462. Rumex crispus, 368. " acetosella, 368. . " Britannicus, 370. " sanguineus, 370. " acetosa, 369. " obtusifolius, 370. " divaricatus, 370. Sabal adansonii, 527. " pumila, 527. Sabbatia angularis, 479. " gracilis, 480. " stellaris, 480. Saccharum officinarum,577. Sagittaria sagittif., 57, 536. " latifolia, 536. Salicornia herbacea,361,594 Salix nigra, 334. " viminalis, 337. " caprea, 336. " purpurea, 335. " triandra, 336. " alba, 334. " nigra, 187. " babilonica, 343. Salsola soda, 133, 359. " kali, 133, 359. " Caroliniana, 133. Salvia lyrata, 442. " officinalis, 442. Sambucus canaden., 30,408. Samolus valerandi, 385. Sanguinaria canadensis, 30, 599, 601. Sanicula Marylandica, 42. Sapindus marginatus, 83, 133. Saponaria officinalis, 132. Sarracenia variolaris, 53. " flava, 53. Sarothra, 79. Sassafras officinale, 350. Saururus cernuus, 334. Schoenolerion Michauxii, 532. Schrankia uncinata, 197. " angustata, 197. Schubertia, 508. Scirpus maritimus, 588. " macrostachyus,588. " palustris, 589. Scrofularia Marylandica, 465. Scrofularia nodosa, 465. Scutellaria integrifolia, 447 " lateriflora, 446. Senecio aureus, 426. Sesamum Indicum, 450. " orientale, 450. Shepardia magnoides, 174. Sida abutilon, 91. Silene Virginica, 131. Simaruba glauca, 137. INDEX. XXV Sinapis nigra, 72. Sisymbrium amphibium,72. " nasturtium, 71. Sium nodiflorum, 45. Smilax sarsaparilla, 538. " caduca, 538. " glauca, 538. " herbacea, 539. " ovata, 539. " pseudochina, 537. " tamnoides, 539. Solarium Virginianum, 471. " lycopersicum, 472. " Carolinense, 470. " mammosum, 470. " dulcamara, 470. " nigrum, 468. " tuberosum, 471. Solidago odora, 416. " sempervirens, 417. " canadensis, 417. " procera, 417. Sonchus oleraceus, 436. Sorghum vulgare, 567. " saccharatum, 567. Sorbus Americana. 168. " aucuparia, 168. " microcarpa, 167. Spartina glabra, 582. " juncea, 582. Sparganium ramosum, 545. " Americanum,545. Spergula arvensis, 135, 561. Spigelia Marylandica, 481. Spiraea trifoliata, 146. " opulifolia, 147. " stipulacea, 146. " tomentosa, 146. Spirodelia polyrhiga, 548. Stapbylea trifolia, 130. Statice limonium, 360, 437. " Caroliniana, 361,437. Stellaria media, 136. Stillingia sylvatica, 121. " sebifera, 122. Styrax, 389. Swietenia mahogoni, 87. Symplocarpus foetidus, 544. Symplocas tinctoria, 389. Tanacetum vulgare, 425. Taraxacum densleonis, 428. Tepbrosia Virginiana, 187. Thea viridis, 104. Thlaspium bursapastoris,70 Thuja occidentalis, 507. Thymus vulgaris, 444. Tilia glabra, 103. " Americana, 103. " Europea, 103. Tillandsia usneoides, 524. Tricodium perennans, 581. Trifolium pratense, 177. " arvense, 177. " reflexum, 177. " repens, 177. Trillium sessile, 530. Triosteum perfoliatum, 407. " angustifolium, 407. Tripterella ccerulea, 523. Triticum, 583. " repens, 561. Typha latifolia, 57, 544. Ulmus fulva, 310. " alata, 311. " Americana, 311. Uredo segetum, 598. " fetida, 598. Urtica urens, 268. " nivea, 272. " dioica, 270. " pumila, 273. Utricularia inflata, 577. Uvaria triloba, 41. Uvularia perfoliate, 534. " sessiliflora, 535. Vaccinium arboreum, 168, 384. Vaccinium macrocarp., 383, | Valeriana scandens, 462. " pauciflora, 462. Veratrum viride, 528. " parvifolium, 529. " album, 528. " angustif., 529. Verbascum thapsus, 463. " blattaria, 464. " lychnites, 464. Verbena urticifolia, 208,450. " aubletia, 450. " hastata, 450. Verbesina Virginica, 419. Vernonia angustifolia, 409. Veronica officinalis, 466. " anagallis, 468. " peregrina, 467. " Virginica, 467. Vicia sativa, 194. Vitis, 213, et seq. " bipinnata, 212. " labrusca, aestivalis, etc. 214, et aeq. Viola tricolor, 76. " arvensis, 75. " cucullata, 76. " palmata, 76. " pedata, 75. Virgilia lutea, 175. Viscum verticillatum, 63. Xanthium strumarium, 419. Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, 21. Xanthoxylum American. 136 " Carolinianum, 137. " clavaHerculis, 136. " fraxineum, 136. " ramiflorum, 136. " tricarpum, 137. Yucca filamentosa, 350. Zamia integrifolia, 512. Zea mays, 548. Zizania aquatica, 580. Zostera marina, 547. WORKS CONSULTED, AND ABBREVIATIONS USED. WORKS. ■ ■ ABBREVIATIONS. Catalogue Plantarum Angliso, cum Observationibus et Experimentis Novis Medicis et Physicis. Londini, 1667. ^ Cat. Plantaruiii. Auct. Johannes Ray. English Physician. By Nicholas Culpepper, gent., '■'Student, in Physic and Astrology." "An Asirologo- [- Culp. Eng. Phys. Physiological Discourse on Vulgar Herbs," etc. Bulliard, Histoire des Plantcs Veneneuses de la Prance, I Bull. Plantes Ven. 4 vols. Paris, 1774. ■ • j de Prance. Hortus Americanus. By Dr. Barham. Bar. Hort. Amer. Linnaeus, Vegetable Mat. Medica. Translated by C. I T . wo'- « i/i ,„, .., ' ° ■'■■}. Linn. Veg. M. Med. Whitlaw. J ° Demonstrations Elementaire de Botanique. Containing "l elem., veg., phys. properties, and uses of plants. With -^ , ■*,-:, , „ , . • ?.,/■ • a / , , t ■ Y Dem. Elem. de Bot. much information concerning the vegetable veterinary practice, etc. By J. Gillibert, Lyons, 1 787. J Plantaa Rarinres Hibernia Inventse, etc. With Remarks ) on the Properties and Uses. By Walter Wade, M. D. M. > Wade's PL Rariores. L. S. Dublin, 1804. J- Le Medecin Herboriste. Paris, 1802. Le'Med. Herb. New Med. Discoveries, 2 vols. London, 1829. By C. 1 AVhitlaw'sNewMed. Whitlaw. ( j Disc. Am. Herbal, or Materia Medica. With New Medical ) V,. , . TI , , t\- t> o ' i oj. t t r> w i i iom r b teams Am. Herbal. Discoveries. By bamuel Stearns, LL. D. Walpole, 1801. j Flora Scotica. By John Lightfoot. Edinburgh. Fl. Scotica. Indigenous Botany. Bv Colin Milne, LL. D., and Alex- I ,,.. T , „ . , ?, , T J , 'iwf.., ' ' > Milne Ind. Bot. ander Gordon. London, ltv6. . J A New Family Herbal: or, an Account of Plants and 1 rrl , T , ,, • ™ ,. ■ . it i- ■ j i.u a i -l> -a t I horn ton s Fain. their Properties m Medicine and the Arts. By R. J. | w h Thornton. London, 1810. j item. Liiidley's Natural System of Botany. With the Uses ) of Important Species in Medicine, the Arts, and Domestic S- Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. Economy. London, 1836. • J Medical Botanv. By W. Woodville, 4 vols. London, I w , , r , », 1790. Sec. edition, 1800. | Woodv. Med. Hot. Barton's Med. Botany. . Bart. M. Bot. W. P. Barton's Flora. Philadelphia, 1S23. Bart. Flora'. Rafinesque's Medical Flora. Raf, Med. Fl. Bigelow's Am. Medical Botany, 4 vols. Boston, 1820. Big. Am. Med. Bot. Barton's Collection towards the Formation of a Materia ) -r, j. ' » „ ™ ' M ,. \ Barton's Collec. Medica. j Ell. Bot. Med. Notes. Medical Botany. AVith the Uses of Important Species ') in Medicine, the Arts, etc. By R. E. Griffith. Philadel- \ Griffith's Med. Bot, phia, 1847. I Illustrations of Medical Botany. By Joseph Carson. | Carson's Illust.Med. M. I). With Descriptions, etc. Philadelphia, 18-17. . j. Bot. Shecut's Flora 'CarolinKensis ; or, a History, Medical ) and Economical, of the Vegetable Kingdom. Charles- [■ Shoe. Flora Carol, ton, 1806. j Elliott's Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and I Georgia. With Medical Notes. ' Charleston, 1806. j Drayton's View of South Carolina. Charleston, 1802. Drayton's View. Chalmer's History of South Carolina. Chaliner's Hist, S.C. Garden's and Lining's Observations, Physical and Lit- ) ,-, , , T . A , ° > j k Gard. and Lin. Obs. erary. J Travels in South and North Carolina. By John Law- 1 T ' , o r, „ /i i tmc f Lawson s S. C. son, Surveyor-General, 1 do. J United States Dispensatory. By Wood and Bache. I TT ~ ,,. Philadelphia. 1847. j L ' ?•' 1Jl ' n '' Thacher's United States Dispensatory. Thacher's U.S. Disp. American Dispensatory. By II. Coxe. Coxe, Am. Disp. Bergii Materia Medica. E. regno vegctabili. etc. — ) ,, .. ,., , ,, . c, ,f , ■ T^n,, ° a > Bergn, Mat, Med. Stockholm^, 1/82. J ° ' Cullen's Materia Medica. Edinburgh. Cullen, Mat. Med. Lewis' Materia Medica. 2 vols. London, 179-1. Le. Mat. Med. Pereira's Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 2 I Pe. Mat. Med. and vols.' I Therap. Practical Dictionary of Materia Medica. By John > -,-, ,,, ,, t,. , t> ii t>i i i i v.- i Bells Pract Diet. Bell. Philadelphia. . . J Eberle's Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 2 vols. | 1,1 i ■ m 1 « j „, ., , , ,. ,<,„, l > Eberle, Mat. Med. Philadelphia, 1844. j Edwards and Vavasseur's Matiere Medicale. Paris, 1836. Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. Trousseau et Pidoux. Traite dc Tberapeutique, et de ) Trous. et Pid. Mat. Matiere Medicale. Paris, 1837. J Med. Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By H. j Frost's Elems. Mat. R. Frost, Prof. M. M. South Carolina Medical College. j Med. Chapman's Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 2 vols'. I Chap. Therap. and Philadelphia, 1822. } Mat, Med. Ballod and Garrod's Materia Medica, Loudon, [ Bail, and Gar. Mat, 1846. J Med. Royle's Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Philadel-') ,, , -,, . ,, , ,.'',„,» ' y Royle, Mat. Med. phia, 184:7. j Merat and de Leu's Dictionnaire Univ. de Matiere Med- I Mer. and de L. Diet. icale. Paris, 1837, tom. vi. J dc M. Med. Supplementary volume to the above. Paris, I Supplem. to Diet. 1S46. j Univ. de M. Med. Watson's Practice of Physic. Second American Edi- ) Watson's Pract, tion. Philadelphia, 1845. f Physic. Southern Agriculturist. Charleston, 1820, '39. So. Agricult. Matson's Vegetable Practice. 1839. Matson's Veg.Pract. Imp. System Botanical Medicine. By Horton Howard. Imp. Syst, Bot. Med. Pharmacopoeias, Journals, Reviews, Monographs, Inaugural Theses, etc., both American and foreign. The Principles of Agriculture, by Albert D. Thaer, translated by William Shaw, Esq., member of the council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, etc., and C. AV. Johnson. Esq., F. R. S. 4th Edition. New York, Bangs, Brother & Co., 1852. Flora of the Southern United States, containing abridgod description? of the flowering plants and ferns off Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama., Mississippi, and Florida, arranged according to the natural system, by A. W. Chapman, M. I). The ferns by Daniel C. Eaton. Now York, I860.' Rural Economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics, and meteorology, or chem- istry applied to agriculture, by J. B. Boussingault, member of Institute of France, etc< ' Translated by George Law, Agriculturist. New York, C. M. Saxton, 1857. Saxton's Rural Hand Books. New York, 1852. Thornton's Southern Gardener, and Receipt Book. Camden, S. C. Enquire Within; 3,700 facts. New York, 1857. » The Fruit Gardener. Philadelphia, 1847. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. New York, 1858. The Southern Farmer and Market Gardener, by Prof. F. S. Holmes, Charles- ton, S. C. The Art of Manufacturing Soaps and Candles. By P. Kurten. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1854. Industrial Resources of the South and West,jby J. D. B. DeBow. New Or- leans, 1S53. ' Sorgho, and Imphoe, the Chinese and African Sugar Canes, by H. S. Olcott. New York, 1857. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. From 4th English edition. New York, 1853. A New Family Herbal, or popular account of the natures and properties of the plants used in Medicine, Diet, and the Arts, by R. J. Thornton, M. D. Lon- don, 1810. ' • Chemistry applied to Agriculture, by Count John Antony Chaptal. Boston, 1835. Chemical Field Lectures, by J. A. Stockhardt. Translated from German. Cam- bridge, 1853. A Muck Manual, by Samuel L. Dana. New York, 1858. The Fruit Garden. A Treatise by P. Barry. New York, 1857. Practical' Treatise on Culture of Grape, by J. Fiske Allen. New York, 1858. Charlton on Culture of Exotic Grape under Glass. New York, 1853. Elements of Scientific Agriculture, by S. P. Norton, Professor in Yale College, New York, 1854. A Manual of Scientific and Practical Agriculture, for the School and the Farm, by J. L. Campbell, A. M., Professor Physical Science, Washington College, Va. Philadelphia, 1859. The American Grape Grower's Guide, intended especially for the climate of America. Illustrated by William Charlton. New York, A. 0. Moore, 1859. For full description of best modes of cultivating the grape. Sorgho and Imphee, the Chinese and African Sugar Canes. Manufacture of sugar, syrup, alcohol, wines, beer, cider, vinegar, starch, and dye stuffs, with trans- lations of French Pamphlets, etc., etc., and drawing of machinery, by H. S. Olcott. New York, A. 0. Moore, 1857. Patent Office Reports, Agriculture, 1848, '51, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57, '58. Rural Chemistry, by Edward Solly, F. L. S., Honorary Member of Royal Agri- cultural Society, England. Philadelphia, Henry C. Baird, 1S52. The Rural Cyclopaedia, or a General Dictionary of Agriculture, and of the. Arts, Sciences, Instruments, and Practice necessary to the Farmer, etc. Edited by Rev. Jno. M. Wilson. In four volumes. Edinburgh, 1852, A. Fullarton. General Directions for Collecting and Drying Medicinal Substances, with a list of Indigenous Plants. From the Surgeon-General's office, 1862. Richmond. A pamphlet. • The following works, published in England, may be referred to in case any are desirous of consulting them : Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, Marshall on Planting, Nichols' Planter's Calen- dar, Pontey's Profitable Planter, Phillips' Shrubbery, Treatise on Planting in the Library of Useful Knowledge, Loudon's Encyclopedia of Plants, Accum on the Adulterations of Food, Babbage on the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, Thompson's Vegetable Chemistry, Knapp's Technology, Willich's Domestic Ency- clopaedia. See, also, Treatise by Dr. J. Harris, of Mass., on Insects injurious to Vegetation, and Townsend Glover's papers on same subject in Patent Office Reports. j5^"* Those interested in obtaining foreign seeds, plants, etc., can obtain them by applying to James Carter & Co., and Butler robably suited for the purposes of the wood engraver. To these 1 will now add those noticed by subsequent correspond- ents, and also call attention to two or three other trees with wood of great fineness and density of structure, which may be tested as substitutes for the wood heretofore imported from the North; and which are also likely to prove serviceable when- ever a wood of hard, fine grain is required by the manufac- turer. Iron Wood, Horn Beam (Ostrya Virginica, Ell. Sk.) — It has often been employed by turners, and wrought into mill-cogs, wheels, etc. The wood is tough and white, and will prove an important acquisition to those interested in machinery, or in the construction of implements, tools, etc. White Beech (Fagus Sylvatlca). Diffused. This wood is very hard, is capable of receiving a high polish, and should be prized by cabinet makers and turners for manufacturing purposes. Sweet Birch, Cherry Birch, Mountain Mahogany (Betula Lenta. Linn.) — Grows in mountains of South Carolina, possesses a fine grain, and also susceptible of a beautiful polish. The .Red Birch (JBetula Nigra) grows in our swamps in the lower country. The Black Birch is said by Lindley to be exceedingly hard. White Oak (Quercus Alba). — One of the best of the Oaks, with the Live Oak, likely to be employed wherever great dura- bility is desirable; these, with the Walnut and Maple, are well known. Dog Wood (Coi'nus Florida). — Much used on our plantations wherever a wood of firmness of texture is required. 12 Persimmon (Diospyros Yirginiana). — A very hard wood — in the natural family of plants found under what is known as the Ebony tribe. The Holly (Ilex Opaca), the Apple, and Pear ai-e very much esteemed by many; perhaps harder than any of those cited. These may be more particularly adapted to the purposes of the wood engraver. The Calico Bush, Ivy Bush (Kalmia Latifolia). — Grows in our middle districts. Wood hard and dense. Mountain Laurel Bay (Rhododendron Maximum). — Found in our mountains; said to resemble the Kalmia, and quoted by a writer as adapted to the purposes of the engraver. Iron Wood. — Another tree named from its supposed firm- ness (Bumelia Lycioides Ell. Sk.~) I have collected it in Charles- ton, and forty miles from the ocean.. Yellow Locust Tree, False Acacia (Robinia Pseudoaccacice, L.) — In mountains and in lower districts. The grain is fine and compact; the wood, on account of its durability, is much used for treenails in ship building. Leather Wood (Dirca Palustris). — Grows in Georgia ; is both hard and pliant. Arbor Vitoz (Thuja occidentalism. — Grows in mountains. Wood said by Michaux to be the most durable which our forests produce. The soft woods are: the Cedar, the Cypress, the Black Spruce, or Fir (Pinus nigra, Aiton); the Pinus strobus (growing in the mountains), and the Spruce tree of our low country swamps, which might well supply the place of our Northern pine. All these, with the Willow ( Salix nigra), are used for the timbers and spars of boats. The last is both soft and durable. Mr. Elliott says, in his Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina, that the wood of the lied Mulberry (Morns rubra) is preferred in the building of boats to that of any other, except the Eed Cedar. 13 The wood of the Black Gum (JYyssa aquatica), particularly the portion near the ground, is peculiarly white, spongy, and light. It has great elasticity, and a specific gravity almost low enough to adapt it, in the opinion of the writer, to be used as a substitute for the bark of the Cork tree. The Poplar is well known also for its qualities of softness and lightness. The Maple less so. The Pride of India is light and durable, and susceptible of polish, with a pretty grain under varnish, adapting it to purposes of the manufacturer. But these do not resist water when submerged, as do the softer woods first mentioned, viz: the Cypress, Cedar, or the Pal- metto, which is characteristically soft, porous, and elastic. RESOURCES OF THE SOUTHERN FIELDS AND FORESTS. MEDICAL, ECONOMICAL, AND AGRICULTURAL. Class I. EXOGENS ; OR, DICOTYLEDONOUS FLOWERING PLANTS. Sub-Class I, POLYPETAL.E. NATURAL ORDERS. RANUNCULACEiE. ( Crow-Foot Tribe.) The plants belonging to this order are generally acrid, caustic, and poisonous. It contains some species, however, which are innocuous. The caustic principle is volatile, and neither acid nor alkaline. Clematis crispa, Linn. Not of Ell. Sk., which, is the C. cylindrica, T. and Gray. Grows in damp, rich soils, and in swamps in the low country of South Carolina, vicinity of Charleston. Dr. Bachman. Newborn, Croom. Fl. May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 311 ; U. S. Disp. 1244; Shec. Flora' Carol. 418. This plant is substituted for the C. erecta, mentioned by Storck, and is employed in secondary syphilis, ulcers, porrigo, etc.; given internally, 16 with the powdered leaves applied to the sore. It acts also as a diaphoretic and diuretic. Merat says it possesses the properties of the C. vitalba, which is a dangerous vegetable caustic, used as a substitute for cantharides, and applied to rheumatic limbs, and in paralysis and gout. The decoc- tion of the root is alterative and purgative; and is also said to be valuable in washing sores and ulcers, in order to change the mode of their vitality, and to make them cica- trize. Shecut remarks that "the Spanish or blistering flies are very fond of the Clematis crispa, and it would be well for medical gentlemen in the country to propagate the plant about their residences, in order to secure a constant succession of these valuable insects." See Potato, "Con- volvulus.'" The American species are deserving of partic- ular attention, and we would invite further investigation of them. Clematis viorna, L. Traveller's-joy. Grows in middle and upper districts. Elliott. Fl. July. Shec. Flora Carol. 489 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 86 ; U. S. Disp. 1244. This, and the following, have also a caustic property, and are employed internally as diuretics and sudorifics in chronic rheumatism ; and externally, in the treatment of eruptions, and as vesicants. Shecut says that a yellow dye may be extracted from both leaves and branches ; the latter are sufficiently tough to make withs and fagots. The fibrous shoots may be converted into paper, and the wood is yellow, compact, and odoriferous, furnishing an excellent material for veneering. Clematis Virginiaiia, Linn. Virgin's bower. Grows in rich soils ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. ■ Wood and Bache, IT. S. Disp. 1244; Griffith, Med. Bot. 80. See C. viorna. Anemone riemorosa, L. \ Wood Anemone. Mountains Ranunculus phragmites. f of South Carolina. Fl. April. Bull. Plantes Ven. de France ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 109 ; Fl. Scotica, 287 ; Chomel, Plantes Usuelles, ii, 376 ; Diet. des 8c. Med. Ixv, 194; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 292 ; U. S. Disp. 1228. It is said to be extremely acrid- even small doses producing a great disturbance of the stomach ; employed as a rubefacient in fevers, gout, and rheumatism, and as a vesicatory in removing corns from the feet. It is reported to have proved a speedy cure for tinea capitis, and the flowers have been used in violent headaches; Linnaeus says that the plant produces a dis- charge of urine,' attended with dysentery, in cattle which feed on it. It contains a principle called anemonin. Most of the species of Anemone, says Wilson, Rural Cyc, are acrimonious and detersive. "An infusion of Anemone is said to remove woman's obstructions, and to increase her milk ; the bulbous roots when chewed are said to strengthen the gums and preserve the teeth ; a decoc- tion of the roots is said to cleanse corrosive ulcers, and heal inflammation in the eyes; the flowers, boiled in oil,' are said to have the property of thickening the hair, and Anem- one ointment is said to be a good eye-salve, and a useful application to ulcers and external inflammations," all which I introduce for what it may be worth ; no doubt the oil furnished by it imparts some property to the plant, and, like tannin in all the astringent plants, accounts for the slight medicinal etfect which results from their use. An improved knowledge will, one day, determine the exact position in value of the whole vegetable kingdom, but for a while we must be contented with the publication of much that is vague and uncertain. The unexpected dis- coveries of Ipecacuanha, Cinchona, Veratrum viride, etc., warn us not to discard, upon a superficial examination, all those popularly considered as of trivial importance. Hepatica triloba, Chaix. \ Liverwort. Grows in light Anemone hepatica, Linn. J soils, upper districts, and in Georgia. Collected by Mr. Ravenel at the Eutaw battle- ground, St. John's, Berkley ; sent to me also from Abbe- ville district. IT. S. Disp. 368; Raf. Med. PI, i, 238 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. 18 81. A tonic and astringent, supposed by some to possess deobstruent virtues. It has been used to a considerable extent in haemoptysis and chronic cough ; but Wood says it has fallen into neglect. Hydrastis Canadensis, W. Orange -root; yellow - root ; turmeric ; golden seal. Grows in rich soils, among the mountains of South Carolina. Fl. May. Lind. Nat. Syst. 6 ; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 21 ; Veg. Mat. Med, ii, 17 : Raf. Med. Fl. i, 251 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 82. It has a narcotic smell ; used in this country as a tonic. The root was known to the Indians, from the brilliant yellow color which it yields. This appears to be permanent, and might be applied in the arts. Martin, in the Trans. Phil. Soc. 1783, in his Observations on the Dyes used by the Aborigi- nes, states, from his own experience, that it was found ser- viceable in coloring silks, wool, and linen. With indigo, it yielded a rich green. Griffith mentions it as a powerful bitter tonic, much used in the West as a wash in chronic ophthalmia. In its fresh state, supposed to be narcotic. Tincture, decoction, or powder employed. Dose of powder, thirty to sixty grains. Caltha jxdustris, L. Var. pa mass, ifolia, T. & G. Cedar Swamps, S. C, (Pursh); Chap. Flora. The flower buds are pickled for use as a substitute for capers. Ranunculus sceleratus, L. T. and Gray. Grows in bogs; abundant around Charleston. Xewbern, Croom. Fl. May. Bull. Plantes Yen. de France, 143 ; Dem. Elem de Bot. ; Lightfoot's Fl. Scotica, 295 ; U. S. Disp. 584 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med, 620. and the Supplem. 1846, 620; Dioscorides, lib. vi, c. iv ; Orfila. Toxicol. Gen. ii, 90; Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 65 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 84. The juice possesses remarkable caustic powers, raising a blister if applied topically, and often in doses of two drops exciting fatal inflammation alono; the whole tract of the alimentary canal. Some, however, say that this property is 19 not constant, as it is of a volatile nature, and is dissipated by heat. According to Merat, the Bedouins use it as a rubefacient, and it is applied in sciatica, forming a substi- tute for cantharides. Annal. Univ. de Med. 1843. It has been administered with success in asthma, icterus, dysuria, rheumatism, pneumonia, and fixed pains. When it acts as a vesicant, it has not the disadvantage of producing strangury. Bigelow says the volatile principle may be collected by distillation, and preserved in closely-stopped bottles. Tilebein relates that the distilled water is exces- sively acrid, and on cooling, deposits crystals, which are al- most insoluble in any menstruum. Precipitates are caused by muriate of tin and acetate of lead. The boiled root may be eaten. Ranunculus rcpens, Linn. 1 Grows in shady woods, and Nilidus, Ell. Sk. j among the mountains of this state. Fl. Aug. U. S. Disp. 584. This has also a rubefacient and epis- pastic operation. Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 65. Very similar to the above in its mode of action. Delphinium consolida, L. Larkspur. Becoming natural- ized. The plant has astringent properties, and its flowers yield a fine blue dye. Oimicifuga racemosa, Torrey. 1 Black snake-root ; Oo- Actcea racemosa, L. & Willd. j hosh ; grows in the upper districts, and in Georgia. Fl. July. Linnseus, Veg. Mat. Med. 102 (see Actsea). The root is used in the debility of females attendant upon uterine dis- order ; and, in its action, is thought to have a special affinity for this organ. It has also a decided effect upon some nervous affections, especially chorea. See Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. vi, 20, and Dr. Young's notice of it in the Am. Journal Med. Sc. v, 310. "We have administered this medicine in chorea with complete success, after the failure of purgatives and metallic tonics ; and have also 20 derived the happiest effects from it in eases of convulsions recurring periodically, and connected with uterine dis- order." Wood, U. S. Disp. The powdered root is em- ployed, a teaspoonful three times a day. It is a stimulating tonic, increasing the secretion of the skin, kidneys, and lungs. Merat, in the Diet, de Mat. Med., adds the authority of Dr. Kirkbride in support of the efficacy of this plant in chorea, who advises that a purgative be premised, when it may be given for several days, and then discontinued, to be resinned again ; frictions should at the same time be made upon the surface with the tinct. See the Supplem, 1846, to the Diet, de. M. Med. cit. sup. Dr. Hildreth has found this plant, in combination with iodine, very advan- tageous in the early stages of phthisis. Am. Journal Med. Se. Oct. 1842. The decoction is the most useful form; one ounce of the bruised root is boiled in a pint of water, of which a half pint to one pint may be taken during the day. Dr. Physick also had known it to cure cases of chorea; and Merat and de L., in the 1st vol. of op. cit. p. 67 (see Actrea), say that it partakes of the properties of A. brachipetala. According to Chapman, it produces free nausea, with abundant expectoration, succeeded by nervous trembling, vertigo, and a remarkable slowness of the pulse. Dr. Gar- den administered the tincture for phthisis. London Med. Journal, li, 245. Barton employed it as an astringent, which property it owes to the gallic acid it contains. He also gave it in putrid sore throat. In ]S r ew Jersey, a decoc- tion of the root is said to cure itch; and in ^sTorth Carolina, it is given as a drench for cattle, in the disease called murrain. Shec. Flora Carol. 91 ; Carson's Illust, Med. Bot. i, p. 9, 1847. See Annal. in Am. Journal Pharm. vi, 20, 1843. According to Mr. Tilghman, it contains gum ; starch; sugar; resin; wax; tannin; gallic acid ;, salts of potassa ; lime ; magnesia ; iron, etc. The ethereal extract contains most of its virtues. See, also, Jones, in the Jour- nal de Pharm. x, 670 ; and Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. vi, 14 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 92. He remarks that its greatest efficacy has been exhibited in rheumatism ; the power of 21 the root appearing to depend on the volatile oil and bitter resin, both of which are soluble in alcohol, and partially so in water. ZanthorrMza apiifolia, L'Her. Yellow root. Upper, and mountainous districts. Fl. April. IT. S. Disp. 745 ; Bart. Med. Bot. ii, 203 ; New York Med. Eepos. 291; Lind. Nat. Syst. 6; Griffith, Med. Bot, 95 ; Elliott's Bot, Med. note i, 376 ; Stokes, Med. Bot, ii, 194. The bark possesses pure bitter tonic properties, closely analogous to those of Colombo and quassia. Dr. P. C. Barton thinks it a more powerful bitter than the former of these. It was given by Dr. Woodhouse in doses of forty grains in dyspepsia; a decoction is also employed. The shrub contains a gum and resin, both of which are in- tensely bitter. Alcohol is the best menstruum. Its tinc- torial powers were known to the Indians. It yields plenti- fully a coloring matter, a drab being imparted by it to wool, and a rich yellow to silk ; without a mordant it does not affect cotton or linen ; with Prussian blue it strikes a dull olive green color. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers. Twin-leaf. Rich shady woods, Tennessee. The decoction of this plant is used by the vegetable prac- titioners and Indian doctors as a diuretic in dropsy, and as an external application to sores, ulcers, etc. Podophyllum peltatum, L. Wild jalap ; May-apple ; wild lemon; duck- weed. Diffused in rich swamp lands ; grows in Abbeville and Sumter districts; collected in St. John's, Berkley ; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. ; Newbern. I saw it at Portsmouth, Virginia. Fl. March. Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 749; Bell's Pract. Diet.; Drayton's View S. O. 73; Royle, Mat, Med. 573 ; Frost's Elems. 137 ; Eb. Mat, Med. i, 205; Ed. and Vav. Mat, Med. i, 514; U. S; Disp. 556 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 34 ; Bart. Med. Bot. 22 i, 9; Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. in, 873; Med. Record, iii, 332; Ball and Gar. Mat. Med. 193; Schoepf,'M. M. 86; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Mat. Med. v. 207 ; Chap. Mat. Med. and Therap. 209; Coxe, Am. Disp. 478; Lind. JSTat. Syst. Bot. Bigelow says it is a sure and active cathartic : " "We hardly know any native plant that answers better the com- mon purposes of jalap, aloes, and rhubarb." The Shakers prepare an extract, which is much esteemed as a mild ca- thartic. By the experiments of Dr. Burgon, in the Am. Med. Recorder, it is useful in combination with calomel ; ten grains of the latter with twenty of the podophyllum. In bilious affections it usually supersedes the necessity of an emetic previous to a cathartic; and by this means two desirable effects are produced by one agent. Big. Appen- dix, iii, 187; Griffith, Med. Bot. 116. It has been recom- mended in dropsy, from the abundant evacuations which it produces. According to Staples, it contains resin and starch ; and Dr. Hodgson has given the name podophylline to the peculiar substance it contains. See Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. ; Carson's Illust. of Med. Botany, pt. i. An officinal extract is prepared, given in doses of 5-15 grains. The leaves are purgative, and sometimes produce nausea in irritable stomachs ; the fruit is eatable. It was employed by the Cherokees as an anthelmintic; a few drops poured into the ear are said to restore the power of hearing. The plant has also been found to afford speedy relief in incon- tinence of urine. Dr. McBride made great use of it during his practice in St. John's, Berkley, S. C; he said that it answers all the purposes of the officinal jalap, "producing copious liquid discharges, with no griping". The powdered root is applied as a dressing for ulcers; it is said to restrain excessive granulations, sprinkled over the surface. In a communication from Dr. Douglass, of Chester district, S. C, his correspondent, Mr. Melveown, considers the root too drastic as a purge ; he adds that the powdered root, mixed with equal parts of resin, acts as a powerful caustic, and is used by farriers for eecharotic purposes. We have em- 28 ployed this plant among negroes as a substitute for jalap and the ordinary cathartics, and find that it answers every purpose, being easily prepared by the person having charge of them. Thirty grains of the root in substan«e were given, or an infusion of one ounce in a pint of water, of which a wineglassful three times a day is the dose; employing the Liriodendron tulipifera as a substitute for quinine during the stage of intermission of all mild cases of intermittent fever. We would invite the particular attention of planters to the extensive use of these medicines upon their planta- tions. We have caused them to be used on one on which upward of a hundred negroes resided, and we found that during a period of seven months, including the warm months of summer, they were used in all cases, and appar- ently fulfilled every indication. No detailed statement of these could be obtained, as it was administered by one of their own number; but large quantities of them were re- quired. The soft pulp contained within the rind of the fruit has a very peculiar musky taste, which is relished by many persons. The pulp is squeezed into a wineglass, and with the addition of a little old Madeira and sugar, it is said to be equal to the luscious golden granadilla of the tropics. Am. Farmer, vol. 14 ; Farmer's Encyc. Papaverace^e. (The Poppty Tribe.) Narcotic properties generally prevail throughout this order. Seeds are universally oily — seldom narcotic. Eu- rope is the principal seat of the papaveracese ; but several species included under it are found in North America, be- yond the tropic. Most of them are annuals, the perennials being chiefly natives of mountainous tracts. Papaver Somniferum. Opium Poppy. Thaer, in his Prin- ciples of Agriculture, in speaking of the cultivation of the poppy as an oil-bearing plant, says: "The color of the flower is unimportant. The seed is either white or black. Some persons think that the black-seeded variety is more 24 productive, others give the preference to the white in this respect. The white seed is the more agreeable to the taste, as likewise the oil expressed from it. That variety of poppy is preferred whose heads or capsules when ripe as- sume a slightly bluish tinge. The structure of the capsules is of more consequence ; for there is a variety in which the envelope of the capsule dehisces spontaneously when ripe, so that the seed is easily shed ; and another, in which the seed remains enclosed within the capsules, which must be opened in order to extract it." "The poppy may become one of the most profitable crops, if we have the means of disposing of the seed, or if we knew how to extract the oil. By proper cultivation it maybe made to produce from nine to ten bushels of seed per acre, and one bushel yields twenty-four pounds of good oil. This oil, especially the first portion, which is cold-pressed, and mixed in the mill with slices of apple, is doubtless the purest kind of oil for the table, and the most agreeable that is known. It is inferior to none, excepting the finest Nice or Lucca oil. It is preferable to the second-rate oil of those places, and the peculiar taste of olive oil may be imparted to it by the addition of a small quantity of that oil of superfine qual- ity." Principles of Agriculture, 457. The oil of the poppy is bland, and not narcotic. "It is used both for food and light, and is considered a fifth more valuable than that of the colza. The cakes remaining after the expression of the oil are valuable for the fattening of swine ; and the stalks for fuel. The ashes which remain after burning it are of the best kind of manure. If the seed be pressed in a mill used for the colza, or other oil, the greatest attention must be paid to cleaning it. The oil expressed in cold weather is much superior in quality to that obtained in warm weather, and the two must not be mixed." "Henry Colman's European Agriculture," vol. ii, 538, Boston, 1849. See his "Report on Flemish Agri- culture, for method of growing the Poppy, Colza, Flax, Hemp, Hop, Mulberry, Beet, Olive, Grape," etc., also " Thaer's Treatise on Agriculture." In Thornton's Family Herbal a very full and interesting account can be read of the cultivation of poppy in England, with the successful production of opium in considerable quantity. Forty pounds were made in one season by one person. Boys and girls were employed in incising the bulbs and gathering the gum. See Bene (Sesamitm) for oils and their expression. A variety of the "common" or "opium poppy" (P. som- niferum), indigenous to the warm and temperate parts of Europe and Asia, has been introduced, and a brief notice is contained in Patent Office Report, 1855, p. xxi : " It has proved itself susceptible of easy cultivation on very rich soils. It is well adapted to the climate of the Middle and Southern states. The flowers of the 'white poppy' (JPapa- ver s. alba), the variety with which the experiment was made, may be either entirely white or red, or may be fringed with purple, rose, or lilac, variegated and edged with the same colors, but never occur blue or yellow, nor mixed with these colors, each petal being generally marked at the bottom with a black or purple spot. The seeds are black in the plants having purple flowers, and light-colored in those which are white; although the seeds of the latter, when of spontaneous growth, are sometimes black. The largest, heads which are employed for medical or domestic use, are obtained from the single flowered kind, not only for the purpose of extracting opium, but also on account of the bland, esculent oil that is expressed from the seeds, which are simply emulsive, and contain none of the nar- cotic principle. For the latter purpose, if no other, its culture in this country is worthy of attention. Certainly, it is an object worthy of public encouragement, as the annual amount of opium imported into the United States is valued at upward of $407, 000." If this was true some years since, how much more essential to us is its produc- tion now (1862), when gum opium and morphine are so very difficult to obtain. Occupied in researches upon these subjects during the month of June, under the order of the Surgeon-General,- 'I was enabled to collect, in a few 26 days, more than an ounce of gum opium, apparently of very excellent quality, having all the smell and taste of opium (which I have administered to the sick), from speci- mens of the red poppy found growing in a garden near Stateburgh, S. C. I have little doubt that all we- require could be gathered by ladies and children within the Con- federate States, if only the slightest attention was paid to cultivating the plants in our gardens. It thrives well, and bears abundantly. It is not generally known that the gum which hardens after incising the capsules is then ready for use, and may be prescribed as gum opium, or laudanum and paregoric may be made from it, with alcohol or whisky. The poppy, it is said, produces better when planted in the fall. I quote the following from paper cited above : The successful cultivation of the plant, however, requires the provision of good soil, appropriate manure, and careful management, The strength of the juice, according to Dr. Butler, of British India, depends much upon the quantity of moisture of the climate. A deficiency even of dew pre- vents the proper flow of the peculiar, narcotic, milky juice which abounds in every part of the plant, while an excess, besides washing off this milk, causes additional mischief by separating the soluble from the insoluble parts of this drug. This not only deteriorates its quality, but increases the quantity of moisture, which must afterward be got rid of. The history of the poppy, as well as that of opium — its inspissated juice— are but imperfectly known. The oldest notices of this plant are found in the works of the early Greek physicians, in which mention is also made of the juice ; but opium does not appear to have been so generally employed as in modern times, as the notices respecting it would have been numerous and clear. In the manufacture of opium in Persia or India, the juice is partially extracted, together with a considerable quantity of mucilage, by de- coction. The liquor is strongly pressed out, suffered to settle, clarified with the whites of eggs, and evaporated to a due consistence — yielding a fifth of the weight of the 27 heads of extract, which possesses the virtues of opium in a very inferior degree, and is often employed to adulterate the genuine opium. The heads of the poppies are gathered as they ripen ; and, as this happens at different periods, there are usually three or four gatherings in a year. The milky juice of the poppy in its more perfect state, which is the case only in warm climates, is extracted by incisions made in the capsules, and simply evaporated into the con- sistence in which it is known to commerce under the name of opium. In Turkey, the plants during their growth are carefully watered, and manured if necessary ; the watering being- more profuse as the period of flowering approaches, and until the heads are half grown, when the operation is dis- continued, and the collection of the opium commences. At sunset longitudinal incisions are made upon each half- ripe capsule, not sufficiently deep to penetrate the internal cavity. The night dews favor the exudation of the juice, which is collected in the morning by scraping it from the wounds with a small iron scoop, and depositing the whole in an earthen pot, where it is worked in the sunshine with a wooden spatula, until it acquires a considerable degree of thickness. It is then formed into cakes by the hands, and placed in earthen pans to be further exsiccated, when it is covered with the leaves of the poppy, tobacco, or some other plant. In obtaining gum opium, the capsules are cut longitu- dinally only through the skin, though some advise that it should be done from below upward. I find longitudinal incisions the most economical. This is generally done late in the afternoon, the hardened gum being scraped off early next morning. Boys or girls can easily attend to this. If the capsules are cut only on one side, the same operation may be repeated on the other side, and a fresh supply of opium obtained. A knife with three or four edges, cutting* about the twelfth or fourteenth part of an inch, is some- times used. If the incision is too deep the juice passes within the poppy head. 28 Prof. Alston, of Edinburgh, long ago, says' Thornton, ascertained that opium of good quality could be obtained in Great Britain, "having all the color, consistence, taste, smell, faculties, phenomena," etc., of opium. It has been calculated by Mr. Ball that more than fifty pounds of opium may be collected from one statute acre. Mr. Jones, in 1794, in the county of Middlesex, England, presented twenty-five pounds of opium to the Society of Arts, made by himself, which was ascertained, by chemical examina- tion, to be equal to the imported drug. The reader inter- ested in the culture of the poppy, can find in Thornton's New Family Herbal, p. 516, a pretty full statement of the method of culture, the collection of the gum, etc., employed by Mr. Jones. In Love's report to the Society, he says : "Having a tap root, their size will, consequently, be pro- portioned to the depth of earth they are enabled to pene- trate. Hence the necessity of land that will admit of deep ploughing. The fineness of the surface, too, is very essen- tial. As the seed is small, and the plants on their first coming up so exceedingly tender, the bush harrow should always be used after those which are commonly employed." They should be so cultivated that the gatherer may not disturb the plants in collecting the juice. Mr. Jones is also in favor of autumnal sowing, planting in the month of September, by which means the plants attain sufiicient size to endure the cold of winter ; these were also found to produce more opium than those planted in March. The scarifications are described, Thornton's Herbal, 517, but any one can devise a knife for the purpose. Argemone Mexicana, Linn. D. C. Prodrom. Devil's fig; prickly poppy ; Mexican poppj r ; thorn apple ; yellow this- tle. Charleston district, grows around buildings in rich spots; vicinity of Charleston; JSTewbern. Fl. July. Mer. aud de L. Diet. Univ. de M. Med. i, 395 ; Journal de Pharmacie xiv, 73 ; Bull. des. Sci. Med. de Fer. viii, 210 ; De Cand. Essai, 116. The oil is said by some to be as active as that of the Croton tiglium ; see the Supp. to Mer.' 29 and de L. 1846, 57. In Brazil, the leaves are employed as a cataplasm for driving off ulcers. The infusion is used in Mexico for its marked sudorific powers ; the juice is found serviceable in chronic maladies of the skin. In Java, they employ it in inveterate cutaneous diseases, and as a caustic in chancres. Lind., in his Kat. Syst. Bot. 8, says that the seeds are narcotic, and are smoked with tobacco ; Garden- er's Mag. vi, 315. It is administered in the West Indies as a substitute for. ipecacuanha, and the juice of the plant is considered by the native doctors of India as a valuable remedy in ophthalmia, either dropped in the eye or rubbed on the tarsus ; it is also considered purgative and deobstru- ent. Ainslie, M. Med. Ind. 243 ; Prince Maximil. Travels, 214; Aublet, Hist. Guiaue. Merat, in the Supplem. 1846, says that, in Brazil, in the Isle of France, and in India, the oil is regarded as a purgative, not unlike castor oil, but more active — not, however, being attended with griping ; thirty drops were found equivalent to one ounce of castor oil. They applied it in tinea capitis, and as an external ap- plication in headache occasioned by exposure to the rays of the sun. See Dr. Schort's examination of it. Dr. Muddie asserts that it induces anodyne effects; so much so, as to relieve, in an instant, the pains of colic. Med. Bot, Soc. London, 1830 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 129. The plant abounds in a viscid, milky, acid juice, which, exposed to the air, becomes yellow, resembling gamboge. The flowers are said by De Candolle, Essai, 14, to be employed in Mexico as a hypnotic. A thorough examination of this plant might, well repay the labor bestowed upon it. It is, ap- parently, native in South Florida. Chapman. "Its seeds are said to yield a narcotic substance as powerful as opium. A milky, glutinous juice flows from the whole plant; turns by exposure to the air into a fine bright yellow; and when reduced to the consistence of a firm gum, is not distin- guishable from gamboge, and has, we believe, been brought into the market under the name of that drug. It has sim- ilar properties to gamboge, both as a medicine and as a pigment; and it has been administered in very small doses 30 in cases of dropsy, jaundice, cutaneous eruption, and some other diseases." Wilson, Rural Cyc. I collected a large number of the seeds of this plant near Charleston, and experimented with the oil and tincture, but with no definite results. A long paper on the medical properties of the argemone can be found in the Charleston Medical Journal, among the extracts. I cannot, at present, cite the volume, but it was during the editorial manage- ment of Dr. Cain and myself. The tincture was particu- larly recommended for the relief of colic and pain. Sanguinaria Canadensis, Linn. Ell. Sk. Puccoon; blood- root. Diffused; vicinity of Charleston, Abbeville, Rich- laud, and Fairfield districts; collected in St. John's. El. March. Drayton's View of S. C. 72; Bell's Pract. Diet. 404; Eberie, Mat. Med. 95; Lind. Nat. Syst. 8; TL S. Disp. 627; Royle, Mat. Med. 273; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 722; London Med. Chirurg. Trans, vol. i; Bart. M. Bot. i, 30; Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York, ii, 250; New York Med. and Phys. Journal, i, No. 2; Am. Journal Med. Sci. N. S. ii, 506 ; Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. iii, 95 ; Ball and Gar. Mat. Med. 208 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 75 ; Schoepf, Mat. Med. 85; Barton's Collec. 28; Trans. Lond. Med. Soc. i, 179; Thacher's Disp. 331 ; Cutler, Mem. Am. Acad. i, 455 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 208 ; Bull, des Sci. Med. Fer. vi, 71 ; Edinb. Med. Journal, vii, 217 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 153 ; Carson's Illust. Med. Bot. i, 18, 1847. The root is narcotic, emetic, and purgative in large doses; stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, and tonic in small. Dr. Dana found a peculiar principle in it, called sangui- narina (Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York). According to the experiments of Dr. Donney, of Maryland, in his inaugural thesis, twenty-grain doses of the root induced nausea and vomiting, attended with heat of stomach, accel- eration of pulse, and sometimes slight headache; the leaves are said to be endued with similar powers. "The seeds exert a marked influence on the nervous system, occasion- 31 ing torpor, languor, disordered vision, and dilatation of pupil." Dr. Bard, of ]STew York, confirms this in his In- aug. Diss. It is an acrid narcotic, producing vomiting, and given in all diseases of the raucous membranes; employed in catarrh, typhoid pneumonia, croup, hooping-cough, and in arresting the progress of phthisis, and also in in- flammatory rheumatism and jaundice. It was known to Schoepf ; and Merat states that it was serviceable in gonorrhoea. Dr. Israel Allen, of New York, says it acts with all the good effects of digitalis, in affections of the lungs — the infusion being preferred in these, as the tincture does not afford the active principle sufficiently strong; he adds, also, that it powerfully promotes diaphoresis in in- flammatorv rheumatism. Bigelow mentions it as an acrid narcotic, in small doses lessening the frequency of the pulse, somewhat analogous in its operation to that of digitalis — this, however, being its secondary effect. In still smaller doses, it is a stimulating tonic. The powdered root, snuffed up the nose, is powerfully sternutatory; it is applied as an escharotic to fungous flesh; and several polypi, of the soft kind, were cured by it in the hands of Dr. Smith, of Hanover. Dr. Shanks, of Tennessee, also destroyed a gelatinous polypus with sanguinaria, after ex- traction had twice failed. Am. Journal Med. Sci. Oct. 1842. The decoction has also been used as a wash to ill-conditioned ulcers. Dr. McBride employed this plant to some extent, in his practice in St. John's, Berkley, S. C, in jaundice, in doses of two to six grains of the root. He did not trust to it exclusively, but found it most effectual in those cases characterized by torpor of the liver, attended with colic and yellowness of the skin. See his letter to Dr. Bigelow\ He gave, too, with success, in hydrothorax, the tincture in doses of sixty drops, three times a day, increased until nausea followed its employment. Eberle, in his w T ork on Diseases of Children, p. 97, says that the powdered root is an excellent escharotic in ulceration of the umbilicus. Griffith's Med. Bot. 127. It is observed by some that the seeds are more narcotic than the root, 32 inducing symptoms resembling those produced by stramo- nium. The dose of powder as an emetic, x-xx grs. ; as a stimulating expectorant, iii-v grs.; or an infusion of one-half ounce Of the root to one pint of water — dose, a tablespoonful ; of the tincture, it is one-half a drachm; a larger quantity acts as an emetic. The tincture is made' by adding two ounces of the bruised root to one pint of alcohol. Macerate fourteen days. It is expectorant and alterative. Dr. Donney says the leaves are administered in veterinary practice in Maryland, to produce sweating, and to facilitate the shedding of hair in the spring. Dr. Griffith is convinced of its efficacy in this respect, and he has also given the fresh root mixed with the food, at intervals, to destroy bots in horses — one or two roots prov- ing sufficient. In a communication from Dr. Branch, of Abbeville district, S. C, he informs me that he has for many years employed the decoction of the root in croup; he prefers it to any other single remedy; and, by persisting in it till emesis is produced, he is of the opinion that it prevents the formation of the diptheritic membrane. From his own experience, he considers it a specific in the early stages of the disease, preferring, for infants, the infusion to the tincture, as the difficulty of exciting vomiting frequent- ly renders it necessary to give more of the alcohol than would be prudent. He finds it convenient, when called to a case of croup, to add to thirty grains of the powdered, or bruised root, a teacupful of boiling water, allowing it to steep for ten or fifteen minutes over the fire, when it may be given in teaspoonful doses, frequently repeated, until vomiting is induced; if the patient is relieved, continue it in doses short of the emetic point, every hour or two, increasing it in frequency and amount should the symp- toms require it. Dr. B. is of the opinion that it owes its value to three qualities combined: an acrid, an emetic, and a deobstruent property — the latter acting on the glan- dular system. It possesses, also, the peculiar advantage of not producing bad efiects by accumulation ; a teacupful not debilitating any more than a smaller quantity, and neither inducing prostration, .which, in the disease in question, is an important consideration. If the patient's skin is hot and dry, the addition of a few grains of ipecacuanha is advised. The experience of Dr. Branch corroborates that of others respecting the value of the tincture, in doses of ten to fifteen drops, given three or four times a day, as an expectorant in chronic cough. In emetic doses, it proves a useful promoter of expectoration in pneumonia. The decoction of the root, taken in small doses, may be used wherever a nauseaut and expectorant is required, and will aid in preventing the advance of colds, croup, pneumonia, etc. The juice of the root was used by the Indians as a red pigment, and it has been applied to the arts. Dr. Donney says that the sulph. of alumina will partially fix the color in woollen stuffs, and the murio. sulph. of lead in cotton and linen. The stain, applied to the unbroken skin, is not indelible. Lawson, in his account of Carolina, says, that the Puccoon is Batschia canescens (Lithospermum canes- cens), growing in upper districts. See Pivrsh's Flora and Croom's Catalogue. The above was contained in my report on Med. Botany of S. C, published in 1849. Since that period, I have used the tinct. of sanguinaria largely during five years attend- ance upon the Marine Hospital, and in private practice. I employ no vegetable substance so constantly, as an addition to cough mixtures, and as an alterative and tonic, when I think the functions of the liver not sufficiently active. We must avoid adding too much of the tincture to any mix- ture, lest it convert it into a nauseaut or emetic. Without being able to state precisely why, I can only say that it has proved a highly satisfactory agent in my hands as a tonic, alterative, and expectorant. Though paying some atten- tion to 'medicinal plants, I use habitually very few of them, viz: the sanguinaria, hoarhound, blackberry root, and a few others. My endeavor is not so much to avoid a great multiplicity of agents, as to do no injury with any. The more full and accurate our knowledge, the more skilful is 34 our application, whether the substances used be vegetable or mineral. Fumaria officinalis, Linn. Hook. Fl. Bo., Fumitory. Natu- ral, says Elliott, on John's island, and at Mr. Middleton's on Ashley river. This plant received great attention in former times, and was almost universally employed. Pliny speaks of it, lib. 25, c. 13. According to Hoffman and Boerhaave, the juice taken in large doses is diuretic and laxative. Great confi- dence was placed in its virtues by Cullen. Mat. Med. ii, 77. In the Deni. Elem. de Bot., it is referred to as a diuretic and detersive aperient, employed as a purifier of the blood in scrofulous and cutaneous diseases. It was administered in amenorrhoea, loss of appetite, and hypochondriacal affec- tions ; Fl. Scotica, 379. Boerhaave frequently prescribed it in jaundice and bilious colics. Thornton, in his Fam. Herb. 628, asserts that he had experienced its value in cutaneous diseases. Its acrimonious property is volatile ; hence, it should be given in whey. Mer. and de L. Diet. de M. Med. iii, 310; Fl. Med. iv, 153. "A marked bitter, which increases on being dried." A popular depurative remedy, which augments the action of the organs, and therefore useful in the diseases specified. Merat says, it was very generally allowed to be a specific in elephantiasis, acting without any evacuation or appreciable effect. Bar- bier, M. Med. 381 ; IT. S. Disp. 1254. An extract of the expressed juice, or a decoction, throws out upon its surface a copious saline efflorescence. "The plant indeed abounds in saline substances." Griffith, Med. Bot. 118. It is still employed in France ; given in the form of decoction, ex- tract, s\ T rup, or expressed juice. In observing the enormous amount of potash said by Ure to exist in the ashes of this plant (fourth London edition, 1853), I can now well understand some of the statements made above, which I had published several years siuce in my report to the American Medical Association. It is 35 another evidence of the light thrown upon any subject by facts gathered from different sources and by independent inquirers. See article "Potash." Wormwood, artemisia, tobacco, corn and rice stalks, etc., contain potash in large proportion. The two first mentioned in enormous amount relatively. Nymph^aceje. [The Water Lily Tribe.) This order is generally considered antaphrodisiac, seda- tive, and narcotic. Their stems are bitter and astringent; they contain a considerable quantity of fecula, and, after repeated washings, are capable of being used for food. Nyynphcea odorata, Ait. Kew. and Ph. Sweet-scented water-lily ; pond-lily. Diffused in lower country of South Carolina ; roots immersed. Newbern. Fl. April. U. S. Disp. 1280; Mat. Veg. Pract. 201; Thompson's Steam Pract. Big. Am. Med. Bot. 132 ; Cutler, Am. Trans. i, 456. "An antaphrodisiac." The root possesses a high degree of astringency, containing, according to Dr. Bige- low, tannin and gallic acid. It is a popular remedy in bowel complaints ; and is used as an astringent in gleet, fluor albus, etc. It also forms an excellent demulcent poultice for ulcers. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 643 ; Bull. des. Sci. Med. iii, 74. Ainslie, in his Mat. Med. Ind. ii, 381, says that, in India, the} 7 prepare with it a re- freshing liniment for the head. Thompson employed this plant in the steam practice, and Matson recommends it as a gargle in sore throats. Cephalotace^;. We insert this order, the properties of which are un- known, merely to introduce the non-medicinal, but very remarkable plant, the DioiKEa muscijmla, Ellis, L. Venus fly-trap. Gen. C. C. Pinckney informed Mr. Elliott of the only locality of this 30 interesting plant in this state, viz. : on the margin of the Santee river, between Lynch's ferry and the sea, particu- larly at Collins' and Bowman's bridges. ISTewbern. Fl. May. Its leaves possess great sensibility, and are prehen- sile: closing up and confining insects and any foreign body which comes in contact with it. See Curtis, in Bost. Journal Nat. Hist, i, p. 123, the article "Sarracenia" infra, and authors passim. " Miraculum naturae ! folia triloba, radi- calia, ciliata, sensibilia, couduplicanda, insecta incarceranda. Ellis, Epist. ad Linnmtm. Groom's Cat. Magistoltace^e. (The Magnolia Tribe.) This order is characterized by the possession of a bitter tonic taste, and fragrant flowers ; the latter generally pro- ducing a decided action upon the nerves. Magnolia glauca, L. Bay; beaver tree; swamp-laurel. Diffused in damp pine lands. Charleston; Newbern. Fl. June. Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 67 ; Bart, i, 77 ; U. 8. Disp. 442 ; Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 733 ; Royle, Mat. Med. 248; Ball and Gar. 189 ; Michaux, X. Am. Sylvia, ii, 8 ; Kalm's Travels, i, 205 ; Humphries, Med. Comment, xviii ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 193; Marshall's Arbust. 83; Bart. Mat. Med. 46 ; Price, Inaug. Diss. Phil. 1812 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. 18 ; Am. Herbal, 200 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 97. It is a stimulant, aromatic tonic, with considerable diaphoretic powers. The leaves, steeped in brandy, or a decoction of them, are valuable in pectoral affections, recent cold, etc. The tincture, made by macerating the fresh cones and seeds, or bark of root, in brandy, which best extracts its virtues, is much used as a popular remedy in rheumatism ; and, according to Barton, in inflammatory gout. Lindley refers to it as a valuable tonic, but it is said to be destitute of tannin or gallic acid. The bark of the root, according to Griffith, was employed by Indians to fulfil a variety of indications; the warm decoction acts as a gentle laxa- 87 tive, and subsequently as a sudorific, whilst the cold decoc- tion, powder of, or tincture, is tonic. These have proved very beneficial in the hands of regular practitioners in the treatment of remittents of a typhoid character. It is sup- posed by many residing in the lower portions of this state that this tree prevents the water of bogs and galls from generating malaria. It certainly seems that the water is much clearer in which the ba} 7 tree grows.* * In that old work on Herbs, entitled the "English Physician," by Nicholas Culpepper, gentleman, "Student in Physic and Astrology," we have met with a great deal concerning the employment of herbs in medicine ; but, from the absence of botanical terms, it is impossible to ascertain, in many cases, what species are intended. In order to show the surprisingly superstitious credence then attached to the influence of astrology, iu determining the virtues of, and the times proper for gathering plants, and also the diversity of qualities attributed to them, we will extract a portion of what Culpepper says of the "Bay Tree." "Government and Virtues. — That it is a Tree of the Sun, and under the celestial Sign Leo, and re- sisteth Witchcraft very potently, as also all the Evils old Saturn can do to the Body of Man, and they are not a few; for it is the Speech of one, and I am mistaken if it were not Mezaldus, that neither Witch nor Devil, Thunder nor Lightning, will hurt a Man in the Place where a Bay Tree is. Galen said that the Leaves or Bark do dry and heal very much, and the Berries more than the Leaves ; the Bark of the Root is less sharp and hot, but more bitter, and hath some Astriction withal, whereby it is effectual to break the Stone, and good to open Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, and other inward Parts, which bring the Dropsy, Jaundice, etc. The Berries are very effectual against all poison of venomous Creatures, and the Sting of Wasps and Bees, as also against the Pestilence, and other infectious Dis- eases, and therefore put into sundry Treacles for the purpose. They, likewise, procure Women's Courses, and seven of them given to a Woman in Sore Travel of Child-birth do cause a speedy Delivery, and expel the after-birth, and therefore are not to be taken by such as have not gone their Time, lest they procure Abortion, or cause Labour too soon. They wonderfully help all cold and rheumatic Distilla- tions from the Brain to the Eyes. Lungs, or other Parts, and being made into an Electuary with Honey, do help the Consumption, Old Coughs, Shortness of Breath, and thin Rheums, as also the Megrim. They mightily expel the Wind, and pro- voke Urines, help the Mother, and kill the Worms. The Leaves also work the like Effects; a Bath of the Decoction of the Leaves and Berries is singularly good for Women to sit in that arte troubled with the Mother, or the Diseases thereof, or the stoppings of their Courses, or for the Diseases of the Bladder, Pains in the Bowels by Wind, and stopping of Urine ; a Decoction, etc., settleth the Palate of the Mouth in its Place. The Oil made of the Berries is very comfortable. All Cold Griefs of the Joints, Nerves, Arteries, Stomach, Belly, or Womb, and helpeth Pal- sies, Convulsions, Cramps, Aches, Tremblings, and Numbness in any Part, Weari- ness also, and Pains that come by Sore Travelling. * * * * Pains in the Ears are also cured by dropping in some of the Oil, or by receiving into the Ears the Fume of the Decoction of the Berries through a Funnel. It takes away the Marks of Bruises ; it helpeth also the Itch, Scabs, and Weals in the Skin," etc. . 38 Magnolia grandiflora, L. Magnolia. This magnificent tree grows abundantly along the sea-coast, and in the streets of Charleston. Found sparingly in St. .John's, Berkley, forty- five miles from the ocean; grows in Georgia also. FL May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 193 ; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 734 ; U. S. Disp. 444. The medicinal and chemical properties of these plants are supposed .to be iden- tical. See M. glauca. Mr. Proctor, in his analysis, Am. Journal Pharm. xiv, 95, and viii, 85, found in this species volatile oil, resin, and a crystallizable principle analogous to the liriodendrine of Prof. Emmet, obtained from the L. tulipifera growing in this state (vide L. tulip.) Merat says that in Mexico the seeds are employed with success in paralysis. Loc. sit. sup. Magnolia acuminata, Linn. Mich. Cucumber tree. Moun- tainous districts ; grows in Georgia also. Fl. July. IT. S. Disp. 443 ; Mx. X. Am. Sylvia, ii, 12 ; Lind. STat. Syst. 16. Lindley speaks particularly of the cones of this species being employed in the form of a spirituous tincture in rheumatic affections. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 193 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 98. Used as a prophylactic in autumnal fevers. The wood is soft, fine grained, and susceptible of a bril- liant polish. It is sometimes sawed into boards, and used in the interior of wooden houses. The flowers of most magnolias exhale a strong aromatic fragrance ; the bark of all possesses a combination of bitter and hotly aromatic properties, without astringency, and that of many acts as a powerful medicine, in a similar way to Peruvian bark and Winter's bark. Wilson's Rural Cyc. Magnolia umbrella. Lam. ^ LTmbrella tree. " tripetala, Linn, and Ell. Sk. j Rare. Grows on the sea-coast in rich soils ; ISTewbern. Fl. June. U. S. Disp. 443. It has a warm, aromatic odor, and is possessed of similar properties with the above. Mx. IS". 39 Am. Sylvia, ii, 19; Lind. Nat. Syst. 16. According to Be Cand. and Merat, Diet, de M. Med. iv, 193, it acts so pow- erfully on the nerves as to induce sickness and headache. Magnolia macrophylla. Mx. and Ell. Sk. Grows on the mountains of South Carolina. It possesses the most mag- nificent foliage and flowers of any of our forest trees ; the former are a foot or two in length ; and the latter one foot in diameter. For its medicinal properties, see M. glauca. See, also, Griffith's Med. Bot. 98, and Ell. Sk. of Bot. of S. C. Illicium Floridanum and panrifiorum. Anise seed tree. These plants have the smell of anise seed, and should be examined. Liriodendron luUpifera, L. Tulip tree; white wood; pop- lar. Grows in swamps ; diffused. Collected in St. John's, Charleston district ; Columbia; Newbern. El. June. Eberle, Mat. Med, ii, 308; U. S. Disp. 432; Rush, in Trans. Phil. Coll. Phy. 1798; Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 743; younger Michaux on Eorest Trees of N. America ; Clay- ton, Phil. Trans. 8 ; Carey's Am. Museum, 12 ; Barton's Collec. Form. Mat. Med. 14; Thacher's U. S. Disp.; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 107; Barton, i, 92; Ball. Gar. Mat. Med. 190 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 130 ; Annal. de Chimie, lxxx, 215; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot.; Rogers' Inaug. Diss. 1802. This plant is tonic, diuretic, and diaphoretic, and is generally considered one of the most valuable of the substitutes for Peruvian bark. It has been employed as a warm sudorific in the treatment of chronic rheumatism and gout; and Bigelow thinks it valuable as a stomachic. It was administered by Dr. Young and himself, combined with laudanum, in hysteria, and the former says that in all the materia medica he does not know of a more certain, speedy, and effectual remedy for that disease. See his let- ter to Governor Clayton. " He has never known it to fail in a single case of worms." Am. Museum, xii; Griffith, 40 Med. Bot, 98. "Rafinesque says the seeds are laxative, and the leaves are used as an external application for headache; they are washed and applied to the forehead. Merat states that it is useful in phthisis, and he also refers to its vermi- fuge properties ; employed in relaxed states of the stomach [reldchcmens) and in the advanced stages of dj 7 sentery; this is corroborated by Thacher, Anc. Journal de Med. lxx, 530; J. C. Mayer, Mem. on L. tulipifera, in the Mem de l'Acad. de Berlin, 1796 ; Ruch. Mem. sur le tulipier, Tilloch's Magazine; Hildebrande, Essai sur un nouveau succedane du quinquina in Ann. de Chim. lxvi, 201 ; Carminati sur les proprieties medicinales de l'ecorce de tulipier. Its analy- sis, etc., in the Mem. of Roy. Inst. Lombard}-, iii, 4; in the Supplem. to Mer. Diet. 1846,436. M. Bouchardat advises, as the most preferable mode of exhibiting it in fevers, the wine of the tulip, made with the bark in equal parts of alcohol, to which he adds of white wine seven or eight times the amount of the alcoholic infusion. Bull, de Therap. xix, 246; S. Cubiere's Hist. Tulip. Paris, 1800; see Tract, of Bouchardat in Ann. de Therap. 75, 1841. Dr. J. P. Emmet, in his Analysis in the Phil. Journal Pharm. iii, 5, announced the discovery of a new principle in it — the liriodendrine. This is solid, brittle, and inodorous at 40°, fusible at 180°, and volatile at 270°. It is soluble in alco- hol, thought to be analogous to camphor, and to the princi- ple found in the magnolia grandiilora, and to consist of a resin and a volatile oil; hence the alcoholic tincture is pref- erable. The powdered bark in syrup is given to children who are liable to convulsions from worms, to promote their expulsion, and to strengthen the tone of the digestive organs. The bark should be pulverized and bottled. We have employed a strong infusion of the bark and root of this plant as an anti-intermittent, among a number of negroes, and are much pleased with its efficacy. See the Podophyllum peltatum, in conjunction with which it was usually given. In Virginia, the decoction of the bark, with that of the Cornus Florida (dogwood) and the Prinos ver- ticillatus, is given to horses affected with the bots. The 41 poplar bark powdered is a valuable remedy as a tonic for horses. An infusion may be given to a horse, or the bark placed in his trough to be chewed. It gives tone to the digestive organs when they are " off their feed," in veter- inary or jockey parlance. This tree I notice in unusual abundance along the line of railroad from Kingsville to Columbia, S. C; also in Spartanburg district, S. C, on the banks of streams. Dose of bark xx-xxx grs. It is a stimulant tonic, slightly diaphoretic. The infusion or decoction is made in the proportion of an ounce to a pint of water; dose one or two fluid ounces. Dose of the satu- rated tincture a fluid drachm. The wood is durable when not exposed to the weather — it is smooth, line grained, and flexible; employed for various mechanical purposes — for carving and ornamental work ; for making carriage and door panels, chairs, cabinets, etc. Mx. Forest Trees of America. ANONACEiE. {The Papain Tribe.) The plants of this order generally possess a powerful aromatic taste and smell in all the parts. Uvaria triloba, T. and Gray. ) Papaw ; custard apple. Anona " Linn. > Grows in rich soils along Asimina " Ell. Sk. ) streams. We have observed it in Fairfield and Spartanburg districts, S. C, and collected it in St. John's; Mr. Elliott says it is found at Beck's ferry, Savannah river. Fl. May. Diet, de Mat. Med. par Mer. and de L. torn, i, 311. The rind of the fruit of the A. triloba of Linn, possesses a very active acid ; pulp sometimes employed as a topical applica- tion in ulcers. Lind. JSTat. Syst. Bot. 69. "Juice of unripe fruit is a powerful and efficient vermifuge ; the powder of the seeds answers the same purpose ; a principal constituent of the juice is fibrine — a product supposed peculiar to ani- mal substances and to fungi." "The tree has, moreover, the property of rendering the toughest animal substances 42 tender by causing a separation of the muscular fibre — its very vapor even does this; newly killed meat suspended over the leaves, and even old hogs and poultry, when fed on the leaves and fruit, become 'tender in a few hours !' ' Lind. loc. cit. .The sap (of Papaw tree, Ca.rica papaya), which is extracted from the fruit by incision, is white and excessively viscous. In a specimen from the Isle of France, Vauquelin found a matter having the chemical properties of animal albumen, aud lastly, fatty matter. Boussingault, This tree can be found in many parts of the state, and we would invite examination into these very curious properties. For an excellent description of the papaw, see Hooker in the Bot. Magazine, 898. At Pittsburgh, a spirituous licpior has been made from the fruit. Michaux notices that the cellular integument of the bark, and particularly that of the roots, exhales in summer a nauseous odor so strong as to occasion sickness if. respired in confined air. Am. Sylva. Umbellifer.s:. (The Umbelliferous Tribe.) This order is nearly related to the Ranunculacese, and is generally found in cold countries, and on the mountains of tropical regions. The plants belonging to it are often poisonous, some virulently so ; others are nutritive and wholesome ; of the former, the hemlock is an example ; of the latter, the celery and parsley. Hydrocot[ile umbellata, L. Grows in bogs and wet marshes ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; Xewbern. Fl. May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. torn, iii, 560. Employed with great efficacy in Brazil against hypochondriacism. According to one author, the root is so valuable in diseases of the kidney as not to be replaced by any other medicines. It is emetic, diuretic, and vulnerary. We see no mention of it in the English or American works. Sanicula Marylandica, L. Sanicle. Diffused; grows in shady spots; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston ; Xewbern. Fl. Jul v. 43 Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 201. The Indians used it as we do sarsaparilla in syphilis, and also in diseases of the lungs. Eryngium aquaticum, L. (E. YiicccefoUum of Mx.) Button snakeroot. Damp pine lands ; diffused ; collected in St. John's; Charleston. Fl. July. Coxe, Am. Disp. 268 ; Ell. Bot. i, 343 ; Barton's Collec. i, 3 ; Frost's Elems. 280 ; U. S. Disp. 318 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 145; Shec. Flora Carol, art. Button snakeroot, 310, 545. The decoction is diaphoretic, expecto- rant, and sometimes emetic. Elliott says it is preferred by some physicians to the seneka snakeroot. Barton, in his Collections, states that it is allied to the contrayerva of the shops. This plant is possessed of undoubted diuretic pow- ers, and in combination with the Iris versicolor (blue flag). was much employed by Dr. McBride, of South Carolina, in dropsy. (See I, versic.) Great use is frequently made of them in popular practice. Shec. in his Flora Carol. 310, states that the decoction and tincture are given with benefit in pleurisies, colds, and most of the inflammatory diseases of the mucous passages. It is also said to act as an escharotic — keeping down fungus flesh, and preventing mortification. The root, when chewed, sensibly excites a flow of saliva. The E. aromaticum, an aromatic species, grows in East and South Florida. Baldwin in Chapman's Flora. The E. maratimam, of England, penetrates the soil to the depth of twenty teet. Eryngium fostidum, L. Fever weed. Elliott is doubtful whether this plant comes within the limits prescribed to us; it has, however, been noticed by writers as a S. C. species, and Michaux found it in Florida. T. and Gray are of the opinion that it is not a native of the United States. Vicinity of Charleston, Bachman ; Shec. Flora. Carol. 54. "An admirable febrifuge." Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 145; Aublet, i, 284. liotboll says it is a sedative, alterative, and febrifuge. Sprengel, Hist, de la M6d. v, 44 467 ; Lind. Species, PI. 336. JSTot included in Chapman's Flora. Aconitum uncinatum, L. Aconite, monks-hood, wolfsbane. Shady banks of streams among the mountains of Confed- erate States, and northward. Most of the aconites, particularly those with blue flowers, are highly poisonous. This species should be carefully experimented with, as it may be made to supply the tinc- ture of aconite and aconita for medicinal and chemical purposes. The active principle is " the most virulent poi- son known, not excepting prussic acid, as prepared by Moison, of London. 1-50 of a grain has endangered life." Wilson's Rural Encyc. See also works on Materia Medica. " The 1-100 part of a grain has produced a feeling of numbness, weight, and constriction, which has lasted a whole day." The tincture of aconite is more manageable, and is useful as an external anaesthetic in frontal neuralgia, local pains, etc. No remedy, save chloroform, equals it when applied locally for the relief of pain. The tincture may be combined with oil and chloroform, as a liniment in rheumatism. Cieuta maculaia, L. Walt. FL, Carolina. Am. hemlock; snake-weed ; beaver poison. Grows in bogs and inundated land; collected in St. John's ; Charleston: JSTewbern. Fl. Aug. IT. S. Disp. 1242; Barton's Collec. 1846; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 282; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, -125; Schcepf, M. Med. 36 ; Stockbridge, iST. England Journal, iii, 334 ; Mitchell, Ely, and Muhlenburg, Med. Repos. xvii, 303 ; Stearns, Am. Herbal, 172. The leaves, flowers, and seeds are resolvent, powerfully narcotic, sedative, and ano- dyne. It resembles conium in its effects, and is used as a substitute for it. "It relieves pain from cancer more pow- erfully than opium ;" employed in ill-conditioned ulcers, gleets, painful uterine discharges, venereal ulcers, epilep- sies, and convulsions ; it promotes perspiration and urine, and, externally applied, discusses hard tumours. It is closely analogous to the European species, the C. virosa; Bigelow says identical with it. The dose of the leaves in powder is one to two grains three times a day, in infusion, or one grain of the extract, increasing it as the system becomes tolerant. This plant has repeatedly occasioned the death of those mistaking it for others. An active emetic, to which an infusion of galls may be added; will generally give relief. The vegetable acids, lemon juice, and vinegar, neutralize its effects ; and strong tea and cof- fee are the best antidotes for the stupor which follows its employment. Ajpium graveolens. Celery. Ex. cult. Milne, Ind. Bot. 420. The fresh roots, observes Dr. Lewis, when produced in their native water soil, are supposed to partake of the ill quality of those of the hemlock kind, and to be particu- larly hurtful to epileptic and pregnant women. So that we have here a striking evidence of the excellence of the Nat. Syst., as it may be remembered that, in describing the characteristics of this order, this plant was alluded to as forming an exception. Ajpium jpetroselinum. Parsley. Ex. cult. Leaves aromatic and slightly diuretic. See authors. Discojpleura cajnllacea, D. C. and T. and Gray. ] Bishop's Ammi majus of Walter. j weed. Grows in damp soils. Fl. July. Shec. Flora Carol. 136. Slum nodijiorum, "Walt, and Ell. Sk. \ " Probably intro- Helosciadium of Koch. j duced ; abundant around Charleston." Ell. Thornton's Fam. Herbal, 297; Kay's Cat. Plantarum, 213; Diet, de M. Med. It is recommended in cutaneous erup- tions. Withering relates the case of a young lady, who was cured of a very obstinate attack by taking three large spoonfuls of the juice twice a day; "and I have repeated- ly seen," says Thornton, "two ounces administered every 46 morning;, with the greatest advantage." It is not nauseous, and children take it readily, mixed with milk. When it is prepared in this way it is not disagreeable, and does not affect the head, stomach, or bowels. IT. S. Disp. 1296. The juice has also been employed in scrofulous swellings of the lymphatic glands, and is considered' diuretic. Mer. and de L. Diet. 369 ; Bull, des Sc. M. de Ferus. xviii, 420 and xx, 421. Faemeulum officinale. Fennel. Introduced from Europe; cultivated. Seeds of fennel are well known ; employed in flatulent colic for their carminative and stimulant properties. The oil of fennel is also used for the same purpose, and to cor- rect the taste of. medicine. See authors. Angelica lucida, Ell. Sk. ^ Angelica. We have collected Archartgeliea of some, /it in Fairfield district; also in upper St. John's, Charleston district. Fl. July. Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 469 ; Ed. and Yav. Mat. Med. 276 ; Le. M. Med. i, 85 ; Woodv. Med. Bot. 86 ; U. S. Disp. 98 ; Journal de Pharm. 3e ser. 2 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 296 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 167. The root is edible, and possesses more aroma than any of our indig- enous plants. It is used in spasmodic vomiting, flatulent colics, and nervous headaches * some say it is powerfully emmenagogue. The vittre of some species are filled with a pungent oil. A candy is sometimes prepared with the roots boiled in su^ar. The oreat fragrance of this root has caused it to be used for many purposes by the confectioner and. others; the tender stalks also are candied. The seeds are cordial, tonic, and carminative ; and the plant was in repute at one time as a preventive of pestilence to those who bore it about them. "The pulverized root, in doses of a drachm, is said to be very useful in pestilential fevers and diseases of the liver ; and a paste of its root and vinegar used to be carried and smelled at by physicians during the prevalence of epidemics, as a preventive of infection." 47 Wilson's Rural Cyc. " Angelica " is stated in some tables to yield more potash even than wormwood or fumitory. See " Chenopodiuvi " and "Fumaria" in this volume. Anethum fce?iiculnm, L. Dill. In trod. cult, in South Carolina. It is employed in flatulent colic as a carminative and an- tispasmodic. The oil has been given in hiccough. Milne, in his Ind. Bot. 404, says : " The herb, boiled in broth, has been used with great success in preventing obesity." See authors. Daueiis carota, Tourn. Carrot. Completely naturalized, says Elliott, in South Carolina and Georgia. Collected in ,S't. John's; Charleston. Fl. April. Woodv. Med. Bot.; Royle, Mat. Med. 401. Root and seeds stimulant, carminative, and eminently diuretic ; em- ployed with great success in strangury, anasarcous swell- ings of lower extremities, in suppression of urine, and painful micturition. Eberle on Diseases of Children, 110 ; Am. Herbal, 92 ; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 298. * Dr. Chapman used a strong infusion in gravel. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. 299 ; Flora Med. ii, 99 ; see Chemical Anal, by Bouillon Lagrange, in the Journal de Pharm. i, 529. Britanet and himself wrote a book on the plant (which may be seen in the New York Hosp. Lib.) Root contains some volatile oil, a large proportion of pectin, a peculiar coloring principle called carotin, and sugar. Grif- fith, Med. Bot. 387. The authors alluded to above contend that the plant acts as a sedative, even topically applied. In the form of a poultice, it cairns pain, is antiseptic, and cor- rects the intolerable fetor arising from internal diseases — as of the ear, for example. Dr. Geo. Wilkes, ophthalmic surgeon, ISTew York, informs me that he finds it invaluable in this respect. Mem. de Museum, iv, 102 ; Suppl. to Mer. and de L. 1846 ; Vauquelin upon the Pectic Acid in the Root of the Carrot, Journal de Pharm. xv, 340. The essential oil is regarded as emmenagogue and antibysteric. 48 Ancien Journal de Med. xxiv, 68. In Germany, it is con- sidered vermifuge. Crantz, Mat. Med. i, 23. Shecut, in his Flora Carol., alludes to its employment in gravel, and in expelling a species of tape worm. A syrup similar to treacle has been obtained from it, and by distillation, a liquor nearly equal in flavor to brandy. Much use is made of this plant in popular practice as a diuretic. Daucus pusillus, Mx. Wild carrot. Grows on the Savan- nah river; collected in St. John's ; Charleston. Bach. Eberle, Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 318; Bell's Pract. Diet. 162. Seeds contain more volatile oil than the other spe- cies. It, however, possesses nearly the same properties. Used as a diuretic in calculous diseases, suppression of urine, etc. Araliace^e. ( The Aralia Tribe.) Panax quutquefolium, L. Ginseng. Rich soils in the mountains of South Carolina. Fl. May. Am. Herbal, 157, by Stearns. In China they drink an infusion, of the root instead of tea, and it is well known that they have recourse to it as a last resort in all' diseases : Dr. James says, more especially in all cachectic and con- sumptive cases, and in those arising from debility of any kind. Dr. Healde also alludes to their great confidence in it as a restorative after great fatigue, as an antispasmodic in nervous affections, in coma, and as an aphrodisiac ; one hundred and twenty grains of the sliced root are boiled in a quart of water, and two ounces of the decoction, or twenty grains of the root in substance is employed. Jar- toux, in the Phil. Trans, xxviii, 239, states that, after being fatigued by travelling three days, he employed the decoction of the leaves internally, and as an application to the feet, and was satisfied of its utility, being completely revived by it. Dr. Wood, in the U. S. Disp. 530, says, it is very little more than a demulcent ; but Lindley, Nat. Syst. Bot. 25, thinks that there is no reasonable doubt of the ginseng having an invigorating and stimulant power, when 49 fresh. Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 82 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 356, and iv, 176; Flor. Med. iv, 185; Kaem- pher, Amoen. Academical, v, 218; Histoire du Japon, vij. 218 ; Burmann, Flora Ind. tab. 29, i ; L'Encyelop. Chi- noise, lxcii ; Flora Cochine, 806; Lafitteau, Descrip. d\\ Ginseng, Paris, 1718, i, 12. Dr. Sarrazin introduced it into notice in Europe. Trans. Roy. Acad. Sci., Bartram Com. 61, 1741 ; J. P. Bregnius, Diss. Med. de Radice Ginr seng, 1700; Coxe, Am. Disp. 434. Cullen, in his Mat. Med. 270, refers to its efficacy in increasing virility. See Merat, loc. cit. "J'avoue qu'un Individ u qni en avait fait usage dans cet derniere intention, pendant long temps, n'en obtint absolument aucun resultat." S. Vaillant in Acad, des Sci. 1718; Bourdelin, Hist, de l'Acad. 1797; Lafitteau, Mem. concernant la precieuse plante de Ginseng, Paris, 1788; Kalm. Travels, iii, 114; Osbeck's China, 145; Heb- erden, Med. Trans, iii, 34 ; Fothergill, Gent. Mag. xxiv,. 209 ; loc. cit. sup. The root is thought to resemble liquor- ice, and may partially supply the place of that article: see report from Surgeon-General's office, 1862. Glycyrrhiza glabra ; liquorice. Exotic. I am uncertain as to the position of this genus in the natural system;. This plant is said to be well adapted to the southern states of the Confederacy. It has been grown in Texas. Infor- mation as to the best mode of planting and culture can be found in a paper in Patent Office Rep. 1854, p. 359. I ap- pend the following practical remarks: "The sooner liquor- ice is sold the heavier it weighs ; and the greener it is the more virtue it contains. It is sold in three distinct forms, viz: in the roots, in powder, and in its inspissated juice. The first of these needs no explanation. The second is prepared by cutting the small roots into small pieces, dry- ing them in an oven or kiln, and grinding them in a mill. The third kind is prepared by pounding the vsmaller roots and fragments with cold water for nearly two days ; after which the pulp is to be squeezed, and the juice boiled down in an iron pot to a pitchy consistence, and then rolled 4 50 or stamped into sticks or cakes, which are sometimes sold under the name of 'Spanish Liquorice.' Liquorice roots will keep a year if laid in sand, and stored in a cool, dry cellar ; and if the sets, or runners, or buds, are cut readj'- for planting, tied in bundles, and sent by land carriage, they will keep a fortnight. If packed in sand, and sent by water, they will keep some three or four months, especially the more hardy buds." In the Patent Office Reports for 1854, '55, the cultivation of a number of medicinal plants is described, particularly those yielding aromatic oils. Arcdia spinosa, L. Toothache bush ; Angelica tree ; Prickly ash. Collected in St. John's ; rich soils along fences; Charleston. Plant often confounded with the Xan- thoxylon ; properties somewhat similar. See X. fraxineum. Ell. Bot. 373 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 379 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 100 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 191 ; Frost's Elems. 20 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 345. It is a stimulating and very certain diaphoretic, " probably to be preferred to any emetic yet discovered among our native plants." The infusion of bark of root is used in chronic rheumatism and cutaneous eruptions, also employed in lues venerea. Pursh states that a vinous or spirituous infusion of the berries is remarkable for its power in relieving rheumatic pains, and the tincture is also given in Virginia in violent colics. See Dr. Meara's experiments. Merat says, it has been used to allay pain caused by carious teeth. Dose, of the saturated tincture, a tablespoonful three times a day. A decoction is often preferred in rheumatism, made by boil- ing an ounce of the bark in a quart of water : taken in divided doses several times a day. In South Carolina, this plant is the rattlesnake's master par excellence, according to the negroes ; they rely on it almost exclusively as a remedy for the bite of serpents. I am informed that they use the bark of the fresh root in substance, taken internally, also applying it powdered to the wounded part. Dr. Meara advises that the watery infusion, when employed as a diaphoretic, should be made very weak, as it is apt to excite nausea, and cause irritation of the salivary glands. 51 Aralia racemosa, L. Spikenard. Grows, according to Dr. McBride, in the mountains of South Carolina. Ell. Bot. Med., note, i, 373. The decoction of the root is much esteemed by those residing in the mountainous districts as a remedy in rheumatism ; no doubt possessed of stimulating properties. Michaux cites it as a sudorific. The root, when boiled, yields a gummy substance. A tea, syrup, or tincture, may be made of. the roots or berries. It is given in coughs, asthma, and diseases of the lungs. Also given as a stimulant in menstrual obstructions; said to be in high repute among the Indians. See the "Indian Guide to Health." Dr. Sarazzin informs us that it is very useful as a cataplasm in inveterate ulcers ; generally adapted to similar purposes with the A. nudicaulis. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 376; IT. S. Disp. ; Am. Journal Med. Sci. xix, 117. Aralia nudicaulis, Mx. Wild sarsaparilla ; wild liquorice. Mountains of South Carolina. Fl. June. Raf. Med. Flora, i, 53 ; II. S. Disp. 116. A gently stim- ulating diaphoretic ; thought to be alterative, and used in popular practice in rheumatism, syphilis, and cutaneous affections. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 375. Dr. Meara records the roots as possessing the virtues of sarsa- parilla. Mus. Med. Philos. iv. An excitant, diaphoretic, and entrophic, like mezereon, guaiac, sarsaparilla, and sas- safras. The infusion has been employed with success in zona, and as a tonic in debility of stomach [les reldchemens d'estoynac). Coxe, IT. S. Disp. 99 ; Lindley's Nat. Syst. ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 344; Phil. Med. Mus. ii, 161. Admin- istered in domestic practice, in pulmonary disease, where inflammation does not coexist. Berberace^e. ( The Berberry Tribe.) Berberis vulgaris, Walt. Fl. Carol. ) American Barberry. " Canadensis, Ph. and Ell. ) Grows wild in St. John's, Berkley, near Woodlawn, PL; upper districts of Georgia, Carolina, and northward. Fl. May. 52 Shec. Flora Carol, (see B. vulgaris), 268 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 30; U. S. Disp. 1233, Appendix. The B. vul- garis of Europe, with which this plant is not identical, though differing from it but slightly, if at all, in medicinal properties, has received considerable attention. They are used as a domestic remedy in jaundice, and in dysentery and diarrhoea ; it is supposed that the acid is specific. From analysis by Buchner and Herberger, it is shown that the root contains a new principle called berberine, which acts like rhubarb, and with equal promptness and activity. Griffith, Med. Bot. 113 ; Journal de Pharm. 1233 ; Trans. Phil. Soc. 1834; Analysis in Journal de Pharm. xxiv, 39; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplement, 1846, 101. From the berries a syrup is obtained which is adapted to putrid fevers, and those of a low type; a cooling drink is also made with them, and given in similar cases. The root boiled in lye imparts a yellow color to wool. It was said to have a singular effect upon wheat growing near it, turning the ears black for some distance around; but this, however, is doubted. We have observed the remarkable irritability of the stamens in the species growing in South Carolina, which, when touched, instantly spring down upon the stigma, and in this way communicate their pollen to it. The berries are acid. The English barberry (i?. vulgaris) has attracted much attention ; its fruit is edible, and much discussion has been excited whether or not it pro- duces smut in wheat or corn when planted near it. Ex- periments touching this peculiarity should be performed with respect to our barberry. For a full statement of the merits of the above question, see Wilson's Rural Cyc. Art. Barberry. Thae'r, in his "Principles of Agriculture," p. 409, says : " One very extraordinary fact is that the barberry bush will produce smut, or something very similar to it, in all corn growing within a considerable distance of it. This is a fact which has been confirmed by numerous observa- tions and experiments in almost all countries. But it has never yet been clearly and satisfactorily ascertained in what manner the barberry produces this effect. My friend 53 Einhoff has made several experiments ori the possibility of communicating cecidium (a parasitical fungus) to cereals hj cutting branches from the barberry, which were quite cov- ered with it, and shaking them over the corn, or else plant- ing them in the midst of it ; but he never succeeded in thus producing the disease ; therefore it would seem that it is not the communication of this dust, but the vegetation of the barberry in the vicinity of the cornfield, which en- genders the disease. Nor will it attack crops planted near young and newly made barberry hedges ; but as these lat- ter grow up, the disease will appear until these hedges are rooted up. As soon as the barberry has been thoroughly extirpated, the evil disappears." Thaer .considers mil or mel-dew a disease of the skin of plants. See this work for information on diseases affecting the cereals — on irrigation, etc. Translated by William Shaw and C. W. Johnson. New York, 1852. It is believed by some in this country that the pokeweed (Phytolacca), if allowed to die in a cotton field, will produce rust. This is quite unlikely. Sarraceniace^e. The species of this order are exclusively confined to the bogs of this country. Lindley thinks it should also com. prebend the Dioneea, which grows in this state, and which also possesses the power of entrapping insects. See D. muscipula. Sarracenia flava, L., and variolaris, M. . Fly-catchers ; side- saddle flowers. Diffused; grow in bogs; Charleston; New- bern. Fl. June. See Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 226, where the Diss, of Dr. McBride, of South Carolina, in the 12th vol. Trans. Linnsean Soc, is referred to. We have read this description of one of our native botanists, and allude to it with pleasure. We are informed by several gentlemen of this state that these plants are used in dyspepsia with great service. The roots are undoubtedly possessed of bitter, 54 tonic, and stomachic properties; and we are credibly as- sured of a number of cases in which relief has been experi- enced from them. The taste is disagreeable to those using them for the first time, but eventually it becomes pleasant, as we have ourselves experienced. An infusion might serve as a useful substitute for bitters. In an article on the medicinal and chemical properties of these plants, published by me in the January number (1849) of the Charleston Medical Journal, the attention of the profession is for the first time invited to their re- puted value in the treatment of dyspepsia. Several cases are there detailed, illustrating the employment of the sarra- cenia. It is supposed by many to relieve most of the dis- tressing symptoms of this affection, among which may be cited : gastralgia, pyrosis, acidity, aud the general feeling of malaise, so frequently attendant upon it. In some it induces considerable diuresis, and in others soreness of the mouth. In experiments made upon my own person, to ascertain its physiological effects upon a healthy individual, it exhibited a tonic, stimulating influence upon the digest- ive organs, producing some cerebral disturbance, when persisted in. On one occasion 320 grains of the dried root, in the form of pills, were taken during the course of twelve hours. From the examination made for me by Prof. C. U. Shepard, it contains besides lignin, coloring matter, and traces of a resinous body, an acid, or an acid salt, and also an astringent property, due neither to tannic nor gallic acid, "and a salt of some alkaloid, related perhaps to cinchonia, which, should it prove new, may be called sarracenin." We ascertained the existence of starch in some quantity in the cold infusion and in the decoction, not discovered in the boiled alcoholic solution, which, however, contained some gluten. " In its exhibiting in moderate quantities no very decided nor violent effects upon the animal economy in disease consists its excellence. And its peculiar action on the stomach, we think, is the result of a happy combi- nation of elements, which renders it appropriate to the relief of an affection like dyspepsia. Its acid prevents or 55 corrects the undue formation of alkalies, or supplies its own deficiency, the existence of either condition having been assumed as explaining the true pathology of the disease. Its power of neutralizing or correcting acidity was obvious. Its bitter property, which is abundant, is tonic and restora- tive ; its resinous portion may supply the proper cathartic stimulus, the too inordinate action of which is corrected by the astringent; and this being neither that of the tannic nor gallic acid found in other vegetable tonics, may be superior. Should dyspepsia be a gastric neuralgia, or con- sist, as Parry thinks, in a condition of hyperemia; or as, according to Wilson Philip, a chronic gastritis, its relief may be accounted for, by a narcotic principle contained in the plant; the cerebral disturbance, one of its physiological effects upon our own person, giving some color to the sug- gestion." (See Art. cit. sup.) A bit of the fresh or dried root of either species may be chewed, and the juice swal- lowed, during the day before each meal; it ma} r be given powdered in the form of pill, with a little rhubarb if neces- saiy, or a tincture may be made by pouring a pint of brandy over several ounces of the root, of which half an ounce, diluted, may be taken three times a day. I have lately had cases reported to me, of its marked success in the relief of chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, and I am pleased to learn that it is now widely used in other portions of this state, and in Georgia, with very general approbation. RnizoPHORACEiE. (Mangrove Tribe.) JRhizophora mangle, L. Mangrove. This plant is found in South Florida. Chapman. An introduced species is used in India for yielding a black dye. Onagrace^e. (The Evening Primrose Tribe.) CEnolher a biennis, Linn. Scabish. Grows in dry pastures ; diffused; collected in Charleston district; jSTewbern. Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. iv, 202 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 36; IT. S. Disp. 1281; Dem. Elem. de Bot. ii, 444; Griffith, 56 Med. Bot. 304. The root and herb have been employed in cutaneous diseases. Dr. Griffith has used it with success in tetter, applying the decoction to the affected part several times a da} 7 , and giving it internally at the same time. He has been successful with it in subsequent trials. The plant should be gathered about the flowering season. The young' sprigs are mucilaginous, and can be eaten as salad. Lind- ley. The leaves of the (Enothera expand in the evening, and continue open all night. Pursh states that, even of a dark night, it can be seen at some distance, owing, he sup- poses, to some phosphoric property. Its roots have a nutty flavor, somewhat similar to those of rampion, and are used in Germany and some parts of Prance, stewed and raw, in salads', with mustard, oil, salt, and pepper, like common celery. The ancients thought the plant possessed the pow- er of allaying intoxication and calming the most ferocious animals. It is doubtful whether this is the Oenothera of the ancients. Wilson's Rural C} t c. Jussicea grandijlora, Mich. Grows in bogs; "common around Savannah, and in ponds four miles from Charles- ton." Dr. J. Bachman informs me that he has seen it in abundance around Charleston for the space of ten miles, from which locality I have specimens. Fl. July. Dr. S. A. Cartwright, of Natchez, asserts that this plant has the power of preventing the development of malaria in regions peculiarly adapted to its generation. Pie affirms that it "purifies all stagnant water in which it grows — that of the lakes and bayous inhabited by it being as pure to the sight, taste, and smell, as if it had just fallen from the clouds" — ascribing to the presence and peculiar "hygienic or health-preserving properties of this plant" the remark- able exemption of the inhabitants of lower Louisiana from "malarious or miasmatic diseases." "The fact," he adds, "that" the region of country in which this aquatic plant abounds is exceedingly healthy, can be established beyond cavil or dispute ; it nevertheless contains more stagnant water and swamps than any other inhabited district of the 57 same extent in the United States." He is quoted in the notes appended by the American editor, to Watson's Pract. Physic, p. 465 ; and Dr. "Wood, in his late work on the Practice of Physic, also makes use of these assertions as if they were established. Dr. C. must seek for the exemption of this section of country from these diseases in other causes, as this plant is abundant around the cities alluded to above, in situations where it is well known that fevers of malarious origin are continually prevailing. I have recently observed this plant growing profusely around Charleston Neck, where intermittent and remittent fevers are notoriously prevalent. The genus Jussiena has its roots distended into vegetable swimming bladders. The curious can examine the J. gran- difiora to observe this peculiarity, like that in our beautiful Utricularia inflata. Typha and Nymphaia (water lily), and Sagittaria, "display myriads of air chambers in the solid stem." See Wilson, "Aquatic plants." Ludiuigia aUernifolia, L. Grows in Charleston district ; Elliot says rare; seven miles from Beaufort, and at Savan- nah; collected in St. John's. Fl. Aug. Merat, in the Diet, de M. Med. iv, 154, says that in America a decoction of the root is employed as an unfail- ing emetic. Melastomace^e. In this order, a slight degree of astringency is the pre- vailing characteristic; though a large one, it does not con- tain a single unwholesome species. Rheoria glabella, Mx. Deer grass; Sorrel. Grows in moist pine lands, vicinity of Charleston ; collected in St. John's. Fl. July. The leaves of this plant have a sweetish, acid taste,' and are eaten with impunity. Deer are said to be fond of them. Myrtace.e. ( The Myrtle Tribe.) Punicd granatum. Pomegranate. Cultivated with success in this state. The bark of the root is a well known astrin- gent; employed in dysentery and diarrhoea; one scruple of the powder may be given at a dose, or a decoction may be used if this is too strong, as it acts on the nervous system. Carson, in his Illust. Med. Bot. i, 1847, states that it has also been employed with success against taenia. A correspond- ent of the "Mercury," 1862, says that the rind of the fruit yields a jet black fluid, which writes very smoothly and retains its jetty hue." "F. J. S." Hamamelaceje. [The Witch- Hazel Tribe.) This order, remarks Lindley, is found in the northern parts of North America, Japan, and China. In my exami- nation of the various authorities on the subject before me, I have frequently been struck with the correspondence prevailing between the species found in this state and those of Japan, and this respects only the medical botany of the two; should the flora of each be compared, a still more universal relation might be established. Professor Agassiz has noticed something of the same kind existing between the fossil botany and the fauna of each. Hamamelis Virginica, Jj. Witch-hazel. Grows along pine land bays; collected in St. John's, Charleston district; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 452; Coxe, Am. Disp. 310; IT. S. Disp. 1258; Matson's Veg. Pract. 201; Griffith's Med. Bot. 850; Rafinesque, Med" Flor. i, 227. It is said to be sedative, astringent, tonic, and discutient. The bark was a remedy derived from the Indians, who applied it to painful tumors, using the decoction as a wash in inflammatory swellings, painful hemorrhoidal affections, and ophthalmias. A cataplasm, and a tea of the leaves, as an astringent, were employed in haematemesis. The steam practitioners also administer it in irritable hemorrhoids, 59 and during the bearing-down pains attending child-birth. No analysis has been made, but as it probably contains sedative and astringent principles, attention is directed to it. The curious reader may consult, besides the paper in Ilutton's "Mathematics," on the wonderful properties of the witch-hazel in detecting water, a recent one in Patent Office Report on Agriculture, p. 16, 1851. This is from Prairie du Chien, by Mr. Alfred Burnson, and contains some remarkable statements of the certainty of finding water by the divining rod. Some electrical and telluric influences are hinted at — Qredat Judceus ! Persons living in the upper districts of South Carolina assume to use the rod with success. CoKNACBiE. [The Dogwood. Tribe.) Cornus Florida, L. Dogwood. Well known ; diffused in rich shady lands ; Newbern ; Va. Drayton's Yiew S. C. 63; Bell's Pract. Diet. 152; Bar- ton's Collec. 12; Eberle, Mat. Med. 303; Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. ii, 438; Ell. Bot. i, 208; Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 753; U. S. Disp. 277; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 197; Am. Journal Pharm. vii, 114; Royle, Mat. Med. 422; Ball, and Gar/310; Mer. and de L. Diet de M. Med. iv, 436; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 73 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 449 ; Thacher's Disp. 203; Walker's Inaug. Diss. Phil. 1803; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 49; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. This well known plant possesses tonic and anti-intermittent properties, very nearly allied to those of cinchona ; in periodic fevers, one of the most valuable of our indigenous plants. " Dr. Gregg states that, after emplojang it for twenty-three years in the treatment of intermittent fevers, he was satisfied that it was not inferior to Peruvian bark." Generally given in conjunction with laudanum. It also possesses antiseptic powers. In the recent state, it is less stimulating than the cinchona bark, but it affects the bowels more ; the dried bark is the preferable form. The fresh bark will some- times act as a cathartic. It is more stimulating than thoroughwort (Eupatorium), and, therefore, is less appli- 60 cable during the hot stages of fever. According to Dr. Walker's examination, the bark contains extractive matter, gum, resin, tannin, and gallic acid ; and Dr. Carpenter announces in it a new principle, cornine. Dr. S. Jack- son also, from experiment, is satisfied that it contains a principle analogous to quinia. It has been exhibited by Dr. S. G. Morton in intermittent fever, with success. Grif- fith, in his Med. Bot. 347, mentions that the infusion of the tlowers is useful as a substitute for chamomile tea; for analyses, see Am. Journ. Pharm. i, 114; and Phil. Journal Med. and Phys. Sci. xl. Dose of the dried bark in powder, is twenty to sixty grains; the decoction is made with one ounce of the root to one pint of water, or the extract may be employed; alcohol also extracts its virtues. The ripe fruit, infused in brandy, makes an agreeable and useful bitter, which may be a convenient substitute for the arti- cle prepared in the shops. Barton says, in his Collections, that the bark is valuable in a malignant disorder of horses called yellow water ; from the gallic acid it contains a good writing ink may be made, and from the bark of the fibrous roots the Indians extracted a scarlet color. Linclley men- tions that the young brauches, stripped of their bark, and rubbed against the teeth, render them extremely white! It is often employed by the common people in South Carolina for this purpose. In our present need of astringent antiperiodics and tonics, the dogwood bark powdered will be found the best substitute for Peruvian. Internally and externally, it can be applied wherever the cinchona barks were found ser- viceable. The dogwood bark and root, in decoction, or in form of cold infusion, is believed by many to be the most efficient substitute for quinine, also in treating malarial fevers; certainly, it might be used in the cases occurring in camp, to prevent the waste of quinine, as it can be easily and abundantly procured. Dr. Richard Moore, of Sumter district, informs me that he not only finds it efficient in fevers, but particularly use- 61 ful,, with whisky or alcohol, in low forms of fevers, and dysentery occurring near our river swamps. During convalescence, where an astringent tonic is re- quired, this plant supplies our need. See Eupatorium (bone- set) and Lirodendron. These, with the blackberry and chinquapin as astringents, the gentians and pipsissewa as tonics and tonic diuretics, the sweet gum, sassafras, and bene for their mucilaginous and aromatic properties, and the wild jalap (podophyllum) as a cathartic, supply the surgeon in camp with easily procurable medicinal plants, which are sufficient for almost every purpose. Ultrate and bi-carbonatc of potash are most required, and with calomel, may be procured from abroad. Our supply of opium can be easily procured by planting the poppy, and incising the capsules. Every planter could raise a full supply of opium, mustard, and flax seed. The wood of the dogwood, like the willow, is preferred in making gun- powder. See Salix. A tonic compound, as advised by the herbalists, is made with the bark of the root of dogwood, Colombo (Frasera), poplar, each six ounces; bark of wild cherry, six ounces; leaves of thorough wort, four ounces; cayenne pepper, four ounces — sifted and mixed. Dose, a teaspoonful, in warm or cold water, repeated. It is stated in the "JN"ewbern Progress" "that a ripe dogwood berry taken three times a day, before meals, will cure ague and fever. My friend, Professor "F. A. P.," contributes the follow- ing to the Charleston Courier. The Dogwood bark, pow- dered, may be used in place of the Peruvian mentioned: Dutch Remedy for Fever and Ague. — As quinine is very scarce, it may not be unprofitable, both to our armies and to private families, to revive the memory of an ancient remedy, which was in almost universal use before the in- troduction of the former drug. It was known by the name which heads this article, and has been used from time imme- morial among the Huguenot families of the Santee, among whom there is a tradition that it was brought to this coun- try by the ancestor of one of the families, who was a 62 r physician. The remedy quoted below is copied from an old receipt book. Though not a professional man, I can vouch for its efficacy when it was in vogue. The Recipe. — Two ounces of Peruvian bark, two ounces of cream of tartar, sixty cloves. Manner of Using It. — These ingredients are to be rubbed together in a mortar. The mixture to be divided into twenty-four doses, four of which (mixed in water) are to be given the first day, four on the second, and two on every succeeding day, until the whole shall have been taken. It is probable that the disease will be arrested on the second or third day, but the object in taking the whole prescrip- tion is to complete the cure by its tonic property. The berries of the dogwood have also been highly re- commended — given as a remedy for fever in place of quinine (1862). One or two given in the form of pill. The wood is compact, heavy, fine grained, and suscep- tible of a brilliant polish. It is used on our plantations wherever a hard wood is required, as in making wedges, the handles of light tools, mallets, plane stocks, harrow teeth, names; horse collars, etc. Michaux states that the shoots, when three or four years old, are found proper for the light hoops of small portable casks. In the Middle states the cogs of mill wheels are made of dogwood. The branches of the tree are disposed nearly in the form of crosses. N. Am. sylva. Farmer's Encye. I have used the dogwood for engraving. See " Amelanchier" in this vol- ume. Cornus sericea, Ph. Red willow ; swamp dogwood. El- liott says it grows in the mountains of South Carolina; sent to me from Abbeville district, by Mr. Reed. Fl. June. Griffith, Med. Bot. 349. It possesses properties quite similar to those of the C. florida, but it is mOre bitter and astringent. Mr. R. informs me that it is employed to a great extent in domestic practice in Abbeville. Accord- ing to 13. S. Barton, the bark was considered by the Indians a favorite combination with tobacco for smoking. The young shoots were used to make coarse' baskets; and they extracted a scarlet dye from these and the roots. Cornus sanguined, L. Grows, according to Elliott, in the valleys among the mountains. Fl. May. Diet, de Med. de Ferus. ii, 737 ; Mathiole, Comment, ii, 119 ; Journal de Chim. xxxviii, 174, and xl, 107. See, also, Journal de Pharm. for an account of the oil extracted from it. M. Murion says they afford one-third of their weight of a pure and limpid oil, used for the table and for burn- ing. A case of hydrophobia was said to have been cured by it. Griffith, Med. Bot. 349. There also exists in this, as in the others, a red. coloring principle, soluble in water alone. Cornus strict®. Grows in swamps near Charleston ; New- bern. Shec. Flora Carol. 449. LORANTHACEJ3. Bark usually astringent; berries contain a viscid matter; plants possess the power of rooting in the wood of others. Viscum verlicillatmn, L. The V. verticillatum of Ell. Sk. is not that of Linn T. and Gray ; N", A. Flora. Mistletoe. Diffused ; grown on oaks ; NeAvbern. Fl. May. Mer. and . de- L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 860 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 50; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 456; Journal de Med. lxx, 529 ; Eberle, Dis. of Children, 522. Dr. Barham, in the Hortus Americanus, says that the fruit of the mistletoe cures epilepsies, pleurisies, coup de soleil, etc. Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 556; employed in paralysis. Thornton's Fam. Herb. 333. Fothergill, Dr. Wilson, and Gilbert Thomp- son use it "with great effect in epilepsy." So, also, Dr. Fraser, who published a work on it. Wade's PI. Kariores, 82. Eberle, "Dis. of Children," alludes to its employment in infantile epilepsy. Some writers refer to the European species ; but this is supposed to be identical with it. The 64 seeds contain a viscid substance resembling bird-lime in appearance, which is insoluble both in water and in alco- hol. In Dr. Hunter's edition of Evelyn's Sylvia, it is said to prevent the rot in sheep. Bird-lime was formerly made from the berries of the mistletoe of oak, which were first boiled in water, then pounded, and the water poured off .in order to carry away the seeds and rind. For process, see "Holly" (Ilex opaca) ; also, Wilson's Rural Cyc. : "Bird-lime" and " Bird catching." Cucurbitace^e. (The Gourd Tribe.) ) This order is closely allied to the Passifloraceae, and is found in most abundance in hot countries. Most of them are valuable articles of food, but are pervaded by a bitter laxative quality, which in the colocynth gourd becomes an active purgative principle. Cucumis citr alius. Watermelon. The juice of the melon by boiling may be converted into a palatable syrup for table use, and one of the best substitutes "for molasses. No doubt, like the ripe" fig, beet, and other saccharine sub- stances, it may easily be converted into vinegar, and should be added to the vinegar cask. The diuretic properties of the seeds of the watermelon are well known — almost the same may be said of the pumpkin, which is used as an article of food for man and beast in many of the Confed- erate States. The harder portions of both melon and pumpkin are used in making preserves by our Southern matrons. Oucumis pej)o, W. Pumpkin. Cultivated very success- fully in South Carolina. Shea Flora Carol. 488. The seeds afford an essential oil, which might be made of some value ; when triturated with water, they furnish a cooling and nutritive milk, and when , boiled to a jelly, they are said by Bechstein to be a very efficacious remedy for retention of urine. The fruit is 65 much used on the plantations in this state, as an article of food both for men and. animals; pies and preserves of an agreeable flavor are made of it. See Stille's Mat. Med., and recent medical works for the singularly useful qualities of the seeds, as recently applied by Johnson and others, in medicine. The fruit which should have been dried as a winter provision for our army", has been converted into brandy, and dried fruit will probably be very scarce. An excellent substitute may be found in the pumpkin. Cut into slips and dried either in the sun or in a dry room, it is said to be little inferior to dried apples. The muskmelon (Cucumis melo) and cucumber (C. sativus) are also culti- vated in South Carolina. Giicurbita lagenaria, L. Gourd; calabash. Grows in corn- fields, and along fences ; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland. Gibbes. Collected in St. John's. Fl. May. Linn. Veg. Mat. Med. 180 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 563; Le. Mat. Med. i, 379 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 492. An infusion has been found useful in inflammation of the urinary passages, and the seeds have been employed in rheumatism, strangury, and nephritis. Shec. Flora Carol. 479. "Water, which has lain for some time in the fruit of this plant, becomes violently emetic and cathartic." The shells of the dried fruit are sometimes so capacious as to contain four gallons of water; convenient receptacles, water-flasks, dippers, milk-pans, etc., are made of them. They must first be deprived of their acrid principle by boiling; moulds for buttons are fashioned out of them, and they are much used for these purposes by the negroes on the plantations. The watermelon (C. citrullus) grows luxuriantly in South Carolina. It is well known that the juice of the latter is diuretic, and the seeds, by trituration, or by being boiled in water, afford a demulcent and diuretic drink. The various species of squash are likewise culti- vated here. Melothria penduld, L. Creeping cucumber. Grows in rich, 5 shaded soils ; collected in St. John's, Charleston district. M. June. Journal de Chim. Med. iii, 498 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 322 ; Griffith, Med. JBot. 311. The seeds act as a drastic purgative — a half a one is a dose for an adult. Martius states that three or four will act powerfully on a horse. Journal de Chim. loc. sit. sup. CACTACEiE. ( The Indian Fig Tribe.) Fruit very similar in its properties to that of the currant tribe ; often refreshing, sometimes mucilaginous and in- sipid. Opuntia vulgaris, Mill. T. and Gray. ) Grows in dry pas- Cactus, opuntia of Ell. Sk. /tures; Newbern. Fl. May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 11. The fruit is said to be eatable ; the leaves cut transversely are applied to tumors as a discutient ; the decoction is mucilaginous, and I am informed that it is much used in Alabama as a demulcent drink in pneumonic and pleuritic inflamma- tions. Its cultivation has been recommended on account of the cochineal insect, which is said to feed on it. Mr. Wm. Summer, of South Carolina, contributes the following to the list of our "expedients": To make hard tallow Candles. — To one pound of tallow take five or six leaves of the prickly pear, ( Cactus ojmntia,) split them, and boil in the tallow, without water, for half an hour or more ; strain and mould the candles. The wicks should have been previously dipped in spirits of turpentine and dried. If the tallow at first is boiled in water, and the water changed four or five times, it will be bleached and rendered free from impurities. Then prepare, by frying with prickly pears, to harden it. In this way we have made tallow candles nearly equal to the best adamantine, and, at the same time, have the con- solation of knowing that we are independent of the extor- tioners, who are next of kin to the villainous abolitionist makers of stearin e candles in the North. The prickly pear has been used (1862) for hardening tal- low by the ladies of St. John's, S. C, with satisfactory results. One pound is added to four of tallow ; a larger quantity makes the candles too brittle. It takes the place of wax. ' Cactus cochinilifer. Elliott says that it is probable that other species exist, but he does not include this in his Sketches of the Bot. of South Carolina. Shecut, however, in his Flora Carol. 819, remarks, that " we are indebted to Dr. Garden, of South Carolina, for the discovery of this tree here," well known as the one upon which the cochi- neal insect feeds. T. and Gray, however, do not include it in their IsT. A. Fl. The fruit tinges red the urine of those who eat it ; and the leaves, rubbed up with hog's lard, are useful as a topical application to prevent mortification. CnuciFERiE. (The Cruciferous Tribe.) Lindley states that the universal characteristic of this order is the possession of antiscorbutic and stimulant quali- ties, combined with an acrid flavor. The species contain a great deal of nitrogen, to which is attributed their animal odor when rotting. Lepidium V%rgi?iicum, L. Peppergrass ; Virginian cress. Wet places. Common. It is suitable to be used in winter and early spring salads, but is far less in request than some of the other cresses. Sowings should be made in light, dry earth, the beds pro- tected with dry litter during severe winter. Rural Cyc. Camelina sativa, Crantz. Gold of Pleasure. Referred to in Chapman's Botany of Southern states, p. 30, as intro- duced, growing in cultivated fields. Paper in P. 0. Report on Agriculture, 1851, p. 51, on the 68 " Camelina sativa — a new oil plant." In some parts of the world it is cultivated for its stems, which yield a fibre ap- plicable for spinning, and for its oleiferous seeds. Merat says cultivated for this purpose in Flanders. Mr. Wm. Taylor, F. L. S., has recently drawn the atten- tion of agriculturists and others to this as an oil plant, adapted for feeding cattle, and for other purposes. He says that the soil best adapted for its cultivation are those of a light nature, but a crop will never fail on land of the most inferior description. It has been found to flourish this year on sandy soils, where no other vegetable would grow, and independent of the drought, the plants have grown most luxuriantly, yielding a large and certain crop. When grown upon land that has been long in tillage and well farmed, the crop will be most abundant. The best time for putting in the seed is as early as possible in the spring months, say from the middle of March or the middle of April to June, and for autumn sowing to August ; and the quantity per acre required, fourteen pounds ; and may be either drilled or broadcast, but the drilled method should be preferred. If drilled, the rows must be twelve inches apart. As soon as the plants have grown five or six inches high, a hand or horse hoe may be used to cut up the weeds between the rows, and no further culture or expense will be required. If sown early, two crops may be frequently ob- tained in one year, as it is fit for harvesting in three months after the plant makes its first appearance. Or another im- portant advantage may be obtained : if seed is sown early in March, the crop will be ready to harvest in the begin- ning of July, and the land fallowed for wheat or spring corn; also when barley or small seeds cannot be sown suf- ficiently early, this may be put in with great success. It is a plant that may be cultivated after any corn crop, without doing the least injury to the land, and may be sown with all sorts of clover ; the leaves of the gold of pleasure, being particularly small, afford an uninterrupted growth to every plant beneath it, and the crop being removed early, the clover has time to establish itself. 69 The grower of this invaluable production is in all sea- sons secure of his crop, inasmuch as it is not subject to damage by spring frosts, heavy rains, and drought, and, above all, the ravages of insects, more particularly the cab- bage plant louse (aphis brassica), which so frequently destroys rape, turnips, and others belonging to the cruci- ferse order, when coming into blossom. The seed is ripe as soon as the pods change from a green to a gold color. Care must then be taken to cut it off before it becomes too ripe, or much seed may be lost. When cut with a sickle, it is bound up in sheaves, and shocked in the same manner as wheat. The process of ripening completed, it is stacked or put in a barn, and threshed like other corn. The ex- pense of these crops cannot be very great, either in the preparation and culture of the land or in the management in securing the produce afterward ; but when grown with care and in good season, the produce will mostly be very abundant — as high as thirty-two bushels and upward to the acre. The cultivation of this plant for the seed would repay the farmer; an abundance of chaff would be produced, which would be of infinite service for horses or for manure. In a grazing country like England, where vast sums are annually expended for foreign oil cake, the gold of pleasure will soon be found an excellent substitute under manufac- ture, and consequently a grower would find a good remu- neration in cultivating the seed. The plant may be con- sidered a valuable production of the earth. A fine oil ia produced for burning in lamps, in the manufacture of wool- len goods, in the manufacture of soaps for lubricating machinery, and for painters. The oil cake has been found highly nutritious in the fattening of sheep and oxen, as it contains a great portion of mucilage and nitrogenous mat- ter, which, combined together, are found very beneficial in developing fat and lean. From the experiments above re- lated, it is abundantly proved that it does not suffer from the severest frosts, its foliage not being injured. It is not infested by insects, nor does it exhaust the soil. 70 The gold of pleasure has been cultivated by several prac- tical agriculturists, who highly approve of the new plant. For all these reasons it is hoped that every farmer will avail himself of this valuable discovery as a remunerating rota- tion crop. Mr. Taylor adds that one acre cultivated with these plants yield thirty-two bushels of seed, from which five hundred and forty pounds of oil are obtained; so that the camelina seems to exceed the flax in its produce of seed, oil, and cake per acre. The seed is extremely rich in nutriment. I know of no seed superior to it for feeding cattle. The oil obtained by expression is sweet and excel- lent, especially for purposes of illumination. From the very small quantity of inorganic matter in the seed, it will be evident that the seed cake must be of a very nutritious character, being merely the seed deprived of a portion of its water and oily matter. We have examined some of the oil obtained from the seed of the camelina saliva, and which has been recently sent to several medical men by Mr. Tay- lor, under the belief that it possesses valuable medical properties. It is of a yellow color, and smells something like linseed oil. Finding it of service in relieving the in- cessant cough of a cat, Mr. Taj^lor has extended the use to the human subject, and states that it has cured several per- sons affected with diseased lungs and asthma. In a brief notice, P. 0. Reports, 1850, is the following statement : " Camelina sativa (3fiagrum sativum) an annual from France, produces a finer oil for burning than rape, having a brighter flame, less smoke, and scarcely any smell. It succeeds well in light, shallow, dry soils ; and in our Middle and Southern states it would probably produce two crops in a season. Besides the use of the seeds for oil, the stems yield a coarse fibre for making sacks and a rough kind of packing paper, and the whole plant may be em- ployed for thatching. The culture' is similar to that for flax." See "Linum " in this volume. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench and T. and G. ) • Grows Thalspi. Linn, and Ell. Sk. ) in damp pastures ; collected in St. John's ; ISTewbern. Fl. May. 71 Ray's Cat. Plantarum, 47 ; Bergius, Mat. Med. ii, 389 ; Le. Mat. Med. i, 243 : Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 732. It astringes and constipates ; hence employed in dys- entery, diarrhoea, and bloody urine ; the juice placed on a piece of cotton, and inserted in the nostril, will arrest hemorrhage. u Externe vulneribus solidandis adhibieter nee sine successu." Fl. Scotica, 342 ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 128. Sisymbrium nasturtium, L. and Ell. Sk. > Cress. Nat. in Erysimum of Bot. ) the upper part of this state ; vicinity of Charleston. Bach. Fl. March. Fl. Scotica, 351. The young leaves furnish an agreeable salad ; the plant was esteemed useful as an antiscorbutic, and was employed in removing obstructions of the liver, viscera, jaundice, etc. Thornton's Fam. Herb. 618. The juice acts as a stimulant and diuretic. Haller says: "We have seen patients in a deep decline cured by living almost entirely on these plants." According to Tournefort, the juice, snuffed up the nose, cured cases of polypus of that organ. See Edinburgh New Disp., Flora Med. iii, 138; Pliny, lib. xix, chap. 8 ; xx, chap. 13. Hoffman and Cullen spoke highly of it as furnishing a mucilaginous application for the heads of infants affected with eruptions. It was acknowledged to have an effect upon maladies of the skin, engorgement of the abdominal viscera when the blood is depraved, in feeble digestion, etc. T7. S. Disp. 1226. This plant is also vaunted in incipient phthisis, in chronic ca- tarrhs, in maladies of the bladder and kidneys, and in hysterical affections. It contains a very bitter and odorif- erous essentia] oil — the seeds yielding 55 per cent, of fixed oil. See de Cancl. Phys. Veg. i, 298 ; Journal Gen. de Med. xxviii, 136 ; Barbier, M. Med. 242. Moreau asserts that vertigo and discoloration of the face are produced in those eating this plant; but this is an effect unnoticed by others. Sisymbrium officinale, Fide Grav- ) TT i ^ i -m. • j, t • 7™, ^ } Hedge mustard. Erysimum " Lin. and Ell. Sk. ) This is not included by Mr. Elliott in his Sketches of 72 the Plants of South Carolina. It was one of the speci- mens sent to Professor Gray, and determined hy him ; col- lected in St. John's, Berkley ; Charleston district. The herb is said to be diuretic and expectorant ; the seeds pos- sess considerable pungency, and have been recommended in chronic cough, hoarseness, and ulceration of the mouth and fauces ; the juice of the plant in honey or the seeds in substance may be used. Sisymbrium amphibium, L. Water radish. Rare ; roots immersed ; collected on causeway near Brunswick ; PI. T. W. Peyre's, in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 365. Recommended for taenia by Didelot, and in the old works as an antiscor- butic. Merat says the "young leaves are eatable in the spring ; probably possessed of similar properties with the S. nasturtium." Nasturtium officinale, R. Br. Water cress. Introduced. Ditches Florida, and northward. Chap. This plant came into pretty high favor about a century ago as a spring salad ; and it soon obtained preference to all other spring salads on account of its agreeable, warm, bitter taste, and for the sake of its purifying, antiscorbutic, and diuretic properties. It was greedily gathered in all its natural habitats within some miles of London for the supply of the London market, and eventually became an object of regular, peculiar, and somewhat extensive cultivation ; see methods, etc., Wilson's Rural Cyclopaedia. Sinapis nigra. Mustard. Cultivated in South Carolina. Therapeutic virtues well known. Mustard is a hardy annual, cultivated as a small salad for greens, and for the seed, which are extensively employed for medicinal purposes. The demand for the production of this plant, on account of the value of the seeds as a local irritant, should induce every planter and farmer to grow it. Enormous quantities are required to supply the armies ; besides that, it is largely consumed in every household. The white mustard I have seen cultivat'ecl on our planta- tions, and, maturing early in June, is fully equal in strength to the imported article. At the present time (June, 1862) the seeds are sold for more than a dollar a pound. It is very easily ground or powdered, and used like English mustard. The common table mustard is prepared from the flour of the seed. For salad, it is sown thickly, and used like com- mon cress. " Sow early in the spring in two feet drills, and thin to six inches. The crop must be gathered before it is fully ripe, on a cloudy day or early in the morning, to prevent the seed from shelling out." The "white" is usually prepared for salad, and the seeds are eaten whole as a remedy for impaired digestion. The leaves of this are light green, mild and tender when young; the seed light yellow. The "black" or "brown" is a larger plant, with much darker leaves. " Seeds brown, and more pungent." For the medical uses of these plants, any of the works on the materia medica will supply information under the head " Sinapis.'-' Mustard seed oil, says Ure, in his Diet. Arts and Sci- ences, p. 285, concretes when cooled a little below 32° Fahrenheit. The white or yellow seed afford thirty-six per cent, of oil, and the black seed eighteen per cent. The reader interested in the culture of mustard can find some information in Wilson's Rural Cyc. He quotes from a prize essay by T. C. Burroughes in 7th volume Royal Ag. Soc. The field culture of both the white and black mustard is practised for the production of their seeds, with a view either to the expression of oil from them, similar to that of cole, and rape, and poppy, or to the obtaining of oil cake for the use of cattle, or to the grinding them into the well known condimental and medicinal flour of mus- tard, or to several other economical and pharmaceutical purposes. The crop is reaped, and tied in sheaves like wheat, and is afterward threshed out upon cloths in the 74 field in the same manner as cole. White mustard is gen- erally laid in handfuls on the shuttle, and not tied up. The black mustard is hardier than the white. The quan- tity of oil obtained from any given weight of black mus- tard seeds is greater than that obtained from the same weight of coles; but the oil cake is slightly purgative, and requires to be given to cattle with caution, and is com- monly ground and sprinkled on their chaff. "Wilson also states that the flour of mustard from the seeds of black mustard is much more pungent, and of much finer quality than that from the seeds of white mustard. It is still the kind most commonly used in France ; but it requires to be manufactured by a nice mechanical process of removing the outer skins of the seeds, or else it has a grayish or very dark color ; and, in fact, it is never so prepared as to be entirely freed from its grayishness. The flour of white mustard is generally used in Britain in consequence of its fine color, and the superior facility of manufacturing it. It is often mixed with the black. Rural Cyc. The method of depriving the black mustard seed of its envelope I have been unable to obtain. Warm water is always the- best ad- dition to mustard to elicit the volatile oil. Vinegar lessens its pungency. See Trousseau's Experiments. Mustard has been highly recommended as a substitute for the spring colza and other plants, to be used in the production of oil. "Both species," white and black, yield oil, Thaer says in his Principles of Agriculture, "which is well adapted for burning ; and also, when well purified, for the use of the table. A quintal of mustard seed yields from thirty-six to thirty-eight pounds of oil. The biting acridity of the seed exists not in the oil, but in the integument; and the English mustard, which is celebrated for its strength, is said to be made from cakes from which the oil has been expressed." Among the plants mentioned by Thaer as val- uable for the oil in their seeds, are the oily radish {Eaph- anus ckinensis oleiferus), the sunflower, and the common poppy, Papaver somniferum ; the oil from the white-seeded variety is preferable on account of its taste. See Thaer 75 also, for descriptions of the cultivation of flax seed, hemp, hops, madder, beets, etc. Many plants, the seeds of which yield oil, are used in making oil cake for agricultural pur- poses, and as food for animals. The sunflower, which yields a large quantity of seed to the acre, will, it is said, furnish one gallon of oil to the bushel. See "Cotton," "Flax," etc., in this volume. Capparidacb^:. (Caper Family.) Capparis Spinosa. (Caper Tree.) This plant, cultivated in Greece, Ionian isles, France^ Italy, etc., has also been introduced into this country. The flower buds are collected and put into salt and vinegar. See Patent Office Report, 1855, p. 285, for a brief notice of the cultivation and preparation. In the Confederate States we have the C. Jamaicencis, Jacy, and C. cynophallophora, L. growing in South Florida. It is possible that they may be used as substitutes for the foreign caper. YiOLACEiE. (The Violet Tribe.) Roots more or less emetic ; a property which prevails to a greater extent in the South American species, which are generally less herbaceous. Viola pedata, Mich. Found in the upper districts ; spar- ingly in the lower ; Richland. L. Gibbes. Fl. May. TJ. S. Disp. 753 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 140. The roots of nearly all the species of this genus possess a nutritive and an emetic principle, called violine, allied to that of ipe- cacuanha, but more uncertain in its operation. This is said to replace the European plant, and, according to Dr. Bigelow, is valuable as an expectorant and demulcent in pectoral affections. Viola arvensis, D. C. Griffith, Med. Bot. 141. This and the V. tricolor have received considerable attention from European writers, 76 especially the German. Strack made them the subject of a discussion in 1776, and since then the observations of Met- zer, Cloquet, and others have shown that they are possessed of much efficacy in the treatment of cutaneous diseases, and especially of that obstinate and unpleasant eruption, crustea lactea. The fresh plant, or its juice is to be used, as drying destroys its active qualities. Strack states that, when the remedy has been given for some time, the urine becomes extremely fetid, smelling like that of the cat; op. cit. supra. Attention is invited to it. See V. tricolor. Viola tricolor, Linn. Heartsease. Cultivated in gardens. Fl. May. Trous. et Pid. Traite de Therap. et cle Mat. Med. ii, 15 ; IT. S. Disp. 743; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 453; Griffith, 40; Thornton's Fam. Herb. 731. It was formerly considered a valuable remedy in epilepsy, ulcers, and scirrhus. See Storck de V. tricolor, Erlang. 1782. Metzer de crustea lactea infantum, ejusdem que remedio prsemio coronavit. 1776. Lond. Med. Journal. A handful of the fresh, or one ounce and a half of the dried herb, was boiled in milk, which was taken twice a day ; bread soaked in this was also applied to the affected parts. It was much boasted of as a remedy in the latter disease ; see Mer. and de L. and the Art. V. arvensis. Bergius, speaking of these two, says that half an ounce in twelve of water produces a consistent and valuable demulcent jelly. Viola palmata, Linn. Hand-leaved violet. Collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. March. Ell. Bot. 300, Med. Notes. The plant is very mucilagin- ous. It is employed by negroes for making soup, and is commonly called wild okra. The bruised leaves are used as an emollient application. Viola cucullata, Ait. Common blue violet. Grows in damp pine lands; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. FL Mav. 77 Le. Mat. Med. i, 223. Probably possessed of similar properties with the others; a decoction is given to children in eruptive diseases. These plants might very conveniently be used in domestic practice, and we would invite attention to their further employment. Droserace^e. (The Sun Dew Tribe.) Plants generally slightly acid ; acrid and poisonous to cattle. Drosera rotundifolia, Linn. Sun dew. Grows in damp spots in the low country of South Carolina; Richland; col- lected in St. John's; Newbern. Fl. June. Bull. Plantes Yen de France. Vicat mentions it as an active and corrosive plant: the liquor which exudes from the hairs destroying warts, corns, etc. Dem Elem. de Bot. ii, 334. M. Geoftroi asserts that it is a valuable pectoral, employed in ulcers of the lungs, asthma, etc. ; the infusion being generally used. The juice has been recommended in hydrops, diseases of the kidneys, ophthalmias, etc. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 690. Shec, in his Flora .Carol, 519, confirms tjie opinion in reference to the corro- sive property of the juice, and adds that, with milk, it furnishes a safe application for removing freckles ; any part of it will curdle milk. Fl. Scotica, 109. It is thought to be very injurious to sheep, producing in them consumption or rot. M. Berlace affirms (Esquiss. Hist. Bot. Aug.) that cattle avoid it on account of an insect (Hydra hydatula) which feeds on it. This plant is quite diminutive, and has heretofore received very little attention; we see no men- tion made of it in our Am. Disps. V. Passifloraceje. (The Passion Flower Tribe.) Passiflora'hrtea : tend incarnata, Linn. May apples; passion flowers. Grow in pastures. The fruit of these beautiful climbing plants contains a sweetish, acid pulp, and is eatable. Several of the species are employed in medicine ; but these have received no 78 attention, being more remarkable on account of the struc- ture of their flowers. One is quite diminutive. Hypericace^;. (The Tatsan Tribe.) The juice of many of the species is slightly purgative and febrifugal. Ascyrum Crux Andreas, W. ] Peterwort. Collected in " multicaule, Mx. j pine land soils; St. John's; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. Fl. July. The infusion of the bruised root and branches of this plant was used by an Indian with success in the case of a female, under our observation, with an ulcerated breast, which had resisted all other attempts at relief. We have since seen it employed with entire satisfaction, on the per- son of an infant, having a painful enlargement of the sub- maxillary gland. ISTo further opportunity has been aiforded of ascertaining its properties with certainty ; but it seems to be possessed of some power as a resolvent in discussing tumors, and reducing glandular enlargements ; given in- ternally, and applied topically. The taste is somewhat acrid. "We would invite further examination. Hypericum 'perforatum, L. St. John's-wort. Sparingly naturalized in Confederate States. It was greatly in vogue at one time, and was thought to cure demoniacs. The decoction also given in hysteria and suppressed menstruation. Thornton's Family Herbal, 67. The coloring matter gives a good dye to wool. The plant called St. John's-wort, which I think is Ascy- rum cruxandrece, growing abundantly throughout our coun- try, is popularly regarded as of great value, bruised and applied in the healing of wounds, and as a discutient. Wilson states that its leaves and flowers are strongly resiniferous or oleiferous, and emit a powerful odor when rubbed ; it bleeds under very slight compression or wound- ing, and imparts a blood-red color to any spirituous or oleaginous substance with which it is mixed, and was for- 79 merly supposed to possess the power of healing wounds, bruises, and contusions. It is the Fuga Dcemonium, he adds, of old herbalists, and was formerly held to "influence conjurations and enchantments. It yields a good yellow dye to woven fabrics, from its flowers, and a good red dye from its leaves. The juice of the Hypericums are often exceedingly similar to gamboge. Rural Cyc. The plant has a resinous odor, and Dr. Darlington says is believed to produce troublesome sores on horses and horned cattle, especially those which have white feet and noses. The dew which collects on the plant appears to become acrid. Flora Cest. Farmers' Encyc. I found the same impression pre- vailing in Powhatan county, Va. A tincture of the flowers and leaves are used in stomach complaints. Hypericum sarothra, Mich., T.and G. ] Pine weed; Sarothra gentianoides Linn, and Ell. Sk. j orange grass. Grows in dry pastures ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston; JSTewbern. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, cle M. Med. vi, 226 ; Journal de Med. lxxx, 360. It is employed as an aperient in inflam- matory affections. Acerace^. (The Sycamore Tribe.) Acer rubrum, Linn. Red maple. Diffused. Shec. Flora Carol. 80. The wood is much used in the manufacture of Windsor chairs, gun-stocks, etc. ; the grain is sometimes beautifully curled. In a communication re- ceived from I. Douglass, M. D., of Chester district, S. C, his correspondent, Mr. McKeown, states that the country people consider a strong decoction of the bark, with white sugar, used as a wash, a safe and certain cure for ordinary ophthalmia. Some of the inhabitants of the Western states make sugar by boiling down the sap of the white maple, which, however, like that 'of the red maple, yields only half the proportion of sugar obtained from the juice of the sugar maple. Farmer's Encyc. 80 Acer saccharinum, Linn. Sugar maple. Var. Florida- num, found in South Florida. Chap. Diffused, but more abundant' in the upper districts ; found sparingly at the head waters of Cooper river ; St. John's, Berkley ; New- bern. Fl. Feb. Shec. Flora Carol. 90. Pure flake manna has been discovered in this species. Sugar extracted from it is an article of trade ; it is employed medicinally also. The wood is esteemed in the manufacture of saddle-trees. The grain of the wood is fine and close, and when polished it has a silky lustre. The timber of old trees is extensively used in America for inlaying mahogany ; and it possesses, in an eminent degree, the same kind of bird's-eye markings which distin- guish the timber of the Norway maple. The wood is heavy and strong, but not durable. The ashes are very rich in alkaline matter, and furnish a large proportion of the potash which is imported to Europe from New York and Boston. Rural Cyc. I have seen the sugar maple boxed as low down as Middle Virginia, but have never heard of any sugar being made from the tree in states south of Virginia. Maple and sweet gum barks, with copperas, will dye a pur- ple color; maple, red oak bark, and copperas to fix it, will dye dove color ; maple, with bark of black walnut [Juglans nigra), gives a brown color; sweet gum, with copperas, yields a color nearly black. See, also, "Quercus," "Hopea," etc. ; see Boussingault's Treatise, " Rural Economy, in its Relation to Chemistry, Physics, etc.," p. 125, for valuable instruction on cultivation, production, etc., of sugar from maple, beet, etc ; also, Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Mines, article "Sugar, beet, etc." Wilson, in his Rural Cyc, article "Acer," which the reader may consult, states that the sap of the maple also contains ammonia, and has, therefore, all the conditions for forming the nitroge- nous components of the branches, leaves, and blossoms ; and in proportion as these parts of the tree are developed, it gradually loses its ammonia, and when they are com- pletely formed it ceases to flow. Rural Cyc. Liebig dis- 81 covered that ammonia was emitted from this juice when mixed with lime. The sugar crystallized spontaneously. The American practice with the sugar maple is to bore two auger holes, three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and half an inch deeper than the bark, in an obliquely ascending- direction, on the south side of the tree, at the height of about eighteen or twenty inches from the ground, in Feb- ruary or March, while the snow is on the ground, and the cold is still intense, and to insert into the holes elder or sumac tubes, partially laid open, eight or ten inches in length, and three-fourths of an inch in diameter, commu- nicating at the lower end with troughs of two or three gallons in capacity, for the reception of the sap. Four gallons are usually sufficient to yield one pound of sugar; and eight to sixteen gallons are usually obtained in a season from a single tree — this must depend upon the locality. Op. cit. I insert the following from Farmer's Encyc. : "In a central situation, lying convenient to the trees from which the sap is drawn, a shed is constructed, called a sugar-camp, which is destined to shelter the boilers and the persons who tend them from the weather. An auger, three-fourths of an inch in diameter, small troughs to receive the sap, tubes of elder or sumac, eight or ten inches long, corresponding in size to the auger, and laid open for a part of their length, buckets for emptying the troughs and conveying the sap to the camp, boilers of fifteen or eighteen gallons capacity, moulds to receive the syrup when reduced to a proper consistency for being formed into cakes, and, lastly, axes to cut and split the fuel, are the principal utensils employed in the operation. The trees are perforated in an obliquely ascending direction, eighteen or twenty inches from the ground, with two holes four or five inches apart. Care should be taken that the augers do not enter more than half an inch within the wood, as experience has shown the most abundant flow of sap to take place at this depth. It is also recommended to insert the tubes on the south side of the tree ; but this useful hint is not always attended to. 6 82 "A trough is placed on the ground at the foot of each tree, and the sap is every day collected and temporarily poured into casks, from which it is drawn out to fill the boilers. The evaporation is kept up by a brisk fire, and the scum is carefully taken off during this part of the pro- cess. Fresh sap is added from time to time, and the heat is maintained till the liquid is reduced to a syrup, after which it is left to cool, and then strained through a blanket, or other woollen stuff, to separate the remaining impurities. " Some persons recommend leaving the syrup twelve hours before boiling it for the last time ; others proceed with it immediately. In either case the boilers are only half filled, and by an active, steady heat the liquor is rap- idly reduced to the proper consistency for being poured into the moulds. The evaporation is known to have pro- ceeded far enough when, upon rubbing a drop of the syrup between the fingers, it is perceived to be granular. If it is in danger of boiling over, a bit of lard or of butter is thrown into it, which instantly calms the ebullition. The molasses being drained off from the moulds, the sugar is no longer deliquescent, like the raw sugar of the West Indies. "Maple sugar manufactured in this way is lighter col- ored, in proportion to the care with which it is made, and the judgment with which the evaporation is conducted. It is superior to the brown sugar of the colonies, at least, to such as is generally used in the United States ; its taste is as pleasant, and it is as good for culinary purposes. When refined, it equals in beauty the finest sugar con- sumed in Europe. It is made use of, however, only in the districts where it is made, and there only in the country ; from prejudice or taste, imported sugar is used in all the small towns, and in the inns. "The sap continues to flow for six weeks ; after which it becomes less abundant, less rich in saccharine matter, and sometimes even incapable of crystallization. In this case it is consumed in the state of molasses, which is su- perior to that of the islands. After three or four days 83 exposure to the sun, maple sap is converted into vinegar, by the acetous fermentation. The amount of sugar manu- factured in a year varies from different causes. A cold and dry winter renders the trees more productive than a changeable and humid season. It is observed that when a frosty night is followed by a dry and brilliant day the sap flows abundantly ; and two or three gallons are sometimes yielded by a single tree in twenty-four hours. Three per- sons are found sufficient to tend two hundred and fifty trees, which give one thousand pounds of sugar, or four pounds from each tree. But this product is not uniform, for many farmers on the Ohio do not commonly obtain more than two pounds from a tree. Trees which grow in low and moist places afford a greater quantity of sap than those which occupy rising grounds, but it is less rich in the saccharine principle. That of insulated trees, left standing in the middle of fields or by the side of fences, is the best. It is also remarked that, in districts which have been cleared of other trees, and even of the less vigorous sugar maples, the product of the remainder is, proportionally, most considerable. 'Having introduced,' says a writer, ' twenty tubes into a sugar maple, I drew from it the same day twenty-three gallons and three quarts of sap, which gave seven and a quarter pounds of sugar ; thirty-three pounds have been made this season from the same tree, which supposes one hundred gallons of sap.' It appears here that only a little more than three gallons was required for a pound, though four are commonly allowed." Sapindaceje. [Soapberry Tribe.) Sajnndus marginatns. "Willd. Soapberry. Florida and Georgia, near the coast. The skin of the fruit of S. emarginatus is said to be used in India for the same purposes as soap. That of the S. scqwnaria, which grows in the West Indies, is employed for washing linen, but when employed often is apt to burn and destroy it ; the nuts are very smooth, and of a shining black color, and were formerly imported to England and 84 manufactured into buttons, which were sometimes tipped with silver, and always very durable. Wilson's Rural Cyc. Our species should be examined. It will be observed that it is very nearly related to the buckeye (JSscidus), the roots of which are also used for washing woollens. See, also, " Saponaria," in this paper. ^EscuLACEiB. ( The Horse Chestnut Tribe.) The seeds contain a great quantity of a nutritive starch ; also a sufficient amount of potash to be useful as cosmetics, or as a substitute for soap. jEsculus pav(a,Ti. Horse chestnut; buckeye. Diffused. I have observed it in Greenville, Fairfield, and Charleston districts ; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Fl. May. Shec. Flora Carol. 105 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 214. The fruit is about the .size of a small lemon, and of a beauti- fully polished mahogany color externally ; it contains a great deal of starch. Dr. Woodhouse prepared a half a pint from the nuts, which retained its color for two years. It is superior to the famous Portland starch, and does not impart a yellow color to cloth. It is said that the washing from this is narcotic and poisonous. Dr. McDowel tried the powder of the rind, and states that ten grains were equiva- lent to three of opium ; a strong decoction is recommended as a lotion to gangrenous ulcers. A strong decoction of the root is said to relieve toothache when held in the mouth. The fresh kernels, macerated in water, mixed with wheat flour into a stiff' paste, and thrown in pools of standing Water, intoxicate fish, so that they float on the surface, and may be taken ; reviving, however, when placed in fresh water. I am informed that large quantities were formerly caught in this way in the swamps along the Santee river. See, also, Ell. Bot. Med. Notes. The roots are preferred even to soap for washing and whitening woollens, blankets, and dyed cottons — the colors of which are improved by the process. Satins washed in this manner, and carefully ironed, look almost as well as new. .85 Polygalace^. {The Milkwort Tribe.) Bitterness in the leaves, and milk in the roots, are their usual characteristics. Polygala Senega, L. Seneka snakeroot ; mountain flax. Mountainous districts of S. C. Fl. July. Thornton's Fam. Herb. 629. An active stimulant, in- creasing the force of the circulation, especially that of the pulmonary vessels ; hence, found very useful in typhoid inflammation of the lungs. Dr. Brandreth, of Liverpool, has derived great service from its employment, in cases of lethargy, in the form of an extract combined with carb. ammonias. It has been given in hydropic cases, and as it sometimes provokes plentiful discharges by urine, stool, and perspiration, it is frequently the means of removing the disease after the ordinary cathartics, diuretics, and hydragogues have failed. The Indians used it in snake bites; given internal]} 7 and applied topically ; if beneficial, it only acts as a diffusible stimulant ; it is administered, also, as a gargle in croup. A principle called senegin has been discovered in it; and one by Eeschier, called poty- galic acid. Anevenne is also said to have detected two: polygalic and Virgineic — the first of which will unite with bases ; the second volatile, oily, nauseant, and emetic in small, diaphoretic, expectorant, and diuretic in large doses. Stephens & Church, 103. See Analysis in Journal de Pharm. xxii, 449. One of the principles referred to is said not to differ from saponine. Supplem. to the Diet, de M. Med. by Mer. and de L. 1846, 578; M. Guibourt, in his "Abridged Hist, of Simple Drugs" (in French); Carson's Illust. Med. Bot. 1847, pt. i ; L. Feneulle's Annal. Journal de Pharm. ii, 430. It has been employed in pleurisy. See Tennent's Essay on that disease; Duhame, Mem. de l'Acad. de Paris, 1739, 144; McKensie's Med. Obs. and Enquiries, ii, 288 ; De Haen. Ratio Medendi : F. d'Ammon "sur l'em- ploi et l'utilite de la racine du P. senega dans plusieurs mal del'ceil"; Annal. de Chim. de Heidelberg. Dr. Ammon, of Dresden, in his paper, employs it in ophthalmias, after the inflamniatoiy stage is passed; it is said to prevent the formation of cataract, and to promote the absorption of pus in hypopium ; he reports two cases ; it is adapted, in fact, to all cases of exudation, by its power of promoting discharge. Suite des Experiences in Bull, des Sci. Med. xx, 241. Bretonneau gave four to five grains, every hour, in croup ; it opposes the formation of the diphtheritic membrane. Bull, des Sci. Med. de Ferus. xi, 61 ; Mem. sur le Senega, Acad, des Sci. See Merat, loc. cit. Dr. Milne spoke highly of the decoction, joined with bitartrate of potash, in dropsy. Dr. Percival administered it in hydrops pectoris. If the decoction causes vomiting, some aromatic, angelica, calamus, or fennel, may be added. It is prescribed as a drink in pneumonia, pleurisy, and typhoid fever. Linnaeus, in his Veg. Mat. Med. 137, speaks of- this plant as a specific in croup [specificum in phlogose hinc officinis nostris dignissima). Lincl. Nat. Syst. Bot. 87. Stimulant, diuretic, sialagogue, expectorant, purgative, emetic, sudorific, and also emmenagogue. U. S. Disp. 649; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 27; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 111; Mer. and de L. v, 424; Diet, des Sci. Med. Ii, 1; Journal de Chim. Med. ii, 431 ; Journal Analyt. i, 339. Employed in nervous affections, and hectic fever ; in hydrothorax, from its stimulating effect on the kidneys, and in diseases of the lungs, from its augmenting the absorbent forces. Anc. Journal de Med. lxxvi, 53 ; Detharding, Diss, de Senega, 1749; C. Linn. Diss, upon the Root of the Senega, Argentorati, 1750; Kielhon, Diss. Frankfort, 1765; Hel- minth, at Edinburgh, 1782; G. Folchi, "Rech. chimico Therap. sur la racine du polygala du Virginie." In pneu- monia, after bleeding, and in the typhoid stage, it is one of our best remedies for promoting expectoration ; at an ear- lier period, it is too stimulating. Much use is made of it on the plantations in South Carolina for this purpose. According to Dr. Bree, it is eminently useful in the asthma of old people, and in the latter stages of croup. It has been employed successfully in chronic rheumatism, and Dr. 87 Chapman also found it very efficacious in recent cases of amenorrhcea. Frost's Eleras. 258 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 225; Archer's Med. and Phys. Journal, i, 83; Bree on Asthma, 258; Massie's Inaug. Diss. Phil. 1808; Thacher's Disp. 319; N". Eng. Journal, vii, 206. In croup, it is often given in the form of hive syrup ; the best form, however, is a decoction made by boiling one ounce of root in one pint and a half of water, till it is reduced to a pint, the dose of which is a tablespoonful ; thirty grains of the powdered root may be given in substance. This plant is employed by the steam practitioners. See Howard's Syst. of Bot. Med. 343. Polygala sangmnea, L. ISTutt. Grows in flat, pine lands ; abundantly near Pittsburg; sent to me from Abbeville by Mr. Reed ; vicinity of Charleston. Bach. Fl. June. Lind. UTat. Syst. Bot. 86 ; Barton's Med. Bot. ii, 17. A stimulating diaphoretic, similar, it is supposed, in properties to the above. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 424 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 225. Poli/gala 'pauctfolia, Willd. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina. Fl. August. Griffith, Med. Bot. 227^ Rafmesqiie, in his Med. Flora, says it is possessed of active properties ; the root having a sweet, pungent, aromatic taste, similar to that of the winter- green (Gaultheria jwocumb.) ; he thinks it milder than the P. senega, and, therefore, adapted to cases in which that is inapplicable. Griffith does not agree with him, attributing to it merely tonic and bitter properties. Polygala jjolygama, "Walter. Vicinity of Charleston. U. S. Disp. 558. Cedrelaceye. (Mahogany Tribe.) Swietenia mahagoni, L. Mahogany. South Florida. Chap. So. Flora. This tree is cut down in August. See description of method pursued in Honduras, Wilson's Rural Cyc. The uses of the wood are so well known as to need no farther description. The bark may, it is said, be used as Peruvian bark. I do not know that the tree is "exploited" in Florida. LinacExE. (The Flax Tribe.) Linum usitatissimum. Flax. Cultivated in South Caro-. lina. It is cultivated here pretty much on account of the seeds, which are well known for their valuable demulcent proper- ties, and for the linseed oil which they afford. Immediate attention should be paid to raising on a very much larger scale both this plant, the mustard, and the castor oil. Flax matures well in this latitude. For much useful information in reference to the economical application of this plant, see Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Sup. 1846, 435. . Among the thread plants may be mentioned Flax (Linum usitatissimum), Perennial flax (Linum perenne), Hemp (Can- nabis sativa), Virginian silk (Asclepias syriaca), Common nettle ( Urtica dioica), and the Rosebay willow herb (Epilo- bium angustifolium). The three latter are all found growing wild in South Carolina. The asclepias was planted for the purpose in Germany, but is an imperfect substitute for hemp or flax. See A. syriaca in this volume. The stem of the hop has also been used for the production of thread. They require farther examination. See Thaer's work, "Principles of Agriculture," p. 461. Hemp seeds also yield oil. The best drying oils, Chaptal states (" Chemistry applied to Agriculture," p. 145), are those of flax seed, nuts, and poppies. Linseed oil will dissolve at boiling temperature one-quarter of its weight of that oxide known in commerce by the name of litharge. It becomes brown in proportion as the oxide is dissolved ; when saturated with the oxide it thickens by cooling, and it is necessary to render it liquid by heat at the time of using it. Linseed oil saturated with the oxide and applied with a brush to any substance, hard- 89 ens readily and forms a coating impervious by water, and much resembles gum elastic ; linen or silk prepared with it is flexible without being adhesive. A cement of this oil, prepared with • the oxide and mixed with the refuse or broken fragments of porcelain or well baked potter's ware, is used with great success in uniting the tiles upon roofs, and in cisterns and reservoirs. . To form this cement the pulverized fragments are thoroughly incorporated with the heated oil, and applied by the trowel while in that state. When linseed oil is to be used in painting, one-twentieth, or at the most, one-tenth of litharge is sufficient to render it drying. "With linseed oil and common glue, a water-proof mate- rial is made, which may prove of great use in preparing garments for our soldiers. Immerse common glue in cold water until it becomes perfectly soft, but yet retaining its original form ; after which it is to be dissolved in common raw linseed oil, assisted by a gentle heat, until it becomes entirely taken up by the latter ; after which it may be ap- plied to substances for adhesion to each other, in the way common glue is usually applied. It dries almost immedi- ately, and water will exert no action upon it. It has more tenacity than common glue, and becomes impervious to water. It may be used also for furniture, and two layers of cloth . may be glued together to form a water-proof gar- ment. Glue dissolved in vinegar also makes a very tena- cious substance in place of the prepared glues. See plates of machinery for pressing linseed and other oils, Ure's Dic- tionary of Arts, article "Oils;" also Wilson's Rural Cyc, articles "Flax" and "Linseed." The processes are described with plates. Those interested may find there a full state- ment of the method of gathering, planting, uses, etc. See also "Olea," in this work. Flax seed intended for plant- ing should not be gathered too quickly. Flax seed was largely made in western New York. The yield is from ten to fifteen bushels per acre. It is sown early in the spring. If raised merely for the seed, it is harvested and thrashed like other grain. But when the stalk is used, it is pulled 90 up by a machine as soon as the seed begins to ripen, and bound in small bundles, the seed stripped off by a machine, and the stalks spread oat and dew rotted; it is then sold to the hemp makers for seven or eight dollars per ton. The farmer sells the crop at one dollar per bushel for the seed, which is sent to the oil-mill. The reader interested in the preparation and cleaning of the fibres of textile plants, will find a paper upon the sub- ject, condensed from the Singapore Free Press, in the P. Office Rep. 1854, p. 1T4. A description of the simplest and most economical modes of cleaning them is given. The plantain, agave, and aloe are planted in India, and the fibre exported for twine, paper, etc. — bringing from sixty to two hundred dollars per ton. I do not know that these plants are used in our West -India islands or in Florida for these purposes. The ordinary mill used in pressing sugar- cane can be used in cleaning the fibre. See article cited. Wilson's Rural Cyc, article "Bleaching," furnishes a practical explanation of the methods of bleaching flax, hemp, etc. See also Ure's Dictionary. Malvace^. ( The Mallow Tribe.) They abound in mucilage, and are totally destitute of all unwholesome qualities. Malm rotundifolia, L. Low mallows. Naturalized ; grows around buildings ; Richland ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. IT. S. Disp. 444. A substitute for M. sylvestris, which possesses valuable demulcent properties. Woodv. Med. Bot. 554, torn. 197. It is very emollient, and is employed in catarrhal, dysenteric, and nephritic diseases, and wher- ever a mucilaginous fluid is required. It is administered in the shape of emollient enema, and it forms a good sup- purative or relaxing cataplasm in external inflammations. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 207. It was highly regarded by the ancients. " Pythagore regardait leur usage comme propre a favoriser l'exercise de la pensee." 91 Hippocrates employed it as we do, for gargles and collyri- uras, as an application to heated and inflamed parts, as a vehicle for pectoral and anodyne medicines, and for those administered in diseases of the urinary passages. Abutilon Avicmnce, Gaertn., T. and G. "I Indian mallows. Sida abutilon, Linn, and Ell. Sk. j Grows at Granby, in Richland district, and in Georgia; vicinity of Charles- ton. Bach. Newbern. Fl. July. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 96 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 338. The plant is said to be cultivated in China as a substitute for hemp. The flowers are employed as an ingredient in emollient applications. Abutilon and Sida. Species of these two genera have been used in medicine. *S'. abutilon is cultivated in India for the fibre, and somewhat extensively introduced into field culture in Italy. See Rural Cyc, Chap. So. Flora. Our Abutilons should be examined; several grow in South Carolina. Hibiscus Moscheutos, L. Marsh mallow. Collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. Bergius, M. Med. ii, 629. This also is possessed of de- mulcent properties ; a convenient substitute for the above. Hibiscus esculentus. Okra. Introduced from Africa. The fruit and pods afford the well-known valuable vege- table, so largely used in the Southern states in combination with tomatoes in making soup. It is very mucilaginous, and, infused in water, forms a suitable vehicle for medi- cines prescribed in diseases of the mucous passages, for enemata, etc. Some information on this plant may be ob- tained in the Journal de Pharm. vi, 383. The parched seeds afford a tolerably good substitute for coffee ; the difference can with difficulty be detected. It is sometimes used for this purpose among the negroes on the plantations of South Carolina. 92 This well-known vegetable contains an enormous amount of albumen — so much, that Chaptal says that in St. Do- mingo it is employed in clarifying liquors. In Guadeloupe and Martinique they use the bark of the slippery elm "for this purpose as white of egg elsewhere. It would be a matter of importance to' ascertain whether or not vegetable albumen would be useful in clarifying sugar. In employ- ing albumen for clarifying fluids the following method is adopted, according to the writer just mentioned. I would refer the reader also to Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manu- factures. The albumen, generally white of egg, is diluted with water, and then mixed with the liquid which is to be clarified; the whole is then heated to 65° or 70° Faki\, and stirred carefully so as to distribute the albumen equally among all its particles; by increasing the heat the albumen is made to coagulate, when it rises to the top of the vessel, carrying with it all the particles, which render the liquid turbid or cloudy ; the thick foam which this produces, when cooled, may be taken off with a skimmer, and the liquid be afterward filtrated, to remove any remaining particles from it. The same writer says that animal albu- men, mixed with quick-lime, finely powdered and spread upon strips of linen, makes an excellent lute, to be ap- # plied over the joints of vessels for distilling, to prevent loss of gas or vapor. The Sesamum indicum, Bene, is another plant cultivated on our plantations which has a very large amount of mucilage. The okra plant has been recommended to be planted for the fibre as a textile substance. Even the cotton plant, if not allowed to come to maturity, and planted closer, like flax and hemp, might furnish an inner bark suitable for twine or cloth. The Urtica dioica, nettle, and Apocynum can- nabinum, Indian hemp, and several species of asclepias, or silk weed, may, by improved cultivation, give a useful fibre ; see index. Dr. Gr. C. Shaefler, the author of a paper in P. O. Eep., 373, 1859, on " Vegetable fibre," states that the fibre of the silk or milk-weed [A. cornuti) " was nearly if 93 not quite as strong as the hemp." In this article, the mode of preparing textile fibres is treated of, and also the best materials for paper making. A curious work, by Dr. J. C. ShaefFer, 1765, is referred to, in which experiments were long since performed upon innumerable substances suited to the making of paper. The latest work of consequence has been published by L. Piette, 1838. Piette gives speci- mens of good, strong, white paper made from straw. Paper in the United States was also made from wood, sawdust, and shavings, in 1828 and '30. Ure's Dictionary of Arts ma} 7 also be consulted for machinery, etc. Bark of linden is used in Prussia. See Tilia. And the palmetto, agave, and yucca of the South furnish a long fibre. When necessary, the intercellular substance may be dissolved out by strong alkalies — the lye from the ashes of plants, etc. For ma- terial for paper making see "Cotton." . The New Orleans Crescent says of coffee : The supplies of many articles of consumption are run- ning very low. In the meantime substitutes have been proposed, among which is named the okra seed. As re- gards this, the thought of its becoming a substitute may as well be laid aside at once, for there are not twenty-five sacks of the seed available. The chief substitute will have to be r3 r e. This cereal was used during the war of 1812. In fact, half of the ground coffee which has been sold in New York and Boston for the last twenty-five years was composed chiefly of rye. Gossypium herbaceum, Linri. Cotton. A native of trop- ical America. The long staple, including the varieties of sea-island, black seed, and mains, grows best in the lower country ; and the short, or green seed, in the upper dis- tricts. Prescott states that the Spaniards found it in Mex- ico. See "Conquest of Mexico." Mer and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846. This was the plant known to the ancients as the Byssus of old writers. Herodotus, t. iii, 134, of Durger's Ed. ; Chateau- briand, Journal to Jerusalem, 1777 ; see R6vue Medicale, 94 Feb. 1845, 225, for Observations on the Employment of the Cotton Fibre in Dressing Wounds ; Ann. de Chimie, 427, 1845 ; Binol's Letters on the Cultivation of Cotton in India ; C. Delasterie on the G. herbacea and its Cultiva- tion, Paris, 1808; Lessier sur la Culture du Coton en France ; Gerspach, Considerations sur l'iniluence des fila- tures du Coton sur la sante des ouvriers, Paris, 182,7 ; Obs. on the Employment of Cotton in the Treatment of Blis- ters, 1830 ; Some Reflections by F. T. Saint Hilaire on "Wounds, and their Treatment with Cotton (in French), Montp. 1830 ; Sicand, Obs. on the Employment of the Cotton Fibre in Surgery, and a Memoir on the different Species cultivated in Naples, op. cit. sup. ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 163 ; Dr. MacFayden (Fl. Jamaica) considers the spe- cies only as varieties. Humboldt saw them growing in Central America at an elevation of nine thousand feet. The flowers are emollient like mallows, and used for simi- lar purposes ; the roots are used in India in diseases of the urinary organs. See Ainslie. In Brazil, a decoction of the leaves steeped in vinegar is said to relieve hemicrania. According to Martin, the seeds, which afford much oil, are emollient, and are employed in emulsions, injections, and diseases of mucous passages. The oil is afforded by the seeds in sufficiently large quantities to be exported. It might be made a useful article on the plantations, as it does not deprive the seeds of their valuable properties as a manure. When boiled, they furnish an excellent food for cattle, but are poisonous to hogs when eaten in the raw state. Much use is made of the roots in this state, in the treatment of asthma — a decoction being employed. It appears to have, moreover, a specific action on the uterine organs. Dr. Heady, of Edgefield district, informs me that his attention was called to its emmenagogue properties by an article which appeared in a journal published some years since. (New Orleans Med. Journal.) He has since used it in suppression of the menses, but more particularly in many cases of flooding, with entire success. It seems to produce as active contractions of the uterus as ergot 95 itself. Three ounces of the root are infused in one pint of boiling water, of which from three to four ounces are taken internally every fifteen minutes. More extended experi- ments with this remarkable plant, in cases of this descrip- tion, might furnish very valuable results, and I would invite particular attention to it. See also Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 568; Med. and Surg. Journal, xiii, 215; U. S. Disp. 357; Lond. Med. Gazette, Nov. 8, 1839; West. Journal Med. and Surg. 1840; Boyle, Illust. 84, and Mat. Med. 288; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 409 ; Marcgrave's Brazil, 60; Diet, des Sc. Nat. xxxiv, 15; and Gov. W. B. Seabrook's (of S. C.) paper on the cotton plant. The fibre of our great staple is applicable to many pur- poses in surgery, in dressing burns, preserving the temper- ature of the extremities in depressed conditions of the system, and also for stuffing and padding in the application of fracture boxes ; but it is not, as has been confidently stated, a substitute for lint in any sense of the term. On account of the oil which it contains, it cannot absorb pus or liquids from wounds, unless it has been previously pre- pared. This, indeed, is a peculiarity of cotton fibre in its natural state: water or fluids will roll from it; the slightest experience or observation would convince any one of this ; and yet it has been extensively distributed as a substance for dressing wounds, which it only tends to render hotter and more inflamed. The plant has also been highly recommended as a sub- stitute for quinine in intermittent fever. I will refer the reader to some of the later volumes of the Charleston Med. Journal and Review. I have not my volumes at hand to refer to. It has been used with great confidence by many persons throughout the South and West. I introduce the following slip from a newspaper (1862) in default of more precise information from the medical authorities who have used it. II. D. Brown, of Copiah county, Mississippi, communi- cates the following notice of the use of cotton seed tea as a substitute for quinine: 96 " I beg to make public the following certain and thor- oughly tried cure for ague and fever : One pint of cotton seed, two pints of water boiled down to one of tea, taken warm one hour before the expected attack. Many persons will doubtless laugh at this simple remedy, but I have tried it effectually, and unhesitatingly say it is better than qui- nine, and could I obtain the latter article gratuitously, I would infinitely prefer the cotton seed tea. It will not only cure invariably, but permanently, and is not at all unpleasant to the taste." The seeds of the black seed cotton, parched and ground, are considered by many as one of the best substitutes for coffee, both in smell and taste. In a paper by G-. C. Shaeffer, on the cotton fibre, Patent Office Report, Agricul- ture, 1854, p. 181, he says : "Still, in the present scarcity of paper making material, it may be well to look to the bark of the cotton plant as a partial supply for the common kinds of paper. Fermentation, or any of the known methods of separating the wood, may be employed." If the cotton is gathered, the plant has then become too woody. See, also, 1 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus.) Governor ~W. B. Seabrook, of S. C, has written perhaps the most full description of the cultivation of cotton, in a pamphlet published a few years since. Townsend Glover, entomologist, employed by the Patent Office, describes the diseases incident to the cotton plant in his successive papers, in the volumes of the Patent Office Report for 1855-'7, " On the Insects frequenting the Cotton Plant." These papers contain a good deal of information on the character and habits not only of insects infesting cotton, but many other plants, with illustrations on wood. He describes the rust, rot, and blight, and devises methods for preventing their spread. The English use cotton dipped in a solution of saltpetre as a moxa; see " Helianihus." "Gun cotton" is also a well known explosive agent, pre- pared by means of nitric acid. Cotton Seed Soap. The following I obtain from the 97 Charleston Mercury: Put cotton seed into a large and strong iron pot, in small quantities at a time, mash them well with a wooden pestle, and then pour in a certain quan- tity of common lye, and boil thoroughly; strain in an ordi- nary sieve, and proceed in the usual way in drying and cutting into cakes. The oil is thus yielded, and saponified. Machines are now manufactured in this country for decorticating the cotton seed, in manufacturing the cake. It is thus much improved as an article of food for cattle, not being near so liable to injure the animals. It brings a high price in England. Mills for the preparation of the cake have been established in Rhode Island. Strange that nothing of the kind has existed in Charleston, where the seed can be so easily obtained. The great value of the seed as a manure may account in part for the indifference of the planter. The seed has been pressed in ISTew Orleans. The oil is said to be "unsurpassed for dressing leather and lubricating machinery, and as an illuminator affords a clear and brilliant light" — as good as spermaceti, when refined. See also a paper on cotton seed oil, Southern Cultivator, p. iii, vol. 3. He states that there are thirty bushels of seed to every bale of cotton ; each bale will yield at least fifteen gallons of crude oil, and three hundred and sixty barrels of oil cake. "No difficulty exists in hulling, tempering, or expressing the oil," and the huller of Follet and Smith, of Petersburg, is referred to : hulling at the rate of a basket of kernels in four or five minutes. The machinery employed in French Flanders for rape seed, answers per- fectly for cotton seed. Cotton Seed OH. A good deal has been said of late in the Cincinnati and New Orleans papers on the subject of cotton seed oil and cake ; and if the half of what is pub- lished shall turn out to be true, we have reached the beo-in- ning of a new era in the cotton culture, not unlike that which marked the invention of the cotton gin. Mr. Wil- liam R. Free, of Cincinnati, has invented and constructed a cotton seed huller, which entirely separates the hull, and 7 x 98 the little lint that adheres to it, from the meat part of the seed. The huller is said to he simple in construction, is made entirely of iron, and is easily kept in repair. It requires a two-horse power to drive it, and two hands to tend it — one to feed the mill, and one to remove the hulls from the screen. It will hull and screen one ton, or two thousand pounds, per hour, ready for the press — fifty per cent, of which is kernels, or the meats of the seed, from which forty gallons of oil may he obtained. This machine must he exceedingly valuable to prepare seed for all feed- ing purposes on the farm where no oil is expressed, as the hulls and lint are altogether undesirable as food. Hulls and cotton seed, and cut straw or corn stalks, boiled together in large iron boilers, or steamed in big tubs or vats, will make a superior stock feed. But as a gallon of this oil is cheap at a dollar, and enough seed to make forty gallons can be hulled in an hour, it is far better to feed the cake after most of the oil is taken out, steamed with straw or stalks, than to feed this precious oil to live stock. After cotton seed is hulled, a good cotton press for baling cloth will press out most of the oil in the kernels. Perhaps they may require beating, as in pressing flax seed. The art is very simple. Instead of sending cotton seed to distant markets, where the producer will lose the cake for feeding, and as a fertilizer, we earnestly recommend to each large plantation (or where their operations are small, for several to unite), to purchase a hulling machine, and, if neces- sary, construct or buy an oil press for home use. Ac- cording to the data furnished by the Cincinnati operators, four thousand pounds of common cotton seed will turn out fifty dollars worth of oil ; and every planter knows that in case he should wish to mix the hulls with the cake in feeding it, or as a manure, he can do so after the oil is expressed. The oil is nearly valueless as a fertilizer, being nothing but carbon and the elements of water, while in skilful hands it is worth some forty to fifty cents a gallon for making fat hogs, sheep, cows, and steers; but more for burning, and lubricating machinery. 99 At this time we would gladly pay twenty dollars per one thousand pounds for cotton seed cake, to feed cattle, sheep, and hogs. It is worth more than corn or wheat, pound for pound, to feed mules and hogs on a cotton plantation. It contains more of the muscle, sinew, and bone forming matter. It has less starch than corn, but is a healthier food than either peas, beans, wheat, or maize. If the hulls were in the cake, the result would be quite different. In flax seed cake the hull of the seed is not removed. It is owing to the richness of the clean meats of cotton seed that straw, or coarse forage of some kind, should be fed with the cake, except to hogs. Consequent upon the increased amount of cotton raised in the Southern states, and the great bulk of the seed, there had been several establishments in operation before the war for economizing the oil. At one in New Orleans, driven by a thirty-five horse power steam-press, five hun- dred gallous of oil and five tons of oil cake a day were pre- pared. It required for the day's work, as is stated in the Southern Farmer and Planter, about fifteen tons of cotton seed to produce this amount of oil and cake, each ton of seed yielding about forty gallons of oil and seven hundred or eight hundred pounds of cake. The proprietor shipped eight hundred tons to England, where it was used by the farmers, who are extensive importers of linseed oil cake. The cotton seed cake "is highly esteemed for fattening cat- tle and sheep." In Memphis, Tenn., it was also made in very large quantities. The oil, refined by a secret process, is made of two qualities — " the best used for illuminating and lubricating purposes, as well as for currying leather, etc. The inferior is found to answer the purpose of soap making equal to palm oil, making soap of every quality, even to the most refined toilet soap." Cotton seed cake might be used as a substitute to a certain extent for corn for fattening stock. " Cotton seed meal and corn meal, if applied directly to the hay that is fed in fattening ani- mals, instead of the latter being fed alone and dry, and the corn unground, would add vastly to the profits of fatten- 100 ing." Cotton seed cake sold at the mills for about the same price that flax seed cake sold for. Browne, in his "Field Book of Manures," New York, 1853, says of the cotton seeds: "They abound in a mild oil, and are accounted very nutritious (as manures) after the oil is expressed. A bushel of seed weighs thirty pounds, and yields two and a half quarts of oil, and twelve and a half pounds of fine meal. The oil cake is very brittle, and breaks down much more readily than linseed oil cake. Its taste is not unpleasant, and it is stated that it can be employed with success in fattening stock." In the Patent Office Eeport, 1855, p. 234, are some "Chemical Researches on the Seed of the Cotton Plant," by Prof. C. T. Jackson. In this article a patent is referred to as having been taken out by D. W. Mesner for "separat- ing the hulls from the cotton seeds." The yield of the un- prepared and woolly seeds is very small, in comparison with what is obtained from those which have been hulled. Analyses are given of the oil, the seed, the cake, etc. Prof. Jackson says : Separation of the oil : In order to sep- arate the fixed oil, pure ether was employed, and it was found that one hundred grains of the dried pulverized seeds yielded in one experiment 39.7, and in another 40 per cent, of pure fatty oil. By pressure, I was able with a small screw-press to obtain only thirty-three per cent, of oil ; but I have no doubt a more powerful one would have given a larger yield. The specific gravity of the oil which I obtained from the ethereal solution was 0.923 — water being unity. This is also the specific gravity of purified whale oil. Cotton seed oil is stated by Dr. Wood to be a drying oil, but that which I have obtained does not appear to possess drying properties, serving perfectly well for the lubrication of machinery, and for burning in lamps, as well as for making soap. It will also serve as a substitute for olive oil in many cases, and perhaps may be eaten as a salad oil, for it has no disagreeable odor or taste. Chemical examination of the oil cake: Linseed oil cake is well known both in Europe and in this country as valu- 101 able food for cattle, and as an excellent fertilizer — worth from forty to fifty dollars per ton for the latter purpose. On examining my cotton seed oil cake, I found it possessed a sweet and agreeable flavor, and was much more pure and clean than linseed oil cake. One hundred grains of the seed leave sixty grains of oil cake. This cake, examined for sugar, was found to contain 1.1 grains, and for gum, thirty-five grains were obtained. Iodine gave no proof of the existence of any starch in cotton seed, nor in the oil cake. Alcohol dissolves out the sugar, which is like that obtained from raisins, and is grape sugar. Boiling water dissolves the gum, and becomes very mucilaginous. The gum is precipitable from the water by means of pure alco- hol. Madura aurantiaea. Osage Orange. IS. America. Not included by Chapman in his Flora of Southern United States ; position irregular. From the Patent Office Report, 1848, an article taken from the Prairie Farmer, by Prof. J. B. Turner. The osage orange, the favorite hedge plant of the United States, has already become too well known to need any particular description. It grows in the wilds of North America, in regions further North than New York, and further South than the Carolinas. It is usually in this country from ten to fifteen feet in height, though, like the English thorn, it is said sometimes to attain in its native soil a height of fifty and even sixty feet. Its utility as a hedge plant is no longer an experiment. Hedges of the rarest beauty and excellence have been growing in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati; in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Northern Mis- souri; and, in short, in all the Middle and Southern states. Some of these hedges have been standing for ten or twelve years ; they were planted by gentlemen of wealth and taste around their favorite walks and grounds at a time when the plants sold at the rate of five dollars per thousand. Among all who have written on the subject, no unfavorable account has come to my knowledge. Great losses have been incur- 102 red with the seed, as might be expected, but the plant and hedge are universally admired and commended, and it is confidently believed by the best judges that it will double the real value of any farm it surrounds. Recent writers enumerate thus its many advantages : First — its tenacity of life is scarcely equalled ; it is a native of the prairies, and will grow on any soil where common prairie grass will grow. Overflowing the land does not harm it. It will live for weeks and months entirely under water. The dead wood is exceedingly hard and durable, and fresh shoots from the stumps soon supply the place of all which have been killed by fire or cutting. Second — its protection is perfect. It is armed with a very sharp, stout thorn under each leaf. Its dense iron branches soon become so inter- locked, that no domestic animal, and not even a common bird, can pass through it. Both its thorns and its acrid, bitter juice prevent all animals from browsing or feeding on its branches. Its seed is like the Orange, and its roots like the hickory, consequently it can never spread into the field, either from the seed or root, but keeps its own place, growing stronger and thicker year by year. It thus per- fectly secures orchards, fruit-yards, stables, sheepfolds, and pasture grounds from all thieves, rogues, dogs, wolves, etc., and one good gate, well locked, makes a whole farm secure from all intruders of whatever description. It may be trained so high as to afford shelter to stock, and break off the rough prairie winds from all grounds needing such pro- tection. Plants may also be prepared so that it can be set in the open prairie without fence with perfect success. See also in Patent Office Report, 1854, p. 419, an article on the best mode of cultivating the osage orange for hedges, and 1855, p. 315, on "Live fences." The insects which feed on it are described, viz: a "chinch-bug," and the mole known as the gopher in Southern Illinois. In Illinois con- tractors set out and tend the hedge at one dollar a mile, till a good fence is produced. See Cerasus Carolhiiana. The juice of the osage orange, says Wilson, is exceedingly abun- dant, and flows freely from incisions, and quickly separates 103 into a feculant matter, and a supernatant, clear liquid. The wood is uncommonly tine and elastic, and is used by the American Indians for making their bows. It seems well adapted to many purposes of turners. It is said to equal fustic as a yellow dye stuff, and may be much more easily produced. Rural Cyclopaedia. The Cherokee rose forms a most valuable hedge plant. A writer praises highly the "cabbage tree." See also " Cratcegus ;" in this volume. TiLiACEiE. [The Linden Tribe.) They have all a mucilaginous, wholesome juice, Tilia Americana, Linn., T. and G. ) Lime tree. Bass " glabra, Vent, and Ell. Sk. J wood. An ornamental tree, found in the mountain valleys of South Carolina; Florida to North Carolina; Kewbern. Ell. Bot. 22. The bark, when macerated, forms a strong cordage, used for domestic purposes. The wood is white and soft, and is used by carriage and cabinet-makers. The inner bark of the European linden [T. Europea), forms a strong cordage. Doubtless our American species are also thus distinguished. The plants or branches may be steeped in water for three months, dried, and stripped; for every purpose of cordage on the plantation or garden, this material will be found useful. It forms throughout England the material for "bass," and is used by the horti- culturist. The flowers of our American tilia, sent to me from Pendleton district, S. C, I find quite as useful as the imported "Tilleul," a material for quieting, antispasmodic teas, so much employed in France. It is particularly grate- ful and soothing to lying-in women : quieting nervous ex- citement, and pleasant to the taste. I would particularly recommend a larger use of these flowers in the Confeder- ate States. It can be used wherever tea is required. Honey dew is generally most abundant on lime, sycamore, and beech trees ; on the cotton plant also. The above re- marks apply to T. pubescens also, which is indigenous. 104 The wood of the T. Americana is white and soft. In the Northern states, where the tulip poplar does not grow, it is used for the panels of carriage bodies and the seats of "Windsor chairs. It is, however, apt to split, and is not considered equal to poplar for such and other useful pur- poses. 1ST. Am. Sylva. Camellie^:. Thea viridis. The introduction of the tea plant into the Confederate States is so important that I will, at any rate, endeavor to give all suitable references to sources of in- formation concerning its culture, preparation, etc. See a pretty full account of the history of its production in the United States in Patent Office Report, 1855, p. 42. The best mode of growing the plant, drying and preparing the leaves, is also described. For some account of the experiment in the cultivation of foreign tea in South Carolina by Dr. Junius Smith, see P. 0. Report, 1848, p. 168, and 1859, p. 6. See also vol. for 1857, p. 167, for article on " Practicability of the Tea Culture in the United States." A description is given of the varieties of soil and climate adapted to the growth of tea, its cultivation and preparation, with a notice of the plants set out in Washington. This communication should be read by any one who proposes entering upon the busi- ness of raising tea plants; also vol. 1859, p. 5, et. seq., containing successful experiments in Brazil. See Ceano- thus Americanus, red-root, New Jersey tea tree, as a sub- stitute. Among our indigenous plants, the Gardenia (S. pubescens and lasianthus, growing from Florida to North Carolina)* belongs to the same natural family, Camellieae, as the tea plant, and it should be experimented with. Our Linden tree (Tilia Americana), the flowers of which are used in making an antispasmodic tea, is closely related to Gar- denia and Thea ; so the botanical relationship and the natural properties are again substantiated. See Tilia. It 105 is said that a pleasant tea can be made likewise from the Holly [Ilex opaca). The introduction of both coffee and tea into Brazil was at first very slow, but was subsequently successful. A writer in the " Country Gentleman " makes this state- ment : " A few days ago I drank a cup of real American tea, from the Chinese tea plant, of which Dr. J. P. Barrett, near New Market, S. C, has a fine shrub, about four feet high, which has borne fruit during several years. By its side was a thrifty specimen of the Olea fragrans, or Chinese olive, with which the tea is scented." I have seen a plant of the Thea growing out in the open air, near Stateburgh, South Carolina. In the cultivation of the tea in China, "the lower slopes of the hills are preferred, at 1,000 feet above the level of the sea. In India, from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. The best description of soil for the tea plant is a light loam, well mixed with sand, and enriched with vegetable matter, moderately moist, but neither wet nor sour. Slop- ing or undulating land of this kind, on which good crops of millet or Indian corn may be produced, is likely to be suitable. Any aspect will do, but east or west is preferred. The tea plant will not flourish in a wet or stagnant soil. * * * When produced from seeds, the tea plant first flowers in the second year. The usual period of flowering is in November, and the seeds ripen the next autumn. The ground is prepared for planting by being dug or trenched in the usual ways. Manure is rarely used in tea culture in China; but where the land is poor, stable-litter and sewage of all kinds are sometimes applied indiscrimi- nately, in moderate quantities, and a top dressing of rich loam is considered valuable. The best time to apply manure is in the spring, before the plants begin to grow, or during mild weather in winter. * * * When the plant is about 18 inches high the leading shoots are pinched off, and the shrub is forced to throw out laterals. Naturally, it has a tendency to grow tall and straggling, with few side shoots. * * * As the leaves used in making tea are produced yearly at the ends of the shoots, the object of 106 this system of treatment is apparent. * * * A small crop of leaves may be gathered the third year after plant- ing. In the eighth or tenth year, the product may be con- sidered at its maximum. About ten pounds to an acre is produced in China the third year, sometimes three hundred pounds in the tenth year." Art. cit. sup. Meliace^e. (The Bead Tree Tribe.) Bitter, astringent, and tonic properties characterize the species of this order. Some of them are active and dan- gerous. Melia Azedarach, Linn. Pride of India. Nat. ; diffused ; grows in the streets of Charleston. Fl. May. Chap. Therap. ii, 70; Ell. Bot. 475; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 290 ; U. S. Disp. 135 ; Royle, Mat. Med. 308 ; Bell's Prac. Diet. 87 ; Eberle, Mat. Med. 207 ; Frost's Elems. pt. 1 ; Archives Generates de Med. xvii, 112 ; Lind. !N"at. Syst. 102 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 128. Barton considered it our most active anthelmintic. It is also a febrifuge, adapted to verminous fevers, where no worms are voided. Diet, des Drogues, par Chevallier, iii, 27. Tournon relates a case where a little girl was thrown into convulsions by eating three of the seeds. Merat also mentions cases. Journal Gen. de Med. xlviii, 25; Gazette de Sant6, Mars, 1824. We have frequently seen them eaten by children in South Carolina, with no bad effect. As an anthelmintic, four ounces of the bark of the fresh root are boiled in one pint of water, till it becomes of the consistence of coffee, of which from one ounce to half an ounce may be given every two hours; it may be drunk sweetened, and should be followed by a cathartic. The dried ber- ries, in spirits, have also been employed against ascara- dides, taenia, and verminous maladies generally. Accord- ing to Thacher, the pulp of the berry, stewed in lard, is used advantageously as an ointment in tinea capitis. The decoction of the leaves is regarded as astringent and stomachic, and Dr. Skyston says he uses it with success 107 in hysteria. This plant is employed in Java and Persia. See Bev. Medicale, iv, 82. The tree is planted around stables, in order that horses, by eating the berries, may be prevented from having "bots." The leaves and ber- ries of the Pride of India, packed with dried fruits, will preserve them from, insects. It is much valued in this state as a shade tree, growing equally well in dry pine land resi- dences, and in cities ; during the expansion of the flowers, however, it gives out a disagreeable odor. It is easily blown down, and is not long-lived. The wood is beauti- fully grained, and adapted for table-covers, drawers, etc., never being injured by worms. A solution or decoction made with the berries of the Pride of India (to a half bushel of the berries put into a barrel add fifteen gallons of water, and let them soak one or two days), aud sprinkled with a water-pot over the plants, will, in most cases, prevent the depredation of the black grub or cutworm. The elder (Sambucus canadensis) is also said to be excellent, used in the same way. F. S. Holmes' So. Farmer. The oil from flax seed (Linum) will also destroy all kinds of animals infesting quadrupeds, when rubbed into the skin. A soap is made from the berries of the Pride of India, which is called "Poor man's soap." Aurantiaceje. ( The Orange Tribe.) Citrus aurantium, W. Orange. This well known tree is cultivated in Charleston, and grows abundantly in Beau- fort district, on the sea-coast; also in Florida, and coast of Georgia. I will refer to the Lemon, also, in this con- nection. To obtain the fragrant essences from the fresh rinds of lemons, oranges, etc., the rinds are rubbed against large lumps of loaf sugar until the yellow rind is completely absorbed. Those parts of the sugar which are impregnated with the essence, are, from time to time, to be cut away with a knife, and put into an earthen dish. The whole being thus taken off, the sugared essence is to be closely pressed, and 108 put by in pots, where it is to be squeezed down hard, have a bladder over the paper by which it is covered, and tied tightly up. It is at any time fit for use, and will keep for many years. Exactly in the same manner may be ob- tained and preserved, at the proper seasons, from the fresh roots, the essences of the rinds of bitter or sweet oranges, lemons or limes, bergamots, etc., some of which are often unattainable in a fresh state at any price. Thornton's Herbal, p. 659. By this simple means those who have, or can obtain lemons, may preserve the essence for the prepa- ration of cooling, acidulous drinks at any time. Wine may also be made from the orange. Thornton, in his medical work, gives the method as follows: Put twelve pounds of powdered sugar, with the whites of eight or ten eggs, well beaten, into six gallons of spring water, boil them three quarters of an hour ; when cold, put into it six spoonfuls of yeast and the juice of twelve lemons, which, being pared, must stand, with two pounds of white sugar, in a tankard, and in the morning skim off the top, and then put it into the water ; add the juice and rinds of fifty oranges, but not the white or pithy parts of the rinds ; let it work all together two days and two nights ; then add two quarts of Rhenish or white wine, and put it into a vessel. In P. O. Rep. 1859, p. 106, is a communication on the products of the Ionian islands and Italy. The following may be useful to those in Florida who raise the lemon in quantity: At Agrami, "the most considerable, and some- times the most valuable portion of the fruit is Scarito, or that rejected as unfit for exportation, from which the essen- tial oil contained in the rind, and the juice, or citric acid, in the pulp, are extracted. The essential oil is expressed by the hand, in a room from which the air is carefully excluded, as, owing to its highly volatile nature, the oil produced would be greatly diminished by currents of air. The skin cut from three sides of the lemon is pressed be- tween the thumb and finger, and ten or twelve ounces may be expressed in a long day by an expert workman. The oil thus expressed is put into large receivers, whence 109 (after remaining some days to deposit the extraneous mat- ter that comes off with the oil) it is transferred to copper bottles for exportation. "The juice, or citric acid, is obtained by submitting the pulp to a powerful press, which, though rustic in con- struction, is efficient. This is worked during the season night and day. The quantity of juice produced from one press during twenty-four hours averages 126 gallons. * * Lemon juice intended for exportation is put into well seasoned oak casks, and filled to the bung, so as entirely to exclude the air. When of a good quality, and the till- ing of the cask is completed, the article may be kept in a cellar or cold place for any reasonable time." Lemon juice, used for calico printing, was afterward boiled down, or evaporated, in leaden pans, over steam, to a certain con- sistency — the citric acid and mucilage only remaining in a highly concentrated stage. Consult Mulberry (Morus rubra, in this volume. See P. 0. Rep. 1858, p. 257, for Mr. Glover's report on the insects feeding upon it, and a history of the tree in Florida. See also Ure's Dictionary of Arts, article Citric Acid. To prevent attacks of the " scale," an insect, hot water or steam is the best remedy. The Persian powder (see P. 0. Rep. 1857, p. 129) is also advised (Pyrethrum caucasicum) — allied to the ox-eyed daisy {Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) growing in the Confederate States. Rhamnace^e. (The Buckthorn Tribe.) Ceanothus Americanus, L. New Jersey tea tree. Red- root. Two varieties exist in this state. Diffused in dry pine barrens ; Richland ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. Fl. July. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 108; Ferrein, Mat. Med. iii, 338; IT. S. Disp. 1240 ; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 291 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 165 ; Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1835. See also the Supplement to Mer. de L. Diet, de M. Med. 1846, 155. This plant possesses a considerable degree of astringency, and has been used in gonorrhoea! 110 discharges. It is applied by the Cherokee doctors as a wash in cancer, and may be used wherever an astringent is likely to be useful. The Indians employed it in lues venerea, preferring it to lobelia ; if the case was violent, the root of the blackberry (Bubus villosus) was mixed with it. Stearns' Am. Herbal, 97. Referring to its antisyphi- litic powers, Ferrein says: "Elle guerit aussi en moins de quinze jours, les veneriens les plus inveteres." It is not now supposed to be endowed with any very decided virtue in this respect. Dr. Hubbard prescribes it with advantage in the aphthous affections of infants, in malignant dysentery and in other maladies dependent upon debility ; he usually combines with it a little borax. See Journal de Pharm. xxiii, 354. Mr. Tuomey, State Geologist, informs me that much use is made of it in domestic practice in Chesterfield dis- trict. An infusion of the leaves was employed during the Revolutionary war as a substitute for tea. We have experi- mented with the leaves, and obtained a liquor somewhat resembling common tea both in color and taste. It imparts to wool a fine, persistent, cinnamon, nankeen color. The above was included in my report on the Medical Botany of South Carolina, published in 1849. Since the beginning of the war I called the attention of our citizens to this plant as a substitute for foreign tea, in a brief com- munication to the Charleston Courier (Oct. 1861), having again collected and used it, and induced others to do the same. I quote from this article : " Without any desire to exaggerate, I commend the substitute. It grows abun- dantly in our high pine ridges. The tea prepared from this shrub, drawn as common tea, is certainly a good substitute for indifferent black tea. Properly dried and prepared, it is better than none. I am glad to report it as a most excellent article to be used in war times in place of a high- priced commodity, which in every respect it closely resem- bles, if it does not equal." Dr. John Bachman, also, at a later period (1862) directed attention to the plant, stating that he had used it for two months in his own family. The leaves should be carefully dried in the shade. Ill Euphokbiace^. {The Ewphorbium Tribe.) The general property, according to Jussieu, is an exci- tant principle, residing principally in the milky secretion, and proportioned in its strength to the abundance of the latter. Buxus sempervire?is. Box. Ex. ; cultivated in gardens. Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 799 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 512 ; Le. i, 244 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 602. The leaves have been affirmed to be violently purgative, and are employed as a substitute for guaiacum. Dem. Elem. de Botanique, iii, 434 ; Bull. Plantes Ven. de France. A fetid oil is obtained from it, and the wood is prized by engravers for their blocks. The timber-bearing box tree is planted in England from the seeds to great profit, Besides being ornamental, its timber is very valuable. It attains a great height in Tur- key and Asia Minor, and the wood is used by the engrav- er, and for the manufacture of combs, and musical and mathematical instruments. It will grow on poor lands. The garden box is always dwarfish. Croton balsamiferum. Willd. South Florida. This plant, C. maralimign, Walt., and several other spe- cies, natives of the Confederate States, should be examined on account of their alliance with C. tiglium, which produces croton oil. Cascarilla bark, and a dye, are obtained from the genus Croton. Ricinus communis. Castor oil plant. Ex ; grows luxu- riantly in rich spots. This valuable plant thrives so well in this state, that it might be made a source of profit. On some of the plantations the seeds are boiled, and the su- pernatant oil given as a cathartic. It might with great advantage be more generally used. See authors passim. It is believed by some that one variety of the castor oil bean hulls itself spontaneously. I remember no distinc- 112 tion of this kind mentioned in Pereira's lengthy descrip- tion of the plant. I have been applied to to ascertain the relative value of the small and large-seeded variety. Pere- ira states that the oil is equally good and abundant in each. See also the Dictionnaire de Mat. Medicale. It is being planted extensively by planters for home use in the Confederate States; and at present, 1862, the oil sells at from eight to eleven dollars a gallon. As it is im- portant that this plant should be largely grown, on account of its great value and enormous consumption, I will be at the trouble to insert all the practical information at my disposal. A brief paper can be found in the Patent Office Report, 1855, p. 27. The writer says that the Palma Christi " has proved itself well adapted to the soil and climate of the Middle and Southern states, and were its culture ex- tended for the manufacture of castor oil, there is no doubt it would be profitable under improved methods of extract- ing it, and we should no longer be dependent upon other nations for a supply. At present we annually import an amount of this article exceeding in value $30,000." Although an annual, herbaceous plant in the gardens of the cooler parts of Europe and the United States, within the tropics, and the warm climates adjacent thereto, the Palma Christi becomes a tree of several years standing, often having a woody trunk of the size of a man's body, and fif- teen or twenty feet high. This plant thrives best in a light, sandy loam, although it may be cultivated with success in almost any soil tolerably fertile, or in any climate or soil where Indian corn will thrive. In the cooler parts of the Union it may be planted in hills two feet by three apart, two seeds in a place, as early in the spring as the warmth of the ground and the season will admit; but in the South, where the season is longer, and the plant assumes the character of a tree, the hills should be six or seven feet in one direction, and three and a half feet in the other, re- ceiving one seed to a hill, covered to the depth of two inches. The culture is so simple, that it only requires to 113 keep the plants free from weeds, with a small, flat hill to each. The only difficulty to contend" with is, that in saving or harvesting the beans, the outward coats, as they become dry and elastic, fly off the plants to a considerable distance, causing the seeds to drop to the ground. . In order to pre- vent this, it has been recommended to cut off' the branches from the plants, as soon as the pods begin to explode, and spread them on the floor of a close room ; and after the beans and their shells have parted, to separate the husks from the seeds with a fanning-mill, as with wheat, or try the common riddle and a draught of air. The seeds of this plant furnish the well known medicine, castor oil, which is obtained both by decoction and expression. The former method is performed by freeing the seeds from their husks, which are gathered upon their turning brown, and when beginning to burst open are first bruised in a mortar, afterward tied up in a linen bag, and then thrown into a large pot with a sufficient quantity of water, and boiled until the oil has risen to the surface, when it is carefully skimmed off", strained, and preserved for use. In extensive operations, a mill should be provided, moved by the agency of animal power, water, or steam, for bruis- ing the seeds ; and the other apparatus used in obtaining the oil should be of appropriate dimensions. The oil thus obtained, however, has the disadvantage of becoming ran- cid sooner than that procured by expression. The best mode, . therefore, is to subject the seeds to a powerful hy- draulic press, in a similar manner to that in which the oil is extracted from almonds and cotton seeds. The seeds yield about one-quarter of their weight in oil. The reader interested in the varieties, mode of pressure, etc., of castor oil seeds, may consult with profit Merat and De Len's Diet, cle Mat. Med., Pereira's Mat. Med., the U. S. Disp., and in addition the material included in, this paper; also, Ure's Diet, of Arts, article u Oils," and Wilson's Rural Cyc. The oil may be extracted from the seeds (see U. S. Disp.) 114 in three ways: by decoction, expression, and by the agency of alcohol. The process by decoction consists in bruising the seeds, previously deprived of their husks, and then boiling them in water. The oil rising to the surface is skimmed or strained off, and afterward again boiled with a small quantity of water, to dissipate the acrid principle. To increase the product, it is said that the seeds are some- times toasted. The oil is thus rendered brownish and acrid, and the same result takes place in the second boiling if care is not taken to suspend the process soon after the water is evaporated. Hence the color of the West India oil, where this method is pursued. " The oil obtained in this country is by expression. The following, as we have been informed, are the outlines of the process usually employed by those who prepare it on a large, scale. The seeds having been thoroughly cleansed from the dust and fragments of the capsules with which they are mixed, are conveyed into a shallow iron reservoir, where they are sub- mitted to a gentle heat, insufficient to scorch or decompose them, and not greater than can be readily borne by the hand. The object of this step is to render the oil suffi- ciently liquid for easy expression. The seeds are then introduced into a powerful screw-press. A whitish, oily liquid is thus obtained, which is transferred to clean iron boilers, supplied with a considerable quantity of water. The mixture is boiled for some time, and the impurities being skimmed off as they rise to the surface, a clear oil is at length left upon the top of the water — the mucilage and starch having been dissolved by this liquid, and the albumen coagulated by the heat. The latter ingredient forms a whitish layer between the oil and water. The clear oil is now carefully removed, and the process is com- pleted by boiling it with a minute proportion of water, and continuing the application of heat till aqueous vapor ceases to rise, and till a small portion of the liquid, taken out in a vial, preserves a perfect transparency when it cools. The effect of this last operation is to clarify the oil, and to 115 render it less irritating, by driving off" the acrid, volatile matter. But much care is requisite not to push the heat too far, as the oil then acquires a brownish hue, and an acrid, peppery taste. After the completion of the process, the oil is put into barrels, and is thus sent into market. There is reason, however, to believe -that much of the American oil is prepared by merely allowing it to stand for some time after expression, and then drawing off the supernatant liquid. One bushel of good seeds yields five or six quarts, or about twenty-five per cent, of the best oil. If it is not very carefully prepared, it is apt to de- posit a sediment upon standing ; and the apothecary -fre- quently finds it necessary to filter it through coarse paper before dispensing it. Perhaps this may be owing to the plan just alluded to, of purifying the oil by rest and clecan- tation." A large proportion of oil was obtained through New Orleans from Illinois. The American castor oil, says Wood and Bache, is also prepared by mere expression, rest, and decantation. See Bent (" Sesamum") for oils and method of expression. Doctor John Bachman ("J. B."), who has exhibited the character of the true patriot during our present struggles, communicates the following on the castor' oil plant: Mode of Culture. — Break up the land with a plough, and lay it off in rows six feet apart, each way. The best time to plant is from the middle of April to the second week in May. Drop three seeds in each hill. Half a bushel of seed will plant ten acres. Treat the plant in the same manner as corn. Be careful in looking after the cut- worm, which gives it the preference to corn. When the plants are six inches high, they should be thinned to one stalk in a hill. New lands, broken up the same season, are not suited. 1 One hand can tend five acres. In a good, dry soil, the yield will be from fifteen to twenty bushels per acre, each bushel yielding seven quarts of pure oil. Gathering the Seed. — About the middle of August the seeds begin to ripen, and will continue until checked by the frost. A writer in the Western Plough Boy, of 1832, 116 says: "Previous to the ripening of the seeds, the yard for spreading them on should be prepared. It should be made on ground of a gradual descent, open to the sun, and made very smooth and firm. The first and second parcels that ripen must stand till the pods on the ear begin to crack, otherwise a part of the bean will be imperfect. Later in the season, when the stalk is more mature, they must be cut when two or three pods begin to open, or they will waste. They are laid in the yard one ear deep. In warm weather a layer will pop out in three days. When all have opened the stems are raked oft'. The hulls are swept oft' with a broom made with naked switches ; which, if care- fully done, will not leave more than one bushel of hulls in eight of beans. They may be cleaned with a common wheat-fan, with a riddle suited to the size of the bean." Mode of Extraction. — The oil is obtained both by coc- tion and expression. The former method is performed by tying up the seeds, previously broken and bruised, in a bag, which is suspended in boiling water till the oil is ex- tracted and rises to the surface, when it is skimmed oft". This is the usual mode adopted by farmers. The smallest quantity of water, however,- remaining in the oil, causes it to become rancid. The "cold expressed oil" is prefer- able, and will continue pure for a long time. The process is easy and simple. The screw and the lever used in bal- ing cotton will express the oil from the beans. The cap- sules, or unopened beans, are to be moderately heated in a furnace, not so hot as to be distressing to the naked hand. Under the screw is fixed a strong iron cylinder, into which the beans are put, and covered with an iron follower, of diameter proportioned to the cylinder. The oil is now fit for use. I have seen it stated that "a Southwestern plant- er began with- making 500 gallons of oil in 1825, and in 1831 he produces 13,000." It was then a profitable busi- ness at one dollar and fifty cents per gallon. I trust our planters will see the necessity of preparing to plant the castor oil bean extensively. The great value of the oil as a purgative is the mildness and rapidity with 117 which it operates. It is much needed by the brave defend- ers of our soil. It has saved thousands of lives-; and if we cannot obtain it, thousands must perish by our inatten- tion to the production of this necessary medicine. That the profits, under moderate prices, are greater than. the production of any other article, I am fully aware. N. B. — Planters should be encouraged to plant largely of the ground-nut — it makes an admirable oil; so does the benL Oils are needed not only for table use, but on our machinery of every description. Mr. W. Toney, a writer in the Southern Field and Fire- side, says "there are several varieties, all yielding castor oil, but only one kind which is self-hulling, and this is the true, genuine oil-bean." If this is so, I am not aware of it. I have only seen a large and a small seed variety, and ho writer refers, so far as I am aware, to any other distinction. The writer referred to says that, for the common varieties, some machinery, like the cotton seed huller, is necessary to decorticate them. A recent writer says that when the capsule is about to expel the bean it is ripe ; the ripe bunches should be re- moved from the stalk with a knife, and laid thinly over a hard and dry floor of earth, plank, etc., on a hot and sunny day, when the heat of the sun will cause the capsules to expel the contained beans. Now rake away the straw, and winnow away the chaff. The cleaned beans are now to be beaten in a mortar with a pestle, or ground in a mill to a good degree of fineness. The mass may then be made to give out the contained oil, either by decoction or by expression. The beaten beans may be used as 'a purgative, but an overdose is sure to act powerfully as a cathartic, and often as an emetic. Three beans (a little more or less) are gen- erally enough for a dose. The castor oil bean, after being exposed in the sun, may be thrashed with a flail, or slightly pounded in a mortar, to loosen out the seeds. I would suppose that the best plan would be to winnow out the seeds from their coverings. 118 To purify the oil of mucilage, which will render it rancid, the oil should be boiled in a little water; the mucilage being insoluble in the water, may be skimmed off. Any water remaining with the oil should be evaporated, taking care not -to burn or overheat the oil in the process. Soubeiran considers that all processes in which heat is employed are objectionable, as a quantity of fatty acids is produced, which renders the oil acrid; only, too high a temperature should be avoided. Pereira says that in England the oil is ex- pressed either by Bramah's hydraulic press, or by a common screw-press, in a room artificially heated. It is purified by rest, decantation, and filtration. It is bleached by exposure to light on the tops of houses. In Calcutta it is prepared as follows, Pereira adds : The fruit is shelled by women, the seeds are crushed between rollers, then placed in hempen cloths, and pressed in the ordinary screw or h}^- draulic press. The oil thus procured is afterward heated with water in a tin boiler until the water boils, by which the mucilage or albumen is separated as a scum. The oil is then strained through flannel, and put into canisters. The small seed variety is supposed to yield the most oil. Beans of ricinus are said by Boussingault to be about four times more rich in oil than either flaxseed, olives, or sun- flower seed. He says that 62 pounds of oil can be pro- cured in 100 of the castor oil bean. It is stated that in Jamaica castor oil is often obtained by simply bruising the iseeds in a mortur, and boiling them in bags under water — the oil rises to the surface, is skimmed off, strained, and bottled for use. This was the plan used on the plantations in South Carolina during the war of Independence. It would not do for operations on a large scale. See also Encyc. Britannica, art. "Ricinus." The oil is considered good for illuminating purposes. A writer in the Southern Cultivator, p. 29, vol .7, refers to the discovery of a proc- ess for separating stearine from the pure oil in the seeds, and making the former into candles. The cake left after the expression of castor oil is very advantageously applied to land as a manure for wheat and 119 other crops/ An interesting communication upon this subject may be found in the first volume of the Farmer's Register, from T. Or. Peachy, Esq., of Williamsburg, Va., the results of whose experiments show the great value of the article. In one experiment he applied from fifty to sixty bushels per acre on seven and a half acres of land sown with ten bushels of wheat, and the product was twenty-six bushels of wheat per acre. In this case the land was so poor that not over five bushels could, be ex- pected from it without dressing. He recommends about forty bushels as an ordinary dressing. Mr. Peachy does not think the common impression correct, that the chief effi- cacy of the cake resides in the portion of oil which it re- tains. His press, he says, " is a very powerful one, and leaves a very small portion of oil in the cake. There is, moreover, other refuse matter in such an establishment as ours, which contains a vast deal more oil than the cake, which I have used as manure, and been uniformly disap- pointed in its effects. Accident has enabled me, I think, to solve the difficulty, and to declare my belief that the fertilizing qualities of the oil cake reside chiefly in the farina it contains. Some time last year, a vessel laden with flour was stranded near Jamestown, and the flour ruined. Mr. John Mann, who owns a farm in the neigh- borhood, took two or three of the barrels, and top-dressed a small portion of his wheat with it. I was not an eye- witness of its effects ; but I was informed that it produced as great an increase of that portion of his crop as my oil cake would have done. "By experiment, I find that fifty bushels of the cake will weigh 1,800 pounds; and of this quantity I have discovered that ten-eighteenths is farina or flour — equal to five barrels of flour. The cotton seed, I fancy, contains more farina, in proportion to the oil, than the castor bean, and, I be- lieve, would produce as great an effect after being deprived of its oil as it would do in its original state." Jatropha stimulosa y Mx. Stinging nettle. Grows in dry 120 pine land ; vicinity of .Charleston ; collected in St. John's ; Richland, Div they seldom sell their acorns, yet usually estimate their value at from Is. 6d. to 2s. per bushel," etc. Wilson. See also Boutcher's "thoroughly practical" Treatise on Forest Trees. See Boussingault's Agricultural Chemistry, and Wilson's Rural Cyc, for method of preserving timber. Betulace^e. (The Birch Tribe.) Bark astringent ; sometimes employed as a febrifuge. Betula lenta, L. Sweet birch ; cherry birch ; mountain mahogany. Mountain ridges of South Carolina. U. S. Disp. 1233. The bark and leaves possess a very aromatic flavor. An infusion of them is useful as an agree- able, gently stimulant, and diaphoretic drink. The oil, obtained by distillation from the bark, has been shown by Proctor to be similar to that of the Gaultheria procumbens. (See that plant.) It also affords a saccharine liquor. Am. Journal Pharm. xv, 213; Ell. Bot. ii, 617. The wood, possessing a fine grain, which is susceptible of a beautiful polish, is much used by cabinet-makers. It would be adapted to the fine work on railroad cars. Is the hand- somest of the species, and has the finest timber. "The timber, when fresh cut, has a rosy tint, and afterward deepens in color by exposure. It has a fine, close grain, and is susceptible of a very high polish. It is used for sofas, 266 arm-chairs, the frames of coach panels, and various other purposes. " "Wilson ; Miehaux's Travels, etc. "The Sap of the Birch tree reddens turnsole intensely. It is colorless, and has a sweet taste. The water which forms a greater part of it holds in solution sugar, extractive matter, acetate of lime, acetate of alumina, and acetate of potash. When properly concentrated by evaporation, it ferments on the addition of yeast, and then yields alcohol on distillation. The presence of the acetate of alumina may appear extraordinary in the sap for this reason, that alumina has not yet been discovered in the ashes of the birch tree." Boussingault's Rural Econ. p. 65, ed. 1857. Betula nigra, Linn. B. rubra, Mx. Red birch. Vicinity of Charleston ; collected on the Santee river, St. John's, Berkley; Newbern. Fl. March. Ind. Bot. Dr. Green states that a strong decoction of the bark cured cases of putrid sore throat. It is useful also in pleurisy. Lindley says that the black birch of North America is one of the hardest and most valuable we possess. This might suit the purposes of the engraver, and in the construction of any implements requiring wood of firm texture. We have also the yellow and the cherry birch. The shoots and the twigs of the B. lanulosa, or B. nigra, said by Wilson to grow in the Carolinas, are used for hoops, and " made into excellent street brooms." Its wood is compact, nearly white, and streaked longitudi- nally, and useful for various economical purposes. Con- sult "Alnics semdata." Abuts serrulata, Aitou. Alder. Grows along rivulets, Charleston district ; Richland, Prof. Gibbes ; Newbern. Fl. April. U. S. Disp. 1224. The bark is astringent. 1ST. Y. Jour- nal Med. v, 7, 8. It had for a long time been neglected ; but in the article referred to the decoction is spoken highly of as an alterative and astringent in scrofula, and cutaneous diseases, and it is said to have been very success- 267 fill in hsematuria ; in these affections producing beneficial results where all other means had failed. Shec, in his Flora Carol., spoke of the alder tags, as being of great service, on account of their alterative powers ; a decoction of the leaves has also been used to suppress hemorrhage, and they have been found effectual in relieving dyspepsia and bowel complaints. An astringent decoction may be made of the bark, leaves, or tags — acting also as a diuretic. A tincture may also be used. Poultices made of them are used as a local application to tumors, sprains, swellings, etc. The leaves are applied externally to wounds and ulcers. The inner bark of the root is emetic, and it has been given in intermittents. It is used by tanners and dyers; the shoots, cut in March, will impart a cinnamon color to cloths and flannels. The black alder is used to color flannels: "Take the bark, boil it well, then skim, or strain it well ; wet the cloth in a pretty strong lye, and dip it into the alder liquor ; let it remain till cool enough to wring, and it gives an indelible orange color." The wood does not absorb water easily, and is employed in making- posts, and any structure liable to be submerged. The English Alnus (A. glutinosa) is planted along the side of water-courses, rivulets, and sand-banks, to prevent the en- croachment of water by the hardening and binding influ- ence of the roots upon the soil, and also as a border to conceal unsightly or boggy lands. The wood is suited for pipes, pump-trees, and all kinds of subaqueous wood-work, "where it will harden like a very stone," says an old writer; now superseded, says Wilson, "for even these purposes by the Kyanized wood of more close grained trees." The wood of this is also used for various purposes of the turner, for the cogs of wheels, etc. "Charcoal made of its timber has long been highly valued for the manufac- ture of gunpowder." Wilson's Rural Cyclopaedia, art. Alnus. I do not know how closely our A. serrulata and A. viridis resemble the English tree. The bark of alders is astringent, and is used by tanners and dyers ; see Wilson. It is, in other w T ords, rich in tannin. The birch (JBetula 268 nigra, L.), in fact all of our species, no doubt, contain a certain proportion of the gummy, oily substance peculiar to the B. alba of England. The flowers of the latter are highly odoriferous, and the oil is collected. The bark is also used by the tanner. Russia skins are said to be tanned with it, hence the peculiar odor. Our species of birch may no doubt be used for similar purposes. I have little doubt, in consideration of the possession of an astringent and oily, resinous principle, that a tincture of the catkins would .serve as an excellent astringent, stimulating diuretic, to be used in gleet, gonorrhoea, and in chronic diseases of the genito-urinary apparatus. Birch wine is also made in England from the sap of the birch. The papery sheets of birch bark were used as a writing material. URiTiCACEiE. [The Nettle Tribe.) Urtica urens, L. Dwarf nettle. Grows around Beaufort ; collected in Fairfield district; Ell. says at St. Mary's, Georgia; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Fl. February. Murray's App. Med. iv, 592 ; Bull. Plarites Yen. de France, 170. It causes an excessive discharge of urine, and Serapion said that thirty grains of it would purge. In the Supplement to the Diet, de Mat. Med. by Mer. and de L., 1846, p. 719, we have an account of the remarkable haemostatic virtues of this and the U. dioica, also found in South Carolina. It had originally obtained some favor in this respect, and was used by Sydenham, but had for a long time fallen into disrepute. It has been reserved for M. Guinestet to restore the public confidence in it; and it is now spoken favorably of by Chomel, Lange, and Desbois. Guinestet advises it in hemorrhage, and reports five cases of uterine hemorrhage in which bleeding was instantly ar- rested ; two to four ounces of the juice were given, taken internally, and in the form of injection. It has also been successfully employed in heematemesis and epistaxis, and cases of two months duration were cured. The objections of others who were not so successful have been satisfactorily 269 answered, its pretended therapeutic action being denied hj Drs. Kaseiakewies and Fiard, who report a case of poison- ing from the internal use of two ounces of the concentrated decoction. The supporters have produced well sustained arguments destroying the force of these statements; and Merat himself speaks favorably of it in an official report made to the Academy, and published in the Bull, de Therap.; he furnishes a case of nasal hemorrhage, occurring in a ffirl who was sriving birth to a child, and who was at the same time flooding, both of which he succeeded in arresting with the juice of this plant, when everything else had failed. Many others have used it with very favorable results in this and in leucorrhoea. "Sperons," adds the author of the Diet, de M. Med., " que l'experience con- firmera ces heureux resultats. " See Amusat's, Cheval- lier's, and Merat's Rapport " stir l'emploi du sue d'ortie comme antihemorragique," made in 1846, in the Bull, de l'Acad. Royale de Med. ix, 1015. Dr. Menicucci, of Rome, introduces into the vagina a sponge soaked in the juice ; and it may be at the same time administered internally. See Abeilhe Medicale, Mai, 1846. M. Griiinestet attributes its hamiostatic virtues to a constituent which coagulates milk in the same way that poisons do. See a letter of Merat, relating a case of uterine hemorrhage existing for two months, which was cured by the juice of the U. dioica (in French). Idem, x, 364, 1845 ; Mer. and de L. vi, 875 ; Journal de Med. vi, 492. By analysis, it contains a car- bonate, ammonia, chlorophyl, mucus, black coloring matter, gallic acid, tannin, and nitrate of potash, less abundant than in the U. dioica (which see). Induced by these notices to test it myself, I succeeded in obtaining a quantity of the U. wrens from Fairfield district, S. C. Assisted by Dr. R. A. Kinloch, of Charleston, I pro- ceeded to expose and divide the right common carotid arteries of two sheep, upon the bleeding orifices of which was applied lint covered with a sponge soaked in the cold infusion and the decoction respectively. The results were as follows : the first died from improper manipulation ; in 270 the second, the bleeding ceased entirely — the animal was killed, however, a short time afterward. The juice of the plant seemed to have some effect in coagulating fresh blood poured out into the hand. Upon giving the cold infusion, made with two ounces of the plant to a pint of water, in doses of a wineglassful four times a day, to a patient affect- ed with chronic hematuria, who had used tannin, gallic acid, and the infusion of buchu ineffectually, she confessed having derived decided relief from it, but complained of its having brought out an eruption over the body. The ex- periments in both cases are obviously too meagre to enable me to pronounce positively as to the amount of power the plant possesses. Celsus employed the Urtica in paralysis. De Re Medica, 1. iii, 27 ; Bull, des Sci. Med. ix, 77. Flag- ellation with the branches, which, it is well known, contain stings which produce great irritation, followed by inflam- mation, has been recommended for bringing out cutaneous and febrile eruptions, as in scarlatina, in apoplexy, in in- sensibility of organs, in chronic rheumatism, and in fact wherever a powerful external stimulating revulsive is re- quired. For this purpose it has even been employed in the algid period of incurable cholera morbus. Dr. Marchand, Seance de 1'Acad. Roy. de Med. ii, July, 1832 ; J. Ste- voght, Diss, de Urtica, 1707 ; J. Francus, Tractatus Singu- laris de Urtica U rente, etc. Dilleng, 1726. Both this and the U. dioica are found in the Confederate States, and I would invite farther and particular examination into properties which are of so valuable a description. I ob- serve no notice of these experiments in the American works. The minute structure of the sting is said to be very curious. Urtica dioica, L. Common or red dead nettle. Grows along roads and fences; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. Aug. Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 338. It is applied extensively as a stimulating and- antiseptic astringent. and detersive, the herb and seed being used; the decoction is also alluded to in this work as being used in hemorrhage, bloody urine, 271 etc. Urtication with this also was employed in rheumatism, paralysis, etc. (See U. wrens.) The root is advised in jaun- dice and nephritic diseases. Fl. Scotica, 57. A rennet was made with a strong decoction. One quart of salt was added to three pints of the decoction, and boiled for use, a spoon- ful of which was sufficient to coagulate a large quantity of milk. Stearns, in the Am. Herbal, 136, refers to its use in jaundice, nephritic disorders, and in hemorrhage. "The juice snuffed up the nose stops bleeding, and a leaf put on the tongue, and pressed against the roof of the mouth, will answer the same purpose." Thornton's Fam. Herbal. Lin- naeus, in his Veg. Mat. Med. 511, alludes to its employment in hemorrhage ; it was considered lithontriptic and emmena- gogue, and adapted to those in whom the hemorrhagic diathesis prevailed; all of which opinions I quote, as coming from old authors. "Steel dipped in the juice be- comes more flexible." The seeds produce an oil, which, taken in moderate quantities, excites the system, especially "les plaisirs de rumour." Twenty or thirty grains of these induce vomiting, and a few of them, taken daily, are said to reduce excessive corpulency. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 613. By Salladin's analysis, in Journal de Chim. Med. vi, 492, the plant contains nitrate of lime, hydrochlo- rate of soda, phosph. potash, acetate of lime, ligneous mat- ter, with silicate and oxalate of iron. Pallas, Voyage, i, 700; G-melin, Flora Siberica, ii; Mathiole, Comra. 560. It is said that animals which feed on the plant become both fatter and stronger. Mem. de Hserlem, xxvi. The stalks have a fibre like hemp, and have been emploj'ed for making cordage; the root boiled in alum will dye a yellow colour. I have obtained a fine yellow colour bj T boiling the agri- mony (Agrimoniu eupatoriu) in water with alum. See Hooke's Microscop. Diss, xxii, 12, and Guettard, Mem. de l'Acack des Sci. de Paris, 1751, 350, for a description of the struct- ure of the sting, and the Petersburg Journal, 1778, 370, for a notice of the value of the stalks in making ropes and paper. The IT. S. Disp., 1303, barely notices the plant. Late experiments may have escaped the attention of its indefati- gable authors. 272 The nettle plants are known to be closely allied to those bearing textile fibres, and indeed thread can be made from all the nettles. The Bcelwieria nivea, formerly known as Urtica nivea, is the famous China grass which has been introduced into this country by the Patent Office on account of its value for manufacturing purposes. The China grass cloth is made from it. Dr. Royle says that it has sold in England at from £80 to £120 a ton. See Patent Office Rep. 244, 1855, and Dr. J. F. Royle and Dr. Roxburgh's treatises on the orient- al fibres. Experiments may be made in the Confederate States upon the yield of fibre from the Urtica wrens and dioica, which grow spontaneously. Boiling in alkaline so- lutions and lime-water is used in preparation of such plants. See article cited ; also Apocynum. The common nettle, remarks Mr. Lawson, who ranks it with flax, hemp, cotton, phormium, and other fibre-yielding economical plants, has been long known as affording a large proportion of fibre, which has not only been made into ropes and cordage, but also into sewing-thread and beautiful white linen-like cloth of superior quality. The fibre, he adds, is easily separated from other parts of the stalk, without their undergoing the processes of watering and bleaching, although by such the labor necessary for that purpose is considerably lessened. Like those of many other common plants, the superior merits of this generally accounted troublesome weed have hitherto been much overlooked — quoted by Wilson in Rural Cyc. It is stated that the roots possess astringent and diuretic properties, and have been found serviceable in poultices for tumors, and decoc- tions for other complaints. The leaves, chopped up with meal or with boiled potatoes, are used for feeding ducklings, young turkeys, and full grown poultry, especially in winter, and are said to promote the laying of eggs. Settles are sometimes boiled and eaten in the manner of greens. La- borers use the young tops of nettles as a pleasant, nourishing, and mildly aperient potherb, either in soups or in accompa- niment with salt beef or pork. Rural Cyc. 273 TJrtica pumila, L. Grows in wet soils, vicinity of Charles- ton ; Richland, Prof. Gibbes. Fl. Sept. Griffith, Med. Bot. 572. This is quite smooth; is said to be an excellent application to inflamed parts, and to relieve the eruption caused by the Rims. Griffith invites further investigation. Camions saliva. Hemp. Ex. Nat. Cultivated in the upper districts. The value of this plant for manufacturing purposes, for making ropes and cordage, is well known. It may become a most important question whether or not we can raise it in the Atlantic states with as much profit as in Kentucky, or to repay the labor bestowed upon it. I have not been able to ascertain whether the juice of the plant, as cultivated here^ possesses the intoxicating properties of the East India species (0. Indica), though it has been asserted that "water in which it is soaked becomes violently poisonous." See a paper in Patent Office Reports, 1848, p. 574, from Louisville Journal, containing a full description of varieties, mode of production, and preparation of hemp. Count Chaptal says, in his Chemistry applied to Agriculture, that M. Proust had determined, after numerous experiments, that the stalk of hemp furnished the best charcoal for the manufacture of gunpowder — better than the willow. From the seeds is ex- tracted an oil, generally employed by painters. The fine oil obtained from the seeds is peculiarly adapted for burn- ing in chambers, as it is perfectly limpid, and possesses no smell. The Russians and Poles, even of the higher class, bruise or roast the seeds, mix them with salt, and eat them on bread. It expels vermin from plantations of cabbages if planted on the borders of fields ; if planted with that vegetable, no caterpillar will infest it. "Willich's Dom. Enc. The seeds may be sown in April or May, from two to three bushels per acre, either broadcast, and hoeing out the plants to a distance of sixteen or seventeen inches, or by the drill, at a distance of thirty inches. In the autumn the plants are pulled, the male plants first, and the female plants six 18 274 or seven weeks afterward, when they have ripened their seed. Thus there are two harvests of the hemp crop. The male plants are readily known by their faded flowers, and yellowish color. They are then tied in small bundles and carried to the pool, where they are to be steeped. Hemp, like flax, poisons the water in which it is steeped. The same process is followed when the female plants are pulled; only these, before they are steeped, have their seeds beaten out. The process of steeping commonly lasts four or five days, and is continued until the outside coat of the hemp readily separates. It is then carefully and evenly spread on some grass turf, where it remains for three or four weeks, being turned over about twice every week, by which the decom- position of the woody part of the stem is materially acceler- ated. It is next carried to the barn, where it is bruised by the break, a machine constructed for the purpose; it is then bound up into bundles, and carried to market. (Low's JPrac. Agr. p. 348.) There is a paper on a species of African hemp by Mr. A. Hunter (Trans. High. Soc. vol. iii, p. 87); others on the cultivation of hemp in America, by Mr.W. Tonge (Ann. of Agr. vol. xxiii, p. 1); in Italy (ibid. vol. xvi, p. 439, and vol. ii, p. 216), and in Catalonia. (Ibid. vol. viii, p>. 243.) 'It seems that 100 parts of Indian hemp-seed yield 20 to 25 per cent, of oil. (Com. Agr. Asiat. Soc. 1838, p. 69.) See Flax. Among our native substitutes for hemp are the Apocynum ■cannabinum, the Canada Golden Rod; Solidago canadensis, L. (S. procera, of Ell.); the Sunflower (Helianthus) affords single filaments, which are said to be as thick and as strong as small packthread; also our jEsclepias Syriaca, Uriica dioica and Yucca jilamentosa or bear-grass. See these plants. Elliott says that bear-grass possesses the strongest fibre of any vegetable whatsoever. Its roots are extensive, and bear transplanting. See Prep, of Hemp, Farmer's Encyc. See, also, files of the Kentucky Farmer. Paper is made of waste hemp, whitened. The seeds afford an oil, which, boiled in milk, is recommended against coughs, and is also 275 said to be useful in. incontinence of urine. In India an intoxicating liquor is made from the leaves, resembling opium in its effects. Humulus lupulus, L. Hop. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina, and generally cultivated in Confederate States. Dr. McBride; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 185; Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. i, 348, and ii, 455 ; Eb. M. Med. ii, 55 ; TX. S. Disp. 374 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 163 ; Freake, Med. Phys. Journal, xiii, 432; Thompson's Lond. Disp. 200; Bigsby, Lond. Med. Repos. v, 97; Bryorly's Inaug. Diss. Phil. An. 1803 ; Ives in Silliman's Journal, ii, 302 ; Thornton's Fam. Herbal, 820. This plant is certainly pos- sessed of some narcotic power. According to Dr. Latham, an infusion of it is a good substitute for laudanum. It is employed in doses of one and a half drachms in allaying the distressing symptoms of phthisis. It augments the se- cretions, removes pain and irritability, and induces sleep. Dr. Maton, Fell. Roy. Soc. Coll. Phys., says that large doses produce headache. It is thought to be a specific in removing asthmatic pains, without increasing the secre- tions. Mer. and cle L. Diet, cle M. Med. iii, 544; Pliny, lib. xxi, c. 15 ; Flore Med. iv, 196. It is given with good effect as a stomachic, in inappetency and weakness of the diges- tive organs. Mat. Med. Indica. 120; Bull. des. Sci. Med. xvi, 145 ; Journal des Sci. Med. xli, 376 ; Edinb. Journal, iv, 23; Diss. Medici de Humuli medici viribus medicis, Edinb. 1803; Bromelius, "Lupulogia," Stockholm, 1687; Obs. of Freake on the Hop, Lond. Lupulin] obtained from *it, is said to diminish the force of the pulse. See Journal de Chim. Med. ii, 527; Journal de Pharm. viii, 228 and 330. In the Supplem. to M. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. 1846, a case is reported of a girl being poisoned by the hop. Rev. Scientifique, Mars, 1845; Journal de Pharm. Mars, 1842. Much use is made of the hop poultice in al- laying pain, applied over the part. Its domestic value in preparing the liquor known as yeast is obvious, as well as 276 for other purposes where fermentation is to be established in the manufacture of many alcoholic drinks and malt liquors. The medicinal properties of the hop are said to depend upon the lupulin, a peculiar resinous secretion con- tained in the glands, which is obtained by thrashing and sifting the strobiles. By analysis it consists of volatile oil, bitter principle, or lupulin, resin, etc. ; when administered internally, this has all the good effects of the hop; given in pill, in doses of six to ten grains, or in tincture in those of a half to one drachm; and it may also be added to poulti- ces, ointments, etc. Ives' Experiments; Griffith, Med. Bot. 574. The tincture of lupulin is said to be preferable ; dose, one to two fluid drachms. Patent Office Rep. 280, 1857, contains a very full treatise on the hop, condensed from various sources — an analysis of the plant, the best mode of cultivation, gathering, etc. As the raising of the hop is of great importance, I would refer cultivators to this article. It is said to be one of the very most exhausting among cultivated plants, both in respect to the organic and mineral constituents which it extracts from the soil; so that valleys containing the debris of the surrounding country should be selected. See, also, Wil- son's Rural Cyc, art. "Hop," "Beer," "Ale." His account of cultivation, diseases, etc., of the hop is full and instruc- tive. The stem of the hop contains a fibre like hemp, which is used in making a strong white cloth in Sweden, though it requires long steeping to separate the fibre. The hop plant is rich in tannin, and has been used for tanning: the ash yields 25. of potash, 15. of lime, magnesia, salt, etc. The suckers of the hop are said to form an agreeable vege- table for the table when dressed like asparagus. Honey dew is frequent on hop plants from the perforations of the aphis. It is said to be very abundant on cotton plants. An article also on the cultivation of the hop can be found in Patent Office Reports, 1854, p. 354. I quote from the paper mentioned above as follows, as I consider information on this topic important: The hop is a perennial plant of easy cultivation, and 277 will grow in any part of the Western states. Its domestic uses are so obvious, that no farm or garden should be with- out one or more roots. It requires a rich, deep, mellow soil, with a dry, pervious, or rocky subsoil. The exposure in a northern climate should be toward the south, as on the slope of a hill, or in an}' well sheltered valley. It may be propagated by seeds, or by divisions of the roots ; but it is more usual to plant the young shoots which rise from the bottom of the stems of old plants. These are laid down in the earth till they strike, when they are cut off and planted in a nursery bed. Care must be takeu to have only one sort of hops in the same plat or field, in order that they may all ripen at the same time. The ground having been prepared for planting, it is divided by parallel lines six feet apart, and short sticks are inserted into the ground along the lines at seven feet distance from each other, and so as to alternate the rows, as is frequently done with fruit trees and other plants, in what is called the "Quincunx form." By this method every plant will be just seven feet from each of its neighbors, although the rows will be only six feet apart, and consequently about one-eighth of land will be actually saved, as indicated in the diagram below: At each stick a hole may be dug two feet square and two feet deep, and lightly filled with the earth dug out, mixed with a compost prepared with well rotted dung, lime, and muck. Fresh dung should never be applied to hops. Three plants are next placed in the middle of this hole six inches asunder, forming an equilateral triangle. A water- ing with liquid manure will greatly assist their taking root, and they will soon begin to show "vines." Sticks three or four feet long are then stuck in the middle of the three plants, and the vines are tied to them with twine or bass, till they lay hold and twine around them. During their growth the ground should be well hoed and forked up around the roots, and some of the fine mould thrown 278 around the stems. In favorable seasons a few hops may be picked from these young plants in autumn, but in gen- eral there is nothing the first year. Late in autumn the ground may be carefully dug with a spade, and the earth turned toward the plants, to remain during the winter. Early in spring the second year the hillocks around the plants should be opened, and the roots examined. The last year's shoots are then cut off within an inch of the main stem, and all the suckers quite close to it. The latter forms an agreeable vegetable for the table when dressed like asparagus. The earth is next pressed round the roots, and the parts covered so as to exclude the air. A pole about twelve feet long is then firmly stuck into the ground near the plants; to this the vines are led, and tied as they shoot, until they have taken hold of it. If by accident a vine leaves the pole it should be carefully brought back to it, and tied until it takes new hold. Mr. J. J. Bennett, of New York, says: "The manner in which I cultivate hops is as follows: After ploughing the ground intended for hops, I use about ten loads of leached ashes per acre for a top-dressing, after which it should be well harrowed. The rows should be eight feet apart, and the hills seven feet apart. In setting, a line is used with marks indicating the distance between the hills. After the line is drawn, small sticks are set to each mark. Roots are to be cut, two joints on each piece, three pieces to the hill ; cover about two inches. The ground ma} 7 be planted with corn the first year, as the hops will not run until the second. It should be sown the first of May in drills three and one-half feet apart ; sow with seed-drill. The first year corn may be raised; plant one foot from the teasel row. I weed them twice the first year ; the second year they are to be cultivated and hoed twice. The first of August I cut such as are ripe, which will be known by the shedding of the blossoms. I cut at four different times, the stems to be about four inches long. They are to be spread on shelves about eight inches deep, one tier above another. There should be a good circulation of air, that 279 they may cure well. I paid for cultivating five acres forty- two dollars; paid for harvesting eighty-five dollars." See a full description of hops, mode of cultivation, prepara- tions, adulterations, etc., in Johnson's Chemistry of Com- mon Life,' vol. ii, p. 36 ; also Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, articles "Hop," "Ale,"" Beer," etc. Con- sult Pereira's Mat. Medica, Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Agriculture, Boussingault's Treatise on Agriculture in its relations with Chemistry, and Thaer's Agriculture, for mode of planting, preparation, etc. See, also, Phillips' History of Cultivated Vegetables. The uses of the hop pillow and the tincture of hops, as sedatives and mild nar- cotics, are well known ; but for the medicinal application consult the various works on the materia medica. The great importance of cultivating this plant on a large scale for manufacture of yeast should be impressed upon the people. See receipt books for mode of making spruce and hop beer with hops, and the essence of spruce. Mode of making hop beer is as follows: For a half-barrel of beer, take half a pound of hops, and half a gallon of mo- lasses. The latter must be poured by itself into the casks. Boil the hops, adding to them a teacupful of powdered ginger in about a pailful and a half of water; that is, a quantity sufficient to extract the virtue of the hops. When sufficiently brewed, put it up warm into the cask, shaking it well in order to mix it with the molasses. Then fill it up with w r ater quite up to the bung, which must be left open, to allow it to work. You must be careful to keep it constantly filled up with water whenever it works over. "When sufficiently worked it may be bottled, adding a spoonful of molasses to each bottle. Thornton'b Southern Gardener. Ale and beer can be made in the Confederate States, though not with the same advantage as in colder climates. Though without practical experience, I am forced to the conviction that the desideratum is cool cellars. In the rural districts what are called dry cellars are constructed in the clay, just above the water-bearing stratum, the top enclosed 280 or covered with a closed house. The temperature of these cellars is quite low, and they are used in keeping milk, butter, melons, cider, etc. I think their temperature would allow the manufacture and preservation of either wine, ale. or beer. Ale has been made near Charleston, at Mount Pleasant; but to prevent fermentation, cellars are required. The reader interested in the subject can find a description of the English method of making malt liquors in Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, in Wilson's Rural Cyclopaedia (art. "Ale"), in Solly's Rural Chemistry, p. 178, see art. "Fermentation and Distillation"; also, Thornton's Family Herbal, "Mentha," p. 565., Child on Brewing, Combrune's Theory and Practice of Brewing. In England they use Gentiana, lutea, purpurea, and rubra as substitutes for hops. Consult this volume, art. "Persim-r mou "" (Diospyros), ■ "Sassafras" (Laurus), "Blackberry" and "Cherry" (Cerasus), "Apple" (Pyrus), for liquors. Moras alba, L. Mulberry. Nat. Diffused; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. March. Bell's Pract. Diet. 319 ; U. S. Disp. 463 ; Dem. Elem. de Bot. The root is bitter, and very astringent, and is useful in relaxed states of the bowels, diarrhoea, etc. Lind. ISTat. Syst. Bot. 186. It contains myroxylic acid with lime. Tur- ner, 640. See analysis in the Journal de Chim. Med. x, 676. The bark is a purgative vermifuge, but is more im- portant on account of "the leaves being the favorite food of the silk- worm." That this plant is easily cultivated in the Confederate States may some day make it a source of great profit in the production of silk. The mania may again be revived, under auspices which may deprive the term of the slight suspicion of reproach which is attached to its objects. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med., Supplem. 1846, 496 ; Grif- fith, Med. Bot. 579. As "this is the species upon which the silk-worm feeds," the following brief directions concerning the manufacture of silk, from the Rural Cyc, may be useful; and as the pro- duction of the raw silk is in the power of almost any one, 281 if the females of numerous families throughout the Con- federacy would devote their leisure to it, the aggregate amount of silk produced would contribute still further to render us independent as a people. After the worm has enveloped itself in the cocoon, seven or eight days are allowed to elapse before the balls are gathered. The next process is to destroy the life of the chrysalides, which is clone either by exposure to the sun, or by the heat of an oven, or of steam. The cocoons are next separated from the floss, or loose, downy substance which envelops the compact balls, and are then ready to be reeled. For this purpose they are thrown into a boiler of hot water for the purpose of dissolving the gum, and being gently pressed with a brush, to which the threads adhere, the reeler is thus enabled to disengage them. The ends of four or more of the threads thus cleared are passed through holes in an iron bar, after which two of these com- pound threads are twisted together, and made fast to the reel. The length of reeled silk obtained from a single cocoon varies from three hundred to six hundred yards; and it has been estimated that twelve pounds of cocoons, the produce of the labors of two thousand eight hundred worms, which have consumed one hundred and fifty-two pounds of mulberry leaves, give one pound of reeled silk, which may be converted into sixteen yards of gros de Naples. Those cocoons which have been perforated can- not be reeled, but must be spun on account of the breaks in the thread. The produce of these balls when worked is called fleuret. The raw silk, before it can be used in weaving, must be twisted or thrown, and may be converted into singles, tram, or organzine. The first is produced merely by twisting the raw silk to give more firmness to its texture. Tram is formed by twisting together, but not very closely, two or more threads of raw silk, and usually constitutes the weft or shoot of manufactured goods. Or- ganzine is principally used in the warp, and is formed by twisting first each individual thread, and then two or more of the threads thus twisted, with the throwing-mill. The 282 silk when thrown is called hard silk, and must be boiled in order to discharge the gum, which otherwise renders it harsh to the touch, and unfit to receive the dye. After boiling about four hours in soaped water, it is washed ^n clear water to discharge the soap, and is seen to have ac- quired that glossiness and softness of texture which forms its principal characteristic. The yarn is now ready for weaving. Rural Cyc. I saw in Italy the manufacture of silk going on in most of the large towns, and many in the country prepare raw silk for the manufacturer and weaver. The successful rearing of silk-worms, remarks Wilson, is a distinct art, and requires peculiar attention. They are subject to a variety of maladies. In many places it is usual to import the eggs from some district that has ac- quired reputation for their production. These are packed like grain, and are chosen in the same manner. The eggs are* in many places hatched by the heat of the human body. The silk is contained in the form of a fluid resem- bling varnish, in long, cylindrical sacks many times the length of the animal, and capable of being unfolded by immersion in water. This fluid is easily forced out, and advantage is sometimes taken of this circumstance to pro- cure threads much coarser than usual, which are extremely strong, and impervious to water. Rural Cyc. At the agricultural meetings in South Carolina and Georgia arti- cles of home-made silk are occasionally presented. From an essay on the culture and manufacture of silk. By H. P. Byram, Brandenburg, Meade county, Ky. — Expe- rience of past ages has fully proved that the climate of the United States is as well adapted to the nature and habits of the silk-worm, and the production of silk, as that of any other country. Several varieties of the mulberry are in- digenous in our soil, and those generally -used in the na- tive country of the silk-worm succeed equally well in our own soil and climate. Hence, from the nature and habits of American people, we must soon become the greatest silk-growing nation on the earth. The first step toward the production of silk is to secure a supply of suitable food for the silk-worm. 283 Having tried all the varieties introduced into onr coun- try, I find the Moras multicaulis and the Canton varieties, all things considered, most suitable for that purpose. Propagation of the mulberry. — Although the experience of some years past has rendered this subject familiar to many, yet those now most likely to engage in the legitimate busi- ness of silk-growing may be less acquainted with the propagation of the tree. I shall give some brief directions ou the subject : Almost any soil that is high and dry, and that will mature Indian corn, is suitable for the mulberry. That, however, which is inclined to be light or sandy is the best. The Moras multicaulis may be propagated by cuttings or layers (or a good variety may be raised from the seed). Cuttings may be of one or more buds, planted perpendicu- larly in a light, mellow bed of good soil. They should be planted when the spring has fully opened, or about the usual time of planting corn. They may be planted in the rows, about twelve inches apart, and the rows at a sufficient distance to admit of thorough cultivation with a plough or cultivator. The ground should be kept mellow until past midsummer. Select a suitable piece of ground for a permanent or- chard. It would be well if broken up in the fall, and again ploughed in the spring, and, if followed with the subsoil plough, it would be advantageous. After a thor- ough harrowing it should be laid off in rows, each way eight feet by four, with the plough. The trees at one year old from the nursery should be taken up, the tops cut off near the roots, and one planted in each of the squares or hills. Having tried various methods of planting, and different distances, I prefer those here given. This will admit the free use of the plough and cultivator both ways. In latitudes north of 38° or 40°, where land is dear, they may be planted much nearer. If a sufficient quantity of cuttings from old trees cannot at once be procured, the trees from the nursery should be taken up in the fall, and 284 buried in a cellar, or upon the north side of a bank or hill, in alternate layers of trees and earth, and the whole pro- tected by a shed from the rains of winter, as the plants seldom sufficiently mature the first season from the cut- tings to withstand the winters of a northern climate, particularly that portion above the ground. South of 38° of latitude these precautions may not be necessary. The Canton mulberry is a more hard}^ kind, resembling in some degree the varieties known as the common Italian, producing a large, full, thick leaf. This variety is propa- gated from seed and from layers, but does not readily strike root from cuttings. In 1838 I procured a quantity of this seed from Canton, which produced a variety of j:>lants. Those producing the greatest quantity of fruit yield an inferior leaf. They are now propagating this variety very extensively at the silk-growing establishment at Economy, Pennsyl- vania, which, in connection with the Morus midticaulis, constitute the principal food used at this establishment. The fruit should be gathered when fully ripe, and the seed washed out and dried. If south of the 39th parallel of latitude, they may be planted the same season. North of this, they should be planted in the following spring, in a bed of rich earth prepared as for beets or onions, and planted in drills about eighteen inches apart. The young plants should be thinned to the distance of from one to three inches from each other. They should be well cul- tivated, when thev will attain the height of three or four feet the first season. In the fall, in a northern climate, the young trees should be taken up and protected during the winter, as directed for the Morus midtieaulis. [This is not necessary in the Southern states.] — So. Cult. In the following spring the brandies may be taken off near the main stem, the top shortened, and the whole tree planted, completely covering the roots and main stem from one to two inches deep. In this way two or more trees may be produced from each plant. If a full supply can be procured, the roots of the young plants may at once be 285 removed to the orchard. They may be allowed to stand much nearer than the multicaulis, leaving only sufficient room for cultivation. When seed is required it would be well to plant out a portion from the seed-bed at once, as standards for this purpose, always selecting those bearing full, heart-shaped leaves. The leaves of the white Italian produce a good, heavy cocoon, and should always be used in the last age of the worms when other larger-leaved varieties cannot be ob- tained. Cultivation. — The mulberry orchard should be annually cultivated. The ground kept mellow and free from weeds until the middle of July. The fields should be divided into three equal parts, and after the second season from planting, one-third each year should be cut down near the ground. This will cause a more vigorous growth, and an abundant crop of foliage. Feeding apartments. — Various plans have been proposed and adopted for cocooneries, or feeding-sheds, for the silk- worms, none of which, I think, are without objection, except a perfect laboratory, so constructed as to be able to fully control the atmosphere and temperature within. This, however, would be too expensive, and require too much skill and judgment for general adoption. Open or shed-feeding has been employed with success of late years, and for general use may be the most successful for family establishments. This, however, confines the whole business, particularly in the Northern states, to one or two crops in the season. South of Ohio more can be successfully fed. These sheds may be cheaply made by setting some dura- ble posts in the ground, saj- from six to eight feet high, with a roof of shingles or boards. The roof should project two feet over the sides. There should be some temporary protection to the ends and sides of the shed; perhaps the best and cheapest can be made of strong cotton cloth (Osnaburg); three or four widths should be sewed together, 286 with small rods across the bottom, which will answer as weights, and also as rollers, which, by the aid of a pulley, may be rolled or let down at pleasure. The width of the sheds must be governed by the size of the hurdles or feeding-trays used. The width that I have adopted is from eighteen to twenty feet. The length ac- cording to the extent of the feeding contemplated. Where it is designed to carry on an extensive business, a building should be constructed expressly for the purpose. It should be on an elevated situation, convenient to the mulberry orchard. There should be a cellar under the building. Any material commonly used for building may be emplo} r ed. If of wood, weather-boarded and plastered. It would be well to fill up the space between the two with tan -bark or unburnt brick, or something of the kind, which will render the temperature more uniform. The width of the building should be twenty or twenty-eight feet — the former admitting of two, and the latter of three double ranges of hurdles or trays of suitable size ; the length suited to the extent of the business designed. It should be two stories high, and so constructed as to be thoroughly ventilated. There should be two double doors in each end, with doors, windows, and ventilators in the sides. The windows should extend to near the tops of the rooms. There should be sliding ventilators near the floor. The windows may be filled with oiled paper or cloth, which will admit the light and exclude the sun. It would also be important to have under each tier of hurdles, through the floor, two planks of ten inches width each, hung with hinges, that they may be raised at pleasure by a pulley. Also an upright ventilator on the roof, fitted with blinds, through which a constant draft may be kept up. In one end of the building, in each of the two doors, there should be a ventilating wheel made of thin boards (plank), much after the form of the wheels applied to the sterns of our steam-propellers. These wheels should be about two feet in diameter. They should be put in mo- tion for a few minutes every hour, or oftener in still 287 weather. Both may be made to turn by one crank, con- necting each by bands and whirls to the main shaft. An air-furnace, such as is now employed in heating churches and other buildings, should be constructed in the cellar, and so arranged as to draw from the feeding-rooms all the air necessary to supply the furnace. The air, when heated in the chamber, should be conveyed through the wholeiength of the rooms, in a square pipe with openings at short distances from each other, which should increase in size as they recede from the furnace. These openings may be so connected as to be all closed at once, or a valve applied at the air-chamber may be used to cut off the communication of heated air when the temperature is suf- ficiently high in the rooms, suffering the hot air to escape outside of the building. In the last ages of the worms the furnace will be found of great benefit, even when the heat is not required in the rooms, for the purpose of draw- ing off and consuming the impure air of the cocoonery. At Economy, they not only make use of air-furnaces, but in an adjoining building they have a large air-pump constantly in operation, connected with the cocoonery by a pipe with small openings through the length of the building. This pump is kept in motion by a steam-en- gine. With good eggs, when proper means have been employ- ed for their preservation, and the feeding-apartments thor- oughly ventilated, I do not know of a single instance where the worms have proved unhealthy. From the conviction that proper regard had not gener- ally been paid to the ventilation of cocooneries, in the summer of 1842 I commenced a series of experiments, by which I ascertained that the silk-worm during; its last a^e consumed nearly its own weight of leaves daily ; and that the amount of exhalations or imperceptible perspiration given off in proportion to the quantity of food consumed, was about equal to that ascertained to escape from a healthy man. I found, from the most carefully conducted experiments, 288 that the weight of one hundred thousand silk-worms, about five days before their time of winding, was four hundred and fifty-eight pounds, and that they would consume daily three hundred and seventy-two pounds of leaves,* and that their increased weight in twenty-four hours from the food consumed was forty-six pounds, and that the enor- mous amount of two hundred and six pounds was given off in the same time, in the form of exhalations or imper- ceptible perspiration alone. This, then, I think, fully explains the cause of disease complained of by many, and establishes the importance of ventilation in every possible form. In one corner of the building there should be a hatching- room, with which the furnace below should be connected, so as to receive a greater or less degree of heat, as may be required, without reference to the temperature of the feed- ing-rooms. Fixtures. — In fitting up the hurdles or feeding-shelves for a building of twenty feet wide, it will require a double range of posts, two and a half or three inches square, on each side of the centre of the room, running lengthwise, and the length of the shelves apart in the ranges, and each two corresponding posts, crosswise of the ranges, about the width of the two shelves apart. On each double range across the posts are nailed strips, one inch or more in width and about fifteen inches apart, on which the trays or hurdles rest, which may be drawn out or slid in as may be found necessary in feeding. The aisles or passages of a building of the above width will be four feet each, allow- ing two feet for the width of each single hurdle. The hurdles that I have used for many years are of twine net-work. A frame is first made five feet long and two feet wide, of boards seven-eighths of an inch thick, and one and a half inches wide. There should be two braces across the frame at equal distances of five^eighths by seven- * Had these worms been fed in the ordinary manner they would have consumed many more leaves in the same time. But to preserve the greatest possible accu- racy, through the whole experiment they were fed rather sparingly. 289 eighths of an inch square. On a line, about half an inch from the inner edge of the frame, are driven tacks nearly down to their heads, at such distances as will make the meshes of the net about three-quarters of an inch square. Good hemp or flax twine is passed around these tacks, forming a net by passing the filling double over and under the warp, or that part of the twine that runs lengthwise. This twine should be somewhat smaller than that running lengthwise. On a damp day the twine becomes tight ; I then give the netting two good coats of shellac varnish. This cements the whole together, and renders it firm and durable. The varnish is made by dissolving a quantit} 7 of gum shellac in alcohol in a tin covered vessel, and placed near the fire. It should be reduced, when used, to the consist- ence of paint. Another set of frames is made in the same way and of the same size, and covered with strong cotton or tow cloth ; this is secured with small tacks. Upon these the net frames rest, which serve to catch the litter that falls through from the worms. Hurdles made and supported in this manner admit of a more free circulation of air, and the litter is less liable to mould or ferment, and can be removed and cleaned at pleasure. With this kind of hurdle and screen I make use of winding-frames, constructed in the following manner: a light frame is made of boards one and a half inches wide, and the length of the hurdles, and two feet ..and four inches wide; this is rilled crosswise with thin laths about one inch apart in the clear. The manner of using these will be hereafter explained. They answer the twofold purpose of winding-frames and mounting-ladders. The care and expense required in fitting up a house on this plan may prevent its general adoption. The most common method that has been heretofore employed is permanent shelves; but the labor required 19 290 to keep the worms properly cleaned renders this plan objectionable. At Economy, Penn., the rearing of the silk- worm is now carried on to a great extent, and more successfully than in any other part of the United States, or perhaps the world. Their houses are two stories high. The worms are fed on small trays about eighteen or twenty inches wide, and about three feet long. They are supported in the same manner as the hurdles above described, and are about six inches apart. When the worms are about ready to wind, they are transferred to the upper story, to permanent shelves about sixteen inches apart, where they form their cocoons in bunches of straw placed upright between the shelves. The worms are cleaned at least once after every moulting, and after the last, every day. For this purpose they have nets woven or knit of cotton twine, something larger than the size of the trays, with meshes of various sizes suited to the age of the worms. For the last age they are about three-quarters of an inch square. They are used without frames. When it is required to remove the worms from their litter, the nets are laid lightly over them, and then plentifully fed. When the worms have arisen upon the fresh leaves, they are removed by two per- sons taking hold of the four corners of the net and trans- ferring them to clean trays, held and carried off by a third person. One hundred thousand are changed in this man- ner in two hours. Description of the silk-worm. — It will be necessary for the inexperienced culturist to have some knowledge of the forms, changes, and appearances of the silk-worm before he enters upon the duties of his interesting charge. The silk-worm is a species of caterpillar, whose life is one continual succession of changes, which in due time becomes a moth or winged insect, like others of the genus. The time occupied in going through its different forms of existence varies in different countries — governed by climate, temperature, and the quality and quantity of the 291 food upon which it is fed, and the nature of the particular variety of the insect. The worm changes or casts its skin (of the common varieties) four times before it attains its full growth* These changes are called moultings, and the periods in- tervening between the several moultings are termed ages. When it is first hatched it is of a blackish color, which afterward becomes lighter, varying almost daily to differ- ent shades, and in different varieties through every age, to the close of the last, or near the time of spinning, when it assumes a grayish yellow, semi-transparent appearance. Having tried all the varieties that have been introduced into the United States, those I consider the best are known as the Chinese Imperial, producing a large, salmon-colored, pea-nut-shaped cocoon ; and a kind called the Pea-nut, pro- ducing a mixture of white and salmon-colored cocoons. This variety produces a larger and more firm cocoon than any of that name that I have seen. Time of hatching. — Bearing. — When the leaves of the mul- berry have put forth to the size of about an inch in diam- eter, it may be generally inferred that the proper time for hatching the worm has arrived. The papers or cloths containing the eggs should then be brought out and placed in the hatching-room, upon a table or trays made for the purpose. When artificial means are employed, the temperature should be gradually raised until the time of hatching, which will be in about ten days, to 75° or 80° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. But few worms will make their appearance on the first day, but on the second and third the most will come out; should there be a few remaining on the fourth day, they may be thrown away, as they do not always produce strong and healthy worms. When the worms begin to make their appearance, young mulberry leaves cut into narrow strips should be laid over them, to which they will readily attach them- selves ; these should be carefully removed, and placed com- pactly upon a cloth screen or tray prepared for them, and other leaves placed upon the eggs for the worms that still 292 remain, which, should be passed off as before. A singular fact will be observed, that all the worms will hatch be- tween sunrise and before noon of each day. Care should be taken to keep the worms of each day's hatching by themselves, as it is of the greatest importance to have the moultings and changes of all the worms as simultaneous as possible. It is also important that the worms that have been transferred to the trays should not be fed until the hatching for the day is completed, so that all may be fed equally. Young and tender leaves should be selected to feed the worms with ; these should be cut with a sharp knife into pieces not exceeding a quarter of an inch square, and evenly sifted over them. They should be fed in this w&y six or eight times in twenty-four hours, as nearly as possible at regular and stated periods. It will be impossible to lay down any definite rules for the quantity of leaves necessary for a given number of worms- for each succeeding day through every age. After a little acquaintance with their nature and habits, the intel- ligence and judgment of the attendant will be the best guide ; they should, however, have as much as they will eat, but after a few days care should be taken not to give them more than they will generally consume, as this will increase the accumulation of litter, which will endanger the health of the worms. In the last age they eat vora- ciously, when they should be well supplied. A quantity of leaves should always be on hand in case of wet weather. When the average range of the thermometer is between 70° and 80° the several moultings will take place near the fifth, ninth, fifteenth, and twenty-second days after hatch- ing. It may be known when the worms are about to cast their skins, as they cease to eat, and remain stationary, with their heads raised, and occasionally shaking them. This operation will be more distinctly observed as they increase in size through their succeeding ages. Assuming the above temperature as the standard, the quantity of leaves for the first three days of this (the first) age must be gradually increased at each feeding, after 293 which they will require less at each succeeding meal until the time of moulting arrives, when for about twenty-four hours they eat nothing. But as it is seldom the case that all cast their skins at one and the same time, some will still be disposed to eat, when a few leaves must be cut fine and sparingly scattered over them, so that those that remain torpid may be disturbed as little as possible. They must now be carefully fed in this way until it is discovered that some have moulted, when the feeding must cease altogether until the most of them have recovered. This rule must be particularly regarded through all the succeeding moultings, otherwise some of the worms will be far in advance of others ; and this want of uniformity will increase through- out each succeeding age, and to the period of winding, which will not only result in great inconvenience in gather- ing the cocoons, but will materially injure the worms, and consequently lessen the crop of silk. When the greatest portion of the worms have moulted, and appear active, leaves a little wilted are laid over them, by which they are passed to clean trays. If any still remain that have moulted, they must be transferred in the same manner, by laying more leaves upon them. The rem- nant of worms that have not changed their skins should be left upon the litter, and added to those of the next day's moulting. By closely regarding these rules throughout the several ages, the worms will generally all commence the formation of their cocoons about the same period. After having gone through and furnished all the worms with a quantity of leaves, jt is well to go over a second time, and add more where they seem to require it. Very young and tender leaves must be given to the worms in the first age, after which older ones can be given as they advance in age until after the last moulting, when the} r should be fed upon sound, full-grown leaves. After the second moulting the leaves, where large crops are fed, may be cut by running them twice through a com- mon rotary hay or straw-cutter, of Hovey's, or one of a similar make. 294 The worms will frequently heap together, and become too thick, as they increase in size. When they are fed the leaves must be spread, and the space enlarged, or they may be removed by leaves or twigs of the mulberry to places unoccupied. If they are permitted to be crowded, disease is apt to follow, and the whole crop is endangered. It will sometimes be observed, when the light falls more directly on one side of the hurdle than the other, that the worms will incline to leave that side and become crowded on the opposite, when the hurdle should be turned around. Up to the last moulting it is best to feed the worms entirely upon the leaves of the multicaulis, after which the Canton or white Italian should be used if a full supply can be obtained — the former being consumed with greater avidity, and the accumulation of litter is consequently less. The Canton and Italian produce the heaviest cocoon, while the multicaulis yields a finer and stronger fibre. In pursu- ing this course the advantages of both are in some degree secured. The worms should be removed from their litter immedi- ately after each moulting, and in their fourth age the hur- dles should be cleaned a second time, and after the last moulting they should be removed at least every second day. Where nets are not used in the last ages, the worms are changed by laying over them the small branches of the mulberry. Recently branch-feeding, as it is termed, has been intro- duced with some success, and with great economy of time ; in the last ages of the worms care should be taken to lay the branches as evenly as possible, especially where it is designed to use the twine hurdles, otherwise it will be diffi- cult for the worms to ascend through the netting. When the worms are about to spin they present some- thing of a yellowish appearance ; they refuse to eat, and wander about in pursuit of a hiding-place, and throw out fibres of silk upon the leaves. The hurdles should now be thoroughly cleaned for the last time, and something pre-- 295 pared for them to form their cocoons in. Various plans have been proposed for this purpose. The lath frames, before described, I prefer. They are used by resting the back edge of the frame upon the hurdle, where the two meet in the double range, and raising the front edge up to the underside of the hurdle above, which is held to its place by two small wire hooks attached to the edge of the hurdle. A covering of paper or cloth should be applied to the lath frames. In. using the hurdles and screens I remove the screen from under the hurdle, turning the underside up, and letting it down directly upon the winding-frame. This affords double the room for the worms to wind in. Lath frames of this description have advantages that no other fixtures for winding possess that I have ever seen tried. The frame resting upon the backside of each hur- dle renders this side more dark, which places the worms instinctively seek when they meet with the ends of the laths, and immediately ascend to convenient places for the formation of their cocoons. From these frames the cocoons are gathered with great facility, and free from litter and dirt, and when they are required they are put up with great expedition. Where branch-feeding has been adopted by some, no other accommodation has been provided for the winding of the worms than that afforded them by the branches from which they have fed. This is decidedly objectionable, as the worms are always disposed to rise until their course is obstructed above. When this is not the case they wander about for hours upon the tops of the branches, and only descend after their strength becomes exhausted, and the result is the production of a crop of loose, inferior cocoons. Next to lath frames, small bunches of straw afford the best accommodation for this purpose. Rye straw is preferred. - Take a small bunch, about the size of the little finger, and with some strong twine tie it firmly about half an inch from the butt of the straw ; cut the bunch off about half an inch longer than the distance between the hurdles, 296 They are thus placed upright with their but-ends down- ward, with their tops spreading out, interlacing each other, and pressing against the hurdles above. They should be thickly set in double rows about sixteen inches apart across the hurdles. These may be preserved for a number of years. After the most of the worms have arisen, the few re- maining may be removed to hurdles by themselves. In three or four days the cocoons may be gathered. While gathering, those designed for eggs should be selected. Those of firm and fine texture, with round, hard ends, are the best. The smaller cocoons most generally produce the male, and those larger and more full at the ends the female insect. Each healthy female moth will lay from four to six hundred eggs. But it is not always safe to calculate on one-half of the cocoons to produce female moths. There- fore, it is well to save an extra number to insure a supply of eggs. The cocoons intended for eggs should be stripped of their floss or loose tow, which consists of irregular fibres, by which the worm attaches its work to whatever place it is about to form its cocoon. These should be placed on hurdles, in a thin layer, and in about two weeks the moths will come out ; always in the forepart of the day, and generally before the sun is two hours high. If laid upon a net hurdle (which is best) they will immediately fall through the meshes and remain suspended on the under side, where they are not liable to become entangled in the cocoons. As soon as the male finds the female they become united. They should be taken carefully by the wings, in pairs, and placed upon sheets of paper, to remain until near night, when the female will be anxious to lay her eggs. Then take each gently by the wings, and sepa- rate them, placing the females at regular distances — about two inches from each other — upon sheets of paper or fine cotton or linen cloth ; these should hang over a line, or be tacked to the side of the house. In two or three nights the moths will complete their laying, when they should be 297 removed from the papers or cloths. Frequently the males appear first in the greatest numbers, some of which should be reserved each day in case there should afterward be an excess of females. They should be shut out from the light, otherwise they are liable to injure themselves by a constant fluttering of their wings. The female is largest, and sel- dom moves or flutters. Killing the chrysalides. — After the cocoons have been gathered, those that are intended for sale or for future reeling should be submitted to some process by which the moths will be killed, otherwise they will perforate and spoil the cocoons. This is done by various methods. The most simple and convenient is to spread them thinly on boards, and expose them to the direct rays of the sun. In a hot day many of them will be killed in a few hours ; but they must be stirred occasionally, or some will be liable to escape the heat, and afterward come out. At Economy, they place them in an air-tight box containing about ten bushels (the box should always be full, or if not, a partition is fitted down to the cocoon), sprinkling evenly through the whole, beginning at the bottom, about three ounces of camphor slightly moistened with alcohol, and finely pulver- ized. The box is then closed, and the seams of the top covered by pasting strips of paper over them. They remain in this way about three or four days. They are then spread out thinly in an upper loft to cure, where they should be occasionally stirred. It will require some weeks to thoroughly cure them. Before camphoring, the dead and bad cocoons must be taken out, otherwise they will spoil the good ones. When it is convenient, it is best to reel as many of the cocoons as possible immediately after they are gathered, as they reel much more freely before they are exposed to the sun or dried. Succession of crops. — Preservation of eggs. — Repeated at- tempts have been made to feed a succession of crops of worms throughout the entire season from the same stock of eggs. In most instances success has failed to attend 298 these efforts. When proper means are employed, and due care observed, the eggs may be preserved, and worms suc- cessfully raised until the feed is destroyed by the frost. In many years experience I have never failed in this respect. In the spring of 1840 I communicated to Miss Rapp, of Economy, my method of preserving eggs, which she imme- diately adopted, and has pursued it until the present time with perfect success, feeding from eighteen to twenty-five crops each year. The following is an extract of a letter from the postmaster at Economy, dated January 19, 1843 : "Between May and September we raised near two mill- ions of worms, in eighteen sets, of near equal numbers, about a week apart, producing three hundred and seventy- one bushels of cocoons. The last crop hatched the 9th of September, and spun the 10th of October. We found no difference in the health of the different sets. We are of the opinion that the late keeping of the eggs does not bring disease on the worms if they are kept right, and gradually brought forward as they ought to be." It may be remarked that the qualities of the mulberry leaf are such in the latter part of the season that as hea\w cocoons will not be produced, as in the first. A bushel of the first crop raised at Economy, in the season referred to, produced twenty-three and a quarter ounces of reeled silk, and the last crop, wound in October, but nineteen ounces. About one month of the best part of that season of feed- ing was lost by the severe frost that occurred on the 5th of May, which entirely killed the young leaves, and must have materially injured the crop of the season. My method of preserving eggs is to place them in the ice-house in February, or early in March, or sooner if the weather is warm. For this purpose a box or square trunk is made, extending from within one foot of the bot- tom of the ice to the top. This may be made in joints, so that as the ice settles the upper joints may be removed. The eggs should be placed in a tin box, and this enclosed in a wood one, and suspended in the trunk near the ice. The communication of warm air should be cut off by fill- 299 ing the opening with a bundle of straw or hay. The eggs should be aired for a few minutes as often as once in one or two weeks, always choosing a cool, dry morning; when selections for succeeding crops may be made these should be placed in another box, and gradually raised in the trunk for several days, avoiding a too sudden transition from the. ice to the temperature of the hatching-room. The ice-house at Economy is connected with the cellar, the bottom of the former being eighteen inches below that of the latter. A long wooden box, extending into the ice- house, level with the bottom of the cellar floor, contains all the smaller boxes of eggs. The door of the box opening in the cellar is kept well closed to prevent the admission of warm air. They employ another ice-house, sunk deep in the cellar, with shelves gradually rising from the ice up to the top of the ground, upon which the eggs of succeed- ing crops are placed, and raised one shelf higher every day until they are taken into the hatching-room. The past season they have hatched about jive ounces of eggs, or one hundred thousand worms every four days. Diseases of the silk-worm. — The silk-worm, like every other animal or insect, is liable to disease, and premature death. European writers have enumerated and described six par- ticular diseases to which it is subject. But in our more congenial climate nothing is wanting to insure a healthy stock of silk-worms, and a profitable return from their labors, but to give them sufficient room, a regular and full supply of suitable food, a strict regard to cleanliness, and a proper ventilation of their apartments. In excessively hot, damp, or sultry weather, in the last age, tha disease known as the yellows sometimes occurs. Where open feeding is adopted, some fine air-slaked lime may be sifted on the worms once or twice a day before feed- ing, and the diseased and dead worms picked out and thrown away. In a regular cocoonery, properly ventilated and supplied with an air-furnace, dry air should be made to circulate freely. But if the temperature is above 80° or 85° the ventilating apparatus should be constantly employed 300 until a change of weather occurs, or the disease disappears. A feeding-house should be so arranged as to cut off all communication of rats and mice from the worms and the cocoons. Reeling. — We have now arrived at another branch of the silk business, which more properly comes under the head of manufacturing. Every farmer who engages in the silk culture, in order to avail himself of an additional profit should provide his family with a suitable reel, by the use of which, after a little experience, he will be enable to offer his silk in market in a form that will greatly enhance its value, and much reduce the trouble and expense of trans- portation. Reels can now be procured in almost any of the principal cities at a small cost, or they can be made by any ingenious farmer or carpenter. The reel now uni- formly used is that known as the Piedmontese. All attempts to improve this reel in its general principles, I believe, have failed. At Economy, however, they have made an addition which may be found useful. It consists of two pairs of whirls, made of wire, in the form of an aspel to a reel, about four inches long, and two and a half inches across from arm to arm, making the circumference about six inches. These whirls are set in an iron frame, and run each upon two points or centres. Each pair is equidistant, on a direct line, about eight inches apart, between the first guides and those on the traverse bar, instead of making the usual number of turns around each thread as they pass between the guides on the reel. With this arrangement each thread is taken from the basin and passed through the first guides, then carried over and around the two whirls, and where they pass each other on the top the turns are made necessary to give firmness to the thread, then passing directly through the guides in the traverse bar to the arms of the reel, making each thread in reeling independent of the other. This enables the reeler, when a remnant of cocoons are to be finished on leaving the work, to unite both threads into one, retaining the necessary size, whereas both would be too fine if continued on the reel in the ordinary manner. 301 Directions for reeling. — In family establishments a com- mon clay or iron furnace should be procured, to which should be fitted a sheet-iron top about twelve inches high, with a door on one side, and a small pipe on the opposite side to convey off the smoke. This top should retain the same bevel or flare as the furnace, so as to be about twenty inches in diameter at the top. The pan should be twenty inches square, and six inches deep, divided into four apart- ments, two of which should be one inch larger one way than the others. They should all communicate with each other at the bottom. In large filatures a small steam- engine to propel the reels, etc., and to heat the water for reeling would be necessary. Before the operation of reeling is commenced the co- coons must be stripped of their floss, and assorted into three separate parcels, according to quality or of different degrees of firmness. The double cocoons, or those formed by two or more worms spinning together, the fibres cross- ing each other, and rendering them difficult to reel, should be laid aside to be manufactured in a different manner. After the cocoons have been assorted as above directed, the operation of reeling may be commenced. The basin should be nearly filled with the softest water, and kept at a proper heat by burning charcoal, or some other convenient method of keeping up a regular heat. The precise tempera- ture cannot be ascertained until the reeling is commenced, owing to the different qualities of the cocoons. Those of the best quality will require a greater degree of 'heat than those of a more loose and open texture ; hence the import- ance of assisting them. Cocoons also require less heat, and reel much better when done before the chrysalides are killed and the cocoons become dried. The heat of the water may be raised to near the boiling point (it should never be allowed to boil), when two or three handfuls of cocoons may be thrown into one of the large apartments of the basin, which must be gently pressed under water for a few minutes with a little brush made of 302 broom-corn, with the ends shortened. The heat of the water will soon soften the gnm. of the silk, and thereby loosen the ends of the filaments ; the reeler should then gently stir the cocoons with the brush until the loose fibres adhere to it ; they are then separated from the brush, holding the filaments in the left hand, while the cocoons are carefully combed down between the fingers of the right hand as they are raised out of the water. This is continued until the floss or false ends are all drawn off", and the fine silk begins to appear ; the fibres are then broken oflf", and laid over the edge of the basin. The floss is then cleared from the brush, and laid aside as refuse silk, and the operation continued until most of the ends are thus collected. If the silk is designed for sewings, about twenty-five fibres should compose a thread ; if intended for other fab- rics, from eie;ht to fifteen should be reeled tos-ether. The finest silks should always be reeled from the best cocoons. The cocoons composing the threads are taken up in a small tin skimmer made for the purpose, and passed from the large apartment of the basin to those directly under the guides. As the ends become broken they are passed back into the spare apartment, where they are again col- lected to be returned to the reel. The requisite number of fibres thus collected for two threads are passed each through the lower guides. They are then wound around each other two or three times, and each carried through the two guides in the traverse bar, and then attached to the arms of the reel. The turning should now be com- menced with a slow and steady motion until the threads run freely. While the reel is turning, the person attending the cocoons must continually be adding fresh ends as they may be required, not waiting until the number she began with is reduced, because the internal fibres are much finer than those composing the external layers. In adding new ends the reeler must attach them, by gently pressing them with a little turn between the thumb and finger, to the threads as they are running. As the silk is reeled off the chrysalides should be taken out of the basin, otherwise 303 they obscure and thicken the water, and injure the color and lustre of the silk. When the water becomes dis- colored it should always be changed. If in reeling the silk leaves the cocoon in burrs or bunches, it is evident the water is too hot ; or when the ends cannot be easily collected with the brush, or when found not to run freely, the water is too cold. A pail of cold water should always be at hand, to be added to the basin as it may be required. When the cocoons yield their fibres freely, the reel may be turned with a quicker motion. The quicker the motion the smoother and better will be the silk. When from four to six ounces have been reeled, the aspel may be taken oft' that the silk may dry. The end should be fastened so as to be readily found. Squeeze the silk together, and loosen it upon the bars, then, on the opposite side tie it with a band of refuse silk or yarn, then slide it off the reel; double, and again tie it near each extremity. The quality of the silk depends much upon the art and skilful management of the reeler. All that is required to render one perfect in the art of reeling is a. little -practice, accompanied at the beginning with a degree of imtience, and the exercise of judgment in keeping up the proper tem- perature of water, and the threads of a uniform size. Manufacture of perforated cocoons. — The perforated and double cocoons can be manufactured into various fabrics, such as stockings, gloves, under-shirts, and the like. Be- fore the cocoons can be spun they must be put into a clean bag made of some open cloth, and placed in a pot or ket- tle, and covered with soft water, with soap (hard or soft) added sufficient to make a strong suds, and boiled for about three or four hours. If they are required to be very nice and white, the water may be changed and a small quantity more of soap added, and again boiled for a few minutes. After they are boiled they may be hung up and drained ; the}^ should then be rinsed while in the bag, in fair water, and hung out to dry, without disturbing them in the bag. When completely dry they may be spun on the common , 304 flax-wheel by first taking the cocoon in the fingers and slightly loosening the fibres that become flattened down by boiling, and then spinning off from the pierced end. The silk will run entirely off, leaving the shell bare. The double cocoons may be spun in the same manner, but should be boiled separately. A species of edible mulberry is planted pretty generally for feeding hogs. I am informed that it continues to bear during several months, from April to July or August, and is considered highly advantageous. This is called the Ever- bearing mulberry. The following account I obtain from the Southern Field and Fireside : Ever-bearing Mulberries. — There are now three varieties of ever-bearing mulberries presented to us for selection or for general adoption. Downing's Ever-bearing is a seedling of the Multicaulis, which it resembles in wood and foliage. It is therefore necessarily somewhat tender, and not suited to a more northern climate. Mr. D. has given us an ample descrip- tion of its fruit in his Fruit Trees of America, and merits much credit for originating so excellent a fruit. Herbemont' s or Hicks' Ever-bearing is a much hardier varie- ty, and superior to the preceding in size and quality of its fruit, which is produced during a considerably larger period of time. It is a prodigious bearer; the berries are usually nearly two inches in length, sweet and delicious. At the South the fruit continues to ripen from the 25th of April until the 15th of August, and here at the JSTorth the crop extends to a late period in the autumn. This tree has dark red wood, and indented leaves, very distinct from Down- ing's. White Ever-bearing, sweet berries, partakes considerably of the character of the white Italian. It grows vigorously, and yields immense quantities of fruit. The first two varieties have been in fruit with us this season. Of Downing's, from a young tree, we gathered but a few berries, of which we preferred the more vinous and decided flavor to that of the Hicks. The latter does not 305 materially vary in quality from the common wild species, of which it is a variety, differing in its extended period of bear- ing. Our young tree, of about twice the age of Downing's, began to ripen the first of May, and has just stopped fruit- ing for the season. The fruit is worth growing on planta- tions for poultry and swine, as it is very prolific. A mulberry orchard of this kind would furnish the latter a full supply of food for about three months. It is to be found at all nurseries, and we venture to commend it to our agricultural friends as a valuable farm crop for the. cheap rearing of good hogs. The juice of the mulberry is used to give a dark tinge to confections. When properly fermented the fruit yields a pleasant vinous liquor, mulberry wine, and is mixed with apple juice to form mulberry cider. The bark of the root is a powerful cathartic. Farmer's Encyc. Morus rubra, L. Mulberry. Grows along rivers and swamps ; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland, Prof. Gibbes ;„ Florida. Fl. March. U. S. Disp. 463. The fruit is laxative and cooling, and a grateful drink and syrups are made from it, adapted to fe- brile cases. The bark of the mulberry can be converted into cordage, ropes, and brown paper. The inner bark of the root of the black mulberry, in doses of from half to a whole teaspoonful of the powder, is said to act as an. excel- lent purgative. A syrup of the ripe fruit is an excellent laxative for children. A tincture of the inner bark of the root is considered a valuable laxative bitter. Tartaric acid is obtained from the mulberry, the grape, currant, etc.* It is almost always found in vegetables com- bined with potassa, with which it forms a nearly insoluble salt; it is the union which occasions it to be so easily pre- cipitated from the liquors in which it is contained, espe- cially when they ferment. The coats of tartar which are found deposited upon the sides of casks are a combination of tartaric acid, potassa, and extracted matter (Chaptal). 20 306 See Pereira, and treatises on chemistry for mode of forma- tion of Cream of tartar. Citric acid, also, is found in the skins of the red currant, of wild plums, cherries, strawberries, and raspberries. In these it is found united with malic acid. The orange and lemon, of course, furnish it in the largest proportion. The process adopted by Scheele for obtaining and crys- tallizing citric acid is to saturate the juice with lime, the insoluble salt, thus formed, being decomposed by sulphuric acid diluted with water. The liquor is then evaporated, and the acid obtained in a crystalline form. See Chaptal, Ure, works on chemistry and mat. medica, Pereira, U. S. Dispensatory, etc. The production of citric acids in the warmer portions of the Southern Confederacy is quite practicable, as the lemon grows abundantly. Citric acid supplies the place of lemon juice for domestic purposes, and in the arts, by its being freed from mucilage, .which renders the juice liable to undergo speedy change, and from a diminution of its bulk by concentration (Chap- tal). To give a flavor to food, citric acid is preferable to vinegar, on account of the aromatic principle it contains. Dissolved in water, it forms a very wholesome drink ; " about thirty grains of the acid, dissolved in a pint of water, and sweetened with sugar, composes an excellent lemonade." From its refreshing and antiputrescent proper- ties, it is invaluable during the hot months, and especially as an article for sea-stores of vessels in warm latitudes (Chaptal); and particularly for the prevention of scurvy. "Citric acid is also particularly useful in the arts;" like ox- alic acid, "it is employed in forming reserves in printed goods, and in removing spots of ink or rust." Chaptal. See, also, acetic acid, vinegar, etc. See Chaptal, Ure, and treatises on chemistry, and orange, " Citrus" in this vol- ume. Ell., in his Sketches of the Botany of S. C, says the wood is preferred, in the building of boats, to that of any 307 other tree, except the red cedar (Juniperus Virginiana). The other woods suitable for ship-building found with us are, the live oak for the timbers and knees, and the cypress, cedar, willow, and several species of pine for the timbers as well as the spars — being preferred on account of their strength, lightness, or peculiarity of growth. Wilson says of this tree th'at the wood is fine grained, compact, strong, and solid, and by many persons is esteemed fully equal to the locust. It is employed in naval architec- ture at Philadelphia and Baltimore, for the upper and lower parts of the frame, for knees and floor timbers, and for tree- nails; it is hardly inferior to the locust, but is scarce in the ship-yards. For posts it is considered nearly as lasting as the locust, but it grows more slowly, and requires a richer soil. From experiments made in France it was ascertained that the leaves were not as good for the silk-worm as those of the M. alba. A much less quantity was obtained than from worms fed on the white mulberry, and there was a greater mortality. Rural Cyc. See, also, my article in August number, 1861, of DeBow's Review. Broussonetia, papyri/era, the paper mulberry of our yards, belongs to this family (Chapman). Fustic is also got from the same family. As the paper mulberry is planted in this country, I will insert the account given by Wilson of its uses. The islanders of the Pacific make a kind of clothing from this tree, in the following manner: twigs of about an inch in diameter are cut and deprived of their bark, which is divided into strips, and left to macerate for some time in running water; after the epidermis has been scraped off, and while yet moist, the strips are laid out upon a plank in such a manner that they touch at their edges, and two or three layers of the same are placed upon them, taking care to preserve an equal thickness throughout. At the end of twenty-four hours the whole mass is adherent, when it is removed to a large flat and perfectly smooth table,' and is beaten with little wooden clubs till it has attained the re- quisite thickness. It is easily torn, and requires to be 308 washed and beaten many times before it acquires its full suppleness and whiteness. The paper which is used in Ja- pan, and many other countries in the East Indies, is made from this plant; for this purpose the annual shoots are cut oft' after the fall of the leaves, tied in bundles, and boiled in water mixed with ashes; after which the bark is stripped off by. longitudinal incisions, and deprived of the brown epidermis. The bark of the more tender shoots furnishes a very white paper for writing. Hair pencils must be used in writing on this paper. Silk-worms eat the leaves of this tree also. Rural Cyc. Ficus carica. Fig. Ex. Cult. Flourishes in South Caro- lina. Shec. Flora Carol. The fruit is well known; the juice has been substituted for sympathetic ink, as the characters written with it are not visible till exposed to the sun. The decoction />f the green branches and leaves imparts a deep gold color, of a brown shade, to cloth prepared with a so- lution of bismuth. We have heard it stated as a curious fact, that there is but one male fig in America, which grows in Louisiana! Some botanists describe the plant as con- taining both stamens and pistils within the fruit or pericarp. Figs are excellent pabulum for vinegar. Vinegar should be constantly replenished with over-ripened figs. The following easy process of making white vinegar from honey may not be amiss, even in a work of this kind, which professes to teach all economical modes of becoming inde- pendent of foreign supplies. It is obtained from Wilson's Rural Cyc. The materials can be easily obtained. Four very good kinds of household vinegar, perfectly suitable for pickling, and for other domestic purposes, may easily be made from respectively — honey, brown sugar, British wines, and sour ale. First, as to honey or white vinegar: dissolve three-quarters of a pound of honey in rain-water, and put it into a seven-gallon cask, with a quart of malt spirit; shake it well, then fill up the cask with rain-water; shake it well, and keep near the kitchen fire, where it must • 809 stand without being moved or shaken. Let it remain five months in this place, and the vinegar will be made. Draw it oft* by piercing the lower part ot the cask, and let it run till the concretion which is formed at the top, and is termed "mother of vinegar," begins to appear. You ma}' then begin the process again without cleaning the cask. Prop- erly toasted bread, saturated with yeast, would take the place of the malt spirit referred to above. See article "Vinegar" in Rural Cyc. for other methods. The fruit is well known. Even this, when properly pre- pared for market in the warmer portion of the states of our Confederacy, constitutes an article both for export and for home consumption. Many persons believe implicitly in the power of the atmosphere about this tree to render meat ten- der. Our "Southern matrons" now put up this fruit in a most palatable shape for winter use, dried in the sun, after being boiled in a syrup. The celestial fig is the best for this purpose. Molasses can also be made from the fig and watermelon. Mr. C. H. Owen, of Charleston, sends a spec- imen to the Charleston Courier, made from the white fig. One peck yielded three pints. From a bushel he obtained seven quarts, according to the following directions: "Wash the figs, then put them in a porcelain vessel; cover with pure water, boil carefully one hour. When cool, strain through a muslin cloth; then boil again until it is boiled down to a proper consistency, which you can easily tell by dipping up a spoonful and cooling. The above is all the preparation necessary. In boiling for the last time, take the scum off." "F. J. S." a correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, writes as follows on " our resources :" "You spoke, in the article above alluded to, of different coloring substances. The juice of the skin of our blue jig is abundant, and of a deep, brilliant red color; a half-page written with it a few days since had the appearance of hav- ing been done with red ink. The pomegranate, which grows in great abundance in Southern Georgia, furnishes, in the rind of the fruit, a jet- 310 black fluid, which writes very smoothly, and retains its jetty hue. The metallic pen used may darken its color." I have seen blue cakes resembling indigo, intended for dyeing, and marked fig blue — probably extracted from the skins of the fig. The fig makes excellent pipe-stems. Since the war the stems of the fig and titi (Cliftonia) have formed favorite materials for pipe-stems, perforated with a heated wire. Ulmaceje. ( The Elm Tribe.) Ulmus fulva. Slippery elm. I have observed it in Fair- field district. It is sometimes found lower down. Am. Herbal, 139; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. and Therap. 228; U. S. Disp. 727; Dr. McDowell's Med. Exam. 244; West. Jour. Med. and Phys. Sc; Michaux, Fl. Americana, i, 172; and K Am. Sylva, iii, 89; Griffith, Med. Bot. 563. A decoction of the bark was much used by the Indians in the cure of leprosy. It is an excellent demulcent employed as an emollient application, and internally is especially re- commended in suppression of urine, inflammation of the bladder, dysentery, and diarrhoea. A decoction made of this, combined with the root of the sassafras, and guaiac, is esteemed as a valuable drink to increase cutaneous transpi- ration, and to improve the tone of the digestive organs. Griffith considers it a good substitute for acacia, and he has witnessed its beneficial effects, externally applied, in obsti- nate cases of herpetic and syphilitic eruptions; he is in- clined to ascribe higher curative powers to it than are generally admitted. It forms a good vehicle for enemata, where a mucilaginous fluid is required. The bark, cut in the form of a bougie, has been used in dilating sinuses and contractions of the urethra. The substance exuding from the bark is called ulmin. It should be largely collected for the use of our soldiers — suitable wherever a highly mucil- aginous substance is required. See " Sesamum." This' is the best wood we have for blocks, and is excellent for rails, as it splits easily, and is of long duration. It is more dura- ble than the white elm. 311 TJlmus Americana, Mx. White elm. Vicinity of Charles- ton. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 799; Coxe, Am. Disp. 611; Phil. Med. Mus. 11. The U. fuloa probably referred to. The wood of the white elm, like that of the common European elm, is of a dark brown; and cut transversely, or obliquely to the longitudinal fibres, it exhibits the same nu- merous and fine undulations, but it splits more easily, and has less compactness. It is, however, used at the North for the naves of coach-wheels, because it is difficult to procure the black gum. In Maine it is used for the keels of vessels. Its bark is said to be easily detached during eight months of the year; soaked in water, and suppled by pounding, it is used in the Northern states for the bottoms of common chairs. Michaux. Ulmus alata, Mx. "Wahoo. Rich soils; Florida; South and North Carolina. The wood is fine grained, more compact, heavier, and stronger than that of the American white elm. It is em- ployed for coach-wheels, and is even preferred to the black gum, as being more hard and tough. Michaux. Farmer's Encyc. From the Montgomery Advertiser (1862) I obtain the following: " Wahoo rope.- — AVe have seen a specimen of rope made of wahoo bark, by Mr. T. J. Howard, of this county. Mr. Howard has used the wahoo rope with great success in bagging cotton on Col. Baldwin's place, and we can safely recommend his contrivance to the attention of planters. The common impression is that the bark is not in good condition except in the spring of the year. This is a mis- take. It can be used to great advantage at this season in bagging cotton. The manner of using the rope made of wahoo bark is altogether similar to that which has been in ordinary use." 312 Celtis occidentalism L. Sugar-berry. A noble tree, grow- ing along the margin of streams, and in damp lands; col- lected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston, Bach ; Newbern. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 170; Fl. Med. i, 90; Griffith, Med. Bot. 563. It yields a gum resembling that of the cherry tree; the root and leaves are somewhat aromatic, and were used by the Indians in syphilis. The berries have a sweet and pleasant taste. The wood of this tree resembles closely, says Wilson, that of the C. australis. The timber of the latter is exceed- ingly durable, and was formerly employed by British coach- makers for making the frames of their vehicles; and by the Italian musical-instrument-makers for making flutes and pipes. Rural Cyc. MYRiCACEiE. {The Gale Tribe.) Aromatic and sometimes astringent. Myrica cerifera, L. Wax myrtle. Grows abundantly in the swamps of the lower country; Newbern. Fl. May. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 278; Matson's Veg. Pract. 198; U. S. Disp. 200; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. 786; Big. Am. - Med. Bot. iii, 32; Am. Journal Med. Sci. ii, 313; Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 541 ; Nicholson's Journal iv, 187; Kalm's Trav- els, i, 129; Dana in Silliman's Journal 1; Thachal's U. S. Disp. 288; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 531; De Cand. Essai, 772; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 180. The root is a powerful astringent, and a decoction is employed in diar- rhoea, dysentery, hemorrhage from the uterus, in dropsies which succeed fevers, and as a gargle in sore throat. It is also given to some extent by the vegetable practitioners. Griffith states (Med. Bot, 583) that the bark of the root is also stimulant and acrid, and in doses of a drachm, causes a sensation of heat in the stomach, followed by vomiting and sometimes diuresis. The powder is an active errhine, and the leaves have some celebrity in domestic practice, as being antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, and astringent. Dr. Dana found the powdered root powerfully sternutatory. Bigelow 313 says that the bark and leaves contain gallic acid, tannin, resin, and a small quantity of mucilage. The berries afford a large amount of wax, which rises to the surface when •the}^ are boiled, not remarkable for adhesiveness or unctu- osity. Dr. Bostock considers it a fixed, vegetable oil, render- ed concrete by oxygen ; and by the experiments of Dr. Dana, it constitutes one-third of the whole berry. It is employed for candles, emitting a fragrant odor, and it also forms the basis of a fine soap. It appears to possess some astringent and slightly narcotic properties, and has been administered by Dr. Fahnestock in an epidemic of typhoid dysentery. He gave it in doses of 1 to 2 drachms, and he is of opinion that its active principle resides in the green coloring mat- ter. Am. Journal Med. Sci. ii, 313. Rafinesque states that a tincture of the berries, with heracleum, is beneficial in flatulent colic. De Cancl., Essay upon the Louisiana Myrtle (in French); see Ann. de Chim. xliv, 141, and xlvi, 77; C. L. Cadet, Mem. on the Myrtle of Louisiana and Pennsyl- vania, Paris; Thiebault de Bernaud, Mem. sur le cirier, ou arbre a cire, Paris, 1810. See my own experiments upon the applicability of the leaves as a substitute for oak bark, under " Liquidambar," sweet-gum. " The northern nations formerly employed this plant in place of hops, and it is still in use for that purpose in some of the western isles ; unless it is boiled a long time it is reported to occasion the headache." ^Nicholson also says, in his Encyclopaedia, of the M. cerifera, that "it is used in tanning calf-skins ; gathered in autumn, it will dye wool yellow, for which purpose it is used both in Sweden and in Wales; the Welsh lay branches of it upon and under their beds to keep off fleas and moths." Boussingault, in his Rural Chemistry applied to Agriculture, 1859, says of the wax-bearing myrtle : " The fruit yields as much as twenty- five per cent, of wax, and a single shrub will yield from twenty-four to thirty pounds of berries. The crude wax is green and brittle, and to be made into candles requires the addition of a certain quantity of grease." Proust discov- ered that vegetable wax formed part of the green fecula of 314 many plants. In the common cabbage it occurs in large quantity. Oleine is said to predominate in the fluid vege- table oils. See, on this subject, Styllingia sebifera. The berries of the Pride of India (Melia) also yield an oil' when dried and boiled. Wax has also been collected by scraping the stalk of the sugar-cane. See "Sorghum, " in this volume. I have repeatedly seen the wax produced from the myrtle in large amounts. The berries are boiled, and the wax rises on the surface of the water. The boiling should be continued a long time, and the berries stirred and bruised. The wax may be remelted to purify it. Four pounds of this will make forty pounds of soap. The candles made of it are dark green in color. Candles and soap were made in considerable amounts by the ladies in the low country of South Carolina during the autumn of 1861 — fifteen to twenty dozen candles in one household. Wilson, in his Rural Cyc, quotes Hamilton, who says that the wax, after being skimmed off the water, should be strained through a coarse cloth to free it from foreign matter. When no more wax rises, the berries are removed with a skimmer and a fresh supply put into the same water, taking care to add boiling water to supply the place of that evaporated during the process. The wax should be dried, and melted again to free it from impurity. See Charles Louis Cader's Memoir, inserted in the Annales de Chimie, who said that the myrtle had been successfully cultivated near Berlin, and Hamilton recommends its cul- tivation in England for its wax-producing properties. Abundant in the Confederate States; only a condition of war and blockade has induced us to use it. "J. B." communicates the following to the Charleston Courier, from a writer under the signature of "Economy," from St. Paul's parish, S. C. It is also printed in F. S. Holmes' Southern Farmer, p. 236 : Large amount of Soap produced from Myrtle Wax. — I find the following recipe far making soap from myrtle wax (Myrica cerifera) in an old number of the Southern Agricul- 315 turist. As one of the complaints of soap-makers is the difficulty and expense of obtaining the grease, it will be well for us to avail ourselves of a production of nature, found abundantly in our lower country. The fruit is now matured, and may be had in abundance for the picking. I saw, this day, very good candles made of myrtle wax. I trust our planters, residing in the vicinity of the myrtle, will profit by these advantages before the season for picking lias passed : "To three bushels and a half of common wood ashes add half a bushel of unslaked lime. This being well mixed together, put into a cask capable of containing sixty gallons, and till up with water. In forty-eight hours the • lye will be strong enough to float an egg. Then draw off, and put from six to eight gallons of it into a copper kettle capable of containing twenty-five gallons. To this add only four pounds of myrtle wax. Keep constantly boiling for six hours. For the first three or four hours •pour in occasionally a supply of strong lye, the whole frequently well stirred with a ladle. After six hours boiling, throw two quarts of common large grain salt into the kettle; leave one hour more to simmer over a slow fire. The liquor must be placed in tubs to cool for twenty- four hours. Take out the soap, wipe it clean ; put it to dry. "The produce of this soap when it was weighed the next day was found to be forty-nine pounds of good, solid soap, from the materials and by the process above men- tioned. At the end of six weeks the soap had only lost a few pounds from the evaporation of its watery particles. "In many parts of our state the myrtle tree is abundant, and from three pecks to a bushel may be gathered from a hand per day. "Would it not be worth the while of the planters to attend to this matter? I am sure it would save them many a dollar." A correspondent, " T," of the Charleston Courier writes as follows: Soap and Candles. — We have been so long dependent on 316 our Yankee enemies for supplies of the above named articles of universal use that we have forgotten that we can make them ourselves. To our shame we admit that even on our plantations in the low country and seaboard, abounding in materials for making the best candles in the world, millions of pounds have been annually permitted to mature and decay unused. The low bush myrtle, indigenous to our coast from Virginia ad libitum south, the berries of 1 which are now mature, will afford a supply of wax; that, with the addition of one-third tallow, will furnish candles sufficient to light every house in the Confederacy for the next year, and put a stopper on the exorbitant extortion now practised on the people for that article. So, also, on every plantation, nay, in almost every kitchen, the monthly waste of ashes and grease, with the addition of a little lime and salt, and the labor of one person for one day, will make soap enough to cleanse every man, woman, and child, and their clothing. Now, why should we any longer pay thirty cents a pound for soap, and sixty cents for candles? .. Since my examination and recommendation of the myrtle leaves as a tanuiniferous agent, I see that it has been used b} T Mr. J. Commins, of Charleston, in tanning leather. I find that the berry is also highly astringent. I had observed, also, an unusual amount of astringency in the berries of the myrtle. The water in which they are boiled, with copperas, is used as a dye. I have seen an excellent dark brown with very little copperas. If walnut leaves, bark, or the rind of the fruit is added the color is very black. I am informed in St. John's, Berkley, S. C, that a blue dye is obtained without a mordant, by using the same water repeatedly in boiling the berries for the extraction of the wax ! This seems an unexpected result. Myrica Carolinensis. Grows in dry soils; Richland, Prof. Gibbes ; collected in St. John's; Newbern. Griffith's Med. Bot. 583. Supposed to possess similar properties with the above. It can scarcely be distinguished from the others. 317 JuglandacEjE. (The Walnut Tribe.) Juglans tittered; L. Butternut; oil-nut. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina. Fl. April. U. S. Disp. 710; Archives Gen. 3e serie, x, 399, and xi, 40; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 131. "The inner bark of the root affords one of the most mild and efficient laxatives we possess." The extract was a favorite remedy in Gener- al Marion's camp during the Revolutionary war. It is very efficacious in habitual constipation, in doses of ten to thirty grains; the first acting as a laxative, the maximum purging. Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 115; Mx. N". Am. Sylva, 160; where it is spoken of as a mild cathartic, operating without pain or irritation, and resembling rhubarb in its property of evacuating without debilitating the alimentary canal. Dr. Rush employed it during the war. Wood says it is highly esteemed in dysentery ; Lind. Nat. Syst. 181. The rind of the fruit and the skin of the kernel are ex- tremely astringent, anthelmintic, and cathartic; the oil extracted from the fruit is of a very drying nature. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 687 (J. cathartica.) He re- marks that the inner bark of the root is acrid and caustic, and purges, but occasions neither heat nor irritation ; adapt- ed to bilious constitutions and to dysentery; often combined with calomel. It is given to animals in a disease called "yellow water"; Bull, des Sci. Med. Fer. xii, 338. To extract the cathartic principle, the bark is boiled in water for several hours; remove the extraneous matter, and boil down the decoction to the consistence of honey or mo- lasses—pills may be made of this. A syrup may also be made. The bark is strongest in the early summer. The powdered leaves are rubefacient, and act as a substitute for cantharides. Coxe, Am. Disp. 365. The bark of the branches affords a large quantity of soluble matter, chiefly of the extractive kind, water seeming to be a solvent. Wetherill found in it fixed oil, resin, saccharine matter, lime, potash, a peculiar principle, and tannin. Dr. B. S. Barton, in his Collections, 23, 32, thinks it is possessed of 318 some anodyne property. Dr. Gray ascertained that four trees, eight to ten inches in diameter, produced in one day nine quarts of sap, from which was made one pound and a quarter of sugar, equal, if not superior to that pro- duced from the maple. This plant is alwa} 7 s given in the form of extract or decoction. Griffith's Med. Bot. 589 ; Thacher's Disp. 245; Rush's Med. Obs. i, 112; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 767 ; Lind. Med. Fl. 387. The wood of the butternut is used for the sleepers and posts of frame houses and barns, for posts, and rail fences, troughs for cattle, etc. For corn-shovels and wooden dishes it is pre- ferred to the red flowering maples, because it is lighter and less liable to split ; consequently, hollow-ware and other articles made of it sell at higher prices. In Vermont the wood is used for the panels of coaches and chaises, being well adapted for this purpose, not only for its lightness, but because it is not liable to split. It receives paint in a superior manner, its pores being very open, more so than poplar and basswood. Mx. Am. Sylva; Farmer's Encyc. Juglans nigra, L. Black walnut. Diffused in lower and upper country of South Carolina; iSTewbern. Fl. June. Mer and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 687; Griffith, Med. Bot. vi, 89. The bark is styptic and acrid; the rind of the unripe fruit is said to remove ringworms and tetter; and the decoction is given with success as a vermifuge. "A kind of bread is obtained from the fruit." In a commu- nication received from J. Douglass, M. D., of Chester dis- trict, South Carolina, his correspondent, Mr. McKeown, informs me that a bit of lint, dipped in the oil of the wal- nut kernel, and applied to an aching tooth, is an effectual palliative; he has employed it for thirty years with great satisfaction. The following appeared in one of the journals during the year 1861 : Walnut leaves in the treatment of diseases. — Dr. Negries, physician at Angiers, France, haa published a statement of his success in the treatment of scrofulous disease in differ- 319 ent forms by preparations of walnut leaves. He has tried walnut leaves for ten years, and of fifty-six patients, afflicted in different forms, thirty-one were completely cured, and there were only four who appeared to have obtained no advantage. The infusion of the walnut tree leaves is made by cutting them and infusing a good pinch between the thumb and forefinger in half a pint of boiling water, and then sweetening it with sugar. To a grown person, M. ISTegries prescribed from two to three teacups full of this daily. This medicine is a slightly aromatic bitter ; its effi- ciency is nearly uniform in scrofulous disorders, and it is stated never to have caused any unpleasant effects. It augments the activity of circulation and digestion, and to the functions imparts much energy. It is supposed to act upon the lymphatic system, as under its influence the muscles become Arm, and the skin acquires a ruddier hue. Dry leaves may be used throughout the winter, but a syrup made of green leaves is more aromatic. A salve made of a strong extract of the leaves mixed alone with clean lard and a few drops of the oil of bergamot is most excellent for sores. A strong decoction of the leaves is excellent for washing them. The salutary effects of this medicine do not appear on a sudden — no visible effect may be noticed for twenty days, but perseverance in it will effect a cure. As walnut tree leaves are abundant in America, and as the extract of them is not dangerous or unpleasant to use, and scrofula not uncommon, a trial of this simple medicine should be made. In directing attention to it good results may be expected. A gray dye may be prepared with young, unripe walnuts. The walnuts should be beaten in a mortar, boiled with water — the yarn is previously, prepared with lye-water. See "Rhus" I obtain the following from a journal (1862) : To dye wool yam a durable black without copperas. — Place in. a kettle a layer of walnut leaves, then a layer of yarn, then a layer of leaves and another of yarn, and so on till the kettle is full ; pour on water till all is covered, and boil 320 all day. The next morning pour off the liquor into another vessel, and put fresh leaves with the yarn in layers as before, and pour the same liquor over it and boil again all day. Then hang the yarn in the air a few days, after which wash it and it will be a fine black. The walnut leaves should be gathered in the autumn just as they begin to fall from the trees. Both the black and white walnut possess a durable wood, and are secure from the annoyance of worms. The stem of the black walnut is easily perforated, and like the titi (Gliftonia) is much used for pipe-stems among the soldiers in camp. The fig is also used for the same purpose. At a convention of gunsmiths, held at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 29, 1861, some facts were elicited which are interesting in this connection. Mr. Hodgkins, a gunsmith, stated "that the greatest dif- ficulty was to get wood for the stocks ; that wood of one or two j'ears was not sufficiently seasoned. It ought to be cut twenty years. The bark should be taken off the tree at once. Some thought it best to cut the timber in the summer, others in the fall or winter." Gen. Wayne read the following from the Ordnance Manual : " The most suitable season for felling timber is that in which vegetation is at rest, which is the case in midwinter or midsummer. Recent experiments incline to give the preference to the latter season — say the month of July ; but the usual practice is to fell trees for timber between the first of December and the middle of March." "Gen. Wayne, on being inquired of, gave it as his opin- ion that there was no artificial process of seasoning wood that would answer for making gunstocks. " Mr. Esper said that maple timber could be seasoned rapidly by being boiled in oil. It prevented its cracking. It soon seasoned thoroughly, and would not spring. " Mr. Lamb stated that walnut was the best for stocking guns, but harder to season. It required a great number ot years — say twent} 7 years, or nearly so. Maple was next, and persimmon the next. These could be seasoned by artificial process." 321 The reader will find some information on the felling of timber in Wilson's Rural Cyc. I have seen beautiful walnut obtained from the roots of old trees which had died. The fruit is edible, and pleasant to the taste. The wood is very compact and durable, with a black, fine grain, sus- ceptible of a high polish, and forming a valuable substitute for mahogany, from which, when seasoned and varnished, it can scarcely be distinguished. It is much used in South Carolina in the manufacture of tables, stair-railings, and the inner work of houses. The writer has seen as beautiful book-cases, tables, stair-railings, and cabinet-work made from the wood prepared on our Southern plantations, when well seasoned, as any imported from elsewhere. The roots have a peculiarly rich black color, and are useful in making gunstocks. The trunk of a walnut tree, tapped on the 11th February, yielded a sap containing some cane sugar. The saps of the sycamore, of the Acer negundo, and of the lilac tree, con- tained the same species of sugar; but that of the birch tree held in solution some grape sugar. In the sycamore and birch tree M. Biot observed an extremely interesting fact. He ascertained, on felling these trees, that the greater portion of the descending sap was accumulated toward the middle of the trunk. That of the birch tree was acid and saccharine ; the sap of that portion of the trunk which was buried in the ground contained no sugar, but a substance possessing the principal characters of gum. {Annates du Museum d'Hisloire Naturelle, t. ii.) It was probably an eil'ect of the season, for Knight states that he never could discover the least trace of saccharine matter during winter in the alburnum either of the stem or of the roots of the sycamore. Boussingault's Rural Econ. in its relation to Chemistry, etc., Law's edition, 1857. Walnut leaves soaked in water for some hours, then boiled and applied to the skins of horses and other animals, will prevent their being bitten or worried by flies. In Patent Office Reports, 1855, is a paper on the Persian walnut, or Maderia nut (Juglans regia), which appears to be 21 322 well adapted to the climate of the Middle or Southern states. It produces an immense amount of oil and cake. It is preferred to linseed oil, and gives an excellent light. The husk of the walnut is used in dyeing woollen stuffs. Carya amara, porcina, alba, etc. Ell. Sk. Hickory. The barks are astringent. A dye for woollens used on the plantation is made from that of most of the species. The fruit of many of the hickory trees is pleasant to the taste, particularly the C. alba, shell-bark hickory, which is an article of trade. It should be spared in clearing land. To color yellow. — "Take three-fourths of hickory bark, with the outside shaved off, and one-fourth of black oak bark done in the same manner; boil them well together in a bell metal kettle until the color is deep ; then add alum sufficient to make it foam when stirred up, then put the yarn in and let it simmer a little while ; take it out and air it two or three times, having a pole over the kettle to hang it on, so that it may drain in the kettle; when dry rinse it in cold water." Thornton's Southern Gardener, p. 182. The writer has seen negro clothes and other stuffs dyed on the plantations with either hickory or oak barks, either alum or commercial copperas being used. The crab-apple dyes a canary color. The hickory bark, with copperas, dyes yarns an olive color — with alum, a green — the yarns must be put in hot. The wood of the hickory yields a very fine lye when reduced to ashes, and I will include much that is said of soap under this genus. The wood is also valuable for many purposes in the mechanical arts on account of its weight, pliability, toughness, and durability. In Pennsyl- vania an oil is extracted from the nuts of the C. amara, butternut hickory, which is used for the lamp, and for other inferior purposes. I would suggest that the nuts of any species would serve, if broken and boiled, for the manufac- ture of soap. I insert the following from Michaux : " Properties and uses of hickory wood. — The wood of all the species of hickory bears a striking resemblance, both as to 328 fibre and the uniform reddish color of the heart. It pos- sesses great weight, strength, and unusual pliability and toughness. When exposed to heat and moistur.e it is sub- ject to rapid decay, and is peculiarly liable to injury from worms. " Throughout the Middle states it is selected for the axle- trees of carriages, for the handles of axes and other carpen- ters' tools, and for large screws, particularly those of book- binders' presses. The cogs of mill-wheels are made of hickory heart, thoroughly seasoned; but it is proper only for such wheels as are not exposed to moisture ;^,nd for this reason some other wood is by many millwrights preferred. The rods which form the backs of Windsor chairs, coach- whip handles, musket-stocks, rake-teeth, flails for thrashing grain, the bows of yokes, or the elliptical pieces which pass under the necks of cattle: all these are objects customarily made of hickory. At Baltimore it is used for the hoops of sieves, and is more esteemed than the white oak, which is equally elastic, but more apt to peeloff in small shreds into the substance sifted. In the country near Augusta, in Georgia, I have remarked that the common chairs are of hickory wood. In New Jersey it is employed for shoeing sledges — that is, for covering the runners or parts which slide upon the snow; but to be proper for this use it must have been cut long enough to have become perfectly dry. "Of the numerous trees of North America east of the Alleghany mountains, none except the hickory is perfectly adapted to the making of hoops for casks and boxes. For this purpose vast quantities of it are consumed at home, and exported to the West India islands. The hoops are made of young hickories from six to twelve feet high, without choice as to the species. The largest hoop-poles sold at Philadelphia and New York in February, 1808, at three dol- lars a hundred. Each pole is split in two parts, and the hoop is crossed and confined by notches, instead of being bound at the end with twigs, like those made of chestnut. From the solidity of the wood, this method appears sufficiently secure. 324 "When it is considered how large a part of the produc- tions of the United States is packed for exportation in barrels, an. estimate maybe formed of the necessary con- sumption of hoops. In consequence of it, young trees proper for this object have become scarce in all parts of the country which have been long settled. The evil is greater, as they do not sprout a second time from the same root, and as their growth is slow. The cooper cannot lay up a store of them for future use, for unless employed within a year, and often within six months after being cut, they are at- tacked by tjvo species of insect, one of which eats within the wood, and commits the greatest ravages. "The defects which unfit the hickory for use in the build- ing of houses equally exclude it from the construction of vessels. At 'New York and Philadelphia the shell-bark and pignut hickories have been taken for keels, and are found to last as long as those of other wood, owing to their being always in the water. Of the two species, the pignut would be preferable, as being less liable to split, but it is rarely found of as large dimensions as the other. "In sloops and schooners the rings by which the sails are hoisted and confined to the mast are always of hickory. I have also been assured that for attaching the cordage it makes excellent pegs, which are stronger than those of oak; but they should be set loosely in the holes, as otherwise, for want of speedily seasoning, they soon decay. For hand- spikes the hickory is particularly esteemed on account of its strength ; it is accordingly employed in most American vessels, and is exported for the same purpose to England, where it sells from 50 to 100 per cent, higher than ash, which is brought also from the north of the United States. The hickories are cut without distinction for this use, but the pignut, I believe, is the best. "All the hickories are very heavy, and in a given volume contain a great quantity of combustible matter. They pro- duce an ardent heat, and leave a heavy, compact, and long- lived coal. In this respect no wood of the same latitude in Europe or America can be compared to them; such, at 325 least, is the opinion of all Europeans who have resided in the United States. "It has been seen by what precedes that though hickory wood has essential defects, they are compensated by good properties which render it valuable in the arts." In concluding this article, Michaux recommends particu- larly for propagation in European forests the shell-bark hickory and the pignut hickory, whose wood unites in the highest degree the valuable properties of the group. He thinks, also, that the pecan-nut merits attention from pro- moters of useful culture, not so much for its wood as for its fruit, which is excellent, and more delicate than that of the European walnut. It might probably be doubled in size, if the practice was successfully adopted of grafting this species upon the black walnut, or upon the common Euro- pean walnut. Oak and hickory bands for cotton bales. — A tie dispensing with the use of iron or rope bands in baling cotton has been patented. The editor of the Southern Field and Fireside says on this subject: "Precisely such 'ties' have been used to fasten strong hoops on tubs in distilleries and breweries a longer time than any living man can remember. Thirty years ago we made a score of large tubs for tanning leather, and tied the staves together (made of two-inch plank) as above described, save the teeth on the iron rings or bands. The fastening is very simple, and perfectly reliable. A small iron ring, formed like the capital letter D, is the thing. It should hold both ends of a hoop two inches wide, each end being a half-inch in thickness; and also a wedge three-fourths of an inch thick. Such a hoop, made of oak, ash, or hickory, will have more than four times the strength of the rope usually employed in baling cotton. Green or sound wood is hard to break when pulled lengthwise. On our Southern plantations oak, hickory, ash, and grape-vines are much used in place of rope in baling hay, fodder, etc." The following practical remarks on the manufacture of potash and soap I introduce here in connection with the hickory, from an editorial by Dr. Lee, in the Southern Field 326 and Fireside, January 18, 1862. (For "Soda" see "Sal- sola," in this book, and " Quereus") The ashes we may obtain by burning corn-cobs yield more potash than any other available substance; and the alkali from this source is rapidly converted into saleratus or good soap. Corn-cobs are mentioned because we often see them wasted in quanti- ties where hogs are fed, and where much corn is shelled. Soap-makers at the North buy all kinds of wood-ashes, and find no difficulty in making soap from them ; but many Southern negroes, who make a little soap, do not under- stand the art under consideration. They require ashes from hickory, walnut, poplar, or some other wood rich in potash to succeed in producing good soap. The quantity of lime named in the directions given in the article we copied is two or three times larger than it need be. A peck of re- cently slaked lime is abundant for a barrel of ashes. Lime that has been long slaked and exposed to the air will not answer. The object of the lime is to decompose all the carbonate of potash dissolved out of the ashes, so that the pure alkali will combine, with grease or oil, to form soap. When the amount of potash in wood is small, as in pines and decayed wood, the whole of the alkali unites with car- bonic acid, or some other, if free, when the wood is burnt. When ashes are kept some time, if partly caustic when first burnt from wood they part with their causticity by imbib- ing carbonic acid from the atmosphere, as freshly burnt lime will do. Hence, recently burnt ashes will often make soap without lime, but will not do if kept several months. As caustic lime has a stronger affinity for carbonic acid than potash or soda has, soap-makers find no trouble whatever in making soap from old ashes, or any ashes that have not been wet and washed. Having stated the reason why lime is used, we will give the simplest and best practice in the art of combining potash with an animal or vegetable oil or fat, which chemical compound is soap — soft if potash is used, and hard if soda is used. Refuse barrels and hogsheads are often used to drip and leach ashes in, and should stand on boards or plank, so as not to waste the lye. This done, a 327 few inches of clean broom-straw should be placed over all the bottom of the barrel and pressed down. For a hogs- head of ashes, a good bushel of recently slaked lime should be spread evenly over all the straw; but a peck of lime will do for a barrel of ashes. More lime will do no harm, and some ashes may require a little more. ISTow fill up the barrel of ashes, pound them down moderately, and pour on boiling water, or that which is hot, until the lye runs out at the bottom. If the ashes were good, this lye will make soap with very little boiling; but if the potash is too diluted, some of the water must be evaporated before the chemical union between the alkali and grease will take place. If too little grease is put in the pot or kettle, more must be added; and if there is too much for all to combine with the potash, the excess must be removed after, the soap is cold. Where salt is cheap, it is largely used in the manu- facture of bar soap. Turpentine and rosin are also used in this branch of business. The explanations in reference to soda and turpentine soap will be given elsewhere. Salt is now too expensive to be used in soap-making. In an article on soap and potash from the Atlanta Com- monwealth, in the Southern Field and Fireside for October, 1861, great stress is laid upon the ease with which we can manufacture potash in large quantity within the limits of the Southern Confederacy, and the consequent production of soap: "But whether we make our soap or establish manufactures, we need lye or potash in large quantities. To have this we must burn the light kind of wood, for some wood is better than other sorts, and we must save all the ashes and take good care of them. The ashes should not only be saved for this purpose, but to be used as ma- nure. It is a shame that we have been so long and so willingly dependent on the North for so large a catalogue of the commonest articles, and even for the article of soap." The following on the same subject is from the Richmond Dispatch, which I condense: "The great scarcity of soap at the present time arises from the want of potash and soda ash. Either will make soap. The latter is found in 328 its natural state (natron) in Egypt and South America, but the principal supply has been obtained from Great Britain, procured by the burning of sea-weeds. The former (pot- ash) is supplied mostly from Canada and the State of New York. There is in the Confederate States any quantity of material to make potash, and I would call the attention of farmers to its production. It requires but a simple process in its manufacture — a few large iron pans and a half-dozen whiskey barrels, with heads out, and an iron ladle, being all the apparatus required. " Most weeds furnish potash, in a greater or less degree, to every one hundred pounds. The following plants will furnish of potash : Oak wood 2^ lbs Wheat straw A\ " Barley straw 5 " Potato stem 55 lbs. Corn-stalks 17 " Oak bark and elm leaves .... 24 " "These articles can be obtained by the farmers at little cost. Select a shaded position, gather in a large heap, set fire to it, keeping the tire up until several bushels of ashes are obtained ; fill each barrel about one-quarter full of slaked lime; fill it then with water, stirring the ashes well; let it stand over night, or for about twelve hours, stirring frequently ; strain off the lye as clear as possible; pour in the kettles, and evaporate over a wood fire. The kettle should be kept constantly full for two days (a little experience will soon teach the quantity of lye it will require to make them half full with potash). The evaporation should be continued until the mass obtains the consistency of brown sugar; then increase the fire, by which it will be fused; continue it until quiescent, and looks like melted iron ; with a ladle transfer it to iron pans or baking-ovens, and allow it to cool; it ma}- be then broken in pieces, and packed in tight boxes or barrels. The experiment will pay well any enterprising farmer. The article cannot now be obtained at any cost, and can be sold at a high rate. We hope this may induce some to try it. The expense of fixtures is small. Pine wood furnishes but little potash." Ure, in his Dictionary of Science and Manufactures, art. 329 Potash, p. 457, says : In America, where timber is in many- places an incumbrance upon the soil, it is felled, piled up in pyramids and burned, solely with a view to the manu- facture of potashes. The ashes are put into wooden cis- terns having a plug at the bottom of one of the sides under a false bottom; a moderate quantity of water is then pour- ed on the mass, and some quick-lime is stirred in; after standing for a few hours, so as to take up the soluble mat- ter, the clear liquor is drawn off, evaporated to dryness in iron pots, and finally fused at a red heat into compact masses, which are gray on the outside, and pink-colored within. All kinds of vegetables do not yield, he adds, the same proportions of potassa. The more succulent the plant, the more does it afford; for it is only in the juices that the vegetable salts reside, which are converted by incineration into alkaline matter. Herbaceous weeds are more productive of potash than the graminiferous species, or shrubs, and these than trees; and for a like reason twigs and leaves are more productive than timber. But plants in all cases are richest in alkaline salts when they have arrived at maturity. The soil in which they grow also influences the quantity of saline matter. The following table exhibits the average product in potassa of several plants, according to the researches of Vauquelin, Pertuis, Ivirwan and DeSaussure : /)/ 1000 />«m Potassa. Pine or fir 0.45 Poplar 0.75 Trefoil 0.75 Beechwood 1.45 Oak 1.53 Boxwood 2.26 Willow 2.85 Elm and maple 3.90 In 1000 parts Potassa. Thistles 5.00 Flag stems 5.00 Small rushes 5.08 Vine roots 5.50 Barley straw 5.80 Dry beech bark 6.00 Fern 6.26 Large rush 7.22 Wheat straw 3.90 Stalk of maize 17.15 Bark of oak twigs 4.20 -. Bean stalks 20.00 In 1000 parts Potassa. Bastard chamomile — Anthem-is ontula, L .19.06 Sunflower stalks 20.00 Common nettle 25.03 Vetch plant 27.50 Thistles in full growth35.37 Dry straw of wheat before earing 47.00 Wormwood 73.00 Fumitory 79.00 Stalks of tobacco, potatoes, chestnut-husks, broom-heath, furze, tansy, sorrel, vine leaves, beet leaves, orach, and many other plants abound in potash salts. In Burgundy the well known cendres gravelies are made by incinerating the lees of wine pressed into cakes and dried in the sun ; the ashes 330 contain fully sixteen per cent, of potassa. To manufacture carbonate of 'potassa, chlorate, etc., from ashes, see also Ure's Dictionary. The corn-shuck and cob contain potash, and an economical soap is made from corn-shucks. See "Zea," in this volume. Count Chaptal, "Chemistry applied to Agriculture," p. 290, refers to the method of using economy in washing and bleaching cloths, linen, etc., by a soapy liquor, a solu- tion of oil and soda, in place of ordinary soap. He also introduces and describes a plan for washing and cleansing household linen and cotton yarn by steam from alkaline solutions. The expense is three-sevenths of the expense of the common method. I introduce the following from Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Agriculture, as it shows the very different com- position of different plants — the potato, for example: " It appears that the three earths which form the basis of the most fertile soil enter into the composition of plants. Bergmann has proved this by an analysis of several kinds of grain, and Ruckert, by the results of his experiments upon a variety of vegetable productions, in a way to put it beyond doubt. About one hundred parts of ashes well leached, and consequently disengaged of all their salts, yielded Silica. Lime. Alumina. Ashes of wheat 48 37 15 " oats, 68 26 6 " barley 69 16 15 " rye 63 21 16 " potatoes 4 66 30 " red clover 37 33 30" "Soft soaps," says Ure, "are usually made in this coun- try with whale, seal, olive, and linseed oils, and a certain quantity of tallow ; on the Continent, with the oils of hemp-seed, sesame (beni, which is planted in South Caro- lina)^ rapeseed, linseed, poppy-seed, and colza, or with mixtures of several of these oils. When tallow is added, as in Great Britain, the object is to produce white and somewhat solid grains of stearic soap in the transparent mass, called figging, because the soap then resembles the 331 granular texture of a 'fig.'" "The potash lyes should be made perfectly caustic, and of at least two different strengths," etc. See Ure, p. 668, for method. Any of the seeds of our oily plants, the cultivation of which I have so often recommended, can be pressed in a flannel bag in an ordinary cotton-press. If the pressure is exercised in a warm room heated by a stove, the escape of the oil will be much facilitated. A lye made of wood ashes will stop the rust in wheat, if the seeds are soaked in it before being • planted for two or three hours. It is a useful substitute at this time for the brine which is usually made of sulphate of copper or salt. As the Concentrated Lye may be made from ashes, I am induced to insert the following, on this all-important sub- ject. Resin is abundant in the Confederate States, and vegetable wax and oils can be obtained. See " Myrica" and bene" (" Sesam^im"). See method of preparing concen- trated lye, "Quercus alba" in this volume. Yellow, or rosin soap. — Dissolve one pound of concentrat- ed ]ye in one half-gallon of water, and set it aside ; heat in a kettle one gallon of water and three and a half pounds of fat or tallow, and commence to make the soap just as above for hard soap, with small quantities of lye, and a very small fire, until the soap is ready for salt, but add no salt. Put in now one and three-fourth pound of powdered rosin, and let it boil down by constantly stirring until the soap sticks on the kettle, and gets very thick. It is now finished, and may be put into a mould. Hard fancy soap. — Dissolve one pound of the concentrat- ed lye in two and a half pounds of hot water, and let it cool ; then melt by a low heat five pounds of clear fat or tallow, pour in the lye in a very small stream, and stir it rapidly; keep stirring until all has assumed the appearance of thick honey, and falls off the stirrer in large drops. It is then finished. Cover it up, and set the batch in a warm place; or better, cover it with a woollen blanket to keep in the heat, and let it stand for twenty-four hours, when it will have set into a fine, hard soap, which may be per- 332 fumed and variegated with colors by stirring the desired colors or perfumes into the mixture just before covering. If lard or olive oil is used, no heating of the same is required. Soft snap. — To one pound of the concentrated lye add three gallons of soft water, and four and one-half to live pounds of fat or tallow ; boil until the mass gets transpar- ent and all the fat has disappeared. Now add fifteen gallons of water, boil a few minutes, and the soap will be ready for use. As soon as cold, it will be a perfect jelly. If still too thick, add more water, which can be done to make the soap to any consistency desired. Twenty-five gallons of good soft soap can be made in this way out of one pound of the concentrated lye. Pump water is softened and made fit for washing as fol- lows : dissolve one cake of the concentrated lye in one gallon of watei\ and keep it for use in a well-corked demi- john or jug. To a tub full of pump or hard spring water add from one-eighth of a gill to a pint of the clear solu- tion ; the quantity of course varies according to the size of the tub, and the nature of the water, some taking more and some less. A tablespoonful will generally be found enough to make three to five gallons of water fit for wash- ing. In all the above operations, it should be remembered to replenish the water which may evaporate while dissolv- ing the concentrated lye, or while boiling. Consult " Salsola kali" for soda and soda soaps from ashes; also "oak" (Quereus alba), for additional information. To make twenty pounds of cheap soap from four pounds. — The Southern Field and Fireside directs : four pounds of turpentine soap, one half-pound of soda; add two gallons water, boil ten minutes, add a spoonful of salt, and boil ten minutes more. Economy in the use of salt. — I insert the following for its utility in the present exigency : " Green wood contains some forty per cent, of its weight of moisture, which forms a watery vapor when burning; and even dry wood has over forty per cent, of the elements of water, oxygen, and 333 hydrogen that forms vapor when such wood is burnt. Coal consists mainly of the carbon in wood, which in burning forms a very drying heat. Most of our readers are famil- iar with the usual process of barbecuing large pieces of meat over coals. If such meat were too. high above the coal tire to roast, it would soon dry. When dry, a very little salt and smoking will keep it indefinitely. Like cured bacon, it should be packed in tight casks, and kept in a dry room. "After one kills his hogs, if he is short of salt, let him get the water out of the meat by drying it over burning coals as soon as possible, first rubbing it in a little salt. Shade trees around a meat-house are injurious by creating dampness. Dry meat with a coal fire after it is smoked. You may dislike to have meat so dry as is suggested, but your own observation will tell you that the dryest hams generally keep the best. Certainly, sweet, dry bacon is far better than moist, tainted bacon, and our aim is simply to show how meat may be cured and long kept with a trifle of salt, when war has rendered the latter scarce and expen- sive." As this is an important question in every point of view at present, I will also cite on the manufacture of salt an elaborate article in the P. O. Reports, 1855, p. 143, by W. C. Dennis, of Key West, Florida ; also P. O. Reports, 1857, p. 133. The mode of crystallizing, etc., is explained in a plain, practical manner, with wood-cuts of machinery. Evaporation through thorns, wood-shavings, etc., is de- scribed. i Carya olivceformis. Pecan. Mississippi nut. Cultivated in Atlantic states. I have observed it growing wild in Ward's swamp, St. John's, Berkley, S. C, in company with the C. myrisUcm- formis or nutmeg hickory of Mx. ISTo doubt the fruit was disseminated from neighboring plantations, where it is cultivated. The fruit of the plants of this order are favorite articles for table use in the Confederate States. The pe- can-nut is rich and nutritious, and the tree might be planted 334 as a source of profit, as it is a rapid bearer, attaining a large size. * Michaux advises that the shoots should, for the purposes of fruiting, be grafted on stalks of the common walnut tree. The tree abounds in upper Louisiana and Illinois. A swamp of 800 acres is said to exist on the right bank of the Ohio, opposite the Cumberland river. The wood is coarse grained, heavy, and compact. Michaux. Saururace^e. Saururus Cernuus, L. Grows in inundated soils ; Rich- land ; vicinity of Charleston; Newbern ; and collected in St. John's, where the root is used, in the form of a poultice, in discussing tumors, and as an application in abscess of the breasts occurring after labor. It is thought by many to possess great value in this respect. In a note to Ell. Bot., 505, it is also said that the. fresh root is applied with advantage as an emollient and discutient to inflamed sur- faces. Salicace^e. (The Willow Tribe.) Bark generally astringent, tonic, and stomachic. Salix nigra, L. Willow. Grows along streams; Rich- land, Gibbes ; vicinity of Charleston ; collected in St. John's ; Newbern. Fl. May. Bell's Pract. Diet. 403 ; U. S. Disp. 622. See work of younger Michaux, Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 337 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi. 185; Griffith, Med. Bot. 583; Schoepf, Mat. Med. 43 ; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii. 671. The willow is supposed to furnish us with one of .the best sub- stitutes for Peruvian bark; the S. alba, which may be included among the many varieties found in the Confeder- ate States, and which are not yet accurately distinguished, seems to be held in high estimation. But this species also, is considered valuable ; the bark possessing some power as a purgative, anti-intermittent, and vermifuge. It also furnishes the principle called salicin, which, from the 335 results of late experiments, is found to be much less valuable than quinia, but is a good bitter tonic. See Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. for the mode of preparation. Bark of the root and branches is officinal. It is tonic and some- what astringent. Decoction made with one ounce of bark to one pint of boiling water; dose 2 fluidounces. It should be boiled ten minutes, and strained while hot. Dose of salicin from 2 to 8 grains and increased. It might well attract attention as a substitute for quinine. The large stems of this tree are light and durable, and are used for the timbers of boats. There are several other species in the Confederate States. The willow — osier willow (see article in Farmer and Planter, Sept., 1861), is cultivated extensively in Germany, France, and Belgium for making baskets, hats, screens, etc., etc. After most careful experiment it has been found that the best species to introduce into the Confederate States for the purpose, are the Salix forbeyana, Salix purpu- rea, purple willow, and Salix triandra, long-leaved willow. Forbes' loillow is very productive and hardy, one of the most valuable species for common work, where unpeeled rods are used. It does not whiten well. Purple wilioio. — Experiments have shows that this species is the most valuable and profitable for osiers in this country. With good ordinary culture its shoots will average ten feet in length ; will thrive best in deep, moist soil, where it will easily yield from four to live tons per acre of the most excellent rods, well qualified for the finest work. The purple willow, aside from being the most valuable for man- ufacturing all the finest kinds of willow-ware, is the best species for hedges, and is most extensively used for that purpose in Germany and Holland. The leaves and the bark being so very bitter will not be touched by cattle, while the shoots may be formed into any shape, and the hedge thereby made impregnable. Fine hedges or screens of twenty-five feet in height may be grown from willow cut- tings of this species in five years, thus affording almost immediate shelter, so indispensable at all seasons of the 336 year. We have seen, the writer adds, screens in Russia, of the willow, forty feet high, surrounding parks from three to four hundred acres in extent, affording the most perfect shelter against the sweeping winds and storms. Its soft, green, and glossy foliage will make it an object of great beauty and attraction. The last mentioned, the Salix triandra, long-leaved willow, will grow with almost equal vigor in any soil of depth ; ripens its shoots very early, and whitens beautifully; is tough and pliable, and a general favorite with our German basket-makers for split-work. This willow is most exten- sively cultivated in Germany by the thousands of acres. Its cultivation is highly esteemed by the people, and much encouraged by the government. Salix caprea, though not valued as an osier, is deserving of attention, as it will grow in wet situations where other trees will hardly exist. It furnishes food for bees at a time when it is most needed. In early spring, before other flowers appear, this tree is a mass of dazzling bloom, most eagerly sought after by bees. This willow is also valuable for hoops. The cuttings, in our climate, should be prepared in fall or early winter, and if planted at that time the ends will form the callosity preparatory to sending out roots. In setting the cuttings in the ground prepared for them, care should be taken to have them set deep enough ; a small portion only should remain above ground ; the strongest roots always start from the lower end of the cutting or set ; by doing so the most vigorous growth will be obtained. In establishing a willow plantation, cuttings of vigorous upland growth, that have had an abundance of room, should only be purchased and used, and, if obtainable, select wood of one year's growth, with a portion of two years wood from the lower extremity. Deep soils, free from standing water, but yet so soft that ploughing is impracticable, will grow enormous growths of 6'. triandra, requiring no further cultivation but keeping the weeds down for the first year or two, after which time the willows 337 will be of sufficient strength to take care of themselves, and 4 provide for their own shade and well-being. We have in, the Confederate States large districts of deep alluvium, often inclining to swamps, which are so much drained as to- do away with their swampy character, and with no other preparation than removing the trees, may make excellent willow plantations. Sir J. W. Hooker observes: "The many important uses rendered to men by the different species of willow serve to rank them among the first in the list of our economical plants." The editor of the Southern Farmer and Planter then quotes a statement by W. P. Rupert, of Geneva, N". Y., showing a net profit of $533 per acre from planting the osier willow. See, also, Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Agriculture for method of planting willow along borders of land -liable to inundation, to lessen the force of the water, to strengthen the soil, and reclaim the land. A border of willow and poplar is planted over the banks or along the sides of the watercourses, and the plants are cropped at the tops so as to increase the thickness of their growth. In a paper in Patent Office Reports on Agriculture, p. 46, 1851, by W. G. Haynes, of Putnam county, 1ST. Y., it is stated that four or five million dollars worth of willow were imported annually into the United States from France and Germany. The prices ranged from $1 to $1 30 per ton weight. The writer coufines his attention to the "three kinds best adapted for basket-making, farming, tanning, and fencing." He says: "The Salix viminalis is that speci- men of all others best adapted for basket-makers. An acre of this properly planted, and cultivated upon suitable soil, will yield at least two tons weight per year." See paper for yield. The people of England, till 1808, relied entirely for their supply upon Continental Europe. The Salix alba, or Bedford willow, is much planted by the Duke of Bed- ford. "The bark is held in high estimation for tanning, the wood for shoemakers' lasts, boot-trees, cutting-boards, gun and pistol stocks, and house timber; the wood being fine grained, and susceptible of as fine a polish as rose- 22 338 wood or mahogany. An acre of this kind of wood, ten years old, has sold in England for ,£155." The " Salix alba is extensively used by retired tradesmen who build in the country for the purpose of securing shade in a short time, and by the nobility around their fish-ponds and mill-dams, and along their watercourses and avenues. This is the principal wood used in the manufacture of gunpowder in England." See, also, article "Hempi" It requires twelve thousand cuttings to plant one acre. Much land worth for little else might be planted in willow. The next species is the & caprea, Huntingdon willow, "which is a good basket willow, and is used extensively in England by the farmers for hoop-poles and fencing. Their manner of planting when for fencing is by placing the ends of the cuttings in the ground, and then working them into a kind of trellis-work, and passing a willow withe around the tops or ends, so as to keep in shape for the first two years. They cut the tops off yearly, and sell them to the basket-makers, thus having a fence and crop from the same ground." Another description of fence is also made from the Salix caprea, " known in England by the name of hurdle fences, which may be removed at the pleasure or discretion of the proprietor." See article "Charcoal," in Wilson's Rural Cyc. The dogwood and alder are also used for making gunpowder. See, # also, Ure's Dictionary of Arts. In most of the large manufac- tories the charcoal is distilled from iron vessels, by which means it is obtained in a state of considerable purity, and the other products are saved. See " Pinus." A variety of the S. viminalis, called the velvet osier, is the very best for basket-making. In England, Wilson says, an acre of osier will yield greater profit than one of wheat. The Salix purpurea, as was stated, is also valuable. "The cutting of a basket twig should be made slopingly within three buds of the point whence the shoot issued ; and the cutting of a hoop willow may be made so low as to leave only the swell at the bottom of the shoot. Basket twigs are commonly sorted into three sizes, and tied into 339 bundles of each two feet in circumference : and when they are to be peeled, they are set on their thick end, a few inches deep in standing water, and left there till com- monly the latter part of the following May. The apparatus for peeling is simply two round rods of iron, nearly half an inch thick, sixteen inches long, and tapering a little up- ward, welded together a little at one end, which is sharp- ened, so that it may be easily thrust down into the ground. When thus placed in a piece of firm ground, the peeler sits down opposite to it, and takes the willow in the right hand by the small end, and puts a foot or more of the great end into the instrument, the prongs of which he presses to- gether with the left hand, and with the right draws the willow toward him, by which operation the bark will at once be separated from the wood; the small end is then treated in the same manner, and the peeling is completed. After being peeled they will keep in a good condition for a long time, till a proper market be found. Rural Cyc. Charcoal made of willow or oak is a useful antiseptic agent, possessing the power of absorbing gases, and useful in dyspepsia and ill-conditioned states of the gastrointes- tinal mucous membranes. It is also used as a mechanical laxative, in doses of ten to fifteen grains. It is supposed to act as a prophylactic in yellow fever. In preparing it, the common charcoal from green wood is reduced to pow- der. This is reheated and burned to ignition in a. tightly covered vessel. It is then kept for use in closely stopped bottles, as it will absorb moisture and gases from the atmosphere. It is used also as a general purifyer. Brack- ish water strained through a layer of sand and powdered charcoal is made sweet and pure. For making gunpowder charcoal, the lighter woods, such as the willow, dogwood, and alder answer best; and in their carbonization care should be taken to let the vapors freely escape, especially toward the end of the operation, for when they are reabsorbed, they greatly impair the com- bustibility of the charcoal. The charcoal of some wood contains silica, and is therefore useful for polishing metals. 340 Dr. Mushet published the following table of the quantity of charcoal yielded by different woods : Chestnut 23.2 of charcoal — glossy black, compact, firm. Oak 22.6 black, close, very firm. Walnut 20.6 dull black, close, firm. Holly 19.9 dull black, loose, and bulky. Beech 19.9 dull black, spongy, firm. Sycamore 19.7 fine black, bulky, moderately firm. Elm 19.5 fine black, moderately firm. Norway pine 19.2 shining black, bulky, very soft. Sallow or willow. .18.4 velvet black, bulky, loose, soft. Ash 17.9 shining black, spongy, firm. Birch 1 7.4 velvet black, bulky, firm. [_Am. Farmer's Enc. On the subject of Nitre, and the materials for gunpow- der, I will introduce the following from Chaptal's Chemis- try applied to Agriculture, p. 153, and may reproduce portions or all of Prof. Leconte's paper on nitre beds. Different kinds of wood, he says, yield coal of very differ- ent quality; the best coal is heavy and sonorous, and is produced from wood of very compact fibre. The heat it affords is quick and strong, and its combustion, though vigorous, lasts a long time. The charcoal of the green oak of the South burns at least twice as long as that of the white oak of the North, and the effects produced by the heat it affords are great in the same proportion. The light, porous, white woods afford a brittle, spongy coal, of less weight, and which may be easily reduced to powder; this coal consumes quickly in our fireplaces, but is useful for some purposes, particularly in the manu- facture of gunpowder, for which use it is prepared by the following process : a ditch of five or six feet square and of about four in depth is dug in a dry soil; the ditch is heated by means of a fire made of split wood; the shoots and leaves are stripped from the young branches of elders, poplars, hazels, and willows, of which the coal is to be made, and as soon as the ditch is sufficiently heated the branches are thrown gradually in ; when carbonization is at its height the pit is covered over with wet woollen cloths. This charcoal is more light and inflammable than that of 341 the denser woods, and is susceptible of being more easily- arid completely pulverized. M. Proust, who has made numerous experiments to ascertain the kinds of plants which furnish the best coal for powder, found that pro- cured from the stalk of hemp to be preferable to any other. The most perfect process of carbonization is by means of a close apparatus: for this purpose a stone or brick building is constructed, of eighteen to twenty-five feet square; this is matted over, and the inside of it lined with a brick wall ; through the extent of it cast-iron cylinders are laid in such a manner that one of the two ends shall have an external communication, while the other carries the smoke into one of the chimneys. As soon as the building is filled with the wood for carbonization the cylinders may be heated. The vapor which is distilled from the wood is received into sheet-iron pipes, placed in the top, which convey it into tubs where it is condensed. Count Chaptal esteems this to be the best and most economical apparatus for making charcoal ; besides, it allows the preservation of the pyroligneous acid, which brings a good price, and may also be purified and converted into vinegar. In England charcoal is prepared in two different w T ays. In one, billets of wood are formed into a heap, which is covered with turf, and a few small openings only left for the admission of the air requisite to maintain it in a state of low combustion after it is lighted. When the whole heap is on fire, the holes are stopped, and after the mass has cooled the residue is charcoal. This is substantially the method adopted on our plantations. In the other mode, the wood is distilled in iron cylinders, in which case the products are pyroligneous acids, and empyreumatic oil ; and what remains in the retort is charcoal. The quantity of the distilled products, as well as of the charcoal, de- pends on the kind of wood employed. One hundred parts of dried oak yields of pyroligneous acid, 43. parts ; carbon- ate of potassa, 4.5 parts; empyreumatic oil, 9.06 parts; charcoal, 26.2" parts. Farmer's Encyc. See also "Quercus" and " Pinus," in this volume. 342 The following advertisement appeared in the papers dur- ing the year 1862 : To Contractors. — Willow wood wanted. — Five hundred cords willow will be contracted for, to be delivered on the line of the canal, at the government powder factory, at Augusta, Gra., at the rate of not less than one hundred and fifty cords per month, commencing the 1st of December next. The willow may be of any size, the smaller branches being preferred; the larger sticks must be split into parts not larger than the arm. It must be cut into uniform lengths of three feet, and each cord will measure fourteen feet long, three feet high, and three feet broad, containing one hundred and twenty-six cubic feet. The bark must be carefully peeled off at the time of cutting. Purification of water by charcoal. — The reader is referred to Chaptal's "Chemistry applied to Agriculture" for much that is practical in the domestic economy of our planta- tions in the South on the manufacture of wine, brandy, etc. In his chapter on the "means of preparing whole- some drinks for the use of country people" he gives the following method for rendering impure water pure. It would be found of great service at the present time, and our generals in the field might thus, at little cost, purify water for the use of their camps, for want of which simple expedient moves, possibly disastrous, have often to be made in face of an enemy. "The water made use of is often muddy, or has a bad smell, either of which faults may be corrected by filtering it through charcoal ; the process may be performed in the following manner: place a large cask upright, in the coolest situation you can command, knock out the head, and form in the bottom of it a bed of clean sand upon which place one of charcoal, and above these fasten securely a double head pierced with holes. When this is done the cask may be immediately filled with the water which is to be purified. The filtrated fluid may be drawn off by means of a stop cock placed at the bottom of the bed of sand; it will be found to have be- come clear and inodorous in its passage through the sand 343 and charcoal. The preservation of this apparatus requires but little care; when the charcoal ceases to produce the desired effect it must be either well washed or replaced by a new portion." This plan can be put in practice by any one, and at any time. Salix Babilonica. Weeping willow^. Completely natural- ized in South Carolina. It forms one of our most beautiful and graceful orna- mental trees. Only the pistillate plant is found here ; and hence it does not mature its fruit as the others do. Populus alba. White poplar. Introduced. This is an aquatic plant, yet will grow on dry soils. It is easily propagated by suckers, grows rapidly, is very tena- cious of life, and is one of the trees planted to prevent the encroachment of the sea or rivers, by being planted with willows on the margin. See Salix. The poplar has a very white, light wood, very suitable for flooring ; also eminently suited, on account of its light- ness, for the manufacture of trays, bowls, etc. "It is excel- lently adapted for the purposes of the bellows-maker, and of the manufacturer of wooden soles of shoes ; as good for light carts ; as excellent for laths and packing-cases ; as very superior for wooden constructions under water ; and in fact as available for an almost innumerable variety of purposes, from the mean ones of fuel and poles to the noble ones of tools and furniture. Pontey even asserts it to be perfectly suitable for almost every article usually made of mahogany, and quite capable of being stained and doctored into a very close imitation of that valuable wood." Wilson. The wood of our wild, tulip-bearing poplar (Liriodendron) is adapted to similar purposes, being light, and easily worked, and used by the cabinet-maker for many purposes. It is stated in the Farmer's En- cyclopaedia that by splitting the wood of the white pop- lar into thin shavings like tape or braid, the stuff called sparterfe, used for hats, is manufactured. These shavings 344 are always made from green wood. One workman can, with the aid of a child to carry off the shavings, keep several plaiters employed. This might be made a source of successful industry in the Confederate States. Upon examining the excrescences caused by an insect in large numbers on the leaves of the cotton-wood tree (P. heterophylla, L.), I find them possessed of .great bitterness, and suggest an examination into their tonic properties. Balsamaceje. Liquidambar styraciflua, L. Sweet-gum. Diffused. Fl. March. IT. S. Disp. 273 ; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 184 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 303 ; Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. vi, 190 ; Royle, Mat. Med. 562 ; Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 798 ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. In former times the resin was used in scabies ; and it is said (Am. Herbal, by J. Stearns) to be useful in resolving hard tumors in the uterus. The In- dians esteemed it an excellent febrifuge, and employed it in healing wounds. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 128, and the Supplem. 1846 ; Ann. de Montpellier, 1805, 327; Journal de Pharm. vii, 339, and vii, 568; Bull, de Therap., Oct. 1833, where D. L'Heritier proposes to treat blennorrhagias and leucorrhceas with liquid styrax. A kind of oil, called copalm, is extracted from it in Mexico, which, when solidified, is called copalm resin ; this is an excitant of the mucous system, and it is given in chronic catarrhs, and in affections of the lungs, intestines, and urinary passages. This is cordial and stomachic ; it excites both perspiration and urine; it is also used in perfumery. In South Carolina and Georgia the temperature is not high enough for this tree to furnish much gum. Dr. Griffith experimented with it in the latitude of Baltimore, and ob- tained a small quantity by boiling the twigs and branches ; he found that it exists in greatest abundance in the young trees just before the appearance of the leaves. It is about the consistence of honey, of a yellow color, and of a pleas- ant, balsamic odor and taste. The tree is of rapid growth, 345 and is ornamental — frequently assuming the appearance of a sugar-loaf. The wood is soft, but not durable. A decoc- tion of the inner bark of the gum in a quart of milk, or a tea made with boiling water is one of the most valuable and useful mucilaginous astringents that we possess (Dr. Richard Moore). It can be employed with advantage in cases of diarrhoea and dysentery. I have discovered that the leaves also of the gum, as well as those of the myrtle, are exceedingly rich in tannin, and would advise them to be used while green as a substitute for oak bark. They can always be obtained in the greatest abundance. As the result of my comparative experiments, these, with the leaves of the sumach, possessed more tannin than any other leaf. See " Tannin.''' The chinquapin, given with milk, is a use- ful astringent; see, also, blackberry (Rubus) and dogwood {Cornus). The gum of the sweet-gum, mixed with suet, is used by the vegetable practitioners in the treatment of itch. Leaves of native trees for Tanning Leather recommended in place of Oak bark. — Compelled by sickness to make a tem- porary sojourn in St. John's, Berkley, S. C, during the months of October and November, 1861, I had the leisure to make some experiments upon the relative amount of the astringent principles in the leaves of several of our most abundant native trees. The reputed power of the dogfen- nel and other plants for the rapid tanning of leather attract- ed my attention to the subject. I publish the following, that the green leaves may be collected and used before they fall. They can be much more readily obtained than oak bark. I made two series of experiments, with a solution of each leaf in boiling water, in separate test-glasses. After they had remained a sufficient time for the coloring matters and the astringent principles to be extracted, I subjected each to the appropriate reagents. Solutions of iron as well as gelatine were employed, which responded perfectly, and gave delicate shades of difference. The leaf, well chewed and tasted, also gives a very good idea of its astringency, and consequently affords an approximation to the tannin 346 and gallic acid it contains. It will be seen that the leaves of the sumach, sweet-gum, myrtle, blackberry, Cleihra tomen- tosa and Andromeda nitida (both abundant in our damp pine barrens, along the margin of ponds), and the fruit of the unripe persimmon, contain the largest amounts of tannin, and perhaps gallic acid. I took special care to select trees, for the most part, which grew plentifully, and I particularly recommend those just mentioned to be used in lieu of oak bark for tanning leather, on account of their abundance and the ease with which the fresh leaves can be gathered, and because of the scarcity of the oak, and the injury to these raluable timber trees. If the oak is deprived of its bark the wood should always be converted into ashes. Strange to say, the clogfennel (JSupaiorium fceniculaceum?) occupied a very inferior position as a tanniniferous plant. FIRST SERIES. (Relative amount of Astringency expressed by numerals.) 1. Clethra alnifolia, L. (G. lomenlosa, Lam.) Diffused in damp pine lands. 1. Andromeda nitida. 1. Fruit of unripe Persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana) ; color of solution, bluish black. 2. Sweet-Gum (Liquldambar styraciflua). 2^. Swamp Myrtle (Myrica eerifera). 3. Sweet Swamp Bay, or Laurel (Magnolia, glauca). All the above rich in tannin. 4. Oak Leaves, Black Jack (Quercus nigra, L.) 5. Leaves of Persimmon. 6. Sassafras (Laurus Sassafras), a trace. 7. Prinos Glaber (ink-berry). Tannin not very evident. SECOND SERIES. 1. Sumach (Rhus copallina L. and R. Glabra. 2. Blackberry (Rubus villosus and trivialis), both very rich in tannin. 3. Sweet leaf (Hopea tinctoria), tannin slightly present. 347 4. Dogfennel. (Eajpatorium fceniculaceum), a trace. 5. Sassafras, a trace. 6. Gall of the earth (Prenanth.es alba), very bitter ; tannin, none. Both the leaves and the excrescences on the leaves of the smooth Sumach (Rhus glabra), growing along streams in the upper districts, are very rich in tannin, and should be used. The Alder (Alnus serrulata), abundant along watercours- es, is also astringent. The reader can find a list of the plants and trees yielding tannin in lire's "Dictionary of Arts, Manufacture, and Mines." See also Oak (" Quercus") and Sumach ("Rhus"), in this volume. CALLITRICHACEyE. Callitriche verna, "W. 1 Water chickweed. Grows " heterophylla,~E[\. Sk.. /in shallow water. Collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May. Shec. Flora Carol. 326. It is considered by the planters a valuable diuretic remedy in dropsy. The tincture of the whole plant in spirits is employed. A decoction is given to horses when diuresis is desired. Santalales. Nyssa aquatica,Jj. Black-gum; tupelo; sour-gum. The roots are immersed in inundated soils; collected in St. John's; observed in Fairfield district; vicinity of Charles- ton ; Newbern. The roots are white, spongy, and light, and are sometimes used in the Confederate States as a substitute for cork. The genus exhibits a constant peculiarity of organization ("the fibres are united in bundles and interwoven like a braided cord"), hence the wood is extremely difficult to split, unless cut into billets — much used for hubs of wheels ; also preferred for the sideboards of carts. Am. Sylva. Trays, bowls, dippers, mortars, and other utensils are manufactured from it. I had recommended it as a suitable material for 348 shoes in my article in DeBow's Review, August, 1861, and have since had a number made from the wood of the roots for negroes residing on plantations in South Carolina. A friend from St. Paul's parish recommends that only the sole of the shoe be made of wood, an inch in thickness, cowskin, with the hair turned inside, being nailed on this over a last. To make the back of the shoe of wood also, gives pain to the wearer. The wood should be well seasoned, or it will crack ; boiling will prevent this if the fresh wood is used. Very neat and well fashioned shoes, I am told, have been manufactured by gentlemen in Abbeville and other dis- tricts of South Carolina out of this wood. In the Charles- ton Courier, October, 1861, it is advised that when the black-gum is used as a substitute for leather, "for complete protection against moisture, a slip or inner sole and lining of any water-proof material may be added." I introduce the following from the "Farmer and Planter," as not inappropriate. Every one. who has visited Europe has seen the sabot worn by the peasantry: A good thing for our negroes. — It cannot be denied that a number of diseases must result from the wearing of leather shoes by our negroes, when engaged in out-door operations during cold weather, or in wet situations. In Germany, Belgium, and France, in order to prevent those evils, at least to some extent, the use of wooden shoes has long since been introduced, and they are extensively worn by the whole farming and laboring population. The governments of Europe have very much encouraged the manufacture of the same, and their preference over leather shoes is much recommended by all boards of agri- culture and of health. There is hardly an operation on the farm and about the farm-houses, the garden, etc., in which they could not be most profitably used. They are perfectly secure against the penetration of water, and being always dry, will keep the feet warm, and thereby prevent many diseases. They are light and easy to wear, of a pleasant appearance, may be blackened or varnished. They can be worn with or without stockings; and, with 349 many other advantages, they combine such durability as to last almost a lifetime, at a cost of from twenty-five to thirty-seven cents. They are certainly entitled to the attention of the farm- ing and laboring population of the South. The wood for their manufacture is to be had in great abundance in most of our Southern states. The following, addressed to the editors of the Charleston Courier, is on the same subject: Shoes without leather. — I saw the last autumn, at the store of Messrs. Howes, Hyatt & Co., shoe and leather dealers, in the City of New York, a plantation brogan, differing from the old shoe, in having soles of some light, tough wood — the root of the swamp poplar, 1 think. The proprietors told me that they had patented the invention a year or two previous, and would warrant the brogan to outlast the best of the leather-soled. They said that they had large orders from planters on the Mississippi, who had tried them, and found that they were warmer, more durable, and more im- pervious to water than the leather-soled. The soles were made by machinery. The upper leather was first securely tacked to the inner sole, and the under sole securely fasten- ed to the upper by about one dozen iron screws, securing the upper leather between the two soles. With soles of wood and uppers of canvas we can be in- dependent of leather in the present scarcity of that article in our Confederacy. Mr. W. Gilmore Simms suggests to me the use of the tupelo, on account of its lightness, for making cartridge- boxes. Birds are fond of the fruit of this genus. ThymelacEjE. (The Mezereum Tribe.) According to Lindley, the great feature of this tribe is the causticity of the bark, which acts upon the skin as a vesicatory, and causes excessive pain in the mouth when chewed. 350 Dirca palastris, L. Canada leatherwood. Diffused; grows near Augusta at Colleton's Neck (Ell.); Bartram found it near Savannah. PI. Feb. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 659 ; U. S. Disp. 1253 ; Coxe's Am. Disp. 259; Shec. Flora Carol. 513; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 157; Barton's Collec. 32; Griffith, Med. Bot. 563 ; Raf. Med. Fl. i, 158. The berries are said to be nar- cotic and poisonous, and the bark has a nauseous odor and acrid taste, yielding its virtues to alcohol; eight grains of the powdered bark will produce violent vomiting, followed by purging. When applied to the skin, it blisters like mezereon. The juice has been applied to the nerve of a painful tooth with relief, and in diseases where acrid masti- catories are serviceable. Bigelow says the decoction is sudorific and expectorant, and he considers it a good sub- stitute for senega. The bark is also uncommonly tough, and was used by the Indians for cordage; the wood is very hard and pliant. Its twigs are remarkable for toughness, are as strong and pliable as those of the lime tree, and are employed in America for the manufacture of various small articles. Its bark, also, has a homogeneous character with the twigs, and is used for making ropes and baskets; and both, but espe- cially the twigs, occasion the plant to be popularly called in Canada leatherwood. This plant is an excessive favorite with snails ! Wilson's Rural Cyc. Laurace^;. [The Cinnamon Tribe.) The qualities of the species of this order are uniform, being universally aromatic, warm, and stomachic. Sassafras officinale, Nees. 1 Sassafras. Diffused in up- Laurus sassafras of Ell. Sk. / per and lower country ; Va. Fl. March. Bell's Pract. Diet. 411; Eberle, Mat. Med. ii, 320; Dray- ton's View, 68; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 341; IT. S. Disp. 640; Royle, Mat. Med. 518; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 253; Cullen's Mat. Med. ii, 200 and 579; Big. Am. Med. 351 Bot. ii, 142; Murray's Apparat. iv, 835; Kalm's Travels, 11; Hoffman's Obs. Phys. Chem. 31; Clayton's Phil. Trans, viii, 332; Bremaine, "Sassafralogia," in 1627; Woodv. Med. Bot.; Griffith's Med. Bot. 552; Thornton's Farn. Herb. The plant contains an essential oil, obtained by distillation, which is heating, sudorific, and diuretic, and which is used to disguise the taste of medicines. In the Supplem. to Diet, de M. Med. 426, 1846, it is reported that the essential oil, when placed in a temperature of 40° Fahr., will form crystals, which, being exposed to heat, return to pure oil: from the Report in the Lond. Med. Journal vii, 2501, 831; Researches on the Ess. Oil of Sassafras, in the Comptes Rendus Hebd. des Sc. de l'Acad. des Sc. xviii, 705. After the conquest made by the Spaniards in Florida sassafras was used in the treatment of syphilis, the warm infusion being applicable in cutaneous disease, by acting on the emuncto- ries. The root is employed in this state, in combination with guaiac, sarsaparilla, and China briar {Smilax), in the formation of diet drinks. It is diaphoretic and diuretic, useful in rheumatism, and Alibert speaks highly of it in gout. The pith of the young branches, according to Eberle, contains a great deal of mucilage; which is "an exceedingly good application in acute ophthalmia, and no less useful in catarrhal and dysenteric affections;" it is not affected by alcohol; Griffith (Med. Bot. 552) also speaks favorably of it as an application to inflamed eyes, being effectual in the re- moval of the irritation so constant in this complaint. It is advantageously given as a demulcent drink in disorders of the respiratory organs, bowels, and bladder; being more efficacious than that prepared from the leaves of Bent (Sesa- mum Indicum). It might be used as a substitute for acacia. The oil extracted from this plant is one of the heaviest of the volatile oils. Dr. B. S. Barton states that it has been found an efficacious application to wens. Coll. i, 19. G. Velsch, "Lignum sassafras et radice diversum," Miscel. Cur. Nat. 332, 1670; C. J. Trew, Brevis Hist. Nat; Arboris Sassafras dicta? (Nova acta Acad. Nat. Cur. ii, 271); G. D. Ebret de Arboribus Sassafras dictis et Londini cultis (Nova 352 acta ii, 236); Obs. on the Sassafras, in Obs. sur la Physique, xxiv, 63; Bonastre, Mem. sur l'Huile volatile do Sass. (Journal de Pharm. xiv. 645.) And, also, A. Buchner upon the Crystallization of the Oil of Sassafras. The roots yield a drab color with copperas; no doubt a much lighter shade may be obtained by alum or vinegar as a mordant. I believe that any of our plants containing either tanning or colored juices may be used as dyes. Iron increases the shade by forming tannate or gallate of iron. See " JRhus", etc. The leaves of sassafras contain an unusual proportion of mucilage, which would readily serve as a substitute for gum arabic, flax, slippery elm, Bene, etc. Two or three leaves, dissolved in water, yield a mucilaginous drink. I made great use of the tea prepared with sassafras root, gathered extemporaneously, while Surgeon to theHolcombe Legion, S. C. Vols. It was given whenever a warm, aro- matic, mucilaginous tea was required, in fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, catarrhs, mumps, etc. The nurse detailed for each company procured the materials upon the spot where the company or regiment was posted. It served every pur- pose of the articles usually supplied by the medical purveyors of the army. The pith of the sassafras is also medicinal. The spice bush' '{Benzoin odoriferum, Nees. Laurus b., L.) was much used by the soldiers from the upper part of the state for making a pleasant aromatic tea. Many brought the plant with them. It is tolerably well diffused over the Confederate states, on banks of streams and low woods. In camp sassafras tea was often drunk daily by many of the officers and soldiers as a favorite substitute for green tea, It is thought to purify the blood, but the impression that it tends to impair the health and intellect if persisted in must be erroneous. The oil it contains is diuretic. I have since read the following in the Farmer's Encyclo- paedia : " The wood stripped of its bark is very durable, strong, and resists worms, etc. It forms excellent posts for gates. 353 Bedsteads made of it are never infested with bugs. It is, however, only occasionally employed for any useful pur- pose, and never found in the lumber-yards of large towns. The pith and dried leaves of the young branches of the sassafras contain much mucilage, resembling that of the okra plant, and are extensively used in New Orleans to thicken pottage, and make the celebrated gumbo soup. In Virginia, and other Southern states, the inhabitants make a beer by boiling the young shoots of the sassafras in water, to which a certain quantity of molasses or sugar is added, the whole being left to ferment. The beer is regarded as a wholesome and pleasant drink during summer. So is an infusion of the bark of the roots, which is much drunk for the cure of cutaneous and other disorders." A cheap and wholesome beer for the use of soldiers, or as a table beer, is prepared from the sassafras, the ingre- dients being easily obtained. Take eight bottles of water, one quart of molasses, one pint of yeast, one tablespoonful of ginger, one and a half tablespoonful of cream of tartar, these ingredients being well stirred and mixed in an open vessel ; after standing twenty-four hours the beer may be bottled, and used immediately. The reader interested in the manufacture of beer, ale, porter, etc., will find the methods detailed in Solly's Rural Chemistry, lire's Dic- tionary of Arts and Manufactures, and in Wilson's Rural Cyclopaedia. I add the method of preparing The French Army Beer. — The following is the recipe of the beer that has been introduced into the French army upon the recommendation of the Medical Board. It is de- scribed as a very wholesome beverage, of pleasant and refreshing taste, and promoting digestion in a remarkable degree. It may prove an agreeable beverage both in and outside of the army: Water 100 litres about 1 00 quarts. Molasses 500 grammes about 1 pound. Hops 100 grammes about 3 ounces. Marshmallow root 50 grammes , . .about 1| ounce. Yeast 50 grammes about lj- ounce. 23 354 Make an infusion of the hops and marshmallow root with abput twenty times their weight of the boiling water. Another part of the water is used to dilute the molasses, and another to dilute the yeast. All the fluids are then mixed, and put into a vessel for fermentation. After five or six days it will be ready for use The following modification of the recipe may sometimes be preferable: Water 100 litres 100 quarts. Honey 800 grammes 1 lb. 10 oz. Brown sugar 800 grammes 1 lb. 1 oz. Hops 300 grammes 9 oz. Yeast 50 grammes 1^ oz. I have no doubt the mucilaginous leaves of the sassafras or the Bene would serve as a substitute for marshmallow. See also "Persimmon" (Diospyros), "Apple," and "Hop," in this volume, for manufacture of domestic liquors. Benzoin odorifemm, Nees V. Ess. "> Spice bush ; fever Laurus benzoin, L., Ell. Sk. J bush. Grows along rivulets. Collected in St. John's, Charleston district; Richland, Prof. Gibbes; Newbern. Fl. April. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 51; U. S. Disp. 1233; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 201; Griffith's Med. Bot. 553; Barton, 295. This is another of our highly aromatic, indigenous shrubs; the bark is, besides, stimulant and tonic; "exten- sively used, in North America, in intermittent fevers." This tree contains a remarkable amount of aromatic prop- erty in every portion of it: it yields benzoin. Benzoin is also found in our grasses, Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet scented vernal grass), Holms odoratus and Mellilotus offici- nalis — the principle which appears to give fragrance to hay and pasture land, and which is communicated undecom- posed to the urine of the cow. Wilson's Rural Cyc. The berries contain an aromatic oil, which is esteemed in some parts of the country as an application to bruises, rheumatic limbs, etc. It is said to have been employed, during the 355 Revolutionary war, as a substitute for allspice, B. S. Barton states that an infusion of the twigs has been found effica- cious as a vermifuge; the flowers are employed in the place of those of the sassafras. A decoction of the plant forms an excellent diaphoretic drink in pneumonias, colds, coughs, etc., and as such may be largely used among our soldiers in service. The soldiers of the upper country of South Carolina, serving in the Holcombe Legion, of which I was Surgeon, came into camp fully supplied with the spice bush for making a fragrant, aromatic, diaphoretic tea. This, and a tea prepared from the sassafras, I used entirely as a substi- tute for gum arabic and flaxseed in colds, coughs, pneumo- nias, etc. See "Sassafras" and " Ulmus fulva." Soldiers may supply themselves with these, as they move camp, in any locality. Laurus geniculaia, Walter. Pond spice. Grows around ponds; vicinity of Charleston; Newbern. This, also, is aromatic. Amstolochiaceve. [The Birthwort Tribe.) Generally tonic and stimulating. Aristolochia serpentaria, L. Serpentaria; snakeroot. Dif- fused. Richland; vicinity of Charleston; Newbern. Fl. June. Bell's Pract. Diet. Mat. Med. 420; Trous. et Pid. Mat. Med. i, 336; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 249; Eberle, Mat. Med. i, 280; Le. Mat. Med. i, 163; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 520; Royle, Mat. Med. 532; U. S. Disp. 658; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. i, 231 ; Journal de Pharmacie, vi, 365; Journal de Chim. Med. vii, 493; Sydenham, Peechey's Trans. 4th edition, 33; Ball and Gar. Mat. Med. 375; Cul- len, Mat. Med. ii, 85; Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 765; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 415; Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 82; Murray, Apparat. Med. i, 348; Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. ii, 411; Lind. on Hot Climates, 104, 254; Shec. Flora 356 Carol. 203; Lincl. Nat. Syst. Bot. 206; Bart. M. Bot. 251; Woody. Med. Bot.; Griffith's Med. Bot. 829; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 166; Bull Plantes Ven. de France, 83; Thornton's Fam. Herb. This plant is well known as a tonic, diuretic, and diaphoretic, of great value in the low stages of fever, as in typhus, in chlorosis, and' in atonic affections of the intestinal canal; indicated where we wish to stimulate and excite at the same time a free diaphoresis and diuresis. It is also useful in promoting the cutaneous excretions in ex- anthematous diseases, where the eruptions are tardy. The infusion is serviceable in restraining vomiting; much use is made of this plant among the negroes in South Carolina, particularly in the low stages of pneumonia, to which they are particularly liable. I have observed the good effects of both this and the senega snakeroot (Polygala senega) in this affection. The dose of the powdered root is ten to thirty grains; of the infusion of one ounce to one pint of boiling water, two ounces may be taken as often as occasion requires. Its effects are increased by combining it with camphor. Dr. Thornton (Fam. Herb. cit. sup.) used it in typhus fever; two drachms of the tincture, combined with ten grains of the powder and five drachms of the tincture of opium, may be given every hour. It is said to add much to the efficacy of bark. Several vegetable infusions surpass even sea-salt in anti- septic power. Sir John Pringle says that several bitters, such as serpentaria, chamomile, or Peruvian bark, exceed salt, he inferred, one-hundred and twenty times — "flesh re- maining long untainted when immersed in their infusions; camphor is more powerful than anything else." Wilson's Rural Cyclop. This antiseptic power of certain vegetable substances should be compared with their medicinal effects when prescribed internally. All the articles just mentioned are, it will be remembered, employed in typhoid and low fevers. Among vegetable products vinegar is also antisep- tic, and in the latter stages of low forms of fever, dysentery, etc., is highly useful. Among the astringents possessed of antiseptic properties, the tannin may be the potent agent, on account of its affinity for albumen and gelatine. 357 Aristolochia hastata. Rich, shaded soils. Fl. June. IT. S. Disp. 658; Am. Journal Pharm. xiv, 121. It is said to be similar in properties to the A. serpentaria. AristolocMa sipho. Shec. Fl. Carol. 205. Similar in prop- erties to the others. Asarum Canadense, L. Wild ginger ; Canada snakeroot. Rich soil ; collected in St. John's. Fl. April. U. S. Disp. 125; Pe. Mat, Med. and Therap. ii, 243; Frost's Elems. 220; Med. Journal Pharm. x, 186; Diet. Univ. des Drogues Simples, Ann. 1733 ; Cullen Mat. Med. ii, 473, 553 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Med. i, 463 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 149 ; Schoepf, Mat. Med. 72, in op. cit. ; Barton's Collection, 26, 48 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 368 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 206; Griffith's Med. Bot. 527. An aromatic, stimu- lant tonic and diaphoretic, "applicable in similar cases with serpentaria." It is employed in cases requiring a medicine of this class, and is used in colic where no inflammation exists. It is valuable in colds, coughs, and female obstruc- tions as a warm, diffusible stimulant and diaphoretic; some- times combined with snakeroot and puccoon root (Sanguina- ria<). Dr. Firth gave it with benefit in the tetanus of children arising from cold. The leaves, dried and pow- dered, have powerful errhine properties. They were once considered actively emetic (Shec. Fl. Carol. 219) ; but this has been denied by Bigelow and Barton, op. cit. The root is often used as a substitute for ginger, to which it is said to be fully equal. According to Bigelow's examination, it contains a pungent, volatile oil, and a resin which communi- cate to alcohol the virtues of the plant, fecula, a gum, mucus, etc., op. cit. 153, 1. By the Anal, of Mr. Rushton, quoted in Griffith's work from the Am. Journal Pharm. x, 81, and more recently of Mr. Proctor, ibid, xii, 177, it is shown that the active principle is an aromatic, essential oil, and that it contains neither asarin nor camphor. This plant may be given either in powder, tincture, or 358 infusion ; dose of powder, thirty grains. It may be boiled in milk and drunk freely. A syrup may also be made. Asarum Virginicum. Heart snakeroot. Grows in rocky soils. Fl. July. Shec. Flora Carol. 218 ; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med, 219 ; "a stimulating diaphoretic, fully equal to the Arist. Serp." Probably possessed of similar properties to the other. Milne, in his Ind. Bot. 73, alludes to this species as one of the strongest of the vegetable errhines — the roots and leaves being used. " The fresh leaves applied to the nostrils speedily terminate attacks of slight cold by the discharge which they induce." Those who snuff find it a valuable addition to tobacco — the dried leaves being powdered and mixed with it. The decoction and infusion of this were considered emetic, and great relief was said to have been afforded by.it in periodical headaches, vertigoes, etc.; one scruple of the fresh or one drachm of the dried root and leaves was employed as an emetic and cathartic. Asarum arifolium, Mich. Grows in shaded, rich soils ; collected in St. John's, Berkley; near Whitehall PI.; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May. Shec. Flora Carol. 217. This, no doubt, partakes of the properties of the others, if it is not identical ; Linnaeus proposes it as a substitute for hyppo ; and Dr. Cutler says that the powdered root, in moderate doses, acts as a gentle emetic, one and a half drachm given in substance. The "tincture possesses both emetic and cathartic virtues." This, like the former, is a very powerful sternutatory ; when the powdered leaves are used, the discharge from the nose will sometimes last for three days, hence it has been applied in this way with great advantage in stubborn disorders of the head, palsies, etc. "A case in which there was paraly- sis of the mouth and tongue was cured by one application of it." Amarantace^. (The Amaranth Tribe.) The leaves of many of the species are wholesome and mucilag-inoua. 359 Achyranthes repens, Ell. Forty-knot. Drffused; grows in Fairfield district, and in the streets of Charleston. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 311. It is possessed of well marked diuretic properties, and is employed in ischuryand dysury, and in the gravelly complaints of old persons. In Fairfield district, S. C, it has lately been employed with decided success in several cases of dropsy, but sharing the fate of all other diuretics in being sometimes inefficient in cases depending upon organic changes, or produced by causes other than those connected with the circulation. It is given in decoction — a handful of the herb to a pint of water — of which a wineglassful is taken three times a day. Salsola kali. Saltwort. Among the plants used in procuring soda in Spain are "the different species of Salsola, Salicornia, and Batis mari- tima. The Zostera maritima is burnt in some places on the borders of the Baltic. In this country (Scotland, see Thorn- ton's Fam. Herbal) we burn the various species of fuci, and in France they burn the Chenopodiurn maritimurn. In order to obtain it the carbonate must be treated like potash of commerce, with lime and ardent spirits as described before." Within the limits of the Confederate States we have all the above plants, save C. maritimurn. Little doubt, however, exists in my mind that our several species of Chenopodiurn, will be found to contain potash or soda in large amount. Some plants, "which in their native soil yield only potash, afford also soda if they are cultivated in the neighborhood of the sea." "The soda is more or less pure according to the nature of the particular plant from which it is obtained" (Thornton). Of Salicornia, the species are found on the coast of Florida, and northward. Batis maritima, L. "Salt- marshes, Apalachicola, and northward." Zostera marina, L. West Florida, and northward. (Chapman's So. Flora). See " Sapiudus," in this volume. Wilson says also of the Salsola kali that it is the best of our native plants for yielding "kelp, barilla, potash, and soda, and was formerly collected in considerable quantities 360 on oar western coasts, and burned to yield soda for the manufacture of glass, and for other purposes. It grows freely from seed, and does not require any great nicety of management, yet never has been carefully cultivated." Rural Cyc. See also " Fucks," in this volume, for method of preparing barilla and soda from sea-weeds. I introduce the following brief process for the manufac- ture of soda, as we have several plants in the Confederate States which furnish it. Far the best mode now adopted is to procure it from sea-water, but this may not always be attainable. "For the manufacture of soda, the marine plants are gathered at the season when their vegetation has terminated, and they are left to dry. A pit four feet square and three feet deep is dug iu the earth; this is heated with split wood, and the saline plants are afterward thrown gradually in. Combustion is continued during seven or eight days; the ashes become fused in the pit, and remain in this state till the end of the process, when the combus- tion is completed; the whole is allowed to cool, and then the block of soda is divided into large pieces for the mar- ket." "In order that soda may possess all the requisite strength, it is necessary to separate it from the carbonic acid with which it is always united, and by which its properties are weakened. This is easily done by mixing quick-lime with a solution of soda; the acid has so strong an affinity for lime as to quit the soda to combine with it. The lye procured from this mixture is caustic, and leaves a burning impression upon the tongue; the soda thus purified acts more readily upon the bodies with which it combines. This mode of preparation is indispensable when soda is to be employed with oil in the manufacture of hard soap; it is useless when it is to be combined at a strong heat with earthy bodies, as is the case in glass-works." Chaptal also copies from M. DeSaussure's Treatise on Vegetation a very extensive table, giving the constituents of a great many plants, trees, etc., which the reader may consult. Among the plants used in preparing soda on the Mediterranean are the Salicornia Europea, the Salsola tragus, the Stalice limonium, 361 the Atriplex poriulacoides, the Salsola kali. "We have grow- ing in South Carolina and Georgia the Salsola kali, and the Staliee Carolinana, Walt., which should be tested, the Atriplex hastata, and the two species of Salicornia, mentioned above, which also grow on our coast. To show the alliance of the natural families in physical resemblances and natural properties, I find Chenopodium, Atriplex, Salicornia, and Sal- sola all in one tribe, and each rich in potash or soda. The fumitory (Fumaria) is one of the plants richer in potash than the wormwood (Chenopodium). Salicornia herbacea, L. Glasswort. Salt marshes along coast of Georgia and Carolina. We have two species of this genus, which is celebrated, commercially, for the production of alkaline salts. Wilson states of S. herbacea that the whole plant abounds in saline juices, and possesses a saline taste; and that it was formerly burned in common with the richly alkaline fuci in the manu- facture of kelp; that it is greedily eaten by sheep and cattle, and that it is sometimes gathered and used as a substitute for rock samphire in Scotland. See " Salsola." Chenopodiace^e. (The Goose-foot Tribe.) Some are wholesome, others possess an essential oil, which is tonic and antispasmodic. The beet and spinach, cultivat- ed in the Confederate States, belong to this order. Atriplex laciniata, L. Jagged sea-orach. Grows along salt streams ; Fl. July. ' Shec. Flora Carol. 247. The expressed juice, in doses of four to eight grains is said to act as a powerful purgative. According to Schoepf, it is used as a substitute for gam- boge in dropsy and asthma. Chenopodium anthelminticum, L. Jerusalem oak; worm- seed. Diffused; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charles- ton; ISTewbern. Fl. July. Linnaeus, Veg. M. Med.; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 274; Eberle, Mat. Med. 218; Ell. Bot. i, 331; Chap. Therap. 362 and Mat. Med. ii, 71 ; Drayton's View of South Carolina, 65; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 191; U. S. Disp. 206; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 183; Am. Journal Pharm. v, 180; Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 183; Griffith's Med. Bot, 538. It is well known as "one of our most efficient indigenous anthelmintics," adapt- ed to the expulsion of lumbrici in children. Eberle em- ployed the oil of the seeds with success in these cases, after every other remedy had failed. The dose to a child under five years is two drops; to an adult thirty drops, given on sugar grated in water. The expressed juice may be used, or a decoction of the leaves in milk, a wineglassful at a dose. The dose of the seed, for a child two years old, is from one to two scruples, mixed with syrup or bruised in castor oil. The distilled water may also be used. These plants are much employed on the plantations in South Caro- lina and Georgia for their anthelmintic properties, the seeds being collected in the fall. The wormwood (Artemisia) of which there is a species (A. caudata) growing in Florida and northward, is said to be rich in potash. The Chenopodium, of which we have several species, although not belonging to the same natural family, is perhaps equally rich in the substance. The "wormwood is highly recommended to be converted into charcoal, to be used in the manufacture of gunpowder." See "Salix." In fact, all the Chenopodiums (goose-foot) are also rich in alka- line salts, potash, etc., and may be used for its manufacture. The Persian insect powder, a species of Pyrethrum (or Per- sian chamomile), destroys insects with great certainty. I think it likely that some of the plants just mentioned, the milfoil {Achillea millefolium), the tansy ( Tanaceium vulgare), or ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare, L.), all growing in the Confederate States, may possibly be found to answer the purpose of destroying insects, lice, etc., on plants and animals. They contain a pungent oil. There is a notice of the Pyrethrum (roseu/n, purpureum, and carneum) in Patent Office Reports, 1857, 129. I would advise experimenting with our native plants. See Dasistoma for plant hostile to insects. 363 I have several times stated that the allied Artemisia, worm- wood, was exceedingly rich in potash. The natural affini- ties are here borne out, for the family Chenopodiocece contains many plants furnishing soda in large proportion. Such are Salsola, Salicornia, Atriplex, and salt-marsh Chenopodiums ; a notice of species of all these genera is included in this re- port. They should receive the attention of the nitre manu- facturers. Nitrate of potash "is found in the common horseradish, in the nettle, and the sunflower." Farmer's En eye. Chenopodium botrys, Ph. Jerusalem oak of some. Grows near Columbia. Fl. August. U. S. Disp. 206; Le. Mat. Med. 235; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 304; Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 181; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 225 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 388 ; Dem. Elem. de Bot. 250. The juice is similar to the other, being carminative, pectoral, emmenagogue, and vermifuge; the essential oil is antispasmodic, tonic, and vermifuge. An infusion, as tea, is resolutive and expectorant, and is useful in flatulent colic, spasmodic cough, humoral asthma, and in hysteria. The expressed juice of this species is given in doses of a table- spoonful, in molasses, to children affected with worms, or the seeds are reduced to a powder, and made into an elec- tuary with syrup. See Milne, Inch Bot. 76 ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 41. "It is asserted," observes Shec. Flora Carol. 389, "that the whole seeds produce worms in the stomach, and if a parcel be baked in a loaf of bread they will gener- ate worms. Such is the belief; what credit may be due to it, I leave to the determination of those who either have, or may hereafter, put it to the trial!" Chenopodium ambrosioides, Ph. Vicinity of Charleston, Bach; grows in Georgia, according to Pursh ; Newbern. Fl. July. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. The essential oil of this is also tonic and antispasmodic. U. S. Disp. 206. Plenk reports five cases of chorea cured by the infusion made with two 364 drachms to one ounce of water, of which a cupful is to be taken morning and night. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 222. M. Mack used it, with equal success, in the hospital at Vienna, in this and in other nervous affections; see, also, the supplement to the work last mentioned, 1846, p. 165. It is employed by M. Martius in the injection of the mucous membrane of the lungs. MM. Rilliet and Bar- thez used it in the chorea of infants particularly. Ann. des Sci. Nat. xii, 220; Bouchardat, Ann. de Therap. 1844; Ga- zette de Med. de Saltzburg, Bill. Med. xii, 516. It is found, by chemical analysis, to possess various products, the most important of which are gluten and a volatile oil. Bull, des Sc. Med. de Ferus, vii, 225. The infusion emits a very strong, aromatic odor, and is used in parts of this country in the place of tea. Chmopodium album, L. Richland, L. Gibbes ; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. M6r. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 223; Phys. Med. Trans., Calcutta, ii, 40. It is a sedative and diuretic; used in hemorrhoids. Chevallier remarks the singular fact that the C. valvaria, a foreign species, exhales pure ammonia dur- ing its whole existence. This is the only observation on record of a gaseous exhalation of azote by perfect vegeta- bles, and the facility with which this principle is aban- doned by ammonia may, perhaps, explain the presence of azotic products in the vegetable kingdom. Ann. des Sci. Nat. i, 444; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 209. It might be inter- esting to observe whether anything of this kind takes place in our species. The above was printed by me in 1849. Worm-seed plant is said to be very rich in potash — and wormwood has been planted for the manufacture of glass — if so, the note on the subject of the C. vulmria exhaling ammonia is corrob- orated by the above observation. I have just learned, June, 1862, that an enterprise was set on foot several years since near Columbia, S. C, to cultivate the wormwood on a large scale for the production of potash. The sugar-maple is 365 very rich in potash, probably the other maples also. See Salsola, Quercus, Zea, Phytolacca, etc., in this volume. Phytolaccacejs. (The Virginia Poke Tribe.) ' Phytolacca decandra, L. Poke. Diffused in rich spots; Newbern. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 537; Big. Am. Med. Bot. 135; Bell's Pract. Diet. 355; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 213; Am. Journal Pharm. xv, 169; Murray's App. Med. iv, 335; Kalm, Travels in K Am. p. 197; Graffenreid, Mem. Berne, iii, 185; Schcepf, M. Med. 71; Browne, Hist. Jamaica, 232; Amsen. Acad, iv; Miller's Diet., art. Phyt. Dec; Sprogel, Diss. Cirven. 24; Beckman, Com. 1764, 9; Allioni, Flora Ped. ii, 132; Franklin's Works, i ; Cutler, Mem. Am. Acad, i, 447 ; Rush, i, 259 ; Thacher's U. S. Disp. 300; Shultz's Inaug. Diss. N. Am. Journal vi; Journal de Med. de Corvisart Leroux, xvi, 137; Ann. de Chim. lxii, 71; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 298; Coxe, Am. Dis. 486; Liud. Nat. Syst. Bot. 210. The juice of the leaves or berries, inspissated in the sun to the con- sistence of an extract, will, it is said, discuss hard tumors if applied to the part, "and destroy cancers by eating them out by the roots!" (Am. Herbal, by J. Stearns.) Mixed with brandy, it is extolled in the cure of rheumatism, eas- ing pain and producing discharge of the cutaneous and urinary secretions. One ounce of the dried root infused in a pint of wine is said to act kindly as an emetic, in doses of two tablespoonfuls. Bigelow also was of the opinion that it resembled ipecacuanha in its mode of operation; but later experimenters give an unfavorable report, as it is some- times uncertain, acting too powerfully by accumulation. The pulverized root is also emetic in doses of one to two drachms. "The tincture of the ripe berries seems to have acquired a well-founded reputation as a remedy in chronic and syphilitic rheumatism, and for allaying syphilitic pains." By some thought to be more useful than guaiac. The de- coction has been used in scrofula also. A spirit distilled from the berries killed a dog in a few moments by its vio- lent emetic effect; and, according to De Candolle, it is a 366 powerful purgative. The French and Portuguese mixed it with their wine, to give it color, and this was prohibited by royal ordinance of Louis XIV, " on pain of death, as it in- jured the flavor!" Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 210; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. states that two spoonfuls of the juice of the old plant, which is acrid, will purge violently; applied externally, it will irritate the skin, and it is used in the cure of sanious ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, itch, and hemorr- hoids; for the latter affection, an infusion is injected per rectum. Drs. Jones and Kollock, of Georgia, assure us (adds Merat) that they cure syphilis with it, in all its stages, without the use of mercury. Dr. Rush relates that several students of Yale College were severely purged from eating the flesh of pigeons which had fed on the berries. From the analysis in Annal. de Chimie, lxii, 71, it is shown to contain an enormous quantity of potash, 42 in 100 parts, and it is proposed to cultivate it for the manufacture of this article. From later examinations of Dr. E. Donnelly (Am. Jour. Pharm. ix, 168), it appears to contain gum resin 262, starch 20, potash 2, a small quantity of fixed oil, and 66. o of woody fibre. According to the U. S. Disp., it is also somewhat narcotic, and, as an emetic, is considered very slow in its operation, sometimes not acting for several hours, and then frequently upon the bowels ; but the vomiting pro- duced by it is not attended with pain or spasm. In over doses, its effects are quite dangerous. As an alterative, the dose is from one to five grains. Dr. Griffith has also used it with success in syphilitic rheumatism. (Med. Bot. 535.) In the supplement to the Diet. Univ. de M. Med. 1846, 557, it is said to have been used with good effect in paralysis of the intestines. Precis des Travaux de l'Acad. de Rouen, 188, 1838; Comptes Rendus Hebdom. des Sci. iv, 12, Janu- ary, 1837. The ointment, prepared by mixing one drachm of the powdered root or leaves with one ounce of lard, has been applied with advantage in diseases affecting the scalp, as psora, tinea capitis, etc. Dr. Bigelow was successful with it, and Dr. Haynard cured cases in which sulphur had fail- ed. A gentleman informs me that he has frequently seen 367 the sores of secondary syphilis heal up by the application of a strong decoction of the roots. Dr. Braconnot consid- ers the yellow liquor produced by the juice of the berries one of the most delicate tests of the presence of acids. Dr. Shultz procured from half a bushel of the berries six pints of spirits, sufficiently strong to take fire and burn with readiness. The root of the plant should be dog in autumn, sliced, dried, and kept in close-stopped bottles. Dr. R Moore, of Sumter district, S. C, informs me that the berries of the poke in alcohol or whiskey, a dessert spoonful repeatedly given, has been found one of the most efficient remedies we possess in rheumatism. Dr. Ballard, of the same district, has used it with satisfactor}' results for fifty years. It is very generally employed in this way by many. The root is commonly used, applied externally, to cure mange in dogs. The root should be dug late in autumn, or during the winter, and the powder kept in close-stopped bottles, as it deteriorates. An excellent crimson dye is thus prepared (Thornton's So. Gardener): to two gallons of the juice of pokeberries, when they are quite ripe, add half a gallon of strong vinegar made of the wild crab-apple (ordinary vinegar will do, as the writer has seen), to dye one pound of wool, which must be washed very clean with hard soap ; the wool when wrung dry is to be put into the vinegar and pokeberry* juice, and simmered in a copper vessel for one hour, then take out the wool and let it drip awhile, and spread it in the sun. The vessel must be free from grease of any kind. The writer has seen articles dyed successfully with this plant during the present year (1862). The " Solferino " color is obtained from it. With alum to fix the color, I have used the juice of the pokeberry as a red ink. The directions to the printer for this volume were written with this ; before adding alum I found that the red color was fugitive. I consider it, prepared as above, an excellent substitute for carmine ink. The juice of the leaf of the garden Tanya makes an indelible dark brown dye. I would suggest that the addi- tion of nitrate of silver, sulphate of iron, or alum would make an indelible ink for marking linen. Polygonace^i. [The Buckwheat Tribe.) The leaves and roots are generally acid and agreeable. Rumex crispus, L. Dock. Grows around buildings; diffused; collected in St. John's; Newbern. Fl. June. Ell. Bot. 414 ; IT. S. Disp. 606. The decoction is astrin- gent, alterative, and tonic, uniting a laxative power with these, and resembling rhubarb in its mode of operation. It has been used with success as an alterative in itch and syphilis ; the powdered root with milk, or as an ointment, is applied externally in scabies. Dr. N". S. Davis, formerly of New York, " is satisfied from his experiments and observations that the chief value of dockroot ' consists in its alterative and gently laxative qualities.' As an alterative he esteems it to be 'fully equal to the far-famed sarsaparilla.' Quod est demonstran- dum." Dunglison. It is recommended as a dentrifice, especially where the gums are spongy. A decoction of the roots is used as a coolins: alterative — no doubt on account of the saline con- stituents of this genus. The expressed juice is applied to ringworm and eruptive diseases. It is supposed that our species possess all the virtues of the officinal ; two ounces of the fresh root, or one ounce of the dried may be boiled in a pint of water, of which two ounces can be taken at a dose. Rumex aeetosella, Walt. Flora Carol. Sorrel. Sheep's- sorrel. Abundant in sandy pastures ; collected in St. John's ; Richland, Gibbes ; ]STewbern. Fl. June. IT. S. Disp. 605 ; Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 279 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 536 ; Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 300 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 546. This is also considered one of the most valuable of the species. It is refrigerant and diuretic, and is em- ployed as an article of diet in scorbutic complaints; the 369 young shoots may be eaten as a salad; but it is said to prove injurious in large quantities, on account of the oxalic acid existing in it. The acid taste is owing to binoxalate of potash and tartaric acid ; this is almost destroyed by drying. The bruised plant is often applied to sores, and it is thought to be very active in allaying inflammation — doubt- less owing to its saline constituents. Plants containing vegetable acid. — The acids vary during the several stages of vegetation — these are the oxalic, citric, ma- lic, tartaric, gallic, acetic, Prussic, etc. Oxalic acid has been found by M. Deyeux free in the hulls of the chickpea, and it has been extracted from the expressed juice of the plant ; also found in the stalks and leaves of sorrel, and in the juice of all the varieties of rhubarb (Chaptal). I have seen its peculiar crystals in the several plants put under the micro- scope. It is used in detecting the presence of lime, and its power of dissolving rapidly the oxide of iron makes it useful in stamping cotton cloths. " In this process the whole fabric is covered with a mordant of iron, which is after- ward removed by means of this acid combined with gum — so that the color applied adheres firmly only to those parts where the mordant has not been destroyed." It is also used in removing ink spots from cloth. The astringency of the root of the dock is due to tannic acid, and the acidulousness of the leaves to tartaric acid and the binoxalate of potash. Wilson observes of the Rumex acetosa, the " common dock" of England, which is closely related to our H. aeeto- sella, that it has been celebrated from very ancient times for its cooling, antiscorbutic, diuretic, and gratefully esculent properties. The expressed juice of its leaves, or a decoc- tion of them in whey, aflbrds a useful drink in cases of inflammatory fever, and the leaves themselves, eaten freely as a salad, cool the blood, and act as either a cure or a pre- ventive of scurvy. It is also much used as a salad, and as a season for soups, broths, etc. Rural Cyc. Now that we know the composition of the juices of the sorrel we can 24 ■a 370 well understand to what to ascribe its cooling and diuretic properties. There is an Italian proverb which says that the "sorrel always grows with the thistle " — the leaves of the first being particularly grateful when applied over parts irritated by the stings of the last. Our plant is not so use- ful as the English one. Humex obtusifoUus,~L. \ Common dock. Diffused; around " dwaricatus, Ell. / buildiegs ; introduced. " A decoction of its root is highly efficacious in obstinate cases of the kind of skin disease called ichthyosis, and when taken in large quantity — as well, indeed, as the decoc- tion of any of the fusiform dockroots — it acts as a purga- tive, in the same manner as the powder or the tincture of Turkey rhubarb." Wilson's Rural Cyc. Our various species of Humex may upon examination be found to be capable of supplying the place of cathartics, now so diffi- cult to obtain. Humex sanguineus, Walt. Flora Carol. Dragon's blood. Grows around Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. July. Dem. Elem. de Bot. 240. The root is astringent, sto- machic, and eccoprotic. Linn. Veg. Mat. Med. 65. This and the seeds are used in dysentery and wounds ; referred to in Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 136, as a mild astringent. Journal de Med. xxiii, 415. Dr. "Wood, in the XL S. Disp. 606, says that it may be used indiscriminately with the officinal. Humex Briiannicus, Walt. Swamps and along streams. Fl. May. U. S. Disp. 606. Polygonum punctatum, Ell. Sk. } Water pepper ; Smart- " hydroviperoides, Ph. > weed; Biting knotweed. " hydropiper,Mx. ) Grows in damp, rich soils ; collected in St. John's, where it grows abundantly ; observed in Charleston ; Richland, Gibbes ; Newbern. Fl. July. 371 Eb. Mat. Med. i, 441 ; U. S. Disp. 559 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 128; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 193; Ogier, in So. Journal Med. and Pharm. 1846 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 433. In the Bull. Plantes Yen. de France, 140, the young leaves are said to ease the pain of gout, and the decoction is used with great success for dissipating old ulcers. Dem. £lem. de Bot. iii, 2(57. The expressed juice is an excellent diuretic, and is applied to putrid ulcers; u aqua hujus stillatltia efficax est ad comminuendum calculam etiam vesica?." See Ray's Catalogus Plantarum, 230. This plant is, however, more remarkable for its power in amenorrhoea. Eberle asserts that he employed -it in twenty cases, and was never more successful. Dr. Ogier, of Charleston, S. C, has published cases in the journal alluded to above, confirming its value. One to two ounces of the strong infusion is given two or three times a day, or a tincture may be used.* The juice of this plant. is very acrid and caustic to the taste. It is stated in the Flora Scotiea, 207, that it is found a convenient and useful application for driving off flies from wounds, occurring on cattle for instance ; the decoction will dye a yellow color. Linn. Veg. Mat. Med. 71 ; Boyle, de Util. Philosoph. Nat. pt. iij 69. This plant should be selected with care, as it differs but slightly from the P. mite, and others, which possess no value. It may be distinguished by its burning taste, by the sharp, pellucid leaves, and simple flower-stalk, with the stamens and pistil of equal length. The stipules are long, truncate, and fringed, with the margin and midrib of the leaves slightly scabrous. A writer from Manchester, S. C, 1862, recommends for our sick soldiers in camp the use of this plant in dysentery, thus : " Draw a tea strong enough to taste peppery, and use instead of water, with or without sugar, hot or cold, as the patient may prefer. It may be drunk freely, having no unpleasant effect. It may be gathered and dried in the * Mr. P., of Charleston, informs me that he has repeatedly found an ointment made with the leaves give immediate relief when applied to piles in an irritable and painful condition. 372 shade or used fresh. Some years ago, when that disease raged in the village where I lived, I used it only in my household, every case recovering with scarcely impaired strength. The tea being astringent keeps up the strength. Polygonum aviculare, L. Knotgrass. Diffused ; grows in pastures and yards; Richland; collected in St. John's; ob- served in the streets of Charleston ; Newbern. Fl. July. Lind. Nat. Syst. 211 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 440 ; U. S. Disp. 558. According to the encyclopaedia the root is powerfully astringent, and is used in diarrhoea, and in uterine hemorrhage. Dem. de Bot. iii, 268 ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 72 ; Am. Herbal, 164. It is stated in the Supplem. to the Diet, de M. Med. 1846, 578, that Dr. Bour- geois announced, in 1840, that this plant was an excellent febrifuge, and was used in middle Africa and Algeria as a substitute for quinine, and furthermore, that the assertion was not doubted. Dr. Levat Perroton, of Lyons, gives it as an excellent remedy for chronic diarrhoea, using a strong decoction for a month or more ; he reports nine cases cured which had resisted other plans of treatment. See Revue Medicale, Nov. 1845; Flor. Med. ii, 107. It has also been administered in hematemesis. This plant had some reputation in these diseases in former times. It was said to be emetic and purgative, useful in hernia, and in arresting the vomiting of blood, and was regarded as an excellent vulnerary in moderating fluxes, diarrhoea, and dysentery. Griffith, in his Med. Bot. 546, observes that the emetic property so unusual in this genus is thought by De Candolle to reside in the testa. Thunberg, in his "Voy- age," mentions that in Japan they obtain a color from it similar to that from indigo. Polygonum polygama, Vent, and Malt. ") Grows in san- " parvifolia, Mx. / dy pine barrens; Richland district. Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 129 ; U. S. Disp. 558. In small doses it is tonic ; in large laxative and diaphoretic. Bige- 373 low says the infusion is useful in imparting tone to the digestive organs. Polygonum convolvulus, and scandens, L. Grows in dry soil and pastures ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. August. Griffith's Med. Bot. 547. " The seeds closely resemble buckwheat, and may be substituted for them." Polygonum fagopyrum. Buckwheat. Cultivated in the Confederate States. Rheum palmatum, and emodii. Rhubarb. Ex. I insert this plant and Beta here, being unable at this time to place them in the natural system. The cultivation of rhubarb, rosemary, sage, rue, chamomile, and many other medicinal plants, is briefly described in the Patent Office Reports, 1854. See, also, seven articles in the "Bath papers, vol. 1," giving an account of the mode of culture in England. The superiority of foreign rhubarb is by some ascribed to a better mode of drying. Rural Cyc. See a paper translated by E. G. Smith, in Patent Office Re- ports, 1848, p. 604, for varieties, mode of cultivation, and relative value. In Patent Office Reports, 1855, p. 25, is another paper on the cultivation of the medicinal rhubarb (P. palma- tum). " In the middle and cooler parts of the United States the seeds may be sown in March in a gentle hot-bed, and when the roots are an eighth of an inch in diameter they may be carefully drawn up, preserving the top-root, and planted in a fine, rich, and deep soil," etc., etc. In the Middle and Southern states, if planted in the spring, they thrive in the open air. They should be shaded from very hot weather, and continually watered. They are, however, injured by a superabundance of moisture. In the month of August, or before, the seed-stalks should be cut off, which ought always to be done on the withering of the radical leaves, and the crowns of the plants should then be 374 covered with mould in the form of a hillock. The largest specimens of this drug have generally been allowed to grow six or seven years. The roots are then very large, sometimes weighing from thirty to fifty pounds. The Chinese take up their rhubarb in winter, as they then con- tain the entire juice and virtue of the plant. They are cut transversely into pieces of moderate size, and this should not be delayed. These are then placed on long tables or boards, and turned three or four times a day, in order that the yellow, viscid juice may incorporate with the substance of the root. They are then hung up to diy, exposed to the air and wind, but sheltered from the sun. Thus in about two months the roots are completely cured. Much loss in weight occurs in drying. Those interested in the culture of rhubarb will find an excellent account of the success with which it was raised in England, of good quality, in Thornton's Family Herbal. Consult Pereira's Materia Medica, and other treatises on the subject. The importation of rhubarb into the Confed- erate States was enormous, and it commands a very high price. The greatest difference exists in the quality of the roots. Turkey rhubarb imported from Russia is the best. I will state in passing that the Report for 1855 also contains notices of the best mode of cultivating many other medici- nal plants — such as the rhatany, gall-nut oak, Iceland moss, liquorice, quassia, senna, gum arabic, etc. Beta vulgaris. Beet. Mangel-wurzel. Introduced. Vinegar is quite important to us in the present exigency. The following method will enable us to supply the place of imported vinegar: the juice of one bushel of beet, which is easily obtained, will make from five to six gallons of vin- egar, equal to the best made of elder wine. Wash and grate the beets, and express the juice in a cheese-press, or in any other way which a little ingenuity can suggest ; put the liquor into a barrel, cover the bung with gauze, and set it in the sun, and in fifteen or twenty days it will be fit for use. The best vinegar is thus made. Boston Cultivator. 375 The saccharine matter of course soon takes on the acid fermentation. So the ripe fig, the skins, etc., added to vinegar, increases largely the amount, and large quantities can thus be easily made with the refuse or over-ripe figs, which are ready to be converted into vinegar. The juice of the watermelon can no doubt be as easily converted into vinegar or boiled down into a syrup like molasses. The following is the ordinary process of extracting sugar from the beet: the roots are reduced to a pulp by pressing them between two rough cylinders. The pulp is then put into bags, and the sap it contains is pressed out. The liquor is then boiled, and the saccharine matter precipi- tated by quick-lime. The liquor is now poured off', and to the residuum is added a solution of sulphuric acid, and again boiled. The lime united with the acid is got rid of by straining, and the liquor is then gently evaporated, or left to granulate slowly, after which it is ready for under- going the common process of refining raw sugars. The French manufacturers have acquired so much experience, adds Wilson, that from every one hundred pounds of beet they extract twelve pounds of sugar in the short space of twelve hours. The Silesian or white beet is said to be the most profita- ble. The reader interested in preparation of sugar from cane or beet may consult Boussingault's Rural Chemistry, Law's ed. 123, 1857, lire's Diet, of Arts and Manufactures, Wilson's Rural Cyclopaedia, and Chaptal's Chemistry ap- plied to Agriculture. In France the same land from which the beet has been cut is planted in wheat with ad- vantage to the latter. As the cultivation of the beet may be undertaken at no distant date, I insert this brief plan by a correspondent of the Southern Field and Fireside : I will give you my plan of planting and culture of beets. In the first place I have my ground broken up deeply ; then I have the ground covered over with stable manure ; have it ploughed in tolerably deep ; level the ground with a hoe or rake ; hen-house manure is scattered over the ground ; hoe it in deep with a grubbing-hoe ; level it again ; lay off the 376 rows eighteen inches apart, and the hills one foot apart; and then they will grow without any trouble. In cultivat- ing them I have the grass and weeds cut up between the rows. I have raised beets on the above plan that weighed five and six pounds apiece. It has been observed that beets containing sugar fre- quently underwent a change during winter, by which the sugar entirely disappeared, and "was replaced by saltpetre." Chaptal. See, also, paper by Prof. Leconte, of the South Carolina College, on mode of formation of nitre beds; also, consult Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, article "Nitrate of Potash." Coccoloba uvifera, Jacq. Sea-grape. South Florida, along the coast. Chapman. C. Floridana also grows in Florida. The fruit of some, though very astringent, is eaten by the natives; and the wood of the tallest and bulkiest is used as timber. Wil- son's Rural Cyc. Menispermace^e. [The Coeculus Tribe.) Menispermum Canadense, L. Moon-seed; yellow parilla ; yellow sarsaparilla. Ell. never saw it, but thinks that it grows in the mountains. Dr. Gray determines a specimen sent from St. John's, Charleston district, by H. W. Ravenel, Esq., to be this. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1275. It is said to be much used in Virginia by physicians ; and in domestic practice, as a substitute for sarsaparilla, in scrofulous and cutaneous affections. Ryd- del, in his Synops. West. States, says that the roots are tonic, alterative, and diuretic. Griffith, Med. Bot. 103. It is also employed by the vegetable practitioners. See How- ard's Imp. Syst. Bot. Med. 334. Said to be laxative and tonic, and used in debility and in giving tone to the stomach and nervous system. 377 Pyrolaceje. [The Winter-green Tribe.) Chimaphilamaculata,~Pursh.. | Spotted winter-green. Pip- Pyrola, " Linn, jsissewa. Shaded soils ; dif- fused; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; ISTewbern. Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. i, 313; Eberle, Mat. Med. ii, 321; Ell. Bot, Med. Notes, 505; Eat. Man. Bot. 240; Bell's Pract. Diet. 128; Mitchell's Inaug. Thesis, 1803; Ed. andVav. Mat. Med. 320; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 380; U. S. Disp. 208; Bart. Collec. ii, 21; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 219; TT. S. Disp. 207; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 281. See P. umbellata. "Ev€ry part of the plant is possessed of considerable activity;" and it is very valuable as a diuretic in dropsy. See Mitchell's Thesis, and Dr. Summerville's paper in Lond. Med. Chirurg. Trans, vol. v. It is particu- larly useful in those cases attended with disordered diges- tion and general debility, for in these its tonic properties and general acceptability to the stomach prove highly use- ful auxiliaries to its diuretic powers. It has been success- fully administered in ascites, in dysuria and ischuria, gravel, strangury, hematuria, acute rheumatism, and in various intermittent disorders. The Indians considered it of uni- versal efficacy; but employed it particularly in nephritic, scrofulous, and rheumatic disorders. Dr. "Wood, in the U. S. Disp., states that it does prove of benefit in obstinate, ill-conditioned ulcers, and cutaneous eruptions supposed to be connected with a strumous diathesis: used both inter- nally, and locally as a wash. The decoction and watery extract are employed. In our present need for tonics and diuretics, in dropsy, or swelling following low and protracted fevers among our soldiers, no plant will be found more serviceable than the pipsissevva. It is aromatic, tonic, and diuretic. It can be easily collected around our camps, in shady woods, in al- most every part of our Confederacy. The black alder (Alnus serrulata) is an astringent diuretic. The catkins or flowerets, dissolved in whiskey, is a domestic 378 remedy in South Carolina — relied on by many, Dr. B.. Moore informs me, in gonorrhoea in place of copaiba. Pills of pine gum are given together with it. The C. umbellata, pipsissewa, grows in North Carolina, and northward. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. North Carolina, and north- ward. Both the C. umbellata and maculata are used. Dr. Thomp- son says of the P. umbellata: "It is diuretic and tonic. It has been given successfully in ascites, after digitalis and other diuretics had failed; and has also proved serviceable in acute rheumatism and intermittents. It produces an agreeable sensation in the stomach soon after it is swal- lowed; increases the appetite, and acts powerfully on the kidneys." The whole plant is decocted. One of these plants may be used extemporaneously in our camps for its combined tonic and diuretic properties, associated with astringency. Its uses consequently are obvious in the convalescence from fevers. It can be found in high woods near almost every locality where a regiment is pitched. See " Eupatoriwn" "Persimmon," "Dog- wood," etc. In a pamphlet issued from the Surgeon-General's office, it is stated that the C. umbellata "should not be gathered, as it is inferior." The decoction of either plant is made with the bruised herb one ounce, water three half-pints; boil to one pint; one pint to be given in the twenty-four hours, in divided doses. Pereira refers to both species as being useful. I have found the spotted winter-green valu- able as a tonic diuretic. Pyrola rotundifolia. Grows in South Carolina. See Chi- maphila. MONOTROPACE^!. Monotropa uniflora. Fit-root. Grows in roads ; attached to roots; collected in St. John's; Newbern. This is used by the steam practitioners. See Ploward's Impr. Syst. Bot. Med. 339. 379 Ericaceae. (The Heath Tribe.) Generally astringent and diuretic. Andromeda mariana, L. Dry soils. Richland; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May and July. U. S. Disp. 1238, App.; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 289; Coxe, Am. Disp. 84; Shec. Flora Carol. 156. It is employed in domestic practice; a remedy for herpes. The decoction is used as a stimulating wash for ulcers and ground itch, to which negroes are liable. The honey which bees extract from this is slightly poisonous. See Nichol- son's Journal, 163. Andromeda nitidi, Walt. Grows in damp, pine land, bogs ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. April. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 483. A decoction of the leaves of this also is used in the cure of itch. The young branches, deprived of their pith, form good pipe-stems, see Cliftonia; and the bark, with copperas, yields a purple dye. Upon examination I find that the leaves contain a great deal of tannin. See " Liquidambar," sweet-gum, for detail of ex- periments. Andromeda arborea, L. l Sour-wood, sorrel tree; clif- Oxydendron arbor enm, D.C. j fused; grows in upper dis- tricts. I collected it in St. John's, and Spartanburg district, S. C. U. S. Disp. 1227. The leaves, when chewed, allay thirst. A decoction of the bark and leaves is also given as a tonic. Andromeda speciosa, Mich. Vicinity of Charleston. Bach. U. S. Disp. 1228. It is said to be a powerful errhine. Andromeda angustifolia, Ph. Vicinity of Charleston. Griffith, Med. Bot. 223. This and the A. mariana are said to be poisonous to sheep. Clethra alnifolia, L. (C. tomentosa, Lam.) Abundant in wet pine lands and swamps throughout the Confederate States. 880 Upon careful examination with reagents of the leaves of the plant, I find tannin in great amount. I recommend it with the leaves of sweet-gum, myrtle, etc., as a substitute for oak bark in tanning leather. See " IAquidambar " for detail of experiments. Gaultheria procumbens, Ph. Spicy winter-green ; par- tridge-berry ; mountain-berry. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina, Dr. MacBride ; ISTewbern. Fl. May. U. S. Disp. 345 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. ii, 29 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 221 ; Bart. M. Bot. i, 178 ; Kalm, Amcen. Acad, iii, 14 ; Bart. Collec. i, 19 ; Raf. Med. Fl. i, 202 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 425. It possesses stimulant aromatic properties, united with astringency; hence used with advantage in some forms of chronic dysentery. It is said to have also some anodyne power. The infusion of the leaves has been found beneficial in amenorrhcea. attended with debility, and in promoting the mammary secretion when deficient. In the Revolutionary war it was used as a substitute for tea. The berries, which are aromatic and pleasant, are employed to flavor spirituous liquors. An infusion of them in brandy is a convenient and useful substitute for the ordi- nary bitters. An essential oil is obtained from the leaves by distillation. From Mr. Procter's examination (Am. Journal Pharm. viii, 211 ; and ix, 241) it is shown to pos- sess acid properties, and to have the same composition as the salitilate of methylene. It is one of the heaviest of the essential oils, having a specific gravity 1.173, with a burn- ing, aromatic taste, mixing with alcohol or ether in all proportions. This is found also in the Betula lenta, some of the Spiraeas, etc. It is applied with good effect to diminish the sensibility of nerves affected by carious teeth, and to disguise the taste and smell of nauseous medicines. Rhododendron maximum, L. Mountain laurel; wild rose- bay. Grows among the mountains. Fl. July. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 221. "It is well known to be pos- sessed of poisonous properties." Mer. and de L. Diet, de 381 M. Med, vi, 75. Employed with success in chronic rheu- matism, gout, and glandular enlargements. The petioles act as a sternutatory. Coxe, Am. Disp. 526; Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 103. It is a resinous astringent, its leaves containing tannin ; but its supposed poisonous, narcotic power is doubted by some, as Bigelow swallowed an entire leaf, and no bad effects resulted. B. S. Barton, however, in his Collections, i, 18, says it is certainly poisonous. The brown powder attached to the foot-stalks possesses consid- erable power as an errhine. The purple variety, one of the most beautiful, grows in South Carolina. A writer under the signature of "Cunio" commmuni- cates the following to the "Atlanta Commonwealth,'' 1861: " Wood for engraving. — Upon the authority of Mr. Charles Foster, long known as a wood engraver at Nashville, Ten- nessee, many years since, I can state that the wood of the maximum or mountain laurel, as well as its confrere, Kalmia latifolia, known by every farmer as poison ivy, are equalled only by the best boxwood, the former of which abounds on every mountain from Mason and Dixon's line to North Georgia that has a rocky branch." I had reported the K. latifolia in my Sketch of the Medical Botany of South Car- olina, as "possessing a wood much used for mechanical purposes, being hard and dense." See Amelanchier for sub- stitutes for boxwood, which is costly. Rhododendron punctatum, L. and Ph. Grows at the head branches of rivers in South Carolina and Georgia; "Tugo- loo branches of the Savannah." Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 75 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 428. A stimulant and astringent. Michaux says it furnishes to bees a deleterious honey. Kalmia latifolia, L. Calico bush ; ivy bush. Grows along rivers in upper districts ; Richland, Gibbes ; at Sis- ter's ferry, Savannah river; Aiken, S. C. Fl. July. Drayton's View of South Carolina, 69 ; Ell. Bot. i, 481 ; U. S. Disp. 1269; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 133; Kalm's 382 Travels, i, 335; Barton's Coll. i, 18, 48; and ii, 26; Thach- er's Disp. 247; Thomas' Inaug. Diss., Raf. ii, 16; Griffith, Med. Bot. 528. The leaves are poisonous and narcotic, and animals have been poisoned by eating them. It is said that death has been occasioned by eating the flesh of partridges and pheasants that had fed on them. Dr. Shoe- maker publishes two cases ; see 1ST. Am. Med. and Surg. Journal. Thomas, in Inaug. Diss. Phil. 1802, reports cases of obstinate diarrhoea cured by a decoction, thirty drops being taken four times a day. The leaves have been ad- vantageously used in syphilis, and extensively applied in tinea, psora, and cutaneous affections. Dr. Barton states that nervous symptoms have resulted from the external use of the strong decoction, thirty drops taken internally six times a day producing vertigo. Dr. Bigelow detected in the leaves tannin, a resinous matter, and gum. Besides these, Dr. Stabler finds a volatile oil of a narcotic odor and nauseous smell, supposed to be the active principle : see Am. Journal of Pharm. x, 241 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 428. From these experiments of Dr. S. he determines it to be a direct arterial sedative, without any acrid or nar- cotic property ; hence he supposes it suitable to cases of hypertrophy of heart, and other diseases, when it is neces- sary to decrease the action of that organ ; and from the tannin present that it is peculiarly fitted for cases of hem- orrhage, dysentery, etc. He proposes that two ounces of the leaves be macerated in a pint of alcohol for a week, and then strained, the dose of which for an adult is thirty drops every two or three hours. If these observations are confirmed it will give the plant a high reputation as a sedative, and attention is invited to it. The wood is much used for mechanical purposes, being hard and dense. Kalmia hirsuta, Walt. Grows in wet pine barrens ; vi- cinity of Charleston. PI. July. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 483. The leaves are used by negroes, and the poorer white people, as a cure for itch, and for the mange in dogs. A strong decoction is applied 383 warm to the eruptions, which occasions much . smarting ; and it seldom requires more than one application to effect a cure. Kalmia angustifolia, L. Sheep laurel. Barren hills ; upper districts. Chapman. The leaves of the Kalmia (angustifolia ?) exude a sweet, honey-like juice, which is said when swallowed to bring on a mental intoxication both formidable in its symptoms and long in its duration (Torrey). In this it appears closely to resemble the Armenian azalea (Johnston's Chem- istry of Common Life, vol. ii, p. 157). About Long Island the K angustifolia is believed to kill sheep, and is known by the name of sheep poison. The Azalea pontica, a kin- dred shrub, is said to be the source of the narcotic quality for which the Trebizond honey is famous. VaccinacejE.' (The Bilberry Tribe.) Bark and leaves are astringent, slightly tonic, and stimu- lating. Vaccinium macrocarpon. Ait. (Oxycoccos.) American cran- berry. Grows in North Carolina, and northward. The cranberry, useful for their ascescent, cooling proper- ties, for making pies, etc., are now exported to Europe, and they are said to bring eight dollars a bushel in the London market, as they are easily transported without suffering from the voyage. They are cultivated on boggy or swampy land, sand being thrown over it to kill the grass. There is a communication in the Patent Office Reports, 1857, on the mode of cultivation of the plant. Cranberries may be pre- served perfect for several years merely by drying them a little in the sun, and then putting them up closely in clean bottles. They also keep well in fresh water. The red- fruited variety yields a juice which has been employed to stain paper or linen purple. 384 Vaccinium arboreum, Marsh. Farcle-berry. Grows in damp soils; diffused; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 496; Griffith, Med. Bot. 431. The bark of the root is very astringent, and is employed in diarrhoea and bowel complaints. The leaves also are astrin- gent, and a decoction, as tea, is given in diarrhoea and dys- entery, and as a wash in sore mouth; the fruit is more palatable, and equally as efficacious. The bark is also used for tanning. The root and bark are very much used as an astringent in Sumter district, S. C, given in the form of tea to children affected with diarrhoea from teething, simply because it contains tannin, I suppose, like the chinquapin, oak bark, etc. It is very much relied upon. The root is sometimes stewed in milk and given in the same way. Most of the species possess qualities similar to this one. Some of those in South Carolina bear fruit very pleasant to the taste, and are generally known as huckleberries. I re- gard the wood as uncommonly hard and close. Primulace^. (The Primrose Tribe.) More remarkable for beauty and fragrance than for their sensible properties. Anagallis arvensis, L. Red chickweed; scarlet pimpernel. Nat. on Sullivan's island. Collected in St. John's, Berkley. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1227; Le. Mat. Med. i, 80; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 276; Orfila, Toxicologic, ii, 275; Woodv. Med. Bot.; Mem. Acad. Royale de Med. 18 Mars. aim. 1826. The flowers close at the approach of rain, and occasions the plant to be called the "poor-man's weather-glass." Rural Cyc._ This plant enjoyed great reputation at one time, and was said to possess sudorific, vulnerary, antiepileptic, and anti- hydrophobic virtues. Woodville states that it is acrid and poisonous. It was considered very valuable for the bite of serpents, but more particularly in hydrophobia, given in 385 the form of powder in doses of two drachms. See the re- port to the Econ. Soc., Berne; Dem. Elem. de Bot. ii, 124. Milne, in his Ind. Bot. 260, asserts that it was frequently successful even after dangerous symptoms had supervened; and the great Hoffman himself yielded to this opinion. It "really possesses highly energetic powers, for Oriila de- stroyed a dog by making him drink three drachms of the extract." Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 224. It is used as a local application in ill-conditioned ulcers, and internally in vis- ceral obstructions, dropsy, epilepsy, and mania. Samolus valerandi, L. Brookweed. Vicinity of Charles- ton ; grows in morasses ; collected in St. John's, Charleston district. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 201; Journal Gen. de Med. lii, 413; Dem. Elem. de Bot. ii, 121. Lemery says it is an antiscorbutic, aperient, and vulnerary. Sapotace^e. (The Sapotilla Tribe.) Bumelia lycioides, 1 £\\.$k.. Ironwood. Vicinity of Charles- ton, Bach; very rare in St. John's, Berkley; a tree on Sa- razin PL (Mrs. I. S. Porcher's). PI. June. Griffith, Med. Bot. 441. The bark is said to be austere, and to be useful in bowel complaints. The tree is classed by some, with the persimmon, under the "ebony tribe" — the wood being characterized by great density and hard- ness. Ebenace,e. (The Ebony Tribe.) Wood generally hard and black. Diospyros Virginiana. Persimmon. Diffused ; grows abundantly in both upper and lower districts. Fl. March. Coxe, Am. Disp. 259; U. S. Disp. 302; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 135; Am. Journal Med. Sc, N. S. iv, 297; Mer. and deL. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 657; Ann. Chim. de Montp. xxiv, 247; Shec. Flora Carol. 510; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 25 386 227; Griffith, Med. Bot. 436. An astringent and styptic. The inner bark is used in intermittent fever, in diarrhoea, and with alum as a gargle in ulcerated sore throat. The powdered bark can be used wherever an astringent is re- quired. The unripe fruit is exceedingly astringent; em- ployed while fresh, or dried in the sun and powdered, it is very valuable in diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, and uterine hemorrhage. It forms a convenient and useful prescription for those residing in the country, made into pills or in the shape of a spirituous tincture. Mr. B. Smith found that the green fruit contained tannin, sugar, malic acid, and woody fibre ; the first disappears, and the others increase as it ripens. (Am. Journal Pharm. xii, 157.) The juice, in the unripe state, is said to be preferable to oak bark for tan- ning ; and a black dye may be extracted from it. The fruit, when matured, is very sweet and pleasant to the taste, and yields on distillation after fermentation a quantity of spirits; a beer is made of it, and mixed with flour, a pleas- ant bread. I have used the wood for engraving. Every tree of slow growth seems to me to have a dense and hard wood, because the rings are close together, though the con- sistence of the interspaces varies in different plants. See "Amelanchier." Persimmon bark with iron yields a dye, the color depending on the mordant used. See " Rhus ;" also Treatises on Calico printing and on Dyeing, Ure's Diet, of Arts and Manufactures, and Wilson's Rural Cyc. Processes are there described. Upon testing for tannin the leaves of the persimmon I find very little, but a great deal in the un- ripe fruit. See detail of experiments under sweet-gum, " Liquidambar." I am informed by a friend that the persimmon makes a particularly fine brandy. He tells me that a variety of persimmons are occasionally met with in Sumter district, S. C, with fruit almost twice the size of the ordinary plant. I have known of a large-fruited variety from Cooper river also. They were found near Claremont and the river. Ale, also, can be made with the different species of gentian, and in England they use G. lutea and purpurea 387 as substitutes for hops. The persimmon should be used in camps as an astringent. See " Castanea" To make Persimmon Seer. — Gather the persimmons per- fectly ripe and free from any roughness. Work them into large loaves with bran enough to make them consistent ; bake them so thoroughly that the cake may be brown and dry throughout, but not burned. They are then lit for use. But if you keep them any time it will be necessary to dry them frequently in an oven moderately warm. Of these loaves broken into a coarse powder, take eight bush- els. Pour on them forty gallons of cold water, and after two or three days draw it off; boil it as other beer, adding a little hops. This makes a very strong beer. See Thorn- ton's Southern Gardener, p. 138. W. Gilmore Simms, Esq. writes me word that the persimmon beer manufactured in Orangeburg district,' S. C, by the Hon. J. M. Felder, equalled the best sparkling "Jersey Champagne." The latter is generally made of apples, and is a species of car- bonated cider. See "Apples," "Hops," "Sassafras," for method of manufacturing useful liquors. The following, from the Southern Cultivator, was pub- lished in the Charleston Mercury : Persimmon Beer. — The best persimmons ripen soft and sweet, having a clear, thin, transparent skin, without any rough taste. A good ripe persimmon is a delicious morsel; most animals fatten on them; the chicken, duck, turkey, goose, dog, hog, sheep, and cow, all eat them greedily. The fruit, when mashed and strained through a coarse wire sieve, makes delightful bread, pies, and pudding. When kneaded with wheat bran, and well baked in an oven, the bread may be put away for winter use in making beer, and used when wanted. The following is one of the very best receipts for making the beer: sweet ripe persimmons, mashed and strained, one bushel; wheat bran, one half-bushel. Mix well to- gether, and bake in loaves of convenient size ; break them in a clean barrel, and add twelve gallons of water and two or three ounces of hops. Keep the barrel in a warm 388 room. As soon as fermentation subsides, bottle off the beer, having good long corks, and place the bottles in a low temperature, and it will keep and improve for twelve months. This beer, when properly made, in a warm room, is an exquisitely delightful beverage, containing no alcohol, and is to the connoisseur of temperate taste not inferior to the fermented juice of the vine. The ordinary way of making it is more simple, and the drink is relished heartily by most persons: a layer of straw is put in the bottom of the cask, on which a suf- ficient quantity of fruit, well mashed, is laid, and the cask then filled with water. It should stand in a warm room, and if the weather is cold, fermentation will be promoted by occasionally putting a warm brick or stone in the barrel. The addition of a few honey locusts, roasted sweet po- tatoes, or apple peelings, will make the beer more brisk. Wheat bran always improves the quality. A syrup made with unripe persimmons boiled in sugar is recommended as a portable and useful astringent to be used by our soldiers in camp to prevent dysenteries and diarrhoeas. (1862). The ripe fruit of the persimmon. May-apples, figs, etc., are also useful with a basis of molasses or honey in making vinegar. Hopea linctoria, L. Sweet-leaf. Diffused ; grows spar- ingly in the low country ; vicinity of Charleston, Bach.; collected in St. John's, Berkley; Ward swamp; Newborn. Fl. May. Griffith, Med. Bot. 437. The root is esteemed a valuable stomachic. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 177. Its leaves afford a yellow dye; they are sweet and pleasant to the taste, and are eaten by cattle. Major J. Le Conte informs me that the leaves and root are much used in Georgia, in syphilitic and scrofulous affections. This does not seem to be the genus Hopea belonging to the order .Dipteracece, which fur- nishes such valuable resins. 389 StyracacEjE. (Styrax Tribe.) Styrax. Several species grow in the Confederate States, but none are medicinal, so far as I can ascertain. It is well known that storax and benzoin are furnished by some of them. Symplocas tincloria, L'Her. Low woods and banks of streams. Florida to North Carolina and westward. (Chap). The dyer's or laurel-leaved species, under the name of sweet-leaf, is used for yielding a yellow dye. Rural Cyc. AquifoliacEuE. (The Holly Tribe). These are generally astringent. Prinos verticillatus, L. Black alder; winter-berry. Damp soils. Fl. May. U. S. Disp. 874 ; Wild. Spec. Plantaruin, 275 ; Mer and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 15 ; Barton's Med. Bot. i, 203. The berries and- bark are tonic and astringent, and are used in intermittent fevers, diarrhoeas, and diseases connected with a debilitated state of the system, especially gangrene and mortification. It is a popular remedy in ill-conditioned ulcers, chronic cutaneous diseases, administered internally, and locally as a wash. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 229. " The bark and berries possess in an eminent degree the proper- ties of the vegetable astringents and tonics, combined with antiseptic powers highly spoken of." They are extensively prescribed in some parts of the country in diarrhoea, and as a corroborant in dropsy. The leaves are employed as a substitute for tea. The plant was used by the Indians. It may be taken in substance, in doses of thirty grains to a drachm, to be repeated, or a decoction made with two ounces of the bark to three pints of water, of which three ounces may be taken several times a day. A saturated tincture of the bark and berries has also been used. Bigelow did not speak highly of this plant, but W. P. C. Barton extols it, and recommends it to the profession, 390 having employed it on several occasions. Dr. Meara, in the Phil. Med. Museum ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 434 ; Coxe r 9 Am. Disp. 500. Prinos glaber, L. Inkberry. Grows in damp soils, along bays; Richland district; collected in St. John's. Fl. May. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 229 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 53. The leaves are employed as a tea. The plant probably possesses properties similar to those of the other. Upon chemical examination I find very little tannin in the leaves. See sweet-gum (Liquidambar) for detail of experiments. Ilex opaca, L. Holly. Diffused ; in rich soils ; New- bern. Fl. May. Griffith, Med. Bot.' 432; U. S. Disp. 1263. I am informed by gentlemen who have used this plant that the decoction of the bark of the root has been found very serviceable as a demulcent in colds, coughs, and incipient phthisis ; and by Dr. Joseph Johnson, of Charleston, that the berries are serviceable as an emetic. It is asserted by some to possess properties fully equal to those of the /. aquifolium of Europe, the inner bark of which also yields a viscid substance called birdlime ; its leaves are esteemed as a diaphoretic in the form of infusion ; employed in catarrh, pleurisy, small-pox, etc. Its febrifuge virtues are supposed to depend on a bitter principle, ilicin, and the berries are considered purgative,' diuretic, and emetic. The good effects resulting from the use of the I. opaca, in diseases affecting the mucous passages, may be owing to the substance contained in the inner bark. Some declare that they find it fully as efficient in intermittent fevers as the Peruvian bark. As an emetic, the berries are said to be more active than the leaves. Birdlime can be made from holly and mistletoe ; also from elder. The bark and juice are used. See process described in Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, article "Birdlime." I have often noticed the mucilaginous 391 taste of the holly root {Ilex opacd), and have used it, chewed, for colds and coughs. It is also a pleasant, agree- ahle hitter, mucilaginous tonic. It is extensively employed i»i this way by many persons in South Carolina, also a tea made with the root. I would particularly recommend the holly root as an .^article for the relief of colds and coughs. It increases the appetite, and is a tonic. The leaves of the Ilex opaca, like the Ilex dahoon and Ilex cassina, are used as substitutes for green tea. See Ilex cassina. I condense the following from Wilson's Rural Cyc. : " Birdlime for catching birds, mice, and other vermin is generally made from the middle bark of the holly, which is boiled in water seven or eight hours, till it becomes soft and tender. After the water has been drained off it is laid in masses in the earth, covered with stones, and left to ferment during a fortnight or three weeks. When thus changed into a kind of mucilage it is taken from the pit, pounded in mortars until reduced to a paste, washed and kneaded in river water until freed from all extraneous matter. It is left in earthen vessels four or five days to purify itself by fermentation, and it is then put up for use or commerce. In every kingdom or dis- trict there is a different mode of preparing this substance. The mode employed by M. Bouillon Legrange is to take a sufficient quantity of the second bark of the green prickly holly, to bruise it well, and boil it in water four or five hours ; to pour off the water, to deposit the bark in pits in earthen pans, to moisten it from time to time with a little water, to let it remain until it becomes viscous, and to cleanse it by washing when it has attained a proper degree of fermentation." Birdlime may be procured from the young shoots of the common elder tree, from a number of plants, from slugs, snails, and from the pods of certain caterpillars. The common kind of birdlime readily loses its tenacious quality when long exposed to the air, and particularly when subjected to moisture; but it may be rendered capable of sustaining the action of water by the following 392 process: take a pound of common birdlime and wash it thoroughly with spring water till its hardness be de- stroyed ; then pound it completely, that its water may be entirely separated, and when it is well dried put it into an earthen pot with as much goose or capon's grease as will make it run. Add two spoonfuls of strong vinegar, one of oil, and a small quantity of Venice turpentine, and let the whole boil for a few moments over a moderate fire, stirring it all the time. It is then ready for use ; and this is the only kind that can be successfully used for snipes and other birds which frequent wet situations. When birdlime is to be applied for use it should be made hot, and the rods or twigs should be warmed a little before they are dipped in it. When straws or cords are to be limed it should be very hot, and after they are prepared they should be kept in a leather bag till used. In order to prevent birdlime from being congealed by cold it should be mixed with a little oil of petroleum ; and, indeed, before the common kind can be used at all it must be melted over the fire with a third part of nut-oil or any thin grease, if that has not been added in the preparation. It has been found to resemble gluten in many particulars, but differs from it essentially in the acetous acid which it contains ; in being very slightly animalized ; in the mucil- age and extractive matter which may be obtained from it; in the great quantity of resin which it yields by means of nitric acid; and in its solubility in ether. See, also, Wilson's article on "Bird-catching" for the various methods of ensnaring game. See " Yiscus " in this paper. Our Ilex opaca is said to resemble closely the English holly {I. aquifolium). It has a hard, white wood, with a fine grain. Among many trees and plants which I have exam- ined, with a view to testing their relative hardness, I do not rank the holly so high as others. The English holly is said by Wilson to be very retentive of its sap, which renders it liable to warp unless well dried ; to be susceptible of a high degree of polish, which renders it well adapted to many purposes in the arts. It readily takes a durable color of any 393 shade, hence used by cabinet-makers in forming what are technically called ''strings and borders" in ornamental works. When properly stained black, its color and lustre are little inferior to ebony. It ma}' be turned to a great number of purposes by turners, engineers, cabinet-maker's, philosophical-instrument makers, and others. Next to box- wood, the pear tree is the best wood, says Wilson, for en- graving upon, as it is compact, and stands the tool well. Rural Cyc. I do not think that I found our I. ojmca equal to the dogwood for the purposes of the engraver; certainly when green it yielded to the graver's tools more readily, and was not so hard. The berries of the English holly are said to be purgative, and six or eight of them swallowed will produce violent vomiting ; the bark is said to be febrifugal. Op. til. Ilex cassina, Mich. ~i Yaupoh ; cassina; emetic- " vomitoria, L. and Ait. j holly; grows near the sea- coast; Newbern. Fl. March. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 591 ; see I. vomito- ria. Linn. Veg. Mat. Med.; U. S. Disp. 1263, App. ; Grif- fith, Med. Bot. ; Ell. 8k. of Bot. of South Carolina, ii, 682. The leaves act as a powerful diuretic, and are employed in calculous, nephritic diseases, diabetes, gout, and small-pox. This plant is said also to act as a mild emetic. (Mer. and de L.) The Indians used the cold infusion, which was called the black drink, and which was said to enliven them, in the place of opium. The Creeks employed it, according to Elliott, at the opening of their councils, sending to the sea-coast for a supply. They considered it one of their most powerful diuretics. (Bart. Coll. 38.) The inhabitants of North Carolina purify brackish water by boiling in it Cassina leaves. In North and South Carolina much use is made of the leaves of cassina for making tea. I would refer the reader to the Ceanothus Americana, New Jersey tea tree. The leaves of the common holly [Ilex opaca) are also recom- mended by some as a substitute for tea; and I would call 394 attention to the fact that the famous plant used so exten- sively in Paraguay, Mate or Paraguay tea, is an Ilex (L Par- aguaiensis, plants of which have been introduced by Lieut. Page, and distributed. See a notice of it in Patent Office Reports, 1854, p. 34, and 1859, p. 15. Mate is univer- sally drunk in many of the South American States, and almost fabulous properties are attributed to it. "It is un- questionably aperient and diuretic, and produces effects very similar to opium. * * * Like that drug, however, it excites the torpid and languid, while it calms the restless and induces sleep." I have little doubt but that great re- semblance does exist between this and the kindred plant, the cassina, from which also was prepared a "black drink," which was used by the Indians of North America in their ceremonials. The mode of preparation may be lost to us. The Yaupon is sometimes referred to as I. vomitoria. The Indians drank it very strong, and in copious draughts, at a certain period of the year, in order to purify themselves. It acted as an emetic. The Matt of Paraguay is not iden- tical, says a recent writer, with our 1. cassina. Lawson, in his account of this plant, in his Travels in Carolina (pp. 90, 91, London, 1709), celebrates the virtues of the tea, and gives a particular account of the mode of preparing it. "This plant (the Yaupon, called by the South Carolina In- dians Cassina), is the Indian tea, used and approved by all the savages on the coast of Carolina, and from them sent to the westward Indians, and sold at a considerable price." "The savages of Carolina bore this tea in veneration above all the plants they are acquainted withal," p. 221. "As for purgings and emetics they never apply themselves to, unless in drinking vast quantities of their Yaupon or tea, and vomiting it up again, as clear as they drink it." Croom, in quoting the above, adds that in North Carolina it is still esteemed a useful diaphoretic. Notes to his Catalogue, p. 45, referred to as I. cassina, of Walter. The preparation of Mate" is very simple. It can be gath- ered during the whole year. It is collected in the woods — "a process of kiln-drying is resorted to upon the spot, and 395 afterward the branches and leaves are transported to some rude mill and powdered in mortars. The substance, after this operation, .is almost a powder, though small stems, de- nuded of their bark, are always permitted to remain." A small quantity of the leaf, either with or without sugar, is placed in a common bowl, upon which cold water is poured; after standing a short time, boiling water is added, and it is at once ready for use. It must be imbibed through a tube on account of the particles of leaf and stem which float upon the surface of the liquid. The plant is not cultivated. See, also, Ceanothus and Thea viridis. Ilex dahoon, Walt. Also called cassina. Grows in swamps ; it is said to possess properties similar to those of the I. cas- sina. Ilex myrtifolia, Walt. Grows around ponds, in flat, pine barrens, forty miles from Charleston ; ISTewbern. Dr. Joseph Johnson, of Charleston, informs me that this is used to some extent in domestic practice in South Caro- lina, as a diuretic in dropsy. CuSCUTACEiE. Cuscuta Americana, Linn. Dr. Engleman, of St. Louis, has determined that we have not the C. Am. of Linn., and he has substituted three distinct species which are found in South Carolina, the C. compacta and cornuti of Choisey, and C. vulgivaga, Engl. Love-vine. Grows in damp soils ; col- lected in St. John's; Hewbern. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 527; Flora Med. des Antilles, ii, 334; Shec. Flora Carol. 485. This is said to be laxative and hydragogue. It imparts a yellow dye to cloth. The vine may be snapped in pieces, and the divisions will retain a separate existence, throwing out new tendrils, and reattaching themselves to surround- ing objects. 396 Convolvulace^i. ( The Bindweed Tribe.) An acrid, milky juice is found in their roots, which is strongly purgative, this quality depending upon a peculiar resin, which is the active principle of the jalap, the seam- mony, etc., plants belonging to this order. Ipomcea nil, Pursh. | Grows in dry soil;, vicinity of Convolvulus, Sprengel. /Charleston; St. John's; Newbern. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 409. The root was employed by the ancients as a purgative. Convolvulus, Ell. Sk. | Wild potato vine ; found Ipomcea panduratus, of late bot. J in dry pine barrens; col- lected in St. John's, Charleston district, where it grows abundantly; Newbern. Coxe, Am. Dis. 226; Barton's Collec. ii, 49; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 254; XL S. Disp. 269; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 409; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. i, 252; Griffith's Med. Bot. 477. The root is diuretic, and in the form of infusion, is said to be very serviceable in calculous com- plaints. It is employed with great success by Dr. Harris, of New Jersey, in these and in other affections as a substi- tute for jalap and rhubarb; Dr. B. S. Barton says that an extract from one of our native species is little inferior to scammony. The powder or the decoction may be used. Convolvulus macrorrhizus, Ell. | Vicinity of Charleston ; Ipomcea of Michaux. /dry soils. U. S. Disp. 408; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 253; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 406; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 140. This is thought to resemble jalap. De Candolle men- tions the root as possessing purgative properties (Essai); and the expressed juice was said to be very active. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 231; Flore Med. des Antilles, ii, 288. Dr. Baldwin, however, was of the opinion that it possessed very little purgative power. It is said to contain a great deal of saccharine with a considerable quantity of farinaceous matter. 397 Convolvulus Jfilapa. It has been supposed by some that the officinal jalap may be obtained from plants growing within the limits of the Confederate States, but late researches have almost dis- proved it. See XL S. Disp. ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Batatas edulis, Chois. "» Sweet potato, and its varie- Convolvulus batatas, Cult, j ties. This valuable plant is cultivated to a large extent in the Confederate States, and great use is made of the root as an article of food. It may, therefore, not be out of place to furnish some references to the various sources of informa- tion concerning it that have come in my way. A large quantity of sago, called "Bowen's patent sago," was made in Georgia from the potato, particularly by Dr. Bancroft, near Savannah The roots were scraped and grated, the pulp was then mashed through sieves, and the deposited flour collected and dried in pans either by fire or sunlight. See Shec. Flora Carol. The root is used as an article of food prepared in various forms. They maj r be grated when raw and the pulp made into a pudding; they are sometimes eaten roasted or boiled, in which state, with wheat flour, a very pleasant bread is made of them. On the plantations they furnish a large proportion of the food of animals. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846, 205. See Depuy's Memoire sur la culture de la patate, Bordeaux, 1801 ; Lelieur de Ville-sur Arce, Mem. sur la culture de la patate et du ma'i's, Paris ; Gosse, Culture de la patate (Biblioth. Univ. de Geneve, iii, 1818); Roberts' Note on the culture of the potato in the Mem. de la Soc. Roy. dAgric. 1841; Southern Agriculturist, Charleston, passim. In Patent Office Reports, 1854, p. 169, is an illustrated paper on the Dioscorea batatas, or Chinese yam, recom- mended as a substitute for the potato. See Dioscorea villosa in this volume. The Cantharis vittata, or blistering fly, can be found on the potato, and I have myself produced blistering by ap- 398 plying them to the hand. I collected the flies from vines growing on Daniel's island near Charleston. Mr. Town- send Glover, in a valuable paper illustrated with wood-cuts in Patent Office Reports, 1854, page 59, states that he found a species of cantharis, C. strigosa, in large numbers on the cotton plants near Columbia, S. C, in the month of Sep- tember. I have little doubt that the Confederate States could be easily supplied with blistering ointment from these flies. The reader interested in the appearance, nature, and his- tory of the "insects injurious and beneficial" to plants and vegetables, is referred to the paper cited. Those in- festing the cotton plant, the peach, the vine, garden vege- tables, etc., are all described. I am indebted to Mr. Glover for drawings of these. See, also, Patent Office Reports, p. 88, 1855, in which the papers are continued. A Substitute for Spanish Flies. — The present scarcity of Spanish flies for medical use in blister plasters makes a proper substitute a desideratum. A writer in the Savan- nah Republican says we have in this country many repre- sentatives of the same genus, and enumerates the blister- ing beetle, or potato fly, so prevalent in our gardens, and so injurious to vegetation, as efficacious. He says : The blistering plaster and Cantharides of medicine are prepared from the Spanish flies, Cantharis vesicatoria, which are collected in Spain and Italy in large quantities for ex- portation. We have in North America many representa- tives of the same genus. Several species have been used for the same purpose, and in this immediate neighborhood the Cantharis vitlata, var, striped blistering beetle, com- monly called the potato fly. The blistering beetles have been enumerated among the insects directly beneficial to man, on account of the important use made of them in medical practice ; yet the gardeners in our neighborhood will testify that the insect in question is very injurious to vegetation, appearing in large numbers on the Irish potato, tomato, egg-plant, and beet, which they will strip of every leaf. I have, however, remarked that they will give the 399 preference to a common weed, if in close proximity — an Amarantus — a kind of prince's feather. The insect is of a dull, tawny, or light yellowish color, with two black spots on the head, two black stripes on the thorax, and three broad ones on each wing cover. The under side of the body, the legs (excepting the first joint, which is yellow- ish), the antennae,, or feelers, are black. Its length is from five to eight lines, its breadth of body two lines. The body is quite soft. These beetles are very shy, timid insects, and whenever disturbed fall immediately from the leaves, and attempt to conceal themselves among the grass, or draw up their long slender legs and feign themselves dead. In the night, and in rainy weather they descend from the plants and burrow in the ground, or under leaves and tufts of grass. It is, therefore, during clear weather, in the morning and evening that they feed, and are to be col- lected. They should be killed by throwing them into scalding water for one or two minutes, after which they should be spread upon cloth or paper to dry, and may be made profitable by selling them to the apothecaries for medical use. Dunglison, in his Theraputics, says that the Cantharis vittata, Lytta vittata, potato fly, is somewhat smaller than the Spanish fly (Cantharis vesicatoria), its length being about six lines. The head is of a light red color, with dark spots on the top ; the feelers are black ; the elytra, or wing-cases, black, with a yellow longitudinal stripe in the centre, and a yellow margin; the thorax is black, with three yellow lines ; and the abdomen and legs, which are of the same color, are covered with an ash-colored down (Wood and Bache). They are first observed about the end of July or the beginning of August. They are found in the morning and evening, and are collected by shaking them from the plant in hot water, after which they are carefully dried in the sun. It resembles the Spanish fly in all its properties. Other species are found in the United States, viz: C. cinerea, a native of the Northern and Middle states; C. marginata; 0. atrata, common in Northern and Middle 400 states; but C. vittata is the only one that is officinal, op. cit. sup. In England, according to Pereira, the blistering bee- tle is found on species of the Oleacece, as the ash, privet, and lilac, and upon the elder and lonicera. Cloths are spread under the trees and the flies shaken upon them or beaten with long poles ; the flies are then killed by being exposed to the vapor of vinegar, hot water, or oil of turpentine. Potato Coffee. — I have seen this used on several planta- tions in lower Carolina as a substitute for coffee. It is one of the best when carefully made by our Southern matrons. The following is given as the mode of preparing and using: the sweet potato is peeled and cut to the size of coffee berries, spread in the sun until perfectly dry, then parched in an oven or pan until thoroughly brown before being ground. As much as is intended to be used is then put into a cup with a little hot or cold w T ater ; it is mixed well until all is wet; boiling water is added, and it is set- tled like coffee. The mucilaginous liquor prepared from potatoes washed and grated, the fecula being allowed to remain at the bot- tom of the vessel, is used for cleansing silk, woollen, and cotton goods without damage to the color. The coarse pulp which does not pass the sieve is of use in cleansing worsted curtains, carpets, tapestry, and other coarse goods ; also in cleansing oil paintings. Among the plants for supplying starch, none is superior to the sweet potato — the red-skin variety, white within, is preferred. Large supplies are made upon our plantations by grating and washing out the starch granules, then dry- ing. See Maranta arundinacea in this volume for mode of making starch; also, Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufac- tures, etc., vol. 2, p. 462, New York, 1853, for a paper on the manufacture of sugar from the potato, with a table of the amount of starch in the several varieties of the potato. IIydroleace^e. Itydrolea quadrivalvis. Immersed in ponds; collected in St. John's. Fl. July. A bitter principle exists in this genus. 401 LiOBELIACEjE. Lindley states that all are dangerous or suspicious, in consequence of the excessive acridity of their milk. Lobelia inflata, L. Indian tobacco ; lobelia ; emetic-root. Grows in Spartanburg and Abbeville districts, and in Georgia. Ft. August. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 219 ; U. S. Disp. 434 ; Barton's Collec. 36, 56 ; Thacher's IT. S. Disp. 267; Frost's Elems.; Mat. M6d. 83. This is one of the most valuable of our indigenous plants, well known as a nauseating diaphoretic and expectorant, possessing some narcotic power, and act- ing particularly on the bronchial mucous membranes. The infusion of the flowers promotes urine, diaphoresis, and the discharge of the lochia ; used also in convulsions and palpitations of the heart. The juice which exudes from the plant is of a penetrating and diffusible nature; from its effects upon the eye it is called "eye-bright." The tinc- ture, in small doses, is used to prevent colic and croup in infants, just sufficient to produce slight nausea. The plant in spirits is given largely in the bite of serpents and in- sects, and the tincture applied externally is said to relieve the pain caused by the stings of spiders and insects. See the "Cherokee Physician." The infusion of the plant is stimulating to the throat, and is largely employed in asthma, as it occasions a copious secretion of saliva and of mucous fluid: "It, however, sometimes operates vehe- mently and speedily on the stomach." Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 237; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 137. Chap- man, Bigelow, and Barton spoke of it as a very active and dangerous plant. Supplem. to Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. 1846, 438. Dr. Noach, of Leipsic, says that it acts specifically on the "pneumogastric nervous system," and consequently possesses such a remarkable influence on the bronchial mucous membrane. In Geneva, also, it has acquired great reputation in spasmodic asthma. See the 12th series of the Journal de Chim. et de Pharmacie, i, 454. Dr. Elliotson cured two cases in four days with the alco- 26 402 holic tincture in a sufficient quantity of distilled water. It has been found in Europe very useful in chronic bron- chitis, aphony, and nervous affections of the bronchia, and in laryngitis and hooping-cough. It has been administered in convulsions, tetanus, and dance of St. Guj 7 . Mer. Supplem. See also Lancet, February 23, 1838. The In- dians used it as tobacco, and this is a convenient way of administering it. Rufz, d'empoisonnement pratique par les 2^"egres, 139; Sigmond on the properties of L. inflata and syphilitica, in Journal de Chim. Med. ix, 587, 1833 ; Glasgow Med. Journal, May, 1828; Bidault de Villiers, notice sur l'emploi du Lob. inflat. dans l'asthme et comme emetique, Nouv. Biblioth. Med. v. 226. Lobeline has been extracted from it: Phil. Journal Pharm. 1834. Dr. Proctor found it also to contain an odorous volatile principle, a peculiar acid, lobelic, gum, resin, fixed oil, lignin, salts of lime, potassa, oxide of iron, etc. Am. Journal Pharm. ix, 106, xiii, i. It has been used as an enema in the same way as tobacco, and, in small doses, to produce relaxation of the os uteri. Eberle employed it with success in a case of strangulated hernia; he considers the root and inflated capsule the most powerful parts of the plant. Am. Journal Med. Sc. xvii, 248. Some have doubted whether it pro- duces its effects in the same way as tobacco. Dr. Cutler, who introduced it, says if the leaves be held in the mouth, they induce giddiness and pain in the head, with agitation, and finally nausea. Both Dr. Randall and himself found it very efficacious in asthma, and employed it as a speedy expectorant in catarrh ; the latter did not observe any narcotic effect ensue from it in moderate doses. In Xew England the infusion has been used advantageously in leucorrhcea. The active principle is extracted by water and alcohol; hot water is said to impair its emetic power; te?i to twenty grains of the powdered leaves will act as an emetic, a moiety less as an expectorant: two ounces of the dried plant are added to one pint of diluted alcohol, of which one teaspoonful given to an adult will generally bring on nausea, and "sometimes vomiting. This is the 403 form in which it is usually prescribed in asthma, repeating it several times a clay, and desisting when headache or nausea ensues. Coxe, Am. Disp. 373 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 179 ; Cutler, Mem. Am. Acad, i, 484; Schcepf, 128; Mass. Report, vi; Griffith's Med. Bot 419; Raf. Med. Fl. ii, 22. Great use is made of the lobelia in South Carolina and Georgia — the steam and vegetable practitioners relying on it. , Obstinate and very violent cases of flatulent colic, which the tinctures of cardamom, etc., fail to relieve, we know to be immediately dissipated by preparations of this plant. See Matson's Veg. Pract. and Howard's Imp. Syst. Bot. Med. 334. I have generally selected the tincture or powder of lobelia wherever I thought relaxation was re- quired, and where there was a tendency to spasmodic action. Some physicians use the powder habitually as an emetic ; others consider it too depressing for ordinary cases, and prefer ipecacuanha. The habit of giving an agent like this repeatedly, almost daily, throughout a long attack of pneumonia, must certainly be injurious; it is, nevertheless, adopted by some practitioners. Lobelia syphilitica, L. Mountains of Carolina and Geor- gia; jSVwbern. Fl. September. Bart. M. Bot.; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 268. In the Dem. Elem. cle Bot. ii, 92, it is spoken of as an acrid and purgative plant: " Se guerissont de la verole en buvant line decoction de cinq a six racines." Am. Herbal, 208. The Indians employed the decoction internally and topi- cally for lues; they communicated their opinion of its vir- tues in this respect to Sir W. Johnson, who published it in the April number of the Amam. Acad.; "Woodv. Med. Bot. 177; Kalm. L. C. ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. ; Thornton's Fam. Herbal, 727. Dr. Wood, in the U. S. Disp. 436, allows its emetic, diuretic, and cathartic properties, but denies it any value in syphilis. Dr. Chapman states that it is beneficial in dropsy. It is less powerful than the L. inflata, but more diuretic and diaphoretic ; its diuretic effects are produced by free doses, purging or vomiting as it is augmented. 404 From an analysis by M. Boissel, it is found to contain a fatty, butyraceous matter, sugar, mucilage, a volatile bitter substance, some salts, etc. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 138 ; Des Bois de Rochefort, Mat. Med. ii, 212 ; Diet, des Drogues, iii, 378. For analysis, see Journal de Pharm. x, 623 ; Kalm. Description du Specifique contre le Mai. Venerien, in the Mem. de l'Acad. de Storck, xii, 1750. Lobelia cardinalis, L. Cardinal flower. Grows in inun- dated soils, roots often immersed ; vicinity of Charleston ; collected in St. John's, Charleston district; Richland, Prof. Gibbes ; Newbern. Fl. July. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 268 ; Drayton's Views, 77 ; U. S. Disp. 436; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv. 137; De Candolle's Essai, 189 ; Journal de Pharm. iii. 470 ; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 186 ; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 236 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 421. This plant is used by the Indians as an anthelmintic — some say quite as efficient as the pinkroot. (Spigelj llaryland.) Merat says it is employed as a poison by the negroes at the Cape of Good Hope. It is well known for its beautiful scarlet flowers. Cinchonace^e. (The Co fee Tribe.) The grand features of this order are powerful febrifugal properties in the bark and emetic in the root. Quinquina represents the first and ipecacuanha the second. Pinckneya jmbens, Mich. Georgia bark. "Found from New river, South Carolina, along the sea-coast to Florida." Vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Named in honor of Gen. C. C. Pinckney. Fl. June. Plants sent to me by Dr. F. P. Pope from Bluffton, S. C. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 267 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 1830 ; U. S. Disp. 128; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 519; Griffith, Med. Bot. 366. It was said by Michaux in his N. Am. Sylva to be very useful in intermittent fever. Dr. Law, of Georgia, cured six out of seven cases with it. It did 405 not distress the stomach, though to two patients one ounce was given at a dose ; one drachm is the usual quantity in which it is administered. Dr. Farr detected a considerable amount of cinchonine in it, but was prevented from com- pleting his examination. The attention of those residing where it may be found is invited to it as a substitute for quinine. In Georgia a handful of the bark is boiled in a quart of water till the liquid is reduced to one-half; the infusion is given. Mitchella repens, L. Mitchella ; partridge-berry. Vicin- ity of Charleston ; grows in shady swampy lands ; collected in St. John's. Fl. May. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 199. An infusion of the stems and leaves is used in dysuria, its diuretic powers, however, not being of any importance. The "Cherokee Doctor" declares that the " decoction taken freely is an excellent article to facilitate childbirth. It should be used daily for two or three weeks before that period ! " The fruit is slightly acid, and is edible. Cephalanthus occidentalis. Button-bush. Grows along rivulets in damp soils ; collected in St. John's ; specimens from Aiken ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 187; Drayton's View, 62; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Med. ii, 176; Shec. Flora Carol. 376. The decoction has been used in palsy. Elliott states that the inner bark of the root is frequently employed in obsti- nate coughs. Merat notices it as an anti-venereal. A writer in the "Mercury" says: "The root of the button- wood or crane willow, a shrub which is conspicuous in our swamps in the spring, when boiled with honey and cum- frey, makes a pleasant syrup, which is the most effective remedy known to me in diseases of the lungs. It is thought by many intelligent persons to be a radical cure for consumption." Cojfea Arabica, L. Coffee. Exotic. Should the culture of coffee be attempted in the Con- 406 federate States, I would refer the reader to Patent Office Reports, Agriculture, 1858, p. 313, for an instructive con- densed report on the mode of cultivation in Jamaica, Central America, and other countries, with the mode of planting, harvesting, curing, etc., etc. See "Potato " and "Rye" for substitutes for coffee. RuBiACEiE. [The Madder Tribe.) Rubia tinctorium. Madder. Exotic, Any one interested in ascertaining what amount of any plant, vegetable or agricultural product was exported from or imported into the United States, can obtain a list of quantities and value in Patent Office Reports, 1858. It serves to show the consumption of certain articles, the demand for them, and the consequent necessity for their cultivation. I find upon consulting these tables, that madder, for example, was imported to an enormous amount, twenty million pounds, for calico-printing, dye- ing, etc.; a plant which might be cultivated within our limits. See method, Patent Office Reports, 1855. So, also, soda, barilla, coffee, and numerous other articles which we are or were in the habit of importing. We may find among the genus Galium some plants yielding dyes — Galium trifidum, L. and hispidulum (Rubia JBrownii, Mx.), grows from Florida to jSTorth Carolina. G. verum, found in England, contains so much pigment as to have been cultivated in place of madder. "Its flowering tops boiled in alum dye a bright yellow color, its roots yield a red dye equal to that of madder, and the whole of the plant when bruised has the property of curdling milk, and is some- times employed both for coloring and flavoring milk in- tended for cheeses;" hence called cheese-rennet. Rural Cyc. Since writing the above I see it stated by Pursh that the Indians use our G. tr(fidum, L. (G. tinctorium) for dyeing their porcupine quills, feathers, leather, etc., of a beautiful red color. 407 Oldenlandia, Houstonia, Medyotis. These plants, growing abundantly in the Confederate States, and belonging to the madder tribe, should be experimented with for tinctorial purposes. CAPRiFOLiACBiE. {The Honeysuckle Tribe.) Independently of the fragrance and beauty of these plants, astringent and purgative properties are possessed by some of them. Triosteum perfoliatum, Linn. Fever-root ; wild ipecacu- anha; wild coffee ; horse gentian. Bart. M. Bot. i, 59 ; Barton's Collec. 29 ; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 271 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 91 ; Raf. Med. Fl. i, 59 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 353. This plant acts as a gentle but certain cathartic, particularly when combined with cal- omel, when its operation is almost as marked as that of jalap. The bark of the root is also emetic, the leaves and stalks proving less powerful. To produce its cathartic effect Bigelow finds a somewhat larger dose than that of aloes or jalap necessary, though it is supposed to be influ- enced by age. Rafinesque says the leaves are also diapho- retic ; and it is stated by Dr. Muhlenberg that the hard seeds, properly prepared, are a good substitute for coffee. Randall, in his communication to the Linnsean society, asserts that water extracts its virtues best; but it is now recommended to be treated with alcohol. The decoction is said to be used by the Cherokee Indians in the cure of fevers ; also given hot in colds and female obstructions. The dose as a purge is from ten to fifteen grains of the extract, and twenty to thirty grains of the powdered root. Dose of the extract from ten to twenty grains. Triosteum angustifolium, Linn. Grows in South Carolina. Dr. Tinker's weed. Griffith Med. Bot. 353. Possesses properties similar to those of the T. perfoliatum, 408 Lonicera semjpervirens, Ait. and T. and G. \ "Woodbine. Caprifolium, Ell. Sk. J Grows in wet swamps ; more abundant in lower country ; vicinity of Charleston ; collected in St. John's. Fl. May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 143. The plant is not much used in medicine. The syrup made of the leaves is given in asthma, and in angina tonsillaris. The leaves and bark of the L. caprifolium of Linn, are styptic and acrid ; the flowers diuretic ; the latter in decoction calm the pain of colic (coliques ou tranchees) following childbirth. Diervitta trifida, Mcench. and T. and G. ^ Bush honey- " Canadensis, Ell. Sk. Muhl. \ suckle. Grows Lonicera diervilla, Linn. ) in the moun- tains of South Carolina and Georgia. Fl. June. Dem. Eem. de Bot. iii, 554. The leaves possess a nar- cotic principle, inducing nausea, and are recommended as a gargle in catarrhal angina. The decoction calms the pain attending the disease ; taken largely it causes stupor and catalepsy. Sambncus Canadensis, Linn. Elder. Grows abundantly in South Carolina along fences, and in rich, damp soils ; diffused ; Newbern. Fl. June. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 248 ; Bell's Pract. Diet. 404 ; Dray- ton's View, 55; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 325; U. S. Disp. 625; Eoyle, Mat. Med. 423 ; Cullen, Mat. Med. ii, 534 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 196 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 354. " The leaves are fetid, emetic, and a drastic purga- tive;" the plant acting in the same way as the European species, the S. nigra ; the leaf-buds also operating as a pow- erful purgative. The flowers are excitant and sudorific, and are used in the form of an ointment as a discutient. The inner bark is a hydragogue cathartic and emetic, act- ing well in dropsy, and as an alterative in various chronic diseases. The purgation which results from its employ- ment is sometimes, however, too severe. The berries are diaphoretic and aperient, and are used as a remedy in 409 rheumatic gout and syphilitic affections. The juice of these diluted with water furnishes a cooling and valuable laxative drink. This plant is employed to some extent in domestic practice for the purposes severally referred to above. A decoction made by pouring boiling water over the leaves, flowers, or berries of the elder is recommended as a wash for wounds to prevent injury from flies. An ointment used for the same purpose is prepared by stirring the elder or mixing the juice into lard while boiling, and straining through a coarse sieve. Beeswax may be added. According to Mr. Cozzens, the ripe berries afford a delicate test for acids and alkalies. The leaves of the English elder (S. nigra) are noxious to insects, moles, etc. The flowers are used in fomentations and cooling ointments. " The leaves boiled in lard make one of the most emollient and suppling unguents known to the farmer. The flowers are used for making a perfumed, distilled water. The berries, according to experiments of M. Wehrle, of Vienna, produce a comparatively much larger quantity of spirits than can be obtained from the malt of the best wheat. The juice in these experiments was expressed from the berries, treated in the same manner as the must of grapes, and afterward distilled." "Wilson's Rural Cyc. It would be interesting to ascertain to what extent our species share the above properties. Composite. These embrace four orders, all of which are distinguished by bitterness, which in the different sections is variously combined. In the order Asteracejs it assumes a particular character, being united with a resinous principle; in the Cynarace^e this bitterness depends upon the mixture of extractive with a gum, which is sometimes yielded in great abundance; the Chichorace,e are characterized by a juice, which is milky, bitter, astringent, and narcotic. Vernonia angustifolia, Mx. Grows in the pine lands in lower country; collected in St. John's. Fl, July, 410 The root is used by the negroes in South Carolina as a remedy for the bite of serpents. It is also considered by them to be aphrodisiac. Liatris odoratissima, Walt. Wild vanilla. St. John's, S. C. ; Wassamasa swamp ; North Carolina, near sea-coast (Croom). Very aromatic. Used for scenting cigars. The aroma is abundantly given out when trodden upon by horses' feet. Liatris squarrosa, W. Crows in pine lands; collected in St. John's; Richland district; vicinity of Charleston. IT. S. Disp. 1273; Journal de Chim. Med. v, 419. "Y sont usitees contre la morsure des serpens." Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 97. Liatris scariosa, W. Grows in pine lands ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1273, Appendix. It is employed in gonor- rhoea, and as a gargle in sore throat. Liatris spicata, W. Crows in wet pine lands ; collected in St. John's, Charleston district; vicinity of Charleston; iSTewbern. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1272. One of the "rattlesnake's masters." Dr. Barton said that all the tuberous-rooted Liatres were active plants. This plant, called " button-snakeroot" by some, is report- ed to be a stimulant, diuretic, and expectorant; also pos- sessing powers as an anodyne ; it is consequently given as a remedy in colic, the tincture or the decoction of the root being employed — said to resemble senega snakeroot, and to excite a flow of saliva when chewed. Eupatorium perfoliatum, Linn. Thoroughwort ; boneset. Grows in damp soils ; diffused ; Richland district ; common in low country. Fl. July. Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. i, 387, and ii, 435 ; Bell's 411 Pract. Diet. 197 ; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 303 ; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. 389; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 216; Eberle, Mat. Med. ii, 216 ; Royle, Mat. Med. 445 ; U. 8. Disp. 319 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 197 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 34 ; Thacher's Am. Disp. 217 ; Am. Med. Record, iii, 331; Barton's Essay to Mat. Med. 28; Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 315 ; Schcepf, Mat. Med. 121 ; Guthrie, in An- nal. of Med. iii, 403 ; Anderson's Inaug. Thesis, New York ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 177 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 271; "Shec. Flora Carol. 549; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 133; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 253. A warm infusion of this plant is emetic, sudorific, and diaphoretic ; employed cold as a tonic and febrifuge. The hot decoction may be given in the hot stages of fevers without exciting the system. Small quan- tities of the cold infusion, repeatedly given will, it is said, >purge, and are prescribed in constipation. The leaves and flowers, in powder, also purge, given in doses of ten to twenty grains. The discharge of bile is promoted by it. It has been repeatedly prescribed with advantage in rheu- matism, typhoid pneumonia, catarrhs, dropsy, and in the influenza which prevailed at the North, and which was de- scribed b} 7 Dr. Rush ; he also used it with great success in the yellow fever of 1798 ; and Dr. Chapman found it one of the most effectual remedies in the epidemic called the "break-bone fever." Graves, of Dublin, has made much use of it in the ship, or typhus fever. See note to Graves and Gerhard, Am. ed. This plant is extensively employed among the negroes on the plantations in South Carolina as a tonic and diaphoretic in colds and fevers, and in the ty- phoid pneumonia so prevalent among them. In a few cases which have come under my observation, I have found this and the senega snakeroot [Poly gala senega) convenient and useful prescriptions in this disease; the latter, with tartar emetic solution, to promote expectoration ; and the former, with flaxseed tea, as a stimulant diaphoretic, combining them with spirits of turpentine when it has assumed the typhoid form. From its action on the capillaries, it has been recommended in chronic cutaneous diseases. Barton 412 said it possessed no power in this regpect ; but in the hands of Dr. Zollickoffer it has proved eminently successful in tinea capitis, given in combination with cremor tartar. See Griffith, Med. Bot. 391. In the Supplem. to the Diet, de M. Med., 1846, it is reported to have been given with benefit in asthma. Echo du Monde Savant, 16 ; Janvier, 1845. The infusion of the roots and leaves is usually preferred, of which one to three ounces may be taken several times a day; of the root, in powder, the dose is thirty grains. As an emetic and cathartic a strong decoction is used, made by boiling an ounce of the herb in three half-pints of water to one pint ; given in doses of one or two gills or more. Given hot, it acts as a diaphoretic ; cold, as a tonic. Thoroughwort or boneset tea used hot, in the cold stages of malarial fever, and cold in the hot stages, is believed by many physicians in South Carolina, who have used it since the beginning of the war, to be the very best of our indige- nous antiperiodics as a substitute for quinine. It is thought to be superior in this respect to either poplar bark (Lirioden- dron tulipifera), willow (Salix), or dogwood. It is also an excellent stimulating diaphoretic in low fevers. The plants just mentioned, the blackberry, chinquapin, (Ga&tama) and dogwood to be used as astringents, the gentians, pipsissewa, Sabbatia, etc., as bitter tonics, can easily be obtained by our soldiers while in camp, and they will be found to fulfil all the indications required in most cases of fever, dysentery, diarrhoea, catarrhs, etc. In the formation of demulcent drinks, as substitutes for flaxseed and gum-arabic, the roots and leaves of the sassafras, and the leaves of the Bene (Sesamum) will suffice. The Podo- phyllum (wild jalap) will supply the purgative ; therefore, with the possession of opium and calomel, the surgeon in the field can himself obtain almost everything desired, and with comparatively little aid from the Medical Purveyors. Our chief desiderata now are the preparations of potash, viz : nitrate chlorate and bicarbonate, and sup. carb. of soda. We may procure soda from our Salsola kali. The winter-green (Chimaphila umbellata) is both tonic and 413 diuretic, and may be given with advantage in dropsy. In examining* (1862) the excrescences produced by an insect on nearly all the leaves of the cotton-wood tree [Populus hete- rophylla, L.) I find them possessed of an intensely bitter principle, which may be made useful as a tonic given in spirits. The cinquefoil (Potentilla) is mucilaginous, and I am informed that in Sumter district, S. C, it is used with great advantage as a remedy in affections of the lungs, chronic colds, etc. The "Indian doctors" make a pill to act upon the liver, which they call the "hepatic pill," by boiling thoroughwort leaves until their strength is extract- ed, then strain the decoction and continue boiling till it becomes thick — an extract in other words. It is made up with starch into pills, and three are given at a dose. See "Indian Guide to Health." Eupatorium purpureum, L. Purple thoroughwort; gravel root. I have a specimen from Abbeville district from Mr. Reed ; Richland district ; collected in St. John's, Charles- ton district ; grows in damp or inundated soils ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 319 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 177. It is said to operate as a diuretic ; and it is one of the popular remedies for calculus, probably possessing prop- erties somewhat similar to those of the Eup. per/. Eupatorium teucrifolium, W. and T. and G. 1 Wild " verbencefolium, Ell. Sk. j horehound. Grows in damp soils ; collected in St. John's. Fl. August. Michaux, Flora Amer. ii, 98 ; U. S. Disp. 319. This is tonic, diaphoretic, diuretic, and aperient. A popular remedy in intermittents. See observations of Dr. Jones, of Georgia. It may be substituted in some cases for the Eup. perfol. Eupatorium rotimdifolium, L. Grows in dry pine barrens ; collected in St. John's, Berkley ; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland district. Fl. July and August. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 177 ; Journal Gen. 414 de Med. xxxvi, 111. The infusion is said to be useful in consumption. See Dr. Mitchell's letter. Ewpatorium fceniculacewn, Willd. Dog-fennel. This plant is said to tan leather in an extraordinarily short space of time, by a process which attracted much attention during the fall of 1861. Strange that in my examination of this plant, with that of others, I found that it contained scarcely a trace of tannin. But the common name of dog- fennel has been applied to the ox-e}-ed daisy (Leucanthe- mum vidgare, Lam.), and to the wild chamomile (JSIaruta, cotida), or stinking Mayweed. Since my publication advis- ing the myrtle as a material for tanning, I see a notice of its being used by Mr. Cummings for the purpose. It is believed by some that the presence of this plant indicates the existence of the cause of malarial fevers. It is used to keep off insects and bugs by strewing on the floors of cellars and dairies. The Tallahassee Floridian (1861) says : " Leather tanned by the new process. — "We have seen a specimen of kip leather said to be tanned by Isaac Bier- field, of aSTewberry, S. C, in twenty days, with his dog- fennel preparation. The sample was soft and pliable, and had all the appearance of being equal to the best French leather. We understand that our shoemakers so pro- nounce it. "Everybody knows what dog-fennel is, and will be glad to learn that it is of some account after all. The weed grows in great abundance and perfection in all parts of Florida. Mr. Bierfield says that now is the time to gather it, and that it should be put under shelter. Planters would do well to lay by a goodly portion of it, as it may prove highly valuable in the manufacture of their leather." I have not been able to procure, by application made to Mr. Bierfield, any specimens of the plant. Aster iortifolius, Mx. Mouse-ear. Vicinity of Charles- ton ; grows in dry pine barrens : collected in St. John's. 415 This plant has some reputation in domestic practice in South Carolina as a diuretic. I have noticed the summit generally covered with little insects. Aster cordifolium. Grows in rich lands. Fl. August. Griffith, Med. Bot. 387. It possesses antispasmodic prop- erties. A small species (Diplopappus Unarifolius, Hooker, Aster, Ell. Sk.) grows in pine barrens, St. John's, S. C, the leaves of which contain an unusual amount of silica ; they are employed to polish horns, and as a substitute for sand- paper. Erigeron Canadense, L. Colt's-tail ; flea-bane. Common in damp, sandy soils; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland, Gibbes ; Kewbern. Fl. July. Royle, Mat. Med. 447 ; Matson's Veg. Prac. 368 ; U. S. Disp. 316; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 140; Journal de Bot. 448 ; et des Pharm. 214 ; Coxe, Am. Disp. 268 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 395 ; D6m. £lem. de Bot. 200 ; Raf. Med. Fl. This is a stimulant tonic, diuretic, and astringent, employed with marked success in dropsy and diarrhoaa; it is much used by the vegetable practitioners in the latter disease ; they give a teacupful of the infusion of the herb in hot water every two hours ; when chewed it relieves cholera morbus. Dr. Depuz found it useful in these diseases. See his observations quoted in the U. S. Disp. 316. He found tannin, gallic acid, and volatile oil among its constituents, from whence its beneficial action in the diseases specified may be inferred. An infusion of the powdered flowers is antispasmodic, and is employed in hysterical and nervous affections. The oil obtained from the plant possesses extraordinary styptic properties. The dose of the powder is thirty grains to one drachm. Erigeron Philadelphicum, L. iSTon. Ell. Frost-root. Com- mon in pastures ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May. Liud. Nat. Syst/Bot. 253; Shec. Flora Carol. 537; 416 Royle, Mat. Med. 447; Bart. M. Bot. i, 234; IT. S. Disp. 317. It is diuretic, without being offensive to the stomach. Fr. Elems. 81. In great repute as a remedy in calculus and in nephritic diseases. It was a favorite prescription in Philadelphia in dropsy, and Dr. Wistar recommends it in hydrothorax complicated with gout. The plant is officinal. One ounce of the plant to be administered in infusion or decoction of one pint in twenty-four hours. Erigeron strigosum, Muhl. Grows in sandy soils ; vicin- ity of Charleston. Griffith, Med. Bot. 396. It is similar in properties to the jE7. annuum, a favorite diuretic in the dysuria of chil- dren — used by Physick and Dewees in painful micturition dependent on nephritis. This also yields a styptic oil similar to that afforded by the E. Canadense. Erigeron pusilum, Grows in pastures and cultivated soils ; collected in St. John's. Fl. June. IT. S. Disp. 316. /o odora, Ait. Golden rod. Grows in rich soils, among the mountains, and in the upper districts, accord- ing to Ell. Collected in St. John's also; Newbern. Fl. October. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. 437 ; IT. S. Disp. 679 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 189. An aromatic, moderately stimulant, and carminative plant, and like other substances of the same class, diaphoretic in warm infusion. It is used to allay pain from flatulence, lessen nausea, and cover the taste or correct the operation of irritating or unpleasant medicines. Merat states that the infusion is also employed as an astringent in dysentery, and in ulceration of the intestines. Journal Gen. de Med. xxxvi, 3. When the leaves are subjected to distillation a very aromatic, volatile oil collects, and an essence may be made by dissolving this in proof spirits. This will also stop vomiting and correct the taste of medicines, even laudanum and castor oil ; 417 Griffith, Med. Bot. 397, observes that it is valuable in allaying the pain from headache, externally applied. It is much used in the Eastern states, and Bigelow thinks it will entirely supplant more expensive articles. According to Pursh, the dried flowers are a pleasant and wholesome substitute for tea. Solidago Canadensis, L., ) Margin of fields. Used in " ^mocera, Ell. J Canada as a most valuable dye. The leaves^ and flowers of the English species are used for making a yellow dye; said to be as good as woad. Eng. Flora, v. iii, Farm. Encyc. Its stalks are numerous, straight, and grow almost five feet in height; they afford very strong fibres if treated in the same manner as hemp. Solidago sempervirens, L. Narrow leaf golden-rod. Grows in wet lands ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. September. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 437. Very effica- cious in the cure of wounds. Inula helenium. Elecampane. Mountains of North Caro- lina. Chap. Introduced. Inuline, a vegetable substance of closely kindred nature to starch and dextrine, was discovered by Rose in Elecam- pane, and takes its name from the old botanical designation of that plant (I. helenium). It is spontaneously deposited from a decoction of the roots of Elecampane, and it consti- tutes the greater part of the solid matter of the tubes, both of the dahlia and the Jerusalem artichoke. It is a white powder, and consists by analysis of Payen of 46.6 per cent, of carbon, 6.1 of hydrogen, and 49.3 of oxygen. It is solu- ble in hot water, being distinct from both gum and starch by its insolubility in cold water. But when exposed to a temperature of three hundred and seven degrees, it com- pletely melts, acquires new properties, and becomes solu- ble both in cold water and in alcohol. Boussino;ault showed that it is not colored by iodine, while acetic acid, which is without action on starch, produces with inuline 27 I 418 precisely the same effects as the sulphuric and other acids ; finally, diastase, whose reaction upon starch is so peculiar, so prompt, and so powerful, does not cause any change in inu- line. It is, therefore, easy to separate these two substances when they are mingled, by heating the mixture either with acetic acid, which dissolves the inuline, or with diastase, which dissolves the starch. I insert the above from Wil- son's Rural Cyc. and Boussingault's treatise on account of the interesting nature of the product. See, also, works on chemistry. The roots should be dug in autumn, and in the second year of their growth, as when older they are apt to be stringy and woody. The dried root has a very peculiar and agreeable aromatic odor, slightly camphorous. The taste at first is glutinous and somewhat similar to that of rancid soap ; upon chewing it becomes warm, aromatic, and bitter. In its medical properties, elecampane is tonic and gently stimulant. By the ancients used in diseases of females ; in the United States mostly confined to diseases of the lungs. It has also been extolled when applied ex- ternally for the cure of itch, tetter, and other diseases of the skin. Farmer's Encyc. Baccharis halimifolia, Jj. Sea myrtle; consumption weed. Grows along the sea-coast ; collected in St. John's, where it is found in abundance ; vicinity of Charleston ; JSTew- bern. Fl. October. Shec. Flora. Carol. 256. This plant is of undoubted value, and of very general use in popular practice in South Carolina, as a palliative and demulcent in consumption and cough ; I have frequently seen it used with advantage, and have often heard those employing it confess the benefit de- rived from it. A strong decoction of the root may be drunk several times a day. It is slightly bitter and mucil- aginous to the taste. No analysis has yet been made, so far as I can learn. Shecut states that the " bark is said to exude a gum so much resembling honey as to attract bees in great numbers." This, like many others of our indige- nous plants possessed of unequivocal utility, is unnoticed in the dispensatories and other works. 419 Pterocaulon pycnostachyum. Grows abundantly in dry pine barrens; collected in St. John's, Berkley. Fl. July. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 324. Much use is made of this plant in St. John's, Berkley, as an alterative; it is supposed to be possessed of decided value. It is well known as the blackroot of the negroes. A decoction of the root is given several times a day. Xanthium strumarium,~L. Burr; burdock. Grows abun- dantly in cultivated lands ; collected in St. John's, Berk- ley; vicinity of Charleston; Richland, Gibbes. Fl. Au- gust. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 970 ; Dioscorides, lib. iv, 133. It has been used in scrofula. The only works in which we have been able to find any account of it are the Dem. filem. de Bot. iii, 91, where the leaves are said to be astringent, the seeds diuretic, and the expressed juice useful in affections of the bladder, and as an auxiliary remedy in the treatment of ringworm ; also in Linnaeus, Vegetable Mat. Med. 172, according to which it is found beneficial in herpes and in erysipelas ; hence, we may infer that it has at any rate some power as an alterative. Its leaves afford a yellow dye. No use is made of it in South Carolina or Georgia, so far as I can ascertain. The plant is considered a nuisance by farmers, as the burrs get entan- gled in the wool of sheep, from which they are with diffi- culty removed. Verbesina Virginica, Linn. Grows along fences ; collect- ed in St. John's; Richland district. Fl. July. Griffith, Med. Bot. 380. The root, in decoction, is said to be a powerful sudorific. Ambrosia arteiyiisicefolia, "W. Rag-weed. Grows in culti- vated lands and pastures; collected in St. John's, Charles- ton district. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 227. The plant is ueed in fevers in Maryland as a substitute for quinine; a 420 tincture is made, or the juice given with whiskey. It is very bitter, and is thought to be useful. Ambrosia trifida, Linn. Griffith, Med. Bot. 387. A plant has been noticed by Dr. Robertson (Am. Journal Med. Sci. xii, 382, new series), which appears to be this, which is highly beneficial in ar- resting excessive salivation. Eclipta erecta, Linn. T. and Gray. 1 Collected in St. " procumbens, Ell. Sk. J John's; dry soils; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Griffith, Med. Bot. 387. It is said to stain the hair black. Helianihus tuberosus. Artichoke. Cultivated in South Carolina. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846, p. 351. The root washed in water, and given to animals, will, it is said, produce meteorism ("meteorizations mortelles"). Nouv. Biblioth. Med. viii, 426. In Patent Office Reports, p. 578, 1848, a paper on the culture of the Jerusalem artichoke, translated from the French, is published. This contains a full description of its various uses as an article of food, etc. I will enumerate some of them : The tubers are regarded in Alsatia, and near Strasburg, as an excellent nutriment for milch cows; equally good as food for horses, which are thus kept in a good condition, and sustain hard labor. With the addition of salt, they are also useful in feeding sheep. The tubers compare very well with the potato in the amount of dry matter they con- tain, and its relative value as a root-plant used for fodder is maintained. The " stalks are of nearly as great use as the tubers ; and here is the advantage which it has over the po- tato." Even if the stalk is cut early in September, which diminishes the size of the tubers, it is compensated for by the supply of green food at that early period. According to Schwertz's experiments, one hundred kilogrammes of 421 the green stalks equal, as regards nutritious qualities, 31.250 kilogrammes of our hay. The stalks of the arti- ehoke can be employed even should they be allowed to remain till the tubers are ripe, when they are readily eaten by all domestic animals. "Finally, the stalks of artichokes have for fuel a value which no other product of field cul- ture has. To prepare them for use they are cut in two, and made up into fagots. This fuel is especially adapted for heating ovens or furnaces." It bears a great amount of cold. It can be left in the ground all winter, and does not easily suffer from heat. It is well adapted even to dry and poor soils. The article which I condense contains full information as to the best mode of planting, gathering, etc. "Kade, an Alsatian, saw the same soil produce every year for thirty years a tol- erable crop of stalks and tubers of this plant, though it had not for a long time received either culture or manure." Early in April is the best time to plant, but even in winter they can be put in the ground. Withered tubers may be used as seed if soaked; but planting of pieces or cuttings has not the same success as with the potato. Unless the season is too moist the tubers may be left in the ground all winter. To preserve them when gathered " it is sufficient to make a heap and cover them with earth, for they are not affected by cold unless when exposed to the open air. The stalks intended to serve as fodder in place of hay are cut with a sickle, and carefully dried by leaning them up in heaps." M. Vilmerne, of the Agricultural Society of Lyons, remarks that the artichoke was known as an esculent plant by the Romans, but neglected in the dark ages, till it again came into notice in the sixteenth century. Almost all parts of this plant, he says, may be rendered useful. The leaves yield an extract which may be substituted for quinine. The leaves themselves may be cooked and eaten after the fruit is gathered, or used as fodder mixed with certain grasses. They may be substituted for hops in making beer, and they contain a great proportion of potash. The Jerusalem artichoke contains a very large propor- 422 tion of starch. It is used for making pickles, and eaten as a vegetable. It is easily cultivated, gives less trouble than almost any other plant, reproduces with scarcely any attention, and is a most valuable food for cattle, hogs, etc. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, etc. ; Thae'r's Science of Agriculture. Among our best plants which may be cultivated for starch may be mentioned the potato, .wheat, rice, arrow- root (Maranta arundinacea), corn, etc. For methods, see Ure, and domestic receipt books. Helianthus annuus. Sunflower. Cult. Evaporation takes place in plants to an inconceivable degree under certain circumstances. It is known by the experiments of Dr. Hales that a sunflower plant will lose as much as one pound fourteen ounces by perspiration in twelve hours. " Taking all things into account, a sunflower perspires seventeen times more than a man." The French make a moxa out of the pith of the sun- flower. The English use for this purpose cotton dipped in a solution of saltpetre. A few years since Commander Maury recommended the sunflower to be planted around exposed residences, as a barrier against malaria. The seeds are used for fattening poultry, as they are highly nutritous. One hundred pounds of the seed of the sunflower are said to yield forty pounds of oil. The refuse after expression furnishes excellent food for cattle. "From the leaves of the plant cigars are manufactured, of singular pectoral qualities. The stalk affords a superior alkali." (Mrs. Ellsworth.) The following I extract from the Farmer's Encyclopaedia: "An acre of land will contain twenty-five thousand sun- flower plants, twelve inches distant from each other. The produce will be according to the nature of the soil and mode of cultivation ; but the average has been found to be fifty bushels of the seed per acre, which will yield fifty gallons of oil. The oil is excellent for table use, burning 423 in lamps, and for the manufacture of soaps. The marc, or refuse of the seeds after the oil has been expressed, made into cake, will produce fifteen hundred pounds, and the stalks when burnt for alkali will give ten per cent, of potassa. The green leaves of the sunflower when dried and burnt to powder make excellent fodder for milch cows, mixed with bran. From the ease with which sunflowers are produced in gardens (for they seem to flourish in any soil, and to require no particular care), we may safely say- that an acre of land will yield a considerable return. Poultry are very fond of the seeds." The following appeared in the "Atlanta Commonwealth," 1862 : "Sunflower seed and ground-nut oil. — The fact has been known for some time that the crop of linseed oil was short, and that there would, in consequence, be a great scarcity of linseed oil. Very naturally those interested began to look around for a substitute, and the oils of cotton seed, sunflowers, and pea-nuts have been favorably men- tioned. How far either will serve as a substitute we do not know; but certainly the oil extracted from some one or all of them might subserve some useful end. " We recollect that some years ago the cultivation of the sunflower was strongly urged in an agricultural periodical for various useful purposes ; first, for a bee pasture ; secondly, the seeds were good for poultry, or the manufac- ture of oil; and then, after the oil was expressed, to be compressed into oil-cake for cow-food and fattening hogs ; the leaves for fodder and the stalk for wrapping paper. In the present condition of the country, these suggestions may not be without value. " The manufacture of oil from cotton seed, we believe, has been carried on for some time in !N"ew Orleans, and expressed seed made into oil-cake for cow-food. We see no reason why this oil should not be made in any desirable quantity and with great profit, as well as serve most of the purposes for which oil is used." Anthemis. See Maruta. 424 Maruta cotula, D. C, T. and G. "I Wild chamomile ; Anthemis, Ell. Sk. J May -weed. Grows in dry soils; collected in St. John's, Berkley; vicinity of Charleston ; liTewbern. Fl. July. Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 741 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 741 ; Ed. and Yav. Mat. Med. 263 ; IT. S. Disp. 278 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 171 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 398. A tonic, diaphoretic, and emetic; resembling chamomile in its effects, to which it is full} 7 equal, but more nauseous. It is one of our most useful domestic remedies, and is given in numerous diseases. It is also possessed of some power as an antispasmodic. A decoction acts as a sudor- ific and anodyne, and is given in colds and hysterical attacks. Merat mentions it as a substitute for assafcetida, that it is employed as an antihysteric, and is recommended in rebellious bilious fever. Dr. Ash by speaks of it as a prompt and powerful vesicant when bruised and applied to the surface as a poultice. Barton and Rafinesque had con- veyed a different impression concerning it. Dr. Ashby adds that unlike blisters caused by other vegetable irri- tants, the vesications readily heal. Journal Phil. Coll. Pharm. Every part of the plant is fetid and acrid, has minute resinous dots upon its surface, and when much handled blisters the skin. Rural C} 7 c. The flowers of the medicinal chamomile are powerfully antiseptic — one hun- dred and twenty times superior to salt. Achillea millefolium, L. Milfoil; yarrow. Grows in damp, rich soils; collected in St. John's, Berkley; vicinity of Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1225, Appendix; Le Mat. Med. ii, 108; Ed. and Vav, Mat. Med. 267; Bergii, Mat. Med. 738; Hoff- mann, "De Prfestantia Remed. Domest. ;" Matson's Veg. Pract, 299; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Mat. Med. i, 22; Shec. Flora Carol. 91; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 253; Woodv. Med. Bot. 180. This is an astringent; employed in the suppression of hemorrhages. The Highlanders made an ointment of it to dry up wounds. Linnaeus informs us 425 that the inhabitants of Delecarnia mix it with ale in place of hops, and think it imparts to the liquor an intoxicating quality. Lightfoot's Flora Scotica, 486; Thornton's Fam. Herb. A tablespoonful of the expressed juice will arrest spitting of blood ; and it is also valuable as an astringent in dysentery. Dr. Buckwald says he experienced great benefit from the plant in the bleeding piles. Stahl boasted of it as a specific; and the great Haller asserts that the infu- sion, taken inwardly, with the outward application of the leaves, cut fine, will dissipate dreadful wounds — cicatrizing them rapidly. Stahl, Diss, de Therap. ; Hoffman, "De Pnestant. Remed." 18 ; Linnaeus, Flora Shec. 299. Besides the astringent, it possesses a mild, antispasmodic, tonic power, which renders it beneficial in hysterical affections and in leucorrhoea. The flowers are stronger than the leaves, being somewhat similar to chamomile, and yielding by distillation a small quantity of essential oil of a blue color. Dr. Grew says it resembles contrayerva in its effects. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846, p. 5. See Analysis in Bull, des Sci. Med. de Ferus, xxii, 119, and xxvi, 253; Soc. de Med. Botanique de Londres, 1830. It is asserted that this plant has a marked tonic power upon the bladder ; it is employed in debility of that organ, and is especially useful in correcting the involun- tary discharge of urine in children. A handful of the leaves is infused in a pint of boiling water, and three ounces may be taken by an adult three times a day. See Culverwell's treatment. This plant might be found of great service by practitioners residing in the country. The leaves of yarrow, or milfoil, are said by Johnson, in his Chemistry of Common Life, to "have the property of producing intoxication. These are also used in the north of Sweden by the Delecarnians to give headiness to their beer." Tanacetum vidgare, L. Tans}^. Sparingly nat. in North Carolina. Chap. Plant emits a strong but not unpleasant odor, and has a 426 bitter taste; said to possess tonic, cordial, and anthelmintic properties. Rural Cyc. See, also, medical authors. Plant yields an oil, and is culinary and medicinal. Leucanthemum vulgare, Lam. and T. and G. \ Ox-eyed Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L. J daisy; white weed. Natural in upper districts; collected in St. John's Charleston district; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Shec. Flora Carol. 394; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 271; Nouv. Journal de Med. v, 208; Griffith, Med. Bot. 387. It is vulnerary and detergent. Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 212. In Siberia, according to Dr. Rehmann, they em- ploy the plant in leucorrhoea. It is not used in this country. Nouv. Journal de Med. v, 208. Contraine states that it is a certain safeguard against fleas, destroying, or driving them oft' in a short time. Bull. Acad. Brux. viii, 234. Antennaria margaritacea, R. B. T. and G. T Cat -weed; Gnaphalium margaritaceum, L. Ell. Sk. - / life - everlast- ing. Grows among the mountains of South Carolina; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Fl. Sept. U. S. Disp. 1258. It is employed in popular practice in diseases of the chest and bowels, and is externally applied as a fomentation to wounds and bruises. Schoepf says it possesses anodyne properties. Gnaphalium polyeepkalum, Mx. Cat-foot. Diffused in upper and lower country. Grows in pastures; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; •STewbem. Fl. August. U. S. Disp. 1258; Matson's Veg. Pract. 275. "It proba- bly possesses little medicinal virtue." A popular remedy in hemorrhagic affections, and as a fomentation in bruises and languid tumors. The infusion is employed by the vegetable practitioners in fever, influenza, fluor albus, and consumption. Acting probably as a warm sudorific. It has a pleasant, aromatic, and slightly bitter taste when dry. Arnica nudicaulis, Ell. Grows in damp, pine barrens; vicinity of Charleston, Bach; St. John's, S. C; Florida; Richland, Gibbes. 427 Griffith, Med. Bot. 409. It is supposed that this may be used as a substitute for the European species, the A. Mon- tana, which is well known as a powerful plant, possessing stimulant properties ; directed with peculiar energy to the brain and nervous system. It also produces an emetic and cathartic effect, and is much used by the Germans in paral- ysis, amaurosis, and other nervous diseases. Senecio aureus, Ell. Sk. Ragwort.- Mountains of South Carolina. Fl. July. II. S. Disp. 1295. It is said by Schcepf to have been a favorite vulnerary with the Indians; the juice of the plant in honey, or the seeds in substance, are employed. Onicus benedictus, T. and G. \ Nat. along the sea-coast, Centaur ea benedicta,~L. J near Beaufort; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. August. Trous. et Pid. Traite de Therap. etc., i, 253 ; Pe. Mat. Med. ii, 408 ; Ed. and Yav. Mat. Med. 179 ; U. S. Disp. 196; Le. Mat. Med. i, 202; Woodv. Med. Bot. 34, i, 14; Ann. de Therap. 1843, 206; Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 747; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 171; Thompson's Steam Pract. The plant is emetic, tonic, and febrifugal; one drachm of the powder of the flowers in wine, with a decoction of the leaves, is said to be invaluable in anorexia, weak stomach, impaired by irregularities of diet, atony, jaundice, and ter- tian fevers ; Thorn. Fam. Herbal, 725 ; Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 115. It is used, also, in chronic diarrhoea and in gout. Woodv. he. cit. A decoction "possesses marked tonic properties;" a large dose acting as an emetic, and occasion- ing a plentiful discharge from the cutaneous surface. It is employed as a febrifuge in dyspepsia, pleurisy, and chronic peripneumony. Woodville says the extract is strongly rec- ommended in the catarrh of children ; the seeds are very bitter, and may be used with the same intention as the leaves. Rectified spirits extract the virtues of the plant. The watery extract appears, also, to possess the emetic prin- 428 ciple. By keeping, a salt is produced upon the surface resembling nitre. See Hist, des Sc. de Berlin, 79; and Duncan's Edinb. New Dispensatory. Cynara scolymus. Jerusalem artichoke. Ex. Cult. I call attention to this plant, as it grows luxuriantly in the Confederate States. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846, 234. "Dr. Montaine, of Lyons, assures us," remarks Merat, "that each year he treats with success a large number of fever patients with the extract of the leaves in the form of pills." Great use is made of it on the plantations in this state as a tonic and diuretic in dropsy; the leaves are steeped in rum, of which a wineglassful is administered three times a day; among the negroes I have frequently seen it pre- scribed with advantage in this way. It is employed also in jaundice, the expressed juice or the infusion being used; of the former two or three spoonfuls may be given; large doses purge. We also use the corollas for curdling milk. The modern Arabians consider the root aperient, and class the gum among their emetics. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 284; Ainslie, Mat. Med. Ind. i, 22. Dr. Copeman, pharmaceu- tist to the hospital at Norfolk, makes a favorable report on the value of the leaves in the form of tincture and extract, in rheumatism. See London Med. Gazette, 1833, from extracts in Gazette Med. de Paris, 13th April, 1833. Dr. Barry first employed the leaves in chronic jaundice, and Perroton, of Lyons, also administered it frequently in the same disease. Revue Med., Nov. 1845. Taraxacum de)is-leonis,Desf., T. and Gray. \ Dandelion. Leontodon taraxacum,, Ell. Sk. / Collected in St. John's, Berkley; I have observed it growing in the streets of Charleston and New York; Newbern. Watson's Pract. Physic, 39; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 184; Wilson Philip, Diss. Abdom. Viscera; Bell's Pract. Diet. M. M. 445; Royle, Mat. Med. 453; Pe. Mat, Med. ii, 401; IT. S. Disp. 706; Le. Mat. Med. i, 396; Brande, Diet. 429 Mat. Med. and Pharm. v, 632; Woodv. Med. Bot. 39, t. 16; De Cand. Prodromus, vii, 45; Ball. Gar. M. M. 319 ; Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 687; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Mat. Med. iv, 87; English Physician, by Mch. Culpepper, gent, "Student in Physic and Astrology," p. 109. The root is deobstruent, cathartic, and diuretic. "Good in obstructions of the viscera, scirrhosities of the liver, stone in the gall-bladder, ascites, jaundice, etc." A decoction of the root is also useful in impetigo and itch; the doses are one drachm of the juice and two ounces of the decoction. Thornton's Fam. Herbal, 677; Dem. Elem. de Botanique, iii, 169. At Gottingen the roots are washed and substitut- ed for coffee by the poorer inhabitants ; they say the differ- ence between this and the imported article can scarcely be distinguished. Murray's Apparat. Med. Withering men- tions that when a swarm of locusts destroyed vegetation on the Isle of Minorca the inhabitants subsisted on this plant. The great Boerhaave entertained a favorable opinion of it; and Bergius found it useful in derangement of the biliary apparatus from gall-stones, etc. Mat. Medica. Delius, de taraxaco praBsertim aquse, etc. Dr. Mendelstaed cured black jaundice (l'ictere noir) with it. Van Swieten, in his Com- ment., Zimmermann, and Storck spoke of it in jaundice and hypochondriacal affections. Later writers have confirmed these opinions expressed by those living at an earlier period. Dr. Wood, in the IT. S. Disp., says that his experience in derangements of the biliary secretions has been decidedly in its favor, it being particularly valuable in chronic hepa- titis. Eberle recommends it in chronic cases of infantile jaundice: "Diseases of Children." Griffith, in his Med. Bot. 415, alludes to its use in deranged conditions of the digestive organs, connected with an abnormal state of the liver, and in dropsical effusions arising from the same cause. In habitual costiveness, dependent on a want of due biliary secretion, it acts with peculiar benefit; and, as an adjuvant to more active remedies, where the liver is indurated, it has been prescribed with advantage. It has been employed, likewise, in affections of the spleen, uterine obstructions, 430 chronic cutaneous disorders, etc. "When its diuretic effect is desired, it is advised that it be given in combination with supertartrate of potash. This plant is supposed to be pos- sessed of valuable properties as an alterative, and much use is made of it among patients of a strumous diathesis, and those affected with diseases of the skin. I have seen it em- ployed to some extent in New York for these purposes, constituting an important ingredient of diet drinks. It may be easily obtained, and might be found of much ser- vice to practitioners residing in the country. The young shoots are eaten as salad. It has been observed that the flowers possess a certain degree of sensibility; for when under the influence of the direct rays of the sun on a sum- mer morning an evident motion of the filaments is percep- tible. See MSS. Lect. of Dr. Hope. The plant should be gathered in the summer and early in the autumn. An analysis of it is found to contain gum, gluten, albumen, an odorous principle, extractive, caoutchouc, a peculiar bitter crystallizable principle, some salts, etc. The decoction made with two ounces of the root of a whole plant to two pints of water, boiled to one-half, may be given in doses of a wineglassful; of the extract, the dose is ten grains to a half-drachm; the latter should be of a brown color, and entirely soluble in water. The young shoots are edible, and produce in children a diuretic effect. The leaves and roots of this plant are bit- ter, and contain a bitter milky juice. I have given the extract largely during five years attendance at the Marine Hospital, Charleston; and I ascertain that the extract certainly produces a laxative effect given in from ten to Shirty grains — the same, or a much larger quantity, dissolved in water, proved diuretic. In this way I account for the different qualities ascribed to it. There was always a ten- dency to ascribe a power in the dandelion to act upon the portal system. "The roots of the plant were esteemed to be diuretic, saponaceous, and resolvent, and to be powerful remedies for removing obstructions of the liver, and of the other viscera." Their purified, expressed juice has been 431 given, from two to six ounces, twice, thrice, or oftener in the day ; and infusions and decoctions of the herb and root have been used for the same purpose. Boerhaave had such a great opinion of the continued use of the juice, or of the infusions of the plant, that he believed they were capable of removing most obstructions of the viscera that were to relieved by medicines. Bergius, likewise, as was stated, speaks much in the praise of this simple, and says "that he has often seen it prove of service after other reme- dies had failed; and that he had seen hardness of the liver removed by patients eating, daily, for some months, of a broth made with dandelion root, the leaves of sorrel and the yolk of an egg with water, while they took at the same time cream of tartar to keep their bodies open;" and he adds "that he has seen a similar course of service in the ascites, and in cases of gall-stones." (Thornton's Herbal, 677.) The yolk and yellow of eggs undoubtedly produces a laxative effect ; so does the dandelion in the fresh state, or in the form of the extract. It is a useful vegetable laxative in place of calomel. I have seen a physician in Charleston send to the ISTorth for the fresh plant while it grew abun- dantly at his own door. Leontodon contains caoutchouc. Cichorium intybus. — Wild endive; chiccory. Introduced. As this plant is cultivated to some extent in the Confeder- ate States, and will probably be largely required in the future, I insert the following, which I find in Dickens' "Household Words." Chiccory is in truth, however, one of the most harmless substances that ever have been used for the purpose of the adulteration of coffee, not excepting even water — as it is obtained in London. In the case of all low-priced coffee — of all coffee purchased by the poor — adulteration with chic- cory yields profit to the grocer simply because it yields pleas- ure to the customer. Good chiccory and middling coffee dexterously mixed can be sold at the price of bad coffee, and will make a beverage at least twice as good, and possi- bly more, certainly not less wholesome. Coffee that chic- 432 cory would spoil is bought by none of the poor, and by a portion only of the middle classes. We do not advocate secret adulteration, but we would have the adulteration to be made open, and all people to understand distinctly that since chiccory is altogether wholesome it is a matter that depeuds upon the taste and the pocket whether they will buy coffee pure or mixed. Take away all fraud from the use of chiccory, and we shall be glad to see its use fairly promoted. Let us look a little more closely into the sub- ject. Chiccory is better known to many of us when growing wild in many parts of England on dry, chalky soils under the name of the wild endive; it belongs to a tribe of com- posite plants called "the Cichoracese," in which are inclu- ded, also, dandelion and the garden lettuce. It shoots above the soil a tuft of leaves, and when it runs to flower, sends up a stem from one to three feet high, rigid, rough, branched, clothed with leaves and blue flowers. It has a long root like that of a carrot, which becomes enlarged by proper cultivation, and is the part used for the manufacture of a substitute for coffee. Every part of the plant is per- fectly wholesome — the root when fresh is tonic, and in large doses slightly aperient. Chiccory is cultivated extensively in Belgium, Holland, and Germany. It is cultivated in France for its leaves, as herbage and pasturage; in Germany and Flanders for its roots. It was first cultivated in Eng- land about 1780 by the well-known agriculturist, Arthur Young. It is a most valuable article of farm produce. On blowing poor and sandy land it yields more sheep food than any plant in cultivation ; it will thrive on fen, and bog, and peat ; it is good fodder for cattle ; it is good for pigs. It grows only too readily, if that be an objection, for if not carefully extirpated, it is apt to become a vivacious weed. For herbage chiccory is sown precisely in the same way as clover; for the roots it is sown and thinned in the same way as carrots, and taken up, as carrots are, in the first autumn after sowing. The great demand for chiccory has led to its very exten- 433 sive cultivation in this country; considerable sums of money- have been expended on the kilns and machinery required to prepare it for the markets, and a large amount of capital is at the present time profitably employed upon this new branch of English agriculture. It is not unimportant to notice that the cultivation of chiccory requires and remuner- ates the use of lands worth from five pounds to eight pounds per acre; that so far from exhausting the soil, wheat may be grown upon it after chiccory with the greatest advantage ; that it furnishes occupation for a very large number of la- borers, including women and children, and at a time of year when the fields aflbrd but little other employment ; and that, consequently, in some parishes, the poor's rate has been diminished by one-half since chiccory was introduced. The blanched leaves of chiccory are sometimes used as a substitute for endive, and are commonly sold as an early salad in the Netherlands. If the roots, after being taken up, be packed in sand, in a dark cellar, with their crowns exposed, they will push out shoots, and provide through the winter a very delicate blanched salad, known in France as Barbe de Capucin. When chiccory is to be used for coffee the roots taken up by the grower are partly dried, and then sold to the manufacturer, by whom they are cut into slices, roasted, and ground. The ground chiccory thus made is used by many poor upon the Continent as a substitute for coffee by itself. It has not, of course, the true goftee flavor r but it makes a rich and wholesome vegetable infusion of a dark color, with a bitterish sweet taste, which would prob- ably be preferred by a rude palate to the comparatively thin and weak, and at the same time not very palatable in- fusion of pure coffee of the second or third quality. By the combination of a little chiccory with coffee the flavor of the coffee is not destroyed, but there is added to the infusion a richness of flavor, and a depth of color — a body, which renders it to very many people much more welcome as a beverage. The cheapness of chiccory enables a grocer, by the combination of chiccory powder with good coffee, to sell a compound which will yield a cup of infi- 28 434 nitely better stuff than any pure coffee that can be had at the same price. Any one with a sensitive taste, and a suffi- cient purse, would of course buy coffee of the finest quality, and never think of bettering with chiccory the enjoyment of its delicate aroma. The majority of the people, however, are by no means in this position. Coffee, with an admix- ture of genuine chiccory (which we take care to procure by purchasing the article in its raw state, and having it roasted the same as coffee), was preferred to coffee in its pure state. The reason of this we can clearly understand, and will ex- plicitly state. We can afford to sell, and do sell a finer coffee when mixed with chiccory than we can sell in its pure state at the same price; and the superiority of the coffee in conjunction with the fulness of the chiccory, in our opinion, decidedly gives greater satisfaction to the public. It is, however, a rule that will bear harshly on the com- forts of the poor if coffee is to be sold only in its pure state, and chiccory cannot be obtained in any less quantity than a two-ounce packet. Two ounces of chiccory would go in mixture to about a pound of coffee, and there are thousands who buy coffee itself by ounces. Moreover, the chiccory cof- fee sold by the grocer is made with coffee of a higher price and better quality than the poor man would dare to give for coffee bought pure, when he has to make another outlay upon chiccory for mixing. The necessity of two purchases would suggest the idea of greater cost, lead to a desire for more economy ; so in the buying the poor man would be a loser. Certainly, also, he would lose by having to make at home, in his own clumsy way, the mixture which it had been before the interest of the grocer so to proportion that he might bring custom to his shop by issuing an article as good and palatable as any that could be contrived by his competing neighbors. "Of all the plants," says Thaer, in his Principles of Agri- culture, "which have been proposed as substitutes for coffee, and which when roasted and steeped in boiling water yield an infusion resembling coffee, chiccory is the only one which has maintained its ground. It has been used in this 435 manner for thirty years, even when the price of coffee has "been low; and has always yielded considerable profits, both to manufacturers who prepare it in large quantities and those who cultivate it in their neighborhood. It has also been cultivated as a fodder-plant, and highly recommended by Arthur Young in England. A plentiful supply of fodder is obtained without injury to the roots." See Thaer for method of cultivation, etc. In Patent Office Reports, 1854, p. 348, is a briet notice of the mode of cultivating chiccory. A variety which the French call Chicor&e sauvage h cafe, has long fleshy roots like the white carrot, which are used for making coffee. " In the Middle and Southern states the roots may remain in the ground during winter without injury from frost." Among the substitutes for coffee employed in the Con- federate States during its great scarcity, I may mention rye, raw yam potato, cut into small fragments, roasted and parched, okra seed, and corn flour parched and ground, cot- ton seed, the ground-nut, Bene, etc., which have all been tried. Lactuca elongata, Muhl. } Wild lettuce. Damp soils; " longifolia, Mx. / collected in Charleston dis- trict; Newbern. Fl. June. U. S. Disp. 421; Ann. de Therap. Ann. 1843; Woodv. Med. Bot. 75-31 ; see L. virosa, Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 10. It is said to act as an anodyne, and to produce discharge by the kidneys and skin, being similar in its effects to the L. virosa of Europe; according to others, it is destitute of narcotic power; see M. Aubergier's experiments. Nabalus fraseri, D. C. and T. and G. V Gall of the earth, Prenanthes alba, Ell. Sk. J Grows in damp pine lands; collected in St. John's; Richland; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. The root is excessively bitter; it is used in domestic prac- tice in this state as a tonic. I would invite further ex- amination. 436 Sonchus oleraceus, L. Common sow-thistle. Diffused; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; JSTewbern. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 439. It is said to be useful in stagnation of the portal circulation ; according to some, it increases the secretion of milk. Fl. Scotica, 428; Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 177. The tender leaves are boiled and eaten in some countries as greens; they are of a cool- ing nature, are applied outwardly as an emollient cataplasm, and are found serviceable in inflammatory swellings, car- buncle, etc. The flowers open at 6, a. m., and close at 12, m. The roots are milky and bitter, but have occasionally been converted into bread. Rural Cyc. Plantaginace^;. (The Bib-grass Tribe.) The herbage slightly bitter and astringent. Ptarttago major. Plantain. Nat. Collected in St. John's, Berkley, near the Santee river; I have also observed it in the streets of Charleston; Richland district; Newbern. Fl. June. Bergii, Mat. Med. i, 71; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 232; U. S. Disp. 1289, App.; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 135; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 358; Journal Univ. des Se. Med. xix, 127. The leaves, when chewed, tinge the saliva red. This plant was a popular vulnerary and astringent once in great repute. It was also highly valued for its efficacy in fevers. Bergius, however, tested it with unfavorable results. We are informed that "the seeds in milk will stop a dysentery." Boerhaave states, from his own experience, that the fresh leaves applied to the feet will ease the pain and fatigue oc- casioned by walking, and that the whole plant was esteemed useful in healing and consolidating ulcers and recent wounds, and as a dressing for blisters and sores. The leaves no doubfrmake a soothing application to inflamed surfaces. A decoction of the leaves in milk was employed as a gargle in inflammation of the fauces, and a collyrium was made with a decoction of the seeds. Thornton's Fam. Herb.; 437 Woodv. Med. Bot.; Dem. Elena, de Bot. 85; Milne, Ind. Bot. 102. It was looked upon as a panacea by the ancients; see Pliny, 1. 26, c. 11; Celsus, lib. iii, c. 22; Scultz, Mat. Med. i, 112; Boyle de Util. Phil. Nat. ii, 150; Petzolat, Eph. Nat. cur. cent, vii, Obs. x, 25. It was formerly carried as an amulet. "En fin," remarks Merat, "on a porte la racine des plantains en amulet pour guerir ou prevenir une multitude des maladies." See the Diet, de M. Med. Sup- plem. 1846, 567; Rev. Med. Juin, 1837, 399. Dr. Perret communicated to the Soc. des Sc. Med. de Lausanne a re- port on the beneficial effects derived from the root in vari- ous maladies: Journal Univ. des Sc. Med. xix, 127; and Desbois says he has seen the good effect resulting from the use of the leaves in scrofulous ulcers and in indolent tu- mors. Mat. Med. ii, 254. The authors of the U. S. Disp., however, refer to it as a plant of feeble power, allowing it to be refrigerant, diuretic, deobstruent, and somewhat as- tringent. A chemical analysis would be desirable, as it is probable that a narcotic principle exists in it. Plantago lmiceolata,VYi. Ribwort; snake plantain. Grows around Charleston and Savannah; collected in damp mead- ows in St. John's, Berkley; Newbern. Fl. July. Fl. Scotica, ii, 1089. It possesses properties very similar to the above. The Highlanders attribute great virtue to the leaves as an ointment for healing up fresh wounds. Plumbaginace.e. {The Leadwort Tribe.) This order embraces plants possessed of very opposite qualities; part are tonic and astringent, and part acrid and caustic in the highest degree. Statice limonium, Torrey. V Marsh rosemary. " Caroliniana, Walt. Fl. Carol. / Grows on the sea- shore. Fl. Sept. U. S. Disp. 680; Big. Am. Med. Bot. 251; Coxe, Am. Disp. 568. This is one of our "most intense and powerful astringents;" much used in New England for all the pur- 438 poses to which catechu and kino are applied. A large dose acts as an emetic, and in smaller quantities as a powerful expectorant; it also possesses considerable antiseptic power. Its chief popular application is to aphthous and ulcerative affections of the mouth and fauces. Dr. Balies, of Massa- chusetts, found it highly serviceable in eynanche maligna: he used a decoction of the roots both internally and locally, and these beneficial results have been corroborated by others. It is also given with advantage in S. anginosa, and in aphthous fever attendant on dysentery, where bark is in- admissible. From the experiments of Prof. Y. Mott, in an inaugural thesis spoken favorably of by Dr. Bigelow, it proved serviceable in chronic dysentery after the inflamma- tory symptoms had subsided. From his observations, as well as from those of Dr. Edward Parrish, the cold infusion was the best form. Dr. P. found it to contain twelve per cent, of tannin', also gum, extract, alkali, etc., but no gallic acid. Am. Journal Pharm. xiv, 116; Griffith, Med. Bot. 525; Am. Journal by John Stearnes, 281; see S. limonium; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 524. It was regarded as an astringent in the time of Pliny ; lib. xxvi, 28. The root is employed in infusion, decoction, or tincture. Alco- hol is a better solvent of the properties of the root than water. The infusion with cold water is preferable to that with hot. Ehretiace^e. Heliotropium Indicum. Turnsole. Michaux found it at the Eutaw battle-ground, St. John's, Berkley ; and Mr. Oemler in the Dutch Fork, in Richland district. Fl. July. Ell. Bot. ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M! Med. iii, 462. It has been employed in the cure of headache. See Walke- naer, "Voyage," xii, 469. It is used in Guinea and in India. The juice is applied to eruptive surfaces, opthal- mias, etc. Ainslie, Mat. Med. Ind. ii, 414. Rottboll, after Sprengel, says it is a vulnerary, employed in some coun- tries to arrest flooding. Hist, de la Med. iv, 467 ; Abbet, Guyane, i, 117. 439 Boraoinaceje. {The ISorage Tribe.) Characterized by soft, mucilaginous, and emollient prop- erties. Some are said to contain nitre, a proof of which is shown by their frequent decrepitation when thrown on the fire. Lindley. Lithospermum arvense, L. Bastard alkanet. Introduced. Waste places, Florida, and northward. "Wilson states that the red bark of the root stains paper, linen, oily substances, and the human skin ; and that it is sometimes used as a rustic substitute for rouge, and as a coloring matter of ointments. Rural Cyc. Cynoglossum amplexicaule, Mx. 1 Hound's tongue. Wild " Virginicum, L. j comfrey. Grows in shady spots ; Richland and Charleston districts. Fl. June. The root is mucilaginous, and much emplo} 7 ed in domes- tic practice for complaints of the lungs, and externally for poultices in sprains, bruises, etc. Farmer's Encyc. Shec. Flora Carol. 489. According to Clayton, the root is astringent, and is administered in diarrhoea. The leaves intoxicate when smoked as tobacco. According to Griffith, it is stated that the root may be used as a substitute for comfrey. Med. Bot. 500. Cynoglossum officinale, L. Introduced. Waste grounds, North Carolina, and northward. Chapman. The leaves, when touched, emit a pungent and disagree- able odor, like that of mice in a trap. The plant is eaten by goats, but is disliked by all other domestic animals. Its roots have astringent and narcotic properties — regarded as antiscorbutic. Wilson's Rural Cyc. Lamiace^e or Labiate. ( The Mint Tribe.) These do not contain a single unwholesome or even sus- picious species ; their tonic, cordial, and stomachic quali- ties are due, according to Lindley, to the presence of an aromatic, volatile oil, and a bitter principle. 440 Mentha tenuis. American spearmint. Cult. It is an antispasmodic, and is said by Culpepper to be also an aphrodisiac. English Physician, by Nieh. Culpep- per, gent, " Student of Physic and Astrology," p. 214. It is considered by the steam and vegetable practitioners a specific in allaying nausea and vomiting. Thompson's Practice, and Matson's Veg. Pract. 286. Melissa officinalis. Balm. Introduced. The balm, sage, mint, and other aromatic plants, for the most part cultivated in our gardens, need scarcely more than a reference. The melissa is cultivated for bees. The reader is referred to an article on "Secretion in plants," in Wilson's Cyc, showing the deposits of aromatic and other properties at the base of plants, with the theories of De Candolle, Macaire, and others. Mentha piperita, L. Peppermint. Introduced. We have also the round-leaved mint (M. rotundifolia) — introduced. They abound in resinous dots, which contain an essential oil. The pleasant, aromatic, antispasmodic properties of these labiate plants are well known. They flourish within the Confederate States, and the essence and mint water can be extracted in any quantity. In Patent Office Reports, 1854, the mode of culture of a number of medicinal herbs is described, particularly the aromatic plants, viz : sage, mint, rosemary, mustard, etc., pp. 367 to 380. Nearly all the native and introduced plants containing aromatic oils can be raised at the South in sufficient quantities to supply all demands. An establishment such as that at New Leba- non, New York, and at other localities, for the cultivation of medicinal and useful plants on an extensive scale, should now receive consideration. See my paper in De Bow's Re- view, August, 1861. . . Ijycopus Europeus, Eat. M. ^ Water horehound. Nat. in " angustifolius, and V damp soils; collected in St. " sinuatus, Ell. Sk. J John's ; vicinity of Charles- ton. PL July. 441 Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 25; U. S. Disp. 437; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 168; Matson's Veg. Pract. 250; Milne, Ind. Bot. 34. This is reputed to give an indelible stain to whatever it touches. Hoffmann says the gypsies use it to disguise themselves. It has been highly spoken of on the Continent of Europe in intermittent fevers; Prof. Re, of Turin, declares that in doses of two drachms of the dried plant the most obstinate intermittents were removed. Broffiero says it is astringent. See letter (in French) on the properties of L. Eurojjeus in allaying fever. Dr. Brof- fiero's note in the Repertorio Medico Chirurg. 832, and Griffith's Med. Bot. 505. It is emplo3 7 ed by the vegeta- ble practitioners in diarrhoea, atonic conditions of the di- gestive organs, and as a cleansing wash for sores. I would invite attention to this and the following, which are easily obtained. Ly co-pus Virginicus, Mich. Bugle-weed; Virginian ly co- pus. Diffused; collected in St. John's, Berkley; vicinity of Charleston; Richland district. Fl. August. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 168. It has been administered internally with great success in hemorrhage aiid haemoptysis ; and in phthisis it lessens the force of the circulation. Iu the diseases first mentioned Dr. Silliman verifies the results obtained b}^ Linstey — twent}^ persons having tried it with benefit in internal hemorrhage. Drs. Porter and Winkoop also report cases in which they have employed it with success. See Journal des Sc. Med. 154. According to Dr. Ives, of New Haven, it' is a mild narcotic. Drs. Pendleton and Rogers, of New York, obtained favor- able effects from it in incipient phthisis and hemorrhage from the lungs. See New York Med. and Phys. Journal i, 179; U. S. Disp. 436; Raf. Med. Fl. 11. As a direct sedative, it is useful in diminishing the frequency of the pulse, quieting irritation, and allaying cough. Practition- ers, observes Griffith (Med. Bot. 505), are unanimous in declaring that it is an important addition to the Mat. Med. It appears to act like digitalis in abating the frequency of 442 the pulse; its use, however, not being attended with the disagreeable symptoms sometimes accompanying the em- ployment of the latter. An infusion may be given ad libi- tum, made with one ounce of the herb macerated in a pint of boiling water. It imparts a black color to linen, wool- len, and silk. This plant grows abundantly in the lower country of South Carolina. Salvia lyrata, L. Caucer-weed. Grows in shady, rich lands ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland district; Xewbern. Fl. June. Ell. Bot, Med. Notes, i, 31. " The fresh radical leaves of the plant, when bruised and applied to warts, generally destroy them;" continue the application for a day or two, and renew it every twelve hours. The leaves of the Hieracium gronovii are also applied in this way. The H. venosum is announced as a certain remedy against the bite of the rattlesnake. Salvia officinalis. Sage. Ex. Cult. Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 268 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 191. This is a warm aromatic, and according to the experiments of Ellinger, is possessed of marked anti- spasmodic power : it strengthens the circulatory, cutane- ous, and digestive functions ; stimulates the action of the nerves, and has a decided effect upon the cephalic organs (see Merat and authors) ; prescribed as a stomachic, and in catarrhal and cellular infiltration, and used as a gargle in mucous angina and fungous ulcers. u Cur moriaiur homo cui salvia crescit in hortof became an adage, so much confi- dence was formerly reposed in the plant. Its reputation is most extensive in domestic practice, the warm infusions being given as a sudorific, and in promoting the menstrual discharge. The plant is said to have great power in resist- ing the putrefaction of animal substances. Van Swieten, Com. ii, 370 ; Woodv. Med. Bot. It is thought to have a remarkable efficacy in stopping night sweats, infused in wine or spirits, and this opinion was sustained by Quarin, 443 Methodus Medend. 37. Baron Yan Swieten also found it efficacious in restraining the inordinate flow of milk after weaning children. In the English Physician, p. 295, the quaint author, Nich. Culpepper, gent., "Student in Physic and Astrology," mentions it as an aphrodisiac: "Helpeth conception and hinders miscarriage." "Jupiter claims this, and bids me tell you it is good for the liver and to breed blood!" The essential oil deposits camphor in abun- dance, hence employed as a friction in rheumatism, paraly- * sis, etc. Journal de Pharm. xvi, 574. I introduce the following on the cultivation of Sage. — The cultivation of this herb is among the most profitable of the market gardener's products. Large quan- tities of it are sold while green during the season, as every housekeeper uses it in the cooking of game, or water-fowl, and it is essential as a component of sausages, so that tons of it are used in the winter season. At the price it is usu- ally retailed in the markets of our larger cities, an acre of sage plants will yield a return of over seven hundred dol- lars; and at the wholesale price, it will give a return of over three hundred dollars .to the acre. The seed can be had of most seedsmen. It should be sown in any light, loamy soil, covered about half an inch deep ; and when the plants are about two inches high, should be picked out and replanted at distances of about one foot each way. As soon as it has grown so as to begin to show form of flower buds, cut it off' to within two inches of the ground, and so on, again and again, throughout the season. If planted on land thoroughly drained, the plant will stand many years ; but plants not over two years old produce the best flavored leaves. Monarda punctata, L. Dotted monarda ; horsemint ; origanum. Grows in rich and damp soils ; collected in St. John's, where it is found abundantly ; vicinity of Charles- ton ; Richland district ; Spartanburg. Fl. August. Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. ii, 302; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 30 ; IT. S. Disp. 462 ; Am. Med. Record, ii, 496 ; 444 Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 360 ; Mer. and de L: Diet, de M. Med. iv, 444 ; Bull des Sci. Med. de Ferns, xi, 302. This is another of our very aromatic indigenous plants, possess- ing stimulant aud carminative powers, and regarded as a very popular emmenagogue among those residing in this country. The French authorities speak favorably of it; an aromatic oil is obtained from this ; and the infusion of the. leaves, recent or dried, is very efficient in allaying nausea and vomiting in bilious fevers. Dr. Chapman mentions cases of long-standing deafness cured by the oil rubbed on the head as a counter-irritant. It was used in cases of this description, and in many diseases, by Dr. Atlee, of Phila- delphia; see his essay; among other affections in hemi- plegia and paralytic diseases, in the sinking state of epi- demic typhus, in cholera infantum, where there is prostra- tion of strength, and in mania a potu ; sometimes employing a liniment (see Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. ii, 305) ; and sometimes the undiluted oil rubbed on the parts. The oil is of an amber color approaching to red, and if exposed to a great degree of heat, leaves a beautiful straw-colored camphor ! Thymus vulgaris. Ex. Cultivated in South Carolina. A well-known warm aromatic. Collinsonia Canadensis. Gravel root ; horseweed ; knot- weed; Canadian collinsonia. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina. Fl. September. The root is used in colic from lochial discharge. Linn. Veg. M. Med. 9. " The infusion of the bruised root in cider cured several alarming cases of dropsy." Shec. Flora Carol. 482, and Mease's Domestic Encyc. ii, 177. Dr. Wood says it possesses tonic, astringent, diuretic, and dia- phoretic powers ; the root in substance, even in small doses, is said to irritate the stomach, and produces vomit- ing; the active principle is volatile, so that it is best em- ployed, in the fresh state. The decoction is efficacious in catarrh of the bladder, leucorrhoea, gravel, dropsy, etc., 445 and as a cataplasm to internal abdominal pains. IT. S. Disp. 1248. Merat says, Diet, de M. Med. ii, 364, that in America it merits the name all heal (gu&rit tout), having the properties referred to above. Drs. A. French and Beers speak highly of it in pains of the bladder, in ascites, and dropsy of the ovaries; given, also, as a powerful tonic in putrid and malignant fevers, and in leucorrhoea; the con- tused leaves are applied to bruises, lividities (les meurtris- seurs), pains in the stomach, and as an application to erup- tions produced by the poisonous sumachs. (See Rhus.) The plant, by chemical analysis, contains tannin, gallic acid, extractive matter, and a coloring principle. Op. cit. See, also, Ann. de la Soc. Linn, de Paris, v. 508. In his late work, Griffith (Med. Bot. 513) states that externally it has been employed as a friction in rheumatism. See account of it by Dr. Hooker, of New Haven, Ann. Linn. Soc. Dr. H. thinks the infusion should be made with a gentle heat, in a close vessel. The best preparation is sup- posed to be the essential oil, which is said to be an excel- lent tonic, given with benefit in low fevers, exhaustion of the forces, etc. This plant certainly merits further notice. Collinsonia anisata. Griffith's Med. Bot. 515. It possesses an odor somewhat similar to that of anise- seed, having the properties of the C. Canaden. Collinsonia scabra. Rough-leaved collinsonia. Collected in St. John's, in shaded soils. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 364. It is possessed of properties similar to those of the C. Canaden. Tonic, astringent, and diuretic. See C. Canaden. Cunila mariana, Mx. Dittany ; Maryland cunila. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina; Richland; I find it abundant in Spartanburg district, S. C. Bart. M. Bot. ii, 175 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 517; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 276; Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, 127. The infusion forms a pleasant and refreshing drink ; 446 it is diaphoretic, and is employed in fevers and colds. A gentleman in Spartanburg district, S. C, tells me that in his day "everybody cured everything with dittany." Doubtless they took less mercury and drastic purgatives in consequence. Hedeoma pulegioides, Pursh. Pennyroyal ; tickweed. Grows in the upper districts, and among the mountains of South Carolina ; abundant in Spartanburg, S. C. U. S. Disp. 365; Bart. M. Bot. ii, 165; Lincl. Fat. "Syst. 276, and Flora Med. 491 ; Griffith's Med. Bot. 508 ; Raf. Med. Fl. i, 231 ; Bart. Veg. Mat. Med. ii, 165. A gently stimulant aromatic, given in flatulent colic, and sick stom- ach; also as a stimulant diaphoretic in catarrhs and rheu- matism. The warm infusion is a convenient and useful prescription, which is largely employed in popular practice in promoting the menstrual discharge. It is said that the plant, or the oil extracted from it, is an effectual remedy against the attacks of ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Prunella vulgaris. Heal-all. Grows in dry soils; col- lected in St. John's, Berkley. Fl. July. ' Le. M. Med. ii, 245; Med. Diet, by Carr, art. Brunella ; U. S. Disp. 1291 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 276 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 520. This plant, though pos- sessing some power as a stimulant, has fallen into disre- pute. It was also used as an astringent in affections of the throat. Scutellaria lateriflora. Mad-dog scull cap; hood wort. Grows along ditches; Richland, Gibbes; collected in St. John's; Elliott says it is found in the mountainous districts. Watson's Pract. Physic, 386 ; IT. S. Disp. 1294, Appen- dix ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 274 ; Bulletin de la Faculte, vii, 191, aim. 1820, where Spalding's (of Geo.) report concerning its antihydrophobic virtues is referred to. Youatt spoke in favorable terms of this remedy as enjoying the reputation for some time of being the only one for this disease. See Watson, loc. cit. , 447 Scutellaria integrifolia, L. Diffused in swampy soils : col- lected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Ft. June. U. S. Disp. 1294. Nepeta caiaria, L. Catnip. Nat. in upper districts ; col- lected also in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Le. Mat. Med. ii, 130 ; II. S. Disp. 191 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 216 ; Bergii, Mat, Med. ii, 540 ; Mer. and cle L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 592 ; Dem. Eletri. cle Dot, 248 ; Am. Herbal, 26. This plant is possessed of stimulant, tonic, and warm aromatic virtues. Employed in popular prac- tice in colds, asthma, amenorrhcea, chlorosis, hysteria, and the flatulent colic of infants ; in the latter condition this herb is universally employed. It was also used in yellow fever, and, like many others, enjoyed an ephemeral repu- tation as a remedy in hydrophobia. An iufusion of the flowers was said to open obstructions of the liver and spleen. In the Supplement to the Diet. Univ. de M. Med. 1846, 509, it is stated that Dr. Guastamachia had used the N. cataria with great advantage in toothache, caused by cold or carious bone, mashing the leaves in the decayed tooth ; this produces an abundant flow of saliva, and causes the pain to cease in a few moments. See, also, Journal de Chirm Med. vii, 2d series. The dose of the powder is a drachm and a half. This plant is used by the vegetable practitioners. Cats roll in it with the same avidity that they do in valerian, and cover it with their urine. Dracocephalum variegatum. Vent. Grows in inundated swamps ; roots frequently immersed. Collected in St. John's, Berkley; in the Santee swamps, near Somerset PL; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 682. The organiza- tion of the peduncle is peculiar. See observations on cer- tain phenomena attending the plant called the D. Ameri- canum. Acad, des Sci. 276, 1702. It is supposed to pos- sess a "cataleptic power." "Pourvues de cette singuliere faculte," namely: " la propriete, de la cataleptique, e'est-a- 448 , dire, de garder la position dans laquelle on place la fleur." Siippiem. to Diet. Univ. de M. Med. 252, 1846. Dracocephalum Virginianum, L. Grows in the mountains of South Carolina. Its properties are similar to those possessed by the pre- ceding. Leojiurus cardiaca, L. Motherwort. Nat. Grows around buildings ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. " The leaves are deobstruent, laxative, diaphoretic, em- menagogue, antihysteric, and anthelmintic." Am. Herbal, 230 ; Linn. Veg. M. Med. 168. L. states that the herb, drunk as a tea, is useful in hysteria and hypochondriacal affections. Griffith, in his work on Med. Bot. 515, supposes it to be tonic, and to relieve palpitation of the heart. It is extolled in Russia as a preservative against hydrophobia. In the "Indian Materia Medica" it is stated that "an infusion of the plant is a stimulant, cordial bitter, and when taken at bedtime it procures a quiet, refreshing sleep, even where opium and laudanum have failed." It is probably useful as an ingredient for a soothing tea. See Linden, " Tilia." Marrubium vulgare. Ex. Nat. Ilorehound. Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 284; Watson's Pract. Physic, 118 and 332 ; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 273 ; Trous. et Pid. Mat. Med. ; Traite de Therap. 308 ; Royle, Mat. Med. 470 ; Le. Mat. Med. ii, 89 ; U. S. Disp. 452 ; Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 358; Matson's Veg. Pract.; Cullen, Mat. Med. ii, 154 ; Bergii, Mat. Med. ii, 558 ; Wooclv. Med. Bot. In the United States, it is used only as a warm, aromatic stimulant. The leaves are tonic and somewhat laxative, and are employed in colds, asthma, hysteria, and meuorrhagic diseases. The warm infusion acts as a sudor- ific, and is applicable as a palliative in phthisis and perip- neumonia, but is not allowed the possession of any very decided powers. In the Supplem., however, to the Diet. 449 Uni. de M. Med. 457, 1846, it is said to be certainly useful in chronic rheumatism, one ounce and a half of the infu- sion being given morning and evening. See, also, the Journal des Connaissances Medic. Dec. 10, 1836. Ferrein notices the root as an excellent vermifuge. Mat. Med. i, 279, iii, 312; and Desbois de Rochefort says the decoction of three or four ounces is a good remedy in taenia. Dr. Cutler asserted that the infusion was a very useful applica- tion in salivation. Am. Herbal, by J. Stearns, LL.D. Griffith states that obstinate catarrhs are much benefited by the expressed juice taken in milk. Dose, one drachm of the powder, or one ounce to two ounces of the infusion made with an ounce of the dried herb to one pint of boiling water. From this plant it is well known the candy so much used in pectoral affections is made. The horehound has a bitter taste and an aromatic odor. "It possesses tonic, diuretic, and laxative properties, and it seems to owe all its powers to a bitter extractive, a volatile oil, and gallic acid." Used in coughs, colds, asthma, etc., on account of the combination of moderate qualities just described. From the very fact of its simplicity, I consider it one of the very best remedies for children and infants suffering with colds and coughs. Given during the day with opiates, and nitre at night, it restores appetite, is expectorant and duretic, and thus removes the slight re- mains of cold and fever so frequent with children. If the fever is a prominent symptom ipecacuanha should also be used. Besides, it may perform a most important role in taking the place of more active and injurious drugs. I know of no better remedy for colds and coughs than the juice of horehound sweetened and given during the day. Verbenacete. [The Vervain Tribe.) Callicarpa Americana, Mx. French mulberry. Collected in St. John's, Berkley, in dry soils ; vicinity of Charleston ; Richland district; Newbern. Drayton's View of S. C. 62. This is said to be useful in dropsical complaints. It bears very pretty red berries, 29 450 growing in wliorls around the stem, which are slightly sweetish to the taste. I could not extract much coloring matter from their skins with vinegar or alum. Verbena urticifolia, L. Kettle-leaf vervain. Common in damp soils; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 1301. Boiled in milk and water, and com- bined with the inner bark of the white oak, it is advan- tageously used in poisoning from the sumachs (Rhus). Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 868 ; Journal de Med. lxx, 529. Verbena hasiata, L. Vervain ; Simpler's joy. Middle districts of South Carolina, and in Georgia ; vicinity of Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. Aug. U. S. Disp. 1304. This is more bitter than the European species, and it is said to be emetic. This plant is described by the "Cherokee Physician" as an emetic inferior to the "Indian Physic ;" a decoction of the dry or green herb or a powder is prescribed like lobelia. A decoction of the root is used to check fevers when given in the early stage. The plant should be examined. Verbena aubletia, L. Grows in the middle districts of South Carolina and in Georgia. Fl. Sept. Mer and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 865. It is said to contain a very acrid mucilage. Die. des. Sci. ]STat. x, 426. Pedaliace2E. (The Oil Seed Tribe.) Sesamurn Indicum. ~) Bene. Introduced by the Africans. " Orientate. J Fl. July. . This is the sesame of the Anabasis, mentioned also by Dioscorides, Theophrastus, and others. The seeds contain an abundance of fixed oil as tasteless as olive, and for which it may be substituted ; it is said to be used ex- tensively in Egypt and Arabia. Lind. Nat. Syst. 280; U. S. Disp. 661. Merat says that in Egypt they drink large 451 quantities of the oil morning and evening, to give them embonpoint. It is also used medicinally as a laxative, and is by some preferred to castor oil ; also as an application to furfuraceous eruptions. In India it is regarded as an emmenagogue and as provocative of abortion ; employed in cutaneous affections and ophthalmia; a solution is given in colic and dysentery, and used as an application for soft- ening the skin. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 332, and the Supplem. 1846, 657, according to which it is also becoming an object of considerable commercial impor- tance, being substituted for olive oil in the manufacture of Marseilles soap. See Essay of M. Hardy, Revue Agricole, Avril, 1845, 177. In the Trans. Phil. Soc, it is said that one hundred parts of the seed yield ninety of oil. Coxe, Am. Disp., art. Sesam. orient., states it was found beneficial in a dysentery which prevailed in 1803. We have seen it given to some extent, and with great advantage, in New York, in diarrhoea and dysentery, particularly in these affections as they occur in children; two or three of the leaves, thrown in water, are sufficient to render it very mucilaginous. This is taken internally. It also serves as a convenient vehicle for enemata, gargles, collyria, etc. In South Carolina the seeds are largely used by the negroes in making broths. They are also eaten parched, and are made with sugar into a very nice candy. It might be made a source of profit to raise the plant in the Con- federate States, as it grows well and the seeds bring a high price. The above was contained in my report on the Med. Bot. of South Carolina, published in 1849. The oil pressed from the seed will keep many years without acquiring any rancid taste, but in two years be- comes quite mild, so that the warm taste of the oil when first drawn is worn off, and it can be used for salads and all the ordinary purposes of sweet oil. In some countries it is used for frying fish, as a varnish, and for some medicinal purposes. Nine pounds of seed are said to yield upward of two pounds of fine oil. The oil may be extracted by 452 bruising the seed and immersing them in hot water, when the oil rises on the surface and may be skimmed off. But the usual mode of extraction is similar to that practised in the expression of linseed oil. The plant is generally sowed in drills about four feet apart, in the month of April. Am. Farm. Encyc. I consider, after examination, that the sas- safras leaf contains more mucilage than the Bene, and that both should be gathered and cured for winter use in mak- ing mucilaginous teas to be used in dysenteries, pulmonary diseases, etc. From a statement of H. M. Bry, of Louisiana, P. O. Rep., 1854, p. 225, sixteen bushels of seed of Bene plant (S. orientale) was sent to a mill in Cincinnati to be manu- factured into oil. It yielded thirty-nine gallons of clear oil and about live quarts of refuse oil, or about two and a half gallons to the bushel. In consequence of the mill im- parting the flavor of flaxseed he could not use it as a salad oil, for which purpose he was confident it would be su- perior, when pure, to the adulterated imported olive oil. It was used, however, as a substitute for castor oil. All who used it praised it for its gently purgative effect, and because it was free from the nauseous taste peculiar to castor oil. Twenty bushels is believed to be a moderate estimate of the amount of the seed produced by an acre. It yields a gallon of oil to the bushel more than flaxseed. The excellent effect of the leaves steeped in water as a mucilage to be used in diarrhoea and dysentery is testified to by all persons who have used it. For this purpose two or three leaves are soaked in a tumbler of water and ad- ministered repeatedly. This plant will act as a substitute for gum-arabic on account of the mucilage it yields. It should be used in the bowel affections of children and among our soldiers in camp. Planters should collect and cure all the leaves at their disposal. At page 838 of the same volume another paper on the Bene is to be found. It is there stated that the plant will throw out a great pro- fusion of leaves by breaking off the top when it is half grown. 453 Nelson quotes Miller on the Bene, as cultivated by the African negroes in South Carolina: "The inhabitants of CD that country make an oil from the seed which will keep many years and not take any rancid smell or taste, but in two years becomes quite mild ; so that when the warm taste of the seed which is in the oil when first drawn is worn off they use it as a salad oil and for all the purposes of sweet oil. The seeds are also used by the negroes for food — which seed they parch over the fire and then mix with water and stew other ingredients with them, which makes a hearty food." Rural Cyc. The seeds of the Bene, the myrtle, and the tallow tree, with the fruit of the ground-nut (Arachis) might afford use- ful material to the soap manufacturers within the Confed- erate States. I will insert here what I have upon the oleiferous plants most useful to us in the present exigency. In Boussingault's treatise on the subject of oils, pages 135 and 139, he says: " The following sums may be taken as a pretty accurate estimate of the average quantity of oil yielded by the dif- ferent oleaginous seeds : colewort, winter rape, and other species of cruciferous plants, from 30 to 36 and 40 per cent. ; sunflower about 15 per cent. ; linseed (flax) from 11 to 22 ; poppy from 34 to 63 ; hemp-seed from 14 to 26 ; olives from 9 to 11 ; walnuts 40 to 70 ; Brazil nuts 60 ; castor oil beans 62; sweet almonds 40 to 54; bitter almonds 25 to 46: Modiva sativa 26 to 28 per cent." I would refer the reader to a more extensive table than this in Ure's Dictionary of Arts. I have little doubt that the Chinese tallow tree (StUUngia sebifera) introduced and growing around Charles- ton is richer than any above mentioned. Hickory nuts, when bearing abundantly, broken and thrown in a vessel of boiling water, would no doubt yield oil abundantly and cheaply for soap. I have, however, upon experiment found it difficult to extract the oil (1862). The plants most commonly cultivated for the produc- tion of oil belong to the genus Brassica; all plants of this genus produce seeds containing considerable quantities of 454 oil, and are sometimes used for obtaining it. All the species are biennial, save the spring colza, or field cabbage (Brassica campestris). It is not, as some suppose, a degener- ated variety of autumnal rape or cole seed, but really a distinct species. "Thaer's Principles of Agriculture," p. 449. In the description by this author of colza and rape (autumnal varieties), he lays great stress upon the great value of the colza [Brassica oleracea lacineata, a variety of the garden cabbage), as perhaps one of the most abundant in the oil it gives out. The rape, a variety of the Brassica napus, is less productive. The colza (Brassica campestris) requires a dry soil. I introduce this information here because the plant might be cultivated to great advantage in the Confederate States for supplying oil, and because Thaer adds at the conclusion of his paper that the seeds of the ruta. baga, or Swedish turnip, which is already grown extensively throughout the Southern states, are equally rich in oil. For the method of culture and gathering, see Thaer's work, published in New York, 1857. It is also an' excellent plant for fodder. The seed does not mature well in South Carolina. The oil is obtained by a press or oil mill. Even the spring rape (Brassica campestris) yields more than twenty pounds of oil per bushel. The rape is grown and produces well in Clarendon district, S. C, Mr. Sanders informs me. It will produce seed. I would particularly advise the extensive introduction and cultivation of the rape in the Confederate States, both because it grows and matures well, and because of the amount of oil the seeds afford, which would supply what- ever is necessary in making soap (for processes, see Ure's "Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures"), and also because it would allow the Southern planter to devote the tallow, grease, etc., which has been economized for this purpose, to the support of his slaves. The Bene probably yields as much oil as any plant we possess, as I am informed by a practical gardener. See, also, flaxseed, Chinese tallow tree, etc. Mustard seed oil concretes when cooled a little below 455 32° Fahr. The white or yellow seed (lire's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, p. 285) afford thirty-six per cent, of oil, and the black seed eighteen per cent. I would refer the inquirer to Ure's Dictionary for paper on the subject of the oils, mode of obtaining, etc. Also to Kurten's work on the "Art of manufacturing Soaps, including the most recent discoveries — with receipts for making camphene oil, candles, etc. Phil.: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1854." This treatise gives very plain directions concerning the articles necessary. In Ure's Dictionary a plan of an oil mill is given, and information on "seed crushing" and extraction of all oils. Ure says that the oil of colza is obtained from the seeds of the Brassica campestris to the amount of thirty- nine per cent, of their Aveight. " It forms an excellent lamp oil, and is much employed in France." Hemp-seed oil resembles the preceding, but has a disagreeable smell and a mouldish taste. It is used extensively for making both soaps and varnishes. Linseed oil is obtained in great- est purity by cold pressure, but by a steam heat of 200° Fahr. a very good oil may be procured in larger quantity. "The proportion of oil," Ure adds, "usually stated by authors is twenty-two per cent, of the weight of the seed, but Mr. Blundell informs me that by his plan of hydraulic pressure he obtained from twenty-six to twenty-seven." In the Encyc. 31etropolitana, under "Oil-press," a quarter of seed (whose average weight is four hundred pounds) is said to yield twenty gallons of oil. ISTow, as the gallon of linseed oil weighs 9.3 pounds, the total product will be one hundred and eighty-six pounds, which amounts to more than forty-five per cent., an extravagant statement, about double the ordinary product in oil mills, etc., etc. When kept long cool, in a cask partly open, it deposits masses of white stearine along with a brownish powder. This stearine is very difficult of saponification. The reader is referred to the last paragraph of p. 297 of Ure's Dictionary, vol. ii, and all of p. 298, ending at word "Dutch plan," top of p. 299; and on the subject of oils, 456 soap, candles, starch, and sugar, I would refer to the same work, where many of the best processes are described. Chaptal, in his Chemistry applied to Agriculture, makes the following practical remarks on oils: "The oils are fat, unctuous bodies, of various degrees of fluidity, insoluble in water, forming soap with the alkalies, and burning and evaporating at different temperatures. It is the last char- acteristic particularly which establishes that difference among them by which they are divided into fixed and volatile oils. The fixed oils are contained in seeds and fruits, from which they are extracted by pressure. The first portion which is expressed is the purest, and is known by the name of virgin oil ; that which follows is rendered more or less impure by the mixture of other principles contained in the fruit submitted to compression. It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, . that the purity of oil is affected. After all the oil which can be extracted by press- ure has been drawn off, it is customary to moisten the mash with boiling water and to subject it to another and more powerful pressure ; but the oil thus obtained carries with it a large portion of mucilage, and is usually em- ployed only in some of the trades. In some countries it is customary to collect the fruits into heaps and to subject them to a degree of fermentation before pressure ; by this means the extraction of the oil is rendered easier and the quantity of it is increased, but the quality of it is much injured. Similar results are obtained by breaking the fruit previous to expressing the oil. It would be hardly right to condemn these last methods as erroneous, because in the numerous soap-works, dye-houses, cloth manufactories, etc., this quality of oil is preferred to that which is purer. The learned will do well to condemn the processes now employed for procuring the fine oils, and to present others by which we may obtain them purer and of a better taste; but the grand consumption of the oils is in the manufacto- ries, and there the fine oils would but imperfectly replace those of a coarser kind; thus, by perfecting the produce 457 the usefulness of it would be lessened. ' When oil is to be extracted for domestic purposes it is without doubt desira- ble that it be obtained as pure as possible, but that which is destined to be employed in the trades and in manufac- tures, as in that of soaps for example, is the better for being combined with a portion of mucilage. The great art of manufacturing consists in appropriating the prod- ucts to the wants and tastes of consumers. When mucil- age is so abundant in an oily seed that it yields upon expression only a pasty combination of mucilage and oil, the seed is dried by fire; when the mucilage is thus de- prived of fluidity the oil flows off pure. In this manner the seeds of flax, of poppies, of henbane, etc., are prepared for expression. Nearly all the oils are colored, and contain some of the principles of the fruits from which they are procured; these are in some of their effects injurious to the oil, and great pains have been taken to find some means of freeing it from them. Oil is clarified to a certain degree merely by standing in a cool place in open earthen vessels; it forms a deposit, and is thus rendered purer, clearer, and better. If oil is exposed to the sun it gradually loses its color. In order to clarify the oil of mustard one per cent, of sulphuric acid is put into a large earthen pan into which the oil is thrown and carefully stirred ; the oil becomes green, and upon being allowed to remain at rest forms upon the sides and bottom of the pan a blackish deposit, which is principally composed of carbon ; the process must be repeated after a few days if the oil has not acquired the wished for clearness. But before using the oil it ia necessary that it be allowed to remain -for some time undisturbed. In this operation the mucilage appears to be precipitated and consumed by the acid. Most fixed oils contain some mucilage, and most of them become rancid. " Most fixed oils have but in a very slight degree the property of drying, but some of them acquire it by being combined with some metallic oxide, and this greatly in- creases the use of them, as they can in this way be 458 employed as varnishes for covering bodies which it is necessary . .t. b. Jt 522 plant [Agave pulque) was introduced by Dr. Perrine. It grows enormously large here where there is sufficient depth of soil, and although I presume that the mean temperature is too high to make from it the Mexican drink, yet alcohol could be distilled from its juice, and probably the leaf can be made to yield a cheap and abundant material for paper. The ancient Aztec made much of the paper on which his picture-writing was transcribed out of the leaves of one or more of the varieties of the agave; and this pulque plant most likely is one of the kinds; for its thick, fleshy leaves, containing very fine fibres, are sometimes eight feet long and from seven to eight inches broad." Agave Vir g mica, L. Called by negroes rattlesnake's mas- ter. Grows in damp soils; collected in Wassamasaw, St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Ell. Bot. i, 402. A domestic remedy for flatulent colic; used in Charleston district for the bite of the rattlesnake. Amaryllis atamasco, L. Atamasco lily. Grows in damp soils; collected in St, John's, Berkley; vicinity of Charles- ton. Ell. Bot. i, 884. This is supposed to produce the dis- ease in cattle called "staggers." Pancratium maritimum, Walt. I " Seen by Catesby in the " Carolinianmn, L. j Parachucla savanna, St. Peter's parish," Ell.; collected on Cooper river, St. John's, Berkley. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 179 ; Dioscorides, lib. ii, c. 168. Pliny also speaks of it, lib. xvii, c. 12. The bulbs are bitter and emetic, and are useful in dropsy. Loiseleur, Manuel des Plantes Indigenes, 19. In the expe- rience of one writer forty grains of the powder produced vomiting five times. ILemodoracejE. ( The Blood-root Tribe.) Bilatris tvnetoria, Ph. 1 Newbeni . Florida . Lachnanthes, Ell. Sk. J Griffith, Med. Bot. 622. The root is astringent and 523 tonic. It is distinguished, says Wilson, for yielding a beautiful dye; hence the name. Rur. Cyc. Burmanmace^e. Tripterella ccerulia, L. Blue tripterella. Grows near Sa- vannah and Purysberg ; collected in St. John's, Berkley, near Pinopolis ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. ISTov. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 331 ; Nuttall, in Acta, Philacl. 723. A flavor like that of green tea is discernible in this plant. Iridace^i. (The Corn-flag Tribe.) Iris versicolor, L. Var. a and b. Blue flag. Grows in bogs, morasses, and inundated land; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. Fl. July. Coxe, Am. Disp. 354 ; Lind. ISTat. Syst. Bot. 333 ; U. S. Disp. 405 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot v 105 ; Bartram's Travels, 451 ; Cutler's Mem. Am. Acad. 405, 6 ; Ell. Bot. 146 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 659; Frost's Elems. 279. The expressed juice is acrid, and has been employed as a local application ; it is also purgative, and sometimes occa- sions distressing nausea like sea-sickness, accompanied with prostration of strength. The plant is, however, more re- markable for its diuretic powers. It was prescribed by Dr. McBride with great success in dropsy, combining it with the button snakeroot (Eryngium yuccifolium). The propor- tions are as follows : root of blue flag one ounce ; button snakeroot two drachms ; water half a pound ; which is to be boiled down to one pint and taken in divided doses. See Bigelow. This does not disturb the stomach, and was used with success in cases of hydrothorax conibined with an- asarca. Bartram said the root was considered by the Indians a very powerful cathartic, and it was found in arti- ficial ponds made for the purpose near their villages. See his Voyage dans la partie sud de l'Amerique Septentri- onale, ii, 322, and the Supplem. to Mer. and de L. 1846. According to Bigelow its active chemical constituent seems to be a resin, which separates as a white precipitate when 524 water is added to the alcoholic tincture. The plant is much employed in domestic practice in St. John's, Berkley, in dropsy. Iris Virginica. Griffith, Med. Bot. 625. It is said to possess properties similar to those of the I. versicolor. Bromeliace^e. (The Pineapple Tribe.) TiUandsia usneoides, Linn. Long moss. Grows within the tertiary districts of South Carolina ; I have observed it as high up as Columbia ; j^ewbern. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 748 ; Journal de Pharmacien, iii, 185. It is stomachic, purgative, and even diuretic. Employed in hemorrhoids. Op. cit. I see no no- tice of it in the American works. Great use is made in South Carolina of this plant when dried in stuffing chair cushions, mattresses, etc. It gives to the trees in winter quite a venerable and pleasing aspect, and is an indication of great moisture. Orchidace^:. ( The Orchis Tibe.) Some species of orchis are said to possess aphrodisiac properties. The roots when boiled are farinaceous and eat- able, furnishing an article of food. Attention is invited to those growing in the Confederate States, among which are several beautiful species. Bletia verecunda, IS. Elliott is doubtful whether it grows in South Carolina. Mich, cultivated it near Charleston. Fl. Aug. Lind. Xat. Syst. Bot. 239. The cormus is said to be stomachic and tonic: see Browne's Jamaica. Bletia aphylla. Xutt. The tuberous root, as well as the whole plant, contains a great deal of gum and starch. It has a gummy taste, and is closely related with Aplectrum hiemale (Corallorrhiza of 525 Ell.), which has the name putty-root, probably from the same property of gummmess and adhesiveness. The granules of the tirst named can be seen with the micro- scope. I have ascertained that it forms an excellent gum in place of Spalding's glue or gum-arabic. Paper united by means of it tears before it will separate. It should be well broken up in a little water. Gypripedium pnbesce?is, W. Yellow lady's slipper; yellow moccason. l^ewbern. Griffith, Med. B'ot. 640. It is employed by the Indians, and held in high estimation in domestic practice as a sedative and antispasmodic, acting like valerian in alle- viating nervous symptoms ; said to have proved useful in hysteria, and even in chorea. A teaspoonful of the powder is taken at a dose. Op. cit, and Raf. Med. Fl. 140. More use might be made of this tea as a cpiieting agent in place of paregoric; see "Tilia." PALMACEiE. (The Palm Tribe.) Chamcerops serrulata, L. Saw palmetto. Grows on the coast of South Carolina, and at Blythe's island, in Georgia. Mr. Elliott says that it extends also through the pine lands of that state. Shec. Fl. Carol. 435. The pulp is very sweet, but is pos- sessed of a purgative property, often producing a copious evacuation attended with griping. A correspondent, "F. I. S," of Charleston "Mercury," from Waresboro, Ga., writes as follows in adding to our "resources: " "You speak of black moss for mattresses. Our common saw palmetto leaves, when split into shreds with a fork or hackle, boiled, and dried in the sun one or two days, make a light, clean, healthy, and durable mattress. Let me sug- gest that palmetto pillows would be cheap and comfortable for our soldiers on the coast ; their corn and flour sacks would in the absence of anything better furnish ready- made pillow ticks. Our negroes are busily employed in 526 making light, durable, and handsome palmetto hats for our soldiers — quite a protection from the sun's burning rays in the heavy drills of this and the next two months. A bed made from a downy swamp plant, which our people call cat's tail, took a premium at the late Agricultural Fair in Carolina. Chamcerops palmetto, Mich. ) Tall palmetto. Cabbage Corypha palmetto, "Walter. / tree. Grows along the sea- coast; vicinity of Charleston. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 432. From this noble and characteristic tree is derived the well known armorial emblem on the escutcheon of the State of South Carolina. It scarcely needs any description at my hands. It has been carried in the fore-front of bat- tle by every regiment in the service of the state from Mexico to Manassas. The leaves are employed in the manufacture of hats, baskets, mats, etc. Forts, wharves, conduits, and structures under water are made of the logs, which do not splinter. The cabbage, or expanded embryo, may be classed among the " most delicious vegetables pro- duced for our tables." The tree, however, perishes when deprived of these. State enactments should forbid their destruction, for ere long when the supply is exhausted the tree will still be absolutely required. Griffith says (Med. Bot. 614) that the bark contains taunin. Pieces of the spongy part of the stem afford a very good substitute for scrubbing brushes, and are much used in Carolina and Georgia. The leaves of the smaller species afford excellent and durable thatch for covering barns and outhouses ; and the younger leaves of the cabbage tree are manufactured into beautiful light and durable hats. Since the war (1862) the tree has been highly useful for this pur- pose. The repent caudex of the saw palmetto (Farmer's Encyc), being torn from the surface of the earth, cut into proper lengths, dried, and burned to ashes, produces the greatest quantity of potash of any known vegetable. The drupes, or large berries of this species, which are of the 527 size and figure of dates, and as sweet, afford good and nourishing food to the Indians and hunters. Thej are not palatable to white people till they become accustomed to them. Op. cit. Sabal adansonii, Guerns. V Dwarf' palmetto. Swamps in " pumila,~E\l. flower districts. Excellent fans may be made of the leaves. The " bane and antidote " are both present in abundance in the same locality — mosquitoes and the palm-like leaves of the dwarf palmetto ! Melanthacb^. (The Colchicum Tribe.) "Poisonous in every species." Melanthium Virginicurh, "W. Grows in wet soils. Griffith, Med. 641. In infusion it is an effectual anthel- mintic. It will operate as an active poison. The decoc- tion, used as a wash, is a certain but somewhat dangerous cure for the itch. Chamcelirium Carolinianum, Willd. (K'th's En. PL' Iielonias dioica, Ph. and Ell. Sk. Common blazing star. Grows in damp pine barrens ; collected in St. John's, Berkley, Charleston district, near Pinopolis ; vicinity of Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. July. Lind. Hat. Syst. 348; Ell. Bot. i, 423; De Cand. and Dubug. 472, an. 1828; Matson's Veg. Pract. 218. The infusion is anthelmintic and the tincture tonic. Prof. Ives recommends it as efficient -in checking nausea and vomiting. The Indian women employed this plant in pre- venting abortion. It is used by the vegetable practitioners in debility of the digestive organs, given in doses of a half- teaspoonful of the powder in warm water three times a day. The root when chewed relieves cough. Amianthus musccetoxicum, Gray in K'th's En. PI. \ Fly Helonias erythrosperma Mx. and Ell. Sk. J poison. Grows in rich, shaded soils ; collected in St. John's, Berk- 528 ley; near Brunswick, PI. (T. W. Peyre's, Esq.); vicinity of Charleston. Fl. May. Ell. Bot. 421. "A narcotic poison, employed in some families to destroy the house-fly. The bulbs are triturated and mixed with molasses. The flies, if not swept in the fire, or otherwise destroyed, revive in the course of twenty- four hours." I would invite others to an examination of this plant as a remedial agent. Veratrum viride, \ Itch-weed ; Indian poke ; " album, Mich. J white hellebore. Abbeville district, S. C. ; grows in mountain streams. Lind. Kat. Syst. 348. "An acrid emetic and powerful stimulant, followed by sedative effects." Big. Med. Bot. ii, 125. Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or altera- tive, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epi spastic, and an errhine ; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Osgood, in the Am. Journal Med. Science, states that it is perfectly certain in its operation, and is, in all respects, analogous to colchicum, which it should supersede. Bigelow states that in his hands it has arrested the paroxysm of gout, and has given relief in some cases of protracted rheumatism. It has been externally employed, in the form of ointment, in many cutaneous affections. Mr. Worth in gt on, who made a full analysis, found veratria, gallic acid, extractive, etc. See Am. Journal Pharm. IS". S. iii ; Dr. Osgood's examina- tion, Am. Journal Med. Sci. 1885, and Am. Journal Pharm. i", 202, N". S. ; Griffith, Med. Bot. 644; Am. Journal Pharm, 1ST. S. iv, 89; Raf. Med. Fl. 585. The tincture or the extract is the best form of administration ; the dose of the first is thirty drops, of the latter one-third of a grain, gradually increased. Kalrn says that corn soaked in a strong decoction will be protected against the encroachment of birds ; those that eat of it becoming giddy fall to the ground, and thus deter others. The plant is considered eminently deserving the attention of the profession. 529 The above was written in my report printed in 1849. The great value of this plant is now. fully recognized as a depressor of the heart's action. It is also emetic and expectorant. As it is scarce, our other species, V. inter- medium, growing in Florida, and V. parvifolium of Mx., found in the mountains of North Carolina, should be examined. Many of the recent journals and medical treatises contain full descriptions of the application of the V. viride to the treatment of typhoid and yellow fevers, pneumonia, etc. See Charleston Medical Journal for Drs. Ford and White's paper on the treatment of yellow fever with this agent. The same journal contains papers by Norwood and others on the employment of this powerful sedative. Its discovery is encouraging to those who be- lieve that the same perseverance and enlightened skill which gave us quinine, morphia, ai;d chloroform, may add still more conquests as greater familiarity is attained with the vegetable wealth of our country. The dose of the tincture of V. viride is three to four drops, cautiously in- creased. The remedy for an overdose is alcoholic stimu- lants. Dr. Norwood, of South Carolina, deserves great credit for establishing the method of using the V. viride. His tincture is made by macerating eight ounces of the dried root in sixteen ounces of alcohol for two weeks ; dose, from six to eight drops, repeated cautiously every three hours, gradually increasing till its effects are pro- duced. The roots should be collected in autumn ; they deteriorate. Veratrum parvifolium and angustifolium. Both are found in South Carolina; they are probably active, and should be examined. Gyromia Virginica, \ Indian cucum- Medeola " Linn, and Ell. Sk. / ber ; Virginian medeola. Grows in moist soils ; generally found under beech trees ; Newbern. Fl. June. U. S. Disp. 274. Pursh states that the root was eaten 34 530 by the Indians. Dr. Barton thought it useful in dropsies. Bart. M. Bot. ; Liud. jSTat. Syst. Bot. 318. It enjoys some reputation as a hydragogue. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iv, 270 ; according to which it is esteemed a very active diuretic. De Cand. Essai, 293. Trillium sessile, L. Rare ; grows in rich shaded soil ; collected in St. John's, Berkley, near "Wantoot PL; vicin- ity of Charleston ; I have observed it on the Ashley road. Fl. May. Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 348. '< Roots generally violently emetic." Liliace^e. ( The Lily Tribe.) ♦ Erythronium Americanum, L. V Dog's-tooth violet ; ad- " lanceolatum, Ph. jder's tongue. Grows in the upper districts and in • Georgia ; sent to me from Abbeville by Mr. Reed. Fl. April. IT. S. Disp. 318 ; Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 151 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Mat. Med. iii, 147; .Coxe, Am. Disp. 269; Bart. Flora F. Am. 133 ; Griffith, Med. Bot. The recent bulbs are emetic when powdered and given in doses of twenty to forty grains. When dried or cooked they become eatable. The berries are said to be more active and certain in their operation than the root. Yucca Jilamentosa, L. Bear-grass. Diffused ; I have col- lected it in Sumter district, S. C. A tincture of the roots is much employed in rheuma- tism. The " Cherokee doctors " use it in the form of a poultice of the roots, or a salve, as a local application in allaying inflammation. The fibre is uncommonly strong, and is used for various purposes on our plantations : for making thongs for hang- ing up the heaviest hams, bacon, etc. I do not know whether it has been tried as a substitute for hemp and cordage, as Mr. W. G. Simms suggests in a letter to me. I have since (July, 1862) seen an article in the Charles- 531 ton Courier, entitled " Confederate Flax," in which it is stated that Mr. D. Ewart, of Florida, had presented for exhibition " specimens of scutched fibre, and of cordage and twine of different sizes, made from the very common plant familiarly known as bear-grass, or Adam's needles." He also communicated the processes employed in reducing it to cordage. The Columbus (Ga.) Sun, of a later date, reports a coil of rope made by Mr. Jas. Torrey, which was pronounced by competent authority to be equal to Ken- tucky rope. The plants in the above instance were rotted and prepared by a negro boy. Gov. Call (see Southern Cultivator, p. 27, vol. 5, 1847), in stating that the bear-grass is an evergreen, says that it may be prepared for use at any season, as it sustains no loss or depreciation by remaining in the ground. Six months growth will give a plant of good size, and the hemp made from such a plant will be as long and possess quite as much strength as that made from plants of older growth. But it will have fewer leaves, and consequently produce less fibre. It will require planting but once in a lifetime, and with but little culture will produce abundant crops of five or six tons per acre. "After boiling the leaves and putting them up in small bundles of convenient size for the purpose, I have passed them through an ordi- nary wooden sugar mill, dipping them in water at each passage until the surplus matter has been removed, leaving the fibres perfectly cleansed, unimpaired, and ready for use." It can be propagated by cutting the roots like the sweet potato. The same number contains a report from the Secretary of War upon the same subject. Congress allowed Dr. Perrine a grant of land in Florida for the purpose of raising Sisal and other hemp plants. His death defeated the enterprise. Allium Ccmadense,W . Onion-tree; meadow garlic. Grows in damp soils ; Newbern. Griffith, Med. Bot. 653. It is employed as a substitute for the common garlic, and it is said to be fully as efficient. 532 Its top bulbs are greatly prized for pickling, being consid- ered of superior flavor to the common onion for that pur- pose. For cultivation, see Farm. Encyc, Gr. W. Johnson. Most of the exotic alliaceous plants, the leek, onion, garlic, etc., are cultivated in the Confederate States. Cotton or wool wet with the juice of garlic, and applied in the ear, is< said to relieve deafness. The juice or syrup is given to infants with colic ; a few drops being used in place of paregoric. Said to be both stimulant and carminative. Allium Carolinianum. "Wild garlic. Several species of alliaceous plants grow within the Con- federate States. The juice of garlic acts medicinally as an expectorant. It is a strong cement for broken glass and china. Preparations of garlic will expel snails, grubs, moles, worms, etc., placed near their haunts. Wilson's Rural Cyc. Schoenotyrion Jlichauxii, Torr. Swamps and pine barrens; Florida, and westward. Chap. The bulbous, roots of this and the Molina Georgiana, Mx., are allied to the squill, and should be examined. Aletris fariuosa, L. Star-grass ; unicorn root. Diffused in damp pine lands ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; INTe wbern. Fl. July. Big. Am. Med. Bot. iii, 92 ; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 121 ; Frost's Elems. 283 ; Mer. and de L. Diet, de Mat. Med. i, 161; Lind. Nat. Syst. Bot. 353; Clayton's Phil. Trans. Ab. viii, 333; Cutler, Am. Acad, i, 435; Griffith, Med. Bot. 623. " The root is tonic and stomachic in small doses, but one of twenty grains occasions nausea, with a tendency to vomit." Lind. Nat. Syst. Bigelow knew of no plant exceeding this in genuine, intense, and permanent bitter. Pursh says it is an excellent remedy in colic ; Cullen, in chronic rheumatism ; and Dr. Thacher, in dropsical affections. Infused in vinegar, it is given in intermittent fever attended with dropsical accumulations. 533 The decoction of the root and leaves in liberal doses is much employed in popular practice in the lower portions of South Carolina. The root is quite resinous, and is sup- posed to contain a portion of extractive matter, hence its use in coughs and colds, as it does not at the same time impair the tone of the digestive organs. It is said to pro- duce soreness of the mouth. Ten grains act as a tonic. The tincture is the strongest preparation. It is employed by the vegetable practitioners. See Howard's Imp. Syst. Bot. Med. 285. Aletris aurea, Walter. Yellow star-grass. Grows in sim- ilar situations; collected in St. John's, Berkley, near Pinopolis : vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, i, 39 ; Frost's Elems. 283 ; U. S. Disp. 67. It is purgative and nauseating in large doses, probably possessed of properties similar to the above. Convallaria majallis. Lily of the valley. According to Elliott, grows on the highest mountains of South Carolina. Bull. Plantes Yen. de France, 164. The powder of the leaves is said to be a very active sternutatory. Dem. El6m. de Bot. by Gillibert, ii, 6. Some practitioners order the powder of the leaves in epileptic affections, depending upon verminous influence. The flowers furnish a good deal of essential oil. "We have tried with success a powder of the flowers in inveterate pain of the head." Trans, from op. ait. This was taken in the nostrils as snuff. Dr. Wood, in the U. S. Disp. 1249, confirms the assertion ir. reference to the power the flowers possess of exciting sneezing. They have a delightful odor, resembling that of musk, and when dried and powdered are much employed as a sternutatory, acting sometimes quite violently. Ac- cording to Merat they are esteemed in nervous headaches and vertigo; and when pulverized are emetic and purgative. See Diss. Botanico Med. Inaug. de Lilium. Conval. 1718? Al Torfii ; Diss. Inaug. at Gottingen, 1757 ; one by Misdorf, in 1742; and another by Schultze, in the same year. Shec, 534 in his Flora Carol. 431, states that the dried flowers are nar- cotic. "The extract of the root and flowers possesses pur- gative properties similar to aloes." The poultice of the root enjoys some celebrity for taking away the marks of bruises, etc. With the addition of lime to the leaves a beautiful green color is obtained. The dose of the simple distilla- tion of the flowers is four ounces ; when powdered sixty grains ; of extract two to three grains. The berries are large, and scarlet colored. The plant is much admired and cultivated throughout Europe. The dried flowers have a narcotic odor, and when pulverized they provoke sneezing, and may be used as a sternutatory. Rural Cyc. Convallaria multiflora, \ Solo- Polygonatum multiflorum., Desfont. and Ell. Sk. / mon's seal. Grows in damp soils. U. S. Disp. 1249. This is used in similar cases ^vith the European species (the Con. polygonatum), the root of which was employed as a cosmetic, and which according to Her- mann is a good remedy in gout and rheumatism. See Kouv. Journal de Med. v, 209. Thirty grains of the dried root is given in Russia as a preventive against plague. Bull des Sc. Med. v, 209. Polygonatum biflorum, L. \ This, Convallaria majalis (lity P. pubescens, Pursh. /of the valley), and species of the genus Smilacina (Solomon's seal), growing in the Con- federate States, yield starch from their roots. I have often noticed the tuberous roots of Convallaria bifiora. Starch is abundant in them. Uvular ia perfoliate, L. Grows in damp soils ; collected in St. John's. Fl. June. Griffith's Med. Bot. 641. The roots of the different spe- cies are subacid and mucilaginous when fresh ; and a decoction of them has been employed as a domestic remedy in sore mouth and in affections of the throat ; also consid- ered as alexipharmic in snake bites. The roots are, how- 535 ever, edible when cooked, and the young shoots are a very good substitute for asparagus. See, also, Smilax. » JJvularia sessiliflora, L. Collected in St. Stephen's parish, in damp soils. Fl. July. Similar in properties to the above. Asparagus officinalis, L. Ex. Wat. on banks of Cooper river; vicinity of Charleston, Bach. Fl. May. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. Supplem. 1846, p. 73. A preparation in the shape of a syrup was much in vogue as a powerful sedative in palpitation of the heart, used by Broussais. Journal de Pharm. xix, 667. Its diuretic property is well known. Revue Med. 1838, p. 409. See M. Locliberts on its culture, and an account of the alco- holic fermentation from the branches, in the Journal de Med. Militaire. Asparagus for coffee.-^-L\eb'ig states that asparagus con- tains, in common with tea and coffee, a principle which he calls taurine, and which he considers essential to the health of those who do not take strong exercise. By this a writer in the London Gardener's Chronicle was led to test aspara- gus as a substitute for coffee. He says : " The young shoots were not agreeable, having an alkaline taste. I then tried ripe seeds, and they, roasted and ground, make a full fla- vored coffee, not easily distinguished from fine Mocha. The seeds are easily freed from the berries by drying them in a cool (warm, I suppose he means) oven, and then rub- bing them on a sieve. There is in Berlin, Prussia, a large establishment for the manufacture of coffee from acorns and chiccory, the articles being made separately. The chiccory is mixed with an equal weight of turnips to ren- der it sweeter. The acorn coffee, which is made from roasted and ground acorns, is sold in large quantities, and frequently with rather a medicinal than an economical view, as it is thought to have a wholesome effect upon the blood. Acorn coffee is, however, made and used in many parts of Germany for the sole purpose of adulterating genuine coffee." Annual of Scientific Discovery. 536 Commelinace^e. ( The Spiderwort Tribe.) Commeliria communis, Pursh. Grows in pine barrens ; collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston ; ISTewbern. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 272. In Cochin China it is said to be employed as a refrigerant and relax- ant ; prescribed in constipation and strangury. The flower is of a beautiful blue, and Ksempher says that a color like ultramarine might be obtained from it. Alismace.33. {The Water Tlantain Tribe.) All are aquatic plants, and many contain a fleshy rhizome which is eatable. Sagittaria sagittifolia, Mich. V Arrow-head. Grows in " latifolia, ~W, J rice fields; collected on Coop- er river ; I have specimens from Sumter district ; vicinity of Charleston, Bachman ; Kewbern. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 153 ; Journal Comp. des Sc. Med. xix, 143. The leaves are acrid, and it is pro- posed to employ them in dispersing scrofulous ulcers. Dem. Elem. de Bot. ii, 416. The Chinese are said to cul- tivate it on account of the bulbous roots, which are eaten. It was employed as food by the Indians. Wade's PI. Rari- ores, 80. It is said that the leaves, applied to the breasts of nursing women, will tend to dispel the milk. Griffith's Med. Bot. 619. The fecula is like arrow-root (Maranta arund.), and has been used for similar purposes. The root of this plant is often of great length. In China it is used as an article of food. ~No doubt it contains starch. Our canna (C. flacida) very probably yields starch, for the arrow-root, u tous les mois," from C. eoccinea, makes a stiffer jelly than that from the Maranta or Florida arrow-root. Alisma plantago, L. I Water plantain. A. trivialis and parviflora of Pursh. J Ditches and ponds; Georgia, and northward. It is used by the vegetable practitioners as a demulcent 537 astringent in affections of the bowels, and by the "Chero- kee doctors" as an external application to "sores, wounds, bruises, swellings, etc.," being employed as a poultice and wash. Junce^e. {The Rush Tribe.) Juncus communis, Mey, in Kuuth's En. PI. \ Soft rush ; bul- " effusus, Linn, and Ell. Sk. /rush. Grows in bogs and morasses; Kewbern. Fl. May. Lind. Nat. Syst. 531. Cultivated in Japan for making floor mats, chair bottoms, etc. It is sometimes employed in South Carolina for similar purposes. The pith, when dried and oiled, will -serve as a wick. A decoction of the plant is said to be diuretic. Smilace^. (The Smilax Tribe.) Smilax pseudo- China, L. China-briar. Grows in swamps, along streams; collected in St. John's, Berkley; jSTewbern. Fl. May. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 700; IT. S. Disp. 634; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. 133; De Cand. Prodrom. i, 351; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 228. The decoction is alterative ; in large doses emetic. It is much used in portions of the Confed- erate States in the composition of diet drinks, and it is considered one of the best substitutes for sarsaparilla. Griffith. Med. Bot. 660, states that the Indians employed the fecula of this, as well as that of the S. caduca, laurifolia, and tamnoides — all indigenous to South Carolina. The roots of this plant contain a good deal of starch. They are, consequently, to a certain extent light and porous, and are used to make pipes with, also by our soldiers in camp in tlie manufacture of an extemporaneously prepared beer. The root is mixed with molasses and water in an open tub, a few seeds of parched corn or rice are added, and after a slight fermentation it is seasoned with sassafras. The young shoots of the China-briar are eaten as aspara- gus, with which they are closely allied. They impart the same odor to the urine, and probably contain asparagine. 538 Lawson, in his "Travels in Carolina," says: "The root is a round ball, which the Indians boil and eat." Croom states in the notes to his " Catalogue," p. 48, that these roots become in time of scarcity an important article of food to the southern Indians. The Seminoles, of Florida, obtain from them, by maceration in water, their red meal, and from the roots of Zamia integrifolia their white meal, "which have subsisted them in part during their late campaign." The seeds of the berries are exceedingly hard, and are used as beads. I have seen a necklace made with them re- sembling coral, which may well be called "Indian coral." Smilax sarsaparilla, L. \ Rich soils ; Abbeville district ; " glauea, Walt, j Fl. July. U. S. Disp. 634; Woodv. Med. Bot. 161. This does not appear to be the officinal sarsaparilla, though it proba- bly shares the alterative virtues belonging to the genus. Thornton's Fain. Herbal, 241 ; Journal de Pharm. xvi, 38 ; Frost's Elems. Mat. Med. 223. It is supposed to be possessed of undoubted efficacy, given in diet drinks and alterative mixtures combined with the China-briar, and used in syph- ilis and chronic rheumatism. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 79; Humboldt's Voyage, viii, 378; Analysis in Journal de Chim. Med. i, 215. A principle has been de- rived from it, called smilacine. Journal de Pharm. xvi, 501, and xviii, 324. From Bartley's examination, in the Edin. Med. Journal, xvi, 473, the virtues appear to reside in the cortical part; hence, it is best extracted by the cold infusion. Biblioth. Med. xxvi, 119. According to these writers, it is considered a powerful sudorific and alterative, indicated when you wish to produce diaphoresis, as in rheumatism of the joints; and this agrees with the experience of those who have tried it in the Confederate States. J. Pope, Re- cherches upon the different species of Sarsaparilla, in Journal Gren. de Med. xci, 300, and Thunberg's Mem. on the quan- tity of extractive matter furnished by the species. Smilax caduea, L. Arouud ponds, and in rich shaded 539 soils; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; New- bern. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 375. Some have asserted that it furnishes caoutchouc. See Hist. Nat. Pharm. ii, 590. Smilax tamnoides, L. Grows in dry soils ; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. vi, 384. The root of this also, says Merat, is employed in the form of decoction to purify the blood. Smilax herbacea, L. Grows in rich wooded soils ; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. This species has been used for its alterative properties. Smilax ovata, Ph. and Ell. Sk. Grows on the sea-shore, Ell.; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. Ell. Bot. Med. Notes, ii, 698. Remarkable for the fra- grance of its flowers. Dioscc-REACEiE. (The Yam Tribe.) Dioscorea villosa, L. "Wild yam. Grows in damp soils; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. July. Griffith's Med. Bot. 659. The decoction of the root, ac- cording to Riddell, in a late paper, Synops. Flo. West. St. 93, is eminently beneficial in bilious colic: one ounce is added to one pint of water, and half of this is taken at a dose. He says it acts with great promptitude, and that Dr. Neville places much reliance on the tincture as an expecto- rant; it is likewise diaphoretic, and in large doses emetic. Attention is invited to its employment. See illustrated papers in Patent Office Reports, p. 169, 1854, and p. 250, 1856, on the Chinese yam (Dioscorea ba- tatas) which bears a large tuber, like the potato, and yields starch, sugar, etc. The roots do not require to be stored in cellars, though this may be done ; they are dug in the fall. I have seen it growing at Col. J. B. Moore's, near State- ' 540 burg, S. C. The root is said to be "voluminous, ricb in nutritive matter, and can be cooked in every respect like the common potato, and even be eaten in the raw state." The yam cultivated at the South is Dioscorea sativa; another species raised here, D. alata, weighs sometimes thirty pounds. Araceje. (The Arum Tribe.) An acrid principle generally pervades this tribe, existing in some of them to a high degree. Ariscema atroreubens, Blum, in K'th's En. PL ~» Wake rob- Aritm triphyllum, L. Ell. 8k. J in ; Indian turnip; dragon-root. Grows in rich soils; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; Newbern. Fl. June. Eberle, Mat. Med. ii, 437 ; Chap. Therap. and Mat. Med. ii, 41; U. S. Disp. 123; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 78; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 52; Am. Journal Pharm. xv, 83; Thacher's U. S. Disp., art. A. triphyllum, 153; Cullen, Mat. Med. ii, 211 and 554; Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 460; Coxe, Am. Disp. 121; Schcepf, Mat. Med. 133; Rush, ii, 301; Barton's Collec. 29; Shec. Flora Carol. 273; McCall, in Phil. Med. Journal, ii, 84; Cutler, Am. Acad, i, 487; Lind. Fat. Syst. Bot. 364; Matson ' s Yeg. Pract. 295, and Thompson's Steam. Pract. It is said to be similar in its action to the A. maculatum. Dr. Meara affirms that it does not act on the general circulatory, but only on the glandular system, which it stimulates greatly, and the secretions of which it augments. Dr. Wood says it stimulates the secretions of the skin and lungs also. It is used advantageously in diseases of the mucous mem- branes, particularly pertussis and asthma. "In the chronic asthmatic affections of old people it is a remedy of very considerable value." The powder of the fresh root, made into a paste with honey or syrup, and placed in small quantities upon the tongue so as to be gradually diffused over the mouth and throat, is said to have proved useful in the aphthous sore throat of children. Dr. Thacher em- 541 ployed it in this affection, and adds that it is of approved efficacy in rheumatism. "Milk in which the acrid princi- ple of the A. trifihyl. has been boiled has been known to cure consumption!" De Cand. cit. in Lind. The sliced root has been used as an application for poisoning by the ivy {Rhus). Lindley remarks of some of this class that "•the spadixes disengage a sensible quantity of heat when they are about to open." An ointment, made by stewing the fresh root in lard, is applied in scald-head, in ringworm, and other eruptions and cutaneous diseases, acting as a stimulant. The root is a decided expectorant. Agardh considers that the acrid principle, which, notwithstanding its fugacity, has lately been obtained pure, is of great power as a stimulant. In corroboration, I would mention my having produced vesication merely by rubbing the stem of the Arum Walteri (South Carolina species) in contact with the unbroken skin; and I observe that both species are very irritating to the fauces. By chemical analysis (Am. Journal Pharm. xv, 83) it contains, besides the acrid princi- ple, from ten to seventeen per cent, of starch, which may be obtained from it as white and as delicate as from the potato; also albumen, gum, sugar, extractive, lignin, and salts of potassa and lime. Bigelow states (i, 59) that the starch is prepared by pouring repeatedly portions of water Over the fresh root reduced to a pulp by grating, and placed on a strainer, the farinaceous part being ^carried through, and leaving the fibrous behind. Dr. McCall, of Georgia, found it to yield one-fourth part its weight of pure amylaceous matter, which is white, delicate, and nu- tritive. See, also, the experiments of Bigelow to extract the acrimonious principle of the fresh root. The root may be preserved if kept buried in the sand. Dose of recently dried root, ten grains mixed with gum-arabic, sugar, and water, in the form of emulsion, repeated and increased. During scarcity of food almost any substance that contains starch, even though it be associated with bitter or noxious principles, may furnish material for bread. "From the acorn a kind of meal is produced which makes excellent 542 bread, provided that a little barley meal be mingled with it to counteract its astringent qualities. M. Parmentier ex- tracted the farina or starch of the bryony, the iris, gladiolus, ranunculus, fumaria, arum dracunculus, mandragora, col- chicum, filipendula, and hellebores, etc. It is only neces- sary to cleanse these roots, to scrape and pound them, and then to soak the pulp in a considerable quantity of water; a white sediment is deposited, which when washed and dried is a real starch. M. Parmentier converted these dif- ferent starches into bread by mingling them with an equal portion of potatoes reduced into pulp, and the ordinary dose of wheaten leaven ; the bread had no bad taste, and its quality was excellent." "Wilson's Rural Cyc. We have in the Confederate States several species of the genera men- tioned above. See index to this volume; also, " Zizania" or Canada rice. A knowledge of these plants may prove serviceable in case of an emergency. Peltandra Virginica, Raf. (Kunth, En. PI.) ~» Common in Arum Virginicum, L. j swamps; col- lected in St. John's, Berkley; vicinity of Charleston. PL May. Stearns' Am. Herbal, 133. Property probably similar to those of the above. "Powerfully stimulant, diuretic, and diaphoretic. Stimulates the solids, promotes the se- cretiorr»of perspiration, urine, etc.; good in languid, phleg- monous habits, in relaxation and weakness of the stomach, loss of appetite, in jaundice, hysterical and hypochondria- cal complaints, rheumatism, pains, and obstinate head- aches unattended with fever." Dose, ten grains, with sixty grains of gum-arabic, twenty of spermaceti, and eight of sugar. Arum maculatum. I find that this species is not a native of the Confederate States; but the indigenous A. irvphyllum is said to possess precisely the same properties ; so I will allow it to remain. Bull. Plantes Ven. de France, 83. "The leaves, being 543 eaten by three children, produced horrible convulsions," swelling of the tongue, etc. One author mentions that he uses the root with great success in rheumatic pains, in doses of six to twenty grains of fresh root, three times a day. The emulsion is more sedative. The dry root is quite nu- tritious, serving as an article of food. Catalogus Planta- rum, 28. The decoction of the root with hone}^ is a power- ful expectorant, and is useful in asthma. {JExpectorat enim validissime crassas lentasque excreationes.) The Catalogus Plantarum of Ray, furthermore, expresses this high opin- ion: " Remedium est prcestantissimum et minime fallax adversus venenum et pestem, astkmaticos maxime juvat, hernias curat et urinam ciet." See, also, the Historia Plantarum Paii, p. 1208. The root, dried and powdered, has been sold as a cosmetic, under the name of cypress powder; said also to possess a soporific quality, and to be used in washing linen. Linn. Veg. Mat. Med. 168 ; Woodv. Med. Pot. 75. The recent root, according to Orfila, will cause the death of a dog in thirty-six hours. Toxicol. 298; Ancien. Journal de Med. xxxiv, 529. See Diet, des Drogues, i, 355, for chemical analysis. Portland sago is made from the root. Encycl. Plants, 800. The bad effects resulting from the use of the Arum are alleviated by the administration of buttermilk and oily liquors. Shecut, in his Flora Carol., speaks of its great reputation as an effectual remedy in cachectic cases, in weakness of stomach, and fixed rheumatic pains. The fresh root, externally applied, is a good substitute for Span- ish flies. Dr. Lewis, in the Fam. Herbal, 751, asserts that neither water nor spirit extracts its virtues, the fresh root being best administered in substance, in the form of a bolus or emulsion, or by heating it up with resin or gum, and keeping in pill. Geoffroi alludes to it as a valuable stom- achic, for restoring lost appetite; useful in chlorosis, jaun- dice, and hysterical affections. He says that by boiling the root in vinegar it becomes powerfully diuretic. Bergius reports the root as of great service, mixed with an alkaline aromatic, in cases of obstinate periodical headache, when the pulse is slower than natural without fever. Journal de 544 Pharm. xii, 158. Merat, in the Diet, de Mat. Med., endor- ses the opinions generally expressed above. IT. S. Disp. 123; Big. Am. Med. Bot. i, 52. Sir J. E. Smith, in his Introd. to Botany, says that it is asserted by that at the period of inflorescence, between 4 and 10 o'clock, p. m., the flower is actually "hot," causing the thermometer to rise several degrees. Symplocarpus fceiidus. (Pothos of Mx.) Skunk cabbage. A fetid plant, supposed to possess some antispasmodic power. The root, chewed, produces a prickling sensation in the mouth. Orontium aquaticam, Mx. Golden-club. Roots often im- mersed; common in lower country; collected in St. John's. Fl. May. Lind. Nat. Syst. 365. "The root is acrid, but becomes eatable by roasting." Both the seeds and roots were eaten by the Indians. Typhace^e. (The Bulrush Tribe.) Typha latifolia, L. Cat-tail; reed mace. Morasses and stagnant waters, often immersed; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston ; Newbern. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. t. vi, 795; Journal de Chim. Med. iv, 179; Journal de Pharm. xii, 564. This plant receives an extended notice in European works. The root is eaten as a salad. See, also, Lightfoot's Fl. Scotica, ii, 339. A jelly also is extracted from it. Aublet assures us it is good in gonorrhoea and chronic dysentery. See an analysis in Journal de Pharm. xii, 564, and xiv, 221. Little crystals of phosphate of lime are found in the stems. It is said also to be abundant in fecula. Decouv. des Russes. iii, 450; Gmelin, Flora Siberica, i, 25-139. See Vignal's Essay on the treatment of wounds with the pollen or aigrettes of the Typha, which it is proposed to use as a substitute for cotton (in French^ Paris, 1803. The bark has been em- ployed in the fabrication of hats, and with cotton in making 545 gloves; and some have recommended it in making China paper. See the Diet, de M. Med. The down has been used to stuff mattresses. Linnsefts informs us that the coop- ers in Sweden employ the stalks to bind their casks with. In England they use the Scirpus laGustris, and in Italy the Car ex acuta (all South Carolina species, which see) to fasten the timber in the joints. The stalks are opened longitudi- nally, and placed between the interstices, so as effectually to prevent the escape of fluids. Those who manufacture turpentine and rice barrels might fiucl these plants of much service in this respect — serving the purpose much better than the strips of wood shaving generally employed to ren- der the seams tighter. I would invite further attention to the Typha for the several purposes alluded to. It is stated (Courier, 1863) that paper is made from this plant in New York. Sparganium. ramosum, Huds. ) Lagoons and ditches ; S. Americqnum, Ell. / Florida, and northward. The herbage of the branchy species of burr-reed {Sparga- nium) is softer and more pliant than that of the reedy plants, and serves well in combination with some of them in pack- ing. I have been surprised that more use is not made of such plants by merchants and packers. The unripe burr^ are very astringent; a strong decoction is employed for va- rious purposes as an astringent. See Darlington's Flora Cestrica. ACORAC.E. Acorns calamus, L. Sweet-flag; calamus. Diffused in bogs and morasses ; I have collected it in Fairfield and in Charleston districts; vicinity of Charleston, Bach; ISTew- bern. Le. Mat. Med. i, 251; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 76; Royle, Mat. Med. 602; Hoffmann's Obs.Phys. Chim. i, obs. i; Ell. Bot. Notes, i, 403; U. S. Disp. 145*; Ed. and Vav. Mat. Med. 281; Ball, and Gar. Mat. Med. 431; Bergii, Mat. Med. 287; M6r. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 63; Woodv. 35 546 Med. Bot.; Ann. de Chim. lxxxi, 382; Coxe, Am. Disp. 18; Shec. Flora Carol. 96. This is a very pleasant, aromatic stimulant and stomachic; esteemed as a stimulating tonic in atonic conditions of the stomach and bowels; in the East as a powerful aphrodisiac and carminative. Ed. and Yav. state that it has been administered successfully in in- termittent fever: " On l'a beaucoup vante pour combattre les symptomes cerebraux qui accompagnent la seconde pe- riode des fievres dites ataxiques." Dr. Thompson says, from his own experience, he finds it one of the most useful adju- vants to bark and quinine ; given also, combined with mag- nesia, in the flatulent colics of infants. In the Supplem. to Mer. and de L. 18-46, 10, Dr. Endelicher assures us that the root is an excellent remedy in chronic gout: "qu'elle apaise les douleurs, qu'elle assouplit les articulations" — adminis- tered in powder, from eighteen to twenty grains every two hours. Annal. de Med. and note, sur quelques plantes de l'Aube, Mem. de l'Aube, 1841. The fresh root, candied, is said to have been employed in large quantities as a preserv- ative in epidemic diseases. Thornton's Fam. Herb. 354. The root is used in vertigo. Linn. Veg. M. Med. 64; Grif- fith, Med. Bot. 620. See Anal, by Trommsdorf ; Ann. Clin- ique, xvii. From which it appears to contain volatile oil, resin, extractive, etc. Thompson, in his M. Med., says that the oil differs from other volatile oils in not dissolving iodine. The root of this powerfully aromatic plant is much used as a flavoring substance throughout the Western states for making bitters, particularly the compound tincture of gen- tian. See treatises on the Mat. Med. "It is a principal medicament in the preparation of the medicated malt liquors called herb ales, and is supposed to be the ingre- dient used by the French for giving flavor to their snuff called Lt let violette. The whole plant has been used for tan- ning leather, and in Poland it is strewed on the floors of the upper and middle classes of society when they are about to receive company, in order that the leaves may be bruised by the feet of the guests, and fill the rooms with ) i 547 an agreeable odor." Rural Cyclopaedia, p. 40. The dose of the root is from ten tq twenty grains. An infusion of the root is made with one ounce to one pint of boiling water. Dose, a wineglassful. NaiadacEjE. {The Pond-weed Tribe.) Zostera marina, L. Eel-grass. West Florida, and north- ward; deep salt water coves. Chapman. Not in any cata- logue of the plants in St. John's, S. C. This marine herb with creeping stems is just attracting great attention in England (1862) as a substitute for cotton. The result is doubtful, as the amount to be obtained is perhaps inadequate. The papers are filled with accounts of the plant. Substitutes for Cotton. — The London Index says : Some new " substitute for cotton," which is to cost noth- ing, to make the fortune of the inventor, and to reopen the mills of Lancashire, is discovered every week. The inventors are mostly persons who know nothing of cotton spinning, and they forget, invariably, that a material which costs nothing when supposed to be useless and gathered by handfuls might become almost as dear as silk if there were a manufacturing demand for hundreds of millions of pounds weight of it. The following remarks by a "Med- allist in Botany" deserve notice: "I have obtained samples of most of the fibres proposed, and I have submitted them to careful examination under the microscope. I find them all to be varieties of woody fibre, more or less split up or divided, varying in the length and thickness of the fibrillre. The fibres of all the specimens I have seen are nevertheless uniform in the fol- lowing particulars : they are all solid and inelastic or brittle, with joints and rough edges, showing where the bundles of fibrillse have been torn apart. Having some practical acquaintance with cotton* spinning and weaving, I assert that the above qualities render woody fibre unfitted to be used as a substitute for cotton without a considerable mod- ification of our machinery. The fibres which have been 548 f exhibited may probably be useful as substitutes for linen, if they can be largely produced at a cheap rate ; but the woody fibre (from which all the proposed substitutes, I feel confident, are drawn) can never be a perfect substitute for cotton, which consists of vegetable hairs, hollow, elastic, ribbon shaped, and spiral, with smooth edges and surfaces. If we want a substitute for cotton we must not look for it in woody fibre." PiSTiACEiE. ( The Duckweed Tribe.) Spirodelia polyrrhiza, Schleid. in Kunth's En. PL ) Water Lemma " W. and Ell. Sk. / flaxseed. Santee canal. Fl. July. Lightfoot's Fl. Scotica, ii, 538. The " leaves sink to the bottom of the water in winter and rise in the spring." The Lemna or duckweed destroy fish by covering so closely the surface of ponds as to exclude the air. Zea Mays. Maize ; Indian corn. (Introduced in this place irregularly.) Corn is certainly one of the most nutritious of the cerea- lia with which man has been blessed. In one hundred pounds of corn there are ten of oil ; the grain and meal are prepared in a great variety of ways, and the whole plant adapted to many useful purposes in the arts, in med- icine, and in domestic economy. The article Zea, in the Rural Cyc, is full of information compiled from numerous authorities ; he refers to the manufacture of coarse paper from the husks. Blade tea is quite a favorite diaphoretic used recently by many in the Confederate States in fever — its antipe^odic properties doubtful. Corn meal rubbed into fresh meat will preserve it fresh several days during hot weather ; a light covering with bran or a series of dustings with oatmeal will be equally efficient — methods so easily put in practice that a knowledge of them may prove serviceable at present. In the Patent Office Reports, 1855, p. 158, there is a communication on "Bread crops," on the value and use of 549 the maize as an article of food, on its preparation for bread in place of wheat flour, and on the ..economy of mix- ing rye with corn. It is stated from a foreign report that a "bread composed of two-thirds rye and one-third maize is about ten per cent, cheaper than bread made of pure rye." A method is given to prevent the souring of maize flour. In our armies it is a universal subject of complaint that corn meal, or flour, is not given to the soldiers in place of wheat, as it is nutritious and much more easily and better cooked. Besides, the Southern soldier is for the most part more accustomed to corn bread. The "Boston brown bread," a useful hygienic preparation, contains two parts of corn to one of rye meal, and is made in the follow- ing manner: "To three quarts of mixed meal are added a gill of molasses, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one teaspoonful of saleratus, and either a teacupful of home-brewed or half a teacupful of brewer's yeast. This bread continues good and wholesome as long as any other bread is usually kept; but like other preparations of corn it is preferred warm, and is generally eaten fresh, or after being toasted. Like all other kinds of corn bread it is an acceptable substitute not only for the bread made of other grains but for the vegetables which use has made desirable at the noonday meal." ' A chemical analysis of the corn-cobs is given by Prof. C. T. Jackson, volume Patent Office Reports, 1855, p. 163, and a paper on green corn for fodder, p. 168. It maybe planted as a substitute for northern hay. "The amount of green food which may thus be grown under favorable circumstances seems almost incredible. An acre contains forty-three thousand five hundred and sixty square feet; if, therefore, but one such stalk were to grow upon each foot, there would be over seventy-six tons produced to the acre." The Northern varieties are recommended to be planted at the South for this purpose. Land that will produce two tons of hay will yield, it is supposed, ten tons of corn fodder for leaves, roots, etc., suitable for man and horse in periods of scarcity. See "Alopecurus" and u An^ thoxanthum," in this volume. 550 Mr. J. H. Salisbury, in a prize essay published by the New York State. Agricultural Society, and quoted in Nor- ton's Elements of Practical Agriculture, states that there is in the cob of this grain two per cent, of gluten and gum, and one or two per cent, of sugar, with a little starch. It has, therefore, some importance of its own as food. In Patent Office Reports, 1848, p. 355, it is stated in a report from Richmond, Massachusetts, that "corn-stalks, well secured and cut fine, furnish an agreeable and healthy food for horses and neat cattle ; for the latter, if when cut they are scalded by pouring on warm water, they are almost equal to what they are when green, especially for cows, causing them to produce milk of almost the richness of June. They are worth when well cured six dollars per ton, when hay is worth ten dollars; straw is worth from four dollars and fifty cents to five dollars per ton. Large quantities of straw are annually manufactured into paper, and the demand for this purpose probably increases its price some fifteen or twenty per cent." On the subject of general economy, in absence of supply of Northern hay, I introduce the following in an article on corn-stalks for fodder by a correspondent of the Country Gentleman, 1861. It is advised to be cured, cut up entire, and fed to cattle. The editor of the Southern Field and Fireside says: "For the last six years, while residing on a farm in Georgia, we have followed the Northern plan of cutting up corn near the ground, curing the stalks and corn in shocks, then husking or shucking the corn, and feeding the stalks and blades together. This we regard as much better economy than to pull fodder and leave the whole stalks in the field. If we had many cattle to feed, we should procure a machine for cutting the stalks, steam them a little, and add a little meal of some kind. .We have fed dairy cows in this way with satisfactory results. Good clover hay is worth more than any corn fodder for cows and horses, pound for pound." See, also, same paper, May 4, 1861, for article on cultivation of hay. Corn-stalks are also very useful as manure, when composted with a little 551 caustic lime, as it is a plant-food of considerable value. "Dr. Spengle found eighty-eight pounds of ashes in one thousand pounds of corn-stalks. Corn-cobs are rich in potash, and yet one often sees them wasted in wood-lots or the highway." The cob yields almost as much ashes as the tobacco plant. In the Richmond Examiner, 1862, a lady of Fluvanna county, Virginia, communicates the following substitute for soda: "To the ashes of corn-cobs add a little boiling water; after allowing it to stand for a few minutes, pour off* the lye, which can be used at once with an acid (sour milk or vinegar). It makes the bread almost as light as soda." I have seen this preparation made and used in St. John's, South Carolina, 1862. It is, strictly speaking, a potash mixture, has precisely the taste of a strong solution of bi-carbonate of potash, and could be used in cough mix- tures to correct acidity, and wherever an alkaline solution is required. It would also serve the purposes of "concen- trated lye." The bread made with it is excellent. For manufacture of soda, see "Salsola kali." An economical mode of making soap with corn-shucks, which a correspondent in the Southern Field and Fireside, March 8, 1862, saj-s "has been tried and approved by sev- eral persons," I insert as follows: "Take one gallon of strong lye, add a half-pound of shucks, cut up fine. Let the shucks boil in the lye until they are reduced to shreds. Then fish the shreds out, and put half a pound of crack- ling grease in, or six ounces of lard, and boil until it is sufficiently thick to make good soap." The amount of potash in the blade and shuck of corn observed in the table I have inserted from Ure's Dictionary may explain the value of this substance. I am informed that soap has been made satisfactorily from the corn-shuck, as above described, in Sumter district, South Carolina. I will add the follow- ing: to make twenty pounds of cheap, hard soap from four pounds, the Southern Field and Fireside directs four pounds of turpentine soap, half-pound of soda, add two gallons of water, boil ten minutes, add a spoonful of salt, 552 and boil ten minutes more. I insert the following, believ- ing that the ashes of the corn-cob, on account of the potash it contains, would serve in place of those from hickory: Preserving Meat. — Ashes prepared from green hickory wood, combined with salt in the proportion of one-third to two-thirds by measurement, and applied in the ordinary way of salting meat, in ordinary quantity, will save pork fully as well as salt alone, and give a delicacy of flavor to bacon made from it which saltpetre or sugar pickle will not im- part. Mix the ashes and salt thoroughly, in the above proportions, and use the mixture as salt alone is commonly used. There is no experiment in this, and no one need hesitate to rely on it. Beer may be made from corn thus : " Take one pint of corn and boil it until it is soft, add to it a pint of molasses and one gallon of water ; shake them well together and set it by the fire, and in twenty -four hours the beer will be excellent. When all the beer of the jug is used add more molasses and water. The same corn will answer for months, and the beer will be fit for use in twelve hours by keeping the jug where it is warm. In this way the ingre- dients used in making a gallon of beer will not cost over six cents, and it is better and more wholesome than cider. A little yeast greatly forwards the working of the beer:" Agricultural paper. To make small beer : " Nine quarts of water, three pints of bran, and a few hops ; strain and cool to milk-warm, then put in a few raisins, one pint of mo- lasses, let them stand one night, and strain and bottle it." An excellent substitute for coffee. — For a familj- of seven or eight persons, take a pint of well toasted corn meal and add to it as much water as an ordinary sized coffee-pot will hold, and then boil it well. We have tried this toasted meal coffee, and prefer it. Many persons eannot drink coffee with impunity, and we advise all such to try the receipt. They will find it more nutritious than coffee, and quite as palatable. The above is from a correspondent of the Raleigh Register. See rice (Oryza sativa) for the use of corn and rice as substitutes for coffee. 553 The "newspapers" (1862) continue to report that "blade tea" is excellent in fevers, and that "raw corn m.eal, mixed with water to drink, removes superfluous bile and cures fever!" " Green corn and wheat make useful starch, and rice starch gives lawns and colored articles a look of new- ness unsurpassed." Oil of a fine quality is manufactured from corn. "It is said to burn with a clear, steady light, in every respect equal to sperm or lard oil, without the smoke which usually attends vegetable oils, and will not congeal in the coldest weather." A liquor, well known as corn whiskey, is also distilled from t^e fermented grain. Thaer says "The use of unripe maize for the manufac- ture of sugar has lately been again recommended, on the ground that maize is better adapted for this purpose than beet root. I have long been of opinion that of all plants which can be raised in this country, maize is better suited to the purpose in question ; the syrup extracted from it is before crystallization decidedly superior to that of the beet root." Principles of Agriculture, p. 485. In the Confed- erate, States where the sugar-canes have been so generally introduced the problem may be differently solved. As it may become a matter of great interest I insert the fol- lowing : Making sugar of corn. — Extracts from the remarks on the manufacture of corn sugar, by Wm. Webb, of Wilmington, Delaware, May, 1862 : The raw juice of maize, when cultivated for sugar, marks 10° on the saccharometer, while the average of cane juice (as I am informed) is not higher than 8°, and beet juice not over 3°. From nine and three-quarter quarts (dry measure) of the former I have obtained four pounds six ounces of syrup concentrated to the point suit- able for crystallization. The proportion of crystallizable sugar appears to be larger than is obtained from cane juice in Louisiana. This is accounted for by the fact that our climate ripens corn perfectly, while it but rarely if ever happens that cane is fully matured. In some cases the 554 syrup has crystallized so completely that less than one-sixth part of molasses remained. This, however, only happened after it had stood one to two months. There is reason to believe that if the plant were fully ripe, and the process of manufacture perfectly performed, the syrup might be en- tirely crystallized without forming any molasses. Without any other means for pressing out the juice than a small hand mill, it is impossible to say how great a quantity of sugar may be produced on an acre ; but the calculations made from trials on a small scale leave no room to doubt the quantity of sugar will be from eight hundred to one thousand pounds. • I have been informed by Mr. Ellsworth that Monsieur Pallas, of France, had discovered in 1839 that the saccha- rine properties of maize were increased by merely taking off the ear in its embryo state. An experiment, however, which I instituted to determine the value of this plan resulted in disappointment. The quantity of sugar pro- duced was not large enough to render it an object. The reasons of this failure will be sufficiently obvious on stating the circumstances. It was found that taking the ear off a large stalk, such as is produced by the common mode of cultivation, inflicted a considerable wound upon the plant, which injured its health, and of course lessened its productive power. It was also found that the natural disposition to form grain was so strong that several succes- sive ears were thrown out, by which labor was increased and the injuries to the plant multiplied. Lastly, it ap- peared that the juice yielded from those plants contained a considerable portion of a foreign substance not favorable to the object in view. Yet, under all these disadvantages, from one hundred to two hundred pounds of sugar per acre may be obtained. The manifest objections detailed above suggested another mode of cultivation, to be em- ployed in combination with the one first proposed. It consists simply in raising a greater number of plants on the same space of ground. By this plan all the unfavor- able results above mentioned were obviated, a much larger 555 quantity of sugar was produced, and of a better quality. The juice produced by this mode of cultivation is remark- ably pure and agreeable to the taste. The sweetness of the corn-stalk is a matter of universal observation. Our forefathers, in the Revolutionary struggle resorted to it as a means to furnish a substitute for West India sugar. They expressed the juice and exerted their ingenuity in efforts to bring it to a crystallized state ; but we have no account of any successful operation of the kind. In fact, the bitter and nauseous properties contained in the joints of large stalks render the whole amount of juice from them fit only to produce an inferior kind of molasses. I found on experiment that b}^ cutting out the joints, and crushing the remaining part of the stalk, sugar might be made, but still of an inferior quality. The molasses, of which there was a large proportion, was bitter and disagreeable. From one to two feet of the lower part of these stalks was full of juice, but the balance, as it approached the top, became dryer and afforded but little. From the foregoing experiments we see that in order to obtain the purest juice and the greatest quantity we must adopt a mode of cultivation which will prevent the large and luxuriant growth of the stalk. The planting should be done with a drilling machine. One man, with a pair of horses and an instrument of this kind, will plant and cover in the most perfect manner from ten to twelve acres in a day; the rows (if practicable, let them run North and South) two and a half feet apart, and the seed dropped sufficiently thick in the row to insure a plant every two or three inches. A large harrow, made with teeth arranged so as not to injure the corn, may be used with advantage soon after it is up. The after culture is performed with a cultivator, and here will be perceived one of the great advantages of drilling; the plants all growing in lines, perfectly regular and straight with each other, the horse-hoe stirs the earth and cuts the weeds close by every one, so that no hand-hoeing will be required in any part of the cultivation. It is part of the system of cane-planting in Louisiana to raise as full 556 a stand of cane upon the ground as possible, experience having proved that the most sugar is obtained from the land in this way. As far as my experience has gone, the same thing is true of corn. The next operation is taking off the ears. Many stalks will not produce any; but whenever they appear they must be removed. Any time before the formation of grain upon them will be soon enough. Nothing further is neces- sary to be done until the crop is ready to be cut for grind- ing. The stalks should be topped and bladed while stand- ing in the field. They are then cut, tied in bundles, and taken to the mill. The mills used for grinding the Chinese sugar corn will answer every purpose. The tops and blades when properly cured make an excellent fodder. On the whole, there appears ample encouragement for perseverance. Every step in the investigation has increased the probability of success, no evidence having been discov- ered why it should not succeed as well if not better on a large scale than it has done on a small one. 1. In the first place it has been satisfactorily proved that sugar of an excellent quality, suitable for common use without refining, may be made from the stalks of maize. 2. That the juice of this plant, when cultivated in a certain manner, contains saccharine matter remarkably free from foreign substances. 3. The quantity of this juice (even supposing we had no other evidence about it) is sufficiently demonstrated by the great amount of nutritive grain which it produces in the natural course of vegetation. It is needless to expatiate on the vast advantages which would result from the introduc- tion of this manufacture into our country. The process which has been employed in the manufac- ture of maize sugar is as follows : the juice, after coming from the mill, stood for a short time to deposit some of its coarser impurities. It was then poured off, and passed through a flannel strainer, in order to get rid of such mat- ter as could be separated in this way. Lime-water, called milk of lime, was then added, in the proportion of one or 557 two tablespoonfuls to the gallon. It is said by sugar man- ufacturers that knowledge on this point can only be acquired by experience ; but I have never failed in making sugar from employing too much or too little of the lime. A certain portion of this substance, however, is undoubt- edly necessary, and more or less than this will be injurious, but no precise directions can be given about it. The juice was then placed over the fire and brought nearly to the boiling point, when it was carefully skimmed, taking care to complete this operation before ebullition cMmenced. It was then boiled down rapidly, removing the lum as it rose. The juice was examined from time to time, and if there was any appearance of feculent particles which would not rise to the surface it was again passed through a flan- nel strainer. In judging when the syrup is sufficiently boiled a portion was taken between the thumb and finger, and if when moderately cool a thread half an inch long could be drawn it was considered to be done, and poured into broad, shallow vessels to crystallize. In some cases crystallization commenced in twelve hours ; in others not till after several days ; and in no case was this process so far completed as to allow the sugar to be drained in less than three weeks from the time of boiling. The reason why so great a length of time was required I have not yet discovered. There is no doubt that an improved process of manufacture will cause it to granulate as quickly as any other. The stripping the ears from the corn is esteemed by some essential in the production of sugar, though not in the pro- duction of a much smaller quantity of excellent molasses. The principal labor consists in stripping off the leaves, which should be done before the stalks are cut. Dr. Wau- dain, of Delaware, says (So. Cult. p. 26, vol. i) that the corn should be planted as broom-corn is commonly planted — very close in the row, probably a stalk every four inches. At a meeting of the French Academy M. Biot read the report of a committee, which paper contained the follow- ing statements : of the corn-stalks experimented upon the 558 ears had been removed from one portion and left to grow on others. The juice obtained from the stalks which had been castrated yielded twelve per cent, of sugar ; that ex- pressed from the stalks on which the ears had been permit- ted to grow thirteen per cent. ; so that so far as France is concerned the results of former experiments may be fal- lacious. "The juice of maize contains as much if not a larger proportion of sugar than that of sugar-cane." Farmer's Encyc. The r«fter interested will find the several numbers of Southen*Cultivator, vols, i, ii, iii, and iv. See pp. 17, 19, and 25, aud 90 of vol. i, a large number of papers on this subject. I regret that I can only refer to them. Hun- dreds of pounds of sugar were made by several persons. Six hundred to six thousand pounds can be made from one acre. It must be far easier to ciystallize than that from sorghum. It has been advised to take off the tassel instead of the ear in order to increase the saccharine principle. Twenty-five gallons of juice make four gallons of syrup, and a gallon of juice will produce one and one-quarter pounds of sugar. The corn is not lost as fodder, and the salted refuse is also good. The boiling of the syrup should be commenced immediately after the corn is cut. The high price of sugar and molasses adds increased importance to this subject. I obtain the following from the Louisville Courier : Paper. — The manufacture of paper from the leaves of Indian corn is becoming extensive in Austria. The paper is said to be tougher than ordinary paper made from rags, while it is almost wholly free from silica, which makes paper produced from straw so brittle. If the above be true it is a discovery of immense impor- tance to the United States. We consume more paper than any other nation, and have Indian corn to make it of. If Indian corn paper be tougher than rag or straw paper it is just what we need, and our already monstrous corn crop, which in 1850 was 592,071,000 bushels to 100,485,000 bush- els of wheat, and is mainly devoted to feeding our immense 559 herds of live stock, will be greatly extended, and paper go down in price. Paper, from Indian corn leaves. — The London Daily Tele- graph gives the following account of paper-making from Indian corn leaves, which promises to make a revolution in the paper business if only half is true that is stated, and we do not see any reason to doubt its correctness : "Recent experiments have proved Indian corn to possess not only all the qualities necessary to make a good article, but to be in many respects superior to rags. The discovery to which we allude is a complete success, and may be ex- pected to exercise the greatest influence upon the price of paper. Indian corn, in countries of a certain degree of temperature, can be easily cultivated to a degree more than sufficient to satisfy the utmost demands of the paper market. Besides, as rags are likely to fall in price owing to the extensive supply resulting from this new element, the world of writers and readers would seem to have a brighter future before it than the boldest fancy would have imagined a short time ago. " This is not the first time that paper has been manufac- tured from the blade of Indian corn ; but strange to say, the art was lost, and required to be discovered anew. As early as the seventeenth century an Indian corn paper manufactory was in full operation at the town of Bievi, in Italy, and enjoyed a world-wide reputation at the time ; but with the death of its proprietor it seems to have lapsed into oblivion. Attempts subsequently made to continue the manufacture were baffled by the difficulty of removing the flint, and resinous, and glutinous matter contained in the blade. The recovery of the process has at last been effected, and is due to the cleverness of one Herr Moritz Diamant, a Jewish writing master in Austria, and the trial of his method on a grand scale, which was made at the Imperial manufactory of Schlogelmuhle, near Grlognitz, Lower Austria, has completely demonstrated the certainty of the invention. Although the machinery, arranged as it was for the manufacture of rag paper, could not of course 560 fully answer the requirements of Herr Diamant, the results of the essay were wonderfully favorable. The article pro- duced was of a purity of texture and whiteness of color that left nothing to be desired; and this is all the more valuable from the difficulty usually experienced in the removal of impurities from rags. The proprietor of the invention is Count Carl Octavio Zu Lippe "Wessenfeld, and several experiments give the following results : "1. It is not ouly possible to produce every variety of paper from the blades of Indian corn, but the product is equal and in some respects even superior to the article manufactured from rags. " 2. The paper requires but very little size to render it fit for writing purposes, as the pulp naturally contains a large proportion of that necessary ingredient, which can at the same time be easily eliminated if desirable. "3. The bleaching is effected by an extraordinarily rapid and facile process, and indeed for the common light-col- ored packing paper the process becomes entirely unneces- sary. u 4. The Indian corn paper possesses greater strength and tenacity than rag paper, without the drawback of brittleness, so conspicuous in the common straw products. f 5. No machinery being required in the manufacture of this paper for the purpose of tearing up the raw material and reducing it to pulp, the expense both in point of power and time is far less than is necessary for the production of rag paper. "Count Lippe having put himself in communication with the Austrian Government an Imperial manufactory for Indian corn paper (maishalm papier, as the inventor calls it) is now in course of construction at Pesth, the capital of the greatest Indian corn-growing country in Europe. An- other manufactory is already in full operation in Switzer- land, and preparations are being made on the coast of the Mediterranean for the production and exportation on a large scale of the pulp of this new material." Manufactures from corn-shucks. — A foreigner has filed his 561 application in Washington (with specimens) for a patent for various uses made of maize shucks. The varieties include yarn, maize cloth, paper of beautiful qualities (white and colored), from silk to parchment texture, maize flour, etc. Soap it is said can be made from corn-shucks by pouring strong lye over them, boiling, taking out the strings, and supplying more material. Graminace^e. (The Grass Tribe.) Well known for their great value for many purposes. Anthoxanthum odoratum, L. Probably imported; found near Savannah river, and around Charleston. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 316 and 514. It has been used as a tonic and cordial. The fragrance, according to the analyses of Vogel, depends upon the presence of ben- zoic acid. Lind. Hat. Syst. 319. This grass, as well as JSolcus odoratus, contains benzoic acid (Wilson). It is thought to improve the quality of mutton. "From its dwarfy growth, and the close sward it forms, it is recommended to be sown on lawns or ornamental grounds." In Patent Office Reports on Agriculture, 1854, p. 22, some information is given concerning some of the best grasses for pasturage suitable to this country. The spurry (Spergula arvensis) is introduced, but grows abundantly in our fields. In Germany and France it is much cultivated as a winter pasturage for cattle; mutton, as also the milk and butter of cows fed with it, are stated by Thaer to be of very superior quality. It is usually sown on stubble fields after the grain crops have been removed. "But the principal use to which this plant can be applied in this country is as a green manure on poor, dry, sandy, or worn out soils." See article cited. See, also, in Patent Office Reports, Agriculture, p. 187, an account of the couch- grass (Triticum repens), by C. E. Potter, of I^ew Hampshire: "It is a stocky, hardy, sweet plant, and if properly cut and cured will command a higher price in the market where it 36 562 is known than the herds'-grass or timothy." Besides, it is easily propagated from roots on poor lands — even on pine plains. It is very difficult, however, to eradicate. The writ- er states that is heavier than any other grass when dried, and will produce more weight of fodder upon a given space. The reader interested in the best grasses to be planted for hay to supply the loss of Northern hay can consult arti- cle on "Textile and Forage Crops," Patent Office Reports, 1855, p. 252. See, also, Patent Office Reports, 308, 1858, on the cutting and curing of hay. The Southern planter can here obtain information which may aid him in substituting native for the imported. There are two grasses planted in Holland that I think fit to cite here, as they may be made useful where drainage is employed, or banks formed to pre- vent the encroachment of water, viz : the sand or sea-side lime grass (Elymus arenarius), which Sir H. Davy found to contain one-third of its weight of sugar, hence called the "sugar-cane of Great Britain." It is too hard and coarse to be eaten by animals, unless cut up. "The purpose for which this plant is generally employed, and for which its creeping, matted roots fit it in an eminent degree, is for binding loose sands when sown with the sea-reed (Arundo arenaria), to prevent the encroachment of the sea. The world renowned dikes of Holland owe much of their strength and durability to the protection afforded by these remarkable plants." See Patent Office Reports, 1854, p. 26. We have two species of Elymus growing within the Confederate States. See article "After grass" in Wilson's Rural Cyc, for method of raising grass and hay to advan- tage, procuring a double crop, the combination of grasses, etc. Law's Practical Agriculture, and Loudon's Encyc. of Agriculture; Wilson's articles "Agricultural seeds" and " Grasses," " Agrostis" etc.; Sinclair's Hortus Grameneus Wobernensis, and Richardson's Essay on Fiorin (fiorin is pro- duced from an aquatic grass, Agrostis stolonifera longiflord). Alopecurns pratejisis, meadow or tall grass, which is found in the Confederate States, is much cultivated as a grass in Europe ; it is much relished by horses and cattle. For wet 563 soils Agrostis, and the Poa can be cultivated with great ad- vantage, furnishing the greatest yield. In England they plant a mixture of the most valuable grasses upon scientific principles, upon land ill adapted for any other product, using lime, etc. See article cited, also Rural Cyc, article "Barren soils," for plants best adapted to such soils. See, also, Ben- zoin." The Agrostis stolonifera latifolia (Fiorin) is considered by many in England as the best and most productive grass to sow on wet meadows ; it is said to yield enormous crops, and it vegetates during the cold portions -of the year. It has been a subject of much discordant opinion. See Rich- ardson's Essay on Agriculture, and his Memoir on "Fiorin grass." "Wilson, in his Rural Cyc, article "Food of Animals," gives a list of the plants which are entirely avoided by all animals; also the leaves of certain trees and plants which can be used as substitutes for hay, when it is scarce, as fol- lows: the leaves of elm, mulberry, ash, hornbeam; the lime trees (Tiliri), the common maple and sycamore; the common acacia (Robinia pseudacacia) ; the willows, the poplars, the birches, beeches, plane trees, chesnuts, oaks, dogwood (Cornus); hazel (Corylus) ; furze (Ulex), and the vine are frequently used, he says, for this purpose on the Continent, in places where they happen to be plentiful. The green leaves of a tolerably large number of vegetables are annually cultivated on a large scale, either as food for man or for cattle, such as the leaves of maize, beet root, cabbage, carrot, parsnip, potato, and some others, all of which may be used for this purpose. Op. cit. So, also, the roots of a great many plants — the turnip, carrot, etc. In our present difficulty of obtaining provisions for man and horse, many of these articles might be obtained by sol- diers, detailed for the purpose from regiments in the service, particularly for the use of the cavalry horses. It is only necessary to know precisely what are the leaves or roots which are edible. See u Zea." Consult Rural Cyc, articles "Grasses," "Hay," "Hay -making," for much information on forage crops and grasses, etc. 564 Lolium temulerdum, L. Bearded darnel, Kyle. Grain fields of North Carolina. (Chap.) Johnston, in his "Chemistry of Common Life," vol. ii, classes this among the intoxicating substances that are liable to get mixed up with rye or wheat, and render it poisonous. It "creeps occasionally into our fermented liquors and our bread." It grows abundantly in corn- fields, and is cut with the grain. "They have been long known to possess narcotic and singularly intoxicating prop- erties. When malted along with barley, which when the grain is ill cleaned sometimes unintentionally happens, they impart their intoxicating quality to the beer, and render it unusually and even dangerously heady. When ground up with wheat and made into bread -they produce a similar effect, especially if the bread be eaten hot. Many instan- ces are on record in which effects of this kind, sometimes amusing, and sometimes alarming, have been produced by the unintentional consumption of darnellecl bread or beer. A recent case occurred, on Christmas day, 1853, at Roscrea, in Ireland, where several families, containing not less than thirty persons, were poisoned by eating darnel flour in their whole meal bread. They were attacked by giddiness, staggering, violent tremors, similar to those experienced in the delirium tremens produced by intoxicating liquors, viz: impaired vision, coolness of the skin and extremities, par- tial paralysis, and in some cases vomiting. By the use of emetics and stimulants, all were recovered, though greatly prostrated in strength. The narcotic principle in these seeds has not yet been discovered. When distilled with water they yield a light and a heavy volatile oil; but that the narcotic virtue resides in these oils has not yet been shown. No volatile alkali like the nicotin of tobacco has been detected in the water and oils which distilled over." Page 148. Wilson, in his Rural Cyc, affirms the highly dangerous properties of the darnel. Its seeds being about the same size as wheat are often exceedingly difficult to be sepa- rated, and when they "find their way with the wheat into 565 bread flour they prove highly noxious to man, injuring his health, and sometimes producing delirium, stupefaction, and other symptoms of poisoning." "It fearfully deterio- rates many samples of foreign wheat." I insert this, also, because many of these symptoms, caused by eating bad flour, have been ascribed to ergot. The people of whole provinces in France were affected, and a commission had to be sent to inquire into the cause, which was ascribed to ergot. See "Ergot" "Ergote-tici," Panicum dactyloji, L. ) Bermuda grass. Common Digitaria " Ell. Sk. J in the low country; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. Aug. Dem. £lem. de Bot. iii, 289. The root is used in the shape of a ptisan, as an aperient, and diuretic. The extract is said to purge like manna. It is eaten by dogs to pro- cure vomiting. The plant contains a nutritive principle. Panicum lialieum, Walt. Large-spiked panicum. Grows in ponds and damp soils; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. Sept. Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 286. Detersive and mucilagin- ous; eaten by birds, but said to be injurious to man. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. v, 182. Phleum pratense, Linn. Timothy grass. Grows on Sul- livan's island. It is supposed to be a valuable grass. On the subject of substitutes for Northern hay, see "Cul- tivation of hay, cutting, and curing," Patent Office Re- ports, 1858, p. 308. Grass for hay should be cut at that period when the largest amount of gluten, sugar, and other matters soluble in water are contained in it. That period is not, generally speaking, when the plants have shot into seed, for the principal substance is then woody fibre, which is insoluble in water, and therefore unfitted for being as- similated in the stomach. It has been ascertained that when the grass first springs above the surface of the earth, the chief constituent of the blades is water, the amount of 566 solid matter being comparatively trifling ; as its growth advances, the deposition of a more indurated form of car- bon gradually becomes more considerable, the sugar and soluble matter at first increasing, then gradually diminish- ing, to give way to the deposition of woody substance, the saccharine juices being in the greatest abundance when the grass is in full flower, but before the seed is formed. Many of the natural pasture grasses — timothy grass (Phleum pratense) — are exceptions to this rule. The culms of the latter "are found to contain more nutritious matter when the seed is ripe than those of any other species of grass that has been submitted to experiment; the value of the culms simply exceeds that of the grass when in flower in the pro- portion of fourteen to five." Holcus sorghum. Guinea corn; Indian millet, or doura corn. This plant, a native of India, has been for a long time cultivated with great success on the plantations in South Carolina and Georgia, and it grows throughout the South- ern states. The seed are produced in great abundance — they are pounded and eaten by the negroes, and are fed to poultry. The Guinea corn makes excellent brooms, and it affords one of the best materials to supply the demand, not only during the present difficulties, but, I trust, in the future also. A brief paper on its culture can be found in the Patent Office Reports, Agricult, 1854, p. 161, by & T. Sorsby, of Alabama. The reddish-brown variety is much more prolific than the white, as it matures early. "The plant grows well on the poorest soils, and makes a good crop on our limestone rock, where there is enough of it disintegrated to support the stalk." It needs but little cul- ture ; after it gets a start it defies weeds and grass, and will make a crop in spite of every disaster. "It is sometimes cut green for soiling cattle aud mules, and if properly done", so as not to injure the buds near the ground, it may be cut several times in a season. It is also cured and made into fodder or hay. The stalks are sometimes cut before frost 567 and put into barns, and then fed to stock. They remain green for months, and do not ferment nor spoil so soon as Indian corn or other grain." This plaint will therefore serve as a substitute for Northern hay. Sorghum vulgare, Pers. Doura corn. Cultivated. It is said to yield a larger bulk of seed per acre than any other cereal grass whatever, not even excepting maize. It has a nutritive quality about equal to that of average sam- ples of British wheat; it yields a beautiful white flour when crushed ; and it may without any deterioration be mixed or ground up with wheaten flour, though it differs from wheat, and has some affinity to oats in containing a large quantity of casein. See Wilson's Rural Cyc. The broom-corn is S. saccharatum ; the Guinea corn S. cernuum, Willd, according to Chapman's So. Flora. Mr. N". P. Walker, late principal of the Institute for the Blind, at Cedar 'Springs, near Spartanburg, S. C, 'writes word that brooms are manufactured in large quantities by the blind from broom-corn grown in the vicinity. Sorghum saccharatum. Chinese sugar-cane. (Sorgho sucre.) M. De Montigny, the French consul, introduced into Europe the Chinese sugar-cane. Its juice furnishes three important products, namely : sugar, which is identical with that of cane, alcohol, and a fermented drink analogous to cider. The density varies, and the proportion of the sugar contained in it, from ten to sixteen per cent., a third part of which is sometimes uncrystallizable. To this quantity of uncrystallizable sugar this juice owes its facility of readily fermenting, and " consequently the large amount of alcohol it produces compared with the saccharine matter, observed directly by the saccharometer." Climate makes a great difference in the amount of sugar this plant yields. "As the molasses, too, is identical with that manufactured from the cane, it may be used in the distillation of rum, alcohol, and the liquor called ' tapa,' which resembles brandy. It will be remembered, too, that in the manufacture of brandy 568 or alcohol the uncrystallizable sugar can be turned to ac- count, which in a measure would otherwise be lost. Anoth- er advantage consists in. the pureness of the juice, which when thus converted, from the superiority of, its quality can be immediately brought into consumption and use." The alcohol produced by onty one distillation is nearly des- titute of foreign flavor, having an agreeable taste somewhat resembling noyau, being much less ardent or fiery than rum. M. Vilmorin observes that the sugar is most abun- dant at the putting forth of the spikes, but the proportion of the sugar in the stalks continues to increase until the seeds are in a milky state. See Patent Office Reports, Agricult., 1854, p. 223. I have seen excellent molasses made from this plant in South Carolina by ordinary mills. The flavor and taste was equal to good quality of treacle, and it furnishes a most nutritious and useful food for negroes. In Patent Office Reports, 1855, pp. 280-284, are two statements by residents of New York and Penns}dva- nia on the planting of the sorghum, also a republication of Gov. J. H. Hammond's early experience with it. The plant attains from ten to fourteen feet in height. I found that in the City of Charleston, on a bit of ground which was too wet to mature any vegetable, and subject to the tides, this plant grew to a great height, even when closely sown. I am convinced that it is particularly suitable to be planted as a substitute for hay, and particularly in lands even too wet for corn. It also grows well on high dry land. One of the writers just referred to thinks it will be of great benefit to every section of the country, "not only as a green feed during the hot months, but after being cut up and cured like the corn plant; its stalks may be steamed during the winter and given to horses, oxen, or cows, which will com- mence eating at one end and never leave them till entirely consumed." Gov. Hammond had a rude mill put up with two beech- wood rollers. Ten canes selected, the heads of which were fully matured, yielded three quarts of syrup. The juice tested by the saccharometer showed that the youngest had 569 rather the most and the oldest rather the least saccharine matter; he made syrup "equal to the best we could obtain from New Orleans." Lime-water of the consistency of cream was put to every five gallons of the cold juice. "A good sugar mill, with three wooden rollers, may be erected for less than twenty-five dollars, and a sugar boiler that will make thirty gallons of syrup a day, may be purchased in Augusta for less than sixty dollars." Since the period at which this was written, great improvements have been made in machinery, etc. IsTo doubt, sufficient cane for syrup, and tobacco for the use of negroes should be raised on every plantation. Syrup made by Mr. J. T. White, near Charleston, which I tasted, was as palatable as need be. Patent Office Reports, 1857, contain chemical researches by Prof. C. T. Jackson (p. 185) upon the Sorghum. It was also determined that the " Chi- nese and African sugar-canes, broom-corn, and doura are only varieties of a primitive species, the AndrojDogon sor- ghum of authors, or allowing the genus Sorghum to stand, Sorghum, vulgare. These plants should not be allowed to amalgamate. The saccharine secretions of one variety will be diminished by cross fecundation with another not produc- ing an equal amount; and the saccharine qualities peculiar to one may be lost by planting in a soil or climate differing from that which has brought them forth in unusual quality. If their cultivation as a forage crop, and a syrup and sugar- producing plant shall prove profitable, the use of the grain in the form of flour, as well as food for stock, may consid- erably diminish the cost of productions. Bost. Soc. ISTat. Hist. Proc. Molasses and sugar are both powerfully anti- septic, and may be used in place of salt. Wilson states "that a comparatively small quantity of sugar, without any salt will, if applied to the muscular parts of the open fish, preserve salmon, cod, and whiting for several days, and im- part to them no disagreeable taste." Rural Cyc. Prof. J. Lawrence Smith, of South Carolina, in an ex- amination of the sugar-bearing capacity of the Chinese sugar-cane, expresses himself with great moderation. He 570 reminds the reader that there are two well known varieties of sugar, viz : glucose, or grape sugar (a sugar moderately sweet, and difficult of crystallization), and cane sugar, with a very sweet taste, and easily crystallized. The first form occurs most abundantly in fruits, the latter in the sugar- cane, the beet root, the watermelon, maple, etc. Now the cane sugar is easily convertible into grape sugar, and in all processes for extracting the former, one important aim is to prevent this transformation. "For instance, were we to take the juice of the sugar-cane (containing about twenty per cent, of crystallizable sugar) and concentrate it, with- out subjecting it to the action of lime, or some other defe- cating agent, fully half of the sugar would be rendered un crystallizable, and there would be only a small yield of sugar, but a large amount of molasses." So the impurities must be regarded which may give rise to the alteration mentioned, and the yield of sugar may depend upon the care and skill in working the juices. Dr. Smith then asserts that the juices of the cane deteriorate when kept, and ad- vises that no time be lost after cutting in expressing the juice. By etfaminirig with polarized light (the most accu- rate method), the juice being previously clarified by acetate of lead, he says, "this result settles the question that the great bulk of the sugar contained in the Sorgho is crystallizable or cane sugar -proper. " The difference of opinion which has existed on this subject no doubt arose, it is added, from the fact that different degrees of care had been taken in the con- centration of the juice, or that a more or less perfect proc- ess of defecation was resorted to. He used Soleil's polar- izing saccharometer. Dr. Smith then speaks of the processes for separating the sugar. Not successful with the method transmitted by Mr. Wray through the Patent Office, he prefers the following : warm the fresh juice rapidly to 120° F.; then add to each gallon of juice three ounces of lime, first slacking it with five or six times its weight of water, then bringing the tem- perature up to 200°. It is then filtered, and carbonic acid passed through the juice, afterward filtered and evaporated to a proper consistency for crystallization. 571 Each time that the juice is filtered if it be allowed to pass through well washed animal charcoal, the syrup may be made very clear and the sugar prepared from it will be perfectly white. During the evaporation the temperature should at no time exceed 215°. It often happens that we have days and even weeks for the crystallization to take place ; but it may always be hastened by adding to the thick syrup when cool a few grains of brown sugar or a little pulverized white sugar. "It must not be forgotten that sugar making is an art, and cannot be practised by every one with a mill and a set of kettles ; also, in extract- ing sugar from one vegetable, we are not to expect to apply successfully those methods practised on other vegetables. It was not by applying to the beet root the method of ex- tracting sugar from the cane that France is now able to produce 120,000,000 pounds of sugar from that root. "What was necessary, for the beet root is doubtless required for the sorgho, viz: a thorough study of its nature, with a process of extracting the sugar specially adapted to it." Another observer, from Missouri, says that a proper mill for grinding the cane would consist of three cast iron rollers placed horizontally, so that the cane when passed through the mill would come out quite dry. Then a set of iron kettles made broad and shallow, ranged in a furnace so that evaporation might be accomplished more rapidly, would be a near approximation to the true method of grinding the cane and making molasses. That the reader may appreciate some of the difficulties in the crystallization of sugar, and perhaps obviate them thereby, I will condense some passages from the article on " Sugar " in Wilson's Cyc. It applies as well to the prob- lem of the sugar-producing powers of the Sorghum : All acids have the effect of rendering sugar uncrystal- lizable. This is the case with citric, tartaric, and oxalic acids, which completely and forever destroy in sugar the property of crystallization. Alkaline substances also pre- vent the crystallization of sugar when mixed in excess. In the manufacture of sugar, therefore, from the expressed 572 juice of the cane, the beet, or any other sacchariferous plant, the quantity of sugar will be less, and that of mo- lasses greater, whenever too much lime is used in the first purification of the juice. In pressing sugar-cane the juice which runs from the mill passes directly into a large boiler, in which, for purification, it is heated but not boiled with lime. The use of this alkaline earth has a twofold object — to neutralize the acetic acid which exists ready formed in the woody part of the cane and is pressed out by the mill together with the saccharine juice, and to clear this juice from various foreign matters mingled with it. By the application of gradual heat these impurities form a cake with the lime at the surface of the resinous liquid, which is drawn off* clear and conveyed to the first boiler. After going through several successive boilers, in each of which it is boiled to a thicker consistence, it at length becomes a thick, dark syrup, when it is put into shallow, fiat coolers. The molasses separates from it. In the very damp dis- tricts the cane yields no crystallizable sugar, when the whole of the juice is used in the manufacture of spirits. Dr. J. Brown, in 1857, reported from the U. S. Agricul- tural Society as follows, concerning the sorghum canes : the yield of juice in weight of well trimmed stalks was about fifty per cent. The number of gallons of juice required to make a gallon of syrup varied from five to ten, according to the locality, the nature of the soil on which it was pro- duced, and the succulent condition and maturity of the canes. In the province of New Brunswick it required ten to one ; in the rich bottom lands of Indiana and Illinois about seven to one : and in the light lauds of Maryland and Virginia five gallons to one of syrup [observe the effects of climate and latitude]. The yield of syrup per acre varied .from one hundred and fifty to four hundred gallons. The amount of pure alcohol produced by the juice ranged from five to nine per cent. In cases where the plant was well matured and grew upon a warm, light soil, the juice yielded from thirteen to sixteen per cent, of dry, saccharine matter, from nine to eleven per cent, of 573 which was well defined, crystallized cane sugar, and the remainder uncrystallizable matter or glucose, but that taken from stalks obtained on rich low lands, luxuriant in their growth, yielded considerably less. A palatable bread was made from the flour ground from the seeds of this plant, of a pinkish color, caused by the remnants of the pellicles pr hulls of the seeds. By ac- counts from all parts of the country, this plant is univer- sally admitted to be a wholesome, nutritious, and economi- cal food for animals, all parts of it being greedily devoured in a green or dried state bj^ horses, cattle, sheep, poultry, and swine, without injurious effects, the two latter fatten- ing upon it equally well as upon corn. Paper of various qualities has been manufactured from the fibrous parts of the stalk, some of which appears to be particularly fitted for special use, such as bank notes, wrapping paper, etc. Prof. C. T. Jackson, in his chemical researches (p. 187, P. 0. Reports, 1857), found by experiment that " it was necessary to defecate the juice of the sorghum before set- ting it to ferment, otherwise the vinous fermentation sets in and converts all the sugar into lactic acid and mannite. Hence, when either vinegar, alcofrbl, or wine is to be made from the juice of this plant, it must first be clarified or de- fecated by lime and heat, and then filtered. When this is done the juice is readily made to undergo the vinous fer- mentation by the addition of a little brewer's yeast, and afterward the returns will serve for yeast to any quantity of the juice that it may be desired to ferment. I mention this because I know that many persons, unaware of the above named facts, have lost the sorghum juice they had endeavored to ferment both for vinegar and wine. At the proper temperature the sorghum juice will undergo the vinous fermentation in from three to five days." Dr. Jackson, though he does not supply the great desideratum, viz : a simple and clear method of obtaining the sugar, is convinced that both the Chinese and the African variety of the sorghum "will produce sugar of the cane type, perfectly 574 and abundantly, wherever the canes will ripen their seeds." He trusts that even the farmers of the Northern and the North-western states will not be discouraged. He says that if vacuum apparatus could be applied to this manufac- ture it would be far more sure to succeed, and " perhaps in the operations of a large farmer it may not prove an un- profitable investment to set up yacaum pans on his estate, expressly for sugar-boiling. If this cannot be done, we have only to caution the experimenters against burning the syrup, and to ask them to wait at least a week before they expect to see their sugar granulate." The following is the plan recommended by Prof Jackson in the "Manufacture of sugar and syrup from the juice:" " Omitting as of no immediate practical value to the manufacturer the more refined processes which were em- ployed in determining the amount of saccharine matter in the juice of this plant, I now describe a cheap and econom- ical method of syrup and sugar making, which may be used by the farmer. In the first place, it is necessary to filter the juice of the plant as it comes from the mill, in order to remove the cellulose and fibrous matters and the starch, all of which are present in itwhen expressed. A bag filter, or one made of a blanket, placed in a basket, will answer this purpose. Next we have to add a sufficiency of milk of lime (that is, lime slacked and mixed with water) to the juice to render it slightly alkaline, as shown by its changing turmeric paper to a brown color, or reddened litmus p%per to a blue. A small excess of lime is not injurious. After this addition the juice should be boiled say for fifteen min- utes. A thick, greenish scum rapidly collects on the sur- face, which is to be removed by a skimmer, and then the liquid should again be filtered. It will be of a pale, straw color, and ready for evaporation. It may now be boiled down quite rapidly to about half its original bulk, after which the fire must be kept low, the evaporation to be carried on with great caution, and the syrup constantly stirred to prevent it from burning at the bottom of the ket- tle or evaporating pan. Portions of the syrup are to be 575 taken out from time to time and allowed to cool, to see if it is dense enough to crystallize. It should be about as dense as sugar-house molasses or tar. When it has reached this condition, it may be withdrawn from the evap- orating vessel, and be placed in tubs or casks to granulate. Crystals of sugar will begin to form generally in three or four days ; and sometimes nearly the whole mass will granulate, leaving but little molasses to be drained. After is has solidified, it may be scooped out into conical bags, made of coarse, open cloth, or of canvas, which are to be hung over the receivers of molasses, and the drainage being much aided by warmth, it will be useful to keep the temperature of the room at 80° or 90° Fahr. After some days the sugar may be removed from the bags, and will be found to be a good brown sugar. It may now be refined by dissolving it in hot water, adding to the solution some whites of eggs (say one egg for one hundred pounds of sugar) mixed with cold water; after which the temperature is to be raised to the boiling point, and the syrup should be allowed to remain at that point for half an hour ; then skim and filter to remove the coagulated albumen, and the impurities it has extracted from .the sugar. By means of bone-black, such as is prepared for sugar refiners, the sugar may be decolored by adding an ounce to each gallon of the saccharine solution and boiling the whole together ; then filter, and you will obtain a nearly colorless syrup. Evapo- rate this as before directed, briskly, to half the bulk, and then slowly until dense enough to crystallize, leaving the syrup as before in tubs or pans to granulate. The sugar will be of a very light brown color, aud may now be clayed or whitened by the usual method, that is by putting it into cones and pouring a saturated solution of white sugar upon it so as to displace the molasses which will drop from the apex of the inverted cone. The sugar is now refined as loaf-sugar. The methods here described are the common and cheap ones, which any farmer can employ. It may be advantageous when operations of considerable extent are contemplated to arrange a regular system of shallow evapo- 576 rating pans for the concentration of the syrup, similar to those now used in Vermont for making maple sugar. It is now evident that no ordinary methods can compete with those of a regular sugar refinery, where vacuum pans are employed, and evaporation is consequently carried on at a very low temperature. If the planter should raise suffi- ciently large crops to warrant the expense of such an appa- ratus on his farm; he would not fail to manufacture" larger quantities of sugar, and to operate with perfect success in sugar-making ; but this can be done only in the Southern, Middle, or Western states, where extensive farming is com- mon. Those who wish to have their brown sugar clarified can send it to some of the large refineries, where the opera- tion may be completed and the sugar put up in the usual form of white loaves. "A very large proportion of our agricultural people will doubtless be satisfied with the production of a good syrup from this plant. They may obtain it by following the methods described in the first part of this paper, or they may omit the lime and make an agreeable but slightly acidulous syrup that will be of a lighter color than that which has been limed. This syrup is not liable to crystal- lize, owing to the presence of acid matter. The unripe canes can be employed for making molasses and alcohol, but, as before stated, will yield true cane sugar." I am informed (1862) that the majority of cultivators in the Confederate States have remitted all exertions to make sugar from the African or Chinese sugar-cane. Their yield of syrup, however, proves highly acceptable and remunera- tive. The plants are largely grown, and tend measurably to remedy the scarcity of Louisiana sugars and molasses. A cheap and good vinegar can be made from molasses: u To eight gallons of clear rain-water add three quarts of molasses; turn the mixture into a clean, tight cask, shake it well two or three times, and add three spoonfuls of good yeast or the yeast cakes. Place the cask in a warm place, and in ten or fifteen days add a sheet of common wrapping paper, smeared with molasses, and toru into narrow strips, 577 and you will have a good vinegar. The paper is necessary to form the 'mother' or life of the liquor." The scientific mode of making vinegar rapidly is to pass the liquor re- peatedly through barrels filled with wood shavings ; any sweet fruits, or roots, such as figs, beets, watermelon juice, etc., add to the bulk and quality; see "Beta" and " Fie us." Sweet substances added to vinegar will increase the quan- tity when exposed to the oxygen of the air for the acetous fermentation to be effected. This is promoted by heat. Mr. W. G. Simms writes me word (1863) that he made excellent vinegar during the past summer from both the May- apple and persimmon, thus: three bushels May-apple pulp, carefully crushed out of the sack, five gallons of molasses, three gallons of whiskey ; this with thirty-five gallons of water made forty gallons of fine red vinegar. The persim- mon makes a "beautiful white wine vinegar," thus: three bushels ripe persimmons, three gallons of whiskey, twenty- seven gallons of water. The following was communicated to the Charleston Cou- rier (1862) by C. Orr, of Mississippi : "I find from experiments I have made that the seed of the sugar-cane (Sorgho sucre) parched and ground as coffee, pre- pared in the usual way, but by being boiled a little longer, make an excellent substitute for coffee, and my own impression is that if it was brought into general use thousands would adopt its use instead of coffee, even if coffee should again be offered at its former low prices, from the fact that all could grow and cultivate it with so little labor, and from its - approaching so near to the best Java." Saccharum offieinarum. Sugar-cane ; cultivated in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana; growing tolera- bly well in the lower portions of South Carolina. Its value is well known. The juice is said to be an antidote for poi- soning by arsenic, and it might be temporarily substituted for the hydrated sesquioxide of iron. In Agricultural Reports of the Patent Office, 1855, p. 268, there is a paper on the "Failure of the Sugar-cane in Louisi- 37 578 ana — proposed plan for restoration," etc. A brief history of the origin of the cane is given, and the varietes usually planted. The introduction of new plants by cuttings from British Guiana, or Venezuela, is advised, and the practice of rotation with certain specified plants, viz: wheat, the Chinese yam, the bitter and sweet cassada {Jatrofha), and other fusiform roots, as well as the pea-nut, palma Christi, Bene, etc. For sugar from canes, whether Chinese or African, con- sult DeBow's Review, and the Patent Office Reports, 1848, pp. 281 and 512, for long articles with plans, drawings, and a full description; also Olcott's work on the Imphee and Sorgho, with methods of grinding, crystallizing, etc., and translations from the French. In these all the processes are described for preparation of syrup, molasses, best varieties of cane, mode of culture, etc., etc. See, also, Gov. Ham- mond's contributions and experiments in "South Carolina Agriculturist," published by Mr. A. G. Summer, Columbia, S. C, 1856. These papers are too long to admit of their introduction here, and I content myself with directing the inquirer to the best sources of information. Wax is obtain- ed from the surface of the cane by scraping. See Olcott's work for account of its collection in Algeria. Oryza sativa. Rice. Cultivated extensively in the lower portion of South Carolina and Georgia, on the Cooper and Santee rivers. IT. S. Disp. 1268. The "seeds, being wholly free from laxative power, are adapted to cases of weak bowels, in which there is a strong tendency to diarrhoea." The decoc- tion of rice water is very applicable, as a nutritive drink, to fevers, and inflammatory affections of the stomach, lungs, and kidneys. Rice starch is said to give "lawns and col- ored articles a look of newness unsurpassed." This plant is well known, and largely used as an article of food, and for exportation. See authors for references. Carolina rice was found by Bracconnot to contain 85.07 per cent, of starch, 3.60 gluten, 0.71 gum, 0.29 uncrystallizable sugar, 0.13 of 579 fixed oil, 4.80 veg. fibre, 5.00 of water, and 0.40 of saline substances. Dr. Wood (U. S. Disp.) discredits the opinion, expressed by some, that a rice diet produces injurious effects on the eyes — the condition of myope, for instance. During a residence of some years in both sections of South Caro- lina, my observations have been directed toward this point with special attention. I can safely assert that in the lower country of this state, where rice has long been a favorite article of food — the whites partaking of it every day, and in some form at almost every meal — the number of near- sighted individuals bears a proportion of at least ten to one over those residing in the upper districts, where it is well known that its use has only lately been generally introduced. So far as our experience goes, as well as that of many others, of whom inquiries have been made, scarcely an example can be found of it in the latter portion of the state, which is distinguished from the other by pretty accurately defined limits. If such a relation does exist between the quality of the ingesta and the greater convexity of the cornea, which further investigation and comparison must confirm or reject, it is exceedingly curious, there being as yet not even a hy- pothesis accounting for the modus operandi. It has also been indistinctly assumed to depend upon a long course of luxurious living in the ancestors; and another difference characterizing these divisions of the state tends to corrobo- rate this opinion, and perhaps to throw some light on the existing disparity with respect to the power of vision. This is found in the fact that the seaboard of South Carolina was earliest settled by the Cavaliers and Huguenots, comprising many individuals of large means, who have for several gen- erations been enabled to indulge in most of the comforts and luxuries of life. The case was otherwise with respect to the upper portions, where the inhabitants for some time lived necessarily in a more plain and frugal way. Any ob- jections to the first ground, founded on the assertion that the negroes in the lower country are not affected iu this way, may be anticipated by the reply that we seldom or never know when there is among them such defect in the 580 power of vision ; and besides, they are in fact not generally furnished with rice as an article of food. The condition of things in Hindostan and China might throw some light on this question. I am informed by a gentleman in whose statements I put implicit confidence that rats infesting a granary where rice was stored were always found to be blind. Bread is made of rice flour by the matrons of the Con- federate States. " A quart of rice flour is made into a stiff pap by wetting it with warm water, not so hot as to make it lump ; when well wet add boiling water, as much as two or three quarts; stir it continually until it boils, then add one pint of milk; when cool enough to avoid scalding the yeast, add half a pint of good yeast and as much wheat flour as will make it of a proper consistency for bread ; put it to raise ; when sufficiently risen it will be necessary to add a little more wheat flour. If baked too soft the loaves will be hollow. The bread must stand half an hour or more in a warm place after it is put in the baking pans, and it will rise again almost as much as it did at first. The same mixture, rather thinner, baked in muffin rings makes an excellent bread." (Southern Agriculturist, from a lady.) On the plantations of South Carolina much use is made of rice in this and other ways, and I have inserted the recipe among our other "resources" in times of war and block- ade. See paper on culture of rice in P. O. Reports, 1854, by Gov. R. F. W. Allston, of South Carolina; also article "Rice," Rural Cyc. Parched rice has been used as one of the substitutes for coffee (see potato, Convolvulus). A correspondent of the Mobile Register, 1862, says that corn and rice mixed in equal parts, ground, and boiled, make an excellent substi- tute for coffee. As the grain of corn is harder than that of rice it needs more browning, and should be exposed to the heat a few moments before the rice is put in. The writer claims that " the beverage is equal to the best coffee ever drunk! " Zizania aquatica. Canada rice ; wild rice. Deep marshes and ponds; Florida, and northward. Chap. 581 This plant was experimented with by Sir Joseph Banks, by removing it from Canada to England in 1791. At first it conld scarcely endure the climate, but gradually im- proved and became thoroughly acclimated. It became "in fourteen generations as strong and as vigorous as our indig- enous plant." "It abounds in all the shallow streams of North America, feeds immense flocks of wild swans and other water-fowl, contributes largely to the support of the wandering tribes of Indians, and seems destined, in the opinion of Pinker-ton, to become the bread-corn of the North. This grain has become acclimated in Middlesex, producing bland, farinaceous seeds, which afford a very good meal." Wilson's Rural Cyc. p. 80, art. "Acclimation." It would perhaps reward the trouble to experiment with this plant at the South, in order by cultivation to procure a new cereal. Consult, also, Dr. Maoculloch on the Natural- ization of Plants, Quarterly Journal of Science, vols, xxi and xx vi. Leersia oryzoides, Swartz. Florida; Columbia; St. John's. This grass has been cultivated several years by Dr. S. Stuart at his summer residence near Pendleton. He expresses himself much pleased with it. It affords several cuttings through the season, and seeds late. Gibbes' Cata- logue of Plants, Columbia, S. C. Trichodium perennans, Ell. 1 "Walter's grass. Swamps Agrostis perennans. Gray. / and river banks ; Florida ; St. John's parish, S. C. This was the grass which was cultivated by Mr. Walter and Mr. Fraser, who published a plate and description of it for the purpose of procuring subscribers in England and this country — the seeds to be furnished at two guineas a quart when five hundred subscribers should have been ob- tained. Mr. Thos. Walter, the author of the Flora Caro- liniana, who resided at his place on the banks of the Santee, near Mexico, in St. John's, Berkley, thus speaks of it under his Cornucopia perennans ; u Gramen undique keve, 582 saceharinum, cestaiem sustinens, in hyeme vigens, radicibus geni- culisque se cito propagans. Donum inestimable, conditore ad hanc diem, reservation, hoc cevum, me instrumente, locupleia- rvml" Mr. Elliott says of it that "it is a fine, delicate winter grass, but never appears to grow vigorously enough for the scythe, nor will it bear, except in shaded or damp soils, the heat of summer. See notes to Prof. Gibbes' "Catalogue." The writer of this volume, in visiting the ancestral residence of Mr. Walter, noticed this grass still growing in close proximity. Spartina juncea, Schreber, Ell. Sk. \ "White rush ; rush- Limnetis of some Bot. / like spartina. Grows in the salt water marshes ; vicinity of Charleston ; often immersed. Fl. Aug. Dem Elem. de Bot. vi, 655. The flowers are purgative. The oil from the young branches is caustic, and is em- ployed against ringworm, and in cutaneous eruptions gen- erally. The leaves are pungent. "It has been proposed as a cultivated field plant for yielding fibre, and it would produce well on poor, silicious soils, which are unfit for flax or com. Its manufactured fibre is clear, and as strong and soft as that of flax, but is deficient in length. The plant is of small value for forage." Rural Cyc. Spartina glabra, Muhl. Cat. Salt marsh grass. Charles- ton ; Newbern. Ell. Bot. 96. This plant is greedily eaten by horses and cattle ; and though it affords a good pasturage for out-door stock, yet it is remarkable for a strong, rancid, and pecu- liar smell, affecting the breath, the milk, butter, and even the flesh of animals that feed upon it. During the block- ade of Charleston it has served as an important substitute for Northern hay ; it is also valued as a manure. Ammophila arenaria, \ Reed bent-grass. North Carolina ; Calamagrostis. j sea-shore. This plant (Arundo arenaria) is the most valuable for 58a planting on banks and on the sea-shore to prevent the encroachment of the water. It is planted in Holland for this purpose, and in Britain it is protected from destruction by law, on account of its great utility in enabling the sand to resist the action of wind and tide. JElymus arenarius is also protected in Scotland. (Wilson.) Avena saliva. Oat. Cultivated in Confederate States. See authors. Used as a food for horses. A gruel may be made of it, which is somewhat laxative, and which is employed in fevers. Triticum,. "Wheat (gluten). The best wheat for making bread is that containing the most gluten. That called Canada wheat in the United States has the highest rank ; so Dr. Beck states in a paper on the subject of the value of breadstuffs, P. 0. Reports on Agriculture. And yet Chaptal asserts that the wheat of southern countries contains more gluten than that of north- ern. Chaptal says that the next grains in order, yielding gluten, are barley, rye, and oats. Gluten may be extracted, says Chaptal, from acorns, chestnuts, horse-chestnuts, ap- ples, quinces, wheat, barley, rye, peas, and beans ; from the leaves of the cabbage, cress, hemlock, lovage, and saffron ; from the berries of the elder, the juice of the grape, etc. It is, however, contained in the greatest quantity in the grain of wheat, and it is from this that it is usually pro- cured. In order to extract gluten the flour of wheat must be kneaded into a paste with water ; this paste must be after- ward worked by the hand under a stream of water from a spout till the liquid flows off clear ; the starch, sugar, and all the other principles contained in wheat which are soluble in water, are thus carried off, and there remains in the hands only a soft, elastic, glutinous, ductile, semi- transparent substance, adhering to the fingers after it has lost its moisture, and exhaling an animal odor; this sub- stance is called gluten, or the vegeto-animal 'principle. There 584 are some very nutritive vegetables, the author adds, in which the starch instead of being combined with gluten, as it is in the bread corns, is united with mucilage ; this is the case with peas, beans, and potatoes. The flour of these will not alone make bread, but it is frequently used in years of scarcity, mixed with that of wheat to increase the quantity of bread. It is not unusual in the domestic econ- omy of our plantations ( to have excellent bread by com- bining the sweet potato (Convolvulus) with wheat flour. An agreeable, sweet taste is thus imparted to the bread. The wheat used in making starch in England is either entire or coarsely bruised, and is steeped in cold water till it swells and yields by pressure a milky juice ; it is then subjected to pressure in coarse bags placed in vats filled with water. When all the milky juice is expressed, the bags are removed, the fecula gradually subsides to the bottom, and the supernatant liquid soon ferments and suffers a resolution of the principles dissolved in it into alcohol and acetic acid. The whole, after fermentation, is poured into tubs called frames, and after the fecula sub- sides in these, the supernatant liquid is poured off — the upper part of the sediment, being dirty and discolored, is scraped off — and the rest of the sediment, constituting the main bulk and purest portion of the fecula, is repeatedly well washed, pressed in cloths, and dried by a gentle heat; during the process of drying it so contracts as to form itself into the somewhat regular, small, six-sided columns in which it is sold in the shops. In this comparatively pure state it is of course less suited as an aliment than sago, arrow-root, etc. Wilson's Rural Cyc. Consult, also, Ure's Diet. Arts. In South Carolina wheat flour starch is pre- ferred to that procured from the potato. Rice makes an excellent starch. Parched wheat, rye, and corn have been used, as was said, as substitutes for coffee. The following is offered by a contributor to a newspaper: " The best substitute for coffee, and a practical receipt for its preparation. — Take rye, boil it, but not so much as to burst the grain, then dry it either in the sun, on a stove, or a 585 kiln, after which it is ready for parching, to be used like the real coffee bean. Prepared in this manner it can hardly be distinguished from the genuine coffee. The rye when boiled and dried will keep for any length of time, and consequently can be done at some convenient moment, so as to have it ready whenever wanted for parching." Ctenium Americanum, Spreng. 1 Low pine barrens; Flor- Monocera aromatica, Ell. J ida to North Carolina. The root of this grass is aromatic and highly pungent. Glyccria ftaitans, Poa of Ell. Sk. 1 Floating sweet Festuca of Linn. J meadow-grass ; water fescue. Grows in the upper districts ; Newbern. Fl. Aug. Dem. Elem. de Bot. iii, 307. It furnishes a species of manna. Wilson states that it will yield a considerable produce even on common undrained land. It constitutes a valuable forage for animals. Its seeds form a common and enriching food for fresh water fish, for aquatic fowl, and when gathered and dried they constitute the manna- croup of the shops, and are extensively used as an agree- able and highly nutritious material for soups and gruels. The seeds are shaken out over pieces of cloth. Rural Cyc. Poa compress, L. True blue grass. (P. pratensis of others. Both good grasses; growing in Florida, and throughout the Southern states.) It is considered, says Dr. Lee, editor of the Southern Field and Fireside, March 8, 1862, as the plant the very " best adapted to stop washing and store up fertilizers in their growth, for feeding stock, and yielding rich manure." It does not require replanting, and grows well on poor granite hills. It prevents all abrasion of the turf by the heaviest rains. It is also not difficult to subdue with the plough. "It makes a good sod and very fertilizing turf, and thus fattens the land, and fattens all kinds of farm stock." These perennial grasses enrich the land more 586 than forest trees, because "they approximate grain and flesh in their chemical composition more than forest leaves. Cattle that will starve on oak and pine leaves will wax fat on blue grass." See, also, "Southern Homestead." See Dr. Lee's editorials in Southern Field and Fireside, 1861, for much information on the grasses best to be used as fer- tilizers and for food and manure. He recommends the "tall oat grass" (Arrhenatherum avenaceum) and the Texas mesquit grass (Holcus lanatus) introduced from England, called also velvet grass and white timothy. The "Ber- muda grass" is very pertinacious, and is excellent in eradicating nut-grass. Among the grasses useful for hay are the herds'-grass, timothy, orchard, and clover. See, also, Southern Field and Fireside, May 4, 1861, for article on "Stalks of corn as substitutes for hay." Wilson states that the juice of the upright variety of Poa consists almost entirely of pure mucilage. Rural Cyc. Con- sult papers on the "Grasses," "Hay," etc., Sinclair's Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, Loudon's Encyclopaedia, etc., for full account of the relative value of grasses. Salt is often mixed with hay which has become wet, as a restorative ; it is then much relished by cattle. Festuca duriuscula, L. Fescue grass. Introduced. Several species of Festuca grow within the limits assigned to me. See botanical authorities. Wilson's Rural Cyc. states that this is one of the best of the native grasses of England for general utility. It thrives there on widely dif- ferent kinds of soil, yields a moderately large bulk of prod- uce, maintains much of its verdure in winter, and resists the usual withering effects of excessive drought and heat in summer. It is well adapted by its winter verdure and fine foliage for forming the sward of parks and the herbage of ornamental sheepwalks; and when raised on a thin, healthy soil, or on poor, silicious sand, it has culms of so very fine and slender a form as to appear well suited to the straw hat manufacture. See op. cit. and the Woburn Ex- 587 periments. This grass would likely be serviceable when planted on sands subject to inundation. Arundinaria gigautea, macrosperma, Mx. Cane. Banks of large rivers ; Lauson in his Travels in Carolina says it does not grow north of James river ; confirmed by Nuttall. Groom's Cat. The cane and reed (A. teota, Muhl) are well known and used for many purposes : sometimes slit and made into chair bottoms, weavers' shuttles, and wherever a round, hollow wood is required for cheap tubing, etc. The canes attain a great height and size on our river courses, and are a char- acteristic growth; they once grew luxuriantly throughout the upper country of South Carolina and Georgia, whence the names of the creeks and rivers, but have been almost entirely consumed by animals. See, also, the "History of the upper country of South Carolina," by my friend, Jno. Logan, Ch. 1860. Bromus seealinus, W. Chess. Dr. McBride found it in St. John's, Charleston district. Fl. July. Flora Scotica, 1087. This is the plant which is said to render the seeds of wheat bitter. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 672 ; Journal Gen. de Med. lxxxviii, 82 ; Shec. Flora Carol. 297. A good green dye is extracted from the flowers. Griffith, Med. Bot. 662. M. Cordier finds that it is bland in its action ; it was once thought to possess pur- gative powers. Bromus purgans, L. Cathartic bromus. Mountains of S. C. Fl. August. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. i, 672. It was said to be anthelmintic, and that forty grains would produce vomiting. Effect uncertain. Dactylis glo?nerata, Linn. American orchard-grass ; clus- tered dactylis. James' island, near Charleston. Fl. July. Shec. Flora Carol. 492. This is the species instinctively 588 sought after and swallowed by dogs and cats when they are inclined to vomit, or to envelop the splinters of bone collected in their stomachs. " It is a valuable grass, and ought to be cultivated with care." Cyperace^:. (The Sedge Tribe.) They contain very little fecula or sugar. Cyperus articulatus, Mich. Jointed cyperus. "Grows on Hilton Head island, at Ogeechee," Ell.; vicinity of Charles- ton. Fl. July. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. ii, 567. In Guinea this is considered one of their remedies for worms. Cyperus odoraius, L. River banks ; vicinity of Charles- ton. Fl. August. Lind. JSTat. Syst. Bot. 385. The root has a warm, aro- matic taste, and the infusion is given in India as a stomachic. Ainslie, Mat. Med. Ind. 288. Cyperus virens, Mx. Sharp grass. If incautiously drawn through the hand the stem will cut severely w r ith its sharp angles. Cyperus hydra, Mx. Nut-grass. St. John's ; Newbern. Prof. Holbrook informs me that Gen. Pinckney told him it was introduced, though Elliott does not mention it. Its reproductive power is marvellous, and hence it is a great scourge to the planter, depreciating the value of land. It is with difficulty eradicated by constant hoeing; by this process in its constant efforts to throw its leaves to the light the root becomes exhausted. The experiment has been successfully tried by J. McQueen, Esq., of Georgia, Ell. The destruction of the seeds is also thus secured. Scirjjus maritimus, L. V Maritime Scirpus. Marsh- " macrostachyus, M. Jes; "Little Ogeechee bridge, Beven miles from Savannah," Ell. Collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. Dem. Elem. de Bot. ii, 292. Aromatic, and slightly nu- tritive. Eleocharis palustris, R. Brown. ) Bog maritime Scirpus " Linn, and Ell. Sk. j Scirpas ; marsh club-rush. Grows in rice fields, often immersed. Collected in St. John's ; vicinity of Charleston. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, cle M. Med. vi, 262. Lemery says the roots are astringent, and that they are employed in decoction in diarrhoea and hemorrhage. It is much used in Europe in the manufacture of chairs, mats, and delicate work, and I would invite the attention of those engaged in similar operations in this country. Carex acuta, L. Grows in bogs in the upper districts, often immersed, Lightfoot ; JSTewbern. Fl. April. Fl. Scotica, ii, 566. In Italy the leaves are used by glass-makers to bind their wine fiasks, and in the manufac- ture of chair bottoms ; also by coopers to place between the seams of cask heads to render them air-tight. The Typha latifolia and Scirpus lacustris, both found in the Con- federate States, have been used for this purpose. (See these plants.) The makers of turpentine barrels might find them convenient and valuable, supplying the place of the strip of wood shaving I have seen some of them employ. Class IV. RHIZAaSTTHS. Class V. ACROGENS, OR FLOWERLESS PLANTS. In this volume I pass over very lightly the Cryptogamia, Filices, Lichenes, Musci, and Algce, the ferns, lichens, mosses, etc., referring the reader for full details to my report before the Am. Med. Assoc, vol. vii, on the " Medicinal, Poison- ous, and Dietetic Properties of the Cryptogamic plants of the United States," a volume of 126 pages. The leaves of ferns, one of the subdivisions of this class, generally contain a thick, astringent mucilage, with 590 a little aroma ; on which account they may be considered pectoral and lenitive. Lindley states that almost any of them may be substituted for the Adiantum pedatum, and A. capillus veneris, which especially abound in these products. I have observed in the leaves of the Osmurtda regalis, and of several other species, a taste strongly resembling that of spermaceti. Equisetace^e. {Horsetail Tribe.) Eguisetum Icevigatum. Horsetail. IsTorth Carolina, and northward. The seeds of the horsetail are remarkable for hygrometrical movement. The}' contain a great deal of silica. The dried stems of E. hiemale and E. arvense are imported from Holland for cleaning wooden utensils and polishing cabinet work, turnery, and metallic wares. " This plant might be profitably cultivated for the use of turners, cabinet-makers, and other artificers." "Wilson's Rur. Cyc. Polypodiace^;. Pteris aguilina, L. Brake. Grows in damp pine lands ; sent to me from Abbeville district by Mr. Reed ; collected in St. John's; vicinity of Charleston; !Newbern. Fl. July. Dem. Elein. de Bot. iii, 347. The root is vermifuge and astringent ; and is said to be a remedy for the tape-worm, one ounce of the decoction being used at a dose. This plant contains a very large proportion of alkali. Fl. Scotiea, 656. Its ashes will yield double the quantity of salt afforded by any other plant — forming, therefore, a manure adapted to potatoes. Made into balls with water, it is employed to wash linens. The astringency is so great as to render it useful in preparing leather and kid gloves. Wilson, in his Rural Cyc, says that the main interest in British ferns is concentrated in the Pteris, and as it is abun- dant in the Confederate States, I will condense his remarks: it was formerly, he says, in great request for thatch, and usually lasted in that capacity eight or nine years on the north side of a roof, and fifteen or sixteen years on the south side ; but, except in the meanest hovels, it has been super- 591 seded by heath, straw, tiles, and slates. It was formerly used in considerable quantity in both the glass and the soap man- ufactory, but cheaper and better articles have since supplied its place; still, in the Confederate States we may find it use- ful as a material for a supply of potash and in making lye. The plant also possesses tannin. It is used as a fuel for heating ovens and burning lime; it forms good litter to pro- tect esculent roots in pits during winter. In England the rank growth of the brake is destroyed by irrigation. The Adiantum pedatum, L., maiden hair, yields a useful syrup, called by the French "capillaire," which is a refresh- ing beverage mixed with water in fevers. Farmer's Encyc. OSMUNDACE^E. Osmunda regalis, Mx. Royal fern ; flowering fern. Grows in damp soils; collected in St. John's. Fl. July. Wade's PL Rariores, 87. Dr. Stokes says that impres- sions of this fern are observed in nodules of iron-stone in the Colebrookdale iron-works, and that it is the only spe- cies of an indigenous (European) vegetable which has ever been found in a fossil state, all others being of American growth. "Withering, Supplem. to Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. 1846, 536. It is sometimes employed in dropsy, as an astringent in injuries, and by Dr. Heidenreich in the rad- ical cure of hernia; he reports fifty cases ("gueris radicale- ment") after the method of Simon: giving the root in wine internally, and placing upon the hernial ring compresses which have imbibed the decoction of the plant. Journal de Chim. M6d. viii, 395, second series, 1842. In the Diet. Univ. de M. Med. v, 113, its employment in this affection was spoken of. Hermann boasts of it as having a direct action upon the intestinal canal ("bas ventre"), which it purges mildly in doses of two to four drachms of the pow- der. It acts upon the bile, augments digestion, and strength- ens chylification. The extract has been thought peculiarly suited to cases of children affected with caries, mixed in milk or water, and continued for some time. Aubeil's Obs. 592 sur l'emploi de l'Osmond, Journal Gen. de la Soc. de Med. xlvi, 59, 1843. Lindley, in his Nat. Syst. Bot. 400, states that it "has been employed successfully in doses of three drachms in the rickets." The leaves have been selected to make cradles for delicate children, from some supposed good effects derived from their use. Encyclop. Meth. Botanique, iv, 652. The strong resemblance which I have noticed be- tween the taste of this species and spermaceti is quite marked. The plant seems scarcely to be kuown in this country, and I observe no notice of it in the American works. Algle. (Inarticulate.) Fucus serratus and F. vesiculosus. — Iodine exists most abundantly in most species of Fucoidece, which form the greatest part of the sea-weeds of our coast. I extract the following from Wilson's Rural Cyc, in order that so use- ful a substance may be made in the Southern Confeder- acy, and also refer the reader to the plants furnishing iodine, which are treated of in my paper in the seventh volume Am. Med. Assoc. Iodine also occurs in the sponge, and in many moluscous animals. But it is from the incin- erated sea-weed or kelp that the iodine in large quantities is obtained. As the soap manufacturers are in the habit of obtaining their soda from kelp, iodine may be procured very economically from the residuums of their operation, according to the process invented by Dr. Ure, which is as follows : The brown iodic liquor of the soap-boiler, or the solution of kelp from which all the crystallizable ingredients have been separated by concentration, is heated to about 230° Fahr., poured into a large stone-ware basin and saturated with diluted sulphuric acid. When cold the liquor is fil- tered through woollen cloths; and to every twelve ounces (apothecary's measure) is added one thousand grains of black oxide of manganese in powder. The mixture is put into a glass globe or large matrass, with a wide neck, over which a glass globe is inverted, and heat is applied, which causes the iodine to sublime copiously, and to condense in the up- 593 per vessel. As soon as the balloon becomes warm another is substituted for it; and when the second becomes heated the first is again applied. The iodine is withdrawn from the globes by a little warm water, which dissolves it very sparingly ; and it is purified by undergoing a second subli- mation. The test made use of for the detection of iodine in any solution is, it is well known, starch; sometimes a few drops of sulphuric acid should be added, and a blue color is obtained if iodine be present. See Rural Cyc, lire's Diet., and works on chemistry and mat. medica. Kelp is obtained from the two fact mentioned above, from which also soda is obtained. I will insert the process as given by Wilson, in order that it may be better known by those living on our coasts. He says that on the Scot- tish coast the sea-weed is cut close to the rocks during the summer season, and afterward spread out upon the shore to dry, care being taken to turn it occasionally to prevent fermentation. It is then stacked for a few weeks, and sheltered from the rain, till it becomes covered with a white, saline efflorescence, and is now ready for burning. This is usually accomplished in a round pit lined with brick or stone ; but the more approved form for a kiln is oblong, about two feet wide, eight to eighteen long, and from two to three deep. The bottom of this is covered with brush, upon which a little dried sea-weed is now thrown gradually as fast as the combustion reaches the surface, and should there be much wind it is necessary to protect it by covering the sides with sods; after the whole is burnt the mass gradually softens, beginning at the sides, when it should be slowly stirred up with a heated iron bar, and incorporated till it acquires a semifluid consist- ence. This part of the process requires considerable dex- terity, and if the mass continues dry a little common salt should be thrown on, which acts as a flux. When cold it is broken up, and is now ready for sale. JSTotwithstandiug, the author adds, that kelp contains but two or three per cent, of carbonate of soda, while Spanish barilla often contains twenty or thirty [see "Salsola" and "Salicornia"], 38 594 the manufacture of this article during the Continental war increased prodigiously. Stones were placed within the flood-mark of sandy shores, which became covered with sea-weed. Potash will often supply its place, but -soda is indispensable to the making of plate and crown glass and all hard soaps. The barilla is obtained in France from Salicornia annua, which yields fourteen per cent, of soda. In the Confederate States we have species of all the genera yielding soda and potash, viz.: Salsola, Salicornia, Statice, Atriplex, and Chenopodium, all embraced under the family Chenopodiacece. "Sea-ware," or sea-weed, cast upon the shores is largely 'Collected and used as manures. They contain a large pro- portion of nitrogenous and saline matters, with earthy salts in a readily decomposable state. They also contain much soluble mucilage. Fungi, or Fungace^e. ( The Mushroom Tribe.) There are many species among these allowed the posses- sion of medicinal virtues of a high order as well as of great value in the arts, and a rich field is open to the investigator in these interesting departments of natural history and indigenous medical botany. I am compelled to refer the reader for details to the paper before men- tioned. Agaricus campestris. Edible mushroom. The reader will find in my report to the American Med. Association, vol. vii, 1854, on the Medicinal Properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of the United States, a full and elaborate account of the edible, poisonous, and medicinal fungi. See, also, Eoques' treatise, "Champignons Comes- tibles/' Paris. I introduce portions of a paper from the Patent Office Reports, 1854, on the mode of cultivation of the mushroom : " The kind most generally cultivated in the gardens is the '■Agaricus campestris,' which is thus described by McMa- hon: 'The gills of this are loose, of a pinky red, changing 595 to liver color in contact but not united with the stem; very thick-set, some forked next the stem, some next the edge of the cap, some at both ends, and generally in that case ex- cluding the intermediate, smaller gills. Cap white, chang- ing to brown when old, and becoming scurfy, fleshy, and regularly convex, but with age flat and liquefying in d»cay, flesh white, diameter common ly from one inch to three, or sometimes four or more. Stem solid, one to three inches high, and about one inch in diameter.' Loudon says 'The mushroom is a well known native vegetable, springing up in open pastures in August and September. It is most readily distinguished when of middle size by its fine pink or flesh colored gills and pleasant smell ; in a more ad- vanced stance the sfills become of a chocolate color, and it is then more apt to be confounded with other kinds of a dubi- ous quality ; but that species which most nearly resembles it is slimy to the touch, and destitute of the line odor, having rather a disagreeable smell. Further, the noxious kind grows in woods or on the margin of woods, while the true mushroom springs up chiefly in open pastures, and should be gathered only in such places.' Armstrong gives the following directions for cultivating the garden mush- room: 'Prepare a bed early in October, either in a corner of the hot-house, if you have one, or a dry and warm cellar. The width of the bed at the bottom should not be less than four feet, and its length in proportion to the spawn provided. Its sides should rise perpendicularly one foot, Hiid. should afterward decrease to the centre, forming four sloping surfaces. We need hardly say that the material of the bed at this stage of the business must be horse- dung, well forked, and pressed together, to prevent its settling unequally. It should then be covered with long straw, as well to exclude frost as to keep in the volatile parts of the mass, which would otherwise escape. After ten days the temperature of the bed will be sufiiciently moderated, when the straw is to be removed, and a cover- ing of good mould to the depth of an inch laid over the dung. On this the seed or spawn of the mushroom (which 38* 596 are threads or fibres of a white color, found in old pasture grounds in masses of rotten horse-dung, sometimes under stable floors, and frequently in the remains of old hot-beds) is to be placed in rows six inches apart, occupying all the sloping parts of the bed, which is again to be covered with a second inch of fresh mould and a coat of straw. If your bed has been well constructed your mushrooms will be fit for use at the end of five or six weeks, and will con- tinue to be productive for several months. Should you, however, in the course of the winter find its productiveness diminished, take off nearly all the original covering, and replace it with eight or ten inches of fresh dung, and a coat of clean straw. This by creating a new heal will revive the action of the spawn, and give a long succession of mushrooms.' The garden mushroom is eaten fresh, either stewed or boiled, and preserved, as a pickle, or in powder, or dried whole. The sauce commonly called 'ketchup' is or ought to be made from its juice with salt and spices. Wild mushrooms from old pastures are gen- erally considered as more delicate in flavor and more tender in flesh than those raised in artificial beds. But in the young or butter mushrooms of the cultivated mush- rooms there is evidently much less risk of deleterious kinds being employed. The soil employed should be vir- gin earth with turf well reduced, neither too dry nor too wet, otherwise it will not be capable of being beaten solid. It must be laid regularly over the beds, two inches thick. From the time of earthing the room or cellar should be kept at a temperature of 50° to 55° Fahr. If higher it will weaken or destroy the spawn ; if lower it will vege- tate slowly, and if watered in that state numbers of mush- rooms will be prevented from attaining perfection. "Water must be applied with extreme caution, being nearly as warm as new milk, and sprinkled over the beds with a syringe or small watering pot. Cold water destroys both the crop and the beds. If suffered to become dry it is better to give several light waterings than one heavy one. Beds thus manas-ed will bear for several months, and a 597 constant supply kept up by earthing one bed or more every two or three months. If when in full bearing the mush- rooms become long stemmed and weak the temperature is certainly too high, and air must be admitted in proportion as the beds decline. To renovate them the earth must be taken off clean; and if the dung is decayed the dang must be reformed, any good spawn being preserved that may appear y but if the beds be dry, solid, and full of good spawn, a fresh layer of compost three or four inches thick may be added mixed with a little of the old, and beaten solid as before." Mushrooms may be grown in a cellar or other vaulted place with equal success, and *iot unfrequently with a great- er advantage, the same rules being adopted; but no fire is necessary, and less water. Antidote to poisonous sorts: all fungi should be used with great caution, for even the edi- ble garden mushrooms possess deleterious qualities when grown in certain places. All the edible species should be thoroughly masticated before taken into the stomach, as this greatly lessens the effects of poisons. "When accidents of this sort happen, vomitiDg should be immediately ex- cited, and then the vegetable acids should be given, either vinegar, lemon juice, or that of sour apples; after which give ether and antispasmodic remedies to stop the excessive bilious vomiting. Infusions of gall-nuts, oak bark, and Peruvian bark are recommended as capable of neutralizing the poisonous principle of mushrooms. It is, however, the safest way not to eat any of the good but less common sorts until they have been soaked in vinegar. Spirits of wine and vinegar extract some part of their poison ; and tannin matter decomposes the greatest part of it. The following is a method of raising mushrooms by a gentleman, "R. C," of Beaufort, S. C, which I obtain from an agricultural paper. "I send you a method of raising mushrooms, by which I have very unintentionally succeed- ed in producing an abundance each spring for the past three years, and sometimes during the winter and fall : fence in a spot; strew litter or trash from the woods in it, say one or 508 two inches thick, and shut up stock cattle in it every night for a week or two any time between January and June. Let the manure remain untouched, and in the fall or winter, if the weather proves mild, an abundance of mushrooms will be produced, which may be eaten without any fear, as only edible ones will grow."' A discovery was made some few years since that two or three species of agaricus form by deliquescence an inky fluid which dries into a blister colorefl mass, is capable of being used as a water color for drawing, and retains its color in defiance of all the common chemical agencies. Dr. Coxe, of America, who put the discovery completely to the test, is disposed to think that the deliquescent fungi might be prepared into an excellent India ink; that its dried de- posit, mixed with oil, might probably answer for engravings, and that as the ink appears to be indestructible by any agency short of burning, it might be tried for the filling up of bank notes and other valuable papers. The kinds of agarici which possess the inky property appear to be those designated ocatus, cylmdricus, and porcellaneus. It is this propert}* of blackening which enables us to separate the poi- sonous from the edible. Wilson's Rural Cyclop. See my report Am. Med. Assoc, vol. vii, on Medic. Edible and Poisonous Prop, of Cryptogamic Plants of the United States. The Patent Office Reports, 1854, contain papers on the cultivation of the garden mushroom from Armstrong, Lou- don, and others. Uredo segetiun and U. fetida. Smut in wheat and corn is prevented by soaking the grains before planting for twelve hours in a solution of lime-water, salt and water, or acids. The taste and smell of smutted wheat is disguised by mo- lasses, hence it is often purchased by those making sweet- ened bread. See a full description in Wilson's Rural Cyc. • (Ecidium, Uredo, Puccinia, etc. Minute parasitical fungi ; attacking fruit trees, plants, etc. See article in Rural Cyc, 599 and my report on Medical and Poisonous Properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of United States, Trans. Am. Med. Assoc, vol. vii; also, H. W. Haveners Fungi Carotin. Exsi- cati; Loudon's Encyc. of Plants; Sowerby's English Fungi, and Berkely's Crypt, of England. Lycoperdon solidum. Tuckahoe; Indian bread or Indian loaf. 1 have collected it in the fields, St. John's, S. C. It is not mentioned by Chapman. This subterranean root or fungus has been described by Clayton and LeConte, and by Dr. McBride, of South Caro- lina, in a communication to the N. Y. Philosoph. Societ^y. See, also, Med. Report, vol. vi, and Farm. Encyc. It is very probably nutritious. Its internal color is white; it resem- bles a brown loaf of coarse bread. I am instructed to append the following formulae: In coughs, with bronchial or pulmonary irritation: I^s — Tinct. Sanguinaria3...fSj. Tinct. Opii f3ij. Vini Ipecacuanha? . . .f 5yj . Syr. Tolutan fgij. Ft. Mist. Xxx or xl gtts. three or four times a day. If much inflammatory action be present the following preferred : j$r — Tinct. Sanguinarise..fSi. Morph. Sulph gr. iss. Tinct. Digitalis. Vin. Antimon....a afgss. 01. Gaultheria3...gtts. x. Misce. From xx to xl drops twice or thrice daily. In general anasarca, with debility : Jfe- — Juniperi Fructi...Sij- Potass. Mtrat....Sss. Vini Albi o ij. 600 Macerate for twelve hours ; dose two tablespoonfuls twice a day. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral: jfc — Morph. Acetat gr. iij . Tinct. Sanguin. Canaden 3y- Yin. Antim. et Potass. Tart. Vin. Ipecacuanhse aa^iij. Syrup. Pruni Virginiani giij- In chronic bronchial disease: |Jr — Tinct. Cimicifugse Racemosa. Tinct. Sanguinariee a aSj. Morphiae Sulph gr. ij. Syr. Acacise gij . Ft. Mist. Dose, one teaspoonful when the cough is urgent. In lithic acid diathesis : Jfr — Liquor Potassee fgss. Tinct. Humuli fgiss. Infusi Columbse fgiv. Sjrrup. Aurantii f Sij . Ft. Mist. Dose, one tablespoonful twice or three times a day. Excellent alterative and cathartic pills, used with advan- tage in all glandular diseases, in anasarca, and in hepatic derangement : Jfc — Extracti Podophylli . . 5j . Ext. Aloes Hepat...5iij. Gambogise 3j • M. Ft. pilulse, lx. Cathartic pills : Jfc- — Extracti Podophylli 3\j« Hydrarg. Chlorid. Mitis..3j. 01. Cajuputi gtts. vj. M. Ft. massa. in pilulas, lx div. 601 May "be prescribed in cases in which blue mass or mila mercurials are indicated: J$r — Podophyllin gr. xv. Zinziberis Pulv 3 SS - Ext. Gentianse 5ss. M. Ft. mass, in pilulas, xxx dir. A mild laxative and alterative : Jfc — Podophyllin 3j • Sacchari Albi..3xix. Triturate and mix thoroughly. Dose from v to x grs. •Aperient, in torpor of bowels proceeding from hepatic derangement : jfc — Tinct. Sano;uinaripe. Tinct. Aloes Comp. a afgij. Ft. Mistura. Dose, from xx to xxx drops twice daily. Laxative, in habitual costiveness : Jgr — Sanguinarife Pulveris. Ehoei Pulveris. .a a3j. Saponis 9'ij. Mix with water. Div. in pilulas xxxij. One pill morn- ing and night. \ RARE BOOK COLLECTION THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY 3 oia Conf. c.l .fr^ptfc **3t'*k : *> ? « > * - * . -v i ^*y«^ ,.. .^ [m LdkJ pn#i IL t ^f-« W* ** .iT ,. » H .* .* '..ji. v: ^' tC v ' *Av *. *r>. ( ♦ ■ g k4 5^M ;/ ;*\ , */4;K ia^*«