: # -fti Wl 1 .- :;' ?;■ TOje Htbrarp ot tfjc ®tuber£tt v of JSortf) Carolina ^fjis: book toag pregenteb y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/swissfamilyrobinwyssj THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON IN WORDS OF One Syllable. BY MARY GODOLPHIN, AUTHOR OF "ROBINSON CRUSOE IN WORDS OF ONE SELLABLE, " "EVENINGS AT HOME IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE." PHILADELPHIA : CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 819 & 821 MARKET STREET. 1869 BY THE SAME AUTHOR, Uniform with this Edition of " Robinson." The Swiss Family ROBINSON CRUSOE IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE, With Coloured Illustrations, price $1.50 cloth extra. EVENINGS AT HOME IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE, With Coloured Illustrations, price ^$1.50 cloth extra. PREFACE. The kind reception given to the author's system of writing in words of one syllable has encouraged her to add to her works the popular story of " The Swiss Family Robinson " as a twin book to " Robinson Crusoe." The monosyllabic rule has been strictly adhered to throughout, the only excep- tion occurring necessarily in the title of the book itself. The author's object has been to provide what the reviewer of her former works in the Athenczum has called " a field of exercise for a child who has just learnt to conquer words." " There is sure to be some success," he continues ; " and it is a great point in all teaching to let the ^ first independent exercise be one in % which victory is really to be won by £ moderate effort." THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. CHAPTER I. For six days a fierce wind set in, which tore our sails to shreds ; the white foam of the waves swept our decks, and the storm drove our ship so far out of its course, that there was no one on board who could tell where we w T ere. All were worn out with toil and care, and the oaths of the men were heard no more, but they fell on their knees to pray. My wife and boys clung round me in great dread ; but I said to them, " God can save us if He will. He knows each rock that lies hid, and sees each storm as it comes; yet if He 2 The Swiss Family Robinson. should think it good to call us to Him, let us not grieve at it: we shall not part." At these words I saw my wife dry her tears, and from that time she was more calm. All at once we heard the cry of " Land ! Land ! " The ship had struck on a rock, and the force of the shock with which she went threw us off our feet. Then came a loud crack as if the ship had split in two, when we heard the chief mate call out, " Launch the boats !" , These words went like a sword through my heart, and the cries of my boys grew more and more shrill. " Fear not, my dear ones," said I ; " the ship still lifts us out of the sea, and the land is near. Stay here, and I will try to save you." The Swiss Family Robinson. 3 I went on deck, but was soon thrown down by the wild surge of the sea. Once more there came a wave of such huge bulk that I strove with it in vain, and fell flat on the deck. The ship was all but in two. The whole of the crew had got in the boat, and I could see the last man cut the rope. I gave a loud call for them to wait till we could join them ; but from the roar of the waves my voice was not heard, and all hope from the boat was lost. The stern, which held those most dear to me on earth, stood like a wedge, with a rock on each side of it. I could see in the south a trace of land, which though wild and bare, was now the aim of all my hopes ; for there was no more aid to be had from man. I left the deck to go down to my R 2 4 The Swiss Family Robinson. wife and boys. I then put on a calm look, and said, " Be of good cheer. If the wind should go down we may yet reach the land." This made my dear boys dry their tears, for at all times they put their trust in what I told them. But my wife, who knew best how to read my thoughts, saw how full of care they were ; and by a sign I made known to her that I had not much hope that the wind would go down. " Let us take some food," said she ; " it will give us strength." Night came on, and it grew dark ; we heard the wild waves boil with rage, and they tore down the planks with a loud crash. " How could the boats live through such a storm as this ? " thought I. The boys went to bed and slept, all The Swiss Family Robinson. 5 but Fritz, whom I took with me on deck to watch. He and I could swim ; but as the rest could not, we set our thoughts to work out some plan by which we could get them to land, should the ship break up. There were casks on board, *and we thought we might bind two of them fast with ropes, and leave a space in which to place one of the boys, who might put an arm in each cask, and so float to shore ; the same for the rest of them, and one for my wife. We put by some knives, string, and such like things, which we thought might be of use in case we should reach the coast. At length Fritz, worn out with hard work, fell to sleep. My wife and I had too much on our minds for rest. We brought the load of our grief, our 6 The Swiss Family Robinson. doubts, and fears, to the throne of God, and left them there ; for we did our best not to give way to them, lest they should chill our sense of God's love, and dry up the spring of our faith in His might. Oh, how the time did seem to lag with us through that long dark night ! But, like all things else, it came to an end at last. Words are too weak to tell of the joy with which I saw from the deck the first faint streak of dawn shoot up the sky. The wind was now more calm, the sea less rough, and this brought a ray of hope to my heart. I went to fetch my wife and boys on deck ; and the young ones were struck with awe to find no one there. " The crew, where are they ? " said they. " Who works the ship ? " The Swiss Family Robinson. 7 " My boys," said I, " One more strong than man has brought us through it till now, and if He think fit He will stretch out His arm to save us. Let all hands set to work, and think the while on this, God helps us when we help those round us. Now we must think of what it will be best for us to do." Fritz. — " Let us leap in the sea and swim to shore." Ned. — " That may do well for you who can swim ; but all the rest of us would sink. Can we not make a raft on which we could all go ? " " That might do," said I, "if we had strength for the work, and if a raft were a more safe thing to go to land on. But set off, boys, all of you, and seek for what there is on board that may be of use to us." 8 The Swiss Family Robinson, As for me, I made my way to where the food was kept, and my wife went to the live stock and fed them, for they were much in want of food. Fritz sought for arms, and Ned for tools. Jack, by chance, went were the Chief Mate's two great dogs were kept, who leapt on him in play, and were so rough that he gave a cry, as he thought they meant to tear him ; but want of food had made them too weak to be fierce, and in a short time he got up from where he fell, and rode on the back of one of the dogs, and with a grave look came up to me as I left the hold whence I had been drawn by his cries. I could not keep a smile from my face when I told him of the great risk he had run, and that he ought to be on his guard with dogs that had been kept from food so long. The Swiss Family Robinson. g Now my boys all came round me with their stores. Fritz had found six guns, some bags of shot, and some horn flasks, and these held all that we could want for the use of our arms. Ned brought an axe, a spade, knives, nails, and the like ; but young Frank brought a large box, which it was as much as he could do to hold, and when the rest of the lads saw what was in it, they gave a loud laugh. " You may laugh if you will," said I, " but Frank has brought the best prize of all, for these fish hooks, of which I see the box is full, may save our lives ; still Fritz and Ned have done well too." " For my part," said my wife, " I do but bring good news. I have found a cow, an ass, two goats, six sheep, and a sow. I have fed them, and I hope they will do well." io The Swiss Family Robinson. I told my boys that I thought they had all done great things, save Jack. " But," said I, "he has brought me two great mouths to fill, which will do more harm than good." Jack. — " The dogs can help us to hunt when we get to land." "Ah!" said I, "but can you tell us how to reach the land ? " " Yes," said my brave Frank, " put us each in a great tub and let us float to shore. I went on Aunts pond in one." " A good thought ! " said I ; "we may take a hint from a child. Be quick, boys, give me the saw, with some nails, and we will see what we can do." I found some casks in the ship's hold, which we brought on deck ; they were made of strong wood, and were The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 1 bound with hoops ; in fact, were just the right thing. My boys and I cut each of these four casks in two with our saw ; but it was a work of great toil to join eight tubs, so as to make them all the same height. We drank some wine which we found in one of the casks, and this gave us fresh strength for our work. At last our job came to an end, and we. saw with joy our small fleet of boats all in a line ; yet I could not guess how it was that my wife should be still so sad at heart. " I could not trust my life in one of those tubs ! " said she. But I told her to wait till the work was done. I then sought out a long thin plank, and put the tubs on it ; but left a piece at each end to form a curve like the keel of a ship. We then drove in nails to make the tubs firm 1 2 The Swiss Family Robinson. to the planks, and in the same way put boards on each side of it, so as to make a sort of boat, which I thought might float in a calm sea. But to our grief we found that our raft was of such a weight that we could not move it an inch. I sent Fritz to bring me the jack screw, and with this and a thick pole I found I could lift one end of the boat. Ned said he thought the screw was slow. " What we gain in time we lose in force," said I. " The jack is not meant to move fast, but to raise weights ; and the more weight there is, of course the more slow it must be." I then took a strong rope to fix to the stern of the boat, one end of which I bound fast to the beam of the ship. I next put two round poles for the boat to roll on, and went to work with the jack to launch it. The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 3 The boys all stood on the ship's deck in great joy to see it glide off, and then float like a swan on the waves ; and had it not been for the rope, it would have gone off to sea. But our raft leant so much to one side that there was not one of the boys who would dare to go in it. At this I was quite cast down, when all at once I thought the cause must be that it was too light : so I threw in all I could lay hold of, and soon made my boat fit for use. " Which of us is to go in first ? " said the boys, who all made a rush at once. But this I put a stop to, as I thought that — full of fun as they were — they might tip the boat on one side, and get thrown in the sea. It was now time to clear the way for the flight. I got in one of the tubs and 14 The Swiss Family Robinson. made the boat fast in a cleft in the ship's side. I then came back with an axe and a saw, and cut off from the wreck, right and left, all that might come in our way. The next thing was to look out for some oars, and we had the good luck to find some. This had been a day of hard work for us all. One more night was to be spent on board the wreck, though we knew not that it would be there till the dawn of the next day. And now we sat down to a meal, for we had scarce had time to snatch a piece of bread all day. We then went to rest, and were more at our ease than we had been on the past night. I thought the best thing my wife could do would be to wear the dress of a youth who had been one of the ship's crew, as it would be more warm, and The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 5 would suit the raft best, and be most fit for all the toils that were in store for her. She felt strange in her new dress, but at last I saw her laugh at it, as did our young ones. She then went to her berth and slept well, which gave her strength for the next day. CHAPTER II. At dawn we all woke up, and I said, " We must now, my dear boys, go on the wide sea in search of a home. Give all the poor beasts on board the wreck food to last them for some days. We could not take them with us, but we might come back in our tubs for them. Are you all here ? Get what you wish to take with you, but let it be 1 6 The Swiss Family Robinson. things that will meet our wants when we get to land." I had put the guns on our raft, and I told my wife and the lads each to seek for a game bag, a chest of tools and nails, and sails to make a tent with ; and the boys brought so much that I thought we must leave half, though I took out of the tubs those things which I had thrown in to give weight. Just as we got on board the cock gave a loud crow as a hint that we had left no food for him and the hens. So I took all the birds with us, geese, ducks, fowls, and doves. We put twelve of them in a tub with a lid to it, and the rest we let loose, in the hopes that the geese and ducks might swim to shore, and the fowls and doves fly there. The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 7 Where was my wife all this time ? She came at last with a huge bag, which she threw in the tub that held her dear Frank, and I made sure it was meant for a seat for him. This is the way we each took our place on the raft: — In the first tub sat my wife ; in the next, Frank ; in the third, Fritz, a good big boy, with sound sense and full of life ; in the fourth, our dear Jack, ten years old, yet stout of heart ; and the fifth and sixth held all sorts of food. Then in the next tub stood Ned, who was twelve years old, with more thought of self than the rest, and slow to move. I was in the eighth tub, bent on my task, which was to guide the boat that held all that was most dear to me in this world. As we left the wreck the tide rose, which I thought might be a help to us. 1 8 The Swiss Family Robinson. We each took an oar, in hopes that in the end we should reach the blue shore. But, oh, how far off it did seem ! For some time it was all in vain, as the boat would turn round and round. But at last I found the way to steer it so as to make it go straight on. As soon as the two dogs saw us leave the ship, they leapt in the sea and swam up to us ; but though my boys had a great wish to take them with us, I could not let them come in the boat, lest they should tip it down on one side. This was a source of great grief to all, for we did not think they would have the strength to swim to shore. Be that as it might, Spring and Flox took to the waves with a dash, as much as to say they did not mean to be left. They came up now and then to put their fore The Swiss Family Robinson. 19 paws on the raft, and by this means they kept up with us. We went on and on, and I had much doubt if we should reach the land. As we drew near to it, my hopes were the more faint, so drear did the coast seem; and, worst of all, it had a dark ridge of rocks in front of it, that wore the look of a frown, as if to warn us off. Now and then we came up to some casks from the wreck, and we drew them with us all the way, by means of a rope. We did not cease to ply our oars till we got to the coast, and then, to our great joy, we found a break in the chain of the rocks, and the sharp eye of Fritz made out some trees. I could not see them, but, by good luck, Jack had brought a small glass, which he drew from his pouch with some pride, and gave it to me. ■ By the aid c 2 20 The Szuiss Family Robinson. of this I saw a small creek with rocks on each side of it ; and as I found that the ducks and geese made up to it, I knew it was all right. It was, in short, a small bay, and there we got on shore. All who could do so leapt to land in a trice ; and our poor Frank, who had been laid down in his tub like a salt fish, did his best to crawl out, but had to wait for my wife to help him. The dogs, which were the first to get to shore, leapt round us with a loud bark ; the ducks and the geese kept up their cry ; and the fowls, which we had just let loose, lent their cluck. All these sounds, with the noise of the boys' talk, made a strange din. The first thing we did when we came safe to land, was to bow down and give thanks to God, in whose The Swiss Family Robinson. 2 1 hands were our lives. To cast off our own strength, and lay hold of the Lord's, is the way to be strong — too strong for earth and hell to shake us. If we make God our guide, how can we go wrong? If we make Him our shield, why need we fear? If we make His Word the lamp of our feet, how can we stray ? He is our life, our God, our all ; the Lord is our strength. When we took all we had out of the boat — how rich we felt with these few things ! We found a good place for our tent in the shade of the rocks : so we set to work with a pole and pegs, and then we brought out the food. I sent my sons to fetch some grass and moss to spread in the sun to dry, that we might sleep on it at night, and while all the boys, down to Frank, were at work at this, I found a place 22 The Swiss Family Robinson. near a stream for us to cook in. The flat stones of the rock made a good hearth, and it did not take long to light up a bright fire of dry twigs ; then I put in the pot some squares of the new kind of soup, and left my wife and Frank to cook our meal. The poor child took this soup for glue, and said he knew not how he could dine as there was no meat to dress. To land the guns was Fritz's care, and he took one of them with him to the side of the stream. Ned would not join him, for the rough road was not to his taste : so he bent his way to the coast. Jack set off to a ridge of rocks which ran down to the sea to look for shell fish, while I went to try and draw some of the casks on shore. But I found that the place where I had come to land was too steep The Swiss Family Robinson. 23 to get them up ; so I went in search of one that lay more on a line with the sea. I had not been there long when I heard screams from my dear Jack. I took up my axe and ran to his aid, and found him up to his knees in a pool with a huge crab, which held his leg tight in its sharp claw. Though the crab made off when I came up, I did not lose sight of it, and as Jack had a mind to take it home, I gave it to him. But as soon as he took the crab in his hand, it gave him such a blow that the poor boy threw it off and set up a sad wail once more, and it was as much as I could do to keep a smile from my lips. In a great rage my boy flung a large stone at it, which put an end to its life. When we came back to the tent Jack said in a loud voice, "A crab ! Such a huge crab ! Ned ! 24 The Swiss Family Robinson. where's Fritz ? Take care it does not bite you, Frank ! " They all soon came round him. " Yes, here's the claw that caught hold of my leg," quoth Jack ; " but I paid him out, the rogue ! " " What is it that you boast of?" said I. "You would not have come off so well, had I not brought you aid in time ; and, pray, do you not call to mind the blow on your face ? The poor crab did but make use of his arms to save his life ; but you had to hurl a great stone at him with yours : so you have no cause to be proud, my boy." Ned thought the crab would be a good thing to put in the soup, but my wife set it by for the next day. I then went to that part of the shore where it had been caught, and drew my casks to land there. I told Jack that he was the first boy The Swiss Family Robinson. 25 to bring us food, for none of the rest had done so. " I saw some shell fish on a rock," said Ned ; " but I could not get at them, for the sea made my feet wet." " Nay," said I, " I must beg of you to get us some then ; for we must all work for the good of the rest, and take no heed of wet feet, for the sun soon dries them." " I may as well bring some salt at the same time," said he ; "I saw lots of it in the cracks of the rocks, and I think it must have been left there by the sea." " No doubt, my young sage," said I. " Where else could it have come from ? And you would have done more good to fill a bag with it, than to dwell on the laws that brought it there. But if you wish to eat your soup with a zest, 26 The Swiss Family Robinson. be quick and get some salt." So he set off, and soon came back with some ; but it was full of sand and earth. To stir the pot my wife made use of a small stick, and when she came to taste that which clung to it, she said, " The soup is good, but how are we to drink it ? We have brought no plates nor spoons ! And how can we raise this large pot to our lips ? " We all cast a grave look at the pot- — our grave look then grew to a dull gaze — when all at once we burst out in a loud laugh at our sad plight. "If we had but some large nuts," said Ned, " we might split them and make both spoons and plates of them ! " " If," said I ; " but we have none ! We might as well wish for some fine gold spoons with our coat of arms on them, if it were of use to wish." The Swiss Family Robinson. 2 7 " Well," said Ned, " we can use shells." " That is a good thought," said I ; " set off, Ned, at once, and get some. And mind, my brave boys, no grunts, and groans, though we find it hard to hold our spoons, and you should have to dip your hands in the hot soup." "At these words off ran Jack, who was up to his knees in the sea by the time that Ned had got to the spot. He tore down the shells from the rocks and threw them to Ned, who put them in his game bag (but took good care to let a large one fall in his pouch for his own use), and then they came back with their spoil. Fritz had not yet come home, and my wife was full of care lest all was not right with him ; but just then we heard his voice hail us some way off. He 28 The Swiss Family Robinson. soon came up with a feint that he was sad, and at the same time hid his hands. But Jack, who took a peep, said in a loud voice (by way of a joke), " Good sport ; a young pig ! " The beast which Fritz had shot was in truth no pig at all, but a kind of hare, which lives on nuts and fruit. Though all the rest of the boys had a wish to hear Fritz tell of what he had seen and done, I thought it right to take my son Jack to task for the false tale he had spread, though but in jest. Fritz told us he had been on the left side of the stream, where the land lies low ; and " as to the casks," said he, " I could not count them, to say not a word of chests, planks, and all sorts of things from the wreck. Should we not do well to go and fetch them ? The Swiss Family Robinson. 29 And at dawn of day we ought to go there to look to the live stock, for we must at least have the cow : our bread cakes would not be half so hard if we had some milk to soak them in." Ned. — " How much more nice, too, they would be ! " Fritz. — " Then I found a wood, and some rich grass for the cow. I can't see why we should stay down here, in this dull nook." " Stay," said I, " we are but just come ! But first tell me, did you see a trace of our poor ship mates ?" Fritz. — " No sign at all of man on land or sea ; but I saw a strange sort of beast as big as a hog, with feet like a hare." The time had now come to sit down to our meal of soup ; the boys all burnt their hands, of course, save Ned, who 30 The Swiss Family Robinson. took his large shell from his pouch, and when it was full of soup, set it down to cool, quite proud of it. " You have shown some thought, my dear Ned," said I ; "but how is it you take so much more care of your own self than of the rest ? Now, pray, give what is in the large shell to those poor dogs. We can all dip our shells in the pot, but the dogs can't do so : so they may have your soup, and you must eat as we do." This struck the heart of Ned, and when he put his shell on the ground the dogs took their meal from it. As we all sat with our eyes cast on our shells to wait for the soup to get cool, the dogs fell on Fritz's hare (for so he , chose to call it). All the boys sprang up to drive them off; but Fritz, in a great rage, took up his gun and struck The Swiss Family Robinson. 31 one of them with the stock end of it, till the force of the blows bent it, and would have been the death of the dog if I had not held him back.. As soon as he had had time to cool I took him to task, and told him he had thrown us all in a state of great fear ; and, what was still worse, he had spoilt the gun, which might have been of so much use to us ; add to this the hard blows he gave would kill most dogs. " Rage such as this," said I, " leads to all crime. Do you not know what Cain did ? " " Oh," said Fritz, " I grieve to think of what I have done." As soon as we had had our meal the fowls came round us to pick up the crumbs. My wife then took out her bag, and fed them with some grain. When they had had their fill, our 32 The Swiss Family Robinson. doves flew to the rocks, the fowls took their perch on the tent, and the ducks and geese went to roost in a marsh near the sea. The sun sank all at once, and it was time for us to go to rest. We took care to load the guns, then knelt down to pray, and went to our beds of moss ; but, hot as the day had been, we found the night was cold. Once more I took a peep out, to see if all was still, and then lay down to rest, and we all slept. CHAPTER III. At break of day I heard the cock crow ; in fact, it woke me from my sleep. The first thing I did was to The Swiss Family Robinson. 33 rouse up my wife, and tell her of a plan I had thought of, which was to go all round the coast of the isle in search of our friends from the wreck, and she thought as I did, that this ought to be our first care. My wife, who saw that we could not ull go, said she would stay where she was with her three young ones, while Fritz and I went on our search. I told her that to get back by the light of day we must start at once, and should want a good meal first ; yet what was there for us to eat ? " Jack's great crab will be the thing," said she ; but it was not to be found. So whilst my wife made up the fire and put on the pot, I woke up the boys. " Where is the crab?" said I to Jack; and he brought it from a hole in the rock, where he had put it to be out of the D 34 The Swiss Family Robinson. reach of the dogs, which ate up all that they could find. Said I to Jack, " Will you give up your crab to Fritz ? We think the claw that caught hold of your leg will make a good meal for him to start on, for we shall soon be on a long march, and we must first break our fast." When he heard this, Jack gave up his crab with a good grace. Ned and the two young ones leapt round me like kids, to beg of me to let them join us. " But," said I, "if you all go, who is to take care of our new home ? " I meant to take Turk, and with him and our gun I thought we should make a great show of strength. I then bade Fritz tie up Flox and get out the guns. Fritz gave a deep blush, and did his best to get his gun straight. I let him The Swiss Family Robinson, 35 go on for some time, and then told him to take one of mine, for I knew he felt pain for what he had done. The dog, too, gave a snarl at him ; but though he held out some of the hard bread to him, and gave him a kind stroke on the head, still it was all one, for Turk would not trust him, while Flox would lick his hand. " Give him the claw of my crab," said Jack. " Fear not, Jack, my boy," said Ned, '£. for they will be sure to meet with nuts. Think of a nut as big as your head, with a cup full of milk in it ! " " Please bring it to me if you find one, Fritz," said Frank. I then told them all that we would pray to God first to bless our work, and then lose no time, but set off at once. D 2 36 The Swiss Family Robinson. " Ding dong ! Ding dong ! Ding dong ! " said my wild Jack, as in play he took off the sound of the church bells ; but I chid him for it, and told him that though love for the Lord was a thing of joy, yet it was not right to joke while we were on our knees to pray to Him. Poor Jack came and knelt down close to me, to show me that he saw what I had said to him in the same light as I did. I gave all the three boys a kiss, and took leave of my wife and them. I thought it best to load the gun which I had left with my wife, and told her to keep near the boat, as it would prove her best friend in time of need. We all wept when we took leave, for we did not know what our fate might be ; but the noise of the swift stream which we The Swiss Family Robinson, 37 had to cross would seem to drown the sobs of those we had left, and we bent our thoughts on the work we had in hand. We each took a large bag for game, a gun, and an axe. The right bank of the stream was so steep that there was but one place through which we could cross it, and that was near the sea. But at last, with some toil, we got to the left bank. We had not gone more than a few yards through grass which was as tall as we were, when we heard a noise as if some wild beast ran through it up to the spot where we stood. I felt proud to see that Fritz was so brave as to stand and point his gun to the place whence the sound came. What was our joy to find that this fierce foe should turn out to be Turk, whom 38 The Swiss Family Robinson. our grief, when we took leave of my dear ones, drove from our thoughts, and we made no doubt that they had sent him off to join us. Fritz did not fire, and I gave him all praise for this, as by so rash an act we should have lost our best friend. The sea was on our left, and on our right ran a chain of rocks, from the side of which spread fine woods, and on the skirts of these we took our w T ay. We kept a bright look out for our ship mates. Fritz had a great wish to fire his gun to show them where we were, in case they might be near us ; but I told him I thought there would be a risk in that, for if there were wild tribes on the isle, they might rush on us, and kill us. Fritz — -" I can't see why we should search for the crew at all. I am sure The Swiss Family Robinson. 39 the brutes left us to our fate on the wreck ! " " Fritz," said I, "we must do good to those that hate us, if they stand in need of our help. You must bear in mind that we have things from the wreck which they have as much right to as we, and that there would not have been room for us in the boats ; add to this, if they were cast in the sea by the storm, which I make no doubt they were, we should have been lost too." Fritz — " But we might make such good use of our time if we were to go to the wreck to bring the live stock on shore." " Should we not do more good," said I, "to save the life of a man than that of an ass, or a cow ? The beasts on board the ship have food to last them some days, and while the sea is so calm there is no fear." 4-0 The Swiss Family Robinson. We now came to a small wood which ran down to the sea shore, in the shade of which we ate our food, whilst birds stood on the boughs all round us, whose gay plumes made up for their harsh song. Turk gave a loud bark at what we thought must be an ape in one of the trees, and when Fritz ran to look out for it, he fell on a large round bird's nest ; at least, so he thought it was. But when I broke the shell, I found it was one of the nuts which Ned had set his heart on. " But," said Fritz," where is the sweet milk which he talks so much of?" I told him the milk was found in the nuts when they were half ripe ; but as this nut was ripe, the juice had got thick and hard. The Swiss Family Robinson. 41 It took us a long time to get through the wood ; but at last we left this maze of boughs and roots, and came to a broad plain, where, to my joy, I found the gourd tree, which bears fruit on its stem. " The shells of these gourds/' said I, " will make plates, cups, spoons, and forks." Fritz leapt with glee at the thought. " Now we can drink our soup like men of high rank," said he ; and he soon set to work to cut spoons from the rind, in which he put sand, so that the sun should not warp them, and left them to dry till we came back. " Can you tell me why the gourd tree bears fruit on the stem, and not on the boughs ?" said I. " To be sure ; the boughs would not bear the weight of it," quoth he. 42 The Swiss Family Robinson. We then set out once more on our search, and I took up my glass to spy round me, but saw no signs of our friends. At last we got to a tongue of land that ran out in the sea, to the top of which we came at last with much toil, and from it we had a fine view of sea and land, but still no trace of man ; and I felt sure that our mates had been lost in the sea. We now sat down once more to rest. " This sea," said I, "which looks so calm, ought to fill our minds with thoughts of peace ; yet while I think of those who, but four days since, were swept off by the rude lash of its wild waves, and, as I fear, lie dead in this smooth sea, its smile would seem to mock them ! " We had now to pass through ground on which grew a vast crop of canes, The Swiss Family Robinson. 43 which made it hard work for us to walk, and I felt some fear that there might be snakes in it, which I knew chose out such spots, so we made Turk go in front of us, that he might start them, and with his loud bark put us on our guard. When I cut the canes, I was much struck to see a juice like glue come out, and of course I must needs taste it. I found it was sweet, and gave me as much strength as a glass of wine. But when Fritz put it to his lips, he said, — "Oh, such luck! What will the boys say to this ? " He ate so much of it that I felt bound to check him ; and when we left he took a load of the canes on his back. We now came to a wood of palm 44 The Swiss Family Robinson. trees, where a group of apes took fright at us, and at the bark of the dog they fled to the top of the trees, and there, with grins and shrill cries, sat to watch us. I held back Fritz's arm, for he would have shot at them. "We have no right," said I, " to kill, save for food ; and, in fact, these apes will be of more use to us with life in them, than if they were dead, as I will show you. I then threw stones at them, and they in their rage took nuts by the score to hurl at me, so we soon had a good store of the nuts, from which we drank the milk. We gave Turk the rest of the crab, bound up a store of nuts by the stems, and set off on our way home. The Swiss Family Robinson. 45 CHAPTER IV. As we went, we must needs suck the canes, for they were so good, till Fritz had great fears that there would be but a poor feast for those whom we had left at home. But I told him I thought there was more cause of fear from the sun, which might turn the juice sour ; in that case there would be no need to spare them. " Well, my flask is full of milk for them, that's one good thing," said Fritz. " Nay," said I, "there is more fear still of the nuts, for you may make sure that they will turn sour." We now got to the spot where we had left the spoons, and we found them 46 The Swiss Family Robinson* quite dry, and as hard as a bone. We had not gone far when Turk made a dart at a troop of apes, who sprang from place to place in sport. He bit hold of one of them that held her young one in her arms, which made her flight more slow. Fritz ran with all his might to save the old ape from Turk's jaws, and so lost his hat, canes, and cups ; but he found that she was dead. The young ape leapt on his back, and put its paws in his curls, and no cries or threats could rid him of it. I ran up to him with a laugh, for I saw the ape was too young to hurt him. As it would not stir, all Fritz could do was to take the cub home as it was ; for since it had lost its dam, the young thing would fain look to him to screen it from harm. It was but the The Swiss Family Robinson. 4 7 size of a cat, though the old ape was as tall as Fritz. I did not wish to have one more mouth to fill ; but Fritz was loth to part with his pet, and said that till we had the cow, it should have his share of the milk from the nuts. In the mean time Turk made a meal of the old ape, from which Fritz strove to drive him. " Nay," said I, " if you drive the dogs off such game as they have the luck to find, they might spring on one of the young boys some day when they are much in want of food. Fritz thought we were well off to have two such fine dogs, and that the ass too would be of great use to us. When Turk came up to join us the young ape took fright at him, and crept up the breast of Fritz's coat. He did not care to have him quite 48 The Swiss Family Robinson. so near, and the thought struck him that he would tie the cub with a cord to Turk's back, and lead the dog. Turk did not at all like this at first ; but a threat and a coax made him yield in the end. We went on at a slow pace for some time, and I could but think of the state of joy in which our young ones would be thrown when they saw us come home with the ape like two Beast Show men. We had but just got to the banks of the stream which ran near our tent, when we heard Flox give a loud bark, as much as to say, " Here they are !" Then Turk gave a bark, to tell them, " Here we come!" But at these sounds the young ape took fright, and leapt from Turk's neck to Fritz's head, and come down he would not. The Swis^Family Robinson. 49 Turk was but too glad to break loose, that he might run to meet Flox and the boys, who were soon at our side, and in great glee to see us back once more. Each boy had a kiss, and then came shouts of praise at the sight of the new pet. " An ape ! a real live ape ! Oh what a love! How did you catch him?" burst from the lips of Ned and Jack; but Frank, who stood in some fear of him, said, " I call him a fright." Jack. — "I am sure his looks are twice as good as yours. See how he laughs. How I should like to see him eat !" Ned. — " Now, if we had but some of the nuts with milk in them ! Have you found some ? " ' But I fear you have met with some risks," said my wife. It was in vain to try to tell them all 50 The Swiss Family Robinson. at once what we had done. At length, when they let us have some peace, I told them where we had been, and that we had brought them all sorts of good things ; but that I had not seen a trace of our friends from the ship. " God's will be done !" said my wife. "Let us thank Him that He has brought you safe back to us. This day has been like a whole week to me ! But put down your load, and let us hear you talk of all that you have seen and done. We, too, have found work to do, though we have not gone through all the toil that you must have had. Boys, see if you can ease them of their load." Jack took my gun, Frank the gourds, and my wife the game bags. Fritz soon gave out the canes, and put the ape on Turk's back, to the great glee of The Swiss Family Robinson, 5 1 the rest of the boys. He gave his gun to Ned, who said the gourds were of too ^reat a weight for him to take, so my dear wife lent a hand, and we went on our way to the tent. Fritz.- — "It strikes me that if Ned knew that the gourds held his dear nuts with milk in them, he would not give them up so soon." Ned. — " Give them to me ; I will take them, and the gun too." My wife had a good meal for us at the fire. She had put some sticks in the shape of a fork on the hearth, which made a rest for a thin spit, on which all sorts of fish were put to roast, and a goose too. Frank was set to turn the spit, and the pot was on the fire, from which came forth the fumes of some good soup. At the back of the hearth stood one E 2 52 The Swiss Family Robinson. of the casks, which held a Dutch cheese in a case of lead. All this was sweet to our sight and smell, and we felt sure would soon be so to our taste ; and for the time we lost sight of the fact that we were on a lone shore where, till now, man's foot had not been set. I could not think my boys or my wife had lost much time since we left them ; but I told them that they must not kill our geese quite so fast, as we ought to keep them for stock. " Have no fear," said my wife, "this is not one of our own, it is a wild goose which was brought home by Ned ; Jack and Frank caught the fish at the rocks, while I brought the cask up to the tent and broke the lid of it, to get to this good cheese." Fritz. — " Let's feed our young ape, who has lost his dam's milk." The Swiss Family Robinson. 53 Jack. — " I have been to try him, and ( he will not eat." I told the boys that he must be fed with the milk from the nuts till he could eat. Jack said he should have all his share ; but Ned and Frank, on their part, had a wish to taste the milk. Jack. — " Nay ; but the poor cub must live ! " " And so must we all," said my wife ; " so now come and sup, and we will have the nuts by and by." We sat down on the ground, and the meal was spread. My boys cut the nuts in two with our saw, and made spoons of the shells. Jack took good care that the poor ape should have his share ; and the way the boys fed him was to put the end of a cloth in the milk, and then let the cub suck it. 54 The Swiss Family Robinson. As night had now come on we all went to rest. The young ape was laid on some moss to keep him warm, with Fritz and Jack by his side ; the fowls went to roost on the tent, and we were all soon in a deep sleep. But we had not slept long, when we heard a great noise, which the dogs and the fowls had set up, and we thought, of course, that some foe was near. My wife, Fritz, and I, each took a gun and went out, when by the light of the moon we saw a fierce fight, for our brave dogs had round them a score of wolves. Fritz and I let off our guns, at which two fell dead, and the rest fled, but Turk and Flox soon put them to death, and then, like true dogs, ate them. We were glad to find it was no worse a foe, and then went back to our beds, and The Swiss Family Robinson. 55 slept till the cock woke us with his loud crow, and then my wife and I set our thoughts to work to make plans for the day. CHAPTER V. "Well, my dear," said I, "I see some toil lies in our path this day; Fritz and I must go on our raft to the wreck, for if we are to save the live stock, we must go at once ; and there are bales and bales of goods on board which may be of much use to us. Yet I know not what to do first, for we must have some place here to stow them in," " All may be done," said my wife, " in due time ; and though I shall be in a sad state of fear till I see you both 56 The Swiss Family Robinson. back, still I yield to the good it will be to us all, so let it be done this day." I then went to rouse my boys. Fritz was the first to jump up, and he ran for a dead wolf, which he found had got quite stiff. He put it on its legs at the door of the tent, to make the rest of the boys start ; but as soon as the dogs saw it, they sprang on it, and would have torn it to shreds, had not Fritz gone to work the right way this time, which was to coax them off with food. But this loud bark woke the boys, who made a rush at the door of the tent to see the cause of it all. Jack was the first to come out, with the ape on his arm ; but as soon as the young thing saw the wolf which lay dead at the door, he sprang back to his bed and hid in the moss, till no part The Swiss Family Robinson* 5 7 of him but the tip of his snout could be seen. Jack took the wolf for a dead dog ; and Ned, in a tone of some pomp, said, " This is a gold fox." We then sat down to break our fast, when Ned gave a sly look at a cask which stood by. " Ah," said he, " if we had but some lard to spread on this hard bread, how good it would be. Could we not get at this cask ? " He then brought out some lard from a crack in the side of it. " Your taste for good things, Ned, has brought us a great boon. Come, my boys, who wants bread and lard ?" As our dogs lay at our feet, I saw that they had got deep wounds in the neck ; so my wife put some of the lard on them, which gave the poor brutes much ease. Ned thought they 58 The Swiss Family Robinson. ought to have spikes round their necks to keep off their foes. " I will make them some," said Jack. While Fritz got out the boat, I set up a high post, on the top of which I put a piece of sail cloth for a flag, and I told my wife and boys that they must let it float in the air as long as all went on well ; but if they stood in need of us they were to let down the flag and fire a gun three times, when we should come back with all speed. I told my wife that we might have to stay on board all night. "Well," said she, "if I thought you would be on the raft, I should rest at ease, but not if you slept on the wreck." Our guns were all we took, as we thought we should find food on board. But I must add that Fritz would take The Swiss Family Robinson, 59 the ape, that he might give it some milk from the cow, as he thought it did not seem " quite up to the mark." So we took our leave, and went off in the boat. When we had got mid way down the bay, a strong stream drove us on for three parts of the way ; at last we came to the creek of the rock from which I had made my first start. Then we went on board the ship. Fritz's first care was to feed the live things, each of which we heard greet us in its own way. The young ape was put to the goat to suck, and this he did with so great a zest that it made us hold our sides to laugh at so droll a sight. Now that we had made our way to the wreck, the next thing we had to think of was how we should get back. 60 The Swiss Family Robinson. We knew that the wind which blew in our teeth as we came, would serve us now if we had a sail ; so a mast and sail were of course the first things for us to look out for. We found a strong pole for a mast, and to fix the sail to a yard did not take us long. We then put a plank on the top of the fourth tub on our raft, and so made a deck. Fritz ran up a red flag to the top of the mast as a sign to those whom we had left on shore, to let them know that we should not go back that night. The next day we found all sorts of things that we could turn to some use on shore, such as shot, tools, and cloth ; and we took care this time to bear in mind spoons, knives, forks, plates, pots, pans, and a jack to roast with. We found a chest full of good things to eat, such as the new kind of soup, The Swiss Family Robinson. 61 hams, some bags of maize, wheat, seeds, and herbs. We took all the tools we could find room for, some guns, swords, and a large roll of cloth. Our tubs were full to the brim, and we left but just room to stand. We now sent up our flag to say that all was right, and went to rest for the night. CHAPTER VI. At break of day I went on deck to look through a good glass which I had found in the ship, and I could see my wife with her face my way, as well as the flag, which flew in the breeze. So as I knew that all went well with her, I sat down to eat a full meal. As to the live stock, it was plain that 62 The Swiss Family Robinson. if we made a raft for them, the beasts would not rest on it ; the great fat sow might swim to land, but as to the rest we did not see our way with them. At last Fritz thought of a plan by which they might reach the shore, but which it took us two hours to put in force, and this was the way of it : the cow and the ass had a cask on each side of them, well bound with strips of sail cloth, and we put a block of wood on the head of each to hold him by. We sent the ass off by a hard push, and he swam well when he had once made a plunge or two. The cow, sheep, and goats, all took to the sea as if they did not mind it, but the sow broke loose from us, and was the first to reach the land. We then got in our boat, bound all the blocks of wood (which held the beasts) to its stern, and drew with us our train. The Swiss Family Robinson. 63 We thought much of our sail, for with such a load as we had, we could not have got on with our oars. Once more I took up the glass to look for my wife and boys, when a loud cry from Fritz rang in my ears : " We are lost ! We are lost ! See that huge fish ! " But the bold boy took hold of his gun, and sent two balls at its head, and as it swam it left a track of blood. We were now not far from the shore, so we let down the sail and took our oars, and when the beasts felt the ground we cut off the wood and each went on shore just in the way he thought most fit. So we came to land. But where were all those whom we had left ? We could see no trace of them ! But we had not long to wait ; for 64 The Swiss Family Robinson. they soon came up to greet us ; and when our first burst of joy had gone off, we sat down to tell our tale from first to last. My wife's joy was great to see the ass, cow, sheep, sow, and goats, and more than all, to hear how well Fritz's plan to get them to land had been brought to bear. We then set to work to bring on shore all our stores. I saw that Jack wore a belt of skin, in which were put firearms. Said I, " Where could you have found such a thing ? " u I made it," said he, " and this is not all ; look at the dogs ! " The dogs had each a thong round his neck, thick with spikes. "It was I that thought of it," said Jack, "but I had help when I came to sew the nails on." I told him I should like to know The Swiss Family Robinson. 65 where .he got the thong, the nails, and the thread from ? Jack then said, " The thong was made out of the skin of Fritz's wolf, and the rest came from the large ba S-" " There is still more in it ; do but say what you want ! " quoth my wife. I sent Fritz to bring the ham from the raft, and, to the joy of all, it was set out on the top of the lard cask. My wife brought out twelve dove's eggs, which were like white balls ; and while she spread our meal, Fritz and I took our load out of the boat, and made use of the ass to help us. We sat down to cheese, ham, and eggs, with the ass, cow, sheep, goats, dogs, sow, and fowls all round us. The geese and ducks kept to the marsh, where they ate the small crabs. I sent 66 The Swiss Family Robinson. Fritz for some wine from the stores ; and then my wife gave us a sketch of all that she and the two young ones had done while we were on the wreck. CHAPTER VII. " As to the way in which I spent the first day," said she, " I will spare your kind heart, for I w T as in such great fear that I kept my eye the whole time on the flags and signs from the ship, which with the aid of the glass I could see well. But to day, as I was sure that all went well with you, I set out with the two dear boys in search of some spot to pitch our tent in, that had more to boast of than this poor bare place. The Swiss Family Robinson. 67 We went forth with game bags, and knives at our sides ; the boys took our food, and I shut up the tent door with the hooks. Turk and Flox went with us as our guides ; but when we got to the stream we were in a great strait, for we knew not how to cross it. So we kept for some time to the left bank, when by hook or by crook the boys got me through it. "We had now come to what we thought was a wood, which was in good truth but a group of twelve trees, all of a great height, and which would seem as if the air was their home more than the earth ; and the trunks sprang from roots, each of which made an arch to hold up the boughs. Jack put a piece of twine round the trunk of one of these, to see what size it was, and found it to be two score feet round the stem ; and F 2 68 The Swiss Family Robinson. as far as we could judge, it was three score feet high. A short smooth turf grew at the foot, and near it ran a clear brook with a bank of bright green moss on each side of it. On the whole, it was as sweet a spot as the eye could rest on. Here we sat down to eat our meal. The two dogs, which soon came to join us, did not seem to crave for food, as I thought they would, but lay down to sleep at our feet. "As for me, so safe and so full of peace did this sweet spot seem, that I could but think that if we were to build a home on the top of these high trees, I could find it in my heart to spend the rest of my life here. " When we set out to go home we took the road by the sea shore, in hopes that the waves would have cast up things from the wreck which might be of use The Swiss Family Robinson, 69 to us. We found chests and casks which we had not the strength to move far, though we took them out of the reach of the tide. In the mean time the dogs caught small crabs which they ate as fast as they could catch them. I was glad to see this, as I knew the poor things could not get their own food. " As we sat down a while to rest from this hard work, I saw Flox scratch a hole in the sand and eat some small things out of it with a great zest. Ned stood to watch him, and then said : ' ' They are eggs ! round white eggs ! and such good ones ! ' " We took twelve of them, and left Flox the rest for her pains. ' While we put our spoil in the game bags, we saw in front of us a sail. Ned was quite sure it was our raft, but Frank was much in dread lest it should jo The Swiss Family Robinson. be a boat full of wild men who would eat us up. Yet we soon drove off these fears, and leapt from stone to stone, till we got to the place where you were to land." " Then," said I, " I make out from what you tell me, that you have found a high tree where you would have us perch like fowls. But how are we to get up ? " " Oh," said my wife, " can you not call to mind the large lime tree near our town in which a ball room had been made ? We went up to that by stairs ; so why could you not make stairs in those huge stems ? There we should live in peace, and have no fear of wolves or foes that prowl by night." I said I would think of what could be done. The Swiss Family Robinson. 71 Q CHAPTER VIII. The next day we set our wits to work to make a plan. In the end we thought that we would build a home on the spot my wife spoke of in terms of such high praise. " But the store house for our goods," said I, " must be in the rock, as well as a place to fly to in time of need, which shall be known to none but us. I told my wife that the first thing to be done was to build a bridge, that we might bring all our goods to the house and stores. " A bridge ! " said my wife. " Why can't we make use of a ford as we have done ? The cow and the ass could take our stores." 72 The Swiss Family Robinson. I told her that a bridge we must have, and that the boys and I would make it, while I set her to work to stitch up some strong bags to put shot in. As our minds were now made up for this change of home, I woke up the boys and told them of our plans. We all gave a loud laugh when we saw the young ape suck the goat, who took to it as if she had been its dam. And as to my wife to see her milk the cow, one might vow that she had been born a milk maid. She gave us some of the warm milk, and put the rest in flasks for us to take in the boat, and I then had to go in search of planks of wood to build the bridge with. I took both Fritz and Ned with me this time, as I saw we should have a good load to bring on shore. The Swiss Family Robinson. 73 When we came up to a small isle at the mouth of the bay, we saw there a vast flock of gulls and sea birds of that kind, which, with their harsh cry, fed on a huge fish. This fish was the shark which Fritz had shot through the head, and he found on it the marks of his two balls. Ned struck some of the birds right and left, and put the rest to flight. We cut off the skin of the shark, which I thought might be of use, and put it in the boat. We found loads of planks there, which had been thrown up by the high tide, and as these were all that I could wish for to build our bridge with, I did not go to the wreck. We chose out those which we thought would best suit us, and by the aid of the jack screw and some strong poles we bound them 74 Tke Swiss Family Robinson, to the stern of the boat, and then put off. As we went on, Fritz set to work to dry the shark's skin to make files with, and Ned in the mean while must needs muse on the fact that the shark's mouth is so made that to seize his prey he must turn on his back, and this gives his prey a chance to save their lives ; else, with such a maw, he would lay waste the sea. At last we came to land, and a loud call soon brought the boys to our side. They had been hard at work at the banks of the stream. Frank had round his neck a net full of fine craw fish, and Jack had the same. " Frank was the first to find these fish," said Jack, " when he and I went in search of the best place to build the bridge." " Thank you," said I ; " then may be you will plan the works." The Swiss Family Robinson. 75 " Yes, yes," said Jack, " but just hark at what we saw. When we got to the stream, Frank gave a loud call to me, and when I came up to him I saw Fritz's wolf with a coat of crabs on him ! I ran to fetch a net that we found on the shore, and we caught all these as soon as we had cast it, and could have got more if you had not just then come up." I told Jack to keep as much as we should want to eat, and put the rest back in the stream, and I was glad to find that we had such good food in our reach. We now brought our planks on shore. I thought well of Frank's site for the bridge ; but it was a long way from our store of planks. To get these to the left side of the stream, we bound a rope to the horns of the cow (as its chief strength lies in the head), 76 The Swiss Family Robinson. and one end we made fast to the planks ; and by the aid of the ass we took all the wood we had need of to the spot which the dear boys chose for the site of our bridge. To find out the breadth of the stream Ned hit off a good plan, which was to tie a stone to a ball of twine and fling it to the left bank, and then draw it back, and in this way we could judge of the width of the stream by the length of the string. So we brought from the coast those planks which were of the right size. We found the stream was one score feet wide ; but to give strength I made the planks rest three feet on each bank. But now we were in a great strait ; for we knew not how we were to hoist the planks on the left bank of the stream, when the cow and the ass had The Swiss Family Robinson. jy brought them there. I said this must be thought of while we ate our meal. " Craw fish and Rice Milk" was the bill of fare. But we were first shown the two bags for the ass, which my wife had made of the wolf's hide with twine and a nail to pierce the holes with. As we ate our meal, to talk of our bridge was the one thing to do, and we gave it the name of the Swiss Bridge. We then went to work, and sent the ass and cow, with Ned and Jack on their backs, to swim to the left bank with the long planks, and so the thing was done. I laid down boards on the top of these strong planks cross ways ; but I would not fix them, as I thought that if we should meet with a foe we might want to take down the bridge. When it was made, my wife and I went 78 The Swiss Family Robinson. up and down it with as much glee as the boys. Worn out with the toil of the day, we then made our way home and went to rest. CHAPTER IX. The next day, with all my dear ones round me, I went to pray ; and we then took leave of our first home on the isle, for we had now to set out for our new house in the trees. I bade my boys keep near me in a group, and on we went. We brought out the ass, the cow, the sheep, and the goats. The bags were put on the backs of the first two of these, and were full of things of The Swiss Family Robinson, 79 weight, such as pots, pans, cheese, bread, and flour. All was in trim for the march, when my wife came in haste to beg of me to make room for her large bag which held so much ; nor would she leave the fowls, lest they should fall a prey to the wolves ; but her chief thought was to have a seat found for Frank, as he could not walk so far. I could but smile at her wants, when room was so scarce ; but I gave in, and made a good place for Frank on the back of the ass, where he sat with a pack on each side* of him. The boys came back, and said they could not catch the fowls ; but my wife said she would soon bring them. 'Well, if you do," quoth our pert Jack, " I will let you roast me in the place of the first chick you take." 80 The Swiss Family Robinson. " Then my poor Jack," said she, * you will soon be on the spit ! Look here !" As she said this she threw down some grain for them near the tent, and then some more in the tent, which the fowls came to eat ; she then went in, shut the door, and caught them all. To tie the wings of each to its feet was soon done, and they were put in nets, which were slung on the cow and ass. All that we could not take with us we shut up in the tent, the door of which we made fast, and put chests and casks in front of it, and took our way to our new home. My wife and Fritz went first, then came the cow and ass with their loads, and Jack drove the goats. The young ape sat on the back of his nurse, where his grins and tricks did not fail to cheer our hearts on the way, and he was quite The Swiss Family Robinson. 81 a pet with us all. Next came Ned with the sheep ; then I, like the Jews of old, with my flocks and herds in front of me, came last The two dogs ran first to the front, then to the rear, as if they thought we were all in their charge. CHAPTER X. . Our march was slow. We had ere long to cross the new bridge, and here we had one more than we had set out with ; for the sow — which was so wild when it was her turn to be caught that we had to leave her — now came to join us, with grunts which would seem to say, " This change is not at all to my mind." G 82 The Swiss Family Robinson, As soon as we had got to the left side of the stream the beasts set off to feed on the rich grass, and but for our dogs, we should not have known how to catch them ; so I told our " guard " we would take the road near the coast, where there was no grass to tempt them. We had not left the long grass half an hour, when our dogs made a rush back to it with loud barks and howls, as if they were in fight with some foe. Fritz and Jack ran off to the spot with their guns in their hands, when Jack, who leapt in the high grass up to the dogs, said, with a clap of the hands : " Be quick : here's a great beast like a Hedge Hog, with quills as long as my arm ! " When I got up to it, it made a fierce The Swiss Family Robinson. 83 noise, and was so bold as to set up its quills at us, as it had done at the dogs, who gave sad howls at the pain they were put to. At last, to put an end to the fight, Jack sent a shot in the head of the poor beast, at which it fell dead. " Jack is proud of his feat," said Fritz, " but he is too young to make use of a gun, for he might have shot one of the dogs, and what would be still worse, one of us." But I said that all did well to act for the good of the rest. My wife was then sent for, to see this strange beast. Her first thought was to dress the wounds of the poor dogs made by the quills. As Jack had a great wish to take so strange a beast with us, I put it in some soft grass, so that the quills might not break. G 2 84 The Swiss Family Robinson. At last we got to the end of the march, and I must say I was much struck with the trees ; for they were of a bulk which I could not have thought of. And we gave all thanks to my dear wife who had sought out so nice a home for us. We took the load from the backs of the cow and ass, and bound fast their fore legs, that they might not stray ; but the sow we let go in the way of her own will, and the fowls and doves were let loose. We then all sat down on the grass to think of the best site for our new home. It was my wish to mount the tree that night. All at once we heard the sound of a gun ; but Fritz's voice set us at our ease. He had crept out and shot a fine Pole Cat, which he held up to our view with great pride. The Swiss Family Robinson. 85 " Well done ! " said I ; " you ought to have the thanks of the fowls and doves, for the cat would soon have made a prey of them." " Pray shoot all the rest, Fritz, else we shall not have a chick left for the spit," said Ned. I told Fritz to skin it at once, and throw the flesh to the dogs. I left my wife to cook our meal, while I made the quills fit for her to sew with. To do this I held a large nail in the fire till it was red hot, and then sent it through the head of the quill to make the eye. All the time my thoughts were full of my house in the air. As we knew of no way to climb to the top of the trees, I hung the beds (which I had brought from the ship) from the roots, for as I have said, they grew in 86 The Swiss Family Robinson. the shape of an arch some way from the ground, while on the top of the roots we spread the sails to keep the dew off. CHAPTER XI. When my wife sat down to sew, I went with my sons to the shore in search of wood to build our house with ; and we saw a vast deal that had been thrown up by the high tide, but none fit for our use. As I knew that a house could not be built in a tree if there were no steps to go up it, I did not at first see that my way was clear. But by and by the thought struck me that we might make steps with two ropes The Swiss Family Robinson. 87 for the sides, and bits of cane to mount up by, which we did with great ease, though we had to nail all the canes to the ropes to make them safe. We then drew them up by means of a cord, which I shot up in the tree from a bow with a weight at the end of it, so that it might fall back to the ground. All the boys were mad to climb up it, but I chose Frank to go first, as he was the least weight: so up he went while we held the ropes firm. Then went Fritz with the nails and tools, so that the two boys sat on their perch in the sky, and made loud cries to us poor folk down on the dull earth. Then I took boards up to make the floor of the house with, and came down by the light of the moon. But I was in great fear when I found that Fritz and Jack had not been seen, and still 88 The Swiss Family Robinson. more so when I heard their clear tones ring forth in song from the tip top of the tree, where it was by no means safe to go. When there, they were so struck with the grand view which lay spread at the foot, that they burst out with a hymn of praise. I could not find it in my heart to scold my dear boys when they came down, but told them to tie up the ass and the cow for the night, and get wood for our fires, which we should stand in need of to keep off wild beasts. The doves had flown to the top of the tree to perch there for the night, and we found the fowls at roost on the steps. Now that the toils of the day had come to an end, we sat down to our meal. Then I lit up my watch fires, and we all went to rest, and slept — all save one, The Swiss Family Robi7ison. 89 that is, — and that one was I ; for care kept sleep from my eyes till near the dawn of day, as I did not think we were safe, but when I had had a short sleep I rose, and we were all once more at work. CHAPTER XII. My wife had the cow and the goats to milk, and when she had done that she went in search of wood for our use, while Fritz and I went up the steps with axe and saw to get rid of each branch, bough, and twig, that came in our way. We had put the last stroke to the floor, and next had to hoist up the sail for a roof. The huge trunk of the tree made 90 The Swiss Family Robinson. a back to our room, and the front let in a fresh breeze from the sea, of which we had a fine view. With the rest of the wood we made a bench and a few chairs. While we took our meal the young ape leapt first to this boy, then to that, for food, and ate what scraps they gave him just as we did, and with such fun in his looks that he kept us on the broad laugh the whole time. Our great sow now came back to us with grunts of joy. We had not seen her for two days, and my wife gave her all the milk she could spare to show that we were glad to see her. The boys then set a light to the fires, the dogs were bound to the roots of the trees, and we went up our steps for the night. My three big boys soon ran up them ; my wife, who trod with more care, went The Swiss Familv Robinson. 9 1 next, and got to the top with ease. I took Frank on my back, and then drew in the steps ; and now we felt safe, like the knights of old when their draw bridge was up. CHAPTER XIII. We did not wake till the sun shone on us, and as it was the Lord's Day, of course we did no work, but we sang hymns, which we knew by heart, and we could pray, though we had no books. The next day all the lads shot with bows, and I made a small one for Frank. So he set off with his bow in his hand, of which he was as proud as a prince. 92 The Swiss Family Robinson. It was my whim to give names to all those parts of the isle which were well known to us. The bay where we first came to land, Ned said we ought to call the Bay of Tears when we thought of all those that poor Jack had shed there. " Nay," said my wife, "as it is the place where we first set foot on dry ground, I think we should give it the name of the Bay of Joy. Our first home had the name of Tent House; the small isle where the fish was found, Shark Isle ; and the swamp where the canes were cut, Bow Marsh. My wife and boys had a glass of sweet wine to drink the health of the chicks and all who were at Kite's Nest — for this was the name I gave to our new home. When the heat of the day had gone off, we set out to Tent House to get more The Swiss Family Robinson. 93 food, and to bring the geese and ducks. This time we did not go by the banks of the stream, but kept in the shade of the chain of rocks till we got to the Swiss Bridge. Ned wore a belt of skin from the hide of the wolf. Each of us had a gun and game bag save Frank, who, with his fair face, his gold hair, his bow and darts, was a sweet sight to look at. Then came Turk and Flox, but someway off, for they were in fear of Frank's darts. Knips — the ape — took his seat on the back of Flox, who could not shake him off. New and bright scenes now burst on our view on all sides. The fig tree grew here, the fruit of which was of great size and good to the taste. Jack was soon on the top of the sand rocks to pick some ; but it had not struck him 94 The Swiss Family Robinson. that the figs had small thorns as fine as a pins point, which, of course, stung his hands and hurt him. He came back with sad cries, and we could see him dance with the pain. I took out the thorns, and put him in the right way to treat the fruit, which was to run a piece of stick through the fig, and then pare it; and soon all the boys sat down to eat them, and gave the best sign that they thought them good. While I put the stores on the ass and cow, my wife and Frank had to cook all the good things. Ned and Jack went to try to catch the geese and ducks, which had grown so wild, that but for a bright thought of Ned's, they could not have done so. His plan was to fix a piece of cheese to a thread for a bait, which was made to float on the stream : the ducks soon took the cheese The Swiss Family Robinson. 95 down their throats, and were drawn out by the thread. He then cut off the thread close to the beak, and left the rest of it in their craw, and threw them neck and heels in the game bag. CHAPTER XIV. I had seen on the shore some wood which I thought would serve to build a sledge with, on which we could take our casks and stores from Tent House to Kite's Nest. The next day at dawn I woke up Ned, and left the rest to sleep. We went down to the shore, and set to work at the wood, and cut it the right length with the saw ; we then bound it to the ass, who drew it with a good heart. We threw on it a 9 6 The Swiss Family Robinson. small chest that we found sunk half way in the sand, and Ned led the ass. The chest was full of the clothes of the crew, which were wet with the sea ; but my wife thought much of them, for she said that our own would soon be worn out. Fritz and Jack had shot some birds, but I said, "It will save our shot if you set snares to catch them." And I taught them how to do so with threads which we drew from the leaves of plants that we had found. Then my two boys and I made the sledge, but while we were at work on it we heard a great noise from the fowls. Ned went out to look round him, and saw the young ape seize and hide the eggs from the nests, of which he had made a store at the foot of our tree. When my wife heard of it, Knips had a box on the ear, and from that time he The Swiss Family Robinson. 97 was shut up till all the eggs had been brought in. When Jack went up the trees to set the snares he found that the doves built there. I told him to keep a sharp look out that our own birds were not caught in them, and by no means to fire his gun in the tree. CHAPTER XV. At the end of the day I had made my sledge in this way : in the first place, there were two long planks of wood with a curve in them, and on these were three short ones put cross ways. The fore and hind parts were in the form of horns, so that the load might not fall out. Two ropes were bound on to the H 98 The Swiss Family Robinson. front, and my sledge was made. My wife was loud in her praise of it, and Ned and I set off with it to Tent House for some more casks, as our food had got low ; and I left the rest in the care of Fritz. We bound the cow and ass to the sledge, made a whip out of a cane and a piece of twine, and took our way by the shore, as that was the best road for the sledge ; and by the help of Swiss Bridge we were soon at Tent House. Here we took out the ass and cow and let them graze, and soon set to work to load the sledge once more with all that we could find that was good to eat. So hard at work were we at this, that we did not give the beasts a thought, but they took it in their heads to cross the bridge, and roam out of sight. I told Ned to look to them, and in the The Swiss Family Robinson. 99 mean time I cut a load of the rush which grew in that part. When Ned came back I found he had made good use of his wits, for he took care to lift off the first planks of the bridge, so that there was now no fear that the beasts would stray. We took a bathe, and then Fritz went to fish. He had not been gone long when I heard him cry out : " Oh, pray come and help me ; here is such a huge fish ! I can't hold it, it will break my line ! " I ran up to lend my aid, and found that poor Fritz lay with his face on the ground, and gave tugs at his line, to which hung so large a fish that it all but broke it. I drew it to a pool, and we thought our good cook would be much struck with such a prize ; so I put some salt H 2 ioo The Swiss Family Robinson. to it, and brought it home on the sledge. CHAPTER XVI. When I got home I found that the boys were clad in the clothes which we found in the small chest, and this new style of dress brought screams of mirth from all, as the clothes did not suit their shape or their age ; but my wife thought that to wear these was not so bad as to go with none at all. The next day when I rose, I broke the news to her that I must go once more to the wreck, and bade Fritz get out all that we should want. My wife was as sad this time as the last, and to add to her grief, Ned and The Swiss Family Robinson. ioi Jack were no where to be found. But we set out for Tent House, and on our way we heard cries so loud as to fill the air. We gave a start, and all at once Ned and Jack leapt from some trees, mad with glee to find that their plan to join us should (as they thought) turn out so well. Their fun was to make us think that a tribe of wild men stood round us to close us in ; but I sent them both back, and told them that it was wrong to come out when they had not had leave to do so. At this they felt much shame, and hung down their heads ; but to cheer them up, I bade Fritz give Ned his watch that he might know how the time went while we were gone. And as I had seen a case full of them in the ship, I knew it would be no loss to us. We got out our boat, and by the aid of the 102 The Swiss Family Robinson. stream which ran through the bay we soon came up to the ship. The first work to turn our hands to was to make a new raft. We found at least ten tubs, which we threw in the sea, and laid some long planks on them, and these we bound to them with ropes. This took up the whole of the first day, and we had but time to eat some cold meat which we had brought with us, and then we went to rest for the night. CHAPTER XVII. The next day we put the goods on the raft, and took all that we could lay our hands on. There were rich gems of great cost, gold, and some small The Swiss Family Robinson. 103 cash ; these we had at first a wish to take, but soon gave them up for things that would be of more use to us, such as a case of plants and trees which were kept in damp moss. I saw with joy two or three plum trees, some young shoots of the vine, and a peach tree. How I did long to plant them ! There were pigs of lead, cart wheels, tongs, coils of wire, sacks of maize, peas, oats, and a small hand mill. We knew not what to take, and what to leave, but we brought as much as it was safe for the raft to hold, and then we made for the shore. Though the wind was fair, yet we got on at a slow rate, for the mass we had to tug kept us back. When we came on shore Fritz gave a shout. All ran to greet us, and great was their joy to see such a load of goods. I sent the 104 The Swiss Family Robinson. boys for the sledge to take some of our freight on shore at once, as the ebb tide left our boat dry on the sand. By the aid of the jack screw we brought two large rolls of lead from the raft ; and these were a great boon to us, as we stood in need of them to make shot with. We took on shore the chest of tools, and wheels for our sledge, and then we sat down in the shade to rest and eat our meal. " And now," said my wife, " since you have had such a hard day's work, I think I can give you some wine to cheer you up." She then brought out some choice wine from a small cask that had been cast on shore by the waves, and which she and the boys had brought to Kite's Nest. My wife went up the steps to stow The Swiss Family Robinson. 105 the goods, which took all our strength to hoist up to her. This done, we lay down on our beds, and I need not add that our sleep that night was sound and sweet. CHAPTER XVIII. Day by day we went to the wreck, for a whole week, for we had found a great prize there in the shape of a boat. " To work ! To work ! " said I to the three boys. Each piece of it had a chalk mark to show where it was to join to the next. I saw it would take some days to make, and I could get no sleep that night for the thought of it. To clear a space on deck for it took 106 The Swiss Family Robinson. us an hour or two, and we came on shore each night when our work was done, but not to the Kite's Nest ; for my dear wife had left it and come to Tent House, as she thought it would suit us best to be there while we had this long job in hand. At last our boat was set up. It was light, and had the look of a craft that would sail well. At the head was a short deck, and the masts and sails were stout. To caulk all the seams with tow and tar was the last thing we did, but just for the look of it we put two small guns in, which we bound to its side by chains. And now the boat stood on the stocks, but how could we get it to float ? The ship's side was so strong that to force a way for it was not to be thought of; all at once a bold plan struck me, but in which there was some risk that all might The Swiss Family Robinson. 107 be lost as well as won. In a word, that part of the ship which stood in the way of the launch, I blew up. But I did not make my scheme known lest it should not turn out as I could wish. So I laid down a long match and then came on shore. When it blew up, " What's that ? " said all my boys at once, with a start. "It must be some foe," said Jack. Fritz thought it might be a ship out at sea in want of help ; but Ned said, " Let's get out the glass and see." My wife's fears were that we had left a light on board, and that this had blown up the wreck. " Be that as it may," said I, "we will go and find out the cause of it, for it is from the wreck that the sound came. Who will go with me ? My three sons at once leapt in the boat, 108 The Swiss Family Robinson. and off we went, and as we had each an oar, we were soon on board the ship, which lay just where we had left it ; part of the side was gone, and in its place stood our boat safe and sound. "All hail! All hail!" I sang out. " The boat is our own, for now we can launch her !" " Ah, I see," said Fritz, " you have blown up the ship. But how could you do it so as to save the boat ? " " You will see by and by," said I. To launch, load, and fit out our boat took us two days. At last we put up our masts and sails, and when we got to the Bay, I gave my boys leave to fire one of the guns : so Ned and Jack put the match to it, and bang ! it went. My wife and Frank ran out in great fear, but our shouts of joy soon told the glad tale, The Swiss Family Robinson. 109 and a plank was put that my wife might get in the boat ; and she could but praise our skill, "for," said she, "the boat rides on the waves like a queen in full state." We soon came on shore, and when we had got as far as the Swiss Bridge my wife held out her hand to point with some pride to a plot of ground which she and Frank had laid out in beds and walks. " See ! this is our work ! " said she. " Here are peas, and beans, as well as pines, and maize/' CHAPTER XIX. We then got to Kite's Nest, to the great joy of my wife, who had a dread no The Swiss Family Robinson. of the heat of Tent House. The next day I found that the doves had built in our tree, and that the nests had eggs in them. We brought out the fruit trees which we had found on board the ship, and we laid out a piece of ground to plant them in. As we had no meat to eat we went out with our guns in search of game. My wife went with us this time, as she had a wish to see the world. The three boys and I set off with our guns, next came my wife, and Frank — who led the ass, — then Knips on the back of the mild Flox. We soon came to the wood, where Fritz and I had the fight with the apes. Ned gave a look at the nuts, but there were no apes there this time to throw them down. " Do they not fall from the trees when they are ripe?" said Ned; when The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 1 1 down fell a nut at his feet, then one or two more. " My words act like a charm ! " said he ; " I have but to speak, you see, and they fall at my feet." " Here comes the rogue that sent them," said I, when I saw a huge land crab come down from the tree. Jack struck a blow at him, but did not hit him. The beast spread out his claws and made up to him, when poor Jack fled in great fear. But a loud laugh from the rest gave him pluck, and he threw off his coat and put the beast to death. All got round it to see what it was like, and I told them that when the nuts do not break by the fall, the crab puts its claw in the small holes which are at the top of the shell to take out the nut, which it eats. We then went to the Gourd Wood, where my wife and 112 The Swiss Family Robinson. boys were much struck with the growth of the large gourds which they found there. When we sat down to our meal, Fritz made a large spoon out of one of them to skim the milk with, as well as bowls and flasks ; while Ned — who had no taste for work of that sort — went for a stroll in the thick wood. All at once we saw him run to us in great fear, and cry out, " A wild boar ! A great wild boar ! " Fritz and I took up our guns and ran to the spot, but the dogs went first. We soon heard barks and loud grunts, by which we knew that a fight went on, and off we set in the hope of a good prize. What did we see, — a wild boar ? No, but our own great sow, which Turk and Flox held by the ears ! She had grown so wild that she had left us to The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 1 3 live in the woods ; and of course I made the dogs give up their prize. CHAPTER XX. The next day I thought I would roam far and near till I made sure that we were in good truth on an isle ; and I took with me Fritz, Turk, and the ass. As we went through a wood of oaks we met with the sow once more, but this time she did not run from us. Fritz shot some birds of the jay tribe, and he had not had time to load his gun when we heard a strange noise like a drum, but not so loud, and at the same time a sharp, harsh cry. We both made a rush with our guns to a copse, ii4 The Swiss Family Robinson. and there we found a green bird, which spread his wings and gave a strut up and down the branch of a tree, where he made his shrill note, and the sound of the drum came from his wing, which he struck on the stem of it. I knew this to be the green grouse, and as all at home were much in want of food, Fritz shot the bird. In this tour we met with no sort of fright, and no one thing to boast of. We then came home to turn our hands to a cart ; for we found we could not'go far from home for the want of one. We made a rough sort of thing with the wheels which we had brought from the wreck, and found it of great use to us. In the mean time my wife and three sons had set to work to plant the vines, and the quince, plum, and pear trees The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 1 5 near our new home. The rest I put in the ground round Tent House, which was our strong fort now, and held our arms and stores. It was shut in by a high hedge of thick trees, so that no man or beast could get to it. There was but one way in, and that was near Swiss Bridge, the first planks of which we took up when we left it. All this took us three months to do. Our clothes were now in a bad state, and we could see no way to get new ones, save by a sail to the wreck in our new boat : so off we went, and we found it in much the same state as we had left it. We brought some of our own clothes, bales of cloth, some tar, doors, locks, bolts, and all the guns that we had strength to move ; in fact, we might be said to sack the ship, and when we had 1 2 n6 The Swiss Family Robinson. done this, I made up my mind to blow it up. So we put a long match which I knew would take some hours to burn, and went at once to the Bay to watch the wreck. My wife spread our meal on a point of land where we could see the ship, and just as the sun went down, off it went with a crash, and a pile of flame burst up to the sky. When we heard this we could not but shed tears, as we lost the sole bond which bound us to the land from which the ship had brought us ; and we went back with sad hearts to Tent House. CHAPTER XXI. The next day we made a search for wood, and found loads of it strewn on The Swiss Family Robinson. 117 the shore from the ship. My wife who came to help us, saw on a small lake one of our geese and two ducks, each with a brood in her wake. She had a wish to get some eggs of the wild fowl to put in the hens nests. So we made a tour in search of some, took our food with us, and a large sail to make a tent with. The day was all that we could wish, not too warm nor too cold, and in high glee we sang as we went. We came to a large plain where the canes grew, at the back of which were palm woods, and then the sea. We were so much struck with the place that we thought we should do well to move from Kite's Nest to this sweet spot ; but we soon gave up the thought. ' For," said I, "where shall we find a home so safe and snug as our dear nest up in the tree ?" 1 1 8 The Swiss Family Robinson. So our tent here was to be kept as a place to rest and eat our meals in when we made a tour. We let the ass and cow graze on the rich grass round us, and spent the night here. The next day we set to work to tie up the large canes, and put them in the cart to take home, for we had need of them as props for our new fruit trees. This hard work made my boys long for some milk from the nuts, and they did all they could to climb the smooth bare trunk of the tree, but in vain ; at last I gave them some of the rough skin of the shark to brace on their legs, which I had brought for that use. Then I taught them to climb by the aid of a rope, which was flung round the tree with a noose, when they soon got to the top, and an axe which was hung to their belt, did the rest of the The Swiss Family Robinson, 119 work, for the nuts fell down by scores. On these we made a feast, and the jests of Fritz and Jack went round ; for they did not spare poor Ned, who was lost in some new thought. When all at once up he sprang, took the shell of a nut in his left hand, and in his right a tin flask, and with a grave air spoke thus : — " Dear friends, I feel that all praise is due to the shark, whose skin gave you the means to climb so well. And though in the nuts which you have sent down to us we have found at once meat and drink, yet I hope by my skill to tempt your lips with some juice from this flask that will give joy to your hearts, and bring to mind the good feasts of our old Swiss home." He then bound his legs with the shark's skin, and sprang up a palm, 1 20 The Swiss Family Robinson. which he had long been seen to gaze at through his glass. Ned took no heed of the loud laugh which the boys gave at this speech ; but as soon as he got to the top, he struck the tree with his axe, and a tuft of light green leaves fell at our feet, which I knew were those of the palm. He now came down and held out to me his cup, which was full of a wine as pink as the rose, and then said, " I beg of you to drink my health." It was the true palm wine ; of it we all drank, and gave great praise to Ned, who thought no more of the jokes which had been thrown out at him. As it now grew late we set up the tent for the night, when all at once our The Swiss Family Robinson. 121 ass, which till now had stood quite still near us, gave a loud bray, stuck up his ears, and with a kick right and left, gave a plunge, and was lost in the cane wood. This I did not like at all ; for I felt loth to lose the poor ass that was of so much use to us, and more than this, I had my fears that some beast of prey was near, which he might have caught sight of. The dogs and I sought far and near for a trace of him, but in vain ; so then to guard the tent I made a large fire, which I sat to watch till the night was half spent, when as all was still, I crept to my bed of moss in the tent to sleep. At break of day we all fell on our knees to thank God for His gift of health and strength. 122 The Swiss Family Robinson. CHAPTER XXII. I then went with Jack in search of the ass, for I thought Fritz and Ned would make the best guard for my wife. We made a search in the cane wood for an hour or more, but still in vain. At last we saw the marks of hoofs and the foot marks of some beast that we knew not of. A long way off we saw some vague things, which I took for wild beasts, and as I went through a wood to see if our ass were with them, we came face to face with a herd of wild bulls and cows. And to see them troop up to us, lift their heads, and fix their large eyes on us, struck me with such awe that at first I could not use my gun. The Swiss Family Robinson. 123 By good luck the dogs were in the rear. We drew back a pace or two, got out our arms, and then made off on one side, when up came Turk and Flox, and though we did all we could to hold them in, they would fly at the herd. And now a scene took place which it makes my hair stand on end to think of. We heard a whole troop of them lift up their voice and roar, we saw them beat the ground with their feet, and butt with their horns. Our brave dogs went straight at them, and fell on a calf which they took hold of by the ears. The cow, whose eyes were red and whose blood would seem to boil with rage, came full drive at us to shield her young one, and with her the whole herd. Just then — I shake with fear as I 1 24 The Swiss Family Robinson. write it — I made a sign to my brave Jack, who was more cool than I, and we shot at them. This made the whole herd pause for a while, and they took to flight so fast that ere the smoke from the guns was blown off they were out of sight. My dogs still held their prize, and the cow, though she had two wounds from our shot, made a rush at us, and tore up the ground in her rage. She then set at the dogs to toss them with her horns; but just then I came up, and sent a shot in her head, which laid her dead on the spot. We now had time to take breath. We had seen death stare us in the face ; and we gave thanks to God, who had brought us through such great risks. The dogs still held the calf by the The Swiss Family Robinson, 125 ears ; the poor thing kept up a loud roar all the time, and I had my fears lest the dogs should be hurt, or lose their prize. I went up to give them help, but knew not how to act. It would have been no hard task to kill the calf ; but I had a great wish to bring him home and tame him, that he might take the place of our ass. Now Jack hit on the right thing to do ; he flung a rope round the hind legs of the calf, and so threw him down ; then I came up, put a strong rope in the place of the thin one, and bound a loose cord round his fore legs. Jack thought of the joy with which those at home would hail us when they saw us with this prize. But how were we to get the calf to move ? He 126 The Swiss Family Robinson. would not stir a step ; at last I thought of the mode made use of in the East, which is to bore a hole in the nose, and put a cord through it. This cord was to serve as my rein to guide the poor beast, and the plan did well. I did not wish to leave the whole of the cow I had put to death, as the meat is so good, so I cut out the tongue and some of the best parts of the loin, put salt on them, and took them with me ; and I tore the skin off the fore legs, as I knew I could make good boots with it We let the dogs feast on the rest, and while they made their meal on it, we went to a stream to wash, and then sat in the shade of a large tree. Clouds of birds of prey came from all parts to feast on the cow, and a fight was kept up the whole time, till none was left but the bare bones. The Swiss Family Robinson. 127 In the mean time the same sort of work went on at the tent ; for while Fritz and Ned had gone to the wood to cut down a palm tree, a troop of apes got in the tent, and ate all they could find. We made a fire of green wood, in the smoke of which we put the flesh of the wild cow, and left it there all night, and we found it was nice to the taste. CHAPTER XXIII. The next day we all set off home, and were glad to find that the calf could graze. He was now put to draw the cart by the side of his nurse (our 128 The Swiss Family Robinson. own cow), and these took the place of our lost ass. Fritz and Jack now went to cut down the short wood to. make a road for the cart, and as they did so, the dogs, who were with them, burst out in howls and cries. I had much fear lest they should have met with a beast of prey ; so I made a rush to the spot, that I might use my gun, and found that the dogs kept some beast at bay ; but I could not see what it was for the thick shrubs. Fritz told me he had caught a glimpse of some wild beast with a black skin ; but Jack, who lay on the ground to spy at it, burst out with a loud laugh, and said. "It is one more trick of that old sow ! All she seems good for, I think, is to make fools of us!" Half in a rage, and half in The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 29 mirth, we made our way up to the spot, and there she was with ten voung ones a few days old. We were glad to see our old friend with all these pigs round her, for which we gave her a stroke, and a soft grunt made it quite plain that it was as great a source of joy to her as it was to us. The poor thing knew not that our plan was to eat her young ones as soon as they were fit for the spit, and my wife and boys could not bear the thoughts of it. But I told them we must eat meat or die. At length we came to Kite's Nest, where our first work was to make some stairs in the place of the rope steps ; and this took us a month to do. " Come ! come and see Flox ! " said Frank, in high glee ; " she has six pups ! but I fear they are all blind." As these were more than we could x 1 30 The Swiss Family Robinson. keep, I had all put to death save two ; to which Frank gave the names of Bob and Nell. Frank, too, made great pets of three young kids which were just born, as well as the lambs ; and to love and make much of these was a new life to him. For fear our sheep should stray as the ass had done, we hung some small bells, which we had brought from the ship, round their necks. CHAPTER XXIV. One day, just as we had come to the end of our work at the stairs, we heard some way off a noise like the roar of a wild beast, but with it a long sharp sound and a strange kind of hiss. Our dogs stuck up their ears, while we all The Swiss Family Robinson. 131 got up a tree to look out, in no small fear of the noise, which we thought came more and more near. At length Fritz threw down his gun, and said with a loud laugh, " It is our friend the ass, come back to us with a song of joy." We were now sure that he was right, and could not but feel a slight blush to think that we had been put to such fright by an ass. We soon saw him in the wood, and with him a friend of his own kind, which I at once knew to be the wild ass, and that it would be a great thing for us if we could catch him. The wild ass, as soon as he got sight of Fritz, threw up his head and gave a start back, as it was no doubt the first man that he had seen. Fritz went up to old Griz with some oats and salt, K 2 132 The Swiss Family Robinson. and this he came straight up to eat as his old treat ; the wild ass, too, with a toss of the head and a snuff of the air, came so near that Fritz could throw a rope with a noose on his head. Thepoor beast swung round to fly from him, but that drew the cord so tight as to stop his breath ; so he lay down with his tongue out. I made all haste to throw a rope round his neck, and put a split cane on his nose, just as smiths do to tame a horse the first time they shoe him. I then took off the noose, and when I had made the rope fast to the roots of two trees, I left him to come to. In the mean time my wife and the rest of my boys had come round us to see this fine beast, whose form was so full of grace that he was all but as good as a horse. In a short time he rose, and beat the earth with his feet to get loose ; The Swiss Family Robinson. 133 but the pain in his nose made him lie down once more. We took care to tie the feet of our own ass, so that he should not stray, and when we had put a stout rope on him we left him near his friend. CHAPTER XXV. I made use of all the means I could think of to tame our new guest, and at the end of a month I thought I might try to break him in. This was a long and tough task. We first put some weights on his back, but still he would not let us mount him. At last I thought of the mode they make use of in the Far West to tame the wild horse, and I made up my 1 34 The Swiss Family Robinson. mind to try it. In spite of the bounds and kicks of the fierce beast, I leapt on his back, and took one of his long ears in my teeth and bit it till the blood came. Up he went on his hind legs, stood for a while quite stiff, then came down on his fore feet, while I still held on by his ear. At last I thought I might let him go ; he made some leaps, but soon went off in a sort of trot. From that time he was quite our slave ; my sons all got on his back, and they gave him the name of Light Foot. I had put loose cords on his fore legs, which we kept on for some time ; and, as he would not bear the bit, we had to guide him by a stick, with which we struck the right or left ear, as we might wish him to go. As the time for the great rains was now at hand, we had to make sheds The Swiss Family Robinson. 135 for our beasts, to keep them safe and dry. We first made a roof on the top of the roots of our tree. For this we made use of canes, which we had to bind fast, and then to fill the cracks with moss and clay, and smear the whole with tar to keep out the rain. By the aid of some boards we made this one roof serve as well for our fowl house, hay house, and store room. One night when we were in the wood we heard the loud cries of some birds, and we made up our minds that Knips must have had a fight with some of them. So Ned went off to see what the noise was, and we soon heard him shout out, " Be quick ! a fine heath fowl's nest, full of eggs. Knips wants to suck them, and the old one is at him." Fritz ran up and caught both the old 136 The Szviss Family Robinson. birds, while Ned brought back a large nest full of eggs. Knips had done us a good turn this time ; for the nest lay hid in a bush with such long leaves — of which Ned had his hand full — that but for the sharp sight of the ape we could not have found it out. I need not say how glad Ned was to take the nest and eggs home to my dear wife, and the long leaves he meant to give to Frank, to serve as toy swords. CHAPTER XXVI. We then set out on our way back, Ned with the two fowls, while I took charge of the eggs, which I found were still warm, and I had some hopes that the bird would hatch out the brood when The Swiss Family Robinson. 137 we got to Kite's Nest. Fritz rode Light Foot, and in his wish to be first to take the good news to my wife, struck his steed with a bunch of the long leaves which he took from Ned. This gave Light Foot such a start that he flew out of sight, like a shaft from a bow, and did not stop till he got to his home. My wife put the eggs in the nest of one of her hens, while the heath fowl was made safe in a cage and hung up in our room to make her tame. I n a few days a score of young chicks came forth from the eggs, and were soon as tame as our own fowls ; though when they were full grown I cut their wings, lest in a wild mood they might fly off. Frank did not long care for the new toy that Ned had brought him in the shape of the long leaves, and they were thrown on one side. But Fritz by 138 The Swiss Family Robinson. chance took up some of these leaves, which were now quite dry and soft, and he told Frank to make whips of them to drive the sheep and goats, of which the small boy had charge. As he split these leaves in strips, I found that they were a kind of flax, and when I told this to my wife, she said, " Bring me all the leaves you can at once, and I will make you socks, shirts, coats, thread, cords — in fact, give me but flax and tools, and I know not what I could not do." So Fritz and Jack went off to get a fresh store of the leaves. CHAPTER XXVII. In the mean time my wife told me what tools I must make, that she The Swiss Family Robinson. 139 might spin and weave, and clothe us from head to foot ; her eyes were bright with joy as she spoke, and I gave her my word that I would do all that she could ask. In a short time our boys came back with a large store of these leaves, which they laid at the feet of my wife. The first thing was to steep them till they were quite moist ; so we got out the cart and took a load of leaves to the marsh, where we threw them out in a pond, with stones on the top to keep them down. In two weeks' time the flax was fit to take out of the pond ; we then spread it in the sun, which made it so soon dry that we brought it to Kite's Nest the same night, and laid it up in the store. As we thought that the time of rain was now near at hand, we brought in, from day to day, loads of roots, nuts, wood, 140 The Swiss Family Robinson. canes, fruit, and all that might be of use to us. We made the most of the last few fine days to sow our wheat and grain, that the rain might make them grow. We had had a slight fall of rain, the sky was dark with clouds, and the wind rose. We did not think the change would come so soon ; but we now heard the winds rage through the woods, and the sea foam and roar ; the clouds burst in the sky, and rain fell night and day ; the streams kept no more to their banks, and the fields were one huge lake. By good luck we had made our home high up in the vale, and we found that we were left in a sort of isle in the midst of the great flood. But the rain came through the roof on all sides, and from hour to hour we thought the wind would blow our house off the tree, and all that were in it. The Swiss Family Robinson. 141 We set to work to move our beds to the small space where the high roots of the trees made a roof for our beasts ; but there was no room to move, the smoke of a fire would choke us, and if we went out the rain would drench us. For the first time since our wreck we did now long and sigh for our old home. I made the wild calf and Light Foot half free, but took care that they should not stray, and they had to seek a roof from the boughs of the tree. We had need of but few fires, for it was not cold, and we had not much that we could wish to cook ; but we had a good store of milk, dry meat, fish, and cakes. At break of day we sent out some of our live stock, round the necks of which we had put bells ; and at night Fritz and I had to seek them and bring them in, when we were sure to get wet through. So 142 The Swiss Family Robinson. my wife made us a sort of frock with a hood out of some old clothes, which, with the help of some gum, kept out the rain. The care of our beasts took up the first part of the day, and then we had to bake our cakes. Though we had a glass door to our hut, the dark sky, and the vast boughs of the tree, which hung round us, made the night come on much too soon. Our light we had to fix in a gourd, round which we all sat. CHAPTER XXVIII. While I wrote down all that took place, my wife would mend our clothes, and Fritz and Jack taught Frank to read and write, or draw the plants, The Swiss Family Robinson. 143 beasts, and birds that they had been struck with. At dawn, and at the end of each day, we read in turns from the Book of God's Word, which we had brought from the wreck. My kind wife would now and then give us a feast in the shape of a roast fowl, or duck, and once in four or five days we had fresh cheese made in the gourd churn. What was left at our meals we gave to our pets. We had four dogs, a tame hawk, and the ape, which were to be fed from our hands. But if the wild calf, Light Foot, and the sow could not have found their own food, they must have been left to die, for we had none to give them. We made up our minds that should we live till this time next year, we would not spend it in such a house, 144 The Swiss Family Robinson. but that we would build a new one which could be made safe from the wind and rain, and then come back to our tree at the warm time of the year. One night we all sat round the fire to talk of our plans, when the thought came to my mind that we might choose as the place of our home the rocks at Tent House. This I knew would be a work of great toil, but with time we felt sure that it could be done. I need not say what joy we felt when at length we saw the sun spread its bright rays through the dark clouds ; the winds were still, the floods had sunk, and the air was mild and calm. We went out with shouts of glee to breathe the pure air, and gaze on the fresh grass that now sprang up at our feet. All things had a look of youth once The Swiss Family Robinson. 145 more, and in the midst of these bright charms, we lost sight of our cares, and sent up a hymn of thanks to the God of all good. Our plants and seeds had done well ; the air was sweet with their smell, and the songs and cries of flocks of birds that were at work with their nests gave life to the scene. Our first task was to clear out the rooms where we slept in the tree, and in a few days they were fit to dwell in. My wife set to work with her flax ; while my sons led out the beasts to graze. We then had to dry our flax, and strip, beat, and comb it ; and we drew out such soft, fine stuff that my wife was wild with joy, and would let me have no rest till I had made her a wheel. In my youth I had had a taste for 146 The Swiss Family Robinson. the lathe, and though I had now no tools, I knew how a wheel and a reel should be made ; and as soon as I had got these out of hand, my wife set to work to spin with so much zeal that she would scarce leave her wheel to take a walk or to cook our meals. She got Frank to reel off the thread as she spun it, and would have had the rest take her place when she left it ; yet none of them but Ned would do what they said was "girls' work.'' CHAPTER XXIX. In the mean time we went to Tent House to see the state of things, and found that the rain had done more harm there than at Kites Nest. The storm The Swiss Family Robinson. 147 had thrown down the tent, and blown off some of the sail cloth, and a great part of our stores were so wet that they were not good for food. Our fine yacht was still safe, and fit for use, but our tub boat was quite spoilt. We now felt that we must have a roof to shield us, more strong than a tent or the boughs of trees. The rocks round Tent House stood up like a hard wall, and had no cracks through which we could pierce them. But we made up our minds to have some sort of cave at all costs. So we set to work to hew the stone. We chose a fine site for a house, with a view of the whole bay, and of the two banks of the great stream as well as of Swiss Bridge. The sun had made the rock so hard that our first blows made but a slight mark on it. But at the end of five or L 2 148 The Swiss Family Robinson. six days, we found it more soft, and at last we came to a sort of clay which we could dig out with spades. This gave us hopes, and in a short time we had made way to a depth of eight feet. One day while Jack was at work with a crow bar, we heard him call out : " I have cut through ! " " Not through your hand, child ? \ said I. " No," said he ; " I have cut through the rock." Fritz ran in at the shout, and told him he might as well have said at once he had cut through the earth. But Jack said, though Fritz might laugh, he was quite sure he had felt a space with his bar. I took a long pole to probe the hole, and found there must be a cave of some size. But as I put my face down to look in, a rush of bad air The Swiss Family Robinson, 149 brought on a sort of head ache, and made me feel quite faint. " Come off, boys," said I ; " the air you would breathe there might cause your death." I then sent them to get some hay, to which I set a light and threw it in the cave ; but it was at once put out by the foul gas. We had brought from the ship a box of squibs ; so I threw in some of these, and set a light to them by a long match, which gave us time to get out of the way. When they went off the gas came out with a rush, and the pure air took its place. I put in some more hay which burnt with a bright blaze, so I knew that we were now safe from the gas ; but for fear of pits or pools I would not go in till we had some lights. So I sent off Jack on Light Foot to 150 The Swiss Family Robinson. tell the news to my wife, and bring all the lights they could find. Jack went off with a crack of his whip in such haste that he made my hair stand on end. While he was gone, Fritz and I gave more width to the hole, and swept a clean road for my wife. Just as we had done this we heard the sound of wheels on the bridge, and the cart came in sight, drawn by the cow and ass, while Jack rode in front on Light Foot, and blew through his hands as if it had been a horn. I then gave one light to each, with some flints and a steel ; and we took arms with us, and set forth in a slow line for the heart of the cave. I went first, then my big boys, and then my wife and Frank. We had gone but a few steps, when we came to a stop, quite struck with awe ; the scene round us was a blaze of bright The Swiss Family Robinson. 151 light, and we found that we were in a cave of gems, which hung from the high roof in all forms and shapes. The floor was smooth with fine dry sand. I broke off one of the gems to judge what they were, and found to my great joy that it was a cave of rock salt. This was in truth a mine of great wealth ; for salt was good for our beasts as well as for us, and would cost us now no toil to get. Blocks of salt lay on the ground, and I had some fears lest more should fall on us : so when the rest had left, Fritz and I let off our guns, but not more than two or three lumps came down. We were now sure that our cave was quite safe as a place to dwell in ; so we spent each day at Tent House at work on our new home, and went back at night to Kite's Nest. 152 The Swiss Family Robinson, CHAPTER XXX. One day when we were at work at the rock at Tent House we were struck with a strange sight. A large part of the sea would seem to boil, and now and then small flames shot up and were seen no more, while huge flocks of sea birds flew round it with loud cries, and here and there took a plunge in the waves. We ran down to the bay and found that this was a shoal of fish, so dense that they were like a sand bank some miles in length. We sent at once for our pails to hold them, and made plans as to how we should take so rich a prize. Fritz and Jack stood up to their waists in the sea, and threw them up on the sand. My wife and Ned The Swiss Family Robinson, 153 then set to work to clean them and rub them with salt, that we might have a store of them for the cold time of the year. These fish drew to the spot a shoal of sea dogs, some of which we caught for the sake of their skin and oil, which we might burn in lamps or use for soap. At this time I put my sledge on wheels that I took from the guns of the ship, and made it so low that we could place great weights on it. In a month we had one more shoal of fish, which Jack was the first to find out. They were so large that he was sure they must be whales. Jack ran at once for his bow, and made fast a ball of string to a dart with a hook at the end of it. He then made the ball safe on the shore, took his bow, put the dart 154 The Swiss Family Robinson. in it, and shot a large fish in the side. The fish fought hard to get free, but at length weak with the loss of blood, we drew him to the land with the cord, and put an end to him. Ned took his rod and caught some trout, while I struck some huge fish with a large prong. The hard part of our task was to get the spoil to land. Fritz had struck a fish of at least eight feet long, which was more than a match for us all, till my wife brought up Light Foot, to whom we bound the line, and so got this great prize to shore. As we had more fish than we could eat, we had to dry and salt some, or boil them in oil ; and the roe of the large fish we kept by us as a great treat. When this was done, our next task was to plan a boat to take the place of The Swiss Family Robinson. 155 our tub raft. I had a great wish to make one of bark, as the wild men do : so we set out in search of a tree for that end. All those near our house were worth too much to cut down, some for their fruit and some for their shade : so we made up our minds to search for trees a good way off, and on the road we took stock of our plants and fields. Our peas, beans, maize, and canes had grown well, and the pines on the high ground gave us hopes of a rich feast. One fine day we set out for Kite's Nest to see the state of things there. We found my wife's fields of wheat, oats, and beans were for the most part fit to cut, though our best crop was the maize. But birds of all kinds, from the heath fowl to the quail, had made their homes round them, and it would seem that they did not mean to leave much 156 The Swiss Family Robinson. for us. Fritz let loose his hawk and flew it at some of them. The bird at once went up in the air and shot down on a fine fowl, which it laid at the feet of Fritz. We got, too, a score of fat quails, which made a nice feast for us. My wife made some juice of green maize, and this was a sweet and fresh drink, as white as milk. We then put to rights our house at Kite's Nest, and laid by our wheat till we should have time to thrash and grind it. Fritz thought we could build a mill on the stream ; but for this bold scheme, as yet, we had not time. The next day we set out on a tour to look out for a spot on which to build a farm house for some of our live stock, where they could find their own food. My wife chose out twelve young fowls, and I took four young pigs, four sheep, The Swiss Family Robinson. 157 and two goats. These, with all the tools which we might need, were put in the cart, and drawn by Light Foot, the cow, and our old friend, the ass. Fritz rode first on Light Foot to guide us ; and on the road we found some new trees and plants, which were of great use to us. CHAPTER XXXI. When we had made our way through the high grass of the plain, we came to the top of a hill, from which we had a grand view of the land that lay at our feet. Trees grew thick on the sides of the hill, and made a screen from the north wind, and a fine stream ran through the rich fields. We saw at 158 The Swiss Family Robinson. once that we must make this the site of our farm. We set up our tent, made a fire, and went to work to cook some food. Fritz and I then went in search of a spot on which to build our farm house, and we chose a group of trees which grew so close as to make quite a wall of wood. Here we brought our tools, but as the day was far gone, we went back to sleep in our tent. In our search for trees and bark, our goats led us to find out a rare kind of spice, and some gum which would take the place of pitch for the boat we meant to make. We went on with our work at the new farm house, which took us some days. We made the walls of thin laths and reeds, six feet high, and we took care to let in light and air. One The Swiss Family Robinson. 159 room was for our own use when we chose to come to the farm, and all the rest was kept for our live stock. But we could not get on fast with our work from want of skill. While Fritz and Jack had gone to Kite's Nest to bring back a fresh stock of food, Ned and I thought we would make a short tour. We went up the stream for some time, which led us to a large marsh, and here we found a lake full of wild fowl. Round this lake there grew some tall thick grass, with ears of grain, which I found to be a small kind of rice ; and we took some of it home to show to our good cook, who would I knew think it a great boon. We then went round the lake, where a new scene burst on our view on each side. In the mean time Ned, with 1 60 The Swiss Family Robinson. great skill, brought down some birds, while Knips found out some choice fruits. In the midst of the birds of all kinds, we were most struck with a pair of black swans, and it was a treat to stand and watch them glide, like a ship in full sail, on the bright face of this clear lake. Ned would have shot some more birds, but I bade him not break the charm which the hush of the scene gave to it. As to the lake, none but a Swiss, who from his youth looks on such scenes, can judge of the joy we felt. We thought we were once more in our own dear land, but the huge trees and the rare plants put us in mind how far we were from it. One of the dogs caught a most strange beast as it swam at the edge of the lake, and brought it to us. It had web feet, a thick tail, small head / The Swiss Family Robinson. 1 6 1 and ears, and a long flat bill, like that of a duck. None of us knew what it was : so I gave it the name of the beast with a bill, and I told Ned to take it home and stuff it. On our way back to Kite's Nest we went through the wood of apes, when the rogues threw a cloud of fir cones at us ; but a few shots put them to flight. The cones were of use to us, so we took a bag of them home. We then came to a small hill, from the top of which we had a view of rich plains, streams, and woods full of bright plants and gay birds. " Here, my boys," said I, "here we will build a house for the hot time of the year." In ten days from this time we had built a house, and we gave it the name of View Hill. But I had not yet met with a tree M 1 62 The Swiss Family Robinson. that would suit me for a boat. So we went back, and at last I chose a sort of oak, the bark of which was more like that of the cork tree. We first had to fell it, which took us some time ; and then we cut out the trunk in the shape of a boat, though we made it look more like a trough ; and it was then left in the sun to dry. As there was still much to do to it, I sent Fritz and Jack to Tent House for the sledge, that we might move the boat there. We now set hard to work at it, and made a mast, a keel, seats, brass rings for the oars, and stays for the mast. To give it weight, I put down some stones and clay with boards on the top, and we could then boast that our boat was fit for sea. The Swiss Family Robinson. 163 CHAPTER XXXII. In the mean time our cow had borne a young male calf : so as the rest of the boys had steeds to ride, I gave it to Frank to teach and train. We now spent all our time at the cave at Tent House, that we might have it warm and snug when the rain and cold should come. The beams and planks from the ship were a great help to us when we made the rooms that we meant to live in, but the part for our live stock we built of stone to keep out the smell. The floor we made of a sort of clay, which, when dry, was smooth and hard, and on it we put sail cloth, wool, and goat's hair, which with some gum made a kind of felt. We made one of these felt cloths for 164 The Swiss Family Robinson. each room to keep out the damp ; so that when the rain came at last, we had a warm and safe home. At break of day we went to our work room, while my wife took her wheel or her loom, and I made a sort of lathe out of the wheel of a gun, with which Ned could turn some neat things with much skill. Our room was bright with lights, which we did not spare, as we could get them with so much ease. For Jack and Frank I made flutes out of reeds, on which they soon learnt to play well, and my wife, who had a good voice, sang to their notes. I made a small church in that part of the cave which shone with so bright a light, and here we went each day to pray. Thus we spent our days free from care and gloom. As far as we The Swiss Family Robinson. 165 knew, we might have to pass the rest of our lives on this lone shore. We had good health and sound hearts, so that we could work with a will, and our minds grew more full and strong from day to day. We saw round us on all sides the signs of a wise and good God. In Him I put my trust that He would give us back to the world, or send some friends to join us in the isle, where for two years we had seen no trace of man. To Him did our hearts turn, and to Him we left our fate. THE END. 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