C&e JU&tarp of tift (Hntoersttp of JBortb Carolina Collection ot jportj CatoUnfana iftom tfir Eifcrarp of GLT3 - - MANUAL OF" TH E PRESBYTERIAN CHUROH OF GRAHAM, N. C. 0 "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts. * * A day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house ot my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. » ORGANIZATION. Pastor, ;REV. E. C. MURRAY, D. D. Ruling Elders* "Let the elders that J. L. Scott, Jr., Clerk, rule well be counted W. C. Doimell, worthy of double hon- L. B. Holt, our." J. H. Watson, G. W. Long: Deacons. McBride Holt, Treasurer J. L. Scott, ''They that have used C. P. Albright, the office of a deacon A. B. Tate, well purchase to them- R. L. Walker, selves a good degree." H. W. Scott . J. H. White, J. K. Mebane. (2) Sunday School — Enrollment 1 77* OFFICERS. Supt., Rev. E. C. Murray ; Asst. Supt., J. H. White; Sec'y, J. L. Scott, Jr.; Treas., W. C. Don- nell; Organists, Miss Xeale Norwood, Miss Bess Scott. TEACHERS J. H. White, J. L. Scott, Jr., C. W. Bradshaw, C. C. Thompson, Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr. Mrs. McBride Holt, Miss Ada Denny, Miss Neale Norwood, AND SUBSTITUTES. E. S. Parker, Jr., H. W. Scott, Miss Louise Holt, Miss Sadie Hines, Miss Daisy Walker, Miss Mamie Parker, Miss Mattie Watson Miss Bert;i Albright. LIBRARIANS. Miss Emma Bradshaw, Miss Mary Smith. LIBRARY BOYS. John Estlow, John Scott, James Murray. Oneida Sunday School — Enrollment 98* OFFICERS. Supt., J. H. White; Sec'y and Treas., ('. W. Bradshaw; Organists, Miss May Bradshaw, Miss Daisy Walker; Librarian, Miss Emma Brad- shaw. TEACHERS. J. H White, Miss Orion Conrad, Miss Daisy Walker, Miss Emma Bradshaw. Miss Fannie Bradshaw, Mrs. Phillips. (3) Ladies' Missionary and Aid Society* President, Mrs. McBride Holt ; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. H. Watson ; Sec'y, Mrs. R. S. Mebane ; Treas., Mrs. T. A. Albright. Earnest Workers. President, Mrs. J. K. Mebane; Vice-Pres., Miss Emma Bradshaw ; Sec'y, Miss Orion Conrad ; Treasurer, Miss Mary Smith. Covenanters* Leader, Rev. E. C. Murray ; President, Alfred Thompson ; Vice-Pres., Allen Tate; Sec'y, Edwin Scott; Treasurer, John Scott. Light Bearers* Leaders, Misses Berta Albright and Bess Scott; President, Catharine Wharton; Vice-Pres., Lillian N. Murray; Sec'y, Kathleen Long; Treasurer, Ed- ward Murray. Choir. Miss Bess Scott, Organist. Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., Mrs. J. V. Pomeroy, Miss Louise Holt, E. S. Par- ker, Jr., J. Elmer Long, J. V. Pomeroy, E. H. White, C. C. Thompson, Wm. S. Long, Jr. Sexton — Jesse M . Bradshaw. m SCHEDULE OF SERVICES. Preaching Services. — Morning, at 11 o'clock. Evening: Nov.-Feb. 7 o'clock; Mar -Apr., and Sept -Oct., 7:30 o'clock; May-Aug., 8 o'clock. Prayer Meeting. — Wednesday evening: hours as above. Sunday School. - At 0:45 a. m. Collection for orphans, first Sunday in every month. Oneida Sunday School. — At 3:00 p. m. Lord's Supper. —First Sunday morning of each quarter. Preparatory services the three evenings preceding. Meeting of Session. — In the Session Room every Communion Sabbath morning at 10:40 o'clock; and at the call of the Moderator. Deacons' Meeting First Monday evening of each quarter. Ladies' Missionary and Aid Society. - Second Monday afternoon of each month. Earnest Workers. — Second Monday evening of each month. Covenanters. — Third Sunday afternoon of each month. Light Bearers, — First Sunday afternoon of each month. FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The church and its beneficent causes are sup- ported mostly by weekly offerings through envel- opes. At the beginning of the church year, April 1 , the deacons make up a budget, of all church ex- penses and apportionments for the beneficent causes for the whole year; and pledge cards are distrib- ted throughout the congregation to raise this (5) amount. Each member is expected to pledge such an amount per week as he will give to the Lord's work; and is furnished with a pack of 52 envelopes for his weekly contributions. For Foreign Missions our church has pledged $500.00 a year by taking ten shares in the equip- ment of the Mokpo Mission, Korea, according to the Forward Movement plan. This amount is raised each year by special subscriptions, and Dea- con J. H. White is treasurer of this fund. We are also pledged to support two orphans, Hayden Justice and Winnie Currie, in our Or- phans' Home at Barium Springs, N. C. This is partly done by monthly offerings in the Sunday School, by the Ladies' Aid Society, and by the Thanksgiving collection. (6) Our Regular Budget, Assembly's Home Missions $ 08.00 Presbyterial and Synodical Missions 204.00 Education for the Ministry . 52.00 Orphans' Home 102.00 Assembly's Home and School, 10.00 Relief Fund (ministers and widows) 29.00 Colportage and 8. 8. Missions 26.00 Colored Evangelization 29.00 Church and Christian Education 16.00 Bible Cause 16.00 Presbyterial Fund 30.00 Pastor's Salary 1200.00 Congregational Expenses, etc 500.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 •2332.00 Foreign Missions (special) 5000.0 "Bring ye all the tithes into the store house." ''Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by h.m in store, as God hath prospered him." "Freely ye have received, freely give." Duties of Church Off ieers and Members. Ruling Elders. — (Book o! Church Order, par- agraphs 42-45. I Tim. 3:1-7. Tit, 1:5-9). They should be blameless in life and sound in the faith; be concerned about all the spiritual interests of the (7) flock; be faithful in the exercise of discipline; vis- it the members, especially the sick and afflicted; admonish the immoral and unruly; watch for souls as they that must give account; know, love and nourish the children of the church; be faithful in attending the meetings of the various courts of the church; and cooperate with and counsel the pastor. Deacons. — (Book of Church Order, paragraphs 46-51. I Tim. 3:8-13). They should be men of approved piety, prudence and discretion; look dil- gently after the financial support and all the tem- poral interests of the church; develop the chris- tian liberality of the congregation, and see that all the beneficent causes are well sustained; make careful provision for the poor of the church, and also of the community as far as possible; hold reg- ular quarterly meetings, keep accurate and com- plete accounts, and submit an annual report to the session. Members. — " What kind of chureh would our chureh be, If every member were just tike me ?" 1. Encourage and pray for your pastor. Tell him of new people moving in; of cases of sickness and distress; and of those interested about their souls. Come to see him; tell him about your own troubles and sins, and invite his sympathy and prayers. 2. Co-operate with the Elders, Deacons and other officers. (8) 3. Attend all general services, regular and special, Sabbath and week-day, morning and even- ing. 4. Invite, bring and welcome others. Remem- ber that you are personally responsible for every vacant seat in church, Sunday School and prayer meeting. 5. Realize the communion of saints: know all your fellow-members, visit them, greet them, sym- pathize with, pray for and help them. 6. Take an active part in at least one depart- ment of church work. Be a worker in your Mas- ter's force, not a corner in your pastor's field. 7. Grive liberally, "as a good steward of the manifold grace of God." 8. Set a good example of holy living in your business and home life; do not dishonor your christian profession or be a stumbling-block to others. 9. Be faithful and devout in private and fam- ily worship. 10. Honor the Lord's day, His house, His word, and His worship. (9) MEMBERSHIP. SOUTH GRAHAM. Albright, Mrs. Sarah A. Albright, Mrs. Emma P. Albright, Miss Agnes M. Albright, Inez G. Burch, Sidney L. Burch, Mrs. Maggie A. Burch Lucy V. Cooper, John A. Denny, Miss L. Ada. Ezell, James. Ezell, Lena D. Flanigan, Mrs. M. G. Foust, Thos. C. Foust, Mrs. Mary E. Foust, Miss. Lettie A. ; Freel and, Mrs. Ellen J. Holt, L. Banks. Holt, Mrs. Mary C. Holt, Miss E. Louise. Holt, Miss Mattie L. Holt, McBride. Holt, Mrs Jessie M. Holt, P. Armstrong. Holt, Martha A. Hunter, R. Clarence. Hunter, Maude E. Mebane, Mrs. Mary C. Menefee, John W. Menefee, Mrs. Emma V. Menefee, J. Williamson. Pickard, Jas. J. Simmons, Dr. J. C. Simmons, Mrs. Angie. Simmons, J. Steven. Smith, Miss Mary 1. Smith. Miss Jennie C. Smith, Miss Lula A. Snyder, John J. Snyder, Mrs. Georgia A. Snyder, Miss Grace L. Tarpley, Charles. Tarpley, Mrs. xidda M. Tate. Allen B. Tate, Mrs. Sallie E. Tate, Miss Jessie W. Tate, Allen D. Tate, Lily A. Terrell, Mrs. Martha. Thompson, Mrs. Nannie. Thompson, Mrs. Lily. Thompson, Alfred. Watson, Jas. H, Watson, Mrs. Nancy E. Watson, Miss Fannie L. Watson, Miss Erne R. , W^atson, Miss Mattie V. Webster, Mrs. Mary C. Webster, Jerry A. White, Edwin H. White, Miss Madeline. Williamson, Jas. N. Williamson, Mrs. Mary E. Williamson, Mrs. Fannie. Wrenn, Mrs. M. Leon. (10) EAST GRAHAM. Albright, C. Pilades. Albright, Mrs. Fannie E. Albright, Miss Berta M. Donnell, W. Calvin. Holmes, Robt. L. Hunter, Mrs. Corinna. Hunter, Clyde H. Long, Dr. Geo. W. Long, Mrs. Catharine. Long, Jacob A. Long, Mrs. Esther T. Long, J. Elmer. Long, Ralph. Long, Miss Pearl H. Long, Miss A. Claudia. Long, R. Kathleen. Mebane, Jas. K. Mebane, Mrs. Carrie B. Moore, Wm. C. Moore, Mrs. Annie. Moore, Lacy. Moore, W. Alonzo. Moore, Mrs. Nannie B. Martindale, Mrs. Louisa. Mclver, Claude R. Pomeroy, Mrs. C. S. D. Pomeroy, Jas. V. Pomeroy Mrs. Edythe. Pomeroy, Theo. 0. Tate, Robert B. Tate, Mrs. Delia E. Thompso t, Mrs. Sarah J. Thompson, Chas. C. Thompson, Mrs. Esta C. Watson, Jas. E. Watson, Mrs. Katharine. White, J. Harvey. White, Mrs Grace D. White, Jas. I. White, Mrs. Martha C. WEST GRAHAM. Andrews, Mrs. Fannie V. Andrews, Miss Vaughn. Bradshaw, Jesse M. Bradshaw, Mrs. Nancy. Bradshaw, Miss May. Bradshaw, Miss Emma. Bradshaw, Miss Fannie. Bradshaw, Miss Lizzie Bradshaw, Minnie W. Bradshaw, Chas. W. Christopher, Wm. B. Christopher, Mrs Maggie Miller, Frank A. Miller, Mrs. Ida L. Murray, Mrs. Lillian N. Murray, J. James. Murray, Lillian N. Murray. Edward C. Pickard, Mrs. Emma. Reavis, Thos. J. Reavis, Mrs. Carrie. Reavis, Miss, 4 Pearl L. Reavis, Claude P. Reavis OUie M. Clapp, Leuna H. Conrad, Miss Orion A. Edwards, Wm. A. Estlow, Grant. Estlow, Mrs. Ella. Estlow, John W. Ezell, Mrs. Susan C. Florence, Mrs. Laura. Hazelip, Mrs. Annie. Linnens, Samuel . Linnens, Mrs. Beulah. Linnens, Miss Dora B. Linnens, Emmie E. Linnens, John. Mann, Mrs. Zeb. V. Mebane, Robt. S. Mebane, Mrs. Cora H. Mebane, Harry B. (id Reavis, Thos. L. Rich, Mrs. Lorena. Scott, John L. Scott, Mrs. Caroline E. Scott, Miss Ida F. Scott, Chas. A. Scott, Henry W. Scott, Edwin D. Scott, John L., Jr. Scott, Mrs. Fannie B. Scott, Donnell E. Scott, Miss M. Bess. Scott, Miss lone L. Scott, John L. Scott, Blanche L. Stevens, Miss Vannie. Webster, John W. NORTH GRAHAM. Archer, Mrs. Jennie W. Lemmons, Mrs. Amy Lemmons, Miss Carrie. Norwood, Miss Neale. Parker, Mrs Ellen L. Parker, Miss Mamie. Parker, Edward S., Jr. Parker, Mrs. Mary M. Ray, Mrs. Emma. Ray, Thos. L. Riley, Mrs. Zona. Walker, Robt. L. Walker, Mrs. Emma. Walker, Leighton S. Walker, Miss Daisy E. Walker, Miss Cornelia. Walker, Dan'l M. Walker, Mrs. Mary P. Walker, J. Clarence. Welsh, Mrs. Rachel D. Welsh, Miss Dida. White, Miss Annie C. White, Miss H. Eleanor. White, Harry Gr. White, J. Carlisle. White, Thos. L. (12) HAW RIVER. Freeland, Mrs. Eliza. A. Robertson. Mrs. Ida C. Freeland, Miss Berta. Gossett, G. Walton. Lovelace, Wm. E. Lovelace, Mrs. L. F. Hamilton, Miss Fannie. Robertson, Miss M. Laird. Robertson, B. S. Jr. Simpson, Mrs. Catherine. Stebbins. Samuel A. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Albright, J. Wm. Benham, Mrs. Flora. Bradshaw, Thos. F. Carrigan, Jas. Farrell, Edgar Y. Huffman, Miss Elizabeth. Hughes, Geo. E. Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth. Ingle, Mrs. Margaret. Kallam, Mrs. Bettie. Kirk man, John. Laird, Dr. E. C. Laird, Mrs. Cora H. Lamb, Miss Theresa McDade, Miss Mollie McLean/Stephen G. McLean, Mrs. Jessie Miller, Mrs. Docia Moore, Mrs. S. Bessie. Nicholson, Miss Daisy. Fritchett, Peter N. Pritchett, Jas. T. Fritchett, Henry W. Ray, Miss Esperan. Shoe, Mrs. Lizzie I. Taylor, Mrs. Ella. Walker, Robt. L. Jr. White, W. Paisley. White, VI r8 . Lillie. Wiley, Miss Harriet. Williamson, Finley L. Williamson, L. Banks. RESIDENT MEMBERS OF OTHER CHURCHES. PRESBYTERIAN Andrews, Mrs. Berta. Bryson, Miss Mary. Clapp, W. F. R.. Clapp, Mrs. Ella C. Clapp, Miss Nettie M. Clapp, Miss Blanche. Dickey, Miss Harriet. Dixon, Miss Mattie P. Gibson, Walter. Hadley, Mrs. Daisy C. Hines, Miss Sadie. Murray, John F. Murray, Mrs. Mary. Tarpley, John H. ' 7 (13) Dixon, James A. Walker, Frank. Dixon, Mrs. Margaret. Walker, Mrs. BAPTIZED NON-COMMUNICANTS. Albright, William H. Andrews, Thos. Andrews, Samuel. Benham, Wathen S. Christopher, Win. A. Holt, McBride. Laird, Thos. H. Laird, Chas. 0. Lemmons, Exor M. McLean, Thos. E. McLean, Warrington R. Mebane, Robt. S. Moore, Annie W. Murray, Rob't L. Murray, Florence A. Murray, Marion J. Murray, Jean Graham. Reavis, Chas. L. Reavis, Robert J. Robertson, Gena. Scott, M. Rebecca. Scott, Wm. D. Simmons, Helen K. Simmons, Handsford. Simmons. Nellie A. Snyder, John J. Snyder, Emmie E. Snyder, Geo. I. Tarpley, Francis D. Tarpley, Chas. Tate, Robert D. Thompson, Chas. C. Walker, R. Doake. Walker, Lelia W. White, Wm. E. White, McAllister. White, Martha D. White, Helen L. White, M. Elizabeth. PRESBYTERIAN PRINCIPLES* Doctrines.— 1. A sovereign God, wise, right- eous and loving, ruling and overruling all things according to his eternal purpose, whereby for His own glorv he has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. 'Dan. 4:34. Eph. 1:11. 2. Man always a free and responsible mor- al agent, yet by his own sins so depraved as to be spirituallv unable "to will and to do of God's good pleasure." Rom. 8:7-8. Eph. 2:1. 4:17-19. (14) 3. An elect people whom "God hath from the beginning chosen to salvation" ont of this mass of corrupt humanity, "saved and called, not accord- ing to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus be- fore the world began. II Thes. 2:13-14. II Tim. 1:9. Eph. 1:3-12. 4. Christ's atonement for the sins of His people sufficient for all men and freely offered to all; and sinners condemned only because they voluntarily persist in sin, and obstinately reject the Saviour. John 3:16-19, 5:40. 6:37. 5. The salvation of the elect secured by the convicting, enlightening and renewing work of the Holy Spirit, who thereby persuades and enables them to repent and believe. John 3:3. Eph. 2:4. Tit. 3:4-7. I Pet. 1:2. 9. Those who are thus elected, redeemed and effectually called, preserved in their estate of grace unto final salvation. Rom. 8: 28-39. Phil. 1: 6. 2: 13. I Pet. 1: 5. Jude 24. Church Government,— The church is compos- ed of professed believers and their children. It is governed bv an ascending series of courts, Session, Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly, which exercise legislative, judicial and executive powers. I Tim. 4: 14. Acts 15:2 They are composed of elders or presbyters (also called bishops: Tit. J : 5-7), who are representatives of the congregations and are elected by them. Each congregation is governed by its Session, composed of the teaching elder or preacher and several ruling elders. Acts 14: 23. Its temporal affairs are administered by a board of deacons. Acts 6: 1-6. Phil, 1:1. 7 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034034599 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95