THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C37a UK3 18^0D UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00036721128 This book must not be token from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE TWO LITERARY SOCIETIES UIIYEESITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 5, 1850, HON. JAMES C. DOBBIN. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE PHILAIVTHROPIC SOCIETY. FAYETTEVILLE, N". C: PUBLISHED BY EDWARD J. HALE & SON. 1850. Philanthro}}ic Hall, July 'Ibth, 1850. Sir: The undersigned haye been instructed by tlie Pliilantliropic Society, to re- turn its grateful tlianks for your very eloquent and instructive Address, deliv- ered before the two Literary Societies of the University, on tlie day preceding the Annual Commencement, and to request a copy for j^ublication. Permit the Committee, Sir, in apprising you of this resolution of the Society, to express the hope that you will comply vrith its earnest wishes. With high respect, Your obedient servants, D. M. Carter, 'i B. W. L. Claiborne, > Committee, W. C. AVhitaker, 5 Hon. James C. Dobbin, Fayetteville, August 8rd, 1850. Gentlemen : I have just received your communication, informing me of the resolution of the Philanthropic Society, requesting a copy of the Address I delivered before the two Literary Societies at the University, on the day preceding the last Commencement. I am conscious that the Address was necessarily prepared in too much haste, and tliat it really has not merits sufl&cient to justify the expense incurred in its publication. In accordance, however, with established usage, I submit it to the discretion of the Society, and enclose you a copy. Permit me to avail myself of the occasion to assure the Society of my gratifi- cation at their generous notice of the Address, and to tender you personally my thanks for the manner in which you have communicated its resolution. I am, Gentlemen, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. C. Dobbin, Messrs. D. M. Carter, B. W. L. Claiborne, W. C. Whitaker, ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies — In undertaking tlie task -wliicli your generous solicitation has imposed, I cannot forego tlie expression of unaffected re- gret, tkat the lot kas not fallen on one more capable of contri- buting to tke entertainment of tkose wko come to partake of tke Annual Literary Festival of our time-konored University. Not many years ago it was my lot to form one of tke restless tkrong of College youtk, wko, witk buoyant kopes and eager expectation, sat as anxious ksteners, and drank in witk gener- ous confidence and affectionate admiration, tkose moral lessons, tkose encouraging maxuns, tkose warning admonitions, so elo- quently, so impressively addressed to us, by tke great, tke good, and tke lamented Gastox. Well do I remember tkat look of earnest and keartfelt sincerity, witk wkick tkat venerable man sougkt to teack us, tkat "Happiness as well as greatness, en- joyment as well as renown, kave no friends so sure as Integ- rity, Diligence, and Independence;" tkat "we are not placed -kere to waste our days in wanton riot or inglorious ease, mtk appetites perpetually gratified and never palled, exempted from all care and sokcitude, witk life ever fresk and joys ever new." Well do I remember (and may none of us ever forget) tkat tkrilkng, keart-moving burst of patriotic eloquence, witk wkick ke keld up to our gaze, tke gloomy picture of a Union dissolved, tke sundered, bleeding kmbs of a once gigantic body, instinct \vdtb. life and Ileal til and vigor; Ms prond exultation tliat "still we are great, glorious, united and free ;" — ^liis toucliing appeal to tlie youtli tlien before him, that surely "such a country and such a constitution have claims which cannot be disregarded." That eloquent lesson is now familiar to you all, and a student would blush not to know it by heart. That beloved statesman is now beneath the sod. His State mourns his loss, and his memory will ever be cherished by all who appreciate virtue, love excellence, and admire learning. He spoke the experience of one who had nearly completed the journey of life, and had himself played no humble part in the race of honorable ambi- tion. He who noio comes at your bidding, hath made but little way in his pilgrimage, and might well be content to return from the dust and bustle and turmoil of a thus far busy hfe, for the first time to his Alma Mater — this starting point in the journey — and assure you who have kindly invited hmi, and who are now panting to enter on "life's fitful course," that thus far he hath found the maxims of that lamented statesman to be founded in true wisdom — that " Integrity" is the crown- ing virtue — that "Labour is not more the duty than the bles- sing of man" — that our beloved country does present to " the eyes, the hopes, and gratitude of man, a picture as lovely and brilhant" as he painted it in his loftiest declamation. And well might I now add, that country, now — more than ever now — challenges all your wisdom, all your virtue, all your patriot- ism, to uphold and maintain it; to save it from the angry strifes of the impetuous and the rash — the mischievous machina- tions of the ambitious and the selfish — ^the reckless madness of misguided fanaticism. But, my young friends, while it would be vain repetition of what others have done so well before, were I to indulge in the effort to point out the dangers that ever beset impetuous youth in the perilous voyage of life : — while it would be presumption in me to inculcate here the teachings of virtue, and to persuade you to tread the paths^of morality, in the presence of the wise men from whose lips you have been daily wont to catch the piu^est lessons; — it may not be inappropriate, nor entirely un- profitable, on tliis spot, consecrated to learning, and among those wlio liave come to evince tlieir devotion to tlie sacred cause — and in tliis, if not golden at least gold-searcMng era, to re-assert tlie superiority of mind over matter — to impress afresh on the minds of the youth here present, that the highly culti- vated intellect is the wealth at last to secure real indepen- dence — to purchase, as fiir as frail mortals can, true happiness in this world below. That El Dorado that floated like a vision before the dreamy enthusiasts of other tmies, and haunted the imaginations of the indolent, who loved to fancy some fabulous land where the glittering dust grew so luxuriantly that ease and sloth could laugh at the ancient toils of industry and fru- gality, in our favoured day, by too many is conceived to have been at last discovered. And even in this age of progTess, when old emj^ires have been made to tremble under the convul- sive throes of a libert^'-seehing populace — when the world is startled by the astonishing achievements of the human mind in fields hitherto unexplored, — when genius, with the Printing Press as her engine, hath scattered with a lavish hand her rich productions to instruct, to entertain, and to amuse; — yet so wondrous are the tales of golden treasures leaping into the lap of the traveller beyond the mountains, by a magic that mocks at the homely labours our fathers taught us, that too many of our ingenuous, educated youth, captivated with the gilded charms, the glitter and tinsel and proud parade of wealth — tiring in their slow pursuits of learning, to which "no royal road" hath yet been found, forget for awhile that the well stored mind is better far than the overflowing coffers — that the low, groveling, fleeting pleasures of wealth, are literally but dust in the balance, compared with the pure, ennobling enjoyments of intellect ; — forget that Inspiration hath said, " amid all thy get- tings, get understanding," and that ^^ivisdomh ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace;" — -forget the picture of the unsatisfying character of sordid lucre, so vividly drawn by Goldsmith — " As some lone miser, visiting his store, Bends at liis treasure, counts, recounts it o'er ; Hoards after hoards his rising raptures fill ; Yet, still he sighs, for hoards are wanting still ;" — forget the trutli so forcibly presented by Young — ■ " Soon as this feeble pulse, which leaps so long, Almost by miracle, is tired of play, Like rubbish, from disploding engines thrown, Our magazine of hoarded trifles fly ; Fly divers : fly to foreigners, to foes, — New masters court, and call the former fools ; (How justly,) for dependence on their stay Wide scatter, first our playthings, then our dust." Let US then, in withdrawing for a day or two from the sterner demands, and trying struggles, and petty strifes of every day life — while once more partaking of this fountain head of learn- ing, and breathing the refreshing atmosphere of this classic re- treat, contemplate anew the superior pleasures, the superior ad- vantages, (not forgetting the higher responsibilities,) of the man of cultivated mind, over those who grope their way in untutored blindness — dull and inanimate amid the dazzhng triumphs of genius, — insensible to the instructive beauties of nature, — strangers to the captivating charms of pohte literature, — " Born capable indeed of heavenly truth, But down to latest age from earliest youth. Their mind a wilderness, through want of care. The plough of wisdom never entering there." I propose not, however, to speak to-day of the mere intrinsic value of education — its moral tendency — its incalculable impor- tance ; — but of the exalted pleasures of cultivated taste, the ex- quisite enjojTiients of him who can luxuriate in the green pas- tures and amid the fragrant flowers of elegant Literature, with such companions as Addison, and Johnson, and Dryden, and Milton, and Shakspeare ; who loves to linger anon in the sub- limer departments of Science, and behold its developments from the remote period of the wonder-struck Chaldean Shep- herd to the time of the philosophic Newton ; who dehghts to wan- dcr tlirougli tlie instructive pages of nistoiy, aucl learn and appre- ciate its teacliiugs, from "man's first disobedience" to liis pres- ent position, after centuries of revolutions and clianges ; wlio keeps tlie store-liouse of liis mind well furnislred witli those in- tellectual treasures, begetting that genuine independence that keeps its master self-sustained amid the distractions of adversity and the feebleness of age, — an independence, elevated high above that misnamed independence, the spurious offspring of wealth, fleeting as the treasures that beget it, which "moth and rust" are sure to corrupt and " thieves break through and steal." " Knowledge is power," is the trite and ancient maxim ; but shall it be sought after merely because it is power? "Learn- ing is useful," and although we live in a utilitarian age, shall it be commended merely because it can be turned to a good ac- count ? become profitable by way of speculation, and for the virtue it may possess of giving one man an advantage over his neighbour who hath it not? Shall Literature be favoured merely because it adorns its votary and lends a finish, a charm, an elegance, to his productions ? Shall Astronomy be looked into merely because, forsooth, an acquaintance with the stars may assist the mariner as he ploughs through the trackless waters of the ocean ? Or may we be pardoned for presenting to the young mind, Science, Literature, Learning, and History, as full of attractions — worthy of all their wooing — because of their intrinsic loveliness- — because of the magic charm about them that is sure to impart to their assiduous votary an exqui- site satisfaction, worth far more than the price of drudgery and time required to obtain them. Literature, Polite Literature ! What pencil can paint in too glowing and fascinating colors — in tints too delicate and pleas- ino- — its bewitchino; loveliness, its heart-stirring charms, its re- finino;, softenino- elevatino- influences? Who can borrow from its richest ornaments expressions of adequate force — figures of sufficient beauty — to illustrate to the young mind its genuine character ? Who is not even bemldered and embarrassed, to attempt the selection of even specimen flowers in its vast field, 10 decorated with, clusters of every liue, and redolent witli sweet- est fi-agrance ? AYlio is not confused in tlie tlirong of illustri- ous names tliat break upon tlie vision, as lie looks to mark out the clioice S^Dirits wlio kave lent tlieir genius to posterity for its entertainment and instruction ? And witliout recurring to remote periods, wliat educated mind liatk not feasted on tke sumptuous rej)asts served up by literary epicures even in our own days? And altliougli tlie severe moralist, in his rigid scrutiny to "mark iniquity," may liere and there find much to carp at, yet who hath not borrowed many a moment of joy from the exquisite genius of Scott? Who hath not strolled with delight over the wild heath, and ragged cliff, and along the quiet lakes, and broken towers, and ivy-mantled castles, — consecrated — ^touched with enchantment — by the magic wand of that wizard of the North ; — and felt that they were resting places in our pilgrimage here below — where Imagination could triumph awhile over busy memory, and chase away the remem- brance of envjangs, and bickerings, and jealousies, and check the workings of sorded cupidity and ungenerous aims that so often, and alas too often, poison life's sweetest moments, and fling the blighting mildew on Hope's most cherished flowers ? How oft have the sweeter sounds of his minstrel harp touched the heart of many a careworn victim of despondency and mis- fortune, till by their melting cadence, " The present scene — the future lot — His toils — his wants, were all forgot, Cold diffidence, and age's frost. In the full tide of Song were lost." But time would fail us to-day, were I to invite you to hn- ger amid the beautiful gems that lie scattered in rich profusion through the works of even this man of Letters. And in this age when the world is flooded with the trashy and vicious ebul- litions of the penny-seeking novehst — if the mind will seek sport and recreation in works of fiction, Ms are those that may be the more safely resorted to, as well for chaste and simple diction, as for the sui'e triumph that virtue is ever made to win over vice. Indeed it is no little pleasure to intellects of no 11 mean cast, to mingle Avitli liis characters, so strikingly and at times iustrnctively illnstrativc of liuman nature, to admire even tlic toucliing specimen of female devotion in tlie obscure Jean- nie Deans, pleading with greatness in behalf of misfortune; — to smile over the amusing enthusiasm of Old Buck for Roman camps and black letter ; — to love the sweetness of Eebecca ; — to almost see and hear the labors of Old Mortality in his sad efforts to decypher moss-grown inscriptions ; — to associate with the thousand characters exhibiting in striking relief a vivid picture of the passions and emotions that elevate, and adorn, and debase man, Avhile playing his part on this world's great stage. "What hours of pure mental recreation are lost to those who are content to grow up in indolent ease, heedless of a taste for Elegant Literature ; who have never relished the pure diction of Drj'den, the sublime sentiments of Milton, the touching melo- dies of Moore, the instructive Essays of Addison, the glowing pages of Macaulay, the elegant works of our own Irving, rich and iDrilliant as so much Literary embroidery, the still loftier productions of Shakspeare, of whom it hath been said, "He is the tallest and most graceful of them all, and will himself alone do, when his reader may feel under a cloud of gloom and say, like his own ]\facbeth, " My way of life is fallen iuto the sear, The yellow leaf; and that which accompanies Old age, as honors — troops of friends — I must not look to have." But this species of intellectual exercise may be viewed as the mere holiday sports of the active mind, gamboling and frolick- ing in the fields of fiction and romance, with airy beings for as- sociates, conjured into shaj^e and life by the creative spirit of poetic genius. But while glancing, even though slightly, at the attractions of Literature, it may be not deemed out of place to speak a word of the sublimity and beauty of the Literature of the Bi- ble, which commends its study to the man of cultivated taste, however disinclined he may be to practice its holy precepts. 12 Truly liatli it been said by Sir Wm. Jones, (himself no common soldier in the cause of learning,) that "the scriptures contain, in- dependent of a divine origin, more true sublimity, more ex- quisite beauty, finer strains of poetry and eloquence, than could be collected within the same compass from all other books ever composed in any age or any idiom." New beauties are developed to the reader who has the heart to appreciate its heaven-born truths, and the mind to appreciate the touching simj)licity and gorgeous imagery in which they are presented by inspired pensmen, apostles and prophets. "What can sur- pass the touching stories of patriarchal simplicity that tell of Laban and of Jacob— of Euth and of Naomi — of Joseph and his brethren ? "What can approach the sublimity of Isaiah and Jeremiah ? And if the thoughtful searcher after truth desires to learn where shall true wisdom be found, let him admire and tremble, and learn as he reads — " There is a j)ath which no fowl knoweth, and which the vul- ture's eye hath not seen : the lion's whelps have not trodden it. He putteth forth his hand upon the rock : he overturneth the mountains by the roots : he cutteth out rivers among the rocks, and his eye seeth every precious thing. He bindeth the floods from overflowing, and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. But where shall wisdom be found ? and where is the place of understanding ? Destruction and Death say we have heard the fame thereof with our ears. God understandeth the way thereof^ and He knoweth the place thereof When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder, then did He see it and declare it. And unto man He said, Behold the fear of the Lord^ that is wisdom^ and to depart from evil is understanding!'^ But the sources of enjoyment to the man of educated mind are far from being scanty. The field is boundless. His may be the teachings of Philosophy, that enable him to penetrate the mysterious Laws of the physical and moral universe : — the teachings of History, that present in a vivid picture to the eye the follies and fortunes of man : — the charms of Eloquence, by the powers of which at one moment the terrors of bloody revo- 13 lutions arc roused, and the mild pursuits of peace and liberty secured at another. And yet liow often is |)arental hope blight- ed by the infatuation of many a generous youth, who starts out well in the race, but by the seductive allurements of vice, the lulling whispers of indolence, or the giddy longing after less substantial eujoyments, he soon "cares for none of these things," pants after " the dust of earth," and as Lord Bacon discourses in his Errors of Learning, "allows it to divert and in- terrupt the prosecution and advancement of knowledge, like unto the golden ball thrown before Atlanta, which, while she goeth aside and stoopeth to take up, the race is hindered." " De- clinat, cursus, aurmnque volubile tollit." Need I venture here to address a word on the advantages which the reflecting and educated man gathers from the study of history ? IIoav in- structive to the statesman, how profitable to the mere inquisi- tive mind, are the teachings of history, whose lessons in other times have been taught to us by scholars of eminence, but in our days have come to us clothed in the graceful drapery thrown around them by the genius of a Macaulay, an Alison, a Prescott, a Bancroft, and an Irving, who lend to history the thrilling interest of romance without despoiling it of its truth- fulness ! What a field is there presented for the most expand- ed intellects to traverse — to behold the rise and progress, and the splendor, decline and downfall of kingdoms, republics, proud empires, and magnificent cities — the sad havoc of war, — the genial influence of j)eace ; to gather lessons fi-om this "Phi- losophy teaching by example" — to stimulate enterprise, to en- coTU-age laudable ambition, to animate the desponcUng, to re- buke vain-glorious pride, to admonish aspiring, boastful man of " what shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue I" How fall of lessons indeed is man's past history of man ? To the proud man, whose restless spirit is for a moment stirred up with ambitious aims, and who frets and chafes in discontent with the dull monotony of calm and peaceful life, what a volume of admonition is contained in the magic words, " Aus- terlitz," " Marengo," " Waterloo," " St. Helena !" For he who by one of history's startling pages, is bewildered and fired by 14 tlie dazzling meridian brilliancy of the sun of Austerlitz sM- ning on proud tropliies and glistering prizes and a miglitj Chieftain, is calmed into thoughtful meditation as another chapter soon 2:)oints him to that sun setting in darkness and gloom, and the proud conqueror a prisoner on a rocky Isle of the ocean ! Docs the thoughtful j^outh whose heart beats with throbbings of laudable ambition, seek to learn where may be discovered an example of true greatness? History presents another chapter, that recites the romantic story of an infant colony once planted in a remote wilderness. They were called "Pilgrims," seeking for liberty, with Puritan enthusiasm. Bright visions of bliss, and of unalloyed freedom, led them on, and whispered the hope that the shafts of oppression could hardly reach them across the mighty ocean, however strong the arm that aimed them. But every gale that swept across that ocean came laden with tidings that galled and oppressed, till an unhappy people began to think of Independence, and to seek a fit leader to animate their drooping hopes and dispel the mists that hung around them. In that eventful crisis, there arose among them a man whose virtues shone forth with a lustre whose effulgence attracted every beholder, whose stern courage quailed not in the darkest hour of the storm, whose wisdom was profound beyond all his compeers ; whose praj'ers were sent up to that God who sees that " the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong." That man became that colony's leader. And he triumphed; and the world was filled with his glory. And now, to him who asks where shall the model of true greatness be found, History responds, and points to one name^ and that name is "Washing- ton," the "Father of his Country!" And truly what a moral is taught to the young men of America by this illustrious chapter in history, which says, " Ye who aspire to read your history in a nation's eyes," and seek to tread the path that leads to true glory, and leave behind you a monument of fame, high and deep and solid and enduring, come read the life of one who lifted himself above the poisonous malaria of Ioav in- trigue and ignoble strife, who practised virtue, reverenced God, loved his country — come read the history of Washington I 16 But among tlie varied teacliings of History, wliat a briglit page is that whicli reveals the wonderful influence of tlie in- troduction of Christianity into the world ? — how man has been regenerated and nations elevated by its heavenly influence — how other systems have for a season flung their flickering, de- ceptive light upon the misguided, and gone out like fleeting meteors, while Christianity still continues to shed its jyura and genial radiance, with steady and increasing brightness, to com- fort and bless fallen man ; — how under its beui'licent operation woman has been gently elevated from the humiliation to which infidelity had consigned her, to her true position, until now, in return, she not only blesses and adorns and elevates, but by the rich and sparkling poetry of a Mrs. Hemans, the powerful dramatic works of a Joanna Baillie, the beautiful and elegant and touching productions of a Mrs. Opie, and Miss Edgworth, and jMrs. Sigourney, and a bright galaxy of others, the genius of "Woman has truly embellished the literature of the age, with gems that glitter among the most dazzling that glow on its pages. But in the long catalogue of accomplishments that impart pleasure and secui-e influence to the educated mind, there is per- haps none more entitled to your assiduous cultivation, than the art of Eloquence. 'Tis true the art of Printing hath encroached much on its province, and the press now daily sends forth ora- tions that fly on the mngs of the wind and the lightning's wires from the centre to the circumference of our wide-spread Republic. Yet in all countries it has ever been the most po- tent art for effective operations on the heart and on the mind; and under our republican government, where the popular fea- ture so powerfully predominates, — where the struggle for in- creased liberty and the wakeful jealousy of power are ever animating the masses, — where every citizen feels that by ge- nius and industry he can cut out his own pathway from the lowest obscurity to the most distinguished eminence, and the voice of the difl&dent school boy of hmublest lot may in his manhood be heard to electrify the Senate and teach wisdom in the halls of Justice, — in such a Country the rhetorical art has 16 peculiar claims upon tlic consideration of him wlio aspires to fame, and influence. For not only lias it been written, " Magna eloquentia sicut flamma materia alitur a motibus excitatur^ urendo darercit^'' but also, '■'' Pads comes otiique sociaetjara bene constitu- ta£ repuhlicae alumna eloquentia.'''' It is an art by wliicliman can successfully play upon tlie passions of liis fellow man ; — at one moment startle with, liis brilliant flashes, and annihilate with his withering sarcasm ; at another melt the heart with his touching pathos and win the admiration by those persuasive tones and thrilling appeals that lend effectiveness to the most cogent reasoning and proclaim the triumph of true eloquence. How oft indeed, when the fires of liberty have been well nigh extinguished, and her votaries sunk in the depths of sadness and despair, hath Eloquence stepped forth to reanimate the drooping and to rekindle the smothered fires into a brighter blaze ? How often has Eloquence checked the desolations of war, — protected the blessings of peace, — encouraged the arts, and touched the chords of a thousand hearts in the holy cause of religion and piety ? Your earliest readings tell of its powers. It was Grecian eloquence that gave her orators the sway over the multitude, that roused all Greece by its thunders to rally and resist the encroachments of her Macedonian enemy, and gave the great master of Eloquence a renown that two thousand years have only increased. It is Eoman Eloquence that will ever perpet- uate the glory of the Eternal City. It is British Eloquence that has thrown a halo around the Sea-grit Isle, that will last when the future traveller will wander amid the ruins of her fallen grandeur. Burke and Chatham, Pitt and Fox, and Sheri- dan and Grattan and Erskine, are names whose immortality attest the powers of Eloquence, illustrated by their brilliant efforts in struggles for their country's glory, or in the attain- ment of laurels in the race of personal ambition. What did not American Eloquence achieve, when Henry, and Adams, and Ames spoke ? what hath it not since achieved in many a memorable era in our young Republic's history ? And if this be the art that may thus be triumphantly exerted 17 to protect liberty, to disseminate the Uos|ic], tt.i idead i'or imio- cence, to win immortality, can its attainment be too sedulously courted, and its true characteristics too cautiously pointed out ? And this most noble art has been mastered 1:)y those whose mighty intellects struggled under difhculties and impediments the most discouraging. The great master of Eloquence is the happiest illustration of the trite maxim, "Labor omnia vincit." He trusted not to the inspiration of genius; he atfected no shame under the charge that his orations smelt of the lamp, for ^vell he knew, and in himself exemplilied, the truth, that while he wdio trusts to the inspiration of the moment often astonishes with his brilliant displays, he who brings to his aid the allies that Labor is sure to enlist, rarely fails of a triumph. The tlashy parade of the orator who scorns to permit his genius to stoop to the drudgery of labor, may at times win a shout ofap- l^lause as fleeting as the breath that uttered it ; but he who as- pires to Avin laiu'els worth wearing — to promote his country's glory — to advance great principles — to secure a controlling in- fluence with his fellows, — will soon find that well turned sen- tences and pompous verbiage are far from being the chief ele- ments of true Eloquence, and are very properly estimated by those too whose rough exterior is too ofteu misjudged to be the evidence of the obtuse mind, but who often know better than the conceited orator himself, that what he hath spoken is often a " tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and sig- nifying nothing." But above all, let it ever be remembered, that at last virtue and morality can alone inspire confidence and give to Eloquence its magic charm. Fox was the British ' orator whose lucid reasoning, powerful declamation, and pro- : found statesmanship, gave him immortal fame ; but the admin - : istration of his illustrious rival Pitt rarely yielded to the terri- ble batteries of Fox's Eloquence ; — for history weeps over the melancholy truth, that Fox, with all his eloquence, lacked that 1 pure morality, that inflexible virtue, -wdthout which, there yet has not been, nor ever can be, enduring influence. But in the short compass of an Address, no power of con- densation is adequate to the task of presenting more than the i 1>^ most meagre picture uf the aources of either the enjoyment or influence of the cultivated mind. The vaat field lies before you, teeming Avith rich and delicious fruits, that cluster luxuri- antly at every step, grateful to the taste, pleasant to the sight, nourishing to the mind. But remember, that those precious fruits flill not into the lap of the idle passer-by, who strolls to linger a moment, and casts but the wishful glance ; — but can be gathered by him alone who strives to secure them with such friends as Diligence and Yirtue, that rarely fail of their objects. Remember what Cicero has truly said, in his essay on old age, " Youth is the vernal season of life, and the blossoms it then puts forth are indications of those future fruits to be gathered in succeeding periods," Remember too what Aiken makes virtue to say in one of his beautiful allegories, "I cheer the cot- tager at his toil, and inspire the sage at his meditation : I min- gle in the croAvd of cities, and help the hermit in his cell ; I have a temjole in every heart that owns my influence, and to him who wishes for me I am ever present. Science may raise thee to eminence: I alone can guide thee io felicity ^ Start well in the race here, and the goal will the more surely be reached hereafter. Time was when a stripling youth was seen here on this same hill, struggling ' with his compeers for the modest prize of the College honors. Stern morality tempered liis am- bition ; diligence bore him through in triumph ; parental smiles and greeting friends cheered him as he was decked with the Universit}^ honors. Time passed on. A vast multitude throng the Eastern Portico of the Capitol of the Repubhc. Fashion and wealth, the curious and the gay, the great men and wise of the land are there. For a moment solemn stillness pervades that assembly ; then the air is rent with the shouts of rejoicing ; for a great people have just placed upon the brows of a states- man the highest honors of the proudest Republic on earth ! Let the aspiring student learn and be encouraged by the inte- resting truth, that that statesman was the stripling boy, who be- gan by mnning his first honor at the University of North Carolina, and ended by wearing that of a mighty Republic. 19 Gentlemex of the GRAnuATiNfi Class — To 3'ou this is a peculiarly interesting occasion. From this quiet seat of learning you have been long wont to gaze on the great world before you as a Landscape, and young imagination hath been busv and lertilo in robing it with brightness. Through the dim twiliglit of fancy things at a distance have been gleaming on jo\i beautifully, and impulsive ardor hath often fretted in impatience under wholesome restraint and well meant discipline. Often have your glad hearts leaped with joy in anticipation of this hour of emancipation from fancied thral- dom. Well, the hour has at last come. It suits not my taste to stifle the pleasing suggestions of hope, and bid you trem- blingly bcAvare of the gTeen verdure and the rich and beautiful flowers of life— because, forsooth, of the piercing thorns and bi- ting serpents that oft lie hid in rosy ambush. It suits not rny taste to damp your ardor at the outset, because, forsooth, it often happens, that many a wayfarer before you, hath become faint and feverish under the burning heat, or chilled and benumbed with the cold and storms of life. I prefer on this occasion the language of a gifted countrvman, full of sentiment and truth and beaut}': "ZooZ; not ■monrnfnUy into the ixist: It coynes not hach again. Wisely improve the present : It is thine. Go forth to ■meet the shadoicf/ future^ u-ithouffear, and ivith a manly heart!'' " Your lot is given you in a land Where busy arts are never at a stand; AVliere science points her telescopic eye. Familiar with the wonders of the sky ; Where bold inquiry, diving out of sight. Brings many a pearl of truth to light ; Where naught eludes the persevering quest That fashion, taste, or luxury suggest." 20 The arts, science, agriculture, commerce, liberty, theology, all, all have received fresh impulses. The human family seems animated with new hopes, the human mind seems inspired with unwonted vigor. When Franklin's silken chord first trembled with electricity the world was startled with what then were es- teemed the grand discoveries of that gi-eat intellect. But in your day the lightning is made our common news-carrier, and is managed by the boys to dispatch hasty messages between re- mote cities. When Fulton ventured with his Steam Engine along our rivers, the spectacle amazed many a wonderstruck beholder, who felt in his heart, that it was tempting Provi- dence thus to hazard human life. But in your day proud steam-ships, with splendid saloons and gay pleasure parties, plough the briny ocean, and in their noisy pomp, seem to mock the storm. And what a country too is that in which your lot is cast, that makes us all glory in the name of American citi- zen, — that makes us all so proud of the past, so proud of the present, so hopeful of the " shadowy future !" Poetic imagina- tion is overtasked in the effort to picture its real grandeur ; — so changeful the scene, so rapid the transition, so Avonderful its strides from infant weakness to giant manhood ! Once a mighty wilderness, a continent of unquelled forests, the home of the fierce savage and the howling panther ; — noio a beautiful land of cultivated fields, and filled with Statesmen, Orators, and Philos- ophers ! Once a modest flag, adorned with thirteen stars, affixed to a flag-staff planted between the mountains and the Atlantic, waved over three millions of American freemen. Noio a broad ensign, bearing on its ample folds, not thirteen^ but thirty stars, nailed to a flag-staff, planted, not on the narrow confines between the mountains and the Atlantic, but on the mountains, on the valleys of the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the great Gulf of the south — affording protection not to three but to twenty millions of free citizens of an " Ocean-bound Republic !" Of other lands poetic prophecy reveals only sad visions of decay and downfall. British genius hath already written of our father land, — " England, like Greece, shall fall despoiled, defaced, And weep, the Tadmor of the watery waste. 21 The wave shall iiK.ick her lone and inaiiless slmrp. The deep shall know lier IVeiiihted wealtli iki more ; And unljiiru wauderers in the I'liture v.'u(jd, Where London stands, shall ask where Lonilon stood." But if American sons prove vrortliy of American sires ; — if Ed- ucation be truly tlie protectress of Liberty ; — if time and Christi- anity, instead of elevating and blessing, Lave not debased man, — l/ours is the land whose future grandeur and magnificence will continue to baffle the conceptions of the wildest imagina- tion. We read in sacred history, that for the preservation of the human family, Noah was seen constructing an ark. The fancy of the gifted Headl}^ has graphically painted the scene, — that as the huge edifice went up, " The farmer returned at eve- ning from his field, and the gay citizen of the town drove past and christened it 'Noah's folly,' and the Avorkmen engaged upon it laughed as they drove the nails and hewed the plank. But when the terrible storm came — upborne on the flood, the heaven-protected ark rose above the buried cities and moun- tains, and floated away on the shoreless deep. And when the deluge was stayed, with its inmates unharmed, it at last safely reposed on the summit of the sacred mountain Ararat." We read too in profane history, that time was when our AVashing- • ton was seen, constructing a political, a republican ark, for the final protection of human liberty. When with his sage com- ] peers he was rearing the novel edifice, and constructing it of ] rafters and beams of Eepublican simplicity and popular free- I dom, titled nobility and ribboned pride in other lands mocked ;aad smiled at it as unfit for the storms that would surely assail lit. But thus far, under the blessings of Providence, amid the i terrible events that ever and anon have crushed the rights of man elsewhere, — amid angry storms and the wildest billows of party rage — upborne on the flood, our heaven-protected ark of Freedom still floats on, and amid the tempests at their darkest hour there has still continued to stream from it a steady light to cheer and gladden and encourage. And when that most terrific of temjoests shall come, — (which may God in his mercy avert,) — when domestic fanaticism or party madness shall rage, 22 —-wlien the voice of Patriotism shall for a moment be hushed amid the hoarse clamor of discordant factions — when the flood of fraternal strife and sectional hostility shall for a moment deluge the land — still may we not chng to the hope of the Fa- tlier of his country, that when it shall please heaven to stay the storm, our ark may also find its sacred resting-place, and that may he on tJie glorious Union of the States? But while a patriot- ism should be cherished, liberal enough and comprehensive enough to embrace our country, our whole country,' — while your young hearts should beat with proud emotions as you be- hold the grand yet novel spectacle of thirty independent States, moving in the same orbits and encircling a common centre, — I trust I may be pardoned on this occasion, in this place, at this interesting era in our State's history, to express the hope and to encourage the sentiment, that among these republican planets that move thus harmoniously in a common orbit, there is one for which every bosom here should throb with peculiar affec- tion, — one that is entitled to a place in our "heart of hearts ;" and that one is iV(»'^/i Carolina/ Not that I would have you love your whole country less, but North Carolina more. And disguise it as we may — regret it as we should, — yet, my friends, is there not too much of reproachful truth in the sug- gestion now not unfrequently uttered, that the Statesmen of North Carolina, gifted as they have been, patriotic as they ever are, have done much for the Union, but surely not much for North Carolina? — have grown pale often 'at the midnight lamp with anxious meditation on the affairs of the Union, but have rarely wasted or seriously impaired their mental or physical machinery in efforts to advance the prosperity and glory of their own State ? — have electrified masses by their pompous elo- quence on matters of Federal policy, but have only ventured now and then to timidly breathe forth a half-suppressed, hesita- ting suggestion, that perha2:)s something should be done to save the "good Old State;" until at last, when a youth of genius and high promise starts out on his career, clad with University honors, how often do parental pride and affectionate friend- ship intimate, that surely he will not remain here, but will seek 23 /lis fortunes in some more ^Livuial elime? This siioiild n(_)t be so, .Vnd the part you act in tlie I'liture, (which now will soon be the present Avith you,) may have much bearing on the honor, the prosperity, and rejoiitation of your State. S/udy u:ell her cJuir- ader — -ham icellher u/aufs. Still in her jxtst history there is not a little to excite your pride ; in her present condition, much to animate and encourage. tStill we may be proud, that the bright- est page in our national history that recites the thrilling story of American Independence, must also tell to future generations, that its birth-place was North Carolina. >StiU you will find that her people haye one crowning virtue, called viier/rity, that makes them happy at home, and honored abroad. jSlill we have fer- tile fields, beautiful streams, a healthful climate, and a mountain scenery as grand and lovely as the pencil of nature hath ever sketched in any land. And if you, who gather your earliest lessons here from her own bount}-— if ?/o?/. be true to A er, true to yourselves — ^you may yet do much to aid her to make a gener- ous struggle with her proud sisters in the race ; if she be not the swiftest, the gayest and the richest, she may yet be honored and admired for her cheerful face and her sterling qualities. Keep bright the mental armory furnished yon here: it will serve you good part in many an intellectual conflict hereafter. ^ Look not mournfully into the past: It comes not bach again. Wisely improve the present: It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future^ icithout fear^ and ivith a manly heart," ■^