Roman Catholics in ^ America Falsifying History AND Poisoning the Minds of Protestant School Children (jrc^VJ By THOS. E. WATSO N Author of "The Story of France," "Napoleon," "Life and Times of Andrew Jackson," "Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson," "The Roman Catholic Hierarchy," Etc. Published by THE TpM WATSON BOOK COMPANY, Thomson, Ga. 1928 Copyright 1928 by GEORGIA WATSON LEE BROWN, Thomson, Ga. ' f {l>* V Roman Catholics in America Falsifying History And Poisoning the Minds of Protestant School-children THIS year is the 400th. since a venereally diseased Pope, whose dissipations had exhausted the Vatican treasury, sent out monkish peddlers into sundry parts of Europe to sell, at public outcry, the papal pardons for sin, known as "Indulgences." Originally, an Indulgence was a financial deal, by which the Roman Catholic violator of church rules could square himself with the ecclesiastical lords ; just as the peasants, under the Feudal S}-stem, could pay money to the landlord and escape menial ser- vice, or military conscription. But as the Papal usurpation grew in power, it naturally grew also in greed. Each successful aggression encouraged the popes to attempt another; and so it was, that the Bishops of Rome finally became Gods-on-earth, in the eyes of devout, superstitious Catholics. It logically follows that, if we have a God on earth, this God can forgive sins. Inasmuch as the popes had, in the course of a thousand years,, reached that monstrous height of self-assertion, they changed the . original doctrine of Indulgence. What had formerly been nothing more than the remission of church penalties (similar to the remission of a fine by one of our courts) became a pardon for sin. This preposterous usurpation of Qod's power was carried to such extreme lengths, that the popes sold Indulgences which wiped out all crimes past, present, and future; and the price to be paid was set against each crime, in a regular scale, just as you would list the prices of a number of books, of horses, of goods in a store, or of saleable articles at a church fair. When Pope Leo X. found his Vatican ducats running low, and sent out his peddlers loaded with Indulgences,it so hap- (3) 589150 pened that monks, of a peculiarly bold and brazen type, were selected as papal actioneers. These peddling monks used language which would almost con- vince us that they themselves despised the business in which they were compelled to engage. For instance, when Tetzel would "cry" his goods at auction, in the market-place, he would harangue the assembled rustics in words like these : "Lo ! the heavens are open ; if you enter not now, when will you enter"? For 12 pence you may redeem the soul of your father out of purgatory. If you had but one coat, you ought to strip yourself of it instantly, and sell it, in order to purchase such benefits. As soon as the money tinkles in the box, the souls in purga- tory instantly escape torment and ascend to heaven." (See Robertson's "Charles V.," Vol. 1, p. 462.) This Tetzel chanced to be peddling his pardon-papers in the neighborhood of a pious monk, named Martin Luther, who had found a copy of the Bible, among the musty manuscripts of the monastery, and he had been stimulated by the Bible to study Christianity for himself. Therefore, when he heard Tetzel's blasphemous harangues, he was shocked, and when he read one of the papers in which Pop Leo granted as full a pardon for sin as God could grant, his indignation was stirred. By the very words of the Indulgence, this licentious Pope undertook to remit, not only the ecclesiastical censures, but "from all thy sins, transgressions, and excesses, how enormous soever they may be. I remit you all punisliment which you may deserve in purgatory and restore you to that innocence which you possessed at baptism; so that, when you die, the gates of punishment shall be shut, and the gates of the paradise of delight instantly shall be opened, &c." (Robertson's "Charles V.," p. 462.) Martin Luther, the pious monk, stood so well with the Roman Catholic high-priests and dignitaries, that he had been selected by them to take charge of a new College which the Elector of Saxony was opening in Wittenberg. The Elector had asked them to choose their fittest teacher for this responsible and honorable post, and their unanimous choice had fallen upon Brother Martin. Therefore, at the time Tetzel came into that part of Ger- many, peddling those pardons, Brother Martin had no cause of quarrel with his church. Southern Pamphlets Rare Book Collection UNC-Chapel JfiD He had no grievance, no grudge, no balked ambition. He had all to gain, by remaining silent. He had all to lose, by going out of his way to pick a quarrel with Tetzel and the Pope. CATHOLIC TEXT BOOKS AND TEACHERS IN PROTESTANT SCHOOLS. In the Public Schools the Catholics have stealthily intro- duced text-books written by Jesuits ; and your children are being taught, that the Roman church was misunderstood in the past; that its doctrines are not fatal to humanity and Gospel religion; that is record is not saturated with the blood of the innocent millions, murdered by papal persecutors, and that there never was such a monstrosity as the alleged sale of papal pardons of sins. The Catholics denounce secular education and public schools — whyf Because, under the papal system, the child is never to be per- mitted to do its own thinking. Its plastic brain must be papalized, in order that the child — grown to manhood or womanhood — will be atrophied on one side of its mind. In other words, Catholic education seeks to prevent the boy and girl from knowing any truth which may set in motion those dynamic spurs of progress, namely, doubt, desire to see the other side, determination to investigate and form independent OPINIONS. Educate youth in this Catholic way, and the consequences are logical: the children graduate in obedience; feel no divine thirst for free knowledge; depend upon Authority, rather than upon investigation; cringe to the priest; look to him for guidance and control; lose mental self-reliance, and gradually cease to be liberals, progressives, democrats, republicans — believers in the capacity of the people to govern themselves. A Catholic, imbued with the idea that he is not entitled to any voice in church affairs, and contented with the dependent position of the man who must silently pay and obey, soon ac- cepts the POLITICAL doctrine of his church, also; and he comes to believe that he has no right to choose rulers, make laws, think for himself on public questions, or to take any initiative, what- ever. PRIEST-RIDDEN IN CHURCH, HE IS READY TO BECOME PRIEST-RIDDEN IN STATE. Consequently, no Catholic country ever was democratic, or republican, until the Pope's power was broken. Hierarchic Catholicism is the relii:(ion of emperors and kings, of empires and kingdoms; and you will easily see why this is so, if you will remember that Popery is nothing hut an adaptation of the organisation of the Roman emperors and their Pagan priesthood. Consider how artfully the Pope's American subjects are serving him, in this profoundly important matter of educating, the young! Catholic children are not allowed to attend your schools; nor are your teachers and text-books allowed in theirs; yet, they send their children — grown to be teachers — into your schools, to teach your children ; and they so manipulate the Superintendents and the Boards, that Catholic text-books dAive Protestant text-hooks out of the Protestant schools! It seems incredible, but it is so. Consider the following extract from a letter concerning the Atlanta Schools : Atlanta, Ga., April 17, 1917. Dear Sir: The history teacher at "Girls High" leaves the im- pression on the minds of the students that Robinson (the author of the text book) is not a prejudiced man, (such as you, for instance,) and is endeavoring to lessen the antagonism between the Roman Church and the Protestant churches. I find on page 585 of the "Girls High" text book (Outlines of European History, by Robinson and Breasted), and on page 391 of the "Boys High" text book (History of Western Europe, by J. H. Robinson) the following passages, regarding the Indulgences sold by Tetzel: "The contribution to the church which was made in return for indulgences varied greatly; the rich were required to give a con- siderable sum, while the very poor were to receive these pardons gratis." Did the "very poor" get them free? Also this statement: "It is a common mistake of Protestants to suppose that the indulgence was forgivenesss granted before hand for sins to be committed in the future. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO FOUNDATION FOR THIS IDEA. A person proposing to sin could not possibly be con- trite in the eyes of the church, and even if he secured indulgence it would, according to the theologians, have been quite worthless." STUDENT. Now, what do you tliink of that Papal dope, being admin- istered to young Protestants, by the pro-Catholic teachers and the Catholic text-books, in your secular Public Schools? Such prostitute teachers can do the pope more good than all the priests put together, because such text-hooks and teachers can sozv papal germs, where the priests could never gain access to the fertile soil of youth! WHAT WERE THE INDULGENCES T The statement in this PubHc School "History" is a most unbkishing falsehood, and it can be as easily exposed as that other papal falsehood about Queen Elizabeth and the English Episcopalians. The Indulgences sold by Tetzel can be proved with the same historic accuracy that the Great Charter admits of ; with the same accuracy as the Edict of Toleration which Henry of Navarre issued in behalf of the French Protestants, and zvhich caused the Jesuits to assassinate its enlightened and statesmanly author. The Catholic authorities themselves print the decree of Pope Innocent III., annulling and eternally damning the Great Charter of our liberties ; and the Catholics themselves published the Scale of Prices for the Papal Pardon of Sins ! In Europe, it is not denied : in the United States, it is denied ; in Europe, it is so notorious that it can't be denied: in the United States, the lack of information about the true inwardness of this Einxipcan church is so deplorably universal, that it can be denied ! NOT ONLY DENIED^ BUT TAUGHT IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS ! (The following authorities are a few of the many that can be cited to prove that the Indulgences sold by pope after pope, for centuries, were pardons for sins, not only past, but future; not only for living, but for the dead : William H. Prescott's' edition of "Robertson's Charles the Fifth." Lippincott Co., 1884. Pages 460 and following, volume I., giving the origin of Indulgences under Pope Urban II., and copying the Indulgences verbatim. Coxe's "House of Austria," Vol. 1, page 430 and follow- ing. The author copies the actual words of the Indulgence, verbatim. Markham's "History of Germany," John Murray's new and revised edition, 1869. Page 218: "At first these Indulgences were nothing more than the re- mission of penance for sin In* which the Christian community was scandalized ; but the horrijjle doctrine began at length to be intro- duced, that exemi>tions from the fires of, purgatory might also be purchased, not only on account of crimes already perpetrated, but even for those zvhich the buyer intended to commit." See, also, Larned's "Seventy Centuries": Vol. II., p. 66.) Menzel's "Germany from the Earliest Period": published in 8 New York by the Catholic firm. P. F. CoUier & Son, 1900. Page 872 (in Vol. II.) says: "On October 31, 1517, Luther publicily brought forward in the castle-church at Wittenberg, 95 theses against the Indulgence, the principal of which were, "that by sincere repentance and penance alone, not by the payment of a sum of money, could sins be remitted, and consequently, that the pope had no right to dis- pense absolution for money : moreover, that the pope, being mere- ly the vice-regent of God upon earth, could only remit the ex- ternal j.cnanccs ordained by the church on earth, not the eternal piin'uliincnt awarded to the sinner after death. This bold assertion, like a spark of vivid light amid profound darkness, rendered the truth fully visible, once the spell of silence broken, thousands ventured to utter their secret thoughts ; thousands became aware of facts of which they had before timidly doubted." Timidly doubted, what? They did not doubt that the pope could remit the penalties incurred for infractions of the church's rules. No ! What they had timidly doubted was, the pope's power to take the place of God, and forgive sins : especially, when the sinner had not repented, but had only paid money for the remission. Wolfgang Menzel's "Germany" is as thoroughly standard, as Gibbons' "Rome," Green's "England," Rawlinson's "Seven Great Monarchies," Thierry's "Norman Conquest," or Napier's "Peninsular War." It goes to the American reader with the a. k. of the great Catholic publishing house of Peter Collier & So7i: it tells the truth about those Indulgences, just as all other standard works tell it. If Luther's quarrel with Pope Leo X. did not pivot on that very question, what was the pivot? What was it that, as Menzel says, was like a flash of "vivid light amid profound darkness" ? If the popes had not been selling pardons for sin, how came Leo to do it; and if Leo wasn't doing it, zvJiat aroused Martin Luther? WHAT STARTED THE REFORMATION.^ According to the Catholic text-book taught in the public schools, the Reformation was started about nothing. Isn't it an infernal shame that your children should be officially crammed with Jesuit lies, meant to blind them as to the origin of modern progress, civil and religious liberty, popular education, free institutions, the abolition of serfdom, and the Emancipation of Woman? JVc owe all of these inestimable blessings to the Reformation, which successfully began when Martin Luther denied that the popes could sell forgiveness for sins. Having taken tliat bold step, the logic of events led him to take others, until he broke away from the Roman church, saying • that it had no more right to imprison women, hide the Bible and murder heretics, than it had to sell pardons of sin. Two of the grounds upon which the Roman church excom- municated Luther, were, that he did deny the church's right to burn heretics, and did deny the pope's authority to take money for the remission of sin. The exact copy of the Indulgence issued by Pope Leo X. is also found in "The History of Protestantism," by Dr. J. A. Wylie. Cassell & Company, London, Paris, New York, and Mel- bourne. Vol. L, page 258. D'Aubigne's "History of the Reformation," page 7Z, also copies the Indulgence, and gives a graphic account of how the poor, as well as the rich, were cheated out of their money. None of the Indulgences were ever given away: they were all sold. PAPAL TARIFF ON SINS. The Price-list of papal pardons of sins, can be found in the "History of Auricular Confession," by Count C. P. Lasteyrie. Vol. II. Page 132 et seq. It is referred to in the "History of Sacerdotal Celibacy." By H. C. Lea, L. L. D., 1907. Vol. I., p. 411 : Vol. II., p. 55, and 715. See, also, the "Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary," pp. 95- 100, Philadelphia, 1891. An original copy of the first printed edition of this famous Price-list of Sins^-whose official name is "Taxes of the Peni- tentiary" — is preserved in the British Museum. The book itself and the list of prices, are as provable as the Law of Habeas Corpus, or the first American Tariff. Catholics in American History THE Fort Worth Record, Tex., joyfully prints a string of lies told by "Father" Frank Park, in a recent spiel to the pope's band of American foot-kissers, the Knights of Columbus. Said string of lies follows, as an exhibit of Roman mendacity, and of the willingness of our daily papers to publish the output of mendacious papal propaganda: That America's liberty today is directly due to Catholics, and that ever since there has been such a country as the United States, Catholics have alwaj-s been patriotic, loj-al and true, was the con- tention of the speaker. The life of Columbus was reviewed from his birth in Ital^' down to the discovery of America, the saving of the liberty of the country by Lafayette and other Catholics; the financing of Washington's army by four Irishmen of Philadelphia, all Catholics, when starvation and exposure had almost ruined it, and other deeds of valor of direct bearing upon the formation and estab- lishment of the United States as a country, were referred to. "It was a Catholic who discovered this country; it was a Catholic queen who financed the expedition that gave this country to the world as a civilized nation; it was Catholic soldiers who saved it from the iron hand of oppression, and it was Catholic money that financed it in its darkest hour and clothed and fed its armj' in time of distress, and yet we, as Catholics, are charged with disloyalty," declared Father Park. "I often wonder why we Catholics, we Knights of Columbus, are questioned as to our loyalty when these facts show that America is our countr}'." Every one of those statements is a most unblushing, pre- meditated, inexcusable, unscrupulous falsehood. The several discoveries of this continent, the first of which was by Scandinavian pagans, did not become important, so far as our national existence is concerned, until successful coloniaa- iion took place ; and that was accomplished by the Protestants of England and the Huguenots of France. This is a historical fact which no honest scholar will deny, and if "Father" Park is ignorant of it, he is unfit to discuss the subject. No Catholic colony thrived: no good to this country is trace- able to Columbus. On the contrary, he introduced slavery, and thus became morally responsible for the extermination of the natives of the West Indies. The Puritans of New England and the Episcopalians of Virginia, together with the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, the French (10) 11 Huguenots of the CaroHnas. founded the Democratic Repu1)lic of the United States. The Catholic church is the historic foe of Democracies and Republics, loecause her law and her system are monarchical, anti- democratic, and anti-liberal. A church which laid its official curse upon the Great Char- ter of our liberties, takes you for an ignoramus, when it claims to be the founder of this Government, whose Supreme Laws em- brace the principles of the Great Charter. A church which has for 20 years fought and scotched an Immigration liill, because its reading test would expose the fact that, in Catholic countries the people are not taught to read, dis- plays amazing effrontery, when it claims credit for our Govern- ment, based as it is, upon free education, free thought, free speech, free vote, and people's rule. How asinine it is the gabble about LaFayette -saving the liberties of our country ! In the first place, LaFayette was not a Catholic, and I have published the evidence, again and again. He hated priests es- pecially. He helped to overthrow them, and to confiscate the huge loot which they had got together in France. He utterly detested, loathed, and despised the popish system, because it is a Pagan affair, imposed upon Christians who don't know its true nature, and who are never allowed to learn. Such priests as "Father" Park keep the eyes of papal dupes securely sealed. In the second place, LaFayette's share in Washington's suc- cess was almost negligible, not to compare with that of John Laurens, John Paul Jones, and the obscure Southern leaders, who won the Battle of King's Mountain. In the third place, our liberties were not at stake in the Revolutionary War, which was fought because the Mother Coun- try claimed the right to tax us. in England, on account of the extra expense incurred by her in defending us from the Catholic governments of Spain and France. Had we been defeated in that War, our liberties as English subjects zvould have remained ; and we would now perhaps have as much true democracy and home-rule as are at present enjoyed by Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The colonists who fought seven years for Independence, politically, never dreamed that we would lose personal, commer- cial, industrial, and political independence to American Corpora- tions, the Money Power, and the usurping Federal Judiciary. "Father" Park says that four Catholics financed the Revo- lutionary War. 12 No such thing happened. It is an impudent invention. Not one shred of historical evidence can be brought forward to sus- tain it. Catholics helped to fight England, partly because England had recently fought the popes. Scotch and Irish Catholics hated England intensely, because the Catholic attempt to recapture the British throne had been bloodily defeated, in Ireland, at the Battle of the Boyne; and, in England, at the Battle of Culloden. This last occured in 1745, just a few years before the Revo- lutionary War started. France herself loaned the Colonies money, and encouraged adventurous young LaFayettes, Dillons, Lauzuns, etc., to come over on our side, because of the long, long struggle between Catholic Kings of France, and Protestant Kings of England. Catholic loyalty about which we are hearing so much tommy- rot and slumguUion, these days, has never been tested in this country. There is no test, until the pope is on one side and the Govern- ment on the other. Then the test comes, and then it is you ^ee the Catholics betray the Government in obedience to the pope. Look at the French Catholics in Canada! They refuse to fight for their own Empire in this War, because the pope is now trying to revenge the Papacy on England, for its defiant break- away from Rome during the Reformation. Look at the Irish Catholics! They refuse to fight for their Empire, and have been traitorously fighting with the pope and the German despots. England's main weakness today is the disloyalty of her Catho- lic subjects. These papists have been enjoying all the immense privileges of British citizenship, and they are just as truly the subjects of the Empire as the Scotch are, but their priests ordered them not to enlist, and they have obeyed the mandates of their church. Under the same circumstances, our Catholics will do the same. If we go to war with the German despots, every Romanist chaplain will be a German spy, and every Catholic priest an in- strument of treason. That's what they are now, in Canada; that's what they are, in Ireland ; and that's what they are, at heart, in this Union. Their oaths bind them to the foreign potentate who despot- ically rules their foreign church. They are papal subjects, first, and American subjects, second. Poisoning the Fountain, to Papalize the Stream T HE American Book Company is, in fact, the School-book Trust; and it is controlled by Roman Catholics, of New York and Chicago. For many years, it has had a strangle-hold upon the South- ern States, because of its well-spent money. If circumstances make a case, it has bribed newspapers, State School Commis- sioners, County School officers, and Principals in high schools — not all, but enough to keep the Trust in full possession of its monopoly. More than a million children are being educated in the Pope's parochial schools, where none but Catholic teachers are employed, and where every book used is thoroughly papist. Not a line favorable to Protestant principles, or to demo- cratic principles, can find a place in those Catholic text-books. The pupils are taught to abhor everything antagonistic to popery, and admonished that their souls will be in dangerof hell- fire, if they read any book, or paper which exposes Romanism. Thus, Catholic education seals the mind of the Catholic child, and it becomes closed, to anything but Catholic literature. Let these millions of children, who are every year attending the parochial schools, grow into manhood and womanhood, to become fathers and mothers, whose children, in their turn, will he given the same anti-Protestant training, and you can see what a host of enemies our democratic institutions will have to contend with, in a few years. But the Roman Catholics are not satisfied with the exclu- sive control of their own schools: they have reached out and in- vaded ours. Into our Public Schools— and even into private Protestant schools— they have thrust their teachers, to subtly propagate popery. They introduce symbols that are peculiarly popish, and in this way the minds of the Protestant children are familiarized with the system, and silently taught not to antagonize it. The crucifix, the madonna, the nun's garb, the priest's habit, the picture of Christ and the angels, the image of the Virgin, (13) 14 &c.. artfully placed where the pupils constantly see them, each silently in favor of a foreign system which is nothing in the world but ancient Paganism masquerading under Christian names. Heathen idolatry — borrowing the words. Christ. Mary. Joseph, Peter, Paul, &c. — comes into Christian lands, and impudently says, "Accept idolatry, and pay a high price for it, because I have condescended to change the names of Jove. Juno, Venus, Cybele, and Pluto, for those of Jehovah, Mary, Anne, Joseph, Peter, Paul, and Satan." You remember the old lines of the poet who says, that Vice is a monster of so frightful a mein that, when first seen, it ex- cites horror, but seen too often, "we first endure, then pity, then embrace." Those old familiar lines exactly fit the lesson I am trying to drive home. Roman Catholicism when first seen, with its images, pros- trations, Latin mummeries, daytime candles, unmarried priests, walled-up women, fake miracles, medal swindles, adoration of a foreign Italian priest, utter abasement of the laity, inner secrets, nght-hawk secret societies, armed military organizations ; wafers made into gods, and then eaten ; wine made into blood, and then drunken — all this excites disgust, loathing, horror, u'lieii first seen. "But, seen too oft, familiar with her face. We first endure, then pity, then embrace." At public ceremonies of all kinds; in street parades, so dear to the papist i)ropaganda ; in the "field mass"; in the celebration of every possible public function ; in the display of papal statues, in paintings, signs, and emblems ; in the indefatigable efforts of the priest to push himself on to every public stage, and to put his finger into every public pie; in the constant self-exhibitions of Ancient Hibernians. Knights of Columbus, Cardinals, bishops, chaplains, St. Patrick displays, and Columbus Day fanfaronade — at all times and places. Romanism shows its best face, hoping to lull its enemies ino forgetfulness of its -a'orst. When it invades our Pul)lic Schools, with its County Super- intendent, or its members of the City Board, or its "Sister" in the class-room, or its symbols displayed on the wall, the apjiroach is insidious enough, God knows ! The greater menace, however, is in the [^apaliaed text-book. If the mind of the Protestant child can be jioisoncd by papal (loi)e. /';/ ///(' Protestant school, then the i'rotestant academy be- comes a nursery of Popery. 15 And the work of the papaHzed text-book in the Protestant school becomes even more effective for the designs of poHtical popery, than the CathoHc text-book is, because a text-book, plain- ly Catholic, coukl not reach the Protestant schools and do mis- sionary vv^ork among Protestant children. The text-book vi^hich claims to be Protestant, but which is in fact. Catholic, does infinitely more harm than the books which are nndisquisedly Catholic, on the same principle that the wolf, disguised as a sheep, is the most dangerous of all wolves to the flock. Suppose the Protestant child can be educated to believe that there is no material difference between the past records of Roman- ism and Protestantism ; and that Protestant churches, governments, monarchs, and official representatives committed crimes, in the name of religion, just as Rome must confess that she did. what follows ? It naturally follows that the child will grow up with the idea that the Romanism which was once dangerous to liberty, progress, and life, perished from earth, ages ago. If the Protestant boy becomes a man, /;/ that belief, he will be hard to move, when he is asked to consider that Rome has never changed her laws, her system, her purposes, or her methods. He will sneer at the T.utherans. who manifest the acal of Martin Luther ; at the Presbyterians, who dis])lay the fervor of John Knox ; at the Episcopalians, who wear the militant garb of Latimer and Ridley; at the Baptists, who fight with the flaming swords of Bunyan, and Roger Williams. Such a Pnjtestant pupil, grown to manhood, will be ])rac- tically the friend of Popery and the foe of Protestantism, be- cause his attitude of scornful indifference will influence others to believe that the Roman leopard must have changed its spots. It cannod no7v be what it used to be, else this educated Protestant would not be so contemptuously unfriendly to anti- Catholic agitators. PAPALIIED TRXT-15()()KS ! A few daws ago. I received a letter from an Atlanta school- boy, containing the ]jaragraph below : I showed Albert of tlie Boys' High School (Atlanta) your statement to the effect tiiat the Protestants had neither persecuted nor burnt Roman Catholics. He is the smartest boy in town, and when I said that, he immediately said you were wrong. I asked for proof and he brought me his history te.xt : "Outlines of European History" by Robinson and Breasted, wliich is used in "Boys High" and "Girls High" of this city. 16 The following is on page 618: "The Catholics, it should be noted, later suffered serious persecution under Elizabeth and James I., the Protestant successors of Mary. Death was the penalty fixed in many cases for those who obstinately refused to recognize the monarch as the rightful head of the English church, and heavy fines were imposed for failure to attend Protestant worship. Two hundred Catholic priests are said to have been executed under Elizabeth, Mary's sister, who succeeded her on the throne; others were tortured or perished miserably in prison." For years, a Roman Catholic has been at the head of the County Board; for years, they have employed Catholic teachers; for years, the State School Superintendent has been deaf to every criticism of his methods, although his methods were Catho- lic and illegal ! Last year, one of the salaried officers of the State, delivered addresses in the public schools, repeating the lesson she learned from the Catholic text-book which is taught in our Public Schools. Miss Parish not only defended the use of the State's money in the Catholic religions schools, but she defended Bloody Queen Mary, and said that Queen Elizabeth had persecuted the Catholics, as ferociously as Mary did the Protestants. Evidently Miss Parish got her lesson out of the same book that duped the boy. Who are these authors, "Robinson and Breasted"? ? There is an Illinois author named Breasted who is put down as an "Orientalist," in the well-known biographical encyclopedia, Who's Who. He is an expert on Eastern languages, Egyptology and Oriental history. The sketch — prepared by himself — makes no mention of his qualifications as an authority on English history, but specifies at length his studies and his works on Oriental subjects. He doesn't say a word about his qualifications for revolution- izing the history of England, and making Bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth twin-sisters. There are so many authors, named Robinson, whose biogra- phies appear in Who's Who, that it is impossible for me, with- out the aid of the text-book itself, to identify its co-author. But, let us try to find out whether the authors, Breasted and Robinson, loaned their names to a deliberate falsehood. If what the book says is a lie, we know why it was written, published, and introduced into the Public Schools. My long introduction will have shown you the reason for poisoning the minds of the Protestant children, if they have been poisoned. If Albert had heard a Catholic priest accuse Queen EHzabeth of murdering Catholics on account of their religion, 17 he would not have beheved it; but when the hoy was taught this, as a lesson in his school, what could he do but believe ? It never entered his head that the Catholic Book Trust could use our pretended Protestant officials, as papal proselyters. Aren't a majority of the Boards, the Principals, et cetera, all sound in their complacent Protestantism? So far as lips go, they are. Then, when they adopt and teach a Catholic text-book, slily padded with Catholic lies, what can the pupils do, except to get their lessons out of the Catholic book? Thus do we build school-systiems, and maintain them at enormous expense, only to find that we are furnishing academies for the propagation of popery ! In my day, the text-book on the "Outlines of History," was "Robbin's." A fine old work it is. No better one has ever been produced. It was published by J. B. Lippincott in 1857, when I was three years old, and I studied it at the Steed High School, in Thomson. What were we Protestants taught about Queen Mary, at the Thomson High School, in 1869-70-71? This: "Mary, Edward's sister, next ascended the throne, in 1553. History has assigned to her the unenviable title of 'bloody,' from the persecutions and martyrdoms suffered by the Protestants in her reign. Her disposition was morose, tyrannical, and cruel, in the highest degree. Bent upon the restoration of the Catholic religion, she hesitated at no measures, however unjust, which were calculated to effect the object." That summary is conservatively and impartially true. In a book of Outlines, Dr. Robbins could not go into the hideous details and tell how this frenzied Catholic queen, egged on by the pope, by the priests, and by her monstrous husband, Philip II. of Spain, burnt more than 280 men, wom'en, and children, because they refused to say that priests could create God out of bread. One of the men she burnt was the venerable Archbishop Cranmer, who, in part, was author of the "Great EngUsh Bible" whose translation, from the dead language into the living, gave such mortal offense to Rome. Among the victims were "bishops, divines, country gentlemen, artificers, husbandm'en, servants, laborers, wives, widows, spin- sters, two boys, AND TWO INFANTS." (Sanderson, "History of England," page 455. Published in 1893.) "The Catholic Laymen's Associa tion" Re-writes History, Placing Fables Where Facts Belong I T IS comical to see such men as compose the CathoHc Lay- men's Association transforming them'eselves into megaphones, through which the Jesuit priests can talk "history" to the un- Let us examine a few points in the Laymen's historical dis- courses, and see how thev agree with historical facts. WYCLIFFE DIED IN HIS BED Addressing a circular letter to my friend, Rev. S. G. Woodall, of the LaGrange, Ga., Graphic, the Laymen's chairman, J. J, Farrell. thus repeats the lesson taught him hy his Jesuit priest: "Wycliffe died in his bed, on the 31st of December, 1384, from a stroke of apoplexy received tliree days previous, on the 28th, while he was assisting at the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Like the majority of our Protestant ministers, Mr. Woodall was bom in a rural district, where books of reference are sel- dom found ; therefore the Jesuits, who are megaphoning through the Laymen's Association, deemed it safe to dispose of Wycliffe, in one deceptive sentence. The impression sought to be made, in the case of the Great Reformer, is, that he lived at peace with Rome, and virtually died while celebrating Rome's distinctive rite, the Mass. Yet, any one who has access to the Encyclopedia Britannica — before the Jesuits doctored the last edition — will at once realize how the Laymen have evaded the story of John Wycliffe. (See the United Editors' Encyclopedia, the Columbian, John- son's, Harmsworth's, Appleton's, Cassell's, or any other, except those that the lying Jesuits have mutilated and changed — as they recently were permitted to do with the Britannica.) Did Wycliffe live and die, a good papist, at peace zviith Rome? Let us get at the facts, briefly: using the latest and best (18) 19 lish priest. ' ^Ji e„o. y A I. /o seek the life of the Eng- . sr,™^-!:?^ ^'"•-" -^^^"i^':^^s':^ the pZ^^'Sf-^fc^'fets ■'';'"':':;'•''"' •/"- ^"^-^ ^°'"" -' «- In other words the •E„.vMr™./°"^°T';>' "''"' '"^-^ go^^l^l- Luther did at am d, hcM,tti^ 'P'r'"'' *° *<= Bihie, as of Italy had dSnThthTlitlfcemltr "' """""^'^ '^'■"°*- tofI^[;'^aK:rtf1^;l;."'--" <=^-^ "■-- - f- power and Jerome, oVaccoj:,t'o'f%tt;;11'v;;:;]|ar^reV°''" """' papaT:er,SS\ytot°ecth;::?-''=^ "■r'^^' '^^<="'^" '»^. f™-" trial, defwSSehloodtWr.", '''",""'' " '"''''="■>' '=='=<"■' ^t his away fron, Lmton ' '^'^ 1'"''=^ '^°"'' =>"'" '^king Wychffe papists were demanding That tehe btntt'thl'Ske"' ™''^"^"' "..2i^^:^t",;::^,^;:,,:LKr:nh:^'&?^ -""« -^^ ™^ at nts^-lrLlrd^er^;;;/^^^^^^^^^^ TiS:! rrr C<«„»»„„o„, m bread and wine, is zSa'rifke" *' fronts: .t:-::^S.or'to',!e\;fl-:i;;"1/- '°'='"/ <"-'''«' :s-ar;:ife";-s;^SS^'™^ rw' ,^rw ''r.'?^"' Wycliffe," pages 419 and 20.) -Hut did Wvchffe believe thnt fl-,« r ■ .«.nA«/' as these Jest'i^sMrecdyarseS"""™" "'^ "« ''"'^ /z/^if ///(? reverse is true und^r"thi^Zl*r.^LlL?:Sn '" *' ^-"- ^°< ^'-n 20 "Renounced by W." (Wycliffc, of course), pages 341, 343, Contrary to Scripture, 344. Unsupported by early tradition, 345. Opposed to the senses, 346. Supported by false metaphysics, 346. Consequences of, 347. Idolatry of, 348. Blasphemy of, 349. Openly attacked by IV., 367. His twelve theses, 368." Now, what is your opinion of the honesty of such CathoHc laymen, when they scatter literature which claims that John Wycliffe believed in "the holy sacrifice of the Mass," and re- ceived his fatal stroke while assisting at this "sacrifice" — the supreme conquest that Popery makes over the mind of man? Let us turn to the last page cited in the Index of Professor Lechler's magnificent biography of "the Morning Star of the Protestant Reformation" : it reads : "In the summer of 1381, he (Wyclifife) published twelve short theses upon the Lord's Supper, and against Transubstanti- ation, .... These theses were the following: (1.) The consecrated host which we see on the altar is neither Christ nor any part of Him, but the efficacious sign of Him." The other eleven theses are variations of the same thought, the 12th declaring that zvheaten bread is the only kind that should be used. (Roman Catholicism, in many parts of America, make the wafer out of rice: in Ireland and Belgium, out of potatoes.) Wyclifife expressed substantially the Protestant idea, as to the Supper, and he uses our word sacrament, not "sacrifice." The two words mean entirely different things. Wycliffe's life was "always in danger" (page 417), but he kept himself so quietly, under his powerful protectors, that he "died in his bed" ; yet, the rage of the papists, relentless and hyena- like, c?(?.y^cra/(?rf his grave, burnt his bones, and scattered his ashes in zvaters of the brook. When you consider these undeniable historic facts, easily veirified by reference to standard Histories of England, His- tories of the Reformation, Histories of Martyrs, Biographies of the Reformers, and non-papalized Encyclopedias, what do you think of the honesty of these "Catholic Laymen," who have ap- pointed themselves your teachers, in the province of Roman Catholic creed and record? 21 DID THE POPE ""bless" COPERNICUS AND HIS GREAT BOOK? Let US take up the next statement made by these self-appointed dissipators of "ignorance and prejudice." Refuting the assertion that the Pope resisted the progress of scientific research and discovery, our conciliatory Catholic Lay- men say : - "Copernicus died in his 1)ed, of dysentery, on the 24th of May, 154,3, while in the act of reading the Pope's blessing for having dedi- cated to him that great scientific work of which Copernicus was ,:he author and which caused the Ptolemaic system of astronomy to be discarded and the 'Copernican' system which is now accepted, to be substituted." Of all the liars that ever served the Devil, the Jesuits are the chiefest. Their secret "theology" teaches them to lie, and it is a lesson which they master. As every literary man knows, . it used to be the custom of authors to court favor and patronage in high places, by dedi- cating their books to the great ; and this dedication was ordinarily worded in terms of fulsome flattery. The author's hope was, that the dedication would secure him a gratuity in money, and also protection, from his enemies. When we bear this in mind, the acts of the timorous astron- omer, Copernicus, in dedicating his discovery to a Pope,, becomes doubtly affecting. He didn't want to be imprisoned for more than a dozen years, as the Pope had imprisoned the pioneer of physical res'earch, Roger Bacon : he didn't want to be burnt at the stake, as the Pope had burnt the believer in a plurality of worlds, Giodano Bruno; and he had no relish for being tortured by the Pope's Roman Inquisition, as Galileo was tortured for having discovered thai' the earth moved round the sun. Hoping to propitiate the fanatical and densely ignorant priests, Copernicus did dedicate his great work to the Pope; but what happened f The Pope damned the book, and had it listed in the cata- logue of forbidden literature, which no Catholic can read, with- out being thereby automatically (ipso facto) excommunicated and consigned to hell! I have two copies of the Index of Prohibited books, the official Index Expurgatorious; and "that great scientific work of which Copernicus was the author" is listed, in both, with the damned. You will find the entry on page 72, of the "Index," published by the Pope's printers at the Vatican, in Rome, under Pope Pius VII., in 1776. 22 The Title-page exhibits the official character of the book — which itself is dedicated to the memory of Pope Benedict XIV. — and the fly-leaf presents a picture of a bonfire being made out of prohibited books, with the priests feeding the holy flames by flinging into them such books as that of Copernicus, while two exceedingly fat cherubs, on wings, and with a trumpet in one hand, support the keys and the triple crown of the Pope. Turning to page 72, we find the entry of "the great scien- tific work of which Copernicus was the author" : the damna- tory notice of it is so specific, that even the Catholic Laymen of Georgia ought to know they will lose their precious souls, \j they dare to read "that great scientific work." If the Jiave read it, they are even now, ipso facto, con- signed to eternal perdition. But again I ask you — what do you think of the honesty of these self-chosen eradicators of "ignorance and prejudice"? Inasmuch as the death of Copernicus has always been con- sidered one of the most touching scenes in biographical literature, I will here copy the simple facts, given in the Ninth Edition of the Britannica, published in 1890, by Funk & Wagnalls, who were not then papal colporteurs : "The work was printed at Nuremberg . . . The impres- sion had just been completed when Copernicus 'was seized with dysentery, followed by paralysis.' For some time he lingered, and on the day of his death, only a few hours before he expired, a copy of his work . . . arrived, and was placed in his hands. He touched it, and seemed conscious of what it was ; but after regarding it for an instant, he relapsed into a state of insensibility, which soon terminated in death." The writer of this article on Copernicus cites a long list of authorities, and his statements have never been disputed. But they leave the Catholic Laymen in bad plight — don't they? The friend who was supervising the printing at Nuremberg, sent the dying author a first — perhaps tlic very first — copy ; and Copernicus roused himself, just a moment, and seemed to know the child of his brain ; then he passed into unconsciousness. These Catholic Laymen allowed their Jesuit prompters to make them say, that Copernicus was reading the Pope's letter, at the time of his death; when, in fact, the Pope had not seen the book, and Copernicus was too far gone to even read a word of his own immortal work. Too far gone to feel the thrill of authorsJ^ip, he could only gaze on his book, without even being able to open it. 23 These self-appointed instructors of Protestant "ignorance and prejudice," have lent their names to the statement, that the Pope ''blessed a work which the Pope's own official Index shows that he damned/ What are we to think of such Catholic La}men? Are they the innocent dupes of their priests? HOW ABOUT CRANMER AND LATIMER, THE PROTESTANT MARTYRS? The Chairman of the Committee of Catholic Laymen is so well pleased with his setting" us right on W'ycliffe and Coper- nicus, that he proceeds, with cheerful alacrity, to reconstruct our notions about Cranmer and Latimer, who were burnt at the stake by that loveable type of Catholic Christianity, Queen Mary: Chairman Farrell says : "Cranmer and Latimer were both tried, condemned and exe- cuted in strict compliance with the forms of English laws, laws too, which Cranmer himself had forced through Parliament and which he was most energetic in executing, first on Catholics like More and Fisher and Lady Salisbury, who would not acknowledge Henry as Pope, then on Protestants who would not subscribe to the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence, finally on both Catholics and Protestants who would not adhere to the Established church that was Ci^anmer's pet scheme under Edward VI. The victims of this man's unscrupulous measures among your forbears and mine, number thousands, hundreds of whom were brought to the stake, while others were beheaded, tortured, 'ripped up,' parboiled." Chairman Farrell then trails off into a lengthy diatribe against Cranmer, whom the priests killed, and now hate, because he was so actively instrumental in giving the people a Bible that they could read. The papists wanted the Book to stay buried in the dead Latin language; and Cranmer was one of those who deter- mined that it should begin to live in English. The Protestant Bibles, printed in plain English, forced the Catholics to print theirs in English; but they have never forgiven the men who compelled them to do this ; and they insert, in every copy of their English Bible, a fly-leaf "Admonition," warning the lay brothers and sisters not to read it. (Chairman Farrell never read the Bible: none of these "Cath- olic Laymen" has read it : they meekly take the priests' word for what's in it.) Before citing you to any Protestant authority, on the manner in which Blopdy Queen Mary murdered Cranmer, who was Arch- bishop of Caterbury, and who had been the closest friend of King Henry VIIL, I will refer you to the Catholic historian, Dr. John Lingard; and you may judge from his book how truthful these 24 Laymen are, in saying that "Cranmer and Latimer were both tried in strict compliance with the forms of EngHsh law." On page 401, Dr. Lingard clearly states that, while Cran- mer had "proposed" a law to punish Catholics for professing a belief >in Transubstantiation and "the papal supremacy," the pro- position did not become a law, owing to the death of the young King, Edward VL, son of Henry VIIL Therefore, the standard Catholic historian knocks the pins from under these Laymen, who allege that Cranmer and Latimer were the victims of "laws which Cranmer himself had forced through Parliament." Dr. Lingard expressly states (page 401) that Queen Mary revived the hideous old laws against the Lollards — laws that were obsolfte before Cranmer was born! Cranmer, therefore, had nothing whatever to do with the mak- ing of the "law" under which the Romanists murdered him. As to the trials, Dr. Lingard states that the Protestants were haled before the Roman prelate, Gardiner, who presided in a papal court with sixteen Catholic bishops; and this ecclesiastical in- quisition began to burn "heretics." Cranmer himself zvas served with a summons to appear be- fore THE POPE, in 80 days; and both Latimer and Ridley were condemned to death by the Roman bishops of Lincoln, Gloucester, and Bristol, acting as commissioners for the Pope's legate. (See Lingard, page 402.) Do the Catholic Laymen of Georgia hold, that this proceed- ing was "a trial," according to the strict forms of English laws" ? Is that the kind of trial which the Protestants may again expect, when the Pope's treason-gangs "Make America Catho- lic"? Who condemned Archbishop Cranmer? Where was it done? Dr. Lingard tells you with a robust Englishman's innate love of Truth : "At ROME, on the expiration of the eighty days, the royal proctors demanded judgment; and paul/'(the pope) "in a pri- ate consistory, pronounced the usual sentence." Tried by an Italian priest, in Rome, in private, and in the absence of the accused, without hearing a word in his defense! "The usual sentence," was death, of course ; and Cranmer was so terrified by it, that his courage failed him. He piteously pleaded for life, offering to recant; but the Queen was inexorable, and the old man went to his terrible 25 ordeal at the stake, redeeming by a heroic fortitude in the flames, the many errors of his career, and the momentary weakness which had unmanned him. May I repeat my question : What is to be thought of the HONESTY of these Catholic Laymen, when they so shamelessly belie the facts of history f I confute them with the Catholic historian; but if you will consult the Protestant authorities, your feeling of amazement and disgust, at the lies of these Catholic Laymen, will be deepened. (Read Knight, Green, Aubrey, Turner, Hume, Froude, Hallam, Harmsworth, Foxe, Strickland, Burnett, Sanderson, or any other standard work.) cranmer's '^'"thousands" of victims ""among your forbears AND MINE/ Cranmer was the Catholic prelate who granted to the Cath- olic King, Henry VHL, a divorce from his Catholic wife, Cath- erine of Aragon, after the Italian Pope had played politics with the king's application for several years. (In our own day, we have seen the Italian Pope grant divorces to the rich Drexels of Philadelphia, and to the rich Crokers of New York ; and Cranmer knew that the Italian Popes had recent- ly granted divorces to their own bastard children, and to such usable kings as Louis XII. of France : but the Pope of Henry Eighth's day was so completely in the power of Catherine's nephew, the Emperor Charles V., that King Henry could not get his divorce.) The fact that Cranmer ignored the Italian Pope and gave the king a dissolution of his marriage, was another reason why the Papists thirsted for his blood. Our Catholic Laymen inherit this holy Roman hatred, and they now tell us that Cranmer did great execution "among your forbears and mine," burning a few, beheading a few, torturing a few, ripping up a few, and parboiling a few ! Then Cranmer was almost as bad as Pope Innocent III., who instituted "religious" massacres of men, women, and children; set up the Inquisition in Rome, and roasted "heretics" by slow fires, after haing racked their joints apart with hideous engines, made for the purpose, by the holy Roman church. Like all Protestants of those days, Cranmer had been reared and educated in Popery, and had been taught that religions mur- der was godly. He could not at once emancipate himself entirely from his Catholic education — the force of which we now see illustrated by "the Catholic Laymen of Georgia." 26 On page 380, Dr. John Lingard's CafJwIic history brings the worst charges against the erring Cranmer ; and these are the very words of that Romanist historian : "Several were put to death for preaching new doctrines : one of these, a woman named Bocher, would have been spared, but Cranmer urged the king to put his signature to the warrant. Another victim was Von Parris. a Dutchman, and a surgeon in London. He denied the divinity of Christ . . . and the unhappy man was committed to the flames." That's the worst. Dr. Lingard hated Cranmer's memory, as all good Papists do ; but the Doctor was an Jionest man. Against Cranmer's memory, he brings no charges of "thou- sands" of victims: no charges of "torture": no charge of "par- boiling." The solitary case mentioned — ]\Irs. Bocher's — is bad enough, God knows, but it happened in an age when Rome had taught all Christendom to murder human beings in the name of Christ. (She was not a Catholic, but an extreme schismatic.) As to the Dutchman who denied the divinity of Christ, he could not have dwelt in Maryland under Lord Baltimore's charter, nor in Mexico under the rule of Dictator Diaz and and the in- famous Archbishop Mora — of whom Cardinal Gibbons is so ex- tremely fond. Under Diaz and Mora, eight Protestants were publicly burnt, on the Square, at Texacapa, in November, 1895, not because they denied the divinity of Christ, but because they denied the divinity of the Italian Pope. Do the Catholic Laymen of Georgia remember this case? Among those eight victims of papal fire in 1895, were five men, two zvomen, and one little girl.' It was tlie law of your foreign cJiurch, that murdered those Mexicans — the same satanic law which massacred the Albigenses, the Huguenots, the Waldensians, the Lollards, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, and the Episcopalians. That' infernal law remains on the statute book of your for- eign church; and, if you American foot-kissers succeed in your many-sided efforts to "Make America Catholic'' that law will DELUGE THIS COUNTRY WITH INNOCENT BLOOD. There is not a kingdom in Europe that has not run red, in consequence of Rome's murderous laws and Inquisition. From Portugal and Spain, to the British Isles; from the Northern limits of Bohemia, to the sunny plains of Southern France ; from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, to the stormy waves of the Baltic, your hellish system of Popery has glutted itself on human agonv and human blood. 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