ANNUAL CONVENTION Of the Rowan County Sindij School Association OF NORTH CAROLINA, At the Presbyterian Church, Salisbury, N. C, Thuvsday and Friday, Aug. 2fUh and 30th, 1889. — ALSO — THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE lotoan Coitntg §ibk Association, At the same place, Thursday, Aug. 29th, 8 p, m. Com'tec tin Etiter.'ainment : W. L. Kluttz, Geo. W. Wright, Robt. Shaver. \V .11. Keisner Those who expect lo attend the Convention should send their names To W. L. Ki.dttz, Salisbury, N. C. BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. To the Sunday School Workers of Rowan County : The attention of your Sunday School is hereby officially called to the meeting of the Annual Convention of the Rowan County Sunday School Association. Every Sunday School of every denomination in the county is earnestly requested to elect to the Convention two delegates with the pastor, who are expected to .come or send substitutes, who will be present at the opening exercises, and attend the sessions in order. All delegates and visiting members interested, will come prepared for work, with complete report* of their school. The privilege to band in questions and discuss subjects will be extended to all, subject to the discretion of the president. If you know of any Sunday School of any denomination not receiving a program and blank statistical report, please inform the Secretary of the County Association, T. P. Johnston. Salis- bury, who will promptly forward them. PROGKAM. First Day. Thursday, August 29th, 10 o'clock, a. m. OPENING EXERCISES Devotional. Address of Welcome Rev. .). Rumple, D. I). Response Rev. W. A. Lutz. President's Annual Be port. Business Meeting, Making out Roll of Members. Reading Minutes of last meeting. Election of Officers. Appointment of Committees. Report of Treasurer. " Statistical Committee. Delegates to State Convention. Heading and explaining Program by Cha'm. of Ex. Committee. Discussion of Subjects Proposed. One half hour or more shall be devoted to the discussion of questions in the Question Box at the beginning of each session. Subject :— Sunday Schools of Rowan County. (Five Minute Reports from Delegates). Afternoon Session. Subject :- How to teach International S. S. Lesson of Sept. 1st 1889, to Primary Class ? Rev. - - Heller. Subject :— How to teach International S. S. Lesson of Sept. 2d. 1889 to Adult Class ? Rev. W. R. Brown. Five Minutes Recess. gfiT'See N. B. at the end of Program. Evening Session 8 o'clock. BI3LE SOCIETY. Opening exercises of the Rowan Countv Bible Society — By I. li. FOUST, President. Address on the Bible Cause by Rev. J. Gr. Law. Report of contributions to the Bible Cause. Report of Bible distributions. Report of Treasurer —Depository, and Executive Committee. Miscellaneous Business. Election of Officers for ensuing year. . . . Adjournment. Second Day. Friday, Aug. 80th. 10 o'clock, a. m. < Children's Meeting. Five Minutes Recess. Subject :— Importance of Teachers' meetings. ~ Dr. J. o. Ramsay. Miscellaneous Business. < losing Talks. Adjournment — Song— Prayer — Benediction. N. B. The election of delegates to the State Convention, the collection for neces- sary expenses, and arrangement for next meellng to be attended to on tile after- noon of the first day. t^"Tne Executive Committee of lilble Society specially requested lo have collec- tions for the Bible Cause taken up In each church in the county and the amounts re- ported at the annual meeting.