n NORTH CAROLINA, Up-to-D'ate. £5 f 902. Compliments of See Page ^ Cbe Lifitarp of ti)e (LSnfoeusitp of Jf3orti) Carolina Collection of jRorttj Catoliniana UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL I 00030753756 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION m WILMINGTON UP-TO-DATE THE METROPOLIS OF NORTH CAROLINA GRAPHICALLY PORTRAYED. COMPILED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ALSO A SERIES OF COMPREHENSIVE SKETCHES OF REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILMINGTON, N, C; W. L. De ROSSET, Jr., Printer. I. J. ISAACS, Compiler. 1902. NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Wilmington, IN. C, Up-to-date. rogressive cities have never been the result of accident, but in variably their development has been the outgrowth of natural and artificial conditions very clearly defined and unquestionable >in their existence and influences. The most important natural conditions are salubrity of climate, con- venient geographical position, fertility of soil in the adjacent agricul- tural region, and particularly accessibility to navigable waters — for all history bears witness that no populous and prosperous community ever flourished without commerce, and hitherto, at least, commerce has al- ways been dependent upon riparian communication with the outside world. The climate of our city is a delightful one at all seasons, the killing blasts of winter so much dreaded by the inhabitants of less favored regions being practically unknown, while the heat of midsum- mer is tempered by the cooling breezes of the ocean. Here we are free from the sudden and dangerous changes of climate common to most latitudes. No locality in the Union has a more equable climate or one where the seasons glide more imperceptably into each other. Rarely ever do we hear of a case of sunstroke and we never have a freezing temperature in winter to extend over a few days. Our breezes come to us tempered by the waters of the Gulf, whose stream journeys within a few miles of our shores on its way to exert an equally beneficial influ- ence upon the coasts of Great Britain and Northwestern Europe. It is not our mission in these pages to devote any space to details connected with the early history of Wilmington. Our business is not with the past, but with the present, with living men and their daily occupations, enterprises and successes, what they are doing for them- selves, their city and district in commerce, manufacturers and agricul- ture and in contributing to the advancement and progress of the localitv. Location and Climatic* Wilmington, the metropolis of the State, is located on the banks of the Cape Fear River, thirty miles from its entrance to the sea and eleven miles west from the seashore in latitude 34° 14 N., longitude 77° 57 W. , and at an elevation of 38 feet above sea level. Next to the river is a gently rolling surface, on which the city is located, which permits of easy drainage and the carrying off of all impurities from the soil. The equability of temperature and precipitation from year to X THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. year and the freedom from excessive heat and cold shows the adapta- bility of the climate for the successful carrying on of all branches of human endeavor. The average temperature for the year at Wilming- ton is 03 degreess. The lowest temperature recorded was five above zero in February, 1901. The warmest month of the year is July and it has a normal temperature of 80°, the highest having been reached ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 103° and the lowest 58° for the same month, the mean temperature for July ranging from 77° to 84° in different years. The humidity even during the hottest months is below the average and in the afternoon of each day there is almost invariably a refreshing breeze, which invig- orates humanity and renders sleep easy and recuperating. The nor- mal rainfall for the year during a period of twenty-five years is 54 inches. The heaviest rainfall occurs in the summer months in con- nection with the time of greatest heat produces a luxuriant vegetation THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. and affords moisture to crops when most needed. In the spring- there are moderate rainfalls, which are very beneficial to truck and straw- berry growers. As a rule the precipitation is regular and can be de- pended upon, although, of course, there have been times when all cal il- lations have gone astray. Last year was an abnormal one, the heaviest amount of rain having then fallen almost within the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. There is very little snow and it seldom remains on the ground longer than a few hours, and a damaging frost is a very R. BELLAMY'S RESIDENCE. rare occurrence. There is very little danger of injury to trucking in- terests from frost, indeed no more so than in localities hundreds of miles south, the ocean and the river helping much to modify low tem- peratures. A City of Homes* This designation can hardly be improved upon, for, after admir- ing the handsome houses of the well-to-do, the eye of the visitor will rest with pleasure upon the homes of the working man, the clerk and the young business man, miles of our thoroughfares being lined with neat, but inexpensive houses often owned by the occupant. This is exemplified by the fact that in the principal residential district seventy- eight per cent, of the houses occupied are the property of those living in them. Land has never been held at fancy prices and the reasonable price at which the above classes have been able to experience the great boon of owning their own domiciles have advanced the welfare of the city and have created a class of citizens who are content and are bound up with the interests of the community. The real estate men, savings bank and building associations have done much to render possible this THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. state of affairs, and no man of limited means who is steady and indus- trious need be without his own home in Wilmington, for any length of time if he so desires. Opportunities for Manufacturing* A good place to manufacture successfully is evidently at a point where the raw materials accumulate or where they can be procured ad- vantageously, and where at the same time there are ample facilities for sending the product to market. Wilmington, in a large measure and for certain branches of production, may be said to furnish these condi- tions. Situated at a focal point of three great systems of railroads and with convenient river and ocean water communication, connecting the locality with the markets of the United States and also with foreign countries, contiguous to great timber and lumber producing regions, and furthermore, being a great center oi distribution for agricultural CITY HALE AND OPERA HOUSE. products, material c;m with facility accumulate here. Opportunities are presented in Wilmington lo the manufacturer in certain lines of a much more advantageous < aracter than are offered by larger cities, inasmuch that while in most respects equal conditions are at hand, the cost of living and labor and, therefore, production is lower at the same time that suitable and convenient sites are available at comparatively little cost. Wilmington and its inhabitants are prepared to welcome any who may purpose to make this city the seat of their operations and to lend them ever)- assistance which is in their power. The manufac- turer who comes here will find everything provided for the successful operation of his enterprise and a helping hand will be extended him by every citizen of the community. In brief, some of the general advan- tages of Wilmington are : 1st. It is located on one of the most fertile and productive regions of the United States and one of the most thriving sections of the South. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 2nd. It possesses admirable railroad facilities, connecting it directly with the entire country and opening up all parts for its products and for obtaining raw material. 3rd. // has a good system of steamboat lines, which ply on the water ways tributary to this port, bringing here from adjacent territory agri- cultural and other products, returning with merchandise to supply the wants of these localities. 4th. It has ocean communication with all parts of the world and two regular lines of steamships to New York, bringing the city into close and intimate contact with the principal ports of the Old and New Worlds. ARMORY WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. 5th. It is in direct and contiguous connection both by land and water with the great lumber and bituminous coal regions of this and adjoin- ing states. 6th. // has a complete system of electric cars in operation. The city is well lighted with gas and electricity and is efficiently policed and guarded against fire. The fire department of the city is particularly efficient, securing to residents the lowest insurance rates. 7th. The local government is now based upon strict ideas of econo- my consistent with safe and secure progress and the spirit of the peo- ple is decidedly in favor of every measure to make the rate of taxation low, while at the same time, all real improvements are well supported. 8th. The public school system is among the best in the South and af- fords excellent opportunities and facilities. The social advantages here are numerous, the tone of society healthy and the general morals THE CITY OF WILMINGTON of the community will compare favorably with any city North or South. 9th. The cost of living here is much lower than in most cities of the South. 10th. The surroundings are delightful. The climate cannot be ex- celled. There are no epidemics, the locality is generally free from prevailing sickness, and the sanitary precautions are enlightened and vigilant. Recently a complete modern system of sewerage has been introduced, enhancing materially the healthfulness of the city. 11th. Available sites for manufacturing are in plenty and are low in price, and residential property is obtainable upon advantageous terms. But few places in the South offer within certain lines better inducements to the large and small manufacturer than does Wilmino-- IS1R. JAMES SPRUNT'S RESIDENCE. ton at the present time. The inhabitants of this section are, as a rule, of the better class of the South, being made up of industrious and thrifty people, who are willing to work in any congenial field that of- fers. This city is the natural trading center for a large expanse of country, and the locality is noted for the production of cotton, pea- nuts, rice, vegetables, corn, fruits, lumber, pine products, etc., which are brought here to be shipped to all parts of the world. But there is room for expansion, and Wilmington's capital, though hitherto ample, has its limit, and some of the older capitalists have been trained to cer- tain pursuits and may not be fitted for a change, hence the opportuni- ties should be filled principally by incoming investors domiciled among us, who will find the local business men and capitalists ready to join hands with skillful and experienced managers. The question has been asked what can advantageously be manufactured at Willmington. The answer is everything for which the raw material can readily and economically be brought here, or is at our doors. There is no reason why we should not make here certain goods for our people as well and as cheaply as in the North. Southern products for the South should be and will be the leg-end of the future. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. More manufactories are needed to work up the crude materials that could be obtained from home centers or imported from foreign countries. Many artificial necessities for use and ornament which hold an important place in the economy of modern arts and invention could be profitably made here. Wilmington is the city of all others where the finest grades of furniture, which are now imported fron northwest- ern cities chiefly, could and should be manufactured at the least cost. No city on the continent has superior facilities for importing mahoga- GRACE MliTHODIST CHURCH. ny, rosewood and other rare woods from Central America, as well as chestnut, popular, ash, hickory, cedar, maple, walnut, etc., from the forests of western North Carolina. In addition, the yellow pine of this section admits of a finish equal to any and the supply is inex- haustible. The same advantage is held in regard to manufactories for all kinds of wooden ware, such as buckets, tubs, bread bowls, rolling pins, wash boards and a thousand other useful household articles made of wood. An establishment of this sort would pay from the very start. Almost every vessel that touches this port from New York or Balti- more has consignments of this class of goods to be distributed from 10 TH£ CITY OF WILMINGTON. here within the territory dependent for its supplies on this city. Here also is an unoccupied field and never failing- market for all sorts of im- plements used in the cultivation of cotton, rice and farm products. In the category of needs may also be included shoe last and shoe peg factories, shoe blacking and inks, axe and axe handle, boot and shoe factories, stucco, hydraulic cement and drain pipe works, factories tor turning out carriages, buggies, phaetons, plantation, transfer and express wagons, trucks, push carts, railroad and garden barrows, etc. There are at all times to be gathered in Wilmington waste cotton, rags, jute and fibrous plants suitable for the manufacture of paper cor- dage, etc. As a lumber market this city has splendid advantages, and fur- nishes the material for all kinds of lumber products. In short, there THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 11 is ample room in Wilmington and extraordinary inducements in Wil- mington for the investment of capital and skilled labor in manufacto- ries of almost every conceivable kind and description. Several important manufacturing enterprises have been inaugu- rated here within the past few years and have met with a gratifying measure of success. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Lumber and Shingles, The lumber and kindred interests of Wilmington may be said to rank among the first in the importance and volume of transactions ef- fected. Throughout this and neighboring states there are vast lands upon which the supply of standing timber is enormous. There are hundreds of mills in operation throughout this territory and much of their product is shipped to this city or is marketed through the efforts of the timber agents here, or in other cases, the lumber is manu- factured in Wilmington and shipped to all parts. During the year 1001 the amount cf lumber shipped from here was 42,605,644 feet, of 12 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. which 33,316,447 feet went coastwise, the remainder, 9,379,197 feet, being dispatched to foreign countries. This, however, does not repre- sent the whole of Wilmington's lumber trade, large quantities being sold through the agency of Wilmington houses and dispatched direct to destinations from the mills. In shingles, 5,014,940 were shipped to domestic points and 1, 161,950 went abroad. The lumber trade of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Wilmington is not by any means dependent upon ^the home demand, large quantities going as will be seen above, to foreign countries. The long leaf yellow pine and short leaf pine, are the principal varieties handled and there are the best varieties for all kinds of building mate- rial and house finish, and are particularly well suited to tne foreign demand. Lumber, timber and shingles are shipped from Wilmington to the West Indies and South and Central America, the ships return- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. ing- loaded with molaseses, fruits and other products of these countries. It may not be out of place to mention here that the price of lum- ber for home demand is very reasonable, an important item in the gen- eral welfare. The best of dressed pine may be obtained here at from $10 to $20 per thousand feet, and common dressed from S3 to $8, and shingles at $1.50 to $8 per thousand, and native hard woods at a pro- portionately low rate. There is also a large sash, door and blind fac- tory here and these products are dealt in by some of the local mer- chants. We might also mention that other building materials are quite reasonable and serve to stimulate the building trade generally. New settlers will find every facility which will enable them to erect any description of building or dwelling house under conditions which will compare favorably with many other localties. Cotton* The trade in cotton here is of very great importance and Wilming- ton stands today well up in the list of cotton exporting ports of the country, taking, as we believe, the fourth place. Wilmington is the natural outlet for a wide expanse of territory, being well served by the railroad system centering here. There are two compresses at Wil- COTTON SHIP LOADING FOR EXPORT AT CHAMPION COMPRESS. SEE PAGE 53. mington, one of them among the most important and complete in its equipment in the world. Ships are loaded up here and dispatched to all parts, notably, Liverpool, Bremen and Ghent. Most of the cotton coming here goes foreign, some, however, supplies the home manufac- turers. During the year ending December 31, 1901, there were ship- ped from Wilmington 247,457 bales of cotton, of which 222,926 bales were shipped to foreign countries. In 1900 the foreign shipments were 257,504 bales, for 1899, 226,792, for 1898, 318,450, for 1897, 249,374, and for 1896, 213,558 bales. There are two cotton mills in operation here, employing together about 600 or 650 operatives. The spindles operated here are the equivalent of about 23,000 in number, and of the looms, about 1,000. These mills turn out some 5,000 pounds of cotton goods daily, consist- i4 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. ing mainly of madras and seersucker cloths and cotton flannels. The goods are of the very best quality of their various grades, and find a ready market in Northern localities. Manufacturing Industries* Manufacturing in Wilmington, although not assuming at the pres- ent time as extensive dimensions as is desirable, is, nevertheless, of a highly important character, First of all, there are the cotton factories and the lumber mills, which have been referred to elsewhere under the headings of lumber and cotton. In addition there are two iron work- ing establishments, which not only supply the home demands, but exe- cute work throughout this and the neighboring states. A large cotton seed and cotton oil plant is also in operation here. There is also an important bag factory, which makes overalls for working men. A new enterprise for the production of brick by an improved German system is now in operation. Another industry here is pine products, made from the sap and heart of the pine tree. There are also two paint factories doing a large business through a wide range of territory and an extensive house devoted to the business of wood distilling and re- fining. One of the largest fertilizer plants of the South is located in the vicinity of the city, and there is also another a few miles distant, which, however, has its headquarters here. There are two ice plants here, which render the city totally independent for its supply of this vital necessity. There is one of the most extensive marble and granite works to be found in this section of the South. Other articles made here and in the vicinity are boats, barrels and cooperage, crates for shipping, packing cases and boxes, house finish, store, bank, and hard wood finish, brick, upholstery, carriages, harness and saddlery, confec- tionery, proprietary medicines, dyed cotton for yarns, fish oil and fish scrap, corn meal and hominy, photo engravings, corn whiskey, fibre products, shirts, shuttle blocks, etc. Farming and Trucking* The country within a fifty-mile radius of Wilmington is offering- today the greatest inducements to the farmer, and fruit and vegetable growers than almost any section of the United States. Here can be obtained at a relatively moderate price, lands of the greatest fertility needing little, if any, artificial fertilizing in the heart of a country which is steadily progressing. In no part of the United States are thrift and industry better rewarded. Fruits and vegetables can be raised here at as great a profit as in Texas, or even California, and at the same time, in addition, they are three or four days nearer to a profi- table market. Early vegetables grown here and strawberries yield the best returns, and general farming has also proved a thorough success. The locality has the best of railroad facilities and all parts of it are be- ing settled by desirable and industrious people from the North and elsewhere. The general surface of the country is sufficiently above the mean tide level to afford good drainage. The soil varies somewhat in different localities, consisting, however, mainly of a sandy loam, which is very fertile and suited to the growth of any crop which it is desirable to cultivate. By reason of the proximity of the Gulf stream an ample THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. and seasonable rainfall is generally assured. Good clear water can be had at a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet in most localities. In ad- dition unlimited supplies of the purest water is obtained from artesian wells sunk to varying depths as may arise. The climate of the Caro- lina Coast country is unexcelled in America. The winds coming in- land templer the heat of summer and the cold of winter rendering the climate more equable and free from the sudden transitions of temepera- ture found further north and west. It seldom goes above ninetv or ninety-five in summer or below twenty-five in winter, the latter very seldom, while the ocean breeze makes it refreshing even in the warm- est days of midsummer. The nights are deliciously cool, the country- is healthful, and pulmonary diseases gain little if any foothold here. 16 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Farming and especially trucking-, either on an important or smaller scale, can be prosecuted here under the most favorable conditions. Taking value and prospective advancement into consideration land may be purchashed here per acre ranging say, from $25 close to the city to as low as $5 a few miles distant. The chief crops raised in this vicinity for shipment are lettuce, strawberries, beets, potatoes, cantelope toma- toes, peas, beans, asparagus, celery, cauliflower, squash, sweet potatoes, etc. Five different crops are frequently produced annually on the same land, in the following order: First, asparagus, then radishes, third, turnips; fourth, beans; fifth, cow peas. Two are three crops of the same kind can be grown on the same laud yearly without exhaust- ing the soil or apparently lessening its fertility. Strawberries have met with the greatest success, and are the pride of the country. They are greatly in favor with new settlers, bringing a fair return the first season after planting. Strawberries are generally ready for the market here about the middle of April, going through on express time to New York in 24 hours and to Boston in 36 hours. They are of the richest aroma and most delicious taste, and invariably bring to their owners large profits. There is no difficulty in disposing of them, a ready mar- ket being available for all that it is possible to grow. Ten years ago strawberries were sent to destination mostly without refrigeration, and therefore did not admit of very wide distribution, as they had to be consumed quickly to avoid spoilage. By the refrigerator transportation a very different state of affairs exists. They now arrive at market firm, fresh and cold, and can be sent to localities impossible before. North Carolina strawberries and other products may now be seen exposed for sale in cities as far distant as Montreal and Toronto, thus better prices can be assured than hitherto. We believe that this business in this section is but in its infancy, and opportunities are at hand to all able and willing to grasp them. Strawberry lands in this vicinity if prop- erly managed will yield an average of from 100 to 150 crates an acre. To emphasize the growth of the business we append some statistics rel- ative to the shipment of strawberries from Wilmington during the past few years: In 1897 there were dispatched from Wilmington in refrig- erator cars 1 10,404 crates; in 1898, 189,758 crates; in 1899, 228,589 crates; in 1900, 283,437 crates, and in 1901, when the climate condi- tions were not quite at the normal, 331,360 crates, equivalent to 10,- 903,520 quarts of the fruit. These were sent to all parts of Pennsylva- nia, New York, New England and elsewhere. In addition to the above, some 55,000 crates were sent without refrigeration by express to various locations. The proportions and size of the strawberry crop in this territory such as to necessitate a wide area of distribution, and as showing the accessibility of this particular section to the principal markets of the country, the Carolina Fruit and Truck Growers' Journal, of Wilming- ton, recently published in tabulated form the shipments from every point in the district, showing the points covered by these shipment to be as follows : New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, N. J., Washington, Wilmington, Del., Boston, Providence, Springfield, Mass., New Haven, Conn., Hartford, Conn., Cincinnati, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Chicaga, Detroit, Columbus, O., Indianapolis, Scranton THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Toledo, Erie, Pa., Montreal, Toronto, Worcester, Mass., Albany, Syra- cuse, Elniira, N. Y. , Wheeling, Utica, X. Y., Grand Rapids, Mich., Danbnry, Conn., Wilkesbarre, Pa., Pittsfield, Mass., Atlanta, Read- ing, Pa., Altoona, Pa., Binghampton, N. Y., Rochester, N. Y., James- town, N. Y., Attica, N. Y., Norwich, Conn., Ithica, N. Y. , Brooklyn, Bridgeport, Conn., Canandaigna, N. Y., Auburn, X. Y., Hornelles- ville, X. Y., Waterbury, Conn., Watertown, Conn., Cortland, X'. Y., Savannah, Ansonia, Conn., and Oneonto, Pa. Lettuce is another crop which has met with the greatest success in this section. Fifteen years ago nolettice was raised around here either in open field or under cloth coyer. The lettuce is generally grown un- der canvass in winter and in the open in fall or spring. Lettuce is a THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. spiing and winter crop, and always brings high prices. A careful grower can generally obtain from $250 to $o00 from an acre. Fifty-five lettuce beds on the famous Sans Souci truck farm, two miles from Wilmington, are each from 100 to 180 yards long, the plants filling every inch of space between the frames. The beds are all under canvas and cover an area of seven acres. The crop com- mences moving in December at the rate of a carload per day, and reaches northern markets at a time when, it is in demand, and brings good prices. The season extends to about the loth of April or the 1st of May. Radishes are also a good and lucrative crop and are ready to ship in thirty to thirty-five days after the seeds are planted. Asparagus is also a bountiful crop, and celery is successfully cultivated. Garden THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 19 peas yield about $100 to the acre, and wax beansabout the same. Two crops of cabbages can be raised regularly and each crop is worth $150 to the acre. Irish potatoes are profitable, and well looked after yield about from 150 to 200 bushels to the acre. A good crop is sweet potatoes, especially suitable for a new settler. They can be easily grown, and at 75 cents a bushel, at which price the}- now sell, will yield about $250 to the acre. Plums, grapes, peaches, pears, etc., do very well in the bottom lands and on the Sound and on all the terri- tory tributary to the Sound. There is a good market for these pro- ducts right in this territory, and shipped abroad. Among other] crops raised around Wilmington are peanuts, which yield profitable returns. The market for these is here on the spot, some half a dozen or more 20 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. large shippers of these products being always willing to buy all that they can obtain. Melons grow easily in this section and are prolific producers; cantelopes of the most delicious flavor are very successful and command good prices. Stock fattening for the market is now car- ried on by a company in Wilmington, who at all times have at least 500 head of cattle awaiting the butcher. Cotton seed meal and hulls furnish nutritious and economical feed for this purpose. In the low lands is grown abundance of what is known as crab grass, among the best suited for feed for stock. Briefly, we may say that almost all pro- ducts, fruits and vegetables that can be grown in temperate and sub- tropical climates may be produced here under the most favorable con- ditions. Another great advantage to the trucker in this section is the complete transportation facilities. The Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line and their branches have kept fully abreast with the times and furnish the truckers with the finest fast freight and express transportation in refrigerator cars to be obtained anywhere. To further assist the farmer and trucker in bringing his products to market, the county has just completed eight miles of macadamized roads and has issued bonds for building twenty-five miles more. This will afford four or five different routes of cheap wagon transport to the city. Thousands of farmers in New England and in the North and West who are barely making a living on their worn out lands, with long, cold winters to endure, may soon achieve competence in North Caro- lina, and especially the coast section of the State in growing strawber- ries, lettuce and other fruits and early vegetables. The lands here are cheap, easily worked, the climate is a most grateful one, the markets are easy of access and the prices obtainable are high. Now is the time to come here and partake of the opportunities and blessings which a beneficent Providence has endowed this country, before prices go much higher, as they are certain to do in the near future. Another thing that should be taken into consideration is that this district is no wilderness, schools for the young abound under State direction and supervision, churches are numerous and all the refinements of civiliza- tion are at hand. Hardware and building material can be purchased as cheap here as anywhere; lumber is particularly reasonable, and suit- able help can be obtained here with facility and is much lower than where only white help can be procured. Intending home-seekers would do well to consider the above facts and make further investiga- tion. Enquiries directed to the Chamber of Commerce, of Wilming- ton, will be met with prompt and courteous attention, and all who may elect to cast their lot in with this country cannot fail, if they ex- ercise due intelligence and industry, to lay the foundations of a future competency and prosperity. Fish and Oysters* An important industry transacted in and near Wilmington is in fresh and salt fish. There are several important concerns engaged in the shipping of fresh fish, some of whom own their own boats, nets, etc., and employ their own fishermen. The principal varieties of fish caught in this vicinity are mullets, which are best in Septembar, shad, black fish, trout, sea bass, rock, pig fish, flounders, croakers, spots, THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 21 sturgeon, catfish, drum, whiting-, snapper, red mouth, herring, blue fish, bream, sheephead, striped bass, etc. Immense quantities of mullets are salted and packed in Wilming- ton and are dispatched to all parts of the country. This business forms an important item of the city's operations. Clams are also shipped from Wilmington, and one house makes a specialty of terrapin. The oyster gardens and beds, a few miles from Wilmington, afford a most delicious variety of the succulent bivalve. Not many of these are shipped to a distance, the home demand being fully equal to the sup- POST OFFICE. ply. Not far from Wilmington, down the Cape Fear river, are two large concerns engaged in the menhedden fishery. These convert the fish into fish scrap and fish oil for fertilizer and other uses. The Wholesale Trade, The wholesale trade of Wilmington constitutes a very important division of the city's trade facilities. It is probable that no single city in the country has a larger number of jobbing houses than we have here. They have every facility for doing business with the contigu- ous territory in North and South Carolina, having direct railroad and water communication with all sections. The wholesale merchants have facilities equal to any in the country. They buy their ooods 22 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. direct from the manufacturers and importers or they import direct, and not only can they compete successfully with other cities, but in certain lines they may be said to have almost driven successful competition out of this market. The jobbing trade here is in the hands of men of ample capital and first class credit, able to buy as low as the lowest. Their credit is further strengthened by the fact that failures are very rare, in fact, almost unknown among them. When the Wilmington jobber buys he contributes nothing to the sellers' margin of probable CATHOLIC CHURCH. loss, hence he obtains the lowest terms, and the advantages thus derived is shared with his customers. In a general way it may be said of the wholesale trade of Wilmington, that it now occupies all the ter- ritory to which it is rightfully entitled, and in addition is stretching out for new fields to conquer, and is encroaching now to quite an ex- tent upon territory formerly controlled by other centers. The mer- chandise brokers and manufacturers' agents constitute an important adjunct to the wholesale grocery and provision trades, and also do good business and transact important operations. In reference to the wholesale business of the city, we should mention the trade transacted here in peanuts. These are grown in this section and sold to the deal- ers here, cleaned and polished, and in some cases are shelled, and ship- ped to all parts of the country. There are three varieties handled: The North Carolina peanut, the Virginia and the Spanish. The first named is highly esteemed, being very close and full of meat, though rather smaller than the others. There are about a half dozen houses here which give special attention to this business, although there are a THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. *3 large number who buy and sell the products as a side line. About 133,000 bushels of peanuts were shipped from this city during the year 1901. Wilmington has for many years been known as the leading mar- ket for naval stores. Shipments are made from here to all parts of the country and abroad. A number of important houses are engaged in the business here. The sources of supply of late years have not been as prolific as heretofore, but the industry is still a highly important one. The Retail Trade, The surrounding country for a large radius, and including a number of towns and villages of more or less note, is practically tributary to this city in most of its lines of retail business. Besides this, Wilming- ton the principal city in an important range of agricultural territory is the natural market for the products of this region, thus a large amount of trade is drawn here to swell the aggregate of retail business. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. The trade, as a rule, is conducted by individuals and firms composed of men of enterprise, experience and integrity. The stocks will compare well with any other place of equal population, either in character or extent, and in prices. The stores are well arranged, lighted generally by the electric light or the incandescent gas system, and many of them have modern plate glass fronts, and 'all up-to-date facilities and con- veniences. This is the rule, to which there are few exceptions. A considerable number of the retail enterprises here, combine an import- ant wholesale business with their retail transactions. 24 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. The Port of Wilmington* Wilmington is well known among the Southern ports of the At- lantic coast line of North America, achieving a prominent place as long ago as the beginning of the past century. The calamities of war and the enlargement of sea-going vessels, requiring deeper water than it could offer, reduced it for a time in importance. But the en- terprise of its merchants and the successful work of the government have completely removed the retraints on its commerce, but there is still room for deeper water, and there is every reason to hope that the facilities will be still further enhanced in the near future. The deep- est draft a vessel could draw in ante-bellum days was ten to twelve feet, now are often unloaded ships at the wharfs up to twenty feet, and LUTHERAN CHURCH. this without detention, with the result that the annual tonage is steadily increasing. The following figures give some idea of the growth and develop- ment of the shipping interests of the port. In 1898 the tonnage of sea- going American vessels entering and leaving this port was 106,000 tons, 62,000 tons of which were steam vessels. Foreign tonnage was 84,817 tons, of which 62,000 tons were steam. Total tonage for year, 190,012 tons. In 1899, American tonnage 120,000 tons, of which 77,000 tons were steam; foreign, 62,476 tons, of which 46,052 were steam, numbering 27 vessels. Total tonage for 1899, 182,000. In 1900 there were 129,000 tons American, 57 steamers, of 70,000 tons; foreign, 36 steam ships, aggregating 61,000 tons. Total tonnage 1900, 261 vessels, amounting to 212,385 tons. In 1901, there were 234 American vessels of 194,933 tons, of which 113 were steam, aggre- gating 145,150 tons. Foreign, vessels of 80,055 tons, of which 40 were steamers, amounting to 67,027 tons. Grand total for 1901, 307 vessels of 274,988 tons. The above refers to sea-going vessels. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 25 Not only is the beautiful harbor of Wilmington the pride of the city, and land locked, but the river haven in which the the vessels lie close to the wharfs to load and discharge gives to] them the security and smooth water of the Liverpool docks. Towage and port charges are moderate, and coal is readily obtainable and is not exhorbitant. The port is connected with New York by a regular line of steamers, and another line is contemplated and will probably soon be in opera- tion. Two rivers meet near to the city and there are a number of steamboats plying between various places along the shores of the Cape Fear and the ocean and sound, the Merchants' and Fanners' Steam- boat Co. and the Cape Fear Steamboat and Transportation Co. from HIGH SCHOOL. Wilmington to Fayetteville, and the Wilmington, Carolina and South- port Stemboat Line from Wilmington to Southport, and all lower Cape Fear landings. There is also a line of steamboats running to Little River, S. C. From the compresses are dispatched many steamships to all parts of Europe, and sailing vessels of all kinds carry cargoes of lumber, naval stores, etc., to various ports of the old and new world, and in lumber, notably, to the West Indies, Central and South America. Wilmington's Public Schools* In Wilmington, as elsewhere in the most advanced of Southern, equally with Northern and Eastern cities, the first attempts at univer- sal and common education were of rather a desultory character. Prior to 1869 the city did not own a single public school building, but today the school property is worth but little short of $200,000, and the facil- ities for public education are not elsewhere equaled in the State, and are surpassed in no other city of the same population in the entire country. Although, at the outset, there were lapses and delays due to the war and other causes, the genius of the American desire for progress overcame all obstacles, and enlightment has won its way with a step, sometimes temporarily checked, but ever resolute in its aim 26 THE! CITY OF WILMINGTON. and march. There are now at Wilmington a High School, four schools for white children and three for the colored children. In the grammar schools the course includes spelling, reading, writing, languages and composition, arithmetic, geography, history, science, vocal music, English grammar and physiology. In the High School are taught arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, Latin, science, English, literature, rhetoric, physiology, history and spelling. No county in the State has any better system of country schools than this county. There are enough schools so distributed as to place 2 AiiiH ■ \MBmJmm' < : '''■' '^ • '■-.-.'' — ;i ■'"■ >• ■.. • : ""'~ ; '■■-■'■-- -«2«— — '•" l9 " MASONIC TEMPLE. every child within a reasonable distance of a good school. As is the case in nearly every city in the South the colored schools are particu- larly well attended. The negroes display a great eagerness for educa- tion. It has been the policy of the board to employ colored teachers for colored schools. The percentage of attendance to enrollment ranks high among both white and colored. There are in addition to the public schools a number of private educational establishments, among which must not be omitted that over which the Catholic Church au- thorities exercise jurisdiction. Altogether the educational facilities of the city and county will compare with any locality in the country. THE: CITY OF WILMINGTON 27 Churches and Charitable Institutions* The population of Wilmington is essentially a church-going peo- ple. All leading denominations are represented and all the places of worship are well attended and prosperous. There are about twenty churches in the city for white people, divided as follows: One Advent Christian Church, three Baptist, one Roman Catholic, four Episcopal, one Jewish Synagogue, one Lutheran, four Methodist, three Presby- terian and one Seamens' Bethel. The colored citizens have thirteen churches of various denominations. The Young Men's Christian As- sociation have a handsome building along the line of the principal thoroughfare of the city, where visitors to Wilmington are always wel- come. ■lit Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Wilmington has made generous provision for the sick and needy. All the churches maintain some organization for the relief of human want, and the United Charities Association endeavors to afford relief to applicants. There is also a similar organization for the relief of the colored poor. This is officered and administered by their own officials, its main support, however, being furnished by their white friends in Wilmington. In addition there are. here provided a number of institu- tions whose mission is a noble one. We allude in this connection to the James Walker Memorial Hospital, the United States Marine Hos- pital, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Ani- mals, the Catherine Kennedy Home for indigent and aged women, etc. Private charity is ever active among our well-to-do citizens, and the really worthy never have a deaf ear turned towards them. 28 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Societies, Etc* The citizens of this city are a gregarious and sociable community. They organize themselves into societies of every sort for social and benevolent purposes. Masonic, Odd Fellows and a variety of other worthy and useful organizations abound, and thus the people keep themselves preserved from the rusting influence of selfishness and asceticism. There are here three lodges of F. & A. M., a Chapter Royal Arch Masons, a Council Royal and Select Masters, a Command- KLKS' TKMPLE. ery Knights Templar, the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, of North Carolina, and the Grand Commandery Knights Templar, of North Carolina. There are three lodges Knights of Pythias, six lodges I. O. O. F., a B. P. Order Elks, and lodges of Red Men, Royal Arcanum, Woodmen of the Word, Heptasophs, Knights of Honor, Druids, Mystic Circle, etc. The Jewish orders of B'nai B'rith and Kesher Shel Barzil are also represented. There are also military organiza- tions, social clubs, yacht clubs, golf clubs, German clubs, society clubs and cotillion clubs for the younger people. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 29 Summer Resorts* In the way of healthful and pleasant summer resorts, Wilmington is particularly well bleased. First, we will mention Wrightsville, on the mainland, facing Wrightsville Sound, a continuation of Pamlico Sound. Wrightsville is the Carolinas' great summer attraction and breathing ground, invigorating and recuperative in every respect. It is reached from Wilmington, from which it is a distance of about eight miles, by a splendid shell road and also by the Wilmington and Sea- coast Railroad. Along the Sound are numerous cottages,' owned prin- cipally by Wilmington citizens. Here, also, is the Atlantic View- Hotel, which is well kept and popular. This house is within 100 feet of the depot and at the terminus of the turnpike road. The bathing here is very safe, being in still water. Crossing the Sound from Wrightsville, a distance of about a mile, is a strip of land known as Wrightsville Beach. Here are over 100 cottages and the Wrightsville Beach Hotel, a detailed description of which is here appended. The Carolina Yacht Club, one of the oldest yacht clubs in the country, is located here. There is also a new- yacht club at Wrightsville Beach, called the Atlantic Club, the mem- bers of which are mostly young men of this city . Carolina Beach is about fifteen miles below Wilmington, and is reached by the steamer "Wilmington. " At Carolina Beach pier, a short line of railroad connects the steamer with the Beach. Carolina Beach is the head of the Sound. Bathing and fishing may here be enjoyed in under the most favorable conditions. Here, also, is the Hanover Seaside Club, whose members are principally German citizens. Sea Shore Hotel* Wilmington specially favored by nature in regard to climate and agreeable surroundings is in no respect more so than by the proximity of Wrightsville Beach and the Sea Shore Hotel. This is situated eight miles from the city and is accessible by railroad at the present time, and furthermore, will very soon be connected with the city by the electric road. The hotel is a handsome structure, replete with every modern convenience and comfort. There are 110 sleeping apartments, well fnrnished, cool and comfortable. The dining-room has a capacity for the seating of 200 guests, and the tables are bountifully spread with all the substantials and delicacies which this prolific market af- fords. The sanitary arrangements are of the best and thoroughly up- to-date. The location of the hotel, a mile distant from the mainland, ensures freedom from mosquitoes, which practically cannot exist here, there being no stagnant water adjacent to afford them breeding ground. Only artesian water is used for drinking and cooking purposes, and the situation is eminently a healthful one, entirely free from any trace of prevailing sickness or contagion. Every attraction is furnished by the management to make a stay at this hotel pleasant and agreeable. The invigorating breezes of Old Father Ocean here have full play, boating fishing and bathing may be enjoyed under the safest conditions, the beach being among the safest along the entire Atlantic coast. We mav mention in connection with the bathing that each bathroom is 3 o THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. furnished with individual fresh water sprinklers. All sorts of enter- tainments are organized during the season to amuse the guests, not the least of which is the celebrated Hollowbush Orchestra, of eight pieces, which is retained during the entire season, which opens June 1st., and continues until the end of the heated term. Billiards, pool and ten-pin alleys are connected with the hotel, and nightly dances pre- vail. The patronage of the hotel comes from all parts of the South, and those who have experienced the comforts of a stay at this hotel generally come again, there being no better or more delightful summer home in this locality. Mr. Joe H. Hinton, the manager, is a gentle- man who has every experience of the hotel business, who knows how to make his guests happy and comfortable. The Chamber of Commerce* The Chamber of Commerce, of Wilmington, was instituted in 1853 for the purpose of promoting the active and enterprising commerce of the city. It is also its object to act as an honest mediator in all mat- ters of dispute and difference of opinion among its members, and gen- erally to foster good will between citizens of the community. It also takes vigorous action to advance the welfare of the city and section, and to make known and to advertise abroad its resources and advan- tages. It furthermore strives to maintain a constant and watchful care of the rights and interests of the city, and also to correct business evils and reverse impediments to progress. It extends courtesy to the stranger and visitor, who will be made welcome at its headquarters. Its executive officers for the current year are: M. W. Jacobi, presi- dent; Thos. D. Meares, first vice-president; Geo. R. French, second vice-president, and John L,. Cantwell, secretary and treasurer. All en- quiries relative to the city of Wilmington and its advantages may be addressed to the secretary, who will cheerfully furnish all information and details on the subject. The Wilmington Produce Exchange* The Wilmington Produce Exchange is an organization of much utility to the trade interests of the city. It collects and compiles val- uable business information relative to the trade of Wilmington, and we are indebted to the courtesy of the secretary, Col. John L. Cantwell, for a number of the facts and figures published in this work. Among other of its functions are the adjustment of misunderstanding between members, and establishing valuable rules relative to trade, such as the collection cf accounts, as to quality of merchandise, receiving and de- livering of cargoes, and generally to look after the interests of the wholesale grocery, cotton, produce and provision trades. The market prices current are daily fixed by the various committees and are ac- cepted generally by the trade. The exchange is in direct connection by wire with the leading exchanges of the country, with which it is in close correspondence and affiliation. The officers of the Wil- mington Produce Exchange are : P. Pearsall, president; J. H. Chad- bourn, Jr., vice-president, and John L. Cantwell, secretary and treas- urer. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 3i The Merchants' Association. This organization also is of a useful character, having, to some ex- tent, the same object in view as the Chamber of Commerce. Its mem- bers, however, are comprised more among the retail business men of the city, than the older organization. Its object is to foster the trade, commerce, manufactures and other interests of the locality, to reform abuses, promote new enterprises, protect its members from dishonest traders, settle differences and promote good fellowship and friendly in- tercourse. The methods employed by the association are such as have been profitably adopted elsewhere, and have met with a gratifying measure of success here. The executive officers of the Merchants' As- sociation are: Win. E. Springer, president; Chas. M. Whitlock and J. H. Thomas, vice-presidents, and P. Heinsberger, secretary and treas- MR, C. C. COVINGTON'S, RESIDENCE. urer. Enquiries regarding the city addressed to the secretary will also be met with prompt courtesv and attention. Summary. There can be no doubt by any one who takes note of the steady and continued growth which Wilmington has made, as to its assured progress and successful advancement. Situated as the city is, upon one of the most safe and accessible of harbors, with a climate that is as near perfection throughout the entire year as can be found, permitting the carrying on of every branch of business without cessation or incon- venience, and surrounded by fertile lands, upon which are established farms and truck gardens, which are famous, and which yield abundant and choice food supplies. Fish, oysters and other products of the river and sea are plentifully obtained only just without the city's limits, and, with no important exception, nearly every class of food is as abundant and as cheap as in any other part of the United States. Wilmington today bids fair to go ahead rapidly and it must neces- sarialy share in the growing prosperity and advancement of the South. Its natural resources were at no time better supplemented by its ac- 3 2 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. quired advantages than they are today, and the opportunities to inaug- urate new undertakings and obtain homes, occupation and content- ment are here open to all. The city is the center of intellectual vigor, with a past full of interest, a present full of earnestness, and a future full of promise. Wilmington presents many attractions to the tourist, the patriot and the statesman, the business man and the wage earner, and more important than all to that most practical of philanthropist, MR. WM. H. SPRUNT'S RESIDENCE. the enterprising business man and home seeker, looking for a location in which to establish a productive industry. The time should not be far distant when the 25,000 population of Wilmington shall be doubled, and perhaps tripled, and when of the entire Atlantic South coast cities she shall be among the first of its important centers of production and distribution. The City of Wilmington, North Carolina. Its Leading Industries and Principal Mercantile Establishments, with Sketches of their Foundation, History and Progress and Notes on the Character and Extent of their Operations* THE WORTH COMPANY, Wholesale Grocers, and Cotton and Naval Stores, 1 Grace Street, The enterprise now under comment dates its establishment back to about the year 1S50, when it was founded by T. C. and B. G. Worth. Subsequent changes of style later transpired, the linn titles adopted be- ing Worth & Daniel, D. G. Worth and Worth & Worth. The date of the latter copartnership was about 1870, and finally, in the year 1899, incorporation took place, the title adopted being The Worth Company. Mr. B. G. Worth, one of the original founders of the business, still pre- sides at the head of its affairs and Mr. C. W. Worth, as manager, is associated with him in the conduct of the enterprise. The premises occupied comprise several buildings utilized as store and warehouses, and a wharf covering a considerable area and affording the very best of facilities for the receipt and shipment of goods, there being both water and railroad direct conveniences. The company are wholesale grocers in the fullest acceptation of the term, carrying a complete stock of heavy groceries of all descriptions, such as flour, pork products, provis- ions, sugars, molasses, canned goods, coffees, etc. Their connections have long enabled them to obtain all goods from the most direct sources of supply and their lengthened experience makes them familiar with the minutest requirement of the markets. The company are also com- mission merchants in cotton and naval stores, of which they handle large quantities. These are consigned to them from grocers and pro- ducers, and they invite consignments, and make liberal advances as re- quired. Their connections enable them to assure the highest market prices and prompt returns. The company transact a very important trade in molasses, of which they are exclusively direct importers, ob- taining their supplies from Cuba, Barbadoes and other West Indian Islands. The trade of the house extends throughout North and South Carolina and Georgia, where it holds its own against all competitors. As regards the gentlemen at the head of the affairs of the house we may mention that Mr. B. G. Worth, although over eighty years of age, still 4 2 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. takes an active interest in the business. He has long been identified with the prosperity and welfare of the community with which he has been connected for so. lengthened a period. Mr< C. W. Worth is iden- tified in a number of contemporary undertakings of large interest to the city. He is a director of the Atlantic National Bank, the Carolina In- surance Co., the Underwriters' Insurance Co., the Wilmington Cotton Mills, the Wilmington and Seacoast Railroad, etc. The company may be said to be in every way a leading representative of the wholesale trade of this State with a record of half a century's honorable business career, which ensures every confidence and consideration. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Builders' Supplies, Etc* 10 and 12 South Front Street* An enterprise which for fifty years has formed .part of the trade conveniences is entitled to prominent recognition in these pages. The foundation of the enterprise now conducted as the N. Jacobi Hard- ware Co. were laid in the year 1856. In 1809 Mr. N. Jacobi became connected with the business and in 1888 the present title was adopted. The business entails the utilization of important storage and warehouse facilities. The company in the first place have a double store, two stories high, of the dimensions of 60x110 feet, besides a warehouse of two floors adjoining 30x50 feet in area' and another also of two floors 33x100 feet. Thus every accommodation is at hand for carrying a large stock, which includes shelf and builders' hardware, cutlery, guns, sportsmens' supplies, ammunition, stoves, pumps, plows, and agricul- tural implements, paints, glass, oils, tinware, roofing, sash, doors, blinds and builders' supplies generally. Particular attention is directed to the celebrated Jacobi Axe, which has withstood the criticism of many years and is now standard on the market. The company also have the exclusive sale in this section of Benjamin Moore & Co. 's New York and Chicago paints, which for economy and efficiency are not ex- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 43 celled. In all departments, however, the stock has been well selected and being obtained direct from original sources of supply in large quantities is placed before dealers and the public at the very lowest prices. The exigencies of the business entail the services of sixteen assistants, two of whom represent the house on the road throughout North and South Carolina generally. The proprietors of the business are as follows: Nathaniel Jacobi, Marcus W. Jacobi and Joseph N. Jacobi, who are among the best known businessmen of the city. The first named is a director of the Murchison National Bank, president of the Mechanics 1 Building and Loan Association, is a trustee of the Odd Fellows' Orphan Home and is otherwise prominent in a number of fraternal societies. Mr. Mascus W. Jacobi is president of the Wilming- ton Chamber of Commerce. He is also past grand master and grand representative here to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the world. All of the members of the firm have taken a keen interest in the general welfare and advancement of the city general!}'. M. W. DIVINE & CO., Paints, Glass, Sash, Doors, Etc., 23 Market Street. One of the most useful and prominent sources of supply of this city is that conducted under the above firm title. The business was established in 1867, when it was conducted under the style of Hancock & Daggett. Later Mr. W. T. Daggett assumed sole control until 1884, when the firm of Divine & Chadbourn was organized. This continued until 1866, when the present designation was adopted. In connection with the business a store at the above address is utilized, which is Mr. M. W. Divine's property. This is a building of four floor 22x92 feet in dimensions. It serves as headquarters for the carrying of a very large stock of goods, which includes paints, oils and greases, glass, sash, doors, blinds, brushes, putty, varnishes, roofing paper, builders' hardware and painters' and builders' supplies generally. Devoting its attention solelv to this department of business the house is in a posi- tion to cater advantageouslv to its patrons, as may not be the case where the handling of simillar goods forms only a small part of a gen- eral business, In addition to general lines, the firm are exclusive agents for this localitv of the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Co. 's paints made at Cleveland, which are known throughout the United States, They are also sole representatives of John T. Lewis, of Philadelphia, linseed oil and white lead. The house is the largest paint depot in North Carolina, carrying the largest and most diversified stock. The lowest prices invariably are quoted and a business has been built up which is yearly growing. The proprietor is M. W. Divine, who was the senior member of the former firm of Divine & Chadbourn. Thus he has been connected with the enterprise for the past seven years and is thoroughlv familiar with the requirements of this market. He is a native of this eitv and was formerlv a civil engineer and was connected with the Atlantic Coast Line for eleven years. At the present time he is also a director of the Peoples' Savings Bank and several building and loan associations and generallv takes an interest in the city's ad- vancement and progress. 44 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. J. A, SPRINGER & CO., Coal Wood, Etc., Office, 121 North Water Street. The oldest established house in Wilmington engaged in the hand- ling of coal, the most valuable product of nature's secret laboratory, is that of the above firm, which was founded twenty-eight years ago by Mr. J. A Springer, the senior member of the present firm, which was organized about six years ago. The firm have, at the above address their office, yards and coal pockets for storage, with a wharf frontage. These are utilized principally for the retail departments. Their whole- sale trade is transacted from the Seaboard Air Line wharf, where thev have all conveniences, including a Hunt elevator, and coal is here re- ceived in cargo and car load lots and dispatched to destination. The house has storage capacity available for 10,000 tons of coal, five hun- dred cords of wood and about two or three million shingles. The plant also includes appliances for cutting and splitting wood for burning, in which they transact a large business. The firm are handlers of an- thracite, red and white ash coal of the best quality, which are re- ceived here direct from the mines and sold to the public in quantities to suit, invariably well screened, free from all impurities and of full weight. All orders are promptly filled to satisfaction. Messrs. J. A. Springer & Co. are also exclusive agents here for the celebrated Poca- hontas steam coal, the best in the world, and in this they transact a very large wholesale business, shipping the product to all parts of North and South Carolina and Georgia. The intimate relations they enjoy with the first sources of supply enable them to quote bottom prices and to ensure the best grades of the mineral. Orders are taken for carload lots, which are dispatched direct from the mines to destina- tion without breaking bulk. The firm also deal in cypress and juniper shingles, of which they always carry a large stock. The individual members of the firm are Messrs. J. A. Springer, Daniel H. Penton, and Saml. J. Springer. Mr. J. A. Springer is a director of the Murchison National Bank, Peoples 1 Savings Bank and White Brick Manufactur- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 45 ing Co. Mr. Springer is also the president of the Independent Ice Co., recently established to manufacture ice in this city. Mr. Penton is sec- retary and treasurer of this new industry. All of the firm give their constant and personal supervision to their business, over which thev exercise the closest scrutiny. The house is eminently a leading ex- ponent of the trade resources of this locality, with a reputation extend- ing over a quarter of a century. T, J, GORE, Groceries and Liquors, 22 South Water Street* Reflecting in this work, the leading exponents of the business of Wilmington, our attention is now directed to the enterprise of the above house, which dates its establishment to the year 1883, when it was fouuded as Kirk & Gore. This continued until 1890, when Mr. T. J. Gore became the sole proprietor. The business of the house is devoted to the handling of groceries and liquors, both at wholesale and retail. A large country trade is transacted, largely with farmers, who come to the city and who order by mail. The facilities of the concern enable it to offer to its patrons the best quality of goods and lowest prices. In liquors a large jug and package business is done, shipments being made in this and portions of the adjoining state. Mr. T. J. Gore is a well known resident, who has worked up an important busi- ness by means of energy and application. He came here from Bruns- wick and was formerly a farmer there. He is largely interested in the Summer Hill Distillery, four miles from the city. A high grade of corn whiskey is here produced, known as Summer Hill. He also con- trols another distillery near Southport, the product of which is similar to the other. The whiskey made at these distilleries is shipped to various ports, large quantities going to Baltimore. Mr. Gore also owns a farm on Town Creek, nine miles from Wilmington. On this is grown rice, about 4,000 bushels being an average yearly crop. PRESTON CUMMING, General Wood Worker, Water Street at Foot Dock Street, This business was established about two years ago by its present proprietor, Mr. Preston Gumming, who personally supervises all opera- tions. The plant is contained in a building at the above address and includes cut-off, rip and band saws, moulding machines, lathes and planing machine, and indeed, a complete and latest improved wood- working equipment. The factory is particularly well located as re- gard shipping conveniences, being adjacent both to the railroad and the river. The works are operated by electricity, which not only is cleaner and more convenient than steam, but it is much safer as regard fire risks. The building was formerly utilized for many years as a grist mill, but Mr. dimming seeing an opportunity for an enterprise of this nature, established his present industry. His energies are devoted to general wood working of every description, including the manufac- ture of caskets, coffins, balusters, mantels, cornices, mouldings, etc. 46 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. He also saws logs to order, dresses and planes lumber to order. His facilities enable him to cut planks from eighteen to twenty-four feet in length. There is nothing in the way of hard or soft wood working that he is unable to perform, from building a steamboat to making a mouse trap. His patronage extends within a radius of 100 miles distant from the city and is steadily growing. Mr. dimming also supplies hard wood lumber in any quantity and size, black walnut, mahogany, oak, ash, hickory, pine, cypress and juniper. Mr. dimming buys and sells old furniture, brass and iron andirons and curios of every description. Man}' a time there may link in some old residence objects which may be deemed as rubbish, by their possessors. By writing to Mr. dimming their value may be determined and he will find a customer for them if they have any antiquity or value. Mr. Camming is a well known and enterprising resident of Wilmington. He was born at Greensboro, but he has lived in this city many years and has always taken a keen inter- est in its welfare and progress. NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, Manufacturers of Fertilizers* Office, 103 1-2 North Water Street* Renewing productive qualities of the soil by means of fertilizers must be accomplished in a judicious and intelligent 'way, and therefore NAVASSA FACTORY. it will be found advantageous and desirable to obtain fertilizers from such houses who have every facility and experience in manufacturing according to enlightened and scientific principles, and who thoroughly understand the business. We are glad to have to chronicle the fact that Wilmington is the headquarters for an enterprise of this character. The Navassa Guano Co. was established in 1869 and for a third of a century it has enjoyed a reputation of the highest order for the superior character of its products. The company have an office at 103^ Water street and they have two large plants within a few miles of the city. One is at Navassa Station, Brunswick count}', four miles from Wil- mington. This property has 1600 feet frontage on the river and runs back some 1,000 feet from it. Various departments are utilized for the THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 47 different details of the work and 362 work people are here given em- ployment. Another factory is on North East river, two miles from the city; this is known as the Almont factory and here some 250 hands are employed. Both plants are in every way thoroughly up-to-date, the appliances being of the best and latest improved character, the most modern methods of scientific manufacturing being utilized. The shipping facilities are particularly good, the tracks of the trunk lines entering the works, opening up the entire railroad systems of the coun- try. The river also affords direct tidewater facilities for receiving and shipping the product to any part either at home or abroad. The capac- ity of the works is as follows: At Navassa station, a total of 60,000 tons of fertilizers can be annually manufactured, and the Almont fac- tory can turn out about 30,000 tons each year. The company manu- facture fertilizers of every description from phosphate rock, ammoniate of all kinds and potash salts. When we say that they make fertilizers ALMONT FACTORY we say that they are not mere compounders of ingredients, but that their products are intelligently and scientifically made, designed for various soils and for various climates. The organization is a South- ern enterprise, conducted by Southern people for Southern planters and farmers. Their fertilizers are manufactured for the production of cotton, tobacco, corn, root crops of all descriptions, small grain, fruits, vegetables, trucking, etc. A special fertilizer is made for strawberries, which has met with pronounced success in this and other localities. We have not the space to mention here the various brands; neither is it necessary. Inquiries directed to the house will be met with most courteous and prompt response. The reputation which the company has so long enjoyed has clearly demonstrated the quality and value of their snoods. Merchants will find them advantageous to handle inas- much as the satisfaction they give insures a stead}' and steadfast de- mand. The executive officers of the company are: H. W. Malloy, pres- ident; S. T. Morgan, of Richmond, Va., vice-president, and Wm. L. DeRosset, secretary and treasurer; gentlemen requiring no personal comment at our hands. With an experience extending over thirty 48 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. years they have brought the enterprise to a position which ensures them a wide patronage, extending throughout North and South Caro- lina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, and which increases annually. CAPE FEAR LUMBER COMPANY, Manufacturers of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Wilmington, N* C. In Wilmington a very important lumber manufacturing and dis- tributing business is carried on, and the most important enterprise of the kind here is that known as the Cape Fear Lumber Company. This was established about eight years ago and it has since steadily devel- oped and increased its scope of usefulness. The posessions of the com- pany are large and important. The plant in this city covers altogether an area of about ten acres, upon which are the saw mill, planing mill, storage sheds, yards, etc. The mill is known as a double-baud saw mill, the capacity, being about •24,000,000 feet annually. In every de- partment the equipment is of the best and latest, ensuring perfection of tne product and economy of production. The company manufacture rough and dressed lumber, about fifty per cent, of their output being what are known in the trade as "ones" and "twos." The facilities of the house are largely augmented by the fact that the company own vast timber lands in North and South Carolina, covering altogether some 80,000 acres. On this property they own and operate some twenty miles of railroad which enables them to convey the logs to the river and trunk line, whence they are dispatched direct to the mills. The company cut principally pine, although they also obtain from their lands some cypress and hardwoods. At the mills in this city some 150 men are kept busy, and in the woods about 200 are employed felliuo- the trees and preparing the logs for shipment. The facilities of the company thus will be seen to be of the most favorable character. They take the logs from the native forest, saw, plane and dress the lumber and deliver the boards complete and ready for the use of the carpenter and builder. They are now about to increase materially THE CITY OE WILMINGTON. 49 their facilities by the addition of a new planing mill, which will aug- ment considerably their ontpnt of dressed lumber. This has been ren- dered necessary by the growth of the business. The company ship their product to New York, New England and the Central States, char- tering steamers and schooners to convey it to destination. The execu- tive officers of the company are as follows: John F. Steeves, presi- dent; Bradley L. Eaton, secretary and treasurer, and John A. Arring- dale, vice-president and general manager. The two first named gen- tlemen are of the firm of Church E. Gates & Co., of 138th street and Fourth avenue, New York, who are the largest retail lumber dealers in the metropolis. Mr. Arringdale is a resident of this citv and devotes his full attention and supervision to the industry. He may be said to have always been identified with the lumber trade and has every ex- perience of its details. The company with all facilities available, equal ly as regards economy of production and facilities for promptly filling orders, is in every way in a position to attract the attention and consideration of lar^e consumers. A. L BLAKE, Dealer in Peanuts, 128 North Water Street, The trade in peanuts is a distinctive industry of this section and very large quantities are shipped from this city to all parts of the coun- try. Mr. A. E. Blake established his present business here October, 1901, but he has been connected with the trade for a period extending over eighteen years. He now occupies premises at the above address, where all facilities are available for economically carrying on the busi- ness. Mr. Blake buys the peanuts of the growers in this vicinity, cleans them by machinery, and ships them to all parts of the country. The variety of peanuts handled are North Carolina, Virginia and Span- ish. The first named is a small nut, but is very full of meat and is generally esteemed as the best, especially in the South. Virginia pea- nuts are larger and are shipped North and are sold to Italians and others, and are by them roasted and peddled in the street and stores. The 5 o THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. Spanish variety are shelled here and are shipped to candy manufactur- ers all over the country. Mr. Blake has every facility and cabers to all the above departments of the business. By virtue of his facilities he is enabled to quote the lowest prices and to offer the best quality of pro- ducts. As before said, he has a thorough experience and entirely un- derstands the market. He is the owner of a farm at Sloop Point, Pen- der county, N. C. , consisting of some three hundred acres. This he now rents out, taking, however, a portion of the product raised there. On this farm are grown corn, sweet potatoes and peanuts, the whole of the latter crop coming to his warehouse here. As illustrative of one of North Carolina's distinctive industries, we offer this brief account of Mr. Blake's business, which, although recently established, has met with a measure of gratifying success, which bids fair to become perma- nent. WILLARD & GILES, General Insurance Agency* CAROLINA INSURANCE COMPANY, Carolina Insurance Company's Building, Princess Street* No lesson has been more impressed upon the minds of property owners in important cen- ters by the great fires that still occur, than the wisdom of dividing risks through the agency of experienced and responsible underwriters Such an agency in this city is that of Messrs. Willard & Giles, who have an experience of many years standing. The firm are the authorized agents in this city for the following strong list of relia- ble and well known fire insurance companies: yEtna, of Hartford; Home, of New York; Con- tinental, of New York; ! Philadelphia Under- writers, of Philadelphia; Niagara, 01 New York; Sun, of New Orleans; Virginia, of Richmond; Royal Exchange, of London; Union Assurance Society, of England; Northern, of England; Sun, of England (probably the oldest established insurance company in the world) and the Palatine, of England. This is a list of undoubted excellence, ouaranteeing certain indemnity in case of loss, with assets of many millions of dollars, and Messrs. Willard & Giles effect insurance in each and every one of them at lowest rates. The firm also represent the renowned Mutual Life, of New York; the yEtna Life, of Hartford (accident department;) the London Assurance (marine;) the American Surety, of New York; the Hartford Steam Boiler and Insurance Com- pany. The firm are also general agents here for the Carolina Insurance Company, of this city. This company has a capital stock of $50,000 with a surplus to stockholders amounting to $15,000 and surplus to policy holders aggregating $65,000. The company have over fifty agencies in the Carolinas and it has always enjoyed the fullest confi- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 51 dence of the public. The president of the company is Mr. D. L. Gore and Mr. M. S. Willard, of Willard and Giles, is secretary. The list of directors includes the names of a number of the leading business men and capitalists of the city. The firm of Messrs. Willard ec Giles was founded in 1883 by Mr. M. S. Willard, the present firm being insti- tuted in 1895. The present copartnership is made up of M. S. Wil- lard and Clayton Giles, thoroughly experienced underwriters and men of business reputation. The senior member is also president of the Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co. The operators of the house are not restricted to this city, a considerable clienleli being drawn from surrounding districts. VOLLERS & HASHAGEN, Wholesale Provisions, Cigars, Etc* A, C. L Crossing* The transactions of this city in grain, provisions and other staple food products are very large and are annually expanding. The above named enterprise serves to forcibly illustrate the character and magni- tude of the business. This enterprise was founded in 1890 and has since steadily developed and grown. The firm occupy extensive prem- ises at the above indicated address, comprising a warehouse 300x30 in area. It is admirably located for the receipt and shipment of goods, the railroad '.tracks entering the premises, so that goods can be loaded and unloaded at the doors. The firm are extensive handlers of salted meats, corn, oats, hay, flour, etc. They are in direct connection with the products of leading packers and flour mills of the West and obtain their supplies under the most favorable conditions. Goods are ob- tained in car load lots direct from the mills, elevators and packers to destination without breaking bulk. The business of this house in its particular department is perhaps equal to any other in this locality. At anv rate it is certain that no similar establishment has better in- ducements to offer the trade. As regaids flour, the firm sell this staple under their own brands. Of these we would mention "O, 1 ' a fancy straioht, "Silver Corn," a fancy straight and "Stock's Best, 1 ' a fancy- patent flour. All of the above are in demand with the public and therefore with the trade. A special department of the business of this firm is their cigar trade. Messrs. Yollers cc Hashagen are exclusive handlers throughout North and South Carolina of the celebrated goods made by the former house of Powell, Smith & Co., New York, which is now merged into the American Cigar Co. Of these in especial demand and standard on the market are "Cuban Blossom,' 1 "Renown," "Top- ical Twist, 1 ' and "Cremos," five-cent cigars of the very best quality and of established popularity. The firm do a very large trade in these and orobably sell about three-quarters of all cigars sold in this city. The individual members of the firm are H. L. Yollers and F. C. Hasha- gen both of whom are well known business men. Mr. Yollers is a director of the Atlantic National Bank and of the Wilmington Savings and Trust Companv. Mr. Hashagen is a director of a building and loan association and generally identified with the material welfare of the city. The firm, with all facilities and ample capital, is in every way in a position to attract and hold its full share of legitimate patronage. 52 THE CITY OK WILMINGTON. ). L TAYLOR, Wholesale Grocer, North Water Street, The wholesale grocery trade of this city is not only of large im- portance and magnitude collectively, but it is also represented by houses of complete resources and high standing. Among such should be in- cluded that conducted by Mr. J. A. Taylor, who established his busi- ness January, 1899. Since then it has continued to advance, and to- day transacts large and growing operations throughout the trade radius centering in Wilmington. In connection with the undertaking, prem- ises are utilized at the above address in addition to another warehouse for storage. The stock here carried consists of a general line of heavy and fancy groceries, including flour, provisions, hog products, sugar, molasses, tobacco, snuffs, coffees, canned goods, etc., procured directly and advantageously from the leading manufacturers and producers in the country. Although but three years in operation, the trade have realized that the business policy of this concern is based upon liberality and fair dealing and to the cementing of business relations once estab- lished. The proprietor, Mr. J. A. Taylor, has every experience and familiarity with this branch of industry. He has also always taken a keen interest in all that would conduce to the welfare of the business community. Mr. Taylor is president of the Wholesale Grocers' Asso- ciation, of Wilmington, N. C. , an institution organized for the purpose of co-operation in the trade. He is also a director of the recently estab- lished Carolina Steamship Co., which is a new freight line between Wilmington and New York. The establishment of this new enterprise is of large benefit to Wilmington. The institution of this acquisition to this city's facilities is the outgrowth of the Wilmington Tariff Association, of which Mr. Taylor is president. This association was formed to bring about a reduction of the excessive rates exacted from Wilmington merchants by the railroads and steamboat lines hitherto in operation. A committee of five was formed, of which Mr. Taylor was a member, the result being the promotion and establishment of the C. S. S. Co. This will probably bring about the solution of the much vexed rate question, and, only benefit can result from the work accomplished. CROOM & HUNT, Grocers and Commission Merchants, 110 North Water Street* With the opening of the present year there was inaugurated a new acquisition to the trade facilities of the city and locality. We refer to the firm of Croom & Hunt, which enters upon is career with every prospect of permanency. The member, of the firm individually are Messrs. Z. V. Croom and F. P. Hunt, both young men who possess a thorough knowledge of the trade with which they have been connected from boyhood. At the above address is located their store and here they carry heavy and fancy groceries suitable to the trade of the city and country centering for fifty miles around. They cater to the trade of farmers and others and have every inducement to offer in the way of fresh and desirable goods and lowest prices. It will be the aim of this THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 53 young house to attract patronage by carefully considering the interests of their patrons and not only to gain it but to hold it permanently. The firm also buy peanuts, produce, etc., offering the best current prices. We appeal to our readers that they should consult the terms and prices offered by this young firm, and visitors from out of town would do well to pa\- a visit here before placing their orders elsewhere. They will be met with courteous treatment and liberality in all transactions, no doubt resulting in business relations botli of a pleasant and profitable nature. ALEXANDER SPRUNT & SON, Cotton Exporters and Proprietors of the Champion Compress and Ware- house Company, Office, Cor* Front and Walnut Streets* We offer here a few facts relative to the enterprise of Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son and the Champion Compress & Warehouse Company, which was founded in 1866. The senior member of the firm died in 1884, but the enterprise has ever since been continued by his sons, Messrs. James Sprunt and William H. Sprunt, without change of title. The firm are cotton exporters, shipping cotton from here to Liverpool, Bre- men, Ghent and other European ports. The firm have agencies in various places abroad and their own offices and staff at Liverpool, Ghent and Bremen. In this country they have their buyers at all im- portant centers within the cotton belt, buying and shipping the staple to Wilmington. Of course the number o! bales shipped by the firm varies according to circumstances, but we believe a conservative aver- age would aggregate from 225,000 to 250,000 bales annually. The firm are the proprietors of the Champion Compress and Warehouse 'Company, which, however, has been incorporated with the following executive officers: James Sprunt, president; W. H. Sprunt, vice- 54 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. president; T. E. Sprunt, superintendent, and W. J. Woodward, secre- tary and treasurer. It is safe to say that the plant of this company is unsurpassed for completeness and efficiency. The. warehouse buildings cover two city blocks, the whole property giving 420,000 feet of floor and dock space. The storage capacity permits of the storage and hand- ling of 25,000 bales of cotton at one time. There are here in opera- tion three powerful and most efficient compresses of the latest improved character, viz: One 2,000-ton hydraulic compress and two 2, 000-ton direct steam compresses. The docking and loading facilities are of the very best. There are here conveniences for the loading of five steamers at the same time. These steamers will average a capacity for carrying about 10,000 bales each. The whole establishment is admirably sys- tematized and even in times of pressure, in the height of the shipping season the work is carried on as it were automatical}' and order pre- vails everywhere. Every precaution is exercised against the risk of lire, there being a fire-proof system of automatic sprinklers throughout and no one is allowed on the premises who is suspected of having matches or other combustibles on his person. An average of about -300 men are employed during the season and the wages disbursed form an important item of the industrial assets of the city. We might here state that Mr. James Sprunt is British Vice Consul for Wilmington. He is also president of the Seamen's' Friends 1 Society, an organization which has done much good to the seafaring men who make Wilming- ton their port ol call, withdrawing them to a large extent from evil in- fluences. He is also Commissioner of Navigation and Pilotage. Mr. William Sprunt is on the Board of Managers and is a director of the City Hospital, and is also a director of the Y. M. C. A. These gentle- men have always taken an active interest in all that tends to advance the real interest of the community. Referring again, for a moment, to the firm of Alex. Sprunt & Son, it may be stated that they were the pioneers of the steam foreign trade of this city, having chartered the first steamer, the "Barnesmore" in 1881, previous to that time having shipped naval stores from here in sailing ships. Now thev often load five steamers at once, and dispatch in the season an average of one a week. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 55 HYDRAULIC WHITE BRICK COMPANY, Manufacturers of Improved Brick* Factory, Dickenson Hill. Office, Smith Building. An enterprise of recent origin and one that bids fair to be of the greatest utility to the city and locality is that of the above mentioned company. The business was incorporated November, 1901, with the following executive officers: D. C. Love, president; Andrew Smith, vice-president and manager, and Roger Moore, secretary and treasurer. The plant of the company is located at what is known as Dickenson Hill, adjacent to the Seaboard Air Line depot, the tracks of which en- ter the premises, giving the best of shipping facilities. The machinery and appliances utilized at the works were made especially for the com- pany and are of an improved character, the system being known as the Huennekes process. The bricks are made from sand and lime, which, treated in conjunction with certain chemicals constitute the secret of the process. The result is the production of brick which is superior to all other brick, inasmuch as it is very much harder and absorbs less moisture. Another point is that the bricks are read}' for use after mak- ing, in about twenty-four hours, ordinary brick taking from two to three weeks to dry. The brick will stand a pressure as high as 5,000 pounds to the square inch, whereas the best hydraulic pressed brick will only stand 3,000 pounds to the square inch. As regards their impenetra- bility to moisture, a test made at the Pitt-burgh Testing Laboratory had the following result: The brick was first thoroughly dried then immersed in water forty-five hours, frozen for four hours at a tempera- ture of 14 degrees, then thawed in warm water twelve hours, again frozen to a temperature of 9 degrees for three and a half hours, then thawed in hot water three hours, frozen to 12 degrees for three and a half hours and finally thawed in hot water for twelve hours. After submitting to the above test in conjunction with the crushing test the brick showed no sign whatever of cracking or disintegration. The brick are made in several shades, white, pink and dark gray, and also in fancy designs for frontages. That these brick are superior to all other there can be no reason left for doubt and they can be produced at a price little if any higher than that of a first-class grade of common brick. They are suitable to all purposes to which brick can be applied, street paving included. Mr. Andrew Smith, the manager, went him- self to Germany to see this system of brick production, and after close investigation, decided upon organizing a company here. Mr. Smith has the agency for the Southern States and the sole right to manufac- ture the Huennekes brick in Xorth Carolina. The enterprise in this city is of great utility and will render Wilmington independent of out- side sources of supply for this class of building material. Buildings erected of this brick present a handsomer appearance than with ordi- nary brick. The gentlemen concerned with the management and pro- prietorship of this business are all men of influence and standing in the community and there is every reason to predict for this new industry a full measure of success and an enlarged sphere of usefulness. 56 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. S- P. McNAIR, Wholesale Grocer and Dealer in Fertilizers, North Water Street* Among' the prominent houses engaged in the wholesale grocery trade here must be mentioned that of Mr. S. P. McNair, which was founded in 1881, and which is now approaching well on to a quarter of a century's successful operation. The house has recently taken posses- sion of new premises in the new Atlantic Coast Line warehouse, North Water street, which affords it enlarged facilities for the conduct of its business. Here is carried a full line of heavy and fancy groceries, all offered to the trade at lowest current prices. Speaking of the stock carried it will suffice to say that it includes everything suited to the trade of merchants within a radius of 150 miles from the city, in which territory the house is represented by two commercial travellers. A special department of the business is the handling of fertilizers, the most reliable varieties of which are sold by the house. Mr. S. P. Mc- Nair, the proprietor, is too well known to the trade and in the com- munity to require any extended personality at our hands. We may say, however, that he devotes his closest supervision to his business, which a lengthened experience in every way qualifies him. Conclud- ing we will only remark that, from the time of its establishment this house has done its full share towards extending the city's reputation as an advantageous source of supply and its claims to patronage are at least equal to any of its contemporaries. THE WILMINGTON IRON WORKS, Founders and Machinist: csA Dealers in Mill Supplies, 19 and 20 South Front Street, An enterprise which for many years has proved of the greatest value to the city is that which is now conducted under the title of the Wil- mington Iron Works. The industry was instituted about forty years ago as Hart & Bailey. Since, subsequent changes of style transpired, the enterprise being known at different stages as Hart, Bailey & Co., Burr & Bailey, the Burr & Bailey Co., until about two years ago when the present designation was adopted. At the above address the busi- ness is carried on, the various deparaments being the store, machine shop, foundry, copper works, storage yards, etc. About fifty skilled operatives and others are employed by the house. The energies of the company are devoted in the first place, to the handling of mill and machinists' supplies, carrying everything included under these head- ings. The goods are obtained direct from manufacturers and large dealers in all instances and are specially selected for the requirements of this section. The company are also founders and machinists, and cop- persmiths, having every facility for the production of anything to orda- in these lines. Their specialty, however, is repairing in which they transact an important business, drawn from the country included ina radius a hundred miles distant from the city. Their facilities in this department are complete. They have in their emplov the highest skilled and most intelligent mechanics, whose services they retain per- manently. It not infrequently happens that repairs are required at the THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 57 shortest notice, the entire operation of a mill or factory being dependent on some portion of the plant which has gone wrong and which requires to be immediately set right. In such and similar contingencies the Wilmington Iron Works are both able and willing to step into the breach and execute the work required at the shortest notice. The com- pany's patronage throughout this and the neighboring state have real- ized the facilities placed at their disposal, and therefore have every con- fidence in the concern. The company execute everything in the way of repairs from the most trivial job to the renewal of a complete plant, equally for factories, mills or marine work, etc. The gentlemen at the head of the enterprise are Messrs. E. P. Bailey, president, (who is the nephew of J. C. Bailey, the founder of the business) and H. A. Burr, secretary and treasurer, who has been connected with it for the past twenty-five years. Both gentlemen give their closest personal super- vision to the details of the work in hand. Concluding this sketch, we may be permitted to say that the enterprise has for many years con- tributed to the welfare of the locality in making it self-contained and independent in this line. HALL & PEARS ALL, (Incorporated,) Wholesale Grocers Etc*, Office and Store Nutt and Grace Sts +t Storage and Shipping Departments between A* C L* and S* A* L* Depots* The old established and reliable house, known as Hall & Pear- sail was originally founded in 1869 as Edwards & Hall, and in 1875 the title of Hall & Pearsall was adopted. It was incorporated as a stock company, January, 1901, the name, however, undergoing no change. The premises occupied are at the corner of Nutt and Grace streets and they have additional storage and shipping facilities between the A. C. L. and S. A. L. depots with wharfage, and two docks, one on each side of the property. With both direct water and railroad facili- ties, every convenience is at hand for receiving and shipping goods. The firm carry a general line of heavy and staple groceries, including flour, hog products, sugars, molasses, coffee, canned goods, tobaccos, snuffs, cigars, etc., and they also handle country produce, grain, corn, peas, peanuts, etc., naval stores, cotton, etc., both on commission or bought outright. The house enjoys every advantage in obtaining sup- plies. Such, of course, is implied in the character and standing of the firm, and in every way the interests of all having dealings with them are conserved in every legitimate way. The trade of the house extends within a radius of about 200 miles from Wilmington, and two commer- cial travellers represent it throughout that territory. The gentlemen at the head of the enterprise are: Messrs. B. F. Hall, president; Oscar Pearsall, general manager, and Louis E. Hall, secretary and treasurer. They have always been identified and interested in the industrial and commercial progress and material welfare of the city. We will not further indulge in personal comment, but of the house we may be permitted to say that its standing and reputation during a period of a third of a century, are such as to warrant the entire confidence of all with whom it has established business relations. 58 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. L M, BEAR & CO., Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Etc, Agents for Glenham Mills, 221-7 North Front Street* One of the leading wholesale enterprises of the city, although not among the oldest estab- lished, is that of Messrs. I. M. Bear & Co., which was instituted August 1895. At the above ad- dress is located the store, the property of the firm, which is of 33x110 feet. It is admirably systema- tized and arranged. There is an electric elevator, and each floor is devoted to a special department, under the direction of a competent head. Goods are received and shipments are made from the basement, which is level with the street, the back doors being but two hundred and fifty feet distant from the wharf of the New York steam- ers, and are also contiguous to the railroad. The house handles dry goods and notions, including every conceivable article, comprised by these general headings. The firm are also sole agents for the celebrated Glenham Mills, whose products are standard o n the market. The diversity and variety of the stock in- clude every c o n c e ivable article suited to the trade of North and South Caro- lina, to which localites the house confines its operations. The firm en- jov the most intimate rela- t i o n s with m a n u fac hir- ers, importers and first hands generally. The house has an office also, at 93 Frank- lin street, New York, where they have a resident buyer, who is atjall times on the alert to obtain the novelties of each season as readilv as THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 59 their contemporaries in the leading cities. A member of the firm also makes periodical visits to the metropolis. Messrs. I. M. Bear & Co. have six commercial travellers constantly on the road. Mr. S. A. Woods makes his headquarters at Darlington, S. C. , and serves all the territory adjacent. From Asheville, N. C, Mr. C. McGill attends to the trade centering from that city. Mr. C. M. McArthur travels the Wilmington and Weldon railroad and branches, Mr. G. J. McMillan calls on customers along the lines of the W. C. & A. R. R., W T . N. & N. and branches, and Mr. H. C. Bear, a member of the firm, devotes his attention to customers along the S. A. L. and branches. Messrs. I. M. Bear and H. C. Bear, the proprietors, are both young men, full of push and ambition, who are fully alive to the signs of the times in which they live. They are prepared to place at the disposal of patrons such goods as are best suited to the market, at such prices as will com- pare favorably with any of their contemporaries, and at the same time assure the prompt filling of orders. Both gentlemen are prominent in social circles at Wilmington. They are interested in the B. P. O. E. , and Mr. I. M. Bear is a trustee of that society, and of the Royal Arca- num. He is also a member of the Knights of Pvthias and other org-ani- zations. He is a member of the Reserve Corps, Wilmington Light In- fantry. Mr. H. C. Bear is an alumus of the University of North Car- olina, and at the age of seventeen he left college and became a member of the present firm. With sufficient capital at command, purchasing agents at the centers of supply, and every facility and advantage that could be afforded by experience, credit and connections, this firm is certainly in a position to deal liberally and favorably with merchants within the circuit of its trade operations. WILLIAMS BROS., Wholesale Grocers, Etc 16 and 18 North Water Street* The transactions of the wholesale grocers of Wilmington represent a very large business, and no city of the same population in the South excels her in the number and high character of the houses engaged in this great department of commerce. Prominently identified with the trade here is the house of Williams Bros., which was established in 1885 as Williams, Rankin & Co., the present firm being instituted in 1897. The premises utilized consist of a store of two floors at the above address, which occupy an area of 70x40 feet, and a three-story warehouse at the rear, forty feet square, used for the storage of salt, molasses, etc. A heavy stock, including all staple articles in heavy o-roceries is carried, which is obtained direct from manufacturers and producers in all instances, and generally in carload and cargo lots. The interests of patrons' are catered for in every instance. One reason that Wilmington enjoys such an important business in this regard, lies in the fact that the jobber here thoroughly understands his market and knows exactly zvhat is required by merchants, and not only that, but zvhen it is required. Outside competitors in many instances are not so scrupulous, and often to make a sale will load up the merchant with what he does not want at the time, and thus cause him loss and em- barrassment. The trade of the house extends to about 150 miles dis- 6o THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. tant from Wilmington and is represented on the road by two commer- cial travellers. The members of the firm individually are: Messrs. D. M. Williams and J. K. Williams, gentlemen two well known to re- quire personal comment here. We may state, however, that both are connected with the proprietorship of an important recently established enterprise, known as the Coal, Cement and Supply Company, of this city. & A. TUCKER & BROTHER, Marble and Granite Workers, 310 North Front Street* The perfection now attained in the above department of mechani- cal art is strikingly illustrated in the work turned out by the firm of H. A. Tucker & Bro. , of this city. The house was founded about a dozen years ago as H. A. Tucker & Co. , the present designation being adopted the year following. Mr. H. A. Tucker died September, 1899, and the business has been continued by the brother, Mr. R. D. Tucker, the original title of the house, however, being retained. At the above in- dicated address are located the office, sheds and yard, the whole being furnished with all required conveniences, about twenty men being em- ployed, the majority of them being skilled workmen. The firm devote their energies to the production of marble and granite cemetery work of every description, stone work for building purposes, etc. The trade of the house is not by any means confined to this city, but extends throughout North and South Carolina generally and even penetrates further afield. Messrs. H. A. Tucker & Bro. have agencies at various points, and notably at Orangeburg, S. C, Kinston, N. C. , Benson, N. C. , Plymouth, N. C. , and Clinton, N. C. The firm are also repre- sented by travelling agents, who submit plans and estimates and take orders. The house is the only one of the kind in the city and the leading one in the State. Its facilities are of the best, it has command of the services of the highest grade of labor, and its prices are based upon moderation and fair dealing. The firm have executed much nota- ble work in the State. Thus, they built a large mausoleum and family monument, costing $10,000 for Col. K. M. Murchison, the L. Vollers monument costing $2,000, one for Dr. Love $500, another for Mrs. B. G. Worth, all in Oakdale Cemetery. At Bennettville they erected the THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 61 Dudley monument at an expense of $800 and the Weathersby monu- ment costing $700. These are but a selection of man}- hundreds which have been put up by the house. The firm do an extensive trade in stone for building purposes, and the} - are now supplying- the stone for the new Murchison National Bank, now in course of erection here. Mr. R. D. Tucker is a gentleman of practical experience in his busi- ness, with a thorough knowledge of the trade with which he has been identified for twenty-five years. The pride of a house is in it work and every detail is carefully overlooked by the proprietor to ensure perfec- tion and artistic excellence in every instance. HILTON LUMBER COMPANY, Manufacturers of Lumber, Wilmington, N. C. This business was founded about 1856 by Mr. O. G. Parsley. Later the firm title was changed to Parsley & Wiggins and subsequentlv Mr. W. L. Parsley became the sole proprietor. Finally, in 1894, the Hilton Lumber Company was organized with Mr. W. L. Parsley, the son of the founder, as president and Mr. R. A. Parsley, his grandson, as secretary and treasurer. The plant of the company covers about fif- teen acres, with 17* '0 feet frontage on the river. The mechanical equipment is operated by steam of 500-horse power capacity. The machinery and appliances throughout are of the latest improved and best character. The tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line runs the entire length of the property, and ships can be loaded direct from the mill. The capacity of the mill is about 12,000,000 feet of dressed North Carolina pine and cypress lumber annually. About two hundred men are given employment at the mill and at the logging camps. The trade of the house is largely in New York and New England, and other Northern points. The company have also a factory for the manufacture of crates for shipping strawberries, etc. They turn out about 75,000 crates during the fruit shipping season. The gentlemen at the head of the enterprise are well qualified by ex- perience to conduct the business. Mr. W. L. Parsley has been con- nected with it since 1870 and Mr. R. A. Parsley has had about ten years' experience of its details. J, H. SLOAN, Cotton Exporter and Shipper, North Front Street* Wilmington has for many years been identified with the handling and export of cotton, and both before and since the war its operations in the staple have been very large. An enterprise, which for a length- ened period has been crosely connected with the industry is that which is now conducted under the proprietorship of Mr. J. H. Sloan. The business is the outgrowth of a very old established concern, which, we believe, dates back almost to the first decade of the last century, hav- ing been started in 1811 by Mr. Jesse Cleveland, but it will only be required of us to allude to it subsequent to the year 1880, when the firm of Parratt & Sloan was instituted. In 1882 the title of the house was J. H. Sloan & Co. In 1886 it became Walker, Flemming & Sloan, and finally, in 1891, Mr. J. H. Sloan assumed the sole control. 6 2 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON The energies of the house are devoted to the handling of cotton, both for home demand and for export. The headquarters of the business are in the city, but the concern has branch establishments in various parts of the cotton belt where cotton is collected, compressed and ship- ped. Here it has every facility. The compress is conveniently located, in direct connection with the railroad system, and the steamers char- tered for carrying cotton to Europe load up at the doors of the ware- house. The house ships North and South to manufacturers in this country, supplying many mills with their raw material, and transacts a large European business, shipping to Liverpool and the Continent. Mr. J. H. Sloan has for many years been identified with cotton manu- facturing interests in the South. He is president of the Beaumont Manufacturing Company, of Spartanburg, S. C, and is a director of the Whitney Manufacturing Company, of Whitney, S. C, and of the Louise Mills, of Charlotte. He is also a director of the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, at Spartanburg, and is a director in the Loan and Ex- change Bank, at Laurence, S. C. Thus, it may be seen that this house is entitled to be quoted as an important factor in the cotton pro- duction carried on in the South. R, G DeROSSET, ~ Books, Stationery, Etc*, 107 Market Street* It is a pleasure for a while to indulge our pen in speaking of a business which caters to the more refined and aesthetic tastes of the community. We refer to the establishment of Mr. R. C. DeRosset, which was instituted here in the year 1899 and which has since suc- ceeded in building up a reputation and patronage among the best classes of our residents. The premises at the above address consist of a building of two floors, all of which is devoted to the business. A large stock is carried, including books of every description, such as the latest novels of the day, works of travel, biography, history, gift books, and, in fact, all current literature. Here also may be obtained in large variety and of the best quality staple and fancy stationery, as well as commercial stationery, blank books and forms, etc., also fancy articles suitable for presents, pictures, engravings, etc., as well as pic- ture frames to order as required. Mr. DeRosset obtains his goods direct from original sources under the most favorable conditions, and is alert to obtain all novelties as soon as they appear. His prices will be found eminently reasonable, and any goods not in stock will at once be procured for patrons at regular prices. Mr. DeRosset has here a circulating library, whereby the latest novels of the day may be read by patrons at a trifling cost. This is being always replenished and kept up-to-date. The house is also agent for the Columbia phono- graphs and keeps a stock of records and supplies at the disposal of the public. This house transacts an important mail order business solicit- ing enquiries and correspondence. Goods can thus be bought by mail upon equally as advantageous conditions as by a personal visit. Mr. R. C. DeRosset is a native of this city and is well known and popular. Though but comparatively few years in operation, his enterprise has taken a stable and prominent place among the high class sources of supply of the city. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 63 ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Front and Market Streets* Our purpose to properly represent the distributing facilities of Wilmington makes it our duty to offer a few details relative to the facul- ties and history of this house. The business was established in the year 1885 upon a very lim- ited scale, and it has been brought up to its present impor- tant position by enterprise and energy and a thorough appre- ciation of the requirements of this market. Air. Bellamy transacts both a wholesale and retail business. In the latter department, here may be ob- tained the best quality and fresh- est of drugs, all standard patent medicines, toilet articles, etc. A specialty is made of the prep- aration of physicians' prescrip- tions and family recipes, every care being exercised in this de- partment. In the wholesale branch of the business the house is represented on the road by t w o commercial travellers throughout North and South Carolina generally. The prem- ises occupied, in addition to the store, which includes a building of four floors, comprise a warehouse adjoining, which affords every facility for the handling of a large stock, which embraces everything included under the terms of drugs and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, all the standard patent medicines, etc., and in fact, everything usually carried by a first class wholesale drug- gist. Mr. Bellamy enjoys the most intimate relations with the leading manufacturers and importers, and can furnish merchants with all their requirements in this line at lowest prices. The trade has long realized these facts, and also that being closer to their base of supply they can ob- tain their goods more promptly and at decreased freight rates, than if they were to place their orders further afield. Mr. Bellamy, the proprietor, devotes his closest and constant personal attention to the details of his enterprise, at the same time that he has found opportunities to become identified with other interests of importance. He is vice-president of the Delgado Mills, a director of the Carolina Insurance Company, of the North Carolina Building aud Loan Association and of the Wilming- ton Sewerage Company. In calling attention to those classes of houses which have contributed to the building up of Wilmington's large wholesale trade, that conducted by Mr. Robert R. Bellamy is certainly entitled to prominent recognition in this work. 64 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. D, McEACHERN, Wholesale Grocer and Naval Stores, 204 and 206 North Water Street* Prominently engaged in the wholesale grocery trade here is the enterprise of Mr. D. McEachern, who commenced operations in 1893. Since that period he has succeeded in consolidating a business which has become permanent and which has gained the favorable considera- tion of the trade generally. Premises are utilized at the above address, which comprise two floors, and which occupy an area of 40x120 feet. The stock comprises a full assortment of heavy groceries, such as canned and pickled meats, corn, hay, flour, sugar, molasses, tobacco, snuffs, etc., all of which are derived direct from first hands and origi- nal sources of supply, and are placed at the disposal of the trade at the very lowest market prices. The trade of the house extends throughout a radius of 150 miles from Wilmington, and is represented on the road by commercial travellers. A special department of the business is in naval stores. Mr. McEachern buys and sells these commodities and also handles them on commission. He invites consignments of the same, making liberal advances as required, and his facilities enable him to assure quick sales and prompt returns. He carries a large stock and all orders are filled to the satisfaction of shippers. Mr. McEach- ern, the sole proprietor of this business, is identified with a number of other interests, which have contributed in no small measure to Wil- mington's facilities and welfare. Thus, he is president of the Cape Fear and Peoples' Steamboat Company, a freight and mail line, plying between Wilmington and Fayetteville, and he is chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. He is a member also of the Chamber of Commerce and the Produce Exchange, and may be said to be generally active in all that would contribute to the city's advancement and prog- ress. Referring again to the business, we may say that in all that con- duces to the interests of his patrons, he is in every way active, assur- ing them every inducement in the way of terms and prices, along with fair dealing, and every courtesy and attention. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. DELGADO MILLS, Manufacturers of Cotton Fabrics, Delgado Mills, Wilmington, N. C Furnishing employment to a large number of operatives and pro- ducing goods of an annual value of many thousands of dollars the en- terprise known as the Delgado Mills may be regarded as one of the im- portant pursuits of North Carolina. The enterprise was established in 1899, but it at once became prominent. The plant of the company and its possessions occupy altogether an area of one hundred and one acres. The works consist of the main building of two floors, 248x125 feet in dimensions, with engine-room 32x50 feet, and boiler house 30x50 feet, attached. There is also a dye house and bleachery 160x40 feet, besides storage warehouses, etc. The mechanical equipment is of the latest improved and best, and includes 10,500 spindles and 424 looms operated by a 500-horse power engine, and three boilers of 600-horse power united capacity. About 350 operatives are employed, and the system and order apparent in every department are highly creditable to the management. The company own ninety-seven tenement houses for operatives, and there are also here a church, store, large boarding house and stables. The peaceful and thrifty aspect of the settlement, which has a total population of about seven hundred persons, is indi- cative of the contentment and prosperity of its inhabitants. All safe- guards are duly exercised by the company in the interest of the em- ployees, and no intoxicating liquor is permitted to be sold in the village. The products of the mills consist of what are known in the trade as madras and seersucker cloths, made from yarn obtained from the best of Mississippi and Alabama long staple cotton. The madras cloths are what is known in the trade as 32-inch shirting. These fabrics are suitable for making shirts and ladies' waists, and childrens' dresses and aprons. The goods excel equally in color, finish and general desira- bility. The company dye all their own fabrics, thus assuring perma- 66 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. nence and reliability, and the water used in bleaching is obtained from a natural spring on the property. The products are sold direct to the trade, thereby obviating any middle handling, and enabling the very lowest prices for value received to be quoted. Correspondence from large jobbers is invited and all enquiries will meet with the promptest attention. The capacity of the Delgado Mills is about 13,000 yards of cloth daily, weighing about 2,300 pounds. About 1,500 bales of long staple inch and an eighth Mississippi and Alabama cotton are annually utilized. The executive officers and directors of the company are as follows: E. C. Holt, president; R. R. Bellamy, vice-president; J. W. Williamson, secretary and treasurer, K. M. Murchison, of New York; J. H. Chadburn, Jr., P. L. Bridgers, E. J. Powers, of Atlanta; Samuel Bear, Jr., and John D. Bellamy, Jr. All of the above are residents of this city except where otherwise specified. The president and secre- tary give their closest personal supervision to the details of the indus- try. Mr. Holt has other important interests connected with cotton manufacturing. In close affiliation with the Delgado Mills and under the name of Holt's Mills are included three cotton mills at Fayetteville, N. C. and five at Burlington, N. C. Mr. Holt is largely interested in all of these factories. Holt's Mills have an office at 53 and 55 Worth street, New York, in the very heart of the dry goods district of the metropolis. Holt's Mills sell direct to the trade, and produce madras cloths and shambreys, outings, ticks, drills, plaids, ginghams, seersucker cloths, cotton dress goods, skirtings, etc., all of which are of highest standard quality produced economically, and in a position to com- pete with any similar fabrics on the market. THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK, North Front Street The banks of this city, like her business enterprises, are noted for their sound, energetic, yet conservative management, and command the entire confidence of business men and capitalists. Of them is the Mur- chison National Bank, which was organized March, 1899, with a capi- tal stock of $200,000. The executive officers are: H. C. McQueen, president and J. V. Grainger, cashier. With them associated on the Board of Directors are: K M. Murchison, J. C. Stevenson, Nathaniel Jacobi, M. J. Corbett, T. M. Emerson, J. A. Springer, R. W Wallace, W. B. Cooper, John F. McNair, and A. B. Nichols, of S. C, business men and capitalists of prominence, whose names rank high as to stand- ing and ability. The institution transacts the routine of a regular national banking business, and it makes collections through its corres- pondents in the United States and Europe. These are: the City Bank, New York, Hanover National Bank, New York, Fourth Street National Bank, Philadelphia, Merchants' National Bank, Baltimore, and Brown, Shipley & Co., London. In addition to the capital of $200,000, the bank has a fund of surplus and undivided profits aggregating about $40,000. This is a very good showing taking into consideration the short time elapsed since the establishment of the institution. The loans and dis- counts average about $600,000, the deposits averaging about $700,000 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 67 Very shortly after the publication of this volume the bank will be dom- iciled in its new headquarters, now in course of erection. This will consist of a handsome three-story building, constructed of brick and stone, located at the corner of Front and Chesnut streets. The bank will occupy the street floor, which will be fitted up in accordance with modern requirements in keeping with the character of the institution. The upper part will be let out for office purposes, and will, no doubt, yield a lucrative return. The bank today stands ready to accord a welcome to all new enterprises of stability, and to render to them, and its old customers, liberal assistance upon a sound business basis. ATLANTIC INN, (European Plan,) Gieschen Bros,, Proprietors, Front and Red Cross Streets, The business of Messrs. Gieschen Bros, was established in 1881. Their hotel is conveniently located in reference to all railroads, and parties arriving or departing by train will find them prepared to serve a lunch or a meal at short notice. They have elegant, airy rooms, and cater especiallv to travelling men. They carry the largest assortment of wines, liquors and cigars in the city, and all orders receive prompt and personal attention. The proprietors are: J. G. L. Gies- chen and H. Gieschen, well known residents. Visitors to the city will note that the house is directly opposite the Atlantic Coast Line railroad depot. R, H + PICKETT, Merchandise Broker, Atkinson Building, North Water Street, The wholesale interests of a commercial city such as Wilmino-ton, owe much to the energies and enterprise of what are generally known as the merchandise brokers. Among such here, should be mentioned the business of Mr. R. H. Pickett, which, since 1884, the year of its establishment, has been in high and deserved repute with the wholesale grocery and produce trade of this city. Mr. Pickett rep- resents on this market some of the leading original sources of supply of the country. Thus in rice, he is agent here for the Crowley Rice Milling Co. of Crowley, La., G. T. Drane of New Orleans, Bloom Sons Co., New Orleans, Gordon T. Orme of Crowley, La., the Carolina Rice Mills, Goldsboro, N. C, and the Beaumont Rice Mills, Beaumont, Texas, high-grade rice. He also represents here the William A. Coombs Milling Co. of Coldwater, Mich., for all kinds of flour. This company are the proprietors of the celebrated ''Rob Roy" Patent Flour, which is the peer of any flour on the market. It is made from the 6$ THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. finest of winter wheat, and each barrel or package is guaranteed sep- arately. Mr. Pickett is agent here for N. K. Fairbanks Co's lard, and he also handles the butter and cheese shipped by Geo. S. Hart & Co. of New York, and seeds and produce obtained from Jno. Groves & Co. of Boston. In produce, such as potatoes etc. , he represents the well- known house of Oscar Frommel & Bro. of New York. All supplies are received by Mr. Pickett in carload lots and are sold direct to wholesale dealers only. Promptness is a distinguishing feature of this concern, and this fact has been generally realized by the trade. Mr. R. H. Pickett takes an interest in all that would conduce to the city's progress and advancement. He is a director of the Mechanics' Build- ing and Loan Association and the Clarendon Building and Loan Asso- ciation. CREASY BROS,, Dealers in Peanuts, Fruits, Etc*, 10 Grace Street* Among the distinctive industries of this part of the country, the handling of peanuts takes a very important place. A number of houses here, are more or less concerned in this business, but only two or three devote their full energies to its operation. Thus, the firm of Creasy Bros, take a leading place here, and their facilities are such as enable them to carry on the business under the most favorable conditions. This enterprise was established November, 1899, and since that period it has created a steadily growing business. The firm, at the above ad- dress, have a complete plant of the latest improved and most efficient character. It embraces cleaning, bleaching, and polishing appliances, which entirely free the nuts from all impurities, give them an attrac- tive look, and materially add to their selling properties. The firm are very large handlers of peanuts, which they obtain direct from the growers, and ship to all parts of the country. The quality of peanuts produced here is of the very best, the North Carolina pea being solid, with full kernel, and greatly in demand with the trade. The facilities of this house are such that not only are the best and most attractive goods placed at the disposal of the trade, but the prices will be found of the lowest, taking quality into consideration. This house has built up a large trade from small beginnings by the pursuance of an enter- prising business policy, which has found a just appreciation by its pat- rons. Messrs. Creasy Bros, are also dealers in foreign and domestic fruits and produce. They are large handlers of apples, which are ob- tained from various parts of the country. Other products received by them are potatoes from the North, foreign fruits from the various ports of entry, berries and other produce from local growers, etc. In this department they supply the city and vicinity, and generally have large stocks on hand at the disposal of dealers. They also do a commission business in fruits and produce, and invite consignments, making ad- vances and assuring prompt sales and quick returns. The members of the firm individually are: J. W\ Creasy, A. H. Creasy and W. M. Creasy. The first named gives his full attention to the business, per- sonally supervising all its details. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 69 SAMUEL BEAR, SR„ Wholesale Grocers, 18 Market Street* This is one of the oldest established business houses of this city, its foundation dating back to the year 1858, when Mr. Samuel Bear first commenced operations as a wholesale dry goods house. He con- tinued this until about fifteen years ago, when he established his pres- ent business, which is carried on in Mr. Bear's own building at the above located address. This is of three floors, 70x30 feet in dimen- sions. There is also utilized a three-story warehouse for the storage of goods. Every convenience is thus afforded for a large stock, which includes staple and heavy groceries of every description, and a full stock of tobaccos, snuffs, etc., a specialty, however, being made of fancy goods, which, in a large measure, distinguishes this house from other wholesale grocers here, who generally handle only the heavy goods. The assortment handled here is of admirable selection, especi- ally suited to its particular line of trade, and obtained in every in- stance direct from original sources under the most favorable conditions, thus enabling the house to offer patrons the most desirable and sale- able goods at the very lowest prices. The trade of the concern entends throughout North and South Carolina and Georgia, and two commer- cial travellers represent it on the road. Mr. Samuel Bear, Sr. , is one of the best known residents of this city. He still takes an active part in the conduct of the business, but he is also assisted by his sous, Messrs. E. I. Bear, I. J. Bear and Sigmond Bear. The house is a pop- ular one with the trade, and this result has no doubt been achieved by the persuance of a business policy founded upon fair dealing, liberality and honest representations, fully in keeping with a business reputation of so lengthened and honorable a character. KIDDER LUMBER COMPAMY, Manufacturers and Shippers of Lumber, Wilmington, N, C The above named organization is prominent among the lumber producing interests of this section of the South. The date of its incep- tion goes back to about the year 1839, when it was founded by Messrs. Gilbert Potter and Edw. Kidder. After the civil war the firm title be- came Kidder & Martin. This continued until 1870, when the firm of Kidder & Sons was instituted. Mr. Edward Kidder died about 1887. In 1880 the firm title was Edw. Kidder's Sons. Finally, in 1808, the present company was organized. These, in brief, are the changes that have transpired during a business history of over sixty years duration. The plant covers an area of four city blocks, extending from Front street to the river, upon which it has a wharf frontage of about 350 feet. The mill is a double-gang saw mill. It was improved in 1801 and the capacitv increased with a continuous feed which operates both for rapidity of production, and economy. The companv manufacture boards and scantling from long leaf pitch pine timber. The capacity of the mill is about 35,000 feet of lumber daily, and the product is shipped to the West Indies and South America. The lumber is the very best suited to the trade of these localities and the house has no yo THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. difficulty in profitably placing their output. The executive officers of the company are: G. W. Kidder, president, and R. C. Cantwell, treasurer. Mr. Kidder was a member of the original firm of Kidder & Martin- He is also at the present time treasurer of the Clarendon Water Works. Mr. Cantwell has been connected with the industry for the past thirteen years. The facilities of the concern are of the best in all departments, including conveniences for obtaining the raw mate- rial, the utilization of an up-to-date plant and experience of the busi- ness. This old established and well known house has contributed largely to the reputation of this city as a producing center, and is there- fore entitled to full recognition in these pages. BONEY & HARPER MILLING CO*, Pearl Grits, Corn Meal and Feed, Nutt Street* One of the most useful enterprises of this city is that conducted since June, 1900, by the above named title, succeeding the firm of Boney & Harper, established in 1887. Since its inception the business has considerably expanded and its operations steadily increased. The premises occupied are well suited to the industry. The whole build- ing at the above address is utilized and comprises a corn mill, thorough- ly up-to-date as regards mechanical equipment, both rolls and stones being used. The capacity oi the mills permit of about 2*000 bushels being made daily. The house manufactures pearl grits, corn meal and feed, goods of high standard quality manufactured by special process and fully the equal of similar products wherever made. The facilities of the house ensure the prompt filling of orders and the lowest current rates. The receiving and shipping conveniences are of the best. Grain is received from the West in carload lots and is unloaded from the cars direct into the establishment. This proximity to the railroad operates equally favorable in making shipments. The trade of the concern ex- tends throughout North and South Carolina, in which sections these products are in steady demand. The executive officers of the company are Dr. C. T. Harper, president, H. E. Boney, secretary, and G. J. Boney, general manager and treasurer. The first named gentleman is a well-known practising physician of this city The last mentioned give their close personal energies to the business. Concluding our brief notice we will but add that the house is in every way adequate to all demands that may be made upon it, and those of the trade who may be interested will find many advantages accrue from the forming of busi- ness relations with it. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer, Salt Fish, Peanuts Etc, 308-312 Nutt Street* We now direct attention to the business of Mr. W. B. Cooper, who established his enterprise in the year 1894. The premises utilized for the business consist of two floors, and in addition a special annex is devoted to the fish department. As a wholesale grocer, Mr Cooper handles heavy groceries of all kinds, including salt meats and flour. In the latter a specialty is made of the house's own brands of Cooper's Favorite," a straight flour, and "Bunker Hill," a full patent. In every department full stocks of the freshest selection are carried which THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 71 are particularly adapted to the trade of this section. A specialty is the handling offish, which is obtained direct from the fishermen, who salt it, and it is then packed on the premises and shipped to market. Another specialty is in peanuts, which are purchased from the growers. They are then cleaned, put up in bags and sent to all parts of the country. The quality of Wilmington peanuts is well-known and appreciated by the trade, and the nuts are always in demand and find a ready market. In every respect this house is fully abreast of the times, and is enabled to cater for business under conditions at least equal to any of its con- temporaries, either here or elsewhere. Mr. Cooper is a well-known citizen of Wilmington, identified with a number of other interests of importance. He is a director of the Murchison National Bank, and is vice-president of the Wilmington Stamp Works. He has been for a number of years superintendent of Grace Church, (Methodist) Sunday School, which under his auspices has reached a high plane of benefit and usefulness. HEIDE & CO, A. S, HEIDE, Ship Brokers, Ship Chandler, 9 South Water Street, It was in the year LS69 that the firm of Heide & Co., ship brokers, was instituted. The gentlemen conducting the enterprise were Messrs. R. E Heide and A. S. Heide. The business was car- ried on by them until June loth, 1895, when Mr R. E. Heide died and it has since been continued by Mr. A. S. Heide, the original designation of the house remaining, however, unchanged. This firm devote their attention to chartering vessels, obtaining freights for the same, and to the transacting of a regular ship agent's business. They look after the interests of owners and shippers equally, and act fairly and honorably for the affairs of both parties. In 1892 Mr. A. S. Heide instituted a ship chandler's business. At the above address is located the building where he carries on operations. This is his own property, and he has occupied it continuously for the past thirty vears. Here he carries everything generally included under the com- prehensive term of ship chandlery, including groceries and provisions of all kinds, tackles, blocks, ropes and cordage, cables and chain, paint, anchors, and in fact, everything that could possibly be required for ships. He confines his operations strictly to supplying vessels, and does not transact a city grocery business. His lengthened experience exclusively in this business, enables him to thoroughly understand every detail connected with it, and he has long enjoyed the fullest confidence of masters and and owners of vessels that come to this port. Mr. Heide is also Consul at Wilmington for the governments of Sweden, Norway and Denmark, looking after the interests of seamen of those nationali- ties. He is also United States Shipping Commissioner, performing the same duties for American sailors. He is also a Notary Public. He has always been identified with the welfare and development of this city. But few men here, have had more to do with the development of the shipping trade of this port, and but few are so well known in ship- ping circles. 72 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, Front and Princess Streets* The Atlantic National Bank is the oldest established of the dis- count banks here, and it stands first in the aggregate of business trans- acted. It was instituted in 1892, its president then and now being Mr. J. W. Norwood. Its first cash- ier was Mr. H. W. Howard, that position being filled at the present time by Mr. Andrew Moreland, who succeeded to it January 1st, 1901. The capital stock of the bank paid in is $125,000, with sur- plus and undivided profits approach- ing $150,000 a remarkable showing which clearly indicates the success which has attended its efforts. The loans and discounts exceed $1,000,- 000, with deposits approximating to nearly $1,500,000." The bank transact a regular banking business, making loans, discounting commer- cial paper, receiving deposits subject to check, and making collections at all available points. Its principal correspondents are, the Chemical National Bank, New York, Franklin National Bank, Philadelphia, National Shawmut Bank, Boston, and Merchants' National Bank, Balti- more. The directors are: P. L. Bridgers, W. K. Springer, H. L. Vol- lers, J. W. Norwood, president, J. L. Coker, D. L. Gore, C. W. Yates, H. B Short, J. S. Armstrong, vice-president, J. H. Chadbourn, Jr., William Calder, J. G. L- Gieschen, Geo. R. French. Gabriel Holmes, and Wm. E. Worth, names inspiring the fullest confidence. The re- cord of this bank is one of which its managers have every reason to be proud It is a bank of business in every sense of the word, and indulges in no uncertain or equivocal investments. ADRIAN COMPANY, Wholesale Grocers, Front and Dock Streets, The largest proportion of the wholesale grocery trade of Wilming- ton is with merchants away from the city, and almost exclusively in heavy groceries. The business of the above named house differs from others in this respect, inasmuch as it supplies chiefly the trade of the city and adjacent towns, not only with staple goods, but with ever} r description of groceries. The business was founded some forty years ago as Adrian & Vollers It was incorporated under its present desig- nation about six years ago. The company occupy central premises at the above address, consisting of a store, with a warehouse at the rear. Here they carry a complete and most diversified line of staple and fancy groceries, making a specialty of case goods, table delicacies, etc. They supply the trade under the most favorable conditions at immediate THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 73 notice, and thoroughly understanding the market, are not liable to load up the dealer with unsaleable or unsuitable goods. The prices will compare favorably with competitors from any other center. Their principal trade is in the city, but they also ship away in certain lines of goods. Mr. A. P. Adrian, the president of the company, has had a life long experience of the business, and Mr. Schulken, who is secretary and treasurer, has been ten years connected with it. As of necessity these gentlemen require but little personal comment, being thoroughly well known to the trade and the community. We are impelled, how- ever, in illustrating the resources of the city, to offer .here a few brief details relative to a house which for so lengthened a period has formed part of the city's trade conveniences, and which in its business policy has always been distinguished for liberality and the careful fostering of the interests of patrons. HOME BREWING COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA„ Wilmington Branch, }. M. Wright, Manager, 112 North Water Street, The Home Brewing Company of Richmond, Ya., in addition to supplving a large demand in that city and vicinity, have established ■■npnHHHl branches and agencies in very many ot the principal centers of Yirginia, North Carolina, Georgia and elsewhere, and has a branch in Wilming- ton. We may here'sav in connection with the enterprise that at its headquarters at Richmond its equipment is complete in every detail, enabling it to turn out immense quantities of the highest grade of malt beverages. Recentlv additions have been made which materially add to its facilities. We might also mention that the company have a large ice plant, supplying Richmond and vicinity and making shipments to various parts of the South. The Wilmington establishment compris- es warehouse and cold storage, bottling works etc. A radius of 74 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. about two hundred miles from here is supplied from this point. Cor- respondence is invited and goods are shipped to places which otherwise have no facilities. The company's product is made from the best of hops, barley malt, pure water and nothing else. For flavor, purity, wholesomeness and general excellence, is not surpassed anywhere. The Home Brewing Company has been represented on this market for about three years. The manager, Mr. Jno. M. Wright has been in charge for the past two and a half years. Under his auspices, the business has advanced and prospered. The location at Wilmington of this branch of the Home Brewing Company's enterprise, materially adds to the city's conveniences and facilities. b.IfTkeith company, Shingles, Cross-Ties, Lumber and Grocer, 130 North Water Street* This enterprise was instituted about sixteen years ago and it as- sumed its present title about nine years ago, it being the first whole- sale grocer here to become an incorporated company, and perhaps in the State. The company transact a large business in shingles, cross ties and lumber. Mr. B % F. Keith, the head of the concern, owns a shingle mill at Jessup, N. C, fifty miles up the Cape Fear river, which has a capacity of 20,000 shingles daily. The house also handles the product of the Sessions mill at Longview, N. C, which has a capacity of 18,000 daily. The company is enabled to quote the lowest prices for the products, which comprise rived as well as sawed shingles. They ship them direct from the mills both by rail and water, dispatch- ing them North, East and South, and to the West Indies. Mr. Keith also owns from 4,000 to 5,000 acres of timber and farming lands, of which about 400 are under cultivation, the principal products being corn, hay and cotton. Another of Mr. Keith's interest is the manufac- ture of the "Council" Perfect Lubricating- Axle. This is made at Pittsburg, and Dunkirk N. Y., but the business at present is transac- ted from this city. The B. F. Keith Company transacts also a groce- ry business to supply their shingle, cross-ties and lumber men. Mr. Keith is a descendant of the celebrated Keith family, of Scotland. His branch of it came to this country about 1700. One of his ancestors was William Keith, who, in 145S, was created first Earl Marischal, of Scotland, and his descendants held this office until 1748, when James Keith and his brother, John, were banished for actively participating in the Jacobite rising of that period. James and George Keith, after their banishment, became celebrated soldiers and diplomats, and were confidential advisers of Frederick the Great. James Keith was made Govenor of Berlin in 1749. He highly distinguished himself in the wars of that monarch. Mr. Keith, the president of this company, is one of the best known of Wilmington's citizens. He has recently been appointed Collector of the Port, obtaining the post, despite the most strenuous opposition, backed by some of the most influential men in the State. Mr. Keith's appointment has met with the congratula- tions, and satisfaction of the great majority of the citizens of Wilming- ton, as well as adjacent sections. Mr. G. T. Flynn is secretary of the company. He has been with the house since its incorporation and takes an active part in the management. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 75 JOSEPH E WATTERS, Wholesale Grocer, 220 and 222 North Water Street, Establishing" his present enterprise within a comparitively recent period the above named gentleman enters the field of competition by no means inexperienced or unknown to the trade. On the contrary, Mr. Joseph H. Watters has been connected with the grocery business for over thirty years, and for twenty-one years was a member of the well known firm of Holmes and Watters, wholesale and retail grocers of this city. Mr. Watters established his present business as a strictlv wholesale grocer, October, 1900, and already he has met with a grati- fying success, which indicates permanency. He utilizes at the above address, a double store of two floors, covering an area of 40x100 feet. This is stored with a general line of groceries, canned fruits and vege- tables, hog products, flonr, etc. In flour Air. Watters is identified with his own brands which are, "J. H. W.," full patent, "J. H. W. " patent and "W.," a straight flour, all good selling and reliable arti- cles. The trade of the house extends about eight}' miles from the city, and is represented on the road by commercial travelers. As already mentioned, Mr. Watters has every experience. As a skilled buyer he obtains his supplies from original sources, and offers the best induce- ments to patrons By a business policy of reliability and fair dealing, along with all required facilities, there is every reason to predict for the house an enlarged sphere of usefelness, and a prominent position in the wholesale trade of the city. S, P. COWAN LIVERY CO., 108 and 112 North Second Street. We believe that the above enterprise is the oldest established in Wilmington, in its particular department of business. It was origi- nally founded just after the war by T. J. Southerland. He died about 1800, and the business was continued by his widow, Mrs C. B. South- erland, until about 1895, when Messrs. S. P. Cowan & Co., became the proprietors. In August, 1898, Mr. W. D. McMillan, Jr. was admitted as a partner in the concern. Finally, January, 1900 the present com- pany was incorporated. They have well located and convenient prem- ises, where they have at the disposal of patrons all description of vehicles, both for business or pleasure. Nowhere in the state can more attrac- tive equipages be hired, or where better attention can be procured. The company also board horses for residents, and they operate a reg- ular baggage transfer business and are the authorized agents for all rail roads and for the Ortou Hotel. They alsD run omnibus and hacks to meet all trains, and have a full supply of the latter for weddings, fune- rals, or such other occasions as ma} - arise. The company also deals in carriages, saddles, harness and horse furnishings goods, and do all kinds of repairing, and the making of fine harness to order. The pres- ident of the company, Mr. S. P. Cowan is a well known resident. He was formerly connected with the cotton business, and with steamship interests. Mr. W. D. McMillan, Jr , the secretary and treasurer, prior to his connection with this house, was with the Atlantic Coast Line in their general offices at Wilmington, and was also for a time their a^ent at Washington, N. C. 7 6 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. SPIRITTINE CHEMICAL COMPANY, Distillers and Refiners of Pitch Pine Products* Sole Manufacturers of Spirittine, Factory, Foot Dawson St*, and Malmo, N* C No enterprise in the city has done more to make the name of Wil- mington well-known abroad, both in this country and in Europe, than has the Spirittine Chemical Co., which was founded in 1890, and in- corporated about two years later. Mr. Wm. R. Kenan is president and Mr. L,. Hanson is general manager. The company's plant is of a special and improved character. When this branch of production was first introduced by Mr. Hanson, some twenty-five years ago, it was entirely new to this country, he having no predecessor. He was the first to utilize the liquids that emanate from the pine, and which by disintegration and distillation at various temperatures produce the varieties of products. The leading specialties of the company are: Spirittine Wood Preserver, which is an oil obtained from the destructive distillation of pine heart. It contains about fifty per cent, of wood creosote, and fifty per cent, of neutral insoluble oils. The oil will penetrate the wood, thoroughly filling all the pores and hardening it. It greatly reduces the inflamability, and it is easily applied with any ordinary brush, dries in a very short time and does not interfere with painting or varnishing. Water and air are excluded from wood treated by this process. As is well known, water and air hold the germs that induce decay, and in excluding these germs, the de- structive enemy is baffled. It is an effective and economical method of preserving ships' timbers from the ravages of the Teredo Navalis, or ship worm, the destructive work of which insect is well known. It is the best preservative for timber, piles, cross ties, telegraph poles, wooden blocks for paving, lumber used in mines and other underground work. The company have received a large number of testimonials from rail road companies, ship builders, scow and lighter owners, car builders, dry docks, mills and others, who, having used this oil, vouch for its efficiency and desirability. Spirittine Paint Oil is the best suited for outside work, including iron, wood and brick work. It is low in price and for durability cannot be surpassed. It preserves THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. y 7 any kind of wood under all conditions, wet or dry. It is a disinfectant and all kind of insects or microbes have it in detestation and leave it severely alone. It is the most efficient oil for making- preservative paints, extant. Attention is also due to Spirittine Balsam, which is a specific for asthma, rheumatism, influenza, croup, colds and all lung diseases, and it is at the same time an efficient germicide. This remedy has received the endorsement of the Anerican Journal of Health of New York, and the New York Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene, as well as other high medical authorities. The company also manufac- ture Oil of Tar, Wood Creosote Oil, Pure Pine Oil, Spirittine Brick Preserver, Soluable Spirittine for disinfecting purposes, Spirit- tine Disinfectant and Refined Pyroliginous Acid, Sheep Dip, Wood Naphtha, Spirit of Tar, etc. Manufacturing chemists and others, use largely of these products, which are of such a useful character, that they are available in many branches of manufacture. Mr. W 7 illiam R. Kenan is the president of the company, Mr. L. Hanson has been con- nected with the enterprise from its inception. Wilmington is well located for operating the industry; the raw material being close at hand. The company invite correspondence and will forward explana- tory printed matter and all required information. Dealer in Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc, 109 Market Street* The enterprise recently inaugurated by Mr. W. R.- French, Jr., commenced operations January 1st, 1002. This gentleman is a native of Wilmington, and for a young man, has had quite a little experience in mercantile pursuits. For a time he sold groceries on the road for Mr. J. A. Taylor, and he was also employed by the Ivory Starch Co., of New Haven, Conn., and has had an experience of his present line of business as clerk in a similar enterprise here. He is well known and popular. At his store he carries a full stock of domestic and Key West cigars, tobaccos and cigarettes of all kinds, smokers' articles etc. Among specialties are "Cream of North Carolina," smoking tobacco, "Lucky Strike, " made by R. A. Patterson of Richmond, Va. In cigars specially to be commended are "Cardenas," a fine 5 cent cigar, also "Our Poet", and "St. Clara," a high-grade ten cent cigar, all of which 7$ THE CITY OP WILMINGTON are made for Mr. French by the well-known firm of Ottenheimer & Elliot, of Baltimore. The house caters to the requirements and tastes of the Wilmington public, at the same time that honest goods and full value for money may be depended upon. Mr. French also transacts quite an important jobbing business. This young enterprise is assured of success, if success depends upon close application to business, cour- teous attention and studying in every way the interests of its friends and patrons. WALKER TAYLOR, General Insurance Agency, Exchange Building* The origin of this enterprise dates back to about twenty years ago, when the firm of Northrop, Hodges & Taylor was instituted. About five years later the firm title became Hodges & Taylor, and about ten years ago this firm dissolved, and ever since Mr. Taylor has carried on the business alone. The agency may be classed as the leading one in this locality, representing the largest number of companies, which are: Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia; German American, of New York; London and Lancashire, of Liverpool; New York Underwriters, of New York; Queen, of America; Royal, of Liv- erpool; Westchester, of New York; North Carolina Home, of Raleigh; Manchester, of England; Greenwich, of New York; Rochester Ger- man, of Rochester, N. Y. ; Traders, of Chicago ; Western Assurance, of Toronto; Phoenix, of London; Citizens, of Missouri; Wilmington Underwriters; Springfield, of Massachusetts; Glen's Falls, of New York; the National, of Hartford, and the Indemnity, of New York. He also represents in life insurance the Penn Mutual, of Philadelphia, one of the oldest established and most solid companies. Another com- pany represented is the Travellers' Accident, of Hartford, the oldest accident company extant, and the well known Employers Liability Assurance Co., of London, England. The above combination of staunch and solid companies has united assets of millions of dollars, and assure positive indemnification in case of loss. Mr. Walker Taylor is identified with other interests of general benefit to the city. He is vice-president of the Mechanics' Home and the Clarendon Building and Loan Associations. He is also Paymaster General of the North Caro- lina State Guard. Six years ago he organized what is known as the Boys' Brigade, a semi military corps. The boys are invited to join and they have responded with alacrity. Much good has resulted from the formation of this brigade Every boy is required to attend some Sun- day school, no special denomination, however, being indicated. The joining of the brigade withdraws its members from harmful associa- tions, benefitting them both physically and morally. Mr. Taylor takes the boys away every year on an encampment. It is contemplated that Charleston will be chosen this year. Referring again for a moment to the business we will only say that its scope is not confined strictly to the city, but extends throughout the surrounding districts. The in- terests of clients are considered in every legitimate manner, and safe and solid indemnity is certain under any conditions that could possibly be anticipated. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 79 W. H. YOPP, Fish, Oysters, Early Vegetables Etc*, Water St., next City Market, Engaged in the above departments of business here is the enter- prise of Mr. W. H. Yopp, which was established by him in 1884. At the above address he occupies premises which have every facility avail- able for the receipt and shipment of the products. Mr. Yopp owns his own boats and nets etc., and fits them out for the fishing grounds. He also buys in the open markets. The varieties of fish caught in this locality are mullet, trout, blue fish, spots, red drum, shad, etc., and sturgeon in the spring. These are shipped to Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Philidelphia and other places. In oysters Mr. Yopp has every facility. He is the owner of a large oyster garden on the New River about forty miles from the city. Here he obtains in a good year about 10,000 bushels of the delicious bivalves. They are mainly disposed of locally. He also handles early vegetables which are disposed of locally to some extent, but important shipments are also despatched to Northern cities. Mr. Yopp is one of the best known business men here. He is a holder of considerable real estate, including the block in which his business is carried on. This extends from Front street to the river. The river front is occupied bv the Merchants' and Farmers' Steamship Co. , and by fish houses, pack- ing houses, and a restaurant. The portion facing Front street is rent- ed for a dry goods store, a green grocery, fruit and confectionery busi- ness, and as a barber shop. Mr. Yopp also ownes a number of dwell- ing houses and tenements in various parts of the city and he may be quoted as one of our most popular and progressive business men. F. W, KERCHNER, Dealer in Wines and Liquors, 114 North Front Street* One of the best known business men of this city is the above named gentleman. He instituted his present enterprise during the past year. The store is centrally located on the principal thoroughfare of the city and it has been recently refitted according to modern ideas, and today it is the best appointed establishment of the kind here. The house caters to the best class of trade, and handles the finest wines, liquors and cigars, both domestic and imported products being here obtainable. Col. F. W. Kerchner came to Wilmington in 1865 from Baltimore. He started in the wholesale grocery and cotton and commission business just after the close of the war. In 1874 he organized the firm of Kerchner & Calder Bros. This continued until 1886 and he continued the business alone until 1889, when he established the hardware house of O. F. Love & Co. Then, as before mentioned, in 1901 he insti- tuted his present enterprise. Col. Kerchner was formerly president of the Chamber of Commerce and generally has been active in the city's advancement and progress. We anticipate for him in his new enter- prise that measure of success to which he is entitled, and the patronage of the members of the community, with which he has been so Ion?- identified. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. WILMINGTON REFRIGERATOR AND ICE WORKS, Wnu E* Worth & Co,, Proprietors, Office, Second and Campbell Streets* The establishment of the above business took place in 1885, and ever since it has continued to serve the public of this locality honestly and efficiently. The facilities of the house are complete. At the above address is located the office, and here also is an ice plant, having a capacity of eighty tons daily, with a storage capacity of 2,000 tons, and cold storage houses of 45,000 cubic feet capacity. The latter are of great value, enabling wholesale houses to store butter, cheese, lem- ons, oranges and other perishable commodities. Everything in this plant is up-to-date, and it includes steam hoisting and loading appli- ances. Another plant is situated corner Dock and Front streets, which occupies four brick buildings. This has a capacity of fifteen tons daily. Here also is a cold storage with a capacity of 17,000 cubic feet, util- ized chiefly for conducting the salt fish business. The firm buy the fresh fish in bulk from the fishermen, salt it and pack it to suit the trade. From this plant also is transacted, principally, ,the retail busi- ness. The firm also supply the country round about for a radius of eighty miles. It is the most important enterprise of the kind in this division of the South. Mr. Win. E. Worth is also president and the largest owner in the Southern Ice Co , of Rocky Mount, which has a daily capacity of seventy tons, and a storage capacity of 4,000 tons. From here is supplied a radius of fifty miles from the factory. Mr. Worth is also president of the Greensboro Ice and Coal Co., of Greens- boro, N. C. , which has a capacity of fifty tons, and which supplies that city and surrounding districts. Mr. Worth is vice-president of the J. B. Worth Co. , of Petersburg, Va. This plant has a capacity of thirty tons, and supplies that city- The ice manufactured at these plants is chemically pure as far as purity can be obtained by the use of iron pipe in manufacturing. The water used is from condensed steam, and necessarialy contains but infinitesmal impurities. The ice as supplied THH CITY OF WILMINGTON. Si by the firm is in blocks, fourteen inches thick, each block weighing about "200 to 300 pounds. The firm have always been solicitous to share the advantages they derive from their complete plants with the public, and by giving it the best quality of ice at a reasonable price, and by prompt and efficient service, has consolidated a patronage which is staple and secure, and which bids fair further to expand. The indi- vidual members of the firm are : Messrs. William E. Worth and Bar- zillai G. Worth. The latter is one of the oldest business men of the city and is president of The Worth Company here. Mr. Wm. E. Worth is one of the busiest men of Wilmington. Nevertheless, he has always taken an active part in the promotion of the welfare of this community. He is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce, of which bod\ T he was formerly president. He is now president of the Wilmington Sewerage Co., which is doing much towards the better sanitation of the city. He is also a director of the Atlantic National Bank, vice-president of the Co-operative Building and Loan Associa- tion, and is interested in a number of other organizations of a useful local character. From the above mentioned facts can be gathered the influence for good which this enterprise and its associates have exer- cised throughout the city and State generally. DIAMOND STEAMBOAT AND WRECKING CO., Mmington, N* C The Diamond Steamboat and Wrecking Co. was instituted about twelve years ago and since that period has been of large material ser- vice to the shipping interests centered here. Speaking in reference fe. to the facilities of this organization we will first rjp allude to the steamer Marion which is engaged -XiijC]^ in the harbor towing trade. It is equipped with ^"- large fire and wrecking pumps and is in every : ,J%. X BUl wa Y up-to-date. The company also have heavy r [T^yte-^ |l|| derricks and pile drivers for constructing docks and foundations for buildings. They have in addition, every facility for doing all kinds of 'sub-marine work, and have a complete diving v ■■■- r outfit. Recently they have added to their plant ; \Z\ ^iJ^^ jff\ a steam automatic hammer, for pile driving, gggj^p^N which is of the latest improved character, also an improved saw-arbor for sawing or piling, either above the water or twenty feet below it. The above greatly adds to their facilities and enables them to efficiently do all work which properly comes within their province. The company makes a specialty of all descriptions of marine and harbor work, and caters for business all along this coast from Norfolk to Charleston. We may here mention that they rendered valuable salvage service in saving the British steamer "Star Cross' 1 which was stranded on Cape Lookout shoals. They are ready at immediate notice, to render service, and that too upon a reasonable scale of charges. Captain E. D. Williams, who is the manager of the business and mas- ter of the tug Marion, is a gentleman, who, for very many vears has been identified with shipping interests here. For over a quarter of 8 3 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. a century he has been engaged in navigating the Cape Fear River, every inch of which maybe said to be familiar to him. The enterprise now conducted under his auspices is one of value to all who frequent this port and its vicinity, as well as to others who may need the ser- vices this company are both able and willing to accord, and which they carry out to successful completion. C. C COVINGTON & CO. Importers of Molasses, Packers of Fish and Jobbers of Flour, N« Water St* This enterprise was originally founded by Mr. E. P. Covington in 1871, the present designation being adopted in 1884. The business is somewhat apart from other wholesale houses here, inasmuch as it con- fines its operations mainly to the handling of three important staple ar- ticles of food. The firm are direct importers of molasses, which they obtain from the West Indies. The house may be quoted as headquar- ters here for molasses, which they ship all through the South wherever a favorable freight rate can be obtained. Special facilities are available for abtaining molasses from the Islands, ships going from here loaded with lumber and returning with molasses under most favorable freight rates. Messrs. C. C. Covington & Co. in flour obtain their goods from the Voigt Milling Co., of Grand Rapids, Mich., and they are sole agents for that mill in this territory. The brands are well known for purity, strength, color and uniformity. As regards fish, the house buys the catch of the fishermen, cure them and pack them, and ship all over the country The prices quoted will compare favorably with any locality. Messrs. C. C. Covington & Co. occupy extensive premises, comprising a large warehouse, adjacent to the river and railroad so that goods can be received and shipped with facility. The trade of the house is principally with large wholesale grocers and distributors, especially as regards molasses and fish. Mr. C. C. Covington is now the sole proprietor of this business, whose prominent place in the trade is largely due to a policy of fair dealing and liberality. He is a well known resident, who may be said to have been brought up to the bus- iness, and therefore is entirely familiar with all its details. THE C W, POLVOGT COMPANY, Dry Goods, Carpets and Millinery, 9 North Water Street* The prominent dry goods establishment now conducted under the title of The C. W. Polvogt Co. is one of the oldest established busi- nesses of Wilmington. It was founded in the year 1845 by Mr. M. M. Katz. In 1895 the firm of Katz & Polvogt was formed. This con- tinued until the following year when the firm became C. W. Polvogt & Co. Finally, in 1807, the present company was incorporated with Mr. C. W. Polvogt as president and manager and Mr. F. A. Bissinger as secretary and treasurer. The store is one of the largest and handsomest in the State. It was specially fitted up for the business by Mr. Pol- vogt, and it comprises two floors and basement, covering an area of 30x135 feet. It is filled to its capacity with the choicest and finest stock of dry goods, notions, millinery, house furnishing goods, etc. Besides general lines in large variety, it includes a particularly fine as- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 83 sortment of silks and dress goods, both of foreign and domestic manu- facture. In millinery, a specialty is made, the company trimming their own hats and duplicating the latest novelties of the season. The company are sole agents here for the celebrated "W. B." corsets, which are well known throughout the country, and also for the equally well known Standard Paper Patterns. By virtue of the employment of ample capital, the house is enabled to go to the markets with the cash in hand and to discount all bills, thus obtaining lowest manufacturers' prices. The company transact an important mail order business, sup- plying patterns and replying promptly to enquiries. Buyers from out of town can thus fill their requirements without visiting the city, and upon exactly the same terms as residents. Mr. C. W. Polvogt has been connected with this business for twenty-three years, and Mr. Bis- singer for about twelve years. Both are natives of the city, and thor- ouehlv well known to its residents. Mr. Polvogt is also a director of the Homestead and Loan Association, and is prominently identified with a number of secret and social organizations. In concluding, we will say that by means of enterprise, energy and fair dealing, this house has achieved a reputation of the highest, and is certainly entitled to the success that it has attained. MORRIS BEAR & BR0„ Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Etc*, 112 North Front Street, Among the leading wholesale houses of Wilmington must be rank- ed that of Messrs. Morris Bear & Bio., which was founded about thirty years ago by Mr. Morris Bear, who continued it until his death in 1889, Since then the business has been continued by his brothers, Messrs. Isaac Bear and Samuel Bear, Jr., under the present firm title. A large and well located three story building 110x50 feet is utilized, and here is contained a very comprehensive stock, embracing dry goods and notions of all descriptions. The firm have the advantage of large capital at command, and they are enabled to avail themselves of everv favorable turn of the markets. All supplies come direct from first hands and manufacturers, and their purchasing agents are always alive to seize every opportunity for making advantageous purchases. The house employs a suitable number of assistants, including four commer- cial travellers. Their trade is mainly in North and South Carolina, within about two hundred miles from the city. Merchants will find in dealings here, that their source of supply is contiguous and adjacent, and freight expense is thus of the lowest, and the filling of orders is much more prompt and reliable. The firm also thoroughly understand the market and what class of goods are best suited to the locality. The members of the firm have long been connected with the trade. They are well known residents of this city. Mr. Isaac Bear is a director of the People's Savings Bank, and Mr. Samual Bear, Jr., of the Delgado Mills. The business has always been conducted upon broad principles of liberality and fair dealing, which unquestionably have obtained for it, the position in trade circles which it now occupies §4 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. N, F, PARKER, Furniture and Furniture Novelties, 111 Market Street, The enterprise conducted under the proprietorship of Mr N. F. Parker has rapidly progressed since the date of its establishment, Octo- ber, 1899. The premises occupied consist of the store proper, which is a four story build- ing, the lower floor of which is 22x135, and two large ware- houses for the store- age of furniture — one on Second street between Market and Princess, and one in Cr a f t's Alley, on Front street between Market and Dock — this makes the es- tablishment the largest of its kind in the city, and proba- bly larger than any in the state. In ad- dition to the sale of furniture, Mr. Par- ker does upholster- i n g and mattress making of all kinds; this department being under the su- pervision of an ex- perienced man, he also sells and hangs wall papers, being sole agent in this line for Ballou, Dickson & Co. of New York, one of the, if not the largest wall paper house in the U. S. One of his specialties is the packing, hauling, stor- ing and insuring of household goods, and to have your furniture packed by Parker means to have it done right. M» Parker buys his furniture from the manufacturers only, and as he has exclusive sale on all goods he buys, his line is distinctive from any other in the city, consisting of the products of the best factories in America; quality first, price second being the buyer's watchword. Being in a position to use the potent factor cash, in his dealings, buying in the quantity he does, Mr. Parker's prices for high grade goods will compare favorably with the general prices for inferior grades. The trade of the house extends over North and parts of South Carolina and Virginia. Mr. Parker is a native of Wilmington. He was formerly manager of one of the largest stores in Jacksonville Fla., and buyer for four other stores in Florida, under the ownership of the same firm, and was also with P. H. Snook of Atlanta, Ga. , who has one of the largest retail stores for high grade goods in the South. Mr. Snook pronounced him to be the best man he had had in his twenty five years experience in business. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 85 THE RACKET STORE, Geo* ()♦ Gaylord, Proprietor, 208 and 210 North Front Street, The above establishment was originally founded in 1888 as Brad- dy & Gaylord, Mr. Gaylord assuming sole control in 1897. The prem- ises now occupied consist of a handsome and well appointed store, com- prising a four-story building covering an area of 50x125 feet with a fioorage space of 1 9, "200 square feet. The store was constructed espe- cially in reference to the requirements of this bus- iness. The principal departments are as fol- lows: Dress goods, dry goods of all kinds, cloth- ing and gents' furnish- ings, millinery, carpets and mattings, house fur- mishing goods of every description, light furni- ture, trunks and travel- lers' requisites, practi- cally including every- thing required for ladies' gentlemen's and chil- Iren's apparel, as well as all requisites for the furnishing of a home, heavy furniture, perhaps alon e, excepted. A [specialty is made of trimmed hats, which are shipped to all parts of this and the adjacent State. Mr. Gaylord has in his employ a highly experienced millinery head of department, who goes periodically to New York and Baltimore to study the fashions and to bring back the latest New York and Paris stvles. This ladv is often away for two months of the year in the interests of the house. Another specialty is in trunks and travellers' requisites, a particularly heavy and desirable line being carried. Goods are obtained direct from first hands, manufacturers and importers, and are purchased under the most favorable conditions. All bills are discounted and the benefits thus derived are shared with patrons. The house does quite an im- portant wholesale trade, especially as regards candy, millinery, men's hats, etc. Merchants will find every inducement offered in the way of prompt delivery and low prices. The house also does a large mail or- der business with residents of neighboring villages and towns. Mr. Geo. O. Gaylord came here from Beaufort County in 1S8S. He at once realized that a department store conducted according to modern methods 86 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. could be successfully conducted here, and the results have fully justified the truth of his ideas, as is evidenced in the success and popularity of his establishment. WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., 108 Princess Street. The country points with pride to the vast sums held in trust, by savings banks, whose depositors, as a rule, are found in the hum- bler walks of life, among the artizans, workers and toilers in all her varied industries. These accumulations confided to the care of these institutions are frequently the nucleus of a future competency, and prom- inent positions in industrial and financial circles. Among this class of banks, Wilmington is well represented by the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, which was established in 1888. It is the largest and strongest strictly savings bank in North Coarlina, and has always served its depositors faithfully and well. The capital stock is $25,000, and, in addition to this, it has a surplus fund amounting to over $40,- 000, a significant indication of able and conservative management and prosperity. Its deposits aggregate nearly $800,000, and the whole of this large sum is invested in first class mortgages, on real estate, and against collateral of the highest value and character, assuring absolute security. The bank accepts deposits in any amount from twenty-five cents upwards. Interest is paid at the rate of four per cent, per annum, zvhich is compounded quarterly. Few readily realize the results of this system and how soon, a small sum of money left, as it were alone to fructify and accumulate, increases and multiplies. The bank invites deposits from out-of-town and will gradly correspond on the subject with all who may be interested. The bank also accept deposits sub- ject to check wnthout notice. Its correspondents are: the Western National Bank of New York, and it also transacts business through the Atlantic National Bank of this city. Its executive officers are: J. W. Norwood, president, H. Walters, vice-president and C. E. Tavlor, Jr., cashier. In addition to the president and vice-president, its direc- tors are: N. B. Rankin, Geo. R. French, Donald MacRae, D. O'Con- nor and H. L- Vollers. The business standing of these gentlemen, the prudence that have always characterized the management, and the firm hold that the bank has secured in the confidence of the people, affords every indication of an enlarged sphere of usefulness in the future. KL H, CURRAN, Merchant Tailor, 117 Front Street, Our aim in this volume is to indicate to our readers the leading- representative of each particular line of trade. Prominently engaged in the vocation of a high class merchant tailor is the house of Mr. M. H. Curran who established his present business in 1897. He, however, has been domiciled here since 1879 and has always been known as one of the best cutters and designers of gentlemen's attire that the city ever possessed. At his new store, next to "The Orton", may be inspected the finest imported fabrics that come to this country, giving" THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 8/ customers the largest range of selection to be found in the city. The stock includes the latest styles in woolens, cassimeres, checks, stripes, fancy vestings etc., and from these are made to order, the very best of custom made garments in style after the latest New York and London fashion plates. Since entering his new and handsome store, he has largely increased his stock of gents' furnishings and hats, which is now the equal of any in the city. The patronage of the house is with the best class of Wilmington's business and professional men, but its trade is by no means restricted to the city, old customers who reside afar pre- ferring to give their orders here. Mr. Curran employs a corp of high class custom tailors, whose services he is enabled to retain, thus assur- ing the best of workmanship. In the possession of this high class tailoring establishment, Wilmington is on a plane with any of the metropolitan centers in the entire country. THE JOHN R. TURRENTINE CO., Merchandise Brokers and Manufacturers' Agents, 225 North Water Street* The well-known house of merchandise brokers, conducted under the above title, was founded in 1876, by Mr. John R. Turrentine, the present designation being adopted in 1895. The house has lately entered into possession of its new premises in the recently construct- ed Atlantic Coast Line warehouse, comprising ample storage facilities, well arranged sample rooms and offices, along with cold storage for perishable commodities. The company are the representatives in this city, of a number of leading houses and original sources of supply. They represent the world renowned house of Armour & Co., in pack- ing house products, the Benedict Commission Co. for rice, the Martin Wagner Co. of Baltimore, canned vegetables, and the Genesee Fruit Co. for pure apple cider and vinegar. This house is the largest of the kind in the world. In flour, they are agents for the Eldred Mill Co., the J. E. M. Milling Co., Frankfort, Ky., and the Pillsbury- Washburn Co., of Indianapolis, They represent here the National Starch Co., of New York, and ArbuckleBros. , New York, coffees and sugars. They also receive hay and grain, direct from the West in car-load lots. All of the goods are handled strictly on commission and are supplied to the trade promptly at lowest current prices. In certain lines, especially coffees and sugars, they transact an important business in North and South Carolina generally. The members of the firm are Messrs. John R. Turrentine and John R. Turrentine, Jr. These gentlemen are also interested in a projected railroad between this city and Southport. The senior member was for ten years a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and has a lengthened experience of all pertaining to the busi- ness. Mr. John R. Turrentine, Jr. is connected with the proprietor- ship of The Turrentine Light Co., of this city. The house during its lengthened career has always enjoyed the full confidence of the trade, and its standing in the community is such as we shall presume to offer no comment with regard to it. 88 THE CITY OF WLMINGTON. B, F. MITCHELL CO., Grain, Peanuts, Etc,, 22 North Water Street, This is one of the oldest established business enterprises of the city, surpassed in length of career only by one or two houses, at most, here. It was founded in the year 1844 as Ellis & Mitchell, and conducted under that firm title until about 1872, when the designation of Mitch- ell & Huggins was adopted. This continued until about 1873, when the firm of B. F. Mitchell & Son was formed. Finally, in 1893, the present style of the B. F. Mitchell Co. was instituted. Mr. B. F. Mitchell died t in 1894. The company's business includes the handling of grain at wholesale, catering to the trade of the city and vicinity. Grain is obtained from the West in carload lots, and is promptly sup- plied to patrons at lowest current prices. The company are also large handlers of peanuts, which they purchase from the growers, clean them by machinery run by electric power, and put them up in sacks for the market. The North Carolina peanuts are considered superior to others, and the facilities of the house ensure the finest grade of peanuts obtain- able. The proprietor of the business is Mr. C. J. Mitchell, who is a son of the founder. He possesses a complete experience and thorough familiarity with everything connected with the trade with which he has been connected since boyhood. The house, with such a long and honorable business career, necessarily enjoys the fullest confidence of dealers and consumers. cTdTmaffitt," Ship Chandler, Grocer and Naval Stores, 115 North Water Street, This important enterprise was founded in 1896, as C. D. Maffitt & Co. A year later Mr. C. D. Maffitt became sole proprietor. A very large stock is carried by the house consisting of what may be designat- ed as marine supplies in all branches, including groceries and provis- ions, naval stores, paints and oils, ropes, canvass, blocks, sheaves, anchors, and in fact, every conceivable article required for the equip- ment of vessels from the lumber to build them, to the lamps and oil to serve as beacons on their way. Mr. Maffitt pays personal attention to the vessel supply business, giving to every detail his constant supervis- ion. The house also transacts a wholesale and retail grocer)' business in all its branches, and it is the sole agent here for the celebrated Harrison Town and Country Paints, made in Philadelphia, one of the best known and the oldest established paint house in the United States. In the naval store business, Mr. Maffitt is affiliated with the firm of Win. A. Martin & Co., manufacturers of tar, rosin, deck and spar oils, brewers and roof pitch, navy pitch, pine tar varnish, gum-thus, brush pitch and naval stores generally. Mr. Maffitt is extremely well known in shipping circles, both foreign and domestic, sail and steam. For some years he followed the sea, working in the coastwise and West In- dian trade. He rose from cabin boy to first officer, and thus became acquainted with all pertaining to the profession. He has many friends and patrons among shipmasters who come to this port. He is agent here for the North and South Carolina small coastwise fleet, also for the U. S. Cutter service in this district. Patrons realize that nowhere THE CITY OF WILMINGTON 89 can they receive fairer treatment and more courteous attention. It is gratifying to have to record here the marked success and advancement of this enterprise, reflective of the business of North Carolina's metrop- olis. THE ORTON, R* W, Wallace & Co., Proprietors, North Front Street* "The Orton" was built by Mr. K. M. Murchison in 1S88 and it was carried on under management until 1806, when it was leased by the firm of R. W. Wallace & Co. The hotel is an imposing structure, along the line of the main thoroughfare of the city. It contains about one hundred guest chambers, light, airy and well furnished, some fitted with baths and private toilets, and steam heated. Spacious halls and corridors, with windows opening upon the street, assure a constant cur- rent of air in the summer, and during the few cold days of winter these halls and corridors are steam heated . Every modern convenience is pro- vided, such as electric bells, telephones, newspaper stand, billiard room, bar room, card room, spacious parlors, barber shop, modern plumbing, bath rooms, etc. Convenient sample rooms are also at the disposal of commercial travellers. The rates are $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day, according to accommodations. The tables are well spread with all the delicacies of the season. The employees number between fifty and sixty, and are well trained and organized. Three gentlemen officiate as clerks, and help to welcome the coming and speed the part- ing guest. Hotel accommodation generally, within a day's ride is not very desirable, and the advantage of spending Saturday to Monday in a good hotel is not lost sight of by travellers. Wilmington also has pleasant summer resorts on the ocean, but a few miles distant, and reached by the cars, where an agreeable Sunday afternoon may be well 9 o THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. put in. Mr. R. W. Wallace, the managing proprietor, is a favorite with the travelling public, and does all that is possible to make a stay at his house agreeable and pleasant. He was for sometime in the hotel business before taking charge of "TheOrton," previous to which he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. H. McL. GREEN & McINTOSH, Agents for Timber, Logs, Shingles and Tar, Water and Chesnut Streets* In addition to those engaged in the manufacturing branches of the lumber trade, the influence of enterprises through whose efforts the raw material is obtained is entitled to prominent recognition. In refer- ence to these remarks we now direct attention of the business of Messrs, H. McL. Green & Mcintosh, which was established here November, 1901. This firm are agents for the sale of timber, logs, shingles and tar. They act as agents between the producers in the forests, and the manu- facturers and large consumers. Their intimate connections with the latter assure prompt sales and quick returns. They invite consign- ments in any quantities and generally have large stocks in storage so as to assure quick deliveries. They also ship the products in large quantities direct from the forests to destination as may be required. The facilities of the house assure the interests of both purchaser and shipper, and a correspondence with the the firm will verify the truth of this statement. The trade of the house includes shipments to all parts of the country. The members of the firm are Messrs, Hector McLean Green and Neil Mcintosh, Mr. Green has been identified for thirty- five years with the timber trade and is thoroughly familiar with every detail connected with it. This gentleman is also treasurer of New Hanover County. Mr. Mcintosh also possesses an intimate knowledge of the business. The enterprise is a most useful one, calculated to en- hance the commercial facilities of the locality. WILMINGTON PEANUT CO., Dealers and Shippers of Peanuts, 118 Dock Street* There are here a number of concerns whose energies are devoted entirely to the handling of peanuts. Among such is the Wilmington Peanut Company, which has been conducted under that title for the past five years, succeeding Johnson & Co., which was established in the year 1884. . The premises at the above address comprise an area of fifty feet square on the street floor and 50x100 feet on the floor above. Special machinery is used, cleaning, packing and shelling the nuts, operated by an electric motor, and some twelve employees find occupa- tion here. The Wilmington Peanut Company obtain their supplies direct from the growers and after manipulating them as above, ship them to all parts of the country. This section of the South produces the finest grade of peanuts grown. There are known as North Caro- lina "peas", and they are fuller of meat, and a better flavor than other varieties. The company handle large quantities of these, as well as what are known as Spanish and Virginia peanuts, also high grade varieties. The goods reach dealers in the best of condition, attractive and free from dirt, dust and other impurities, thus enhancing their THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 9 1 selling properties and materially adding to their market value. The proprietor of this business is Mr. E. F. Johnson, who has a thorough experience of its details. This gentlemen also takes an interest in municipal and social matters and in the general welfare of the city, and is a member of the Board of Aldermen. Referring again for a moment to the business, we may say that in all respects it is one with which dealers will find it advantageous to open and continue business relations. 1 <3nufacturersofdll kinds of ^u mbet'Jwh, Shinies, Mouldings . fincyScrofttfortf^nirniri^ donefo Order The above named company, representing one of the most import- ant and distinctive branches of Wilmington's industrial pursuits, was established in 1886, and it has ever since been carried on with en- hanced success and growth of operations. The factory is of two floors and is L shaped, and includes the planing mill, and there are also the sash, door and blind factory, dry kilns, warehouses on Hanover street, etc. The works are equipped with a full complement of labor saving and improved wood-working machinery and appliances, about forty men being here furnished employment. The best of shipping facilities are available, the railroad tracks entering the property, connecting it directly with the railroad system of the country. The business of the company is both wholesale and retail, supplying the home demand and shipping to the most distant points. They have an- other plant at Castle Hayne, where they have a complete saw mill plant. Here they manufacture lumber, shingles and lath, having a capacity of about 25,000 feet per day of lumber and about 30,000 shingles. About thirty men are employed at this plant. The com- pany manufacture their lumber, mainly short leaf North Carolina pine from the log, saw it and dress it with but the minimum of handling. They ship largely to Northern markets and also export to the West In- dies and South America. They also do a very large local trade in sash, doors, blinds, etc., in regular and odd sizes, supplying dealers and builders throughout North and South Carolina and Virginia. They also manufacture mouldings, do fancy work, stair work, scroll work and turning, store, bank and office interior wood work, and, in fact, furnish evervthing required for the building of a house, brick work and plumbing alone excepted. They are enabled to promply furnish 92 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. the same at lowest prices. All wood is carefully dried and seasoned before being worked and the personal supervision of the proprietors is generally exercised over all departments. The company also make fruit, vegetable and fish boxes for truckers and fish dealers. Mr. F. W. Foster is president of the company and Mr. H. A. DeCover secre- tary and treasurer. Both may be said to be practical men, familiar with every detail pertaining to the industry. The business is in reali- ty the only one of the kind here, at once supplying an important home demand and making large shipments to a distance. J. H. REHDER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc., 615-619 North Fourth Street. We offer here a few facts relative to the above house, which trans- acts a large wholesale and retail dry goods business, which is one of the most important in the State. The enterprise was established Septem- ber, 1887, as Polvogt & Rehder, the present title being adopted in 1892. The premises utilized are the property of Mr. J. H. Rehder, and consist of three stores combined, three stories high, with a united floor- age area of 17,000 square feet. The whole of this establishment is stocked with goods and is systematized into departments, which are dress goods, notions, hosiery and underwear, stationery, shoes, cloth- ing, gents' furnishings and hats, millinery, carpets, house furnishing goods, toys, etc. From here may be obtained everything in the way of ladies' and gentlemens' clothing and requirements for living, excepting furniture and eatables. Goods are procured direct from the manufac- turers and importers in carload lots, are bought for cash, and all bills are discounted. A specialty of the house is the millinery department. The firm trim their own hats and obtain from the centers of fashion the latest New York and Paris designs, enabling them to be at the front with the novelties of the season. The house has also a branch THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 93 establishment at Dixon, N. C. , where they transact an important busi- ness. The firm supply dealers throughout North and South Carolina, and they have two commercial travellers on the road. They are in a position to offer to merchants advantages equal to any of their con- temporaries. This house by combining wholesale and retail operations are enabled to handle a more diversified stock, and often have lines to offer not always to be procured elsewhere. The firm also handle at wholesale, glassware, woodenware, tinware, paper and paper bags, can- dies, willow ware, baskets, brooms, etc., and in fact, almost every- thing dealt in by the country merchants. Dealers can fill up defi- ciencies in their stocks at the shortest notice, and a single article is sup- plied upon the same terms as a carload to regular customers. About twenty-five assistants are employed in the business, under the direction and close supervision of Mr. J. H. Rehder, the proprietor, who thor- oughly appreciates the draft of public taste and demand. The success of the house must be largely attributed to fair dealing and a strict ad- herence to every representation made, also to such low prices as are com- patible with a living profit, and the carrying on of a legitimate business. ROGER MOORE'S SONS & CO., Builders' Materials Etc., 104 and 106 North Water Street. It was about fifteen years ago when Mr. Thos. F. Bagley insti- tuted the above named enterprise. Approximately eight years later, Col. Roger Moore acquired the sole control of the business. This gen- tleman died April 25th, 1900, and on May oth of the same year, the present firm was organized, the copartners being Messrs. P. Q. Moore and Roger Moore, sons of the former proprietor, and Mr. F. R. King. The firm utilize in their business two buildings at the above address, comprising five floors, a warehouse at the rear for storing cement, a wharf across the street for brick, sewer pipe, shingles, etc, another on Front street for lime, and additional storage facilities along the line of the Carolina Central railroad. The location of these premises affords every convenience for the receipt and shipment of goods, both by rail and water. The firm handle brick, cement, lime, roofing paper, shin- gles, sewer pipe, chimney flue pipe, plaster of paris, lath, land plaster, rived shingles, made in the swamps by hand, sawed shingles, etc. Among specialties handled by the firm are Higginson's hard wall plas- ter and plaster of paris, and they are state agents for the Alpha Port- land cement and the Hoffman Rosendale cement. All goods are pro- cured direct from manufacturers in cargo and carload lots and are pur- chased for cash. The firm supply the city trade, also dealers and others throughout the central and eastern parts of the state and they are en- abled to offer the best inducements in the way of terms and prices, along with prompt shipments. The firm have also a brick yard located almost four miles from the city. Here they employ some sixty men and produce a good quality of common brick. The yards have a capacity of about 45,000 brick daily. The firm also do an important lighterage business in loading and unloading vessels. Of the members of the firm we may mention that Mr. P. Q. Moore devotes his energies to the management of the brick yard, Mr. Roger Moore to the official and 94 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. financial departments, and Mr. King is also in the office. All are young business men of push and energy working for their share of pat- ronage by legitimate and enterprising methods. PEOPLES' SAVINGS BANK, North Front Street, Opposite Postoffice* The growth and development of the industrial interests of this city within recent years, have rendered necessary an increase of banking facilities for the people. This led to the establishment of the above mentioned enterprise, which was inaugurated April 1st, 1900. The bank was organized with a capital of $30,000, and there is now in ad- dition a satisfactory surplus for the time since elapsed. The loans and discounts average over $300,000 and the deposits are nearly the same amount, The bank invites deposits, any sum from twenty-five cents upwards being accepted. Interest is paid at the rate of four per cent, per annum and is compounded quarterly. No better and safer invest- ment for people of limited means is available than is offered by this re- liable savings bank, the accumulations being certain, and all specula- tive risks being eliminated, the funds held in trust being invested with the greatest care, only substantial and safe securities being availed of. The executive officers of the bank are: H. C. McQueen, president of the Murchison National Bank, president; John S. Armstrong, vice- president of the Atlantic National Bank, vice-president, and F. W. Dick, cashier. The directors, in addition to the president and vice- president, are: E. C. Holt, J. A. Springer, M. J. Corbett, William Calder, Isaac Bear, M. W. Divine and J H. Chadbourn, Jr., men whose names are identified with some of the leading industries of the locality, and who give standing and character to any enterprise with which they are connected. The bank is located on Front street, directly opposite the postoffice, which makes it convenient to visitors to the city. J, W. MURCHISON & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, 109 North Front Street* The above well known and reliable enterprise is entitled to rank among the important wholesale and retail trade resources of the city. The business was founded in 1873 as Giles & Murchison, and in 1894 Mr. J. W. Murchison became sole proprietor. In 1899 the present firm was constituted. In connection with the business, a large store, 140x30 feet, is utilized, in addition to the basement under the Murchi- son National Bank adjoining. Thus ample accommodation is fur- nished for the handling of a heavy stock, which comprises shelf and builders' hardware of every description, cutlery, mechanics' supplies, stoves, agricultural implements, all of which are procured by the firm direct from manufacturers and first hands generally, and which are placed before the trade and public at such prices and terms as will invite legitimate competition from any quarter. Among specialties handled are the celebrated Peninsula stoves and ranges, made in Detroit, appli- ances, the peer of any made anywhere. The firm also handle Laflin & Rand Powder Co 's products. The trade of the firm is within a radius THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 95 of about 150 miles from Wilmington and entails the services of from twelve to fifteen assistants, including two commercial travellers on the road. They have the best of inducements to offer to dealers, which should and does attract the current of patronage in their direction. The members of the firm individually are: Messrs. J. W. Murchison and W. E. Perdew, both gentlemen devoting their full and close energies to their business. THE RHEmSTEwTRY GOODS CO., 218-224 North Front Street. Especially to our readers without the city, for whom this work and the information it contains relative to the well known and 11§ C 9I^ 111 is particularly designed, a few facts prominent wholesale dry goods house conducted under the title of The Rheinstein Dry Goods Co., will be of interest and value. The enterprise was founded in 1805 as Aaron & Rheinstein, and in 1887 the firm title of F. Rheinstein & Co was adopted. The present company was incorpor- ated in 1895. Mr. F. Rheinstein died January 1890, and his interests have since been assumed by Mrs. F. Rhein- stein, who succeeds him as president of the company. The store occupied at the above address is the most im- posing mercantile structure in the city, and is the property of the com- pany. It was built especially for the business, and comprises four floors, covering an area of 56x150 feet. Every convenience is here available, including an elevator connecting all the floors. Ample accommodation is here at hand for the carrying of a very large stock, which, without going into useless detail, may be said to comprise everything in the lines of dry goods and notions, suited to the trade of the sections of the country for which the house caters. The territory travelled over by the five commercial representatives of the house may be said to include a radius of 250 miles from Wilming- ton. The lengthened experience of the management assures that only the most saleable and desirable goods are offered to merchants, and its complete facilities and close connections with first hands, manufactur- ers and importers, enables the company to quote the very lowest prices to the trade. As before said, Mrs. F. Rheinstein is the president of the company, and Mr. L. Bluethenthal is vice-president and treasurer, with Mr. G. Dannebaum as secretary. It will not be required of us to further indulge in personalities here, it will suffice to say that with ample cap- ital, close connection with the leading markets, complete experience and every facility, this house, the oldest established and largest in its line here, is in every way in a position to offer the best inducements to the trade within the circuit of its business operations. 96 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. WILMINGTON FLORAL COMPANY, J. A. EVERITT, Jr., Proprietor, 1503 Market Street. Wilmington's facilities have recently been materially enhanced by the institution of the Wilmington Floral Co., which commenced opera- tions here December, 1901. At the present time the company have two green-houses, comprising about 6,000 to 7,000 feet under glass. The facilities, however, are about to be enlarged by the addition of two or more green-houses, placing the enterprise on a plane with the most progressive establishments of the kind in the State. All appliances and equipment are quite new and of the latest improved character, and thoroughly up-to-date. The company supply everything in the way of cut-flowers and floral designs, and make specialties of roses and carna- tions. In roses, they grow American Beauties, Maids, Pearls, Medias and other varieties. They also make a specialty of English violets. Personal and particular attention is given to floral decorations, palms, ferns, etc., this being a special branch of the business, in which they have achieved much success and appreciation. The company ship flowers out of town throughout this and neighboring states. Mr. J. A. Everitt, Jr., the proprietor, is well known in Wilmington. He is de- termined to succeed in his new venture by considering the interests of his patrons in every way, and by promptly and efficiently satisfying all demands. Orders in the city may be given by telephone, the house's call being Bell telephone No. 438. It will be to the advantage of resi- dents and others at a distance to enter into bnsiness relations with this house, which has every inducement to offer in the way of the most beautiful varieties, prompt service and reasonable prices. JOHN H. KUCK, Groceries, Liquors, Peanuts, and Packer of Mullets, 6 North Water Street. This enterprise is an exemplification of what may be accomplished from the smallest of beginnings by industry and energy. Mr. John H. Kuck came to this city from Germany October, 1880, and, after acting as clerk for a few years, became, in 1886, a member of the firm of Glameyer & Kuck. In 1891 he became sole proprietor. His store at the above address is his property, and contains groceries of all descrip- tions, liquors, etc. Both a wholesale and retail business is transacted, the house supplying dealers, farmers and others within the states of North and South Carolina and Georgia. A special department is ship chandlery, vessels coming to this port being furnished with all their needs under the most favorable conditions. Mr. Kuck also transacts important operations in peanuts, which he obtains largely from his own plantation. These are cleaned, graded and shipped to all parts of the country. An important branch of Mr. Kuck's business is the catch- ing, packing and shipping of mullets. He owns his own fishing vessel, which is the "John H. Kuck," named after its owner, and commanded by Capt. Lewis. At Shallotte, N. C, are Mr. Kuck's fishing grounds, and from here the fish are brought to this city, assorted, salted, are packed in barrels and shipped to destination. Another specialty is genuine German Rhine wine, which Mr. Kuck imports in bulk and THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 97 sells both at wholesale and retail. He imports also genuine Holland o-in, put up by him in bottles under his own label. Mr. Kuck is the owner of a plantation about eight miles from the city. This is about eighty acres, and on it are grown all kinds of crops, a specialty, how- ever, being made of peanuts and cotton. THE COAL, CEMENT AND SUPPLY CO,, Coal, Builders' Materials, Etc,, 214 South Front Street, An acqusition to the trade conveniences of the city which bids fair to be of large value to the community generally, is that which was in- stituted here June 1st., 1901. The company have every facility for advantageously handling their products. On the river front is located their coal yards, lumber docks and warehouse with practically unlimi- ted facilities for storage. Here also they have a steam plant for cut- ting wood and for the operation of their coal elevator. Supplies come to them direct in cargo lots, and the railroad tracks adjacent enable them to make shipments to all points direct from the establishment. The company also have their own brick yard at Cronly, seventeen miles up the Cape Fear River, where they turn out about 8,000 high grade common brick daily. The company deal both wholesale and retail in New River soft coal and Philadelphia & Reading hard coal. These are of the best quality, and are supplied to the public well screened, full weight and in the best condition. The retail business in Wilmington has assumed an importrnt character, due no doubt to the quality of the product and to the prompt and efficient manner in which all orders are filled. The company ship also to Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, and they are in a position to quote the closest prices and to promptly dispatch the mineral to destination. This is an important branch of their business, and is one which is steadily growing. In builders' materials the} - handle the "Giant" brand of Portland cement, manufacturered by the American Cement Company of Philadelphia, "Germania" imported cement from Germany, the "Union" Rosendale cement, made at Philadelphia, all high grade products, also lime, lath, 9 8 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. hair, King's Windsor hard-wall plaster and King's Windsor "Diamond" brand plaster of paris, all kinds of roofing and building paper, shingles, rough and dressed lumber, brick of their own manufacture, fire brick, fire clay, terra-cotta pipe, etc. All supplies are obtained direct from manufacturers and direct sources, and are handled economically and are placed at the disposal of the trade at lowest prices. The company is in a position to compete in all lines with their comtemporaries, no mat- ter where located. The officers of the company are: D. M. Williams, president, S. P. Adams, vice-president and manager, W. G. Elliott, Jr., secretary and treasurer. Mr. Williams is of the firm of Williams Bros., wholesale grocers, and is one of the best known business men of the city. Mr. Adams is a civil engineer by profession, and for twelve years was in the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line. Mr. Elliott, Jr. was for seven years with the Merchants' and Miners' Transportation Company of Norfolk. These gentlemen bring to bear upon their new enterprise their closest attention and supervision, studying the interests of their patrons in every available and legitimate way. D, L GORE CO,, Wholesale Grocers, Druggists, Etc,, 118 and 120 North Water Street, The above important enterprise was instituted in 1877, when it was founded as Gore & Gore. In 1878 Mr. D. L. Gore assumed the sole control of its affairs, and continued the business alone until 1900, when the present incorporated company was instituted. Extensive premises are utilized comprising four stores on North Water street, the whole containing a floorage area of 41,000 square feet. Thus ample facilities are available for the carrying of a large stock of goods, which probably is of a more diversified character than at any other similar en- terprise in the city. The company are wholesale grocers, embracing everything that this implies. They are also wholesale druggists, carry- ing all standard goods, and they deal in grain, hay, hoop iron, spirit casks, nails, etc, in fact, almost everything handled by country stores general- ly. Of course it goes without saying, that a house of this character obtains its stocks from original sources of supply in every instance, and pay cash for the same. A special department of the business is in pea- nuts, which is one of the staples of this part of the country. The com- pany obtains these direct from the growers, shell and clean them, and ship them to North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Tennesee, Florida, etc. The quality of peanuts grown in this section makes them especially desirable to dealers, and the company have the best of in- ducements to offer in this department. The D. h. Gore Company are also commission merchants, handling naval stores and cotton, inviting consignments of these goods, making liberal advances and assuring fair prices, quick sales and prompt returns. The executive officers of the company are: D. L. Gore, president, h. B. Rogers, vice-president, and $| C. Gore, secretary and treasurer. All of the above are well known residents of the community. Mr. D. L. Gore has been connec- ted with the enterprise from its inception. He has always been active in the general welfare, and is identified with other interests of impor- tance. He is also a director of the Atlantic National Bank, president THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 99 of the Carolina Insurance Company, a director of the Bennettsville Manufacturing Company and president of the Great Falls Manufactu- ring Company of Rockingham, N. C. GEO* R. FRENCH & SONS, Wholesale and Retail Boots and Shoes, 108 North Front Street. A business history of over eighty years continuous duration, of necessity requires more than ordinary recognition at our hands. Such a history is that of the above named enterprise, which was founded in _____ : . the year 1822 by Mr. Geo. R. French, Sr. 3s pgjgg||ggfg^ § He continued to conduct it successfully alone 3^W~gP-|2irF^^ : ! until 1867, when the firm of G. R. French & Son was instituted, Mr. W. A. French then jj^_|S^BSn | - entering the firm. Mr. G. R. French, Jr., r-iTF^Trrjp became a partner in 1868. In 1889 Mr. Geo. fc gjjlaa fll R. French, Sr., died in his 88th year. He GE^^^E^a | ;_.." W as a man of strict integrity and high busi- ^O^Ew-^^l" 1 ^ liess P rmc ipl es i wno lai< ^ the foundations of the house upon a sound and solid basis, and __~lT;;-..I.-..-.„- :.:."~^j he was deeply regretted by a wide circle of ^^k^M (Ml fflllH JSP*^^^ friends and contemporaries. The enterprise is now the oldest established here in opera- ; I" iff Vlil'i B^wH r k I tion, descending from father to son without ^^^B^^^^^pxi break or cessation. The building utilized in l^^Z^S^S^' "^"w" 1 ^ the business is of four floors and basement, covering an area of 25x115 feet, and is the property of the firm. The lower part is used for the retail business," the wholesale operations being carried on in the floors above. The firm are wholesale and retail dealers in boots, shoes, rubbers, leather, find- ings, etc. The stock includes all grades from the cheapest to the finest and all patterns, sizes and widths, mainly made expressly for the firm by leading manufacturers. The facilities of the firm enable the lowest prices to be quoted to the trade throughout North and South Carolina, and the stock is as full and complete as is carried by any house either in Baltimore, New York or elsewhere, at the same time that the prox- imity of headquarters for buying, enables dealers to obtain their goods promptly and at lower freight rates, any quantity being supplied from a single pair to a carload. In the retail departments here may be pro- cured the most elegant and tasteful footwear for ladies, gentlemen and children. The firm are exclusive handlers here of Zeigler's ladies' fine shoes and Bannister's mens' fine shoes, goods that will compare favora- bly with any in the country. But the tastes and purses of all classes are catered for. Of course the members of the firm are naturally familiar with every detail of the business. These gentlemen are re- spectively Messrs. G. R. French and W. A. French, Sr. The first named is, we may, however state, vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, a director of the Atlantic National Bank, of the Wilming- ton Gas Light Co., and was until recently president of the Wilmington and Seacoast Railroad, etc. Both gentlemen give close attention to their business, which, with such a lengthened and honorable career, is worthy of all consideration and patronage. ioo THE CITY OF WILMINGTON A. D. BROWN, Dry Goods, Carpets and House Furnishing Goods, 29 North Front Street, Among old established and well-known business houses of this city is that of Mr. A. D. Brown, which was originally instituted in 1867, by its present proprietor. In 1874 the firm of Brown & Roddick was instituted. Later in 1893 Mr. Brown again assumed sole control. The store, located at the above address, comprises three floors and base- ment, each of the dimensions of 35x85 feet. This is stocked with full and complete lines of dry goods, notions, carpets, house furnishing goods etc. Specialties are made of silks and fine dress goods, and in this department a choice of selection is rendered both pleasant and easy. In the carpet department may be selected a full assortment of every discription, also matting, rugs, floor cloths etc. The stocks in all de- partments are indeed particularly full and complete, offering the widest field from which to choose. The lengthened experience of the pro- prietor assures that the right kind of goods are handled, and that the prices shall be just and reasonable. Mr. A. D. Brown is a native of Dundee, Scotland, and came to this country in 1857. He remained in Boston until 1860, when he came to this city. He has been connec- ted with the dry goods business since 1851, and thus has over a half century's experience of its details. In view of the character, stand- ing and facilities of this old established concern, it is safe to say that it has inducements to offer equal at least to any of its contemporaries, and its reputation assures the confidence of a wide circle of friends and patrons AMERICAN CHEMICAL AND TEXTILE COLORING CO., Dyers of Raw Cotton, Wilmington, N. C It is gratifying to have to record of an industry which is of com- paritively recent origin, and which also is of such a useful and novel character as to merit special recognition. We refer to the American Chemical and Textile Coloring Company, which was instituted in 1899. The plant is contained in a building adjacent to the tracks of the rail road, affording the best of shipping facilities. The works are operated by steam power, and include dyeing apparatus and special machinery for the production of dyed raw cotton, for use in the manufacture of hosiery and underwear. The improved processes here in vogue give a product far superior to any other in the market. The cotton is dyed with fast anilyne dyes suitable for silver grey and Jaeger yarns. By the use of this dyed yarn, factories can dispense with dye works, and will find this dyed cotton much more economical. The location of the works ensures the lowest expense of production. The raw material is here at hand, while labor is low priced, at the same time that the im- proved methods add materially to the economy and efficiency of the product. The capacity of the works at the present time allows of the production of about 3,000 to 4,000 pounds of dyed cotton daily, and some dozen work-people are here given employment. The product is shipped to mills throughout North and South Carolina, and the demand for it is steadily increasing. Mr. H. M. Chase who is at the head of the enterprise has every experience, and to his efforts are due THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 101 the establishment here of the industry, which by its success should serve as a pioneer for the establishment of other branches of industry. J. C. STEVENSON CO., Wholesale Grocers, 8 South Front Street, The above well known enterprise was founded about 1870 as J. C. Stevenson & Taylor, incorporation taking place in 1898. The com- pany occupy a large building of three floors, extending from Front street to Water street, and covering an area of 300x30 feet. The house handles extensively heavy groceries of all kinds, provisions, flour, to- bacco, molasses, cigars, etc. The facilties available include the closest connections with original sources of supply, purchases being effected in carload lots, often for spot cash, enabling the closest prices and freshest of goods to be offered the trade. A specialty is made of salt fish, the company getting their fish direct from the fishermen. They then salt and pack it and ship it to all parts. The house transacts a very im- portant business in this department. The business of the house ex- tends to a distance of 250 miles from this city and entails the services of twelve assistants, including three commercial travellers. Mr. J. C. Stevenson, the president of the company, has been connected with the house from its inception. Mr. Jas. Stevenson is vice-president and Mr. S. Jewett is secretary and treasurer. Mr. J C. Stevenson is also a director of the Murchison National Bank and of the Carolina Central Railroad. He is also president of Oakdale Cemetery and of the Wil- mington Loan Co, He has always been active in promoting the gen- eral welfare of this community. The standing of this house is beyond criticism, and it is entitled to a prominent place among the leading wholesale enterprises of this city. MRS* H. REHDER, Florist, Corner Ninth and Red Cross Streets* The art of the florist is one of the most delightful of professions requiring exquisite taste, skill and experience, and nowhere are these qualities combined in a greater extent than in the proprietorship and management of the above house. The enterprise was founded twenty- seven years ago by Mrs. H. Rehder, who still remains the proprietress. The house has every facility for the transaction of an important whole- sale and retail business. At the indicated address they have now seven green houses and they are about to add two more. This will give alto- gether about 12,000 square feet under glass. They have also six acres of land devoted to raising nursery stock for kitchen and flower gardens. The house supplies the public of this vicinity with every description of cut flowers, floral designs, etc. for funerals, weddings, etc., and it makes a specialty of floral decorations, for which it enjoys the highest reputation and transacts an important business. The house is dis- tinguished for good taste and selection, and furnishes all kinds of flowers at shortest notice. A specialty is made in roses, the most popular and beautiful varieties being procurable here. They ship flowers all over the country, also bulbs, shrubs, etc. A unique 102 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. specialty of this house is the collecting and shipping of wild plants some varieties of which are very rare and are only found in this' part of the country; of these we will mention what are populary known as fly- traps, pitcher-plants, sun-dews and trumpets, which are shipped all over the world, a number of them having recently been shipped to England. The house has men specially engaged searching for these rare varieties, and they receive letters of enquiries in regard to them from the most distant points. In this branch it especially invites cor- respondence, and collectors and horticultural societies will do well to write, if interested. Mrs. H. Rehder, the proprietress, is a practical florist of experience. She is devoted to her profession and is ever striving to increase and enhance its reputation. She is assisted by Mr. Henry Rehder and Mr. Will Rehder, the latter acting as manager. He is thoroughly experienced in all branches of the industry. THE INDEPENDENT ICE C(X, Seventh and Brunswick Streets* The Independent Ice Co., an industry of recent origin, was incor- porated November, 1901, and it is now in full operation. The gentle- men inaugurating the enterprise are well known men of standing, and areas follows: J. A. Springer, president; W. E. Springer, vice-presi- dent; Daniel H. Penton, secretary and treasurer, and L. H. Simmons, manager. In addition to the above, the directors are: R. W. Wal- lace, W. E. Perdew and W. G. Whitehead. The plant, just com- pleted, comprises the latest improved and most modern equipment. The factory, one and a half stories in height, is 50x142 feet in dimen- sions, the cold storage building being 48x130 feet. The power is de- rived from two boilers, each 150-horse power, the engine being 150- horse power. The ice is made by what is known as the compression system, and consists of two single acting compression pumps, made by the York Manufacturing Co., of York, Pa. The capacity of the fac- tory is sixty tons of ice daily and the cold storage is about 2,500 tons capacity. The works give employment to about twenty men and a suitable number of wagons and horses. The company cater for the trade THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 103 of large comsumers, vessels, hotels, fish and meat markets, bars, fruit shippers, produce dealers, private families, etc. They aim to supply a pure ice at a reasonable price and to guarantee prompt and efficient service. In addition to the local trade, shipments will be made to within a radius of 150 miles from the city. The modern and latest improved character of the plant and the experience of the management are factors that should give the company every facility- Mr. Simmons, the manager, has been connected with the ice business for a number of years, and understands all peitaining to it. There seems to be no ques- tion but that this new enterprise will command its full share of public patronage. THE GEO. L MORTON CO., Manufacturers of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Pitch, etc*, 615 Nutt Street. The enterprise now known as the Geo. L. Morton Co. was origi- nally founded by Mr. J. Wilder in 1868. About 1872 the firm of Wil- der & Morton was organized. In 1880 the title of the firm was changed to Morton & Hall. This continued till about 1888, when Mr. Geo. L. Morton became proprietor. Finally, in 1892, the present company was instituted. The company utilizes a plant at the above address, where all facilities are available, including stills and other appliances, employment being furnished for about fifteen operatives. The basis of the products manufactured is the sap of the North Carolina pine, the company buying the crude material as it comes from the trees. Spirits of turpentine, rosin and pitch are the principal products, and these of the best quality are placed at the disposal of the trade at the very lowest current prices. The goods are shipped throughout the North generally, from the Altantic to the Pacific, and as regards tar, Pennsylvania takes large quantities. The goods are sold to paint deal- ers, varnish manufacturers, ship chandlers, and largely to steel works, who use it for blackening the steel to preserve it from rust. Rosin is principally sold locally for export. The company also deal in tar, iQ4 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. which is supplied as required in barrels and cans. In connection, the company have a factory, making all their own cans, which is of mate- rial aid to the business. The enterprise is the oldest established con- cern of the kind here and the second oldest in the State. Mr. J. Wil- der, the manager of the business, was its founder, and he has thus been connected with it for a period extending over a third of a century. Connected also with the proprietorship of the business is Mr. Geo. L. Morton, who, however, devotes his time to other interests. He is con- nected with the Galena Oil Co. and the General Manifold Co. , of Franklin, Pa. Mr. Morton is also State Senator for this district and was postmaster at Wilmington from 1894 to 1898. We will only add further, that this industry may be classed as not among the least im- portant and representative of North Carolina's distinctive pursuits. SOL BEAR & CO,, Rectifiers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 20 Market Street, It is nearly half a century ago since Mr. Sol. Bear established his business in Wilmington, having founded it in the year 1853. He was engaged in the dry goods trade until 1897, and twenty-five years ago he went into the wholesale liquor business, which he still continues. The business is now carried on in Mr. Bear's own three story building, which is 75x25 feet in area. They also utilize a warehouse adjoining. They carry in stock everything in the line of domestic and imported wines and liquors, and do their own rectifying on the premises. Among specialties we may mention their brand of "Breezeland" rye whiskey, North Carolina apple brandy and corn whiskey, also Scupper- nong wine, a fine juice of the grape grown in this locality. A very large trade is transacted with dealers and others throughout this and neighboring states. But few men in Wilmington are better known than Mr Sol. Bear, who is identified with other interests here. He has been president of the Temple of Israel since its organization. Mr. Isadore Bear, his son, assists him in the management. The enterprise is one of the most important wholesale houses in the city, with the unique distinction of being the longest in existence under a single pro- prietorship. ARMOUR PACKING COMPANY, Meats and Provisions, Kansas City, Wilmington Branch, 315 Nutt Street* This great organization has been represented here for about twelve years, but it is only within the past three years that it has occupied its convenient premises at the above address, which comprise a building 100x60 feet in area, with cold storage at the rear. The latter is 30x50 feet, and has an ice capacity of seventy tons. One room is for beef, with a capacity for from forty to fifty carcasses, the other is utilized for sausage, pork products, butterine, etc. The company receive their products in their own refrigerator cars direct from Kansas City. They are iced frequently in transit, assuring arrival in perfect condition. The products include fresh beef, mutton and pork, every kind of fresh and salted meats, poultry, game of all kinds, canned goods, butterine, etc. The trade at this point is with dealers within a circuit of a hun- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 105 dred miles from the city. Of course, the high standard of the products of the Armour Packing Co. is well appreciated, and their immense facilities confer on them large advantages. Mr. J. P. Simmons is the manager here, having filled his present position about a year. He has, however, been four years in the service of the company. He may be said to have made a favorable impression with the trade of this city and locality. CHAS. M. WHITLOCK, Machine Shop and Mill Supplies, 102 S. Water St, and 303 N. Front St. This enterprise, of large utility to the city and neighboring localities, was established in 1889, and it now transacts operations extending throughout North and South Carolina, as far distant as Charleston. Mr. Whitlock deals extensively in mill supplies and machinery, carry- ing a stock from which he is able to fill all ordinary demands, and fur- nishing to order, anything in the line of machinery and applian- ces, making a specialty of wood working and metal working machinery. At 102 South Water street Mr. Whitlock has a machine and black- smiths' shop, devoting particular attention to repairing of every des- cription. Work is done in this line by skilled workmen, at shortest notice, and the charges will be found altogether reasonable. The works are operated by a 25 horse power electric motor, and we might mention that Mr. Whitlock was the first man in the State to utilize electric power for operating an enterprise of this character. The house has done a great deal of work for mills and factories throughout this and neighboring state. He also does considerable marine work. He equipped with machinery and boiler, the steamer Chas. M. Whitlock, named after him. The house has a man on the road soliciting patron- age from manufacturers and others. Those who entrust their interests to this house, may depend that every effort will be put forth to render efficient and satisfactory service. CHARLES. D. FOARD, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, 26 South Front Street. The above named enterprise is entitled to due recognition in these pages. It was founded by Mr. Chas. D. Foard, about five years ago. It at once gained the appreciation of the general public, and each year has witnessed an increase of trade and operations. The store is of two floors, covering an area of 70x35 feet in dimensions. The lines of goods here handled, include a general assortment of shelf and builders' hardware, manufacturers' and builders' supplies, stoves, tin-ware, house furnishing goods, etc. A large and well selected stock in all depart- ments is carried, and eighteen years experience possessed by the pro- prietor gives him a thorough knowledge of the requirements of this locality, and a familiarity with the most advantageous sources of supply from where to obtain his goods. We may here mention that the house handles, in stoves and ranges, the well known "Farmer Girl" products, manufactured by The Liebrandt, McDowell Stove Company, of Philadelphia. Mr. Foard does not confine his operations to the city, 106 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. but transact quite a wholesale business with dealers within 100 miles radius of Wilmington. Mr. Foard was formerly with the well known hardware house of Alderman, Flanner & Co., prior to embarking in his present enterprise, He is thoroughly conversant with all pertaining to the trade. PETER McQUEEN, jr., Wholesale Grocer, 106 North Water Street, A recent addition to the wholesale business of this city is the en- terprise of Mr. Peter McQueen, Jr., who established it August 15th, 1901. This gentlemen brings to his undertaking an experience of the wholesale grocery trade, acquired in the employment of a well-known similar enterprise here. He occupies suitable premises at the above address, comprising two floors 90x24 feet in dimensions, where he car- ries full lines of staple and fancy groceries, including canned goods, flour, sugar, coffee, salt meats etc., the whole judiciously selected for the trade of this locality. Mr. McQueen supplies merchants within a radius of 100 to 150 miles distant from this city and travels on the road a commercial representative. The house obtains its supplies direct from original sources, and having all required capital is enabled to go to the market under the most favorable conditions. The business policy adopted by the house includes supplying the very best quality of goods at lowest prices, promptness in the execution of all orders, liberality, and the careful fostering of the true interests of patrons. Mr. Peter McQueen, Jr., is a well-known young business man, and it is not too much to say that he has the good will of his trade contemporaries, and we anticipate for this young house a successful career, based upon the valuable inducements it has to offer its customers. HEYER BROS,, Wholesale Grocers, 216 & 218 North Water Street. The history of this house may almost be said to be contem- poraneous with the history of the city itself. It was founded as long ago as 1842, by Mr. John C. Heyer. In 1883 Mr. M. J. Heyer became the proprietor and in 1898 the firm of Heyer Bros, was instituted, the co-partners being Messrs. John C. Heyer and Geo. H. C. Heyer, the sons of the founder, who died in 1887. The business is carried on in a two story building of an area of about 36x165 feet. Here is con- tained a large stock of heavy and fancy groceries, the first named being disposed of to dealers within a radius of a hundred miles from the city, the fancy trade being largely with Wilmington dealers. The firm have every facility. Their goods are well selected with a due apprecia- tion of the requirements of the trade and public. The house is repre- sented on the road by two commercial travellers. The members of the firm possess a complete familiarity with every detail of the business, having as it were grown up with it from boyhood. The reputation of a time honored house, such as this, inspires every confidence, and its standing and position in trade circles have always been unimpared. We are glad to chronicle here of an enterprise, which for so long has been before merchants arid the public, and which is a pioneer of the wholesale trade of this city. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 107 THE A. DAVID COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Clothing and Merchant Tailoring, Front & Princess Sts« Mr. A. David, who still remains at the head of its affairs, establish- ed the above enterprise about thirty years ago. About ten years ago the firm of A. David & Co. was instituted, and in 1898 the business was incorporated under its present title. The president is Mr. A. David, the founder of the enterprise; Mr. L- Stein, his son in law, is secretary and treasurer, Mr. E. E. David, son of the president is vice-president. The store occupied is of three floors and basement, and is of the dimensions of 25x80 feet. The ground floor is used for the retail business, and the up- per part and basement are utilized for the wholesale departments. The companv carry a complete assortment of clothing in all grades, from the cheapest to the finest; the goods being manufactured especially for the house, and paid for in spot cash, thus enabling the lowest prices to be offered to the public. The gents' furnishing department is also up-to-date. Particular attention is given to fine merchant tailoring, the company catering to the patronage of men of taste, who appreciate fine materials and good workmanship. As regards the wholesale trade we may at once say that merchants within the Carolinas, will find their interests best served in transactions with this firm, who thoroughly un- derstand their market, and what goods are of the most ready selling character, and most suitable for this section of the country. The com- pany by virtue of lengthened experience and ample capital, have the best of inducements to offer to merchants and the public generally. RHODES & HINTZE, Dealers in Fresh Meats, Front Street Market, The business now under comment was founded as lono- aso as 1867 by I. B. Rhodes, the present senior partner. He continued the enterprise until October, 1869, when for a time he left the city. He resumed it however in 1872, conducting it alone until March 1901, when the present firm was organized. In addition to the stall in the Front Street Market, the firm have a slaughter house about two miles from the city, where the very best quality of home fed cattle, sheep and hogs are prepared for sale. The specialty of the house is fine meat, no inferior cattle being purchased Here can be obtained the finest cuts that can be procured, at the same time that the prices are reason- able, and every representation made may be relied upon. The trade of the house is both wholesale and retail with dealers in the city and vicinity, large consumers such as hotels, restaurants, shipping, etc. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. I. B. Rhodes and J. H. Hintze. The first named has been connected with the meat busi- ness all his life and his partner has been identified with it since he was twelve years old. Thus is ensured a thorough familiarity of all its de- tails, and a complete appreciation of the requirements of the Wilming- ton public in this direction. Mr. Rhodes is also engaged in the wine and liquor business, having a place on Princess street, between Front and Second streets. This he has been in occupation of for the past seventeen years. He also owns a farm where the slaughter house is located. This consists of 123^ acres, upon which are grown corn and log THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. sweet potatoes, utilized in the fattening of stock. Concluding we may say that the house enjoys the full confidence of the public, and may be relied upon for every courtesy and fair dealing. G W, YATES & CO,, Books, Stationery, Etc, 117 Market Street, The above well-known house, catering to the more cultured tastes of the community has always been a favorite with the Wilmington public since its foundation in 1868, when it was instituted by Mr. C. W. Yates, the senior member of the present firm. The premises occu- pied consist of a three story building 120x24 feet, which is Mr. Yates' property, and it has been especially adapted and arranged for the busi- ness. The stock consists of books and current literature of every des- cription; school books, church services, hymnals etc. Also, fine sta- tionery, commercial stationery, office furniture and supplies, pictures in large variety, picture frames from stock or to order, artists' materials wall paper and window shades; sporting goods, games of all kinds etc. Any article not in stock can be promptly obtained to order. The business includes important jobbing operations, within about one hundred miles distant from the city. The firm have the best induce- ments to offer the trade, including promptness, decreased freight rates, and lowest prices. The house is sole agent for this section of the cele- brated Remington Typewriter, also for the Globe- Wernicke Filing Cases and office supplies. The members of the firm, Messrs. C. W. Yates and D. C. Love, are well-known residents. Mr. Yates is a director of the Atlantic National Bank, and is president of the North Carolina Building and Loan Association. He is also on the Board of Audit and Finance of the city and takes a keen interest in the general wellfare. Mr. Love has been a member of the firm for the past five years, but he has been connected with the enterprise since its inception. He is president of the Clarendon Savings and Loan Association, and of the Hydraulic White Brick Co., a recently established important enterprise. J, F. GARRELL & CO,, (Incorporated,) Wholesale and Retail Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, Office City Market, The foundations of the above business were laid in 1867, when Mr. J. F. Garrell instituted the enterprise. It was incorporated as at pre- sent constituted, February 1901. The company devote their energies to the handling of cattle, sheep and hogs, killing and dressing them for the local market. They have four retail stalls in the city market - the Palace market at Second and Market streets, and they are about to operate two others, one at Sixth and Chesnut streets, and another on Fourth street between Brunswick and Bladen streets. The company have a plantation a mile beyond the city, upon which they raise hay and corn for feed. Here is the slaughter house. They have recently erected sheds, with stalls for feeding 500 head of cattle. Thus the meat obtained is of the best quality, the cattle being brought to a hio-h state of perfection before being killed. The company have just install- ed a complete cold storage plant, which has a capacity for 300 carcasses. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON 109 In connection with the enterprise, they are about to renew the manu factuie of fertilizers, putting- in the latest improved and best machinery for the purpose. Their facilities of obtaining, under the most favorable conditions, the bases of blood and bone, hoofs and horns, will operate largely in the direction of economy, and the production of high grade goods, which are known by their brand title of l> Sans Souci" High Grade Fertilizers. They will be sold throughout North and South Carolina. The executive officers of the company are: John F. Garrell, president, Joseph D, Smith, secretary and treasurer and J. J. Hopkins, general manager. Mr. Garrell is particularly well known in the com- munity. He was formerly engaged in the fertilizer business, and in truck farming. As an authority on trucking, he has been quoted in "S, A. L. Magundi, a paper published some time ago by the Seaboard Air Line, in the interests of Wilmington. The enterprise over which he now presides, is of large value to the city and serves to render it in- dependent of outside sources of supply, as regards the important item of high class, fresh home killed meats, which constitutes one of our most vital daily requirements. We anticipate for the industry, that full measure of enlarged success, to which its enterprise and utility justly entitle it. WILLARD BAG AND MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Bags and Overalls, 19 & 21 South Water Street* The Willard Bag and Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1893, and tu-day its operations are upon a most important scale, and its products are shipped throughout the South generally. The build- ing containing the plant is of two floors 140x23 feet in area with an annex 35x25 feet. The appliances here in use, include twenty-two sewing machines, five special machines for button-holeing and felling, five printing presses for printing brand names on bags, and other minor appliances, the whole operated by two electric motors, each of fifteen horse power, with gas engine in reserve. The company manufacture bags for salt, fertilizers, flour, meal, cement, peanuts, and made both of cotton and burlaps, the latter being imported by the house from the East Indies. Their plant is complete and thoroughly up-to-date and all work is done on the premises, even stereotypes for printing the bags are made here, and they do their own engraving. This house is the only one of the kind in this state, and it obtains better results in proportion to size and expense of plant, than any other similar enterprise anywhere. The capacity of the works is from 20,000 to 25,000 bags daily, and they cut up about 3,500,000 yards of cloth annually. The company employ some seventy-five hands in the bag department, mak- ing a particular specialty of fertilizer bags. In the annex is the overall factory, about twenty white hands being here employed. They make overalls for individual concerns under the latter' s own brand names, and they are now filling a very large order for a New York house. Their goods are well made and durable, the material used being known as Denims, or Blue Jeans. The house's facilities in all departments are of the best, conducing to economy, and the highest character of product. Mr. M. S. Willard, of Willard & Giles, insur- no THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. ance agents, is president, Mr. A. A. Willard is superintendent, and Mr. E. Payson Willard is secretary and treasurer. The latter gentlemen exercise their closest supervision over the details of the in- dustry, which is one that has contributed in no slight degree to the reputation of the city as a manufacturing point and distributing center. FISHBLATE CLOTHING COMPANY, Clothing and Gents' Furnishings* Masonic Temple* The business of the Fishblate Clothing Company was originally established in 1869 by Mr. S. H. Fishblate, adopting its present desig- nation in 1898. The store is 100x25 feet in dimensions, with an annex 35x50 feet. It is one of the handsomest in the city, and it is located in the Masonic Temple, an illustration of which appears on page 26. The stock is one of the best and extensive in the State, and embraces all the essentials of high grade and medium clothing, most of it being made for the house by some of the leading manufacturers in the country. The main stock is the production of Strouse & Bros., of Bal- timore, whose products are renowned. All sizes are kept in store and the requirements of all classes are catered for. The trade of the house is not only in the city, but is also drawn from surrounding districts. Gents' furnishings are also carried in large variety and of the best selec- tion. Mr, S. H. Fishblate is president and manager, and Mr. J. W. Fleet is secretary and treasurer. The head of the house has been for over thirty years connected with the clothing business, and is entirely familiar with every detail connected with it. He has always taken an interest in the well being and progress of the community, and has been Mayor of Wilmington four terms, in all eight years. It is not too much to say, that no house in the city enjoys more, the full confidence of the community, and where better inducements are offered the public. THE GLOBE, W- B, Schuler, Manager, 22 Market Street* The above popular resort was established some four years ago, and it has since succeeded in acquiring the favor and appreciation of the Wilmington public. It is most centrally located in the very heart of the business section, at a point where the principal thoroughfares inter- sect, and but a few steps from the river, and the Southport steamboat landing. The house caters for the best class of trade, and offers to pat- rons the finest selection of imported and domestic wines, liquors and cigars, everything here being of the best. A specialty is made of mix- ed and fancy drinks in the summer season, the house having a repu- tation in this regard. Another specialty is light lunches, including the finest oysters and clams, soft-shell crabs, and other delicacies in season. Mr. Willie Schuler is manager, and he is courteous, obliging and pop- ular. He strives to please his patrons by giving them the best of goods, along with every attention. The "Globe" may be quoted as among the most desirable establishments of the kind here, and visitors to the city, as well as residents, will do well to bestow upon it a measure of their support and patronage. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. in S. & B. SOLOMON, Wholesale Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc* Front & Market Sts. For nearly thirty years the above house has been prominent in business circles at Wilmington. It was founded in 1874 by Mr. B. Solomon, the present firm dating from 1876. The}' occupy at the pre- sent time very commodious premises comprising six stores, which are heavily stocked with goods. The house handles both at wholesale and retail, everything in the lines of dry goods and notions, clothing, hats, gents 1 furnishings, etc. The stock in all departments is particu- larly full and varied, and especially suited to the requirements of the country centering 100 miles from Wilmington. A particular line is boots and shoes, and merchants will find that the firm have the best of inducements to offer, in this department as in others. Messrs. S. & B. Solomon have a number of men constantly on the road, calling on patrons, and they also solicit orders by mail, assuring patrons immedi- ate attention, and prompt shipments. As regards the facilities of the firm, we can only say, that its experience and reputation are such that the most advantageous purchases are made direct from the factories, and the lowest prices invariably are quoted. The members of the firm are both well known residents. Mr. S. Solomon is a director of the Carolina Insurance Company. This house has always enjoyed the highest reputation for fair dealing and liberality, which no doubt has been influential in building up their important and growing business. THE CORBETT COMPANY, Wholesale Commission Merchants and Manufacturers' Agents* A* C* L Yards* The enterprise now operated under the above designation, is the old- est established provision commission house here, and it has always been able to hold its own in competition against the largest organiza- tions. It was founded in 1881 as W. I. Gore & Co., and in 1807 the firm title became Corbett & Co. Finally during the current year the business was incorporated as The Corbett Company. Mr. M. J. Cor- bett who is at the head of the concern, was a partner in the parent house and has always been connected with the business. The house occupies a building 150x75 feet at the Atlantic Coast Line yards, and being adjacent and contiguous to the river, affords the best of shipping facilities. The company are commission merchants and manufacturers' agents, handling dry salt meats, lard, flour, coffee, sugar and grain, exclu- sively at wholesale to jobbing houses in North and South Carolina. The}* handle the goods on a brokerage, obtaining their profit, as far as possible, from the manufacturer and not the merchant. Being in close touch with producers, they are enabled to place the goods before the trade at lowest current prices. Grain is received direct from the West in car load lots, and all other products from the original sources of supplv. The company represent on this market the well known Anglo-Ameri- can Provision Company, as regards meats; the patent and half patent flour, manufactured by Wm. Dubel & Co., of Ypsilanti, Mich., and they have handled them for twenty years, during which period the pro- ducts have always given full satisfaction, the trade entirely realizing ii2 THE CITY OF WILMINGTON their quality and uniformity. Mr. M. J. Corbett has been associated with the Carolina trade for nearly a quarter of a century. He is also allied with other enterprises of local interest. The business over which he presides has every advantage, which capital and experience can com- mand, and enjoys the appreciation and confidence of all brought into business contact with it. J. H* HARDIN, Wholesale & Retail Druggist and Truckers' Supplies, 126 So* Front St* There is probably no occupation under the sun in which care, ex- perience and knowledge are so essential as that of the druggist, and the above establishment is one of the most reliable in Wilmington, having been established by its proprietor nearly a quarter of a century ago,in the year 1881. The store occupied by Mr. Hardin since 1896, is one of the best appointed in the city, and was specially fitted up for the busi- ness. The stock comprises drugs, pharmaceutical preparations, patent medicines, perfumery, toilet articles etc. Only the best selected and freshest of wares are found at this establishment. A specialty is made of prescriptions and family recipes, and the well-known reputation of the house and its proprietor, assures that the greatest care is excercised as to detail, and quality of the ingredients. Mr. Hardin manu- factures special preparations which are, Hardin's Rheumatic Cure and Hardin's Nerve and Bone Oil. These are high-grade and valuable specifics of real merit. They have become popular throughout this section of the country and are in standard demand. The house jobs them to merchants throughout North and South Carolina generally. Another department is the handling of seeds and truckers' supplies. Both a wholesale and retail business is transacted in this line, the house being headquarters for these goods. Mr. J. H. Hardin is thoroughly well-known, both to the trade and the general public. He has been identified with the drug business for twenty-eight years. He takes also an interest in the general welfare of the community and is one of the directors of the Wilmington Homestead and Loan Co. The house is eminently a representative of the best class of Wilmington's trade. J* VAN B* METTS, General Insurance Agency, S* A* L* Building, North Front Street* A reliable insurance agency, perhaps the oldest established of the kind here, is that now conducted by Mr. J. Van B. Metts. It was estab- lished many years ago as Atkinson & Manning. Later C. W. Man- ning retired, and J. W. Atkinson and W. M. Atkinson formed the firm of Atkinson & Son. Then J. W. Atkinson withdrew, and the firm title was changed to Atkinson & Chadbourn. Later the firm of Chad- bourn & Steadman was instituted. On the election of Mr. F. H. Stead- man to the office of sheriff in 1900, the present proprietor Mr. J. Van B. Metts purchased the business. He represents for this locality the following staunch companies: the Imperial of London, Hartford of Connecticut, Fire Association of Philadelphia, North British and Mer- THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 113 cantile of London, Commercial Union of London, Phenix of Brooklyn, Norwich Union of England, New Hampshire of Manchester, Hanover of New York, Orient of Hartford, Piedmont of Charlotte, N. C. , Southern Mutual of Greensboro, N. C, Home of N. C. , British Am- erican of New York, and Firemen's of Baltimore. These are companies assuring certain indemnity in case of disaster. Mr. Metts also represents the Maryland Life of Baltimore and the Maryland Casualty Co. Mr. J. Van B. Metts is well-known to the community. He was formerly with the house of Walker Taylor & Metts six years as clerk and two years as a partner. Mr. Metts was for some time a first lieutenant in the Wilmington Light Infantry and is now one of the Reserve Corps. He is a member of all the German clubs and societies of the city. He is also an officer of the Carolina Yacht Club, and generally raav be said to be popular in the community. THE COOPER & COOPER COMPANY, Wholesale Grocers, Nutt Street* The Cooper & Cooper Company was established here October 1899, with a very strong and influential management, and with every experience and facility. The president of company is Mr. L. J. Cooper, and Mr. P. S. Cooper is secretary and treasurer. Among the directors are Mr. B. F. Bullard, vice-president of the Southern Naval Stores Co. , Savannah, and A. Sessoms, who is also a director of the same company and a well-known and prominent capitalist of the Carolinas. Mr. P. S. Cooper is a resident of Mullins, S. C. , where he is cashier of the bank. Mr. L. J. Cooper devotes his close energies to the conduct of the busi- ness. He was for a number of years commercial traveller with W. B. Cooper of this city. The company handle everything in the line of groceries, and cater to the trade of this locality within a hundred miles distance and have three commercial travellers on the road. They have the very best of inducements to offer the trade, and with ample capital at command are enabled to make the most advantageous purchases and to quote the lowest prices and to extend to merchants every courtesy along with fair dealing. The enterprise may be quoted as among the most staunch and responsible of the wholesale houses of Wilmington. THE TURRENTINE LIGHT COMPANY, Illuminators, 217 North Front Street. The above named enterprise is of a very useful character and has exhibited a marked measure of progress since its inception about four years ago. The premises utilized comprise a show room in front with work shop in rear. The Turrentine Light Company are dealers in gas and electric light fixtures, such as chandeliers, arc gas lamps, etc, and they handle all Welsbach supplies and standard make of mantles and supplies. A specialty is made of the installation of incandescent gas and electric light, which work is throughly and promptly carried out, putting patrons to the least of inconvenience. We should also mention the Kern incandescent gas burner, which positively saves eighty per cent, of the gas bill, at the same time giving a better light than ordi- ir4 . THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. nary burners. Only one foot of gas an hour is consumed by this burn- er; the ordinary burners consuming five feet. Another specialty is the Kitson system of incandescent kerosene lighting, using ordinary illumi- nating oil instead of gas, similar results being attained from the oil as from gas, giving- 2,000 candle-power, at a cost of only three quarters of a cent per hour, and does away largely with the breakage of chimneys, while in every regard the results are thoroughly satisfactory. The patronage of this house is not confined to the city, but comes here also from the sur- rounding tributary territory. The gentlemen conducting the enterprise are: John R. Turrentine, Jr., of the firm of The John R. Turrentine Company, and F. P. Turrentine. The latter is practically familiar with the business to which his closest energies and supervision are di- rected. This young but enterprising establishment may be ranked as among the most promising, domiciled in Wilmington. THE S0UTHP0RT & WILMINGTON STEAMBOAT LINE, Capt* J* W* Harper, Proprietor* Wharf, Foot of Market Street. The Southport and Wilmington Line, runs from Wilmington to Southport and includes all lower Cape Fear landings. The trip is made daily, and takes about two hours each way. The line carries passengers and freight, as well as the United States mails. The trip is delightful and historically interesting, recalling revolutionary times and the period of the Civil War. The steamer Wilmington of which Captain John W. Harper is master and owner, is a speedy, handsome and well appointed craft. Every convenience is provided for the com- fort of passengers, and the boat is as punctual as clock-work. In the summer time thousands make this trip, and ladies with their children find it a pleasurable and healthful way of spending a day. Visitors to to the city make it a point to go down to Southport and back, at least once during their stay. As regards a freight carrier, the line renders accessible a prosperous trading country, whose orders come to this city. Capt. John W. Harper may be said to be personally known to almost every resident of the city, and the river below it, and he is esteemed and popular. He has been running boats up and down the river for over a quarter of a century. He was in fact the pioneer of the regular summer trips to the sea-coast. He is also identified with the proprie- torship of the New Hanover Transit Co., a short railroad line connecting the boats with Carolina Beach; and with the Atlantic Fisheries Co., and the Cape Fear Fisheries Co. of Southport. Capt. Harper is also the owner of the steamer Southport, of which Capt. Burriss is master. This plies between Wilmington and Southport and for some time past has been chartered by the Government. As one of the attractions and trade conveniences of the city the Southport and Wilmington Line and the steamer Wilmington are deserving of due recognition in this volume. THE CITY OF WILMINGTON 115 ANGOLA LUMBER COMPANY, Manufacturers of Lumber, Wilmington, N* C. Established in Wilmington only about two years since, the Ango- la Lumber Company has developed an important business, and material- ly enhanced the reputation of the city as a lumber producing and ship- ping point. The company's plant covers forty acres, with a half mile frontage on the river. The railroad tracks enter the property and ves- sels load at the docks. The saw and planing mills have the latest improved appliances, operated by steam of 600 horse power capacity. The com- pany are the owners of timber lands in North Carolina covering an area of 50, 000 acres, so that large reserves of raw material are available. Here they have a well equipped railroad with locomotives, cars, etc. The loos are brought to the river, and are thence conveved to the mill direct. The company are manufacturers of flooring, ceiling and parti- tion rough and dressed lumber for interior finish and other uses, made from the well known North Carolina pine timber. The capacity of the mill is about 50,000 feet daily . In the various departments about 150 men are given employment. On the property is a box factor}", which obtains all its lumber from the Angola Lumber Company, and this is conducted under the name of the E. H. Barnes Company; Mr. J. T. Wood is manager, and from forty to fifty men are here employed. The •executive officers of the Angola Lumber Company are: J. W. Perry of Norfolk, president, S. M. Lloyd of Norfolk, secretary and treasurer and W. T. Sears, general manager. The first named gentlemen have other large lumber interests at Norfolk. Mr. Sears, who resides here is also president of the Courtland Lumber Co. of Norfolk. ROBERT P0RTNER BREWING CO,, Alexandria, Va„ Wilmington Branch, Otto Banck, Manager, Eighth and Brunswick Streets* The well known Robert Portlier Brewing Company of Alexandria, Va., have been represented in this city for a period of about a quarter of a century. The enterprise is the largest of the kind in the South, and the reputation of its product is well known and recognized. The establishment in Wilmington is conveniently located, contiguous to the railroads, affording the best of shipping facilities. The beer is receiv- ed direct from the brewery in bulk, except the export beer, and is bottled here, there being a complete and latest improved bottling plant available, with cold storage, which has a capacity for 300 barrels. The beer made by the company is of particularly high quality, manufac- tured from the best of malt and hops, and it is guaranteed unadulterated. The lager beer is generally known as "Vienna Cabinet"; the export beer being celebrated by its brand title of "Hoibrau". The reputation of this malt liquor has long been staple in this locality, and the demand for it steadily increases. Mr. Otto Banck, the manager, has been in charge of the Wilmington branch for over seven years. It is hardly too much to say, that this gentleman enjoys the favor and appreciation of the trade, in an eminent degree. He has ever} - experience,havingbeenin the service of the house for eighteen years, at Augusta, Ga. and Char- leston, S. C, before coming to this city. As to the standing of the company, we can only say that it ranks at the head of similar enterpris- es in the South, for wholesomeness of product, and for fair dealing. INDEX. Adrian Company, Wholesale Grocers,... 72 American Chemical and Textile Color- ing Company, 100 Angola Lumber Company, 115 Armour Packing Company, 104 Atlantic Inn, 67 Atlantic National Bank, 72 Bear, I. M. & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods, 58 Bear, Morris & Bros., Wholesale Dry Goods 83 Bear, Sr., Samuel, Wholesale Grocer,.. 69 Bear, Sol & Co., Wholesale Liquors, 104 Bellamy, R. R., Wholesale Druggist,..,. 68 Blake, A. E., Peanuts, 49 Boney & Harper Milling Co., 70 Brown, A. D., Dry Goods, Carpets, etc., 100 Cape Fear Dumber Co., 48 Carolina Insurance Co 50 Champion Compress andWarehouse Co., 53 Coal, Cement and Supply Co., The, 97 Cooper & Cooper Co., The 113 Cooper, W. B., Wholesale Grocer, etc , 70 Corbett Co., The, Commission Mer- chants etc., Ill Covington, C. C. & Co., Molasses, Fish and Flour 82 Cowan, S. P. Livery Co 75 Creasy Bros., Peanuts, Fruit etc 68 Croom & Hunt, Grocers etc 52 Cnmming, Preston, General Wood Worker 45 Curran, M. H., Merchant Tailor, 86 David, A. Co., The, Clothing etc., 107 Delgado Mills, Cotton Factory, 65 DeRosset, R. C, Books and Stationery, 62 Diamond Steamboat and Wrecking Co., 81 Divine, M. W. & Co., Paints, Glass etc., 43 Fishblate Clothing Co., 110 Foard. Chas. D., Hardware 105 Fore & Foster, Planing Mill and Sash and Blind Co , 91 French, G. R. & Sons, Wholesale Boots and Shoes,.... 99 French, Jr., W. R , Cigars etc., 77 Garrell, J. F. & Co., Cattle Dealers and Butchers, 108 Gaylord, G. O., Dry Goods, etc., 85 Gieschen, Bros., Atlantic Inn 67 Globe, The, Wines and Liquors 110 Gore, D. L. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Druggists, etc., 98 Gore, T. J., Groceries, Liquors, etc 45 Green, H. McL. & Mcintosh, Lumber Agents, 90 Hall & Pearsall, (Incorporated) Whole- sale Grocers, etc., 57 Hardin, J. H., Druggist, etc 112 Harper, J. W., Proprietor Steamer Wil- mington, 114 Heide, A. S., Ship Chandler, 71 Heide & Co.. Ship Brokers, 71 Heyer Bros., Wholesale Grocers, 106 Hilton Lumber Co., 61 Home Brewing Co., 73 Trydraulic White Brick Co 55 j dependent Ice Co., The,.. 102 Jacobi, N., Hardware Co., 42 Keith, B. F. Co., Shingles, Lumber etc., 74 Kerchner, F. W., Wines and Liquors, 79 Kidder Lumber Co., 69» Kuck, Jno. H. , Groceries, Liquors etc... 96 Maffitt, C D., Ship Chandler etc 88. Mc Eachern, D., Wholesale Grocer and Naval Stores 64 McNair, S. P., Wholesale Grocer etc.,... 56. McQueen, Jr., Peter, Wholesale Grocer,. 106. Metts, J. Van B. , Insurance, 112. Mitchell, B. F. Co., Grain, Peanuts,etc, SS. Moore's, Roger Sons & Co., Builders' Materials,.... .93; Morton, Geo. L. Co., The, Turpentine, Rosin etc. 103. Murchison, J. W. & Co., Hardware, 94 Murchison National Bank, The, 66 Navassa Guano Co., Fertilizers, 46 Orton, The Hotel, 89 Parker, N. F., Furniture, 84 People's Savings Bank, 94 Pickett, R. H., Merchandise Broker 67 Polvogt, C. W. Co... The, Dry Goods etc. 82 Portner Brewing Co 115 Racket Store, The,... 85 Render, II. Mrs., Florist 101 Rehder, J. H. & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods, Clothing etc....... 92 Rheinstein Dry Goods Co., The 95 Rhodes & Hintze, Meat Dealers 107 Sea Shore Hotel, 29 Sloan, J H., Cotton Shipper and Ex- porter, 61 Solomon, S. & B., Wholesale Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes etc., Ill Spirittine Chemical Co., 76 Springer, J. A. & Co., Coal, Wooed etc., 44 Sprunt, Alex. & Son, Cotton Exporters, 53- Stevenson, J. C. Co., Wholesale Grocers, 101 Taylor, J. A., Wholesale Grocer, 52" Taylor, Walker, Insurance, 7S Tucker, H. A. & Bro., Marble and Granite Workers, 60 Turrentine, John R. Co., The, Merchan- dise Brokers, 87 Turrentine Light Co., 113 Vollers & Hashagen, Wholesale Provis- ions, Cigars etc., 51 Watters, J. H., Wholesale Grocer 75 Whitlock, C. M., Iron Works and Mill Supplies etc ,.105 Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co. ,...109' Willard & Giles, Insurance, 50 Williams Bros., Wholesale Grocers, 59' Wilmington and Southport Steamboat ■*' Line 114 Wilmington Floral Co 96 Wilmington Iron Works, The 56 Wilmington Peanut Co 90- Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works 80 Wilmington Savings and Trust Co., 86 Worth Co., The Wholesale Grocers 41 Worth, Wm. E. & Co., Ice, 80' Yates, C. W. & Co., Books and Station- ery, ios Yopp, W. H., Fish, Oysters etc., 79' n r