223 96 e o- If DIOCESE OP EAST CAROLINA ANNUAL REPORT 1910-1911 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp283 P96e 1910-11 1 ^mam xrf ^H^t "'CarclttUL Twenty-Fourth Annual Report Woman's Auxiliary and Junior Department TO THE Board of Missions, ANT) Fourth Report OF THP^ Parochial Society OF THE Diocese of East Carolina, 1910-1911. GOLDSBORO, N. C. NASH BROS., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1911. •Burase of ^Hst (ttartflma. Twenty-Fourth Annual Report OF THE Woman's Auxiliary and Junior Department Board of Missions, Fourth Report OF THE Parochial Society OF THE Diocese of East Carolina, 1910-1911. GOLDSBORO, N. C. NASH BROS., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1911. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/twentyfourthannuOOepis DIOCESAN OFFICERS. President: MRS. NATHANIEL HARDING, Washington, N. C. Convocation of Edenton: Vice-President, MRS. JAMES STATON, Williamston, N. C. Convocation of New Bern: Vice-President, MRS. H. M. BONNER, New Bern, N. C. Convocation of Wilmington: Vice-President, MRS. N. N. DAVIS, Wilmington, N. C. Secretary, MISS SUE E. COLLIER, Goldsboro, N. C. Recording Secretary, MRS. W. E. COX, Wilmington, N. C. Treasurer, MRS. GEORGE ROBERTS, New Bern, N. C. Treasurer for the United Offering, MRS. JOSH JAMES, Wilmington, N. C. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT: Secretary, BABIES' BRANCH: Secretary, MRS. JOHN CRANMER, "^ Wilmington, N. C. Prayers for Use in Auxiliary Meetings. O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who in the day of Thy flesh didst ac- cept the services of faithful women, who administered unto Thee in their substance; Be pleased, we humbly ask, to bless our endeavors to aid and encourage missionaries. Put into our hearts the things we should do and say to promote Thy glory. Grant that we may never be discouraged under difficulties, but go forward with faith and hope looking unto Thee. Have pity on those who know Thee not, on those who are far from the Church of their fathers in a strange land; visit them with Thy salvation and grant that they may be speedily brought to acknowledge Thee as their Lord and Master Christ. Hear us, and answer this our prayer, for Thine own name's sake. AMEN. O GOD, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the whole earth, and didst send Thy blessed Son to preach peace to them that are far off and to them that are high; Grant that all men everywhere may seek after Thee and find Thee. Bring all nations into thy fold, and add the heathen to Thine inheritance. And we pray Thee to shortly accomplish the number of Thine elect, and hasten Thy kingdom, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who didst charge Thine Apostles that they should preach the gospel to every nation; Make us to show our gratitude for Thy benefits by earnestness in fulfilling Thy com- mand. Prosper all missions, both at home and abroad, with an in- crease of sanctity, that they may win many to the acknowledg- ment of Thy truth (especially those in ), and give them all things needful for their work, making them to be centers of spirit- ual life, to the quickening of many souls and the glory of Thy Holy Name, our only Mediator and Advocate. AMEN. HEAVENLY FATHER, we pray Thee to bless us and all mem- bers of the Junior Auxiliary, with wisdom, zeal and constancy, in our work for Thee. Prosper the Missions of Thy Holy Church, and strengthen with the Holy Spirit all who are engaged in missionary work; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. DIRECT us, O Lord, in all our doings with Thy gracious favour, and further us with Thy continued help that in our works begun, continued and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. NOONDAY PKAYER FOR MISSIONS. BLESSED SAVIOR, who at this hour didst hang upon the cross, stretching forth Thy loving arms, grant that all mankind may look upon Thee and be saved; through Thy mercy and merits who ftvest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. AMEN. /Iftemotial IRecorfc 1910—1911. ENTERED INTO REST. St. Peters', Washington: MRS. MARY ELISON McDONALD, MRS. SALLIE HOWARD MYERS, MISS MARY MARCIA RODMAN. Holy Trinity, Hertford: MISS SARAH ELIZABETH HARVEY. St. David, Creswell, MRS. ELIZABETH SKINNER NEWBOLD. St. John's, Winton: LULA I. NORTHCOTT. MINUTES of the TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. The Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Woman's Aux- iliary and Fourth Meeting of the Parochial Society of the Diocese of East Carolina was held in St. John's Parish, Fay- etteville, N. 0., May 23, 1911. Corporate Communion was had at 7 :30 a. m., the cele- brant being the Rev. B. F. Huske, of New Bern, assisted by the Rev. Charles Noyes Tyndall, the Rector of the Parish. At this time the Annual Offering known as the Bishop's Fund for Diocesan Missions was placed on the altar. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Nathaniel Harding, of Washington, in the Parish House, at 10 :00 a. m. After singing the hymn, "Fling out the Banner," the Chaplain, Rev. B. F. Huske, opened with prayer and made the annual address, in wdiich he stated that women were always ready to respond when they understood what they were to do, and that every Auxiliary should see that every other woman be given the opportunity to join in this great work, and then some day the Woman's Auxiliary in East Carolina would no doubt grow to such proportion, and the work done so great, that it would of necessity have to stand alone under its own individual banner. After singing the hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tain," Mrs. F. R. Rose made an address, welcoming us to Fayetteville. This was responded to by Miss Dail, of New Bern, in behalf of the visitors. The President then called the meeting to order for busi- ness, and roll call showed 81 delegates and visitors present She expressed regret that Mrs. Woodley, of Kinston, had found it necessary to resign her position as Vice-President of the Convocation of New Bern, after which she introduced the new officers — Mrs. Nixon Davis, Vice-President of the Convocation of Wilmington ; Mrs. H. M. Bonner, Vice-Presi- dent of the Convocation of New Bern, and Mrs. W. E. Cox, Recording Secretary. Mrs. J. G. Staton then read the report of the Convocation 8 Diocese of East Carolina. of Edenton, which showed activity in all branches and high per centage of attendance, especially among the Juniors. She reported work done in Mission Study and taking of Church papers, and urged each of her branches to take the Spirit of Missions and use it in their meetings. Mrs. H. M. Bonner read the report of New Bern Convoca- tion which showed marked increase in the whole field. She had visited nearly all of the branches personally, and urged each one not to be content until one hundred per cent of our women belonged to the Auxiliary. By her earnestness and enthusiasm she made us feel that we were glad to be here and to have had a part in the work. Mrs. Nixon Davis then gave an interesting account of the work done in the Convocation of Wilmington, and reported advance and interest everywhere. The report of the Diocesan Secretary Miss Sue Collier showed that the amount, $400.00, for General Missions had been given, also the largest gift ever made towards the Clergy Relief Fund and generous sums to other objects. The Treasurer, Mrs. George H. Roberts, of New Bern, by her report showed that the offerings were larger than ever before. The amount of the Bishop's Fund was then announced to be $319.50. This is the largest amount yet given. This news was received with enthusiasm and the Doxology was imme- diately sung. Mrs. Joshua James, the Diocesan Treasurer of the United Offering, reported increased interest and increased offerings., She urged again the appointing of a separate Treasurer for the United Offering who should go to every woman in the Parish and give each one an opportunity to know about this offering — for knowing means that giving will follow. The Bishops say that this offering is the greatest blessing that comes to them. Then what a joy it is to feel that we at least have a share in it. Mrs. H. M. Bonner reported for Miss Roberts, of New Bern, that she had tried to arouse interest in the Church Pe- riodical Club but had failed. Airs. Harding in her address reported that pledges had been sent in more promptly than ever before, and that our offerings for all purposes had increased. She especially urged the Study of Missions and the Bible among all women, par- ticularly that such classes be gotten up for those who are too Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 9 old for the Juniors and too young for the Woman's Auxiliary. She then read a letter from Miss Emery stating that only about twenty per cent, of the women of our churehes are di- rectly interested in the Mission work and urged personal work that our numbers may be doubled and quadrupled another year. The suggestion of Miss Emery that only the work sent through the General Missions House should be published in her report, but that all work should be published in our Coun- cil report, after some discussion, was put to vote and unani- mously carried. Should the majority of the Auxiliaries adopt her suggestion, and it becomes the rule, then only such work as is apportioned or asked for by Miss Emery will be put in her report. All work, of whatever kind and wherever sent, will be put as heretofore in our annual report, which is sent as usual to Miss Collier, Diocesan Secretary. All money must be sent through our Treasurer, Mrs. George H. Roberts, of New Bern. Pause was here made for noon-day prayer led by the Bishop of the Diocese, after which, in a few words of encouragement, he urged us k 'to do great things for God and expect great things from God." Also, he wished the matter of Parochial obligations clearly understood. That in Annual meetings of the Council, the Parochial Society and Auxiliary are one, but outside of their Parochial work, the only obligations ruling upon Parochial Societies was that to the Bishop's Fund and that to the Cen- tral Fund. This year we are asked to give $600.00 for the Bishop's Fund, $300.00 of which is for Hope Mills, $200.00 for Bur- gaw r , and $100.00 for a horse and buggy for the Missionary in Hyde County. $207.00 of the Bishop's Fund was used to complete the $500 asked for by the Bishop last year for Hope Mills, $100 was also given him for the Missionary in Hyde County; and we have no fear of having the amounts asked for Hope Mills and Burgaw, in our offering at the next Council. He con- gratulated the Societies on the fact that most of the funds this vear had been sent through the Treasurer, Mrs. George IT. Roberts, as requested. Rev. J. H. Griffith, of Kinston, then came before the meet- ing and asked for the gift of a font for the little church in Farmville. Mrs. H. M. Bonner was then recognized and 2— A 10 Diocese of East Carolina. asked that the Convocation of New Bern assume the respon- ■ sibility of purchasing this font as it was for a church in their Convocation. A voluntary offering of $10 w r as given by Mrs. limes, of Kinston, $5 from Mrs. Martin Willard, of Wil- mington, and $1 by Mrs. Xixon, of Hertford. The Rev. W. J. Smith, of the Thompson Orphanage, of ^Charlotte, came before us to thank us for past efforts in be- half of the Orphanage and asked us to continue our good work ; and he especially urged every one sending boxes to have* their names written on them plainly that they may be acknowledged. Our President then told him that next year we were to give him $200 — $100 of which was for the Build- ing Fund. Mrs. W. E. Cox then spoke interestingly of the great Jubi- lee Meetings that have been held all over this country — the purpose of them and the great good that they had accom- plished. Mrs. Nixon Davis told of the Study classes that had been Leld in Wilmington during Lent and the great help they had been in many ways, and the interest they had aroused. Mrs. Harding announced that Miss Lindley, assistant to Miss Emery, would be in the Diocese this fall to have a Study class for the leaders, the arrangements of which would be made later. The reports were then called for. In the Round Table discussion which followed some helpful suggestions were brought out. First. What is the first obligation of the Auxiliary? Idle apportionment to the Board of Missions is the first obligation of the Auxiliary and should be so considered and provided for before anything else. Second. I low can the Woman's Auxiliary in smaller towns help the young boy '( in small towns, having no Y. M. C. A. or St. Andrew's Brotherhood, the Woman's Auxiliary might wisely adopt some of the methods of these organizations such as, the weekly gathering together of the boys into a Study Class either of Missions, the Bible, or the lives of the heroes of the Church; the holding of the offices by the boys themselves, with only one or two older people to suggest and encourage the free and unrestrained discussion of the subject in hand by the boys; allowing them to plan and conduct their own meetings of prayer, reading, talk and song service; above all, impressing Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 11 upon them the thought that they are to seek out and bring into their band other boys. Third. What is the best way to arouse interest and increase attendance at meetings % Choose a leader, who is earnest and capable, and a friend to every member. Select a Secretary who is prompt in at- tendance and careful in every detail of the work. Plan care- fully after getting the expressed wishes of every member as to work to be done. An occasional social feature would be helpful. A very necessary way is to feel that you are needed at every meeting and that you are responsible for the attend- ance of at least one member. It was moved and seconded that with rising vote we express our sympathy to Miss Alice Mallett in her sickness, and our regret at her absence. Mrs. Cox, in behalf of our President, officers, delegates and visitors, expressed to the people of Fayetteville their sincere appreciation of their unbounded hospitality, their many kind- nesses shown to us, and the help and inspiration that these meetings had brought to each one. After the reading of the minutes the Meeting adjourned to meet next year at the same time and place designated by the Council of East Carolina. Mrs. Wm. E. Cox, Recording Secretary. Meeting of the Board of Officers. The Board of Officers met in St. John's Parish House, Fayetteville, K C, Monday, May 22. At ten o'clock the meeting was called to order and opened with prayer. Mrs. Nathaniel Harding, Mrs. James Staton, Mrs. C. H. Bonner, Mrs. 1ST. K Davis, Mrs. George Roberts and Mrs. Josh James were present. "A rule of order" for meetings, was read and adopted. Parochial reports were next considered and it was decided, that these reports shall be called for at Parochial Meetings, during the Annual meeting, and that Parochial gifts to Missions are voluntary, obligatory only towards the Bishop's and Central Fund. A pledge of two hundred dollars (one for general expenses the other to- wards the Building Fund), was made for Thompson Orphan- 12 Diocese of East Carolina. age and we are asked to contribute towards St. Agnes' Hos- pital. Mrs. Bonner called atention to the needs of the Church at Oriental, Aurora and Edward. It was Resolved, That hereafter the Woman's Auxiliary shall have a page devoted to Woman's work in the Diocesan Church paper. Also that the General Auxiliary Report be more limited and that five hundred dollars should be given towards General Missions. To arouse interest in Study Classes that Miss Grace Lindly be invited to visit the Diocese this Fall, making New Bern her headquarters. The hour for the Parochial meeting was reached and the meeting adjourned. Sue E. Collter, Meeting of the Parochial Society. The Conference of the Woman's Parochial Society was held in the Parish House of St. John's, Fayetteville, N. C, May 22, 1911; at 11 :00 a. m., presided over by Mrs. Nixon Davis, Vice-President of the Convocation of Wilmington. Meeting was opened by the singing of hymn, "Go forward Christian Soldiers," which was followed by prayer. Each Parish Society was called upon to give an account of their year's work and to read their report. Each one repre- sented showed work well done and progress made. At 12 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Claiborne, of Sewanee, came in and conducted the noon-day prayer. Mr. Claiborne is a missionary in the mountains of Tennessee and came to this meeting to put before it the claims of the "University of the South". He made a strong, earnest appeal, not only for funds but for the mothers to realize that here is the place for them to send their sons, where their academic work can go hand in hand with their own Church's teaching and training. After this appeal the remainder of the reports were read, at the close of which the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Wm. E. Cox, Recording Secretary. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 13 THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. As I told you last year, there is very little for me to say after hear- ing the splendid reports from the other officers. I must congratu- late all on the way the pledges have been met the past year, it is really the first time our apportionment has been met in full and on time. It was suggested from the Missions House that we give $495.00, and already $516.55 has passed through the hands of our Treasurer. The amounts asked for by the Bishop for St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, and St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, have been exceeded. There has been given for Hope Mills Parish House from the several branches, $283.30. We can easily increase this to $500.00 from our collection this morning. We have given more to the Thompson Orphanage than ever before, and I hope another year we will double it, or give a large sum on one of the new buildings so much needed. At the officers' meeting yesterday it was re- solved to give at least $200.00 for this purpose next year. There seems to have been much interest shown in every branch of our work, and I hear of enthusiasm all over the Diocese. I attended a Woman's meeting during the Convocation of Edenton at William- ston, in November and one at Aurora in January at the Convocation of New Bern. Both were well attended, all showing interest and striving for better things. Many branches have had Study Classes, with good results from all, especially so in Wilmington, where a class was taught early in the winter, and each of that class in turn was leader in a class during Lent. In this matter we have made a great step forward, and I hope for further progress another year. We hear of several new branches of the Woman's Auxiliary, and other Societies, Seniors and Juniors, in all three Convocations. This increased interest is to be expected in the year of our great Triennial, and added to that the meetings of the "Woman's Foreign Missionary Jubilee", which is exerting an influence, that makes us all, though only able to read about them, long to do more, and makes us realize our great responsibility and feel that we fall far short of other workers. Perhaps some of you have read in the May "Spirit of Missions," of the solitary woman worker in Alaska, who wrote to the Missions House, that she wanted a share in the Jubilee, and said please add fifty dollars from my stipend to the fund for foreign missions. Can't we follow her noble example and send a gift for Foreign Missions, that we too may have a share in the "Jubilee"? There is being made in every Diocese a great effort to interest the young women and larger girls in missionary work by forming them into Study Classes and Branches of the Junior Auxiliary. This is the work of the Woman's Auxiliary and if a few of us even one in a Parish, would gather some of these young wo- men, ten, twelve or less, into a circle or class and help them learn more of the Bible, and more of the Mission Field and the self-deny- ing workers, though we give not a penny, we could feel that we 14 Diocese of East Carolina. were engaged in God's work and when the interest is aroused the pennies will begin to come, but the effort must be to arouse interest in these young women, who are too old for the Juniors, and feel too young for the Woman's Auxiliary, that they may feel the desire to help the coming of the Kingdom. MRS. NATHANIEL HARDING. CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. Only one Convocation has been held during this year — that in November at Williamston. It is with a feeling of pride that I report the meeting most helpful and enthusiastic. At the Junior meeting 25 delegates were present while the Woman's meeting showed 36 in attendance. At this time the Juniors were given a separate meeting which they improved by helpful papers and reports. There is a marked improvement in the number of study classes. During the winter and Lent nearly every Parish studied the Acts. The reports are most favorable. All derived great benefit from the studies. In the Parishes where Mr. Matthews held missions special Bible studies were followed with interest. In every Parish there are subscribers to the Carolina Churchman; some to the Southern Churchman and the Churchman. With few ex- ceptions the Spirit of Missions is in every Parish. To those who are not subscribers to the Spirit of Missions I would suggest that it be taken by the Auxiliary and passed around among the members and the articles discussed at the meetings. Belhaven has organized an Auxiliary which is a step forward for missions and another year we will have a full report from them. In contribution to the United Offering Washington has second place in the Dioceses and Williamston is third. The average attendance at the home meetings I found to be as follows: Bath, 75 per cent.; Columbia, 50 per cent; Creswell, 60 per cent.; Hertford, 40 per cent.; Murfreesboro, 75 per cent.; Ply- mouth, 60 per cent.; Roper, 50 per cent.; Washington, 40 per cent.; Williamston, 50 per cent.; Windsor, 60 per cent.; Winton, 90 per cent., and Zion, 50 per cent., making an average of 58 per cent, for the Convocation of Edenton. The Juniors attend their meetings better than the women; let us hope such good habits will continue when they are advanced to the Woman's Auxiliary. The Work of the Convocation is going smoothly; apportionments are met and the Parochial work becoming more efficient each year. The response to all calls has been hearty, and with such faithful co-operation one feels that the Master's Kingdom will come. Respectfully submitted, MRS. JAMES STATON. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 15 CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. Having been one of your Vice-Presidents for so short a time, I feel that my report is not what it might be, certainly not what it should be. Having been but one of a band of workers in one of our Societies, and not having studied the work prior to my appoint- ment as I should have, and appreciating now, my limited knowledge of the work, I feel that I can not report so much work done as I might otherwise. Since the first of January at which time I was appointed Vice- President of the Convocation of New Bern, two new Auxiliaries have been organized, and one old one revived. The new ones being the Auxiliary at Oriental, and at All Saints' Chapel, New Bern. The Auxiliary at Vanceboro having been reorganized, there are now in the Convocation of New Bern 29 Societies under the auspices of the Church: 12 being branches of the Woman's Auxiliary, 13 Parochial Societies, two Altar Guilds, one Girls' Friendly, and one Chapter of The Daughters of the King. Last year only 19 were reported; there were others, however, which did not report, one of these at Edward, a faithful band who were working earnestly to raise a fund with which to begin the erection of a church. Another band of faithful workers, who for quite a number of years have been most zealous in their work for the Master, a band whose example we might well emulate in many ways. The Parochial So- ciety of this old Parish, S. John's, Bonnerton, has given frequently to worthy objects, but directly and not through the Auxiliary, so the net proceeds of their labors have not been shown in our reports. This old Parish has but 17 female communicants and yet they have 18 members in their Society and they are all active, liberal laborers in the Master's vineyard. A numerical strength that is unequal in any other Parish in the Convocation. At Oriental there are eight women working together to push for- ward this great work. Their organization is of very recent date. They make no report at this time. The Auxiliary at All Saints' Chapel has been organized but a few- months. They began with eleven members and now number twenty- five. Their meetings are enthusiastic. The Missionary spirit is very greatly in evidence, and their report is most creditable. The work which they have accomplished should put us all to thinking and inspire us with renewed energy and a determination to accom- plish greater things in the future. I have visited the Auxiliary in Aurora and Kinston. Have been to Vanceboro reorganizing the Auxiliary there. Visited Oriental, or- ganizing a branch there and have reorganized another branch at All Saints' Chapel, New Bern. I have visited Jasper talking to them- of the Missionary work of the Church. The enthusiasm manifest at Vanceboro and Oriental, I attribute im 16 Diocese of East Cabolina. a large measure to the fact that I visited these places at such a time as Mr. Matthews, our Missionary, was conducting a series of services in the several places. In all places which I have visited, I received a most cordial wel- come for which I again wish to express my appreciation. In Aurora, I was present during the meeting of the Convocation. A meeting which has been fraught with benefit. The success of this meeting was due, in a large measure, to the presence of our beloved President, Mrs. Harding. One delegate was present, Miss Dail from the Auxiliary of Christ Church, New Bern. She read a very interesting paper on the work in China. Short addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Griffith, Dean of the Convocation, who acted also as Chaplain, and by Rev. Mr. Harding. My expenses to Aurora were $3.40; to Vanceboro, 90 cents; to Oriental, $1.20; to Kinston, $1.70;. for stamps $1.20. I have received from the Treasurer of the Convocation of New Bern $3.40, and from our Treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Roberts, $5.00. I have written to all the Auxiliaries and other Societies of the Convocation of New Bern. Some answered promptly, others not at all. I wish to ask each delegate to take this message back to her Auxiliary, "Please answer all correspondence promptly." We can not keep up with the work in any other way. Do not hesitate to write to us for any information you wish, relative to the work. It will afford us pleasure to aid you, at any time, in any way, that we can. I wish to call your attention to the very great need of church buildings in Edward and Oriental. Most excellent work is being done at both places, under the ministrations of Mr. Crosby and Mr. Malone, and we might well think of the needs of those places as we pray and work during the coming year. The branch of The Woman's Auxiliary in Aurora, is endeavoring to raise the means for building a new church there. The first question in the Bible is "Where art thou?" Now where do we stand? How active is our stand? Are we active laborers in the vineyard, doing with our might this great work which the church has allotted to us, the women of the church? The next question is "Where is thy brother?" The Master re- quires them, not only that we shall be in our respective places doing His will but that we shall see to it that others shall be apprised of his bidding, that we shall lead them to Him, and enlist their talents and that together we may labor that that petition "Thy kingdom come," may be fulfilled. In this great work of winning the world for Christ we shall be co-laborers with Him, and if we be co-laborers with Him then shall we accomplish great things in His name. Let us enter the work willing to spend and be spent. Let us enlist the enthusiasm of all the women of the church, and let us have all active workers in the Auxiliary. Not 20 per cent., nor 30 per cent., but 100 per cent. Woman's Auxiliary to Boakd of Missions. 17 There are three things we must do as Auxiliary workers: 1st, pray; 2nd, work; 3rd, give. Don't you think that very often these are reversed? We give as liberally of our means as we think we can and then feel our duty well done. Our earnest prayers are worth more than we often realize. If we pray more earnestly, we will work more arduously and give more liberally. Then my fellow workers let us not cease praying; let us not weary in well doing; but labor faithfully and not be content until we see every woman in our own Parish taking her part in this our great work for the Master- Respectfully submitted, MRS. H. MONTAGUE BONNER. CONVOCATION OF WILMINGTON. A year ago I was appointed Vice-President of the Convocation of Wilmington. In October I attended the General Convention in Cincinnati, where I saw demonstrated in force the tremendous ac- tivity of the woman's work of the Church. In November I attended a meeting of the Board of Managers in Williamston. There were two meetings of the Convocation held during the year; one at Red Springs which I regret I was unable to attend, the other in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Wilmington. There was a very full attendance and much interest shown. A Woman's Meeting was held in St. Mary's Church, Burgaw, on the day of its consecration. There were a number of delegates present, and several very helpful papers were read. A few weeks ago I visited Boardman, and formed an Auxiliary there. Another new organization which we have to report is St. Stephen's Auxiliary, Red Springs. Here the women have given most of their time and effort to raising funds for the building and furnishing of their beautiful new Church. The report from Clinton shows that although the Church has been without a Rector for many months during the year, the women there have done faithful work. Splendid results have been accomplished in Fayetteville and Wilmington, and better even than the work they have done, is the interest manifested by all their Branches. In Wilmington the all important question of Mission Study has been strongly emphasized. It is a pleasure to report the enthusiastic zeal of the members of our Junior Organizations. In looking back over the year's work we can feel that advance has been made. The new year's work comes to us as a fresh call to greater growth. The privilege of carrying it forward is ours. Respectfully submitted, MRS. N. N. DAVIS. 3— A 18 Diocese of East Carolina. SECRETARY'S REPORT. Madam President and Women of East Carolina Auxiliary: It is again my privilege to meet with you. Our Annual meeting comes to us with the necessity of recording changes in the Board of Officers. Mrs. John Gibble, who for some years so faithfully and successfully led the Juniors has left the Diocese and the resig- nation of Mrs. C. B. Woodley, Vice-President of the New Bern Con- vocation is much regretted. Mrs. H. M. Bonner, of New Bern, has been appointed by the Bishop to take her place. We gladly welcome her and Mrs. W. E. Cox, Recording Secretary to the "board of officers." At a meeting of officers during the Convocation of Edenton, Mrs. Harding read a letter from Miss Emery in regard to certain matters introduced in the General report: 1. That this report be more lim- ited; 2. That those who attend a Study Class in Cincinnati will begin that work in the Diocese or Parish; 3. That Junior work be encouraged, a special effort made to reach older girls and young women; 4. That it is best still to ask for the Woman's Auxiliary and of the Sunday. School their separate apportionment; 5. There are special needs still unmet. St. Paul's and St. Margaret's, Tokyo; St. John's, Shanghai, are only some of tne many that claim some one's thought and care; 6. The United Offering of 1910 is again accompanied by the call for a gift of self, and will you make that of 1913 enable us to send all who will surely offer; 7. Constant prayer for the Unity of Christ Church. A more limited General Report is desired and after discussing the apportionment it was decided that four hundred dollars should be given towards General Missions. This sum has been given. Gifts during the year have been generous, those towards the Gen- eral Clergy Relief Fund the largest yet received. The closing of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting takes us to a year that should be laden with thoughts for our "Silver Anni- versary." Cannot we make it possible at that time to gladden some place with a Church to teach our ways to those who do not know them? Received from the Treasurer $ 11 . 75 From Mrs. Staton a supply of paper — printing 6.50 Stamps, envelopes and postals 4 . 40 Express on Reports 85 $ 11.75 Respectfully submitted, SUE E. COLLIER. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 19 TREASURER'S REPORT. May, 1910— May, 1911. Receipts. To cash received, Offering at Council $ 212.20 To cash received, Woman's Auxiliary 832 . 75 To cash received, Junior Auxiliary 263.92 To cash received, Young Woman's Auxiliary 75.00 To cash received, Babies' Branch , m 123.00 To cash received, Guilds 418 . 64 $1,925.51 Disbursements. i By cash paid General Missions $ 519 . 05 By cash paid Hope Mills 293.30 By cash paid Tnompson Orphanage 117.97 By cash paid St. Cyprian's 66 . 75 By cash paid St. Agnes' Hospital 53.75 By cash paid Clergy Relief Fund 148.90 By cash paid Miss Emery 30.00 By cash paid Bishop Strange 178 . 95 By cash paid Bishop Horner 20 . 34 By cash paid Church at Linville 25 . 00 By cash paid Rev. Mr. Braidin . 25 . 00 By cash paid Black Mountain Mission 5 . 00 By cash paid Glendale Mission 35 . 00 By cash paid Rev. Mr. Berkeley 25 . 00 By cash paid Aurora 1.00 By cash paid Missionary Font 1 . 00 By cash paid Foreign Missions 10 . 50 By cash paid Domestic Missions 7.50 By cash paid United Offering 23 . 75 By cash paid St. Paul's School 80 . 75 By cash paid Rosebud Mission 40 . 80 By cash paid Thomas D. Meares 29 . 50 By cash paid Rev. T. P. Noe 60 . 00 By cash paid Rev. Joseph E. Huske Memorial 25 . 00 By cash paid Porto Rico 20 .00 By cash paid China 19 . 25 By cash paid Japan 17 . 00 By cash paid Council Offering 14 . 00 $1,894.06 GENERAL MISSIONS. St. Thomas, Atkinson $ 1.50 Chapel of the Cross, Aurora 3 . 00 20 Diocese of East Carolina. St. Thomas, Bath $ 1 . 00 St. Mary's, Burgaw 1.00 St. Paul's, Beaufort 5.20 St. David's, Creswell 1 . 00 St. Paul's, E'denton 38 . 00 Christ Church, Elizabeth City 12 . 00 St. John's, Fayetteville 10 . 00 St. Stephen's, Goldsboro 10 . 00 St. Mary's, Gatesville 2 . 00 St. Martin's, Hamilton , 5.00 Holy Trinity, Hertford 3.00 Zion Parish, Jessama 1 . 00 St. Mary's, Kinston 8 . 00 Grace Church, Lewiston 2.00 St. Barnabas, Murfreesboro 1.00 Christ Church, New Bern 20 . 00 All Saints' Chapel, New Bern 4.00 St. Mark's, Roxobel 2.00 St. Paul's, Vanceboro 1 . 00 St. Luke's, Winterville 2 . 00 St. Thomas, Windsor 3 . 00 Church of the Advent, Williamston 10 . 00 St. Peter's, Washington 12 . 00 St. Paul's Mission (Colored), Washington 3.00 Church of the Good Shepherd, Wilmington 5.00 St. Paul's, Wilmington 10 . 00 St. John's, Wilmington 22 . 35 St. James, Wilmington 90 . 00 St. James /oung Woman's Auxiliary, Wilmington 25.00 $ 314.05 GUILDS FOR GENERAL MISSIONS. Parish Guild, Bonnerton $ 1 . 00 Parish Guild, Trinity, Chocowinity 1 . 00 Parish Guild, Church of the Good Shepherd, Wilmington. . . 2.00 Parish Guild, St. John's, Wilmington 3 . 00 Parish Guild, St. Cecilia, St. James, Wilmington 12.00 Parish Guild, St. Mary's, St. James, Wilmington 25.00 Parish Guild, St. Agnes, St. James, Wilmington 50.00 $ 94.00 JUNIOR AUXILIARY FOR GENERAL MISSIONS. Church of the Cross, Aurora $ 1 . 00 St. Thomas, Bath 3.00 Christ Church, Elizabeth City 5 . 00 St. John's, Fayetteville 10 . 00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 21 Holy Trinity, Hertford $ 1 • 00 St. Martin's, Hamilton 1 . 50 St. Mary's, Kinston 3 . 00 Christ Church, New Bern 2.00 St. Mark's, Roxobel 2 . 50 St. Peter's, Washington 5 . 00 St. Thomas, Windsor 2 . 00 St. James, Wilmington 20 . 00 St. John's, Wilmington 20.00 Church of the Advent, Williamston 5.00 $ 81.00 SUMMARY. Juniors $ 81.00 Woman's Auxiliary 314 . 05 Babies' Branch . 30 . 00 Guilds 94.00 $ 519.05 MRS. GEORGE ROBERTS. THE REPORT OF THE UNITED OFFERING TREASURER. Since making my last report, our United Offering for 1910 has been presented. Your hearts must have been filled with praise and thanksgiving by the part the Diocese of East Carolina took in that Offering: Woman's Auxiliary $2,415 . 61 Junior Auxiliary 88.14 Baby Branch 16.25 Total $2,520.00 St. James, Wilmington, alone giving $1,311.65. The result of personal solicitation and canvass of the whole Parish and this is why I requested last October, each Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to appoint a special office or committee to look after this work. If any of you have not complied with my request, I earnestly beg that you do so at once. Wherever it has been tried the results have been threefold. I have received since last May a total of $1,903.06. This of course, included St. James' offering. Of this amount $1,651.23 was collected previous to October 1st and presented in Cincinnati, leaving a bal- ance of $256.83 collected since October 1st and now in the bank credited to the Woman's Auxiliary of East Carolina for the Offer- ing of 1913. MRS. JOSH JAMES. 2'2 Diocese of East Cakolina. REPORT OF THE BABIES' BRANCH OF WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. May, 1910— May, 1911. Another mile post has passed and while our financial statement shows a decrease for the year I can not but feel that the interest in the Babies' Branch is on the increase. Earnest letters have come from many of the leaders of the "Little Helpers" in the Diocese and if we will but wait patiently I am quite sure that when we are come together again this earnestness will bear abundant fruit. This is, it must be a most important part of our work. How else can we go on if we do not look carefully to our beginnings. And it behooves us to pray for the fuller realiza- tion of what it means to have our Babies take their part in the work of Christ's Kingdom. Financial Report. CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. Bath, St. Thomas, Mrs. T. N. Tyer, Leader $ 3.00 Edenton, St. Paul's, Miss Sophie Wood, Leader 6.25 Elizabeth City, Christ Church, Mrs. C. F. Smith, Leader Hertford, Holy Trinity, Mrs. F. Babb, Leader , 9.02 Gatesville, St. Mary's, Mrs. E. R. Roberts, Leader 2.87 Plymouth, Grace Church, Mrs. C. Latham, Leader 3.00 Roper, St. Luke's, Mrs. Thomas Blount, Leader 1.50 Roxobel, St. Mark's, Mrs. A. Capehart, Leader Washington, St. Peter's, Mrs. Justus Randolph, Leader.... 16.00 Williamston, Advent, Mrs. James Staton, Leader 18.11 Windsor, St. Thomas, Mrs. John N. Cooper, Leader 2 .82 Winton, St. John's, Miss Jessie Cooper, Leader 1.00 Total $ 63.57 CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. Beaufort, St. Paul's Mrs. F. N. Skinner, Leader $ 50 Goldsboro, St. Stephen's, Miss Betsy Hill, Leader Greenville, St. Paul's, Mrs. Clark, Leader 2.50 Kinston, St. Mary's, Miss Dora Miller, Leader 8.16 New Bern, Christ Church, Mrs. F. Duffy, Leader 2 . 75 Seven Springs, Mrs. M. W. Uzzell, Leader 40 Winterville 1.00 Ay den Total $ 15.31 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 23 CONVOCATION OF WILMINGTON. Fayetteville, St. John's, Mrs. John Anderson, Leader $ 15.00 Wilmington, St. John's, Miss Allie Fechtig, Leader 16.51 Wilmington, St. James', Mrs. A. VanBuren, Mrs. Harry Woolcott, Leaders 15 . 39 Wilmington, Good Shepherd Total $ 46.90 BABIES' BRANCH. The objects to which "Babies Branch" has contributed: General Missions $ 30 . 00 Little Helpers Bib, St. Agnes Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 10.00 The Angelico Church, Hart Day School, Hankow, China. ... 5.00 Little Helpers Day School, Shanghai, China 9.00 Missionary Font 1 . 00 Kindergarten, Wayagnez, Porto Rico 15 . 00 Gaylard Hart Mitchell, Memorial Hospital, Akita, Tokyo, Japan . 10 . 00 Bishop's Fund East Carolina 10.00 Glendale Springs, Mission, N. C 10 . 00 Building Fund, Hope Mills, N. C 23 . 00 $ 123.00 Receipts. Receipts for the year $ 125 . 58 Disbursements by check to Mrs. George Roberts 123.00 Central Fund 2 . 58 $ 125.58 MRS. JOHN B. CRANMER. 24 Diocese of East Carolina. Reports. CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. BATH — St. Thomas' Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Ethel Adams, Secretary. No. members 11. : $ — $ BATH — Parochial Society, Miss Ethel Adams, Secretary. No. members 11. BATH — Parish Guild, Miss Julia Marsh, Secre- tary. No. members . BELHAVEN— St. James' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Thad Blount, Secretary. No. members . BELHAVEN— Parish Guild, Mrs. W. F. Marsh, Secretary. No. members 12. Foreign Missions $ 3 . 50 Domestic Missions 3.50 Central Fund 1.00 Parish House— Hope Mills 3 . 00—$ 11 . 00 COLUMBIA — St. Andrews' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. S. R. Bate.man,. Secretary. No. mem- bers 12. United Offering $ 50 General Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 Parish Box 5 . 00 — $ 8 . 00 COLUMBIA— St. Agnes' Guild, Mrs. S. R. Bate- man, Secretary. No. members 17. Church Building $ 250.00—$ 250.00 CRESWELL— St. David's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Sadie E'born, Secretary. No. members 12. United Offering $ 1 . 00 General Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 25 Church Building Fund $ 1.00 Central Fund 50 Parish House, Hope Mills 50 St. Cyprian's, New Bern 50 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh 50 Thompson Orphanage 1 . 00—$ 8 . 00 CRBSWELL— Guild. Paid on organ $ 100 . 00—$ 100 . 00 EDENTON— St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss M. F. Skinner, Secretary. No. members 20. United Offering $ 10 . 00 . General Missions 38.00 Foreign Missions — Japanese Scholarship.... 2.00 Bishop's Fund 5.00 Clergyman's Retiring Fund 5.00 Central Fund 1.00 Church at Aurora, N. C 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 3.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh 1.00 Box to Rosebud 12 . 00—$ 78 . 00 EDENTON— St. Mary's Guild, Miss Margaret Pruden, Secretary. No. members 36. Charity $ 11 . 00 Work in Parish 4 . 00 Thompson Orphanage 10 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 4.50 St. Cyprian's 2.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00 — $ 32 . 50 EDENTON— Dime Society, Mrs. James C. War- ren, Secretary. No. members 32. Laundering surplices, etc $ 1.75 Bishop's Fund 5 . 00 Repairing Church Yard Fence 52.39 Painting Church Yard Fence 20 . 80 Parish House, Hope Mills 7 . 50 — $ 87 . 44 EDENTON— Church Yard Society, Treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Pruden. No. members . EDENTON— Helping Hand (Boy's Society) Lead- er, Mrs. Edward Wood. No. members . ELIZABETH CITY— Christ Church, Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. T. Selby Harney, Secretary. No. members 28. United Offering $ 40 . 00 General Missions 12.00 26 Diocese of East Carolina. Bishop's Fund $ 3.00 Central Fund 2.00 Bishop Horner, Asheville 20.34 Parish House, Hope Mills 12.00 St. Cyprian's 2.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 2.00 Box— Rosebud, S. D 32.00—$ 125.34 ELIZABETH CITY— Ladies' Guild, Miss M. Al- bertson, Secretary. No. members 26. Missions $ 20 . 00 Organ 200.00 Cushions 21.00 Mr. Smith 10.00 Vestments 30.00 Expenses 57 . 82—$ 338 . 82 ELIZABETH CITY— St. Catherine's Guild, Miss C. S. Albertson, Secretary. No. members 34. Organ x und $300.00 Church expenses 10.00 Choir room 5 . 00—$ 315 . 00 GATESVILLE— St. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. R. Roberts, Secretary. No. members 8. United Offering $ 15 . 08 General Missions . 2 . 00 Bishop's Fund 2 . 00 Central Fund 2 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 4 . 00 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00—$ 27 . 08 GATESVILLE— St. Mary's Guild, Mrs. T. G. Hayes, Secretary. No. members 8. Reredos Curtain $ 27 . 13 Cream for lawn party 14 . 70 Central Fund 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 1 . 00 Box in Parish 10 . 00—$ 53 . 83 HAMILTON— St. Martin's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. B. L. Long, Secretary. No. members 11. United Offering $ 9.30 General Missions 5 . 00 Foreign Missions 1 . 00 Domestic Missions 2 . 60 Bishop's Fund 2 . 00 General Clergy Relief 1.00 Central Fund 2 . 00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 27 Chuch Building Fund $ 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 25 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 3.00 St. Cyprian's 1.00 St. Agnes Hospital 1 . 00—$ 53.9a HAMILTON — St. Martin's Guild, Mrs. B. L. Long, Secretary". No. members 11. Tuning Organ $ 5.00 Materials for Church doors 12.77 Repairing doors 1.75 Cleaning Church 3.10 Stationery 50—$ 23 . 12 HERTFORD— Holy Trinity Woman's Auxiliary, Miss P. C. Norcom, Secretary. No. members 26. United Offering $ 6.00 General Missions 3.00 Foreign Missions 1 . 00 Domestic Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.00 General Clergy Relief 1 .00 Central Fund 1.00 Church Building Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 4.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 1.00 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00 Warsaw Church 1.00 Ahoskie Church ! 1.00 St. Paul's Beaufort 1.00 Box— Christ School, Arden, N. C 16 . 00 Box— Thompson Orphanage 30 . 00—$ 71 . 00 HERTFORD— Woman's Parish Guild, Mrs. W. F. Babb, Secretary. No. members 16. Lumber for Rectory $ 9.40 Lumber for Missions 2 . 00 Church Yard Work 8.80 Flowers for funeral 8.35 Rectory Furniture 15 . 58 Delegate expenses (Convention) 2.25 Sick 3.10 Freight, Orphanage Box 64—$ 60 . 12 HERTFORD— St. Katherine's Guild, Miss Ruchia Whedbee, Secretary. No. members 13. Brass Altar Rail $ 89.18 Altar Hangings 20.00 28 Diocese of East Carolina. Flowers $ 15.00 Gifts and Charities 30.00 Incidentals 10 . 55 Central Fund 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 1.00 St. Cyprian's 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00—$ 168 . 73 MURFREESBORO— St. Barnabas Auxiliary, Miss Sarah S. Barnes, Secretary. No. members 7. United Offering $ 1.19 General Missions 1 . 00 Parish House 2.00 St. Cyprian's 50 St. Agnes' Hospital 50—$ 5 . 19 PLYMOUTH— Grace Church Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Sidney A. Ward, Secretary. No. mem- bers 19. United Offering . . $ 8.06 General Missions 1.00 Foreign Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.60 Central Fund 1 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1.00 Parochial Box 28.20 Domestic Box 5 . 00—$ 47 . 86 PLYMOUTH— Woman's Guild, Secretary. No. members . PLYMOUTH— Daughters of the King, Mrs. Sid- ney Ward, Secretary. No. members 7. ROPER — St. Luke's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss A. C. Carstarphen, Secretary. No. members 12. Central Fund $ 2.00 Thompson Orphanage 4 . 85 — $ 6 . 85 ROPER— Parish Guild, Miss A. C. Carstarphen, Secretary. No. members 12. Church Lights and Fuel $ 16 . 00 Rector's Christman 5.00 Diocesan Support 10 . 00 Chest for Church Hangings 3.63 Curtain 1.13 Delegates expenses to Convention 3.00 — $ 38.76 ROPER— St. Mary's Guild, Miss Ida Spruill, Sec- retary. No. members 19. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 29 ROXOBEL— St. Mark's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Ica G. Powell, Secretary, No. members 13. United Offering $ 1.25 General Missions 2.00 Bishop's Fund 1.20 Parish House, Hope Mills 2.00 St. Cyprian's 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00 Diocesan Missions 5 . 00 Box to Rosebud S. D 10 . 00—$ 23 . 45- ROXOBEL— St. Mark's Woman's Guild, Miss Annie J. Norfleet, Secretary. No. members 12. Diocesan Missions $ 5 . 00 Central Fund 1 . 00—$ 6 . 00 WASHINGTON— St. Peter's Branch Woman's Auxiliary, Miss E. M. B. Hoyt, Secretary. No. members 43. United Offering $ 98 . 22 General Missions 12 . 00 Bishop's Fund 5 . 00 General Clergy Relief. 10 . 00 Central Fund 3.00 Thompson Orphanage 5 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 15.00 St. Cyprian's Church 2 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 2.00 One Copy Spirit of Missions 1.00 St. Paul's, Beaufort 10.00 Surplice for Rev. Mr. Crosby 7 . 55 Domestic Box 42 . 80—$ 213 . 57 WASHINGTON— Babies' Branch, Mrs. Justus Randolph, Leader. No. members 25. WASHINGTON— St. Peter's Parochial Society, Mrs. M. Herbert Bonner, Secretary. No. members 39. Provisions $ 36.67 Clothing 53.30 Wood 31.25 Cash spent 55 . 85—$ 177 . 07 WASHINGTON— A. C. Bragaw Memorial, Daugh- ters of the King, Miss Jane Myers, Secre- tary. No. members 17. Rector's Surplice $ 12 . 05 Annual Dues to General Secretary 4.50 Laundrying Altar Linen and Vestments 3.50 30 Diocese of East Carolina. Flowers for All Saints and Members $ 1.50 Church Annual and Calendar for Vestry room 87 Key for Church and Sub. to Royal Cross. . . . 50—$ 22.92 WILLIAMSTON— Church of the Advent Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Secretary. No. members 24. United Offering $ 46.03 General Missions 10.00 Bishop's Fund 5 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 12 . 00 St. Cyprian's 2.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 2 . 00 Box— Rosebud Mission 22 . 00—$ 100 . 03 WILLIAMSTON— Parish Guild, Mrs. J. H. Saun- ders, Secretary. No. members 24. Cleaning Church Yard $ 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 2 . 50 Stationery 75 Cleaning Rectory 2.30 Church Carpet 88 . 00 Central Fund " 1.00—$ 96.55 WILLIAMSTON— Daughters of the King, Thos. B. Haughton Memorial, Miss Emily L. Whit- ley, Secretary. No. members 4. Bishop's Fund $ 3.00 Self-Denial Fund 1.25 Flowers for Altar and Per Capita Tax 1.85 Gift to Minister 8.35 Gift to Organist 4 . 62 Charity, Stamps, &c, 3 .24— $ 22 . 31 WINDSOR — St. Thomas' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Sol Cherry, Secretary. No. members 18. United Offering $ 23 . 93 General Missions 3.00 Diocesan Missions 6 . 00 Bishop's Fund 5 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 5.00 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh 1.00 Box — Thompson Orphanage 23 . 00 Box— St. Mary's School, Rosebud 10 . 00—$ 77 . 93 WINDSOR— St. Thomas' Guild, Mrs. Richard Askew, Jr., Secretary. No. members 22. Diocesan Missions $ 10 . 00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 31 Central Fund $ 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 3.00 Towards Furnishing Rectory 5 . 00 Stole for Rector ' 25.00 Dolls for Xmas Sale 1 . 50 Stationery 20—$ 45 . 70 WINTON — St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. M. C. Matthews, Secretary, (P. O. Ahoskie). No. members 7. United Offering $ 2.85 General Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.50 General Clergy Relief 1 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 1 . 56 Incidentals 1.25 Two boxes to Orphanage 15 . 00—$ 25 . 16 WINTON— Woman's Guild, Mrs. R. C. Bridger, Secretary. No. members 6. Paid on Organ Debt $ 16.30 Incidentals 33—$ 16 . 63 WO ODVILLJE— Grace Church Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. B. Urquhart, Secretary (P. O. Lewiston). No. members 10. United Offering $ 21.50 General Missions 2.00 Bishop's Fund 10 . 00 Central Fund 2 . 00 Thompson Orphanage 10 . 50 Parish House, Hope Mills 5 . 00 St. Cyprian's Church 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00 Box— Rosebud, S. D 11 . 10—$ 64 . 10 ZION PARISH— Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Helen Harvey, Secretary (P. O. Washington). No. members 20. United Offering $ 1.50 Bishop's Fund 1 . 00 General Missions 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 25 St. Cyprian's 25 Clergy Relief 1.00 Central Fund 50 Parish House, Hope Mills 1 . 50 — $ 7 . 00 32 Diocese of East Carolina. Grand total Convocation of Edenton: Woman's Auxiliary $ 953 . 36 Parochial Society 1,800 .27 Daughters of the King 45.29 CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. AURORA — Chapel of the Cross, Woman's Auxil- iary, Mrs. W. H. Hooker, Secretary. No. members 25. United Offering $ 10 . 94 General Missions 3 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3.50 Central Fund 25 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 Hope Mills, Parish House 4 . 05 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 1 . 00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 1.00 Rectory, Missouri 1.00 Rectory, Corbin, Kentucky 25 — $ 29 . 99 AURORA — Chapel of the Cross Parochial Society, Mrs. W. H. Hooker, Secretary. No. members 25. Altar Cloths $ 10.05 Sunday School work 2 . 75—$ 12 . 80 BEAUFORT— St. Paul's School Auxiliary, Miss Mary Lassiter, Secretary. Members 32. United Offering $ 5.00 General Missions 2.00 Central Fund 50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 10.00 Hope Mills Parish House 1 . 00 St. Agnes Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 50 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 50 Rectory, Corbin, Kentucky 1 . 00 Chatham Episcopal School 1 . 00 St. Paul's School 50 . 50 Church Periodical Club 5.00 Lenten S. S. Offering 3.20—$ 80.20 BEAUFORT— St. Paul's Aid Society, Mrs. N. L. Carrow, Secretary. Members 49. Church Lights $ 15 . 00 Rector 15.00 Rectory, Corbin, Kentucky 1.00 Incidentals 5 . 90 — $ 36 . 90 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 33 BEAUFORT— St. Paul's Guild, Miss Mary Bell Carrow, Secretary. Members 17. Church lights $ 25 . 00—$ 25 . 00 BONNERTON— St. John's Parochial Society, Miss Esther Tripp, Secretary. Members 18. General Missions $ 6 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 15.00 Support Fund 50 . 00 Easter Offering 15 . 13 Pews for Church 134 . 38 Painting Church 55 . 15—$ 275 . 66 CHOCOWINITY— Trinity Parish Guild, Miss Emily Patrick, Secretary. Members 11. General Missions $ 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 Hope Mills Parish House 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 50 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern 50 Box value 1 .25 — $ 9 . 75 EDWARD— The Redeemer Aid Society. Rector's Salary $ 57 . 72 Rector's Stole 3.50 Expenses 35 . 00—$ 96 . 22 OOLDSBORO— St. Stephen's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. C. Vitou, Secretary. Members 22. United Offering $ 6.15 General Missions 10 . 00 Bishop's Fund . 6 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 20.00 Hope Mills Parish House 5.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 2.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 2.00 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 15.00 Box value — Rev. W. R. Mason's Mission, Va. 16.00 — $ 86.15 GOLDSBORO— St. Stephen's Guild, Mrs. W. E. Jinkins, Secretary. Members 44. Bazaar $ 186 . 88 For Church and Rectory 51 . 55 Apron sale, dues, etc 37 . 30 Amount made on 25c. during Lent 58.40 — $ 334.13 34 Diocese of East Carolina. GOLDSBORO— St. Stephen's Sanctuary Guild, Mrs. Hugh Humphrey, Secretary. Members 12. Processional Cross $ 20 . 00 Paten Memorial 12 . 00 Chalice Memorial 22 . 50 Chalice Veil 1.50 Chest of Drawers 15 . 00 Prayer Book Markers 45 Flowers 5 . 00—$ 76 . 45 GREENVILLE— St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary Society, Mrs. E. B. Ficklin, Secretary. Mem- bers 24. United Offering $ 4.00 General Missions 35.25 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 9.50 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 10.00 — $ 48.75 GREENVILLE— St. Paul's Parochial Society, Mrs. E. B. Ficklin Secretary. Members 24. Rectory $ 178 . 50 Incidentals and Church yard 10 . 00 — $ 188 . 50 KINSTON — St.. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Thomas Harvey, Secretary. Members 20. United Offering $ 5.00 General Missions 8.00 Bishop's Fund 5.00 General Clergy Relief. 3.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 2.34 Hope Mills Parish House 5 . 00 Black Mountain Mission 5 . 00 Valle Crusis Mission 1.00 Aurora 1.00 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 15.00 — $ 31.34 KINSTON— St. Mary's Parochial Society, Mrs. Thomas Harvey, Secretary. Members 26. Expended $ 108 . 04—$ 108 . 04 NEW BERN — Christ Church Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. W. S. Simmon's Secretary. Members 37. United Offering $ 27 . 50 General Missions 20.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 Hope Mills Parish House 15 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 3.00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 35 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C $ 10.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 63.50 Box value — Rev. W. R. Mason's Mission, Va. 34.00 — $ 176.00 NEW BERN— Christ Church Guild, Mrs. John D. Whitford, Secretary. Members 56 Paid on organ $ 250 . 00 Black Mountain Mission 5.00 Cape Charles Rectory, Virginia 1 . 00 — $ 256 . 00 NEW BERN— Christ Church Sanctuary Guild, Mrs. John D. Whitford, Secretary. Mem- bers, 20. Laundering Altar Linen and Vestments $ 14.00 Stole 5.75 Book and Picture ! . 2.20 Palms and moving flowers 4 . 85 — $ 26 . 80 NEW BERN— Christ Church Girls' Friendly, Miss Mary C. Roberts, Secretary. Members 63. United Offering $ 3.00 Bishop's Fund 2.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C. ..... 3.00 St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C 12.00 Altar Cross, Jasper, N. C 20 . 00 Parochial objects 21 . 50 Branch expenses 24 . 75 G. F. T. Central Fund 17 . 35 G. F. T. Endowment Fund 8 . 00 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 13.10 Box value— Franklin, N. C 7 . 50 — $ 146 . 65 NEW BERN— All Saints' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. R. J. Disosway, Secretary. Members 25. General Missions $ 4.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 3.00 Hope Mills Parish House 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 1.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C...... 3.00—$ 15.00 NEW BERN— St. Cyprian's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. M. H. Thompson, Secretary. Members 25. United Offering $ 1.00 General Missions 1 . 00 Cement for Church 244 . 00 To the sick 2 . 00 — $ 248 . 00 36 Diocese of East Carolina. VANCEBORO— St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Lucy Williams, Secretary. Members 10. United Offering $ 1.00 General Missions 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 50 Hope Mills Parish House 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 50 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern 50—$ 6.00 WINTERVILLE — St. Luke's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. E. Cox, Secretary. Members 7. United Offering $ 10 . 00 General Missions 2 . 00 Domestic Missions 3 . 05 Bishop's Fund 50 Central Fund 50 Box value — Rev. W. R. Mason's Mission, Va. 20.54 Work on Church lot 1.25—$ 38.34 SUMMARY. Woman's Auxiliary $ 551 . 52 Parochial Society 1,650 . 37 Girls' Friendly 146 . 65 CONVOCATION OF WILMINGTON. BURGAW — St. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. L. Larkins, Secretary. Members 8. General Missions $ 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.00 Church 3.00 Church Fund 27 . 00 Central Fund 1 . 00—$ 33 . 00 CLINTON— St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. Mary A. Moseley, Secretary. Members 21. Church Building Fund $ 26 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 15.00—$ 41.00 CLINTON— St. Paul's Parochial Society, Mrs. Mary A. Moseley, Secretary. Members 21. Church expenses $ 48 . 04 — $ 48 . 04 FAYETTEVILLE— St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. E. J. Lilly, Secretary. Members 40. United Offering $ 27 . 12 General Missions 10 . 00 Foreign Missions 35 . 00 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 37 Domestic Missions $ 50 . 00 Bishop's Fund 10 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 5.00 Central Fund 1 . 00 Church Building Fund 5 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 12.00 St. Mary's Indian School, South Dakota 20.00 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 63.15— $ 238. 2T FAYETTEVILLE— St. John's Aid Society, Mrs. John Underwood, Secretary. Tea-room $ 127 . 13 Rector 386 . 86—$ 513 . 99* WILMINGTON— St. James' Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. H. C. Prince, Secretary. Members 69. United Offering $ 409 . 46 General Missions 90 . 00 Bishop's Fund 50.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 10 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 10.00 Hope Mills Parish Home 10 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 5.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern 10.00 Mr. Hunter, New Mexico 5 . 00 St. Mary's Indian School, South Dakota 25.00—$ 625.46 WILMINGTON— St. James' Young Woman's Auxiliary, Miss Isabel Smallbones, Secretary. Members 31. General Missions $ 25 . 00 Bishop's Fund 25 . 00 Central Fund 1 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh N. C 4.00 Rev. A. R. Berkeley, Mayodan 25 . 00 — $ 85 . 00- WILMINGTON— St. James' St. Agnes Guild, Mrs. W. G. Pulliam, Secretary. Members 34. General Missions $ 50.00 Foreign Missions 6.50 Diocesan Missions 50.00 Bishop's Fund 25 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 25 . 00 Central Fund 1.00 Church Building Fund 116 . 50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 Support of aged communicant 250 . 00 38 Diocese of East Carolina. Rector's Fund $ 25 . 00 Box value 25 . 00—$ 579 . oO WILMINGTON— St. James', Saint Cecilia's Guild, Mrs. Robert Wallace, Secretary. Members 26. United Offering $ 5 . 00 General Missions 12 . 00 Bishop's Fund 25.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 10.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 10.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 7.00 Glendale Springs, Building Fund 25.00 Church at Burgaw 10.00 St. Mary's Indian School, South Dakota 10.00 Box value — District nurse 15.00 — $ 130.00 WILMINGTON— St. James', St. Mary's Guild, Miss A. O'Brian, Secretary. Members 42. General Missions $ 25 . 00 Bishop's Fund 5 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 . 00 Central Fund 1 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.0u Hope Mills Parish House.' 100.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern 5.00 Church at Burgaw 25.00 Linville Mission 20 . 00 Sewing School, Church of the Good Shepherd 16.00 Entertainment of Council 10.00 Text books for Stenography Class 5 . 00—$ 267 .00 WILMINGTON— St. John's Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. I. Hicks Bunting, Secretary. Members 23. United Offering $ 55 . 50 General Missions 22.35 Bishop's Fund 8 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 3.00 Central Fund 1 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 2.00 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 4.00 Church at Black Mountain 1 . 00 St. Mary's Indian School, South Dakota 10.00 Six copies "Life of St. Paul" 75 Box value— Saluda 46 . 90—$ 151 . 88 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 39 WILMINGTON— St. John's Parish Guild, Mrs. W. E. Cox, Secretary. Members 28. General Missions $ 3.00 Bishop's Fund 5.00 Central Fund 1.00 Paid on choir room 51 . 50 Payment for study 149.05 Guild expenses 64 . 00—$ 273 . 55 WILMINGTON— St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary, — — — , Secretary. Members 12. United Offering $ 20.25 General Missions 10 . 00 Bishop's Fund 7.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.50 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh 2 . 00 Box value 25 . 00—$ 70 . 75 WILMINGTON— Good Shepherd Woman's Auxil- iary, Miss Carrie Price, Secretary. Members 30. General Missions $ 5 .00 Bishop's Fund 3.50 General Clergy Relief Fund 2.00 Central Fund 1.00 St. Mary's Indian School, South Dakota 3.50 Parochial support 24 . 00 Good Shepherd Building Fund 100.00 To Rector for Diocesan Apportionment 9.50 — $ 150.50 WILMINGTON— Good Shepherd Parish Guild, Mrs. Charles Huband, Secretary, Members 22. General Missions $ 2.00 Incidentals 6.65 Good Shepherd Building Fund 101 . 00 To Rector for Diocesan Apportionment 2.00 — $ 124.65 WILMINGTON— Good Shepherd, Girls' Friendly, Miss Susie A. Price, Secretary. Members 92. Branch expenses $ 17 . 73 Christmas Baskets for sick 6.00 Parochial expenses 56 i 00 — $ 79 . 73 SUMMARY. Woman's Auxiliary $2,077 . 48 Parochial Society 1,226 . 23 Girls' Friendly 101 . 83 Minutes of The Junior Department The Junior Department of the Woman's Auxiliary met in SL John's Parish House, Fayetteville, N. C, Monday afternoon, May 22. After a most gracious welcome given by a little Junior Lucy London Anderson, the roll was called. Sixteen visiting and eighteen home delegates were present. Mrs. Harding then gave her address. Before beginning the work of our Junior meeting, I would call to mind our great loss in the removal of our Secretary to another Diocese in February last. The Bishop decided to wait until our Annual Meeting before appointing another Secretary, so as soon as possible I wrote to the Vice-Presidents asking them to look after the work in their several Convocations. Through the enthusiasm of our former Secretary and the prompt work of the Vice-Presidents, the work has not suffered as you will learn from the reports. The past year with the great impetus given by the General Convention, with its conferences and Study Classes, has been a very active one in Junior circles. The interest aroused has caused one or two pages each month in The Spirit of Missions, to be set apart for discussion of Junior work. Among the important subjects brought before us is the selecting and training of Junior Leaders. How we may attract and interest the older girls, that a united effort be made to gather them into Junior Branches, and by prayer, study and experience fit them to become members of the Woman's Auxiliary. The Committee on Membership at the General Convention stated that while recognizing that by Baptism we are members of the Church and eligible as members of the Auxiliary, feel that it would be contrary to the Church's Mission to debar any child from attend- ance at meetings. They recommend that in no case shall an un- baptized child hold office in a Parish Branch and that each leader shall use her influence to bring such children to baptism. They also recommend a closer union between the Junior Auxiliary and the Girls' Friendly Society in their missionary work. I hope the leaders will discuss these subjects among themselves, and be ready with the new year to help on the "Forward Movement," by making the children of the Church realize more fully the need of training by Prayer and study, that they may lead others to recognize the Church's opportunity to carry out the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now my dear children, a few words to you, who have come to our Annual Meeting to represent your Parish Branch whose members have been working to bring into the hearts of each other an earnest interest in all work for the Master, a greater knowledge of this work at home and in foreign lands, and have been praying that we might do our part in this work, even to the giving of ourselves. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 41 By being a delegate proves that you have been a faithful member of your branch, and I hope each one of you will carry home some new and helpful idea, that will encourage and cheer your leader, and make your work for the next year broader and stronger. Affectionately, MRS. NATHANIEL HARDING. CONVOCATION OF EDENTON. BATH — Juniors. , Secretary. Members — . CRESWELL — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Sadie Alex- ander, Secretary. Members 11. United Offering $ 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 3 . 00 — $ 4 . 00 CRESWELL— Junior Guild. Processional Cross $ 14 . 00—$ 14 . 00 EDENTON — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Pencie War- , ren. Secretary. Members 14. Cash to Orphanage $ 10 . 00 Box to Orphanage 10 . 00—$ 20 . 00 ELIZABETH CITY— Junior Auxiliary, Miss Hat- tie Harney, Secretary. Members 11. General Missions $ 5.00 Bishop's Fund 50 Central Fund 25 Thompson Orphanage 70 . 00 Box to Orphanage 34 . 00—$ 109 . 75 •GATESVILLE— Junior Auxiliary, Walton Rob- erts, Secretary. Members 9. HAMILTON— Junior Auxiliary, Miss Pattie H. Sherrod, Secretary. Members 10. General Missions $ 1.50 Central Fund 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 25 St. Cyprians 25 St. Agnes' Hospital 25 Box — Thompson Orphanage 5.00 — $ 8.25 HERTFORD— Junior Auxiliary, Miss Kathryn Lassiter, Secretary. Members 28. United Offering $ 2.00 General Missions 1 . 00 Foreign Missions 1 .00 Domestic Missions 1.00 42 Diocese of East Carolina. Bishop's Fund $ 1.00 General Clergy Relief 1 . 00 Central Fund 1 . 00 Church Building Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 1.00 Parish House, Hope Mills 25 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1.00 Box to Christ School, Arden 2.00 Box— Orphanage 5 . 00—$ 20 . 00* PLYMOUTH— Junior Auxiliary, Secretary. Members . ROXOBEL — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Sally Norfleet, Secretary. Members 15. General Missions $ 2.50 Diocesan Missions 2. 00 — $ 4 . 50^ ROXOBEL— St. Mark's Junior Guild, Miss Eliza Mason Capehart, Secretary. Members 9. Reredos-Curtain $ 17 . 06—$ 17 . 06". WASHINGTON — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Louis Nutt Myers, Secretary. Members 24. United Offering $ 10 . 00 General Missions 5 . 00 Bishop's Fund 3.00 Central Fund 1 . OCT Thompson Orphanage 26 . 00 Parish Home, Hope Mills 5.0O St. Cyprian's 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1.00 Sundries 35—$ 52 . 35 WILLIAMSTON — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Annie K. Thrower, Secretary. Members 8. United Offering $ 6.55 General Missions 5.00 Foreign Missions 2 . 50 Domestic Missions 1 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1 . 50 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 4 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 5 . 00 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 1 . 00 Box to Glendale Mission 11.15—$ 40.20* Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 43 WILLIAMSTON— Junior Guild, Miss Annie K. Thrower, Secretary. Members 8. Painting Church Interior $ 25.00 Expenses of Convocation 15.60 Repairs to Church 5 . 00—$ 45 . 60' WINDSOR— Junior Auxiliary, Miss M. Nicholls, Secretary. Members 21. United Offering $ 1.00 General Missions 2.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage 3 . 00 Parish House, Hope Mills 1.50 St. Cyprian's 1 . 00 St. Agnes' Hospital 25 Box — Orphanage 9 . 10—$ 18 . 85" WINTON — Junior Auxiliary, Miss Helene North- cott, Secretary. Members 7. Thompson Orphanage $ 1.17 Central Fund 50 Incidentals 1 . 07 — $ 2 . 74 WOODVILLE— Junior Auxiliary, Miss Stella Phelps, Secretary (P. O. Lewiston). Mem- ber 1. Thompson Orphanage $ 2 . 25 Central Fund 50—$ 2 . 75 SUMMARY. Grand total Junior Auxiliary work $273.79 CONVOCATION OF NEW BERN. AURORA — Chapel of the Cross, Junior Auxiliary, Emma T. Hooker, Secretary. Members 18. General Missions $ 1.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 50 Central Fund 50 Hope Mills Parish House 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 50 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern, N. C 50—$ 4.00> GOLDSBORO — St. Stephens' Junior Auxiliary, Virginia P. Allen, Secretary. Members 7. Central Fund $ 1 . 00—$ 1 . 00) 44 Diocese of East Carolina. KINSTON — St. Mary's Junior Auxiliary, Mrs. C. A. Jeffery, Secretary. Members 18. United Offering $ 1.00 General Missions 2 . 00 Bishop's Fund 1.00 Central Fund 50 Hope Mills Parish House 1.00 Parish work 28 . 97 — $ 34 . 47 KINSTON— St. Mary's Bishop Strange Chapter Junior Auxiliary, Mrs. J. H. Griffith, Secre- tary. Members 14. United Offering $ 1.00 General Missions 1 . 00 Central Fund 25 Hope Hills Parish House 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 75 Black Mountain Mission 1 . 00 — $ 5 . 00 NEW BERN— Christ Church Junior Auxiliary, Ella Simmons, Secretary. Members 19. United Offering $ . 1.00 General Missions . 2 . 00 Foreign Missions, Boys S. Chang, China.... 2.06 Bishop's Fund 1.25 General Clergy Relief Fund 1.00 "Central Fund 25 Hope Mills Parish House 1.00 St. Agnes' Hospital, Raleigh, N. C 50 St. Cyprian's Church, New Bern 50 Organ for Jasper Church 2.00 Church at Oriental 1.00 Box value — Thompson Orphanage 40 .uu Box value— Franklin, N. C 7 . 50—$ 70 . 00 NEW BERN — All Saints' Junior Auxiliary, Miss Mary C. Roberts, Secretary. Members 20. St. Paul's School, Beaufort, N. C $ 1.25 General Clergy Relief Fund 60 Sewing material for Auxiliary 1 .15 — $ 3 . 00 WINTERVILLE — St. Luke's Junior Auxiliary, Pearl Hester, Secretary. Members 20. General Missions $ 25 . 00 Foreign Missions 3.25 Domestic Missions 7.65 Bishop's Fur d 1 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 25.00 Box value 40 . 40—$ 102 . 30 SUMMARY. Total of all work $219.77 Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 45 CONVOCATION OF WILMINGTON. FAYETTEVILLB — St. John's Junior Auxiliary No. 1, Bella D. Tillinghast, Secretary, Mem- bers 12. United Offering $ 2.50 General Missions 5 . 00 Domestic Missions 10 . 00 Bishop's Fund 5.00 General Clergy Relief Fund 10 . 00 Central Fund , 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 2.00 Box value— Saluda Mission 12 . 50—$ 48 . 00 FAYETTEVILLE— St. John's Junior Auxiliary No. 2, Miss Laura Smith, Secretary. Mem- bers 18. United Offering $ 2.00 General Missions 5 . 00 Bishop's Fund 10 . 00 General Clergy Relief Fund 5.00 Central Fund 1.00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 12.50 St. John's Parish box for poor 6 . 00—$ 41 . 50 WILMINGTON— St. James' Junior Auxiliary, Athalia Bunting, Secretary. Members 50. United Offering $ 10 . 00 General Missions 20 . 00 Bishop's Fund 10.00 Central Fund 3.00 Church Building Fund 50 . 00 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 5.00 Organ for Linville, N. C 31 . 71 Box value— Oklahoma 25 . 00—$ 159 . 71 WILMINGTON— St. John's Junior Auxiliary, Lil- lie M. Fechtig, Secretary. Members 18. United Offering $ 7.84 General Missions 20 . 00 Domestic Missions — Alaska, Glendale Springs 38.12 Bishop's Fund 2.34 Central Fund : 50 Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, N. C 15.00 Box value 2 . 50—$ 86.30; SUMMARY. Total Junior Auxiliary $335 . 51 46 Diocese of East Carolina. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. The name of this Society shall be "The Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions and Parochial Society of the Diocese of East Carolina. ART. II. The object of this Society is, by means of united and systematic effort, to arouse greater interest in Parochial work, and especially to diffuse Missionary intelligence, to increase Mis- sionary activity among the women of the Diocese, to unite pre- viously existing Societies and to encourage the formation of So- cieties where there are none. ART. III. The Church itself is the Missionary Society, and every person by baptism becomes a member of this Society; therefore, every baptized woman in this Diocese is a member of this Society. ART. IV. The officers of this Society shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as may be needed; all of whom shall be appointed by the Bishop, and shall constitute the Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall meet from time to time at the call of the President. The Secretary of the Junior Auxiliary shall be a member of the Board of Managers. ART. V. The President shall call meetings together, and shall preside over them and shall also do whatever in her judgment is best to advance the work of the Society. ART. VI. The Senior Vice-President shall preside over the meet- ings during the absence of the President. Each Vice-President shall be President of the Society in her Convocation. If the Vice-Presi- dent or Secretary of a Convocation, shall be invited to visit a Branch, said Branch shall pay her traveling expenses. If the Vice- President or Secretary goes into a Parish or Mission to establish a new Branch her expenses shall be paid by the Convocation which she represents. ART. VII. The duty of the Secretary is to prepare an annual report for circulation in the Diocese and to conduct the correspond- ence of the Society with Missionaries, and with the Secretary of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. She shall give notice of all meetings, keep record of such meetings, and prepare an abstract of the minutes to be read at the annual meeting. ART. VIII. The duty of the Treasurer is to take charge of all money sent to her for Missionary purposes and to disburse the same, as directed by the Parish or Mission sending or by the Board of Managers. She shall prepare a report at the annual meeting of all money which has passed through her hands during the preceding year. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions. 47 ART. IX. All Parochial Branches of the Woman's Auxiliary, the Junior Department and Babies' Branch, together with all Woman's Parochial organizations shall be entitled to one representative, except when such Branches or organizations shall be composed of twenty or more members they shall then be entitled to two repre- sentatives. And all Diocesan officers of this organization shall be ex-officio representatives. ART. X. The Annual Meeting shall be held at each Council of the Diocese, and general meetings may be held at such other times and places as may be designated by the Bishop of the Diocese and the President of the Society. ART. XI. The Society shall be divided into three sections accord- ing to the territory comprised in the three Convocations of the Diocese. Each section shall meet at least once a year in connection with the regular meetings of the Convocation. ART. XII. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a two- thirds vote of those present at the general meeting. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034014806 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368