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The Barber’s Shop ..32 IV. First Impressions.44 V. The Blind Scholar and his Daughter.48 VI. Dawning Hopes . 63 VII. A Learned Squabble.81 VIII. A Face in the Crowd.87 IX. A Man’s Ransom.101 X. Under the Plane-Tree.109 XI. Tito’s Dilemma.122 XII. The Prize is nearly Grasped.126 XIII. The Shadow of Nemesis.140 XIV. The Peasants’ Fair .148 XV. The Dying Message.164 XVI. A Florentine Joke.173 XVII. Under the Loggia.188 XVIII. The Portrait.195 XIX. The Old Man’s Hope.202 XX. The Day of the Betrothal.206 B00k II. XXI. Florence expects a Guest. 217 XXII. The Prisoners.225 XXIII. After-Thoughts.23.3 XXIV. Inside the Duomo . . .'.237 XXV. Outside the Duomo. 244 VI CONTENTS. Chapteb Paob XXVI. The Garment of Fear . ..249 XXVII. The Young Wife. 255 XXVIII, The Painteu Record. 266 XXIX. A Moment of Triumph. 272 XXX. The Avenger’s Secret. 279 XXXI. Fruit is Seed. 290 XXXII. A Revelation. 295 XXXIII. Bald ASS ARRE makes an AcquAiNTANCE . 306 XXXIV. No Place for Repentance. 315 XXXV. What Florence was thinking of . 328 XXXVI. Ariadne Discrowns Herself. 332 XXXVII. The Tabernacle Unlocked. 344 KXXVIII. The Black Marks become Magical ..... 348 XXXIX. A Supper in the Rucellai Gardens. 355 XL. An Arresting Voice . 374 XLI. Coming Back .. 383 Booh III. XLII. Romola in her Place. 387 XLIII, The Unseen Madonna . 395 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ROMOLA. VoL. I. Page Romol*.. Frontispiece Savomabola . .. ... 340 VoL. II. The Visible Madonna. 6 Niccol6 Macchiavelli. 118 At the Well. 183 SILAS MARNER. Silas Makneb and Efpie. 318 ROMOLA. ».f •' ■A' < I / ROMOLA. PKOEM. More than three centuries and a half ago, in the mid springtime of 1492, we are sure that the angel of the dawnj as he travelled with broad slow wing from the Levant to the Pillars of Hercules, and from the summits of the Caucasus across all the snowy Alpine ridges to the dark nakedness of the Western isles, saw nearly the same outline of firm land and unstable sea — saw the same great mountain shadows on the same valleys as he has seen to-day — saw olive mounts, and pine forests, and the broad plains green with young corn or rain-freshened grass — saw the domes and spires of cities rising by the river-sides or mingled with the sedge-like masts on the many-curved sea-coast, in the same spots where they rise to-day. And as the faint light of his course pierced into the dwellings of men, it fell, as now, on the rosy warmth of nestling children; on the haggard waking of sorrow and sick¬ ness ; on the hasty uprising of the hard-handed laborer; and on the late sleep of the night-student, who had been question¬ ing the stars or the sages, or his own soul, for that hidden knowledge which would break through the barrier of man’s brief life, and show its dark path, that seemed to bend no- whither, to be an arc in an immeasurable circle of light and glory. The great river-courses which have shaped the lives of men have hardly changed; and those other streams, the life- currents that ebb and flow in human hearts, pulsate to the same great needs, the same great loves and terrors. As our thought follows close in the slow wake of the dawn, we are 4 ROMOLA. impressed with the broad sameness of the human lot, which never alters in the main headings of its history — hunger and labor, seed-time and harvest, love and death. Even if, instead of following the dim daybreak, our imagi¬ nation pauses on a certain historical spot and awaits the fuller morning, we may see a world-famous city, which has hardly changed its outline since the days of Columbus, seeming to stand as an almost unviolated symbol, amidst the flux of hu¬ man things, to remind us that we still resemble the men of the past more than we differ from them, as the great mechani¬ cal principles on which those domes and towers were raised must make a likeness in human building that will be broader and deeper than all possible change. And doubtless, if the spirit of a Florentine citizen, whose eyes were closed for the last time while Columbus was still waiting and arguing for the three poor vessels with which he was to set sail from the port of Palos, could return from the shades and pause where our thought is pausing, he would believe that there must still be fellowship and understanding for him among the inheritors of his birthplace. Let us suppose that such a Shade has been permitted to revisit the glimpses of the golden morning, and is standing once more on the famous hill of San Miniato, which overlooks Florence from the south. The Spirit is clothed in his habit as he lived: the folds of his well-lined black silk garment or lucco hang in grave un¬ broken lines from neck to ankle; his plain cloth cap, with its hecchetto^ or long hanging strip of drapery, to serve as a scarf in case of need, surmounts a penetrating face, not, perhaps, very handsome, but with a firm, well-cut mouth, kept distinctly human by a close-shaven lip and chin. It is a face charged with memories of a keen and various life passed below there on the banks of the gleaming river ; and as he looks at the scene before him, the sense of familiarity is so much stronger than the perception of change, that he thinks it might be pos¬ sible to descend once more among the streets, and take up that busy life where he left it. For it is not only the mountains and the westward-bending river that he recognizes ; not only PKOEM. 6 the dark sides of Mount Morello opposite to him, and the long valley of the Arno that seems to stretch its gray low-tufted luxuriance to the far-off ridges of Carrara; and the steep height of Fiesole, with its crown of monastic walls and cy¬ presses ; and all the green and gray slopes sprinkled with villas which he can name as he looks at them. He sees other familiar objects much closer to his daily walks. For though he misses the seventy or more towers that once surmounted the walls, and encircled the city as with a regal diadem, his eyes will not dwell on that blank; they are drawn irresistibly to the unique tower springing, like a tall ffower-stem drawn towards the sun, from the square-turreted mass of the Old Palace in the very heart o-f the city — the tower that looks none the worse for the four centuries that have passed since he used to walk under it. The great dome, too, greatest in the world, which, in his early boyhood, had been only a dar¬ ing thought in the mind of a small, quick-eyed man — there it raises its large curves still, eclipsing the hills. And the well-known bell-towers — Giotto’s, with its distant hint of rich color, and the graceful-spired Badia, and the rest — he looked at them all from the shoulder of his nurse. “ Surely,” he thinks, Florence can still ring her bells with the solemn hammer-sound that used to beat on the hearts of her citizens and strike out the fire there. And here, on the right, stands the long dark mass of Santa Croce, where we buried our famous dead, laying the laurel on their cold brows and fanning them with the breath of praise and of banners. But Santa Croce had no spire then: we Florentines were too full of great building projects to carry them all out in stone and marble; we had our frescos and our shrines to pay for, not to speak of rapacious condottieri, bribed royalty, and pur¬ chased territories, and our facades and spires must needs wait. But what architect can the Frati Minori^ have employed to build that spire for them ? If it had been built in my day, Filippo Brunelleschi or Michelozzo would have devised some¬ thing of another fashion than that — something worthy to crown the church of Arnolfo.” 1 The Franciscans. 6 ROMOLA. At this the Spirit, with a sigh, lets his eyes travel on to the city walls, and now he dwells on the change there with won¬ der at these modern times. Why have five out of the eleven convenient gates been closed ? And why, above all, should the towers have been levelled that were once a glory and defence ? Is the world become so peaceful, then, and do Florentines dwell in such harmony, that there are no longer conspiracies to bring ambitious exiles home again with armed bands at their back ? These are difficult questions: it is easier and pleas¬ anter to recognize the old than to account for the new. And there flows Arno, with its bridges just where they used to be — the Ponte Vecchio, least like other bridges in the world, laden with the same quaint shops where our Spirit remembers lingering a little on his way perhaps to look at the progress of that great palace which Messer Luca Pitti had set a-build- ing with huge stones got from the Hill of Bogoli^ close behind, or perhaps to transact a little business with the cloth- dressers in Oltrarno. The exorbitant line of the Pitti roof is hidden from San Miniato; but the yearning of the old Flor- entine is not to see Messer Luca’s too ambitious palace which he built unto himself; it is to be down among those narrow streets and busy humming Piazze where he inherited the eager life of his fathers. Is not the anxious voting with black and white beans still going on down there ? Who are the Priori in these months, eating soberly regulated official dinners in the Palazzo Vecchio, with removes of tripe and boiled par¬ tridges, seasoned by practical jokes against the ill-fated butt among those potent signors ? Are not the significant banners still hung from the windows — still distributed with decent pomp under Orcagna’s Loggia every two months ? Life had its zest for the old Florentine when he, too, trod the marble steps and shared in those dignities. His politics had an area as wide as his trade, which stretched from Syria to Britain, but they had also the passionate intensity, and the detailed practical interest, which could belong only to a nar¬ row scene of corporate action; only to the members of a com¬ munity shut in close by the hills and by walls of six mile.s’ 1 Now BobolL PROEM. 7 circuit, where men knew each other as they passed in the street, set their eyes every day on the memorials of their commonwealth, and were conscious of having not simply the right to vote, but the chance of being voted for. He loved his honors and his gains, the business of his counting-house, of his guild, of the public council-chamber; he loved his en¬ mities, too, and fingered the white bean which was to keep a hated name out of the borsa with more complacency than if it had been a golden florin. He loved to strengthen his family by a good alliance, and went home with a triumphant light in his eyes after concluding a satisfactory marriage for his son or daughter under his favorite loggia in the evening cool; he loved his game at chess under that same loggia, and his biting jest, and even his coarse joke, as not beneath the dignity of a man eligible for the highest magis¬ tracy. He had gained an insight into all sorts of affairs at home and abroad: he had been of the ‘‘ Ten ” who managed the war department, of the “Eight” who attended to home discipline, of the Priori or Signori who were the heads of the executive government; he had even risen to the supreme office of Gonfaloniere; he had made one in embassies to the Pope and to the Venetians; and he had been commissary to the hired army of the Kepublic, directing the inglorious bloodless battles in which no man died of brave breast-wounds — virtu¬ osi colpi — but only of casual falls and tramplings. And in this way he had learned to distrust men without bitterness; looking on life mainly as a game of skill, but not dead to tra¬ ditions of heroism and clean-handed honor. For the human soul is hospitable, and will entertain conflicting sentiments and contradictory opinions with much impartiality. It was his pride besides, that he was duly tinctured with the learn¬ ing of his age, and judged not altogether with the vulgar, but in harmony with th'^ ancients : he, too, in his prime, had been eager for the most correct manuscripts, and had paid many florins for antique vases and for disinterred busts of the an¬ cient immortals — some, perhaps, truncis naribus, wanting as to the nose, but not the less authentic ; and in his old age he had made haste to look at the first sheets of that fine Homei 8 ROMOLA. which was among the early glories of the Florentine press. But he had not, for all that, neglected to hang up a waxen image or double of himself under the protection of the Ma¬ donna Annunziata, or to do penance for his sins in large gifts to the shrines of saints whose lives had not been modelled on the study of the classics; he had not even neglected making liberal bequests towards buildings for the Frati, against whom he had levelled many a jest. For the Unseen Powers were mighty. Who knew — who was sure — that there was any name given to them behind which there was no angry force to be appeased, no interces¬ sory pity to be won ? Were not gems medicinal, though they only pressed the finger ? Were not all things charged with occult virtues ? Lucretius might be right — he was an ancient, and a great poet; Luigi Pulci, too, who was suspected of not believing anything from the roof upward {dal t&tto in su), had very much the air of being right over the supper-table, when the wine and jests were circulating fast, though he was only a poet in the vulgar tongue. There were even learned personages who maintained that Aristotle, wisest of men (unless, indeed, Plato were wiser ?), was a thoroughly irreligious philosopher; and a liberal scholar must entertain all speculations. But the negatives might, after all, prove false; nay, seemed manifestly false, as the circling hours swept past him, and turned round with graver faces. For had not the world become Christian ? Had he not been baptized in San Giovanni, where the dome is awful with the symbols of coming judgment, and where the altar bears a crucified Image disturbing to perfect complacency in one’s self and the world ? Our resuscitated Spirit was not a pagan philosopher, nor a philosophizing pagan poet, but a man of the fifteenth century, inheriting its strange web of belief and unbelief; of Epicurean levity and fetichistic dread; of pedantic impossible ethics uttered by rote, and crude passions acted out with childish impulsiveness ; of inclination towards a self-indulgent paganism, and inevitable subjection to that human conscience which, in the unrest of a new growth, was filling the air with strange prophecies and presentiments. PROEM. He had smiled, perhaps, and shaken his head dubiously, as he heard simple folk talk of a Pope Angelico, who was to come by-and-by and bring in a new order of things, to purify the Church from simony, and the lives of the clergy from scandal — a state of affairs too different from what existed under Innocent the Eighth for a shrewd merchant and politi¬ cian to regard the prospect as worthy of entering into his cal¬ culations. But he felt the evils of the time, nevertheless; for he was a man of public spirit, and public spirit can never be wholly immoral, since its essence is care for a common good. That very Quaresima, or Lent, of 1492 in which he died, still in his erect old age, he had listened in San Lorenzo, not without a mixture of satisfaction, to the preaching of a Dominican Eriar, named Girolamo Savonarola, who denounced with a rare boldness the worldliness and vicious habits of the clergy, and insisted on the duty of Christian men not to live for their own ease when wrong was triumphing in high places, and not to spend their wealth in outward pomp even in the churches, when their fellow-citizens were suffering from want and sickness. The Erate carried his doctrine rather too far for elderly ears; yet it was a memorable thing to see a preacher move his audience to such a pitch that the women even took off their ornaments, and delivered them up to be sold for the benefit of the needy. “ He was a noteworthy man, that Prior of San Marco,” thinks our Spirit; “ somewhat arrogant and extreme, perhaps, especially in his denunciations of speedy vengeance. Ah, Iddio non paga il Sabato ^ — the wages of men’s sins often linger in their payment, and I myself saw much established wickedness of long-standing prosperity. But a Erate Predi- catore who wanted to move the people — how could he be moderate ? He might have been a little less defiant and curt, though, to Lorenzo de’ Medici, whose family had been the very makers of San Marco: was that quarrel ever made up ? And our Lorenzo himself, with the dim outward eyes and the subtle inward vision, did he get over that illness at Careggi ? It was but a sad, uneasy-looking face that he would carry ^ “ God does not paj on a Saturday.” 10 ROMOLA. out of the world which had given him so much, and there were strong suspicions that his handsome son would play the part of Rehoboam. How has it ail turned out ? Which party is likely to be banished and have its houses sacked just now ? Is there any successor of the incomparable Lorenzo, to whom the great Turk is so gracious as to send over presents of rare animals, rare relics, rare manuscripts, or fugitive enemies, suited to the tastes of a Christian Magnifico who is at once lettered and devout — and also slightly vindictive ? And what famous scholar is dictating the Latin letters of the Republic — what fiery philosopher is lecturing on Dante in the Duomo, and going home to write bitter invectives against the father and mother of the bad critic who may have found fault with his classical spelling ? Are our wiser heads leaning towards alliance with the Pope and the Regno,^ or are they rather inclining their ears to the orators of France and of Milan ? “There is knowledge of these things to be had in the streets below, on the beloved marmi in front of the churches, and under the sheltering Loggie, where surely our citizens have still their gossip and debates, their bitter and merry jests as of old. For are not the well-remembered buildings all there ? The changes have not been so great in those uncounted years. I will go down and hear — I will tread the familiar pavement, and hear once again the speech of Florentines.” Go not down, good Spirit! for the changes are great, and the speech of Florentines would sound as a riddle in your ears. Or, if you go, mingle with no politicians on the marmi, or elsewhere; ask no questions about trade in the Calimara; confuse yourself with no inquiries into scholarship, official or monastic. Only look at the sunlight and shadows on the grand walls that were built solidly, and have endured in their grandeur ; look at the faces of the little children, making an¬ other sunlight amid the shadows of age ; look, if you will^ into the churches, and hear the same chants, see the same ^ The name g^iven to Naples by way of distinction among the Italian States. PROEM. 11 images as of old — the images of willing anguish for a great end, of beneficent love and ascending glory; see upturned living faces, and lips moving to the old prayers for help. These things have not changed. The sunlight and shadows bring their old beauty and waken the old heart-strains at morning, noon, and eventide ; the little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty; and men still yearn for the reign of peace and righteousness — still own that life to be the highest whit h is a conscious voluntary sacrifice. For the Pope Angelico is not come yet. BOOK 1. CHAPTER 1. THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. The Loggia de’ Cerchi stood in the heart of old Florence, within a labyrinth of narrow streets behind the Badia, now rarely threaded by the stranger, unless in a dubious search for a certain severely simple door-place, bearing this inscription: QUI NACQUE IL DIVING POETA. To the ear of Dante the same streets rang with the shout and clash of fierce battle between rival families; but in the fif¬ teenth century they were only noisy with the unhistorical quarrels and broad jests of wool-carders in the cloth-producing quarters of San Martino and Garbo. Under this loggia, in the early morning of the 9th of April, 1492, two men had their eyes fixed on each other : one was stooping slightly, and looking downward with the scrutiny of curiosity; the other, lying on the pavement, was looking up¬ ward with the startled gaze of a suddenly awakened dreamer. The standing figure was the first to speak. He was a gray¬ haired, broad-shouldered man, of the type which, in Tuscan phrase, is moulded with the fist and polished with the pick¬ axe ; but the self-important gravity which had written itself out in the deep lines about his brow and mouth seemed in¬ tended to correct any contemptuous inferences from the hasty workmanship which Nature had bestowed on his exterior. He had deposited a large well-filled bag, made of skins, on the pavement, and before him hung a pedler’s basket, garnished partly with small woman’s-ware, such as thread and pins, and THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. Vd partly with fragments of glass, which had probably been taken in exchange for those commodities. “ Young man,” he said, pointing to a ring on the finger of the reclining figure, “ when your chin has got a stiffer crop on it, you ’ll know better than to take your nap in street corners with a ring like that on your forefinger. By the holy ’vangels ! if it had been anybody but me standing over you two minutes S,go--but Bratti Ferravecchi is not the man to steal. The cat could n’t eat her mouse if she did n’t catch it alive, and Bratti could n’t relish gain if it had no taste of a bargain. Why, young man, one San Giovanni, three years ago, the Saint sent a dead body in my way — a blind beggar, with his cap well lined with pieces — but, if you ’ll believe me, my stomach turned against the money I’d never bargained for, till it came into my head that San Giovanni owed me the pieces for what I spend yearly at the Festa; besides, I buried the body and paid for a mass — and so I saw it was a fair bargain. But how comes a young man like you, with the face of Messer San Michele, to be sleeping on a stone bed with the wind for a curtain ? ” The deep guttural sounds of the speaker were scarcely in¬ telligible to the newly-waked, bewildered listener, but he understood the action of pointing to his ring : he looked down at it, and, with a half-automatic obedience to the warning, took it off and thrust it within his doublet, rising at the same time and stretching himself. ^‘Your tunic and hose match ill with that jewel, young man,” said Bratti, deliberately. “ Anybody might say the saints had sent you a dead body ; but if you took the jewels, I hope you buried him — and you can afford a mass or two for him into the bargain.” Something like a painful thrill appeared to dart through the frame of the listener, and arrest the careless stretching of his arms and chest. For an instant he turned on Bratti with a sharp frown ; but he immediately recovered an air of indiffer¬ ence, took off the red Levantine cap which hung like a great purse over his left ear, pushed back his long dark-brown curls, and glancing at his dress, said, smilingly — 14 ROMOLA. “You speak truth, friend: my garments are as weather- stained as an old sail, and they are not old either, only, like an old sail, they have had a sprinkling of the sea as well as the rain. The fact is, I’m a stranger in Florence, and when I came in footsore last night I preferred flinging myself in a corner of this hospitable porch to hunting any longer for a chance hostelry, which might turn out to be a nest of blood¬ suckers of more sorts than one.” “ A stranger, in good sooth,” said Bratti, “ for the words come all melting out of your throat, so that a Christian and a Florentine can’t tell a hook from a hanger. But you ’re not from Genoa ? More likely from Venice, by the cut of your clothes ? ” “ At this present moment,” said the stranger, smiling, “ it is of less importance where I come from than where I can go to for a mouthful of breakfast. This city of yours turns a grim look on me just here : can you show me the way to a more lively quarter, where I can get a meal and a lodging ? ” “That I can,” said Bratti, “and it is your good fortune, young man, that I have happened to be walking in from Eovezzano this morning, and turned out of my way to Mercato Vecchio to say an Ave at the Badia. That, I say, is your good fortune. But it remains to be seen what is my profit in the matter. Nothing for nothing, young man. If I show you the way to Mercato Vecchio, you’ll swear by your patron saint to let me have the bidding for that stained suit of yours, when you set up a better — as doubtless you will.” “xigreed, by San Niccol6,” said the other, laughing. “ But now let us set off to this said Mercato, for I feel the want of a better lining to this doublet of mine which you are coveting.” “ Coveting ? Nay,” said Bratti, heaving his bag on his back and setting out. But he broke off in his reply, and burst out in loud, harsh tones, not unlike the creaking and grating of a cart-wheel: “ Chi abbaratta — baratta — Vratta — chi abbaratta cenci e vetri — Vratta ferri vecchi / ” ^ “ It’s worth but little,” he said presently, relapsing into his ^ “ Who wanta to exchange rags, broken glass, or old iron 1 ” THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. 15 conversational tone. “ Hose and altogether, your clothes are worth but little. Still, if you’ve a mind to set yourself up with a lute worth more than any new one, or with a sword that’s been worn by a Ridolfi, or with a paternoster of the best mode, I could let you have a great bargain, by making an allowance for the clothes ; for, simple as I stand here, I’ve got the best-furnished shop in the Ferravecchi, and it’s close by the Mercato. The Virgin be praised ! it’s not a pumpkin I carry on my shoulders. But I don’t stay caged in my shop all day : I’ve got a wife and a raven to stay at home and mind the stock. Chi ahbaratta — haratta — Cratta? . . . And now, young man, where do you come from, and what’s your business in Florence ? ” “ I thought you liked nothing that came to you without a bargain,” said the stranger. ‘^You’ve offered me nothing yet in exchange for that information.” “Well, well; a Florentine doesn’t mind bidding a fair price for news: it stays the stomach a little though he may win no hose by it. If I take you to the prettiest damsel in the Mer¬ cato to get a cup of milk — that will be a fair bargain.” “ Nay; I can find her myself, if she be really in the Mercato ; for pretty heads are apt to look forth of doors and windows. No, no. Besides, a sharp trader like you ought to know that he who bids for nuts and news, may chance to find them hollow.” “ Ah! young man,” said Bratti, with a side-way glance of some admiration, “you were not born of a Sunday — the salt- shops were open when you came into the world. You ’re not a Hebrew, eh ?—come from Spain or Naples, eh ? Let me tell you the Frati Minor! are trying to make Florence as hot as Spain for those dogs of hell that want to get all the profit of usury to themselves and leave none for Christians; and when you walk the Calimara with a piece of yellow cloth in your cap, it will spoil your beauty more than a sword-cut across that smooth olive cheek of yours. — Ahbaratta, haratta — chi abba- ratta? — I tell you, young man, gray cloth is against yellow cloth; and there’s as much gray cloth in Florence as would make a gown and cowl for the Duomo, and there’s not so 16 ROMOLA. much yellow cloth as would make hose for Saint Christopher- blessed be his name, and send me a sight of him this day ! — Abbaratta, baratta, Vratta — chi abbaratta ? ” “ All that is very amusing information you are parting with for nothing/^ said the stranger, rather scornfully ; “ but it hap¬ pens not to concern me. I am no Hebrew,” “ See, now ! ” said Bratti, triumphantly; “ I’ve made a good bargain with mere words. I Ve made you tell me something, young man, though you Ve as hard to hold as a lamprey. San Giovanni be praised! a blind Florentine is a match for two one-eyed men. But here we are in the Mercato.” They had now emerged from the narrow streets into a broad piazza, known to the elder Florentine writers as the Mercato Vecchio, or the Old Market. This piazza, though it had been the scene of a provision-market from time immemorial, and may, perhaps, says fond imagination, be the very spot to which the Fesulean ancestors of the Florentines descended from their high fastness to traffic with the rustic population of the valley, had not been shunned as a place of residence by Florentine wealth. In the early decades of the fifteenth century, which was now near its end, the Medici and other powerful families of thepopolani grassi, or commercial nobility, had their houses there, not perhaps finding their ears much offended by the loud roar of mingled dialects, or their eyes much shocked by the butchers’ stalls, which the old poet Antonio Pucci accounts a chief glory, or dignita, of a market that, in his esteem, eclipsed the markets of all the earth beside. But the glory of mutton and veal (well attested to be the flesh of the right animals; for were not the skins, with the heads attached, duly displayed, according to the decree of the Signoria ?) was just now wanting to the Mercato, the time of Lent not being yet over. The proud corporation, or “Art,” of butchers was in abeyance, and it was the great harvest-time of the market- gardeners, the cheese-mongers, the venders of macaroni, corn, eggs, milk, and dried fruits : a change which was apt to make the women’s voices predominant in the chorus. But in all seasons there was the experimental ringing of pots and pans, the chinking of the money-changers, the tempting offers of THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. 17 cheapness at the old-clothes stalls, the challenges of the dicers, the vaunting of new linens and woollens, of excellent wooden- ware, kettles, and frying-pans ; there was the choking of the narrow inlets with mules and carts, together with much uncom¬ plimentary remonstrance in terms remarkably identical with the insults in use by the gentler sex of the present day, under the same imbrowning and heating circumstances. Ladies and gentlemen who came to market looked on at a larger amount of amateur fighting than could easily be seen in these later times, and beheld more revolting rags, beggary, and rascaldom than modern householders could well picture to themselves. As the day wore on, the hideous drama of the gaming-house might be seen here by any chance open-air spectator — the quivering eagerness, the blank despair, the sobs, the blasphemy, and the blows : — “ E vedesi chi perde con gran soffi, E bestemmiar colla mano alia mascella, E ricever e dar dimolti ingolS.” But still there was the relief of prettier sights : there were brood-rabbits, not less innocent and astonished than those of our own period; there were doves and singing-birds to be bought as presents for the children ; there were even kittens for sale, and here and there a handsome gattuccio, or Tom,’’ with the highest character for mousing; and, better than all, there were young, softly rounded cheeks and bright eyes, fresh¬ ened by the start from the far-off castello ^ at daybreak, not to speak of older faces with the unfading charm of honest good¬ will in them, such as are never qnite wanting in scenes of human industry. And high fin a pillar in the centre ef the place — a venerable pillar, fetched frcm the church of San Giovanni — stood Donatello’s stone statue of Plenty, with a fountain near it, where, says old Pucci, the good wives of the market freshened their utensils, and their throats also; not because they were unable to buy wine, but because they wished to save the money for their husbands. But on this particular morning a sudden change seemed to 1 Walled village. 2 VOl,. V. 18 ROMOLA. have come over the face of the market. The deschi, or stalls, were indeed partly dressed with their various commodities, and already there were purchasers assembled, on the alert to secure the finest, freshest vegetables and the most unexception¬ able butter. But when Bratti and his companion entered the piazza, it appeared that some common preoccupation had for the moment distracted the attention both of buyers and sellers from their proper business. Most of the traders had turned their backs on their goods, and had joined the knots of talkers who were concentrating themselves at different points in the piazza. A vender of old clothes, in the act of hanging out a pair of long hose, had distractedly hung them round his neck in his eagerness to join the nearest group; an oratorical cheese¬ monger, with a piece of cheese in one hand and a knife in the other, was incautiously making notes of his emphatic pauses on that excellent specimen of marzolino ; and elderly market- women, with their egg-baskets in a dangerously oblique posi¬ tion, contributed a wailing fugue of invocation. In this general distraction, the Florentine boys, who were never wanting in any street scene, and were of an especially mischievous sort — as who should say, very sour crabs indeed — saw a great opportunity. Some made a rush at the nuts and dried figs, others preferred the farinaceous delicacies at the cooked provision stalls — delicacies to which certain four- footed dogs also, who had learned to take kindly to Lenten fare, applied a discriminating nostril, and then disappeared with much rapidity under the nearest shelter ; while the mules, not without some kicking and plunging among impeding baskets, were stretching their muzzles towards the aromatic green-meat. “ Diavolo! ” said Bratti, as he and his companion came, quite unnoticed, upon the noisy scene; “ the Mercato is gone as mad as if the most Holy Father had excommunicated us again. I must knov/ what this is. But never fear: it seems a thousand years to you till you see the pretty Tessa and get your cup of milk ; but keep hold of me, and I ’ll hold to my bargain. Remember, I’m to have the first bid for your sum, specially for the hose, which, with all their stains, are tlie best THE SHfPWRECKED STRANGER. 19 panno di garho — as good as ruined, though, with mud and weather stains.’’ “ Ola, Monna Trecca,” Bratti proceeded, turning towards an old woman on the outside of the nearest group, who for the moment had suspended her wail to listen, and shouting close in her ear, “ here are the mules upsetting all your bunches of parsley: is the world coming to an end, then ? ” “ Monna Trecca ” (equivalent to Dame Greengrocer ” ) turned round at this unexpected trumpeting in her right ear, with a half-fierce, half-bewildered look, first at the speaker, then at her disarranged commodities, and then at the speaker again. “ A bad Easter and a bad year to you, and may you die by the sword! ” she burst out, rushing towards her stall, but directing this first volley of her wrath against Bratti, who, without heeding the malediction, quietly slipped into her place, within hearing of the narrative which had been absorb¬ ing her attention; making a sign at the same time to the younger stranger to keep near him. ‘‘ I tell you I saw it myself,” said a fat man, with a bunch of newly purchased leeks in his hand. I was in Santa Maria Novella, and saw it myself. The woman started up and threw out her arms, and cried out and said she saw a big bull with fiery horns coming down on the church to crush it. I saw it myself.” “ Saw what, Goro ? ” said a man of slim figure, whose eye twinkled rather roguishly. He wore a close jerkin, a skull¬ cap lodged carelessly over his left ear as if it had fallen there by chance, a delicate linen apron tucked up on one side, and a razor stuck in his belt. “Saw the bull, or only the woman ? ” “Why, the woman, to be sure; but it’s all one, mi paro: it does n’t alter the meaning — va! ” answered the fat man, with some contempt. * “ Meaning ? no, no ; that’s clear enough,” said several voices at once, and then followed a confusion of tongues, in which “ Light shooting over San Lorenzo for three nights 20 KOMOLA. together ”— “Thander in the clear starlight ” — “ Lantern of the Duomo struck with the sword of St. Michael” — <— “ All smashed ” — Lions tearing each other to pieces ” — “ Ah ! and they might well ” — “ Boto * caduto in Sanfissima Nunziata ! ” — “ Died like the best of Christians ” — “ God will have pardoned him ” — were often repeated phrases, which shot across each other like storm-driven hailstones, each speaker feeling rather the necessity of utterance than of finding a listener. Perhaps the only silent members of the group were Bratti, who, as a new-comer, was busy in mentally piecing together the flying fragments of information ; the man of the razor ; and a thin-lipped, eager-looking personage in spectacles, wearing a pen-and-ink case at his belt. Ebbene, Nello,” said Bratti, skirting the group till he was within hearing of the barber. “ It appears the Magnifico is dead — rest his soul! — and the price of wax will rise ? ” ‘‘ Even as you say,” answered Nello; and then added, with an air of extra gravity, but with marvellous rapidity, “ and his waxen image in the Nunziata fell at the same moment, they say; or at some other time, whenever it pleases the Frati Serviti, who know best. And several cows and women have had still-born calves this Quaresima; and for the bad eggs that have been broken since the Carnival, nobody has counted them. Ah ! a great man — a great politician — a greater poet than Dante. And yet the cupola did n’t fall, only the lantern. Che iniracolo ! ” A sharp and lengthened “Pst! ” was suddenly heard darting across the pelting storm of gutturals. It came from the pale man in spectacles, and had the effect he intended; for the noise ceased, and all eyes in the group were fixed on him with a look of expectation. “ ’T is well said you Florentines are blind,” he began, in an incisive high voice. “It appears to me, you need nothing but a diet of hay to make cattle of you. What! do you think the « * Arms of the Medici. 2 A votive image of Lorenzo, in wax, hung up in the Church of the An- nunziata, supposed to have fallen at the time of his death. Boto is popular Tuscan for Voto. THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. 21 death of Lorenzo is the scourge God has prepared for Flor¬ ence ? Go! you are sparrows chattering praise over the dead hawk. What! a man who was trying to slip a noose over every neck in the Kepublic that he might tighten it at his pleasure! You like that; you like to have the election of your magistrates turned into closet-work, and no man to use the rights of a citizen unless he is a Medicean. That is what is meant by qualification now ; netto di specchio ^ no longer means that a man pays his dues to the Republic: it means that he ’ll wink at robbery of the people’s money — at robbery of their daughters’ dowries; that he ’ll play the chamberer and the philosopher by turns — listen to bawdy songs at the Carnival and cry ‘ Bellissimi! ’ — and listen to sacred lauds and cry again ‘ Bellissimi! ’ But this is what you love : you grumble and raise a riot over your qtcattrini bianchi ” (white farthings) ; “ but you take no notice when the public treasury has got a hole in the bottom for the gold to run into Lorenzo’s drains. You like to pay for footmen to walk before and behind one of your citizens, that he may be affable and condescending to you. ‘ See, what a tall Pisan we keep,’ say you, ‘ to march before him with the drawn sword flashing in our eyes ! — and yet Lorenzo smiles at us. What goodness I’ And you think the death of a man, who would soon have saddled and bridled you as the Sforza has saddled and bridled Milan —you think his death is the scourge God is warning you of by portents. I tell you there is another sort of scourge in the air.” “Nay, nay, Ser Cioni, keep astride your politics, and never mount your prophecy; politics is the better horse,” said Nello But if you talk of portents, what portent can be greater than a pious notary ? Balaam’s ass was nothing to it.” “Ay, but a notary out of work, with his ink-bottle dry,” said another by-stander, very much out at elbows. “Better don a cowl at once, Ser Cioni; everybody will believe in your fasting.” The notary turned and left the group with a look of indig¬ nant contempt, disclosing, as he did so, the sallow but mihS ^ The phrase used to express the absence of disqualification,». the nO' being entered as a debtor in the public book (specchio). 22 ROMOLA. face of a short man who had been standing behind him, and whose bent shoulders told of some sedentary occupation. “ By San Giovanni, though,” said the fat purchaser of leeks, with the air of a person rather shaken in his theories, “ I am not sure there is n’t some truth in what Ser Cioni says. For I know I have good reason to find fault with the quattrini bianchi myself. Grumble, did he say ? Suffocation! I should think we do grumble; and, let anybody say the word, I ’ll turn out into the piazza with the readiest, sooner than have our money altered in our hands as if the magistracy were so many necromancers. And it’s true Lorenzo might have hin¬ dered such work if he would — and for the bull with the flaming horns, why, as Ser Cioni says, there may be many meanings to it, for the matter of that; it may have more to do with the taxes than we think. For when God above sends a sign, it’s not to be supposed he’d have only one meaning.” “ Spoken like an oracle, Goro ! ” said the barber. “ Why, when we poor mortals can pack two or three meanings into one sentence, it were mere blasphemy not to believe that your miraculous bull means everything that any man in Florence likes it to mean.” “Thou art pleased to scoff, Nello,” said the sallow, round- shouldered man, no longer eclipsed by the notary, “ but it is not the less true that every revelation, whether by visions, dreams, portents, or the written word, has many meanings, which it is given to the illuminated only to unfold.” “ Assuredly,” answered ISTello. “ Have n’t I been to hear the Frate in San Lorenzo ? But then, I’ve been to hear Fra Menico in the Duomo too; and according to him, your Fra Girolamo, with his visions and interpretations, is running after the wind of Mongibello, and those who follow him are like to have the fate of certain swine that ran headlong into the sea — or some hotter place. With San Domenico roaring e veto in one ear, and San Francisco screaming e /also in the other, what is a poor barber to do — unless he were illuminated ? But it’s plain our Goro here is beginning to be illuminated, for he already sees that the bull with the flaming horns means first himself, and secondly all the other aggrieved THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. 23 laxpaycrs of Florence, who are determined to gore the magis¬ tracy on the first opportunity.” Goro is a fool! ” said a bass voice, with a note that dropped like the sound of a great bell in the midst of much tinkling. “ Let him carry home his leeks and shake his flanks over his wool-beating. He ’ll mend matters more that way than by showing ]iis tun-shaped body in the piazza, as if everybody might measure his grievances by the size of his paunch. The burdens that harm him most are his heavy carcass anri his idleness.” The speaker had joined the group only in time to hear tin- conclusion of Hello’s speech, but he was one of those figures for whom all the world instinctively makes way, as it would for a battering-ram. He was not much above the middle height, but the impression of enormous force which was conveyed by Mr> capacious chest and brawny arms bared .to the shoulder, was deepened by the keen sense and quiet resolution expressed in his glance and in every furrow of his cheek and brow. He had often been an unconscious model to Domenico Ghirlandajo, when that great painter was making the walls of the churches reflect the life of Florence, and translating pale aerial tradi¬ tions into the deep color and strong lines of the faces he knew. The naturally dark tint of his skin was additionally bronzed by - the same powdery deposit that gave a polished black surface to his leathern apron : a deposit which habit had probably made a necessary condition of perfect ease, for it was not washed off with punctilious regularity. Goro turned his fat cheek and glassy eye on the franh speaker with a look of deprecation rather than of resentment. “Why, Niccolo,” he said, in an injured tone, “I’ve heard you sing to another tune than that, often enough, when you’ve been laying down the law at San Gallo on a festa. I’ve heard you say yourself that a man wasn’t a mill-wheel, to be on the grind, grind, as long as he was driven, and then stick in his place without stirring when the water was low. And jmu ’re as fond of your vote as any man in Florence — ay, and I’ve heard you say, if Lorenzo — ” “Yes, yes,” said Niccolb. “Don’t you be bringing up my 24 ROMOLA. speeches again after you Ve swallowed them, and handing them about as if they were none the worse. I vote and I speak when there’s any use in it: if there’s hot metal on the anvil, I lose no time before I strike; but I don’t spend good hours in tinkling on cold iron, or in standing on the pavement as thou dost, Goro, with snout upward, like a pig under an oak-tree. And as for Lorenzo — dead and gone before his time — he was a man who had an eye for curious iron-work; and if anybody says he wanted to make himself a tyrant, I say, ‘Sia; I’ll not deny which way the wind blows when every man can see the weathercock.’ But that only means that Lorenzo was a crested hawk, and there are plenty of hawks without crests whose claws and beaks are as good for tearing. Though if there was any chance of a real reform, so that Marzocco ^ might shake his mane and roar again, instead of dipping his head to lick the feet of anybody that will mount and ride him, I’d strike a good blow for it.” “ And that reform is not far off, Niccolo,” said the sallow, mild-faced man, seizing his opportunity like a missionary among the too light-minded heathens; “ for a time of tribula¬ tion is coming, and the scourge is at hand. And when the Church is purged of cardinals and prelates who traffic in her inheritance that their hands may be full to pay the price of blood and to satisfy their own lusts, the State will be purged too — and Florence will be purged of men who love to see ava¬ rice and lechery under the red hat and the mitre because it gives them the screen of a more hellish vice than their own.” “Ay, as Goro’s broad body would be a screen for my narrow person in case of missiles,” said Nello ; “ but if that excel¬ lent screen happened to fall, I were stifled under it, surely enough. That is no bad image of thine, Nanni — or, rather, of the Frate’s; for I fancy there is no room in the small cup of thy understanding for any other liquor than what he pours into it.” “And it were well for thee, Nello,” replied Nanni, “if thou couldst empty thyself of thy scoffs and thy jests, and take in that liquor too. The warning is ringing in the ears of all 1 The stoue Lion, emblem ol the Republic. THE SHIPWRECKED STRANGER. 25 men: and it’s no new story; for the Abbot Joachim prophe¬ sied of the coming time three hundred years ago, and now Fra Girolamo has got the message afresh. He has seen it in a vision, even as the prophets of old: he has seen the sword hanging from the sky.” “Ay, and thou wilt see it thyself, Nanni, if thou wilt stare upward long enough,” said Niccolo; “for that pitiable tailor’s work of thine makes thy noddle so overhang thy legs, that thy eyeballs can see naught above the stitching-board but the roof of thy own skull.” The honest tailor bore the jest without bitterness, bent on convincing his hearer's of his doctrine rather than of his dig¬ nity. But Niccolo gave him no opportunity for replying; for he turned away to the pursuit of his market business, probably considering further dialogue as a tinkling on cold iron. said the man with the hose round his neck, who had lately migrated from another knot of talkers, “ they are safest who cross themselves and jest at nobody. Do you know that the Magnifico sent for the Frate at the last, and could n’t die without his blessing ? ” “Was it so — in truth ?” said several voices. “Yes, yes — God will have pardoned him.” “ He died like the best of Christians.” “Never took his eyes from the hol}^ crucifix.” “And the Frate will have given him his blessing?” “Well, I know no more,” said he of the hosen; “only Guccio there met a footman going back to Careggi, and he told him the Frate had been sent for yesternight, after the Magnifico had confessed and had the holy sacraments.” “ It’s likely enough the Frate will tell the people something about it in his sermon this morning; is it not true, Nanni?” said Goro. “ W^hat do you think ? ” But Nanni had already turned his back on Goro, and the group was rapidly thinning; some being stirred by the im¬ pulse to go and hear “ new things ” from the Frate (“ new things ” were the nectar of Florentines) ; others by the sense that it was time to attend to their private business. In this general movement Bratti got close to the barber, and said — “Nello, you’ve a ready tongue of your own, and are used 26 ROMOLA. to worming secrets out of people when you’ve once got them well lathered. I picked up a stranger this morning as I was coming in from Rovezzano, and I can spell him out no better than I can the letters on that scarf I bought from the French cavalier. It is n’t my wits are at fault — I want no man to help me tell peas from paternosters — but when you come to foreign fashions, a fool may happen to know more than a wise man.” “Ay, thou hast the wisdom of Midas, who could turn rags and rusty nails into gold, even as thou dost,” said hlello; “and he had also something of the ass about him. But where is thy bird of strange plumage ? ” Bratti was looking round with an air of disappointment. “ Diavolo ! ” he said, with some vexation. “ The bird’s flown. It’s true he was hungry, and I forgot him. But we shall find him in the Mercato, within scent of bread and savors, I ’ll answer for him.” “ Let us make the round of the Mercato, then,” said Nello. “ It is n’t his feathers that puzzle me,” continued Bratti, as they pushed their way together. “ There is n’t much in the way of cut and cloth on this side the Holy Sepulchre that can puzzle a Florentine.” “Or frighten him either,” said Nello, “after he has seen an Englander or a German.” “ No, no,” said Bratti, cordially; “ one may never lose sight of the Cupola and yet know the world, I hope. Besides, this stranger’s clothes are good Italian merchandise, and the hose he wears were dyed in Ognissanti before ever they were dyed with salt water, as he says. But the riddle about him is — ” Here Bratti’s explanation was interrupted by some jostling as they reached one of the entrances of the piazza, and before he could resume it they had caught sight of the enigmatical object they were in search of. BREAKFAST FOR LOVE. tl CHAPTER 11. BREAKFAST FOR LOVE. After Bratti had joined the knot of talkers, the young stranger, hopeless of learning what was the cause of the gen¬ eral agitation, and not much caring to know what was proba¬ bly of little interest to any but born Florentines, soon became tired of waiting for Bratti’s escort, and chose to stroll round the piazza, looking out for some vender of eatables who might happen to have less than the average curiosity about public news. But, as if at the suggestion of a sudden thought, he thrust his hand into a purse or wallet that hung at his waist, and explored it again and again with a look of frustration. ‘‘Not an obolus, by Jupiter!” he murmured, in a language which was not Tuscan or even Italian. “ I thought I had one poor piece left. I must get my breakfast for love, then ! ” He had not gone many steps farther before it seemed likely that he had found a quarter of the market where that medium of exchange might not be rejected. In a corner, away from any group of talkers, two mules were standing, well adorned with red tassels and collars. One of them carried wooden milk-vessels, the other a pair of pan¬ niers filled with herbs and salads. Resting her elbow on the neck of the mule that carried the milk, there leaned a young girl, apparently not more than sixteen, with a red hood sur¬ rounding her face, which was all the more baby-like in its prettiness from the entire concealment of her hair. The poor child, perhaps, was weary after her labor in the morning twi¬ light in preparation for her walk to market from some castello three or four miles off, for she seemed to have gone to sleep in that half-standing, half-leaning posture. Nevertheless, our stranger had no compunction in awaking her; but the means he chose were so gentle, that it seemed to the damsel in her dream as if a little sprig of thyme had touched her lips while 25 ROMOLA. she was stooping to gather the herbs. The dream was broken, however, for she opened her blue baby-eyes, and started up with astonishment and confusion to see the young stranger standing close before her. She heard him speaking to her in a voice which seemed so strange and soft, that even if she had been more collected she would have taken it for granted that he said something hopelessly unintelligible to her, and her first movement was to turn her head a little away, and lift up a corner of her green serge mantle as a screen. He repeated his words — “ Forgive me, pretty one, for awaking you. I’m dying with hunger, and the scent of milk makes breakfast seem more desirable than ever.” He had chosen the words “muoio di fame,” because he knew they would be familiar to her ears ; and he had uttered them playfully, with the intonation of a mendicant. This time he was understood; the corner of the mantle was dropped, and in a few moments a large cup of fragrant milk was held out to him. He paid no further compliments before raising it to his lips, and while he was drinking, the little maiden found cour¬ age to look up at the long dark curls of this singular-voiced stranger, who had asked for food in the tones of a beggar, but who, though his clothes were much damaged, was unlike any beggar she had ever seen. While this process of survey was going on, there was another current of feeling that carried her hand into a bag which hung by the side of the mule, and when the stranger set down his cup, he saw a large piece of bread held out towards him, and caught a glance of the blue eyes that seemed intended as an encouragement to him to take this additional gift. “ But perhaps that is your own breakfast,” he said. “ No, I have had enough without payment. A thousand thanks, my gentle one.” There was no rejoinder in words ; but the piece of bread was pushed a little nearer to him, as if in impatience at his refusal; and as the long dark eyes of the stranger rested on the baby-face, it seemed to be gathering more and more courage to look up and meet them. BREAKFAST FOR LOVE. 29 then, if I must take the bread,” he said, laying his hand on it, “ I shall get bolder still, and beg for another kiss to make the bread sweeter.” His speech was getting wonderfully intelligible in spite of the strange voice, which had at first almost seemed a thing to make her cross herself. She blushed deeply, and lifted up a corner of her mantle to her mouth again. But just as the too presumptuous stranger was leaning forward, and had his fingers on the arm that held up the screening mantle, he was startled by a harsh voice close upon his ear. “ Who are you — with a murrain to you ? No honest buyer, I ’ll warrant, but a hanger-on of the dicers — or something worse. Go ! dance off, and find fitter company, or I ’ll give you a tune to a little quicker time than you ’ll like.” The young stranger drew back and looked at the speaker with a glance provokingly free from alarm and deprecation, and his slight expression of saucy amusement broke into a broad beaming smile as he surveyed the figure of his threat- ener. She was a stout but brawny woman, with a man’s jerkin slipped over her green serge gamurra or gown, and the peaked hood of some departed mantle fastened round her sunburnt face, which, under all its coarseness and premature wrinkles, showed a half-sad, half-ludicrous maternal resemblance to the tender baby-face of the little maiden — the sort of resemblance which often seems a more croaking, shudder-creating prophecy than that of the death’s-head. There was something irresistibly propitiating in that bright young smile, but Monna Ghita was not a woman to betray any weakness, and she went on speaking, apparently with height¬ ened exasperation. “Yes, yes, you can grin as well as other monkeys in cap and jerkin. You ’re a minstrel or a mountebank, I ’ll be sworn; you look for all the world as silly as a tumbler when he’s been upside-down and has got on his heels again. And what fool’s tricks hast thou been after, Tessa ? ” she added, turning to her daughter, whose frightened face was more inviting to abuse. “ Giving away the milk and victuals, it seems; ay, ay, thou ’dst carry water in thy ears for any idle vagabond that 30 KOMOLA. did n’t like to stoop for it, thou silly staring rabbit! Turn thy back, and lift the herbs out of the panniers, else I ’ll make thee say a few Aves without counting.” “Nay, Madonna,” said the stranger, with a pleading smile, “ don’t be angry with your pretty Tessa for taking pity on a hungry traveller, who found himself unexpectedly without a quattrino. Your handsome face looks so well when it frowns, that I long to see it illuminated by a smile.” “ Va via / I know what paste you are made of. You may tickle me with that straw a good long while before I shall laugh, I can tell you. Get along, with a bad Easter ! else I ’ll make a beauty-spot or two on that face of yours that shall spoil your kissing on this side Advent.” As Monna Ghita lifted her formidable talons by way of complying with the first and last requisite of eloquence, Bratti, who had come up a minute or two before, had been saying to his companion, “What think you of this pretty parrot, Nello ? Does n’t his tongue smack ®f Venice ? ” “Nay, Bratti,” said the barber in an undertone, “thy wis¬ dom has much of the ass in it, as I told thee just now; espe¬ cially about the ears. This stranger is a Greek, else I’m not the barber who has had the sole and exclusive shaving of the excellent Demetrio, and drawn more than one sorry tooth from his learned jaw. And this youth might be taken to have come straight from Olympus — at least when he has had a touch of my razor.” “ Orsit! Monna Ghita! ” continued Nello, not sorry to see some sport; “ what has happened to cause such a thunder-storm ? Has this young stranger been misbehaving himself ?” “ By San Giovanni! ” said the cautious Bratti, who had not shaken off his original suspicions concerning the shabbily clad possessor of jewels, “ he did right to run away from me, if he meant to get into mischief. I can swear that I found him under the Loggia de’ Cerchi, with a ring on his finger such as I ’ve seen worn by Bernardo Rucellai himself. Not another rusty nail’s worth do I know about him.” “The fact is,” said Nello, eying the stranger good-humoredly, “this hello has been a little too presumptuous in ad- BREAKFAST FOR LOVE. 81 miring the charms of Monna Ghita, and has attempted to kiss her while her daughter’s back is turupd; for I observe that the pretty Tessa is too busy to look this way at present. Was it not so, Messer ? ” Nello concluded, in a tone of courtesy. “ You have divined the offence like a soothsayer,” said the stranger, laughingly. “ Only that I had not the good for¬ tune to find Monna Ghita here at first. I begged a cup of milk from her daughter, and had accepted this gift of bread, for which I was making a humble offering of gratitude, before I had the higher pleasure of being face to face with these riper charms wiiich I was perhaps too bold in admiring.” Va, va! be off, every one of you, and stay in purgatory till I pay to get you out, will you ? ” said Monna Ghita, fiercely, elbowing Nello, and leading forward her mule so as to compel the stranger to jump aside. “ Tessa, thou simpleton, bring forward thy mule a bit: the cart will be upon us.” As Tessa turned to take the mule’s bridle, she cast one timid glance at the stranger, who was now moving with Nello out of the way of an approaching market-cart; and the glance was just long enough to seize the beckoning movement of his hand, which indicated that he had been watching for this opportunity of an adieu. ‘‘ Ehbene,''^ said Bratti, raising his voice to speak across the cart; “ I leave you with Nello, young man, for there’s no pushing my bag and basket any farther, and I have business at home. But you ’ll remember our bargain, because if you found Tessa without me, it was not my fault. Nello will show you my shop in the Ferravecchi, and I ’ll not turn my back on you.” A thousand thanks, friend ! ” said the stranger, laughing, and then turned away with Nello up the narrow street which led most directly to the Piazza del Duomo. 32 KOMOLA. CHAPTER III. THE BAKBER’s shop. To tell you the truth,” said the young stranger to Nello, as they got a little clearer of the entangled vehicles and mules, “ I am not sorry to be handed over by that patron of mine to one who has a less barbarous accent, and a less enigmatical business. Is it a common thing among you Elorentines for an itinerant trafficker in broken glass and rags to talk of a shop where he sells lutes and swords?” “Common? No: our Bratti is not a common man. He has a theory, and lives up to it, which is more than I can say for any philosopher I have the honor of shaving,” answered Nello, whose loquacity, like an over-full bottle, could never pour forth a small dose. “Bratti means to extract the utmost possible amount of pleasure, that is to say, of hard bargaining, out of this life; winding it up with a bargain for the easiest possible passage through purgatory, by giving Holy Church his winnings when the game is over. He has had his will made to that effect on the cheapest terms a notary could be got for. But I have often said to him, ‘ Bratti, thy bargain is a limping one, and thou art on the lame side of it. Does it not make thee a little sad to look at the pictures of the Paradiso ? Thou wilt never be able there to chaffer for rags and rusty nails: the saints and angels want neither pins nor tinder; and except with San Bartolommeo, who carries his skin about in an inconvenient manner, I see no chance of thy making a bar¬ gain for second-hand clothing.’ But, God pardon me,” added Nello, changing his tone, and crossing himself, “ this light talk ill beseems a morning when Lorenzo lies dead, and the Muses are tearing their hair — always a painful thought to a barber j and you yourself, Messere, are probably under a cloud, for when a man of your speech and presence takes up with so sorry a night’s lodging, it argues some misfortune to have befallen him.” THE BARBER’S SHOP. 33 What ^Lorenzo is that whose death you speak of ? ” said the stranger, appearing to have dwelt with too anxious an interest on this point to have noticed the indirect inquiry that followed it. “ What Lorenzo ? There is but one Lorenzo, I imagine, whose death could throw the Mercato into an uproar, set the lantern of the Duomo leaping in desperation, and cause the lions of the Republic to feel under an immediate necessity to devour one another. I mean Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Pericles of our Athens — if I may make such a comparison in the ear of a Greek.” ‘‘Why not?” said the other, laughingly; “for I doubt whether Athens, even in the days of Pericles, could have produced so learned a barber.” “Yes, yes; I thought I could not be mistaken,” said the rapid Nello, “ else I have shaved the venerable Demetrio Cal- condila to little purpose; but pardon me, I am lost in wonder: your Italian is better than his, though he has been in Italy forty years — better even than that of the accomplished Ma- rullo, who may be said to have married the Italic Muse in more senses than one, since he has married our learned and lovely Alessandra Scala.” “It will lighten your wonder to know that I come of a Greek stock planted in Italian soil much longer than the mulberry-trees which have taken so kindly to it. I was born at Bari, and my — I mean, I was brought up by an Italian — and, in fact, I am a Greek, very much as your peaches are Persian. The Greek dye was subdued in me, I suppose, till I had been dipped over again by long abode and much travel in the land of gods and heroes. And, to confess something of my private affairs to you, this same Greek dye, with a few ancient gems I have about me, is the only fortune shipwreck has left me. But — when the towers fall, you know it is an ill business for the small nest-builders — the death of your Pericles makes me wish I had rather turned my steps towards Rome, as I should have done but for a fallacious Minerva in the shape of an Augustinian monk. ‘At Rome,’ he said, ‘you will be lost in a crowd of hungry scholars ; but at Florence, every corner is S VOL. V. 34 ROMOLA. penetrated by the sunshine of Lorenzo’s patronages,: Florence is the best market in Italy for such commodities as yours.’ ” “ Gnaffe, and so it will remain, I hope,” said Nello. ‘‘Lo¬ renzo was not the only patron and judge of learning in our city — heaven forbid ! Because he was a large melon, every other Florentine is not a pumpkin, I suppose. Have we not Bernardo Rucellai, and Alamanno Einuccini, and plenty more ? And if you want to be informed on such matters, I, Hello, am your man. It seems to me a thousand years till I can be of service to a bel erudito like yourself. And, first of all, in the matter of your hair. That beard, my fine young man, must be parted with, were it as dear to you as the nymph of your dreams. Here at Florence we love not to see a man with his nose projecting over a cascade of hair. But, remem¬ ber, you will have passed the Eubicoci when once you have been shaven: if you repent, and let your beard grow after it has acquired stoutness by a struggle with the razor, your mouth will by-and-by show no longer what Messer Angelo calls the divine prerogative of lips, but will appear like a dark cavern fringed with horrent brambles.” “That is a terrible prophecy,” said the Greek, “especially if your Florentine maidens are many of them as pretty as the little Tessa I stole a kiss from this morning.” “Tessa? she is a rough-handed contadina: you will rise into the favor of dames who bring no scent of the mule-stables with them. But to that end, you must not have the air of a sgherro, or a man of evil repute: you must look like a courtier, and a scholar of the more polished sort, such as our Pietro Crinito — like one who sins among well-bred, well-fed people, and not one who sucks down vile vino di sotto in a chance tavern.” “With all my heart,” said the stranger. “If the Florentine Graces demand it, I am willing to give up this small matter of my beard, but — ” “Yes, yes,” interrupted Hello. “I know what you would say. It is the hella zazzera — the hyacinthine locks, you do not choose to part with; and there is no need. Just a little pruning — ecco ! — and you will look not unlike the illustrious prince Pico di Mirandola in his prime. And here we are in THE BARBER’S SHOP. 35 good time in the Piazza San Giovanni, and at the door of my shop. But you are pausing, I see: naturally, you want to look at our wonder of the world, our Duomo, our Santa Maria del Fiore. Well, well, a mere glance; but I beseech you to leave a closer survey till you have been shaved: I am quivering with the inspiration of my art even to the very edge of my razor. Ah, then, come round this way.” The mercurial barber seized the arm of the stranger, and led him to a point, on the south side of the piazza, from which he could see at once the huge dark shell of the cupola, the slender soaring grace of Giotto’s campanile, and the quaint octagon of San Giovanni in front of them, showing its unique gates of storied bronze, which still bore the somewhat dimmed glory of their original gilding. The inlaid marbles were then fresher in their pink, and white, and purple, than they are now, when the winters of four centuries have turned their white to the rich ochre of well-mellowed meerschaum; the fa9ade of the cathedral did not stand ignominious in faded stucco, but had upon it the magnificent promise of the half-completed marble inlaying and statued niches, which Giotto had devised a hun¬ dred and fifty years before; and as the campanile in all its harmonious variety of color and form led the eyes upward, high into the clear air of this April morning, it seemed a pro¬ phetic symbol, telling that human life must somehow and some time shape itself into accord with that pure aspiring beauty. But this was not the impression it appeared to produce on the Greek. His eyes were irresistibly led upward, but as he stood with his arms folded and his curls falling backward, there was a slight touch of scorn on his lip, and when his eyes fell again they glanced round with a scanning coolness which was rather piquing to Hello’s Florentine spirit. “ Well, my fine young man,” he said, with some impatience, “ you seem to make as little of our Cathedral as if you were the angel Gabriel come straight from Paradise. I should like to know if you have ever seen finer work than our Giotto’s tower, or any cupola that would not look a mere mushroom by the side of Brunelleschi’s there, or any marbles finer or more cun- 86 ROMOLA. ningly wrought than these that our Signoria got from far-off quarries, at a price that would buy'a dukedom. Come, now, have you ever seen anything to equal them ? ” ‘^If you asked me that question with a cimeter at my throat, after the Turkish fashion, or even your own razor,” said the young Greek, smiling gayly, and moving on towards the gates of the Baptistery, “ I dare say you might get a confession of the true faith from me. But with my throat free from peril, I venture to tell you that your buildings smack too much of Christian barbarism for my taste. I have a shuddering sense of what there is inside — hideous smoked Madonnas; fleshless saints in mosaic, staring down idiotic astonishment and re¬ buke from the apse; skin-clad skeletons hanging on crosses, or stuck all over with arrows, or stretched on gridirons; women and monks with heads aside in perpetual lamentation. I have seen enough of those wry-necked favorites of heaven at Con¬ stantinople. But what is this bronze door rough with im¬ agery ? These women’s figures seem moulded in a different spirit from those starved and staring saints I spoke of: these heads in high relief speak of a human mind within them, instead of looking like an index to perpetual spasms and colic.” “Yes, yes,” said Nello, with some triumph. “I think we shall show you by-and-by that our Florentine art is not in a state of barbarism. These gates, my fine young man, were moulded half a century ago, by our Lorenzo Ghiberti, when he counted hardly so many years as you do.” “ Ah, I remember,” said the stranger, turning away, like one whose appetite for contemplation was soon satisfied. “ I hare heard that your Tuscan sculptors and painters have been studying the antique a little. But with monks for models, and the legends of mad hermits and martyrs for subjects, the vision of Olympus itself would be of small use to them.” “I understand,” said ISTello, with a significant shrug, as they walked along. “ You are of the same mind as Michele Marullo, ay, and as Angelo Poliziano himself, in spite of his canoni- cate, when he relaxes himself a little in my shop after his lectures, and talks of the gods awaking from their long sleep THE BARBER’S SHOP. 37 and making the woods and streams vital once more. But he rails against the Roman scholars who want to make us all talk Latin again : ‘ My ears/ he says, ‘ are sufficiently flayed by the barbarisms of the learned, and if the vulgar are to talk Latin I would as soon have been in Florence the day they took to beating all the kettles in the city because the bells were not enough to stay the wrath of the saints.’ Ah, Messer Greco, if you want to know the flavor of our scholarship, you must frequent my shop : it is the focus of Florentine intellect, and in that sense the navel of the earth — as my great predecessor, Burchiello, said of his shop, on the more frivolous pretension that his street of the Calimara was the centre of our city. And here we are at the sign of -Apollo and the Razor.’ Apollo, you see, is bestowing the razor on the Triptolemus of our craft, the first reaper of beards, the sublime Anonimo, whose mysterious identity is indicated by a shadowy hand.” “ I see thou hast had custom already, Sandro,” continued Nello, addressing a solemn-looking dark-eyed youth, who made way for them on the threshold. “ And now make all clear for this signor to sit down. And prepare the finest-scented lather, for he has a learned and a handsome chin.” “ You have a pleasant little adytum there, I see,” said the stranger, looking through a latticed screen which divided the shop from a room of about equal size, opening into a still smaller walled enclosure, where a few bays and laurels sur¬ rounded a stone Hermes. “ I suppose your conclave of eruditi meets there ? ” “ There, and not less in my shop,” said Nello, leading the way into the inner room, in which were some benches, a table, with one book in manuscript and one printed in capitals lying open upon it, a lute, a few oil-sketches, and a model or two of hands and ancient masks. “For my shop is a no less fitting haunt of the Muses, as you will acknowledge when you feel the sudden illumination of understanding and the serene vigor of inspiration that will come to you with a clear chin. Ah ! you can make that lute discourse, I perceive. I, too, have some skill that way, though the serenata is useless when day¬ light discloses a visage like mine, looking no fresher than an 38 ROMOLA. apple that has stood the winter. But look at that sketch: it is a fancy of Piero di Cosimo’s, a strange freakish painter, who says he saw it by long looking at a mouldy wall.” The sketch Nello pointed to represented three masks — one a drunken laughing Satyr, another a sorrowing Magdalen, and the third, which lay between them, the rigid, cold face of a Stoic : the masks rested obliquely on the lap of a little child, whose cherub features rose above them with something of the supernal promise in the gaze which painters had by that time learned to give to the Divine Infant. “ A symbolical picture, I see,” said the young Greek, touch ing the lute while he spoke, so as to bring out a slight musical murmur. “ The child, perhaps, is the Golden Age, wanting neither worship nor philosophy. And the Golden Age can al¬ ways come back as long as men are born in the form of babies, and don’t come into the world in cassock or furred mantle. Or the child may mean the wise philosophy of Epicurus, re¬ moved alike from the gross, the sad, and the severe.” ‘‘ Ah! everybody has his own interpretation for that pic¬ ture,” said Nello ; ‘‘and if you ask Piero himself what he meant by it, he says his pictures are an appendix which Mes¬ ser Domeneddio has been pleased to make to the universe, and if any man is in doubt what they mean, he had better inquire of Holy Church. He has been asked to paint a picture after the sketch, but he puts his fingers to his ears and shakes his head at that; the fancy is past, he says — a strange animal, our Piero. But now all is ready for your initiation into the mysteries of the razor.” “ Mysteries they may well be called,” continued the barber, with rising spirits at the prospect of a long monologue, as he imprisoned the young Greek in the shroud-like shaving-cloth; “ mysteries of Minerva and the Graces. I get the flower of men’s thoughts, because I seize them in the first moment after shaving. (Ah ! you wince a little at the lather: it tickles the outlying limits of the nose, I admit.) And that is what makes the peculiar fitness of a barber’s shop to become a resort of wit and learning. Eor, look now at a druggist’s shop : there is a dull conclave at the sign of ‘ The Moor,’ that pretends to rival THE BARBER’S SHOP. 89 mine; but what sort of inspiration, I beseech you, can be got from the scent of nauseous vegetable decoctions ? — to say nothing of the fact that you no sooner pass the threshold than you see a doctor of physic, like a gigantic spider disguised in fur and scarlet, waiting for his prey; or even see him block¬ ing up the doorway seated on a bony hack, inspecting saliva, (Your chin a little elevated, if it please you : contemplate that angel who is blowing the trumpet at you from the ceiling. I had it painted expressly for the regulation of my clients’ chins.) Besides, your druggist, who herborizes and decocts, is a man of prejudices : he has poisoned people according to a system, and is obliged to stand up for his system to justify the consequences. Now a barber can be dispassionate ; the only thing he necessarily stands by is the razorj always pro¬ viding he is not an author. That was the flaw in my great predecessor Burchiello: he was a poet, and had consequently a prejudice about his own poetry. I have escaped that; I saw very early that authorship is a narrowing business, in conflict with the liberal art of the razor, which demands an impartial affection for all men’s chins. Ecco, Messer ! the outline of your chin and lip is as clear as a maiden’s; and now fix your mind on a knotty question — ask yourself whether you are bound to spell Virgil with an i or an e, and say if yov do not feel an unwonted clearness on the point. Only, if you decide for the ^, keep it to yourself till j'^our fortune is made^ for the e hath the stronger following in Florence. Ah ! 1 think I see a gleam of still quicker wit in your eye. I have it on the authority of our young lSriccol5 Macchiavelli, himself keen enough to discern il pelo nelV uovo, as we say, and a great lover of delicate shaving, though his beard is hardly of two years’ date, that no sooner do the hairs begin to push themselves, than he perceives a certain grossness of apprehem sion creeping over him.” “Suppose you let me look at myself,” said the stranger, laughing. “The happy effect on my intellect is perhaps ob¬ structed by a little doubt as to the effect on my appearance.” “Behold yourself in this mirror, then; it is a Venetian mirror from Murano, the true nosce teipsum, as I have named 40 KOMOLA. it, compared with which the finest mirror of steel or silver is mere darkness. See now, how by diligent shaving the nether region of your face may preserve its human outline, instead of presenting no distinction from the physiognomy of a bearded owl or a Barbary ape. I have seen men whose beards have so invaded their cheeks, that one might have pitied them as the victims of a sad, brutalizing chastisement befitting our Dante’s Inferno, if they had not seemed to strut with a strange triumph in their extravagant hairiness.” “ It seems to me,” said the Greek, still looking into the mirror, “that you have taken away some of my capital with your razor — I mean a year or two of age, which might have won me more ready credit for my learning. Under the in¬ spection of a patron whose vision has grown somewhat dim, I shall have a perilous resemblance to a maiden of eighteen in the disguise of hose and jerkin.” “Not at all,” said Nello, proceeding to clip the too extrav¬ agant curls; “ your proportions are not those of a maiden. And for your age, I myself remember seeing Angelo Poliziano begin his lectures on the Latin language when he had a younger beard than yours; and between ourselves, his juvenile ugliness was not less signal than his precocious scholarship. Whereas you — no, no, your age is not against you; but be¬ tween ourselves, let me hint to you that your being a Greek, though it be only an Apulian Greek, is not in your favor. Certain of our scholars hold that your Greek learning is but a wayside degenerate plant until it has been transplanted into Italian brains, and that now there is such a plentiful crop of the superior quality, your native teachers are mere propaga¬ tors of degeneracy. Ecco ! your curls are now of the right proportion to neck and shoulders ; rise, Messer, and I will free you from the incumbrance of this cloth. Gnaffe ! I almost advise you to retain the faded jerkin and hose a little longer; they give you the air of a fallen prince.” “ But the question is,” said the young Greek, leaning against the high back of a chair, and returning Nello’s contemplative admiration with a look of inquiring anxiety— “the question is, in what quarter I am to carry my princely air, so as to rise THE BARBER’S SHOP. 41 trom the said fallen condition. If your Florentine patrons of learning share this scholarly hostility to the Greeks, I see not how your city can be a hospitable refuge for me, as you seemed to say just now.’’ Pia7i piano — not so fast,” said Nello, sticking his thumbs into his belt and nodding to Sandro to restore order. ‘‘ I will not conceal from you that there is a prejudice against Greeks among us ; and though, as a barber unsnared by authorship, I share no prejudices, I must admit that the Greeks are not always such pretty youngsters as yourself; their erudition is often of an uncombed, unmannerly aspect, and incrusted with a barbarous utterance of Italian, that makes their converse hardly more euphonious than that of a Tedesco in a state of vinous loquacity. And then, again, excuse me — we Floren¬ tines have liberal ideas about speech, and consider that an in¬ strument which can flatter and promise so cleverly as the tongue, must have been partly made for those purposes; and that truth is a riddle for eyes and wit to discover, which it were a mere spoiling of sport for the tongue to betray. Still we have our limits beyond which we call dissimulation treach¬ ery. But it is said of the Greeks that their honesty begins at what is the hanging-point with us, and that since the old Furies went to sleep, your Christian Greek is of so easy a con¬ science that he would make a stepping-stone of his father’s corpse.” The flush on the stranger’s face indicated what seemed so natural a movement of resentment, that the good-natured Nello hastened to atone for his want of reticence. “ Be not offended, hel giovane; I am but repeating what I hear in my shop ; as you may perceive, my eloquence is simply the cream which I skim off my clients’ talk. Heaven forbid I should fetter my impartiality by entertaining an opinion. And for that same scholarly objection to the Greeks,” added Nello, in a more mocking tone, and with a significant grimace, “ the fact is, you are heretics, Messer; jealousy has nothing to do with it: if you would just change your opinion about leaven, and alter your Doxology a little, our Italian scholars would think it a thousand years till they could give up their 42 ROMOLA. chairs to you. Yes, yes ; it is chiefly religious scruple, and partly also the authority of a great classic, — Juvenal, is it not ? He, I gather, had his bile as much stirred by the swarm of Greeks as our Messer Angelo, who is fond of quoting some passage about their incorrigible impudence — audacia 'perdita.'’’ “ Pooh ! the passage is a compliment,” said the Greek, who had recovered himself, and seemed wise enough to take the matter gayly — “ ‘ Ingenium velox, audacia perdita, sermo Promptus, et Isseo torrentior.’ A rapid intellect and ready eloquence may carry off a little impudence.” ‘‘Assuredly,” said Hello. “And since, as I see, you know Latin literature as well as Greek, you will not fall into the mis¬ take of Giovanni Argiropulo, who ran full tilt against Cicero, and pronounced him all but a pumpkin-head. For, let me give you one bit of advice, young man—trust a barber who has shaved the best chins, and kept his eyes and ears open for twenty years — oil your tongue well when you talk of the an¬ cient Latin writers, and give it an extra dip when you talk of the modern. A wise Greek may win favor among us; witness our excellent Demetrio, who is loved by many, and not hated immoderately even by the most renowned scholars.” “ I discern the wisdom of your advice so clearly,” said the Greek, with the bright smile which was continually lighting up the fine form and color of his young face, “ that I will ask you for a little more. Who now, for example, would be the most likely patron for me ? Is there a son of Lorenzo who in¬ herits his taste ? Or is there any other wealthy Florentine specially addicted to purchasing antique gems ? I have a fine Cleopatra cut in sardonyx, and one or two other intaglios and cameos, both curious and beautiful, worthy of being added to the cabinet of a prince. Happily, I had taken the precaution of fastening them within the lining of my doublet before I set out on my voyage. Moreover, I should like to raise a small sum for my present need on this ring of mine ” (here ha THE BARBER’S SHOP. 43 took out the ring and replaced it on his finger), “ if you could recommend me to any honest trafficker.’’ “ Let us see, let us see,” said Nello, perusing the floor, and walking up and down the length of his shop. “ This is no time to apply to Piero de’ Medici, though he has the will to make such purchases if he could always spare the money; but I think it is another sort of Cleopatra that he covets most. . . . Yes, yes, [ have it. What you want is a man of wealth, and influence, and scholarly tastes — not one of your learned por¬ cupines, bristling all over with critical tests, but one whose Greek and Latin are of a comfortable laxity. And that man is Bartolommeo Scala, the secretary of our Republic. He came to Florence as a poor adventurer himself — a miller’s son — a ‘branny monster,’ as he has been nicknamed by our honey¬ lipped Poliziano, who agrees with him as well as my teeth agree with lemon-juice. And, by the bye, that may be a reason why the secretary may be the more ready to do a good turn to a strange scholar. For, between you and me, bel giovane — trust a barber who has shaved the best scholars — friendliness is much such a steed as Ser Benghi’s : it will hardly show much alacrity unless it has got the thistle of hatred under its tail. However, the secretary is a man who ’ll keep his word to you, even to the halving of a fennel-seed ; and he is not unlikely to buy some of your gems.” “ But how am I to get at this great man ? ” said the Greek, rather impatiently. “I was coming to that,” said Nello. “Just now everybody of any public importance will be full of Lorenzo’s death, and a stranger may find it difficult to get any notice. But in the mean time I could take you to a man who, if he has a mind, can help you to a chance of a favorable interview with Scala sooner than anybody else in Florence — worth seeing for his own sake too, to say nothing of his collections, or of his daughter Romola, who is as fair as the Florentine lily before it got quarrelsome and turned red.” “But if this father of the beautiful Romola makes collec¬ tions, why should he not like to buy some of my gem? himself ? ^ 44 ROMOLA. Kello shrugged his shoulders. “ For two good reasons — want of sight to look at the gems, and want of money to pay for them. Our old Bardo de’ Bardi is so blind that he can see no more of his daughter than, as he says, a glimmering of something bright when she comes very near him: doubtless her golden hair, which, as Messer Luigi Pulci says of his Meridiana’s, ‘ raggia come stella per sereno’ Ah, here come some clients of mine, and I should n’t wonder if one of them could serve your turn about that ring.” CHAPTER IV. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. “Good-day, Messer Domenico,” said Nello to the foremost of the two visitors who entered the shop, while he nodded silently to the other. “ You come as opportunely as cheese on macaroni. Ah ! you are in haste — wish to be shaved with¬ out delay — ecco ! And this is a morning when every one has grave matter on his mind. Florence orphaned. — the very pivot of Italy snatched away — heaven itself at a loss what to do next. Oime ! Well, well; the sun is nevertheless travel¬ ling on towards dinner-time again; and, as I was saying, you come like cheese ready grated. For this young stranger was wishing for an honorable trader who would advance him a sum on a certain ring of value, and if I had counted every goldsmith and money-lender in Florence on my fingers I could n’t have found a better name than Menico Cennini. Besides, he hath other ware in which you deal — Greek learn¬ ing and young eyes — a double implement which you printers are always in need of.” The grave elderly man, son of that Bernardo Cennini, who, twenty years before, having heard of the new process of print¬ ing carried on by Germans, had cast his own types in Florence, FIRST IMPRESSIONS. 45 remained necessarily in lathered silence and passivity while Nello showered this talk in his ears, but turned a slow side¬ way gaze on the stranger. “ This fine young man has unlimited Greek, Latin, or Italian at your service,” continued Nello, fond of interpreting by very ample paraphrase. ‘‘ He is as great a wonder of juvenile learning as Francesco Filelfo or our own incomparable Polizi- auo. A second Guarino, too, for he has had the misfortune to be shipwrecked, and has doubtless lost a store of precious manuscripts that might have contributed some correctness even to your correct editions, Domenico. Fortunately, he has rescued a few gems of rare value. His name is — you said your name, Messer, was — ? ” ‘‘Tito Melema,” said the stranger, slipping the ring from his finger and presenting it to Cennini, whom Nello, not less rapid with his razor than with his tongue, had now released from the shaving-cloth. Meanwhile the man who had entered the shop in company with the goldsmith — a tall figure, about fifty, with a short- trimmed beard, wearing an old felt hat and a threadbare mantle — had kept his eye fixed on the Greek, and now said abruptly — “ Young man, I am painting a picture of Sinon deceiving old Priam, and I should be glad of your face for my Sinon, if you’d give me a sitting ” Tito Melema started and looked round with a pale astonish¬ ment in his face, as if at a sudden accusation ; but Nello left him no time to feel at a loss for an answer : “ Piero,” said the barber, “thou art the most extraordinary compound of humors and fancies ever packed into a human skin. What trick wilt thou play with the fine visage of this young scholar to make it suit thy traitor ? Ask him rather to turn his eyes upward, and thou mayst make a Saint Sebastian of him that will draw troops of devout women ; or, if thou art in a classical vein, put myrtle about his curls and make him a young Bacchus, or say rather a Phoebus Apollo, for his face is as warm and bright as a summer morning j it made me his friend in the space of a ‘ credo.’ ” 46 ROMOLA. ‘^Ay, Nello,” said the painter, speaking, 'Mth abrupt pauses j “ and if thy tongue can leave olf its everlasting chirping long enough for thy understanding to consider the matter, thou mayst see that thou hast just shown die reason why the face of Messere will suit my traitor. A jvu’fect traitor should have a face which vice can write no ma;ks on — lips that will lie with a dimpled smile — eyes of suirh agate-like brightness and depth that no infamy can dull them — cheeks that will rise from a murder and not look haggard. I say not this young man is a traitor : I mean, he Las a face that would make him the more perfect traitor if ho had the heart of one, which IS saying neither more nor less than that he has a beautiful face, informed with rich young blood, that will be nourished enough by food, and keep its color without much help of virtue. He may have the hea^rt of a hero along with it; I aver nothing to the contrary. Ask Domenico there if the lapidaries can always tell a gem by the sight alone. And now I’m going to put the tow in my ears, for thy chatter and the bells together are more than I can endure: so say no more to me, but trim my beard.” With these last words Piero (called “ di Cosimo,” from his master, Cosimo Rosselli) drew out two bits of tow, stuffed them in his ears, and placed himself in the chair before Nello, who shrugged his shoulders and cast a grimacing look of in¬ telligence at the Greek, as much as to say, “ A whimsical fellow, you perceive ! Everybody holds his speeches as mere jokes.” Tito, who had stood transfi^^ed, with his long dark eyes rest ing on the unknown man who had addressed him so equivo¬ cally, seemed recalled to his self-command by Piero’s change of position, and apparently satisfied with his explanation, was again giving his attention to Cennini, who presently said — ‘‘This is a curious and valuable ring, young man. This intaglio of the fish with the crested serpent above it, in the black stratum of the onyx, or rather nicolo, is well shown by the surrounding blue of the upper stratum. The ring has doubtless a history ? ” added Cennini, looking up keenly at the young stranger. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. 47 *‘Yes, indeed,” said Tito, meeting the scrutiny very frankly. ‘‘The ring was found in Sicily, and I have understood from those who busy themselves with gems and sigils, that both the stone and intaglio are of virtue to make the wearer fortu¬ nate, especially at sea, and also to restore to him whatever he may have lost. But,” he continued, smiling, “ though I have worn it constantly since I quitted Greece, it has not made me altogether fortunate at sea, you perceive, unless I am to count escape from drowning as a sufficient proof of its virtue. It remains to be seen whether my lost chests will come to light; but to lose no chance of such a result, Messer, I will pray you only to hold the ring for a short space as pledge for a small sum far beneath its value, and I will redeem it as soon as I can dispose of certain other gems which are secured within my doub¬ let, or indeed as soon as I can earn something by any scholarly employment, if I may be so fortunate as to meet with such.” “ That may be seen, young man, if you will come with me,” said Cennini. “My brother Pietro, who is a better judge of scholarship than I, will perhaps be able to supply you with a task that may test your capabilities. Meanwhile, take back your ring until I can hand you the necessary florins, and, if it please you, come along with me.” “Yes, yes,” said Nello, “go with Messer Domenico; you cannot go in better company; he was born under the constel¬ lation that gives a man skill, riches, and integrity, whatever that constellation may be, which is of the less consequence because babies can’t choose their own horoscopes, and, indeed, if they could, there might be an inconvenient rush of babies at particular epochs. Besides, our Phoenix, the incomparable Pico, has shown that your horoscopes are all a nonsensical dream — which is the less troublesome opinion. Addio / hel giovane! don’t forget to come back to me.” “No fear of that,” said Tito, beckoning a farewell, as he turned round his bright face at the door. “You are to do me a great service — that is the most positive security for your seeing me again.” “ Say what thou wilt, Piero,” said Nello, as the young stran- ger disappeared, “ I shall never look at such an outside as that 48 ROMOLA. without taking it as a sign of a lovable nature. Why, thou wilt say next that Lionardo, whom thou art always raving about, ought to have made his Judas as beautiful as St. John! But thou art as deaf as the top of Mount Morello with that accursed tow in thy ears. Well, well: I ’ll get a little more of this young man’s history from him before I take him to Bardo Bardi.” CHAPTER V. THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. The Via de’ Bardi, a street noted in the history of Florence, lies in Oltrarno, or that portion of the city which clothes the southern bank of the river. It extends from the Ponte Vec- chio to the Piazza de’ Mozzi at the head of the Ponte alle Gra- zie; its right-hand line of houses and walls being backed by the rather steep ascent which in the fifteenth century was known as the Hill of Bogoli, the famous stone-quarry whence the city got its pavement — of dangerously unstable consist¬ ence when penetrated by rains; its left-hand buildings flank¬ ing the river and making on their northern side a length of quaint, irregularly pierced fa 9 ade, of which the waters give a softened loving reflection as the sun begins to decline towards the western heights. But quaint as these buildings are, some of them seem to the historical memory a too modern substitute for the famous houses of the Bardi family, destroyed by popu¬ lar rage in the middle of the fourteenth century. They were a proud and energetic stock, these Bardi; con¬ spicuous among those who clutched the sword in the earliest world-famous quarrels of Florentines with Florentines, when the narrow streets were darkened with the high towers of the nobles, and when the old tutelar god Mars, as he saw the gut¬ ters reddened with neighbors’ blood, might well have smiled at the centuries of lip-service paid to his rival, the Baptist. THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 49 But the Bardi hands were of the sort that not only clutch the sword-hilt with vigor, but love the more delicate pleasure of fingering minted metal: they were matched, too, with true Florentine eyes, capable of discerning that power was to be won by other means than by rending and riving, and by the middle of the fourteenth century we find them risen from their original condition of popolani to be possessors, by pur¬ chase, of lands and strongholds, and the feudal dignity of Counts of Vernio, disturbing to the jealousy of their republi¬ can fellow-citizens. These lordly purchases are explained by our seeing the Bardi disastrously signalized only a few years later as standing in the very front of European commerce — the Christian Rothschilds of that time — undertaking to fur¬ nish specie for the wars of our Edward the Third, and hav¬ ing revenues in kind ” made over to them; especially in wool, most precious of freights for Florentine galleys. Their august debtor left them with an august deficit, and alarmed Sicilian creditors made a too sudden demand for the payment of deposits, causing a ruinous shock to the credit of the Bardi and of associated houses, which was felt as a commercial calamity along all the coasts of the Mediterranean. But, like more modern bankrupts, they did not, for all that, hide their heads in humiliation ; on the contrary, they seem to have held them higher than ever, and to have been among the most arro¬ gant of those grandees, who, under certain noteworthy circum¬ stances, open to all who will read the honest pages of Giovanni Villaui, drew upon themselves the exasperation of the armed people in 1343. The Bardi, who had made themselves fast in their street between the two bridges, kept these narrow inlets, like panthers at bay, against the oncoming gonfalons of the people, and were only made to give way by an assault from the hill behind them. Their houses by the river, to the num¬ ber of twenty-two {palagi e case grandi), were sacked and burned, and many among the chief of those who bore the Bardi name were driven from the city. But an old Florentine family was man 3 ^-rooted, and we find the Bardi maintaining importance and rising again and again to the surface of Flor¬ entine affairs in a more or less creditable manner, implying an 4 VOL. V. 50 ROMOLA. untold family history that would have included even more vicis< situdes and contrasts of dignity and disgrace, of wealth and poverty, than are usually seen on the background of wide kinship.^ But the Bardi never resumed their proprietorship in the old street on the banks of the river, which in 1492 had long been associated with other names of mark, and especially with the Neri, who possessed a considerable range of houses on the side towards the hill. In one of these Neri houses there lived, however, a descendant of the Bardi, and of that very branch which a century and a half before had become Counts of Vernio: a descendant who had inherited the old family pride and energy, the old love of pre-eminence, the old desire to leave a lasting track of his footsteps on the fast¬ whirling earth. But the family passions lived on in him under altered conditions: this descendant of the Bardi was not a man swift in street warfare, or one who loved to play the signor, fortifying strongholds and asserting the right to hang vassals, or a merchant and usurer of keen daring, who de¬ lighted in the generalship of wide commercial schemes: he was a man with a deep-veined hand cramped by much copying of manuscripts, who ate sparing dinners, and wore threadbare clothes, at first from choice and at last from necessity; who sat among his books and his marble fragments of the past, and saw them only by the light of those far-off younger days which still shone in his memory: he was a moneyless, blind old scholar — the Bardo de’ Bardi to whom Nello, the barber, had promised to introduce the young Greek, Tito Melema. The house in which Bardo lived was situated on the side of the street nearest the hill, and was one of those large sombre masses of stone building pierced by comparatively small win- 1 A sign that such contrasts were peculiarly frequent in Florence, is the fact that Saint Antonine, Prior of San Marco, and afterwards archbishop, in the first half of this fifteenth century, founded the society of Buonuomini di San Martino (Good Men of St. Martin) with the main object of succoring the poi^eri vergognosi — in other words, paupers of good family. In the records of the famous Panciatichi family we find a certain Girolamo in this century who was reduced to such a state of poverty that he was obliged to seek charity for the mere means of sustaining life, though other members of his family were enormously wealthy. THE BLIND SCHOLAE AND HIS DAUGHTER. 6l dows, and surmounted by what may be called a roofed terrace or loggia, of which there are many examples still to be seen in the venerable city. Grim doors, with conspicuous scrolled hinges, having high up on each side of them a small window defended by iron bars, opened on a groined entrance-court, empty of everything but a massive lamp-iron suspended from the centre of the groin. A smaller grim door on the left hand admitted to the stone staircase and the rooms on the ground- floor. These last were used as a warehouse by the proprietor; so was the first floor; and both were filled with precious stores, destined to be carried, some perhaps to the banks of the Scheldt, some to the shores of Africa, some to the isles of the ^gean or to the banks of the Euxine. Maso, the old serving-man, when he returned from the Mercato with the stock of cheap vegetables, had to make his slow way up to the second story before he reached the door of his master, Bardo, through which we are about to enter only a few mornings after Nello’s conversation with the Greek. We follow Maso across the antechamber to the door on the left hand, through which we pass as he opens it. He merely looks in and nods, while a clear young voice says, “ Ah, you are come back, Maso. It is well. We have wanted nothing.” The voice came from the farther end of a long, spacious room, surrounded with shelves, on which books and antiquities were arranged in scrupulous order. Here and there, on separate stands in front of the shelves, were placed a beautiful feminine torso; a headless statue, with an uplifted muscular arm wield¬ ing a bladeless sword; rounded, dimpled, infantine limbs sev¬ ered from the trunk, inviting the lips to kiss the cold marble; some well-preserved Homan busts ; and two or three vases from Magna Graecia. A large table in the centre was covered with antique bronze lamps and small vessels in dark pottery. The color of these objects was chiefly pale or sombre: the vellum bindings, with their deep-ridged backs, gave little relief to the marble, livid with long burial; the once splendid patch of carpet at the farther end of the room had long been worn to dimness j the dark bronzes wanted sunlight upon them to bring out their tinge of green, and the sun was not yet high enough to send 52 KOMOLA. gleams of brightness through the narrow windows that looked on the Via de’ Bardi. The only spot of bright color in the room was made by the hair of a tall maiden of seventeen or eighteen, who was stand¬ ing before a carved leggio, or reading-desk, such as is often seen in the choirs of Italian churches. The hair was of a red¬ dish gold color, enriched by an unbroken small ripple, such as may be seen in the sunset clouds on grandest autumnal evenings. It was confined by a black fillet above her small ears, from which it rippled forward again, and made a natural veil for her neck above her square-cut gown of black rascia, or serge. Her eyes were bent on a large volume placed before her: one long white hand rested on the reading-desk, and the other clasped the back of her father’s chair. The blind father sat with head uplifted and turned a little aside towards his daughter, as if he were looking at her. His delicate paleness, set off by the black velvet cap which sur¬ mounted his drooping white hair, made all the more percepti¬ ble the likeness between his aged features and those of the young maiden, whose cheeks were also without any tinge of the rose. There was the same refinement of brow and nostril in both, counterbalanced by a full though firm mouth and powerful chin, which gave an expression of proud tenacity and latent impetuousness : an expression carried out in the backward poise of the girl’s head, and the grand line of her neck and shoulders. It was a type of face of which one could not venture to say whether it would inspire love or only that unwilling admiration which is mixed with dread: the question must be decided by the eyes, which often seem charged with a more direct message from the soul. But the eyes of the father had long been silent, and the eyes of the daughter were bent on the Latin pages of Politian’s “ Miscellanea,” from which she was reading aloud at the eightieth chapter, to the following effect: — “ There was a certain nymph of Thebes named Chariclo, especially dear to Pallas; and this nymph was the mother of Teiresias. But once when in the heat of summer, Pallas, in company with Chariclo, was bathing her disrobed limbs iu THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 6S the Heliconian Hippocrene, it happened that Teiresias coming as a hunter to quench his thirst at the same fountain, in¬ advertently beheld Minerva unveiled, and immediately became blind. For it is declared in the Saturnian laws, that he who beholds the gods against their will, shall atone for it by a heavy penalty. . . . When Teiresias had fallen into this ca¬ lamity, Pallas, moved by the tears of Chariclo, endowed him with prophecy and length of days, and even caused his pru¬ dence and wisdom to continue after he had entered among the shades, so that an oracle spake from his tomb: and she gave him a staff, wherewith, as by a guide, he might walk without stumbling. . . . And hence, Nonnus, in the fifth book of the ‘ Dionysiaca,’ introduces Actaeon exclaiming that he calls Teiresias happy, since, without dying, and with the loss of his eyesight merely, he had beheld Minerva unveiled, and thus, though blind, could forevermore carry her image in his soul.” At this point in the reading, the daughter’s hand slipped from the back of the chair and met her father’s, which he had that moment uplifted; but she had not looked round, and was going on, though with a voice a little altered by some sup¬ pressed feeling, to read the Greek quotation from Nonnus, when the old man said — ‘‘Stay, Romola; reach me my own copy of Nonnus. It is a more correct copy than any in Poliziano’s hands, for I made emendations in it which have not yet been communicated to any man. I finished it in 1477, when my sight was fast failing me.” Romola walked to the farther end of the room, with the queenly step which was the simple action of her tall, finelj" wrought frame, without the slightest conscious adjustment of herself. “Is it in the right place, Romola?” asked Bardo, who was perpetually seeking the assurance that the outward fact con¬ tinued to correspond with the image which lived to the minutest detail in his mind. “Yes, father; at the west end of the room, on the third shelf from the bottom, behind the bust of Hadrian, above 54 ROMOLA. Apollonius Rhodius and CallimacliuSj and below Lucan and Silius Italicus.” As Romola said this, a fine ear would have detected in her clear voice and distinct utterance a faint suggestion of weari¬ ness struggling with habitual patience. But as she approached her father and saw his arms stretched out a little with ner¬ vous excitement to seize the volume, her hazel eyes filled with pity; she hastened to lay the book on his lap, and kneeled down by him, looking up at him as if she believed that the love in her face must surely make its way through the dark obstruction that shut out everything else. At that moment the doubtful attractiveness of Eomola’s face, in which pride and passion seemed to be quivering in the balance with native refinement and intelligence, was transfigured to the most lova¬ ble womanliness by mingled pity and affection: it was evident that the deepest fount of feeling within her had not yet wrought its way to the less changeful features, and only found its outlet through her eyes. But the father, unconscious of that soft radiance, looked flushed and agitated as his hand explored the edges and back of the large book, “ The vellum is yellowed in these thirteen years, Romola ? ” “Yes, father,” said Romola, gently; “but your letters at the back are dark and plain still — fine Roman letters; and the Greek character,” she continued, laying the book open on her father’s knee, “ is more beautiful than that of any of your bought manuscripts.” “ Assuredly, child,” said Bardo, passing his finger across the page, as if he hoped to discriminate line and margin. “What hired amanuensis can be equal to the scribe who loves the words that grow under his hand, and to whom an error or indistinctness in the text is more painful than a sudden dark¬ ness or obstacle across his path ? And even these mechanical printers who threaten to make learning a base and vulgar thing — even they must depend on the manuscript over which we scholars have bent with that insight into the poet’s mean¬ ing which is closely akin to the mens divinior of the poet himself—unless they would flood the world with grammatical THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 66 falsities aL\d inexidicable anomalies that would turn the very fountain of Parnassus into a deluge of poisonous mud. But find the pasi'age in the fifth book to which Poliziano refers. I know it very well.” Seating herself on a low stool, close to her father’s knee, Eomola took the book on her lap and read the four verses containing the exclamation of Actseon. “It is true, Romola,” said Bardo, when she had finished: “it is a true conception of the poet; for what is that grosser, narrower light by which men behold merely the petty scene around them, compared with that far-stretching, lasting light which spreads over centuries of thought, and over the life of nations, and makes clear to us the minds of the immortals who have reaped the great harvest and left us to glean in their furrows ? For me. Bomola, even when I could see, it was with the great dead that I lived; while the living often seemed to me mere spectres — shadows dispossessed of true feeling and intelligence; and unlike those Lamise, to whom Poliziano, with that superficial ingenuity which I do not deny to him, compares our inquisitive Florentines, because they put on their eyes when they went abroad, and took them off when they got home again, I have returned from the converse of the streets .as from a forgotten dream, and have sat down among my books, saying with Petrarca, the modern who is least un¬ worthy to be named after the ancients, ‘ Libri medullitus de- lectant, colloquuntur, consulunt, et viva quadam nobis atque arguta familiaritate junguntur.’ ” “And in one thing you are happier than your favorite Pe¬ trarca, father,” said Bomola, affectionately humoring the old man’s disposition to dilate in this way; “ for he used to look at his copy of Homer and think sadly that the Greek was a dead letter to him : so far, he had the inward blindness that you feel is worse than your outward blindness.” “ True, child; for I carry within me the fruits of that fervid study which I gave to the Greek tongue under the teaching of the younger Crisolora, and Filelfo, and Argiropulo; though that great work in which I had desired to gather, as into a firm web, all the threads that my research had laboriously dis- 56 ftOMOLA. entangled, and which would have been the vintage of my life, was cut off by the failure of my sight and my want of a fitting coadjutor. For the sustained zeal and unconquerable patience demanded from those who would tread the unbeaten paths of knowledge are still less reconcilable with the wandering, vagrant propensity of the feminine mind than with the feeble powers of the feminine body.” “Father,” said Eomola, with a sudden flush and in an in¬ jured tone, “ I read anything you wish me to read; and I will look out any passages for you, and make whatever notes you want.” Bardo shook his head, and smiled with a bitter sort of pity. “As well try to be a pentathlos and perform all the five feats of the palaestra with the limbs of a nymph. Have I forgotten thy fainting in the mere search for the references I needed to explain a single passage of Callimachus ? ” “ But, father, it was the weight of the books, and Maso can help me ; it was not want of attention and patience.” Bardo shook his head again. “ It is not mere bodily or¬ gans that I want: it is the sharp edge of a young mind to pierce the way for my somewhat blunted faculties. For blind¬ ness acts like a dam, sending the streams of thought backward along the already-travelled channels and hindering the course onward. If my son had not forsaken me, deluded by debasing fanatical dreams, worthy only of an energumen whose dwell¬ ing is among tombs, I might have gone on and seen my path broadening to the end of my life; for he was a youth of great promise. . . . But it has closed in now,” the old man con¬ tinued, after a short pause ; “ it has closed in now; — all but the narrow track he has left me to tread — alone, in my blindness.” Eomola started from her seat, and carried away the large volume to its place again, stung too acutely by her father’s last words to remain motionless as well as silent; and when she turned away from the shelf again, she remained standing at some distance from him, stretching her arms downward and clasping her fingers tightly as she looked with a sad dreariness in her young face at the lifeless objects around her — the THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 57 parchment backs, the unchanging mutilated marble, the bits of obsolete bronze and clay. Bardo, though usually susceptible to Romola’s movements and eager to trace them, was now too entirely preoccupied by the pain of rankling memories to notice her departure from his side. ‘‘Yes,” he went on, “with my son to aid me, I might have had my due share in the triumphs of this century; the names of the Bardi, father and son, might have been held reverently on the lips of scholars in the ages to come ; not on account of frivolous verses or philosophical treatises, which are superfluous and presumptuous attempts to imitate the inimitable, such as allure vain men like Panhormita, and from which even the ad¬ mirable Poggio did not keep himself sufficiently free ; but be¬ cause we should have given a lamp whereby men might have studied the supreme productions of the past. For why is a young man like Poliziano (who was not yet born when I was already held worthy to maintain a discussion with Thomas of Sarzana) to have a glorious memory as a commentator on the Pandects — why is Ficino, whose Latin is an offence to me, and who wanders purblind among the superstitious fancies that marked the decline at once of art, literature, and phi¬ losophy, to descend to posterity as the very high priest of Platonism, while I, who am more than their equal, have not effected anything but scattered work, which will be appro¬ priated by other men ? Why ? but because my son, whom I had brought up to replenish my ripe learning with young enterprise, left me and all liberal pursuits that he might lash himself and howl at midnight with besotted friars — that he might go wandering on pilgrimages befitting men who know of no past older than the missal and the cruci¬ fix ? ~— left me when the night was already beginning to faU on me ? ” In these last words the old man’s voice, which had risen high in indignant protest, fell into a tone of reproach so trem¬ ulous and plaintive that Romola, turning her eyes again towards the blind aged face, felt her heart swell with forgiving pity. She seated herself by her father again, and placed her 58 ROMOLA. hand on his knee — too proud to obtrude consolation in words that might seem like a vindication of her own value, yet wishing to comfort him by some sign of her presence. “Yes, Roniola,” said Bardo, automatically letting his left hand, with its massive prophylactic rings, fall a little too heavily on the delicate blue-veined back of the girl’s right, so that she bit her lip to prevent herself from starting. “If even Florence only is to remember me, it can but be on the same ground that it will remember Niccolo Niccoli—because I forsook the vulgar pursuit of wealth in commerce that I might devote myself to collecting the precious remains of ancient art and wisdom, and leave them, after the example of the munificent Romans, for an everlasting possession to my fellow-citizens. But why do I say Florence only ? If Flor- vnce remembers me, will not the world remember me ? . . . Yet,” added Bardo, after a short pause, his voice falling again into a saddened key, “ Lorenzo’s untimely death has raised a new difiiculty. I had his promise — I should have had his bond — that my collection should always bear my name and should never be sold, though the harpies might clutch every¬ thing else ; but there is enough for them — there is more than enough — and for thee, too, Romola, there will be enough. Besides, thou wilt marry ; Bernardo reproaches me that I do not seek a fitting parentado for thee, and we will delay no longer, we will think about it.” “No, no, father ; what could you do ? besides, it is useless: wait till some one seeks me,” said Romola, hastily. “ Nay, my child, that is not the paternal duty. It was not so held by the ancients, and in this respect Florentines have not degenerated from their ancestral customs.” “ But I will study diligently,” said Romola, her eyes dilat¬ ing with anxiety. “I will become as learned as Cassandra Fedele : I will try and be as useful to you as if I had been a boy, and then perhaps some great scholar will want to marry me, and will not mind about a dowry ; and he will like to come and live with you, and he will be to you in place of my brother . . . and you will not be sorry that I was a daughter.” • THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 69 There was a rising sob in Eomola’s voice as she said the last words, which touched the fatherly fibre in Bardo. He stretched his hand upward a little in search of her golden hair, and as she placed her head under his hand, he gently stroked it, leaning towards her as if his eyes discerned some glimmer there. “ Hay, Bomola mia, I said not so; if I have pronounced an anathema on a degenerate and ungrateful son, I said not that I could wish thee other than the sweet daughter thou hast been to me. For what son could have tended me so gently in the frequent sickness I have had of late ? And even in learning thou art not, according to thy measure, contempti¬ ble. Something perhaps were to be wished in thy capacity of attention and memory, not incompatible even with the femi¬ nine mind. But as Calcoudila bore testimony, when ho aided me to teach thee, thou hast a ready apprehension, and even a wide-glancing intelligence. And thou hast a man’s nobility of soul: thou hast never fretted me with thy petty desires as thy mother did. It is true, I have been careful to keep thee aloof from the debasing influence of thy own sex, with their sparrow¬ like frivolity and their enslaving superstition, except, indeed, from that of our cousin Bri^ida, who may well serve as a .scarecrow and a warning. And though—since I agree with the divine Petrarca, when he declares, quoting the ‘ Aulularia’ of Plautus, who again was indebted for the truth to the supreme Greek intellect, ‘ Optimam foeminam nullam esse, alia licet alia pejor sit’ — I cannot boast that thou art entirely lifted out of that lower category to which Hature assigned thee, nor even that in erudition thou art on a par with the more learned women of this age ; thou art, nevertheless — yes, Komola mia,” said the old man, his pedantry again melting into tenderness, “ thou art my sweet daughter, and thy voice is as the lower notes of the flute, ‘ dulcis, durabilis, clara, pura, secans aera et auribus sedens,’ according to the choice words of Quintilian ; and Bernardo tells me thou art fair, and thy hair is like the brightness of the morning, and indeed it seems to me that I discern some radiance from thee. Ah! I know how all else looks in this room, but thy form I only guess at 60 ROMOLA. Thou art no longer the little woman six years old, that faded for me into darkness ; thou art tall, and thy arm is but little below mine. Let us walk together.” The old man rose, and Romola, soothed by these beams of tenderness, looked happy again as she drew his arm within hers, and placed in his right hand the stick which rested at the side of his chair. While Bardo had been sitting, he had seemed hardly more than sixty : his face, though pale, had that refined texture in which wrinkles and lines are never deep; but now that he began to walk he looked as old as he really was — rather more than seventy ; for his tall spare frame had the student’s stoop of the shoulders, and he stepped with the undecided gait of the blind. “ No, Romola,” he said, pausing against the bust of Hadrian, and passing his stick from the right to the left that he might explore the familiar outline with a “seeing hand.” “There will be nothing else to preserve my memory and carry down my name as a member of the great republic of letters — noth¬ ing but my library and my collection of antiquities. And they are choice,” continued Bardo, pressing the bust and speaking in a tone of insistence. “ The collections of Niccolo, I know, were larger; but take any collection which is the work of a single man — that of the great Boccaccio even — mine will surpass it. That of Poggio was contemptible compared with mine. It will be a great gift to unborn scholars. And there is nothing else. For even if I were to yield to the wish of Aldo Manuzio when he sets up his press at Venice, and give him the aid of my annotated manuscripts, I know well what would be the result: some other scholar’s name would stand on the title-page of the edition — some scholar who would have fed on my honey, and then declared in his preface that he had gathered it all himself fresh from Hymettus. Else, why have I refused the loan of many an annotated codex ? why have I refused to make public any of my translations ? why ? but because scholarship is a system of licensed robbery, and your man in scarlet and furred robe who sits in judgment on thieves, is himself a thief of the thoughts and the fame that belong to his fellows. But against that robbery Bardo de’ THE BLIND SCHOLAR AND HIS DAUGHTER. 61 Bardi shall struggle — though blind and forsaken, he shall struggle. I too have a right to be remembered — as great a right as Pontanus or Merula, whose names will be foremost on the lips of posterity, because they sought patronage and found it; because they had tongues that could flatter, and blood that was used to be nourished from the client’s basket. 1 have a right to be remembered.” The old man’s voice had become at once loud and tremulous, and a pink flush overspread his proud, delicately cut features, while the habitually raised attitude of his head gave the idea that behind the curtain of his blindness he saw some imaginary high tribunal to which he was appealing against the injustice of Fame. Romola was moved with sympathetic indignation, for in her nature too there lay the same large claims, and the same spirit of struggle against their denial. She tried to calm her father by a still prouder word than his. “Nevertheless, father, it is a great gift of the gods to be born with a hatred and contempt of all injustice and meanness. Yours is a higher lot, never to have lied and truckled, than to have shared honors won by dishonor. There is strength in scorn, as there was in the martial fury by which men became insensible to wounds.” “ It is well said, Romola. It is a Promethean word thou hast uttered,” answered Bardo, after a little interval, in which he had begun to lean on his stick again, and to walk on. “ And I indeed am not to be pierced by the shafts of Fortune. My armor is the ces triplex of a clear conscience, and a mind nour¬ ished by the precepts of philosophy. ‘ For men,’ says Epicte¬ tus, ‘ are disturbed not by things themselves, but by their opinions or thoughts concerning those things.’ And again, ‘whosoever will be free, let him not desire or dread that which it is in' the power of others either to deny or inflict: other¬ wise, he is a slave.’ And of all such gifts as are dependent on the caprice of fortune or of men, I have long ago learned to say, with Horace — who, however, is too wavering in his philosophy, vacillating between the ])recepts of Zeno and the less worthy maxims of Epicurus, and attempting, as we say, 62 ROMOLA. ^ duabus sellis sedere ’ — concerning such accidents, I say, with the pregnant brevity of the poet — ‘ Sunt ijui non habeant, est qui non curat habere.’ He is referring to gems, and purple, and other insignia of wealth; but I may apply his words not less justly to the tributes men pay us with their lips and their pens, which are also m^itters of purchase, and often with base coin. Yes, ‘ inanis' — hollow, empty — is the epithet justly bestowed on Fame.” Thej made the tour of the room in silence after this; but Bardo’j lip-born maxims were as powerless over the passion which had been moving him, as if they had been written on parchment and hung round his neck in a sealed bag; and he presently broke forth again in a new tone of insistence. “ Inanis ? yes, if it is a lying fame ; but not if it is the just meed of labor and a great purpose. I claim my right: it is not fair that the work of my brain and my hands should not be a monument to me — it is not just that my labor should bear the name of another man. It is but little to ask,” the old man went on, bitterly, “ that my name should be over the door — that men should own themselves debtors to the Bardi Library in Florence. They will speak coldly of me, perhaps: ‘a diligent collector and transcriber,’ they will say, ‘and also of some critical ingenuity, but one who could hardly be con¬ spicuous in an age so fruitful in illustrious scholars. Yet he merits our pity, for in the latter years of his life he was blind, and his only son, to whose education he had devoted his best years — ’ Nevertheless my name will be remembered, and men will honor me: not with the breath of flattery, purchased by mean bribes, but because I have labored, and because my labors will remain. Debts ! I know there are debts ; and there is thy dowry, Bomola, to be paid. But there must be enough — or, at least, there can lack but a small sum, such as the Signoria might well provide. And if Lorenzo had not died, all would have been secured and settled. But now — ” At this moment Maso opened the door, and advancing to his master, announced that Nello, the barber, had desired him DAWNING HOPES. 63 to say that he was come with the Greek scholar whom he had asked leave to introduce. “ It is well,” said the old man. “ Bring them in.” Bardo, conscious that he looked more dependent when he was walking, liked always to be seated in the presence of strangers, and Romola, without needing to be told, conducted him to his chair. She was standing by him at her full height, in quiet majestic self-possession, when the visitors entered; and the most penetrating observer would hardly have divined that this proud pale face, at the slightest touch on the fibres of affection or pity, could become passionate with tenderness, or that this woman, who imposed a certain awe on those who approached her, was in a state of girlish simplicity and igno¬ rance concerning the world outside her father’s books. CHAPTER VI. DAWNING HOPES. When Maso opened the door again, and ushered in the two visitors, Hello, first making a deep reverence to Eomola, gently pushed Tito before him, and advanced with him towards her father. “ Messer Bardo,” he said, in a more measured and respect ful tone than was usual with him, “ I have the honor of pre¬ senting to you the Greek scholar, who has been eager to have speech of you, not less from the report I have made to him of your learning and your priceless collections, than because of the furtherance your patronage may give him under the tran¬ sient need to which he has been reduced by shipwreck. His name is Tito Melema, at your service.” Romola’s astonishment could hardly have been greater if the stranger had worn a panther-skin and carried a thyrsus , for the cunning barber had said nothing of the Greek’s age or appearance; and among her father’s scholarly visitors, she had ROMOLA. «4 hardly ever seen any but middle-aged or gray-headed men. There was only one masculine face, at once youthful and beautiful, the image of which remained deeply impressed on her mind: it was that of her brother, who long years ago had taken her on his knee, kissed her, and never come back again: a fair face, with sunny hair, like her own. But the habitual attitude of her mind towards strangers—a proud self-depend¬ ence and determination to ask for nothing even by a smile — confirmed in her by her father’s complaints against the world’s injustice, was like a snowy embankment hemming in the rush of admiring surprise. Tito’s bright face showed its rich-tinted beauty without any rivalry of color above his black sajo or tunic reaching to the knees. It seemed like a wreath of spring, dropped suddenly in Eomola’s young but wintry life, which had inherited nothing but memories — memories of a dead mother, of a lost brother, of a blind father’s happier time — memories of far-off light, love, and beauty, that lay embedded in dark mines of books, and could hardly give out their bright¬ ness again until they were kindled for her by the torch of some known joy. Nevertheless, she returned Tito’s bow, made to her on entering, with the same pale proud face as ever; but, as he approached, the snow melted, and when he ventured to look towards her again, while Nello was speaking, a pink flush overspread her face, to vanish again almost immediately, as if her imperious will had recalled it. Tito’s glance, on the con¬ trary, had that gentle, beseeching admiration in it which is the most propitiating of appeals to a proud, shy woman, and is perhaps the only atonement a man can make for being too handsome. The finished fascination of his air came chiefly from the absence of demand and assumption. It was that of a fleet, soft-coated, dark-eyed animal that delights you by not bounding away in indifference from you, and unexpectedly pil¬ lows its chin on your palm, and looks up at you desiring to be stroked — as if it loved you. “ Messere, I give you welcome,” said Bardo, with some con¬ descension ; “ misfortune wedded to learning, and especially to Greek learning, is a letter of credit that should win the ear of every instructed Florentine; for, as you are doubtless aware, DAWNING HOPES. 66 gince the period when your countryman, Manuelo Crisolora, diffused the light of his teaching in the chief cities of Italy, now nearly a century ago, no man is held worthy of the name of scholar who has acquired merely the transplanted and de¬ rivative literature of the Latins; -rather, such inert students are stigmatized as opici or barbarians according to the phrase of the Eomans themselves, who frankly replenished their urns at the fountain-head. I am, as you perceive, and as Nello has doubtless forewarned you, totally blind : a calamity to which we Florentines are held especially liable, whether owing to the cold winds which rush upon us in spring from the passes of the Apennines, or to that sudden transition from the cool gloom of our houses to the dazzling brightness of our summer sun, by which the lippi are said to have been made so numer¬ ous among the ancient Eomans; or, in fine, to some occult cause which eludes our superficial surmises. But I pray you be seated: Nello, my friend, be seated.” Bardo paused until his fine ear had assured him that the visitors were seating themselves, and that Eomola was taking her usual chair at his right hand. Then he said — “ From what part of Greece do you come, Messere ? I had thought that your unhappy country had been almost exhausted of those sons who could cherish in their minds any image of her original glory, though indeed the barbarous Sultans have of late shown themselves not indisposed to ingraft on their ■wild stock the precious vine which their own fierce bands have hewn down and trampled under foot. From what part of Greece do you come ? ” “I sailed last from Nauplia,” said Tito; “but I have resided both at Constantinople and Thessalonica, and have travelled in various parts little visited by Western Christians since the triumph of the Turkish arms. I should tell you, however, Messere, that I was not born in Greece, but at Bari. I spent the first sixteen years of my life in Southern Italy and Sicily.” While Tito was speaking, some emotion passed, like a breath on the waters, across Bardo’s delicate features; he leaned for¬ ward, put out his right hand towards Eomola, and turned hia VOL. V ' 6 66 ROMOLA. head as if about to speak to her ; but then, correcting himself, turned away again, and said, in a subdued voice — Excuse me ; is it not true — you are young ? ” “ I am three-and-tweuty,” said Tito. “ Ah,” said Bardo, still in a tone of subdued excitement, “and you had, doubtless, a father who cared for your early instruction — who, perhaps, was himself a scholar ? ” There was a slight pause before Tito’s answer came to the ear of Bardo; but for Roniola and Nello it began with a slight shock that seemed to pass through him, and cause a momentary quivering of the lip; doubtless at the revival of a supremely painful remembrance. “ Yes,” he replied ; “ at least a father by adoption. He was a Neapolitan, and of accomplished scholarship, both Latin and Greek. But,” added Tito, after another slight pause, “he is lost to me — was lost on a voyage he too rashly undertook to Delos.” Bardo sank backward again, too delicate to ask another question that might probe a sorrow which he divined to be recent. Bomola, who knew well what were the fibres that Tito’s voice had stirred in her father, felt that this new ac¬ quaintance had with wonderful suddenness got within the barrier that lay between them and the alien world. Nello, thinking that the evident check given to the conversation offered a grace¬ ful opportunity for relieving himself from silence, said — “ In truth, it is as clear as Venetian glass that this line young man has had the best training; for the two Cennini have set him to work at their Greek sheets already, and it seems to me they are not men to begin cutting before they have felt the edge of their tools; they tested him well beforehand, we may be sure, and if there are two things not to be hidden — love and a cough — I say there is a third, and that is ignorance, when once a man is obliged to do something besides wagging his head. T’he tonsor inequalis is inevitably betrayed when he takes the shears in his hand; is it not true, Messer Bardo ? I speak after the fashion of a barber, but, as Luigi Pulci says — ‘ Perdonimi s’io fallo: chi m’ascolta Latenda il mio volgar col suo latino.’ ” DAWNING HOPES. 67 “Nay, my good Nello,” said Bardo, with an air of friendly severity, “ you are not altogether illiterate, and might doubt¬ less have made a more respectable progress in learning if you had abstained somewhat from the cicalata and gossip of the street-corner, to which our Florentines are excessively ad¬ dicted ; but still more if you had not clogged your memory with those frivolous productions of which Luigi Pulci has fui-- uished the most peccant exemplar — a compendium of extrava¬ gances and incongruities the farthest removed from the models of a pure age, and resembling rather the grylli, or conceits of a period when mystic meaning was held a warrant for monstros¬ ity of form; with this difference, that while the monstrosity is retained, the mystic meaning is absent; in contemptible contrast with the great poem of Virgil, who, as I long held with Filelfo, before Landino had taken upon him to expound the same opinion, embodied the deepest lessons of philosophy in a graceful and well-knit fable. And I cannot but regard the multiplication of these babbling, lawless productions, al¬ beit countenanced by the patronage, and in some degree the example of Lorenzo himself, otherwise a friend to true learn¬ ing, as a sign that the glorious hopes of this century are to be quenched in gloom; nay, that they have been the delusive prologue to an age worse than that of iron — the age of tinsel and gossamer, in which no thought has substance enough to be moulded into consistent and lasting form.” “ Once more, pardon,” said Nello, opening his palms out¬ wards, and shrugging his shoulders ; “ I find myself knowing so many things in good Tuscan before I have time to think of the Latin for them; and Messer Luigi’s rhymes are always slip¬ ping off the lips of my customers : — that is what corrupts me. And, indeed, talking of customers, I have left my shop and my reputation too long in the custody of my slow Sandro, who does not deserve even to be called a tonsor inequalis, but rather to be pronounced simply a bungler in the vulgar tongue. So with your permission, Messer Bardo, I will take my leave — well understood that I am at your service whenever Maso calls upon me. It seems a thousand years till I dress and per¬ fume the damigella’s hair, which deserves to shine in the 68 ROMOLA. heavens as a constellation, though indeed it were a pity for it ever to go so far out of reach/*’ Three voices made a fugue of friendly farewells to Nello, as he retreated with a bow to Eomola and a beck to Tito. The acute barber saw that the pretty youngster, who had crept into his liking by some strong magic, was well launched in Bardo’s favorable regard; and satisfied that his introduction had not miscarried so far, he felt the propriety of retiring. The little burst of wrath, called forth by Nello’s unlucky quotation, had diverted Bardo’s mind from the feelings which had just before been hemming in further speech, and he now addressed Tito again with his ordinary calmness. ‘‘ Ah! young man, you are happy in having been able to unite the advantages of travel with those of study, and you will be welcome among us as a bringer of fresh tidings from a land which has become sadly strange to us, except through the agents of a now restricted commerce and the reports of hasty pilgrims. For those days are in the far distance which I my¬ self witnessed, when men like Aurispa and Guarino went out to Greece as to a storehouse, and came back laden with manu¬ scripts which every scholar was eager to borrow — and, be it owned with shame, not always willing to restore ; nay, even the days when erudite Greeks flocked to our shores for a ref¬ uge, seem far off now — farther off than the oncoming of my blindness. But doubtless, young man, research after the treasures of antiquity was not alien to the purpose of your travels ? ” “ Assuredly not,” said Tito. “ On the contrary, my com¬ panion— my father — was willing to risk his life in his zeal for the discovery of inscriptions and other traces of ancient civilization.” “ And I trust there is a record of his researches and their results,” said Bardo, eagerly, “since they must be even more precious than those of Ciriaco, which I have diligently availed myself of, though they are not always illuminated by adequate learning.” “ There was such a record,” said Tito, “ but it was lost, like everything else, in the shipwreck I suffered below DAWNING HOPES. 69 Ancona. The only record left is such as remains in our — in my memory.” “ You must lose no time in committing it to paper, young man,” said Bardo, with growing interest. “ Doubtless you re¬ member much, if you aided in transcription; for when I was your age, words wrought themselves into my mind as if they had been fixed by the tool of the graver; wherefore I con¬ stantly marvel at the capriciousness of my daughter’s memory, which grasps certain objects with tenacity, and lets fall all those minutiae whereon depends accuracy, the very soul of scholar¬ ship. But I apprehend no such danger with you, young man, if your will has seconded the advantages of your training.” When Bardo made this reference to his daughter, Tito ventured to turn his eyes towards her, and at the accusation against her memory his face broke into its brightest smile, which was reflected as inevitably as sudden sunbeams in Ro- mola’s. Conceive the soothing delight of that smile to her! Romola had never dreamed that there was a scholar in the world who would smile at a deficiency for which she was constantly made to feel herself a culprit. It was like the dawn of a new sense to her — the sense of comradeship. They did not look away from each other immediately, as if the smile had been a stolen one; they looked and smiled with frank enjoyment. “ She is not really so cold and proud,” thought Tito. “Does he forget too, I wonder?” thought Romola. “Yet T hope not, else he will vex my father.” But Tito was obliged to turn away, and answer Bardo’s question. “I have had much practice in transcription,” he said; “but In the case of inscriptions copied in memorable scenes, ren¬ dered doubly impressive by the sense of risk and adventure, it may have happened that my retention of written characters has been weakened. On the plain of the Eurotas, or among the gigantic stones of Mycenae and Tyrins — especially when the fear of the Turk hovers over one like a vulture — the mind wanders, even though the hand writes faithfully what the ejm dictates. But something doubtless I have retained,” added 70 ROMOLA. Tito, with a modesty which was not false, though he was conscious that it was politic; “ something that might be of service if illustrated and corrected by a wider learning than my own.” That is well spoken, young man,” said Bardo, delighted. ‘^And I will not withhold from you such aid as I can give, if you like to communicate with me concerning your recollec¬ tions. I foresee a work which will be a useful supplement to the ‘Isolario’ of Christoforo Buondelmonte, and which may take rank with the ‘ Itineraria ’ of Ciriaco and the admirable Ambrogio Traversari. But we must prepare ourselves for cal¬ umny, young man,” Bardo went on with energy, as if the work were already growing so fast that the time of trial was near; ‘‘if your book contains novelties you will be charged with forgery; if my elucidations should clash with any principles of interpretation adopted by another scholar, our personal characters will be attacked, we shall be impeached with foul actions; you must prepare yourself to be told that your mother was a fishwoman, and that your father was a rene¬ gade priest or a hanged malefactor. I myself, for having shown error in a single proposition, had an invective written against me wherein I was taxed with treachery, fraud, inde¬ cency, and even hideous crimes. Such, my young friend, — such are the flowers with which the glorious path of scholarship is strewed ! But tell me, then : I have learned much concern¬ ing Byzantium and Thessalonica long ago from Demetrio Cal- condila, who has but lately departed from Florence; but you, it seems, have visited less familiar scenes ? ” “ Yes; we made what I may call a pilgrimage full of danger, for the sake of visiting places which have almost died out of the memory of the West, for they lie away from the track of pilgrims ; and my father used to say that scholars themselves hardly imagine them to have any existence out of books. He was of opinion that a new and more glorious era would open for learning when men should begin to look for their commen¬ taries on the ancient writers in the remains of cities and tem¬ ples, nay, in the paths of the rivers, and on the face of the valleys and the mountains.” DAWNING HOPES. 71 Ah ! ” said Bardo, fervidly, “ your father, then, was not a common man. Was he fortunate, may I ask ? Had he many friends ? ” These last words were uttered in a tone charged with meaning. ‘‘ No; he made enemies — chiefly, I believe, by a certain im¬ petuous candor; and they hindered his advancement, so that he lived in obscurity. And he would never stoop to concili¬ ate : he could never forget an injury.” “ Ah ! ” said Bardo again, with a long, deep intonation. “ Among our hazardous expeditious,” continued Tito, will¬ ing to prevent further questions on a point so personal, “ I remember with particular vividness a hastily snatched visit to Athens. Our hurry, and the double danger of being seized as prisoners by the Turks, and of our galley raising anchor before we could return, made it seem like a fevered vision of the night — the wide plain, the girdling mountains, the ruined porticos and columns, either standing far aloof, as if receding from our hurried footsteps, or else jammed in confusedly among the dwellings of Christians degraded into servitude, or among the forts and turrets of their Moslem conquerors, who have their stronghold on the Acropolis.” ‘•You fill me with surprise,” said Bardo. “Athens, then, is not utterly destroyed and swept away, as I had imagined ? ” “No wonder you should be under that mistake, for few even of the Greeks themselves, 4vho live beyond the mountain boundary of Attica, know anything about the present condi¬ tion of Athens, or Setine, as the sailors call it. I remember, as we were rounding the promontory of Sunium, the Greek pilot we had on board our Venetian galley pointed to the mighty columns that stand on the summit of the rock — the remains, as you know well, of the great temple erected to the goddess Athena, who looked down from that high shrine with triumph at her conquered rival Poseidon ; — well, our Greek pilot, pointing to those columns, said, ‘ That was the school of the great philosopher Aristotle.’ And at Athens itself, the monk who acted as our guide in the hasty view we snatched, insisted most on showing us the spot where St. Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, or some such legend.” 72 ROMOLA. “ Talk not of monks and their legends, young man ! ” said Bardo, interrupting Tito impetuously. “ It is enough to over* lay human hope and enterprise with an eternal frost, to think that the ground which was trodden by philosophers and poets is crawled over by those insect-swarms of besotted fanatics or howling hypocrites.” Perdio, I have no affection for them,” said Tito, with a shrug; “ servitude agrees well with a religion like theirs, which lies in the renunciation of all that makes life precious to other men. And they carry the yoke that befits them: their matin chant is drowned by the voice of the muezzin, who, from the gallery of the high tower on the Acropolis, calls every Mussulman to his prayers. That tower springs from the Par¬ thenon itself ; and every time we paused and directed our eyes toward it, our guide set up a wail, that a temple which had once been won from the diabolical uses of the Pagans to become the temple of another virgin than Pallas — the Virgin- Mother of God — was now again perverted to the accursed ends of the Moslem. It was the sight of those walls of the Acropolis, which disclosed themselves in the distance as we leaned over the side of our galley when it was forced by con¬ trary winds to anchor in the Piraeus, that fired my father’s mind with the determination to see Athens at all risks, and in spite of the sailors’ warnings that if we lingered till a change of wind, they would depart without us: but, after all, it was impossible for us to venture near the Acropolis, for the sight of men eager in examining ‘old stones’ raised the suspicion that we were Venetian spies, and we had to hurry back to the harbor.” “We will talk more of these things,” said Bardo, eagerly. “You must recall everything, to the minutest trace left in your memory. You will win the gratitude of after-times by leaving a record of the aspect Greece bore while yet the bar¬ barians had not swept away every trace of the structures that Pausanias and Pliny described: you will take those great writers as your models; and such contribution of criticism and suggestion as my riper mind can supply shall not be want ing to you. There will be much to tell; for you have trav> elled, you said, in the Peloponnesus ? ” DAWNING HOPES. 73 “Yes; and in Boeotia also: I have rested in the groves of icon, and tasted of the fountain Hippocrene. But on every memorable spot in Greece conquest after conquest has set its seal, till there is a confusion of ownership even in ruins, that only close study and comparison could unravel. High over every fastness, from the plains of Lacedaemon to the Straits of Thermopylae, there towers some huge Frankish fortress, once inhabited by a French or Italian marquis, now either aban¬ doned or held by Turkish bands.” “ Stay ! ” cried Bardo, whose mind was now too thoroughly preoccupied by the idea of the future book to attend to Tito’s further narration. “Do you think of writing in Latin or Greek ? Doubtless Greek is the more ready clothing for your thoughts, and it is the nobler language. But, on the other hand, Latin is the tongue in which we shall measure ourselves with the larger and more famous number of modern rivals. And if you are less at ease in it, I will aid you—yes, I will spend on you that long-accumulated study which was to have been thrown into the channel of another work — a work in which I myself was to have had a helpmate.” Bardo paused a moment, and then added — “ But who knows whether that work may not be executed yet ? For you, too, young man, have been brought up by a fatner who poured into your mind all the long-gatherea stream of his knowledge and experience. Our aid might be mutual.” Romola, who had watched her father’s growing excitement, and divined well the invisible currents of feeling that deter¬ mined every question and remark, felt herself in a glow of strange anxiety : she turned her eyes on Tito continually, to watch the impression her father’s words made on him, afraid lest he should be inclined to dispel these visions of co-opera¬ tion which were lighting up her father’s face with a new hope. But no ! He looked so bright and gentle: he must feel, as she did, that in this eagerness of blind age there was piteous¬ ness enough to call forth inexhaustible patience. How much more strongly he would feel this if he knew about her brother ! A girl of eighteen imagines the feelings behind the face that has moved her with its sympathetic youth, as easily as primitive 74 ROMOLA. people imagined the humors of the gods in fair weather : what is she to believe in, if not in this vision woven from within ? And Tito was really very far from feeling impatient. He delighted in sitting there with the sense that Romola’s atten¬ tion was fixed on him, and that he could occasionally look at her. He was pleased that Bardo should take an interest in him ; and he did not dwell with enough seriousness on the prospect of the work in which he was to be aided, to feel moved by it to anything else than that easy, good-humored acquiescence which was natural to him. “ I shall be proud and happy,” he said, in answer to Bardo’s last words, “ if my services can be held a meet offering to the matured scholarship of Messere. But doubtless”—here he looked towards Bomola — “ the lovely damigella, your daugh¬ ter, makes all other aid superfluous ; for I have learned from Nello that she has been nourished on the highest studies from her earliest years.” ‘‘You are mistaken,” said Bomola; “I am by no means sufficient to my father : I have not the gifts that are necessary for scholarship.” Komola did not make this self-depreciatory statement in a tone of anxious humility, but with a proud gravity. “Nay, my Bomola,” said her father, not willing that the stranger should have too low a conception of his daughter’s powers ; “ thou art not destitute of gifts ; rather, thou art en¬ dowed beyond the measure of women; but thou hast withal ';he woman’s delicate frame, which ever craves repose and variety, and so begets a wandering imagination. My daugh¬ ter ” — turning to Tito — “ has been very precious to me, fill¬ ing up to the best of her power the place of a son. For I had once a son ■—” Bardo checked himself: he did not wish to assume an atti¬ tude of complaint in the presence of a stranger, and he remembered that this young man, in whom he had unex¬ pectedly become so much interested, was still a stranger, towards whom it became him rather to keep the position of a patron. His pride was roused to double activity by the fear that he had forgotten his dignity. DAWNING HOPES. 75 But,” he resumed, in his original tone of condescension, •^we are departing from what I believe is to you the most important business. Nello informed me that you had certain gems which you would fain dispose of, and that you desired a passport to some man of wealth and taste who would be likely to become a purchaser.” ' It is true ; for, though I have obtained employment, as a corrector with the Cennini, my payment leaves little margin beyond the provision of necessaries, and would leave less but that my good friend Nello insists on my hiring a lodging from him, and saying nothing about the rent till better days.” ‘‘Nello is a good-hearted prodigal,” said Bardo; “and though, with that ready ear and ready tongue of his, he is too much like the ill-famed Margites — knowing many things and knowing them all badly, as I hinted to him but now — he is nevertheless ‘ abnormis sapiens,’ after the manner of our born Florentines. But have you the gems with you ? I would willingly know what they are —yet it is useless: no, it might only deepen regret. I cannot add to my store.” “ I have one or two intaglios of much beauty,” said Tito, proceeding to draw from his wallet a small case. But Bomola no sooner saw the movement than she looked at him with significant gravity, and placed her finger on her lips, “ Con viso che tacendo dicea, Taci.” If Bardo were made aware that the gems were within reach, she knew well he would want a minute description of them, and it would become pain to him that they should go away from him, even if he did not insist on some device for pur¬ chasing them in spite of poverty. But she had no sooner made this sign than she felt rather guilty and ashamed at having virtually confessed a weakness of her father’s to a stranger. It seemed that she was destined to a sudden con ■ fidence and familiarity with this young Greek, strangely at variance with her deep-seated pride and reserve; and this consciousness again brought the unwonted color to het cheeks. 76 ROMOLA. Tito understood her look and sign, and immediately with- drew his hand from the case, saying in a careless tone, so as to make it appear that he was merely following up his last words, “But they are usually in the keeping of Messer Domenico Cennini, who has strong and safe places for these things. He estimates them as worth at least five hundred ducats.” “Ah, then, they are fine intagli,” said Bardo. “Five hun¬ dred ducats ! Ah, more than a man’s ransom ! ” Tito gave a slight, almost imperceptible start, and opened his long dark eyes with questioning surprise at Bardo’s blind face, as if his words — a mere phrase of cojnmon parlance, at a time when men were often being ransomed from slavery or imprisonment — had had some special meaning for him. But the next moment he looked towards Bomola, as if her eyes must be her father’s interpreters. She, intensely preoccupied with what related to her father, imagined that Tito was look¬ ing to her again for some guidance, and immediately spoke. “ Alessandra Scala delights in gems, you know, father ; she calls them her winter flowers; and the Segretario would be almost sure to buy any gems that she wished for. Besides, he himself sets great store by rings and sigils, which he wears as a defence against pains in the joints.” “ It is true,” said Bardo. “ Bartolommeo has overmuch con¬ fidence in the efficacy of gems — a confidence wider than what is sanctioned by Pliny, who clearly shows that he regards many beliefs of that sort as idle superstitions; though not to the utter denial of medicinal virtues in gems. Wherefore, I my¬ self, as you observe, young man, wear certain rings, which the discreet Camillo Leonardi prescribed to me by letter when two year’s ago I had a certain infirmity of sudden numbness. But thou hast spoken well, Eomola. I will dictate a letter to Bartolommeo, which Maso shall carry. But it were well that Messere should notify to thee what the gems are, together with the intagli they bear, as a warrant to Bartolommeo that they will be worthy of his attention.” “Hay, father,” said Romola, whose dread lest a paroxysm of the collector’s mania should seize her father, gave her the courage to resist his proposal. “ Your word will be sufficient DAWNING HOPES. 77 that Messere is a scholar and has travelled much. The Segre- tario will need no further inducement to receive him.” “ True, child,” said Bardo, touched on a chord that was sure to respond. ‘‘ I have no need to add proofs and arguments in confirmation of my word to Bartolommeo. And I doubt not that this young man’s presence is in accord with the tones of his voice, so that, the door being once opened, he will be his own best advocate.” Bardo paused a few moments, but his silence was evidently charged with some idea that he was hesitating to express, for he once leaned forward a little as if he were going to speak, then turned his head aside towards Romola and sank backward again. At last, as if he had made up his mind, he said in a tone which might have become a prince giving the courteous signal of dismissal — ‘‘I am somewhat fatigued this morning, and shall prefer seeing you again to-morrow, when I shall be able to give you the secretary’s answer, authorizing you to present yourself to him at some given time. But before you go ” — here the old man, in spite of himself, fell into a more faltering tone — ‘‘you will perhaps permit me to touch your hand ? It is long since I touched the hand of a young man.” Bardo had stretched out his aged white hand, and Tito immediately placed his dark but delicate and supple fingers within it. Bardo’s cramped fingers closed over them, and he held them for a few minutes in silence. Then he said — “ Komola, has this young man the same complexion as thy brother — fair and pale ? ” “No, father,” Bomola answered, with determined composure, though her heart began to beat violently with mingled emo¬ tions. “ The hair of Messere is dark — his complexion is dark.” Inwardly she said, “ Will he mind it ? will it be disagreeable ? No, he looks so gentle and good-natured.” Then aloud again: “Would Messere permit my father to touch his hair and face ? ” Her eyes inevitably made a timid entreating appeal while she asked this, and Tito’s met them with soft brightness as he s:dd, “ Assuredly and, leaning forward, raised Bardo’s hand 78 ROMOLA. to his curls, with a readiness of assent, which was the greater relief to her, because it was unaccompanied by any sign of embarrassment. Bardo passed his hand again and again over the long curls and grasped them a little, as if their spiral resistance made his inward vision clearer ; then he passed his hand over the brow and cheek, tracing the profile with the edge of his palm and fourth finger, and letting the breadth of his hand repose on the rich oval of the cheek. “ Ah ! ” he said, as his hand glided from the face and rested on the young man’s shoulder He must be very unlike thy brother, Eomola.’ and it is the better. You see no visions, I trust, my young friend ? ” At this moment the door opened, and there entered, un¬ announced, a tall elderly man in a handsome black silk lucco, who, unwinding his becchetto from his neck and taking off his cap, disclosed a head as white as Bardo’s. He cast a keen glance of surprise at the group before him —- the young stranger leaning in that filial attitude, while Bardo’s hand rested on his shoulder, and Eomola sitting near with eyes dilated by anxiety and agitation. But there was an instanta¬ neous change: Bardo let fall his hand, Tito raised himself from his stooping posture, and Eomola rose to meet the visitor with an alacrity which implied all the greater intimacy, because it was unaccompanied by any smile. “ Well, god-daughter,” said the stately man, as he touched Eomola’s shoulder ; “ Maso said you had a visitor, but I came in nevertheless.” “ It is thou, Bernardo,” said Bardo. “ Thou art come at a fortunate moment. This, young man,” he continued, while Tito rose and bowed, “ is one of the chief citizens of Florence, Messer Bernardo del Nero, my oldest, I had almost said my only friend — whose good opinion, if you can win it, may carry you far. He is but tliree-and-twenty, Bernardo, yet he can doubtless tell thee much which thou wilt care to hear ; for though a scholar, he has already travelled far, and looked on other things besides the manuscripts for which thou hast too light an esteem.” DAWNING HOPES. 79 ‘^Ah, a Greek, as I augur,’’ said Bernardo, returning Tito’s reverence but slightly, and surveying him with that sort of glance which seems almost to cut like fine steel. “Newly arrived in Florence, it appears. The name of Messere — or part of it, for it is doubtless a long one ? ” “ On the contrary,” said Tito, with perfect good-humor, “ it is most modestly free from polysyllabic pomp. My name is Tito Melema.” “Truly?” said Bernardo, rather scornfully, as he took a seat; “ I had expected it to be at least as long as the names of a city, a river, a province, and an empire all put together. We Florentines mostly use names as we do prawns, and strip them of all flourishes before we trust them to our throats.” “ Well, Bardo,” he continued, as if the stranger were not worth further notice, and changing his tone of sarcastic sus¬ picion for one of sadness, “ we have buried him.” “ Ah ! ” replied Bardo, with corresponding sadness, “ and a new epoch has come for Florence — a dark one, I fear. Lorenzo has left behind him an inheritance that is but like the alchemist’s laboratory when the wisdom of the alchemist is gone.” “Not altogether so,” said Bernardo. “Piero de’ Medici has abundant intelligence ; his faults are only the faults of hot blood. I love the lad — lad he will always be to me, as I have always been Gittle father ’ to him.” “ Yet all who want a new order of things are likely to con¬ ceive new hopes,” said Bardo. “ We shall have the old strife of parties, I fear.” “ If we could have a new order of things that was some¬ thing else than knocking down one coat of arms to put up another,” said Bernardo, “ I should be ready to say, ‘ I belong to no party ; I am a Florentine.’ But as long as parties are in question, I am a Medicean, and will be a Medicean till I die, I am of the same mind as Farinata degli Uberti: if any man asks me what is meant by siding with a party, I say, as he did, ‘ To wish ill or well, for the sake of past wrongs or kindnesses.’ ” 80 ROMOLA. During this short dialogue, Tito had been standing, and no'W took his leave. “ But come again at the same hour to-morrow,” said Bardo, graciously, before Tito left the room, “ that I may give you Bartolommeo’s answer.” “ From what quarter of the sky has this prettj’’ Greek young¬ ster alighted so close to thy chair, Bardo ? ” said Bernardo del Nero, as the door closed. He spoke with dry emphasis, evi¬ dently intended to convey something more to Bardo than was implied by the mere words. “ He is a scholar who has been shipwrecked and has saved a few gems, for which he wants to find a purchaser. I am going to send him to Bartolommeo Scala, for thou knowest it were more prudent in me to abstain from further purchases.” Bernardo shrugged his shoulders and said, “ Romola, wilt thou see if my servant is without ? I ordered him to wait for me here.” Then, when Romola was at a sufficient dis¬ tance, — he leaned forward and said to Bardo in a low, emphatic tone — “ Remember, Bardo, thou hast a rare gem of thy own; take care no one gets it who is not likely to pay a worthy price. That pretty Greek has a lithe sleekness about him, that seems marvellously fitted for slipping easily into any nest he fixes his mind on.” Bardo was startled : the association of Tito with the image of his lost son had excluded instead of suggesting the thought of Romola. But almost immediately there seemed to be a reaction which made him grasp the warning as if it had been a hope. “ But why not, Bernardo ? If the young man approved himself worthy — he is a scholar — and — and there would be no difficulty about the dowry, which always makes thee gloomy.” A LEARNED SQUABBLK ^1 CHAPTER VIL A LEARNED SQUABBLE. Bartolommeo Scala, secretary of the Florentine Republic, on whom Tito Melema had been thus led to anchor his hopes, lived in a handsome palace close to the Porta Pinti, now known as the Casa Gherardesca. His arms — an azure ladder transverse on a golden field, with the motto Gradatim placed over the entrance — told all comers that the miller’s son held his ascent to honors by his own efforts a fact to be proclaimed without wincing. The secretary was a vain and pompous man, but he was also an honest one : he was sincerely convinced of his own merit, and could see no reason for feigning. The top¬ most round of his azure ladder had been reached by this time : he had held his secretaryship these twenty years — had long since made his orations on the ringhiera, or platform of the Old Palace, as the custom was, in the presence of princely visitors, while Marzocco, the republican lion, wore his gold crown on the occasion, and all the people cried, ‘‘ Viva Messer Bartolommeo ! ” — had been on an embassy to Rome, and had there been made titular Senator, Apostolical Secretary, Knight of the Golden Spur; and had, eight years ago, been Gonfaloniere — last goal of the Florentine citizen’s ambition. Meantime he had got richer and richer, and more and more gouty, after the manner of successful mortality ; and the Knight of the Golden Spur had often to sit with helpless cushioned heel under the handsome loggia he had built for himself, overlooking the spacious gardens and lawn at the back of his palace. He was in this position on the day when he had granted the desired interview to Tito Melema. The May afternoon sun was on the flowers and the grass beyond the pleasant shade of the loggia; the too stately silk lucco was cast aside, and the light loose mantle was thrown over his tunic; his beautiful daughter Alessandra and her husband, the Greek soldier-poet Marullo, Q VOL. V 82 ROMOLA. were seated on one side of Mm : on the other, two friends not oppressively illustrious, and therefore the better listeners. Yet, to say nothing of the gout, Messer Bartolommeo’s felicity was far from perfect: it was embittered by the contents of certain papers that lay before him, consisting chiefly of a cor¬ respondence between himself and Politian. It was a human foible at that period (incredible as it may seem) to recite quarrels, and favor scholarly visitors with the communication of an entire and lengthy correspondence; and this was neither the first nor the second time that Scala had asked the candid opinion of his friends as to the balance of right and wrong in some half-score Latin letters between himself and Politian, all springing out of certain epigrams written in the most play¬ ful tone in the world. It was the story of a very typical and pretty quarrel, in which we are interested, because it supplied precisely that thistle of hatred necessary, according to Nello, as a stimulus to the sluggish paces of the cautious steed. Friendship. Politian, having been a rejected pretender to the love and the hand of Scala’s daughter, kept a very sharp and learned tooth in readiness against the too prosperous and presump¬ tuous secretary, who had declined the greatest scholar of the age for a son-in-law. Scala was a meritorious public servant, and, moreover, a lucky man — naturally exasperating to an offended scholar ; but then — oh beautiful balance of things ! — he had an itch for authorship, and was a bad writer — one of those excellent people who, sitting in gouty slippers, “ penned poetical trifles ” entirely for their own amusement, without any view to an audience, and, consequently, sent them to their friends in letters, which were the literary neriodicais of the fifteenth century. Now Scala had abun¬ dance of friends who were ready to praise his writings: friends like Ficino and Landino — amiable browsers in the Medicean park along with himself — who found his Latin prose style elegant and masculine ; and the terrible Joseph Scaliger, who was to pronounce him totally ignorant of Latinity, was at a comfortable distance in the next century. But when was the fatal coquetry inherent in superfluous authorship ever quite A LEARNED SQUABBLE. 83 contented with the ready praise of friends ? That critical supercilious Politian — a fellow-browser, who was far from amiable — must be made aware that the solid secretary showed, in his leisure hours, a pleasant fertility in verses, which indi¬ cated pretty clearly how much he might do in that way if he were not a man of affairs. Ineffable moment! when the man you secretly hate sends you a Latin epigram with a false gender — hendecasyllables with a questionable elision, at least a toe too much — attempts at poetic figures which are manifest solecisms. That moment had come to Politian : the secretary had put forth his soft head from the official shell, and the terrible lurking crab was down upon him. Politian had used the freedom of a friend, and pleasantly, in the form of a Latin epigram, corrected the mistake of Scala in making the culex (an insect too well known on the banks of the Arno) of the inferior or feminine gender. Scala replied by a bad joke, in suitable Latin verses, referring to Politian’s unsuccessful suit. Better and better. Politian found the verses very pretty and highly facetious : the more was the pity that they were seriously incorrect, and inasmuch as Scala had alleged that he had written them in imitation of a Greek epigram, Politian, being on such friendly terms, would enclose a Greek epigram of his own, on the same inter¬ esting insect — not, we may presume, out of any wish to hum¬ ble Scala, but rather to instruct him ; said epigram containing a lively conceit about Venus, Cupid, and the culex, of a kind much tasted at that period, founded partly on the zoological fact, that the gnat, like Venus, was born from the waters. Scala, in reply, begged to say that his verses were never intended for a scholar with such delicate olfactories as J^olitian, nearest of ail living men to the perfection of the ancients, and of a taste so fastidious that sturgeon itself must seem insipid to him; defended his own verses, never¬ theless, though indeed they were v/ritten hastily, without cor¬ rection, and intended as an agreeable distraction during the summer heat to himself and such friends as were satisfied with mediocrity, he, Scala, not being like some other people, who courted publicity through the booksellers. For the rest, S4 ROMOLA. he had barely enough Greek to make out the sense of the epigram so graciously sent him, to say nothing of tasting its elegances; but — the epigram was Politian’s : what more need be said ? Still, by way of postscript, he feared that his in¬ comparable friend’s comparison of the gnat to Venus, on account of its origin from the waters, was in many ways ticklish. On the one hand, Venus might be offended; and on the other, unless the poet intended an allusion to the doctrine of Thales, that cold and damp origin seemed doubtful to Scala in the case of a creature so fond of warmth; a fish were perhaps the better comparison, or, when the power of flying was in question, an eagle, or indeed, when the darkness was taken into considera¬ tion, a bat or an owl were a less obscure and more apposite parallel, etc., etc. ■ Here was a great opportunity for Politian. He was not aware, he wrote, that when he had Scala’s verses placed before him, there was any question of sturgeon, but rather of frogs and gudgeons : made short work with Scala’s defence of his own Latin, and mangled him terribly on the score of the stupid criticisms he had ventured on the Greek epigram kindly forwarded to him as a model. Wretched cavils, indeed! for as to the damp origin of the gnat, there was the authority of Virgil himself, who had called it the ‘‘ alumnus of the waters; ” and as to what his dear dull friend had to say about the fish, the eagle, and the rest, it was “ nihil ad rem ; ” for because the eagle could fly higher, it by no means followed that the gnat could not fly at all, etc., etc. He was ashamed, however, to dwell on such, trivialities, and thus to swell a gnat into an elephant; but, for his own part, would only add that he had nothing deceitful or double about him, neither was he to be caught when present by the false blandishments of those who slandered him in his absence, agreeing rather with a Homeric sentiment on that head — which furnished a Greek quotation to serve as powder to his bullet. The quarrel could not end there. The logic could hardly get worse, but the secretary got more pompously self-asserting, and the scholarly poet’s temper more and more venomous. Politian had been generously willing to hold up a mirror, by which the too-inflated secretary, beholding his own likeness, A LEARNED SQUABBLE. 85 might oe induced to cease setting up his ignorant defences of bad Latin against ancient authorities whom the consent of centuries had placed beyond question — unless, indeed, he had designed to sink in literature in proportion as he rose in honors, that by a sort of compensation men of letters might feel themselves his equals. In return, Politian was begged to examine Scala’s writings: nowhere would he find a more de¬ vout admiration of antiquity. The secretary was ashamed of the age in which he lived, and blushed for it. So7m, indeed, there were who wanted to have their own works praised and exalted to a level with the divine monuments of antiquity; but he, Scala, could not oblige them. And as to the honors which were offensive to the envious, they had been well earned: witness his whole life since he came in penury to Florence. The elegant scholar, in reply, was not surprised that Scala found the Age distasteful to him, since he himself was so dis¬ tasteful to the Age; nay, it was with perfect accuracy that he, the elegant scholar, had called Scala a branny monster, inas¬ much as he was formed from the offscourings of monsters, born amidst the refuse of a mill, and eminently worthy the long-eared office of turning the paternal millstones (in 'pistrini 307'dibus natus et quidem qnstrino dignissimus) ! It was not without reference to Tito’s appointed visit that the papers containing this correspondence were brought out to-day. Here was a new Greek scholar whose accomplishments were to be tested; and on nothing did Scala more desire a dispassionate opinion from persons of superior knowledge than on that Greek epigram of Politian’s. After sufficient intro¬ ductory talk concerning Tito’s travels, after a survey and dis¬ cussion of the gems, and an easy passage from the mention of the lamented Lorenzo’s eagerness in collecting such specimens of ancient art to the subject of classical tastes and studies in general, and their present condition in Florence, it was inevi¬ table to mention Politian, a man of eminent ability indeed, but a little too arrogant — assuming to be a Hercules, whose office it was to destroy all the literary monstrosities of the age, and writing letters to his elders without signing them, as if they were miraculous revelations that could only have one 86 ROMOLA. source. And after all, were not his own criticisms often ques¬ tionable and his tastes perverse ? He was fond of saying pungent things about the men who thought they wrote like Cicero because they ended every sentence with “esse videtur:” but while he was boasting of his freedom from servile imita¬ tion, did he not fall into the other extreme, running after strange words and affected phrases ? Even in his much- belauded “Miscellanea,” was every point tenable? And Tit.), who had just been looking into the “ Miscellanea,” found ■ p much to say that was agreeable to the secretary — he would have done so from the mere disposition to please, without J ar- ther motive — that he showed himself quite worthy to be mEkde a judge in the notable correspondence concerning the cuUx. Here was the Greek epigram which Politian had doubtless thought the finest in the world, though he had pretended to believe that the “ transmarini,” the Greeks themselves, would make light of it: had he not been unintentionally speaking the truth in his false modesty ? Tito was ready, and scarified the epigram to Scala’s content. 0 wise young judge! He could doubtless appreciate satire even in the vulgar tongue, and Scala — who, excellent man, not seeking publicity through the booksellers, was never un¬ provided with “ hasty uncorrected trifles,” as a sort of sherbet for a visitor on a hot day, or, if the weather were cold, why then as a cordial — had a few little matters in the shape of Sonnets, turning on well-known foibles of Politian’s, which he would not like to go any farther, but which would, perhaps, amuse the company. Enough: Tito took his leave under an urgent invitation to come again. His gems were interesting; especially the agate, with the lusus naturce in it — a most wonderful semblance of Cupid riding on the lion; and the “Jew’s stone,” with the lion-headed serpent enchased in it; both of which the secretary agreed to buy — the latter as a reinforcement of his preven¬ tives against the gout, which gave him such severe twinges that it was plain enough how intolerable it would be if he were not well supplied with rings of rare virtue, and with an amulet worn close under the right breast. But Tito was A FACE IN THE CROWD. 87 assured that he himself was more interesting than his gems. He had won his way to the Scala l^alace by the recommenda¬ tion of Bardo de’ Bardi, who, to be sure, was Scala’s old ac-. quaintance and a w’ortby scholar, in spite of his overvaluing himself a little (a frequent foible in the secretary’s friends); but he must come again on the ground of his own manifest accomplishments. The interview could hardly have ended more auspiciously for Tito, and as he walked out at the Porta Pinti that he might laugh a little at his ease over the affair of the culex, he felt that Fortune could hardly mean to turn her back on him again at present, since she had taken him by the hand in this decided way. * » — ■ CHAPTER VIII. A FACE IN THE CROWD. It is easy to northern people to rise early on Midsummer morning, to see the dew on the grassy edge of the dusty path¬ way, to notice the fresh shoots among the darker green of the oak and fir in the coppice, and to look over the gate at the shorn meadow, without recollecting that it is the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Not so to the Florentine — still less to the Florentine of the fifteenth century: to him on that particular morning the brightness of the eastern sun on the Arno had something special in it; the ringing of the bells was articulate, and declared it to be the great summer festival of Florence, the day of San Giovanni. San Giovanni had been the patron saint of Florence for at least eight hundred years—ever since the time when the Lombard Queen Theodolinda had commanded her subjects to do him peculiar honor; nay, says old Villani, to the best of his knowledge, ever since the days of Constantine the Great and Pope Sylvester, wlieu the Florentines deposed their idol 88 EOMOLA. Mars, whom they were nevertheless careful not to treat with contumely; for while they consecrated their beautiful and noble temple to the honor of God and of the “ Beato Messere Santo Giovanni/’ they placed old Mars respectfully on a high tower near the Biver Arno, finding in certain ancient memo¬ rials that he had been elected as their tutelar deity under such astral influences that if he were broken, or otherwise treated with indignity, the city would suffer great damage and muta¬ tion. But in the fifteenth century that discreet regard to the feelings of the Man-destroyer had long vanished: the god of the spear and shield had ceased to frown by the side of the Arno, and the defences of the Bepublic were held to lie in its craft and its coffers. For spear and shield could be hired by gold florins, and on the gold florins there had always been the image of San Giovanni. ■ Much good had come to Florence since the dim time of struggle between the old patron and the new: some quarrel¬ ling and bloodshed, doubtless, between Guelf and Ghibelline, between Black and White, between orthodox sons of the Church and heretic Paterini; some floods, famine, and pesti¬ lence 5 but still much wealth and glory. Florence had achieved conquests over walled cities once mightier than itself, and especially over hated Pisa, whose marble buildings were too high and beautiful, whose masts were too much honored on Greek and Italian coasts. The name of Florence had been growing prouder and prouder in all the courts of Europe, nay, in Africa itself, on the strength of purest gold coinage, finest dyes and textures, pre-eminent scholarship and poetic genius, and wits of the most serviceable sort for statesmanship and banking: it was a name so omnipresent that a Pope with a turn for epigram had called Florentines ‘‘the fifth element.” And for this high destiny, though it might partly depend on the stars and Madonna dell’ Impruneta, and certainly de¬ pended on other higher Powers less often named, the praise was greatly due to San Giovanni, whose image was on the fair gold florins. Therefore it was fitting that the day of San Giovanni — that ancient Church festival already venerable in the days of Sk A FACE IN THE CROWD. 89 Augustine — should be a day of peculiar rejoicing to Florence, and should be ushered in by a vigil duly kept in strict old Florentine fashion, with much dancing, with much street jest¬ ing, and perhaps with not a little stone-throwing and window¬ breaking, but emphatically with certain street sights such as could only be provided by a city which held in its service a clever Cecca, engineer and architect, valuable alike in sieges and in shows. By the help of Cecca, the very saints, sur¬ rounded with their almond-shaped glory, and floating on clouds with their joyous companionship of winged cherubs, even as they may be seen to this day in the pictures of Perugino, seemed, on the eve of San Giovanni, to have brought their piece of the heavens down into the narrow streets, and to pass slowly through them ; and, more wonderful still, saints of gi¬ gantic size, with attendant angels, might be seen, not seated, but moving in a slow mysterious manner along the streets, like a procession of colossal figures come down from the high domes and tribunes of the churches. The clouds were made of good woven stuff, the saints and cherubs were unglorified mortals supported by firm bars, and those mysterious giants were really men of very steady brain, balancing themselves on stilts, and enlarged, like Greek tragedians, by huge masks and stuffed shoulders; but he was a miserably unimaginative Florentine who thought only of that — nay, somewhat impious, for in the images of sacred things was there not some of the virtue of sacred things themselves ? And if, after that, there came a company of merry black demons well-armed with claws and thongs, and other implements of sport, ready to perform impromptu farces of bastinadoing and clothes-tearing, why, that was the demons’ way of keeping a vigil, and the}^, too, might have descended from the domes and the tribunes. The Tuscan mind slipped from the devout to the burlesque as readily as water round an angle; and the saints had already had their turn, had gone their way, and made their due pause before the gates of San Giovanni, to do him honor on the eve of his festa. And on the morrow, the great day thus ushered in, it was fitting that the tributary symbols paid to Florence by all its dependent cities, districts, and villages, whether 90 ROMOLA. conquered, protected, or of immemorial possession, should be offered at the shrine of San Giovanni in the old octagonal church, once the cathedral, and now the baptistery, where every Florentine had had the sign of the Cross made with the anointing chrism on his brow; that all the city, from the white-haired man to the stripling, and from the matron to the lisping child, should be clothed in its best to do honor to the great day, and see the great sight; and that again, when the sun was sloping and the streets were cool, there should be the glorious race or Corso, when the unsaddled horses, clothed in rich trappings, should run right across the city, from the Porta al Prato on the northwest, through the IMercato Vecchio, to the Porta Santa Croce on the southeast, where the richest of Palii, or velvet and brocade banners with silk linings and fringe of gold, such as became a city that half clothed the well-dressed world, were mounted on a triumphal car awaiting the winner or winner’s owner. And thereafter followed more dancing; nay, through the whole day, says an old chronicler at the beginning of that century, there were weddings and the grandest gatherings, with so much piping, music and song, with balls and feasts and gladness and ornament, that this earth might have been mistaken for Paradise! In this year of 1492 it was, perhaps, a little less easy to make that mistake. Lorenzo the magnificent and subtle was dead, and an arrogant, incautious Piero was come in his room: an evil change for Florence, unless, indeed, the wise horse pre¬ fers the bad rider, as more easily thrown from the saddle; and already the regrets for Lorenzo were getting less predominant over the murmured desire for government on a broader basis, in which corruption might be arrested, and there might be that free play for everybody’s jealousy and ambition which made the ideal liberty of the good old quarrelsome, struggling times, when Florence raised her great buildings, reared her own soldiers, drove out would-be tyrants at the sword’s point, and was proud to keep faith at her own loss. Lorenzo was dead. Pope Innocent was dying, and a troublesome Neapolitan succession, with an intrig-uing, ambitious Milan, might set A FACE IN THE CROWD. 91 Italy by the ears before long: the times were likely to be difficult. Still, there was all the more reason that the Eepublio should keep its religious festivals. And Midsummer morning, in this year 1492, was not less bright than usual. It was betimes in the morning that the symbolic offerings to be carried in grand procession were all assembled at their starting-point in the Piazza della Signon>i — that famous Piazza, where stood then, and stand now, the massive turreted Palace of the People, called the Palazzo Vec- chio, and the spacious Loggia, built by Orcagna — the scene of all grand State ceremonial. The sky made the fairest blue tent, and under it the bells swung so vigorously that every evil spirit with sense enough to be formidable must long sinco have taken his flight; windows and terraced roofs were alive with human faces; sombre stone houses were bright with hanging draperies; the boldly soaring palace tower, the yet older square tower of the Bargello, and the spire of the neigh¬ boring Badia, seemed to keep watch above; and below, on the broad polygonal flags of the piazza, was the glorious show of banners, and horses with rich trappings, and gigantic ceri, or tapers, that were fitly called towers — strangely aggrandized descendants of those torches by whose faint light the Church worshipped in the Catacombs. Betimes in the morning all processions had need to move under the Midsummer sky of Florence, where the shelter of the narrow streets must every now and then be exchanged for the glare of wide spaces; and the sun would be high up in the heavens before the long pomp had ended its pilgrimage in the Piazza di San Giovanni. But here, where the procession was to pause, the magnifi¬ cent city, with its ingenious Cecca, had provided another tent than the sky; for the whole of the Piazza del Duomo, from the octagonal baptistery in the centre to the fa 9 ade of the ca¬ thedral and the walls of the houses on the other sides of the quadrangle, was covered, at the height of forty feet or more, with blue drapery, adorned with well-stitched yellow lilies and the familiar coats of arms, while sheaves of many-colored ban¬ ners drooped at fit angles under this superincumbent blue—• a gorgeous rainbow-lit shelter to the waiting spectators who '2 KOMOLA. •eaned from the windows, and made a narrow border on the pavement, and wished for the coming of the show. One of these spectators was Tito Meleina. Bright, in the midst of brightness, he sat at the window of the room above Nello’s shop, his right elbow resting on the red drapery hang¬ ing from the window-sill, and his head supported in a back¬ ward position by the right hand, which pressed the curls against his ear. His face wore that bland liveliness, as far removed from excitability as from heaviness or gloom, which marks the companion popular alike among men and women — the companion who is never obtrusive or noisy from uneasy vanity or excessive animal spirits, and whose brow is never contracted by resentment or indignation. He showed no other change from the two months and more that had passed since his first appearance in the weather-stained tunic and hose, than that added radiance of good fortune, which is like the just perceptible perfecting of a flower after it has drunk a morn¬ ing’s sunbeams. Close behind him, ensconced in the narrow angle between his chair and the window-frame, stood the slim figure of Nello in holiday suit, and at his left the younger Cennini — Pietro, the erudite corrector of proof-sheets, not Domenico the practical. Tito was looking alternately down on the scene below, and upward at the varied knot of gazers and talkers immediately around him, some of whom had come in after witnessing the commencement of the procession in the Piazza della Signoria. Piero di Cosimo was raising a laugh among them by his grimaces and anathemas at the noise of the bells, against which no kind of ear-stuffing was a sufficient barricade, since the more he stuffed his ears the more he felt the vibration of his skull; and declaring that he would bury himself in the most solitary spot of the Valdarno on a festa, if he were not condemned, as a painter, to lie in wait for the secrets of color that were sometimes to be caught from the floating of banners and the chance grouping of the multitude. Tito had just turned his laughing face away from the whim¬ sical painter to look down at the small drama going on among the checkered border of spectators, when at the angle of the marble steps in front of the Duomo, nearly opposite Nello’s A FACE IN THE CROWD. 93 sRop, lie saw a man’s face upturned towards him, and fixing on him a gaze that seemed to have more meaning in it than the ordinary passing observation of a stranger. It was a face with tonsured head, that rose above the black mantle and white tunic of a Dominican friar — a very common sight in Florence; but the glance had something peculiar in it for Tito. There was a faint suggestion in it, certainly not of an unpleasant kind. Yet what pleasant association had he ever had with monks ? None. The glance and the suggestion hardly took longer than a flash of lightning. “Nello!” said Tito, hastily, but immediately added, in a tone of disappointment, “Ah, he has turned round. It was that tall, thin friar who is going up the steps. I wanted you to tell me if you knew aught of him ? ” “ One of the Frati Predicatori,” said Nello, carelessly; “ you don’t expect me to know the private history of the crows.” “ I seem to remember something about his face,” said Tito. “ It is an uncommon face.” “ What ? you thought it might be our Fra Girolamo ? Too tall; and he never shows himself in that chance way.” “ Besides, that loud-barking ‘ hound of the Lord ’ ^ is not in Florence just now,” said Francesco Cei, the popular poet; “ he has taken Piero de’ Medici’s hint, to carry his railing proph¬ ecies on a journey for a while.” “ The Frate neither rails nor prophesies against any man,” said a middle-aged personage seated at the other corner of the window ; “ he only prophesies against vice. If you think that an attack on your poems, Francesco, it is not the Frate’s fault.” “ Ah, he’s gone into the Duomo now,” said Tito, who had watched the figure eagerly. “ No, I was not under that mis¬ take, Nello. Your Fra Girolamo has a high nose and a large under-lip. I saw him once — he is not handsome; but this man — ” “ Truce to your descriptions ! ” said Cennini. “Hark! see I ^ A play on the name of the Dominicans (Domini Canes) which was ac¬ cepted by themselves, and which is pictorially represented in a fresco painted i„i- tlisin by Simone Memmi. 94 ROMOLA. Here come the horsemen and the banners. That standard,” he continued, laying his hand familiarly on Tito’s shoulder —■ “ that carried on the horse with white trappings — that with the red eagle holding the green dragon between his talons, and the red lily over the eagle — is the gonfalon of the Guelf party, and those cavaliers close round it are the chief officei’s of the Guelf party. That is one of onr proudest banners, grumble as we may ; it means the triumph of the Guelfs, which means the triumph of Florentine will, which means triumph of the popolani.” “ Nay, go on, Cenuini,” said the middle-aged man, seated at the window, which means triumph of the fat popolani over the lean, which again means triumph of the fattest popolano over those who are less fat.” “ Cronaca, you are becoming sententious,” said the printer; “ Fra Girolamo’s preaching will spoil you, and make you take life by the wrong handle. Trust me, your cornices will lose half their beauty if you begin to mingle bitterness with them ; that is the maniera Tedesca which you used to declaim against when you came from Rome. The next palace you build we shall see you trying to put the Frate’s doctrine into stone.” That is a goodly show of eavaliers,” said Tito, who had learned by this time the best way to please Florentines; “ but are there not strangers among them ? I see foreign costumes.” “ Assuredly,” said Cennini; “ you see there the Orators from France, Milan, and Venice, and behind them are English and German nobles; for it is customary that all foreign visit¬ ors of distinction pay their tribute to San Giovanni in the train of that gonfalon. For my part, I think our Florentine cavaliers sit their horses as well as any of those cut-and-thrust northerners, whose wits lie in their heels and saddles; and for yon Venetian, I fancy he would feel himself more at ease on the back of a dolphin. We ought to know something of horsemanship, for we excel all Italy in the sports of the Giostra, and the money we spend on them. But you will see a finer show of our chief men by-and-by, Melema; my brother himself will be among the officers of the Zecca.” A FACE IN THE CROWD. 95 ^