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I by H.&C Koevoe 
Hfrican Jtethodism in the South 
 Twenty-Five Years of Freedom. 
 By Rt. Rev. WESLEY J. GAINES, D. D., 
 Sixteenth Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 With an Introduction by 
 Prof. W. S. SCARBOROUGH. A. M., LL. D. 
 Atlanta, Georgia: 
 Franklin Publishing House. 
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1890, by 
 Rt. Rev. WESLEY J. GAINES, D. D., 
 In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 
 In undertaking this work I have had in mind to 
 present to my readers and to the A. M. E. Church a 
 brief but comprehensive survey of the work of our 
 church in the South, especially in the State of Geor- 
 gia ; so that in passing over the pages if there be 
 found anything omitted which would seem necessary 
 to make the history of our church work in the South- 
 ern States complete, it must be remembered that 
 such a comprehensive history has not been my de- 
 sign. Such would call for more space than this small 
 volume can comprise, and there are historians who 
 will undertake the task of setting forth the work in 
 other individual States. 
 It has been my aim to touch upon the adjoining 
 States to Georgia only so far as seemed necessary to 
 a proper understanding of the spread of the work, and 
 when the relationship is so close as to make one a 
 necessary complement of the other, and so far as my 
 own personal experience in those States would war- 
 rant my adding them to my list. 
 The early years of work in every section through- 
 out the United States is only a repetition of the early 
 years of the existence of the A. M. E. Church from 
 its inception in 1687 to its birth in 18 16 and through 
 the years of its infancj' It is a record whose data 
are difficult to find. It has been most difficult in the 
 South because when the church began, before the 
 fortunes of war were finally settled, there were no set 
 plans, no systematic work and the changing condi- 
 tions surrounding all things affected it as well. 
 We know this era to have been one prolific in 
 events, yet a conscientious desire for accuracy leads 
 us to omit much data that may have been due to the 
 passions and prejudices of men, and, as a minister of 
 peace, place that before the world which we find to 
 be irrefutable facts. 
 It is not the purpose to make this book one of ab- 
 stract history. I have moved among these Southern 
 scenes from birth, and with the birth of the A. M. E. 
 Church in the South, I have ever since been identi- 
 fied with its Georgia history. My familiarty, with the 
 Conferences of this State and their results is that 
 which comes from being present every session from 
 that of the first Conference held in Charleston in 
 1865 ; and my knowledge of how much the growth of 
 our work can be explained only by the details, has 
 led me to give place to those of importance in each 
 record of the proceedings of these bodies. 
 It has been my purpose to make mention of all 
 growth as far as I could find accurate data for it, and 
 to bring before my readers the men whose entrance 
 into the church work has caused this growth. 
 In my preparation I have to acknowledge my obli- 
 gations to numerous friends whose kindly help in 
 gathering scattered material has greatly aided me. I 
 am especially indebted to Dr. T. G. Steward's early 
 history of the work as found in the Georgia Confer- 
 ence Minutes and in his Centennial address ; also to 
 Bishop B. W. Arnet for statistics kindly furnished, 
 and to the valuable Centennial Budget of the A. M. 
 E. Church, compiled by the same. 
 If my little volume shall be an incentive to others 
 likewise to add to the literature and future history of 
 the A. M. E. Church, it will have fulfilled largely its 
 "reason for being," while at the same time it enables 
 me to pay a tribute to the Church of Our Fathers, to 
 its work in my native State and to the negro race, to 
 all of which I am attached by the ties of fifty years. 
 W. J. G. 
 The fact that the color question is the question of 
 the day, attracting more or less attention throughout 
 our entire country — North, East, West and South — 
 makes everything pertaining to the negro — his past,, 
 his present, his future, his educational, his moral, his 
 financial status — all the more important In fact, the- 
 negro is at present the center of attraction. All eyes 
 are turned toward him and he is served up in short: 
 story and in long, in history and in fiction, in prose 
 and in j oetry, as it may suit the fancy of men. 
 Scientists, theologians, men of letters and even the 
 politicians, are all trying to solve what they call the 
 "Negro Problem" — Whither is the negio drifting? 
 What will eventually become of him f Will he in time 
 lose his identity in the heterogeneity of the American 
 people? or will he maintain his racial characteristics 
 despite circumstances ? or finally will he, like the bar- 
 barian hordes of the orient, imbibe a migratory spirit 
 and conclude to leave these shores for a more con- 
 genial clime ? These are the questions that arise 
 daily by "germs and by fractions " in every paper 
 that one takes up. Some affirm one thing, some 
 another. Suffice it to say, however, despite tjie dis- 
 cussions, despite the difference of opinion, the negro 
 intends to hold his own. He has a future, and that, 
 too, in America. If not, what mean these twenty- 
 five years of progress in all lines of industy — progress 
 more marked than that of any other people in the 
 same length of time and under the same circum- 
 stances ? What means our great A. M. E. Church, 
 with its hundreds of thousands of communicants and 
 its thousands of preachers and teachers, its bishops 
 and general officers ? Surely the history and growth 
 • of African Methodism in these United States are an 
 evidence not only of progress, but of permanence as 
 well. From a small seed — infinitesimally small as it 
 were — has grown a magnificent tree, as wonderful as 
 it is magnificent. In every State and Territory, 
 wherever the negro is found, African Methodism is 
 Its greatest field is in the South. It is here that 
 we find the numbers both as to churches and as to 
 membership — due, of course, to the fact that the 
 colored people are found there in larger majorities 
 than elsewhere. 
 The present volume, which discusses African Meth- 
 odism in Georgia and Alabama, is another welcome 
 addition to the Church literature — emanating as it 
 does from the pen of one who grew up as it were in 
 the Church, and who is thoroughly competent to state 
 the facts as he sees and knows them. Our distin- 
 guished friend, Rt. Rev. Bishop W. J. Gaines, stood 
 by the cradle of African Methodism in its incipient 
 stages in the State of Georgia — assisted in nursing it 
 until it became able to stand alone, and thereafter a 
 power throughout our Southern clime — whose influ- 
 ence is felt far and wide. No man of my acquaint- 
 ance has done more for the propagation of the Church 
 of his choice than Bishop Gaines. Go where you will, 
 in Georgia especially, search the records of the Afri- 
 can M. E. Churches, examine the scrolls, and the 
 name of Dr. W. J. Gaines will be found to stand out 
 in bold relief, not only as a builder of churches, but 
 as a wise and faithful shepherd ; as one who always 
 reposed an unfaltering trust in God, however dark 
 the hour, and, therefore, as a pre-eminently successful 
 pastor and teacher. Such, then, is the writer of this 
 volume. Certainly there could not be found one who 
 is more fitted to portray the growth of African Meth- 
 odism in the South than he whose name this volume 
 bears. Born and reared in that section, a close ob- 
 server of the many vicissitudes — civil, political and 
 ecclesiastical — through which the South has passed 
 during these twenty-five years, a friend of reforms, a 
 vigorous advocate of the cause of temperance, an un- 
 swerving defender of the rights and interests of his 
 race — conservative rather than radical — with a soul 
 smitten with the love of virtue, with a ruling passion 
 for the true, the noble, the good and the beautiful in 
 all the walks of life — the Rt. Rev. Wesley J. Gaines 
 may justly claim the right to be an authority on the 
 subjects discussed in this treatise. We hail it with 
 joy, and trust that it may be instrumental in awaken- 
 ing a deeper interest in the spread of African Meth- 
 odism in this great country of ours, and that those 
 into whose hands it may fall may be inspired to go 
 forth as doers of the Word and not simply hearers. 
 W. S. Scarborough, 
 Wilberforce University. 
 Brief Reference to Richard Allen ; The Beginning of the 
 A. M. E. Church ; It's Spread East, West, Southwest ; Up 
 to the Rebellion. 
 The Southern Methodist at the Time of the Rebellion ; The 
 War ; The Missionaries Sent to South Carolina ; The First 
 Church Organized in Georgia ; The First Session of the 
 South Carolina Conference ; Georgia Mission Work ; South 
 Carolina Conference Work. 
 Extension of Work ; Georgia'and Florida as Separate Con- 
 ferences — Stations and Circuits : First Session of Georgia 
 Conference ; Its Members and Work ; Second Session 
 March 17, 1868 ; Work of the General Conference of 186 
 Affecting Southern States ; Resolutions upon Education 
 GEORGIA IN 1868-1871. 
 The First Session of the Georgia Annual Conference as an 
 Independent Conference, Feb. 6, 1869 ; First Report upon 
 the Rise of African Methodism in Georgia ; Bishop Brown 
 Presiding ; Women's Work ; Rev. Andrew Brown's 
 GEORGIA 1871-1872. 
 Preachers Admitted ; Ordination Sermon of Deacons ; Rev, 
 A. L. Standford ; A Beneficent Gift ; Four Deaths ; Con- 
 ference School ; Two Meagre Reports ; An Important 
 Change ; Elders Ordained in 1871 ; An Interesting Discus- 
 sion ; Sabbath School Banner ; A District Book Steward ; 
 A Division of Conference Monies ; Advice to Ministers ; 
 Organization of the Home and Foreign Missionary Society ; 
 In Savannah for the Second Time ; Pertinent Remarks ; 
 Some Visitors. 
 Admissions in 1872 ; Sound Counsel; The Missionary Agency; 
 Book Concern Report; Substantial Aid ; Steps toward a 
 School ; Deacons and Elders ; An Unfortunate Slip ; 
 Minority Reports Adopted ; D Laths of the Year ; Pay for 
 the Secretary ; General Conference Delegates ; Changes 
 Made; Conference Sermons Preserved; Two Meetings; 
 Appreciation of Bishop J. M. Brown's Work ; Americus and 
 Savannah ; Sunday School ; Sermons Appointed for Next 
 Year ; Elder Turner's Request ; Interesting Reports ; Fra- 
 ternal Feeling. 
 GEORGIA, 1873. 
 At Macon Georgia ; A New Bishop ; Additions and Losses ; 
 Episcopal Robes ; Thirty-seven Preachers ; Bishop Paul 
 Quinn ; First Death in Bishopric Since 1848 ; Preachers 
 called by Death ; Ordination of Elders and Deacons ; Visi- 
 tors to Conference ; Exodus to Arkansas ; Sold for Pas- 
 sage Money ; Report upon Division of Conference ; An 
 Unwieldy Body ; Severe Tax upon Church ; Arguments 
 for Division ; A Committee Appointed ; Majority and Mi- 
 nority Reports ; Division Recommended ; Boundaries Indi- 
 cated ; Regret and Gladness ; Changes in Districts, Cir- 
 cuits, etc. 
 Opening of 1874 ; The North Georgia Conference and Georgia 
 Conference ; Bishop T. M. D. Ward's Remarks ; An Objec- 
 tion ; Committee upon Boundaries ; Sent Before the Com- 
 mittee ; Bishop S. H. Ho]sey of the C. M. E. Church ;. 
 Dr. H. M. Turner's Response ; The State of Education • 
 A Need in the Ministry; An Educational Convention; 
 Trustees Appointed ; The South Georgia Annual Confer- 
 ence ; Transfers ; Intention to Appeal ; An Able Sermon ; 
 Class Admitted on Trial ; A Cordial Welcome ; Respect 
 for African Methodism ; A Donation ; End of First De- 
 cade ; North Georgia Conference, at Athens ; A Change of 
 Date ; Admissions, Deacons, Elders and Transfers ; Death 
 of Thomas K. Brown— The Georgia Conference, at Albany ; 
 Small Gifts ; Memorial Services ; A Large Class Admitted ; , 
 An Awakening ; A Vigorous Report ; A Quotation ; Invi- 
 tations ; Cartersville, Georgia ; Sermons ; Delegate to. 
 General Conference. 
 Again in Savannah ; General Conference Delegates from the- 
 Georgia Conference ; Recognition of Woman's Work ; A 
 Standard Number ; A Petition to the Governor ; Rev>" 
 Tunis G. Campbell's Case ; An Excellent School ; Finances 
 An Invitation to Georgia ; General Conference in Atl anta 
 1876 ; Possibilities Appreciated ; Changes in the Church ; 
 A New Bishop for the South ; North Georgia Conference, 
 at Griffin ; A Class of Twenty -three ; Deaths and Trans- 
 fers ; Georgia Conference at Bainbridge ; Bishop Campbell 
 and the Visitors ; Japheth, " Caught in America ;" Plea 
 for Africa ; Eatonton, Dec. 5 ; Waste of Time ; Preachers 
 Admitted ; Georgia Conference, Columbus, 1878 ; Many 
 Visitors; Reminiscences; North Georgia Delegates; 
 Deaths ; Preachers Admitted ; Bishop D. A. Payne's Letter:. 
 Our Haytian Work ; Satisfactory Appointments ; Dollar- 
 North Georgia Conference at Madison, 1879 ; A New Law ; 
 Arrangements for a Fund ; Preparations for General Con- 
 ference ; The State Blind Asylum; A Petition and Its 
 Result ; Deacons Ordained ; G ^orgia Conference at Cuth- 
 bert ; An Annual Sermon by a Pioneer ; A Business Move- 
 ment ; Preachers Admitted ; Elders and Deacons ; The 
 Death List; A Cxution; Hearty Greetings; Our Repre- 
 sentative to London ; Assembly of the " One Hundred " ; 
 A Private Matter ; A Lesson on Hospitality ; Electoral 
 College ; Pertinent Admonition ; Steps for Another Con- 
 ference ; Changes in Georgia Conference Work ; Some 
 Leaving Appointments. 
 North Georgia Annual Conference in Macon, 1880 ; Sabbath 
 Appointments ; Bishop Campbell's Address ; Many Vis- 
 itors ; An Able Address ; Ordination Services ; General 
 Conference Delegates ; Insttuction to General Conference 
 Delegates; Close of Bishop Campbell's Work ; Member- 
 ship ; The Demands of History ; A Sketch of a Visit to 
 London ; A Leaven in the South ; Americus, Georgia, 
 1880 ; Committee Upon a New Conference ; Bishop J. M. 
 Brown's Illness ; The Greatest Blessing ; Preachers ; Dea- 
 cons ; Elders; Committees' Reports ; " Ou the Exodus ; " 
 Historical Facts ; Wholesome Advice ; A Marked Increase ; 
 The Wesley Memorial Church ; Unity in Spirit ; Presiding 
 Elders ; Statistics of Georgia Conference ; A Comparison ; 
 Four Years' Growth ; Bishop H. M. Turner, D. D. ; Three 
 New Bishops. 
 Ill Atlanta, 1881 ; Systematic Work ; Resolutions and 
 Pledges ; Our Educational Work ; Many Leading Ideas ; 
 The First Appropriation ; Good News ; Admissions and 
 Ordinations ; Remarkable Sermons ; Distinguished Visi- 
 tors ; Presiding Elders' Reports ; Georgia Conference in 
 Savannah ; A Minister's Text ; Words of Encouragement ; 
 An Introduction ; Encouraging Reports ; The Annual 
 Sermon ; Oases in the Desert ; Honorable Tributes ; A 
 Joint Committee ; Its Report ; A College Site Selected ; 
 Education at Home ; The Canonical Scriptures ; Con- 
 sternation in the Ranks ; Occasion for Thanks ; A New 
 A Grand Missionary Meeting ; Our Missionary Work; Africa; 
 Hayti and Indian Territoy ; Letters for Bishop Turner ; 
 Dr. B. H. Arnett's Sermon ; The Need of The Church ; 
 Quoting Sermons ; An Amusing Anecdote ; Upon Their 
 Own Merits; "Jesus is in the Dollar:" Our Ritualistic 
 Service ; A Beautiful Ceremony ; State Sunday-School 
 Convention ; A Higher Standard ; Home Missions ; A 
 Mighty Necessity ; Importance of The Sunday-School ; 
 The Children of the A. M. E. Fold ; A New Feature ; The 
 Districts of the Conference ; Improvement and Growth ; 
 Episcopal Residences ; Personal Sacrifice ; A Loss ; A 
 Memorable Year. 
 Visitors ; Echoes from the Ecumenical Council ; Missionary 
 Meeting ; Education in the Early Days ; Elder S. H. Rob- 
 ertson's Pass ; Negro Authors ; No Race in Literature ; A 
 Truly Great Man ; Features of this Annual Conference ; 
 A Disgrace to American Civilization ; A Large Class ; 
 Full Reports ; Georgia Conference in Thomasville ; The 
 Key Note of Work ; Ordinations ; The Wesley Memorial 
 Volume ; An Unsuccessful Outrage ; Nine Presiding Elder 
 Districts ; The New Conference. 
 Tenth Session of the North Georgia Conference ; The Sev- 
 enteenth of the Mother Conference ; The Literary Tone ; 
 Ordinations in the Two Conferences ; Good Work ; Vari- 
 ous Districts ; Transfers ; A Transition Stage ; The New 
 Conference ; First Session, January 31, 1883 ; Work of the 
 Session ; Its Second Session ; Change of Date ; Some 
 Transfers ; Close of Seventh Quadrennium ; Bishop Dick- 
 erson's Four Years ; First Annual Conference in 1884 ; 
 Prophetic Utterance ; A Discussion; A Death of a Pioneer; 
 Delegates to General Conference ; An Appeal ; A Success- 
 ful Year ; The Georgia Conference at Valdosta ; Present 
 to Bishop Dickerson ; An Election ; Failure to Make Ex- 
 One Hundred Years Before ; Some Figures ; Bishop James 
 A. Shorter Assigned to the South; Dollar Money Law 
 Amended ; Endowment Day ; Bishop Shorter in Georgia ; 
 Routine Business ; In the Macon Conference ; North 
 Georgia Conference at Athens ; A Missionary Bishop ; 
 The Annual Sermon ; Fraternal Greetings ; Admissions 
 and Withdrawals ; Elders and Deacons ; Bishop Dicker- 
 son's Illness and Death ; Father Peter McLain ; Georgia 
 Annual Conference of 1885 ; Memorial Services ; Macon 
 Conference Boundary ; Its Fourth session ; A Request 
 from the Financial Board ; Sunday Services ; A Sugges- 
 tion Followed ; A Request Declined ; North Georgia Con- 
 ference in Griffin ; Dr. B. T. Tanner, Dr. B. F. Lee and 
 Others ; Transfers ; The Work of 1885. 
 Georgia Conference " at Hawkinsville 1886 ; Sympathy for 
 Bishop Shorter; Dr. J. C. Embry and Dr. J. M. Townsend ; 
 An Example Followed ; Admissions and Ordinations ; 
 Resolutions ; Macon Conference at Barnesville ; Secreta- 
 ries ; Admissions and Ordinations ; The Metropolitan 
 Church ; Interests of Morris Brown College ; A Legitimate 
 Business ; General Officers ; Report from Morris Brown 
 College ; Deaths and Transfers ; North Georgia Conference 
 in Atlanta ; Bishop Shorter's Bereavement ; Bishop Camp- 
 bell Presides ; An Interesting Meeting ; A Link With the 
 Past ; Ordinations ; Some Deaths ; Personal Affairs, not 
 Public Affairs ; A Decision ; The Temperance Cause ; Pre- 
 siding Elders' Reports ; Dollar Money and Membership. 
 The First Conference in Georgia in 1887 ; Its Missionary 
 Meetings ; Admissions, Ordinations and Deaths ; Threo 
 Sermons ; Bishop R. H. Cain's Illness and Death ; The 
 Approaching Anniversary ; Reports from the Six Districts; 
 A Petition Granted ; The North Georgia Conference at 
 Rome, November 9 ; Bishop Shorter's Death ; Bishop 
 Wayman Presides ; Classes of the Year ; Seven Delegates 
 to General Conference ; Memorial Exercises ; Dr. Tan- 
 ner's Tribute to Bishop Cain ; Satisfactory Reports ; The 
 Macon Conference, Talbotton ; Bishop Disney Presides • 
 Stirring Speeches ; A Warning ; Delegates to General 
 Conference of 1888 ; Some Annual Meetings ; Admissions 
 and Ordinations ; The Centennial Budget and Dr. B. W. 
 Arnett ; A Retrospect. 
 Another Change of Date ; Twenty-one Years ; The Pioneers ; 
 Last Conference in 1887 ; The Usual Business ; General 
 Conference Delegates ; General Conference of 1888 ; 
 Eleven Episcopal Districts ; The Episcopal Committee's 
 Appointments ; Two Newly Elected Bishops ; Bishop W. 
 J. Gaines' First Conference ; His Opening Address ; An- 
 nual Sermon of North Georgia Conference ; Sermons and 
 Ordinations ; Reports and Transfers ; Monies ; A Pleasant 
 Welcome to the Macon Conference ; Its Work ; The First 
 Conference in Alabama in 1888 ; From Mobile to the 
 Georgia Conference in Cuthbert ; The Work of this Ses- 
 The North Georgia Conference at Washington, Georgia, 
 1889 ; General Officers Present ; Morris Brown College ; 
 Excellent Finances ; Spiritual and Financial Growth ; The 
 " Missionary Rule ; " Annual Sermons and Regular Busi- 
 ness ; The Twenty-fifth Anniversary ; Programme of the 
 Quarto-Centenial ; Admission, Transfers, etc. ; Bishop 
 Campbell's Conference ; The North Alabama Conference, 
 1889 ; A Pleasant Ride ; Dr. James A. Handy and Dr. W. 
 B. Derrick ; The Alabama Conference ; Payne Institute at 
 Selma ; Financial Success ; The Journey to Brunswick, 
 Georgia; The Mother Conference ; An Intense Straggle; 
 Victory and General Satisfaction. 
 Review of Georgia ; Leading Appointments ; Macon ; Men 
 of the Georgia Conference ; Number of Annual Confer- 
 ences ; Alabama; Early Work; First Missionaries ; Ala- 
 bama Conference ; Its Composition ; Districts ; Bishop 
 Campbell in Alabama ; A Division ; Bishops Wayman and 
 Payne ; Growth ; Leading Points ; Churches in Montgom- 
 ery, Prattville, Opelika ; North Alabama Work ; The Men 
 in Alabama ; Statistics for the Sixth District. 
 Place of Birth ; A Brave Deed ; Richard Allen in 1779 ; 
 Number of Eastern Annual Conferences ; The New En- 
 gland Conference ; Eastern Work ; Western Field ; Cin- 
 cinnati, Chillicothe, etc. ; Work in Toronto ; 1852 ; First 
 Division into Districts ; Southwest; Conferences Grouped; 
 Future Field. 
 Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Lou- 
 isiana ; Texas Conferences ; Organization of Churches ; 
 Hardships ; Pacific Coast ; Other Organization ; South 
 Carolina ; Florida. 
 Bishop Payne ; First Bishop of the South ; Bishop Payne's 
 Aim ; The Senior at Home ; Bishop J. M. Brown ; The 
 First Colored President of a Colored School ; His Mis- 
 sionary Work ; Bishop T. M. D. Ward ; His Old Missionary 
 Field ; Bishop Campbell in the South in 1876 ; His Four 
 Years' Work ; Bishop William F. Dickerson ; Epigram- 
 matic Speech ; His Death ; Bishop James A. Shorter ; 
 Characteristics ; An Unexpired Term filled ; The Present 
 Bishop ; A Biographical Sketch. 
 Status at Close of Civil War ; Two Admirable Qualities ; 
 The Property of the Church in Georgia ; Statistics of 1868 ; 
 Growth in All Ways ; A Wonderful Land ; Branches of 
 Industry; Negro Prosperity in Georgia; Atlanta and 
 Macon ; Macon's Workers ; Growth Affecting the A. M. E. 
 Church ; The Future of the South ; Our Mission Work ; 
 One Hundred Per Cent; The Madagascar Church ; Mis- 
 sionary Work To-day. 
 Unwritten History; Jamestown and Plymouth Rock; Op- 
 portunities ; What Makes the Difference ; A Sealed Book 
 Opened ; Hereditary Possessions ; Teacher and Preacher ; 
 The North in the Educational Field of the South ; Its First 
 Work ; Philanthropy ; Schools Now Maintained by Some 
 Denominations; Forty-third Year of the American Mis- 
 sion xry Association ; The A. M. E. Church in Education ; 
 Wilberforce University ; Our Early Schools in the South 
 Kittrell 'Industrial School and Allen University ; Paul 
 Quinn College, Texas, and Divinity School, Florida ; 
 Morris-Brown College in Georgia ; Other Educational Work 
 in the South ; Educational Report ; A New Department i 
 A Day of Deliverance ; Elevation from Within ; Christian 
 A Terrible Vice ; The Duty of Mankind ; A Recent Cam- 
 paign ; The Liquor Traffic ; Some Statistics ; Rev. Dr. 
 Strong ; Intemperance in All Things ; What is Necessary 
 to Success. 
 Sad Tasks ; The Old Veterans ; Rev. William Gaines ; Thos- 
 K. Brown ; Zechariah Armstrong and Gabriel Clark ; Al- 
 bert McGhee ; Rev. Samuel W. Drayton ; Rev. Preston B. 
 Peters and Henry Daniels ; Rev. Andrew Brown ; In Peace 
 or In War; A Noble Record; Rev. G. W. H. Williams and 
 Fortune Robinson ; The Youngest and Oldest. 
 The Quarto -Centennial ; Barbara Heck and Philip Embry . 
 Wesley and Allen ; A Half Century ; Conference Growth 
 in the South ; The Best Condition ; The South as a Mission 
 Field; The Church or the Negro; Questions Answered; 
 The Southern Church To-day; A Share in Education; 
 Freedom and African Methodism; Our Future Destiny; 
 Our Possibilities and Responsibilities; A Permanent 
 Church; The Mission Fulfilled. 
African Methodism in the South 
 When, over one hundred years ago (1787), a hand- 
 ful of men, led by Richard Allen, took the moment- 
 ous step in the Quaker City of Philadelphia, which 
 resulted in the organization of the African Method- 
 ist Episcopal Church, the most sanguine well-wisher 
 could hardly have prophesied that the small begin- 
 ning would have such a glorious, wide-spread result as 
 is evidenced to-day. 
 This little band was desirous of serving God, but 
 of serving him as men ; and so, breathing deeply 
 that spirit of independence and love of freedom 
 which was rife in the air of America that eventful 
 year, and which has wrought so much for this broad 
 country, they threw off the yoke which bore so heav- 
 ily upon them in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 and boldly set out for themselves. 
 They felt, wisely for us, that the service they 
 wished to render Him would be more acceptable in 
 His sight if they took every opportunity for eleva- 
 tion that lay in their way ; and that this separation 
 from a church that recognized them only as inferior 
 servants of God, was such an opportunity seemed 
 clear as a direct message from on high. 
 From such a small beginning of sixteen men, 
 meeting in the first convention in 1816, and led by 
 the first bishop who received consecration to that 
 holy office — Richard Allen — the little twig of African 
 Methodism, then planted, grew and flourished. It 
 sent out its roots eastward and westward, even pen- 
 etrating the South and Southwest ; everywhere there 
 seemed the merest chance for lodgment, and in almost 
 every instance they took firm hold and sent up new 
 shoots of living work for the glory of God. 
 Though slavery held such fast grasp upon that 
 portion of our country given over to the curse 
 that this free religious movement could hold but 
 slight and precarious existence, there were countless 
 hearts beating high and brave throughout that land, 
 waiting only for the dawn to step out boldly into 
 the light of freedom. Throughout the South was 
 that vast multitude of enslaved ones, doing their 
 duty as they saw it, and doing it marvelously well, 
 despite wide-spread ignorance, while patiently biding 
 their time when they might drop shackles from body, 
 mind and religion. This mass was not altogether 
 ignorant. There was scattered here and there 
 throughout the mass a little leaven. Here and there 
 one had drunk from the fountain of knowledge with 
 that eager thirst which restraint and secrecy only 
 stimulate. Here and there one was silently helped 
 by those whose innate sense of right told them that 
 the Negro had not only a soul to save, but a mind to 
 train, even though the practice of generations had 
 rendered their moral sense so obtuse that they de- 
 voutly believed in the "divine right of slavery." 
 There were some good men and women, too, who did 
 not hold this belief, but who were too weak to brave 
 this sentiment which allowed them to hold in bonds 
 their fellow-creatures, and so trod in the paths of 
 their fathers, seeking to ameliorate in other ways the 
 condition of those who called them masters of their 
 bodies. To all these who so labored the slaves of 
 those days give thanks for these gleams of sunshine 
 in the surrounding darkness ; for the scattered peo- 
 ple thus partially enlightened were enabled to take 
 up the reins when the day of freedom broke, and 
 carry on the work which came to their hands in a 
 creditable manner. 
 The Negro of the South had listened for years to 
 the pulpit which taught, "Slaves, be ye subject to 
 your masters," but when the first gun of the rebel- 
 lion was fired on Major Anderson at Fort Sumter, 
 it found its echo in the hearts of thousands who saw 
 a brighter future in a dim, undefined light they could 
 not analyze — a future which was to rid them of the 
 weight of this doctrine at least ; and when that great 
 and good man, Abraham Lincoln, struck off the 
 shackles from the limbs of four million beings, he in 
 reality shattered as well the fetters which had bound 
 the Southern Negro's religious freedom. 
 The joyful news of emancipation had scarcely 
 been heard before the African Methodist Episcopal 
 Church of America made its preparations to send 
 missionaries to the South. These brethren in that 
 more favored locality had borne us upon their hearts, 
 and with the first chance for entrance into the re- 
 gion so long closed by slavery and still defended by 
 cannon, they hastened to extend the hand of " Our 
 Father's Church " through Rev. James Lynch and 
 Rev. James D.. S. Hall — the former from the Balti- 
 more Conference, the latter from the New York Con- 
 ference — the first two men to come to Southern soil 
 from that church. These two men were the men 
 first regularly commissioned as missionaries to the 
 freedmen of the South. Of the two, probably Rev. 
 James Lynch* was the more prominent worker, as 
 shown by his subsequent career. He is described 
 by one who knew him as having a piercing black 
 eye, a forehead pf immense breadth, jet black hair 
 and possessing unmatched eloquence and persuasive 
 manners.* These men were those through whose 
 *Rev. T. G. Steward, D. D., in his Centennial Address. 
 labors the South Carolina Conference really came to 
 be brought into existence — they were the forerunners 
 of the great work stretching out before us now, 
 twenty-five years later, through the States of South 
 Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida 
 and the Southwest. 
 It was in the city of Savannah, Ga., that the first 
 missionary of African Methodism was found to begin 
 the labors of our church in that State. Rev. James 
 Lynch was the first minister of the African Method- 
 ist Episcopal Church to visit Savannah after the war, 
 as he was the one to stand in that city, almost before 
 the smoke of the armies had died away, when the 
 United States forces entered and captured that city 
 in 1864; so the same State and city were, for the 
 second time in the history of America, the starting 
 point of great missionary work, for it is a peculiar 
 coincidence that the great founder of Methodism, 
 John Wesley, preached his first sermon in that city 
 in 1730, when he and his brother began their mis- 
 sionary labors in America. 
 At the close of the war the colored Methodists in 
 Savannah, while really under the watch-care of the 
 M. E. Church, South, were under no regular pastor, 
 but were kept together by William Bentley, C. L. 
 Bradwell and William Gaines. When James Lynch 
 visited Savannah at that time, he made secret ar- 
 rangements with Rev. C. L. Bradwell to take out the 
 church. Through the efforts of the latter, then a 
 local preacher, it was not a difficult matter to bring 
 them into the fold of our church. The affiliation he 
 proposed to them was thoughtfully considered, and 
 after mature deliberation was accepted, and the 
 first African Methodist Episcopal Church in the 
 State of, Georgia was organized by Rev. A. L. Stan- 
 ford.* Still, little more than some mission work was 
 done in the immediate vicinity of that city in the few 
 months which intervened between that time and the 
 recognition of this church by the first session of the 
 South Carolina Conference. 
 In May, 1865, according to the act of the General 
 Conference of the A. M. E. Church of 1864, calling 
 for the establishment of the church in the South, 
 Bishop Daniel A. Payne entered the city of Charles- 
 ton, South Carolina, to plant the standard of African 
 Methodism. Thirty years before he had left the 
 self-same city because of the persecutions which put 
 an end to his labors there as a teacher of his race, 
 and this was his first return to the scenes of his 
 childhood and early manhood, and a most triumphant 
 one. He was accompanied by Elder James A. 
 Handy, and T. G. Steward and James H. A. Johnson, 
 licentiates. These three were to be missionaries to 
 the "Freedmen," a partial support being assured 
 them by the American Missionary Association, as aid 
 in the good work. 
 Bishop Payne, then in the thirteenth year of his 
 bishopric, set about the organization of the A. M. E. 
 Church in Charleston. The large brick edifice, 
 known as the Zion Presbyterian Church, was the 
 *Rev. James Lynch at last left the A. M. E. Church to join the M. E. Church, 
 .after having been editor of the only church paper we then had — The Christian 
 Recorder. He died later, after long and useful labors. 
 place of assembly for the first session of what then 
 became known as the South Carolina Conference. 
 There were then over 40,000 colored Methodists 
 scattered throughout that State. The session opened 
 May 15, 1865, with sixteen ministers. Seven men 
 had been selected by Bishop Payne to assist in this 
 opening up of Southern work — A. L. Stanford and 
 T. G. Steward, from the Philadelphia Conference ; 
 James A. Handy and James H. A. Johnson, from the 
 Baltimore Conference ; R. H. Cain, from the New* 
 York Conference ; George A. Rue, from the New 
 England Conference, and George W. Brodie, from the 
 British M. E. Church. Of these only T. G. Steward, 
 James A. Handy, James H. A. Johnson and R. H. 
 Cain were present, and from the whole number but 
 the first three of these are living to-day. Dr. James 
 A. Handy is the Financial Secretary of the A. M. E. 
 Church and Drs. J. H. A. Johnson and T. G. Steward 
 honored ministers of the Baltimore Conference in 
 the same church. 
 Nine other ministers from the South were associ- 
 ated with these transferred men, making the whole 
 force sixteen. These were Charles L. Bradwell, 
 Wm. Bentley, James Hill, Gloucester Taylor, Robert 
 M. Taylor, Richard Vanderhorst and John Graham. 
 From these sixteen of this first Southern Conference 
 eight regular itinerant preachers went out, but only 
 one of the nine above mentioned entered their ranks. 
 This was Charles L. Bradwell, who was appointed to 
 Edisto Island, and entered immediately upon his 
 work. This makes Elder C. L. Bradwell the oldest 
 native itinerant preacher to-day in the whole of the 
 Southern field. 
 The work already done in Georgia was recognized 
 and heartily welcomed at this session. William 
 Bentley and James Hill, of Georgia, were ordained. 
 C. L. Bradwell, Gloucester Taylor, R. M. Taylor and 
 Cornelius Murphy were received on probation as 
 William Gaines, of Georgia, who was absent fro 
 this Conference, was elected to deacon's orders and! 
 was ordained by Bishop Payne at Hilton Head, 
 South Carolina, in June following the adjournment of 
 Conference, and was sent as first missionary to the 
 northern and western parts of Georgia. The work 
 of this important session, which particularly affected 
 this State, was the placing of all the native preachers,, 
 except William Gaines and C. L. Bradwell, in local 
 work in the neighborhood of Savannah. Of the 
 transferred men, Rev. A. L. Stanford was placed in 
 charge of Savannah,* R. H. Cain in Charleston ; 
 James A. Handy in Wilmington, N. C; G. W. 
 Brodie in Raleigh, N. C; T. G. Steward in Beaufort,. 
 S. C; J. H. A. Johnson at Hilton Head, and G. A. 
 Rue in Newberne. There were but twelve appoint- 
 ments in all, and we see but eight of these were 
 The Southern work had now opened most auspi- 
 ciously, and the brethren endeavored to push it for- 
 ward. William Gaines visited Macon, Atlanta and 
 Columbus and organized the A. M. E. Church in 
 *Rev. A. L. Stanford died in Africa. 
 these cities. When Conference adjourned, the Rev. 
 James Lynch took his way through the upper part 
 of the State of Georgia. One of the most interest- 
 ing points was Augusta, and there his efforts were 
 crowned with such success that a church of about 
 two hundred members was received into the connec- 
 tion — the Protestant Methodist Church — with a pas- 
 tor who did valuable service in the church of his 
 adoption in the years following. This pastor was 
 the veteran worker, Samuel W. Drayton, who labored 
 with us until the year 1885. Of him and other pio- 
 neers, we shall have occasion to speak elsewhere. 
 The Lord had blessed us. The connection was 
 growing with what might be termed a healthy 
 growth — that is, the churches to which the right 
 hand of fellowship was offered made no unseemly- 
 haste for affiliation, but after mature deliberations,, 
 which were at many times lengthy and critical, 
 transferred themselves to the fold of African Meth- 
 odism. This deliberation was wise, for it gave as- 
 surance of the future stability of a union which 
 must possess this important characteristic for suc- 
 cessful increase in strength. 
 W^th the two main points of Savannah and Au- 
 gusta as centers it was only a matter of time when 
 the radiating influence should draw in other out- 
 standing bodies of Methodist Christians. As has 
 been said, Rev. William Gaines (the writer's brother) 
 had visited Macon, Columbus and Atlanta, and soon 
 those large and interesting bodies of colored Meth- 
 odists were withdrawn from fellowship with the M. E. 
 Church, South, and added to our own.* With the 
 winter of 1866-7 Rev. Henry M. Turner, who held 
 the appointment of a chaplain in the U. S. Army, 
 •came to Augusta, Ga., to begin his efforts for the 
 A. M. E. Church, succeeding William Gaines, who 
 died in Columbus, Ga., Nov. 20, 1865. It was 
 through his unwearying efforts principally that the 
 successful ingathering was carried on. He made a 
 tour of upper Georgia, visiting the cities of the most 
 importance in pursuance of the work. The extensive 
 tour of the newly-elected bishop, A. W. Wayman, 
 through the State during this winter (1866) accom- 
 plished much for the cause, as had also the visit of 
 the same with Elisha Weaver at Savannah in the 
 early spring of 1865 — a visit which Bishop Wayman 
 mentions in his "Recollections," and a memorable 
 one, for the two came down at the call of Rev. 
 James Lynch, and the Bishop gave his noted sermon 
 from the text, "I seek my brethren," in the same 
 church where the first Conference was held in 
 Charleston the May following. 
 When the South Carolina Conference held its 
 second annual session in Savannah, May 14th, in 
 the spring of 1866, Rev. H. M. Turner had fourteen 
 brethren to present to it. They were Andrew 
 Brown, W. B. Campbell, Henry Strickland, Harry 
 *The writer was licensed to preach in the M. E. Church, South, by the Rev. 
 Mr. Davies, Presiding Elder of that church; but he joined the A. M. E. Church 
 under the administration of William Gaines, in Columbus, Ga., and upon the 
 street, St. Clara, having met him there. William Gaines then authorized him to 
 organize the A. M. E. Church in the counties of Muscogee and Chattahoochee, as 
 he was then living on the line of these two counties on a plantation ten miles from 
 ■Columbus, owned by Gabriel Toombs, the brother of Robert Toombs. 
 Stubbs, S. B. Jones, Burrell Jackson, Thomas Gar- 
 rett, Joseph A. Wood, Thomas Crayton, Robert 
 Anderson, Fortune Robinson, E. L. Bailey and the 
 writer. Of these there are now living (1890) S. B. 
 Jones, Joseph A. Wood, Henry Strickland, Thomas 
 Crayton, Robert Anderson and the writer. Rev. 
 Peter McLain was present but was not ordained. 
 All of these, except Joseph A. Wood, immediately 
 entered upon the itinerant service, and all have re- 
 mained faithful to the church with one exception — 
 W. B. Campbell, who withdrew and joined the Col- 
 ored M. E. Church. Although Joseph A. Wood did 
 not take itinerant work, he did the church great 
 service as a local preacher.* 
 But these fourteen did not comprise the entire 
 number who were presented by elders for itinerant 
 service. Thirty-eight in all were admitted on trial, 
 and the remaining twenty-four were from South 
 Carolina, North Carolina, Florida and Alabama. 
 It was a solemn scene as Bishop Payne set apart 
 forty-six persons as deacons and elders — one which, 
 as Bishop B. T. Tanner declares in his "Apology for 
 African Methodism," "will never be forgotten by 
 those whose privilege it was to be present." It 
 was a session of rejoicing as well, for we all knew 
 what it meant for the South and for the church we 
 ♦He organized Wood's Chapel in Atlanta, known to-day as Allen Temple. 
 The South Carolina Conference at this time (1866) 
 embraced the States of North Carolina, South Caro- 
 lina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, and the work 
 which it entered upon at this session was one of im- 
 portance. The efforts of Rev. H. M. Turner were 
 recognized by his appointment as superintendent of 
 the work in upper Georgia, with Macon as his head- 
 quarters. No better man could have been found to 
 bear and plant our colors, for in the early prime of 
 life he was what we see him to be to-day, a fearless, ag- 
 gressive man — one so much needed in those early 
 days at the close of the civil war, days which tried 
 men's souls as well as did the tumult and dangers of 
 the battle-field. 
 Lower Georgia was provided for in Rev. A. L. 
 Stanford, whose headquarters were at Savannah. 
 Rev. Robert Anderson was at Americus, and later, 
 Rev. W. H. Noble at Cuthbert, and Rev. Fortune 
 Robinson at Lumpkin. Rev. Joseph A. Wood was- 
 an able preacher at Atlanta about this time, while, 
 among early leaders, Richard Vanderhorst succeeded 
 S. W. Drayton at Augusta, whom Conference had 
 consented to locate. The writer also began the work 
 in Southwestern Georgia on Florence Circuit on the 
 Chattahoochee River. 
 This year was one of trying labor from these im- 
 portant local centers. There was much to contend 
 against from both white and colored. The former 
 noted a movement, the independence of which grated 
 harshly upon them under so recent defeats and 
 losses, and the inexperience in our own ranks led to 
 varying results. Then there was a prejudice born 
 •of generations, of the recognized dominion of the 
 whites which we had to meet and overcome in lead- 
 ing the bodies of Negroes to seek a church where 
 they could be free and untrameled in their religious 
 Still we increased, but the data concerning the 
 opening up of other districts that conference year, 
 is insufficient to enable us to give a detailed account 
 •of the spread of the church. It is sufficient to the 
 credit of the laborers, that when the spring of 1867 
 opened, with the Annual Conference, held at Wilming- 
 ton, N. C, the cheering report was made that it had 
 nearly cohered the States under its jurisdiction. 
 Thirty circuits and stations were reported for Geor- 
 gia alone, and equally as many or more in South 
 Carolina, with quite a number .in Florida and Ala- 
 bama, while there were not less than 48,000 or 
 50,000 members in the whole. 
 At this Conference, forty-six ministers joined the 
 itinerant force and ninety-eight ministers were or- 
 -dained. The appointments all told were one hun- 
 dred and two, and they were nearly all supplied. 
 Opposition had been met at Americus, Ga., and 
 there were dark discouragements from Rome, but 
 the light was strong and it threw its beams so far 
 into the darkness that we could but exclaim that the 
 Lord had indeed been good to us as a people and as 
 a church. Savannah had taken the lead in forward 
 movement, as she should, through Rev. A. L. Stan- 
 ford, and the report of a church site purchased, a 
 parsonage built and a church basement in process 
 of erection, gladdened the brethren's hearts. At 
 this Conference, Rev. H. M. Turner presented six- 
 teen brethren : John Ricks, Ephraim Russell, 
 Willis Jones, Lazarus Gardner, R. B. Bailey, Wm. 
 Raven, Wm. H. Harris, Watty Parks, Wm. Cherry, 
 Joseph Brown, Robert Brown, Willis Persons, Joseph 
 Jennings, Nelson Beacham, Robert Crumley and 
 Edward Tr?pp. 
 This was an all-important session for the States 
 of Georgia, Florida and Alabama. A petition was 
 made to Bishop Wayman* to set these States off 
 into a separate Conference, for the A. M. E. work 
 had so increased in the two years of its Southern 
 existence that this step was not only warranted but 
 demanded as an actual necessity. In fact, it was 
 just such vigorous growth that demanded the in- 
 crease in the Bench of B'shops at the next General 
 This petition was recognized, and Bisho 3 Wayman 
 ♦Bishop Payne was absent from his regular work and Bishop Wayman held 
 his Conferences in his absence. 
 gave more than was asked — he granted each State 
 separate Conferences. With this wise action, the 
 Georgia Conference took its rise and entered upon 
 an independent existence, though as yet it was really 
 only a mission Conference still awaiting the higher 
 sanction which was to come at the next session of 
 the General Conference to be held in Washington, D. 
 C, May, 1868. But the youthful body held its first 
 session as a separate Conference on the 30th of May, 
 1867, fifty days after the adjournment of the body 
 of which it had been a part. 
 Of course it was not burdened with business at 
 this time. Some matters unattended to at the South 
 Carolina Conference were dispatched, and we pro- 
 ceeded to see clearly where we stood. The leading 
 points in Georgia then stood manned as follows: 
 Rev. C. L. Bradwell, at Augusta; Rev. David Pickett, 
 at Columbus; Rev. H. M. Turner, at Macon; Rev. 
 R. P. Gibbs, at Savannah; Rev. W. H. Noble, at 
 Cuthbert; Rev. Fortune Robinson, at Albany; Rev. 
 T. G. Steward, at Lumpkin, and the writer at At- 
 lanta. From the one handful at Savannah in 1864, 
 protected by military forces, we had increased to 
 about 20,000, as near as we could judge, scattered 
 throughout the State, for which we gave thanks to 
 the Lord. 
 The work which lay outside of the State, and yet 
 within what was called the Georgia Conference, em- 
 braced all charges lying along the Chattahoochee 
 River in Alabama. With this outlook the forces 
 moved forward the following year until the next 
 meeting of the Georgia Mission Conference — its sec- 
 ond session — which was held in Macon, Ga., 1868. 
 This was its first regular annual session, Bishop 
 Wayman presiding, and the regular Conference busi- 
 ness was harmoniously carried on. 
 To improve and set going missionary interests, the 
 State work was divided into six districts, each in the 
 hands of a competent Presiding Elder, who, with the 
 President of the Conference Missionary Society, 
 would meet and further the work. A traveling agent 
 was also appointed in the same cause. The educa- 
 tional work was looked after as well. The African 
 Methodist Episcopal Church was keenly alive to the 
 importance of both of these interests from the first 
 in the South, and now, with Rev. B. T. Tanner 
 placed as Chairman of the Educational Committee, 
 that report, as might be expected, expressed "the 
 highest present duty to ourselves and people, in view 
 of already possessing robust constitutions and a living 
 faith, as being to strive to acquire wisdom that we may 
 be accounted workmen that need not be ashamed." 
 A large delegation was elected to the General 
 Conference to meet in May following (1868), ten 
 in all, aside from the alternates and those who were 
 members, under the existing law. The delegates 
 were Rev. H. M. Turner, Rev. W. J. Gaines, Rev. 
 C. L. Brad well, Rev. Andrew Brown, Rev. W. H. 
 Noble, Rev. T. G. Steward, Rev. H. Stubbs, Rev. 
 H. Strickland, Rev. S. B. Jones, Rev. David Pickett, 
 Rev. S. N. Drayton. Rev. Peter McLain and Thomas 
 K. Brown were alternates. Rev. H. M. Turner and 
 K. Brown were alternates. Rev. H. M.Turner and 
 Rev. R. P. Gibbs were the members under the laws 
 then in force, but as the latter had died, Rev. J. B, 
 Hamilton took his place. 
 There was some opposition to the admission of 
 these delegates when they met the General Con- 
 ference in Washington, D. C. It was true, that if 
 the General Conference were to follow the constitu- 
 tion then in force for fifty years, these delegates had 
 no claim whatever to a seat in the body, but it 
 wisely and justly saw that the work they represented 
 must be recognized, and an unwritten motion by 
 Rev, Wm. Moore, of the Philidelphia Conference, 
 brought about the recognition, and seated the dele- 
 gates. As a result, this revolutionary step changed 
 the constitution of the A. M. E. Church, and the 
 mode of making up the General Conference for all 
 the years which have followed. 
 The progress reported at Washington was cheer- 
 ing. Churches were being built and church prop- 
 erty purchased. At Atlanta two churches were 
 commenced,* and there were fifty-seven appoint- 
 ments in the State, aside from the mission work, and 
 all were filled. The most aged person of the Geor- 
 gia Mission Conference, Thomas K. Brown, then 
 eighty years of age, had been left without an ap- 
 There was nothing to do but recognize the work 
 *The church on Summer Hill, built by Rev. Joseph A. Wood and called 
 Wood's Chapel, and Bethel A. M. E. Ohurcb, Wheat ^t., by the writer. A 
 new church was built later (1883) by Rev. J. G. Yeizer, at corner of Clarke 
 andFrazier Sts., and called Allen Temple. 
 and sanction the division from the South Carolina 
 Conference already made under Bishop Wayman. 
 The table of statistics showed an encouraging out- 
 look at this session of the Georgia Conference, and 
 as a whole, proved the wisdom of the work begun 
 in 1864 and shaped in 1865. 
 And here we quote from the records, which give 
 briefly the words of one of these grand pioneers — 
 Rev. Andrew Brown — spoken fourteen years later 
 upon the rise and progress of the A. M. Church in 
 "I am not so superstitious as to claim to be a 
 prophet, nor the son of a prophet, but I saw the A. 
 M. E. Church in 1844 as bright as I see her to- 
 night. I then prayed that I might outlive the sur- 
 rounding circumstances, and see the church in reality 
 as I then saw it in my mind. The day the M. E. 
 Church, South, split from the M. E. Church, while 
 in the woods upon my knees, God showed me this 
 church. The day was dark, but, thank God, we 
 waited on and on. God's horse was tied to the iron 
 stake. For a long time he failed to prance in Geor- 
 gia and South Carolina. The day the first fire was 
 made at Sumter, 1 saw the Gospel Horse begin to 
 paw. He continued to paw until he finally broke 
 loose and came tearing through Georgia. The col- 
 ored man mounted him and intends to ride him. He 
 is not particular where he goes, for he has practiced 
 until he can and does ride him in the white man's 
 pulpit. In 1866 I was in Dalton. In 1865 I, a poor 
 bare-footed, bare-headed man, had met in Atlanta a 
 man named James Lynch; he told me of the A. M. E. 
 Church. The first of September the M. E. Church, 
 South, held their Conference and sent a preacher 
 to preach to the colored people in Dalton. He sent 
 for me and told me he was sent there. I told him 
 we could not comply with his request; we must look 
 for ourselves. He said if I was going to take the 
 people, to take them and leave. I thanked him and 
 we left. We were in a sad plight, for there was not 
 an ordained minister from Chattanooga to Atlanta. 
 "In 1866 we met in Savannah for the first time 
 as a Conference. There I met Dr. Turner, who 
 gave me the Marietta District. Turner threw me 
 on the right wing, Stanford on the left, and he held 
 the centre. 
 "What did we know at the first Conference ? 
 "When I was Fresiding Elder of the Marietta 
 District, there was but one colored man that could 
 write his name and read the hymn-book. We had 
 to get little white boys and poor white men to act 
 as Secretaries of the Quarterly Conference. Now 
 (1880) we cannot call a dozen men together unless 
 there are several scribes among them. At the Con- 
 ference in Atlanta, only one Secretary could be 
 found, and he had to read his writing while it was 
 hot, for if it ever got cold he could never have read 
 it in the world. After the rising of the adjourned 
 Conference, which met in Macon, Ga., we com- 
 menced to grow, and have advanced steadily on 
 until now. 
 GEORGIA, 1868-I871. 
 The General Conference of 1868 gave us three 
 new bishops : James A. Shorter, T. M. D. Ward 
 and J. M. Brown, the first named now called to rest 
 from his labors. It also gave the South Carolina,. 
 Georgia, Florida and Alabama work to Bishop J. 
 M. Brown. 
 Under this arrangement the next session of the 
 Georgia Annual Conference was held at Columbus, 
 February 6, 1869, Bishop J. M. Brown presiding, 
 though his first work was to organize the Alabama 
 Conference at Selma, July 25, 1868. He brought to 
 his work his scholarship, amiability, firmness and 
 sympathy, which won from us our love and respect 
 for him as a gentleman and the embodiment of dig- 
 It was at this Conference that two representatives 
 from the M. E. Church, South, were introduced to 
 the Conference and made some very interesting 
 statements. It was claimed that the M. E. Church, 
 South, proposed to carry out in good faith the terms 
 of amity and alliance agreed upon with our Church in 
 the General Conference of the former in New Orleans 
 in 1866. During the subsequent remarks it was 
 learned that one of the gentleman, Rev. James 
 Evans, was the chairman of a committee appointed 
 by that General Conference on the condition of the 
 colored people. It was also elicited that the M. E. 
 Church, South, intended to organize an independent 
 colored body in connection with themselves, not, as 
 Rev. James Evans said, "forthe purpose of engender- 
 ing strife," and that they "did not propose to disturb 
 our congregations and would not affiliate with a mi- 
 nority of our congregations for that purpose," what- 
 ever that might mean. Co-operation and friendship, 
 though, were pledged us, but with caution, as was 
 evidenced by the expression, '-only while we were 
 engaged in 'our one work.' " 
 Of course we were at liberty to interpret each for 
 himself what was meant by this and act accordingly- 
 And here I may say that Rev. James Evans was an 
 able preacher, full of the Holy Ghost, whose influ- 
 ence as a minister was above the average of ministers 
 in his church, and had the M. E. Church seen fit to 
 stand by the pledge made in their General Confer- 
 ence in 1866, there would have been no division of 
 the colored Methodists of the South, except of those 
 brethren who joined the M. E. Church. The 
 A. M. E. Church was well organized to take care of 
 the colored Methodists of the South, and there was 
 no need of a Colored Methodist Church of America 
 as set up by the M. E. Church, South. It was the 
 fear of the political influence of the North that made 
 that church organize this C. M. E. Church of 
 America. They felt that the African Methodist 
 Episcopal Church was a political church in sympathy 
 with the North. They made a mistake. While the 
 A. M. E. Church believed fully in the freedom of 
 the race and appreciated those who brought about 
 that freedom, this church is not, and never has been 
 a political church no more than is any other Chris- 
 tian church. 
 There is no doubt, however, that the M. E. 
 Church, South, already felt at that early date the 
 serious transition which must take place when the 
 colored people became independent church bodies, 
 and fearing the possible results, it was deemed nec- 
 essary to retain what hold might be possible, as the 
 words from the General Conference of 1866 in- 
 At this session of the Georgia Conference, the 
 public evinced a desire to know what our body was 
 doing, and the editor of the American Union ten- 
 dered us the use of his columns, which favor was ac- 
 cepted in the same spirit as offered. 
 This Conference admitted nineteen in full fellow- 
 ship and elected the following to deacons' orders: 
 Samuel Ross, George Reed, Jeremiah Brown, *S. H. 
 Robertson, Daniel Brown, Martin Johnson, Larkin 
 Matthews, Jesse Dinkins, Henry Redd, Washington 
 Benjamin, Larry Thomas, Lacy Beck, Wesley 
 Mappe, Daniel McGee, Lewis Davis, James Jackson, 
 Greene -Yorke, Nelson Harris and Wesley Rogers. 
 The cheering news was also communicated to us, 
 in a memorial from Fort Valley, that the colored 
 Methodists there desired to give in their adherence to 
 our church. Thus our strength increased. 
 One thing noticeable was that there were few com- 
 plaints before us at this session, and, as they turned 
 out to be errors of the head in most cases, were easily 
 disposed of. 
 The work was extended to take in new points. 
 Sylvania Mission in Screven Co.; Cherokee Mission, 
 embracing Powder Springs, Cherokee and Acworth; 
 Albany Mission, Dougherty Co.; Mitchell County 
 Mission and Starkville Mission, Lee Co, were 
 created. Mt. Zion was added to Griffin charge, and 
 Union Point and Fork Chapel were added to the 
 Greensboro charge. 
 The churches of other denominations showed such 
 fraternal feeling, that the ladies of the Second Bap- 
 tist Church donated a sum of money. It is to be 
 noted that from the first the women of the South took 
 an active part in helping on the cause. Two societies 
 of our church also sent in money: the "Daughters 
 of Conference" and "Daughters of Wayman." 
 Education absorbed much of the attention of Con- 
 ference. Support was pledged to Wilberforce Uni- 
 versity, the only school of note of which we could 
 then boast, and ministerial education was warmly 
 urged in an able sermon by Rev. H. M. Turner. A 
 report from the Assistant Superintendent of Schools 
 of the sub-district of Augusta ably set forth the 
 general condition of the schools, and of education 
 throughout the State. Some of these points are so 
 pertinent to our work in those days that they are 
 noted here. The Atlanta schools were reported with 
 an average attendance of but little less than 1,000; 
 Macon had about the same, and Augusta about two- 
 thirds that number. The buildings in these cities 
 were fine and commodious. It is true that the Ne- 
 gro race in the South started in upon the work of 
 education under the existing state of affairs in a very 
 encouraging manner. There was no such thing then 
 as a public school system in the South, but from the 
 North had come teachers of intellectual ability and 
 refinement — educated Christian disciples — and in 
 1868-69 the colored schools of the South were with- 
 out doubt the best manned and systematized of any 
 in that section . This was especially true of Geor- 
 gia. It was a great change from the sheds and 
 cabins of three and a half years before, where, by the 
 light of pine-wood knots, the rudiments were taught 
 under trying situations. The work of the Macon 
 and Atlanta schools was particularly noted in this 
 report, and it was also noted that Latin and Algebra 
 were taught — there being in the case of one pupil 
 sufficient advancement for these studies.* 
 The Conference was exhorted by this gentleman 
 to raise up competent teachers and to acquire means 
 for supporting schools as fast as possible. It is safe 
 to say that these words have always been with us 
 rom the day of utterance, and the schools of the 
 South which we foster to-day are eloquent witnesses 
 of our endeavors. 
 It was at this Conference that, according to pro- 
 *Prof. W. S. Scarborough, of Wilberforce University, Professor of Latin 
 and Greek, was then a youth in Macon, and the pupil who studied Latin. 
 He was the first pupil iu Latin in the Atlanta University. 
 vision, Rev. T. G. Steward addressed the Confer- 
 ence upon the " Rise and Progress of the A. M. E 
 Church in Georgia."* Thestatistics of this year 
 show that there were sixty-three circuits, stations 
 and missions, while building was on the increase, as 
 well as the Sunday-school work, which was also 
 earnestly presented in an interesting report. Thus 
 early was the future welfare of our church looked 
 after, and every means urged to make this important 
 part of our work a nursery indeed of the church. 
 It is pleasing to notice that even literature had a 
 start at least in Georgia. Rev. T. G. Steward, who 
 was at the time President of the Freedmans' Saving" 
 Bank in Macon, put his varied talents into use, and, 
 with his other duties, published a Sunday-school 
 paper called " The Sling and Stone," which Confer- 
 ence adopted and promised help in sustaining. The 
 session of 1869 adjourned February 15, after nine 
 days' deliberation, to meet in Americus, tnough there 
 was contention for several other leading points as the 
 place of assembly. In Americus, then, January 28, 
 1870 it was opened. Bishop J. M. Brown was in his 
 place in the chair, and J. W. Randolph was ap- 
 pointed Secretary, with T. G. Steward as Recording 
 Secretary. From the six Presiding Elder districts, 
 into which the St'ate was then divided, a large num- 
 ber were presented for admission on trial. H. M. 
 Turner, Presiding Elder of the Macon District, pre- 
 *It is to this document that the writer owes much in the way of his- 
 tory concerning those first few years when it was almost impossible to 
 obtain exact data, because of the uncertain and scattered condition of 
 the church work and the few records which were kept- 
 sented Henderson Brown, Isaac Goodwell, Abram 
 Purdee as itinerants, and James C. Greer, Wm. 
 McKay, Willis Dupont, J. G. Mitchell, C. H. Fair- 
 fax, A. B. Davis, H. B. Dowell, Warren Shorts, 
 Thomas Smith, Thomas Ball and Madison Brookins, 
 local; S. W. Drayton, P. E., of Savannah District, 
 George Christburg, Henry Taylor, itinerants; An- 
 drew Brown, P. E., of Atlanta District, Robert 
 Brown, itinerant, and Charles Prince, local; Burrell 
 Jackson, P. E., of Augusta District, John H. Harris, 
 Hamilton Birdsong, Andrew Lowe, itinerants, and 
 Wm. McCullough, Peter Cruse and Ebenezer Davis, 
 local; S. B. Jones, P. E., of Marietta District, Jona- 
 than Parks, Wm. H. Harris, Houston Holloway, 
 Madison Neal, itinerants; W. H. Noble, P. E , of 
 Cuthbert District, George Gambel, Mansfield Dil- 
 liard, Richard Ford, Crawford Buford, Samuel 
 Perry, George Hood, Anderson Perkins, local. In 
 addition to these were the following names : Josiah 
 Jones, Madison George, Benjamin Cummings, 
 Peter Harris, D. O. Alexander, John M. Cargile, 
 John Mimms, Berry Jackson, E. P. Holmes, Martin 
 Wright, Henry McGhee, Shadrach Cargile, John 
 Wynne, Aaron Dickey, Washington Brown and 
 Peter Harris, itinerants. 
 When the ninth question of discipline was taken 
 up, the following names were reported for deacons' 
 orders : James Greene. C. H. Fairfax, Harrison 
 Dowdell, Abner Davis, Warren Shorts, Johnson 
 Parks, Madison George, Patrick Park,W. H. Harris, 
 Houston Holloway, John Harris, H. H. Taylor, 
 George Christburg, Mansfield Dilliard, Abram 
 Purdee, W. McCullough, all itirerants, with Prof. 
 John G. Mitchell, Charles Prince, Shadrach Cargile, 
 Eli Kimble, Claiborne Bush, Buford Crawford, D. 
 O. Alexander, Washington Brown, Aaron Dickey, 
 iVnderson Perkins, Thomas Ball, Burton Saunders, 
 Luke Kirkland and Berrv Jackson, of Alabama, all 
 local. The Elders, Nelson Beacham, H. O. Neal, 
 Robert Brown, N. H. Russell, Henry Porter, Archie 
 Gilbert, Benjamin Lampkin, R. Williams, F. Robin- 
 son, Zachariah Armstrong, J. K. Brown, John T. 
 Gibson, David Anderson, G. P. Brown, A. N. Bur- 
 ton. Rev. C. L. Bradwell and Rev. J. W. Stevenson, 
 respectively, preached the ordination sermons. 
 There was an endeavor to have a branch of the 
 Book Concern located in Atlanta, Ga , and a motion 
 prevailed to the eriect that if such could be brought 
 about, the Conference would purchase a suitable 
 location. A very necessary matter was looked after 
 at this session, by appointing a Committee on Home- 
 steads and Deeds, to examine into the legal status 
 of our church property. Up to the present every- 
 thing was found to be in correct form. The same 
 committee urged upon the Conference to advise those 
 of our people who do not desire to remain longer in 
 the State of Georgia to go to Florida, where land 
 then could be easily procured, and at low prices. 
 There were 10,000,000 acres of government land in 
 that State, much of it in the most thrifty portions, 
 which could be purchased at fifty cents per acre. 
 Immigration thither was strongly being encouraged. 
 Law and order, of which there was a " plentiful 
 lack " in some other sections, prevailed there, as did 
 a general kindly sentiment toward immigrants to a 
 larger extent than in any other Southern State. 
 The writer opposed emigration then as now, be- 
 lieving that a rolling stone gathers no moss, but had 
 we then bought farms and accumulated property 
 generally in Georgia, our financial situation would 
 have been increased far above what it is said to be 
 to-day — $20,000,000.* 
 The Committee on Missions suggested, for the 
 success of our missionaries, that each church or 
 Sabbath-school form a Missionary Society, and that 
 a proper, efficient traveling missionary be appointed. 
 At the same time, the Committee on Church Ex- 
 tension impressed the Conference with the necessity 
 of owning commodious buildings if the work of en- 
 lightening and evangelizing the race would grow as 
 it should. 
 Two brethren had died during the year — Wesley 
 Mappe and Daniel Williams — each on his field of 
 labor. When the session closed, it was to meet in 
 Atlanta in January following. 
 *Mr. Henry Grady stated this to be the amount just before his death. 
 The writer would not paes him by without paying a tribute of respect. 
 As an orator, Georgia has probably never produced his superior, His 
 style was chaste and beautilul, and his eloquence upon the occasion of his 
 great prohibition speech was deemed by the writer the grandest effort to 
 which he ever listened. Personally he was the writer's friend. 
 GEORGIA, 1871-1872. 
 Bishop J. M. Brown was not able to reach the 
 Conference in time to open it in Atlanta, January 14, 
 187 1, but by his direction through a telegram the 
 Conference proceeded to business after being opened, 
 with Rev. A. Brown, Presiding Elder, in the chair. 
 Rev. T. G. Steward was appointed Secretary, with 
 S. H. Roberton as assistant. 
 A long list was admitted on trial, and when the 
 Conference proceeded to the election of deacons, 
 the following were elected : Itinerants, Isaac Ham- 
 ilton, John Robinson, Samuel George, James Eth- 
 eridge, F. P. Evans, Henry Hutchinson, Riley 
 Covington, Turner Jones, David Williams, Alfred 
 Attoway, Alfred Sapp, J. M. Cargile, E. P. 
 Holmes, George Christburg, Wm. Abrahams, La- 
 Fayette Wesley, Geo. Strickland, James Hilson. 
 Local, Augustus Stroud, Madison Taylor, Andrew 
 Miller, Herbert Mathews, Burrell Halin, Henry 
 Holsey, Henry Warren, Andrew Lowe, G. H. 
 We had with us at this Conference Bishop James 
 A. Shorter and Rev. B. T. Tanner, also Henry J. 
 Young, of Philadelphia. Rev. B. T. Tanner 
 preached the Ordination Sermon of Deacons. A 
 beneficent gift was presented Conference, through 
 Rev. Henry Strickland, by Mrs. Sarah Marshall — a 
 new roof to the church in process of erection at 
 Savannah, in value more than $1,000. It will be 
 remembered that Rev. A. L. Stanford organized 
 the church in Savannah, and he also laid the base- 
 ment of the church edifice, but Rev Henry Strick- 
 land deserves the credit of building the church, and 
 saving our congregation in that city. 
 Four of the Georgia Conference have fallen under 
 the Reaper's blade this year. Nelson Beacham, 
 Fortune Robinson, Washington Benjamin, Eli Kim- 
 ball, and suitable respect was paid to their mem- 
 ories, Elder H. M. Turner delivering the sermon. 
 The matter of Conference school was broached 
 at this date, but it assumed no definite form. It was 
 a subject requiring consideration and deliberate ar- 
 rangements before we could hope to make other 
 than a lamentable failure. It was wisdom to wait 
 until strength sufficient for success was an assured 
 Savannah, Ga., was the place decided upon for 
 the next session, as it was intimated that the re- 
 ports of the Conferences in the past were too mea- 
 ger in details to give a correct idea of Conference 
 doings ; it was also gently hinted that the Secre- 
 taries in the future might be more copious with ad- 
 vantage to the church. The hint was well taken, 
 as it seems, and acted upon, as records show. 
 There is no doubt that the want of accurate data 
 concerning our church work, as a whole, is largely 
 due to the brief, and often unsatisfactory, way of 
 writing up the minutes of the various Conferences, 
 and that the history of our church must lose much 
 of interest, and thus suffer proportionally by loss, 
 perhaps of moment, by too great brevity. This quality 
 may be the " soul of wit," but it is not that of history, 
 and even prolixity may be better endured when im- 
 portant matters are before us, and we desire positive 
 and complete information concerning every detail, 
 such as only full, approved minntes can give. 
 Bishop J. M. Brown suggested at this time Geo. 
 W. H. Williams, J. W. Randolph and S. H. Robert- 
 son as proper persons for Elders' Orders, and they 
 were elected, as was also James F. A. Sisson. 
 After discussion, C. R. Edwards was also included 
 in the list, which comprised the following brethren, 
 when the ordinance took place with impressive and 
 solemn exercises: William Lewis, Patrick Parks, 
 Lacy Beck, Wm. Pine, G. B. Reed, J. W. Ran- 
 dolph, S. Ross, J. W. Ricks, Branch Davis, S. H. 
 Robertson, Daniel Brown, W. H. Harris, G. W. H. 
 Williams and J. F. A. Sisson. 
 An interesting discussion was held upon the tem- 
 perance question, and the expression of a sentiment 
 in favor of temperance in all things, the discarding 
 of tobacco, snuff, cigars and all intoxicants was in- 
 dulged in by a large number. The filthiness of the 
 habit, as well as its injurious effects, physically and 
 morally, were dwelt upon, and resolutions placing 
 the Conference on record as opposing the use of all 
 these were reported and adopted by a large ma- 
 The finances were helped out by Rev. H. M„ 
 Turner's proposition to print the minutes for what 
 he might receive from their sale, and accepting this, 
 1,500 were ordered printed, and the price set at fif- 
 teen cents each. The Sabbath-school Banner, which 
 had been promised to the school raising the most 
 missionary money, was awarded to the Columbus 
 Sunday-school, as it came forward, through Rev. C. 
 L. Brad well, with $100, though Savannah followed 
 closely, through Rev, H. Strickland, with $60. 
 The minister who should be stationed at Macon 
 was designated as the District Book Steward, and 
 it was also determined upon that each minister be 
 required to raise one collection monthly, for the 
 eight collections to be taken up during the year: 
 the Contingent, Missionary, Book Concern, Bishop's 
 Support, Superannuated Bishops and Preachers* 
 Widows and Orphans, Deficiency and Wilberforce 
 University, and that no preacher be permitted to 
 divide any one of these collections under penalty of 
 being silenced for six months. Bishop Shorter en- 
 tered a protest with reference to the division of the 
 money, stating that the Conference violated the law 
 governing it.* 
 The cases of complaints were few and the off end- 
 *Ihis was before the Dollar money system was adopted, which was at 
 Nashville, in 1872. 
 •ers were dismissed with a reprimand, or referred 
 back to their Quarterly Conference. 
 It was decided that the Electoral College meet in 
 Macon the coming June — the first Thursday — to be 
 in readiness for the General Conference of the com- 
 ing year. 
 The report of the Committee on Education was 
 very hopeful. Schools were springing up in differ- 
 -ent localities all over the State. The only draw- 
 back was the engaging of teachers of too meager 
 qualifications, but still there was progress. The 
 committee looked to the future in recommending a 
 Theological Seminary within the Georgia Confer- 
 ence, that our young men might be properly trained 
 in the ministry, so we see the trend in the right di- 
 rection. The ministers were strongly advised, how- 
 ever, by Bishop J. M. Brown to a close study of the 
 course laid out by the Conference under whatever 
 guidance they might find possible. Pending the es- 
 tablishment of a school within our own denomina- 
 tion, the work of others was recommended, and at 
 all times, the common schools were to be recog- 
 nized as one means of uplifting the people. We had 
 all that we could do just then to assist the mother 
 college of our church, Wilberforce, which was 
 brought to our notice again. It was then incomplete 
 under the efforts to raise it from the ruins in which 
 the flames had enveloped it in 1865, and the Confer- 
 ence resolved to do all in its power to aid this uni- 
 versity — the only one then owned and controlled by- 
 colored men on the American continent. 
 The Georgia Conference this year took steps to 
 organize the Home and Foreign Missionary Society,. 
 and a goodly roll of members was made up by the 
 payment of $i each. The South was still in the 
 midst of financial embarrassment, but it is to be noted 
 that the Georgia Conference statistics showed a de- 
 cided improvement financially each year. Though 
 the people were poor and the masses yet groping for- 
 the light of knowledge, it was not an altogether 
 beggarly people. It did what it could and that was 
 much for the times and under the circumstances. 
 No more could be asked — no more could be ex- 
 It was on January 5th, 1872, that the Lord allowed, 
 us to reassemble in Savannah to transact our busi- 
 ness. For the second time within its history an as- 
 sembly of colored ministers met in that city. Bishop 
 Brown presided at the opening, Rev. J. F. A. Sisson 
 was elected Conference Secretary; J. W. Randolph, 
 Statistical Secretary; and F. J. Peck, Recording 
 Secretary. The Bishop made borne most pertinent 
 remarks upon the dilatory attendance of the mem- 
 bers composing the body, as well as upon their be- 
 havior at Conference. Among other things, he told 
 them not to stand about our church doors and the 
 street corners smoking; he admonished ihem so to 
 dress and live that the) should be attractive to our 
 people and not repulsive; he warned them not to 
 drink wine or brandy, and told them to avoid giving 
 trouble to the families with whom they might stop, 
 to rise early from their beds, be kind to the children, 
 and always see that prayers were held with their 
 host and family. 
 These remarks apply equally well to-day, and if 
 faithfully followed out, the ministry would stand upon 
 a higher plane, the labor of entertainment would fall 
 much more lightly upon our people, while the gen- 
 eral good which would result would be incalculable. 
 Rev. S. H. Robertson was constituted reporter 
 for the Christian Recorder, and the writer of the 
 Missionary Record published in Charleston. The 
 annual sermon this year was preached by Rev. C. 
 L. Brad well. The ministers were urged again by 
 the agent of Wilberforce University, Elder Young, 
 to assist in raising endowment money, that the trus- 
 tees might comply with the conditions of Mr. Avery's 
 will, whereby $10,000 would be secured that insti- 
 tution for its completion. The will was read, and 
 ere the close of the fourth day's session, he had re- 
 ceived $140 in money, pledges, notes and dues. 
 These we gave of our little, as we were advised. 
 The visitors to Conference included some mem- 
 bers of the M. E. Church, South, and the Rev. Elisha 
 Hathaway, of Bristol, R. I., a minister of the Chris- 
 tian Convention, who had within the year past donat- 
 ed $59,000 for the elevation of the freedmen, and 
 he encouraged us to aid all good work by his state- 
 ments. He gave a short sketch of his life, upon be- 
 ing introduced to Conference, and among other 
 things, he gave us this to consider: that he had 
 known both extreme poverty and abundant riches, 
 and that he felt himself constantly made spiritually 
 and financially richer by giving of his substance to 
 the poor, thereby lending to the Lord. 
 Forty-eight was the number reported by the 
 Committee on Admission to Conference on proba- 
 tion. Bishop J. M. Brown made the remark that 
 it was the largest class save one he had re- 
 ceived since he had been made Bishop. It was a 
 most interesting one, as it was composed mostly of 
 voung men. The Bishop gave them some sound 
 advice as to their conduct, ministerial and other- 
 wise, which is as applicable to-day as it has ever 
 been. After telling them to stand up for Jesus, he 
 warned them that they would have no time for 
 mirth and folly. "Be prudent among women," said 
 he, "Confide only in your wife." Upon marriage, 
 he said, "Get for a wife one that has good parents 
 who have trained their daughter well, one who is 
 willing to wash your clothes and scour your floor," 
 and to the class personally he said, "Avoid affecta- 
 tion and the wearing of finery and jewelry. Be 
 plain even in dress and manners; be honest, pay 
 your debts and pay them promptly." 
 The matter of Missionary Agency coming up, 
 the writer moved a resolution in favor of leaving 
 that office vacant, though Conference had a stand- 
 ing rule to the effect of filling it by appointment of 
 the Bishop. His arguments were that as yet noth- 
 ing had been accomplished save to make an indebt- 
 edness by each Conference. His idea was the same 
 as now — the plan at present followed by our Church 
 — to make each pastor raise a special Missionary 
 collection, thus avoiding any salaried agent. It was 
 opposed, however, and by vote to rescind, the 
 Bishop was left to appoint the Missionary Agent as 
 The Book Concern report gave such a depressing 
 view of its financial condition that, after an explan- 
 atory speech from the Bishop, urging liberal con- 
 tributions to its treasury, a movement was made by 
 the writer favoring the raising as much as $50 
 weekly, if possible, to aid in publishing the Chris- 
 tian Recorder until the next session of the General 
 Conference — seventeen weeks hence. It was 
 learned that this would be the cost of publication 
 per week, and the motion prevailed almost unan- 
 imously, there being but one dissenting voice. Be- 
 lieving in rapidly striking while the iron was hot, 
 business was suspended and eleven clubs were 
 formed with cash ($140.25) in hand. The writer 
 was elected Secretary of the fund and C. L. Brad- 
 well, Treasurer, and the money was paid over to 
 H. J. Young, the Book Concern Agent, and receipt 
 Again, an indeavor was made looking to the es- 
 tablishment of a school within the bounds of this 
 Conference. While strong speeches were made in 
 favor of the education of the ministry by Revs. No- 
 He, Young, Harris and others, it seemed the prev- 
 alent opinion that for the present Wilberforce Uni- 
 versity offered all advantages required, and that we 
 were not yet ready for giving the support which a 
 second college or institution would demand. Nev- 
 ertheless, a motion prevailed to take steps toward a 
 school, with the words "College" and "Branch of 
 Wilberforce University" stricken from the original 
 motion ; and it was finally decided that a committee 
 of five select a site for such a school as desired, 
 Presiding Elders forming that committee. Under 
 the resolution this was done, and Rev. J. A. Wood 
 was made Treasurer of the School Fund, and Rev. 
 W. J. Gaines, Secretary. 
 Seventeen brothers were offered for Deacon's or- 
 ders and elected: Jacob Graham, Eli Erby, Law- 
 rence Thomas, Nathan Berry, George Landrum, 
 Henry Boyd, G. G. Fleming, Richard Graham, 
 Anthony Brown, Andrew Wynn, George Davis, 
 Jefferson Gary, Shadrach L. Mimms, John M. Hen- 
 derson, James Porter, John B. Butler, George T. 
 Strickland. Those elected to Elder's orders were 
 Henry M. Taylor, Elijah Pennyman, James Daley, 
 C. H.Fairfax, H. B. Dowdell, Warren Shorts, A. B. 
 Davis, itinerants, and Daniel J. McGhee, local. 
 Henry Daniels was left without an appointment for 
 one year; also George Lumpkin, John McDougald 
 and L. Matthews. The ordination of the seventeen 
 Deacons took place under the Presiding Bishop at 
 the close of the morning sermon, January 14th, 
 while the Elders were ordained in the afternoon^ 
 One brother had slipped up to the altar during the 
 ceremony of ordination of Deacons, and had re- 
 ceived the Bishop's hands upon his head, but he un- 
 fortunately called for his certificate later and this- 
 fact leaked out. 
 Wisely, so it seemed to the Conference, the mi- 
 nority report of the Committee on Third Year Studies 
 was adopted, and all the members thereby contin- 
 ued in that class. The funeral services of five de- 
 ceased brothers were carried out at the ninth day's 
 session by addresses from Rev. H. M. Turner and 
 others. This was followed by a collection for the 
 benefit of the widows of the deceased brothers and 
 It appeared at this Conference that the minutes of 
 the Georgia Conference, up to this date, had not been 
 properly recorded, and a resolution passed to pay 
 Rev. F. J. Peck thirty dollars to do this work up to 
 close of the present session. 
 As 1 80 members of the Georgia Annual Confer- 
 ence, together with 48 probationers, were reported 
 by the Committee on General Conference Delegates,, 
 it was entitled to send 26 delegates to represent the 
 members, and 6 to represent the probationers. The 
 election which then took place resulted as follows: 
 H. M. Turner, W.J. Gaines, S. B. Jones, Andrew 
 Brown, F. J. Peck, Henry Strickland, Thos. Crayton,. 
 S. W . Drayton, W. H. Noble, J. A. Wood, Wm. Ra- 
 ven, Robert Anderson, Henry Porter, Peter McLain r 
 Albert McGhee, Levi Walker, A. J. McDowell,. 
 Robert Cromby, R. M. Taylor, S. H. Robertson, 
 W. H. W. Sherman, J. F. A. Sisson, John McDou- 
 gald, John T. Gibson, G. W. H. Williams, Lawrence 
 Wood, Z. Armstrong, G. P. Brown, Thomas Gar- 
 rett, Robet Alexander, C. L. Bradwell, B. K. Brown. 
 Aside from these, the Secretary of the Electoral 
 College reported the election of two lay delegates 
 to represent the Conference: G. H. Clower and 
 Lewis Williams. 
 Among the changes made this year, the District 
 Book Steward was made the Treasurer of the Con- 
 ference, and the writer was made District Book 
 In the line of the effort to prepare for a school in 
 the State of Georgia, an effort was made for each 
 pastor to bring to Conference, next year, five dollars 
 for educational purposes, and the preachers were to 
 be furnished with certificates to be used in making 
 such collections. The sum of fifty-eight dollars and 
 fifty-eight cents was also ordered sent to the Treas- 
 urer of Wilberforce University. 
 Looking forward to their preservation, as the 
 literature of the time, all authors of Conference ser- 
 mons before the sixth session, were ordered to place 
 their manuscript in the hands of Bishop Brown, who 
 would see them published and bound with the min- 
 utes. The manuscript of J. W. Randolph's Anthem 
 and Tune Book was commended to the General 
 Conference for its examination and hoped-for ap- 
 The Domestic University Society held its meeting, 
 through a suspension of regular work, and made a 
 most favorable show of work. It had a total in 
 bank of $185.92, and collected at this session an ag- 
 gregate of $53. A re-election of officers made Rev. 
 H. M, Turner, President; C. L. Bradwell, J. A. 
 Wood and W. J. Gaines, respectively, first, second 
 and third Vice-Presidents ; J. F. A. Sisson, Secre- 
 tary; Henry Strickland, Treasurer ; J. W. Ran- 
 dolph, Recording Secretary. A short meeting of 
 the Preachers' Aid Society followed this meeting, 
 when the regular business of the Conference was 
 A pleasant feature of the session was the recog- 
 nition of the services of our beloved Bishop, J. M. 
 Brown, who had been with us for four years, and 
 according to our church economy, would sever his 
 direct connection with the Episcopal District of 
 which Georgia formed a part, with this session, or 
 rather, after the meeting of the General Conference 
 in Nashville, Tenn., on the first Monday in the fol- 
 lowing May. The Conference, therefore, decided 
 to testify to its appreciation of his work with us by 
 the presentation of a copy of Webster's Unabridged 
 Dictionary to him, and Rev. H. M. Turner, C. L. 
 Bradwell and the writer were appointed to execute 
 the will of the Conference, which was carried out at 
 the next session. 
 When the question was asked which Sunday- 
 school should keep the Annual Conference S. S. 
 banner during the ensuing year, the answer came 
 promptly from Americus, Ga., representatives, 
 which school, through Rev. C. L. Bradwell, pastor, 
 reported thirty-six dollars and seventy-six pupils. 
 As it was to be awarded to the Sunday-school send- 
 ing the largest Missionary collection to Conference 
 this session, in proportion to the number of pupils, 
 this school held it until the next session. 
 The sermons for the next year were appointed as 
 follows: Annual Conference Sermon, Rev. R. An- 
 derson; Annual Anniversary Sermon, Rev. W.J. 
 Gaines; the Doctrinal Sermon by Rev. W. H. No- 
 ble, and the Ministerial Education Sermon by Rev. 
 James F. A. Sisson. 
 Elder H. M. Turner requested the Bishop and 
 Conference to allow him to retire from the office 
 and work of Presiding Elder. He desired rest and 
 opportunities for study, composition, and the practi- 
 cal duties of the pastorate without distracting cares 
 outside of the course he had marked out. The ad- 
 dress that he delivered after this, as a valedictory, 
 was of historic value to the A. M. E. church, and of 
 general interest. 
 Scarcely a report of this Conference was presented 
 which was not full of interest. The one upon De- 
 nominations was especially powerful, as it breathed 
 a spirit of Christian brotherhood, which alone can 
 unite all the kingdoms of this earth under the one 
 Kingdom of His Son. A growing feeling of fra- 
 ternity was shown by it to be prevailing upon the 
 part of all denominations, especially in the South. 
 We quote from the report of the Committee on State 
 of the Country that which is true, and which alone 
 will bring about amity and peace: "With a free 
 press, freedom of speech, and freedom of educa- 
 tional advantages and religious privileges, applicable 
 to all alike, without reference to ' race , color or pre- 
 vious condition,' then will each bosom thrill with 
 rapturous joy." 
 GEORGIA, 1873. 
 With the arrival of the eleventh of January, 1873, 
 the Conference found itself at Macon, Ga., with 
 Bishop T. M. D. Ward, as the Presiding Bishop. 
 Bishop J. M. Brown accompanied him as Assistant 
 Bishop. Thus General Conference had given us 
 another strong worker for the South. We also 
 received an addition to our ministerial ranks, by the 
 transfer of Rev. George Washington, of Alabama, 
 and Rev. W. D. Johnson, of Florida, while we lost 
 Rev. Lawrence Wood, who took a transfer to South 
 Carolina, and Rev. J. F. A. Sisson, who went to the 
 Arkansas Conference. 
 The Secretaryship was immediately placed upon 
 the shoulders of Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, and Rev. 
 J. W. Randolph was made Statistical Secretary, 
 with Rev. F. J. Peek, Recording Secretary. 
 The General Conference of 1872 had condemned 
 the wearing of Episcopal robes in strong terms, 
 but, as in all such matters, there was diversity of 
 opinion, and the question was again raised here by 
 Rev. Dr. H. M. Turner; finally a movement was 
 made to purchase and present a robe to the Pre- 
 siding Bishop, but was lost. 
 Thirty-seven preachers were admitted on trial r 
 John Flintroy, D. T. Green, Andrew Bigham, L. S. 
 Smith, Augustus Jones, Augustus Stroud, War. 
 Lee, Hamilton Spann, Minor Lewis, J. B. Davis, 
 Lewis Tyson, Anthony Johnson, I. N. Fitzpatrick, 
 G. G. Fleming, Charles Green, David Green, Wil- 
 son Williams, Frank Johnson, Augustus Scott, 
 Green Decatur, J. A. Brown, Jefferson Cary, 
 George Parks, Albert Pearce, Burrell Mitchell, A. 
 J. Miller, J. H. Brown, Prince Gadsen, Isaac 
 Coachman, Wm. Askew, Harris Powell, Peter 
 Williams, George Bass, Clabron Randall, Burrell 
 Davis, Irwin Butler, Eldridge Reed. An equally 
 long list remained on trial. 
 On the fourth day the Conference was shocked 
 by the information that Bishop Wm. Paul Quinn 
 was lying very low at his home in Richmond, Ind. 
 As it soon appeared, it was the hand of death indeed, 
 which had been laid upon him, against which no 
 mortal can successfully struggle, and in the follow- 
 ing month of February our beloved senior suc- 
 cumbed, and entered upon eternal rest and heavenly 
 reward. His was the first death in the Bishopric 
 of the A. M. E. Church since 1848, when Bishop 
 Morris Brown was called hence. With his death, 
 Bishop D. A. Payne passed to the Seniority — a po- 
 sition he fills to the present, crowned with gray 
 hairs and an honorable career of usefulness. 
 Our ranks have been visited by the same dark an- 
 gel, and Thomas Ball, Adam Bruton and Edmond 
 L. Bailey were the ones to obey the call, The me- 
 morial sermons were preached by Dr. H. M. Tur- 
 ner and Rev. Branch Davis. 
 The ordination of Elders and Deacons began on 
 the Sabbath day (January 19th), with a sermon by 
 Rev. S. W. Drayton to the deacons in the morning, 
 followed in the afternoon by Rev. C. L. Bradwell 
 to the Elc'ers, in which the latter eloquently de- 
 clared the awful responsibility, and high dignity of 
 the office, moving many to tears. 
 The Elders ordained were: W. H. Harris, E. 
 P. Holmes, J. M. Cargile, Haley Hardy, Semenson 
 Gardener, James ^Porter, D. J. McGhee, Paton 
 Stokes, J. Parks,' A. J. Miller, A. M. Wright, J. 
 Hamilton, H. Lester, C. B. Edwards, J. McGhee, 
 T. S. Smith, H. H. Holoway, G. H. Hood, Jesse 
 Durkins, M. Millard, L. Davis, A. Dunwoodie, A. 
 Attaway, C. H. Rice, C. R. Edwards, G. C. Christ- 
 burg, A. Lowe, D. Hamilton, A. Perkins, L. 
 Thomas. The deacons were: Charles Wilson, Wm. 
 Americus, Jefferson Carey, C. Hamilton, I. B. Da- 
 vis, E. A. Shepherd, P. Matin, A. Pace, B. Mimms, 
 M. Lewis, B. Mitchell, L. Smith, J. B. McCoy, J. 
 Waters, J. Watson, M. O. Bodie, J. Whittaker, L. 
 Cooper, J. Brown, C. McDowell, P. Gadsen, A. 
 Bigham, Wilson Williams, Irwin Butler, Green Per- 
 son, Mark Cox, Randall Fulson, Charles Warren, 
 Alexander Price, Wm. Flagg, John Joshua, Edward 
 Thomas, Burrell Davis. 
 Our visitors were Prof. W. D. Williams, of the 
 Blind Asylum, of Macon; Rev. E. E. Rogers, of the 
 Congregational Church, and Rev. G. H. Eaton, of 
 Savannah, with Rev. Robert Brown, of the Col- 
 ored M. E. Church of America. 
 When the committees reported, the exodus to Ar- 
 kansas through paid agents, employed to deceive 
 and mislead, was vigorously condemned, and the 
 prophecy made that Georgia was destined to be a 
 great and thrifty State, despite all true reports of the 
 greatness of the former State, and one fitted to 
 maintain its people in greater comfort. Experi- 
 ence has proved what sober reflection at the time 
 should have proved. Many of those who sold 
 themselves, as it were, for their passage money 
 have to regret the hasty step most bitterly. But it 
 was the report upon division of Conference which 
 created the most interest. 
 The Georgia Conference had become unwieldy, 
 over two hundred and sixty members being enrolled 
 at this date. It was a difficult task, amounting almost 
 to an impossibility, for the presiding officer to have 
 entire control of such a number, with due regard to 
 the advance of the best interests of the Church. 
 One other argument had its weight as well. The 
 people at that date had not reached that degree of 
 prosperity which enables them now to entertain 
 large church bodies in those larger cities. It was a 
 severe tax upon the Church still struggling with 
 poverty and ignorance; and what causes thoughtful 
 ones among us even now to hesitate long before lo- 
 cating Conferences, especially the General Confer- 
 ence, was not to be ignored at that time in our his- 
 tory, when locating the Annual Conference. The 
 time necessarily taken to transact the business of 
 Conference was a long time to be a burden to a 
 poor people, therefore the question was brought 
 *ip as to a division. A committee was appointed 
 upon the matter, consisting of the following : Elder 
 H. M. Turner, Revs. W. J. Gaines, Andrew Brown, 
 C. L. Bradwell, Henry Strickland, S. B. Jones, 
 Scipio Robertson, F. J. Peck, Peter McLain, S. W. 
 Drayton, W. H. Noble, W. H. Harris, Henry Porter. 
 A majority and a minority report were brought 
 in. As motions to lay the latter upon the table, also 
 to adopt it, were both lost, the majority was adopted. 
 The committee had taken into consideration all these 
 ■difficulties mentioned, and it recommended the divi- 
 sion into two bodies, to be called the North Georgia 
 ■Conference and the South Georgia Conference.* 
 The former was to embrace all the territory north 
 •of Macon, both east and west; the latter all south 
 of the same point, also east and west. It was also 
 recommended that the South Georgia holds its next 
 session in Thomasville, Georgia, and the North 
 -Georgia in Augusta. 
 For six years we had been linked together as a 
 whole under the name of Georgia Conference. It 
 was with regret that we saw the separation because 
 •of the memoirs of these years, but it was with joy 
 ■that we looked over the field and saw the progress, 
 *The South Georgia Conference dropped the prefix " South " after a time, 
 .and was known, as now, as the " Georgia Conference." This served also to 
 •distinguish bet'er the older Conference. 
 the expansion, the growth in every way, which had 
 demanded such a separation. With this in our 
 hearts we could but look forward to the sessions of 
 the two new bodies with gladness, and prepare for 
 the change which placed the writer in the North 
 Georgia Conference at Macon Station. 
 We note the changes in districts, circuits, etc., this 
 year because of this decision. The Macon District 
 was changed, to consist of Macon Station, Columbus 
 Station, St. Johns's Chapel, Pitt's Chapel, Talberton 
 Circuit, Fort Valley Circuit, Perry Circuit, Haw- 
 kinsville Circuit, Prattburg Circuit, Box Springs, 
 Reynolds, Eastman, Chattahooche County Circuit; 
 Harris County Circuit, Columbus Mission; Howard 
 Circuit, Bibb County Circuit. Atlanta District suf- 
 fered no change excepting in the loss of Jones 
 County, Jasper County and Monticello Circuit being 
 added to the new District, Forsyth, which also in- 
 cluded Forsyth Station, Clinton Station, Sugar 
 Hill Circuit, Crawford County Circuit, Coleman 
 Chapel, Indian Springs Circuit, Whitesville Circuit 
 and Zion Mission. Marietta District remained the 
 same, excepting Indian Springs, including all the 
 West Point Railroad. Augusta District was left 
 intact, as well as the Savannah District. Red Cir- 
 cuit only was taken from Cuthbert District and 
 added to Americus District, which was further en- 
 larged by the addition of Oglethorpe, Ellaville, 
 Buena Vista and Red Hill Circuit. To Sandersville 
 District was given all the new work that might be 
 added. La Grange District was also untouched. 
 Upon the division of Conference, the Atlanta, Au- 
 gusta,Marietta, Macon and LaGrange Districts were 
 placed within the bounds of the North Georgia 
 With the opening of the year 1874, the A - M - E - 
 Church in Georgia entered upon its new work of 
 conducting the deliberations of the two Conference 
 bodies instead of one. The North Georgia Confer- 
 ence was the first to assemble. Bishop T. M. D. 
 Ward opened the first session of this body, in the city 
 of Augusta, upon the 8th of January. His opening 
 remarks were most opportune and well received, 
 though some objected to the statement that the di- 
 vision of the old Georgia Conference had passed into 
 history. This objection must have been made upon 
 the ground that the Georgia Conference, as a sepa- 
 rate body, had as yet held no session, while the North 
 Georgia was but opened. 
 Be this as it may, the work of final division went 
 on, such as definitely settling the boundary lines be- 
 tween the two, which work was assigned to a com- 
 mittee of fifteen, after the election of a Conference 
 Secretary in the person of Rev. W. D. Johnson, J. 
 M. Cargile being appointed Statistical Secretary. 
 This committee consisted of Dr. H. M . Turner, Revs. 
 W. J. Gaines, J. A. Wood, William Raven, H. H. 
 Taylor, John Ricks, Augustus Gonickie, S. H.Rob- 
 ertson, E. P. Holmes, S. B. Jones, W. H. Harris, 
 W. D. Johnson, Andrew Brown, Robert Cromley, 
 Daniel Brown, Robert Anderson, Lawrence Thomas 
 and W. H. Noble. In brief, the boundary was laid off 
 as follows, and the report of the committee adopted: 
 "Commencing at the Chattahoochee river, the 
 following counties and all north of them, to constitute 
 the North Georgia Conference — Harris, Meriwether, 
 Upson, Monroe, Jones, Baldwin, Hancock, War- 
 ren, McDuffie and Richmond; the following, and all 
 south of them, to constitute the South Georgia Con- 
 ference — Muscogee, Talbot, Taylor, Crawford, Bibb, 
 (except Macon station, which was included in the 
 North Georgia work) Wilkinson, Washington, 
 Glascock, Jefferson and Burke." This, as we said 
 in our last chapter, gave to the North Georgia Con- 
 ference the Atlanta, Marietta, Macon, Augusta and 
 LaGrange districts, leaving Cuthbert, Sandersville, 
 Valdosta, Americus and Savannah districts in the 
 South Georgia work. 
 The following persons were sent before the com- 
 mittee on admission: Joshua Brown, Perry Simon, 
 J. B. Lofton, William Stansel, Alfred Floyd, George 
 Chapel, Willis Covington, Handy West and Albert 
 Bishop S. H. Holsey, of the Colored M. E. Church 
 of America, was introduced to Conference, and spoke 
 words of congratulation upon our success. He spoke 
 of the tendency of all Christian bodies to unite, and 
 the strength that would result from union in Meth- 
 odism, especially in the colored churches. In the 
 response which was made by Dr. H. M. Turner, the 
 statement was acquiesced in, and the declaration 
 made that the African Methodist Episcopal Church- 
 the church organized by Richard Allen and others 
 — was the first step made by colored men toward 
 the equal rights mentioned by all, and it was "like 
 stone cut out without hands — a rolling power that 
 had scattered hallowed fire wherever it has penetra- 
 ted." Have not the years established the truth of 
 Although the state of education was encouraging 
 in view of the hopeful outlook from Wilberforce 
 University, which reported three hundred students, 
 and that the committee stated the desire expressed 
 upon the part of the Public School Boards in a num- 
 ber of localities, to open more schools for the colored 
 children, yet it seemed best, notwithstanding this, to 
 look now to our own denominational school work in 
 the South with a critical eye upon what was sorely 
 needed, as we were pressed for properly qualified 
 ministers for our increasing fields of labor. In view 
 of this a motion was put on foot looking to the joint 
 efforts of the two Conferences in raising up an insti- 
 tution of learning in our midst, that should be an 
 honor to our church and to the race. A convention 
 to consider the matter was appointed at Thomas- 
 ville, Ga., January 22d, the date of the coming first 
 session of the South Georgia Annual Conference as 
 a separate body. 
 It was at this place that Bishop T. M. D. Ward 
 opened this Conference, at the appointed date, and 
 this Convention met and deliberated upon an " Insti- 
 tution of Higher Learning," and appointed its Trus- 
 tees to act upon the same — seven from the North 
 Georgia and eight from the South Georgia Con- 
 Rev. Wm. D. Johnson was made Secretary and 
 Rev. Francis J. Peck Statistical Secretary of this 
 Conference at this session, and it proceeded to the 
 business of announcing transfers: Revs. J. M. Car- 
 gile, Andrew Brown and F. J. Peck took transfers 
 to the North Georgia work, while Revs. W. J. 
 Gaines, C. L. Bradwell, Wm. Raven, Rev. Wm. 
 Bradwell, of Florida, and Godfrey B. Taylor, of 
 Alabama, were transferred to this Conference. The 
 action of the joint committee dividing the Confer- 
 ence was brought up for ratification, but by motion 
 of Dr. H. M. Turner, it was indefinitely postponed. 
 This motion, however, was ruled out of order by 
 Bishop T. M. D. Ward, who decided that the separa- 
 tion of the Conferences was settled in Macon in 
 1873. Upon this, Dr. Turner stated his intention to 
 appeal to the next General Conference, as he wished 
 Macon struck from the South Georgia list. 
 Rev. Andrew Brown preached an able sermon 
 the evening of the first day from the text, Ex. iv. 1 ; 
 " And Moses answered and said, but behold, they 
 will not believe me." Henry Boyd, Richard Gra- 
 ham, David Williams and George Gamble were 
 elected and ordained as elders, while eleven re- 
 ceived deacon's orders: Andrew Jackson, Benjamin 
 F. Franklin, H. P. Powell, Augustus Scott, Wm. 
 Askew, Isaac Stewart, B. W. Wilson, Isaac Coach- 
 man, David T. Green, George Bass, James Ricks. 
 The ordination vows were also administered to Rev. 
 T. N. Stewart and A. R. Spencer, elders from the 
 colored M. E. Church of America. These latter 
 had been fitted for this office by their previous train- 
 ing. At the same time these two, with Wesley C. 
 Gaines, G. H. Washington, S. M. Clark, B. W. 
 Wilson, G.J. Jordan, B. F. Franklin, Isaac Stewart, 
 Andrew Jackson, AJ. Johnson and Andrew Monroe,, 
 formed the class admitted on trial. 
 It was a pleasure to the Conference that it re- 
 ceived a most cordial welcome from the inhabitants 
 of the city, white and colored, so far exceeding any 
 heretofore, that it felt constrained to recognize it by 
 proper thanks. African Methodism had accom- 
 plished the task of commanding respect for it, 
 though its adherents were of the Negro race. 
 This Conference body received the glad news 
 that Hon. Mr. Haynes, of Pottsville, Pa., having 
 donated five hundred dollars to our Southern work,, 
 fifty of that sum would come to each of the two- 
 Georgia Conferences. 
 With this session we closed the Conference year,, 
 and with the coming year we reached the first dec- 
 ade of what might be called our Southern work,, 
 beginning as it did in Charleston upon the 15th of 
 May, 1865. 
 The North Georgia Conference at Athens, Ga., 
 opened the ensuing year's work, with its second ses- 
 sion held in "Pierce's Chapel," January 17th, Bishop 
 Ward presiding, and Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, Secre- 
 tary, with Richard Harper, as assistant. It was not 
 a busy session, and closed on the fifth day. The 
 date for convening was changed to the month of 
 December, and some changes were made in the 
 J. H. M. Durand, W. A. Pearce, H. Cargile, 
 Washington Campbell, R. W. Mitchell, B. Johnson, 
 Sandy Luster, J. L. Smith, Richard Harper, A. 
 Williams, H. D. Bush, S. A. Bush, were admitted 
 on trial. Alexander Price, M. O. Boddie, L. H. 
 Smith, John Whittaker, Turner Jones, Jefferson 
 Cary, Jr., E. A. Shephard, Burrell Mitchell, were 
 made elders, and the deacons who were elected 
 and ordained, were: Richard Harper, David T. 
 Green, George Chapell, Wm. Lee, J. H. M. Brown, 
 C. H. Green, Augustus Jones, J. F. Brown. The 
 transfers made were, Rev. W. H. Jackson, from the 
 Tennessee Conference, and Henry Porter, E. P. 
 Holmes, Wm. D. Johnson, S. L. Mimms, J. M. 
 Cargile, to the South Georgia, with Martin Wright 
 to the Mississippi work. 
 Thomas K. Brown and Johnson Parks were on 
 the death roll this year. The former closed his 
 career at the age of ninety- three, after seventy years 
 of labor, and yet was a man of remarkable vigor at 
 time of his death. 
 On January 21st, 1875, the second session, or 
 rather the the ninth session, of the mother Confer- 
 ence, convened in the courthouse at Albany, Ga., 
 and was opened by Bishop Ward, who read Isaiah 
 xxxv. Rev. Wm. D. Johnson was conveniently 
 present to accept and faithfully discharge the duties 
 of Secretary, with J. M. Cargill, his assistant. 
 The announcement of transfers showed that Henry 
 Porter, J. M. Cargile, W. D.Johnson, S. L. Mimms, 
 G. H. Neely, J. J. Bowman had come from the 
 North Georgia, and that Rev. S. H. Robertson and 
 H. B. Dowdell were transferred to the North Geor- 
 gia Conference. The interest of the people was 
 made manifest by small gifts of money from various 
 sources; especially pleasing in one instance, in the 
 shape of one acre of land for church purposes, do- 
 nated by Hon. John Hall. A number of visitors 
 also attested their Christian fellowship and good-will 
 by their presence and cheering words. Death had 
 visited the work and taken away Revs. Zachariah 
 Armstrong and Hamilton Spann. The death of 
 these, with that of Father Thomas K. Brown, who, 
 all felt, belonged to the whole of Georgia, irrespec- 
 tive of the division, was fittingly commemorated 
 with special services. 
 A. J. Johnson, H. W. Whitaker, Samuel J. 
 Thomas, J. R. Thornton, D. O. Alexander, L. R. 
 Smith, Jasper Maxwell, Morgan Smith, Daniel Dun- 
 can, Wilson Williams, Anthony Rousseau. W. H. 
 Hammond, Henderson Bowen, J. F. Campfield, 
 Kelly Moses, Robert Hamilton, George Holt, A. 
 Randolph, B. F. Brazell, Scott Devereaux were admit- 
 ted into the itinerant ranks; and Andrew Monroe, 
 Alfred Dunlap, Benjamin Simmons, Stephen Gadsen, 
 Samuel Wright, Henry Williams and Prince Irwin, 
 were admitted as local preachers. Irwin Butler 
 Clayborn Randall, J. A. Brown, Andrew Bigham, 
 George Bass, Augustus Scott, H. P. Powell, P. W. 
 Williams, William Askew, Isaac Coachman, David 
 T. Green, were admitted into full connection. The 
 elders of this year, elected and ordained, were Irwin 
 Butler, Prince Gadsen, Gabriel Clark, Pineo Mar- 
 tin, E. R. Erby, Caleb McDowell; while the list of 
 Deacons ordained comprised Giles Jordan, P. W. 
 Williams, Andrew Monroe, Henry Williams. 
 The Sunday-school work was made a matter 
 calling for clear consideration, and a set of rules was 
 recommended as an order of exercises. Something 
 of the kind seemed to be needed, as the ministers 
 were not as observant of all things pertaining to its 
 interest as the future welfare of the church de- 
 manded. Proper persons were especially needed to 
 look after the details of the work, and this body felt 
 moved to urge it upon all present to do their full 
 duty in this respect under penalty of censure, sus- 
 pension or any punishment which in the opinion of 
 the Conference seemed advisable. 
 Upon the Sunday-schools and general education 
 much depends. The church that neglects either 
 must expect to suffer the consequences in diminish- 
 ing numbers and disintegration. There have been 
 many Sunday-schools established by the Missionary 
 churches of other denominations throughout the 
 South, in which schools our children have been 
 reared, as we may say, with the result, in by far the 
 great majority of such cases, of attaching them- 
 selves to the church which thus fostered them. 
 Each church may expect this outcome. The Sun- 
 day-school becomes a family, with strong family re- 
 lations and ties. It is but a step — and a natural one 
 at that — to ally oneself to this family by Church 
 Bonds; so that wisdom calls for every church that 
 would retain its children and youth for its service, 
 to make its own Sunday-school relations so strong, 
 so sacred, so attractive, that no mere inclination will 
 lead these away from its fold, for inclination is 
 largely the reason given for the abandonment of the 
 church of their fathers and mothers. But it must 
 be remembered that in but few cases is this inclina- 
 tion superinduced by any of the theological reasons, 
 but by those things that appeal so directly to the 
 young, and seem to satisfy their craving desires, 
 the desires of the most intellectual and refined spirits. 
 These things are good teachers, possessed of 
 winning manners, good moral character, and an en- 
 thusiasm for souls, managed with that discretion the 
 young demand. To these then must be added a 
 knowledge of the Scriptures, and the ability which 
 comes from natural talent and experience, to make 
 all things clear that belongs to man to know. This 
 has been felt from the first by those whose minds 
 were groping in the darkness for the full light that 
 rests in God's Word. The A. M. E. Church to-day 
 is awakening to that fact. Its Sunday-schools are be- 
 ing made centers, closed in by the church instead of 
 assemblies, upon its circumference, as it were, ready 
 to drop off at every jolt or show of neglect from. 
 those whose duty it should be to keep careful watch 
 over them. 
 Education received an impetus in the vigorous 
 report its committee presented. The theological 
 training in our own schools was recommended first 
 of all, if possible. Wilberf orce was ready and com- 
 petent to receive and instruct all who might seek 
 her walls ; but it was recognized that pecuniary 
 lack made it impossible for many to leave the South 
 for that purpose. Atlanta University was with us, 
 and as we had been assured that its religious policy 
 was not sectarian, the general education that its ex- 
 traordinary advantages offered was heartily recom- 
 mended to all. Best of all, the spirit of the true 
 teacher showed itself in the offer of Dr. H. M. 
 Turner to instruct such young ministers who could 
 find time to spend a few weeks or months with him, 
 and the necessity of an educated ministry was re- 
 impressed upon the brethren by the committee of 
 which he was chairman. 
 " We cannot expect the people to feed, clothe and 
 reverence us unless we are able to repay them with 
 that instruction and knowledge which our exalted 
 position demands, and they naturally expect. The 
 simple titles of preacher, deacon and elder are not 
 enough to satisfy those who are thirsting for moral 
 and religious knowledge. We must be able to im- 
 part the same, otherwise we will become mere 
 sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, and our 
 preaching will be but little more than the low of an 
 ox or the bray of an ass. The minister is the rep- 
 resentative of our Lord Jesus Christ, and as such he 
 should be able, learned and chaste, and every spare 
 moment should be devoted to the acquisition of 
 such information as will fit him for his high station." 
 The above quotation is just as applicable to-day 
 as then. In fact it will always be applicable, and 
 every minister of the church feels the need of excit- 
 ing all to redoubled efforts for the sake of our 
 church, our children and our race. 
 The growth in recognition of our work, worth 
 and bearing was shown by an amount of interest ex- 
 ceeding that exhibited at our last meeting in Thom- 
 asville, Ga. Bishop T. M. D. Ward, Rev. W. J. 
 Gaines and Rev. Wm. D. Johnson were invited to 
 preach in the M. E. Church, South, a courtesy never 
 before extended to us in the State, and the white 
 citizens alone, of Albany, contributed some five 
 hundred dollars toward the support of the Confer- 
 Cartersville, Ga., was the place selected for the 
 third session of the North Georgia Conference, and 
 then it assembled in St. Luke's Chapel, December 
 1 6, 1S75, wilh Bishop T. M. D. Ward presiding. 
 This change of time brought two sessions of this 
 Conference within the one year, the first having 
 been held at Athens in January. 
 Sermons were preached before the body by the 
 writer and by Rev. T. N. Stewart, who filled Bishop 
 Ward's place, he being in feeble health. Rev. F. 
 J. Peck preached the Ordination Sermon, and Con- 
 ference also listened to a discourse by Rev. Robert 
 Anderson. There was very little business aside 
 from the regular order. 
 William Foster, John Jackson, George Towns, 
 George Martin, Alfred McCarver, L. McClaren, 
 M. M. Nelson, Benjamin Franklin, Wesley Neale, 
 B. R. Glass, A. Blunt, Aaron Parsons were ad- 
 mitted on trial; M. N. Nelson, H. T. Cargile, T. 
 Slaughter, G. Jones, G. Martin, George Copeland, 
 H. D. Bush and J. H. M. Durand were ordained dea- 
 cons; the only elder ordained was Mark E. Cox. 
 Edward Purdee's was the only death the North 
 Georgia Conference was called to mourn this year. 
 The General Conference which was to meet in 
 May, 1876, called for an election of delegates at 
 this session, which was carried out with the follow- 
 ing list as the result: Andrew Brown, J. A. Wood, 
 S. B. Jones, F. J. Peck, L. Gardner, H. Strickland, 
 S. H. Robertson, Dr. T. N. Stuart, George Wash- 
 ington, Daniel McGhee, Peter McLain, and as alter- 
 nates, Levi Walker, Daniel McGhee, Robert An- 
 derson, Burrell Mitchell, S. Gardner, J. L. Smith, 
 A. R. Spencer, Jefferson Cary, Jr., A. Price, H. C. 
 Boyd, J. A. Davis. The lay delegates were also 
 approved. This Conference made a report of 
 Dollar Money as reaching 82,699.00. 
 For the year of 1875 St. Philip's Station was 
 manned by Rev. W. D. Johnson, and St. James 
 Mission by Rev. H. M. Turner, Bethel Mission by 
 W. C. Gaines, St. John's Chapel by E. P. Holmes, 
 and Columbus City Station by the writer. Albany 
 Station was filled by S. W. Drayton. 
 The State Missionary, Rev. T. N. Stewart, re- 
 ported $86.80 for the year; and from the grand 
 total, as reported by the Secretary, the Georgia 
 Conference brought up $1,511.30 for Dollar Money. 
 This last showed that Georgia meant to do her duty 
 and promised well for the next answer to the Finan- 
 cial Secretary, J. H. W. Burley, who appealed for 
 aid in helping swell the receipts of the fiscal year 
 to $50,000.00. 
 The Centennial year of 1876 found the Georgia 
 Conference down upon the coast at Savannah, Jan- 
 uary 29, where the body opened its deliberations in 
 St. Philips A. M. E. Church. Bishop Ward was 
 present, not having been once absent during his 
 years of service with us. S. H. Robertson was 
 made Secretary and W. D. Johnson, Statistical Sec- 
 retary. This year, Revs. S. H. Robertson, W. H. 
 Jackson, H. B. Dowdell, Lewis W. Tyson, were 
 transferred from the North Georgia Conference to 
 this; Rev. Edward Ware from the Florida to this, 
 and Revs. William Price, S. S. Mimms, J. W. Ricks 
 and Kelley Moses from this body to the Florida 
 The General Conference, which was to meet in 
 Atlanta in May following, necessitated the election 
 of delegates to that body. The Georgia Confer- 
 ence was entitled to thirteen representatives — one 
 to every eleven members according to Discipline — 
 therefore the following delegates were chosen: Dr. 
 H. M. Turner, Revs. W. J. Gaines, C. L. Bradwell, 
 W. H. Noble, Geo. W. H. Williams, William Brad- 
 well, Henry Porter, E. P. Holmes, W. H. Taylor, 
 Wm. Raven, W. D. Johnson and Robert Crowley. 
 The alternates were Revs. William Price, W. H. 
 Harris, Mansfield Dillard, Alfred Attaway, Warren 
 Shorts, W. H. Harris, George Linder, John Mc- 
 Dougal and James Porter. The lay delegates were 
 John Steward, Jackson Holt, L. B. Bateman, Louis 
 An effort was made to provide each P. E. Dis- 
 trict with a parsonage for a home for its Presiding 
 Elder, but the time was not ripe for the success of 
 such a movement. Various visitors addressed the 
 Conference, among them Col. J. E. Bryant, and 
 Rev. W. E. Markham, of the Georgia Congrega- 
 tional Church, also Mr. John H. Deveaux, editor of 
 the " Colored Tribune.'''' The good Daughters of 
 Conference remembered us, as usual, with a gift of 
 money, and a committee was appointed to draw up 
 a constitution for this guild of workers, while the 
 brethren were recommended to organize one in each 
 charge. Woman was first at the tomb and last at 
 the cross, as has been said, and ever has been the 
 helper in the church. There are thousands of 
 churches which owe a large share of their pros- 
 perity, spiritually and financially, to the faithful work 
 and earnest prayers of these sisters, who, in their 
 own way, have solved many a problem perplexing 
 to those bearing the responsibilities, and have made 
 many ways smooth, which without them would have 
 been most rough and thorny. The ministers of the 
 A. M. E. church fully appreciate all that woman has 
 done, and is doing, for the upbuilding of the church 
 of our fathers and for the glory of God. 
 Conference voted that eight should be the stand- 
 ard number of elders, sixteen of deacons, and 
 thirteen of these admitted on trial. Rev. D. T. 
 Green was elected to Elder's orders. A. M. H. 
 Evans, W. H. Hammond, M. R. Granderson and 
 Nelson S. Lowery were elected to deacon's orders. 
 Conference admitted on trial Abram Martin, Benj. 
 Roberts, Russell Young, Randall Jackson, Wm. 
 Hamilton, Wesley Simmons and J. W. Wynn. 
 A petition was offered Conference by the writer 
 to appeal to the Governor of Georgia, James M. 
 Smith, to pardon Rev. Tunis G. Campbell. The facts 
 of the case seemed to warrant an effort to obtain 
 clemency. He was born near the close of the 
 «eighteeth century, and had been preaching as a 
 minister of a sister church for nearly fifty years. 
 He had also been a Senator from the Second Dis- 
 trict of Georgia. He was found guilty by the su- 
 perior court of Mcintosh county of mal-administer- 
 ing the law of the State while discharging the func- 
 tions of Justice of the Peace, and sentenced to the 
 penitentiary to hard labor. Knowing the severe 
 treatment and hardships to which he would be sub- 
 jected, and mindful of his service to God and man, 
 as well as of his great age and feeble constitution, 
 it seems but a matter of duty to beseech the Gov- 
 ernor to extend his executive clemency.* 
 The committee appointed to visit the West Broad 
 -Street Public School, Rev. James Porter, Principal, 
 reported it in excellent condition, with three grades 
 for boys and four for girls — a total of four hundred 
 and nineteen pupils enrolled, with six teachers aside 
 from himself. It was a lesson to every laggard 
 minister that he must " get himself to his studies," 
 and the report was made the basis of an urgent de- 
 mand for the ministers to meet the growing require- 
 ments of the age. The finances were in a better 
 condition than ever before, with fourteen thousand 
 two hundred and twenty-eight members, as re- 
 ported in the Conference. The Dollar money reached 
 $2,010.50, while theySunday-school money stood at 
 *Our efforts were in'vain, however. The Governor received the commit- 
 vtee kindly, but he wrote that the evidence was so;clear that he felt the law 
 must take its course. 
 The General Conference of 1872 had given us 
 the Dollar system, which for four years we have 
 been pushing forward. The sixth decade of the 
 church had been reached, and eleven years had 
 passed since the standard of African Methodism 
 had been planted in the South, amid the influence 
 of military forces, and under the shadow of the 
 greatest war any country ever saw. Nine years 
 the work in Georgia had flourished in some form. 
 It was fitting that, as we reached another decade in 
 our history, Georgia, as a representative of the 
 South, should extend her arms to the church in 
 hearty invitation to come and see what time had 
 wrought — to come at a time when universal liberty 
 was the keynote of the song sung by the whole 
 In pursuance of this invitation, the fifteenth Quad- 
 rennial Session of the General Conference of the A. 
 M. E. Church, met in Atlanta, Ga., May 14, 1876, 
 and continued in session until the 18th, Bishop D. 
 A. Payne presided at the opening, assisted by 
 Bishops Wayman, Campbell, Shorter, Ward and 
 J. M. Brown. The memorial services of Bishop 
 William Paul Quinn were held in the church May 5th. 
 The session was a pleasant one, as well as encour- 
 aging in all particulars. The Southern work — its 
 rapid and vigorous growth — was most cheering, 
 stimulating to new efforts the body which met in the 
 heart of the South for the first time. From Wash- 
 ington, D. C, in 1868, after the beginning in Charles- 
 ton in 1865, the General Conference had gravitated 
 toward the South by degrees as toward a magnet, 
 for Nashville, Tenn., entertained in 1872, and it was 
 to seek the South again in 18S0, when it assembled 
 in St. Louis, Mo. Now it was in the very heart of 
 that section. The people did their part, as did 
 the city also, and it was clear to every thoughtful 
 mind that here in Georgia lay a great work, with 
 unlimited possibilities and appreciative surroundings. 
 The church took its entrance upon a new decade 
 of work in the Master's vineyard with Rev. H. M. 
 Turner, as General Business Manager. Rev. J. H. 
 W. Burley, Financial Secretary; Rev. B. T. Tan- 
 ner, editor of the Recorder; Rev. J. C. Embry, 
 Commissioner of Education; Rev. R. H. Cain, Sec- 
 retary of the Missionary Society; and Rev. C. L. 
 Bradwell, as Traveling Agent. 
 Bishop J. P. Campbell was assigned the work 
 which included Georgia at this General Conference, 
 and he opened his work in the State, December 1st, 
 1876, meeting the North Georgia Conference when 
 it assembled to hold its session at Griffin. In his 
 opening address he pleaded for a plain understand- 
 ing of each other before there should be too great 
 criticism — time to become acquainted, a prime 
 necessity not to be overlooked in the itinerant sys- 
 A class of twenty-three was admitted on trial : 
 Revs. James Johnson, Geo. Parks, G. H. Holmes? 
 Oscar Wardell, Jettes Thornton, Samuel C. Hyte, 
 Adolphus Freeny, July White, John J. Belt, Henry 
 Mullens, J. W. Lawrence, Allen Mcintosh, Joel 
 Stephens, Edward Dillen, John Hays, Evan Davis,. 
 John Tolliver, Wm. Jackson, Warren Hill, Seaborn* 
 Jones, Doctor Griffin, Richard Butts, July Dessa- 
 suer. The Elders ordained were Revs. Richard 
 Harper, J. B. Lofton, W. C. Gaines, Charles War- 
 ren, J. W. Joshua, C. S. Green, Augustus Jones; 
 the deacons, Revs. W. A. Pierce, Burgess John- 
 son, Peter Cruse, Abner Blunt, Wm. Stansell, 
 Washington Campbell, Joel Stephens, S. A. Bush,. 
 Perry Simon. 
 Elder Noah H. Russel, who joined the Confer- 
 ence at Macon in 1867, had died this year and Clay- 
 ton Bush had withdrawn. 
 Notice was given that the Theological Institute of 
 our Conference would open in Bethel church, Jan- 
 uary 9, and continue each succeeding Tuesday 
 morning. It was a step in advance to have a 
 preachers' meeting like this, and had it succeeded it 
 would have done a great amount of good, but un- 
 der the direction of Francis J. Peck it failed to ac- 
 complish much. 
 The transfers to the Conference were Rev. J. E, 
 Weir from the Florida Conference, and E. Waters 
 from the Georgia Conference. 
 Bishop Campbell met the last named body, Janu- 
 ary 18, (1877) at Bainbridge, Ga., Bishop Campbell 
 presiding. Dr. H. M. Turner, General Manager 
 of the publication department, was with the Con- 
 ference. Dr. Wm. D. Johnson wisely asked leave 
 to make his report early that he might give his un- 
 divided attention to the office of Secretary of the 
 The visitors were much pleased with the work 
 and gave words of encouragement, while Bishop 
 Campbell in his most characteristically happy vein 
 replied that God intends the nations redeemed to 
 possess the earth in common, that they shall spread 
 and people it. He instanced the settlement of 
 America and Africa and the commencement of the 
 scattering abroad at Babel, but one day they should 
 return to each other. He said that the three sons 
 of Noah had in turn mastered the world, but now 
 possession must be in common. Though Japheth 
 had so far exceeded his brothers in the race for do- 
 minion and wealth, Ham and Shem had determined 
 to overtake him somewhere and make him disgorge 
 his gains. They had caught him in America and 
 he is now disgorging. Dr. H. M. Turner, as Vice- 
 President of the Colonization Society, also pleaded 
 for Africa — that aid should be given by Congress, 
 that " we may return to our Fatherland" The 
 Bishop may yet go there, and if he does, it will be 
 the wish of his many friends that he be made pres- 
 ident or king of the whole country. Some mem- 
 bers of the Friends' Society in Philadelphia were 
 present and arranged for contributing some books 
 to the Conference. 
 The Bishop arranged for supplying Prospect and 
 Mt. Airy Churches in the North Georgia Confer- 
 ence from the Georgia and Wright's Chapel and 
 all of Crawford County from North Georgia. The 
 Dollar money reached $1,488.20. The preachers 
 admitted on trial were Cuyler Hamilton, M. A. 
 Grandison, John M. Collins, Geo. Green, Joseph 
 Collier, S. D. Roseborough, Daniel Jones, Alexan- 
 der Glover, Thomas Williams, C. S. Miller, with 
 Wright Newman and Nathan Brown as local 
 preachers. Solomon Clarke, J. R. Thornton, H. 
 W. Whitaker and Nathan Brown (local) were the 
 deacons ordained, also J. W. Wynnn under the 
 rule for missionaries. 
 The North Georgia Conference of this year con- 
 vened at Eatonton, December 5, with Bishop Camp- 
 bell presiding. Dr. Turner was present, representing 
 the Publication Department of our church, and vig- 
 orously pushed its claims upon the pastors of the 
 Conference. He was ably seconded by the Bishop, 
 who said that the action of last General Confer- 
 ence called upon each minister to take the Church 
 Organ, and he intimated that if they failed in the 
 duty they might fail to receive an appointment. 
 The Bishop was most desirous of facilitating the bus- 
 iness of the session, which seemed to drag heavily. 
 This led him to observe emphatically " that he was 
 sorry for one thing, and wanted all to hear him, 
 and when he was gone to rest to do him ihe honor 
 to say that they heard him say that the rising gen- 
 eration would laugh at us for spending three days in 
 making the reports from the various charges when 
 it might be done in one-third of the time. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were Solomon 
 Russell (local), Aaron S. Jackson, Augustus 
 Dozier, Russell Clayton, Wm. Duncan, Joshua D. 
 Hall, W. A. Walker, E. Burch, Max Whalley, W. 
 M. Moore, John H. King, S. T. Farmer, R. Red- 
 wine, J. T. Beltsaw, Henry Crittenden, Brisco 
 Griggs. B. R. Glass was the sole deacon elected 
 for ordination, while Anthony Johnson, Nathan 
 Berry, George Chapel, Wm. McCoy, J. F. Brown, 
 were the elders. Rev. Lewis Davis had died. A 
 number of men were left without appointments, and 
 assigned to the various Quarterly Conferences. 
 The pastoral reports showed a steady advance in 
 every direction. 
 The next Georgia Conference met in St. James' 
 Church, Columbus, January 30, 1878. Bishop 
 Campbell's opening address was " tender, soothing 
 and sublime, yet truly eloquent. " 
 Rev. Josiah Jones and Rev. C. L. Miller were 
 not there to answer to their names. They had gone 
 to the better land. Rev. James Peter was elected 
 Secretary of the Conference, Rev. W. J. Gaines, 
 Recording Secretary, and Rev. S. H. Robertson, 
 Statistical Secretary. 
 There were a great many visitors present. Rev. 
 Green Mc Arthur, Rev. Nelson Asbius and Rev. Jef- 
 ferson Pinkard, of the Baptist clergy, were intro- 
 duced, also a number of brethren from the North 
 Georgia Conference. Rev. J. V. M. Morris, pastor 
 of Trinity Girard M. E. Church, South, was present, 
 and gave his fraternal greeting in a most touching 
 speech, claiming fellowship as one of the great 
 Methodist family. It is true that our Methodist 
 brethren of all branches of the great Christian- 
 family everywhere seem not only to bear the closest 
 relations, but to be desirous of expressing these. Yet,. 
 at the same time the writer would make no invidious 
 comparisons, for there are those of other denomina- 
 tions with whom we come in contact who are most 
 cordial in friendly feeling. It is most grateful to a 
 struggling people to know of the kind regard in 
 which it is held by the church which it left when it 
 sought freedom of worship among its own. Among 
 the visitors late in the session were Rev. Joseph S. 
 Key, of St. Paul Church, and Rev. J. A. O. Cook, 
 of St. Luke's Church (M. E. Church, South). 
 The former in his remarks referred most feelingly 
 to one of the old veterans, old Uncle Wm. Bentley, 
 who long ago had entered upon his rest. The asso- 
 ciations the two had with him, and the holy inspira- 
 tion caught from him were especially noted. To 
 all these fraternal addresses hearty and happy re- 
 sponses were made. Col. J. E. Bryant who, if pos- 
 sible, attends each Conference session, was also 
 Rev. S. H. Robertson preached the annual ser- 
 mon, making a fine effort that profoundly moved all.. 
 The missionary sermon was delivered by Rev. G. 
 W. H. Williams of the Thomasville, District and 
 was a masterly one. Two other sermons were 
 preached; one by W. H. Noble and one by Prof. 
 James Porter. 
 The North Georgia delegates were introduced to 
 the Conference, and the matter of the joint meeting 
 upon the late Educational Convention was brought 
 up by the writer in a movement for Conference to 
 adopt the preamble and resolutions drawn up. Then 
 followed some earnest speeches by Rev. W. D. 
 Johnson, H. M. Turner, W. J. Gaines, each in his 
 own peculiar style. The Secretary of the Confer- 
 ence was pleased to record of these, " They vied ' 
 with each other in their captivating remarks. The 
 audience was held spell-bound while they soared 
 aloft in the mazes of eloquence divine." The body 
 was at last so moved that nominal trustees were 
 appointed for the school, and the work of education 
 received another impetus. 
 Rev. Jefferson Cary was transferred from the 
 North Georgia to the Georgia Conference, and 
 Rev. S. W. Drayton was allowed at this time to 
 occupy supernumerary relationship. Several of the 
 members had died: Rev. Patrick Wall and Rev. 
 C. S. Miller, both young men, who died in the 
 faith. Rev. W. H. Harris and Rev. Josiah Jones 
 were two of the older Christian workers, number- 
 ing three-score years and more. The old men 
 must expect to go the way of all the earth 
 within brief periods, and their work is done. It 
 seems hard, however, when we see the strong, 
 youthful workers cut down, and we fail to compre- 
 hend the ways of our God in these manifestations of 
 His power. Thanks to the living faith we have in 
 Him, though we sorrow and wonder, we bow be- 
 fore His will, and knoweth within our hearts that 
 "He doeth all things well." 
 Foreign Missions received the attention of this 
 body more than ever before. It expressed its de- 
 termination to do something now in their support. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were, Elijah 
 Watson, Marshall Stevens, P. Brookens, Andrew 
 Griffin, Allen Cooper, E. D. Lowrey, George Neal, 
 John Caesar, Toby Mclver, John H. Harris, J. M. 
 Cox, Lewis S.Beatty, J. H. Adams, Prince Davis and 
 J. M. Mappe. The deacons elected and ordained 
 were Abram Martin, Richard Brooks, Russell 
 Young, Samuel J. Thomas, Daniel Duncan ; elders, 
 S. C. Powell, L. A. Smith. Wm . H . Powell, Giles 
 Jordan. Isaac Coachman, Jacob Graham, Andrew 
 Johnson, James Etheridge, B. Mimms. G. G. Flem- 
 ing, Samuel George. Peter W. Williams, George 
 Upon the fifth day, Bishop T. M. D. Ward, then 
 of the Fifth Episcopal District, was present with the 
 Conference, and warmly welcomed. It was a mat- 
 ter of regret that the Senior Bishop could not 
 be present with us, as invited by Bishop Camp- 
 bell. His letter of regret to the Conference is so 
 characteristic of his joy in good works that we give 
 it here in full: 
 " Reverend and Dear Colleague : 
 "Yours came to hand this morning, and this is to 
 *Rev. David White, ordained elder of the A. M. E. Zion Church, was 
 presented by the writer for full membership, coming to us recommended 
 by Rev. Cain Rogers, of the Alabama Conference, as a man " sound in faith 
 and (if good Christian character." He was received and placed on the list 
 of traveling elders. 
 say that I deeply regret that the state of my health 
 will not permit me to leave home at present. 
 "I had to leave home on the nth ult. for Tren- 
 ton to attend the jubilee occasioned by the emanci- 
 pation of our beautiful church from all its indebted- 
 ness — $8,000 — all raised and paid within thirteen 
 months after its dedication, and a second church 
 built besides, and half of its indebtedness reduced; 
 all, under God, accomplished through the tact, pluck 
 and common sense of Dr. Stevenson. Returning 
 home on the 26th, I had not the means to take a 
 sleeping car, and was exposed to draughts from a 
 poorly heated car. I contracted a severe cold, from 
 which I am now suffering, so that I dare not leave 
 home at present. 
 " I had proposed to winter this year at Jackson- 
 ville, Florida, and St. Augustine, but to accommo- 
 date Dr. Stevenson, all my plans have been de- 
 ranged. Should I recover in the next fortnight to 
 travel with safety, and I get the means, I will follow 
 you, if you will write again and let me know of 
 your movements. 
 " A trip through Southern Georgia and Florida, 
 would afford me no small enjoyment, because we 
 would be of mutual aid to each other and accom- 
 plish the greatest good by our joint labors. But 
 God's will be done. I suppose your cherished wife 
 has informed you of the fact that we have paid our 
 missionary to Hayti every cent of what we pledged 
 him. This is a noble work for one year, and to me 
 is an earnest of the future victories which the 
 great head of the church intends to accomplish 
 through the agency of the A. M. E. church. 
 " But this victory should not make us content. It 
 should rather cause us to redouble our efforts in be- 
 half of Jesus, and within the next twelve months be 
 prepared to send a missionary into the Spanish port 
 of that historic island which will, in the next hundred 
 years, pay us one hundred fold in the conversion of 
 souls, as well as in material wealth. The Lord 
 Jesus make this bring forth abundant fruit in all 
 ages. Fraternally, Payne." 
 This reference to our Haytian work, together with 
 Bishop Campbell's stirring address, so encouraged 
 the brethren as to the good being accomplished by 
 Rev. Mossell, our missionary, that a committee was 
 appointed to write him, assuring him of the support 
 and prayer of the Georgia Conference, and as a 
 substantial proof of the same, to send him a dona- 
 tion of fifty dollars. Prayer without work is like 
 faith without work. The two go hand in hand in 
 any successful undertaking, religious or secular. 
 The transfers from the work within this Confer- 
 ence were Rev. W. H. Harris and the writer, to 
 North Georgia; Rev. W. C. Gaines came into the 
 Georgia Conference. 
 For the first time in any Georgia Conference, on 
 the day preceding that of adjournment, the Bishop 
 read out the appointments, giving the certificates 
 the following day. The appointments were re- 
 ceived with general satisfaction. 
 The statistical tables show a considerable increase 
 over that of the previous year, and stamped the 
 Georgia as the banner Conference. The amount of 
 Dollar money raised was $2,009.97. The discus- 
 sion over the place at which the next session should 
 be held, resulted in the selection of Cuthbert, Ga., 
 where a Normal school was situated, one which the 
 Conference then had in mind to obtain possession of, 
 and place under our church. It was recognized 
 that this could be made a strong school for our min- 
 isters, if such could be done. 
 Madison, Georgia, was the place selected for the- 
 North Georgia Conference of 1879, and it assembled 
 there January 8, with Bishop J. P. Campbell, presid- 
 ing, Bishop T. M. D. Ware, then of the Fifth Dis- 
 trict, assisting. 
 It was made a law of this Conference, by motion 
 of Richard Harper, the Secretary of this session, 
 that each pastor bring to each annual session hereaf- 
 ter not less than one dollar for less than one hundred 
 members, and one cent per head for all over one hun- 
 dred members. This was to be used for defraying con- 
 tingent expenses, a deficit in the sum necessary for 
 that purpose occurring too frequently. In looking 
 over the statistical tables of 1878 and 1879, it was 
 noted that there was a decrease in membership} 
 according to these reports, from eleven thousand six 
 hundred and eighty-seven, to eleven thousand six 
 hundred and seventy-seven. It was small, it was 
 true, but the question asked was concerning the con- 
 sistency of such a decrease with the reports of revi- 
 vals. There was a fear expressed then that the 
 membership was being reduced because of the re- 
 quirements under the Dollar money law. Later the 
 same matter has been brought to our notice in several 
 sections, and we may have occasion to refer to it 
 Arrangements were entered into to create a fund 
 to aid in sending Bishop Campbell to the British 
 Wesleyan Conference, and a time set to elect two 
 delegates and alternates to the Electoral College, 
 meeting at Washington, Wilkes Co., Nov. 2, Oct. 
 1879. This was in preparation for the General Con- 
 ference of 1880. 
 A petition was also prepared looking to the proper 
 care of the blind colored children of the State of 
 Georgia. The regular State Blind Asylum was loca- 
 ted at Macon, under Prof. W. D. Williams as its 
 Principal, and there the white blind children received 
 every advantage. It seemed but just that an effort at 
 least should be made towards obtaining some of these 
 advantages for our own unfortunate ones. This res - 
 olution was prepared and sent to Prof. Williams, who 
 was a liberal and conservative man in his feeling to- 
 ward the colored people, born as he was with a kindly 
 disposition to aid weak humanity wherever found. 
 He in turn took up our cause and petitioned the State 
 Legislature to build an asylum for our blind children. 
 The result was that in 1881 the cornerstone of such 
 an institution was laid in Macon, Ga., and a building 
 erected and furnished with regular professors and 
 instructors. Its first Principal was Mr. Lewis Wil- 
 liams, a member of Cotton Avenue A. M. E. Church,. 
 and its Secretary for many years.* This is certainly 
 a lesson that we should do whatever comes to our 
 hand. Though we may not see clearly how we shall 
 obtain what we ask, we may rest assured that if it is 
 right that we should have it, it will be ours in due 
 time, and so we should not hesitate to undertake 
 those things that are in anyway for the bettering of 
 the condition of the race. There is, despite all our 
 troubles, a great deal of justice to be found residing 
 in human hearts, and we have but to knock, and keep 
 knocking, until it comes to our relief. 
 There was no election of elders this year, but the 
 deacons ordained were O. A. Wardell and G. H. 
 Holmes. Richard Smith, D. L. Durand, William 
 Ivey, N. J. McComb, M. D. Brookens, H. B. Parks, 
 Robert Richardson, C. H. Carter and Ralph Lawson 
 were admitted on trial. When this session adjourned, 
 January 15th, it was succeeded in a week by the 
 Georgia Conference, which opened at Cuthbert upon 
 the 22d, with a full roll of members, and before it 
 closed its visitor's roll was a lengthy one as well. 
 Bishop T. M. D. Ward was present as associate 
 Bishop with Bishop J. P. Campbell, and Rev. James 
 Porter was made Secretary, with Revs. S. H. Robert - 
 •son and Richard Harper, assistants. 
 The Annual Sermon was preached at Payne's 
 Chapel by Rev. Henry Strickland from the text in 
 Ecc. viii: 12, " Yet surely I know that it shall be well 
 *Mr. Lewis Williams, now deceased, was a remarkable man in many things. He 
 was not a graduate of any school, but Prof. W. D. Williams, who was then the Su- 
 perintendent of the Schools of Bibb Co., said that he always passed the best exam- 
 ination of any of the applicants who came before him. The writer can truthfully 
 say of him that he, with Mr. A. H. Hendricks, were the best church Secretaries 
 who have served him in his ministerial life. 
 with them that fear God, which fear before him." 
 This pioneer of African Methodism was " in the 
 spirit," and preached with fervor and acceptance to a 
 large congregation. 
 It was ruled that all moneys coming from the 
 charges, according to Discipline, must be reported 
 in the financial report, and that special donations 
 must come separately and be noticed separately upon 
 the minutes. This plan has certainly kept financial 
 matters in a much clearer condition and left the 
 records so plain that no caviling could thereafter be 
 indulged in on this head. The business of the church 
 is important, and the financial success of the same is 
 dependent upon the strict manner in which that 
 business is conducted, so that for this reason, and for 
 the purpose of avoiding all doubt and misunderstand- 
 ing concerning it, there should be the clearest and 
 the fullest possible statements. 
 When disciplinary questions were called, and the 
 response reached to " How much Dollar Money?" it 
 pleased the Conference to hear the report of one 
 thousand, sixty-two dollars and forty-five cents. 
 The preachers admitted on trial in the Georgia 
 Conference this year were, John Austin, W. C. Shel- 
 ton, Newrey Ellison, John H. Adams, Prince Davis, 
 Peter Smith, Prince Irwin, W. O. P. Sherman, S. G. 
 Burnett, W. C. Davis, of North Georgia^Conference } 
 E. H. Wilson, M. J. Ingraham, T. Mclver, D. W. 
 Wilson and George Washington. In the election of 
 deacons the following were set aside for ordination : 
 E. Lowrey, G. W. Neal, J. H. Harris, L. S. Beatty, 
 P. H. M. Brookens, A. Griffin, Elijah H. Watson,. 
 Judge Glenn, Allen Cooper, Alexander Glover, John 
 H. Caesar, Willis Lane, Thomas Williams, Adolphus 
 Freeny, Sandy D. Roseborough, William Hamilton, 
 John Hayes, G. W. Penny (for the Alabama Confer- 
 ence). Solomon M. Clarke and Benjamin F. Frank- 
 lin were made elders. J. G. Fleming withdrew from 
 the Connection this year. The number in Society- 
 was reported as fifteen thousand, eight hundred and. 
 forty-six members, with four thousand, eight hundred: 
 and fourteen probationers. With the exception of 
 two expulsions and two deaths, the ranks remained 
 unbroken save by transfers. David White and A. 
 S. Dunwoody were on the death list. Brother White 
 was a young man of twenty- five years and a com- 
 parative stranger to us. He came from the Zion 
 Church and joined the Conference in 1878, being 
 stationed at Sandersville. Rev. A. S. Dunwoody 
 joined the Georgia Conference in 1869, before the 
 division, and had filled in these ten years some of the 
 most important appointments upon Circuits and 
 Missions. He was on the Andersonville Circuit at 
 the time of his death. Both of these brethren left 
 families to mourn their loss. Appropriate and touch- 
 ing respect was paid to their memories as to those 
 who die triumphant in the saving faith. 
 An exciting debate arose over the course of study 
 prepared for the ministry, and the easy access now 
 afforded men to enter the holy offices of the Church. 
 It was wisely urged that the brethren be careful lest 
 the doors swing open so wide that many unquali- 
 lied ones enter ; but the persons under discussion 
 being deemed as fully complying with the law they 
 "were admitted to orders. 
 Brother McGhee, pastor of the M. E. Church 
 South, and of the building we were occupying through 
 his kindly tender, visited the Conference and ex- 
 pressed hearty greetings. Dr. Hamilton, of the An- 
 drew Female College, was also present and endorsed 
 all of the sentiments of the eloquent address with 
 which Bishop Campbell welcomed them, but when it 
 came time for Bishop Ward to be called for, he 
 declined, intimating, in brief, that he had lived long 
 enough to learn to leave well enough alone, so he 
 simply most heartily endorsed all that "which had 
 been so beautifully said. 
 As the General Conference had, at its last session 
 in Atlanta, appointed Bishop J. P. Campbell to visit 
 England and represent African Methodism in the 
 British Wesleyan General Conference to be held in 
 London, Aug., 1879, it behooved the Georgia Con- 
 ference to do its share toward arranging for its ex- 
 penses to meet this body in a manner fitting to our 
 Church. This assembly was to be that known as 
 the " One Hundred" — the number of men upon whom 
 alone devolved the general direction and continuation 
 of the British Wesleyan Methodist Church, as inau- 
 gurated by Wesley himself. Over ten years before 
 Bishop D. A. Payne had been present at their open- 
 ing, but up to this date (1879) there had been no 
 legal representative from among us to meet them, 
 and it was time that the A. M. E. Church, with its 
 sturdy growth, reached across the waters with fra- 
 ternal messages to that body — the root of Metho- 
 A private matter required some consideration at 
 the hands of this Annual Conference, and as it is one 
 from which we suffer at times even now, it may with, 
 propriety be mentioned here. The unusually lengthy 
 roll of visitors has been referred to, but there were 
 more than these. The Bishop presiding informed 
 the Conference that he had learned that this large 
 number in attendance — approaching one hundred — 
 explained their presence by saying that they were 
 invited by their elders. This statement was produc- 
 tive of some considerable consternation, which seized 
 upon each member of Conference — each man asking, 
 himself if he was the one who had thus been so hos- 
 pitable for other people. It was a lesson. Our peo- 
 ple were not wealthy — are not as a rule to-day — and 
 the support of legitimate members of such a body is 
 often a serious tax. What then must be the result: 
 of these careless, thoughtless invitations which may 
 precipitate a host of equally careless and thoughtless 
 visitors upon an already overtaxed, yet usually un- 
 complaining people. Christian charity calls for the 
 utmost discretion in these matters. The host in all 
 cases should provide entertainment for his guests. 
 The Electoral College which was to meet at Val- 
 dosta on the second Wednesday in June, called for 
 *Bishop Payne was present when, on his first visit to England in 1867, ard ire 
 his " Recollections of Seventy Years," most vividly describes the meeting of this- 
 body, and the simple, impressive ceremony attending the installation of the new- 
 President, together with certain customs most interesting to note. 
 election of lay delegates to the next General Confer- 
 ence, and arrangements were made to this end. 
 When the appointments were given out Bishop 
 Campbell gave pertinent admonition to the minis- 
 ters, closing with the warning that every minister 
 would do well to bear in mind when he receives 
 his notice of new work. The Bishop said, as only he 
 could say, "Get to your places as soon as possible, 
 else the devil will get there first." Brother John 
 Hays was transferred from the North Georgia as a 
 There were those who felt that the work of the 
 Georgia Conference was even now becoming too 
 large for the one body to carry on, and Rev. C. L. 
 Bradwell took a step leading to arrangements for 
 another Conference to be known as the Middle 
 Georgia Conference, but his motion failed of a 
 second. Still it was a step showing our growth and 
 the appreciation of our necessities. In 1872 — the 
 year before the former division — the old Georgia 
 Conference reported two hundred and seventy-five 
 local preachers. The Georgia Conference of 1879 
 have as a total in its seven Presiding Elder Districts 
 two hundred and eighty-four ; so it is seen that 
 the same reasons pressed now as then. But the 
 time was not yet ripe, and wisdom suggested that 
 were another division to be made it would be well to 
 bear in mind that the younger Conference (North 
 Georgia) was growing as well, and Georgia African 
 Methodism would be best promoted by consulting 
 her in any step which looked to reapportioning the 
 work in the State, or in any sense beginning the 
 work of extension in ^detail. Some changes were 
 made, however, looking to the more even distribu- 
 tion of work in Southern Georgia. 
 Jessup was attached to Savannah District and to 
 Jones Creek Circuit. St. Mary's Church and Dry 
 Springs Circuit were detached from Israel Chapel, in 
 Thomasville District, and attached to Atapulgus 
 Church, to be known as Atapulgus Mission. Water- 
 fall schoolhouse was added to Dry Springs Circuit, 
 and Cochran Church to Camilla, to be known as 
 Camilla Mission. Bibb County Circuit lost Sego 
 Church, and Fort Valley Circuit, Allen's Crossing — 
 the two to be made a Mission to Stinsonville and 
 Allen Chapel Circuit, including the Garrett Church ; 
 Mt. Airy Church was taken from Muscogee County 
 Circuit and Mt. Camodore Church, to be a Mission 
 to Mt. Gilead and Pine Grove Circuit, the Munroe 
 Graveyard Church to be attached to Stinsonville and 
 Allen's Chapel Circuit. Cuthbert Circuit was dis- 
 turbed to the extent of taking Bethel Church from 
 the Florence Circuit, and Springhill and Smithville 
 from Bluff Springs Circuit, the three to form a new 
 Circuit to be known as Smithville Circuit, also a 
 new Mission to be known as Stewart County Mis- 
 sion. Bethel Church to be detached from Lumpkin 
 Circuit and attached to Webster County Circuit. 
 Other changes were made in the remaining districts: 
 Americus was to have a new Circuit— Cedar Creek — 
 Mahaly's Chapel, from Beuna Vista Circuit, to be at- 
 tached to it. St. Mark's and St. Luke's were to be 
 detached from Tabernacle, and anew Circuit formed — ■ 
 the Bradford Circuit. Smithville was made a station 
 and Lee county a Circuit, under the name of Lees- 
 burg Circuit. Beal Church was to be called the 
 Albany Circuit, and anew Mission formed — the Leary 
 and Williamsboro Mission. 
 Sandersville had an equal number of changes: 
 Wrightville, from Laurens County Circuit, helped 
 form a new Circuit, including Buckeye, to be known 
 as Wrightville. Mt. Pulin and Middle Hill, from 
 Sandersville, gave another, including Sandy Run ; 
 Harris Church, Minton Spring and Bottom were to 
 be detached from Davisboro Circuit and Bottom Cir- 
 cuit formed, taking in Hunt's Station and Clear 
 Spring. Gibson Circuit was formed by taking Gib- 
 son from New Llope Circuit and adding Deep Creek 
 and Bethlehem. Summerville Circuit, too, was made 
 up by detaching Summerville from Swanesboro Mis- 
 sion and including "Nine-and-a-half," Noah's Ark 
 and Gobait Hill. Valdosta District had three new 
 Circuits — Blackshear, Pierce County and Charlton 
 County Circuit — so that we saw the work was growing 
 to the extent that division must soon again be neces- 
 Among the appointments this year, St. Philip's, in 
 Savannah, received Rev. Wm. H. Noble ; St. James, 
 in Columbus District, Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, and St. 
 John's, Rev. R. B. Bailey. 
 Upon the 7th of January, 1880, the seventh ses- 
 sion of the North Georgia Conference assembled in 
 Cotton Avenue, A. M. E. Church, Macon, where 
 the writer was then stationed. Bishop Campbell 
 presided. It was the last year of his work in the 
 District, and he prefaced the work before him at 
 this session by a short address — at once of greeting 
 and farewell, a model of the kind, and paternally 
 Rev. R. Harper was made Secretary, with Revs. 
 J. B. Warren and A. W. Lowe, assistants. The 
 annual sermon was preached by Rev. A. W. Lowe, 
 of Atlanta District. Sabbath appointments were 
 also filled at Cotton Avenue Church, Presbyterian; 
 First Baptist, Congregational, Allen Chapel, (East 
 Macon) First Congregational, and also at Tinson- 
 ville. It was a day of feasts, participated in at these 
 places respectively, by Bishop Campbell, Revs. R. 
 A. Hall, J. M. Townsend, D. M. McGhee, R. Gra- 
 ham, Richard Harper, W. H. Harris, H. H. Hollo- 
 way, George Washington, H. T. Cargile, J. B. 
 Warner, C. S. Green, Anthony Johnson, Martin 
 Wright, Abner Blount, H. C. Boyd. 
 The Bishop's address was as follows: 
 "My Dear Brethren: I feel glad to be once 
 more in the presence of the North Georgia Confer- 
 ence, after an absence of nearly twelve months. 
 "Since last we met varied has been our experi- 
 ence. Each of us have had the ' mingled ciip.' I 
 have had, and have now, many causes for sorrow as 
 well as some for joy. As for the sorrows I can 
 call God to witness I have determined by His grace 
 to endure them all until he sayeth, 'Enough', for 
 by the grace of God I expect some day ere long, 
 to find rest from the turmoils of this rugged life. 
 I often desire, but am willing to wait, his appointed 
 time. One of the causes of present sorrow is, I 
 realize that at the close of this Conference I shall 
 part with dear and faithful brethren, with whom I 
 have been pleasantly associated during the past 
 'Quadrennial Term.' Yea, part to meet never again 
 until the ' general roll ' shall summon us around the 
 'throne.' Their conduct, conversation and faithful 
 labor have endeared them to me. They are lovers 
 of the church. They have manifested that love by 
 the faithful services rendered. They are true as 
 steel. With such thoughts as these I can but feel 
 sad. I love those that love the A. M. E. Church — 
 those that are true to her whether near the Bishop 
 or not. Such ones can be trusted, such men are 
 here to-day. Wherever I go I will speak well of 
 them, will mention them to my successors, for they 
 must be cared for. We cannot do all we desire for 
 you at once, but it shall be done by degrees; go on, 
 take care of that assigned you, build up the church. 
 God has brought me thus far along the 'lane of 
 life.' What He has done for me He will do for you. 
 Only trust him. 
 "Some of you must and will catch the mantle of 
 Payne, Brown, Shorter, Ward, Wayman, Campbell 
 and lots of other veterans that shall soon pass away. 
 Only hold your way. Men may rise against you 
 in the power of the evil one, but be pure and they 
 can do you no harm. That which they produce to 
 do you harm will do you good. Be strong in the 
 Lord of hosts. Ever pray, labor and watch for the 
 success of Zion." 
 The Bishop's remarks were received with tear- 
 ful applause. The Bishop's wife was with us, and 
 with a large number of other visitors, helped add 
 to the interest of the session, which was one of the 
 most interesting sessions the North Georgia Con- 
 ference has witnessed. Among these visitors we 
 noted Dr. J. O. A. Clark, Dr. Key, Rev. Robert Kent, 
 and Rev. W. H. Francis, all of the M. E. Church, 
 South; Rev. C. McCurdy, of the Presbyterian 
 Church, and Rev. Henry Lathrop, of the Congrega- 
 tionalism with Revs. G. H. Davis, G. R. Mitchel 
 and Henry Williams, of the Baptist. 
 Dr. H. M. Turner delivered an able address upon 
 the demands for intelligence and the promulgation 
 of our own literature, intimating that the coming 
 Conference would revise and advance the course of 
 studies. Dr. Turner also spoke in glowing terms 
 of the deceased Bishop Haven, of the M. E. Church, 
 our friend — a man and brother. 
 The ordination service was very solomnly con- 
 ducted by Bishop Campbell, assisted by Revs. A. 
 Brown, R. A. Hall, H. J. Gaines, D. J. McGhee, 
 Peter McLain and R. Harper. The deacons were 
 Thomas Screen, G. Parks, S. McClearen, J. W. 
 Thornton, John Tolliver, Shadrack Brown, Evan 
 Davis, A. S. Jackson; elders, J. B. Warner and W. 
 A. Pierce. Revs. P. B. Peters, W. H. Heard, J. 
 R. Gay, S. G. Gary, Homer Shaw, H. W. Madi- 
 son, W. L. Bowdre, Willis Davis, S. Prichard,. 
 Alexander Smith, J. H. Hamilton, Thomas Screen,. 
 D. M. Pailsard, J. W. Kelley, J. H. Hill, Henry 
 Hunt, J. H. Rucker, W. J. Hall, R. J. Bailey, Gif- 
 ford Clarke, Miles Davis, William Upshaw, were 
 admitted on trial. 
 The election of delegates to General Conference, 
 resulted in Revs. W. J. Gaines, A. Brown, J. A. 
 Wood, D. J. McGhee, A. W. Lowe, A. J. Miller, 
 R. A. Hall, A. Gonickie, R. Harper, I. S. Hamil- 
 ton, with M. E. Cox, W. H. Harris, P. McLain, 
 George Washington, J. A. Davis, C. W. Warren, 
 J. B. Lofton, R. Graham, L. S. Smith and E. A. 
 Shephard, as alternates. The electoral college of 
 Oct. 8, 1879, had elected W - H - Harrison and J. W. 
 Brooks as lay delegates, with Harrison, Harris and 
 C. C. Cargile, alternates. 
 The Committee on Instructions to General Con- 
 ference Delegates recommended several changes 
 in its report, such as the establishment of a Branch 
 Book Repository in Atlanta and other cities; a 
 change in the composition of General Conference, 
 giving one delegate to every fifteen members, and no 
 Annual Conference less than four itinerant dele- 
 gates; the abolishment of traveling agency, and the 
 composition of the Board of Managers of the Church 
 to consist of the Bench of Bishops and one travel- 
 ing preachers from each Episcopal District; that the 
 Presiding Elder system be deemed desirable to be 
 made obligatory throughout the connection instead 
 of optional; also in endorsing the Wesleyan Monu- 
 mental Church movement, that action be taken for 
 placing therein a Tablet commemorative of the hon- 
 ored dead of our church.* 
 The Sunday-school review, which was held at 
 this Conference, was productive of good to 
 school and congregation, stimulating both to a 
 greater work. 
 Bishop Campbell was to leave the work in Geor- 
 gia at this session, and a committee brought in the 
 proper resolutions of regret and respect and God 
 speed, asking only, in its own words, " that when his 
 work is ended he may bind his sheaves together, 
 and shout the harvest home." God grant that it 
 *The General Conference moved the composition of Conference, to con- 
 sist of Bishops, General Officers, not less than two delegates from each 
 Annual Conference, or one for every twenty members in each, and two 
 lay delegates from each, in 1888. The General Conference ordered the es- 
 tablishment of a branch Repository, and the publication of the Southern 
 Christian Recorder. The Presiding Elder system is now universal in the 
 church. The Tablet Ordinance was ordered, and a window was placed in 
 the Wesley Monumental Church in honor of the A. M. E. Church. 
 may be a joyous end to a well-spent life when He 
 shall choose to call His servant up higher. 
 The membership reported by the North Georgia 
 Conference this year was 12,937, with 3,040 proba- 
 tioners. Bishop Campbell mentioned the necessity 
 of a correct report of this, as our history demanded 
 it, and others were constantly asking for accurate 
 facts concerning us. The Dollar Money reached 
 $2,168.30. As Bishop Campbell had attended the 
 British Conference in the interval since the last ses- 
 sion, the members were desirous of a sketch of his 
 visit, which he gave characteristically in the follow- 
 ing, as briefly reported in the summing up of his 
 remarks in the record : 
 " Among the many acts of the General Confer- 
 ence of 1876, one of the greatest was the appoint- 
 ing of Fraternal Delegates to the Mother Confer- 
 ence. We think (and are proud to state it) that 
 the idea originated among the young men of the 
 "The British Wesleyan Conference is composed 
 of 756 men, in which is the 'Legal Hundred.' 
 Wesley was chief in the church for fifty years. At 
 his death it took one hundred men to equal him ; 
 hence the ' Legal Hundred.' If one of the Legal 
 men dies the senior member takes his place. If 
 more than one, the vacancies are rilled by election. 
 They have an annual election of Presidents. Each 
 ex-President is seated at the right hand of the Pres- 
 ident. All grave questions are submitted to the ex- 
 Presidents before being given to the Assembly. 
 All actions of the Conference must be sanctioned by 
 the Legal Hundred before they become a law. 
 " Such, in part, is the august body before which I 
 appeared after a pleasant voyage of eleven days 
 upon the briny deep. And then there was a long 
 waiting in the waiting room for them to examine my 
 credentials, for it is a terrible job to get before the 
 Legal Hundred. After getting before them, they 
 desired me to say all I had to say in twenty 
 minutes, which (as those who know me well 
 know) was a hard job. Twenty minutes! Three 
 thousand miles at an enormous expense to speak 
 twenty minutes! 7 Well, I told them I'd say what 
 I could, and managed to say just enough to cause 
 them to extend the time twenty minutes longer. At 
 the end of forty minutes I had said enough for them 
 to cry, ' Go on; go on! Say all you want to say.' 
 Then I went on and told my story. I found they 
 had vague ideas relative to the status of the col- 
 ored people of America, especially in the Southern 
 States. They knew but little of the African Meth- 
 odist Episcopal Church. We had been misrepre- 
 sented to them. We had been laid before them as 
 mushrooms, Jonah-gourd affairs, bad as could be, 
 and the Southern portion a little worse. 
 " I told them differently. I told them of work 
 done, and being done, in the South by faithful men 
 of the M. E. Church South. 1 told them of Capers, 
 Pierce and others. Their eyes were closed. I 
 knocked them open. I told them there was a leaven 
 at work in the South that would make in days these 
 to equal any other nation in laboring for the ad- 
 vancement of the cause of Christ, and the spread 
 of intelligence among all people, irrespective of 
 race, color or previous condition." 
 So closed one of the most interesting Confer- 
 ences we have held in Georgia. 
 Americus, Ga., when the Georgia Annual Con- 
 ference met there in 1880, January 21, was the 
 sixth city in rank in the State, Atlanta, Savannah, 
 Augusta, Macon and Columbus respectively out- 
 ranking it in the order given; but it was of suffi- 
 cient size to entertain the body amply, though it 
 consisted of 165 members, 8 Presiding Elders, 53 
 itinerant elders, 3 local elders, 3 superannuated el- 
 ders, 53 itinerant deacons, 6 local deacons, 39 
 traveling licentiates, while the visitors roll bore 
 only a record of five visitors from North Georgia, 
 among whom was the writer and Rev. J. M. Town- 
 send, Secretary of the Parent Home and Foreign 
 Missionary Society. To these we must add the 
 many unrecorded friends from other churches who 
 were present, and manifested much interest through- 
 out the session. 
 Campbell Chapel was sufficiently able to contain 
 all, and promptly at 9 a. m., Bishop Campbell 
 opened the session after the hymn with a fervent 
 and impressive prayer, after which he read and com- 
 mented upon Acts, chapter I. 
 Rev. Wm. D.Johnson was made Secretary, Rev. 
 S. H. Robertson, Assistant Secretary, and Rev* 
 James Porter, Statistical Secretary. The commit- 
 tees were appointed and the business of the Con- 
 ference was begun. One new committee — two 
 from each of the seven districts — was appointed 
 upon new Annual Conference and Presiding Elder 
 Districts, with Rev. S. H. Robertson, as chairman. 
 Little Bethel Church and Muller Church, of Sa- 
 vannah, the Daughters of Conference, the St. 
 Philip's Sunday-school, with its Daughters of Con- 
 ference, the Missionary Society of St. Thomas 
 Church, Thomasville; the Florence Missionary So- 
 ciety and Sunday-school; Albany Sunday-school, 
 Bethel Church, Savannah, Burke county Sunday- 
 school, Taylor Chapel, Bainbridge, Muller Church, 
 Jefferson County Circuit Sunday-school, Boston 
 Missionary Society, the Good Samaritans of 
 Tabernacle Church, Bluff Springs Sunday-school, 
 Andersonville Sunday-school, Daughters of Confer- 
 ence, of Valdosta; Culter Church, Groversville Cir- 
 cuit, Daughters of Conference, of Tabernacle 
 Church ; Arlington, Groversville Sunday-school, 
 Talbotton Chapel, Daughters of Conference of Sum- 
 merville — all donated sums of money to Conference. 
 They are mentioned here that the reader may know 
 something of the spirit which has actuated the 
 members of the A. M. E. Church from the first to 
 give of their little to the cause of Christ in the church 
 of their choice. This has occurred at many ses- 
 sions. The sums are mostly small, but " many a 
 mickle makes a muckle " is a favorite saying of the 
 thrifty Scotchman, and one the negro race must 
 fully comprehend. 
 For years this Church has been aided in its sup- 
 port by these mites, and there is not one in the vari- 
 ous Conferences throughout the connection that 
 does not feel his heart warming toward those who 
 are thus striving to help according to their ability. 
 All the interests of the Church, both individual and 
 corporate, seem to be resting upon the hearts of 
 those who thus aid, for the cause to be helped by 
 these sums sent are usually specified. 
 Upon the second day the election for delegates to 
 General Conference, which was to meet in St. Louis 
 in the following May, took place with the following 
 result: Revs. W. H. Noble, H. H. Taylor and C. 
 L. Bradwell acting as tellers : Elder S. H. Rob- 
 ertson, Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, E. P. Holmes, W. 
 H. Noble, James Porter, G. W. H. Williams, S. 
 W. Drayton, D. T. Green, W. C. Gaines, J. A. 
 Cary, Mansfield Dillard. The alternates were J. W. 
 Crayton, L. H. Smith, A. J. Johnson, Prince Gad- 
 sen, R. B. Bailey, W. H. Powell, M. O. Boddie, 
 Henry Strickland, Samuel George. The lay dele- 
 gates were A. H. Hendricks, L. J. Lester, with J. 
 C. Erby and Allen French, as alternates. 
 Arrangements were also made whereby the lay 
 delegates should receive a proportional part of the 
 money raised for General Conference delegations, 
 the pastors being required to raise two cents per 
 member towards the sum necessary for all delegates' 
 The news of the serious illness of Bishop J. M._ 
 Brown having reached the Conference it immedi- 
 ately proceeded to prayer and supplication on his 
 behalf. A telegram was also sent to the Bishop's wife 
 expressive of the action of Conference, with its sin- 
 cere sympathy. Thanks to God the good Bishop 
 was spared to the Church and race, and yet lives, 
 doing vigorous work for the causes nearest his 
 Among the visitors was Rev. Samuel Anthony, 
 of the M. E. Church South, who, after an interest- 
 ing speech by Bishop Campbell, explanatory of 
 the position of the A. M. E. Church and its pros- 
 pects, addressed the Conference. Having entered 
 the itineracy in 1832, he could speak as one having 
 authority, more especially as he had traveled through- 
 out the State of Georgia, preaching to both races 
 during these years. One saying he placed before 
 the young men worthy of being treasured up in 
 every young man's heart : " Let the young men 
 remember that the greatest of all blessings is piety, 
 love to God and man." 
 Seventeen preachers were admitted on trial. 
 Eight deacons were elected and ordained, and one 
 reobligated; these were Rev. John Austin, Daniel 
 Jones, Joseph Collier, [Marshall Stephens, Dawson 
 George Wilson, Enoch H. Wilson, Modern Joseph 
 Ingraham, Jeremiah Cox. William Williams was 
 re-obligated. The elders elected this year were 
 James F. Campfield, Marcus^R. Granderson, Daniel 
 O. Alexander, Lewis Cooper, John W. Wynn r . 
 Morgan Smith, Henry H. Williams, George S. Davis, 
 Richard Brooks, Samuel J. Thomas. James F. 
 Farrier was re-obligated to the same office. 
 No one had located, no one had withdrawn, but 
 Gabriel Clark had died at the three-score limit 
 of life. He was on the superannuated list. He had 
 been a member of the church for 45 years, and had 
 preached for 30 years. He had joined the A. M. 
 E. Church at the Conference in Columbus, in 1878. 
 He died the death of the righteous, and went home 
 gladly to meet his wife who had preceded him. 
 Rev. Semenson Gardener was transferred from 
 the North Georgia Conference to this. The Com- 
 mittees' reports were unusually full and strong. It 
 was claimed with every justice that our high relig- 
 ious position was but the result of Missionary ef- 
 fort — and individual effort at that — which had re- 
 sulted in the establishment of churches in almost 
 every State of the Union. It was as justly claimed 
 that the growth and strength of the church must 
 depend upon the amount of territory occupied, 
 therefore the necessity of foreign missions and an 
 aggressive policy, such as is used by other denom- 
 inations, so as to keep rank with the workers in 
 the great Christian field — the world. 
 The Committee " on the Exodus," made such a 
 pertinent report that, if space permitted, the writer 
 would be constrained, in view of the present agita- 
 tion of the subject by both races, politicians, literary 
 men, ministers and laymen, to present it as a whole, 
 that it may indicate to future generations the atti- 
 tude of their forefathers in the Empire State of the 
 South at a time when sorely pressed by the conflict 
 which comes when a race, struggling to free itself 
 from ignorance and vice, presses into the upper air 
 of freedom, equality and prosperity : 
 " The subject of emigration is pregnant of vital' 
 results, and has engaged the attention of all nations, 
 not merely because, as the old maxim has it, that dis- 
 tance lends enchantment, but because it has ever 
 been the means of individual and social advancement, 
 to mankind. Waiving any interpretation of Cain's 
 emigration to Nod, we might say that the measure 
 was inaugurated at the foot of Babel's cloud-piercing 
 tower, and has been sanctioned by the nations of: 
 antiquity and of modern times. The voice of history 
 proclaims the wisdom of emigration, viewed from 
 any point of consideration," etc., etc. 
 The writer could not wholly endorse the views set 
 forth, but the report itself was a remarkable one,. 
 bristling with historical facts in proof of this last as- 
 sertion. Some wholesome advice was also tendered 
 in the following passage: "If our people desire to 
 emigrate, they ought to send out inspecting agents,, 
 or write the Governor of the State for maps, charts- 
 and other information." The principal causes set 
 forth were, "political persecution and the poverty of 
 the land." 
 There was a marked increase noticeable among 
 the members of the Conference in the tendency to- 
 ward study, and the report on Education drew atten- 
 tion to the fact that this tendency was not confined 
 to the ministry. The colored population throughout 
 the State, and especially that portion presided over 
 by the Georgia Conference, was on the road of 
 wonderful progress, as a whole. 
 Our Church school — Wilberforce — was looking 
 toward greater usefulness, and the Conference 
 recognized its claim to each minister's hearty sup- 
 port in pushing forward the work. 
 There was no recommendation this year from the 
 committee for another Annual Conference, as was 
 expected the last session, but various changes were 
 made in circuits and stations, which had reached 
 already an unwieldy number to properly control and 
 provide for. 
 The representatives of the Methodist Church, as 
 a whole, irrespective of slight differences in titles, 
 having united with the M. E. Church in the erection 
 of a Memorial Chapel, in Savannah, Ga., to Rev. 
 John Wesley, the common founder of the church in 
 all its branches, the Conference expressed its ap- 
 proval of the work, which was to be known as 
 Wesley Memorial Church, and recommended the 
 individual aid of all members toward its completion. 
 It was certainly fitting that the African Methodists 
 should unite with the others in raising this splendid 
 memorial, which would not be complete in its idea 
 without their hand in the enterprise. The North 
 Georgia Conference had approved the plan and 
 pledged financial aid; the College of Bishops had 
 endorsed it, and it now received strong advocacy 
 with the Georgia Conference through its agent, Dr. 
 J. O. A. Clark, who, being unable to be present on 
 account of illness, wrote an urgent appeal. 
 It was a step toward unity of the various Method- 
 isms — unity in spirit, at least — and an effort to pre- 
 serve not only this, but the purity of true Wesleyan 
 Methodism. Our present share in this enterprise 
 has been already mentioned, as well as the circum- 
 stances attending our contributions. 
 The Presiding Elders stood by the Bishop's ap- 
 pointment, as follows, for the ensuing year: Sa- 
 vannah District, Rev. Henry Strickland; Thomas- 
 ville, District, Rev. G. W. H. Williams; Columbus 
 District, Rev. E. P. Holmes; Americus District, 
 Rev. William Raven; Cuthbert District, Rev. S. 
 H. Robertson; Valdosta District, Rev. J. T. Cray- 
 ton; Sandersville District, Rev. S. W. Drayton; 
 Albany District, Rev. Henry Porter. 
 Our beloved Bishop Campbell had been with us 
 for four successful years. No Bishop that ever pre- 
 sided over the Southern States, made the impression 
 that he did as a pulpit orator. He swayed all au- 
 diences, white and colored, and was a magnet to 
 draw all to hear him. Dr. J. O. A. Clark, himself 
 one of the ablest ministers of the M. E. Church 
 South, said, on hearing him preach at Macon in 
 1880, that he was to be compared with Bishop Mar- 
 vin and Rev. Munsey of the M. E. Church South. 
 We were now upon the verge of another Gen- 
 eral Conference, and a brief survey of some of the 
 statistics of this annual Conference may not be 
 wholly uninteresting. Members in Society were 
 reported as 16,772, with 4,068 probationers, as 
 against 14,228 and 4,361 in 1876. The local 
 preachers had increased from 255 to 336 and the 
 number of churches from 175 to 241, their value 
 standing as $187,017.00 as compared with $i57>- 
 752.80, with 36 parsonages valued at $7,564.00 in- 
 stead of 21. The Sunday-schools numbered 263 
 with 13,945 scholars, 291 superintendents, 738 
 teachers and 10,344 volumes in library, against 190 
 in 1876 with 10,099 scholars, 187 superintendents, 
 520 teachers, 7,836 volumes. In moneys raised and 
 distributed, 85,191.48 had gone for support of 
 Presiding Elders, $21,673.57 for pastors; the con- 
 tingent money raised was $13,490, and for benevo- 
 lence, $1,765.84, as against $431.02 for Presiding 
 Elder's salary, $16,266.94 ^ or pastors, $155.11 for 
 contingent and $644.71 for benevolence. While 
 the Dollar money in 1876 reached $2,010.50, in 
 1S80 it was $21,673.57, and the Sunday-school 
 money which was then $1,123.55 had reached $10,- 
 344. It was a showing of no mean growth in four 
 years. From six presiding elder districts we had 
 reached eight, and no member of the Georgia 
 Conference had need to feel any shame when the 
 General Conference should take a survey of the 
 field which had first felt the ploughshare of the 
 church fourteen years. 
 Georgia was ready, too, for what followed at the 
 deliberations of that body w r hich recognized the 
 worth of her men of might when it placed one of 
 her foremost sons in a Bishop's seat, — Dr. H. M. 
 Turner, who was elected on the first ballot — a place 
 his long and vigorous labors in the State from the 
 inception of the church there had worthily won for 
 African Methodism in the South was henceforth 
 to be a factor of immense power, when R. H. Cain, 
 of South Carolina, another strong worker, was 
 placed beside him on the third ballot, to serve the 
 church with the talented Wm. F. Dickerson, who 
 was elected on the second ballot, both of whom 
 were to be called so soon from labor to reward, a 
 loss to the church, the race, humanity and the 
 world at large. 
 In the year 1881, the first Conference to convene 
 was that of North Georgia, which assembled in 
 Wheat Street Church, Atlanta, January 5. Rev. 
 R. A. Hall was then pastor of that church. 
 Bishop Wm. F. Dickerson, one of the newly 
 elected Bishops and the one appointed to preside for 
 the next four years over the work which included 
 Georgia, was present to open the session. He was 
 alone, as his predecessor, Bishop Campbell, was 
 unable to meet him there. From the first, Bishop 
 Dickerson began his work systematically. A "Bus- 
 iness Directory" was issued to each member of the 
 Conference, and all business conducted according to 
 it. He also immediately called the attention of 
 Conference to another matter alluded to several 
 times in this volume. In stating to the Conference 
 the prominence of the State of Georgia over all 
 other States, — its amount of taxation upon the col- 
 ored people greater than in any ether, — and then 
 of the necessity of the African Methodist Episcopal 
 Church in Georgia being in the front rank in eccle- 
 siastical matters as becomes the only Church as rep- 
 resentative of the colored race, therefore he recom- 
 mended preparing for the future generation some 
 record which would be of benefit to them and the 
 By this measure we find a chronological account 
 inserted in the Georgia Minutes after this date. 
 This gives the admission, ordinations and appoint- 
 ments of the ministers composing the Conference, 
 with date of the same. For this wise provision the 
 future generations will give hearty thanks. 
 The enterprise which has developed into Morris 
 Brown College took more definite form in the shape 
 of resolutions and pledges to select a site and aid in 
 payment for it. This movement received most 
 hearty acceptance and promises of support. The 
 matter was then referred to the Georgia Confer- 
 ence, meeting on the 19th inst., for co-operation. 
 At this date our educational work consisted of two 
 normal high schools, — at Cartersville and Sparta 
 — under our direct jurisdiction. 
 At one of the sessions of this Conference Bishop 
 Dickerson stated that he came to his work in the 
 South with many leading ideas, of which two were 
 especially prominent in his thoughts — "promulga- 
 tion of Christian education and the spread of Mis- 
 sionary work among his people. He held it was 
 not color that made the negro inferior, but ignorance 
 and poverty; that education and opulence would 
 break down all barriers in the future. 
 The report of the Committee on Education was 
 adopted when brought in, and enthusiasm raised to 
 that pitch that it seemed a small thing to appropri- 
 ate eight hundred dollars as the first payment toward 
 the prospective school from this one Conference. It 
 was news to gladden our hearts that a high normal 
 school was to be built for us also at Eatonton. 
 Surely the day of great things was about to dawn 
 upon us. 
 But four preachers were admitted on trial: Daniel 
 Strickland, W. H. Harrison, E. Roberts, James Lake» 
 Twelve deacons and fourteen elders were elected 
 and ordained. The former were Reuben L. Law- 
 son, John F. Belsaw, Wm. Ivy, Edward Dillard, 
 Richard Butts. John J. Belt, Madison D. Brookens, 
 Richard M.Smith, Leonard G. Gary, Preston B. 
 Peters, Wm. H. Heard, Jordan R. Gay. The El- 
 ders were Aaron S. Jackson, Sandy S. Lester, Wm. 
 Duncan, Howard T. Cargill, Milton N. Nelson, 
 Matthew Taylor, Oscar A. Waddle, Hillard D. 
 Bush, Peter Cruse, Washington Campbell, B. R. 
 Glass, Wm. L. Bowdre, S. A. Bush and J. H. King 
 were re-obligated. 
 A. R. Spencer withdrew this year, and Joshua D. 
 Hall had died. One thing noticeable is the few 
 losses which occur by withdrawal from us. Georgia 
 has suffered but little from this, and experience goes 
 to show that the same is true in other States. 
 Brother Hall was on Monroe County Circuit at his 
 The sermons of this session, as a whole, were re- 
 markable, given as they were upon the Sabbath 
 by the Bishop presiding, Rev. J. M. Townsend, cor- 
 responding secretary of the Missionary Society and 
 the writer at Bethel Church; Revs. C. H. Boyd, J. 
 B. Lofton and J. A. Davis at Wood's Chapel; Revs. 
 Washington Campbell, M. E. Cox and A. S. Jack- 
 son at Shiloh Church; Revs. J. B. Warner and H. 
 T. Cargill at the First Congregational church; 
 Revs. J. R. Gay, W. H. Heard and L. G. Gary at 
 St. Paul's Chapel; and Revs. C. S. Green, W. C. 
 Warren, J. F. Brown at the M. E. Church. Decatur 
 street church was supplied by Revs. Matthews Tay- 
 lor, Edward Dillard and others. They were listened 
 to by many of the white citizens, among them His 
 Excellency, Gov. A. H. Colquitt, Revs. J. W. 
 Heidt and C. A. Evans, of the M. E. Church South. 
 The exercises of the Sabbath-school were especially 
 pleasing with essays from even the little children. 
 Gov. Colquitt and Rev. C. A. Evans visited the 
 Conference the following day, and made remarks 
 which were full of brotherly kindness and cheer. 
 The reports from the Presiding Elders were en- 
 couraging, the spiritual and temporal advancement 
 going on hand in hand in nearly all cases. Some 
 new points have been added to the Atlanta District 
 under P. E. Richard Graham. A total of two 
 thousand twelve hundred and forty dollars made up 
 the Dollar Money. 
 The transfers consisted of Rev. S. B. Jones, John 
 Whittaker and J. H. King to the Georgia Confer- 
 ence, and Rev. R. Harper to the Tennessee Con- 
 January 19th the Georgia Annual Conference as- 
 sembled in session in St. Philip's A. M. E. Church, 
 Savannah, again, the second time since the division 
 of the old Conference. Bishop Wm. F. Dickerson 
 opened the session with most impressive exercises, 
 taking, as the two lessons from Scripture, Jonah III. 
 and James I. He made a special note of the first 
 lesson, saying that "it makes a great difference as 
 to what preaching we preach and who bids us to 
 preach." He emphatically stated that satan some- 
 times suggests a text to the minister, and it is no 
 wonder that failure follows. Then again he showed 
 that instead of preaching what God bids, there are 
 some men who are so unmerciful they would stand 
 between the mercy of God and the sinner. 
 Bishop H. M. Turner, the pioneer minister, now 
 honored by elevation to the Episcopacy, was with 
 us again in his new office, to speak words of encour- 
 agement to those with whom he had been so long 
 associated. It was very appropriate that he should 
 be the one to review the history of the Georgia Con- 
 ference under the successive administrations of 
 Bishops D. A. Payne, John M. Brown, F. M. D. 
 Ward and J. P. Campbell, not forgetting the service 
 of Bishop A. W . Wayman in the place of the senior 
 Bishop, during his protracted absence abroad. A 
 very appreciative tribute was paid to each — to their 
 character as Christian gentlemen, and to their labors, 
 of which the present prosperous tide of affairs was 
 the outcome. Then with a heartiness of manner 
 and a kindliness of feeling, which was echoed in all 
 hearts present, he introduced the presiding Bishop 
 for the next quadrennium. The ceremony of formal 
 introduction was reciprocated by the new Bishop r 
 and the compliments gracefully and cordially re- 
 turned, when he stated his intention to have had the 
 pleasure of first introducing to the Conference, not 
 Elder nor Dr. Turner, but Bishop H. M. Turner. 
 Thus with hearty and great good will the two newly 
 elected Bishops were received by the Georgia An- 
 nual Conference of 1881. 
 The business of the meeting first brought the 
 election of Secretaries, which was simply a re-elec- 
 tion of those who had so faithfully served us in 1880, 
 Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, with Rev. James Porter and 
 Rev. S. H. Robertson. 
 The Rev. J. M. Townsend and Rev. Dr. B. M. 
 Arnett, the new Financial Secretary, were two prom- 
 inent and welcome visitors of the Conference, while 
 South Carolina and North Georgia were also rep- 
 resented in the persons of Rev. J. E. Hayne, L. D. 
 Chairs and M. B. Salters from the former, and Rev. 
 W. H. Harris, Richard Graham and the writer from 
 North Georgia. 
 The reports from the districts rolled up a total of 
 two thousand six hundred and eight dollars and nine- 
 ty-three cents — this from eight districts, Columbus 
 District bringing the largest sum, five thousand 
 and fifteen dollars and seventy-five cents. 
 Presiding Elder G. W. H. Williams gave the 
 Annual Sermon from the text: Lam. 4:2, "The 
 precious sons of Zion comparable to fine gold." 
 He presented his subject in the statement that Zion 
 was built upon a hill and fortified with a wall; the 
 -church is built upon the rock Christ Jesus, and its 
 walls are salvation. Both are citadels of strength, 
 and the church can only be betrayed by an enemy 
 from within. The duty of the Christian was plainly 
 pointed out, and the true child of God, with a heart 
 filled with His grace, was likened to the gold of the 
 realm, engraved by grace, and with the blood of 
 Jesus Christ, so that years of conflict and trials have 
 only brightened them as testimony of the truth of 
 It was a strong sermon with the central point, 
 that of salvation — its priceless cost which made the 
 sons of God so precious — then sent home to each 
 heart by the use to which such should be put. 
 The statistical reports occupied some time, then 
 the transfers were announced, being Rev. S. B. 
 Jones and John Whittaker from the North Georgia 
 Visitors were plentiful, and kept up the interest 
 of the session by letting the Conference know how 
 much fraternal feeling after all exists in this world. 
 We have been told somewhere that when we 
 read the history of all ages we are shocked to see 
 how the times seem to have been most troublous. 
 The printed page is so full of great wars and blood- 
 shed, of all the dark and gloomy horrors, that we 
 are inclined to think that nothing else has occurred. 
 We forget that, as in the present, these are the 
 things which history records in black and white — the 
 startling things are handed down to us, leaving the 
 thousands of the common every-day deeds of hu- 
 manity, with their ministry for good to be unrecog- 
 nized and unpenned for posterity to read. 
 This is why the writer, in the times that have 
 brought sore trials to the negro race in America, 
 from the day of freedom, desires to note with kindly 
 good- will the many oases in the desert of its life 
 and growth throughout these years, in order that 
 justice, that omnipotent power in the years of time 
 and the beginning of eternity, be done to all at his 
 hands. We have lived and suffered countless things;, 
 we have had enemies, and have them still; we have 
 been surrounded by almost impenetrable barriers,, 
 and confronted at every turn by soul-stinging looks, 
 words and acts; but through it all we must pay 
 honest and honorable tribute to any one who has, 
 made the way less stony, has lighted our path or 
 lifted our burdens, ofttimes by diverting the scorn 
 upon their own heads. Justice demands it. We 
 demand justice. Let us all be just. 
 The resolution offered by Elder S. H. Robertson, 
 that a committee be appointed to act with that of 
 the North Georgia Conference concerning the col- 
 lege site, was referred to the regular committee on 
 that point. After the meeting of this joint com- 
 mittee the report was made to the body in session. 
 As it embodies the efforts of several years toward 
 something tangible in the way of a school in Geor- 
 gia, which should enter the field to do the work for 
 the race remaining there for us to do, we consider 
 it of interest enough to the future, at least, that it 
 be inserted verbatim. 
 " To the Bishop and Conference : 
 " Brethren— We, the undersigned College Trus- 
 tees of the Georgia Annual Conference, have the 
 honor to report that we met the College Trustees 
 of the North Georgia Annual Conference (or a 
 portion of them authorized to act for the rest) in 
 joint session this day at 1 130 p. m. 
 " Rev. W. J. Gaines informed the brethren of the 
 action of the North Georgia Conference in nego- 
 tiating for the purchase of 6o}4 acres of land, high 
 and beautifully situated, in the city limits, with a 
 comfortable house, having four rooms ready for im- 
 mediate use. He asked our concurrence. Rev. C. 
 L. Bradwell said he was present, and testified to the 
 unanimity of the brethren and Trustees of the 
 North Georgia Conference, and heartily endorsed 
 their action ; whereupon it was 
 " Resolved, That we do concur in the action of the 
 brethren and Trustees of the North Georgia Con- 
 ference, and suggest that the amount of six hun- 
 dred dollars be contributed out of the percentage or 
 other Conference money to aid in the purchase 
 of the same. 
 " And we recommend that the Trustees meet as- 
 early as possible to elect officers and purchase the 
 site. Respectfully, 
 " E. P. Holmes, Chairman, 
 C. L. Bradwell, 
 S. H. Robertson, 
 G. W. H. Williams, 
 J. W. Wynn, 
 Henry Strickland, 
 William Raven, 
 Wm. D. Johnson, 
 W. C. Gaines, 
 W. H. Powell, 
 James Porter, Secretary.'" 
 The Committee on Education also expressed it- 
 self as " believing that the time is fully ripe for es- 
 tablishing an institution for higher education, under 
 the charge of the Georgia Conference, and we urge 
 upon each minister, member and friend of our 
 church the necessity of supporting the action of the 
 North Georgia Conference, and our own, looking 
 to the establishment of a College or University in 
 Atlanta, Ga." 
 It was also wisely recommended that each minis- 
 ter and family in our bounds be induced to educate 
 our children in our day-schools and Sunday-schools. 
 With all this as an impetus, the work of educa- 
 tion was in a fair way to go forward in new lines. 
 The other points suggested by this last committee 
 are well worth mentioning here. Each minister and 
 family was urged to take the church paper, and 
 some daily newspaper, while all were earnestly 
 pressed to patronize our publishing department, and 
 those of ou'- people who may publish books and 
 pamphlets upon useful subjects. Similar ideas were 
 brought out when the Committee on Sunday-schools 
 In connection with the educational movement 
 many good things were said. Among them Rev. 
 S. B. Jones recalled the time when he joined the 
 Conference in this city. He referred to the vener- 
 able Bishop Payne, who was then occupying the 
 chair, and who, with his usual determination upon 
 the subject of ministerial education, said in reference 
 to the question of admission, " Don't bring any 
 men to me who do not know what the canonical 
 Scriptures are." There is not a man in the A. M. 
 E. Church, knowing our beloved and now venera- 
 ble apostle of education, who does not know the 
 vigorous insistence which he has maintained in this 
 line — an educated ministry, and who cannot appre- 
 ciate how much many men have owed to this very 
 insistence, for it has been the means of spurring on 
 many a laggard to do what he was capable of do- 
 ing, and, it may be added, of keeping back the men 
 who were either indolent or incapable of proper 
 preparation for the greatest work on earth; so it 
 will not be surprising to any of these to know of 
 the consternation of some of that Conference who 
 exclaimed as Brother Jones said he did upon hear- 
 ing this statement from the Bishop's lips: "My 
 God, what is that!" 
 Yet when we think of it, it is not strange that 
 among the older men of that day there was much to 
 be learned, but Bishop Payne rigidly adhered to 
 the requirement that the necessary things should be 
 learned. Even now when the lightof knowledge 
 pours its beams so clearly on every pathway, that 
 the one who would preach Christ and Him crucified 
 must need be almost blind if he see not and 
 learn not, there are some — shall it be said there are 
 many ? — who would to-day join in the same ex- 
 clamation to which Brother Jones gave utterance; 
 Praise God, our children indeed will not have the 
 shadow of a righteous occasion to ask such a ques- 
 A further spur to the movement Gf education 
 had been given by the constitution of the Educa- 
 tional Department which was drawn up and adopted 
 by the Bishops of the A. M. E. Church at their 
 meeting in Newport, R. L, August, 1880. This new 
 work provided for was to be known as the " Con- 
 ventional Literary, Historic and Educational Asso- 
 ciation of the A. M. E. Church," and its object as 
 stated was "the cultivation of literature and the study 
 of history and the promotion of Christian education." 
 This constitution also provided for the organization 
 of this branch of society educational work in the 
 churches throughout the Convention. 
 On the second day of this session the Conference 
 resolved itself into a grand Missionary Meeting, 
 which Dr. B. W. Arnett opened. He was followed 
 by Bishop W. F. Dickerson, who, after a few earn- 
 est words upon the work of our Home and Foreign 
 Missionary Society and the fields of labor, together 
 with the interest which was apparently deepening 
 each year throughout the A. M. E. Church, intro- 
 duced Rev. J. M. Townsend, who read his Mission- 
 ary Report. 
 He presented the state of our missionary enter- 
 prise as encouraging, though, like all such enterprises, 
 needing the steady financial aid that only complete 
 organized effort can vitalize and render most efficient 
 in accomplishing great results. There were in 
 Hayti the Rev. C. U. Missell and his wife — who 
 have since departed to the spirit land, broken down 
 by the sacrifices there for the cause of the Redeemer. 
 These with the two preachers he had employed to 
 assist him, constituted our force in the interesting 
 tfield of that tropical island. Rev. A. Flegler, in 
 .Africa, was reported as meeting with great success 
 in his endeavors, assisted by three local preachers,,, 
 to spread the gospel in the name of the A. M. E. 
 Nearer home, Bishop H. M. Turner was presiding 
 over the field in the Indian Territory, where there 
 was a population of thirty thousand colored people 
 and a Conference of sixteen ministers, all doing a glo- 
 rious work. 
 It was the old appeal which the earnest Secretary 
 of this Department of our Church made to move 
 hearts to contribute their mites toward the work. 
 How much good has been done for the Redeemer's 
 kingdom by these mites of both poor and rich, toward 
 saving the world of mankind, we shall only know at 
 the great last day, when the redeemed shall be gath- 
 ered from the uttermost parts of the earth. May 
 our Missionary work gain ground each year. 
 Bishop H. M. Turner preached a magnificent ser- 
 mon in accordance with the Missionary appeal, and 
 at its conclusion Bishop Dickerson announced that 
 Bishop Turner had been appointed to visit Africa. 
 This served to render the latter the recipient of nu- 
 merous letters from both young men and women 
 announcing themselves ready to become mission- 
 aries if only a little support could be provided. This 
 is the true missionary spirit, and it is growing in our 
 The Temperance cause, of which we shall have oc- 
 casion to speak at length in another chapter, received 
 strong support in able, eloquent and witty speeches- 
 from Revs. G. B. Reed, Irwin Butler, S. C. Powell,. 
 Henry Strickland, S. W. Drayton, Prince Gadsen,. 
 as well as by Revs. C. L. Bradwell, W. C. Gaines,. 
 S. B. Jones, G. W. Gamble, Isaac Coachman and 
 others, Bishop Dickerson closing with the thrilling 
 remark to the effect that no minister, under the in- 
 fluence of intoxicating drinks, could glorify God. 
 The hymn which was afterwards sung was most ap- 
 propriate : 
 " Help me to watch and pray," etc. 
 One of the features of the Conference was the 
 sermon by Dr. B. W. Arnett. It was one of the 
 pithy, forcible sermons which this brother in Christ 
 is so well adapted to give, and one which, with every 
 true believer in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 
 will remain long as food for meditation. The young 
 may well pause when the words of wisdom fall from 
 the lips of the elders. Be they never so wise in this 
 day and generation, experience and long years of 
 labor have taught that which youth can never have 
 until it, too, has passed through the trials by fire and 
 become purified and strengthened by the ordeal. 
 This sermon was a masterly presentation of the 
 argument that revealed religion is superior to natu- 
 ral religion ; and it appealed to both head and heart, 
 as a sermon should. It was not a mere display of 
 emotional oratory, though it was a masterpiece of fer- 
 vid eloquence ; but irrefutable facts were given and 
 statements made, boldly challenging the unbeliever to 
 the proof of that which would warrant such a posi- 
 tion. Ah, it is true that not even an Ingersoll can 
 shake the soul that is deep-rooted in the faith of a. 
 Redeemer — in the inspired writings of that Book of 
 What we need are young men who will enter the 
 ministry with all their native talents strengthened 
 and broadened by that which was denied to the older 
 brethren — a full and comprehensive education — and 
 then to devote all to the hourly service of the Master, 
 counting each day lost which does not see some one 
 nearer the kingdom than before through their minis- 
 Right in this connection, the opening events of 
 one of the day sessions lead to quoting some of the 
 brethren's remarks upon the subject of quoting other 
 men's sermons. There is too great a tendency at 
 times to be carried away by the eloquence and learn- 
 ing of others, so much so as to forget one's self, to 
 be carried out of one's self, we ought to say, and 
 this danger is especially present to bright, receptive 
 minds which readily grasp all the meteors of thought 
 that flash upon the mental horizon from any quarter 
 and store them away — of ttimes unconsciously — for fu- 
 ture use, when without change of form they are 
 launched forth as their own fiery missiles — again 
 ■ofttimes unconsciously — having lain within the mind 
 -so long, so many times recurring to it, that they have 
 become a part of it. 
 Good preaching, fiery illustrations, sharp thrusts 
 of the sword of the spirit are all enjoyable and do 
 valiant service for the Master ; but do not let the 
 young men think a patchwork sermon, a conglomer- 
 ation of the readily apparent fireworks of another, to 
 be that which is most effective or wholly without 
 suspicion — that which we are bound to speak 
 sooner or later. Rev. C. L. Bradwell's amus- 
 ing anecdote is peculiarly apt at this point. He 
 gives the credit of its origin, as far as he knows, 
 to Father Bentley, one of the old members of 
 St. Philip's Church in Savannah : 
 "A crow was admiring the peacocks upon their pa- 
 rade ground and determined that he would be a pea- 
 cock. He found out their sleeping place and after 
 picking up all the waste feathers, retired and fixed 
 himself up with the plumage thus appropriated, by 
 pulling out his own feathers and replacing them by 
 the gayer ones he had taken. Then he joined the 
 other peacocks upon the parade ground. When the 
 line was formed, the question was asked, ' Are they 
 all peacocks here?' The answer was, 'They are.' 
 But there was a little peacock that had aroused sus- 
 picion, and they concluded to examine each one by 
 pulling at his feathers. When they came to our 
 hero his feathers all came out and he was neither a 
 crow nor a peacock." The brother pointed the moral 
 to his tale in the observation, "Just so in the long 
 run it will be with a preacher who borrows his ser- 
 The young brethren who read this may not be 
 able to cope with a Bishop Arnett in imagination 
 -and forceful expression, or with a Bishop Payne in 
 the depths of scholarly learning which his seventy- 
 nine years of labor have garnered for him, but they 
 may learn how to use, as they, in the legitimate way, 
 the treasures of thought, the nuggets of wisdom 
 which are to be mined from the univeise of others" 
 learning and experience, and thus add to their own 
 store — enriching, not substituting, adorning, not 
 It seems to have been a time when all were urged 
 to stand upon their own merits. 
 The difficulty which some ministers have in col- 
 lecting dollar money might be largely overcome if 
 they would but systematically and faithfully follow 
 Bishop Dickerson's suggestion when he, "in answer" 
 to a question which brought out his decision — the 
 same made by Bishop Campbell at previous meetings 
 — added, "While it is true that no one who refuses 
 to pay that money can hold an official position in any 
 of our churches, the preachers in charge must show 
 the people not only that the law requires it, but he 
 must give the reasons why it ought to be collected — 
 show that "Jesus is in that dollar." That is what is 
 wanted everywhere : to show that Jesus is in one of 
 the best systems we have ever had by which we may 
 carry on our Church work — Jesus Christ's work. 
 The Sabbath ritualistic services prepared for our 
 Church were introduced for the first time in St. 
 Philips A. M. E. Church Jan. 23d, upon which 
 occasion all listened to a sermon by Rev. Samuel 
 W. Drayton, begotten of the spirit ; and at the 
 conclusion, in a ceremony most beautiful and ex- 
 perience, the Bishop ordained the following young 
 men to the office of Deacon : J. H. Adams, W. O. 
 P. Sherman and James R. Bennett. The ordination. 
 -of Elders took place at 3 p. m. after a strong sermon 
 to the great congregation by the Bishop, closing 
 with the stirring appeal, "Brethren, study to preach 
 Christ. Live Christ, suffer with Christ, and then at 
 the close of your labors reign with Christ in 
 glory. He hath said, ' Lo, I am with you always 
 even to the end of the world.' Preach Him then, 
 preach Him to all and cry in death, ' Behold, be- 
 hold the Lamb.' " 
 Rev. Sandy D. Roseborough was ordained to the 
 -office of Elder, and Revs. J. B. K. Butler and H. M. 
 Miller, who came to us in regular standing from the 
 Baptist church, were re-obligated. At 7:30 p. u., 
 Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, D. D., preached from the text, 
 Jeremiah ix : 23-24, " Let not the wise man glory in 
 his wisdom, etc." — a fitting climax to the trio of ser- 
 mons which made the day memorable to all who 
 As all those things looking toward unity are desir- 
 able things by all, we find at this Conference two 
 gentlemen of Chatham County Sunday-school Asso- 
 ciation, who made earnest remarks in the interest of 
 organizing a State Sunday-school Convention to 
 meet next spring, which organization looked toward 
 representation in the International Sunday-school 
 The year's studies were represented by a gratify- 
 ing report. A rigidity of system disclosed itself and 
 those brethren who failed to pass from one year to 
 another were vastly comforted, by this fact, and the 
 assurance that the standard of work was rising- so 
 that they really stood comparatively on a higher 
 plane than many predecessors at the same stages. 
 Our Home Missions were found to be this year,,, 
 where Home Missions most assuredly ought not to,- 
 be— in a state of precarious dependence for their 
 support. Over three hundred preachers and uncer- 
 tain subsistence ! It was something to appall us, for 
 surely while the gospel may be spiritual meat and 
 drink, yet nowhere are we bidden to place our ser- 
 vants in the field, and then placidly expect them to 
 sustain their corporeal existence upon it alone. We 
 can do no less than see that ravens carry to them 
 the staff of life. Hayti, Africa and our Indian Mis- 
 sion all deserve our earnest, prayerful, substantial 
 recognition. Yet the South has done its share, con- 
 sidering how short a time since the A. M. E. Church 
 passed from a mission field itself into self-supporting 
 independence. We have to grow slowly, perhaps, if 
 it would be surely, but sustenance is a prime neces- 
 sity to all growth. 
 Then, too, in order to grow the children must be 
 led along with us. This fact was earnestly placed 
 before us in a plea for the children. Our present. 
 Sunday-school Department was not then organized, 
 but the church in the South has been made to feel, 
 with every meeting that which was so especially em- 
 phasized at a North Georgia Conference some years 
 later (1884) when Bishop F. M. D. Ward made this- 
 statement : " The A. M. E. Church to-day labors, 
 under a mighty necessity. The Roman Catholics. 
 have enrolled at the South over 200,000 of our 
 children. We must go out after our children, go for 
 them in earnest and go for them now," adding, " Let 
 the Morris Brown College in Atlanta be used as a 
 perpetual monument of the energy and devotion 
 of the fathers who builded better than they knew." 
 When we think of the fact that there are in the 
 South fully fifty schools and colleges backed by other 
 denominations, we can see only one thing — that all 
 are reaching after the children and youth. We must 
 be up and doing or else give them up, and that sug- 
 gestion every African Methodist will answer, No! 
 But to carry out this plan of drawing in our chil- 
 dren, we must be impressed by the statements made 
 in one of the reports : " The church will not be 
 just what it ought to be until more time is spent 
 with the Sunday-school. If you want an educated 
 ministry such as God will be pleased with, and the 
 world cannot deny, train them up in the Sunday- 
 school. If you want Stewards, Trustees, Class- 
 leaders, and members who will do their whole duty,, 
 train them up in the Sunday-school. You must not 
 be afraid to teach them African Methodism — teach 
 them to know that is the name of this church and. 
 why it is so called, and why they ought to love and 
 support it. Teach them how to save church money.. 
 When this is done Macon, Savannah, Columbus and. 
 Atlanta will not be the only good points. The 
 reason why the church fails to take care of the maru 
 is because the man fails to take care of the church." 
 These closing statements contain some significant 
 truths. Neither are they limited to the State of 
 Georgia. If we wish prosperity, if we wish increase, 
 if we wish God's blessing to descend richly upon the 
 church of our Fathers, we must reach out for the 
 •children, not forcibly, but reasonably, and magneti- 
 cally draw them in and hold them in her arms until 
 they have reached the age at least when they can 
 wisely be trusted to choose their own faith. Be 
 assured there will be but few straying from our fold 
 if this be wisely done. 
 The committee which had been appointed upon 
 Division of Conference failed to find anything to 
 report, as the majority of the committee from the 
 North Georgia Conference were unable to meet, and 
 the work was therefore continued to the first Wed- 
 nesday in May, when the committee were to re-as- 
 semble in the city of Macon. The joint Conference 
 Committee upon College Site were more successful. 
 The writer had informed the session that the brethren 
 of North Georgia had unanimously acted and nego- 
 tiated for the purchase of what is now Morris Brown 
 College. The Conference suggested that six hun- 
 dred dollars be contributed to this effort for higher 
 education in the State, as had been done by the 
 North Georgia Conference. 
 Brother Waddy Parks, in the prime of life, was cut 
 off by the hand of death — the only member of the 
 Georgia work aside from Rev. J. D. Hall of North 
 A new feature of the Georgia Conference this year 
 was the shape in which the Presiding Elders' Reports 
 were placed and made a part of the printed minutes. 
 Had the church as a whole a systematic record of its 
 specific churches, history would be greatly aided in 
 accuracy. Only such detailed descriptions of the 
 life and work of the most insignificant station from 
 its origin can make it so. Bvt we grow with the 
 years in all things, and all early history must of 
 necessity be a scattered account of what is done by 
 the early workers, and this is especially true of 
 Methodism in all its branches. It may be that fifty 
 or an hundred years hence our descendants will 
 wonder why we, too, at the close of this century, 
 were not more careful that they might know much of 
 what we doubtless leave unrecorded, strive the best 
 we may. 
 The Savannah District reported three churches 
 built — one on Sylvania Circuit and two on Mobley's 
 Pond Circuit, while on the Effingham River Circuit 
 Rev. E. Lowery had erected a first-class camp-meet- 
 ing stand upon our own land (a plat of fifteen acres 
 of timber), where a church, parsonage and needed 
 camp-meeting supplies were also to be found. Pre- 
 siding Elder Herrry Strickland had added to the dis- 
 trict within the year, two new circuits and missions 
 where we had nothing before and Rev. A. Martin, 
 under him, had purchased a lot and built a church, 
 having gathered a good congregation. Rev. G. B. 
 Reed, of the Hutchison Church Circuit, had built a 
 church whose entire property was worth over $2,000. 
 Pvev. Wm. Hamilton, at Taylor Creek Circuit, was 
 also building a church there. So the work under 
 Elder Strickland, at the close of his fourth year on 
 this district, had been extended in every direction, 
 and in this one year had gained $4,000.00 worth of 
 Thomasville District was also in a favorable con- 
 dition — greatly improved during the year under Pre- 
 siding Elder Rev. G. W. H. Williams. An increase 
 of three hundred and fifty-six members and a fair 
 financial showing was evidence in itself of the hard 
 labor that had been given. 
 A considerable revival on the Muscogee County 
 Circuit, in the Columbus Presiding Elder District — 
 Rev. E. P. Holmes, Presiding Elder — showed that. 
 Rev. W. S. Shorts was working in the right line. 
 Talbotton was receiving valuable repairs and St. 
 Peter's and Mt. Zion Circuit, under Rev. Wm. Ross, 
 were building a chapel. A new church at Box 
 Springs was nearly completed by Rev. B. F. Frank- 
 lin, while a good church at Fort Valley had been 
 built by Rev. J. W. Wynn. Reynold's and Everetc's 
 Mission, where formerly there was nothing, had 
 been built and ten or twelve members gathered 
 in by Rev. Newrey Ellison, and Robertson's Mission, 
 set off from St. James church in Columbus one year 
 before, now reported sixty-eight members and a 
 growing work. 
 In Americus District, Rev. Wm. Raven, Presiding 
 Elder, good work under Rev. W. C. Gaines was 
 reported at Americus. In Cuthbert District, under 
 Rev. S. H. Robertson, Presiding Elder, five churches 
 were already built or in progress. There was a new 
 parsonage at Dawson, under Rev. H. B. Dowdell, 
 and new work had opened on Brooksville Circuit, 
 while, best of all, revivals at nearly every point 
 occurred during this first year of Elder Robertson's 
 presiding influence. 
 Valdosta District reported four new churches built, 
 repairs made, wiping out of some debts, good Sunday- 
 school work and increasing membership under Pre- 
 siding Elder J. T. Crayton. Sandersville District, 
 with Presiding Elder S. W. Drayton in charge, showed 
 landed property added at nine different points and 
 the work preparatory to building going on at a 
 promising rate. The pastors were all workers. Rev. 
 Henry Porter, Presiding Elder of the Albany Dis- 
 trict, reported Rev. D. T. Green, pastor at Albany 
 Station, as doing nobly in building a new brick 
 church, for which his flock had raised upwards of 
 •$1,200.00. Rev. G. R. Bass, on Blakely Circuit, and 
 Rev. E. B. Brown, on Arlington Circuit, had entered 
 the work of building a parsonage. Rev. T. Mclver, 
 on Lee County Circuit, Rev. P. L. Jackson, on Mor- 
 gan, and Rev. John Harris, at Dover, were each 
 engaged in erecting new churches, while at Leary 
 Rev. Boston Scott had purchased ground for the 
 This brings up the subject of residences. The 
 General Conference at St. Louis ordered that the 
 newly elected Bishops, Rt. Revs. H. M. Turner, D. 
 D., LL. D., Wra. F. Dickerson, D. D., R. H. Cain, 
 D. D., should live in the South. Up to this time the 
 South had no resident Bishop. The Senior's home 
 was at Wilberforce, Ohio; Bishop J. A. Shorter was 
 his next door neighbor. Bishop Brown's residence 
 was in Washington, D. C, and Bishop Wayman was 
 located at Baltimore, and Bishop Campbell at Phila- 
 delphia; while Bishop Ward's home was in Benning, 
 Washington, D. C. So the South, as a region below 
 the limits of Washington City, had no Episcopal 
 It was, of course, a personal sacrifice to break up 
 homes already formed and locate in a new region, 
 but it had been ordered. Appreciating these sac- 
 rifices which must be made, the Conferences of 
 South Carolina and Georgia decided to assist in 
 making ready these new homes. To this end the 
 Columbia Conference and the Georgia Conference 
 contributed to assist Bishop Dickerson in the pur- 
 chase of a home. There to-day in the city of 
 Columbia, South Carolina, stands a beautiful resi- 
 dence, which the Bishop was given only a few short 
 years to enjoy before he went to his long home — 
 that house not made with hands, eternal in the 
 heavens. His widow still resides there. 
 The retirement of Bishop H. M. Turner from 
 active membership among us to enter upon the 
 higher duties of Episcopacy was looked upon as a 
 great loss in one sense, but he carried with him 
 warmest sentiments of love, honor and esteem. He 
 assumed charge of the Eighth Episcopal District. 
 With the last General Conference nine Episcopal 
 Districts were laid off, but though the union with 
 the B. M. E. Church [was agitating the Church and 
 in the present year (1881) had been to a degree 
 consummated, it was not yet included in our work. 
 Georgia and South Carolina constituted the Sixth 
 Episcopal District under Bishop Dickerson, while at 
 that time Alabama and Florida were under Bishop 
 Wayman as the Seventh District. 
 The year 1881 was a memorable year in some 
 respects. It was the year when a noted gathering 
 of men — laymen and clergy, ministers and bishops — 
 met the Ecumenical Conference in London to do 
 honor to themselves and the church. From this 
 they returned safely under His care, bringing 
 renewed zeal and added wisdom after having demon- 
 strated to that great Christian assembly what the 
 negro is and what he can do with arms half pinioned, 
 and above all, what a glorious church work we com- 
 mand in the army of the church militant. 
 The year's work in Georgia concluded financially 
 strong. The North Georgia Conference reported 
 ■12,012.40, and the Georgia Conference $2,608.93 
 from 13,341 members. 
 THE YEAR 1882. 
 As had been the custom, the North Georgia Con- 
 ference opened the year 1882 holding its session 
 first in Bethel Church, Augusta, Ga., beginning Jan 
 11th. The Georgia Conference followed on the 26th, 
 assembling in St. Thomas A. M. E. Church, Thom- 
 asville, Ga. 
 Bishop Dickerson presided over each in turn, 
 with Rev. T. McCant Stewart, of Sullivan St. 
 Church, New York City, to assist in the opening 
 exercises of the latter. 
 The business of the former was promptly laid out, 
 and on the evening of the first day the body listened 
 to the annual sermon by Rev. A. J. Miller, Presiding 
 Elder, from the text in Rev. iii: 21, "To him that 
 overcometh evil I grant to sit with me in my 
 Among the visitors introduced to this Conference 
 were Bishop L. H. Holsey of the Colored M. E. 
 Church of America and Revs. C. H. Collins, A. J. 
 Stinson, S. L. Stinson and G. W. Usher of the 
 same. After the statistical reports, an indefinite 
 extension of time that the Conference might hear 
 from Bishop Holsey was taken at the request of 
 Bishop Dickerson, who paid this neat tribute in pre- 
 senting the visitor : "The church so nobly repre- 
 sented by Bishop Holsey, in the midst of vast diffi- 
 culties and besetments, has accomplished a work for 
 God and the African race which entitles it to the 
 respect and admiration of the entire Christian world; 
 but especially the colored Methodists of every name; 
 and if it should please God to bring about an organic 
 union of the African churches, it would be a matter 
 of delight with me to have it strike in at first with 
 A. M. E. Church and the C. M. E. Church, in 
 Bishop L. H. Holsey replied nearly as follows: 
 "There is a oneness in Methodism which is like the 
 dust of the lodestone. It will gravitate to a focal cen- 
 ter. I have seen the same characteristics of Methodism 
 in Europe and America. There has been a ten- 
 dency among the educated people of late to stifle 
 ths original fire of truth ; but there is a rekind- 
 ling of that fervency breaking out into new vigor 
 from the late Ecumenical Council. The separate 
 bodies of Methodists are like mighty rivers running 
 side by side, but destined to unite in the near future; 
 or it is like laborers in separate fields, between whom 
 the middle wall of partition is crumbling to decay. 
 He felt glad that for once, and in London, he had 
 found the place where it was good to be a black 
 man; and the only trouble with him was that he was 
 not quite black enough. He was thoroughly con- 
 vinced of the high destiny awaiting the colored race; 
 and it can be reached only through a full participa- 
 tion in the benefits of the Gospel; and this has well 
 nigh been secured to us through the powerful in- 
 fluence of the Methodist doctrine. We have a com- 
 mon work in the several departments of our labor, 
 and the grand results which have flowed from the 
 influence of John Wesley will continue to bless the 
 world until the innumerable company of saints, 
 redeemed and reunited, shall enter the Master's joy 
 in the city of the New Jerusalem. God bless your 
 Conference and your labors with abundance of grace. 
 The missionary meeting was most interesting with, 
 addresses by Revs. Richard Graham, Andrew Brown, 
 the writer and others; but it was at the anniversary 
 of the Educational Society that the enthusiasm of 
 the workers of the Conference showed itself. The 
 report of this committee, which was accepted, appro- 
 priated $700 to pay its proportional part of one 
 thousand three hundred and twenty-nine dollars bor- 
 rowed by the ^college trustees, while a day was set 
 apart in May to raise funds to meet the last pay- 
 ment. Revs. W. H. Heard, A. W. Lowe and R. A. 
 Hall made telling speeches upon the subject, and 
 what the latter said in reference to sustaining Bishop 
 Dickerson has been done bravely and nobly for him 
 and those who have followed him — Bishop J. A. 
 Shorter and the writer. "Help them lay the .step- 
 ping stones; render a full and hearty support, that 
 our ministers may rise higher and higher, until they 
 shall gaze upon the bright orb of intellectual light 
 and strike the lyre with thoughts and words that 
 burn with living fire." 
 That the youth of the present generation may 
 know something of what we, who stand at middle 
 age, endured in gathering precious bits of education,. 
 Rev. S. H. Robertson's remarks are inserted here. 
 "He attended college away down on an old planta- 
 tion in Mississippi and graduated in three weeks. 
 He was taught by his master's little son; but when 
 the overseer found it out his course was brought to a 
 sudden close. His highest ambition at that time was- 
 to learn how to write his pass. He kept a copy of one 
 and spent a whole year studying it ; and, after- 
 wasting bottles of ink, he succeeded in learning to 
 write ; but it was bad and he was afraid to trust it. 
 At last one night he left it lying upon the counter in 
 a store and came back asking; ' Has any one seen my 
 pass ? ' After looking around some time the clerk 
 said : 'Here it is ;' and the writer came out of the 
 store saying to himself, 'Thank God, somebody can 
 read it.' " 
 We say Thank God for the wave of enlightenment 
 that has enabled so many thousands of those who 
 struggled then to enjoy at last the many privileges 
 and blessings that freedom with education has 
 Bishop Dickerson at this time was collecting books 
 to complete a library of Negro authors, and urged the 
 brethren to "take hold upon the good productions of 
 our own race and bring them home to our churches 
 and people." It was what he was ever ready to for- 
 ward — literary work of the race — and his pride in it 
 was that which should be the pride of all. No won- 
 der that he took the book of the first author of 
 a Greek work* that the race has produced — the 
 first volume from the press — on his departure 
 for England, Aug. 3, 1881, and in Exeter 
 Hall, London, waved it triumphantly before the 
 •eyes of the vast audience assembled there to 
 have it received .with cheers by these Christian 
 brethren. There is no race in literature, no race in 
 education, and we have only to achieve success to re- 
 ceive recognition. We need, too, to be great enough 
 to recognize greatness in our fellow men with the 
 same unselfishness that we exhibit in recognizing 
 Supreme greatness. In fact this is one great attri- 
 bute of the man who is himself truly great. Bishop 
 Dickerson tells of Bishop Payne's appointment to 
 preside over that great body in London The Senior 
 Bishop cried, "Impossible ! I cannot do that when 
 there are so many superior men here." Then when 
 told of the necessity, he said, "I will pray over it." 
 But when he at last consented, we find Bishop Dick- 
 erson, exclaiming as he tells of it, "It was the grand- 
 est victory of my life when he consented with his 
 splendid ability to represent the A. M. E. Church 
 and the colored race." 
 The features of this Conference were strongly ed- 
 ucational and the literary work of a high rank. 
 Bishop Turner's remarks and those of others led all 
 ♦"First Lessons in Greek" by Prof. W. S. Scarborough, A. M., LL. D,ofWil- 
 .berforce University, Ohio. 
 to feel that Georgia was rapidly going on to a higher 
 intellectual plane than it had hitherto occupied. An 
 instance of what might be clone by any one was 
 given in the tribute to the memory of Job K. Brown, 
 who, when nearly one hundred years of age, was 
 pressing on even without the support of the younger 
 men of Conference, and stood up to advocate most 
 advanced ideas upon the subject. These are the 
 men whose influence in life and after death help 
 make and mould every race. 
 The matter for equal accommodations upon rail- 
 roads came up, for it concerned us deeply — the min- 
 isters who necessarily travel much from point to 
 point. We thank God that constant agitation by 
 word and prayer is working in the hearts of men 
 through Him, so that there is light ahead upon that 
 disgrace to American civilization — the Negro's rail- 
 road accommodations in the Southern States. 
 Twenty-one were admitted or re-admitted into full 
 connection. Thirteen were elected Deacons and 
 three Elders : William Upshaw, Homer Shaw, Henry 
 Mullin, Austin Flewellen, Melvin W. Moore, Charles 
 H. Carter, William Hall, Jr., Henry W. Madison, 
 Edmund Robinson, John Henry Jackson, James 
 Andrew Johnson, Alfred Emanuel Walker,and Charles 
 Henry King (local), and Green Hillsman, Holmes 
 Madison, Daniel Brookens. Perry Simon's was the 
 only death from the ranks. There were several trans- 
 fers from the work elsewhere : Lawrence Thomas, 
 B. R. Glass, J. B. Warner, George Washington, A. 
 G. Gonickie, P. B. Peters, went to the Georgia Con- 
 ference, Rev. Edward Robinson to South Arkansas- 
 Conference and Rev. Anthony Johnson to Columbia- 
 Conference. Rev. W. C. Banton, recent chief clerk 
 of the Publishing Department in Philadelphia, came- 
 into the Georgia Conference work. 
 The number of members reported was 11,059 ; 
 the Georgia Conference reported 18,066, making a 
 total of 29,125. The reports were full this year 
 and those of the Presiding Elder most encouraging. 
 A. W. Lowe, Presiding Elder of the Atlanta District, 
 reported growth. W. H. Harris, Presiding Elder of 
 Augusta District, reported uphill work, nevertheless 
 he had achieved results. The Sparta Mission had 
 been created by Brother F. Davis, and where there 
 was nothing he could now boast of two new churches 
 with thirty-five or forty members. A school had 
 also been established in Sparta. In short, an in- 
 crease of 960 members, eight new churches and three 
 hundred and seventy-five pupils in the schools at 
 Eatonton and Sparta, showed faithful work in this 
 vineyard. Macon District, with A. J. Miller, showed 
 an increase of two hundred members and the terri- 
 tory was well occupied. Marietta District, D. J. 
 McGhee, Presiding Elder, felt the number of minis- 
 ters to be greater than needful for the number of 
 members ; Acworth had received a new church, also 
 Woodstock circuit, while eight hundred souls had 
 been called in. 
 Griffin District, under Richard Graham, reported 
 churches built on Greenville Circuit (Rev. B. Davis), 
 Newnan Station (Rev. M. D. Brookens), Hogansville 
 (Rev. J. W. Waters), with others in process of build- 
 ing. LaGrange Mission had been instituted by Rev. 
 J. F. Brown, and forty-two members gathered, while 
 Corinth, also a new place, had twenty-five members. 
 Athens District, under Peter McLain, reported an 
 increase of four hundred and a general awakening. 
 As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, the 
 Georgia Conference opened its session upon the 16th 
 of the month in Thomasville. 
 The writer was present to represent Dr. B. W. 
 Arnett, the Financial Secretary, in the financial 
 interests of the church. 
 The key-note of work seems to have been well 
 struck this year, and there is much food for thought 
 for all Christian workers in the remark of Bishop 
 Dickerson, who mentioned the noticeable change in 
 the spirit of our work as inferred alone from the fact 
 that in former years all hymns raised in our Confer- 
 ence were in the minor key, but those raised at the 
 present session were in the major key. He made 
 the contrast still more striking by singing in both 
 Iceys by way of illustration. 
 Intemperance received the hearty condemnation 
 which was to find expression in other ways in less 
 than a decade. 
 The Deacons ordained this year were Brothers 
 Lona Rice, L. G. Burnett and J. S. Flipper (itinerant), 
 T S. Ward, D. C. Crawford and J. H. Johnson (local). 
 Wright Newman was ordained an Elder. The wri- 
 ter filled the desk at this same evening's service and 
 preached from Jeremiah, xvii : 9, " The heart is de- 
 ceitful above all things and desperately wicked." 
 Dr. J. O. A. Clark, ex-professor of Emory College, 
 Ga., who was engaged in uniting the various Method- 
 isms of the world in building the Memorial Church 
 to Mr. Wesley in Savannah, was present, represent- 
 ing his volume, "The Wesley Memorial Volume." 
 It was a pleasure to the Conference that he should' 
 feel moved to add, when Speaking of the great Sun- 
 day-school movement and the fact that to our Meth- 
 odism and to Mr. Wesley belong the purity of it,. 
 " From no church, I am free to say, have I had a. 
 warmer welcome for the work I am engaged in than 
 from the A. M. E. Church. Presiding Elder Chris- 
 tian, of the M. E. South, also spoke, stating 
 among other things, " he would that all Methodist 
 churches of the colored race were united in one." 
 To this the Bishop courteously made answer that we 
 were only waiting for our white brethren to set the 
 It was on returning from this Conference that the 
 writer suffered the indignity of an attempt to eject 
 him from the first-class car from Thomasville to 
 Albany. It did not succeed, and the result of this, 
 with other repeated attempts upon ministers and lay- 
 men, men, women and children, has been to awaken 
 an indignation born of self-respect which has shown 
 itself in the manufacture of a sentiment that cries 
 out against such proscription and discrimination, and 
 to-day (1890) we do fare much better, though there 
 is much to be wished for upon some lines and at 
 their termini. Better treatment is deserved by those 
 of our race in the South who are intelligent, refined,, 
 whose behavior is that of ladies and gentlemen, and 
 who are constant patrons of these roads. May the 
 Lord hasten the day when no man shall be known by 
 the color of his skin, but by his walk. We have 
 cried aloud year after year against the evils and wick- 
 edness w T hich are directed against us, and we have 
 faith that the Lord is not deaf to our cries, but will 
 answer them all in His own good way and time. 
 Waynesboro Mission, in the Savannah District, 
 Rev. C. L. Brad well, Presiding Elder, had new work 
 to show under Brother Stewart, though the District 
 suffered financially from failure of crops and high 
 winds, which destroyed the Bethel church, also one 
 on the Ogeechee Circuit, but the former was up again 
 under Brother S. G. Cross. Newly built churches, 
 with a total increase of five hundred and thirty-six. 
 members, showed Presiding Elder W. H. Powell's 
 District work in Thomasville. St. James A. M. E. 
 Church, Rev. E. P. Holmes, in the Columbus Dis- 
 trict, Rev. S. B. Jones, Presiding Elder, had received 
 six hundred souls and raised -13,712.05, while St. 
 John's had one hundred and fifty and raised $1,549.43. 
 Mt. Gilead Circuit had nearly doubled its member- 
 ship under Rev. J. A. Perkins, while general progress 
 seemed evident. In the Valdosta District, Rev. 
 Peyton Stokes, Presiding Elder, reported all stations 
 and circuits as doing well. In spite of much sick- 
 ness and death on his work, Rev. S. W. Drayton, 
 Presiding Elder of Sandersville District, reported 
 several churches built and many souls added. Albany 
 District had also suffered, but this Presiding Elder 
 Rev. G. W. H. Williams attributed largely to the 
 cutting up of circuits to make new work and to the 
 consequent inability of the remnants being able to 
 support their ministers. Brunswick, Rev. Henry 
 Strickland, Presiding Elder, had been made a new 
 District in 1881, and the work was doing well for the 
 first year. 
 The Georgia Conference Presiding Elder Districts 
 now numbered nine, and the total dollar money this 
 year was 12,833.38. 
 Revs. G. W. H. Williams, L. H. Smith, C. L. 
 Bradwell and D. T. Green took transfers to North 
 Georgia, and Rev. H. Hardee was received from East 
 Florida Conference. 
 One of the most important things done this Con- 
 ference year was embodied in the report of the North 
 Georgia Committee on Division of Conference : 
 " We, your Committee on Division of Conference, 
 see the propriety of dividing it, and recommend that 
 the Committees of the North Georgia' and Georgia 
 Conferences meet together in the month of April 
 next, and then determine about the dividing lines of 
 the Middle Georgia Conference. Signed, 
 W. J. Gaines, R. A. Hall, 
 A. Brown, J. A. Wood, 
 A. J. Miller, W. H. Harris, 
 A. W. Lowe, J. B. Lofton, 
 R. Graham, D. J. McGhee." 
 This committee met as stated, in Macon, Ga., and 
 laid off the line for the division of the Conferences. 
 Bishop Dickerson called the new Conference — the 
 Macon Conference — to meet in Sandersville for its 
 first session, according to the agreement of the Com- 
 mittee, which was in all respects harmonious. 
 The tenth session of the North Georgia Annual 
 Conference was held in Jackson Chapel, Washington, 
 Georgia, beginning Jan. 10, 1883 ; and the seven- 
 teenth of the mother Conference — Georgia — con- 
 vened Jan. 24, 1883, in St. Andrew's A. M. E. 
 Church, Darien, Ga. 
 Bishop Dickerson presided in both cases, and Bishop 
 J. P. Campbell was with us again at both places, with 
 words of congratulation for the work over which he 
 had presided for four years. Rev. Wm. D. Johnson 
 was made the Secretary of the former Conference, 
 with Revs. W. H. Heard and J. B. Lofton as assist- 
 ants. The Georgia Conference had, for Secretary, 
 Rev. J. S. Flipper, with Revs. J. B. Warner and C. 
 Max Manning for assistants. 
 The literary tone of these sessions was indeed 
 higher than ever before. The words of wisdom 
 which fell from the lips of Bishops Dickerson and 
 Campbell, Dr. Arnett, Revs. Townsend, S. M. Clark 
 and others, showed that the power which works for 
 righteousness is working for mental elevation as well. 
 The North Georgia Conference elected and or- 
 dained as elders, Edward Dillard, Davis Malone, 
 Pinkard Williams, Henry Heard, Albert Pace, John 
 Thomas Belsaw ; and as deacons, Wm. Henry Har- 
 rison, Hilliard Donius Canady, Daniel Strickland, 
 Samuel Floyd Pritchard, Cosmo Plantagenet Jordan, 
 Anderson Freeman and Anderson Bough — the last 
 two local. The Georgia Conference ordained to the 
 same office W. O. P. Sherman, P. H. M. Brookens. 
 Edward Lowery and J. H. Caesar as itinerants ; and to 
 the office of deacon, R. W. Stewart, P. S. Smith, H. 
 Wells, J. W. Williams, M. M. Meyers, H. Nails, T. 
 Mclver, P. D. Davis, Renty W. Fickland and E. B. 
 Albert McGhee and Burrel Davis, of the North 
 Georgia Conference, had died this year. 
 In a financial way St. Thomas' Church Sunday- 
 school, under Rev. J. A. Carey, was entitled to be 
 considered the Banner Sunday-school of the Georgia 
 Conference, having brought the largest amount of mis- 
 sionary money per pupil. The dollar money of the five 
 districts of the North Georgia Conference reached the 
 sum of 11,662.54, with a membership of nine thou- 
 sand eight hundred and two, the Atlanta District 
 leading. Georgia Conference brought in $2,054.40 
 as its dollar money, Savannah District leading, and 
 reported from its six districts eleven thousand three 
 hundred and eight members. In the last named 
 Conference five Presiding Elders gave reports for 
 In the Savannah District, under Rev. George 
 Washington, the pastors each and all seem to have 
 done a good work. The church at St. Philip's Sta- 
 tion, under Rev. H. H. Taylor, had been repaired 
 and one hundred and fifteen members received. St. 
 James' Tabernacle, Rev. John Justin, pastor, had also 
 made repairs and received ninety-five members. 
 Bethel Church, under Rev. C. Max Manning, had 
 had a prosperous year. St. Thomas' Church, in 
 Thomasville District (Rev.W. H. Powell, P. E.), had 
 been greatly built up by Elder Carey, both spiritually 
 and financially. A goodly increase of members and 
 $1,265.20 collected for all purposes were self-evident 
 proofs of this. Circuits, missions and stations were 
 generally in good condition, with a total increase of 
 members of seven hundred and seventy-eight. Pre- 
 siding Elder S. H. Robertson reported nearly all 
 charges as having good Sunday-schools and several 
 with good day schools. Accidents, old debts and 
 financial dullness had been drawbacks, but well 
 overcome. Albany District was reported by its 
 new Presiding Elder as having been left in ex- 
 cellent condition by Elder G. W. H. Williams and 
 still improving. The increase in membership 
 was seven hundred and eighty-five, and the total 
 amount of money raised $5,915.75. Side by side 
 with this report we place that of the North Georgia. 
 Atlanta District, under D. G. Green, P. E., reported 
 seven new churches built, a church, preacher and 
 congregation added from the C. M. E. Church, with 
 much repairing, and twelve or thirteen hundred 
 members and probationers added during the year. 
 The general report called for men who were not "for 
 the loaves and fishes" but for "the good of the 
 Forsyth District, under A. W. Lowe, P. E., was 
 doing well according to its location. There were 
 many new members, some new churches, and pros- 
 pects of portions of Jasper, Butts and Monroe county, 
 where many farmers lived, being so impressed with 
 our church as to lead to the erection of one soon 
 among the people there. Richard Graham, P. E. 
 of the Griffin District, reported a new church at Pal- 
 metto, under Elder Lester ; also one at Senoia Cir- 
 cuit, Rev. D. Strickland, pastor, and one on Griffin 
 Circuit by Rev. Joel Stevens. Six new churches at 
 Dalton, Rome, East Rome, Douglasville, Stilesboro 
 Circuit and Woodstock Circuit, respectively, were 
 reported as the substantial improvement on the Mari- 
 etta District under D. J. McGhee, P. E. Eight hun- 
 dred and seventeen members were added, and a pro- 
 gression in all ways. Presiding Elder McGhee recom- 
 mended the adding of a new mission to this district to 
 be called the Cherokee County Mission, as Cherokee 
 county, Ala., -lay so near, and many members having 
 removed there, desired this Conference to send them 
 a minister. But the Conference decided that it had 
 no dominion over Alabama territory. 
 Athens District presented a significant report. 
 With a beginning at the opening of the Conference 
 year of eighteen hundred and twelve members the 
 number had rolled up to twenty-one hundred and 
 sixteen — A. J. Miller its Presiding Elder. Athens 
 Station, under Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, had done well, 
 as had other stations, circuits and missions. New- 
 work had been opened in Banks county. W. B. 
 Anderson had been sent to it and had established one 
 church and taken in forty members. Rev. Henry 
 Mullin had established a church in the upper part of 
 Madison county with thirteen members. In the 
 lower part of Wilkes county a new mission known as 
 Raytown had been established and a minister sent 
 there. The increase of members was two hundred 
 and eighty-four, and in dollar money two hundred 
 and thirty. 
 The transfers this year took from North Georgia 
 Conference to the Macon Conference M. E. Cox, D. 
 J. McGhee, John H. Jackson and A. W. Lowe, to 
 the Georgia Conference W. H. Mundy, to the South 
 Carolina Conference W. H. Harrison, and brought to 
 the work from Columbia Conference T. W. Haigler. 
 Four of the ministers were awaiting work at the close. 
 Georgia Conference sent to the North Georgia work 
 Rev. C. Max Manning, to the Macon work Revs. S. 
 H. Robertson and Peyton Stokes, while Rev. J. A. 
 Wood was finally brought from the North Georgia 
 Conference to the Georgia. 
 The work was in a transition stage again, owing, of 
 course, to the newly formed Conference and the 
 endeavor to equalize it. 
 When in 1868 the Georgia Conference held its 
 first session, it could hardly have foreseen the result 
 which would-be reached in five years and require the 
 division of Conference which was made in 1873; 
 much less would it have been able to conceive of the 
 proportions the work in the State would assume by 
 branching out into Alabama, and then in 1883 again 
 calling for another division of the work in Georgia; 
 so that at the end of eighteen years from the intro- 
 duction of the A. M. E. Church into the South we 
 should find three Conferences, with each in a pros- 
 perous condition. 
 The new Conference was called the Macon Con- 
 ference and included in its work the Presiding Elder 
 Districts of Americus, Augusta, Forsyth, Macon and 
 Columbus. It held its first session, as already inti- 
 mated, at Sandersville, Georgia, opening Jan. 31, 
 1883, immediately at the close of the Georgia Con- 
 ference in Darien. Bishop Campbell was present to 
 assist Bishop Dickerson in the opening of the new 
 work, which began under most favorable auspices. 
 The regular routine of business was taken up in 
 earnest. Nothing was omitted, and had it been a 
 veteran Conference in its special work it could have 
 proceeded no more smoothly or systematically, but 
 then it was composed of veterans. 
 Ten preachers were admitted on trial : Felix Foster, 
 S. P. Thomas, J. B. Wright, E. D. Gorham, F. 
 Cothern, W. T. Morris, Jerry R. Moseley, J. C. Dean, 
 Matthew W. Travers, John Seabrooks. The Deacons 
 elected and ordained were Robert I. Bailey, Daniel 
 K. Knight, Daniel Smith, Frank Boddie, Newrey 
 Ellison, Lord Baltimore, Calvert Preston Johnson, 
 Owen W. Daniels, Jesse B. Reese. C. Dean and 
 John Seabrooks were re-obligated. The Elders were 
 Lawrence G. Gary, Preston B. Peters, Andrew Griffin, 
 William Conwell Banton, Samuel G. Cross. Matthew 
 W. Travers was re-obligated. 
 The new Conference held as Presiding Elders, 
 Revs. W. C. Gaines, W. H. Harris, A. M. Lowe, S. 
 B. Jones, S. W. Drayton. It started out with twelve 
 thousand one hundred and sixty-three church mem- 
 bers, and reported this year $2,479.35 as dollar 
 money, and a goodly subscription list was made up 
 for the Atlanta College. 
 It occurred this year that the new Conference held 
 its second session in this same year through a change 
 of time, and was the first of the Conferences in the 
 State to assemble in the winter following. It opened 
 its session in Forsyth, Ga., Nov. 28, in St. Luke's 
 Church, Bishop W. F. Dickerson presiding, and after 
 the opening exercises he addressed the Conference, 
 referring briefly to the near close of his labors in this 
 work, thanking them for the pleasant memories he 
 carried away with him. 
 The Secretary of the last Conference was re- 
 elected — Rev. W. C. Banton. The annual sermon 
 was preached by Rev. Lawrence Thomas, who spoke as 
 an old and tried soldier, in glowing terms of the new 
 birth and the blessed promises. The sermons of the 
 entire session were notably powerful and interesting. 
 Rev. W. H. Smith preached Sunday morning in St. 
 Luke's A. M. E. Church. Rev. Y. Gould, the Business 
 Manager of the Publication Department, preached the 
 ordination sermon in the afternoon, and Dr. B. W. 
 Arnett, Financial Secretary, in the evening. Bishop 
 Dickerson, by special invitation, preached in the M. 
 E. Church South, of Forsyth, assisted in the services 
 by Dr. B. W. Arnett, Revs. L. Smith, of Eatonton, 
 and E. P. Holmes, of Columbus. The sermon was 
 an able effort and was reported for the Minutes by 
 L. E. Hall. 
 There was a large number of visitors present from 
 both the North Georgia and Georgia Conferences, 
 aside from the two General Officers of the Church 
 mentioned above and friends in Forsyth. There was 
 also quite a long list of transfers : Revs. Henry 
 Porter, R. B. Bailey and C. P. Johnson to the Georgia 
 Conference; also W. M. Garrison, G. D. Jordan, John 
 Taliaferro and Milus Davis to the same; Revs. I. S. 
 Hamilton, M. O. Boddie, H. C. Boyd, Peter McLain 
 and R. Brooks to the North Georgia ; Revs. S. G. 
 Cross and G. M. Holland to South Carolina. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were, J. A. Jones, 
 Elbert Brown, Franklin Battle, T. C. Lewis, C. Mil- 
 ton, R. M. S. Taylor, R. B. Sanford, San Francisco 
 Andrews, J. A. Murphy, G. W. Hill. Warren R. 
 Davis was elected and ordained deacon, and Lona 
 Rice, Wm. Ross, Allen Cooper, Rabun Lawson, 
 Wylie Christopher Shelton, George Washington and 
 Lee Neal elders. A good report came up from the five 
 districts, with promising mission work. 
 This year (1883) was to close the 17th quadrennium 
 of the A. M. E. Church, lacking but three years of 
 seven decades. It was also to see the end of Bishop 
 Dickerson's four years of work over what was then 
 the Sixth District, including the States of Georgia 
 and South Carolina. The Conference year, however 
 did not come to a close until after the meeting of the 
 two older Conferences in January following the Macon 
 Conference, and before the assembling of the General 
 Conference in May. 
 The year 1884 opened the first Conference in the 
 State in Marietta, Ga. — the North Georgia — which 
 convened in Turner's Chapel Jan. 9, and held until 
 the 15th.* Two days later — the 17th — the Georgia 
 Annual Conference held its session, assembling in 
 St. Paul's A. M. E. Church, in Valdosta, Ga. 
 With almost prophetic utterance, Rt. Rev. W. F. 
 Dickerson opened the former, singing the hymn, 
 "Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve." The Bishop 
 had been suffering much bodily affliction since his 
 last meeting with us, but he affirmed, " It has been 
 a healthful discipline. God wants to show that we 
 cannot lean upon our own arm." 
 A large number was referred to the Conference for 
 admission by that committee — so large that it led to 
 hesitancy and considerable discussion, participated in 
 by Andrew Brown, R. Graham, P. McLain and the 
 writer. It seemed hardly advisable to admit so many 
 men, unless there was a strong probability of their 
 getting appointments, but at the suggestion of the 
 Bishop that they be impressed with the idea of mak- 
 ing work for themselves, there seemed no reason why 
 the following should not be admitted on trial : A. 
 W. Watson, J. C. Webb, H. M. Lofton, S. C. 
 * Rev. R. R. Downs, of the East Florida Conference, was transferred during the 
 interval of the year and stationed at Athens, Ga., and from this Conference trans- 
 ferred to the Macon Conference and stationed at St. John's Church, Columbus, Ga. 
 Hendricks, Floyd Griffin, James Watts, Richard 
 Fountain, N. L. Holmes, Alexander Pierce, L. Bax- 
 ter, R. J. Hinton, C. W. Simon, Luke Allen, Simon 
 Alexander, C. H. Fairfax, Jerry McGruder, J. R. 
 Phillips, George Parks, L. Leonard and Charles 
 The deacons of this year, newly ordained, were, 
 Doctor Leak Durand, Wm. Hannabal Foster, Elijah 
 Harrison Zeigler, John Wesley Lawrence and Henry 
 Crittenden. The elders were Jordan Reese Gay, 
 Henry Orange Mullen, William Upshaw, Charles 
 Forrest and Henry Redding. The two latter re- 
 ceived the vote of Conference as a compliment for 
 long and effective service. Only one member had 
 died this year— Albert Pace — one of the oldest mem- 
 bers of the Georgia Conference. He had been identi- 
 fied with the North Georgia since the division in 
 1873, and had been a faithful laborer up to his death, 
 which took place at his last place of appointment, 
 Coosa Bend, June 9, 1883. So one by one the 
 fathers of the Georgia work go down before the 
 Reaper's blade. But how true it is, " God buries the 
 workmen but the work goes on." 
 The election of delegates to the General Confer- 
 ence resulted in the following selection : Rev. W. 
 J. Gaines, D. D., Rev. R. Graham, Rev. Andrew 
 Brown, Rev. D. T. Green, Rev. W. D. Johnson, Rev. 
 A. J. Miller, with Revs. W. H. Heard, J. B. Lofton, 
 C. E. Bradwell, M. E. Cox, J. G. Yeiser, H. T. 
 Cargile as alternates. The lay delegates to the 
 Electoral College were Harrison Harris and Alex- 
 ander Hamilton. 
 As this was the last session of the presiding 
 Bishop's official connection with the Conference, 
 together with Rev. Andrew Brown, the writer had 
 the pleasure of presenting him a purse of fifty dollars 
 as evidence of its high regard for him. Bishop T. 
 M. D. Ward was present at this session and preached 
 a most stirring sermon. It was an appeal to the 
 young men to rouse themselves to action, and he 
 showed there was no reason for discouragement ; 
 they could mount high, if they so desired, by God's 
 help. He also uttered a truth which all will do well 
 to remember when the masterful Anglo-Saxon claims 
 his vast superiority over the negro race : " But the 
 fact stands upon the page of recent history that they 
 have come from a degradation deeper even than that 
 from which we have so lately been emancipated. A 
 favoring providence and determined effort are the 
 only causes to which they stand indebted for their 
 present pitch of grandeur and enlightened civiliza- 
 Bishop Ward preached the ordination sermon in 
 the morning, while Bishop Dickerson officiated in the 
 afternoon, and the writer in the evening. The 
 parallel lines of thought were so striking in these 
 three sermons that it is worthy of mention — Faith in 
 and obedience to God and encouragement to go for- 
 ward. The Bishop said, "The Britons were once so 
 degraded that Caesar said he would take a few of 
 them to Rome to see whether they were human 
 beings or not." 
 Thank God, the gospel has made it possible for all 
 the races upon God's foot-stool to unite in the one 
 petition, "Our Father," which proves the common 
 brotherhood of man in Christ Jesus. 
 Macon Conference, young as it was, had paid six 
 hundred dollars toward Morris Brown College, and this 
 Conference was urged to give nine hundred dollars. 
 Finances, generally, were fair. Dollar money reached 
 $2,065.51, and the percentage of Conference was 
 $619.50 ; members reported, nine thousand three 
 hundred and sixty-five. 
 Presiding ElderD. T. Green, of the Atlanta Dis- 
 trict, reported ten churches in process of building. 
 The church at Bethel Station, W. J. Gaines, pastor, 
 had been remodeled thoroughly. Madison, Georgia, 
 under Elder Bradwell, and Shiloh, under M. D. 
 Brookens, were points especially worthy of com- 
 mendation. Griffin District, under Rev. R. Graham, 
 gave an account of a prosperous state of things. 
 Rev. J. G. Yeiser had clone the work of building 
 Allen Temple in Atlanta. 
 Revivals of religion and financial progress in church 
 building, raising debts and dollar money were char- 
 acteristically brought out in the report from the 
 Marietta District, under Rev. W. D. Johnson. New 
 work had been established on the Athens District — 
 Union Point Mission, Woodstock and Jefferson Mis. 
 sion, as the extension of work under Presiding Elder 
 A. J. Miller. Altogether it was a most successful 
 The Georgia Conference of 1884 met at Valdosta on 
 the 17th of January. W. H. Hamburg, W. D. Moore, 
 B. W. Nelson, H. L. Weston, E. J. Bush, J. P. Mitchell, 
 Stead Matchet and S. M. Addey were admitted on 
 trial. W. H. Walton, R. V. Smith and George 
 Kimboro were elected and ordained itinerant deacons, 
 Joseph Wooten local, and J. S. Flipper, D. L. Jones, 
 J. W. Tolliver, Joseph Collier and Daniel Duncan were 
 elected and ordained elders. J. A. Perkins and F. 
 S. Garrett had died within the year. The former 
 had joined the Conference at Americus in 1870, 
 under Bishop J. M. Brown, while Brother Thomas S. 
 Garrett joined at Savannah in 1866, under Bishop D. 
 A. Payne. The latter was a pioneer in the service 
 and a great sufferer, long ill, and speechless two 
 months before he died. But upon being asked by 
 Bishop Turner as death approached, " Is there light 
 in the valley?" his tongue was loosed and he cried 
 out, " Victory !" as he passed away. 
 This Conference also showed its esteem for Bishop 
 Dickerson by a present similar to that of the North 
 Georgia — a purse of fifty dollars — and the body peti- 
 tioned the General Conference to send him back to 
 the work ; but He knew best. 
 It was remarked in the reports that the railroad 
 accommodations for our people were improving, and 
 the cause of education, private and State, encourag- 
 ing to a high degree. 
 The Georgia Conference elected as its delegates to 
 the General Conference, Revs. M. B. Salters, Henry 
 Strickland, George Washington, W. H. Powell, J. A. 
 Wood and W. O. P. Sherman, with alternates in Revs. 
 J. A. Cary, A. J. Johnson, S. M. Clark, H. M. Brook- 
 ens, M. A. Pierce and C. H. Wilson. The transfers 
 were Rev. J. B. Lofton from the North Georgia to 
 this body ; Revs. R. B. Bailey, C. P. Johnson and 
 Henry Porter from Macon Conference to this ; Rev. 
 J. B. Warner from Georgia Conference to Arkansas 
 Conference ; and Rev. James Etheridge from Georgia 
 Conference to East Florida. The dollar money 
 reached -12,416.54 from a membership of ten thou- 
 sand seven hundred and ten ; but the statistics of 
 this body this year seem to have been rendered in- 
 complete by a failure on the part of some of the 
 brethren to make their reports. 
 The Seventeenth Quadrennial Session of the 
 church was held in Baltimore, May 5th, 1884, in 
 Bethel church, Saratoga street. The presentation 
 of the work of the various departments was inter- 
 esting, especially in relation to the increase of our 
 preaching force, as well as membership. 
 In 1784, one hundred years before, there was one 
 colored preacher, Henry Hosier; now we see 2,540 
 traveling preachers; 9,760 local preachers and ex- 
 horters, and a total membership 392,540 souls re- 
 ported. This includes simply the work of the A. M. 
 E. Church. The total of colored Methodist popu- 
 lation in America reached 1,023,017, while the dif- 
 ferent Methodist churches, exclusively African, gave 
 a total of 6,819 traveling preachers, and the entire 
 Methodist population in America reached 4,092,068. 
 This year there were no additions to the Bishop- 
 ric. Bishop Dickerson was assigned to the Second 
 District, consisting of the States of Maryland, Vir- 
 ginia, North Carolina and the District of Columbia, 
 and the Sixth received in his stead the supervision of 
 Bishop James A. Shorter for the next four years. 
 Little did the Convention think that before another 
 quadrennium should close these two would have 
 gone the way of all the earth, dust to dust — these 
 two and one other, Bishop R. H. Cain. Thus in 
 one quadrennium the ranks were broken and three 
 called hence. 
 The Dollar Money Law, passed in 1872, was 
 amended at this session, allowing the Conferences 
 to retain at home 40 per cent, instead of 30 per cent.* 
 This year also saw a reorganization of the Educa- 
 tional Department, which had its origin in 1876. 
 Endowment Day was established, and a Secretary 
 of Education elected — Rev. Wm. D. Johnson, D.D., 
 with a General Board, under whose special man- 
 agement the Department was to be conducted. This 
 provided for the distribution of the Endowment Fund 
 raised through certain legitimate channels, including 
 the day set apart throughout the connection — the 
 3d Sabbath in each September. From this point on 
 the Educational movement has been steadily for- 
 ward. Of this we shall speak elsewhere at greater 
 length, when we come to consider the rise and 
 growth of Education in the South,which, like all else 
 in this region, has been most marvelous. 
 It was in the November following that the Macon 
 Annual Conference held its third session in St. 
 *This change was strongly advocated by Rev. G. L. Jackson and the 
 writer. The opponents thought it would be detrimental to the support of 
 the Bishops and the General Officers ; but the writer believed that by leav- 
 ing more money with the Conferences they would increase the amounts. 
 This has been verified by the increase of Dollar Money over 50 per cent. 
 We are confident that the Sixth Episcopal District alone will raise §80,000 
 in this quadrennium; 
 James' Church, Columbus. It opened the 19th with 
 our new Bishop, James A. Shorter, as the presiding; 
 Bishop — his first welcome to Georgia. 
 The Educational meeting received his hearty sup- 
 port and substantial aid in $2 5 for the cause. Bishop 
 Dickerson was also present and preached at the 
 morning service of the Sabbath, upon "Christ our 
 Evidence," from Hebrews ii 18-9. "But now we 
 see not yet all things put under him, but we see 
 Jesus." It was an eloquent outburst, logical and 
 learned as well, from the lips of one who was so 
 soon to see Jesus, "not in a glass darkly," but "face 
 to face." 
 The session passed most pleasantly. Brother 
 Levi L. Reynolds, Wm. T. Norris and Elias H. 
 Miller were ordained to the office of deacon, and 
 Thomas Williams, James H. Johnson, Hudson W. 
 Whitaker, Jesse B. Reese, Lawson G. Burnett, 
 Owen W. Daniels, Francis Boddie, Wm. Thornton 
 and Emanuel Wimbish to, that of elder. Bishop 
 Dickerson administered the sacrament of the Lord's 
 Supper at the conclusion of the ordination, and at 
 the night service the writer conducted a Conference 
 Love Feast with a densely crowded church. It was 
 undeniably a season of "spiritual refreshing." 
 Brother Crawford Wimberly had died. The ses- 
 sion closed with the adjuration from the Bishop to 
 "go to your charges and do the very best you can." 
 The North Georgia Conference, having changed 
 its time of meeting, convened before the close of the 
 year, the 3d of December, (1884) in Pierce's Chapel v 
 Athens. In the opening remarks Bishop Shorter 
 made some very just, practical remarks, saying 
 among other things, " It does not matter so much 
 what opinions the brethren have of my predeces- 
 sors, if you only keep them to yourselves, " also, 
 " you can praise all the other Bishops just as much 
 as you please, if you only do a greater work under 
 my administration." 
 The Bishop announced the transfers of Revs. L. 
 E. Hall, C. S. Green and Andrew Griffin, from the 
 Macon Conference to the North Georgia Confer- 
 ence, and their names were placed on the roll at the 
 Bishop Shorter was intensely interested in the 
 Missionary cause, and he favored it and furthered it 
 in every way possible. A Missionary Bishop in 
 his early work of organizing Churches and Con- 
 ferences, he knew the need of all the aid that could 
 come from the various organizations of a church in- 
 terested in the Missionary work at home and abroad. 
 He knew, too, how to interest the Church when 
 there seemed no spirit in the movement, which 
 was best of all. At the anniversary of the Confer- 
 ence Missionary Society $110.35 were raised. 
 The annual sermon was preached by the writer 
 from II Timothy, iv: 5-8, and of it the Secretary of 
 the Conference was pleased to say: "Our pen 
 would fail us if we should attempt to follow him as 
 he led us through trials and difficulties, clouds and 
 darkness, and finally brought us out into the glorious 
 liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. The 
 sermon is one that will not be forgotten by those 
 who heard it for years to come; neither can the 
 minister fail to fight harder and more bravely for 
 the Master. He spoke of the advance made by the 
 gospel of Christ; how men had been made to respect 
 it and its ministers. He compared the Christian 
 victory with that of the memorable Kimball House 
 fire in Atlanta over the brave firemen whose labors 
 cannot be forgotten, and the congregation was 
 clothed in wonder at the power of God, as displayed 
 in the preaching of His word. " 
 At the hour set for fraternal greetings, the Con- 
 ference received Rev. G. V. Clark, of the Con- 
 gregational Church, who said that his object was 
 to express his brotherly love, and one of his great- 
 est desires was that " we may be one. " He ex- 
 tended greeting and asked hearty cooperation in 
 the grand and noble work of Education and Tem- 
 Rev. J. G. Yeiser made a vigorous response and 
 declared that in such a grand cause the A. M. E. 
 Church would always be found with a shoulder to 
 the wheel, shoving on her part. Bishop Turner 
 was happily with us a portion of the session, glad 
 to meet the brethren once more, and at the evening 
 meeting of the third day he spoke at length of the 
 incidents and circumstances which attended the 
 origin and maturing of the literary organization of 
 the A. M. E. Church, an organization he has done 
 so much to forward. With speeches by Rev. 
 Clark and the writer, who mentioned the difficul- 
 ties he encountered in founding Morris-Brown Col- 
 lege, the evening's exercises, though according to no 
 definite program, passed off, Bishop Turner, pre- 
 C. C. Cargiie, D. J. McGhee, Jr., A. J. Wilker- 
 son, Cornelius White, S. B. Sims, F. R.Richardson, 
 J. T. Riggins, H.J. Johnson and W. G. Smith were 
 admitted on trial. L. A. Waddell, W. W. McCrary 
 and Nathan Berry withdrew from the connection. 
 Bishop Shorter, assisted by Elders C. L. Brad- 
 well, C. M. Manning, H. T. Cargiie and A. S- 
 Jackson, ordained the following brethren deacons: 
 Revs. S. J. West, A. L. Shaw, W. B. Anderson, T. 
 H. Mallory, L. E. Hall, N. L. Holmes, W. L. Rus- 
 sellj . S. Hendricks, assisted by J. S. Hamilton, 
 R. Graham, G. W. H. Williams and A. J. Miller. 
 He also ordained the following for elders: Revs. 
 Cosmos P. Jordan, Daniel Strickland, Samuel Floyd 
 Prichard, Burgess Johnson, Alfred Emanuel Wal- 
 ker, Charles Henry Carter and Lewis McClaren. 
 Rev. Andrew Brown officiated at the sacrament, 
 which was a solemn occasion. 
 The writer afterwards was called upon to state to 
 the Conference the severe illness of Bishop Dick- 
 erson, who desired to go home. He also made the 
 motion that Conference send Rev. E. A. Shepherd 
 to accompany him. This was done, and the Bishop 
 left us for the last time for his home in Columbia, 
 S. C. There he died the 20th of December.* 
 *I can never forget his look as he bade me good-bye at the depot. It 
 was good-bye until we meet in heaven. The last sermon I heard him 
 At this Conference the writer offered the follow- 
 ing resolution, which was passed: 
 " Whereas, Father Peter McLain, on account of 
 age, has almost become unable to travel, but does 
 not desire to locate, 
 " Resolved, That the North Georgia Annual Con- 
 ference make him Conference Missionary, with 
 power to travel throughout the Conference, visiting 
 any or all of the churches, giving his aid in mission 
 work in whatever way he may be able, even to the 
 starting of new work. Also that the brethren al- 
 low him to preach, if he desires, and give him one 
 collection during the day." 
 North Georgia stood at this Conference with 15,- 
 000 members, and $1,991.90 of Dollar Money. 
 The Georgia Annual Conference met in Albany, 
 Ga., January 14, 1885, and extended its session to 
 the 20th. It was a Conference marked by tender 
 feelings for the death that had so recently come 
 home to us all — to the A. M. E. Church, and to the 
 Georgia Conference in particular. Bishop Shorter 
 was present to preside. Rev. M. B. Salter preached 
 the Annual Sermon from the text, Acts xxvi:2 2; 
 " Having therefore obtained help of God, I con- 
 tinue unto this day witnessing both to small and 
 great saying, none other things than those which 
 the prophets and Moses did say should come." 
 preach was a thanksgiving sermon in Atlanta, November, 1884. Psalms 
 xxii :15 ; " As for me I will behold Thy face in righteousness, I shall be 
 satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness." He then said to me, "Gaines 
 I have preached my last sermon, and I now advise you to preach a 
 whole Christ. 
 The afternoon session of the second day was de- 
 voted to the memorial services upon Bishop Dicker- 
 son. Bishop Shorter presided. The services 
 opened with Presiding Elder J. A. Wood singing 
 the hymn, " What Though the Conquering Death;' 
 iprayer by Rev. Samuel Stewart; singing of hymn 
 " O, Where Shall Rest be Found," bv Rev. D. T. 
 Green, North Georgia Conference; reading of 90th 
 Psalm b}- Rev. H. B. Dowdell; singing of hymn 
 ■" Nearer My God to Thee," by the writer; reading 
 15th chapter I. Corinthians, by Rev. M. B. Salter; 
 singing by Rev. S. M. Clark of hymn " Hear 
 What the Voice of Heaven Proclaims." The 
 writer was introduced to the Conference, and spoke 
 ■briefly of the birth, work and career of Bishop 
 Dickerson, and was followed by remarks from Pre- 
 siding Elder J. A. Wood, and Rev. J. H. Adams 
 singing, • then prayer by Presiding Elder Henry 
 Strickland closed the exercises, aside from the reso- 
 lutions of condolence, which were read and 
 adopted, and now form a part of the Journal of the 
 Georgia Conference. 
 Death had also claimed Revs. M. Dillard, J. M. 
 Cox, A. J. Johnson, all of whom died in the faith 
 and on the field of labor, leaving families to mourn 
 their loss. Revs. W. H. Powell, Peyton Stokes 
 and John McDougal spoke feelingly upon their 
 A committee was appointed to define the line be- 
 tween Savannah and Macon districts. W. H. Ham- 
 mond, L. J. Lester, H. C. Hawk, R. Richards, 
 B. J. Shackleford, J. B. Epton, C. H. Williams, and 
 W. M. Jefferson were admitted on trial. D. W- 
 Moore, E. J. Bush, Boston Scott, F. H. Hender- 
 son, H. L. Watson, H. M. Lofton and Wm. Garri- 
 son were presented and ordained deacons. A. W. 
 Walton was ordained a local deacon. J. H. Adams, 
 J. R. Bennett, M. J. Ingraham, Alex. Glover, Wm. 
 Askew, John Hayes, R: H. Stewart and C. P.. 
 ohnson were ordained elders. 
 Morris-Brown College received an apportion- 
 ment this year of $535.40. The Dollar Money 
 reached a total of $2,473.95, of which the percen- 
 tage was $989.58. 
 It was not until November that the Macon Con- 
 ference held its fourth session. It then convened 
 upon the 18th in St John's Church, Eatonton, Ga. 
 Bishop Shorter presided, and in his appointment of 
 committees remarked that no committee was more 
 important than that on Admissions, especially as it 
 had to do with third and fourth year studies. 
 He said " The sun is now too high to admit the 
 election of brothers to orders when they are un- 
 able to Read the ritual. God has not called every 
 good man into the higher orders of the ministry. 
 If brethren do not improve it is not God's fault nor 
 th/* fault of the Conference. Any one who wants 
 to learn how to read can learn. I do not wish any 
 one recommended for orders who cannot read 
 plainly." It was wise and timely for such a posi- 
 tive statement. 
 Bishop Campbell was present, as was also 
 Dr. B. T. Tanner— now (1890) Bishop B. T. Tanner 
 — then editor of the A.M. E. Church Review; and 
 at the missionary meeting both spoke with fervor. 
 The annual sermon was preached by H. H. Taylor 
 who spoke from Romans viii: 18, upon the experi- 
 ence, of the Christian, the minister's burdens and his 
 hope, and enjoined them to be steadfast. Both the 
 missionary and educational meetings were full of 
 interest and of financial success. 
 Arrangements were made to comply with the 
 request from the Secretary of the Financial Board 
 of the church, who asked for aid in the embarrassed 
 condition of the church to the extent of the Confer- 
 ences retaining but thirty per cent, of the Dollar 
 Money instead of forty. This aid was extended by 
 a motion to loan the Financial Board ten per cent. 
 The Trustees of Morris-Brown College were 
 allowed to further their work and settle debts by 
 borrowing funds under legal advice, being restricted 
 to five thousand dollars. The Conference Literary 
 meeting was a success, showing considerable and 
 growing enthusiasm in the essays and discussions. 
 The Sunday services consisted of a sermon by 
 Bishop Campbell at 1 1 a. m. and by Bishop Shorter 
 at 3 p. m. The former was a powerful discourse 
 on "Grace," while the latter was a pithy, practical 
 one upon the relationship of husband and wife, with 
 Eph. v: 25, for a text. Dr. Tanner preached at 
 night upon what our physical nature, our intellect- 
 ual nature and our religious nature cost us — a feast 
 of good things for one day. 
 Following the suggestion thrown out by the 
 Bishop, but two were admitted on trial — B. L. 
 Jackson and Claiborne H. Warren. The deacons 
 ordained were, Andrew Bingham, Alfred Sapp, 
 Elijah Fulls, Richard L. Butts, Austin Flewellen, 
 Daniel Smith, Newry Ellison, W. J. Hall, Sylves- 
 ter Wilder, Daniel K. Knight, Homer Shaw, Green 
 York, Geo. Wesley Neal, Geo. Copeland, Robert 
 J. Bailey, Levi L. Reynolds, Wm. T. Norris, Felix 
 Foster, Robert M. S. Taylor, Simon Thomas, San 
 Francisco Andrews. 
 Seven members had died: the veteran Samuel 
 W. Drayton, James H. Johnson, Owen W. Daniels, 
 Wm. Ross, Preston B. Peters, Eli R. Trby and 
 Warren R. Davis. Revs. Andrew Griffin, R. R. 
 Downs and Joshua F. Brown were transferred to 
 North Georgia Conference, and J. T. Crayton from 
 the Georgia Conference to Macon. 
 Bishop Shorter made a practical suggestion in 
 calling the Presiding Elders' attention to the impor- 
 tance of employing those brethren who have been 
 admitted to the Conference, but who were without 
 appointments, instead of those who have not been 
 received. Nearly all the points were filled by ap- 
 pointment, and but few changes in the District oc- 
 curred. The Georgia Conference had desired to 
 change some work from Macon Conference to its 
 own work, but the request was declined and Ma- 
 con and Savannah District remained as before. 
 The Dollar Money reached a total of $2,848.05 
 and reported 17,162 members with $2,300.89 
 raised for schools of the circuit, and a Children's 
 Day collection of $189.55. Endowment Day 
 brought in $621.20 and Morris-Brown College 
 especially had raised $208.75. 
 An interval of little more than one week and the 
 Noith Georgia Conference assembled in Griffin, 
 Ga., in St. Philip's Chapel, December 2, adjourn- 
 ing the 6th. The same Bishops were in attendance, 
 and presiding, and C. P. Jordan was made Confer- 
 ence Secretary. 
 Dr. Tanner, Dr. B. F. Lee and others were 
 present, and the educational meeting was greatly 
 assisted by encouraging words from the Bishops 
 and these visitors. 
 Rev. T. W. Haigler presented an essay this year, 
 also a poem on Africa, both of which were highly 
 creditable for this young man, and showed the 
 trend of his thoughts which he has put into action. 
 The Reports upon all subjects were concise and of 
 a cheering nature. 
 E. W. Lee, Peter Williams, S. P. Cary and J. A. 
 Wyatt were admitted on trial. Richard Fountain, 
 Lewis Baxter, Floyd Griffin, Chas. W. Simmons, 
 Chas. C. Cargile, Solomon Berry Lyons were 
 elected and ordained deacons. George Towns, 
 Matthew Wilkerson, Pryor and Nathan Price, local 
 deacons, while Hilliard D. Canady, Elijah H. Zeig- 
 ler, James Ricks, Joel Stevens, Wm. Harkness, 
 Evans Davis were ordained elders. 
 The transfers this year were Rev. R. E. Wilson, 
 from South Carolina Conference to North Georgia 
 Conference, Rev. Peyavia O'Connell, from Ohio 
 Conference to the North Georgia, also Rev. R. R. 
 Down from Macon to the same. Rev. T. H. Mal- 
 lory took a transfer from the North Georgia to the 
 Macon Conference. 
 The four Presiding Elder Districts reported fully. 
 Atlanta District, under W. J. Gaines, had done well, 
 with four stations, nine circuits and one mission. 
 Griffin District, under A. Brown, showed an increase 
 of nine hundred and fifty members and several small 
 churches organized. Marietta, under C. L. Brad- 
 well, exhibited an increase in both members and 
 finances. Athens, under A. J. Miller, showed that 
 this district had more than doubled its Dollar Money 
 since 1881. There was new work at Athens and 
 at Goose Pond, in Black Creek Mission, as well as 
 at Carnesville and Hart County. 
 Edward Waters had died this year, doing good 
 work at Cave Spring Circuit. So closed the year 
 The first Conference of the year 1886 was that of 
 the Georgia, held in Hawkinsville, Ga., Jan. 20-25. 
 Bishop Shorter presided, with the sympathy of the 
 Conference. He had been laboring under severe 
 burdens which had served to render it impossible for 
 him to make his visits as extended as he desired to 
 make them. Bereavements in his household, and 
 his wife's severe illness at the present time, dis- 
 tressed him greatly. But with the sympathy there 
 were no complaints to make, and later, at the open- 
 ing of the Macon Conference, Presiding Elder S. B. 
 Jones gave voice to that sentiment, which dwelt in 
 all hearts, that there was no fault to find, they only 
 implored the help of the Divine One in his behalf. 
 The Secretary of the preceding year was elected. 
 Rev. J. C. Embry, General Business Manager of 
 the Book Concern, was one of the visitors and spoke 
 pointedly on the subject of business. Dr. J. M. 
 Townsend was also present as Missionary Secretary 
 and emphasized the need of work in special fields. 
 The Conference had no special business of im- 
 portance before it. The usual work went on. The 
 sermons were good and well attended. The trans- 
 fers were Revs. J. S. Flipper, Geo. Washington and 
 J. A. Cary to the North Georgia work, to be 
 stationed respectively at Big Bethel, in Atlanta, 
 Dalton and Washington, Ga. Rev. R. R. Downs 
 and C. W. Warren from North Georgia to Georgia, 
 and stationed at Dawson and Bainbridge, and M. R. 
 Wilson from the Ohio Conference to the Georgia, 
 and stationed at Boston, Ga. 
 The Conference followed the example of the 
 North Georgia Conference at its last session, and 
 loaned the Financial Board of the Church ten per 
 cent, of the Dollar Money to help tide affairs over 
 the embarrassment. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were J. B. 
 Walker, G. H. Green, J. Griffin, John Hadley, G. 
 W. Butler, S. B. Shaw, Enoch Roberts. C. C. 
 Warren, L. Crawford, Z. Granderson, Wm. Jeffer- 
 son, J. P. Mitchell, J. B. Epton, S. P. Jackson, W. 
 H. Hamburg, S. M. Addy and S. M. Matchett were 
 elected and ordained deacons, with J. H. Wilson 
 and H. L. Pratt, local. The elders were R. V. 
 Smith, W. H. Hamilton, R. W. Fickland, Abram 
 Martin, S. H. Brown and J. H. Harris. 
 Resolutions were passed to the effect that a recur- 
 rence of a deficit in the sum necessary to pay the 
 way of delegates to General Conference, as in 1884, 
 might be prevented. Each pastor was, therefore, 
 required to bring one cent per member to the ensu- 
 ing Conference, and each Presiding Elder one dollar 
 to prepare for the needed sum in 1888. 
 The appointments were made, and adjournment 
 took place after admonitory counsel to the preachers 
 as to their work. The Dollar Money reached $2,- 
 509.40 from the six Districts of the Georgia Con- 
 ference in 1886. 
 November 17th was the date npon which the 
 Macon Georgia Annual Conference convened in 
 Barnesville this year. Rev. W. C. Banton, the Sec- 
 retary of 1885, was again chosen for the office, and 
 Revs. Andrew W. Lowe and Jordan R. Gay were 
 made assistants by himself. 
 Rev. Wm. H. Smith preached the annual sermon 
 from the text, " By this shall all men know that ye 
 are my disciples, if ye have love one to another," 
 and in his discourse he dwelt upon this Christ-like 
 love as a badge of liberty, of fidelity and union, em- 
 phasizing it by experiences in betrayed trusts and 
 false friendships. It was a strong, practical sermon, 
 and one to do much good. 
 The following preachers were admitted on trial: 
 Allen R. Cooper, D. J. Lawrence, E. J. Knight, H. 
 H. Johnson, G. W. Hill, A. Colbert, C. J. Jones, 
 James Mitchell, Joshua Barnes, Peyton Burns and 
 Geo. C. Davis. At the conclusion of the Sunday 
 services, when Bishop Campbell had preached to a 
 large congregation, Bishop Shorter proceeded to the 
 ordination services. Rev. Andrew W. Lowe pre- 
 sented Wm. R. Gallius, Edward D. Gorman, Archi- 
 bald B . Gibson, Robert B. Sanford and Daniel Mc- 
 Ghee, Jr., to be ordained deacons. After this ser- 
 vice was concluded Rev. S. H. Robertson presented 
 Revs. Daniel K. Knight, George Wesley Neal and 
 Tarpley H. Mallory to be ordained elders, after 
 which the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ad- 
 ministered first to the newly ordained ministers, and 
 then to the others present. 
 Bishop Shorter brought up the necessity of help 
 for the Metropolitan Church, at Washington, D. C, 
 and upon consideration of the matter, the Confer- 
 ence voted $100 to its assistance. 
 At this time the writer had the privilege of ad- 
 dressing the Conference concerning the interest of 
 Morris-Brown College. An opportunity had been 
 given by which the manufacturers of a brand of soap, 
 known as the " Big Real," would contribute to the 
 funds of the institution. As it was a perfectly legiti- 
 mate and honorable way of gaining money for the 
 College, he pressed the claims of this mode of ob- 
 taining funds by urging the brethren to recommend 
 this brand to the people. 
 Cleanliness is next to godliness, and when clean- 
 liness could be made an ally to godliness and educa- 
 tion, as it would in this case, it seemed the right thing 
 to uplift our work by its help. 
 The results have proved that we did not err. In 
 a square, fair, business-like manner our College has 
 been helped to the extent of $1,600. At this time 
 (1886) $225 had been received. 
 Our people must use. this necessary article in 
 great abundance in the work of washing, to which 
 so many of us owe a livelihood. It was a pleasure 
 to them to know that even thus the poorest and 
 humblest could have a hand .in erecting the 
 walls of an institution which would bear a hand in 
 raising future generations to planes of higher work. 
 God blesses the smallest thing which is used in 
 forwarding a good work. He blesses the humblest 
 instrument and the poorest toiler engaged in it. 
 Dr. J. C. Embry, General Manager, and other 
 General officers were present, as well as a number 
 of brethren from other Conferences and churches. 
 The statement from the Educational Department 
 for the past year showed a good year's work; the 
 District Secretary had sent in $7,898.28, the Col- 
 leges and schools had raised $28,163.58, which, 
 added to the contributions from Annual Confer- 
 ences of $3,984.15 and other sources, including 
 $1,392.50 from the Financial Secretary, gave a 
 total of $43,164.49. From this $42,733.58 had 
 gone into the proper school channels, as provided 
 for by law, and for legitimate expenses, leaving a 
 balance on hand of $852.33. 
 Conference appropriated $5°° to Morris-Brown 
 College, and so the Educational work was well 
 cared for. One of the most interesting reports was 
 that of the Trustees of Morris-Brown College. 
 Two teachers were in the school, but the circum- 
 stances forbade more than primary work at present. 
 We had considered the efforts made by some of the 
 ministers very feeble in making a success of the days 
 set apart for raising of money for that purpose; but 
 even then the total rolled up to $3,776. 15 upon the 
 side of receipts, with $3,898.43 to face it in disburse- 
 merits. This, with a debt of about $4,000, was- 
 what the trustees had to face. But God was good, 
 and the following years prosperous ones. Now 
 (1890) the last dollar has been paid. 
 Rev. Wm. Thornton, Newrey Ellison, Wm. Par- 
 ker, Rev. Henry Daniels (superannuated) and 
 Rev. Peter C. Crews, (supernumerary), were re- 
 ported in the death list this year. 
 The Electoral College of Laymen, within the 
 Macon Conference, was voted to be held in Macon, 
 in July — first Wednesday. 
 The transfers were, Rev. S. H. Robertson and 
 Rev. H. H. Taylor, to the Georgia Conference, 
 Jesse B. Reese to the North Georgia, John W. 
 Recks, Prince L. Jackson and Shannon R. Roberts, 
 to the Alabama, while in return Elder Haley Hardy 
 came from the Georgia, and Brothers Tarpley, Holt, 
 Mallory and Daniel J. McGhee from the North 
 The statistics reported $2,831.30 for Dollar 
 Money and 16,309 members. 
 The North Georgia Conference convened shortly 
 after the close of the Macon Conference, which took 
 place November 17th, the former meeting in Allen 
 Temple, Atlanta, Ga., December 1. At the open- 
 ing in the morning it became the writer's sad duty 
 to communicate to Conference the receipt of a tele- 
 gram from Bishop Shorter, informing him of the 
 death of his wife. Bishop Campbell also sent a 
 dispatch, and under its orders the writer organized 
 the Conference and then adjourned to await Bishop 
 Campbell's arrival at 3 p. m. 
 Anxious to be at his post of Christian duty, Bishop 
 Shorter had hoped to the last to attend this and the 
 Carolina Conference, but the change summoned 
 him to another sacred duty, and he had requested 
 Bishop Campbell to assume these duties and act in 
 his stead; so that, instead of being Associate Bishop 
 this time, Bishop Campbell presided again over our 
 Bishop Shorter had already lost child after child, 
 as it were — two daughters and grand children had 
 recently died; his son-in-law, his mother-in-law- — all 
 had been borne out from his doorway in the short 
 space of less than five years, and now, as his wife 
 passed over the river, he was to be left alone indeed. 
 Bishop Campbell had gone out of his way to see her 
 for the last time, and, as he feelingly spoke of her 
 and of the Bishop's loss, all felt with the speaker that 
 Bishop Shorter was indeed plunged into such depths 
 as prompted the Psalmist to say, " Deep calleth unto 
 deep, at the noise of the waterspouts all thy waves 
 and thy billows have gone over me." 
 But it was not to be long a parting, for in less 
 than a twelve- month the Bishop himself was to join 
 her on the other side. 
 The Missionary meeting, like that at all Confer- 
 ences, was most interesting and important. The 
 writer had lately met a missionary and his wife 
 about to sail for Africa* — a man eminently compe- 
 *Thomas W. Haigler and wife. 
 tent and qualified for the ,work, and the fact that 
 there was so much work to be done fired the souls 
 of all present to aid in some way and have a part in 
 the grand work. Dr. B. F. Lee, Editor of the 
 Christian Recorder, gave a glowing account of 
 those who had sacrificed themselves in the cause, 
 and at last Bishop Campbell spoke in his character- 
 istic manner: 
 Sixty years before he had sat at the feet of Bishop 
 Allen. Then there were only about 2,600 mem- 
 bers, counting those in Charleston, S. C, and from 
 New York to New Orleans. Out of that number 
 only Bishop Campbell and Father David Smith were 
 then living.** Bishop Campbell was the only one 
 living who joined the church under him. It is not 
 strange that he should speak of himself as the one 
 connecting link with the Church of that date, as 
 mentioned elsewhere. 
 The ordination of deacons took place December 
 5th. Bishop Shorter, having returned from his sad 
 journey, delivered the charge to the following class: 
 A. Y. Pierce, R. E. Wilson, James Watts, Simon 
 Alexander, Mack Parify, J . R. Phillips, R. H. Rich- 
 ards, A. J. Wilkerson, L. Leonard, J. T. Riggins, 
 S. P. Cary, E. W. Lee and F. R. Richardson. He 
 was assisted by Elders J. G. Yeiser, D. J. McGhee 
 and H. D. Bush. Following this came the ordination 
 of elders, and Elders E. A. Shepard, A. S. Jackson, 
 M. E. Cox and the writer assisted in the ceremony 
 **Father David Smith died at his home in Xeina, Ohio, 1888, at the age of 
 104 years. 
 of ordaining to that office Henry Crittenden, J. A. 
 Johnson, A. L. Shaw, N. L. Holmes, S. J. West and 
 W. H. Shearwood from the CM. E. Church. R. T. 
 Matthews, G. W. Malone, R. H. Hayne, Robert 
 Caloway, J. H. Heard and A. J. Carter were the 
 newly admitted this year. 
 The Conference was called to mourn at this ses- 
 sion not only the death of the wife of the presiding 
 Bishop, but that of Rev. H. T. Cargle and of Rev. 
 David Anderson, who had passed away, as had also 
 one of the sisters — a woman full of Christian labors 
 — Mrs. Mary V. E. Yeiser, the wife of Rev. John 
 G. Yeiser, then pastor of Allen Temple, Atlanta, Ga. 
 It was at this session that the venerable Bishop 
 Campbell took occasion to remark that which can- 
 not be said too often — that no brother should mark 
 another for personal affairs; "all personal 
 affairs may be personally settled, but public affairs 
 must be publicly settled." It is a rule which works 
 well always, and much time consumed in our Con- 
 ferences, together with much space that is occupied 
 in our minutes, would be saved if it were followed. 
 The transfers this year were Deacon C. W, Fos- 
 ter from the Columbia to the North Georgia, Revs. 
 M. W. Moore and J. L. Trigg, of the Tennessee 
 Conference, Rev. Geo. Washington from the Geor- 
 gia, Revs. W. C. Malone and P. W. Walls from the 
 West Tennessee, Rev. J. S. Flipper from the Geor- 
 gia — all to the North Georgia; Rev. E. W. Wilson 
 from the North Georgia to the South Carolina Con- 
 ference, and Rev. Wm. Harkness from the North 
 Georgia to the Macon. 
 The Bishop gave as his decision that the Confer- 
 ence had no right to transfer a brother to another 
 Conference, neither did a Bishop have the preroga- 
 tive to transfer a brother unless his character had 
 been passed upon. Trouble having arisen from indis- 
 creet acts and remarks of a brother, whose trial 
 happily ending in acknowledgment of error and par- 
 don, led to this decision. 
 The Report from the Publication Department of 
 the Church, under Rev. J. C. Embry, as Business 
 Manager, was encouraging this year, and as the 
 "cash plan" was now a feature of the work, there 
 was every reason to hope for increased success with 
 the support the Conferences should give. The body 
 was asked to furnish some historical facts concern- 
 ing the temperance cause. The request came 
 through a communication from Prof. H. A. Scomp, 
 of Emory College, to furnish these for a History of 
 Temperance to aid in giving the position of the A. 
 M. E. Church in regard to this matter. Temper- 
 ance was an exciting theme in Georgia at that time, 
 and the A. M. E. Church in the South showed, 
 through the movements of some of its leaders in 
 vigorous defense of the cause of, prohibition, its po- 
 sition upon the subject during the years of 1885- 
 The Presiding Elders presented most encouraging 
 features in their reports. Griffin District, under P. E. 
 Andrew Brown reported six new churches built, 
 •and 660 new members added, with many improve- 
 This District sent $357.15 in Dollar Money. Ma- 
 rietta, under Rev. C. L. Bradwell, reported increase 
 of membership as 1,053 with improvement at nearly 
 every point. It brought up $587.80 in Dollar 
 Money. Athens District, under Rev. R. Graham, 
 reported good work and extension by sending three 
 local preachers to Hart county, Lincoln county and 
 Franklin county respectively, each one of whom had 
 now land for a church. The Dollar Money was 
 $437-5°- The writer's own work, as Presiding El- 
 der of the Atlanta District, had decided marks of 
 improvement financially and at most circuits and sta- 
 tions spiritually, as well. Allen Temple, which 
 Rev. J. G. Yeiser had lifted from a wooden frame 
 to a magnificent brick, spoke for itself to the body. 
 Rev. J. T. Belsaw had built up our church in Cov- 
 ington from the weakest to the strongest congre- 
 gation in the place; Rev. Zeigler, of St. James' 
 Mission, had built two churches in Atlanta suburbs, 
 while'Revs. D. T. Green, ThomasW. Haigler, M. 
 E. Cox, N. J. McCombs, H. H. Silas, S. B. Sims, 
 S. J. West, N. L. Holmes, C. C. Cargile, S. C. 
 Hendrix, Matthew Taylor, G. H. Holmes, A. L. 
 Shaw, S. P. dry, Lewis McClaren, H. C. Boyd, 
 P. O'Connel and J. S. Flipper, had one and all 
 done well at their posts. This P. E. District raised 
 $1,452.75 for its Dollar Money. 
 The Conference had as a total $2,835.20 in Dol- 
 lar Money and a membership reported as 16,000. 
 The first Conference to convene in the State this- 
 year — 1887, was the Georgia Annual Conference, 
 which opened its session in Quitman, Ga., January 
 14, in the Bethel A. M. E. Church. 
 Bishop James Shorter presided, with Rev. W. 
 O. P. Sherman made chief Secretary. 
 The missionary meeting held on the evening of 
 the second day's session was a success, with stimulat- 
 ing addresses by Rev. E. Lowry, Dr. W. D.Johnson, 
 the writer's efforts being added to the others. A 
 collection of $124.94 was taken up at the close. 
 The work passed off very smoothly. E. L. 
 Martin, J. T. Smith, — Crittenden, W. H. Holmes, 
 W. H. Randall were admitted on trial. T. S. Wood y 
 E. B. Brown, P. D. Davis, D. G. Wilson, Henry 
 Wells, W. H. Walton, D. W. Moore, John Austin,. 
 O. N, Finegan were elected and ordained elders,, 
 with James Delbrough, James H. Holmes and W. 
 H. Randal, local, the latter being reobligated. 
 Henry Nails was the only one whose death had 
 occurred in the year. 
 The Sunday services consisted of three sermons,, 
 preached respectively bv Bishop J. A. Shorter, the 
 writer, and Rev. W. D. Johnson, D. D., Secretary 
 of Education, in the morning, afternoon and evening. 
 The services drew out many of the best citizens, 
 both colored and white. 
 The Conference was shocked to receive a tele- 
 gram from Bishop J. M. Brown, bearing the news 
 of Bishop R. H. Cain's severe illness. Bishop Cain 
 was then presiding Bishop of the First Episcopal 
 District. Ere the month had ended he was num- 
 bered with the dead having succumbed to that fatal 
 malady, "Bright Disease," Janaury 24. 
 The members of the Georgia Conference at this 
 session recognized the approaching anniversary of 
 the rise and progress of the A. M. E. Church by 
 resolutions to join themselves in a working order to 
 be known as the "Ministers Centennial Union for 
 the Promotion of Education." This finally resulted in 
 the Quarto-Centennial held in Georgia and South 
 Carolina, in 1890. 
 The six districts of the Conference presented a 
 good showing in the statistical table. Savannah 
 District, under Presiding Elder J. A. Woods, sent 
 up $1,327.61 ;Thomasville District, under Presiding 
 Elder Henry Strickland, $319.75; Cuthbert District, 
 under Presiding Elder H. B. Dowdell, $414.35 ; 
 Valdosta District, under Presiding Elder W. H. 
 Powell, $392.85 ; Albany District under Presiding 
 Elder S. M. Clarke, $299.75, and Brunswick District, 
 under Presiding Elder Peyton Stokes, $291.50 — a 
 total of $2,948.31 of Dollar Money from a member- 
 ship reported as 20,000. 
 By petition of the Conference, it was decided by 
 the Bishop that the Conference should be held in 
 December instead o£ January. As a consequence, 
 when the appointment was made for the next Annual 
 Conference to be held at Savannah, it was set for 
 December 14 of the same year (18S7). 
 It was upon the 9th of November preceding this 
 that the next Conference in the State was held — 
 the North Georgia Conference — at Rome, Ga., in 
 the A. M. E. Church. 
 All that was mortal of our Presiding Bishop J. A. 
 Shorter had been laid to rest in July, and the work 
 of this Conference was in the hands of Bishop 
 A. W. Wayman. 
 It had been nearly twenty years since he had 
 presided over a Conference in the State — from 1868 
 to 1887 — a long period, but the welcome given him 
 was proportionately warm and heartfelt. 
 The class for admission consisted of E. J. Hol- 
 land, Wm. P. Bradley, H. H. Silas, M. W. Pryor, 
 W. A. Gillam, Wm. Flagg, W. H. Mance, L. G. 
 Tri gg> J- R - Pace > H - F - Chunn, Andrew Finch, 
 J. J. Wilson. The deacons ordained were H. Pitts, 
 W. G. Smith, E. W. Lee, S. P. Cary, Peter Wil- 
 liams, R. H. Haynes, Jerry McGruder, H. J. John- 
 son, P. O'Connell, S. M. Alexander, J. L. Trigg; 
 the local deacons, Wm. P. Bradley and Jefferson 
 Thomas, of the Atlanta District, Robert Caloway, 
 B. J. Arnold, Robert Parks, J. B. Dukes, of the 
 Athens District. The Elders' class ordained con- 
 sisted of S. B. Sims, Wm. Stansel, Wm. J. Russell, 
 C W. Simons, F. Griffin, R. Fountain, L. Baxter, 
 C. C. Cargile, W. J. Lawrence, L. E. Hall, Y. D. 
 Donnell, Isaac Young, Benjamin Shepard and 
 A. D. Blossomgan were also elected to deacon's 
 The election of seven delegates to General Con- 
 ference, with alternates, took place on the third and 
 fourth days, resulting in the following list: Revs. 
 W. J. Gaines, R. Graham, J. G. Yeiser, C. L. Brad- 
 well, J. A. Cary, D. J. McGhee, D. T. Green; alter- 
 nates, Revs. C. P. Jordan, I. S. Hamilton, J. S. 
 Flipper, A. W. Watson, C. M. Manning, H. D. 
 Bush and J. H. Hillson. 
 The feature of the memorial services was that 
 two Bishops were to be commemorated and one 
 pioneer of the Conference. As we devote space 
 elsewhere to one of the Bishops and this aged 
 brother — Rev. Andrew Brown — because of their 
 connection with the work in Georgia, we omit 
 further mention of them here, save to say that the 
 body did honor to both in all ways possible in the 
 addresses delivered upon the occasion. Bishop R. A. 
 Cain, is the one of whom we would now speak. 
 Dr. B. T. Tanner's tribute to him, as found re- 
 corded in the minutes of this session, also the report 
 of the Committee upon memoirs for the Macon 
 Conference, which met November 30 — the same 
 month — contain the sentiments of the Conferences 
 of the State. Dr. Tanner spoke of him as a man 
 of singular greatness, which he assuredly was; a 
 man who had brought himself from a Virginia hovel 
 to the halls of Congress and to the Episcopacy. He 
 was a religious man — always ready to preach; a 
 man of most brilliant oratory and a lover of his 
 race. The statement by the Committee that, like 
 Bishop Shorter, he was strongly imbued with the 
 missionary spirit was true, for his early work in 
 South Carolina is proof of this. He was a zealous 
 man even to over-enthusiasm. His dreams of the 
 coming greatness of the race caused him to be per- 
 haps too visionary, and, basing too much upon what 
 he conceived to be our present greatness, to plan 
 more largely for the immediate future than we 
 could hope to accomplish, but it was to build up the 
 race. He was to have organized the church in 
 Africa, but God knew best. 
 As Bishop Tanner said, " No man ever brought 
 to the church as many members as R. H. Cain, for 
 all of South Carolina was his contribution." 
 The Presiding Elder reports were satisfactory in 
 a high degree. The Griffin district, under Rev. 
 D. J. McGhee, with its sixteen appointments was 
 moving on successfully. Marietta, under Rev. C. 
 L. Bradwell, made its third annual report of its five 
 stations and nineteen appointments, which showed 
 over 373 members added, $802.20 of Dollar Money 
 raised and over $9,533.01 as a total of all the 
 money collected for various purposes. Athens 
 District gave a very pleasing report of its twenty- 
 one points, stating that all were in a prosperous 
 condition. On the writer's own district all had 
 done well — some of the younger ministers surpris- 
 ingly so, financially and spiritually. Allen Temple 
 had received an addition of 300 souls in a marvelous 
 revival under Rev. A. S.Jackson. There was some 
 new mission work in Rutledge and McDonough and 
 Locust Grove, which seemed to promise well. This 
 was the only new work of the year in onr Confer- 
 ence borders. Our aim in the Atlanta District was 
 to enlarge our work and gather in the people, be- 
 lieving, like Joshua of old, that there was yet much 
 land to possess. 
 The Macon, Ga. Conference held its next session 
 in Talbotton A. M. E. Chapel, Nov. 30. Bishop J. 
 M. Brown, D. D., was to preside but was absent at 
 the opening, and the Secretary of the last session, 
 Wm. C. Banton, called the ministers to order, and 
 a temporary chairman was elected in the person of 
 Presiding Elder R. A. Hall. The opening exer- 
 cises were conducted and the Conference proceeded 
 to business. Upon vote, the usual committees were 
 appointed by the chairman, and that evening the 
 annual sermon was preached by Rev. Wesley G. 
 Gaines from the text found in Psalm xlvi : 11 -'The 
 Loid of hosts is with us ; the God of Jacob is our 
 refuge," in which he spoke most feelingly of the 
 trials of the ministerial office, the spread of religious 
 truth and the extention of the A. M. E. Church. 
 Upon the second day, Bishop Disney, of what was, 
 in 1887, the Tenth Episcopal District, including On- 
 tario, Nova Scotia and West Indies, reached the 
 Conference. He had come to preside over its de- 
 liberations in the absence of Bishop Brown, who 
 was detained at home by severe illness. Bishop 
 Disney was warmly welcomed, and spoke graciously 
 concerning his coming to the Conference. Bishop 
 Turner, of the Fifth Episcopal District, was also pre- 
 sent, and upon introduction to the body, spoke of 
 this work with the old fervor, as being the result of 
 "constant endeavor to spread abroad the church of 
 God on the earth." 
 The reports of the Committees were unusually in- 
 teresting, stirring speeches being made upon the sub- 
 ject of Temperance, which question, as mentioned 
 before, had been agitating the State, and especially 
 the city of Atlanta. A triumph had been scored for 
 Prohibition, and it was a season of rejoicing that so 
 hurtful an influence had been suppressed in this bat- 
 tle of wrong versus right. As it was most truthfully 
 said in Conference: "Intemperance is sending our 
 young men and women to the chain-gangs of earth 
 and hell, where they are tormented day and night." 
 The writer was especially moved to urge the sav- 
 ing of men, women and children from hunger, nak- 
 edness, sickness and death. Intemperance has 
 wrought such fearful wretchedness that every min- 
 ister of the gospel should lift his voice against it, and 
 do his part toward crushing it — destroying it — blot- 
 ting it out from the face of the earth. 
 The church was again warned by this Conference 
 as to the dangers to the church in too great readi- 
 ness to receive into "full membership" on profession 
 of faith, without strict adherence to the benefits of 
 Methodist usage, which provides for a probation of 
 six months. It was set forth clearly in the follow- 
 ing statement in the report of Committee on State of 
 the Church: "We believe that a too ready admis- 
 sion to full membership cannot be productive of 
 obedient followers of church rule; for those who, on 
 entering the organization, observe the rules of dis- 
 cipline set aside by ministers in charge, may, in time, 
 come to disregard the more weighty matters of the 
 law, and the ministers who, on the ground of expe- 
 diency, with a view to out-distancing other religious 
 bodies, disregard the correct rules of Methodist pro- 
 The election of delegates to the General Confer- 
 ence of 18S8 took place upon the third day, result- 
 ing in the following list: Revs. Elias P. Holmes, 
 Wright Newman, Lewis H. Smith, Lawrence 
 Thomas, Richard A. Hall, Andrew W. Lowe, Wes- 
 ley C. Gaines, with Revs. T. N. M. Smith, Henry 
 Lester, John A. Davis, Wm. H. Smith, Wm. 
 C. Burton, Allen Cooper, George Linder as alter- 
 nates. The credentials of Thomas S. Price and J. W. 
 Brooks, with Van J. Jones and J. H. Kimbrough, 
 as alternates — all elected as lay delegates to the 
 General Conference by the Electoral College at 
 Macon, July 6, 1887 — were presented, and their 
 names were added to the list of delegates to assem- 
 ble in the city of Indianapolis, Ind., May 1st, 1S8S. 
 The annual meetings of the Literary and Histori- 
 cal Society, also of the Missionary Society, were 
 productive of much benefit in every way, as inter- 
 est was re-awakened and pockets, as well as hearts,. 
 were touched to respond to the appeal for the good 
 of the cause represented. 
 The following brethren were admitted on trial: 
 J. O. Iverson, J. C. Hill, Wm. Jones, James Y. 
 Rogers, F. C CraytonJ. H. Hall, S. E. Perry, J. 
 B. Upshaw, T. J. Lewis, R. N. Fairfax, J. Sea- 
 brooks, J. R. Stroud, H. D. Gorman, G. W. Linder, 
 C. G. Linder, S. M. Zeigler, D. S. Wells, C. T. 
 Thornton, Thomas Mitchell, Elias H. Miller, Henry 
 L. Davis. 
 The ordination sermon was preached on the 4th 
 of December by Bishop Disney from Matthewix ; 
 16. "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the 
 midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents 
 and harmless as doves." At the close of the ser- 
 mon, the following were ordained deacons: Jerry 
 Moseley, Claiborne H. Warren and Charles J. Jones, 
 with Revs. James R. Strong and G. F. Battle re-ob- 
 ligated to the same office; the elders were as fol- 
 lows: Revs. Robert M. S. Taylor, San Francisco 
 Andrews, Robert Jay Bailey, Richard L. Butts, 
 Levi L. Reynolds, Homer Shaw, Daniel Smith, 
 Simon P. Thomas, and Revs. Thomas Mitchell, 
 Charles Thornton and Daniel S. Wells, re-obligated. 
 Revs. Felix Foster and Augustus Colbert had 
 died during the year. Those who took transfers 
 from the Macon Conference this year were Edward 
 D. Gorman, Brister Griggs, John Seabrooks, Thos. 
 Mitchell, Wm. T. Norris, Samuel George and Wm. 
 Harkness — all to the Georgia Conference, while 
 Macon Conference received from the North Georgia, 
 Revs. Milton W. Moore, Henry C. Boyd, Wm. 
 Harkness and George Washington. 
 The year 1887 had been a memorable one. It 
 was the Centennial year of the existence of the 
 A. M. E. Church, and in November there was a 
 general celebration of this event in the different 
 parts of the connection, centering principally in 
 Bethel Church — the mother church of all — in Phila- 
 To these meetings the church in future will owe 
 much, for here for the first time we find something 
 like a systematized effort to formulate the history of 
 the church in a few sections in the addresses deliv- 
 ered. The Centennial Budget — -the work of our Fi- 
 nancial Secretary, Dr. B. W. Arnett — now Bishop B. 
 W. Arnett, D. D., — was compiled in 1888 and is 
 a masterpiece of work and a mine of information 
 to which all future t historians must resort. Here we 
 find what the church has done in one hundred years 
 from its conception in seventy-one years from its 
 organization. Twenty years before this American 
 Methodism held its Centennial. To be sure, we, 
 too, had here a part as Methodists, but it was not to 
 the Negro race what this year of 1S87 was with its 
 outlook on the past and future. These Centennial 
 addresses were inspiring, they were full of sugges- 
 tions which are already being put into practice. 
 In this Centennial year we rind one Bishop over a 
 church of 16 preachers increased to eleven Bishops 
 over 2,270 itinerant preachers. Supporting these 
 we find 5,022 local preachers and 2,600 exhorters. 
 With 17,009 stewards and 14,190 stewardesses, 
 whose labors are helped by 17,778 class leaders, we 
 have under the care of all these 47,817 probationers 
 and 344,953 members. 
 There is nothing in such a showing for one hun- 
 dred years — -years of toil and struggle under most 
 harrowing afflictions — and as the church turned its 
 face to the General Conference of 1888, it was with 
 a heart full of love and gratitude to God that He had 
 thus strengthened the weak and paved the way for 
 a future, for which every member of the A. M. E. 
 Church will bless Him and Richard Allen. 
 There was still another Conference to be held 
 before the close of 1887. The Georgia Annual 
 Conference, at its meeting in January, changed the 
 time of its session to December, thus two sessions 
 of this Conference met in one year, as in the case of 
 the Macon Conference in 1883. The Georgia Con- 
 ference convened in St. James Tabernacle, Savan- 
 nah, Ga., December 14th, and continued to the 20th 
 It had been twenty-one years since the church in the 
 South first held a session of Conference in the State 
 of Georgia. Savannah had twice before entertained 
 the Georgia Conference since the separation of the 
 State work in 1873. At this date there were but 
 five men left who had attended its first meeting — 
 Rev. Henry Strickland, Rev. J. A. Wood, Rev. S. 
 B.Jones, Rev. Thomas J. Crayton and the writer. 
 St. James Tabernacle in Savannah was then on 
 leased land, but since then Rev. R. B. Bailey has 
 bought a lot and is now (1890) erecting a fine build- 
 ing upon it — a fitting edifice for the city in which 
 Georgia African Methodism was first organized 
 aid the city which holds the Wesley Monumental 
 Church as well, in which we, too, have a share as a 
 Bishop Brown not having arrived, Elder S. H. 
 Robertson called the Conference to order, and a 
 Chairman was elected in the person of Rev. J. A. 
 Woods, pending the arrival of the Bishop, who had 
 informed Dr. B. W. Arnett that he would be pres- 
 ent despite illness during the session. Bishop Dis- 
 ney was also expected the following morning. The 
 work went briskly on. The Annual Sermon fell,, 
 by appointment, to Rev. C. McDowell, who de- 
 livered it the first evening from Romans i:i6. Dr. 
 W. B. Derrick was one of the welcome guests of 
 the Conference, he having accompanid Bishop 
 Brown, in order to care for him in his afflicted 
 The preachers admitted on trial were H. C. 
 Hawk, E. J. Knight, S. S. Swinson, Jerry Griffin,. 
 E. L. Martin. The deacons elected and ordained 
 were Revs. J. A. Hadley, Perry Davis, L. B. 
 Shaw, Reuben Richard, G. W. Butler, G. H. 
 Greene, Enoch Roberts, J. W. Hagans, C. H. 
 Williams, Peter Jones, B. J. Shackleford, with 
 Brothers A. Underwood, Wm Daniel, Anthony 
 Jackson, Moses Ross, Jacob Seabrooks, Cyrus 
 Griffin and H. C. Brown as local deacons. Revs. 
 *The General Conference of 187C voted to give $1,000 to this Monumental 
 Church to Wesley. The Committee appointed to raise the money failed. 
 But the Bishop's Council and Financial Board said it must be paid, and it 
 was paid by the Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. B. W. Arnett. The agent*. 
 J. O. A. Clark, in acknowledging the sum said: "Your church is the- 
 only one which, voting us a like sum, has paid the full amount pledged.'-' 
 Russel Young, H. M. Lofton, J. B. Epton, C. C. 
 Warren, G. W. Kimbrough, E. J. Bush, Willis 
 Lane, Marshall Stephen, j. W. Williams, P. S. 
 Smith, W. H. Hammonds, Tobie Mclver, H. L. 
 Weston, Frank C. Mitchell ana R. B. Greene were 
 the elders; the last named being reobligated. 
 Samuel Steward and Joseph Wooden, local dea- 
 cons, died this year. 
 The Conference Missionary Convention was set 
 to meet at Brunswick, August 15th, and the dele- 
 gates elected to General Conference were Revs. J. 
 B. Lofton, S. H. Robertson, J. A. Woods, W. O. P. 
 Sherman, W. H. Powell, S. D. Roseborough, S. C. 
 Powell, J. H. Adams and R. R. Downs. The 
 -alternates were Revs. G. H. M. Brookens, D. H. 
 Porter, M. J. Ingraham, S. M. Clarke, Henry 
 Strickland, R. W. Fickland, M. R. Wilson, R. V. 
 Smith. J. F. Gilling and G. W. Shaw, of Savan- 
 nah, were the lay delegates elected in August and 
 their names were added. Rev. Samuel D. George 
 was transferred from the Macon Conference to this, 
 as was also Rev. Wm. Harkness. 
 The Hawkinsville District raised $307.25 of Dol- 
 lar Money; Brunswick, $260.75; Albany, $328.05; 
 Valdosta, $245.57; Cuthbert, $426.15 and Thom- 
 asville, $524.20. 
 Conference closed the twentieth of the month— 
 the last Conlerence to meet in the State until after 
 the General Conference of the following May. 
 This body met in Indianapolis May — , 1888, and 
 elected four Bishops to the work of the Episcopal 
 Bench in the following order of selection: Dr. W~ 
 J. Gaines, Dr. B. W. Arnett, Dr. B. T. Tanner, and 
 Dr. Abram Grant. The writer and Bishop Grant 
 were from the South — a recognition of the extent 
 and strength of Southern work. The General 
 Conference laid off the work of the church at this 
 session into eleven Episcopal Districts. This was 
 done by the Episcopal Committee, which commit- 
 tee also makes the appointments of the Bishops, an 
 arrangment no more than fair, as it would seem 
 that the brethren should have the opportunity of 
 making appointments for the Bishops once in four 
 years, as the latter make theirs every year. 
 The appointments of the Episcopal Bench were 
 as follows for the quadrennium of 1888- 1892, to- 
 gether with all Conferences as they now stand 
 First District— -Bishop H. M. Turner, New Jer- 
 sey, Philadelphia, New York, New England. 
 Second District — Bishop J. P. Campbell, North 
 Carolina, Virginia, Baltimore. 
 Third District — Bishop D. A. Payne, Ohio, 
 North Ohio, Pittsburgh. 
 Fourth District — Bishop J. M. Brown, Illinois, 
 Iowa, Indiana, Michigan. 
 Fifth District— Bishop T. M. D. Ward, Rocky 
 Mountain, Missouri, North Missouri, Kansas, In- 
 dian Territory. 
 Sixth District — Bishop W. J. Gaines, North, 
 Georgia, Macon, Ga., Georgia, North Alabama,, 
 Seventh District — Bishop B. W. Arnett, Colum- 
 bia, South Carolina, Florida, East Florida. 
 Eighth District — Bishop R. R. Disney, Arkansas, 
 West Arkansas, South Arkansas, Mississippi, North 
 Ninth District — Bishop A. Grant, California,. 
 Texas, Northeast Texas, Texas, Central, West Texas, 
 North Louisiana, Louisiana. 
 Tenth District — Bishop A. W. W 7 ayman, Ken- 
 tucky, West Kentucky, Tennessee, West Tennes- 
 f - Eleventh District— Bishop B. T. Tanner. On- 
 tario, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Hayti. 
 As we see, the newly elected Bishops from the 
 South were assigned to Southern work, and Geor- 
 gia and Alabama were assigned, as the Sixth Dis- 
 trict, to the writer. So Georgia again had a newly 
 made Bishop to preside over its work.* 
 The first Conference over which I was called to 
 preside in my new office was the North Georgia 
 Conference, held at Dalton, Nov. 7th, 1888. In or- 
 der to lay before my readers the state of mind with 
 which I approached my new duties I can do no bet- 
 ter than humbly present the heart-felt words which 
 rose to my lips when I addressed this Conference 
 for the first time in my new relations to it. It was 
 a serious undertaking — to go back to the work as 
 Bishop where I had labored from the itinerant 
 *At this point the writer feels it best to drop the impersonal form in 
 reference to himself for the remainder of the work of the Conference, as 
 being both awkward and inconvenient to use, where of necessity he must 
 so frequently refer to hi a. self. 
 ranks, and the fear was that my friends might ex- 
 pect too much of me, and that they and life-long 
 acquaintances might cause me embarrassment by 
 asking much of me as friends and acquaintances. 
 This will explain my words, as well as the course I 
 then determined to pursue, as I spoke to the brethren 
 as follows: 
 Brethren: — I appear before you as the Presid- 
 ing Bishop of this Conference. I do not come as a 
 stranger to you, nor to the people of Georgia. I 
 have been a member of the African Methodist 
 Church since its organization in this State. You can 
 imagine my feelings when you consider the gravity 
 of the responsibility resting upon me in the respon- 
 sible office to which I have recently been elevated 
 by your suffrage and that of the membership of the 
 General Conference of the entire Church. You can 
 imagine how anxious I feel about the success of my 
 work in the Sixth Episcopal District. When I think 
 of my election to this office by the members of the 
 General Conference, and especially those of the 
 Georgia delegation, and then of my return to this 
 State to preside over the Conference in which I have 
 spent a great deal of service, I can assure you that 
 I am deeply anxious to discharge with success the 
 arduous duties. The responsibilities are great, and 
 I need the full co-operation of every minister, every 
 member and every friend of the North Georgia Con- 
 ference. No man liveth to himself and no man 
 dieth to himself; and whether we be living or dead, 
 we are the Lord's. We need each other's help and 
 sympathy in bearing the burdens of life. None of us 
 -ever advance so high in position in this life, that we 
 do not need the sympathy of those who are around 
 us. It is the common people of this country who 
 hold up this great government under which we live. 
 The men who build the railroads, mix the mortar 
 burn the bricks and perform other necessary toil, are 
 the ones who constitute the life blood of our material 
 organization. The engineer whoruns the train is en- 
 trusted with the responsibility of human lives, but 
 he could not succeed without the co-operation of 
 the general manager, and neither could the general 
 manager succeed without the men who built the 
 railroads and have the ability to run them. 
 Our interests are so closely connected together that 
 it would be unwise to say, that I do not need the as- 
 sistance of others. I am aware that a man must 
 make his own mark in life. We can help him oc- 
 casionally; but the great responsibility for success 
 rests upon the man's own shoulders. Therefore, I 
 propose to allow every man a chance in the struggle 
 for polemic success. 
 There are three qualities, however, that every 
 minister needs in order to succeed in this life. 
 There may be more, but I speak of three. The first 
 is a Christian character; the seccnd is the will to 
 work for God, humanity and the Church; and the 
 third is education in order to put into action the 
 works, especially by our Christian character. 
 Brethren, I have the same' appointments under my 
 supervision that have been given to you by the 
 Bishops that have preceded me. I have no better 
 places but the same, unless they have grown better 
 under your labors during the past year. Every 
 man cannot get such an appointmert as he would 
 like to have, for there are not enough such places 
 to distribute among our brethren. I wish most 
 earnestly that I had one hundred choice appoint- 
 ments that I might be able to satisfy the brethren 
 who desire them. Pardon me, members of the Con- 
 ference, for requesting you not to ask me for special 
 appointments. I confess that it is very embarrass- 
 ing to be thus approached. While I am not a stranger 
 to you, I feel just as every Bishop would under 
 the circumstances. I am perfectly willing that you 
 should tell me your difficulties and trials; and las- 
 sure you that the sympathy of my heart will go out 
 toward you, and in the name of God and the Church 
 I promise to do the best I can for every man in the 
 I trust that every minister's report will be better 
 this year than it was last year, both spiritually and 
 and temporally. The men who work the hardest, 
 and accomplish the best results will be sure to come 
 to the front. I can say without egotism that I have 
 worked hard for the church, therefore I am in sym- 
 pathy with those who work in their respective fields 
 of labor. The ministers throughout the Sixth Dis- 
 trict have promised to assist me in my administra- 
 tion as best they could, for more reasons than I will 
 state now. Those who make themselves useful 
 shall be put into positions where they can be more- 
 useful. Whatever the appointment is, try to improve 
 it. My prayer to God is, that the churches commit- 
 ted to your care may prosper and grow under your 
 pastorship. This cannot be general unless we 
 work together. I pray you, brethren, to help me 
 make this work a success. I implore you to let us 
 have order, especially while business is being trans- 
 acted. I ask each minister to do the best he can to 
 assist me in this direction, and I will have no trouble 
 in preserving order during the sessions of the Con- 
 ference. I cannot do it unless you respect the 
 chair. I shall respect the rights of every one on the 
 floor; and it is expected that when the chair decides 
 a brother is out of order, that he will take his seat- 
 Let our department be such as becometh ministers 
 of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that when we shall 
 have closed this session, the people of this commun- 
 ity will say, the conduct of the ministers has been 
 grand and creditable to the church. You will ex- 
 cuse me, dear brethren, for urging you to be respect- 
 ful to each other. There is nothing which brings 
 disorder into the sessions of a Conference or in 
 any general assembly, whether it is in the House of 
 Representatives or in the General Conference, than 
 a want of respect for each other. 
 Ministers ought to be more respectful to one an- 
 other than other persons, for we occupy higher po- 
 sitions than any other class on earth. You all 
 know how I reverenced the lamented Bishop James 
 A. Shorter as a friend and as a father, but he would 
 rebuke me just as quickly as he would any man in 
 the Conference if he thought I did not do my duty. 
 I always felt he was honest, and, therefore, I could 
 take his rebuke because he did it conscientiously. 
 And yet, with all respect for the memory of Bishop 
 Shorter, I am ambitious to down him in gathering 
 in souls for Christ, and in advancing the standard of 
 I want to surpass Bishop Shorter's record in this 
 respect, and I want the brethren to aid me in doing 
 so. When Bishop Shorter succeed Bishop Dicker- 
 son in this work, he praised his predecessor's efforts, 
 bmt he said he intended to surpass what he had done. 
 I never went to Conference as a pastor but that I 
 meant to beat my previous record. I made that the 
 rule of my ministerial life; and I feel equally anx- 
 ious now, in succeeding other Bishops who have been 
 successful in their great office, to surpass their credit- 
 able records. You know how a minister feels in 
 following one that has been successful. It is my 
 purpose to distance my predecessor in all respects. 
 I have passed through every grade of ministerial 
 experience in our church, and I thank God that there 
 are witnesses present to the fact. I feel anxious over 
 your results, because I am interested in them. As 
 j-our reports are my reports, I naturally feel very 
 solicitous for your success. A failure would kill me. 
 It is my earnest prayer that the Lord may bless you 
 in all your ministerial labors. I stand here with my 
 hand raised before God, and I pledge myself in the 
 presence of the brethren that I am going to do the 
 best I can for the church that has honored me with 
 its great commission. I mean to deal tenderly but 
 firmly with you. I shall be plain and tender in my in- 
 tercourse with you. A man can say anything to me in 
 a courteous manner but when he speaks otherwise he 
 is likely to defeat the very purpose he aims to serve. 
 I never mean to be vindictive, but I prefer to meet 
 such a spirit with good- will toward all men. I once 
 knew one of the best men in the Georgia Confer- 
 ence who had charge of a certain church and de- 
 sired to bring about certain results - He was posi- 
 tive, but somewhat harsh in his manner of dealing 
 with his congregation. He desired to bring his mem- 
 bership up to certain duties, and informed them in a 
 severe tone that they must comply or suffer the 
 consequences. He partially succeeded, but in very 
 bad grace. I afterwards had charge of the same 
 church, and I appealed tenderly to the people's re- 
 spect for the law, and their obligation to comply 
 with it. I meant to do just what he aimed to do; I 
 succeeded by approaching the people pleasantly to 
 have them co-operate with me. I attained the de- 
 sired results, but in a different way. The office does 
 not make the man. Brethren, I tell you in the fear 
 of God that I want you to aid me. I appreciate and 
 feel for the ministers in their efforts to advance the 
 banners of our church. Your value is determined by 
 your worth and influence. 
 What makes me feel proud of my position is that 
 I was elected as a Bishop ought to be elected, from 
 all parts of the country. I feel honored in being 
 blessed with such an experience. It was indeed a 
 gratifying spectacle to see the brethren from the 
 North, the South, the East and the West, standing 
 side by side with the Georgia delegation in their ef- 
 forts to give the South a representation on the Bench 
 of Bishops. I appeal to you to do your duty so as 
 to prove yourselves worthy of the consideration that 
 the General Conference extended to us. I desire you 
 to be men in the fullest sense — respectful and digni- 
 fied, with no disposition to servility. I would be 
 sorry to see in any of you anything like a disposi- 
 tion to fawn. I have a dog at home that appears 
 glad to see me when I return home after an absence 
 by various manifestations; but when he lies at my 
 feet I am inclined to kick him away; and if any of 
 the brethren should approach me in any other bear- 
 ing than becomes a Christian minister and a gentle- 
 man, I would not be pleased with it. 
 Whatever faults I may have, I promise you that 
 I will not use the Episcopal office that God and the 
 church have given me, to stab a brother, whatever 
 he may do to me. I do not think any man who 
 knows me considers me a coward. I have always 
 had the courage to say openly and plainly whatever 
 I deem right and expedient. While I have honestly 
 opposed the positions of others, I have never helped 
 to expel but one man from the church in my life. 
 Elder Robertson knows to whom I refer. I may 
 have marked men, but I never did it to injure a 
 brother; and if I did an injustice to any one, it was 
 with the intention of doing good. I frequently asked 
 God, upon my knees, to decide the contest for 
 the Bishopric, as far as I was concerned, in the inter- 
 est of the church; and I promised God that if I were 
 successful, I would aim to advance the Church of 
 This morning my hand is extended and my heart 
 is open in Christian fellowship to every being here 
 and elsewhere; and if I make any mistakes in my 
 office, they will be mistakes of the "head and not the 
 I had determined to treat every man according to 
 his character, ability and intelligence, and in this line 
 I have striven ever since. I have also worked upon 
 the principle in our Conferences that the men who 
 come in must work to come up, feeling that thus 
 our strength has been used to the best advantage. 
 To-day (1890) I can truly say that the brethren 
 have helped me by preventing any such embarrass- 
 ment as I at first feared, and as would have resulted, 
 had any other course been followed than the one I 
 desired them to follow. 
 In this North Georgia Conference, Rev. D.T. Green 
 preached the annual sermon — a grand discourse 
 upon "The predomination of light over darkness." 
 The visitors to Conference were from various sec- 
 tions, and the progress of our people in twenty 
 years was strikingly noted. At Sabbath services 
 the audience heard from Rev. L. J. Coppin, D. D., 
 Editor of the A. M. E. Church Review, also Rev. 
 James H. Handy, D. D., Financial Secretary, and 
 Rev. A. W. Upshaw, in sermons doctrinal, eloquent, 
 logical and oratorical. 
 The following were ordained deacons: Wm.. 
 Flagg, Jr., Wade H. Mance, James A. Lindsey, 
 John Cooper, Abraham L. Gaines, L. G. Brookens,. 
 also Geo. N. Henry and C. M. Pinkleton, local. The 
 elders ordained were Revs. Edward W. Lee, Simon 
 M. Alexander, Andrew J. Wilkerson, Madersod M. 
 Pryor, James Watts, Z. Pierce, Floyd R. Richard- 
 son and Josepn R. Biggins. The preachers admitted 
 on trial were J. W. Fincher, T. PorterJ.J. Williams, 
 A. J. Carey, E. P. Russell, Nathan Price, Burrel Bat- 
 tle, M. E. Cawthorne, P. S. Simmons, Wm. Bailey, S. 
 R. Lowe, B. F. Franklin, A. L. Gaines, L. C 
 Rolling, J. A. Lindsey, J. W. Walker, R. M. King,. 
 Samuel Givens,J. B. McAlpine, Grant Hawkins and 
 R. W. Gibson. 
 The Atlanta District report from S. H. Robert- 
 son, P. E., for five months (he having been trans- 
 ferred from the Georgia Conference) showed good 
 work at every one of its twenty-three points — new 
 churches, improvements and added members. Pre- 
 siding Elder D. J. McGhee reported similarly from 
 the twenty points on Griffin District, as did Presiding 
 Elder R. Graham from the twenty-five on Athens 
 District. C. L. Bradwell, P. E., of Marietta, gave 
 a most encouraging detailed account of these twenty- 
 one points and a probable extension of work to 
 The transfers from the Conference this year were 
 Rev. J. G. Yeiser, Rev. D. T. Green, Rev. Peter 
 McLain, (now grown old and feeble) and Rev. 
 Washington Campbell, Rev. J. S. Hamilton and 
 Rev. G. W. H. Williams— all to the Macon Confer- 
 ence, and Rev. F. R. Richardson to the North 
 Alabama Conference. Revs. C. S. Greene and 
 W. L. Russell had fallen by the wayside this year. 
 The memorial services were very touching. Dur- 
 ing the session the news of the victory of Harrison 
 and Morton reached us and Conference chee r ed it 
 to the echo. The Endowment Day money for Sep- 
 tember, 1887, was reported at $2,707.89, while the 
 Dollar Money of the four Presiding Elder Districts 
 was $3,183. So closed my first Conference as 
 Bishop of the A. M. E. Church— a delightful session. 
 The Macon Conference was held in 1888, in 
 Campbell Chapel, Americus, Ga., opening Novem- 
 ber 14. Here, too, my work was equally pleasant, 
 my welcome equally warm and the session a profit- 
 able one. 
 Eight preachers were admitted on trial; Warren 
 Rabon, Chas. J. Perry, Geo. W. Coady, Perry 
 Johnson, Felix O'Neal, Robert J. Jones, Henry 
 Zimmerman, George W. Smith. The deacons 
 elected and ordained were Revs. Daniel J. Law- 
 rence, Henry H. Johnson, George Wesley Hill, Allen 
 R. Hooper, James Mitchell; the elders, Revs. Ar- 
 chibald B. B. Wilson, Wm. B. Gallius, Daniel J. 
 The transfers to Conference were B. R. Glass 
 from East Florida, ("taken up"' as he could not re- 
 turn to his Florida work because of the yellow fever 
 scourge) Brister Griggs and John Seabrooks from 
 the Georgia Conference, D. L. Durand, D. T. 
 Green, J. G. Yeiser, G. W. H. Williams and Peter 
 McLain from the North Georgia. Levi Walker, 
 Wm. H. Smith and R. A. Hall took transfers to the 
 North Georgia. 
 This session closed the 19th inst., and I proceeded 
 to my work in Alabama to meet the North Alabama 
 Conference at Florence. This new work was in 
 excellent condition, coming from the hands of 
 Bishop D. A. Payne, and I left to enter upon it 
 courageously, knowing by experience that my 
 brethren in this neighboring State would do even as 
 I had asked my Georgia friends. No one could 
 have asked for a more cordial welcome than that 
 the}'" vouchsafed me. Truly I felt that my lines had 
 fallen in pleasant places, and, as at the close of the 
 session in Florence I turned toward Mobile to hold 
 the Alabama Conference, it was with the feeling that 
 all my experiences here were also to be pleasant. 
 Nor was I disappointed, for the same warmth and 
 hearty regard were found in that city as well, and 
 continued throughout the entire session. The year's 
 work in Alabama pleased me as shown by the Con- 
 ference, the men, their characters and their labors 
 From Mobile my steps were turned to Georgia 
 again to hold the Georgia Conference in Cuthbert, 
 December 12th, having made with this Conference 
 the circuit of the Conference work in the Sixth 
 Episcopal District. To my appeal, as in the other 
 Conferences of my native State, that they should 
 help me to raise still higher the work left by Bishop, 
 Shorter, I was assured that the Georgia " Invinci- 
 bles" would be true and lead the Sixth district to 
 victory in 1892. As in the other Conferences a 
 harmonious session was passed. The preachers 
 seemed determined to work hand in hand with their 
 new Bishop and the Presiding Elders. 
 The following were ordained deacons: Revs. 
 Henry M. Crittenden, J. T. Smith, G. W. C. Jones, 
 J. W. Nixton, Jerry Brown, (local); elders, Revs. 
 Judge D. Glenn and Cyrus J. Pettigrew, re-obli- 
 E. D. Garman and local deacons, Jacob Seabrooks 
 and J. Rastick, also E. J. Knight, had died. 
 The editor of the Southern Christian Recorder, 
 located at Selma, Alabama, was present and indi- 
 cated that as soon as the financial condition would 
 allow, this organ of the Church would be printed in 
 Atlanta. The Conference was strongly urged to 
 use its own literature. Bishop Arnett was also 
 with us and had the pleasure of introducing Rev. S. 
 J. Campbell, a native African, who gave his plans 
 for our successful Missionary operations in that 
 The coming Sabbath brought invitations from the 
 M. E. Church South, for appointments from the Con- 
 ference, which were filled to the glory of His name 
 and the honor of the race by Bishop B. W. Arnett, 
 D. D., and Rev. W. G. Alexander. 
 A commission was formed, looking toward uniting 
 the Alabama Conferences with the Georgia Confer- 
 ences in the obligations for the support of Morris- 
 Brown College. Later the Alabama Conferences 
 carried out a plan to inaugurate a school of their 
 own, which is now in operation. (1890.)* 
 The P. E. Districts stood well in all ways. The: 
 Dollar Money reached $3,915.77. 
 -Payne Institute. 
 With experience which comes from holding the 
 five Annual Conferences of Georgia and Alabama, I 
 opened up the Georgia Work for 1889, with the 
 North Georgia Conference at Washington, Ga.» 
 Nov. 6. It was an especial pleasure to me to come 
 back to Washington, Ga. — ray birthplace — as I 
 met many old friends and acquaintances of years 
 gone by, and I was led to think more seriously 
 than ever of the goodness of my Creator — led to 
 ponder deeply upon the wondrous power with 
 which He has guided my footsteps — yes, the foot- 
 steps of the whole race. 
 Rev. D.J. McGhee, Presiding Elder of the Griffin 
 District, preached the annual sermon with rever- 
 ence and truth from Acts iv: 20., "We cannot but 
 speak the things which we have seen and heard." 
 Among the General Officers present were Dr. J. 
 C. Embry, Dr. W. D. Johnson. Dr. L. H. Coppin, 
 of the Review was also with us, and each and all 
 spoke cheering words to us as well as persuasive 
 ones for the causes they represented. 
 The new Principal of Morris-Brown College, 
 Professor A. St. George Richardson, gave a strong 
 report of this school which was growing so rapidly r 
 having six teachers and 320 pupils with three courses 
 of study entered upon — English, Normal and Ac- 
 ademic. The Treasurer's Report was equally en- 
 The finances of the Conference also were in most 
 excellent condition. Contingent, Missionary, En- 
 dowment Day and Children's Day Money, each 
 rolled up beyond past sums in a most gratifying. 
 Two of the superannuated elders had fallen' 
 asleep in Christ this past year — Rev. C. R Edwards 
 and JEsop Smith, while the wives of Elder S. H. 
 Robertson and Elder J. McGhee had also been 
 called home to a peaceful rest. 
 Griffin District, under Presiding Elder D. J. 
 McGhee, had brought to the fold 1,006 souls through 
 the faithful ministers, and interest was growing. 
 Marietta, under Presiding Elder R. A. Hall re- 
 ported average work as a whole. Richard Graham,. 
 Presiding Elder of Athens District, reported strong 
 work in the ministry under his eye with few excep- 
 tions, while Atlanta, under Elder S. H. Robertson^ 
 had been a success both spiritually and financially. 
 The Dollar Money from all the districts reached a: 
 total of $3,515.16. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were, T. W. 
 Steele, James M. Lee, C. Sappington, G. W. More- 
 land, G. W. Gholston, G. C. Summerlin, R. D. 
 Stinson, J. R. Fleming, J. H. M. Brown, Marcus 
 J. Greene. James J. Wilson, John H. Heard„. 
 Patrick W. Greatheart, Elijah J. Holland, Luther 
 C. Rollins, Matthew E. Cawthrone, Henry F. Chunn, 
 Archibald J. Carey, Perry G. Simmons, James M- 
 Lee were elected and ordained itinerant deacons, 
 and Geo. W. Moreland, Shandy Parrott, Cyrus 
 Wilkerson, local deacons. 
 Elder Bradwell's caution to the Conference 
 against ordaining so many men under the missionary 
 rule was heartily endorsed by the Bishop,^six of the 
 above having been so recommended. 
 Revs. C. W. Simons, A. W. Watson, J. A. Cary, 
 B. F. Franklin, H. B. Bush were transferred to the 
 Macon Conference, and P . W. Greatheart from 
 the South Carolina to this, also M. C. Riley from 
 the South Arkansas Conference. J. B. McAlpine 
 took a transfer to the North Alabama, and M. N. 
 Nelson to the Tennessee Conference. 
 We closed the session upon the 12th and pro- 
 ceeded directly to the Macon, Georgia Conference, 
 which was held in Wesley Chapel, Milledgeville, Ga., 
 opening the following day, Nov. 13. 
 Elder Wright Newman, Presiding Elder of the 
 Macon District preached the annual sermon on "The 
 Light of Faith." Rev. Seymour B.Jones preached 
 the annual missionary sermon in which he referred 
 most appropriately to the missionary field as pre- 
 sented to the gathered ministers at Savannah in 
 1866, and the trials of these men who were sent east, 
 west, north and south throughout the State. His 
 description was of a lot such as all who have helped 
 to spread African Methodism have experienced in 
 the pioneer work, and many of us could sympathize 
 as he said, "my lot was up and down the Chatta- 
 hoochee River. While on that circuit we were 
 some times up against the steamer's boiler trying to 
 keep warm. Sometimes we would have to take it 
 afoot across the country, sometimes a friend would 
 have compassion and give us a ride on the back of 
 a mule or on a wagon ." 
 The time was approaching for the twenty-fifth 
 anniversary of the A.M. E. Church in the South, 
 and the committee reported in favor of co-opera- 
 tion with the other Georgia Conferences for local 
 programs, with the double aim of commemorating 
 the establishment of the church and raising a large 
 amount for Morris-Brown College. In this com- 
 memoration, it was agreed that the Conference in 
 Georgia and South Carolina should arrange this 
 program; the co-operation of all States represented 
 in the first Conference in Charleston, 1865, was 
 also to be secured, while the church in general was 
 to be invited to assist in the joyful occasion. * 
 One of the old veterans of the service, Rev. 
 Peter McLain, now aged and feeble, was offered 
 superannuated relationship, which was reluctantly 
 accepted, j- 
 * While the Georgia Conference had spoken of celebrating this Quarto- 
 Centennial at its session January 18, M&i, at Quitman, after my election to 
 the Bishopric, Rev. T. G. Steward, D. D.. wrote mea strung letter calling 
 my attention to th ■ importance of such a celebration of our Southern 
 work. I would give honor to whom honor is due. He deserves great credit for 
 calling my attention to it. Had he not done so, the eff rt made by the 
 Georgia Conference, as mentioned above, might have failed. 
 -|-He had been superannuated at North Georgia Conference held in Rome, 
 Ga., 1887, and asked at the sane Conference held in Dalton, 1888, that his 
 superannuation be raised. It was granted and he was transferred to the 
 Macon Conference where he accepted the superannuation. 
 A goodly number of preachers were admitted on 
 trial: Doctor H. Powell, Samuel H. Charleston, 
 Augustus S. Martin, Charles W. Maxwell, Frank 
 L. Fleming, Riley W. McNeal, Thomas Howard, 
 Robert A. Whitfield, Charles P. Baker, Alonzo L. 
 Field, Jefferson L. Green, G. D. Walker, Wm. F. 
 Swindole, Robert W. Miller, T. T. Turner, W. T. 
 Harris, Richard Bigham. The deacons ordained 
 were R. H. Fairfax, F. C. Crayton, H. L. Davis, J. 
 B. Upshaw, S. E. Berry, B. Griggs, J. Barnes, H. 
 G. Graham, J. C. Hill, J. H. Hall, J. Lewis J. Y. 
 Rogers, S. M. Zeigler, J. O. Iverson, C. J. Linder, 
 G.W. Linder, W. Jones, G.W. Smith, and J.Seabrooks 
 and J. R. Stroud re-obligated. Claiborne H. Warren, 
 Robert B. Sanford, Taylor Cothran, Alfred Sapp 
 were the elders ordained, with Daniel S. Wells re- 
 obligated. Elder George W. H. Williams had died. 
 The Dollar Money raised was $5,009.09 and the 
 membership about 24,000. The transfers were as 
 follows: Revs. C. W. Simon, J. A. Cary and Levi 
 Walker came to the Macon Conference from the 
 North Georgia Conference, while Revs. Lawrence 
 Thomas, S. B. Jones and Cassie Milton were sent 
 to that Conference, and Revs. Hadson W. Whita- 
 ker and Haley Hardy to the Georgia Conference. 
 The 102 appointments of the Macon work were all 
 From the Macon Conference I proceeded di- 
 rectly to Wilmington, N. C, to hold the N. C. 
 Conference for Bishop Campbell on Wednesday, 
 November 20th. Bishop Campbell was ill and 
 could not meet the Conference. The session thus 
 coming into my hands was pleasant and profitable. 
 The Dollar Money was over $1,300.00. Bishop 
 Arnett was present and assisted us. Bishop Turner 
 also looked in upon us; he gave some helpful advice 
 and left us, taking two ministers with him, one to 
 Bridge Street, N. Y., and the other to Albany. 
 We went next to Greensboro, Ala., to hold the 
 North Alabama Conference, November 27, 1889.. 
 We missed connection at the junction of the East 
 Tennessee and Western railroad. We saw there 
 was no chance to reach our work in time without 
 going through the country. I proceeded to Union- 
 town in company with Dr. James A. Handy, Finan- 
 cial Secretary, Dr. Levi Coppin, Revs. J. S. Shaw,. 
 W. H. Nixon, and others, where we hired buggies 
 and hacks and drove twenty miles through the 
 country, reaching the seat of the Conference in three 
 hours. The novelty of the drive through the prai- 
 ries of Alabama was pleasing. One hundred- 
 preachers were awaiting us, wondering where their 
 Bishop could be. This was one of the most inter- 
 esting Conferences that has ever been held in the 
 State of Alabama. The white citizens paid espe- 
 cial attention to our sessions and did much toward, 
 helping the people support the assembled ministers. 
 Drs. Handy and Coppin did everything in their 
 power to encourage me while we were struggling 
 to reach our destination. The session was a pleasant 
 one in every particular. The Dollar Money raised 
 was $1,545.00, being an increase of over half the 
 amount the preceding year. The ordination ser- 
 vices on Sunday were interesting. The mayor, 
 with a number of councilmen and aldermen, were 
 present at the morning service. Dr. Handy made 
 more reputation as a preacher at this Conference 
 than any other preacher. The President of the 
 College of the M. E. Church South, with all his 
 students, was out to hear him, and his sermon created 
 quite a discussion among these students at their sup- 
 per table, so we were told later. One young 
 minister said if making him black would enable 
 him to preach the gospel like Dr. Handy they 
 might blacken him now. Rev. McGhee of the M. 
 E. Church, South, in Greensboro, said that he never 
 expected to hear again the gospel preached with so 
 much power and beauty until the Archangel warbled 
 upon the harps in glory. Dr. Handy's imagination 
 is wonderful.* 
 Dr. Derrick preached at night an eloquent ser- 
 mon. The white people said Handy was a Geor- 
 gian and Southerner, and out preached New York 
 — they having, conceived this idea concerning the 
 former through pride in the South, but both o* 
 these acquitted themselves grandly. 
 From the North Alabama Conference we pro- 
 ceeded directly to Union Spring, Alabama in com- 
 pany with Drs. Handy and Derrick to hold the 
 Alabama Conference. The ministers met us 
 *Dr. Handy was chairman of the committee that examined me in 1866- 
 for admission into the Conference. This and many other things connected 
 with our ministerial life caused me to hold Dr. Handy in great respect. 
 promptly at nine o'clock, December 4. This ses- 
 sion was intensely interesting, as the North Alabama 
 Conference had sent a committee to confer with the 
 Alabama in establishing the Payne Institute at 
 Selma, Alabama. This was the first material work 
 that the Conferences of this State had ever done in 
 the way of establishing an educational institution 
 under the auspicies of the A. M. E. Church. The 
 committee after consultation agreed upon a plan of 
 uniting the two Conferences in the effort and 
 brought their report before the Conference. It was 
 unanimously and enthusiastically adopted. We 
 now have a valuable piece of property located in 
 Selma, and known as Payne Institute, with over two 
 hundred pupils and three competent teachers. 
 The financial success of this Conference proved to 
 be the best in its history. The Dollar Money that 
 had been from $500.00 to $800.00 increased to $2,- 
 440.30. This unusual success brought the ministers 
 of the Conference to their feet with cheers and 
 shouts of victory. The Rev. Layarus Gardner, 
 Lewis Hillery, and other old members of Conference, 
 declared that the day star was shining brightly. Many 
 such expressions as these made the writer feel like 
 weeping silently at the signal blessing of God upon 
 our effort to build up our work in Alabama. 
 I left Union Spring in company with Dr. Handy 
 (all the General Officers but himself havingleft me). 
 We stopped at St. James parsonage, Columbus, Ga., 
 with Rev. D. T. Green and his excellent wife, who 
 did all in her power to make our stay pleasant. We 
 visited the Merchant's Bank there, and Mr. Brannan, 
 the President, kindly gave us exchange on New- 
 York for all of the Conference money on hand, 
 amounting to $3,500.00, and charged us no exchange 
 as it was Church money. 
 We left Columbus at 3 p. m., reached Macon at 6 
 p. m., and were soon domiciled with Rev. L. H. 
 Smith, pastor of Cotton Avenue church, and left 
 the next evening at 3 p. m. for Brunswick, Ga., the 
 seat of the Georgia Conference. On Thursday morn- 
 ing, December 12th, the Conference opened with 
 nearly all the ministers present. This Conference 
 was exceedingly anxious about the amount of Dollar 
 Money that would be raised, as the Macon Confer- 
 ence had already raised $5,009.00. This, the moth- 
 er Conference felt that it must lead. It did raise 
 $5,090.00, with its membership reported as 26,000. 
 The presence of Revs. E. P. Holmes, Newman, 
 W. C. Gaines and L. H. Smith made the struggle 
 more intense . But when the money had been counted 
 and the amount stated, it moved the Conference 
 into almost unprecedented excitement. The visitors 
 from Macon Conference surrendered, acknowledging 
 that they were beaten till next Conference. This 
 was a glorious session held in the little city by the 
 sea — a beautiful city and most pleasant for a winter 
 The South Carolina Conference, through Bishop 
 Arnett, sent greeting with the announcement of $4,- 
 150,00 raised in Dollar Money. A telegram was also 
 received from Bishop Campbell, thanking the Con- 
 ference for one sent him, tendering sympathy in his 
 afflicted state. 
 Schools, points— all were in a prosperous condition. 
 Rev. Henry Porter asked for superannuated rela- 
 tions. Preparations were entered into for the Quarto- 
 Centennial, and a grand time anticipated. 
 The preachers admitted on trial were W. D. John- 
 son, Howard Bunts, S. R. Foster, Robert Evans, 
 Wm. Daniels, G. B. Davis, J. W. Smith, Benjamin 
 Roberts, A. Parker, J. R. Thornton, W. E. Shaw, 
 and J. H. McNatt. The elders ordained were C. H. 
 Williams, S. M. Matchett, F. H. Henderson and 
 S. P. Jackson. But one, Rev. Marshall Stephens, 
 had died. 
 The session was closed, appointments read out, 
 and general satisfaction given. This pleasing feat- 
 ure has so far characterized all . the Conferences I 
 have so far held. It is my earnest prayer that the 
 Lord will continue this in the future as in the past 
 A brief review of the work in Georgia will best 
 show the condition of the work in that State. It has 
 been that of the most rapid growth. The Macon 
 Conference was organized 1883 by Bishop Wm. F. 
 Dickerson, and this last Conference has shown the 
 most astonishing increase. It is the youngest, but 
 is now almost, if not quite, as strong as the Mother 
 Conference (Georgia). It has five Presiding El- 
 der Districts, while the North Georgia has five and 
 the Georgia seven. The Georgia Conference has 
 for its leading appointments, Macon, Augusta, Co- 
 lumbus, Milledgeville, Americus and many other 
 smaller towns. 
 In Ihe beautiful, healthful city of Macon, the Cot- 
 ton Avenue Church, a splendid brick affair, owes its 
 erection to Rev. T. G. Steward, who labored in that 
 city long and faithfully. St. James Church, in Co- 
 lumbus, and Bethel Church, in Atlanta, were the re- 
 sults of the efforts of the writer, who, by these means, 
 has been enabled to glorify God and uphold the abil- 
 ity of the race. 
 In this Conference some of the leading men who 
 have worked and fought the good fight for years 
 are Revs. J. A. Wood, Henry Strickland, J. EL 
 Lofton, W. O. P. Sherman, S.D. Roseborough, I. S. 
 Hamilton, A. W. Lowe, W. H. Powell, S. M. 
 Clark, H. H. Taylor, E. Lowry, H. B. DowdellJ.. 
 H . Adams, S. C. Powell, R. R. Downs. North 
 Georgia furnishes us from its ranks, such men as 
 Elder S. H. Robertson, C. L. Bradwell, R. A. Hall, 
 Richard Graham, Lawrence Thomas, D. J. Mc- 
 Ghee, J. L. Flipper, A. S. Jackson, E.W. Lee, J. H. 
 Hillsom, S. B. Jones, E. A. Shepherd; and the 
 youthful Macon Conference gives to the cause, E. P. 
 Holmes, Wright Newman, L. H. Smith, W. C. 
 Banton, Henry Lester, D. T. Green, J. T. Yeiser, 
 W. C. Gaines, Allen Cooper, J. A. Cary, Francis 
 There have been forty-eight annual Conferences 
 held within the State up to date, not counting the 
 S. C. Conference held in Savannah in 1866 while 
 Georgia was yet a mission work. These have been 
 under the supervision of seven regularly appointed 
 Bishops during as many quadrenniums, and of 
 whose work we speak elsewhere. In these forty- 
 eight we include the separate Conferences held after 
 the first division in 1873, vvhich gave us the Georgia 
 and North Georgia, and also after the second divis- 
 ion in I883, adding the Macon Conference to the 
 West of Georgia lies the State of Alabama, 
 which in its church work has been very closely con- 
 *For list of the Georgia Conferences, also all previous to 1867, see Ap- 
 nected with the former State, and separated physi- 
 cally only in part by the waters of the Chattahoo- 
 chee as they flow southward to the Gulf of Mexico. 
 It is a State that contains a large colored popula- 
 tion — a State of great interest to the A. M. E.Church, 
 and one to which the Southern Mission work of our 
 church reached out its arms first of all, as soon as 
 the work had begun in that section. A few 
 facts concerning this State, which has taken such 
 wonderful strides in its industries of late, will be all 
 that the writer will attempt to give here.* 
 African Methodism was known to exist in the city 
 of Mobile as early as 1820, but according to our 
 authority, "the walls of slavery were towering high, 
 therefore the little band had to bow low again." 
 Again in 1864, Rev. J. P. Campbell and Rev. M. 
 M. Clark came to that city, meeting with quite a 
 cool reception, owing to misunderstandings, but the 
 "old white college" threw open her doors, and 
 these two preached the Gospel in the name of Afri- 
 can Methodism. 
 In 1867 the Georgia Conference spread its mis- 
 sion work into that State upon its eastern borders, 
 and Bishop Wayman gave appointments to Al- 
 abama when he gave them to Louisiana. The first 
 mission work for African Methodism, as far as can 
 be ascertained, was undertaken in 1867 and 1868 by 
 * The facts given here.; are upon the authority of statement recorded 
 in the Alabama Conference Journal of 1868, in a short sketch upon the rise: 
 of African Methodism in Alabama. 
 Rev. Lazarus Gardner, Cain Rogers, Peter Lips- 
 comb, Henry Stubbs, R. B. Bailey, Ferdinand 
 Smith, Godfrey B.Taylor, Lewis Hillery andjacob F. 
 Crozier. In 1868 the General Conference set apart 
 a separate Conference for Alabama, and Bishop J. 
 M. Brown, assigned at that date to the Seventh 
 Episcopal District as it then stood, organized the 
 Alabama Conference at Selma, July 25, with a to- 
 tal membership, reported from the thirty-one points 
 then in the State, as being 5,617, with six churches 
 valued at $5,350,00. 
 Of this first Alabama Conference Lewis Hillery 
 and R. B. Bailey were the first Secretaries, and the 
 members consisted of five traveling elders, ten trav- 
 eling deacons, and seven local licensed preachers. 
 Three of the elders and nine deacons were trans- 
 ferred from the Georgia Conference and two elders 
 and one deacon from the Louisiana Conference. 
 The work was laid off into four Districts: Union 
 Springs, Montgomery, Selma and Mobile. When 
 Bishop J. M. Brown turned over the field to his 
 successor, Bishop T. M. D. Ward, in 1872, there 
 were eight districts and ninety-five circuits, sta- 
 tions and missions, nearly all supplied, while the 
 membership had reached 10,558, and the number of 
 churches increased to sixty-six, valued, with other 
 church property, at $44,600.53. At the close of the 
 year 1875, we find a report of 9,135 members, (a 
 falling off, but whether due to the Dollar Money 
 Law or not, we are unable to say). The same 
 record gives that money this year as $1,283.55 '■> there 
 were also 134 churches valued at $68,000.00, and 
 233 local preachers. 
 Bishop J. P. Campbell was next called to preside 
 over the district, and entered upon the work at the 
 session of the Alabama Conference held in Selma, 
 December 14, 1876. In 1877 a committee on "Di- 
 vision of Conference" reported, and the line was 
 agreed upon which should separate the Alabama 
 from the North Alabama Conference. The latter 
 met at Florence, December 10, 1878, for its first 
 session. In 1880 Bishop Wayman took up the 
 -work of this Episcopal District, and after a success- 
 ful four years turned it over in 1884, with its in- 
 crease, to Bishop D. A. Payne, in whose hands it 
 saw four prosperous years, when the writer took 
 charge of it (188S). 
 The work in Alabama is growing rapidly, more 
 rapidly now than at any other time past in the his- 
 tory of the Conference. At the close of the year 
 1889 the North Alabama work included four dis- 
 tricts and seventy-three points, and the Alabama 
 six districts and ninety-two points. In the latter 
 Conference the important appointments now are 
 Mobile, Montgomery, Eufaula, Union Springs, Ope- 
 lika, Camden, Clayton, Troy and Ozark. There 
 are four points that may well be mentioned. 
 St. John's Church, at Montgomery, was organ- 
 ized in the house of Brother Thorp Williams by 
 Richard B. Bailey. This was on the south side of 
 what was then Market street, now called Dexter 
 avenue. * The church was organized with about: 
 five or six members, who worshipped in that place 
 for sometime. At length they removed to North 
 Court street, near the Alabama river, occupying an 
 old work shop owned by Mr. Frazier. This had 
 the advantage of being at least a public building. 
 They continued here until they were able to pur- 
 chase the beautiful lot on the north side of Madison 
 avenue, between Jackson and Ripley streets. At 
 this point there is now a beautiful building improved 
 and repaired by Rev. W. G. Alexander and said to be 
 the finest in the State. This church has grown 
 until it now numbers four hundred members, but 
 those who labored for its organization have all 
 passed over to the other side — all except Richard 
 Bailey. Brother Thorp Williams departed this life 
 May 23, 1890, a true devoted Christian and a lover 
 to the last of the A. M. E. Church. 
 The church in Prattville, Alabama, was organized 
 by R. B. Bailey also. It was given to us by Mr. 
 Daniel Pratt for church and school purposes. It is 
 a two-story frame building and a day school is- 
 taught on the first floor, while the chapel worship is 
 conducted on the second. Gaines Chapel, at Girard* 
 was organized by Professor Allen in 1888. It now 
 numbers seventy-four members and has a very 
 pretty building in the edifice which bears this name. 
 This field will be an excellent one as the future 
 *This avenue took its name from Mr. Dexter, who donated to the citjr 
 a piece of ground prophesying that at some future day the capitol of th& 
 State would be located there. According to this prophecy the capitol has 
 since been built upon this very plat of land. 
 ■opens up before us, if we properly care for it and 
 keep good, strong young men in it. 
 The first church (St. Luke's) in Opelika was 
 built by the A. M. E. Church. Its trustees have now 
 purchased the St. John's Church, which was built 
 by the C. M. E. Church. There are only four men 
 in active service now who were at the organization 
 ■of the Conference by Bishop Brown in 1868 — Rev- 
 Lazarus Gardner, Lewis Hillery, Andrew James 
 and Richard Bailey. 
 In the North Alabama work the most important 
 points are Selma, Birmingham, Greensboro, Union- 
 town, Demopolis, Tuscaloosa, Florence, Tuscum- 
 bia, Decatur and Huntsville. It has strong, earnest 
 workers in it, with remarkably fair prospects ahead. 
 We can only name a few of those who are laboring 
 with well-directed zeal and with sanctified energy in 
 this promising vineyard of the Master, and who will, 
 ■God willing, make African Methodism in Alabama 
 a strong power. Among these are E. H. 
 Dixon, C. H. Calhoun, S. L. Mimms, A. W. Atwa- 
 ter, C. E. Harris, I. N. Fitzpatrick, W. G. Alexan- 
 der, R. D. Brooks, J. Brazier, W. H. Mixon, R. M. 
 Cheeks, F. B. Moreland, J. M. Gerdloe, F. H. 
 Smith, G. W. Watson, T. W. Coffee. 
 The Sixth Episcopal District — Georgia and Ala- 
 bama — shows for the past year, 1889, the following 
 statistics in full for its work and status: Among its 
 ministers it has 322 traveling elders, 177 traveling 
 deacons, 131 traveling preachers, 21 superannuated 
 preachers, 44 local elders, 47 local deacons; the 
 number of presiding elders is 27, the number of 
 appointments 516, for pastor's support $112,277.00,. 
 for presiding elders' support $22,888.00; there are 
 1,386 local preachers, 451 exhorters, 9,616 proba- 
 tioners and 95,754 full members, making a total o^ 
 107,207; the stewards number 4,136, stewardesses- 
 5,249, class leaders 4,240, official boards 892, trus- 
 tees 4,280; there are 828 Sunday-schools with 3,627 
 officers, 4,052 teachers and 37, 425 pupils, having 
 46,281 volumes in their libraries and raising $8,- 
 518.58 as a total of Sunday-school moneys; the 
 number of churches is S92, valued at $737,134.00, 
 and the number of parsonages 160, valued at $56,- 
 376.00. The grand total of moneys raised for all 
 purposes in the Sixth District last year is $226,403.* 
 *The writer is^indebted to Bishop B. W. Arnett for the above statistics- 
 African Methodism was conceived in the North, 
 The State of William Penn, and the city of 
 Brotherly Love — Philadelphia — sheltered it in its 
 In 1787, through some of the fiercest trials that 
 ever befell a people, it took its rise. A little band 
 tired and weary of caste and prejudice that made 
 the people of color an ostracized sect, to be shut out, 
 neglected and kept within control, galling to their 
 fervent spirits, resolved to assert their manhood 
 rights. They desired most of all free religion, 
 thought, action and worship. 
 It was a day ever to be remembered in our land 
 when Richard Allen, with the few who were to 
 stand by his side in this great movement, shook off 
 these shackles and dared to take the steps that has 
 given us the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 It was a brave deed and one that only men of 
 strong nerve, strong belief in the right, and a courage 
 upheld by faith in God, could undertake at a period 
 when oppression was so cruel and so severe. They 
 dared much that we might be free. 
 The little seed grew, watered by divine favor and 
 protected by friendly hands, under His guidance. 
 Richard Allen, the first colored minister to be set 
 apart for especial work such as this, was ordained 
 by Bishop Asbury in 1799 — twelve years later — and 
 was placed in charge of what is now known as the 
 « Mother Church (Bethel) in Philadelphia. Out 
 through many difficulties — at last, the Convention, 
 which meant so much for us, was called in April, 
 1816, and from the surrounding country the colored 
 people assembled. 
 Then and there the A.M. E. Church was born, its 
 history as a church began and from that day it has 
 spread its branches far and wide. 
 Out of its first General Conference in that year 
 with the one Bishop, Richard Allen, it has grown 
 until it touches both oceans and the gulf and extends 
 beyond the great lakes. It has taken root in the 
 isles of the sea and the land of our fathers. 
 If we take the grouping arranged at the Centen- 
 nial of African Methodism, held at Bethel Church, 
 Philadelphia, in 18S7, we find the Eastern Annual 
 Conferences to be four in number. 
 The work extended first eastward. To-day 
 there is a total of 49,925 colored people in the six 
 States that compose the New England Conference, 
 geographically considered, Massachusetts leading 
 with 18,697 of these members. The Philadelphia 
 Conference has within its bounds 90,000 colored 
 people; the New York Conference 65,104 and the 
 New Jersey Conference 38,853. With a total 
 colored population of 243,882 in this the First Epis- 
 copal District, the A. M. E. Church has 85,000 en- 
 rolled in its membership.* 
 Churches were established under the New York 
 Annual Conference (in what became the New Eng- 
 land Conference in 1852) in New Haven, Conn., 
 as early as 1837 by Rev. Charles Burch; in Boston 
 in 1839, by R- ev - Noah C. W. Canon, who also estab- 
 lished one (Bethel church) in Providence in 1842. 
 In New Bedford, Mass., another was established by 
 the Rev. Eli N. Hall, in 1843. Allen Chapel, 
 Providence, R. L, was established in 1816 by the 
 Rev. John T. Haylett. African Methodist Episco- 
 pal Churches are to be found in Springfield? 
 Chelsea, Plymouth, Worcester and other places in 
 Massachusettes, as also in Connecticut, with various 
 The western work was growing at the same 
 time. Societies had already sprung up here and 
 there. The A. M. E. Church was organized in 
 Cincinnati, O., in 1844, Feb. 4, by the Rev. Moses 
 Freeman, who was one of the first to go to Africa 
 under the Colonization Society, a veritable pioneer 
 in African Methodism. 
 George Boler went to Chillicothe in 1822, and 
 established a church there. In 1823, one was es- 
 tablished at Steubenville, and others followed, scour- 
 ing the west; but up to 1830, all the work west of 
 Pittsburgh and the Ohio river, was attached to the 
 Philadelphia Conference. At this date the district 
 Centennial Budget. 
 became too large, and the Ohio or Western Con- 
 ference was organized. The ground gone over in a 
 circuit was equal to the Southern work in its infancy,, 
 for we find Columbus, Urbana, .Lancaster, Cir- 
 cleville and Springfield, as a specimen of the itiner- 
 ant preacher's work in the early days. To-day 
 Ohio has two conferences instead of the scattered 
 work of nearly seventy years ago. Then came 
 first, work in what might be called the foreign fit-Id 
 proper, and the Canada Annual Conference was or- 
 ganized in the North, at Toronto, July 21, 1840, by 
 Bishop Morris Brown with eleven persons present 
 and 256 members reported as eligible to the Con- 
 As the separation of the Methodist church, North 
 and South took place soon, there was a continual 
 drift to African Methodism, growing out of all that 
 which was to follow from the events which led to 
 the civil war, and the final bursting of every fetter 
 from the bondsmen. Another Conference was 
 added to the list in 1840, as the banner had been 
 planted long enough in Indiana soil to demand or- 
 ganized work, and the Indiana Conference came 
 into existence at Blue River, Oct. 2d, under Bishop 
 Morris Brown. The western work was an aston- 
 ishment. Six Conferences with a total member- 
 ship as reported of 16,396 souls out of the one ins 
 1816 met the church in three decades. 
 That was well for a people hardly out of slavery 
 we might say. The New York Conference work 
 had so grown, that over its large area it was im- 
 possible to travel and do the work as one Confer- 
 ence. So in 1852 Bishop J. A. Payne organized the 
 New England Conference at New Bedford, in June 
 following the General Conference, his first organiza- 
 tion of new work as the general conference had 
 elected him and Willis Nazrey to the office of 
 Bishop; and henceforth the A.M. E. Church was 
 to have its work laid off into districts. The first in- 
 cluded Baltimore and the New York Conferences; 
 the second Philadelphia and New England; the third 
 Ohio, Indiana and Canada. 
 The Southwest had opened up when the next 
 General Conference met in Cincinnati in 1856. The 
 Missouri Conference had been organized in 1855 
 with 2,249 members at the end of the first year, and 
 a total of forty-eight ministers. The disturbing 
 years of the preliminary throes of the revolution 
 which was upon the country had its effect upon all 
 things. The unrest and out-breaks here and there 
 necessarily affected the churches; but in spite of this 
 the work was extended. After the opening of the 
 Southern field, in which the deceased Bishop R. H. 
 Cain, labored long as a missionary before the har- 
 vest was ripe for garnering into organization, it 
 was only a matter of time before the increase came. 
 With the close of the war of the rebellion, that 
 wonderful new life and energy which seemed toss- 
 ing forth, vanished and strengthened, as it were, by 
 the blood of the slave, freely expended its vitality to 
 extend our fields of labor. It is impossible in a 
 brief chapter to note the progress of the various 
 Conferences as the boundaries widened until nearly 
 every State in the Union finds African Methodism 
 planted on its soil. 
 To-day, according to the most accurate statistics — 
 to-day, a little over one-hundred years from the 
 conception of our church — we find that we have 
 reached the work that requires eleven Bishops and a 
 corresponding number of districts, including our 
 foreign field and forty-four Conferences, exclusive 
 of foreign work, as the total, — the A. M. E. Church 
 presents to the world for the actual work for the 
 Master in the United States. In this work, if we 
 follow the facts presented at the Centennial of the 
 church in 1887, we find the Eastern group of four 
 Annual Conferences takes in 156 traveling preachers, 
 14,998 members ;md probationers. The Northern 
 group of three has no traveling preachers, 9,770 
 members and probationers. The Western group 
 of nine has 307 traveling preachers, 21,785 mem- 
 bers and probationers. The Southern group of 
 twenty-eight has 1,697 traveling preachers, 228,- 
 541 members and probationers. 
 This shows where the future field of African 
 Methodism lies, as, according to the same authority, 
 the three Annual Conferences of Georgia have as 
 many members as the Eastern, Northern and West- 
 ern groups combined. This the writer can fully 
 corroborate from personal knowledge of the mem- 
 bership in Georgia alone which is now over 100,000, 
 and we are sure that if the proper returns were 
 made, we should find our membership everywhere 
 increasing. There is a fear that some of the breth- 
 ren withhold the membership on account of the Dol- 
 lar Money. This should not be so, for the sake of 
 the Church generally. Every member should be 
 reported honestly by ever}- minister, regardless of 
 any inability, from whatever cause, to collect this 
 money. We need accurate statistics, and all these 
 things help to make them — and so to weave a his- 
 tory of which we may well feel proud. 
 African Methodism has spread, as we have said, 
 all over this broad land. Commencing in the east 
 it moved eastward and westward; over into the 
 great Northwest Territory it found foothold, — in the 
 states beyond the Alleghany mountains, and on be- 
 yond the Mississippi, as noted elsewhere. From 
 Kansas on to the Rocky Mountains, and to the Pacific 
 States beyond it spread. 
 It also stretched out into the States of Arkansas, 
 Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louis- 
 iana, and extended downward into North Carolina 
 and Virginia, as Southern States, aside from the 
 three clustered about Georgia. 
 Bishop Shorter's first work included Arkansas, 
 Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. He 
 organized the Texas Conference in November, 
 1868. We are told that in 1872 there were but 
 four A. M. E. Churches in this State.- These were 
 located in Galveston, Houston, Bryan and Corsicana. 
 Out of three Presiding Elder Districts thirty-five 
 appointments were possible, while the Presiding El- 
 ders were also pastors. Some of them could not 
 write to any extent, and, as in the early days of the 
 "•"African Methodism in Texas,"— Centennial address by Rev. W. R» 
 Carson, to which we are indebted for these facts. 
 Church, when young Richard Allen was carried 
 from point to point to do the writing for the Con- 
 ference, it is said that H. Kealing has accompanied 
 the Texas ministers for the same purpose; but the 
 work was done and the foundations laid. Bishop 
 Brown was assigned the work in 1872, and under 
 him it began anew. He found there an area of 
 237,504 square miles, and a population of 253,475 
 colored people belonging to six different churches — 
 the A, M. E. Church, Catholic, Baptist, Campbel- 
 lites, colored M. E. Church of America, and M. E- 
 Church, South. This scattered work led him to 
 make six Presiding Elder Districts, and R. Haywood 
 was placed over San Antonio, Wm. Leak over 
 Chapel Hill, E. Uammitte over Galveston, H. Wil- 
 hite over Spring Hill, J. Goins over Dallas, F. 
 Green over Corpus Christi. 
 The work increased until December, 1874, when 
 the Conference was divided into Texas and West 
 Texas, with the Brazos river as the boundary line 
 and three Presiding Elder Districts in each. Some 
 trouble arose, but it was easily settled. Then the edu- 
 cational spirit became ripe here, too, and even at the 
 first Conference it was agreed to have a Conference 
 High School, and one was established at Austin. 
 The 1 the Conference took hold of the project, which 
 resulted later in Paul Quinn College at Waco. 
 Those who endured the hardships of early work 
 in Texas say that the early preachers and bishops 
 had many of them up to I876. But the work was 
 established with a college, a numbrr of handsome 
 churches, four Conferences set for 1890 — the third 
 being the Texas Central and the fourth the North- 
 east Texas — a good church membership with a 
 growing number of influential preachers, all under 
 the present leadership of Bishop Abram Grant, in 
 himself a power. 
 The Pacific coast was struggling for a long time 
 with a few scattered members and innumerable dif- 
 ficulties. Rev. J. H. Hubbard, Presiding Elder, 
 and a member of the Colorado Conference in I887, 
 himself a pioneer preacher, has said they could boast 
 with Paul, " These hands have ministered to my ne- 
 cessities and of those who were with me. " Twelve 
 churches and three hundred members from the 
 north to the south of the Pacific slope could but 
 struggle, but it is praiseworthy that the work was 
 established through such difficulties . Bishop Ward, 
 when still an elder, was appointed to this region as 
 missionary, and to him is due the first organization 
 of churches. True to his first work, and so well 
 adapted to it from early experiences, he was returned 
 to it upon his election to the Bishopric in 1868.. 
 The work of the A. M. E. Church now dots the 
 coast over a stretch of country most creditable to our 
 Home Mission enterprise. 
 Bishop Shorter's first work upon entering the 
 Bishopric was to organize the Tennessee Annual 
 Conference at Nashville. There are now two Con- 
 ferences. The Mississippi Conference was also- 
 organized by Bishop Shorter in 1868, and the Arkan- 
 sas Conference, at Little Rock, was organized by 
 him as well. Bishop Brown followed his footsteps 
 in 1872 in what was then the Second District — Louis- 
 iana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee — and under his 
 planning Paul Quinn College took shape, while he 
 organized the West Texas, South Arkansas, West 
 Tennessee and Columbia, S. C, Conferences, the 
 last named during his first quadrennium — 1868-72. 
 The Alabama Conference was organized by him July 
 25, 1868, out of which has grown the North Alabama 
 Conference. Bishop Brown superintended the or- 
 ganization of the A. M. E. Churches in Virginia and 
 North Carolina. The work in Louisiana was begun 
 in 1848, when the A. M. E. Church was organized 
 in New Orleans. Of the forty-four Conferences in 
 the connection, Virginia has one; North Carolina 
 one; South Carolina two; Florida two; Arkansas 
 two; Mississippi two; Texas four; Louisiana two; 
 Kentucky two; Tennessee two; the others are 
 located in the North and West. 
 Stepping eastward over the Georgia boundary we 
 find the Palmetto State with its twenty-five years' 
 record doing grandly for Christ's kingdom, a work 
 of which we shall soon hear from a pen well fitted to 
 prepare it, and therefore pass it by with no further 
 entering into detail concerning it, save to prophesy 
 that it will still continue to prosper under Bishop 
 C. W. Arnett's guiding hand, the present quadren- 
 *Bishop Arnett has in preparation a history of South Carolina and Flor- 
 ida. 10 
 In 1866, when Bishop Payne held the South 
 Carolina Conference in Savannah, Ga., Rev. Chas. 
 H. Pierce, an elder, Rev. Wm. Bradwell and others 
 were sent to Florida to establish the A. M. E. 
 Church, They met with great success. Rev. C. 
 H. Pierce fully deserves to be called the father of 
 the Florida Conference. He should be regarded in 
 history as bearing the same relation to the Florida 
 work as Bishop R. H. Cain to South Carolina and 
 Bishop H. M. Turner to Georgia. 
 There is a grand set of ministerial workers in that 
 Land of Fowers, men with whom the writer hopes to 
 be better acquainted in the future. 
 As Bishop Payne has told us in his " Recollec- 
 tions " he arrived in the city of Charleston, S. C, 
 early in May, I865, after an enforced exile of thirty 
 years. When he left he was a young man of thirty- 
 four years, full of the fire of ambition and earnest 
 desire for the education of the race — abundantly 
 testified to by the strong work done for Christ and 
 humanity and the race even then, and later an inspir- 
 ing monument to all who may be fired with similar 
 zeal. Now, after that long absence he returns, a 
 man of fifty-four years of matured experience and 
 wisdom, to take the step which has opened up a 
 vast amount of territory to the Mother Church and 
 spread wide her dominions. 
 It was but one of the many steps that this wise 
 and venerable prelate has taken for the extension 
 of the connection eastward and westward. He had 
 traveled far and wide ere this in the interest of the 
 church, not only as Bishop, but as the historiog- 
 rapher of the church, appointed by the General 
 But it is not in his "Recollections" that is found 
 the record of his work done in the organization of 
 the A .M. E. Church in the South. That he has 
 left, with characteristic modesty, for some one 
 else to record, and the full account of that work 
 can only be given when the history of our 
 church in South Carolina shall be written as a com- 
 plement to these pages upon its sister State. 
 In the opening chapters is given a survey of the 
 rise of our church in the South, and of our Senior 
 Bishop's connection with it. Here it is but our pur- 
 pose to review this connection with our work as well 
 as the connection of all the Bishops who have pre- 
 sided over the work in Georgia. 
 As Bishop D. A. Payne was the first Bishop of 
 the South Carolina Conference, he was also the first 
 of the Georgia Conference, but sent Bishop Way- 
 man to hold it in his stead, as he was on the eve of 
 a journey to Europe, It was Bishop Payne, also,, 
 who presided over the first session of the Confer- 
 ence held in the State, in Savannah, 1866. The 
 work of his Episcopacy devolved upon Bishop 
 Wayman during his absence in Europe, which ac- 
 counts for the presence of that distinguished prelate 
 in our Southern work at that time, the only time, in 
 fact, that he has as yet had charge of the work in 
 To Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne then, belongs 
 the honor of being our first Southern Bishop. It 
 was to his formative hand that so many owed their 
 *Bishop Wayman, therefore, was not one of the regular Bishops in that 
 State, but as one of the workers then, we would say that he was one of the- 
 most popular preachers in the Church, possessing, too, a most amiable and 
 kindly disposition. 
 first intellectual training in the early private school 
 in Charleston, and it was appropriate that his should 
 be the formative hand laid upon the work of the 
 Church in the South in 1865. 
 As a man among men, a Christian scholar, a de- 
 vout disciple of the lowly Jesus, and a leader of the 
 young in paths of education, the writer has known 
 him from his own youth. His hands were the ones laid 
 upon his head in solemn ordination as a deacon, in 
 Savannah, in 1866, and again his hands were the 
 ones which consecrated him to the work of the Bish- 
 opric in 1888. 
 The elevation of the race has been Bishop Payne's 
 one steadfast aim, and he has been father and teacher 
 and benefactor to all who have come within his 
 reach, and who have been filled with high aspira- 
 tions. He has sown most beautifully to this end of 
 the goods which the Lord has vouchsafed him in 
 this life, and he is reaping already the fruit of his 
 hands in the cultured youth all over the land. To- 
 day Bishop Daniel A. Payne stands a landmark for 
 all who desire the true success in life with all that 
 it means. Now, at the ripe age of seventy-nine, 
 passing on grandly and triumphantly into his four- 
 score years, by reason of his strength, supported by 
 God's grace, yet are his days not only days of 
 "pleasantness and peace," but of labor still; for he 
 meets his regular duties as Bishop, bearing, in ad- 
 dition, the responsibilities of Dean of Wilberforce 
 University, (the intellectual child of his love) and 
 President of the Board of Trustees of the Combined 
 Normal and Industrial Department recently opened 
 up there through the generosity of the State of 
 Ohio. Though venerable, Bishop Payne is remark- 
 able for sparkling wit, elegant manners and solid 
 talents, yet as amiable as the tenderest woman. His 
 home, made desolate by the death of his beloved 
 wife in 1889 — a gentle lady whom all now miss — is a 
 model for comfort, and for decorum is grand. 
 The General Conference of 1868 elected as 
 Bishops, James A. Shorter, T. M. D. Ward and J. 
 M. Brown, and the last named was assigned to the 
 Southern work, coming to Georgia to meet the An- 
 nual Conference, which assembled in Columbus, Ga., 
 Febuary 6, 1869, at its second session. For four 
 years he presided over the Conference until 1872, 
 with the even justice and courtly bearing for which 
 he is still so noted. 
 Bishop J. M. Brown, too, has been long connected 
 with the important movements of the A. M. E. 
 Church. In the North, where he was born, he was 
 one of the early workers in every good cause. He 
 was really the first colored President of a colored 
 school, having been made such of the Union Semi- 
 nary, situated near Columbus, O., a school that was 
 in truth the mother school of all. Not a success 
 financially it still gave birth to the next movement 
 which established Wilberforce University in 1856* 
 under the M. E. Church in Ohio, and which passed 
 to us in 1863. Bishop Brown's genial manners and 
 cultured grace betoken the true gentleman of in- 
 nate refinement, while his wide knowledge of men and 
 books give him that powerful hold that learning al- 
 ways bestows for good or evil, but add to this the 
 Christian, as we find him in our tenth Bishop, and 
 we have a combination that nothing can resist. 
 Then if we add still that fearless aggressiveness 
 which dares anything for what he conceives to be 
 right, we feel that then we have but feebly expressed 
 the strength reposing in this one of the pillars 
 of African Methodism. 
 Pages might be filled with the reminiscences of 
 this Bishop, as he has labored to perform the duties 
 of his office — labors which are simply the extended 
 efforts of those he has ever put forth throughout 
 the South for years previous, as Missionary Secre- 
 tary; but they must give way here to find their 
 place in the individual histories of what these men 
 have wrought for the A. M. E. Church wherever 
 they have been sent. 
 We had been favored for two succeeding quad- 
 renniums with a newly elected Bishop to preside over 
 our Southern work, by reason of Bishop Payne's 
 absence,* and now, the General Conference meet- 
 ing in Nashville, Tenn., in 1872, sent us Bishop T. 
 M. D. Ward, who had been elected^ to the Bench 
 of Bishops in 186S. It may have been because 
 there were no new Bishops made at that session 
 that such an one was not sent Southward, still the 
 Southern cause was enriched by this method, as the 
 bold, pushing work done in the early years of the 
 existence of our church in the South shows. 
 *Bishop Wayman was elected in 1864, and was called to take Bishop 
 Payne's place in the Southern work during the latter's absence. 
 Bishop Ward has been from the first of his min- 
 istry a missionary. The work upon the Pacific 
 coast is an indication of this. He was a Pennsylvanian 
 by birth, and early turned to the A. M. E. Church. 
 He had seen four years of service as Bishop in his 
 old missionary field when he was assigned to Georgia, 
 Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. He is one of 
 those unique men of whom but few are made in a 
 generation, one born to command by his very pres- 
 ence and yet with such dignity and impartiality that 
 the sense of obedience is lost in the admiration of 
 that unconscious power one perceives him to wield. 
 Under his direction the General Conference reached 
 the limit which saw its first division. He has ever 
 been a worker and of such ability that the mother 
 college, Wilberforce, has honored him with a degree. 
 A man now venerable, yet so fatherly, this battle- 
 scarred veteran always brings with him a blessed 
 gospel message in his look and an experience rich 
 in divine love. 
 In 1876 the venerable Bishop Campbell came to 
 the Southern field as presiding Bishop. His hair 
 was then white with the snows of over fifty years. 
 Like Bishop Ward he had earry entered the ranks 
 of the A. M. E. Church, and was a missionary, but 
 while Bishop Ward went westward, he was sent 
 eastward. Up to 1865 the California Church had 
 never seen one of its Bishops. He then visited the 
 Pacific coast and organized the California Con- 
 ference. This self-same year of taking charge of 
 the work in the South he visited England as a del- 
 egate from the General Conference to the Wesleyan 
 General Conference. He has been a man of study 
 and encouraged all things pertaining to an education, 
 urging both cultivation of head and heart. His gift 
 of $1,000 to Wilberforce is but one of many gifts he 
 has made. Many a young man and woman who 
 may read these lines will recall the kind words and 
 substantial aid rendered in time of need when acquir- 
 ing an education. As he has said, he now forms the 
 only link between the founders of the A. M. £. 
 Church and his generation. He was the first man 
 who ever moved to publish a periodical in the 
 A. M. E. Church, and he has been fully indentified 
 with all the great educational interests of the wide- 
 spread connection. His four years were character- 
 ized by growth in the work and pleasing companion- 
 ship, which was intensified by the personal attributes 
 of this gracious man of God. Now he, too, is in his 
 declining years, sorely afflicted ; but the writer has 
 been only too happy to assist him by taking charge of 
 his work in the N. C. Conference fon889. 
 Again a newly elected Bishop was assigned to 
 the Southern field, Bishop Wm. F. Dickerson, the 
 thirteenth Bishop of the A. M. E. Church, elected to 
 that office in 1880, shortly after he had attained his 
 thirty-sixth year. He was a graduate of Lincoln 
 University, Pennsylvania, and was a man of classi- 
 cal mold who brought to his work not only his 
 learning, but a zeal and enthusiasm that wore him 
 out. Life certainly was with him a " fitful fever." 
 He was fired to overwork whenever work presented 
 itself, and as a pulpit orator, he burned with elo- 
 quence whenever he arose to speak for the Master. 
 He was, as has been said, " aggressive and progress- 
 ive, " a man full to the brim of epigrammatic speech,, 
 terse and forceful in all his utterances, and one 
 whom his friends cannot soon forget, of whom the 
 writer was one of the nearest. Among some of his 
 sayings we take a few. In speaking relative to 
 preaching, especially when seeking to convince the 
 hearers, " Let all preachers especially prepare care- 
 fully every sermon which has that definite aim. 
 I believe that a preacher should always preach to' 
 those in front rather than to the amen corner." Again, 
 " A man who rose by merit alone w r as like one who 
 ascends a vast height by regular and appointed 
 steps, but one who had been too hasty and had 
 risen by improper methods, was like a crazy man 
 who had climbed to the top of a lofty steeple, whose 
 brain began to totter and whirl for the tremendous 
 fall that awaited him." He said at the Georgia 
 Conference of 1883, when commenting on the lesson 
 in Proverbs which he read, " I have been looking 
 at the brethren to see what is killing them, and I 
 find it is not the bullet, but the friction of life — the 
 wear and tear — but if you can manage to keep life 
 sweet and temper even, you will enjoy life better. " 
 On the subject of speaking, the Bishop said: * A 
 speaker must begin on a low key. If a man vio- 
 lates this rule to an extreme — not too long, not too 
 loud — he will soon die in the Lord, but he had 
 better live in the Lord and do the work assigned 
 him. " 
 He was allowed to spend four earnest working 
 years with us and to graciously introduce his suc- 
 cessor, when almost immediately the Lord called 
 him to " rest. " When Bishop Wm. Fisher Dicker- 
 son died the church lost one of its foremost leaders, 
 the race one of its most brilliant pulpit orators and 
 advocates and humanity at large a friend, for he 
 was a large-souled, warm-hearted man to whom 
 narrow views and prejudices were strangers. The 
 appreciation of his labors in Georgia is shown by 
 the resolutions and speeches mentioned elsewhere. 
 In 1884 another veteran soldier entered the work 
 in Georgia and South Carolina in the person of 
 Bishop James A. Shorter, who had then spent six- 
 teen years in the Episcopacy. For three years he 
 was allowed by Providence to exercise the authority 
 of his office and then he, too, was called hence 
 (July 1, 1887), the third Bishop who had fallen 
 within the short space of less than three years.* 
 Bishop Shorter was a man of strong personality; 
 a man of few words, but glorying in deeds; he was 
 frank and outspoken when he did speak, and withal 
 generous and progressive, a man who won many 
 friends by his unswerving walk when once fixed 
 upon the path he deemed right to tread. He, too, 
 was a strong friend of all educational movements 
 and a free giver of his money to ail needful enter- 
 "Bishop R. H. Cain, the fourteenth Bishop of the A. M. E. Church, was 
 elected to the Episcopacy 1880, and died January, 1886. 
 prises. His gifts to Wilberforce were indicative of 
 the man and of his kindly disposition to those 
 things which were dear to his heart. As a friend, 
 he was unalterable, unchanging with time or circum- 
 The messenger of death came for him most sud- 
 denly one pleasant summer morning and he was 
 called to answer the summons at once. His dear 
 wife had already preceded him to that better land 
 and both are now in glory. His unexpired term 
 was filled by Bishops Wayman and Brown, in Geor- 
 gia, and Bishops Campbell and Ward, in South Car- 
 olina. Thus twice in close succession the Georgia 
 Conferences have been called to mourn a loss touch- 
 ing them more closely than under other circum- 
 There is still one more Bishop who has had 
 charge of the work in Georgia, the present Bishop 
 of the Sixth Episcopal District, Bishop Wesley J. 
 Gaines. Concerning him and his work, the follow- 
 ing from the Budget of the A. M. E. Church, 1881- 
 84, is a biographical sketch :* 
 •'Wesley J. Gaines was born in Wilkes county, 
 Georgia, near Washington, October 4, 1840. He is 
 the seventh son and youngest child of fourteen chil- 
 dren that were born to William and Louisa Gaines. 
 His father was a member of the M. E. Church, 
 -This sketch of the writer has been corrected and revised with such 
 additions as may be of interest to the reader and due the church as biogra- 
 phy. It is because of this latter reason that he has been induced to insert 
 it here. 
 South, and his mother was a Baptist. They were a 
 devoted couple and lived in unity for fifty-eight years,. 
 until the death of the husband October 30, 1865. 
 The Christian wife and mother died February 12, 
 " Wesley J. Gaines was converted at the age of 
 nine years. His first serious impression of the 
 Holy Ghost was at the early age of three and a 
 half years. His mother was at this time praying for 
 him under a fig tree, gathering vegetables. Her 
 prayer was: 'Oh God, make this, my boy Wesley,, 
 such a man as thou wouldst have him be. Make 
 him thy son for Jesus' sake. ' The solemn impres- 
 sion made by his mother's prayer was never for- 
 " He was a slave, and his boyhood was spent 
 upon a plantation. In early life he was of very 
 delicate physique, and this seemed to be the oppor- 
 tunity that God had given him to learn to read. At 
 the age of eleven years he commenced to study the 
 alphabet, and by divine help, and some instructions 
 from a white boy, George Daniels, he mastered it in 
 one week's time. He learned to write without aid, 
 simply by studying and imitating the copies in his 
 book. While sick he would lie at home and read, 
 though his books had to be kept concealed from the 
 white people. One night during the civil war, the 
 'patrollers' called at his father's house in search of 
 books and weapons. Wesley hid his books out in 
 an ash hopper, and much to his sorrow a heavy 
 rain fell and the lie thus formed ruined his books. 
 His grief over his loss was so great that his father 
 gave him all the money he had ($3.50) to purchase 
 other books. With this he bought an English 
 grammar, geography, ' Peter Parley's' history, a 
 copy book, pen and ink. The first letter he ever 
 wrote was addressed to his brother, Stephen; he, 
 having no money, dropped the letter without stamp- 
 ing it and ran from the office as fast as he could. 
 The postmaster notified his brother at Washington, 
 who forwarded the postage and received the letter. 
 Stephen's reply to this letter inspired him to study. 
 "In 1855 he noved to Steward county, Georgia, 
 where he remained one year. Having a severe spell 
 of sickness, for three or four years he improved the 
 time by applying his mind to the study of the Bible 
 and other books. In 1856, he removed to Musco- 
 gee county. 
 " His call to the ministry dates back to early boy- 
 hood. He always preached the funeral sermons of 
 all the birds, dogs and chickens that died on the 
 place, and always felt seriously inclined to preach. 
 When he felt most deeply impressd and desired to 
 go at the work he, at the same, time felt an inclina- 
 tiou to shun it ; a sickening thought of dread and 
 awe overcame him; he fasted and prayed and thus 
 found the ' yoke easy and the burden light.' The 
 first impression that he was called to preach was 
 made at the age of six years, in 1846, after listening 
 to an able sermon preached by the lat£ Bishop 
 George F. Pierce, of the M. E. Church South. 
 "At the old plantation, in Muscogee county, 
 August 20th, 1863, he was married to Miss Julia A. 
 Camper, an amiable young lady of charming face 
 and figure, but whose virtues, Christian life, wifely 
 wisdom, succor, character and mind were more 
 noble and lasting than her face was beautiful. She 
 has been one of the few wives who has made her 
 husband's love for her., and of which she is so wor- 
 thy, rush on in the same current with all the great 
 aims of his life. And to-day, as Bishop Gaines 
 looks back over the past, he says with pride, 
 'through the efforts of my wife I am what I am.' 
 The only child which has blessed their union is 
 Mary Louisa, born December ist, 1872. 
 "In 1865, Wesley J. Gaines applied for a license 
 to preach, which was granted in June of the same 
 year by Rev. J. L. Davies, of the M. E. Church 
 South. His older brother, Rev. Wm. Gaines, was 
 ordained in the same month by Bishop D. A. Payne, 
 at Hilton Head, South Carolina, and appointed mis- 
 sionary of the State of Georgia. He visited Co- 
 lumbus and established the first A. M. E. church, 
 and meeting his brother, Wesley, on St. Clair street, 
 was the means of his joining the church then and 
 there. A few months after his brother died, and 
 H. M. Turner, now Bishop, succeeded him as Pre- 
 siding Elder of Georgia. 
 "Wesley J. Gaines was admitted by Bishop Payne 
 to the then South Carolina Conference, at Savan- 
 nah, Georgia, in 1866, ordained deacon by Bishop 
 Payne at that Conference and elder at Wilmington, 
 North Carolina, by Bishop A. W. Wayman, in 
 "His first appointment was to the Florence Mission,. 
 Georgia, in 1866. He was stationed at Atlanta, 
 Georgia, in 1867, '68 and '69 ; Athens, 1870; at 
 Macon, Georgia, 187 1, '72, and '73 ; at Columbus, 
 Georgia, in 1874, '75, '76, and '77. He was re- 
 turned to Macon in 1878, '79 and 80. He then 
 went back to Atlanta in 1881, '82, '83 and '84. 
 During his first appointment at Atlanta he built 
 Bethel A. M. E. Church, located on Wheat street,, 
 which church they are now rebuilding at a cost of 
 $30,000, by Rev. Lawrence Thomas. 
 "During his first appointment at Macon, Georgia,, 
 he did a telling work. His predecessor, Rev. T. G. 
 Steward, had laid the foundation of Cotton Avenue 
 A. M. E. Church. Elder Gaines raised an indebted- 
 ness of $4,500, and during his second term com- 
 pleted the church. During his four years at Co- 
 lumbus, Georgia, he built St. James now worth 
 "In 1870 he studied theology at Athens, Georgia,, 
 under Rector Henderson, a very religious and lib- 
 eral minded minister of the Protestant Episcopal 
 church, going to his church to recite twice a week, 
 From 1875 to 1878 he read theology with the Rev. 
 Joseph S. Key, now Bishop Key, at the same time 
 he studied rhetoric under Rev. B. H. Sasnatt, of 
 Oxford College. 
 "He received the degree of D. D. at Wilberforce 
 in June, 1883. He has raised for the A. M. E. 
 Church, during his ministerial labors, over $200,000. 
 Whatever success his work may have been blessed 
 with, he attributed it directly to the goodness of the 
 All Wise One. He often wonders why God so 
 feebly blessed his efforts in the pulpit. 
 " Dr. Gaines has held the offices of Book Steward 
 of the North Georgia Conference, member of the 
 A. M. E. Financial Board, Treasurer and President 
 of Board of Trustees of the Morris-Brown College, 
 and also Trustee of the Wilberforce University. In 
 1888 he was elected Bishop of the church on the 
 first ballot, with the largest majority any Bishop had 
 ever received in the A. M. E. Church. 
 "When he was freed at emancipation, lie was in 
 feeble health, with care of his wife and aged father 
 and mother and not a dollar he could call his own. 
 In 1865 he buried his father and two brothers, Rev. 
 Wm. H. Gaines and Reuben Gaines. The funeral 
 expenses of all these were upon him in his state of 
 "Mr. Gabriel Toombs, his former owner, re- 
 quested him to go to Washington, Georgia, and 
 live with him, but he informed Mr. Toombs that he 
 was called to preach the gospel, and since a door had 
 been opened to fulfil that call lie felt it was his duty 
 to go. Mr. Toombs spoke encouraging words to 
 him, and asked God to bless him, for he himself had 
 been a Steward of M. E. Church for over thirty-five 
 years, and he is a Steward of the church until this 
 day at the age of seventy-seven. Bishop Gaines had 
 the pleasure of holding the Annual Conference in 
 Washington in 1889. Mr. Toombs, though in fee- 
 ble health, visited the Conference in order to see 
 him and introduced him as "our Bishop Gaines and 
 my friend." 
 "He told him he always knew that he would suc- 
 ceed in whatever he undertook. He sent for him 
 to visit him and the visit at his house was very cor- 
 dial and pleasant. Every man is what he makes 
 himself in this life. If we respect ourselves and 
 elevate ourselves in a position to command respect, 
 it will inevitably be given us." 
 "Stephen Gaines, his oldest brother, seventy-six 
 years old, is living in Atlanta, Georgia. Augustus 
 Gaines is a successful farmer in Muscogee county, 
 owning a plantation worth $5,000; he has a wife, and 
 thirteen children in an honorable living. Therefore, 
 honest work is no disgrace. 
 "We have in the life of Bishop Gaines an illustra- 
 tion of what study and religion can do for a man, 
 and also what the possibilities are in the A. M. E. 
 Church for a man who will do his duty. He may be 
 ap ower and a strong tower if he will but trust in God. 
 He may be unknown, but by work he will be known 
 from Maine to Georgia." 
 So, from 1868 until 1890, the Georgia work has 
 been presided over regularly for six quadrenniums by 
 the six last named Bishops, and Bishop Payne, who 
 had charge of the work in 1865, '66, '67, gives 
 us seven in all. Two of the seven have fallen; two 
 are aged and descending the hill of life; one has long 
 been bearing infirmities; one is long past middle age, 
 but bearing well his years. 
 One, the sixteenth Bishop and the youngest of all, 
 still thanks God for life, health and strength, though 
 he may be the first of these remaining to be called 
 away. God in his wisdom alone knows. May he 
 so live that he will be ready whenever the summons 
 comes to enter triumphantly upon the Life that is to 
 With the close of the war the negro race was thrown 
 upon its own resources or the kindness of its friends, 
 North and South, for substantial aid in assuming its 
 new responsibilities. Very few individuals of the 
 race possessed any means and these exceptions were 
 not wealthy. We had to exert ourselves in order to 
 become adapted to the new state of things, and en- 
 deavor to arrange our plans so that the future might 
 have for us better advantages — more luminous pros- 
 pects. We were worse than poor — we had not been 
 trained in the school of economy, for poverty and 
 economy do not by any means necessarily go hand- 
 in-hand. We were destitute of all else except the 
 brawn and muscle, which the labors of centuries had 
 developed, and the virtue of patient waiting which 
 had become a part of the race — one of its most noted 
 There is an old saying that all things come to those 
 who wait. Freedom had come, after a bondage of 
 two hundred and fifty years. We had learned to work 
 and we had learned to wait. They were two admir- 
 able qualities, and our sole stock, when the Emanci- 
 pation Proclamation made us free. What could we 
 do but contmue to use them ? This we have done. 
 Gradually returning prosperity has scattered its be- 
 neficent gifts upon the southland, and among those 
 who have been blessed with rewards for the earnest, 
 faithful toil of industrious hands, are the colored 
 people ; and, as a people, they have fulfilled well their 
 money obligations to the churches, according as the 
 Lord has blessed them. 
 The greatest numbers are in the South, and there 
 greatest poverty and distress exist ; yet, with all this, 
 there too the greatest prosperity has attended the 
 race, and there has been a steady increase in the finan- 
 cial growth of the Southern work as connected with 
 the Church. 
 From the first, church edifices and parsonages were 
 sought for, and every effort put forth for such as 
 would be a credit to us, so that the property the 
 Church owns now in the one State of Georgia alone 
 amounts by a rough estimate to $400,000. This has 
 been accumulated while keeping up the regular col- 
 lections, which go to support the Church work, and 
 this, too, has been well done from the first. Without 
 any special plan, except to follow the laws as laid 
 down in the Discipline, the workers brought in their 
 mites. In 1872 the dollar system was adopted, and 
 the first year of which we have a record for the Geor- 
 gia Conference (1868), before this was in operation, 
 showed us by rough estimate as contingent fund 
 raised, $156.50 ; ministers' support, $82,000; Sunday 
 school, $207.00; Book Concern, $97.00; bishops' 
 support, $228.00. The year after the first division 
 took place, in 1873, the two Conferences made record 
 that the contingent fund was $207.67 ; pastors' su| - 
 port, $35,328.64; missions, .$17.10; dollar money } 
 $2,041.25. In 1883, nearly a decade later, when growth 
 demanded another division, we find the monies from 
 the Georgia Conference alone to be : contingent fund, 
 $cS1.70 ; pastors' support, 518,347.38 ; presiding elders' 
 salary, $4,449.69 ;|expenses, $113.15 ; missions, $42.44; 
 ■educational, $178.70 ; college, $26.00 ; dollar money, 
 $2,054.40, aside from some minor sums. 
 It is now less than ten years since this last report, 
 and in the year of 1889 the Sixth Episcopal District 
 raised a total of $17,536.06 dollar money, and $126,000 
 for all purposes, while as stated elsewhere the entire 
 total of the monies raised in the Sixth Episcopal Dis- 
 trict last year was $226,403. 
 There has been a steady gain in every line, year by 
 year, decade by decade, but the last year has been 
 almost phenomenal in its successful increase. Our 
 statistics, when put fully before the world, will show 
 that the A. M. E. Church helps largely to swell the 
 Christian membership of the world, and our growth 
 compares favorably with other denominations, the 
 general statistics of which are given by reliable au- 
 thority,* and from which we take the following : 
 "The growth in Protestant membership during the 
 year has been 668,000. The Methodists gained more 
 tnan 256,000, the Baptists more than 213,000, the Lu- 
 therans 98,000, the Congregationalists more than 16,- 
 000, and the Episcopalians about 9,500." The gain 
 in Catholic communicants is also given asjover 238,- 
 000. According to this authority the Methodist mem- 
 bership outnumbers the Catholic, whose communi- 
 cants are estimated to reach 4,076,000. "Then come 
 the Methodists with, in round numbers, 4,980,000 ; 
 Baptists, 4,292,000 ; Presbyterians, 1,229,000 ; Luther- 
 :? The Independent. 
 ans, 1,086,000; Congregationalists, 491,000 ; Episco- 
 palians, 480,000." 
 An analysis of the work of the A. M. E. Church 
 shows that we have eleven bishops, seven general 
 departments of the Church, as follows : The Publica- 
 tion Department, under Dr. J. C. Embry ; Missionary 
 Department, under Dr. W. B. Derrick ; Financial De- 
 partment, under Dr. James A. Handy; Educational 
 Department, under Dr. Wm. D. Johnson ; Sunday- 
 school Department, under Dr. C. S. Smith ; Literary 
 Department, under Bishop H. M. Turner, and the 
 Church Extension. The last four departments have 
 received their greatest development in the last four 
 years, dating from 18 6, and all are well supported in 
 the South. 
 Our statistics have not been the fullest nor in the 
 best possible shape for entire accuracy, but no one 
 will deny even then that we have gone forward with 
 astonishing rapidity. 
 The South is a wonderful land of itself. It has 
 proven itself possessed of most unusual recuperative 
 powers in its struggles to arise from the ruins of the 
 civil war. It has been said by many who are looking 
 it over to-day that, without doubt, it is to be the 
 richest country upon the globe. Be this as it may, it 
 certainly combines advantages possessed by no other 
 section. It has a most genial climate, a rich, produc- 
 tive soil, yielding readily and bountifully to tillage ; it 
 has mineral wealth which is as yet hardly known or 
 understood, and, aside from its abundance of coal and 
 iron, other minerals are by no means scarce ; it has 
 timber as an unlimited source of wealth, including as 
 it does the best of woods, from the noted Georgia 
 pine to nearly every variety of hard woods that the 
 wood-worker may find a use for. Its water-ways are 
 numerous and easily reached, both the ocean which 
 skirts the long coasts of a number of the Southern 
 States and the numerous rivers, large and small 
 which flow from the inland heights in all directions to' 
 the gulf and sea. 
 Cardinal Gibbons has well said: "With its coal 
 fields and iron lying side by side, with its cotton on 
 the coast and its wheat in the interior, with its great 
 crops of tobacco and sugar-cane, I can see no reason 
 why it should not become one of the greatest indus- 
 trial centres in America." There is no reason why 
 this should not be so, and such being the case, there 
 must be an increase in financial prosperity for all but 
 the thriftless and lazy. Since the census of ten years 
 ago, fifteen thousand new manufacturing enterprises 
 have been established in the South, we are told, and 
 they cover nearly all the branches of industry. The 
 same statistics show that the capital for new under- 
 takings in one year alone exceeded sixty millions of 
 dollars. Then, too, since that date, over ten thousand 
 miles of railway have been built, and thus every spe- 
 cies of work is greatly facilitated by these more rapid 
 means of travel. With this last outlay, which has 
 been estimated at over $200,000,000, we find the 
 assessed value of property has increased nearly 
 If we glance at all this to see how it affects the 
 colored race we sha 1 instantly see that our prosperity 
 in every way has increased with the growth of the 
 South. In 1883 the negroes in Georgia paid taxes on 
 #0,000,000 worth of property which, in 1884, had in 
 creased to more than $7,000,000, and is now (1890) far 
 in excess of the latter figures. 
 If we look at two cities of this Empire State of the 
 South we shall have an idea of what is going on upon 
 varying scales in other cities throughout this region. 
 Atlanta, the empire city of the Empire State, is not' 
 the ghost, even, of the Atlanta which lay smoking in 
 ruins twenty-six years ago, with all its industries 
 swept out of existence in a few short hours by the 
 relentless hand of war ; and yet, like that wonderful 
 bird, the Phoenix, it has arisen from its own ashes, 
 more beautiful, more fair, greater and more magnifi- 
 cent in every way — its returned prosperity so far out- 
 shining that of the past that it aids in creating the 
 era of better feeling between the sections. Here we 
 find a large number of the race engaged in business 
 prospering in many ways. It is the great neyro edu~ 
 cational centre of the South, with its public schools' 
 in which thirty-two teachers have charge of over two- 
 thousand pupils, and the institutions of learning sup- 
 ported by denominations or general philanthropy?- 
 among which are Atlanta University, Clark University, 
 Spellman Seminary, Gammon Theological School and 
 our own Morris Brown College. 
 One hunc red miles to the south lies Macon, the 
 beautiful city named after its founder, Nathaniel 
 Macon, and lying upon both sides of the Ocmulgee 
 river. It was fortunate in escaping destruction in the 
 civil war, and to-day stands with its past and present 
 beauty united to make a lovely spot. It is an impor- 
 tant railway centre and an educational feeder as well 
 to the higher institutions of learning through its ex- 
 cel. ent public schools and the Ballard Institute, known 
 and carried on for so many years as the Lewis High 
 School, supported by Northern generosity. Here, 
 too, we find such prosperity for the negro that we are 
 led to make from good authority a statement showing 
 how the race is flourishing in this city.* 
 A few years ago the city directory gave the popu- 
 lation as 9,673 colored, 10,619 whites, with the colored 
 people paying taxes on $86,550 in city real estate, 
 while outside the city limits they also paid taxes on 
 land valued at $141,094, which was one-ninth of the 
 entire valuation of farming lands in Bibb County. 
 There were 37 colored shoemakers, 17 retail grocers, 
 45 draymen, 55 bricklayers, 80 carpenters, 1 dentist, 
 42 blacksmiths, 9 harness-makers, 39 barbers, 2 mat- 
 tress-makers, 4 machinists, 2 gas fitters, 10 puddlers, 
 11 clerks, 1 keepers of wood-yards, 1 pressman, 65 
 railroad employes, 4 United States mail agents, 2 
 chair-makers, 3 candy-makers, 3 coopers, 55 gardeners, 
 23 painters, 2 upholsterers, 5 tailors, 2 bakers, 5 stone- 
 cutters, 2 letter-carriers, 1 cabinet-maker, 11 ministers 
 and 9 school teachers. These, with others, made up 
 1,556 as a total of the ; eople engaged in some honor- 
 able and useful business. 
 There were also 14 churches, with a total member- 
 ship of about 3,700, two of them numbering over 
 1,200; 13 Sunday-schools, with 2,000 members, 2 pub- 
 lic schools, with seven teachers and 400 scholars, and 
 sustained by the city. This is not counting in the 
 Lewis High School and the various private schools, 
 which would enroll a total of over 700 pupils. 
 This has now (1890) increased far above what is 
 *The "Helping Hand." a little sheet published by the pastor of the Con- 
 gregational Church. 
 given here. And now what does this mean for our 
 people, I ask again. It means that the statistical 
 glimpse which has been given, and the glance we 
 we have taken of the growth in various ways, shows 
 us that we have shot far ahead on the way along with 
 our white brethren. It shows us that if a country 
 comes up — is brought up by whatever means — that 
 we, too, whose lot may be cast there must have risen 
 also. It proves the possession of wealth, also, and if 
 this be true of the race (and it is, throughout the 
 South where prosperity is stretching out its beneficent 
 wings) then it affects the A. M. E. Church — the 
 Church which is by far the strongest of negro Metho- 
 dist Churches in the South. It means thereby a 
 strengthening all along the line for the present, and 
 as wonderful, if not more wonderful progress for the 
 This is what our present status is, financial and 
 otherwise. If we, as a Church in Georgia alone can 
 raise in one year $30,536.12 in excess of the past year, 
 what can we not do, God helping us to further on all 
 the causes placed in our keeping? It would seem 
 that there could be no limit if the Church would do 
 its whole duty in the matter of collection of monies 
 under the Dollar Law, and if the pastors and presid- 
 ing elders would wisely guide the extension of the 
 work into new fields, see to the improving of Churches 
 and parsonages, and throw into the cause of Christ's 
 kingdom the same hearty interest and close business 
 tact that so many are exhibiting in the management 
 of their personal affairs. 
 The South is destined to be the great field of Afri- 
 can Methodism ; we repeat that here the numbers lie 
 here the opportunities for getting wealth are greater, 
 here the increase by natural growth is more rapid. 
 We are destined to be a wonderful Church in the 
 future. We have wonderful interests committed to 
 ou r care. Our home work is enormous ; but there lie 
 before us our mission fields in other lands as well — 
 broad work stretching out before us with all the great 
 possibilities for us in those fields. We cannot cease 
 to push forward, and though we rely on the faith in 
 the Omnipotent arm of God to aid us in all good 
 works, we well know that God requires of us our 
 honest industry in the cause we would forward, and 
 that in this work one of the great forces which will 
 aid in uplifting these, enlightening and evangelizing 
 the world, is money. 
 The African Methodist Episcopal Church must 
 strengthen itself financially in every honorable way, 
 and the Southern portion is forging ahead as it recog- 
 nizes this fact. Since the General Conference of 
 1888, the Dollar Collection has been nearly doubled 
 throughout the South. This is accepted as the guage 
 of strength. Then what shall be said of the Sixth, 
 Seventh and Ninth Episcopal Districts under the 
 writer, Bishop B. W. Arnett and Bishop A. Grant, 
 respectively, which three have in this time gone ahead 
 almost one hundred per cent ? Whatever may be the 
 cause, it is gratifying to all concerned, and proves 
 at least that the Southern section is not made up of 
 But close in connection with this financial growth 
 we need to speak further of missions. If the natives 
 of the Madagascar Church could contribute $200,000 
 for this cause, what a lesson it is for us ! " God loves 
 the cheerful giver," and he blesses such giving with 
 increase. We are shown by authoritative statements- 
 that in 1883 there were 47 missionary societies, 
 at work in Africa, having in that land 250,000 
 converts. We, too, have a place there and must: 
 occupy it. "God uses the enterprises of the men of 
 avarice to open a pathway for the missionaries of the 
 cross," has been most truthfully said, and we cannot: 
 afford to lose sight of the fact that the work in 
 Africa has been made possible for us by these very- 
 To-day, missionary work anywhere is not the terrible- 
 thing of yesterday. Advance in general civilization, 
 is such that ways and means are more numerous, andi 
 consequently, the work is lightened of many hardships 
 everywhere, which the early pioneers had to endure. 
 May African Methodism produce both sons and daugh- 
 ters for the cause in heathen lands. It is true with- 
 out question that " the Church which does not possess. 
 the missionary spirit cannot prosper," and the Church 
 of our fathers should be a grand leader in the grand, 
 *In the opinion of the writer, in order to continue to succeed in the South- 
 ern States as a race, and as a Church, our ministers should cultivate a spirit of 
 peace with the white people of the South. They own the lands largely, the 
 money as well, and possess the culture in addition, and we should quietly work 
 and bide our time till we have grown rich and cultured as they. In that lies. 
 our future strength. 
 There is much in life generally which must always 
 remain unwritten history. This is especially true of 
 the life of the negro race. Were all things told, the 
 events would be so startling that they would bear 
 upon their very face the seal of improbability to most 
 of the world. Yet it has been proven again and again 
 that truth is stranger than fiction, and the truth as 
 portrayed in the unwritten history of the lives of the 
 negroes in America is the strangest of all strange 
 But God's hand has been over all, and as Bishop 
 Campbell once said, " When the slaves arrived at 
 Jamestown, Va., simultaneously with the Mayflower 
 at Plymouth Rock, God saw colleges and universities 
 for our people in this land and for the millions now 
 in Africa." 
 For years our people had toiled in rice swamps and 
 cotton fields as servants in every menial capacity, as 
 tried and trusty friends as well as during the days of 
 bloodshed and battle where men's souls were tried to 
 the utmost. But they knew of something better and 
 higher than the slave life they led then. There were 
 summits to which many an aspiring mind would climb 
 were but the slightest opportunity given. Yea, more, 
 these would climb without the opportunity — rather, 
 would make the opportunity. We do not mean to 
 infer that amidst our deprivations and in our bondage 
 we were shut off from spiritual things ; as one of our 
 Bishops has said, we can truly repeat, 'There never 
 was a time when the white Christians as a body either 
 North or South were opposed to the spiritual interests 
 of our people. But all comprehended more or less 
 dimly the truth which Bishop Payne so well illustrates 
 in his " Recollections of Seventy Years," when he 
 tells us of that step in his life which so largely deter- 
 mined his future ; when he refused the offer to accom- 
 pany a wealthy gentleman to the West Indies as his 
 servant. The gentleman asks him what makes the 
 difference between the master and the slave, and 
 answers for him, " Nothing but superior knozvledge." 
 There were thousands who felt this truth in their 
 hearts even then, and there were thousands who 
 resolved as did the one who stands Senior Bishop of 
 the A. M. E. Church to-day — Bishop Daniel Alexan- 
 der Payne — they determined to seek that superior 
 But ways were dark. Here and there a little help 
 ■came from friendly quarters, and, in secret, the alpha- 
 bet was learned under circumstances many times par- 
 taking of as much adventurous romance as the wildest 
 flights of imagination could conceive — when the few 
 tattered leaves must seek strange hiding places, when 
 they were lost again and again, and when the lash was 
 the penalty if one sought that knowledge. But it 
 was precious, and nothing daunted by discouragement, 
 loss and even terror, the hungry, thirsty ones delved 
 and groped until they could read. 
 What that simple phrase meant to the slave, hardly 
 a white person in existence can conceive. What joy ! 
 what gladness ! what visions were opened up when the 
 printed page was no longer a sealed book ! All this 
 few can imagine, but it is a sorrowful as well as joy- 
 ous reality to thousands of mature years in the days 
 preceding the Civil War. Thank God, our children 
 and our children's children can never know the ways 
 through which their fathers and mothers have passed. 
 But these learned to read. It was a spark, fanning 
 to a flame here and there as group after group drew 
 near to the light. The masters little knew of the 
 amount of knowledge in their slaves' possession for 
 years, so secretly was it kept, and yet not once was it 
 turned for harm against those who held them captive. 
 I have said the race had learned to labor and to 
 wait. But when the bonds were burst asunder and 
 their acquirements could be openly used, it is the 
 wonder of the age that so soon should we have the 
 learning that we find in our midst. But even if we 
 could not boast of much of that heredity which our 
 masters claimed, and. the white race claim to-day as 
 being its especial gift of superiority, it must be re- 
 membered that upon similar scientific principles, the 
 longing for learning, the secret toil to acquire a little, 
 the patient waiting in hope of more — all must have 
 made its impress upon the coming generations, and 
 gone far toward supplying the race with that which 
 the white race's years of intelligence and learning 
 claim as its own superior possession. Labor and 
 yearning are hereditary as well and do their work as 
 well as that other possession. 
 With the first opening up of the South as the war 
 drew to a close, the teacher came with the preacher 
 from the North to the "freedmen," and both were 
 heartily welcomed. And here we would pause to pay 
 a passing tribute to those in the South, once before 
 mentioned, who, feeling the wrong of slavery, but 
 weighted down by the incubus of the system and so 
 surrounded by it that to them it seemed impossible 
 to deai justly by all concerned, but who endeavored 
 to ameliorate the condition as much as possible. 
 They are those to whom so many of us in the prime 
 of life to-day remember gratefully for the aid to a 
 higher life, bestowed though it was, as it had to b'e, in 
 secrecy and in part. 
 We have said, with the preacher came the teacher, 
 and this is literally true, for upon the very gun-boats 
 that bore these there came men and women to minis- 
 ter to our intellectual needs. They came from pleas- 
 ant homes, from the midst of refinement, comfort and 
 even luxury, and braved ostracism, privation, insult, 
 danger, that they might lend their aid in lifting up 
 the negro race. There were missionaries among 
 these teachers who were such in the truest and most 
 devoted sense ; and when the writer sees some of our 
 girls and boys to-day hesitating and declining to serve 
 the Master's cause and the race because this service 
 will take them where coarse food, rude lodgings and 
 inadequate accommodation of any kind face them, to- 
 gether with loneliness from a lack of cultured society 
 and companionship, he feels like exclaiming, " Oh, if 
 you could have seen what we have seen, what others 
 have suffered for us and for you, you would feel the 
 blush of guilty shame that you could for an instant 
 hesitate when your work is so much needed !" 
 We need the missionary spirit in our hearts and 
 we need to develop it in our schools, for there is work 
 to be done, which as the years go on must be done by 
 the race or remain undone. May God raise up thous- 
 ands of such young men and women among the negro 
 youth of the land who shall set the example for future 
 The North occupied the educational field first of 
 .all, and if space would allow, the writer would wish to 
 bear personal testimony to the work of a few devoted 
 followers of Christ, well-known to him, who have so 
 nobly administered to a needy race. The churches 
 were early in the field ; the American Missionary As- 
 sociation covered as much territory as possible for the 
 Congregational church, and the Methodists as well. 
 The Baptists and Presbyterians followed closely, and 
 soon State after State held here and there points of 
 light which were to shed their beams into the sur- 
 rounding darkness — points around which so many 
 hopes were clustering. Even the islands lying along 
 the South Atlantic coast had the school house in op- 
 eration upon their deserted plantations before the 
 guns of war were silenced. Edisto Island, Hilton 
 Head and others saw many a gathering in the cabins 
 where by the "lightwood" torches the first mysteries 
 of learning were revealed. 
 Little by little, schools were established in the 
 large cities, and then to the surprise of all it was found 
 there were many of the young who had secretly 
 learned from the forbidden books, and were soon made 
 ready for more advanced Work which in turn was pro- 
 vided for them. Our schools — the negro schools — as 
 a whole were excellent ; they were, in fact, the best 
 in the State where located, and it is true that the 
 wonderful strides made by the negro in these years 
 when Northern philanthropy was aiding the race, had 
 a strong influence throughout the South, causing a 
 step toward the public school system which later took 
 its rise. 
 Our Northern friends have given much from their 
 wealth both in a public and private way, and the Pea- 
 body, Arthington, Slater and Hand funds, with others, 
 have aided much, for all of which we give grateful 
 acknowledgment. In due time the States assisted in. 
 the higher education as well as in the public school 
 system, Georgia granting $8,000 to the Atlanta Uni- 
 versity for its work. The day of illiteracy is waning. 
 Give the negro race twenty-five years more — nay, let 
 us round out the century and the census of 1900 A. 
 D., will show a marvellous increase throughout the 
 Among some of the schools which are maintained 
 wholly or in part by friends of the race, we find seven 
 chartered institutions, twelve Normal Schools and 
 Seminaries, the Gammon Theological School, the 
 Centenary Biblical Institute, and the Meharry Medi- 
 cal College — a total of twenty-two, supported by the 
 M. E. Church, as reported in 1888, with an attendance 
 of 4,506 pupils under a teaching force numbering 124. 
 The Presbyterian Church (according to the report of 
 the U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1884-85), sup- 
 ports the Brainerd Institute, Chester, S. C. ; Fairfield 
 Normal Institute, Wainsborough, S. C. ; Yadkin Acad- 
 emy, Mebanesville, N. C. ; Wellingford Academy, 
 Charleston, S. C. ; Biddle University, Charlotte, N. C; 
 Institute for Ministers at Tuscaloosa, Ala. ; also, 
 Concord Seminary, Concord, N. C. The American 
 Missionary Association also supports wholly or in 
 part a large number of schools. We find by the re- 
 port of 1889 that their work for the forty-third year 
 of its existence, in the South alone, has demanded an 
 outlay of $255,083.84, and it reports 113 missionary 
 workers, 136 churches, 5 chartered institutions of 
 learning, 18 normal and graded schools and 37 com- 
 mon schools, with 260 teachers. Fisk University, in 
 Texas, Talladega College, and Tugaloo University, in 
 Alabama, Straight University, in Louisiana, Tillotson 
 Institute, Texas, with Shaw University, and Living- 
 ston College, in North Carolina, Atlanta University 
 and Clark University, in Georgia, are some of the 
 leading institutions for higher learning, in addition to 
 those already named, supported by various denomina- 
 tions. These are a few examples of what others have 
 been and are still doing for the race. 
 But while friends have worked, the negro himself 
 has not been idle, and the A. M. E. Church has taken 
 upon herself the great work of education in the South 
 with a most creditable showing. Wilberforce Uni- 
 versity, the mother school in our Church, was founded 
 in 1856, passing into our hands in 1863. To this 
 school the South has sent hundreds of its sons and 
 daughters, but the demands of the times called for 
 efforts nearer home. We had had small schools 
 taught in our own churches from an early period, and 
 among the early workers we mention Mr. Lewis 
 Williams (spoken of elsewhere), and Mrs. M. E. F. 
 Smith, a lady of culture from Connecticut, who did 
 an excellent work at the A. M. E. Church in Macon 
 and Columbus, Georgia. The .writer owes her more 
 for instruction in the English branches than any other 
 living person, and takes this method of gratefully ac- 
 knowledging it. In addition to the above, we make 
 special mention of Mrs. S. C. B. Scarborough. Prof. 
 E. A. Ware, Prof. E. M. Cravath, Misses Chases from 
 Massachusetts, and a host of others. 
 But organized effort for schools was not put forth 
 until later. To-day we have for higher education the 
 Kittrell Industrial School, which was founded as 
 Johnson School in 1866, now situated thirty miles 
 from Raleigh, N. C, with an efficient corps of teach- 
 ers. There are several buildings upon the property 
 of sixty acres, and the school is destined to do a good 
 and great work for the State. 
 Southward, in Columbia, S. C, is situated Allen 
 University, named after the first Bishop of our Church. 
 It is located in a beautiful spot, a mile and a half from 
 the center of the city, and once the home of a wealthy 
 family of the Southern aristocracy who little thought 
 one day their home would be one of the centers of 
 education for the slaves they had once owned. There 
 are four acres of land and five buildings, with four de- 
 partments in working order. It promises well for the 
 future. It first opened its doors in 1881, and has thus 
 seen hardly a decade, but its progress has been on- 
 ward with instructors from Howard University, Hamp- 
 ton, Boston and Wilberforce.* 
 Down in the southwest, the Texas Conference pro- 
 jected a school in 1874 under many discouragements. 
 Ground was purchased in the city of Waco, but finan- 
 cial disaster came near overtaking it, when a banker 
 of the city (Mr. Seeley) assisted them out ; but they 
 •"Payne Institute, formerly located at Cokesbury, S. C, was sold and its 
 proceeds applied to the purchase of Allen University. 
 were still unable to build. In 1881 they changed 
 their location and purchased twenty acres of land on 
 the east side of Brazos RiYer, and a brick building of 
 comfortable dimensions was erected. Since then the 
 school has been steadily growing under the presidency 
 of a graduate of the mother university, Wilberforce. 
 Following this in point of time, we have the Divinity 
 and Industrial School, located at Jacksonville, Fla., 
 with a large brick building, commodious and elegant. 
 Then the State of Georgia followed with Morris-Brown 
 College in Atlanta, which was founded in 1884, and 
 opened with one hundred pupils in 1885, October 15, 
 with the writer, whose whole heart was in the work, 
 as President of its Board of Trustees. 
 It was in 1880 that the ministers of the A. M. E. 
 Church in Georgia began to fully realize the necessity 
 of such an institution for our young men and women, 
 and in the February following the site was purchased 
 at a cost of $3,500.00 and paid for, Through the 
 providence of God and the earnest labors of man, our 
 prayers were realized in the dedication of the first 
 school of the Church for higher education in Georgia, 
 and Nov. 26th, with one wing completed, it was for- 
 mally dedicated. When its doors were swung open 
 in October, there were admitted 107 pupils, increased 
 now (1890) to 336, with seven teachers. 
 We might mention, in addition to these, several 
 schools scattered through the South and doing well. 
 The Church is now looking after the following schools 
 already begun, and several others not mentioned, 
 which it has in view to develop in future : Ward 
 Normal and Collegiate Institute, Huntsville, Texas ; 
 Turner College, Hernando, Miss. ; Dickerson Memo- 
 rial Seminary, Portsmouth, Va. — all looking forward, 
 to the day when they shall come out of their chrysalis 
 state and do honor to the names they bear. This is 
 aside from the Mission Schools in Hayti, our work in 
 Africa and the British Dominions, and the following 
 District Schools : The Normal and Preparatory School,. 
 Cartersville, Ga. ; Payne High School, Cuthbert, Ga. ; 
 Sumter District School, Sumter, S. C. ; the Abbe- 
 ville School, Abbeville, S. C. These last show that 
 Georgia and South Carolina are leading the van in the 
 educational line in the Southern part of the Church.. 
 Of these schools, Dr. Wm. D. Johnson, Secretary 
 of Education in our Church, says in the Centennial. 
 Budget : 
 " These schools have been originated and sustained 
 by action of the Conferences. The money for their 
 support has come chiefly through the liberality of the 
 members of the A. M. E. Church, and, to a surprising 
 extent, several of them will compare favorably with 
 the better sustained schools of a similar grade. 
 "Together they have a property of nearly $300,000 >'■ 
 have sent forth two hundred graduates, besides thous- 
 ands who prepared themselves for immediate service 
 in the great fields of preaching and teaching. They 
 now have upwards of fifty professors and assistants, 
 with from 2,000 to 3,000 students." 
 A full list of all our schools gives us twenty-two in 
 all, and for their support the sum total expended in 
 one quadrennium (1 880-1884) reached $77,000.00. 
 A separate Department created by the General 
 Conference of 1884, for Education,* has also brought 
 *This was upon the principle that "organization is life." It was. in short 
 the reorganization of what first took form in 1876. 
 under its control the Connectional Literary, Histori- 
 cal and Educational Association, with the Annual 
 Conference and Local Societies of the same name, 
 and we can but look for more systematic efforts in 
 the future. 
 Aside from this work done at home, several students 
 have been supported by various Southern Conferences 
 at Wilberforce through the past ten years. 
 The most reliable statistics concerning the educa- 
 tion of the race are those from the last census, and 
 out of that we find that the negro race in the United 
 States has 17,822 schools, with 16,865 teachers. 
 There has been great increase since then, as the 
 census of the present year will show. 
 There is to be a day of deliverance from ignorance ; 
 the outlook is grand, and our hopes the brightest. 
 Upon the education of the race, Dr. McCosh once 
 said : "I do not believe, however, that the North or 
 the South can elevate the negro ; it must be done by 
 themselves." To this Dr. Tanner (now Bishop Tanner) 
 made answer : " Of course it must. No man or com- 
 munity of men, can elevate another. Elevation must 
 always come from within". What the North and the 
 South, however, can do is to cease their injustice, 
 direct and indirect, and allow the negro to elevate 
 himself. If, however, they had continued their oppo- 
 sition, it would have been impossible for him to have 
 acquitted himself as he has done, is doing, and gives 
 promise of. Things, however, are moving on all 
 right. The little remaining opposition can be over- 
 come, and another generation will make croaking 
 more nonsensical than it is now." 
 We expect to do this work if left alone to do it, and 
 a Church that can raise in one quadrennium $13,170.80 
 for education, aside from the monies raised by the 
 Educational Secretary and the schools themselves, as 
 the A. M. E. Church has done, need not fear for the 
 future. Yet one thing must be borne in mind ; as 
 one has said in pressing the claims of education : 
 " Christian money must lay the foundation." No truer 
 words were ever uttered. This must be the principle 
 of action throughout our Connection. It will be the 
 principle of action, henceforth, in the South. 
 This volume would be incomplete without a chap- 
 ter on Temperance, especially since the liquor traffic 
 has reached such a stage in our country's history as 
 to threaten the subversion of the entire fabric of our 
 civil and ecclesiastical forms of government. Intem- 
 perance stalks about the face of the earth like some 
 hungry beast seeking whom it may devour. It boldly 
 enters the sacred precincts of the Church and defies 
 resistance of its power. Disguised in most respect- 
 able garb it often sits enthroned in high places, sap- 
 ping the life blood of the people from its seat of power 
 like an enormous vampire. 
 Again, in its wretched nakedness, it enters the 
 home and breaks up the family — driving fathers to 
 crime, mother and children to lowest depths of vice 
 and misery, shame and degradation, substituting want 
 for plenty, squalor for cleanliness, finally wrecking 
 life and ending in a hopeless death. 
 The great king, Solomon, the wisest man of his 
 times, to whom God gave wealth and power in addi- 
 tion to wisdom, has truly expressed it in Proverbs 
 when he says : " Who hath woe ? who hath sorrow ? 
 who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath 
 wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? 
 They that tarry long at the wine ; they that go to seek 
 mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it 
 is red, when it giveth its color in the cup, when it 
 moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a ser- 
 pent and stingeth like an adder." 
 It is not a matter of choice with us whether or not 
 we sit quietly by, while men are bartering away their 
 souls for a mess of pottage. It is not a matter of 
 choice whether or not we contribute of our strength 
 and means to aid in checking vice and sin in any form. 
 It is our duty, we are bound by the eternal law of 
 ages, the law of our own conscience and the law of 
 God, as much so as were Martin Luther, Wickliffe, 
 John Wesley and Richard Allen to go forth as mis- 
 sionaries of the cross, spreading our benedictions over 
 the length and breadth of the world, sowing seed that 
 shall spring up into "harvests of blessings." Our 
 Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, commands us not 
 only to love our neighbor but to help him as well. 
 There is a great deal of indifference exhibited upon 
 the part of many who ought to be interested in the 
 prohibition movement. There may be differences 
 of opinion as to the methods to be employed, yet 
 there should be no hesitancy as to the decided advan- 
 tage of total obstinence. As sure as God is just we 
 believe that this terrible evil of rum-selling and rum- 
 drinking must come to an end. The recent campaign 
 in one of the chief cities of Georgia, the fierce contest 
 which took place between "wet and dry," and the 
 interest manifested by the better class of citizens ? 
 both white and black, are positive proof that the 
 cause is not to lag in the future. 
 Both Church and State are threatened, and for that 
 reason both Church and State should be aroused to 
 the necessity for action, feeling the responsibility 
 resting upon them and discharge this as it should be, 
 not relinquishing any effort until the victory be won. 
 That we are by no means unmindful of the impor- 
 tance of this question, is shown by the fact that 
 among the subjects which regularly recur in our Con- 
 ferences and are made the basis of reports considered 
 as touching upon matters connected with our welfare, 
 we find that of Temperance. 
 A few forcible facts will show how great a hold the 
 destroyer — rum or intoxicating drinks in all form — has 
 upon this country alone, when for the degrading stim. 
 ulant we see such enormous sums yearly expended. 
 We are told upon good authority that every year this 
 country spends in the liquor traffic alone a sum ex- 
 ceeding half the national debt. We are also told that 
 the great wars of the world, from 1852 to 1877, cost 
 less than the intoxicants used in the United States in 
 the same period by $3,000,000,000. There is here a 
 terrible fact to face : that unless prohibition puts an 
 end to this, as it has the power to do. there will be an 
 increase in this cost far exceeding the increase in pop- 
 ulation, and that consequent want must follow. 
 But liquor is not the only evil to be shunned. The 
 voice of warning is raised against tobacco as well, 
 against narcotics in any form, for one and all are in- 
 cluded under the intemperate habits of one. May 
 civilization not see this too late. 
 There is no doubt that the rush of life has much to 
 oo with these dangers. Every one is anxious for 
 something, money, fame or position, and this ambition 
 presses the world forward in an exciting race to see 
 who shall win that which is coveted most. The cares 
 and demands of life also enter into the matter, and are- 
 borne down as well as along ; there is a craving for 
 anything which will stimulate and keep up a fictitious 
 show of strength at least. 
 The rush of civilization has brought with it the 
 spirit which is characteristic of all Americans — the 
 spirit of "Hurry," and it in turn has developed the 
 spirit of general intemperance, we may say. We eat 
 as well as drink intemperately ; we dress, we live, we 
 enjoy ourselves in the same extravagant manner. As 
 a result we sacrifice life at last to the demands of 
 fashion in all these ways. We make of ourselves 
 slaves to these things, as much fettered and bound as 
 the drunkard to his cups. Ar>d from this, too, we 
 need relief. If the negro race, if the A. M. E. Church 
 is to become what we all desire — a mighty power in 
 the future- — it has to stop and consider these things 
 that are confronting the most powerful and most 
 wealthy of races, of churches. 
 The voice of every preacher must be raised against 
 the liquor power in every form, against the tendency 
 to feast the appetite, thus making the coarser, grosser 
 part master of the higher. Plain living and high 
 thinking are two things we need to keep in view, even 
 if luxury be within our reach. The spiritual and in- 
 tellectual man must be adorned, rather than the case, 
 the human body. The sums expended for mere 
 amusement are en rmous, and these, too, need regu- 
 lation. It is not the true aim of life to enjoy it like a 
 butterfly, but it is to make the mo t of ourselves — fit 
 temples in every way for the indwel ing of the Holy 
 Spirit, and such a use of time and opportunities as- 
 will make us acceptable in every way in His sight.. 
 We need to learn economy, not to be parsimonious, 
 neither to be extravagant. We need, in short, to 
 know just how to live. 
 The Anglo-Saxons claim for themselves that they 
 "The heirs of all the ages in the foremost files of time " 
 This may and may not be. It depends upon the 
 standpoint from which we view the statement. 
 But there is a statement which the poet makes that 
 we would do well to consider as a strong encourage- 
 ment : 
 '■Time's i oblest offspring is the last " 
 Let the negro race, the A. M. E. Church especially, 
 keep in mind to be that "noblest offspring." Let 
 every one of us remember, amidst the perils which 
 surround the whole American nation, that our safety, 
 and our prosperity as a people, each is to be largely 
 determined by our temperate living. 
 There is no sadder task falling to the lot of any 
 man that that of preaching the funeral sermon of the 
 dead — sad because of the selfish desires of the human 
 heart, which would keep all loved ones here on earth 
 amid its toils and dangers to battle on for years 
 longer, even when the flesh is too weary and the spirit 
 too worn for further conflict. 
 But there comes a time when we feel that we can 
 see that God truly knoweth best, even when he be- 
 reaves us, and so there comes a time when we can 
 look back over the ranks of the church militant and 
 say that God knew best when he selected young and 
 old, hale and strong, as well as weak and feeble, for 
 the unerring aim of the marksman- — Death. 
 They are scattered all along the years of our work 
 in Georgia from 1865 — these men in their prime and 
 these old veterans, until but few, very few, are left 
 with us who saw the rise of the A. M. E. church in 
 the South. We have watched the others as they have 
 passed over Jordan's flood and only calmly wonder 
 whose name will next be called. But there is a satis- 
 faction mixed with the sadness and tempering it 
 when we think of the lives of some of these veterans 
 of the cross, these fathers in Israel — of their self-sac- 
 rificing spirit which braved so much for the church 
 and to these pioneers we owe a passing word of re- 
 Almost the first to fall was Rev. Wm. Gaines — the 
 writer's brother — who died October 20, in 1865, at 
 Columbus, Ga. As a brother he was affectionate and 
 tender ; as a Christian he was zealous and helpful. 
 He was not allowed to live long enough to win great 
 honor in his chosen calling, but those who knew him, 
 knew him but to love him, and knew that he did 
 strong work up to his death. We have mentioned 
 his work in Georgia in these first chapters, and here 
 would pay the tribute that the ties of nature and of 
 Christian brotherhood call forth. May we meet in 
 Among the first old men to fall was Thomas K. 
 Brown, who died in 1874, aged 93, after a successful 
 and active ministry of seventy-three years. He was 
 on his way to his work when the messenger overtook 
 him at Macon, Ga., March 26. What those 73 years 
 meant, very few who are laboring to-day can under- 
 stand. To preach Christ and Him crucified under 
 the stress of the days of slavery at the opening of 
 this century, and to keep a strong heart and an earn- 
 est faith alive and glowing through all that distract- 
 ing period is something marvelous, even to those who 
 have felt the bitterness of bondage and the lash. But 
 he died as we would wish — with his face to the foe, 
 battling against Satan to the last — the triumphant 
 death of the righteous. 
 Zechariah Armstrong followed him closely to the 
 grave in July following. He was an evangelist who 
 had done good work. There was no doubt of his. 
 being a Methodist. That was decided by his works. 
 He was ever ready to preach, and his loss was deeply 
 felt. He was in the prime of life — rounding out his 
 forty-five years. 
 Gabriel Clark was another who gave up the struggle 
 in 1879, December 18, at the age of 60. For forty- 
 five years he had been a member of the church and 
 had preached the gospel for thirty years. He joined 
 us at the Georgia Conference in Columbus in 1869. 
 He, too, was one of the workers who had seen a glo- 
 rious battle successfully waged with sin, but his 
 strength had failed, and at the time of his death he 
 was upon the superannuated list. His last words were 
 that he had fought a good fight. 
 Albert McGhee, of the North Georgia Conference, 
 •died August 8, 1882, at his home in Cartersville, Ga., 
 in the sixty-first year of his age. He was born in 
 Abbeville District, S. C, in 1822. Rev. Andrew 
 Brown, who departed this life four years later, spoke 
 of meeting him in 1847, a young convert at a camp- 
 meeting in South Carolina, and said that he was then 
 impressed by his bearing. He was a great revivalist, 
 and labored many years before he became identified 
 with the Georgia Conference. Bishop Wayman or- 
 dained him in 1867 and assigned him to Griffin Sta- 
 tion. He was ordained Elder by Bishop J. M. Brown 
 in 1868. He remained in Griffin until 1870, when he 
 was sent to Washington, Wilkes county. In 1871-72 
 he was Presiding Elder of the Americus District ; he 
 was appointed to Cartersville in 1874, in 1875 to Put- 
 nam County Circuit No. 1, again in 1876-77 to Wash- 
 ington, 1878-79 to Greenesboro, and 1880 to Rome. 
 In 1882 he was sent to Kingston. He was one of the 
 pioneer workers in Georgia, traveling all over the 
 State. He was poor in this world's goods at death, 
 hut rich in faith, for when found sick, penniless and 
 suffering, he said : " Tell the Bishop and brethren if 
 I die in my chair or bed, I went straight to heaven." 
 The next old pioneer to pass away was Rev. Samuel 
 W. Drayton, who died in January, 1885. He was one 
 of the grandest and most effective workers in the 
 ■cause of early African Methodism in Georgia. He 
 united with the A.. M. E. Church at the Conference 
 held in Savannah, Ga., in 18(36. It was he, as men- 
 tioned elsewhere, who brought into the denomination 
 Bethel Church and its membership in Augusta, Ga. 
 He was a native of the State, and had been ordained 
 both deacon and elder in days of slavery, and held the 
 distinction of being the longest ordained minister of 
 African descent in the State of Georgia. He was 
 regarded in slavery days as one of the best preachers, 
 white or colored, in the city of Augusta. He was a 
 natural born gentleman, and honored as a prince 
 among his brethren. Most of the societies now con- 
 stituting the circuits in the vicinity of the station at 
 Sparta were organized by him. He held the office of 
 Presiding Elder for eight years, and was the Macon 
 Conference Missionary Agent when he died. He was 
 one of those rare men whom the world can ill afford 
 to lose. He was progressive, and had an eye on all 
 the younger men of promise. "Why did God take 
 such a man ? " he sorrowfully asked at Bishop Dicker- 
 son's death. 
 In the same year the same Conference was called 
 to mourn the death of Rev. Preston Brooks Peters, a 
 young man of thirty-three, who died October 7 th. 
 He had joined the North Georgia Conference at its 
 session in the city of Macon in 1880, and was ordained 
 Elder at the first session of the Macon Conference 
 held in Sandersville in 1883. His talents were such 
 that he was released from the pastorate by Bishop 
 Dickerson in 1881, that he might employ them in the 
 public schools of Columbus, Ga., when he became 
 principal. So death mows down young and old, side 
 by side. 
 In 1880 two other veterans were called to eternal 
 rest — Rev. Henry Daniels and Rev. Andrew Brown. 
 The former was a member of the Macon Conference 
 at the time of his death. He was an aged man, who 
 was one of the most faithful among ministers. His 
 life was filled with that firm trust in Jesus' promises 
 which give so much peace and joy here below and an 
 eternal life in heaven. His works follow him. 
 Of Rev. Andrew Brown it may be said that he was 
 one of the oldest Presiding Elders in the State of 
 Georgia. He was a pioneer, and a member of the 
 North Georgia Conference, but first began preaching 
 in the M. E. Church at Union, S. C, He preached 
 throughout the State of Tennessee as well. When 
 the first Conference of the Church met in Georgia he 
 was present and a member, and was a power in that 
 Conference. He was not an educated man ; on the 
 contrary he was crude and unlettered, but he was 
 filled with ripe judgment and the learning that comes 
 from long experience and earnest endeavor. His life 
 was one of great interest. No man among us who 
 entered that first Conference needs to be eulogized 
 more than Andrew Brown. He left an ineffaceable 
 impression upon the hearts of the people, and we 
 might truthfully say, the imprints of his feet upon the 
 rocks of the mountains, for he would walk forty miles 
 to an appointment. 
 No man in Georgia has established so many churches 
 as he. He was a man who would preach in peace if 
 he could ; in war, if not. Tnere was but one Andrew 
 Brown, and he was a father and a friend. He and the 
 writer differed but he would always end by saying, 
 "Gaines, I can't help but love you." His record in 
 our church stands as follows : He was admitted, 
 ordained both deacon and elder by Bishop Payne in 
 1866. His first appointment was in 1866, at Dalton. 
 He was presiding elder of the Marietta District in 
 1867, of the Atlanta District in 1868-69-70-71, of the 
 Macon District in 1872, of the Columbus District in 
 1873, of the Macon District again in 1874-75-76-77 and 
 of the Atlanta for the second time in 1878. His next 
 work was at Eatonton, Ga., in 1879-80, in Lexington 
 in 1881, St. Paul's Circuit in 1882, White Plains in 
 1883-84. His last appointment was at Jonesboro, Ga., 
 for he would not locate, and here he died triumphant. 
 His remains were taken by the writer to Madison, 
 Ga., and there buried at his dying request. 
 Among the last to leave us for the better land was 
 Rev. G. W. H. Williams, who died Oct. 22, 1889, as a 
 faithful soldier dies, at his post, with the words, " All 
 is well, I am ready to go," upon his lips. 
 FortuneRoberson is one whom we would not omit 
 from the list ; tried and true, he did valiant service in 
 the field. 
 These are but a few of the many Christian minis- 
 ters who have gone on before from the Southern fields 
 of Georgia, and mentioned because their works and 
 lives are intimately known to the writer. Death has 
 taken from the oldest and the youngest — the preachers 
 in the itinerant ranks and the Bishops from their presid- 
 ing seats, yet the work goes on. Thank God for that — 
 that though we may die, the A. M. E. Church banner 
 will not trail in the dust, for there are hosts of true, 
 brave souls left ready to uphold it, and to toil on 
 through morning sun and noontide heat until the cool 
 dews of evening of life bid them to lay down their 
 work and enter into that rest which abideth forever 
 for the faithful soldiers of the Cross. 
 Upon May 15, 16-18, 1890, the Sixth Episcopal Dis- 
 trict celebrated its Quarto-Centennial — twenty-five 
 years since the work of the A. M. E. Church began 
 in the South — twenty-five years of freedom to the 
 colored race. 
 As we close this volume we wish to glance at these 
 two events in retrospect, and see what has been done 
 in the South. It has been said that we "cannot tell 
 the outcome of an individual nor of a company of 
 men who are working for God and humanity." This 
 is as true as when Barbara Heck and Philip Embry 
 set foot on American shores to be the pioneers of 
 American Methodism. It is also true that individuals 
 and companies themselves hardly have defined ideas 
 of what will be the outcome of their work any more 
 than have the lookers on. We work out our own des- 
 tinies by the force of pressure from surrounding cir- 
 cumstances. It was so with the A. M. E. Church. 
 Bishop Campbell once said that Richard Allen did 
 not intend to withdraw from the M. E. Church in 
 America, when in 1786 he formed his band, as Wesley 
 had done in 1739, but it was the outgrowth of envi- 
 ronment in both cases. Wesley could accomplish 
 more for Methodism by a formal separation from the 
 Established Church in England (which took place in 
 1784) just as we could do more by Allen's organza- 
 tion in 1816. 
 But it was nearly fifty years before the A. M. E. 
 Church could thrive as it ought below the belt which 
 separated the North and South— 1816 to 1865. 
 When in 1865 Bishop Payne came to the South 
 again, after his exile, no one could have foreseen the 
 work that would follow, as the result of that planting 
 in Charleston, in one-quarter of a century. No one 
 would have dared to prophesy such a work as we see 
 flourishing to-day — that from the one Conference or- 
 ganized May 15th, in that city, twenty-three should 
 spring into existence, making twenty -four in the 
 Southern States — nearly one for each year of the 
 twenty-five, or that the appointments in the one State 
 of Georgia alone would have increased to four hun- 
 dred ; and the wildest flight of hopeful imagining 
 would not have seen in prospective within that time 
 the sixteen Church schools which dot the South now,, 
 where then not one was in existence. 
 It is a most pleasing retrospect for the Church, and 
 for the South, as seen over one-half of its work now 
 lying in the Southern sections, and by far its largest 
 The band of sixteen, in 1816, duplicated so singu- 
 larly by coincidence when Bishop Payne called the 
 Church together, in 1865, for another beginning, has 
 multiplied wonderfully ; and there is not the least 
 doubt in the mind of one of our ministers to-day that 
 as an A. M. E. Church we were then (1816) in a better 
 condition to do more for the brethren, so long op- 
 pressed and suffering, than we would have been had 
 •we still clung to the Church that ostracized and 
 pressed us so grievously that we were compelled to 
 break the bonds. 
 Under no such condition as was ours prior to that 
 period could we have risen in manhood's strength and 
 pushed the spiritual warfare into the dense depths of 
 South Carolina's rice swamps, upon its low islands 
 skirting its southern-most coasts, into the broad cot- 
 ton fields of proud old Georgia and Mississippi, into 
 the hidden glades of the flowery land of Florida and 
 the tall canebrakes of Alabama and Louisiana, and 
 finally into the southwest Lone Star State, Texas. 
 It was the way the Lord had led us, and He has been 
 leading us all the way till now. 
 It is not possible for the North to look upon the 
 •work as we of the South look upon it. Perhaps it is 
 not possible for either section to change its stand- 
 point. The A. M. E. Church entered the South as a 
 mission field, having abandoned it over forty years 
 before, when the threatened insurrection made it un- 
 safe for its apostles to occupy it longer. What has it 
 brought us in these twenty-five years of freedom, 
 which came to us in such a dual form — freedom from 
 bodily oppression, freedom from religious oppression ? 
 Is the A. M. E. Church the Church for the negro race 
 in the South ? Has it proven itself one that meets 
 the needs of the masses? Have twenty-five years of 
 negro ruling in these matters been of any avail in 
 proving his capacities ? What has it done for the 
 South ? 
 All these are questions that are to be answered by 
 what this quarter of a century has revealed to friends 
 and foes alike. The A. M. E. Church is the Church 
 for the negro race ; the facts prove it. Without pros- 
 elyting it has grown far beyond any other negro Meth 
 odist Church. The people have felt first the all per- 
 suasive power of Methodism. Those who formerly 
 had been members of the M. E. Church South bore 
 the love of Methodism in their breasts as they came 
 to us. Those without the pale of Methodism were 
 drawn by the warmth of the fire within — the brotherly, 
 Christian spirit we by grace possessed — by the doc- 
 trines represented through our organization, and by 
 the love of race. There are countless other reasons 
 we might bring forth to prove that this Church does- 
 indeed meet the needs of the race, There is freedom 
 of thought and expression with no undue repression 
 of the emotions which possess us — emotions so long- 
 repressed by the spirit that ruled over us that it was 
 a glad day when they could find a time and a place in 
 the A. M. E. Church to give full voice to them — free 
 to burst forth in song and hallelujahs to God from the 
 thousands of overflowing hearts of the poorest and 
 the lowest and the darkest child among us. 
 Then, too, it is the negro's own Church — though,, 
 thank God, no one of any race or color is excluded. 
 It is free throughout its length and breadth, but it is- 
 the Redeemer's Church nevertheless, and it is a tri- 
 umphant proof of what may be accomplished by the 
 race in the way of organization or temporal rulings. 
 Look at our churches and parsonages dotting the 
 South ; look at our institutions of learning with our own 
 accomplished instructors, and all will make answer in 
 clarion tones that will ring down the ages that the A. 
 M. E. Church has done more than any other to prove 
 the capacity of the negro to rule and yet to be ruled- 
 Look at the masses of the people which this Church 
 alone has reached. With the true primitive Methodist 
 missionary spirit it has emulated the missionary heroes 
 of all ages, and penetrated wilds where there seemed no 
 promise for harvest, nursed the least promising seed 
 until it germinated, took firm root and finally sent up 
 its branches to see the light of day that the world 
 might see another tree of African Methodism. Many 
 of these plants have had slow growth in their strug- 
 gles for existence, but we can safely say that scarcely 
 one has died out where it was once placed, and instead 
 of barrenness we have had fruit, as well as countless 
 seedlings, again and again, from the most vigorous 
 and hardy. 
 African Methodism has done its share, too, in these 
 twenty-five years in carrying on the education of the 
 race. It has been as broad as its name indicates, and 
 within its doors no narrow sectarian policy has been 
 allowed. It has worked hand-in-hand with other de- 
 nominations as well to free this fairest section of our 
 common country from the blot that the accursed sys- 
 tem of slavery had placed upon it. A. M. E. sons 
 and daughters have been pioneers in every nook and 
 corner, and, true to their Methodistic principles, they 
 have been of the people that they might win and work 
 for the people. 
 Twenty-five years of freedom and twenty-five years 
 of African Methodism in the Southern States have 
 worked wonders. It is true that others have aided in 
 all these things, that the white race, with its riches 
 and broad philanthropic ideas through all Christian 
 denominations outside our own, has helped us largely 
 in accomplishing these wonderful results ; but while 
 we give our thanks for what has been done through 
 the labors of others, we cannot be blamed if we ex- 
 claim "Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love 
 Rome more !" when we claim that the A. M. E. Church 
 has done more for the race than has any other de- 
 nomination, white or colored. It has done those 
 things that cannot be counted by dollars and cents ; 
 it has preached the freedom of manhood, the rights of 
 the negro, sobriety and industry ; it has lived near to 
 the race and worked from within ; it has practiced 
 what it preached, and then has affirmed that practice 
 by all the substantial aid necessary to carry out its 
 claims, even through courts of justice. It has been a 
 Church aggressive in all things pertaining to truth 
 and justice in a section where we have needed to man- 
 fully assert our manhood, even as Christ would have 
 us do. 
 With twenty-five years behind us and such marvel- 
 ous progress — agreed to by lriends and enemies alike, 
 hailed and exulted in by the former, feared and op- 
 posed by the latter — what have we to look forward to 
 in the coming future ? 
 That the past shows that we have a great destiny 
 to accomplish as a Church in this very South is unde- 
 niable; that we are on the highway toward accom- 
 plishing it is equally true. The bulk of our numbers 
 as a race will, doubtless, remain in this section for 
 years to come, and here, as Bishop Tanner (then Rev. 
 B. T. Tanner) said when in 1867 it was seen that the 
 new Conference in the South alone had reached a 
 membership nearly equal to the whole Church else- 
 where— fifty thousand.— " Here," said he, "is to be 
 the heart of our Church, that is to throw through the 
 whole body the vitalizing blood." It is our land, our 
 home— a land watered by the tears and sweat and 
 even blood of our fathers and mothers, stirred to its 
 fertility by the labors of their hands, and we love it. 
 We love the South despite the faults that the enemies 
 of right have made seem so general. We know that 
 we have friends here as well, and we know that what- 
 ever God allows is right for the day, and He will bring 
 all thing to a righteous end ; if we but put our whole 
 trust in Him, His arm will not fail to be outstretched 
 over us in care and protection. 
 We are linked to this section by these and other 
 strong fetters, and we are anxious to see it prosper in 
 every way ; and the A. M. E. Church is to be one of 
 the agents in the coming tide of prosperity, which is 
 destined to include us in its onward sweep. We have 
 a mighty future before us as one of the most sturdy 
 branches of Methodism in any country, and it remains 
 for pastor and people to keep before their mind's eye 
 the common interests of Cnurch, race and the South. 
 We cannot divide them. Were we to try we should 
 only weaken ourselves and threaten the peace* and 
 prosperity of all ; so we must rise to the measure of 
 our responsibilities in every way. To the end of bring- 
 ing about this future not a single opportunity must be 
 allowed to escape us — not a single means at our com- 
 mand must be left unutilized. 
 We have great educational possibilities. Our col- 
 leges are to be made the first in the land. They are 
 to be provided with men and means necessary to make 
 them such. It is true that philanthropy is not to go 
 on forever. In time the great work of education in 
 the South is to fall upon the States with their school 
 systems and upon the people of that section. We are 
 not always to be receiving as in the past; we are to 
 help ourselves as a race, and to the A. M. E. Church 
 as the largest body of workers in it, the world will 
 look for correspondingly large results, Upon us as such 
 devolve then these responsibilities, and we say em- 
 phatically we are to meet them. We can, we will, for 
 the Church of our fathers is to stand. As Bishop 
 Dickerson once said : " African Methodism had to- 
 be, it therefore came into being with the attributes 
 of permanency." 
 It has been progress from the start without one re- 
 trograding step, and our mission is not yet done. As 
 the Church is gradually reaching out to the islands 
 and continents beyond, it will find its glowing center — 
 the South — alive to further every good work and aid 
 in redeeming the world for the Master's coming 
 When the nations have become one and the king- 
 doms of this world have become the Kingdom of His 
 Son, then, and not till then, will the mission of the 
 African Methodist Episcopal Church be fulfilled. 
 God bless, strengthen, purify and exalt her to that end.. 
 The following are the Conferences in Georgia in 
 order from the first Conference in the South, together 
 with the place of assembly, date of the same and the 
 names of the Bishops appointed to preside over the 
 work ; although absence and death, as mentioned in 
 the foregoing chapters, caused other Bishops to take 
 charge at different times, as has been stated : 
 1865 — Charleston, May 15. 
 1866 — Savannah, May 15. 
 1867 — Wilmington, March 30. 
 1868 — Georgia, Macon, March 12. 
 " Columbus, February 6. 
 " Americus, January 28. 
 " Atlanta, January 14. 
 " Savannah, January 5. 
 " Macon, January 11. 
 1874 — North Georgia, Augusta, January 8. 
 1874 — Georgia, Thomasville, January 22. 
 1875 — North Georgia, Athens, January 7. 
 1875 — Georgia, Albany, January 21. 
 1875 — North Georgia, Cartersville, December 16.. 
 1876 — Georgia, Savannah, January 29. 
 876 — North Georgia, Griffin, December 1. 
 877 — Georgia, Bainbridge, January 18. 
 877 — North Georgia, EatontOn, December 5. 
 878 — Georgia, Columbus, January 30. 
 879 — North Georgia, Madison, January 8. 
 879 — Georgia, Cuthbert, January 22. 
 880 — North Georgia, Macon, January 7. 
 880 — Georgia, Americus, January 21. 
 881 — North Georgia, Atlanta, January 5. 
 881 — Georgia, Savannah, January 19. 
 882 — North Georgia, Augusta, January n. 
 882 — Georgia, Thomasville, January 26. 
 883 — North Georgia, Washington, January 10. 
 883 — Georgia, Darien, January 24. 
 883 — Macon, Georgia, Sandersville, January 30. 
 883 — Macon, Georgia, Forsyth, November 28. 
 884 — North Georgia, Marietta, January 9. 
 884 — Georgia, Valdosta, January 17. 
 884 — Macon, Georgia, Columbus, November 19. 
 884 — North Georgia, Athens, December 3. 
 885 — Georgia, Albany, January 14. 
 885 — Macon, Georgia, Eatonton, November 18. 
 885 — North Georgia, Griffin, December 2. 
 886 — Georgia, Hawkinsville, January 20. 
 886 — Macon, Georgia, Barnesville, November 17. 
 886 — North Georgia, Atlanta, December 1. 
 1887 — Georgia, Quitman, January 14. 
 1887 — North Georgia, Rome, November 15. 
 1887 — Macon, Georgia, Talbotton, November 30. 
 1887 — Georgia, Savannah, December 14. 
 888 — North Georgia, Dalton, November 7. 
 888 — Macon, Georgia, Americus, November 14. 
 888 — North Alabama, Florence, November 21.* 
 888— Alabama, Mobile, December 5.* 
 888 — Georgia, Cuthbert, December 12. 
 889 — North Georgia, Washington, November 4. 
 889 — Macon, Georgia, Milledgeville, November 1 3. 
 889 — North Alabama, Greensboro, November 27.* 
 889 — Alabama, Union Springs, December 4.* 
 889 — Georgia, Brunswick, December 12. 
 1890 — North Georgia, Cartersville, November 5. 
 1890 — Macon, Georgia, Co.umbus, November 12. 
 1890 — Georgia, Dawson, December 10. 
 1890 — North Alabama, Birmingham, November 26. 
 1890 — Alabama, Opelika, December 3. 
 *These are placed here simply as a part of the writer's work in the Sixth 
 Episcopal District during these years. 
