Issued Weekly by the Dike Book Company. 37 Vandewater Street. Subscription Price, $2.50 per year. Entered at the New York Post Office as second-class matter, April, 1898. Vol. III. — No. 18~ Sew York, August 1, 1896. Priee 5 Cents? THE GUNBOAT BOYS; OR, HARRY AND ARTIE AMONG THE GUERRILLAS. By ARTHUR A. RANKIN. ARTIE SPRUNG UPON THE PROSTRATE GUERRILLA THE INSTANT HE REACHED THE GROUND. HARRY AND ARTIE. HARRY AND ARTIE; —OR. — AMONG TTIIE GUEKILL.A8. BT A. RANKIN. CHxVPTER I. STIRRING TIMES. The sun was just setting beyond the village one evening early in the year 1861, when a heavily-built, portly youth emerged from the little railroad station and walked rapidly up the street. A minute or two after he left the station a man came hastily out of it, and pinned a bit of paper on the wall, seemingly to attract the attention of the passers-by. Our portly youth did not stop to learn the contents of the paper — he well knew it, but continued his gait, occasionally breaking into a run, as if stimulated by the utmost excitement. At length, when he reached a turn in the street, he increased his pace to the top of. his speed, directing his steps to- ward a modest little house set back some little distance from the road. He sprung over the low fence with an ease ana grace that showed his weight was well supported by good solid muscle. A minute later he entered the door of the house without ceremony. The room he entered had a single oc- cupant, a youth about his own age, who was lying on a sofa. " Hullo, Artie!" he cried, raising him- self on one arm; "your face is full of news. What's going on in the sleepy old town? Nothing wrong down home again, is there?" he added anxiously, noticing that Artie paid no attention to his rapid questions. ••Oli, nb," replied Artie; "but I'll tell yoa what," he continued, springing up and coming close to the sofa, " they have gone and done it." "Who? What?" demanded the other, astonished and fully aroused at the ex- cited and abrupt manner of his com- panion. At this moment the sound of a bass drum, beaten violently and without re- gard to time, reached their ears. The same sound reached them an instant later from a number of smaller drums. Artie went to the window and stood looking out entranced, much to the dis- gust of his friend, who had yet been unable to learn the ea ise <>( the racket. " Harry, I'll be back again this even- ing." said Artie, springing to the door. "Come back here!" shouted Harry, just as the door was closing. " What -1o you 2uean going oif that way, and )uol telling me what all this fuss is aboutv Come," he said, impatiently, as Artie sat down again, "let me have it right away. * " seems to me you ought td guess," returned the other; "but if you can't, here it is: I was in thr threatened Archur 'would merely laugh at him, and say: ''You must hold up the intellectual end of the partnership. 1 ' F<>\- these two were, so to speak, partners, i..nd shared everything alike. Arthur s heme life was far f:,om pleas- ant. His parents both died when he was small, and he was sent to live with his father's step-brother, who was appointed guardian. This man was sordid and avavicious to the last degree. His first wife loved the little boy, but when he was ten years she too died, and his guardian married a woman as mean and unscrupulous as himself. What the children of the amiable pair were can be imagined; they continually were endeavoring to get Arthur into trouble, and they were the cause of fierce quarrels between him and his half- uncle. He had long wished to leave so un- pleasant a home, but his love for his friend, and other considerations, had induced him to stay there as a necessary evil. About three weeks previous to the opening of this story, the two went squir- rel hunting, and while crossing a gully Harry's feet slipped from the wet anil slippery log, which served as a bridge, and he fell into the rocky bed of a dry creek, about fifteen feet below. He tried to get up, but found he was unable to stand upon his left foot. Arthur coming up at the moment pronounced the hurt a sprain, and lifting him up carried him the distance of a mile, to the nearest house. CHAPTER II. OFF FOR THE WAR. A week has passed. The whole country is in a fever of excitement and energy. The President has called for 75,000 troops to put down the rebellion. Cities, towns and villages, Hammet among the rest, are making preparations to send volun- teers to the scene of action. Harry Phillips' foot is so much better that now he sits on the porch listeningto his friend's excited remarks, as he lets fall intelligence received during the day. The two friends had fully decided that they would "go to war," and just at that time nobody could have persuaded them that their country could do with- out them in the pressing emergency. Not a word had been said as yet re- questing permission to go, but as soon as Harry's foot was entirely well po time was to be lost in making that move. "Say, Artie, all this talk has been about my permission," said Harry suddenly. "Ho you suppose it will be all right with you ?" A shade of bitterness crossed Arthur's face wdien he laughed, saying, "Oh, that will be all right. I'll just tell them I'm going. They'll be glad to be rid of me." " Oh, I guess it isn't so bad as that," re- plied Harry, soothingly. " Isn't it!" rejoined Arthur, warmly. "Why, they grudge the very food I eat as if it was so much money thrown away." "Well, you will be soon out of their clutches whether they like it or not." " I hope so," replied Arthur, grimly. "I tell you what, Artie," said Harry, "come around to-night and I'll ask mother. I can't wait any longer, and when you go home suppose you ask your guard and see what he says."" About half-past seven Arthur opened the door of the Phillips house and walked into the same room in which we saw him on another occasion. Mrs. Phil- lips and her son were already there. Mrs. Phillips, who was a tall, fine look- ing woman, greeted Arthur pleasantly and said, "You and Harry must have some scheme in your heads. He has been expecting you for half an hour." "I don't know whether you will call it a scheme or not, Mrs. Phillips, though whatever you call it I think you will hardly like it." Mrs. Phillips turned her eyes on Ar- thur with a look of inquiry, when Harrv broke in with, " Now, see'here, Artie, if you are going to talk that way you had better keep quiet. I can do better than that myself." "We'll, go ahead," replied Arthur, good- humoredly. HARRY AND ARTIE. "Well, mother, it is this. We want to join the army right away." Mrs. Phillips gave a slight start, and elevated her brews a little, but other- wise seemed unaffected. 8hesimplysaid: " You are foolish, Harry; you don't know what, yon ask/' " What are your objections?'' he asked. " I didn't Bay 1 had any objections," she replied. This was the beginning of a long argu- ment which lasted for several hours without coining to any definite result. Two weeks later our heroes stepped aboard a small Ohio steamer en route to Cairo, which was a great mustering- ground during the late war. They had no definite plans — they did not know whether they would be as- signed to army or navy service. Mrs. Phillips had given in to her son only after repeated and strong argu- ments, while as Arthur predicted he had no trouble in getting the consent of his guardian. When we see our friends again it is on a Mississippi River gun boat, the Dragon Fly, some months later. During the time passed the first bugle-call of the war had been forgotten in the greater events which quickly followed. The people of the North as reverse after reverse struck them only became more determined that the rebellion should be subdued. After the first few months of fierce ex- citement and novelty passed by things settled into the groove of steady perse- verance on both sides, that nothing short of absolute submission on the one side and the acknowledgment of their inde- pendence on the other side could move. We must, however, go quickly to our story. Harry and Arthur were put through the exhaustive drills and exor- cises which every one on a war vessel must go through. Under the eyes of watchful superiors it was quickly ascertained in what our heroes excelled and how they could be made the most capable. Arthur's ready knowledge of fire-arms "was so marked that it promised for him the position of commander of one of the guns, while Harry had so completely per- fected himself in the knowledge of the different kinds of ammunition that he was given charge of the magazine of the gun-boat. The commander of the Dragon Fly, Captain Chewes, a man of shrewd ob- servance, had already noted particularly his two subalterns and told himself that were they spared to the service great things would come of them. Nor was he mistaken. At this time the Confederates held the Mississippi as far up as Memphis, and it was the purpose of the United States to, open up the river for several reasons un- necessary to mention here. Life was very monotonous on the Dragon Fly, which lay in the river un- able to descend the stream on acjount of the enemy's ships. One day as the boat slowly steamed from shore to shore, Harry came to Ar- thur and sat down on the deck. "Artie," he said, with a sigh of relief, " we may have a, chance to get a-w-aj 7 from here for a few hours." '"What's going on?" asked Arthur, eagerly. N 'I understand that the captain has received information that there is a band of guerillas about ten miles buck in the country who are up to all sets of mis- chief, and from the way in which he spoke to Mr. Flack, the first lieutenant, I believe he is going to make a raid on them." " Who is he going to take?" asked Ar- thur, with interest. " That's just what nobody knows," re- plied Harry. " He may take the first company or the second or he may ask for volunteers." "He won't be likely to talie all the force, then, you think?" "Certainly not — somebody has got to take care of the ship." " Who do you suppose could harm this gun-boat? ' asked Arthur, scornfully. " There's no telling. Anyway, it would never do to leave it with only half a dozen men aboard.'' " Is there any chance for us 4o go with the party?" asked Arthur, returning to the subject. "I'll tell you how we'll fix it. Incase he don't ask for volunteers and orders off a company, we'll go up and ask him if he can't make a place for us in the party." Just then Harry was called away and Arthur himself set about something that kept him busy till the evening mess. Immediately it was over the order came to muster out the first company. In a few seconds it was standing in orderly attitude before the captain, beside whom was Mr. Flack, the first lieutenant. Captain Chewes addressed a few words to them, instructing them to obey im- plicitly the commands of Lieutenant Flack. "That is all, my lads." he said in conclusion, "except that I expect you to render a good account to me when 1 you return." HARRY AND ARTIE. At this moment Harry advanced, with cap in hand, Arthur immediately fol- lowing. " What is it, lads?" asked the captain. " We would like to accompany the ex- pedition, sir, if you have no objection," replied Harry. " I guess there is enough in the party already. I dare not send too many.'' Harry touched his cap and stepped back deeply disappointed. The captain noticed the look, and ap- peared to meditate. "The success of the expedition may depend on the caution of such a steady young fellow as he," he said to himself; then aloud, "I think, after all, you two may go — and learn as much as you can about the county," he added, as he turned aw a} . Harry and Arthur thanked him, and set about preparing themselves. They were to etart as soon as it was fairly "dark, and carry only light weapons. Harry and Arthur provided themselves with two navy revolvers each, and waited impatiently for the order to start. CHAPTER III. A CAPTURE. It was about nine o'clock when the boats put off from the Dragon Fly, and headed for the Missouri shore. It was very cloudy, and so dark that had there been no guide it would have been impossible to tind the rendezvous of the guerillas. The party numbered thirty-three, in- cluding the first lieutenant, who com- manded, and Harry ar.,d Arthur. The guide was a recruit from Missouri, who was entirely familiar with the country, and easily recognized the house in which, according to the captain's information, the guerilla band was congregated. The information received by the cap- tain — and unfortunately he did not know- whet her it was trustworthy or not — said there were very few guerillas at the house at present, but that later on there would be more. So if the raid was to bo made, it should be made at once. As soon as a landing was effected the utmost silence was enjoined, in order that if any enemy was near their presence would not be noticed. The guide took the lead, and boldly plunged into the shrubbery, which grew thickly along the bank. The rest of the party followed closely in double file, with Harry and Arthur bringing up the rear. After moving at a. rapid walk for about an hour, Harry whispered: "Artie, this business don't look right to me." "Why not?" asked Arthur, in a whis- per. "Because we have no guide, but one of our own men. Suppose the news is all false, what's to prevent us being led into an ambush?" "Do you suppose Andrews, our guide, would lead us into an ambush?" asked Arthur, in an indignant whisper. " That's not what I mean," answered Harry. "It's this — the captain got in- formation; w here did he get it? Hedon't know. It might have been from these very guerillas. They might tell just how to get to their place, and say there was no force there; then they could run into the country and get up a gang, and be all ready for us. Don't you see?" "I see what you mean," said Arthur; "but there is no telling. The informa- tion might be true." "It might, but I doubt it," replied Harry r . They had been marching steadily for about two hours, and had come about eight miles. _ If accounts were true t*e guerilla's house was about two miles further on. Here the lieutenant called a halt. "I think, Andrews," he said to the guide, "you had better go ahead and see what things look like." "I think we had all better go closer," suggested Andrews. " You see, sir,"' he said, addressing Lieutenant Flack, "it would take me an hour to go there and back, and that would bring us to twelve o'clock; then it would take us a half hour to go there from here, and if anything would happen to keep us here after day- light it might be a-long time till we see the Mississippi again." As tins was unquestionably the most sensible view of the question, the lieuten- ant gave in and the march was resumed. After this extreme caution was used, and the next halt was made within view of the house. The house itself could not be seen on account of the intense darkness, but here and there lights twinkled through half- shut or carelessly drawn curtains. Andrews was about to say something, when all were startled by the sound of voices close by. "Down! down! in the grass for your lives," whispered the lieutenant excitedly. Luckily the grass was quite long, and they were fairly out of danger of dis- eoveiy. From their position all heard the fol- lowing conversation: "I tell you they're afeard to come. You say Cap Henry told us to be on hand. Well, we will be, but they'll be no Yanks, you bet." 6 HARRY AND ARTIE. This was sa { d in a whining tone. "Yas, they'll come," said another voice, " er less they're the tarnalest ba- bies as ever claimed to carry shootin' iron." "Did you say as how cap writ the Yank eap'n a letter?" asked the whining voice again. " Tolable smart trick that; and he said he'd hev three hundred men in the house to-night, so if they did come he could tike em all pris'ners. Tolable smart un, Uap Henry is, ain't he?" " Well, let's go down to the house, to b > there if the Yankees show theirselves," replied the other. The sound of their footsteps soon died away on the grassy ground, and in a few minutes perfect silence reigned around. "Men," said the lieutenant, springing up, " we can't be of use here. It is plain the captain of the Dragon Fly has been played with by these fellows, and the sooner we get out of this locality the bet- ter it will be for us." This was a rather inglorious ending to the expedition, but no one had a right to complain. On the way back Harry observed, as much as was possible in the pitchy dark- ness, the features of tne country through which they were passing. It seemed that most of the route lay through a thinly- grown forest, except within a few miles of t lie river, where the larjd was culti- vated. The journey back was a little more stirring than the first. They had scarcely left the house two miles behind, when they ran almost di- rectly upon two men. Andrews, being in the lead, collared one, and pressed his pistol against his head. " A word and you are dead," was all that this fellow needed. The lieutenant had more trouble. He also seized his man by the collar, but be- lie could do any more he was promptly knocked down by a well-di- rected right-hander that struck him full bet ween the eyes. The two men behind, however, sprung upon the pugilistic Confederate, and with one at his throat and another hold- ing both his arms, he was quickly brought to terms. "An 1 who are you that stop honest men on the public highway? Ain't you from the shanty'.'" he demanded. The lieutenant was too much dazed to reply, so Hairy volunteered to answer his quesl ions: "We have been to the shanty," he said, supposing the man to mean the guerilla house. ■' Waal, what d'ye mean ketchin' a fel- ler up this here way?" demanded the man again, supposing a joke was being played on him by his friends. "Oh, no," said Harry; "you are our prisoner, and we'll take you to our gun- boat." "Eh? You Yanks?" he ejaculated, greatly startled and alarmed. "We belong to the United State; Navy," replied Harry. "So you were one of the gang we paid a visit to to- night?" he added, hoping to gain some information about the plans of the guer- illas. "You were thar, were you?" asked the prisoner, who appeared to be greatly amazed. "Yes, we wei'e," said Harry, with a laugh. "Y T ou ought to see the place now." "I b'l'eve you're lyin'," replied the prisoner, incredulously. "You'd a-never come away agin if you had ben thar." "Well, we were there, as you could see if you were there," answered Harry. " That was a fine trap you thought you laid for us. You thought you'd get us there and take us all prisoners, but you see we were too sharp for you." Harry, while telling the truth alto gether, had led the man to believe that the guerilla house had been visited and destroyed, and that their clever plan had been found out. He now put the finishing touch on his work, by saying: "Cap Henry couldn't write a smart enough letter to fool us." The guerilla seemed to think every- thing known to this incomprehensible youth, but Harry was afraid to question him much, for fear of making a blunder. By this-time the lieutenant had so far recovered as to order the march to con- tinue. The two prisoners were secured be tween the men, and the march was again resumed. It was two o'clock in the morning when they reached the Dragon Fly, and all were quite tired out by their profitless vent a re. Harry's active mind had conceived a project on the march, which he was in haste to lay before the commander, not- withstanding his farigue. CHATTER IV. ON A MISSION. The next morning, about nine o'clock, Harry and Arthur were ushered into the captain's presence. " Well, lads," he said, briskly, as both saluted, " what now?" HARRY AND ARTIE. "I suppose you know, captain, or, rattier, you remember we were both on the expedition last night ?" began Harry. "Yes." "And as the expedition was a failure, I thought it would not be wrong to lay be-' fore you a plan, by which I think we can get rid of those guerillas with very little loss of blood — possibly none." "Ha!'' exclaimed the captain, growing interested. "And how would you go about it?" "That's just what I came to ask per- mission to do — burn them out," replied Harry. " What is j'our purpose?" demanded the matter-of-fact captain. Harry then explained in what manner he intended to proceed. "How long do you expect this venture to occupy your time?" finally asked the captain. "Two nights and one day, at the longest." " When do you want to start?" "The same time to-night as we started last night." " How many men? I wouldn't like to trust any number in the territory just now." "Just our two selves, sir," replied Harry. " We are used to each other, and have all sorts of secret signals, which no- body else would understand. The fewer men the better on an enterprise of this sort." " You may go now," said the captain, abruptly. "I'll Think the matter over." Our heroes saluted and left the cabin. " I tell you what," said Arthur, when they reached the deck, "there is no tell- ing from what the captain says what he thinks." "Just wait," said Harry, confidentially; "he's all right." As the day wore on, however, the boys began to get anxious. Three o'clock came and went, with no summons from the captain. Our heroes were together, in readiness to wait on him the instant he gave the order. "We'll get ready to start, anyway, so as not xo be delayed by the old man," said Harry. The sun was just setting when Harry was again summoned to the cabin. The captain, who was busily writing, laid down his pen as Harry, cap in hand, approached the table. " I have questioned the prisoners you brought *n last night, fully," he said, "and wormed from them that this house is.a rendezvous for guerillas of a territory at least one hundred miles square. \i such is the case I think I am justified in ordering you to proceed as you have sug- gested." Harry bowed his thanks, and was with- drawing when the captain called after him: " I tried to find out from the prisoners if there was any other gang they knew of on the west side of the river. Of course they told me no. Make that a particular object of your expedition, to find out where another one is. Now do your best, take care of yourself, and remember your name will go to Washington in the event of extraordinary service." As Harry left the room the captain again called out: "I'll be on deck before you go." "Very good, sir," replied our hero. It took but a minute for him to find Arthur, and tell him that everything was satisfactorily arranged, and "that they would leave the boat, as near as he knew, about an hour after sunset. Half an hour later both stood on the river-bank, watching the boat that brought them off, rapidly disappearing in the gathering twilight. "We are in for it now," said Arthur, "and if I am not wrong we will wish we were safe on board the Dragon Fly before many hours." " We can tell more about that to-mor- row," was Harry's only reply. They now struck directly"into the in- terior, as they wanted an abundance of time for their work. "It will be two hours and a half before we get there," said Harry, as they walked rapidly along, " and at that time it ought to be nice and dark." They had brought with them a wad of cotton, soaked in coal oil, and a box of matches. Each had their two navy re- volvers. Their two days' rations were their only incumbrance. They had gone, as near as they could judge, about five miles, when Arthur caught Harry's arm. "1 think somebody's following us," he whispered, softly. "We'll soon find out," replied Harry. "When I give the word we will separate. You go to the right and I to the left, but no further away from here than is nec- essary for us to" get well hidden. Wait till you see if anybody is coming. If we don't get together again, you have matches and coal-oil. Go ahead and make for the house and look around for me. Signal if you can withot being detected. If you receive no answer from me set fire to the place and make for the Dragon Fly with all your might." " I guess there is no need of us going out of our way," replied Arthur, looking 3 .HARRY ANI> ARTIE. back. "The fellow, whoever he is, is right behind us." It was now so dark that they ran no risk of being discovered in consequence of their uniforms, so they walked along without changing their pace till the stranger was in a few feet of then). Both turned around. Just then ahead of light was cast into their faces, com- pletely dazzling them for a few seconds, while a voice rang out: '•Yanks! Dogon me!" and a revolver cracked and a bullet whistled past Ar- thur's ear. Arthur was the first to recover himself, and he sprung toward their assailant; but the stream of light instantly disap- peared as if no such thing had ever been there, and the rapid footsteps of the dis- turber were heard retreating. "After him!" cried Harry, who recov- ered his presence of mind almost at the same time as Harry. They rushed after the retreating footsteps but had not gone far till Harry, suddenly stopping, said, "listen!" Not a sound broke the stillness. " It is no use to follow the scoundrel," he said. "We don't know where we are going in the dark and he can shoot us down if he catches a glimpse of us with- out danger to himself. We must get out of this. Come on!" They quickly retraced their steps. "We must go forward as fast as we can," said Arthur. " That fellow may belong to the gang and will give the alarm if he does. We must beat him there.'' They started forward on a rapid dog 1 trot. All was quiet since the late disturbance, and they proceeded rapidly until they reached the spot, about two miles from the house, where the party from the gun- boat had stopped to consult the night before. Here Harry, who was in the lead, stopped abruptly. " We must separate here," he said. "I will go on up to the house and set fire to it if I can. You wait here until you see the smoke or the flame; but if they don't appear inside of twenty minutes or half an hour you work you way up and see what you can do. Ciood-by." ' In a moment Harry had disappeared in the darkness. " 1 guess I may as well look around a little now that I'm left behind, and — by gracious! What's that?" Arthur ended his soliloquy rather ab- ruptly. A ball of light was shining through the trees probably two hundred yards back in the direction from which they had cine. Arthur pullet? out his revolve and stepped behind a tree, keeping ms eyes on the light, which was rapidly approach- ing. Suddenly it disappeared. " Ha!" thought Arthur to himself. "It's the very fellow that ran into us about an hour ago, a.nd he's making For the house to tell what he's seen. We beat him by a few minutes. I must stop him by all means." He shifted his position about ten feet, and was hardly well behind a tree again when the light shone forth not twenty feet from him, and disclosed the guerilla coining toward him on a loping trot. His course would take him close by Ar- thur's tree. Our young hero had not long to wait to put his plan into execution, and just as the man came to the tree Arthur threw out his leg and the guerilla was dashed violently to the ground, and the sharp crack told that one of his pistols had been discharged by the shock. The dark lantern flew from his hand, and after making two or three somersaults came to a stand-still some ten feet away, unharmed and still burning. Arthur sprung upon the prostrate guerilla the instant he reached the ground, and placing the muzzle of his revolver at the other's head cried: " ISfot a word above your breath." His antagonist, far from being injured by his fall, suddenly wheeled around, and in a twinkling Arthur's revolver was spinning through the air, knocked from his hand by a well-directed blow. The guerilla now began to struggle so actively that Arthur needed all his strength and agility to retain his posi- tion on top of him. The guerilla was tall and slim but ex- tremely supple and powerful, and the way he thrashed about made Arthur almost despair of bringing him to terms. He half rose to his knees, but Arthur clung to him like a burr and bore him down again, at the same time catching him by the throat.' The guerilla, realizing the danger of such a hold, made a superhuman effort, and putting up both his hands fairly wrenched the hand from his throat. By doing so, however, he released Arthur's left hand and received a stunning left- hander right from the shoulder, which laid him out, limp as a wet cloth. Voices near by made Arthur look up, just as he was completing his conquest. The sight appalled him. The whole of the sparsely grown wood was alive with lanterns all moving rapid- ly toward him. He sprung up to extinguish the tell- tale lantern, but before he couiu accoiv HAftrii T AND ARTIE. plish it the guerilla, who was only par- j tiuily stunned, raised himself on his el bow and made the woods re-echo with his vigorous yells. Arthur gave one look for an avenue of escape and then bounded on, snatching up the lantern and shutting off the light its he went. He had not gone one hundred feet when he saw approaching three "lan- terns. Turning to the left he ran on some distance further, when on reaching the edge of a little brook he ran violently against a guerilla who had been peering into the bushes on the other side. Arthur's forehead struck the back of the guerilla's, head and both fell into the brook, the guerilla at full length and Arthur up to his knees. He quickly waded out and glanced ap- prehensively around, lor the ducked Con- federate had given an unearthly yell. either from fright or as a warning, as he went in. Lights were still seen here and there through the trees, though at greater dis- tances than before, and he was in great danger of being captured if he remained longer in that locality. However, he had completely lost his reckoning, as he had dodged and darted about in so many different directions in his flight that he could not tell one point of the compass from another. He was in great perplexity, as he did.not know what to do. Arthur was walking rapidly while thinking, and his surprise was great, on suddenly emerging from the trees, to find himself before the big, gloomy house that answered for the rendezvous of the Confederate gang. They had chosen with rare judgment this mansion as their headquarters. A good distance from the river and well out of reach of the batteries of the vessels, in a thinly-settled country, and the forest, so thin and sparse in its entire ex- tent, was so much more grown immedi- ately around the house that a person passing within one hundred yards of it would not have been aware of its exist- ence — all these conditions combined to make the place safe and secure for the purpose for which it was then used. As Arthur stood gazing at the house his reflections were suddenly interrupted by the returning party of guerillas. They were advancing in such a manner that made his detection sure unless he went straight forward. He quickly crossed the yard, and came close to the foundation of the house. He learned then what he did not know before, that, the first floor was raised some eiyht feet above the ground, and that there was a wide stone archway leading to the basement and cellar, which was secured by two light iron doors. Hastily stepping up to the door of the cellar he laid hold of the iron handle, and to his great joy 't yielded, disclosing a gentle declivity, which he at once de- scended, closing the door after him. He proceeded slowly and carefully, for the place was opaquely dark. Suddenly he stopped, and his heart almost leaped into his mouth — somebody else was in the cellar. CHAPTER V. ARTHUR CAUGHT. "When Harry left Arthur he walked rapidly, but silently, toward the house, keeping a bright lookout for prowling guerillas. He had proceeded but a little way when he was startled by the report of a pistol. "That sounds as if it might come from Arthur," he thought, in alarm. "He couldn't have gotten into trouble any sooner if he had tried." His attention was now drawn to his immediate front. Shouts were heard, and lights came rapidly toward him, as if the inmates of the house were alarmed by the shot and were approaching to investigate. There seemed to be about twenty Ian- , terns, but when they came nearer he noticed that many of the men had none at all. He made a detour to avoid running into the party, and watched them go by at a safe distance. " I wish I knew whether Artie fired that shot," he muttered to himself, im- patiently; "if he did, he didn't do it for nothing, and he knows how to. take care of himself." The last of the guerillas just here passed by, and Harry was struck with his appearance. He was a short, stout man, with a heavy beard, the imperfect light shed by the lantern he held did not give Harry the opportunity to note its color. This worthy was attired in a dingy and faded uniform of a. captain of the Con- federacy, and Harry at once put him down for Captain Henry, about whose courage and active partisanship he had heard so much. "It would give me a promotion," he thought, "if I could take that fellow, aboard the Dragon Fly a prisoner of war." As the Con federate captain disappeared 10 HARRY AND ARTIE. Harry turned his attention to the object of his expedition. "It is just the time to do my work/' he thought, '" while so many of the gang are away." He hurried forward, and arriving at the edge of the woods he stopped to re- eonnoiter. The house stood silent and gloomy, while here and there a light appeared through the half-closed shutters of the first floor; the upper story was closed tight. As Harry was about to step forward his eye alighted on two men standing be- fore a large iron door, flanked on either side by a stone wall, slanting from the top of the foundations to the ground, the incline reaching the ground at a point about twelve feet from the foundation. The iron door was open, and Harry, who was standing directly before it about fifty feet away, saw a lighted lantern swinging from the ceiling inside. The men were conversing in low tones, and to Harry, who could not hear what was said, it was plain that he would have to approach the house from another quarter. He drew back among the trees, and made a circuit of the house without find- ing a place to suit his purpose, and when again he came in front of the iron door the two men had disappeared. Quickly approaching he slipped behind one of the stone flanks of the doorway, and leaning over peered into the cellar. The light which hung from the ceiling had also disappeared, and everything appeared to be wrapped in repose. He was deliberating on his next move when lie was startled by the sound of voices behind him. Turning hastily he saw two men just step around the corner of the house, and approach the cellar door. Both were talking earnestly, and they seemed highly excited about something, consequently they did not see our hero step quickly over the wall and go. into the cellar. "Whew! 11 said Harry to himself, "it's lucky for me this cellar was here."' Taking his stand close to the iron doors he awaited developments. The men came to the cellarway, and seemed disposed at first to go in, but changed their minds and remained out- side, where the following conversation took place: " I tell you, Pete, I don't b'lieve it, no- how.* 1 "I do," answered Pete. "Jake ain't no liar." "But vvhar's the other feller, then? Jake said they was two on 'em. He wasn't like to tote off afore the boys went out, an' they only seed one." "Hovv'd you know that?" asked the other. ""Cause Hen Bullit jes came in fer more lanterns and tole it all. He was afeard o' gettin' his head broke, as sure as my name's Jack Cobb," continued the man, "but I give him as many as he could kerry, and he went off." "An' Hen said the young Yank wal- loped Jake?" asked Pete, with interest, " Yaas, an 1 the big dunder-head ain't done seeing stars yet." As may be imagined, Harry listened to this conversation with the greatest in- terest, and it partly explained the cause of the pistol-shot, which had alarmed him earlier in the evening, but he still was in ignorance of what he wished par- ticularly to know — whether Arthur was still at large. The conversation without was here re- newed, and Harry again bent himself to listen. "What do you .s'pose one Yank was doin' in tJiese yere woods?" asked Pete. " We'll find that out when we ketch him," answered Jack. Just then a voice was heard calling: "Jack! Jack! Jack!" " Gilbert's callin' you," observed Pete. "I'd ha' bin thar long 'go," grumbled Jack, " if the horses hadn't a' bin out," and stepping into the cellarway he pushed the doors shut. Harry drew a long breath as he beard their footsteps dying away, and then moving from the door he began to make his way through the interior of the cellar. He feared to strike a match, not know- ing how many guerillas might be dis- closed by its light. He knew that as long as the night lasted he might pass as one of the band, should he unexpectedly meet any of them. " Well, 1 must have a little light to see what I am about, so — what's that?" He stopped suddenly, as the cellar- doors opened, and a form appeared an instant in bold relief against the sky, and stepped inside, while the doors swung gently to again. For a minute Harry stood spell-bound. He certainly knew that form, and was sure he had made no mistake on account of the imperfect light that came through the open doorway. " That certainly was Arthu-," he said to himself, as soon as he recovered" from his surprise; "but how did he get here I would like to know?" He deliberated a moment as to how he could satisfy himself of the truth, for no* the slightest sound came from the iu t ruder. HARRY AND ARTIE. ]1 He started to approach the quarter where lie thought Arthur stood, when his foot struck something lying loose on 'the floor, which made a harsh, grating noise. He stopped in alarm, thinking of the consequences of his act if the intruder were not his friend. He wa# not given time for much thought, however, for the doors opened Iftgaiu, and another figure entered. He walked about a. few minutes, in a maniior which led Harry to think he knew the place thoroughly. To his great chagrin Harry heard him pick up a lantern, and prepare to light it. This was sure to lead to discovery, and Harry was by no means ready for this. So drawing his revolver he prepared to control matters, if possible. A pale blue speck, which gradually in- creased to a. bright flame, disclosed to Harry's eyes the guerilla Kneeling before a lantern, and in the act of applying the flame to the wick. So full of the purpose of silencing him Harry had forgotten the presence of the first comer, and revolver in hand he stood within a few feet of the last in- truder. When the latter arose to his feet he felt the cold muzzle of a revolver against his temple, and a voice said in his ear: "Silence or you die.'' 1 " That's what I say," chimed in another voice, and Arthur stepped up, brandish- ing a revolver, and repeated the words. "Give me that lantern. "ordered Harry, who had no time for greetings. "Unarm him, Artie: 1 ' While Harry held the lantern Arthur went quickly through the man's pockets, and brought to light a revolver and a clasp-knife. "That replaces mine that I lost to- night," said Arthur, placing the revolver in his pojket. "Now, Harry, what do yon want to do with this fellow?" "Tie him up first," replied Harry. While Harry kept him covered with his revolver Arthur looked around and found a strap, with Which the hands and , feet of t he Confederate were securely tied. " Find a place to put him," continued Harry. Picking up his lantern Arthur held it aloft to survey the surroundings. The room in which they were seemed to be used as a stable and harness-room. The walls were hung with saddles, bridles, whips, and sabers, while along mie end of the room was a tier of stalls. A number of doors led out of the room in different directions. Arthur proceeded to the stalls and found all empty. "Take him back there," he said to Harry, when he returned. With one at his head and another at his feet the guerilla was quickly placed on his back in one of the stalls. "Now," said Hairy to him, " we want our questions answered, and," flourishing his revolver in his enemy's face, " we won't hesitate to use these things, if you don't tell the truth. What's your name?" "Jack Cobb." "All right, Mr. Cobb; we won't do you any harm, as long as you do as we "tell you. What's your business about this shanty?" " I'm stable, boss," replied Jack. " Where's the stable?" asked Harry. u " You're in't now," answered the other. "What did you come here for just now?" Harry went on. "None o' yer business." "Be careful," admonished Harry, press- ing his revolver against the guerilla's head. "Answer my question.' 1 " I come to light the lantern." "Once more," said Harr5 r , sternly, and the ominous click told Jack he had gone too far. "The cap sent me here," he began, hastily, frightened at his temerity, "to find out how many saddles and bridies is here." " What did he want to know for?" con- tinued Harry. " He's goin' on an 1 expedition," replied Jack. " AVhat will he do when he finds you don't come back?" "Send somebody else to find out, I s'pose." "Where are the horses that belong here?" asked Harry, after a moment's thought. " Hid in the woods, 'bout half a mile away." " What are they doing there?" " The cap's goin' to use 'em to-night." " How many of them are there?" " Three." " Good ones?" "The best in thecountry. Say, Yank," Jack continued, "I bin answerin' your questions, now answer one of mine-. What are vou keepin' me down this way fer? Hey?" * "Never mind that just now. How manv men are there up-stairs?" "'Bout thirty." "Is there any dry wood and shavings in this cellar?" demanded Hairy, ab- ruptly. Jack seemed astonished at the question. "What fer?" he asked, when he re- covered himself. " Never mind," replied Harry, sharplv, "is there?" 12 HARRY AND ARTIE. ''They ain't none in this room, but they is in another one. over there, but I can't show it to you, 'kase you got me tied." ''Cut hi in loose, Artie," said Harry. Arthur pulied the clasp-knife from his pocket, and flirting the strap from his feet assisted him to rise. "Remember, now," said Harry, "we have oar revolvers on you, and it will be sure death to you if you lead us into the hands of your friends." Jack earnestly protested that none of the band was below the first story. "Just remember that we have the drop on yon, and you know what is best for you," was Harry's reply. Jack now led them to the end of the stable, which was opposite the door through which they had entered. The door, like all those that connected differ- ent rooms in the cellar, was of iron grat- ing, and secured by a spring lock. " Reach up on the sill and git down the key," said Jack. Arthur looked up and noticed a small projecting stone ridge, upon which he found the key. Inserting it in the lock the latch opened, and they stepped into a long passage- way. After going some twenty feet Harry stopped abruptly, and said: "Go back and get a lantern, Artie. We can't see in this place." Arthur quickly went back to the stable room, and was about to pick up one of the lanterns, when the outside door was kicked open and three guerillas came in. They stopped an instant in amazement, and then, with an ejaculation of surprise, rushed upon Arthur, who stood lantern in hand, undecided how to act. As the guerillas came upon him he dropped the lantern just as the foremost laid hold of him. With one of his lightning blows Arthur stretched tin's man on the floor, while the other two came upon him at the same instant. Another right-hander, similar to the first, dropped the second man, but the third now presented his pistol on one side, and the first, who had picked him- self off the floor, presented one on the other. With a loaded pistol looking into each eye Arthur knew that he was worsted, BO he submitted without any trouble. "Now, my young high-stepper, I reckon we got you safe now," said one, as be finished binding Arthur's hands behind his back. "Come alone:, now," said one. "I'm mighty sure the cap'n 'd like to see you," and Arthur was hurried out into the open air again. They took him around the house and walked directly toward a flight of broad* stone steps which seemed to Arthur to lead into the front hall. His conjecture proved true, for his captors went quickly up the steps and kicked open the magnificent oak doors and entered a wide hall. "These fellows have driven a Unionist family from their house and taken pos- session of it," was Arthur's first thought after entering, but his attention was quickly drawn to his own more pressing affairs. CHAPTER VI. BEFORE THE GUERILLA CAPTAIN. His captors led him down the hall di- rectly to the door that opened at the other end. Throwing open this door they stepped into a room that was nearly full of men — those who had not long since returned from their unsuccessful search for Ar- thur. The entrance of the two guerillas and their captive created the greatest sensa- tion. They crowded around asking and shouting questions, with exclamations indicative of the greatest astonishment. " Whar'd vou ketch 'im?" " Who ketched the Yank." These questions were propounded by nearly everybody in the room, making the babel of voices almost deafening. This lasted only a moment when a hoarse voice was heard shouting: " What's ail this row about? Less noise!" A score of voices replied: "The Yank's ketched, cap'n." The mob fell apart to allow the captors to bring the prisoner to their chief. Making their way through the crowd with Arthur still between them, they presently stood before a short, heavily- built man, with a bushy black beard. He bent a sharp glance on Arthur and demanded his captors to make their re- port. " We found this Yank in the stable, cap'n." began one. The captain started. " Where?" he demanded. " In the stable," repeated he who had spoken. " An' here's Pete Bink an' Tern Burk as was with me w'en I found him. ' '" (to on," said the captain. " He was standin'in the middle o' tfr > floor w'en we went in an' we jus' lit om him an' brought him up here. That'll 1 know about it," concluded the eprffc**- man. HARRY AND ARTIE. J I "What's the matter with your fore- head?' asked the captain. "Did you run Against the wail?" The guerilla looked slowly around the circle of interested listeners and then at Arthur, before replying. "The Yank gimme a knock," he said, doggedly. Serious as his position was. Arthur could not refrain from joining in the laugh at his captor's expense. "Oh, it ain't me alone," said the guer- illa, nettled at The mirth of his friends. " Lcok at Pete Bink." The gaze of the gang was instantly di- rected toward Pete, whose one eye was almost closed by the blow Arthur had given him in the scuffle in the stable. Pete was made the butt of innumer- able jests on account of the black ap- pearance of his eye. "Did yer rub charcoal in yer eye, Pete?" asked one. " No, he run agin the cellar wall," said another. They kept on in this way till the chief suddenly ordered silence. Turning to Arthur, who had been standing perfectly quiet all the while, he said: "Young man, how did you come to be in our cellar?" "I walked in the door," replied Ar- thur. "Why did you go in?" asked the guer- illa chief. "Because I wanted to escape your band," replied Arthur. "Were you the Yankee soldier or scout or spy what raised an alarm in the woods near here a short time ago?" " I guess I'm the one you mean, though I'm no spy." "Ah!" said the captain. " What were you doing about here, then?" " I wasn't doing anything. I was walk- ing along peacefully when one of — 1 sup- pose — your men came along and " Arthur was going to say "molested me," when he remembered it was he that stopped the guerilla and not the guerilla who had stopped him. The guerilla chief finished the sentence for him. "Yes,' 1 he said, "you were walking along peacefully until he came along. Then you saw fit to try and knock his brains out. What was your business in this placev" " I have business in this place or rather in this neighborhood," replied Arthur, " but I refuse to divulge the nature of it." 'In that case I must consider you as a TC'.'/on spy and act acordingly," and rais- ing his voice the captain called two men "Take the prisoner up-stairs and see that he is placed in a secure apartment." "This is getting rather unpleasant," thought Arthur,, as he was taken from the room. "One good thing is." he con- tinued to himself, "that Harry is still loose and has that guerilla to guide him around so he may get upstairs and get me loose, too. 1 hope he won't set the house on fire with me in it, tied." They went into the wide hall, and as- cending the broad stair-case went into a room on the seuond floor. By the light of a lantern which one of the guerillas carried. Arthur noticed that he was in a very large room totallv de- void of furniture. At the high windows hung torn and tattered lace curtains which looked as if their appearance was due more to hard usage than to age. It- was altogether a gloomy-looking room and the guerillas seemed" to be anxious to get through their work quickly. One of them ordered Arthur to lie down, and taking a rope from his pocket tied i t secu rely round his an k les, and pick- ing up the lantern they left the room, locking the door after them. Arthur tossed about on the hard floor for some time after they left, and finally, fatigued with the long walk from the river and by the exciting scenes through which he had passed, he dropped into an uneasy slumber. CHAPTER VII. ALMOST TRAPPED. When Harry sent Arthur for a lantern while he waited in the passage-way, he thought his work nearly accomplished. He had figured out a plan which in sub- stance was this: He would immediately set fire to the house by starting the shav- ings in the room of which Jack, the guerilla teamster, had spoken; then com- pelling him to show them the way, they would go and seize Captain Henry's horses, all of which he calculated they could do by the time the fire had alarmed the inmates of the house. When once they were seated on the captain's horses he was sure, from Jack's description of them, that he need be afraid of no pursuit. All this passed rapidly through his mind as Arthur left him to procure a lantern, and when he heard the voices and the scuffle he knew that Arthur had been discovered. His own revolver kept Jack in subjec- tion, but he waited apprehensively to see if Arthur's captors made any investi- gation of the cellar, but he was so close he heard them declare their intea&w> ,t 14 HARRY AND ARTIE. taking their captive before their superior at once. Their footsteps dying away almost immediately assured him that nothing was to be feared from that source. "I must have a lantern," he said to him- self, "or I can't get along." Catching Jack by the arm he hurried him back to the stable. •• I want a lantern; not the one on the floor, but another one," lie said. "Quickly, where ran i get it?" "They ain't none here," replied Jack. " They was all took to hunt in the woods feryer brother." "I have to take this one, then," said Harry. He was about to pick up the one on the floor, when he saw to his delight the dark lantern that Arthur had brought. "Lead the way." he said, hastily pick- ing it up, "and be quick about it. ' They started out into the passage-way again, and in a few moments were stand- ing before the door that they had started to come to before. Above the edge was the key, and open- ing the door Harry stepped back, mak- ing Jack enter first. Harry locked the door after him and was startled almost immediately by hearing the shuffling of feet and voices -on the floor above. He instantly stepped up to Jack, and putting his revolver against his temple, said: "I told you I would shoot you down and I meant it— if you lead me into trouble." This room was below the room in which the guerillas were congregated when Arthur was brought in a prisoner, and Harry upon elevating his lantern noticed a trap-door in the floor above, against which was placed a ladder. "Them fellers don't never come down here," said Jack, sullenly. "An' you wanted me to show you the shavin's." In one corner was a huge pile of wood and small shavings, though they looked as if they had not been disturbed in years. " How do those shavings happen to be here?" asked Harry. " Don't know," answered the guerilla. " They bin here as long as I have." This was rather indefinite, seeing Harry knew as little about the shavings as about Jack, but he was not interested in them except inasmuch as they an- swered his purpose. 11," busied himself with pulling to- gether a large pile of them. When this was done he stepped back and surveyed them approvingly. Then he quickly placed the small wood on top of it, after which he carefully laid on a number of large boards. This raised the pile to the height of about six feet, or about two feet less than that of the ceiling. When this was finished he pulled from his pocket his wad of cotton aud bottle of coal-oil. and pouring the whole on the cotton he placed it in the midst of the shavings at the bottom of the pile. "There." he said to himself, "that ought to do the business. "' Jack had watched the whole proceed- ing in unspeakable surprise. "What in tarnation are you goin' to do?" he demanded again and again. Harry, who had not seen lit to make him any reply, now turned to and asked: " Where did that three hundred men come from that were here last night?" "The cap'u gethered 'em in the ken- try," replied the guerilla. " Is there any other place where they gather?" continued Harry. " Not as I knows on." Whether this was the truth Harry could not be certain, as he had no means of ascertaining whether his captive was deceiving him or not. The guerilla seemed to accept his situ- ation gracefully, and his ready answers gave him no time for prevarication, un- less he was very expert in that accom- plishment. "Now, I tell you what I want you to do," said Harry, abruptly changing the sub- ject. "I want you to take me up stairs, and help me to liberate that young fel- low that came here with me. Will you do it?" " I can't," replied Jack, evasively. " Well, there is a private stair-way in the house that leads all the way to the garret, isn't Vhere?" "It's no private stair-way, but there is one,'' answered the guerilla. " Well, take me to it, right away." They went out of the room, locking the door after them. They had not gone but a few feet when a light suddenly appeared at the other end of the passage-way. One of the guerillas was approaching with a lantern in his hand. Harry and his captive were just at a door when the light first appeared, and he instantly shut off his lantern, warning Jack at the same time to keep silence. Hastily reaching up above the door he seized the key, and unlocking the door pushed Jack in, while he himself fol lowed. Just as the door closed the guerilla in the passage called out: Jack! Jack! where ar you? You lazy lubber. I sent for you half an hovJc ago." HARRY AND ARTIE. But Jack was silent, Harry's ready re- volver being; again called into play, while he looked around for some place of concealment. The doors of The cellar, as has before been noted, being grated, the guerilla had only to raise his lantern and hold it against the bars to get a complete view of the room, except the small space along the front wall on each side of the door. •' Who is that out there? 1 ' asked Harry, in a whisper. " It's Gilbert, I guess," replied Jack. "Who's he?" asked Harry again. "He's the captain's leftenant," an- swered Jack. " Wdl he look in the rooms as he goes ilong?" " I guess so," was the cheering response. "Well, we must get close to the wall, and keep out of his sight, if we can," and they shifted their positions accordingly. Gilbert, however, did not search much for his missing man, but passed by, re- peating his call every minute or so, and muttering to himself in a manner that boded ill for Jack. In the course of about five minutes he returned still more enraged at the fruit- lessness of his search. " I'll put the scoundrel on bread and water a week for this, an' I'll find him to-night if he's in this building if I have to send every man that's upstairs down here," he growled, as he repassed the room in which the two were concealed. As his footsteps died away Harry de- manded: " How will he get up-stairs? the way we go up?" "Yes; unless he goes out the back way and up," answered Jack; " but that ain't likely." "Well, we must follow him right away in case he sends somebody down here to hunt you up. Come on." They were once more in the passage- way walking rapidly. "We turn off here," said Jack, ab- ruptly, stopping where another passage intersected the one in which they were. "This leads to the stairs, does it?" asked Harry. "Yes," answered the other, and they proceeded down the new passage-way. They had not gone far when they were again startled by footsteps behind them. Just as they turned another guerilla came into view in the passage they had just left. He stopped short on seeing our hero and his captive, and after giving one stare he fled from the spot as if pursued by demons, while the bullet sent after him by Harry whistled harmlessly past his head. "Hurry up, now," said Harry, sharply, to the guerilla hostler. "That fellow will make mischief enough for me." Indeed, the other guerilla was doing his best to raise the occupants of the mansion. He kept up a continuous yell- ing and pounding which, added to the noise of Harry's shot, made racket enough to be heard far and wide. Meanwhile Harry had pushed Jack along at a rapid rate, and after changing their course once more they finally reached a small door of iron built into the wall. "Where's the key? Quick!" demanded Harry, impatiently, looking back every moment to see if their pursuers had yet come in sight. " Don't need no key," answered Ja'ck, who now began to show obvious signs of unwillingness to act as guide any longer. "How do you get through, then?" de- manded Harry, finally. "Remember, I stand no fooling," and the revolver was again raised. "They is a spring in the upper corner. Put yer finder on't and the door will slide," replied Jack, once more subdued. Harry held up his lantern but saw nothing that looked like a spring, and he suspected the guerilla was deceiving him; nevertheless he pressed on the corner and the door slid back. Motioning Jack through he looked down the passage again; it was still empty, but the shouts and footsteps jtoid that a party of the rebels was not far distant and approaching rapidly. " How far does this door shut?" asked Harry, observing that it remained open after he went through. "Give it a push an' it'll slide shut agin," replied Jack, starting up the nar- row stair-way. After proceeding till he reached about the level of the first floor, Harry asked: " Where does this lead to?" "Clear up to the garret." " Are there no doors leading from it on each floor?" "No." " Why is that?" asked Harry, sur- prised. "Don't know," was Jack's reply. He seemed to know but little of the whys and wherefores of the house, if he told the truth, and what he didn't know he seemed content to remain in igno- rance of. "Well, we'll stop here a few minutes anyway, till those fellows have time to get into the cellar." Jack stopped, and as he did so mar- veled at how completely he was in the Yankee's power. It is true his hands were bound, but then he had always Do 16 HARRY AND ARTIE. lieved like the larger part of the rebels that one of their soldiers was a match for at least two Union soldiers, and he awakened, as did many others, to the error of their idea before they fought many iut>i: r hs of t lie war. *' Where do yon confine your prisoners in this house?" asked Harry, suddenly breaking in upon his reverie. " Never had any afore." " Where do you suppose Arthur is?" asked Harry, impatiently. " Maybe in the cellar or on the first floor or on the second," replied Jack. Harry, in disgust, ordered him to pro- ceed up stairs, thinking he could use his time more profitably otherwise than in questioning the perverse guerilla. The stair way Seemed very long, and it 6eemed to Harry that they must have come very much higher than the house could possibly be. At last they stepped under a trap-door, ■which upon opening, Harry was suprised to find himself looking out upon the flat roof of the house. He turned fiercely to the guerilla, and demanded why he had brought him here. "Wait a minit," replied Jack, coolly, and stepping out upon the roof he di- rected his steps to one side a short dis- tance. " Here," he said to Harry, who followed closely, "is the trap that lets down into the garret." "Is it safe to go down there?" asked Harry. "They ain't anybody there, if that's what you mean." "Go ahead, then," commanded Harry. The guerilla stepped carefully upon the ladder which served the trap as steps, and with Harry following closely, they descetided into a large garret un parti- tioned and unfinished. Jack, without stopping, led the way to the other end, and lifting another trap-door with his feet disclosed another small stair-way. "That leads to a little room on the second floor," he explained, "an' that opens to the hall." " All right," said Harry. " Go ahead." Jack started down the stairs, and when they reached the little room they heard the noise of the search which was being vigorously prosecuted. Harry went, to the door that led to the hall and opening it a crack peered out, and then turning around quickly mo- tioned Jack to his side. " Who's .that?" he whispered. Jack peered through the crack and drew back nodding his head expressive- ly, "That's cap," he said. It was the same short, thick-set, heavi- ly-bearded man that Harry had seen a couple of hours before in the woods, and he was walking rapidly down the hall. At length, reaching a door he unlocked it and stepped inside " Come on," said Harry, and they hui ried after him. CHAPTER VIII. A FIRE STARTUP. It seemed to Arthur that he had scarcely fallen asleep when a heavy hand was laid on his shoulder and a voice said in his ear; "So ho! my young bird, it's not you, then, that's making this disturbance:'" The captain had just betaken himself to his rest when the uproar was raised in the cellar, and the first thing he thought of was his prisoner — hence his visit to Arthur. Arthur with difficulty collected his scattered senses. He did not know where he was at first, and just as his where- abouts and the condition of things began to dawn on him the captain of the guer- illa band spoke again. '• What has become of your partner?" he asked. "There were two of you roaming around this evening, bit I neglected to seize the other lad when I did you." As the captain was speaking the door, opened softly and two figures stole si- lently in. Arthur, who was lying face to the door, saw the whole proceeding, while the guerilla chief, who was facing Arthur, re- mained in ignorance of it. " I guess you would have seized him if you could when your men captured me," replied Arthur, bluntly, not knowing just what to say to hold the captain's at- tention. "Still," said the captain, "you haven't told me where the oth«»- spy is." " Here he is!" exclaimed another voice. The captain sprung up, only to find himself confronted by th« navy revolver that had quelled his unde" ling so effectu- ally and so often during the past two hours. "Walk into that corner avd don't say a word," commanded Harry, j*nd stooping down he cut Arthur's bonds, vt the same time keeping an eye on his two captivos. " We must tie the captain up, Artie," he said. "Get something quf".k. it's getting too warm around here for us." Arthur cast his eyes about the room, and then stepped up to the window at tie with the flames, and most of them lay down on blankets in the yard to catch a little sleep before the dawn of day, which was fast drawing near. A half-dozen others took lanterns and began to search the woods, as if looking for something, but just as they reached the bushes the captain and two others burse from the burning building, and running toward the recumbefnt group shouted something in a loud voice. Immediately all started up. and with exclamations of surprise and fear started for the woods at the top of their speed. Before Arthur had to think what could lie the cause of their terror, a terrific con- cussion shook the ground under Ids feeT, and stone and burning wood were thrown hii?h in the air, and one of the walls of the d illas from whom he had just escaped, he chose the latter, and unlocking it he peered cautiously out. Only about twenty paces away the flames were roaring fiercely, and licking UD the huge dry timbers with great ra- pidity. He was about to draw back and seek an escape by the other door, when his arm was roughly seized and two loaded revolvers were thrust into his face, while a voice hissed in his ear: "I've got you this time for good." When Harrv recovered himself he found that he was in the possession of Captain Henry and his hostler, both of whom he HARRY AND ARTIE. 23 hail left bound up-stairs not more than half an hour before. He was ordered savagely to go down the passage-way as quick as he could move, and as he heard the guerilla chief mutter something about "Yankee fools that, would stand around a burning pow- der-magazine till they were blown up," he remembered for the first time since he went into the little secret room up-stairs what he had seen there. He judged from Henry's remark and from his haste to leave the locality that the tire was perilously near the powder- room, and not wishing, any more than the captain, to be blown up, he increased his pace accordingly. "Hurry up, cap'n," said Jack Cobb, whose face was white with fear. " We'll be dead men if we ain't outeu this in no time." They were already running down the passage-way at the top of their speed, and Harry, who was much lighter of foot than either of them, was forging ahead when the captain ordered him to regulate his pace in accordance with theirs. They passed through the stable with- out stopping, and upon reaching the yard and seeing his men stretched on the grass preparing to sleep, the captain yelled: "Get up out of that, men, the place is full of powder.- Every mother's son of you will be blown to bits if you don't move!" As one man the prostrate group ros« with yells of astonishment and consterna- tion, and flew from the spot like fright- ened deer, hardly gaiwing the shelter of the woods when the explosion took place. Captain Henry, Jack Cobb and their prisoner being the last received a number of bruises from the falling fragments. The captain received a smart rap on the knuckles from a bit of falling stone, while pieces of mortar struck Cobb and Harry in their downward course. "Secure the prisoner," said the cap- tain, curtly, when he reached the spot in the woods where they intended to pass the remainder* of the night, and then, moving to a convenient spot, he gloomily watched the progress of the fire which had deprived him and his band of their elegant quarters. In accordance with his orders Harry was bound hand and foot and placed upon the ground like a billet of wood, where wearied in body and har- assed in mind he fell into an uneasy sleep. When he awoke it was broad daylight and the guerilla chief was bending over him. As soon as he saw Harry was awake he demanded: "Where is the other feller? Unless you know something about him he was probably blown up in the explo- sion!" Harry was horror struck. He had thought all along that Arthur was again a prisoner of the guerillas, and the cap- tain's query threw him into che greatest excitement and dismay. He would at that moment far rather have seen Ar- thur a prisoner than believe what the rebel chief had told him. "Don't you know where he is?" he asked, anxiously. "No," replied the captain. "That's what I just asked you." " Well, we got separated in the cellar," replied Harry, too much disturbed to at- tempt fo deceive the captain, "and he left me; that is the last I saw of him.' 1 " I guess he met his just dues, then," said the captain, coolly. "It's likely that he only forestalled the action of the commander of this district. I wouldn't give much for the lives of those who did the damage here last night." With this significant remark the guer- illa left Harry a prey to the most pain ful reflections. Aside from the uncertainty of Arthur's fate his own situation was perilous in the extreme. He recalled the captain's remark con- cerning the workers of the destruction of the guerilla stronghold and shuddered. Stdl it was comforting to think that his lite was not at the disposal of this law- less band, and indeed he was not so down hearted when he thought that he had considered all the probable dangers of his enterprise before he left the Dragon Fly. What troubled him most was the dis- appearance of Arthur. He remembered now what had slipped his mind before — that he had Deglected to tell Arthur the contents of the magazine-room, not dreaming they should again be sep- arated. For this Harry reproached himself severely. It was unintentional of course, but then Arthur might have tound a means of escape, instead of using which he preferred to remain in the building to wait for Harry, thus placing himself unconsciously in the danger of being blown up. All this and much more Harry thought over while lying on the ground in the midst of the guerilla camp, but however much he might ponder and reason, he could explain nothing satisfactorily that troubled him, so he wisely concluded to wait till they explained themseives. As near as he could guess it was about nine o'clock when three horses were brought to the camp and tied to trees near by, by Jack Cobb. 24 HARRY AND ARTIE. A few minutes later he saw the guerilla chief ami bis lieu tenant, Gilbert, engaged in earnest consultation, pointing now to the horses anu then waving their hands toward the woods. Gilbert listened attentively to what his superior said, occasionally nodding and pointing in various directions, as if to be sure he understood. At length, as the conference ceased, the captain handed a large sealed envelope to him, while Gilbert called one of the guerillas that Harry afterward ascer- : (1 was Pete Bink. Giving Pete an order he turned and walked up to one of the horses^patting it affectionately. Pete calling another guerilla ap- proached Harry, and cutting the fasten- ings from liis ankles lifted him to his feet, while the other approached with one of the horses. They placed Harry astride the animal, at the same time tying his hands before him instead of behind as they had been during the night. This was probably to render riding more easy for him, though he was at a loss to know why they took such pains to make him comfortable. As soon as lie was placed to their satis- faction, Gilbert and Bink sprung into their saddles and they rode off, each hav- ing a hold on Harry's brjdle. Their course held due south from the ruins of the stoue house, and for about two miles their road led 'through the wooils which surrounded the house. After they reached a more open coun- try they turned their horses' heads slightly to the southwest. The few houses they passed were large- ly those of rebel sympathizers, who cheered lustily the guerillas and jeered the blue uniform. • " Humph!" said Harry to himself. "I thought the people through here were Unionists. They don't seem to be par- ticularly struck with me, at any rate." The slow trot of the horses was very tiresome and Harry asked " can't you go faster. ' The horses themselves were magnifi- cent animals and they seemed To like the gait as little as did Harry, but Gilbert checked them every time they showed a disposition to increase their speed. " They are going fast enough," was his reply to Harry. : ' Where are we p; mm'.'"' asked Harry, hoping t<> get something our of one or the oi her. "See here, Yank," said Gilbert, turh- inur sharply around, " the less you open your jaw to me the better I'll be satis- I. You hear urf" "I understand," said Harry. "Tell me what I asked and I'll t>other you no more." But Gilbert rode on in silence, taking no notion of the last question, so Harry was compelled to be satisfied. Failing in his efforts to gain some in- formation, he began to find the journey grow very monotonous. It was now not more than twelve o'clock, and at the rate they had been moving they could hardly have made more that twelve miles, but had he known it the &low pace at winch they moved became of the greatest service to him afterward. It was probably between one and two o'clock in the afternoon when they came in sight of a long, low wooden building, set down in a shallow hollow. It looked like a rebel barracks, but be- fore it had been many minutes before his eyes Harry kaevv its present use was that of a prison. His opportunity for observation was very small, as the lieutenant put spurs to the horses as soon a.s the prison came in sight, as if anxious to get through his duty after lingering so long on the road. They rode up to the wooden palisade that surrounded the place .and knocked on the gate for admittance. In a few minutes the gate was opened? and they were let into a dirty yard, where here and there a few prisoners were seen lying about under the eye of a guard, who carried a musket in the hollow of his arm. Gilbert was received by a stout, red- nosed man in the uniform of a captain of the Confederate States of America, but before having any conversation a man was ordered to take Harry down and lock him up. As Harry was disappearing he saw Gil- bert pull the letter from his pocket and present it to the commander of the rebel prison. Harry was led through a narrow hall to a stair-way leading to the cellar, into which he was ordered to proceed. He knew resistance was hopeless, and he descended the stairs, resolving to make an attempt to escape that very night, teeiing if it was postponed he might never have another opportunity. He was locked into a cell placed nearly in the center of the cellar, with no light, natural or artificial, nothing but four bare stone walls, relieved by the single door. He felt around to see what the room contained, but if he expected to find any- thing he was disappointed. There was not even a shake-down on which to stretch himself. With an exclamation of disgust lie pulled off his jacket, and spreading it on HARRY AND ARTIE. 25 the floor threw himself upon it, and after tossing about some time fell into a sound Bleep. CHAPTER XII. ARTHUR'S TRANSFORMATION. When it is remembered that Arthur had passed the last two nights practically without sle^p, it will be supposed that he was in poofc condition for the labors of the day immediately succeeding the de- struction of the guerilla stronghold. After escaping so fortunately from the house he dared not lay down to sleep without placing himself in danger of be- ing recaptured by the rebels, who were encamped within a stone's-throw of the place where he was hidden. He could easily have stolen away in the darkness and slept in security till day- light, but by doing so there was every probability that Harry would be disposed of in some way before he could return. After going carefully over the prob- abilities and possibilities of the case, Ar- thur decided it was better to risk some- thing himself and be sure of Harry's whereabouts, than to leave theneighbor- hood and probably miss something that was of vital consequence for him to know. As he had seen nothing of Harry he had some doubts as to whether he had gotten out of the burning building, but the rebels remained perfectly quiet after their scare, and he had to wait for posi- tive information till morning. As the gray light of dawn came slant- ing through the trees Arthur looked about for a position from which he could observe the movements in the camp with- out d.-inger of detection. That his observations were not inter- rupted was due to the fact that the guer- illas believed he had perished in the ex- plosion. It was some time after the sun rose when he reached a little hillock, which at its tip reached the elevation of one hundred feet. It was about an eighth of a mile from the camp, which could be seen sufficiently plain for Arthur's pur- pose. Choosing a sheltered spot he began his observations. Notwithstanding the small opportunity given them for sleep that night, most of t lie guerillas were astir, nd several fires 'just started indicated that they were about preparing their breakfast. Arthur scanned the camp anxiously in bores of catching a glimpse of Harry, but the distance was too great for him to distinguish the features of anybody there. The sight of the fires and their evident purpose reminded him that he had tasted nothing since six o'clock the evening be- fore. Fortunately the guerillas had not thought it necessary to remove his haver- sack, in which there was stored, accord- ing to the captain of the Dragon Fly's orders, sufficient rations to see him through to the end of the expedition. "1*11 just eat my breakfast, too," he said to himself. "I don't know when I'll have more time." His long fast made hirn eat heartily, though every few minutes he got up from the fallen tree on which he sat and carefully swept his eye over the camp, in order that no move of importance should be made there without his knowledge. "If Harry had only come along with me instead of standing in that cellar to let himself be caught, we might be aboard the Dragon Fly by this time," he said, .as he finished his meal. Seating himself as comfortably as pos- sible he watched the camp drowsily, oc- casionally turning his head iu other di- rections as a precaution against surprise. The minutes wore slowly by, and at nine o'clock he thought it must be nearly noon. The horses being brought into camp about this time by Cobb had the effect of making him interested and attentive to what followed. When a few minutes later Harry, whom he recognized by the blue uni- form, was lifted upon one of the horses and two guerillas mounted the others, he began working his way toward the camp with as great speed and care as he could command. By the time he had made fifty feet the horses had started, and he immediately stopped to note the direction th^y took, which was almost at right angles from his. " I wonder where they're taking him to," he muttered, as he dodged among the trees in pursuit. "I'll lose them, sure." His prospects were not good for fol- lowing on foot the horses of the guerilla band, which were said to be the best in the country. He reached the edge of the woods some two miles from the little hillock before he again caught sight of the retreating trio. There he stopped, at the same time noticing the leading guerilla turn his horse's head a little to the southwest. Arthur considered a few moments be- fore making another move. It was mad- ness, he thought, to attempt to follow them on foot, and there was not a hou-e in sight where a hoise might be pro- cured. Even if he had a horse he could not follow them without bt-ing discov- ered. He looked again at the horseman. They seemed to be moving very slowly ; »6 HARRY A1NTC) ARTIE. at any rate they had not much increased The distance between him and them since he readied the edge of the woods. '* If that's" all the faster they go 111 fol- low them as 1 am," he continued, and he waited till they got SO far ahead that his pursuit would not be seen. The country was a long, rolling swell, and on this account he was able to keep of their sight nearly all the time. He would wait till they rode into the hol- 1 »ws and while they were out of sight he would move rapidly. When they reached the top of the swell Arthur was in the trough, so to speak. When they passed a farm-house or through a little village he was compelled to make a detour, which in some cases hi in iose considerable time. Still the route of the guerillas was so direct that he had no difficulty in keep- ing on their track. It was about noon when he passed by a small house around which he had to make a circuit, when he saw a youth of about his own age working in a field not far from a little belt of timber through which our hero was passing. As Arthur looked at him an idea came into his head, and he hastened on, mut- tering: " Just you stay there about two hours longer and you won't be the same look- ing fellow y m are now, neither will I." He pushed rapidly on, as he was nearly a mile behind, and he did not know what minute the guerillas might change their course. Stopping a moment to take a drink at a littie brook that ran through the belt, he hurried on, unslinging his knapsack as he went. The great tax on his powers of endur- ance made him desperately hungry, and it is doubtful, at the rate he ate on this day, whether his rations would last the required time. It was shortly after one o'clock when he caught up with the guerillas and their prisoner, and he just arrived at the top of a, swell in time to see them leave it at the gate of the prison. He dropped on the grass at once and surveyed the place minutely. "So that's the place they've got him. Whew! what a journey they've led me." And assuring himself he could find his way back to the place, he turned about and started rapidly back in the direction from which he came. "There's no time to be lost,"' he said to himself. " He's got to get out of there right away or not all." Arthur's anxiety was usually expressed in few words, and he was thoroughly anxious now. He had resolved upon a plan of action that would be the means of Harry's es-. cape or the placing himself in the same condition as Harry was now. If his plan failed he did not doubt that the rebels would dispose of them at once to prevent them making more disturb- ance and trouble. The four or five miles back to the belt of timber were accomplished in a little more than an hour, and he was greatly delighted upon reaching it to find the young rustic still at work in the field close by. Arthur approached as near to him as he could without being discovered, and then stopped to consider how best his plan could be carried out. If he walked boldly from his place of concealment the fellow might take fright at his uniform, or if not he would have time to prepare for fight, and this was something in which Arthur did not care to take any unnecessary risk. At length he concluded to decoy him into the trees, where if a serious fight did come off it would not be in sight of any prying eyes. Raising his voice Arthur called out, " Hey, there!" The young rustic straightened himself up and' looked around in every direction. In a moment the call was repeated, and he turned his gaze to the patch of woods. " Come over here, pard. I want to talk to you," came the voice again. " Whar air you? Why don't you show yerself?" demanded the youth, guardedly. " 1 dassent walk in the hot sun,' was Arthur's reply. " W'at you want wi' me?" demanded the rustic again. " Come oyer here an' see. You won't be sorry, neither," answerecTArthur. Stimulated by curiosity the youth dropped his hoe, and came slowly toward the trees. "Tarnation!" he exclaimed, as Arthur suddenly stepped in front of him. "What did you come frum?" "i want to make a trade with you," began Arthur, ignoring the question, and proceeding directly 1 o his business. " I'll trade you my clothes for yours, even. What do you saj ?" The young farmer stepped back and looked Arthur over from head to foot. A light seemed to break upon his under- standing as the blue uniform impressed itself upon him. "Say." he said, looking up suddenly, " air you a Yank?" "No matter what I am." answered Ar- thur, impatiently. "Hurry up. Yes of no." HARRY AND ARTIE. 2? But the rustic drew back. " Yes, you air a mean, sneakin' Yank. Yip!" and before Arthur could lift his arm the young Confederate sprung at him and knocked him down. With another yell he sprung upon Ar- thur to complete his conquest, but was a moment too late. Arthur had risen upon one knee almost the instant he touched the ground, and as the young farmer sprung upon him he warded off the blow aimed at his head, but the violence of it knocked him back again, while his antagonist went sprawl- ing over his head in Ins eagerness. This put them on equal terms, and Ar- thur, believing he could end the fight quicker on his feet, sprung up. The other immediately did the same, but be- fore he was fah'ly on his feet one of Ar- thur's terrific 1 ight-handers stretched him out on the ground, while his conqueror, pulling out a revolver, said firmly: " Now, get up and turn your head away from me, and get out of that coat and trousers as quick as you know how." The revolver had a most, wholesome effect on the spirits of the young Confed- erate, and doing as bidden he divested himself of his garments in a vary short space of time. When he turned around according to an order he saw that Arthur had also taken off his outer garments. '"Here," said the latter, "take these and put them on, and be quick about it." In a few moments the two wero en- tirely transformed — Arthur into an evil- looking guerilla, and the other into a fairly-decent United States marine. " Now, back up there against that tree," was Arthur's next command, and he pro- ceeded to tie his prisoner to it, notwith- standing the latter's remonstrance. Remembering their mistake of the night before, he securely gagged his prisoner, and satisfying himself that the youth would be in no danger, he made ready to leave the place, as it was con- siderably after three o'clock. CHAPTER XIII. HARRY'S RUSE. It was about seven o'clock when the red nosed officer who had received (.-fil- bert and his prisoner that afternoon, walked leisurely into the box-like apart- ment near the gate, that answered for his office, and threw himself into the chair before a small desk. It was already twilight and the office was lighted by a small lantern which hung from the ceiling. The officer had just returned from placing the sentinels about the prison, and he looked long- ingly toward a large bottle that stood on the desk, as if only awaiting the moment when he could enjoy its contents. He was about to take a nap in his chair when a call at the gate attracted his attention. "Who's there now?" he muttered. "I don't want any more prisoners brought here to-night." A few minutes later a man entered the office. "Ah, Henry, how are you?" sain! the officer, rising and taking the other's hand. " I didn't expect you here. Any- thing wrong?" "Nothing later than what Gilbert brought you this afternoon," repeated the other. "I suppose you have the prisoner safe?" he asked, abruptly. The guerilla leader might have received more satisfaction if he had put his ques- tion differently. Nothing provoked the commander of the prison more than to be asked if his prisoners we#e safe. Dur- ing the short, existence of the prison no prisoner had ever yet escaped" its wads; consequently he said, curtly, •'did you ever know any to get away after they were once here? You needn't disturb yourself about him.'' " Have you any place to put me over- night?" Henry asked, changing the sub- ject. " I guess I can find you some place if you want to stay," replied the other. He was thoroughly angry now, for he imputed the guerilla captain's motive in coining to the prison was to be sure that his prisoner was safe. "He must think I don't know how to take care of his pesky prisoners," mut- tered the officer, angrily, as he walked out to give the necessary orders. He returned in a few minutes with a guard who was to stable the captain's horse. "Our accommodations are not very good but you'll have to put up with them," he said, as Henry left the office with the guard. It was hardly five minutes after the guerilla captain left the room when an- other loud call and knock was heard at the gate. "Who can that be?" growled the officer, starting up and going to the door. He saw the gate open and one oi the guards question the new-comer. At length the man approached, and touching his cap respectfully, said there was a country fellow that wanted to speak to him. " What does he want?" demanded the officer of the prison 28 HARRY AND ARTIE. " He won't tell us but wants to see you. 1 ' replied the guard. " Well, send him in," said the cora- rnandant, going into his office again. In the course of a few minutes the new comer appeared at the door escorted by two of the guards. lie wore an old brown suit that looked as if it had seen bard service in the fields, and his whole appearance was of the style that is commonly denoted fcang- dog. | An old slouch hat pulled low over his brow left nothing but the lower part of his face visible. As far as the captain of the prison could judge, he appeared to be about twenty years old. " Who are you, and what do you want?'' asked the officer, sharply. The stranger raised his head an instant and cast a meaning glance upon the two guards, who were still standing, inter- ested to know what the newcomer wanted in til* prison. The officer understood the motion. " Leave the room," he commanded. '• Now," he continued, turning to the stranger, "tell me what you want, for I have no time to waste." " I want to get attached to this yere prison," replied the other. "I'm a handy feller to have around an' I thought you'd like to have some feller ter black yer boots an' things around." 1 " What was the use of making such a secret of a thing like that?" demanded the officer, sharply. "'Cause I thought you wouldn't want the soldiers to think you wasn't payin' fer yer things, an' I am willin' to do 'em fer nothin'." " Bright fellow, you," sneered the com- mandant. "Don't you suppose if I wanted any such things done 1 could ask the men to do it, without one of them daring to refuse?'' " You better take me, cap 11," persisted the other. "They ain't one on "em as kin do your errands as good as I kin." " I didn't say 1 wouldn't have you," interrupted the captain. "You can make yourself useful, 1 guess. There — take those lour muskets in the corner and nut 'em into shape, till I see what you can do." The stranger mumbled thanks as he turned to the muskets. When he reached the corner lie pushed his slouch hat back for a moment. Any one who had ever seen him before would have recognized him as our old friend, Arthur Linden, though they might well doubt his identity upon casting a glance Upon his clothing. He breathed a deep sigh of relief as he pulled his hat down again over his eyes. One of the hardest stages of the advent- ure in which he was enlisted was to get inside the prison, and after it was over he was astonished to find how easy it had been. He would trust to Providence and his own resources to get out with Harry, now that he was in. He was in a quandary as to the method to be used in ascertaining the situation of Harry's place of confinement, and be thought rapidly while he polished up the dingy barrels of the muskets. Suddenly a bright thought struck him. "Cap'n," he said, without turning or raising his head, "I saw a Yank this arternoon." " Y'ou did?*' asked the commandant, looking up from the desk at which he was writing. " Yes, an' two sogers had him tied on a hoss. They passed clost to my pap's place." "Humph!" said the commandant. "That fellow's safe down-stairs, now, but what's your name, and who's your * pap?' " This question threw Arthur into some alarm. For all he knew the officer might know all the people within miles around, and if such was the case he would in- stantly detect any false statement as to name. However, after an instant's hesitation he answered: "I'm Jake Reid, an' I live 'bout twelve miles from here." " You must be near Henry's headquar- ters, then?" said the captain, laying down his pen. Arthur would just as willingly not heard his name, but t he answered with as much indifference as he could: " Y'es, Cap Henry ain't fur from us." " Why didn't you join him instead of coming 'way over here?" asked the officer. "'Cause I heerd he Wasn't the man you was," replied Arthur, venturing upon a little bit of flattery. Before the officer could make any reply a footstep sounded outside, and presently a man stood in the door-way. " (iood-night. Adams,'' he said, "T am going to bed. I.t.'s a little early, but I didn't get much sleep last night." "Good-night," growled Adams, as the man left the door. Arthur, however, dropped his rag as if petrified with surprise'. He knew that voice to belong to the leader of the guer- illas, the man whom he wished to avoid of all others. He alone of the inmates of the prison might be able to penetrate his disguise, and if he did Arthur did not like to think of what would follow. What brought him here was the next HARRY AND ARTIE. 29 question that presented itself to Arthur. He was the horseman, then, that he had seen ride up to the gate, only a few min- utes before he himself came in, but for what he could only conjecture. He recovered himself as quickly as pos- sible, infinitely glad that Adams had not noticed his confusion. One thing more he had learned was that Harry was down stairs somewhere, and he concluded that the principal pris- oner were kept in the cellar. He was interrupted h&ie by the voice of the officer, who said: "That wa3 Henry. I suppose you know him?" " It were?" replied Arthur, striving to appear indifferent. "I didn't see 'iin; my back was to Jim. I guess that pris- 'ner was ketched by his fellery," he con- tinued, endeavoring to get the officer started on the subject of his latest capture. "Yes, he was caught over there some- where," answered the officer curelessly, resuming his writing. "I wonder if he's the feller General R sent out a special order 'bout? The one as ketches him or brings him to the general gets a com — m, comm — what you call 'em?" " "W hat's that you're saying?" and sud- denly becoming interested Commandant Adams again laid down his pen. Arthur repeated his statement, careful not to contradict himself. "If I thought he was the fellow I'd take him to headquarters to-night, yet I've sent no report," muttered the officer. " I wasn't close this afternoon w'en I see this feller, but they was 'most the same size, an' mebbe you have 'iin right in yer hands.'' " What do you know about their size?" demanded the commandant. "Oh, I seed the feller the general's arter a couple o' months ago, over in Tennessee, knock down a parcel of our sogers as if they wasn't nothin', an' git away from em .without any trouble 'tall. He's a fast one, I can tell you." Arthur spoke indifferently, as if noth- ing interested him less than this " Yank," that he was talking so glibly about. "Can you identify him if you were to see him now?" asked the commandant in excitement. " 1 ought to, 'cause he nearly knocked a hole in rny head the time I was tellin' you 'bout," answered Arthur. " I know now what that robber Henry wanted here to-night," muttered the commandant angrily to himself. "But I'll show him that he can't get ahead of me," and reaching up he took the lan- tern down from its hook and called upon Arthur to follow him Putting his hands to his pockets and finding his weapons where they could immediately be brought to service, he rose from his corner and started after the commandant, who had already left the office. CHAPTER XIV. THE ESCAPE. They crossed the yard quickly, and the guards, who seemed quite numerous, paid no attention to Arthur as he was accom- panying their officer. " I'm glad that old guerilla has gone to bed," thought Arthur to himself, as they entered the hall. "If he'd have been around much where I was I wouldn't have stood much show for get- ting through this business." The commandant said nothing till he reached the stair-way leading to the cellar, then he said: "You are sure you know that fellow the general is after?'' Arthur stoutly asserted that he did, mentally calling the officer a fool to take his word for authority as to what orders the Confederate general had issued. Still it was so much the better as it was, or neither of our heroes would ever have seen his Northern home again. The commandant opened several cells before he reached the right one, but at last he perceived a form lying on the floor in the fourth after he "bad opened three vacant ones. Harry started up as his two visitors entered the apartment, looked sharply at them for a moment, then sitting down he looked sullenly at the floor while the commandant let the nght of the lantern fall upon him, at the same time turning to Arthur with a look of inquiry on his face. " Set the lantern on the floor an' turn his face up so 't I can see," said Arthur, in a hoarse, unnatural voice. He hoped that it would not be recog- nized, for he feared that Hairy might be so surprised as to attract the Confed- erate's attention. Notwithstanding his precaution, Harry started slightly, and raising his eyes cast a penetrating glance upon the speaker. To Arthur's relief the Confederate seemed to attribute Harry's agitation to the supposition that he wa? about to be identified as the noted spy for whose ap- prehension the general was so anxious. He approached, therefore, and just as he put his hand under Harry's c m the muzzle of a revolver was thrust against his head, and Arthur's voice rung in bis ear, " Move a muscle and I'll blow your brains out." 80 HARRY AND ARTIE. The commandant, however, disre- garded the order. Springing back he opened his mouth to give a shout; that would have aroused the whole post, but Harry had sprung up and seized him by the throat in the nick of time. Arthur in the meantime tore a piece of his tattered brown coat off and thrust as much of it as he could into the officers mouth, as the best and safest means of keeping him quiet. •'Now, Harry, get something to tie him tip with. This is our last chance. If we lose we are goners." Wnile Arthur was speaking he was tearing the Confederate uniform off of the officer as fast as he could, and by the time Harry had that worthy bound it was lying on the floor. "(jret"out of that U. S. N. now, Harry, and into this thing," he said, speaking rapidly and pointingto the pile of clothes on the floor. It took Harry less than two minutes to dress himself out in the rebel's uniform and announce himself ready to proceed. Arthur picked up the lantern, saying: " Remember now, you are the command- ant and general boss of this establish- ment; your name is Adams. Don't say a* word unless you must or you will be detected. I am your serving-man. Come on." Arthur led the way upstairs, and when he reached the door which opened into tln> yard he turned and whispered to Harry: '" 1'ou take the lead now, and walk along as if you owned the place. Make straight for the gate." Nearly all the guards had disappeared when they stepped into the yard, and they reached the gate without molesta- tion. "Thecap'n says you shall leave the gate open fer him. He'll be back soon," called Arthur to the nearest guard, as they stepped out the gate. An exclamation of astonishment burst from oneof the men, and Captain Henry's votee was heard shouting: '"Follow them, men; there's something wrong there." 'Run! run! Harry, that's Henry, and he recognized my voice,'' whispered Ar- thur, bounding forward. The bustle and commotion increased within the prison, and in a few moments two horsemen appeared at the gate. They were amply provided with weap- ons — Arthur with those of the guerilla, i. and Harry with I hose of the officer of the prison. , They started due east, hoping to reach the river betore daylight, and work their way up to where the Dragon Fly lay. They had not proceeded any distance before they heard the report of a musket and a ball whistle close above their heads. The clatter of hoofs sounded close be- hind, and if there had been any number of pursuers they would undoubtedly have been recaptured. "We must stop them, Harry," cried Arthur, drawing his revolver. "You take the right-hand one and I'll take the left." All four fired almost at the same mo- ment, and Dairy felt a sharp pain in his arm as he saw the rebel at whom he fired throw up his hands and drop from the saddle. The horse of the other carried him al- most up to Arthur, who was nearly run down. Neither of these had done any damage by their shots, and Arthur caught his pursuer by the throat, dragging him out of the saddle. "Now, Johnny Reb, I'll give you five to leave," cried Arthur. " One, two, three, four, five," and he covered the man with his revolver till he had disappeared. Then he turned to Harry. " Where's the other horse?" he asked quickly. "He ran off when the rebel dropped off of him." replied Harry, speaking as if in great pain. "What's the matter with you?" de- manded Arthur in alarm. " I guess that fellow hit me in the arm; but never mind, we haven't time to bother about it now," a,nswered Harry. "Well, jump on behind me, and we'll make this horse take us to the river," said Arthur, looking back, expecting to see u oi;e pursuers. He assisted Harry on the horse, and theu sprung up himself, saying: " As soon as we get to a safe place we'll stop, and I'll look at your arm." Harry found the riding motion so pain- ful that after bearing it about an hour he declared he could stand it no longer. Arthur at once dismounted, and tying the horse to the tree under which they stopped, he lit the lantern, which they still had with them, and examined the wound. Fortunately it was inflicted by a small ball in the fleshy part of the arm, con- sequently no bone was touched, but it. was very painful, and there was nothing with which to bind it up. Arthur hesitated to take the dirty cloth which composed his impromptu suit, fearing that it would do more harm than good. Finally he cut a strip from the uniform that Harry wore, and bound it as carefully as possible to prevent cold settling in it. HARRY AND ARTIE. 31 Then they remounted, Arthur putting the horse on a walk, so as to make the pace as easy as possible. Their progress in this manner was nec- essarily slow, and they put in the time by telling each other all that befell them during the time they were separated, and it was midnight before they halted in a little belt of trees within sight of the liver. After looking carefully over the spot and making sure that they were its only occupants, Arthur decided that they should pass the rest of the night there and then start up the river in the morn- ing. It was their first opportunity for sleep for two nights, and Arthur fell asleep almost immediately upon lying down, but Harry could not, owing to the pain in his arm. CHAPTER XV. BACK TO THE GUN-BOAT. ' The sun was just rising when Arthur sprung up, feeling very hungry, and he only then remembered that they had nothing to eat. They consoled themselves with the re- flection that if all went well it would not be long till they were amply supplied, and then they began to lay their plans for the day's operations. Arthur began to be seriously alarmed at the state of Harry's arm, which was very much swelled and so stiff that he could not raise it. While they were considering the ques- tion as to what was best for them to do, Arthur constructed a rude sling and placed Harry's arm in it. "I tell you what, Harry, I want to get you to the surgeon before many more hours go by," he said, as he completed his work. " We're ten miles from the Dragon Fly," groaned Harry, "and it'll kill me to go that distance." But Arthur was firm, and accordingly they made preparations to resume the journey. He had fixed Harry as comfortably as possible in the saddle, while he himself intended to lead the horse, in the hope that by doing thus he would save Harry any jolts and give him a more comfort- able seat. It was about ten o'clock in the morning when they reached a bend in the river that seemed familiar. "The Dragon Fly has often been down here," said Arthur, in some excitement. "That must be her smoke above there." In about ten minutes they saw the little vessel in the middle, of the river, about half a mile further on. In the course of ten minutes more he made the signal"by which they were to be recognized on board. By the commotion which immediately followed he knew it had been seen, and directly a boat put off and headed to- ward them. Arthur meanwhile lifted Harry from the saddle and helped him down to the water's edge just as three rousing cheers from the boat's crew greeted them. He replied with a will and even Harry caught the spirit of the moment and chimed in. When it was ascertained m the boat that Harry was wounded there were anxious inquiries, as he was a prime favorite with all connected with the Dragon Fly. He was helped carefully into the boat, where Arthur said he was able to speak for himself. A few minutes later the captain re- ceived them on the Dragon Fly, but see- ing Harry was wounded ordered him to the surgeon at once. Then turning to Arthur, he said: "You may report to me in an hour, or just as soon as Phillips' arm has received proper attention." When Harry made his appearance it was in a brand-new uniform, and his wound, properly dressed, felt vastly bet- ter. Arthur at once went to prepare for his audience with the captain, and our two friends looked vei\y different when they went to the cabin than when they came aboard a little while before. As Harry was so much brighter Arthur stood back, as he always did, and let his friend relate to the captain what had occurred and the success of their enter- prise. "But," said Harry, as he finished, "though I originated the plan in the first place, it is due to my friend here." indicating Arthur, "that it has suc- ceeded. If it hadn't been for him I would probably now be hanging in a " "It's no such a thing, captain," inter- rupted Arthur, quickly. "Excuse me for speaking as I did, but I might say, while we are talking of obligations, that if Harry had not been along I also would be hanging somewhere, for I was accused of being a spy, too." " Well, well, never mind.'' said the cap- tain, with a smile. "You have both done excellent service, and you have my hearty thanks for it. I hope soon to be able to announce to you," tapping some papers, "something of more consequence than mere thanks. That is all now." THE END. THE GEM LIBRARY Contains the best stories that can be procured. It is Original; full of Thrill- ing Adventures and Stirring Scenes. It contains Detective Stories, War Stories, Frontier Stories, Indian Stories — all by the best American authors. EVERY BOOK IS COMPLETE. . . EARLE LYNDON, THE SHADOW ; or, Trailing the King of the Smugglers. By Beau T» T* O f* fi. 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