— C M. ' RATT, PRESIDENT, •JEW YORK. E . GOOD W If" Vr;-c, LOUI! VI^I.E. // -1 STANDARD n M., F <Kl <l ; Oils km faL Stores Manufactui -"•$ c f all Product of Pet' oleum STANDARD BURNING OILS SOLE DEALERS If THE CELEBRATED r- RANDS O' FIRE PECOF OILS, NAPTKAtf At% OA&CIJT/LS rOF. — VARb SH MANUFACTURERS, PAINTERS. VAPOR CTOVE BU1N RS STREET LAMP", TORCHES AN-J GAS "ft . H'NE*. .Vl/VNJFACTU.^CR , OF tar eiod Axle Orease, T, UBRICATING QD# Of all Grades, Gravities an ( d Cold Tests, Capitol Cylinder Oil, Warranted to bs the best Cylinder Oil on the the market for Stationary Engines. STANDARD BRANDS: ATLANTIC RED ENGINE. FLO OR 0)0 ENGINE. P C97l.U5 Railroad Oils a Specialty. *a&t~«»t&t)ks Matchless Valvs ^ Cvlinder Oil. Warranted not to Corrode the Iron or Eat the Packing, ind to Make More Mileage than fallow or lard. In use on Sixty Railroads. W. R BARKSDALE Ageit, WILMINGTON, TV. C. BNTRAL MPANY. therfordton ■ES. Library OF TOIE University of North Carolin This book was presented by INGER SERVICE. MGHT TRAINS. Qx.f. K<3U-P^' 97 1 . U>5~-Vv""!^b FAST FREIGHT LINE TO ALL POINTS 50UTH AND WEST. T AND PORTSMOUTH. .INZ K/'a WILMINGTON. .DING ON COTTON 5 EAN PORTS. ilrainffton for Fertilizers. COWJXTE CTI OKTS. Maxton, with Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. Hamlet, with Ral- eigh & Augusta R. R.; with Palmetto R. R.; with Gibson's Branch R. R. Wadesboro, with C. & S. R. R. Monroe, with Georgia, Carolina & Northern R. R. Charlotte, with N. C. R. R., C. C. & A. R. R., A. & C. R. R., A. T. & O. R. R. Lincolnton, with C. & L. N. G. R. R. Shelby, with C. C. & C. R. R. OPPICERS. Superintendent, L. C.JONES, - - North Front St., Wilmington- Treasurer, JOHN H. SHARP. Auditor, A. J. HOWELL, - Paymaster, W. F. WILLIAMS, - Ticket Auditor, T. H. WRIGHT, - FREIGHT DEPOTS, Fool of BRUNSWICK ST. THOMAS 0. MEARES, Agent. W. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. JOHN M. ROBINSON, President, BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN C. WINDER, General Manager, RALEIGH, N. C. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, PORTSMOUTH, VA. CHAS. F.BROWNE, WHOLESALE buna Merchant AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF This book must not be token from the Library building. FRUITS, FISH, &c. Form No. 471 GEO, R. FRENCH & SONS 108 North Front Street, LEADING EETAIL DIAUBI ■IN- IIS and SHOES Anything in Foot Wear for Man, Woman or Child, can be found at OUR MAMMOTH STORE. SA T/SFA CTIO N GUARANTEED. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, 108 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. *? f^NOVATCJ) ^tANWT^J) *f ^^(iMlNOcToNP O MYOSITES THE CITY H-A.XjXj. -CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ++ SPRINGS I MATTRESSES. Work Well Done at Moderate Cost. cmbM.M.KATZ^se WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No. 116 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. I SA3IPLES SENT OX APPLICATION. HEINSBERGERS <*«d &? XPi. 6S, 4UV.E BOOK STORE 107 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. DEALER IN BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, Paper and Envelopes, Pictures and Frames, PIANOS, ORGANS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS AND STRINGS. All the Latest Literature of the Age. Merchants and the public in general will rind it to their advantage to deal with HEINSBERGER "wiLD^iiiTca-Tonsr SEA COAST RAIL ROAD Wilmington to Wrightsville Beach. SPLENDID SAILING AND BATHING! #>SURF^ STILL WATER BATHING!|BATHING! M .,. . P ( } Mammoth Pavillions, Magnificent Groves, B I NOTHING LIKE IT BAND Ur MUolL 5 on the Atlantic coast. Hotel Accommodations Equal to Any in the Country. Soft Shell Crabs and Sea Food are Specialties. BOATS FOR FISHING PARTIES ! Excursions from Inland Towns Carried Through Without Change of Cars. Connections Made with all Trains on the A. C. Line and Carolina Central Rail Road. ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS, HOT AND COLD WATER, AND ALL CONVENINCES. the C*k Fem * Y*M V alley railway Company, WITH AMPLE FACILITIES, Offers first-class PASSENGER SERVICE and is prepared to handle with promptness and dispatch all business entrusted to its care BETWEEN NORTH CAROLINA, VIRGINIA AND EASTERN CITIES, AND ALL POINTS SOUTH AND WEST. IT WILL BE OPENED TO WILMINGTON, N. C, ABOUT JAN. 1, 1890. All trains of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway Co.. pass around the base of the celebrated Pilot Mountain. For rates and information apply to JULIUS A. GRAY, Pres't, J. W. FRY, Gen'l Supt, Greensboro, N. C. Greensboro, N. C. W. E.KYLE, G. F. & P. A. Fayetteville, N. C. and Gun Si BELL HANGING AND WORK ON COMBINATION SAFE LOCKS A SPECIALTY. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 25 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. SAMUEL BELSINGER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN THE @§il Willi ml Mii§s I* 206 North Third Street, Philadelphia. THE WILMINGTON TRADE SOLICITED. CALL ON W. H. M. KOCH, OUR AUTHOR- IZED AGENT, FOR PRICES, &c. J. R. TURRENTINE. L. H. VOLLERS. F. E. HASHAGEN. -=— ESTABLISHED 1876. SPECIALTIES. MEAT, • FLOUR, ■ • ■ MOLASSES, GRAIN, HAY, • . RICE. • • TURRENTINE.VOLLERS & Co. GENERAL BROKERS Nutt Street, Bet. Campbell and Hanover, WILMINGTON. - 1ST. O H. H. MUNSON Established in 1843. H. P. MUNSON MUNSON &> CO., Merchant-:- tailors 1 AND DEALERS IN * # * * * IMPORTED .-. AND .-. DOMESTIC .'. SUITINGS .-. AND .-. PANTS GOODS .-. MADE .-. TO .'. MEASURE .-. BY SKILLED .-. WORKMEN. nvnxjKrsoisi d& oo., 32 NORTH FRONT STREET, - - - - WILMINGTON, N. C. DIRECTORY -OF THE CITY of WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, 1889. CONTAINING A GENERAL AND COMPLETE BUSINESS GUIDE OF THE CITY, PUBLISHED BY JULIUS J±. BOISTITZ, Editor and Proprietor WILMINGTON MESSENGER. WILMINGTON, N. C, Messenger Steam Presses, TO OUR READERS "Remember, we know well only the great nations whose books we possess; of others we know nothing, or but little." This Directory of the city of Wilmington is issued to sup- ply a long felt need. In its make-up we have endeavored to gather such reasonably complete information as is usually looked for in a publication of this description. The work has been done with the greatest care and yet we feel and realize that some errors and omissions may have found, and unavoidably so, their way into its pages. These we regret, but they are attribu- table to the difficulties which surrounded the gathering in of the information, and which beset every effort of this kind. In the canvass for the population and in the compilation of the work we were assisted by Messrs. W. H. Gerken and R. J. Lewis, of this city, who have labored with much zeal and efficiency. We trust the Directory will prove of incalculable benefit not only to our home people, but also to the business men abroad. J. A. RONITZ, Editor and Proprietor, May 1 8, 1889. Wilmington Messenger. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Atlantic Coast Line, inside back cover. Acme Manufacturing Company 81 Allen, Jacob Contractor and Builder 59 Atkinson and Manning, Insurance Agents 152 Bonitz Hotel, 6th col. page back. Brown, A. A. Insurance Agent 35 Bauer, A. G. Contractor and Builder 56 Brunhild, Simon & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Liquors and Tobacco see lower margins. Bear, Sol. Wholesale and Retail Dealer Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Boots and Shoes see side margins. Bear, Sol. & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Liquors and To- bacco see side margins. Bear, Samuel, Sr., Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Tobac- co, Cigars, Furs, &c 75 Bear, Morris Bros., Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c 6th col. page back. Belsinger, SamT. Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 5th col. page front. Browne, C. F., Agent, Dealer in Groceries and Country Produce 1st col. page front. Blodgett, Moore & Co., Oils &c see side margins. Burr & Bailey, Manufacturers of Cotton Presses, Stills &c. 59 Bank of New Hanover 145 Brown & Pearson Tonsorial Artists, see top margins. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco 5th col. page back. Clydes New York S. S. Company outside back cover. Carolina Central Rail Road inside front cover, Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail Road, 5th col. page front. Cumming, W. M. Mattress Maker and Renovater, 2d col. page front. Craft, T. C. Furniture Dealer in Carolina Creosote and Oil Company 7th col. page back. Chamber of Industry 8th col. page back. Chase, John C. Civil Engineer and Surveyor 152 Carroll, M. Brooklyn Dairy 75 Cronenberg, H. Photographer 44 DASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S I STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. c. B. S AJTHEFLAND & GO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 6 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Cutlar, DuBrutz Attorney at Law 44 Catlett, W. Principal Cape Fear Academy 75 Christ, Phillip Baker and Confectioner 136 Dingelhoef, M. J. Watch Maker and Jeweler, see top and bottom margins. Davis, Martin T. Agent Real Estate 65 Dudley, John L. Sewing Machine Agent, see top margins. Dry, Jas. D. Dyer and Cleaner 65 French, Geo. R. & Son, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots and Shoes 2d col. page front. French Bros., Fertilizers, Building Lime &c 48 Garrell, Jno. F. Butcher 70 Gieschen, J. G. L. Saloon see side margins. Gieschen, H. H. Groceries and Liquors 65 Gause, Jas. F. Lighterman 39 Grant, B. H. Plumber and Gas Fitter 65 Giles & Murchison, Hardware, Crockery, &c 26 Greenwald, I. L. Dealer in Boots and Shoes, see side margins Hart, Miss Principal Young Ladies School 128 Hankins, A. G. Agent, Grocer see lower margins. Huggins, G. W. Watchmaker and Jeweler 70 Heinsbergers, Live Book Store 3d col page front. Hayden. P. H. Harness Maker, &c see side margins. Hutchins, B. L. Painter 56 Hansen & Smith, Lumber Dealers 26 Hanby, John H. Contractor and Builder 48 Holden, S. W. Plumber and Gas Fitter 52 Hall & Pearsall, Wholesale Grocers see top margins. Hicks, R. W. Commission Merchant see top margins. Honnet, George Watchmaker and Jeweler 1 1 1 Kure, Hans A. Ship Chandler and Grocer 35 Krahnke, J. Henry Tailor 3d col. page back. Kirkham, W. J. Gardner and Florist 3d col page back. Katz, M. M. Dry Goods, &c 3d col page front. Keith, B. F. Groceries, &c see lower margins. King, John J. Inspector of Lumber &c 65 Kiley, P. E. Saloon and Restaurant Sy Koch, W. H. M. Saloon see side margins. Knoxville Furniture Company 2d col. page back. Lewis, R. J. Caterer 97 Messenger Job Office 208 Manning, E. W. Summer Resort, Atlantic View 148 TpvTTXT T "nTlFH "FT V SINGER SEWING MACHINES, JKJ ril\ 1^. UULvLvE,!, 2? NORTH FRONT ST. 1-1 P PRFMPFRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 7 Marshal, J. R. Produce Dealer 39 Morton & Hall, Distillers 39 Meares, L. H. Gent's Furnisher &c 30 McEachern, D. Grain &c 35 Maffitt & Corbett, Wholesale Grocers 26 Morrelle, Rev. Daniel English and Classical School 30 Munson & Co., Merchant Tailors, &c...6th col. page front. Nutt, J. D. Druggist &c see top margins. Nobles, S. W. Vineyard &c 3d col. page back. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor, Insurance Agents 21 National Life and Maturity Association of Washington D.C. see side margins. O'Brien, Martin Groceries and Liquors 145 O'Connor, Daniel Real Estate Agent 87 Orrell, R. C. Livery and Sale Stables see side margins. Otersen, Wm. Grocer 136 Oldenbuttel, John G. Groceries and Liquors 152 Ortman, F. W. Saloon see top margins. Portnor, R. Brewing Company 1st col. page back. Poisson, Louis J. Real Estate Agent 59 Prempert, H. C. Tonsorial Artist, see top margins. Polvogt & Rehder, Boots and Shoes see lower margins. Perdew, John W. Gun Smith 5th col. page front. Parker, C. C. Painter see lower margins. Proctor Screen Company 6th col. page back. Quinlivan, Daniel Horse Shoer and Farrier 56 Rheinstein, F. & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods &c 52 Rising, R. F. Tinner 30 Stokely, W. H. Summer Resort 70 Southerland,T. J. Livery and Sale Stables, see lower margins. Southerland, C. B. & Co., Carriage Factory, see top margins. Schloss, S. A. & Co., Auctioneers &c see top margins. Smith & Boatwright, Insurance Agents see side margins. Springer, J. A. Coal and Wood see lower margins. Sutton House, Mrs. M. F. Sutton, Proprietress 145 Standard Oil Company outside front cover. Turrentine, Vollers &c, Broker's 6th col page front. Taylor, John E. Boots and Shoes 87 Taylor's Bazaar, Fancy Goods. &c see top margins. Tucker. H. A. Marble and Stone Cutter 44 The Messenger, Newspaper 4th col. page back M J. DINGELHOEF, 123 Market Street, Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry carefully repaired and warranted. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, I Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market st., Wilmington. N. C, 8 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Wilmington Sea Coast Rail Road 4th col. page front. Watson, A. W; Crockery, &c, see back of Fancy Card and 128 Wilmington Savings and Trust Company 152 Webb, Mrs. H. Florist 52 Woolvin, J. W. Undertaker 21 Worth, W. E. & Co., Ice Manufactory 120 Ward, C H. Tonsorial Artist in Williams, Capt. E. Harbor Towing 136 Whitehead, W. A. & Son, Brokers 97 Wilmington Paper Company see lower margins. Young, W. L. Real EstateAgent 43 WILMINGTON IN 1889, Chief among the important considerations necessary to the growth and development of a city, is favorable geographical posi- tion. By this we mean such a situation with respect to territory and transportation facilities as to make it the general marketplace and supply depot of an extensive region of country. It seems hardly necessary to dwell for a moment on the im- portance of this advantage. Experience throughout the world and in all ages in which commerce has flourished, from Carthage to the ancient time of Venice in the middle ages, and from Venice to our own times, has shown that it alone is sufficient to rear and support a great city. It is due to her magnificent position be- tween Europe and Asia, and between the Mediterranean and the Black sea, that Constantinople has for centuries been the chief city of the East, and the imperial center of the Turkish empire. It is the inter-continental position of the Mediterranean that made its shores the home of most of the great cities of antiquity and still adorns them with the fair Naples with her 500,000 inhabi- tants ; with Marseilles, numbering over 350,000; with Genoa, Smyrna, Alexandria and hundreds of others. In China we find Canton situated on the Chinese sea with her 1,750,000; in Hindoostan on the Bay of Bengal is Madras with nearly half a million. In Germany on the Elbe, with its outlet to the sea, is Hamburg with her 500,000, and coming to our own country, at the mouth of the beautiful Hudson are New York and Brooklyn with their 2,500,000; and last, but greater than any of them, stands the imperial London on the Thames with about 4,000,000 souls. It is the geographical position of these cities — their situation with respect to trade interests — that has contributed more than U J, DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker," dealer in Watches, Clocks, "*• "jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. F1U rvRTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second » » • vJ St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. 10 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. anything else to make them what they are. Where a city is favored with this advantage to more than an ordinary degree, its future is assured, if but her citizens will make proper use of the advantages presented. To one at all acquainted with the resources of the South, and particularly this portion of North and South Carolina, it is only necessary to take a glance at the map to realize the future of Wilmington. Here she stands at the very portal of one of the finest cotton and rice producing regions in the world. On the one hand is the mighty Ocean system giving her transportation as far as the winds that blow to every clime; on the other lies her railways radiating in many directions throughout the State and adjacent States, pouring into her lap an immense commerce- Already a large and prosperous city, it seems that nature and civilization have conspired to make Wilmington in the not far distant future one of the greatest cities on the South Atlantic Coast. No one can visit Wilmington and fail to be impressed with the may signs and growing indications of wealth and prosperity which abound on every hand. Here will be found all public buildings and institutions usual to a great commercial city, as for instance, a United States Custom House, a handsome new United States Court House and Post Office building, now in course of erection, United States Marine Hospital, Seaman's Home and Bethel, City Hospital, United States Signal Service Station, three daily newspapers, five weekly and one monthly publications, nearly fifty churches, twenty-eight public and private schools, ample banking facilities, four railroads completed, and two others under construction, a number of prosperous industries, and the city boasts of a large number of the handsomest and most costly residences in the State. The city has its street railway, telephone conveniences, and excellent fire department, water and gas works, and is lighted by electricity. T 1 QnilTUPDI A IMF! Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1, J, OUU IJlLjRL/ilNJJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C 1AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place J in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 11 The advantages and attractions of the city as a place of resi- dence are unsurpassed by no city of equal population in the Union. The climate is delightful, health excellent, the society is cultivated and refined, the city is most orderly, educational facilities are both excellent and abundant. Several of the church edifices are very fine specimens of architecture; they have large congregations and their pulpits are supplied by pastors of repu- tation and ability. The population of the city is now about 25,000. <>■;--■ - SOME ATTRACTIONS. The following are some of the many splendid attractions that should be seen and enjoyed by all who wish a season of rest and healthful recreation. As resorts they are unsurpassed by any on the South Atlantic Coast. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND. This well-known and popular resort, eight miles from the city' will during the present season, receive a much larger attention from pleasure and health-seekers than ever before, as one of the results of the completion of the Sea Coast Railroad from this city to that place. Wrightsville has always been popular, and has greatly increased in popularity since the completion of the turn- pike from the eastern limits of the city to the Sound. This turn- pike, which is heavily ballasted with oyster shells its entire length, affords one of the finest and most pleasant drives that can be found in North Carolina. It is as hard as though it were McAdamized, is bordered nearly its entire length with pines, whose fragrant odors are delightful, exhilerating and bracing, and the line of the road is sufficiently crooked to relieve the tourist from a weary monotony. The Wilmington Sea Coast Railroad and the Ocean View Railroad are ready to take visitors to the Sound. Another advantage lies in the fact that, by means of the rail- road, the pleasure seeker can go direct to the beach without extra expense. On this beach the Carolina Yacht Club have their house and here also is the new, large and elegant Hammocks Hotel, for the accommodation of visiting guests, and in the waters adjacent is the favorite yachting course where there will be during the season, several exciting and interesting regattas. Its proximity to the city, with its easy and cheap accessibility by I A QDDIMPrD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. A. OrnllNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, "^Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 13 railroad, together with the fact that it is connected with the city by telephone make this a desirable resort. There are plenty of fish of almost every variety in the waters of the Sound and ocean and an abundance of good oysters in their season. CAROLINA BEACH. This pleasant resort, which sprung into existence as if by magic in the summer of 1887, possesses attractions which at once made it extremely popular with the people. Although the accommodations there last year were limited in extent, as they naturally would be with only a few months — we might say weeks of preparation, yet it was a popular resort for those who would spend a day from the cares and duties of every day life, and while away a few hours by the seaside, where they could view the grandeur, the majesty and the power of old ocean as her waves dashed upon the shore, to the deep anthem of the unceasing roar of the breakers. A short ride on the waters of the Cape Fear, and a shorter ride of less than two miles on the railroad, constructed across the peninsula, from the river to the beach, and the weary pleasure-seeker is away from the noise, tumult and dust of the city, and on one of the finest ocean beaches along the South Atlantic Coast. It was visited t by many thousands last year, and will probably be resorted to by a largely increased number during the present season. Many additions and improvements have been made for the bet- ter accommodation of visitors, and the facilities for reaching the beach have been greatly increased by the addition of the splen- did steamer Sylvan Grove, with her accommodations for 500 pas- sengers, which make daily excursions there during the season. The fame of the beach spread from one end of the State to the other and even into South Carolina and Georgia. The means for bathing, fishing or sailing are excellent, and it is peculiarly free WHEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. SA. SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and • 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 14 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. from flies, mosquitoes and gnats. The most of the time there is a good southwest breeze blowing, which coming in from the sea, is cool, refreshing and enjoyable. The Ocean View Railroad Company has begun the erection of a hotel and eating house at the Masonboro terminus of their road. It will have a handsome dining room 80x30 feet, and will be about thirty feet from the pavillion and connecting with it by a wide platform. It will be known as "'The Breeze House," and will be under the management of Mrs. Mayo, who has a reputa- tion that will certainly draw those fond of good cooking and good things. "THE ROCKS." The "Rocks," so called from the fact of the immense pile of stone that has been placed there, by which New Inlet has been effectually closed for the passage of vessels, is twenty miles from Wilmington and more than half way between this city and the mouth of the river. It has become quite a popular pleasure re- sort on account of the splendid fishing it affords, and its excellent opportunities for bathing and boat sailing. The hotel accommo- dations at "The Rocks" are very good, and they will be improved as occasion may demand. The place suffers for the want of shade trees, but this lack is in a measure compensated for by the cool southwest breezes which prevail nearly all the time. Large quantities of fish are caught here and many of our citizens find a visit to the place both pleasant and profitable. It is easy of ac- cess, and the probability is that the list of visitors will be much larger during the present season than in any previous year. LAKE WACCAMAW. On the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, thirty-six miles from Wilmington, is the pretty village of Lake Waccamaw, near which is the beautiful sheet of water from which the village I A QpniMPrp Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, l\, 01 l>l INULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 15 derives its name. The path from the village to the lake is across a beautiful green plateau of land on the premises of Mr. H. B. Short, to a secluded dell where, surrounded by magnificent for- est trees, nestles one of the most attractive sheets of water in North Carolina. It is a favorite resort for pleasure parties from both North and South Caroiina. The lake abounds with fish of almost every fresh water variety, while the surrounding forests abound with birds and all kinds of game from squirrels to bears. Many hunting parties visit the place for the purpose of gunning, and have fine sport in roving the forests and in fishing in the gen- erous waters of the Lake. All these places which we have named receive a generous pat- ronage during the heated season, and there is every indication that the number of visitors to all of them will be largely in creased during the present season. THE MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON CITY DIRECTORY. A. Aaron, Joe, lab, h 412 Brunswick. ACADEMY OF THE INCARNATION, 'Sister Mary Bap- tiste Superior, 4th cor Ann. ACME MANUFACTURING COMPANY, office corner of Walnut and Princess, (see advt,) Acom, Jacob B., carp't, h 1024 N. 3rd. cAdams, Candes, laundress, h 717 Red Cross. Adams, Martha A., seamstress, h 609 N. 8th. cAdams, Mrs. E., h 725 3rd. Adkins, Mrs. A. L., h 130 S. Front. Adkins, Mrs. S. E., widow, h 315 S. Front. cAdkinson, R., lab, h 613 S. 5th. cAdkinson, King, lab h 209 N. 10th. ADRIAN, A., (Adrian & Vollers) h 212 Orange. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, (A. Adrian, H. Vollers) grocers and commission merchants, 101 S. Front st. Adrian, A. Jr., elk, h 212 Orange. A. Adrian Steam Fire Engine Co., h 14 S. 4th. Agatha, Sister, teacher Convent Mercy, 4th and Ann. Agostine, Miss F. M., h 19 S. 6th. AHRENS, B. H. J., grocery and liquors, 2 S. 7th, h 620 Market. Akins, Mrs. Clara, seamstress, 1011 McRae's alley. Alderman, Wm. H., (Alderman, Flanner &Co) 517 Dock. Alderman, Mrs. A., widow, 1014 N. 4th. ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO., Hardware, etc, 114 N. Front. Alderman, Bland, grocer and commission merchant, 108 N. Water. Alderman, J. T., commission merchant, 108 N. Water st, h 119 Mulberry st. Alderman, J. T., conductor, h 119 Mulberry st, T I ^nilTHRRI A Mil Liver Y and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1. d. OUUlllLIlLnlllJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C. HP DQryDTQT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. . U. rnLIVIr Ln I , No. 7 south front street. 18 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. w T3 H «l >- w ^ CCS 0J> ^ c s 13 51 BQ & ni H 3 ^ C <j t/3 $ O w <D & cfl W Oh ■aoo c 1 ^ 03 . C* O a. 3h ct Os! >— 1 m rij £*- OA nt, Torr 9 S77?t£ 03-Sfc ^"85 Mari U NO r~< ,«*" 53* cr ) ^ Alderman, Alfred, inspector, h 315 Mulberry. Alderman, G. F., elk, h 216 N. 5th. Alderman, J. W., inspector, h 612 Mulberry. Alderman, Allison, elk, bds cor 5th and Walnut. Aldrich, William A., boarding house, 420 N. 3rd. cAldrich, Jos., lab, h 1304 N. 5th. cAlexander, Enoch, lab, h 505 N. 10th. cAlexander, John, lab, h 1105 Princess. cAlexander, J. J., painter, 905 Castle. cAlexander, J. lab, 914 Dock. cAllen, Frank lab, 220 N. 9th. Allen, W.H., transportation agt.C.C.R. R., h 218 N. 7th. Allen, C. B., book-keeper, h 410 S. 5th. ALLEN, J. S., contractor and builder, 1 13 N. Water, h h 406 S. 3rd — see adv't. Allen, Samuel machinist, bds 504 N. Front. Allen, Mrs. A. M., h 517 S. 2nd. Allen, A. W., printer, h 920 N. 3rd. cAllen, Spotswood huckster, 1 16 S. Front st, h 610 N. 7th. cAllen, M. M., h 903 5th. cAllen, R. carpenter, h 108 Marstella'r. cAllen, A., stevedore, h 705 Ann. Altaffer, Gerard M., patent maker, h 1 10 Dock. ALTAFFER, MISS ROBERTA, dressmaker, h no Dock Aman, G. G., elk, h 712 3rd. Ames, Henry, carpenter, h 1201 N. 4th. cAmey, B., porter, h 714 Red Cross. cAnderson, Joseph, lab, h 810 Chesnut. cAnderson, Wm., lab, h 712 Front. cAnderson, Caroline, huckster, h 417 Sampson's alley. cAnderson, W. H., lab, h 13th and Nun. Anderson, A. E., physician, office 106 Orange, h 102 Orange. cAnderson, J., stevedore, h 108 Wright. cAnderson, H., lab, h 605 9th. Anderson, C. A., electrician, h 606 Ann. cAnderson, Wilson lab, h 508 McRae. Anderson, A., lab, h 509 Queen. Anders, W. B., commission merchant, h 306 McRae. Anthony, Mrs. A. J., widow, h 613 S. 4th. Appelgate, Jack, carpenter, h 312 Harnet. PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERL N STA 1LES, 108 & no North Second St., will by promptly attended to. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. I Fashionable Goods, Low Prices, i iS Market st., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. iq cArmstrong, P., lab, h 101 1 Wooster. cArmstrong, L., carpenter, h 710 Nixon. Arnold, Rev. C. L., h 123 S. 4th. Arnold, N., widow, h 623 S. 5th. cArmonds, Jupiter, carpenter, h 508 Nixon's alley. cArrington, T. ( lab, h 109 S. 10th. Aritt, W., lab, h 9th near Wooster. cArtis, E. barber, h 410 N. 5th. cArtis, Win. T., carpenter, h 12 14 N. 7th. cArtis, C, lab, h 623 Queen. cAsh, Simon, lab, h 1 1 15 N. 8th. cAsh, Benj, lab, h 13 12 N. 5th. cAsh, R., brickmaker, h 910 Castle. Atkinson & Manning, (J. W. Atkinson and E. W. Mann- ing) insurance agents, 1 15 N. Water. Atkinson, J. Wilder, (Atkinson & Manning) h 20 S. 5th. Atkins, Mrs. M. A., widow, h 305 S. 2nd. Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Co., h 320 Princess. cAustin, John bricklayer, h 706 Campbell. cAustin, George, lab, h 115 S. Front. cAustin, H., lab, h Orange bet 9th and 10th. Auther, Miss A., dress maker, h 410 Wright. cAvery, John stevedore, h 707 Campbell. Averett, Mrs. Jesse widow, h 701 Dock st. B Bacon, H., civil engineer U. S. Gov., h 1 14 S. 3rd. *BAGG, HORACE A., Inspector and Chairman Board of County Commissioners, h 420 Chesnut. Bagg, Horace W., clerk, h 420 Chesnut. Bagley, T. F., commission merchant, cor. Water and Princess sts, h 109 Ann. Bagwell, Mrs F. V., boarding house, 24^ N. Front. cBaidy, William, lab, h 10th near Wooster. Bailey, E. P., (Burr & Bailey) h 313 Ann. Bailey, Mrs. J. C, widow, h 219 S. 3d. Bailey, James W., elk, h 1019 N. 4th. Baker, J., boot and shoe maker, 1 14 Princess, h 710 Dock. cBaker, S., stevedore, h 1007 Queen. cBaker, James, stevedore, h 1012 N. 7th. cBaker, Alex, brick moulder, h 913 N. 6th. Baker, J. F., flagman, h 812 N. 7th. L ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. WILMINGTON PAPER CO. THUM T "nTTFU 17 V singer sewing machines, JWlliN J_v. JJUULLI, 12 NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Is 8 - § i <° I < ^ W *- CO 03 Qc •on K s Uj re Or -ft u a. UJ -a m re 5J Qc QC o 03 C-i re CO QC cBaker, C, lab, h 1212 N 5th. cBaker, Sandy, lab, h 507 Taylor. Baldwin, A. M., dentist, IO^ N. Front, h 7 S. 4th. Ballinger, A. B , book-keeper, h 807 Chesnut. BANK OF NEW HANOVER, Isaac Bates, president, cor Front and Princess. Banks, Wellington, elk, h 806 N 3rd. cBanks, Henry, lab, h 1228 Red Cross. cBanks, John, lab, h 706 Swann. cBanks, Isaac R., lab, h 614 Bladen. Bappler, Mrs. M., widow, h 311 Cottage lane, between Dock and Orange. Barber, D. D., farmer, h 120 N. 7th. Barden, B. C, insurance agent, h 321 S. 4th. Barden, J. R., elk, bds 810 Market. Barden, carpenter, bds 115 Dock. Barrentine, J. G., merchant, h 507 3rd. Barrentine, P. B., huckster, 120 S. Front. Barrentine, P., merchant, h 121 S. Front. cBardge, B. C, carpenter, h 1402 N. 7th. cBardge, John, carpenter, h 410 N. 5th. cBarfield, G, lab, h 510 Church. Barker, E. G. & Co., ship brokers, 113 N. Water. Barker, E. G., (E. G. Barker & Co.) h 508 Front. Barker, A. L., tinsmith, h 41 1 Castle. Barker, J. A., grocer, 619 5th st. h same. BARKSDALE, W. R., Agent Standard Oil Co., bds Orton House — see adv. cBarlow, James, lab, h 1 1 12 Macumbers alley. Barnes, J. W., Sr., traveling agent, h 714 Dock. Barnes, J. W. Jr., pressman, h 714 Dock. cBarnes, L., carpenter, h 113 Castle. Barnes, Daniel, foreman P. & W., h 161 2 N. 4th. Barnes, J. S., tinsmith, h 705 S. 3rd. Barnes, Mrs. T., widow, h 708 Queen. cBarnes, Henry, lab, h 822 Macumbers alley. cBarnes, B., lab, h 711 Front. cBarnes, William, lab., h 715 Front. Barnitz, E. G., carpenter, h Brown's alley. Barnitz, Henry, car inspector, h 703 N 7th. cBarnitz, J. G., cooper, h 405 S. 6th. Barr, G., h 2 Meares. W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 21 Samuel Northrop. William W. Hodges. Waltaer Taylor. pRTHROP, fl ODGES & T AYLOR, ^GENERALk. FIRE. LIFE. MARINE. ACCIDENT. LIGHTNING. TON ADO AND REGISTERED LETTER INSURANCE. REPRESENTING LARGEST AMOUNT OF CASH FIRE ASSETS OF ANY AGENCY IN THE CITY, AMOUNTING TO OVER $110,000,000 The only Registered Letter Insurance represented in this city, which guarantee the safe delivery of money or other valuables sent by mail. Office Corner Nuttand Walnut Streets, TELEPHONE No. 11 The Travelers, the Oldest. Largest and Strongest Accident Company in the World. J. W. WOOLVIN, General Furnishing UNDERTAKER, •DEALER IN' WOOD and METALLIC BURIAL CASES. CASKETS, &c„ k. Burial Robes and Siippers a Specialty. 105 NORTH THIRD STREET, WILMINGTON. N. C. MJ. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewell'}-, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. 22 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. w - ti u ^ r. S? < S w 5; S f^ H f Q* Ji as ti° ^ V£ Hl Oo CO Q h4* _l _l • <|C M If is w J I co Q J2 " 1 r. C*3 ^J Si Barr, J. S., clerk, h 1121 Front. Barr, Mrs. R., widow h 1121 Front. cBarney, H., lab, h 510 S. 8th. Bass, Mrs. L., h 308 Nun. Bass, James M, printer, bds 107 Mulberry. Baskins, James, car inspector, h 915 N. 7th. Bate, W. R., carpenter, h 507 Brunswick. Bate George R., clerk, h 408 N. 5th. Bate, Mrs. R., widow, h 416 N. 5th. BATES, ISAAC, President Bank of New Hanover, h 409 S. 3rd. cBatson, John, cook, h 1019 Dock. Batson, E. H., huckster, Front, Market, h 401 market. cBatson, G. W., tinner, h 1009 N. 9th. cBatson, Peter, lab, h 1009 Princess. cBattle, George, lab, h 1 13 Wooster. Battle, W. S., clerk, bds 322 N. Front. BAUER, A. G., contractor, bds Smith Building — see adv. Bauman, H. T., clerk, bds 501 Mulberry. Bear, Sol., dry goods, 18 Market, h 120 S. 5th. BEAR; SOL. & CO., wholesale liquor dealer, 20 Mar- ket — see adv. Bear, Mrs. Marcus, widow, h 12 N. 5th. Bear, Isaac Jr., clerk, h 12 N. 5th. BEAR, SAMUEL, dry goods and tobacco, 10 and 17 Market st, h 311 N. Front — see adv. Bear, Samuel, Jr., clerk, h 311 N. Front. Bear, Sigmon, clerk, h 311 N. Front. Bear, Isaac, book-keeper, h 311 N. Front. Bear, Isaac, (Morris Bear & Bro.) h 603 Chesnut. Bear, Samuel, Jr., (Morris Bear & Bro.) h 603 Chesnut. Bear, Morris, (Morris Bear & Bro.) h 603 Chesnut. BEAR, MORRIS & BRO., Dry Goods, nojA and 112 N. Front. Bear Simon, tailor, 607 and 1005 N. 4th. Beach, Jud., engineer, h 619 Swann. Beaman, R. C, Rev., h 415 S. 5th. cBeasley, Icum, lab, h 1302 N. 5th. Beasley, W. C, plumber, h 102 Church. Beasley, Mrs. Maggie, h 1224 Charlotte ave cBeatty, Josh, lab, h 406 Bladen. Beauford, Mrs. M., widow, h no S. 6th. I A QDDIMPTD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, r\, 01 nilNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. FrU rvRTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second . VV . \J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 23 Beauford, J. F. lumber inspector, h 718 S. 5th. cBeckett, John, lab, h 216 Cowan. cBegwin, John, distiller, h 1017 Love's alley. Behrends, S., (Behrends & Co.) h 418 Market. Behrends, S. & Co., Furniture, 16 S. Front. BELDEN & RAX KIN, lightermen, 1 N. Water. Belden, Lewis, (Belden & Rankin,) h Cottage lane, 1 16 S. 4th. Beery, W. L., conductor C. C. R. R., h 311 S. Front. Beery, R. H., ship carpenter, h 322 N. 3d. Beery, W. R., capt. str. E. G. Barker, h 415 S. 2nd. Beery, B. W., Ship carpenter, h 415 S. 2nd. Beery, John, h 112 Mulberry. cBeery, Francis, cook, h 824 Green. Beery, W. B., lab., h 604 Front. Beery, W., lab., h Front bet Wooster and Dawson. cBeery, John, lab, h 906 Chestnut. cBeery, C, lab., h 603 Brunswick. cBell, S., cooper, h 1 1 1 Wooster. cBell, George, lab, h 912 Orange. cBell, C, lab, h 912 Orange. cBell, L.,lab, h 105 S. nth. BELL TELEPHONE CO., office over Bank of New Hanover. Bell, Miss M., h 2d and Nun. Bell, J. D., clerk, h 420 S. 2d. Bell, Mrs. M. M., widow, seamstress, h 410 S. 6th. Bell, W. H., grocer, 139 S. Front, h no Orange. cBell, James, lab., h 811 Red Cross. cBell, C. F., sawyer, h 313 Harnett. Bell, W. H., merchant, 603 S. Front. Bell, W. K., mechanic, h 610 S. 5th. Bell, C. D., laborer, h 610 S. 5th. Bell, B., lab, h 623 Queen. cBell, Henry, lab, h 906 N. 8th. cBell, E., lab, h 3 Voller's row, 5th near Oueen. BELL, BENJAMIN, (Jackson & Bell), h 316 S. 4th. Bell, Miss J. M., h 316 S. 4th. Bell, F., blacksmith, h Front bet Wooster and Dawson. BELLAMY R. R., druggist, northwest cor. Market and Front, h 20 N. 7th st. Bellamy, John D. Jr., lawyer, 109^ Princess, h 112 5th. CO r c u o H H CO a CD O 22? h coz BOOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags, &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington. ALL & PEAFSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. HALL & PEAbSALL, Whol< ii and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. in G ■ * .= co > O K - S $ g « s u ^ JU tn So Q u 2 -2 H o S s O o <! 00 z I Bellamy, Marsden, lawyer, 210 Princess, h 61 1 Market. Bellamy, W. J. H., physician, 209 Orange, h 121 S. 2d. Bellamy, John D., farmer, h 503 Market. cBellamy, Arbo, widow, h 712 Red Cross. Bel!ois, B., grocer, 126 Market st, h 616 Ann. Bender, D. S., sergeant police, h 618 Castle. Bender, G. H., clerk, h 618 Castle. Bender, Miss M. E., seamstress, h 618 Castle. cBengermen, Rice, lab, h 15 S. nth. Benson, A., clerk h 406 S. 6th. Benson, J., clerk, h on Meares. Benson, H. lab, h Wooster near Front. cBennerman, S., porter, h 715 Princess. Bentley, Mrs. Mary, seamstress, h 1012 N. 7th. Benton, Julius, lab, h 918 N. 6th. cBenton, C. J., stevedore, h Castle bet 10th and nth. BERNARD, W. H., (Editor Morning Star), h m S. 5th. Bernard Miss M. A., teacher 114 S. 2d. cBernard, W., lab, h 607 Ann. cBernard, R. lab, h 607 Ann. cBess, Kinyon, lighterman, h 509 Market. Bess, Robert, sawyer, h 307 N. 5th. Bess, James, h 305 N. 5th. Bessent, Bishop, machinist, h 312 Campbell. Betcher, Mrs. Charlotte, widow, h 1201 N. 4th. Bethea, A. P., mail agent, bds 105 Dock. cBettencourt, Amuel, keeper carthouse, 407 Swann. Bettencourt, Mrs. M. J., h cor Chesnut and 2d. cBetts, Abram, brick mason, h 1 1 15 Swann's alley. Biddle, W. H., grocer, 501 Castle, h 523 S. 5th. Biddle, Mrs. J. A., widow, dress maker, h 606 Castle. Biddle, Miss M. E., dress maker, h 606 Castle. Biddle, R. A., clerk, h 606 Castle. Biggs, Mrs. S., widow, h 2 Meares. Bilbro, L. A., harness maker, h 310 S. 4th. cBingham, Thomas, lab, h 10 19 Queen. cBingerman, Ed, lab, h 108 Brunswick. cBird, T., cooper, h 1001 Queen. cBird, E., stevedore, h 1001 Queen. cBishop, Ephraim, bricklayer, h 714 Campbell. cBishop, Rev. W. H., h 803 Hanover. Bishop, W. PI., boarding house, 214 Campbell. BRUNHILD. SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 25 Bishop, Jasper, book-keeper, h 814 Mulberry. Bishop, Joseph, clerk, h 814 Mulberry. Bishop, G. W., watchman, h 818 Chesnut. Bishop, George A., clerk, h 819 Chesnut. Bishop H. M., clerk, h 916 Chesnut. Bissitt, Jack, master machinist, h 513 N. 3rd. Bissinger, C. F. W., florist, h 101 N. 6th. BIXBY, CAPT. W. H., Civil Engineer U. S. Govern- ment, h 219 S. 3rd. cBizzel, A., lab, h 818 Castle. cBizzel, H., lab, h Queen near 4th. Blablock, L. L., lab, h 1 17 Queen. cBlack, V., shoemaker, h 216 Walnut. cBlack, W. H., lab. h 519 S. Fourth. Blackman, Irving, engineer, h 604 N. 5th. Blackwell, Mrs. B., widow, h 814 S. 5th st. Blackwell, Mrs. J., widow, h 9th and Orange. cBlackwell, William, stevedore, h 703 Nixon. Blackburn, T. J., commission merchant, h 5: 7 th. 7th. Blake, Alonzo E., commission merchant, h 1 1 S. Blank, Willliam, broker, h 209 N. 2d. Bland, Wash, lab, h 1 1 18 N. 4th. Bland, George, lab, h 920 N. 6th. cBland, William, shoemaker, h 309 N. 2d. Bland, L. N., driver street car, h 920 N. 6th. cBlan, William, boot and shoe maker, h 117 Dock. cBlan, James, lab, h alley on 2d, bet Dock and Orange. cBlain, James, lab, h 1 ith and Castle. Blair, A., engineer, h 310 Queen. Bledenthal. L., clerk, bds 514 Market. Blizzard, John, lab, bds 115 Dock. Blizzard, William, clerk, bds 115 Dock. Blizzard, Mrs. Hutten, seamstress, h 1005 N. 4th. cBlocker, Mrs. Julia, laundress, h 816 N. 3rd. cBlocker, Aaron, lab, h 404 Bladen. cBlocker, Jonas, lab, h 810 N. 3rd. cBlocker, A., lab, h 511 Prices alley, Church. cBlocker, Edward, lab, h 510 Bladen. Blomme, P., baker, cor. 5th and Campbell, h 515 N. 5th. Blomme, Charles, clerk, bds 515 N. 5th. Bloom, H. H., grocer, 501 Chesnut, h same. Bloom, John, brick mason, bds 501 Chestnut. n m > 1 > 3 n % g f m s O 2 C 5' 2! B- M (t • o O £■ ° -' 3 p m 3 "-t - *J o 7C 2L O «<■ 2, — H r»o ^ s> ° a "2 x 7 I 2 S - x S d. o o O % 3- r* v. o END your orders to the Wilmington Paper Co., for Printed Wrapping Paper, Cloth Flour Sacks and Paper Bags. Rock bottom prices. 26 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Giles & Murchison, IMP :: \ m> MURCHISON BLOCK. HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. TINWARE, Earthenware direct from English Potteries. John L. Maffitt. John A. Corbett. MAFFITT & CORBETT, WHOLESALE ___, rQ ___ GHQGER3 ^^ COMHIISSiOtt WIERCHftNTS. SPECIALTIES CUBA AND PORTO RICA MOLASSES, FINE CIGARS, TEAS, SPICES AND CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENTS FOR Trie Celebrated 2 Johns Flour. WILMINGTON, N. C. LUDWIG HANSEN. ANDREW SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER SHINGLES OFFICE, SMITH BUILDING, PRINGE-S ST. Wilmington, N. C. C. B. SOUTH£RLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 27 Blossom, Mrs. T. E., h 707 6th cBlue, Harley, lab, h 209 Walnut. Blue, L. A., clerk, bds 121 Market. cBlunt, Harry, carpenter, h 1229 Charlotte ave. cBlunt, Daniel, lab, h 311 Campbell. cBlunt, Bristol, lab, h 1217 McRae's alley. cBlunt, B., distiller, h 320 6th. cBlunt, Caleb, drayman, house 1 1 1 1 Market. cBlunt, Calvin, carpenter, h 61 1 Brunswick. Boatwright, J. H., notary public 1 24 N Water, h 1 27 Dock. Boatwright, J. H., clerk, bds 404 Orange. Boatwright, Jno. L., grocer, 15 and 17 S. Front, h 404 Orange. Boatwright, E. P., book-keeper, bds 404 Orange. Boesch & Bro., wood and coal dealers, foot of Brunswick. Boesch, John Henry, (Boesch & Bro.), bds 803 N. 4th. Boesch, Henry, grocer, 801 N. 4th, h 803 N. 4th. Bolkenhauer, H. C. L., lab, h 120 Castle. BOLLES, J. W., exporter naval stores, cor. Water and Mulberry, h 215 N. 3d. cBomans, J. M., hack driver, h 620 Church. Boney & Harper, (G. J. Boney and J. T. Harper) grist mill on Water bet Walnut' and Mulberry. Boney, G. J. (Boney & Harper), bds 212 N. Front. Boney, G. W., mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. Boney, Neil, miller, bds 1 13 Market. Boney, John, h 516 N. 6th. cBoney, Moses, lab, h 712 Harnett. cBoney, Noah, lab, h 12 13 McRae's alley. BONITZ, J. A., Editor and Proprietor Wilmington Mes- senger, h 1 1 1 S. 3d Bonitz, J. H. W., mailing elk Messenger office, h 2 1 2 Ann Bonnett, J., carpenter, h 218 Wooster. cBoon, Z., carpenter, h 12 S. 7th. cBoon, W., lab, h 421 S. 6th. Boon, J. M., carpenter, h 1003 N. 8th. Boon, Bennett, well digger, h 905 N. 6th. Boon, Owen, lab, h 905 N. 6th. Boon, J., lab, h 513 S. 8th. cBoon, W., brick mason, h 202 Church. cBoone, T., brick mason, h 1 ith bet. Queen and Wooster. Bordeaux, John, insurance agent, h 310 Hanover. 03 > r - O I D t o - 3 £ ■! ft Cj " in ■ 5 o M. J. DINGELHOEF, 123 Market Street, Watches elry carefully repaired and warranted. Clocks and Jew- LADIES FAVORITE FLOUR is the best Flour on market, and sold only by R. W. HICKS, Wholesale Grocer. 28 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. X Of — - < O m x •res 5^ CO cBordeaux, William, engineer, h 1003 N. 4th. Borden, E., clerk, h 215 Red Cross. Borden, C. E., supt. Navassa guano factory, h 212 N. 3rd. Borden, Walter E., clerk, bds 322 N. Front. Borden, H. L., private secretary, bds 322 N. Front. Borden, Mrs. M. E.*, widow, boarding house, 322 N. Front. Bornermann, J. C, lab, h Castle, bet. 7th and 8th. Bornermann, J. H., grocer, southeast cor. 7th and Ann. Bornerman, G. W., grocer, 9th and Queen. cBoston, Ben, huckster, h 720 Campbell. cBoston, Isiah, lab, h 409 Campbell. BOWDEN, H. M., cashier National Bank. cBowden, N. B., bricklayer, h 512 S. 7th. Bowden, James O., inspector, 126 N. Water, h 212 Red Cross. Bowden, Joseph J., conductor C. C. R. R., h 114 N. 7th. Bowden, L. H., inspector, h 514 Princess. Bowden, Mrs. Sarah C, widow, h 102 N. 4th. Bowden, Mrs. J. C , widow, h 102 Chestnut. Bowden, W. B., transportation master, bds 119 Chesnut. Bowden, R. C, butcher, h 703 Bladen. Bowden, John, clerk, h 1017 N. 6th. cBowden, Thomas, carpenter, h 405 N. 9th. cBowden, L., lab, h Alley on Wooster bet. Front and 2d. cBowden, R., lab, h alley on Wooster bet. front and 2d. Bowdoin, Capt. R. P., contractor, h 713 Chesnut. • Bowdoin, E. Ff., diver, h 713 Chesnut. Bowdoin, Ff. L., diver, h 713 Chesnut. cBowen, Alex, lab, h 114 Brunswick. cBowen, Peter, stevedore, h 501 Nixon. cBowens, Stephen, lab, h 212 McRae. cBowens, Johnson, porter, h 808 N. 7th. cBowens, Robt., upholsterer, h 415 Campbell. cBoykin, C. R., lab, h 408 McRae. cBoyed, W. H., lab, h 720 N. 5th. Braceland, D. F., blacksmith, 6th, near Wooster. Braddy & Gaylord, Racket Store, 1 17 S. Front, h same. BRADLEY, MISS A. M., principal Tileston Normal School, h 422 Ann. Bradley, Charles, h 308 N. 3rd. cBradley, Charles, drayman, h 1024 Walnut. (OB PRINTING of every description executed with neatness and dis- patch at the Messenger Job Office. S A. SCHL<"SS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 29 cBradley, D. C, stevedore, bds 617 McRae. cBradley, Wm., coppersmith, h 1014 N. 6th. cBradley, Alex., lab, h 910 Mulberry. cBradley, W. H., painter, h 407 N. 6th. j^cBradley, John, driver city cart, h 514 N. 6th. Branch, R. E., ticket agent," A. C. L., h 1 14 Red Cross. Branch, G. W., gauger, h 204 Castle. Branch, R. E., distiller, h 206 Castle. Branch, W. A., cooper, h 206 Castle. Branch, J. YV., blacksmith, h 526 Eront. Branch, T. R., clerk, h 526 Front. Branch, J., blacksmith, h 526 Front. Branch, C R., conductor A. C. L., h S. W. cor. 2nd and Church. Branch, John M., inspector, h 402 Queen. Branch, John E., mechanic, h 419 ^ alnut. Brantley, Mrs. E. J., seamstress, h 724 S. 6th. Brandt, N. F., engineer, h 308 S. 6th. Bra)', Thomas, carpenter, h 216 Strauss' alley. Bray, W. T., health officer, h 719 Princess. Brizzell, Robert, lab, h 619 Hanover. Breckenridge, John, clerk, h 314 Walnut. Bremer, M., clerk, h 213 Church. Bremer, J. M., grocer, 301 S. Front, h 503 Castle. Brewer, Charles M., carpenter, h 804 Harnett. ^cBrewington, Henry, deputy sheriff, h 910 N. 5th. cBrice P., lab, h 91 1 Castle. Brickhouse, N. A., lab, h 501 Front. Bridgers & Rankin, (P. L. Bridgers and N. B. Rankin) grocers, 1 10 N. Front. Bridgers, P. L., h 102 N.6th. cBright, John, lab, h 806 Walnut. Brink ley, James, police officer, h 620 Wooster. cBrinkley, Thomas, carpenter, h 820 N. 7th. cBrinkley, Isaac, baker, h 808 Walnut. cBrinkley, Wm., lab, h 912 Mulberry. Brinson, W. R., merchant, h 925 N. 4th. cBrite, P., lab, h 319S. 4th. Britt, D. L., moulder, h 708 S. 6th. Broadstreet, Mrs. Martha, widow, h 802 Swann. Brock, Mrs. H. C. Brock, widow, h 513 Princess. cBronson, Pompie, lab, h 1102 James. =0 w as O CD C> l>1 03 r~! a. m « « ci a * 3T -0 w rn a ?! oo, =3 w W «>*• £S cr CO OT > 3 D a O % -H r 70 e*. E» L 54. %m ■* c S3 w is CO tt" Co fl s * n> 0) i> tc 5 r W ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. 3° MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY EnglishiClassical School, Rev. DANIEL MORRELLE, A.M.- No. 420 ORANGE STREET, Corner of FIFTH. ST. This school was established in A. D., 1859, ano1 ^ s consequently in its thirtieth year. The thirty-first annual session will begin (D. V.) Tuesday, the first of Oc- tober, 1889. For terms or any informa- tion apply as above. Tjduis h. mearesT 12 North Front. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHER and hatter. Collars and Cuffs Laundried. R. F. RISING, Practical Sheet Metal Worker ROOFING. GUTTERING AND PIPING. All Kinds of Sheet Metal Ware Made and Repaired. Roof Painting a Specialty. 13 DOCK ST. near WA1ER ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. 1AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 21S N. Front St. Reyond doubt, cheapest place J in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 11 cBrooks, Richard, lab, h 1226 Charlotte avenue. cBrooks, W. H.. lab, h 904 N. 3rd. cBrooks, W. H., lab, h 409 Campbell. Brooks, Miss Betty, seamstress, h 913 Sprunt's alley. Brown, Thos., carthouse, 9th and Market. cBrown, E., lab, h 915 Castle. cBrown, S. J., upholsterer, h 1020 S. nth. cBrown, A. S., brickmason, h 518 S. 8th. cBrown, J., lab, h 311 S. 6th. cBrown, A., green grocer, 122 S. Front st. market, h 402 N. 7th. Brown, Lawrence, bds Victor House, N. Front. Brown, A. D., h 213 S. 5th. Brown, Mrs. T. YV., widow, h 114 Orange. Brown, C. M., telegraph operator, h 114 Orange. Brown, L. S. F., clerk, h 114 Orange. cBrown, T., lab, h 216 S. 8th. cBrown. James, stevedore, h 720 Orange. cBrown, L., coppersmith, h 714 Orange. cBrown, M, lab, h 319 S. 12th. Brown, C. C, manager YV. U. Tel. office, h 522 Dock. Brown, W. J., sawyer, h 108 S. 8th. Brown, F. B., h 3 S. 2nd. Brown & Roddick, dry goods, 9 N. Front. cBROWN & PEARSON, barbers, 5 N. Front. BROWN, G. H., Diamond cafe and saloon, 6 S. Front, h same. Brown, S., h 3 S. Front. Brown, Mrs. J. K., widow, 1 16 Mulberry. Brown, A. B., clerk, h 1 16 Mulberry. Brown, M. H., clerk, h 1 16 Mulberry. Brown, Mrs. J. E., h 213 N. 2nd.' Brown, W. H., clerk, h 213 N. 2nd. Brown, R. H., bds 113 Market. cBrown, Thos., barber, 315 Brunswick. cBrown, E., lab, h 604 Campbell. cBrown, Alex porter, h 620 N. 10th. cBrown, J., lab, h 8th bet Church and Nun. cBrown, James, painter, h 919 Miller. cBrown, Virgil, stevedore, h 607 McRae. cBrown, Morris, lab, h 705 N. 3rd. cBrown, Alex, lab, h 13 16 Parsley's alley. O Cd -d —J C"5 > o ■/: _ *> ~ n <-_ 2 w o c ' => -z c a r *i o < a w ** ■ ^ - w 2 *% < ~ z 70 pC V) c w > ---■'- i> g c M - H - ~ % s. - ' > H o X I A QPRIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. ft. Ornl INuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N.C. \A/ TUT T7 "VT You come to buy Groceries, call at . V V L l ■*-' 1N 116 North Water Street, and see R. W. HICKS. 32 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. co U Q Z £ 2 z o < s o w zo §^ w CH £~ <^ CO - pq go CO S Z a* ~ W co« SB cBrown, Benj, lab, h 1005 James. Brown, B. B., clerk, h 603 Front. Brown, I. H., watchman, h 41 5 Swann. Brown, Needam watchman, h 902 N. 5th. cBrown, G. W., drayman, h 808 Swann. cBrown, U. S., lab, h 1012 N. 8th. cBrown, John, lab, h 1008 N. 8th. cBrown, Pope, lab, h 1220 N. 7th. cBrown, J. W., lab, h 1302 N. 7th. cBrown, Wm., lab, h 715 N. 6th. cBrown, Archie, lab, h 907 N. 6th. cBrown, Wm, lab, h 907 Schutte's alley. cBrown, John H., carpenter, h 519 Brunswick. cBrown, James, lab, h 615 Harnett. cBrown, Rev. J. S., h 1112 N. 5th. cBrown, T., lab, h 714 S. 6th. Brown, Dennis lab, h 1103 N. 6th. Brown; T. A., clerk, h 8 N. 4th. BROWN, A. A., insurance agt, h 8 N. 4th st — see adv. Brown, E. A., clerk, h 8 N. 4th. Brown, W. T., keeper cart house, 16 N. 9th. Brown, J. G., huckster, h 902 Princess. Brown, J. D., huckster, h 904 Princess. cBrown, Andrew, lab, h 1217 Brown's alley. cBrown, E., lab, h 917 Wooster. cBrown, Carl, butcher, h 501 Taylor. cBrown, Mrs. Francis, h 504 N. 6th. cBROWN, HENRY, (Brown & Pearsall) barber, h 512 Walnut. cBrown, R., shoemaker, h 717 Front. BROWNE, C. F., grocer, 128 N. Water, h 411 N. 4th — see adv. cBrownell, Thos., porter, h 703 Red Cross. BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., wholesale liquors, in N. Front. BRUNHILD, L., (Brunhild, Simon & Co.) h 412 Dock. cBrunson, R., drayman, h 514 S. 8th. Bryan, B. B., lab, h 16 S. 9th. BRYAN, W. A., proprietor Orton House. cBryan, Alex., carpenter, h 710 Red Cross. cBryant, A., stevedore, h 710 Church. cBryant, L., carpenter, h 315 S. 6th. PnlTTflllt 9 UohflDP Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing rUlvUy.l Qi IluMul, Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. BROWN k PEARSON, BARBERS. No. 5 North Front St. Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 33 Bryant, S. J., boatmau Custom House, h 616 Wooster. Bryant, B. J., painter, h 602 Wooster. Bryant, Win., painter, h 602 Wooster. cBryant, J. W., lab, h 1 12 S. 1 ith. cBryant, Lewis, brickmason, h 515 N. 10th. cBryant, Duke, cooper, h 61 1 N. 8th. cBryant, B. J., porter, h 709 Campbell. cBryant, J. T., carpenter, h 1004 N. 4th. cBryant, Ari, butcher, h 1010 N. 5th. cBryant, John, lab, h 606 Swann. cBryant, Daniel, lab, h 1306 N. 5th. cBryant, James H., lab, h 61 5 Red Cross. cBryant, Jeseph, lab, h 909 Wooster. Bryant, L. H., carpenter, h 913 N. 7th. Bryson, Mrs. Delia, boarding house and bar room, 308 and 310 N. Nutt. cBuchannon, Wm., carpenter, h 810 S. 2nd. Bcuchannon, Wm., carpenter, h 7th and Orange. Budd, James, printer, h 316 McRae. Budd, Mrs. S. A., widow, h 316 McRae. Bunting, Joseph B., clerk, h 307 Walnut. Bunting, Hicks, clerk, h 307 Walnut. Bunting, Nash, conductor, h 307 Walnut. Bunting, L. M., clerk, h 307 Walnut. Bunting, R. H., deputy clerk Superior Court, h 120 Walnut. Bunting, Mrs. B. E., widow, h 120 Walnut. Bunting, Buck, clerk, h 219 N. 3rd. Bunting, T. ()., city clerk, h 108 S. 5th. Bunting, T., clerk, h 108 S. 5th. Bunting, S. V., conductor, h 412 Red Cross. cBunting, Abram, lab, h 12 12 N. 5th. cBunting, A., lab, h 208 Marsteller. Burbanks, T. S., physician, 113 N. 2nd, h 119 S. 5th. Burgwin, Walter, cotton grader, bds Victor House, Front Burgwin, Mrs. S., h 320 S. 4th. Burgwin, Miss R., h 703 Ann. Burkheimer, H. D., mail agent, h 1 1 5 N. 4th. Burkheimer, Buck, baggage master, h 115 N. 4th. Burkheimer, H., book-keeper, h 301 S. 4th. Burns, Mrs. R. A., widow, h 505 S. 2nd. Burns, B. T., painter, h 505 S. 2nd. 311 H - T 1 m r w X > z D Gfl rn y , m ^ li l> J H *: Jl © £<i ts* 1 a > % X 5? d r> td s PlITVnPT 1 C T)J?TJBPD Lrv Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy lULVUul d IlIlillUJljJA, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. "D \\T T-T T (^ \<T Q 1S headquarters for Groceries of all kinds. i\-. VV . 1 1 1 V_^ JaJ Quality being the first consideration. 34 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. s 5 8 9 ii H W O Q O pq Burnett, J. J., photographer up stairs, Front St. Market House. Burnett, J. W. H., painter, h 620 S. 6th. Burnett, T. J., lab, h 620 S. 6th. Burnett, R. A., lab, h 620 S. 6th. Burnett, Mrs. S. A., widow, h 623 S. 5th. Burnett, F. B., fisherman, h 619 S. 6th. Burnett, J. S., salesman, h 815 Chesnut. Burnett, Miss L., governess, h 203 S. 3rd. cBurnett, John, carpenter, h 1224 Red Cross. cBurnett, Sam, lab, h 614 Harnett. cBurnett, J., lab, h 406 S. 4th. cBurnett, R., lab, h 1 19 S. 10th. cBurnett, Fred, lab, h 711 Harnett. Burnett, Miss Nora, missionary, h 711 Walnut. BURR & BAILEY, (H. A. Burr and E. P. Bailey) ma- chine shops and foundry, 19 and 21 S. Front. Burr, H. A., (Burr & Bailey) h 325 S. 5th. Burr, Col. James G., h 20 N. 5th. Burr, William Alva, clerk, h 20 N. 5th. cBurrill, Willis, lab, h 511 Chesnut st. Burrus, E. T., pilot, h 22 Meares. Burruss, S. S., carpenter, h 420 Wright. Burruss, C. C, book keeper, h 328 S. 3rd. cBurton, T. B., stevedore, h alley Wooster bet. Front and 2d. Burtt, S., blacksmith, 14 Mulberry, h 719 Dock. Burt, S. H., book-keeper, bds 208 N. 7th. Burton, J. W., merchant, h 819 Wooster. Burton, R. T., clerk, Orton House. Busey, G. M., h 219 Walnut. cButler, Phillip, blacksmith, h 517 Harnett. cButler, A. B., lab, h 607 S. 9th. cButler, W. J., lab, h 9th bet Castle and Church. cButler, J., lab, h 9th bet Castle and Church. cByrd, Monroe, stevedore, h 612 McRae. cByrd, Kinyon, restaurant, No. 1 New Market House, h 612 N. 7th. cByrd, Richard, lab, h 12 15 N. 8th. cByrd, James, lab, h 720 Hanover. Brown, Miss Mattie, boarding house, 7th and Mulberry. Britton, M. W., pressman, bds 7th and Mulberry. Vv' HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. MESSEN< i I- K 'S \Y 1 1 ..M I N'CTl )N I) I UK< T< )R Y. 35 HANS A. KURE, WHOLESALE GROCER ■AND DEALER IN- SHIP STORES AND SHIP CHANDLERY, COTTON AND HEMP DUCK, Beef, Pork, Oakum, Ropes, Naval Stores, Paints, Oils, OAltS. TOBACCO, &c; &c. No. 9 SOUTH WATER STREET, - WILMINGTON, N. C. General Insurance Agent. FIRE, LIFE. AND ACCIDENT. Represents some of the Strongest Companies in the United States. Losses Promptly Paid. Over $35,000 Death Claims Paid in Wilmington for Year 1888. OFFICE WITH McNAIR & PEARSALL TELEPHONE No. 40. IK McIACIIlKi DEALER IN GRAIN, HAY, FLOUR, MEAL, PEARL HOMINY, &c, &c. Mixed Feed a Specialty. 126 NORTH WATER STREET, ----- WILMINGTON, N. C. B. SOUTHEPLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets. 36 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. GO a o 61) • I-l <D O C CALDER BROS., commission merchant, 202 N. Water. Calder, William (Calder Bros.) h 311 N. 3rd. Callahan, Alonzo, carpenter, h 1022 N. 3rd. Call, H. E., carpenter, h 220 Davis. cCalhoun, C. R., cooper, h 617 Surry. cC'ameron, B., lab, h 12 15 S. Front. Cameron, D. D., grocer, 115 S. Front, h 205 S. 5th. Cameron, Mrs. M. E., widow, grocer, 416 Church, h 412 Church. cCampbell, William, lab, h 13 King's alley. cCampbell, Marsh, carpenter, h 131 1 N. 8th. Campbell, Miss Sophia, h 10 N. 4th. Cammariero, V., musician, h 610 Ann. •^CANADAY, W. P., Sergeant-at-Arms U. S. Senate, h 2nd and Nun. Canady, J. R., fisherman, h 621 Surry. Canady, W. M., painter, h 702 Queen. Canady, S. J., painter, h 702 Queen. cCane, T., lab, h 624 S. 6th. Cannon, Mrs. S. J., bds 113 Market. cCannon, Walter, lab, h 613 Red Cross. Cantwell, Col. John L., Secretary Produce Exchange, h 814 Princess. Cantwell, R. C, book-keeper, h 2i4Chesnut. Cape Fear Lodge No. 2 I. O. O. F., 15^ N, 3rd. CAPE FEAR CLUB ROOMS, 203 N. Front. cCape Fear Engine house, Ann bet Front and 2nd. Capps, Mrs. A. C, dressmaker, h 201^ Market. Capps, R. M., Capt. Police, h 513 S 2nd. Carlestrom, J. R., shoemoker.h 521 S. Front. Cariestrom, C. E. sailmaker, h 521 S. Front. CARMICHAEL, D. A., surgeon in charge U. S. Marine Hospital, 8th and Nun. Carmichael, Rev. J., D.D., h 311 Red Cross. Carmon, Samuel, conductor, h 519 N. 3rd. Carney, J. G., drayman, h 613 S. 4th. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY'S Office, 209 N. Front. Carolina Rice Mills, Giles and Jones proprietors, 7 Chesnut. B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington. A. SOHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 37 cCarooth, John, fireman, h 5 18 N. 6th. Carpenter, Alfred, harnessmaker, h 405 N. 3d. Carpenter, Willie, clerk, h 1016 N. 4th. Carpenter, J. H., engineer, bds 505 N. 4th. cCarpenter, J. E., butler, h 809 Castle. Carr, W. H., clerk, h 514 Dock. Carr, T. B., dentist, bds 105 Dock. Carr, Clarence, clerk, bds 105 Dock. Carr, Charles, baggage agent, h 512 N. 4th. Carr, N., constable, h 914 N. 8th. cCarrow, William, lab, h 514 N. 6th. cCarrol, J., distiller, h 514 S. 4th. cCarrol, M., lab, h 514 S. 4th, CARROLL, MIKE, drayman, h 710 Bladen— see adv. cCarroll, Daniel, Stevedore, h 803 Walnut. cCarroway, Kate, seamstress, h 1008 Princess. cCarroway, Isaac, lab, h 1014 N 3rd. cCarroway, James, barber, h 513 Chesnut. Carter, E. A., carpenter, bds 10 Chesnut. Carter, W. L., clerk, h 1 14 N. 2nd. cCarter A., drayman, h 805 Bladen. cCarter, S., lab, h 620 Queen. cCarter, W., lab, h 10th bet Church and Castle. Cartric, A. J., clerk, h Wooster near Front. Cartric, E. L., lab, Wooster near Front. cCarver, E. J., carpenter, h 713 Ann. cCarver, T., lab, h 713 Ann. cCarver, J., carpenter, h 713 Ann. cCarver, N., carpenter, h 713 Ann. cCarver, S. stevedore, h 809 Castle. cCary, Peter, lab, h 606 N 7th. cCash J., carpenter, h 718 Orange. Cashwell, D., deputy clerk, h 709 Orange. CATLETT, WASHINGTON, PROF, h 406 N. 4th— see adv. Cason, E. F., storekeeper A. C. L., h 215 N. 2nd. Casteen, G. R., lab, h 714 Nun. Casteen, J. B., lab, h 414 Castle. Casteen, Charles, h 606 Chesnut, Casteen, Ellis, lab, h 816 N. 5th. Cazaux, E. D., clerk, h 213 S. 2nd. Cazaux, A. D., ship broker, h 213 S. 2nd. > r r o 8 O $ o s H 2 ^ ^i o BW -Do Co ^ If) »o =0 M CO - 55 O § O Cov 1??; M J. DINGELHOEF, 123 Market Street, Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry carefully repaired and warranted. M. 38 J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Cazaux, O. P., clerk, h 213 S. 2nd. Cazaux, J. M., Asst. Chief Fire Department, h 2 1 3 S. 2nd. Certain, C, prof, music, h 323 S. 5th. CECILIA SISTER, principal of Parochial school of St. James' church, 812 Orange. Chadbourn, James H. & Co., saw mill's office 113 N. Water. Chadbourn, James H., h 1 17 S. 3rd. Chadbourn, C. C, book-keeper, h 117 S. 3rd. Chadbourn, J. H., Jr., h 323 S. Front. CHADBOURN, G., President First National Bank, h 323 S, Front. Chadbourn, W. H., h 307 Harnett. Chadwick, T. J., fisherman, h 613 S. 2nd. Chadwick, M., Capt. tug boat, h 523 S. Front. Chadwick, Mrs. S., widow, h 614 S. 2nd. Chadwick, Miss H., h 524 S. Front. Chadwick, Joseph, lab, h 915 N. 5th. Chadwick, D. W„ policeman, h 708 N. 4th. Chadwick, J. G., lab, h 710 N. 3rd. Chadwick, D. N., liquor dealer, 15 Market, h 513 Nun. Chadwick, R., boat builder, h 614 Dawson. Chaffee, C. P., signal officer, h 1 Church. CHAMPION COMPRESS & WAREHOUSE COM- PANY, E. J. Penny-packer, President, Walnut to Red Cross. Chapman, 'R., chemist, h 412 N. Front. Chase, C. B., h 16 S. 3rd CHASE, J. C, surveyor and engineer, h 16 S. 3rd. Chasten, J. M. &Son, gauger, 124 N. Water h 210 Red Cross. Chasten, R. H., inspector, h 210 Red Cross. Cherry, L. G., surveyor, h 714 Market. Chesnut, J. N., clerk, h 18, N. 5th. ^pChesnut, Dallas, postal clerk, h 713 Red Cross. j Chesnutt & Barrentine, boots and shoes, 30 N Front. Chesnutt, G., bds 24 N. 2nd. , Childs, C. Tinner, h 71 1 Castle. cChilds, H. Cooper, h 710 Church. Christ, P., baker, 1 12 Market, h 109 S 2nd. cChristmas, Rev.L. T., h 709 Red Cross. J. k. SPRINGER, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 39 MORTON & HALL~ -MAUFACTLRERS OF- SPIRITS TURPENTINE. RQSII, PIT GB, flllCI f TOIIIf III, WAX, &©■' AND DEALERS IN TAR AND GUM THUS. Spirit Barrels Manufactured for the Trade. 615 NUTTST., WILMINGTON. NT O OHDBH.S SOLICITED. JAMES F. CAUSE. C. G. SOUTHERLAND. JAMES F. GAUSE, LIGHTERING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE DAY OR NIGHT AT REASONABLE RATES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, Office, No. 122 NORTH WATER ST., next dcor to D. L. Gere. J. R. MARSHALL COMMISSION BUSINESS And Purchasing Agent. North Third Street, Terms Cash. WILMINGTON, N. C. w •d H a; < ft 5 * H w 5 * .22 g 11 P U$2 0! CJ £ aj H 3 on Hi £ <! C/3 ti w & H a. -a 1 ^ HP PRFMPrRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. . U. r nLIYlrLn I , no. 7 south front street. 40 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CITY HALL, cor 3rd and Princess, in which is the offices of the Mayor, city clerk and treasurer, chief of police, board of audit and finance, police depart- ment and city court room. CLARENDON WATER WORKS COMPANY, office 118 Princess, J. C. Chase, superintendent. Clark, F. S., chemical works, h 1 Church. cClark, James, cooper, h 721 S. 3d. Clark, J. M., clerk, h 105 N. 7th. Clark, J. F., clerk, h 105 N. 7th. cClark, F., lab, h 1301.S. Front. cClark, S., Stevedore, h 1206, S. 2nd. cClark, E., cooper, h 207, Marsteller. cClark, William, lab, h 1 3 1 5 Parsley's alley. cClark, Josh, lab, h 1312 Parsley's alley. cClark, Sip, lab, h 1 1 15 N. 7th. cClark, H., hostler, h 908 Schutte's alley. Clawson, Mrs. T. W., dressmaker, h 217 Market. Clawson, T. W., local reporter Messenger, h 217 Market. cClayton, S. F., lab, h 921 Ann. cCleapor, Mrs. Mary E., seamstress, h 203 N. 6th. COUNTY COURT HOUSE, 213 Princess, in which are the offices of the Sheriff, Superior and Criminal Court clerks, Register of Deeds, and clerk Board of County Commissioners. Cleason, Miss A., teacher, h 321 S. 4th. Clemmons, W. J., clerk, h 612 Princess. Clemmons, J. J., clerk, h 612 Princess. Clowe, R. B., painter, h 410 N. 3rd. Clowe, H. L., carpenter, h 410 N. 3rd. Clowe, C. B., machinist, h 413 N. 4th. Clowe, Mrs. H. F., widow, h 413 N. 4th. cCobb, Empie, lab, h 1008 Love's alley. Cotchett, Geo. P., salesman, h 414 Chesnut. cCockrain, Josh, cooper, h 1 104 N. 8th. Coerr, Rev. Charles T., h 601 Mulberry. cColdwell, Sam, lab, h 304 N. 10th. Cole, J. M., driver mail wagon, h 1301 Market. Cole, M. O., green grocer, h 1301 Market. cColes, Alex., lab, h 711 Swann. cColeman, R., blacksmith, h 406 Brunswick. H oil ti d8 . ■ • -<=> J55 CO E PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERL N / 5 ST A iLES, 108 & no North Second St., will by promptly attended to. "AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. nS Market St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 41 Collier, S. P. & Co., commission merchants, 1 10 N. Water, h 304 N. Front. Collins, C, policeman, h 611 Queen. Collins, James F., printer, h 804 Market. Collins, James C, book-keeper, h 515 Market. Collins, H. W., book-keeper, bds Red Cross bet Front and 2nd. cColvin, James, drayman, h 709 Doek. cColvin, J. C, lab, h 120 S. 12th. Collison, W. C, engineer, h 415 S. 6th. Colored Catholic school, 4th and Ann. Conaway, E., lab, h 620 S. 4th. Conklin, Mis. M. E., widow, h 517 S. 7th. cConner. Ed, lab, h 509 N. 8th. Comfort, C. I., clerk, h 1 1 1 S. 7th. Cook, R. E. L., drug clerk, h on Castle. Cook, A. B., carpenter, h on Castle. Cook, Miss Nellie, principal Union school, cor 7th and Ann, bds 602 Walnut. Cooper, W. B., cierk, h 217 S. 2nd. Cooper, E. W., clerk, h Surry near Church. Corbett, M. J., clerk, h 1 18 S 4th. Corbett, W. C, clerk, h 1 19 S. 4th. Corbett, Mrs. James, teacher, h 708 Dock. Corbett, J. A., lab, h Queen bet Front and Surry. Corbett, William, conductor, h 708 N. 5th. Corbett, John A. (Maffitt & Corbett), bds 305 Mulberry. cCorbett, J,, stevedore, h 820 Walnut. cCorbett, J., cook, h 505 S. Fourth. cCorbett, J. E., lab, h 216 S. 8th. cCorbin, Thomas, lab, h 924 N. 5th. cCordell, E. H., lab.h 1018 McRae's alley. Cornish, F. W. boat builder, h 821 Wooster. Cortjohn, Cason, engineer, h 416 Bladen. Coston, W. T., confectioner' 220 N. Front. Coston, W. T., inspector, h cor Walnut and Nut. Coston, W. H., brick mason, h cor Walnut and Nutt. Costin, D. W., clerk, h cor Walnut and Nutt. Costin, Miles, brick mason, h 518 Nun. cCotton, W. H., carpenter, h 917 N. 8th cCotton, Wm., carpenter, h 213 Wooster. Cottingham, A. J. C, h 311 Mulberry. 8 % pi Si ^ -H (JO> O S> o 3 w co Ply L ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. WILMINGTON PAPER CO. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest placa in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 42 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Council, E. lab, h 725 S. 3rd. cCouncil, D., lab, h 208 S. 7th. cCouncil, T., drayman, h 1109 N. 9th. Connty Jail, bet 3rd and 4th, on Princess. COVINGTON, C. C. & CO., grocers and commission merchants, cor Walnut and Nutt. Covington, C. C, h 519 Mulberry. Covington, E. P., h 5 19 Mulberry. Cowan, J. H., sawyer, h 1109 S. 2nd. Cowan, Percy, clerk, h 204 N. Front. Cowan, S. McRae, clerk, h 204 N. Front. Cowan. D. S., U. S. special agent, h 207 N. 3rd. ^"Cowan, John, clerk board audit and finance, h 3 14 Chesnut. Cowan, H., lab, h 718 S. loth. Cowan, E., lab, h 718 S. 10th. Cowan, Sam, cook, h 409 N. 10th. Cowan, Alex, butcher, h 309 N. 6th. Cowles, Charles L., tailor, h 812 Chesnut. Cox, Mrs. Flora, teacher, h 414 Walnut. Cox, E. T., clerk, bds 105 Dock. Cox, Mrs. S. C, widow, h 513 Wooster. cCox, Blunt, lab, h 9 N. 1 ith. Cox, Harney, clerk, h 213^ Market. Creasey, Rev. W. S., h 401 N. 2d. Creasey, A. H., clerk, h 401 N. 2nd. Creech, Robert A., book-keeper, bds 107 Mulberry. CRAFT, T. C, agt, furniture, 20 S. Front, h no N. 8th Craft, A. C, clerk, h 1 19 N. 6th. Craft, W. C, clerk, h 807 Princess. Craig, J. W., carpenter, h 821 S. 5th. Craig, J. A., painter, h 821 S. 5th. Craig, Mrs. P. M., h 821 S. 5th. Craig, H. O., clerk, h 1 10 Dock. Craig, J. B., pilot, h 213 S. 6th. Craig, S. A., clerk, h 310 S. 6th. Craig C. F., lab, h 707 S. 5th. Craig, Mrt. H. J., widow, grocer, h 509 Wooster. Craig, J. F., tinner, h 814 Macumbers alley. Craig, William, carpenter, h 310 Harnett. Craig, Josh, gunsmith, h 313 McRae. Crannel, J., h 9 Meares. Crandell, J. A., lab, 710 S. 7th. W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. FYM ART MANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second . VV . \J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 43 Crapon, G. M., clerk, h 316 S. 5th. cCrawford, A., lab, h 708 Church. cCravvford, Jim, lab, h 913 N. 8th. cCrawford, H., lab, h 1320 Brown's alley. cCrawford, Wm, lab, h 105 N. 10th. cCroneley, I/. J., fireman, h 616 S. 7th. Cronly, M. Jr., book-keeper, h 215 S. 3rd. Cronly, R. D., clerk, h 212 S. 2nd. Cronly & Morris, auctioneers, 19 S. Water. Cronly, D. T., book-keeper, h 215 S. 3rd. Cronly,. M., (Cronly & Morris), h 215 S. 3rd. Cronly, W. M., book-keeper, h 414 Dock. Cronly, J. M., chief inspector custom house, h 120 N. 3rd. CRONENBERG, H., photo gallery, 116^ Market— see adv. Croom, M. F., groceries and liquors, 102 N. Water, h 315 N. 2d. Croom, J. L., clerk, h 315 N. 2nd. Croom, R. M. & Co., grocers, 104 N. Water. Croom, A. H., lab, h 1106 N. 6th. Croom, W. T., clerk, h 16 N. 10th. Croom, Mrs. A. F., widow, h 612 S. 6th. Croom, C. E., tinsmith, h 612 S. 6th. cCroom, Wm., lab, h 1213 Lover alley. Crow, John E., broker, h 417 Chesnut. Crummedy, John, lighterman, h 412 Bladen. Cullam, E. S., lab, h 905 N. 6th. Cumber, G. F., boiler maker, h 511 Queen. Cumber, J. C, blacksmith, h 106 S. 4th. Cumber, Josiah, grocer, 605 N. 4th, h 503 Brunswick. cCummings, Irving, lab, h 826 Campbell. CUMMINGS, W. M., manufacturer and renovator of mattresses, 107 N. 3rd, h 318 S. 3rd — see adv. Cummings, Mrs. W. A., widow, h 318 S. 3rd. Cummings, P., broker, h 501 S. 3rd. Cunningan, Dawson, engineer, h 15 S. 8th. Cunningan, Mrs. P., widow, seamstress, h 415 S. 6th. cCurrie, Ely, blacksmith, h 612 N. 10th. Currie, J. H., commission merchant, h 415 S. 3rd. Curran, M. H., cutter for Munson & Co., bds 24^ Front. cCurtis, P., lab, h 213 Queen. c/> O r cd n m 3 r, 0> > 71 ' RP n p _ |_, C/D M 7-, X >>T > X* O^ Z > •z 73 r m > 0" X >?3 w fnn <j ■ M r Pi PC x O O H C 2; O O X s. O y. g w 2: H C/3 O BRCTNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C, 44 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. -DEALER IN- GRMITE MKRBLE -0« BROWN STONE. MANUFACTURER OF— Cemetery, Monumental and Building Work. Iron Bailing and Fencing for Cemetery and Building Purposes. 310 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. DUBRUTZ CUTLAR, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 114 PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. ~^W. L. YOUNG, BBAIr ESTATE AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. FOR FINE PHOTOGRAPHS GO TO ^m Ko-j-ojo-lo-fo-l-o-l-o-l.o-l-o-j-o-j-o-fo-folojo 4o-|o-j-o|o4o|o-j-o -jo-fololo-fo-j-o-fo-l-o PliiSBlRti'l GALLERY Artistic and superbly executed Photographs at Reasonable Prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY Workmanship Unsurpassed, Prices to Compete With All. 116 1-2 ]VCarls.et St., Soutb. Side. S A. SCHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Rig bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 45 cCurtis, Robert, bds 812 N. 3rd. Cutlar, DuBrutz, lawyer, 114 Princess, h 412 N. 2nd. CUTLAR, DuBRUTZ, Jr., lawyer, 114 Princess, h 412 N. 2nd — see adv. cCutlar, J. P., carpenter, h 315 Ann. cCutlar, W' H., clerk, h 218 S. 6th. cCutlar, J. R., carpenter, h 218 S. 6th. Cutts, John A., conductor, h 416 Mulberry. Cutts, Jimmie, clerk, h 416 Mulberry. Cutts, Capt. A. H., gate keeper A. C. L., h 416 Mulberry. D DAGGETT, W. T., paints and oils, 23 Market, h 407 S. Front. Dahmer, J. P., watchman, h 306 S. 6th. DAILY REVIEW, EVENING NEWSPAPER, ii2# Market. Daniels,' R., h 812 Wooster, Daniels, C, h 812 Wooster. Daniels, J. H., commission merchant, h 315 S. Front. Daniels, E., clerk City Court, h 315 S. Front. Daniels, Mrs. H. C, widow, h 315 S. Front. cDaniels, B., lab, h 109 S. 9th. cDaniels, J., -lab, h 503 S. 7th. cDaniels. N., lab, h 503 S. 7th. Daniels, Martin, clerk, h 610 S. 5th. Daniels, James, engineer, h 1023 N. 3rd. Daniels, J. H., boot and shoe maker, 205^2 Market. cDaniels, Wm.. lab, h 506 N. 7th. Darby, Mrs. F., widow boardinghouse, 223 S. 2nd. Darby, Mrs. James, widow, h 6 Church. Darden, W., lab. h 612 S. Front. Darden, G., watchmaker, h 3rd, bet Church and Castle. Daeden, J. R., carpenter, h 304 Hanover. Darden, John, mail carrier, h 905 N. 4th. cDargin, A., lab, h 1013 N. 7th. cDascher, A., brick mason, h 515 N. 8th. Daves. Graham, h 16 N. 5th. Daves, Miss Alice L., h 16 N. 5th. David, John, lab, h 416 Harnett. David, A., wholesale clothier, 31 N. Front, h 619 Market. Davis, T., watchman, h 602 Dawson. ■* CO 3 K" o o $ s rr, .3 =0 «B CO > o * s § > r -0 oh n My- % g J. A. SPRINGER, n X a O in Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. 'AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. of Hi <n O tT Wis m Davis, W. B., fish dealer, h 116 Dock. Davis, W. E., fish dealer, h 1 16 Dock. Davis & Burton, clothiers, no S. Front. Davis, Jno. C, lawyer 123 Princess, 208 N. 7th. DAVIS, MARTIN T., real estate agent, 1 19 Princess, bds 405 Princess — see adv. Davis, Junius, lawyer, 117^ Princess, h 204 N. Front. Davis, L. P., book-keeper, h 413 N. 2nd. Davis, Hon. Geo., lrwyer, 117^ Princess, h 413 N. 2nd. I Davis, Mrs. E. W., h 320 Red Cross. I Davis, John H., master carpenter, W. & VV. R. R., h 213 Red Cross. Davis, L. W., dry goods, 26 N. Water, h 513 Nun. Davis, C. R., clerk, h 411 S. 6th. Davis, J. R., paper hanger, h 41 1 S. 6th. Davis, W., watchman, h 513 Castle. Davis, C. C, ship carpenter, h 612 S, 2nd. Davis, Mrs. V. D., widow, seamstress, h 520 Castle. Davis, D. C, grocer, 901 N. 4th, h 409 Bladen. Davis, D. M., grocer, 825 N. 4th, bds 409 Bladen. Davis, Miss M. J., seamstress, h 517 S. 3rd. Davis, Charles W., carpenter, h 606 N. 5th. Davis, Fred, drayman, h 12 N. 13th. cDavis, Wm., driver, h 5 16 Beck's alley. cDavis, J. H., lab, h 709 Nixon. cDavis, F., lab, h 1 1 14 N. 7th. cDavis, Ely, lab, h 1 106 N. 6th. cDavis, Joseph, porter, h 611 Bladen. cDavis, Gus, lab, h 515 Bladen. cDavis, H., lab, h 13 10 N. 5th. cDavis, Harker, waiter, h 311 Campbell. cDavis, Robert, lab, h 406 Harnett. cDavis, Rich, lab, h 1016 N. 2nd. cDavis, George, drayman, h 717 N. 4th. cDavis, J. Henry, lab, h 712 Hanover. cDavis, Larry, carpenter, h 819 Green. cDavis, John, lab, h 10 15 Campbell. cDavis, Wm., lab, h 928 Campbell. cDavis, David, lab, h 805 Red Cross. cDavis J. H., stevedore, h 1010 Mulberry. cDavis, L., lab, h 613 S. 3rd. cDavis, D., lab, h 613 S. 3rd. J, SOUTHERLAND, Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C. M J. D1NGELH0EF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 47 cDavis, D., baker, h 520 S. 4th. cDavis, T. , cooper, h 211 Castle. cDavis, W. G., lab. h 805 Castle. cDavis, H.. lab., h 508 nth. cDavis, N. A., drayman, h 518 Price's alley. cDavis, C, lab, h 5 14 Price's alley. cDavis, J., lab, h 512 Price's alley. cDavis, J. D., green grocer, 116 S. Front, h 519 Church cDavis, A., lab., h 608 Nun. cDavis, L, lab, h 316 S. 7th. cDavis, S., lab, h 316 S. 7th. cDavis, J. H., cooper, h 716 Ann. cDavis, F., lab, h 115 S. Front. cDavis, T., lab, h 1303 S. Front. cDavis, Frank, stevedore, h 412 McRae. Davis, J. C, carpenter, h 507 N. 5th. Davis, A. R., carpenter, h 706 S. 4th. Davis, A. F., clothier, 907 Wooster. Davis, T. E., printer, h 315 N. 7th. Davis, Samuel, collector, h 802 Princess. Davis, Samuel, Jr., clerk, h 802 Princess. Davis, Win., clerk, h 802 Princess. Davis George, clerk, h 802 Princess. cDavis, Joe, lab, h Queen near 4th. cDavis, G., lab, h $07 N. 6th. cDavis, T., lab, h 814 S. 2nd. cDavis, J., lab, h 803 S. Front. cDavis, J. A. E., h 803 S. Front. cDavis, D., lab, h 124 S. 2nd. cDeal, David, Jr., cooper, h 1 12 N. 9th. Deans, Mrs. E., widow, h 219 S. 5th. DeCover, H. A., book-keeper, bds. 219 S. 5th. Denmark, B. M., baggage master, h 208 N. 4th. Denmark, R. L., yardmaster, h 208 N. 4th. Dennis, Jno., engineer, h 511 N- 3rd. Dent, Wm., patent maker, h 710 N. 4th. Dent, Wm., patent maker, h 513 N. 5th. Denton, Miss L., teacher, h Nun, bet 6th and 7th. DeRosset, Dr. A. J;, h cor Market and 3rd. DeRosset, W. L., supt. agencies Navassa Guano Co., h 310 Ann. DeRosset, A. L., broker, h 113 S. 2nd. « > I > % n 8- § ° M 1 en i > I o >i =' ? ? w re • n n ff *<: "1 - 3 P3 (t p -• O 73 a. o *< z • ft) r-j r » ^ s, ° 2 * ™ x- w g § ^ ** 5- ^ 2 3 » 3 re 3. o o o w 5 ffl p Pfllirnnt 9 T-? dIi rl P"P Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing rUlVUy,L (X HUllllul, Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. 48 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. JOHN H. HANBY, GENERAL QoDtractor^and^BuMer, INCLUDING- WHARF AND BRIDGE BUILOiNG. Pile Driving for Wharfs, Railroad Trestles, Abutments, Foundations for Buildings, Heavy Machinery, &c, Pays Special Attention to General Repairing. Office and Residence, 115 SOUTH SIXTH ST. W1LM1N6 T0N, N. 6. PHOSPHATIC LIME, RAW N, C. PHOSPHATE, BUILDING LIME, Agricultural Lime, Lime Marl, Lime Stone. CRUSHED STONE, FOR ROADS, STREETS AND WALKS, ANY SIZE REQUIRED. FRENCH BROS.. Orders Filled Promptly. Rocky Point, N. C. F. HENRY KRAHNKEr EXPERIENCED GERM AN T AILOR. New Suits Made, Old Suits Altered, Cleaned or Repaired. All kinds of Tailor Work done at lowest Prices. Your patronage Respectfully Solicited. 103 Princess Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Up stairs above the Lutheran Publication Company. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. mkssi:.\(,i;rs Wilmington directory. 49 DeRosset, W. L. Jr., job printer, Custom House, alley, h 212 Ann. Deumelandt, August, h 509 Princess. cDevine, Moses, lab, h 605 McRae. el )evane, S. shoemaker, h 109 S. 9th. cDevane, F., shoemaker, h \26 l / 2 Market. Dew, John, watchman, h 720 N. 3rd. Dickens, Henry, fisherman, 213^ Market. Dickenson, P., conductor, h 501 Hanover. Dickerson, Thad., lab, h 12 Blount's alley. Dicksey, Capt. P. T., steam tug, h 116 Church. Dicksey, J. W., lab, h 102 Church. Dicksey, J. J., lab, h 613 Castle. Dicksey, A., lab, h Queen bet 8th and 9th. Dickson, Mrs. J. H., h 212 N. Front. Dickson, Mrs. E. A., Cape Fear boarding house, 113 Market. cDickson, Jacob, drayman, h 704 McRae. cDickson, E. E., cooper, h 815 Campbell. cDickson, John, lab, h 1501 Market. cDickson, Riley, lab, h 1501 Market. cDickson, Major, lab, h 509 Brunswick. cDickson, Nelson, lab, h 1000 N. 6th. Dick, Wm, clerk, bds 12 1 Market. DINGELHOEF, M. J., watchmaker and jeweler, 123 Market, h 207 N. 5th — see adv. Dingelhoef, M. J., Jr., bds 207 N. 5th. Dingelhoef, H. J., clerk, bds 207 N. 5th. Disney, T. A. E., steward U. S. Marine Hospital, 8th and Nun. DIVINE, Capt. JNO. F., Gen'l Supt. A. C. E., h 314 Mulberry. Divine, M. W., engineer, h 314 Mulberry. Divine, W. C, engineer, h 213 N. 4th. Dix, R. M., book-keeper, h 108 S. 3rd Dixon, R. E., lab, h 209 S. 6th. Dixon, M., lab, h 524 S. Front. Dixon, Mrs. N., widow, dressmaker, h 524 S. Front. cDixon, S., lab, h cor 9th and Nun. cDixon, C, lab, h 708 Ann. Dixey, G. H., tinner, h 102 Church. Dixey, W. B., lab, h 102 Church. 3 tr o CD QQ CD cd" 4 Kj P O o b GQ u o H H o END your orders to the Wilmington Paper Co., for Printed Wrapping Paper, Cloth Flour Sacks and Paper Bags. Rock bottom prices. LADIES FAVORITE FLOUR is the best Flour on market, and sold only by R. W. H1CKS, Wholesale Grocer. 5« > MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. W Dobbins, Miss May E., missionary, h 711 Walnut. Dolan, J. A., cotton merchant, h 219 S. 5th. Donlan, J. M., engineer, 11412 Campbell. Donlan, Patrick, clerk N. Y. S. S. Co, h 410 N. 4th. Donlan, Timothy, superintendent Oakdale Cemetery, h 91 1 Princess. Donlan, James, lab, h 206 N. 9th. cDonnaldson, Graham, lab, h 618 N. loth. cDonnaldson, Henry, drayman, h 417 N. 10th. cDonnaldson, Mills, drayman, h 824 Campbell. Donnelly, Mrs. Hester, dressmaker, h 910 Chesnut. Doscher, Mrs. E. W., widow, h 316 Walnut. Doscher, J. D., grocer, 301 Harnett, h same. Dozier, B., clerk, bds 105 Dock. cDozier, R., drayman, h 516 S. 8th, cDouglass & Yarborough, barbers, 105 Princess. cDouglass, W. M., barber, h 116 S. 8th. cDouglass, Joe, lab, h 615 Harnett. cDove, J. J., car builder, bds 10 Chesnut. Dowling, M., salesman, h 610 Castle. Dowling, T. J., lab, h 620 Castle. Doyle, G. W., contractor for loading vessels, h 21 1 S. 4th. Doyle, W. W., clerk, h 211 S. 4th. cDrake, Peter, carpenter, h 1213 Brown's alley. Draper, E. T. (Huske & Draper), h 318 S 2nd. Dray, James J., clerk, h 615 Ann. cDrew, Jacob, porter, h 409 Brunswick. cDrew, Julius, lab, h 205 Hanover. cDry, Lewis, h 10th and Market. cDry, John, tailor, h 1005 Market. cDry, Benjamin, lab, h 615 S. 10th. cDRY, JAMES D., dyeing and cleaning, 16% N. 2nd, h 205 N. 7th — see adv. cDudley, C, driver, h 803 Campbell. cDudley, A., porter, h 1001 Red Cross. cDudley, John, lab, h 803 Campbell. cDudley, I., lab, h 108 N. nth. Dudley, S. B., lab, h 108 Castle. cDudley, C. A., lab, h 504 S. 3rd. cDudley, N., lab, h 720 Ann. cDudley, B. lab, h 411 Nun. cDudley, W. PI., lab, h 119 S 13th. ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. JOHN L. DUDLEY, SINGER SEWING MACHINES, 12 NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGKR'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY cDudley, J., lab, h 13th and Nun. cDudley, J. B., teacher, h 816 S. 5th. DUDLEY, JOHN L., agent Singer Sewing Machine Company, 27 N. Front, h 316 N. 6th. Duguid, Mrs. L. M., seamstress, h 311 McRae. Duke, W. L., watchman, h 314 Harnett. Dukes, J, W., lab, h 811 Front. Dukes, J. R., carpenter, h 920 N. 7th. Dukes, Benjamin, painter, h 810 N. 6th. Dukes, Rev. J. G., h 810 N. 5th. Duls, J. W., grocer, 114S. Front, h 120 Nun. Duls, H. T., clerk, h 120 Nun. Dunham, Mrs. P., widow, h 912 Queen. cDunham, T., drayman, h 801 Taylor. Dunham, B. W., carriage trimmer, h 510 Mulberry. Dunn, B. R., civil engineer, h 310 Mulberry. cDunson, J. H., stevedore, h 508 Price's alley. cDuran, Benjamin, watchman, h 11 10 N. 2nd. Durham, James, boiler maker, h 9th bet Orange and and Dock. cDurham, W. H., fireman, h 813 N. 5th. cDurham, James, fireman, h 813 N. 5th. Durham, Dr. J. H., dentist, 114 Princess, h 210 Nun. Dyer, John, cutter, h 911 Market. Dyer, George R., soliciting clerk Messenger office, h 91 1 Market. E cEabley, G., wood sawyer, h 716 N. 5th. Eagles, R. N., h 3 S. Front. cEagles, Hector, lab, h 1001 Princess. ^Eagles, J. S. W., carpenter, h 708 McRae. cEagles, J. L., teacher, h 708 McRae. Eckel, Wm., junk store, 228 N. Water, h 619 Chesnut. Eckel, Mrs. Elenora, widow, h 619 Chesnut. cEden, Sam, lab, h 412 McRae. cEdwards, E., lab, h 911 Wooster. Egan. E. J., book-keeper, bds 213^ Market. cEggleston, J., carpenter, h 41 1 Campbell. Eilers, Mrs. H. B., widow, cor. 5th and Orange. Elder, James, keeper County Jail, Princess, bet. 3rd and 4th. 1 S 3 * 5 ST $ S3 CO > S3 D * s X > § > r * OH |-»8 Co ^< I A nPRINPFR Wholesaleand Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. 5 2 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 1869 ESTABLISHED. 1869= PIONEER GREENHOUSES OVER 3,000 SQUARE FEET OF GLASS. ZMrt OSES, Camelias, Azaleas, Palms, Dracana and zs(^> other sub-tropical plants always in stock, also Bedding Plants, Bulbs, &c, in season. Special attention given to Table Decorations, Floral Tributes, Bouquets, &c, &c. Collector of Insectivorous or other indigenous plants. MRS. H. WEBB, 708 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. PTrheinstein & G°- WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, Notions, Shoes, and Hats, FRONT STREET, WIJLMIXGTOX, X. C. S. W. HOLDEN, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, DEALER IN BATH TUBS, RANGES, WATER CLOSETS, HOSE AND HOSE REELS, GAS FIXTURES, AND EVERY THING IN THE BUSINESS. 205 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. \\T I_T "C* "VT Vou come to buy Groceries, call at VV 11 £L1N Il6 North W ater Street, and see R. W. HICKS. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 53 Eleby, W., baker, h 910 S. 5th. Elfinck, Mrs. S., widow, h 1 19 Church. cElkins, V., lab, h 1 1 1 1 S. 2d. Elkins, S., carpenter, h 812 N. 5th. Elliott, W. P„ book-keeper, h 405 S. 5th. Elliott, J. T., lawyer, h 405 S. 5th. Ellis, Ellis, D. C, carpenter, h 616 S. Front. S. S., mail carrier, h 407 Church. Ellis, W. S., ship carpenter, h 510 S. 2nd. Ellis, U. S., carpenter, h 616 S. Front. Ellis, S. J., coach builder, h 407 Church. cElhson, J., stevedore, h 1015 Market. cEllison, Alex, brick mason, h 305 N. 9th. cEllison, Fred, lab. h 13 10 Brown's alley. cElph, George, lab, h 615 S. 4th. cEpps, Sidney, lab, h 1007 Loves alley. cEpps, Rev. Henry, h 508 N. 6th. Elsbach, J., shirt factory, 122 Market, bds 302 N. 3rd Elwell, Charles, upholsterer, h 420 N 5th. Elwell, Eli V., book binder, h 420 N. 5th. Empie, B. G. & Co., cotton brokers, 219 N. Water, h 319 S. Front. Empie, Mrs. A., widow, h 319 S. Front. Empie, S. W., lawyer, h 319 S. Front. EMERSON, T. M., gen'l freight and passenger agent, A. C. L., h 313 Chesnut. Emerson, H. M., clerk A. C. L., h 1 13 Red Cross. cEnnett, George, cooper, h 131 1 Loves alley. Ennett, \V. T., physician, 324 S. 4th, h 402 S. 5th. Ennett, Mrs. D., widow, h 307 S. 6th. Enos, J. M., engineer, h Castle bet 3rd and 4th. Eskin, H., painter, h 617 Queen. cEsril, J., lab, h 831 Fanning. cEvangelist, John, farmer, h 706 Nixon. Evans, \V., lab, h 514 S. 10th. Evans, Jubly, carpenter, h,i02i Dock. Evans, W. M. Mc, grocer, h 914 N. 4th. Evans, DeLancey, salesman, h 117 N. 3rd. Evans, Thomas, lawyer, h 115 N. 3rd. eEvans, M., stevedore, h bet 7th and 8th. cEvans, M., lab, h 508 S. 1 ith. Evans, Mrs. A. J„ h 509 N. 4th. o ►— • CD W ciT a o H W M P > H GO bo O o H CO CO o bd > to O w S W co CQ H * fed H B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags, &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington. HP PRFMPFRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. . U. r nLIVI T Ln I , No. 1 ^ SOUTH FRONT STREET. 54 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. X < e H LU o to □ Z as < Z* ■ * iii ki QC Evans, T. G., clerk, h 71 1 Orange. Evans, W. G., machinist, h 208 S. Orange. Evans, H. C. boot and shoe store, 1 17 Princess h 217 S. 2d. S. 3rd. cEvans, Wm., stevedore, h 910 Walnut. cEvans, John, stevedore, h 517 N. 10th. cEvans, J., stevedore, h 1218 Red Cross. cEvans Dave, lab, h 1316 N. 5th. cEvans, Moses, lab, h 715 N. 6th. cEvans, Jackson, carpenter, h 801 Walnut. cEvans, D. W., barber, h 716 Walnut. Evans, Mrs. M., widow, h 706 S. 5th. cEvans, Mrs. Charlotte, widow, h 210 N. 6th. Evans, Lee, clerk, bds 210 N. 6th. Everett, Edward, salesman, h 108 Mulberry. cEverett, Y., lab, h 2nd bet Ann and Orange. cEverett, York, lab, h 1013 Princess. cEverett, Lewis, lab, h 12 18 Charlotte ave. Everett, R. L., lab, h 910 N. 3rd. cEverett, Rich, lab, h 1016 McRae's alley. Everett, J. F., watchman, h 617 S. 9th. Everett, Mrs. Ann, s'eamstress, h 309 McRae. Everett & Clark, grocers, 131 Market. Everett, John, grocer, h 214 N. 7th. Everett, John, Jr., clerk, h 214 N. 7th. Ezell, J. W., street car driver, h 514 Nixon. F cFairs, Frank, stevedore, h 409 Campbell. cFaison, William, lab, h 16th bet Market and Dock. cFaison, James, lab, h 12 16 Market. cFaison, Richard, lab, h 1006 Chesnut. cFaison, L., lab, h 314 N. 10th. Failes, J. W., fisherman, h 9th near Wooster. Failes, J. S., blacksmith, h 206 N. 9th. * cFairley, George, lab, h 13 19 Parsley's alley. Fanning, Mrs. E. J., widow, h 406 Church. Farmer, John, sausage maker, h 1 1 17 N. 2nd. Farrow, J. F., shoemaker, 8 Mulberry, h 801 S. 7th. Farrow, Mrs. J., widow, h 4th near Dawson. Farrar, J. B., cabinet maker, 13 N. 2d, h 808 Princess. PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will by promptly attended to. TAYLOR Fact S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. uS Market st., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 55 Farrow, Mrs. C, widow, h 506 S. 5th. Farrow, R. car builder, h 618 S. 6th. Farrow, N. Carpenter, h 618 S. 6th. Farrow, W. C, junk store, 8 Mulberry, h 3 1 1 Hanover. Farrow, J. E., machinist, h 612 Queen. Farrow, John A., boatman, h 14 Blunt's alley. Fantapulo A., confectioner, 118 S. Front. FENNELL, H. L., harness and saddlery, 10 S. Front, h 610 Dock. Fennell, D. M., book-keeper, h 517 N. 4th. Fennell, Owen, dealer in cotton and naval stores, cor Water and Mulberry, h 610 Dock. cFerguson, S., lab, h 1208 S. 2nd. Fentress, H., druggist, 621 N. 4th. Fick, P. N., driver A, Adrian steam fire engine, h 14 S. 4th. Fillyaw, O. M., grocer, 133 Market, h 504 N. 4th. cFillyaw, Fred, lab, h 13 14 N. 7th. Fillyaw, D. L., conductor, h 211 N. 4th. cFillyaw, A., lab, h 412 Queen. cFillpot, William, blacksmith, h 311 N. loth.. cFinnev, Robert, carpenter, h 998 N. 6th. Finnel, W., lab, h 712 N. 8th. First National Bank, George Chadbourn, President, 19 N. Front. Fishblate, S. H., clothier, 25 and 27 N. Front, h 520 Market. cFisher, E., lab, h 501 S. 9th. cFisher, William, lab, h 122 S. nth, Fitzgerald, R., h 806 Chesnut. Fitzgerald, R. J., coach builder, h 417 S. 5th. Fitzgerald, J., butcher, h 417 S, 5th. Fitzgerald, T. F., clerk, h 417 S. 5th. Flannagan, L.. policeman, h 613 Dock. Flanner, A. J., h 517 Dock. Fleet, Mrs. S. C, widow, h 601 Ann. Fleet, W. J., clerk, h 6th bet Orange and Ann. Flinn, W. H., lab, h 511 Swann. Flinn, Peter, lab, h 511 Swann. Flowers, Peter, lab, h 620 Nixon. cFlowers, I., lab, h 913 N. 6th. cFlowers, G., lab, h 808 N. 5th. sen Co* CoO. I! 03 O > t— 1 O X H % W H X CI V > o w % H L ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. WILMINGTON PAPER CO. 56 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. R. L. HUTCHINS, ^H-PRACTICAL-M^ PAINTER & DECORATOR! -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, LAMPS, ETC, MANUFACTURER OF Fresco |) Artist's Combination, 12 N. SECOND ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. Paints mixed to order at wholesale and retail. Also proprietor of Hutchins' Wall Paper Imitation of Wall Paper, by patented process, guaranteed to give satisfaction. State and County Rights for sale. GrO TO D, QUINLIVAN, The Horseshoerand Farrier With your sick mid larr.e Horses. Having studied under Dr. Merrett, the celebrated Veterinary Surgeon, and with a practical experience of twenty years with the different dis- eases of the horse. I guarantee a a cure. 106 NOKTH SECOND STKEET, WILMINGTON, N. 0. A. G. BAUER, ARCHITECT MB W i , , J i --. ^ ^ t) 1f, i ,. „ ,. , , v I Ff» | »Y'M- « V " f <*? < OF STONE, BRICK AND FRAME HOUSES -WnLBTtfLINGrTOJST, 2ST- O. T TALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 57 Mid. Foard, C. D., h 209 N. 4th. Foard, T J., clerk, h 208 S. Foard, H. M., h 209 N. 4th. cFobes, John, lab, h 603 Brunswick. Foley, D. P.,bds 314 Mulberry. Forrest, J. J., grocer, 401 Church. Forshee, J. M., broker, h Front bet Nun and Church. Forrester, W. H., agent, bds 24 N. 2nd. Fore & Foster, planing mills, cor 6th and Campbell. Fore, J. A., h 409 Walnut. Fore, C. H., clerk, bds 4O9 Walnut. Foster, H. H., music teacher, h 713 Mulberry. Foster, F. W., h no N. 6th. Foster, H. E., carpenter, h 607 S. 2nd. Foster, J. E., lab, h 607 S. 2nd. cFoster, Anthony, driver, h 9 N. 3rd. cFoster, Joe, lab, h 1215 McRae's alley. cFoster, William, lab, h Wooster bet Front and 2nd. Fountain, J. A., train dispatcher, h 314 Red Cross. Fowler, Mrs. W. G., h 226 S. Front. Fowler, W. G., h 226 S. Front. Fowler, Repiton, h 410 S. 2nd. FOWLER & MORRISON, wood and coal dealers, Water bet Orange and Ann. FOWLER, J. J., Mayor of city, h 415 S. Front. Fowler, Mrs. N. R., h 415 S. Front. Fowler, R. M., grocer, 425 S. Front. Fowler, Mrs. G. M., widow, h 408 Church. Fox, Mis. M. T., widow, h'218 N. 6th. Fox. R. L., clerk, h, 218 N. 6th. Fox, Miss Hattie J., milliner, Foy, Josh, lab, h 1115 N. 5th. Foy, William, lab, h 411 Taylor. Foy, H., lab, h 820 N. 4th. Foy, Frank, drayman, h 1015 Princess. Foy, B. S., lab, h 905 Queen. Foy, Silas, lab, h 1105 Market. cFrank, A., lab, h 606 Nun. cFranklin, G., carpenter, h 214 S. 8th. cFrazier, J., brick layer, h 14 Castle. cFreeland, G., fireman, h 819 S. 2d. cFreeman, Dr. J. H., dentist, u6}4 Market, h 120 Orange an CO m c-> a <^ 3D 13 * P a a. r» m 5 x =0 03 r*i a *H DO, * CD h 213. Market. * r § > r 3- - Z <t> pi •— 8 -'• CO ~< 6*8 POLVOGT & REHDER, Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Good. 1 - Fancy 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. C A. SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and *-)• 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 58 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Li, : "a ~ a> • g a >: o * CQ Freeman, E. H., fish dealer, h 120 Orange. Freeman, James, drayman, h no Walnut. Freeman, J., huckster, h 508 Dawson. Freeman, Mrs. Mary N., boarding house, 114 N. 4th. cFreeman, J. T., cooper, h 1015 N. 8th. French, Mrs. G. R., widow, h 103 S. 4th. French, W. A., (G. R. French & Sons,) h 107 S. 4th. FRENCH, GEO. R. & SONS, boots and shoes, 108 N. Front— see adv. French, G. R., Jr., (G. R. French & Sons,) h 302 S. 3rd. French, W. R., clerk Criminal Court, h 508 Market. FYench, B. F., clerk, h 218 Nun. French, B. T., traveling salesman, u Nun bet 3d and 4th. French, Duval, h 508 Market. French, Robert S., h 508 Market. French, Brooks, h 508 Market. Fredricks, George W., engineer, h 507 Che"snut. Freight Office A. C. L., cor. Nutt and Red Cross. Friedberg, W., tailor, 211 N. Front, h 304 N. Front. Frost, C. L., tinner, h 621 S. 5th. Frost, Mrs. M. E., midwife, h 624 S. 5th; Froman, Leopold, clerk, bds. 412 Dock. Frost, W. A., boiler maker, h 106 N. 4U1. Fry, E. D., grocer, 826 N. 4th. Fulcher, J. W., porter, h 614 S. Front. Fulcher, M. H., lab, h 613 S. Front. Fulford, J. W., clerk, h 51P Wooster. Fuller, Ben, carpenter, h 507 Hanover. cFuller, Alex, lab, h 215 McRae. cFuller, Balaam, bill poster, h 706 Red Cross. Furlong, J. J., carpenter, h 213 Church. Furpluss, W. F., clerk, h 920 N. 4th. G Gafford, G. W., watchman, h Queen, bet 6th and 7th. Gainy, Miss N., h 109 S. 2nd. Gainy, Miss L., h 109 S. 2nd. Galloway, F., ice cream vendor, h 512 Church. Galloway, C. M., teacher, h 902 Queen. Galloway, H., telegraph operator, h 902 Queen. Galloway, J. W., book-keeper, h 411 Harnett. I A QPRIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. I\, OrnilNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 59 ~BURR & BAILEY, 21 and 23 South, Front Street, Wilmington, I, 0. MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON PRESSES, CANE MILLS, SEED CRUSHERS, Corn Mills, Machinery of All Kinds, IRON A\D BRASS CASTINGS. TURPENTINE S ILLS. AND COPPER WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FULL LINE ON HAND OF Leather and Rubber Belting, L-ciog, Pipe, Values, Fittiugs and all Mill Supi lies BAR AND SHEET IRON, BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, PIG LEAD, TIN, ZINC, BABBETT METAL AND SOLDER. JACOB S«~ALL£N, ^ * * * *JL* * * * * * * - Bnil(lep#an(loC^ntraet(||4. •£• -""""^ * .,. * * , * * , * # , * v Office on Water St., bet. Princess and Chestnut. Residence, No. 406 South Third St. WILMINGTON, N. C. louis So ¥®mmm n cRectl {folate Stcie w \\ 111 PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, 1 C. bKUWlN (X rtAlloUN, No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 60 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. GO •d H <D «! g.55 H ™*s O a? & = £ < £$ 13 Si Cfl u & rt w 3 Hi ^ «i •s. T. tf H & r; . H ss 1U 1. o<; est or >—^ K OSI ^ 00 hv <r1 oV: m-s£ OJ* . , °s ^:-g cQc II 1 P "S ~ <£ , '-'^ §! CO px, cGalloway, Charles, driver, h 15 N. nth. cGalloway, Elias, waiter, h 311 Campbell. cGalley, J., undertaker, h 411 Brunswick. cGalley, W., carpenter, h 711 Hanover. Ganey, G., lab, h Dawson near Front. Ganzer, Chas. H., bakery, 809 N. 4th, h 807 N. 4th. Gardner, Thos. M., U. S. Commissioner, h 824 Mulberry. Gardner, Junius D., h 204 N. 6th. Gardner, Lewis, lab, h 806 Red Cross. Gardner, S. F., watchmaker, h 5 N. 2nd. Gardner, R. D., book-keeper, h 712 S. 7th. cGarrett, J. G., cotton sampler, h 13 17 N. 7th. Garrott, J. W., lab, h 706 S. 5th. Gargass, Joseph, musician, bds 24 N. 4th. Garrison, S. S., cooper, h 505 S. 2d. Garrison, F., lab, 613 S. 2d. Garrison, Henry, carpenter, h 505 N. 10th. cGarrison, Alex, lab, h 618 N. 7th. GARRELL, J. F., butcher, h 404 N. 3d— see adv. Garrell, J. F. Jr., butcher and clerk, Third Ward Market, bds 404 N. 3d. Garrell, C. S., butcher, Fourth Street Market, bds. 404 N. 3d. cGarrell, Wright, lab, h 821 Swann. cGary, H., lab, h 616 N. 10th. cGaston, R., lab, h 704 McRae. Gaskell, T., carpenter, h 511 Wooster. Gaskell, S., ship carpenter, h 611 S. 6th. Gaskell, Rev. S. B., h 816 S. 8th. Gates, George W., engineer, bds 410 N. 3d. cGause, Sam, drayman, h 302 McRae. cGause, George, carpenter, h 513 Walnut. cGause, John, butcher, h 1 105 N. 6th. Gause Elisha, teacher, h S09 N. 8th. cGause, Joe. lab, h 414 Howard. cGause, Wm. lab, h 1016 N. 5th. cGause, Edward, drayman, h 419 Nixon. cGause, Henry, lab, I1213 N. 4th. Gause, Mrs. C. R., h 406 N. 3d. cGause, F. T., fireman, h 902 Castle. Gause, T. M., lab, h 617 Queen. cGause, D. E., ship carpenter, h 208 Walnut. BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. B. SOUTHEFLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Gause, N. V., telegraph office, h 313 S. 3d. GAUSE, JAMES F., lighterman, 122 N. Water— see adv. Gaylord, J., h 1 17 S. Front. Gaylord, George O., h 117 S. Front. cGaylord, A., lab, h 1203 Loves alley. Gaylord, J. W., carpenter, h 316 McRae. Gerdes, H., grocer, 808 Wooster. Gerken, Mrs. Anna, widow, 520 Mulberry. Gerken, Henry J., clerk, h 314 N. Front. GERKEN. WM. H., clerk, h 417 Princess. cGenovar, Henry, fireman, h 706 N. 2d. Genaust, Win,, grocer, 618 N. 4th, h 622 N. 4th. George, E. J., baggage master, h 608 Brunswick. George, Joe, fisherman, h 909 N. 2d. Geer, J. D., ship carpenter, h 614 S. 6th. Gerreil, Jacob, steward City Hospital, cor. Red Cross and 10th. Gerganus, Miss A., tailoress, h 222 S. Front. cGess, Peter, lab, h 418 Brunswick. Geyer, L.. carpenter, h 108 Wooster. cGeyer, F., carpenter, h 320 S. 6th. cGibson, A. lab, h 514 McRae. cGibson, John, lab, h 15 S. 7th. cGibson, John, undertaker, 107 N. 2d, h 506 N. 10th Gieschen, Henry, clerk, bds 31 S. Front. GIESCHEN, H. H., grocer, cor. 8th and Chesnut, h 509 N. 5th — see adv. GIESCHEN, J. G. L., prop. Acme saloon, cor. Front and Dock, h 31 S. Front — see adv. Gilbert, C. H., railroad track layer, h 71 1 S. Gilbert, Mrs. S. A., widow, h 619 Castle. Gilbert, W. H., clerk, h 217 S. 2d. Gilbert, Mrs. H. D.. widow, h 109 S. 5th. Gilbert, D. J., confectioner, h 809 Orange. Gilbert, R. M., bakery, 27 S. Front, bds 107 Gilbert; Mrs. Sarah L Gilcrhist, William, co Giles, Clayton, h 305 S. 3d. Giles, N., (Giles & Jones), h 207 S. 3d. GILES & MURCHISON, hardware, &c, 109 N. I Gill, Mrs. R. J., widow, h 420 Mulberry. id. S. 5th. widow, h 819 Walnut. commission merchant, h 701 Market. r O o o w H H O J. SOUTHERLAND, ^,S?£SS l xchange 08 and Wilmington, N. C. AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 2 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Glameyer & Kuck, grocers, 6 N. Water. Glameyer, Mrs. B., widow, h 610 Chesnut. Glaven, Pat, boiler maker, h 312 Walnut. Goby, L. L., lab, h S.613 2d. cGooden, Dan, brick maker, h 613 N. 9th. cGooden, O., cooper, h 1 ith and Queen. Gooding, Furney, saw miller, h 414 Red Cross. GOODMAN, WM, dry goods and clothing, 8 Market, h 106 N. 5th. Goodman, Ben, clerk, bds 106 N. 5th. Gordon. C. E., clerk, h 101 S. 8th. Gordon, J. E., carpenter, h 105 S. 8th. Gordon, L., policeman, h 105 S. 8th. Gordon, Mrs. A. R., h cor Chesnut and 7th. Gordon, T., lab, h 6 S. Front. Gore, A, (W. I. Gore & Co.) h 414 Orange. Gore, J. C, book-keeper, h 614 Castle. Gore, W. I., commission merchant, 5 and 7 Water, h 410 Orange. Gore, F., commission merchant, bds 121 Market. Gore, D. L., wholesale grocer, 120 N. Water, h 604 Dock. cGore, William, stevedore, h 719 Front. Gonto, B. L., carpenter, h 610 Brunswick. Grafflin, Mrs. M. E., widow, h 322 N. 3rd. Grafflin, John, h 322 N., 3d. cGraham, Richard, lab, h 1008 Love's alley. cGranger, M., carpenter, h 904 Castle. cGranger, M. Jr., carpenter, h 904 Castle. Grainger, J. A.,asst. cashier New Hanover Bank, h 425 S. 3d. Grant, B. L., fisherman, h 708 Wooster. Grant, W. H., clerk, bds 105 Dock. Grant, Rubin, policeman, h 104 N. 4th. Grant, J. E., plumber, h 11 1 N. 7th. Grant, E. H., clerk, h 406 S. 5th. GRANT, R. H., plumber and gas fitter, 119 N. Front, h same. Graves, D., engineer, h 912 Queen. Graves, C, carpenter, h 722 N. 2d. Grelish, Steve, mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. Grey, Mrs. A., widow, h 512 S. 3d. W ^HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. S. A. SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 63 Grey, M. C, lab, h 108 Church. cGrey, Harris, lab, h 1302 N. 4th. cGreen, E. I)., undertaker, 19 S. 11th, h 906 Market. cGreen, Richard, lab, h 210 N. 9th. cGreen, H. C, butcher, 4th St. Market, h 607 Campbell cGreen, Henry, lab, h 1 1 13 N. 7th, Greer, Robert, policeman, h 505 chesnut. cGreen, Josh, wood yard, h 612 Bladen. cGreen, John, lab, h 13 12 Love's alley. cGreen, Josh, cooper, h 713 N. 8th. cGreen, M.,lab, h 408 Hane's alley. cGreen, W. H., brick mason, h 913 Wooster. cGreen, H., contractor, h 913 Wooster. Green, G. W., grocer, h 502 Queen. cGreen, E., lab, h 514 alley on S. 5th. « cGreen, J. P., drayman, h 720 Church. cGreen, E. M., stevedore, h 8th bet. Castle and Queen cGreen, A., lab, h 418 S. 7th. cGreen, James, carpenter, h 417 S. 5th. cGreen, J. Jr., carpenter, h 417 S. 4th. cGreen, J. T., clerk, h 902 Castle. Green, G. H., commission broker, h 116 Nun. Green, A. H,, cotton buyer, h 1 16 Nun. Green, H. McL., timber inspector, cor Water and Ches- nut, h 5 1 1 N. 4th. GREEN, W. H., druggist, h 312 S 3d. cGreen, P., fireman, h 711 Ann. Green, A., lab, h 415 S. 2d. cGreen, H. B., stevedore, h 310 S. 8th. Greenberg, R., h 312 Chesnut. GREENEWALD, I. L., boot and shoe store 113 Mar- ket, h 1 1 N. 7th — see adv. Greenewald, J., clerk, h 215 S. Front. Greenewald, Mrs. B., widow, h 215 S. Front. Greer, W. R., lab, h 601 S. 5th. cGriffin, S., lab, h 113 S. 7th cGriffin, Isaac, lab, h 13 17 N. 5th. Griffin, Mike, boiler maker, h 408 Walnut. Griffith, Mrs. S., widow, seamstress, h 519 Castle. Griffith, Mrs. E. J., tailoress, h 519 Castle. Griffith, Mrs. E., widow, h 519 Castle. Griffith, Mrs. S. R., widow, seamstress, h 624 S. 5th. o I > % n 9. g .9 tn r. in in > Q, v__^ 3 I ID in C z 5' 2: Er 3 CD ■ n rf" pa a a t) 73 bL O ^ 25 < — 1 *r H cr r - O "*' W - C r r 7. - H CJ & . W X $ z TJ g O - a "i O a CK?' "2 M 5 Pflltfflflt S T? pVl fl Pf Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing lUlVU^L (X riQliliul , Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. KJI J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks, "*• Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. 64 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY CO C ) Q Z 2 « 2 j O H < 3 2 ^£ ^ uw J co ^ co \A 5 ue; ZO ^ IQ w n- £d <* CO 02 K. w >- HH K n nw n!4 no P CO S £ Oh w w M w ro K Q Si Z PJ Q c^ >H O <d ■ 1 1 1-1 » "1 * Q Z za o-i" M Grotgen, George, lab, h 820 N. 4th. Grotgen, G. T., lab, h 522 S. 3d. Grotgen, Mrs. W. H., widow, grocer, 525 Front and 101 Castle, h same. Grotgen, J. H., h 525 Front. cGrove, William, brick mason, h 808 McDonald's alley. Gurganus, S. D., carpenter, h 603 Swann. cGuion. W., eating saloon on Water, h 212 Castle. Grunsel, Mrs. Maggie, widow, h 218 N, 4th. cGurley, E., lab, h 5th and Orange. Gurley, John, mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. Guthrie, J. W., coppersmith, h 615 S. 6th. Guthrie, W. G. G., lab, h 621 S. 4th. Guthrie, W., lab, h 614 S. Front. Guthrie, J. R., grocer, 301 S. 6th, h same. Guttenburg, L. M., car inspector, h 918 N. 7th. cGyer, John J., engineer, h 801 S. Front. IT Haar, J. & Bro., grocer, 502 N. 6th. Haar, John, Jr., insurance agent, h 1 14 Ann. Haar, J., clerk, h 620 Market. Haar, Augustus, carpenter, bds no Market. Haar, John, grocer, 320 Nun.h 402 S. 4th. Haar, H., grocer, 701 Chesnut, h 202 N. 7th. Haar, George, piano tuner, h 202 N. 7th. Haddock, J. S., baggage master, bds 105 Dock. cHaggott, Emanuel, drayman, h 720 N. 5th. Hallett, Allen, clerk, bds. 121 Market. HALL, E. D. chief of police, h 19 S 5th. cHall. J. H., coachman, h 323 S. Front. cHall, O., lab, h 221 S. 7th. Hall, C. E., coach builder, alley on Dock bet 8th and 9th. HALL & PEARSALL, wholesale grocers, n and 13 S. Water — see adv. Hall, W. J., conductor, h 114 N. 2d. IcHall, W. M., lab, h 714 Ann. Hall, W., policeman, h cor. Front and Church. cHall, W. T., cooper, h Wilson bet Church and Nun. 'cHall, H., Justice of the Peace, h 514 S. 6th. cHall, W., lab, h 508 S. 6th. HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 65 MARTIN T. DAVIS, PEALFSTATE AGENT i \_oo-ooooo -^™WOOOOO0OOOO<K> M. lb^ooooooo-o 123 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. - • •«*? — — Rents - Promptly - Collected. Taxes and Insurance Attended to without Extra Charge. Money Safely Invested. HOUSES and LOTS FOR SALE. croEcisr cr. k-Ino-, 1U HEADQUARTERS AT C. B. MALLETTS OFFICE, NORTH WATER ST. IFL. H. Gr H. A IS" T , PWJMBFM « AMD ♦ GAS * FITTKH f .Vo. 119 NORTH FRO.A'T STREET. [^"Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty. A full stock of Plumbing and Gas Fitting Goods constantly on hand. Bath Tubs, Ranges, Globes, Hose Slate Mantels, Grates and Stoves. Personal attention given to all orders' HE. ZHI. GrIESGHEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES, FINE LIQUORS, WINES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. Cor. CHESTNUT and McRAE STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. DRY'S STEAM DYEING I RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT. FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. No. 16 1-2 ixronTiar. secoktd street. Fill rvRTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second VV . \J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. 66 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. co u Q Z 2 w <^ CO o,, fflO P oS h W W *£* co« Q pa: Hall, Miss M. E., dressmaker, h 102 Church. cHall, Fred, carpenter, h 409 Hane's alley. cHall, J. H., lab, h 310 Castle. cHall, James, bricklayer, h 214 N. loth. cHall & Brown, grocers. 818 N. 4th. cHall, Sam, boatman, h 309 Brunswick. cHall, Joseph D., mechanic, h 1001 Red Cross. cHall, Owen, shoemaker, h 712 Campbell. cHall, Wm., lab, h 216 Brunswick. cHall, James, lab, h 13 14 Parsleys alley. cHall, Wm. B., farmer, h 708 N. 8th. cHall, Wm., lab, h 1309 N. 5th. cHall, D. P., carpenter, h 1305 N. 8th. cHall, Robert, lab. h 13 13 N. 8th. cHall, William, painter, h 702 Harnett. cHall, M., lab, h Queen bet 8th and 9th. cHall, S., carpenter, h 4th bet Castle and Queen. cHall, Thomas, lab, h 1 120 N. 5th. cHall, D., drayman, h 219 Wooster. cHall, Samuel, lab, h 510 Mulberry. Hall, Virginus, clerk, h 413 N. 5th. cHall, Frank, lab, h 107 N. 10th. Hall, B. F. (Hall & Pearsall) h 820 Princess. Hall, S. G., job printer, 121 Princess, h 714 Mulberry. cHalsey, Josh, lab, 812 N. 6th. cHalsey, E. drayman, h 214 S. 8th. cHalsey, W., porter, h 817 Castle. cHambleton, M., lab, h 811 Bladen. cHambleton, K., lab, h 112 N. 9th. cHambleton, M., lab, h 507 S 8th. cHammon, George, lab, h 1208 Charlotte avenue. cHammons, Ed., carpenter, h 214 N. 10th. Hammonds, J. P., cooper, h 824 S. Front. Hanby, Joseph H., grocer, 720 Dock, h same. Hanby, J. D., medical student, h 720 Dock. HANBY, J. H., contractor and builder, h 115 S. 6th— see adv. Hanby, A. J., machinist, h 1 15 S. 6th. Hanby, L. L., clerk, h ns S. 6th. Hancock, James, coppersmith, Dawson, bet 3d and 4th. Hancock, Isaac, carpenter, h 312 Harnett. Hancock, Mrs. E. T., widow, h 411 Walnut. An NANKINS, Family Supply Store, 19 North Second St.,guaran- . U. n tees quality, correct weight and measure, and prompt delivery. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in tlit city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECT* >RY. 67 cHandy, Thomas, driver, h 713 N. 8th. Hand Bros., groceries, h 605 N- 4th, h same. Haney, Mrs. M. A., dressmaker, Brown's alley. cHanes, J., lab, h 707 S. 4th. I [ANKINS. A. G., grocer, 19 N. 2d, h 413 N. 5th. cHankins, A., cook, h 1 5 S. 9th. cHankins, S. ship carpenter, h 40cS S. 2d. Hankins, William, clerk, h 305 Mulberry. cHankins, J., cooper, h 710 Nun, cHankins, L., lab, h 3d and Castle. Hankins, Milton, machinist, h 808 N, 4th. Hansen, L. (Hansen & Smith) h 114 Nun. HANSEN & SMITH, lumber shippers, Smith building, — see adv. Hansley, E., lab, h 7th near Queen. Hansley, J. W., bricklayer, h 207 S. 7th. cHansley, J., lab, h 821 S. Front. Harden, J. H., druggist, h 102 S. 5th. Harding, T. H., shoe drummer, h 317 S. 2d. Hardwick, Mrs. S. W., grocer, h 805 S. Front. Hardwick, J. M., groceries, 810 Princess, h same. Hardwick, Samuel P., usher Opera House, h 810 Princess. Hardwick, George, W., printer, h 14 N. 4th. Hardwick, J., tinner, h 815 S. 7th. cHardy, C, carpenter, h 415 7th. Hardy, W. H., groceries, 423 S. 5th. cHardy, William, drayman, h 112 Walnut. cHargray, H., carpenter, 710 S. Front. cHargrave, J. A., blacksmith, h 803 Church. cHargrave, A., blacksmith, h 811 Chesnut. Harker, W. T. Jr., blacksmith, h 508 Nun. Harker, W. T., lab, h 508 Nun. Harker, J. V., conductor, h 305 S. 2d. Harker, E., fisherman, h 207 S. 2d. Harker, N., lab, h 811 S. 5th. Harker, Mrs. A., h 620 Dawson. cHarley, P. IT., cooper, h 911 S. 10th. Harlow, W. L., conductor, h 309 Walnut. Harman, Clarence, brick mason, h 714 Market. Harman, George, clerk, h 714 Market. cHarmon, Mary, seamstress, h 910 Sprunt's alley. —3 > o o 3 c£ r*i crc ~ a ~ ^ '-• = r- - — ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. WILMINGTON PAPER CO T3 \\T J-J T (^ T<f Q i s headquarters for Groceries of all kinds ■*■*•• VV . Ill v_^ 1VJ Quality being; the first consideration. 68 ity MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. OQ ■o H D < §■** w ^*? o ^g ft ^ < &^ 51 Gfl o fe rt H 3 en H) ,r: <5 w £ O N & rt . W P^E .1^ HI* l:-| or 1— H - Pi 1 HI. <$ o l £ PQ^is S2 coc £ ^ *~2 34 Ss CO ^ J, A,S HARPER, J. W., captain steamer Sylvan Grove. Harper, J. T., h I Church. Harper, Mrs. M. A., seamstress, h 1113 Hutaff's alley. Harris, B., cooper, h Wooster, bet Front and 2d. Harriss Mrs. Emma, tailoress, h 911 Chesnut. cHarriss, A., stevedore, h 416 Queen. Harriss, William, lab, h 509 Nixon. Harriss, W. M., brick mason, h 703 S. 6th. cHarriss, Robert, painter, h 916 Love's alley. Harriss, C. M., watchman, h 712 N. 5th. Harriss, H, G., watchman, h 712 N. 5th. cHarriss, W.. lab, h 416 Howard. cHarriss, L., lab, h 615 Hanover. cHarriss, Alex., stevedore, h 812 N. 3d. cHarriss, W., lab, h 517 S. 3d. cHarriss, J. H., carpenter, h 212 Church. cHarriss, J. W., cooper, h 517 S. 9th. cHarriss, W. T., cooper, h 517 S. 9th. Harriss, Mrs. M. C, h 409 S 4th. cHarriss, R., lab, h 311 Wallace's alley. Harriss, George N., clerk, h 408 N. 2d. Harriss, C, M., news and cigar store, 28 N. Front, h 409 S. 4th. Harriss, W. N., notary public, 109 N. Water, h 612 Market. Harriss, George & Co., ship broker's, 109 N. Water. Harriss, T. B., ship broker, h 102 Orange. Harriss, Andrew, h 604 Market. Harriss, George, h 604 Market. Harriss, Dr. W. W., bds no Market, cHarrison, R., cooper, h 121 Dock. Harrison, Mrs. R. P., widow, h 120 Dock. Harrow, John, mail agent, bds 105 Dock. Harrell, Mrs. Louisa, Macumber's alley. Harrel'l, Mrs. J. T., widow, h 208 N. 7th. Hart, G., merchandise, 24 S. 2d. Hart, Mrs. J. M., boarding house, 206 S. Front. Hartsfield, Mrs. A, A., widow, h 15 N. 7th. Hartsfield, W. B., coppei smith, h 507 N. 5th. Hashagen, F. E. (Turrentine, Vollers & Co.) h 708 Princess. cHatton, Gilbert, lab, h 1320 N. 7th. A QDDIMPFD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, r\. OrninULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. HJ. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 69 to > r - C I O i O a M = H /: , ] & ;o SO §* Harvell, George, fisherman, h Wooster near Front. Harvey, J. W. S., painter, h 801 S. 7th. Hawkins, J. \\\, lab, h 415 S., 2d. Hawkins, T., carpenter, h 901 Queen. cHawkins, Dave, lab, h 504 Walnut. cHawkins, P., stevedore, h 504 Walnut. cHawkins, Joe, lab, h 1306 Swann's alley. cHawkins, Ed., lab, h 1205 N. 6th. cHawkins, Jeff, lab,, h 813 Bladen. HAYDEN, P. H., carriage and harness works, 13 and 15 N. 3d, h 309 N. 4th. Hayden's Hall, \y/ 2 N. 3d. c Haywood, C, porter, h 319 S. 4th. Hays, William M., health officer, h 309 N. 7th. Hays, J. F., printer, h 715 Mulberry. cHayes, Trim, lab, h 507 Bladen. cHayes, C, shoemaker, h 510 S. Front. cHaynes, Charles, watchman, h 607 Harnett. cHaywood, Thomas, lab, h 410 Wood. cHaywood, William, lab, h 816 N. 6th. cHeath, I., lumberman, h J2^ N. 4th. HEDRICK, J. J., dry goods, 101 and 103 Market, h 202 Orange. Hedrick, J. G., clerk, bds 202 Orange. Hedrick, J. D., clerk, bds 202 Orange. Hedrick, J. J., Jr., book-keeper, bds 202 Orange. Heide, Alex. S., notary public, 9 S. Water, h 6o2JOrangej HEIDE & CO., ship brokers, 9 S. Water. HEIDE, R. E., vice consul for Norway, Denmark and Sweden, 9 S. Water, h 308 S. 3d. HEINSBERGER, P., Live Book Store, 197 Market, h 220 N. 3d. Heinsberger, P. Jr., clerk, h 220 N. 3d. Helburn, Mrs. F. M., widow, seamstress, h 9 Orange. cHemmingway, Robert, lab, h 1209 N, 7th. Henderson, T. B., h 221 Market. Henderson, John M., inspector, h 512 N. 4th. cHenderson, Thomas, cooper, h 516 N, 4th. cHenderson, W. H., barber, h Front, bet. Church and Castle. cHenderson, James, blacksmith, h Dawson, bet. Front and 2d. DASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S 1 STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. CO ^ In ?o I B C5 7o MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Stokely House, WRIGHTSVILLE _ SOUND , N C. OCATED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED YARDS OF RAIL Road Depot. Turnpike or Shell Road immediately in front. In full view of Old Ocean, the Hammocks and Beach, upon which runs in sight, for miles the Ocean Yiew Rail Road. Board by the Day, Week or Month, At Low Rates. All the Delicacies of the salt water furnished upon short notice, Pig Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs and Shrimp in any style. Boats for Sailing, Fishing and Ducking. Our Club Room over the Water, Bar, Billiards and Pool under good and pleasant management. U^" Try us and be convinced for yourselves. HOB W. HU©GIMS 3 JEWELER, 105 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N.'C. INSPECTOR OF WATCHES FOR THE A. C. L, ALSO FOR C. C, RAIL ROAD, A fine line of Goods constantly on hand. I have a first-class Watch Maker, therefore all work guaranteed to give Perfect Satis- faction. No botch work done in mv establishment. J. K. GARREL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEE IN LIVE STOCK. BEEF CATTLE '■•■>>>«<•«>>>>•>•■>>>■>■■• "»«••»•»«.■.««■■■» "■■■■.■*»^» Stieep and Hogs, Front Street Market, WILMINGTON, N. C. S A. SCHLOSS & OO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cHenry, J., lab, h 409 Dawson. cHenry, Morgan, lab, h 506 McRae. cHenry, Mrs. L., widow, h 109 S. 9th. cHenry, Millis, bricklayer, h 705 McRae. cHenry, M., lab, h 709 S. 4th. Heplin, Mrs. M., matron U. S. Marine Hospital, h 418 S. 7th. Hergenrother, A. Herring, E., lab, 2d. bookbinder, h 504 S. h 910 S. Front. cHerring, J., drayman, h 804 S. 7th. cHerring, N., porter U. S. Marine hospital, h 8th and Nun Herring, J. J., engineer, h 616 S. 2d. cHerring, N., lab, h 108 S. 9th. Herring, G. W., huckster, h 618 Church. Herring, Julius, watchman, h 1020 N. 3d. cHerring, John, waiter, 311 Campbell. cHerring, Jno., lab, h 816 Swann. cHerring, Henry, lab, h 717 Swann. cHerring, Dick, lab, 916 Sprunt's alley. Hurst, W., carpenter, h 720 S. 6th. Hewett, J. W., fisherman, h 621 Surry. Hewett, J. W., shoemaker, h 420 Church. Hewett, H. L., printer, h 420 Church. Hewett, J. E. printer, h 420 Church. Hewett, W. F., mail carrier, h 520 Church. Hewett, Joe, lab, h 108 S. 4th. Hewlett, Mrs. L. E., widow, h 911 Queen. Hewlett, A., miller, h 512 Nun. Hewlett, Mrs. S. L., h 15 N. 7th. Hewlett, E. W., business manager Daily Review, Dock. Hewlett, J. B., clerk, 515 Nun. Hewlett, W. S., clerk, h 303 S. 5th. Hewlett, J. H., printer, h 506 Ann. Hewlett, L. M., engineer, h 310 S. 6th. Heyer, Fred, grocer, 802 N. 4th, h 804 N. 4th. Heyer, George, clerk, bds 804 N. 5th. Heyer, Matt J., wholesale grocer, 216 and 218 N. Water, h 402 N. 2d. Heyer, Jno. C, clerk, bds 420 N. 4th. Heyer, Mrs. J. C, h 420 N. 4th. Heyer, G. H. C, clerk, bds 420 N. 4th. a. h 711 o o 5 or W > a ? o 3 M * !zj * s § t> r r.g§ Co **< « 9£ 2. >73 ? HO 1 A r* T T ANKINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce '**■• ^- J * fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City. TTALL & PBARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. I 2 and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 3 ^ M to W °c 61 O2 O! h W O Q O cHicks, Lewis, butcher, h 1105 Market. cHicks, A., lab, h 405 Queen. Hicks, Thomas, drayman, h 713 Castle. HICKS, R. W., wholesale grocer, 116 N. Water, h 315 S. 3d. Hicks, James H., drayman, h 118 Church. Higgins, J. C, train dispatcher, h 2 Church. cHigh G., lab, h 410 Nixon. cHighsmith, C, carpenter, h 808 Red Cross. Hightown, Frank, baggagemaster, h 916 N. 4th. Hill, Mrs. A., widow, h 308 Nun. cHill, A. G., blacksmith, h alley 2d bet Dock and Orange. cHill, E., lab, h 13 S. 10th. cHill, J. J., clerk, h 717 Ann, cHill, J. C, Arlington dining rooms, 17 Dock, h 722 S. 4th. John, cook, h 426 S. 3d. P., lab, h 426 S. 3d. F., lab, h 612 Nun. H. H., brick mason, h 307 Queen. J., lab, h 51 1 Castle. J. H., carpenter, h 513 Prices alley. W., janitor Bank of New Hanover, h 511 S. 7th. P., lab, h 513 Prices alley. J. R., cooper, h 708 Church. Thomes, drayman, h 620 McRae. Allen, lab, h 1308 Parsley's alley. Joe, carpenter, h 1107 N. 5th. Fred, cook, h 707 McRae. cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill cHill John, lab, h 1203 Br alley. Emanuel, lab, h 720 N. 6th. George, blacksmith, h N. 907 9th. Cass, lab, h 620 Bladen. R. F., lab, h Queen, bet. 8th and 9th. George, stevedore, h 713 S. 10th. John, carpenter, h 1006 Loves alley. Win., drayman, h 1003 N. 9th. B., stevedore, h 14 Shaw's alley. S., lab, h 618 S. nth. Wm, lab, h 12 14 N. 5th. C, lab, h 211 McRae. A., cooper, 41 1 N. 9'h. PflllTflpt 5 T? pVl fl PP Sh° es > Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Eurnishing rUlVU{j,L (X IlUllllUl, Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. \AMES D. NUTT. Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place ' in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 73 cHill, G., lab, h 406 S. 2d. Hill, G., carpenter, h 903 S. 5th. Hill, J. E., lab.h 207 S. 4th Hill, Mrs. E. K., widow, h 416 Dock. Hill, Miss Julia, boarding house, 24 N. 2d. Hill, Arthur J., insurance agent, bds 24 N. 2d. Hill, Harry, clerk, h 102 N. 4th. Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills, foot of Bradley. Hines, Mrs. J. F., widow, h 820 Macumbers alley. cHines, J. W., lab, h 518 S. 2d. cHines, John, lab, h 108 Walnut. Hines, J., painter, h 610 S. 6th. Hines, Joseph, bds 24 N. 2d. Hines, John, watchman, h 616 Swann. cHodgers, Jno., lab, h 1 10 N. 1 ith. Hodges, W. \\\, insurance agent, 119 Chesnut. Hodges, Jesse W.. ship carpenter, h 81 1 Walnut. Hodges, T. A.,h 813 Dock. Hodges, Mrs. M., widow, h 519 Orange. HOGE, REV. P. H., h 319 Orange. HOLDEN, S. W r ., plummer, 205 Market, h 805 Ches- nut — see adv. cHolden, Duncan, lab, h 413 N, 10th. H olden, H. K., clerk, h 805 Chesnut. Holden, Alex, clerk, h 701 Mulberry. Holden, S., carpenter, h 109 N. 9th. cHolland, Ben, stevedore, h 101 1 Market. Holland, James, clerk, h 701 Dock. Holland, James M., butcher, h 11 18 N. 4th. Holland, Josh, carpenter, h 16th, bet Market and Dock. Holliday, A. R., clerk, h 319 Orange. Holliday, W. W., book-keeper, h 616 Chesnut. cHollingsworth, L., carpenter, h 310 Campbell. -j^cHolloway, John, member legislature, h 810 N. 7th. cHolmes, S., lab, h 1 1 15 Dock. Holmes, R. H., book-keeper, bds 121 Market. Holmes, G., h 120 Mulberry. Holmes, R L., clerk, h 120 Dock. Holmes, A. H., grocer, 201 Market, h 19 S. 5th. Holmes, Mrs. O. D., widow, h 120 Dock. Holmes & Walters, grocers, 6 N. Front. Holmes, P. O., blacksmith, h 516 Queen. *i m ro 1 22. v-o an . /*> 3 a T Sw CD H O — " y co a. Q T) W JU 2 ft> M U W in in 1 > r ■ t" X H cu 3 n Gfl ^ > 3 = * Stf ^ J M *S > 5^$ 3 H n BO I A \PRIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. n. Ornl INULM, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C* HP PpryprnT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. . U. r nLlVi I Ln I , no. 7 south front street. 74 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. v z ~ W z o o < CO u Holmes, J. M., clerk, h 512 Queen. Holmes, Mary C, seamstress, h 511 Walnut. cHolmes, Henry, lab, h 417 Harntet. -"IcHolmes, R. H., deputy sheriff, h 520 Harnett. cHolmes, J. H., drayman, h 922 N. 5th. cHolmes, J., lab, h 907 Mulberry. cHolmes, A., lab, h 718 S. 4th. cHolsey, Caleb, porter, h 1003 Princess. cHolsey, Alex, carpenter, h 911 N. 8th. HONNETT, GEO., watchmaker and jeweler, 121 Mar- ket, h 322 S. Front — see adv. Hooper, P. R., carpenter, h 1109 N. 3d. Hooper, John, lab, h 1 109 Loves alley. Hooper, Joe, lab, h 1 107 Loves alley. Hooper, Philip, lab, h 1 109 Swann's alley. Hooper, Jas. S., candy maker, 7 N. Front, h 13 N. 7th. Hooper, Joe, carpenter, h 13 N. 7th. cHooper, John, gardner, h 619 Walnut. Hooper, J., stevedore, h 313 S. 6th. Hooper, Z., lab, h 311 S. 6th. cHooper, George, drayman, h 713 Hanover. Hook and Ladder house, 313 Dock. Hopkins, J. J., butcher, h 617 Dock. Horen, Mrs. C., widow, seamstress, h 424 S. 5th. Hormer, C. L., bartender, Orton House. Horn, G. F., engineer, h 312 Red Cross. Horton, E., ship carpenter, h 716 S. 5th. cHostler, George, barber shop, Orton House. cHostler, Alex, carpenter, h 217 N. 7th. Hoskins, B. L., mailing clerk, Star office, h 509 S. 2d. Houston, R. M., cotton weigher, 2 S. Water, h 223 S. 3d. cHoward, F., drayman, h 12 S. nth. cHoward, D. J., lab, h 113 S. 9th, cHoward. H., lab, h 116 S. nth. cHoward, S., lab, h 1 16 S. 1 ith. Howard, T. W., cattle drover, h 419 S. 2d. Howard. E. J., cattle drover, h 419 S. 2d. Howard. J. T., printer, h 71 1 Castle. Howard, Mrs. M. A., widow, h 711 Castle. Howard, H., agent, h 519 Nun. Howard, Mrs. M., widow, h 519 Nun. Howard, Miss R., h 519 Nun. BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. 111 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 75 Founded in 1853. Samuel Bear Sr., WHOLESALE DEALER IN TOBACCO, $NUFF, Q1GARS, piPES, All Orders by Mai! Receive Personal Attention SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF Wool, Hides, Wax, Furs, &c , FOR WHICH WE ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. P. O. BOX 428.' lO MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. M. CARROLL, Proprietor, 71 Bladen Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Only the Best and Purest Milk sold. Delivered in any part of the City. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY. WILMINGTON, N. C. Hjl| WELL EQUIPPED SCHOOL, WITH FAITHFUL, PAINS- ,^jV. taking TEACHERS, offers all the advantages of the leading &$$*> Preparatory Schools, saves expense and enables parents to super- vise the morals of their sons by keeping them at a home school. The present Principal has been connected with the School since 1877. WASHINGTON CATLETT, Principal. BROWN k PEARSON B ' , No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 76 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. H Howard, W. H., porter, h 512 Ann. H cHoward, L., lab, h 1003 Chesnut. cHovvard, C, lab, h Castle bet 10th and nth. cHoward, J., lab, h 511 Castle. OQ cHoward, John, lab, h 1234 Red Cross. fc cHoward, H., lab, h 605 McRae. • H O cHoward, Rich, hb, h 506 Howard. W M H O cHoward, B., lab, h 1010 McRae. M cHoward, Ed, drayman, h 807 N. 7th. 9 cHoward, Prince, lab, h 503 Taylor. cHoward, Daniel, carpenter, h 310 N. 6th. P cHoward, M., painter, h 310 N. 6th. cHowe, J, lab, h 319 S. 1 ith. cHowe, C. H., eating house, 15 N. 2d, h 15^ N. 2d. « cHowe, V., carpenter, h 520 S. 9th. 02 cHowe, A., lab, h 320 S. 4th. P cHowe, J. H., carpenter, h 511 S. 3d. O cHowe, Wm. W., carpenter, h 511 S. 3d. O cHowe, J. C, carpenter, h 511 S. 3d. cHowe, W. W., carpenter, h 305 Queen. p cHowe, J., lab, h 305 Queen. cHowe, E., lab, h 408 3d bet Castle and Queen. cHowe, Alfred, contractor and builder, h 301 Queen. cHowe, J, T., teacher, h 304 Castle. pi cHowe, James, flatman, h 10 14 Walnut. •i-H cHowe, Wm. C, cooper, h 926 Campbell. !h cHowe, Z., lab, h 806 Swann. i-H cHowe, W. H., stevedore, h 1 100 N. 7th. o3 cHowe, C.j lab, h 705 Nixon. P cHowe, Israel, cooper, h 5 1 1 Nixon alley. cHowe, R., fisherman, h 1303 S. Front. Howell, W. H., supt. street railroad, h 702 Market. c5 Howell. A. J., h 702 Market. CO Howell, A. J. Jr., stenographer, h 702 Market. Howell, G. H., clerk, h 702 Mardet. O Howell, J. L., h 320 Chesnut, Howell, Mrs. S. L., h 711 Castle. n Howel!, J. B., clerk, h 410 Swann. Howell, H. W., policeman, h 505 Wooster. ►4 CD Howey, W. M., book-keeper, h 222 S. 4th. Howey, G. P., clerk, h 222 S. 4th. Howey, T. H., clerk, h 222 S. 4th. T I QffllTlJfiRT AMFl Li very and Horse Exchange, Nos. 10S and 1. J. uUUiilLjrlL/llNLJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C, Tf)14Nf T "nilFll FV SINGER SEWING MACHINES. JW111M L^. L^Ul^l^I^I, i2 NORTH FRONT S MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY 77 Howland, Mrs. Margaret, widow, h in N. 7th. Howland, F. P., policeman, h 1 1 1 N. 7th. cHubbard, J. B., coachman, h 605 S. 8th. cHubbard, J., lab, h 114 Marstellar. Hudson, W. R., mechanic, h 918 N. 4th. Hudson, J. W., carpenter, h 918 N. 4th. Hudson, George B. M., carpenter, h 91 8 N. 4th. Hudson, W. J., carpenter, h 505 Ann. Huff, J. H., carpenter, h 613 S. Front. cHuffin, Calvin, lab, h 1018 N. 6th. Hughes, Geo. W., telegraph repairer, h 917 N. 7th. cHugine, Fred, lab. h 818 Swann. Huggins, James B., grocer, 125 Market, h 705 Dock. HUGGINS, GEORGE W., jeweler, 105 Market, h 218 N. 7th. Huggins, George A., clerk, h 218 N. 7th. Huggins, F. L., clerk, h 1 1 1 S. 4th. Huggins, W. Sloan, h 1 1 1 S. 4th. Huggins, Mrs. M. J., widow, h 1 1 1 S. 4th. cHuggins, N., lab. h 1 10 Walnut. Huhn, Wm., drayman, h 316 S. 6th. Hullen, N. grocer, 503 N. 4th, h 505 N. 4th. Hurlbert, Mrs. E. L., seamstress, h 614 S. 8th. Hurlbert, G. P., lab, h 614 S. 8th. Hurlbert, A. W., lab, h 614 S. 8th. Humphrey, C. M. D., huckster, h 208 Craig's alley. cHunt. Thomas^ lab, h 915 Mulberry. Hunt, E., lab, h 415 S. 2d. cHunter, R„ waiter, h 410 N. 4th. Hunter, Ben, cane worker, h 507 N. 10th. Hunter, Ben, mattress maker, h 920 Campbell. cHunter, John, lab, h 309 Campbell. Hunter, R. H., cooper, h 208 S. 7th. Hurst, Wm. mechanic, h 15 12 Market. cHurst, John C, stevedore, h 320 N. 9th. Huske & Draper, dry goods, 1 1 1 Market. Hurzy, Z.. lab, h 408 Castle. Hutaff, Nick, h 1 103 Hutaff's alley. Hutaff, Htnry, City Bottling Works, 125 Princess, h 717 Chesnut. HUTCHINS, R. L., paints, oils, &c, 12 X. 2d, h 113 N. 6th — see adv. 30 C/J I W I" So I --■ CO l-jO w ; /■HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can sa\ by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. e money SA. SCHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and • 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 78 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. H ti Cj P •^ HJ * ^ £ W S 4 ^ O r ^ Hi I QS J° 41 as z* as til v* Hi OS CO .9 ^ _J -J • <KT M IT!* 1 * W •-- Jl CO Q K. «rj T^ S 5s Tt) H P0 C rjl cHutchins, George, lab, h 709 Harnett. Hyde, Miss M. D., teacher, h Nun, bet 6th and 7th. cHyer, Gus, lab, h 209 McRae. Irving, George W., painter, h 1006 N. 4th. clsler, Samson, drayman, h 1 1 14 N. 5th. clsrael, Frank, stevedore, h 516 Walnut, clvory, H., lab, h 420 S. 5th. clvory, James, lab, h 911 Red Cross. Ivey, Mrs. P., h 316 S. 4th. clvey, H., lab, h 514 Church. Jacobs, Mrs. B. J., h 405 Princess. Jacobs, B. J., h 405, Princess. Jacobs, C. D., clerk, h 20 N. 4th. Jacobs, Willie, clerk, h 15 S. 8th. Jacobs, B. J., clerk, h 1 19 N. Front. Jacobs, N., clerk, h 405 Princess. cjacobs, D., barber, h 1 13 Wooster. JACOBI, N., hardware, etc., 12 S. Front, h 302 N. 3d. Jacobi, Joe, clerk, bds 302 N. 3d. Jacobi, Marcus, clerk, bds 302 N. 3d. cjacobi, R., lab.h 1309 Brown's alley. Jackson, J. W. (Jackson & Bell) h 212 N. 7th. cjackson, Peter, carpenter, h 11 S. 1 ith. cjackson, J., lab., h 619 Ann. Jackson, Alex., clerk, h 6th bet Orange and Dock. Jackson, G. C, printer, h 308 S. 6th. cjackson, C, drayman, h 706 Ann. cjackson, Robert, shoemaker, h 202 Walnut. cjackson, B. F., painter, h 909 Castle. cjackson, Allen, shoemaker, h 826 Fanning. cjackson, Andrew, lighterman, h 919 N. 8th. cjackson, John W., cotton sampler, h 1 1 1 1 N. 8th. cjackson, A., coachman, h 41 1 N. 7th. Jackson A., lab, h cor King's alley and Surry. cjackson, J. E., drayman, h 71 1 S. 9th. James, G., lab, h 803 S. 8th, James, W. F., painter, h 803 S. 8th. W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. B. SOUTHBRLAND & CO, Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 79 James, J. T., h 820 S. 8th. J£ James, W. H., painter, h 803 S. 8th. (J James, F. M., brick mason, h 805 S. 8th. f 1 James, John S., h 224 N. 3d. James, Josh T., Editor Daily Review, h 224 N. 3d. « __, cjames, John, lab, h 704 N- 10th. » ^ cjames S., stevedore, h Wooster bet Front and 2d. g [ i > cjames, William, laborer, h 718 S. Front. % V> cjarvis, N., cooper, h 607 N. 9th. n __, cjarvis, W. H., barber, h 719 Ann. <**> cjennings, Ben, sawyer., h 1006 N. 2d. cjenkins, Joseph, lab, h mi Dock. ' ffi Jenkins, B. E., lab, h 808 S. 6th, Jenkins, W. T., lab, h 808 S. 6th. , O cjenkins, W. H., lab, h 509 Church. Q cjenkins, S. G., coachman, h 51 1 Church. cjenkins, L. H., waiter, h 504 Church. Jenkins, Nelson, clerk, h 922 N. 4th. Jenkins, R. C, engineer, h 513 Hanover. cjenkins, David, cooper, h 836 Fanning. cjenkins, J. M., cooper, h 711 Ann. Jenkins, W. A., lab, bds 115 Dock. Jenkins, O., huckster, h 618 S. 4th. Jenkins, D., clerk, h 807 Wooster. c Jenkins, A., stevedore, h 317 N. 9th. cjenkins, H., fireman, h 311 N. 6th. Jevens, C. E., mechanic, h 606 S. Front. Jevens, S., lab, h 606 S. Front. Jewett, Mrs. H. B., millinery, 107 Princess, h 109^ Smith's building. Jewell, K. W., carpenter, h 410 Church. Johnson, Harding, merchant, h 307 Chesnut. Johnson, Mrs. J., clothing store, 507 Church. Johnson, M. H., contractor, 223 S. 5th. Johnson, Mrs. A., widow, seamstress, h 513 S. 8th. Johnson, W. M., brick mason, h 504 Dawson. Johnson, T. H., butcher, h 702 Dock. Johnson, Joseph, lab, bds 10 Chesnut. Johnson, Miss Louisa, female boarding house, 216 McRae. Johnson, E. F., merchant, h 806 Princess. Johnson, Alex., Market St. ferry, h 602 Walnut. O K ' cc 2 > H £ DM ^£h 2; > ^ <; • M w ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. "AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market St., Wilmington, N, C. 80 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 02 U G Z Z , o O w cc ^ co fad EG W CG <fad 02 02 go OS co G Z Oh < L xm Q 33 Johnson. Starr, clerk, bds 602 Walnut. JOHNSON & CO., peanut dealers, 4 Chesnut. cjohnson, J., lab, h 1 302 Chesnut. cjohnson, Aaron, lab, h 311 Brunswick. cjohnson, James, porter, h 511 N. 9th. cjohnson, George, lab, h 619 N. 9th. cjohnson, Lucas, lab, h 707 N. 9th. cjohnson, Frank H., lab. h 1308 N. 4th. cjohnson, Robert, lab, h 106 Walnut. cjohnson, Maria, midwife, h 1010 N. 8th. cjohnson, Robert, butler, h 904 N. 7th. cjohnson, Wright, butcher, h 911 N. 6th. cjohnson, Alex., lab, h 1001 N. 6th. cjohnson, John, lab, h 413 Sampson's alley. cjohnson, G., cook, h 507 S. 4th. cjohnson, A., huckster, h 421 S. 4th. cjohnson, A., shoemaker, h 310 S. 7th. cjohnson, T. J., musician, h 512 Ann. cjohnson, R., butcher, I1815 Castle. cjohnson, C, lab, h 513 S. 8th. cjohnson, D., shoemaker, h 508 S. 7th. cjohnson. J. F., porter, h 508 S. 7th. cjohnson, M., lab, h 607 Ann. cjohnson, S., lab, h 715 S. Front. cjohnson, William, carpenter, h 611 Ann. cjohnson, J. A., coachman, h 61 1 Ann. cjohnson, C. C, lab, h Shaw's alley. cjohnson, M. J., lab, h 804 Castle. Joiner, Dave, painter, h 916 N. 7th. Joiner, B., miller, h 821 Wooster. JONES, R. J., sec. and treas. Wilmington Gas Company and Oakdale Cemetery Company, 1 14 Princess, h 811 Market. Jones, A. W., lab, h 407 Taylor. Jones, J. H., livery and sale stables, 126 and 128 Prin- cess, h 15 14 Market. Jones, W. F., blacksmith, h 913 N. 7th. Jones, E. C, carpenter, h 913 N. 7th. Jones, James, h 304 McRae. Jones, W. C, accountant, h 411 S. 3d. Jones, Pembroke (Giles & Jones) h 406 S. Front. Jones, Miss M., teacher, h 606 Orange. DflT TrflffTl DPUnirD Dr v Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy lULVUtrl & nMlDMl, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. CU ,n MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 81 AG/nc /v\tNUFACTURIN(T£0. MANUFACTURERS OF PINE STRAW BAGGING • AND • MATTING AND THE "ACME" and "GEM" 'l OFFICES: PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. FACTORIES : CRONLY, N. C. ADIES FAVORITE FLOUR is the best Flour on market, and sold ' only by R. W. HICKS, Wholesale Grocer. 82 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Q s w <^ no hh w CQ s ° B Jones, R., Mrs., widow, h Front and Meares. Jones, E., lab, h 10 10 Front. Jones, Mrs. A., dressmaker, h 402 Dawson. Jones, C, lab, h 818 S. 8th. Jones, R., carpenter, h 212 S. 3d. cjones, Nick, lab, h 406 Wood. cjones, Hardy, lab, h 610 McRae. cjones, E., lab, h 809 Red Cross. cjones, Emanuel, carpenter, h 913 Walnut. cjones, Moses, carpenter, 504 N. 9th. cjones, E., driver, C, F., Engine Co., h 220 Wooster. cjones, Albert, stevedore, h 808 N. 5th. cjones, Joseph H., drayman, h 613 N. 9th. cjones, Ben, carpenter, h 1005 N. 3d. cjones, Alfred, lab, h 106 Walnut. cjones, Ransom, lab, h 714 N. 8th. cjones Isaac, lab, h 714 McRae. cjones, James, lab, h 1305 Brown's alley. cjones, George W., lab, h 715 Swann. cjones, Charles, lab, h 1204 Love's alley. cjones, Needam, lab, h 1209 N. 7th. cjones, Jim, lab, h 711 N. 6th. cjones, Abram, lab, h 914 N. 5th. cjones, Gilbert, lab, h 816 N. 6th. cjones, Godfrey, lab, h 411 Wallace Alley. cjones, P., carpenter, h 314 S. 8th. cjones, G. L., lab, h 316 S. 8th. cjones, James, confectioner, h 223 S. 7th. cjones, John, shipsmith, h Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross, cjones, H., lab, h 512 Prices alley, cjones, Abram, lab, h 808 S. 2d. cjones, J. R., lab, h 9 King's alley, cjones, B,, lab, h 203 S. 10th. cjones, F., drayman, h 808 Castle. Jones, H., drayman, h 810 Castle, cjones, R., stevedore, h 810 Castle, cjones, J. J., blacksmith, h 610 S. 8th. cjones, Moses, Jr., shoemaker, h 610 S. 8th. cjones, W. H., lab, h 912 Castle, cjones, A., carpenter, h 212 Queen, cjones, David, drayman, h 210 McRae. OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STOKE, Wilmington. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 83 cjones, Simon, wood yard, h 215 N. 6th. cjordan, W., carpenter, h 17th bet Nun and Church. cjordan, R., lab, h 611 Surry. cjordan, W. A., carpenter, h 518 S. 4th. Jordan, Mrs. C. E., widow, h 610 Ann. Jordan, J. L., clerk, h 315 N. 2d. cjordan, Abram, drayman, 1009 Red Cross. Joslyn, A. J., agent Blodgett, Moore & Co., bds, 420 N. 3d. Judge, Michael, tailor, h 303 Market. cjune, Charles, stevedore, h 917 Princess. Justice, N.,lab, h Front bet Wooster and Dawson. K Kasprowicz, H. H., cigars and tobacco, 10 N. Front, h 416 Market. Katchum, W. A., steamboat man, h 715 S. 3d. KATZ, M. M., dry goods, 116 Market, h 613 Market. Katz, Robert, clerk, h 613 Market. Kea, Dr. James E., dentist, 3 S. Front, h same. Keaston, L. L., h 217 Market. Keathley, E. H., watchmaker, h 321 S. Front. Keathley, T. H., clerk, h 321 S. Front. Keathley, E., clerk, h 321 S. Front. Keboo, Phillip, lab, h 401 Market. cKeel, Ben, lab, h 806 McDonald's alley. Keen, Mrs. E. A., widow, h 417 Princess. Keen, John T., asst. freight agent A. C. L., h 411 Mul. berry. Keeter, E. W., fisherman, h 108 Wooster. Keen, W. G. T., clerk, 813 Chesnut. Keen, Charles H., clerk, h 313 McRae. Keith, Frank, h 407 Walnut. cKeith D., lab, h 412 Castle. cKeith, A., lab, h 1230 Red Cross. KEITH, B. F., Jr., grocer, and shingles, 130 E. Water. cKelley, W. H., carpenter, h, 516 S. 12th. Kelley, B. S., carpenter, h, 414 Church. Kelley, Rev. D. L.,, h 407 Queen. cKelley, C, porter, h 218 Wooster. Kelley, C. M., machinist, h 719 Dock. cKelley, Toby, lab, h 917 Mulberry, cKelley, Chester, carpenter, h Brown's alley. CO C/) 5 2 "0 SB la sr 3 » C/) ? ° 3 M 5- "po X r § > r «*. Zen a> Mr 8 m' 1 if HO ^m o ? r, 5: Mi A P NAMKIMQ Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens an-o Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. M J. D/NGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks ™« Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. 84 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cKelley, Mungo, lab,h 1207 Love's alley. cKelly, P., huckster, h 1107 Market. Kelley, L. H., lab, h 1019 N. 6th. cKelley, H., butler, h 903 Wooster. Kelley, Mrs. George H., widow, h 215 N. 2d. Kelley, J. D., weigher of cotton, foot of Mulberry, h 215 N. 2d. cKellogg, Aaron, mechanic, h 413, N. 6th. cKellogg, W. J., butcher, 4th St. Market, h 419 Bladen. Kellett, W. W., lab, bds, 10 Chesnut. Kernon, W. J., lab, h 614 Ann. KENAN, W. R., broker, 1 10 Nun. Kennedy, Rev. W. M., h 208 S. 2d. Kennedy, O., butcher, h cor 7th and Dawson. Kennedy, A., carpenter, h 514 Dawson. cKennedy, W. M.D., lab, h 720 N. 8th. cKennedy, L. L., baker, h 505 Campbell. Kennedey, J. J., watchman, h 819 Walnut. Kennedey, Robert, printer, h 211 N. 9th. Kerchner, F. W., commission merchant, h 606 S. 4th. Kershaw, A., engineer, h 617 S. 4th. Ketchum, W. F., carriage maker, h 506 S. 5th. Kidder, Greer, bds 24 N. 2d. KIDDER, G. W. (E. Kidder's Son) saw mill, h 101 S. 3d Kidder, Fred, proprietor Kendall plantation. Kiernan, J., lab, h 319 Queen. KILEY, P. E., proprietor Gem Saloon, h 112*4 Princess. King, S. A., farmer, h 712 Dock. King, J. G., painter, h 712 Dock, King, J. T., clerk, h 712 Dock. King, H. L., ticket agent A. C. L., h 714 Dock. King, Mrs. A. T., milliner, h 121 Dock. King. J- J-» butcher, h 121 Dock. King, J. S., lab,h 517 S. 7th. cKing, A., cooper, h 107 Castle. King, C. H. (King & Robinson) h 326 S. 3d. King & Robinson, commission merchants, S. Water. King, A. W., clerk, h 326 S. 3d. King, J. M., Jr., book-keeper, h 612 Wooster. King, J, P., Rev, h 612 Wooster. King, William, brick mason, h 711 Dawson. w a; H ■£ < a; to 1* H x^ UC3 fe SC3 < « & 0) m te rt M C/) h? £ < in ri O w V fe a3 w Oh -a 00 rt H O q> m = X o 5 < O m m 6 = Uj HE C ct -ok! coe W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. 5. A SCHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Rig bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 8 5 cKing, Rev. S. h Dawson bet 9th and 10th. King, K. R., brick mason, h 612 Wooster. King, I. J. & E. G., butchers, stall No. 7 Front St. Market. King, N. N., lab, h 518 S. 3d. King & Montgomery, grocers, h 3d and Castle. cKing, John, well digger, h 516 S, 4th. KING, J. J., lumber inspector, h 3d bet Church and Castle. King, Jim, boarding house 504 N. Front. King, Ed, carpenter, bds 504 N. Front. King, B. F., book-keeper, h 410 S. 5th. cKing, K. S., carpenter, h 406 Hains' alley. cKing, James, lab, h 617 S. 2d. cKing, Rev. C. H., h 505 Campbell. cKing, John, lab, h 713 N. 6th. cKing, Ben, lab, h 8cy Taylor. cKing, Samuel E., blacksmith, h 406 N. 6th. King, W. W., book-keeper, h 615 Queen. King, L. J., lab, h 510 Queen. King, F. W., lab, h 6th bet Wooster and Dawson. King, J. M., carpenter, h 710 8th. King, J. J., butcher, h 715 S. 5th. King, T. H., drayman, h 724 S. 3th. cKing, Charles, lab, h 406 N. 7th. cKing, Richard, lab, h 314 N. 4th. King, John W., upholsterer, h 314 McRae. King, James W., asst city clerk, h 409 Princess. Kingsbury, T. B., editor Morning Star, h 221 N. 4th. Kingsbury, R. A., salesman, h 221 N. 4th. Kingsbury, W. A., druggist, h 221 N. 4th. Kenley, J. R., h 204 N. Front. Kinsey, J. H., h 214 N. 6th. Kinsey, J. H., Jr., traveling salesman, h 214 N. 6th. KIRKHAM, W. J., florist, h 6th bet Dock and Orange — see adv. Klander, J. D. H., grocer, h 620 Castle. Klein, Daniel, h 307 N. 10th. Klein, D. F., grocer, h 919 Mulberry. Knider, W. H., flagman, bds 214 Campbell. Knight, Capt. James, master transportation, A. C. L., h 304 N. Front. > r - o 8 u \ o s W a H r § - aO !<"> 3D W ^ 2 C5 pq I A QDQIMPFD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. A, OrnllNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. F W P) RTMANN » Proprietor GLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N 1 VV . \J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in £ Second Season. 86 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Knight, E. S., engineer, h 825 N. 4th. Knight, Tom, porter, h 703 McRae. Knight, Henry, lab, h 828 Fanning. Knoblock, Paul M., chemist, h 910 Princess. Knoblock, Mrs. Amelia, widow, h 910 Princess. Knott, J. W., tinner, h 908 N. 8th. KNOXVILLE FURNITURE CO., cor Market and 2d. KOCH, W. H. M., prop. National Saloon, N. E. cor Market and Water, h same — see adv. Koch, John, bar room and restaurant, 28 N. 2d, h same. cKoonce, Z., lab, h 605 Harnett. cKornegay, A., drayman, h 515 S. 1 Ith, cKornegay, W. H., lab, h 515 S. nth. KRAHKNE, F. Henry, tailor, 103 Princess, h Queen and Surry — see adv.- KUHBLANK, H. N., agent Portner's lager beer, h 3 S. 4th. Kunhold, C. W., lab, h 401 S. 5th. Kure, H. H., contractor loading and unloading vessels, h 1 20 Castle. KURE, HANS A., ship chandler and groceries, 9 S. Water, h 413 S. 2d — see adv. Kure, H. A., grocer, cor 7th and Nixon. Kynion, W. A., inspector dredge boat, h 213 N. 6th. Kynion, Thomas, cabinet maker, h 213 N. 6th. cLaboo, Lewis, lab, h 306 N. 10th. cLaboo, B. D., coachman, h 421 S. 6th. cLaboo, Wm., cooper, h 715 Church. cLaboo, Prince, lab, h 1207 N. 7th. cLaboo, Sandy, lab, h 1 1 13 Market. cLaboo, Lewis, lab, h 810 Church. Lamb, Mrs. George P., florist, h 105 N. 6th. Lamb, Mrs. M. A., widow, h 507 S. 3d. cLamb, Chester, lab, h 604 Campbell. cLamb, John, lab, h 141 8 N. 7th. cLamb, Robert, lab, h 1002 N. 8th. cLamb, Leonard, lab, h 516 Nixon. Lander, T. G., clerk, h Queen near Miller. Lander, J., fisherman, h 619 S. 6th. BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. 1—1 TJ <j tn ^ cy =* > ^ r> tSl CO •m a; 55 n> w §= S V t/3 V O gj K a h & Ti fi, ^ rt p4 K* UJ ffi.5P 0^ CO or Ui K S I X § ** £ ** ct •^ oc O O SS! .— J QC < go ^J ti < i Z 0= «3 O 5! h^ <! Z MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. THE GEM RESTAURANT, P. E. KILEY, Proprietor. -«The Only First Class Cafe in the Citp- OYSTERS, FISH AND GAME S !S IN FINEST WINES AND LIOUOBS. Export Beer and Beer on Draught. Imported and Domestic Cigars. JOHN E. TAYLOR, BOOTS** AND -»*SHOES No. 109 PRINCESS ST., WILMINCTON, N. C. D. O'CONNOR, RE AL ESTATE AGENT! WILMINGTON, N. C. Real Estate Boviglit nncl Sold. LOANS MADE ON CITY PROPERTY. RENTS AND BILLS PROMPTLY COLLECTED INSURANCE AND TAXES ATTENDED TO WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. TAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place J in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 88 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. v m j-I ■B « o <« S? v Q O "C C "> P S £ ~ £ Z en -^ u^ ^ I o 00 z >> O c Pi c o .-a U u Z .2 z , O I o s J I < •; CO 5 UJ o U ; < U Lander, T. C, mechanic, h 1022 N. 3d. Lane, W. H., book binder, h 614 Orange. Lane, J. B., tinner, h 614 Orange. Lane, Mrs. S. E., h 614 Orange. Lane, W. W., surgeon in charge City hospital. cLane, Elijah, barber shop, 15 Dock, h 719 N. 5th. cLane, J., lab, h 606 Nun. cLane, Emanuel, lab, h 1 122 Charlotte ave. Lane, Wm. H., driver, h 610 N. 10th. cLane, Isaac, lab, h 709 N. 8th cLane, James, painter, h 410 Red Cross. Langdon, R. S., clerk auditor's office A. C. L., h 408 Market. Langsley, Ja'ck, mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. Larkins, Wm, rice planter, h 517 Dock, Larkins, Mrs. Rena, dressmaker, h 105 N. 6th. cLarkins, S., lab, h 1195 S. 13th. cLarkins, H., plasterer, h 419 Castle. cLarkins, M., cooper, 1010 Strauss alley. cLarkins, E., fireman, h 716 Red Cross. cLarkins, A., lab, h 821 S. Front. Larrington, A., lab, h 812 S. 5th. Larrington, S., h 422 S. Front. LATIMER, W. & E. S., law office, cor. Water and Princess. LATIMER, WILLIAM, President Acme Manufactur- in Co., h 126 S. 3d. Latimer, H. G., (Acme Mfg. Co.) h 202 S. 3d. LATIMER, E. S., President Sea Coast R. R., h 208 S. 3d- Latta, John R., clerk, A. C. L., h 419 Chesnut. Latta. Miss M. C, teacher, h 311 N. 7th. Lavair, E., h 510 S. 4th. cLawson, V. B., lab, h 507 N. 10th. Lawther, Thomas A., engineer, h 416 Campbell. cLeak, Dan, lab, h 406 Nixon. Lee, J. M., clerk, h 315 S. 4th. cLee, D. Jr., lab, h 101 S. 13th. cLee Daniel, lab, h 101 S. 13th. cLee, V., drayman, h Wilson's alley. cLee, Peter, fiatman, h 17th, bet. Market and Princess. cLee, Wash, lab, h 915 Mulberry. PalYoot & EeMer Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing 5 Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. JOHN L. DUDLEY, SINGER SEWING MACHINES. 12 NORTH FRONT ST MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cLee, Wm, lab, h 610 McRae. cLee, L., lab, h 804 McRae. cLee, M., stevedore, h 708 S. Front. cLeftinge, George, flatman, h 615 Bladen. Legg, C. H., foreman Orrell's stables, h 508 S. 3d. Legrand, George S., h 410 Chesnut. Legrand, Spencer, clerk, h 224 N. 3d. Legrand, J. F., clerk Orton House. cLegrand, L., drayman, h 3d and Castle. cLegrand, R., lab, h 11 18 N. 5th. LeGwin, J. J., printer, h 612 Orange.- LeGwin, L. M., printer, h 907 Walnut. LeGwin, W. F., wood workman, 11824 Macumber's alley. Lemmerman, H. T., clerk, h 1 1 Blunt's alley. cLeonard, G., cooper, h 319 S. 7th. cLeonard, J., stevedore, h 713 S. 6th. cLeonard, A., stevedore, h 713 S. 6th. cLeonard, H., stevedore, h 716 S. 6th. cLeonard, C., stevedore, h 613 Wooster. Lessman, W. F., baker, h 9 S. 8th. Lessman, Mrs. A., widow, h 17 S. 2d. Leslie, A. H., painter, h 91 1 Queen. cLetlow, G. W., lab, h 405 S. 6th. cLivingston. S., lab, h 11 14 Dock. Levy, E., grocers, h 412 Dock. Levy, Mrs. F., boarding house, 412 Dock. LEWIS, GEORGE G., (Wilmington Paper Co.) h 420 Red Cross. LEWIS, R. J., clerk, h 2 S. 2d— see adv. Lewis, J., train dispatcher, bds 322 N. Front. Lewis, R. B., foreman, h 323 S. 4th. Lewis, Mrs. S. G., widow, h 315 S. 3d. Lewis, J. W., lab, h 616 S. 5th. Lewis, Miss C. A., teacher, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Lewis, Mrs. M. L., teacher, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Lewis. Marshall, carpenter, h 712 Bladen. Lewis, Ed, lab, h 919 N. 7th. Lewis, Thomas C, book-keeper, h 404 N. 6th. cLewis, Wesley, lab, h 1103 N. 6th. cLewis, B., lab, h 208 S. 7th. cLewis, R., lab, h 909 Dock. cLewis, J. H., lab, h 909 Dock. 3: H r - nr m y j J - £ z § T z W ?! > •% X 5" H O " P T I ^nilTR^RI A MFl Liver >- and Horse Exchange, Nos. 1. J. OUUinLflLrtnU, no North Second St., Wilmington, 108 and N. C. H 90 ALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. 11 and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CO •a H % fr* W *!!*! O Sp < PS CCS !1 w. fc rt H ~ (J £ <* •T. H fe •rt . H E& "Ho- £< f-H -a *> v o-§ ffi W£ c tU K < O m H -^ CD cLewis, Marcus, lab, h 909 Dock. cLewis, John, lab, h 1 109 Princess. cLewis, Wm, porter, h 1109 Princess. cLewis, James, brick mason, h 1017 McRae alley. cLewis, George, lab, h 1203 N. 7th. cLewis, John, huckster, h 1019 Market. cLewis, Richard, lab, h 514 Bladen. cLewis, Fred, lab, h 1008 Love's alley. Leibvers, Frank, machinist, bds 115 Dock. Liebman, L., clerk, bds 106 N. 5th. Liebman, A., dry goods, 124 Market, h 106 N. 5th. cLeftwich, George, flatman, h 806 N. 6th. cLiggins, A., lab, h 210 S. 8th. cLiggins, A., Jr., lab, h 210 S. 8th. Lilly, E., cotton broker, h 504 Orange. cLilly, Isaac, lab, h 11 13 Meadows. cLilly, J., porter, Marine Hospital, 8th near Nun. cLilly, I., blacksmith, h 516 S. 6th. cLilly, F., blacksmith, h 13 King's alley. Linder & Co., G. W., grocers, 32 S. Front, h 30 S. Front. Linquish, C., lab, h 615 S. Front. Lineberry, S. C., clerk, bds 14 N. 4th. Linestrom, W., car builder, h 217 Castle. Lindsey, U., painter, bds 10 Chesnut. cLindsey, N., lab, h 405 Campbell. Lippitt, D. H., clerk, h 115 S. 2d. Lippitt, T. B., insurance agent, h 306 Orange. Litjen, D., boarding house, 208 S. Front. Litjen, J. H., clerk, h 208 S. Front. Littleton, G, T., carpenter, h 305 Castle. Littleton, D. C, carpenter h 820 S. Front. Littleton, E. J., inspector, h 312 Queen. Littleton, J. F., inspector, h 312 Queen bet 3d and 4th. cLivingston, A., lab, h ion Mulberry. Livingston, J. T., lab, h 210 S. 5th. cLloyd, Mike, lab, h 916 N. 5th. cLobe, Walter, lab, h 415 Nixon. Lockey, C. P., lawyer, 8 N. 2d, h 413 Church. Lockey, Mrs. A. J., widow, h 413 Church. Lockfaw, John, mechanic, h 415 Princess. Lockhart, C. M., billiard marker Orton House. I A 'slPRINPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. B. SOUTHEPLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Loder, J. C, book-keeper, h 13 N. 6th. cLoftin, Major, lab, h 1308 Market. cLoftin, R., lab, h 107 S. 13th. cLoftin, W. A., lab, h Queen, bet 8th and 9th. cLoftin, J., lab, h Castle bet 10th and 1 ith. cLoftin, James, porter, h 1001 Princess. cLoftin, McLane, drayman, h 10 N. 13th. cLoftin, John, lab, h 510 Bladen. cLoftin, Wright, shoemaker, h 11 14 Swann's alley. cLomack, J., lab, h 12 12 N. 7th. LONDON, M., lawyer, h 303 Chesnut. cLong, Sam, lab, 1008 Meadow. cLong, B., brick mason, h 101 1 Castle. cLong, S., brick mason, h 313 S 7th. Long, A. K., bookbinder, h 617 S. 7th. Lord, F. J., h 304 S. Front. Lord, Capt. G., contractor, h 301 S. 2d. Lord, F- A., cotton weigher, h 413 N. 3d. cLond, J., lab, h 102 Marsteller. Lossin, T., lab, h 116 Castle. cLot, H., drayman, h 624 S. 6th. Lourenza, Laurence, tailor, bds 303 Market. Love, T. L., h 119 Mulberry. Love, R. S., h 1 11 N. 5th. cLove, Z., lab, h 217 S. 6th. cLove, D., stevedore, h Orange bet 9th and 10th. Love, T. D., commission merchant, 203 N. Water, Chesnut. Love, George F., grocer, 112 N. Water. Love, William J., physician 101^ Princess, h 401 nut. Love, Owen, salesman, h 1 16 N. 3d. Love, John A., h 219 Walnut. Love, Mrs. M. L., widow, h 206 N. 6th. cLove, Albert, lab, h 1106 Love's alley. Love, D., clerk, h 220 N. 4th. cLovick, R., lab, h 614 S. nth. cLovick, Rev. T. H., h 614 N. 1 ith. cLowe, L., huckster, h 407 Wallace alley. cLowe, James, fireman, h 1109 N. 5th. cLowery, James A., carriage maker, 308 Princess, Campbell. > r 1 c Z s. O I o s H * J sO 9 70 In s h 612 Ches- I1405 ?o5 " W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. 9 2 A. SOHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CO o <3 CO be P4 a o in P cLowery, J., lab, h 812 Castle. cLuby, Joseph, driver, h 315 Harnett. cLucas, J. H., barber shop, 213 N. Front, h 820 Fanning. cLucas, B., lab, h 20 1 ith. cLucas, Blackwell, cooper, h 1113 Princess. cLucas, Solomon, wheelwright, h 1001 Chesnut. cLucas, H., painter, h 1003 Castle. Lucas, L. L., printer, h 708 Dock. Lucas, A. F., bottling house, 1 13 Dock. Lucas, W. L., soda water maker, 708 Dock. Lumsden, James B., clerk, h 1 19 N. Front. Lumsden, Mrs. E. A., milliner and dressmaker, h 119 N. Front. Lumsden, Mrs. S. F., h 109 S. 7th. Lynch, Mrs. Mildred, boarding house 115 Market. Lynch, D., paymaster A. C. L., h 420 Walnut. cLyons, L., lab, h 507 Price's alley. Lyons, J., clerk, bds, 616 Market. Lyons, Charley, clerk, bds 616 Market. M cMabson, Jeff lab, h 408 James. cMacella, Elisha, huckster, h 412 N. 5th. cMack, George, lab, h 1013 N. 5th. cMack, James, lab, h 1012 N. 2d. cMack, Wm, lab, h 1208 N. 7th. cMack, Icum, lab, h 1115 Dock. cMack, Henry, porter, h 103 N. 10th. cMack, George, waiter, h 221 N. 7th. cMack, Wm, sawyer, h 710 S. Front. cMack, H., lab, h 817 S. Front. Macks, J. I., lawyer, 120 Princess, h 1 1 N. 7th. cMacks, Lewis, lab, h 409 Harnett. Madden, James, proprietor Victor House, Front, bet. Walnut and Red Cross. cMaddox, J. E., lab, h 605 S. 8th. Maffitt, J. L., (Maffiitt & Corbett) h 114 Dock. Maffitt, Mrs. Kate, widow, h 412 Market. Maffiitt, Mrs. Emma, widow, h 412 Market. Maffitt, A., clerk, bds 412 Market. MAFFITT & CORBETT, wholesale grocers, 17 S. Water — see adv. "DOT TTTIPT 1 9 DIPUHFD Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy rUilVUtrl & nMUM, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 93 Mahoney, John R., printer, bds 214 N. 5th. Mallard, J. H., traveling salesman, h 815 Chestnut. Mallard, Mrs. D. E., h 412 N. 4th. Mallett, C. B., lumber merchant, cor. Walnut and Mul- berry, bds cor. Front and Princess. cMallettj Charles, painter, h 616 Campbell. cMallett, Wm, drayman, h 610 Campbell. cMallett, Charles R., carpenter, h 220 Walnut. Maloy, W. H., book-keeper, h 123 N. Front. cMaloy, Aaron, lab, h 306 Brunswick. Malpass, John, lab, h 1003 N. 7th. cManmon, Larry, lab, h 508 N. 10th. Mann, Mrs. J. A., widow, h 505 Wooster. cManly, A. L., painter, h 609 N., 10th. cManly, F. G., painter, h 609 N. 10th. cManly, Daniel, lab, h 1111 Princess. MANNING, S. H., Sheriff New Hanover County, bds Orton House. Manning, George, M. printer, h 13 N. 5th. cManning, R., lab, h 718 Church. Marines, Archie, engineer, h 912 S. 5th. Marks, B., clerk, bds Commercial Hotel. Margaret, Sister, teacher, Convent Mercy, 4th and Ann. A. A. Martin, 412 Market. Martin, E. S., lawyer, 212 Market, h 412 Market. MARTIN, W. A., naval stores, 1 1 1 N. Water, h 412 Market. Martin, Wm., lab, h 611 Queen. cMartin, A., restaurant, 113 S. Water. cMartin, Daniel, stevedore, h 307 N. 2d. cMartin, I., lab, h 307 N. 2d. cMartin, Ed, lab, h 413 Taylor. cMartin, Harry, drayman, h 710 Hanover. cMartin, Joseph, lab, h 406 N. 9th. cMartin, J. R., carpenter, h 312 Church. cMartin, D., stevedore, h 519 S. 9th. cMartin, John, lab, h 916 N. 5th. cMartin, W. M., lab, h 508 Swann. Marshall, A. J., lawyer, h 812 Princess. Marshall, B. H., accountant, h 812 Princess. Marshall, John G., telegraph operator, h 812 Princess. m x *1 S3 § ep > " 2 X ? =5. ^OJ 5 OH ■s§ Co ^< 3" HO PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. H. C. PREMPERT, Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. 94 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CO CD a o *& a <D Sh O CD cd CD Q CD CD O •J o GO MARSHALL, JNO. R., commission merchant, u N. 3d, h 812 Princess. cMashburn, Martha, grocery, 517 Bladen. Mashburn, M., lab, h 2 Voller's row. Mason, E. T., lab, h 719 S. 5th. Masonic Hall. 123^ Market. cMasey, George, lab, h 1015 N. 7th. Matthews, D. W., engineer, h 517 N. 7th. Matthews, J. E., dentist, IiS}4 Market, h same. cMatthews, Owen, lab, h 1310 Brown's alley. MAUNDER, JOHN, marble works 219 N. Front, h 11 S. 8th. Maunder, J. F., clerk, 702 N. 4th. Maurice, W., clerk, h 324 S. 5th. cMaxwell, C, carpenter, h 712 S. 6th. May, Mrs. C. A., widow, h 1518 Market. Mayer, F., lab, h 401 S. 3d. Mayer, Thomas, lab, h 401 S. 3d. Mayer, L., h 304 N. Front. Mayer, N., traveling salesman, h 319 Chesnut. Mayland, John, clerk, h 607 Dock. Mayo, W. E., mechanic, h 112^ Market. Mayo, W. H., baggage master, bds. 112^ Market. :Mayo, Randal, carpenter, h 827 Fanning. 4th. R., h 408 Market. Meares, F. M., druggist, h 118 S. MEARES, T. D., agent C. C. R. Meares, L, lawyer, h 206 S. 3d. Meares, J. W., h 712 Market. Meares, Walker, h 712 Market. Meares, Mrs. Catherine DeR., h 16 N. 5th. Meares, O. P., Judge Criminal Court, office 218 Market, h 203 N. 3d. Meares, Thomas, W., book-keeper, h 203 N. 3d. Meares, C. R., h 412 Church. cMeares, Rich, lab, h 13 19 Brown's alley. MEARES, LEWIS H., gentlemen's furnisher, Front, h 16 N. 5th — see adv. jMebane, C. P., ship broker, cor Walnut and Nutt, N. h 419 Medlin, J. T., book-keeper, bds 305 Mulberry. Meier, Frank, marble worker, h cor. 5th and Nun. Meier, John, policeman, h 510 N. 6th. A r^ T_J ANKINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce ■*""*■• ^- J- *■ - 1 fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City. U J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, "■• Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MKSSKNGEir.S W1I.M1NC.TON 1)1 RK(T( )KV. 95 ^Meier, Joseph, tailor, 12 S. Front, h 807 Walnut. Meier, Miss Carrie, dressmaker, h 807 Walnut. Melton, F. M., sailmaker, h 508 Castle. Melton, W. F., painter, h 508, Castle. Mendelsohn, Rev. S., h 411 Chesnut. Meredith, L. L., engineer, h 212 Red Cross. cMerrick, S., butcher, h 1018 Princess. cMerrick, J., lab, h 7 1 5 Ann. cMerrick, Jesse, plasterer, h 1113 Dock. cMerrick, W. H., cooper, h 713 Nun. cMerrick, J. H., cooper, h 713 Nun. cMerrick, Moses J., brick layer, n 210 Walnut. cMerrick, Sam, drayman, h 1005 Mulberry. cMerrick, James A., drayman, h 713 Campbell. Merrick, Robert, lab, h 913 N. 5th. cMerrick, Icum, lab, h 1300 McRae's alley. cMerrick, Robert, driver hose reel, h 606 Brunswick. cMerrick, George, lab, h 917 N. 8th. cMerrick, Fred, painter, h 802 N. 7th. cMerrick, Judge, porter, h 405 N. 5th. cMerrick, W., lab, h 703 S. 10th. cMerrick, Richard, coachman, h 409 Samson's alley. Merritt, Mrs. L. L., h 216 S. 5th. Merritt, R. C, lab, h 216 S. 5th. Merritt, H. H., lab, h 216 S. 5th. Merritt, J., cotton sampler, h 309 S. 2d. Merritt, H. P., lab, h 405 Harnett. Merritt, B. F., carpenter, h Brown's alley. Merritt, Jasper, lab, h 910 N. 4th. cMerritt, J., stevedore, h 518 Church. cMerritt, J., lab, h 915 Castle. Merritt, L. W., carpenter, h 309 Campbell. Merritt, H., lab, h 905 Market. Metcalf, R., br-keeper, h 112^ Princess. Metts, James I. & Co., brokers, S. Water, h 31 1 S. 5th. cMessick, E., lab, h 316 S. 8th. Meyers, Mrs. Geo.,wid, boarding house, 26 j4 N. Front. Meyers, George B., clerk, h 412 Chesnut. Meyers, Charles D., deputy collector internal revenue, h 305 S. Pront. cMeyers, Henry, lab, h 916 N. 5th. Meyers, Henry, tailor, bds 3 S. Front. 70 t-3 2 m ~ o H O k » 2 >H > Z JO f am 2; > % 1— 1 ^ w ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. dHuWN (X rtiAHoUN, No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 96 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. < Ow in ^ 5° w u ^ 3 ffi o w SO Q go coif; co« w Q Michaelis, C; grocer, 823 S. Front. cMiddleton, F., lab, h 215 Church. cMiddleton, York, lab, h 216 N. 10th. cMiddleton, Henry, lab, h 1306 Brown's alley. cMiddleton, Wm, lab, h 801 N. 8th. cMiddleton, A., drayman, h 912 Castle. cMiddleton, H., carpenter, h 718 S. 2d. Millan, D. M., lab, h 713 Dawson. cMiller, H., lab, h 1 107 S. 2d. Miller, Mrs. A. E., widow, h 217 Dock. MILLER, F. C, druggist, 328, S. 4th, h 401 S. 4th. cMILLER, T. C, saloon and restaurant., 15 S. Water, h 216 Castle. cMiller, Thomas, lab, h 1301 N. 5th. cMiller, Edgar, drayman, h 835 Fanning. cMiller, Charles, cooper, h 506 McRae. cMiller, Charles M., painter, h 318 N. 9th. cMiller, Charles, lab, h 905 Schuttes alley. Miller, Rev. W. Ma, h 310 Orange. cMiller, A., carpenter, h 313 S. nth. Miller, G., lab, h 121 Orange. cMiller, John, mechanic, h 217 McRae. MILLER & NESTLIE, pharmacy, 221 N. 6th h same. Millis, J. C, magistrate, h 812 Wooster. Millis, J. W., real estate agent, h 815 Wooster. Mills, John, fisherman, h 107 Marsteller. Mills, F. L., bds no Market. Mills, B. F., drayman, h 1016 N. 6th. cMills, Andrew, lab, h 917 Mulberry. Mills, G. W., clothier, 132 Market, h 215 Hanover. Mintz, J., lab, h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson. Mintz, W. W., janitor, City Hall, h 119 Church. Mintz, W. H., machinist, h 119 Church. Mintz, A. B., engineer, h 119 Church. Mintz, H. J., policeman, h 217 S. 4th. Mintz, S. S., cooper, h 611 Castle. Mintz, S. H., lab, h 717 S. 7th. Mitchell, B. F., (Mitchell & Sons) h 7 S. 4th. Mitchell, C. J., clerk, h 7 S. 4th. Mitchell & Son, grain and feed store 20 and 22 N. Water. Mitchell, F. H. (Mitchell & Sons) h in S. 4th. ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. WILMINGTON PAPER CO MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY 97 w. a. whitehead.]— All Brokerage Paid by — [w. g. whitehead. Seller Unless by Special Agreement. MOLASSES. \ ... A bh.'m - 1 A ri jAGESTSfor THE; W. A. Whitehead & Son, \ celeb™ i :neral t- M ATS. FLOUR. LARD. RICE. GRAIN A N D HAY. SPECIALTIES Eofer *-° E - M - BOWDEN, Cashier First Natnioal Bank, and Wholesale; .' 1 Trade generally. ■ Correspondence Solicited. WILMINGTON, N. C, , «, P. PIEL: MERCHANDISE BROKERS™ 11 : N. W Corner WAER & CHESTNUT STS. Indianapolis. Ind. »|RDERS FOR BANQUETS, HALLS, PIC-NICS, EXCURSIONS, j etc., promptly attended to at shortest notice. The lowest esti- ;~ mates made on feeding in companys in large or small numbers. Catering in all its branches. Orders for Deviled Meats, Salads, Chowders, etc., solicited. Having had seventeen years experience at some of the most fashionable summer and winter resorts in Virginia, North Carolina Georgia and Florida, I feel competent to guarantee satisfaction. My CLUB HOUSE PUNCH, with or without intoxicants, a specialty, my own original receipt. Orders out of the city promptly attended to. R. J. LEWIS, 15 and 17 SOUTH FRONT STREET. JOHN Lock and Gun Sm £ BELL HANGING AND WORK ON COMBINATION SAFE LOCKS A SPECIALTY. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 25 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. AX7 - TUT "pT 1NJ You come to buy Groceries, call at VV 1 1 J_l\ Il6 North Wa ter Street, and see R. W. HICKS. 98 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. o H H O w j c^ ^ ^ s° *s fed <^ t -1 Di W S 9 K w Mitchell, George, printer, bds 115 N. 4th. cMitchell, S., lab, h 311 S. 6th. cMitchell, J., lab, h 311 S. 6th. cMitchell, William, lab, h 313 Brunswick. cMitchell, W., huckster, h nth and Castle. Mitchell, G. W., tinsmith, h 415 Castle. Mitchell, Mrs. M., widow, h 415 Castle, Mitchell, J. S., h 211 N. 5th. cMoody, Sam, lab, h 313 N. 6th. Moffitt, Mrs. C., teacher, h 606 Orange. Mohr, J. J., grocer, 819 Mulberry, h same. Mohr, Peter, grocer, 1201 Market, h same. Mohr, N., lab, h 1022 Nixon bet 6th and 7th. Molton, G., h 116 N. 3d. cMontford, H., butcher, h 215 S. 7th. Montague, J. E., clerk Orton House. Monroe, William, clerk, h 14 S. 8th. Monroe, J. W., inspector, h 316 N. 2d. Monroe, J. VV., Jr., clerk, h 316 N. 2d. Monroe, W. P., baggage master, h 316 N. 2d. cMonroe, John, lab, h 609 N. 10th. Montgomery, P. lab, h 406 S. 4th. Montgomery, J. W., grocery, 902 Market, h 904 Market. Montgomery, F. A., merchant, 5th bet Casile and Queen. Montross, Miss Kate, h 515 S. 4th. cMoore, Henry, lab, h 7 S. 1 ith. cMoore, Jack, lab, h, 1010 Meadow. Moore, Rev. Father P., h Dock bet 2d and 3d. Moore, H. dealer in furs, h 3 S. 2d. cMoore, B., brick layer, h 15 S. 10. Moore, Mrs. A. C„ milliner, h 19 S. 2d. Moore, D. J., h 19 S. 2d. UiMoore, Dan, driver A. Adrian, hose reel, h 14 S. 4th. cMoore, C, lab, h 320 S. 4th. cMoore, Y., cooper, h 317 S. 7th. cMoore, N. W., cooper, h 317 S. 7th. Moore, Col. Roger, commission merchant, h 112 Mul- berry. Moore, Julius, clerk, h 212 N. Front. Moore, E. H., inspector, h 219 Castle. Moore, R. B., watchman, h 513 Queen. HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. "AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSFNGFR'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 99 Moore, B. R., solicitor criminal court, h 217 Red Cross. cMoore, J. C, barber, h 422 S. 4th. cMoore, Simon, lab, h 1018 Market. cMoore, J., stevedore, h 520 Church. cMoore, \V., sign painter, h 517 S. 8th. Moore, W. H., lab, h 3 1 3 Queen. cMoore, Thomas, lab, h 11 1 N. nth. cMoore, J. H., lab, h 1010 Princess. cMoore, George, lab, 10 N. 10th. cMoore, Thomas, lab, h 5 14 N. 9th. cMoore, James, drayman, h 513 N. 9th. cMoore, Robert, drayman, h 515 N. 9th. cMoore, Ransom, drayman, h 718 Campbell. cMoore, John, lab, h 101 1 Campbell. cMoore, Tom, lab, h 717 Green. cMoore, Ed., driver, h 813 Campbell. cMoore, J., lab. h 61 1 Ann. cMoore, S., steward, h 408 S. 2d. Moore, Robert, policeman, h 1023 N. 4th. cMoore, W. H., farmer, h 709 Hanover. cMoore, B. A,, lab, h 807 Swann. cMoore, Amos, lab, h 1009 N. 7th. cMoore, Henry, drayman, h 915 N. 6th. cMoore, William, cook, h 909 N. 8th. cMoore, Nick, lab, h 1 120 Love's alley. cMoore, Ambros, huckster, h 210 N. 9th. cMoore, A., ship carpenter, h 720 Castle. cMoore, P. stevedore, h 617 S. iotb. cMoore, S., lab, h 919 Wooster. Moore, E. W., clerk, h 510 Princess. Moore, E. J., clerk, h 8 N. 4th. Morgan, J. W., carpenter, h 622 S. 7th. cMorgan, K., h 610 N. 8th. cMorehead, Rev. G. W., h 615 Brunswick. Morrell, C. D., carpenter (Morrell & Yopp) h 314 Han- over. Morrell & Yopp (C. D. Morrell, S. F. Yopp) contractors and builders, 215 Market. Morris, Willie, engineer, h 513, N. 7th. Morris, Wilkes (Cronly & Morriss) h 510 S. Front. Morris, N., ship carpenter, h 500 S. Front. cMorris, Robert, lab, h 408 Bladen. 0. PARKED, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. (E^~ Satisfaction Guaranteed. |U| J DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks !"• Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. 100 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. < o o p <J o o o <j pq o H P o 'cMorris, Charles, laborer, h 212 Cowan. cMorris, Werry, lab, h 907 N. 8th. cMorris, Joe, lab, h 12 10 N. 8th. cMorris, Peter, bricklayer, h 508 Walnut. cMorris, A., lab, h 508 S. nth. cMorrison, John T., lab, h iuq N. 7th. cMorrison, R. R., lab, h 208 Castle. Morrison, Willie R., clerk, h 316 N. Front. I Morrison, Robert (Fowler & Morrison) h 316 N. Front. Morrison, James C, clerk, bds 121 Market. j Morrison, Thomas, engineer, h 121 Market. Morrison, Mrs. A., boarding house, 121 Market. MORRELLE, REV. DANIEL, teacher, h 420 Orange. Morton, George, distiller, h 720 N. 4th. Morse, Andrew, machinist, h 306 Hanover. Morse, C. C, tinner, h 818 S. 8th. cMosley, D. B., huckster, h 116S. Front. cMosley, J., whitewashes h 116 S. 5th. cMosley, J. W., insurance agent, h 308 S. 8th, cMoseley, George, stevedore, h 505 N. 9th. cMosley, Wash, grocer, h 1001 N. 4th. cMosley, Joseph, lab, h 413 Campbell. cMosley, Walter, lab, h 1320 N. 6th. cMosley, Abraham, drayman, h 1302 Princess. cMosley, Charles, lab, h 11 17 Market. cMosley, William, clerk, h 815 N. 6th. cMosley, Holly, lighterman, h 603 Harnett. cMosley, Henry, carpenter, h 610 Swann. Mosley, Fred, lab, h 1108 Love's alley. cMosley, Kube, lab, h 1204 N. 9th. cMosley, George, drayman, h 511 Nixon. cMosley, W. H. B., lab, h 404 N. 7th. cMosley, R., drayman, h 713 S - 2d. Mosley, Charles, driver, h 419 Brunswick. Mott, A. L., painter, h 1 Voller's row. Mott, M. M., whitewashes h 615 Queen. Mott, A. J., carpenter, h 1015 N. 6th. Mott, Theodore, lab, h 519 Hanover. Mott, Benjamin, printer, h 413 Church. Moy, J., lab, h 321 S. 4th. MUGGE, CARL, saloon, 19 N. Front, h 311 Mulberry. END your orders to the Wilmington Paper Co., for Printed Wrapping 1 Paper, Cloth Flour Sacks and Paper Bags. Rock bottom prices. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 101 cMulligan, John, attendant Marine Hospital, 8th and Nun, Mulligan, Miss J.,h 8 Dock. cMuldrer, F.j lab, h 609 S. 8th. Munds, William C, druggist, h 510 Market. Munds, J. D., druggist, h 510 Market. Munds Bros., druggist, 601 N. 4th. Munds Bros, druggist, 104 N. Front. Munds, James C, agent druggist, 1 1 1 Princess, h 123 N. Front. MUNSON, H. H. & CO., clothiers and merchant tailors 32 N. Front, h 319 Walnut — see adv. Munson, P. H., (Munson & Co.)bds 319 Walnut. Munson, John, clerk, bds 319 Walnut. Muer, J. B., baggage master, h 1 14 N. 2d. cMurray, George, lab, h 709 Brunswick. Murray, W. R., carpenter, h 718 Bladen. cMurray, George, lab, h 812 Swann. cMurray, J. E., lab, h 820 Swann. Murray, Mrs. Winnie, widow, grocery, 904 N. 4th. Murray, Rev. John, h 1416 Market. Murray, James M.,h 212 Mulberry. Murray, J. P., carpenter, h 9th and Orange. cMurry, H., lab, h 120 S. 12th. Murchison, J. W., (Giles & Murchison) h 316 S. 3d. Murrill, Gus, carpenter, h 809 N. 6th. cMurrill, Ed, lab, h 803 Campbell. Murrill, Z., carpenter, h 713 N. 4th. Murrin, Ed, moulder, h 312 Hanover. Muller, M., h 1.117 N. 5th. Murphy, J., lab, h 1307 Brown's alley. cMurphy, James, lab, h 808 Bladen. Murphy, Charles, grocer, 717 Bladen. cMurphy, Hugh, carpenter, h 211 Mc Rae. Murphy. Essex, lab, h 409 Hanover. Murphy, B. F., painter, h 418 N. 3d. cMurphy, Wesley, lab, h 106 Walnut. Murphy, W. H., spring maker, h 208 S. Front. Murphy, Mrs. M. A., h 212 S. 2d. Muse, Frank, clerk, h 109 N. 8th. Myers, C. D., Jr., clerk, h 305 S. Front. Myers, Henry, attendant Marine hospital, h 8th and Nun, c/) ^ JJJ aT > ? O -I M ? 73 t > 3) OH g w2 CO ^< <i> > PC 3" HO Ci O I 2 T. J. SOUTHERLAND, livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 10S and no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C, JAMES D. MUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store . 102 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. u : * Lu ' W CO a C5 *s CQ 00 us s o 1 Q I o -: CQ cMyers, B., stevedore, h 710 S. 10th. cMyers, D., lab, h 714 N. 3d. McArtney, J. W., ship carpenter, h 805 S. 8th. McArtney, R., tinner, h 817 S. 7th. McArtney, James, ship carpenter, h 815 S. 7th. cMcAurthur, T., cooper, h Orange bet 7th and 8th. McAvoy, John, carpenter, h 810 N. 2d. cMcBride, Wm., blacksmith, h 10 10 Chesnut. cMcBride, Henry, lab, h 41 1 Campbell. McCabe, R., ship caulker, h Queen bet 6th and 7th. McCall, M., hack-driver, h 409 Church. McCaleb, Thomas, agent, h 414 Walnut. McCullem, A. T., clerk, h 1.15 N. 6th. cMcCallister, M., huckster, h 911 Dock. cMcCaller, Charles, lab, h 1318 N. 5th. cMcClammy, Wilson, stevedore, bds 117 McRae. McClammy, H., lawyer, h 13 N. 5th. McClammy, Miss M., h 619 S. 7th. McClammy, J. D., clerk, bds 619 S. 7th. McClammy, B. A., printer, bds 619 S. 7th. McClammy, Mrs. M., widow, h 619 S. 7th. McClammy, C. W., printer, h 9th and Queen. McClammy, Charles W., contractor, h Front bet Castle and Queen. cMcClammy, A., lab, h 703 Ann. cMcClammy, T., lab, h 606 S. 9th. McCloud, A., baggage master, bds 105 Dock. McConnell, F., lab, h 323 S. 4th. McCartney, Robert R., tinner, h 215 Market. McCartney, J. C,. plumber, h 5th, bet Ann and Nun. McCarson, J. W., carpenter, h 415 Harnett. cMcCullough, F., stevedore, h 515 S. 9th. cMcCullough, J., brick mason, h 510 S. 5th. McCurney, C. W., contractor, h 624 S. Front. McCraw, M. C, carpenter, h 108 S. 4th. cMcDuffie, M., lab, h 115 S. Front. M.cDuffie, Jasper, clerk, bds. no Market. cMcDuffie, J. N., drayman, h 914 Orange. cMcDuffie, P. H., lab, h 409 Hane's alley. cMcDuffie, J., lab, h 409 Hane's alley. McDuffie, J. D., upholsterer, h 419 Chesnut. McDUFFIE, GEORGE T., engineer, h 914 Chesnut. J. A. SPRINGER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. MJ. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. McDuffie, Mrs. E. A., widow, h 914 Chesnut. McDONALD, A. D., physician, 313 N. 4th, h same. cMcDonald, R., tailor, h 14 N. 2d. cMcDonald, James, lab, h 909 N. 6th. cMcDonald, R., stevedore, h 1007 Love's alley. cMcDonald, J. YV\, butler, h 214 S. 8th. McDonnell, Mrs. H., widow, h 808 Chesnut. McDougdl, R., h 108 N. 6th. McDougall, G. C, merchant, h 817 Chesnut. McDougall, R. P., horse shoer, h 108 N. 6th. McDougall, James, clerk, h 512 N. 3d. McDougall, R., lab, h 11 Northrop's alley. McEachern, J. D., clerk, h 201 Mulberry. McEACHERN, D. feed store, 126 N. Water, h 704 Castle — see adv. McEachern, J. S., grain store, 21 1 Market, h 719 Castle. McEachern, N. M., book-keeper, h 719 Castle. McEachern, A. O., clerk, h 719 Castle. McEntee, J. W., car builder, h 701 N. 3d. McFarland, W. H., freight clerk A. C. L. h 414 N. Front. McFarland, A., lab, h 906 Queen. cMcFarland, J. A., lab, h nth, bet Queen and Wooster. cMcFarland, Joseph, stevedore, h 906 Queen. cMcFarland, A., fisherman, h 916 Queen. cMcFarland, M., lab, h 906 Queen. cMcFarland, John, bricklayer, h 215 N. 6th. cMcFarland, Joseph, drayman, h 215 N. 6th. cMcFarland, Thomas, lab, h 901 Walnut. cMcFarland, Simon, drayman, h 16 N. 8th. cMcFarland, Sam, lab h 1010 N. 3d. McGarrity, J. H., clerk, h 5th bet Church and Castle. cMcGary, George, lab, h 1001 Market. McGee, Herbert, yardmaster, A. C. L., bds 107 Mulberry. cMcGee, Henry, cook, bds 705 N. 3th. cMcGee, P., lab, h 513 S. 10th. McGirt, A. G., auctioneer, h no S. 6th. McGowan, L.. clerk, h 809 Chesnut. McGowan, Frank, engineer, bds 107 Mulberry. McGowan, James H., City Health officer, h 713 Orange.! McGowan. W. A., clerk, h 713 Orange. McGowan, Mrs. S. J., stamping, h 713 Orange. McGruder, F. G., candy maker, h 715 Mulberry. 103 t in "*< o" I—— I M s s~ fil 5£ %3 ?S- A.G, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens > and Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. HP PRFMPFRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon . U. rnLlVI I Ln I , No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. 104 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 0) < O CD O w o O 73 (D &C cMcGuire, James, lab, h 709 McRae. Mcllhenny, Edward D., insurance agent, h cor. 2d and Market. Mcllhenny, T. C, h cor 2d and Market. Mcintosh, Mrs. Lizzie, boarding house, 1 15 Dock. Mcintosh, N., clerk, h 115 Dock. cMdntire, W., lab, h 510 S, 5th. McINTIRE, R. M., dry goods, 22 N. Front, h 819 Market. Mclver, J. T., broker h 312 N. 3d. McKeithen, J. S., engineer, h 81 1 S. Front. McKenzie, U., coach builder, h Dock bet 8th and 9th. cMcKenzie, T. A., carpenter, h 317 S. 6th. cMcKinney, T., lab, h 719 S. 8th. cMcKinzie, Tom, lab, h 1012 Princess. McKoy, R. H., lawyer, 109^ Princess, h 114 Orange. McKoy, W. B., lawyer, 209^ Market, h 3d and Nun. McKoy, Mrs. T., widow, h 3d and Nun. McKoy, Mrs., M. E., dressmaker, h 912 Queen. McKoy, M. C, h 323 S. 2d. McKoy, T. H., salesman, h 2d and Nun. cMcKoy, Moses, lab, 414 Howard. cMcKoy, Frank, shoemaker, h 510 Taylor. cMcKoy, Frank, lab, h 306 N. 9th. cMcKoy, H., coachman, h 715 Nun. cMcKoy, N., steward, h 411 S. 7th. cMcKoy, James, lab, h 6th and Wooster. cMcKoy, J. W., lab, h 115 S. 10th. cMcKoy, B.,lab, h 1106 Dock. cMcLane, S., lab, h 818 S. 2d. cMcLane, H., lab, h 211 Wooster. cMcLane, H., Jr., barber, h 617 S. 8th. cMcLane, Dan, lab, h 1304 N. 4th. McLaurin, Hugh, W., book-keeper, bds 105 Dock. McLaurin, John, editor N. C, Presbyterian, h 619 Orange. McLaurin, Joseph, h 807 Market. McLaurin L. W., cotton grader, h 807 Market. cMcLaughlin, J., lab, h 622 Surry. McMackin, J. R., pressman, h 18 N. 10th. cMcMillan, S., lab, h 916 Dock. cMcMillan, Ransom, musician, h 1201 Charlotte avenue. PflT VflPfT P DIPIinPD Dr Y Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy rULVUtrl a ilMlUM, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 105 CHAS. F. BROWNE^ AGENT, WHOLESALE Commission Merchant AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF * * * VEGETABLES and FRUITS, * * , * * BEST BUTTERS, CHEESE, FISH, &c. AI.So all GKADES OF TOBACCO, CIGARS ID SNUFF. Furs and Hides bought at the Highest Cash Market Prices. 128 NORTH WATER STREET, BROWN k PEARSON, No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. ic6 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. g * 1/3 *! I> zo gd CM §g QQ O p SSha ^ ° w McMillan, F. A., machinist, h 211 Hanover. McMillan, Thomas, engineer, h 211 Hanover. cMcMillan, Charles, lab, h 1220 N. 7th. cMcMillan, Lewis, drayman, h 906 Schutte's alley. McNab, L. G., clerk, bds 115 Dock. McNair, S. P., cotton and naval stores, cor Water and Princess, h 119 Ann. McNair, & Pearsall, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 319 and 321 Nutt. McNair, J. M., bds 121 Market. cMcNair, W. B., lab, h 506 Bladen. cMcNair, M., h 715 S. Front. cMcNeal, A., lab, h 705 S. nth. cMcNeal, Icum, lab, h, 115 N. 8th. cMcNeal, James, cook, h 713 Brunswick. cMcNeal, Isaiah, cooper, h 1113 N. 6th. cMcNeal. J., lab, h 918 Dock. cMcNeal, William, lab, h 41 1 Sampson's alley. cMcNeal, S., cook, h 708 Ann. cMcNeal, Wash, carpenter, h 214 Walnut. cMcNeal, P., stevedore, h 7 King's alley. cMcNell, Johnson, lab, h 712 N. 6th. McNerney, Mrs., Anna, widow, h 510 N. 6th. McPherson, Mrs. S. L., widow, h 102 S. 5th. McQueen, H. C, merchant, h 318 S. Front. MacRae, Donald, h 713 Market. MacRae, Donald, Jr., h 713 Market. MacRae, Hugh, h 713 Market. McRae, W. G.', surveyor, h 210 S. 5th. McRae, R., surveyor, h 210 S. 5th. McRae, Walter, engineer, bds 504 N. Front. McRae, W., chemist, h 31 1 S. 5th. McRae, John, book-keeper, bds 121 Market. McRae, M., mechanic, h 908 N. 3d. cMcRae, Adam, lab, h 11 11 Swann's alley. cMcRae, Henry, butcher, h 919 Bladen. cMcRae, John, A., lab, h 1311 N. 5th. cMcRae, Edmund, stevedore, h 409 Campbell. cMcRae, William, lab, h 1015 N. 5th. cMcRae, J., lab, h 215 Church. cMcRae, Thomas, drayman h 1210 Charlotte avenue. McSween, William, engineer, h 167 Mulberry. ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in tlit- city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cNash, Henry, lab, h 719 Swarm. cNash, W. H., barber, h 317 McRae. cNash, Sol, barber, h 81 1 Red Cross. cNash, James, drayman, h 508 McRae. cNash & Evans, barber shop, cor. Front and Princess. Nathan, A., clerk, bds Commercial Hotel. Navassa Guano Co., office 103 N. Water. cNeal, Josh, lab, h 613 Harnett. cNeal, John, stevedore, h 91 1 N. 6th. cNeal, John, lab, h 1207 S. 2d. cNeal, John W., stevedore, h 714 Walnut. cNeil, J., lab, h 520 S. 5th. Nelson, G. M., collector, h 18 S. 9th. Nelson, A., moulder, h 204 S. Front. cNelson, Stephen, fireman, h 705 Hanover. cNelson, Allen, lab, h 801 N. 8th. New, G. B., photographer, h 1 19 Castle. Newbury, F. A., grocer, 12 Mulberry, h 810 Market. cNewell, Frank, driver, h 514 N. 6th. Newell, W. H., station master, h 416 Walnut. Newell, W. T., collector, h 416 Walnut. cNewkirk, C, lab, h 102 S. 13th. cNewkirk, Icum, drayman, h 808 Bladen. Newkirk, Dr. A. F., h 418 Red Cross. cNewkirk, Thomas, stevedore, h 716 Hanover. NEWMAN, D. & SON, dry goods, 14 and 16 Market. NEWMAN, MARTIN, (D. Newman & Son), Chief en- gineer Fire Department, bds Orton Flouse. Newman, Mrs. P., widow, bds Commercial Hotel. Newman, Henry, clerk, bds. Commercial Hotel. Newman, Joseph, clerk, bds Commercial Hotel, Newman, Mrs. E., widow, house furnishing goods, 2d . bet Market and Dock, h same. Newsome, T. J., conductor, h 313 Red Cross. Newton, R. H., baker and confectionery, 130 Market, h 21 1 Nun. Newton, J. M., lab, h 51 1 Campbell. cNewton, W., lab, h 412 S. 8th. Newton, Mrs. G. W., h 320 Queen. Newton, W. F., printer, h 320 Queen. 9 m 0, PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, &T Satisfaction Guaranteed. s. A. SOHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 108 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. OJ O 2 -° 1 = p a NEW YORK STEAMSHIP, wharf and office, cor. Chesnut and Water. cNichols, James, lab, h 714 S. 6th. Nichols, C. M., lab, h 609 S. 6th. cNichols, Rums, lab, h 606 Nixon. 4JjcNichols, Emanuel, deputy sheriff, h 13 16 Parsley's alley. Niestlie, Wm., (Miller & Niestlie) druggist, 520 Mulberry, h same. Nielsen, A. C, ship carpenter, h 605 S. 4th. Niemyer, John E., engineer, h 123 S. 6th. Nixon, J. A., grocer, 1101 Market. cNixon, Andrew, flatman, h 712 Walnnt. cNixon, Albert, wood cutter, h 712 Walnut. cNixon, J. O., grocer, 801 Nixon, h 707 Brunswick. £ £ K o O O 00 o cNixon cNixon, 8th. George, carpenter, h, 1204 N. Wm., lab, h 813 Nixon. cNixon, D., painter, h 10th near Wooster. cNixon, John, lab, h 904 Schutt's alley. cNixon, Wesley, lab, h 510 Brunswick. cNixon, Robert, cooper, h 706 N. 6th, cNixon, Albert, lab, h 1203 N. 8th. cNixon, J. D.. watchman, h 1008 N. 7th. cNixon, Sam, lab, h 13 15 Love's, alley. cNixon, Thomas, lab, h 930 Campbell. cNixon, Christian, h 609 N. 10th. cNixon, G., lab, h Orange, bet 9th and 10th. NOBLES, CAPT. S. W., vineyard, h 903 Market. Noble, M. C. S.. superintendent Public Schools, bds. 121 Market. cNoise, Robert, engineer, h 1014 N. 7th. cNoise, Henry, carpenter, h 1107 McRae's alley. Nolan, James, contractor, h 907 — arket. NOLAN, J. R., superintendent Sea Coast R. R., h 207 Red Cross. NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL JOURNAL, Drs. Thomas F. Wood and G. G. Thomas, Editors, office 201 Chesnut. Northrop, S. B. & Co., fish dealers, h 811 S. 7th. Northrop, I., lumber inspector, h 5th, bet Queen and Wooster. Northrop, R. H., h 514 Dock. BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. c. B. SCUTHEFL^ND & CO ., Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 109 Northrop, W. H. Jr., (Northrop, Hodges & Taylor), h 514 Dock. Northrop, W. H., h 15 S. 5th. Northrop, S., lumber mill, h 514 Dock. cNorwood, C. W., grocer, h 102 Castle. cNorwood, Wm, teacher, h 720 N. 5th cNorwood, John G., carpenter, h 202 Walnut. Norwood, Vance, printer, bds 107 Mulberry. Nugent, Gus, printer, bds 115 N. 4th. Nurney, J. H., roadmaster, W. C. & A. R. R., h 414 S. 5th. NUTT, JAMES D., druggist. 218 N. Front, h same. o Oakley, Mrs. J. E., widow, h 114 S. 2d. O'BRIEN, Martin, Railroad bar, cor Nutt and Red Cross, h 307 N. Front — see adv. O'CONNOR, D., real estate agent, 112 Princess, h no Princess — see adv. Odd Fellows Hall, 3d, opp City Hall. OFFICES ATLANTIC COAST LINE, southwest cor. Front and Red Cross. Oldenbuttle, John G., grocer, 10th and Market. O'Keefe, James, stone cutter, bds 208 S. Front. cOldham, Dan, lab, h 615 S. 8th. Oldham, W. P. & Co., grist mill, 12 Dock. Oldham, \V. P., h 208 S. 2d. cOldham, Wm., drayman, h 821 Campbell. Onsby, James, carpenter, h 409 Swann. Orrell, J. D., seargent police, h 815 Dock. Orrell, Robert H., printer, Messenger office. ORRELL, R. C, livery, sale and feed exchange, cor. 3d and Princess, h 3C5 N. 4th — see adv. Orrell, Mrs. Susan E., widow, h 624 N. 4th. ORTMANN, F. W., proprietor Club rooms. 17 N. 2d. h 104 N. 5th — see adv. cOsten, Sol, lab, h 702 N. 2d. cOsten, Gidding, lab, h 613 Bladen. OTERSEN, WILLIAM, groceries and liquors, 418 Market, h 420 Market — see adv. Otten, D., grocer, h 1201 N. 6th cor Nixon. Otten, Henry, clerk, bds 1201 N. 6th. cOtter, Josh, stevedore, h 508 S. 4th. n ... > 2 > 3 n 9 tn a m > g* r (T I C z 3' Z =r M a ■ n O S- 3 ps n> 3 "• a >n pa d. O ^ Z ' — , &■ H O r » O "** 71 m gtn Ol ~ H U 5 in X Z $ z — i a> O n as S. I A QPQIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, H, 01 nllNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. LADIES FAVORITE FLOUR is the best Flour on market, and sold only by R. W. HICKS, Wholesale Grocer. no MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. £>£ _ 5 <a Og U l 02 H ! o § Q 1 O - J < Owens, J. H. ; clerk, bds 105 Dock. Owens, J. W., h 105 Dock. Owens, Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, h 419 Mulberry. Owens, Mrs. M. E., h 419 Mulberry. Owens, Mrs. S. H., boarding house, 105 Dock. Owens, R., machinist, h 208 S. Front cOwens, John, stevedore, h 808 N. 5th. cOwens, Jeffrey, stevedore, h 920 N. 5th. cOwens, T., brick mason, h 323 S. 6th. cOwens, H., lab, h Wilson's alley, bet 7th and 8th. Paca, Miss M., seamstress, h 517 S. 3d. Padrick, Miss Ida, dress maker, h 14 N. 10th. Padrick, Robert, carpenter, h 14 N. 10th. Padrick, J., carpenter, h 912 N. 8th. cPadison, Wm., lab, h 1116 Hutaffs alley. Page, P., carpenter, bds 10 Chesnut. Parmele, Mrs. Sarah, widow, h 316 N. 5d. Parmele, Edgar, inspector of customs, h 412 Princess. cPane, Joe, lab, h 420 Harnett. cPane, J., lab, h 207 S. 7th. cPark, J. W., fireman, h 216 Cowan. Parker, Mrs. W. M., widow, h 214 N. 2d. cParker, W. N., brick mason, h 609 S. 5th. cParker, H., shoemaker, h 609 S. 5th. cParker, Henry, lab, h 616 N. 10th. PARKER, C. C, painter, 109 N. 2d, h 520 Wooster- see adv. Parker, M. M., mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. Parsley, O. G., Postmaster, h 308 N. Front. Parsley, Wm., clerk, bds 308 N. Front. Parsley, Henry, clerk, bds 308 N. Front. Parsley, Aubrey, bds 308 N. Front. Parsley, George D., timber inspector, h 16 N. 7th. Parsley, Walter, (Parsley & Wiggins), h 711 Market. cParson, E., lab, h 308 Nun. cPaton A., lab, h 601 Swann. cPatrick, Charles H., porter, h 811 N. 7th. cPatrick, E., lab, h 11 10 Love's alley. Patrick, Moses, lab, h 1 1 16 N. 4th. B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags, &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. n ♦ /\URES all Scalp Diseases and eradicates Dandruff from ^ ^ y^/ the head like magic. As a hair grower it has no equal. ^ ♦ It is a sure preventative for all falling out of the hair, ^ ♦ and will promote a heavy growth of beautiful hair in a short ^ length of time. After many years of studying the nature of ^ O the hair folicles, and the cause of so many men and women O ♦ losing their hair, I have at last discovered a preparation that ♦ ^ will positively give new life and vigor to the hair, and will 3> O restore it to its natural color. It is free from all injurious ♦ effects and is indorsed by the best citizens of our city. ^ ^ ^ O ♦ It stimulates the roots, thereby causing a healthy action O <> of the folicles, which produces a rich and luxuriant growth of ^ ♦ beautiful hair. This is nature's own remedy. The beauty of ♦ ♦ man and woman is in the hair. Try a bottle and be con- ^ O vinced. Manufactured and sold only by^^^^^^^ charles h. ward, Tonsorial Artist, No. 9 SOUTH FRONT STREET, - WILMINGTON, N . C. GEO. HONNET, DEALER IN ^ o o ♦ DIAMONDS. * ® ♦ ♦ SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Spectacles and Eye Glasses in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Steel, Celluloid and Rubber Frames. Watches and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. No. 121 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. ^•THE LEADING^ RURNITURE HOUSE! No. 20 SOUTH FRONT STREET, THOMAS C. CKAFT, a„t. F W n RTMANN . Proprietor CLUB 1 VV , U St. Best Wines, Liquors and ' ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. U^ 4 W o ti p & H Hi & H O ^ § 12 s -.00 S-h < O «lB 5°= a 3 * oh*"" 3s m Paterson, Downing & Co., commission merchants, cor Walnut and Mulberry. Paul, Mrs. J. F., widow, h 518 S. Front. cPayne. Lewis, cooper, h 921 Walnut. cPayne, Lisbon, painter, h 5 1 1 McRae. cPeden, Richard, lab, h 1009 Red Cross. Peden, A., cooper, h 716 S. 6th. cPedaford, A., brick mason, h 909 Castle. Peadrick, T. R., carpenter, h 725 Queen. cPeamon, George, barbershop, 706 N. 4th, h 305 Bruns- wick. cPeamon, Moses, lab, h 1207 N. 6th. cPearse, W., waiter, h 712 Church. Pearsall, Oscar, (Hall & Pearsall) h 309 N. 4th. Pearsall, D. M., engineer, h 416 Dock. Pearsall, Hill, clerk, bds 105 dock. cPearsall, M., driver, h 514 S. 4th. PECK, G. A., hardware, 29 S. Front, h 311 S. ^d. Pennington, L. B., telegraph operator, h 410 S. 4th. Pennington, W. E., lab, h 410 S, 4th. Persee, H. R., clerk, h 417 S. 5th. Penton, A. C, h 19 N. 7th. Penton, D. H., clerk, bds 19 N. 7th. Penny, H. W., clerk, bds 619 Dock. Penny, S. H., blacksmith, h 310 McRae. Penny, W. J., dry goods, 25 Market, h 8th and Dock. Penny, E. N., clerk, bds 8th and Dock. Penny, B. R., book-keeper, bds 109 S. 7th. Penny, W. F., clerk, bds 109 S. 7th. Penny, G. W., clothing, 2 Market, h Dock, bet 8th and 9th. Penny, H. W., mail agent, h 708 Queen. Penny B. F., clothing' no Market, h 109 S. 7th. PENNYPACKER, E. J., president Champion Com- press Co., bds Orton House. Perdew, W. E., clerk, bds 312 N. 7th. Perdew, H. G., clerk bds 312 N. 7th. PERDEW, J. W., gunsmith, h 312 N. 7th. cPerdy, S., drayman, h 719 Church. Perrick, A., baggage master, bds 214 Campbell. cPerkins, L., scavenger, h 1005 Queen. cPerkins, D. shoemaker, h 617 S. 2d. T. J. SOUTHERLAND Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C, M/, . DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer, in "Watches. Clocks, ewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRKCTORV. 113 r a c Co - / ^ i. •> JD — S5{ > •H Coir 5 fcej cPerry, F., lab, h 408 S. 2d. Perry, J. F., printer, h 120 Orange. Perry, James, weaver, bds 115 Dock. Perry, Mrs. Jane, widow, h 412 Harnett. Perry, Amos, boarding stables, 215 N. Front, h 8th bet Orange and Dock. Perry, Benjamin R., driver hose reel Atlantic Fire En- gine Company, h 417 Princess. cPerry, W., shoemaker, h Front, bet Church and Castle. cPerry, W., lab, h 518 S. 2d. ^> Peschau & Westerman, (E. Peschau and H. Westerman.) r ship chandlers, 204 and 206 N. Water. * PESCHAU, E., Imperial German vice consul, h 501 ^ Mulberry. w Peschau, Rev. F. VV. E,'h 12 N. 6th. Peterson, W. C, h 315 Mulberry. Peterson, Mrs. S. A., milliner, h 722 N. 4th. Peterson, George A., tinner, h 709 Bladen. Petteway, L. T., clerk, h 315 Walnut. Petteway, Mrs. Lizzie, widow, h 207 Mulberry. Petteway, Mrs. Lucy, A., widow, h 206 N. 6th. Philips, G. S., conductor, h 916 N. 4th. Philips, S., clothing, 22 Market, h same. Philips, S., oiler, h 611 S. Front. cPhillps, J., lab, h 409 S. 7th. cPhilips, T., lab, h 409 S. 7th. Phillips, E. J., baggage master, h 609 S. Front. Philyaw, Eugene, drummer, h 119 N. 6th. cPhinix, Dock, lab, h 720 N. 6th. cPhinny, W., painter, h 420 Orange. cPiase, Walter, porter, h 405 Campbell. Picknard, W. E., engineer, h 411 N. 3d. Pickens, R., lab, h 720 Ann. Pickett, W. H., lab, h 307 S. 6th. Pickett, T. G., clerk, h 208 S. 2d. Pickett, R. H., broker, h 908 Market. Pickett, J. E., lab, h 1005 N. 5th. Pickett, J., lab, h 408 Swann. cPickett, P., lab, h 1 009 Shaws alley. cPierce, Wm, lab, h 507 N. 10th. cPierce, Henry, lab, h 1006 Green. cPierce, R., lab, h 1007 Queen. r so fel m ^ 6 Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, 'Gents. Furnishing , Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. H ALL & PBARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. ii and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cPierce, A., ship carpenter, h 416 Queen. Pigford, Dr. E. S., 216 N. Front, bds 208 N. Front. cPigford, Luke, lab, h 13 15 Brown's alley. cPigford, J. H., lab, h 509 Queen. Piner, Mrs. M. J., widow, h 518 S. Front. cPiner, Warrick, stevedore, Harnett bet 5th and 6th. Pittman, Mrs. G., widow, h 813 S, 5th. Pittman, Joseph C, printer, h 1029 N. 4th. Piver. J. S., policeman, h Church, bet 3d and 4th. Piatt, Miss M. B., h 226 S. Front. Piatt, John T., foreman at Burr & Bailey's, h 609 Mul- berry. Piatt, P. F., machinist, h 225 S. Front. Piatt, Miss E. J., h 226 S. Front. Piatt, Thomas, machinist, h 609 Mulberry. Piatt, Benjamin, machinist, h 609 Mulberry. Player, Mrs. E. A., widow, h 507 S. 3d. cPlummer, Richard, lab, h 708 Walnut. Pool, H. C., printer, bds. 10 Chesnut. cPolk, J., cooper, h 514 Church. cPolk, Alexander, lab, h 509 N. 6th. Pollock, E. Y., lab, h 501 S. 5th. Polley, E. G., commission merchant, h 912 Market. Polvogt, C. W., h 17 S- 2d. POLVOGT & REHDER, dry goods, 619 N. 4th— see adv. POISSON, L. J., real estate broker, 109 Princess, h 2d, bet Ann and Nun — see adv. Poisson, W. M., book-keeper, h 611 Mulberry. cPoisson, Wm, lab, h 909 N. 9th. Poisson, J. D., janitor City Hall, h 420 Mulberry. Poisson, Mrs. Sallie J., h 420 Mulberry. cPope, Sam, stevedore, h 1017 Hutaffs alley. cPore, Wesley, lab, h 114 Market. PORTNER, ROBERT, BREWING CO., 21 N. 2d— see adv. Post, James F., Jr., Secretary and treasurer A. C. L., h 112 N. 7th. Post, Thomas R., clerk, h 108 N. 7th. Post, James F., architect, h 112 N. 7th. Potter, Mrs. E., widow, h no S. 4th. Potter, Dr. W. F., city physician, h 221 Market. W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. TOMNF T FIT T H T FV singer sewing machines. J W 1 1 IN J_^. 1_7 \J l^J L^L^ I , I2 NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 115 Potter, Archie, printer, bds 115 N. 4th. Potter, G. YV., ship carpenter, h 1024 N. 3d. Potter, Mrs. H., widow, h 61 1 S. 2d. Potter, Miss J., h 321 Castle. cPotts, Archie, lab, h 1017 N. 5th. Powell, Mrs. M. C, widow, h 102 Church. Powers, Mrs. M. C, dressmaker, h 708 N. 4th. POWERS, E. J., office 102 N. Front, h 1 1 S, 5th. Pratt, Jasper, book-keeper, h 17 S. 8th. Pratt, David, watchman, h 17 S. 8th. PREMPERT, H. C, barber, 7 S. Front, h 31 S. Front — see adv. Prempert, Arthur, barber, h 1 1 N. 8th. Price, Mrs. C. A., boarding house, 413 Princess. Price, Capt. Joseph, harbor master, office 2 S. Water, h 101 N. 7th. Price, R. A., grocer, 624 Front, h 620 Front" Price, R. W., book-keeper, h 125 S. 5th. Price, Mrs. C. K., widow, h 125 S. 5th. Price, Miss B. K., h 125 S. 5th. Price, Wm, clerk, h 317 S. 5th. cPrice, D. P., ditcher, h 1119 Dock. cPrice, Henry, brickmason, h 513 N, 10th. cPrice, George W., auctioneer, 608 N. 4th, h 501 Bruns- wick. cPrice, Rev. A. M., h 1601 Market. cPrice, W. K., h 217 N. 7th. Pridgen, E. K., boarding house, 10 Chesnut. Pridgen, Maggie, cook, iS}4 N. 2d. Pridgen, L. W., printer, bds. 10 Chestnut. cPridgen, J., lab, h 420 S. 6th. PRIMROSE, Rev. J. W., h 510 N. 4 th. Primrose, James T., book-keeper, bds. 510 N. 4th. Prindle, F. C, bds Orton House. PRODUCE EXCHANGE, 103 N. Water. cProctor, James, stevedore, h 108 Walnut. Pritchard, Rev. T. H., h 15 N. 5th. Pritchard, L. L., broker, bds 16 N. 5th. Puckett, W. C, lab, h 414 S. 8th. cPudore, Rich, lab, h 13 16 N. 7th. Pugh, Wm., clerk, h 602 Chesnut. Pugh, G. D., seargent police, h 602 Chesnut. Ni' 1! 1% Co- it a, o CO g H X ?? cd O > 3 S" a >■— < fa W l-H IH *S rs j A C* TT AN KINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce • fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front .St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 116 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. S3 X © t s ® ^ X ^ Pugh, Mrs. Addie A., widow," h 14 S. 8th. Purlasche, Augustus, book-keeper, bds no Market. Pulliam, Wm. G., clerk, h 207 N. 3d. cPurnell, Prince, lab, h 1011 N. 9th. cPurnell, Prince, lab, h 516 McRae. Pushel, Lewis, clerk, h 418 Market. Q Ouelch, John B., time keeper W. & Bladen. W. R. R., h 511 Quince, N. H., h 120 N. 5th. cQuince, J., lab, h 410 alley on S. 5th, cQuince, Damon, lab, h 112 N. nth. cQuince, Tally, wood sawyer, h 1009 8th. cQuince, Richard, lab, h 12 14 N. 6th. cQuince, Thomas, lab, h 1216 N. 5th. cOuick. Isham, drayman, h 313 N. 9th. QUINLIVAN, DANIEL, horse shoer and farrier, 106 N. 2d, h in Dock — see adv. QUINLIVAN, TOM, horse shoer and farrier, cor 3d and Princess, h 711 Bladen. Quinn, George P., mechanic, h 120 N. 9th. Quinn, J., lab, h 613 Castle. Quinn, Abner, carpenter, h cor 7th and Campbell. R Rackley, J., lab, h 13 Dawson. Radcliff, Thomas R., agricultural chemist, bds 11 S. 3d. j cRadcliff, James, lab, h 13 18 Parsley's alley. 1 Raff, J. S., professor of music, h 412 N. Front. Ramsey, David, clerk, bds 1 15 Dock. Ramsey, T. J., watchman, h 1 Dawson. j Rann, Thomas, machinist, h 710 N. 3d. Rankin, J. T., broker, h 412 S. 3d. Rankin, N. B., (Bridgers & Rankin) h 314 Orange. Rankin, R. G., commission merchant, h 319 S. 3d. Ransley,J.,h 513 Dock. cRasbern, John, lab, h 810 N. 6th. Rasberry, C. P., carpenter, h 508 N. 9th. Rathjen, M., grocer, 1020 Swann, h same. DASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S 1 STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. C. B. SOUTHERLAND &. CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIKKCT< >l{\ . "7 Ray, George T., contractor, h 1 6th bet Market and Dock. Raynor, William, XV., lab., h 406 Swann. Reachee, W. A., h 219 Red Cross. Reade, George W., lab, h 710 N. 3d. cReade, Sam, brick mason, h 720 N. 5th. cReardon, R. B., barber, h 313 Castle. cReaves, Jerry, lab, h 116 Brunswick, c Reaves, N., stevedore, h 912 N. 7th. Reaves, J. F. A., lab, h 12 Blunt's alley. Redd, C. C, printer, h 905 Wooster. Redd, Mrs, K. L., widow, h 905 Wooster. cRedit, S., lab.h 41 1 Nun. cRedmon, James, lab, h 605 Swann. cRedy, H., drayman, h 115 Wooster. cReddy, Joseph, stevedore, h 516 Walnut. cReed, D. C, drayman, h 516 Smith's alley. cReed, T. P., lab, h 516 Smith's alley. Reed, George, lab, h 1003 Mulberry. Ress, J. W., carpenter, h 511 W r ooster. Reeves, R. M., lab, h 8th and Queen. Reeves, C. J., lab, h 8th and Queen. Reeves, C, drayman, h 811 S. 5th. Reeves, G. T., moulder, h 612 S. 2d. Reeves, S., grocer, 516S. Front. Register, R. B., machinist, h 208 S. Front. Register & Bro., clothing, 4 Market, h 817 Mulberry. Register, J. F., lab water works, h 910 N. 4th. Register, Mrs. S. J., widow, h 8th and Queen. Register, Willie, clerk, bds 817 Mulberry. Register, W. H., printer, h 307 S. 5th. Register, Mrs. M. L-, widow, h 307 S. 5th. Rehder, John H., (Polvogt & Rehder) bds 817 Red Rehder, Mrs. H., florist, 817 Red Cross. Rehder, Henry, grocer, 501 N. 9th, h 817 Red Cross. Reilly, J. W., superintendent gas works, h 1 16 S. 6th. Reilly, George D., mail carrier, h 409 S. 6th. Reilly, J. T., book-keeper, h 410 S. 6th. Reilly, Mrs. M., widow, h 410 S. 6th. cReilly, J., lab, h 705 Ann. Remsen, Charles P., hat store, 10 N. 2d. Reveir, D. S., lab, h 702 Queen. I A QPRIMfTQ Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. A. OrnllNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. "Vy" U "p 1SJ You come to buy Groceries, call at ^ iN 116 North Water Street, and see R. W. HICKS. uS MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 3 ^ - CO o 2 - o: L 55 o3 H ! Q I O - cReynolds, R. A., physician, h 720 N. 4th. Reynolds, Charles, carpenter, h 818 N. 5th. Reynolds, J. D., ship carpenter, h 612 S. 2d. RHEINSTEIN, F. & Co., wholesale dry goods, 27 and 29 N. Front — see adv. Rheinstein, F., (Rheinstein & Co.) h 514 Market. Rhew, F., h 705 S. 5th. Rhodes, I. B., butcher and proprietor Green House, h 113 S. 5th. cRhodes, H. lab, h 217 S. 7th. RIACH, W. A., auditor A. C. L., h 219 Red Cross. cRicard, Sam, lab, h 1014 Princess. RICAUD & WEILL, law office, 112^ Princess. Ricaud, Rev. T. Page, h 104 N. 7th. Ricaud, A. G., (Ricaud & Weill) h 104 N. 7th. Rice, F. B., State Senator 12th district and justice of the peace, h 525 S. Front. Rice, R. T., telegraph operator, bds 105 Dock. cRice, Gus, lab, h 417 Nixon. Rich, Luther, lab, h io^McRae's alley. cRicks, J., attendant Marine Hospital, 8th and Nun. Richards, E., superintendent Wilmington Cotton Mills, h 1407 S. 2d. Richards, E. V., fresco painter, 106 Princess, h 114 N. 6th. cRichardson, R. W.,lab, h 707 Ann. cRichardson, J. E., tinner, h 720 Orange. cRichardson, J. L., lab, h 510 N. 11. cRichardson, Caleb, cooper, h 1010 N. 2d. cRichards D., cooper, h 407 Harnett. cRichardson, Jacob, stevedore, h 1006 N. 7th. cRichardson, Willis, lab, h 1220 N. 6th. cRichardson, Simon, lab, h 11 16 F. 7th. cRichardson, William, lab, h 1304 Swann's alley. cRichardson, P., lab, h 11 20 Dock. Richter, Charles, grocer, 1022 N. 4th, h same. Riggs, C. S., carpenter, h 203 Castle. Ringdoe, Gus, butcher, h 701 Bladen. RISING, R. F., tinner, 13 Dock, h 108 Church — see adv. Risley, H., carpenter, h 307 S. 6th. Risley, J. H., engineer, h 605 Wooster. Risley, F. P., clerk, h 209 S. 6th. Pfin/TIPT 1 P. DFIITIPD Drv Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy lULVUtrl Ci MflUM, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. II J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks ™* Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY 119 Rivenbark, G. W., clerk, h 225 S. Front. Rivenbark, E. W., lab, h 11 15 N. 2d. Rivenbark, A. W., clerk, h 613 Chesnut. cRivera, Thomas, undertaker and job shop, 304 Princess, h 516 Red Cross. cRivera, Thomas, Jr., carpenter, 304 Princess, h 716 McRae. Roan, John C, moulder, h 810 N. 2d. Roan, E., widow, seamstress, h 520 Castle. Roan, D. A., tinsmith, h 520 Castle. Robins, William, engineer, h 806 S. 6th. Robins, A. M., confectionery, h 222 S. Front. Robins, Mrs. E., teacher, h 812 Orange. Robins, S. A., lab, h 412 Hane's alley. Robins, Mrs. C, widow, h 21 1 Nun. Roberts, W., clerk, h 1 1 3 Front. Robinson, C. H., collector of customs, h Front and Nun. Robinson & King, (C. H. Robinson, C. H. King) com- mission merchant, Orange and Water. Robinson, Mrs. Fred. G„ widow, h 109 N, 5th. Robinson, Uel M., clerk, h 109 N. 5th. Robinson, Charles H., clerk, h 109 N. 5th. Robinson, E. L., train inspector, h 705 N. 6th. cRobinson, Sandy, lab, h 817 N. 3d. cRobinson, G. W., shoemaker, 130 Front, h 108 Wright. cRobinson, Rev. Edward, h 820 Campbell. cRobinson, Willie, lab, h 304 Brunswick. cRobinson, Tom, lab, h 810 N. 3d. cRobinson, Joe, butler, h 1020 N. 8th. cRobinson, Henry, lighterman, h 617 N. 6th. R., lab, h 919 Castle. J., Jr., lab, h 811 Castle. 1 1 Castle, h 717 Ann. W., lab, h 717 Ann. cRobinson, J., carpenter, h 704 Orange. cRobinson, J. D., distiller, h 1002 S. 10th. 2 cRobinson cRobinson cRobinson, J., lab, h cRobinson, E. C, lab cRobinson cRobinson, Romey, lab, h 716 Harnett. cRobinson, Clavern, lab, h 1020 Love's alley. cROBINSON. J. B., grocer, 721 Harnett. cRobinson, A. S„ wood yard, h 930 Castle. =0 W cs ti- re 1*1 a su m >, 9* C) 5 r*i a a m 3D ;cp CO ©J O- et w ~.~ > 3 O ? O a W -> 3 •H M 70 Q, > a >** cs. 'An. ■b nn 3' I W 7 ^ Co Tl^ -J o> en >70 CO nn H 5= r^i r^ MO s: • w 3 g 3 r ^r n 31 ^ f5 O * :r. w HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. i2o MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. WM. E.WORTH SCO., IGE BEA hER S WHOLESALE and RETAIL Special Attention Given to Orders for OUR FACILITIES FOR SHIPPING ICE BY THE CAR LOAD ARE UNSURPASSED. "D \\T h-T T ( "* Tv" Q is headquarters for Groceries of all kinds IV. VV . ni^i\J Quality being the first consideration. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 121 [c Robinson, James, ship carpenter, h 904 Castle, c Robinson, J. E., lab, h 904 Castle. cRobinson, S., h 719 S. 2d. cRobinson, Y., lab, h 319 S. 4th. cRobinson, J., lab, h 716 S. 10th. cRobinson, Henry, lab, h 307 N. 9I1. cRobinson. Sam, engineer, h 404 McRae. cRobinson, W. D., fab, h 609 S. 5th. Roderick, E., lab, h 81 1 S. 7th. Roderick, J. R., drayman, h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson. Rodgers, T. H., shoemaker, h 913 N. 7th. cRoe, J. H., lab, h 9 N. nth. Rogers, Mrs. M. L., widow, seamstress, h 415 S. 6th. Rogers, J., h 10 10 Front. Rogers, Miss C. M., teacher, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Rogers, Mrs. S. G., h 506 S. 2d. Rogers, H., lab, h 6 N. Front. cRohn, Robert, lab, h 409 McRae. Rollins, H. T., mail agent, bds 105 Dock. Rollins, Mrs. S. G., matron, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Rollins, Rev. G. S., h Nun bet 6th and 7th. ■ cRone, Ben, bricklayer, h 311 N. 6th. Rose, Sister, teacher, Convent Mercy. Roseman, M., merchant tailor, 5 Market, h 1 10 Mulberry. Rosenthal, W. J., clerk, h 1 16 S, 5th. Rosenthal, H., book-keeper, h 116 S. 5th. Rosenthal, Nathan, clerk, h 116 S. 5th. Rosenthal, Mrs. G., widow, h 116 S. 5th. cRourke, Mrs. Mary, widow, h 514 Brunswick. cRountree, Dennis, lab, h 12 12 N. 6th. Rowe, Miss M. C, h 9th, bet Dock and Orange. cRowe, Wm., painter, h 815 N. 6th. Rowe, Mrs. M. F., widow-, h 9th bet Dock and Orange. Rowell, Mrs. J. \\\, widow, h 6th bet Dock and Orange. Rowell, T. L., carpenter, h 19 S 8th. cRowell, F., lab, h 112 S. 9th. Royster, \V. S., printer, h 609 N. 8th. Ruark, John IF, blacksmith, h 308 Hanover. Rueby, B. F., ship carpenter, h 1120 N. 4th. Ruith, J. A., machinist, h 208 S. Front. Rulfs, John F., grocer, 320 N. 4th, h 318 N. 4th. Rulfs, J. F. Jr., clerk, h 318 N. 4th. 2 H H 2 * 2 K 9 r+ T ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IX THE STATE. L - WILMINGTON PAPER CO S. A. SCHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 122 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Runge, Mrs. G. H., widow, h 311 S. 5th. Rundlet, Miss S. E., h 219 S. 3d. Rush, Mrs. M. A., h 214 N. 6th. Rush, Mrs. E. L., widow, h 606 Orange. cRush, Samuel E., sawyer, h 823 Fanning. cRuss, Josh, porter, h 717 N. 4th. cRuss, Andrew, stevedore, h 1307 Loves alley. cRuss, Wm., stevedore, h 1215 Loves alley. cRuss, R., stevedore, h 719 Front. Russell, Hon. D. L., lawyer, 120 Princess, h 105 S. 2d. Russell, Mrs. M. E., teacher, h 125 S. 5th. Russell, B. R., engineer, h 108 S. 4th. Russell, Mrs. O., widow, h 121 S. 2d. Russell, D. H., contractor, h 811 N. 4th. Russell, J. P., h 512 Mulberry. Rutland, Walter, freight agent A. C. L., h 219 Chesnut. Ryman, Miss G., h 308 Nun. cSadgwar, George, carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, David, carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, David, Sr., carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, F. C, carpenter, h 15 N. 8th. Sailings, S., carpenter, h 319 S. 6th, Sailings, J. L., policeman, h 319 S* 6th. Sampson, A., carpenter, h 123 Orange. cSampson, J. A., carpenter, h 821 Orange. cSampson, J. D., carpenter, h 718 Ann. cSampson, H. D., carpenter, h 307 S. 7th. cSampson, Charles E., grocer, h 520 Campbell. cSampson, William, lab, h 508 Brunswick. cSampson, Israel, lab, h 1116 N. 5th. cSampson, Henry, carpenter, h 514 N. 6th. cSampson, Joe, carpenter, h 514 N. 6th. cSampson, Charles, grocer, h 514 N. 6th. cSampson, Rev. C, h 509 N. 7th. cSampson, Mrs. Isabella, h 419 Samsons alley. :Sampson, Joseph E., register of deeds, h 609 Chesnut. Sanders, Simon, grocer, h 406 N. 3d. Sanders, F. J., stone cutter, h 703 Mulberey. IcSanders, Hawkins, lab, h 1213 N. 7th. AH NANKINS, Family Supply Store, 19 No . Ui tl tees quality, correct weight and measu rth Second St.. guaran- re, and prompt delivery- AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market st., Wilmington. N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 123 cSanders, George, lab, h 1020 N. 6th. cSanders, R. W., inspector, h 1015 Queen. cSanders, Rev. D. J., h 71 1 Princess. cSanders, L., lab, h King's alley. cSanders, George, cooper, h King's alley. cSanders, H., cooper, h King's alley. San-Lee, laundry, 130 Market. cSantee, Charles, lab, h 1310 N. 4th. Sasser, P. H., conductor, bds 113 Market. cSasser, David, driver, h 107 N. 10th. cSauls, Rev. S. h 713 N. 6th. cSAUNDERS, A. S., grocer, 1 120 cor. 6th and Nixon. cSaunders, D., grocer, h 302 S. 7th. Savage, Willie T., lab, h cor. Swann and 7th. Savage, Dan, lab, h cor. Swann and 7th. Savage, Mrs. E. R., wid, seamstress, cor Swann and 7th. Savage, W. H., carpenter, h 202 Church. Savage, H. R., merchant, h 120 S. 3d. Savage, Henry, Acme Manufacturing Co., h 120 S. 3d. cSawyer, A. B., lab, h 802 Bladen. Scharff, E., ladies dressmaker, h 120 Market. Scarborough, J. E., h 804 Market. Scarborough, J. A., h 804 Market. Scarborough, W. H., blacksmith, h 804 Market. SCHLOSS, S. A., auctioneer and commission merchant, 21 Market, bds Commercial Hotel — see adv. Schloss, M., proprietor Commercial Hotel, 129 Market. Schloss, Nathan, bds Commercial Hotel. Schonwald, J. T., physician, office 318 Campbell, h 407 Walnut. Schonwald, Mrs. K., widow, h 508 Front. Schmid, J., tailor, h 410 Walnut. Schott, Robert A., barber, bds 31 S. Front. Schroeder, J. A., brick maker, h 119 S. 6th. Schulken, C., grocer, h 1202 N. 4th. Schulken, C. H., clerk, h 315 Waluut. Schulken, Henry, h 402 N. 4th. Schulken, Englehard, book-keeper, h 222 N. 4th. Schulken, Mrs. E., widow, h 222 N. 4th. Schutt, Mrs. G. L., widow, grocer, 817 Bladen, h 807 Bladen. I A QDQIMPrQ Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, A, Of nllNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. HP PRFMPPRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon . u, r nLIVI r Ln I , No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. ^4 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Schwarz, Chas., supervising inspector naval stores, h 306 N. 7th. Schwartz. Mrs. S. A., widow, dressmaker h 720 Queen. Schwartz, J. A., candy maker, h 720 Queen. cScopelass, Thomas, lab, h 1009 Love's alley. Scott, A. L., pharmacist, h 621 N. 4th. cScott, T. E., barber, h 209 Market. Scott, B. H., book-keeper, h 225 S' Front. Scott, J, W., lab, h 716 S. 2d. Scott, L. A., widow, h 716 S. 2d. cScott, Thomas R., barber, h 722 Red Cross. cScott, Jacob, drayman, h 617 McRae. cScott, Beverly, drayman, h 1020 N. 7th. cScott, Wm, shoemaker, h 714 Bladen. cScott, B., sale stables, 316 N. 5th, h 516 Walnut. Scott, W. H., barber, h 6 Mulberry. Seaman's Home, S. Christensen, keeper, southwest cor. Front and Dock. Seaman's Bethel, 14 Dock. cSeeders, Thomas E., printer, h 304 McRae. Seiter, C. F., grocer, 902 Campbell, h 904 Campbell. cSelf, M., huckster, h 803 Front. cSellers, Joe, lab, h 311 Ann. cSellers, Wm., butler, h 3 1 1 Ann. Sellers, W. W., engineer, h 302 Hanover. Sellers, D. S., carpenter, h 411 Swann. Sellers, F. J., watchman, h 1209 Brown's alley. Sellers, Mrs. Mary R., widow, h 211 N. 6th. Sellers, J. D., butcher, h 512 S. 3d. Sellers, R. A., engineer, h 616 S. 2d. Sellers, J. F - , engineer, h 316 N. 2d. Shackelford, James, deck, bds 405 Princess. Sharp. W., sash and blind maker, h 410 Queen. Sharp, J. H., treasurer C. C. R. R., h 511 Orange. Sharp, W. L., surveyor, h 511 Orange. cSharp, Joseph, stevedore, h 11 S. 10th. Shaw, W. H., deputy sheriff, h 41 1 Red Cross. Shaw, Walter, R., clerk, h 320 Red Cross. Shaw, Henry W., salesman, Shaw, B. S., carpenter, h 712 S. 10th. cShaw, W. H., carpenter, h 710 S. 10th. cShaw, A., lab, h 705 S. 1 ith. END your orders to the Wilmington Paper Co., for Printed Wrapping 1 Paper, Cloth Flour Sacks and Paper Bags. Rock bottom prices. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 125 cShaw, Calvin, lab, h 720 N. 6th. cSheeadan, J. A., miller, h 407 S. 7th. Sheehan, William, lab, h 1 102 Market. Sheehan, J., druggist, 522 S. 5th. Sheehan, Dan, lab, h 615 Church. Sheehan, \V., lab, h 615 Church. Sheets, J. A., druggist, 802 Market, h 804 Market. Shepard, Miss K., teacher, h 812 Orange. Shepard, J. C, drug clerk, h 702 Dock. Sheppard, Owen, carpenter, h 1312 McRae's alley. Sheppard, T. A. & Co., grocers, 112 S. Front, h 2d bet Market and Dock. cSheppard, Council, butler, h 16 S. 9th. Sheppard, Mrs. Rebecca, seamstress, h 710 Brunswick. cSheppard, B., lab, h 309 S. 7th. cSherdon, L. L., h 607 S. 8th. cSherigan,G. W., lab, h 615 S. 9th. cSherigan, W. B., lab, h 615 S. 9th. cShober, Mrs. A. M., widow, h 713 Princess. Sholar, W. H., superintendent streets, h 410 S. 5th. Sholar, J. T., telegraph operator, h 410 S. 5th. Shiver, A. B., blacksmith, h 619 Castle. Shrier, N. B., hat store, 114 Market, h 517 Market. Shrier. A., shoe store, 108 Market, h 5 17 Market. Shrier, I., clothier, 20 N. Front, h 302 S. 2d. Shumeyer, John, lab, h 415 Harnett. Sebrell, J. N.,bds Orton House. Sickles, Mrs. P., widow, h 308 Nun. Sidberry, A., h 308 Dawson. Sikes, John E., carpenter, h 1108 James. Sikes, T. P., farmer, h 620 Red Cross. Sikes, Mrs. M. E., h 109 S. 2d. Sikes, John, driver, Hook and Eadder, 313 Dock. cSikes, Albert T., painter, h 722 Campbell. Silva, John E., Jr., lumber inspector, h 814 N. 5th. Silva, John E., carpenter, h 920 N. 3d. Silva, Joseph, carpenter, h 620 Harnett. Silva, M. G., clerk, h 619 Castle. Simon, L., (Brunhild, Simon & Co.) bds 412 Dock. Simons, N., engineer, h 516 S. 3d. cSimmons, A., lab, h 109 Wooster. cSimmons, Laurence, lab, h 715 Princess. —3 S 5 2 >■ O o 30 - * o 3<s- ffi £5 o?, o ^ PARKE , Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. &p Satisfaction Guaranteed. ^ A. SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and *J» 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 126 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Q < Z cj" cSimmons, A., lab, h 814 Bornerman's row. ^ cSimmons, R. E., teacher, h 820 Castle. cSimmons, R., lab, h 509 Castle. cSimmons, R., lab, h 518 S. 8th. I cSimmons, Frank, h 1 1 10 Market. IcSimmons, George, lab, h 1113 Swann's alley. cSimmons, William, porter, h 611 N. 9th. cSimmons, William, bricklayer, h 12 N. 10th. Simpkins, B., engineer, h 415 S. 2d. cSimpson, D., lab, h 420 Church. cSimpson, J. R., driver, h 919 Queen. cSimpson, G. T., driver, h 919 Queen. cSimpson, William, mill wright, h 718 Wooster. cSimson, James, lab, h 910 Mulberry. Singletary, F. C, clerk, h 13 S. 7th. cSingletary, Jason, lab, h 1112 Blossom's hill. cSingleton, B., lab. h 1011 Wooster. cSingleton, Warren, cooper, h 515 Nixon's alley. Sinklee, Thomas, photographer, bds 121 Market. Skinner, S. W., marine railway, foot of Nun, h 611 Orange. Skinner, L. H., book keeper, bds 611 Orange. Skipper, Ira, greaser W. & W. R. R., h 314 Campbell. Skipper, Mis. J., h 613 S. 3d. Skipper, R. P., engineer, h 617 S. 3d. Skipper, A. C. carpenter, h 513 Queen. Skipper, Miss F. E., h 507 Queen. Skipper, Mrs. S. W., widow, h 507 Queen- Skipper, F. T., sergeant police, h 825 N. 4th. Skipper, H. A. J.,, cooper, h 519 Swann. Skipper, Josh, carpenter, h 920 Love's alley. cSlatter, Amos, lab, h 1008 N. 5th. Sloan, Mrs, H. L., widow, h 215 Mulberry. cSloan, Isaac, lab, h ion N. 8th. cSloan, Josh, lab, h 1006 N. 8th. cSloan, Primus, drayman, h 1001 N. 9th. Slocum, Charles, h 220 N. 4th. cSmall, Rev. J. B., h 619 Church. SMALLBONES, H. G-, agent N. Y. S. S. Co., h 915 N. 4th. Smallbones, Walter, secretary and treasurer Champion Compress Co., h 112 Red Cross. I A QPRIMOFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. n. OrnllNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N.C. ■ <tc M Iff* 1 * isi Jlco K. ** ?£ " QC 5s 7 s ^3 z = s X M J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 127 Smaw, Miss Annie, h 819 Walnut. Smith, William L., cashier Bank of New Hanover, h 502 Market. Smith & Gilchrist, merchants, 215 and 217 Water. SMITH & BOATWRIGHT, insurance agents, 124 N. Water. Smith, Mrs. S. W., widow, cor Chesnut and 2d. Smith, D. A., furniture store, 113 Princess, h 214 N. 4th. Smith, William A., clerk, h 817 Bladen. Smith, A., (Hanson & Smith) h 190^ Princess. Smith, J. H., lab, h 205 S. 2d. Smith, W. J., machinist, 11 22 S. Front. Smith, G. R., carpenter, h 909 S. 5th. Smith, J., carpenter; h 409 Dawson. Smith,], steward Orton House, h 812 S. 5th. Smith, G. H.,h 224 Market. Smith, H- H., city editor Morning Star, h 423 S. 2d, Smith, J. J., h 420 S. Front. Smith; Mrs. M. E., widow, h 420 S. Front. Smith, C. E., grocer, 810 Campbell. Smith, John, groner, 703 N. 4th. Smith, Joseph, bds 11 14 N. 4th. Smith, Joseph, bds 1 1 14 N. 4th. Smith. W. R., policeman, h 820 N. 5th. J. H., driver, h 705 Bladen. S. R., tinner, h 515 Brunswick. Mrs. Jennie, h 1304 Market. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith G, W., sail maker, h 614 S. 2d. . W. C. clerk, h 608 Do-k. Smith, J. D., dealer in naval stores, h 608 Dock. Smith, R. C, clerk, h 616 Dock. Smith, T. J., engineer, h 616 Dock. Smith, S. L., tin and sheet iron worker, 6 S. 2d. Smith, Joseph D. (Smith & Boatwright), h 315 Red Cross. Smith, Mrs. M. E., h 205 Red Cross. Smith, P. H., clerk Fourth street Market, h 519 N. 4th. Smith, Robert W., engineer Champion compress, h 119 N. 10th. Smith, James, blacksmith, h 202 N. 9th. Smith, Mrs. S., widow, h 609 S. 4th. Smith, J. W., carpenter, h 609 S. 4th. cSmith, P. C, grocer, 302 N. loth. * in j^ -*»" h-] 53 %® Sn, g^ td Sf.O 2~ s. $5 i> 3g ^j % <j 1^3 W , ~ H ?|0 1" « >~^ ;§h — ~ P N3 cog. T) w P 4 a> M O (d en > ~ t* C M P 3 cc §5 > <3a' % x w > 3 H Q. OQ T I QnilTUftRI A KID Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1, J, OUUlnCjtlL/ilNlJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C. n8 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. -fSCHOOL+ FOIL* V OTING " L ADIES ESTABLISHED 1867. MISS HART, - - Principal. ASSISTED BY MISS M. B. BROWN (fgj' 1 THOROUGH COURSE OF STUDY SELECTED, EMBRAC- ^IV ing English, French, Mathematics and Natural Science, Vocal : ^p^ and Instrumental Music, under the direction of competent in- structors. Pupils trained in Dio Lewis's System of Light Gymnastics. Instruction in the French Language, Class Singing, Needlework, and Calisthenics without extra charge. The next Session will open Tuesday, the 8th of October, 1889. For Terms and Particulars address the Wilmington. N. C. PRINCIPAL, 5 NORTH THIRD STREET. A. W. WATSON, CHINA, CROCKERY f GLASSWARE, 115 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. A FULL LINE OF PARLOR LAMPS, LIBRARY LAMPS, VASES, &c, KEPT IN STOCK. R. W. HICKS headquarters for Groceries of all kinds Quality being the first consideration. .MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cRobinson, James, ship carpenter, h 934 Castle. c Robinson, J. E., lab, h 904 Castle. cRobinson, S., h 719 S. 2d. cRobinson, Y., lab, h 319 S. 4th. cRobinson, J., lab, h 716 S. 10th. cRobinson, Henry, lab, h 307 N. 9'h. cRobinson. Sam, engineer, h 404 McRae. cRobinson, VV. D., lab, h 609 S. 5th. Roderick, E., lab, h 81 1 S. ;th. Roderick, J. R., drayman, h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson. Rodgers, T. H., shoemaker, h 913 N. 7th. cRoe, J. H., lab, I19 N. nth. Rogers, Mrs. M. L., widow, seamstress, h 415 S. 6th. Rogers, J., h 10 10 Front. Rogers, Miss C. M., teacher, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Rogers, Mrs. S. G., h 506 S. 2d. Rogers, H., lab, h 6 N. Front. cRohn, Robert, lab, h 409 McRae. Rollins, H. T., mail agent, bds 105 Dock. Rollins, Mrs. S. G., matron, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Rollins, Rev. G. S., h Nun bet 6th and 7th. cRone, Ben, bricklayer, h 311 N. 6th. Rose, Sister, teacher, Convent Mercy. Roseman, M., merchant tailor, 5 Market, h 1 10 Mulberry. Rosenthal, W. J., clerk, h 1 16 S, 5th. Rosenthal, H., book-keeper, h 116 S. 5th. » Rosenthal, Nathan, clerk, h 116 S. 5th. Rosenthal, Mrs. G., widow, h 116 S. 5th. cRourke, Mrs. Mary, widow, h 514 Brunswick. cRountree, Dennis, lab, h 12 12 N. 6th. Rowe, Miss M. C, h 9th, bet Dock and Orange. cRowe, Wm., painter, h 815 N. 6th. Rowe, Mrs. M. E., widow, h 9th bet Dock and Orange Rowell, Mrs. J. \\\, widow, h 6th bet Dock and Orange, Rowell, T. L., carpenter, h 19 S 8th. cRowell, F., lab, h 1 12 S. 9th. Royster, W. S., printer, h 609 N. 8th. Ruark, John H., blacksmith, h 308 Hanover. Rueby, B. F., ship carpenter, h 1120 N. 4th. Ruith, J. A., machinist, h 208 S. Front. Rulfs, John F., grocer, 320 N. 4th, h 318 N. 4th. Rulfs, J. F. Jr., clerk, h 318 N. 4th. T ARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES IN THE STATE. *- WILMINGTON PAPER CO S. A. SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 122 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Runge, Mrs. G. H., widow, h 311 S. 5th. Rundlet, Miss S. E., h 219 S. 3d. Rush, Mrs. M. A., h 214 N. 6th. Rush, Mrs. E. L., widow, h 606 Orange. cRush, Samuel E., sawyer, h 823 Fanning. cRuss, Josh, porter, h 717 N. 4th. cRuss, Andrew, stevedore, h 1307 Loves alley. cRuss, Wm., stevedore, h 1215 Loves alley. cRuss, R., stevedore, h 719 Front. Russell, Hon. D. L., lawyer, 120 Princess, h 105 S. 2d. Mrs. M. E., teacher, h 125 S. 5th. B. R., engineer, h 108 S. 4th. Mrs. O., widow, h 121 S. 2d. Russell Russell Russell Russell, D. H., contractor, h 811 N. 4th. Russell, J. P., h 512 Mulberry. Rutland, Walter, freight agent A. C. L. Ryman, Miss G., h 308 Nun. h 219 Chesnut. cSadgwar, George, carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, David, carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, David, Sr., carpenter, h 501 Brunswick. cSadgwar, F. C, carpenter, h 15 N. 8th. Sailings, S., carpenter, h 319 S. 6th, Sailings, J. L., policeman, h 319 S. 6th. Sampson, A., carpenter, h 123 Orange. cSampson, J. A., carpenter, h 821 Orange. cSampson, J. D., carpenter, h 718 Ann. cSampson, H. D., carpenter, h 307 S. 7th. cSampson, Charles E., grocer, h 520 Campbell. cSampson, William, lab, h 508 Brunswick. cSampson, Israel, lab, h 11 16 N. 5th. cSampson, Henry, carpenter, h 514 N. 6th. cSampson, Joe, carpenter, h 514 N. 6th. cSampson, Charles, grocer, h 5 14 N. 6th. cSampson, Rev. C, h 509 N. 7th. cSampson, Mrs. Isabella, h 419 Samsons alley. cSampson, Joseph E., register of deeds, h 609 Chesnut. Sanders, Simon, grocer, h 406 N. 3d. Sanders, F. J., stone cutter, h 703 Mulberey. (cSanders, Hawkins, lab, h 1213 N. 7th. An NANKINS, Family Supply Store, 19 North Second St.. guaran- • Ui 11 tees quality, correct weight and measure, and prompt delivery- "AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods. Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market St., Wilmington. N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 123 cSanders, George, lab, h 1020 N. 6th. cSanders, R. W., inspector, h 1015 Queen. cSanders, Rev. D. J., h 71 1 Princess. cSanders, L., lab, h King's alley. cSanders, George, cooper, h King's alley. cSanders, H., cooper, h King's alley. San-Lee, laundry, 130 Market. cSantee, Charles, lab, h 1310 N. 4th. Sasser, P. H., conductor, bds 113 Market. cSasser, David, driver, h 107 N. 10th. cSauls, Rev. S. h 713 N. 6th. cSAUNDERS, A. S., grocer, 1 120 cor. 6th and Nixon. cSaunders, D., grocer, h 302 S. 7th. Savage, Willie T., lab, h cor. Swann and 7th. Savage, Dan, lab, h cor. Swann and 7th. Savage, Mrs. E. R., wid, seamstress, cor Swann and 7th. Savage, W. H., carpenter, h 202 Church. Savage, H. R., merchant, h 120 S. 3d. Savage, Henry, Acme Manufacturing Co., h 120 S. 3d. cSawyer, A. B., lab, h 802 Bladen. Scharff, E., ladies dressmaker, h 120 Market. Scarborough, J. E., h 804 Market. Scarborough, J. A., h 804 Market. Scarborough, W. H., blacksmith, h 804 Market. SCHLOSS, S. A., auctioneer and commission merchant, 21 Market, bds Commercial Hotel — see adv. Schloss, M., proprietor Commercial Hotel, 129 Market. Schloss, Nathan, bds Commercial Hotel. Schonwald, J. T., physician, office 318 Campbell, h 407 Walnut. Schonwald, Mrs. K., widow, h 508 Front. Schmid, J., tailor, h 410 Walnut. Schott, Robert A., barber, bds 31 S. Front. Schroeder, J. A., brick maker, h 119 S. 6th. Schulken, C., grocer, h 1202 N. 4th. Schulken, C. H., clerk, h 31 5 Waluut. Schulken, Henry, h 402 N. 4th. Schulken, Englehard, book-keeper, h 222 N. 4th. Schulken, Mrs. E., widow, h 222 N. 4th. Schutt, Mrs. G. L., widow, grocer, 817 Bladen, h 807 Bladen. % H ° 5 %%% 2 x ft O et- ft - ' Q Q 2 ?2 ft cD ". yi 111 8*S" wE H. ft — - -J= I A QDR1MPFD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, n. 01 nllNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. HP PRFMPrRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon . U. rnLIVlr Ln I , no. 7 south front street. 124 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Schwarz, Chas., supervising inspector naval stores, h 306 N. 7th. Schwartz. Mrs. S. A., widow, dressmaker h 720 Queen. Schwartz, J. A., candy maker, h 720 Queen. cScopelass, Thomas, lab, h 1009 Love's alley. Scott, A. L., pharmacist, h 621 N. 4th. cScott, T. E., barber, h 209 Market. Scott, B. H., book-keeper, h 225 S* Front. Scott, J. W., lab, h 716 S. 2d. Scott, L. A., widow, h 716 S. 2d. cScott, Thomas E., barber, h 722 Red Cross. cScott, Jacob, drayman, h 617 McRae. cScott, Beverly, drayman, h 1020 N. 7th. cScott, Wm, shoemaker, h 714 Bladen. cScott, B., sale stables, 316 N. 5th, h 516 Walnut. Scott, W. H., barber, h 6 Mulberry. Seaman's Home, S. Christensen, keeper, southwest cor. Front and Dock. Seaman's Bethel, 14 Dock. cSeeders, Thomas E., printer, h 304 McRae. Seiter, C. F., grocer, 902 Campbell, h 904 Campbell. cSelf, M., huckster, h 803 Front. cSellers, Joe, lab, h 31 1 Ann. cSellers, Wm., butler, h 311 Ann. Sellers, W. W., engineer, h 302 Hanover. Sellers, D. S., carpenter, h 411 Swann. Sellers, F. J., watchman, h 1209 Brown's alley. Sellers, Mrs. Mary R., widow, h 211 N. 6th. Sellers, J. D., butcher, h 512 S. 3d. Sellers, R. A., engineer, h 616 S. 2d. Sellers, J. F-, engineer, h 316 N. 2d. Shackelford, James, cleck.bds 405 Princess. Sharp. W., sash and blind maker, h 410 Queen. Sharp, J. H., treasurer C. C. R. R., h 511 Orange. Sharp, W. L., surveyor, h 511 Orange. cSharp, Joseph, stevedore, h 11 S. 10th. Shaw, W. H., deputy sheriff, h 41 1 Red Cross. Shaw, Walter, R., clerk, h 320 Red Cross. Shaw, Henry W., salesman, h 320 Red Cross. Shaw, B. S., carpenter, h 712 S. 10th. cShaw, W. H., carpenter, h 710 S. 10th. cShaw, A., lab, h 705 S. 1 ith. CEND Pap your orders to the Wilmington Paper Co., for Printed Wrapping er, Cloth Flour Sacks and Paper Bags. Rock bottom prices. C. B. SOUTHERLAND &. CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 125 cShaw, Calvin, lab, h 720 N. 6th. cSheeadan, J. A., miller, h 407 S. 7th. Sheehan, William, lab, h 1 102 Market. Sheehan, J., druggist, 522 S. 5th. Sheehan, Dan, lab, h 615 Church. Sheehan, \\\, lab, h 615 Church. Sheets, J. A., druggist, 802 Market, h 804 Market. Shepard, Miss K., teacher, h 812 Orange. Shepard, J. C, drug clerk, h 702 Dock. Sheppard, Owen, carpenter, h 1312 McRae's alley. Sheppard, T. A. & Co., grocers, 112 S. Front, h 2d bet Market and Dock. cSheppard, Council, butler, h 16 S. 9th. Sheppard, Mrs. Rebecca, seamstress, h 710 Brunswick-. cSheppard, B., lab, h 309 S. 7th. cSherdon, L. L., h 607 S. 8th. cSherigan, G. W., lab, h 615 S. 9th. cSherigan, W. B., lab, h 615 S. 9th. cShober, Mrs. A. M., widow, h 713 Princess. Sholar, W. H., superintendent streets, h 410 S. 5th. Sholar, J. T., telegraph operator, h 410 S. 5th. Shiver, A. B., blacksmith, h 619 Castle. Shrier, N. B., hat store, 114 Market, h 517 Market. Shrier. A., shoe store, 108 Market, h 517 Market. Shrier, I., clothier, 20 N. Front, h 302 S. 2d. Shumeyer, John, lab, h 415 Harnett. Sebrell, J. N.,bds Orton House. Sickles, Mrs. P., widow, h 308 Nun. Sidberry, A., h 308 Dawson. Sikes, John E., carpenter, h 1108 James. Sikes, T. P., farmer, h 620 Red Cross. Sikes, Mrs. M. E.,h 109 S. 2d. Sikes, John, driver, Hook and Ladder, 313 Dock. cSikes, Albert T., painter, h 722 Campbell. Silva, John E., Jr., lumber inspector, h 814 N. 5th. Silva, John E., carpenter, h 920 N. 3d. Silva, Joseph, carpenter, h 620 Harnett. Silva, M. G., clerk, h 619 Castle. Simon, L., (Brunhild, Simon & Co.) bds 412 Dock. Simons, N., engineer, h 516 S. 3d. cSimmons, A., lab, h 109 Wooster. cSimmons, Laurence, lab, h 715 Princess. —3 3 LK s o as t — s 2 S ES O g PARKE , Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. |^~ Satisfaction Guaranteed. A. SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 126 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY © Q < Z «j cSimmons, A., lab, h 814 Bornerman's row. ^ jcSimmons, R. E., teacher, h 820 Castle. ^rjcSimmons, R., lab, h 509 Castle. cSimmons, R., lab, h 518 S. 8th. cSimmons, Frank, h 11 10 Market. cSimmons, George, lab, h 1113 Swann's alley. cSimmons, William, porter, h 611 N. 9th. cSimmons, William, bricklayer, h 12 N. 10th. Simpkins, B., engineer, h 415 S. 2d. cSimpson, D., lab, h 420 Church. cSimpson, J. R., driver, h 919 Queen. cSimpson, G. T., driver, h 919 Queen. cSimpson, William, mill wright, h 718 Wooster. cSimson, James, lab, h 910 Mulberry. Singletary, F. C, clerk, h 13 S. 7th. cSingletary, Jason, lab, h 1112 Blossom's hill. cSingleton, B., lab. h ion Wooster. cSingleton, Warren, cooper, h 515 Nixon's alley. Sinklee, Thomas, photographer, bds 121 Market. Skinner, S. W., marine railway, foot of Nun, h 611 Orange. Skinner, L. H., book keeper, bds 611 Orange. Skipper, Ira, greaser W. & W. R. R., h 314 Campbell. Skipper, Mts. J., h 613 S. 3d. Skipper, R. P., engineer, h 617 S. 3d. Skipper, A. C. carpenter, h 513 Queen. Skipper, Miss F. E., h 307 Queen. Skipper, Mrs. S. W., widow, h 507 Queen- Skipper, F. T., sergeant police, h 825 N. 4th. Skipper, H. A. J.„ cooper, h 519 Swann. Skipper, Josh, carpenter, h 920 Love's alley. cSlatter, Amos, lab, h 1008 N. 5th. <k*J Sloan, Mrs, H. L., widow, h 215 Mulberry. £ jcSloan, Isaac, lab, h ion N. 8th. £ JcSloan, Josh, lab, h 1006 N. 8th. cSloan, Primus, drayman, h 1001 N. 9th. Slocum, Charles, h 220 N. 4th. cSmall, Rev. J. B., h 619 Church. SMALLBONES, H. G-, agent N. Y. S. S. Co., h 915 N. 4th. Smallbones, Walter, secretary and treasurer Champion Compress Co., h 112 Red Cross. I A QPRIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, U. n. ornilNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N.C. MJ. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECT* >UY. 127 Smaw, Miss Annie, h 819 Walnut. Smith, William L., cashier Bank of New Hanover, h 502 Market. Smith & Gilchrist, merchants, 215 and 217 Water. SMITH & BO ATWRIGHT, insurance agents, 124 N. Water. Smith, Mrs. S. W., widow, cor Chesnut and 2d. Smith, D. A., furniture store, 113 Princess, h 214 N. 4th. Smith, William A., clerk, h 817 Bladen. Smith, A., (Hanson & Smith) h 190^ Princess. Smith, J. H., lab, h 205 S. 2d. Smith, W. J., machinist, 1122 S. Front. Smith, G. R., carpenter, h 909 S. 5th. Smith, J., carpenter; h 409 Dawson. Smith, J. steward Orton House, h 812 S. 5th. Smith, G. H., h 224 Market. Smith, H- H., city editor Morning Star, h 423 S. 2d, Smith, J. J., h 420 S. Front. Smith, Mrs. M. E., widow, h 420 S. Front. Smith, C. E., grocer, 810 Campbell. Smith, John, groner, 703 N. 4th. Smith, Joseph, bds 11 14 N. 4th. Smith, Joseph, bds 1 1 14 N. 4th. Smith, W. R., policeman, h 820 N. 5th. Smith, J. H., driver, h 705 Bladen. Smith, S. R., tinner, h 515 Brunswick. Smith, Mrs. Jennie, h 1304 Market. Smith. G, W., sail maker, h 614 S. 2d. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith, Joseph D. (Smith & Boatwright), h 315 Red Cross. Smitl Smith, P. H., clerk Fourth street Market, h 519 N. 4th Smith, Robert W., engineer Champion compress, h 119 N Rp W. C. clerk, h 608 Dock. J. D., dealer in naval stores, h 608 Dock. R. C, clerk, h 616 Dock. T. J., engineer, h 616 Dock. S. L., tin and sheet iron worker, 6 S. 2d. Mrs. M. E., h 205 Red Cross. P. H., clerk Fourth street Market, h 519 N. Robert W., engineer Champion compress, 10th. Smith, James, blacksmith, h 202 N. 9th. Smith, Mrs. S., widow, h C09 S. 4th. Smith, J. W., carpenter, h 609 S. 4th. cSmith, P. C, grocer, 302 N. loth. Sir Z^ OA nt, Ton ? STREE *&H s <^ %* — H-H mo § w ^ (U *TJ w W 4 fD M CJ Pd in > ~ h ir. M P 3 O 99 r. ?: > c^c' ?s x w 5*8 > H a. BO T. J. SOUTHERLAND, Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C, n8 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. ^SCHOOL^f e AX.-r.y-.~ntyVxix-:-.;St, ■ ■ ■ • ESTABLISHED 1867. MISS HART, - - Principal. ASSISTED BY MISS M. B. BROWN. ■£m\ THOROUGH COURSE OF STUDY SELECTED, EMBRAC- '/^V> ing English, French, Mathematics and Natural Science, Vocal tffajto) and Instrumental Music, under the direction of competent in- structors. Pupils trained in Dio Lewis's System of Light Gymnastics. Instruction in the French Language, Class Singing, Needlework, and Calisthenics without extra charge. The next Session will open Tuesday, the 8th of October, 1889. For Terms and Particulars address the Wilmington. N. C. PRINCIPAL, 5 NORTH THIRD STREET. A. W. WATSON, CHINA, CROCKERY 'I GLASSWARE, (15 Princess Street, Wilmington, N. C. A FULL LINE OF PARLOR LAMPS, LIBRARY LAMPS, VASES, &c, KEPT IN STOCK. FVM rvRTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second ' ' • \J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 129 cSmith, J., lab, h 206 Marstellar. cSmith, S., lab, h 1 15 S. Front. ^cSmith, S., lab, h cor 7th and Church. cSmith, Mitchell, lab, h 412 Brunswick. cSmith, Elias, huckster, h CS29 Fanning. cSmith, Dan, lab, h 1205 McRae's alley. cSmith, Sip, cotton sampler, h 905 N. 7th. cSmith, Wm, lab, h 911 Schutt's alley. cSmith, Daniel M., carpenter, h 814 N. 6th. cSmith, S., lab, h 107 S. 9th. cSmith, Thomas, lighterman, h 702 N. 10th. cSmith, Prisley, grocer, 1222 Charlotte avenue. cSmith, Albert, lab, h 1108 Market, cSmith, S., stevedore, h 808 N. 6th. cSmith, Lambe, lab, h 1109 N. 7th. cSmith, Alonzo, lab, h 1106 McRae's alley. cSmith, Lisbon, lab, h 819 Nixon. cSmith, John, stevedore, h 418 N. 6th. cSmith, Robert, fireman, s 407 N. 9th. cSmith, Rev. Horace, h 708 Walnut. cSmith, A., drayman, h 406 Castle. cSmith, G., lab, h 618 S. 8th. cSmith, O., pile driver, h 113 Castle. cSmith, P. J., lab, h 502 S. 3d. cSneed, Cator, butcher, h 915 N. 8th. SNEED, E. H., manager Knoxville Furniture Co., cor 2d and Market, h 409 Chesnut — see adv. Sneeden, Mrs. R., widow, dressmaker, h 207 S. 4th. Sneeden, S. J., grocer, 423 N. 4th, h Brown's alley. Sneeden, Mrs. H., widow, h 718 S. 5th. Sneeden, Mrs. H. E., widow, h 506 S. 2d. Sneeden, W. M., lab, h 506 S. 2d. Sneeden, J. S., lab, h 506 S. 2d. cSneeden, T. E., lab, h 317 S. 6th. Snell, Wm., captatn steamer Bessie, h Church, bet Front and 2d. conductor A. C. L., bds 515 N. 4th. inspector, bds 515 N. 4th. Southerland, T. R., clerk, h 214 Market. Southerland, C. G., inspector, h 515 N. 4th. weigher and guager, bds 515 N. 4th. > r r o $ o ~ <6 s. Q 3 <* "> to Southerland, R. A Southerland, B. D. Southerland, D. D. B SUNHILD, SIMON & '.0., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. B. SOUTHER LAND & CO., Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 130 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY 5 I 2 © g © a © c 9 -— J. ~ +J > D +- u U _ P V ^ - rn ■M cS —< - ^ — cc ^ ~ J ^ G ^ JZ <— r c 4) - - fe g w SOUTHERLAND, C. B. & CO., carriage shops, 201 Princess, bds 214 Market. SOUTHERLAND, T. J., livery and exchange stables, 108 and no N. 2d, h 214 Mcrket. Southerland, C. C. & D. D., weighers and gaugers, 122 N. Water. cSoutherland, Sam, driver, h 717 Red Cross. cSoutherland, Lewis, lab, h 710 N. 8th. cSoutherland, T., butcher, h 912 Castle. cSoutherland, E., cooper, h 10th and Castle. cSoutherland, C. H., cooper, h 308 S. 8th. Southern Express Co., office 106 N. Front. Soils, J. F., blacksmith, h 502 Church. Solomon, S. & B., dry goods, cor. Market and Front, h 616 Market. cSpears, Henry, lab, 616 Harnett. Spencer, Wm., carpenter, h 710 N. 4th. cSpencer, Andrew, lab, h 302 N. 10th. Spencer, Luther, lab, h 902 N. 4th. Spencer, Wm., carpenter, h 513 N. 5th. cSpencer, lab, h 623 S. 8th. cSpencer, J., stevedore, h 501 Shaw's alley. Spence, W. D., dyer, cotton factory, h Queen and Surry. cSpicer, V., lab, h 306 S. 8th. cSpicer, J., lab, h 421 S. 4th. cSpicer, T., lab, h h 413 S. 7th. cSpicer, Oliver, lab, h 1003 Mulberry. cSpicer, Wm., mechanic, h 715 Hanover. cSpicer, C, carpenter, h 813 Swann. cSpicer, Isaac, lab, h 1117 N. 6th. cSpicer, Jim, lab, h 209 N. 10th. cSpicer, David, lab, h 209 N. 10th. cSpicer, George, lab, h 1017 Wooster. Spooner, J. W., book-keeper, h 819 Princess. Spooner, J. N., grocer, h 724 N. 4th. SPRUNT, ALEX. & SON, cotton and naval stores, cor Walnut and Water. Sprunt, Mrs. J., widow, h 903 Princess. Sprunt, W. H. (Alex. Sprunt & Son), h 402 N. 2d. Sprunt, James, (Alex. Sprunt & Son), British vice-consul, h 308 S. Front. Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens and Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. fAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 21S N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 131 Springer, Wm. E., & Co., importers of hardware and crockery, 14 X. Front. Springer, Wm. E., (W. E. Springer & Co.) h 214 N. 2d. Springer, J. C. (W. E. Springer & Co.) bds 12 1 Market. Springer, Mrs. C. W., h 716 Market. SPRINGER, J. A., coal and wood yard, 121 N. Water, h 408 Chesnut — see adv. Springer, Charles, driver street car, bds 115 Dock. 4 cStatcher, John, deputy sheriff, h 504 Swann. Stancen, Wm., fisherman, h 720 Bladen. STANDARD OIL CO., W. R. Barksdale, manager, cor Hanover and Water — see adv. cStanford, Spencer, lab, h 407 Brunswick. cStanford, Jim, flatman, h 608 N. 9th. Stanland, H. D., printer, h 312 McRae. Stanland, J. F., printer, h 308 McRae. Stanland, Mrs. J., h 130 S. Front. cStanley, C, lab, h 614 nth. cStanley, E., h 510 S. 6th. cStanley, John, lab, h 508 N. 7th. cStanley, Wm., stevedore, h 913 Meadow. cStarkey, T., lab, h 509 S. 5th. cStarkey, W. H., drayman, h 9th, bet Queen and Castle. cStarkey, F. A., lab, h 9th bet Queen and Castle. Stedman, Charles M., lawyer, 108 Princess, h Market, bet 4th and 5th. Steele, Miss A. L., teacher, h Nun bet 6th and 7th. Steljes, J. D., grocer, bds 17 N. 2d. Steljes, D., grocer, h 324 S. 5th. Stemmerman, C. H., dealer in barks, roots, &c, 303 S. Water, h 7th, bet Dock and Orange. Stemmerman, C, h 130 S. Front. cSterling, Sam, porter, h 616 N. 7th. cSterling, D., drayman, h 605 Church. Sternberger, J. dry goods, h 622 Dock. Sternberger, S., clerk, bds 622 Dock. Sternberger, J. J., clerk, bds 622 Dock. Sternberger, M., tailor, bds 622 Dock. Sternes, Ferdinand, clerk, bds 513 Princess. Stevens, Wm., harness maker, 213^ Market. cStevens, Theodore, stevedore, h 1003 Campbell. Stevens, Dan, lab, h 1 1 13 N. 2d. m° CO 1— 1 w ru w ax oz Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing j Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. H A.LL & PEARS ALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers . ii and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Stevens, J. N., watchman, h 101 1 N. 7th. Stevens, J. P., carpenter, h 915 Queen. Stevenson, W. M., insurance agent, cor.' Chesnut and Water, h 222 S. 2d. Stevenson, J. C, grocer, h 210 Chesnut. Stevenson, Mrs. E. T., h 15 S. 4th. Stevenson, J. C. & Taylor, grocers, 18 S. Front. Stevenson, Mrs. C. E., widow, h 323 S. 5th. Stevenson, J. C. & Co., grocers, 617 N. 4th. cStevenson, Wesley, lab, h 406 Wood. Stewart, A., 508 Dawson. cStewart, H., lab, h 9th near Nun. Stewart, James, clerk, h 1009 N. 4th. Stewart, John, h 1009 N. 4th. cStewart, J. A., lab, h 712 S. 9th. cStewart, W. B., chair repairer, h 717 S. 9th. Styron, C. E., h 621 S. 4th. Styron, W. H., shoe store, 24 N. Front, cigar and tobac- co store, 34 N. Front, h 210 N. 4th. Styron, O. W., postal clerk, h 312 Cottage lane. St. George, John E., flagman A. C. L., h 101 N. 6th. cSt. George, Franklin, lab, h 1009 Mulberry. cSt. George, W., rice planter, h 915 Walnut. Stockton, M. M., printer, h 125 S. 5th. cStokes, J., stevedore, h 107 Wright. cStokes, David, lab, h 404 Nixon. cStokes, E. S., lab, h 607 Swann. Stokley, E. W., clerk, h 607 S. 5th. Stolter & Haar, candy manufacturers, 16 N. 2d. Stolter, J. F., h 1 101 Market. Storm, W. E., physician, office 222 Market, h 208 S. Front. Story, S. A., book-keeper, h 114 Orange. Stover, M. L., telegraph operator, bds 322 N. Front. Strange, Rev. Robert, h 311 Market. Strange, Thomas W., law office, lOij4 Princess. Strickland, Wm, cooper, h 41 1 Bladen. Strickland, Henry, lab, h ion N. 5th. Strickland, R. J., cooper, h 1007 N. 7th. Strickland, R. J., watchman, h 910 N. 6th. Strickland, S. D., light tender W. & W. R. R., h N. 6th. OT a; H % tucj H ^=S? O ug ft < P OS 0) 09 ft a) M tn Hi £ en <! tn A cfl w O w <u ft a w a* ^ « . f-i O <L « c T .-<: 0% < O -CO Set OJb. T< £.55 cn'£ 910 PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. TOP4N T F)T 1 P) 1 FV singer sewing machines, JW111M J_^. JJUULLI, 12 NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. [33 Strauss, J. H.. merchant, h 709 N. 4th. Strauss, Mrs. Lena, widow, h 710 N, 2d. Strauss, W. H., ticket agent C. C. R. R., and justice of the peace, h 1012 N. 4th. Strong, George, clerk, bds 121 Market. Strock, Mrs. E. M., millinery, 10 S. Front. Struthers, W. M,, book-keeper, h 801 Market. Stubbs, D. J., fisherman, h 615 Surry. Stubbs, J. A., lab, h 1 1 Northrop's alley. Suden, Edward T., grocer, 820 Mulberry, h 818 Mulberry. cSuggs, Toney, wood sawyer, h 506 Brunswick. oSuggs, John, lighterman, h 1006 Green. • Suggs, M. C., painter, h 804 Market. cSullivan, Charles, lab, h 924 N. 5th. Sullivan, J. P. O., carpenter, h 719 Orange. cSullivan, James, lab, h 811 Red Cross. Summerlan, John, lab, h Wooster, near Front. Summerlan, R., lab, h cor Front and Meares. Summerlan, Mrs. P., widow, h cor Front and Meares* Sutton, W. E., h 110 Market. SUTTON, Mrs. M. F., proprietress Sutton House, no Market — see adv. Swann, B., carpenter, h 519 S. 7th. Swann, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 905 N. 5th. Swann, B. F., carpenter, h 120 S. 8th. Swann, J. G., printer, h 120 S. 8th. Swann, T., carpenter, h 120 S. 8th. Swann, James, clerk, h 214 Chesnut. Swann, B. F., clerk, h 5th bet Castle and Queen. cSwann, William, marble cutter, h S. E. cor Market and 17th. Swaeder, Joe, engineer C. C. R. R., h 704 N. 3d. Swain, S. A., naval store broker, h 3d and Queen. Sweat, Robert, wheelwright, h 714 N. 6th. Sweat, Isham, barber, h 614 McRae. Sweeney, Miss K., dressmaker, h 407 S. 4th. Sweeney, H., moulder, h 407 S. 4th. Sweeney, Miss M. E., dressmaker, h 407 S. 4th. Sweeney, John, engineer, water works, h 91 1 N. 4.I1. Sweet, R. M., importer salt and kainit, cor Walnut and Nutt, h 411 S. 3d. cSwift, Frank, lab, h 309 N. 9th. OB = © Si - Ifl =s 20 S 3A > •^i Co 1r 3 H 3. r D CO St 1 ) SO WHEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles by calling on B. E. KEITH, Jr., 130 North 1 you can save money Water Street. "D \\T T-3 T (^ T<T Q ls headquarters for Groceries of all kinds. Iv. VV . illv^rvO Quality being the first consideration. 134 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CD < o X •i-t CD > O ce m Swindell, Rev. Fred D., Presiding Elder M. E. Church, h 220 N. 2d. Swindell' W. H., carpenter, h 814 Dock. cSwinleX, Jury, stevedore, h 910 F. 8th. cSwinson, A., carpenter, h 611 S. 9th. Taft, W., Capt. steamer Pet, h 715 S. 3d. cTalley, Robert, driver, h 1018 Chesnut. cTate, W. H., fireman, h 522 Price's alley. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, milinery and fancy goods, 118 Market — see adv. Taylor, J. J., shoemaker, h 1 1 N. 2d. Taylor, J., lab, h 616 Ann. Taylor, John D., book-keeper, h 215 Walnut. Taylor, Allen, h 215 Walnut. Taylor, Walker, insurance agent, h 215 Walnut. Taylor, J. W., h 308 N. 2d. Taylor, M. P., h 119 Red Cross. Taylor, Winfield, engineer, h 516 N. 3d. Taylor, J. B., clerk, h 419 S. 5th. Taylor, W., fisherman, h Wooster bet 5th and 6th. Taylor, Swaff, section master W. W. R. R., h 619 Han- over. Taylor, Leo, clerk, h 719 Market. TAYLOR, JAMES, H.. stoves and house furnishing goods, 23 S. Front, h 619 Mulberry. Taylor, John E., h 719 Market. Taylor, J. W., Capt. steamboat Acme, h Front bet Queen and Surry. Taylor, Mrs. E. H., widow, h 208 Castle. Taylor, G. S., steward, h 208 Castle. cTaylor, Henry, carpenter and contractor, h 112 N. 8th. cTAYLOR, JOHN E., boot and shoe store, 109 Prin- cess, h 1 14 N. 8th — see adv. cTaylor, L., lab, h Orange bet 9th and 10th. cTaylor, S., lab, h 409 alley on 5th bet Church and Castle. cTaylor, Henry, lab, h 141 8 Market. • cTaylor, James W., shoemaker, h 906 Market. cTaylor, T., lab, h 617 S. 2d. cTaylor, H., lab, h 512 S. 4th. 0. PAEKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. $W Satisfaction Guaranteed. O <D <D 53 c3 c3 CD > •r-4 b£ MJ. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 1 35 cTaylor, H., lab, h 520 S. 4th. cTaylor, B., drayman, h 224 S. 2d. cTeachum, William, lab, h 7(1 Brunswick. cTelfair, Rev. James W., h 615 Walnut. cTelfair, J., barber, h 521 S. 9th. cTelfair, F. W., brick mason, h 521 S. 9th. cTelfair, Joseph, h 1212 Market. cTelfair, John, lab, h 1 1 15 N. 7th. cTelfair, J., stevedore, h 711 S. 2d. cTelfair, R., lab,h 711 S. 2d. Temple, J., carpenter, h 108 Church. Temple, W., tinner, h 609 S. 4th. Tenent., E. S., h 219 Walnut. Terry, S. H., keeper alms house, h 90A N. 6th. Terry, C. G., conductor, h 1023 N. 3d. Thayer, T., fisherman, h 2 Meare's alley. Thees, J. H., grocer, 802 Castle. The Mercantile Association of the Carolinas, office 1 11 N. Front. THE MORNING STAR, newspaper^ and 11 Princess. THE CAPE FEAR ACADEMY, W. Catlett principal, 506 N. 4th. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, R. G. DUN & CO., office 220 Market. Thomas, L. P., clerk, h 413 N. 5th. Thomas, W. G. & G. G., physicians, office 315 Market, h 319 Market, Thomas & Co., grocers, 521 N. 4th. Thomas, J. H., h 408 N. 3d. Thomas, Frank, carpenter, h 722 N. 2d. cThomas, E. A., cooper, h 209 Castle. cThomas, John E., grocer, 520 Walnut. cThomas, J., lab, h 418 S. 5th. cThomas, Richard, lab, h 13 16 N. 5th. cThomas, Robert, stevedore, h 1005 N. 8th. cThomas, Adolphus, shoemaker, h 9 N. 2d. cThomas, A., drayman, h 507 S. 5th. cThomas, Richard, lab, h 809 N. 5th. cThomas, Smith, porter, h 606 McRae. Thompson, T. H., salesman, h 413 Princess. Thompson, Mrs. Mary, h 821 Dock. Thompson, J., lab, h 707 S. 6th. % 00 03 n CD <=> 3D fa ;03 B a. r* m 3 ST * m = *i U©, * CD > 2; a S> o 3 w ? 2: ? jo <t> PI pr; 8 w en ►> 7-> I A QDDIMPfD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. A. OrnllNuLn, Shingles,&c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. 136 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. TO THE RESCUE STEAM TUG MARIE, EDGAR D. WILLIAMS, Master. THE CHAMPION HARBOR TOW BOAT. Equipped with large Fire and Wrecking Pump, and Steam Aparatus for Extinguishing Fires on Board of Vessels. Also the STEAM HOISTER SAMSON. i for discharging Cargoes from Vessels and Heavy Machinery. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office Foot of Dock Street, STEAM UP, AND ALWAYS READY, gHILMf CHRIST, Baker and Confectioner. FRESH BREAD' CAKES, PIES. FRUITS, CANDIES, &c T The Purest and Best Ice Cream made in the City Furnished to Excursion, Picnic and Ball Parties at Short Notice, delivered in any part of the City. Your Custom Solicited. 112 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N. C. T7V\ O 1? IE3 JEL S 3E3 IST 9 Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO -A.rO-13 CIOA.H®, Sauerkraut, Pickled Beans, Dutch Herrings and other specialties when in season. COR. FIFTH and MARKET STS, - - - WILMINGTON, N. C. M J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 137 Thompson, Mrs. E. W., h 114 Red Cross. Thompson, Mrs. L. A., widow, dressmaker, h 112 S. 8th Thompson, Mrs. A. M., widow, h 708 Dock. Thompson, Mrs. S., h 205 S. 2d. Thompson, J. E., painter, h 205 S. 2d, cThompson, Mrs. Matilda, seamstress, h 19 S. 2d. cThompson, J., lab, h 711 S. 8th. cThompson, Jacob, baggage wagon, h 1216 N. 8th. cThompson, Autry, lab, h 1107 Hutaft's alley. cThompson, Jake, stevedore, h 811 Bladen. Thorburn, Mrs., R., h 411 N. 3d. Thorburn, Walter, clerk, h 113 N. 7th. Thornton, Mrs. Maria, widow, h 926 N. 4th. Thornton, Holley, engineer, h 1107 N. 3d. Thornton, Thomas, engineer, ^501 Harnett. cThurber, Rev. W. H., h 306 S. 7th. Thurston, Thomas, engineer, h 401 Harnett. Tienken, J. G. W., grocer, N. E. cor 9th and Queen. Tienken, M. G., grocer, 601 Castle, cor 4th, h same. Tienken, John H., h 916 Market. Tileston Normal School, 410 Ann, Miss Amy M. Bradley, principal. Tilgan, H., policeman, h 612 Ann. Tilghman, C. C, h 320 Chesnut. Tilley, George F., butcher, h 605 Dock. Tindel, Mrs. N., widow, h 609 S. Front. Tolar, J. M., clerk, h 217S. 2d. Tolar, Mrs. M. S., seamstress, h 813 S. 5th. Tolar, Thomas S., tinner, h 310 Red Cross. Tolson, Rev. G. M., h 14 N. 7th. Tompson, Thomas, bar tender, h 310 Nutt. Toomer, E. O., broker, h 311 S. Front. Toomer, W. J., book-keeper, h 311 S. Front. Toomer, \V. P., cashier Wilmington Savings Bank, h S. Front. Toomer, Miss Mary, J., h 420 Mulberry. cToomer, John, porter, h 120 N. nth. cToomer, Anthony, coachman, h 711 Hanover. cToomer, Emanuel, lab, h 1101 HutafTs alley. cToomer, Cupid, tub maker, h 1 106 N. 8th. Toon, W. P., clerk, h 518 Princess. cToon. W. H., lab, h 504 Brunswick. 2 - ^ o r r CD T OB '■ = =■ t* O se « ^.2 1* 5 - SS ^ 0. PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter North Second Street, J^= Satisfaction Guaranteed. 109 HP PRPMPPRT F as hionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon' . U. r nLlYI r Ln I , no. 7 south front street. 138 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. cToon, Frank, lab, h 1313 N. 5th. cTorrence, G. C, lab, h 1016 Princess. Torpy, Tom, mechanic, h 414 N. 2d. Townsend, Mrs. Alice, widow, h 420 Harnett. cTownson, John, lab, h 1018 N. 5th. Tracy, W. J., carpenter, h 602 N. 5th. Trail, Mrs. A., widow, h 516 Nun. cTravers, G., lab, h 2d bet Orange and Ann. Tresa, Sister, teacher Convent of Mercy, 4th and Ann. Trunda, V., Musician, bds 24 N. Front. TUCKER, H. A., granite and marble worker, yard 310 N. Front, bds 24^ N. Front — see adv. Tucker, J. H., carpenter, h 903 N. 9th. cTucker, Josh, lab, h 1017 Campbell. cTucker, Jim, drayman, h 807 N. 5th. cTucker, R., stevedore, h 216 Castle. Turley, W. H., clerk, h 1007 N. 4th. Turley, William, farmer, h 222 Davis. Turley, Charles, street car driver, h 222 Davis. Turlington, E., timber inspector, h 412 N. 3d. Turlington, W. B., clerk Front St. Market, h 121 S. Front. Turlington, W. H., miller, h 508 N. 4th. Turlington. B. F., policeman, h 414 Walnut. Turner, J. R., clerk, h 119 Castle. Turner, J. H., carpenter, h 719 Orange. Turner, J. W., supt. insurance agencies, h 2045^ S. Front. cTurner, R., lab, h 616 S. 1 ith. cTurner, John, stevedore, h 616 S. nth. cTurner, Richard, lab, h 1009 Market. cTurner, Haywood, stevedore, h 1009 Market. cTurner, Pompey, lab, h 505 Howard. cTurner, E., lab, h 208 Marsteller. cTurner, J., stevedare, h 416 S. 8th. cTurner, Joe, barber, h 615 N. 8th. cTurner, Henry, wood yard, S. Water, h 620 McRae. cTurner, G., carpenter, h 216 S 6th. Turner, Thomas, brick mason and plasterer, h 119 Castle. TURRENTINE, VOLLERS & CO., (J. R. Turrentine, H. L. Vollers and Fred G. Hashagan) brokers, foot of Hanover — see adv. W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 139 Turrentine, John R., (Turrentine, Vollers & Co.) h 814 Market. Twining, Coleman, carpenter, h 414 N. 6th. Twining, H. C, baggage agent, h 518 Red Cross. Twining, S. E., h 622 S. 7th. Tyler, Thad, pattern maker, h 314 S. 6th. cTyler, William, lab, h 10 1 2 James. cTyler, Isaac, lab, h 913 Mulberry. cTyson, C, shingle maker, h Wooster bet Front and 2d. XJ Ulrich, William, grocer, 502 S. Front, h same. Ulrich, William, Jr., clerk, bds 502 S. Front. U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE, 14 N. Water. U. S. ENGINEERS' OFFICE, 117^ N. 2d, U. S. POST OFFICE, S. W. corner Chesnut and 2d. Van Amnnge, Stacy, Judge of Probate and President Ocean View R. R., h 320 Walnut. Van Amringe, C. S., bds. 320 Walnut. Van Amringe, A. E., bds 320 Walnut. Van Aukin,[fMiss M., teacher, h Nun, bet 6th and 7th. Van Bokkelen, Mrs, E. J., widow, h 1 14 S. 2d. cVann, Edward, porter, h 823 Green. cVann, F., shoemaker, h 416 S. 8th. Van Orsdell, T. P., clerk, h in S. 6th. Van Orsdell, Mrs. widow, h ill S. 6th. Van Laer, E., pianos and organs, 407 Red Cross, h 409 Red Cross. Varonica, Sister, teacher, Convent Mercy, cor. 4th and Ann. cVass, J. N , book agent, h 126 S. 1 ith. Veney, M. S., blacksmith, h 709 N. 5th. Veninis, Joe, lab, h 717 Harnett. Verness, Reuben, upholsterer, h 606 N. 10th. Vernan, C. C, lab, h 917 Brown's alley. Viagres, Emanuel, watchman, h 715 Bladen. Vick, S. W., clerk Board of County Commissioners, h 119 N. 3d. Vincent, N. B., upholsterer, h 116 N. 2d. B Q O ">i a =0 «B V) > ? £ S m s. > § > r §' g Q Co 1 — r < 3 s£ H Dfin/^riPT 1 DPUniPt) Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and lULVUtrl & lUkQUM, Goods. 619 NORTH EOURTH Fancy ST. A. SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 140 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Vincent, Z. Q., conductor, h 11 12 N. 4th. Vining, J. B., shoemaker, h 503 S. Front. Vining, J., carpenter, h 808 Bonnerman's alley. Vollers, H, (Adrian & Vollers), h 23 S. 2d. Vollers, L. H., (Turrentine, Vollers & Co.) h 23 S, 2d. Vollers, Luhr, grocer, 26 S. Front, h 119 Orange. Vollers, H. L„ grocer, 119 S. 7th, h same. VonGlahn, Wtn, clerk, h 520 N. 3d. VonGlahn, Henry, boot and shoe store, 109 Market, h 19 N. 5th. Von Kampen, Charles F., grocer, 501 S. 4th, h same. Von Kampen, Henry, grocer, 722 N. Water, h same. Voss, J. W., clerk, h 9 Blunt's Alley. Voss, J. G., boot and shoe maker, 109 N. 2d, h 9 Blunt's alley. w Wachsmuth, Lewis, engineer, h 314 N. 4th. cWackle, M., huckster, h 704 Ann. cWade, Scott, huckster, h 417 Campbell, cWade, E. T., h 415 Walnut. cWade, L., h 11 King's alley. Waddell, Col. A. M., lawyer, office, 101^4 Princess, h 218 S. 3d. Waddell, A. M., Jr., cashier Acme Manufacturing Co., bds 218 S. 3d. c Waddell, R., lab, h 912 Orange. cWaddell, Cato, stevedore, h 804 McRae. cWaddell, Wm, stevedore, 802 McRae. cWaddell, Geo. C, lab. h 12 16 Love's alley. cWaddell, A., cooper, h 410 Castle. cWaddell, Joe, lab, h Wooster and Surrey. cWaddell, Wm., lab, h 921 Dock, c Wagner, Tom, lab, h 1017 Hutaffs alley. Wallace, Thomas E., contractor, bds 26 N. Front. cWallace, Robert, lab, h 808 N. 5th. Walker, Thomas D., h 808 Market. cWalker, E., blacksmith, h 2d, bet Dock and Orange. cWalker, Charles, porter, h 707 Dock. cWalker, David, coachman, h 709 Dock. cWalker, C, janitor, h 709 Ann. Walker, Mrs. E. M., widow, boarding house, 215 S. 7th. Walker, J. A., h 413 Orange. TO r O o o w H H SO !fiP o * s 1 g <2* W ILMINGTON PAPER CO., Headquarters for all kinds of Paper, Paper Stationery, &c. 114 North Water Street. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 141 ^cWalker, M. E., policeman, h Nun, bet 7th and 8th. cWalker, J. B., drayman, h Nun, bet. 7th and 8th. c Walker, A., lab, h 412 S. 8th. cWalker, H. B., stevedore, h 618 Nun. Walker, James, contractor and builder, h 1601 Market and 1 6th. cWalker, C. H., waiter, h 712 Church. cWalker, T. E., porter, h 808 Castle. Walker, A. K., book-keeper, h 620 Chesnut. Walker, Wm. A., h 620 Chesnut, Walker, W. K., book-keeper, h 620 Chesnut. cWalker, W. H., lab, h 308 Brunswick. cWalker, Andrew, stevedore, h 11 07 N. 5th. cWalker, Handy, lab, h 1008 Jones. Walker, Wm., lab, h 415 Harnett. cWalker, Calvin, shoemaker, h 311 Campbell. Walker, Wm. A., merchandise, 603 N. 4th. cWalker, James, musician, h 814 Swann. cWalker, Pleasant, lab, h 1207 Brown's alley. Walker, Joe, lab, h 1217 N. 7th. cWalker, George, lab, h 811 Bladen. cWalker, James, brick mason, h 1002 N. 6th. cWalker, H. S., lab, h 306 N. 6th. cWalker, Charles, lab, h 314 N. 4th. cWalker, Abram, drayman, h 319 N. 9th. cWalker, A., lab, h 210 Castle. Walsh, Harry, clerk, h 513 Chesnut. Walsh, D. H., clerk, h 314 N. 7th. Walsh, H. G., clerk, h 314 N. 7th. Walton, J. C, clerk, 512 S. 3d. Walton, Rev. M. C, h 12 N. 9th. Ward, Mrs. C. H., boarding house, 107 Mulberry. Ward, C. H., clerk, h 107 Mulberry. Ward, G. H., supt. Bellevue Cemetery, h 720 N. 7th. Ward, J. M., book-keeper, h 609 Bladen. Ward, J. W., ship carpenter, h 516 S. 3d. cWard, W., lab, h 107 S. 13th. cWard, Murphy, carpenter, h 512 N. nth. cWARD, C. H., barber shop, 9 S. Front, h 320 Church c Warren, F., lab, h 705 Ann. Warren, Mrs. E. & Son., confectioners, Exchange cor- ner, h 12 S. 2d. B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington. BROWN fljAiluUJN, No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. HI. Of ►— I PQ r" 1 2 k lis CO Warren, A. G., h 12 S. 2d. Warren, Joseph, candy maker, h 12 S. 2d. Warren, Ed, candy maker, h 12 S. 2d. Warren, Elisha, clerk, h 12 S. 2d. Warren, Richard, clerk, h 12 S. 2d. Warren, George, moulder, h 3d near Queen. c Warren, William, lab, h 613 S. loth. Warrock, W. S., foreman Star job office. cWashington, Amos, caulker, h 2d bet Harnett and Cowan. cWashington, William, lab, h 718 N. 8th. cWashington, Stephen, lab, h 912 N. 5th. cWashington, George, lab, h 214 Castle. Watkins, Wrs. L. B., widow, dressmaker, h 511 S. 2d. Watkins, W. T., lab, h 511 S. 2d. W r atson, C. D., grocer, h 122 N. 8th. Watson, T. S., h 912 N. 6th. WATSON, REV. Dr. A. A., Bishop Eastern Carolina, h 570 Orange. WATSON, A. W., crockery store, 115 Princess, h 612 Mnlberry— see adv. cWatson, W., lab, h 416 Queen. Watson, J. R„ upholsterer, h 708 S. 15th. Watters, William, h 1 10 Orange. Watters, J. H., grocer, h 1 10 Orange. Waters, H. H., book-keeper, h 217 S. Front, c Waters, J., lab, h 406 S. 4th. c Waters, York, blacksmith, h 618 N. 7th. Waters, George, lab, h 13 10 McRae's alley. Waters, G. W., grocer, cor 7th and Harnett. Waters, Martin, lab, h 11 14 McRae's alley. Waters, S. butler, h 305 Queen. Waxman, H., h 416 Market. Way, Miss L. P., teacher, h 406 Church. cWear, L., lab, h 117 Queen. Weahterley, Thomas, h 311 Mulberry. cWeavil, A., lab, h 703 Ann. WEBB, MRS. H., florist, h 708 Market— see adv. Webb, Harry, clerk, h 708 Market. Webb, Thomas, clerk, h 708 Market. cWebb, John, fireman, h 720 S. 2d. I A QPRIMPFR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, U. H. Of nllNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C 'AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 118 Market st., Wilmington. N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. [43 Webster, Miss Lydia, teacher, h 422 Ann. cWebster, Daniel, lab, h 70S Red Cross. Weddenton. J. V., mail agent, bds 105 Dock. Weeks, William, brick mason, h Brown's alley. Weeks, D. S., butcher, h 8 17 Chesnut. cWeeber, John H., lab, h 715 N. 8th, Wehrhahn, A., black and ship smith, 11 S. Water. cWeildon. W., lab, h 1020 Ann. Weil, J., dry goods and clothing, 128 Market, h 21 1 N. 3d. Weil, Lewis, clerk, h 211 N. 3d. Weil, Julius, clerk, h 21 1 N. 3d. Weil, Henry, clerk, h 21 1 N. 3d. Weill, Affreight clerk A. C. L/, h 319 Chesnut. Weill. S. C. (Ricaud & Weill), lawyer, h 520 Market. 13 N. 7th. , x 9 West, Mrs. E. A., matron old ladies rest West, M. O., clerk, bds 213 N. 7th West, D. M., carpenter, h 308 Harnett. cWest, J., lab, h 506 Price's alley. cWestbrook, J., lab, h 620 Nixon. Westerman, F., clerk' bds 41 1 Dock. Westerman, H., (E. Peschau & Westerman) h 41 1 Dock. Western Union Telegraph office, 19 N. Front. cWeston, Frank, lab, h 1008 Mulberry. Wesson, Miss C. L., seamstress, h 419 Walnut. cWheeler, A., lab, h 520 Church. Wheethouse, D., spring maker, h 208 S. Front. Whitaker, Mrs. S. F., widow, h 206 S. 4th. cWhite, S.,lab,h 711 S. 9th. White, B. F., upholsterer and paper hanger, 216 Market, h 806 Market. White, Jeff, mechanic, bds 504 N. Front. cWhite, Thomas, drayman, h 512 N. 9th. Wells, Mrs. K., widow, h 407 Queen. Wells, Alex, watchman, h 816 N. 5th. Welch, G., conductor, bds. Welch, J. T., lab, h 520 Queen. Wentzensen, H., grocer, 919 Princess, h same. Werner, John, barber, 29 Market, bds no Market. Wescott, W., grocer, Church, bet 6th and 7th, h 601 Harnett. Wessell, E. D., grocer, 113 S. Front, h same. Wessell, A. D., grocer. 3 S. 2d, h 115 S-Front. z '■ J. ^ = % **> ST ft SB SB & - 2 2 & z *< n A r~* TJANKINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce ■^*-« ^- J * -*• A fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City. S. A. SCHLOSS &0O. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 144 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY < Ow 02 ^ co fed ^* ZC 9* EG W m «2 Q o2 CO ~ 2 £ IS pa Q Wessell, C. H., grocer, cor Water and Mulberry, h6o7 Chesnut. Wessell, A. C, grocer, 134 Market, h 615 Chesnut. WEST, ISAIAH, clerk, h 814 N. 5th. WEST & CO., grocers, 127 Market. West, Mrs. Emma, widow, h 116 N. 3d. West, H. P., grocer, h 310 Chesnut. c White, Anthony, flatman, h 607 N. 8th. cWhite, Robert, F., miller, h 602 N. 9th. White, Ellis, carpenter, h 903 N. 9th. c White, Jim, driver, h 408 McRae, White, D. G., engineer, h 711 Mulberry. White, J. L., policeman, h 711 Mulberry. White, C. H., book-keeper, h 711 Mulberry, c White Sam, lab, h 311 N. 9th. cWhiteman, John H., woodyard, S. Water, h 207 N. 7th. cWhiteman, Wm., lab, h 620 Nixon, c Whitfield, Henry, stone cutter, h 1428 Market. cWhitfield, M., cooper, h 910 S. 12th. WHITEHEAD, W. A., broker, h 406 S. 5th. Whitehead, W. G., broker, h 496 S. 5th. cWhitehead, H. J., carpenter, h 510 N. 10th. cWhitehead, Dudley, lab, h 306 N. 6th. Whitehurst, John, carpenter, h 1009 N. 5th. Whiting, H. A., h 108 S. 3d. Whiting, Mrs. K. D., widow, h 413 Orange. Whitman, J. W., h 417 Princess. cWhitney, C, lab, h 701 Ann. •fccWhitney, J. W., deputy sherriff, h 710 Brunswick. eWhitted, J., hackman, h 606 Ann. cWhitted, S., lab, h 318 S. 6th. c Whitley, W., lab, h 15 Northrop's alley. Wiggins, Mrs. E., millinery, 115 Market, h 114 S. 2d. Wiggins, O. A. (Parsley & Wiggins), h 224 S. 3d. c Wiggins, James B., cotton tier, h 613 Harnett. cWiggins, W. H., cotton tier, h 710 N. 5th. cWiggs, Samuel, lab, h 1204 N. 6th. cWilbon, C. H., lab, h 61 1 S. 5th. cWilkins, A., coachman, h 115 S. Front. cWilkins, Wm. Jr., lab, h 701 S. 10th. cWilkins, John, carpenter, h 16th bet Market and Dock. cWilkins, D., lab, h 701 S. 10th. T I NflllTRftRI AMF1 Liver y and Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1. J, OU U 1 II LJAL/ilN JJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 145 BANK OF NEW HANOVER WILMINGTON, N. C. Authorized Capital, - - $1,000,000. (ash Capital paid in - - $300,000. Surplus Fund, - - - $130,000. DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, C. M. STEDMAN, G. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD MacRAE, JAS. A. LEAK, H. VOLLERS, F. RHEINSTEIN. E. B. BORDEN, J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President. G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President. WM. L. SMITH, Cashier. SUTTON^OUSE, MRS. M. F. SUTTON, Proprietress. 110 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. For unsurpassed accommodations, good fare, and all the comforts of home, don't forget to stop at the SUTTON HOUSE, at the follow- ing very low rates : Per week, $5.00; per day, $1.00; per meal. 25 cents. Special rates offered to Excursion Parties visiting the city. Our table is supplied with the best the market affords. 3VE-A»H.TI3>f O'BRIEN, RAILHOAD J3J±Tl Cor. NUTT AND RED ( ROSS STREETS. The finest Liquors in the City, such as WINES, BRANDIES, ALES, BEER, &c, in fact everything to be found in a first-class saloon. The choicest brands of TOBACCO and CIGARS always on hand. B. SOUTHEFLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 146 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Q u Z z M £ _1 J h < x O w cow r? Wfy< £0 XP\ w n ^ *d <a DQ 02 K W >H ~ « n , n w r^ mu P H CO S W w < e* Xfc H HH W ou rO« n Sis ^ UJ Q rt >- U y <d 10 Wilkins, Mrs. M. C, widow, h 8th near Queen. Wilkins, Mrs. M. J., widow, h 8th, near Queen. Wilkins, Wm., drayman, h 701 S. 10th. cWilkerson, F., lab, h 511 S. 4th. cWilkerson, John, tinner, h 714 N. 4th. Willard, Miss B. F., art studio, h 15 S. 4th. Willard, M. S., insurance agt., 214 N. Water, h 204 S. 6th. Willard, A. A., cotton merchant, h 520 Orange. Willard J. B., clerk, h 520 Orange. Willard, E. P., clerk, h 520 Orange. WILLIAMS, E. D., Capt. steam tug Marie, h 601 Ann — see adv. Williams, C, clerk, h Dock bet. 8th and 9th. Williams, J. J., clerk, h 618 Wooster. Williams, W. A., book-keeper, h 118 S. 4th. Williams, W. G., (Williams, Rankin & Co.), h 10 S. 5th. Williams, J. K., clerk, h 10 S. 5th. Williams, D. M., h 10 S. 5th. Williams, R. L., h 10 S. 5th. Williams, W. W., steward Orton House. Williams & Rankin, wholesale grocers, 16 and 18 N. Water. Williams, Mrs. A., widow, seamstress, h 4th and Ann. Williams, J. R., agent Southern Express Co., h 118 Red Cross. Williams, J. H., captain steam tug Stetson, h 415 S. 4th. Williams, C. M., machinist, h 410 S. 8th. Williams, A. M., carpenter, h 410 S. 8th. Williams, Mrs. Jane, widow, h 410 S. 8th. Williams, Mrs. A., seamstress, h 523 S. 7th. Williams, T. W., lab, h 6th bet Wooster and Dawson. Williams, C. E., lab, h 708 Queen. Williams, Mrs. M. A., widow, h 905 Wooster. Williams, J. T., lab, h 108 Castle, Williams, W. F., telegraph operator, h 5 13 Market. Williams, G. D., street car driver, h 414 Harnett. Williams, Mrs. C. J., widow, seamstress, h 1003 N. 5th. Williams, Mrs. E. B., h 510 Princess. Williams, T. L., policeman, h 812 Princess. Williams, J. W., carpenter, h 415 N. 9th. Williams, J. M., engineer, h 310 McRae. c Williams, F., lab, h 210 S. 7th. k P NANKINS, Family Supply Store, 19 North Second St., guaran- n. U. fl tees quality, correct weight and measure, and prompt delivery. AYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 11S Market st., Wilmington. N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 147 c Williams, c Williams, c Williams, c Williams, c Williams, c Williams, cWilliams, c Williams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, .Williams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, cWilliams, T., stevedore, h 704 Orange. W. A., lab, h St. James avenue. J., lab, h 8th bet Dock and Orange. Louis, stevedore, h II 16 Meadow. J., shoemaker, h 1 108 Dock. B., stevedore, h 121 Orange. Lee, lab, h 307 N. 2d. B., lab, h 720 Ann. T., lab, h 804 Castle. Sandy, lab, h 12 18 Market. Rev. E., h 510 Church. D., painter, h 507 S. 7th. M., lab, h 510 S. 5th. J., lab, h 409 Castle. B., lab, h 409 Castle. A., lab, h 1 106 Queen. S. drayman, h 920 Castle. A., drayman, h 9190 Castle. J., lab, h 713 S. 9th. S. B., lab, h 908 Queen. J., lab, h 908 Queen. Richard, wheelwright, h 222 McRae. Gilbert, cooper, h 510 McRae. Robert, lab, h 218 N. 10th. D., lab, h 11 N. 1 ith. Henry, lab, h 718 Red Cross. Paul, lab, h 510 N. 9th. Edward, drayman, h 616 N. 9th. Peter, lab.h 614 N. 10th. George, drayman, h 1113 N. 5th. S., lab, h 404 Harnett. W., lab, h 1010 James. J. C, lab, h James. G., drayman, h 718 McRae. Ben, lab, h 414 Nixon. Lee, h 10 12. N. 7th. H. C, lab, h 812 Bladen. John, lab, h 719 Bladen. James, lab, h 806 N. 6th. J., lab, h 11 17 N. 7th. Wilson, lab, h 803 Nixon. Lewis, lab, 1206 N. 9th. TO CD P h-"" Q O P P P P 4 ►— • P M P ►->• r+ •"•: CD cb CD P 2L » "0 O O P CO CQ > m PB xn P & Q P P no P - p < p ^ rp X O CD P P* > O crc? CD O BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C 148 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. "ATLANTIC VIEW" / V WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. ED. WILSON MANNING, PROPRIETOR. §S LOCATED near the water, and commands a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. The Wrightsville depot of the Sea Coast Railroad from Wilmington adjoins my enclosure and is but a few ' \~? steps from the Hotel. We make no charge for transportation of baggage. Besides railroad facilities for reaching Wilmington, eight or ten times a day, there is a beautiful shell road from my place to the city, a distance of eight miles. The Ocean View Railroad train runs from my place to the Hammocks and down the Beach at short intervals during the day and night, thus affording visitors all the privileges of SURF BATHING AND SIGHT-SEEING on the beach without being compelled to remain there any longer than is desired. BATH HOUSES FOR STILL WATER BATHING at our own landing, within 300 feet of the house. Boats for sailing on the Sound or on the Ocean, and fishing in the Sound or at sea. Daily mail and telegraph communication to all parts of the world. The per- manent grounds for the STATE ENCAMPMENT with its battery of heavy guns is located so near that the drilling of the State Guard can be viewed from my place. We have good drinking water; splendid sea breezes and a supply of FISH, OYSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS AND CLAMS in their seasons. The rooms in the Main Building and Cottages are well arranged for ventilation. THE DANCING PAVILION Is made attractive by music, beauty and pleasure during the evenings. THE CLUB HOUSE, Pool and Billiard Tables and Bowling Alley, are outside of the premises and kept in good style. Terms for Board are Reasonble with Special Rates for Families. A glance at these advantages for a Summer Resort must convince anyone that there is no place on the coast that presents a greater variety of means for enjoyment than "ATLANTIC VIEW," WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. The mildness of the climate during the Winter months will make this one of the most attractive Winter Resorts on the coast. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 149 cWilliams, Dan, lab, h Taylor, bet 8th and 9th. cWilliams, Rob, lab, h 512 Red Cross. cWilliams, A., porter, bds 505 N. 7th. cWilliams, S. PL, lab, h 617 Surry. cWilliams, G., lab, h 405 Queen. cWilliams, John, lab, h 617 S. 5th. cW r illiams, Jefferson, lab, h 320 McRae. cWilliams, Lewis, coachman, h 409 Sampson's alley. Williamson, Mrs. M. C, boarding house, 10 Mulberry. Williamson, Mrs. Lizzie, seamstress, h 1021 N. 4th. Willis, William, printer, bds 24 ^ N. Front, cWillis, J. H., carpenter, h 719 Church. Willis, G. Jr., carpenter, h 723 S. 2d. cWillis, G., lab, h 213 Wooster. cWillis, William, carpenter, h 711 Red Cross. Willis, H. B., foreman Daily Messenger, h 20 N. 4th. Willis, H. B., Jr., clerk, bds 20 N. 4th. Willis, George S., foreman Daily Review, h 812 Ches- nut. cWillis, Aaron, lab, h 113 N. 3d. Willis, E., druggist, 223 N. 7th, h 503 Walnut. Willson, W. A., Jr,, book-keeper, h 408 Nun. Willson, W. A., city clerk and Treasurer, h 458 Nun. Willson, James E., salesman, h 616 Princess. cW'ilson, J., lab, h 13 S. nth. Wilson, A. M., butcher, h 310 S. 6th. Wilson, James, h 310 Red Cross. cWilson, L., cook, h 608 Nun. Wilson, B. ML, lab, h 714 Nun. Wilson "Henry, lab, h 619 Hanover. Wilson, J. A., blacksmith, 11 10 N. 4th, h 11 15 N. 6th. Wilson, Joe, lab, h 1109 N. 7th. Willett, B., lab, h 402 Queen. WILMINGTON OPERA HOUSE, Princess bet 3d and 4th, E. J. Pennypacker lessee and manager. Wilmington Library Association, 123 Market. WILMINGTON ICE FACTORY, W. E. Worth & Co., cor 2d and Campbell — see adv. WILMINGTON PAPER CO., 114 N. Water— see adv. cWinfield, J. F., painter, h 716 S. 9th. cWingate, Frank, lab, h 110 Walnut. cWingate, C, lab, h 514 McRae. C/> 03 "0 X I IS I '--:■ 5. >\ 1^8 T I QnilTRftRf AMR Livef y and Horse Exchange, Nos. 1. J. OUUinijflljrUNlJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, 108 and N. C BROWN k PEARSON, BARBERS. No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY H «! H Q fe <j PS P GO H ►J «! & o H O H 9«B i| Is" r <= pq cj. -r* n}« -^ r^? o PQ yjc -j^. n !>j < ~< > -5: = QC X rt^ H CO Winner, M. L., watchmaker, u S. Front, h 3 S. Front. Winner, J. L., watchmaker, 8 S. Front. cWinslow, John, tailor, 212 Princess, h same. Winston, C. M., baggage master, h 812 N. 7th. cWinsley, C, driver, h 1007 James. WINSTEAD, A. S., confectioner, 115 N. 2d, h 107 N. 8th. Winton, Mrs. M. A., h 1 14 Red Cross. cWise, J., lab, h 617 Swann. Woebsey, Harmon, policeman, h 609 Swann. cWoods, W., lab, h 612 S. 7th. Wood, R. B., contractor and builder, h 1 16 N. 2d. cWood, C. E., cook, h 612 S. 7th. WOOD, Dr. T. F„ physician, editor Medical Journal, h 201 Chesnut. cWood, David, lab, h 716 Campbell. Wood, C. E., policeman, h 812 Princess. Wood, John E., telegraph operator, h 813 Princess. Wood, Fred, flagman, h 816 Harnett. Wood, Freeman, fisherman, h 902 N. 5th. cWood, C, lab, h 405 N. 5th. Woody & Currie, commission merchants, 105 N. Water. Woody, J. D., (Woody & Currie) h 223 N. 3d. Woodcock, Mrs. H. M., boaiding house. 213^ Market. Woodcock, V., carpenter, h 218 N. 6th. Woodard, G. A., principal Gregory Institute, cor 7th and Nun. Woodard, E. H., drayman, h 615 Queen. Wolvin, J. W., undertaker, 15 N. 3d, h 514 Chesnut. Wolvin, J. F., undertaker, h 512 Chesnut. Woodward, W' J., cotton grader, h 210 N. 2d. cWomble, Louis, coachman, h 907 N. 7th. Woodrow, Mrs. E. A., school teacher, h 216 S. 5th. Woolf, George, cook Orton House. Wooten, Edward, train dispatcher, bds 322 N. Front. cWooten, Rev. Willis, h 820 Bladen. cWooten, O., lab, h 510 Church. WORTH & WORTH, wholesale grocers, cor Mulbeny and Water. Worth, B. G., (Worth & Worth) h 206 N. 2d. Worth, D. G., (Worth & Worth) h 411 S. Front. DASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at S< UTHERLAND S 1 STABLES, 108 & no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. MJ. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, [23 Market Street. MESSKNCKK'S Wl l.M 1 NCTON DIRECTORY. '5i Worth, C. W., clerk, h 41 1 S. Front. WORTH, W. E., ice house, 109 Dock, h 209 Red Cross. Wrenn, J. L , mechanic, h 3 S. Front. Wright, "William A., clerk, h 1 1 S, jd. Wright, Mrs. E. A., h 11 S. 3d. Wright, A., lab, h 2d bet Wright and Dawson. Wright, J. G., Jr., clerk, h 720 Market. Wright, J. A.,h 720 Market. Wright, J. M., clerk, h 720 Market. Wright, J. G., clerk, h 720 Market. Wright, D., h 908 Orange. Wright, Willie, stearsman, Hook and Ladder, 313 Dock. Wright, S. P., physician bds Orton House. Wright. Thomas H., clerk, h 214 N. 4th. cWnght, G., lab, h 519 S. 4th. cWright, J., lab, h Wooster and Surry. cWright, F., baggage transfer, h 623 S. 8th. cWright, John, ship carpenter, h 1009 Campbell. cWright, Dan, lab, h 810 N. 3d. cWright. Josh, drayman, h 511 Chesnut. cWRIGHT, B. C, grocer, 507 Taylor. cWright, Hardy, carpenter, h 819 N. 6th. cWright, T., lab, h 1122 Nixon. cWright, Alex, painter, h 210 N. 9th. cWright, George, lab, h 913 Chesnut. cWright, Sidney, waiter, h 805 Walnut. Wyckoff, Mrs. E. P., tailoress, h 708 Queen. Y Yarborough, Mrs. M. A., widow, h 224 N. 5th. Yarborough, C. D. ( clerk, bds 224 N. 5th. Yarborough, W. C, clerk, bds 224 N. 5th. cYarborough, W., barber, h 212 Church. YATES, C. W., book store, 1 19 Market, h 120 N. 4th. Yates' Photograph Gallery, 1 19^ Market. Yates, John T„ stone cutter, h 509 Hanover. Yates, Walter, stone cutter, h James' alley bet 4th and 5th. cYates, D., lab, h 621 S. Front. YOPP, W. H.. grocer, 106 S. Front, h 214 N. 5th. ir m ^ j m ^-h co r to c. 0. PAEKEE, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, JG1P Satisfaction Guaranteed, 152 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. E. W. MANNING. Atkinson & Manning, AGENTS FOR Fire, Marine i Life Insurance COMPANIES. 113 NORTH WATER STREET, Represent the Largest Companies doing business in this Country. John Wilder Atkinson, W. P. Toomer, President. THLC Cashier. WILMINGTON SAVINGS ■ . ■ . • . • • ■ AND TRUST COMPANY. X08 DE»H.I3XTOE:S!S» STIFLE EST. Interest Paid on Deposits of $5.00 and Upwards. Money to Loan on Satisfactory Security. Deposits received of 25 cents and upwards. JOHN C. CHASE, Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer, WILMINGTON, N. C. Professional advice regarding Water Supply, Sewerage, and the Development of Water Power. Tests made of Pumping and other Machinery Suoerintenctent and Engineer of The Clarendon Water Works Company. "JOHN G. OLDENBUTTELr DEALER IN THE BEST AND FRESHEST llliiif^Sliiiiiii, LIQUORS, WINES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, S. IV. Corner MARKET AND TENTH STREETS. The Country Trade a Specialty. Only the Latest and Best Goods kept in stock. Call and see for yourselves. LI P DRP N^ PFRT Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 153 Yopp, A. J., fish and oyster dealer, 106 S. Front, h 214 N. 5th. Yopp, C. M., blacksmith, h 1 14 S. 8th. Yopp, S. F., carpenter, h 516 Brunswick. Yopp, S. L., cattle weigher, h 612 Red Cross. Yopp, George W., painter, h 612 Red Cross. Yopp, Walter F., painter, h 612 Red Cross. Yopp, W. W., carpen'er, h 316 N. 6th. Yopp, Price, engineer, h 1 13 N. 5th. Yopp, T. B., clerk, h 105 N. 5th. Yopp, F. V. B., brick layer, h 813 Chesnut. Yopp, James L., h 816 Macumber's alley. Yopp, W. A. J., carpenter, h i6th,bet Market and Dock. YOUNG, W. L., real estate agt, 209 Princess. Young, S. C, harness maker, h 71 1 Castle. cYoung, M., stevedore, h 413 Harris alley. cYoung, J. S., butcher, h 305 S. 7th. c Young, I., butcher, h 216 S. 8th. cYoung, Wm., lab, h 12 10 N. 5th. cYoung, Paten, driver, h 309 Hanover. Zeigler, George, carpenter, h 624 S. 7th. Zeigler, Miss R. L., music teacher, h 624 S. 7th. Zeller, J., lab, h 619 S. 8th, Zimmerman, J. VV. f decorator and upholsterer, h 410 N. 3d- Zoeller, A. H., book-keeper, h 301 Market. Zoeller, V. F., jeweller, h 301 Market. DO r c a o O O n o 1 s ^ : W HEN yon wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, yon can save money by calling on B. E. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. Tf\ TT XT T Pi I I Pi 1 P V SINGER SEWING MACHINES. JWniN L^. LJ \J U 1 ^ JZ- I , 2y NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. tSS WILMINGTON Business Directory, ?*} 1 889=90. AGENTS— INSURANCE. ATKINSON & MANNING, 115 North Water. BROWN, A. A. 319 and 321 Nutt. Harr, John, Jr., agent National Life and Maturity Asso- ciation. Hill, A. J. 24 North 2d. Lippitt, T. B. 306 Orange. Mcllhenny, Ed. D. cor. 2d and Market. cMosely, J. W. 308 South 8th. NORTHROP, HODGERS & TAYLOR, cor. Nutt and Walnut. SMITH & BOATWRIGHT, 124 North Water. Stevenson, W. M. cor. Chesnut and Water. WILLARD, M. S. 214 North Water. AGENTS-SEWING MACHINES. Davis, Martin T. 1 19 Princess. DUDLEY, JOHN L. 28 North Front. Farrar, J. B. 13 North 2d. Jewett, Mrs. H. B. 107 Princess. AGENTS— MERCANTILE. The Mercantile Association of the Carolinas, 1 1 1 North Front. The Mercantile Agency, R. G. Dun & Co., 220 Market. DnnrnffTI DPUnPD Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy lULVUlll & MfllJM, Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. fAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest plac <? in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 156 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. AGENTS— REAL ESTATE. < w U OJCO •SB is Cronly & Morris, 19 South Water. DAVIS, MARTIN T. 123 Princess. O'CONNOR, DAN, 112 Priecess. POISSON, LOUIS J. in Princess. YOUNG, WM. L. 211 Princess. < 05; us V u c5 AGENTS— STEAMSHIPS. SMALLBONES, H. G. New York Steamship Line, cor. Water and Chesnut w ARCHITECTS. H H H IT: ALLEN, JACOB S. 113 North Water. BAUER, A. G., 11914 Piincess. HANBY, JOHN H. 115 South 6th. Post, James F. 212 Princes. Twining, Coleman, 414 North 6th. Vaughan, J. H. 212 Princess. ARTISTS. Richards, E. T. V. 106 Princess. Op AUCTIONEERS. Cronly & Morris, 19 South Water. cPrice, George W. Jr. 608 North 4th. SCHLOSS, S. A. & CO. 21 and 23. Market. VanAmringe, Stacy, office Court House. ^0- & BOA! ne, Accident, Torna< 1RTH WATER STREET. BAKERS. Blomme, Peter, cor. 5th and Campbell. CHRIST, PHILIP, 112 Market. Ganzer, C. H. 809 North 4th. Gilbert, R.- M. 27 South front. Kennedy, L. L. 505 Campbell. NEWTON, R. H. 130 Market. BANKS. SMIT Fire, Life, .Vo. 12 BANK OF NEW HANOVER, northwest cor. Front and Princess. First National Bank, 19 North Front. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK, no Princess. A C'DDIMPTD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood A. or nllNbLn, shingies.&c Brick, 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. MJ. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. i57 BAGGAGE DELIVERIES. Southerland, T. J. 108 and 1 10 N. 2d. Wright, F. W. 623 S. 8th. BARBERS. cBROWN & PEARSON, 5 North Front. cDonglass & Yarborough, 105 Princess. cHostler, George, Orton House. cLane, Elisha, 15 Dock. Lockey, C. P. 8 North 2d. cLucas, J. H. 213 North Front. cNash, W. H. cor. Princess and Front. PREMPERT, HENRY C. 7 South Front. cScott, T. E. 209 Market. cWARD, C H. 9 South Front. Werner, John, 29 Market. BILL POSTER. cFuller, Balaam, Opera House. BLACKSMITHS. Burtt, S. 14 Mulberry, HAYDEN, P. H. 13 dnd 15 North 3d. Jones, John, Nutt, between Walnut and Red Cross. Lowrey, James A. 308 Princess. McDougald, R. P, cor. Princess and 2d. QUINL1VAN, DANIEL, 106 North 2d. Quinlivan, Thomas, cor. 3d and Princess. SOUTHERLAND, C. B. 201 Princess. Wehrhahn, A. 1 1 1 South 3d. BOARDING HOUSES. Aldrich, William A. 420 North 3d. Bagwell, Mrs. F. V. 24^ North Front. Borden, Mrs. M. E. 322 North Front. Brown, Miss Mattie, cor. 7th and Mulberry. Bryson, Mrs. Delia, 305 and 310 Nutt. Burkheimer, Mrs. Washington, 115 North 4th. Bishop, W. H. 214 Campbell. Darby, Mrs. F. 223 South Front. Dickson, Mrs. E. A. 113 Market. > r o o o w z O in % s § g c. PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. tW Satisfaction Guaranteed. SA. SOHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 1S8 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY BOARDING HOUSES— Continued. Hart, Mrs. J. M. 206 South Front. Hill, Miss Julia, 24 North 2d. King, Mrs. J. 504 North 2d. Koch, John. cor. 2d and Princess. Levy, Mrs. F. 412 Dock. Litjen, Mrs. D. 208 South Front. Morrison, Mrs. A. 121 Market. Myers, Mrs. George, 26^2 North Front. Mcintosh, Mrs. Lizzie, 115 Dock. Owen, Mrs. S. H. 105 Dock. Price, Mrs. C. A. 413 Princess. Seaman's Home, cor. Dock and Front. SUTTON, MRS. M. F. no Market. Ward, Mrs. C. H. 107 Mulberrry. BOOK-BINDERS. Bernard, W. H. Princess. DeRosset, W. L., Jr. alley on Front, bet. Market and Princess. Jackson & Bell, alley on Front, bet. Market and Princess MESSENGER PRINTING HOUSE. 122 and 124 Princess, J. A. Bonitz, proprietor. BOOK-SELLERS AND STATIONERS. Harris, C. M. 28 North Front. HEINSBERGER, M. 107 Market. YATES, C. W. 1 19 Market. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Chesnutt & Barrentine, 30 North Front. Evans, H. C. 117 Princess. FRENCH, GEORGE R. & SON, 108 North Front. GREENWALD, I. L. 13 Market. Shrier, A. 108 Market. Strauss, J. H. 707 North 4th. Styron, W. H., 24 North Front. cTAYLOR, JOHN E. 109 Princess. Von Glahn. Henry, 109 Market. W /"HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. C. B. SOUTHERLAND &. CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. '59 3 g fa B r- m BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Baker, John, 1 14 Princess. cBlack, V. 216 Walnut. cBland, William, 117 Dock. cBrown, R. 717 South Front. Carlestrom, J. R.- 521 S. Front. Daniels, J. H. 2053^ Market. cDevane, S. 109 S. 9th. cDevane, F. 126^ Market. Farrow, J. F. 8 Mulberry. cHall, Owen, 712 Campbell. cHayes, C. 510 South Front. Hewitt, J. W. 420 Church, cjackson, Rob, 202 Walnut, cjackson, Allen, 826 Fanning. cjohnson, A. 310 South 7th. cjohnson, D. 508 South 7th. cMcKoy, Frank, 1 193/2 Princess. cPerkins, D., 617 South 2d. cRobinson. G. W. 13 South Front. Rodgers, T. H. 913 North* 7th. Taylor, J.J. 11 North 2d. Voss, J. G. 109 North 2d. cWalker, Calvin, 311 Campbell. BOTTLERS. Hutaff, H. 125 Princess. Lucas, A. F. 113 Dock. PORTNER, ROBERT BREWING CO. 21 North 2d. BRICK MAKERS. Moore, Col. Roger, cor. Water and Mulberry. McClammy, C. W. Front, between Castle and Queen. Schroeder, J. A. 119 S. 6th. Wood, R. B., 116 N. Front. BROKERS. Blanks, William. Metts, J. I. & Co., South Crow, J. E. Water. Daniel, J. H. Pickett, R. H. Empie & Co., B. G., 219 Pritchard, L. L, I A QDRIMPfD Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. A, OrnlnULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. 3 * s ° rr, gj so ep CO > D ? O a pi 5: 73 5. > § > r 5 OH « So 0) I—I /■> Oi I' co ^< ? HO I R X .« 8 H 1 60 ALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers. 11 and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. BROKERS— Continued. North Water. Rankin, J. T. m Q u z z K£ z" J -J H < Z ^ z 5 w <5 , 1 CO S CO ^ ^ Woi zn 3* ec w G J £~ <* CO co U> l-H K n , , ^ rou P CO £ W w <r OS 7,fc ~ W rO« n <| 2 521 f-H W Q 05 >H u z <£ VO <—!—! 1-1 I— ( Q fc P3 < rO 0-. rO Forshee, J. M. Green, A. H. Harriss, W. W. KENAN, W. R. Nun Mclver, J. T. Stevenson, W. M. cor. Ches- nut and Water. TURRENTINE, VOL- ERS & CO. foot Hanover WHITEHEAD, W. A. & SON, cor Water & Chesnut BUTCHERS. Garrell, C. S. Fourth Street Market. GARRELL, JOHN F. Front Street Market. Garrell, John F. Third Ward Market. cGreen, H. C. Fourth Street Market. Hayes & Jones, Front Street Market. cHicks, Lewis, Front Street Market. Johnson, T. H. Front Street Market. cKellogg, W. J. Fourth Street Market. Kenneday, O. H. Castle Street Market. King, I. J. & E. G. Front Street Market. cMcRary, C. H. Fourth Street Market. cMumford, Henry, Front Street Market. cNimick, Sam, Front Street Market. cPhinix, Dock, Fourth Street Market. Rhodes, I. B. & Co. Front Street Market. cSneed, DeCato, Third Ward Market. Tilly, George F. Front Street Market. Watson, T. A. Front Street Market. cYoung, Isham, Front Street Market. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS. HAYDEN, P. H. 13 and 15 North 3d. cLowery, James A. 308 Princess. SOUTHERLAND & CO. C. B. 201 Princess. Wilson, J. A. 11 10 North 4th. CHEMISTS. Chapman, G. R. Navassa Works. Clark, Franklin S. Southern Chemical Works. Radcliffe, Thomas R., 11 South 3d. BOOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATLS' BOOK bTORE, Wilmington- FW ARTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second » ' • v/ Sr. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 161 CHINA, GLASS, &c. GILES & MURCHISON, 109 North Front. SCHLOSS. S. A. & CO. 21 and 23 Market. SPRINGER, W. E. & Co. 14 North Front. WATSON, A. W. 115 Princess. CLOTHIERS. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. BEAR, SAMUEL, Sr., 10 and 17 Market. David A. 31 North Front. Davis, A. F. 907 Wooster. Fishblate, S. H. 25 and 27 North Front. GOODMAN, WILLIAM, 8 Market. Mills, G. W. 132 Market. MUNSON, H. H. & CO. 32 North Front. POLVOGT & REHDER, 619 North 4th. Penny, B. F. 1 10 Market. Penny, G. W. 8 Market. Penny, W. J. 25 Market. Philips, S. 22 Market. Register & Bro. 4 Market. Shrier, I. 20 North Front. Shrier, A. 108 Market. Weil, J. 12S Market. COAL AND WOOD DEALERS. Boesch & Bro. Foot of Brunswick. FOWLER & MORRISON, Water between Orange and Dock. SPRINGER, J. A. 121 North Water. cTurner, J. S. South W^ater, wood only. cWhiteman, J. H. South Water, wood only. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, 101 South Front. Alderman, Bland, 108 North Water. Alderman, I. T. 108 North Water. Anders, W. B. 306 McRae. Bagley, T. F. cor, Water and Princess. BROWNE, C. F., agent 128 North Water. CALDER BROS. 202 North Water. r o o n M H H So SO i<~> 05 « Pfllffillt & PpllflPr ^ noes ' Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. 5. A SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 162 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. T u d ( •— c - : ■*a c s O O c &H /; X < — ks c 11H = - 0> £ - "3 ■a •M ■/. ^ D V- in c H? h h p- r*i C 68 5C 0> fe <■* $ / £ +- - v. bf - a OP .C = Hi •— 0) s 5C ^ gv H s COMMISSION MERCHANTS— Continued. Collier, S. P. & Co. no North Water. COVINGTON, C. C. & CO. cor. Walnut and Nutt. Currie, J. H. cor. Chesnut and Water. Daniel, J. H. 315 South Front. Gore, D. L. 120 North Water. Gore, W. I. 5 and 7 South Water. Green, G. H. cor. Chesnut and Water. HALL & PEARSALL, 11 and 13 South Water. Henderson, T. B. Water, bet. Market and Dock. Johnson, E. F. Sprunt's Building. JOHNSON & CO. 4 Chesnut. Kerchner, F. W. North Water. Love, T. D. 203 North Water. MARSHALL, JOHN R. 11 North 3d. McNair, S. P. cor. Water and Princess. McNAIR & PEARSALL, 319 and 321 Nutt. Paterson, Downing & Co. cor. Mulberry and Nutt. Robinson & King, Orange and Water. Smith & Gilchrist, 215 and 217 North Water. SPRUNT, ALEX. & SON, cor. Walnut and Water. Williams, Rankin & Co. 16 and 18 North Water. Woody & Currie, cor. Chesnut and Water. WORTH & WORTH, cor. Mulberry and Nutt. CONFECTIONERS. Market. 7 North Front. Christ, Philip, 112 Hooper, James S. Stolter & Haar, 16 North 2d. Warren, Mrs. E. & Son, Exchange Corner. Winstead, A. S. North 2d, bet Princess and Chesnut. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ALLEN, JACOB S. 113 North Water. Altaffer, G. M. no Dock. BAUER, A. G. 119^ Princess. HANBY, J. H. 115 South 6th. Morrell & Yopp, 215 Market. cNorwood, John G. 202 Walnut. Post, James F. 210 Prineess. cSampson, H. D. 307 South 7th. Wood, R. B. 2d, bet. Princess and Chesnut. A.G. HANKINS, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens and Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. T O T4 NT T TM T FlT FV singer sewing machines, JW111N J^. JJUJJLCI, 27 NORTH FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 163 VICE CONSULS. Cummings, W. M. Hayti. DeRosset, W. L. Portugal. Harriss, George, Argentine Republic. Heide, R. E. Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Lord, F. J. Spanish, Parsley, O. G. Brazilian. Peschau, E. German. Sprunt, James, British, COTTON MERCHANTS. Calder & Bros. Covington, C. C. & Co. Empie, B. G. & Co. Fennell, Owen, Jr. HALL & PEARSALL. Kerchner, F. W. Lilly, E. J. Love, E. S. McNair, S. P. McNAIR & PEARSALL. SPRUNT, ALEX. & SON. Williams & Murchison. Woody & Currie. WORTH & WORTH. COTTON MILLS. Wilmington Cotton Mills. COTTON PRESSES. CHAMPION COMPRESS AND WAREHOUSE CO. Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Co. DENTISTS. Baldwin, A. M. \o% North Front. Durham, J. H. 114 Princess. Freeman, J. F. 116 Market. Kea, James E. 3 South Front. Matthews, J. E. 118^ Market. DISTILLERS. Martin, W. A. Eagle Island. Morton & Hall, 615 Nutt. Wood Alcohol, Southern Chemical Works. DRESSMAKERS. Altaffer, Miss Roberta, 1 10 Dock. Biddle, Miss M. E. 606 Castle. 0. PAEKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, &T Satisfaction Guaranteed. BROWN k PEARSON BARBERS. No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 164 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 03 XI H c ft* H (fl*T OJQ 15 §1 3 13 V ifl * rt w [fi ^ ~ < t/1 & O W U ft 03 H 0-, ~ O 0> Erf O-sl > d <# J* (/)£ DRESSMAKERS— Continued. Brice, Mrs. S. T. 14 North 4th. Capps, Mrs. A. C. 2013^ Market. Clawson, Mrs. T. W. 217 Market. Dixon, Mrs. M. 524 South Front. Donneley, Mrs. Hester, 910 Chesnut. Gause, Miss Annie, South 2d. Hall, Mrs. M. E. 102 Church. Haney, Mrs. M. A. Brown's alley. Highsmith, Mrs. South 5th. Jones, Mrs. A. 202 Dawson. Larkins, Mrs. Rena, 105 North 6th. Lumsden, Mrs. E. A. 119 North Front. Meier, Miss Carrie, 807 Walnut. McKoy, Mrs. M. E. 912 Queen. Owens, Miss Lizzie, 419 Mulberry. Paidrick, Mrs. Ida, 14 North 10th. Powers, Mrs. M. C. 708 North 4th. Scharff, Mrs. E. 120 Market. Schwartz. Mrs. S. A. 720 Queen. Sneeden, Mrs. R. 207 South 4th. Sweeny, Mrs. K. 407 South 4th. Sweeny, Mrs. M. E. 407 South 4th. Thompson, Mrs. L. A. 112 South 8th. Watkins, Mrs. L. B. 511 South 2d. Wissen, Miss C. L. 419 Walnut. DRY DOCKS. Evans, Thomas, loot of Swann. Ellis, VV. S. foot of Wooster. Skinner, S. W. foot of Church. DRUGGISTS. BELLAMY, R. R. northwest cor, Market and Front. Fentriss, H. L. 621 North 4th. GREEN, W. H. & CO. 117 Market. Harden, J. H. New Market. Munds Bros. 601 North 4th and 104 North Front. Munds, J. C. in Princess. MILLER, F. C. 328 South 4th. MILLER & Nestlie, 221 North 6th. w [HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. H J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, "'• Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. c6 S Weil, J. 128 Market. DRY GOODS-WHOLESALE. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. Bear, Morris & Bros, no and 112 North Front. Brown & Roddick, 9 North Front. GOODMAN, WM. 8 Market. RHINESTEIN & CO. 27 and 29 North Front. Solomon, S. & B. cor. Market and Front. NEWMAN, D. & SON, 14 and 16 Market. DYERS AND SCOURERS. cDRY, JAMES D. i6*4 North 2d. Friedberg, W. 211 North Front. cMcDonald, R. 14 North 2d. ENGINEERS— CIVIL AND SURVEYORS. Bolles, C. P. 215 North 3d. CHASE, J. C. 118 Princess. NUTT, J. D- 218 North Front. Sheehan, J. 522 South Front. Sheets, J. A. 802 Market. WILLIS, ELIJAH, cor. Mulberry and 7th. DRY GOODS— RETAIL. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. BEAR, SAMUEL, Sr. 17 Market. Braddy & Gaylord, 117 South Front. Brown & Roddick, 9 North Front. Davis, L. W. 26 North Water. GOODMAN, WM. 8 Market. HEDRICK, J. J. 101 ard 103 Market. Huske & Draper, ill Market. KATZ, M. M. 116 Market. Liebman, A. 124 Market. McINTYRE, R. M. 22 North Front. NEWMAN, D. & SON, 14 and 16 Market. Penny, W. J. 25 Market. POLVOGT & REHDER, 619 North 4th. Solomon, S. & B. cor. Market and Front. Sternberger, J, 9 Market. rsc x m * 1> U W^ u wo <n CO GO r a w ox 3g oz 3 P I A QDRIMPCp Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, U. rt. OnillNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. B. SOUTHBPLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 1 66 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 8 5 •g o '« c a o ji so e9 Sfc !»H w c j; -*- .~ 4- r w +- u c ;, j. r - < U >. V +j u M _j -1- w oj 3 R +- OS 'w g if. ENGINEERS— CIVIL AND SURVEYORS— Continued. Cherry, L. G. 714 Market. McRae, Roderick, 210 South 5th. McRae, Walter G. 210 S. 5th. EXCHANGES AND CHAMBERS. Chamber of Commerce. Wilmington Produce. Chamber of Industry. EXPRESS COMPANY. Southern Express Company, 106 North Front. FERTILIZERS. McNair & Pearsall, 319 and 321 Nutt. Navassa Guano Company, cor. Princess and Water. POWERS, E. J. cor. Front and Princess. Sweet, R. M. cor. Walnut and Nutt. FISH AND OYSTER DEALERS. Davis, W. E. foot of Front Street Market. Davis, W. B. foot of Front Street Market. Northrop, Samuel & Co. foot of Front Street Market. Yopp, W. H. 106 South Front. FLOUR AND GRAIN MILLS. Boney & Harper, Water, bet Walnut and Mulberry. Mitchell, B. F. & Son, 20 and 22 North Water. Oldham, W. P., 12 Dock. Turlington, Wm. foot of Front. FLORISTS. Bissinger, C. F. cor. 6th and Princess. Lamb, Mrs. George P. 105 North 6th. Rehder, Mrs. H. 817 Red Cross. WEBB, MRS. H. 708 Market. FURNITURE DEALERS. Behrends & Co. 16 South Front. CRAFT, T. C. agent. 20 South Front. KNOXVILLE FURNITURE CO. cor. Market and 2d. Smith, D. A. 113 Princess. 0. PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. Ity Satisfaction Guaranteed. AYLOR^S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. 11S Market st., Wilmington. N. C, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 167 GROCERS— RETAIL. n AHRENS, B. H. J. 2 South 7th. $ 3^ Alderman, Bland, 108 North Water. s 01 Barker, J. A. 619 South 5th. (T> > Bellois, B. 126 Market. a Biddle, W. H. 501 Castle. ei Bloom, H. H. 501 Chesnut. P* Boatwright, John L. 15 and 17 South Front. O m Boesch, Henry J. 801 North 4th. in Bornermann, J. H. Southeast corner 7th and Ann. n en Bornermann, G. W. 9th and Queen. t/i > Bremer, J. M. 301 South Front. 3 r Bridgers & Rankin, no North Front. e BROWNE, C. F.agent, 128 North Water. fD O Cameron, D. D. 115 South Front. pa V. Cameron, Mrs. M. E. 1 16 Church. 3 Collier, S. P. & Co. no North Water. 2; Croom, M. F. 102 North Water. -* Croom,R. M. & Co. 104 North Water. 5' 2 Cumber, Josiah, 605 North 4th. a • Davis, D. C. 901 North 4th. 2. n Davis, D. M. 825 North 4th. rt- O Duls, J. W. 114 South Front. sj a Everett & Clark, 131 Market. s. Z) Fillyaw, O. M. 133 Market. w 2. Forrest, J. J. 401 Church. *< 2; Fowler, R. M. 425 South Front. V* & H Fry, E. D. 826 North 4th. P 8* * Gerdes, H. 808 Wooster. r ft § Genaust, Wm. 618 North 4th. 2, a GEISCHEN, H. H. cor. 8th and Chesnut. r * Glameyer & Kuck, 6 North Water. GO Green, G. W. 502 Queen. O X w Guthrie, J. R. 301 South 6th. m - _ Haar, J. & Bro. 502 North 6th. _z ^ r. cHall & Brown, 818 North 4th. -c 1 § Hanby, J. H. 720 Dock. 73 re Hand Bros. 605 North 4th. ft' Q OK?" ^ HANKINS, A. G, 19 North 2d. O P £+ Hardwick, J. M. 810 Princess. to <t> Hardy, W. H. 423 South 5th. ? ft BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 168 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. O . &JD © O S H H 2 1 w © a GROCERS, RETAIL— Continued. Heyer, Fred, 802 North 4th. Holmes, A'. H. 201 Market. Holmes & Waters, 6 North Front. Huggins, J. B. 125 Market. Hullen, N. 503 North 4th. KEITH, B. F. Jr. 130 North Water. King & Montgomery, cor. 3d and Castle. Klein, D. F. 919 Mulberry. Klander, J. D. H. 620 Castle. KURE, HANS A. 9 South Water and corner 7th and Nixon. Love, George F. 1 1 2 North Water. Michaellis, C. 823 South Front. Mohr, J. J. 819 Mulberry. Mohr, Peter, 1201 Market. Montgomery, J. W. 902 Market. Murphy, Charles, 717 Bladen. Newbury, F. A. 12 Mulberry. cNorwood, C. W. 102 Castle. OLDENBUTTEL. J. G. 10th and Market. Otersen Wm. 418 Market. Price, R. A. 624 South Front. Rathjen, Martin, 1020 Swann. Rehder, Henry, 501 North 9th. Richter, Charles, 1022 North 4th. cROBINSON, J. B. 721 Harnett. cSampson, C. E. 520 Campbell. cSAUNDERS, A. S. 1220 Nixon. Schulken, C. 1202 North 4th. Schutt, Mrs. George L. 817 Bladen. Seuden, E. T. 820 Mulberry. Sheppard, T. A. & Co., 112 South Front. Smith, C. E. Spooner, J. N. 724 North 4th. Steljes, D. cor. 6th and Castle. Stevenson, J. C. & Taylor, 18 South Front. Stevenson, J. C. & Co. 617 North 4th. Suter, C. F. 902 Campbell Thees, J. H. 802 Castle. Thomas & Co. 521 North 4th. cThomas, John E. 520 Walnut. B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, "Wilmington FW ARTMAMN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second W. U St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CHINA. CLASS, &c. GILES & MURCHISON, 109 North Front. SCHLOSS. S. A. & CO. 21 and 23 Market. SPRINGER, W. E. & Co. 14 North Front. WATSON, A. W. 115 Princess. CLOTHIERS. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. BEAR, SAMUEL, Sr., 10 and 17 Market. David A. 31 North Front. Davis, A. F. 907 Wooster. Fishblate, S. H. 25 and 27 North Front. GOODMAN, WILLIAM, 8 Market. Mills, G. W. 132 Market. MUNSON, H. H. & CO. 32 North Front. POLVOGT & REHDER, 619 North 4th. Penny, B. F. 1 10 Market. Penny, G. W. 8 Market. Penny, W. J. 25 Market. Philips, S. 22 Market. Register & Bro. 4 Market. Shrier, I. 20 North Front. Shrier, A. 108 Market. Weil, J. 128 Market. COAL AND WOOD DEALERS. Boesch & Bro. Foot of Brunswick. FOWLER & MORRISON, Water between Orange and Dock. SPRINGER, J. A. 121 North Water. cTurner, J. S. South Water, wood only. cWhiteman, J. H. South Water, wood only. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, 101 South Front. Alderman, Bland, 108 North Water. Alderman, I. T. 108 North Water. Anders, W. B. 306 McRae. Bagley, T. F. cor, Water and Princess. BROWNE, C. F., agent 128 North Water. CALDER BROS. 202 North Water. W > r - i O $ O K W 3 H 93 i r - ■ 1 a l % ;o KO sm 5 S8P sr> »o * • 30 M Da 5 » r= * OJ — i» r sa C3 C =0^ h rnx J *»> ~ Co Z ^£* a s > — V * s w> O H z O • T 2: 3 2: S c ja " & Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing 5 Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. S. A. SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 162 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS— Continued. Collier, S. P. & Co. no North Water. COVINGTON, C. C. & CO. cor. Walnut and Nutt. Currie, J. H. cor. Chesnut and Water. Daniel, J. H. 315 South Front. Gore, D. L. 120 North Water. Gore, W. I. 5 and 7 South Water. Green, G. H. cor. Chesnut and Water. HALL & PEARSALL, 11 and 13 South Water. Henderson, T. B. Water, bet. Market and Dock. Johnson, E. F. Sprunt's Building. JOHNSON & CO. 4 Chesnut. Kerchner, F. W. North Water. Love, T. D. 203 North Water. MARSHALL, JOHN R. n North 3d. McNair, S. P. cor. Water and Princess. McNAIR & PEARSALL, 319 and 321 Nutt. Paterson, Downing & Co. cor. Mulberry and Nutt. Robinson & King, Orange and Water. Smith & Gilchrist, 215 and 217 North Water. SPRUNT, ALEX. & SON, cor. Walnut and Water. Williams, Rankin & Co. 16 and 18 North Water. Woody & Currie, cor. Chesnut and Water. WORTH & WORTH, cor. Mulberry and Nutt. CONFECTIONERS. Christ, Philip, 112 Market. Hooper, James S. 7 North Front. Stolter & Haar, 16 North 2d. Warren, Mrs. E. & Son, Exchange Corner. Winstead, A. S. North 2d, bet Princess and Chesnut. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ALLEN, JACOB S. 113 North Water. Altaffer, G. M. 1 10 Dock. BAUER, A. G. ng}4 Princess. HANBY, J. H. 115 South 6th. Morrell & Yopp, 215 Market. cNorwood, John G. 202 Walnut. Post, James F. 210 Prineess. cSampson, H. D. 307 South 7th. Wood, R. B. 2d, bet. Princess and Chesnut. c £ - 2 4- z s - a — u V z u /. It. < «H >. ■H _l - s M ■V ^ ti g 6 a fl Ttl SS m V & (h Hi k rfl a S C « as 0> fe •^ a cc A P ** PQ — z & - a £ cc r a. z - •*- -a z 5C c 0) A £ g H © V A.G. Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens , and Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. TrATTiV T "P^TTr^T T? V singer sewing machines, JUHJN L. JJUJJLiiY, 27 NORTH FRONT S MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 163 VICE CONSULS. Cummings, W. M. Hayti. DeRosset, W. L. Portugal. Harriss, George, Argentine Republic. Heide, R. E. Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Lord, F. J. Spanish, Parsley, O. G. Brazilian. Peschau, E. German. Sprunt, James, British, COTTON MERCHANTS. Calder & Bros. Covington, C. C. & Co. Empie, B. G. & Co. Fennell, Owen, Jr. HALL & PEARSALL. Kerchner, F. W. Lilly, E. J. Love, E. S. McNair, S. P. McNAIR & PEARSALL. SPRUNT, ALEX. & SON. Williams & Murchison. Woody & Currie. WORTH & WORTH. COTTON MILLS. Wilmington Cotton Mills. COTTON PRESSES. CHAMPION COMPRESS AND WAREHOUSE CO. Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Co. DENTISTS. Baldwin, A. M. 10^ North Front. Durham, J. H. 114 Princess. Freeman, J. F. 116 Market. Kea, James E. 3 South Front. Matthews, J. E. 118^ Market. DISTILLERS. Martin, W. A. Eagle Island. Morton & Hall, 615 Nutt. Wood Alcohol, Southern Chemical Works. DRESSMAKERS. Altaffer, Miss Roberta, 1 10 Dock. Biddle, Miss M. E. 606 Castle. 0. PAKKEE, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, {^ Satisfaction Guaranteed. BROWN k PEARSON* No^North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 164 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. DRESSMAKERS— Continued. JBrice, Mrs. S. T. 14 North 4th. Capps, Mrs. A. C. 201^ Market. Clawson, Mrs. T. W. 217 Market. Dixon, Mrs. M. 524 South Front. Donneley, Mrs. Hester, 910 Chesnut. Gause, Miss Annie, South 2d. Hall, Mrs. M. E. 102 Church. Haney, Mrs. M. A. Brown's alley. Highsmith, Mrs. South 5th. Jones, Mrs. A. 202 Dawson. Larkins, Mrs. Rena, 105 North 6th. Lumsden, Mrs. E. A. 119 North Front. Meier, Miss Carrie, 807 Walnut. McKoy, Mrs. M. E. 912 Queen. Owens, Miss Lizzie, 419 Mulberry. Paidrick, Mrs. Ida, 14 North 10th. Powers, Mrs. M. C. 708 North 4th. ScharfT, Mrs. E. 120 Market. Schwartz. Mrs. S. A. 720 Queen. Sneeden, Mrs. R. 207 South 4th. Sweeny, Mrs. K. 407 South 4th. Sweeny, Mrs. M. E. 407 South 4th. Thompson, Mrs. L. A. 112 South 8th. Watkins, Mrs. L. B. 511 South 2d. Wissen, Miss C. L. 419 Walnut. DRY DOCKS. Evans, Thomas, foot of Swann. Ellis, W. S. foot of Wooster. Skinner, S. W. foot of Church. DRUGGISTS. BELLAMY, R..R. northwest cor, Market and Front. Fentriss, H. L. 621 North 4th. GREEN, W. H. & CO. 117 Market. Harden, J. H. New Market. Munds Bros. 601 North 4th and 104 North Front. Munds, J. C. in Princess. MILLER, F. C. 328 South 4 th. MILLER & Nestlie, 221 North 6th. 09 0) H c < W co^ O cuo fe Ss 4 05J OS QQ CJ £; Rj H s 1-1 ~ J Si ■f. w <u * rt & 0H rt . H X s 0) §■ o 5 H O -a < h'P .03 m -OK "85 # 1=5 .««a X r™ 1 iSf*"" t-H j£ § V CO fe \K J HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money VV by calling on B, F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. JUI J. DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, 1"1. Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. '65 NUTT, J. D- 218 North Front. Sheehan, J. 522 South Front. Sheets, J. A. 802 Market. WILLIS, ELIJAH, cor. Mulberry and 7th. DRY GOODS— RETAIL. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. BEAR, SAMUEL, Sr. 17 Market. Braddy & Gay lord, 117 South Front. Brown & Roddick, 9 North Front. Davis, L. W. 26 North Water. GOODMAN, WM. 8 Market. HEDRICK, J. J. 101 and 103 Market. Huske & Draper, 1 1 1 Market. KATZ, M. M. 116 Market. Liebman, A. 124 Market. McINTYRE, R. M. 22 North Front. NEWMAN, D. & SON, 14 and 16 Market. Penny, W. J. 25 Market. POLVOGT & REHDER, 619 North 4th. Solomon, S. & B. cor. Market and Front. Sternberger, J, 9 Market. Weil, J. 128 Market. DRY GOODS-WHOLESALE. BEAR, SOL, 18 Market. Bear, Morris & Bros, no and 112 North Front. Brown & Roddick, 9 North Front. GOODMAN, WM. 8 Market. RHINESTEIN & CO. 27 and 29 North Front. Solomon, S. & B. cor. Market and Front. NEWMAN, D. & SON, 14 and 16 Market. DYERS AND SCOURERS. cDRY, JAMES D. 16^ North 2d. Friedberg, W. 211 North Front. cMcDonald, R. 14 North 2d. ENGINEERS— CIVIL AND SURVEYORS. Bolles, C. P. 215 North 3d. CHASE, J. C. 118 Princess. o Ul £> w & m fc* CO 2tj I A QPRIMPFR Whol esaleand Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. n. OrnilNULn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. B. SOUTHBFLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 166 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. •a o e3 O a o 03 ^ ft -2 - S3 fl © O >> o fl o .; 5 © 2 * ENGINEERS— CIVIL AND SURVEYORS— Continued. Cherry, L. G. 714 Market. McRae, Roderick, 210 South 5th. McRae, Walter G. 210 S. 5th. EXCHANGES AND CHAMBERS. Chamber of Commerce. Wilmington Produce. Chamber of Industry. EXPRESS COMPANY. Southern Express Company, 106 North Front. FERTILIZERS. McNair & Pearsall, 319 and 321 Nutt. Navassa Guano Company, cor. Princess and Water. POWERS, E. J. cor. Front and Princess. Sweet, R. M. cor. Walnut and Nutt. FISH AND OYSTER DEALERS. Davis, W. E. foot of Front Street Market. Davis, W. B. foot of Front Street Market. Northrop, Samuel & Co. foot of Front Street Market. Yopp, W. H. 106 South Front. .FLOUR AND GRAIN MILLS. Boney & Harper, Water, bet Walnut and Mulberry. Mitchell, B. F. & Son, 20 and 22 North Water. Oldham, W. P., 12 Dock. Turlington, Wm. foot of Front. FLORISTS. Bissinger, C. F. cor. 6th and Princess. Lamb, Mrs. George P. 105 North 6th. Rehder, Mrs. H. 817 Red Cross. WEBB, MRS. H. 708 Market. FURNITURE DEALERS. Behrends & Co. 16 South Front. CRAFT, T. C. agent. 20 South Front. KNOXVILLE FURNITURE CO. cor. Market and 2d. Smith, D. A. 113 Princess. 0. PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. $W Satisfaction Guaranteed. -AYLOITS BA2AAR. Wholesale and detail Millinery and Fancy Goods Fashionable Goods, Low Prices. tyS Market St., Wilmington. N. c' MESSENGER'S W.ILMINGT GROCERS— RETAIL. AHRENS, B. H. J. 2 South 7th. Alderman, Bland, 108 North Water. Barker, J. A. 619 South 5th. Bellbis, B. 126 Market. Biddle, W. H. 501 Castle. Bloom, H. H. 501 Chesnut. Boatwright, John L. 15 and 17 South Front. Boesch, Henry J. 801 North 4th. Bornermann, J. H. Southeast corner 7th and Ann Bornermann, G. W. 9th and Queen. Bremer, J. M. 301 South Front. Bridgers & Rankin, 1 10 North Front. BROWNE, C. F. agent, 128 North Water. Cameron, D. D. 115 South Front. Cameron, Mrs. M. E. 116 Church. Collier, S. P. & Co. 1 10 North Water. Croom, M. F. 102 North Water. Croom, R. M. & Co. 104 North Water. Cumber, Josiah, 605 North 4th. Davis, D. C. 901 North 4th. Davis, D. M. 825 North 4th. Duls, J. W. 114 South Front. Everett & Clark, 131 Market. Fillyaw, O. M. 133 Market. Forrest, J. J. 401 Church. Fowler, R. M. 425 South Front. Fry, E. D. 826 North 4th. Gerdes, H. 808 Wooster. Genaust, Wm. 618 North 4th. GEISCHEN, H. H. cor. 8th and Chesnut. Glameyer & Kuck, 6 North Water. Green, G. W. 502 Queen. Guthrie, J. R. 301 South 6th. Haar, J. & Bro. 502 North 6th. cHall & Brown, 818 North 4th. Hanby, J. H. 720 Dock. Hand Bros. 605 North 4th. HANKINS, A. G, 19 North 2d. Hardwick, J. M. 810 Princess. Hardy, W. H. 423 South 5th. C 3- M ft ■ 2 n 5 ° - 3 93 n 0. ^ o 70 2. O << 2: • ft ri r» § ^ 2, a 2 w »n "> ■ o 5 1 2 2. Q o 2. w "^ ? 3 ff " ia a n 2 BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO,, Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C JAMES D NUTT Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place J in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 168 DC MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. GFOCERS, RETAIL— Continued. Heyer Fred 8o2 North 4*. Holmes, A H- 201 Market Holmes L Waters, 6 North Front. Huggir-J- B - I2 5 Market. Hull?'. N - 5o3 North 4 th. KE Ti ^' B. F. Jr. 130 North Water. -LTJ.V& Montgomery, cor. 3d and Castle. D. F. 919 Mulberry, nder, J. D. H. 620 Castle. RE, HANS A. 9 South Water and corner 7th and Nixon. Love, George F. 1 1 2 North Water. Michaellis, C. 823 South Front. Mohr, J. J. 819 Mulberry. Mohr, Peter, 1201 Market. Montgomery, J. W. 902 Market. Murphy, Charles, 717 Bladen. Newbury, F. A. 12 Mulberry. cNorvvood, C. W. 102 Castle. OLDENBUTTEL. J. G. 10th and Market. Otersen Wm. 418 Market. Price, R. A. 624 South Front. Rathjen, Martin, 1020 Swann. Rehder, Henry, 501 North 9th. Richter, Charles, 1022 North 4th. cROBINSON, J. B. 721 Harnett. cSampson, C. E. 520 Campbell. cSAUNDERS, A. S. 1220 Nixon. Schulken, C. 1202 North 4th. Schutt, Mrs. George L. 817 Bladen. Seuden, E. T. 820 Mulberry. Sheppard, T. A. & Co., 1 12 South Front. Smith, C. E. Spooner, J. N. 724 North 4th. Steljes, D. cor. 6th and Castle. Stevenson, J. C. & Taylor, 18 South Front. Stevenson, J. C. & Co. 617 North 4th. Suter, C. F. 902 Campbell Thees, J. H. 802 Castle. Thomas & Co. 521 North 4th. cThomas, John E. 520 Walnut. DOOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades U Straw Paper, Paper Bags, &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. V Cor. Second and Princess Sts. ' M ESSENGER'S WILMING GROCERS. RETAIL— Contin Tienken, J. G. VV. cor. 9th and Queen. Tienken, M. G. 601 Castle. Ulrich, William, 502 South Front. Vollers, L. 26 South Front. Vollers, H. L. 1 19 South ;th. VonKampen, Charles F. 501 South 4th. VonKampen, Henry, 722 North Water. Watson, CD. 112 North 8th. Waters, G. W. cor. 7th and Harnett. Wentzensen, H. 919 Princess. Wescott, W. Church bet 6th and 7th. Wessell, E. D. 113 South Front. Wessell, A. D. 3 South 2d. Wessell, C. H. cor. Water and Mulberry. Wessell, A. C. 134 Market. WEST, H. P. & CO. 127 Market. WRIGHT, B. C. North 5th. Yopp, W. H. South Front. GROCERS— WHOLESALE. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, 101 South Front. Boatwright, John L. 15 and 17 South Front. Bridgers & Rankin, 1 10 North Front. BROWN, C. F. 128 North Water. COVINGTON, C. C. & CO. cor Water and Nutt. Calder Bros. 202 North Water. Gore, D. L. 120 North Water. HALL & PEARSALL, 11 and 13 South Water. Heyer, M. J. 216 and 218 North Water. HICKS. R. W. 116 North Water. Holmes & Watters, 6 North Front. KEITH, B. F. 130 North Water. KURE, HANS A. 9 South Water. MAFFITT & CORBETT, 17 South Water. McNAIR & PEARSALL, 319 and 321 Nutt. Peschau & Westermann, 264 and 206 North Water. TURRENTINE, VOLLERS & CO. foot of Hanover. WEST & CO. 127 Market. Williams, Rankin & Co. 16 and 18 North Water. WORTH & WORTH, cor Mulberry and Water. 5n §3 A r^ LJ AN KINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce ~^* fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City s. A SOHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers -and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 170 "messenger's^ilmington DIRECTORY. Q OH, •' w ^x G^AIN AND FEED DEALERS. Boney & H- r P er - Water bet Walnut and Mulberry. McEACF^ :RN ' D - I26 North Water. McEach< rn ' J- S. 211 Market. Mitche 1 & Son, 20 and 22 North Water. 01dh^ n « W. P. 12 Dock. GUN AND LOCK SMITH. r r /g, J. G. 25 South Front. p&DEW, J. W., 25 South Front. HARDWARE, &C. ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO. 114 North Front. GILES & MURCHISON, 109 North Front. JACOBI, N. & CO. 12 South Front. PECK, G. A. 29 South Front. Springer, W. E. & Co. 14 North Front. HARNESS MAKERS. FENNELL, H. L. 10 South Front. HAYDEN, P. H. 13 and 15 North 3d. HATS AND CAPS. MEARES, LOUIS H. 12 North Front. Shrier, M. B. 1 14 Market. Remsen, C. P. 10 North 2d. HOTELS. Bonitz, Hotel 129 Market. Marlborough Plouse, 1 1 1 South Front. The Orton, on Front bet Princess and Chesnut. Victor House, Front bet Walnut and Red Cross. ICE DEALERS. AHRENS, B. H. J. 2 South 7th. WORTH, W. E. & CO. 109 pock. INSPECTORS. Alderman, Alf, (naval stores). Alderman, J. W. (naval stores). Bowden, J. O. (naval stores). "DOT Tmnni Dl?UTll?B Dr y Go °ds, Boots, Shoes, Notions and Fancy lUilVUtrl Oi MUDM. Goods. 619 NORTH FOURTH ST. AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front in the city to buy Prugs and everythin MESSENGER'S WILMINC mnd doubt, cheapest place aining to a first-class store. INSPECTORS— Continued Bagg, H. A. (naval stores). Chasten, R. A. (naval stores). Chasten, J. M. (naval stores). Green, H. McL. (timber). Houston, R. M. (cotton). Henderson, J. M. (naval stores). KING, J. J. (lumber). Love, R. S. (naval stores). Littleton, J. F. (naval stores). Monroe. J. W. (naval stores). Moore, E. H. (naval stores). Parsley, G. D. (timber) Southerland, C. G. (naval stores). Southerland, D. D. (naval stores). Turlington, E. (timber). JEWELERS. DINGELHOEF, M. J. 123 Market. HONNETT, GEORGE, 121 Market. HUGGINS, GEORGE W. 105 Market. Winner, J. L. 8 South Front. JUNK DEALERS. Eckel, William, 228 North Water. Farrow, W. C. 8 Mulberry. LAWYERS. Bellamy, John D. Jr. 109^ Princess. Bellamy, Marsden, 212 Princess. Cutlar, DuBrutz, 114 Princess. CUTLAR, DuBRUTZ, Jr., 114 Princess. Davis, Hon. George, 117^ Princess. Davis, Junius, 117^ Princess. Davis, John C. 123 Princess. Elliott, James F. 214 Princess. Empie, S. M. 214 Princess. Evans, Thomas, cor. Princess and Water. LATIMER, E. S. cor. Princess and Water. LATIMER, WM. cor. Princess and Water. Lockey, C. P. 8 North 2d. 73 as * % * F S S 2 S t g 89 - I PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S STABLES. 108& no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. /atchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks M.l niurci untrc ^ . • atcnmaKer, aeaier in watcnes, l.k • Tewelrv n ' P ™ ctlc h and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street jewelry, Diamonds, P J 172 imonds MESSENGE 7 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. LAWYERS— Continued, London,? 303 Chesnut. Macks, J C I2 ° P Il nc f ss ; Martin, A b ' T 212 M S rket Marsh- A - J" 2I2 Pnncess - Mearr Irede11 - 2o6 South 3^. Mea- S > ^' P " J ud S e Criminal Court, 218 Market. M c ^unmy, H. 103^ Princess. R. H. 109^ Princess. *uj^ Mc/ ) 7 ' W. B. 209 Market. j^yore, B. R. office Court House. iUSSELL, Hon. D. L. 120 Princess. &ICAUD & WEILL, 112^ Princess. Ricaud, A. G. 112 }4 Princess. Stedman, Hon. Charles M. 108 Princess. Strange. Thomas W. \Oi]/ 2 Princess. Waddell, Col. A. M. 101^ Princess. Weill, Sol. 1125^ Princess. LIGHTERAGE. BELDEN & RANKIN, foot of Market. GAUSE, FRANK JAS. 122 North Water. LIQUOR DEALERS— Wholesale. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, 101 South Front. BEAR, SOL. & CO. 20 Market. BRUNHILD, SIMONS & CO. in North Front. BELSINFER, SAMUEL, 206 North 3d, Philadelphia. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. Jones, J. H. 126 and 128 Princess. ORRELL, R. C. cor. 3d and Princess. cScott, Benjamin, 316 North 5th. SOUTHERLAND, T. J. 108 and no North 2d. LUMBER DEALERS. Mallett, C. B. cor. Mulberry and Walnut. MARBLE WORKS. MAUNDER, JOHN, cor. Front and Mulberry. TUCKER, H. A. 310 North Front. Ap NANKINS, Family Supply Store, 19 North Second St.. guaran- • Ui n tees quality, correct weight and measure, and prompt delivery. H. C. PREMPERT, Fashionable Shav No. 7 SOUT Dressing Saloon, MESSENGER'S WILMINGTO! MATTRESS MAKERS. W. M. Cumming, 3d, opposite City Hall MILLINERY. Fox, Miss Hattie J. 213 Market. Jewett, Mrs. H. B. 107 Princess. King, Mrs. A. T. 121 Dock. Lumsden, Mrs. E. A. 119 North Front. Peterson, Mrs. S. A. 722 North 4th. Strock, Mrs. E. M. 10 South Front. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market. Wiggins, Mrs. E. B. agent, 115 Market. NEWS DEALERS. HARRIS, C. M. 28 North Front. HEINSBERGER, P. 107 Market. YATt:S, C W. 119 Market. NEWSPAPERS. WILMINGTON MESSENGER, Daily and Weekly. Morning Star, Daily and Weekly. N. C. Medical Journal, Monthly. Evening Review, Daily. Wilmington Journal, Weekly, 112^ Market. Africo American Presbyterian, Weekly, 8th and Ches- nut. North Carolina Presbyterian. OIL DEALERS. BLODGETT, MOORE & CO. foot of Hanover. DAGGETT, WM. T. 23 Market. STANDARD OIL CO. cor Nutt and Hanover. PAINT DEALERS. Daggett, Wm. T. 23 Market. HUTCHINS, R. L. 12 North 2d. MARTIN, W. A. in North Water. JACOBI, N. & CO. 12 South. Front. PECK, GEORGE A. 29 South Front. — • 9 0. PAKKEK, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, Jg^ Satisfaction Guaranteed. HALL & PEARS,* Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers ii and 13 South ^ ter Street. MESSENC R ' S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Uj = a. * Cfl % PEANUT DEALERS— WHOLESALE. Blake "A* * l South 7th. Gore '^- *• & C°- 5 ar >d 7 South Water. JOHNSON & CO. 4 Chesnut. Mit'^U, B. F. & Son. 20 and 22 North Water. PHOTOGRAPHERS. nett, J. J. Front St. Market. ONENBERG, H. 116^ Market. ATES, C. W. n 9 y 2 Market. PHYSICIANS. Bellamy, W. J. H. 209 Orange. Burbank, T. L. 113 N. 2d. Carmichael, D. A. U. S. Marine Hospital. Ennett, W. T. 324 South 4th. Lane, W. W. City Hospital. Love, W. J. lOiyi Princess. McDonald, A. D. 313 North 4th. Pigford, E. S. 216 North Front. POTTER, F. W. City Physician, 221 Market. cReynolds, R. A. 720 North 4th. Schonwald, J. T. 318 Campbell. Storm, W. E. 222 Market. Thomas, W. G. 315 Market. Thomas, G. G. 315 Market. WOOD, THOS. F. cor 2d and Chesnut. PIANOS. HEINSBERGER, P. 107 Market. VanLear, E. 409 Red Cross. YATES, C. W. 119 Market. PLUMBERS. BURR & BAILEY, 19 and 21 South Front. GRANT, R. H. 119 North Front. HOLDEN, S. W. 205 Market. J. A. SPRINGER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. JUJ J. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmakl ™« Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver ami Plate MESSENGER'S W1LMINGTO ler in Watches. Clocks, ire, 123 Market Street. RECTORY. PRINTERS. DeRosset, W. L. Jr. Custom House alley Hall, Samuel G, 121 Princess. Jackson & Bell, 23 North Front. MESSENGER PRINTING HOUSE, 122 RAILROADS. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. CAROLINA CENTRAL R. R. CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY R. R. East Carolina & Onslow R. R. Ocean View R. R. WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. WILMINGTON COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA. WILMINGTON SEA COAST R. R. RESTAURANTS. Arlington, 17 Dock. Diamond Cafe, 6 South Front. Koch, John, cor. 2d and Princess. Orton Cafe, 1 1 3 North Front. Reaves, J. A. T. Front Street Market. THE GEM, 26 North Front. RICE MILLS. Norwood, Giles & Co. SALOONS. AHRENS, B. H. J. cor. 7th and Market. BROWN. G. H. 6 South Front. Chadwick, D. N. 15 Market. GEISCHEN, J. G. L. cor. Front and Dock. GEISCHEN, H. H. cor. 8th and Chesnut. HULLEN, N. cor. 4th and Red Cross. Haar, Henry, cor. 7th and Chesnut. KILEY, P. E. 26 North Front. KOCH, W. H. M. cor. Market and Water. KOCH, JOHN, cor. 2d and Princess. MUGGE, Carl, 19 North Front. cMILLER, T. C. 15 South Water. O'Brien, Martin, cor. Nutt and Red Cross. i75 % Co cn PS > aa r^ O 30 O s ^ an >r -1 ^ fe. § X 5 fej ,-H S5 Ps Co 00 Cfcj' X 3 3 —- £L S5. « 5= w 5 ps a cr ^ cn 2 5; a .-» CI "H < is «; * 5 w HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. dKuWN k PEARS^' N °- 5 North Front st) wiimiri g ton . n - c - ^VIESSENG^' 5 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 176 SALOONS— Continued. ORTM NN ' F - W - l 7 Nortn 2d - OLDF BUTTEL > J- G - cor Market and Ioth - ORTA^ HOUSE, 113 North Front. Rho^s, Isaac B. northwest cor. Princess and 2d. VO KAMPEN, CHARLES F, cor. 4th and Church. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. X 2 ^ « ® p^GGETT, W. T. 23 Market. S g S If^re & Foster, cor. 6th and Campbell. 5* M % JL&COBI, N. 12 South Front. * J /Parsley & Wiggins, Hilton Mills. Peck, George A. 29 S. Front. SAW AND PLANING MILLS. Chadbourn, James H. & Co. foot of Harnett. Fore & Foster, 6th and Campbell. Kidder's Son, E. foot of Kidder. Northrop, S. & W. H. foot of Castle. Parsley & Wiggins, Hilton Mills. SHIP BROKERS. Barker, E. G. & Co. 113 North Water. Harriss, Geo. Son & Co, 109 North Water. HEIDE & CO. 9 South Water. Mebane, C, P. cor Nutt and Walnut. Peschau & Westermann, 204 and 206 North Water. SHIP CHANDLERS. KURE, HANS A. 9 South Water. Peschau & Westerman, 204 and 206 North Water. STATIONERS. HEINSBERGER, P. 107 Market. YATES, C. W. 119 Market. WILMINGTON PAPER CO,, wholesale, 114 North Water. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 5 s -3 flj -t- o s * s S eg eg fl^ © ^^ J £ o m 3 ©5 NEW YORK AND WILMINGTON, S. Cape Fear and People's, S. B. S. 0. PAEKEE, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, JSP Satisfaction Guaranteed. JOHN L. DUDLEY. «««•?*' J 87 NORTH r 77 NOR' MACHINES, FRONT ST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON L^ECTORY. STEMASHIP COMPANIES— Contin^ Wilmington and Point Caswell. Wilmington and Black River. Wilmington and South Port. STOVES AND TIN WARE. ALDERMAN, PLANNER & CO. 114 North F r .^ GRANT, R. H. 119 North Front. JACOBI, N. & CO. 12 South Front. TAYLOR, JAMES H. 23 South Front. TAILORS. is David, A. 31 North Front. Dyer, John, 911 Market. cDRY, JAMES D, i6>< N. 2d. Judge, M. 303 Market. KRAHNKE, F. HENRY, 103 Princess. Meier, Joseph, 12 South Front. MUNSON, H. H. & Co. 32 North Front. Meyer, Henry, 4 South Front. Roseman, M. 5 Market. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Western Union, 19 North Front. TELEPHONE. Bell Telephone PLxchange, over Bank of New Hanover. TINNERS AND ROOFERS. ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO. 1 14 North Front. McCartney, Robert R. 215 Market. Grant, R. H. 119 North Front. RISING, R. F. 13 Dock. Smith, S. M. on 2d bet Market and Dock. TAYLOR, J. H. 23 South Front. TOBACCONIST— RETAIL. BEAR, SAMUEL, Sr. 10 Market. BEAR, SOL. & CO. 20 Market. Loeb, M. E. 10 North Front. Styron, W. H. cor Front and Princess. 9? Cd O JO 1.H a - C6 O- I? §5§ 3 W HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by catting on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. c. I'. SOUTHER LA J"y ^ *~® ' ^ eta '' dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES / ( ~' or - ^ econ d and Princess Streets, [78 MESSENCIJ^V^LMINGTON DIRECTORY. e/TC til ' * 111 m ft! TOBACCONISTS— WHOLESALE. Adrian Pollers, cor. Front and Dock. BEAP^OL, & CO. 20 Market. BFA /SAMUEL, Sr. 10 Market. BRT CHILD, SIMON & Co. in North Front. He- J r > Mat - J- 216 and 218 North Water. /UPHOLSTERERS AND PAPER HANGERS. WWte, B. F. 216 Market. Z/VIMERMAN, J. VV. at Yate's Book store. UNDERTAKERS. ' cGalley, J. 411 Brunswick. cGibson, John, 107 North 6th. cRivera, Thomas, 304 Princess. WATER WORKS. Clarendon Water Works, J. C. Chase, Superintendent, 1 1 8 Princess WEIGHERS AND GAUGERS. Houston, R. M. 2 South Water. Kelly, J. D. cor. Water and Mulberry. Southerland, D. D. 122 North Water. Southerland, C G. 122 North Water. I A QPDIMPFQ Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, A. OrnMNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, Fashionable (roods, Low Prices, i [S Market St., Wilmington. N. C, MKSSK\(,KK'S \\|| MIN(iT(iN DIRKC'ToRY. DIRECTORY OF UNITED STATES, STATE AND CITY GOVERN- MENTS, CHURCHES, SOCIETIES, CORPORATIONS, &c. 1889^X). UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. President — Benjamin Harrison. Vice-President — Levi P. Morton. Secretary of State — James G. Blaine. Secretary of the Treasury — William Windom. Secretary of the Interior — John W. Noble. Secretary of War — Redfield Proctor. Secretary of the Navy — Benjamin F. Tracy. Secretary of Agriculture — Jeremiah M. Rusk. Attorney General— W. H. H. Miller. Postmaster General — John Wanamaker. CUSTOM HOUSE. Collector of Customs — C. H. Robinson. Special Deputy Collector — J. Iredell Meares. Deputy Collector and Chief Inspector — J. M. Cronly. Inpectors — E. G. Parmele, William Weeks. W'eigher and Gauger — A. L. DeRosset, office with Depu ty Collector Internal Revenue. Janitor — J. A. Hawkins. Boatmen — S. J. Bryant, J. A. Farrow, W. N. Patten, J. H. Clemmons. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue — Charles D. Myers, office in Custom House. [79 H P* CD J<3 < CD 3 P M» Q O P P P P *i ►— » P M >-i« CD CO P Pi P l-» P- >-<• ^ B u> p ^ p ►— • O CD ► r/j P 01 O Pi P p M« rn O P - P < O P ►— ' P CD P P P* r+ *-»• *1 P X CD Pi p > u CK? * a> T. J. SOUTHERLAND, Livery and Horse Exchange, Nos. io3 and 110 North Second St., Wilmington, N. C S ; A SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 180 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. ■5 is v- to u Q O •— <L> - OJ Oh (fi .~ ££ Z en 7 CO .? w A J ^ <_ CJ O O O ** , 1 O m *i H 5 •— . Z >, O r ^ U< ti >-, c <li rt u ;>, t; U • <L> W -c £ .s z J T3 < co 13 W o u e u U. S. REVENUE STEAMER COLFAX. (On duty at this Station.) Captain — James B. Moore. First Lieutenant — Thomas D. Walker. Second Lieutenant — D. P. Foley. Chief Engineer — A. L. Harrison. Assistant Engineer — Fred E. Owen. Pilot — E. H. Cranmer. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Postmaster — O. G. Parsley; Assistant Postmaster, James L. DeRosset ; Register Clerk, Robert S. French; Mail Clerks, Charles D. Jacobs, Joseph D. Hanby; Gene- ral Delivery Clerk, Robert Banks. Carriers, John G. Darden, Stephen R. Ellis, Harry Hill, Arthur Prempert, George D. Riley, W. Fletcher Hewett; Substitute, cCharles H. Miller; Porter, cMitchell Spicer. UNITED STATES SIGNAL STATION. (Western Union Telegraph Building.) Chief Signal Officer, F. P. Chaffee; Assistant, H. P. Hardin. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE. In charge of Fortifications and Rivers and Harbors of North Carolina and part of South Carolina. Central Office at 117^ N. 2d Street, Wilmington, N. C. W. H. Bixby, Captain of Engineers, U. S. A., in gen- eral charge. Chief Clerk, J. C. Lodor. SUB-OFFICES: Southport, N. C. — Michael Madigan, Ordnance Ser- geant, in charge of Fort Caswell. Beaufort, N. C. — Edward Doyle, Ordnance Sergeant, in charge of Fort Macon. Wilmington, N. C. — Henry Bacon, Assistant Engineer, in charge of lower Cape Fear River. New Berne, N. C. — Robert Ransom, Superintendent, Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing 5 Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. FVU ARTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second ' » • *J St. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 181 in charge of Neuse, Trent, Contentnia, Pamlico and Tar Rivers. Beaufort, N. C. — E. D. Thompson, Assistant Engineer, in charge of Beaufort Harbor, New Berne to Beaufort and Beaufort to New River transportation routes, and New River. Plymonth, N. C. — Charles Schuster, Overseer, in local charge of Roanoke River. Mocksville, N. C. — Frank Brown, Overseer, in local charge of Yadkin River. Georgetown, S. C. — Reid Whitford, Assistant Engi- neer, in charge of Geoagetown Harbor and Winyaw Bay. UNITED STATES COURTS. The stated terms of the United States Circuit and Dis- trict Courts are as follows : • UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Eastern district of North Carolina, held in T<aleigh on the first Monday in June and last Monday in November, and at Wilmington on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in April and October. Clerk, N. J. Riddick; Deputy Clerk, W. H. Shaw; office, Wilmington. Circuit Judge, H. L. Bond, Baltimore, Md. District Court Judge, Eastern District North Carolina, Augustus S. Seymour, New Berne. United States Attorney, Fabius H. Busbee, Raleigh. Assistant United States Attorney, R. B. Peebles, Jack- son. United States Marshal, J. B. Hill, Raleigh. Circuit Court Clerk, N. J. Riddick, Raleigh. Deputy Clerk, Vitruvius Royster, Raleigh. United States Commissioner, Thomas M. Gardner Wilmington. EASTERN DISTRICT COURTS. Elizabeth City, third Monday in April and October William C. Brooks, clerk, Elizabeth City. New Berne, fourth Monday in April and October; Geo. Green, clerk, New Berne. Wilmington, first Monday after the fourth Monday in April and October; W. H. Shaw, clerk, Wilmington. cd r O a m H sO 1^ so 33 • ^ 2 B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. 182 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. z O O •^ O « O — C r w se m ■"^ ^ •> 0> w c - XII ^ S ^ 0) ks ?r = £ ■+S - f. 4^ 32 eg £ A SJj ^H © WESTERN DISTRICT COURTS. United States Circuit Judge, H. L. Bond, Baltimore, Md. United States, District Judge, Western District, N. C, Robert P. Dick, Greensboro, N. C. Uhited States Marshal, David Settle, Greensboro. Circuit and District Courts in the Western District are held at Greensboro, first Monday in April and October; John W. Payne, clerk, Greensboro. Statesville, third Monday in April and October; H. C. Cowles, clerk, Statesville. Asheville, first Monday in May and Novem- ber; J. E. Reid, clerk, Asheville. United States District Attorney, Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte. Assistant District Attorney, George F. Bason, Greens- boro. District and Circuit Courts for the Western District are also held at Charlotte, commencing on the second Monday of June and the second Monday of December in each and every vear. H. C. Cowles, clerk at Charlotte, as well as at Statesville. NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. SENATE. Zebulon B. Vance, of Buncombe ; term expires March 4, 1 89 1. Matt. W. Ransom, of Northampton; term expires March 4, 1895. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. First district, T. G. Skinner; Second, H. P. Cheatham, colored; Third, Charles W. McClammy; Fourth, B. H. Bunn; Fifth, J. M. Brower; Sixth, Alfred Rowland; Senventh, John S, Henderson; Eighth.W. H. H. Cowles; Ninth, H. G. Ewart. STATE GOVERNMENT. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Governor, Daniel G. Fowle, of Wake County; salary #3>ooo. DRONHILD. SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars *-* and Tobacco in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C ^HE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION, OF Washington, D. C. ******* GIVE GUARANTEED ANNUAL COST. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. [83 Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Senate, Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance Count)'. Secretary of the State, William L: Saunders, of Wake County; salary $2,000. Auditor, G. W. Sanderlin, of Wayne County; salary $1,500. Treasurer, Donald W. Bain, of Wake County; salary $3,000. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Sidney M. Lin- ger, of Catawba County; salary $1,500. Attorney-General, Theo. F. Davidson, of Buncombe County; salary $1,000. Reporter to the Supreme Court, salary $1,000. Adjutant-General, Johnstone Jones, of Buncombe County; salary $600. State Librarian, J. C. Birdsong, of Wake County; salary $1,000. Chief Clerk to Secretary of State, W. P. Batchelor, of Wake County; salary $ 1 ,000. Chief Clerk to Auditor, J. D. Boushall, of Camden County, salary $1,000. Chief Clerk to Treasurer, H. M. Cowan, of Chatham County; salary $1,500. Assistant Clerk to Treasurer, H. W. Jackson, of Ran- dolph County; salary $750. Clerk for Institutions, Thos. A. Partin, of Wake County; salary $800. Keeper of Capitol, C. M. Roberts, Vance County; salary $750. GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL. The Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer and Super- intendent of Public Instruction. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Governor, Lieut.. Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Attorney-General constitute the State Board of Education. SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice, William N. II. Smith, of Wake; Asso- ciate Justices, A. S. Merrimon, of Wake, Joseph J. *< «* ^ C/S M c-> CD * Q3 fa a r- 1*1 -0 X -Q or :r> 03 'ii a *H DO, CD W CO o ? o 3 M X r § > r =*- Zen lj' £0 en My % £W to h° A.G. HANKINS. uul F in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens ■uit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. 'HE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION, of Washington, D, C, ***** GIVE INCONTESTABLE POLICIES. U MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. J 2 < s co ^ r w pi go w cj to CO o" go go- ^S co« Q s ° Davis, of Franklin, James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort, and Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke. Salaries of Chief Justice and Associate Justices, $2,500 each. Attorney-General and Reporter, Theodore F. David- son; salary $2,000. Clerk, Thomas S. Kenan, of Wilson; salary $300 and fees. Office Clerk, J. L. Seawell, of Wake. Marshal and Librarian. Robert H. Bradley, of Wake; salary $800. Supreme Court meets in Raleigh on the first Monday in February and last Monday in September. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Judge, Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington; Solicitor, Benj, R. Moore, Wilmington. Court begins — January 7th, March i8th, May 20th. July 15th, September 16th. No- vember 1 8th. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Judge, Oliver P. Meares. Solicitor, George E. Wilson, Charlotte. Court begins — February 4th, April 1st, June 3d, August 5th, October 7th, December, 2d. CITY OFFICIALS. Mayor — John J. Fowler. Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector — Wm. W. Wilson. First Assistant Tax Collector — T. O. Bunting. Second Assistant Tax Collector — Jas. W. King. Clerk of Board of Audit and Finance — John Cowan. Clerk of Police or Mayor's Court — Edward Daniel. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief of Police— E. D. Hall. Captain of Police — R. M. Capps. First Sergeant of Police — Daniel S. Bender. Second Sergeant of Police — J. D. Pugh. Third Sergeant of Police— F. T. Skipper. Day Sergeant — J. D. Orrell. M J. DINGELHOEF, 123 Market Street, Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry carefully repaired and warranted. li J. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks, 1"1, Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, [23 Market Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. C85 BOARD OE ALDERMEN. J. J: Fowler, Mayor. R. W. Hicks, Oscar Pearsall, Joseph 1). Smith, J. F. Post, Jr., Wm. C. Craft, George L. Morton, Elijah Lane, F. A. Montgomery, George Bell, HOARD OF AUDIT AND FINANCE. R. J. Jones, Chairman, and Commissioner of Sinking Fund; Wm. Calder, Wm. R. Kenan, J. F. Maunder, John W. Hewett. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief — Martin Newman. Assistant Chief — John M. Cazaux. Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, Foreman, W. N. Jacobs; First Assistant Foreman, C. H. White; Second Assistant Foreman, M. T. Davis; Engi- neer, E. G. Parmele; President, W. P. Oldham; Vice President, John L. Dudley; Secretary and Treasurer, W. C. Craft. Howard Relief, No. 1, Foreman, H. H. Gieschen; First Assistant Foreman, J. W. Duls; Second Assistant Foreman, G. W. Rivenbark; Engineer, A. Moss; Presi- dent, John G. Oldenbuttel; Vice President, M. Rathjen; Secretary and Treasurer, J. G. L. Gieschen. Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, Foreman, H. L. Fennell; First Assistant Foreman, Ed. Daniels; Second Assistant Foreman, J. D. Kelley; Pres- ident, T. G. Pickett; Vice President, S. S. Satchwell; Secretary and Treasurer, W. H. Northrop, Jr, Stedman Hook and Ladder Company, Foreman, J. G. Swarm; First Assistant, J. Canady; Second Assistant, W. T. Watkins; President, G. W. Gafford; Vice Presi dent, M. G. Silvea; Secretary and Treasurer, Oscar Kennedy. f' Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, Fore- man, J. N. McDuffie; First Assistant Foreman, Isaac Brinkley; Second Assistant Foreman, Elias Campbell; Engineer, Parish Jones; President, George W. McGary; Secretary and Treasurer, Godfrey Willis. 1 £ o 3 o s - vv HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. E. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. "LJALLi & PBARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers [86 and 13 South Water Street. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. Temple of Israel, cor. 4th and Market. Rev. S. Men- delsohn, rabbi. First Baptist Church, cor. 5th and Market. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D.D., pastor. Brooklyn Baptist Church, cor. 4th and Brunswick. Rev. G. M. Tolson, pastor. Baptist Mission Chapel, cor. 5th and Wooster. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D.D., pastor. First Presbyterian Church, cor 3d and Orange. Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, pastor. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, cor 4th and Camp- bell. Rev. J. W. Primrose, pastor. First Presbyterian Mission Chapel, cor. Front and Queen. Rev. W. McMiller, evangelist. The Advent Baptist Church, cor 6th and Church. Elder Joseph P. King, pastor. St. Thomas Roman Catholic Church, Dock, between 2d and 3d. Rev. Father Moore, pastor. Grace Methodist Episcopal Church South, cor 4th and Mulberry. Rev. W. S. Creasey, pastor. Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church South, 5th, bet Nun and Church. Rev. R. C. Beaman, pastor. Bladen Street Methodist Episcopal Church South. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, pastor. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor. 6th and Market. Rev. F. W. E, Peschau, pastor. Services in the German and English languages. Luther's Memorial Building, cor. 6th and Princess. Seaman's Bethel, Dock, bet Front and Water. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, pastor. St. James Protestant Episcopal Church, cor. 3d and Market. Rev. Robert Strange, pastor. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, cor 4th and Orange. Rev. C. L, Arnold, pastor. St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, cor. 3d and Red Cross. Rev. J. Carmichael, D. D., pastor. COLORED CHURCHES. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, cor 6th and Mulberry. Rev. Charles T. Coerr, pastor. I A QPDIMPFQ Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick*, J. H. Of nilNuLn, Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods, Fashionable Goods, Low Prices, i [8 Market St., Wilmington. N. C, M KSSl.X. ,i:U'S \\ 1 1..M I NV,T< >N DIRECT< >RY. 187 COLORED CHUCHES— Continued. St. Stephen's Methodist Episcopal Church, cor 5th and Red Cross. Rev. Henry Epps, pastor. Alt. Zion Methodist Episcopal Church, 5th, between Swann and Nixon. Rev. J. S. Brown, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, cor 7th and Brunswick. Rev. Z. W. Morehead, pastor. St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church, cor 7th and Church. Rev. J. B. Small, pastor. Ebenezer Baptist Church, 213 South 7th. Rev. John Fennel, pastor. First Baptist Church, cor. 5th and Campbell. Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Shiloh Baptist Church, cor. Walnut and McRae. Rev. Mr. Brown, pastor. Central Baptist Church, cor. Red Cross and 7th. Rev. L. T. Christmas, pastor. Henry Turner Chapel, 822 Green. First Presbyterian Church, Chesnut between 7th and 8th. Rev. D. J. Saunders, pastor. rj% § I :X CO WILMINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY. President, E. S. Martin; Secretary and Treasurer, R*. J. Jones; Superintendent, J. W. Reilly; Board of Direc- tors, Dr. A. J. DeRossett, Don. McRae, Geo. R. French, J. F. Divine, Geo. W. Kidder, J, H. Smith, E. S. Martin. WILMINGTON CEMETERY. President, Donald McRae; Directors, Dr. A. J. De- Rossett, Clayton Giles, Jas. H. Chadbourn, Win. H. Northrop, D. G. Worth, Owen Fennell; Secretary and Treasurer, R. J. Jones; Superintendent, T. Donlan. BELLEVUE CEMETERY. President, Capt. E. W. Manning; Directors, Capt. E' W. Manning, John D. Bellamy, Jr., John A. Everett, P- H. Smith, T. ' B. Henderson, Duncan McEachern and William Genaust; Secretary and Treasurer, John S. McEachern; Superintendent, George II. Ward. T I QHIITURRI A MR Livef y a,,(1 Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1. J. OUUinLllLftnlJ, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C SOUTHEPLAND & CO , Retail dealers in ALL CLASSES of VEHICLES. Cor. Second and Princess Streets, 1 88 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CO C) U Z fc M X < H Ow co ^ 5 w^ 5° §* so w G J £d <* CO CO W^ i- 1 CQ ^ , nw P oS w W *£ M w roK q ■£h s f-H sz: tq Q g >h J <d u-5 33 Q £ X < Oh NATIONAL CEMETERY. Capt. E. L. Grant, Superintendent in charge. Located at head of Market street. OAK GROVE CEMETERY. The property of the city, in which are interred the pauper dead. NORTH CAROLINA POWER COMPANY. President, H. A. Burr; General Manager, E. P. Bailey; Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. L. Smith; Board of Directors, G. W. Williams, J. W. Atkinson, I. Bates, Wm. Latimer, Jas. Sprunt, D. G. Worth, H. A. Burr. GERMANIA CORNET BAND. Officers — Leader, John H. Rehder; Assistant Leader, J. J. Mohr; President, M. Rahtjen; Vice President, C. F. Von Kampen; Secretary and Treasurer, J. G. L. Gies- chen; Drum Major, H. J. Dinglehoef; Instructor, S. A. Schloss. Members— J. C. Boesch, A. P. Adrian, P. M. Knob- lock, J. H. Kuck, B. Bellois, C. E. Smith, E. Schulken, A. Wehrhahn and E. Rehder. WILMINGTON GRADED SCHOOLS. M. C. S. Noble, Superintendent, office 121 Market Street. DISTRICT No. i. School Committee — Donald MacRae, chairman ; John D. Taylor, Joseph E. Sampson. HEMENWAY SCHOOL— White. Fourth street, between Red Cross and Campbell. Teachers— Mrs. M. L. McLeod, Miss Mary Bernard. Miss Agnes McDougall, Miss Kate Johnson, Miss Augusta McPherson. PEABODY SCHOOL— Colored. Teachers — James B. Dudley, Miss Carrie Green, Miss Mary Mallett, Mrs. J. B. Dudley, Miss E. C. Brady, Mrs. L. M. Hunter. PASSENGER and Baggage Transfer. All orders left at SOUTHERLAND S STABLES, 108& no North Second St., will be promptly attended to. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 189 DISTRICT No. 2. School Committtee — James H. Chadbourn, chairman; Walker Meares, John G. Norwood. UNION SCHOOL— White. Teachers- -Miss Nellie Cook, Miss Eliza Meares, Miss Addie Meares, Miss May French, Miss Maggie Jones, Mrs. C. Moffitt, Miss Mollie Hawes, Miss Belle Ander- son. WILL1STON SCHOOL— Colored. Teachers — Miss Mary Howe, John A. Holt, Miss E. F. Hooper, W. H. Norwood, Miss M. Whiteman, Miss Francis Jarvis. PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. Academy of the Incarnation, Sister Mary Baptiste, Superior; 4th, cor Ann. Tileston Normal School, Miss Amy M. Bradley, prin- cipal ; Nun, bet. 4th and 5th. Cape Fear Academy, Washington Catlett, principal ; cor 4th and Princess. School for Young Ladies, Miss Hart, principal ; Miss M. B.«Brown, assistant; 5 North 3d. St. Barnennis Select School, 619 Bladen. Gregory Institute, cor. 7th and Nun, colored. MASONIC. St. John's Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M.— W. M., E. S. Martin; Secretary, W. M. Poisson. Wilmington Lodge, No. 319, A. F. & A. M.— W. M., Samuel Northrop; D. McEachern, Secretary. Orient Lodge, No. 395, A. F. & A. M.— W. M., W. H. Chadbourn ; John C. Chase, Secretary. Concord Chapter, No. !, Royal Arch Masons. — M. E. High Priest, A. J. Howell; Secretary, J. D. Munds. Wilmington Council, No. 1, Royal and Select Masons — T. I. M., W. H. Chadbourn; Scribe, J. C. Munds. Wilmington Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar — E. C, W. H. Chadbourn; Recorder, Jas. W. Monroe. H F CD JS *->• « N P c+ M« Q P P p p 4 H- »• P M P M« CD CD CD P & P t" 1 Pi >-•• tt K ib p hd P O m »— • CD ► r/j P in P O & O P po »-"• m O P 1 13 < O ■-♦5 P CD 3 P P ts* r-t- >->' hj P X O CD ri P< > d (JO CD I A QPRIMPPR Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J, A. 01 III INULM, Shingles,&c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C, A. SCHLOSS & CO. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 190 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. m a; H "S < c/3 . . 0)CO H x^* u 0)C> 4 |3 ^. fe cC H c/> 1-3 ~ <i ti Q i <u £ iS w PL, 1 c^ L 1 O o HpH «§ ^ u §■ ^^ Hid PQ-SS 5°: §7 CO E COLORED F. & A. M. Giblem Lodge, No. 1— T. M. Simmons, W. M.; Alon- zo Canaday, secretary. Meets at Giblem Hall, 8th, cor Princess, on 2d and 3th Mondays. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Stonewall Lodge, No. I— C. C, Ed. B. King; V. C., I. B. Greenwald; Prelate, Rev. W. S. Creasy; K. of R. & S., W. H. Yopp; M. of F., R. B. Clowe; M. of K, G. M. AltafTer. Meets every Monday evening at Castle Hall, South Front Street. Clarendon Lodge, No. 2— C. C, H. W. Collins; V. C, O. M.Fillyaw; Prelate, James D. Nutt; K. of R. & S., W. C. VonGlahn; M. of F., Dewitt C. Love; M. of E., W. P. Oldham. Meets every Friday evening at Castle Hall, South Front Street. Germania Lodge, No. 4— C. C, H. L. Vollers; V. C, John Haar, Sr.; Prelate, C. F. VonKampen; K. R. & S., John Haar, Jr.; M. of F., H. H. Geischen ; M. of E., F. W. Ortmann. Meets every Thursday evening at Castle Hall, South Front Street. Endowment Rank, No. 221 — President, John Haar, Jr.; Vice President, E. G. Parmele ; Secretary, John L. Dud- ley; Medical Examiner, G. G. Thomas, M. D. INDEPENDENT ORDER ODD FELLOWS. :Cape Fear Lodge, No. 2 — N. G., J. D. Bellamy, Jr.; V. G., R. B. Clowe; Reoording and Financial Secretary, A. J. Yopp; Treasurer, John Maunder. Meets every Tuesday evening, at Odd Fellows Hall Third Street, bet. Princess and Chesnut. Orion Lodge, No. 67— N. G., G. H. Ward; V. G.,' J. E. Silva; Secretary, J. M. McGowan; Financial Secretary, W\ C. Farrow; Treasurer, John L. Dudley. Meets every Wednesday evening, at Odd Fellows Hall, Third Street, bet. Princess and Chesnut. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Carolina Lodge, No. 43 — Dictator, John Cowan; Vice- Dictator, T. O. Bunting; Asst. Dictator, W. W. Yopp; BRUNHILD. SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco 111 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C \AMES D. NU1T, Druggist, 218 X. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place I in the city to buy Drills and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 191 Reporter, H. B. Williss; Financial Reporter, John L. Dudley; Treasurer, W. A. Williams. ROYAL ARCANUM. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 23. — Regent, E. S. Martin; Vice Regent, John L. Cantwell; Orator, J. W. Monroe; Past Regent, C. P. Mebane; Secretary John Cowan; Collector, Jacob Weil; Treasurer, I. P. Greene- wald. AMERICAN PEGIONS OF ' HONOR. Clarendon Council, No. 67. — Commander, A. D. 1 Wessell; Vice Commander, J. C. Chase; Past Com- mander, J. D. Smith; Orator, Dr. W. W. Harriss; Secre- tary, J. C. Morrison; Treasurer, J. I. Macks; Collector, J. Weil; Chaplain, R. Morrison; Guide, Owen Fennell, Jr.; Warden, W. M. Hankins; Medical Examiner, W. J. H. Bellamy; Deputy Grand Commander, P L. Greenewald. INDEPENDENT ORDER BNAI BRITH. North State Lodge, No. 222. — President, L. Brunhild, Vice President, Sol. C. Weill; Monitor, Samuel Bear, Jr.; Secretary, J. Weil; Treasurer, R. Greenburg. K. S. B. Manhattan Lodge, No. 158. — President, Wm. Good- man; Vice President, N. Jacobi; Secretary, R. Green- burg. Financial Secretaty, I. L. Greenewald; Treasurer, J. Weil. . IMPROVED ORDFR OF RED MEN. Cherokee Tribe, No. 9.— V. G. I., A. B. Shiver. V. P., S. P. Wright; Sachem, O. H. Kennedey; S. S., C. F. Craig; J. S., W. Linstrom; F. S., G. W. Mitchell; S. S., A. B. Shiver; C. R. S., S. J. Ellis; K. of W., J. D. H. Klander. Meet Thursday night in Odd Fellows' Hall. & % s — • DO 5 — S - 5 ^ = ? It -. a — ■ t •". — - > r. 5 f. -J. z — a 1 - p+ — z t < - ~ j. <rf - 2 Z K Pt 8<| z ft 2Z •* — __ "/ w z < a ft si __ X gs 3; J. B OOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington "HE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION, OF Washington, D. C. * * * * * * * GIVE GUARANTEED ANNUAL COST. 192 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. a H P *s T. Sr < g £ £ £ ! ^ c ir^ H Q 1 CO Hi? > OT <Q ^z MS 0° CO {I • <KT H llft" QC a J I co Q 1 ■" ^ t£ ™ Oc !s v; a 00 C w 5: 3D U. S. BENEVOLENT FRATERNITY. Hanover Council, No. 25, organized June 6th, 1882. Officers — President, John R. Latta; Vice President, John H. Davis; Councellor, B. J. Jacobs, Jr.; Secretary, Jas. F. Post, Jr.; Financial Secretary, Henry Burkhimer; Chaplain, Rev. Dr. S. Mendelsohn; Treasurer, Thos. R. Post; Guide, Geo. S. LeGrand; Warden, Geo. Zeigler; Sentry, John Baker. Council meets at Tienken Hall first and third Tuesdays of every month 'at 8 p. m. HIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. President, Martin O'Brien; Vice President, John H. Sweeney; Treasurer, L. Brown; Secretary, Wm. Flana- an; Assistant Secretary, Wm. Sheehan, Jr. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. President, Eugene S. Martin; Vice President, Dr. Thos. F. Wood; Recording Secretary, S. A. Story; Cor- responding Secretary, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau; Libra- rian, D. Cashwell; Treasurer, R. H. McKoy. Meets first Monday night in each month at their Hall. LOCATION OF FIRE-ALARM BOXES. 13 — C. C. Depot, Brunswick and Nutt. 14 — Third and Princess, City Hall. 15 — Front and Mulberry. 16 — Seventh and Mulberry. 21 — Front and Orange. 23 — Seventh and Queen. 24 — Market and Water. 25 — Seventh and Harnett. 26 — Front and Red Cross. 31 — Fourth and Brunswick. 32 — Third and Nun. 34 — Front and Castle. 35 — Eighth and Market. 41 — Fifth and Castle. 42 — Fifth and Orange. 43 — Sixth and Red Cross. 51 — Champion Compress. 52 — Wilmington Compress. S3 — Creosote Works. C. PAEEEB, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street. iW Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriages, Buggies, Wagbns, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 193 THE ATLANTIC COAST LINK. Comprising the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad |«— and the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. ■— OFFICERS FOR 1SS9. Administrative Department — President, B. P. New- Waters. Vice President and General Manager, H BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 03 r c o o w H H Co W. T. Walters, Donald MacRae, B. F. Newcomer, E. B. Borden, H. B. Plant, W. H. Willard, H. Walters, George Howard, A. J. DeRosset, J. P. McCay. Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. F. Post, Jr. EXECUTIVE DEPARTEENT. Gen'l Manager, H. Walters; Assistant Gen'l Manager and Superintendent of Transportation, J. R. Kenly; Gen'l Superintendent, John F. Divine; Traffic Manager, Sol.] Haas; General Freight and Passenger Agent, T. M.\ Emerson; General Auditor, W. A. Riach; Assistant Auditor, John R. Latta; Engineer of Roadway, B. R. Dunn; Assistant Engineer of Roadway, M. W. Divine. Master of Transportation, James Knight; Master of Ma- chinery, John Bisset; Road Master, G. B. Newcomb; Paymaster, A. B. Lynch; Store-Keeper, E. F. Cason; Master Car Builder, J. H. Davis. OCEAN VIEW RAILROAD. This road is located within eight miles of the city, and runs parallel with the ocean. Its officers are: President, S. Van Amringe; Secretary and Treasurer, g S. H. Manning; Directors, S. H. Manning, S. Vang Amringe, A. G. Ricaud, M. Bellamy, J. H. Daniel. WILMINGTON SEA COAST RAILROAD. § President, E. S. Latimef; Vice President, B. G. Worth; ? General Manager, J. Nolan; Secretary and Treasurer, II. p M. Bowden. O O am *0 5 ° Jo 25 PS <Co \V HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on 15. F.*KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. S. A SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. [94 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. DIRECTORS. E. S. Latimer, Wm. Latimer, B. G. Worth, J. H. Chadbourn, Jr., H. M. Bowden, W. H. Chadbourn, G. R. French, J. H. Smith, E. G. Barker. 25 • ^ Eh ^ 5 OfJ '-? w »- Q ffir § ES »*j re 1 ct CQ ct as CO oe CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD. OFFICERS. President, John M. Robinson; General Manager, John C. Winder; General Freight Agent, F. W. Clark; Su- perintendent, L. C. Jones; Treasurer, John H. Sharp; Auditor, A. J. Howell; Paymaster, W. F. Williams; Ticket Auditor, T. H. Wright; Agent, Thomas D. Meares; Master of Transportation, W. H. Allen. THE CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY RAILROAD. OFFICERS. President, Julius A. Gray, Greensboro, N. C; General Superintendent, J. W. Fry, Greensboro, N. C; General Freight and Passenger Agent, W. E. Kyle, Fayetteville, N. C. ., WILMINGTON, ONSLOW AND EAST CARO- LINA RAILROAD. Officers and Directors — President, Ewen Mclntyre; Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. A. Nash; General Man- ager, H. A. Whiting; Chief Engineer, Richard Lamb; General Council, A. M. Waddell. This is a new corpo- ration. The route is now under survey and grading is about to be begun. WILMINGTON STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. President, John D. Bellamy, Jr.; Vice President, C. M. Stedman; Superintendent, VV. H. Howell; Treasurer, J. H. Boatwright. NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, S. H. Manning; Chief Deputy, W. H. Shaw; Assistant Deputies, J. H. Brown, S. A. Richardson. C. 0. PARKER, Practical House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 109 North Second Street, I@p Satisfaction Guaranteed, THUM T T^riOl PV SINGER SEWIVG MACHINES. JWniN L^. LJ \J LJl^LL I , 2? NORTH FRONT ST MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. "o COUNTY C< IMMISSIONERS. H. A. Bagg, Chairman; Roger Moore, B. G. Worth, j?E E. L. Pearce, J. A. Montgomery. Clerk of Board of Audit and Finance of Count)- Com- missioners, and Superintendent of Out Door Poor,S. W. Vick, Clerk Superior Court, S. Van Amringe; Deputy Clerk, R. H. Bunting. Register of Deeds, J. E. Sampson; Clerk, \Y. H. Holloway. Treasurer, Elijah Hewlett. Coroner, David Jacobs. Constable, R, F. Holmes. in K>' r-J =?=. X *3 3c; > 7? ^O ^ ■^j r^ "H 1 kJ 3 . n x JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Terms expire 1891. g ^J John D. Taylor, John G. Oldenbuttel, John Holloway A. David. Terms expire 1893. W. M. Poisson, R. H. Bunting. Terms expire 1895. W. H. Harriss, Joseph M. Cronly, Duncan McEach-j ? £ ern, Miles F. Costin, Thomas J. Southerland, E. G. Par- 50 2 mele, J. W. Riley, Walker Meares, Martin Newman, H. McL. Green, George L. Morton, James \V. King, John J. Fowler, John Cowan, J. D. H. Klander, E. D. Hall, W. McEvans, W. H. Strauss, R. B. Clowe, Owen Fennell,! T. B. Harriss, J. H. Daniel, F. 15. Rice. | THE WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD AND LOAN! § ASSOCIATION. ^n r- X President, C. H. Robinson; Vice President, J. C. ^-r Stevenson; Attorneys, J. 1).. Bellamy, Jr., and C. M. i^ Stedman; Secretary and Treasurer, C. C. Brown. C. H. Robinson, J. C. Stevenson, L. S. Belden, J. I). "_ Taylor, H. C. McQueen, S. VanAmringe, F. H. Sted- * -. man, R. W. Hicks,' A. David, M. S. Willard, W. R. ^| Kenan, Directors. • 5 -HE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION, of Washington. D. C. Glt/ES NON-FORFEITABLE POLIDIES AFTER THREE YEARS. JUj J DINGELHOEF, Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches, Clocks, ™" Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 123 Market Street. 196 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. CITIZEN'S BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA- TION. President, W. H. Chadbourn; Vice President, H. G. Smallbones; Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. T. Riley; Attorneys, M. Bellamy and A. G. Ricaud. W. H. Chadbourn, W. A. Riach, W. F. Williams, H. G. Smallbones, J. H. Sharp, J. W. Jackson, E. G. Bar- ker, G. M. Altaffer, John McEntee, M. Bellamy, A. G. Hankins, E. F. Johnson, T. J. Pratt, Directors. MECHANIC'S HOME ASSOCIATION.- Organized May 8th, 1889. President, N. Jacobi; Vice President, Jacob S. Allen; Secretary and Treasurer, W. M. Cumming; Attorney, W. B. McKoy. D. McEachern, E. H. Sneed, T. B. Harriss, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., Henry, P. West, J. S. Allen; P. Cumming; W. H. Yopp; W. H. Alderman; W. B. McKoy, E. Kuhblank, Asa A. Brown, J. H. Durham, M. O'Brien, N. Jacobi, Directors. Office 3d street,opposite City Hall. HOSPITALS. U. S. Marine Hospital, 8th and Nun. City Hospital, 10th and Red Cross. ASYLUMS. ST. JAMES' HOME, Sister Cecilia in charge, 812 Orange» OLD LADIES' REST, Mrs. E. A. West, Matron, 213 North 7th. Seaman's Home, 104 South Front. WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. President, Dr. Thos. F. Wood; Librarian, Mrs. T. C. DeRosseL Rooms 123^ Market street, in Masonic Building - . M J. DINGELHOEF, 123 Market Street, Watches, Clocks and Jew- • elry carefully repaired and warranted. HP PRCyprDT Fashionable Shaving; and Hair Dressing Saloon, . U. I nLIYlr Ln I , No. 7 SOUTH FRONT STREET. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY 197 CAROLINA OIL AND CREOSOTE COMPANY. President, Warner Miller, of New York; Secretary and Treasurer, F. C. Prindle. Warner Miller, of New York; Geo. West, of New York; John C. Calhoun, of New York; John P. Jones, of Nevada; A. A. Thomas, of Washington, U. C; Wm. Mahone, of Virginia; W. P. Canaday, of Wilmington, N. C; Daniel L. Russell, Wilmington, N. C, John F. Divine, of Wilmington, N. C, Directors. BANK OF NEW HANOVER. President, Isaac Bates; Vice-President, G. W. Williams; Cashier, William L. Smith. Directors, W. I. Gore, C. M. Stedman, G. W. Williams, Isaac Bates, Donald Mac- Rhe, James A. Leak, H. Vollers, F. Rheinstein, J. W. Atkinson, E. B. Borden. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. President, George Chadbourn; Cashier, H. M. Borden. Directors, James Sprunt, G. H. Smith; B. F. Hall, Geo. Chadbourn, H. M. Bowden. THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST CO. Office, No. 108 Princess. President, Col. J. W. Atkinson; Vice-President, H. Walters, Cashier, W. P. Toomer. Directors, Col. J. W. Atkinson, B. F. Hall, H. Walters, George R. French, D. O'Connor, F. Rheinstein, Pembroke Jones. Investment Committee — Col. J. W. Atkinson, B. F. Hall, George R. Fjench. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Organized 1889. Rooms over Bank of New Hanover. President, E. S. Tennent; Vice-President, B. F. King; Recording Secretary, J. S. Mitchell; Treasurer, W. J. Toomer; General Secretary, G. M. Busey; Assistant Secretary, T. G. Hyman. CO r o o o w H Is aO GO s?o SO =0 • «o CO £ s 30 T} p-j CD" 3 H 5 R 2 s o ^ 2 ^ AO U AMI/IMQ Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Eggs, Chickens . U. nAINIMINo, and Fruit, 19 N. Second St. Free Delivery. "HE NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION, of Washington, D, C, ***** GIVE INCONTESTABLE POLICIES. 198 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. •H h** s eg s it -3 = .©53 •-55 * h © © &+- © ©^ ©^ - ill © 2 S Sf> © ©ir - 3D ~ as MILITARY. SECOND REGIMENT N. C. STATE GUARDS. Colonel, W. C. Jones, Wilmington; Lieut. Colonel, W. S. Cook, Fayetteville; Major, J. A. Stevens, Clinton. STAFF OFFICERS. Adjutant, H. H. Mcllhenny; Quartermaster, Bias Underwood; Commissary, J. F. Bishop; Surgeon, J. A. Hodges ; Assistant Surgeon, A. McKinnon; Chaplain, James Carmichael. WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. Organized 1853. Captain, J. H. Daniel; First Lieutenant, W. N. Har- riss; Second Lieutenant, J. C. Morrison. CAPE FEAR CLUB. Rooms, corner Front and Chesnut. Officers and Directors — President, Eugene S. Martin; Vice-Presidtnt, T. Wright Meares; Superintendent, C. B. Mallet; Secretary and Treasurer, A. M. Waddell, Jr., Duval French. THE PROCTOR SCREEN CO. President, Junius Davis, Wilmington ; General Sup't, D. G. Proctor, Washington, D. C; Secretary and Treas- urer, H. L. Borden, Wilmington. WILMINGTON TYPO. UNION, No. 228. President, Vance Norwood ; Vice President, Thomas E. Davis; Secretary, Samuel G. Hall; Treasurer, John J. LeGwin. THE CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY. Officers — President, Oscar Pearsall; First Vice Presi- dent, Wm. A. French; Second Vice President, John D. Bellamy, Jr.; Third Vice President, R. W. Hicks; Secre- tary, J. M. Forshee; Treasurer, Charles W. Worth. Directors — Charles M. Stedman, Harry Walters, J. A. Bonitz, J. A. Springer, Charles E. Borden; Hugh Mac- Rae, C. P. Mebane, W. R. Barksdale, A. D. Wessell. PnllTfl it 9* PollfloP Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Gents. Furnishing rUiVU^l QL iluMul, Goods at down town prices. 4th Street near Bridge. FW pjHTMANN, Proprietor CLUB ROOMS, No. 17 N. Second ' ' • \J St. Best Wines,, Liquors and Cigars. Oysters in Season. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. \^, LADIES' BEX I A '< )LENT SOCIETY. President, Mrs. C. G. Kennedy; Vice President, Mrs. M. H. Willard; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Daniel. LADIES' OAKDALE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION President, Miss Hettie James; Vice President, Mrs. John J. Hedrick; Secretary, Miss Kate Burr; Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Anderson. DISTANCES FROM WILMINGTON TO STATIONS ON THE W. & w. R R. Wilmington. ... o Wrightsboro 4 Castl.- 1 layne. ... 9 Rocky Point 14 Ashboro 18 Burgaw 22 So. Washington.. 29 Willard....': 33 Duplin Road ... 36 Teachey's 38 Rose Hill 42 Magnolia 4 s Warsaw 55 Bovvden's 58 Faison's 63 Mount Olive 70 Dudley 75 1 Goldsboro 84 J Pikeville 92 Fremont 95 Black Creek 102 J I '1 mtentnea 105} Wilson 108 Toisnol 116 Sharpsburg 119 Rock Mount 125 Battleboro 1331 Whitaker's 137 Enfield '143 Ruggle's 149 Halifax 154 Wki.L'O.n 162 W. C. &A. R. R. Wilmington .... o Navassa 5 Register's 11 Farmers 14 Brinkley's 19 Maxwell's 29 L. Waccamaw . . 36 Bogue... 41 Whiteville 46 Chadbourn 53 Grist's 55 Cerro Gordo 59 Fair Bluff. 65 Nichols' 74 Mullins' So Marion 89 Pee Dee 97 Gibson's 100 04 Mars Bluff.. Florence no Ebenezer ..115 Timmonsville. . . .121 Cartersvllle 127 Lynchburg 131 Atkins. 135 Mayesvilte 140 Sumter 149 Cane Savannah. 155 Nedgefield 159 Camden fund . . .161 Wateree River. . . 166 Acton 167 Eastover 170 Congaree 176 Simms' 186 C. C. & A. June. 191 Columbia 192 C. C. R. R. Wilmington o Phoenix 7 North West 14 Cronly 17 Arnumr 23 Marlville 25 Council 33 Rosindale 37 Elkton 42 Clarkton 45 Abbottsburg .... 50 Bladehboro 53 Allenton 62 Lumberton 67 .Moss Neck 76 Red Banks 82 Alma 86 Maxton 88 Laurinbnrg 95 Laurel Hill 100 Old Hundred.... 103 Sand Hill 109 1 lamlet in Rockingham 116 Pee Dee 124 Lilesville [30 Wadesboro 135 Polkton 143 Lanesboro 149 P>t aver Dam 153 Ames 160 Monroe 163 Stouts 170 .Matthews 178 Roberts [83 Charlotte 188 n f > 5 n I w s O 1 C 5' Z =■ M ct • 3, Q "< X >— 1 ZZ. H O rr 9? a 1— . o> x O - O "> T, 2 r- V.^ n - ** ~~ ~ r. z y 3 G a - 2. *? -*> c v fd An NANKINS, Family Supply Store, [9 North Second St..guaran- . U. M tees quality, correct weight and measure, and prompt delivery. BROWN k PEARSON, BARBERS. No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. WEIGHTS ACCORDING TO STATE LAW PASSED One bushel of Wheat 60 lbs. " " Indian Corn 56 " Corn Meal.... 48" Bolted Corn Meal 46" Rye 56 " Barley 48" '' " Oats 32 " FlaxSeed 55" " Clover Seed 60 " " " Peas 60 " " Rough Rice 44 " " Buckwheat 50 " " Peanuts 22 " The fine is twenty dollars in each case for taking greater weight for a bushel for any of the above. The penalty goes to the informer. NAMES OF COUNTIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, WITH THEIR COUNTY SEATS. Name. Alamance. Alexander. Alleghany. Year Formed. County Seat. 1 1 1 Anson 1 Ashe 1 Beaufort 1 Bertie I Bladen 1 Brunswick 1 Buncombe 1 Burke 1 Cabarrus 1 Caldwell 1 Camden 1 Carteret 1 Caswell 1 Catawba 1 Chatham 1 Cherokee 1 Chowan I Clay. ..1 Cleveland' 1 849 Graham 847 ... Taylorsville 859. Sparta 749 Wadesboro 799 Jefferson 705 Washington 722 Windsor 734 Elizabethtown 764 Southport 79 1 Asheville 777 Morgatnon 792 Concord 841 Lenoir 777 Camden C. H 722 Beaufort 777 Yancey ville 842 Newton 770 Pittsboro 839 Murphy 672 Edenton 861 Hayesville 841 Shelby A /"* TT ANKINS, 19 North Second St., receives Country Produce **•• ^- J - *■ -*■ fresh from first hands, and delivered to all parts of City C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO., make a specialty in Repairs of Carriage^ Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays. Cor. Second and Princess Sts. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 201 Nam . Columbus .... Craven Cumberland.. Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgebombe... Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett - 1 lay wood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell .... Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery . Moore Year Fo < nun/// Seat. SoS. Whiteville 712 New Berne 754 Fayetteville 672 Currituck C. H 870 Manteo 822 Lexington 836...'. Mocksville 749 Kenansville 881 Durham 732 Tarboro 849 Winston 779 Louisburg 846 Dallas 779 Gatesville 872 Robbinsville 74 r > Oxford 799 Snow Hill 770 Greensboro 1 lal 758 855 Lillington 80S \\ aynesville 8.38 Hendersonville 759 Winton 705 Swan Quarter 788 Statesville 851 Webster 746 Smithfield 779 Trenton 79 ] Kinston 779 Lincolnton 842 ..Marion 828 Franklin 851 Marshall 774 Williamston 762 Charlotte 861 Bakersville 779 Troy 784 Carthage ► PC o >-< j Mm 2 go ■'-■7. - " C. r. > M OS >- to g V- 2*) I A \PRIMrrR Whole saleand Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, J. rt. OrillMULn, .Shingles, &c. 121 N. Water St., Wilmington, N.C, BROWN k PEARSON, BARBERS - No. 5 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. i T3 0) % 1> H ^*: Q 4 t> us Gfl fc nJ H ■=■ Hi £ «l C/3 ti _rt w fc rt . w EK "So" rt 3 * t~M i_'"^ or h- H PQ Pil hIk- < ( °£ o ( ^ m^ 03 <*H; aj r~» = 0c El 5 MI re, Lii No. CO fe w Name. Year Formed. County Seat. Nash 1777 Nashville New Hanover 1729 Wilmington Northampton 1 74 1 Jackson Onslow 1734 Jacksonville Orange 175 1 Hillsboro Pamlico 1871 Bayboro Pasquotank 1 672 Elizabeth City Pender 1875 Burgaw Perquimans 1 672 Hertford Person 1791 Roxboro Pitt 1760 Greenville Polk 1855 Columbus Randolph 1779 Asheboro Richmond 1779 , Rockingham Robeson 1786 Lumberton Rockingham 1785 Wentworth Rowan 1753 Salisbury Rutherford 1779 Rutherfordton Sampson 1784 Clinton Stanly 1841 ...Albemarle Stokes 1789 Danbury Surry 1770 Dobson Swain 1 87 1 Charleston Transylvania 1861 Brevard Tyrrell 1729 Columbia Union 1842 Monroe Vance 1881 Henderson Wake 1770 Raleigh Warren l 779 Warrenton Washington 1799 Plymouth Watauga 1849 Boone Wayne 1779 Goldsboro Wilkes 1777 Wilkesboro Wilson 1855 Wilson Yadkin 1850 Yadkinville Yancey 1833 Burnsville HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. JAMES D. NUTT. Druggist, 21S N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place J in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class store. MKSSKNCl k'S W I 1 \1!\., n IN IMKICCTOIH . 203 COMPARAUIVE TABLES RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS OF NAVAL STORES, PORT OF WILMINGTON. FOR PAST THREE YEARS. Receipts for Season 18 86 -'87. Receipts for Season 1887 -'88. ■a X ,j ja » a OS ~. a X S H 5 c SB Eh 6 April . 2,556 42,220 .3.795 2.M5 April . 2.987 1 9 023 7,124 874 Mav . . 5.9IJ] 24, m 2.612 L,513 May.. 6,948 38 310 6,166 2 -144 Jniii- . 7,825 31.492 l,6o7 2 491 Julie . 9.376 25. Ml 1.443 3 743 Jnlv . . 8(548 24 22 : 1.046 2 285 .In v.. 10.711 27 201 1.700 3.7 16 Mig . . 8 71'i 30.013 6,526 3,1 99 An« .. 9,767 33.3(52 4.(95 3,975 Sept . . 6.413 36 K 1 3 666 2 33d Sept.. 5,461 23.(55 5,7f,5 1,444 Oct. . . 5 : 97 iS.7-21 :;.;s; 2,316 Oct . . . 5.206 21 053 :;.;h 1,079 Nov . . 5.395 17.340 3,979 1 30 Nov . . 5 913 2'.i.754 3.805 1 539 D. c . . 4.417 23,512 8.8.1 l.(4o Dec .. 5.33:; P.6,935 0.515 1.249 Jan.. 8 562 38,978 :, >.V.I 1,868 •Ian . . 3.938 38,114 4.1 89 1.341 Feb .. S.158 38,2i 6 10.734 I 481 Ft b . . " 2,f 97 30 914 6 318 1.543 March 2 655 35,862 11.308 1,430 March 1.693 23.554 11. -150 720 Total 64,839 :; 11; .->:'.i 73 600 24. 312 Total 69,930 345,086 02,068 23.667 Receipts for Season 1888- '89. Exports for Season 1886- '87. -g .-' cJ •_• OJ j£ 5 .2 c d ■a m « H £ -/- H April . 2.386 L9 119 5.291 741 April . 3 O06 18.312 13.1SI 2.320 *l»y .. 6,386 19,385 K.594 1 408 Vla.v .. 4 131 46.726 5,51 J 1,304 June . 8,116 22,865 3.4 1 1 1. 93 'Til '' . 6,955 33,807 8,159 •2.5s 1 Jnlv.. 9,099 16 17.' 2 111 2 281 July.. si; :s.(M7 L.834 2. 126 Allf,' . . 7,7x3 15 8 5 ft.928 3,148 \.na .. 1,782 1 5.3s:; 1 994 2.999 Sept.. 7 020 12 l -i :: 554 2 734 Sept.. 1.566 4.578 2.450 Oct. . . .".. ' 2 ! 13.519 2.300 Oct. . . 10,89 26,940 3, 192 1 970 Nov . . 5.24; 22.08- ! 30 1 856 N"". .. 3,703 3,164 8,448 1.44- Dec . . 4 500 26,039 s 547 1,803 Die. 6,52'! 25,772 5,138 ! 928 40 871 1,696 Jan..; 3,510 .-.,327 671 Feb . . 1,879 38 :;-; 7,278 6S 4 V- b . . 2.772 l 235 2.007 March L,£ 12 35.451 9 [33 723 Matcl 4.7611 35,993 L2.424 1.410 Total 62.364 282,175 63, 191 211.961 r.ita: 64,380 67,821 23,811 "117HEN you wish to buy Groceries and Shingles, you can save money VV by calling on B. F. KEITH, Jr., 130 North Water Street. TIT ALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers and 13 South Water Street. 204 w MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Exports for Season 1887 -'88. Exports for Season 1888 -'89. * t -C° i a c -3 ,£3 i -• «j c r c3 t/J O c. £ k" 1 | O x « E* 6 April . 2.649 32,675 7,472 995 ADiil. 1,955 18.395 6 401 736 Ctf 1— M >.v.. 4,902 3i,261 9.1(6 2,112 «av.. 3,958 28,274 6.874 742 3 3 Jv.r.e . 8.45S 31697 5 316 3.813 Juue . 9,487 23,595 5,306 2,039 u d July.. 10,026 30,747 2,831 3 597 July . . 5 001 7.731 2,870 2 252 A.ug . . 7.091) 18,227 2,816 4,121 Auk . . 8,485 1897 5.28H 3,060 Sept. . 9,883 22 244 5.632 2 026 Sevit. . 2,81=- 1,537 4,962 2.873 r" ^"« Oc\.. 5,234 28,461 3.158 1,171 Oct. . . 11.463 13,335 5.174 2.007 W C5 Nov . . 5 298 43 929 4.89-1 933 Nov . . 4 069 16 564 3.721 2 121 I tec . . 6 726 33.2.0 4.9^8 1.506 D, c . . 6.363 \ 0,016 5.129 1,852 S Q inn.. . 4,430 4S.274 5.057 1.155 Jan. . . 4,490 48.946 0,225 1,846 § Feb .. 2 787 39,729 5,639 1,675 F.-b . . 2.484 36.573 5,840 662 3 ^ PQ 03 a-ich 2,620 27 219 6,74 1,15m March 2,( 67 44 412 10,893 629 Total 70,707 388,676 63,594 24,554 Total 62,667 261,275 68,684 20,729 a U l $g COTTON STATISTICS. WS Compiled by the Messenger. 0^1 03 0: RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS OF THE PORT OF WIL- MINGTON FROM SEPT. i, 1880 TO SEPT. 1, 1888. S s The movement of cotton at the port of Wilmington for the year ending August 31, 1888, was: Stock September t^ tuO - 1 1, 1887, 655 bales; receipts for the season ending Au- gust 31, 1888, 168, 580 bales, making the supply 169,235 tu s bales, while the exports for the same period have aggre- ODG J. JOSLYN gated 169.023 bales, leaving stock on hand at the close of season 212 bales. Our statement of the receipts of cotton at Wilmington for the past eight years will be found made up in detail, J « the receipts of each month being carefully compiled. It PQ BOOKS, Stationery, Pictures, Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades Straw Paper, Paper Bags. &c. YATES' BOOK STORE, Wilmington MJ. DINGELHOEF. Practical Watchmaker, dealer in Watches. Clocks, • Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, 12;, .Market Street. MESSENGERS WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 205 will be seen that the receipts of the past season has ex- ceeded those of the season of i886-'87, 34> 2 73 bales, an increase which clearly indicates the growth of the cotton trade of this port. Receipts of Cotton for Crop Ylaks from 1880^8] nth "•f|)t' mber Oct. be.. . Nove 1 tier. De embtr. January.. . February. . Match Aon! May June .inly August . . . Total . . . TO [887-88 INCLUSIVE 81 I 81-82 '82 83 I '83-84 si ^5 -s.y 28,801 30.43 19.Y20 7.303 7.098 4 070 1.070 1.637 1.306 1.388 653 10,932 10 932 : : 870 :::, 778 29 77s 12,463 8 690 6 15s 2.371 1 498 370 220 1,201 1 201 0.1,0 33 320 :m,. 11 26,693 29,3 8 25.1 I'.i 13 921 1.: 031 6.255 1 .886 2 033 1,070 143 14.9 3 6 577 1 666 2,08! 1.603 70 11' 15.; ; ■ 2,940 1,348 37i 199 83 11 132 115.316 137 341 128,621 91.701 94,054 101.523 134,307 168,5 13 9' ! H r 17.011 15 172 7 127 5.031 4,475 3 493 1.07S 342 68 56 35.4-9 11.073 3.693 2 HX 686 :;,;*,) 35-1 259 405 :;s ;,:i 1 13,910 1 1 6 9 24 384 ;i «23 15.306 1 572 356 903 174 359 523 Foreign Exports for the Crop Years from 1880-81 to 1887-88 INCLUSIVE. u 6Dt( miter. . Oe'olu-r .... Ncjvi mbe . . I) C«M1 1, I- .. • IH' 11-1'. Pe'i nary . . . March A!" I M;iv June Jnlv A.nsu»t .... Total. '80 811 '81 82 s.'-s; 111 ... 129 10. 608 12. 9S4 l 1 '. .; - 18 536 8, si 'si 85 '85 13,255 11.347 !-; 9 1 L0, I -' i 10 1 I5.80H - 890 11 14S 10, -on 15 192 10.799 :; :,;- 1 700 625 - 6 87 "78 s 1 63.83.i 57.762 47,242 65 - 2 73.213 II 2, 4' S 74 347 15.129 7 956 I 67 7.6in :; 013 1 844 2 06 28. 22 1 25, l»'l 32.606 9.265 3 072 9. 80( 37. Ml 41 861 1 1 53 h 300 7 409 a 08 z o lo > z o on m ., m ^-< > z a CO r 5 * • ss T I ^HIlTHliRI A KT n" Liver y aml Horse Exchange, Nos. 108 and 1. J. OUUirHjilLAnU, no North Second St., Wilmington, N. C S. A. SCHLOSS & GO. Auctioneers and Wholesale Jobbers of Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Big bargains always on hand. 21 & 23 Market St. 206 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. r" 1 o ^ . n 1.. 2*- c<3 5«ac 5% The direction which the foreign shipments have taken from this port the past year has been to Liverpool, 74,235 bales ; Bremen, 29,799 bales; Reval, 4,650 bales ; Havre, 9,395 bales, Ghent, 3,403 bales; Channel F. O., 1,334 bales; Barcelona, 1,070 bales; Antwerp, 1017 bales. Domestic Exports for the Crop Years from 1880-81 to 1887-88 inclusive. Month... tembei Qctob. r. . . November Decerube Jn. uary . Februarv March . . . Auril .... M v June July \UgUHt . . Total '80-81 '81 82 '82 83 4, 6^9 '83-84 2, 649 '84-85 '85-86 '86-87 8. 196 4,633 5, 109 2.758 1 291 7. f 66 10 490 18. 260 7,273 5.732 5. 396 3 479 4,490 15. 293 11,413 9 401 3, 154 2, 354 5, 298 8. 537 15, 606 10, 4' 9 fi, 924 4,638 7.589 4,6281 4.926 5, 937 3, 835 4, 913 4.599 2,481 1 289 4. 170 6, 652 6, 347 6,086 3, 352 3,381 2, 072 3 382 3, 8 : 8 4. :-<5 f > 3.142 556 1, 595 2.495 2.5-6 4.20m 4. 540 2, 732 381 1 , 253 797 1, 822 3,796 2,884 1,802 239 818 810 2.187 1.409 1, 675 335 470 188 741 1,811 649 171 277 39 549 l,02i 859 50, 042 1, 383 73, 875 414 68, 987 282 13 191 225 24, 17ri 44, 816 28. 282 25, 553 '87-8S 3. 529 8,2j3 5. 977 8 138 7.498 4.981 2.4f6 1, 562 1.390 1.649 841 Total exports Foreign and Domestic — i88o-'8 1,1 19,852 bales, i88i-'82 137708 bales, i882-'83 126,749 bales, i883-'84, 92,058 bales, i884-'85, 94,144 bales, i885~'86 101,766, i886-'87 133,867 bales, i887-'88 169,023 bales. The table of domestic exports embraces shipments North and east by water and rail and consumption by our mills. Some of the cotton forwarded North was shipped on through bills of lading foreign, but has not been so treated in the compilation of statistics at this port. The shipments the past season to New York aggregate CO E 1 BRUNHILD, SIMON & CO., Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco in North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C 'AMES D. NUTT, Druggist, 218 N. Front St. Beyond doubt, cheapest place in the city to buy Drugs and everything pertaining to a first-class stoiv. m 1 ssi ; ng i:k 's w i i ..m i xgt< »x 1 )\\< !•:< :t< >k y. 207 43,267 bales, and forwarded inland and consumed 3,853 ^ bales. The above shows an increase of 23,093 bales • over last year. ~ The comparative statement of the shipment of cotton c from this port for seasons, at intervals since 1856, shows ~ further progress in our cotton traffic. Up to 1866 the shipments, as will be noted in our table, were all coast wise. In 1866, 162 bales went foreign and from that time there has been a gradual increase, the shipments of the past season aggregating 121,903 bales, or an increase when compared to the season of i886-'87 of 12,212 bales. The same comparison as to coastwise shipments shows an increase of 22,944 bales. C OMPA R AT I V E ST A r EA 1 1 £ X T Of the Shipment of Cotton from Wilmington, N. C Year 1856. i860. . 1S66 1870.. 1876.. [880 . 1SS6 . 1SS7.. 18S8 . 01 yeai Domestic 1856: Foreign .21202. .22851. .24492 .51617 69682. .50042. 28553- .24176. Total 21202 22851 24654 524 s '-' 162 863 33202 102S41 69810 1 igme 73213 101766 10969 1 1 33867 1 121903 169023 Such are in brief the features and conditions of the cotton trade at this port for the past season. w r O O n : m H a o 10 sm I* 3> J. A, SPRINGER, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Coal, Wood, Brick, Shingles, &c. 121 X. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. A. SOHLOSS & 00. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 21 and 23 Market St. Crockery, Glassware, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 208 MESSENGER'S WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. MESSENGER STEAM gOOK ANDJOB PRINTING HOUSE new and improved type "and'WateRiaL:"' Specimens of Work on Application JULIUS A.°BONlTZ, Prop. WILMINGTON, = = = N. C. BREWING0OMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF BOTTLED AND KEGGED 4 BEBM I AVORITE ALEXANDRIA TIVOLI BEER. AND THE FAVORITE Wilmington Branch, - - E. KUHBLANK, Manager. TIVOLI AND VIENNA CABINET BEER IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. OUR WAGONS WILL DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. ORDERS FROM OU<t COUNTRY PATRONS PROMPTLY FILLED. ALL ORDERS RECEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. KNOXVILLE FURNITURE ZjEfMPA NY, -^Manufacturers and Dealers in^>- FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF FURNITURE! < i> ■ ^ IF YOU WANT TO BUY FROM HEADQUARTERS THEN CALL AND SEE US. E. H. SNEED, Manager. S. JE. COB. MARKET & SECOND. Rose Farm ! WHERE Y< >r CAN GET YOUR Roses and Beflfling Plants For your Flower Garden, and VEGETABLE PLANTS of all kinds for your garden. Kaiser of large quan- tities of Tube Roses Bulbs, two year old Roses, Grapes and everything wanted for garden and yard. Write for prices before sending North for Plants and see what you can get at home for less Money. SHIPPER OF ALL KINDS OF EARLY VEGETABLES. W. J. KIRKHAM. QBL E' S VIIE YARD! WILMINGTON, N. C. S. W. NOBLE, = Proprietor. 150,000 BEARING V INES! OVER 400 VARIETIES ! Makes a specialty of procuring and testing all new [ varieties put on the market. Propagates for sale all varieties worthy of cultivation. Best Stock at Lowest Prices. Correspondence Solicited 500,000 Well Rooted Vines of all the Best Varieties For Sale, 4-RETAIL OR WHOLESALE.-^ MESSENGER PUBLISHED IN THREE EDITIONS! THE DAILY MESSENGER, T HE WEEKLY MESSENGER, PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, N. C, AND THE GOLDSBORO TRANSCRIPT-MESSENGER, PUBLISHED AT GOLDSBORO, N. C. THEY ARE LARGE EIGHT PAGE PAPERS. Do you want a reliable paper giving you all the news of the world — a Democratic newspaper that equals the best— has the largest circu- lation, and has for more than twenty-one years been a part and factor in the growth and development of the Old North State? Then SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MESSENGER 'Daily Messenger," by mail only, four months on trial, $2.00 'Weekly Wilmington Messenger," eight months on trial, 1.00 'Goldsboro Transcript-Messenger, " eight months on trial, 1.00 Oftjslx in -A.c3Lv«t:ia.oe. DR. TALMAGE'S SERMONS ARE FEATURES OF ALL THREE PAPERS. Address J. A.. BONTZ, Editor and Proprietor. BLACRWELL'S Durham Tobacco, I have been for over twenty years a con- stant smoker. I find in Blackwell's Durha ... that true excellence found in no other brand — uniformity ; every package being the same. I can smoke it at all times, day and night, with impunity; it acts as a mild and pleasant stimu- ant, always quiets my nerves, and in no way disagrees with me. It is a great comforter, a ^ure, sweet and mild smoke. Ex- Governor of Georqi> IS THE MOST HONEST, UNIFORM, POPULAR, RELIABLE, —AND- SATISFACTORY S MOKING T OBACCO EVER PLACED ON THE MARKET. Hence Dealers and Consumers Always Pronounce it THE VERY BEST. Situated in the immediate suction of country that produces a grade of Tobacco that in texture, flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere in the world, the popularity of these goods is only limited by the quantity produced. We are in position to command the choice of all offerings upon this market, and spare no pains or expense to give the trade m PROCTOR SCREEN CO., Incorporated January 14, 1889. CJ«a^»it^l Stoclt, $300,000. President : Gen'l Supt. Sec'y and Treas. JUNIUS DAVIS. D. G. PROCTOR, H. L BORDEN, Wilmington, N. C. Washington, D. C. Wilmington, N. C. ORGANIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF MANUFACTURING fj OOLING S CREENS! For use in Private Residences, Manufactories and Rail Road Cars. •J* ALL RAILROADS ADOPT THIS SCREEN WHO DESIRE TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND COMFORT OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. |^ = A11 persons interested in pure air, freedom from dust and insect pests, are requested to communicate with the Secretary of the Compa- ny at Wilmington, N. C. MORRIS 1EAR&BR0S7 Nos. 110 and 112 North Front Street, DRY GOODS, ' NOTIONS, SHOES AND HATS. HOTEL BONITZ Wm. Bonitz, Proprietor. Formerly of Bonitz Hotel, Goldsboro, N, C. 129 and 131 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. This hotel will be conducted on the European and American plan. Meals from 25 to 50 cents. Lodging from 25 to 50 cents. Table Board at [reasonable rates. The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords. Special rates offered to Theatriacal Troupes and Excursion Parties. Hon. WARNER MILLER, A. A. THOMAS, President. General Suf t F. C. PR IN OLE, C. £., FRANKLINS. CLARK. Ph. D.. Engineer and Supt. Chemist. CAROLINA OIL AND CRBSOTE CO., WILMINGTCM, N. C. Woiks Foot of Dawson Street. P. 0. Box 551 fi REOSOTEB p iLING TELEGRAPH POLES, WHARF AND fjRIKE JIMBERS, RAILROAD TIES, And Creosoted Lumber of Every Discription for Architects', Builders' and Contractors' use. The Refined Heavy Wood Creosote Oil used by this Company is Manufactured at its Works and is a SURE * PRESERVATIVE *l?F * TIMBER- From decay or the ravages of the Teredo and other marine worms. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICTED. AND INSPECTION INVITED OF THE MANUFAC- TURE OF THE OIL AND TREATMENT OF LUMBER. Address CAROLINA OIL AND CREOSOTE CO., WILMINCTON, N. C. ¥¥ NOrTH CAROLINA. This Pleasant and Growing Cit</nvites Enterprising Citizens and Capi- talists from all pap of the Civilized World. $150,000 «p£$150,000 Splendid Opening fir Men of Push and Energy. The City of Wilmington has i/ide an appropriation of For ^$150,000^ the Purpose of Encoi'fgi Manufacturing. / ing Advantages Offeed. CLIMATE Favors work/he en- tire year. LABOR Abundant and/Cheap. Living Economical. / FREIGHT RATES ArAow by Rail to Interior Poit SHIPPING RATES Rf Steam- ships and Vessels p\v to all parts of the world./ No Better Point for frofitable Investment! We Have the E AW /MATERIAL IN ABUNDANCE ! Three Banks with aniple Banking Facilities. Facts About Wilmington A Seaport of 25,000 population. An important Naval Stores, Cotton and Lumber Market. Extensive Shipping Interests. A secure, Fresh-Water Harbor. Depth of water on bar 18 feet at mean high water; under Government supervision being continually deepened. Excellent Terminal Facilities. Four railroads in operation, two in process of construction. Surrounded by Attractive Sum- mer Resorts. Adjacent terri- tory especially adapted totruck and Peach growing, Vineyards and Rice Culture. HEALTH and CLIMATE UNSURPASSED " The Long Branch of the South." EXCELLENT SCHOOLS and CHURCHES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS. A Cordial Welcome extended to all Good Citizens and Men of Push and Intelligence. * AMONG THE MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES NOW IN OPERATION ARE NUM- BERED COTTON, PINS FIBRE. FERTILIZER, WOOD WORKING AND ICE FACTORIES RICE. FLOUR UNO PLANING MILLS, FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOPS, GAS ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS. COTTON COMPRESSES, CREOSOTED LUMBER, CAR AND WATER WORKS. We invite all to COME AND SEE, and on the spot .to judge for them- selves. Wilmington offers excellent Hotel Accommodations, and a committee of its Chamber of Industry will extend to strangers seeking Home and Investment cordial greeting and attention. Persons who may desire fuller information can obtain it by addressing THE CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY, WILMINGTON, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Fast Mail i Passenger Route —BETWEEN THE — SOUTH ^ NORTF FAST pREIGHT pORV i \ Atlantic Cf ALL R FASTfREIi "•■■ TE ■BETWEEN THE- NORTH AND RhintTI Quick Time! No I mce ' VENTILATE! ,ARS -AND- FAST FREIGHT SCHEDULE ARRANGED FOR HANDLING FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. CLYDE'S STEAM SHIP COMPANY. r .5r--lADT AND EELIABLE-S.^, T [REIaHT KW PASSENGER LINL FEW YORK, BOSTON «fc —*AND ALL POINTS 1 ^^® NORTH AND NORTHWEST, , , i^gf A. N I >'~^— Q WILMiNfJTON, N. C. Aiid in corinectipn \ lib W^e Fe ir K wr . jan ;i fo»* FayeiJ.-ville, N.C. ! Uso villi CarJii •• atai Rs hv y, * r i : m.gton, Co'. . mbia & Augusta R. i'., V, ...nin.^to.i & Weld \ . i<... and Ca Fea? and Yad! <n \ alie_\ !!. R , to ■ 1 .'rom points in North and South gaiUina and ibt hatband Sftitfewest, j ONE 0? T IE FOLLOWING tVTEAMERo DELBWAR'.ii, YEMASSI E, GULF STREAM BENEFACTOR, PIONEER, F4NITA, IS APPOINTKD TO ^^i. 'ROM NZW YORK, PIER 29, EAST RIVEf. EVZR" . WECNESDA Y AND SA TURD^ \ AT 3 P.M. \ FROM WILMINGTON, N. C. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRI. \Y. freight Received Daily. Bii's of Lading Signed Daily at Offices on the Wharf. /. A. FLANDERS. Easi-rn Agent, H. G. SMALLBOK*. Supt. 322 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. Wih, ngton,^. C. | THEO. G. EGER, T. M., 5 Bowling >. -v?. VVM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 12 South Wh irfs, Philadelphia, 5 Bowling Gre . New York.