o-b^dbSc/ob obc) db b c^b b c}b c) 'Bo b db c) 5! .Q 'O MINUTES >)•■ 'ii.n-: 4iikraii Sgnoi ani Pinistcriuni 1« OP NORTH CAROLINA, OOXVfOXKD AT WILMINGTON, N. C. ".\ mh MAY 2nd, l^Gl. -i'A^' cp p C)p^9 cp p qp C) op C) Cp (0 QP C) c to our Committee favorable to the final establish- ment, ere long, of a Female College in the bosom of our membership of this State. True, we have been and are still not a little embarrassed and retarded as to our Missionary and Educational enterprises, owing to want of funds, but we, with our wealthy memhership, need only awake from our slumbers to a proper appreciation of these particulars, as they pertain to the interest of our families and the Church at large, and success will crown our efforts. And I may add, though the years 1860 and '61 thus far, have been ominous and troublous; though wars and rumors of wars in Church and State iiave agitated and convulsed the habitable globe: and though, even our own highly favored and once peaceful and happy land has shared in the general fate ; the American Union is severed, blood-shed and violence threaten us more or less: yet, we are to-day in the actual possession and enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, and law and order still prevail. ^'I AH this while the Gracious One has been emphatically calling to us: am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it." So that, if we are not now prosper- ous and happy as a people, it is simply because we would not be. What remains to us then as ministers and people, but to confess that though much has been done, we are yet guilty of great remissness of duty, that God IS justly displeased with us, sincerely to repent of our misdoings, andjoininthe exhortation of the Psalmist: '-Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving, sing praises upon the harp unto our God." "Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem, praise thy God, O Zion." CONSECR.VTION. On the 30th of Sept., 1860, at a meeting of the Western Conference, and in conformity with previous arrangement, after a suitable and interest- ing discourse by Bro. J. B. Anthony, from Isaiah 60: 7, ''And I will glor- ify the house of my glory," our house of worship at Newton, Catawba County, was solemnly Consecrated by the writer and congregation under the name of the Evangelical Lutheran, Beth-Eden Church. 6 MINUIKS OF THE LETTERS RECEIVED, &C. * July the 21st, I received a letter fVop.t Bro. J. R Sikes, containing his certificate of good standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church (Soinh) of which he was a member at the tmie of his reception bj' this body, and stating that he was succeeding well in the Master's work. I suggest that the letter be read before Synod. Nov. the 3d, a letter came to hand from Bro. E. Smith, which I answer- ed favorably. Several subsequent letters were received and answered. Their import T deem unnecessary to state ; especially, as he has since gone to his final resting place. Under the same date I received notice through Bro. L. C. Groseclose, one of the Executive Committee of our Missionary Society, informing me of the rather hasty and unexpected removal of Bro. A. PniLLirpi from Charlotte. AccordingljF Dec. the 12th, Bro. Phillippi informed me by letter that having followed "the leadings of Providence," as he thought, he had en- gaged to labor as Missionary in the City of Lynchburg, and under the supervision of the Synod of Western Yirgmia. After expressing his at- tachment to the Brethren of Synod — his regret in leaving them, and ten- dering his "well wishes and prayeis," he requested a certificate of dismis- sion. Having subsequently satisfied my mind that Bro. PniLLippi regard- ed himself as having complied with constitutional provision, I sent him a certificate. My proceedure now awaits the action V)f Synod. Feb. the 5th, a letter came to hand from Bro. J. D. Stingley, formerly of the Synod of Mississippi, stating that commencing with the Ist of Jan. 18G1, he had engaged to serve St. Paul's, and St. Michael's Churches, Ire- . dell County, and that it was the general wish of the paities &c., that he " be regularly installed into the Pastoral office, at St. Michael's the second Sunday in March." I accordingly wrote to Bros. J. B. Anthoxy and S. RoTHROCK to attend to said duty. Under date Feb. 15th, Bro. Rothrock wrote, that though it would afford him great pleasure to participate in the installation service, it was impracticable, nor could he procure any one in his stead. This, I communicated to Bro. Anthony, with the hope that the matter could still be arranged. I learn it was attended to. The 23d of February, I received a letter from Bro. G-. D. BERNnEiM. sta- ting that he had resigned the Agency of North Carolina College, and ta- ken charge of St. Mark's Church in Charlotte. He also stated that it was deemed advisable to have an Installation service. In conformity with ar- rangements made, I instructed Bros. Anthony and Dreher to perform said service on the 3d Monday in March, which was accordingly done. Feb. the 10th. I learned per note from Bro. W, Kimball, that he had fulfilled his engagements with the people in the' Davidson and Forsythe Mission field, and had received and accepted a call from the St. Paul and Luther Chapel Pastorate. Sometime during the year, I learned incidentally that Bro. J. Crim, had undertaken, permanently, to supply the Bethel and Salem Pastorate. The 2Gth of March, Prof L. A. Bikle, informed me by letter that ow- ing to his connection with North Carolina College, and in the absence of the President, he did not deem it advisable to attend this meeting. I therefore recommend that Bro. Bikle be excused. April the 4th. I received a letter from our venerable father, A.Grimes, containing his Parochial Report; report on the state of his chaige and la- bors in general; also referring to his inabiity to attend this met ting of Sy- nod ; to his;dcstitute condition, and eainestiy asking ibr aid. I recommend the reading of his letter ; that he be excused for non-attendance, and ./ LUTHERAN SYNOD. prompt and efficient action of the brethren in regard to the pecuniary supply of our acjed brother. ,, ^ . x- The 16th of April, I received a note from Rev. Mm. Gerharbt, statmg that he had taken charge of a Pastorate in the bounds of the Synod ot Pennsylvania, and asking an honorable dismission from this body. As ttie time of our meeting was near, I thought it advisible to refer this matter to Synod, recommending that a letter of dismission be sent him. Havino- now disposed of the papers of Synod, I feel that I shall not have acted in conformity with my honest conviction of propriety and duty it i do not especially call the attention of Synod, and our Church generaUy to several important particulars. - . . . 1. The Church enterprise of our brethren in Wilmington ; this still claims our Avarmest sympathy and most substantial aid. 2 Our Educational enterprise, male and female. We should care no less for the sons of our Church, but much more for the right traimng ot her daughters. Much might he said. , . ^ rr- 3 W? should see to it well, that the infant membership of our Zion is not only recorrnized in baptism, but that these children be really regarded and treated as memlers, reminding them early and repeatedly of the iact, nature, and design of their baptism, and prevailing with them to contirm their baptismal vow as soon as expedient. c c ^x, ■ 4 We should studiously return to the good old way of our lathers in the religious observance of the several festivals, Christmas, Easter (xood Friday^ Wiit-Sunday, and the Ascension. Much would be gained. 5 in this our day of tendency to malice, strife, dissipation, ana.'chy, and utter disreo-ard of (^od and His Sabbath, it becomes our special duty to use our best endeavors to infuse the mild and peaceful principles of our holy religion into the hearts of our people generally, and to inculcate and en- force a strict observance of the Christian Sabbath. Some of these items may be worthy of especial action on the part of Synod. \\ c can but warmly recommend their prayerful consideration to our people. I now tender you the chair, which you so generously gave me; ana with it, my most cordial thanks for the confidence and forbearance exer- cised, hoping for pardon of errors committed. ^ , . tt- r^i v \nd now may the God of our Father, the Gracious Head of His Church, be with us and our membership; help us faithfully to account for the past, ri<^htly to transact for the future, to the glory of His name, and the salva- tion of His Church, for Christ's sake, ^men.^^^^^^^ SCRE^^K An election was now held for the officers of Synod to serve for the en- suing year, which resulted as follows: Rev. JOHN D. SCHECK, President. " G. D. BERNHEIM, Recording Secretary. " J. A. LINN, Corresponding Secretary. M. BARRIER, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. James D. Stingley, late of the Synod of Mississippi, presented his certificate of honorable dismission, and was unanimously received as a member of this body. Documents for the Synod were now called for, and handed to the Pres- ident. V- O MINUTES OF THE Mr. Martin M. Miller was introduced and received as an advisory member. Prof. D. H. Bittle gave notice that he would introduce some resolu- tions, bearing upon our relations with the G-eneral Synod. Synod then took a recess of one hour for the arrangement of the stand- ing committees ; after which, Synod having re-assembled the President announced the following STAIS^DING COMMITTEES. 1. On President's Eeport— Rev's. D. H. Bittle, J. B. Anthony, and :Mr. H. B. Eilers. 2. On Petitions and Vacancies. — Rev's. B. C. Hall, S. Scherer, and Mr. Jonathan W. Murray. 3. On Unfinished Business. — Rev's. Jos. A. Linn, W. A. Julian, and Mr. H. M. Fowler. 4. On Finance. — Rev's. S. Rothrock, John H. Mengert, and Mr. C. M. Holshouser. 5. 071 the State of Religion. — Rev's. L. C. Groseclose, J. D. Stmgley, and Mr. R. J. Linn. 6. On the Proceedings of Conferential Districts. — Rev's. Wm. Artz, J. Crim, and Mr. Jeremiah Lentz. On Education.— Rev's. D. I. Dreher, J. S. Heilig, and Prof. Charles O. Pape. Rev. Linn, was excused for neglecting to bring the minutes of the Cen- tral Conference. Rev. E. A. Bolles now appeared, was introduced as a corresponding delegate from the South CaroUna Synod, and was unanimously invited to a seat amongst us. The Parochial Reports having been called for and handed to the Secre- tary, are arranged as follows : LUTIIKUAN SYNOD. H I D I g I 6 Benevolent, o • -oo -o • . »o o o o o O • -oo -O • 'C^OOOO 5 • • i.O t-H ■ O • • O O CO (M >0 »^ • • ro lO • O • • O -<*• O ■* Local o • o o o o o o o CO .r^ CO Prayer Meetings. Bible Cldsses, Scholais, Teachers • Sundai/ Schools, Edit, and Mis. Soc Funerali Death of Members Expulsions. \ Dismissions. Restorations. Admissions, . , Confirmations. Communicants oocx)coooooou:)C-o "M^p/^ ^ OFFICERS OF SYXOD. llKV. JOIIX D. SCIIEGK, FliFSIDENT. " G. DELLMxVNX BERXIIEIM, lii:c. ^ir'v. •' JOSEPH A. LIXX", Cor. Seckmarv. AFATTIIIAS BARRIER, Esc>., Trkas'r of Sv.noi>. :\r ATTIII AS ILVRRIEE, Erq., Trkasurkk OF College ExhowMENT Fix JACOn LT'DWTCK, Esq., Treasurer of ^ College Building Funi>. The Fifttj-^'lntlL Annual Conventlun of tht Ecantjdl- (^ yd Lutheran S'jn^od of North CaroHnaj, tclU be lield D. F.. k «^ Organ Church, Iiovxin Count [/.N. C../m\ Thursday the \ ■■-st da>i nf Mail, 1S02. ' t /