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 MSB- • : -^ w^-fe*«S;^ » >^r\ ^ 

 [No. 34. p ART J 
 StoS» h ^ the grace, °"* P Wa^ K* a°nd ^ 
 ijfPWChri.tircbS!|? Pda ^ 
 weoZ" 1 aS thou8an * are, 
 p God was never known 
 'jgj t to praj a iwel e, spra ' 
 ;^t born a JittJe slave, 
 ^°»"n the sun, ' 
 '* . l were but in the grave 
 "myJafaour done I ' 
 * korn without a home 
 some broken shed ' 
 oa ^, taught to roam 
 sai nydailj bread ' 
 praise ; 
 f-nd all the pfe. »! *, down ,0 <«e! 
 ' saw (he g !„ r ; „ s . 
 » new-office. ' B «* when his shfoiW* 
 Upc^ came twinkling- onfh 
 Who made thVd»._-hJ, £L° ne b ^ 0De > 
 The moon, and everj tv>. - f 
 doming to Jesus. 
 It condescending king, 
 to hear when children sing, 
 our feeble voices rise, 
 (re humble prayer despise. 
 i us, Lord, from every sin 
 ccan see and feel within ; 
 -ve neither feel nor see, 
 r all is known to thee. in ueaven Deyona 
 Library, Univ. ff 
 :: a 
 'Twas God, my child, who made them 
 By his almighty hand ; [all, 
 He holds them that they do not fall, 
 And bids them move or stand ; 
 /inu Diaa mem move or stand ; 
 That glorious God who lives afar, 
 In heaven beyond the highest star. 
 /~ s 
Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 How very great that God must be, 
 Who rolls them through the air ! 
 Too high, Mamma, to notice me, 
 Or listen to my prayer ! 
 1 fear he will not condescend 
 To be a little infant's friend. 
 O yes, my love ; for though he made 
 Those wonders in the sky, 
 You never need to be afraid 
 He should neglect your cry ; 
 For, humble as a child may be, 
 A praying child he loves to see. 
 Behold the daisy where you tread, 
 That useless little thing ; 
 Behold the insects over-head, 
 That gambol in the spring ; 
 His goodness bids the daisy rise, 
 And every insect's wants supplies ; 
 And will he not descend to make 
 A feeble child his care ? 
 Yes ! Jesus died for children's sake, 
 And loves the youngest prayer. 
 God made the stars and daisies too, 
 And watches over them and you. 
 For a child who has been very 
 Lord, I confess before thy face 
 How naughty I have been ; 
 Look down from heaven, thv 4 , ftf a * c "l b 
 And pardon thte say '* ' 
 f'er, Lcrd,Iprav, 
 Forgive — " and my pr jd e . * ' 
 jvr. eked words fdar'd to' say 
 -nd wacked thoughts beside. 7 ' 
 The Saviour answer'd not agr 
 Nor spoke an angry word, 
 To all the scoffs of wicked m 
 Although he was their Lor , 
 And who am I, a sinful chih / 
 Such angry words to say 
 Make me as mild as he w? 
 Aid take my pride aw 
 For Jesus' sake forgive \ 
 And change this stubl 
 And grant me grace, an* 
 To act a better part. 
 " Our Father who art ir j*. 
 Great Cod, and wilt thou ?„ 
 To be my father, and my fri^ 
 I, a poor child, and thou so hi 
 The Lord of earth, and air,anrf 
 Art thou ray father ? CansUI^'e 
 To hear my poor imperfect r< 
 Or ?ioop to listen to^he prai* 
 That such a little one can rl' 
 Art thou my father ? Let m« 
 A meek, obedient child to tl 
 And trv, in word, and deed, 
 To serve and please thee as:; 
 Art thou my,(5-iher ' I'll dep 
 Upon the care ofsnVn'a" 
 ^ ut y wish to do, a;j, 
 Art thou my father ? T\ 
 When all my days on ea 
 bend down, and take m, 
 f0 be ih Y better child at 
 lay me down t 
 quiet, on my bed, 
 Untjwith shame, | have 
 ~> rest 
 •aughty things I said 
 tfow that 
 Early will fseek thf>: 
 my jouroe*-' 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 My road so little trod, 
 1*11 come before I further run, 
 And give myself to God. 
 And, lest I should be ever led 
 Through sinful paths to stray, 
 I would at once begin to tread 
 In wisdom's pleasant way. 
 What sorrows may my steps attesd, 
 I never can foretell ; 
 But if the Lord will be my friend, 
 1 know that all is well. 
 If all my earthly friends should die, 
 And leave roe mourning here ; 
 Since God can hear the orphan's cry, 
 O what have I to fear ? 
 If I am poor, he can supply 
 Who has my table spread ; 
 *ho feeds the ravens when they cry, 
 And fills his poor with bread. 
 i am rich, he'll guard my heart, 
 [Temptation to withstand ; 
 ^d make me willing to impart 
 he bounties of his hand. 
 Bl, Lord, whatever grief or ill 
 \or me may be in store, 
 M^e me submissive to tby will, 
 id 1 would ask no more. 
 Att^d me through my youthful way, 
 iatever be my lot ; 
 AndWhen l'ra feeble, old, and grey, 
 O V'jrd, forsake me not. 
 en »ii!i, as seasons hasten by, 
 -vil for heavenjr^^^^^' 
 ± o< "T^rever there. 
 B.>' S- 
 His own most holy Book declares 
 He loves good little children still ; 
 And that he listens to their prayers, 
 Just as a tender father will. 
 He loves to hear an infant tongue 
 7^^i - n i/» for all his mercies given ; 
 And when by babes his praise is sung, 
 Their cheerful songs are heard in 
 Come, then, dear children, trust his 
 word, [guide; 
 And seek him for your friend and 
 Your little voices will be beard, - 
 And you shall never be deny'd. 
 Vnccuragtment for little children. 
 *d is so good, that he will hear 
 Vhenever children humbly pray ; 
 "always lends a gracious ear 
 what the youngest child can say. 
 The Bible, 
 This is a precious book, indeed ! 
 Happy the child that loves to read ! 
 'Tis God's own word, which he has 
 To show our souls the way to heaven ! 
 It tells us how the world was made; 
 And how good men the Lord obeyed; 
 There his commands are written too, 
 To teach us what we ought to do. 
 It bids us all from sin to fly, 
 Because our souls can never die p 
 It points to heaven, wh*"^ angels 
 dwell ; _- — 
 Ajw1 ~~<6 escape from hell. 
 But, what is more than all beside, 
 The Bible tells us Jesus died !— 
 This is its best, its chief intent, 
 To lead poor sinners to repent. 
 Be thankful, children, that you may 
 Read this good Bible every day ; 
 'Tis God's own word, which he has 
 To show your souls the way to heav*n, 
 <H<4*5X H. 
Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 Against wandering thoughts. 
 When daily I kneel clown to pray, 
 As I am taught to do, ^ 
 God does not care for what£o s />,', 
 Unless I feel it too. 
 Yet foolish thoughts my heart beguile 
 And when I pray or sing, 
 I'm often thinking, all the while, 
 About some other thing. 
 Some idle play, or childish toy, 
 Can send my thoughts abroad ; 
 Though this should be my greatest 
 To love amd seek the Lord, [joy, 
 Oh ! let me never, never dare 
 To act the trifle's part ; 
 Or.think that God will hear a prayer 
 That comes not from my heart ! 
 l>ut if I make his ways my choice, 
 As holy children do, [voice, 
 Then, while 1 seek him with iny 
 My heart will love him too. 
 u A contrite heart, O God, thou 
 ' wilt not despise.'' 1 
 Though God preserves me ev'ry 
 And feeds me day by day, [hour, 
 know It is not in my power 
 His goodntc to repay. 
 The poorest child, the gic«^w. * . _. 
 Alike must humbly own, 
 No worthy present they can bring 
 To offer at his throne ; 
 For we, and all our treasures too, 
 Are his who reigns above ; 
 Then is thereT*crthin% I can go, 
 To prove ray grateful love . 
 A broken heart he'll not despise, 
 For 'tis his chief delight ; 
 This is a humble sacrifice, 
 Wei! pleasing in his sight. 
 Though treasures brought before the 
 Would no acceptance find, [throne 
 He kindly condescends to own 
 A meek and lowly mind. 
 This is an off'ring we may bring, 
 However mean our store ; 
 The poorest child, the greatest king, 
 Can give him nothing more. 
 The way to find out Pride. 
 Pride, ugly pride, sometimes is 
 seen ' 
 By haughty looks, and lofty mein ; 
 But oft'ner it is found, that pride 
 Loves deep within the heart to hid* 
 And, while the looks are mild and 
 It sits and does its mischief there. 
 Now, if you really wish to find 
 ff pride is lurking in your mind, 
 Inquire if you can bear a slight, 
 Or patiently give up your right. 
 Can you submissively content 
 To take reproof and punishment 
 And feel no angry temper start, 
 In any corner of your heart ? 
 Can you with frankness own a o^aie, 
 And promise for another time ? 
 Or say you've been in a mislak 3 , 
 Nor try some poor excuse to hake, 
 But freely own that it* was w»ng 
 To argue for your side so Ion/ ; 
 When'ytoJi£ tion can J ou T r ' 
 Nor flatly contractlfet^JinoV^J 
 But wait, or modestly explain, 
 And tell your reasons, one by oi 
 Nor think of triumph, when you 7 v< 
 done ? 
 Can you in business, or in play, 
 Give up your wishes, or your way 
 Or do a thing against your will, 
 For somebody that's younger stiU 
 And never try to overbear, 
 Or say a word that is not fair f 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 Does laughing at you, in a joke, 
 No anger, nor revenge, provoke ; 
 But can you laugh yourself, and be 
 As merry as the company ? 
 Or when you find that you could do 
 To them, as they have done to you, 
 Can you keep down the wicked tho't, 
 And do exactly as you ought f 
 Put all these questions to your heart, 
 And make it act an honest part ; 
 And, when they've each been fairly 
 I think you'll own that you have 
 pride ; 
 Some one will suit you, as you go, 
 And force your heart to tell you so ; 
 But if they all should be denied, 
 Then you're too proud to own your 
 pride ! % 
 12 ■ \ 
 The way to cure pride. 
 Now I suppose, that having tried, 
 And found the secret of your pride, 
 You wish to drive it from your heart, 
 And learn to act an humble part. 
 Well, are you sorry and sincere? 
 I'll try to help you then, my dear. 
 And first, the best and surest way, 
 Is to kneel down at once, and pray ; 
 The lowly Saviour, will attend, 
 And strengthen you, and stand your 
 Tell him the mischief that you find 
 Forever working iu your mind ; 
 And beg his pardon for the past, 
 And strength to overcome at last. 
 But, then, you must not go your way, 
 And think it quite enough to pray ; 
 That is but doing half your task; 
 For you must watch as well as ask. 
 You pray for strength, and that is 
 right ; . 
 But,then, it must be strength to fight; 
 For where's the use of being strong, 
 Unless you conquer what is wrong ? 
 Then look within ; — ask every tho't, 
 If it be humble as it ought. 
 Put out the smallest spark of pride 
 The very moment 'tis descried ; 
 And do not stay to think it o'er, 
 For while you wait, it blazes more. 
 If it should take you by surprise, 
 And beg you just to let it rise, 
 And promise not to keep you long, 
 Say, " JVb ; the smallest pride is 
 wrong. " 
 And when there's something so amiss, 
 That pride says, " Take offence at 
 this ;" 
 Then, if you feel at all inclin'd 
 To brood upon it in your mind, 
 And think revengeful thoughts within, 
 And wish it were not wrong to sin, 
 O stop at once I — for if you dare 
 To wish for sin,— that sin is there ! 
 'Twill then be best to go and pray- 
 That God would take your pride 
 Qr if just then you cannot go," 
 Pray in your thoughts, and God will 
 know ; 
 And beg his mercy to impart 
 That best of gifts-— an humble heart. 
 Remember, too, that you must pray, 
 And watch, and labour, every day ; 
 Nor think it wearisome or hard 
 To be forever on your guard ; 
 No ; every morning must begin 
 With resolutions not to sin; 
 And every evening recollect 
 How much you've fail'd in this re- 
 Ask, whether such a guilty heart 
 Should act a proud, or humble part ; 
 Or, as the Saviour was so mild, 
 Inquire if pride becomes a child ; 
 And, when all other means are tried, 
 Be humble, that you've so much 
 A Morning Hymn. 
 Mx Father, I thank thee for sleep^ 
Hymns for Infant Mindf. 
 For quiet and peaceable rest ; 
 'I thank thee for stooping to keep 
 An infant from beiDg distrest ; 
 O how can a poor, little creature re- 
 Thy fatherly kindness by night and 
 by day ! 
 My voice would be lisping thy praise, 
 My heart would repay thee with 
 love ; — 
 teach me to walk in thy ways, 
 And fit me to see thee above *, 
 For Jesus said, " Let little children 
 come nigh ;" 
 And he'll not despise such an infant 
 as I. 
 As long as (hou seest it right, 
 That here upon earth 1 should stay, 
 1 pray thee to guard me by night, 
 And help me to serve thee by day ; 
 That when all the days of my life 
 shall have passM, ' * 
 * ma}'- worship thee better, in heaven, 
 at last. 
 An Evening Hymn. 
 Lord, I have pass'd another day, 
 And come to thank thee for thy care ; 
 Forgive my faults in work and play, 
 And listen to my evening prayer. 
 Thy favour gives me daily bread. 
 And friends, who all my wants sup- 
 And safely now I rest my head, [ply; 
 Preserv'd and guarded by thine eye. 
 Look down in pity, and forgive 
 Whate'eri've said or done amiss ; 
 And help me, every day I live, 
 To serve thee better than in this. 
 Now, while I sleep, be pleas'd to take 
 A helpless child beneath thy eare ; 
 And condescend, for Jesus' sake, 
 To listen to my evening prayer. 
 For a child Lhat feels it has a wicked 
 What is there, Lord, a child can do, 
 Who feels with guilt opprest ? 
 There's evil, that I never knew 
 Before, within my breast. 
 My thoughts are vain ; my heart is 
 My temper apt to rise ; [hard ; 
 And, when I seem upon my guard, 
 It takes me by surprise. 
 Whene'er to thy commands I turn, 
 I find I've broken them ; 
 And in thy holy Scriptures learn, 
 That God will sin condemn. 
 And yet, if I begin to pray, 
 And lift my feeble cry, 
 Some thought" of foil}', or of play, 
 Prevents me when I try. 
 On many Sabbaths, tho' I've heard 
 Of Jesus and of heaven, 
 I've scarcely listen'd to thy word, 
 Or pray'd to be forgiven ! 
 O look with pity in thine eye 
 Upon a heart so hard ! 
 Thou wilt not slight a feeble cry, 
 Or show it no regard. 
 The work I cannot undertake 
 I leave to thee alone ; 
 And pray thee, for thy mercy's sake, 
 To change this heart of stone. 
 Against anger and impatience. 
 When for some little insult given, 
 My angry passions rise, 
 I'll think how Jesus came from heav- 
 And bore his injuries. [en, 
 He was insulted every day, 
 Though all his words were kind ; 
 But nothing men could do or say 
 Disturb'd his heavenly mind. 
 Hymns for Infant Min 
 Not all the wicked scoff3 he heard 
 Against the truths he taught, 
 'Excited one reviling word, 
 Or one revengeful thought. 
 And when upon the cross he bled, 
 With alldris foes in view ; 
 u Father, forgive their sins," he said, 
 "They know not what they do." 
 Dear Jesus, may 1 learn of thee 
 My temper to amend ; 
 But speak that pardoning word for 
 Whenever I offend. [me, 
 " Turn off mine eyes from beholding 
 vanity. 1 '' •* 
 Lord, hear a sinful child complain, 
 Whose little heart is very vain — 
 And folly dwells within ; 
 What is it — for thine eye can see — 
 That is so very dear to me ; 
 That steals my thoughts away from 
 And leads me into sin? [thee, 
 Whatever gives me most delight, 
 If 'tis offensive in thy sight, 
 I would no more pursue ; — 
 Since nothing can be good for me, 
 However pleasant it may be, 
 That is displeasing, Lord, to thee, 
 May I dislike it too. 
 When I attempt to read or pray, 
 Some folly leads my heart astray, 
 And sends my thoughts abroad ; — 
 How happy are the saints in bliss, 
 Who love no sinful world like this, 
 But all their joy and glory is, 
 To serve and praise the Lord ! 
 These trifling pleasures here below — 
 I wonder why 1 love them so ; 
 They cannot make me blest; 
 O that to love my God might be 
 The greatest happiness to me ! 
 And may he give me grace to see 
 That this is not my rest. 
 For a very Utile child. 
 that it were my chief delight 
 To do the things I ought !— ' 
 Then let me try with ail my atight 
 To mind what [ am taught. 
 Wherever I am told to go, 
 Ml cheerfuliy obey ; 
 Nor will I mind it much, although 
 I leave a pretty play. 
 When 1 am bid, I'll freely bring 
 Whatever I have got ; 
 And never touch a pretty thing, 
 If mother tells me not. 
 When she permits me, I may tell 
 About my lit tie toys ; , 
 But if she's busy, or unwell, 
 I mu3t not make a noise. 
 And when I learn my hymns to say, 
 And work, and read, and spell, 
 1 will not think about my play, 
 But try and do it well ; 
 For God looks down from heav'n on 
 Our actions to behold ; [high, 
 And he is pleas'd when children try 
 To do as they are told. 
 On attending public worship. 
 When to the house of God we go, 
 To hear his word and sing Ids love, 
 We ought to worship him below, 
 Like all the saints in heaven above. 
 They stand before his presence now, 
 And praise him better far than we, 
 Who only at hi3 footstool bow, 
 And love him, though we cannot see. 
 But God is present every where, 
 And watches all our tho'ts & ways; 
 He sees who humbly join in prayer, 
 And who sincerely sings his praise. 
Hymns for Injant Minds. 
 And he the triflers, too, can see, 
 Who only seem to take a part ; 
 They move the lip, & bend the knee, 
 But do not seek him with the heart. 
 O may we never trifle so, [en ! 
 Nor lose the days our God has giv- 
 But learn, by Sabbaths here below, 
 To' spend eternity in heave.n. 
 J 20 
 A child's humble confession and 
 A sinner, Lord, behold I stand ; 
 In thought, and word, and deed ! 
 But Jesus sits at thy right hand, 
 For such to intercede. 
 From early infancy, I know, 
 A rebel I have been, 
 And daily as I older grow, 
 I fear I grow in sin ; — 
 But God can change this evil heart, 
 And give a holy mind, i 
 And his own heavenly grace impart, 
 Which those who seek shall find. 
 And never see you any more ; 
 Tell me, Mamma, if this is true ? 
 I did not know it was before. 
 >Tis true, my love, that you roust die; 
 The God. who made you, says you 
 And every one of us shall lie, [must ; 
 Like the dear baby, in the dust. 
 These hands and feet, and busy head, 
 Shall waste and crumble quite away ; 
 But though your body shall be dead, 
 There is a part which can't decay ; 
 That which now thinks within your 
 And made you ask if you must die; 
 That is your.soul — the better part — 
 Which GSffhas made to live on high. 
 hose, who have lov'd him here be- 
 And pray'd to have their sins for- 
 And done his holy will, shall go, 
 Like happy angels, up to heaven. 
 So, while their bodies moulder here, 
 Their souls with God himself shall 
 dwell ; 
 To heav'n can reach the softest word 
 A child's repenting prayer- But a , recollect d 
 For tears are seen, & sighs are heard, That ^ icked , e ^ tQ hel . 
 And thoughts regarded, there. 
 Then let me all my sins confess, 
 And pardoning grace implore 
 That I may love my follies less, 
 And love my Saviour more. 
 About dying. 
 Tkll me, Mamma, if I must die, 
 One day, as little baby died ; 
 And look so very pale, and lie 
 Down in the pit-hole, by its side ? 
 Shall I leave dear Papa and you, 
 There the good God shall never smile, 
 Nor give them one reviving look ; 
 For since they chose to be 90 vile, 
 He leaves them to the way they 
 22 • •** 
 , " Thou God seest me" 
 Among the deepest shades of night, 
 Can there be one who sees my ways! 
 Yes ; — God is like a shining light, 
 That turns the darkness into day. 
 When every eye around me sleeps, 
 May I not sin without control ? 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 No ; for a constant watch he keeps, 
 On every thought of every soul. 
 If I could find some cave unknown, 
 Where human feet had never trod, 
 Yet there I could not be alone ; 
 On every side there would be God. 
 He smiles in heaven ; — he frowns to 
 hell ; 
 He fills the air, the earth, the sea ; — 
 I must within his presence dwell ; 
 I cannot from his anger flee. — 
 Yet I may flee — he shows me where ; 
 Tells me to Jesus Christ to fly ; 
 And while he sees me weeping there, 
 There's only mercy in his eye. 
 To a little sister, on her birth day. 
 My love, I meet this happy day 
 With pleasure, and with pain ; 
 I wish to learn your future way, 
 But know the wish is vain. 
 A journey which can never end, 
 Y*ou have but just begun ; 
 And hand in hand with many a friend 
 This little way have run ; 
 But friends, my love, how vain are*. 
 For one infected breath [they ! 
 May snatch the tenderest away, 
 And seal them up in death. 
 Then whither should my darling fly ? 
 In whom may she confide ? — 
 There is a friend above the sky, 
 Who waits to be her guide. 
 His eye the path of life can see, 
 And has as clear a view 
 Of hills and vallies yet to be, 
 As what are past to you. 
 He knows the point, the very spot, 
 Where each of us 3hall fall ; 
 And whose shall be the earliest lot, 
 And whose the last of all. 
 Dear cherish'd child ! if you should 
 To travel far alone, [have 
 And weep by turns at many a grave, 
 Before you reach your own, 
 May he, who bade you weep, be nigh 
 To wipe away your tears, 
 And point you to a world on high, 
 Beyond these mournful years ! 
 Yet, if it be his holy will, 
 I pray that hand in hand, 
 We all may travel many a hill 
 Of this the pilgrim's land ; 
 With Zion's shining gate in view, 
 Through every danger rise ; 
 And form a family anew, 
 Unbroken, in the skies. 
 makes God angry. 
 How kind, in all his works and ways, 
 Must our Creator be ! 
 I learn a lesson of his praise 
 From every thing I see. 
 Ten thousand craatures by his hand 
 Were brought to life at first; 
 His skill their different natures 
 And made them from the dust ; 
 He condescends to do them good, 
 And pities- when they cry ; 
 For ail their wants are understood 
 By his attentive eye. 
 And can so kind a Father frown ? 
 Will he who stoops to care 
 For little sparrows falling down, 
 Despise an infant's prayer ? 
 IN'o ; he regards the feeblest cry ; 
 'Tis only when we sin, 
 He puts the smile of mercy by, 
 And lets his frown begin. 
 'Tis ein that grieves his holy mind, 
 And makes his anger rise ; 
 Hymns for infant Minds. 
 And sinners, old or young, shall find " Since it was for such as I 
 No favour in his eyes ; " Thou didst condescend to die." 
 But when the broken spirit burns, 
 And would from sin depart, 
 The God of mercy never spurns 
 That broken, humble heart. 
 "Jesus Christ came into the world to 
 save sinners." 
 Lo, at noon His sudden night ! 
 Darkness covers all the day ! 
 Rocks are rending at the sight! — 
 Children, can you tell me why? 
 What can all these Wonders be ? 
 — Jesus dies at Calvary ! 
 Stretch'd upon the cross, behold 
 How his tender limbs are torn ! 
 For a royal crown of gold, 
 They have made him one of thorn ! 
 Cruel hands, that dare to bind 
 Thorns upon a brow so kind! 
 See ! the blood is falling fast 
 From his forehead and his side ! 
 Listen ! he has breath l d his last ! 
 "With a mighty groan he died ! — 
 Children, can you tell rae why 
 Jesus condescends to die? 
 He, who was a king above, 
 Left his kingdom for a grave, 
 Out of pity and of love, 
 That the guilty he might save ! 
 Down to this sad world he flew, 
 For such little ones as you ! 
 You were wretched, weak, and vile; 
 You deserv'd his holy frown ; 
 But he saw you with a smile, 
 And, to save you, hasten'd down. — 
 Listen, children ; — this is why 
 Jesus condescends to die. 
 Come then, children, come and see 
 Lift your little hands to pray ; 
 tl Blessed Jesus, pardon me, 
 41 Help a guilty infant," say ; 
 44 Jesus said, Suffer little children to 
 come unto me." 
 As infants once to Christ were bro't, 
 That he might bless them there, 
 So now we little children ought 
 To seek the same by prayer. 
 For when their feeble hands were 
 And bent each infant knee, [spread, 
 41 Forbid them not," the Saviour said, 
 And so he says for me. 
 Though now he is not. here below, 
 But on his heavenly hill, 
 To him may little children go, 
 And seek a blessing still. 
 Well pleas'd that little flock to see, 
 The Saviour kindly smil'd ; 
 Ob, then, he will not frown on me, 
 Because I am a child ; 
 For as so many years ago 
 Poor babes his pity drew, 
 I'm sure he will not let me go 
 Without a blessing too. 
 Then, while this favour to implore, 
 My little hands are spread, 
 Do thou thy sacred blessing pour, 
 Dear Jesus, on my head. 
 Love and duty to parents. 
 Mi Father, my Mother, I know 
 I cannot your kindness repay ; 
 But 1 hope, that, as older I grow, 
 I shall learn your commands t' obey. 
 You lov'd me before I could tell 
 Who it was that so tenderly smii'd' 
 But now that I know it so well, 
 I shquld'he a dutiful child. 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 I am sorry that ever I should But, lest my feeble steps should slide, 
 Be naughty, and give you a pain ; Or wander from my way, 
 i hope I shall learn to be good, Lord, condescend to be my guide, 
 And so never grieve you again. And I shall never stray. 
 But, for fear that I ever should dare Then I may go without alarm, 
 From all your commands to depart, ^ nr j trust his WO rd of old ; — 
 Whenever I'm saying my prayer, 44 q^e lambs he'll gather with his 
 Ml ask for a dutiful heart. u £ n d lead them to the fold." [arm, 
 TJie day of life. 
 The morning hours of cheerful light, 
 Of all the day are best; 
 But as they speed their hasty flight, 
 If every hour is spent aright, 
 We sweetly sink to sleep at night, 
 And pleasant is our rest. 
 And life is like a summer's day, 
 It seems.so quickly past ; 
 Youth is the morning, bright and gay, 
 And if 'tis spent in wisdom's way, 
 We meet old age without dismay, 
 And death is sweet at last. 
 <^ 29 
 The little Pilgrim, 
 There ira path that leads to God, 
 All -others go. -astray ; 
 Narrow', but pjeasaut, is the road, 
 And Christians love the wa^ 
 It leads-straight through this world of 
 "* And dangers must be past ; • [sin I 
 But those who boldly walk therein 
 Will come to heaven at last. 
 How shall an infant pilgrim dare 
 This dangerous path to tread ! 
 For on the way is many a snare 
 For youthful trav'lers spread ; 
 While the broad road, where thou- 
 Lies near, and opens fair, [sands go, 
 And many turn aside, I know, 
 To walk with sinners there. 
 Thus I may safely venture through, 
 Beneath my shepherd's care; 
 And keep the gate of heaven in view, 
 Till I shall enter there. 
 An evening hymn for a little family. 
 Now condescend, Almighty King, 
 To bless this little throng ; 
 And kindly listen, while we sing 
 Our pleasant evening song. 
 We come to own the Power divine, 
 That watches o'er our days ; 
 For this.our feeble voices join 
 In hymns of cheerful praise. 
 Before the sacred footstool see 
 We bend in humble prayer, 
 A happy little family, 
 To ask thy tender caje. 
 May we in safety sleep to-night, 
 From every danger free ; 
 Because the darkness and the light 
 Are both alike to thee. 
 And when the risins: sun displays 
 His cheerful beams abroad, 
 Then shall our morning hymn of praise 
 Declare thy goodness, Lord. 
 Brothers and sisters, hand in. hand, 
 Our lips together move ; 
 T^en smile upon this little band, 
 And join our hearts in love. 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 A child's lamentation for the death of 
 a dear mother. 
 A poor afflicted child, I kneel 
 Before my heavenly Father's seat, 
 To tell him all the grief I feel. 
 And spread my sorrows at his feet. 
 Yet I must weep ; I cannot stay - 
 These tears, that trickle while I 
 Since thou art pleas'd to take away 
 So dear, so very dear a friend. 
 And now I recollect with pain 
 The many times I griev'd her sore ; 
 Oh ! if she would but come again, 
 I think I'd vex her so no more. 
 How 1 would watch her gentle eye ! 
 'Twould be my play to do her will ! 
 And she should never have to sigh 
 Again for my behaving ill ! 
 But since she's gone so far away, 
 And cannot profit by my pains; 
 Let me this childlike duty pay 
 To that dear parent who remains ; 
 Let me console his broken heart, 
 And be his comfort, by my care ; 
 Then when at last we come to part, 
 I may not have such grief to bear, 
 For Sabbath evening. 
 We'v"E passed another Sabbath day, 
 And heard of Jesus and of heaven ; 
 We thank thee for thy word, and pray 
 That this day's sins may be forgiv'n. 
 Forgive our inattention, Lord, 
 Our looks and thoughts that went 
 astray ; 
 Forgive our carelessness abroad ; 
 At home, our idleness and play. 
 May all we heard and understood 
 Be well remember'd thro 1 the week, 
 And help to make us wise and good, 
 More humble, diligent and meek. 
 Bless our good minister, we pray, 
 Who loves to see a child attend, 
 And let us honour and obey 
 The words of such a holy friend. 
 So when our lives are fimsh'd here, 
 And days & Sabbaths shall be o'er, 
 May we along with him appear, 
 To serve and love thee evermore. 
 Time and eternity. 
 How long, sometimes, a day appears! 
 And weeks, how long are they ! 
 Months move as slow as if the years 
 Would never pass away. 
 It seems a long, long time ago, 
 That I was taught to read ; 
 And since 1 was a babe, I know 
 'Tis very long indeed. 
 But even years are passing by, 
 And soon must aii be gone ; 
 For day by day. as minutes fly, 
 Eternity comes on. 
 Days, months, and years, must have 
 Eternity has none ; [an end ; 
 'Twill always have as long to spend, 
 As when it first begun ! 
 Great God ! an infant cannot tell 
 How such a thing can be ; 
 I only pray that I may dwell 
 That long, long time with thee. 
 Against yielding to temptation. 
 My love, you have met with a trial 
 Which I hop'd to have seen you 
 oppose ; 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 But, alas ! in a moment your temper 
 gave way, 
 And the pride of your bosom arose. 
 I saw the temptation, and trembled, 
 for fear 
 Your good resolutions should fall ; 
 And soon, by your eye, and your col- 
 our, my dear, 
 I found you had broken them all. 
 O, why did you suffer this trouble- 
 some sin 
 To rise in your bosom again? 
 And when you perceiv'd it already 
 O why did you let it remain? 
 As soon as temptation is put in your 
 And passion is ready to start, 
 'Tis then you must try to subdue it, 
 and pray 
 For courage to bid it depart. 
 But now you can only with sorrow 
 That Jesus would pardon your sin ; 
 Would help you to watch for your 
 enemy more, 
 And put a new temper within. 
 The day of judgment. 
 How dreadful, Lord, will be the day, 
 When all the tribes of dead shall 
 And those who dar'd to disobey [rise; 
 Be dragg'd before thine angry eyes ! 
 The wicked child, who often heard 
 His pious parents speak of thee, 
 And fled from every serious word, 
 Shall not be able then to flee. 
 No ; he shall see them burst the tomb, 
 And rise, and leave him trembling 
 To hear his everkatuig doom, [there, 
 With shame, and terror, and de- 
 No, XXXIV. 2 
 Whilst they appear at thy right hand, 
 With saints and angels round the 
 throne ; 
 He, a poor guilty wretch, shall stand, 
 And bear thy dreadful wrath alone! 
 No parent, then, shall bid him pray 
 To him, who now the sinner hears; 
 For Christ himself shall turn away, 
 And show no pity to his tears. 
 Great God ; I tremble at the tho't ; 
 And at thy feet for mercy bend, 
 That, when to judgment I am bro't, 
 The Judge himself may be my 
 When a foolish thought within 
 Tries to take us in a snare, 
 Conscience tells us rt It is sin," 
 And intreats us to beware. 
 If in something we transgress, 
 And are tempted to deny, 
 Conscience says, "Your fault confess; 
 44 Do not dare to tell a lie." 
 In the morning when we rise, 
 And would fain omit to pray, 
 44 Child, consider," Conscience cries; 
 " Should not God be sought to- 
 When, within his holy walls, 
 Far abroad our thoughts we send ; 
 Conscience often loudly calls, 
 And entreats ua to attend. 
 When our angry passions rise, 
 Tempting to revenge an ill ; 
 44 Now subdue it," Conscience cries; 
 " Do command your temper still." 
 Thus, without our will or choice, 
 This good monitor within, 
 With a secret, gentle voice. 
 Warns us to beware of sin. 
 f[ Hymns for Infant Minds, 
 But if we should disregard, 
 While this friendly voice would call. 
 Conscience soon will grow so hard, 
 That it will not speak at all. 
 u The Lord hath respect unto the 
 lowly. if 
 Where is the high and lofty One ? 
 His dwelling is afar ; 
 He lives beyond the blazing sun, 
 And every distant star. 
 But God^ whom thousand worlds 
 - Descends to earthly ground, [obey, 
 And dwells in cottages of clay, 
 If there his saints are found. 
 Is not the heaven of heavens his own? 
 Yes, he is Lord of all ; 
 And there, before his awful throne, 
 The saints and angels fall. 
 But, little child, with joy attend; 
 For if you love him too, 
 This mighty God will condescend 
 To come and dwell with you. 
 For children at a Sunday School. , 
 Lord, may a few poor children raise 
 To thee a hymn of humble praise ? 
 'Tis by thy great compassion we 
 Are taught to love and worship thee. 
 What wicked children we have been! 
 Alas ! how soon we learn'd to sin ! 
 But now we learn to read and pray, 
 And not to break the Sabbath-day. 
 How condescending God must be, 
 To love such little ones as we ! 
 He saw our sin with angry frown, 
 And yet he look'd with pity down. 
 O if we should again begin 
 To grieve our God, and turn tc sin, 
 And let our guilty passions loose, 
 We now shall be without excuse. 
 Remember, Lord, we are but dust, 
 'Tis to thy grace alone we trust ; 
 Do thou instruct and guide us still, 
 That we may ne'er forget thy will. 
 A minute. 
 A minute, how soon it is flown ! 
 And yet how important it is ! 
 God calls every moment his own, 
 For all our existence is his ; 
 And though we may waste them in 
 folly and play, [away. 
 He notices each that we squander 
 Why should we a minute despise, 
 Because it so quickly is o ; er ? 
 We know that it rapidly flies, 
 And therefore should prize it the 
 more ; 
 Another, indeed, may appear in its 
 stead, [fled. 
 But that precious minute forever is 
 'Tis easy to squander our years 
 In idleness, folly, and strife ; 
 But, oh ! no repentance or tears 
 Can bring back one moment of life; 
 But time, if well spent, and improved 
 as it goes, [its close. 
 Will render lifepleasant,and peaceful 
 And when all the minutes are past, 
 Which God for our portion has 
 We shall cheerfully welcome the last, 
 If it safely conduct us to heaven. 
 And O may we all the necessity see, 
 Not knowing how near our last min- 
 ute may be ! 
 A child's grave. 
 What is this little grassy mound, 
 Hymns for Infant Mind s. 
 Where pretty daisies bloom? 
 What 13 there lying under ground ? — 
 — It is an infant's tomb. 
 Alas, poor baby, did it die? 
 How dismal that must be ! 
 To bid this pretty world good-bye, 
 Seems very sad to me. — 
 — Silence, my child ; for could we 
 This happy baby's voice, [hear 
 We should not drop another tear, 
 But triumph and rejoice ; 
 " O do not ever weep for me," 
 The happy sou! would say ; [free 
 u i\or grieve, dear child, that I am 
 u From that poor sleeping clay. 
 "Mourn not because my feeble breath 
 " Was stopp'd as soon as given ; 
 '•' There's nothing terrible in death 
 u To those who come to heaven. 
 " No sin, no sorrow, no complaints, 
 " My pleasures here destroy ; 
 lt I live with God and all his, saints, 
 " And endless is our joy. 
 M While, with the spirits of the just, 
 •' My Saviour I adore, 
 " I smile upon my sleeping dust, 
 " That now can weep no more." 
 Yet look in pity on my pain ; 
 My little strength restore : 
 And grant me life and health again, 
 To serve thee evermore. 
 A hymn of praise for recovery. 
 Lord, thou hast heard my humble 
 Fgr all my pains depart ; [voice, 
 O grant that I may now rejoice 
 With thankfulness of heart. 
 Many have died as young as I, 
 Though nurs'd with equal care; 
 But God in pity heard my cry, 
 And has been pieas'd to spare. 
 Let me improve the years or days, 
 Thy mercy lends me here ; 
 And show ray gratitude and praise, 
 By living in thy fear. 
 The kindness that my friends have 
 teach me to repay, [shown, 
 By double kindness of my own, 
 In every future day. 
 And, lest I need thy rod again, 
 1 pray thee to impart, 
 As long as health or life remain, 
 A thankful, humhle heart. 
 A child's prayer in sickness. 
 Since, mighty God, my health and 
 And life belong to thee, [ease, 
 I might not murmur, shouldst thou 
 To take them all from me. [please 
 Thou hast a right to use thy rod, 
 Which I should meekly bear ; 
 And yet I may entreat, that God 
 A sinful child would spare. 
 I own the comforts Ljoossess, 
 And thank thy cj^P&f me, 
 While thousands languish in distress, 
 And pine in poverty. 
 For a very Utile child in sickness. 
 Almighty God, I'm very ill, 
 But cure me if it be thy will ; 
 For thou canst take away my pain, 
 And make me strong and well again. 
 Let me be patient every day, 
 And mind what those who nurse me 
 say ; 
 And grant that all I have to take 
 May do me good for Jesus' sake. 
 Hymns for Infant Minds 
 For a very little child, upongetting 
 I thank the Lord, who lives on high; 
 He heard an infant pray, 
 And cur'd me, that ! should not die, 
 And took my pains away. 
 O let me thank and love thee too, 
 As long as I shall live ; 
 And every naughty thing 1 do, . 
 I pray thee to forgive. 
 For a dying child. 
 My heavenly Father, I confess 
 That all thy ways are just, 
 Although I faint with sore distress, 
 And now draw near the dust. 
 JJow soon my health and strength are 
 And life is nearly past ! [.'led ! 
 O smile upon my dyin* bed, . 
 And \jfce rae to the last. . ' 
 Once dicHhe blessed Saviour cry, 
 " Let little children come ;" 
 On thi3 kind word I would rely, 
 Since I am going homa. 
 O take this guilty soul of mine, 
 That now will soon be gone, 
 And wash it clean, and make it shine, 
 With heavenly garments on. 
 Be pleas'd to grant me easy death, 
 If 'tis thy holy will, 
 And bid the struggles of my breath 
 And all my pains be still. 
 Now, Lord, in heaven hear my 
 Accept my dying praise ; [prayer; 
 And let me quickly meet thee there, 
 A better song to raise. 
 Praise for daily mercies. 
 Lord, I would own thy tender caje, 
 And all thy k>ve to me ; 
 The food I eat,, the clothes I wear, 
 Are all besto/w'd by thee. 
 'Tis thou presQrvest me from death 
 And dangers#every hour ; 
 I cannot draw .another breath 
 Unless thou give me power. 
 Kind angels guard rae-every night,. 
 As round my bed they stay ; 
 Nor am 1 absent from thy # sight 
 In darkness, or by day.* • 
 My health, arrcl friends, and parents 
 To me by God are given ; [dear, 
 I have not any blessing here, 
 But what is sent from heaven. 
 Such goodness, Lord, and constant 
 A child can ne'er repay ; [care, 
 But may it be my daily pr^wr 
 To love thee and obey./ 
 The example of Christ. 
 Jesus Christ, my Lord and Sa- 
 Once became a child like me ; 
 O that in my whole behaviour 
 He my pattern still might be ! 
 All my nature is unholy ; 
 Bride and passion dwell within ; 
 But the Lord was meek and lowly, 
 And was never known to sin. 
 While I'm often vainly trying 
 Some new pleasure to possess, 
 He was always self-denying, 
 Patient in, his worst distress. 
 Lord, assist a feeble creature ; 
 Guide me by thy word of truth ; 
 Condescend to be my teacher 
 Thio' my chtkffcpod and my youth. 
 Often I shall be forgetful 
 Of the lessens thou hast taught, 
 ns for Infypt Mind*. 
 Idle, passionate, and" fretful, 
 Or indulging foolish thought. 
 Then permit me not to harden 
 In my sin and he content ; 
 But bestow a gracious pardon, 
 And assist me to repent. 
 Summer and Winter. 
 When sweet summer dowers appear, 
 We wish that they always would 
 last ; 
 But winter must shortly be here, 
 To sweep them away with his blast; 
 Spring, summer, and autumn still has- 
 ten away ; [soms decay. 
 The roses must fade, and the blos- 
 Likc winter, old age will be found ; 
 All stripp'd of our blossoms and 
 We still may remain in the ground, 
 Though nothing be left but the root; 
 And wither'd and bare we must ev- 
 er remain, 
 For spring will not cover our branch- 
 es again. 
 Then let us, since time's on the wing, 
 And death and eternity near, 
 Endeavour, while yet in our spring, 
 To prepare for the end of the year ; 
 That we may not look back with re- 
 morse and dismay, 
 To think how this season was wasted 
 And then when the summer is gone, 
 Our youth and maturity past, 
 Old age will come pleasantly on, 
 And bring us to glory at last ; 
 Nor shall we reflect, with a sigh or a 
 On any gay season of happiness here. 
 In heaven no winter they know, 
 To wither thdif pleasures away 
 The plants that in Paradise grow 
 • Siall blossom, but never decay ; 
 Tfiien fgr these fading pleasures no 
 longer we'll care, 
 But hope we shall spend an eternity 
 Love to Jesus. 
 When Jesus Christ was here below, 
 And spread his works of love a- 
 If I had liv'd so long ago, [broad, 
 I think I should have lov'd the 
 Jesus, who was so very kind, 
 Who came to pardoii sinful men, 
 Who heal'd the sick, and cur'd the 
 O ! must I not have lov'd him then ? 
 But where is Jesu3 ? — is he dead ? 
 O no ! he lives in heaven above ; 
 " And blest are they," the Saviour 
 u Who, though they have not seen 
 me, love." 
 He sees us from his throne on high, 
 As well as when on earth he dwelt ; 
 And when to him poor children cry, 
 He feels such love as then he felt. 
 And if the Lord will grant me grace, 
 Much I will love him, and adore ; 
 But when in heaven I see his face, 
 'Twill be my joy to love him more. 
 God every where. 
 God made the world — in every land 
 His love and power abound ; 
 All are protected by his hand, 
 The Indian hut, and English cot, 
 Alike his care must own, 
 Hymns fas Infant JM9HH 
 Though savage nations know bii^ot, 
 But worship wood and stoae. 
 He sees and governs distant lands, 
 And constant bounty pours, 
 From wild Arabia's burning sands 
 To Lapland's frozen shores. 
 In forest^hades, and silent plains, 
 Where feet have never trod, 
 There in majestic power he reigns, 
 An ever present God. 
 All the inhabitants ofearlh 
 "Who dwell beneath the sun, 
 Of different nations, name, and birth, 
 He knows them every one. 
 Alike the rich and poor are known, 
 The polish'd and the wild ; 
 He sees the king upon the throne, 
 And every little child. 
 While he regards the wise and fair, 
 The noble and the brave, 
 He listens to the beggar's prayer, 
 And the poor negro slave. 
 He knows the worthy from the vile, 
 And sends his mercy down ; 
 None are too mean to share his smile 
 Or to provoke his frown. 
 Great God ! and since thy piercing 
 My inmost heart can see, [eye 
 Teach me from every sin to fly, 
 And turn that heart to thee. 
 ■ ; Though he was rich, pel for our 
 sakes he became poor.'' 1 
 Jesus was once despis'd and low, 
 A stranger, and distress'd ; 
 "Without a home to which to go, 
 A pillow where to rest ; 
 Now, on a high majestic seat 
 He reigns above the sky ; 
 And angels worship at his f&et ; 
 Or at his bidding fly. 
 Once he was bound with prickly 
 And scoff'd at in his pain ; [thorns, 
 Now a bright crown his head adorns, 
 And he is king again. 
 But what a condescending king : 
 Who, though he reigns so high, 
 Is pleas'd when little children sing, 
 And listens to their cry ; 
 lie sees them from his heavenly 
 He watches ail their ways, [throne, 
 And stoops to notice for his own 
 The youngest child that prays. 
 For a child that is sorry for a fault. 
 Lord, I have dar'd to disobey 
 My friends on earth, and thee in 
 heaven ; 
 help me now to come and pray, 
 For Jesus' sake, to be forgiven. 
 1 cannot say I did not know, 
 For I've been taught thy holy will ; 
 And while my conscience told me so, 
 And bade me stop, I did it still. 
 But thou wast there to see my crime, 
 And write it in thy judgment-book. 
 O make me fear another time, 
 A sinful thought, or word, or look. 
 Forgive me, Lord ; forgive, I pray, 
 This naughty thing that I have 
 And take my sinful heart away, 
 And make me holy, like thy Son. 
 Instruction from the heavens. 
 Stars, that on your wond'rous way 
 Travel through the evening sky, 
 Is there nothing you can say 
 To such a little child as I ? 
 Tell me, for I long to know, 
 Who has made you sparkle so? 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 Ye3, methinks I hear you say, 
 " Child of mortal race, attend, 
 "While we run our wond'rous way ; 
 Listen ; we would be your friend ; 
 Teaching you that Name Divine, 
 By whose mighty word we shine. 
 " Child, as truly as we roll 
 Through the dark and distant sky, 
 You have an immortal soul, 
 Born to live when we shall die ; 
 Suns and planets pass away ; 
 Spirits never can decay. 
 *' When some thousand years, at 
 All their little time have spent, 
 One by one our sparkling host 
 Shall forsake the firmament ; 
 "We shall from our glory fall ; 
 You must.live beyond us all. 
 " Ye9, — and God, who bade us roll, 
 God, who hung us in the sky 
 Stoops to watch an infant's soul 
 With a condescending eye ; 
 And esteems it dearer far, 
 More in value, than a star ! 
 " O then while your breath is given, 
 Pour it out in fervent prayer, 
 And beseech the God of heaven 
 To receive your spirit there ; 
 Like a living star to blaze 
 Ever to your Saviour's praise. 17 
 Children encouraged to seek the Loid. 
 Shall I presume to venture near 
 A God so just and true ? 
 Or, sinful as I am, appear 
 Before his piercing view ? 
 How oft I grieve his holy eye, 
 And break his righteous Jaw : 
 And think some thought of vanity 
 With every breath I draw ! 
 Yet, Lord, a sinful child may turn 
 To wisdom's pleasant ways ; 
 For Jesus 1 sake thou wilt not spurn 
 My feeble prayer and praise. 
 He died, that sinners, such as I, 
 May have their sins forgiven; 
 He died, that sinners, when they die, 
 May live with him in heaven. 
 It is for this I come to pray, 
 And on hi3 grace depend, 
 That even at the judgment day 
 The Lord may be my friend. 
 Upon life. 
 Lord, what if life? — 'Tis like a 
 That blossoms and is gone ; 
 We see it flourish for an hour, 
 With all its beauty on ; 
 But death comes, like a wintry day, 
 And quts the pretty flower away. 
 Lord, what is life ? — 'Tis like the 
 That glistens in the sky ; 
 We love to see its colours glow ; 
 But while we look, they die ; 
 Life fails as soon ; to-day tis here ; 
 To night perhaps "twill disappear. 
 Six thousand years have pass'd away 
 Since life began at first, 
 And millions, once alive and gay, 
 Are dead and in the dust ; 
 For life in all its health and pride, 
 Has death still waiting at its side. 
 And yet, this short, uncertain space 
 So foolishly we prize, 
 That heaven, that lasting dwelling 
 Seems nothing in our eyes 1 
 The' words of sorrow and of bliss 
 We disregard, compar'd with this! 
 Lord, what is life ? — If spent with 
Hymns for Infant MincU^, 
 In duty, praise, and prayer; 
 However long, or short it be, 
 We need but little care ; 
 Because eternity will last, 
 When life, and even death, are past. 
 Upon death. 
 Where should I be, if God should 
 I must not live another day, 
 And send to take away my breath ? 
 — What is eternity — and death? 
 My body 13 of little worth ; 
 'Twould soon be mingled with the 
 earth ; 
 We all were form'd of clay at first, 
 And shall return again to dust. 
 But where my living soul would go, 
 I do not, and I cannot know; 
 For none were e?er sent back to tell 
 -The joys of heaven or pains of hell. 
 Yet heaven must be a world of bliss, 
 Where God himself forever is ; 
 Where saints around his throne adore, 
 And never sin nor suffer more. 
 And hell's a state of endless wo, 
 Where unrepenting sinners go ; — 
 Though none that seek the Saviour's 
 Shall ever see that dreadful place. 
 O let me, then, at once apply 
 To him who did for sinners die ! 
 And this shall be my great reward, 
 To dwell forever with the Lord. 
 Against selfishness. 
 Love and kindness we may measure 
 By this simple rule alone ; 
 Do we mind our neighbour's pleas- 
 Just as if it were our own ? 
 Let U3 try to care for others, 
 Nor suppose ourselves the best ; 
 We should all be friends and broth- 
 ers — 
 'Twas the Saviour's last request. 
 His example we should borrow, 
 Who forsook his throne above, 
 And endur'd such pain and sorrow, 
 Out of tenderness and love. 
 When the poor are unbefriended, 
 When we will not pity lend, 
 Christ accounts himself offended, 
 Who is every creature's friend. 
 Let us not be so ungrateful, 
 7'hus hi3 goodness to reward ; 
 Selfishness indeed is hateful 
 In the followers of the Lord. 
 When a selfish thought would "seize 
 And our resolution break, 
 Let us then remember Jesus, 
 And resist it for his sake. 
 *' In the morning it Jloitrishelh and 
 groweth up ; in the evening it is 
 cut down and wither eth." 
 The flowers of the field, 
 That quickly fade away, 
 May well to us instruction yield, 
 Who die as soon as they. 
 That pretty rosebud see, 
 Decaying on the walk ; 
 A storm came sweeping o'er the tree, 
 And broke its feeble stalk. 
 Just like an early rose, 
 I've seen an infant bloom ; 
 But death, perhaps, before it blows, 
 Will lay it in the tomb. 
 Then let us think on death, 
 Though we are young and gay ; 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 For God, who gave our life and 
 Can take them soon away. 
 To God, who loves them all, 
 Let children humbly cry ; 
 And then, whenever Death maycally 
 They'll be prepaid to die. 
 In a modest humble mind 
 God himself will take delight ; 
 But the proud and haughty find 
 • They are hateful in his sight. 
 Jesus Christ was meek and mild, 
 And no angry thoughts allow'd ; 
 O, then, shall a little child 
 Dare to be perverse and proud ! 
 This, indeed, should never be ; 
 Lord, forbid it, we intreat ; 
 Grant they all may learn of thee, 
 That humility is sweet. 
 Make it shine in every part ; 
 Fill them with this heavenly grace; 
 For a little infant's heart 
 Surely is its proper place. 
 " Set your affections on things above." 
 Why should our poor enjoyments 
 Be thought so pleasant and so dear, 
 And tempt our hearts astray ? 
 Our brightest joys are fading fast, 
 Chg longest life will soon be past ; 
 nd if we go to heaven at last, 
 We need not wish to stay. 
 r when we come to dwell above, 
 . \ere all is holiness and Jove, 
 •nd endless pleasures flow, 
 .• threescore years and ,ten will 
 Just like a short and busy dream ; 
 And O, how poor we then shall deem 
 Our best pursuits below! 
 Perhaps the happy saints in bliss 
 Look down from their bright world 
 to this, 
 Where once they used to dwell ; 
 And wonder why we trifle so, 
 And love these vanities below, 
 And live as if we did not know 
 There was a heaven and hell. 
 For the last day ofthe&ear. 
 This year is just going away, 
 The moments are finishing fast ; 
 My heart, have you nothing to say, 
 Concerning the time that i9 past ? 
 Now, while in my chamber alone, 
 Where God willl be present to 
 I'll try to remember and own 
 The faults I've committed this 
 Lord, I'm asham'd to confess, 
 How often I've broken thy day; 
 Perhaps I have thought of my dres3, 
 Or wasted the moments in play ; 
 And when the good minister tried 
 To make little children attend, 
 1 was thinking of something beside, 
 Or wishing the sermon would end ! 
 How often I rose from my bed, 
 And did not remember my prayer ; 
 Or if a few words I have said, 
 My thoughts have been going else- 
 where ; 
 111 temper, and passion, and pride, 
 Have griev'd my dear parents and 
 thee ; 
 And seldom l*ve heartily tried 
 Obedient and gentle to be ! 
 But, Lord, thou already hast known 
 Much more of my folly than I ; 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 iere is not sf 'fault I can own, 
 Too little ibr God to descry ; 
 Yet hear me, and help me to feel 
 How wicked and weak I must be ; 
 And let me not try to conceal 
 The largest, or smallest from thee. 
 This year is just going away, 
 The moments are finishing fast ; 
 Look down in thy mercy, I pray, 
 And pardon the time that is pasi ; 
 And as soon as another begins, 
 So help me to walk in thy fear, 
 That I may not with foilies and sins 
 Disfigure and waste a new year. 
 The lily of the valley. 
 Come, my love, and do not spurn 
 From a little flower to learn— 
 See the lily on the bed, 
 Hanging down its modest head ; 
 "While it scarcely can be seen, 
 Folding in its leaf of green. 
 Yet we love the lily well, 
 For its sweet and pleasant smell ; 
 And Would rather call it ours, 
 Than a many gayer flowers ; 
 Pretty lilies seem to be 
 Emblems of humility. 
 Come, my love, and do not spurn 
 From a little flower to learn ; 
 Let your temper be as sweet 
 As the lily at your feet ; 
 Be as gentle, be as mild : 
 Be a modest, simple child. 
 'Tis not beauty that we prize — 
 Like a summer flower it dies ; 
 But humility will last, 
 Fair and sweet, when beauty's past ; 
 And the Saviour from above 
 Views a humble child with love. 
 w Then the Lord called Samuel, and 
 Samuel said. Speak, for thy servant 
 hcareth.'*' 1 
 When little Samuel woke, 
 And heard his MakeiSs voice, 
 At every word he spoke, 
 How much did he rejoice. 
 blessed, happy child, to find 
 The God of heaven so near and kind ! 
 If God would speak to me, 
 And say he was my friend ; 
 How happy I should be ! 
 O how would I attend ! 
 The smallest sin I then should fear, 
 If God Almighty were so near. 
 And does he never speak ? 
 O yes ; for in hi3 word 
 He bids me come and seek 
 The God that Samuel heard ; 
 In almost ey'vy page I see, , 
 The God of Samuel calls to me. 
 And I beneath his care 
 May safely rest my head ; 
 1 know that God is there, 
 To guard my humble bed ; 
 And every sin I well may fear, 
 Since God Almighty is so near. 
 Like Samuel, let me say, 
 Whene'er I read his word, 
 "Speak, Lord; I would obey 
 " The voice that I have heard ; 
 " And when 1 in thy house appear, 
 " Speak, for thy servant waits t, 
 On repeating the catechism. 
 As Mary sat at Jesus' feei^ 
 To learn her Maker's will, 
 We in the Saviour's presence meet, 
 And hear his doctrine still. 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 Still he beholds the wandering look, 
 Each foolish thought discerns ; 
 And knows who idles at his book, 
 And who in earnest teams. 
 O for that meek, attentive mind, 
 Which happy Mary show'd ! 
 And that instruction may we find, 
 That was on her bestow'd. 
 Here we are taught the sacred word 
 The Saviour first conveyed ; 
 .And here the doctrines we have heard 
 Are plain and easy made. 
 'Tis here we learn the glorious name 
 Of God, who reigns above ; 
 And while we read of sinner's shame 
 Are taught the Saviour's love. 
 Lord ! while we thank thee for the 
 That sends this happy news, 
 We still would sit in Mary's place, 
 Her better part to choose. 
 Brotherly love. 
 The God of heaven is pleas'd to see 
 A little family agree ; . [bring, 
 And will not slight the praise they 
 When loving children join to sing. 
 ■fl>r love and kindness please him 
 ■ more 
 | yhan if we give him all our store ; 
 I Ind children here who dwell in love, 
 I Are like his happy ones above. 
 yhhe gentle child, that tires to please ; 
 That hates to quarrel, fret, and teaze; 
 And would not say an angry word ; 
 That child is pleasing to the Lord. 
 Great God ! forgive whenever we 
 Forget thy will, and disagree ; 
 y And grant that each of us may find 
 \ The sweet delight of being kind. 
 The condescension of God. 
 GOD — what a great and awful word! 
 O who can speak his worth ! 
 By saints in heaven he is ador'd, 
 And fear'd by men on earth ! 
 And yet a little child may bend, 
 And say, my father, and my friend. 
 The glorious sun that blazes high, 
 The moon, more pale and dim ; 
 And all the stars that fill the sky, 
 Are made and rul'd by him ; 
 And yet a child may ask his care, 
 And call upon his name in prayer ! 
 And this large world of ours below, 
 The waters and the land, [grow 
 With all the trees and flowers that 
 Were fashion'd by his ha^d ; 
 Yes, and he forms our infant race, — ■ 
 And even I may seek his grace ! 
 Ten thousand angels sing his praise 
 On high, to harps of gold ; 
 But holy angels dare not gaze, 
 His brightness to behold ; 
 Yet a poor lowly infant may 
 Lift up his voice to God, and praj'. 
 The saints in heaven before him fall, 
 And round his throne appear ; 
 Adam, and Abraham, and all 
 Who lov,d and serv'd him here ; 
 And I, a child on earth may raise 
 My feeble voice in humble praise. 
 And all his faithful servants now,' 
 The wise, and good, and just, 
 Before his sacred footstool bow, 
 And own they are but dust ; 
 But what can 1 presume to say ? 
 Yet he will listen when I pray. 
 O yes ; when little children cry, 
 He hearkens to their prayer ; 
 His throne of grace is always nigh, 
 And I will venture there. 
 I'll go, depending on his word, [Lord. 
 And seek his grace, through Christ the 
 Hymns for Infant Minds. 
 The child of affluence. 
 How many poor indigent children I 
 Who want all the comforts bestow'd 
 upon me ! 
 But though I'm preserv'd from such 
 want and distress, 
 I'm quite as unworthy of all I possess. 
 While I am partaking a plentiful 
 meal, [feel ! 
 How many the cravings of appetite 
 Poor children, as young and as help- 
 less as T, 
 Who yet have no money their wants 
 to supply ! 
 If I were so destitute, friendless, and 
 How could I such hardship and suf- 
 fering endure \ [adore 
 Then let me be thankful and humbly 
 My God, who has graciously given 
 me more. 
 And since t with so many comforts 
 am blest, [distrest ; 
 May it be my delight to relieve the 
 For God has declar'd, and his prom- 
 ise is sure, [the poor. 
 That, blessed are they who consider 
 The child of poverty. 
 Lord, I am poor, yet hear my call ; 
 Afford me daily bread ; 
 Give me at least the crumbs that fall 
 From tables richly spread. 
 Thou canst for all my wants provide, 
 And bless my homely crust ; 
 The ravens cry, and are supply'd, 
 And ought not 1 to trust ? 
 Behold the lilies, how they grow, 
 Though they can nothing do ? [so, 
 And will not God, who clothes them 
 Afford me raiment too ? 
 But seeing, Lord, thou dost withhold 
 The riches some possess, 
 Grant me what better is than gold — 
 Thy grace and righteousness. 
 O may I heavenly treasures find, 
 And choose the better part ; 
 Give me an humble, pious mind, 
 A meek and lowly heart. 
 Forgive my sins, sny follies cure, 
 And grant the grace I need ; 
 And then, though 1 am mean and 
 I shall be rich indeed. 
 Praise to God. 
 Almighty God, who dwellest high, 
 Where mortals cannot gaze, 
 If thou wilt listen, I ivill try 
 To sing a hymn of praise. 
 Angels adore thee, and rejoice — 
 Such praise to thee belongs ; 
 But wilt thou hear my feeble voice, 
 Amid their lofty songs? 
 My thoughts are vain, my heart is 
 And poor the thanks I pay ; 
 O how unworthy thy regard, 
 Is all that I can say! 
 My feeble powers can never rise 
 To praise thee as I ought ; [wis 
 For thou art great, and good, am 
 Beyond my highest thought. 
 The happy souls, who dwell on high 
 Can tell thy glories best ; 
 And may I enter, when I die, 
 The mansions of the blest ! 
 There we shall better praises bring, 
 And raise our voices higher; 
 Angels will teach us how to sing, 
 And we shall never tire. / 
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