i CLOUDLAND HOTEL i>m feet above sea level. On top of Koan mountain. I)lgDe$t Summer Resort €a$t of tbe Rockies. Daily mail, CelegrapD and l>ack Cine. Season of 1900 Degins 3ulv ist ana ends September 30tb. sure cure for hay fever and insomnia Address N. L MURRELL, Proprietor, cloudland, n. c. PRESS OF S. C. TOOF & CO. MEMPHIS, TENN. Row to Reacb €loudland Go via Southern Railway to Johnson City, Tenn.; there take the East Tennessee & Wes- tern ISTorth Carolina narrow gauge railroad — through the wildest gorge of the AUeghanies, four miles long and more than one thousand feet deep, through which the beautiful Doe River flashes and tumbles — twenty-six miles to Roan Mountain Station, where there is a ' nice, comfortable hotel on the banks of the beautiful Doe River ; thence in nice, light sur- reys an entrancing and exhilarating ride of ^ twelve and a half miles up Roan Mountain to Cloudland Hotel, squarely on top of the Moun- ^ tain, where you have 50,000 scj[uare miles of territory in sight below within a radius of 150 miles over mountains and valleys in seven dif- ferent States, the veritable " Switzerland of America." No pen can picture the grandeur ^ of the mountain view, and a sunset viewed ^ from Cloudland after a storm in the valley is 0^ worth alone a thousand miles travel to see. j,,^ There are 110 mountain tops in sight below -j^ that are more than 4000 feet high. ^ Too great for description, too lovely to paint, 1^ it can only be realized by actual presence. Un- like other resorts, one does not have to go otf the porches of the hotel to see all of this; and at night the lights of the hotel cast many a weird shadow on the floating, shifting clouds. Clondland is one of the few places in the world where one's shadow can be seen in the clouds, and while the air is full of electricity, with its health - giving influence, the lightning was never known to strike on top of the moun- tain. There are no snakes, no mosquitoes, and none of " the little pests that crawl in the night and fly in the noonday." Here is to be found the largest group of rhododendrons in the United States! Azaleas, heather, houstonias, and thousands of other rare plants and flowers. It is the paradise of hay fever victims, as that dread disease disappears with the breath- ing of the mountain air and drinking of the icy cold water so lavishly aftbrded by the moun- tain springs. The thermometer ranges from 58 to 72 degrees during the season. Here you are 6394 feet above the level of the sea, nearly a mile above Lookout Mountain, Tenn., or Hot Springs, 'N. C; 1200 feet above Denver, Col.; 4500 feet higher than Asheville, C; 200 feet higher than Mount Washing- ton ; three-quarters of a mile higher than the famous Catskill Mountain House, New York ; 5400 feet above Knoxville, Tenn.; 5700 feet above Chattanooga, Tenn.; 5144 feet above Tate Springs, Tenn. Rates of Board Per day, .... $ 2.00 to $ 2.50 Per week, . . . 10.00 to 15.00 Children under ten years of age, in children's ordinary, one-half rate. Children occupying seats in main dining room to the exchision of other guests, full rates. White servants, three-fourths rate. Colored servants, in colored servants' quarters, one-half rate. ...**l)acR and Baggage Rate Hack rates, $3.00 for the round trip, and $1.00 each way on trunks. Hand baggage free. ^ ^ ^ tU Roan mouniam Betel.. Roan nionntain, Cenn. Is run in connection with Cloudland Hotel. Season of 1900 begins June 1st and ends Octo- ber 15th. Rates of board, $2.00 per day ; $8.00 to $10.00 per week. A very delightful place to spend the sum- mer months. Address all communications to N. L. MURRELL, Proprietor, Cloudland, Mitchell County, [N'orth Carolina. LION'S BLUFF. One and a half miles west of Cloudland Hotel. SPIZING CREEK FALLS. JVeu7' Cloudland Hold. ♦ to til si to V I Gl V V