BY-LAWS OF t. John's Stflftgc, $l;-0. 3, OF ANCIENT YORK MASONS NEWBERN, N. C. NEWBERJNT: PRINTED AT TIIE " DAILY PROGRESS " OFFICE. 1860. BY-LAWS OF t Join's l^foge, $0. 3, OJ ANCIENT YORK MASONS. NEWBERN, N. C. KEWBERN DAILY 1860. PBINTED AT THE "DAILY PROGKESS " OFFICE. S\H\b BY-LAWS OF ST- JOHN'S XiOX>Q-:E3, NO. 3. ARTICLE L TIME OF MEETING. Sec. 1.— The Lodge shall assemble on the 2nd Wednes- day in every month. The hour of meeting, from the first of November to the 1st of April, shall be 7 o'clock, P. M., and 8 o'clock, P. M., from the first of April to the first of November. Sec. 2.— The Lodge shall be opened in fifteen minutes after the stated hour of meeting, should a sufficient number of members be present. Sec 3. — It shall be the duty of the officers and members of this Lodge, to give their punctual attendance at every meeting. ARTICLE II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Sec 1. — The Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Secre- tary and Treasurer, shall be chosen annually at the regular Lodge next preceding the anniversary of St. John the Bap- tist, by a majority of written votes. Sec 2. — On the same evening the Senior Deacon and Tiler shall be appointed by the Master, and the Junior Deacon by the Senior Warden. Sec 3. — The officers elect, and those appointed, shall be installed on the ensuing St. John's day, or as soon after as may be practicable. The installation of the Master shall be by a Past Master, and that of all the other officers by the Master. Sec 4. — No Brother shall be deemed eligible as Master, Warden, or Treasurer, unless he shall have been twelve \ Warden, or Treasurer, unless he ^months a member of this Lodge. H BY-LAWS OF Sec. 5. — Each and every officer of the Lodge, shall have been raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. AETICLE HI. DUTY OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. — The Master shall preside in the Lodge, and shall be careful to enforce an observance of these Bye-Laws, as well as the paramount laws of the Grand Lodge, and the ancient usages of Masonry. He shall affix the seal of the Lodge to all certificates to mem- bers, and to all contracts and conveyances made by the Lodge. He shall lecture on one of the first three degrees of Masonry in each month. He may in any case of emergency convene the Lodge by his written summons directed to the Tiler. In the absence of the regular officers, he shall appoint such members as he thinks proper to officiate pro tern. Sec 2. — The "Wardens shall assist the Master in the preser- vation of order, and in the performance of all the ceremonies of working. In the absence of the Master, the Senior War- den shall preside, and in the absence of the Senior, the Junior "Warden shall preside. The "Wardens may however, upon such occasions, call upon a Past Master to officiate, but he shall always be con- sidered as acting under the authority of the particular War- den who may have exalted him to this honor. Sec 3. — The Treasurer shall keep a correct account of all the monies of the Lodge, and pay all orders drawn on him by the Master, and approved by the Lodge. He shall have his books and vouchers ready for examina- tion on every quarterly night, or whenever specially called on by a resolution of the Lodge. Sec 4. — The Secretary shall collect all monies due the Lodge, pay them to the Treasurer and take a receipt for the same ; record all proceedings proper to be written, and read the minutes of the preceding meeting immediately after the opening of the Lodge. • - ST. -JOHNS LODGE. It shall be his duty also, to keep a list of the debtors to the Lodge, with the sums due by each member annexed, which he shall present quarterly for settlement ; and to set- tle with the Treasurer every quarter and take his re- ceipt. Sec. 5. — The Deacons shall assist the Master and "Wardens in the execution of their duty ; shall welcome visiting breth- ren, and perform such other services for the dispatch of business as may be officially assigned them* Sec. 6. — The Tiler shall faithfully tile the Lodge, serve summonses, go on messages, keep the Lodge Room in neat and decent order, and make the necessary preparation on every evening of meeting for the reception of the Lodge. For his services he shall be exempted from quarterages and receive one dollar from the funds of the Lodge for each night he attends. ARTICLE IV. INITIATIONS AND ADMISSIONS. Sec 1. — No person shall be initiated into the mysteries of Masonry in this Lodge, or if a Mason, be admitted a member, unless he be well known by one or more of the brethren to be a man of integrity and respectability. Sec 2. — The application of a candidate shall be made in writing, which shall always be presented by a member, who, on the night of its presentation, shall deposit with the Secre- tary the sum of Five Dollars. An application shall not be received on any other than a regular Lodge night ; nor shall a ballot be taken on it until the next monthly night after its reception. Sec 3. — In all ballotings for candidates, a single negative vote shall be deemed exclusive. As a mistake in balloting might, however, exclude a wor- thy candidate, a second ballot shall be immediately taken that such unintentional error may be corrected ; but more than two ballotings shall not be allowed in any case. Sec 4. — When a candidate is unanimously approved, he BY-LAWS OF may be initiated on any evening at the discretion of the Lodge, but should he be deemed unworthy of admission, his deposit shall be returned by the brother who handed it, with delicacy and politeness, nor shall the person so applying be considered eligible for initiation in this Lodge within twelve months after such rejection, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary immediately to inform the Lodges under the juris- diction of the G. L. of iT. C. of such rejection. After an approbatory ballot, should a candidate neglect for the space of three months to apply for initiation, unless prevented by absence or indisposition, he shall forfeit his deposit to the Charity Fund of the Lodge, and be considered in all respects as though he had never petitioned. Sec. 5. — No candidate shall be initiated, passed or raised on the evening he is balloted for, except in cases of emer- gency, and then only by the unanimous consent of the Lodge. Sec. 6. — Not more than three shall be. initiated, passed or raised on the same evening, unless the applicants are com- pelled immediately to leave the State. Sec. 7. — Every candidate before or at the time of his initia- tion, passing or raising, shall pay to the Secretary the sum of Five Dollars for each degree, and this provision shall in no wise be evaded by any brother's becoming responsible for the same. Sec. 8. — Any Mason wishing to become a member of this Lodge shall make known his desire in writing, through a member. Before he can be ballotted for he must deposit with the Master a certificate from the Lodge to which he formerly be- longed and give other satisfactory evidence of his being a regular ancient Mason. On admission he shall pay the Lodge fund Two Dollars, subscribe the laws, and be entitled to all the privileges of a member. Sec 9. — Should a candidate proposed for initiation or a bro- ther applying for membership, be at any time rejected, no member or visiting brother shall, directly or indirectly, dis- close to the applicant, or to any other person, the individual or individuals by whom he was opposed, or divulge any part of the conversation which may have taken place on the subject, under the penalty, if a member, of suspension for six months, and if a visitor, of an entire exclusion from association with this Lodge. ARTICLE Y. OF DISTRESSED MASONS. Sec. 1. — All applications of distressed Masons for relief, shall be made to the Lodge through a member. Any fail- ure on the part of a member in the discharge of this duty shall be deemed an offence against the Society, one of the. leading objects of which is the dispensation of relief to dis- tressed members of the fraternity. AETICLE YL Sec. 1. — £To member shall be allowed to vote on the dis- posal of any property or funds of the Lodge until he shall have paid all his dues to the quarter then current. Sec. 2. — And if on any occasion of balloting a member shall intentionally exhibit his vote he shall pay a fine of two dollars. AETICLE YIL OF WITHDRAWALS AND CERTIFICATES. Sec 1. — No member shall be permitted to withdraw from this Lodge until he produce the Secretary's receipt for all dues, and it fairly appears he labors under no Masonic cen- sure. And moreover, after having so withdrawn, he shall be subject in every respect on application for re-admittance to the regulations regarding Masons made in other Lodges, and applying to be admitted members of this. Sec 2. — Any member of the Lodge in good standing, being about to travel, shall on paying to the Secretary the sum of Two Dollars, be entitled to a certificate with the seal of the Lodge affixed, which he shall not be compelled to deliver up, except in case of his suspension or expulsion. BY-LAWS OF ARTICLE YIIL DUES. Sec. 1. — Every member shall pay into the Lodge fund on each quarterly night, the sum of One Dollar, together with all dues incurred during the preceding quarter. AETICLE IX. OF VISITORS. Sec. 1. — A visitor shall not be allowed to speak on any question before the Lodge, unless permission be granted by the Master ; nor shall he in any case be allowed to vote. Sec. 2.— Should a visitor behave in an unbecoming man- ner while in the Lodge, he shall for the first offence be pub- licly admonished by the Master, and for the second be required to withdraw ; and shall not be again admitted, except upon due submission and the unanimous consent of the members present. Sec 3. — Masons not members of this Lodge may be per- mitted to visit at the discretion of the Lodge. ARTICLE X. OF CENSURES, SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS. Sec. 1. — Whenever a member is expelled from the Fra- ternity, the Secretary shall make known the expulsion to the Grand Lodge, that our sister Lodges may be apprised of his unworthiness. Sec 2. — The Lodge shall, at the time of the election of officers, appoint a committee of reference, to consist of at least three judicious persons, who shall patiently and impar- tially consider and pass upon all such matters of controver- sy or dispute, unfortunately arising at any time among the brothers, as may be submitted for their decision. Should either party be dissatisfied with the judgment, an appeal may be made to the Lodge. Sec 3. — Accusations against masons, within tjie jurisdic- tion of this Lodge, must be made in writing over the signa- ture of a Master Mason, and handed to the Secretary to 9 be read in open Lodge, and spread upon the minutes, after which the accused shall be served with an attested copy of the charges and specifications, together with a notice through the Post Office or otherwise, at least ten days before the day of trial, to appear and answer, and should his place of residence be at a distance, or he require more time to prepare for defence, a reasonable time may be allowed. If the residence of the accused be unknown, or he fails to ap- pear, or to show satisfactory cause for delay of proceedings, then and in that case the Lodge may proceed to examine the charges ex-parte. Sec. 4. — The examination of the charges shall be had in a Master Mason's Lodge, especially notified and convened for that purpose, at which no visitors shall be admitted, except as counsel or witnesses, and the Lodge must be called off during the necessary presence of such persons, if they be not Master Masons. Sec 5.-— The accused may select his own counsel, and the witnesses shall testify on their honor. Hearsay evidence must, be excluded. If testimony be taken out of the Lodge, the ac- cused, if he answer or appear, shall be duly notified of the time and place where such evidence will be taken, that he may have an opportunity of being present. Sec. 6. — Eo irrelevant questions or testimony shall be allowed in the examination of witnesses. The Master may conduct the examination on behalf of the Lodge, or it may appoint a committee for that purpose, and the questions to^ as well -as the answers by the witnesses, must be carefully noted down, read, and if necessary, amended in their pres- ence, and then spread upon the minutes. Sec. 7. — When the examination is closed, the accused shall then be heard in defence, either in person or through his counselj after which all who are not members of the Lodge shall re ire, and if during the examination it shall have been called off, the Lodge must then be called on. Sec 8.— The question, guilty or not guilty, shall be put to the Lodge, upon each separate specification, wdiich a majori- 10 BY-LAWS OF ty of the members present shall determine by ballot, and- if the accused be found guilty of any one or more of the charges or specifications, then the penalty shall be determined in like manner, taking the question upon the highest penalty, (expulsion) first, a vote of two-thirds of the members present being necessary to expel or suspend. The particular charges or specifications upon which the accused shall be found guil- ty, together with the sentence determined upon, must be spread upon the minutes. Sec. 9. — A brother feeling himself aggrieved by the decis- ion of the Lodge, shall have the right of an appeal to the Grand Lodge, he having given due and timely notice to the Lodge of his intention so to appeal from its de- cision, and the Secretary of the Lodge, if required, shall furnish him with a copy of all the proceedings touching his case. When the Lodge shall expel or suspend a brother, all the proceedings, embracing the charges, specifications, evi- dence on both sides, verdict upon each charge or specifi- cation, and the sentence, shall be sent up, under the seal of the Lodge, and attested by the Secretary, at the ensuing meeting of the Grand Lodge, for examination. AETICLE XL Seg. 1. — ~No business can be transacted at an extra, meet- ting other than that for which it was called, nor can such meeting receive petitions, ballot, or engage in any other business affecting the general interest of the craft. The presence of Grand officers warrant exceptions. AETICLE XII. Sec. 1. — All former laws for the regulation of this Lodge are hereby repealed, nor shall any alteration take place in these, but in the following manner, viz : A proposition shall be made on a stated Lodge night, and on the next succeeding Lodge night, it shall be taken into consideration and acted on : provided the Secretary has given general notice of the 11 business of the Lodge. Of the members present entitled to vote,- two-thirds must concur before the proposed alteration can be made. PRIVATE RULES AND LAWS. Sec. 1. — Every member when he speaks in the Lodge, shall address the Master standing ; nor shall he be interrupted unless deviating from the subject, when it shall be the duty of the Master, to call him to order. After he has been set right, he may again proceed ; but no member shall speak more than twice on the same subject, unless he obtain per- mission from the Master, or to explain himself. Sec 2. — When two members rise to speak, the master shall declare who has the priority, and the other shall take his seat until the member entitled to the floor, has delivered his sentiments. Sec 3.-^Any member who shall move about from place to place, unless in the execution of his office, go out without leave of the Master, speak profanely or treat any officer or member with rudeness, shall pay a fine of Two Dollars for the first offence, and for the second, be censured from the Chair. Sec 4. — Every member shall appear in the Lodge decent- ly clothed, and if any one should presume to enter in a state of intoxication, he shall pay to the Lodge fund Three Dollars lor the first offence, and be admonished from the chair. For a second offence of the same kind, he shall suffer three months suspension from the Lodge. Sec 5. — Should any member so far forget the dignity of his character as to behave riotously, abuse, quarrel, or pro- mote quarrels among his brethren after the Lodge is closed, he shall for the first offence pay to the Lodge fund Five Dol- lars, and fie ' a second be subject to censure, suspension or ex- pulsion, as the Lodge may determine. 12 BY-LAWS OF ST. JOHN^ LODGE. Sec. 6 — These laws shall be written in a book, subjoined to the general laws, and each member shall subscribe them, and afterwards be bound by them so long as they continue in force. Sec 7. — Every member shall be furnished witli a printed copy of these By-Laws, on his joining the Lodge, and they shall be read to, or permitted to be read by each candidate before his initiation, that he may be enabled to form a prop- er estimate of the code by which he shall be governed after his admission as a Mason.