BY AUTHORITY. ^3 THE STATUTES AT LARGE Confederate States of America, COMMENCING WITH THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FIEST CONGRESS; 1862. Carefulln collated tuiti) ti)c (Q)vtgtnai0 at Hicljiuond. EDITEB BV JAMES M. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAW CLERK IX THE DEPAKTMEKT OF Jl'STIOli. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. RlCHMOx\Di R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. 18 62. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PUBLIC LAWS CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION FIRST CONGRESS; 1862. t5ar«f«Up toUatfin mil) tl)£ (Drigutala at Wic^manh. EDITED BY JAMES M. MATTHEWS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AHD lAW CLBBH IS THE BSPAKTMEHT OF JTOTIOE. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. RICHMOND: R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. 18 62. ADYERTISEMENT. Confederate States op America, Department of Justice, Richmond, June 1, 1862. By an Act of the Provisional Congress, approved on the 5th day of August, 1861, section third, it was made, inter alia, "the duty of the Attorney General, at the close of each session of Congress, to cause all the laws and resolutions having the force of laws, and all treaties entered into by the Confederate States, to be published under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Printing." This section was amended by a further act, approved on the 17th day of February, 1862, which provides, " That the third section of said act be so amended as to authorise the Attorney General to cause three thousand copies of the Provisional and Permanent Constitu- tion, and of all the acts and resolutions and treaties of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States which are not secret, to be published in one volume, at the close of the present session of Congress, arranged, and with marginal notes, and in- dexed, as provided in said act." The effect of this amendment, it will be observed, is to repeal the third section of the first mentioned act, so far as it applies to the legisla- tion of the Provisional Congress, and restrict its application to the laws and resolu- tions passed by Congress under the Permanent Constitution, and to treaties entered into by the Confederate States under that Constitution. For sometime after the passage of the act of the 5th day of August last, it was impossible to comply with its requirements because of the fact that the requisite paper — "paper equal in quality to the edition of the laws of the United States, as annually published by Little & Brown," — could not be procured; and it was not till very recently that the Superintendent of Public Printing succeeded in obtaining it. For this reason the laws and resolutions have been published, heretofore, uniler spe- cial resolutions of Congress/for temporary convenience, on paper of inferior quality, and without regard to the provisions of the act. This is the first publication that has been made in conformity with its provisions. The following laws and resolutions have been carefully compared with the original Rolls on file in this Department, and all typographical errors other than those noted in the table of errata, corrected. Where anything essential to complete the sense is omitted in the Rolls it is inserted in the text, included in brackets. JAMES M. MATTHEWS, Law Clerk. RBC MeU LIST PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OP CONGRESS. 2lct3 of i\)t iirst OUongrEss of tl)£ ©onfekratc Staks. STATUTE I.— 1862. PAOS. Witr Deportment. An Act supplementary to An Act entitled " An Act to establish the War Department," ap- proved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. February 27, 1862, ch. 1 1 Writ of ffabeas Corpus suspended. An act to authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases. February 27, 1S62, ch. 2 1 Glerical force of the War DepartTneni increased. An Act to increase the clerical force of the War Deparment. March 4, 1862, ch. 3 1 Public Printing. An Act to amend An Act entitled " An Act in relation to Public Prtnting," approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and aLxtj-one. March 14, 1862, ch. 4 3 Destruction of property and indemnity therefor. An Act to regulate the destruction of property under military necessity, and to pi ovide for the indemnity thereof. March 17, 1862, ch. 5 3 Pay of Officers of the Senate and House of Sepresentatives. An Act to regulate the compensation of the officers of the Senate and of the House of Representatives. March 24, ] 862, ch. 6 3 Post Routes estcLbliahed. An Act to establish certain Post Routes therein named. March 24, 1862, ch. 7 8 Defence of Mobile Bay and the AldbaTYva Piver. An Act to provide for the further defence of the Bay of Mobile, and the Alabama River. March 24, 1862, ch. 8... 4 Staf^ etc.f of General at the seat of Government. An Act to provide a staff and clerical forcefor any General who may be assigned by the President to duty at the seat of Government. March 25, 1862, ch. 9 4 Oi>r7vpe7isation of Mernbers of Congress, An Act to regulate the compensation of Members of Congress. March 25, lb62, ch. 10 4 Mode of paying Members of Congress and disbwrsement of Ooniingeni Fund. An Act to regulate the mode of pajiog the members of the fjenate and House of Kepreaentativea, and the disbursement of the contingent fund. March 26, 1862, ch. 11 . . . , , . . . . ft Confederate Court for Northern District of Georgia. An Act to fii the times for holding the Confederate Court for the Northern District of Georgia. March 28, 1S63, ch. 12 6 States assuming payment of the War Tax. An Act to enable the States assuming the payment of their quotas of ihe war tax, to pay the same into the Treasury, Apiil 2, 1862, ch. 13 t President's personal Staff. An Act to authorize the President to increase his personal staff. April 2, 1862, ch, 14. 7 Oompensation of the President. An Act to fix. the compensation of the President of the Confederate States. April 3, 18t2, ch. 15 7 Appropriations for the support of the Government. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Gov- ment from April first to the thirtieth of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and for objects here- inafter expressed. April 3, 1862, ch. 16 7 Pv^Uc Defence. An Act to amend An Act approved May 10th, 1861, entitled "An Act to amend An Act to provide for the public defence," approved March 6th, 1861. April 3, 1862, ch. 17 10 Dy^ on railroad iron i^emitted. An Act to remit the duty on railroad iron sufficient to complete the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad. April 7, 1S62, ch. IS 11^_ Arkansas and Red River Superintendency of Indian Affairs, No, 11. Thanks of Ccmgress to the officers, int Resolation to authorize the joint committee on public hoildings to rent rooms for the Treasury Department. April 2 1, 1862.. 6& EREATA. Pagt, Ch. Sect. Litu. 29, 28, 1, 2, After the word " Secretary," read " of the Treasury." 33, 34, 2, 2, For "or" read "of." PUBLIC ACTS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS CONPEDERATB STATES, Passed at the first session, which was begun and held at the City of Richmond, in the State of Virginia, on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of February, A. D., 1862, and ended on Monday, the twenty-first day of April, A. B., 1862. Jefferson Davis, President. Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-Pre- sident, and President of the Senate. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives. 'Ohap. I. — An Act supplementary; to An Act entitled ^^ An Act to establish the War Depart- Feb. 2T, 18S3. ment,^^ approved Fel^riiary twenty-first, eighteen hwndred and sixty-one. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Army officer, ap- if any officer of the army be appointed Secretary of War, and enter {J°\^3V! not^tr^se upon the duties of that office, he shall not thereby lose his rank in the Wsrank. army, but only the pay and allowance thereof, during the time he is Secretary of War, and receiving the salary of that officer. Approved Feb. 27, 1862. Chap. n. — An Act to authorize the suspension of the writ of halteas corpus in cerUiin casea. Feb. 37, 1863. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That SuspensioQ of the , . ,, ° ■', . . -^ f ,, „ c J t ctt i i\ -n • 1 i w"' "' habeas eor- •dunng the present invasion of the Confederate States, the President pus. , . shall have power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in such cities, towns and military districts as shall, in his judgment, be in such danger of attack by the enemy as to require the declaration of martial law for their effective defence. Approved Feb. 27, 1862. CaiP. Jn.—An Act to increase the Clerical Force of the War Department. March 14, 1882. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That Clerical force in- there be added to the number of clerks now authorized by law in the i)?^irtmeni. War Department, twenty additional clerks, to be divided among the I EIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. 'Ch. 4, 5, 6. 1862r. CoirpensaUon. sei'cral Bureaus, in such propoi tion as the Secretary of War may deem most advantageous, to receive compensation as follows, to-wit: Six at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum ; six at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, and eight at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum. Approved March 14, 1862. March 14, 1862'. Chap. IV. — An Act to amend An Act entitled An Act in relation to PuhUc Prmiing, approvecf February twenty-seventh^ eighteen hundred and svxty-(yne. Act of 1S61, Feb'y The Congrcss of Ike Confederate States of Jtmerica do enact, That ■I, amen e . ^j^^ eleventh section of the act of the Provisional Congress, entitled "An Act in relation to public printing," adopted the twenty-seventh , day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same is hereby, so amended as to authorise the Postmaster-General, when, in his opinion, sufficient notice will not be given of advertisements for carrying the mail, by inserting such advertisements in three newspa- ,j .. . pers in each State, to advertise such proposals in such additional num- .lai.H for carrying the ber ot papers as may be necessary to give them ruil publicity ;i fro- uumber°of papers"''' ^2 '^^'■■^', by SO doing, no greater expense be incurred than if said advertisements be inserted in but three newspapers. Approved March 14, 1862. March 17, '662. Cn.vp. V. — An Aci to regulate the d-estruction of property under military necesaily, andtopro' inde for the indemnity thereof. Destruction ot cot- The Consn'ess of the Confederate States of Ameaica do enact, That tun, tobacco or other ,, -i-, ji-,- r ,i /^ ci ,a i t l\ property, authorized, the military authorities of the Confederate Army are hereby anttior- ized and directed to destroy cotton, tobacco, military and naval stores, or other property of any kind whatever, which may aid the enemy in the prosecution of the war, when necessary to prevent the same, or any part thereof, from falling into the hands of the enerny- Perpetuation of the Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the owners of property destroy- .St'ruotionaccord'ing ^'^ Under the Operation of this Act, as well as those persons who shall to act of issi, Aug. vol'jntarily de.stroy their property to prevent the same from falling into ''■ the hands of the enemy, are hereby authorized to perpetuate the tes- timony of such destruction, in the manner prescribed by an Act of the Provisional Congress, entitled "An Act to perpetuate testimony in cases of slaves abducted or harbored by the enemy, and of other pro- pert}- seized, wasted or destroyed by them," approved thirtieth August, rnticmnity to own- eighteen hundred and sixty -one ; and such owners and persons shall iraTun"/ ^*"'"'^°'™''"^ ®"^'"^*^ ^° '"'^^'^'^''-^ out of the proceeds of property sequestered and confiscated under the laws of the Confederate States, in such manner as Congress may hereafter provide. Approved March 17, 1862. March 24, 1862. Cinp. Yi.—An Act to regulate the compejisation of the Officers of the Senate amd of the House of — ~- . Sepresentativcs. Salary of the Sec- The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That re ary uena e. ^j^^ Secretary of the Senate shall receive an annual salary of twenty- five hundred dollars, payable monthly. That the Secretary of the FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1862. ' 3 Senate be allowed to appoint an assistant Secretary at a salary of two Secretary may ap'- thousand dollars per annum, and two clerks at a salary of fifteen hun- secretary and"" two dred dollars per annum, each, payable monthly. That the Sergeant- i-ierks. at-arms of the Senate, shall receive an annual salary of two thousand salaries "of ' Scr- dollars; and the Doorkeeper of the Senate shall receive an annual seajjt-at-arms.^^Door^ salary of fifteen hundred dollars; and the Assistant Doorkeeper, shall the Senate. receive an annual salarj' of twelve hundred dollars, all payable month- ly ; and the Page of the Senate, shalt receive an allowance of two dollars per day, during the session of the Senate. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the Clerk of the House of Rep- House'ot Repre^sent^' resentatives shad receive an annual salary of twenty-tive hundred 'JTes. dollars, payable monthly. That the Clerk of the House of Represen- cierk may appoint tatives be allowed to appoint three assistants, at a salary of fifteen ^^^^^^ sataries™'"'"" hundred dollars per annum, each, payable monthly. That the Door- salaries of Door- keeper of the House of Representatives receive an annual salary of H'^^pers and Pageaof two thousand dollars, and the assistant Doorkeeper shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, payable monthly; and the Pages of the House of Representatives shall receive each, an allow- ance of two dollars per day, during the session of the House. Approved March 24, 1862. Chap. VII. — An Act to establW^ cei'tain Post Routes therein named. March 24, 1SC2. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Certain post routes ,,/.,.• L t t • 1 ii • L. L I J L established; arid ac- the toUowing post routes, upon which the service has been placed by ii„n of Postmaster the Postmaster General, be, and the same are hereby established, and General in putting . . . . . , -I • 1 • 1 , mail service on same, nis action, in putting the mail service upon the same, is hereby con- confirmed, firmed, to wit : A post route from Hernando, by Pleasant Hill, to Olive Branch in the State of Mississippi; also one from Waxahachie, by Alvarado and Buchanan, to Acton, in the State of Texas; also, from Goliad, by Cummengsville, Beeville and San Domingo, to Oakville, in said State of Texas ; also, one from Sherman, by Chalybeate Springs, Dickenson, Delaware and Horse Shoe Bend, to Gainsville, all in the State of Texas ; also, one from Dresden, by White Rock, Hillsboro and Covington, tn Grand View, in said State of Texas. Sec. 2. The following new routes are also hereby established, viz: EstaWishnie.-it of one from Camden by Buffalo, to Miller's Bluff, in Ouachita county, in routes? ° " ^"^ the State of Arkansas ; also, one from Walnut Hill, in Lafayette coun- ty, in the Slate of Arkansas, by Spring Bank, Bright Star and Court- land, Cass county, Texas, to Havannah of the county and State last aforesaid ; also, a post route in the State of Arkansas, from Washing- ton, in Hempstead county, by Ozan Postoffice, Willon Postoflice, on the Little Missouri river, Caddo Gap or Centreville Postoffice, Caddo Postoffi'ceatFarr'sMill.McConneirsMill.Goodner's, Hickey's,Waldron Postoffice, to Fort Smith, in Sebastian county; also, the follow"ing routes in the State of Georgia, to wit : from Valdosta, by R. P. Hutch- inson's to Irwinville; also from Covington, by way of Oak Hill and McDoiiough to Jonesboro • also, a post route from Jonesborough, in the State of Tennessee, to Grassy Cieek, in the State of North Carolina, crossing the Iron Mountain where the McDowell and Yancey turnpike road terminates. Approved March 24, 1862. 4 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8, 9, 10. 1862. Marc}) 24, S62. Chap. vm. — An Act to provide for thefurtTter defence of the Bay ofMbMle,aiid theAla- ia/ma Eivev. Appropriation for ihe Conffress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the defence of Mobile , ° ' ^ i j •!. i j u - i. i_ Bay and the Alabama the sum 01 One million and two hundred thousand dollars is hereby '^^"'" appropriated for the further defence of the Bay of Mobile, and the Alabama river, to be expended, at the discretion of the President, by the Secretary of the Navy: and that the disbursement of said money shall be made in the manner provided by law for appropriations for the Nav3'. President may raise g^c. 2. Be it further enacted, That the President is hereby author- a corps for service m., . r , -i • -fir said bay and river, ized to raise a corps for the temporary and special service provided lor in the first section of this act in the Bay of Mobile, and the Alabama river, consisting of a number of men not exceeding six thousand, and of such commissioned and non-commissioned officers, and of such rank as the President may deem necessary, who shall severally receive such pay and allowances as he may determine. Approved March 24, 1862. March 25, 1862. Chap. IX. — An Act to rpromde a staff and clerical force for any General ijolio may "be assigned ly the President to duty at the seat of Government. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That whenever the Pre.sident shall assign a General to duty at (he seat of Government, the said General shall be entitled to the following staff, 6,^2dtoTuty"t"seat 'o wit : A military Secretary, with the rank of Colonel; four aids-de- of Government. camps, with the rank of Major; and such clerks, not to exceed four Pay and"uowances. in number, as the President shall, from time to time, authorize. The pay and allowance of the Military Secretary and aids-de-camp, shall be the same as those of officers of cavalry of like grade ; and the sal- aries of the clerks shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum OfBces.fuei, 4c., to for each. Such offices, office furniture, fuel and stationery, shall be D6 proviQ6u. provided for the said General as the duties of his office may render necessary, to be paid for out of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the War Department. Approved March 25, 1862. March 25, 1862. CuAP. X.— An Act to regulate the compensation of Memiers of Congrets. miS,"ro°f1™to?s! The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That Bepresentatives and the Compensation of each Senator, Representative and Delegate in gresf.'"^^ '" °° Congress shall be twenty-seven hundred and sixty dollars for each year, and mileage at the rate of twentj' cents per mile for each session. When receivable, (q ^e paid in manner following, to wit: On the first day of the ''=ss. time to time, in such sums as the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House may approve, on the requisition and draft of the Sergeant-at-arms of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, re- spectively, and shall be kept, disbursed and accounted for by them, re- t^v ^ , atob,, spectively, according to law, who are hereby deemed and declared to disbursing officers of be disbursing officers. said appropriations. Sec. 4. The said Sergeant-at'arms and Clerk shall each, within ten To give bond. days after the passage of this act, enter into bond, with one or more sureties each, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the Penalty. penal sum of five thousand dollars each, with condition for the faith- Condition. ful application and disbursement of such funds as may come into their hands, respectively, or may be drawn from the Treasury, under this 6 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12, 13. 1862. ■Je^M*'™'^^'"''^ °'' ^"y °'^^'' '^'^'i ^^"'lif^l^ bonds shall be deposited in the Treasurer's office, and it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-arms and Clerk, here- Bisbursinj officers after chosen, to give bond as aforesaid, within ten days after his elec- hereafter chosen like- tion and Undertaking the duties thei'eof, and before he shall draw any wiee to gi7e bond. j r^ i • -i- i? • i draft or make any requisition as aforesaid. Sec. 5. All payments on account of the compensation due by law Payments to be by to the members and officers of the Senate and House of Representa- ' '^' tives, respectively, shall be by drafts drawn by the Sergeant-at-arms of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, respectively, on the Treasu- rer, to be verified by the certificates of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House aforesaid. Disbursement of Sec. 6. The disbursement of the contingent funds of the two Houses, |e°cf to 'appreraro'f hereby placed under the control of the said Sergeant-at-arms and committee of ac- Clerk, respectively, shall, before payment, be approved by the Com- rrittee of Accounts in each of said Houses respectively. 5ubmitted','"and'°d!'st ^^^- "^ ' "^he said Sergeant-at-arms and Clerk shall regularly submit bursemeut to be in estimates to their respective Committees on Accounts, and no disburse- Mcordance with esti- ^^^^^ ^j- jj^^ contingent funds of either House shall be audited by said committees, except in accordance with such estimates. Tabular statements Sec. 8. The said Sergeant-at-arms and Clerk shall, as soon as prac- bursfncl^fficers^at'the t'cable after the close of the present and each succeeding session, close of each session, make Up a tabular statement of all appropriations made during the ses- sion, and also a table or statement showing the names and compensa- tion of the clerks and officers of each House, together with a detailed statement of the items of expenditure out of said contingent funds for the next immediately preceding session ; in which statement the dis- bursements shall be arranged under the several heads of printing, sta- tionery, and so on, until each and every head of expenditure has been specified and described, with the cost of ever)' item: and which state- ment shall exhibit, also, the several sums drawn by the said Sergeant- at-arms and Clerk, respectively, from the Treasury, and the balances, if any, remaining in their hands. Said Sergeant-at-arms and Clerk prtote'™lnd sent 'to shall cause Said statements to be printed and a copy thereof sent to each members of Congress member of the Senate and House of Representatives, as soon as prac- ticable. Approved March 26, 1862. M.-.,!, oa - QA--> Chjlp XII — An Act to Hx the times for holcUna tht> Confederate Court for the ITorthem JHstriet March /a, jbti.,. - ^^ Georgia. Time for holding The Co!7gress of the Confederate States of .America do enact, That ocnfederate court for [jereafter the Confederate Court for the Northern District of Georgia Georgfa" '^ ™ " shall be held on the first Wednesday in the months of June aud De- cember in each year. Laws repealed Sec. 2. That all laws Conflicting with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved March 28, 1862. 1 -1 o ^'dnance and Ordnance Stores, one million, six hundred and sixt)' thousand dollars. Nautical instru- For purchase of nautical instruments, books and charts, fifty thou- '°*'"'- sand dollars. Iron-clad vessels. Por Construction of iron-clad vessels, three millions of dollars. Equipments, ic, of For equipment and repair of vessels, three hundred and fifty thou- vcssels. J J 11 sand dollars. ^"^'- For purchase of fuel for steamers, navy-yards, and stations, one million dollars. ^Medical supplies, ^qv medical supplies and surgeon's necessaries, sixty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Contingents. ^q,. contingents enumerated, four hundred thousand dollars. Hemp. por purchase of hemp for the Navy, seventy-five thousand dollars. Marine Corps. For support of the Marine Corps (including Bounty) two hundred and fort^'-three thousand three hundred and twenty-two dollars. Iron-dad vessels in For Construction of iron-clad vessels in Europe, two millions of Europe. 11, dollars. Territorial. Territorial. — For salaries of the Governor and Commissioner of In- Arisona Territory, dian Affairs and Secretary, Judges, Attorney and Marshal of Arizona Territory, six thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation of members of the Legislative Assembly of Ari- zona Territory and pay of officers, tweWe thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona Territory, including printing the laws, five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of Arizona Territory, seven hundred and seven dollars. Approved April 3, 1862. April S, ISCl. Chap. 'STU.—An Act to amend An Act approved May, lOiA, 1S61, entitled "An Act to amend ! An Act to prwide for Vie pvolic rfc/ence," approved March 6Wi, 1S61. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the act approved May 10th, 1861, entitled an act to amend an act to FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 18, 19. 1862. 11 provide for the public defence, approved March 6th, 1861, be, and the-j|,^cwjM^ May same is hereby so amended as to apply also to companies received into apply to companies service for duty as Heavy Artillery. Sry. ''' "'"'^ Sec. 2. The provisions of this act and of the act of May 10th, 1861, jjn°J''J,7Li'ht°°"d shall extend to all companies of Light and Heavy Artillery, which are Heavy Artnilry."" now in, or may be hereafter received into the service, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Approved April 3, 1862. Chap. XVm. —An Act to remit tlie duty on Railroad iron sufficient to complete the Alabama and Mississippi Hivers Railroad, April T, 1S63. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Duty on certain the duty on Railroad iron sufficient to complete the road on the route ",5'™^* '™°' "™'' from Selma in Alabama to Meridian in Mississippi, held in bond, or which may hereafter be imported, and procured for the purpose stated be, and the same is hereby remitted: Providei, such iron shall be im- Proviso, ported or purchased and used solely for the purpose stated, within three, months from the date of the passage of this act. Approved April 7, 1862. Chap. XIX. — An Act to provide for the organization of the Arkansas and Red River Superin- tendency of Indian AJfairs, to regulate trade and intercourse with the India-ns therein, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. April 3, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Superintendency of Indian Affairs, for all the Indian country an- nexed to the Confederate States, that lies west of Arkansas and Mis- souri, north of Texas, and east of Texas and New Mexico, is hereby continued, and shall be called the Arkansas and Red River Superin- tendency of Indian Affairs, and the Superintendent thereof shall reside at Fort Smith, or Van Buren, in the State of Arkansas, until other- wise ordered by the President ; shall give bond to the Confederate States, with sufficient sureties, in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, conditioned like those of the agents hereinafter prescribed, and shall receive a salar}' of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and be allowed a clerk, at an annual compensation of one thousand dol- lars. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That the Superintendent of In- dian Affairs for the Arkansas and Red River Superintendency, shall, within his superintendency, exercise a general supervision and con- trol over the official conduct and accounts of all officers and persons employed by the Government in the Indian Department, under such regulations ,as shall be adopted or established b_v the President of the Confederate States; and may suspend such officers and persons from their ofBces or employments, for reasons forthwith to be communicated to the Secretary of War. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the following Indian Agents shall be continued or appointed by the President, each of ,whom shall give bond, with two or more sureties, to the Confederate States, in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, if he disburses annually more than fifty thousand dollars ; and in ten thousand dollars, if he disburses annually less than fifty thousand dollars and more than twenty thousand Arkansas and Red River Superintenden- cy of Indian Affairs. Bond. Condition. Blay suspend ofli" cers and others. Indian Agents. 12 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. dollars; and in the sum of five thousand dollars, if he disburses annually Condition. less than twenty thousand dollars; conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of their office, and that he will faithfully dis- burse, pay out and apply all moneys placed in his hands as agent, and render true and just accounts, as provided by the regulations of the War Department, of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys and property of every description entrusted to him, or coming to his hands in his official capacity, and pay over all balances and deliver all pro- perty that may, at any time, remain in his hands, on the order or re- Compenaation. quisition of the War Department or Bureau of Indian Affairs ; and each of such agents shall receive an annual compensation of fifteen hundred dollars ; that is to say : Osage Agency. An Agent for the Osages, Senecas, Senecas and Sharwnees and Qua- paws, whose agency shall be known as the Osage Agency ; Cherokee Agency. An Agent for the Cherokees, whose agency shall be known as the Cherokee Agency ; Creek Agency. An Agent for the Creeks, whose agency shall be known as the Creek Agency; Seminole Agency. An agent for the Seminoles, whose agency shall be known as the Seminole Agency ; cwctasaw Ajency"^ ^'^ agent for the Choctaws and Chickasavvs, whose agency shall be known as the Choctaw and Chickasaw Agency; ^ Wichita Reserve An agent for the Wichitas, Comanches, Kichais, Huecos, Cado-ha- da-chos, Ta-hua-ca-ros, Ton-ca-wes, An-a dagh-cos, Ai-o-nais, Kicka- poos, Shawnees and Delawares, in the country leased from the Choc- taws and Chickasaws, whose agency shall be known as the Wichita Reserve Agency. Discontinuance or Sec. 4. And be it furt/ier enacted, That the President shall be, and ansero agency, j^^ j^ hereby, authorized, whenever he may deem it expedient, to dis- continue any Indian Agency, or to transfer the same from the place or Nation designated by law, to such other place or Nation, as the public service may require. wiiere .agent to re- Sec. 5. And be it furthei' enacted, That every Indian Agent shall reside and keep his agency upon the reserve selected for an agency, within the country of the Nation, or one of the Nations for which he may be agent, and shall not depart from the limits of such country at any time, or for any length of time, without the permission of the Superintendent, or of the Commissioner of Indian Affiiirs, granted for special and urgent reasons only, on penalty of immediate removal from office. Limits of each Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the limits of each agency agency. shall be the country of the Nation, or Nations, for which it is estab- Duties of agents, lished. And it shall be the duty of each agent, within the limits of his agency, to manage and superintend the intercourse with the In- dians, agreeably to law; to obey all legal instructions given to him by the Secretaiy of War, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and to carry into effect such regula- tions as may be prescribed by the Pre.sident. Additional security Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the President may at any time require additional security, and, in larser amounts, from all per- (sons charged or entrusted, under the laws of the Confederate States, with the tran.sportation, disbursement or application of money, goods or effects of any kind, on account of the Indian Department. Interpreter allowed Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That one interpreter shall be each agency. allowed to each agency, except that for the Wichitas and other bands, who shall receive an annual compensation of lour hundred dollars ; Compensation. ^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^ ^^^ AVichita Agency one may be allowed for each FIEST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. 13 different language spoken, each of whom shall receive a compensation of four hundred dollars per annum ; except those for the Comanches, and for the Wichitas, Hue-cos, and Ta-hua-ca-ros, each of whom shall receive a compensation of four hundred dollars per annum, or, in lieu of part of these, one interpreter maybe employed for the Comanches, Wichitas, Hue-cos, Ta-hua-ca-ros, Cado-ho-da-chos, and An-a-dagh- cos, at a compensation of one thousand dollars per annum. These interpreters shall be selected by the Superintendent, on the recom- mendation of the respective agents, or upon his own knowledge of their competency and good character, and may be suspended bj* the agent, from pay and duty, the circumstances being by him reported to the Superintendent for final action. In the appointment of interpre- ters, preference shall be given to persons of Indian descent, and of the preference given same nation, for which they are appointed, if such can be found, who '» persons of Indian are properly qualified for the execution of their duties. Sec. 9. And he it further enacted, That blacksmiths and wagon- Blacksmiths and makers shall, in like manner, be employed, wherever required by w^gon-maiters. Treaty stipulations, and shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by treaties, or in the absence of such provision by treaty, an annual compensation of not more than seven hundred and fifty dollars ; Compensation, and if they furnish their shop and tools, an additional compensation of .one hundred and twenty dollars per annum : and their assistants shall Their assistants. be allowed an .annual compensation of two hundred and forty dollars ; and whenever other mechanics, teachers or physicians are required by other mechanics Treaty stipulations to be provided, they shall be, in like manner em- teachers or physi- ployed, and the male teachers shall receive an annual compensation of ""c^^np^n^aUon. not more than one thousand dollars, female teachers an annual com- pensation of not more than six hundred dollars; physicians an annual compensation of not more than one thousand dollars, and mechanics an annual compensation of not more than seven hundred and fifty- dollars. Farmers and laborers, required by Treaty stipulations )o be furnished, shall be employed by the Agents, subject to the approval of the Superintendent, unless the Superintendent himself sees fit to em- ploy them, vi'hich he may do ; and their compensation shall not, in any case, be greater for farmers than six hundred dollars per annum, and for laborers, than forty dollars per month. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the salaries and annual salaries, 4c., to be compensations provided by this act shall be in full of all emoluments jJJeits! e°xcept ^6^."" or allowances whatever, except such fees as are hereinafter specially allowed to be received : Provided, however. That reasonable allow- _ ances and provisions may be made for office rent and office contingen- cies ; and that when the Superintendent or Agent is required, in the performance of the duties prescribed by this act, to travel from one place to another, he shall be allowed the same expenses of travel, or mileage and transportation, as may be allowed to officers of the army, and such additional allowance for transportation and expenses of tra- veling in the Indian country, as the Secretary may be satisfied is just; hni provided, also, that no allowance shall be made to any such officer Proviso for travel or expenses, in going to the Seat of Government to settle his accDunts, or returning therefrom, unless ordered thither for that purpose, by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or Secretary of War. Sec. 11. And he it further enacted. That no person shall hold more no person to hoW than one office under this act at one and the same time ; nor shall any more than one office. . ■ I 1- u-1 u 1 Agent or interpre- Agent or Interpreter receive any salary or compensation, while absent ter absent withont from the Agency, without leave of the Superintendent or Commission- ^^l^?' '° ^'^'^^■""^ e« er of Indian Affairs; >ind if an Interpreter be absent, without leave of 14 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. and Interpreter {{je Superintendent or Comn:iissioner, for more than sixty days, at any may be removed from .' -luni xc-i. ri- ir /n office. one time, it shall be snfiicient cause of his removal from oince. Superintendents, Sec. 12. And he it further enacted, That no Superintendent, Agent fl-sr^noT to'ta'de o'' Interpreter, shall have any interest or concern in any mercantile wiUiindians; establishment in the Indian country, or in any trade carried on with the Indians, under the penalty of immediate removal from office, and perpetual disqualification to hold any office under the Indian Bureau ; nor be concerned and neither of them shall be concerned or interested in any claim on LVfTf rteTndLns; behalf of the Indians against the Confederate States, of any kind nor to receive whatever, nor receive any compensation fee or gratuity whatever any compensation „ ii_ij- • i r r ■ -lU for certain services, irom the Indians, in any shape, manner or lorm, for any services in trie presentation or recovery of any such claim, or the collection of any moneys from the Government, for individual Indians, or for the Na- Penaity. tion ; and any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of misde- meanor in office, corruption and extortion, shall be forthwith removed, and, upon conviction thereof by indictment, shall be punished by fine of not less than five hundred, nor more than five thousand dollars, and imprisonment not less than six months nor more than five years, and be condemned to make restitution of the whole amount of the compen- sation, fee or gratuity, so received, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the time when he received the same ; and shall also be forever disqualified to hold any office, civil or military, under the Confederate States. Paymests of annu- Seu. 13. And be. it further enacted. That payment of all annuities, and other sums of money, stipulated b3' treaty or directed by law, to be paid to the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws and Chickasaws, shall be made to the Treasurer of each Nation, or to such other person or per- sons, as the legislative power of each may direct; and the moneys so received shall be disposed of by the authorities of the Nation, without any interference on the part of any Department, Bureau or office of the Government of the Confederate States. Payments of all sums of money to be made to the Seminole Nation, and to any other tribes or bands of Indians in the said superintendencj', shall be made to the Treasurer, Chiefs, or per capita, as the treaties may provide, or, in the absence of treaty provisions, as the Commissioner of Indian Affairs shall, in each case, direct. % whom payments Sec. 14. And be it further enacted. That all payments of moneys to o- moneys o ema e. _^^^ ^j. ^_^.j [,g(iQ|-|j;^ ti'ibes Or bands, shall be made by such persons as the President shall designate for (hat purpose ; and that he may, at his discretion, entrust military officers with such payments ; in which case the duty shall be performed bj' them, without other compensation than the ordinary allowances for travel and transportation. Penaityagains t Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That if any Agent of the Con- meiit; ° ™ "^ ^ " federate States lor any nation, tribe or band of Indians, shall convert to his own use, or inipropeily withhold fi'om any of the Indians under his charge, any article, or any part or quantity of any article of pro- visions, clothing, merchandize, or other thing whatever, placed in his hands by the Government of the Confederate States, for distribution or delivery to such Indians, or any moneys, to any amount whatever, placed in his hands to be paid to them, or to be expended for their benefit, whether by the United States heretofore, or by the Coafede- or for employing rate States heretofore or hereafter, or shall employ in his own private Mi'egovern'meTt'toas- service and ad'airs any person employed by the Government to labor siat the Indians; f^,. q,. assist the Indians, or shall receive from any contractor any share or for receiving of profits, per centago, compensation, or gratuity whatever, every ^Sre of "profits.' ■'""' such agent, so offending, shall be deemed guilty ofYelony, and on con- viction thereof in the proper court, shalf be fined not less than five FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. 15 hundred, nor more than fifty thousand dollars, sentenced to make full restitution to the Confederate Stales, and be imprisoned, at hard labor, not less than two, nor more than ten years. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That no exchange of funds shall f^J'^^.'^uowed "except be made by any superintendent or asrent, or, by any other disbursing for gold and silver, n- "1 r ,i_ /-■ tr jj 'J- or Treasury notes. omcer or agent ot the Government, ot any grade or denomination, whatsoever, employed in, or connected with the Indian service, other than an exchange for gold and silver, or Treasury notes ; and every ^f,]e^n"lhe"identoi such disbursing officer, when the means for his disbursements are fur- moaeys or funds re- nished him in gold and silver, shall make his payments in the identi- ''""'' " cal moneys so furnished, or when those means are furnished to him in Treasury warrants or drafts, shall either cause such warrants nr drafts to be presented at their place of payment, and properly paid, according to law, and shall make his payments in the identical moneys so re- ceived for the drafts furnished ; unles.<5, in either case, he can exchange the means in his hands, for the gold and silver, or other kind of funds, in which they are payable, at or for more than par; and any officer, Penalty for f.iiiure. in any way, violating the provisions of this section, shall be forthwith removed from office, and upon conviction thereof, upon indictment in the proper District Court, shall be punished by fine of not less than one thousand, nor more than ten thousand dollars, be imprisoned, not less than six months, nor more than two years, and be, thereafter in- capable of holding any office of trust or profit, under the Confederate States. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That no superintendent, agent, PeM«y=|jj!n-"»f^- or other officer mentioned in the sixteenth section of this act, shall disposing of Treasury either directly or or indirectly sell or dispose of, to any person or per- °°n^' ^to!^*"^' *"' sons, firm or corporation whatsoever, any Treasury note, draft, war- rant, or other public security in his hands, as such officer, and not his private property, at par, where he can obtain a premium on the same, or for any less than the current premium, at the time and place ; nor shall sell or dispose of any specie funds, v/ith or without a premium, for any other funds ; nor shall loan any of the funds in his hands to any person whatever, nor sell the same, or any draft, warrant, or other security, to any person whatever, upon time, or to receive the pro- ceeds at a future day, however near ; and if any such officer shall, in any way, violate the preceding provisions of this section, or shall re- ceive, directly or indirectly, any premium whatever, upon the sale or disposition, or exchange, of any funds, specie, warrant, draft or secu- rity, by way of exchange, or otherwise, and shall not make true re- turn of such premium so received, and account for the same, by charging it in his accounts to the credit of the Confederate States, he shall be forthwith dismissed from office; and shall, in addition, upon To account for pre- conviction upon indictment m the proper district court, be punished and become incapable, in the same manner as is provided in the sixteenth section of this act : Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so con- . - strued as to allow disbursing officers to make payment in any other funds than specie or Treasury notes. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That the President shall be, and Rations allowed he is hereby, authorised to cause such rations as he shall judge pro- '■°'''™°' per, and as can be spared from the army provisions, without injury to the service, ■to be issued under such regulations as he shall see fit to establish ; or beef and flour, in lieu thereof, to be purchased and issued by the officers commanding military posts, to Indians who may visit such posts, and by agents to those who may visit their agencies, and to councils called by authority of the Confederate States ; and special accounts of these issues shall be kept and rendered, and the thereof'' t'o\e kept. 16 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. Secretary of War may authorise the agents for the Creeks, Seminoles, - Osages and Reserve Indians to expend a sum not larger than three hundred dollars per annum, in furnishing provisions to Indians attend- ProTiso. ing councils and payments of annuities : Provided, That no money shall be expended fortliis purpose which has not been previously ap- propriated by law. Accounts of dis- Sec. 19. And be it farther enacted, That all persons whatsoever, ued^annuaHy" ""^ ^'^'" charged Or entrusted with the disbursement or application of money, goods or effects of any kind, for the benefit of the Indians, shall set- tle their accounts annually at the War Department, on the first day of Copies of same to October ; and copies of same shall be laid annually before Con- be laid before Con- gress, at the Commencement of the ensuing session, by the proper ac- ^"^"^ counting officers, together with the list of the names of all persons to whom money, goods or effects had been delivered within the year, for the benefit of Indians, specifying the amount of each, and the object for which each sum or quantity was intended, and showing who are delinquents, if any, in forwarding their accounts, according to the pro- visions of this act : and also a list of the names of all persons ap- pointed or employed under this act, with the date of appointment or employment of each, and the salary or pay of each. Who not permitted ^^c. 20. And be it further enacted. That no person, other than a «o trade with Indians member of the particular tribe or nation under treaty stipulations, or a member of another Indian nation or tribe, permitted to trade by the authorities of the nation or tribe, within whose limits he so trades, shall be permitted to trade with the Indians, in the Indian country aforesaid, without a license therefor from the agent for the nation or tribes in whose country the trade is to be carried on ; and which li- By whom license to cense, in the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw and Chickasaw be issued. countries, must be granted by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature or General Council of such nation : Provided, That no li- roviso. cense shall be necessary to authorise the selling from wagons, or oth- erwise, flour, bacon, fruits, and other provisions, brought from the Confederate States, or wagons, agricultural implements, domestic an- imals or arms brought from any of the same. Each license shall be Term of ucense. issued for a term not exceeding three years ; and all licenses granted Benewai of license, before the passage of this act may be renewed by the agents, in their discretion, without the advice or consent of the legislature or council, to continue until the expiration of the year one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-two. Person obtaining ggQ. 21. And be it further enacted. That the person or persons ob- li«ense to give bond. , . . , . , '' . , , - , ^ . ' , . « taming a license, must give bond in a penal sum not exceeding nve Condition of bond thousand dollars, with one or more sureties, approved and certified to be sufficient, by the agent to whom the application is made, condition- ed that such person or persons will faithfully observe and obey all laws and regulations for the government of trade and intercourse \v'\i\\ the Indian tribes, adopted or enacted by the Confederate States, or any de- " partment thereof, and will, in no respect, violate the same. And the When license may Superintendent of Indian Affairs shall have power to revoke and can- cel any license whenever he shall be satisfied that the person licensed lias violated any of the said laws or jegulations, or that, for any other good reason, it would be improper to permit him to remain in the In- dian country. Trading without u- Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That any person, other than a member of the nation or tribe, under treaty stipulations, or a member of another Indian nation or tribe, permitted to trade by the authorities of the nation or tribe within whose limits he so trades, who shall at- tempt to reside in any part of the Indian country as a trader, or to in- may refuse application for FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. 17 troduce goods, oi' to trade therein, without a license duly obtained, shall forfeit all merchandise offered for sale to the Indians, »or found in his possession, and shall, moreover, forfeit and pay the sum of five hun- Forfeiture, dred dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, in the name of the Confederate States, or adjudged on conviction and forfeiture of the goods, one-half thereof to be paid to the informer, and the other half to the nation or tribe in whose country the offence is committed, to which nation or tribe also all the goods forfeited, and all wines and li- quors confiscated, shall be given and belong. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That no license to trade with In- Licenses to be dians shall be granted to any person or persons other than a citizen or f^nsof theC-'s. """ citizens of the Confederate States. Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That any agent may refuse an 'When agent application for a license to trade, if he is satisfied that the applicant is license' a person of bad character, or that it would be improper to permit him to remain in the Indian country; or if a license previously granted to him has been revoked, or a forfeiture decreed of any bond previously given by him : Provided, That any person, whose application is thus . denied, may appeal to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, whose de- cision shall be final. Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That if any licensed trader shall Penalty against li- r -r f • r , 1 censed trader lor pur- purchase of an Indian any gun, or any instrument of husbandry, or chasing certain arti- blanket, cooking utensil, or other article, furnished the Indians by the oie^s^toiii^hed the r,.- Confederate States, his license shall be imir.ediately revoked, and he shall forfeit and pay, for the use of such Indians, to the Confederate States, the sum of fifty dollars for every article so ])urchased. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That no person, not being a Ranging and graz- u f ju 1- * -l .u ■ Ir ■ J 1 1 Ing in Indian country member ot the nation or tribe, or otherwise authorised by law or treaty, shall drive or otherwise conve}', or cause, or permit to be oth- erwise conveyed, any horses, mules, or cattle, to range and graze in any part of the Indian country, without the consent of the authori- ties of the nation or tribe previously obtained, under the penalty of Penally against. one dollar a head for each animal so pastured, which may be collected by the authorities of the nation, and payment enforced, if necessary, % by the seizure of the cattle : Provided, That movers, and other per- Proviso, sons driving stock through the country, may halt from place to place, for such reasonable length of time as will be sufficient to recruit their stock, but no longer, doing the same in good faith. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That the Superintendent of In- R™"™! of intru- dian Affairs, and each agent within his agency, shall have authority, and it shall be the duty of each, to remove from the Indian country all persons found therein contrary to law or treaty ; and all other persons, not Indians, and not by birth and blood members of the particular na- tion, whose presence is, in his opinion, dangerous or mischievous ; and shall have power to call upon the officer commanding any military post to aid him in so doing, and enforce his orders in that behalf: Pro- Proviso. vided, That the person so removed by an agent may appeal to the Su- perintendent, whose decision thereon shall be final. Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of law in- Sale of lands by validating any purchase of lands from an Indian nation or tribe, shall jfons' made Taiid""' no longer be in force, in respect to the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, each of which may, under special or general laws passed for that purpose, sell parcels of their lands, or convey parcels of the same by legislative grants, in fee simple, to in- dividual purchasers or grantees ; and such sales or grants shall be va- lid in law and equity, in the absence of fraud, and shall only be im- peached in the same manner, as if they had been made by a State. 2 18 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1863. Penalty for at- ggc. 29_ Jind he it further enacted, That if any person shall send. tempting to cause 111- j i- ■' m i '^ i ^-"vj, Jraciion ot Indian make, cariy or aeliver any talk, speech, message or lettei-, lo any In- jreatwe, etc. ^-^^^ nation, tribe, band, chief or individual, with intent to produce a contravention, or infraction of any treaty, or other law of the Confed- erate States, or to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the Confede- rate States, or to make such nation, tribe, band, chief or Indian dis- satisfied with their relations with the Confederate States, or uneasy, or discontented, the person so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, nor less than two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not less than two, nor more than ten years ; and the intent above mentioned shall be conclusively inferred from the fact of knowledge of the contents of any such talk, speech, message, or letter in writing. Per correspondence Sec. 30. And be H further enacted. That if any person, whether an with foreign powers, -. ,. -^ u li j i i , with TOch intent. Indian or a white person, shall carry on a correspondence, by letter or otherwise, with any foreign nation or power, or with any department or office of such foreign nation or power, with intent to induce such nation or power, department or office, to give assistance or encourage- ment to any Indian nation, tiibe, chief or chiefs, individual or indivi- duals, in waging war, or commencing, or continuing hostilities against the Confederate States, or in the violation of any existing treaty, or shall attempt to alienate the confidence of any Indian or Indians, from the Government of the Confederate States, he shall be punished, if the offence be committed in time of peace, as in the last preceding section is provided ; and, if the offence be committed in time of war, with such foreign nation or power, the punishment thereof shall be death, to be inflicted as in other cases of capital offences. oofr°eVon"fncf with Sec. 31. And he it further enacted, That any Indian of any Nation any power with wiiich or Tribe, between which and the Confederate States a Treaty of friend- ship and alliance has been concluded, who shall while the Confederate Slates are at war with any other States, Nation or power, carry on any corre.=pondence with such States, Nation or power, or any Department or office thereof, or shall attend any Council, or hold any talk or con- ference, in the Indian country or elsewhere, with any officer of such States, Nation or power, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished with death, to be inflicted as in other cases of capital punishment. Emissaries from Sj,(,_ 32. ji^d jjg n further enacted That any emissary from any RKh powers,how , ^ .1 ,-,V.^,'i *-, pantehcd. State Or States, nation or power, with which the Confederate States may be at war, found in the Indian Country, and any Indian therein apprehended, returning from any council, talk or conferences with any otlicer of the enemy, or after such return, shall be considered a spy, and punished by death by hangmg, to be inflicted upon the sentence of a Military Court, to be ordered by the General commanding in such Indian country. pr^eriy'stoknliTin' ^EC. 33. And be it further enacted, That whenever the property of jnred to be paid to any member of a friendly Nation, or Tribe of Indians, is unlawfully y aliens. stolen, taken, converted, destroyed or injured, hj any white person, not a member by birth, adoption, or otherwise, of said Nation or Tribe, or by a member of any other friendly Indian Nation or Tiibe, within the Indian country, if conviction be had of the person offending, for the crime, misdemeanor or trespass so committed, or recovery of dam- age therefor in a civil suit, the person so offending shall be sentenced / or adjudged to pay the person injured a sum equal to twice the just value of the property so stolen, taken, converted or destroj'ed, or twice the amount of damages sustained by the injury of the same. And if tlie same cannot be recovered of the party, or if, for any cause, con- viction or recovery cannot be had then, upon the said offence, and the FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. L On. 19. 1862. 13 •yalue of the property or the full amount of dam age being established, upon investigation by the Agent of the Confederate Stafe-s, for the Nation or Tribe, to which the person injured belongs, the full value of the pro- perty, or the full amount of damage sustained, with any other actual damage caused thereby, and interest and expenses, or so much thereof as cannot be collected of the party, shall be paid out of the Treasury of the Confederate States: Provided, That no person shall be entitled nnicss revenge be to such payment out of the Treasury, if he, or any of the Nation or ='"™pti;d. Tribe, to which he belongs, shall have sought private revenge for the injury in question, or attempted to obtain satisfaction by violence or fraud. Sec. 34. Jlnd be it further enacted, That if any member or mem- Persons to be in- bers of any Indian Nation or Tribe, within the Indian country, shall f;Tiu-o/°d 'Ly ''i^I unlawfully take, convert, destroy, or injure any property of any per- dians. ■son lawfully within such country, or shall, in an}' one of the Confed- erate States, or in any Territory or Province of the Confederate States, or within the limits of any other Indian Nation or Tribe, steal, take, convert, destroy or inj'jre any property belonging to any citizen or in- habitant of the Confederate States, or of any Territory or Province thereof, or of any membei- of any other friendly Nation or Tribe of In- dians, other than that to which he or thej' belong, such citizen, inhabi- tant or member of a fiiendly Nation or Tribe, ma\', by himself or by his attorney or agent, make complaint to the Agent of the Confederate States, for the Nation or Tribe to which the offender may belong, or to the Superintendent, who shall take and hear the proof of the truth of such complaint, and if satisfied of the truth thereof, and that the of- fender belongs to the Nation or Tribe alleged, shall demand prompt satisfaction from such Nation or Tribe ; and if satisfaction be not made within the space of six months thereafter, by payment by the Nation or Tribe of the value of the property taken, stolen, converted or des- troyed, and all actual damages and expenses sustained in consequence thereof, and interest on the said value from the time of taking or con- version, or of the amount of damage sustained by the injury done the property, with like actual damages, expenses and interest, then full report shall be made thereof to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; and thereupon the amount so ascertained shall be directed to be de- ducted from any annuity or other moneys payable to said Nation or Tribe; or if there be none such, then the President shall take such other steps to enforce payment as may seem to him fit: and in the meantime, the amount shall be paid out of the Treasury of the Con- federate States; Piovided, That if such injured party, his representa- i' m revenge tie live, attorney or agent, shall, in any way, violate any of the provisions ^"''^ of this Act, by seeking revenge or redress by violence, or any other illegal means, he shall forfeit all his claim to indemnification ; that any Limitation, such claim, not presented to the Agent or Superintendent within three years, after the commission of the alleged injury, shall be forever barred; that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent <^iow this act to be the legal apprehension and punishment of any Indian, or member of '^°™"^"" any Nation or Tribe, that may so have offended ; and that from the de- cision of the Agent, the complainant, or the Nation or Tribe may appeal to the Superintendent, and from his decision to the Comm.issioner of Appeal. Indian Affairs, whose judgment shall be final in the premises : Pro- Proviso. vided, That the Indian country shall not bf deemed to include the residence of Indian Tribes or persons within the limits of any of the Confederate States. Sec. 35. And be it further enacted. That any proceeding mstituted Procccdicgs nndrr under the authority of the United Stales to obtain satisfaction in any 0.Vtu oUam"3iiti* 20 FIRST CONGEESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. faoiionjhowtobecar- Q^gg mentioned in the two precedins: sections, shall be carried on ancJ coinpleted before the authoriiies of the Confederate States, as if no chano-e of government had taken place; and that if any final order or adjudication had been made in any such case, by the proper officer of the United States, before the assumption of jurisdiction by the Con- federate States, on the twenty-first daj' of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, the same shall still be deemed and taken as final, and be carried oat, as if made by the same officer of the Confederate States, punish^ient for Sec, 36. And be it further enacted, That so much and such parts of felting coiD, or the the laws of the Conl'ederate States, as provide for punishing the coun- t^erairs't-tls'^- '^°°' terteiting the coin of the United States, or any other current coin, and the uttering such forged or counterfeit coin, or the counterfeiting or forging the securities of the Confederate States, and the uttering such rohhing the mail forged or Counterfeit securities, and the robbing of the mail, and for punishing the violations of the neutrality laws, and resistance to the pro- cess of the Confederate Slates, and all the provisions of the acts of the Provisional Congress, providing for the common defence and wel- fare, so far as the same are not legally inapplicable, shall hereafter be ill force in the Indian country : and offences against the same by any person whatever, shall be punished by indictment in the proper court of the Confederate States having jurisdiction. MwR (if the Oon- Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, That so much of the laws of the isiifn^ 'feioaies,'"de- Confederate States, as provide for the punishment of forgery or coun- uisrcd tobe " force tej.fg;tj[5cr periurv, subomation of periurv. rape, arson, shooting with HI liie Indian country. . o'tJJ»^ t^ J J i ' ' o ^ intent to krJl or maim, burglary, robbery, larceny, or any other crime amounting to felony at common law, or by statute, committed in any place whatever, within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Con- Proviso. federate Stales, shall be in force in the Indian country : Provided, y That none of the same shall extend or apply to crimes committed by » member of any Tribe or Nation, by birth, adoption or otherwise, as heieinafter defined, or by any negro or mulatto, bond or free, against the person or property of a member of the same, or any other Nation or Tribe, by birth, adoption, or otherwise, as hereinafter defined, or of any negro or mulatto, bond or free ; but these offences shall be within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunals of the Nation or Tribe, within whose country they are committed; excepting, however, such offences, when committed in the Choctaw and Chickasaw country, west of the ninety-eighth parallel of longitude, by an Indian of any one of the Bands settled therein, against the person or property of such a member of the Choctav/ and Chickasaw Nation, or by such a member of one of these Nations against the person or property of an Indian of any one of these Bands, as to which offences so committed, the said laws shall be in force, and the offenders be tried therefor in the proper court of the Confederate States. Penalty against Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That, if any person, notbeinga '^"'"'"^ negro or mulatto, or a member b}' birth, adoption, or otherwise, as hereinafter defined, of the Nation or Tribe in which the act is commit- ted, shall, in the Indian country, open, exhibit and deal at, or be in- terested in, by furnishing means, or sharing the profits of the game, any game of faro, monte, or other banking game ; at which game betters bet against the game, bank or dealer, or shall set up, exhibit and permit to be bet against, at, or upon, or be interested, by furnishing means, or sharing the profits in any roulette table, or other table, or game of like nature, at which game or table, any person shall bet money, checks or counters, representing money or any other thing of value, or shall bet on credit^ every such person shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Confederate States, cognizable upon indict- FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. '2\ ment or presentment by the District Court having jurisdiction over ■such Indian country, and upon conviction, shall be fined one thousand dollars, and imprisoned at hard labor not less than ninety days, nor more than two years; and it shall be the duty of the A^ent, if he be- . c .1 • c "l iiii Duty of accntsand comes cognizant of the carrying on ot any such game or table, to ar- officers, rest the parties and seize all the tables, boxes and other implements used, and all checks and moneys found thereon and therein ; as also any civil officer of the proper A^ation may do; all which articles and money, when seized, shall belong, one-half to the officer seizing the p^rfeiture.- ■• same, and one-half to the Nation wherein they are seized. And any officer of the Nation arresting such person shall deliver him to the " Agent, who shall investigate the case, and commit, bail, or discharge, as in other cases; but no person so arrested and bailed shall be per- mitted to 'remain in the Nation, but shall forthwith be removed there- from. Sec. 39. Andbe it further enacted, That if any person who has pmiishment or con- taken, or is concerned in any contract wi-th the Confederate States, or ''ictors for iraud. with any agent or officer thereof, for furnishing provisions to any In- dians whatever, shall be guilt}' of defrauding them by the issue of a less quantity than they, or any part or one of them, are or is entitled to, and receiving pay for the quantity v/hich should have been issued, or of receiving paj' in any otherwise, for issues not made, or provisions not issued, such person shall be deemed guilty of felony, and, on con- viction thereof in the proper Court, shall be fined not less than five hundred, nor more than ten thousand dollars, sentenced to full restitu- tion to the Confederate States, and be imprisoned at hard labor not less than two, nor more than twenty yeai's. Sec. 40. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall con- ,, ?enaUy for aeiims . ^- ' J I , liquors to Intiiaus. vey, transport or introduce, or attempt to convey, transport or intro- duce, by land or water carriage, into any Indian Nation or Tribe, for the purposes of sale, exchange, barter or traffic, or knowing that the same is intended to be sold, exchanged, bartered or trafficked, anj'- where in the Indian country, any spirituous or intoxicating liquors or mixtures, or wines of any kind or description whatever, (unless the same are provided and to be used by some licensed trader, druggist, apothecary or physician, for purposes purely medicinal,) every person concerned in such offence shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five hundred, and not more than two thousand dollars, upon indictment or presentment before the proper court, to be paid, one-half to the in- former, and the other half to the Nation or Tribe, into the country v/hereof such introduction was effected or attempted, and be imprison- ed aot less than three months, nor more than one year. Sec. 41. And be it further enacted, That if the Superint-enden-f of . iDtTOd'iC|nciiiiuor8 T T , /y> ■ XI . i' AT ,- m ■, /-I 1 into the Inciiaii'lcrri- Indian Affairs, or the agent for any Nation or 1 nbe, or any Command- tory. ing officer of a military post, or any judge or commissioner of a court of the Confederate States is informed, or has reason to suspect, that any person whatever has introduced, or is about to introduce, any spirituous or intoxicating liquors or mixtures, or any wine, into any part of the Indian country, in violation of this Act, it shall be the duty Duties of suptrin- "/■!_ -iiiizc -1 ■• • tendents, Al'ciUs, Ac. ot such superintendent, agent, offacer, judge or commissioner, in ac- cordance with such regulations as may be established by the President of the Confederate States, to cause the houses, stores, boats, wagons, carriages, packages and other places of dfeposit of such person to be searched; and if any such liquors, mixtures or wine are ibund, all the Searches ana aein- goods of such person of which they form a part, the boats on vfhich ""^^' they are found, the wagons, carriages and packages conveying or con- ' laining the same, to an amount not exceeding twenty times the value S!2 FIRST CONGKESS. Sess- I. Ch. 19. isesr. of the said liquors, mixtures and wine, shall be seized and deliverereteMe" ^ny other person (other than a member by birth, adoption, or otherwise, of any Indian Nation or Tribe) shall, within the limits of such Nation or Tribe, sell, under the pretense of a gift, or otherwise, to any Indian, or exchange or barter with any Indian, of either sex, and of full or mixed blood, any intoxicating liquor or mixture, or any wine, in any quantity, large or small, such person shall, on conviction thereof, upon indictment, be punished by fine of n:)t less than five hundred dollars, and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than six months, which fine shall be paid, one-half to the informer aind the other half to the Nation or Tribe, as other fines. Proce=jinp! against Sec. 43. Jlnd be it further enacted, That when goods, liquors or propi.r,y seiie . other articles whatever are seized for any violation of this Act, they shall be proceeded against in the manner directed to be observed in. the case of goods, wines or merchandize brought into the Confederate States in violation of the Revenue Laws. Penalty for mar.u- Sec. 44. ^dnd be if further enacted, That rf any person whatever facturing liquora in,,, -.,■,, \- -l c ^i tt , ^ lie Indian Country, shall, Within the limits ot the Indian country, set up or continae any _ distillery for manufacturing ardent spirits, he shall forfeit and pay a> penalty of one thousand dollars, on indictment, for sucfv offence, and the buildings so used, with the siill and all other furniture and contents shall be confiscated, one-half the penalty to the informer, and the other half, with the building.s, still, furniture and contents to the Nation or Tribe ; and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent, or proper agent, ^o seize and turn over the same to the Nation or Tribe. How to be recover- Sbc. 45. ^nd be it further enacted. That, for any penalty accruing^ under this Act, the informer may sue and recover the same in an ac- tion of debt, qui tarn, in the name of the Confederate States, before any court having jurisdiction of the same in any State or District in which the offender may be found to be served with process. Djiie.^ of the mill- Sec. 46. Jlnd belt further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the ^ryineno in military force of the Confederate States, to be employed in such man- ner and under such regulations as the President may direct, and upon, the requisition of a Superintendent, or of an Agent, in the apprehen- sion of any person offending against any provision of this Act, or found in the Indian country, in violation of its provisions, or of any Treaty stipulation, and him immediately to convey from such country, and dis- pose of, as directed by the proper officer, or authority, to be proceeded against, if the case require it, in due course of law; and also in the examination and seizure of stores, boats, wagons, carriages and pack- ages, authorized by this Act, and in preventing the introduction of per- sons and property into the Indian country contrary to law; which per- Tfcattnent of per- sons and property shall be proceeded against according to law: Pro- Benarr.b .. . vided. That no person apprehended by military force as aforesaid, shall be detained longer than five days after the arrest, and before removal. And all officers and soldiers, who may have such person or persons, in- custody, shall treat them with all the humanity, which the circum- FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. .aS stances will possibly permit ; and every officer and soldier, who shall be guilty of maltreating any such person, while in custody, shall sufTer such punishment as a court martial shall direct. Sec. 47. And be it fui-ther enacted, That every person shall be con- who considered sidered a member of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw and Sin nauoua. Chickasaw Nations, for the purposes of this act, whose mother was a member of the same, or whose father was so, though married to a white woman, if both were domiciled in the nation when the party was born, and if such party still resides therein ; or who has with his or her con- sent, been adopted by the act of the legislature or general council of the nation, and therein continues to re,«ide ; or who has married a member of the nation, and is settled and resides therein ; or who is permanent- ly domiciled therein with the consent of the nation, and is permitted to vote at elections. Sec. 48. And be it further enacted, That the reservations or selec- Exclusive jurisdic- tions for military posts and forts in the Indian country, shall be within the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederate States, as also shall the reservations for agencies in the several nations and tribes ; and that all the laws of the Confederate States in force, in any other place within such sole and exclusive jurisdiction shall be in force within the limits of all such reservations and selections, and offences committed therein be punished accordingly: Provided, That as to all Proviso, members of the nation, within whose limits any agency reservation is .situated, who commit an}- offence therein against any law of such na- tion, upon the person or pi-operty of any other member of such nation, or against its police regulations, the laws of such nation shall govern, and they shall or may be punished thereunder, by the ti'ibunals of the nation. Sec. 49. And be it further enacted, That whenever any person, who an^tadicter^'' '" is a member of any Indian nation or tribe, shall be indicted for any offence in any court of the Confederate States, he shall be entitled, as ^ of common right, to subpcena, and if necessaiy, compulsory process for all such witnesses in his behalf, as his counsel inay think necessary for his defence , and the cost of process for such witnesses, and of service thereof, and the fees and mileage of such witnesses shall be paid by the Confederate States, being afterwards made, if practicable, in case of conviction, of the property of the accused. And when- jy"'" '='""'' ""»? ever the accused is not able to employ counsel, the cojrt shall assign him one experienced counsel for his defence, who shall be paid by the Confederate States a reasonable compensation for his services, to be fixed by the court, and paid upon the certificate of the judge. Sec. 50. And be it further enacted, That the pi'ovisions of all such Certain act* »t acts of the Congress of the Confederate States, as may now be in S'fo?ce'''attie''iB° force, or as may hereafter be enacted, for the purpose of cari'ying into aian country, effect the pi-ovisions of the Constitution, in regard to the redelivery or return of fugitive slaves, or fugitives from labor and service, shall ex- tend to, and be in lull force, within the said Indian country ; and shall also apply to all cases of escape of fugitive slaves from any Indian na- ^o apply to fugi- tion or tribe into any other Indian nation or tribe; or into one of the tive slaves. Confederate States, the obligation upon each such nation, tribe or State to redeliver such slaves, being, in every case, as complete as if they had escaped from another State, and the mode of procedure the same. Sec. 51. And be it further enacted. That if any person charged with ipprehensioa aud a violation of any provision of this act, shall be found within an}' of '"■^"spoitationofper- the Confederate States, or any territory or province of the same, he d??tion torTriaL"" shall be there apprehended and transported to the proper jurisdiction Xor trial. 24 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 19. 1862. Protection against Sec. 52. And be it further enacted, That each ag-ent shall be em- ucliiwful aggression , /. piAri n or invasion. powered to pi-otfict Citizens ot the Contedei-ate States, and members of any other Indian nation, peaceably and legally within the nation, for which he is agent, and not subject to its jurisdiction and laws, against any unlawful aggression upon or invasion of their rights, by Femovai of dan e- individuals, or by the authorities of the nation. He shall have power rousorioiproperper- to remove dangei'ous or impi'oner persons, other than members of the ^''"^' nation by birth and blood, beyond the limits of the nation, subject only to an appeal to the superintendent; and to hear complaints of citizens Reclamation of of the Confederate States, in reclamation of property lost, strayed or property lost, stray- stolen, to examine testimony, and cause immediate restoration of such ea or stolen. ' ,T, property, subject only to the like appeal to the superintendent, whose decision shall be final, saving the right of the parties to seek redress through the courts of competent jurisdiction. And for all these pur- be^nvoked. "* ""^^ poses the agent shall have power to call upon the commander of any military post for aid and assistance, rower given agent Q-^c' 5i. And be it further enacted, That each agent shall also have lo enforce the laws ^ p ,, r^ r , -,- against the introduc- power to eutorcc the laws 01 the Ooniederate blates, in regard to the tion of liquors. introduction of spirituous liquors into the nations or tribes, for which he is agent, b}- seizure of the same, and apprehension and commit- ment of the persons offending'; to issue his warrant for the apprehen- sion of such persons, and of persons charged with any other offence against the laws of the Confederate States, or of any State of the same ; and to call to his assistance for the execution of the same, and of any warrant of commitment, or other process, for parties or wit- nesses, the troops of the Confederate States, irmed police. gj,(,_ 54_ ^„^ ^g ;; further enacted, That each agent may, with the approval of the superintendent, and when there are no troops of the Confederate States within his jurisdiction, keep in pay an armed po- lice, cqmposed of members of the nation or tribe, for which he is Their number and agent, not exceeding twenty-five in number, for such times and at such compensation. ^^^^ ^^ compen.'ation, as shall be sanctioned by the superintendent, whenever it may be necessary to preserve peace and order, or to enforce the laws of the Confederate States, by whom the expense of such po- lice force shall be paid. General duties of Sec. 55. And be it further enacted, That each agent shall be, within ''^™''" the limits of the country of the nation or tribes for which he is agent, ex officio, a commissioner in civil and criminal cases, of the courts of the Confederate States, with power and authority to take the testimony of witnesses, upon commission or otherwise ; to administer oaths and receive affidavits ; to cause to be apprehended persons charged with offences against the laws of the Confederate Stales, or of any State of the same, and found within his agency, to examine them and hear the witnesses, and thereupon to commit, bail or discharge the parties, and take recognizance of witnesses to appear at the proper time to testify ; to perform all the duties of commissioner under the laws, for the ren- dition of fugitives from justice and fugitive slaves; to receive the au- thentication by oath, of accounts and claims against the Government, and all papers and pleadings needing to be sworn to in the courts of the Confederate States, and of all other papers whereto, by any regulation of any department of the Government, an oath or acknowledgment is required ; and to perform the marriage ceremony, and to do and per- form such other acts as a magistrate and notary public ma)- do and perform, in any place under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederate States ; and may act as commissioner oi any one or more of the Confederate States, to administer oaths, take depositions, and receive acknowledgments of deeds : and full faith and credit shall be FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 20, 31. 1862. 2S given to all his acts and certificates, done and given within the purview of this act. Sec. 56. jl7id be it further enacted, That each agent shall be, ex offi- To act as ancillary «o, ancillary administrator of all the goods and chattels, rights aQ(i ^ ™™ ''•""'• credits, within his agency, of all citizens of the Confederate States, or persons, other than members of the nations or tribes, for which he is agent, who may die therein, with power to collect and take possession of the same, to sell such portions as may be perishable, and the rest to keep and preserve, and the whole to turn over and account for, to the regular administrator or e.xecutor in the proper jurisdiction. Sec. 57. And be it further enacted, That for all services so perform- rees tor services. ed, each Agent shall receive from the parties, and the Confederate States, respectively, such fees as shall be fixed in the proper Courts, or by the regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, or by the laws of the State, for which he may be commissioned : and shall re- ceive no other or larger fees or allowances, nor any gratuities whatever, under the penalty of being deemed guilty of corruption and extortion in office. Sec. 58. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War shall Secretary of war, , 11-1 I ii • J I ■ J 1 .• J 1 to prescribe certain be, and he is hereby authorized and required to continue, adopt or pres- rules and forms ; cribe such rules and regulations, as he may think fit, for carrying into efTect, the various provisions of this act, and of any other act relating to Indian affairs, and for the settlement of the accounts of the .Indian Bureau ; and also such forms, as may be necessary or proper therefor; and when he shall have completely revised and arranged the same, to cause them to be printed in convenient form, and furnished to all offi- p^i^l^ and toWbu- cers, and persons, who are to be governed or directed thereby. From ted. the time of the promulgation whereof, all former rules and regulations in regard to Indii^n affairs, shall be deemed and taken to be rescinded. Sec. 59. And be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, Laws repealed, contrary to the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Approved April 8, 1862. Chap. XX. — An Act relative to tJie estimates of the Jieads of the several departments. Anril 9 186"'> The Congress of the Confederate States of America do' enact, That Estimates of heads it shall be the duty of the heads of the several departments to com- communicated to municate to the Secretary of the Treasury the estimates of their re- Secretary of Treasu- ry- speclive departments thirty days prior to the assembling of Congress ; secretary to sub. and the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit said estimates, together esuma^'of^'his De°- with the estimates for his own department, to the President, ten days partment, to the President. prior to the opening of the session of Congress. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the seve- Bupiicates to be ral heads of departments, in case of estimates made during the session furnished Secretary, of Congress, to furnish the Secretary of the Treasury duplicates there- during session of Con- of; who shall report thereon to Congress the ways and means to pro- ^'''^^'' vide for the same. Approved April 9, 1862. , Chap. SXI. — An Act to autliorise the advance of a certain sum of monei/ to the State of Mis- April 9, 1S62. souri. . The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Advance of a cer- the Secretary of the Treasury be authorised to issue to the State of J^fg™'^ °J ^?°^y,^° Missouri the sum of one million of dollars, authorised by an act enti- I FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22, 23. 1862. 1352, Jan. 27. fled an act for the relief of the State of Missouri, approved the 27th January, 1862, upon the authorised agent or agents of said State, first filing with said Secretary the sum of four hundred and ninety-one thousand five hundred dollars, in bonds of said State of Missouri, as provided in said act, and executing a receipt for the rennainder of such advance conditioned for the filing of the remainder of said amount in bonds of the State of Missouri, whenever the same can be conveniently Proviso. done : Provided, Such remainder in bonds shall be filed with said Sec- retary within six months after the passage of this act. Approved April 9, 1862. April 10, 1862. Chip. XSU. — An Act to provide for keeping all fire-arms in the urmiee of the Confederate States in the hands ofejeciive men. Companies, &c., of T/>e Congress of the Confederate Stafee of Amei-ica do enact, That with'' pikes or"Ser the President be, and he is hereby, authorised to organise companies, ^rais- battalions or regiments of troops, to be armed with pikes, or other available arms, to be approved by him, when a sufficient number of arms of the kind now used in the service cannot be procured ; such How organized. Companies, battalions or regiments to be organised in the same manner as like organizations of infantry now are under existing laws. To serve as infan- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the President may cause the rtL°r^re"imentfin'the troops armed and organised as herein provided, to serve as similar or- service. ganizations of infantry noT? do, or to attach troops so armed to other regiments in the service, in numbers not exceeding two companies of troops so armed to each regiment. And the colonel of the regiment to May be detailed to which such Companies may be attached, shall have power to detail men an vacancies. from such Companies to take the place of men in the companies armed with fire-arms, whenever vacancies may occur from death, or discharge, or in cases of absence, from sickness, furlough, or any other cause: the true intent and meaning of this provision being to render ever}- fire-arm in the armj' available at all times, by having it alwa^'s in the hands of a well and effective man. Secretary of War Sec. 3. Immediately after the passage of this act it shall be the duty this'act to eve^'^Gen- of '^6 Secretary of War to furnish a cop}' of the same to every Gene- erai in the service, ral in the service. Approved April 10, 1862. April 10, 1S62. Chap. XXm. — An Act to encourage enlistments in the corps of marines. Term of enlistment The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That la the Jiarine corps. ^^.^^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^ ^j^g passage of this act, enlistments in the marine corps shall be for the term of the existing war, or for the period of three , years, as the recruit may elect at the time of enlistment. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That every able-bodied man who may Bounty. enlist and be received into the marine corps, shall bo entitled to a boun- ty of fifty dollars, to be paid at the time of joining the corps, and every non-commissioned officer, musician and private, now in the marine corps, who may have enlisted for three years, shall be entitled to receive the sum of forty dollars, as an equivalent to bounty. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act, the sum of forty thousand dollars is FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24, 25, 26. 1862. hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwiso Appropri-jtioa. appropriated. Approved April 10, 1862. Chap. XXW. — An Act to legalize the Acts of the District Attorney, MarsJial and Depitty Mar- ipril 11, 1862. slials of the State of Tennessee. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That isGi, Dec. iz. ^ the official acts of J. (1. Ramsey, late District Attorney, and of Jesse B. Distr'rot''Attorn'ey, Clements, late Marshal of the District of Tennessee, and of the Depu- Marshal and Deputy ,' T 1 r 1 - 1" • iiz ', Mars Iialaof the ties 01 said Marshal, Irom the time their respective oinces were vacated, state of Tennessee, by the passage of the act of the Provisional Congress, approved on the ^'^S'^^^'^^^- twelfth day of December, 1861, by which said District of Tennessee was diyided into three several districts, without any provision for continuing said officers in office, bo, and the same are hereby, made local and valid to the same extent and in the same manner, as if they had been contin- ued in office up to the passage of this act ; and they are hereby e.^one- rated from any penalty, forfeiture or liability to the public or any private person by reason cf any official act committed by them, to tlie same ex- tent and in the same ni:inner, as if they had been legally in office at the time of committing the same. And said officers are hereby authorised to collect and receive the same fees and emoluments as if they had been ments. rightfully in office. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Marshal and his Deputies Continuanceof may continue to act until the successors of said Marshal are qualified. Deputies in office. Approved April 11, 1862. Chap. XXV- — An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Distriot Collectors in April 11, 1862. certain cases, ! Ike Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the Payment of salaries Secretary of the Treasury bo, and he is hereby, authorized to pay a part of of war Ta.°°"^°'°" the salaries of the several district collectors of the War tax, authorized by the act entitled " An Act to authorize the issue of Treasury notes and to provide a war tax for their redemption," approved August 19th, 1861, in those States which have assumed the payment of said tax : Provided, That in no case shall the amount so paid to each Collector ex- ceed the sum of one hundred dollars : And Provided, further, 'ihe Sec- Maximum amount, retary of the Treasury shall bo satisfied that said collectors gave bond and Proviso, rendered services as requiied by said act, previous to the assumption of said tax by the respective States, equal in value to the sum to be paid. APPP.OVED April 11, 1832. Chap. XXVI. — An Act for the organization of a corps of officers for the wording of nitre caves April 11 1862. ancZ establishing nitre beds. J !_ The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Corps of officers for the purpose of procuring a supply of nitre, adequate to the wants of ["^ *''^"g°*"S "' °'" the Government, during the continuance of the war with the United StateSj the President be, and he is hereby, authorised to appoint a corps of officers, consisting of one superintendent, with the rank, pay and al- lovi^ances of a major of artillery, four assistants, with the rank, pay and allowances of a captain of artillery, eight subordinates, with the rank, pay and allowances of first lieutenants of artillery. as . FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1862. Their duties. Sec. 2. The duties of the officers, under the supervision of the Chief of Ordnance, shall be to inaugurate and prosecute a system for the effi- cient working of the nitre caves, and to purchase and contract-, for the delivery of nitre produced within the limits of the Confederate States ; to inspect the nitre caves and other natural deposits of ritriferous earth, and to report the probable annual supply from these sources, and the ex- tent and economy, or otherwise, with which they are now being worked by private enterprize ; to establish nitre beds in the vicinity of the principal cities and towns of the Confederacy, and to contract for the necessary grounds, sheds, etc., and for the offal and other materials used in the preparation of nitre beds; to diffuse information and to sti- mulate enterprise in the production of an article essential to the success- guperintendent to f^l prosecution of the war^ The superintendent will make reports, at of Ordnance. stated periods, to the Chief of Ordnance, to b^ submitted to the Secre- Organization ; how t^ry of War, for the information of Congress. This organization to be continued at the discretion of the President. Approved April 11, 1862. April 12, 1862. Chap. XXVXI. — An Ad to provide further means for the support of the Government. 1S61, Aug. 19. T/ie Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That 166], Dec. 19. jjjg Secretary of the Treasui-y be, and he is hereby, authorised to issue, in addition to the amounts heretofore authorised to be issued by an act entitled " An Act to authorise the issue of Treasury notes and to pro- vide a War Tax for their redemption," approved August 19lh, 1861, and Further issue of by the further supplemental act to the above cited act, approved Decem- tjficatesof^stockan'd^^'^ ■'^''^j 1861, fiom time to time, as the public necessities may require, bonds, authorized. Treasury notes, certificates of stock and bonds, not to exceed in the ag- gregate the sum of two hundred and fifteen millions of dollars, of which fifty millions .shall be in Treasury notes, to be issued without reserve ; ten millions in Treasury notes to be used as a reserve fund, and to be is- sued to pay any sudtlen or unexpected call for deposits ; and one hun- dred and sixty-five millions certificates of stock or bonds : the said Trea- sury notes, certificates of stock and bonds to be issued under the same forms, conditions and restrictions as are provided by the above cited acts, Secretary of the ^'^ every respcct and particular: Provided, however, That the Secretary Treasury may effect of the Treasury may, if he shall deem the same advisable, effect a loan, at home or abroad, in specie funds or bills of exchange or Treasury notes, by a sale of the said bonds or stock upon such terms as may be found practicable : And Provided, further. That all bonds issued under deeinabie'. ^""^ "' ^^^^ Section shall he made redeemable at the pleasure of the Govern- ment after the expiration of ten years from their respective dates, but Paith of the Got- the faith of the Government shall be pledged to redeem the same at the ernment pledged. expiration of thirty years from such dates. Bonds or certifi- Si'c. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury may issue in exchange for any eates in exchange for gf ^j^g Treasury notes which may be issued under this or any other law, Treasury notes. J , , . , p . bonds or certificates, payable in not more than ten years, at a rate oi in- terest not exceeding six per cant, per annum, payable semi-annually, to the extent of fifty millions of dollars, which fifty millions shall consti- tute part of the one hundred and sixty-five millions of stock and bonds Reconvertibie into abovc authorised ; the said bonds or certificates to be reconvertible, at Treasury notes. j|jg pigggm-g gf (j^g holder, into Treasury notes, and the said exchange and re-exchangc to be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 28, 29, 30, 31. 1862. 29 Sec. 3. The form of the said bonds or certificates authorized by these- rom. cond section above, shall be determined by the Secretary of the Trea- sury ; the said certificates may be issued with or without coupons, and May be with or may be made payable to order or bearer, as may be deemed expedient. Approved April 18, 1862. without coupons. Chap. XXVIII.— ^« Act to increase the number of depositories ofpuUic funds. April 15, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Additional deposi- the Secretary is hereby authorized to make and constitute such addi- neys. tional depositories of public moneys as in his judgment the public ex- igencies may require, which said depositaries shall give bond and be Depositaries to give subject in all respects to the same laws and regulations, and be enti- °^ ' tied to the same compensation as the depositories now authorized by Their compenaa- lavsr. Sec. 2. The offices of the said additional depositories, appointed under this act, shall cease and determine at the expiration of one when their office year after the termination of the existing war with the United States, °''^°'^^- unless otherwise ordered by Congress. Approved April 15, 1862. Chap. XXIX.— .4« Act for thepayment of musicians in tlie army not regularly enlisfed. April 15 18G9. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amei-ica do enact, That pay of colored per- whenever colored persons are employed as musicians in any Regiment ^°°.^ ^mp'oyed as ^ 1111 -111 1,-11 musicians. or Company, they shall be entitled to the same pay now allowed by law to musicians regularly enlisted : Provided, That no such persons Proviso. shall be so employed except by the consent of the commanding officer of the Brigade to which said Regiments or Companies mav belong. Approved April 15, 1863. ' ' Chap. XXX. — An Act to (nnend An Act entitled " An Act to regulate the compensation of mem- April 10, 1862. hers of Congress," also to a/mend An Act entitled ^^ An Act regulating the mode of pacing . [ . members of Congress." 1862, March 25. 1362, March 26. The Congress of the Confederate States of Am,erica do enact. That pay of members of during the recess of Congress, the members of the Senate and House ceTs^of Congress. "" of Representatives are authorized to draw their drafts or orders on the Treasurer for their rateable monthly pay ; and at the commencement of each session of Congress, the Treasurer shall report to each House _ , J 11. • 1 • I !• Treasurer to report the amount drawn by their respective members, during the preceding the amount drawn, recess: Provided that the members of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, respectively, shall be entitled to draw their pay at the rate fixed by law up to the period of adjournment of each session. Approved April 16, 1862. Chap. XXXI. — An Act to further provide for thepublio defence. April 16, 1863. In view of the exigencies of the country, and the absolute neces- Preamble, sity of keeping in the service our gallant army, and of placing in the so FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 31. 1862. field a large additional force to meet tlie advancing columns of the enemy now invading our soil : Therefore All white men, The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That fedeiSte^ "states, be- the President be, and he is hereby authorized to call out and place in tween the ages of fj^g rnilitarv service of the Confederate States, for three years, unless 18 ana oo years, i n i , i i n i • , • , placed in the mill- the War shall have been sooner ended, all white men who are residents lary service. ^^ jj^g Confederate States, between the ages of eighteen and thirty- five years at the time the call or calls may be made, who are not le- gally exempted from military seivice. All of the persons aforesaid Those now in the ^"ho are now in the armies of the Confederacy, and whose term of armies continued in service will expire before the end of the war, shall be continued in the 111 6 service service for three years from the date of their original enlistment, un- Re-organization less the war shall have been sooner ended: Provided, however, That who3e°"tera''of '^n- ^" ^'^^^ Companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments, whose term listment was for of original enlistment was for twelve months, shall have the right, tweiye months. -v^-ithin foity days, on a day to be fi.xed by the Commander of the Bri- gade, to re-organize said companies, battalions, and regiments, by elec- ting all their officers, which they had a right heretofore to elect, who Furloughs may be shall be commissioned by the President : Provided, further, That fur- p^'^^^- loughs not exceeding sixty days, with transportation home and back, shall be granted to all those retained in the service by the provisions . of this Act beyond the period of their original enlistment, and who have not heretofore received furloughs under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act providing for the granting of bounty and furloughs to privates and non-commissioned officers in the Provisional Army," !6Ci, Dec. II. approved eleventh December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, said fur- loughs to be granted at such times and in such numbers as the Secre- tary of War may deem most compatible with the public interest : and Cocucntation. Provided, further. That in lieu of a furlough the commutation value in money of the transportation herein above granted, shall be paid to each private, musician, or non-commissioned officer who may elect to receive it, at such time as the furlough would otherwise be granted : Persons now en- Provided, further , That all persons under the age of eighteen years or of'isoi'o've'rssvea'S'^ over the age of thirty-five years,- who are now enrolled in the military required to remain service of the Confederate States, in the regiments, squadrons, battal- ■'^''" ions, and companies hereafter to be re-organized, shall be required to remain in their respective companies, squadrons, battalions and regi- ments for ninety days, unless their places can be sooner supplied by other recruits not now in the service, who are between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years ; and all laws and parts of laws provid- Certain laws re- ing for the re-enlistment of volunteers and the organization thereof into P*^^**''- companies, squadrons, battalions, or regiments, shall be and same are hereby repealed. Companies, ic, Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That such companies, squadrons, bat- with number of men ,. . *^ . , . r • .- i i requisite for organi- talioos, Or regiments Organized, or in process oi organization oy author- totiTeJvice.""""'* J'y from the Secretary of War, as may be within thirty days from the passage of this Act, so far completed as to have the whole number of men requisite for organization actually enrolled, not embracing in said organizations any persons now in service, shall be mustered into the service of the Confederate States as part of the land forces of the same, to be received in that arm of the service in which they are au- thorized to organize, and shall elect their company, battalion, and regi- mental officers. EnroUmettofmen. gj,,. 3 jj^ it further enacted, That for the enrollment of all persons comprehended within the provisions of this Act, who are not already in service in the armies of the Confederate States, it shall be lawful for the President, with the consent of the Governors of the respective FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 31. 1862. 3l> States, to employ State officers, and on failure to obtain such consent, he shall employ Confederate officers, charged with the duty of making such enrollment in accordance with rules and regulations to be pres- cribed by him. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That persons enrolled under the pro- Persons enrolled visions of the preceding Section, shall be assigned by the Secretary of nie??n the serTOcj War, to the different companies now in the service, until each compa- from the states from , . ^ , . II 1 1 n winch they come. ny IS filled to its maximum number, and tlie persons so enrolled sliall be assigned to companies from the States from which they respectively come. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all Seamen and ordinary Sea- Transfer of seamen men in the land forces of the Confederate States, enrolled under the f''°'?"',5„!f°AI°';f/ ,, . i" 1 i-i /» t ^ tflc ii ilVal Service. provisions of this Act, may, on application of the Secretary of the Navy, be transferred from the land forces to the Naval service. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That in all cases where a State may Excess of enrolled not have in the army a number of Regiments, Battalions, Squadrons p'^J'^™^'"^p' "' *'''" or Companies, sufficient to absorb the number of persons subject to military service under this Act, belonging to such State, then the resi- due or excess thereof, shall be kept as a reserve, under such regula- tions as may be established by the Secretary of War, and that at stated periods of not greater than three months, details, determined by lot, serTe^'o^ ke?p each shall be made from said reserve, so that each company shall, as nearly company to itamaxi- as practicable, be kept full : Provided, That the persons held in reseive Reserves may re- may remain at home until called into service by the President: Pro- "^otto ?eceiTepay; vided, also, That during their stay at home, they shall not receive pay : Provided, further, That the persons comprehended in this Act, shall nor be subject to not be subject to the Rules and Articles of War, until mustered into ^ar. the actual service of the Confederate States ; except that said persons, when enrolled and liable to duty, if they shall wilfully refuse to obey said call, each of them shall be held to be a deserter, and punished as such, under said Articles: Provided, further. That whenever, in the when the entire opinion of the President, the exigencies of the public service may re- [ntoaaiSi^erTioe.'* quire it, he shall be authorized to call into actual service the entire re- serve, or so much as may be necessary, not previously assigned to different companies in service under provision of section four of this Act; said reserve shall be organized under such rules as the Secreta- Organization, ry of War mav adopt : Provided, The company, battalion and regi- Election of officers. mental officers shall be elected by the troops composing the same: Provided, The troops raised in any one State shall not be combined in Troops raised in ,,,,.■,. , ■ , ■ - , , different States not to regimental, battalion, squadron or company organization wiih troops be combined. rai^ed in any other States. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all soldiers now serving in the Bounty, army or mustered in the military service of the Confederate States, or enrolled in said service under the authorizations heretofore issued bv the Secretary of War, and who are continued in the service by virtue of this Act, who have not received the bounty of fifty dolllars allowed b}' existing laws, shall be entitled to receive said bounty. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That each man who may hereafter Pay for private be mustered into service, and who shall arm himself with a musket, sho*-gun, rifle or carbine, accepted as an efficient weapon, shall be paid the value thereof, to be ascertained by the mustering officer un- der such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, if he is willing to sell the same, and if he is not, then he shall be en- titled to receive one dollar a month for the use of said received and approved musket, rifle, shot-gun or carbine. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That persons not liable for duty may Substitutes allowed, be received as substitutes for those who are, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. ♦ 32 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 32, 33. 1862. Vacancies fiUea by gj;c. 10. Be it further enacted, That all vacancies shall be filled by t'o™s™niOTity?°'^'" '°° the President from the company, battalion, squadron or regiment in Proviso. which such vacancies shall occur, by promotion according to seniority, except in case of disability or other incompetency : Provided, however, That the President may, when in his opinion, it may be proper, fill such vacancj' or vacancies by the promotion of any officer or officers, or private or privates from such company, battalion, squadron or regiment who shall have been distinguished in the service by exhibition of valor and skill ; and that whenever a vacancy shall occur in the lowest grade of Fui-iher proviso, (-[.jg commissioned officers of a company, said vacancy shall be filled by election : Provided, That all appointments made by the President shall be by and wilh the advice and consent of the Senate. §1 of this Act tc Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the first sec- mentV&o" '° '^'^^' tion of this Act, relating to the election of officers, shall apply to those regiments, battalions, and squadrons which are composed of twelve months and war companies combined in the same organization, with- out regard to the manner in which the officers thereof were originally appointed. Complement or in- g^c. 12. Be it further enacted, That each company of infantry ^"'^' shall consist of one hundred and twenty-five, rank and file ; each corn- field artillery ; pany of field artillery of one hundred and fifty, rank and file; cavalry. each of cavalrv, of eighty, rank and file. Persons subject tc Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all persons, subject to enroll- enroUment may vol- < , . ■ xl ■ j *» '■ ■ r ii • u.iteer. ment, who are not now m the service, under the provisions or this Act, shall be permitted, previous to such enrollment, to volunteer in companies now in the service. Approved April 16, 1862. April IT, 3862. Chap. XXXn. — An Act to authorise the employment of Clerics ai the off ces of iJie Tj-easurcr ' and Assistant Treasurers^ Whereas, The issue and deposit of Treasury notes at the offices connected with the Treasury involve an increase of labor and respon- sibility: [Therefore] — Secretary of tbe j^g Cons:ress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Treasury authorized ., „ , ^ r , i m • i_ L iU • J i I u J to appoint additional the Secretary or the Treasury is hereby autnonzed to employ such ad- klepers.^"'* ^°°''' ditional Tellers and Book-keepers as are required at the offices of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers for the additional duties required Compensation. in the receipt and disbursement of Treasury notes : Provided the com- pensation to be allowed shall not exceed the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum, for each Teller or Clerk: ^.wA Provided also, that Number. (hg number of Clerks to be employed shall not exceed seven : and, Provided, that no person shall be appointed in either of said offices who is under the age of forty years, and capable of active service in Piovijo. the army: and, Provided, further, that a preference shall, in all cases, be given, in making appointments, the qualifications being equal, to those who have been discharged from the military service of the coun- try on account of wounds received, or disease contracted, in the line of duty. Approved April 17, 1862. April 17, 1863 CnAP. XXXni. — An Art to authorise the Secretarif of War Pi divide iJw appropriation for 1 t/i^ contingen t exp&nses of the War j>epaHment and the Al"my. gtcretary of War to The Congress of the Confederate States of Jlmerica do enact, That fionsfor'KoStin- '•''^ appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars made for the inci- gent expenses of dental and contingent expenses of the Army and of the War Depart- i>epartmeut° " ment, in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the support FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 34. 1862. i of the Government from April first to the thirteenth of November eighteen hundred and sixty-two," approved April third, eighteen hun- 186-2, April 8. dred and sixty-two, be divided and applied, by the Secretary of War, lo the incidental and contingent expenses of the War Department and to those of the Army, in such proportions, as, in his opinion, the exi- gencies of the public service may require. Approved Aprill?, 1862. Chap. XXXIV. — An Act to encourage the manufacture of SaZipe^e and of Small Arms. jipril IT, 1S62. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That Manufactories or any person or persons who may propose to establish within the limits smaii Arm. of the Confederate States a manufactory or manufactories of Saltpe- tre and of Small Arms adapted to the use of the army, shall be enti- , lied to receive from the Government an advance of fifty per cent. Advances by the of the amount required for the erection and preparation of the works "^'■'""^" ■ and machinery necessary to such manufactory or manufactories, to be repaid without interest in the product of such manufactory or manufactories, at a price to be agreed upon before such advance ^hall be made, and subject to the following conditions, to wit: — First, That the contractor or contractors shall submit to the President a plan of Plan of the woria. the proposed works, showing their location, nature and extent, to- gether with a sworn estimate of their probable cost, and a detailed ac- count under oath of the amount already expended on the same, which amount shall be at least twenty-five per cent, of the entire estimated cost of such work. Second, That the amount so advanced shall be Advances payable paid in instalments as the works shall progress towards completion. '" 'ostaimenta. Third, That the proposed enterprise and works shall be approved by President'a appro- the President. Fourth, That the contractor or contractors shall enter ^^'' into bond with sufficient securit3'-, to be approved by the President, in bon™ "° °" "^^ the penalty of double the amount proposed to be advanced, and condi- Penalty, tioned that the principal obligor or obligors shall well and truly, by a Condition, certain time, (which may be extended by the President if he thinks proper,) named in the bond, proceed to erect, complete and put into effective operation the manufactory or manufactories proposed; that he or they will expend the sum named for these purposes; that he or they will appropriate the money advanced by the Government to such purpose and to no other use or purpose, and, as far as practicable, keep the property insured ; and that he or they will repay the same from the merchantable articles manufactured, to be delivered at such times and in such quantities as may be agreed upon, the same, in all cases, to be inspected by a government officer before it is received, until he or they shall fully repay to the Confederate States, in the article and «k at the price stipulated for the sum advanced ; that the contiactor or contractors shall subscribe a Written oath, endorsed upon the back of Oati. said bond, which may be administered by any one authorized to ad- minister an oath, that said advance is asked for the purposes specified in this Act, and no other, and that he or thej- will so apply said funds, which may thus be advanced ; and a willful and corrupt violation of this oath shall be deemed perjury, and punishable by imprisonment for Penalty for pcrju- not less than three nor more than ten years. '■^■ Sec. 2. The provisions of this Act shall apply to cases of enlarge- This Act to app'y ment or manufactories of Saltpetre and of Small Arms, now estab- ^ ^Jj'^'^j °^^™'*;'P'" lished of being establisherJ within the Confederate States, but the ad- ttaiiafactories. ranees made in such cases, shall only b« fiftv per cent, upon the 3 FIRST' CONGRESS. S^ss. I. Ch. 35, 36. ISCJ. amount proposed to be invested in the enlargement of such m.anufacto- ry or manufactories: and no now existing investment in such manufac- tory or manufactories shall be computed or taken into account in de- termining such fiffj' per cent. Approved April 17, 1862. April IT, 1 862. Chap-. XXXV. — An Ad anOiorbing the U»ue of I^eamry Notei. isme of Treasury The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That ^/,-"'°''f**'!T,'2.''i[i addition" to the Treasury Notes, authorized to be issued under naUon of one and two i o p i m doiiais. previous acts, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby required to pre- pare and put in circulation, by such means as he may deem proper to adopt, five millions of dollars of Treasury Notes of the Confederate States, of the denomination of one dollar and two dollars. Said notes shall be issued in such proportions of each, to the aggregate sum herein wiien payable, authorized as the said Secretary may determine, payable to bearer, six months after the ratificatior* of a treaty of peace, between the Confed- ncccivaMein pav- ^'"^'s States and the United States. Said notes shall be receivable in meiit of public dues payment of all public dues, including postage, except the export duty on cotton. Printing of the Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary is hereby author- "°"^' ized to have said notes printed as be may deem most practicable and advisable in effecting a speedy issue and circulation of said notes. iMue 0-: Treasury Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury is 1?°'?'"'^ "°"'"?'?'"' herebv authorized to issue Treasury notes pavable in six months after the 3:3i), bearing inter- ^ - . - . ,- , r-t r , n eM. ratification of a treaty of peace, between the Coniederate States and the United States, of a denomination not less than one hundred dol- lars, bearing interest at the rate of two cents per day for each hun- To he a substitute dred dollars ; the said notes when issued to be a substitute for so much of the one hundred and sixtv-five millions of bonds authorized by the ucceivibie in pay- act of Congress, passed at the present session ; and said notes shall be ^p^fek""^ dues, ex- j-gceivable in payment of all public dues except the export dutj' on cotton. Report by Secreta- Sec. 4. Be it fwrtker enacted, That the said Secretary shall make ry to Congress. report to Congress of the amount of each denomination of notes, herein required to be issued, which he may put in circulation. Act of i?ci, Aug. Sec. 5. Beit further enacted. That the twent3'-5rst and twenty- I^ainftt^he forge''rT'ff third sections of " An act to authorize the issue of Treasury Notes, notes, tc, to appi;-. and to provide a War Tax for their redemption" be, and the same are hereby declared to apply to the Treasurj' Notes herein authorized, as fidly, in all respects, as if the same constituted a part of this act. Approved April 17, 1862. « -, fft 1QC1 Chap. XXXVI. — An Act to aid inihe conMrudwn of a c^rfainliTie of railroad in the States of Preamble. Whereas, The Confederate States are engaged in actual war, and the President has recommended, for military reasons, the construction oonBtrnction of of the railroad from New Iberia, in the State of Louisiana, and Hous- i"eria!Tlouis°aM,^and ton, in the State of Texas, and the Commanding General at New Or- Houston, Texas. leans has declared it to be at the present moment a great military ne- cessity: [Therefore — ] cen tract for the The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the nSonTf'saw rood's' President be, and he is he is hereby authorized and empowered to aid or contract with the New Orleans and Texas Railroad Company, and FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cii. 37, 38. 1862. I the Texas and New Orleans Raili-oad Company, upon such terms and conditions as he may think proper, to insure the prompt completion and connection of said roads, in the manner he may think best calcu- lated to promote the public interest. Sec. 2. Be it furiher enacted, That to enable the President to ac- ippropriation. complish the object herein contemplated, the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars in the bonds of the Confederate States, is hereby appropriated to be issued and applied by the order of the Pres- ident at such times and in such sums as he may deem proper, and that the President be directed to take a mortgage on said road and its ap- Mortgage oa purtenances for the ultimate repayment of the money so expended in aid of its erection. Approved April 19, 1863. road. Chip. XXXVn. — An Act to repeal certain lawn therein named and to declare other-t in fall April 19, 1863. force, ill relation to conveyance of mailable matter outside of the viail. \ The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Certain laws re- so much of the existing enactments of the Confederate States, as ci'jjl.'ed jn"fo°ce'^'^reia- relates to the conveyance or transportation of letters or packages of ting to the coDvey- letters or of mailable matter of any kind by express or other compa- t "v'^by Ixp^ress or'om- nies of any kind, their agents or employees, be and the same are here- er companies. by repealed, and the laws of the United States adopted b}- an act of the Provisional Congress entitled " An Act to continue in force certain laws of the United States of America," on the ninth day of Februa- isoi, Feb. 9. ry, one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-one, relating to the convey- ance or*transportation of letters, packets, or packages of letters or other mailable matter by express or other companies, their agents or employees, be and the same are hereby declared to be in full force: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as Proviso, to declare that any portion of said laws of 'the United Stales, adopted as aforesaid, not inconsistent with the acts of the said Provisional Gov- ernment was by said last named acts in any wise abrogated or repeal- ed : Provided, further, That frauds upon the revenue of the Post Ofhce jrauds upon the Department and offences against and violations of the laws hereby re- revenue of tiieP. o. TJ u Jj-ij 'UJ iill • i- uepartme nt, lisvf pealed may be proceeded against and punished under the laws existing punished. at the time of the commission of such fraud, ofTence or violation, and this act shall not be construed to have a retroactive operation so as to Fowthis act tobs repeal or abrogate any law as to such frauds, offences or violations consfued. heretofore committed, but shall have a prospective operation only : Provided, also, That this act shall take effect from and after the first of when to take effect. June, one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-two. Approved April 19, 1862. Chap. XXXVIII.— ^n Act regulating the fees of Marshals and for other purposes, April 19, 1863. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Marshals' fees, all laws now in force prescribing the fees of Marshals of the Confed- erate States be, and the same are hereby repealed; and in lieu thereof the said Marshals shall be allowed to have and charge the fees follow- ing, to wit: For service of any warrant, attachment, summons, capias or other writ (except execution, venire or summons, or subpoena for a witness,) two dollars for each person on whom such service may be nriade : 36 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 38. 1863. • Provided, That, on petition setting forth the facts on oath, |the court may allow such fair compensation for the keeping of personal proper- ty, attached and held on mesne process, as shall, on examination, be found to be reasonable. For serving a writ of subpcena on a witness, fifty cents: and no further compensation shall be allowed for any copy, summons or notice for witness. For travel in going to serve any process, warrant, attachment, or other writ, including writs of subpoena in civil and criminal cases, five cents per mile for going and the same for returning, to be computed from the court where the process is issued, to the place where served, by the route usually travelled between such points ; and if more than one person is served therewith, the travel shall be computed from the court to the place of service which shall be most remote, adding thereto the extra travel which shall be necessary to serve it on the other. -And in all cases where mileage la allowed to the Marshal by this Act, it shall be at his option to receive the same, or his actual traveling ex- penses, to be proved on his oath to the satisfaction of the court. For each bail bond, fifty cents. For summoning appraisers, each, fifty cents. For every commit- ment or discharge of a prisoner, fifty cents. For every proclamation in admiralty, thirty cents. For sales of vessels or other propeity, under process in admiralty, or under the order of a court of admiralty, and for receiving and paying the money, one per centum on the amount. For serving an attachment in rem, or a libel in admiralty, two dol- lars ; and the necessary expenses of keeping boats, vessels or other property attached or libelled in admiralty to be ascertained and allow- ed by the court. For serving a writ of possession, partition, execution, or any final process, the same mileage as is herein allowed for the servjce of any other writ : Provided, That no charge for mileage in any case shall be made, except for the distance actually travelled ; and for making the service, seizing or levying on property; advertising and disposing of the same by sale, set-ofFor otherwise, according to law, receiving and paying over the money, the same fees, commissions and poundage, as are or shall be allowed for similar service to the Sheriffs of the seve- ral States, respectively, in which the service may be rendered. For serving venires, and summoning jurors, fifty cents each : Pro- vided, That, in no case shall the fees for distributing and serving venires, and summoning jurors, including mileage chargeable by the Marshal for such service, at any court, exceed fifty dollars. For traveling from his residence to the place of holding court, to at- tend a term thereof, ten cents per mile for going and the same for re- turning, and five dollars per day for attending the court and for bring- ing in and committing prisoners and witnesses during the term. For executing a deed prepared by a party or his attorney, one dol- lar. For drawing and executing a deed, five dollars. For transporting criminals to the Penitentiary, or other place of con- finement, ten cents per mile for each necessary guard and each pri- soner, for going only, and ten cents per mile for himself for going and returning. For conveying prisoners under arrest from the place of arrest to the » court where the prisoners are to be tried, ten cents per mile for him- self and each necessary guard, and each prisoner. For copies of writs or papers furnished at the request of any party, ten cents per folio. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 39. 1862, 37 For holding a Court of Enquiry, or other proceedings- before a jury, ^ including the summoning of a jury, five dollars. For attending examinations before a commissioner and bringing in, guarding and returning persons charged with crime, five dollars per day for himself, and three dollars per day for each deputy necessarily attending, not exceeding two. The respective courts of the Confederate States shall appoint criers piers and persons r » • r 1 II attending on janes. tor their couits, to be allowed the sum ot two dollars per day ; and the Marshals are hereby authorized to appoint such a number of persons, not exceeding five, as the Judges of their respective Courts shall de- termine, to attend upon the Grand and other Juries, and for other ne- cessary purposes, who shall be allowed for their services the sum of two dollars per day, to be paid by, and included in the accounts of the Marshal, out of any money of the Confederate States in his hands; the compensation to be given only for actual attendance. For expenses while employed in endeavoring to arrest, under pro- Marshals allowed cess, any person charged with or convicted of a crime, the sum actual- '^" ^'^ ^''•^^'''^■ ly expended, not to exceea two dollars per day, in addition to his com- pensation for service and travel. For disbursing money to jurors and witnesses and for other expenses, Aiioiranee for dis- . , ° " hursing money. two per centum. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That there shall be paid to the Fees to be paid to Marshal his fees for services rendered for the Confederate States for *',''3^!'^),%'J?''^(^nf^ summoning jurors and witnesses in behalf of the Confederate States, eratestatea. and in behalf of any prisoner to be tried for any capital offence ; for the maintenance of prisoners of the Confederate States, confined in jail for any criminal offence ; for the commitment or discharge of such prisoners; for the expenses^ necessarily incurred for fuel, lights and contingent ex- other contingencies, that may accrue in holding the Courts within the ps^ses. District, and providing the books necessary to record the proceedings thereof: Provided, That the Marshal shall not incur an expense of more Proviso, than twenty dollars in any one year for furniture, or fifty dollars for rent of building and making improvements thereon, without first sub- milting a statement and estimates to the Department of Justice and getting instructions in the premises. Sec. 3. Andle it further enacted, That in lieu of the compensa- isei, March IG. tion now allowed to jurors in the Confederate Courts, by virtue of the tvyenty-fifth section of the Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the Confederate States of America, passed March sixteenth, eighteen hun- dred'and sixty-one, there be hereafter allowed to such jurors two dol- Jars p^r day while in actual attendance on any of such courts, and for jurors." travelling from their residence to said courts, five cents per mile for going and the same for returning. Sec. ^.'Jlnd he it further enacted. That in lieu of the compensation To witnesses. now allowed by law to witnesses summoned in behalf of the Confede- rate States, they shall be allowed one dollar and fifty cents for each day's attendance in court, or before any officer pursuant to law, and five cents per mile for travelling from their places of residence to said place of trial or hearing, and five cents per mile for returning. Approved April 19, 1862. All wane e to CoAP. XXXIX. — An Act Tnakin^urffier appropriations for tlie experises of the Gcyvernment in the Trea&ury, War and Na'vy Departments, and for other purposes. April 19, 1M9. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That ,. ^"^''^J^^'^Jp^'^^^- the lollowing sums be, and they are hereby appropriated out of any ending Nov. so, i8€2. money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects here- 3'8 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 40, 41. 1862. Treasury ment Miscellaneous War Department. Navy Department. after expressed, for the year ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two : ' Depart- Treasury Department. — For additional clerks to be employed in the office."? of the Treasurer, Asssistant Treasurers and Depositaries of the Confederate States, five thousand six hundred dollars. Miscellaneous. — For the interest on the public debt, nine millions of dollars. For paper, plates and printing an additional amount of bonds and large Treasury notes, one hundred thousand dollars. For eight addi- tional clerks required for issue of bonds and coupons, four thousand dollars. For paper, plates and printing of Treasuiy notes of the de- nominations of one and two dollars, seventy-five thousand dollars. For twelve additional clerks to sign small Treasury notes, six thou- sand dollars. War Department. — For the purchase of pig and rolled iron, one mil- lion of dollars. For casting cannon, shot and shells, five hundred thousand dollars. For manufacturing small arms of all kinds, two millions of dollars. For purchase and manufacture of nitre and all expenses incidental to exploring and v?orking caves, &.C., one million of dollars. JVavy Department. — To make advances on contracts for the manu- facture and production of iron, one million of dollars. For the pur- chase by the Secretary of the Treasury of exchange for the use of the Navy Department, in purchasing iron clad vessels, one million four hundred thousand dollars. Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 1863. Signal Corps. Chap. XL. — An Act to organize a Signai Corps. The Congress of the Confederate States of Jlmerica do enact, That the President be and is hereby authorized by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint ten officers in the Provisional Army, of a grade not exceeding that of Captains, and with the pay of cor- responding grades of Infantry, who shall perform the duties of Signal Officers of the Army. And the President is hereby authorized to ap- point ten Sergeants of Infantiy, in the Provisional Army, and to as- sign them to duty as Signal Sergeants. The Signal Corps above au- thorized may be organized as a separate corps, or may be attached to the Department of the Adjutant and Inspector General, or to the Engi- neer Corps, as the Secretary of War shall direct. Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 1862. Chap. XLI. — An Act supplementary to the Act entitled ^^An Actio encourage tlie 77ianu/actur6 of Saltpetre and Small Arnis?^ 18G2, April IT. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the provisions of the act entitled "An Act to encourage the manufac- ture of Saltpetre and of Small Arms," shall also apply to all establish- Coai and Iron ments Or mines for the production of coal and for the production and """^^' manufacture of iron, and that in addition to the advance of fifty per cent, therein mentioned, the President be and he is, hereby authorized Coniraeia for the to enter into contracts for the purchase of coal. and iron, in such quan- pm-chase of Coal ami jj^jg^ ^^ ^^^^ probably be required for a series of years, not exceeding six, and to make advances thereon not exceeding one-third of the amount of such contract. Approved April 19, 1862. ^IRST CONGHESS. Sess. I. Ch. 42, 43. 1862. 3S Chap. SLII. — An Act to establish certain Post Routes therein named. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That 'ihe following post routes be and the same are hereby established, to wit : In the State of Alabama. — From Guntersville, by way of Larkins- '^'ille, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, to Bellefonte. From •Syliacogga to I. I. Richards, in Coosa County. In the State of Arkansas. — From Parks to Blackfork, in Scott coun- ty. From Jacksonport, by Black and Current Rivens, to Cherokee Point, •in Randolph county. From Trenton, by Hickory Grove to Clarendon. iFrom Camden by way of £1 Dorado, in Union comity, to Monroe, in the State of Louisiana. From Washington to Hempstead county, by way of Nashville, Ozan Post Office, Wilton and Murfreesboro' to Roys- ton, in Pike county. From Warren, by way of Johnsville, to Ham- burgh. In the State of Florida. — From Waldo Station, on the Florida Rail- road, to Etoriah. In the Slate of Georgia. — From Athens, by way of Harmony Grove and Phi Delta, to Homer. From Lebeauville, on the Savannah, Al- bany and Gulf Railroad, to Waresboro'. From Athens to Lawrence- ville. From Harmony Grove, by way of Homer and Webb's Creek, to Hollingsworth. From Nesota, Baker county, to Camilla. In the State of Louisiana. — From Natchetoches, on Red River, to Monroe, on the Ouachita River. In the State of Mississippi. — From Lake Station, by way of Pine- ville, to Flover's Place, in Smith county. In the State of Tennessee. — From Cade's Cave to Mont Vale Springs. From Cookville to Gainesboro'. In the State of Virginia. — From Arrington, by way of Massie's Mills, 'to Tye River Mills, in Nelson county. In the State of Jforth Carolina. — From Slatesville, by way of Tay- .lorsville, Wilkesboro' and Jefferson, to Marion, in the State of Vir- .ginia. In the Slate of South Carolina — From Simsville, by way of Ma3'bur- lon, to Goshen •Hill. In Jforth Carolina. — From Franklin, North Carolina, to Walhalla, in South Carolina. In the State of Texas. — Fiom Hookley's Depot, on the Houston and ?Central Railroad, to Waller's Store. From Hickory Station, in Cataw- 'ba county. North Carolina, to Lenoir. Approved April 19, 1862. Apiil 19, 18G2. Post Routes estab- lished: Iq Arliaasas. la Georgia. Iq Louisiana. In Mississippi. lu Tennessee. Iq Virginia. In North Carolina. In South Carolina. In North Carolina. In Taxas. Chap. TLhTH.—An AH ti increase ilte MUtlary Mi-iahl,lshm.erd of the Confederate States, and April 19, 18C2. to am^m/lthe '•'■ Actfor Vie establishment ar^d organization of the Army of the Confederate States of America." The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That Number of Ord- ., If r\ 1 o . i-ii • • f ^ nance Pergeanta in- the number ol Ordnance sergeants authorized by section six of " An creased. Act to increase the Military Establishment of the Confederate States," &c., approved May 16'th, 1861, be so increased as to provide one for i86i, Mayie. ..each regiment of the troops now or hereafter received in the service. Approved April 19, 1862. 40 FIRST CONGEESS. Sess. I. Ch. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 1862. April 19, isea- CsiP. XLXy.—An Act to Hmit the Act autJiorixing the suapmsion of the Writ of Babioi Corpv»^ A c t suEpendirg The Congress of ihe Confederate States of America do enact, That pus'd°finei"^''^ '^"^' ^he act authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, is hereby limited to arrests made by the authorities of the Confederate Government, or for offences against the same. How lonf said act Sec. 2. Be it fu7't her enacted, That the act "which this act is intend- to continue m orce. ^j ^^ limit shall Continue in force for thirty days after the nest meeting of Congress, and no longer. Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 1862. Chap. XLV.— jln Act to a^nend An Act eniUZed ^^ An Ad to prescribe the Hates of Postage in ^_^ Vie Confederate States of Amenca, and for other purposes" Rates of postage on The Cong7;ess of the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after the first day of July next, there shall be charged the following rates of postage, to wit: For ever}' single letter sealed, and for every letter in manuscript or paper of any kind, upon which infor- mation shall be asked for, or communicated in writing, or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mails for any distance within the Confederate What deemed a States of America, ten Cents ; and every letter or parcel not exceeding Bingie letter. ^gjf ^^ ounce in weighir, shall be deemed a single letter, and every addi- Artditionai single tional half Ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall pos.age. j^g charged with an additional single postage. Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 16(12. CnAP. XL\7. — An Act to authorize the ertipXoyment of Brill Masters. Drill Masters. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be and he is hereby authorized and empovi'ered to ap- point Drill Masters for Camps of Instruction or reserve forces in anj' arm of the military service, with such pay as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Approved April 19, 1^% April 19, 1S62. Chap. XLVII. — An Act in relation to Auditing Acc;>u^is for the War Department. Auditing Accounts The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That tor^tiie ar epart- jj. gj^^jj ^^ ^[^g ^^^jy ^f j[jg Second Auditor, after examining the ac- counts for the War Department, to certify the balances and transmit the account with the vouchers and certificates to the Comptroller for his decision thereon, and when finally adjusted, said accounts, vouch- ers and certificates shall be filed with the Register, as required by the act "to establish the Treasury Dbpartment," approved February 1061, Feb. 21. twenty-first, eighteen Iiundred and sixty-one. Approved April 19, 1863. April 19, ' 8C'2. Chap XLVIIT. — An Act to ametid " An Act to refiulnte the mode of paying the members of tha Stnate and House of liepreseniaiives, and i/ie dishursemetJit of the Co^iMngent FwivA." 1862, March 16. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I Oh. 49. 1862. 41 the compensation due to the officers of the Senate shall be certified by f'oTipensatioh due , „' i-juo 1 , Li- • -ijui J officers ofthe Senate; the Secretary of the Senate, at such times as ts provided by law, and the Sergeant-at-Arms shall draw upon the Treasury for the amounts thus certified, and the drafts shall be paid from the Treasury of the and^ow"?"!?""^^* Confederate States when issued according to law. Sec. 2. That the compensation due to the officers of the House of Compensation due Representatives shall be certified to by the Clerk of said House, at °'^="'"'' ""^■^°'''': such times as is provided by law ; and the said Clerk shall draw upon the Treasury for the amounts thus certified, and the drafts shiU be by whom certified paid from the Treasury of the Confederate States, when issued ac- ^""* ''°'' p"'*- cording to law. Approved April 19, 1862. Chap. XLIX. — An Act to limit the compensaiiori of Clerics^ MarshaU and District Aitomaya of -April 19, 1862. the Vonf&Jteraie States. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That _,^'''',"'=' ^"°':°<=y'; • . "^ ^^,' r T-i- • r-\ ii/r ^ I- Clerks of District every District Attorney, Clerk of a District Court and Marshal of the comtsand Marshals, Confederate States shall, until otherwise directed by law, upon the l°.uiDg%m'.'in™ar- first day of January and July in each year, commencing with the first 'y. to°the Attorney day of July next or within thirty days from and after the days speci- fied, make to the Attorney General, in such form as he shall prescribe, a return in writing, embracing all the fees and emoluments of their re- spective offices of every name and character, distinguishing the fees and emoluments received or payable under the Sequestration Acts from those received or payable for any other service ; and in the case of a Marshal further distinguishing the fees and emoluments re- ceived or payable for services by himself personally rendered from those received or payable for services rendered by a deputy ; and also embracing all necessary office expenses of such officers, the necessary clerk hire included, to be verified by the oath of the officer making the same. And no District Attorney shall be allowed to retain of the Maximum Compen- c J . i X' L • -J ni r } ■ 1 sation allowed Dis- lees and emoluments of his said ofnce, for his own personal compen- trict Attorneys, sation, over and above his necessary office expenses, the necessary clerk hire included, to be audited and allowed by the proper account- ing officers of the Treasury, a sum exceeding five thousand dollars per j'ear, and at and after that rate for such time as he shall hold the of- fice; and no Clerk of a District Court shall be allowed to retain of the (,^^^^^ °^ District fees and emoluments of his office for his own personal compensation, over and above the necessary expenses of his office, the necessary clerk hire included, to be audited and allowed by the proper officers of the Treasury a sum exceeding four thousand dollars per year, or at and after that rate for such time as he shall hold his office. And no Marshal shall be allowed to retain of the fees and emoluments of his of- ^^^ Mai-siiau. fice, for his own personal compensation over and above a proper allow- ance to his deputies, which shall in no case exceed three-fourths of the fees and emoluments received as paj-able for the services rendered by the deputy to whom this allowance is made, and over and above the necessary office expenses of such Marshal, necessary clerk hire included, also to be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officer of the Treasury, a sura exceeding five thousand dollars per year, or at and after that rate for such time as he shall hold office; and every such officer shall with each such return made by him pay into the Treasury of the Confederate States, or deposit to the credit of the Treasurer thereof, any surplus of the fees and emoluments of his office, , ^"'''"'°J'?nt'^J^' ■which his half-yearly return so made shall show to exist over and PuWic Treasury. 42 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess I. Ch. 50, 51, 52. 1862. above the compensation and allowances herein authorized to be re- tained and paid by him. Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 16C2. Chap. L. — An Act to provide for tTie appointment of Chaplaim at t?ie Xaval Hospitals. Chaplains to the The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That ospi s. ^i^g President ma)', in his discretion, appoint and as?ign to the Naval Hospitals in the Confederate States, Chaplains, for service during the continuance of the existing u-ar, who shall receive the same pay and ^°'^' emoluments as Chaplains in the Army. Approved Apiil 19, 1862. Aprill9, 1SG2. CaAP. LI. — An Act to regulate the eollectit)n of iJie War Tax in certain, States invaded iythi . Mhiemy. Tax have 1861, Aug. 19. The Congress of the Confederate States of JImerica do enact, That where any State has assumed, or shall assume, the payment of the tax imposed by the act entitled an act to authorize the issue of Trea- Payment of War sury Notes, and to provide a War Tax for their redemption, approved a^ssuined^ \hl 'he nineteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and payment thereof, sus- gtiy portion of such State shall be occupied by the enemy, so as to oc- pended, so far as as- ■ .■ j , .- r ' /,, • ■ ,i_ c sessed onproperyin casioa the destruction ot crops, or prevent the raising thereof, or ^fenfmy?™""* "^ ^° prevent the State from collecting taxes therein, the President may, under an agreement with the State authorities of such States, suspend the payment into the Treasury of such portions of the tax assumed by such State as may have been, or may be, assessed upon the property of the inhabitants of such districts so occupied by the enemy, until further provision be made by Congress. CoiiecHon of. ^^^ Sec. 2. The suspension of all proceedings in relation to the collec- Kentucky, suspend- tion of the War Tax in the States of Missouri and Kentucky, autho- *"*• rized by the Secretary of the Treasury, is confirmed, and he is hereby directed to take no action thereon until further legislation by Con- gress. Approved April 19, 186-2. April 19, 1S62. CnAP. ISH.—An Act reg-ukding tJie ftes of CUi'lce and for oilier purposes. Clerks' fees. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That all laws now in force prescribing the fees of Clerks of the Courts of said Confederate States be and the same are hereby repealed, and that in lieu thereof the said clerks shall be allowed to have and charge as follows, to wit : For issuing and entering every process, commission, summons, sub- pcEiia in chancery, capias, notice or garnishee summons,-under the Se- questration Act, warrant, attachment, or other writ, except a sub- poena for a witness, one dollar: Provided, That for all summons of gar- nishment arising under the Sequestration Acts, the clerk shall be al- lowed only twenty-five cents. For issuing a subpoena for a witness, or witnesses if more than one be named in the same subpoena, twenty-five cents. For filing and entering every declaration, plea, or demurrer, wheth- er written or not, or other written paper in any suit, for each, ten cents. • FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52. 1862. 43 For administering everj' oath or affirmation to a witness or other person, except a juror, ten cents. For entering the retura on any process when proper to do so, fifteen cents. For every rule entered in the rule book on one rule day, twenty-five cents. For any order, continuance, judgment, decree or recognizance, draw- ing any bond or making any record, certificate return or report, for every one hundred words fifteen cents, or a specific fee of forty cents. For a copy of any such entry or record, or any other record or paper, for every one hundred words ten cents, or a specific fee of twenty cents. For entering in any suit or controversy in Court, all the attorneys for each party, or the appearance in proper person of any party having no attomey who appears, ten cents. For making dockets and indexes and for other services for which no specific fee is allowed on the trial or argument of a cause, where issue is joined and testimony given, including venire and taxing costs, three dollars. For making dockets and indexes and for other services for which no specific fee is allowed in a cause where issue is joined and no testimony given, including taxing costs, two dollars. For making dockets and indexes, and for taxing costs and other ser- vices, for which no particular fee is allowed in a cause which is dis- missed or a judgment or decree is rendered therein without issue, in- cluding taxing costs, one dollar. For affixing the seal of Court to any instrument, when required, or to any process to which the same is required to be affixed by law, twen- ty cents. For every search, for anything above a year's standing, except where such search is for papers in a pending cause, twenty cents. For noting in the process book any decree, order or process, (except a subjoena for a witness,) and taking a receipt therefor, twenty cents. For recording a bond or other writing in pursuance of an order of Court, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents, or a specific fee of one dollar. Where a witness claims for his attendance, for administering an oath to him, entering and certifying such attendance, forty cents. For administering any oath not before provided for, and writing a certificate thereof, where the case requires one, fifty cents. For receiving, keeping and paying out money, in pursuance of the requirements of any statute or order of Court, one per cent, on the amount so received, kept and paid. For attendance on Court when the same is actually in session, for each day five dollars. For travelling from the office of the clerk, where he is required by Mileage, law to reside, or where he actually does reside, to the place of holding any court required to be held by law, five cents per mile for going and the same for returning. The said fees shall be chargeable to the party at whose instance the To whom fees, etc., service is performed, except that fees for entering and certifying the *'^'"^'""'^'"*" attendance of witnesses, and the proceedings to compel payment for such attendance, shall be charged to the party for whom the witness attended, and the per diem, mileage and other service performed for the Government of the Confederate States, shall be paid by said Gov- ernment. All fees which may accrue to the clerk under the Seques- Fees under seques- tration Act, or any act amendatory thereof, by law chargeable on said '■■ation Act, how paid. 44 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 53. 1862. fund, shall be paid out of the general sequestered fund in the hands of any receiver, or under the control of the Court, when an order shall be made directing such payment, and the Court is authorized to make such order at its discretion. No person shall be connpelled to Pee bills, how made pay any fees before mentioned until a fee bill be produced to him, *" ■ signed by the clerk to whom they are due, expressing the particulars for which such fees are charged; and the said fee bills made out and To whom fee bills signed as aforesaid, the clerk may deliver to the marshal or to a sheriff lection; power and of the State where the party resides, who shall collect the same, de- duty of coUecting of- ducting a commission often per cent, for such collection, and the mar- shal or sheriff may distrain therefor such property of the person to whom the fees are charged as might be levied on under a writ of fieri facias issued from a State court of the said respective Confederate States; and the District Courts of the Confederate States shall, on How fee bill may motion, and for good cause shown, quash any such fee bill and prevent ^ ''"^^ ' ■ the collection thereof, or of so much thereof as appears to be illegal and not justly due. No clerk shall be obliged to perform services for a non-resident of the district for which he is clerk, unless payment of When clerk !s en- his fees for said services be secured, nor to perform services for any ing'^servi'ces'to'haTC person against whom he has had a fee bill returned, and which remains security for his fees. Unsatisfied, unless he be secured payment of his fees for the services desired, or performance of said services be directed by the court. Record books and Sec. 2. And the CoTisrress of the Confederate States do further enact, That all necessary record books and stationery shall be fur- nished the said clerks at the cost of the Government, and that the accounts for the same be paid on the certificate of the Judge of the re- spective District Courts, that in his opinion such accounts are just and reasonable. Appointmentof Sec. 3. And the Co-iigress of the Confederate States do further frircouu"" ""^ °''" ^'^'"^^' That any Clerk of any District Court of said Confederate States may, with the consent of such (^ourt, or with the consent in writing of the Judge thereof, in vacation, appoint a deputy, who shall take the Oath. same oaths such clerk is required to take, and who, during his continu- Duties. ance in office, may discharge any of the duties of the clerk, and he Removal from of may be removed from office either bv the Clerk or the Court. '°'- Approved April 19, 1862. April 19, 1862. Chap. Lin. — An Act to provide for the payment of officers of tJie Virginia MiUtiafor services rendered. Payment of officers The Cousress of the Confederate States of Jimenca do enact. That of the Virginia Militia i, /t- i "^ • ■ 2 m ■• .1 ir- • • ht-tj- 1 for services rendered all otticers and non-commissioncd ofncers 01 the Virginia Militia, who states""''^'''''^''''^ ^^^^ '^^^'^ called into the service of the Confederate States, by the order of any commanding officer of 'the Confederate States Army, authorized to make such call, or by the proclamation of the Governor of Virginia, in obedience to requisitions duly made upon him by the President, shall be allowed, under the direction of the Quartermaster General, compensation for the period of their actual service, according to the rate of pay and allowances, to which officers and non-commis- sioned officers of corresponding grades, in the Confederate States Army, are by law entitled. ■ Offlcers to produce Sec. 2. Before any officer of militia shall be entitled to receive pay certiacates showing j ,, ■ • r ii, j- i- 1, u 11 » i iU period of service. Under the provisions of the preceding section, he shall present to the proper officer to whom he may apply for payment, a certificate signed by the commandant of the brigade, regiment or battalion of militia to which he may have been attached, and approved by the Commanding FIEST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 54, 55, 56. 1862. 45 General of the army, corps or department, with which such brigade, regiment or battalion was serving, which certificate shall t;tate the pre- cise period during which such officer was actually in service and per- formed duty according to his rank, not including in such period what- ever time such officer was absent from duty with his command, unless absent on furlough, or detached or detailed service, by order of the Commanding officer. Non-commissioned officers shall be required to present like certificates, sign-ed by the commanding officer of the regi- mMit or battalion to which they belong, before being entitled to receive their pay. Sec. 3. AH staff officers of the Virginia militia duly appointed and Payor stair office™ qualified, according to the laws of Virginia, shall be entitled to receive on like cenm^ates.' the same pay and allowances as are provided by law for officers of cor- responding grades in the Confederate States Army, upon a like certifi- cate that they have actually been in service and performed the duties prescribed for their respective grades by the laws of Virginia, and the laws and army regulations of the Confederate States. Sec. 4. No payments under this act shall be allowed for any period No payments to be subsequent to the thirtieth day of J\Iarch, eighteen hundred and sixty- ",bsec^,'„rto Market two, nor shall any junior Major of a regiment to which two Majors so, 1882. may be attached, nor any Paymaster or Surgeon's mate be deemed to junior Major, ray- be entitled to pay or allowances under the provisions of this act. master or Surgton's » » -1 in iorT> ^^^"^ '° receive no Approved April 19, lob^. pay. Chap. LIT. — An Act to increase the clerical force of the Quartermaster GeneraVs Bureau, April 19 1862. The Cotigress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Additional cieriM authorized in the Bu- reau of the Quarter- the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint eight additional clerks in the Bureau of the Quartermaster General, at maslw General!' the following rates of compensation, to wit : two at the rate of fifteen compensation. hundred dollars per annum ; two at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum; and four at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum : Provided, that no person now by law subject to military duty shall be appointed. Approved April 19, 1862. Proviso. Chap. LV. — An Act to amend An Act entitled " An Act to increase the corps of Artillery, and for other purposes,^^ approaed August 2\si,l%(j\, April 19, 1862. 1861, Aug. 21. The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact. That section third of an act entitled "An Act to increase the corps of Ar- tillery and for other purposes," approved August 21st, 1861, be so amended as to authorize the President to increase the salaries of mas- ter armorers or any of them to a sum not exceeding two thousand dol- crea'sTsTianTs of lars per annum. master armorers. Approved A\m\ 19, 1862. Cbap. LVI. — An Act to amend the several Acts in relation to the pay of Chaplains in the April 19, 1869. Army, The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That Pay of Ohapuina. hereafter the pay of Chaplains in the army shall be eighty dollars per month, wi;h rations as now provided by law. Approved April 19, 1862. 46 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 57, 58, 59, 60. 1862. ipril 19, 1SC3. Chap. LVII. — An Act to recognize t/ie organisation of certain military companies. Companies with less The Consress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That than the minimum -ii \, l c • u ■ tL'^i ■• number, already in 'n all Cases heretotore occurring where companies not having the mini- the service, recog- mum number of men necessary to form a company as required by ex- nized as if duly or- ... , , .^,. -i-ii i ganued. isting laws, nave been organized into companies which have entered into the service by order of a Commanding General or been received by such officer into the service, in all such cases the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and required to recognize said companies a^ if Eankoftheofficsrs. duly Organized under existing laws, and the officers of said companies are hereby declared as entitled to the same rank to which they would Pay and rations. Jjave been entitled if the companies had been duly organized ; and the officers and men thereof shall be entitled to draw their pay and rations as^f they had been duly authorized under existing laws. Approved April 19, 18G2. April 19, 1862. Chap. LTT''T. — An Act fo prohilit the transportation and sale of certain articles in any port or place within tlie Confederate States, in the possession of the enemy, anfl to prohibit the sale, barter or exchange of certain at tides ilierein named, to alien or domestic enemies. Unlawful to trans- The ConTress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That port to, or to sell in .. . ,. , '^ , ,.'^ , ;- *' -jl l i- ir l- l anyport of the 0. s. it shall be unlawtiil lor an}' person, either by himself or his agent, or in possession of the [p j^^y manner whatever, to transport to any port or place in the Con- enemy, cotton, tobac- ^ , '^ ^ i-i , •• , CO, &o. federate states, which may be at the time in the possession of the enemy, or to sell therein, any cotton, tobacco, sugar, rice, molasses, syrup or naval stores. Penalty. gj,|,_ g. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the Act enti- tled "An Act to prohibit the exportation of cotton from the Confede- rate States, except through the sea-ports of the said States, andtopun- 1S61, May2i. jg|j persons offending therein," be and the same are hereby extended to any person or persons violating the foregoing section of this Act, and, in addition to such punishment, the part}' or parties offending shall forfeit and pay the Confederate States the value of the article sold or trans- ported. ' Approved April 19, 1S62. April 19, 1862. Ch.ip. LIX. — An Act maiing Atigmtn, Georgia, a port of delivery for goods imported iitto Charleston, South Curollyia. citT of Augusta, The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That ?f'deUve.Tforg?ods f'-om and after the passage of this act, the city of Augusta, Georgia, imported into be, and the same is hereby made a port of delivery lor goods imported into Charleston, South Carolina, upon the same terms and conditions, and in like manner, in every respect, as it has been heretofore and Is now a port of delivery for goods imported into Savannah, Georgia: and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby required to make such rules ' _ and regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the true intent and meaning of this act. Approved April 19, 1S62. April 19, 1852. CniP. LX. — An Act cteclaring the o^icer wJio shall act as President in case of vacancies in Vie — — q^cesho'tk of President and Vice President. wiiotoactasPres- The Cojigress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That canc'iesV'tife offices '1 casB of removal from office, death or resignation both of the Prosi- EIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 61, 62. 1862. 47 dent and Vice President of tlie Confederate States, or of the inability jroth of President and V ICQ IrrGSiudlt of both to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, then the President of the Senate, pro tempore, and in case there shall be no President of the Senate, then the Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives, for the time being, shall act as President of the Confede- rate States, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected and inaugurated. Approved April 19, 1862. -An Act to authorize the excliange of "bonds far articles in hind, and the sJdpyrteiitt April 31, 186- sale, or hypotheca ion ofsuoh articles. . The Consrress of ihe Confederate States of America do enact, That Exchange of bonds the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to ex- Zvmt '""''"="* change the bonds or stock of the Confederate States for any articles in kind, which may be required for the use of the Government, the said articles to be valued according to such regulations as the said Sec- Articles to be vai- retary shall make. "'"^• Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Commissary and Quartermaster Generals to direct their various officers lo receive, at the place of pur- Receipt of articles chase, all such articles purchased as are applicable to their several De- cL'se^- tow to°be^ap^ partments, and to apply the same in the same manner as if purchased pii<^3n Act to amend Jin Act entitled An Act to further provide for the public defence^ passed the sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. 1862, AprU 16. Vacancies in com- The CoTigress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That ei«.?flUed by'iTromo' all Vacancies shall be filled by the President from the company, bat- oon according to se- talion, squadron or regiment in which such vacancies shall occur, by promotion, according to seniority, except in case of disability or other incompetency, and that whenever a vacancy shall occur in the lowest Vacancy in the low- grade of Commissioned officers of a company, such vacancies shall be ^n^d' officers"o?'a filled by election : Provided, however, That the President may, when emnpany filled by jjj {jjg opinion it is proper, fill any vacancy by the promotion of any of- ficer from any company, battalion, squadron or regiment in which the same may occur, who shall have been distinguished in service by the exhibition of extraordinary valor and skill ; and that when any vacancy shall occur in the lowest grade of commissioned officers of any compa- President may fiu ny, the same may he filled by selection by the President of any non- mot?o™of''officerror Commissioned officer or private from the company in which said vacan- P'i^'^s for distin- ey may occur, who shall have been distinguished in the service by the exhibition of extraordinary valor and skill ; and that appointments made by the President shall be by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Approved April 21, 1862. ^ J FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Res. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1862. S3 RESOLUTIONS. (No. 1.] Joint resotvUon approving the resolution passed hy the Legislature oj Virginia expres- February 2T, 1 862. sing her determination to vindicate her ancient boundaries. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Con- Approval of jseso- federate States of America, That they heartily approve of the peso- Legislature of vir- lution passed by the Legislature of Virginia, expressing her determi- S'°'" nation to vindicate the integrity of her ancient boundaries, and pledge all the resources of the Confederacy to uphold her determination. Approved Feb. 27, 1862. pnia. [No. 2.] .4 Resolution declaring the sense of Congress inregard to re-uniting with the United States, March 11, 1862. Whereas the United States are waging war against the Confede- Preamble. rate States, with the avowed purpose of compelling the latter to re- unite with them under the same Constitution and Government ; and whereas the waging of war with such an object is in direct opposition ' to the sound republican maxim, that "all government rests upon the consent of the governed," and can only tend to consolidation in the General Government, and the consequent destruction of the rights of the States ; and whereas this result being attained, the two sections can only exist together in the relation of the oppressor and the oppres- sed, because of the great preponderance of power in the Northern section, coupled with dissimilarity of interest ; and whereas we, (he representatives of the people of the Confederate States, in Congress, assembled, may be presumed to know the sentiments of said people, having just been elected by them : Therefore — ^Be it resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, No political affiiia- That this Congress do solemnly declare and publish to the world, that of" thrunite/ statS it is the unalterable determination of the people of the Confederate States, in humble reliance upon Almighty God, to suffer all the calam- ities of the most protracted war, but that they will never, on any terms, politically affiliate with a people who are guilty of an invasion of their soil and the butchery of their citizens. Approved March 11, 1862. [No. 3.] Resolution pledging the Government to maintain the territorial integrity of the Confede March 11 1862. racy. , ! Resolved hy the Congress of the Confederate States of America, the territorial in- That the honor of this Government imperatively demands that the ex- eracy!^°to be maln- isting war be prosecuted until the enemy shall have been expelled '^''"=*- from every foot of soil within each and every of the Confederate States; and no proposition of peace shall be entertained which con- templates, however remotely, the relinquishment, by this Govern- ment, of any portion of any of the States of this Confederacy. Approved March 11, 1862. [No. 4.] Resolution of thanks to Capt, Buchanan and the officers and men under his command. March 12, 1862. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, ihanks of Congress That the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby cordially tender- *and ufconSand?*" ed to Captain Buchanan, and all under his command, for their unsur- passed gallantry, as displayed in the recent successful attack upon the naval forces of the enemy in Hampton Roads. Approved March 12, 1862. 54 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Res. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 1862. March 25, 1863. [No. 5. J Joint resolution to aid our prisoners in the hands of the enemy. Aid to our prison- Resolved hv the Congress of the Confederate States of America^ ers of wa,r in the ^^ j ^ j j j iands of the enemy. That the Secretary of War be authorized to apply out of the contin- gent funil of the War Department, such sums of money, from time to time, as, in his judgment, may be necessary for the aid of prisoners of Proviso. war in the hands of the enemy : Provided, That all sums paid any pri- soner, or expended for him, shall be charged to his account. Approved March 25, 1862. April 3, 1862. [No. 6.] Joint resolution relating to the manner of patjing Members of the Provisional Congrest ■ the arrearages of their pay and mileage. Manner of paying Resolved hy the CongTcss of the Confederate States of America, visional Congress That the pay and mileage of members of the Provisional Congress, iheh-payandmifeage' ^'^° have not been paid may be paid upon ccrtifiates signed by the Speaker of the House of Repiesentatives, on the recommendation of the House Committee on pay and mileage, out of any money appro- priated for that purpose. Approved April 3, 1862. April 9, 1862. [No. 7.] Resolutions of thanks to Major General Thomas J. Jackson and the officers and men under his command, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Kernstown. mianksofCongiess Resolvtd hy the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Bonandhiscoimnand. That the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby tendered to Major- General Thomas J. Jackson and the officers and men under his com- mand for gallant and meritorious services in a successful engagement with a greatly superior force of the enemy near Kernstown, Frederick County, Virginia, on the tweuty-third day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Peoretary of War Resolved, That these resolutions be communicated by th-e Secretary 'r?so°ut"ns!°'"'*'"' 0^ ^ar to Major-General Jackson, and by him, to his command. Approved April 9, 1862. April 11, 1863. [No. 8.] Joint resolution of thanks to the patriotic women of the country for voluntary contrihutioru furnished by them to the ^rmy. Thanks of Congress Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, of the country. That the thanks of the Congress of the Confederate States are emi- nently due, and are hereby tendered to the patriotic women of the Confederacy for the energy, zeal and untiring devotion which they have manifested in furnishing voluntary contributions to our soldiers in the field, and in the various military hospitals throughout the country. - Approved April 11, 1862. April 15, 1862. [No. 9.] Joint resolution of thanks for the victory at Shiloh, Tenn, Gratitude of Con- Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, achievedatEhlioh?'^^ That Congress has learned with gratitude to the Divine Ruler of na- tions the intelligence of the recent complete and brilliant victory which has been gained by the Army of the Confederate States under the com- mand of Gen. A. S. Johnston, over the Federal forces in Tennessee, on the battle field of Shiloh. EIRST CONGEESS. Sess. I. Res. 10, 11, 12. 1862. * SS Resolved, That the thanks of Congress are hereby tendered to Gen. Thanks of Congress G. T. Beauregard and the other' surviving officers and privates of that l°d*;thersm^v"Tn|"f* army lor the signal exhibition of skill and gallantry displayed by them fleers and pmatea. on that memorable occasion ; and all who contributed to that signal triumph, in the judgment of Congress, are entitled to the gratitude of their country. Resolved, That the intelligence of the death of General Albert Sid- Sorrow of Congress ney Johnston, Commander-in-Chief, when leading the Confederate teiilgence of the death forces to victory on the sixth of April, in Tennessee, vs^hile it affects °f c*™- ■'"'''"ston. Congress with piofound sorrow, at the same time obscures our joy with a shade of sadness at the loss of an officer, so able, skillful and galjant. Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be made known by appro- These resolutions to priate general orders by the Generals in command, to the officers and ^a" rg^e^c"™ 'h' m troops to whom they are addressed, and that they also be communicated addressed. to the family of General Johnston. Approved April 15, 1862. [No. 10.] Joiiit resolution of thanks to General H, H. Siitetf and his f:ommand. April 16 1863. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Thanks of Congress That the thanks of Congress are hereby tendered to Brig. Gen. H. H. Sib- andhil'oommind?""' ley, and to the officers and men under his command, for the complete and brilliant victories achieved over our enemies in New Mexico. Approved April 16, 1862. [Ko. 11.3 Resolution of thanks to the officers and creTi's of the Patrick Henry, Jamestown, Teazer April 16 1863 and other vessels for gallant conduct. ' Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Thanks of Congress That the thanks of Congress are due, and are hereby tendered to the crews of the Patrick officers and crews of the Patrick Henry, Jamestown, Teazer and other ?eazTr'aD?o'ther''y'S- vessels engaged, for their gallant conduct and bearing in the naval com- seis. bat and brilliant victory on the waters of Jaiines river, on the 8th and 9th of March, 1863. Approved April 16, 1862. [No. 13.] Resolution for the preservation of public documente, April 19 1863. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Preservation of That two hundred copies of all documents printed by order of either ^JaeToTeitherHou^e House of Congress shall be delivered by the Superintendent of Public °^ Congress. Printing to the Attorney General, and at the end of each session of Con- gress, the Attorney General shall cause the samfetobe properly indexed To be indexed an* and bound in volumes of convenient size, including in each vohime one ''™°''- copy of each document; but no document from which the seal of secresy has not been removed shall be placed in said bound volumes. Resolved further. That one copy of said volumes, when bound, shall How disposed of be retained for the use of the Department of Justice, and the remain- ing copies together with the secret documents, held subject to the order of Congress. Approved April 19, 1863. 56 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Res. 13, 14, 15, 16. 1862. April 19, 1863. [No. 13-] Joint Hesolution to autTiorize the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the mnleage find per diem of mcTn^ers of the Provisional Congress out of the contingejit fund of that Congress. Contingent fund Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Congress to be used That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to »heir^m1iea?e™'nd "*^ *he fund appropriated by the Provisional Congress for contingen- por diem. cies for that Congress, in paying members of the Provisional Congress, who have not already been paid the mileage and per diem due them. Approved April 19, 1862. April 21, 1862. [No. 14.] Resolution of thanks to 2fajor Generate Van Dom and Price, and the officers and soldiersunder their command, Jbr their valour, skill and good conduct, i7i the battle of Elk Horn, in the State of Arkansas, and of respect for the Tnemory of Generals McCuiloch and Mcintosh. Thanks of Congress Resolved hy the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Van Dorn^ and^°Pr?ce That the thanks of Congress be, and they are hereby given to Major- oomnands "^''^""'^^ Generals Van Dorn and Price, and the officers and soldiers under their command, for their valor, skill and good conduct in the battle ot Elk- horn, in the State of Arkansas. Grief of Congress Resolved, further, That the Congress has heard with profound grief, -ais McCuiloch and of the deaths of Generals McCulioch and Mcintosh, who fell in the Mcintosh. midst of the battle, gloriously leading their commands against the ene- my. Approved April 21, 1862. April 21 1862. [No. 15.] Joint Resolution to proinde for the payment of stationery purchased for the Provi- * sicnal Congress, Account of Starke Resolved hy the Congress of the Confederate States of America, andcardoza for sta- -pi^^t the clerk of the House of Representatives is hereby authorized to pay out of the contingent fund of the Provisional Congress, the ac- count of Starke and Cardoza, for the sum of ten hundred and forty- five dollars and sixty cents, for stationery furnished the Provisional Congress. Approved April 21, T862. April 21 1862 [^o- ^6.j Joint Resolution to authorize the ,joint cojnmiftee on public lyitildings to rent rooms ._ ^ ' for the Treasury Department. Rent of additional Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, theTrJasury Depar". That the Joint Committee on Public Buildings be authorized to ajent. rent as many additional rooms as may be necessary for the use of the Treasury Department. Approved April 21, 1862. INDEX IPOREGOING PUBLIC LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. A. AecountSf auditing of, for the War Department, 40, duties of Second Auditor and OomptroUer in re- spect thereto, 40 AdfninistratorSf agents in Indian nations te act, ex o^cio^ as an- cillary admintstratorB of the goods, etc., of citi- sens of the Confederate States who may die therein 25^ Advertisements^ for cari ying the mail may be inserted in addition- al number of newspapers, 2 ! Annuities., payment of, under Treaty stipulat'.ons with the I> dians, 14; Appropriations^ for the further defence of the Bay of Mobile and the Alabama river, 4 payment of, for contiagent expenses of Congress,. 5! who declared to be disbursing offices of same, .... 5 general legialative, executive and judicial appro- priation bill, and for other objects from April 1, to November 30, 1S62, 7 legislative, 7 senate, 7-8 house, 8 priatlngfor Congress, 8 executive, 8 president, S vice-president,... 8 private secretary and messenger, 8 contingent and telegraphic expenses,. ... 8 state department 8 secretary's office, 8 Incidental and contiagent expenses, 8 ■war department, 8 qpcretary 's office, 8 officers and privates of the army, 9 volunteers and militia, 9 quartermaster's supplies, transportation ^ and other necessary expenses, 9 Bubsistence stores and cummissary prope> ty, 9 ordnance service, 9 CTigineer service, 9 BQrgical and medical supplies, 9 ! contingent expenses of the Adjutant and Inspector General's office, 9 Incidental and contingent expenses of the army and of the war department, 9 floating defences of the western waters,. . 9 ; navy department, 8 ; secretary's office 8 i incidental and contingent expenses, 8 ; pay of the navy, 10 > provisions and clothing, 10 ] contingencies In the paymaster's depart- ; ment, 10 1 ordnance and ordnance stores, 10 J naut cal instruments, 10 < iron-clad vessels, 10 J equipment and repair of vessels, 10 ' 5 Appropriations, (continued.) fuel for steamers, navy-yards and sta- tions, ID medical supplies and surgeon's necessa- ries, 10 contingents enumerated,. 10 hemp, 10 support of the marine corps, Including bounty, 10 iron-clad vessels in Europe, 10 post-offi:e department, 8 postmaster general's office, 8 Incidental and contingent expenses, 8 justice department, 8 attorney general's office, a office of superintendent of public printing, 8 Incidental and cohtingent expenses, 8 printing for the several departments, 8 rent of executive buildings and removal of the seat of government, 9 judges, 9 district attorneys, ... 9 ma-shals, 9 incidental and contingent expenses of courts,. 9 deficiencies in the revenue of the post-office de- partment, 9 treasury notes, bonds, etc., 9 telegraph lines, 9 collectors of war tax, 9 assessors of war tax, 9 commissioners, etc., under sequestration act, 9 Charleston custom house, 9 rent of executive buildings, , 9 foreign intercourse, ...; 9 mini'-ters, ^. 9 commissioners, 9 Secretary or other officers, 9 incidental and contingent necessities, etc., 9 public debt 9 Interest ,.. 9 Indian affairs,.. 8 Commissioner's nfBce, 8 Indian treaties, 9 Chxtaws and Chicliasaws, 9 Cherokees ^ 9 Coman. hes, 10 Osages, 10 Quapaws, 10 Reserve Indians, 10 Seoecas and Phawnees,. 10 Super) ntendents and agents 10 incidental and contingent expenses of In- dian agencies, 10 Arizona tenitory, 10 governor, 10 commiis.oner of Indian affairs and secre- tary, 10 judges l'> attornt-y, 10 marshal, 10 legislative assembly, 10 contingent expenses of legislative assembly, 1 of territory, 10 index: 50 : 45; Appropriations^ (continned.) estimates of heads of departments^ • 25 > t9 carry into eflfect " An Act to encourage en- \ Ustments in the corps of marines" 26-27 ; for the contingent expenses of the war depart \ ment and the army, to be divided, 32-83 > tor the c>>D8tract'0n of a railroad in the States i of Louisiana and Texas, 85 ^ ftirther appropriations in the treasury, war and / navy departments, and for other purposes ^ for the year ending Nov. 30, 1S62 , 87? treaenry department, 88'^ additional clerks in the offices of the trea- / earer, assistant treasurers and deposita- ^^ Ties, 88 ; war department " 8S > pig and rolled iron, 88'^ casting cannon, shot and shells, 88 > manufacturing small arms, 88 ^ purchase and manufacture of nitre and ex- f ploring and working caves, etc 88 ^ D3vy department, 38 ^ advances on contracts lor the manufacture f and prod action of iron, 38^ purcha^'e of exchange for the department / in pnrchasing iron-clad vessels,. , 88 J la-acellaneous, 85 ^ interest on the public debt SS paper, plates and printing of bonds and treasury notes, £8 additional clerks for issue of bonds and coupons, B8 paper, plates and printingof treasury notes of Ihe denomiaatioa of one ani two dol- lars, 88 additional clerks to sign smatl treasury notes 83 to carry into effect the act authorizing the exchinge of bonis or stocks for articles IB kind, ArmorerSy I resident may increase salaiies of master armor- ers, Arf7i.5, pay for private arms, 81 manufactories of small arms adapted to the use of. the army 88 advances by the government to the contractors for the erection of the works andmachioery, S3 act to apply to cases of enlargement of exis- J ting manufactories, 33-34 J Army, '/ army officer, appointed Secretary of War, not to < lose his rank, 1 ' corps for the defence of Mobile bay and the I Alabama river. Officers; th'-ir rank and pay, 4 \ itaff and clerical force of General who may / be assigned to duty at seat of government,.. 4 j their pay and allowances, 4J offices, fae', etc.. to be provided, 4i addiilonal aids de-camp allowed the President, 7 i their rank pay and allowances, 7> act of March 6th, 1S61, amended to make it \ apply to companies i*ceived into the service > for duty as HeaTy A>tillery, 10-11 ^ same act and the act of May 10th 1861, ti ex- tend to companies of Light and Heavy Artil- lery, now in, or which may be received Into the service, 11 eompanies. etc., of troops to be organized and armed with pikes or other availabe arms,. . to serve as infantry or be attached to other regiments in the se'vi e,. ... men may be dtta'ltd from such companies J to fill vacancies in companies armed with ^ Ore arms, 26 > corps of officers for the working of nitre ) cave?, 27-28.' their duties 27-28 J superintendent of such corps to make re- I port to cfaief of ordnance, 28 ? organisation of corps ; how long to con- ^ tinue, 28^ ail white men. residents of the C. S., between } tt cages 'f 18 and 35 years, placed in the ( milita y service SO ( those now in the army continued in the ser- vice reorganiaation of coinpanies, etc., whose term of enlislmect was for twelve months, 30 JoTlongha may be granted, 80 86! so: Armyf (continued.) commutation, St?* persons now enrolled, under the age of IS or over 35 years, required to remain for ninety days, 80' laws providing for the re-enlistment of vol- unteersand organization thereof repealed SC' companies, etc., with number of men re- qalsite for organization enrolled, to be lEQstered into service, 80 enrollment of men, 30-81 persons enrolled assigned to companies in the service from which they come, 81 transfer of seamen fiom the land forcesto the naval service, 31 excess of enrolled persons kept as a re- serve, - 81 details from the reserve to keep each com- pany to its max'mum, 3t reserves may • emaio at home, 81 not to receive pay, nor be subject to rules and articles of war, 31 when the entire reserve may be called into act : al s -rvice, 81 organizat on, 31 election of office-p, 31 troops raised in different States not to be combined 31 bounty, 81 pay for private ar&s, 81 substitutes allowed, 3t' vacancies to be filled by the President from the companies, etc., in which they occur by promotion according to seni- ority, 82* election of officers for regiments, etc., composed of twelve months and war companies, 32 complement of infantry-; field artillery; cavalry, , 82 persons subject to enrollment may volun- teer, 32 act to organize. a signal corps, 33 number of ordnance sergeants increased so as to provide ohe for each regiment, 39 appointment of drilL-mtiSters for camps of in- struction, 40 payment of offi-ers of the Virginia militia for services rendered, 44-45 eompanies with less than the minimum num- ber of mes, already in the service, recog- nized as if duly organized, 46 rank of the officers of such companies,... 46 pay and rations of the offixiers and men,.. 46- commissary and quartermaster generals to di- rect their officers to receive and apply arti- cles in kind acquired by the exchange of bonds or stock, 47 drunkenness of commissioned officers in the army, punisht-d 47-48 duty of all officers to make report thereof, 43 court for the tiifil of offenders, 43 bands of Partisan Rangers, 48 pay, rations and quarters, 48 entitled to the foil value of arms, etc., captured, 43 enlistment of cooks, 43 ther duties, 43 may be white or black, free or slave per- sons, 43 appointment of additional officers in the Engi- neer corps of the Provisional Army, 49- appointment of officers ol artillery of the rank of captain and first lientenant in Frovis'onal Army 49' act to organize battalions of sharp shoo'ers,.. 51 companies, etc., which have been organ- ize'l or are in service under State au- thority, may be accepted, 51 persons exempted from military service,. . .. 51-52 vacancies in companies, battalions, etc., how, and by whom filled, . 52 in the lowest grades of comm'ssioned of- ficers of a company filled by election, .. 52 President may fill vacancies by the promo- tion of ofhcers or privates for dietin- guished services, 52 Arizona Territory, appropriation for, ID legislative, executive and judicial officers, 10 contingent expenses ef the legis-ativc assembly 10 of the territory, 10 INDEX. ui Artillery, y acts of March 6th a-nd May lOtb, 1861, extended so j a3 to apply to companies of light and heavy ar- J tiUery, 10-11 / appointment of officers of, of the rank of captain \ and firsf lieutenant, in the Provisional Army,. . , 49 number, 49 Attorney Gentralj appropriation for his office, 8 to have public documents printed by order of either House of Congrtss, indexed and bound,.. 5?i how disposed of, 55 Attorneys, compensation of district attor neys, limited, 41 surplus of fees to be paid into the treasury, 41 B. 53 JBeauregardj General, thanka of Congress tendered to, Bonds J of Superintendent of Indian affairs, 11 Indian afrents, 11 depositories of pu^ilic moneys, 29 contractors for the manufacture of saltpetre and small arms, , 33 BooJc-JceepeTS, additional, may be employed at the offices of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers, 82 ^ compensation, 32 J Bounty, i soldiers continued In service under the conscrip- i tioQ act to receive bounty, SI j BuchancLii, Captain, \ thanks of Congress tendered to, 53 / 0. Chaplains, i at the navy hospita's, 42 ^ pay, 44 ^ pay and rations of, in the army, 45 ;> Cherokees, appropriation for, , Choctaws and Ckickasaws, ( appropriation for, 9^ Clerk of the House of Representatives, / his EaUry, 3 <; may appoint asaibtants, 8 / their salariei, 3 j! Clerks. See Fees. i additional clerks In the offices of the Treasurer and ) Assstant Treasurers, authorized, 32 *; compensation of clerks of Uistrict \. ourt*, limited, 41 ,* to be furniihcd with record books and sia- ^ tionery, 4A I may appoint deputies 44 / and duties of deputy, 44 <; removal from office, 44 / additional clerks authorized in the bureau of the { Quartermaster General, ^ 40 Coal. Bee Mines. Comanckes, appropi-iatinn for, 10 ^ Commissary Geyieral, / to direct his officers to receive a^-tic'es !n kind re- / ceived in ex>.hange for bonds, etc., and app'y I the same, 47/ Compensation. J of Secreta'-y of the Senate, of Assist ant Secretary of the Senate and Clerks, . . of Sei geant-at- \ rms, Doorkt-eper, A asistant of Doorkei^p^r and Page of the Senate, 3 of Clerk of the House of Representatives and his assistants 8 of Dookeeper, Assistant Doorke per and Pages of the House, 3 of officers of toips for the defence of Mobile bay and Alabama rive-, 4 of Senator?, Representatives and Delegates in Congress, 4-5 when i'resMent of the Senate pro tempore, to re- ceive comp na'ion a'lowi d the Vice-Pre^i'Jent, 5 Speaker of t^le Honse to receive double pay al- lowed Representatives, 6 dedudion lor absence w thout leave, 5 of members and officers of two Houses of Con- gress; how certified, 5, 40-41 eertificates granted to be taken as conclusive, 5 of additional aids-de-camp on the President's staff, 7 Compensation, (continued.) of the President, .., , T of superintendent of Arkansas and Red lUver su- perintondenc.v of Indian affairs, 11 Indian agents, • 12, 25 jntt.rpreters for Indian agencies, 12 blacksmiths, wagon makers, mechanics, teach- ers and physicians, 18 to be in full of all emoluments except fees,. .. 13 agent or interpreter absent without leave to re- ceive no pay, 13-14 of district attorney, marshal and deputy marshals of Tennessee whose offices were declared to be vacated, 2T of district collectors of war tax, 2T of depositoiies of public moneys, 29 of colored persons employed as musicians, 29 of additional tellers and book-keepers in the offices of the treasurer and assistant treasurers, S3 fees of marshals, 35-87 of criers and persons attending on jui ies, 87 of jurors, 37 of witne^^ses, 87 of drill-masters, ". 40 of clerks, marshals and district attorneys, limited, 41 surplus of their fees, etc., to be paid into the treasury, 41 of chaplains in the naval hosi itals, 42 fees and mileage of clerks of cojrts, 42-48 of officers of tite Virginia militia for services ren- dered the Confederate States 44-45 of additional clerks authorized in the bureau of the Quartermaster General, 45 salaries of m ster armorers may be iucrtased,... . 45 ©f chaplains in the army, 45 of agents to carry out the details of the ai tauthor- izing the ex hange of bonds for articles in kind, 4T commissioners allowed deputy postmasters, 49 of the additional grades of navy officers, .... 50 of payma'iteri in the navy, CO of inventors or constructors of machines for des- troying armed vessels of the enemy, 51 manner of paying members of the l^rd visional Con- gress the arrearages of their pyy, 54 < Cooks, ? enlistment of, in the army, 48 J duties, 4S / may be white or black, free or slave persons, 43 ; pay, 48-49 Congress, i( ompensation and mileage of members, 4-5 when president of the Senate j»ro /em/jore, to re- ceive compensation allowed ihe P. esiden', 5 speaker of th^ House to receive d uble pay, 5 deduction from pay of membets for absence with- out leave, 5 compensation due to members and officei-s of two Houses how certified, 5,40-41 certificates granted taken as con lusivf, 5 payment of appropriations for contingent expenses of, to be made at the treasury on the draft of the disbursing officers, 5 who declared to be disbursing officers of said ap- propriat"9ns 6 to give bond, 5-S payments to be made by dra ti, 6 disbursements subject to approval of com- mittee of accounts, , 6 to be in accordance with e tiraa"es 6 tabular statements to be mude by disburang officers at the close of each session 6 the statements to be printed and sent t j mem- ber-', 6 members may draw drafts on the treasurer, dur- iHi the recess of, for their raoulhly pay, . . treasurer to report the amount dr.iwn, compensation due to members and officer-: of the ^ two Houses; by whom certified and how pai1, 40-41 moiie of paying members of the Provis oi al Con- gress the arrea-ages of their pay and mi eage, pr servation of pu^.lic documents printed by order of either House, contingent fund of the ProvisiOual Congre'^s to be used In paying its members, Btatinnery furnished Provisional Congress to be paid for, 5S joint committee on public buildings toient addl- ti-^nal rooms foi the Treasury Department, 56 Conscription. See Ar^ny. Contingent expenses. See Congress, of uistrict Courts, paid by ma^^hal, to be refund- ed. 8T 29 29 54 55 56 IV INDEX. Contingent Fund^ } Executive Mansion^ of the Provisional Cougreas to be need in paying j rent of to be paid by the government, ,. 7 its members their mileage and yer diem, t6^ -Exempts, Courts, < persons exempt from military service, 5i-M time for holding Confederate Court for Northern ^Evidence, District of Georgia, 6 payment of conlingent expenses of, 37 for the trial of commissioned oflScera in ^e army > for drunkenness, .,., , . 48 J findings of, to be reported to Secretary of War, ^ and by liimto Congress,...: 48 J Criers, f appointment of» for the courts of the Confederate ? Eees^ perpetuation of the testimony of the destruction of property under military necessity, t F. States, 3T ' allowance to %\\ Crimes and Punishments, contractors for the manufacture of saltpetre and small arms, guilty of perjury, punished by im- prlsonm ent, forgery, etc., of treasu'-y notes issued by authority of act of AprillT, lS6i, how punished, Si; frauds upon the revenue of the Post office depart- ment, how punished, 85 ; punishment of commissioned officers in the army for dmnhenn^ss, 47-48 . for offences committed by Indians and others in Indian nations or tribes. See Indian Affairs. of marshals, 35-87 surplus of fees of marshals, clerks and district at- torneys to be paid into the Treasury, 41-42 of clerks of courts, 42-43 to who m. charged, 4S under sequestration act, paid out of sequestered fund, 43^ fee bills, how made out, 44 to whom delivered for co" lection; power and duty of collecting office, 44 how fee bill may be quashed, 44 when clerk ia entitled before performing ser- vices to have security for bis fees 44 Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties, See Crimes. for transportation to and sale in any port of the Confederate states in possession of the enemy, of cotton, tobacco, etc., 4$ Forgery, of treasury notes ; how punished, 34 making or engraving plates to be used in forging letary of the Treasury, 25 ;^ or counterfeiting such notes, 84 Secretary of the Treasdry to submit the same / Fraud, with the estimates of his department to the '/ upon the revenue of the post office department, Presid-nt, 25 '' bow punished, 35 heads of, to furnish Secretary of tbe Treasury with / Furloughs, D. Departments. See the several Heads, estimates of heads of, *o be communicated to Sec- i uplicates of their respective estimates made during session of Congress, 25 ^ Depositories, I Secretary of the Treasury to constitute add'tional / depositories of public moneys, 29 ^ to give bond, 29 ' compensation, 29/ ' when their offices to cease, ' Destruction, of property under military necessity, a ■, perpetuation of the testimony, 2 / indemnity to owners, ., 2 J District Attorneys, I compensation of, limited, 41 J surplus of fees and emoluments to be paidintothe treasury, 41 District Courts. See Courts, J Drill Masters, / President may appoint, for oamps of instruction j or reserve forces, 40 { pay, 40 Drunkenness^ of conmiissioned officers in the army ; how punish- ed, 47-48^ duty of all officers to make report thereof,, ....... 48 ' court for trial of offenders, 43 / findings of the court to be transmitted to the Secre- ^ tary of War and reported by him to Congress, . . 43 <' Duties, K remitted on railroad iron sufficient t-o complete the I Alabama and Mississippi rivers railroad, 11 > -; Indemnity, may be granted to persons retained in the service beyond the period of their original enlistment,.. 80 commutation in lieu of furlough, 81 a. I Government, I appropiartions for the support of, from April 1 to ^ ov. 30, 1862, 7-10 author'zed to make advances for the erection of manuTactories of saltpetre and small arms, 38 further appropriations for the expenses of, for the year ending No7. 30,1862 37-33 pledged to maintain the territorial iniegrity of the Confederacy, 58 H. 'Habeas Corpus, suspension of the writ of, 1 limited to arrests made by the authorities of the Confederate Sta;es, or for offences against the same, 40 bowlong the suspecsion to continue, 40 E. to persons for property destroyed ty Indians,. j Indian affairs. 19 Dngineers, ;, appointment of additional officers in the Engineer ^ corps of the Provisional army, 49 ^ JSnrollmenl, i of persor s under the Conscription act; by whom to > be made , 80-31) persons subject to, may volunteer previons to en- ^ rollment, 82 ^ Estimates, f of beads of departments to be commnnicated to / Secretary of ihe Treasury, 25^ Secretary of the Treasury to submit the same, with / the estimates of his department, to the President, 25'' dnpiicates to be furnished of estimates made during J session of Congress, 25 / Sxchanges, ^ ef bonds or stock for articles in kind 47 / for agricuUural products sub- I scribed to the produce loan, 47; apptopriations for commissioners of, clerks, mes- sengers and contingent expens- s, 8 to carry into effect certain treaties with the In- dians, . . 9-10 for pay of superintendents and agents, etc., 10 Arkansas and Red River superintendency, 11 where superintendent to rtside, 11 to give bond, 11 his duties 11 may suspend officers and agents, 11 Indian ag-nts, 11 to give bond, 11-13 compensation, •,.. . 14 Osage agency, IS Cheri kee agency, IS Creek agency, 12 Seminole agency, IS Choctaw and Chickasaw agency, 12 Wichita Reserve agency. 12 discontinuance or transfer of agency, 12 INDEX. so 23 23 htdian affairs^ (continued.) where agent to reside, 12 ^ limits of each agency, 12 5 duties of agents 12-24 i additional security may be required of persf>n3 \ entrusted with the transportation of goods, > etc. . for the Indian department, 12 < interpreter allowed each agency, 12 ; compensation, 12-lS I preference g'ven to persons of Indian de- < scent 135 employment of blacksmiths and wagon-makera ^ and assistants, 13 / compensation, 13 ^ other mechanics, teachers or physicians^ and / their compensation 13 J salaries, etc., to be in full of all emoluments < except fees, 18 / allowance for office rent, office contingencies J and expenses of travel, 13 ^ no person to hold more than one office, 13^ agent orinterpreter absent without leaveto re- <. ceive no pay; and interpreter may be re- / moved from office, 18-14 < Superintendents, etc., not to trade with In- / dians, nor be concerned in any claims on ] their behalf, 14 <; to receive no compensation for certain / services, 14 J payments of annuities, 14 J by whom payments of moneys to be made,. .. 14 J penalty against agent for embezzlement, 14? for employing person employed by the J government to assist the Indians, 14 J for receiving from contractor any share ( of profits, ]4-15< no exchange of funds allowed except, etc.,. . . 15 \ payments to be made in the moneys or funds I received, , 15 J penalty against officers for selling or dis- / posing of Treasury notes, drafts, etc., 15 j to account for premium received, 16 / rations allowed Indians, 15 i special accounts thereof to be kept, 16 provisions may be furnished Indians attending councils and payments of annuities 16 accounts of disbursements to be settled an- nually, 16 copies thereof to be laid before Congress, 16 who not permitted to trade with Indians with- out license, 16 by whom license to be issued, 16 no license necessary to authorize the sale of certain art'cles, 16 term of license, 16 renewal of same, ... 16 bond, 16 when license may be revoked, 16 trading without license, 16 forfeiture, 16-17 licenses, to whom granted, 17 when agent may refuse application for licens-,. ... - 17 appeal all'^wed to Superintendent of In- dian affairs, 17 penalty against licensed trader for pur- chasing certain articles furnished the ; Indians, 17 '(Jachson^ Major General Thomas J., Tanging and grazing in Indian country, 17 5 thanks of Congress tendered to, H penalty against, 17 < Johns ton, General Albert Sidney, persons driving stock may halt from place \ sorrow of Congress occasioned by his death, 54 to place, 17 J Judiciary, sale of lands by certain Indian nations made f time for holding court for northern district of Geor- Tahd, 17^ gla, 6 penalty fo^ attempting to cause infraction of '.Juries I Indian affairs, (continued.) < proceedings under the authority of the 5 United States to obtain satisfaction; how 5 carried on, 19-20 5 punishment for forgins or counterfeiting coin > or the securities of the government, for rob- < biog the mail, violation of the neutrality ? laws and resistance to process 20 Acts of the Provisional Congress to be in force, also laws punishing felonies, 30 penalty against gaming, 20-21 duties of agents and officers, 21 forfeiture, 21 punishment of contractors for fraud, 21 penalty for selling liquors to rndians, 21 introducing liquors into the Indian territo- ry, 21 dutes of Superintendents, agents, etc.,.. . 21 searches and seizures, 21-22 forfeiture, 22 liquors may be distrained, 22 for selling liquors under fraudulent pretences, 28 proceedings against property seized, 22 penalty for manufacturing liquors, 22 how to be recovered, 22 duties of the military in enforcing this act, 22 treatment of persons arrested, 22 who considered membrs of 'he Indian nations, 23 exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederate States 23 rights secured to party indicted, 25 when conrt may ass'gn counsel, Acts of Congress in regard to fugitive slaves, or fugitives from labor, declared to be in full force, apprehension and transportation of persons to proper jurisdiction for trial, 2S protection against unlawful aggression or in- vasion, ■ 24 removal of dangerous or improper persons,.. 24 reclamation of property, lost, strayed or stolen, 24 military aid may be Invoked, 24 power given agents to enforce the laws against the introduction of liquors, 24 armed police, 24 number and compensation, 24 agent to be eas offici& ancillary administrator of deceased non-residents, S5 fees for his services, 25 Secretary of War to prescribe certain rules and fo:ms ; the same to be printed and dis- tributed, 25 Interpreters, one allowed each Indian agency, 12 compensation, 12 preference given to persons of Indian descent,.. . IS Inventions, of machines for destroying the armed vessels of the enemy, 51 Inventor allowed fifty per cent, of the value of tha property destroyed, 51 Iron, See Mines. Indian treaties, etc., 18 J- for correspondence with foreign powers ] with such intent, 18 / for correspondence with any power with J which the Confederate States is at war, 18 l emissaries from such powers, how pun- ished, .. 18 twice the value of property stolen or injured to be paid to friendly nations, 18-19 indemnity to persons for property destroyed by Indians, 19 within what time claim for Indemnity to be presented, 19 how this Act to be construed, 19 J Lawa of the Confederate States, appeal allowed, 19^ punish'ng certain felonies and other offences de- 5 clared to be in force In the Indian countries, ... 20 marshals to appoint persons to attend on grand and other juries, ^^ allowance to such persons and by whom to bo paid, 8T allowance to jurors, 87 Jurisdiction, exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederate States In Indian countries, Sd L. Yl INDEX. Laws of the Confederate Staie^f, ^continued.) ? also the laws in regard to fugitive slaves, or fugi- s tiv- s from labor and service, , . - 23 ? providing for the re-eDlistment of volunteers and \ the oreanizatioa thereof, repealed, 80 ( relating to the conve.vance of mailable matter by i expr-'ss or other companies, repealed, 35 < Buspensiun of, requiring entry of vessels or dis- ( charge of iheir cargoes at designated ports, .... 50 ^ hoojis^ ( may be effected by the Secretary of the Treasury i by a sale of bonds or stocky 28 ^ M. A'^avy, (continued.^ what officers to be appointed solely for gallant or mei itorious conduct, 50 appointments, how made, 50 service to be specified in the commission, 50 warrant officers, 60 pay of the additional grades, 50 of assistant paymasters, tO Nitre .^ President authorized to appoint a corps of officers for the working of nitre caves, 27 their duties, • 8S superintendent of corps to make report to chief of ordnance, 28 organization ; how long to continue, SS Mail. See Post-O^ce Department^ proposals for carr,vinp, may be advertised in addi- tional number of newspapers, 2 Manufactories^ of saltpetre and small arms, may be contracted for, 83 advances by the government to the contractors for the erection of the works and mach nery, S3 conditions of the advancem^ nt, 83 act to apply, -t-o cases of enlargement of existing manufactories, 33-34 of Iron, S3 Marine Corps, enlistments in, to be for the war or three years,., 26 bounty, to enlisted men, 26 non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates to receive an equivalent to bounty, 26 Marshals^ fees of, 35-37 to appoint persons to attend on grand and other juries, 87^ allowance to, to be paid by Marshal and inclu- / ded in his accounts, 37 ^ allowed expenses while employed in arresting per- < sons charged with or convicted of crime, 87 ) allowance to, for disbursing money to jurors and < witnesses, S7 ^ fees to be paid to, for services rendered the Con- J federate States, 37 ^ allowance to, lor contingent expenses of courts,.. 87 J compensation of, limited 41 ( surplus of their fees to be paid into the Treasury,. 41 > to collect fees of clerks of courts. Commission al- j! lowfd therefor, : 44^ may distrain property of the persons to whom the j fees are charged, 44^ McCullock, General, f (?rief of I'ongress occasioned by his death, 56^ Mcintosh, General, ^ grief of Congress occasioned by his death, 56 ^ Mileage, ) allowed members of Congress, 4 / clerks 43 J payment of arrearages of, to members of the Pro- ,' visional Congress, 54^ 0. j Officers. Fee Compensation. I army officer appointed Secretary of War not to lose j his rank, 1 \ Btaff and clerical force of General asspned by the President to duty at the seat of government 4 who declared to be disbursing officers of appropria- tions for the contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives, 5 said officers to give bond, 6 official acts of the District Attorney, Marshal and Deputy Marshals of the State of Tennessee, while their offices were vacated, made legal 27 continuance of the marshal and his deputies in office, 2T corps of, for the working of nitre caves and estab- Tshinj- nitre beds .....27-28 additional depositor es of public moneys, 29 when their offices to cease, 20 election of officers in companies, etc., under con- scription act, 80, 8X appoirtment o' additional tellers and book-keepers in the offices of the treasurer and assistant trea- surers, 82 appointment of deputy clerk of district court,.... 44 his oath, 44 duties, 44 removal from office, 44 additional clerks authorized In the bureau of the Quartermaster General, 4S of companies received into the service with less than the minimum number of men; their rank, rations, etc., 46 agents to carry into effert the act to authorize the exchange of bonds or stock for articles In kind,. 4T appointment of, in the Engineer corps of the Pro- visional army, 40 appointment of officers of artillery in the Provis- ional armv, 40 officers of the navy, their rank, etc., 50 commissioned offi'sers of companies and field and staff officers of battalions of sharp shooters, by whom appointed, 51 Militia, ~ ' f Ordnance, payment of officers of the "Virginia Militia for ser- / appropriation for ordnance service, 9 vices rendered the Confederate States, 44'! for ordnance and ordnance stores, 10 officers to produce certificates showing period / Osages, of service, 44-45 pay of staff officers of the Virginia Militia on like certficateB, 45 no payment to be made for any period subsequent to March 30, 1S62 , 45 junior Major, Paymaster or Surgeon's mate, to re- ceive no pay, 45 Jlftne^, establishment of coal and iron mines, SS President authorized to contract for the purchase of coal and iron, 3S Missouri, advance of a certain sum of money to, 25-26 Musicians, pay of colored persons employed 29 not to be employed without consent of command- ing officer of the brigade, 29 N". Navy, transfer of seamea from the land forces to the naval service, 31 , grades of the commissioned officers in, 60 < appropriation for, 10 Partisan Rangers, President may commission officers to formbandaof, in companies, etc., either as infantry or cavalry, 48 pay, rations and quarters, 48 entitled to the full value of the arms and muni- tions of war captured, 43 Paymasters, pay of assistant paymasters in the navy,... 50 Perpetuation of Testimony, concerning the destruction of property nnder mili- tary necessity, 3 Pikes, companies, etc., of troops may be organised, to be armed with, S6 Ports, city of Augusta, Georgia, made a port of delivery for goods Imported into Charleston, 46 vessels may unload their cargoes on any part of the coast, 50 Q. INDEX. Tii '^Fostage^ '( Produce Loan, rates of, on letters, etc., 40 S exchange of bonds orstook for agricultural pr^ what deemed a single letter, 40 j ducts subscribed to the, 47 when adilitioaal single postage may be charged,.. AQ ^ Public Buildings, .Postmaster General. See Post-Office Department. ;J appropridtion for rent of Executive buildings, 9 Postmasters, / joint committee on, -n Congress, to rent addit'onal commissions allowed deputy postmasters, 49 ^ rooms for the use of the treasury department, . . B5 \Fost-Office Department^ * I Public Debt, appropriation for offices in, 8 / appropriation for interest on, .9,83 proposal for carrying the mail -may be advertised J Public Documeiits, by the Postmaster General in additional number / preservation of, printed by order of either House of newspapers,. 2 J of Congress, . ... 05 post routes established, S,89 j to be indexed and bound, ^'5 action of Postmaster General in putting mail ser- / how disposed of, .&5 vice on certain routes confirmed, 3 )' Public Funds. See Depositories. certain laws repealed and others declared to be in / Public Printing, Superintendent of, force reliting to the conveyance of mailable mat- j appropriation for his office. - 8 ter by express or other companies, B5 ' to de iver copies of public documents printed by frauds upon the revenue of the, how punished.. .. So > either House of Congress, to the Attorney Gene- commissions allowed Deputy Postmasters, 49 ^ ■^■al, S5 Post Routes, / established 3, 89 j .President of the Confederate States, ) appropriation for the defence of Mobile bay and ) Alabama river, to be expended at his discretion, 4 J Quapatvs, authorized to raise a corps for ■service in said bay / appropriation for, 1ft and river, A '. Quartennaster General, to fix the rank and pay of the officers, 4 / additional clerki authorized in the bureau of, 4S may assign a General to duty at the seat of Gov- ' compensation, -45 ernment, 4 / to direct his officers to receive articles in kind, r^- may appoint addit-onal aids-de-camp on bis staff,. 7 / ceived in exchange for bonds, etc., and apply the his salary; payable quarterly in advance, 7 ^ same, 47 appropriation for, 8 / rent of executive mansion to be paid by the gov- j ernment, 7l "O authorized to appoint a corps of officers for the ^ -tV. working of nitre caves and establishing nitre f Railroads, beds, 27-28 / construction ol railroad from New Iberia, Louis- jnay appoint either State or Gonfederate officers to ^ iana, and Houston, Texas, 34 enroll persons unier conscri'»tion act, 80-31 ^ President authorized to contract for the completion to fill vacancies in companies, battalions, etc.,.. .,32, 52 J etc., of said road , ., 34-S5 authorized to contract for the completion, etc., of '; app. opriation therefor, 35 a railroad in the States of Louisiana andTexas,34, S5 ■ mcrtg^ge on the road for the ultimate repayment appropriation therefor to beiseaed and applied ^, of the money appropriated 8C by h's order, 35/ RajiJc, to take mortgage on the road for the ultimate / army officer appointedSecretary of "War not to logo re-payment of the money expended, 85'; his rank,, 1 to appoint signal officers and sergeants, 8S > of officers of companies received into th- sptvIcs to enter into contracts for the purchase of coal < with less than the minimum number of men, 45 andiron, 88/ Rangers. See Partisan Rangers. to appoint drill masters, 40 ;! Rations, chaplains in the naval hospitals,, . . 42 '; allowed InrVans, ^5 toincrease the salarips of master armorers,... 45 > allowed officers, etc., of companies received into who to act as, in case of vacancy in the offices both ^ service witli less than the minimum number, -46 of President and Vice President, 46-17 / Rent, may appoint additional officers in the Engineer i ap'^ropriation for rent of executive huildings, 9 corps of the Provisional army, 49 ; Reserve Indians, also officers of artillery in the same army, 49 / appropriation for, 10 may appoint commissioned officers of compa- { Resolutions, nies and field and staff offi;ers of battalions of / approving the resolution passed by the Legislature sharp shooters, 51 J of Virginia to vindicate her ancient boundai lea, 03 may accept the services of companies, etc., organ- / declaring the sense of Congi ess in regard to uniting ized or in service under State authority, 51 J with the United States, 53 Price, Major General, i pledg'ng the Government to maintain the territorial thanks of Congress tendered to, 56 / integrity cf the Confederacy, 53 Printing, _ <; of thanks to Capt. Buchanan and his command, ... 53 appropriations for prinfcg for Executive depart- ? to Major-General Jackson and his command, . , M ments, 8> to General Sibley and his command, 55 bonds and treasury notes, SSJ to Major-GeneraU Van Dorn and Price, and Prisoners, s their respective commands, and of respect aid to our prisoners of war in the hands of the ene- < for the memory of Generals McCuIloch and my, 54 J Mclntoth, 66 .Property, ^ to aid our prisoners of war in thehands of the ene- destruction of, under military necessity, authorised, 2 / my 54 owners of, may destroy the same, . 2 J relating to the manner of paying members of the how testimony of such deatjuction may be perpetua- ^ Provisional Congress the arrearages of their pay ted, 2/ and mileage 64 indemnity to owners out of Sequestration fund, 2 ^^ of thanks to the patriotic women of the country transportation to or sale in any port of the C. B , in / for voluntary contributions furnished by them to .possession of the enemy of cotton, tobacco, etc., ;J thQ army, 54 prohibited, 46 ^ of thanks for the victory at Shiloh, 54 exchange of honds or stock for articles in kind 47 J of thanks to the officers and crews of the Patrick articles to be valued, 47 j Henry, Jamestown, Teazer and other vessels far receipt of articles by officers at the place of purchase, 47 / gallant cooduct, B5 how to be applied 47 J for the preservation of public documents, 55 exchange of bonds or stock for agricultural products / to provide for the payment of stationery purchased subscribed to the Produce Loan, 47 / for the Provisional Congress, — 56 shipment, sale and hypothecation of such pro- j to authorize thejointcommittee on Public Buildings ducts, 47 ; to rent rooms for the treasury department, M issue of produce certificates, 47 j to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to pay 'provisions, / the mileage and per diem of members of the Pro - appropriation for^ 10/' visional Congress out of its contlDgent fund 56 T»U INDEX. Roo7ns, additional rooms to be r«nted for the use of the treasury departmeDt, 56 j S. 31 SaJaries. See Compensation. Sales y • of cottoD, tobacco, etc., in any port in the possea- sion of the enemy, prohibited, 46 of azricultural products sabscribedto the Prodace Loan, , 47 Saltpetre. See Manu/actories. Seamen^ transfer of, from the land forces to th& naval ser- vice, Seat of Government^ appropriation to pay esLpenses attending removal of, Senate, Secretary of the his salary, may appoint Assistant Secretary, 2-3 Sinecas and Shawnees^ ^ appropriation for, 9/ Sequestration Fund, J indemnity to owners out of, for property destroy- '^ ed under mihtary necessity, -..., 2^ J Treasury Notes, ttc, (continued.) the same re-cooTertlble into tretsory notes,.... i^ form of, S9 may be with or without coupons, 29 iseae of treasury notes of the denomination of one and two dollars to the amount of $5,000,000, authorised, 34 when payable, 34 receivable in payment of all public dues, except, etc., 84 printing of tbe notes, ... 84 appropriation for paper, plates and print- ing 88 isene of treasury notes of not less than $100 bearing interest, 84- appropriation for paper, plates and print- ing, 8*-^ to be a substituted for certain bonds, 84' receivable in payment of public dues,.... 34r Secretary of the Treasury to make report to Congress of tbe amount of notes issued and put in circulatioD, 34 forgery of not«s, arn:aking or engraving plates to be used in such forgery, 34 exchange of bonds or stock for articles in kind or for cotton, etc , subscribed to the Produce Loan, 4T Treasury DepartTnent, Siiarp Shooters^ <, appropriat'on for, - 8,9,3$ battalions of, may be organized, 51 ; rent of additional rooms for the use of, 56 how to be armed, 61 ; Treasury, Secretary of the. See Treasury. 55 ofi&cers, appointed by the President^. . . . 51 Sibley, Brigadier-General, thanks of Congress tendered to, and to his com- mand, Signal Corps J President authorized to appoint ofScers to perform the duties of Signal officers and sergeants of the army, may be organized as a separate corps or other- wia**, Small Arms. See Ar7ns. Starke and Cardoza, account of, for stationery furnished, to be paid,. . Stationery, account for, furnished Provisional CongreaSyto be paid, Subsistence Stores, ftpprppriaticn for, 9 S^stitutes, persons not liable to military du*y may bereceived ae substitutes for those who are, -.. Surgical and Medical SupplieSj appropriation for, .^ -. - 56 56 31 Taxes, States assuming the payment of their quotas of the war tax, to pay the probable amounts thereof \ into the treasury, 6-7) payment of salaries of District Collectors of war j tax, - 27 J payment of war tax by States that have assumed | the pajonent thereof, suspended as to certain | districts, 2T ! Tellers, ] additional Tellers at the ofBces of the Treasurer and AFsistant Treasurers, 32 J Treaties, appropriation for his office, . to submit fstimates of the several heads of depart- ments t^) the President, 25 to report to Congress the ways and means to pro- vide for such estimates made during tbe session of Congress, 25 authorzed to pay a part of the salaries of the District Collectors of the war tax, 27" authorised to make further issue of treasury Botea, certificates of stock and bonds, 28 may effect loans, 28 may issue bonds or certificates In exchange for notes 2d to determine the form thereof, 89' to increase the number of depositories of the pub- lic funds, 29 authorised to etrploy additional Tellers and Beok- fceepers in tbe offices of the Treasurer and As- sistant Treasurers, 82 preference to be given to certain persons 32 authorized to issue treasury notes of certain denominations, 34 to have same printed, 84' to make report thereof to Congress, $4 to make rules, etc., to carry into effect a cer- tain Act, 46 may exchange hoods or stocks for articles In kind, or for cotton, etc., subscilbed te the Produce Loan... 47 power given him over the articles received in exchange 4T may issue Produ'^e certificates; their effect,.. 47"" appoint and dismiss agents to carry this act in- to effect, 4T Issue regulations to carry out Its detai's, 47 to pay mileage and per diem of members of Provisional Congress out of the contingsnt fund of that Congress, 56- compensation, Tennessee, > official acts of District Attorney, and Marslals in, / whose offices were vacated, made valid, 27 / Territories, i appropriation for Arizona territory, 10/ Treasurer, • to make report to Congress of the amount drawn by the members durinij recess, 29 / additiouHl tellers and book-keepers may be em- i ployed in the offices of the Treasurer and Assis- f taut Treasurers, 32 J Treasury Notes, etc., f further issue of treasury notes, certificates of stock / and bonds to the amount of 1215,000,000, autho- ^ rized, 2S r; Secretary of the Treasury may effect loans,.. , 2S I bonds, when redeemable 2S > faith of government pledged, 28 ;> issue of bonds or certificates in exchange for (, treasury notes, 28' appropriation to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, 9-10 U. \ United States, resolQtion declaring the sense of Oongress In re- gsird to nnitlng with, 58 Vacancies, in companies, battalions, etc, how filled, 32, 52 who to act as President in case of vacancies in the offices both of President and Vice-President^. 46-47' In the lowest grade of commissioned officers of a company fiUed by election, 5^- INDEX. i« T2.cancies, (continued.) j War, Secretary of may be filled by the President by promoting of- / army officer appointed, aot to loae his rank, 1 ficers or pri7ate8 for distlngniBhed services, 52 ^ appropriation for hia office, 8- Van Dorrij Major-General ^ J to prescribe rules and forma to carry into effect the thanka of Congress to, and to his comiriand, 56/ Act relating to Indian affairs, etc., 25 Vessels, j the same to be printed and distributed, 25 appropriation for the purchase of iron-clad ves- f to furnish copy of the Act to provide for keeping sela in Europe, 10 J fire arma in the hands of effective men, to every appropriation for the equipment and repair of ves- } General in the service, Bfr- aels, 10 / to divide the appropriation for the contingent ex- may unload their cargoes on any part of the coast, 50 ( penaes of the War Department and the Army, 3S-SS Inventors or constructors of machines for destroy- ? authorized to appoint additional clerks in the bureau ing the armed vessels of the enemy, 51 J of the Quartermaster-General, 46 thanks of Congress to the officers and crews of the / to report to Congress findings of the Court for the Patrick Henry and other vessels for their gallant S trial of commissioned officers charged with drunk- conduct, 55 J enneas, 4&' Virginia, } may cause to be organised battalions of Sharp Shoot- resolution passed by the Legislature of, approved J ers, 51 by Congress, 53 / War Tax, Virginia Militia . See Militia. j appropriation for collectors and assessors of, 9 Volunteers, f part of the salaries of district collectors of, to be paid, ST" lavs providing for the re-enlistment and organiza- ( payment of, by States that have assumed the pay- tion of, repealed, 80 / ment thereof, suspended, so far as assessed in pro- persons subject to enrollment under conscription / perty In invaded districts, 42 act may volunteer previous to enrollment, 32 { collection of, in Missouri and Kentucky, suspended, 4a ) Wit7iesses, / allowance to, for attendance, 3T \ Women, War Department, / thanks of Congress tendered to the patriotic women clerical force increased, 1-2 J of the country for voluntary contributions to the appropriations for, 9, 38 > army, ^^ auditing accounts for the, 40 i Writs . See Habeas Corpus. duties of Second Auditor and Comptroller in \ respect thereto, 40 ' W. / PEIYATE LAWS CONFEDEEATE STATES OF AMERICA, PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION » FIRST CONGRESS; 1862. €ar£f»ll2 £ollat«b roitl) \\)t ©riginaU at EitJimonbi, ^ EDITEID BT JAMES M. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND I^W CL£RS IN THE DEPARTMBKT OF J03TI0E. rO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. RICHMOND: R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. 186L ADVERTISEMENT. CoNFEDEKATK States of America-, Department of Justice, Richmond, June 1, 1862. By an Act of the Pl-ovisional Congress, approved on the 5th day of August, 1861, section third, it was niftde, inter alia, "the duty of the Attorney General, at the close of each session of Congress, to cause all the laws and resolutions having the force of laws, and all treaties entered into by the Confederate States, to be published under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Printing." This section was amended by a further act, approved on the 17th day of February, 1862, which provides, " That the third section of said act be so amended as to authorise the Attorney General to cause three thousand copies of the Provisional and Permanent Constitu- tion, and of all the acts and resolutions and treaties of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States which are not secret, to be published in one volume, at the close of the present session of Congress, arranged, and with marginal notes, and in- dexed, as provided in said act." The effect of this amendment, it will be observed, is to repeal the third section of the first mentioned act, so far as it applies to the legisla- tion of the Provisional Congress, and restrict its application to the laws and resolu- tions passed by Congress under the Permanent Constitution, and to treaties entered into by the Confederate States under that Constitution. For sometime after the passage of the act of the 5th day of August last, it was impossible to comply with its requirements because of the fact that the requisite paper — " paper equal in quality to the edition of the laws of the United States, as annually published by Little & Brown," — could not be procured ; and it was not till very recently that the Superintendent of Public Printing succeeded in obtaining it. For this reason the laws and resolutions have been published, heretofore, unc'er spe- cial resolutions of Congress, for temporary convenience, on paper of inferior quality, and without regard to the provisions of the act. This is the first publication that has been made in conformity with its provisions. The following laws and resolutions have been carefully compared with the original Rolls on file in this Department, and all typographical errors other than those noted tQ the table of errata, corrected. Where anything essential to complete the sense is omitted in the Rolls it is inserted in the text, included in brackets. JAMES M. MATTHEWS, Law Clerk LIST PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONg OF CONGRESS, ^cts of tlje 5ivst (Sion^vcss of tl)c OFonfsl&cvats 0tate3. STATUTE I.— 1862, PAO». Caroline MiUer and her children, house and lot to be conveyed in trust for. An Act for the relief of Mrs. Caro- line Miller and her children. April IT, 1862, ch. 1 ijr Samuel M. Wilkes, payment tn the legal representative of. An Act for the relief of the legal representatives of Samuel M. Wilkes, late Adjutant of the Fourth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. April 19, 1868, cb. 2 & I PRIVATE RESOLUTIONS. l*fo. 1.] Hon. John Tyler deceased., payment to the legal representative of. A joint reooiuti'in providing for the payment to Mrs. Julia Tyler of the arrearages of pay due to Hon. John Tyler, deceased, for services in the Prorislonal Congress. March 25, 1862 ff [Ho. 2 ] Capt. Ben Desha, accovnts of, to be settled. Joint resolution for the relief of Capt. Ben Desha. April 19,1862 fr PRIVATE ACTS OF THE FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. Passed at the first, session, which icas begun and held at the City of Rich- mond, in the State of Virginia, on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of Feb- ruari/, A. D , 1862, and ended on Monday, the tweidy-first day of April, A. D., 1862. Jefferson Davis, Pie?ident. Alexander H. Stephens, Vice Pres- ident, atii! President of the Senate. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Chap. I. — An Act for the relief of Mrs, Caroline Miller and her children. Aprilir, 18 Preamble. , Whereas, Mrs. Caroline Miller, wife of James H. Miller, a soldier now in the Confederate Army, is in very iiuhgent circumstances; and whereas, her brother, one John A. Bridgeland, a resident of the State of Indiana, in the month of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, purchased a house and lot in the town of Salem, in the county of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, known in the Plan of said town as Lot No. 81, declaring at the time of receiving a deed for the same in his own name, that he was buying the said property for the use and benefit of the said Caro- line Miller and her children; and whereas, proceedings are now pend- ing in the District Court of the Confederate States, in and for the Western District of Virginia, to subject the said house and lot to se- questration, by virtue of the act of the Provisional Congress of the said Confederate States, entitled "An Act for the sequesti'ation of the estates, property and effects of alien enemies, and for the indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States, and persons aiding the same in the existing war with the United States," approved August the 30th, 1861 — Therefore, The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That ffouse and lot to _i -J LA c it' LiiL ij* be conveyed in trust whenever a jungment or decree ot sequestration shall be rendered in fm- Caroline Miller the District Court for the Western District of Virginia, subjecting t(ie and her children, above described house and lot, of the said John A. I'ridgeland to se- questration, it shall be the duty of the receiver of the District in which said property is situated, instead of selling the same, to convey it to such person as shall be designated by the said Court, to be held in trust for the sole and sepai-ate use and benefit of the said Caroline Miller, during her life, and, after her death, for the childien and their heirs, so as not to be liable to the debts or contracts of her husband, James H. Miller, which said conveyance shall have the effect of passing to the said trustee, for the use aforesaid, the title of the said John A. Bridgeland. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Caroline Miller is here- by discharged from all liability, under the Sequestration Act, for the I 6 discharged from all liabilities. e FIKST CONGRESS. Sess.I. Ch. 2. Rs. 1, 2. 186^. rents and profits of the houpe and lot; now due, or hereafter accruing, and that she shall be permitted to remain in the use and occupation of the same until the conveyance shall be made for her benefit, according to the provisions of this act, any order, judgment or decree of the said District Court to the contrary notwithstanding. Commencement of Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Approved April 17, 1862. April 19, 1S63. Chap. n. — An Act for the relUf of the legnl representative of Samuel M. Wilkes, late AdJU' ' tant of the Fourth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. The legal represen- The CongTBSs of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Wiikes,°decea3ed, to the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby directed to pay to be paid arrearages, j[,g [gerg] repre.'^entatives of Samuel M. Wilkes, late Adjutant of the Fotirth South Carolina Regiment of Volunteers, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, one hundred and fifty dollars arrearages due him from the si.xth day of June to the twenty-first day and for his horse of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and also the sum of one hun- tnied in battle. j]^g(j 3^,^ gisty dollars for his horse which was killed iu the battle of Manassas. Approved April 19, 1862. RESOLUTIONS. w . 25 lego [No. 1 ] A joint resnlutinn providing for the payment to Mrs. Jvlia Tyler of the arrearages * of pay due to Hon. John Tyler, deceased, fur services in the Provisional Congress. Pay and mileage Rcsolved by the Cougvess of the Confederatz States of America, due the Hon^ John •pj^^f jj^g Committee on pay and mileage of the House of Representatives Tyler, deceased, a.'^a ^.f^j &^ ,m member of the Pro- be authorized and required to ascertain, at the Treasur}', the amount brpaw to'TuTegai of P^y and mileage due to the Hon. John Tyler, deceased, at the time representative. of his death, for services as a member of the Provisional Congress; and to pay the amount so ascertained to be due, to Mrs. Julia Tyler, the legal representative of said deceased. Approved March 25, 1862. April 19, 1862. [No. 2.] Joint Resolution for the relief of Capt. Ben Desha. The accounts of Rcsolved bv the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Captain Ben Desha _, . ^, r-C , . /-• l V J ■ u u .1. • J i for transportation of That the Quartermaster Oeneral be and is hereby authorized to i^u^^anYiaM.'" =>"<^'' =*"'^ ^^'l"*' "^^ accounts of Captain Ben Desha, of the Fifth Regi- ment of Kentucky Volunteers, for expenses incurred by him for the transportation of his comjiany from Cynthiana, Kentucky, to Abing-- don, Virginia, being the first place at which said company could be mustered into service, and to pay him whatever amount may be ascer- tained to be due him on account of such transportation ; said company having been organized within the lines of the enemy. Approved April 19, 1862. INDEX FOREGOING PRIVATE LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS. A. Aeeount^^ accounts of Captain Ben Desha, for transportation of bis company, to be adjusted and paid, C. ConffresSy pay and mileage due the Hon. John Tyler, deceased, late member of, to be paid, M. S Miller^ Caroline^ ( certain house and lot to be conveyed in trust, ft>r } her and her children, $ ^. discharged from all liabilities under Sequeatratioa Act, 5 I T. ; Tyler, Ron. John, deceased, pay and mileage due him as late member of the - Provisional Congress, to be paid his legal repre- 6 \ eentative, (I D. pM^a, Captain Ben, accounts of for transportation of h!s company, to be be adjusted and paid, W. Wilkes, Samuel M. , deceased, arrearages due him as late Adjutant of the 4th Regl- ment, South Carolina volunteers, to be paid his representative, 9 also for his horse killed in battle, 6 w r